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Hew Tort ClemlartteM VNKritf. I H . I IIKtxp .M,,.. ..Sv4e muted n4Wtrtmt4 vrv.. tmtt eM ...........wV Beptejwber, Avertcc. Bitfsr Baal,

DHjr l,MlScptciBbrr Attract) For Banay.

Band y 21,91


Uncle Sam 's Khaki Clad Meg&rJFightingf:rMén Hold Multitude Spellbound With Í

THeir Marvelous Feats ofArms andlritricáte Horse , Foot and Artillery Maneuvers

t 1

Exhibition Saddle IDrill; by Troop; "I"1'5 CárítBcnLear. 1 5th;cá,yafjy.tA

a luncheon In his' honor today,. Mr. sllllman WARLIKE PREPARATIONS HY, Gen. John j. Pershing and Frederick D. Smith, imperial potentate of the Ancient AcWILSON WAITS the-

sáldsoutMrhthe' restoration"




Mexico! BuUNITED




' COLQUITT "RESERVE cepted Order, Nobles of .Myotic Shrine, watching the Army Tournament at Washington Parkpeople. and those of this nailon more closely Ntcjj. Arjz.t Oct. KWarllke preparations yesterday .afternoon: -- -

bound in friendship.' ... are being made in the American camp ofthink. w wjatrind. he: said, "that the border patrol to protect the- neutrality

much his been saved from sacrifice or bait or me oounaary. . . '. BANK BlLt.KlLLEDttness and bltternesjand that there Is retllv ' Tbe. 'sIegff"or where Ueneral

seriousi In .Mexico toward tho rfnlamln f f la ivlltr t hl ki?BFnounited statcsr.

antipathy'1i nna no reason wiy- ins ronza trooña, with 'Ooverndr Maytorena; the FIVE THOUSAND EL POMSfriendship between the two, nations should villa partisan, attacking, has 'for six days HOUSE TAKES EARLIEST' OPPORTUNITY CHEERgEÍEFflÉ not became stronger, broader 'and deeper amounted to t practical bombardment or

TO SL.4tjr.llTK. MEASURE WHICH -in tho new Mexico than lt.bas be.cp In the tnc American town, inairauion ioi ine 1 v CALLED UtWHAKERS TOGETHER.natter or rlflo flrft and thA atrearri' or .maAmericans

Oeneríl- -Ordered'ProleetedBliss, commanding'1

at Naco.fbi 'border,

' .Chargedchine gun

to1 tbebullets,




' andof Resolution tor filne Die 'Adjournment vonboth sides,. Colonel, Ouiltoyle Saturday Expected, toi Be To- -,Adoptediuicb, vctcyrapijcu mid war ucpirwiciii .ig- - united .States cavalry states Jhat at 'one - Governor tissue Call. DEEDS OF MILITARY PROWESSdiy May ANDnight that every- possible step to protect lime Ills' troops, were evidently .mistaken

Americans from danger or fire from the for the enemy by both or tho 'two lightingMaytorena-IH- forces. in the battle at Naco factions, . , ' d ' ípcclallrire to TA,Wmc ,bad been .taken. -- He forwarded amessage Barricades ' have been' thrown up by tha '

tiauieia, commanding, American troops and. everyihhigf done ror Austin,. Texas, OcL 8. The .reserve , bankond cavalry-brind- at Douglas. Ariz..- say: the protection boundary- - A string ór Texas' bill, rfr' tlw enactment or "whichIng, thai May torena Informed him (he ar or Americatr .nags now tnarw, tne inter-

national the 'convened In'-rnll!r with' Hill w nr n1 tfta in el. line. ' .legislature ,was special SKILL ONñ beglnrlir earnest: that Colonel C. A. P. Hatfield. .Thirteenth session Iby i Oovernor. Colquitt, was today WASHINGTON PARK FIELDsiayiorena wouia ao an posstoie to, prevent United Slates '.cavalry, rrom Douglas, Arli knifed In tho bouse',' when that bo'dy, byInjury to Americans.- - Tho mesiage eald that charge of the American troops,. Colo-

nel'a voto or si to.Í5, rejected iho motion ;'tbaiAmerican .troops,, with civil duliroyle'' commanding the ninth,', and Hi '

officials, bad done everything possible for Colonel Drown the Tenth. United- Stales cav-alry. The

do, how,result

pass.was. never.

,in. doubt.


ithethe protection or, the inhabitants and that agony ror fullor the latter town had, left the about t .with three, diymany city. The troops, comprise men of. debate. P.rlor, to the rlnal votewearyFour troops and or the. a machine gun platoon. Further reinforce-roent- s the bbuse. adopted several ' amendments RifltM, S.abre;,.Machine.Gunand Replace Battle Axe, Lance and Mace' inNinth "cavalry and four troops of the Tenth are- - expected. , which would have .destroyed. UN 'intent orcavalry are now at or in the vicinity .of Although the army men do toot charge the measure even had It passed. iScene.That Resembled Medieval Tournaments of Days of Qld When Knights WerePRESIDENT SENDS CONSUL co. the remarkable amount or Mexican fire " The senato tonight declined to vote on

nnunced.The constitutionalist

tonight the receipt-agency

or, ahere

message markmansbtp.directed here' to




NacothanIn some

bad the billttws




favoringao, thereby


ing,BpldfFIower of El Paso Society Included in Multitude That Applauded Contenders. ,

SILLIMAN BACK TO MEXI-- Is malice In It, op-

posingthere'from, Mexican Consular-Agen- t P. Ellas-a- t instances suggest'tbat the bllL With the tblU already dead,uougias as touowsr , They cite the' Tact that after. a sudden oeyond hope Df recall, leaders in the senatecb city with instruc-- Fi'rlna on. U. S.iTroous Accident. Is Claim, ror .rorjn in- the Maytorena artillery, retl that It .woüld bo tunntcessarylenttrelyseveral sheila burst .todayi .within short 'allow-- Fully .5,000 1 Pasoaris Were tbe sruestl times,' except that instead or lances, battle-axe- end or the Held. At a signal they began a"Yesterday Colonel Gutiroyle commander distance ,or- th9boundaryf v . ' to thcpropoiltlon to curne' to a vote. nuiy yosioroay 'neruoua-s- i wish; maces and broadswords, the con-testants

charge rirlng their rines. a detaclunent... A. voto on a.- ro solution', ror sine ad-journmentTIOfS TO INFORM CAR-- oi uia American, troops .mage too i 'dio tngton: j5aik; where field' events of the used rifle, 'ibera, machine rum moving forward at time and covering lharoUawldx - statement to mat 'I jm ion- - MISSIONARY JUSTIFIES REVOLT . October 10 will be taken to biggest, mlliury tournament avrr-ho- ld In and cannon. Bright eyes looked down upon imaginary enemy to that the other mem-

bersvlnced tUat the United States' soldier who AGAINST --LAND BARONS." ' morrow morning- - and-- will Illceiyi pasa the the southwest are being staged'. Tne .open-ing,

uio sports as iney aid in tna day "wnoo of Ihe company could move up lorthat;the united was wounded yesterday was not fired, upon Atlanta; Qa., Oct. H. VThe revolution insenate practically 'Without opposition. day 'was featured,' by the, largest crowd knighthood was. In flower." and there wer positions In safoty. The charge was madeTbe amendments to the.siat banking-law- whlrft fAvftf wltnairf - flrtv Mltfvfa.lnmnlby. tfiA.:iexiean' in-

tent-shrill feminine cheers aplenty ror tbe Vic over tito entire length or the field, endingor premedlatlon. The American I r oops Mexico was a rustlflabra uprising against .were adoptod, at the, day eesaton of the at (be llark.. 'The grandsnnas.-er- packed tors. The .peasanta or the olden times Inpolicy is one front or General Pershing's box, wneruof 'barons andstates; the rabusc a, of land. priests.',' aenaie. and ..will .be 'sent., to ' care or "the border, Une. ara strung, but Hccdrdlng to trio- nev.S?q. lnmsn, one oi . ' ' to- - the 'limit ahd.. hundreds, watched 'the Wire personified by the hundreds of Mexi-cans

tho company saluted. The exhibition br thoover a distance or onemlleL and,are sit' , sports from, the below tho who watched the from outsidegames wasat a' meeting company enthusiastically applaudedstrict 'neutrality as uated midway between' the tfnul Indian orthe?





Colquitt, following lha death stands; El Paso's social 'leaders were out the rail renco that circles the Held. tho spectators. Tho drill waa to musloby

or bank bill, declined to say, whethercommend or Maytorena and the entreqcticd in force'. and space outsideboard is meeting in conjunction utib the or. not be would call another extraordinary Imperial Potentate Honor Guest. turnlshed by tho Sixteenth Infantry band.b&t w n! liuufs Ui .Itlil.. t tiuua null auiuicra iu win lntefnatlonal convention or tire Disciples the ground was covered' with automobiles, General John J. Itirstilng, commander of 'Ihe saddle drill by Company I, fifteenthe'e contending fit thft rimni mlstnolr mv mfmai thA troons session' in an errort to revive' It. The gov-

ernor no machines are allowed 'to 'enter the parkoí the Eighth brigade, the "host" tlx ravnlry, commanded by Captain nenor the and riredupon them under. Christ. has been quoted, ai 'declaring that was or Lear,enemyThe Itev. Mr. Inman.Is chairman or .the be would keep the legislature In jscjilon enclosure. occasion, and occupied a box In tho center Jr., was one or the features or the after-

noon,factions in republic tnis misconception. --board's .commission on wtn all winter, should tho' publlo Interests Tournament ároün'ds Carir Decorated. of tho main stand, On both sides or the and the troop was continuously ap-

plaudedAnarchy, Reported' In llexlran '.Capital. headquarters tn Piedras negras, 'Mexico. ' , ( American flags, eaverod the genersl the boxes were rilled with promt during tho twenty minutes or tha. It' became known lonfght tbit ror 'some Ü declared the whole country is In," re-

voltcoarse, wooden stands and niadan tueni nrnl El Pasoans and their ramllles. Fred-

erickdrill. The troop gave evidence or per-fectume raqmmisiranon orncerí con-

sideringagainst the dominant church. Tbe - CErtMAS'8 OCCUPY SOUTHEAST. riot, or color, accentuated by' tho varl U. Smith, Imperial potentate or the training and during tho entire difficult

private reports , rrom linofriclal leaders.ln Mexico and other SEMICIRCLE coiqrea xau costumea oí uio women, rue Ancient Arabic Order or .Nobles or the drill there was not a hitch. Flrat the troopsources 'or. conditions In Mexico .City1 which countries,- - be asserted, "are without OF THIRD .FOItTI-- . Dark hai rarelv If ever tierorn nreiiAnlnfl Mystic Shrine, was the principal guest "if formed circle and passsges, left to rightWashington, Oct. -In dealing with con- -.describe tho slluatlon as one or anarchy and FIEO LINE OF ANTWERP. such a picture. Overhead,- - a cloudless, sky honor yesterday. Tbe imperial potentate and galloped to the end or the rield. This

siltulloDalltt authorities' regarding- the oppression or ' the civilian element" in 'the The proposition to "abolish tin, delegate mado the. weather Ideal. In tho. foreground and hla divan attended the tournament in was followed by tho wheeling In sets orof ar provisional. government. Mexican capital, r . convention plan or annual meeting will be Bll the Annclatrd Pmt tbe smoothly rolled field, with.. .group' of a body and yesterday was officially known fours, then In sela of elrhti. anil then In

Consul John ru Sllllman, Who letl Wash-ington

Whether tbts is owing to the Indifference considered tomorrow under a special ordr London, Oct. 9 (1 a. tn'.) A dispatch service tents on the rar edge, back or as "Shrtners' nay." platoons, ending these formations withtonight ror Mexico Clly, will lollow or the authorities or their inability tp. con-

trolor business. lo tbe Exchange' Telegraph Company the field and circling It like a Une or forts Exhibition drills by cavalry. Infantry and grano wneei uy me entire troop, in all or

closely the wishes oM'roaldent Wilson and the undisciplined- element among the iróm Oslrnd, dated Thursday, says: standa a grove or cottonwood" trees. "Down artillery were the roatures or the after-noon's

the wheeling drills, the troop guidon bear-erother administration officials with whom troops who came Into the city with Carranza Koiilhetern Weather Forecast. , "Tbe 'Germans have decupled Ike stage" are the stands. Groups or officers program. Mounted hurdle contests remained In the center of the troop,

he has- consulted during- hls'brler slay here. Is. not stated. 1. Is believed Consul n By Ike A ttodated Pmt ' southeast semicircle of the third forti-fied

in fatigue uniforms, strolled back and forth ror officers and men, machine gun contests and the entire rormatlon was mada fromThe consul was advised, that the. adminis-

trationhas been, Instructed to use all influence NVashlnelon. .Oct. Texas: line of Antwerp. The' Belgians In front or the stands, slopping now and and1 running racea were also among the this point The troop then formed a cross

would observe strictly' neutral rela-tions

he may command 'to abals 'these conditions. Mir Friday- and Saturday. " havo made Several sorties on the left then tn greet some friend in, one or the events. An exhibition cavalry charge early al a gallop, breaking rrom the croa ror-matlon,In the. Carranza-VUl- controversy and The reports are. said to have given, olflclal . Nów Mexico and Arizona, Fair Friday; hahk of the Scheldt. lower wars. In the afternoon was one of the moa they wheeled to the outaido at a

desired only a peaceful settlement. here deep concern and lo have been laid Saturday filr In south, showers In north The Belgian government Is com-pletely

Scene Ileealled Dava of Willed Knlnhta. spectacular numbers and brought the im-mense

callop.To members or the National I'rtss ciub al before tbe president. portion. Installed at OsUnd." It was like somó conten' of medieval crowd ta their ftei, cheering madly. A charge line was then drawn up and

School Children Cuesta Today. Willi pistols drawn and sbooUng blsnk car-tridge,One section or the grandstand waa m tho entire, troon charred heiri nn

served for persons who had been especially toward the grand stand, pulling up theInvited by tho military. This afternoon hone rrom a dead gallop to a standstill.a section or tho slsnd will be set aside The troop then turned and broke to flanksexclusively ror school children. School by plstoons. One platoon represented thewill not be In session this afternoon red cavalry and the other represented thoauthorities having declared a hair holiday blue cavalry. Suddenlv the two nitnnnThe army men have named the day "Cu discover one another and charge on one an- -

dren' nay." umcr ii m arta gaiiop ana wiio sabersMo vehicle or any kind will bo

mineddrawn, coming to an Instant stop rrom a

to enter tho park enclosure. ' gallop as tha horse or the opposing sidesguard or soldier has been detailed lo are head on. The troop as a whole, thenwatch machine left in the allotod parking charged the grand stand with sabers drawn,space and there Is no danger or cars being rrom the rar end or the ritld.stolen. Troop I la one or tha best trained organ-

izationsjNÍflQKH HH BBhhBrSSSSSSFSSSSSSSSSSSsHssiSSSSSSSSSS in tho army and mounted onSociety Represented In Bote. splendid horses. Captain Lehr1 orneenAmong those who occupied boxes, were First Lieutenant William If. Coles andafternoon werei (lenrral J. 'J. Persh-ing, Second Lieutenant Itobert Ogden.Captain and Mr- - Hlckock and. party,Lieutenant and Mra. Tatum, Mr. and Mrs. Artillerymen Please Throng.W. 0. Wall. Floyd Payne. Mrs. U. llama, The artillery exhibition drill wi rivenMr. and Mrs. Zach Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. by Battery c Hlxth Field artillery, com-

mandedJulius Krskauer. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Slater, by Flrat. Lieutenant J. i im ran. siuri unmoril, nissoa Vir-ginia

Tbe four field cannon belonging to the bat- -Stewart, i Olllvs bavla. Vlralnla Bern- wry aim iimj enure uauery equipment avertpie, Walker McClellan. Illda Sailer. Martha In tbe exhibition, which consisted' o fdrlUs.

inurmiua. nr. ana Airs. u. a. niewan, nr. vsrious formations and charges.and Mrs. Charles Pome ror. Mr. and Mrs. Prlvste P. C. ouyler, Company L. Twen--tlel-hFrank Alnsa, Mr. and Mrs. ;oe Williams, Inrantry, established a new record forMr. ana Mrs. waters navis. coionei a" tho Eighth infantry brigade In tbe runningMr. Bundv. Canlaln and Mr. Hiornstadt broad Jump. Tha distance Waa twenty feetMr. and Mrs. William Ilurges, Colonel and eight inches He has Qual-

ifiedMorgan and family, Chaplain Aston, for the "all around, athlete" stiverWatt and flrerr, Mr and Mr. Eltes. trophy cup of the meet by winning this

MesdsmM Atxtns, nunneii. Lena Moore, event as he also won a position tn the looUnderbill, Agnnw, Mark Thompsoo, Jo' lard dash. The other entrants in the boardExhibition Silent Drill by Company "'A " 16tK fnfantry QommandSsdpy Capt. A. C. Knpwles, J.6th Infantry, May. Mr. and Mr. Oeorgti Le liaron. F.rnest jump finished In tbe following order Sec-

ond,8aur. Mr and Mrs. fleorge Sauor. Mr. Trumpeter It. r. II an wick. Troop A.u. t:. Kfiiy, nr. ana Mra. a. r. 1.0111, Mr rifteenlh cavalry, distance, elrhteen reetJar llapper, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hams nina inches; third. Musician n.compel tírente ana party. Mr. ana sir, w S. Souder. Company I, Twentieth infan-try,I. (Jalnes. Misses Alice Wulfr. Urate win instance, anteen feet, four and lfgo. Irene l.aiiahlln. Mr. Max Weaber. Inches. Prlvto A. II. Ouy, Sixteenthwveh" oreer, Mr. and Air, c. ii. Udu. Infantry, waa. the oilier entrant.

Iierlmenlal roiors were displayed rrom An eihlbltlnn tt ihe n.M a. bosea occupied by various mímenla' slgnsl corps was given by Company I.commander. mmmanded bv Cantaln dimítelo A. Heoine.The Tournamenl In BetalL Th signal corpswim lis eaulprneni loaded,

The lournamenl program was opened pn muía bark, entered the arena at a gl-lo-

Willi the loo yard itasli fnr enlliteii iivn. and In the center of the field unloadedThere were ten intrant In Ihe event who lha equipment, setting up a field wirelessnaa quannen lor tn rtnais at the prelim-inary

sallon and getting Into wireless communi-cationLBssRsisHsslslslslslsHtjifli contests held during the week and with Fort Ullss. A wireless pole

Ihe athlete or tlwi Twentieth Infantry won was raised la about a height of sixty reelevery one nt tbe four nlarea In Ihe race. and the entire work rrom Ihe time thaQuartermaster! geratanl Lewis. tinipany Signal men began to unload their eauln.F, Twfnllellt Infantry wf fl'vt. mnninai nunt until Iber had a nd wireless outfitthe dlsusco In eleven seonds. Second in operation took less than a minuta,Plac W taken by Private Morrh, Com-- o Eeylpsneat Drill Is CosnleaJ KvbLany L. Tweetlath lnfantrv and Private, rue uirantry equipment race, which wasOuyler, CnMnaeiy I , Jwentlelh inrantry. WM won br tbe team rrom the first battalion

of tbe sixth uirantry. was one or tha com-icalTwentlaWi lffltry. was fourih. tanta on the program. Tha member

Tho nter rotssneUtort were Private A, or taeb team, four tn number, stood be- -Sfldt), INiiai fleM artillery Van Sykle.ftts. nina spreau sotuer venís wnext in signalnBB33?WBUtJ&' 'ailklKflSalsSBV'jSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBS tMSMai Htfaetnr. Weaver rtfleenlh csrsiry, for tho rsca lo begin wa given. Thaand 'tvisnwengee. glilh Infantry-m- of their Daeks wars iooa4 icl aaaSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBBSBSBSBSBBT 'BssValsBSBW''' ÍlJ9aHMsaBVSHÍsSSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSB teerH ky taf.atrr the slrnal. each soldier packed these, ra

A llit .drill br ' jmmaj A. RUteenth aner rus rue, wmca waa laia eifuiy yartlsloiKtry, rotnmtiuted bv Captabt A. C awar, 'ben to his cartridge ba4l wlia tan

smwte. was ine aemoa rvrni nu na teen cover ana nrst eia rissiiiIn th drt'l, Weh lasted fnr

not- a single verbal orate Waa raateen and cud. hlcb wtra etettmm by any nf IP ?UTt and tb eq. yards from bis pack, .than to estbm alH1 wa dlrerted by aUna. Tb tow at forty varus and Ma other

3 Exhibition Drill by Battery MA.M 6th Field ArtílleryComniafldeby Cap. F, .CiDoyle. 6th FkW Artillery. sasBsyI lonwa

weal Uiroiirhin mm


bull's sssmvusImy mm

andnr Mjuip


yards. Tbewith

aoawaaattu(beta article

FrkW.6. 9, 3)1m-m-



Natiiré hasihanwaysi of

Clothes warning manófdartfíKthe sensebr Granted? &f tajste and

Once in a while you sec a man wild takes his Job fdr granted. Ás a tcáult he ifiTREpib FORCES ÓT tóplc jsmell bothgets nowhere his advancement iá Üriiiteíl. On the other hand á trian is átwáys ÁXISERf tiATTÜrífci WÍBÍ évve for your

THE INVADERS 6f tíliÉílplugging, always striving for something higher üp, is the one wlio sees his

COÜrsTRY FROlÍ ÉtáiihB etionrealized. The same may be sdid bf liife man who just takes his Clothes' tÓÜTS ÓF ANTWERP; TjrlÉ

for granted, as compared with the Hiáhwhd is particular abotit Iiis apparel. Thfe STRONGEST ,IN WbRib'.

former is never noticed, whercas-th- er Ustially finds himself anil iiis dress ÜUt LÍlTLE change lii

PúaíícjLadmired by his friends áhd associates. As a rule the-ma- who cares about his

clothes conies here for his Shirts', Hats, Gloves, Neckwear; etc. Usually hely th XtttcnÚAtrtii

Tliáifeíñkyndon. ocl a un n. m twhit iti IU

finds just .what he wants iná SOL I. BERG Suit of Overcoat, too. Are yott menteLurope

arraleaare ngtgcd

of the belligerentin a death


.of tásté denotesalona-- a line hundreds nr mllniln ttnt m

wise? battles which for lh. numbers . engaged. and isis. htve ño or. decayi. in niitury, tue intretiiif liilln rmtr ñ

Belgium It making a itst stand behind tbirorts or Antwerp, one or the strongest for offeri foundihsm (lusiuuns iu ioo worm. ,

For the moment tt least, the strugglearound tho. .chief nort or noteinm iirn in beer fromthe. most attention ' for tho result of theengagement there must have t considerableOffect on lb bigger battle between, thefor Always FirstHeadquarters to and Oermaq forces, which now light bottles.extendi to the Swlsi rrontler across Frtnce,

Boys' Clothes. Show the New Things. almosOvereóme

:to thaFirst


set. AtTheOermtnt, while attempting to crots,heJr'yir. t or Antwerp,msde their main attack rrom tbo ettt and Why take the rjsk?succcoded some days tgo with the tid ortheir big gunt, In brctklng- - throughtho first line, of forts. At the first andaccond belt or forts, according- to theirown tccountes, they defeated the Belgianarmy ana cspiurea t number or guns.

nigm snetu began to fau in tho city Tfe Brown BottleSelf and from mmlnr ilof.tble for mtrchlng Sanie of the soldier wide, and then race twenty yards to the crimmins on "Mae EJro"; Lieutenant cnanes land and the railwayrennrta rrnm

equipped themselves wltli cacti article ts . nuiion on stations, the palacorinisn line. vuaniei wcoster.tney rime io mem wnuo outer t garnered up The tram representing tho Third battalion Twentieth; Infantryi . Lieutenants Ilussel


justice and.At. the

several oil tanks hare been pifoteets Schlitz pur-ity

same time sixkit or their them , Zeppe- -enuipnumt and put on or inn aixiecnin iiuaniry won wis name ang 40in,L. Parkinson.trier the line. time brlnr nn minuta ana twenty Thirteenth mi uinriuia Dauoons now nvr inn fiireaching iroal cavairyj, Captain (Jeorge Wll

In thin race, the time of the wlnnor, amis. The First battalion team of the Sixth Hams and' Captain Harry A. Coates. dropping bombs, but It list been impost' from thé brew-fer- ywhich was tho first' battalion or the Sixth infantrv was second time, one minute Mid Firteenth cavalry: Lieutenant James L, 5. J asqenain in qamage,Infantry, was two minutes anil fourteen thirty five seconds. from the )llln on Clnlaln King Albert bM called on all men of milseronda. The second battalion of the Six Third battalion of the sixth inrantry was Lleujenant WIlllanA. McCain on 'Mlssiss ityy re t.o tsslst in the dífense of ihtecntu was second and Hie third battalion third, time, one minuta ana tntriy-si- sec PP' J. Lieutenant w., Ortliam. Liemepant city, thqusands Of .others, .Vomin; chil ib yont gíáss.or the third battalion or he samo regí onila. The wlnnlnr tnsm was inailú un o Kobert o. Annln, Lieutenant Tlieodore iitr-ne- t. drrn and old. men, have hurriedly lot Ant

Ostce. flurkhead, While Jr, Wfrn. Among the .few non.hpllliprcnl. rntnent, third In the race. Corporal PrivatesCat airy ltrscue Race. and. Kissel. On the team from the.. First Sixth fleldjjuitllery! Lleulensnt A. L. P. mlnlng- - are

battalion or the Sixth Inrantry were Cor- - Ssnds on "Dan" and "Toronto"! Lieutenant ilepry Y. Dldertch tnd his tUff.Ilia team or enlisted men from Ilia Thir-

teenth poral Dawson. Private, Dlpley, Keene and vra(n 4,, uucy, , Itefiuees Overrun Holland.cavalry, won tho cavalry rescue rare I'atterson. From tho Third battalion of the The baseball tournament will be resumed .Thn limina nr llolUnrt in iIm,j.rrum the Fifteenth ravjlry team, but the mxttt.were Corporal ninn,, rnvatcs 'lorning, at Washington Park this morning. Today's id .with refugees, The mayor' of llolterdam that Crown' iswinners wcro dliaualiried as ono man who I.oring and stoma. i geme will be between the sixth and aixr hat sent out a warning that .there It no mi $eq Phone Bell 26Í,thrown from his horse. The prlio wai The jumping contests ror officers and en tnore- - room there for thai harassed Belgians branded "Schlitz." Bert & Co.awardrd the Fifteenth tram. Tho time In listed men which wss tne tinat event oí i n"";nJn h Tweqteih Inlsntry w aipnmers ror. r.niianu are crowded Eamsaytins event was fifty-riv- seconds. Kacn aflcrnopn's program, proved to be another Alür'ifí?

-- JPmWr0Swinner; o riqaj't game to with rerugeet flying from the German 80QS6.iOrcg6n Stteam was composed nf gutceti mm, eight of the features or the day's program. Etch decida lournsment and

inountcq anu cigni .dismounted. Tne entrant made over gates, stone will be tho & tho i' glint írlgíde More, than 3.000 arrived tt Folkestone to. El Paso, Tex.members of each team advanced waiis ann ran rencos. baseball tournament cup (or Ihe next year. uay ana wcro unen, in cnarte by commitIn skirmish ono end or the field in tlio.enllsicil men's contest, first place Field Hospital n Exhibition. tee appointed to care for diem. Many oto tho other, kneeling at wvery twenty yards was won by Hcrgoam liakcr, Company I of Major William!--.

J.ewla or the Medical them are penniless and have .all their boand firing blank cartridges. When the illa-- corps, sanlitry of. the CMío aigusi corpa, wiui a pericct acure, ma gbt inrantryunted troops reached tho far end or the horse havlnr rleared all elirht Jumna. Ser. Urlgade. has esublljhed a model United

longing in the parcels they carry.field, the signal was Ufen for the men to geant Dunne, Troop K. Thirteenth cavalry, ?.,,ieA ,rmy .i,ald 'W'P'"", on the jraen at In


nerman army corps are taking partstart, and iney raced to wnere the ski? riding "Fody," a troop horse, was second, Washington l'rk ror exhibition dur nr the

siege of Antwerp, which is derendedmlsbers were. Each or the skirmish nun oniy one penalty, uorporai usrrny. tournament. The hosnluil. la in rli.r nr by the Belgian army like other fortressescrs mounted behind rider and tho Troop 11, Firieenth cavalry, was third and iuo nicuHai turpa uiiicer ami nursoa at-

tachedwhich have fallen since the war began. It Kttta.BtttT "atHttt rf.atvrttsrja96attrace back to tho tane tberan. The Tlilr private incxson. Troop l. rineentn ctveiry, to the local brigade and !L,ii,rt been bIe withstand the fire of 'ttr

tcenlh's team had tbnlr opponents beaten Wss fourth. The other entranta werei Slx Inspected by all who visit the tournament IhiTblg nerman guns, but (he Belgians areby many yards wben one or the rider (tenth Inrantry, Sergeant MeCloúd and ui nupciiii iiwi wiin tne lnnp rnri.leu on. liuioy; Twentletn inrantry. royate rirele'sa SUtleo at Park. ooded area and mobile rlnlri armv. thnv

The artillery section contest was won by jpnnson: Thirteentn cavairy, private enano-ler- s A field wireless station has atsn Imm m wl0 tu juro hw ciiy unui assisttnce may come br tha defeat or th n.tabllthedFifteenth cavalry. ColHigt, at Washington I'srkme section trom flattery i, sum ncia tr Sergeant by Captainand Pean, privates luyjor Consuelo Seoane or the. signal mana in franco.tlllery. Time, five minutes and four sec Corporal! Taylor corps and

onds. At the simal for Die rsce to beam hd Matheson: Sixth field artillery, Sergeant the opwutlonstor thlsidepartmant of the Allies Emrrl Victory.

the horses were harnessrd, saddled tnd Major Cunlesa. Sergeant Davit, Corporals united Slates armv .servirá- It ivn mnnh .Su;h t defeat, all.roallie, n enormousEastland and Meyer: Quartermaster's' iasnectlon. Uoerstars are malinnrd with h task, hut the official commnnlntlnn lutmounted and hitched to tho cannons and corps,

caissons. Tho sections then fnoved 30Q yards Sergeant lieffllngeri Company I, Signal outrit to expistn lu operations to the vlsl- - in mis ariernoon gives (he tille hopcorps, Sergeant Stsnley and I'rfvato Betson. tljat theiqng wallW decision Is ehout to That Made MilwaukeeDoth Thirteenth be reached. Not for mnv riavi t... ., Famous.der, "action front," was given. The (tuns Captain (leorge Williams,

were then put Into action and rired. I'olr cavalry, and Lieutenant A. L. v. Hinds; Sixth CHEEniNQ TllltOXa QHCETfl an encouraging report from the alllet' pointlowin the rlrlnir or the cannon, the sections field artillery, made nerreet scores In' the 80LUIER UOVH IN PAKADE. of view been published by the French gen.raced back to tho tape, llaltery A section Officers' Jumping contest. The judges, how The downtown streets yesferday,,wer ersi sxarr, The ttrong German reinforce, Nq orders solicited or accented from Mimii.." .,,t.ii.i . .." . .... .menta which nnv .i.was second and Ualtcry C section., wis ever, gave first place to Lieutenant sanda ined vIH ebcennthrqng of cltUcns tppearert on the Belgian frnn,third. Sergeant Temp was In charge of In1 the contest because of the better form ,0.'íMv Ul íre1 rnllltary paroo with tier in the region or Lille, according. to this voter," trioreof have by a majority vote 'deuinraríhé 1

the section which won the event Sergeant of his horse In tho Jumps, Captain Williams which the tournament was lnaugurstcu. report, "have made no progress it tnyMeaumomant of liatiery C and Sergeant Ueuttntnl James The parade, which included orricera and paint." while tt certain polntt the enemy

Collins, third place, am (J Lieutenant litlley, nun br all the organisations stationed hero. has moved bsrk, particularly to the northnceiy or usurry a section. night, stys that (he French attacks In the electedor president atArras, the doting'where day'sthe righting Is ses-sion

nOMIIAnDMEVTluiiriu place. was one or the developing OFgreatest Argonnearmy pageants in and to tho northeast ofCavalry Machine (un drill. VerdunLieutenant Sands rode Colonel E. SL J. ,u iuiii.ii ui ci aQ. under conditions favorable to us."-Th- were renulsed while no dorlslnn h hi-- or tne inwrjutionsi irrigation OSTE.VD TCIUIIULE.Tho Machina gun platoon or the Fifteenth Uroble'a horse, "Pan," a champion Jumper qtaning ravalry is fighting even further north reached, In ho flghltng tho, today. Other' orricers elected werei V tfie ÁHoclatcd 1'rriMop Oerpian rightravalry, won the machina gun conttst with which lias roinpeted In the horse shows or corner oi man mis ana me . rrtncn communication London, Oct.the Slith Inrantry machine gun team sec-

ondnew iom city, rniiaueipnu and Washing-ton,

uie parade moved through the ityt eavalry operations htve dereloped tl, latter aitlementAtlhur Hooker; secretary.. Spokane Í J, S. ,..i:09 i, ,m.)-- The bom-

bardmentThisand the Thirteenth .downtown most to the remting true todty, Dennis., firgt Ctltaryj Rich-ard

hat been terrible, an dcavalry machine and other eastern clues, The horse ection or tne city, a reviewing stand North set. Around Hoye, where for. tlthouirh tha French .claim tn liav mil s?ytisection third. Tim time was thirty-nin- e was far the tuott grarelul jumper on. the lad been erected at. Cliv lull mrk r.óinu- the Oermsns ciotured ImporUnt heights With successes thorn Is nothing to Indicate Tenas;

Uurges,J. F.

tecoBd El It dispatch to the Iwuter Telegranifcom-ptn- y

and seconds. At the signal for field. Captain William, who also mano a from lh French last week, the liipkle, thirdon 8u Antonio strev und from hora Oen-r- Frrnch that definite hss Ctl.i under dto prany ..result been attained Permisión.: Bert Orunwtld, Thursday.tbo contest to each have regainrit fourthbegin, section consisted lerteci score, rooe a cavalry troop norte, John J. some of. the positions whichI'erslilng. commander of thn tnd tbi-r- probably wjll be a deal Á. "Thegrett 'cPadn!f,,Denveril flan, smith, iScrmans, threvy incendiaryof three mules which loaded bombs,"on were flie horto proved s rood luinoer and tho flghth infantry wry urn nuuarii to anannoR.brigado, rtriewtd tho more and rliv.fighting a further etxenslon of Salt I. aim uimachine gun and ammunition cases, the excellent rldlinr bv Cantaln Williams Iroous, iAt the From tho north nr Alan, whur. dun rir. the dispatch adds, "with the result thatIroopt passed bt the the.whigs possibly In tho directioníolo'iírs with their mulrs and equipment brought lilm Inln a tie with Colonel Ore- - eral's aland liars and guldont were ülppt--gent ward movenwnts by the werp, before either side Is

or Ant. Ctse succeeded Major R. W- - Vounr ss mtny parts of tbo town between the rail--raced ror too yards, where tho guns were me t inarougniiren. and officers and stlulcd. In tht ttoops, htve been mentioned "within the its givn wty,

compelled to . ÍT tine. nets tuuvcuuou cuy hss tion tt the south tnd the ptlawunloaded, tut up and fired. They wero Lieutenant Collins rode Csptsln Deans stand with Ornerat

.menperslupg wero Najor few days, the Germsnt seem to have with-

drawnof Justice are in flames."

then replaced on the mules and the teams 'Coauiocrat." a trained Jumper, tpd Lieu-tenant William, r. I.owig, brjgade.aanitary orn-

eentoma of their ror n, probably to Another Battle tine,

tared back to thn. tape. Hailey was mounted on a private a tjor Wllllant II. btinele, brlltado strengthen their extreme right; around The other big battle line between thaThe obstacle rare fur Infantry teams wss Jumper. Lieutenants W. W. Oordon and Which the al let have heen .train tit nrnrb combined irmtes and theanomcr oi win cuimcai venís on mo pro "Toronto." an armv horse which has rar Janms tft Collins, tides do camp tu General eyrr since the battle begtst nearly four legions of Husslt Attends from the OaHeiangram. In this rsce esch team was com rled off the Jumping honors in tho horto i'crshln wlio roinooidri lira mnarat'M frontier, near Tarnow, north to the East

posed or four men fully equipped with field snows and tournaments lirld here by the inn, mperlal ruuato Frederick smith On the renter titun bhlm ih rruislan border. Another iiutsltn farce Iskit. and the race wss oter course, too irmy during I he pan three yrart, was or the Mystic phrtoo ani the imp Unite, the armlet ara roatlnr on thalr oesieging in utiicu, and stillyards long on which there era various ob-stacles.

ridden by LKutenant Sands, failed tobut atvan ana commnue from tho loca arms, awaiting their turn to take the of.In the rare each team member had secure piare In the event. siirtners' order also In tho box renslvr. Rut on the heights of the Mfcuse Prussian frontier, the flghtlntr abnearato rrw through a barrel, walk ocr rills The ofrtrera who computed In the events Orntrsl, rarihtng'a

veraguests. Atnou tha city

as P!,,."" lunresa ai reraut) end St. mi htve come to a sUfldillli for the present.plsred on a horttontai plane, crawl under and their mounts were; offlcitit who wero in the reviewing stand rjie, where the Oe.rmaflt .cmuil the Meuse tn iiuitunt nsvtng driven the Oermtnt ttttaaaÍBtlDulmlHaHlBaalaEaila horltontsl rail, climb a bntrd fence sU Bum imtmryr i.ifinrntui . r;t MCCun is nr". me back, after thftr advance to the Memo)ere Msyor c, ksliy. Aldermen Waiterfee .and sl Inchea high, walk over a fool nlff on "hellle." i. J. Í. mana tiar m river, found on getting to tho Otrmtn bor.bridge twenty fret long and rvur Inches Sixteenth Inrantry. Captain Martin U tlonrrClayton,

J. J, Crnnors,Hewitt,

City Aworney.Park ComnM

Joseph the north of .ItsttonrhaleJ. 'TM' 1(411. how, der that reinforcements bad pern brought taaaaaStWaafltllllaltlSaiaaaaM. Nation. Jtmet 0. NeNary. chtlrrotn jver, hold 61. Milite tnd tonte petitions to (mm Konigtourg ana mere turiner proor tho military lourntment concert tt north or that town on lh h.nlr tress wss arrested. The Oermsns. in fact

tad Captain Harry. N. Coo 1st and claim to have defeated tht fiuttlani narThe conlaMiir ih.MirtM IV.., f.tu. luwaiki tnd to ntve itOeorgo 'Williams. Thlrlernw

alto seated on Iba stand.ctvginr, wort b1! 'ir'vtn them bacK terptt thi rlvtr soon tnd nine machine gunt.

Colonel C. L J, Orsble. Sjxtb ,floi artrr ihy made their MttsH nd etprurtd. Fighting on Itrgv tctlt will toon beto Fort Worth fcf if to cowindd the troops In the parade " "i" whu itHi toe rorit or rttumed. snd tt will then ba decided whsth.Clüo, and, his, tl and rarocnes prove to be Incorrect. tr me uermana are io remviiat nussit inald,by tltfr, iBareiiedaeronfthe head of the A force of mounted In tha Woe via district Hie Otrmtes. without thit region or (lie Russians are to overrun

policemen, commanaea oy captain Loa succrss, have dallvtret violent ttttckt iTUttia.qar-nr- .

preceded the troops In the rrade against tht French, who doubtless were In southwestern Polsnd thetrying to get behind the Oermtn foree trmlet htve advanced along both banksclearing uig sire on lor me marcnera.

Following the parade commander's dl omrn mi etiaDiiaiMa iiseir on tne Meute or me Vistula river wttn me oojeci orvision, Colon el Joaw S. narke, commanding at SI. illblcl. .With Uta tUroaaa to. the tbo Ruisltns to ertriitte pant pi Business Is Goodthe liiftniry division of Uie parade, rode. north withdrawing. t4- - ftM repulse of Salida, tnd teronting to their reports with Usthem, capturing iJtoa prisie wat tccompaiHea sir iiis siwr. in tne I. i V.u..,T,, APrtttattH. taw ufrraaotat SI. Mlhlel tr considere! lie la oner!.iiuaniry aiviNO ware inn iwnnwui, s i Ve t rttb. . .leeoth end tHtlh totrMlFir retlsnenia. Colo As tn offset Vi (Ms Hrtt French HiiftUaa Iliinanallaa. Notwithstanding War Timenel Omtr Ouiuiy tinnisninilfif Um Sixteenth statement, the Oermtn account, issued last The Iutltn reply that they allowedInfantry M UwttesaM Colonel J. L. Ar. the enemy to advance at ftr tt the Opeiow.rasmltn th Slittt, The talanirymtn wore Btndomlr frontier In qrder to fore tbmthnr

Lieutenantfull htM


U Kenly commtnded PURE MAKESin auaiiiiun

net Cietraiuau- - siruagiy

and acceptcairenrnrabattle tn

posi-tion the WH'nM If gPa. at JenUlnj.Wtno Co. well tn rlm.i,i...

m ariimry oiTse. wuieti wtl comBLOOD opon country since thi titula nothing hti thert rH.nty,bool,le with moni to tp" JnAwnTtlmi ?í

pot4 of ilia UMH fietai artillery, The come tiioiugn concerning the movements ypg htve what they it aro 2i711gunt of the bttiawk wer Mwly painted nf the two Lmlctv aro rih,t That reaton ítíkW o?Wi. fnífiUr prlce"with their hults aMi otlitr .brasa irlnunlnra IIEALTHÍ PEOPLE The tdvtnrr of the fluttltnt into Ifungtry mohltidy dUcta hat arouMtl Intense feellnr In Itumsnilpollthrd. As Hte laicI VHL aaf l'ulluuin H througii e atrcett ttetf wro greeted

rumbledwith viiii hnwci iu rransyivaoit anq a section flectrio piatto, 4F.Ó thi kln4 thit t!to?&SJasssaW continuous aunlausa fta su of that country ts advocating that tiuraantt wo r- - selling (hep, ,t (he rl ht le'miprice., and tofujfht bUy?AÍateLwJaW Weopeff, Tiifl cavalry dlvtrt). wt ,kwiundej by Join tbe aillo, to tbtt wlta tN end of the on .

Col. Úeorte tí. Mor.Wtmm.rmiMf. Ilood'a Ra raa oarillo and at. wtr. tliould lctory reu wltn tht alius, hvty'i. 1' m' Hlitnanla mav fall help in that nart nr ih. Wf. pltpoa qr pur floor that w are teUm aJm4.Chair fectlvely, m r.- - Cn, tnd wis comMW4 ol ityiidroa, Irvm bu rsmoyaf tcrolu), ball) and from OQO.flO and upward, riaywplano. from V3 T"1"rveiHivii APiufte ttas trvtia was ino other blood duteAteal bcUt li orlvta e upward.crack I troop coinmtuHl Hy Capt. Ben (Ut Of the blood alt the Jumara (hut .fc4"7"'f orgvapit or


a n.uaty luclud'd..7 Electrto Playln íróm tind

following Hh ctralry ttttletoti was com-gj-caute these dtetcsv fltey cannot be ,i.iu ui uai Of 'SN1, Wur lal ih t.l.... i . .

I. oflUslgl ucceuiuuy treated n 0y 0f wigr, Greti Itrllaln end Auttrla htye arrsflgtttofyt iwiniindtd by tMlternal eppllcttlofia for their ro- - tor tin escluiige, of civilians deialoed Infl!Q' ulephote, (trW4 wireless (uovai nave Proven tlfW utetew, Me two iiMintrtct who are not of inillltryLevy Grocery Co. tpptrtws U the msrcV uecuuse thav cannot iwlva out tne tge, This is Important to Utfitnd tt ' wAll Others Te we4Ul cumtitjtiá y Capt, Impuritlt that tr 1st (hst.Wopd, Austrian wtterlng nlarea uhna t.i.JV nt our prist, kad (erma. THtfa all, '9 ot,r PnocaaaaaH 2Wet. K. KltlitnluaB imh Ilood'a fhiraanarllla. ' DUra taking wken v,iklwere the cura ih w.ffóiUrSff 204-20- 4 . OveiUnd St. Uwttt iM dtuchateot m aatMaal nun. rich blgod, MrfeoU tai aaMlM. (m4 OUL , " "

JUiStíii FA Im. á asmt'Lisri!' jStmrtiewh bulldt HP tht whole jtyrtesa. Twe 1n tKucltt, . , 3S; RtcHttn) tH."rAa. Jenkins. Iif rf f . foe aswt lr til tttalllled Of bacotnee smootti. clean vava KeaJthy, wr Piano Co.JNk .frfom, V , 35c llaUt tWaMPL nMinrrninur Tbl vrett Llo4 rtmedy kswi t084 I hp Btc4TtKumeari BttiUr. 4 trucks ttM wagon. The tvtck tatula tc test of forty yr. iwti m tutvlnk UUr. rmm ma, , . t 35c tlon brottk( up the end or ttw urtde. Uoo4'b. for nothlntr else act Ilka lu BttktAaMllsaocia Irdirrfftitea Cuurtu.

itADt WITH US ANDSAVk MOHCY The Pt4 took forty-fir- e tatKuies to There U no rl aubatituu. Get It Ctlrirv. Alberta.JrMOtL arirci vim. VMM tpast ttat rev(tUf tttal. today, stoltl by tui dniMMtv frcsidcat J, a). Cam Adm, Ktat, wt


Fri4y, Oct. 9, ,9)4. EL PASO MORNING TIMES



Moral of the WHlBanljhed Vlallers Mel at' Matlen byroteniaies of Loesl vasts aaa

"World's Series" 143 Shown El Paso HosfHaJMy. VISIT THE "POPULAR 99Frederick D. Smith, imperial potentate of

tne. Ancient Arabic Order.or Noblei or the"Quality Wins ihe hnu? Mystlo Shrine, was the guest of honor last A visit to El Paso without a visit to this store woulcTbe to omit one of thedonnight


noblesa banquet

or 1


intemple,the Hotel


or most interesting sights of the city. This entire week we arc especially fea-turingIn Base Ball also in Shoo Selling this" is true. El raso, covers were laid for 990 guests. - '

This store won the Shoe Selling Supremacy of Potentate Smith arrived bere yesterdaymorning from Albuquerque, Accompanying "Made in America" Week. ETPaso almost from its beginning and has, him were members or the imperial divan,Ineltminr llenrv 'P Niixlrtnrhaiia. Jr.. lm

never siuppcu growing- - pcrlai chief rabbtns Jack T. Jones, Imperial An exposition of the products --and manufactures of American mills and factories ofDotentatecaptain or


renrvaenutlveguara i win



tem American designers and craftsmen. You can keep American factories running and helppie, St. Paul, and J. Harry Lewis, honorary keep American workers busy on full time if you buy goods "Made in America." Visitmember

A receptionand representative,

committee composedDaman


past with us let us show yon these splendid stocks of "American Merchandise."potentates or ei Mstda tempie met me via

THE Itors si the union ststlon snd conducted, REASON IS.PI&Itf. them to the military reviewing stand neartne city nan, wnere tney reviewca we pa-rade Special Offerings for Todayas the rneata of General John J,Pershing. Thirty or forty local Shrlncrswere si tne station, to greei mcir cmci. Will include the usual weekly 7Following the n.rarte Mr. Smith and hisparty were tho guests or Acting Potentate SELLING OF REMNANTS AND SHORT ENDSEugene, Harris at luncheon In the, Paso del

Thevpman Norte, in the atternoon they were taken to Embracing gatherings from every section where yard materials are sold. Ribbons,juarex in automobiles ana later io wasnWho has but Ington park, where they viewed' the mill Laces,' Embroideries, Wash Materials, Silks, Woolen Dress Goods andtarv anorti.a moderate At a o'clock last night nobles or El Malda A Big List o! Table Linen Remnantstemple, clad In' full dress and wearing thea rri ó u n t t o famous rex or the society, met at the Ma-sonic acsiraoie icngtns ai mucn rcciucea prices.spend for her temple, where a aoclal session and yjnreception was held. At o o'clock, preceded

will be by a patrol In uniform, tho Shrlners es-

cortedfootwear the guests to the Sheldon, where "Made in America" Week "Hade in America" Weekamazed at the high banquet had been prepared. Eugene Har-ris of tho EI Paso temple, presided at the (Specials In Uio llaacmcnt.) (Sixxlala In tho Linen Dept.)

grade' appearance of reast and win leave mis morning witn ine 72x90 SEAMED S1IKETS, 3Sc HALF WOOL FLANNELS, 10c.vole Fort Worth.lmnerlal t ra ra rorthese NEW FALL J. D. Mason. Sol I. Berg, C. L. Strmans, Made of an unusually good quality muslin, with Full 27 In. wide, nice soft finish washes ex-

cellently.William jessen and w. w. Evans were me invisible seama. A very special offer-- Today tipeclnl, the - QMODELS of-

fering,we are committee who arranged tho, reception and OOC yard JLCbanquet ror the Shrine officers. This Is InK for today, eachat $3.00, $3.50 ine second time wiuun a ween mav u (Limit 6 to a customer.) WOOL AND LINEN FLANNELS, 4Ba

has entertained the hlihcst official or a All wool flannel and linenand $4.00 leather, warp flannel, 27 In.,any natlonsl order. Last week tno ei raso loaroheel, welt of Elks. No. 187. was host to Raymond Den 42xS8 rnvnow oases, ioo. 32 In. and 36 in. wide, for children's ijstyleany or Jamin, exalted ruler of the order. Made of same good quality of muslin as are the wear. Today, the yard ftOC

turn sole tip or plain toes, sheets mentioned above to be sold 1 A EMimOIDEJlED FLANNELS, GOc.

kid or cloth tops, all the Blmultaneounly, each XUC Scalloped and hemstitched edges, for skirts,(Limit t to a customer.) tlrerses, and tone of much higher

priced boots in really excellentgrades'. ADDRESS SYNOD Hart0 Sdhafffmer &. Mlairx Clotlies



LN SES-SION Are "Made in America of Course



Arrangedis Homing

lorsessionsWomen's You might import as good and take chances, but you could not import better at any price.

at Weslmlsler Church.

Featmiirleg tin Mew "Tamtam" WeawsHundreds thronged tho First Presby

ten an church last nlxht and yesterday' af You know what "tartans" are ; the characteristicternoon to attend tho svnodlcsl sessionsor ine presuytcnan cnurcnes or Texas. plaids of the old Scottish clans. Some of themThe unified program last night was tho rich colorings, some quiet and subdued.most Interesting yet held. Among somoof the prominent officers or the church Tartan colorings in very small plaids and stripes,wno made addresses were nev. josepn w.- cocuran. secrotary or ine ooaru or edu arc now much used in fabrics for men's clothing;cation, nev. D. O. Wiley, secretary of the from andthey came English Scotch weaversDoara or cnurcn erection, jtev. I. e.

Ask For Your & Green Trading Stamps Clarke or tne college board, ah are na originally but are now produced in a bettertlonal ricurcs In the Presbyterian sect.. Today's program will be featured by a grade, in the best American mills; very hand-

sometalk on home missions by Dev. H. M. patterns in blues, greens, dark reds; plaids-- itcv. Ira Landrtth will sneak inconnection witn tne temperance report, and stripes.

ILLUMINATE. BUILDINGS. The cost or keeping the lights burning the country, or whether there would be Dr. Frank Smith and Dr. J. E. Clarke u uror tne rew nours necessary, me iaoy more products for-- , general distribution apeak at the Joint services tonight In the Look Especially atEli Paso Woman Hike Suggestion to Add pointed out, would do trivial wnen com unaer government ownersnip. Interests of the Trinity university. Tia-.- l gAA

io I'ltuure oi uirnccuc. pared with the pleasure arrorded the thou "I do not Intend to enter unon that sub Suits in "Tartan" Colors atA sunestlon mat the blr downlo sands or loyal El Pasoans wno aro. ex- Ject further then to refer In passing; to thebusiness buildings should be Illuminated nected to make the mesa feto " tonlirb t one recent statement artlbuted to the postmast-

erWOMEN CHURCH WORKER8 HAVE That price represents extreme value fortonight during tne hours or the barbecue or the most successful affairs in. the annals general, that 20,000,000 a year could be INTERESTING PROGRAM TODAY.

you.on ine mesa was msae mis morning dv a or tne city. saved In DUttlnar the rural' delivery of mall Today's sessions or tho Women's Synod Others as low as $18.00, some as high aswell known El Paso lady who is a member under the contract system," said theor ine committee, navio ice arrair in DAY'S SUMMARY speaker. or tne Presbyterian cnurcn will be of Our label and the maker's label, is in everychsrre. The leveling system of the which special interest to cnurcngoers. Tne srs it isyears, suit absoluteyour guarantee.held In the Westminsterslons are PresbyThe pectaclo of the rayly lighted streets OF EUROPEAN WAR rentiers useless ins investment plant or soand the blr business buildings witn every years before the development or new lead' terlan church. The complete programwindow aglow wtui lights would certainly That the Germans are allll vigor, era, and the inability or any rich inin to ronows ! a pretty one and one that would add ously bombarding Antwerp with their apply more than a part or his Incomo to his Morninguevotionai Mrs. u. u. uowara. Mh's Mw Sweatersnot B uiue to uie pleasure 01 mo an air. beasy siege Hons from three positions, own personal uses, keep the distribution onHome Mission Problems Mi t. Waldo anndl

aud that great damsge already has as lair a oasis, ne sam, as coum oe exOlewett.

been done by shells In the beautiful nected under known systems.noil call of Presbyterians.He said tnat differences Men's HJiidleirwcairpresent amongrlly. Is the outstanding feature of the

war news. . elltxens as to- - food, clothing, opportunities Report of Uohemlan and Mexican wor- k-

on the battle line In northern France, for culture all the really good things of tars,Solo

a.Mrs.ti. acoiu

A. H. Goldstein. "Made in America" too. aro especially featuringttte, were less man ever before.where the contending armies are bur. Letters from Our Missionaries Mrs. Jen several selections that offer excellent values, and worowedFrench



entrenchments,says, the sit

the Enjoy Sunday dinner nie Suter, Miss Frances Usenclk. bollovo It is time right now to get into heavier togsAddress Airs, uuy uarts.that there at the Zelger hotel (Advertisement.) LET US SHOW YOU TIIESEIuatlon Is stationary, eicept Noontide orayer Mrs. II. B. Durkee.

have been several violent encounters RUMANIAN PRLVCE GIIIKA Afternoon Session.betweeu the allies and the Germans, COVETS ALBANIAN Devotions Mrs. John ctton.notably In the vicinity of Roye, In the CROWN.

Greetlnss from Southwestern Board-s-claims of Dv the Attociatcd Prtttdepartment of Somme. No Mrs, w. it. uisstana.successes or accomplishments of de-tests

pans, uct. (liwa. m.) A dispatch to Report or Foreign Missionaries read byare made In the report. uro navas agency irom lauinje says: Mrs. Charles Croity. meSo violent has been the concussion "it la reported here that the Rumanian Letters from Our Missionaries Misses

ecused by. the detonations of tho big Prince Kblka, who has arrived at Scutari, Nary Turner ana a ate tsponser.German guns in the bombardment of will try to profit by the present critical Address itev. ueorge t. MCGune, Korea.Antwerp that houses twenty miles moment 10 nave rumseir proclaimed Drtnca mission siuuy ci.away were shaken. King Albert, at oí Alosma. , "The Oulet Hour." Reading by Mrs. C, i as a i sssiiajpithe head of a portion of the Belgian "Discord continues between the Catholics L. overstreet.

i army, Is reported to have marched and Mussulmans ana panic reigns in Scu-tari.

Copriabt Hart 5dnltir at Macsont of the besieged city, from which Many families are abandoning thethe populace by thousands previously town- .-had fled In panic. DELG1AN FRONTIERAmong the feiv neutrals remaining Inthe clly, ttbere not alone shells fromthe guns of the Germans, but bombsfrom their aircraft are falling, Is II.W. Olederleh. the American consul, BODY COVERED SCENE OF CLASH and as a result we taught them tbe lessonand tho members of his staff. CONSUL MUZQUIZ tney aeservea. i ssiuto you. INFANTILE PARALYSIS

In the east the Russtsns claim to "IlENJAMI.f O. HILL.have repulsed, with heavy losses, the "lirlyauler Oenersl and Military CommanderGerman attacks near Wlerballen and WITH ECZEMA DETACHMENTS OP CAVALRY FROM AL ui iue oiaio. Dr. Simon Kleiner Proves Tbst This Dresdrhlllpotf,

alsoRussiantbst some

Poland.of the

Theyprincipal LIES




According1 Caused

to a Cera,

OUTCOME W CONVENTION.must lit correct tr forts of Przemysl, In Cállela, havebeen taken by the forces of Emperor WMIc botu Carranza and Villa represen

and a moe to lit Nicholas and that the Germans have Started Operations Difficult oa Account at Pros tatlves in El I'aso were without definite re the ,lnoctat't Prtiioti Legs, Kept Spreading. BitSjgSSv correctly mut REPRESENT CON ports from tho convention si AgsuscsllentesívSSS been driven out of IVIoelswek, la Po-

land,JORGE U. OROZCO TO litlttmore, Oct. 8. Dr. Simon Flexner,ffl made corrtctly. $1 across the border from the Itched and Burned. Could Not Accomplished During the Day, yesterdsy. It was apparent from exprés,

fortress of Thorn, essl Prussia. rKvv orne city. slons on bolb sides that little In the way of head or I ho Iiockerellar Institute for Medi-

callift Walk-Ov- er ljt Front tho south came a report from Sleep. Also Dandruff on Head, permanent peace was eipected as a result nesesrch, speaking st the Johns Hop-

kinsCellloje that the Servians had defeat-ed

Bv the lttociatei Prete of the gathering. hospital anniversary celebration hereShew W the AustHsas and occupied Btlek, Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Soap rrom tne name rront, via pans, Oct. g Important Chaages

.gpiurcucBAnnounced Following





reportsthe Villa

as wereand today, added to what be has already pubHeriegevlaa. TctegraPBie

for rom,em ar ssSs Russia Is said to have refused la and Ointment Healed. (tt:tl a, m.) Detachments or cavalry of tfee General Carranza. Carranza delegates are far from agreement llcly said shout his work on Infantile para-lysis.mada correctly. withdraw her troops from northwest Germans and the allies met today on the as io ine scope oi ine convention. '

Persia, hut, at the same time, ad-vised

frontier or Belgium, maneuvering ror a do villa's renreaentstlves. It an Dr. KleinerA ago said nere thatN$ S irurarln you per- - sSiSSs Persia tlul she had no tateatlsa R. T. D. No. 1, TaseweU. TasusMy sillón ta outflank escn other. The OerraafU pojrs, liolt' that Ibe convention Is to be ayear

J, feet fit and corn- - WX of taking Ptrslsa territory. disease started eo xay legs in a small patea had thrown brisado after brigade la rroat UieiiiDg cr an enters ror the purpose of de. h believed thai he had cultivated the germwlio Is now at tiding who shsll serve provisional or tho dread disease. Formerly this germConsul llsfsel K. ss presi-

dent; tort. STTÍx asa kept spreadlag until my entire body oi ine aiues, uui wtw muaa saversartes Muigulx, was Ulluved to be Invislbld snd II hasuntil tbo national electionsj It U !caHro to JrJfy CONGRESSIONAL; CAMPAIGN, ni covered. II would equal in force. The Hanking operations are

in tho constitutions! eonsulsr serv-ice

held.may be hern shown thai It passes through fillersrendered difficult owing to the changesJll ! (VaHí-Or- jS Fight to Be Put Up by the BesseeraU Will Itch and bum tHl I could of tho sea, and the day passed without

proximityvery were announced yesterday from tne Tbe Carranta envoys, on the other hand, which

Dmwill hold

bacteria.bsek panicles ss large as

glfiES Shoos. sot altep at night. I would serious encounters. consulste In El I'aso. iiiai.t mat lun ll.a urictca adit norm ordinaryscratch UU the blood would The olataau near Lille aad Anua, Jorge U, oroieo, who has been acting from Mexico are charged merely with the 'foday l'r. Kleiner reported that by cutjÜI 13.80 U $6 Sl By the AtiocUttd Prtse

out and down tlerei favors cavsiry work, but ranker Consul in UUs clly during Hie sbaence of duly of treating as peace commissioners llvaiing the germ on a special kind of nour-ishingwiiDintion. ucu uni ior an sirva oose run say York material it became visible with a

this fall were north Ibe ground becomes marshy, although Consul Mutquli. Is trsnsf erred to New Willi Oenersl Villa regarding hi a allegedlive congressional campaign body asd lege. The erup-tion

becomes consul st microscope and that 11 Is atover tonight at a conference between II is Interspersed with excellent roads. The city. ...Itsmon. 1'. do Kegrl

liittavA I'adraa willto tlie constitutionalist com least the also of any known formfat rmt orhitout smiH u.came maniler In chief, TbePone Wilson. Postmaster Oenersl llur- - allies' leaders appear to be satisfied with runner claim I of l.actrrla.

iMnn. cnairuian uoremui of mío ucniocrsuc red pimpla, aad whan conditions and ready to meet any, offaaatve bare charge oi' the eonstliuilunaiiai Inter made that the Mexico City convention hi. WlH'It lie made his nrlor announcement lucongressional committee, Secretary Tumulty scratched the whole surfaoa movo by the Germans. ests It TUCSOn, Ant, IU wo mm vi wu- - already settled the matter of the provisional had not been successful in reproducingand Thomas J. Pence of the publicity bu-

reauof fee ald became brt-- Dome aiaisnca uuni, near nojo, sul. presidency by rejecting the resignation uf the dlsesse In animals by Injection of the

of l he national Democratic committee. tatad, red aad ugly looking. My rift sharp srullery Vnd infantry flghttog con. Consul Muxquli. wno Is to bare generalfrom

that ofjlce by General Carrañas. culture of Ibis serin. By hU special metli- -thing tlwborderParticular attention, It was decided, would unues. At other points along the battle charie of the consulates on ous he announced thai be baa accomplishedbe paid to the fights In new York, Kansas, seamed to Irrltata It. The ptmpleawere Hue iae opposlog forces today raataialaed El I'aso esl, will retain ms uesaqusrters Enjoy Sunday dinner Una purposd and that accordingly the proorColorado. Hew Jersey, Wyoming, Squill Da. oa say tuads. arxaa, leg, feet aad sátira their positions, contenting ihemselvaa by la this clly. Mr. sjutquu is eatiw w st the lelger hotel. (Advertisement.) I lirrtUlahly brought out that the dlieawkola. Tennessee and Ohio. body especially between my amara aa4 desullur' firing., turn w El I'aso wltiitn ,f U rauie.l by a genu.

Anticipating an stuck on the war revenue loaa, I also had dandruff oa say head uatel Tba French colonel. Marc hand, of Faskoda General carransa 'tiavlng Inducedr C9NZALEZ IS CQXE. The doclur said that lie believed the dis-

easebill. Democratic leader ara gathering ma. hair all lama is aitiong utuau to aw withdraw bis rejlrtntlun recently tendered. wis trsttamlttrd through tbe respira-torytertil for the defense of the measure. The ay was fUalag out. wounded. A splutter from a sweH .... . Mexican rreed on Habrás Corpus I'rouiplly channels ralbt-- than by Inspects, as

president's decitratton In his special mes-sa- g "I was told. It ww ass ama aa4 took a struck him in the leg. i........ Ill' PI I KK Of iisawsars rroai loun. some have held, and bu auvanced Ibe theoryto congress that the tax was necessary treataaaat but all remedies fatted. The 1 While endeavoring to give protatn HAYTMCNA AbSAt-'LT- O.N NACO. Habeas corpus proceedings ere Invoked that ptrfectly bealiby persons olten car-

riedto maintain the financial stability of the got sosas Cvticura Soap aad OtataaasU, X cor lo wounded between tba lines durteg ActUig Consul uroiro yeslerdsy received rles of the genu In their bodies snd tnrvcledgovernment would be the argument of the sVst wiahed w4t the rourse of list night a party of Muer a Ukgrara f rom l BenjanOn o. Hill, successfully yesterday for the tbildtrn. ibal there were 'catiiera" ofDemocratic campaign speakers. Oatlewa Boa aad warn bearers uiouglng lo the Americas) laatm-liae- a Carraaiclsta couunanuer at Maco, Jose oo .salsa, who bin been arrested by lavfaotllii paralysis Just as 11 Is known thatL J water, dried wad aad Umss saiiMtd Ssm cms. luiiTtbelr dlreclloa and sontassaiag repulse of uotrernor Msytoreua's as. city detectives and lodged In JH ou Uw there are "carriers ' of typhoid andWAUC-bVE-R FARM MOMTGAfiE BttMEHS. cars Otstmant. U a abort Mase I waa tnat German iiirencluueitts. Several Oamast iiulU cn f" cuy The Ulegrain, whicb charge of being a suspicious character. . woo. while transmitting these

90OT8H0Í SBttnlg Owtteusa steaat seatrles cbsUenged Ike bearers, wka lag suareiscu w imu. .( The arrest was msiie at the request of to others, do not suffer from thenQe Convention Held In Odessa Wit asd OtatsBaat ewe4 saa, aad W alaa down and remained quiet, later rrtunafcag the J u area authorities, uno charge that thiintelves.

of fourteenOunislex ibeflwas guilty of thesuiea thetké AntcUUd Ptu and any dudo aad faina luir. safly

The tsrl or HuaUltaai. who waa kart) ta yesterday and Utt night the Maytorena1 mules. Um properly of tl Mexican govern, MOVTEMCHIS TM04M8Chicago. Ocu complaints of (HMd) Cfeartag AUtaa. J. W, mi. r.n.i. la very active In Mrronaaaar kla tiiwtt; THe mules, Jusrei ofrlrifrs say, were ARE IN IIEIIZEGOVINA.

Inequality or the distribution of wealth, Swssylais FrtM duties as a transport staff officer of tax being used on public uork lit that town Home. Oct. 1'arla.) The Monteas,George E. i loberta, director of the mint, by MH Briltil' army He controls thoussada x Mayiorma nclilled me ulsy before yesier whe Getualci broushl Itiem la El I'aso and grin minister bar his rarelved a dlspalcalealgM addressed a buei that closed the AJUuMagb. CwOcura Bona (Mc.) u4 Out. motw cars and boras vehlcki. of every va. SetS thai tlx ra was in axlstence an armlitice disposed of Ibem. from t ulula stating that the Moaieaegrtaconvention of Farm sfongsga brokers, tr Otatmant (SOo.) asid gg'-n ri.iv and displays wonderful ability as aa wftareby bosilUtles sbould be suspended. foMowlng hi a releas under the order of troops oa the Heriegovlns rrontUr derea4ara by

The fl tma of great serv )lh bit utuu usa isiio. ne iiiiuhw Hie aMstrlct court u ni4if promntly ed the Auilrtans and occupied Bljak la Hr.held Ibal at the bottom ttiers ortanUer IjM :,Tise speaker aad stialara tfcrougaoirt Ska worM. a i ts United S'a:-.- officers lio wanted segovltia. They took four ofHctrs aad tM1 aothlng to be equalised



rainedper. afaack with sua Book will be , ice lu aeti)"s "'j "iimav.

mar to find us unprepared. Weil know to Mervlew ibe maa in routeciion with an men prisoners sod captured several qulek-fir- eutdeh,thesoaal


beUr captains of industry tapoo rwuwt. Adaraai ElcteQ prívate battig rooms law MM cluijf 'coyotea' we were ueaiuig alleed Infraction f tl U against suiug-g- ll tuns, juany riflet snd a quantity ofw&j were prepared as nevar before. opium, were unable la locate luu. atutnumttim,

lontii-i- T M wtdua-atm- uf tit products ot TiilJnira. Be4. T, Saataav" M tba zelger wC1


th DwimiUli. TkW. TsM MMMt tS llW?epbArizdCtrfrV Mjey GeUiitt KutsW, Supporting . t seapaa iJÉÍEI Paso t the center of the remata) rane lire The Albuquerque Mat Jim k Mm teedmg He jkPafWt IbwÍÉÉ z)H& eVe will 'ItoeMK! srHM MpJeWAReaa

bM.ismsataMstock inflUttrótTne BdUlhweet, 17i TiMlft bl hewspoper Of the state me Jww MmsWo. . H at awl ' IIX'&ZP-ISI- tMLflaLtrfW'efM jWI Ítft ffRMsUtt Bét" Wa in t whatlBeeoaeelM the .Bouthweet, .the omlng packlag jajltiar t the paper that carries considerable wlhteMs in ts' sfetee, ,nftM .tar,.ttMi mothers oC naen. . .i 4 - fUsl J.M.'M El I'MO, TetM, M

JeMj BottlhwMt, MI awythlig that Interests wr IIm to and to 'the credit of Ha managwnw K asm too Ifcteet g. net wit senna or battle stteb miles east of bougie, clung M the Hwsthe kveMoctc lttetastry of lhe BouHiwWk t 'ktijkt felt that lailuenco la uIV verted étt tete rgt jslde. WBt ewetd et nobler peni wnicn e nimx : -- T.. y; i - rr- -

an appreciated In fet Pftso. The Morning Journal w Htpa-ertta- the Dshilstat-l- o Ntr, ftei with kMnt words or thought The animal was killed yesterday' nteinent ,r aeiiiJispi,

im WJstfHWO Tlalatt. Kit TEXAg. Recently there has been some compt4lt m4e as ticket In New Mexico I Ms year, wetwiihalsmAlwr RtFiiiil


in theofwalled-b- p






wounded- -

Mr. BrockOn




Be bhJeto she aHttlcuHy encountered In hand-tlft- livestock the fact that Its owners are Republicans the Of; woman thet would net yield, hunt for stray chickens, Mies Stows wrrajf a bnMi.dsah in the Beuthweet a condition krouahtv. about paper has always been counted as one of the Republi-

canmtt Wavety, silently here her part " . eyelaMern. Mies gtowe heard BrooktswW fsy. tVjn

KOtlElO.I ADVKHTJslAU IlKI'llESKTITATIVEB. by "European war conditions. Buyers had HíUculty In aseett of the state. Tho fact that the prr la Le,. there is that battieOeMI the other M of the earn and peine; snesMane beisa-in- c

Sew Yor, t. u cxwitn special Arene, lrteune.BuUaiat. getting ready money to pay for thr parchases mné supporting the Democratic ttaket has attracted the at-


Mo marshaling troop, no Mvouao sent. " and fleshing the lantern,CMcivu, I. 0. Bauwllk Special Aeucy, YriSHms. tmumt. Iw'bsainsr, to. aJjeni and 'wave; the act of goring Brockmán, wn M JJ2,(iF2Sbl. LvUM, 6. UeCWlUI Special Atatecy, IBIfU U Maafc MO, the sellers would have nothing but refesy metier. of a Republican reader and he writes io In-

quireBut. el IMserSisjaev they lest from his feet by the anlmeTa eieig4. FtmlWis''traveling


ciiy coKeowiatuntún,

Morgan.utile Melts.

MiHer, M Uits, Consequently, where the money Was not rials there why it is a Republican newspaper is titeé giv-

ingFrom babynaui to the grave. a stone at tie bnll and wdm the Hto m

CH.a Anurui. was nothing doing In the trading line. But that money comfort and assistance to the .enemy. Tefr flhRU stU Miss Stone, who weigh only iW sajndrn JnÍ SUBliCllIKriU.1 RATfcS. Is getlng much easier for the Mrwtteck eewtem "the 'The Journal answers this reader VlOi ike .asser-


hX watJuiUwA and grasped tho animal by th horns. The. fMenetpn- ."; (Mr Mail til Ad rauco.) en and en In endless "wars. of the bull being thus diverted, Brockman wna aMe te

Bally r.ktSuadáy, oot year wM0 Kansas City Star says: that It believes In the protection principies of Then, silent, unseen, toes down. rise to'hls feet and grasp the other horn. Keidewg enUiUd'Uaunaay,Dm sua auutjr,

inrcum luOQlba

wombs ......... t i.'JU4.W "According to bankers and livestock commission tho Republican party, but that of more importance Oh, ye wlen 'esmnsra and ba4tt sMrt, for dear life ihe two were dragged tor about ferty

IWiiy uu bUiidiy. una niunui men a better situation prevails now than at any pre-

viousto the Voters and taxpayers of New Mesiee Je, effi-

cientAnd eetdtera te set and péaieel yards.

Tljuuuay huh:, uue yearcarrier.) timo since the latter part of July la the market and honest government m county, and state. t ten yon Mié kingHeirt vleterhm tenffM Mise Stowe then released her hold and ran te Hie

(uy Were fetnjht'ln those sttent. In the meawtlme.Breek-ma- nways.. assistance.Dally and Suiiday. ouo mouiu ............... for cattle loans. One banker at the stock yards said It points out how under territorial reverñmeat'a Oh, spotiesa woman, In a world of shams;house,


ontoforthe horns. .Returning with a man 'named


tu aoiilywho


uuiimmlo receive


lo tunpapr

effect.ragtttsriy sr he" was accepting all the paper offered lm on fall-

ieddishonest Republican political machine was tnpanUeJ With splendid new sttent seem Hart, ene, of the farm hands, who was armed wH a

tiiva postorrtee auuttta in full, laduiHUg couuly wad a taw. catle. One of the largest commission firm ktt tne In New Mexico, which became a byword In every sec-

tionGo back to. .God as whtto aa you came shotgun. Miss Stowe reached the scene a ineénd time.

Ileimt by luutwy oruer, iiraf i or reguiared Mlltf. yards said that two million dollar of their lesM had of tho state. The Journal saya Tho klngeleet warrior borní Hart placed the gun near the bull and d lechar sed bethl'iiuu tow, prívale branca iciwa whu lour trunk haea Joaquin Milter. barrels Into Its aide. This had the effect ef eanemghad dleu opeiator wüicu employ or matured since August, and been paid by market-

ing"elections were bought or or stolen vconnecting ail utpuruiKOit. him to forget his rfeslro for mortal combatwat department you wun ami cwmecuona will w . the cattle when they were ready. They afe thus outright. These are not hearsay sutemente, but A by the Cowboys employed ok the raneh


After lu riuuuay aMernoou am noliuaya la roundupp. in. aud wu Woñdt Thtut LTtim-Dum- s.ucpanniauta win atiavtcr uirecti able to make new loans. They have about ten mill-

ionfully verified through congressional tnveetlaaHens. Shrapnel yesterday morning resulted In the capture and death

Kill llanaircr WW..,EoiWrul and Heperleft dollars loaned. A loan broker at the yards stated "A fight was begun some years age to' end such Washington Correspondent of tho NeW York World. of tne 'animal. ' ' ''.4v.,societyir me tarmr

d. andtaila deuver



pruinully,aud uro.ieM.

uoUly u that In the past faw weeks ho has attained one mitt-Io- n conditions. The machine was partly smashed in the Next to dum-du- bullets, ahapnet is the curse ofmodern warfare trém awedUot standpoint, accordingover mux ur tue aiiovo tcicpnone. dollars of Eastern money to place In cattle loans. first state election, but not sufficiently to pat it out to Dr. C. C. Pierce, one of the fcurgeons connected with Glimpses Ipto ihePásl. 't.

de, inuuntaui) or rural reiorta, or lor europt. ara remtoued "Many leans fall due next month and the cattje of working order. It nominated a, rood man for the Public Health and Marine Hospital service. (PHÓM THE FILES OF TUB MOtXft XIMBi.),that tuy can Uava rue Times sent to taeat airact toy malt tor are ready to be marketed. congress In 101Z, but retained Its grip on. the organi-

sation."We can usually fix a man up If he'i wounded by thirty Years Aáo iytpMfany period uclied-d- a. weeKa or monuu. buuacriplloa

ureulauon Moro than fifty million dollars are loaned annually It was defeated again. a bullet," aald Dr. Pierce, "whether the bullet comesto Tie Titosmay be given lo nowsdealer or ont from rifle machine but thea or a high percentageUepanmni. or any branca otfica, inrougti the null. Addroaae on cattle by Kansas City commission men and the "This year It nominated B. C. Hernnndes for con-

gress,of mortality In

gun,dumdum The customs house guarda of Paso del Ni.rte Riidewtu be cnangea a oiten a deatred. ettbacrtpuoa rate ara war comes from shrapnel,

ai printed above. banks and brokers at the stock yards." well knowing that he was not qualified la any and bayonet. Shrapnel la the worst, of all. A shrap-nel

a very heavy capture last night Running upon nAny errotteou refleeltona lipon tne atandlnr. cnaraeter or There Is no real reason, why máney should have respect to creditably represent New Mestee at Wash-

ington.wound Is usually caused by a jagged, Irregular pack.'train they secured the entire lot ;f Mules, soma

reputation of any peraon, rtfiu or coroorailuu. wblcti may been tight In live stock circles. Cattle have been, sell-ing

It also knew that his, record as treasurer of piece of sheH, which usually teera away the flesh forty ki numbtr, strange as it may neetn. they foundappear in toe columns of Tne Time, will bo lidly oorracud and tissues, so' that there Is little left to mend. ho ono In charge of the outfitupon lia Ucin; brouttit tu tne aiieniton of tn tiunateawiu alt the year at prices higher than ever before Rió Arriba County was such as should bar him from "A shrapnel shell Is usually of steel, loaded withknown in the history- - of the Industry, and there is no nomination for' any office, or to absolve, any Re-

publicancast-Iro- n balls about an inch in diameter. In the There were, three drunks and One cowboy up for

Southwestern Progress. Indication of any marked change. On the contrary, from voting for him. should ho be placed fhead of the shell there. Is a time-fus- which Is set off disturbing the peace In the. police co.urt today. Theby the shock of tho shell It strikes. The fuse com cowboy was charged. In addition to

More than miles of the Southern Pacific there Is every indication that prices will continue to upon-- the ticket. as peace disturbing,1,400 municates to the explosive within and the shell bursts, with carrying a pistol. He was Just Tlf from tho coun-try,railway of Mexico han been opened for traffic lelow go higher, and the man who Is the possessor of good "The Republican pary cannot grow in New Mex-

icoscattering Its fragments and Iron shot Inside. and when tho facts were told the Judgi heNogalef.'and the renovation of the lino la procedlng marketable stuff ship that stuff to markel andcan so long as It la controlled by otteh influences. It and"Field surgery has made great strides, no him with a warning to go homo to tho ratiChrnpldly. The entire mileage of the properíy U 1,031, realize on It In very' short ordor. It Is gratifying to Is the duty of all Republicans who have the good of greater progress has been made than In the use of and do no more loud talking. The drunks Were fined.and the property

week1 betniii



Ouaymaafor a,

and note that stockmen this fall are able to take care of tho party at heart, or who wish to see the state pros-per,

antiseptic Durlaft tho Civil war It was good surgicalbeyond. Twice a

of their maturing obligations; and their ability to do to vote the Democratic ticket until conditions practice to carefully clean the edges of the wound, Frank West nn driver, met bis death In aIn the state Topic.downaway wash with' soap and water and then probo for the low dive on Overland street last night when a pistol,this Is an Important factor in helping to lighten up changs.?' bullet, or ;other foreign matter In the wound. The he was handling fell to the' floor, exploding when ItGreat Interest la being taken In the Arleona art and ease the general financial situation. growing life' of tincture of iodine as an antiseptic has struck the side of a bid In the room. The ball passed

exhibit, to be held In the city of Phoenix on January It Is said' that whenever England wants to fight altogether, changed this method. Now when we et through his neck. He died before" medical kid could12, under the uusplces of the art and literary depart-ment

The boarding house keepers of the United States the Herman flt nil ahft tíáá tn An la in ' kii- - It an ordinary caso of gunshot wound we simply swab reach him., Comment Is unnecessary; ' The dead, manof the woman's club. The exhibit will be in the iodine Into the wound, pick out any visible for-

eignlived In hlawill rejoice to learn that their great staple will not as the location of practically every German Vessel is formerly, Ohio, and friends there hite

the club building and It Is expected that aeveral hun-dred

matter, and new It up. If it's nothing more than been notified, but failed io answerpictures will be hung. All artlata living or work-

ingbe seriously affected by the European war.- As a known to the British admiralty, Germany's naval a bullet the flesh .will grow about It and there will be T ft i kt-- '

In Arliona are Invited "to contribute pictures to result of that war E0,(00,000 pounds of prunes ordi-

narilypolicy la of necessity a waiting one. "and the British no more trouble., If El Paso had the enterprise of Las' Vegas it

the exhibition. Naturally, moat of, the pictures will shipped abroad will have to ba marketed In do not appear the least bit anxious to force matters, "Shrapnel, military experts say, Is. used' to locate would have twice the population It. now has. Lookembody Arizona subject and It Is expected that this the United States. ror it is doubtless realised that there Is going to be and silence small batteries, such as machine guns. at her two dally newspapers chock-fu- ll of big odi,fact will add greater interest to the occasion. The only thing that prevents shrapnel from being onosomething doing whenever the British fleet tsckles and here we have to beg hard to. get up a fowr col-

umnsof the most deady weapons ever devised. Is the fact in one lorn and lonely dally, If we liadTho European war has greatly 'reduced the cus-

tomarytho German fleet mote

Eighty bushets of corn to the acre Is reported from that Its direction cannot be fully controlled. No one homo patronage we could afford to extend .our fieldthe immediate vicinity of Silver City. N. M.. and tor immigration to the United States, but the can tell In which direction the fragments of an ex-

plodingof, usefulness. Make a new resolve; help your home

dry farming, that Is certainly going some. The yield memories Of that war will bring millions of Its sur General Salvador Mercado, the Huerta command-er

shrapnel shell will fly. A man comparatively paper; give us your nds and your Job Work, and weIs reported by Major W, M. Spence. who owns a farm vivors to .this country when peace' has been declared. wh6 came across tho river from OJInaga with his near the exploding shell 'may not be struck, while a will give you the latest and beet ráwaobUhiable; andin the fertile Arenas valley, about five .miles east of command, and has

man further away may have his head torn Off. keep a full corps of workers whó Will be' tneSilver City. Major Spence Is an old Texas news-paper

who been spending some time "Shrapnel fragments of modern warfare whtch times and are suggestive and brainy lá their, operating around Austin for many years, New Orleans negroes have organised a company as the. beet of the United States, has finally decided causes much' trouble, from a medical standpoint and

for the purpose of building a hotel "or the accommo-dation

that the United looks which entails 'a high of mortality is theand seems to be an much of a success as a horny-hande- d States godd enough to him to percentage FIFTEEN YEAtó ÁG5 t6dAY. 'son of toil as he was while in the newspaper of their race, and it will be utterly useless for justify him In settling- - down In this country. He has bayonet. The modern bayonet is usually about an

Inch and a half In width and perhaps 10 inches any poor white trash to apply. purchased a small ranch near Las Cruces, In New It Is edged, on one side and sharp pointed on the end. Tho large tent was crowded last nlkht by El Paso- -

The New Mexico state fair at Albuquerque la aald Mexico, for about 1,000, and has already taken pos-session

Bayonet fighting Is a very deady form of warfare. ans who enjoyed Gentry's dog" an"djony" show. TheThe British war department naa just placed an Wounds above the waist anímale are well trained and tho .show WaB be the blgzcst thing of the kind that has ever hap-

penedof the property. Usually, however, bayonet are

in the Southwest. The fair la now In full blast order in the United States for 800,000 razors, and that In the shoulder, neck and chest.,. When a man hasand it la eatd to be notable for the quality and quan-tity

la pretty conclusive evidence that the colored troops There are 3.000 miles of i fmnllar 4lvMtn h. been Jabbed In the neck by a bayonet. In 09 cases Miss Kate Crosby is visiting relatives in Avstl'n,of Its exhlbts, whtch present a moat excellent from Indfa have safely arrived. out of 106 he will, bleed to. death In flVe minutes Texas. The young lady expects to be away 'front, this

index of tho growth and material prosperity of the United. States froni Canada, and . there is not one through .one. of the, vital blood vessels being pierced.great tuto of New Mexico, There are fruit and agri-cultural

A Brooklyn woman who died recently only left her fortress, guarding a single inch of the distance.' "Bayoneta are used In modern warfare for trenchexhibits, there that would do credit to any There Is nothlns- on this ld at thi ti ! r.. digging, and nearly always these weapons carry in-

fection.A M. Howland. chief of the BlvlriL nana rnlnnv

country on the face of the earth, and the livestock husband one cent In her will, giving as a reason there-for ada could bope to make off with, aná"there Is ño

Into the wound. There Is some talk that the In Dona Ana, New Mexico." visited "this city yoster- -his utter worthlessness. And yet, as a general contending forces have been using bayonets,department Is ala to bo unusually attractive this aay, xíb win remain xor' rew daj-- s transactingyear. The mining exhibit also gives an excellent Idea proposition tho more worthless a man la tho more he apparent reason why wo should Interfere with Can-

ada,tho bayoneta having been In advance to business here.enable the soldiers to saw wood with them. Theof the "state's many valuable mineral resources. saw-toothis loved' and cherished by some fool woman. weapon might hurt more, but It could do little The El Paso baseball team has accepted a chal-

lengeApples are going to be cheaper this year than at The men who are charged with the duty of giving Tho man who Is engaged in censoring the .warmore


the American Civil war bayonets were long and from the Tucson team 'to. play threO moro ganles.time since the apple business became a recognizedanyInformation In all the coun-


news that Is permitted to come out of Europe, is said It is rumored in sporting circles that the games' willIndustry, says a leading fruit man of Albuquerque, out oficial war European pointed,' not much more than an Inch Wide at the out-side, be for

N. M. It will be a season, of low apple prices, says appear to have been chosen on account .of their to bo an Individual by the name, of Smith, and as and made tn the form or a sticker. They were a a large aide betthis dealer. The war has practically ended the ex-

port direct lineal descent from an ancient celebrity by the that la all that Is known of the Individual we can little less deadly in form than the bayonets in present-da- yRube Payne was arrestéd this mrfrntmr aíToi. Jal







be dumpedof the name of Ananias. now fully understand why the war news Is so Thousands

use."of housewives In Virginia,

jMaryland and rosa. N. M:, oh charges of seducing his

Indefinite. Southern Pennsylvania old daughter. The girl made a full confession to SheriffInto the American market this year almost entirely. are using bayonets asThe result of this policy will be lower prices for all President Polncare .of France has gone oat on the stove-U- d lifters, having picked them up on adjacent Baker, telling a most startling and revolting storygrades of upples sold this yeart ' front for the purpose eft shaking hands with the firing Lord Rosebery thinks tho United States' should In-

tervenebattlefields. of

thehow her father accomplished ír rMl;-J- u in

county Jail, no bonds being allowed.--" l llne'-an- d telling the boy In the trenches how proud to protect the historical monuments of Eu-rope.

Citltensmountains adjacent to Tucson,' Ariz., rich The A B C of War. or mat section state that It Is a wonder he was notThe are France Is of the manner In which they are doing .But the United States Is riot sufficiently Inter, lynched.

In tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum and other raretheir duty. ested "to Interfere with vandalism that, only affects .Armies! Angry accusations,metals, according to M, M. Carpenter, a well known

Europe. It is of If Backing boastful bombulatlons. The Venezuela boundary commission has decidedmining engineer. He believes that 'Southern Arizona none our business the Germanoffers to for 30,000 of the soldiers Causing ceaseless complications. that all the property belonging to George B. FlUgor-a- dcareholds forth splendid promises to the prospector, and Spain emperor shoots the head off every 'monument stand. Dealing dangerous demonstrations of this city Is lawfully within tWthat the people are juat awakening to the Importance nounded In the prevailing European war, and It la Ing That Is the business' Of Europe. .Emphasize exacerbations! Venezuela. The property, which is rich In


lit the rartr metals. In tungsten, vanadium and mo-lybdenum

minerals,evident that Spain has some very practical Ideas as. to Fame's fantastic fascination, wm puiwi.K or jr. iwgeraia's lather from thethe mountains of the southern desert arewonderfully rich. The great tungsten deposits of tho how she can best serve humanity during the prevail-

ingWith the prospect of adiournlnr on Oelohr i h Glossing ghastly germination. - government In! 1882, and Is worth a fóríuW't.Mii in.

críala to be Help hjrte's howl "Humiliation"! already been offered S7E0.000 for the lands. TheDragoons are still producing their regular shipments, reconvened In special session again on November Iterating indignation offer was refused, theas boundary unmkts!on'sand vanadium and molybdenum are found In many 11, it would seem that tho great, American Justifies Jove'scongress If In awara now semes tne .tttie.andplaces promising quantities. It begins to look as the war has Just about solved tho pre Mem of perpetual Kindred kingdoms, khaki knowingMexico Is going to' bo the shortest military engage-

ment" "" Little, loudly laud At b'clookAEngineer B. & Carroll has returned to Santa Pe motion. lassoing;; yesterday mornlns--' a fir hrtt n,t

after spending some time In- Demlng- and vicinity, on record. .. Misconceiving martial mowing. .' ,

: over the J. Calkmer atore In the roomlng'houso of Mrs.where he has been engaged In making extensive tests It looks as If General Fellxfoj. would learn after

Naively; neglect Madden. An officer attempted to call the fire depart-mentof the well which afford the water supply for Irri There seems to be some doubt In London as to While that It la safe?

Offered h overthrowing. by phone, but the central oftio 'failed to ana. not a very proposition to send 'gating In the famous Mimbres valley section of Luna where the main army t the Russians Is, but the same Pallid patriots partaking; swer. He ran io the station and tirnt,oiiw u.ahis personal representatives to Mexico with anv Questing quarter, quit quite quaking. the firemen. Citizens seetne-N. M. Mr. Carroll will soon submit a reportcounty, doubt doss not extend to either Vienna or Berlin, ; '

on his findings regarding the water supply of the kind of a political The best thins- Otn. Ruling reason reawaklng; their which caused a large crowdMimbres valley, na revealed by the testing of ii dif-

ferenteral Felix Días can dofor some years In the futuro

Sanguinary slaughter's slaking before the arrival of the department LittleThere are some Indications that the presentí extra Thirst, the tribal tribute takingl or no damage waslevel in the center of the done, the fire being- -wells. The water la to give his confined to aMimbres valley has actually risen In spite of the heavy session of the Texas state legislature la golng-jto- be country Just as wide, berth as possible. Unfamiliar, ululatlons, , closet and ono room. No one was Injured.pumping done during the summer and there is no one of the shortest sessions on record. ' ''' Vlotoraj victims' visitations,sign of decrease along even the edges of the valley. "No woman is as good asTshe looks." wrote e, Wastefully will wreck

' West Texas stockmen resort abaiii;.. i...Engineer Carroll does not think that irrigated farm-In- g The racing seuson will soon be on again tn Ciudad and what that writKeytdently Intended to 'Xtlrpate 'xacerbattons! . , ter this fall than they have hmn fnV ..k e

In the Mlmbr valley Is exactly a poor man's Un-

dertaking, Juarez, and there wilt ba thousands of visiters nsr write was that every woraantis'tBucb "goodrr" thanYokejealous



ye yawpingzealous!

"yellows"!' r years. There Is an abundanoe of fine grans, the' water

as several thousand dollanr are necessary MMrv ' nu caiue are generally fataa asto Install the right kind of pumping plant again for the winter racing season. she looks. George B. Morewood, In New York Sun. butter,


POLLY AND HER PALS- - Where ShaH(á Go For Sympathy? ; BySTERRETT



umrx. urns, worm, alam, vlsttUig here for some , wN wTSS womcn off níe iArrLi- -ACE 8 MO.MHS. Hi bis home Monitiv Mr. Fraart BIG GUNS TO BOOMIn EI Paso airatn within a raw rnotttM, HQ IV U1IDwhen the wedding will take plate. F1ELD.Jjj&fil, l E T Y o

Mrs. tea Aschsffenberf offeW Orleé,CALL D 11 A tl fl I IIIV I it,lnJM i, r ,! li.i. .i ..i,. ., , ,,,ir I






eVl ftittA o gires ! it wafeidii.TO BARBECUE

ta a fewstreet, win leave for herí aefissoM i e aaya. a PbMIMri ma itmtáaft aol ITEAIIT THIS EVENINGlyflial ; PBBMHWS T KTMH wmJ tjri m our lawn whose mm ekrtMs. Semi all HMMnii r..H B. Mr, and Mrs. A. Baum eafett t saove

omen GKCATK8T THING BT KI.SM IN HIS Darkened Sre, Pop So Evenly MeStereiMiM. presldint n nw cfwHSf Amer U' lira noiei Mnucn. , IWV OF BUTHV'BeTr One Cast Tell,

Hi ftPO wW SSI rácenos trip ta get col km nawonei ncu iron, mm uregrm U only the bandagea, tka nurrtng.Mrs. M. J. neetler hs '; to. Fresno,itreei. nri. uart uro uiiuiu, cimiifii com cheering and comforHng the woundon tbe) shore, or saiinfered mlttee" j CI for sn indefinite length time, ceatmHIre at Amutgrairnts Aasouscts

The commtitée on relief of the F.I I'no AfiireWl, CaiT Mol They contribute (ltd tight nraaiiNti I Aerommedats ,mIMttfilgSg jad 'trd br face a levely eiwpter. nea tross. win tnfet tt 7:J0 p. m. , Msrold Morion of Us f Mrs! What sort at halé and Inatilra, Guests st Mammoth reed. When your hair turn gray, faded,

in u rtto ror a row enys streaked wHh sjra or prematurelyaluray at the office or Dr. it. K. steren ttaw can a woman be who Id enfeebled gray, simply apply, )ma a ahampoe.toe. mo Nortli Ofecon atreet, All membera In ths1 ehyare Uried to be erM at Hila nwetlnr to J. A. Taium of CiofefafeO and broken-dow- n by dlaeaaea ártd Cannon will boom at dusk this eveniaé to Hair Color Restorer to hair atttd

on uuaineit. weAkniBses peculiar io her sex. cían announce tnai the biggest barbecue in El acalp. Apply, night and morning. Beenshe hope to be Faso's hlstorj' has begun. Tae reist ls ror tha gray disappears and tha hair be

AVmhI rari4(e. CMrtrt. a capaKla mother orwift erenly andwhere the beautifully dark, so1iri noon for San Pedro, CL, the eemeaMt'Ml Wsw fhiMMM aune borne, purpose or stoutlng public Interest Inan efficientiaaaei wrfe? where hairfwr beers day Mrecter O, W chary yeiterday msse ncr none. completely (even to edgeseveryaotmced the protram for .the trand Tha the proposal to build scenic highway ths scalp) that no ono can tallr. j9w BtnMMH aer! fí In buttermilk to ufe mighty rrstorátlve power of Joinstrlotle concert ts Im alten at Clere i C item srrlved ar. , jrMerr d along the rmt or the mesa norih or the Cuy. also makesDr. Pierce's PavorKa Prescrlntlon you use anything.aaare Sttwtfay etrcnlnt as tho coacludtnt " IffiaiJBJBJBJBJBH eipvcti to make El rase w maaa, It will be held on a barrow atrip of the thick andAnd lewstd Jalee ukI other things the eger- - speedily causes alt womanly trouble the hair lustrous, soft, fluffy,uto im oi ierem of in miuitrj loumameni p no aaooe noiitra on

Ant- vwvRÜa' tko itnt. - - Hm Maree hundred atañera or tlw saaV'k.'' Taaaaaaaal 8. J. rtosenberg returned ftewi Las An to disappear oompela tho organa to the crest st the head of Ange and Virginia Abundant And stops Itching scalp endwtR le aceomaaaMd bv the muw geles, Csl., yesterdsy. propsriy perform their natural func-

tions,streets, civic improvement clubs or El dandruff, Is a clean liquid,

J( '' SÍftlMfWlíí iMf fSOO Wetj M We Sttth and slttecath United states HHH WjaPaaaV f.H corrects displacements, over Psso and all booster organliitions are co harm lens, not sticky or messy, and will

f " vtrn-hé- t jeisar tm' Mttatry rMimenu and Director Mciai Eleven private dining rooms cornea Irregularities, removes pain and operating ta make the arrair ono that will darken your gray hair And make youWK Mi tjMmtA. hv Chief MiulMan Mi at lha Teigtr . misery at certain tlmea and brings go down In community history Most or look young. Money back if it falls.Mmlhr'jm Prtaclpal Mualeiaa Simon Tres-In- the work or prcparsuon has been dono, by 50o for a big e. bottle at Kellyhj- -t, .- -- Tm tMteeri will bertnat 7: as. Tni back heaittw.and strength to narvous, , el.e,LE;.Kcm,.v''"0 1144 ,Mn 'vrn ine tuic Store, ElPollard's, and People's Drugirritable womtn. or "El Paso's lives! booiter."'..TM 'ife'EL?''1 opewlwc marea, national Emblem... It Is a wonderful tiraacrlntsett ore Bests far aa Army ot People. Paso, Texas.

M ...................i.......... c E. BSftey (Advertí semeats. pared only from nature's rots ahd iTeparaiions rur iho mímente aerbecuhMtt sttnDon't dsM wetbetrstry,! ways; Cowaiaxd baade of the Sixth and Sixteenth ou muí e ate again nouii,Dr. Dentist. MIIU 4g. herbs with no alcohol to falsely Mlm are practically complete. Wooden statsmreairy, sanies u. Nenary directinsr. Ebert, ulate and no narcótica to wreck tho ?IS'.n,r ,tre1 bloekt f ground snd Invited to altend. The barbecue Is a

'AtowKa'' ............ .Chorus sad Bands Wsrdlni 11 aad Capable of holding tojxx) persons hsve been trfslr aud everybody ts Invited tuFor cbspped beatbi iS nerves. It banishes nnln. headache,AiiAnace wtH be Hvrtfed to Join In Mnrlnr. erected withassisted In serttac by Miss lumber loaned by local ittend.Latiner was a backache, low hót r(a) FaiHeaaa. "My aUrjlaiw1'........ sboHx uonon. rn. to. own itwiw spirits, lashes, aad nutMrs. i. A. roller wHI bare tfee SújMhlna ib) Faamia. "Mr MM laatuekr llnnw swansu dragglng-dow- n sensation, worry and together by volunteer car-penters.Mr. 11 n. Knn re4iirhd reeently1 from Additions! spice for more Msxlxé, aeroplane waits, Lula Fads one

t . ...... .....j.-i-.i.- . ........ ....... Daldiy Mrs.' Wyeia tkssJt enteriatfted tate Merry the fu-

neralsleepleaanees surely and without lewa persons has been clesred, and tho arrange-

ment Fade. ThoseI attended Lulayard on Meadty .KKnww frowi lo y Hm aaa. r sue mHi Ualted states in Atchison, Kan., where she ot time. step, andOotstpyra at. her home on NeaMM street who committee Is prepared to handle J.000o'clock te'refl humases for nía Ettrepesn or her nephew, Raymond Overton, tm sl t:tt. (Advertisement.)raatry, cater Mwawiia mss Muuer... ..iWtm aftae El Fase yetlerdar afterweefi. Ths time was spent wss in the prtw at Hre and noble , Why should any woman continuo to guests. Band ttandi have been erected st

"Columbia, the Om eflie Ocean".... in emttrotrtarmtr and Diessaat coarerssuon a talented muslotsn sad student st worry, to teaa a miserable cxistenco. both ends or tho bench sections, and two rMlH NKW BISHOPSOn TlMÉsAf Mr ft 3 'A. tMtf HfH tlM . ....................... CaeriM and Uaaas si the etese of which dstnty refrcsbinents Horner's institute at Xaasas City. Mo, A wnen certain neip is at nanar military bands will play from T:J0 until

members T the Four Wmd front 3 te Braad AaMrkaB FMtia.,...T. m. Too am were aemd. Oaly the club members were host or friends' meant Ms death. at Dr. Pierce'sti-lPavorit- o l'ro and0:30.

continueThe barbecue

until to.will begin st 6 p, m, eré Wtrled Yrsleldiy by Home ( Btsb- -

p. m. It hr basse for the Mm párpete, Oawbiaed baaw at the sun aM sixteeotti preseat. scrlptlon has done for thousands it Ten Orators IS Orste. ps of tbt EtHeopal Church,uta en wnammey rrow j io r u,, aWbatiag Phone f for LeagwcIVs tail cabs. will do for you. It's not a sesret rom tht Aatiefsfrtl frta xFentM Society; Tno mesa rim will be oullined with Bt ,tvlll lk u. iiimh nt tfca w. r!. n 11. "Battle Hm nt the HatMabUa''. elec-

trictamuih. h h n'einca. uh rorum up dstSeTor.ttdfiey. . edy for Its tngrodlents tiro printed on Uchl durlnr the retilirii. Tmnuniii Minneapolis, Oct. s. Four new bishopsfor XMtage.Jnüj- -

InHSnSlntS..ItfejiWfSatstHsil ................(..... CbertM and Hands batla society will hold Ua at ths Dr.

skiní atesad,

sad mm. ts Mills ildg. wraoDor. Get It this Very day at any or bulbs hsve been loaned to the highway were elected today by ths house or bishopswill rmt BBS tte (a) rfMilr Owm wo. l..w.....Noebbeim retmiested to M sfl material, seek ss Mneta, W MMter orermre, "Bits ar neraicks .

Hirh school tnd the following program medicine dealers In either liquid or committee, wires have been strung" aad the or ths Epiteopsi church, In session htre.llncm. twMMkñl míttB,t.i lit tl 'HIM fla. II Tatapo 111 be rendered: . Carrañas Cbaried WUhJurglary. tablet rorm. in, tno meantime ad-

dresselectric railway company will rumian Those chosen wcret,

lenriM. tr mhmü, jo the keiM. of Mr. MM of toe Mateeáaa laraMry, I'rtacipaJ ArtdreM Frank Brown Cotonía mt was rued before Justice of the Doctor Plerco. Invalida' Itotol, juito iur mo iignrs. irn wen Known tl ttev. ltermsn rige, reelór or St. Paul'aJ. a. FsMer, mi it wdfettm, prevtout te ... Mttettlaa SiMM Treswr ceadiictinir. European Wr ....1 .Louis Eppstetn Peace E. 0. MeCMsdock by L. II. Oreenberg Buffalo, N. Y., and simply write "Dear I'aso orstors will spesk during the cvonlng. church, Chicago, wlio will preside over tne

"Ajaerlean Patrot" ..Meschora Discussion or new Dances, .i.pwaM wingo charging M stride Carranza with burglary, From the itanilrmtnt of nnamltv nn nthap diocese or Spokane.Doctor rioaso send wi'houtnaTha ned CNN ll MMWMi wsrk,.e Cembtaed MtMia of the AixHi and sttteemn noosevtfH'a South

ofAmcan Trlp....K Mini nrrontinrv atlMM Hitt "on the night ot Oc charge further informillon,' and bsrbecue

orIn the southwest has equsled the Iter, fsul Jones or Sill Lake, dloceie orPrattles! Ability you

country hHf m tMM, m4 HUI 1 tafaatry, James o. McNary coaducttnr. FlyingMnltMacbiae.,

Hawllngs tober 0 carransa stole several articles from smount rood to be distribuios tonight. Utsn.......,...,.....,........ will receive tho advice oi Physicianthe El ' ef . flw AWWTKMI "TIN Star Spetwied Baaaer' Key DiscuHlon of Woman's Suffrage........ his haberdashery m tne hoki aoeiaon. a Fifty thousand sandwiches, wrapped in pa-per hev. George Coolldge Hunting of Berkeley,Speolallsl nbsoluttly free; 136 page napkins snd hold together by tooth,HllSH lrtIKHH ltIon ti HM

In iiriiihml Attdleaee ttaadWf. ....... ,..,t... ........ t Aruiur nainawa For new wall paper, see Ooldlng, 4ll Look on women's diseases sent tree. picks, will be served to the visliors. Cnl., diocese of nevada.John Pratt sua II. JungJohn will be In Bpcela! Atteatlon lo Children. nv. II. It. Ilulsa or Nsw York, diocese or

A letMr l ,MMr. snt to eth rtHÍMr Trust Uidf. fh. UI7. Lowest prices.or tnccharge program.tion ta El ro, m4 u U n on Four thousand pounds or meat, 1M B rarHNH H wm-t- m m ims MrsfRS0meh waaVleetvrf h tile Wo Fuil.Worih ooflng- -l. II. and ll.M-pe- r

Alsmtda avenue. Where neeestiry. the loaves or bretd. several bsrrels or pickles, A propossl to reduce the number or bish-opsnert croH woriu re wmr hjtii , .

Thman's club a cbálrman of toe appointed The concert bv tho Fifteenth cavalry band rolL Uurion.Lttigo Co., pbone so. road will be entirely repsved, snd repairs Ihoussnds or bottles or. aoda nan arm nihpr to be elecetert from four to two by

things to drink; dozens or crates or apples, combining the dlocets ot Utalt snd nevadapmUA of hUMMlt m emtKKlléd M commute iae stfor nea cross wore, at Fort Bliss this evening commences win ce maae on tne rest or tne roao.the RM Cr. 'Mi: cxelOdM pty. poli Asked lo Lorste Mission Man. hundreds or pounds or candy, a ton or more snd the dtoeess or Cuba ar7;ts. Director itocco itesia announce? uistici, r ttr rwflon; The world at wr we BftCtAL AFfAHMt, rniinwino- - nmsTom: ciiv mi.riivet wera vetterdar asked to Pbons t tor auto baggage trucks. or Ice cream, thousands or lee cream cones defeated afitr long debbless MyoMt eowptre. Wilt Me help March, '"rerpetum Mobile".,.,..,., Von Blon iniii ii. J. Yniin. n former resident snd various other roods compose the victual The board of missions will meet tomor- -ercn.tke wmow'i mltef For widowi tnd K number of girls apeot the srternoon Overture, "JJsrlin In Joy and Sorrow" nr n ii.a vim. nn Hentnmber ta last left Trt tha naw dtr. You rtt lbs ammunition gathered together by the bar-

becuerow and tn the evening the opening services

orpbtH, iW ft f . ajnag jrotttna a oa Tborsday with Miss Dells. Moye, at ....................i, .......v.. Conrad with his three sons ror mo uevu river lieik 1, F. kelth( Prop. workers ror tonight's rrsy. Special the council Of thh da- -

Selection, "Mikado" ............ ....Sulilvsn roiimrv in sesrch of employment, Mrs. attention will be paid to tha cntldren. Sev-eral nrlmrni. vnicn iRCiuaes ail or ma norm- -

her heme on 'north Oregon street,Waltz, "nights of oiaanet",.-.j....ucnr- re Young, wife or the. missing msn. is Feraadao Cell Wss In Hurry. hundred women, members or various well, will bo held.

her birthday anniversary. The time Song, "In the Deep Cellar"...., .Lovenbcrg ticnt st the McKinney sanitarium surfer- - r,muuli runt vu tn hurrv to ret dubs snd societies In El J'sso, hsve volun-teeredwas speat In pleasant conversation, at the Medley overture, "lilts no, 6"..,,...,l.smpe tnc tmtn lnnr trmihle and. her son told the from fJeldéd Hill io tbe downtown district to sssist tn the work of serving .lha

close of which delicious rerresbsrents were riower song, "Adoration". 1.... liarnsrd detectives yesterday, her condition ls made vestardsy afternoon and landed In corpora children snd caring for them.. Thta morn-ing 'OutofTownPeople terrea. Msrch. "folk Up Willow Creek"...Carltoo worse' by the absence, or he husbsnd. Hon court The orrieer who made, the ar- - these d women will ro to HEADACHES

"The Star Spangled Banner." Young has always msnuestea mo acepc rest said that remando was --niitinr n up-- In the mcis, where the' 4,000 pounds or meatTM Beta Beta Sorority wts entertained Parties attending- the concerts In .autos or rrrtlnn rnr hlv rtmllv and hit failure to bis ear sad the judge Imposed a fine of win d bsrntcued, and ataist in mixing tbe Tbeaseade el (sea aad. Women suffer frota

Thursday afternoon by Mis Suo ntnpr venirles are rcnuesiea noi id aiari communlcalo wtih his wife has csused Iter se. a. h. senroup, naiea 10 court on a niu iandwtches ror tonight's spread. headaches every dev. Other thousands bareoff during the playing of the nsttonat sif- - to rear tnst some rmsronune nss Deiaucn utr charge, siso ptia w. Plenty or Street Cars. beadaeaes every week or arerr month, and atlll

him. Rmret or Mln etr will ha hut In lea occaaionaur, oat not attr the rame bridge which was played it'rm.Dr. Cummins, piiysleisn snd surgeon, uu ico on the Mesa line. The bsrbecue grounds sbtMDoeterhTottea unable

Como !nánd-- é ths nao dtoplay. uuruir mo aiwrnooa, a oeiiciuus mrer Concert at Cleveland Kautre. Dr. Anas neunv Duckler Dldg.. over EM uuu bdg. Pbons tMs. sre .two blocks esst or tho end or the line. to tod tbe eauH ot qui ot tbete headaches,We want' ydur Ww'e. course luncheon was served to the mem Fsrklnr spsre lor soo automobiles tin been sea la taott other cates, kaowmc tbe eaute,-b-

bers and. the invited attests, who wen) The concert bv the Sixth United Stales Don't give yourt baggage-cbec- to' Sny cleared on the mess, and ths cars .will be aoea sot caow waas whi retsova . to ss to giveMésdames H. F. Davis, George beaudette, Inrantrv band st Cleveland Bañare this eve one on ths trato. Ssvo them ror Longwsiri rrom cieWrort sod ts located at 7 new guarded by volunteer watchmen. Twenty a psrmsBeal cure. All be ctn do .la to prescribeMisses A. Swan and Kitty Howard. Miss ning commences ai, uirrcior aim put service, Pbons 1. the naaal Rata rsneven, Wblon tire temnorarrquick suto delivery special have been detailedpolicemen to keepler announces tho nrogram ss follows: First naHeu uanx uiag. rtKél, bet Sha fetadtc! tebuse at mutl, andTheA.D.FostérCó. Msrch, ''III Henrys Triumphs!" .Fsrrar order among the crowds and there Is no treataenl Is train eaoi ST I youtttflerlrom

"Frans V. Suppe Blsie on Broadway. C.ll In llnl.l dangor of the rougher element prdomlnil-lni- ktullriilÉ .4 Mt &U what tbelr natura, taXaOverture, Schubert..,...!'. A shed tn tho rear of tho old Boss care iniemstlonal ho-

telThree hundred waiters have been em-

ployedbeistU-factor-y.Jewelers, Waltx, "Jolly Fellows".,..,., Vollitedt A burn lag flue In tho. old tbt resalts will

COSTIVE BOWELS Selection, J'Tho Choeolste Soldler".a Strsus on , Broadway was discovered In Oymes at Fifth aad Santa Fe street yesterday to serve tbe sandwiches, which will In the alrhett degree, tou can obtainpoiKS. ae concert, "uusnt ou itossignor- - aiXJUt 8.NJU last nigni.


whereureuiuIt originated

i brought the firemen from the centrsl its; be tapped off with a relish or ground intra h an aruggiats m any nuiiir, ioa woru,Hie blue to the(Song of the nigniingaie)...--

. ruipovaicy lion to tae scene, tne nuuoing was iiho lcaiss. cnui sna msyonnsite ssuce, Sea worth or store. AaktotA-XTaUet-

(Meeofo solo, performed by sergt. J. Pug and tae loss wss small. with, smoke, but the dtmsgs was nomlnsl. ;lvle orgtnUsllons Lend Aid.Members or the Adclub. Rolsnr club.

HEADACHE, COLDS, Staf Spangled Banner.iiese.j Or. Tagst. Benlin. Hob, k Baa. Bldg.

Ffceae I far real ears. Chamber ot Commerce, Clyio Improvement thi nett Mlterabla ot all sick.shipped direct league ana otner community organisationsand flthLsdW Aid seels.

nn, nvitert are, litttVUJH. have lent their aid to the project and willH. Hwrmiii i Co. dally, success Cafe, 'tot Mills St. nuil liinrku. aasdWlehai. tmnortrd and numbers. Much fa0. The Ludirá Aid society or tno rirst Con attend the barbrcuo in lirgo take two taMett, and tmuty cum, the attack

met tar demestle ebeese, Mussge. Family wines and of tbe credit tor the enterprise will 'be wftt ba warded on. . Ststtaf aattack take, oaeTAKE CASCAREIS gregstlonsl church yesterday n Sutler Candidate Governor, ths who hsve d Tawtt two Tbe rest aad0, MarchanL nuors a speewtty, rn. m. m n. suuin, awsrded to women every bourt, coat-n- nborne or M.'Members. Texaa State AjeooUtloa st the

fSH workMrs.

discussed ijtttoditrdi'res. their ssslstsnce. Tbe military will watsti Mtow, can be obtained la bo otherPlans for the weresale Albany, n. Y.. Oct, iv-- petition desig C. tL Mieaae. President of the Mimbres be represented by Osnsrsl J. t. milling, way.

oí Arehtteeta. snd It wss decidedfuture.


hold athose"

rureagepresent haung wra. Suiser ar nomineo for gover-

norYStiejf Airsira rarms co., ana biso'oi uie who is expected to visit the grounds lor Csnato A'K TmUtlt kmar tk M to

wereiIn the near

Dr. snd Mrs. M. llamón. Mesdsmes on lbs American party ticket wss seutffwestern Alfsifa Farm Cp., was in time, Soldiers ststloned on Iho border Aro ram, Ai A JmuUlt.No Headaches, Sour Stomach, Bad Cold 1 tmivinrlr- K. Hurt. Charlea B. Stavena. fild with tbe secretary or state toosy Dy the city last evening en route to DrmtngArchitects Mt. ñnizep h:inpir. He 'ssld the netltlon landprospectivewith of thirteenor Constipation by A, Livingston, J. Fí.Dowiiaff, M. f. nusseii, a parlycontained lLoeu names, 8,060 more than tbe buyers. The two companies, or which he

lio berts-Bana-cr Bldg. Moral bs; refreshments were served at the close of number required. is the bead, own ti.000 seres tn tbe Mim-

bresSi Tex. valley, or which shout s.oeo teres harethe meeting. Phone tn. ins dsn already Men sold.O. iL Thoman, Member Texaa Sunshine MeeL cleaners. White work a specialty. In the party with Mr. Mlesse was his son,' Get a box now. Helpers rtsvmoad Misase. . sad Joseph Resborougti,firstheld theirChapter Awerlcían InHltuté of The sunshine Helpers The twellest bsr la towa. finest rooai real estate operatorFurr4 tongue, Bad Colds, Indiges-

tion.meeting or the season at tho home of Miss - the latter a prominent

' " " ArchltecU. Sallow Skin Miserable it tna of Denting.ahd Head Stella Goodman. 708 north Oregon street,aches come from a torpid liver and Thursday sfternoon. It was s business Repsvlno Msoottln Avenue; The party of prospective selHers. were

mm ths att and middle Weat. They spentand workclogged which (netting 'to arrange .their, plansbowels, couse yourfor the winlor, At the close of the mejtlng The work or repaying Magoffin avenue yeiterdsy looking over El Paso snd ex-

pressedstomach to become filled Wth undi- - were serven. wat beriin vetterdar. Tbe Brady Potro- - much surprise st the evident signsrefreshmentslightgvBicu iuuu. wiiiun auura ana ler llthle ronmanv will have abarte of the pf prosperity and industry. Tlw psrsdementa like garbage- - in a, twill barreL Liitlei Mat. worn, Willi ins exenpuoa 01 1 portion ui HQ rOTlGW Ul llUVini " ITIWH VHJVjvuThat's- - the first step to untold misery A bandage circle or catholic iaaies met the roSd oetween tne t. ex r, crossing sua inem.

Indigestión, foul gases, bad breath, with Miss . Margaret Walsh, 401 Montana Vt-Vk- tJ IV Íy eror rootiof piper or banHalloween Novelties yellow skin, mental fears, everything street: yesturdsy snernoon. This win aao A. larga slotquality, H ie ptr roll aad up, Labder Lu i .t sammmmrv aL-- tithe list.that i horrible and nauseating, A 00 to

Cascaret tonight will give your consti bsr Co. raen mi.. NOy ON BlfiPIiAT pated bowels a thorough cleansing SOCIETY PEHS0.VAL8.

Kesd Oisitest Aia BfgsH, tea tsxss su $15 mm 25Only received d of and Straighten you put by morning. Mr, n. n. Elllton has sold her home in ossr urtgon.our They work while sieép tfyou Hiirtiiann i'arx ana win oe a suvtiorder, so aupply U limited. box from your druggist will keep you Sheldon for a while. st R rSi AaaaMntsdBaakbcad's

PréámColisa Beassa.

feeling good for months. Millions ot orHOT TAMALÜ8 With ChlH &wx men and women take a Cascaret now Mm r. - Kwttt and ton. Maurice, wlirt Altfatms


OcuIn. tbe senate today tost

Scrrotl at and then to keep their stomach, liver havesnd Rockdale.

been yislllngTexss,


expected8L Loull

home ths southern sutes ft tae buy hairana oowew regulated, and never know Miss nuth Baron, sistet or tsch farmer's cotton at to cents a pound Victor-Victrol- aIn fewa miserable moment. Don't forget tho a days. rut etrrr tt until the market beeomes noror Mrs. B. L. bwtiu win accompany nnrThe Elite wouldCsnfctiwwyC. children tnetr uttio insidea need ms). He ssld the state bonds beon aergood, gentle cleansing, too. inp, nomc; available as a bssls ror federal currtney up

cantaln.j. M. Coffin. Thirteenth cavalry. to so per cent or tbetf vatae.arnvea eere yrsieraay a in:im urn nui baggage ebeM for Lofirwill'iears your

SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ttry tournament. quick fallvsry servtes. Cbeae I.CbiomIi Iiernert J, Biocuin, conuiwiner 01 1the Thlrteenlh cavalry at Columbus, n, M (AovtrtitetirWit.l f Know?nctr ureton. Da You'arrive to witness thoLearn Spanish, it la worth money. Learn It will here Saturday

lincolu, spnmh

soon, learn it right. Oeod methods, correct Close ot ine nmuary luuniiiucui. lauwry reujva bmrrteh.Dal niehia of Marta. Texss. Is spending Flrttin Palles CalKd ta Leek Vf RMakllsksssat st

Rooms to lad it, ScSer, Dldsr. few dsys in tne city. IISS MrrHfl Avé Hinnnu ta a uleebeae esll rrom res

James Gamble of Lochlrl. ArlX.. spent ttntki Ideals of the vicinity. POltre csptste OfstTuesday ana weeacsaer in uis cuy. and Sot these reasons lilt night sent officers to the Americanroilte w nisnoma irom riot riT'K nr. 11 unary. 1110 mrrua arcmio. "wr bí How Easy It Is To Own aih Weet Botsrnard. ... ... PaoMsett. CaUxnet Baking found the building in darkness wim the

pat Ann fnimi duruuim tin Hiimbotdt Casad and Utile son bava Powder is nt in tha front and tide doors stand wideliookkeeptag, Baaktaf, Bsalaias ArttaauMc. Bhartbaaa. TypewrHtar, OfKes 'Training, returned to tnetr norae id canuiiua. m.. An examination or tbe place artowedbut

hearts of the atUllond detivsareiat uaogrspuy, after spenaing several weeas in in cuy, t smsu qusntity or goods awaitingass far aMtce help of boosawlTs who ery and but little awaiting the cleaaawg

Un Rmiu rtt Las Vérat. N. M.. willMARY L STAnTOft, FrbMlpal. arrive In" the city soon to make her liomo us It bus! Ittiew it. fboiiiblishment, which is sn plsrexleaslva

of Victrolahsvy andono Willi mscWnery,a rancn uown tnehere, having purenassa L. Mesd snd-- Wearyvaiiey. It, It conducted by M.

csrroii, neuner.oi "w viuyiivw vumL Crme., be lorsted las night.Lorttto Mr. i Mrs. W. Lynn are recent arrlrals yhsTis. IStt, Ifcna,

Tbo police locked up the place aad tftNiw) Mexico the rltv from Las Vetat. and hato an itn. the light burning. It was impotiwie,spsrtmeas at wo west MtiwurJ jtrset. h. nt the aronrletors. lo d4er

i m?Ammu iirlai ubetttsr or not lbs place hsd beenMitt Meten étra'.tow. WHO has been lit robbed, oils Coks, owner or me uuiiu Come to Our Store, or Write,for several days. Is tip out of bed sad lag, wsl notified,

able to be sround sgsln.v - LBT TWCHt CLBTHCa.

stnr StsUroff of Duuslss. Aria.. Is In and Let Us Explain OurEasythe rltv for a few days lilting bis uncle. Heuttktd seeds Al JtWri rrom Haass

i. o ior on. el Msrry Huberts on Tabla Boulevard.Duratora yesterday afternoon visited the

1 toil Town uou e. Payment Plan. vhome or Harry noberti,Un. J. A. Itlrd of Altmorordo. n. M. rnllre(t me guest of Mr, sad Mrs. H. K. Crafurd varil and carried off almott thewardrobe or sir ana r. ii"urat Htgttiaad I'srsv s of toilet srtlrles wturh were on. T,iM of clsces otuu. a numberMils Louise MtammNiat. dsughlar of Mr.

ana Jr- - hi aigmminst or en ienn uro household goods wrre alto mijilng when TERMS AS LOW ASMruci. HH srsnuaiea rrom iim writ(lata school of Lo Anxtss. cat. lastyear ssmI ha baea sfmsatar Mas. winter ws esHiag on friends when the Jlileveswitkt Iter ftuat 4 HatU, Mr. aad Mrs. t. f . S,'r,:,:,.'n.u,red 7b. OOlnlon tSi Pr WeekFatmatuv ot Los AmeVel. Ctl.. fosperly of

srsgon or sulomobll was used In carrybj $1.00aft tha loot, since tl load vrat too heavy

Mr. sad Hrs. A. tieskr sad iaoMssfr Mrs. K even two tnen In handle.. D. l.Nw. Ml dauatttcra. HMtiat liiüa

sad umtitr. ot TrlaMad, cyo., havti Attrr the thaw datasrrHcd In U I'ato 14 total basa 4 wilt 4 the galgtr bowl tAdve rtlwpwni

Abjmhsi ajw sur aosaoL m mis. be at borne to Mlr frlrads as lra swi..LAB jBBJDCM netas for Its eaaaaO Miracatsaa. Isa ajiti loeatioa, frae rraat t,YHü iHKAbttW sVMVfCEa. W. G. Walz Co.(iiiilSSS s o eny an, as sasas aaair mia. uiuiamsa H'"""m'asous aad aaifcim wiia asi Bfjsww mnrmmm uw iiviww mm mn ,8fffflt wiuisni wttne, who lus rt rirs4 Chrltllt" Chiireh I'seMsts Arrest

fast!- - Ha atsUoe t eswretse., Fsa aad ruawtssts. wnt nad tats a mm ral wed tem ska L'sMtf tMatrs sssssy, bm mSutir vr"nn .'aajsjini . ,wiaw mmw-.- . Kl mo yesiat aay tor ,Wajálaiis.alaMe T...w,. ths acrvirea lastIVsfS iBssaalri?'" bp laissufi to was .faja .jToml itsfaaaid in lbs Flrtt CtirlsHsa cawch held, ba-

ño. k, 'sasasssBslHBB nJWM aMsV Ivkf's) pVtaasaaVsrsf gVI MM DQ0 fijt , Flyta Sauadfoii er Amrrlca. 103 Smm Puo 9Lmany pcnoal saissen sdsaHtanca UMf

IkM Hwrrh auitArltrts ftaM bad to sn. ftihrrs wss Ro more room, orouota0 SSTl, ths IsM ualt 9t tha Flying Siruadroa.Slj ruMiuct rvkté tWi sftru,n aad

satin taat coarsaa Mrs. Ma BbKUia ol Uuáa Suw-- uoímui tealfbtm t off 14- M Fsao lrt timft sUttug

Hatch. Open Evenifigs'Until 8 oTfcckntmmm vm nil ittniiw wm fouw tu plif Cafiahu ChjaaasgVferft .Aft tadAt rollra tasjlaata Usa Oarurr aad W.

t. Ort't win lagaaj.i .wetsjtse, tuptesa tsarru IM . Fraak U Hauler. Cota., wbam en.Baswaaaat as Htsa Ftatda Batas f El fas tna say, tbssi sasseitgta srrasa refríe a a tí JMÍ MMk SaMWftPMl MM! lMP every uute saaamp

How a Carefully Planned Effort to Poison

Miss Alice MacGowan, the' X AÉ, S- - )

Novelist, Has Startled

and Puzzled the

Literary Colony

at Carmel,

California, and

How the

Makers of Plots,

with Real

Detectives to

Help Them,

Have Vainly Tried to Solve a Mystery More Baffling

Than Anything in Any of Their Books.

lAVE you ever stopped to think with the very Inst of a very last chap- - Yet this was the sensation thnt fell

how the romancer might feel ter of one of her popular books. And on CarmelMiss Allen MacGowa- n- M, MncOowan lived In a vine-H-

tn the midst of realwhy go further In the list, for grown cottage with a Ptenoernpher 1

Have you ever Alice MncOowan brings us squarelylopped to think how the constructor In front of the real pint, which might

of harrowing plot inlKht feel when he called "The Mystery of the Hitter jfásfcfrSñi' Í$V yét Altea MacGowan's Cottage Has átSSflSttKMurshmallows"? íI"l7i'Bsssssstt Been th Centra of Excited In- - n3KnH"U'WÚl'lJKkhe found himself personally confrontedby the Intricacies of a real-Uf- e plot? The Writer In the Mystery.

Well, a whole colony of plot makers Miss MncOowan Is one of the mosthave learned, ly Individual experi-

ence,successful of the novelists who have Imagined. The d cottage

just what the sensation la. This In particular exploited tho Ufo of the was closed and Miss MncOowan wentBouth and tho West Her Interest In to live at a hotel, while thecolony ha been confronted by a plot detectives,the Mouth Is n natural result of a professional and busiedthat was not Invented, but that Just amateur,youth spent In Chattannogn. Tenn. Her themselves with clows that led no-

where.happened. And 1U myatery thus far father, r"ol. .MncOowan, after a con-

spicuousIs deeper than any ever Invented by career In tho rlvtl war, be-

cameThe print of a man's shoe was '2'vN5asssssssssssBWIthe cleverest writer In the group, for one of the-- most prominent and jHJ bID found In the garden. Vines slashed 'lKt&Invented plots have a last chapter, respected editors In the South. That HsUiIHi&bTsT with n knife added another sign of MIP?Ttnd the last chapter of this plot can't other territorial Interest In the West mysterious malice. No one has been

be written yet. dates from personal adventures that found who knew how the marshmal-lowsTh llttrary colony In Question Is began In Texas and carried her far came to be In tho "cool closet"

Alicst MacGowan, as She Appeared in the Character of "Astar" iaIn one of tho love-liest

She showed hor knuwlrilgo .,f the No one with a grudge or an enmity tha First Forest Theatre Play, "David."spots In California. All manner South In her brilliant novel, "The of any kind has been found or heard of. (From a photograph by Dr. Arnvld (Jentht.)

of writing and painting peoplo are Bword In tho Mountains" "Hunk It may be fancied that a literary than even the literary Imagination but to be In the midst of a mystenthere when they nro at home, and I'earsall," tho first draught of which group would be fertile In theories. would be likely to picture. Inlluen- - that hangs like a threat of death,- tomost of them find Carmel a place In was burned In tho famous Helicon Was there a discharged servant, a tlal friends of Miss MacGowan are have an enemy whose Identity youwhich they can produco their' best Hall fire, when Miss MacOownn nnd disgruntled Insist that the localtradesman; an Insane beginning to au- - cannot guess, Imposes a strain of thowork. There arc poets and novelists her sister, Mrs. Cooke, nearly lost neighbor, a jealous literary rival? thurlttes have been nerveless. That most appalling sort,and dramatists nnd lllustrntnrs yes, their lives, and which Is sonn to np these and scores of other plausible the tracing of the criminal, high or One of the eastern writers on thethere Is "literary utmoaplure" In Car-mel.

pear In book form. Is a vivid rcaul' and preposterous queries were asked, low, will be pushed. Is said to be as- - art of the short story recently citedIts Breen vistas are alive with of her Texas sojourn, debated and discarded. sured by powerful persons who are one of Miss MacGowan's stories as

Miss MacGowan and Har Favorito A reward was offered without bet-ter

not content to let the pursuit abate. among the perfect types produced inRiding Horse. result. The footprints, the slash-

ingsBut the last chapter cannot yet be this country,

with the knife, the box contain-ing

written. What sort of short story could Misswhile she was working. The next the marshmallows have been ex-

aminedMeanwhile, Miss MacOowan hat MacGowan produce with a poisoned

inbrnlnB. on hentlng a dish of and their suggestions fol-

lowed.been under a tension that would hava box of marshmallows for a theme?

she noticed a bitter taste, shaken the health even of one not It would require on her part ex- -

and Instantly spat out the mouthful There have been rumors that the organlzed for the flellcate emotions of trnnrdlnary qualities of brain andhe had taken. culprit has been traced and that the creative writing. To know the origin nerve to do It at nil. Could she do It?The full Import of thát bitter taste revelations will be more startling of the calamity would be bad enough. A nice question for tho psychologists.

did not then appear, "but she wassufficiently startled to relate the factto



day, when Abl, the Jap, "Don't Wear Clothes Which thewas working tn the carden. MissMacGowan. happening agnln to noticethe box of marshmallows, and not Wind May Make Ridiculous!"being addicted to sweets, called theservant and Rave htm the box. As Writershe did so, she recalled the Incident Bitter Protest by a Frenchof tho day before, and said: "Abl, be-

fore you take them to your wife let Against Flimsyme tnste one." This she did, bidding

Skirts That Clinghim do the sáme.

The Taste That Warned. in Ugly Lines."I spat mino out." says Miss Mac-

CJowan, "and said to Abl, 'mtter I CHAMDAUD recentlythink bitter. Spit It outl Don't eat EMII4 a strident protest In onIt'' Yet I was so little sure of any-

thing that I let him go away with of the French Journals against

the box " fashions that "do not fit the street 1"

It was not until after Abl had gone In effect he declared that a womanand Miss MncOowan found a bitter might dress as she chose Indoors, buttaste In her luncheon salad that she considerthat In the street she shouldbecame really., alarmed. Then camenews that Abl had become violently not merely public observation, but theIII. The symptom were clearly those other conditions ot- - tho street.of strychlne poisoning, and Dr. Will-

iamsonFor Instance the breexes.

found In the marshmallows "Never," he cried, "wear clothesMiss MacGowan at Work In Her Garden with Her Dog "Pat.1 enouRh poison to kill a family. Doubt-

less which th wind may make ridicu-

lous."only Miss MacOowan's warning

the stalking spectres of typewritten Mss MncOowan has been one f the ond maid. A Japanese man, living had restrained Abl from eating aheroes and villains, and heroines of most Interesting and popular figures nearby with his wife, did dally work fatal quantity. M. Chambaud did not, so far as ap-

pears,the most charming and uncontrollable In the Carmel- - writing colony. It Is as a servant about the place. There you have the mystery. have any pictorial text whenmodern type. safe to say that no one might have It was In a "cool closet" at the Who tried to polipn Alice Mac-

Gowanhe mad his plaintive plea. II was

"Heet selltrs," like Harry Wll- - been picked out of that group of back of her cottage that Miss Mnc-

Oowanand took such elaborate pains

Influenced evidently by some blturson, will tell you that all of this Is whom It would be more nstuumllng to one day found a box of to see that the poison would reachtrue. Mrs. Grace MacOuwanl Cuoke ay: She fancied some friendly her? optical experience

'will verify It unless she Is too busy "Some one has tried to poison her!" neighbor mlBht have left them there The effect on the novelist may be Hut her come a visualisation ot

th thlnt against which th French

savant protests. The accompanyingprinted without comment Inpicture,

The Astonishing Increase in the Spread of Venomous Fish a Frencha satin





trate M.

Chambaud'a point That the lowerBy Dr. LEONARD KEENE HIRSHBERG Itusilan, Japanese and Uritieh In-

vestigatorsvery much mora malignant than at drapery could actually constituí a

am now seriously taking other times. skirt would hardly be suspected. It Igradual disappearance of that many new species nf poisonous up tho matter of abstracting the Like rattlesnake venom,, this fish simply the case of clothe "which theTHE snakes from the farms fish are beginning to dlspcrt them-s- venom from the gills and glands of poison paralyses tha muscles, the wind may make ridiculous."and fields of this bruad land Is In the seas of those lands. It these fish, in order to moke nn heart and the nerves of human being Of tha difficulty of walking m such

generally admitted tu be due to the will be news to many persons to learn just as Is now made with und land animals. It also acts Ilk clothes so much has been said thatsuccessful attacks upon the that Iht-r- are venomous fish. Just as cobra and rattlesnake venom. These the Indian arrov poison called curare. further comment would be foolish,reptiles by harin!. snakra r tho there are vmamous snakes. poisons are also said to be dangerous Cooked fun ara absolutely free of few women would b Influ-

encedkind The ruttlennlie It III be thrilling Information, be-

sides,In uncooked fish, becaus.o they are all danger and may be eaten with by thU consideration alone.

and copperhead are driven to their tu have to understand at tho present In tha roe, the liver and the rrlish and safety. Heat at one de-

stroysWoman la accustomed to being ham-pered,deaths by black snakes and natrr same time that, unlike the reptlU milts. the venom. Mr, A, J. Alba-bur- y, A little hampering mor oy

snakes. The good snakes are veritable family, where the harmless ones The poisons are not In any wjiy like who report about these ven. less doesn't make so very much dif-ferenceBt. Patricks as far a their poisonous the bad ' snakes, the reverse ptomaine or putrWed flesh polsuiilng omous fth, U certain that In America, with th

cousins are concerned. seems to be the case among the fish. It Is the result of eating uncooked nih and Europe many punting symptoms Itut being "ridiculous" well, that is, Tli ero now comes the announce, In other words, the Hah world seems fresh from the sea. The bites of these can be explained- by a restudy of all another matter. If she should ono From a, Snapihotnient, however, from the shores of destined to become ove rpopulated fish are alsu polsonoua just as u n nsh. He Is certain that some of these feel that sh really was ridiculous Mad laf Paris WhichNippon nd the waters of Caps of with venomous fish and the latter snake's l ite. During tha mating and venomous creatures will be found or that her skirt was who can say niu.trat. Cfiambaud'. prou,fcGood Hops, as well as New Caledonia. may ultimately drive out all others. spawning seasons, these toxins Are along tbe Atlantic coast. that ah mlcht not 'rebel?

ndy, Oct. 9, .914. EL PASO MOftNlNfl TIMES

Football fliT MORNING TIMES SPORTING JMfigHaaHBdaring-- - --Racing

ORNING TIMES' FORM CHART ThtTimtt'Eléctttú TWENTY THOUSANDLmurat Knttm '. Scor BoardWill

Furnish Fans ' FANS LOOiWOR VISITORS!7VTyWv1--- . Oct. g, 1311. Weather cloudy I track fast.tlHft ir furlongs. TiiM 1;14. Burt rood) woo driving.

Hots. IVISb U U Sir. rin, Joefcey. With Today's ROYAL





IN PlrrLA4

While seeing the sights of El Paso don't overlook thejam ohm , i it sr HP WttMUMger'1' Clam othérre.rl.evy .,ios i 1 i w mixion ONE Shownrpatia w 7 Ml I 3 Steward Season Opens ttllk 9444 flvO ( four ea BigNlRSdna ...tos i SieCahey World's Series .imiciicj ota TraiM Bmpnwnty

hAicourt 1..,.,. 10s 3 Í 4 6 Shilling Conlldeat of VMory. J& I AasasaaassasasasasWHtrrV Lauder ins a 71 0 NeanderMurrteei! ,....,.,...107 7 ,. 7 i go 7 Burlingame What promises to ihMto one of the mostaviator .ios 1 ,, vt i ' MeTaggart xriitnr and mm IvwieV . fomrnt wrid by tht AttotMiJi t'rttt .j.Norls ...lod ..00 0 parts HriM ever tontee aoatn touay in rima aal

rniiaiiciptua, ra., uct. mTtiaMfe Iwsur 1915n,i i,iiv.n rani

Sutuels paid Orsnd. straight Ifd, pltc 30.30, show 03.90, Levy, pUce 841, show flelplilathe AmerlCM

when,!.tHo AtMeHes,Mil ssm Boston


pi morrow and ihO wésilief man's signal ,tollrDltll. SlOW SJ.DO. ,

ehatntiinna nr th IMÍleMl (eaup. meet It roll back tho curtain, revealing the I'Mlagobio OrD(l, running t6 her best form, followed restraint to tho Braves inFred Levy under the first game of the series with probably deiphia Athloilcs a(t the Bostonin ouu iimiH(r nrire gameiy wore mm uown in ine mi rew airiaes. rrea Hie WrsTit trowif Mat h over wimessed uiu worm s series orama oí ivi. iubo ticu. s, sot fast pico and limit on well nd was obit beaten it the wlro. nt winners or iho American and .National

nillrilrt itarlv rnmit tmiini tlm UirlA rinlkhln c., hi. waa Irt otw or these COHWOIO tor wo woria a nign leagu Pennants, wit a week or relataest tionors md.nwro irl(gjjrtoo tan his ragantl was right there at end. TnhKhironnn mora Interest has ever be6n lion following tha cunchltw of tho flags,

J5 ctcu.n hack tx runongs Tima ttU3-S- , start good, won driving, dlspiayeu in tee outcome or a single serlea areseason.


teamthe rinat


reasonableof (ho

of hall games tlMR there la in this one,and iho M ttautl, la at tha coniidenca in its ability to capturo tno

norm. wist, n H 4 sir, rin. Jockey ilmea,its world's championship, fcacn In turn con-

cedesin taking car of tbe fans, bigthat tho rival aggregation Is a pow-

erfulM ..1 ..119 ii. xederls electric score Koarn, ino first ana oniy combination and It defeatedWater ....105 j stoward otto ever brought to this city, bis. been baseballHal) er ...... ...... tlO 1' Hlfitihy, ptaced in perron .condition and tito Time stands ready to extend congratulations tu

iiim nun ... ...... ,118 4 Linrord extendí a cordial invitation to" all. tank me winner rauier uiaa excuses for tbe lots AutomobileiLaurs ....... it 6 Neander In genera, to. watch this remarkable con-test,


tne series.uf livat FaML


Mill Velma 6 BUtWell will the electricos It bo playedJipon fnn fan., boib. local and foreign. Is hereBtuels.fia.di . Be. straight 3.lo, place 33.00, show ?.t. Mater, placa 18.30, show

scoro point, an arrangement,iho

inai islt by thousands, each club havlnr Its legionmost (hn oamo as witnessing; ramo

napior, snow av.iu. or loyai supporters. Tbe followers or .iiw Now On In Oar Salesroomssnowing improvement, wis anurriea back ai iiart, closed tP gwneiy ana an' "I'tu, ViiaM.' ,111 IM tnln Ihlu nll 111. Athletics, to. whom league and worlds Display' well n a drive, womT Mater down' final atitrentn and raí nlnr awív at end. tin the lost of services of rnainu onan ti nennanta are no loneer nov

showed a high turn or speed but quit badly wnen chaliongedí Napier tinished Third,v.i!flkefed


Smith. However,t

their tin Mtlea. nan.i steaufaat in their belief tnai Cor. San Francisco and Fe Streetsam tiuunmtrt Joé Finn at end. Utter was slopping. Scratcbodi rrorrenlve, riraled uphill climb for the flag this uonnie Macain

strlnmnliitilgreat Diaeoau


whllwin Santa

I.liv, JIPI Iilt7. ffll JBIK. has proven tbem to be one of the tamest the Boston brisado is euuany connuent"THlnD RACE Six furlonrs. Timo lill. Start trood; won drlvlnr. crowas who nave ever taxen' ine nein ana thaUtiie Bravas, under the. leadersiti;2(f the accident tn Smith will but tend to makti Ucorge Stalllnrs, will halt the finiadelpiilt Advanced Featurethem fight the harder. Their mlsrortunr-ha- s

baseball Ths National ioaguo EveryHnri. , Wt. m.' U ' U Str. rin- - Jopkey aroused the sympathy or Uw fans all JuggernauLwinrrpreientatircs, sitnougn tney open

nnvil MiMvr .....107 4 .' 9 !ot 11 Mrfnlmv over the country and should they prove awav frotti' home, will have omniaIt Lady tlotha ...i.. IIS s .. 11 winners In thn enmtnr event, no room not- -

vocal support stnea Boaton'a famous clan,Archer k'lnir 3" Steward uiarVtótory will over have been" recorded. the "royal rootarg," will be present at But No Advance Tn Pricesittamno .1... 4 MeTanrirt in looay s tram 11 la almost, a cenainiy s-ilf,''siiidc parx singing ineir oame sons;,

oi.fiarsentt ..... ..X. .......ICI) 0 t urai that Dick tmdotph will start, for Boston, wnich haa becn beard on every02 Broomleaf ... .....,.. .... ...,9í callaban while Bender la as cumin to oppose bird. when.3 fieldworld's serlea of recent yearsEvery reason, based upon form, dopo Or a linn riuu was natumg ror nunors. Motor 35, h. p. CplioUtery, deeper and n magneto WlieclbAse, lid inchesNutaelí paid: Martyr, straight .so, placa 12.60, &ow 2.40. notna, place 12,40, show anytntng eu", points 10 mese two as inn Special Train f "Royal Hooters.'' New full strrnm-lln- o bcxly softer Thcrmo.srpl'f'tt oooIIiib Lnmer tlreo,3lln. x I In.u. iiur. Jiiow 01. ni. apposfns slab artists- this afternoon, Hi.tfrii ntinnreci uuiion tans navo cn Instrument board In con I Windshield, neinountnl)lo rimo, i cxtmIloytl Martyr, well rlddeni followed Lady notbi. closely to well within tho stratcb the coolest or tha lirave Mtchera. rolled tho '"royal rooters" for tho trip ana Flvtucnrlna; rnnUalintt

In a hard drive MeCabey outrode inixlon at end. Lady nolha showed rood speed lio la t beady pitcher with the courage of will travel in a special train, accompanied daub. venttlntlntr typo, bttllt-l- n drivethe way and huriR-b- well In final drive Archer Klnr outramod líáriano at end. a non, as is uenaer, ana as ooin mana-(te- by a band. "Tessle' will be almost lis Individual front Ocnte, Crownetl fenders rtcnrnxle, flontlng; type Center controlirrwas iirilip. - ... will probably rely upon Iheae two only piece. "It has alwaya bocn a win lllglt bncka ICIectrlo atnrter Honr sprlnRK, extra Ion. llody; bontttlfitl newfor thctr ace Cards, they will be certain to ner: we'll sin a aialn." read Tin announce and wider Elotlrio llRhta uii(lcrlunr, d elliptic. ftnlhli.77 FOUliTIl nACE-O- ne mllo and Tima t:4S Start rood; won wonc tooay so inai mey can gei in me ex-

traIVitincttu, longrcr

in uivmeni tno committee cnargo.cyrtriylnir' day- Sunday and then come back earlier. during worlda first adopted' lirasong wasnudolnh. if ho wlna today, la almoat as cerWt.Bi. H v, sir, rin. joraey series or 1003 between Pittsburgh and thetain to work again Monday in tbe first game Rminn Americans. Snouted from ImnarcdSl.imn Seirer, 3 Falrbrotber at Boston, Remember that tho gamo startsMontrrsJor ,,.....108 . 1 1 S Neantlef '

. or throats la tbo games at Boston and atpromptly at S o'clock; Philadelphia time,Executor ..... ..v......... w It 81 71 1" S 31 McAtee which Is 13 o'clock El Paso time. The Httsburgb, the strains" of "Tessio" upsel

assssssssssssssssssssssiJBSsssiai jfsw &Í I TQiroily h ..loe 0 It U 0 41 4 Bhtuinr Times service, as usual, will be as near the Pirate players, tney arterwaras ae

eisfMi. onn uuaton won ina aeries artor ooIt. tit 1 7t 7M 3 Davisa: Miller 1.. 8 perfect as time and expense can mako it.lUncie Mun 100 4 41 g 7 o. steward Owing to the ract that the Times does ing three games behind. Again in 1M4,

c iho rootera rallied to the. support or a10 8 .10 10 71' Callahan Innot care to place anything tha way0 Bab T.....í...-í..- . ., ..,.(.. us .t ol & 3', McTaoirart or mo surceas or tne iiic narnecue to homo team and sang Boston to victory In

Ííl "LoíbUl v.,..U....;-.v...r..,..t- O i 3 4 ,0 V Buritngaroe nlrht. the, tamo between me Athletics and the last-- gime or tne American league sea-son


Jsos Firtnny .,01 a o, 101 it, U !Q ÑcCabey tirares will bo played in tbe afternoon only, at Saw .York, Two. years ago he5)000 Ambrose .,..........- - ,.104 5 ti Buxton : dui tomorrow maní ami nrooaoiy every Bosfon,Now York and rrOm New York tonight until the series Is over "Tessle" always on their Hps, following

will be played at night for the bencritMntucls paid! nearer, ilralnht 393.10. place 031.60, sbow 117.60. Motitrejlor, place tno ilea box, in meir woaaenui senes w

of those that cannot get away to tooKxccutor, anow scraicneat Working- Lad. tho Giants.litera in the afternoon.úttio Nearer, sbowtnft fine performance, was outrun early, but ipoved tip played Tuenty Thousand seals Sold.

came through on the rail, turning- - for boma and wore afontressor down to win Tim sontrsters from New Entland vhare to swell strong on the chorus, for

tM effort told in rinat drive. Executor was pooriy nanaiea. nroe very aiuwir and WHITE SOX EVEN every seat In tho grandstand and bleachersrusbed.up rast Iflto the good lead, but early effort told and tired hsdly In th13 has been sou: a nig majority or ino twen-

tyffotretch. roly 11 trailed to the stretch turn, then finiahed with a powerrw rush am odd thousand spectators will be Athletic"VWai rnnnlnir over horses-a- ine eitn. Aron'osn qu t in adherents and while they may bave no or

ganised cheer or battle song tho BravesPlMlQvR nrTJI HAtirive ana luriong-i- . Time 1:03. Start rood; won drlv SERIES WITH CUBS will know that tho Mackmen, on .their

homo grounds, are backed by a vocal tor-

nadoMnrtox., Horse. Wt. Mt. M U M Str. Fin. JocKey. mat Is- - extremely disconcerting tnseek to tnetnbaseball players who drag ... . Model Touring Car. . . . 25ilOW Corslean 1 Rlchtmtre AFTER STrtJKINfl OUT TWO BATTERS lU from their championship- throne. Model 80, TOurlnsf Car. ..i......l,150 AU vrlcc -

' " u" pn881,

imu uanave itocK t I 01 1 Shliunr (VI.M M CHKIVKr I.UBT nía tu --

lECTIVENESS.Boston Backs Opinion With Colo. lodcl 89, JUjndstCT ,; s)l,UO Moilcl 81, Hondster $815..... 41 5 Í at Karierli This support is not entirely flcvoted to

Estimable .... ..109 B fit St. 4l Srbuttlnger cheerlnv and enplause; for the Athletics'.Senary ..100 0 0 0 3" Buxton oonoru aro wlilifig nd eager to wager

ooto Schnapps ..... .,100 6 8 6 et Sutwell Clanl Take First Oame In Series Wit on thn chances that tha American leasuo JgL PASO OVERLAND CO., Distributorsrtnaiite ....... S'l ! 3 7 Campbell Yankees Wine nirminonsm evens club will defeat the BOsion representativenoval Blue ... 3 3 4 8 Neander Series With Milwaukee. of the senior organisation,. The. Bravfs'

8 Golden Lassie 3 7 71 0 Carii groat Oxhibltton of ability and sameness,

tríttrhl tlM. nlarn SJ 60. show 03.00. Caflave HOCk. Olace nas maue an impression ami Phone 170 El Paso, TexasBU th Auoclatcd Prrat wulie Odds aro quotea on tno Atnieucs maKlO, show 0)3.10. Cann, snow Chicago, Oct, 8. The local Americans rango is comparatively small. Tbe leading

i;oriicar. siow to got Itoinfr, muvcu up iiai, enipriiiT mo oircicn uu nuru wikd odd are rivo to four on the local clubevened' for cbampiontbo series tne cityark down in the final strides. Latter was away well and after disposing of t'lnalee. Occasionally enthu-siasticbowed rood speed but could, not withstand tho winner's rush. Dr. cann had a rough ship wlut the Chicago Nationals today by to win



found who have offeredBtp.- - rtnatee ana uoyai Mine doiji qiui usuir, acraicuvui wo jiuuiiuuicij, ur winning the second gama, s to o. Tha or given five to three or oven two toTO. t.1 ooianiirinn, AlinnHiicua, iiarcni.c., mmrufinj. t

Americans won the rime in the ninth in one,- but there Is nothing in Jbe work or tlonais threatened to punch Connln Mack of at any hour except betweon I and 3 o'clock tha pitchers who would bo cslled upon toBlng after 1 bard fought uphill battle. In strength of the two clubs to warrant odds tho world's champion Athletics on the this afternoon, .when the local club Was work In tlm Initial rontost. The general

vJ,0?Q SIXTH IUCGOno mile and Timo lii-5- . mart good; won inning Cheney, who was hit frequently willapproaching two i" ono, nose: Director Porter of tho department r scheduled td practice. , opinion is that itudoipn bo mailings'ttrlvinr. weakened and lost control. Artcr be had

Combinations Hatched. ubllo larctv threatrned lo investígalo Arcnrding to Connie Mack,- tho Roitrin Choice, because of his extended experience,llnr. Wt, st. 4 tfr H sir, rin. Jockey retired two batters pn strikes. Weaver

As the teamsEvenly

will probably lineup to- - ticket eratt scandal the. national commis manager- - was satisfied, but when Mack while will bo Mack's clectton, slnraCheney tried to catch him off first tbe combinations to t sion renortad an alleged anortare Of oastu- - asknd Stalllngs today If he had scctisivl the ho is known as a pitcher M I" S'l t McTargart morrowBenuiveds 3 .appeari ana inrew ta tne atana. uiacxourn sin boards, and, tu rap tha climax, tho weather I'hiladelphla club of refusing tn permit the tho regular opener for tho Athletics In adefonilvoOil Damremus March ....... ,..,,...105 a jt t 1 S Duxton oled and Weaver senrad. the winnlnir run. evenly matched in orrenslve and

pon Uncle. Den .itO I 0 5 41 3 3l Butweil The game was clinched when Zimmerman strength. Where one club lias an advan-tage

man threatens, rain ror tomorrow, tne uay National league champions to.tisn the park world's series. .017 Tbe Rump .lio o l SÍ Si 4l 4k Callahan in ono department tblS Is. offset by upon which the American and National tlm argument soon became hotn bitter and

rumoied conma' grounaer, cneney. msae i league pennant winners aro scheduled tu personsl, and tho hard feeling spread, rap-idly

Lanoford lo Fight on Coast,iTtnrc Atimea ...................'"J 8 S'l J' Neander' wild nl tcli and Fournler doubled. The Oth weakness in another: iho result being thaiLazuli - ..too 0 Steward er two runs wore tbe result of bunched when the general nverago Is struck tho open the series at Hhlbe park In this cily. among (ho players, magnates and' flu the .luiclnlcd i'rru

317 Afterglow. 108 0 6 McCaney nits. lurk of tho game Is likely to bo a Hcandnl Is Rife, of tbe two leagues, Los An relea, Oct. 8. Sam Langford orkm j. it, iiougmon ,..(.,,...,,.. ...-i- s Shilling ' The natlonsls made their scoro cidlng factor and aa' Frank Chance onco Manarer Stalllnirs of the Boston Nationals Urana Slay Away. Boston and Harry Wills or New OrleansITKloro 113 4 Folrbrother Bchulte's double, singles by Sweeney and remarked! "A world's scries Is loo' short arriilLi1 . Connie Mack of' lliu pnilailelrihla Hocausa or tho Iroublo, tho Boston play wero matched today ror a twenty-roun-

Leacb. a base on baila and an error by ror both clubs to get an even break in Americans or uniportsmanllko conduct, and ers did not go to Shibo nark at all, and fight at Vrnxjit arena the night or the sjiiiIutuets paid: Sepulveda, straight 14.00, place 03.00, show Si.70. March, place 36.30, weaver. tha luck." In battery material iba Atli during a telephone conversation this arier-

noonconfined their practice to the National before tha Pacific Attileilc club. They

ow oi.u. uen, snow i.ia. Tne. total attendance was to-tal

letics- - sppesr to havo greater strength In tho grounds, five blocks Tlw srn negro hCAvywelgins.paid n.iov; threatened tu punch world's league away.Senulveda well liandlad was kent hack Off the early pare, moved un gradually and their second string pitchers snrt the con-fidence

reeeints. oo.oso.7St commission's share, the at first Braves more than hour In battingleader on nosa tho op-portunity.

spent ondrive wore Dangerous iMarch down In the last raw strides.ondlng a hard gamely, 303.071 playera' shire, (l,887.4oi each club, that comes to twirlers snd catcher Tim first trouble aroso over snd ridding, while the Athletics wero bav Your nam', hualnras, and address in themgeroua viren racru Ills llllllip imu .uuiiiimiuii iuiu ii iui iwiuc, wen niu iiy who are no lonicnr strangers to the strain Stalling' for the use of Shlbe park Ing 0 similar workout at their own park, snd What Aro Looking For?"gooat lead, but could not stall off Iho winner's rush. Uncle Bin finished gimtly af of a world's series., Both from a batting reqiiiiif "Who Youra; It. II. B. Both reported that their Times will help toor practice, na mane toa request to nick managers players column or Tho you

overcoming csriy iiiienerence. Americans ,,oio ooo oil 5 to and fielding standpoint tbo averages show h Dorson. and the Athlelica' maniser as wero on edge ror the opening game, but secura moro business, Phono 6so about it.National


Scottland scnaik:0J0 000

cneney00O3 4

ami thethat




not quiteThe

reachout. sured him lie was welcome, to uie tho park neither would slate the order of Lining or (Advertisement.)

KVniir name, hualneas and address In thO ARMV AND NAVY CAME OEI". ii remanan. field combinations aro moro evenly match-ed.pWho and What Are you Looking Fori" Tha Bravea are heavier hitters and

fiakltimn uf The Times will helD you to Annual Football Strunnle Between Two Blrmlnnham. St Sllltvaokee. 3. Held and throw equally as well as tlw

4curo moro business. Tboue (oso about It. Branches pf service is uir. UU ihn Atioclatrd Prtu present world's champions.hit tht Áiuociated l'rtiñ Milwaukee, Oct. fc By buneblng four Much will depend upon tho manner In

Annapolis, Md.. Oct. for bits and rrcclvlna- - two nasses in the sev which the .ttstns are. bandied by theirmanagerial racys and in this respect thornth, Birmingham obtained three runs anda football gamo between the Army and battle of wits and tactics between MackFRESH OYSTERS won tne rourtn or mo series ror tnoFOR navy teams' this year have been abandoned. gameand Stalllnas. aided by their lieutenantchsmtilonshln of minor lesirues from Milserved In all styles, go to This wss announced by tbe navy Athletia

waukee, the Association champions, this on tne riciu ami uencn, may no tna pivot

PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE association waay.ariernoon. upon which victory or defeat will awing.

Battle of Wits Ejected.Scorei . R. II. E.I And all kinds of Mexican dishes, bot or Your name, business and address in tbe Blrmlnaham .... ...... ..Oil 000 soo s i - tioth have shown remarkable ability In"Who and What Aro you uwmngcom mucosa. the developing and handling or players,Milwaukee 310 ooo ooo- -3 0TbO Times will help toHoerleia Cincinnati Ber, Eaorawwxt column of you

Batterlest Johnson and Tragessert Blap aiiiiQusn iiirir.mcinuua are rsaicany outer-en- t.moro business, i'noaa sow aeeut theWhisky., nlcka and Hughes, When teams take the field to

BFW SWF.KWKY. .fTttP. (AdyJllnW ' morrow Mara win an nuiouv in um nuirRíanla, f : Yankees. S. mil saying little, signalling soma vat run

Bvttta AuociaM Prct$ ninr ins maciiina nun a sirany out inFtae Skoi Vistula bsnd. Across the turr Btsinngs,Gioas, Ranrolvo!, ruiu uruiiliua, tcv. sui, D.ccacii kered to a hlsh Plleh of eseltement Next Is WeekHtWIMMf Kiiv4t, Cootto) tfttentn


followedgave tne

by Doyle'snew Yorx


in tho enthusiasm, will direct every movo of bit Week StyleplusCauop Kit and Ammtirtitiea a 0 to S victory over the New York Amer. team, laDorinir witn an intensity or purpose

leans In tha opening gsme of the Manhattan that leaves lilm as soaked mid exhsusiedaa inn naraeat wnrxea niaver or inn eiun from Maine Californiachampionship series .here today. Both toHatha wkh) add Keating wero bit bard. The Probable Llneua.

oShcItoH-- f tyne Anris Co. , Score i n. if, Ei wiiiie ne ner nu unars nor stack haiAmericans .. ,...noi oos 001 o s is i announced ihé order in which the Braves

cot. El raso asa uvenaeo mu Satlonals ,. oil 000 300 -0 13 Í ana Atpieuca win su into tne game tnebatting order Is exjietted to b about asnatteriesi Keatlnr and Sweeney: Mathew- -

,,11,1 ,ii nil, ii; iin.jj.ii (OlIOWSl

Boston AlhleHcsStyleplus week will furnish the way for all n,en to save $3 to

Tbe best the market sffords ttorsn,ib,rr, Murpmr,

H.rt, . on thejr tall clothes,

at tb gelger Evcrs. owring. .Connolly, er Collins, Hi. ElSchmidt, lb. Bskcr, 3ti.

BOWhiNGJCQRES. iieai, 3b. Ncionis, id.Maranrlle, si. Htrunk, cf.Oowdy. c, Barry, ss,SUELTEN LCtel'E. Jsmes or Rudolph, p. Sensstr, c. II1IIIIH

Csciaa Bawltag and Athletic Club.AMKlll HtHB L'molres k'h'in SOd


or risnk.Jtatlnnil

n $17AUTO BAGGAGE TRUCKSatasteRogersAbbott







403 league.lesgdei Dlnlen and H'ldfbrand, American 1 : ; :.v ; m m

Soderhólm 133 m 135 403Koonig ,., Mi 41

Oo anywhere la El I'aao day or night If-- yoq ara coming; homo 733 601 738 31 SERIES PROMISESFoster team The Ooeravsi your bagBg cnecks or Lonrwell'a. If you ara going away roster ..i,,.....,.... 133 134 103 43 World

for Longwell's to take o to tho olatlon. Tou'll rtnner . iii 141 141 407phone your baggnf Fruit , ,,,, to 114 ISO Xi BITTER CONTESTSnever rntsa a train or rtavo your iMggaga too lata it yea m Lava;. sfcer ,..'. 13


170 413 Once more you have to atts the question; Where can I get thewall'a xazlcaba'ar fcagoNiga trucks. Small coat'l sorfect aorriea.

ISO SSJBest Clothe for the Lms4 Money? The answer isrAT THE ONE

74- 4- TACE fcgrr tPR THE aWENtA'Q AW...Oil. xr &nigu gaase, Ko STYLEPLUS STORE IN EL PASO.nir. sit. nigh 43Í.iurt team

LONGWELL'S Millarnan Í2 107

4 44J0

S3SHalllags Waals la fwirk m Hm

Anitoni', Jr,.i.... tw 10 3 J VF R. C. Lightbody Corfcuc Phone Mourstaw ,'.,, 18-7.-

ISO3314j But jera A7 (hKknJJy

074 701 740 3131 FnilidflDbls'. Oct. S UnUis all atku -- uBalefnao team tha world's tsrits of tMl will tu 'TRANSFER Bateman 130 133 447 along ihe lni ot 111 steal .urpaii 1 Rbelnliilmer ...... 103 130 4ft The spirit of brotherly love for i

Woodfeurn . io sou Quaker city Is noted Spoears to imiruZAU-oa- Sr. 1S Mat iii crowded lulu lb bat kr round. Taw MruT.

0 gle for iba premlrr bsaebsll Honors or tSaJ. fNfiWaWJb, Owner. tinlverao onened lili a riiuuiv2 T!

threats that r4 Ma bullstlus rruauisV far!ulca war sonó.

SaMlaaa Wl4 ta bHhusj Ma4i,r 3Saser snssnais 14 IjM Ktuiloai sw.1


Bargains For Army Day Shoppers:CHBAP RATES ON ALL RAILRptAE)


' j" fePjljfltlPO. ! : -t



Hurd's Pound Papers 35c and 60c Corhc jn and see our stock of Bracelet Watches. No store in the city can show yoüa larger assortment

A Special Pound Paper, put up for us, which we are selling tl lowed 5 minutes. To atart promptly t IU4U p. m. Intercollegiate aatociation ruws.

at, per pound , 26c Entrlea limited to IS per reflment. --Our Window Display WillBOOKS. Vvi-n-t Nn 9nhlMtlnn nrlll br RatterrCOME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR NEWC, Slith rield Artillery; commwííed iy"

Engraving and Embossing of Fine Stationery and Calling Pint Lieutenant James r. Mirioy, sum Interest YouCards. field artillery. Time allowed, SO minute.To start promptly at 1:35 'p. ra. Batterydrill of four run sections without can Write for Catalog. Special Attention Given to Mail Order Business,




No.Fifteenth Cavalry:


prill by Geneva Jewelry Captain O. W. Klrkpatrlek, Fifteenthcavalry. Time allowed, SO minute;' To 225 2 San Antonio Street. ,i We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps

108 MESA AVENUE PHONE 1084 start promptly at l:W p. m.

.Event Mo. i Exhibition Butts ManualDrill by Company L, Twentieth Infantry:commanded by First Lieutenant Henry M,

Prepare for the Fall SO


TwentiethTo start


Timeat S:10

allowed,p. m. Welcome, Visitors

Kvent No. 5 Escort of the colors by 4lnurd, battalion of sixteenth Inrantry. Tostart Every Visitor In the city Is Invited to makepromptly at 2:35 p. m.Order your NEW SUIT NOW. We respectfully invite our store Headquarters while here, Stop In

you to call and inspect our Fall Styles and ' Fabrics, Event No. Put: Welght of .shot and make use of, our pleasant rest room, en-J-

win De ti pounds. Time allowed, SO mln our Delicious Cold Drinks, Ice Cream,which arc now on display. Satisfy yourself by looking utes. Entries limited to 15 per regiment. Sherbets, Etc.over our Fall Showing before buying elsewhere. Com-


intercollegiate association rules, TrademarkThere will bo nothing more appropriate, foris the test of Quality. Event No. 7 Potato nace for Cavalry) the folks at home than a box of POTTER'S One Price

Timo allowed, IS minute, nulos: Horses FAMOUS CHOCOLATES, Made In El Paso,Correct Clothes, Made in El Paso. equipped with bridle only, one galvanlxed and guaranteed for quality,

This Week'sDucitet ror each competitor will be placed BargainCUT FLOWERS.on starting line. Eight potatoes will bo

piaceajn column 10 yards aDart. firt nn Let us remind you that we have the finesttato SO yards to front of starting line. display of Cut Flowers In El Paso, and can Beautiful Story & Clark Piano, for only S2G5.

El Paso Tailors lompeuiors, dismounted, with horses fill any order on Instant notice. If you find Original cost was $476, Tou will be surprisednana at starting lino; at signal, each It Inconvenient to visit our store, phone us at the low price when you see the fine con-

dition of the Piano. Good for at' least 20mounts, rides to first notitn. iiitmnimt. your order for Candy or Flowers and theyservice, and fully guaranteed by theyears'picks It up, mounts, returns to bucket. will be delivered at once, t

Oldest Piano House in El Paso.uiuwuums, aim puces jnoi wrows) potatoStanton and Myrtle Ave.. In the bucket. Potatoes may bo taken In Potter Floral &any order desired. Tims contest. This is


per aquadron.event, and Is limited to Confectionery Co. -

El Paso Piano Co.PHONE 6176.

MILLS BLDO. PHONE 4089 20S South Side of Texas St.EventWe sell woolens and trimmings at wholesale and retail. No. Driving Contest: Opposite a. On payments)- - of $7.60 per month.Time allowed, so minutes. Teastiri gun

section (1 chief of section, i caisson corporal, t drivers). Trot and gallop over


'to onecourse


per battery.stakes.

SectionEntries FOR "GOODNESS SAKE"WE WELCOME kjjjo muy equipped without cannoneers

Event No. 0 Escort Wimn ni--. Timaallowed. SO minutes, ftulea. Two mm n4one wagon per' regiment. The harness wlir EAT SQUARE DEAL BREADnave 10 De used as issued. No additions,EL PASO'S GUESTS alterations, or decorations will bo per-mitted.(head toward

All wagonsstand)


be atone


points If you haven't yet tasted our Famous "Square Deal" Loaf, you've missed a treat, andat each wheel, and harness nlt nn

tiedth we advise that you take a dime and hurry right over to the grocery and get ac-

quaintedground In front of pole. At the given sig with the biggest, brownest, finest loaf of bread you ever saw, for 10 cents.In addition to joining in El Paso's general invitation to the Visitors to our city, we na:, teams to be harnessed and hitched We've been making "SQUARE DEAL" BREAD for almost 30 years and we take aextend you a special invitation. In case new Glasses are needed, or your old Glasses to wagon, wagon then driven around special pride in making it ''GOOD," You'll find it at most groceries, or phone us andrequire adjustihg remember, ours is the most complete Optical Establishment in the stakes



starting point,course



willand we will deliver it fresh and fine, right from the oven, the best you ever tasted Sure

Southwest. t do unniicnca. unnamessed and animals tied .We wish to call your attention to bur famous French pastry, made by one of theto wheels and harness Dlaced as at tun in finest pastry cooks in El Paso. SPECIAL, THIS "WEEK Strawberry and Rasp-

berrystarting, all teams will turn to the right, Pies, made from the pure fruits, they are delicious each 25 cents. Our entireand then around each stake in turn. Timo line of Pastry Goods for quality. Let us prove itEL PASO OPTICAL CO. counts 75 par cent. Form 85 per cent.

Event No. Hlka for infantry:One company per regiment, rfumbers: Allofficers belonging to company participating

NEED and forty enlisted men. Equipment: Full THE BELGIAN BAKERYfield equipment without rations or pack108 Texas Near Oregon carrier, start: All companies to bo In col

umn of squads facing the commanding genGLASSES? eral. At the given signal, all companies 210 East Overland Street Phone 310mm will move out and march two and

miles over a designated route, returning tonorth gate or enclosure. Time and con-

dition to bo taken on arrival at north gate.Time of hike counts ss per cent. CondiThe Rokahr Arch Instep tion of men and equipment M per cent.The companies will then have a skirmish

Support Shoe drill (movements at the direction of" company commander), starting from north endof enclosure and ending opposite the grand

Patent applied for.. This shoe will cure broken stand. Note' The companies will havearch, will support high 'arch instep, will bring back to




Skirmishthe order


countsreturn El Paso Electric Railway Co.

the arch n any flat fS per cent, in this event company com-mandersfoot, will support the may use such rates of marchingas they deem riu It will not bo necessary

foot perfectly so walk-

ingto use the regular marching time.

will be a pleasure.Company

Event No,I, signal Corps: Commanded

of Butterbyby Wc extend a hearty welcome to every visitor in El Paso. We hope

Chas. Captain c A. Seaone, signal corpa. Tuneallowed, SO minutes. you will enjoy every minute of your stay Incidentally: let us remind

Rokahr Event !Vo. 12 nelav nra Time allowed. you that if you have the time, there will be nothing nicer than a trolleyminutes, nuleai Each aauad .leader to

trip-dow- n the Valley to Old Ysleta, the oldest in"be given a letter to be delivered at a point city the UnitedBOOTMAKER'31 Texas St.




men alona--wlta


Una aa hof States. See the old Spanish Mission and many otherpoints of inter-

est.desires.of eight men

This eventfrom each

will consistreglasen!.


squad Other trolley trips, you will enjoy, include a visit to Juarez, Mex-

ico,, and,' ride to Fort Bliss. .Event No. ti HorsesaaaMp, Enlisted a

Now Located In Our NEW, Mem Time allowed, 90 mantes, nulea:Enlisted men: government mo unte. Entries, Again we wish you a hearty .welcome. f '': ,

-two rrom each scjusdroa or battalloa.

Building Equipment, double bridle, say saddle, per-formance of horse and rider to count,

Enter at gallop, halt andNext to Chamber of Commerce. JUitgts, back ten feet tad han't on

i fcasiL We are prepared'to serve you better than ever before. Wc manufacture toforehand

right about,to right





snoot; Elany and all kinds ofVTfcMsV'Awning. Porch Curtains, Flies. Hay Stack and walk, on bauncbea to left about, mil trot, ftaso Electri&Ráilway Co.Wagon Covers, Bed Sheets, Tarpaulins, etc. A full line of Duck Canvas two

slowtrackstrot, on



gallopleft oblicua,

left lead,oa

and Awning Stripes,.and carry the largest line of Lawn, Porch and Camp slow trot, gallop right lead, ride, twiceFurniture in the Southwest. Call and over firure eight, changing lead with eachget our prices, or write or phone. change of dlrecUon, hall: awaM biilructloaj

or Judges. Entries allowed four salaute Electric Building. Phone 23f3EL PAStTENT 8c AWNING CQ. for complying wtta abovs proaraw.

' Event No. tPyrela Meat atrtesfi&J. COLLINS, Manager. ' limited to one tasan jxr ri tasan laca

314 Saa Francisco Street.1? ' ' PhMie 9044team to consist of tí laaaC tea jaaaa sadiour Dorses. rerrorEaeaee to


Vf Pit, i 1 9 1 4. 1 jAio Morning fiMÜ

BtfOÜ Faculty StihQpl of JóüWalism of the University of Texas IS IS MAXWELLTODAT STSO l.o.b. E31 Paso

ttir JohnsonIn

sítirf Adventurer"lorapletoJtory of this great

L OrítárnUhed Shield"(o is In book form, on BalaJljoti box office.

W 'Toys of Fate"(ramatlc production of merit.

Oig CarGRECIAN Electric Lights, With Dimmers

Classy treamllne body, upholstorlne. th Ifreverelblo itocr-ln- g

TODAY o ayatptn, high tension mngneto, Klngstort Corburctor, etc And, youeccuro u OHIiY & DAVIS electric stnrtlng yatern for only $56 addi-

tional.FEATURES i Frbm left to right: Will IL Mayes, ProfoSsdt 6f JoÜWallsmi D, 6. Drown, Vaughan Bryant, B. W. Collltt, Inattuctors.Regarding the work of the Journalism Professor Mayes says "Itecognlaihg Inat Jóurnallsta are teachers and leaders of public sentiment, Come and see for yourslcf.

Our Mutual Girl" upon whoso proper education and thorough training largely rest the progress ánd development of the country, the school offers courses In Journalism basedon a broad academic foundation." JOHN L. BUQUOR, SoleEAUTY" DRAMA Especial ornithosis Is belntt placed Upon prepaHrig students fot effoctlv0 Wori on .mill town and country papers, since this class of papers so pro- - Agent

NrloUSElt" COMEdY dominate In Texas. ' Office 320 South i:i t'nso StrccU

i cents and 10 cents. Evenings, 15 centsand 25 cents. FEDERALS FINISHEDElbert Jffubbard's Weekly Sermon "TlllC LAW iivró IlEhKELF." GunterAt the Unlquo today la a two reel Society Hoteldrama which commends itself to the Screen

THE 110TIIE OF LINCOLN public as pne of thi finest, pieces of SEASON YESTERDAY FIItli'ltOOF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS UUltOPEJUfV. 'WjOGKSOOQb liv ELnrnT imnnAnn. came b'jck hu brought the children a step comnoiittori leen la orno time. The(Copyright, tsti, by Mtwspapcr Fétturc nliv lin, niirrtv a Parisian nart In the A Hotel Büilt For the Climate

TTRAGTI0NS service, inc.) Tills widow, who was now Mrs. Tfaomss fashioning of the action. And yet the playLincoln, had three children of her own,-bu- t in mat it tens me aiory oi eternal iove. CL'rtTAi.v is nu.N'0 down uro the out PEltCT TTlirtEIiJj, Manager OFFICIAIi JIKADQDAItTCTlS A. A. A.ind.. from his ninth to his twcniy-secoi- she possessed enough love for two moro. wun tnougnta ana insuncis inn wo LAWS, WHO WEATHERED THEyear. Her heart went out to little Abe, and his know, aovrrnlnr the actions of the char STORM NICELY.TODAY Lincoln City. Ind.. Is forty miles northeast lonely heart responded. arters, will be understood, and the final

ONKvansvlIle.. Shu brought provlsons, dishes, cloth for climax will taVn von in Its trin onlv as a by the French government when she be-came

and Prybr town mere in me qays oi cioimng, neeuics io sew wiu, scissors iu clean, human drama can, Also s rip Went Through the Schedule Without a San his wira fast February.ames Aoranun Lincoln, ino --cuy snranir iuiu cut. Slid was a good cook. And best of snorting Nestor comedy. This comedy gle Change and Apparently Are Itcady uio unan mri .hiss nanin in mm wnenPome Imitations that you think existence will) the coming of the railroad all she had throe books. company never falls to get a good laugh lo Start Again. she was cruising with relatives In tho BOXING!this timo Abe hid wornlew. years ago. Up to never Ford Sterling tomorrow. "Trey n' Hearts' Mediterranean- -mlm ;real, and you'll laugh every blare Is a hamlet of barelv a dozen shoes or ran. She made him moccasins, No. 8, Sunday and Monday, open at noonhouses. There la a rcheral store, a black and also a coonskln cap with a dangling FEDEIUL LEAGUE. TIIOt'Ilt.KS OF A IIKPORTF-n-.tin tt p. m. s ana to cents.smith shop, the railroad station, And a very tail.The Lurgias good school to which the youth come from She taught Abe and Ssrsh to read. Sho ciuwronn niEATEft. Final Standing ot the Clubs. Norman Jl. Walker lleicrlhes Them Before FOL1SS, TEX.miles' around. told them stories of Oeorge Washington lunarians iturlng the latest society dances. The occisión or my visit .was the and Thomas Jerrerson. She told, them of Last night lbs usual ,blg house turned Indianapolis



Pet.575 Members of the Kl lmn

cierna).lininrv rlnh d.meeting oí mo. inaiana tailors association. the great outsiae worm ot tonus ana ciuvs out to see the Murphy company play that rldcd yesterday at tlwür regular weekly

At rtancv Hanks Dark we were met hr whero many people lived. She told them much talked about play. "Her Cowboy Chicago aT 07 Mi luncheon lo meet llili afternoon the MONDAYonmm Chas Edenburg several hundred farmers and their familias, or the capítol at Washington, and of the Sweetheart,"' and It surely registered with Baltimore M to .51mesa and make final plans ror attending

1914mm rfomlng remarkable equlllbrlstlc some of whotn hid, como for twenty-flv- government of tho United states. And they an awful kick. Sam nd Steve oravley, Buffalo 78 71 JM

thp big barbecue tonight, p k. Kern, whomiles and more to listen to the speeches. learned to repeat the ñames or these states, the double role, was handled by Mr. Jark Brook vn 77 7a ,17has done most or the work Iheat. As I sat bn the platform and looked Into and wrlle tho names Out with a burnt stick lironson. ino icaamg man, ana nit mier Kansas City M 81 .tl'i on reast, DOOIIS OPEN 7:30 P. M.

tho tanned earnest races of these people I on 4 slab. nretat on or the two parts waa a very clov Plttthiirah 69 85 ioihanduiu ciuu

heipai rveryiiwig is in readl-Iies- s Unit Bout 8 O'clock Sharp.Las Guerrita Couplet realised the truth of that remark of Thomas And little Abe Lincoln and his sister Sarah rr plcco or acting. Mr. Oeorge McDonald St. Louis Ü 87 S.M experts lo etilerlsln í5,000

MAlXJefferson: "The chosen people or God are happy. Their hearts were full uotrcwere vqry the heavy man of lh company, has a verythe dancers, In an those who till the soil." Of love and gratitude tor their' new mother, bard part to portray in this play, and be theNorrnSn

flotaríansi. Walker made a brief talk to TEN HOVNDS.

entirely njw repertoire of songs, These are the neonle who have ever fought and, they sometimes wondered ir anywhere ts surely putting ,11 over la a first class Baltimore. Oct. S Both teams batted on newspaper Jos- -

accompanied by SpanlsH" dance-step- Freedom's fight. And the children or such In 'he wide world there were little boys manner. Don't miss seeing this extra fino freely In todsy's game, hut Brooklyn's hila cph Wright or ihe lim orando Ice com-pany, JOHNNY PAPKE

as these arc often the men who go up to and ghls ho had as much as they. it is out or tne were lira more nmeiy, ino visitors winning, announced that his rirm bad do-natedmilitary piay. ordinaryThi couplet has been added the cities and take them captive. "All 1 am, JnU. all I hope to bo, I owe to 5 to 3. a ton or irn to thi barbecue and

and rrom start to tne rinto the bill so that the. visiting In the cities the Door Imitate the follies my darling molhér!" wrote Abraham Lin-coln,

very interesting score: ' ii. t- other Kl Paso In- rómpanles would do the LARRY STROUERcrowds miss and foibles of the rich. some years later. isn. Brooklyn 01 010 too 5 to samp. p. n MHIlcan. W. II. Sheiton sndthe thatnot actmay

Dut here, far away from me Dig: towns Here Abe Lincoln lived until ha was SI, Baltimore ooo u0 0103 I ij y. liuaspeth were mado members or Ilia rCid Vnndewalkerwas the talk of El Paso last week. and cities we get a type or men and women untllTie his height oi six feel KALE II FEATURE AT WIGWAM. Batter cas Beaton and Land: uauey. con' VS.sucn as Lincoln anew. four. Tho Kalem feature. "The Potter and tho ley and Kerr.The Circus Waif They, had come with the children, brought Ho had read every book In tho neighbor-hood.

Clay." will be shown at tho Wigwam to-day.

Alter the show dlno Soldier Quinntheir lunch In baskets, and were making a It Is the Mnry of two sisters, one of Indianapolis, 4; St. Louis, 3. at tho Zelger hotel. (Advertisement.) SIX IIOUNDH.picture of a strange story, day of it. He had even tramped through the forest whom was raised in society and the other Ou fíirtoolulr(l freíashowing the human side of that un wo simuio muu gruiuu cuiuiuu arc twenty mile to. come (jack with & borrowed In a convent. The story Is along unusual indlananolls. Oct. 8 It took the cham' EXPENSIVE OPIUM LAYOUT Billy Wetzell

groat Institution tho American the words; volume that be had read to bis mother by and rather unconvfpllonal lines, but the plons or the Federal lesgue Just one hourNANCY 1IA.MÍS the light on a fact that It was produced for the Kalem ana rour minutes io aeirai si. neru Police Confiscate Piiltlt Found In Possesion V8.

circus LINCOLN in those early pioneer days preacher and company by Oeorge Melfnrd Is sufficient todsv. 4 to 'J. The Ditching or Klefcr. a re oi aian sail woman. Jim BrownBOOKS OPENll A. M. Mother of Abraham Lincoln priests were "circuit riders."' It was the proor mat tne aeiicate situations are nanu crul: rrom ihe Southern Michigan league, Walter Oadko and Margaret Smith, Sr-- BIX HOUNDSDied October USUI, 1818. custom, when a death occurred, to bury led in a manner mat can orrend none. was Hie feature.Matinees, pictures oftly, 5c and 10c Aged 33 Tears. ' the bo ly soon afterward, and then havo the Score- it. ii. e. rcsted on Broadway yesterday morning on Frankie Martin

Evenings, vaudeville and pictures', Instinctively we uncovered our heads. THP.KE FEATURES GRECIAN. St. Louts oot 010 000 í 6 the chsrge or vagrancy, were found to be

lEo and 25c. Not a word was snoken. gyman could he secured. The three single reels that will be the bil Indtananoll "00 000 tlx 4 II !tT possessors of pne or the most aipon. - V1An old woman, bowed, bronzed, with fur When Aba waa thirteen years old. it came at the Grecian today deserve to be called Batteries; Watson and Chapman; Klcfcr slvc opium layouts seen by Ihe police In Kid Cnttanese

She wore a blue to him very strongiy that no. funeral serv- - sumo time.roweu lace, approacnea, "Three Features." Each one Is different ana itartaen, warren.Ice had ever been held In memory of his The pipa proper was Inlaid with silver. Admission:sunbonnet. a calico dress, a check apron, each one a great n dure. A 'Thanhous Itlnpsldo, 91.50; Tie.Tim anrnn mi full or flowers. mother. rr" comedv. s "Beauty" drama and ''Our Chicago, 8: Kansas City, S. whllo several small solid silver Irsys in-

cluded borvwl Soiitx, JI.00.The Old woman pilshed through the little Ho had saved up two dollars, earned by In the outfit were beaullrullyMutual Olrl." It's by far the best program fíu ihit Aancialed 1'reaa

and her wild riowers on the picking berries and carrying messages, und carved. The small spirit Ismp lu Tip.kctn on Male atemptied used Ityun'x DruegroupContinuous 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. of clergyman who was in El raso tocay, pon i miss ui Chicago. Oct. 8. Chicago won Its finalbearing a Daptlst cooking tho opium wa also ofgrave. silver, as Store. Sociagno of the Federal league season herd to qom Icayo Trans-ferNo words of studied oratory could have passing through tho neighborhood, he hunt-

ed AimtTofiifiif. were the delicate II it lo scales used Inand, him the on). Dealing knnsas uuy, s io a, on oaru Station 7 m.the man up gavo money. the p.weighing drug. Thobeen as eloquent. outfit wasThe Pass City Dance club ts holding five outing ana cosuy errors Dy ine visuors.preachedTheater And the runeral sermon was dulytribute thoWigwam A woman was Having to worn KMxJal nlti'iitlonHanks Lincoln, In tho cent dances everv cvenlnr at the Auditor Score. ' ft. II. E. to Laily visitónan who gave to the world the mightiest in memory or Nancy MISS Smith accented an Invitation tn leavGood musiclog schoolhnusn at "The. Forks." lum. Mills and Kansas streets. Kansas C tv 001 100 0013 7man America has proaucea; the (Ity and her companion was held forAnd this old woman might have been kin Abe Lincoln had clerked In the store down and refreshments am provided. Chicago 302 ona lOx 8 is Investigation.Kolem's Unusual Feature, flatteries Hennlng, Adams and Drown;to the woman, to whose resting place we at "The Forks" an dentryvllle.

had Journeyed. He had whipped the local bully and asked Mr. Chas, nokahr, the boqunaker on Tex, uucx and demons,"The Potter and the Clay" Best autos, carel ul driven. I'hnn üiA misty something came over ray eyesight; west. There wore rour as street, has Invented an arch lnsttD sup Special arrangements for dinnerjnoyeA story of the bar sinister. and through my mind ran a vision ot Nancy port shoe which will absolutely cure any Buffalo, 3; Pittsburgh, X -l- Advertlsement.) parlies. Zelger hotel. (Advertisement)lisnks. One of these carts was driven by Abraham broken down Instep, will absolutely build By IA Auoctated Fresa

"Just p. Bit of Life." Lincoln. Pittsburgh. Oct. . Main stopped achedmart. iMrt as." runs ids inscriDiion. . . up any high arched foot, so walking will aBlograph Drama. The family had come from Kentucky, only hut before tbey started, Abe cut tne ini bn a pleasure. Mr. flokahr has demon-

strateduled double header between Buffalo and UNffKIt STATKS HL.VTHEH Ul'IIEAU IIAILY BULLETIN.

hair davs Journey distant as we count tlals N-- It. L. on a slab and Dlaced It SA this to his own satisfaction. He Pittsburgh today at the, end or tiio seventhSUNDAY "UNCLE BILL." best curely at the head or the grave or his inning or the rirsl game with the scoremiles today by steam and trolley. has been In the boot and shnemsktng trade at 8 p. m., 75lli Meridian Time, Oct 8, 1911.picture since "Love, Luck and Out In 1817 It took iba little cavalcade a mother the mother who had given blip for years. Forty years of that time ho 3 in 9 In favor or the visitors, llanford's Preclpl- -Gasoline," month to como from Latlue county, Ken blrtn. has fitted alt kinds of feet, has liken the double and two sarririre gave Buffalo the Tcmperot ure wind tallónin line, JimM sturiobaker or South fiendtucky, to spencer coumy. mu., i iuo i measure of more feet than any other one winning run in ino scvemn Velocity last 34

tne uiros ny norm oi me raw river, bought a burble headstone and placed on man anywhere, and I tie re f ore Is well qual-ified

Score: n. II. r.HUhest last state ot LI- - hours,lntllina was a territory, and land was lo the. grave. Mr. sludehakcr also biiltt a to understand bis subjert. He Invites Buffalo 110 000 -3 t per

For ten miles north picket fence around the grave,-a- d paid the Pittsburgh ooo wo -2 4 t tn. today, niitit. weaiiier recllon. hour. Incbeahe .bad ror the settling. any one who has troubles with his feet to 7l S4 M pt. Cldy. SU 10 .00rom the Ohio the sou is mac anu icriiia, owner.of tp0 property a yearly qtn ror see-ing come to him with their foot trouble and naileries fcnapp and Allen: Dickson snd Amurillo M tureach the hills or what the early that the grave was protected, and that noucris. Clear a .00The Opéra Then you he will suggest a remedy. ,1(4 to AllullaKellogg-Halñ- ei expects

utilera called "tho barrens." Tho soil here Visitors were allowed free access to tho , 72 80 HI Clear SL' 10 .00Put his patent to a shqo manufacturer so noise, Idaho . &8 .. w cloudy wt: 1 saTroupe Is yellow, the land roiling. spot. the shoe lie made a a small adranca vail, tos Tetit St Bostonftome years ago certain citizens of Indiana cap ment.) W 78 A flear SW 4 M

tlf.,l niwi'i dream, but tickle It as you bought itip a beautiful grove ot or the ordinary snoe. bo in wno need Chicago U io en I 'I. Cldy. SW .SOCon&ktliiK of Flvo. Brilliant, Flrut-cln- a will with' i hoe It will not laugh a harvest. thirty acres, and this property Is now the shoe or this kind can, hsverthrm at rea FROWN ON BOND ISSUE. uuiciunati 74 ftl iu Clear S 4 .08

.Art la ta, will be Uio 's At the bill IV win oniy guuuy irnu possession or inu siaio lormrr- sonable price (Advertisement.) Denver M 70 41 Cloudy SW 0 .00

First Offering at the it ! rminlrv nt Umber and toll. A guardian lives here who keeps tho prop Olero County Commissioners ta Build Detroit I 7S ttl Clear SW 4 .OS

Valuable hardwood abounds oak, walnut, ertv In rood rnndllion. Your name, business and address In the nasas vvnn snecisl Levy. Dulutb. Minn. Ml ' S4 14 Foggy ,NE li .00ash, hickory. A chapel, roofed, but open on all sides who ana wnsi ire iou uwaiag run Corrcipoñáent tL PASO 76 78 C: PI. Cldy. W 10 .00

Kiirinn rinwinr from the hills are plen baa been built, the trees are trimmed, the column of Tbf Timet will bolp you to fly Tlwf Bprelot dalveston .... 78 u 70 Clear 8 19 .03Texas Grand provision, the underbrush removed. Winding walks and Aisiuoguriio, .t. .it., ocj. a. Tne noard or Havre. Mont. 40 44tirul. wild flower, grow in Secure more miimiii, rnoae duhj anoui It, 34 Cloudy MW 6 .40trees are vocal with song or blnli. but Uio t roadways arc lo be seen. Tbi cppuiilssloiicrs of this county lias Just re Jaektuuvlllo .. 74 ft a Clear NE 6 .00ground U stony nl stubborn. park Is open lo the public. Visitors come, Best auto, careful driven. Phone 110. jected the petition to call ail election for .11 o Hock .. 78 VI u Clear S 10 .00

rested by the side of tho some or thctit great and learned. Advertisement. Lus Angeles .. 64 64Friday, October 9th. Here the family the purpose or voting on a bond issue oi M Cloudy S 10 .00cold sparkling slream. And now and araln I'nmes some old worn ilui.otiu to build and nppiovu tuu luaus and Mashvlllq 76 ii n (Hear S 8 .00

Beats salo Across th valley to the west tho hills an, tired, worn, knowing somewhat of trr Visit our grill room. iiignuay throughout ii,u county. As WiuINaw Orleans . 7S M 74 Clear SK 8 ,16on at Ryan's, beginning nisiury or Nancy iisiiki, ami an sue euaureii hotel. (Advertisement,) haw VOrk ....aroie, grand, soiuuer, inijeucr Zelger coimnuiinur mierprei the liiw, (lie tax-

able64 7i Clear SW 14 .00TliunMlay. Prices: 91.50, 91.00, 60d Down Deiuw stream went dancing Its and suffered, and places un the mound a vaiuailvn or Ihu.piopcrty 6( Uio cuiui-l- iiiulu M li Cuudy N 6 I.tOwau If, Ihi .fft. oouquei gainereii uuwii iu uie wcauuws, is nut great enoukn iu warrant u bond hoenlx bo W hi Clear W 4 .00,,,.! iiv u,.m riiihei and little natchei Abraham l.Hicoli) can ever die. Hu be, lanld Clly. S. 60 M if Clear NW 4issue as as .00itrgu siuu.uuo. However, theAbraham Lincoln die. Un bethe tired horses nibbled In can neverwhere luswelior grass board Is livaitliy in ynpaliy wJH the 70 ;a in Clear SC 8 .conitsi'd un from irnuratloli to generation

And1'' muvemeni tu put Olero county roads lino SI. Louis 64 m (A Cloudy SK 14 1.34they rested. There were Thomas inn measen mrnnge ui an iiiauaiuu. tialtllauks Lincoln, ni wiie, And bere alone on the hilltop sleeps the ronuiiiou, ana ins tiiauu a Lake City i ui 48 iuiu st: 4 .ss

Lincoln, Nancy ..UNIQUE TODAY of livu mills San Antonio Si ta Clear S 8 .00levy lor roadsSarah Lincoln, aged ten, and little Abe Un- wuiuin who went down Into the shadow and purposes,rln rf flrlil. gave iiim Dirtn. This Is in addition, lo the general or regu-

larSan Francisco 6J K t& Cloudy SW 6 ,0u

THE LAW ONTO I1KHSÉLF." levy of three mills for road purposes. Santa Fe .. ,. w (i vl t; oar SW 4 ,ounau lour nuro, uiu ow iaui.i. Ulliuir lifiviny ru ma iiuiMunjThe lamiiylln two reel. in in waran were iuw iiuuftcuuiii wu tlnn and loiielliieaa were his lot. But on her The special lew tus another advanlage Seattle i 6o u clear SW H .Ui

"HE NEVER SAID A WORD." two sacks ot cornmesl, a side or bacon. tomb are .four words that rtprei jhe high: over me bond Iwie In that It will nunc Washington v w fj leady w i .00

Nestor Comedy. inuii nr nuihiiir on westward the fam est prsise that tongue can utter, or pen Ladies inu luuqs vaniniu wucii earlier, lor iu Wlctilla, kin. li to m Clear SW io .oo

There Is good lmti In iiu derided lo remain. They built shack reason iiisi ixjmu wuuiu uui unu a reaur 81 84 co Clear W 4 .00tbjs.from lors, closed on tnreo smes, open io ÜOTHKn OF AlirtAHAM LINCOLN. sale at this time, owing io tho disturbedFOUD STEItUNQ TOMOIiltOW; the south. cotidliion which is duv to the Luiopoau

ALSO The reason the south side was left open war.FLORENCE LAWRENCE & MATT Mean, there chimney, and the Uouirrsslonsl Candidate Comlnn.

MOORE. nre they built was hair In ihs home and Invited Annouucemtbt is made from slate andAmusements loesi mat itepuoiican and WHEREh iieaqriuiiners TO DINE"TREY O' HEARTS'" SUNDAY and Here" !!?' family lived thai first, ble ik liemocralic candidates lor Usui otiicos3IQNDAY. dresry ntnter to am am ' be lit Olero couuiv nut week. Hen i!, liar- -(Advertisement)"

Continuous front .Noon to it p. m. nnii inn. lint to Nancv Han nindet, iiepuuilcaQ candidate for coagress,5 nd to cent. was delicate, illy clothed, undcrUd, and ADVCVTLTIEft" T0DV. will arrlvu in Alsmogorüo Tuesday

"W Bui Thain ftrst." who bad known ixtier mints in ner kcr "BKLOytO and will iiiiku an address it tholucky Dome, u was uarusuiu. The Bijou will present the popular Ar To the ladies of El Paso: courinuuse insi Uignt. lie win go tt,

thur Johnson tmlay In 'An Untarnished Clouocroti Wcdnviuay inoroinr, remrnm The New Three Nations Caferoe. a woman wtq romance ana ureaws ihsl aiternoou, sud wilt leave at pnce laIn heart. Now all bad turned to ashes Shield," the second complete story or "Theher We want you to visit ua an siitotnoplle fqr Bent, wnere aancaof roses, Beloved ,r)vrnlurfr" "An L'ntirnlshei) and itHMChmsklng wilt be held thai nigui. Next .o Alhambra Theater Soiith El Pato StreetChildren, mow muc, num ciuiurrr iu Shield'' contains inipy Incidents that wli The parly will aliena a pari of Thursdayire's sea. accept everymmg just as a mat in new Banking House In La Lus sod La Lus ran) on, going luMurphy's cause the most hardened spectator to bold our

luurosa in uiu ctenmz icr a uig rany and Good thlniri to eat Everything clean and sanitary.Abe wiote long year afterward, "My bis breath In suspense or gasp wiih iston dance,

mo l bet. worked steadily and without com. Ishment. This Is not merely by reason or and inspect the specially ar-


Adolfo P. II III. Democrat e rand date rornlslnmg. bhe cooked, msde clothing, plant-ed

Special Dinner Every Day 40cComedians lie thq exrtttpg biistniMs," but berause the stale cortHirallou cmnmlatloner, will reachUtile garden, o ooutbed al limes,alittle thrills ara legl imattv and are logical d Alapiogordo Mime II mu licit Monday, alii)aiid orten would liara to lie doun fori velonments from ressonable situations. department for your

while, we um not snow sua was sis. cuetli.w and sad. Tn Toys or raic- - is another excellent Local sneakers, also will likely bo mi Hi.u unm v. dramatic Production that will i on the Come program. Mr. Hill's Itinerary beyond this EAT ATin ruma nrir. Xnd tt tfn I program. This tells I unique story of a convenience. any pom i uoes poi teem iu ue known tiers. FLORENCE CAFE

stood by Uio bed ate reached put one haul man who adopt the daughter of one wmm Court to Ceuirnr. Ttia N'otreat asaá Ilembrace and. pointing to be has wronged. S,ome very thrilling scenes 9 Judge Ldwatd I. .nearer, or tun Thirdir in me. my between and 3time a. m. has been theare m district, his lust bet-- here to draw the renovated ind remodeled sndFriday, Saturday anil Sunday sister Sarsh, said in s whisper, 'De good to seen tnis mciure, inciuumg the lunch counter discontinued. I'leniy of Club House Cafevenires tor me granu sua peni juriesWltb Matinee which will serve si Hie fall term or thu booths for lidi snd gonileman Quickuuscu uct tin, iu i FrankTne lirau uomaii I'oy wvJ Hob Gang, Pros.p. m. will Kit Ice, good food snd popular prices"HER COWBOY SWEETHEART" was several nours oeiore me cniiurcu ii district court, wort convene on Mon-

day, I Ssath El Pbm 8Cshe as aeao, October M, but will b Umiimilslrly SU Tetas Slrtel. ;i: ntu, Prop.A Military Vty In four acts.

The w1 dsy Thomas Lincoln ansde a cor AUtAvoriA-VAU- DE villi:, adjourned until the accumulation of casesPOPULAR PRICEa rin or spin boards. The nesiesl neighbor J tmes and I'rrur in an uuroarlaualr fun ran be cleared up In the other comities or

woman came from three miles away. The ny sketch entitled, "At the Depot." James the district. Lourl actually wl beginbody or the dead woman was placed In the in his funny Imitsilorui Is a sure laugh b4, hers some lime early In November.rudo coffin, And then four men carried the fore be itart. The .iirglai," featuring

OBITUARY corrin up to the lop of a little hill near by ttielr own origins) dances, ir the rme of AMERICAN UL'CHF.HS "Take life Easy"anu it was iuirvu iuiu ii. grace In ibelr movements and ronimandnmund of rocks was nude on ton. ac the undivided itlenllon of the entire audi Declares Her bule Was a Comlelfd Thief Walk Rubber HeelsWr. Laura, L, Nubley left Tuesday for cording lo the custom or the tunes, to pro ence Chas. Ederllng, an equilibrist, who Whca tins Married lllw. on

palias to bar tect th grave irom wiw animus. performs the almost impossible feat of lit fl Ji.ocldlrd frttt Ladies' 25cCO.remains of CaXKjJRU8Taccompany uu Little Abe and Sarah wrnl dowu the hill, standing on Ms hri) and turning bis body Whim Plains. N. Y.. Oct. a A auit tndaughter. Nr,' tut Hobliy Hubbard to dated and undone, clinging lu each other slmumniusly, "La Ouernta." the Span annuil Ihe ntarrlstt of Elllibelh d Wsjj Men't ,35ctl rasa for interment. Mrs, Hubband grltr-In their ni nwiiiri, nú wa taiK or r.I Faso VI 4UIU1 nsjrelived iq t.l pan md Um nws f Iwr Out there was work to do. and Sarah wat last wtek. have been atldeii to the bill to siioc manufacturer. lo tha Duiio jion For tale bydetlb, which. pecurred In Dallas on Oclobar Iba llt'le otbr mother at to uiable tin ylsltlng crowds lo Inusiiu ui Italy, was filed La court beN

7 waa recalfid mi to much regret by her For a year she cooked, scrubbed, patrbed this world rroowTtcd pair.a

esierdsy by consul for lbs ofmany old friend end aniuaUiianc. fun-eral

the cl thlug and looked alter Ida household, "The Clreu Waif." f ree) picture Ulllqg luriltk Enterprise Skoe & Leather Ci.service win u held Saturday, but Uie Then cue uajr liiuuifla wcui s itrange story and tImi uncuess. whose age tbe license gaveuiaateinanU fur the Interncst have not nd left tht two children alone. side of that .great ArLerieaa isWtiUon--. is li, nine years tier husband's senior, al 3 1 6 Meta Ave,yet beta wad. 114 wis tone for week, but huí M the circus, poori opea it s. m. Adwusion, ta. .El Icitd that Uw dull wis convicted thiol

Oct 9.1914.10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday.

'Lxclusiüe Agenta Reüillion Frere fura m SIDEWALK ORDERED GIRLS! HAVE BEAUTIFUL, LUSTROUS,


rOUMTT.X MORE H0t)fiF.fl IN CAMPBELL No Moro Dandruff or FHl'Ins; naliv-- A faltlns; hlrtut ,y two fprlwAUM1IIV.H HKCOHMgniDEU FOR Awalta will be aftefabout weeks Ul.

DESTRUCTION. Ileal SurpriseYou. when you will see new hsJtwfine and

downy ai i" ' ir newOwners Mutt Show Ctuts Why Unsanitary To be 'possessed of a head of heavy, hair proutlní out alt over your seals

Is, we believe, thelonnmoni nnouia mai ne Aoatea, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, Danderlne only

The Great Sale Comprising the New York Purchase of Health Department Report. wavya matter

and freoof using;


little Danderlne.Is mere-


hairand cure


umiuJCTItchy scalpor


iti It Is easy and Inexpensive to havo never fall to toP hair atroutine businessOnly was considered st

the meeting yesterday morntnr or the city nice, soft hair and lots of It. Just once. .council. The mcetlnr w postponed until Ret a 5 cent bottle of Knowlton's If you want to prove now pretty nj137 Silk Dresses IftH ni) o ciocs. on accoum or ine army pa Danderlne now II drug; stores rec-

ommendsoft your hair

Danderlnereally Is, moisten

anda cloth

It apply a little as 'directed with a little carefullywoufd be lmroisible to ret those fellows and within ten minutes there wtll be draw it through your hair taking onetogether until after the bit performance an appearance of abundance; fresh-

ness,small strand at a time. Tour hair will

mey are just uie a Duncn or scnooi aim." flufflness and Incomparable, be soft, Blossy and beautiful In JuttMayor Kelly tald nouitnr of bis delires in an a delightfulfew momenta surprii,will agloss and lustre and try as youwe miner. who tries this.

M. m. nirra. city aldewalk Infractor, re you cannot find a trace of dandruff or awaits everyoneported that there are at present sixty-el- f htCaused A Furore Yesterday miles oi siaewaiK ana curuinr ti i iwUurlne ftentember 10.0)0 aauare feet of side street, for an Overland tour-

ingRoofing II,' li.K and li.w

walk was ordered conttructed, and orders car. per roll. Burion-Llng- Co., ph. to.were limed for the construction of 1,668

And With Unabated Interest lineal feet of curblnr. Permits for UfiU JUSTICE WALTHALL TAKES SEAT.Continues Today squire feet of sidewalk were Issued during VITAL RECORDthe past month and 30.582 feet of aldewalk Former District Judoe JolnsCeurt et cimana ajm reel or euroing were consiruciea. Births. Appeals.Sidewalks Ordered. CARSON To Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Carson, Judge A. M. Walthall, former Judge of tfcValues the Greatest Ever Shown The rollowinr were ordered to construct 804 Ilooserelt street, Sept. ft, a girl. rorty-rirs- t district court, yesterday tootsidewalks In rront of their property! NEIL To Mr. and Mrs. R. J. 'Hell. 317

Ochoai Hawkins sest as associate justice or theJotera negaldson, South west Missouri street, ocu i, a gin. bis court ornros. Improvement company, Bliss street; WALKER To Mr. and Mrs. nay Walker, civil appeals. Judge Walthall rills the v.

TW HE Special New York purchase of New Silk Dresses secured by Mr. Coblentz, now Ken Luceron, South Odios; Mrs. Victoria Urf Arizona street, Oct. 2, a girl. canry caused by the resignation or JuitireWalthallDllsa and McKenile. JudgeFLanre, street! Mayrield Bulldlnr DESMOND To Mr. and Mrs. R. J. j. resigned

in the Eastern market, and placed on sale yesterday started the town to talking as improvement company, miss street! Mrs. a. Michigan and Willow streets, Sept. recently from tho Forty-flr- district courtW. nrovtn. st. Vraln street; Kerfoot heirs, 27. a son. to arrept appointment as associate jutli

never before, and thrifty women were lined up at our doors at the opening hour. HOWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howell, Ills placo was taken by Judge P. R. prrfkins nros. improvement Bliss nomlnstcd at tbe last electioncompany. who was torPinto, Oct. t, a girl.Never have we seen such a rush in the Dress Section, and many actually struggled in street; W. J. Fewel, Dllss streets C. E. ALVAnADO TO Mr. and Mrs. Raynaldo the position.

friendly rivalry for the choicest models and values. The collection includes the newest CastKewel.




Ueulah1. Davis.






Mrs. Luis nomero,of their rosa street; i. F. and O. C. Coles, Montsna 32S Leon street, Oct. 3, a girl.styles of the hour now in vogue in New York and were purchased at a fraction street, J. E. Buckler, nevada street; II. S DIAMOND To Mr. and Mrs. W. Diamond,

actual worth. The materials consist of fine Satins and Crepe de Chines made up in the ricKara,Buckler, North

normStanton.norence street, ana J. a 1007



Mr. andstreet,



Madrid.a . "Father finds Dr. Mile.'

latest basque, senii-basqu- e and deep girdle styles and cleverly trimmed. No woman in HousesFourteen


Destroyed.In Camnbell addition, air

Oct. 3, s girl. Anti-Pai- n Pill the bestEl Paso can afford to miss this opportunity today. The exciting buying


destruction10 rooms,

lo thewerereport

recommendedof the health


Theyfor rheumatism

have done himthat



scenes of yesterday are sure to be repeated, and wc urge early shopping. UQ Q C department.owners,


wereand residents

adopted re-questing of


Burled Oct.Bernarda

8 in ConcordiaCarrasco, 48,

CatholicOrí than


them forever





cellentWhile these dresses last, your choice at .' JJ .JJ these houses to appear at the next meeting; cemetery.TORIIEZ Oregoris Torrei. I, Oct. 8. Bur-



so manyforways,

headachefor so many

andof the council to explain the alleged unsan-itary Oct 8 Miles'in Concordia County cemetery. rheumatism. Dr. remedies araconditions said In the health report to AGUILERA Infant or always knowsJuan Aguilera, son so positive ons they willexist in ine nunaings invoivea. Rutlllo 1101 Santa Fe Oc-

toberMarie A.Aguilera, street, do good." Harris,Births liscecd Deaths. 8. Burled In Concordia County ceme-

tery.South Downing BC, PIqua. Ohio.200 Choice New Fall Blouses $2.95 Tho health report for the week shows

Anti-Pai- nDr. Miles' Pillsgreater birth rate than (loath rate, there LOERA Albert Loera, Inrant son or Man-uelbeing 18 births and 16 deaths. Eighteen Loera, Oct. 8. Burled Oct. 8 In Con-cordia

have long been recognized, as Misscases or typhoid fever were reported to Catholic cemetery- - Harris says, as one of the very bestthe health department during the week. PATTERSON O. J. Palterson. 37. Oct. 7.

A Just Received During September 62 plumbing permits Burled Oct. 8 In Concordia cemetery. remedies for the relief of rheuma-tism.Big Shipment Offering were Issued, and applications were made for CHACON Juan Chacon. 35. Oct. 7. Burled Rheumatic pains, especially

17 gas permits. Oct. 8 In Concordia County cemetery. in chronic cases, often cause theUnusual Thrift-Da- y 'Economies One hundred and one building permits. LUNT Seth Lunt. Infant son of II. Lunt, intense suffering, but Dr. Milesmostror worn vanicn at ivojou. were issuea 605 oro street. Ort. . Burled Oct. 7. In

during tho past month. Concordia cemetery. Anti-Pai- n Pills seldom fail to giveAction on Petitions. relief. Why suffer when relief isMAMMOTH shipment of new choice Blouses re-

ceivedThe petition of properly owners to Im Marriage Licenses. within reach?A prove Prospect avenue was approved by easy

in time for Thrift-Da- y selling. The most wonderful values to our the Council. uhtu. t ranctsco Sold under a guarantee assuring thma Morton, both Of El Paso. return of the price of the first box If naknowledge ever shown in El Paso-a- t the price. Our salespeople arc enthusi-astic

The petition of residents of Washington Wrybeyrlon Adol to Anna btneflt results. At all drugalsta.arc nivcra ana nampark ror an ngnt at Bell Pepper, both or El Paso.about these marvelous values because every blouse is a bargain in every melt streets was granted.

of the word. We describe few numbers taken The application or tno note; Homero rorsense a at random. Our. Blouse runner's license was granted.Section is sure to be the busiest place in the store today. We urge early The council approved a communication

relative to tho Inability or Mrs. Peter,shopping. Mtchcro to construct sidewalks on part of PRINTING;

her property as ordered.An ordinance granting the EI Paso IrrtThe collection includes ration comoany tho right to construct an COMPANY

iron railing around Its property was passedAll-Ov- Shadow Lace and Flowered Chiffons. nn the first reading.Good Quality Tailored Messaline Blouses. Moro than 900 bills were approved anil

ordered raid.Beautiful Embroidered Crepe de Chine Styles. city Attorney joe xeaion reported a ciaimBlack and White Striped Girdle Blouses. Hams.

lor damages against ui cuy uy r. j. wii The finest equipped shop in ElBlack Satin and Semi-Basqu- e Creations. Paso.Whenever You Nerd a General Tonic Take Type-Setti- ng Machines,ofA Big Variety Roman Stripe Novelties. urove's.

Shown in all colors and combinations, in sizes up to 46. The Old Standard Urove's Tasteless Chill Cylinder Presses, and fa-cility

valuable Uencral everya$2.95 Tonic Is equally asExtra Special All Day Today Tonic because It contains tho well knowntonic properties of OUl.NDVK and 1IIO.V for handling all classes ofDrives out Malaria, enriches Blood, Buildsup the Whole system, soc Printing, from a visiting card to

Petticoats $1.69 Kimonos at 79cIN


THEof Civil


large publication workwe offer an cxtrn special for SPECIAL collection of the now cot-

ton(James It. Harper. A. M. Walthall, E.

FODAY selling. Good qunllty A iliggins. usures.)"Crepon" Kimonos, the latestuntl 1HtopsPetticoats with Jersey Submitted.oloth In fancy patterns.plaited flounce. Shown In all the Including Chas. Miller et 1. vs. Ben Campbell, fromInch floral effects. Made with the raglán

new colors nnd lilnck imd while. Almsleeves effect, with novelty cord finish.

Harris.T. Patterson et al. vs. Sylvan Beach Co.. Phone 4993 420 San Antonio Streeti,ll wanted shade. Friday Only.ffjl Q One of the many White House val-

ues.rrom Harris.

-- Limit One P1.U.7 79c Paul Bauer el si. vs. J. w. Crow, fromExtra Special Today Harris.'. II. Irvln vs. James Johnson et al.

from Harris.W. L. Dickson vs. F. I.. Lights et al.. from

Harris.Bastrop ti Austin Bayou nice Growers'Specials Today Specials Today association vs. J. B. Cochran et al., from

'Harris.Jeanctte and nose Bergcrc vs. B. J. Par What an Able Writer Says About Paint$3.50 BASQUE CHAINS TODAY ker. from Harris. He claims that health Is cleanliness and cleanliness is beauty and$2.95HANDBAGS Wicks, Jr., et al. vs. Louts Comves,UP TO $9.50 Moye

$1.95 The new basque neck chains rrom turns. a thing cannot bo made truly beautiful without It Is made clean nndA broken lot. mostly one of a kind of J. W. Miller et al. vs. T. F. Flattery et wholesome, and by applying plenty of paint combined with a little

and are decidedly clever. One loop around al.. from Harris. taste brings cleanliness, beauty and health.our finest handbags, including pin Thrift Needed J. C. Baldwin et al. vs. G. W. Johnson,

lined and in the neck with extension piece with rrom Harris. "WOIIK SPKAKS FOIl ITSELF."handsomelymat scul leathers n. S. Chllds et al. vs. Willie McOrew

with and other I which to attach locket. Made of nov-elty

rrom Harris. TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO.many equipped purse14 Kt. gold Fidelity and Deposit company of MarylandEvery Home filigree carved linksRegular and envelope vs. nenry Aiurecm. iroin narns.necessities. in Oriental designs. J. H. Pollard vs. Allen & Sims, from liar,Many with coloredthat the rla.We regushapes. guarantee stone ornaments. Worth to Southern Pacific company vs. Annie Wal

values high as tho cost of many $1.95 ker. from Harris.lar were as WITH $3.50. Today$2.95 of llfo dally advancing F.d Bathotomew et al. vs. Claude Culver,

$9.50. Choice today. . . from Harris.tho demand hy Thrifty Shop-per- s J. C. Hooper et at. vs. II. W. Lottman etUP TO $1.00 KID GLOVES 59c PR. ai.. rrom nams. Tpday and Tomorrowfor "Special Values" from time An Mary N. Murphy vs. William J. Mur

MEN'S 50c S 29c to time to help reduce, the coxt of liv-


extra special today in black, white phy, rrom Harris.

A special lot of solid colored, fancy and Is inking an orgiinlzoií, form nil and tan kid gloves. Also gray. Self T.HoustonJ. Conley.

Lightingfrom Harris.

and Tower company vs

FALL SUIT DAYS FOR MENnovelty and silk in over the land. Perhaps In


no other((itched and shown in all sizes. r n. W. Tharp vs. Cabeen Blake, from Har-

ris.crepeline of retail merchandise has there Values to $1.00. Today, the pr.J7C Susan S. Simmons et al. vs. F. F. Arnlm et

the wanted flare end styles. OQ al., rrom Harris.been a steadfast tendency to keep John W Bray et al. vs. Campbell SewallExtra Special today, each. . . , rrlces normal or below normal as In


et ai., rrom nams. Now for a well dressed city.Women's IUiuly-to-Wi- Apparel. 5c 100 dozen fine Thomas McDrlde al. vs. A. M. Loomls Look through thisquality sheer lawn from El Paso: Justice Hlgglns dissenting. paper. Buy only from the storesNOVELTIES AT 39cUP TO $1.00 handkerchiefs with Itrvrrsrd and Remanded.

of no'vel-tie- s,Our prices not only remain normal Longfellow initial. Charles Otnther vs. Ttosa Camn da Zabal. that are advertised.

One mammoth collection gift Embroidered initial al..regardless of war conditions, but In goltlo et two rases; Injunction dissolved.Goods, Tapestry in pink, light blue and Ilehearlng Overruled.including Jap lavender.addition we offer I'NMATCMAIiLE You Spencer Eira vs. State of Texas, from The store without a name is liable to whisper to thatNovelties, Jewel Cases, White Ivory THUIFT-DA- VALl'ISS of would expect to' double. Brewster, you

Interest to pay r are higher of theMessrs. S. II. Brashear, a. L. Jackson and prices on account war. And once you areand Floral Novelties. Values to 39c

every home. In the Times every Friday Today J)C i.eon onrieinon the

orcourttne Houston

or civilparappeals.

are in at-

tendance inside of such a store, you are liable to believe it.$1.00 today, each. . . . . . 50c NET AND LACE RUFFLINGS Thirty-fourt- District Court. But the store that is advertising here, the store that has(Dan M. Jarkon,15c YD. A small lot in white, ecru Sarah Murphy vs, Thomas

Judge.)Murphy, suit establuhed its name, the store that has announced its policy

UP TO $10.00 MESH BAGS AT $2.50 and black. All for dltorce; filed. of fair dealing and won confidence in mind suchwanted widths. Must your a storeMrs. B. A. Ferguson J.vs. E.A limited lot of odd mesh bags be closed out today, - r4 suit for divorce; filed.Ferguson, will tel you honestly that because of the new Tariff achedule

made of genuine German silver with Toilet Specials The yard lOQ roriy-flr- District Court. in woolens the pnce of their clothes are actually lower thanhandsome fancy chased frames. Strong (P. It. Price, Judge.) they used, or, where the prices are the same the qaality

NEW CAMBRIC (lenevlrve Schulte vs. Consolidated s is far better.unbreakable mesh. Today TODAY ONLY PETTICOATS AT City Smelting and iteflnlng company,$2.50 45c Made of soft, suit for damages roe death of rather:to close out, each. . .. . sheer cambric sj3,oou; on trial. These things are facts. They will be vouched for bymuslin withNo l'hone Orders. None Delivered. embroidered scalloped any

Limited Quantities. edge and Justlee Court. great clothing manufacturer, who has established trademark50c PATENT LEATHER BELTS 25c

panel. Cut full size A (James J. Murphy, Judge.) for his clothes or they will be vouched fora

Packer's anda by honestSSo liars Shampoo remarkable value at íjC anyA regrouping of 'l odds and ends 8p 16c company, suit ror damages, 170; riled. clothing store that has established a good name kere in ourNEWLY WED J' Waller, sequestration midst.of the season's best sellers. White, HOUSE APRONS SUlt. 31.7S. filed.Daggett & Itamsdell's SOo 38c ONLY 35c Made of company vs. Dr. C. M.

black and combination leather styles Cold Cream Amoskeag ging-ham Hendricks, suit on contract, t3; riled. Therefore thisb year advertmngin and isue white checks with doing you a greater

and fancy silk effects, selling Of J5c Huttles Jergrn'a Mention belted back, one pocket and Justice Court. service than ever before.16c D.and (E. McCHntock, judge.)regularly at 50c. Today, each,"1 Almond Cream round neck. Today OOC We want these twoVVIHUnw cult rnr H.m - n. i.:- -' day, to be the2Sc Hones Banltol Face Powder, ' ' greatest clothing daysment tor defendants. this hascity ever:15c seen; we want to see ProsperityToday i"de. ourglaryj complaint written all

--EXTRA! -- EXTRA - filed by U II, Greenburg, over every man in this city. We want thVriX.k his backonAutotnoblls Ureases.

to tell the story of the confidencer'j .m his miad.10c Vests 6c 25c Hose 16c 'a Ford Hoadstcr. ' Every .tore that is behind thissleevelessLow neck, awe to ii. ."iitnon, no west Nevada great is

cotton ribbed vests and One lot of black cotton street, for a Ford touring car. Kei m 'to WindOWi ftnd hM t. advertiserTenU inwell taped necks and iIliprmilUMslrJilfllMrj hose with elastic tops v a supuu OI ft JllMJJVVVllstreet. Sor s Nsxnell lour--shoulder straps. n and double heelsToday; ,, Ui. nd toes. The pr. IOC M- - L. Nsquln, Ilimiay apart-

ment, Let u. show our own confidencefor s Veils touring in the gloriousdestiny of our own America, and let irmfeXTus that confi-denceM. U ."taquín. Ilamuy apart- - with sew cIoUm.ment. tor a Valla i.,.,n.'The Store of Service" car ' '

So-- To J. t, rreeraaa, not TuUross

va FWf, Ott: i, 1914. EL PA50 MORNING TIMES i

i i

xa? FREE Friday Remnant Day, Silk ana Dress Goods Sec.Many rpeclnl Itcmnnnt Unrs-ftln--i ara offered In the mile and Dressfloods tifpnrtment for today's telling;, that make It of unuifua In

Arrny buttons tlvcn Free to A Silk Flag and a fresh tercst to economical shoppers to mnko their purchase on this day.wilt bo given to each There nro desirable length-- - loft from tho busy week's selling; IneveryonvUltlrfg the tora member of the army visiting thla department that are offered at about half regular value.

during Army Tournament. this atore. LaflKth suKublo for, blouses and separate skirts and trimmings ofall kind." Ho sure to sco them today.


TODAY ONLY Another, Rousing Friday at Everybody's .GroupedHandIn one

Bags.lot for Today's

'We offer a special value In Devon soiling aro n large assortment ofshire cloth, ot genuine quality, 12 Hand tlags that have been sellingIn. wjde In a large range of pat-terns

as high ns $1.4. Consisting ofthat are very desirable' for suedes and silk molro in black,




forschoolhouse Remnant Day and Double flt Stamps Today

blue, purple,take your


and brown."

dresses. Marked for today f r Main Floor 50conly at, yard ....ivtWash Goods Section Main Floor. A Rapid Fire Distribution of New Fall Merchandise at Remarkable Prices Stationery Bargains.

Visitors to El Paso as Well as all economical shoppers of the city, will reap great savings by coming to "Everybody's" today. The Goodregularly


Initialto 3Sc

stationery,t t


In the Lace great spread of bargains, the heaping quantities of Remnants and the double S. & H. Stamp offer will make this day trebly interesting. Today . ÁUC

Section Nearly every department in the house wili bring forth Us greatest offerings in the new Fall merchandise; besides We will give two of theCorrespondenceembossed Initials,


with, goldrj

The special values offered for to S. & H. Stamps instead of the usual one. up to 25c, Today I Cday will create utmost enthusiasm.

in 4.and

Remnants6 yard lengths of beautlfnl-transparcn- t , A Day of Wonderful Values in Women s Apparel Polled Plants

laces, IS Inches wide Special Today.are offered today only at A Friday Offering Some More of Those Stun-ning

Today we offer "CacosHalf Price plants. Including not.Remarkable New TailoredNew Crepe de Chine These aro tho kind Wo have beenselling regularly at $1.00. Take

Dresses at Suits at them Today at,"

JVét Top Laces Dress Offerings each 50cTHE SEASON'S IíATEST designs $9.95 $19.75Come In cream, white and e It Is pretty hnrd to say which value In dresses is superior, for Dress Goods and Sillas.effects, 18 Inches wide. In excep A similar announcement of suits at thishero aro remarknbln offerings in dresses of crepe de chine, silk price fortionally pretty patterns. In values This special offering ot dresses at $9.95 should create poplins, charmeuso arid pussy willow taffetas, grouped In ono Monday crowded tho department with engt-- buyers.

FOITlt EXCKITIOXAIi OFFERI-NGSthat usualy sell at 11.25 yard, are tho utmost enthusiasm in our ready-to-we- section Yard wldo sUk taffotasAgain wo give theyou opportunity tolot and offered at one price, and that very low. All the newest savo on your

offered today only at 48c today all day, for the assortment is large and the shades to bo found In the new Basque models, new Redingote now Full suit. Wo have jiiKt opened a shipment Thisin all

Isthoa very special value; comes

values are very unusual. Beautiful de chino season's latest and mostyard crepe models and also In new pleated and plain tunic models, with which contains a largo lot of d suits thatdresses in a new Fall model, has bodice In blouso will offer wanted shades; Is excellent qualitywu you today at tho lowcollars and cuffs of white orgnndle, white satin and whlto pique. snmo price.effect, collar and cuffs are of white silk poplin and $19.75. silk that sells everywhere at $1.59They nre early winter styles In sizes forValues that would If assorted In lotssell, toaccording cost, aswhite organdie; a full pleated long tunic In rich both women and misses. Materials tho yard, is offcrod here saro woolto Wo offr holco Herges,Fall shades, Tete de Nlgre, navy, Copenhagen, green $16.75 $22.50. you í 1 9 71 poplins and cheviots, in all the newest wanted today at, yard ploUUNet Top Laces and black. Don't fall to see these dresses today In Today, any size, any color, any style vluil D

shades. This Is un offer of which you should takeOFFERED SPECIAL TODAY our Third Floor Rendy-toWe- Department. advantage today.

The scarcity of- - these laces In themarket today makes this offering Store Soiled in Main noon siTimNoK, 50c yard.of 27 Inch net top laces, of un-usual

Friday SpecialInterest to all who need these Rugs Rugs Rugs Blankets Aisle We have been enjoying unusualdainty trimmings. Come In cream, Newest Fall IUukoh of vollo nnd dulnty luwns, nro offered at patronage on these suitings. Thowhite and two tones; values to SMITH'S TAPESTRY RUGS A large variety of Iilanketa used In window display and for the low price of 9De. These nro our latest xhipiuent of dainty exceptional value Is the cause. Tho$2.00 yard, today, good Colors and designs. Including Oriental designs. Wo have display in basement salesroom that, have blouses. They ore voiles nnd lawns, daintily anil some elab-

oratelyu.'Hort imtit consists of FroncJi

89c become slightly soiled, are offered at Herges, nun's veiling, albatross,yard just received this shipment and they are exceptional values embroidered, some have collar ami cuffs In awningvery special reduced prices for today. stripes, while some hnvo embroidered orgundln Scotch platdH, uwnlng strlpus, Uoa- -at regular price, $15.00. For today we offer

them at , MM Somo are all wool, some wool nap and collars and cuffs. Take your pick today 95c ford cords, hroended mohairs andsome cotton. All are' 'low for today. Main Floor. storm serges; all colors for 50cBasement Fall, ynrd

Collars andOur Basement Store Offers UnusualFichus . Buying Opportunities Linoleum Special.

A large assortment in net lace and New arrival of Armstrong's Corkembroidery, In round, square andvest effects. Stop at tho Neckwear Linoleums; 2 yards wldo, now pat-

terns,section 'today1 and see these. They A Special Blouse Item House Dresses. Outing Flannel Gowns. beautiful coloring. Regulur25c- - to 50of but '""""' ' Time to buy outing gowns. .Ihcso are special vnlucs for

75q Quality, squaro 49ctoday your choice 19 7n the Basement SíóreT Airbpportunlty for extra' larSí.íU" wéll as women who Today's selling. Good, largo, full out sizes In neat stripes yard . c wear regular sizes, to get an extra, fine quality house that will wash rn Regular 60c quality, 39cWe have been offering some unusual values in blouses in Special OVC square yard

dress. In desirable .colors, nt a special price Today Sizes ttho Basement, at $1.00. These are now grouped on ona


USUALtable and today you can take your 48c

areto 52

now from'

3 $1.50 Mens Night Shirts.FRIDAY pick at The Basement Store offers men's night shirts, mado of Casement Cloths.

Women's Stockings. We offer for good quality cambrío In V neck style, plain A Q New arrival of Casement Cloths fortoday a clean-u- p on women's Corsets 49c. Women's Stockings. white, full cut sizes, at ench TtOC ctiamlier windows. Theso are nil Instockings. All broken Unes óf our white voiles and mulls with beauti-

fulMen's Shirts.regular 50c hose In mercerized cot-ton,

You can buy a reliable corset of new Fall weight material, This special offer should sell many dozen pairs today. colored borders in Dresden efin good weights for Fall. Black Final clean-u- p men's Hhlrts for dress alsoon fects. Priced fromwear, somo at 20cIn low bust and long hip style, with substantial hoso Good lisle cotton hose, with double heels and toes, and 45conly are specially colored ones In tho lot. Monarch and duett makes In to

priced 3 pair for $1.00 supporters attached. Today , 49c garter tops, in whlto only. Today 25c cluded. Vnlues to $2.00 29c Second Floor--for THREE PAIRS Today, choice . . , , , . .

National league championship and the hon-or

MUNICIPAL HOLIDAY. 1010 Tmnherltiifl llui tou7 Peg to;, I&13 i.ittiu iiurr. 1001 Dignityor getting Into tho series. When wo DOUBLE CROSS IS IUW Timepiece llu IM1 London Ulrl. luo, ix,v. pir jrWorld's Series Contenders realized this wss accomnllshed. s little re- - City Hall Otllcrs Close This Afternoon ror TIIIIID hack ime and mile. IH.1 llortch 1031 1W3 While ,( rown liaSizing Up laxalon came with It. coming over rrom Army louruaiurau I7 notion I7 itOT Tom Hancock Idol ikjI Hooker Mill. 103 iioii T,.rv i.,i,i

noston to aew York on the train ine nigtn The county clerk's olflco will close at 1017 Yovdellng vi Hw Kalrron 011 nil 1. y Mexican KUi not Jsri ii',iv, uaBy "Johnny" Evers, Captain and SUr Second Basemsn ot Ibe Boston Braves. that we knew the thing was finally settled noon today, and the employes will bo given I'atlrlici- luM lOil Olio FIOIO. "... iwi icvJ nan ui'ay iwStalllngs said to ine: a hair holiday to attend the tournament, DEALT DUSKY PUG Will Sonny H03 l IOIC Woof lSi' ,"'?

"I wish we were going to start the first h'o arrangements had been made yesterday FOUHTII IUi.1. hix rurlongs.-190f- t lllldi HACK Une mile.III. never get a rise out or of them, but game or tho world's scries tomorrow, to close the district clerk's ornee, allhougli Housemaid l 111 nun Isidora .... lsi ii llagan ... 08i8iiorosvenor 107any

When tint first game starts today both I bet we do. 'Johnny.' " It Is said that the deputies will be given MlumliiT .... 1161 l77 Tart ICU7 lloial Park. IUJ(l807;Pnce lleimls Hiclub will Jump away to get the edge, be-cause

An advantage not to be overlooked that I knew what he feared the breaking or an opportunity to attend in turn. The city SEUL'EI. OF JUAIIK7. BATTLE ItOYAL IS mm, iM.'lhy Dean tuthis club with the hall win uo cioseu mis anernoon ana n rrn iiace-jih- i milerUUIillT AT SECOND AMI mi mil hack-m- ix furlongs.each realizes how much this edge we wiu nave in tins series is that, al-

thoughis going to mean 10 11 in mis snore series. the Athletics will go Into It the "I think that I'll let them keep going persons employed In city offices will be OltECU.N HTHEETS. tttll .liKI9iM)llnrrn iw i,y ranchita tw mi Hucnlr M2

The Hraves have gone over the whole favorites in the betting m Itself a hand along Just about a we have and not rest given a nan iionaay. 1007 Willie Meul I0l 17X1 giar or Love vrtlnn.i.jinv Love. Iuji ixiiA l.niv Mi,ni i.nAthletic outfit Willi microscope, and icap we win he llio preference among up any one much." he added. (luiiDv i iucry.. imii ism nay irriy... 1; I"- - 1WJ WlllOW .ilOOIl 11U


tleHe followed this course, and I don't Your name, business and address in tho Combatants Land la Police Station, .Where iaiii iiAt.1. uuc inue, I KM I l'1'iilllliplloll IU3 1881 "trr HlwtHlS.414-has mapped out our plan or baseball rouower ail over the country, be-


against each Philadelphia pltcticr because or that old reeling ror the under dog. think there will be any crack visible when "Who and What Are lou Looking tori" I7M Astrologer IWJ5 Tsy Pay .... ! i.'.M.'fh?.rr' '!c WA W'K sil I'0thai' first let column or The Times will help to lated to ivii nanery ... Hi lidfl I'elelus I". Imi7 ii'iiho knows them all, and he thinks he knows This same reeling heled us to beat tho. game starts morrow. He you Captain. mrbeu ilbaia)itutk)iorii U7how to beat them. The Boston club will Olants, because tho senllment does aid a me rest a little bit. because my stomach secure more business. Phone VM about It. 1017

Vollhornei:i oro ....

. 1000tsil Carroll Heed '. UaiKeium Knlry. H. Weber 4. Wardluithe bell ball team and mistake. It is hard to had been bothering me, and I am down In Amiler l.nliy.fight from the minuto rings. no weight, but ho kepi most or the other reg-

ularaThat ho was made the vicilm or what itfi fearkclnlli .. 10; iww Hir Frctiul nu Finn MACK -- Five ana a hair furloiirs.Tito Braves will go Into the series ready eiplaln Just how, but It does. The Ath-

letics pegging along. Therefore, the club Is technically known as I ho "double cross" Lou Lanier. 108 ll; c F llaliiKci. llu ICHI Hr i armen. tcMMtK.V;f.ia,crJ ltto take alt kinds or chances to win. I have had most or Hie country pulling ror lsu 1 ii ll'ifinon. loci 1817heard a lot or talk In the pan about tho them in 1910, and they beat tho Cubs. I be-


I In tiptop shape to make the right, and was the sad story related to Captain Oarncr rX Italpii Lloyd tul)l.arly Lignu kju Irt, Uiiuinii . 118 ilsUl.'n Loe tiran llu

Athletics stealing signs In a world's series, that this sentiment has something to every man on It t mil or pepper and life. hINTII ItAi.KHim- - and I 16 mile.and some or them arterwards claimed to do with the overthrow or so many great We are more confident now than we have yesterday afternoon by Homer Kennedy, a IKiU I. II Adair... 01) I88J First Degree, luíhav had every sign "Johnny" Kllng gave clubs afler they have won two or three been at any timo since w knew that wel negro scrupier or reputation and one or Weather cloudy; track fast. ivjfj I. Mile llean.. 10jtS3Miickrry .... puin the games with tho Cubs In 1910. This riags In succession. The Olants were not wouia no contenders in the series, stal-

llngs. the participants In the "balito royal" staged Ii7i H ue i. (unci) tuiliNiLiilher idsir start out out this the Athletics who Is full or superstition, like mo, "CHL'HCHII.L DOWNS L.VTIIIKH. UM lioiuuzii .... loin 377J'e Dockery artwas not true, but, anyway, they worn year, nor were at the Juarez arena last Sunday afternoon.that the luck hat been with IC73 Ak Ma iwi ..arier signs this year, they are going to get In tail, nor the Cubs In 1909. says running, uva leeth .. luu

some Jolts. We are ready ror this and I'll bet that a lot of American leaeuers are us. uur mssrot is trained to the minute, Kennedy, who Is known in darktowu cir tuicldl Wire tn The Timit lrt-- l Just lied ... IIU tm Miar Actress. Himay surprise mem secretly hoping that this Boston club wins We are ready to ro against the Athletic. cles as "Tine," had entered Into an agree Churchill Downs, Ky., Oct. 8. HHS1 I mm li or Hryu M lii

and we ire irnlnr In there to win. Kverv H ACK fin lours.-- suthe series. The Athletics are not pop- - ment with one Hubert Paris, aiiuthcrEverv Indication oolnls to this series being very, parular even In tbeir own league, both the man on ma cum win da latinir lunr cnanccs. IIT7I Yenrhee TOiiWl iifnnmllan .. lo Wealher rlnuily; track g(K)d.

one or ine naraesi lougw in years. 111 1110 and risking legs and arms and heads to ucipaui 111 me. uaiue, which uiciuueu uve I iJ lluyal Tea ,, Mil IM0 iolslaWashington and Cleveland cluba beJna--rirst place, the Athletics are up against a

ticularly bitter In their reeling towardpar

get on and around the bases, If they pull tiegioes. lly the leinu 01 this ugreeuieni IH7U Hoslus 103 iNii Tho Uracil .. The bust thu market afrordsngniing leam ana a uiunui muia-rer-, any sign stealing, we hao a trick or two or as "Tlgu" terim-- it, "rMiuu-up,- nu (noni.lllle Father tOA m ituhiiun ii.. at the Zeii-e- i iHiiel- ,- Advertisement.)Mark's team. Several or the Athletics hareclub that won the pennant largely on Its to pull onrselrrs. It Is going to be a great young man. sou ran civ m uo inuir ovsi 10 kiioc. IK83 chillón King loft Itil frill Hoy....nerve, night now, I'll go on record as say.


or twoto join




at the timeand series, and 1 Know 1 am going to enjoy 11, out I Ho oilier three uegroe, m uui samu 177 Lnctn Hart. Hit ikvi ruriong . . . Your name, business snd address In theInr that I think Stalllnrs is a better mxna limo ieruming I rum sinking eucn olhej.because I think we will show up the Ath-

letics, to financial indepen-


1MJ Morrlslown ill) IMI Wllhlle Who and Whsl Are You Looking For?"than Mack, and I believe this will be or the threatened. players' strike last sum As result uf llio pact one ur other of llioger snd II Is hat r llio Times,mer that they would At that Just v. I want to do, (iwjitiineiKi nui column will heln van mgenerally admitted In baseball before fall-ings

plsy any way. two would survive thu butilo and tullecígets through, ir the notion club time, some or the younger men on our team rney neea 11. , by saving part of h purse, wnlch they would later divido 1831


ini,r-rn- i!.. Iu3 1833aim

Il'ua nan


tailsecuiu- (Adtertlsvnicilt.)

inuie imi.,uVj i uuue nui SOOUI II,got together and sent the Athletics a teleshould win this series, the credit Is coming sccreiiy.

to .Mm. And I hoi the Almenes try some gram Kiauing mem airaut tneir attitude, PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. earnings or "I lie jrreemeiit as kepi, at least "llgu'sign stealing, because Stalllngs has opposed nine eipeeting men mat we would be rae. your cUimi lie kept his part of it, and i'urUthe Markinrn often enough to offset this Ing them in the world's series. We were Standing of the Club. won, rollecteu the money, bul, alus, ueg

in isst place at that time. won. rci,stylo or attacg. kcud to divide with his punier or tncThe Athletics tuve not received any tips Portland "Iranio."Another reason whv It will be hard rrom outsiders on the style or nlav or our Han Francisco ..107 you'll soon have a little it was while "Tlge" was attempting lufought series Is because the Athletics used rlub which will be worth anything to them. Venice ..10 collect by foiclhla means llul Hie police STATE NATIONAL BANKto knock the Boston msnsger when he was necause ine reuows wno reauy know are x Angeles , .,103 working capital stored swooped down on Hie two dusky llrhtursIn the American lrague, and he naturally pulling their lieads off ror the Boston team Sacramento1 ., ., Si at nccoml snd Oregon streets ienlayis anilous to get nark at inem. Tnererore, and not tipping anything on us. Even Oakland .. II JC0 business fleinon. At lira station, oiiUlu Uaruui , TAIWJHirKD APKSh, 1UL

intoclub winwe will at tli Philadelphia to to gogo "lluDfi" Vlfkers. once a Ditcher ror Mark. away to gain an Inslgut into the !at any price. They will find themselves favors our rlub, I think, rrom what he Where Tbey I'lay Today, stlciiipled

IrauMCllou by uuuslloulng the negroes, and I ajsjrrrAXh mnmnvm ajcb TJtarnu. MVm . . . (oe.c.gplaying a very dirrerent ball club rrom the has had to say, although be has not ad-mitted

Ban Francisco al Sacramento, for yourself, it developed thai the wily Vnf In hu,Olants or the Cubs. I believe the Braves It In so many words. He has Los Angeles at Oakland. lulu'anilely to win the nurse bad entered IatrMt Paid AccountsSavingswill put up 1 much harder firm than inn handed out some Information about the Venice at PortlandL this itrong bank in; an atieciurnl similar to that described l4 onrould this If had(Hants have season they time. Yesterdav' Carnes.Athletics from time to Tire" wltn each of Ibe lie roes In lfgotten into trie series. It win be rood thing ror bawbill ir At Oakland-S- an Francisco t; Missions t. vites you to open an ac-


a m. MORXIOBXXX, TTtant. JOHKPH UAaOFSTN, Vlo.PreNeither the Olants nor Cubs went trier the ne notion team win tnis series, because At san Francisco 1.0s Alíseles 7: oak As 'the result or this strategy. Paris Just a X. jsJUMBTT, QEORQII XX rLOKT, Cashier.Philadelphia players to ret Ihem up In the It will renew and increase interest In the land 1. with $1.00 or more. naturally bad an easy lime stalling llirouallair. We will. We did this In the national same til over. II wss a rood thlnr ror AJ Los Angeles Portland Venice the right while the other (our negioes woro U J. anxniRIST, Asot.leosue durlnr the season. Every time Zim ine .national irarue 10 nave me uianta peal 4 compounded semi-

annually,themselves out.merman would come to Boston, or our club en. Kven Malty, who Is very broad mind TODAY'S BKLECnO.VS. Alter llsleuing to Ibe evidence the cap-

tainwould go to cbiesro, we would nave nun so admitted this to me recently. 111 convinced thai "Tlsu" hod beencraty in three innings mat re would noi I'm not glad we are beaten." he told Sebaeidau Churchill Donas. cnougu and turned him loose.punishedknow whether he wss arool or horseback, ine. ' hut 1 don't think your victory 1 10 t. nermudlan. Furlong. Othello.mallín thinks "Zlm" Is one of the greatest inr to do baseball any harm." jr.. ran Maid, itang iruay. iris wss siso laicaseu, ute oiuccr vv

llevluir lust a tierro capable or his dunatural players In the game. Therefore, tocto is one or ine grsnnesi piayrrs ever Hrosvenor. Dorothy Dean. I'rlnce llarmls. LEB 11. Olt.VDÚRFF, President would possibly b to 11'a menace. we Tode" him to reduce his efficiency, to come into baseball. Player all over the i. Mck'ensle Entry, Leochares, Oypsir Love, II. I. JACKKON. Vice 1'residenU morals

plicityor the prison. Both men wens

'lie is as good a bitter ts any or them,'1 league look up to bJm, and he has been or b. r.uicrftuu lAcuraji. mi iruiDi. Laumers- - C. II. JONL'8. Vice President ordered to report to the chief la Ibe eanlcing By IVIailsays mailings, --ana ne is lasi. 11 real vaiua w xcursw ouifiue or ins piicu. t. Star Actress. Bonne Chance, Mockery,ilerfut how his bat follows the ball. You Inr ability. He can rive s Player advice, F, M. Ml liriUHON. Active Vice Pres. 1110 ruing,

WITHOPEN A ACCOUNT W AMrrmmiLtr the an be tried to duck In Bo. and a man will take It rrom him where t. King Box, Warklinr Lad, Carlton O. II. K. CHJUHTIU, Cashier AM KASY TOtoa one day and. as lie dodged back, bis he wouldn't from Mcnraw. If there are i. Illah Tide. Marie. Deviltry. LALHtL EVTKIKS. 1UOVGU XUU UIVKD tiuun.bat was following the ball and be sipped any argument on the club, the' player lake i. Holton. patience. Sonny Hoy. We Mr er eent Interest, sapounded twloe every year. We deIt over first base for two sacks! But ir I them to Malty to be settled, and they abide t. Housemaid. Yankee notions. Tarts, Uptcial U'r U Th Timet dtpoattogsr snULrsuity Uw of the SUt of TeauLS, u4had Zimmtnnan on my rlub, the home uy wmi no I, borro. Embroidery, Star of Love. Baltimore. Md., Oct. (WFIH3T ItACE-O- ne mm suadar tbabench would, be beside third base. I would uur nuu u in penen condition ror ine 6. Astrologer. I II. Houghton, i'etalus. and I I mile. a SusMJtty Fund Suat. ss preTldsd by soek lav,never lei the visitors pit where tbey could series, nd I believe we ore going to snow Hobaoa Cburrklll Uowas. mis wrsing lso ivDi im7 nay O' i.tgni vs ttUsv, ta addttloa U bltv ooavenUnt, U safe, yreAtsbU us4talk ta him." ss rsst a clip a we did before we cinch. I, Bermudlan. Othello, wtlhlie, (tsusKing Boi. ... los haw cf!ton 0 s rrr siw ut m usan m

ir ZUnuveriMa Is fooled by a change or ed Hie pennant. Stalling ha worried some 1, Pit Jr. Dorcb, Booker Hill. L i or eavoy tou Kobody nsspace and suing his. head off at a slow whether in ciud wu going 10 break when J. Dorothy Dean, Groavtnor, Prlne Her. BKU)M IUI.K SI furlohg. TODAY FOR OCR jnUES BOOKLKT. "RANKIN O BT UAXWtine. e ctd get liiia craiy lie hales to II rod rbanee 10 let down after the hard Ills Marie . 11(4 Ivis Deviltry 101 OR kUKft'LiX MAlb IÜUH UlUlMir.mis them and look bod. The Athletic will rigid II hod been making to gel to Hie top L Mackenzie Entry, Lee Chares, Weber and Tior king, noi mm nuslla iwfiad themselves "rldbea' In the same way, and atlck Hiere- - This was the dancer. nru j.uiry II11I1 Tide , llul 401 fialnsboroaiitt 107 PASO BANK TRUST CO., El Paw, TohmILtM M of SMa onteg to rotV Both bal be ñas beaten IL Of course, we had Kd Cruinn. Linerson Cochran. ChsJmnra. 1910 .. 110 HX7 Task 107tt GlaaU ad Cuts 141 aie tut you cm ou beca unaer big strata righting for the C. Star Attn si, Luther, Boone Chance. Wi Ho) ally lH IW7 Lady 8 tuelie to;


A Times Want Ad Will Quickly Rent That Vacant Room orñHseAdvertising Rale Card Male Help Wanted. Furnished Rooms for Rent j Apartments for Real I Rooming Houses for Safe. I For Sale MUcellancow. EgSjffi.,

It you Maul to reacn all lb peoul ail THE CAHOLINA APARTMENTS, close ln I ROOMS, ill light housekeeping! walkingcLASstmn linkup, It I line UM Time want ad. ireci rr unin, rumisnea ana nisiance; rent o. i rice ivn, liso csn. oren cur.

t cent per word ch insertion. BTONK mason, 50 days' work, new Mexico. or.'E EACH of s room, deeping 6 room coitagei tine fumlitirei rent 137. tain, atiio cover, awning, tent, wagon

ib cents per word on Sunday. Woman rook, family, Arlions. (So.K'iirtso.l liuusiw llonv .ooklog. porch, two dressing room and private Prlro SIM th. envera, bav cover, ore big nd water

cent per word euh 1 insertion. cook, Arltons. soo.7l. Ml W. Oregon. Wo sick. bath, hot and cold water; built-i- fealures; 11 rooms. I block posloffleet all transient tf. FOR SALE.

I per l n pr month. Ei.i.uAnr rooms, siesni heat, over new all outside room j new building;. Call Apt. trade, rent li:. Worth lloot for cah, Recovering auio top opin.... ,.,,no td taken fur In than n cent, and I.MX h MITCIir.lX, Union nnk. u Trust Co. lot 14 S? Antonio. 1, Phone 37 or 31. only . We Rent Tents. II you aro luuftuuti iwi ...v

tarn must accompany lis order. i rooms, an ugni nouseaeeping; rent too. TEXAS TENT AND AWNIN0 CO.. room house, hardwood floors, steam beat,All clairvoyant ada double rate.'lo) ment Labor Agents.

in, mam 1100MS 4t7 n. Btanton, rug. wtr Prleo (850. Cheap. ' til E. Main 8t. phone tm. on s corner lots, beautiful view, on It.Display advmlilng on classified pan

?03 gin francisco St. Est. JOOI. free baths, toe, II day, up weékty. 91 room house; rent li running wttert St., wa have IE only HfiOOl terms.dóubie price. Mo cuts permuted. ni.liliiHiMs cheap, elote lu, Phona 1739. heart of town; never, on market in 11 8 DIAMOND ror fat". Iiargaln. 814 N. Binta A Real bargain closa In, on IT.

year, good home and Price re. Pbotie 4310-- i i iin si., sijoo. around alono is worthLEGAL ADVERTISING. MUMMIED ItooMS. UA . Oregon. t,000, 11,200 cash, Hie money.

Letal advertising at legal rale. CREEL, Wllh M feet on Overland, hear fir depart,lob." 1.,unit t'MtiMdllKU lluoM isieam heal, hot Phone AUSTIN k MAnn-W- sttLOoo,"Our specially Filling ment, si s sacrifice;

DISPLAY AO SPACE. water; bath attached; close in. Reasonable ron hent. ron BAIU-S- om second-han- typs sndTwo south front lot on A loma gordo tu,

Open flat rate, .week days, per Inel employers ci.eaii1.vo house. 'linlie 314. ROOMINO liottre, 30 rooms; flio, terms, on terrace; only SMO. term.column wide, eacli Insertion, 7S centa. St. Louis Hotel. case. El Paso Mornlnr Times Office.

iiwihL Meaukii dow in coara ot Mr. and !0l!l P.OOJISame, Sundays, each Insertion, M cents. The Employment Agency. Ur. J. W. HlaboD. Larca, well rurnlsbed. rooming house for sale by owner cheap Ave.; (3,300 cub, bslsnes onStanding display ads, per men per month cool room at reasonable weekly rata. APAftTMENTS. IS large rooms, center of city. Phone eii7llu.W. Employer furnlilied with r tech-

nicalW. CQAl. rang, cheap. I'hone s lot, on corner on Mes Av.j bettitl.

Contracts for Urge aniounis nt dlfplay ai labor. W.500, terms. Thismen, clerical help and skilled 'ALL (ul view) paved ispace or rvuder subject to discount. I'll Mills lildr- l.l l'aso. Teta. LlOlir, OUTSIDE ROOMS. ROOMINO HOUSES, MONEY MAKERS roit SALE, cheap for cash, light delivery rm. i an inirlmunt site.I'liono i:,oi. Let us show you what we bare. wagon, suitable for laundry or cleaning

READING NOTICES. orE.v on EAiiac count. DUSINESS CHANCES works. Phono 479V after 0 P. M. Ptre Insurance. Motar wortPure readme mailer, each insertion, pnr Some good protltlons cigar stores,line, its cent. LOCATED COnEll saloons, A iir.AUTirui., men. priced PIANO ronrestaurants, rroccry store, etc. J. IE SMITH it SONS,

Locals, per line, each Inserilon, it cems. sno lOTTON PICKEflS, E.sT 1EXt, tie VALLEY LANDS SACK Ciller. I'HONK llll.ND 7.V3 PEH IW Mexican l or g furnished room; ccommodaiiona, COTTO.N AMD 8Art ANTONIO up ana down tne vauey.

EL PA90 TIMES CO., Imuseglrls, clly, II per week Ainerlean fin porrtrr lw Mundy. Phona iiJ. HOMES AND VACANT CITY PROPERTY Business Chances.Publisher EI Paso Morning Tlmea, l women, rily, ti to (7 prr El-

derlySTIIEUTS. Na trouble to show you.

El Paso, irías. lady, ranch, Teu, good imme nml SI experienced salesmen and two autos FORTIFIED with ral recreation are ourHOTEL VENDOME, II IU E. Overland 8t(veitiiiitig fuinlhed, (I pr we'k at your enrice. patrons, Alhambra 1101 ana coia waier in an rooms; uaio pEiiny KiiiKPATnicK,and wallresjc rlty W. C. I1ELDF.N REALTY CO.,

BRANCH PiEH & TWVMIIAM EMPLOYMENT iree- 11 pr iny ana up, 103 If. Stanton at. UOMUARD your worries wllh best enter-tainmentTIMES AGENCY. lil.lii. 1 1. jo, rooms I2.M week. 4I7M E. PHONE 19. rod MESA. Phones eoi and 377. In town at the Alhambra.

V XV. San Antonio SI. Phono I ill.OFFICES 7 room); fine location; rent 133 (350 WANTED A partner In an AI proposition;For the convenl'hce ol Its patron tip M.MAIlli, m'i Oregon. Iloom. 8 rooms; nose in; rent (50 700 preier a man wnn an auiomouiio. iui

Tim Times maintains branch ofllcea at Til Hunter r,f wat li.n been d to 9 rooms: downtown; transient; r. $40. 7K full particulars call or address ApartmentHie following places: tin- tie aii r i:l pliasiire at the Mhmnlira. lif.HiiiAiil.E room, 5 minute' walk from 11 rooms; swell location; rent 155 M0 No. 7, 705 N. riorenco St., or phono 1198 R. C. UAILEY LAND CO.,Kiiiofflce, prívalo famlLv. Phone 44C3, Is! rooms; dotvntnwn: translenli r. 140 . 800toi Texas st ; Line Cigar Stand, corner WANTED hipping one who under-.i.iii- and ask for If all.'"tas and Mesa Ave.) Highland I'm it tin Kfurery liusin and well ac-

quaintedl'i di ni:T 3 furnished wllh sleep-


18 rooms; good location, rent sao...,., n PEona soes. 90S Mesa Ave.rooms,siorc, Highland mi! tail 1:1 raso Drue wilii dr livery route? In III"' ixirrh. W2Z Wyoming.

la rooms; downtown; transient; r. S73, 2.000 WILL IIU1LD lor (1,750 modernstore, ttll Alameda St.; Boulevard Drm Male I'tiro nnd references. Albires S3 room; downtown; transient; r. 0 2,100 brick and stone cottage, built-i- features, We guarantee tbe soil and till u repre-

sented.v.uie. Boulevard and Florence Sts. expei We ran arrange term on any of the hard wood floor. Phone Tale 83.fimo.E II., ran- fun M.ASK unfurnished apart-iii- f above, and have others, large and small. No

Want nnrt $ubrrlptlnn taken oo EHNMLNT POSITHns are easy to get. nt. sleam hi'.iled. no rhlldren, Invalid trouble to show you. WANT a rirst-rla- s plumber to go In withJlv free booklet Y WO tell how. Write rooms. Phono ifcnsi. or lings; refcreiiri-- i leipilred. GIS W. JAS. A. McMAHON. mo In opening a combination plumbing ss years' practical farming In tie, valleyPhono 6I1I-J- . Jeweland sheet metal .NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington, rl Phono 2(8. 311 N. st.intou si. Phone C73.

Real Estate Dealers. U. c. Mi 1 email bed room. ti.'Xi per week. 413 c. .Moorcs. that's why we art valley land experts.Myrllc. l ull II1V7.

OPPORTUNITIES lor business men to ret New modern elegantly rurnlshed NOTE CAEEFULLY ' UIO PAYING IIUSINES3 I'OR (0.500. Now,vw,. ui tun s.eiiuiii ttcai lium some real vaudeville, at the Alhambra. .Mi.i.i.y furnished room wnn iMeeilPiil steam healed apartment in iho Colonial. All making (3,oou i early profit, which can be

Auenlt of El l'so. table board; lately winter room. 1110 built in realtirea. I'ront and back porche, Fineit rooming houe (hotel) in south-west.

Increased. A fino proposition for one toANDEHSON-HLEE- IIKAI.TY CO., SIEOI. begun at thu box office of Alhambra act add line view, clono in In hiinsot inntniC 30 room, running water, elegant, four men who are hustlers lu invest their

t and '.' (luckier llldlr. Theater. Our patron net the goods. AUSTIN lí MAKII. Agents. time and money. Howell Realty Co., ü0-to new furniture; private bath; sfam. Esti-

matedEon 11EMT-- Itoorn In private ramlly,

AI;..1.n a. MAIIH, joiing man with rrferenre. No sick. Uo Phone 43Do. profit or this splendid house run Herald Uldg. Phone 507.

rp'- umidimr. Teicpliona 050. Help Wanted. of baili and phone Plmnc v;,. Tllltl.l rooms and baili, well furnished. 700 from 1400 10 ffioO a month. YOURS roll CONFECTIONERY, rrull stand and Ice UUNGALOW New, 6 rooms; has electricMundy Yye ÍJ.600 down. cream parlor. Will sacrifice on account light, ra, phone, furmro heat, hot and

fc iii.NiU. I'Ho.NE W. Wanted woman lor work on ranrh. 3 3j elegant room: steam; running water; of sickness. 103 N. Stanton. cold water, basement and glassed-i- sleep-ingmile rroni l'ecos Te., gem-ra-l house-

work;llOKTII APARTMENTS Finest, S50 YARDS IT10M EL I 'A SO POSTOITICE; room. Will tike part cash, part In El

s rhildrcn. Mrs. J. c. Wlcd. rurnlshed apartment In 1.1 Paso. 20 W. can be bought for 14,000, terms. iThl hotiso FUR SALE on account or owner having Paso lots and balance easy monthly pay-ment.Pitos, Tetas KOlt JlENT .Mrely liimlshed front room. Moulevnrd. Close In. I clearing loo per cent per annum on this larger Interests, an established, well pay-

ingPhone 5430 or 4mhath, ror one or two gentlemen. Inquire amount. business, wllh an exceptional future:.U..I.I.C.IU, 4. lil.Alli. I'hone Kit. WATI.I-- good woman for gen-

eral luniruirk.oiire,

iiiutl night on Iho alter I.IW p. ris. refeiences required. 817 .v roil RENT -- beautiful 'J and 3 room apart, Í3 rooms. 3 block from poslofflce; rent will hear Ihe lrlcte.t Investigation; now FOR EXCHANOE Would It suit you to own1137 evad.

stay Oregon. mem; large, airy outside rooms; sleop- - (110. Small payment dowp. clearing (200 lo (350 monthly. Price (6,500. 40 acres or more land on which you canpplypla.e price JAS. A. .McMAHON". secure an artesian Mow from welll,loo. one toroll Ill.NT ruriilMied large f runtNlrelyWNH.I- - Woman to keep house and care sieniu he,it;'j,inilor service, juat flnlthed; SPECIAL- - SEE THAT S.VHOO.M MONEY yol N. Stanton. I'hone 6743. Irrigate 160 arrest If so, will trade you

fur i chlliircn rnuiie wsi Mr, u. a. enlenrns, one block from library 80J N , .nismiuii. .1'ijf iu 11. u. onran MAKER; RENT tGft. SURE. Your for (750PARTNER lor museum In San Francisco; tu acres or more ror t.i raso property or

or phone 11. 80u out or stock of merchandise.lalli-y- .1.1 Paso St. Phone II 11. down, balance easy proms

monthly All kind of money hero for you. IIELLOERG 4; BLAIR.Help WantedT KI.K,M3IIKli room, reasonable, private fam-

ily!VACANT apt Coly Apt. Phone 6056. 8 rooms, Myrllc; porches; yard; (ICO something new In amusements. Oct In now

418 Rober.s-nanne- r Uldg.ror exposition. Aaurejs si. is., care nines.110 sick. Alo garugu. Phono JOI'J-- down. Price (350.

WAMII'lwn man nnd woman. Housekeeping Rooms For Rent lull S ME Meat market, established tool,i. nil iil any hour. J23 Ttul Uldg. cheap ror cash. 118 a. Stanton.

11 Mi ItuoMa. GAI dlewarl. REAL FIRM118 Main St. Phone 698 NE.M. TREATMENT eliminates the drink and ESTATEWanted.Situations drug habit. Day phones 46U or Oiet;night phone 174. P. O. Uox SOL EXPOSE !

W'.NrEI' ll y lady, position as houmkeeper l ull HEN r Modern rurnlhed room, cloneIn wiloi-- i niiine. Aiiurca r. caro in un w. Missouri St.. with heat and ILII.MsllEO ROOM UUREAU $4 month per

OLT Yol.ll NAME In the "What Are You To Whom This Most Concerns, the'viin. Time. Klerplug porcn, lor gentlemen only. Phone ROOMS ALE KINDS ROOMS Newly renovated; !5 rooms; stone's throw Looking I'ori" column or the Times, ll Citizens of El Paso and Community:

105 N. Stanton. Phone .77. We wish lo advise that wc. In order toI Mi J from postofricc; splendid will help you get muro business. Callquimil v t mil, K'Kuiar pliyalcian-- UUMIUNUION bookknepor, stenographer, osleopainy. and giMieral otrieo man oeirei kiiiioii T 1: K counecllng houackecplng room, Will be sacrificed Tor quirk sale at f.UOO. phono 5050 about It. more adequately and crriclcnlly serve you.

i.iijii.inrd 7 uit, w Dlilg. wllh mod firm In El Paso or adjanint Mi l.l. Y riirnUhed housekeeping and ftt.OO; no children. 013 E. Missouri St. term (000 cash, balance (50 month. Now, have moved our orneo to Suite 318, Heraldcook cocktails,N. tor put DIdg.715 Oregon. ask bayou oyster

in. hi I'l J. ni lo I.' ill., to ! p. m. town, lu years' micrleucu; best of Phono 6118. hurry up In Individual bottles, ror sale at all It Is our purpose al the present, a It liasl.iU-- P. I Box 778. MiltiiliY home lu El Paso, becauv.- they are

3 Housekeeping rooms, E. Mo. St 117.30 Towle, with PARK BIROS. Hi st class bars, clubs and toda fountains. been In tbo past, to treat you wltb the ut-mostin all nt the Alli.iuibia. Even the alago Is Family trade solicited. Phone respect and consideration. We realizeiJEi.M'iii.VTHiN Is a liability, a nail 3 Housekeeping rooms, .Myrtle Ave.. 73j

Personal. tliuo Is an asset. Phono Wll all bath 33.00 115 Main St. Crawford Theater. Phone 9S.ror sale, U that to fall lu do this would not onlv-l-

bakery cheapllaniMoii. blork or 3 Room collage, fur. N, Virginia ....lis.oo AT EAST, ROOMINO HOUSE EOR RENT. detrimental to our purpose, but wouldin i I.L HEAUMO.NT, I vnst iostof-llie- , taken at once; good reasons ror selling.

ol.l II .NAME in im.' "What Arc YouWASHINil and ironing. Phono K9. ruoiu J 10 Sj per week; 50c to ft 3 Room collage, fur. Texas St 135.00 II rooms, near poítof flee, partly rur-

nlshed;Address bakery, "care Time. likewise make enemies of thoso wo arc

l ooKing lot."' column or lliu Tlinei. It nlglil. 5 Room house, fur., Tularosa (00.00 nothing elaborate, but GOOD PROPO-SITION.

to serve.uní im ip I'm gel mure bualncs. Call WAN ri.U cui'lalns lu waih. Phone

per7 Room house, iintur., Mutton U'.&O Cheap. Call orflce or PARK WE MEET YOU ON Till. LEVEL. DEAL

plll'llc 'IUJ unoui n. 3'.78. lll.ATEIl moms, rloif in. CI4 N. banln Ke. 4 Room house, liiros., 115 Main Si. (Crawford Thealer). Offices for Rent YVITII YOU FAIRLY', THEREBY WINNING4 Room house, Erlo M- - IJO.00 JUL A A IIIÍV011.U Cl.SlO.'UKH.

WAtthii nu"Ki and it uso tur three MAIir. In America, man. heir roll rent rurnlshed room sleeping KNIOIIT, Willi PARK UROS. wn) no i put yuur Waut Ada In the lime. roll RENT Desk room In well located or-neo

We very reipecirully solicit your patron-age,J'JIS Ullllll VSL 111 'j IW1 IU,WU. Ktarter, lion cipluMvc, want a Job In liurrh and aparato entranco; very closo where you are sure or the best resultar ou ground rioor; everything fur-

nished;if you aro In tho market for a home

ii iieil tctiiritj. U. E. U. Co., lit, S. mercantile work; ir jear' experience. s In. Phone liso. If your ad amounts to 75 cent casb you one block rrom Hotel Paso Del wo aro capable or advising you a lo thein nua. rtufoly l irel, care Tunc. . will get a good fountain pen free. Call Norte, soa XV. San Antonio St. I'liono 1411. best values "AND WE HAVE THEM." If

NICELY' rurnisticd iront room ror renr to phone W50 ror ihe Want Ad boy. you arc looking ror an Investment, we canilui i'ui yuUl Vviálii Ada lu Uo Ulllua, MAN nnd wire wMiei position 011 ranch; couple or gentleman. 4(H) E. Illo Urande. serve you to a good advantage, if you navo

(,eie uu aiv ui ul no best ruiulix are experienced ami reliable, capable of Phone HOI. Wanted Rooms and Board. property or any kind, business chances,Hiiiouiiu lo Ti caD J on Second Hand Goods for uui ii taking charge. Apply box I' Ul. I uue. rent houses, ulc, ror tho market, list them,w,i gi:i a good ii,iijiU.ii pun Iruo. (..ill SPl.l.Miin rim. Court Home ink. Ph. . OKT YolTl NAME In the "What Aro You, i.uiii- n'ii, lu, un-- un i Ad Hoy. position li 'I" I'xp' ilenied inlnlng utul Looking Fori" column or tho Times. It wllh us lor RESULTS.

mill mini w.inted. ppi mu lime, UM. mee 100111, private family, 0 minute' MONEY LENDERS We can assist you toroll REN r l loiiipletely funilshed will help you get more business. CallPIIUAE til. loansnil, ll I WAl LAU.M'in. place your at the best rate of Inter-est,MI HIC.A.N, i"J jears of age, desire posi rooms, very desirable. 6i E. WHY throw away your old lurnuuie wnen phono 5050 about It. with the best security.

.M.l.;i tlüaii'a.' AiiK-- icmi Upllcal Co.'n tion at nine, eicrirai or manual worn; iiouicvaiu we are positvely lb highest payers lor Thanking you In advance ror your con-tinuedBoard and Room.good liaiiulud by Wood, 411 E. overland. mui.1 bo permanent woik, AI clly refer-enr- I.AIKih hoiiekeeiiug room, sleeping porch, second baud furniture and Household arti-

cles. untui malted Rooms for Rent. patronage, wc remain,can furiiisli bond, ir necessary. The El Paso New and Second Hand Store. Yours for business,

i i.i.'mi mis and iKilialiea uauve gem; filio man who needs a nun slioulit nhouo 37VÜ l.Ui VALUO..Nl I1UHKI'hcne 3491. aoo S. El Paso. Poll HLNT j largo unrurnlshcd rooms;

Juveli to tiiilur. ill ban iruiicisco at. II. ."w M. rloreiice St. run ibiiEitcuLosia. LIGHT room. UUVj Metor ni W Ateryi. nursing and porche. private family; no sick. PhonoHigh class accuiuuiodatiuiu, Phone H570. WANTED To buy second-han- tool andA.ri.i- - I'ariy with low Hundred dollar eicclknl table board; late 10 per week gun. II. Mohr. S. El Paso St. C7SI Wlu iuki- mtt-- .i in 1.1 I'aKi and Jiuici Salesmen Wanted. uu. cor. Park and Sis., Altura

mikiii, iiuuii'iifro prom guli'k Ad' ark I ort lilis car to tbo door. Phone 4ul. SELL YOUR LRN1TURE for all ll worm. For Sale Estate.,i,i - j M.uiiii riiiui's. i.l r.ino, loxas. KXfi iilKN'chti Hihcltora call at 410- Mesa Range, stoves, all kinds; heater, lino-

leum.Ml VM lll.ATEli room and board. Proa-- rllhl. IIOUII DIRECTORY SUITES, APART. Ice boxe and clothing. Texas .Pi HERALD BLDO.between v .and morning. 318 PHONE 6805.

I llll. Ml Win. never nilrua a aiidelll avenue ' MEN IS. LICII I' HOUSEKEEPING, SI.NCLE. 409 S. El Paso. Phone 4087. 111WETO1IENYCO.ili.i -- anil day nutitiic ai me Aiiiauiura LOWEST RATLS. LAHCEHT LIST. COIIE

l 1, Mi Mesa AS i'. Room strictly up Real Estate, Insurance, Donds, TO MYWanted to Buy. AIIOl.MI. PHONE KNTCII 1, WITH PARK luo Antonio St.WAMLh lu cutimiiinujii: with a party dale labio flrsl-C- UROS.. C9. IIS MAIN ST.. CRAWTOIIU (1,7500 mom

sanmodern home, COO block Friends and CustomersIfoiirtj lo Lo Angelí" and san francisco. KooM aim board. cloc In. I'liono 4103, THE.ll Ell, OI'P. P. O. (LIST HOUSES WANTED All kinds of lurnllure. We pay Prospect avenue. See us about terms.

riiotu aiier v.; soai. AMI ROOMS Willi US NOW.) more ror your goods than any rirm in the By mutual consent I havo withdrawnrn in carload lots, borte a (U'50 5 room bungalow, new, 75 ft.WiMiii Y, IIAM.NU Urge tcam heated home on El rrom tho Piirketl-AHci- Realty Co., andS. Paso. Wcsiera lurnllurev. , 1 trill .ihnllt u nr lu t'urn. mu i i.l lNii clly. IOS front, McKlnley avenue, basement, hard-wood

V li. ft., .o 1:, to p. band high, between the 1. bvaulirully lurnlalied, would a. rooms, eoo N Oregon.Co Phone 1483. hcrearter will be connected with, the AN-

DERSONfor loiiipanlim. Will inn room and iHiard agí - nf nnd u, well made, dark color; like to 111111 aiu board several adult. llui st kl.KI'lN'u rooms, elote In. Phone 4831.floors: 1500 cash: (10 per month. REALTY CO., 218 Herald Bldg.(3.850 5 room modern home, 75 rt.aim dim nmmiiiig. jij j. no mas inn whites. Prefer titean horsoa I'llllllU Ikiu. corner Respecirully,

lo tuve .ii.ii and gi. Stala Kait selling Auction Sale. rt. Houlctard, o, v.; cah. balythi-- MA claii íojani, H. 17, JluVa S. El

in lie Muni in. m carload lot In order lu v nt no pui your Waul Ad In tnv limes. anee to suit. Eoyd Allen.VitU. I'llllllU i. handle I s uuku Live block Co., San where you are sure ot tbj uet result W. A. WILLIAMS, (3,75n room bungalow, hardwood rioors,

WutEli uku to inenl loiiK' iiul pcoplo AI1U1II1O, levl, If your ad aniounis to 74 cent casu you UI.T 'tu Hie "What Aro You Auction Sale and Commission Broker. sun parlor, 50 rt. rront; nations avenue, o. morass Sat willjoux.niu Miiuial will get a guou luuulain pen tree, call Look, iK lor'" column of iho Time. It Office phone 601. Residence phone 3550. WW cosh: (35 per monlh.inumal


Unoui Jul, Couiliiuli". ulllt Uldg puonc uiso tor me Want Ad Hoy. will help you get more buslnets. Call orrtcs Entrance to Caple Uldg. ifjfM;. room bungalow, new, Grand PLEASE YOUOrlHirr.

ague,UnlO. and LARGE front room for couple or two peo phone 5oM about it. I Rll Everything t Auction or Private Sale avenue, o. V., basement; (500 cash, 1, S, 3,

WA.MI.I I" boSI. pie. Phone UMi HOI shkl I. PINO loom, Í3 week. Ph. 5J3Í W, years. (3,300 bungalow, Mon-

tanagun il Mnlu. s. El Pao For Sale nnd Exchange. (.Minu- - t room modern home. Nation ave St.; cash, balance very easyLost and Found. collie Hoi EKI.I pino suilo. Dlalr Apartnienu, nuu, j lots, (500 cash, balance term.' tun ileioughbred

bo the beat. I5'3 N i.auipbell. TO EXCHANGE TOR IMPROVED RANCH (..650 0 room homo, corner, 1 block of (i,5oo bungalow, O. II.; (300 down,i ii.i i hut .,la .iiull til.i, k anil wlllto fll dog, J in " miiiiili-- . old: must La car line, 11. 1: Easy terms or trade, ae balance 3 per month.8.700 located In satincuNVALbscbM'S Room and ileeplng aires, county,Phone all..1 ur all I'M Nevada at. two houi.ekeeiiug rooms, wllh sleepinglo U ti. crpttng small property.Iiluinmate Mtiuuaiiua dug. porches, bunio cocking; rate reasonable. near rowierion, reía, na rauroan S3.250 bungalow, thoroughlyIl.ili-llii- ' HI ,II1U llW4lll. WANTED ' laipjulln.. lu by li, or enough ItfJU ATlSUna. lllglllIHI lfc nwiw .yvr. siaiitou.

IKirru, no sick or cunaren. ua Norm on the land, and being In the Irriga ii.350 t room modern home, Pittsburg (500 down, balance easy monthlyram u jk. him', mutt be bargain. tion district, soil being black wax, black avenue, II. p.; (?50 cash, (;'5 per month. payment.linoleum toulj.m I - A I" i oT ui Kl

i urnimruami

for to. Address ' Tune. imrsEkii-piN- room, soo'i a. atamon. sandy loam and a small portion red min-eral,

(1,7003 rooms and basement, Ohio St., (1.900 bungalow, adjoining nmuí I ll. itogiiK tu.t Mr. DcPcw', lou' N. Stanton. Phono line artesian wells on both sides, II. P.. small caih payment, balance to suit. Height; .v down, balance OS permid..... nut put your Wain au in the lime, . and this land I located In one or the bet ?ojhjo room nouse, puní 1;, spirnuia month, will trade this for close-I- prop- r Marriage ale. lobby Sheldon. v.... m,m ir. ..r iIim Iiaii rllllat Wanted to Rent. onion, cotton and com district or Texas. section. Sin Diego, Cal.; exchange for ElIf your ad aniounis to 7S cents cash you ir you wain 10 reach all the people all raso proieriy. (1,7501 room111eritdh National Hank Uldg. ur on ore-I- , Tin U tin reserved portion or a large irart collage, closo to paved

t. I uidt aiue to Ruom V0, will gel a good lovutatn ven fie. Call the limo use TIMES want ad. OKT Yol R name In iho "What Are You which has been divided inlo small rami 1150 per acre. 8 acre miles Ysleta, street; (150 down, balance (30 monthly.;iuuiit- - iftjn mr tun t mi am iwjj. looking l"i " column of the Time. II paved road, all under cultivation; smallland la sellingMil I, ion Until, ruelve leu aril. I mi convalescent, room, board and aleep-lu- tracls. Raw nearby at (luWANTLii A light muring ear; must bo porch- I'l Arlmna. Phono 1808. will help y m get inoro business. Call and (50 per acre. This one or the bct casn payment, uaiance 10 suit.

t"-- r in business illirlel, upper cl of ar ..,,1,1111, ami ,ii,,.iii rail ill Ti. phone 'MM about It. rolonliallon proposition ever offered. Por (to per acre, 01 acres San Elliarlo, smallmi. m i' fill, iiewai'd. WuulMir Uar, mid Ll l'ao, li deal will lane ? per acre, cash payment, balance to still.quickCampbell hi.. w. WAN i hi To rent, by a worthy Mason and. Houses ru mshed for Rent. In rasli or cattle, and balance In good ll.Goo- - 3.8 acres in Ysleta. house, all Inouu teii.'w, ii wneci ruair tor s or j cultivation, small mixed orchard, term toranch. Nothing will bo con-

sideredY"itt NAME the "What Aro You mohtti Will ror and take good caro Automobile Dealers. 11 traut 10 reacu all the peopl Ml pay suit,jou In Old Mexlro. State what youi ookio I ui ;" column ot iho Time. It ad. of same Phono 1311. 318 Herald Uldr. I'horle 6505.the Time wantget muiu business. Call nine use hate tn first letter, and your price must bo NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO.tiii in.,' jou Null 111 iMI'llELI. ál'lll.t,! UAIlAUE. cash basis, Address Edw. j. Walsh.0 ,1110111 11. lull RENT modern House, keep-

ingon(.horn all workand repairing; guaran,bluiage furniture, beaulirul lawn; Automobiles Second Hand. Round Rock. Tetas.newporch,ited, second hand car or sale; open day

and nlghi 613 N Campbell mi phone' tolo. naif block from car line; W per monlh. wanted To trade a Mason tc Hammond tiltiAMTCt STUPENDOUS!Modistes tuoo Newman. Phono 6TI8. v. p. uto model Studebakcr; leav-

ing 1750 baby grand piano for an auto, in good TRACTS.UI.V Mil R NAME Ul Iho "What Are You muii. need cash. CI3 ti. Campbell SI. COIlullloll, will assume or in' iiiucrcucr Your neighbor bas one. Why not The big dm. Thai' what we ire talking

NAUIEU-- AMlStlu guUU. Studio, Looking lor-- column of the Time. 11 lull RENT bouse, nicely fur-nished,

ASK I. 'I Ml Mills call . you? Investígale them at once, be about. Are yuu In on the accruing profits?viu liuuti t aiinwi Unlg. I'liono iiiu. wilt li, in vil gel mote busliics. Call close In. ST Kansas, ui.t lore they are all gone. We give Not Get In. then. Now, ts acres, li inlinn "What Aro Youname itiein SALE or will trade ror El Paso 15 to lor them In. allphuin- .moi about 11. furnished l Time, it roll prop-

erty,you year pay alfalfa, small vineyard. adobe bouse,nicely '.knig .ir" column of thel'i RENTdi improved ranch, 33 acre, alfalfa plained lo fruit or alfalfa. All that complete. Tbl I lower valley.

Special Notices. house, with bath. U0 W. .Mlltl. I'bouu win inM, ii more bustnes. Call good house and Improvements, al a bargain li required In the way of a payment Here's ono In lhc upper valley. 1711Special treatment 47IS phone UkVi alKiiil It. that build aprice. you house, or acres, mostly airaira, 5oo appluW'nthi To Mason fc llainmond we will build one (or you on install. trees and oilier frull; adobetrade a bouse,DR. AlEll'S III Ell EM AMI hAMI AItll JI,

Mil aN AMONIO slllEEl Repair Shops. : iuiijWillgrand plano focan


dirrcrence.m good Lsi gall Realty C, Paso,

uen t planwllh



14 mileall Ihe


EI barns, etc; (175 per acre, sell w seresi assumo orIToto .willK-- w.iuu u. ..... ...uviuali (PAITEIIMIN III.IUI.)

Herald Uldg. Phono 19. close lu school and railroad station.made and car-

riedI'l. "'i' .'.lW Lobby several other tracts --Cream or the Land-- arcLIUe luj AUtuniu oL i'omiii.ii.ii i NHEii 1111. IIU.III..S1 i;ni move repairlhit; hew partstvilclien, aau Nothing any belter in tbe valley, tin

newly furuiauvu, tuuaouiUy dixuialvd. ll'.AI. MVNIIMIII, I UK MUM MOIIEIIM.Y fur all makes ot noves. J. peeler,Write or Call ou trouble to show. ofrcrcd for sale by us,

bpuuvssiy tmau privsm boo lor laaia. AMI l lltll'I.EII.I.Y l Ul ll'I'HI HI HI I s IN wnn u, ii. iro" n"i "1 i ELLIOTT'tlARHETT CO.. Poultry for Sale. EA UNION FARMS CO., WAR UARGAI.N'tsam war. Proprietor, I HE MIL I II ESI Kill THE TIIIUTME.M and a. riorenco ai. riwm bludebaker Dealers, Wllh Hawkins Uro. This ts what you liavo been looking for.


I tiET Yol R NAME In the "What Are You I'Oll CARS. ion SALE-- su to oo laying hens, at toe, On Illo Grande at., close In, south front, &

.Mr. A. II. . Jt loiuicrly bl'l.UMCI.NIIII-- l


OR looking EorT'T column of the Time. Ii Phone 853. in San Antonio lit., I7tt E. boulevard. rooms, bath, aleeplng porch; original priceby lltv aarno Duiuiugu luucu com i nun: iiim.vhes, will help you gel mure busliics. Call EE PASO. TEXAS.

HAIIOAINS.(1,500; now Í3.VUU,

al Villa Ahumada, iwc of utitiuahua, pilone vki awnii ii Stores for Rent .NEWCOMERSIHiny nliiviii s iiii: vm:s Ml 5 passenger overland. Phone tljuc will buy a red pressed brick.UAii'V, ta nut and ua nut ucl-i- i our IIOSI'II.M I At II llll s IIIR THE LAHE H RNITI RE repairing, rcflnlshliig and up- f.uiKi Parre, collage lu ltou block on Arliona Si. Seo us. and other who are new to the presentIlM--t awpt. ti, tvii. We will not bo or OPERA UNE i AMS nuisieriiig; -- " I'lne apaninen! site, adjoining tha Sunset reo this 4 room, bath and

tion4ble lor any drbt ot hu loiilracllug A tXREIll.. MIEMiriC EXAVI. rricc ifatonanie. iimii .iw. Apartment un W. Illo Orande h,, wttiU sleeping porch, 011 baaullful Montana 3L. 4U

utlcr Ihla din1. NATION. THE HUM ErNXItiE AND Money to Loan. by li'J feet or ground) ti.i'J).SANTO IXIillNlil) IU.Ni.ll go, hkvk Mtriiitiiis or 11iE.w1iK.Yr ami; i ..... 11. incu 11 Uuá ucuuu ad FOR RENT. uci ui groiuiu,



teiiiis. BOOST roil THE SCENIC DRIVE.c II. liill-- r, ki ll IN EW'.Ill I AM. Ylll PAY Hilt UK. the lime ls Time wtnt 0. ui-tu- u cau pay back on in- - Storeroom and basement on Sin fran-cisco S3 feel on S. El Paso SI. between fourth While doing this consider how a nifty, o. U. Puller. Kt'LTH ONLY, WE lAII't.HY THE aim. ni, Ii you uavtt noutebotd furnt St.; soi too feet. W'l'l ( Iw'g lease and Fifth; 15,100. Cheapen property ou the bungalow would suit you alongside or It.E P I Idler ME1IIUD (CEIlilAN HEIIIOII Houses For Sale ü". (uno, dlamoudi. real f slate, veudor lo good tensnt.

sirtrct ut ou luut. Then let us show you VI reel on the corner,

ti restrung tody. Uvllv- ur PAINLESS IIIILIIUIIIIIU. lien iiuu-- j ui i.ny gumi curliy. ana need JAS. J. WATTS,ULC1IOK M.lll'fcTEU CO., on the rim or ihe mesa, overlooking theTENNI rc4jut San101 francisco St. rtione 454.

tomorrow, roil om Iwuse, Epson Av- iitoin we will let ou havt IE First Floor ol Sheldon Holt). city, at (i. 00. And one full blork on thecryFinancial rnone itjo. H PASO LOAN AND REALTY CO, Sole Agent. Phoue 777, very run for (9,000.

UI.T Yoni NAME in tbe "Whit Are You W ANT A COZY llQilKíof the Times, n KOR SALE Two house In Val Vrde addi-

tionnuu down, sit PER Month.Looking t'urt" culuniu tJTi. An Ad Her Will Henl that Vacant Store A few chickens? A garden T A Car of

will JK11 gll nwro bMiUk'n, nil no; Plion Dressmakisf, buys ihl 5 room bouse on Rivera St., En your own? Get soma choice GovernmentIftltuiw liui about ll, ' VANTEl TO POIIROW '3i)i) liEr mi ll NAME III the - What Are You Hill lot rrom us, the actual

on e intidu business prop, Houses for Rnt, at horns or by day. Mr looking fori" column or the Time. It WIIJ. SELL CHEAP OR TRADE FOR ou yuur building tile, whlilimoneywe ran

savedpo.rrly, worth twice Iho aiuouui au. mono oisi. will help you gel more business. Call EOS ANGELES PROPERTY. IHvely demonsirat tu jou will do allofbox sw. su aooui ii. earner lal. E. boulevard. ODDOilla I.aUiess I', u. AT LAST, ROOMINU HOUSE I OR RENT piiouo

I AMU iNAHLE dressmaking ml ladlea' school; worth (UOOO. Will lake O,50.bivaildng. pliylci cul II parlly fur marCLAiata ui deep rooms, near postotriro. tan, Harris, courl Aadcrtoa-rillc- ruudy buifjuig. coutlualiU by Albert nlshnd. nothing elaborate, but OOOD PROI'O ring, guaranteed. Mr, Sidewalk ana paving paia. Really f.lure, II Educational. Room I. Buckler Bldg.e Pluck. PIuiiib . HOUSE SITE-I- FT. FRONT, Phone 431.School. uf PMlk APT.I o Blatie, h. V.. r. . D. Tboma ' air ION I'lieap. tall offlcolu Iho W'hstNAME Are You N. Santa le. very closa In:ui r YOUR 43II W ijirntr. com

column of the Times. blioa., lit .Main hi i rawrora ineaicri l'lt'-klN- by Hie dy. phone MRS. JEANNETÍE POOLE WHITE, classicallooking ror" It mantling site in the real apartment buute vTO TRADE FOR BUNGALOW.Wanted Miscellaneous. wi'l help you gel mora business, call EOR RENT 5 room modern bungalow, clow I dressmaker. Evening gwn a and stage dancing, fencing, dramatic an, uutrtct; . aere, highly Improved, good bouse,

puon tow about' It. in, Hicriy iuiiihihii rnvno fper;iHy. I'lKllie 3SII or TIS N. Vans. expression and volca building. 1, Da Witt REALTY CO., vineyard and orchard, alfalfa and truck!M". phone fctvt-- phon 07S. Trust DIdg. t horse 7 bog. lo ofYOUOhr Ynlll NAME III Ynti What Aris Irt. In rhlckeo. wagon,IxKikuig i'ur'' column or Hm Time. II Spanish Lessons. runiuiwd liuue" lor renli I 1 N CITY COLEEQE, 101 El Taso. I'hone buggy, aarne. plow mowing machineTrias.

will tvrlii )ou get moro business. Call ipilr ft SEASIDE lot, near great Hole) Del Monte. rake, etc being cultivated by Japs rtnapin 'im iolo about It ritnl biiASu. gradúale. buckler luag UET YOUR NAME In I'm "What Ar You iilüi C.VYWOOD, altcratloo. driwllag, (50. graded, car Une. 3 yrar to iay, big cwidltion, pari or crop wortb about Stou.

Looking ror' column of the. Times, III LEAHN SPANISH UUlliarj pott siaim tur .vumertty gos wim placa,W ANTED- - To buy second hand tools sod tneUtfC Pílmor col will btip you get mora business, (.all Ihon tm. Mgbt classes at I ydia Patterson institute POWERS 4, THOMPSON, EL PASO LAND AND TRUST CO

gun, u. now, cju a, u i u . lv. Puoo nua. i r pbooe WW) about IL, PlifciSMAKINO Worst guaranteed. VU. MIS. 503 i. Horenct. Phone seio. Room 3d Mill Uldg, PbOM SJÍÍ. WS Two RtpU Hi..


"FPl P Jf"" -

FmUy, O. 9, 1914. ÉL PASO MORNING TIMES 13KU ÜMtÁ far Ste. taminr isa acres each and said section a pr r. o. b. cars at the quarry or tne regular

roniaininr 3 acres or land, levied on on vmog ppini ror in quarry, Bfrcinca' THE GRAIN chasiníVVre'know'n' " SaBJjBasjBBXfBxaxsasBSasBjB iwWMewwwvwwywwwwNthe d day of October, lot I, as the, property Hons may bo obtained at the ófrico or tha MARKETof James T. Ctimley ami I. K. Ooodtlcn, to underaigned in the courthouse, Kl Paso, .eí?.rt,..1In.?,.,. "ln '" ttr a

win. E. " a v:zrutS7!u .satisfy judgment amounting to $.0,740.97. eras, nor u. BAIINUM, Í,MI"W' Wet weaiher counted I We Have For Sale In(1 CdUmeat, ri 'rV' """luiio with Interest at thi rate of 8 per cent per ' County Auditor. Iíl,..Lh.Ki,?r!'' n "I1' reports that

OF Vi. ?rí.w. Inc,'", '''Iannum, in laror m u, t, iiairy, ana costs "KVIVJ.L KXPOflT flUMXKSB $HMTEI "ken place In In AninunU Io Hull. H f j&stui sun. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKNI That on UC t.i.iisiMi rniCKfl MrOnTNG "íií.íí í1""''- siiHiuie ror sugar, First National Bank V!o9(liven tinder my band this Sin day of Oc tober I. 1014. J 11. Franklin. Oeorae II NET All YAM K OF T0 CENTS. llini ürande alley Bank k truit (QS?.

Franklin and Sol doingFranklin, beretororluucr, llt. mi 1W.1 I, tUWAHllS fSheriff. ousinesa ai nos. Nina Hireei, in Du.'.I?ru were taken ror export. I Illo' Grande Sn rnr5ffiííJ'

By it, S. GOOD, í)epuly. a raso, Texas, under the nam or jacr Corn finished the lyith an Advance ol Although provisions at the oulsei were AmericanMortgage Co.

Tmt SSfflflrl ríi59ía3,koroeerr Cnnmanr and Frank . i.r i.ignin ani oat ürartd a S, JL.'ll '10,f: tna'ket later scored (MitrrmneniStgs Bank

00 ID $3No. 4273. lin Brothers, sold said business, consisting Gain of mnv " Shorts, who Hill Co, MOO mm Inxt.v.. rhlcr ÍÍflíí.TíraUíín,a - a wood moiau,irassiiF.nirr.-- oi siock, iiiiurra, wagons, etc.. io.vv. - buyer', were influenced by ?i,t,rroom bungalow, on car lino: ixx) State of Teias, County or El Paso hy Eiell and J. 1, Jones, who will conduct the tho strrnglli of grain and by the backward Co, "fíl,'.J?,Uní w Pr month, includ-ut- g vlrtue or an etecution Issued out or tlx said business berearier at Nos. ness or speculative, ofrrrn. H fene Cjinanra Copper J fwhR TffiSSfWl.interest. nonorabla rountr ourt or r.l piso ronnt Mina street, under the naina or JSCKson Chicago. Orl. nr mnnH hilsl nosing linces wero as rollowj Imodern

í.eoo. on the rd day or September, toil, by the Standard nrorerv Coinnanv. and our con nesa today gave the wheal market a decided W tim, May, $115,. Curtíss-Manni- ng Ca. I PPii terms. tier uirrcui, in ino case 01 me ursi na necnon, with the said business ceased on upward turn. Closing prices were steady Corn-D- cre ruber, 7ti.r. May, Tovr r.loo. ttonat Bank or El Paso, Texas, versus natph 10 n' nl advance. Corn finished ' H Slock and Bond Healers, H JasfaL Jrooms; iioo down, lis ptr monto. W. Loomli. No. 4173. and to iim. ihrirr. All debts, on Inr to us br virtue of said to i,flc up, oats with i gain or He to Pork January, im.oj H First Nallunal Bank Bldg.

rrama'aiots; directed and dellvercil, I will proceed to business here torora conducted by us, are ' J,rD'i.ions nnrnangra io oc mgner, ;Wi "'Wber, I.7V. January, rapo, J Phone 37ft. El Paso, Texas. J jwnwjjjwiMfrI1MPr monta.

ctih, sen, Hiunn ino nours prcscnuea Dy law io ne received Dy anu paiu io us, wiu an Liberal expon sales or wheat were an-nounced

$10.70. January, lo.oo.tor therlffa' tales, on tint first Tuesday In nemanjs are to do preseniea io us iur i'j hen anrf tK.liilh anrf Wlnnlner4

W.loo. November, A. H. loll. It being the 3d Hay of ment. Tho Chicago sales, which wero of wheat tOgt

rooms,lo Mil.

on car lina; til located. said month, before tlte eourthouso dnor or JOSEPH O, FnANKLIN, DO Shinned hv nr lh nlf inuuinM FINANCIAL SITUATION LEADING HOTELSH.000. aia r.i paso county, in the city or El Paso GEO. O. FUANKLIN. to &0o,noo bushels. Heavy buying or tba De-

cembermo louowing aescrmed real property, to SOL F1IANKLIN. option here was said to b ror the serve Increasnl almost fii.rxv,rt with af.r?.ra bunlow, Long Deten. wilt fractional block No. 39, lots I to 10, rrouni oi exporters at the eastern sea' substantial gain In Its liability reserveto trade for El ro properly. Inclusive In block No. m: Inn & in in. In. NOTICE or Dissolution Notiw Ii nereiy board, it was onlv hv degrees, however, Fiilhrr Kavjnfl of New York Monetary Con- - Otherwise tho news rmiu I nndon was less4 lots, 1

tífica. elusive, and lots II to , Inclusive, block given that th copartnersoip nereioiore "" inuiratra assitrinr, trading in 'ctiriiiea hemg r OF EL PASObouses, ou mala street. A undersigned, andexisting between ins strlrted berause of thepickup. "i ion ii ana is ana lots is to ru, inciu Yesterday. iievv fr,.,ndoing business under the nrm name or From Paris, r. ame ird of

Por ' all in Alexander addition to the riiy or LÍ Woriey s Farmer, is, Dy mutual agre EL PASO CLASSIFIED an advance In rentes aim,,i iin- iiiirtietme eblcken mn, 4; room rea ment dissolved from and alter Hits date. lIAe.lor(olfif prraa quolatlon since the nuthri akt) riele u. n raso couniy, icxas, anu surveys of the warhouse, 4 lots, on corner: No. S3. No. 81. No. IVI. No. IM and No. 193 WUHLKI at IAll.Ml.ll. BUSINESS DIRECTORY New York. Oct. easlni- of Iochickens,thing-- included.


cows,can mtke


on wnai is mown as the island, and lying Sept. n. 1914. cal monetary conditions was Indicated to Collón Mrl,rl .Mltiallnn. THE LOCKLEIn El Pasu cotintv. Texas, levied (in nn tlio ACCOUNTANT. Da (AC Amnrtatnl )'.,..rood livinr on this. day. ovcr-yr- loans bctng made at 7

IlEALTY CO..I6th day of September, 1911, aa the prop per New ork, Orl. n further dreline was nOTEZi AND ATATtTMEimivm. inierinr iuniPhono liu. Morgan Bldg. Judgmentcny oi naipn

amountlnrv. Looims,

to $ satisry

wllhMETAL MAKKETS. day nnmey on

ver ...i.rtA.collateral al reponed In toulhem pit roiiun markets Corvar Hllla auid Btanton StrMtaper cent Interest from the 7lh riav of Julv New York Sitier. Per rent. Western htnva i, lotlay. and local iicviers rant that Texas

i Oil. in fat or of the First National Bank uf the .liaoriafrd Prraa ADDING MACHINES. or bonds and other Inveslmenl Irsues. shlpivrrs were offering middling hern alBl run, Tazaua

Li raso. Tetas, and cost or suit. ew York. Oct. 8. Mercantile paper. OUO .i... r "uruPl auvancc in rorclgn He f ,.o. b. interinr tuiiis. lutiier a bet-- ' Ik J. Ixkie, Mgr. rkvoaa) ItGiven under my hand this cth day of Oc 7 per rent. Burroughs Addlnr Machine. B03 Mills Bldg. w nlral result or tho largoIS.000 ACIIE3 IN NEW MEXICO. loocr, 1WII. i'KYTON 1. LUWAIIDS. tiar stiver. Si'.ir.

purchases of lillls mm i.v - ler demand from hmii dnmestie mills nndGood stock ranent well watered: Sheriff. DAI. TON Adding Machines. lit Mills Sk mlliance to London ror payment or ninety-da- exiKjrlers was reported at Ihe ilerlinc. hui

moil any terms. By N. 3. Good. Depuiy, St. Louis Metal. rnnlraelerl Im l.i, tk. fresh business was still said to bo far rrom

5 acres In Ysleta, (.room bouse: By thf Antoclalvd Vrctt . I'oiiimiinienis uoumiess is iinrsual-1- J normal, and in some Instances southerngood buyj T AUCTION Sale of Unclaimed Goods by El lr'"'nuch as very easy rates shippers were believed tn be asklnr furW.7W, easy terms. St. Louis. Oct. 8. Lead unsettled at ALL kinds or hollies bought rrom i.

pre-vailed400, acres well located, in Arkah' ruv uniuu t'ssseiirer uepoi ui.; r.l raso $3.(23.50. when lhee loans were negotiated.

k Southwcsierti Harris medirme tu bottle. Illinois Bottle cables and sight drarts Heasonable munitions over the belt, and the The Grand Hatelsas, to trade ror land or city prop Uystem; Oalreston, spoiler dull and nominal at fl.75. Co.. tooi E. Overland. Phone IMI. wero a renl percny here. This Is a fine tract or burg San Antonio Hallway Co.; Texas s: pound sterling higher, aim the $loo.x,uu) dorllno or .the last three or nmr days wasland; has a biff lake, fed by springs tiuc iiiuwaj- - ui.; iuo uranae, ti El Paso Metal. WE BUY AND SELL any kind or bottles. gold pool iccelved numerous applications .niriiiuied to a nerum in picKing. $1 A


1 h Bapand stocked with rood run. e sania re na iroad CO.. ann .Miinnai 3lcxiran currency, 20. ii. ,cion, 1131 siyruc. rnone xrou. lor exchange

to date hotel.modtra ana as

ibis. iiauways or siexlcoTo Whom It May L'ou .Mexican icold. 49. The weekly statement or the Hank or Eng-land

lloslon r.vrhango to Itesume. BaanUfullysm acres, near La Mesa. Quick corn i Aotlco Is hereby riven thai the tiron Mexican peros (El Taso buying, price), 40,

CAHI'ETS CLEANED. shows an increase or IIB.to2.0iX) In gold Hi' thf Anodnlr-- t I'rrti tarr;ruratalied,with

elaaar wtthaot

and saxtttS--tale, tuso. erly listed below, now remaining unclaimed Villa currency, I9W; Carranza currency DU

over tho previous week, to which may bo Boston, (tel. 8 - The governing rmmiilt earn hath. Heart of47 In or oincrwito at tne El Paso union SANG 4 WELLBOIINE, added almost s,ooo,ooo more or tho dir.acres (S3 alfalfa), paasen- - 2ui; uitinuanua currency, so. Steam and carpet cleaning. precious tee ui the Boston curb exchange voted to

houso (nicely rurnlshed); 4 horses, iw ucpui, ni ino cuy oí ti raro,, in me vacuum nietsl which was received nrtcr ,tlio pub-lication

day lit resumo ipiolallons next Wednesday,a cows, bogs, 70 chickens i all state, of Texas, will be sold at Dubllc anc. El Paso Seirllcr Quotations. CAIIPENTEH JOB WO UK or the statement. The bank's ro- - urioucr is.kinds or machinery and DO tons hay, Hon, to the highest bidder, ror cash, at the (Corrected Dally.) In or mil or the city Phone 5101. Weekly líale. .non4 mDO bushels wheals upper valley, union uepoi. ti raso, icxas. iu a. m. moii- - Pig lead. 3.73. The Westernsnap; S7.M0. uay, r, ion. CHIMNEY. SWEEPS.Bar silver (Handy &. Harmon Quotation). 313Brinr us rour trades. We can EL PASO UNION PASSENOEIl DEPOT CO. . hlauluo.match you. SI umbrellas: I prod Dolet i sacks cot !s- - CHIMNEY SWEEP JOE DR. A. BURTON a

A new place not a hotel, norrtEALTY CO. ton; ti overcoats; a men's coats; i men's NOW AT Nowly Pnpcrod, Pointed and rooming house simply a boma. Every-thingLIVESTOCK IIAIIKKTS. I UIINITUIIE CO.. S00 S. STANTON DENTIST new, clean, modern. Frea It. t.See J. c. Tandy, vests: 3 nr. Dants: S bovs' coats: 6 sweat. Cool,, Comfortnblo to Taxi from depot.liooms Moraran era; 13 ladles' coats and Jackets; t shawl;Building. Chicago Livestock. UML ENClNEKtlS. Graduate Loulsvllla Collet" 1S(. Hooiiik. r.i;.s Guieos. Mgr.I'bono 5 IV. i feather pillows; 3 Mfa pillows; s baskets Hli Iht .1 uocalcd I'rrte tl veHrs mm fi l'ao's lendlnr hotel.rooas; i canon wei gooas; pair snoes; I Chicago. Oct. 8. Hogs rtecelpts. 17.01)0, DAVID M. WHITE Katabllahed here alnco 1912. The Commercial Hoteluimicr pan; i jug wine; 2 piicncrs; Market slow to 5c under yesterday's aver (formerly territorial engineer and engr. U. 421 Mills Dldc.

O.M.Y njttt bundles: 3 sacks; 6 telescope grips: age. Hulk. 7.23Í8: light. $7.$08.33i mixed, S. Land i.oni. or N. Méx.), civil engineer and Pilones Orne 1011; Ilea. 3004 MIIH. I A. ZAUN. prop.Brand

handbags; 21 suit cases: 10 ladles' hats; so $7.2508.30; heavy, I7W8.I0; rough. $7a IO, aurveyor, l, D wilt Apis, rnone ro-w- . IUUcs: SS.00 I'cr modern bungalow, with all men's nats: m pactares-- , 7 men's cans: is The Commercial Hoteliiuiii-ii- i icaiurrp, oeamea cciunir. laaies nanaoags; i manaoun; i grapno pigs, $1.7508. DETEt.TIV V. AGENCIES. IjAK CHUCKS, N. .11. ,t.attic lU'ccinif. mo. Market stcauy2 full lots; beautiful home, fine view, phone pkg. liASrecord; I calendars: to nr. la slockvrs CKUCKS. X. A.Bccvcs. M.C041H; steers, Í6.I5ÍI9;ICUI13. dies' gloves; I lantern; S dolls, t THE BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AOENCY.

EL PASO LAND AND TilUST CO.. d pr. men's giovrs; z pr. ruDocrs;gun


pr. and feeders. I5.259i8.35: cows ana lienors invest irat on undo Iu civil and criminal Sufferers of HemorrhoidsIs tho only $2.00 n day hotel In tho

Phono 0389. 707-- Two rtcpuhllcs Bldg, gloves; I moving picture film; I pr. slip rj.wov.w, calves, $7.50011.25. cases. tat Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 4404. city. Como nntl give It a trial.Sheep Itccctpls. 24.0UO. Market slow Would you believe mo ir I tell you that$100 DOWN. $30 monthly, buys a nice three pers; 1 cup cast; i bunches keys; 3 memo Slurp, $1.7503.90; yearlings, i.50yo.lO, ran euro you iu 15 days. Lei me refer Assayer and Chemistroom rollare, one block from Bailey dooks; i pox; i loy; i taoic Doara: 1 lambs, tetf7.80. you lo some of my worst cases thaischool, near new high school site. Price steamer trunk. Odom ck. 39&1 (WFWl: l

D1IS. BIUJWN 309 Mills llldg. have been cured In less timo. Thero Is.too. Howell neally Co.. a Herald Bidr, sack utensils; I telescope, Pomcroy ck. Kausas City Livestock. Phone eso. po failures with my treatment, in the GEO. W. CA3IEUON

Pliona WT7. 18,819; i zinc trunr, acpol ck. i.t,788; t Kansas City. Oct. 8. Hogs lower. 17 years that have trcaicd Hemorrhoids Dr. Carl Smithbox goods; 1 box, bdle. and.; I bdle. ( attic strong. DEAD CATTLE. I have not one failure. I would bo glad nopresonUtlvs For Shippers I theSNAP KOn DAYS. sackTEN quilts; I bedding; 6 bdles. bedding; Sheep higher. iu explain to you my method of treat-ing

EI 1'aso Stnolter.New .room bungalow, never lived In, all mattress; z naie. ocuaing, depot ck. Hemorrhoids, tsu Hum lost rrom nurruRe. ulouii, bkin. Liven iaa.limit-i- features, strictly modem, racing 19,003; t bdtc. bedding, depot ck. tlS.'-'l- your vocation. Dr. lleiulf r.vou, Clint, 'Irx. OS San. Francisco Sk. Kl I'aao, Tax as NICY AND OLAHDCn DISEASES).pated Direct, paving all paid for; Altura suit case, Longwcll ck. esf); t bundle. Who and What Are You Looking Forirarn. i blocks of line. Price ck. I tub, ck. DIIAIIGIIISHAN. O. rtox .13,100; $500 depot t,787; depot 119,151; column of Tho Times will help you to a. Booms S27.32Scam, oaiaure to situ, rnu is a snap. pox, I'omcroy ck. ía.eia; i Diuy nuggy; riione wmsecure more Dimness, auout it.McMATII nEALTY CO.. level rod. depot ck. 193.985: l leather A. C. lulloch. rirsl Nalloual Rank BUg.

o. I Stephens Bldg. Phone S97fi, suit case; a Dags ciotmng.(Advertisement.) DIIAUGIITSMAN. STUDY SHORTHAND

All classes or WorK Neatly Done.TIIK CASSIOY EEL ntSA&TY CO. NO. 189. Special arrangements ror dinner Phone 5147. Hotel Mengvr. El 1'aso, Texas. Competent ateuographera ara In consiant da

CITY PnOPErtTY. VALLEY LAND. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OK FINAL parlies. Zclgcr hotel. (Advertisement.) mand. Learn tbe Oregg System simplón,IlKNTALS AND INSLTIANCE. ACCOUNT. FUIlNIrL'IIE IIEPAHIING. easiest and beak El Paso Sign Co.

$000. The Slate or Texas To the Sheriff or TO PL'ItCHASE APPLIANCES. Custom Qffico4 room frame. East El Paso. $30 down. Any constable or Ll Paso county. Greet E. M. IM'E. Hi Myrtlo. phone 758. Assayuuiancc íu.wj uiontu anu interest, ing: l.ucia ii. .Moyser ana james i. iiewiu, Kl Paso Optical Company to Add Io Al

(ANULINE. 414 Mowl A v nun) CHITCIUriT rciiGusox.$i00. administrators with will annexed of the ready bxtrnslvo Equipment. I'lioue 1132 Aasayara,4 room modern brick on linceo .St. In Alia estato or Gcorre C. Mevser. deceased, hav n. Scgall. head of tho EI Paso Optical

i GALS. U. OAS.. 75Ci oil. C5c. Ph. Wl. C.VltD AND SIGN IVOllIC ON HapraaentatlvaaCbamUta. AlataJIurgUta.

lorVI í 1,1; small cash payment, balance $25 ing rued in our county court tneir rinat company on Texas street, leaves today for HHOItT NOTK'K Ore Shlppara.monin, inctuomr interest. account or tho condition or the estate or Denver for tho purpose or purchasing ad-

ditionalIIUHSlCbllOElNG. 10 Kan Francisco Ht,

7S0. said ueorgo u. Meyser, together wllh an appliances and machinery ror uso Iwl I'aao. TVxao.7150 down, balance like rent; 5 ro)ms new application to be discharged from said ad ins aireaay wcu cqtuppea I'siauiisiiiiicni. LONE STAIl HOIISESllOElNO SHOP 417 S.

moaern pungatow, narawood noors, - ministration, you are nereny command Tho Kl Puso ontlcal comDanv has re Santa Fo St. Phone 3177, j. r. juorariy,plant; on 8 south rront lots In AHa ed that by publication or this writ ror at cently enlarged lis nuarlirs. taking ovor Manager All work guaranteed.

Vista. least twenty days in a newspaper printed tn additional room. The work phop nas been$5800. tho county or EI raso you gtvo due notice CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE1 room modern 2 story brick on 37x150 an persons interested m too account tor and tho space ronnerly occupied by Hie lommivs mamfeel; kouUi front pared street, near Masonic nnal settlement or said estate to appear and grinding apparatus Is to be devoted to tho WATCHES cleaned soc, main springs 50c,

JTemple. contest I he same, If they see proper, on or new rtxturcs which will be purchased by warranted crystals ISr. Cash for old gold.

' CoimnlMÜon Mcrclinntw. rhono 1$ltoo. beroro Hie November term, 1911, or said Mr. Scgall on his present trip. 10t San Antonio. Denver Jcwolry Co.

Wo pay highest prices on fodcrnl nnd constitutionalist money,Now 5 room bungalow, never occupied: couniy court, commencing and to be holden ino new appliances, uccoraiug iu ju ALTOJIOIlIIilCS, HACKS, IJVEItX

hardwood Moors, bulltln bookcases, china at tho rourlhouso or said county, in the serall. will bo similar to machinery al JUNK DEAI.ETtS. City Notional Hank Ilulldlnn, U00111 05. l'liono 2113. Auto Daemfo Trnckacloset, largo clothes clonéis, pantry, kitchen city or El Paso, on tho 3d day or Novem-

ber,ready In operation, the additions being Uclit nl llrary Ilaullngcabinet; l'rench window in back bedroom, A. D. 1911. when said account and ap-

plicationmade ror the purpose or adding to llm EI PASU 1HON AND METAL CO.. 1505 San

opening out on sleeping porch; basement will be acted on by said court. capacity or the plant, which Is already Antonio, dealers Hi scrap iron, rubber,and heating plant; on Uto tlranilc St., west unen ur.aer my nana ana seal or rain caulpped ror the grinding or ihe moM ropper. brass, bones, elc. Phone 4800.

of Piedras. Contract let for paving. court, at niv office In the city of El Paso. complicated lenses. The rapid growth orILI.1NU1S BOTTLE AND JUNK CO..

IliOO. )lt aoth day of September. A. D. 1011. the business or late, sata Mr. scuau1005 E. overland. Phone 1811.

& well built red Dressed brick I'Allk W. has made It necessary iliat newroom cot- - I'll.MA.A, We Constitutionalist at PricQsBuy Currency Today Followingtare, nouth 39 reel front, paving and park (Seal) Clerk, County Court, El Paso maehlnerv be Installed In order that cus SIATTUESSES RENOVATED. RUBBERlug paid: near Westminster Presbyterian county, Texas. tomers mignt do served iwnpoui aunoyiug Carranza Currency 20 cent"muren nu ü. mo urannr ni. "inc preiuesi By C. AltANDA. Deputy. D'Iay. .... DU SANO 4; WELLBORN. PHONE 3W9.street In El Paso;" ground alone worth the Irsurd this 30th day of September, A. D. While away Mr. scgau win mace urucra Chihuahua Currency , 19 centa I SLNUFACTUKKD DAITjTprice. 1911. Ith eastern firms ror a largo stock or Old Villa Currency , 19 cents

$13,000. PAHK W. PITMAN. optical goods, which will include tim very1. 11 Ml In V.NTI! K AUKNCY U. Ü. A MEXICO nilOKHrtAGE CO. IO0.7 San Prunclsr Ellis Bros.In the line. He rtpcrts tu Printing Co.101 ft. frontarc on Houston Suu'are. Im Clerk, County Court, El Paso Count)', Tex. latest things

Reports and ratings or Individuals, colnrovrd wllh 2 well bull: 3 room collares, By c AIUNDA, Deputy, be away trom Elraso about ten days.

lections. Members or the National AxioileIf ynu liavo been wailing fur a bargain haw - A lw cojiy. I certiryi lion of Mercantile Agencies.Your nsme. business and address In thoaooni II" niara io una, an apanmeni site PEYTON 1, EDWAP.DS, IIAHIIY PATfcMAN. Mgr,to equal It. Call us up while It's fresh on Sl'lrifr of El Paso County. "Who and What Are You Loosing For?" Herald Bldg.

column or Ibe Timas will help you toBy N. S. OOOD, Deputy.your mino.TflADE. secure more business. Phone 5U50 about Ik UPTOIIETIll!TH AND OPTICIANS.

ili.000 home, close In on Illo Orande, in No. 18C9. (Advertisemeni.) I fl. MOHRlooms, narawooa floors, neamea ceilings; THE STATE OF TEXAS, TO THE SHERIFF nre Wood. Ill Overland.extra large clothes closets; bulltln kitchen OH ANY CO.TbTAULti Uf EL PASO urlvers. Phone 810.

Cut RateranimM. pries; garage ann a Drier servant's COUNTY. GIIEETINO: Í Hardware,room In rear; IS feet front. Must be Ernest P. Hughes, administrator or the GOODS packed by Ucigvr belt Hie globe, Fine Mountain Paint and Glass.hoen tn be appreciated. Cut to $9500. Will estate or Mary b. Green, deceased, having Transfer, torne, repairing. Ph. 2iraoo rquuy ior a monem unincum mea in our loumy loun nis imai account RAILROAD TIME TABLES 2? 0 Sonth n rano fft.lirred l or a room uungaiow. uf the condition of tho estate of aald Mary I'APER AND PAPER BAG8.

D. with Tim Table No. 5J, Eltrcllv I2:UI a..THADE. Green, together an application toilia best lots In do aisciiargeu irum saia Uay 27. lilt, EL PASO PAPER COMPANY..6 of Manhattan Heights, aaministraiionsmp, St. Telephone 3673. Crab(Mountain Tim Only.) 3IS MRUwjuiii rom, near wnere fir. rerrivat lien You are hereby commanded, thai by nub. applesilriMin H getting ready to start a llu.000 Ilcatlonor this writ ror at least tw enty days E. P. At H. W. Syrkim. $$rnome. price iseoo ror tne o. win trade In a newspaper printed In the couniy or El rrom North and Em Arrive.

for 3 room bungalow near Alta Vista Paso, you give duo nonce to 'l personsGoldencaiirorntan

State Limited 1:45:3Sa.m

PASS CITY PLUMBERS, all work guaran 5u HalKtbChool; have $1900 equity. tnteresieu in ino account ior nnai aeiue 3 p.m.teed, out san Amonio ai, iui. rinMCUAl

TRADE. ment or said estate, to appear and con From mo weai alar t,'TKLovely 6 room boma on 3 Bliss St. lots test the same If they seo proper, on or g Cooper City Special

Limited7:41 a.m. THY the City Plumbing Co. Better plumbing F.Wr''?2:'JkW ures Hbaumatlsm.Staiohardwood floors, grass and trees. Cost beroro the November term, toil, or said 4 Golden

tnd Eastt:30 p.m. ror less rnone ui. 01 at W - fJaKwe'.yiK glood Poison andNorthowner W700. Will sell for $5500 and take County Court, commencing and to bo For Depare Wt 1,1 Internal and Ex.

holden at the court house or said In 4 uoiuen oiaia luuwu j.ti pjn, flluNfti PLLXIIil.llS. u5 Tcias. phonv 10CJ, ?. xrnal Utaaaaa.automobile or south end lots for his county. tor man fourteen Pounds for One Dollarsoo eauity. the city or El Paso, on the trttd day or I CallIho West

lu.Jop.ui. Worn guarantees 9 i Am1 aaaB 'Pcal tralmolsill Mills St. Cassldy St Nerl. Phone 920, November. A. D. toil, when said account Golden

ForState Limited 1:00 ia lJvsii and tare money on your Plumb atxfV VfJaHi 'or women at Mod

and application win ce acted on by said 1 worx. ah wors guaramoea. rnone atp ÉaHaf!8aaaai ,r'

SCENIC I) HIVE WAY LOT3-$- 3U per foot couri. 1 uifr .ny snw 7:sjp.ta. 307. F.I Paso Plumbing Co., via southfront; extra depth, level, magnificent hand 01 IxHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal lonSUItSllOO g Taiven under my and seal or said A El Pasa Virginia. n

lev. The coming residence street; court, ai my ornee in me city or El Paso Rio Grande(Santa Fe System.)

Rsllrosd. sjsP' H ornestrlcied district. Phono 893. 111! J V51U uay oi ocpicmucr. A. i. ivit. From lb North 2 iBaatBBLaaaaaaaal V AntonioArrive.lillANDVIEW LOTS 3 fine, level lots Clerk County Court El



PITMAN.Texas, 09 Mexico Express , 10:00 a.m. (I UN 4 repaired Allen Arms Cycle Co. WATSON GROCERY 2s lnGmi I'noo gita.

blocks from Port Bliss car Une, at $15 a 13 El Paso Passenger ;io D.m.lot less than market value for cash. Phone dy U. AI1A.TUA,

ItDUtV.ror tba North Dense 1. Rl'G MANUFACTURERS, 2 u

M30 or 4993. Issued Ibis nth day or September, a. D. 18 Kanaa City and Chicago"7. I Jo aun. 210-21- 2 TEXAS STREETFast Mall iBHUn-O- Ntin Chicago w p.m RUOH mad Iri ni olu carpet. Pnon SOW. J aasaaswtun sale My home, nut) Montana, fur 1911.

nished or unfurnished. Pbona owner. PARK W. PITMAN, Gaivetton. Ilarrlsburg ac San Anioolo Hy, M.VWV. IIAUIINIJ.77. Clerk Couniy Court. El Paso County, Texas, Telephonesly in AIIAÍ1UA, Prvni ih Eut . Arrive. sEWINO MALlliNi-.- for tent. The easyUET YUUli NAME In the "What Are You Deputy. o Sunset Express so p.ia running stanaaru 1110110 nut. rouii

looking fotv column of the Times. It A true copy, I rerttfyiICt sunset Umitd ill p.o. .Inkier. 113 A. Bunion.

will help vou gel moro business. Call PEYTON J. EDWA1ID3. From tn Wti- t-phone bxo about It. (Seal) SherlH or El Paso County. lox Sunset Limited .1:30 g.m, HhNT

ard: bstnu easy


Iu thewhile



fain GEO. II. KENDALL makes Olasasa rlthiBE IT ItESOI.VEH by the cily Council or the g baiuuruiau lao p.m. lly use. Repairs guaranieed. when all olliers rail.

A ItAllb HAHiMIN, uto; a S and City or El Paso: That the city clerk be. For 10 Eut .Depark WHITE hkUl.VJ MACHINE OITICE. I ÍU8 .MESA AVENUE.4 room brick bouse: rood rental oroDar. directed advertise IM Sunset Limited eiaa II. 1.. Investment, h. It. Tborne. sole agent. $1$ and hereby Is. to for bids f a. btanton. Agk

1U 9UUKI E.v aa 11.00for tho construction or a pavement Por p.m.onn rrancisro au, ti rao, jar. For tb west MIE AM' LOt-- EXPKItrS.rtrio Dili Ave. rrom toe intersection of the . mirorulan - OfficeLOTS POH SALE Three 50 lots In block 1. norm une oi Nam si, io urn soutn lino or n Independent MssaySunset Limitad aAFES - .li V.AU I opened by kOund: no101 .p.m.uranu view, lor ai6 caco, rooua swj or boulevard. Go East(311. Said pavement! tn all respects to conform drilling. 3 a 11 i o o. tiit-y- ,

D. W. BacaxUBT. B Jl.. Pritanr.with tho specifications therefor From lb East Arrlra. UAHtllUCSE. igsat Ac Or 3Jff4r$ Aumf aW

Ion SALE 3 south front lois on Boulevtrd. prepared by a Fast Eiprsa toa a m. blOltlM. OSlaca Aml,lt. illmu llmh,Uiue cuy aim iiw 0,1 iuo in nia or.gooa lor apanmeni sue; a greai snap. rice, which aald speciricatluna have been 1 Cannon BallEaal

,. so p.m. 1:1. i'ASil 1HL.1 rACTOIli New ware m4 tfortt4 Vpf. tuUlm f 4IlKlI.BEItO 4c BLAlll. For tb

411 noberts-Banne- r Bldg. aipruu uj una luunm. naiu aurernso Cannon Ball ., tJjPtri. UOU, saieal li.vaiwiij itiiini mwciiinfill shall appear In each Issue or the of 4 Fail Express rales. Phouii 101 Offle and LabnialomGo('On SALE farm, to" acres In eul flelal paper which appears during thu en West tar. Ui PrMla MlaasaM k

tlvatlon. good house and pumping plant. (10) days prior to the uih day of October, NUIoaal Railways or Mexico. tL rao. Tisaa.1911, All bids must be sealed and each bel rico nn, loaren h., cara iiiiki. accompanied by a certtried check In n Juares

Leave6:S0a.m. Juaras

. ArrrrS 05 ACME blltLI Mkf AL WO

sum or one thousand dollars (, p.m. sheet inetai rviiiraeiura wi aiuus. 411 TAKE THELgaJ Notice payable to the mayor or the city or U Texas SU IT.cne iuo.Paso, and wlilrh shall become lha nroneriv AUTO STAGE LINES PAIN I ING. OPEN ALL NIGHT

No. 37 M3. or the city tn tbe ttrnt that the bidder. Ifsuccessful, does not within ten (10) GLOBE TO PIlnENU rraaciiptloaa rilled and dlrvr4siicniprs days or El. PASO eliji J 411 Mesa. Phono II,sine or Texai. county of El Paso-- By 1110 accepuiics ui Ul uhi ruicr lino a con Via Aulo. far leaves Globa Sunset Limited I auxy Urn day or vlM

virtue or an order or ale Issued out of tract wnn in cny or ti raso iu completa dally. TUu lioura. Make rescrvutooa al CiUeiU.NU' M Bianion. riion tta. SUM Ordsra rUU4 PnmtUtttM) honorable Judicial district said pavement Iu accordance with said Dominion llutei. Ulobfl oUa ValUy Autoluuri or Tarrant county on the r9Ui day or sperUlratlona wlihln two months front the 3U Line. Ill'KUIIIlEnS. A. E RYAN fc CO.

lime or the signing or the contract. AllrrpmuiK-r-, ivn. oj ine cicra inercoi, in me bidsrase of O. F. Haley versus James T- - Cuinley must be filed with Ibe city rlerk on or U. PA3y-LA- a CHUU.S AUTO LINE. flJ'I.WlilH HI i'" I'lllic supply Ui. All Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Observation Car.and J. E. Goodrich, No. 37.6ú3. Mi Io me, as ten (io) o'clock a. m. the I3lb dav or I'OIl ALL MESILLA VALLEY POINTS. imk.i .m.i noted aud rvuaired. vlrherirr, directed and delivered, I 111 pro. October, till. Lean Auto cJ. S. El Paau at.. dn !,T! Hill Si. I'li'ii aa Agk corona lypnnrlur. Oil Burning Locomotives

to sell, within the hour prescribed Tho city or El Paso reserves the right to Cluduig eunday. at 4 45 a. . luturntng. law for sheriffs' sales, on Ibu first Toes, reject any or all bids. lear Las cruces poaurric dally. Includ-

ingtn Passed and approved this. Ibe 1st dar or sunurjr, lor El Vaso al la a. ' For rates and other information call atday November, A, O. I Ml. II being the m. McLH I AN BU"' Plioii 70U. 3W Fruco.1914. C.third day of said luonih. before lira October. E. KELLY. Mayor.door of said El Paso county, la the BIDi lull CIIUSHED HOCK OK IIESLIt. Passenger aervica laarlns


LINE.iina,.n U,IHHNK LRI.LIlSa. City Ticket Office. 20North Oregon.of El Paso, thetiy folluntng datcribad real 1ALI.1U iir UV.irilAn'S DH1VK. and Carrlioxu dally and aundav ai . All oí sections twenty Bids will be receUtd al Iba offled or iha lur Plcacbu, Ttome, Hondo, ForiMtn tilt, twenty right tt, thirty four rouuiy auditor up to and Including Oct. it. atan loa. Capitán and Noaii.

Lincoln.Thn,uti Phone 142. READ THE WANT ADS.3D. thlrty-fli- e tli) ami thirty six M, all isii. ior the furolsnUir or Ihlrlr na him. .4o. Intermedial VJblock on way polola so xi MAat.11 11- ucuvi and ran Aoluuwlorat'd in fourteen HO, public scíkmI drtm iloo) tons, mors or less, of crushed lull, tuggaga carried up 10 7ilaud tn ad) couniy, ag grtgaitng 3.17 arrea rock, This rock to be used la the re W pounds frei excess at 1c per pound.

poundItlMMIW WASHING.uf land, said srclkaa fl and w cwntalnlng of sal Is known as Doniphan's nuswsu Abiuuo acres cacu, said srciloa 31 and roa-- drive, aud bids are to be made on toe bula Owner aud Ooaratora.

tyxFAny,k'buu aa. WANTED Window to dean, iboue Hit

""P' W"T ,R 'fP



CASTORIA lias mot with pronounced favor on tho part of physioianB, pharma-

ceuticalAN'XfAt. r.i.r.cnox iielh yesterday at THOSE WHO PUT IS MORE THAN TWENTY sooiotioa and mediod authorities. It is used by physicians with01.11 PALACK IN AlltM) WAT IIU TIMS UiLatest in SANTA FE. SIMPES. results most gratifying. Tho extended uso of Castoria íb unguoationahly tho

Mionlnn of fliiprrb I.anlrrn BldM rlrturlng Volitions of Colquitt Law for Reduetloa of result of threo feota: ftmTho indisputablo ovidonco that it is harmless íiew euro neme tenure 01 Arrragr rroiiac ira9iiorcn- -Up to the Annual Meeting. ally for Violators.

i.coirf-fT- hat it not only allays stomaoh pains and quiots tho norves, but assimi-

latesDV Ttmtl Kñrtiai (hrrttnnnJent Ill Tlmrl HnreM CorrttDondtnt tho food : Tit It ia an agreoablo and perfect 'substitute for Castor OILSanta fe. . M., Oct. the entire Austin. Texsa. UcL 8 orernoe ColMinute collection of tlin Burton Holmes travel- - quilt's bill ror the reduction or the cotton narootíompcrh is II la, there is not a act ai traite or Texas, which has been Intro-

ducedIt is absolutely safo. It does not contain any Opium, Morphino, or othor

or view. as l snd artistic as those In the senate by Senators Weitbrookthrown iiion the creen laat evening In tin; and lirelsfonl, contains drastic provisions and doos not stupefy. It is unliko Soothing Syrups, Batoman's Drops, Qodfroy'aaraemhly room or tho old Palace or the for the punishment or those who violate itsMillinery (iovcrnors,

It was llio annual meeting of the .New ll.'uuoterms


imprisonmentmaximum tienalty

in tlxbelnr

penitentiarya fine of

Cordial, eto. TMa in a good doal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how-ovo-r,

wairo wcuacio-tica- i society, tub aierc lor lire years, u is aiso proviuea matni'tican slldr.s wrrn loaned hr the einosl tins provisions or the suspended sentence is to danger and record tho means of advanoing health. Tho dayHon ronimiaalon, of v. hone collection or act shall not apply 40 the proposed law oxposo

lantern a i lea they form a DONlon and that In no case snail the sentence ofOur milliners arc expe's and wc trim 'liats to The lantern was operated by Owen I.. any person convicted or planting more cot-ton

for poisoning innocent ohildren through greed or ignorance ought to end. ToWood ami each picture was aa perfect and than the law allows be suspended.

your special order. ns a cameo, i lie scenes incjr no In bis message submitting the proposition our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy whioh produces composure and health, bypined were or aurh attractiveness that to lie legislature Governor Colquitt makes

vi'ry ono in ine auuicnco expn:ssea a ae tho statement that at one time he had .some entitled tosirv to tlslt itosuell at the first oppor doubts aa lo the constitutionality of tbu pro- - regulating tho system not by stupefying it and our roaders aro1 unity, it is certain that the imj million IHised law. These aotiDs, ne says, werepi'iitilo who will seo them at San Ulero awent away after a consultation with At 1he. information. Rail's Journal of BeaWuwill cjpcrlcnco thu same apell. All the tomcy General If. K. I.ooncy, who aasuredviews wero from lloawell and vicinity, mo executive mat ino taw as proposed,Alfalfa and camalouoo fields, so exten- - would be perfectly valid and stand the Letters from Prominent Physiciansivo mat thev stretched bevond the rim lost or the courts. Governor Colaullt also

LurNlie pictures! artesian wells spouting cited precedents ot civil war days, wheninpsnaiisiiiiie streams inai lunncu loreijr ine cotton states, or at least some or mem, addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.lakoleis, filled irrigation canals, ana com-pelled

adonted laws Hin t na- acreage. Here rolthe land to laugh with verdure; or-- i lows the text or tho bill as introduced in Dr. B. Halitead Scott, ot Chicago, Ills., saya: "I faaro prescribed youxMILLINERY MapiM In full bloom and In bearlna--! wide, the senatesI sluidy sterols and roads, magnificent "Whereas, Tho production or cotton has Caatorja often for Infanta during my practice, and find It very satisfactory."

limine, prosperous rarms. Immense stock been largo during the year toil and there Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your Castoria standsmucin's, full blooded stock, including will be a surplus or several million bales416 N. Oregon. Hlaiiihter's famous Hereford nerd. owing to mo Closing oi several or ine ex first In Its class. Ia my thirty years of practico I can say I sorer haretlrcniíinil' lililí oraile . shecD. all passed txirt markets by war. and. found anything that bo filled tho place."review ss in a dream, tmnr a Riimnso 01 Whereas, Tint hat caused a depression In ipa land In whlrli milk and honey flows. price below the cost or production and is Dr. J. II. Taft, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I have used your Castoria andin which capital, industry and intelligence about to bankrupt the business InterestsUntrimmed .shapes found It an excellent remedy In my household and private practico fornave ron iu ncn 10 creato an earmiy imra- - oi ino siaie, practically an oi wnicn aodice. Tho magnirlccnt courthouao at fiend upon cotton as a basis: and. many years. The formula Is excellent."flowers and .feathers on tho new federal building, the castle "Whereas, roodsturrs and food are rising jjtflike hiili school, were some of tho types to a high price owing to tho same war and ALCOUoi,1 3 PERCENT. Dr. R. J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich., says: "I prescribe your Castoria.

sale at prices unequaled of public structures thrown on the screen.. the iicople or the stale will be unable to buy Efüfó Atgf(IVcparattonlírAi- -extensively, as I have never found anything to equal It for children's

The aoctety us officers wno surricient to maintain tncmseives wnn thehitvo. served lalttifnlly for a ntmibcr or lower price of cotton, and loverly will be troubles. I am aware that there are Imitations In the field, but I always

in the city. vears: Judge John II. MCFle. prestdeni greuty increased if mis condition conun bm that my patients get Fletcher's."Historian .M. itena, vice iircsiiieiu, lies: and.Paul A. 1'. Walter, secretary; Miss llttth "Whereas, the planting of another largo Dr.'Wm. J MoCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the father of thirteen

Out of High Rent Latiehlln, cm responding secretary; James crop or collón in I9IS will tend to pile an-other children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and asidesixthA. linlls. tre.imirer: C. K. I.lnnev. surplus on the surplus or I9K sndJ director, the otner live officers iieing ui will effectually destroy the value or the from my own family experience I have In my years of practice found Cas

District. B e 1 1 er redora by vllliio or their office. toil crop and bring disaster and want upon BJEm1 Prornotes DtlonX3teafii- - torla a popular and efficient remedy In almost every home."Tim menibershlii or 3t't. which Includes the people or Ibis slate; and, nessaiidReatContalnjnciirtT

Better persona or distinction from the Atlantic "Whereas, it Is highly important to e E?;i:iK Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "Tho name that your Cas-toriaStyles. to the l ucirle, was increased ny ine 101 lor foodslufTs to be raised In the state Kg'iJ I norMiacral has made for itself In the tens of thousands ot homes blessed by thelowlnir. their being unani or Texas Mirririenl to support her people

Values. Lower mously approved upon motion of Hon, Levi and to greatly reduce the area planted In presence ot children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse-mentungues nuil jungo n. i.uiikiuiii: cotton in 191, so that roodsturrs may bo of the medical butJumos Wood, Ml. Klsko, N. Y. W. II. raised nt.d Hie price or rotlon Increased profession, I, for one, most heartily endorso It and

Prices. Chrlnman. Altec: .Mrs. L. V. V. Wilton. by making Hie demand approach the supply. bellevo It an excellent remedy."I'hlladelihls; J. II. (lerkcy, Davenport, la., "Row. lheiefuro. In the exercise or thesirs, l.uuaru a. wiiue, urjn iinwr, in. police nower or the state, ror the general Dr. It M. "Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Physicians generally do notMrs. V. 11. llartlell. San Acacio. N. M. welfare of the body politic, and to preserve III 111" ( prescribe proprietary preparations, but In the case of Castoria my experi-

ence,Mis Kslhcr Kenmore, ü'llrlen, Texas; Miss he stall- IHun a spread or want andMeMauners. Knox City, Texas, Mrs. D. K. and save the business Interests BFori: like that of many other physicians, has taught mo to make an ex-

ception.Porter. Delta. Colo.i Charles I'. lge. Ar.i based on our staple production from dls Km- - I I prescribe your Castoria In my practice becauso I havo found Itiron, N M.; Miss Ulive M. I'erctval. Los aster. gffi iAngeles, John C. Lewis, Dallas, Texas, -- He It enacted by the leglslaturo of tho Wm to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physKuaiin-- l II. 'weiherill, rail imer, mass.; stale nt Texas: KiS'wl Apctfetl Remedy forCOnsflpr clan who has raised a family, as I have, will Join me In heartiest recom-

mendationMruee Draner. Ho se. Idaho. Mrs. II. u 'Section 1 That from and after Januaryrmwiiriilire. wlnneika. 111.. Miss Francos I, A. I). 1013. tho maximum quantity of fcir5l Hon. Sour StomadiDlantra. of Castoria."orace Smith, smith college, Northampton, iana widen it snail no lawriu ror any rarn-ll- WorrasfonvulMass.; Jonathan II. Dietrich, Denver; II. W. or household, or the Immediate ser-

vantsvM tSSS GENUINE CASTORIAIlrosc, Ilolao, Idaho; Dr. It.. W. Corwm, or employes or such family or house-

holdIgSgS iuaaflndLos ALWAYS

. coio.! Miss Alice C, Fletcher, for them lo plant, cultivate or grow InWashington, D. C; Kleanor Johnson, Wew cotton within this state, or ror any person

ork, N. Y.; Mrs. jonn w. ioe, itoswcii; not a constituent member or any family orMrs. W. II. Swan. Colorado hprings; Mrs. household, or ror his servants or employes

HONESTO IS THK I1EST POLIOS. NEXT TO THAT COMES OURS. I'hlllp Loomls, Colorado Springs, O. U. ror him, or ror any corporation or Ita ser-vantsheiiiey, tainncia. or employes for It, to plant, cultivate

lUnilclier Melles. or grow in cotton within this stato for one

The Two Republics Life .Mrx. ii. H. Kaiinn was tendered a unani year from January l, A. D. 1015, shall bemous voto or thanks for presenting to the jo acres; provided, this limitation shall ap-

plyiinisitiiiii hnr Ilamlcller ccllccllon. Which only to tho family, household or ImmeInsurance Company inrludes raro maps and charts, books and diate servants thereof, or to a person not apamphlets, manuscripts ana waicr coiurs, constituent member or a ramuy or nouse-hol- d Tk Kind Youdaguerrotypes and photographs ot great and his servants and emoloves. or to Have Always BoughtAn honeat man without an honc.t poller nexteettnr ht honeit historical ana arcnaeoiogicai vaiue. mean any corporation, its servants and employes,

duty to thoso dependant upon him (or support. wero displayed to the audlenco last even- - and not to tne quantity or land wmcn may

You cann.ot afford to take the chance of leaving your wife and Ins--

1:1 Palacio, the Illustrated monthly orbeHon.

cultivated on any one rarm or piantaExact Copy of Wrapper. in Use For Over 30 Year.children without protection. Make It your flrat duty to aee that they tho society, enters upon Ita second year Prison Srnlenre Provldrd.

are provided for In case anything at "uld happen to you. Hita iniinih and will be mailed members Sec Any neraon who ror himself oror the society In a row days. Tho annual for another, whether such other personIf your home Is mort cured take out a policy in sufficient amount dues or s have become duo ror lOU-I- shall be a natural person of a corporation.

to cover It. Your family wilt then have a home that no landlord and are being received by me secrciary. snail v oíste ine terms or mis section snailcan drlvtj them out of and Into the street. bo deemed guilty of a felony and upon con-

victiongrant, berlnnln? at an alamo at rorner of

Arrr.vls Follow Indictments. shall be confined in the penitentiary Luciano Hernandez tract. May is.Phone 511, or call at office, alzth floor Two Republics Life In Tim riiiliiw-lni- arrests wcru made yester ror a or not less man ono year nor Iloyal Jackman to .Manuela il. iln Orhoa.surance Hutldln. and full particular will be furnished by a oourteous day by the sheriff's office; I,co Sepeda, more than five years, or by fine or not ex-

ceedinglido; lots l and s, ljlock 13, La Tuna, Tex, ates Hotplagent of the company without any obligation on your part. ctiarged Willi carrying a pisioi; joe uarrera, Í5.000. or by both audi fine and Im Uct. 5.

. that the El I'aso l Lands Ca. In S. Na.Don't put off until tomorrow "delays are dangerous." rharirvil with swlndllna- - under 150: D. prisonment; provided, further,sentence act or tnis slate snailHarris, charged with swindling under $50 suspended

If your birthday Is near at hand. Ret your policy now. Bvery year Manuel Arosla. charged wnn burglary, ana not apply to those convicted under this or lhe San klltarlo grant, on l lie Island,added to your age call for a higher rate. i Key, charged witn forgery, aiico art, and that tho sentence herein required tracts 45, it, a and 51. containing so acres.

May John, charged with Insanity, was to bo imposed upon conviction shall not Sept. it". rgsss B8SSPby County Judge A. S. J. Kylar yes-

terdayIn any event bo suspended. i. si, uower 10 j. k. Turueviue, r7,iiou; oo nooms. sso Hatha. Every modern accommodation 0

afternoon on a writ or habeas cor "fee. 2. Any corporation violating the lots 18 to 30. block ill. Cainnbell addition. for comfort or rueats.provisions of this act shall forrelt lis char-ter

Sept. ii.pusand franchise, or permit, as the rase llomulo rrovlnclo to Alberto Hernandei, ttííííííiB BaiJíajla nooHs wmioiT nA-- t.OO. II.H. S2.M

mov be. and Us corporate exlatence shall lioo; l acre situated In the Yslcta irrant. noons wini batii .ll.SO. VIM, J2.M. $3.00rease and determine; and. In addition there neing iana loriueriy owned ny miarlo iíUtfi Weekly and ratoHernandez. Feb. 17, 1512. monthly a on, any sum corporation as may vioiamthe provisions hereof shall forfeit and pay joaauln Valcnclo to Alberto Hernandez. Visit our splendid care. Popular prices. Clos. vCalifornia to the Htnlo or Texas any sum or money ISO: 5.05 acres or the Socorro grant. July stores, theaters and beach car linea.not exceeding fS.OOO as penalties, which may X. 1013.

ne recovered in tne name or ine state or it. r. Jackson ana c u. winder to Leo Lea Uolladay, Pres. Ceo. A. Coillas, Sec'y A Trias.Texas In any county where the offense U Moor, 110,003.74; surreys 32 and 33, or thorninmitied or where such corporation has San KUzarlo iranl: A. 0. Wlneo surrey.

-- via- an agint or office, or In Travis county, uct. 7.and it shall be the duty or tho attorney gen-eral on his own motion, and without leave Building I'rrmlls. ,

J. E. lllschoff. to build a brick bunra.Golden or any court or Judge, or the duty or anydistrict or county attorney, under the low on lots 27 and ta, block U, Altura

I'ark addition. Dollar Produceor the attorney general, to Institute 12.000. Make Your More inproceedings J. E. Ulscbotr, to build a double housewarranto and suitquo ror pén on front lot 44, Franklin Heights addition.State Limited ames Hereunder in any county navmg juri-sdiction hereof, as above defined, for the New York City HotelJ. K. Hlscnoff. to build a brick tenement aforfeiture of Hie charter, franchise or tier-- house, on lots 18 and lt block 37, Mairorrinmil or any offending corporation snd ror addition.PREMIER fiflOO.TRAIN OF ino penaiin-- Herein provided against it. i. E. Neff. to bu Id a brick buntalaw on

THE SOUTHWEST "See i. The Importance or this measure lots 8 anil Last addi-tion. An ha A. picasani room wan pnvate oatn,

i nun inai ii anuum oreóme winoiy known throughout the alate and the fact J, C.

(3,300.Ilurr, lo build a brick buntalow on JJ)Z;bU PER DAY" facing large open court.

that this measure Is being enacted at a spe-cial lota 4 and 5, block CO, East El I'aso addi-

tion,(Not one room, but one hundred of them.)

Leaves El Paso 2 Arrives Los Angeles 2:40 jevi'.ii of the Icirtslature. creatca an atuo.p. m. p. m. emergency ami an imperative pudiic necea White iildsr. Co. to build a brick tene-ment

An excellent room with privateslty that the constitutional rule which re and store. (0,000.

Make your reservation early and let us take care of quires that bills shall be read on three bath, facing Street, Southern ex--several in eacn house De suspended, Ector County Grand Jury. $3.00 PER DAYand said rule Is therefore suspended, and oosure.Dy Timn Hprclal Cbrrttpandrntinai nil an iaxe erieci ana pe in rorceyou properly. Odessa. Teias, Oct. 8. Tho rrand iurvirom ami aricr its passage, ana It is so en (Not one room, but of them)acted ror Ector county adjourned yesterday after

belnr in session two days. The time waa Also attractive Room without Bath for $1.50 day. TheVisit our grill room, largely devoted to tho regular Investiga-tion

perCITY TICKET OFFICE Zeiger hotel. (Advertisement.) or tho county ornees. Jail, etc., all or Restaurant prices are most moderate.

Try Re!nol Soap for a veelc. which were found In excellent condition.Little criminal bualness waa broughtROBERTS-BANNE- R BLDG. You will ba surprised to eo how REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS the Inquisition and only one Iruo bill

It cleara and freshen your com-

plexión,was presented. Location

In that short timo. First National Bank to W. D. Casey, 6even Lots lii, tí halfand weal or IS. InUsod for the aham poo, it removes One minute from 5 ef the Itrrect 4tpart meatdandruff, and keeps the hair live, tttores.

The Lee and Ileulah E. Moor to II. P. Jack- - Fire mínate' walk from 19 principal theatre.and lustrous. soothing,rich ion, llu and other considerations; lul 4 Within a block of the Fifth Ave. ihopplnj Hehealing Influence that fnakea mm aouin v feet ot 7, uioca. no, uunpueu trlct.this possible is the Rttlnol which duuiHiiii, repi. iv. Every line of transportation puses the doer.Paul P. Ilamnielt James A. Pickett.toResinol Soap contains and which ''Ifth Avenue Bat lines end principal nrftcajiui v aim is, Miuiuy iicigma aauiphysicians have prescribed for uii. July lo. Sptnkli FwgKik lines.years In the care of skin and I c- ,e!on to James A. Pickett, 11,680; The Hudson Tube across the streetscalp troubles. Ms to to u, block 13, Muudy Heights BmIcIcmpíbi StMMgntpfc Elevated Railroad Station acre the street

Bold br all drojnrliU. Itoaaaidef, 4UIIÍUUII. rvpi, ari. It F. DAVIS, Hmta? Sabway Station three minute away.WATCH I no First Mortgage Co. to Edgar Will O rand Central Stationort. this VJS writ to tpt. aiu, H.iM); lull i and SI. block is, rtMtM 144.14l. Tnaai BM. rlthta seven aria-at-

lark addition. Feb. xt. Pennsylvania Railroad Station Jut one MoekJ M. feiiilth. Jr.. to fsancy J. Smith. II away.

other cunaidvrationa; north hair of Fer cekvmltnce one cmaU mk m sum.i n i, an ui , moca n, Airiauaer saaii ii uct. 9.v y 1 laBssaisBW aer Vuiun &. ilirr Investment and Construc-o- li The Hotelcu. tu W. C Akard, H.IIB; lots 3 and

MEXICAN PETROLEUM and nurlli hair or U. block U, Hague FAYWOOD BYERYTJtlNa NEW AWO M0OERK,.iiiiiiuti ot ujverument Hill sduiuou. COO ROOMS,'t ii. A FTVE MILU0H DOLLAR HOTELSTOCK AGENCY v. Ii Bolee et a, to W. C. Akard, 110 Hot 400 BATHS EQUIPPED to SATISFY THE MOSTSpringsiu oilier considerations: an uudlvldedWe are Dot offering stock or ,tl ililrlest In lots 33. 3 and north hair EXACTING. TASTE.doubtful results. The "lionania" t Sj. block U, llagues subdivision otpetroleum stock vu originally told Hill addition, bept. 7.t II. to (Meilcan Currency) per John u kohl tu Mr. E. b. Larrlngloo, The Cure for SCIATICA 'All Baggage Transferred Free to

each thareslur ana actually rtpre. . luis IV and block U, uranuvlewseuts value of IU.00 also In Mex. ..'., and from Pennsylvania Statictiiiuii. uct. and all forms of Rhu-matiw-(can Pesos, there twujg no one desir-

ous jits- Hldr. . Ileal Estate Co. to W. Wto sell t single snare. arrull, u00; lula 1 and , block I, CuiteNow we are ofTtrlng on sal anJ Goutaddition. I."Nueva Uonania"slocks, making

sndIt known


i. and HelenPet,Caplmger lo Fannie U. THE HOTEL MARTINIQUEPAG E 4- -' I that oil wells drilling bare been i',.ke, l&iu; lou tú I Unlock

.1, (Juveru- - DR. I T. KURRAT,

nt Hill addition.surtid with flattering prospects. Aug. XMtt Phyatctaa. Oa Irsdwtr, 32mI to 334 Xre.U, Nw Yaticlorfirto liujas to Louu Jean, IWOt undl.These wella are lying in th fatuousIn Sundny'ii TimM I Panuro district near Tamplco and udtd half miereat, in north half of lot 7,' T. a UcDEHUOTT,w are selling tts stock for only M of , block Si, tauopixll addition, Del, Prejrit.11.00 Mtx per share, I

Aak at once tor detallad informa-tion,

r rui Drill to Louis Jean and Maria Jean,maps, prospecta and literatura í.'. Sol and 7, block tos, Campbell

copy, all of which duly prove bun iiltion. Oft. e. FtywM-- a lit Sfrii(sJ ll Rogers, inlted States marshal, toH H I Hwa It Murkier Btdg. fkens U ) L Htcheison, 131 lot W and J, block

l. East M I'aso addltiou, UcL &


(lvi 9.TIternaudes

sen of landIu AUwrtu


i f

El Precio de "El Morning Times"Es Cinco Centavos Oro o 25 Centavos Mexicanos No Se Pague Mas.. FHONOSTICOS DEL TIEMPO.

De la Prensa .AtocUda. COTIZACION l)E METALES.

Vaihlnlotf. Ocluiré tto t oit deTmi, despejado ti general viernes y sá-bado. ruta en Mnev York

Muevo México y Arizona, despejado l'Iomo rn 51. I.oillí.el.vieroetj sábado despejado en el sur. Zinc en St. Louis .UuViu en I porción Norte.

AÑO 35. LePagada,



Edificios Públicos Dañados por las Granadas Alemanas Altimas vistas de la Guerra.ADMINISTRACION DE HAN LLEGADO VARIOS

TAGTIGOS MILITARESnniiiiiiiiiin mi uta

lIStWBl llllliailll PARA HACER UN ESTU-







De la Tren Asociad. POR LO III EN HECHO DE SISWashington, Octubre 8. Al tratar con las Y 81 ESPECIAL DEI ENS

autoridades constttuclonallstts con respecto COSTRA EL ATAUIE.

al establecimiento de un gobierno interino,el consul John II. Sllllman, que salló do Ke l.t Prensa Asociada.

..I - mn.l,n I. ÍMorluri ll iA PROíTeN a Haya, deplloudire íí (Corrrspondrníleo, seguirá en todo, los deseos del pre-

sidenteMai- - Los herólcos, pero hasta ahora-lnt- t

Wilson y otros funcionarios do CHIN tiles rsruerzos do lo. aliados para desatoesto gobierno, a los cuales ha consultado jir n los alemanes de sus principales pudurante, su corta estancia aquí. alciones, a lo largo d la linea tie batalla

El cónsul recibió aviso do quo la admin-

istraciónSü IMPOTENCIA EN LOS PAJAROS occidental, ha airadlo aquí a táctico mili

observara estrictamente relaciones Sill lares, para un estudio del sistema ileinsude atrincheramiento. Desde el illaneutrales en la controversia carranza-Vill-

mes. la artillería franresa Inginasolo desea un arreglo pacifico.y que NO ESTANDO PREPARADA PARK LA GUE-

RRA,.Son los pájaros múslroa dn nacimiento, han arrojado millares de toneladas de botn

En una comida que en honor del Sr. ESTE RECURSO SOLO LE con el gmtir y la pasión de su arle, o son, tías y metralla eoptra la trincheras tenSllllman dieron boy los miembros del Club Ut'EHA AHORA. por el contrario, miislros Inconscientes lonas, y la infantería de aquella lia dado

Nacional do la I'rcnsa, dijo aquel que la que cantan porque no tienen otro medio de mil de un asalto, pero, no obstante, los

de condiciones normales vn ripn-oa- una wnaclón o una necesidad.? ejércitos comandados por los generalesrestauración No es precisamente una declaración dr tal lia sido la pieitunta f.' a sus oii kluck. Von Hansen y por el Duque dela república vecina, encontrarla al pueblo guerra, sino que la prepara para una Wurtemberg, sostienen sus puesto queobre el interesante problema pormexicano y al de esta nación, unidos mas posible Indemnización.

Sene Irele l'res-- , ' de Vlena, ron resul-tados

escogieron liara la defensa ruando, el tu

estrechamente) en lazos de amistad. contrario a la Idea consagradas oe septiembre ultimo, se litro etldenle qu.idamente retirada general podría etlDe la Prensa Asociada. por la tradición, l'e la rnquéle" aparece una

encontraremos," agregó, "que"Creo que el tremendo movimiento dr flanco ln i

mucho se ha sacrificado a la precipitación Washington, Octubre 8. El gobierno de en efecto quo los pájaro carecen ilnl sen-

tido ciado lo aliado.Washington ha recibido del Ja-pón,

músico. . pory al odio, y que no existe antipatía serla por partorn México hacia los Estados l'nidos. No satisfactorias garantías por lo quu "La melodía nía perfecta escribe uno Las lortirirarlonr muy lilrn acabaría.encuentro ratón de porqué la amistad en-

trerespecta a sus intencione en la guerra de lo eoUboradoie circunstanciales del Muy poio so .sabe de la naturaleza de la

ambas naciones no llegue a ser mas contra Alemania. Asi lo hizo saber el pre-sidente

diario--l- a i nwt admirable de mujer, no trincheras alemana; cuando menos, ningu

fuerte, mas amplia y más honda en el Wilson a las personas quo lo en-

trevistaron.exnlarl a cantar u un canario l n cambio, na Información oficial eit,. n ese re.spi ct,

cenara el pico mu embargo, es etldente que el trabajo deMéxico nuevo que lo fué en el antiguo." ese mismo pajarlllo no

El general Ullss, que comanda las fuerzas El Jefe do la Casa Dlanca, manifestó que apenas oiga el ehli de una puerta sobre campo del ejetclto afemin es del mejor

de la rrontera, telegrafió a la secretarla no habla seguido los detalles que da el sus goznes o el ruido de un molinillo de Upo. contiene noveitades. Solamente le

de Guerra esta noche que se hablan to-


Japón, con respecto al reciente ataque de café." do uno lo millar.' de carta purlieu

todas las medidas posibles con ob-

jetoque hizo objeto a las posesiones alemanas La verdad es que, a nuestro juicio, el ra Inri' de los que se encuentran al frente

do protejer a lus americanas del pe-


del Pacifico. Agregó, sin embargo, que liarlo debía li it sido eliminado do la ni del ejinlto, .se puede formar la lilisde disparos tío las Tuerzas do Mayto-ren- a nada habla acontecido que pudiera originar-

levcsltgaclón. Ires siglos de cautividad han gera lile.i de lo que son la tralm lleras v

y 11111. ltecxpldló también un mensa-je

inquietud al gobierno americano. acabado Indudablemente por uhogur los ln ledurtos do los alemanes. Pero im tan

riel coronel Hatfield, quien comanda la La protesta que lo envió China al Japón.' stlntos de ese lindo prisionero hereditario, a la Inrormaelóii mllltap-qu- se

Segunda brigada de Caballería en Douglas, con motivo de la confiscación del ferro-carril

como han transformado so plumaje. He i censores alemanes, que e Imposiblede Shan Tung, quo iiertencce a los amarillo hacer una descripción completa de dicha

Ariz., en que dijo que Maytorena le habla vento que era lia iuntertlito enInformado que el armisticio con HUI habla alemanes, la consideran los funcionarlos del El régimen de la Jaula piolongado durante trincheras. '

departamento de Estado, en concordancia sólo lia he-


Se alud solatucmo a que hay lugaresterminado y quo se preparaba un ataque una srrle de general tunes, nosobro Naco; que Maytorena liarla los po-

siblecon la política que ha seguido, el Imperto " perder al eamirlo sn antiguo mérito confortables rn las trincheras para dorchino, dcsdvj quo comenzó la actltvldad Ja - mlr, lo que permite suponer que estánpara evitar disparara sobre los sino quu lo lia transformado eu una espe-

cieamericanos. Agregaba el mensaje que tro-

pasponesa en el lejano Oriente. de ave artificial El tordo nos parcro bien acabadas. So sabe también que la

americanas, en cooperación con oficia-les

La protesta se considera no como un ulti-matum

más digno de conri.uua. Do él dlco otro mismas punca son du menos ib1 tres pies

civiles, hablan hecho todo lo posible de guerra, sino simplemente para ensangrentada y a merced do la naclqn de hldo.a su estado rto ánimo, por la muer-t- colaborador del periódico austríaco: de profundidad; que están generalmentenin-

gunaalio., sin ofrecerpara proteger a los habitantes' y que mu-


poner a salvo al gobierno chino contra una americana, mío aun no ha retirado sus UN TELE-BRAM-A DE DILL jle tu hUo, que cayó en una acción. "Es un ave que, como nadie Ignora, po situadas en lugarrs

cubierta contra el enemigo,'dé'rí"stoiaDlan abandonado lacindsit. posible demanda de-- Indemnización, por fúerzas do VeracrOi," 16 süpirfatirOT, 31 et ntblando de la remoción del1 Oral. see para tmltar los demás y que

trorhl de alambre Impiden acercarse ade Alemania. Esta loCuatro cuerpos do ejército y una ametralla-dora

parle por su parta ustfid un verdadero patriota, Serene ill de su mando, vi corresponsal ase-gura

pájaro. Su melodías ou plagios de canCaballería cuatro ha notificado a China que la hará respon-

sable actitud medite los males fue debido. mala los nidos otras l'ero es rn extremo aquella. Existen también pasajes Innu-

merablesdel 9o. de y y en que acarre-arla

que n su salud; pero a ates,IOo,-- de Caballería están actualmente del uso quo hagan los Japoneses de al pals' esta guerra civil, y luego los MANIFIESTA NU- - que en realidad so dobló a su movimiento difícil asegurar si el tordo prefiero el can-


a prueba de bomba de una sec-

cióncerca de Naco., territorio chino para desarrollar sus ope de la extranjera que sobrevendría. QUE a Luoblln, considerado como un error, y del rulseflor al del gorrión. Lo expe-


a otra.Por olra lado, la artillería sn encuentraraciones Tau.La agencia constltucionalista local anun-


contra Tslng China, despre-venida

Somos do opinión, PRIMERA que haci-

endoresponsable en grane parte do la derrota hecha por un pajajern profesional

luchar el completamente entornilla en el terreno. I ahaber recibido un telegrama del agente para contra Japón, a fin un sacrificio de amor propio y rn de las tropas austríacas. parecen probar quo el tordo en estado de

consular mexicano. Sr. F. Ellas, en Doug-

las,de mantener su neutralidad, no le ha que-

dadobien de la patria, no lomo en considera E HA SIDO RE- - .iiiilvldad tiene una predilección marrada manera de cubrir la. posiciones esta


más recurso protestar. i ha inusitadamente bien, corno puedeque COMIEN.A EL TU II AJO RUSO.como sigue: clón esas ofensas si existieren, y SKOUN por e cauto del gorrión, "curre a vecei'lrse por la obervadón de un soldado,

Corl. comandante de DA- la Convención que fin ile alguna distracción"Ayer el Oullfoyle. quo esperemos ipie a procurarLA ACTITUD DEL GRAL. VILLA. srrlbe- "Mincho no toocupamosLa (pilenprntlnrla de l.rmliern la han dlildldolas tropas americanas en Naco, me hizo la tendrá lugar el lo. de octubre, y en la que al prisionero, y quila también por aunien tierra de ladera endos Juntos de sacar unaIr handeclaración: "Estoy convencido estarían representadas las fuerzas con purslo gobierno. tai vi'litu. le luico aprenderslgulento su precio eu seY la de lo peñérales Domingo y Mariano EL De la Prensa Asociada. uní do lo colinas, tierra que su utilizan!de que el soldado americano herido ayer, Arríela, de tltuclonallstas do todo el pals, para que M (I lAtno del canario, peto el tordo olvidaDurango. mañana cubrir el lodo arrojado de lasOctubre paraEnLondres, 8 despacho do lv-no lo fue por tropas mexicanas, con Inten-

ciónen ella no son solucionados todos los pronto lo trino y gorjeo del canario

dolosa o premeditación. Las fuerzas Tomamos do nuestro coicga --El Liberal" grandes problemas de los que depende el Irograd para la llenter Telegram Co., se para Imitar lo chirridos de un gorrlnnclllo trinchera."están de México, lo siguiente, con el eplgrare que bienestar del llevarlos la , Informa que los rusos han terminado la Su .situación e dr Importancia.americanas que vigilan la frontera e

parrldaspueblo, a próximo. A otro tolde so le blzn aprenderTORENAen una distancia do una milla antecede: contando para ello con las armas que organización admlnlslrltatlva de reglones iroo. de música, tocando incesantemente Pero en lodo esto nada es tan notable

y situadas entro el comando Yaqul do Hemos recibido del Gobierno del Estado no soltaremos de la mano basta quo so conquistadas en la comarca de I.emburg. Junto a la Jaula un organillo callejero. A rom la localización de la trincheras, lade Durango, para su publicación, los si-

guientesla rual ha sido erigida en provincia dlvi de la más Importancia;es grande yMaytorrna y las tropas atrincheradas de cumplan esos Ideales. lo dos meses el pajal o asi educado no pa que

HUI. Creo que algunos soldados de am-


telegramas: En espera d.) su contestación para re-

solverSE KA III; UlE It Mili IN CAM II 10 EN EL dléndosvln en trece distritos. tecla prererlr la música de los grande después de esto., la habilidad para colorar

campamentos tomaron a mis hombres "Chihuahua, Cuartel General, Septiembre definitivamente, saludárnoslo- Las tropis rusas, sgrega el rietpncho, van maestros a lo más vulgares estribillos de tales trincheras do tal manera que se adap

por1 tropas ql enemigo y les hicieron fuego 1911. SKHVCICIO CONSULAR CÜNSTITUCIONV at amando lentamente; pero sin obstáculo opereta, sino más bien todo lo contrario." ten al terreno sobro el cual se va a dar un

equivocadamente." Urgente. Señores generales Mariano yGeneral Domingo Arrleta, general Mariano LISTA Y (J E Si: CAHRIAH.IN ALGUNOS sobre llracotv, cuya población so ha redo Tales son los resollado más salientes de Atjqtin. I'.n esto os donde lo oficíale

Se ha sabido esla noche que, desdo hare Domingo Arrlcta. Durango, Dgo. Arríela." DE LOS CONSll.ES QUE AHORA. SE etdo a la mitad. la "rnqiuMe," y, como es natural, sólo de-ben

no llenen Igual, oí, anterior s

algunos funcionarios de este Habiendo ofendido hondamente Venus-tlan- ser aceptado con extrema. pincha no solaiucnto ior la rerrrrncla bealgún tiempo, A.N EN LOS Kb I ADOS UNIDOS. reservagobierno han estado tomando en considera carranza, el honor y la dignidad de LOS MONTENEGRINOS TRIUNFAN. LAS VICTORIAS AUSTRIACAS.

I'm- si es raro que dos críticos do arle d i en las cartas aludidas, sino también eneste Cuerpo de Ejército del .Norte que es lecho do hasla ahora, ningunas doclón Informes particulares de fuentes no musical se pongan de acuerdo sobro una que.

oficiales, relativos a las condiciones quo a mi mando, y no pudlendo tolerar ya por Sobre lo austríacos y mi campana sobre DC'pufs de una conferencia telegráfica Las pregonadesde

el embaladorKMniloi nueva ópera, es quizá excesivo el pretender las i Iones alemaan do defensa, han sido

oh Unidos.existen en la ciudad de México, las cuales más tiempo las Inconsecuencias y capri-

chosSarajevo continua fatoruble. tenida por el cónsul .Músqulz, desde I'ludra im la Prensa Asociada. que lo. pájaro lengan rn cuestiones musi-

caleslomad i v retenida por el enemigo.

describen la situación como de anarquía y que pretendía hundir a nuestra Patria De la Prensa Asociada. Negras, con la ciudad de México con ti Manchester. Mass., Octubre 8. El emba sentimiento con los del hombre. l'no de los Msiemas quo han resultadola laen ruina, sembrando anarquía en elopresión del elemento civil en aquella ca-

pital.París, Octubre 8. Un despacho de Cettln-J- presidente Caí runu, so anunció en el con-

suladode guu talor, es el do una trinchera ipiejadorhaciendo renaciera la descon-

fianzaque so eneuintrapals, y que para la Agencia' llavas. illrn quu los des-

tacamentosde en tu cuidad que habría Impor-

tantes norlro NO II K REMUDO NU INFORME. lorre u linca recta, paralela al rente delaqnl. esla anunció rl reribo deen el extranjero, con fecha du ayer tatadebe la Indiferencia de las mnntenegrlnos en cambios en el servido consular, hacia la rual otras trluSI ?sto se a todos mis generales y no decidimos des-


que operan iiiarcomgrama del rondo Ilerrbtold, el mi-nistro

Do la Prensa Asociada, ataque, y correnautoridades o a su lnabllldad para dominar como Jefe de la Nación, pues es-


Herrzo, Infligieron fuertes pérdidas a los conslltucioiullsta. dn Relaciones du Austria, nue Uro. San Antonio, octubre 8. Contra lo qu r he ras situadas en un ángulo muy agudo,elemento Indisciplinado entre las austríacos puntos Importantes Jorge l. iiiozco, quo ha oslado actuando posible los defensores puedanal tropas convencidos sus ligas ron el

y ocuparon "I as tropas alemanas y s se esperaba, el gran Jurado du Investiga-ción

haciendo queque entraron a la ciudad ron Carranza, se

elemento científicoque


marcadas tenden-cias

estratégicos cerca de (letzko. Después de aquí como tal, en sustitución del cónsul estsn itirtiamto lado a lado en Polonia Ilusa, que buscaba la desaparición, hace ta-rtos

ir relli.tmlo pie por pie, rn caso nereignora. Se cree que el cónsul Sllllman a favorecer a cierto

ygrupo, meramente una tremenda lucha los mismos montcne-grlno- MUzquIz, será trasladado n Nueva York; tn (lonne un lapida avance parece haber meses, de la Sra. Ellolsa Nrlms In sano, en lugar dn ser obligados a salir

lia recibido Instrucciones para que utilice personal, que lo rodeaba le Impedían llevar ocuparon Ablak, Stephen y Mamón de cgrl era cónsul en San Diego, completamente sorprendido a los rusos, que y su hermana, de Allanta, Ga., no no del parapeto y ronwr en. contusión.toda la influencia con que cuenta, para

a cabo el do los verdaderos re-

volucionarloshaciendo un gran número do pristo cal., y iiuntawi Pudres dusempenjra nan icio arrójanos a través del Vístula en dio su Informo hoy. So manirestó esta La forma de aluuna defensas.programa

hacer que cesen tales condiciones. Los in-

formescumplir las ñeros y capturando bástanlo parque. Las puesto de cónsul en Tucson, Arlz. tu deseo de cruzar el mencionado rio. quo quedan por oír algunos testigos, La ventaja do rsto es quo las trinchera

expresados han dado mucho en quehizo al pueblo.

yPor consiguiente,


que operaciones de ofensiva sobro Sarajevo Kl róntul Muzqulz, que ha sido vi Jefe Nuestras fuerzas capturaron un fuerte en y se imimrla quo el gran Jurado no hará que se dirigen hacia la linea principal.pensar, según so dice, a los funcionarlos hemos decidido luchar únicamente contra progresan favorablemente para los de los consulado al Oeste do 1.1 Paso, su lianunmir. pnMita su inviistigaclóij antes dol viernes. een a cada soldado la oportunidad l"de este gobierno, y han sido llevados al la personalidad de Venustlano Carranza, Los despachos agregan que un mantendrá aquí y regresará a la ciudad "Kl avance dentro do Galicia so rslá lle-

vandoInez testigos rucron examinados boy. murarse poto a jco, siguiendo naciendo

conocimiento del presidente. elaereoplano austríaco, quo trataba do ob-servar

dentro du uo días. El Oral. Carranza de manera sistemática. 1,'na división fuego con U esperanza do hacer alejarse alhasta lograr abandone pals, sinnuestras

queIntenciones hostilizar at

que las baterías rranccsas, fue tocado rcsohló a no aceptarle la renuncia que rusa de Infantería fue rechazada cerca da PROTESTA EL CONSUL AI.EMVY enemigo, aun en el caso do que éste hayasean mo-

lestarTAMIIIEN DEL LADO AMERICANO. granadas cayó al mar. presentó recientemente. U trinchera exterior. Dos raso.por y Tranovezgw. I.s derrota de los rusos en los llegado aa los demás Jefes que hayan luchado cónsul runriones Orozco recibió Por la Imposición de la Guardias elEl Montes rn de lal naturaleza han ocurrido ya. LosCárpatos es Firmadohan rontrulilo defensas el bombar-

deopara derrocar al Gobierno usurpador quo cpmpleta. Ruque ConsideradoSe Comopor Alemán,del Gral. HUICON DOS ÍIAMIICUXH DE LA MUERTE. ayer un telegrama referente Von Ilerrbtold." Iiatiieses hablan cu ambas ocasiones des

de que es obeto Naco. acaba de caer, pues repltole quo nuestro ei asaiio ue las san Francisco, octubre, barón E.a que habla reeiiazanu tuer Lo anterior es una confirmación do los unido lo cercos de alambro y llegada aDe la Prensa Asociada. movimiento sólo es contra la personalidad El submarino regresó triunfante a su zas ae .May ton na. anuncios oficiales recibidos por rabie, de

II. Srhack, cónsul gvncrut ile Alemania n lis mintieras exteriores, ruando un fuegoNaco, Arlz., Octubre 8. So están haciendo da


hemos comprendidoCarranza. Nosotros,

ustedesque puesto drspurs de su obra. Ll telegrama que fue dirigido al cónsul Viena, hoy, que comprenden el manifiesto


Francisco,ante el


hoy unaI'ond.

pruirsuJe fu nutridísimo de lo tangentes Interiores mi

preparativos bélicos en campamento de se encuentran animados de suuiuilenlosque

De la Prensa Asociada. Muruuil die- I" igulente- del Gfal. Von lloefer. del duodécimo distrito naval, ron motivo do lo o binó baila el último de losa patrulla americana de la frontera, para nosotros, nos dirigimos Londres. Octubre Ln despacha de "Mo complano en infoimarlo quo ayer haberse colocado guardia armada n bordo:omo a

proteger la neutralidad limítrofe. ustedes, haciéndoles ver las tosas clara-mente

llardwlck. describe el, regreso al puerto del Ola y noche los traidores mayiorvnistas lie EL MARINO ESCRIIIE UNA CAUTA. del "Alejandría." barco perteneciente a la ím' oye htbUr de trincheras en formavarón a cabo tauo- - asaltos sobre la PobU linea komiios uue o ini iii ulra mirlado ru -- I1," hasta ahora no ha aparecidosubmarino diciendo flotando peroso-

broEl sillo de Naco, Sonora, en donde el quey esperamos que en vista de la ra I

lleta dos banderas clón de Naco, habiéndoteles rechazado eu Dlrr 'qiie es drlier dr todo Hialino prender puerto conteniendo un rargameiitu dn mtiguni iieieripiion de las mismas en iaGral, benjamín HUI está, atrincherado con zón que nos asiste, opinarán lo mismo' que su periscopio con carnoti, no purmiliciidoseie salir dv la ha-bla.una calavera y unas canillas cruzadas, cada uno du n.. Maytorena me notificó la rtiltpa drl Iniriicllu. piensa, raiulnrii se hace referencia a ladonde eltarranclstas, gobersus troaps y nosotros nos secundarany poniendo sus

nador Maytorena, partidario de Villa, ata-

caservidos a ,a causa del pueblo, i obre un campo, amarillo, una por la des aver ciue se encontraba en vigor un armis D la Pn'fisa Asociada. El "Alejandría" fué rumorado reciente. trinchera ." pero cétno sea ésta, nidio

al primero, por los últimos seis días, trucción del destroyer alemán y otra tor ticio mediante el mal debían suspenderse Spezla, llalla, Octubre autoridades ineuUi H,r un grupo do Muclilslas" quienes lo Mix'. ln embargo, parece probahm quo

de hecho bombardeo Ya ti gobernador des. Estado de Sonora el hundimiento del crucera "líelo." las hostilidades, iro con su acostumbrada han reribldo una carta del Ingeniero que iiiniiuiai.iiii'-ii- iiiuienni ickimio para rl las dichas no sean mis quo una variaciónha llegada a unserademás

y las fuerzas del mismo 'Estado, descono-cieron

Este pequeño privilegio al submarino co. mala fe, asalto nuestras trincheras a eso desapareció con el submarino HUlano, barro el rual deseaban amparar bajo el del sistema descrito arriba.sobre deesla población, dis-paros

pues a Venustlano Carranza, y esliéramos de la puesia del ni. suponiéndote, quizá, mientras se suponía quo hacia su camino pabellón de las estrellas; pero rsto no sodo rifle y del violento traqueteo de que ustedes lo harán lo mismo y sabrán

rresponrtln tn otras épocas.que nos cogerla .irspreveniuna. pare el Golfo de Spezla, y más larde tocó les ha concedido, sablónitoso iiue rl vapor

LV NUEVA LISTA DE IIAJVS.las ha traía rnarholada la bandera alemana.amertalladoras, dirigido a ésta, cau-

sadoNadefinir su actitud, dldéndonos si están con UN TERRHILE COMIATE. "Sabiendo la elif! do coyoles ron los tierra en Hastia, Francia. La caria fiw ha dado algunoso respecto lael natural temor, no obitante do que, paso a pro- -

nosotros o con Carranza. cuales estamos tratando, nos pusimos más ew rila antes de que el submarino saliera. nriivii iur ri iiinaui on Alemania. I.ntre rila se enrulan Innumerables ill- -debida a la pésima de ambos ban-

dos,puntería Suplicólo conieitanncn la mayor bre-

vedadSe ba registrado un tremendo cómbale rn listos que de iiiiimnbrr, resullsndo de ello El que la escribe dlro que considera la prrvis más que los murrio,no lia habido

en previsiónmuertos!




ob-stante posible. Salúdolo. El general en Lllle; pero no ha caldo aún. lo que lenta qut resultar, que lo dlmot una actiluil neutral de llalla cómo un error, y OTRA H EIIZA EXPEDICIONARIA. li l'rcusi Asociada.esto, y jefe, Francisco Villa." lección que junas omuarau. im saiuau. que vs el deber de cada uno de los ciu-

dadanosse han construido barricadas De la Prensa Asociada. . I onde,, ocluliiü En una lista dr bapor a JlENJAMIN C. Hállanos El Canada Enviara a Europa 50,000 Hombresue uurango cmnuauua, septiembre- IIII.L. encender la chispa qui)las americanas hecho cuando Londres, Octubre 8.Un despacho retar-dado

, entre la oficialidad británica, publicad!tropas y acon-

seja Si de It Señor general don Francisco "General de Ungida y Comandante MUI hará Inevitable la Intervención de llalla en Para llelender a prudencia. a la Exchange Telegraph Co., proce-denl- e hoy eu la noche, se da eurnla eso mi orí lalVilla. Chihuahua. tar del Estad' la guerra. Se supone quo el mismo Inge, Ottawa, ont., Ocbre. 7. ti Canada levande dice:Las tropas se componen de cerra de I oO Oslende, tres más quo fallecieron a rom"-Enterados de su telegrama de jta fe ulero te ha puesto en las manos do las tará Inmediatamente una segunda fu ríahombres, con un pelotón de ametralladoras, "Una tremenda lucha se ba registrado uenria do las lierldai, seis heridos y doscha, en el que maniriesta que la División RO.MIX l'AKt F.I. ALGODON, autoridades militares dn Francia. rtpeii-oiiar- y la enviará luego aldos díasy se esperan nuevos reruerzot. por cu Lllle, Loa alemanes han muí.. ispersof.da au mando ha desconocido la autoridad sufrido fuertes pérdida i. La baterías ali-

mañano naiaiia. compuesto de SOám Imih.,- Tambttn se publicaron otras listas co- -

El. PROCESO DE LOS HEOS del presidente provisional, señor doo dispararon sobre la prefectura y Un senador proponel.lado

quedtlse emitan

Sur.bonos ES PARTE DEL PROVECTO. ron un lo por ciento do refuerzo, iiari'm'o retpondlentet a los día t 14 y l?. dtnCarranza, a causa de ofensas' he-

chasotros edificios. La obra por I" un total de rjfm hombres. Esta d '.jiiM)tB ofirlsleimaestra del Mu-seo

Capturar todas las estacione natales uenta de S7 muñios euirasesinato la muerte dtl a la dignidad de eso cuerpo de Ejér-

cito,De la prensa A.onadt. ale. e tomó en la sesión del tDe ha sido Consejo, cincopor archiduque trasportada a otro lugar para 'iriuure senador Dank, manas drl Pacifico. no comisionados y gente do tropas

FraatUco Fernando ta y a no haber cumplido el mismo tenor Washington uiiuo cuuiuigvnuj ti (janana había u.ui heSrs)eto. mejor seguridad. hoy Washington. Octubre Kn la embalada quo fallecieron a conse. amela de laspropuso en e Sena,De la Prensa Asociada. carranza las promesas hechas al pueblo; "Ln la lucha los alemanes han head, por Alabama, dado ya a la guerra europea t0.ciu tionim.s. Los dis-

persosperdido tos I Hados del Sur e mil an bonos Japonesa se dijo boy qua la captura por el rldas; O heridos y dispersos.encontramos rn su do, quexpresado telegramaBurdeos, Octubre 8. La "Nleuww Wlene cerca de f.oou hombrea no han logrado a losy v n.mnivii ta untad del algodón de cada escuadrón Japones de la Isla Yap fuo solo pertenecen


uno de cuyos ejemplares s ha ciertaofensas

ambigüedad,a quo hace referencia,

pues Ignoramosy lespscto

las penetrar a la pequeña ciudad de Lllle." uno de los agricultores, a razón da Ib un paso del plan general acordada por ln- - IAH SESIONES UE LA DILI i Hangers aim lo yal Ciñieron,aquí, procedente de Vlena, Infor-

ma conservándolo hasta que el naicrra y ei jajn, para apoderarse de Londres, octubre 7. Un 'i a laque lea fue leído a veinticinco prisione-ros

a las promesas hechas al pueblo, cretino ENTRE SERVIOS Y UULUARuS. centavosmercada

libravutia a tu eilido nonnil. tedas las estacione navales de Alninli Iteuier, do Uerltii. nor la vía du Aumentan, LA HTH IA POLONIA SIGUE,

el proceso que se les sigue acusándo-los

prematuras aus pretensiones desde el mo en el Pacified, Stximsldera esto dice;de alta traición. El volumen menta en que te ha diado a una Couyen-UI- a habido una lucha sangrlrnta, crrtéadtsr ronki El ala derrrha de los alrmanr ha aldaocupa DE LA DERROTA. para determinar la "Por decreto especial 'Mu n losLl CAtS anuida I de eiitreinta y siete págtnas, declarando a los clon para el lo. de octubre préximo, en 14 quo Bulgaria fue a la guerra. los cruceros ilemanei, que han dado un cuarteles Imjierlales gmrai Us salones la oue mis ha mu t Ido.

lelnticlncopresos, relacionados con vi ase-sinato

cual ciara y terminantemente se ha ex-

presadoDe la Prensa Asociada. Fue (I error roisrlll por ti Cral, AuKrin- - blpe al comercio Inglés. do la DleU Prusiana, que habían clausura- - Da la Prensa Asociada.

del archiduque Francisco Femando, que se formará vi programa de Londres, octubre $. La Agenda "Central . burg tu u rambla a Luuulln. ota uesue el de Junk loivuran a Iluint. Odlubre 8. En despacho de l'ettopresunto heredero al trono de Austria, en Uobierno y se tstudlará para solucionarse de Noticias cita a un iwrlódieo da Vlena De la I'ren. Mrfiada. CAPTURAM A NUEVE HUNGAROS. abrir el tí de Octubre gnu rrud para "La Tribuna," te Informa quo loaSarajevo. Se crea que el Juicio durará tres los dlvtersos problemas que beneficiarán como diciendo que una lucha terrible ha Milan, Octubn l'n despacho de Vlena Vancouver, Ocbre. 7 Nuevs m.iri.rn. rusos desalojaron de WlocUttek a los lesananas, sagún lo dire la prensa. a la cis proletaria. Expuesta lo anterior. tenido lugar entra búlgaro y servios y que al "Corriere de I Sera" ronflrma un In-


fueron capturados hoy mlmitn. ir.i.i.. ES INMINENTE El, HOMO IRDEO. manes, wioclawck pertenece a Poloniale agradeceremos, para uarie una resom-cie- n los primeros han sitiado a Dsllp, Servia. previo do que lot austríacos en Ga-


de penelrtr a lot Estados Unidos, por Hunt- - Londret. Ocbre. Tin ! pacho a la Ex ruta y t vncuentra 35 millas al Sureste da. FALLECE, UN IIECAXO EVANGELICO. con conocimiento de cauta, ta sirva SI este despacho ct cierto quiere decir que cMiopl' Uniente han sido colocado ......... iikiw ucciuuua romo prisioneros change- Telvgraph co. ir.t miente de A tu-

beThorn. I'ruaU Oriental, agregándose que,

De la Prensa Asociada. decirme en qua consisten las ofensas a los búlgaros han entrada la ruerra. rx. bajo el d i.uii' dl Estado JUyor Oenertl, de guerra, Loa agentes de Inmigración res, y dado al pul.i su noche dice: después de esta deroru, lot alemanes taCincinnati. O., octubre 8 Kl reverendo que le refiere y la causa del pueblo que mendosa del lado de Alemania y Austria. no obitm'- la opotlcjóo emperador descubrieron un túnel en lo lmi,!it y ti iroberiiador b " P miormaao ai f. r'.ft' aroit a unas cuantas, millas d lu

Jacob l'Uter. Dr en Teología y Presidente cree na sido burlada. .iu ua tcnioo ninguna confirmación a sle Franci' pusieron un vigilante con I res i'adu de burgomaestre que i I' tnbaideo tobru f. r!u i do Thorn, Según despachos dpor último, haciendo un llamado a tu respecto y e am quo putdm los búlga El iifi'lN aflade que ti Major oral. quo lograi jo capturar a tret g;v;-- t que Ambrese ri Imi. t a It gente que la i ' -- a rl ala izquierda de los alemana ifalleció buy o ü residencia de esta clu' patriotismo y por los intereses de la patria, ros haber atacado lot temos, por tu pro Conrad j r do Estado Major Ornara), vlr hablan evadido la Inspección, de Inmigra déte salir do la i ''icu te le pido qut qtío pera en Polonia, ba sido pardalmenlsiCsd. Habla llegado lo 7t ano tie edad., aue con este rompimiento quedarla utas pía cuenta. tualtnenti te le na privado de lodo uando, ciou. lo nata. c;tu-lt- a por lu tropas rusta.


felá l"Ad KOAMM TIMES publirá noy en la nocta la Ifulema co-


TAOJKiUrTA-C- iatiosiHii. colegio l'tlmore.

nocturnas. Aprendí-t- i

VA ti, rÁÍttíBtccMa e fcseaaot. btletali SIN PREFERENCIAS Aprendttaja ra sa muera en m jhuii i no,"Por lo general la glmacMn permanece JEgpccialttttmsi I.VW.WH ctaae nocturni.fuMIt totfot k ,! dl fio pof Inalterable pues It twiitluneaaue s ocu-

panpftte. cokslo Palmore; .. 3, de JtMrca, Ja" la tía fi.

Hornm tiroes pefmtnertn lo mismo, no bátanla va. 1 pbslus por t. Junta U oaÉiéae M MAie .w, rnjoi m ipo bra. tMMielem o We en UmmáémjMrio encuentros tloIcntMmrts que se han EL PRES. WUSOH nectorae Haelatealse saw wt ataatoe Dea. Telífono tl8. frrreeeerll. f , -

Se h sotiattid pira u rtgtitro en rogistrado vn la reglón de noy ciptelil tfoMé, eeeaeH Oficina da Correos da Ct Páo, como mente. dtl Carefers; HoferaaXaéae C

COMPRAMOS pedaceri de cobro f bronce,articulo f9 aejvada clase. HalNiiii laracclowia 6 Saotral ArrtwwlMt huíso, lasa, cueros, jareta, tripos, le.

LOS IONTEF.(!RINO UN. KL (Oflrr.RMO Mí iWÁWUXWTON HA, W. e Batw sal Mama Xarvto! Iaaemalet Herman Woch y'Có. E, Boulerird JOS.OFICINAS! ttt:R N0 ,rYA A Cl aalaate latellbls par. U Iaaa4l; MaaUu. Telefono, mm. tMHWai L 1 rHHt

Edificio del Time, HUm Calla Bur Orcron. Fu rampafle contra lea auttrlare lian pro. f HRAN.1 Ni A VILLA. Jiasew eeMpMtav y parmaoenle ata Umuleatae MAYtMtltftrsada en toda la Hnra. 1 d'ARTO frclálmeftl amueblido. cín Venilemba teda et uve.las deberla di Curamos bftjo caraBu um araKw oarToda comunicación! De la Prensa Asociada. trico, preploi tra matrimonio Un nido. prael sasaiwaaaUdései'tt olaWechHlraia Inmedlale di te Katrceae: aaV cáselas ahola salara. 1rlradtt a noma, octubre , r.l mintttro de Monte-

negroileMDo y earaew ti. Kansas-m-

. Telefono coi., . 'KU PASO MOfWlNO T1WCS arredilado en cita capital, recibió uii gobierno estáfele y 4 orden rn curan p rosto U Osttesrea, rtetula. Catarro y m muy eeHe tUtni baratos por r maae c..

' " Eh TASO, TEXAS. un despacho fc Oltinje en que se le In-

formala rraoMfe Xaalca. enfermedadoa e I YiN V4niaco, Hlfade, JPHU RaaetMav Myera otiMlvea de lea Ilii1éae.?0a

llETIVESKrtTANTKS DR ANUNCIOS que lis tropa monterrgrlnai quo cele, VaricoeaHé y ettee eafem1es crónicas del hoaabre y 1 aatijar. El raav Tasa. Calta N. Ore.oa lli. p ra moa ndo, Aaaplelnaa

oraran en la rrontera de llersegovlna, de-

rrotaronn U Prensa Asociada. Solleltataee sgeaslaljasaaté mUos Meae lasitretilae," TSMf.ASa90. cuálqurara eláM ée atare "ea

Nueva York . O. Deckwlth,, Arénela a lol luslrlleo ocüpandd lá po-

blaciónWashington, Octubre EI préndente qua no Usa peJld ar sawUaa ier otros doctor a duadro


e lci,contpteuEseanot


comercio, pace 1 taersaaefaa'y alEtpcclal, Edificio do -- La Tribuna. de nnek y llerietovlna. Captu-

raronWilson la hito un bosquejo John 0. FUaw en e 4ml oiiartn. Hay otros áociérm c 4 Matae Clite diumit y nocturna, intorntilo bien jur tip. I

St. Louist 8. C Dtckwitn, Arénela 4 oflelilc y l5 soldtdo. aponeran-dot- e Silliinin. qua sil etla noebe para México. cdjrtdo de newWre aeaaaai. HaMsas cuarta No. t. edleX. L, Wilson. Directora. jliarcz csMHieeíev ce, :Kdlflclo rid Tercer Banco NeclonaL de varias ametralladora, muchos sobre lo pao que ocen lomar iss isc 'CON8ÜJ7rAa 6RA1M. BK HASVK iHi LIMPIA rlu awi tutniuiaü Mae tfel MIAsiépor, Tercerbuena cantidad de parqua. restablecer" la ar y

Atenle Vlajeroai Lutrwr Barnard, Ollle y clone mexicana para crínala I. Patatnoa pé inoaeda mezlcaua WáeW.II Melton. moni, riiinrtrf la véá un' gobierno pro DOCOMÜé ALEMANES Jtc vm. Carrie ta, CWtmahua. Calla san 'Flrl NaUtMial al?,Cobradores autorizadoa en la dudad! U.

MAN Bl'8TKM)H10 FX IXKf.O. MíIoiiiI. At cóniul HllHman la dijo Miinnlo a. Denvjar Jawatry Co.niinvimente lo Eitado Unido o te Her) Pe I , m. a 1 a, ta.) é 4 p. m. a S p. aa.

Morían Miller, Ed. Leirh y Claude Andrua. míe dinero enI.a de Maiterrna ampendleron el s VA UD. A MEXlcor cambio suropa nían preferencia por VIIU o por Carranza, Paaiglwee ée t a. ca.,a 11 m. la Avenida lerdo Na. 3, da Juárez, jumosallo sobre Naca, hoy.niEcioa db 8UscnirctoK( y quo lo anteo que ottcsosn cr pvnxt Cwto Mv t. Cavile tea Ne. 24 U. a ta ageaeia financiera o men on ia cna(Por correo, pato adelantado.) tie la Prensa Asociada. toda su Influencia para tfiie la faccloae Al Frente de MIi KreaM," ' aéeaalo rteev El Pase, Tesas. clón dot rerrocarrlL PLATA Y Ó

Diariamente-- ios dominrot, un aflo.. .( ."Taco. 8on., Octubre fc Poco nte del lleguen a un acuerdo mediante el cual wlaaAL coam venderemos todaa mangueras

Ijlarlaroeeto y loa domlnros, 0 me,.ti4.o medio día rio hoy. la iropi de Maylorrn eviten mayore aeoruees y ocrrniitm para jardines, l outz le Zinkler. No ta not campus t. preéte perleroDiariamente y lo domingo, i menM..,IJ.W sumendlerm I fucru sobre la población ,. inilill il iinrre. t plata sa, cualquier ctil4.afSferaa


Diariamente y lo dprnlnjroi, I nw ,7lc ilo .taco. I.aa tranadáa que estuvo arru La cnrttlón del recondclmtento formal 8B veWDfc, tratando con 1 propietario,sobra

y earn.kilo y aramos, laeeaaa, Ajwit

limero do lo dominio, solamente, jtndd mt armaria calan rn la rludad. pero dd gobierno do México no ser ata a turista veji una turca rantaam en Cfttf do minutos arenga que ban conmovido a hermoso "bungalow" de S cuartos; tren-te Co. Oficia, corredor del Mete. Mt.

un aflo ..". causaban pocos perjuicio, atribuyéndote a y por-- lo que reipecta al reMro út chor, cuando ya se Imagina, debajo 01 la massif Iriirdfin,al Sur,

tilmacon u




Jtrdlll,con- -

ji,n. El l'o, Tezu. P . mi ií.(for nuosiro repartidores.) la dercctuoiia rabricacton del pirque, lit tropa amencan aei pueno ae vera raso sombrío, bellexis preciosa, paateac Sin embarro, so convino en concederle cercano a tres lineas. Precio razbnable y

Dlarlamcntd y lo domingos,, l inea.....7e rrni. wtiilri nosnonléndóto. ardientes y sofrenadas. 9e l ) acowsej. la prórroga qua deseaba. a plato Telefono mny,Telefono WW. LA ISLA IIK MONTH CIIIKTO. m hice notar aue la entrega del gobierno do a no seguir a la transeúnte, s turar-

laTasado el aflo, prelenióia Licurgo en don

Lo revea de llalla son los durfloi ac- - municipal de Veracruz a eiiimilrn de W apena. Vuelve la cabeu s medias, de el puebla lo esperaba antloso para cicu DE VEMTA-l- 'na


Paso,las nroguerlas

dejando tfMque


ALTOMOVIIitüi' lirjé' ÍÚatTAlulo de la lila de Monte Cristo, que hito beligerante, podría dar oriaru a que la echa una mirada tímida, ,..(MÍ. ese velo chtr de Ut autorízalo labio una de cadaproducen

moa.enbien localizada y renta barata.

famoia la nove a do AMJindro liumai, el situación se ppeore, Tan preocupado Irritante! La cara vislumbrada, s peaaf del aquella arengi que no lólo conmovían, 8o venderá a precio Uo cosió, mueble y Wso AUto A TtuM tHtt par

DE cual' so inspiró para escribir su obra "V. Mimentrtn los funcionarlos carranclstas espesor de las gisas negras, aparece Weail-tad- sino que arrastraban a lis mata al obje-to

mercancías, cerca ue o,aj. uuisuou u alquilar 20 eran dea autos da ca-

minoU CONFERENCIA C'iiiIb no Jioniecruio" en un, americano con la revolución de Villa, que ni tqulera Cómo olvidar el brillo do aquellas que él te proponía, y como el fin era uniggltir care Time. y. taxis, durante. toda, ta aocbaexcéntrico llanudo Taylor, han tenido tiempo para urgir ei reuro a" pmjdlaa, la arruga ligera de essvsotwlsat loinie, i impaciencia aun era mucho ma. Nu VIENUA. cosapro al eeaabla Usted y teda al día. J La eat&eleai "cata

V alando Taylor en su yate por el we las tropa americanas. jur berramlantas da aegundt mano ni ttuad. frente al listel "Po daldlterráneo. conoció da nrecfosa Isla, y te Kl rnlilerno Imorlcsno ha declarado Jcr Cuando el viajero ingenuo regresa :a au Llegó, llevando coatlgo dos perros y dos rifle, ha la, que sepa mis precio Nort" ÜaJle W. aaaa 'XattoáloAGUASCALIENTES vnrsprlehó de tal moilu, que 'filó a minintementi: aue no entregará el dinero pals, sus aintgoa, curiosos y áridos dé Bó-

llelas,liebres, cuya pretenda excitó grandemente Taléíono 11. JL Uobr, Mt'B. W Xo. XU. tolróno.8 y, 4t."y conslrutó que el gran duque de colectado en la aduana de. Veracruz, hasta le Intcrrogin': iY quA tal esas la atención. 4 Vaao,

Toacana le vendiese aquel Ugar Ideil, dopde que lo arlos del gobierno provisional de El sabio, sin decir palabra, soltó unaa la sazón lulila una colonia pi nltiiicltrla México lenfsn seno ne legaiioaa, sirinprc turcasT Son tan hermolai, lan apa nebro y en teguiüa un perro. Esto so lanzó ENHAYADOHCM

NO DARA 1.09 Qt'F. KK KSfKHAN 11,0ron una pequeña guarnlfclón de soldado duo. roni'i c mtiiral, se garanllcu quo no slonsdaa como cuentan?" Kl otro sonríe toore et pobre aniiaatito y lo mato, devo-rando

ORO Y PLAl'A EAliniCO roollao de nlztamlf. para vender;SF.r.UN LA OPINION DE TOUUH talla.0. Castro,a; S.

LOS tJE.NERALLtf. pira vigilar a tos presidiarios. se cobrarán nuevamento lo Impuestos. St levanta sus blgotrcs y con aire nostálgico. allí su entradas aun palpitantes, A. N. LOMBAnOI CO. ClPrecio

Pito Hit.módicos,' r ,Taylor vivió allí rompttamrnte aislado; el gobierno provisional se Tehusa a recono "jAli. querido mlol" Y si tiene' la, diicre-clú- n

Detpuc tolló la otra llebro y enjn- - Calle, r. Kl Paso 107. Segundo Ptso,pero licftó a cansarse por ta soledad y rcr la .legalidad de lo Impuesto cú bra gold al otro perros pero te no hizo lo FEnitETEiifA y pintura baratas, en la

Los deleitados de Carranza solo llenen acabó por vender la lila al marqués de dos or lo funcionarlo, americano qui de no dar detalles, por lo menos doja que tu companero, sino que c ccercó a laVE.NtiO Barbería acreditada, muy baraia. tienda do muebles, do Ervin. cali Stin:

l'srnlltd Pra Iralar lo referente Dlnora, opulorri florentino, que habla hecho trinnaralinéntc han estado encargado de divinar cosas de' un mundo nuevo. . liebre, le prodlgó'mll caricias, y sa duso a.ana uo sama re. no. vu. ton Itc.

a la diferencias roo Villa. una gran Tortuna fabricando mayólica y la aduma do Veracruz, la uma colocclada A veces ct viajero Ingvnuo es sincero, Jugar con ella como si fuese tu mejor U CEHTIFICAUU matrimonial so uerdii) enDflv GUILLERMO ELLSYVBüTHvi vestíbulo' del Sheldon; el American .N-

ationalQ.H)rr.elana. será devuelta a su respectivos dueños. creo verdaderamente quo "cito sucedió." callo Eipecialtdad en crermedide ,d mujereaBank o en la Oregon. QuienKl marqués pobló de caía la Isla y la un gula, un bljo de Lines, rertu en astu Entonces, Licurgo, volviéndose a tus con. o naya encontrado tirvase devolvería ai y e.t operaciones qulnlralcas. QficlntstAun cuando tanto los repretcntantes do convirtió en el mejor cazadero del mundo. das. adivinó u deseo y lo llevó con cuín ciudadano les dijo; cuarto del Hotel Sheldon y recibirá una Callo E. Segunda 3. callo San Antonio

Garrama como lo do Villa no tuvieron Kl rvy Víctor Manuel decidió adquirirla, os misterios, a damas turcas. El viajero llfl aaul los efectos ri la cdurarMn. gratificación. tu. Tclérono Wll. Iteildencl aW l,ayer Inrorme detallados acerca de la con-


pero no lo pudo conseguir durante id vida LA MUJER EN ORIENTE ingenuo está encantado al pensar que co-

rrióHe pasado un aflo educando esta perro y INSTITUTO "LTDIA PATTETtSOS"DU VENTA Un cmertlu do carne, estableque tendrá lugar en Aguascallentes, del marqués, y la tuvo mucho' tiempo arren-

dada.un peligro tremendo. Otstó mucho enscnaaoio a quo no naga asno a las lie 03 s. Florence 81. Tel. 3010.cldo barato al contado. 8.en tout,dlncto, pero no lo lamenta.... Pensad,- puefc; bret por eso le vil que en vez de. matar Escuela' para varones. Internos y externos.ambos lados, aierentemcntn cuando menos, Kn ella pasó la luna do miel, y allí pasa KL AMOR KN TURQUIA. conoció a damas turca. las" Juega fon ellaa y la colma de cari, Hianion sis. L'diricio moderno. Máeatrot experimenta

manifiestan la opinión do quo poco o nada i liora el reglo matrimonio alguitaa lempo l.s nrñorlts Marcela Tlnayre ha publicado r.l viajero ingenuo no sabrá nunca que cías. El otro no ha sido 'educado, par eso APRENDA USTED INOLK-Cl- asc noctur. dos. Cíate noctli ras de '

i'r" su liará en rat or do una pas liormatientc radas con su hijos y un corto numero de sus memorias sobre la revolución turca y las protcndlda turcas, son una muchacha no obedeca sino s Instinto brutales.' Igual na en el .instituto "Lydta Patterson," s, INOLE3, ESPAS0L

n Mexico. criados, luciendo vida campestre y sencilla. ta vina en ct haréro, bajo esto ttlulo'Nota pretendidas turcas, son una muchachas du al printer perro, el hombrd sin ediirariAn Klorenco 503. Tel. 39Í0.Conforme a los pocos informes que pu do una viajera turca.'í He aquí algunos Pera, morenas a más no poder, perb do so dejará arrastrar por sus paslone y sus

dlerim obtenerse, parece evident que lo LA TltAICIOX. l)K UN HK80. parraros que recuncan us iocs couvku raza griega o armenia. 'Cuenten lo que mitos instintos y destruirá todo lo quo SE

bado.RENTA, a caballero, un cuarto amue

delerado do Villa se encuentran IcJOS do Yo só de un cantar doliente'

clomle y falla quo tienen los extranje-ro- cuenten los viajeros ingenuos o cnariata sa oponga s ellos. Escoged, puct, y vc'd lo8. Campbell 307.

Itetar a uu convenio pacifico. quo me parte el corszonj" sobro la. mujer y el ajnor en Orlente, nes. es casi thmoslblo a una verdadera da qoe queréis quo ican vuestro hijos. DU VENTA tipo y caja uataooa da Agencia de ValeresTal psrecxj quo los representante de íes tin, tieso do traición l.l amor en Turoula. Ksas palabras evo ma turra tener uria relación, ni siquiera El pueblo entuslaamado, llevó .triunfo Imprenta. Uílclna da Bl l'aac

villa sostienen ipie la convención o á quo llevo sobro Ja frente! can para nuestros abuelos todo el arsenal una intriga con un "yaur," un tnriei, y ci-to

a i.icurgo soDrc sus hombros y desdo en-tonce

Mnrnlnar Times.cun la presencia do todos los Jefes de hechos romántico, don Juan de By ron, por muchas razones'. En primer lugar, se decdlcó con asiduidad a la' educa-

ciónPetroleros Mexicaiw

' la Namouna de Mussel, la odaliscas' do LINOLEO y tapóles, algunos de liermosotmilitare con el proposito do seleccionar i: un beso incomprendldo; la vida familiar tal romo está organizada, de ló niños.a la persona

yque se lia do encargar de la al, como una querella... Hugo, el hermoso pacbá qué parto para Ja la presencia perpetua ' do las esclavas, de Tanto pudo en él aquel ejemplo lan bien Elnkler.

patrones.'i. Stanton

Linóleo113.ttc yarda. Koutz

presidencia provisional basta quo' so til lu sabes es do aquella guerra, "armado de su cimitarra." Y la los parientes de tas amigas, la especie da lircsenisaolas elecciones generales. quo me Inspiró aquel "olvido!" cautiva en la torre, y lo sultanes feroce, Policía de costumbre hecha por lo s SILUETA INTERIOR JUSTO V. ROMEHU relojes, joyero r graba-

dor1.04 delegado da Carranza por otro lado, v lo siervo neiros-- y la circasianas, y transeúntes quo vigilan a toda la Muerta la Fe, rendida Ja cabeza, ezpeno. S. Stanton at. ot. Acciones de Cías. PetrolerasY nuda valo mi anhelo las bollas atestadas de cuerpos vivientes, mujeres de u religión, hacen difícil la lanzatiMlst"ii en que los cinco representantes muy rota, el corazón vació", VENDKMUS papel da periódico, por mayor ilcjclcanas a li.OO Méx.

enviados Aguancalluntc tiene tínicamente por fingir que vn mis antojos, arrojadas de noche en el Bósroro ei mas pequeño gatinteo. i.a auna im-púdica

voy por la carretera del Hastio y menor. E. overland 107. f. u. Boa 061. .Compra venta dqauturldad para tratar cuestione do lint, ruando me miran, tu, ojos, Para nosotros, los modernos, esas pata quo dejase que ie le acercase un sobre el viejo rocín de la Trliteza.

y Moneda,.

ron los representantes del pcncral Villa, hijo la frente hacia el suelo. bras hacen surgir la lina ten melancólica y cristiano en la calle, que scuchaso' su Sícslcana al mejor tipo. Puros'por lo qu revierta a ta Intiibordlnacldn en amadora de Azfvade. y la dcl'Joven palabras, o surricse sua miradas demasiado NI espíritu c un buen satnarttano do las acreditadas fabricasde éste illttmo. En cuanto al general Ca-

rmina,Mujer que mi afán predices.,, l.odl. disfrazado de circasiano. ...No hay insistentes, serla mal mirada por los mozos que auna en lazos de perenne alianza, "UALSA HBUMANÓS" GUS-

TAVOmanifiesta que la cuestión do la si ha do matar mis' agravios, un solo viajero quo al desembarcar en el de cordel, ios comerciantes do legumbres algo" do don Alonso de Qutjano Superior. Comercial, idiomas. Curto ypresidencia provisional quedó tennmarta pon rn mi frente tus labios muelle de üálta, esrapo ai encanto ue esos y las viejas bruja fanática. En cuanto con algo del paclépt! Sancho Panza.

EipeclaleS-ESCOB- An

Tan Antonio 15l5 Telé, internado.

Calla MAYKR Y' ClX." Jtaoa,desdn el momento en que Ips Jcti-s-

, que pir que me Inmortalice. reruerdoíí nrunrr, si posee un poco oo ju al seductor, recibirla' una piltza formida-ble,

mejores dol rrjundp., i SÍueérisre reunieron en Mixteo, no lo aceptaron la ventud. de sensibilidad y da audacia Inte y iiodria considerarse reliz al no lo fio llevo rumbó ni llevarlo quiero, EL PASO IIIUN it METAL CU Cllle San y precios gratis.renuncia. Y llora, quci Vn tu dolor, nua, quo renynclc a la esperanza de una dejasen yerto. n tras de nadie voy ni a nadie espero, Antonio tHiS. Compramos cobre, fierro,

sus lágrlmi traerán aventura mUlaumana. Kn verdad aue desde el nueva rírimen ni espera nadlo la llegada mía. bropce, huesos y bulo, etc. Telófono 4360. No; ií ÓUcklérulldlní.LA SITUACION HtN CAtlIllO. pueva gracia del Jordán Kl nresilgio del velo, es tan fuerte. F.l algunos Jóvenes turcos muy "curopua- - PEHltETEftlA, arma y municiones. Vidrio

! l.n 1 Tensa Asociada. a mi bsutlimo do amor, atrartlfo do la mUJer privada y del amor aos, nan emresDicrto las puertas de ,áus Como ya la Ilusión no iné conrorta. para ventanas. Usos, t'rceios jutto y 'Teforid No. 6710.farts, Octtibra 8. La oficina de (hierra Aurelio Uay. peligroso, es tan mellante. Apenas nuestro casis', para algunos raros amigos, rrcibldos como, todo es Igual, nada me Importa agradable servido. 'Calla 3. El t'tso 409. El Paso, Texas.

en secreto y cun precaución. Jamás uno' morir boy o mañana o cualqüjer día.. Telcr. 164o. A. Yaffe,de .esos amigos privilegiados aprovechó de IIUTEL Avenida Juárez No. S8. Cuartosun favor un tratando de abusar ylisonjero, F. rtESTIVEPÜ CUMEZ. bailo ia nomiau ue la mujer a de la hija deja 3 jsnflflssflfififififlsiflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfl 2 íu liuetid. Por lo demás, entre la mu-jer

OBREROS OUB LLEGAN X lltLLOVtninado un turco liberal y el mejor amigo Milter James llodgklnson, dede ese turco, no puedo haber nlngün vin-


Cuando quiera vender'de amlsad, por Inocente que fuete;

que se na hecho famoso vendiendo a lo ORO O PLATA SE COMPRA OROnlngina enjertación conridenclil. ningu-na

americanos por cinco millones do pesos un RECUERDE V PLATAAcabamos de Recibir f conferencia a solas. marido no lo Inventa aue se e.nrr. nmmi.M ..... ... Que nosotrosPagamos precios más altos cual-quier

cualquiera forma, permitirla, ai so atrevo s moitrar su es voluclón en la Industria de la sal. fue en otro e inmediatamenteque

al con-tado;

en o can-tidad.posa, no v para procurarle agradables do , '"""o" " aenciiio obrero. til) cobrar por presupuestos Precio sin com-petencia.

vsneo, sino nira atestiguarle su continua pesamos y ensayamos tmeuiraa Ud.vordadcramcni.) Inaudita en el honor y la Watts V n. ,.ti. espera;fi amiaiau uo un eiiranjcro. tj para poacr lnventot, habiendo comenzado su vidas de diez minutos para ensaya de puta, JOYERIAUna gran remesa de cate nuevo a cattlo de Grafonolas "Columbia," que son lo fi decir. ya no tengo lo perjuicios ''"'iy- - "ttus una inoaesiisuna etrera, en media hora para ensaye de oro.

do mi riza. Soy un civilizado." los tiempos modernos puede citarte Mer- -Se expiden cerilncidoi da ensaya y SUberberg Hennaae

han hecho de $25.00. Kite mismo deseo do civilizado aenthnlr. . .. ,a fundición al sa deiea.mejores grafófonos que se por precio menor fi parecer - ...,v..w.n.n)np vv .i,t. iu4quiiias ue Compramos o traíamos ama I tam i Esquiné Avenida Mesa "yconjuntamente con un cuidadq más po componer linotípicas, que cuando se le tirvcipltidos.yaltivo de economía llevó loa turcas . Calle Texasa ina uvu.uu íu.- - uo is s maravjjiosa md No venda en otra, parta ante dadermis al matrimonio monógamo Unica quinal, que en menos de un aflo lo bl vernos. frente al Banco Ríemente lo pacbá muy viejos. los prlncl eleron millonario. Cía. Refinadora y Compradora d

pes y alguno turros de pro. Arrrand. Inventor del mechero de su Het.le. Grande.íW lili viuda, rtro y atratados, poseen más de nombre, era uu meníslral ian pobre, que Calle de Sau ITtnrlteo No. ílo.cpora. El nircm no es para el se su mujer lo regañaba por los pocos realesnur, un pequeño paraíso manomotano a do bus cjperunriiios, los cua-

lesmíenlo, poblado de diversas bellezas. El concluyéron, por hacerlo millonario,liaren c, sencillamente, el departamento Carlos Dcrviele. Invinlnr ,1.1 l.nlt..particular de 'la señora, donde el avflor no rráoeo para tranvías, eléctricos, ruó otro DIAMANTES 'entra tino con su permiso. menestral, cuya Idea I valló más de cincoi Pero, en ese hartn, me preguntareis, millones de pesos. Pagamos loa moa altos preoloa Drogas Purasexiste el amor? Sin pretender sondar loa Vario millonea rutron la recompensa que por diamantes, también oro ycorizonct sobre todo los do orlenialca OhllIVn AIIVIUM Vlnnl. ... .... H.. plata, en cualquier forma. Escrupuloso Despacho de Kecétaa.Solamente os contestare que las sonora lurcai no brice de ladrillos, por su Invento de una Calle Saa Antonio 2234 Medicina da Patenta France,parecen muy preocupadas con el amor. nlerira art al ",. ti.. ... ... . He parto a Domicilio. Kn lauuu Eso sentlmlvnto como nosotros lo conce-bimos,

con la cual etun pavimentadas mucha ca GENEVA JEWELRY CO. 1

$17.50 fi no se conoce en Turanta. lies do Berlín defi y otra cludade, Tam

NaHÍM El anlor comino en I deseo reciproco, bien reunM una oran rn.,n. i .. ...... FARMACIA RIO GRANDEen el libre rontentttnlenlo, en homenajo II, máqutnlita de Imprenta, que Inventó lafi .nmiqu .r ci nomoro s ta mujer en ci f.v(,uurai uo u iiuniore, meaiante la cual

Tel. 70. 3a y Stantoa 410y en Pagos favor animado la al hombro, BOTICA por mujer es posible hacer ediciones enormesi defi A los buenos turro no se lea otairre hu. da muchas 303 S. Stanton.millarso con regalo amo una persons muy

página con rapidez Esta botica montada al estilo rasFáciles moderno acaba de abrtrto al publico.$25.00 u"nn y urseaoie, pero conquistada de nifi temano y que no puede decir "no." La PENSAMIENTOS. rresca.




enteramentecompetente DR. W. OL VER A ZÜNIGAaceptan con lo ojo currado, til cual la Hada hay tan difícil como librarse de la al rreute. Facultada da México y Tozasfi í nigivron sua raniuiaa, llegan a ta des Aquí encontraran medicinas francetasoberanía delconocida, la noche de boda, eon una ni, pueblot ella vive en el es do todas clase. Perrumerla. etc., etc. Consultorio IOS 8, Btantoa

rlosldad quo puede imitar la pistón, paro píritu ue la mayor parte de lo que la com El Dr. Rodaría con su característica yfi baten. ea el medico da estaGrafonola "Columbia" fina aleación,qua uu reemplaza ci carino, r ta recién botica. Ilealdcnda 3862; Oficina 6944. Vcatada, alunada, dócil sin embargo no El au sabe anlleip la anleriail hola ifi fi itirmadi, se tómete a la costumbre y noMarca "METEOR" uu caiauow ca uurc.en extraña que u poseedor legitimo no se La vida es una poslclóq mil Esta novWyna Grafonola "Columbia" toca todos loa discos marca "Colum-bia"

fi moleste en hacerle la corte.,., Aquí no haynovelas, ni dramit, nt lucha teniimciiti-let- . Dondeaulera mire ninn aAiknue un nay "Victor," con el mismo maravilloso volumen y tono que los grafófonos mas ni amor. Kl matrimonio no déla oor rarse un hombre, Pagamo loa mejore tipo en cambio de moneda constttileloniltsta. También ga-

rantizamosfi grandes y de mayor precio. Tiene un grande motor y? en una palabra, es él mej'or fi eso ao ter un buen matrimonio, uniao rre. Todasdinero




otros, ileclutmoiNuestra


pararelativoventa en co-

mmon.cuentemente por un 'raí fuerw y más legalidad de dinero es grafófono construido basta la fecha que se vende por menos de $25.00. Venga fi aféelo, tía sóa dlsputadoa por nadlo nueatra reretvnrlai de buena fe en Julrcz.

Vd. a nuestro Almacén y permítanos mostrarle esta nueva Grafanola y hacerle oír "La dnlca pasión aravlento que nos e AZTEC STORE

fi algunas de sus piezas favoritas. fi nuetuopermitid,

coraton,quo abtorbe

et e lataortoeaa

maternal,"la fugrzat

tn-- ide Alfurfa Sijar lefiMries G. w. Monnow. - c. juarez. chih.

dijo una hernuita y delicada señora Joven. Navelsto, Sinaloafi Hay t nublen pareja ;muy enamoradaOferta Especial flílrimenle y que roHocen todo loa tor-mento

Vamdedoree por mayor de

fi de loa celos, Jwtte la Inevitable AkItI iPor los 30 días próximos, incluiremos con cada GRAFONOLA "METEOR" saciedad, liana la primera arruga da la kacuj CowprawiK MiirMli CMtrtHotaiilista ti D)amujer, huta el prter capricho del ma-

rido.f Kiy;afc reasoek. lac.vendamos, discos dobles (seis todo solamente $19.79 fi Ratsskleque piezas), por :yj acep-

taremosEmpero, yo cree que se ruga ñau Moneda do Garrama.

un pago de $5.00 sobre todos los aparatos, y e) compradar puesle cubrir-nos

qutmt atribuyen a la oriéntale un tara- - Agenlee Moneda de Chihuahua, ,......,...,...,..,29,,,,,,.,,,.,,18centavacentavo

A el saldo en abonos semanales de $1,00 cada uno. fi peramentoiur y su



bu .Biwerama oirn

de1 212 West OverUnd Street Moneda de Villa Vieja..,,,,,,,, ,,...,,,19 centavatu nervio, antes que emocionarla. Ana. V. H. A MKXKX HKOKIÍKAGK CO. 1(4.7 ! FMaeUtw

Discos Columbia Discos Victor fi gulas vn grin,,tllH)i(J coa dulce ypastries, ocupada en bordados, rn pa.

de fi quenot plac'rr pueriles, llávan tina eilfTenemos existencia completa diacos en español, para grafófonos Columbia leñóla uiocento de rraadv nIAoi, Y, comoy Victor, Je lo mas variado que se puede encontrar en el Sudoeste, car ' fi me tirria Ingenuamente una de ells. lo AVISOS de OCASIONniarldu uo pvruilteu lo lUirot, "donde aa Pat los mejorea GRAFONOLAS COLUMBIA VICTOR VKTROLÁS ,. Labia de amor." porque uaa houetla tipo en camUe de lvaWeda

Tenemos igualmente completo surtido de mánuinas Darlaatee COLUMWA.y fi no tiene necesidad to saber ''cómoI lia fixJalira. a.iw

CoMtitucionalwta,nuil los ol rot botubres." Rrat SatUwal BankVICTOR, desde JO.UU hasta 93UU.UU. fi üit: m a..:::::ESd Buildii;. Tercer pka,3M.

CanJielones fáeÜM ale bho sobre cuiImúm dm L. KM.'CAfí. ComWonee de toda cliMee.(ueótase de Licurgo. é4 ratlor y poUtlcd THC AZTEC BROKERAGE & INVESTMENT COMPANY.icicionar o fi,...atrvae visitarnos, escribir, pidiéiMlenoe catálogo y e l'sral at o --au. vamj HuatMlKUgriego, oua una oeaaléa ta roeerea tua coa

cienes. ' rludailanos iironUBelva uat ALácurao aoljra a líXtM. l ablb-l- l v ulvulfi oJll a mimm m w mi im aa Myaaaww. ,alia tutalaa de. la tettcectea. ceaTri&tate Talking Machine Co. fi da aue ti nuaé-lo- . IMuMm M tu rvsaHl-H- -lable voz, m coatrrs s tatiáif a ata YtjyXaaoa-yi- y a iHmctéar f. uhi,,. I . i, am La BOAroJ CHIHUAHUA EXCHANQE11 NmA Stantoa SVeet.bans b uaa eeucaflóa aWa y erwaa.

"La Casai mí Grande de miquinas parlantes en el SatisVéMe' ni lárin i tuvuuua muiv .vjcutia ike: uuatCMoaM a tnefl.da plazo. ÍU rH l'W a Tal. Paajatnoa o meore precios por inoaeda eaulltucloiiaiUi v h. kaua Itqirai film w Mmeiraaaan asn wf ata OtUmm. CMy .V.tto mmk Uiétm If a. MK. ,10Plato ajwM k liintjriaH. iiarajm saalaa. y elóate raeéai i ka aMailBM 4 ea y atii,

A .


Lá Qáerrü y El Amor ParMchékmHoy Viernes, Dig deRetazos en "Eüerybod 99

- egTaMMgBMamaME3asssssssJ1

Extraordinaria. Barata en Todos los Dtpartani9titoj Obsequiándose; Durante Todo el Día, Dobles Estampillas w

Viernes, Did de Hoy Viernes,Retazos Dia de Retazos

Dpartmmf éh Uim EnManteleríata Stccisn d

y Mas pmrm VmímIim Inmensa surtido, excelente clase,Kxtraordlnarlft bnrnU re re ozena, exiraoruinana para uu.

viunMltd tkm Am mantetazos cn el depnrtnmente doy telAs pnrn ynatdes, hoy lería de 1 a 1 yardas de

laMn mrrrliiii1it v da Otravlemts, pfreclenáo une. unclases, Inmensa selección deoportunidad n. lew oomprníorsa

económicas' al. hacen sus com-pran

primorosos amenos, toan ioen esto din. Nos han que-

dadopara HOY VIERNES a

nroina da retazos verdaderareteso do buen tamaño noobstante la. atareadlama Venta, mente especiales. Saldos de

de la semana, ofreciéndolos en mantelería en los que se encuen-traneste departamento a la mitad de uno o dos de la misma

su precio normal. Los tenemos clase, ribeteados y festonados,en tamaños propios para blusas todos a precios excepcional- -

manta lintel. Kl ftldo COmDletOy faldas senarados, contandoAm. miaairn mirtldo da servilletascon adornos de todas clases.

No perdan la oportundd de catara también de venta averlos hoy VIERNES. precios extraordinariamente re

dil r Id o por este día únicamente.

Eapecialidad Vestidos a 99.95 Muñecas! Muñecas!HOV VIERNES UNICAMENTE nov viEJiNica es día dkofrecemos, a precio extrardlnarlo Esta oferta especial de trajes a $9.05 despertara, un entusiasmo SIUNKOASCénerno "Devonahlre," trenulno, sin precedente, encontrándose en nuestra' Sección de Ropa Hecha Hemos seleccionado tres grandesde 32 pulgadas de ancho, contando,un variadísimo surtido, muy propio HOY VIERNES. Inmenso surtido, siendo el precio verdader-ment- e KDipo de muflecas marcftndoléspra trájecltos dn ñiflas, excelente extraordinario. Primorosos vestidos do crepé de chipe en precios excepcionales para HOY

VIERNES. Las tenemos de todasInmejorale para el moderno estilo do Otofio teniendo el corpino efectos de blusas. clases; musicales, esquimales, cu-

pidos,vestidos' Lo hemoscajeros. mar-end- ó

Con cullo y puflos, do popelina blanca de seda y de organdie lnrromplbles, bebltos,para hoy viernes (únicamente, la yarda . .....IOC blanco. Ricos matices de otofio, tete de ni ere, asut, Copenhagen, etc. No dejen de verlas

(Becclfln de gCneros lavables.) verde y negro. No hay que dejar do ver estos vestidos, HOY HOY VIERNE8 en tres grandes' (Piso Principal) VIERNES en el Tercer Piso, Departamento de Ropa Hecha. grupos de a , . . . , .36c, BOo y 91.06

: ;

Sección de En-

cajesEspecialidades de Hoy Vier-nes


Sí.' en el Departamento Principal Pafluclo'a grandes, de orilla primo-rosamente,Modernas blusas de velo y primorosos linones, propias para coloreada, muy propios

Los precios especiales que ofrece-mos

el Otoño; las ofrecemos ni precio especialmente bajo do 95c. para trabajos delicado. HoyHOY VIERNES en esta sec-

ciónViernes oferta especial, a OCEstas blusas non las últimas que liemos recibido. Do velodespertaran un entusiasmo sin linón, cuidadosamente 6o o 8 for . . , . , 9Cy primorosos y algunas bordada!

limites. algunas traen cuello y puflos,ara yoa anchas; otras traen' Decimos amor y1 guerra; porquo realmen- - equipo de una ELLA al entrar en .campa' que ninguno lo es tanto .como el exquisito .RETAZOS f

cuello y puflos de organdie bordados, A escoger

to so sabe quo frecuentemente el Juego "del na .entro lo que se cuenta la pólvora. fto arte con que maneja ste elemento: elDe cuatro y 6 yardas de largo, de yiIOY VIERNE8 a , Z2 HOY VIERNES, PRECIOS ES-

PECIALESamor cí uno parecido al da la guerra. debe nunca estar escasa una muer do pól-


polvo, o lacómo



otras palabras,per-

fectamente transparencia primorosa, 18 pul-


Tomcintfj un material cualquiera de guerra, o sea cl,pólvo. Y hay otros elementos es la estrategia qu( emplea al principio. y do ancho, los ofrecemos HOY. TRAJES DE CASA MEDIAS PARA 8ENOR. MEDIAS

j convendremos que cu necesario par lan importantes como el mencionado, aun al Ultimo de su campana. VIERNES únlcamonto a mitad doprecio. Excelente bp'prtunldad pura t. Ofrecemos como una especia-

lidad.Medias para señoras. Ofrecemos

Infinidad de hacer una limpia HOY VIERNESpares deosase resistir la invasión do su territorio, En esta ocasión so cegaron 'los alemanes. obtener tro Ir do tamnflo ox- -' medias ' do algodón lisie, en nuestro surtido de medias para

LAS ta' violación de su territorio por los ale-manes.

Ira' y regular. Veatldoa' do buenas, do punta, y talón noftorn. Toda nuestras existenciasY 'tal resistencia se produjo, y ha dad. Es probable que estos múltiple erro KNOAJES DE RED PARA colldad extra, propios para el dobles, con rllieto para los ti-

rantes.Incompletas de medias cuyo valor

sido lan heroica que, durante quince días, res sean lunesioa par i imvvriv iuiwu. Color normal es do 60c, de nngodónCl invasor se vid detenido por las fortale-zas

ADORNO EN LOS ESTILOS uso casera; coloren apropia-dos

blanco única-mente. grueso propio para elrrii.Rnii) i'At.Mont! ha nfeDarado más HOY VIERNES l,leja, todavía siguen los belgas

defendiendo píWnoy

palmo el sucio na-cional,

uqulgrafos vonipetentes. Ingles y Español. MAS MODERNOS y precio especial Ta-

maños3 pares OC otofio; pero en color negro única-

mente,creyeron los. hombrea de Berlín -(- en colores créWa", del 38 al 63, t- fff por , .,,.....üC las hemos marcado al precioLos tenemosque llegarían un cuatro o tela semanas a CHILE DECLARV UK CLEHKA A ESrAfiA. de efectos; 18 pulgadas de lÍOY VIERNES a vletjU (Subterráneo)

especial do tres pares QQlu sumo de besbarátar a Francia, a la lt63) blanco y por

(20, septiembre,MllKí.fiA' BBtWWfe NWACCIS- quo supenlan desmedrada, floja, sin ener-

gías Las relaciones entre España y las colonias ancho, modelos ércepclonalmentépEHSE A 6V8 BfiHANUAS. morales, aln virtudes militares, sin ar-

dores del Pacífico, dc,spuéa de la independencia primorosos. Esteq encajes repre-senta- n - Cobertores Ligeramentecívicos. Las suponían de tal modo de Cttos, fueron llerapro muy tirante y el precio regulM io JIMdesmoralizada por el deprímanlo recuerdo el reconocimiento de taa repúblicas de CMU HOY VIERNES CALCETINES PARA' HOMBRE Y

Y.i rg'oblcrhV.'ia Mcuudg Jos buelylstos la yarda. Para Ernpólvadosde los reveses del "ano terrine," que no' la de muerto M continúan y del Perú se hizo por la antigua metró-poli

UNICAMENTE, la 4 0- -con pena la consideraban capas do ofrecer una serla la MEDIAS PARA MUJERES' a regañadientes, más aconsejada por, in su actitud' de Dolencia, resistencia vencedores Scdin. Y ,.tO- - Los ol adorno' doa sus de necesidad de protvger los intereses espa-ñoles

yarda que usamos en nuestros aparadores asi como Y NIÑOS.este ha sido otro error del gobierno de en cqueUas nuevas naciones quo por-que

los que tenemos colocada eh las mesas,1 del Subterráneo paraévc la Prensa Asociada. Benin. Toda Francia esta peleando contra se hubiera dado al olvido el atravto. poner-lo- articulas sobro-olio- s, Imlilóndoso con tal motivo em-

polvadTRES PÁltES

Méjico, petubre 8.Lps I.S0U, empleados el .Invasor. Y está peleando con magnifico sin que pueaa explicarse ei peepo union-c- o 6 ligeramente, los ofrecemos HOY VIERNES-- precios POR' ,50clos carros eléctricos que so declararon heroísmo, con furor patriótico, con la fuer- -

de una manera satisfactoria, lo Indudable ENCAJES DE RED OFERTA ES-


verdaderamente .reduoldos. Los tenemos de algodón, lana y .

antes demedio día, aa convulsiva de la desesperación, los es cilitlan corrientes notables do lanilla;, todos lóí'- Medias para sefjora, de fino algo-dóntile huelga poco miemos alemananes lo reconocen. que ya PARA.HOV VIERNES pero .ofrecemos n precios excopblonalniento

medidas violentas, Ciento tie ca pue-de cordialidad entre España y ios puemoa in-

dependientebajos para HOY VIERNES. Hale, colores negro, blanco,pedirse. Francia más valor, más abne-

gación,, rros rucron parados e'u sus corrida y" los del Plata y Centro America, encajes (SubterrAneo) amarillo y en colorea blanco y ne-grodo estos,más; sacrificio, oiro Inmenso error qüe

V:' pasajeros obllgadós a apearse, unl&idoso en tanto m manifestaba una declarada. La escaaer para nlflos. Calcetín paralos iiiotorlstas y cónductores a U huelga ue

Inglaterraios aiomanrs

no se moverlaconsistió

enen creer


de Hostilidad diplomática para las dos naciones exlato actualmento en el mercado, hombres n todos los colores, muy'general. 'El gobierno-l- ha amenazado, cotí dei Pacifico. esta oferta do en-

cajesrecomendablesInteresante el HOYparaFrancia, o que. si so moyls, no serian los hace EL SUBTERRANEO SE uso,

.'tornar medidas enérgicas, dcclarandd que FJ triunfo de Etnsfla en Africa hiso crecer ENCUENTRA LISTO, CONTANDO VlEItNES, 3Inglese un factor de excesivo peligro para de red de ij pulgadas,, para pares-'- impondrá la pena de rriuerto a los huel' Alemania. Inglaterra no podía cruzarse da el Impulso militar de la antigua metrópoli, CON UN NUEVO. 8URTIDO DK VESTIDOS PARA EL 5QcV gubias que insistan en fi actitud violenta. brazos ante el ataque1 germánico a Francia. que desdo IM1 pareció dispuesta a ventar todas aquellas peronas que desean

OTOÑO,' Cuatro hora fue el plato Impuesto porAnnguc Alemania .hubiera respetado la ncu- - antiguas ofensas, eh América, Una expedi-

ciónestos primorosos .adornos. Loe

, 'los huclglstas para qua e les contestaran ttaval colores crema, blanco Precisamente ahoraírauoaa ao ueigica. siempre naDria inter-venido

al Pacifico, pésimamente Inspira-da

tenemos en que las compras estAn alcanzando .elH sus demandas, mstítentes en "un sjimentQ Inglaterra en la actual contienda, y aun peor dirigida, llevó a aquello; y dos tonos, aeneralmento los punto culmlpant'o, ofrecemos nosotros precios, excepcionalesüe din jk cleqtd en sus salarlo y ocho pues demasiado sabe esto pals que ú de-

bilitarlamire quo hiela mcdlq siglo hablan ,aldo vendemos a IS.00 yarda, ofrecién-

dolaen ol Departamento del Subterráneo. CUELLOS


hura oirrldas0o


trabajo,Unión. Cuando

ai! como,se



grandemente con una Francia anl tenidos con ti sangre de la lucha, el prin-cipio HOY VIERNES gáj. Modernos trajes para el otoflo y el Invierno, en los últimos De franja bordada de excelentequitada o abatid por los alemanes, o por de la discordia. estíos de la estación, do "Epongo" y sergas, tejido de eatam- -el' termino y no recibieron coatesta-

ción,stos reduela a una Potencia de segundo esa expedición ruó mandada en iws por calidad, con primoroso encaje.

declararon la huelga general.. orden. Bin el contrapeso de Francia, cria el Altnlranta Pareja, quien a vuelta de ne-gociaciones

nro y noveoaq, colores caro, verde, taupe, azul, gris y negro. Estos cuellos los véndemeos cadadeclarar-s- o itepresenian un valor an 15.76; previo delLb''corjieros también amenazan actueban sobre la bene-volencia

inronirastame la auiormau moral de Ale-mania

que ,$9.95Departamento del SubterrAneo tercer día on nuestra tienda a 30chuelga. 1.en eu el continente, y muqbo más al a del presidente Pezel, interesado en, Kt sistema na carros teóricos rxiswme la vez que derrotaba a la gran república que no corriera Imbécilmente la cangre de BATAS DE FRANELA cada uno. HOY VIERNES, veren la capital, es proplcdid da una, cumpa-ní- a latina, lograba vencer ' gran imperio mos- - unos y otro sin una causa que lo Justi-

ficara,dadera .barata, íoo cada uno

canadiense, encontrándose en TorolUU covín, tu ei mismo graoo en que Alema consiguió concesiones que lesiona-ban

Oportunidad excepcional, OfertaTRAJES o 3 por 25c

los accionistas, fio so registraron dejór-.len-nia se engrandeciese a expensa de Francia la dignidad del pueblo peruano, especial para hoy vjernes, buen QUE VALEN 30, ii $13.05 EN EL DEPARTAMENTO'durante u prlmeraj Jwras do la. y nusia, se debilitaría Inglaterra. El en creyendo obtener espana otro tanto ere la primorosas, lava-


DEL SUBTERRANEO. iUUcIga, grandecimiento alemán tendría su contra república de Chile, sin más Ir bajo quo la de rayas' .V consecuencia üe una colisión da trenes partida en el empequeñecimiento de Ingla amenaza de sus buques de guerra y exponi Precio CQr Este Inmenso lote de vestidos para iCflora, cuenta con trajes de

las do la última moda, de primorosas telas del JUEGOS DE CUELLO Y PUÑOS.Otofioocurridas on, Inmediaciones Apani, terra, rara esta nación ea indispensable. endo Imaginarlos agravio (cita Craso 4 especial ty1 .acabados sin

tres personas resultaruti tnuerie y veinte es necesario el que haya cierto equilibrio del insigne Mitre) que rotundamente de-claró

un defecto. Los tenemos en los colores en que se deseen. El Do excelente calidad, malla bor-dada,

más heridas. El accidenta se realairó cíe tuerzas en .Europa. Añora Diení supo no ser cierto el ml una ministro fabricante de estos vestidos, nos los vendió crt liquidación, debidoencontrándose el lugar como tú millas ned destruida o mutilada, por segunda ves, en Chile señor Salvador da Ttvira, a que so retira dot negocio. Noatros a nuestra IQfaC n colores aaul y verde. Es-

toss) este de esta población. El tren de pasa-jeros

a Francia, y menosesbids a nusla. rues te lanzó el Almirante Pareja, por su propia DE DORMIR PARA ve, queremos ofrecerlos al precio extraordinario def 1J7) Juegos Jos tenemos marcadosque se dirigía a Veracruz telescopio temtrCi al Imperio alemán preponderante, fcíxjinuwiuii y tin ineaiiar 10 grave (W CAMISAS para .venderlos a JEc. HOYa un tren mWtert uspendlínddso el trafico y, por eontiquirnte. roto el equilibrio que una resolución que habla de ser reprobada HOMBRES VENTA ESPECIAL DE VIERNES loa ofrecemos al preciodurante ii horas. debe haber entre las grandes potencia cu- - por todo el mundo, a demandar de aqüel Subterráneo ofrece camlsts de Corses a 49c BLUSAS UN KL SUB-

TERRANEOespecialmente rj

Los mejores autos, .cou cuídanosos ebsüf ropeasrépocas,equilibrio

Felipeque rompieron,

Segundo, Lulaen dife-

rentes Ca-torce






Clillo ronEldormir para hombre de cambray de

puede unbajo de , , , , . 1 f C

Cualquiera comprar)ttí, u... Advertisement, estiloftUti. y Napoleón el Grande, y quq Ingla-terra

dignidad. buena calidad, Hace tiempo que estamos of-

reciendosiempre contribuyó restablecer. Esta ocurría el IT de septiembre de isa. blanco Uso. tamaftp entero. Afir excelente coreó do verano, dé precios excepcion-alesdestrozando el i oderlo de esos ramosos roo- - trena en que ronuearon ios barcos dW Al-

miranteHoy viernes a .......La GuerraEuropea nsreas. aue asnlrebea a la hereraonfa en Pareja en la rada de Valparaíso,, busto bajo y de cudera am-

pliaen blusas da $1.00 Para CUELLOS Y PANOLKTAS

el viejo inunnDífio se coqelbv, pues como Sensló el Almirante español lo fecha dei y equipados, con tirantes el día de hoy VIERNES lae Jnmenao surtido en malla, etteajlos alemanes il para establecer el bloqueo, día desde hemos agrupado en una gran ypudieron creer que los. Ingle queKRAiM HUHANt'H EOT" para las medias; pues nos bordados, efecto circular, cu4rdeses íes (tcriuiurian derruir a Francia y el amanecer, fue saludado con entusiasmo PARA HOMBRE mesa del Subterráneo, donde

Todos n,os cflulvocaroos: u podemos equi-

vocarnos.mucho menos que lea permitiesen Instala)aa

popular desde los muelle donde un rorro CAMISAS proponemos realizarlos JQ-- , pueden escogerse, JO y de corplflo. , Detáagnwsa 1

Lo mismo lúa sabios que los en las posesione francesas del literal en quo rifuranan, tas aamas nías distinguí Liquidación final de camisa para HOY VIBtlNE a por OC departamento de cueMeé parairnorantei. Lo mismo loa irenaes que los dej Norte de Africa, litro error de los asa qe J ciuw euionq ei nunno nacional. hombre, propias para paseo. Teñe-mo- s sonoras y vean estos arte tilas quapequeños. Lo tnlsrao los Superhombres alemanes estribó vn cree que "rniviar-mente- " El atropello realizado por Parejo, cuyo fin algunas de colores. Marcas SATIN, TAMAÑO REDUCIDO regularmente véndeme o yque el vulgo de los moríales. Cometió era factor de poca cuenta la na-

cióntrágico fiM Je demostración de la Injusti-ficado "Monaro." Regular-

mentehasta 80o. pudleado eecaajsama HOY

errores o se cree que coinctlrenu, error.! Inglesa. La Juzgaban desdeñable los de su conducta respecto de Cblle. "Cluett" y$8.00. Marcado al precio especial de 10c la yarda. Regularmente lo VIERNES

'Alejandro, Anl, i:ec, napoleón Err-ata

alemanes desde- este puerto de vista Dormr.i Mzo reunir urgrnlewento el Congreso na. valen ..,..7- - vendemos a 16c yarda, teniéndolo en todos los colores, ,, IWQ,eumwutH est. Ya on legión en no tiene el servicio mlHUf Wlgaiorlo, Es clonal, ñuten confirió plrnas facultades al hoy viernes a

para escoger hoy Viernes a ..,,.,...,..,..,...... ..iut i i IIdlplo4tlcos, lot militare que crüiu que no ios posee, pero "ei OeMern nacional para responder al retocrtetr'tiM (es go We mas d Akmenl. ajne l cat, proporción run (nares de EstHtfla: En consecuencia de esta rata.ti Kaiser y- au coneejerot ayncoi, sus es-

tadistasde miles de soldados, y este aamero H va luuen w mm ue septiembre del ano

y tu'Kstetfe Meyer, fueron esta acrecentando por día ron log ronttnreftte citado, el presidente dp u república, Jotoguerra aue Impon We impíamente deten. da mdostanes, d. éanadenees, do Joaquin Pírez, notifico solemnemente la

Europa movíaos la. de otras colonias. declaración t guerra i nacióncadenaron sobre por y Todo 41 imbcr etpaAola,t luenuWei errores. T íetot se señalau y so, el enorme, el gigantesco; itnpeWo britá-

nicoLa, viril actitud de Chile fue el origen n LUMIA GENERAL EN MMKtt. un ii curenta cincuenta millones de Banco Aaclonal a aeinttr dinero lo1 preparaba bah wlamentar canclensmla.

' contentar. or plumas muy docta, cieye-To- es un "vivero" Ue soldedoa ara Ingla-tsr- una gran agitación do la oDlnión iH pesos oro. no ban logrado obtener dinero cottchtros de lgód4n en todat su ofer énente tm Vi fnet-t- a ftn de rae4irKe lo

los et4lbs de berilo que Hutía aun par Movilizar mllloaes de' soldedos tu el Peri, que lan fácilmente se babit raede beber suficiente par las cosechas y el gobierno las, almacenando i Uno como ruma, y d rujo tralKss. Iterando al arregle be etadel Utnro Ntcloiul ue Egip-

to,esta manerañola coiulgua lotu hecho cultlvadoreifr3e s necesitan, más estaa renaioo tcs exigencias del que nu?vvnu estaba mrtckutebwnw para no que cosas; bu Almirante p. ron el mitwo valor en pequeño evitenmoneda legal

llevar a ceba une rsplits 'met Wtaelós. blaclón, dinero, trantorrea y tiewsHi. Y reje. El gVaaiáente Peaet, que dicho sea en comoerlficlo.

venderlo a precia dq ta imsu sonar, fue atemoro, slncerliluu, .... ílcOcUrTL-L- o. conductére de orp. t grane cultivadores de al Msyvtuicvreei alkmanm.Krror prefWMlcy Albora o M view ue ai lodo ralo lo llene lnleterra, Y h llene un ha resuelto al gtdondelelluaelón algodón esperanlo cataba. Segda,los do "meaos'' exa- - m abun4tiela. Eta gran Melon puede triol y un vHente vn lo ramito de mtepteort de los trent La

si mlimot,conservar sus productos por Octubro 7. En domaste nM al

ertoj. atajía ta leñase sobre tee 0O broioncer ta guerra contra Aiensatun cosnd tu objeto ate randea'cenMH-u-u- La l ciudad, acordaron pedir ochó rmm,' feb4o ;n Oatenae el Hanee, aimperios gerntánlco. tres millones de bom la p mongó contra napoleón. ' Inglaterra brenia y el antebio y no sétu' da mmtrmé. UyWIU KXTKA.VHMtM eesfiptea h tgultnte

v. bres. y tiene diteuestos oíros tantea pan ligue produciendo, fabricando ,exfoein4o, e un bieaviusnto revolucionarlo no enroled WathlnglOn. OctubreMCUltnmttM.

bliau! tuvltron lafermea V un la.'i continuar la lucha contra esos: Jo paite. iBtportaoao. con aiticuuaues o entorsvet "i'" wuu ci país. wovlnüento oue teten látrtiiansicreyeron tus ejtMUias, de Berlin que'Au intentos, desde luego, iero lo sigue baclen La primera ntaalfesleclon fue el bjuo...! íí íe accede a U petlrloiie , a.lj.i Jtacir CrtwW W3.WIimnuqnw


se ban admitidoron un miel

en e4 HH alemanu en el tur MaWa.i tria poorie resistir mucJao tiewo a los do, Aleutenle, Por l contrario, ve per dáñenlo aa Areqolew ue étiaLA 1. íirS to huelga al tnedlu 1 t' ir,.i(u HMcricano. anuncia r iTjiUáSbbgl fljl MtM wmm. rnwtizada su actividad Induitrleli laterrttWt autoridad de ivset, onlitoVn huircontenerlo, y los verasos: que podría rusos. sm nlficar la paraiitarwn " Ncxkuu ci iocne pee M tnercttrlo de C- en w e añapa y nmmmM, mu trtra pido su eaqiercio hMatsaclonai. Tas ban ITKW. Kaae rbei por un hM Tort. en una extensión de M milla, aiemw lw i grtn shvmsh M wegltrsdo u. tm sfJM'4 wwismí insfn MtMtto. ectuw i Ltnia y fue: aát) 4o3raIki . . - tn. tnntalni.'Lts&ffim sea' amonio ittiitto. ej aaineru i -

De calla, refunda, muy blanca, anes weatatiaai ceaj bsgtéer tngletg, séjBlAlemastiau se fteuf ejne las iwaetaiea de Utér, ut cnreM ti de AbM wet Ws ECtTTB rHKXTK Á UNA tm, clase superior, vendernos a Día, y m itattjtcg, cMiipleiaa isTES.!

9ü irlanda, enaanniráasi a guerra efcrlf, nafto wiiátt.á bM fi t tte 6.50 las 100 libras, en sacos do 1JI . Lbti MbmMtM TI'IMBl llo MstentoasMia iii, con esán tai í W tutéete, te eaeewetvM il7cin fmr U teein4aá ae retocar w -- - libras (10 kilos), Hlfljan sus pedí LWMtee, i'rtjisiu nJ meswr W .awatfaj y nt ps eessfMcM, cha UiKHiM. m sxetési internacional o ' y brZJ tío a " ' envUqe Uater. desde AlbesM. qtT'4 en 4 sxa JislÉse ski tmnmn ave Vssm ttneatel H iMtaái wa. JVa contarun lot at watblngwi- Wlubré rosne te bieinq de (keeJe, tvuletlattas Ibltaj, nl y AueafK rt Hre prn H manes mu el rloiltMo y la ténsate le Ei4o Laidos, se enfrentan a uue rrW, Uiitii SiCar Cayuies, lurntu n sjHb eiia tnuaaeta icilMwiele q Ja MegrMe4 JerrltorU úi tu protestMlea do Dieter. Y nu conteren lee aBl aaitoa. com T filia ' rnayi, pW ta tmoptltiMhtM M colorar su case-

rnaoe tai eatiiiitaeetoae, peg nteqa lalaurs. tetr. mikf m, esfcM. UikjMrioa. A receto tain roa ti proiiutoo WMIM pOItllCQ 08 los go- - ttmmmA.' tfe algodón, ti fétuul Ieraí atnerl- -

4 11nt NaálntMl aenatar WIk. uu .mmffmta mam mm mnarrfsj loa Msticiis de Mr. bcrnuwl'S Mutieaea, ajw Km M llevas) a rnit eu iw. "".ir- - tó Va extranjoroa. Uacltra qua bo g ists" ab4 TáaeksM .arats mm via eálmkM áa rsaakwrrr ei "tisis antier sin Moerar. na Mtf uaiu (Meast. CaiH Taaan d Estad; suet que lot mtrntm be ffttiuno 1 S. Vr Vnt, TeAm latesvpor un Utto aaieaweati. IssiMb,rc)MtVli,A H VjeluiV m jm guarra. Ea amanea ami h atrtgf el rtbteapa 1h Maleo. iMIalj, NA efelMHlia etaAHM di




mmWmm Nuevo Arte deé Gobernar Las Manos LmmmBmWmmW JmMmmmmmmmmmmm 11

f. A It Uqulerda w un xírta.desobre U manoi, tomados de pin-

turas celebres.

BllilHH mKmmmtLjmNm

mmimmwmumM mmmTmmwrnmmmmT 'wví' I



5 las personas y los Actores Jt "?"' eanVnípecd bre "que" se nvente ara implarl ?n uso j

f&líiSÍ' 0o prcopan pr ethi-clili- de U ex- - WMSBmm' ' 'wsifBfir 'l ÍVjW Jt? í '4jllp 'SkP i J írabados .Insortgs en esla plana. desagradables, no )llrener1c5 y,íi lotn cito' arle' Rebane lia dicho asta i ''á' aÉw L áfB?'ú il J cofa antea' dévVvíiM

' uStCf,Vl propóstlo: "Las mano son el adorno del .' JmJMK1' J V! Mm mis- mJiyt-- P$fWfi swlPP5' "I furamente no so han fijado con eiactima y aun terriricante para nosotros, ante tai,I J& irl í braio," siendo tfsta lina observación 'atina- - KjK'' ' "ftiagmMf i4b&jMS' mflH&i ' i i 'J' ' St"' en la mente, a fin do seguir 'los ejemplos ojos do emancipado, el uio.aparccerla cproo

tyS i, 9 illUni, puesto que la mano debo deriliar- - f - JLl'&ÍSámwSmmV' ' Wr"lMtoÉ6fk ' JJ VMSS$,'-i$- ' . buenos. Una vex que se obseden Jas po- - la hermosura do las proporciones.rvTVH Mr I

j,,.trrarlufljiiiFiilo en donde quiera que se

A-- ií WKffif ' ' " 1 "clones de las manos, podrí Justarse el Tattoro, el poetahtndu. Hama Hrioilaa4. Anna Maria, de Velaaquex. ' ''JmBíÉmmmmxj 'tM .sSSV vVfe Slau'nVrresca'plñcelKMho s quo; lai mujeres bastante ', t f.w i

preocupadas por lo.Kcueral en Vse son- - tfSBHHassHtljrX 'í.ta, Íí,Nt Hüíi í' wtVr l'l'fi,'''l abominable. Y en efecto, asi era como ella los cantos de Itoflln, esle canto de Tajore,t tiito. Vr í encIUa raion dequoapesar gobernaba sus manos. es el canto do los marmoles.MHRjBBHdjf





siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaHs fEasM aHHalaiiiiasarl ' siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiÍiiÍiissiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHasW ,IKi6anaffiÍHBssilalBsllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllalllllllllllllllBalaHanáalllllllaSM ,i 'maBS mlL mJB ' klllllllllllllllllllllllllllHalsllllllllsillHab ' aViflaHáilallialHaiHalllHslllllllllllllllllllllllllHallllllllllllllllllxalBNailllllBVlBU sHaHHHHIIII. talllllllllH illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBalllBiillilBnsM ' allHaHalHiillllllBIViBJBMMWyPpfj

11 t' 'yyP J ilSB aÍlsaVsvaslaHBH



P ' Iv . .