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THE METALS MARKET AT THE MOVIES TODAYfI fag Ctm AI.HtMMtA "Tlie Impostor"New York silver ",, Jtattittjg t It.WAW Ihartlr Chalina.

TewMew York

Yorklesdelectrolytic copper rtsetsts


B "TheCharlie

stool nfI h.plln

U nman



Treses nf the raléale allies have leftDARDANELLES INJURED TO CONTRIBUTESalonikl fer the r FORTYrenting In a eewa dispatch Irons

A Uveas. The allied farrea are aeM inhave started Satnrday for Ihe Sen lastreat where the Bulfara are revertedto be making progress In thrlr assault TO NATIONALon the defeases of the Serbs.

la His western theater of war, a tipornus rouater attack delivered by laeFrench la the Voages eeablrd tara lo

URGED summitrecapture

ofall their positions on


A as. J CAN IT 6E WRECK DEFENSEhate taken a small tort previously oc-

cupiedI HAVE MISTAKENhy the Germans. An official

Correspondent Returned From GermanslRiement




Ihe nbrrlthat

efa Speeding Motor Train on Union Government Expects Them to

New East Declarea Allies Have Improving the Trúfenle position oa AMERICAN Pacific Line Crashes Through Permit Employes to Servewas entirely

Overlooked No Conceivable successful, the opposing férrea suf-fering

Flood Weakest ed Bridge and Colors in Continental ArmyBlander in Struggle. Hard


leases.has been la progress SENTIMENT Lands in Kansas Creek. Without Serious Financial Loss.

on all the Important battlelreal.s, thelatest official reports show, not the TO B REINFORCED AGAIN

BRITISH REFUSE least desperate engagements having VICTIMS TEACHERS EN PATRIOTISM INSURESbeen fought In Servia where the Teu-tonic BY ContinentalTO HATE TURsiS Invasion Is declared by Berlin to ? ROUTE TO CONVENTION SUCCESS OF PROGRAMhe making further progress. CONTINGENT OPt Field Marshal von MarKcasea, direct-ing the oaeratlone on the Servian drive,

Splendid Courage and Eudurance reports Ihe storming of Vranova moun-tain,

400,000 Smoking Compartment of Doom-

edMoney Coat of Adequate Fight-

ingShown on Both Sides With Re-





Pozsrever,and of Sinn

while TRAINED TO BE Car Buried Deep in Mud Force Will Be Compara-tivelyUniformly in Favor of De-

fendersBulgarian troops pressing on the Ser-vian Believed to Hold Bodies of at Small If Citizens Lendborder to the south, are declared

of Strait. to have forced frontier passes at setrral

OF PRACTICAL. Least Ten Passengers. Unselfishpoints and to hate taken the east-

ern forts of sleesr, seme five miles VALUE IN TIMEBy Associated Press. over the border In Servia and about By Associated Press By Associated Tress.

40 miles northeast of Nlsh. OFLondon. Eng., Oct. IT, 1:15 a, m. Special dispatches from Msh esti-mate

iNEEp- -Randolph, Kan., Oct. 1. With Washington. D. C, Oot. 18.

An Interesting explanation to the con Ihe Teutonic losses in the Servian eight hodli recovered from the throughout the United States,troversy regarding- - the abandonment campaign up to Thursday night last, as passenger car of a I'nlon corporations, manufacturers, profes-

sionalof the uallipoll expedition 1h made M.IXKI killed and 60,0110 wounded. It la men, tradesmen, and businessdeclared In these advices that a German Pacific motor train which wentby the correspondent, Ashmed Bart-let- t. here today, es-

timate)men of all classes, are to be asked toarmy which attempted lo turn the Ser-

viantnroiujh n bridge near

who has Just returned from the right wing at se mandria was of the totHl casualties were contribute as their share in tho na-tionalDardanelles. In an Interview In the driven Into Ihe marshes on Ihe Danube placed tonight at eighteen dead, and defense, permission for their

Sunday Times, he says: near the Semradrla fortress. Heavy two acora injured. Hlgty-fiv- e a employes to engage without seriousreinforcements for the Germans In the financial loss In two months of mili-

tarydifficulties the"One of the chief in were in the car and only r

righung there lias been that neither me Puarevae section are reported oa the scaped unhurt when it plunged Into training during each of threecolonials nor the British bear such a fa-natical

way.hurled In years.

hatred against the Turks as they lireat Britain s declaration oi war on Fsncy creek mid was deepmud and water. This is an essential part of the adminis-

tration'sdo against the Hermans and the seriousthing about It Is that these feellnrs are Most of the dead, it was believed, plan ror raising a citizen army of

the stretch of aou.oun men In six years, which, with a reg-ularreciprocated. But tne Turk la a true pat-

riotports on Aegean sea. a were drowned, although evidence or 140.000 men and 300,000 re-

serves,and will not surrender the last strip about eighty miles extending from showed that several of those whose armySarllrhahan. Greece, to Enos, Euro-pean

would give s trained force, exclu-siveof Europe left to him. Constan-

tinople,especially Turkey. bodies were recovered had been killed or sute militia, of about 1,'JiOioo menwithout a grim struggle.

On the western front, the Germans outright when the train etruck the In the event of war."The righting feas been of the moat des-

perate record the repulse of an attack on their bridge abutment, weakened by the The success or the plan, ornrlals admit,character and the results are highly posit! tins northeast ot Vrrmrlles where rain bint night, and crashed depends not on the appropriation or conunfHYiiiablc to us. We have commuted Ihe British hold the line, and the through It. gress, for Its cost would be comparativelyevery conceivable blunder In our methods blacking of French assault at various A revised list of Ihe recovered dead fol- small, but on the patriotic response or em-ployersor attempting to carry out tne expedition. points In Ihe Champagne district, not-

ablyto whom an appeal will be made to

"I hear a great deal about our loaaes of east of Aubcrlve, where Ihe furlough as many men each year at (litter-- ,prestige In the near east ir we fall to carry French are declared to hate left more Dr. Louis Atwood, Topcka.

enl seasons as they can spare and w ho wishthe enterprise to a successful conclusion. than Mil prisoners and three machine Mary lilies. Manhatian, kan. lo Join the proposed continental army.Personally I take the opposite view. Even guns In the German hands Grrman - Alma J. Jollín Harrison, kan

Administration officials are confident thatKanif our expeditions atop today our pres-tige

troops are also declared to have car-

riedMis. siella Chapman. Manhattan.

Kan. even though It Is proposed to enlist onlyMis- - Itepsor, ispirkdale,will not (ufier because of the splen-did

out a successful movement for Im-

proving haw. Tcciiniseh. Neb 13:t,U0O men s year in the continentals, or nof our soldiers. fcourage aud endurance their positions on total of nearly 800,000 In the rlrst r

The unte has come for ua seriously to con-sider

Id the Vosges and lo have uiidentiried woman.of more than that number would beinfant of Mrx. Ktiiins Dliltnger period,our position." foiled French to retake po-

sitionsa attempt by the outdoor lire or a militaryof Paris re-

portssouth Leelrey. camp ir they could be assured by their cm

I MAMA JOINS GREECE IN the repulse or German attacks that their would not bebe-tween

a rnuntv oi. mention, and manv of the In positionsHellion. In Lorrlanee and Eloyersnorth ofHI Ml. TO ENTER STRUGGLE. the I. Inge and the Srhrat man-

acleJurde were .voting women. Tltey said Ihe their earnings seriously decreased.

when tlie train, The proposed enlistment required twoBy Associated Press. conriislcn was terrifyingIn the VoSges.London, Oct. V Rumania has joined composed or a passenger and baggage car, months' service for each of three years, and in declining to enlarge the con striiek the bridge und plunged downward liability ror service during the remainingriagratlon in the near east by declaring into the swollen rrtek. three years only In event of war.

ornciaiiy mat tne Rumanian nraaaaq RODOLFO FIERRO liiusi who did mil hold on or were not The army plans ror more than 1,000,000

Intends to pre serve strict neutrality. caught were sboi down the tipplnTcsr Into trained men In six years, and the navy'sa on tnttntsnoDi Ihe Inflowing water. program of ten dreadnoughts and alx battle.

cruisers within rive both or whichyears,he task or rcsriilnr Hie clinging passenwill he presented to congres with the InBucharest gave more defl- - gers was extremely iiltricnit, even arter

nlte Indications or Rumania's stana DROWNED IN RIVER thev hail broken the windows and rrawled dorscmenl or President Wilson, wereThethe

or interest here loday.absorbing topicsvImw nf thA latest, developments In into them. The rear end or the car was bill will bpBalkans From a Herman source also Ingli in the sir and the mint was buried in proposed army appropriation

that British and French 11 fnr the Sur-vivors, or an Incruaae or gfü.oon.oohcomes a report the mud. Was necessaryministers are leaving Athens. But this re-

portto crawl up tlie sides of the car. over last year, and that or the navy


is discredited here, and It is without clinging lo the window ledges and seats and jl(l.(ioo,ono. a M,ooojX)() increase. to-talany other confirmation, REFITTED SLAVER OF W. S BENTON nulo the end of the shattered abulttiient. .let. us,, budget or nearly is

unofficial reports from Petrograd say the MM Is. TRAGIC DEATH WHEN EIGHTEEN KILLED FORMER POLICEMEN HILLSTROM MUST Many or the Injured were unconscious increase



io ...rslsed'


a bondIt Is


Germansinnr the




on methat



perilousloss or blood



ahork by tlie timeand Increased revenues expected rrom a re-

turnnear Dvtnsk which, it Is said, they have m uer trains rrom Manhattan and Marys-viil- e to certain tarirf duties removed lastbeen ordered 10 capture at any cusi. Juarr Officials Confirm Drowning of No-

toriousgave the required medical attention. year.

Berlin, however, officially reports Killer Whose Passing Occa-sions

Whut occurred In the forward end or the Added details or the navy plana becameattacks not only berore Dvtnak. but at General Relolrlag. : IN ZEPPELIN RAID SEIZED AS COINERS PAY BRIM PENALTY car, used as a smoking compartment, knots ii tonight. The program in-

cludes,a number of other places, and adds that probably never will lie known, as no one besides Uiu ten dreadnoughts andthey have been repulsed. These attacks Who wiis In that section has yet been dis-

coveredsix battle emisor-- , .uglily rive coast sub-marines,were- all comprlsod within the army group General Rodolta Fierro, reputed slayer Minting the survivors. The smok-

ingfifteen snaguuig submarines, fifty

or Field Marshal von Hlndenburg, which Is Visiiparttnent was submerged almost destroyers, rirtecn scout cruisers and riveor William 8. Benfbn, the Brltlsh-subje-ct

taken to mean mat me nussiaiu, nave n liiiiiiedlulclv after tbe uhultiuent gave way, gunboats. Two dreadnoughts will be builtt,,r,,..,i niiiiihiiiif lii the nature of a gen whose death in Juarez, two years ago was INULLKT nisi ijisi s THAT HALF OK VIC-


ISH and Ihose in it had little or no chance mes each yrsr. Two battle cruisers will beeral orrenslve along the front of which the subject of international negotiations, is MlfCI'MRED TO HEART Hill. s KIVK DOLLAR MILD tllMSTKH'S PLEA OH CLEMEN-

CYcap. Tlie Impact or- - Ihe wreck shattered built the first year, one the third, two the

nilniV forma a vital salient. dead; drowned In the Casas Grandes river rAILIRC. PIECES. FOR COMIEMVED Ml IIIH III II the windows In Hie forward part ot the fourth year snd one the rirth year.Along 'the western front, many Isolated car snd the rlood waUira poured In over This plan was agreed upon in order that

bomb attacks have occurred with varying a abort distance rrom Chocolate Canyon, the coiirined passengers mere as tne cat the appropriations out of the IMO.OOO.ooofortunes. Italy la again unofficially re-

portedChihuahua. The news waa officially con-

firmedBy Associated Preaa. By Attorlsted Press. Hy Atsoelaled Press. roll Three bodies have been taken rron fund to be expendedrnr new chips during

to be on the verge of Joining her in Juarez yesterday and caused gen-

eralLondon, Oct. lo. The medical examination 8 an Francisco, cal., Oct. he source Sslt Lake aty, UL, Oct II rhe RsM ibis Section, mid, though they were badly tlie rive years might be evenly dlstrlbutaa

.men in the Balkan campaign. While tne at the inquest held today on tbo IX victim or s flood ol spur mu-- rive dollar gold, b. .o or pardons, afu-- a hearing sodty, injured, death occurred from drowning. through various sessions of congress.of all feeFrench and British are still landing troops rejoicing among Mexicans in the London area or the Zeppelin raid pieces, variously estimated as rgprnseatlng adopted a resolution by muuiiniou" vote Mi oi me bodies yet remaining In the car The first bill will provide IM,fM.000 toat Salonikl, for the army wiuen win De Hons. Wednesday night disclosed that the death between alll ;ou,ooo, elrciilb il '

eOttlgbt ttenylttg coOtanulation or sentence are In this section. already auUiorlzed. besidesna n.e annreme command of General Fierro was probably the most notorious or hair of them, tlie majority of whom were throughout the United Slates for u. Joseph HlUsvom, eonvkled oi uts mur-

derHeroic errm ts were many on tho part of complete

providingshipsror tlie new dreadnougbu and7rrll the former commander in chief character the of revo-

lutionarywomen, was due to heart failure or shock has been located by government w ho were llieiuseives injured.product.-- , by years Of J. ii. Morrison and Horrlion'S son passengers baltle cruisers, and provide also for the

of the French army of the Orient, the Ger-

mansrighting In Mexico and his rec-

ordresulting from the terrirylng erreet of tho agents hete today In tlie arrest or two in Salt Lake June ID, tttll, and prmlualing J II, Iswtsll, principal of Ihe Manhattan construction of twenty-fiv- roast submaannounce that their rorces continue as a "killer" has probably never been exploding bombs and the gun fire. roi'mer Oakland, cal., policemen, liollle A. Hie reprlete granted IHIUlioiii al inn re-

questhigh school. although badly rut and rines. rive seagoing submarines, ruteen

to make headway agalnsl Ihe Serbs, whose eireeded In the annals or modern tliiiess. One victim was an elderly woman who York and Edward karr. Both were due of President Wilson September 80. bruised, refused lo lenve the ear lltltl destroyers, three scout cruisers, two gun-

boats,IKialtion south or Bemendrla have been He waa known as the villa "kilter" and had sought refuge in her husband's arms. here tonight In custody or Untied Htates Hillslroin was sentenced Pi be executed every person who showed signs or life had oni ruel ship and one hospital ship,Vtormed. whenever It waa found necessary to put Mu bad said to her: ".Never mind; we will marshals, York rrom Columbus. Ohio, and iiciohet I and was reprieved p. give w. F. been removed '.',fKsi,issi for aircraft and ror loooo addi-

tionalThe Bulgars are said to have tarred tge any person out or the way Fierro was al-

mostdie together if the worst happens." He was Karr from Ogden. Ptah, to ii secret A. Ikei.Kcin, Swedish minister to Ihe (.nit When he recovered rrom the first shock. men and 2MI additional midshipmen atfrontier edges at several poluts between Invariably aelerted fur the task- He not burl. redera! Indictments riled a lew weeks ago. which precipitated him hair way through sed nib s. an opporlunltv to present low tlie I'nltcd mates naval academy.ivegotlii and Mriimlka.


actionBulgaria does

Ihe seemed to lake pleasure In killing and bis Among those who died from injuries waa Alleged operations or York, said to be ai facts or recommendations why sentence window, be seized an Iron bar and. clamber-ingnot anticipate any on victims are numbered by the acore. a young man who was found sitting against mlnisier'a son, and karr are sstd to ho one Sbquld Is- coniiniileil, but Mr. F.kengeru over iho tilted seats, broke out Ihe wakes Wlrelrsa Masts NeedatsSv,part or Greece Is Indicated by


has After the battle of San Andres Fierro la a wall, lila severed arm lying loose in bis or the biggest counterfeiting ventures that was not represented berore the board to glass ur windows and helped many womenfrom Bucharest staling thai

wheat from said lo have slam, with hla own banas, no ileeve. To those who came to Ids aaslsl-ane- has confronted the United Males secret day except by a telegram be sent to Gov-ernor

Pi crawl through, By Associated Press.purchased large amounts of less than 86 federal prisoners. Later In be aald: "I am still sticking to It." service, whose agents trailed the prisoners Spry. Hlllatrom rcrused m appear isles or heroism were rrequenl tonight as Han rrandsco, ral., Oct is.-- wü sisasluimanla which will be permitted passage tlie battle of Torreón lie added 3! notches In a house which was struck by one bomb across the country to Canada and buck Tlie and his attorney said he had no additional survivors told of what liapjsciird in tne P'legraphy Invention, eliminating Ihe con-

structionthrough Bulgarian terriuiry- to his gun, killing tins number or helpless and damaged by two others, three boys plant ancgeit to nave neon usen uy evidence or auggestlons lo present. death car. A. P. Hhlne, although danger of Ibe present towering steelprisoners because, as he explained, their sleeping In the asme bed went killed HHIStrom will be taken berore tin dls tiusiy injured, held Mrs. Meii.i Taluinn of slriietures ror sending and receiving by

WEATHER FORBCAST. noise disturbed his rest. Similar stories A young loan who ran out or a bouae In ti n t court next wek to be re sentenced Ui Mairiiattan out or the water ror hair an simply projecting s ire along the groundare tokl or Iris bloody deeds lo many the nelgfihnrbood in which bombs were sold death. hour while rescuers strove lo reach tlieiu. ror a snort distance, was announced hereThe rive dollar t coin.By Associated Presa. or Ho- republic. Recently, with Ca-nuto

railing, received a mortal wound, but the null v. with help close at hand, lie fell Pwlay by H. B. Woolverton, wireless lnspecmade and passed principally In Lot Angeles. The Swedish minister said In hla tele-

gramWashington, Oct is. West Texas: Gen-

erallyReyes, Fierro led a flying culunui other who remained lo dress, back exhausted and was himself rescued In tor. In collaboration with Palmer B. Ilewlltt,occupants rían Francisco and Seattle. Is regarded as a to tlie governor today that he op

fair Sunday and Monday. of Villa troops from Aguasrallenies to the escapeu uonarmeu. ihe un k or time. uf Holllster, Cal. Bo far. only a tingle wireremarkable counterfeit It said that Hie behalf of himself ami hlaNew Mexico: Sunday and Monday gen vloiruty of Meneo city and back lo Tor-

reón,A rather, mother and daughter were round

Is pealed oncommutation

govMrs. Taiman Is not expecled lo live. too feet long stretched along the ground hasrounterfeliers netted a pront of i ro on eminent for tne of Ins conn

rally fair; warmer north portion Mon- - inriteting heavy loaaea on the oeaii under tne wrecaage or a small viuu each coin. Uymaii's sentence, "if for no ethei reason, Mrs. Hubert hmltii or Scuttle is s very been used In receiving messages, but ex-perimentsforcea encountered en route. Some conrliiiou and her is wim ground antennae are utrecoveryon which s bomb fell. A dressmaker's as-

sistantdangerousamiat least for the sake of humanity

Sunday and Monday fair; warm-er

ten days ago ho visited Juarez and later was found dead In a cellar In which comlly usually practiced between friend doubtful progress.Sunday. returned to Villa Aliiiaiuada. whence he led she had taken rerugr on the first alarm. ARREST t Mi rIVE TEARS' nallona." Mr. niiim Delilnger of Krankrort, Kau..

his troops lo the Catas Grandes country. In BE N TEHiy traveling with ber two children, was hys-

tericalnine caaea of death rrom bodily Injury, ARCH FOR I.Ol IEHI LI

The official account or his death, as Although the Mwedlsh minister said he tlie hiss or Hie mrant child anda verdict was remind that Ihe deaths bad overriven out at Juarez, aays Flerro'a horse by Associated Proas had read the stenographic report ur the ANOTHER DRY DAYoldbeen caused by bombs thrown from an the serious injury or her i year daugh-

ter.PRESIDENT BRAVES Ínu ked and threw hlin while crossing the enemy airship, tlie coroner having in-

structedColumbus, Ohio, Oct. is. For more than II Mb b. un trial, It was said at the lieainig

kicked Hi the head, today Hist he must be n error on thisif am The rider was Ihe Jury not to adopt what he de-scribed

five ynars federal authorities have beenrendered unconscious aud drowned before aa the roolisb precedent or bringing trying to locale the source or couiilerrelt point, as the only transcripta of ihe EXPLOSION.I in It DIC All INhelp could reach hint, In a verdict of wilirul murder against the :. gold pieces, which have been In circula-

tionnet in the trial are In the bands or

Uerinan emperor throughout the west, govei liliuul of prosecuting attornry and the supremeIn leaaeaaee Coal PROMISED CHICAGOtour Men Seriously HurtMUD AND WEATHER VAQL18 DEMAND SILVER PESO flclals aald here tonight. court it Ball Lake, It was suggested that

and Iron Plant,Detectives traced Edward Cgrr and Rnllle Mr. Kkengren bad probably read ihe de-

fendantDAILY FOR FIGHTING. Earthquake Is far Morth brier. lay Associated PiA. York to this city several months ago, HinulngtiSBi. Ala. rt !' Knur turnBy Associated Preaa. By Associated Preaa. but before arrests rould be made the two Meudiers or the board or pardons said Putght In anDouglas, Arts.. Oct. 16. It waa reported .Seward. Alaska. OI 16. A severe ru killed and lour Injuredmen who ara charged with heuur the thev had diligently follow, i every clue orexplosion in tbe mw bl product plant

hers tonlahl that Yauul Indians serving tin shock was fell throughout kensl authors of one or the hlggrzt couuterf it suggesbd by the multitude or letters Ihe leiiiiessee foal, Hon and Hallroad com nil ii ANH llllí W LKAI.I F. t OMMiroaTRIP 1U HtHPKH'H Ulllll IHHOM.II der the Villa general, Aroata, al sama Cms. peninsula at o'clock last night. The swindles erar perpetrsted In the west, lore In coiinncllou with Ibe rise pauv at ialrrirld Hie dead are J. Lou 1 -- II 'I MAT sl MIAV I Hllth I s- RAIN m BV OLD FASH- - between nogales ano t.ananea, nan sent an shock continued ten seconds, but as far earaped. leaving their rlolh'ng and trunks and had unable to develop anyth'ng nelly.vL. J. Wright, Perry Poor and l.o I Ntjl IAI HHI.

li. Mi sill TMLRN IMNNKR. ultimatum to Carlos Handall, acting gov-ernor

as known no damage was done. be bind, not previously known in ruSlBSetiull with Be art.of iso no demaadtng of one In Seward the earthquake was acrom if. Tliry also said the bosrd runra. pay carr returned to Columbus last weak, p.. The explosion occurred In a valve or asilver j s.. daily, and food in addition, or pauled by a roar as If

withinthere had



the authorlUrs said, and wis imiiiedlaiely ai u isle and cum íele evidence icgaidius ii uirh gas main In Hie pump house which By Aasorlal d PreaaBy Associated Preaa. they would turn against tne Villa cause. tremendous eiplosion

mailed Into placed under, arrest here by rcdcrxl agent v llllisirom's lire prior to his arrral heti i ihe product into me. benzol plain,Oct. 16. President Wilson II Tigre, a mining ramp which has been building trembled and people who liad ii, watching the rooms tonuerly! but Hits evidence was not mad'i public by adjoining ibe gas Ignited, slmoUiig Mames is.. net 10. Indications tonight

liniKlon, Ihe would be los that "dry"aireéis. Chicago asclosed down but one week during the en tlie lioard which wereannounced thesethai'holiday loday and with Mrs. Nor-

manoccupied by hull and York A few days un. ..mi. Hie eutlre building.look a after the earthquake a II was last Sunday when MayorImmediately as

Gall id- - nancee, and his cousins. tire course of the Meilrau revolution, haaa tlie first later Judge J. H. Rater or tlie federal dls racia had not been una dcrrd as they did The benzol plan! was completed onl re pturrowbringing order Into ifstrong north wind arose, Thompson's closing went

n l.ury and Miss Mary Smith, or New been deserted by toe civil aud military ausnowstorm of the season This wind blew trlrt court issued sn order transrerrliig not bear on the present Mlualtoo. rrnlly and has a rapacity of l,0UU gallons feci.

iirleana. motored to Harper's1 Perry, W. murines A citizens' cofiiuUltae la policingall nlgnt and snow began railing this Carr to Kan I lamisco A I n'led Ntete The aDsged ttsvalopmeni Include, t is a dv The extent or the damage is not Chief lleaiey Indicated that tbe police

lor luacbeuo Tonight the pariy at the camp. Twenty Americans remain there marshal left here last Wednesday tor Ban aald. the slalemens thai Ullletroni liailVa., morning. activities would be directed towardGeneral V. Lilas Calles telrgraiihed Car-ranzaml. d a lliealer here. Francisco with the prisoner. charr' or shlpiuents or dynamite iroin Han violations of tbe closing older toleft the white house Una vaaiardav asking mat aéo.uou in gold Having learned through a letter which Francisco tu souihcrn Calirormsin- motorists AT JtnnHO I ti llIH I I boo for later action. Heform leaden made

morning without telling even the white be sent lo Aaui Prieta to aid refugee!, who Vork Is alleged lo have written to Carr he participating tat several disofficials where they were going have rougregaled there In large number By Associated Press. Uiat Ihe former M m ,iy(el. is h orders, hkiudlug a plot to dynamite the Lealalatur. Badil Wounded,

preparations tororvlgllanl surveillance

delecUves notby

Artaases IbeIt was raining and the roads were muddy urm ial records snow uiai more man sjsss London. Uct 16 - A reiort was current In a ailing the arrival or his Hunk, orru ials spreckels theater at Ban Diego, and was asile Battle.

employment specialthe but outside tie nv limits

but II"' hnll.U.v makeis were not io be! have arrived at Agua Prieta during tlie liasl onilou tonight that the American minister. here said redera) ageuM liad ule arrrsled In connection svtlb Ibe street raionly ui cuy

'at, press. lu the and villagespjwnsdiscouraged HIIH lea" ivmw wo muilc three days. Callea Is building wooden Lai Waller H. Page, liad sent a cablegram lo in kicsHng him and placing ami holdup at Ban Pedro. By

ozsrk, Ark., Oct. 1ft lu m duel with ofHalooiikerpers

Cook county outside Chicago warehouae car at Harper's Ferry. It miles racks to accommodate them Washington orfertug his resignation rrom under arrest k.'hlln waa killed and Allen thaiaway At an Inn overlooking the I'oU.mar That Carranza troops In

CalleaAgua Prieta are the ambaaasdorshlp II la believed that no alieiupi baa been "Mill H EH" JONth TO TARJE I H AHI, I

ktilveaMv. .n. representative In the Arkansas legis

givenwould follow


todayi.i their


Shenandoah rivers He president reg aald to total men. claims to Mr. Page, who was apprised ef Ike report, made io past ih. apurlous coin In any city laiiire. wounded aerlously today atwaa tomorrow The notice was sent by"Woodrow Wilson have anna for ioxjo. or the Associated ope.ii"lered. and said lo representativea the river. Thewriting east of Mlssisslpp! rouu Wuaiaa fatrlke Lesser te Hrlg Chlraae Car JeUiro. twelve mil, - rtoni isxark Arthur B. Met. old, head of the Cillteus'Press Ierren pieces which Carr and York are brother of ral MrMclaughlin was a thai biswho d laterPThe' mn l kepi by a iwgro family and GKAiERAL CARRANZA WELCOMED "There is uc truth ui surri a report. I said to have msdr are declared lo ate so stsat Merkara Mla Htruggte.l.aorhllu. U occujiyuig s call la the


anliounohave laMrs .all. whom I and I nave tsaeo no ae By Asaoclaled Press. organization Investigatorsaud uotlave rcalgued.resident ii earl perfect that man eapgrta haveACM TO His OU CAPITAL. y drain chamber or tbe Arkansas pmlteoilary. all parts f the county tomorrow prepared.. rderéd an ,,hi Chicago, Oct. la "Mother"t irriuia tlou which would iusury a rumor lo that tested Ibem genuine Juaes, uoledand asthem passed said to havs beenand He- tight today waa lo take evidence or v olallua or the Sundaywhich Associated lalmrsouthern dhuier, was By aas afreeL" about advocate, was exiwcled to arrive infaatdourd The eouuterrett, It Is aald. lams

served in the public dining room, where Laredo, Teaaa. Oct lo Vonuatiano Car In v what way toe rumor arose Is not 7g per ceo as much gold as is used by the Cbbsgo tomorrow to assume i barga uf tbeMusa


helpedk MiT.augblm'a

to "radioed"assertion

his brotherlhat closing law. which he would present lo

twenty other guests rants, soon lo be recognized by toe United know, caiiipalgu on betiair of the i. ii or atore the slate attorney.Uirre government In atakliig X gold pieces

president eaked particularly for a stales as the bead or the de tacto goveral-men- i gSrtnSM workers wlui have been ,i. atrlke ta tas en o i. tuiiThe

for deasert bet was given "poor of Mexico, returned today lo Sallluo. fSUNZAUCZ TO I Mil .MIA h Subntarlses. for liiree weeka. duusndlug mora pay and Nixon's friends iinurted the sberirr here AaaUraUee far Malar.Ts Award Mas torpie Pie whore vovernor ut the state of Coahulia. CAMPAIGN AGAINST XAPATOTaa. recognition or the utttozj. that lie would surrender aa soon as s four-th,

Special P. Ihe Momuig Tunes.HI "imped tlie waitress. be initiated the cotisUloUoiiisi ivtolutlbu Mexico City, net it I ne Turres of ... u By Associated Press. Tbi aged .man unionist was to addresa i. gaali in Ida throat had heeled. Santa Pa, N M it. If Karl C. lavaIan the pi, si drill was 10 the which overthrew it lonauo Huerta Ad rial (iouaalez will leste Mus cuy eat asea Washington oct. I Bids lor sixteen a hair score or inanagera or abarrí Sunday laud r in. firm or Cleveland Weajljsflf..,' ,,, had on reded him on Ihe return vlcea wbicJi reached the border here to day lor Tutuca, as miles ouihweat of here, roast deleuse ubiuartiH - and alx deatniyers iilgbl ui Ilia or the atrlke fuutV A Mipolilv villa ka Mut te litares. op alius ni Ihe Mogollón district of BoesjfML. at rederick, HorkvlUc aud other night said Uiai the first chief of the wlm-- ciiv will I uicupied as Iba first will be swarded by Ibe navy department drnioustratluii in ber hottur was Uj be a. Colour l Hipólito villa, financial agent atCut. many people wailed to see the received remarkable demon alei, u Ihe agsuzsl Hie Zapatistas neat Uuuday The araseis were aiitliurized corded her on her srrlvsl here by strikers Juarez, who was reported to have been pel mission IEtT.i. iu,u ' auiutuobiif go by and tried aiiaUoua of loyally from toousautit a hla Tomorrow auornlus (ieneral Ooutslea will al ttss last session ut congress Bids lor and labor leaders. killed In chihuahua, telegraphs d rrom that second rron Fork and WhitsJ.. i aliuiuw of Mr Wilson aud Mia train wound it ay wruugu toe o o cioplso. ii., ill wiiu an aruij two fleet submarines Ua- largeal uzuiier There were a iitouber uf arréala today and cliy Ualurday HUH ne was on we cresas. It to develop t.tOO

The party recbed toe wat at of hla uallve stale In toe Jour aerousul lor ibe puipoae I viewing the xiiilee ever SS signed, will be upessS sext several small riots, but no out was aerl aleruoun utiu fur Juarez He la due si horsepower sad atUiiug pur--.Sirtiy after e'eae. MxRtat toreas, ousiy uuxl Um bvM iaui early Buiadag luoruiiig.

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17, 191.


To Business MenA plant which UiMi like a mutaronm. Iness r.rofualon durlnr the month ofktoka like asparagus, which It a rroat be-

tweennet and September. The beauty or una SYRUP OF FIGS

a sunflower and an anlehoke. and ant has to be teen before1 the value ranwhich will bear from HO to 1SW) butbcl Ell appreciated by a lovet of the acre What Alfred Hollo of centi-till- Cesad Table Vegetable

ha produced aftar delving into the "Aa a tabla vegetable it la worthy of a ii rms.H mi mi s, lonstipated,records of the Dark Ages Nr. Hollo la place in every garden Ita tagte la very CIVK mm i a v till You gen tienten' who knowaomeihinr of a delww In many ways, for difficult for me to describe. It look Ilk" AT re t only la wall informed upon the an artichoke or asparagu with a dttlnci how great a business assetClothes work of present day plant wizard, but he flavor of the mushroom. 11 can be rookedgperiiis much of tat time in t .okltlg up th In several Way at It la a very palatable Don't scold your fretfil, peevish child. it is to be well dressed, real-

lyrecord. iiorilciiltunat of the past and dun. Sea if tongue conted: thl is a nre sign

round that the Dark ara fully It littlehe has Ages It stomach, llrar and bowel aramuch Ifa productive, of Interesting reiulta a are 'A a tock food I quetlonestimation II It clogged with aour waste owe yourselves a visit to

the isr. luilletlnt of Luther Rurbank. ha an equal and In my When listless, pale, feverlah. Dili of cold,Bui Hr noilo doesn't content himself natural hog food a It will not be necea-ar-

breath bad.Sot seed a throat tore, doesn't eat, sleep this store of ours.them exceptwith mcrelv reading what oilier roen have to harreat or act naturally, haa tr,marn-ache- .

solid character don He is something or a "doer" him Hie hog will do Ihe harvesting, and It dlarrfiofa. ofThe buoyancy of youth and the juat.w-ha- the farmer will need ir be rive t tnapo.)n'iilef, and while I attributes tita develop-ine- "California Syrup or Flg." and In a few Don't let the idea that

men's and or mi new plant to eome peraon or to raise hogs. hours all th.t roul waste, the tour bile andof maturity are expressed by our young ages ago whoa bone hace long glnca Eilaled In Dark Aaea. food pi s out or the bowelt cannot be fitted withhTrned htm for in-

vestigating"This plant etlsted In the Dark Ages, and youinto dual, credit due and you have a wall and plavful childmen's correct fashions for Fall and Winter, 1915-191- 6. the record of the paat and re-

producingtr we rr.. hark to that time, and the aaain Chlldten love this harmless "rrult ready-to-we- clothes deterthe hybrid. ami enteentn renturlea. we rind laxative." and mother can rest eaay after

They were tailored and approved by Hirsh "It was in reading na bibliography of that the il tuberotut.' knowrn t the wild giving It. hecaut It never fall to makenoted horticulturist or the Park Age that aiinriower. haa a very intarettln hlftorv. their Utile tnaldet" clean and tweet. you.

Wickwire Co., Chicago and New York. became convinced that this plant could Time i todty in existence t muaty old Keep It handy, Mother: A little riven to-

daybe revived, and revlye If I did.'' Mr. Hollo book printed In IM, and entitled "A nave a ale cWld tomorrow, but get Come andaid. . " Inscription of Vlrslnli.' You will the genuine Ask vour rinirrttt for a M- see.find in this book that Ihe Enifllsh planter cont bottle of "California syrup of Firs."llelrt Is r.normoua.

These modern will all the "The viHd. I find, la something enor frew 'roots or several kinds, too manycalled

to which has direction for bable, children Unless are ab-

normal,clothes, we know, meet will mention.' and one in particular was of all age and for rrown tipt plainly on you very

arid have producedthe one I themoua and originated rroni'earththe apple.' the bottle Hementber there are ronnter-felt-

preferences of i lei more than son bnaliel lo themake


and tunflawer and Jerusalem artichoke. Long told here, o turely look and ec that we can fit you ev-

erycultivation canbelieve with before un day the Indian taught them Ms your I mtdv by lite "Cklirornla llg Syrupinduce l.issi biiahel to the acre. I find

ute and cultivated It; and wherever you company ." Hand back wltti contempt any bit as well as the bestand nohardyabsolutelyhe.


orisheat or cold will Injure It In see

litre tnlniilitrethe bright






other fir aynip. custom tailor.Hie least I believe Hi ah It will thrive any-

where,aarelyClass Men and fences in the eat, you mayHigh in any soil aild with ilmoal any

Infer Ihe ipol wa once an aboriginal orkind of climate." colonial farm STEIN BLOCH

H Paso' exhibit it Denver containedMuch Inter while men nlanted It eitAllvely for It MINERS MEET WITHM me tubers rrotn the plant.

ci has ben manifested In this "Mtn edible tubers, and a early a 117 II THE L SYSTEM andchoke" and. according to Mr Hollo. II inir.tiicf.t m Kurone. and twelve year 'in fit, fabric and workmanship and at a price quite Mould be especially valuable to hog ralt- - ialei

c,e.ic hadfuel parklnaon

verv plentifulrecord


cheat.the MICHAELS-STER-

'hul Isn't conrincil merely to In London. I find also that the llalhns GENERALbelow the exclusive custom tailor's mark. It valueMr. Hollo rulllviiied It under the name ülraeole MANAGERS


faeding.makes one

tayior fbe rines' table iunflower artichoke). When ihe make our suits and overcoats. The whole worldbecameand It uae.

and mot showy flowci- - have ever potato was introduced

We cordially invite you to inspect 8ome"o"f these seen,hlooma


plantIt." declsred




"Theytun unlver-al- .

....rin.. ...theHittrhnke

ue oruratluallv

thee oiraaoledlinlntihed.


orknows these clothes to be the best.known lo yieldthe famous niulchecku in those dais It waalww aa CONPT.RFACESa' FOB SETTLEMENTareexcellent suits and before worth Ita nt ,s i or,. n,.hels ner acre, and one acreovercoats at store Glow, and I consider II ARIZONA COPPERr.oldenyour you SO STRIKE LIKELY

weight in gold to a lovar of rlowcrs as an In these tuber would keep from ,SD toTO LAKT ALL THIS WEEK. Suits and Overcoats from $15.00 to $50.00

decide upon your dress requirements for the new ornamentVs a flowering

to a parkplantor farden.

It la beautiful,hogsexcellent

fi' nicondition.

net her lo tne rollo ing June in

season. $20.00 upward. Aqreement Reached That Each sepáraleUrlrvanre Re taken L'p Separately and

U'llh Ylew to Adlnatmenl.

MILITIA GUARDS ORNELAS EXPLAINSThe rnrmglltle of rciting acquatnieaEverything S& Bate! 1 H Sole Agents and the outlining of a general program to

be followed In a series or coherences,for Oshkosh which are expected lo lat through next

HIS SUDDEN FLIGHT week, was tne filter business accomplished

Wardrobe BALLOT COUNTERS Saturday In the initial meeting of the The House of Qualitypeace committee- of strikers from the

i district with the managersYoung Men JH WS Trunks 10 of the three big copper mines of tne dis-

trict.wTs The meeting opened at in o'clock In

and Boyi JJJh itJk'ty' New Style. pwimjUW lom- - BAY ""it'll n POR HIS EXELITIOV rOL the ornees or the manager at the Pato del nillllllllllllHHIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllHIIIIIIinUlllllllllllllllllllllllliiluiiiiiiiiiiicanvass ni auMMftm I.IIWED ADVICE Tt ILLA TO Norbs. and adjourned before noon until 10PI LI 1 11 WTTHOI I H HTHEM o'clock Monday hi allow tho managers to1,1 ivn i II :0MMA!vD.o LILE.LIISM businessakeep engagemenL

TnoRC at the Dr. Dumba Salla rrom t.naland wig ready for shipment to the allies, itpresent meeting were now thought to have beenPre ranted hy elec-tricity.wmmmmm a mmm a m Ilv ABMiclaP d Press. Lorjmer Military Lommtader at Juare De Arizona Copper company;

general managerMilton L.



the ByLondon,

sociatedOct. 17. The steamer Nleuw

ballots clares lie Was, Palaely Arrus-e- oi Falmouth for Rot- -The sailed fromharleslon, 8. C, net P, general manager of the Detroit Copv Amsterdamcast at last Tuesday's Democratic Primary Trrason by Euemles. per Mining company of Arizona, and J. w. terda mioday with Dr. Conatantln Theodora Winter winds need nave no terror for thahere were cuiivnssed by the city executive Bennie, general manager or the Shannon Pumba recently recalled a Austro "ini'sw sniii oi complexion, wiiu u US"'

P. B. M MM II HIMIA- - M PHP.XIK ( III II I MI ST HI nil today In an arittiery nan. guaro Copper company, and 0. Holllngswortn, J. ambassador to the United States, of witch Haxel Cream ihe velvety siformer militaryWashing-ion- . Oct. in. Provisions of the ad bv twersl ...tupan niillllii "..inral lomas urnrlaa,

Villa forces of the S. Hughes, Henry Haley, Rufino Garcia and his wire and nil vaiei on Doarn. ur.. midsummer can be had. Telephoni"I Hietaken lo pre rommandanl Rudolfo Palacio. ml.. in undertaking to the British have t sent to homeroiuui fiiiii- n- act ImIiI unconstitutional In traordlnary preefutwnii Paao Thur mi gave your any partfled LIwho tonited States Judge Hough in Now York. vent repetition or III" s at the com Jiiaari ganlson

his act in late The conference wat strictly an afralr rorelgn offices in respect to hi vale city or drop a pott card and nave ItIII he enforced. II waa learned tonight, untie in n one man day mornmg. explained

Saturday. The general between the mine managers and their for-mer

whote want or a passport caused tome you postpaid. Telephone. 731 and 732.tendered hit pending tin' outcome or an appeal to the as killed nnd four others wounaea in a Himu -

In- claims were sent by employes and none other was allowed delay. t t ner Drug Co., Orndorff Hotel block.- -.v. yf. Brldgrrs Saiuiday. n. W. Ilsitngton, supreme, court Offleltli or the trsasurj t.. tttt' Villa rrotn casas Grandot to participate. Adjutant General liarle

who moved here rrotn lailan. lexa. annul anil agricultural departments charged win. Major Trlslman T. Ilyde was declared by to thai ordert r.u- "irneias execution W. Harris, who presented hlmseir aa a El Paso county Pioneers' Association American Nurses SUM al Belgradenine month ago, was appointed to fill the admlniftratlon or the an influenced ol lodty'n meet prOVa representative of linvernor Unfit or Ari-

zona,uve the mitiea at Uk" end had been issued. The statenienl billow: Pioneers will ts temblé at First Presbyte rjy .ssoclated Press.vacancy. .tins AMiaion arp-- a confcrvnés. Jud' lug lo linn- defeat'-i- Mayor John P. Oraee -- Heing convinced or the absolute necet was denied admission, as were nan cmircii sunuiii cici. w, a p. ni w Wellington. Oct. 16. AmericanMr. RsrtBHOB ha!- practiced law for the Hough declared thai as a revenue measure for reiiiimliiaii.iu by u majority Of 1M sltv of the Mexican people in Mexico for Messrs. Elltnrood and Lewis, of cotuMM attend funeral of Pioneer H. L. Capell. Con Cross doctora and nurses In BeMM :ii years. II"' Is well known in the th an iiou Id li.n innuieil in the house. .,e sui.poilei- - or rival candidates peiice and prop-- mm. and wishing to aaalst for the copper corapanlea. veyancet will be furnlihed. Servia, have seen the cltv chanre sTda

legal profession, ami inri; coming here has not the sensi. It will he and Although a full statement or the onfer-enc-contended that ha. watte"! I bitter eanipalfll In brtiigmtr them out or the misery and C. E. KELLY, President. for the third time after bombardmentmade many friend the lax provision of Ik bill illil . h m friends, rehultad in was not made public. It becamek bv Hyde't conditions they are now in, a A. T. Samworth. Secretary. atlll are at work among the wounded,starvingMr. Maniiin will continue hi private ate In the house a an amendment H lie nil ciuiiunies ..1 intima hi Id lu the risk of known that J. W. Bennie. for the man-ager, 'Advertisement.)m vi short lime ago decided, at cora lag to a message today rrom Dpractice at hi office In the caplea building. senate measure. requested agrecmf.i1t to a planreadlne to aid in suppressing atpetrjad General Villamy own life, to propose to each or the ward Ryan, head or the Servian unitwhereby contentions thediaorder .n primary "lay i h. .rrtciai that he retire a chief of the northern nr Bishop Tells Londoners ta Ba Brave. cablegram wat forwarded bv Ambastrikers will be handled Tbaroowtled afterward allowed a small We: let the rett of Ihe principal grievance will be taken up. by one. Bv Associated Pre. Fenfteld at Vienna as Belgrade now at

inaJoKli.v for OrAce. rhlefs make peace propositions, to Ihu argued pro end con. and finally disposed union. OcL 17. 2.4S a. nv The bishop or possession of Ihe Teutonic ablet p

The mlllUa companies called out ructions, that Is. lo brlnr together of In short order. Mr. Bennie pointed out speasing ai naraney sanarnay. "We art still In Belgrade and woraaW"to help Ihe p.,lce quiet the disturbance the. revolutionary partlaa in Mexico and that It will take much time to discuta all urged the people not to tie aTrald of air Dr. nyan reported, adding vlhat allaafc

at the "oinmittee xm. wiiini was m five the people peace and protection'. Uie points involved, and tuggened lhat the raids. well. - jdowntown oWlee building, were kept oí "On Iwo dirrerent occaiona I Wed to meetlnr adjourn unll Monday mntnlnr-This- "Arter all, the rtk to ua Is not aguarí in maiby ti all night Today convince neneral Villa or the absolute ne-

cessityalso, was accepted. The meetings part or which those In the Whenever You Need a iVvncraTTonlc Take

th. v searcbed ail paraoni .utering the nr this step, but unfortunately fall'-- will probably last all next week. irenches have to face," he said. "WTiy Grave's..', ev i., he niesent at the canvass., and in my good intent. The bad element The actual business of the conference should we middle aged people ask to be qui The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chilltook firearm! rrotn seven xtnong iliose pnundlnr Heneial Villa became informed or will open atonda', when the strikers' com-

mitteeor it all? Why should the boys face all Tonic ts equally valuable aa a General Tonic

disarmed. Hi" militiamen reported, were .my activity in Itns respect and accused in. and managers go Into session. A-lthough

the dangers?" because It contains the well known tonicMayor Grw:" police Ituies II. Cant of being a traitor, not that they were con both tides refuse to discuss possi-

blepropertlet or QUININE and IB.05. It arts

ell and sheriff J. L. Un. meed I w as one. but P) Matter their "boss" terms they will oifer. it is understood Arretted For Powder Mill Fatality. on the Liver. Drives out Malaria, Enrlcbetand merit his eateeiu. they Influencing him that the miner will present demands for By Associated Presa. the Blood and Builds up the Whole tttch an extent as to make him forget canta. (Adv.)

L. Lapell. a minimum wage of 13 a day as against kane, Pa., Oct. t& Lewis Subuskie.Henry all seniiiiiHii or gratitude and conjustice, the former acale of about 11.75 for com id" r electrician and A. Kronhontz. atsltt-an- tThe funeral of Henry L. ridenie. t m ihe night or the isth Instant mon laborer and 19.83. at the present chler electrician at the plant of the Noted German Biologist ba heldearly Thumday morning, Ive wired ie neral Medlnaveltla to take me price or copper, for underground workert. Aetna i.xplosiv at Emporium, By Associated Press.companyIbaat :Vo'6tock from with an eacort lo casas Grandes to discussSunday afternoon The rate Which the strikers will ask forwlth .n.i. over l a were arrested last night at Emporium, Berlin.Oct. ía London. Oct. it (:0schurch theTrcsbvn ian matters of vital messagen Importance, skilled mechanics Is said lo have tieen Investigation of the recent ex-

plosiona. death Is announced of Profeanwill he mad"- lollowing ra.)The.o..,. i i.rriciainiK en. litis- wiih. do not report to uie Wlthoul fixed at sonielhlnir les than

, a day.IMBElr 1 l.llow- - ceuielery. Tlte at the plant which retulted In the tor Theodor Boveti. the noted biologistOdd brins-i- i.eneral únelas. A second mesCpncordll aboutprobably $ bearer will h"- selecp-- rrom the odd ttM ordi red General Medlnaveltla to fulfill other rontrnlton which the miners xtill deaths of five employes. The explosion or who wa attached lo the University or,.n,,. ..I the Hewilutlon and the orders of the previous mettage. In the place before the managers repite to the

285,000 pounds of smokeless powder which Wuerteburg. He wa born In I8i.Pioneer' association. third and last message, which I Intercepted. time consumed In going V and rrotn theam ieneral Villa tato. Pispóse or i.eneral Hí mouth of the mine to place or work,

SIR I.IONLL t AROI N OLAll ñela before reaching '.ais tirmdes; his charges for board In the hoapltals, andpretence is not necessary.' working conditions. CALOMEL SICKENS! IT'S HORRIBLE!

British xllnlstcr to tlexlro t ll Simmy arn r ienerj Meomaveiua ar While It has been announced lhat theloriner I'd In Juan lie sent a code message to strikers have waived Ihe questioner recog-

nitionPasses tail ieneral villa sianng that even though hi of the Western Federation m Miners.AMOClated Pratt brother, nipoittn. recommended me, he It la not thought tbtt this stand will pre-

ventZZES iiei I. sir Lionel i, arden, who Medlnaveltla' advised loin lo call me into the union question coming up at the DON'T STAY BILIOUS. CONSTIPATEDwat British mlnlsier to Mexico from 1913 it presence at once etc. meeting. Tb mfne managers have not only

ron ed to "Seeing my death sentence, a explained demanded of their condition! ofContatln the world' l AllgUM. ivn- " ' " "r a at oneheat UJltnaakea In their chm. From the leave Mexico u.v u: ieneral t.arranta above, preferred 10 past' to Ihe American settlement thai the Federation should not"CHICKKRINO" down to the ehpea) planoa we aell iou nrter the overthrow Prattdenl Huerla, ven though by doing this exposed require recognition, but they have severalwill nnd etvoh to be the very beat value for the price, and the nrlca dlv in London todty. mvseir lo ihe censure of those that do not times pointed out thtt they must be shown I guarantee "Dodson's Liver Tone" will give you the bestwill be lower than you will find elaewhere; we aell at Kualern orb o know tin iiiiih of the Pins, tt I htvo re that the "dominating influem e of the Westthua aavlnar our cuatomera the freight. In order to prove to Lionel Edward 'ireey carden xvu laled them." ern Federation of Miners union be dlssl Liver and Bowel cleansing you ever had.your-self sir General muelas san! Saturday that some In the district" before willpated theythat thla la a fact, we aak Ireland. Inyou to taa flrei lOiuito...u, ompetliora nee born hi Tlpperary of starr orriers had bean in Juaro and agree lo again work their minertheir planoe. art their price, and then call on ua and ion will raadilv 1HI Sir Lionel was best known in tins others had fled b. the United Stales. One of the matters which n i said theaa that our eta. lament la correct. untry aa mtniicr io ate co. wn m Those of my offlrrra who have come hi miner win put up to tne niintais. and one calomel makes you tick; you lota a days cant bottle of Dodaon'a Liver Tone under

ctinc luto prominence ouiowiu in- LI l'aso I have advited lo return to their which Is expected lo result in considerable work. Calomel la quicksilver and It sal-ivate;

my personal guárante that it will cleanAB BPBCIA1. OFFERINOH WK HAVl.; iimptioli or power uy ..enrrai nunn. command.- - at Juarei ir they feel aure .their discussion. r In relation to the employment calomel injures your liver.

your sluggith liver better Uun nasty calo-mel;in ihe lives nut In said General O-

rnela,It won't make you slrk and you canlargely prett ire danger."Lionel firmedsir or former wortmen wno nave pean activeONE EHE'RHON PIANO If you are bllloua; feel laty, alugglah and eat anything yon want without being aellAT i.,.. ,r tiie i nited stales Ihrouah hit reported "ir thy feel any uncertainty of in the strike It Is said tin- miners will If bowels consti-

patedvatad. You.'all knocked out. your are druggist guarantee! that eachtiollcv of the Amer.ctn their have advited them to remainONE SINOEK PIANO AT eiticisin nr the safety demand the reinstatement of all former em200 relative U" Mexico In February here. I know poaltlvely that Medliiavctua and your bead aches or stomach It spoonful will start your liver, clean your

ONE BRADLEY PIANO AT rovof tour, lutt lake a apoonful of harmlttt Dod bowelt and itralghten you up by morning$lift has searched the houses all of my "mIBIl in was cane, III l..Hl"ll lUI

the of aim's Livor Tone instead or using sickening or you tat your money back. Children gladONE cor- - in hope securing evidenceGILBERT PIANO AT U7 fcrence. order salivating calomel. Dodaon'a Liver Tone It ly ake Do iton' t Liver Tone because It Istheni Piagainst in place them under mine its. ornriALSIn April, sir Lionel was appoinied t i mini xxnitki real liver medicine. You'll know it next tasting and doesn't gripe or crampThaw are all quality planoa and are offered at auch low prlcea that lo Unuil. shortly afterward, how arrestofficers

In some rate they have arretted t:nrT.H wmt mover .t phiilmx. morning because you win wake up feeling or make thorn tick.they must be really sean lo be appreciated. ever, las' proreedexl lo Mexico Uy where. my

'Mayor Montfort ami .the other JuaretBy Associated Press fine, your liver will ba working, your head I am selling millions or bottles of Dod

stated, hat "as lo lak charge or Phoenix. Arlt., OcL 1. Van Burner, pre aon't Liver Trna to whoIt Wt acne ano aiaiintas ton.-- , your siomacn win people have roundTuning II. 00. Repairing equally officers who liavo come lo El Pato hive blent or the Pittsburrh. Pa or He irmaonahle prlcea utfiiiBrush affair Juiv of that year, be aweel and bowelt regulan. You will feel that this pleasant, vegetable, liver medicinewhen lie would proceed to Klo de Janeiro aotxi o on their

withown account. Tuey were t'nlted Mine Worker of America and Frank working Youii oe rrteernii; run or takes the place of dangerout calomel. Bunot Implicated me inMexico until my advising numea, oi noi iiiitiieíu. hi unci national u.m- - amKltmn bottle reliableHe remained In Septem- on sound, guarantee'uy myJenkins Piano 1914. when eh was forced to lean' peñera) villa lo resirn. did tint entirely orranlter for the tame organization, arrived t . nrtimsl or dealer sells you a to- - Aak your drurglst about me.Company by myself and had not even asked tlntrIhe capital bv General laitaJUa, wbo advice." Charles H. Mnyer. president or the Westernhave believed that tho ministerttld to Hector llamos, chief or ihe villa secret Federation or Miners, anerward It was"THE BIO PIANO 1IOU8E.' was largely responsible for Huerta' re service In El Pato, said Saturday that he stated that they had come to Arizona to

111 Taxaa st tlttanre lo diplomatic pressure. Intended lo remain away from Juaret. Ha conduct a campaign of orianUatlon amongLionel's wire wat Annie I. lia efferlt nl has given up his lonnnlloo with the Villa the minara.

Brui. klyu. N. Y. Partr. "Wa came to Phoenix from Denver and"ieneral Ornelas and tnyseir ware rloaely are In Arizona to give what we

arrillated and on treoual of nti ... urnd can lo Mr. Mover and the Western Federa-tionU muí iboimhi il advisable that I re-

mainof Miners " said Blttner "Wf upe go-

ingaway from ciudad Juaret." to try lo build up Western federationGLASS OF SALTS ".eneral Oraelat denied reports mat he organltatlo'it by conductlnt a lampalgnI bad conspired to turn the city over to any during which we will address inciting inCHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE other faction or had intended to lead a various parts of the state. The nrst will baMKHt HAM's. AND HHUKI HS Wa the hlathaat for mutiny or the garrison against General in Globe tomorrow." AN INDIVIDUAL, orpay prlcea gold, Villa He lurthrr staled thai he xvotildnol said the departure orMr. Moyer Federa-

tionailver bullion. Mexican colna. both and CLEANS KIDNEYSgold Mlver, bank notea and join the i arranxa party, hut intended to organizers and orrirlalt Tor Ritbee ndconatltutlonal currency We ll draft on Mexico'a bunk, negotiable make hit ruture home In the i nllrd Stales, Globe did not nieto there would be nines ONE OF A HUNDRED?In every of Mexico CITY NATIONAL HANK ULUU-- 1'IONEER probably fulug luto business io El Pato or other labor trouble! in the mines atPLAZA. No IOS 1'. O. Box l EL PASO, TEX AB. those polottU VOIR lk IS XI HIM. OR Ul Mint II Which will be whenWll" h Hazel Cream will keep the akin "There It no reason wby there should you it comes toBill III - llllt NK tills OI Itxll.M son and veiveiy nuiiii un- winter winds be further strikes ta Arlaona." lie said. clothe this ?IMI bal LIS Hill Made rrom the best of antiseptics sent It your season"Tba re would be nona ir la left to me to

postpalu or delivered to any part of Ihe precipítale Ibero, " Will they express your personalcity, ta ana to rent w artier urug co uuy Miller, executive board member orWhen your kidneys hurt and your hack (Advertisement.) the organization, woo organised the Cltrton taate or will they class you ata a manfeels tore, dun't ret scared and nmceedto toa.: r sU'iua.h with a lot of drug strike, la In Globe Outferrez de Lara and who is ready to wear what Torn. DickHeavy CaaaaaaaUaf Near bob as George Powell, organ Utrt. went In Blibee.To the Public, Our Friends and Patrons tuai ii. it tioii'-v- and irrítale tne en Bv Press and Harry does.itry tract, keep your kiuneyt clean Oot U iVla Parte -- Heavy ranlike you s eo your bowels clean, o y nusn initialling it reported around Ixoiau. south

Eaaat-ra- Lifted at Nogales You find here exclusive designsIf II' In lh a unlit liannltss stlu which eastern servia. The Servians aie aJd to By Aaaorlatad Free..i in. un waata ana slim have forced Ihe Dulgars to retire Die Nogalet. Arlt. Oct I. The embargo on only, not more than one pattern to aultle- - Mem lo their normal activity The aruuj and ammunition consigned lo NogalesSerbs are leaving rrom bouvovo in the dlWe dakaltw lo Mate that Hie. I.L V I.IUH I.HV l llMPAM ll K "i i.e Kidneys io iiiur trie i. en n of Btruuniltte which they cJtug Puttora. was lifted her today In timed suit and the advantage of Hand Tai-

loreda a .in - in. strain from it loo tat' - military authorities on orders fromKO IIKAM H STIIKL AMI they expert to laky shortlyIMI MU t .TKM I'l.ATK OI'L.MXU garmentsgrail' i. id and waste, so we can readily Washington there was DO explanation.ANY. We are ".till doing u Isuyj atxi.lui. at our ..Id taud, 04 and id tin vital importance of krepiug t asvlala Sene Ordered U Haiti Villa oft. en arroti tba border were alal that hold its individual look long afterUH' uve dgtul Qg Ka-- i Jrtaml M ., aaj will ...i.ttuur to UnMrt at Puns .i.-- ur wat. v. ii can't driok too By nied Prett others have been forgotten.

in" also get from any pharmacist about Washington, net ta tpiain E. I BeachiKll Kfc THAT UEI'I 'OMjjgMTtON ami hx. up I our m.,IU, lour oi jail sails, laae a tatueaooon cuinuiaiidiiit the battleshaip Mame al Maw

fill IU a glass of water bilon- brrtkftsl York, was ordered today to command the ar-moredWE l XPLmLLI. VLL Ofrftfclli, UQN I bK l.. KIbU bxTl URIC ACIDtcu titon lug lor a t. w day and your kid cruiser Washington riagsbip of Bear

mm mr own iiuuifl imiir mitii Qr 4d rWUblr tirtu Bets will act flue Tins famous salts I Admiral Oaplenon. commending the,.!' Inm in. .'id of giapci and luuiou squatlrun lu Haillen waters He will suc-

ceedJuice, louvblued win. litbia. and ha bean l.leuleuant Couauander Willis Mi Don NEVER CAUSED HH7Juaeo rur gmeiau. - clean ud sliinu nrlLlak- clogged kldueya. alto to neutrality- the City National BankLevy Grocery Company rids in urine ao II no lunger la a source RHEUMATISM Second

Buildingunit cnaiag otattnar waag By Ao.iatd fraaa Floorno l.ondou Oct. IA- Fien e flrtillna in o.- - WANT lu prove II to your aattafacUoo

VMPKMIBLaL ALL OTHKMat. Jtd alls Ir lie M raniiiit injure regtou of Dolran. neat the Greek rmuuer. If you have h he u ma n.sin acuta or chronicnuk a deltghtful effervi Una water batwern tlw atagafl anu tugara aat laatai aoi ma un n ""' 1 on, sik uiu was wis ami lorn tu tavor oi i nr scrm i. accorotug w anrtioata tva atad m I and Mt) K. "italtui il Ba. II at;eo tIKIl UUIK 1 ,1111 sua . uve by the luu...Try thu. abe keep up Uie water drtukina ' of EurtcU The caüVrTai aaoat wonderful boofcTrel

I and no doubt you will wui.aer what b n íi"á? ií i'.'.i' ti''ui'uxau priaoavara raacaadI l4MÍ as suyf yyf klilairy tivvMiltw tta Seataacia). ajtoW

s" iia.i. ifaajtt LUTKv'rasL


Sunday, October 17. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 3

Send Us Your Mail Orders wf"T W Gtv Stamp f á?tf Green Trading StampsWe specialise on selling merchandise by mall. Our efficient mall order All together!! ave H. Oreen Stamps and furnish lhal Room Free!!service affords you the same convenience as If ahopptnc In person, for Tou can hendsomr-l- furnish your Club Room, Sunday School Room,

Pastor's Study or Liodge Room free of cost with the 1'remlum that ara,the reason that we have a personal shopper to attend to your orders,

Hlven In exchange for S. II. Stamps. Instead of giving rash, give 8. awhich sswi i as yon of getting what you want at the price you wish to M. Oreen Stamps to your favorite charity. Visit the Premium Depart-

mentpay. Orders filled and shapped same day as received. on the Basement Balcony.

The Fabric Section Is Crepe de Chine UnderRepleto


BeauSpecial Purchase and Selling of the Season's Newest Suits

garmentsNew Assortments

In Charming

Every wanted texture In the new-est

New Crepe ds China undergar-garment- a


hereandIn abundant

designs, areassort-mt-

to be 300 Beautiful Exclusive Models at Prices Affording a Saving of $7.50 to $10 fromthat


garments'Just a little


ferentThe most beautiful fabrics found In most stores.

we have ever shown. Creps da Chins gowns In pink orheavy quality Jap Silk In white, trasvea and neck edged with

white only, regular $1.50 value; an pretty Valenciennes lacea; gar-- ,'

extra special feature for d A A ments that usually sell d a f atomorrow, yard Jfl.VU up to 17.00. Our price. . 94.3V

Cheney Broa Silk Crepes Crepe d Chthe gowns with allIn Flesh. Kalse, Cream. Pink, Light lace yokea and sleeves, some fin-

ishedblue, Black and White, all fast co-

lorewith aoeordlon pleated cuff,

and guaranteed to wash. others hemstitched, choice of pink

SS? $1.50orpriced


specially $5.95Crepe de Chine gowns, exquisite-lyEgyptian Crepes In me-

diumtrimmed with laces, ribbon nov

weight coming In Navy, Car-

dinal,elties snd some with the new

Copenhagen, Golden Brown smocking effects.and Black, priced, J QQ Specially prloed at $6.50

Crops d. Chine Corset Covers withCheney Bros. Kimono Silks or without sleeves, all handsome

in a large variety of handsome pat-

terns,garment, beautifully trimmed.

embracing a wide assort-ment

Priced 12.60 $5.95of beautiful color combina-tions.

toPriced, 7 tí Crepe de Chine Teddy Bears lai DQyard pink or white, trimmed with lace

Corded Velvets, for Coats, Coat edges and Insertions, Valenciennes'

Suite and Separate Skirts, In all point and narrow edges, filletnew shades and white. $ Of ynkea, hemstitching, etc. Some inPriced, 'the yard W 1 Kmpire style. Priced $6.50up toCostume Velvets In medium weight,

Crepe de Chine Princess Slips Inand blackcoming in navy blue,pink, blue, yellow and lavender,wantedonly. A much p"Abeautifully trimmed. d ra assa

fabric. Priced, yard ajlasV qMi-.D- UPriced $4.05 toCorduroy Cloakings. Try heavy Crepe ds China Comblnatlona Inwith wide wale, In bottle green, pink or white, daintily trimmedAfrican brown and white only. with laces, ribbons, lace medalPriced, the $1.75 lions, etc. Priced $8.06yard and $4.95Costume Velvets, 46 Inches wide, Crepe de Chine Boudoir Caps,for Coats. Coat Suits and Strsst trimmed with laces, ribbons andAGAIN we demonstrate our buying power in this stupendous offering ofDresses, twenty different shades comblnatlona of chiffon and lace.puurchased Fall and Winter Suits.medium and heavy qualities. Prloed 26cPriced $2.50, A well known manufacturer, who overestimated his Fall and Winter business to $4.95$4.50, 5.00 and $6.00 and made too many garments, found it necessary to unload. Our Eastern buying$19i force- - ever keen for opportunities, secured 300 of this season's most beautiful $24!styles at a wonderful sacrifice, which enables us to pass them along to you at the

'Madame Binner' most unheard of reductions ever quoted at the beginning of a season. The as-

sortment embraces every new mode, developed in the season's newest fabrics, Knit UnderwearThe Comet That featuring every wanted coloring and trimming idea.

Satisfies By all means see these garments in our Ready-to-We- Section tomorrow. It's True Economy toBuy the BeatFrom every standpoint we know of no



that rivesthan


comfort,B Inner." Values Up to $27.75 Values Up to $35.00 No--


better,r underwear

fin morewean


orfit sod accentuates the fashionable gives more satisfaction than "Munalng--

lines of the late garments. Velvet Safes trimmed in rich warm fera, abo Serges, Broadcloths, Whipcords, In this collection you will find exact copies of the most expensive Paris mod-

els,Our Fall and Winter stocks are her.


favors the Gabardines, Cheviots, etc., in loose back and betted styles. Prominent fea-

turesexpressing a degree of distinction only produced in the most exclusive

I woman whoplump

It are Chin Chin and convertible collars or plainer mannish effects; some garments. Handsome broadcloths, elegant serges, rich gabardines and splen-


Women's M u n s I n apleasingly

in Norfolk styles and still others with the new yoke fronts. Skirts are beso-- , wear, vests and pants,ibis year, for fash-ion

suiting materials with beautiful trimmings of fur, braids, buttons- etc. with hits or Dutchsays that curves tifully made in straight, flare or swagger little pleated effects from the knee

are again in style, down. Colors include green, brown, nary and black and the size range is Styles include Norfolk, medium flare and plain tailored effects. Coming in neck,sleeves,




but complete up to forty-nin- a good range of Fall colorings and black in all sizes for big and little women. or ankle length; pricedThe curves mustappear In the right garment . 50cplacet and they Silk and Lace Waists Warm Sweaters for Womenmust not be too $3.75 A .50 Women's Muniltipromlenl, a round-Dei- s Union Halts, in ill

at the hips, a q3e wanted Ityles. Priced,

slightly emphasised Recular 94.98 Values Regular 86.00 Values the 75cbutt, but an abso-


nat front. New arrivals that receive the first showing tomorrow. Fresh new waist styles Your every want will be gratified in this splendid showing of Fall and Winter Women's M u i, n gYourharmoniously

figure willpro-


bethat embody ail the very latest ideas of the season, irresistible models in Flesh, Sweaters. Novelty and fancy weaves, revealing straight and belted effects, Union Sultt, in mé-

diumwith a White, Maize, Light Blue and Black II sizes. coming in Emerald Green, Russet Brown, Navy and. Black all sizes. weight, with highor Dutch neck, long ornew mo del of

Madame Dinner, fit-


Waist Shop, 3rd Floor Sweater Section 3rd Floor short tleevet, knte or

snkle length. Priced,by the trained









dame $ 95 Stylish Walking Skirts Exquisite Dancing Frocks $ 11 75thesuit




$1.00wear, vests and


we havestyleparticular


dividual 49 Regular $7.80 Values Regular 91B.7B Values JL 0 Épants, of light weight wool. Priced.

SOrfigure. Front laca garment

models with ventilated back rubber There's a skirt for every woman in a style to suit each individual taste Plaids, These pretty little dresses are among the loveliest that we have shown this Children's Hunting wear, fleece linedgusset and front shield which protects 'year. Dainty fluffy garments suitable for dance or party wear. Made of Union Sultt. in gray, cream or white.against the lacings. Five Inch bust, mixtures and plain colors in silk or woolen fabrics, featuring a complete range priced, theFall fabricsbeautiful in Nile, Maize, Light Blue, Light Pink and White. Beau-

tifully50cmedium and long hips, made of French alt

coutll, brocades sod breche. Priced of Autumn shades. Splendid jaunty models in all sizes. trimmed and all sizes.Children's Hunting wear. Union Bulla,

$5.00 TO $15.00 irt Store 3rd Floor Garment Section 3rd Floor in fine quality wool, choleo of gray or

tultwhite. Priced, the $1.50


is Booming In il T

coveringsSplendid floor

from IN YOUR Considering theoondlUon of thee Haoement store, sav Use world's fore- - itVe.

ing Opportunities of Sub-stantial HOME earpet aaarfcet to-

dayAre Of- - and the radi-

calÍ M' Naturefered in the Following List advances that

have beca asado1 WOMEN'S TAILORED SUIT8 1 v e1Í3.9S la makeprior$3.95 wlU rind It ex-

ceptionallyA big assortment of women's sod misses' Otis offering; one Blankets, Comfortables, Etc.tailored suits made of good serges, novelty suitings and mixtures. In navy, profi-

table-i.rown and array. The striae ara not riant up to the minute, but vary little to take or unusual mer-


We don't ask you to take tur word for It, but a visit to Use Bedding Sectionalterlns will convert them Into fasblonal models. These garments ware e f this will convince you litat Uic merchandise on display Is of better quality forRead the fol-

lowingrecently marked at $0.06. lnaoffer, which ln- - money.

WOMEN'S COATS AND CAPES tlcarefully llaby Crib Blankets, sise lOgtO-lno- pretty pink or

.'blue patterns 95c$4.95 for sua Priced each

UP TO Sll.&O VAIX'EK llcularlv Baby Crib Blanket In plain colora with fancy bordar effects.i baa qualities. ful value Priced each a. . . . $1.45

transferred from our third floor arment section and marked down for quick Crib Blankets, slxe 30x40-lnc- pink or blue black patterns with -


In all colorsFabrics


black.Broadcloths. Scotch Coatings, Corduroy., flushes, A BUG NEW PURCHASE OF BAGDAD WILTONS lnch silk blading to match. Priced, each $1.45

Beacon Crib Blanket, coming In pretty Indian designs, dark, un-sellableWOMEN'S SILK WAISTS AQ 7 RUGS TaAT ARE REGULAR $68.00 VALUES &AQ JC colors, asse 00x00 Inches. Priced, each $1.69

$1.95 $2.95 Heavy ('ott.n Blankets In gray only, with pink or blue bordersUP TO So So VAI.UK TtÜt Wonderful reproductions of th. world's most beautiful BOH- - Pgf3e of $1.69HARA, DOO H ESTAN, BELOI 'CHISTAN, SH1H VAN, CHI-

NESE,Priced, the pair

A very exceptional gathering of wotpen's waists In pretty styles and excellent JAPANESE and NEW VBKDUKE0. Every rug In the let Is a n.w Fall pattern and as our pol-

icy11-- Dark Orey Mottled Wool Blankets, bound with navy blue

fabrics. Mataríais include Tairetaa. crepe as satin isucuess. uniuum, Is to tura our rug stock quickly, wa art offering them. at this extremely low price. wool. Priced, pair $6.95Mats. line, etc., In pretty striped patterns or plain colon. Heavy Wool Blanksts In dsrk brown only, suitable tor sleepingGENUINE BBI'HKEIAI HUGM $6.95GIRL'S WOOLEN DRESSES Sise OxlZ teet. closely woven of selected yarn and guaranteed to give years of good service, Latest Fall porches. Priced, pair

$1.48 $1.48 patterns aad a value you will never be able to duplicate, gpeclsjly Beautiful Soft Wool Blab ' J'' v grey, with pink or blueOVH HECIXAK S3 .go VALUE- S- $10.95 $19.50priced at , ; border, extra quality, frit Is! ,.ir

A Une of girls' woolen dress as made of good serges and novelty suitings, nicely Lerge Hire Cotton Killed Co. f Wis, In good range of pretty pat- -trimmed with braids, buttons and contrasting collar, cuff and bslt effects. WIlTUN VELVET III Oh $1.09Priced, stackMust suitable for school or every day wearing. All sisas for girls, f to It years. Beautiful seamless rugs that have proven to be one of our strongest sellers for the that actual leras

teat shows that they stand ths hardest wear. Our regulsr $07.10 value Pull Bis Cotton KiM.d Comforts, covered with pretty silkollic; InWoman's gingham and rippelette petticoats In striped and checked patterns, Special at $19.85 light or dark colors. Priced, each $1.50

fast colora, coining la regular and extra sites.guaranteed CQ. Cotton Pilled Comforts, oovsred with best astean, plain center andeach .. sJsFG $2.75Special AXM1NSTEK III $M scroll stitching. Prloed, eaehWomen's ouUng flannel petticoats la pink, blue and gray striped patterns, There are many different qualities of Axni instar H ugs on ths market thla particular numbsr Is

in floweredPur. Eiderdown Comforts, pretty chotes oftrimmed with embroidery or button hols edge. Sons, with small AÚ ona of the best. You will fully appreciate the values after Inspecting patterns $8.50ruffle. Special each liFC heguiar price $10.00. Special St T $19.85 pink blue, yellow and lavender. Priced, sach.


Be Prepared for Emergencies EL PASO STREETS STOP DANDRUFF! Adventures of a Forcing HaivToGtüwAlwaysof Duffy's





A upotlai who la oat tas "scene" or anWhiskey in your BEAUTIFUL accident can always report It more luteinchest. You WAVY, gwitly than one who bss to tsfce the wordnever of others, no mailer bow reliable. That is

can tell what day or why s reporter sometimes insist on goingETTKR. io a piece wrier omeaning ne nsppeneo, BEAUTY RECRrra THAT CIVE QUICK BE.mis (MAW A etoTH tHHOt tot ft .td often people think thst Use Mwspaperhour of the night some sain ana uvi.1 rnsn doubt their word ss to the detalla or MILTB. RXVEALKD BT AMEBIC f

member of family BEAITV. an accident. It isn't that, be wont to seeInterestyour Also lakes la rase ClU'e BOtALTY - ACTRESS,ror umseir so aa writs tare moraosa storyand tlda Ismay he stricken with Reaiillfnl.Nsklss Theoi intelligently, snd the man that" on the Job VALBBKA ftllRATT.

Upend B Cents! n.nrtrnll and - usually the man that has the best story.cramps, chills- indiges-tion

Hair Mops Comisa snywsg. I wsht to site you here the formula ror

or more serious ill-

ness.If he .... ninnins for sheriff. Alderman Oat. The following I the second of s serte s real hair trower and you will know by

J. W. ii-- i 'i could not be busier man of adventure of El Paso newspaper men. oct'ial, visible result thst you osre ot lastllowrwr h. d.. lares that he is not mak of beau snd tell what happened lo one reporter. in your poseslon s most wonderful srtng any such race not eyen cnurtlnt the To be pr,.te.sed of a head heavy,

and He ssys Re haa lost his tssle for fast riding. Uele. This formula produces s veryJ Emergencies demand ...i.. o. ni or ine El Faso County arts iimi hair; son. lustrous, fluffy, wavy

or nnt tne rnsores are, one io a nunoren, orfect upon tbe entire cell lire orCity fiemnrraiH club ror the aberirr's po- free from dandrufr Is merely a matter that were be put tn the same position again the hair rrom root to up It force half to

' quick action, and if you have Duffy' ilion on the ticket ihst the club will put Using s Utile hsve nice, he would climb in Ihe ambulance and make trow. Yoa wfll notice a startling difference

ne that II Alderman I'isber Itll easy Snd Ineipenslve um run stain. In the fsst Incresstng length of your hsir.out. asPure Malt Whiskey to administer you may, soft hair and lota of It. Just ret s cent tn the unusual tbirkness of Its growth, sndIs a busy man now. The alderman la on all "Ambulances arwav were mv favoriteknowlton't nanderine nowcan be sure of instant relief, because it is Ihe nil. rr .m earlr morning to late at bottle

drug storeof

recommend It apply s little vehicle of transDortstlon until one night in the vigoróos hairs growingtht

in the DunI wouldnight ati. ri.tiii stnolly to the hualneas or lest aso remsrked the Morgue spot. not give ups sfo,"and within ten minutes there yearas directedmade especially for medicinal use. It will for all tbe hair tonic In Ihe world.Ihe city, more particularly to the atresia i --novewill be an appearance of abundance, . .nisn. ve nonen pretty 'ta oeen There lo long month In andsnd parks, those bents under his Jurisdic-

tionan ambulance when the leeedotneter no waning,the delicate stomach. riorrit.. . and an Incomparable gloatand beneficial to most month for remit. The growth bragreeable chairman of the out,prove aa Street ana grades and lustre, snd try as you will ynu can not chain wai twitted Ink) piece, but It took

win wo. matcommittee. find a trace of dandrufr or falling listr, but Just one night to sure m or all that lovs youromes



ynusoon stop

una,falling. I complexion beauuner). Forry you couldn't

Although the alderman has been In ofTlcs your real surprtae will be after about two or peed. know this from my own experience. Todsy setlt. hut if you will address "SecretaryDuffy's Pure Malt Whiskey mly a little more toan fire months, hla weeke' use, when you will see new hair "It wss s year ago about, and In tbe rlty am known ss the only woman on the to Valeska Mirait. Thompson Bids., Chi-

cago,"handiwork as rar aa the streets are fine and downy St first yes-b- ut really .here I waa working the ambulance American Itsice who doe not need to wesr and enclose the price, which Is fiftyla murk In evidence new hair sprouting out sll over your scslp driver supplied lbs people with ibe excite switch, purrs and other bolr subterfuge. cent, my secretary will see thst you get

is absolutely pure and dependable and its quality never varies. It require lime tits alderman win ssy lauiderlne Is, ws believe the only sure mem tnai ki raen otra Jusret get lrom nn nere is my rnrmuis:and by lbat-- to stlend lo ibe matter of repairing hair grower, destroyer of dandruff snd rare. An amnuisnce mat ran siow was Mix one hair pint each or water and al-

coholreadily prescribedIt is used in many reputable hospitals tbe ctlv'a streets, for El Paso Is a city Of cure For Itchy scalp snd it never falls to relegated to the hearse variety, and people (or take one pint or imported bsy

unprejudiced physicians. Do not wait to have this matter brought some sit. However. Alderman Usher hsa stop railing hsir St once. were educated to IM Bomt thst when they rum tr you wish), and odd one ounce oftaken up the work In earnest uder hla If you want to prove how pretty and soft heard the screaming siren or clanging Mil It Is then ready to use. The Very remarkable return lo youthful appear

forcibly to your attention by unpreparedness, get a bottle today dlrcrimn and supervision tbe streets are your hair really fa, moisten s cloth with s oi an amnuisnce iney wouia tase io inn betvqutuol can be obtained ot the drug ance will be quickly produced. To half sbeginning to take on the appearance of Titile Panderine and carefully draw It aide or the street, were they in autos or outre. Tnl should be used liberally every pint or not water add two ounces of eptnl

and be assured of protection. the thoroughfares or S modern city, such through your hsir taking one small strand any other vehicle, and gts the ambulance day or so. snd two ublespoonruls of glycerine. Thisaa I.I Pssn It. St a time. Your hsir will be soft, glossy the right ay, whether they happened forms a cream. Apply regularly every day

and besutirul In Just a few moments s t come down that particular street or not begenerously. The eptol ctn secured st"Get Duffy's and Keep Well. Work of Present Street Gas. surprise swslts everyone who tries ( sil Coate at IS n'Clock. MRS. T. O. N The weak face creamsThe present work Of the Ureal gang, this. commonly sold require many month to

At tfl nlaUt I received callo'clock one s produce even a partial result notunder charge or Aleg Miller. Is confined WhySold in SEALED B 1TTI..K8 ONLY. Beware of Imitation for Hie most part lo plselns the cross thai k banker hsd been

mileinjured in a motor

cele lite o mixture you make yourseir, that isrhim mi streets south of the tracks In lirsi cltta accident about tn from the city. far more economical, and that gives rSoults52 dnio1t Sráeor

condition. Not only tbst but making thein Tbe dsy liad been s dull one and tbe banker In a fraction Of the time The following MRS. B. 1.. R. You can at once relieve

Note ti l. i II (XI per bnlUe. II he cannot supply youlook like real streets Instead or bridle CLOSE CITY GATES was rather prominent, so It was up to ms formula, which I orislnstad, will give you that exeststve snd unnatural armpit per-

spiration.will- if. r Hill trll you ivftirr Ui el II Medl paths Ail those cross atreeta branching to get s good story 00 IM accident. Prom s completion of exquisite purity, and every by the simple use or hydrollzedul lin.i' let free. off nf Mtgnrrin. San Antonio and Alameda blemish, freckle, spot, and oil muddlness talc. You can obtain this it any drug atore.

thst trsmformatlon. will quickly vanish: It will st once remove sll odor of perspira-tionThe tniffy Mall Whlslu-- Co., llocheeter. N. T are


uiidcrgnlnc-meen are being leveled and bulance stand to (I the newt when the Mix two tiblespocinfuls or glycerine and and other body odors and prevent the

traded and ihen loppad. bis; cor came in. one ounce of tlntone in t pint of hot wa-ter.

soppy condition under the arms. It willTO JUAREZ INFLUX a run of tn miles and back usually oc When cool it lo ready to uae. Any save you from embarrassment and save

Por the purpoas of providing drainsge, cupied but s short More with 'Lincoln.' the druggist wi)l supply you with the xtnione. your garment; ss well.dii.ii". aré in. dug 011 both sides of the eeny nine ariver. si tne wneet. snn istreets. The mat of weeds snd grass thst rured thst St II o'clock the car and Ihe MIBS fret'iino l don't use any fareMISS ENOAOF.n Iflourished on Ihe banks of the slrcets hsve Injured man should arrive In the city. But would not be guilty or powder but my own, mode according tosll been taken up, thus destroying the t at 11 o'clock the phono rsng snd 'Lincoln'

stiurlng you pcslttvely tbst the bust con my own formula. Being entirely rree fromWhat Do bs developed. However, there isNow, Honestly, aspect of the streets before Alderman MILITARY AND CIVIL AUTHORITIES DE-

CIDEreported over long distance that he had thing to use. and tr anything ran

onlydo it

onein chslklness snd extraordinarily fine snd

I'lsher went on the Job.TO KEEP OUT ALL UN-

DESIRABLE.broken sn axle near tbe place where tne your esse, this formula or mine certainly smooth, It gives s Hut snd velvetness which

Third street between Park and Tsya Is banker had been hurt should. Anything mechanical It liable to appears absolutely natural. It it called

You Think of This being made Into s real street. To facili-tate

'Ve'll send another ambulance midout cause injury. This formula It safe. Mix Burott Face Powder," snd Is sold InBoy? tbe work the Kl Paso Railway lost of time,' the German owner of tbe hair o enp of sugar, two ounces or ruetone msny drug snd department stores. If yonrindcompany raised us tracks. After that waa Uiat the ambulance asid, Batr of any difficulty in getting tt, write to

Mayar Herían . Outlaws sad Bandits t nder company operated snd s plat not water, of bis takefilled In Hie street, my secretary ss suggested above to Mrs.'none the street gana; and his second auto ambulance, a practi-cally

two taaspoonfuli after meals and st bedit down snd topped It with de-cayed

Lmbsi gn --Juarsiltee Ar- machine, was rolled out. There times. The ruetone eon lie obtained ot any B. C' 8., enclrse nfty cento, and ask for

An I'ejw bun ties man wss overheard nay what particular Ihursday. What was granite that n being taken out of was noMrlnr else for me to be spending drug store. white or flesh tintKHkiiiK to UN nfrice boj alxnil I o'clock the acora. JoMmli ?" lilver street at the point where It Is being my time at, so I climbed on the Inside oflai-- t ".iiinlM tin- - mode miming snmriiiinir Johnnie's fu-- fall, "i frtr,it all opened up. By usloa; this granite Alder the ambulance and went out wun mem MISS HIDEOUS I wss like you sick and

.MM I1"- - J. iinnlf tokc llils imtcli of let-ters reboaril sir." he mi,i,

about man Fisher Is carrying out his policy of An embargo has been placed on Uie citi-zen,

"Running under ordinary conditions the EMBARRASSED I don't wonderblackheads

yon ore tired or the superfluous hair removers adYouirembllnir. humiliated. con rid ofmil Wirt mail 'om. un.l ink.- Uilx ilmi "What?" shrieked the old "killing two birds with one smne," ror or Juarez to the extent tbst no citizens driver or tbe new car, all got vortlsed. I use my own formula, which Is0 hi Mill June up nn Han Animie miyhc nig actually purple with sudden

muí. nerum every wagon load of granite that Is taken of the border town scrota the rlvor will be racer, would nave ten a long streas or In s few minutes if you will follow my sug- - really wonderful. To remove hsir on anyh. II Slftp SOU a rW HUM! 'HI account; roil un an to tand Uu re and tell thai

"Do out of the Htvrr street cut Is placed on permitted to enter Rl Paso unless they are burning gas lo tell where he had been, but gesuonOet some

oeiow:powdered neroxln the part of tbe race, arms, shoulders or other

hour In ' rtuah today nn tin- v.'y back you absolutory forgot the 1 hlrd street. Judging from 'appearances perfectly satisfactory to the civil authori-ties.

with tbe other amiiiuaiice uown ana me st drug part or tbe body, tbe best thing is to spplyerrand Iyon intgh: (Irnfi In aim I'll Mr. WaU'-- Hint on I You're fired, you Idol' Oetacnl v.m

hat and the time ttial the granite liaa been Tnl agreement. It la understood, was banker reported to be dying and the streets withstore



thenIt on

ruba sponge

ft themade wet some simple tuiro solution. This bss the

if iu win call - aítcrnnon well close and bsal it; Best It; d'ye bear me?"your down, It makes an excellent "topping." reached between the cIVU authotlUat and rree from traffic, he opened Uiat motor up heeds, and small.

on black efTect or dissolving swsy the lislr harm-lessly.large land (Lai, annby Urn way. Johnnie, Alamo is also receiving the atten-

tionIt before. will be sur-

prisedpark niillt.-ir- authorities Saturday. It occurred In a way that had never oeen Instesd or burning It off and leavingotop at lh' in. inn' t anil take tin- - new Johnnie J, at it Without stopping to fold of Alderman Fisher. The streets sur-- i arier the police bad arrested several Juaret "TO me, on ine insiue or uie car, usa how effective tht is. o red spot or mark. The simple sulfa so-

lutionhl home p. tin- missus: lii'ry rorirnt to senil 1. " niv.r Kite Hir mill minding Hie park are being graded and citizens wbo came to this ilde Saturday. through the open cutout seemed to can be obtained st any drug store,It thl iiiornlnir. and. or course, she ulaiiirs cooled ,,ff somewhat tin old man mused to ditches being provided. MRS. B. C. 8 Any good 'lining are If Juarez citizen Is be one continual roar, snd I could hardly drug car-

riesibis can be used even on the tenderest skin

in.'. Hurry bark, Johnulc. ami whr-- you liims.-i- "And to think, luat in think th.t Nn Polities In Street Work. Under the ruling.civil

aauthor tUes he will hear tne electric siren thst I knew wss tbe zlntone (for making my famous without the leatt Irritation or danger.theion1 back In- Sure ami take a i""k al Um eyer had such a boob in my employ." "There are 00 politics In the street work not agreeable to


working on the front of the csr. The streetrimen' arort1 board- - lim Mir ram la on by Thci old mar. reiirhnd for his hat and look that la being done," declared Alderman be turned back al the bridge. It la wss open before us. snd ss 1 glanced stUna mué. That's all. Jotmnii-- . Don't for-get

' Fisher. "The city Is ritlng up ihe streets that the decision reached on keeping the speedometer I saw It wss registeringwillII' Finn l.ii.ii.l tain or mall. In less than ten minutes he berauae that much la due the city. II "undesirsble" citizens out of Uie city to miles tn hour. looked down the de-serted

of the splendid osset belonging to us todayIn due Urn'-- . Johnnie returned, all III up hail two good eyes glued fight to the Paso is .milled to streets and It Is bsve Its effect on the reported Influx thst street In front or It and Uien back In tbe shape or the new woy of thinking

with liiivmh'-- Um old man Ihe mt. 'in. ..ii or the rliy to provide them. bs been expected oatiy. to tbe speedometer. Ii was atlll climbing. We will never know wbo this man was. and feeling, the vasUy augmented sense ofhtm at the dior, "A quick trip, Johnnie. It Is n hlg issk. There are many ttreeta "The milium authorities have agreed." "Suddenly the csr trembled, there wss a His noma does not appear on the psge or Justice and right, or mercy and kindness,Pld you gel Uie letters moiled?'' that need working on. and need tbe work said Mayor Tom Lea, "not to permit any creaking sound and an Instant later cajmc history. He lived snd" died thousands of of brotherhood snd mutual helpfulness.

Johnnn-- ' far saddened. "No I I loa badlv, but It take nine Wo will get to mure citizens from Juarez to enter the city ihe smell of burning rubber sa the tire years berore history began. But ho was TTiere waa never another war like this" STRANGLED WITH them after awhile." unless they sre ssusrsctory to tne civil au Bcarred the street for half a block, the most remarkable man that ever lived one. Never before In the history or thectn Alderman Fisher has snecended In giv-

ingthorltles. sireet Car Blocks Crossing. on earth. world did the belligerents spend all or their"Thai's ton bad, Johnnie. Did you (rive the residents of Highland Park a di-

rectEl Pian No Haven for Crooks. "In front of the ambulance. Just pre-

paratoryThat unknown man, wbo lived and died spare time trying to fix the responsibility

Jon. the dunt" route by opening up San Diego street. "Kl Peso cannot be made the haven of lo crossing the street, waa a street ages before tbe art or writing was dlscov of tbe bloody butlnesa, and trying to lay"No. I clean fnrirot It" OM portion of the street waa dug through reruge ror oullsws, bandits and crooks, cor, and I beard the driver and Me en d. ws the human beginning or religion, the responsibility on the other side."Well. Monday will do. Hid you see BATHROBE CORD a i" toot cut. The street baa been leveled whether they conic from Juarez or other on the front ten gasp with relief morals snd civilisation. That is what they ore trying So dn now.

Wotson?" and graded snd Is now open for traffic narts." declared Mavor Tom Lea. aa the car appeared to atop. We were less In that man started art, poetry and true Each naUon la ashamed of itself. Each na-tion" While the cross streets souib of the person, in that category fleeing rrom than a third of S block swsy, snd although progress. la wrung by temerse. It is well. The"Ni air I pluinb rorgot to go there tracks sre being gone over those on tbe Juarez m order to ssve their lives msy the brakes had been thrown on we were When hat unknown man. recoiling from nations havo seen a new light The remorse"Well. It didn't amount v. much, any me hsve not been nealected. Tbe come to El Paso, but they can remSIn here till moving at a rspld rate. Then the Ibe deed he bod committed, rolt that rtrsl is tbe preluda end guarantee of s brighterhi.w urn vou take um hat home?"" drainage system being carried out with nnlv six hours. This will (tve them Ume driver opened the moter up sgsln, and tbe twinge of remorse the most important mo-

mentana ocucr tomorrow.v. l forgot all about the bat JAMLei III 1(1,1 Ill l ii vi n TO BE sol leference lo tne cross aireéis souin or enough h arrange to go lo oilier pari, for big grey machine leaped forward, the roof m the history or tbe human roca had

"Anotln lerture, but uc should blbble. IHKB, is a feature of the repair work that go tney must, or rise mey win m pu tu of the exhaust snd the scream of the siren come. Cased Advlee to Mothers.Did you if lame at the Time scoreboard 7 " HEAD l LOCAL has been done on tin- streets nortji of the blending. Thst twinge or guilt and remorse snowedJohnnie- - fare brightened. "Yep." he HOMPITAL Mil linn tracks. "But the street car didn't atop. Evidently that at last, after long ages or darkened If you nave young children now is the

aid. "Boaton one, Philadelphia nothlntr; streets the molerrnati hadn't heard the ambulance, time to lay In o supply of Chamberlain'sParka and a Hobby. rensive clUsens from Juaret wbo want to vision with Its stumblings and flounde.r-ing- sfn-- i tailing." Parks ss well ss streets have become a change their domicile. These can come to and the oar blocked the street In front of in the mire of animal! am, humanity Cough Remedy. It Is excellent for croup

"That's wie boy. Joblinle. I always knew mm Hie cord of a bathrobe as a nooa. hobby of Alderman Fisher, t'nder his sup-

ervision tl Paso at any time. us. I had always wondered of what I would woo beginning, however faintly, to see, and and colds ana harmless, as It contains noJ could depend on you In a críala. Vou James Rurke. believed to be a retired non-

commissionedand that of C. P. Sheppsrd, "I was pleased- - to see the statement of think wnen 1 ctme to die, but now I know, to gat Iu reel on solid ground. nercoUc. Por solo by all dealers (Adv.)

may ri ii'.w, Johnnie, and use the balance or u. ..l inii ton nark, thai nark la Mr. lian tu. tbe carranza consul. I happen ror it acamad as tnougn we wouia surety The shame proved tbst tbe man bodof tin- afternoon to suit yourseir. tnd say. orrirer of the United States fast becoming une of the beauty spota of in know him and know that he la a strong. mash Into the center or tbe street car. reached the pomt tn hit devolpment whereJohnnie; your wane will lie mil.' used a army, hanged himself m a bathroom of a the rlty. Washington park Is being made onaclenuous man. snd I sui aaUafled ne "Tbe driver though, was game, and be he felt that something was pure; and thedollar .'. week, (loorthyc. JoIiiiiiu-.- local hospital early Saturday morning. attractive and for lhat reason has been the will use his Influence In do what us ssys didn't lose his nerve. Swerving tbe am-

bulancesense of guilt showed that be wss becom-ingAt exactly I o'clock on Monday. Johnnie Ills body waa found about .. .m o'clock scene or summer picnics that have besn he will up Juarez. When the down In the direction In which swore or s conviction or duty. With-out I WILL GIVE $1000an in. man were Imili mi tin- job. mjoyed by hundreda during the summer change doea take place and Intelligent snd the street car was going, be threw on oil reollting tl at the time, that hair savage

Joliiuih' In rim with the ste-nographer,

Saiurdav momios lV allcndants of the hos-pital

Fisher the be bad and crossed the trackwas nunc months, ff the plans of Alderman men have charge of Jusret tne speed ancestor or ours wss being mode the inletolder by hair lhan liinn..'lf: the and Dra. Paul tlallaglier and I. J. sre carried mil Washington park will be peopleretponalble

or EI Paso will see Jual what perfect directly in front or It. There waa a crssB ror that moral law to which so many in H I tJCU. aCER qtJTUMOBold man wot scowling al u mnunlain of Iiuah were railed. Hie most attractive spot In tbe rlty. Alder-man relations can be maintained between the two a tne rear leit nun oi ine aniouiance our day give a glad and beaut rul obedi-

ence.JAIL jjrt

mill. lie old mini turned to Johnnie. Hura entered ihe hospital several days l lalier la in favor of tearing down tke clues If Hie relationship is nlcaasnt and was struck try the front or tne car, the'Bay.. Johnnie," he began. "Send this tHe aim. He had been rrom grand aland at Washington park snd tbe Il shall and will be both cities will, of mechatilcan was hurlad rrom hi sest to the Very beautiful, then, and full of hope snd Ritan Hiiti it ratigrain collect, (lo to Hie tailor's and ask and was tnken lin n, for treatment parts of fences surrounding It. Also all Itv. prosper materially." ground, fully (0 feet, snd I wis thrown In encouragement. Is the thing we call re-

morse.CURED!bun il he Inunda set thai suit He had almost rocoverod and it was ex-

pectedthe other old rences on the ground. Tbe Official Arrested. a nesp in s corner oi me machine. No PAY Until

rvrniCT Juarezmad-- ' Stop in at the dm a" atore on the M. there for some What Uts Orlvsr Old. joma sxiASjurrrjnsi he woulil be dtHCharfed rrom renrea hsve been years. Miguel Porras, formerly chief of the se Perdaos there was never so much recoin, i and kci mc a doen pen point. the place flatiirdav or Sunday. That may account for their worn and di erst servlco nf the villa government In "keeping perfect control of the auto, the morse m the world as there Is right now, No I Bay or otherHurry up. Johnnie.;

"will need you aialn l.tttle Is known about the man. Ilia lapidan-i- condition, it ta a laci insi un Juarez, and hit aon, Miguel Porra, Jr., driver shot II across Ufa porch of s drug in trus year oi grace itn. ana wnyr we rindió. An Island

prein showed Hiat Me had fences add noil. ins to the beauty of the store st the corner, dodged t telephone oil reel guilty shout the great war that It Knt mak astil cure,been an enlisted srreaied afternoon .by policelohnnle grabbed Ids hat and waa naif were Ksturday post st the rate of 09 miles s minute, unon us. We sre sthsmed sa We can be TIMBR. USWIn the park.ray down the Imll when the old man man army bul he lilmseir claimed officers. 'orraa, sr., was tssen mío rus jumped on curb bsrk onto the tAM ftrtlho n ftvrMBSBBsl taWmMFtamUnit he was an officer attached to Animals In Uood Condition In the of Uie city by de over it snd In our guilt reel like hidinga cav-alry

tody ...uiiieiii pariatopped Inui Johnnie,'' be called. "b sireet snd came too s half a block away. races from one soother'sHire and lake a look at tile Times score-board

regiment in Arizona. Tim police are i ven ihe anímala at Ihe nark are pros tectives, while his aon wss apprehended In "Of course, thst csr didn't continue to our arose. assl5i!s!ss JkAh now we reeu Tbemaking an 'tivoiigaiion to learn bis lilcn It be duu to the in-

fluencetne courthouse hy captain w. i. ureet me, badly more we Wis.Hie n orelK.ard. Do you ire me, ' p. on. looking. may the rescue of the banker, but In less than think about It uie deeper becomes ourJohnnie" Illy and la locals Ids relatives. of the work that has been dune In Tbe two men will be tried In corporaUon ten minutes after we had reported tbe sec and the more highly do we think of"Yep." yelled Jnlmnle, on the run. the park. Even "big Tom." tbe grliily. ond accident, tbe roar or another motor was the "lower anímala" as compared with our-

selves.Joliiiuie iTitirncd shortly, Willi n neat lit llty ochoola Have SMS.010. thai was riven to tile children of the city heard and ilia third ambulance of the comlie box .out sluing a round dozen shining The clU schools now havj. SSOO.OIO to by Captain O'Brien, aeems to hs perfectly pany, a motor nesraa last nsa been at But let us cheer up. It Is very much bet-

terpon potóla. The old man nulled uid patw-- tli. ii credit That la the amount thai tlir gllSTMQ. IOIII "as a .age on an ik.iiu Poses as ArUUervmaa than It seems to be. The cold chill Any LUMP i WOMAN S BREASThim on H- i- sh.iiildi r. "Jtnt what I want.-n- . arsm.iKsi m iiooi bond Issue waa aold for. all to himself. The case is roomy. In ad Dree sad in the khaki uniform of the wss tbe only one thai waa hurt, and for tbst are runolng over us. the horrors thatJohnnie hit you send Un- warrant for tin- aiim vo made om to dition lo tbe "Tom" haa s Fourth artillen r.mment, an Apache In lbs sake of the etory he should hsve sons tontolite no. tile sense of guilt thst op is CANCER tflttfrB&i"Yea. olr." DM eredlt of r. M Miirchtaon. sm.Mil private bed room, ne is also provtaen dlan. who stated that he wss rrom Art to tbe hospital, but he didn't. He stuck us. simply mean that la"What did the uilnr sav?" treasurer, and signed by both Mayor loin with s prlvste bsth, whore, according to zona, waa by Police officers In with the hearse, though he nearly tainted presses

Improving, that, to a greaterhumanityextent than une woman ineyery 7aieoieanoer u js. report

"Ha aaid It would be ready Thursday. lea and GIU Clark Jack Dawson. The uni-rán!

ti. ,. o. rk men he Mi.ends most of his time. in.- louii i.r ttic rlty ssturuay nigni rrom the pain of his Injured leg, and we WeseluM many who wait too long & up Idlecase tue wormwaa ever toe neiore, itsir waa delivered to Mr. Murcblson Sat-urday

ror "Tom" la a asnltsry bear aa wall ss s be man was unable lo ..tale where hoi Ob finally resetted the broken down ambu-lance Its to higher and fairer roor cursa a xuux pnoo u cancer u mmuihitching wagon

"Thai's cm niiragtng: but I'll bet he didn't inormni. grliily. tained the nun. .in. although It IS believed No. 1. At S:fcO o'clock next morning, Or. t Mrs. Dr. CHAMLET & CO. rlAlderman Fisher Is talking about erecting that mine of the clothing came from a creeping along al a snail's pace, to keep stars.Wsr newer teemed o brutal, atrocity BooaxrxT

a bridge of Japanese deaign leading to United ülate clothing goods store. Army rrom shaking the Injured banker, te never seemed so atrocious, the maiming least Uviol5"Tom's cage. At present there Is s wood-en

nrnrcrs are si a i.... to uiiiiersiand no reached tbe city, six men riding in that mskts. Catand killing or men never ooqmaa so hor-rible.bridge of more or less ancient struc IhS man procured the regulation hat snd stripped hoarse' KINDLY MAIL THIS u CAMCEJBs It aoes right now and all becauseture thst performs this service. red srtlllery cord which are not told at

lucre are nisi iwo sv.iis ai uir pars um the government stores. The Apache de"NO APPETITE" Alderman Fisher wants to sdd more. He dared that he would rather the policealso haa other Idea looking toward the wonui nang mm man asa questions. Birth of Remorseimprovement of Ihe park snd some tunethese may be carried out.

DID YOU SAY all nod dealers will sell vou 8ulsbrarera (By REV. THOMAS 8- GREGORY)

Majestic Hams snd Bacun. "Dellcloualy IT'S YOUR LIVER!Dlfertrnf copyright 191

Thai Uts human roca begin its existence Marls byLIBERTY BELL TO YOU'RE BILIOUS, down in

generallythe basement

admitted.of thing is now MOTHERS! Butter

I SISO aspeara toa in uie oesemeni tne is real-

lyThen your stomach and digestive race remained for a very loss Ume.Those wbo bare especially studied the good for your children,

organs must indeed be in bad con-dition,



theon etrin








animalbecause it it thoroughly

i Ume could bs greatly aikn baked and every loaf it thebut don't be alarmed. if theec SOOJXX) years historyOOfTT STAY CONSTIPATED WITH back only some S4B0 years. As soC.ijou la same. Give them a bowl of 3akingBREATH BAD, STOMACH MM I to SjOM oo la tbe Ume that man wo in the

Loss of appetite is always the OR A COLD. basement compared with the Ume that be good breadhas bean climbing np toward the light ofthe upper floors. and milk for supper tonight Vfirst of Lile! Uvea Yeur Liver Bewels There la no doubt shout (be reel iiuu for Co.signal inward weakness, of Kaluy oatd untold age human lire on this gut ball and bo certain that you getMayor loin lea. Aldermen H B. Kiev- Tealajtu aud rest was a miserable affair The remain 0f

ens, I. W. labcr. J. 1' ocunitor and W nas. that lira ss found la the caves, run drift what ask for.a lazy liver, clogged bowels. It 0. Jolly. Mra. J. W. are iuen. Judas Don and kitchen middUts of the prehistoric ume youat. Jirknii. iicnerai John J. persuing, nun prove una.Omnorff H I), sister, I (1. Davta, It. M. Tbe early man was largely animal. Hisshould be given immediate atten-

tionDudley. J M WvaU. E. N. Wlutaker. n life wa coarse, brutal, uafeelutf hrligioaE. Mu Slid H M. Hoover compote Um sad educa weru unknown Art lay thou-

sandLiberty n.ii commutee. liten will ar oT years la tas rotura. Poetry andso .as to ward off a more ser-ious




to makeWSS


beginning.afluauoo of

that early humanity, the prevailing forceillness. being those test ire today active in the Demand the Genuins

rive al i o'clock In the afternoon and maw of the ox and the muscle of tht dray "BUSTERpromptly one and bour and thirty minute norse appeuw ana BruwtiuwrrThe ir Fenlon or Enteraos could hovetimely use of It is i.toti.l.le thai lb ball will be that old human ortisr be would have

view.. on the car on which II It traveling rotates oyer, am itsas c 10choc SUM- of the '...i I tin.. tat II will be re s hears.Rare The lacl that Uts bell weight over You hive rea fsiiBMB's beosx. and you BROWN"LOBO pound- - makes It almost unjaoaatble lo have ikuUttered sosia sad again at hi or

count,HOSTETTER'S move it ii. an rthlbiuon place where It of tbe cold blooded matter or The Loafrang in in vinwea ui Deuer aavan lege oy con rar w ay in which the Indian treatedOU liueli- - their caput If Ussy fU the least

VI i. or regret on aceouul of their inferas! Wrapped in Wsutintend cruolUoe It old not .how Itself They op BREADStomach Biíters aa opportunity to sec the bell. Ill this con Totilght turs: henaove the liver and peores to rreaUy tajoy the buotaoe. and Paperaction il it probable thst Um children, bowel poison wblrii u keeping yout bead unaueauonoDiy tney ma rjuoy iiaspecially in. girls, will be asked lo dreaa diaiy. your tongue costea, breath ortrosne Kow. beyond o doubt. there wa a tunla tui omj tari y a white caruaUotL Tke sad ssoautea aour. Dot. t lav billoua. lrk. wlexs iba Iruouoss isdtsn type or tsisnisSSj

tutu beneficial mid ahildrea will then Be placed ou each ida lull or cold oi., ij , universalproven very ma an appetite restorer, or in traes over wuicti uk l iberty Why don't you fet a box of Cascarete frontto digestion and preventive of indigeation. heartburn, train will run into tl Pao. As Um tne ar ig atora asswr as oats or two inpa... . the lint- a abowar of car uight and enjoy Uie olceaL woUei Un iiaturet order of tas day. For Sale By All Grocersnana, biuiouaneaa, constipation and malaria, fever Ratios wiU be thrown at Uw bell Tbie I. ana uowet neqaaing you ever i.. i. o. ,i As UM "spark fly upward." a the neonaas or hk rsesure to as dlacussed. Tb You WIU wake up laeuug fit and tmand ague. detail will be worked outbs Ota asa-- rsacaresa aovar artos as bother vou ell u Bear oast the start Shane , law sub axon-wilier. Um first or whiek hasineeuug hers ama uvea us tow, osaras, arui ai uie uncalled tor Octnam St.

The military win perunptte m u garaaratu. which wUi Be Oeuded as by Uta Ou Bakery is Open to the Publicfumar of wltX Lt1 si asssiMsT liBilgTsjil

hy. October 17, !9l. EL PASO MORNING TIMES


EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17. 1915.

Vllllatas snd have ald'd materially In keep-ll- l'



BRIEF!. V STATEDron I Umn Tm H Ta M Tlmm this revenue In the Intrrejt of morall-iy- 'MM k Bw FWIim- Mal

Bi r. Tnu u mi

Perhaps no. Who can fell? George Bailey, In the Houston Post, A Covenant Lightly Broken "Villa's military band ought to make a TWENTY FOUn YEARS AGO TODAY.rtm.lrATIoN oírle thinks General Von Hlndenburg Is atcpnt as hit In some of the big Northern cities of

mn.DiHO. mu ORBOO" BT big a man In Oermany as he would be In llxiulavtlle Con h nal. ) the United Stales," said Colonel Munos. W. H. Long returned yesterday from theil li ! All l'rirminl.llwir


TTXA" Our Idea of an optlmlat Is the fellow the United States If he had replied a homer "Dressed in tne national costume the or-ganisation,

cast.n.TOdCSAfOSNtNO Mrs. Hevenrcc charxes iii her complaintwho thinks peace will be restored In Mexico In the ninth Inning and cleaned the bases. that Bevensee left her recalls she could not which Is as good as any that County Clerk Thomas returned from an

MbBBsB ArTBBTtsn0 BJTBBSg?CTATi Immediately after Tarrant, has been rec-

ognised. cook pancakes as well as his mother could, can be found In Mexico, should take well extended visit to Coahulla, Mexico, on bus-

iness.MM Tart C. Bwkwttk Sparlal Aj- - Trtwim. Iilf The Montgomery Advertiser says the col-

orsIn New York or Chicago, and after havingand again deserted her IN cause he found aIWn II aeiai Tr1ÍT"V

litMMI the females wearing have all the once made its appearance It would have Its of thaThlríl are committee countySt'tBBBI r. Bvkwttti mwrtal ArT. stem attached to a huckleberry In a pie. The world s fairIUrk Mi Tan Cupid's admission tx the cabinet colors that are not In the rainbow. Yea.

i From a report of an action for divorce. ) reputation established." will hold a meeting at the court house. svA0r-I-- Hr CHIrrurt- -r O.IIM1" circle seems to haye occasioned even more and then some. nlght.

talk than Willie Bryan'a The man who expects his wife, during theVBWTinmnif batbb. "A number of persona down the valley George W. Chessman was visiting friendsperiod of her novitiate to make pancakesMaII H AMirnlIB Our ollly criticism of Jeff Mclxmore, of are raising flowers, particularly rosea In the city from Mexico.BUt tm aorslaj. rtr taste they did when her husband's moth-er

California la raving over Twla and as.. in Houston, la that he has utterly failed toill frswilllA which the Potter Floral company pur-chase

returned fromTtellr Ati4 StinflAr A. C Wheeler aserved them tn him when he a lad Captain.. 1M Hooper who represented the Golden State of wasmflftU raise a family of like thoseIHOr nl kuikIii threw daughters and higher prices for them thanTHIIr aM Mnilir. re morrth .. .TI In the world's series. But don't overlook Pres. Wilson. Amarillo News. expects the magic of his mate's cooking to pay business trip to Fort Worth.

.. IB is paid for the California flowers." said M,,.irt TlmH. onr ymt Trie Speaker, the native of the Ione Star d bring back to him the appetite and diges-tive

The Albuquerque baseball team arrivedBut you'll have to hand It to ourIU ...I" ) i. W. Polk. "The reason that the valley" state. not fall-ing

powers he enjoyed In his teens. The In El Paso In readiness to play the crackfor1Mb mi SundAí mr eongreasman-a- t large flowers command the higher price Is be-

causeSpAnhli Millón Saia WW for the first pretty widow with whom task Is beyond the girl and the griddle. To Browns this afternoon at Sportsman park.Ot rxfrtl" BpBBBBBJ "P " The British declare war against Bulgaria, he happened to become acquainted. And make the pancakes as gloriously satisfying they are of a better quality, have a The Browns are confident of taking the se-

riesrhAn. BAHilt "T sweeter odor and fresher thenr-- akn old Allre "iMn renuanlniIaUat. but King Ferdinand should worry. German during the many years 6f his bachelorhood as they were when the exacting husband stay longer, from the Duke city players.

nWar1lraft "mitm. latter because homemmrt being they are. grown.armies are holding British troops In check Jeff McLemore has run serosa not a few wore knickerbockers and roamed the fields A marriage license was Issued to O. W.

flowers In the and market-ingRaising valley

ruana H prbAi hrei irtin. irlUi Hre tnmk away over on the western front In Prance. very, very pretty widows. Nor were they would Ih to enact the miracle of rejuve-nation. them In El Paso Just shows what can Morrow and Miss Virginia Pine.

lia rmnarUni .11 rtwartmanu Tail (ArarAtar wtnVh ye all redheaded. The old spring which flowed fromHli ") rwiaartlari. wl b. be done In the valley by intelligent culti-

vation."alar, or Sai nVMI roo Score for Judeon C. Clements of between the rocks beneath the elm roots"vi hallo-- . oneartameoa AGO TODAY.Bunlai YEARSI And on THIRTEENraaila. Afur m i

dirá: D.' C, meratter of the inter-

statewus colder and more refreshing in the daya

Uw faUowtlw daMrtMita I1I answer Washington, a The Loe Angeles Herald says why run forDI). fetllnrUI Aral CtrmlAOaa Per commerce commission. He declares president; Mrs. Gait got hers by walking. when mother used to 'make the pancakesrA g lisnAcar and Juaraf against the government ownership of rail-

roads.than is nowadays the stein of beer that '.'I am glad to see Kl Paso get busy at An Important meeting of the Republican

Mlt-- Sortalr andBBl

MAlllnf Papthept. cqmes from the regions of perpetual Ice last in the direction of holding a great an-

nuacounty executive committee was held last


CauoAtaI BonnAdranlatat

Ad Baatnaasport

AJanAfAfChicago haa given the Dixie highway a beneath the bar. But R wouldn't be to the fair for the El Paso Southwest," said night.

Sntaarlbara ÍAll I mhl U' S" BBBjtWf And A deaerter from the United States armyItfine


and macadamlteAll that remains

it. Clevelandnow Is to


Jaded thirst of the man of forty If he F. P. Jones, of Silver City, N. M president The school board was having the groundspromt Ir will ronfar m BP IB eaniAmntponlni

gives himself up at Iaredo after a year's should be stranded upon the farm with of the El Paso Bank & Trust company. in front and In rear of the High schooldnAnmAril niAttr Hl th rtrmUOnriabaence In Mexico with the declaration that Ia that aJIT

nothing In sight but water. "Richard Burgee has the right Idea about graded for the athletic sports of the pu-

pils.tndl" Arir or he prefers prison to a captaincy In the this matter and we should have a greatAkt irnM refklo. m Aa for one of the huckleberries having a

ntmtAtMi of Am por.. Ore or mrporAUoo. BMl " army. Perhaps he's a pacificist. annual fair to bring all the people of the been shuthasIt the beat housewife's hardestTn. TIM will o rlA.ll rorrertr-- Still shall be able to for-give

stem upon The Juarez concentratorjM- -r Hi tho onlumn of we nevar quite El Paso Southwest together at least once aupon tu MOA broutM l" U aAAabUob of U mAOAni-.i- .

C. Columbus for not coming to look task Is to keep a fly from concealing him-self,

year. The suggestion that El Paso merge down for a few days while repairs are be-

ingEvidently Secretary Garrison doesn't put chameleon-like- , among the black made.when he made his visit toPittsburgh over with N. andAlbuquerque, M., have a grandmuch faith ln the Bryan hallucination that huckleberries, which are so nearly hla size let contract for a' ,America. Pittsburgh Gazette Times. August Andreas afair at the two cities on alternate years iswith we could .put a million men In arms be-

tween If ha had he couldn't have seen It for the and eoior The last movement of the se-

nilehandsome y residnece on UpsonInteroonrBeher but"Our OooBtry I In sunrise and sunset. a good one, if this cannot be carriedfly under Its own moUve power Is to

foretci natloriB mar abe alwara be tn smoke. out El Paso la In a position to go it alone,' avenue.struggle Into the huckleberries and He down

the riffht; but rar otrantry, rlcbt or and she will unquestionably have the Frank Shannon returned from an egThe oontraM for the big war loan haa to eternal rest. It waa not a weary, over-

workedwrong." Decatur. Somebody might Just as well move to hearty support of the entire Southwest In tended trip to eastern Texas.been signed and Immediately the newa waa wife, but a cynical, sophisticatedmake the war unanimous as far as Europe such an undertaking." Services In honor of the late Rev. M. .flashed to London the British declared war waiter who served the huckleberry pies,

Is concerned. It seems to he headed In that Cabell Martin were held yesterday after-noon

on Bulgaria. Now listen to 'em howl. saying:Secretary Garrison's Plan . direction. Beaumont Enterprise beginning at 2 o'clock, at St. Clem-

ent'sWe ahould worry. - "Here, sir, la your huckleberry pic, "A real treat is In store for the El Paso Episcopal church.OARRIBON la a man after Alternating huckleberry pie; Rotarlans at our luncheon next Thursday,"SECRBTART An Irrefutable Argument Detective Riley left over the G. H. forour own írkln. He the Eighty-fou- r divorce suits filed at teaven-wort- First a berry, then a fly, declared J. E. Segrall. secretary of the El

Worth ) Paso Rotary club. "It will be 'Claiborne Hal Antonio on business. .

need of preparednei and also reBllsea that Fort clan., disprove the contention that Neath Its crust alternate He."The conree of events haa furnished at liquor Is responsible for domestic Infelicity. Adams day,' and the president of the Globe

haa proved very When a man marries he to takevolunteer agreesour eyaiem leaat one valid and unshakable argument That town has been drier than the Mojave Mills and the former president of our club The Third ObjectiveAt the aame time he knowa that the railroads of the country urgently desert some longer than the fee system haa the woman "for better or worse." It la con-

templated has Invited the Rotarlans to be his guests

that the nation muil depend upon a cltlaen need larger available money resources and been In operation In Texas. Austin Ameri-can.

that the failure of the pancakes on that day. Fine biscuits and other prod-ucts

'(Louisville Courier-Journal-

character. In must have them or fall further Into physi-cal

to have the flavor that the hunger of youth of the Globe Milla flour will be fea-tured

The kaiser's first objective was Paris.lamely of a volunteor Imparted to them, the of aln-gl- earmy, or presence aand financial troubles. Comment unnecessary. at the luncheon and Mr. Adams will It was believed generally that he wouldtime of war. And while Mr. Bryan waa out stem In a huckleberry pie, may be re-

gardedalao for the ahead of the firstThis argument Is found In the fact that arrange a program day such as reach the French capital

airinit hla theories to the effect that wemore miles of road are now In the hands The Arlsona Star thinks it remarkable as a sufficient excuse for abandon-

ingwill be Instructive as well as entertaining, frost. The drive failed. The aecond great

the de-claring

of the secondcould enllat and arm a million men between of receivers than ever before In all the his-

toryhow many men there are in public life to-


party part and and to which, it goes without saying, the objective, the effort to reach Calais count-ing

unriae and aunaet. Secretary Garrlion waa of railroad reorganizations, expansion who don't want women to vote the covenant no longer binding. Rotarlans are looking forward with keen as a side issue, was the Russian army.cltl-ce- of lines, financial difficulties and readjust-

ments.against them. The model husband was the fellow who anticipation." The German troops, after enormous losses,

mapplnt out a plan for preparing the ate the lemon pie without a grimace, are digging In to spend the winter in theof the United State for a defrnatve

In some cases It may be a debatable A Kansas woman, who alleged that her smacked his lips, blew a kiss to the partner "The state is not anxious to forfeit any latitudes In which Napoleon's army starvedwar should the lime come when defense question whether the Increased financial husband was too liberal with hla money, has of his vicissitudes and said "this Is the life," land sold on account of over due interest," and froze returning from Moscow. No de-

cisivebeen granted a divorce. The east la call-ing

battle has been fought. Petrograd Iswill be necessary. sinews neetied to remedy thla condition notwithstanding the error of the beginning said Chris A randa. "The state would

should- come from higher ratea or from him, If he wants to get married again. housekeeper who made the pie by slicing rather have the purchasers come forward a long way from the German lines in Rus-sia.This plan contemplates a continental more liberal dealing with the roads on the Washington Herald. the lemons aa she would have sliced apples and pay Interest. There Is a considerable There Is no special, military profit In

army of 400.000 men. In addition to the part of governmental autohrlty, to allow So la the great and glorious Southwest. for a shortcake, and without even peeling amount of land in the county that will be having reached Vilna unless It shall prove

regular army, which he recommends the credit of solvent lines to be used In a them. And there waa the hero who ate the placed on the market next January unless possible to inflict a crushing blow uponLgvulsvUle Courier-Journa- l If the Czar's or reach the Russian capi-

tal.The army

national businesslike way as credit la employed In saya e biscuits every day save when he the interest due on it Is paid 40,000 men and the the forbidden fruit had been the canta-loupe

The third objective la Constantinoplehad promised to take her to a swimming If all theother kinds of Investment and enterprise. owners were known to us we000 This Adam might still have been sending by the overland route through protestingguard, now some nr.. strong. party, and on that day invited her to dine would communicate with them directly.But there be of theenlisted

can no question press-ing 'em back to try to get a good one, and the Serbia and consenting Bulgaria. Thla cam-

paigncontinental army would" be at a restaurant, know that they both would Unless they come forward and make theneed of available funds from some in withof In Eden. Is inauguratedrest us rejoicingIn the continental drown If they should go Into the water payment of Interest before thefor six years for service quarter to Improve and extend the January snow already falling In the Balkan high-

landsloaded down amidships, like the frog which state will declare the landUnited Staten. These men would aerve two facilities of the country, or even The Arkansas Gaette Is reminded that forfeited, when and with the allies landing forces in.,;mistook a handful of leaden bullets for It will be classified and placedto keep them as good as they now are. on the mar-

ketwith mother who did not raise her to Salonlkl.months a year for the first three years the boy waterbugs and swallowed them. again for sale."the colors, undergoing a period of Intensive Those who are lacllned to repeat the an be a soldier may be the very one to find The roads are very bad In both Serbia

cient populist alogan that some day that he haa enlisted lit the army. A married man who balks, or bolts, be-

causeand Bulgaria, so bad In Bulgaria that prac-- .

training. The remulnlng threa years they works all the mischief and that the the pancakes do not make him glad tlcally all traffic Is carried on by rivers,would be on a furlough, subject to call in remedy lies In "squeezing out the water," Dallas, Tex., offers beds for every dele-

gatehe undertook the solemn obligations of the The First Lady which do not accommodate themselves to i

time of need. are reminded that, although the recent If she gets the Democratic National married state, and who, after having been (St. Louis Times.) the necessities of an army proceeding in tha .

it won't work out Just as homileage in receiverships Is 1.176 miles more convention. But what use has a delegate forgiven, and again and again filled with Two weeks ago the object of President direction of Turkey. Railroads are few lPerhaps than the former record year of 894, the to a national convention for a bed? Los the best pancakes his wife can make, for-

sakesWilson's watchful waiting had only two and poorly equipped. The route through

plans it, but everyona must admit that Sec-

retarytotal capitalization of properties Involved his roof and takesAngeles Times. to the restaurants photographs In the whole of Washington. Serbia and Bulgaria is across spurs of the

Garrison's Idea soams simple enough Is $264.000,000 lesa. That's what we'd like to know. because he finds one stem In a huckleberry The latest count estimate, we should say Carpathians and the Balkan range. Theto admit of its feasibility. At any rata. It Kxperta account for the great receiver-

shippie a foot wide, la not fit for married life. gives her 3,567842 half-ton- and several Teutonic allies have the advantage of a

the matter seri-


record of 894 aa an aftermath of the Let's have a larger aeroplane corps, Mr. But he does not deserve his liberty scot reels of movies. short direct route. The allies have the ad-vantagethat he has givenproves distressing financial panic and business de-

pressionGarrison, even If It does come high. Dallas free. The alimony allowed In this case of an open road through thethought and Is working In harmony of 189S; but no such general and Journal. should be (6 per cent of the Income of a

We'd know Mrs. NormanWe'd



any-where with Mediterranean to the point at which theywe saw hey.

with the president, who Is an advocate of well defined causes can be assigned for the cantankerous benedict who should have are landing troops to aid Serbia.with the left Wesquinted.eyes open; eyepresent state of affairs. There have ofpreim redness, not for war, but for defense. War and Immigration remained a bachelor and paid, by tipping, have been told exactly how she appears The Balkan situation is more disquietingcourse been alternate periods of falling traf-fic

the price of the privilege ofand prosperous business, while the near-pani- c (Washington Star.)

waiter.bullying the when sitting up, sitting down, standing, to the allies than any other development of

Vice Crusade for of 1907 brought considerable reces-sion

Are the tables being turned on ua? In walking, bending over, with hat on, with the war since last autumn. But the failureJuarez of activities In railroading as well aa times past some tall promises and descrip-tions

hat off, with eyes elevated, with eye down, to reach the third objective, after anotherA VICB crusade Is promised In Juarez by In other directions: but there has been no were circulated In Europe to assist Free Trade With Mexico with one hand up, with the other up. with tremendous outlay of men and munitions

both both down. She couldn't fool would find Germany by next spring snowedua" the Tarranclstas after they have occu-


contributing dlaasters such aa were wit-nessed

emigration to thla country. Money grew (Philadelphia Press.) up,twenty-od- d on treea In America. One had only to reach If she came our Bray with goggles on. We're In on the road to Petrograd, headed off onyears ago.the little Mexican border city, but Juat Some of the munitions we have beenUpon the .whole, then, without prejudice up and hluck It. Land waa to be had for wised up on the way she holds her crochet the road to Constantinople and blocked on

when ihey will do the occupying haan't or partiality, without mitigating the Inten-tional

the asking. Joba with fat wages attachedsending into Mexico are now coming back needle; we'd recognize her at an embroidery the road to Paris, after eighteen or twenty

been admitted. Perhaps they are counting wrongdoing of any claaa or setting stood on street corners begging to be taken.across the border and it's unlucky for any party. We have been fully Informed aa months of the most exhausting fighting.American to try and stop them. to why she wears buttons on her shoes. Unless the Germana shall succeed Intheir chickens before lliey are hatched. down aught In malice. It can be truthfully A boumll. ss and Inexhaustible paradise waa

said that the great underlying cauae of the to be found Just across the Atlantic. Rail-road

We know why she eats and drinks. She "smashing through" to Turkey before nextWho ran tell? even breathes the regular, ordinary every-

dayspring the allies, holding the sea highwayspresent phenomenal record of receiverships and steamship agents grew eloquent No Fun On' Credit air that everybody else takes chances and still recruiting strength, might be in a"Ciudad Juarez, with IIh crime dena. Its haa been of laws bearing with the theme.

(Ioe Times.) with. She can walk Just the same aa any better position than they were before theImmoral dance halls and lta gambling es-

tablishments,hard on railroad enterprise and over-se- Now, aa we ace, Europe Is made to beckon Angelesalong strictly political lines in the applica-tion

to America. And the appeal la both There is not much fun In saving in or-

derother woman. She speaks English. She beginning of the movement through the

many of thrm operated by of laws. and material. Europeans In thla can cook, sew, wash and answer the tele-phone.

Balkan states to the pay for fun that one has already had.Americans, haa long been a disgrace to the The railroads, generally apeaking, have country are urged to return to their old Saving for the fun you expect to have when She haa ideas. She wears coats in Upon the other hand, if the Teutaea

hail their homes and help restore what the has cold weather and lighter clothes In summer. should reach and relieve the theMexican nation."' nays Carranctata Consul taxea artificially ralaed. their war you get the money to pay for it it a lot mors Turks,of this nut will earnings abnormally cut down, and their ravaged. Patriotism calla Bealdes, there satisfactory. Why, she's most extraordinary In that she allies will have to their discredit, and dis-

comfiture,Garcia city. T'erhapa socredit needlessly hampered and reatrlcted, will be money In It. Henceforth the poor can do almost anything that as sane, sound, the record of the failure of both

the Carruncislas find It expedient to put In where not practically reduced to nothing man will have a chance In Europe. It will common-sens- e woman ought to be able to the Dardanelles campaign and the effortmotion a reform wave, the effect of which through the severity of regulation statutes. no longer be possible to keep him down Effect of the Loan 4o. to relieve Serbia, hold back the Bulgars andwould be to cut them off from a good many Any other kind and character of bualnesa over there. The old oppressive order Is (Dallas Newa) When the reporters visited her after the stop the Germans. The question In the

and enterprlae, facing similar conditions passing and there will be a good dea for Wilson policy had been sustained and after Near East, and the question uppermost Inround, American dollars? The for an extended period, would perhaps him In the new order. People differ in opinion as to the politi-cal

his last note had been answered, shu set the minds of obarvers of the war as a whole,Vllllstaa didn't, that Is all. Should the make aa bail a showing aa the railroads, or We must wait for the war to close and effect of the war loan, some Insisting the press of the country Into hysterics by is whether the allies or their enemies will

occupy Juarez Kl Paso would even worse. the new urder to manifest Itself before thla that It will draw us In as a friend and her seeming to be I'erfectly natural. 8he be first to reach Constantinople. If thegladly welcome the inauguration of a vice Unless the federal government and the question can be settled. The war Is effect-

ingof the allies. Seeing that a com-

parativelywasn't even a suffragist. She Wouldn't Dardanelles should be taken by the allies

states have a set purpose to take over the so much, reaching so far, forecasts small number of Americans, even make a good feature article for a before the Teutonic advance could reachcrusade, for If the gambling houses 'were railroads and thus help them hack to pros-perity,

about anything are uf doubtful value. Not moat of whom are not overly popular, will newspaper for the reason that none of the Turkey the command of the Mediterraneanclosed much money wasted would be saved the roads ahould at least be allowed improbably, however, America will continue purchaae the bonds and clip the coupons. It reporters could make her jump over a chair and the Hellespont would give them a newfor circulation on this side of the Rio more liberal means for helping themselves to be the bourne of Europeana of an ad-

venturousis questionable whether the loan will tend or eat the wrong ends of aaparagua ,So the and base from which to pro-

ceedGrande. Many thousands of dollars are in every legitimate and proper way. turn, who In making a Changs to popularise the allies very much. Be-

sides,whole squad of correspondents followed against the Central Powers, and an

No final good tn the ountry can come of field want to setUe In the most reward-fu- l there is apparently no reason why her around and had to be satisfied with Intrenched position with their backs to-

wardthrown away yearly across the river which from a continuous political fight to keep field In reach. Germany or Austria ahould not borrow pictures. Well, we are. We had air the India, the defense of which must al-

waysmight be put to better advantage over here. the rallroada from getting additional funda money In thla country and thus counteract pictures wa could stand. We're glad to be counted In the list of Great Briand a perauttent regulation campaign to Admlrul Little will be tried by courtmar-tia- l the "dangerous Influence" complained of. know the And tain's important undertakings in any warThe gambling houses in Juarez have been tax them out of what they now are allowed and when It ia ovsr there will be little If they need American cash or American we're so glad to know that she's a real In which the Turks are leagued with the

the source of considerable revenue to the to earn. admiral left. products. womanly woman. Germans.

ASTHMA SIMPSON A Long or Short Call Asthma Is Always on the Wire! Bg BILLY LIVERPOOLI I KNOW WHAT U PtWlrV A. I I j HeUO IfiT" iT

LI tt,CTN! I I 3 1 5 I VíIC I JríverrooU-- .

TO OrW T TM. WO tr

Sunday. October 17. 13. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

"SPANISH SELF TAUGHT," 25c EXPLAINS LOCAL ROAD BONDS SOLD This Invention for RuptureA little book valuable for ta cleameM and simplicity.


Won't Cast Yeu a Cent if the Two Months Test DeWtlProve AJI Our ClaimsPHt wsat or fmuvsiMTins rw.i. COMMIAMIlNrR ( 01 RT SF.LUI

PI BLM. KNOW AIMS AMI avjaissjAnd that m tbe curse at wear tug stastM

WORK or CLERKS or spring trusses not one m twenty everholds successfully they sooner or later

Because be reels that tbe lore! charter of Canvasalng the returns, derlarint the makeofoperation


itnereassry Sa-

lteadtMp.000 road bond election carried and sellum American Institute of Ranking Is not But remember the Clothe Is guaranteelng the honda, waa the record IhSlgenerally unoarstootj, smttn witnam. to hold won't cost a cent If Ityoumade by the count; "tnnilasloaars St the --andpresident or tne enapier. nea itsi saMMsa It próvidas thedoesn't. And ataesslon held Batur.láy aMernoon.statement rala lira to the aims. ar The Bestand meantna: or the organisation. The The bonds are soi.l ror par and accrued snly way arsr Blsasssrssl for evereesntagWEST POINTERS MET. bidder haa Ihe we air see which Is the real ssasa sitoasts were proposed to "The City or act opinion or tbe public at large, sa: Interevt provided tl"- .11 ccrul

Paao." "To the Army," "To the Claa or a cheek for laVoon in the nature of earnest Away With rupture.with Lieut, J. om pratidiat. rr mmbr itlt." "To tbe Married Man of the r.lsss." an otfenlsstion on the order or tbe labor money deHatld In one or ihe local banks It does that entirely automatically wfth

of itv class of June ÍÍ. 1st, or the United ÍO the Bachelors,'' "To the l adles" and union, to control hours and working con-ditions

by Monday aftern Min tiw name or the Worthless out any attention whatever rrom you Andstates Military academy, of Wan Point, H. Area B." the last Mint the drill (round or tbe bank exrrke. Las Labor bidder was withheld hv the rommtssloners haa thus brought complete recovery mY., recruited from in second Ilenlsnsota at Port Bins. Dar, its sotáis out. ne neara it remarked Optical for the reason stated that titer bond buyer." Trusses thousands of esses thst seemed almostboth of artillery mil infantry stationed at Besides Lieutenant Ord. the toastmester. while the parade was passing that nett might .ItKcover It no.i noli the sale, it Is hopeless, and has saved thousands or peoTort BUM. neU an enjoyable clsss reunion the meats of tbe venina included Lieu-

tenants tne cicrss known that a Dem.'t. company wired Like Th rrom having to risk their uvea unaVeryear nana wouia oe in tine tilsand banquet Saturday evening on the e J. B. Hunt, at. F. Darla, J. E. TBS it a tomen t follows : we Diq. Alian rraar. eecrriary ana irran surgeon's knife.floor of the Hotel Paso let Norte. T. 0. Mesrne. Den ran. J Swing, J. arsr of C. W. Mreal of Chicago

Music was supplied by the Sixth Inrantry Pcavey, J. Leonard, Oravee, R-- torch, P. O. "The Amanean Institute of Banking was orTered Ihe comml'aloners cents tor the itMO BELT. NO LEO ffTBAM, MO ST KINGS

band, conducted by Prof. Anton W. Parkinson, J. Menderhell. J. U. RoMnson. 0. organised and made an Integral part of bonds, tbal being .,, less than their face Ton ssa snake a thorough proveStore asfSsr The Cluthe deas sway entirety with

and In the course of the evening Phslerhyer, W. East and 0. Staub. the American Bankers association in I ton Service value. lest of this guaranteed moaat. the curse of wearing halts, lag atrapa andwithout having to risk a singlefor the purpose of improving tbe bank

man's condition. The underlying principle The rommlaslonei" authorised setting we'll isnd It to you ror staff Says' Mai springs. People who have tried it sag it isasiae vt.soo ror tne mting runa ana sis.ix as comfortable aa their clothing. And It lior the institute Is education. The study practically lead it to yon that long just toror tr.e nrst years tuieresi on me nonas. waterproof will bold In lbs bath. Alsocourses cover not only practical banking let yon sss ror yourseir how It takes fellme irsnscrtpt 01 111. noneia wiu ne pr" persslrsuon-proo- r lastly kept clean.But pomicai economy, commercial and pared at ones, so that it ran be taken tr the misery out or being ruptured.

banking law and negotiable instruments, Austin ror the attorney reneral'a approval ir It doesn't keep your rupiars GET WORLD'S AREA TEST BUTTVBE BOOK

and other subjects or vital interest to Is None Too Good Following that the boml will be printed. coming out or bothering you In any way Dcajt send any money don't asks anybank men The orfielal canvass .howed that ssi votes In spite or any work you do or say other risk Just write ior our Tras book sad rind

"Men of affairs have come lo realise that were rant in favor of the Issue, wblla tU strains -- then It wont cost you a peony out sil about It This isnisHsaal books broader rounaatton is neeoessery to me For You votad against 11. THC ONLY THIN" GOOD KNOt'OH tt pages, N separate articles,growth or the ambitious man or today. The The application or Forest E. Baker ror the TO STAND SUCH A TEST and n photographic illustrations Is fullIncreasing complexity of social and Indus - position or ros.l was received and or reels ror toe rupiuren nevertrual problems makes necessary Ihe study filed. A mere try-o- like at s drag atora cant in printor tne nasir principies or business ana possibly prove whether s truss or anything It shows Why el astir sod prtng trussestheir application to present day needs. BKEVI1IES else ror rupture la going to do any good. are a crime now they are the rupturedHence the support or the American Bank When gUooea axe need-

edNeither is just s few days trial s safe man's worst enemy why lbs

ers' association, an organization represent-ing

test A truss may seem alright the first sop raeir per cent of the hanks In the United (Advertí ementa.)

week or so and than prove utterly worth-less.

It expoi tbe humbugStales. you owe it to your ntetbodV' mi," "plasters,"Or. ilt Mills Building-Khert, Dentist, mThe American Institute of Banking Is But you can't possibly make s mistake IV shows why operation ror i untáis sssdscomposed or amy chapters located In all

Departed rer Coast. after slaty days- trial. In permanent waaknesa or death oftarjsrhave them fit-


or the large clues or this country and eyes to Mr. and Mr. Walter Mrlsen departed And there la only one thing or any kind than in rompiste recovery.Canada Its membership lacladas over Saturday for tbe Paririr roast, where they for rupture that you can get on such a And It talis all shout the famous anonItJtA men tne men reniña tne riasnciai

tor by the beat optician will spend a ni. nth at the beaches and ex-positions,

long trial-O- nly gives names and addreases of ovar ESNSins of an empire, with tlt.000,000.000

the one thing good enough to stand people In all parti or tbe country whoammunition, for these dollars are such a long and thorough hat have tested It and tells bow you can getallaggregate

tha hankscapital

rcnresenledsurplus and

In thisdeposits

organiof available. Since 1901, Try the new oar. You get tbe Is our guaranteed rupture holder It on sixty days trial, and how little ttof best T. F. Kslsn. proprietor. the famous Clulhs. easts ir yon keep Itsation. As staled before the purposes Simply use the coupon or eav in a assssrthe institute Is education, mil tne social MADE ON NEW PRINCIPLESour Mr. J. R. Segall haa or postal "Send me your book" that willside Is not overlooked. Dances, banquets,

the The Cluthe It so radically dirfersnt from take only a minute and may save yon fromsod otter events are on pro-grampicnics tver vthmg else ror rupture that It bu re-

ceive!paying out a good many dollars and asaraor most chapters, statistics snow been Odd Fellows. Notice: eighteen SSStSfaia patents. Made on from ofrecognized the you years misery.tbe for asthat the A. I B. men are on move, loAll members and visitors are requested an absolutely paw principle Jar atore than

80 per cent or the promotions to orru ial meet at the hall on mi Francisco ireet Just a truss THISnoaltlons have from Ihe ranks of BRINGS IT--come leading optician of El snnrtav at I o'clock n. m to altrml Ihr fu It has so thoroughly proved Its merits Inthe firstOne ofthe active chapter men. neral or Brother Henry L. canell. Lodge nearly esses thst surgeons In thequestions asaea toaay 01 a nuiunin, w-ln- U. 8. Army and Navy and physicians In all Bas compamta position In an eastern bank is "Are Paso and the South-


or the world now recommend It invon a flaamher of the A. I. B.Y" parts IX Boat Sard St. NEW YOREK, w. Brysn. Sscrettry. Steed or advising operation."The El Paso Chapter organised August send roe your Prai

7 with a membership or 103. wnn smun ALICE P. ATTAWA, Ilrnllst, 212 Mills Blag. WILL SAVE VOI FROM OPERATION Offer.WHhrarn or the Bio Orande Valley Bank A rupture can't possible he relieved& Trust Co. president; C. H. Tesgue of the Dr. anna Rsum. buraiar Blag, over Kills rsn't even be kept from growing worse NameCity Natlonsl bsnk. pice president; W. C. unless oroirciea agsinst all strains andHaden of the Flrat National bank, secre-tary, Silver City llnostrr Coming. constantly kept rrom coming out Just as

and D. L. Hill or the Sute National In this connection we Rarl lllnton. serreury or Ihe Silver City, a broken bone can't "knit1' unless conbsnk treasurer. N. M., Chsjaher of Comnierce. Is due in stantly held logetbsr. ,

"That the EI Paso chapter It recognized Paao on Monday. IP- utnlnir 10 visitby the banks or the city Is borne out by also remind that the locsl Chamber or (.(.mmeree and dis-

cussthe ract that the El PasocommitteeClearing House


informally matters mat may be of In-

terestto the surged workmanship. The wss constructed, reported he waa unablehas appointed an advisory between Hie people of the two mi at the Fore river to find written of theWhen or T. M. Wlna-o-

, Edgar Kaysar ami present inspector any record agree -

Posed official-o- f the "Segall optical cities. hip niillillnir plant, wnern the suhrnertnr meanMurchlecn. to art with the Mr. Million's trip Is In the nature of atbe chapter In all matters. return visit in acknowledgment or the

"The local chapter haa already started a service" although su-


uti.o.ohiie inn nf the I l'ao businessYou Are Well Dressed commercial law class, unner me msn op-

tionmen to Hilver City lasl spring to attend

or Kred Knollberg or Loomls A Knoll the convention or New Mexico cattlemen.

the world is your oyster. You feel fit for any men.berg, wltb




local chapterof forty

hasin every way which wss neia tit mat time.

started work that will turn out active, live DR. BAUCHERT. DcnllJl. Mills Uldt- P. ' Get the Right Treatment Firstemergency. You have confidence, power and men possessed or the highest purposes, costs you no more.from which the banking Interests of the Small RiihhMi fire.

ginger. Big men do business only with well city and the people at large will reel the. The Sunset Heights fire department wasbeneficent Influence as its work called to the rear Of a residence at M Those who aro ta need of treatment for the

dressed men they judge the book pretty ( Prospect avenue sjalurday sfleruoon at If first Urns should carefully nota the above.o i. rk. w !. riiniii wns Burma, no Or those who did not Eat tha rlrht treat-

mentlargely by the binding. OUR JITNEY OFFER This and Sr. NEED GLASSES? damage resulted from the fire. at flrat, should certainly know by theirDONT MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, In-

closeunfortunate the need ofexperience gtttlnamall It to Foley Co.. MISSION MAC ARONI. Aak your grocer.with c and 'th Treatment NOW.ASK SEGALL RlahtKahn- - Tailored-- Clothes d'resa clearly. You will receive In return a Tax Bosrd lo End sessions

trial package containing Foley's Honey and Msyor Turn l.a has announced tliat ihe PILES.sea.sibns or the tax board will be concluded$20 to $45 We for thisnext (Saturday. Those property owners usa common ailment, the famous

notified of raise in their I'KNN INFILTRATION METHOD. It Is Utobackache, kidney .1... hv, tven ahave that bracing, substantial some-thing

and back, rheumatism, v.i,, .,... ihi nave not tincaren, must ons absolutely sure curs for Piles. Wa havaana manner aiimonis. uu ruy v,h,'which makes you moro capable. Tanieis, a wnoieaow ana iiTOruuiiuj SEGALL call on the board during the coming week. not had a slncle failure since wa adopted thiaThia will he the only chance ror Ihein lo met hod. This statement can readily be substantiated at any time by

It's partly because wo recommend headache and sluggish bowels. Owl Drug mi reduction made In the valuationsIf the many patients ws havs cured with It It does away with the ne-cessitymade The board, which was in

them, that our shop is Btorw. lAavoriiseiiicm.r any.....r...

arc.ill last week, adloiirned Saturday of an operation, the danger of Cautery, Ligature. Carbolic Acid

al noon. The work will be taken up again Injections, aa wall as high fees and dstsntlon from your this town. Come in and aae us. TO INTER BIG DISPLAY CONTEST. OPTICAL Monday morning- rrom wnicn unir mcOver 500 Kahn patterns and thirty Local Concern Esperta to Stand Well la board will remain in session rrom day to

Kahn modela to select from. International Aftslr. day until Saturday, th nnal day. An Extraordinary OfferGeorge M. Nlsbet. 90s Texas street, man

sger o? the El Psso Phonograph company, COMPANY In ordsr to enable all thosa afflicted with ailments under our apé-ela

dis-playhas entered the Inlernailonal window

contest which ihe Edison Diamond It y to receive expert medical aid, combinad with up to data, scien-tificHewn TWAIN Disc Jobbers' association ol the United

lilt MUTINOUS VILLA methods, wa are making a special offer for A FEW DATS MORSStates and Canada will conduct during

week when fees, for services, In tha conditions, will be:son weak, October It-- All neat 108 Texas St our followingIn the contest will111 ffTERs WHIRTMAKR each window entered

contain s display or F.dlson Diamond Disc Nervous Debility 16 lo S40 Blood Poison ...SSO a tfa1 09" III TEXAS ST. Thomas A.

ofEdison's invention for the

TROOPS DEFEATED ObotruoUona $10 to SSS Kidney Ailments to saoThe conditions or the contest have been Chronic Conditions ... SIS to $40 lVostatO condition . . tin to $40Ingeniously framed to bring about good

competition, The following Is noted from Catarrh $16 to SSft Pistola , S15 to SMthe conditions elrculsted by the Jobbers' ML XII AN BAND TO PLAY.association

"The decision will not bn influ-

encedC ASASJury's OFFICIAL REPORT FROMLeader of Late Villaby the number of Instruments dis-

played,Band, Spectacular

TF.LLS OF SUIPRIHE AMI SLAI UHThR Hernia (Rupture)but by tne attractiveness and Itn Musician. Will Give Concert OF DESERTERS.presstvenesa of the display, and In particu-lar

Rayo H. Revea, who was director of theby tbe graphlcness with which are pre-

sentadfamous Mexico i. Itv. hi nil under the reirti Ws cura Rupture In selected cases with perfect safety and antaO

the distinctive qualities or the of Porfirio Diss, 'then under Vic or mniliioiisThe derest or s eoliimii no suffering, and do not detain you from your occupation, as ostaDisc Phonoa-ran- and lis special na ana later wnn in. villa troops, win dl Villa cotnmaiided by UenTslstroops,tures, such as the permanent reproducing rert a band concert to be played in Clave Donsto Lopei Pallan and liiel l.opei, treatment often suffices.The Overland Grocery Co. point, tos ana unbreakable land aausre Tuesday nlrht. Hevea lia on whlrh deserted from Casas inundes larecorva, vac The ran that the Edison Dla- - tatnsd permission from the city council announced In an orrirlel rsporl rorwardedmmri nisc Phonna-ranl- i and record Klvc ui uae me para on tins ingni U the Morning Times by tleirral Vilas Blood Poisonlaboratory of music, as opposed Reyes' career as a bandmaster, while re private secretary, Colonel Kniique Peres

208 EAST OVERLAND to a mere mechanical reproduction, and plete with success, baa been some what Rul salurdsy. The message wss rtaP--

that the Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph spectacular. When Villa captured Mealcu ai Casa Orahdea, where the headquaiiers PERMANENTLY CURED BY OCR BRITISH no tons of Its own (proven by tone i.lty. Hayes and the SO members or his Villa Is located. The orriclalor thcomparisons with the living artists), are band were taken along when Die villaarmy After having Irled out and watched Uta effects of almost avaryfollows:WILL OPEN OCT. 20th ftutnraa that ahniilri be emnhaalsed The rsportWEDNESDAY, troops evacuated tne city, iicyc- - men be kind of treatment, old and now, administered for Blood Poison, arothe or snnouneed Inwill ailenUon to liapejury pay no came villa's bandmaster and continued lo "As hsa been previously

sue or me orairi wmuuw. act in tins capacity up to tlx- tune mat messages, eight Hava aro. the havs corns to tha conclusion that Um BRITISH METHOD la far ahSSVdWITH A KULL LINE OF bTAPLK AND FANCY GROCKK1KH. words, the dealer with a small window the Villa troops left Afuaecellentea. Uriel Lopes Pallan, rhier of the Chao of any of them, and our wonderful tucusos with It readily bears owtchance as Hie andwill have lust as good a brigades, the I rlel Lopez

Our stock will ba mW and POSITIVELY FRESH. We invito the dealer with s bi( window. Tbe awards Reyesthe

and bis band wars In the last carthe Angel Ocon deserted this our decision.on departing train. A shell struck thethe. of the Ideawill be baaed on originality encampment lak'.ug Willi them shout 300killing memberscar. some or Iliapublic and all ear old friends to come around asad say "Hello!" tea trrsctivsneas wnn wnicn u

out band and men and commencing a campaign or execu-

tionsseriously whowounding Reyes,in the arrangement of the dls- - against small vlllsge and denvlnrwas tnrown completely out or tne car. ne Nervouswas picked up by some cavalrymen and gusiant'es to svery one. Many officers Debility"libers window has oeen presnager iskrti lo a hospital, where lie finally re and soldiers attached to Ihe column liTt

Fred Wldman & Son parednew disc

lorMondaytbe contest

morningand win





relumedthey learned,,

lo Hie cuarelof their

general.Inten Wo treat thia condition, and all wpakaes s Induced by nervous com-

plicationsfor the prises filtered Edison ileal, ra f I ever play any more music" said "The chief of operations dir.atrh-- d a aad saesssss, and put you on tha right track to health, re-

storingtola state, and also tor the . hami lonalilpProprietors. prise to be awarded Mr tbe best display ted Ute- -Orhoacolumn


Fernando csatroby Ostvsrsla

to pursueManuel

the the conditions tasan tit I to you futura Ufa aad happiness.The band concert Tueadav mailt la cum- -in the United sutes or Canada unfaltliriil ofricers and ihe'r tronpi, threeHOB K. 10 El PSSOPHONICS -- . OVERLAND ST. newspaiMruien.

'The breakfast' RnmenWy tbe public Is Invited dvs ago. They surprised them In theIdeal dish

Different-- Suirberter's ranch, which la situated In Kidney and Bladder Diseases"DelldouslyMajestic Bacon tn heart of Hie mountains snd m rested

them. The encounter with the mutineerswas so sudden Hist they abandoned their By our searching Illumination of the Bladder, wo determine ac-

curatelyAT ONCE! STOPS horaes neither having time to clothe thrin tha Disss ss aad by microscopical examination and urinalysisselves or pul on their shoes In Ihe battle,th'rt.v-riv- or their number were killed, we main doubly sure ths condition of tha kidneys, thus laying the

Wileon-lVflllica- n Cleariirig Works (MRS were wounded, and aevenly wars foundation for scientific treatment aad early, good resulta.mrde prisoners General Orhoa's vallsnt

STOMACH MISERY soldiers did not have a birle casualty.on captured a large number othorses, arma, cartrldgea and other ele. Catarrh

Adds Anothermenu.

than twenty rollomers remain withAND INDIGESTION Pallan, a Ihe remainder of his unit NOCE AMO THROAT TROUBLES

win. h has not been killed or wounded haa Cared Oar aVarsttttVi BUtui bxeUvod.bybeen dlsperaed In every direction fnisiisailljAuto Delivery "Psllan bad received a large amount of Wo pride ourselves on the resulta obtained In Catarrh and eur suc-

cessailvsr money whlrh caused him to turn due the fact that Diagnose Correctly, aadiratirir He was rohhad of Hie money bv haa been to we removePINK some of the soldiers that deserted Before ths CAUBB. To further aid us In our work wo have recently Installed"There's a Reason" surprise hy Orhoa the

SSxsaaasra were in aucb ban coiidltioii thai the famous PINOZONATOB machias. Call aad receive a Teat Treat-mentDo some roods you ret tut back lasts msny nines Ihey hsd to kill thajr mulé PR EE. Afflictions of ths NOBtt. THROAT. LUNU and STOM-

ACHrood, but ( rk badly; rrni.afii Into stub to aerurs enough lo eat Tbe largar DartThe Best ClaMtnsfs bon. iuinpe aiJ cause a aik. aour, Sfssy or lbs prisoners are ornean of the are quickly benefited by this recent Invention.stomas ht now, Mr. and Mrs. liyspapu. oximel brisarle- - ol rhao and today theyJot thia down rape Dlapepsin dlñ-s- will be brought to lbl city. Make no mistake In tha name andmeiytniaf. leaving nothing lo sour and up "FNBICjL'E PfTtU RUI.,The Best Work sl you Tbirs Itever an anytluug o ears "Secretary to Oaoarsa villa " Location of office.y quick, so eertsiuly effarttv' no differ ourel,.. l. badly your alome, h is disurdered little trial roarpoNxpyou win gas happy relur in rive minute. Consultation Fresa.

The Best Service but what plasasi you most is that u Admiral Uvea LnUI Not ass her 1 as PreparaMl






His Deleaae. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday 10 to I only.By A asocia tad Press.

Most remedie, give yuu reller aomeUsaaWhite and Fancy Work Iba ara alow, but not urt "Wsue's Dla

pepsin" la Quick, iaitiv and puts your was postponed today until NOV. Dr. KetchersidOur Specialty ssditiseh in a nsaltby ao the usía Adsiifal utile atapiálale- - to saaey won t rom bay V las Mkst ne wui us uustur ioYou real dirrarasT ss sooa as "Psa a Uts atorsssM next Monday the

" potista comas la umuci aim tbs a saa Tbs uTlosr Is obanrsdaoh diaar. just vtAlshss-ro- ar of duty to Bsvujg Kepid. aaaaírúiíiir. The International Specialistpats sweat, no gese no belch siiBiasnns ) rromPHONES la allasad to have

HBsAWKi6' LVLVftssf Bw neat luvesMieni youwas dafeciive enstrm (Estahllshosl nina yoaao.) , j

a laras flhy haul lu ui.cuinenu rsUttag to thegic toasy. aawnlrsl l un Second Floor Mamma" Blk.. 1 12 Mesa Ave.. El Paao, Taocaa

liu'wniiiiu'let rig ssid taatM froiu iiuUaraaaiaapTjgaBeBSBjsaffjasjHSSjSf oyssapau or say

EL PASO MORNTNC TIMES Sunday. October 17. 191 5.


METALWORTH IN VALLEY Furniture and House Furnishings

sin i.mmif. mrwfr point otT arSILOS ui i iutivp or rmu.i.II M.I PLANT.

ni el Aarleiriture Tellsmni Ha t'ae In Dairy

Olvé best satisfactionIHaaiicts. 4IF IT'S FOR THE HOME WE HAVE IT"because the walla are "The ilo in the Kl Pino valley hat 'air and water tight nnd prn 1- north and It hit rum- - to stay,"


moliture- pnrus,


the l-










ChamberlamiaKl Paso



gation Follow the crowds to this store and see the greatest bargains to bewhichessential

la absolute-ly for Ha Ai in- some of the fsrrnert thougiit found in El Paso. Our new fall stock is most all here and you will be pleasedproper prcservatlotk. mat mortem Ho i ton i. k a propost






iscajr,largeOf thi.-- .


a rale



ap with the new styles and finishes. All the new period styles are representedJOltlT OF MIjOS IW pan nily made failures. In the Henar ofI'MC M li OF MKT-Al,- ? makinx

turn HutInvestmentwe Nnit out

griUuiik- -an r thun

by expertihe n in the many suites and odd pieces to be seen only here.

TtlKRK 18 A are. ami the r armera mum learned thatUKA BON. IKVKSTI-G,T- while a lilt ami mln muría not

lie remunri live, S'Stnall lio. n.ruiurieilUSD YOtn.Ii on an in. Mimical scab". - prartirallvKIND OUT. lhrt.iensiihle to the opcrailuii of a OUR DELIVERY SERVICEtarm Today neirly every pro-

gressive"rífete. WIUTF. FOB fanner baa lli of some tier srripllon, ami Ulnae who liaie not yet doneCATAIOGt'K. to



to Installby Hie

them."lilted Stales We are adding two new auto trucks to our delivery department, and hope

HILLS, SUTTON & WHITE HABTC. CO.deparimenlhave







the nn.--iusesln.w



aliothe to give more perfect service in this department in future. We thank our

Kspeciall) reryihey

industryfound In



Its friends and patrons for the patience shown during the big rush just pastMYBTliK A V K. and DALLAH, Kl, PARO, TKX. greatest dm iiipninl. Silas'' now unL- -

reriauy recognhwd as a mi and cheapfor farm stork, and ii.n in ularly for

rattle and sheep. here are - vi ral s

for the pnpularity t si Inge, namely:llrasna Inr Hlln Pepularily. ExtensionI. Silage Is the heat and cheapen rortnin which iii culcnt feed can In; providedin winter use.j. An acre of corn can te placed in the

iln at a rnt ii'.i cXReeilliiK " n of siiock-ing- , Tableshusking, grinding and shedding.'nips ran In- put Intn the silo during

uiiitlier Hint could not Da nuiini in maxSILO CONTRACTOR ing hay or curing fodder: In nimn lorall-i- n

s this 11 an Important consideration. We are showing a most complete line ofI. A given amount or corn in the rorm of

silage will produce mure unlk than the Extension Tables in period and plainsume amount when abocked mid dried.

A. Tbere Is leas waste In leading silage styles in a great variety of styles andthan In feeding fodder. Oood silage prop-erly finishes. This table shown hereT. B. ATKINS fed is all conanmed. as comes

silaae is verv Dalatahle. in fumed and golden oak. Priced specially7. Sllagi.'. like other ucculeni feeds, haa

h iHiieiinai ciiecv upon in iiiki siivc or-gans.Canutillo, Texas.

s Mure stock can be kepi on a givenarea of land when si laic - the basis or

Fumed Buffet made of oak,Have built concrete silos for the following well-know- n

inn0. im

ration.account of the small' r cost af la- -

mission nicely finished.bor, silage can lie usid for iiiplemrniliig $10.80 pattern,residents: more renin. inn any man can sou Specially $11ing crops, unless only a small amount of 9(1

supplementary reed Is required. priced only OlU.a-a-fu. Converting tho, crop Into silage clears

Sam B. Gillette, Canutillo, Tex. the land and leaves It ready Tor anothercrop sooner than If tlie corn la ahocked

Dr. S. T. Turner, Clint, Tex. anil iniskiMi. HeatingBecause of these advantage of silage It TheIs ihe irrne ni niilnliin allii.mi dairy farmParks BelenTex.Bros., it- - who have built allot that the tiae of

Dr. J. B. Brady, Canutillo, Tex. row.silage

thoughhas Increased

It Is nomilk


true thatper

In Stoveseei'Uln localities which are well adaptedW: T. Tolbert, Canutillo, Tex. in the irinwtli of alfalfa nr nays or good

mistily the same amount of rnod nutrientsmay 11" prim at less rosi in tne lorinW. L. Tooley, Montoya, Tex. Warm home wtth a Gar- -of hay than as silage. your A bedspring that can't sag because of the patented flex-

ibleAndreas Garcia, Dona Ana, N. M. t:harnelerAlmnst any

of Milagegreen

Oops.crop can be surress-- r land Base Burner.. Beautiful hollow strand construction;

v made Into silage, state the authoritiesof tin- rnlted Mates department of agrl j that does not jol yon toward the center because It cannot sag;

I respectfully refer patrons to the above as to my outnilturc,

the airir sufficient

from the material.caro la taken

On account,to force and attractive In finish and de-


that Is absolutely noiseless, having nothing; about It to creak or groan;however, of tho difficulty of expelling air heatsrw, fuel that conforms to the shape of the body;powerfulability and reliability. troin i.laiil- - Willi hollow stems, urn astimothy, oats and barley, these crops arc that has do loose strands, open links or sharp corners to tear bed clothes.rarely put into ihe silo. Tew. CaurrloJ In three- stoea. Quarter century guarantee. 30 night 'a free trial. ,

As to alfalfa, cowpeas and soy nourish In lire Kl Paso valleys, theauthorities plaga that all these crops ran 54.00, SfiS.50 and geS.OOT. B. ATKINS lie placed Into silage by exercising theame precautions as wnn clover, inry ROUND OAK HKATKB8 Va-

riousshould be ctll at the same time as for hay-making. patterns and sines. PricesHowover. It Is ordinarily prefer-able,EL TORO CEMENT USED EXCLUSIVELY as wiiii rlovrr. to make them into $5.40hay rather than silage. Tlie fermentations SSEwinch lake place in silage made of

cause a greater los of nutritivematerial than with corn silage. HOT BLAST HEATERS Bak-

erThe cost of silage is naturally an Item Hot Blast, i inch fire pot,of greatest Importance and consideration10 the farmers. The cost varies in differ-ent

body made of heavy bluelocalllie-- . As to this ream re a recent steel. Price til OCbulletin by the United Htaes department

of agriculture recite lu part: only M !) Try It 30 Sigbu"Aa with tlie rust of rilling Ihr silo no fa Prv il'tHOLLOW TILE SILO termite figure ran be aet as to the ,.on body Baker Hot Blastof silage. This will depend upon the SufTimiCtmftrt

yield per acre, tlie cost or growing anThe aril onunBtM photograph la acre and Ihe coal or rilling. Several years Prloe. . . . $13.50nu Illustration Of a new hnllow tllii ago the cost was variously estimated atSILO and a climax k.nsii.aiik In. in tl to SI '1. per Ion. At present this

Is much too low. The dula collected byCUTTER, luiiInK and blowing the rtilry division on the niling of g? silos Special Values From Our Carpet Departmentthn i lan of green cane sixty-fiv- e In various part or the country show the

fin high per hour and operated costIt.Ml


growington. This

the silageincluded

rropInterealin average

on 6x9 IlruHaelH Kuga, $7.95 6x9 Axmlnater Busa, $13.35 Extra Specialby an DIBTIL-LAT- Investment in land or rental price, as the Special Speciali:m;inI5 on Uimur Davis case may be. Iml due not include Inter-

ealrnmii HW Clint. Texaa The Hol-low

on theof






preciation . I.I No l.i :i M. 9z 2 Axminster and Velvet Rugs. A big assortment of pat-ternsTile Silo hua met the approval added to the 87 cents, which represents the New patterns and designs of Linoleum now on display. Printed Lino. and color. (17 QC

of an prominent (Videra and gov-

ernmentrust or ruling, makes the total cost a..:, leum, square yard oTm- and 76c Your choice for p 1 I . ODpin. The cost nr slUge for the Indi-vidualexperta in the valley per Inlaid Linuleum. square yard 1.00, $1.15 and gl.Mfarm varied from 11. in to tí per

whom have give It their attention acre. In general It mav he stated that from Congoleum. Special per square yard..1....... 45cI. . .Mi.- the prion la light, 41 d it ai.50 to i per ton renrescnis the Umita

between which most of the silage is pro-duced."to a very prut Ural job, all of

whluh are manufactured In Kl Milage as reed for Dairy Cowe.Paao. 'The Tile, are not of the In view of the furthcoming devolpment Furniture Co.of the dairy Industry or ihe Kl Paso Rogerssam. grade lived In buildings, but It will partlrulsriv interest the farm-er- a

are a special design ami burned to know that silage has been foundTile manufactured well adapted as a feed for dairy rowa the El PaaoBrMl Co for Curtía Co., egcluilve.


a consequencearc more numerous

ilos. throughoutupon Terms

the108-110-1- North Stanton Stmt We Give art StampsI.ook n all over and compare devoled to dalrylns than nimn any other

kinds or rami In many sections silageprices Von an readily appreciate lias come 10 br the ranuer's main rellanesthe Hollow Tile Kilo with' heavy for CQW feed In wintercast iron goat and door frame. However, while ilage an excellent

food. It Is not a romnlete one for dairyFor further stock It too 1'iitky and waterv and VISITORS IN CITY from MateslT, Aria., and la at the Hotel ton. N. M., la al the Hotel Sheldon, arrivingcontains Insufficient protein suit mineral THREE CONVICTED Sheldon. Saturday.

Curtis matter to meet fultv" Ihe requlreroentt of& Co. the dairy cow. It should be- mmhined Miss Beulah SununerTord and MistWilli some legumtnuus hay. such as eh. ver. Hlaiiehe Oix wen- Saturday urivals In the J. M. Prolt of Parral, Mexico la st

' ; sansa.. cowpeas nr alfalfa. These will tend to rlty rrum Las Cruces and are at the Hotel Thomas S. Snyder, s cattleman of Clay. Hotel Sheldon, arriving Saturdayeorrert the del Icieini. . of the silage In raso del Norte. ,ASM Flrat Na-

tionaldrv matter protein and mineral ronatilii-enta- . OF PEACE BREACH

Hunk A rallón of sitare and. sav. alfalfahay alone i attfafartory. however, only Mra. Marta Brownies or Dallas. Texaa, la

Bldg. KIU for rows wlii.ii ate dry or giving only a a truest at the Paao del Norte, arrivingsmall amount of milk ami foe belferi and Saturday.

Hullder a 11 d bulls rows in full m't" require s,.me ronM.i' Agl centrsteit rood In addition 10 hav and tu Hill IHHUA i mu ni Ml. XIII AND f. 0. Hnnmera of Oklahoma City la asilage, ss they caniKit consume rnourt nf jomk ditomi in in st.Mi.v in business visitor In El Paao and a ueat at

MB.these feedi to keep up a large How or MONDAY. Uie Paao del Norte. ANNOUNCEMENT!!

Victor L Oeboa. Kinll I., liolmdabl and liarles E. Hardy of Noyalrs. Arla., WSSrt fcislercd at the Hotel Paao- - del .Norte on

lltUM.I Mil DAY. feiuiaiii company aa a brakiinan running Joae oroteo, a souala of the late Uea. i as aaiuriiay.between Man Uemarduiu and Los Angiies TURN HAIR DARK rusl Oroaeo. eueret-- ui the tJolled b la lea

gtiluus tsklaii In tygrraalr W..ÜUO tiled la m may t last juat as tlie train was dlelrict nun fur Die wrsu-r- district ofi. uurta fceturdey. Man Hei iiardiuo. the insumir al J. W Boot nailer uf Denver, Coin.. It here

Damags auiu aggregalius l.v.iam were leges that Ida lout struck a hall that waa Texaa alb oonavuery in v luíate the neu-trality

un . sin. business and is ai tin iiuUi ii. i

on ii.e roof of the car, reauiunt tila lawa of this nailon, were fnunu don.filed ui Urn dialrni count naturday. ios I. nam and lailin. leu, in. WITH SAGE TEA rullty by a Jui Saturday. '

rft a suit film in the Thirty fourth dla car, unco be waa Injured Inr suit was liarles M SUtsea la S vUltor to tlsn city Commencing today and running every day theretrtri i. .ml It II M1I11U1M1 asking tin riled by Georga Wallace. 4rre U. Onsco, former Carrsnaa roaaulAtehtMiii. loprki. Mania iv Hallway com in a sun riled 10 the tame court A. at. Ui Kl Paao. alan a waa exoner-

atedwill be

Iraniin tuocrsiinsl

pay niiu damages lor al Ayers Is asking Ihe salar company pi pay (.HVMltlt kl I1 III l IM K lltHk. I.lllssl and releasi-.- rroui cualndy. Seuieiu-e-injnii's The plaintiff him M...UU .uníase Cor injuries lie alleged will be pasted by JuiIri' Tlmnvaa M. Maxey Lime Starvationnanus tliai he ata by Um do ASU 111111. wiiii 4 MIMHUi MIX Hah. ii.. iv 1. while sill imp 111. s p. umple tar Mnuilay The uisxiiuuiii scuunrsi is threeair hoM' oetwevn two cars lu the yarda at U kAUK Tat ANO Hi LPUI at years in the wuiuiiliai j and a tine.Herslov .a) in. ptalnurr alleged Uud Ii.. cuuvitiKiiis air tlie flrat i.buiued un Cantes Tuberculosis 20-Minu-

te Jitne Servicetin a. 1,1.111 incurred oil April I last, at cliararrs nf vlolallnu ut the in usligj lawswin. iiiue ne waa id Hit employ of Ma Toe suite un tail oí mu. ajrnrr oí Miniltiilefeinisiii company aa car Inspector The Isul 'iv.1 l.r ilaikeuius fray, rases have Men Uiod al tin m iui annual Is the Medical gMsfa (New Vera) ef Decaan was nkd by WaiVaee g aardner. faoi ii liiu is sraiuliuatlvr's Ir. nun. nl auü aitunas of tits federal court in the past four ft r. nusaeu asya:

Hisbrrto user a minor, by tus father. fula.- - srv again ualtuj It lo keep loelr hair years, but aU resulted ui a. quiltsla. The reeaaaUed as prea uut nu color, mini, is quite sensible, last eoarlruona were before Juuae Burns In saasal el Uiherru.Nicolas Lugo, la suing Um haula Pa fuel as r are lisuux la SB efe when a youiliful ii.. October ic i ui uf 191 1. i.' n leu were lusu Tu the adult easy be reeslSrrrS as doscompany for aio.uou datueges fui ugurlea ai.i aiancr is f Uie sreausst adtantae. s. un in. o lo tartna in Ule ucrai prison. lo iiasr start aue. - antess taeraaair sub

li. (..i 10 nave ovum sustained wlieu a Tins rase hat beeu on Ulal sUnu Thura slaares liaie salts appear lu br ul sperlalaagon of ibe iiiienganl ran ovn his rtahl n.ii. day Te.tiauoU) adduced all. ,,. a coo al Isaaatisace ' bul II llir sll KERNarm and liglil leg, breaking both, the 11. sulrai isn beluilf of the l ariansa (t'teru are aet Ta ersealc retablaatlea. U Is tillll PLACE ADDITIONpiaiiiiin .uwra mat al lime una I aril it.,- read) tu use product ralltvl "Wy im ui lu orgssuae a uuiiaiy xixdiiiuu lor euM to that the cells rae aliareWas drawing to loartrd wggour tlw M

Hi t st and Aulphui couinouuu" fur i apluriua Juana from Villa lorees. TUale wagiai ! ma alteilard to Um: rear aaoui bo ceils a boiUc It It very poular ilefendanla were Sisaseu m hare tweu cu i ears of widespread use eonfu-u-i our twvur the Or si wagon lo which Um team was itubotly call discover It bat bewa ....l 1. luHhsMsr IMS r,.luJ.lrtrw I..- .... lief Uiat the. success of gckmaa't álurauve KERN PLACE REALTY CO.bin ned 11 was Uk second Hua. the Muiply luoialeu your raaub or e iiU lum lu the Hilled Utagis fur irauspor m tuberculous is due largely u. iu cunpUmurr svrri.-d- , llwt ran nve hUu Tba ton bruoh wtln It and draw tbls Uuougb Utstui Ui I slmnas. Chihuahua, wliere i. ni or Ilute, au such coaublnaUoa vsiui other 308 Meaaicidanl It ssid to nave happen, d Ibe your hair, taking our auiaU sir sou el a of forrea was to lake place. It (vat valuable Uigrvdleiitt aa to be oasilj appro Ave.

..r Mviiil. ai.u siopbell .n.eU tunc by morouig th. pair dltaiiKsars. aliased UUS cuatsvuecy was on i.k.i Uat ptiated by thi oeUawn tteutaóber M. Tlie sun waa nkd lu but im ilelighU Use ladies with WvcUi s lie súber less this lual bad much to do with COFFIN INVESTMENT CO.ui nisiy in luamrl cuurt by Weeks asa. ami Milphur 1. lual, lieautes Uauuful ine mutts u. tntsW cases alueb tu

1) daikruii.g the kaxr aftri a few applua golM, wbMs bands by uslatT Vtilch Haaei have yielded to It Aa it roulalbs uo t.1.1.1.. 519 First Na:'l Bank Bldg.tluns. 11 aleo produces lual auft iusli. and uwsss. at rente per poaue. oeuveied in sayappe.raine at sOuad Otter which is to al pari oi me city. to any aUdreaa,Tacks, aawfr kg CaatU legar. tractive, besides, prevauia daudruir, Ucb WE m

Weetou'e. tm aati iaUMue (1 lag aval, east feUliig bair.

lllllWi f

Sunday. October 17. 19 J.EL PASO MORNING TIES


STRENGTH EFFICIENCY SERVICEThe Elephant Butte dam. which is rather faithfully The Elephant Butte dam is a monument to the effi-

ciencyIn point of service to humanity the Elephant Butte

represented in the illustration above, is the personification of the engineers of construction. From the moment dam is destined to play a unique part in the development

of strength. It is the largest- - mass of masonry in the world, pen was put to paper in the formation of the plans of the of the Southwest commensurate with its great size and itsstsnding among the engineering accomplishments of the

containing 610.000 cubic yards of concrete and stone, rein-

forcedgreat structure till the last stone is laid in place in its com-

pliedworld. Without it, and the vast amount of water stored

by hundreds of thousands of tons of steel. To give parapet not a detail was left to chance. The result behind it, the vast acreage of the valleys of the Rio Grandeit a firm foundation thousands of men labored for months of this efficiency on the part of the engineers will be a in New Mexico and Texas below, it would be compara-

tivelyto the end that it might be rooted upon everlasting rock. greater efficiency on the part of the dam as a whole in the barren. With its dependable service of water these

It probes more than 00 feet below the bottom of the river great part it is destined to play in the conversion of 200,000 lands take on an added value which scarcely can be calcu-lated. Without the water, which will be served from the

and grips the living granite with a base 2 5 feet thick. It acres of desert lands into productive farms, the homes ofstorage lake which the dam impounds, the crops grown

rises to a height of 305 feet and its top will be a permanent tens of thousands of prosperous and contented men, women through dependence upon haphazard rains would hardly beroadway from wall to wall of the Rio Grande canyon, a dis-

tanceand children. worth considering. With a dependable water service mil-

lionsof 1,254 feet. Nothing more massive has been con-

ceivedIn this respect another parallel may be found between of dollars are added every year to the wealth of the

by the mind of man. the Elephant Butte dam and the Rio Grande Valley Banknation.

Service has been the watchword of the Rio GrandeHow similar in many respects is the institution known Ac Trust Co. As in the case of the engineers of the dam, so Valley Bank At Trust Co. from its inception. As much

as the Rio Grande Valley Bank At Trust Co. As the Ele-

phantin the founders and builders of the bank. Both aimed at care is taken of the small or occasional depositor as is be-

stowedButte dam is the symbol of strength among engin-eering

efficiency, not only in the matter of construction, but in upon the wealthiest patron of the bank. The boyfeats of the world the Rio Grande Valley Bank Ac service to the general public. The growth of the institution depositing his nickels and dimes today may be the mer-

chantTrust Co. is a tower of strength among the financial and proves the foregoing statement. Ten years ago its resources with thousands to his account a few years hence.fiduciary institutions of the Southwest and for much the were but $131,000. Today they are $3,370,000. This Thrift is encouraged by the Rio Grande Valley Bank Ac

same reason. Care was taken to establish it on a firm foun-

dationremarkable growth is but a manifestation in very concrete Trust Co. and one of the principal elements in the encour-

agementupon the bedrock of success, and from the moment form of the confidence in it and in its methods held by the of thrift is to give such service as to make everyits foundation was laid until the present day nothing was people of the Southwest. Patrons of banks demand y depositor feel that the bank takes a personal interest in hisleft undone by those entrusted with its building to conform and only efficient bankers can command the respect financial well being. This the Rio Grande Valley Bank &to every correct principle of good banking. of the banking public. Trust Co. does.

9000 Satisfied Customers Our Highest RecommendationRESOURCES

Officers: One of the most admirable things in connection with the Elephant Butte dam is its vast re-

sources fof good in the great lake stored behind it This lake, with its 200 miles of shore line and its Directors:W. W. TURNEY, President. average depth of 66 feet, forms the largest artificial body of fresh water in the world, except possibly

Gatun lake on the Panama canal It is made up of the flood waters only of the Rio Grande, whichW. COOLEY, Vice President. before the dam was completed, raced on toward the sea, doing man but little good and often much W. W. TURNEY

T. M. WINGO Vice President harm through its destructive force. These hitherto wasteful waters held in check in this great storage J J ORMSBEE C.ZORK "reservoir are permitted to flow, therefrom, in carefully regulated volume and through regular chan-nelsW. E. ARNOLD, Cashier. and because of this regulation become man's friend rather than his enemy. W. E. ARNOLD W. COOLEY

Banks are calculated as storage reservoirs for money. In this particular respect the Rio GrandeSIG. N. SCHWABE, Secretary Valley Bank At Trust Co. has demonstrated its capacity. It is the storage reservoir in which millions J. H. POLLARD H. T. PONSFORD

PAUL L. ATKINSON, Asst. Cashier of dollars of its patrons' money ara kept. As the fanners of the irrigated valleys draw upon the E. M. BRAY B. M.waters stored behind the Elephant Butte dam. according to their needs, so the pstrons of the Rio WORSH AMLEO. ROSENFIELD, Asst. Cashier Grande Valley Bank Ac Trust Co. draw upon the stored funds of that institution for the building of T. M. WINGO SIG. N. SCHWABEH V. WATSON, Auditor. homes or the establishment of businesses which contribute to the upbuilding of the community. The

aim of the Rio Grande Valley Bank At Trust Co. is to so conserve the funds entrusted to its keepingthat its depositors will be at all times protected and its pratrons at all times satisfied.


lsl llecary Bachelor u has love cast sesi lo Mr. SoUvrn orlando Daly. Mis hi lunali. bettor on mamase bent, i pay oa. iwcolleet that U deal with divorce to at rearhedib middle Ufe Blanche Yuras and Mías PsuUse wntteon Ing court to a vary nnn tody, named iS I alloi lafy a pique, plana fur a aerond marriaer

a candatoui alato of affaire whena, .in (iinuv a. 8rliniili, Senior And hobert obut and lul act recouriiiaiion. to a' tíFt ,houM " "'eoBVClale loe isol l. ain of the caM Ihtl have ll all for hNew York Stage Oulle Bao tute s tory to land UvePiar tbU vi y eirtllenl firtt produruon of

QSBsS. During toe race 11.10.111 lite ..uiiliy playa and .Inyt rrhmslt. Junior, u y lin.iiirlit tack u. lulud. Aa Mr Cnytlna 10of renew. the comed of "TU Two Mr. sotuer 10 new drsinsllc altitude nalunalt. Junior, and BU frisad, ate nui plraauirlj1 Tnc ret of Uie l ul 1 caiKhh KdilaJn Grace la al tier bel. AaAmerica and Bel favored p tiU3Ua

Virtue. ny be MUfced fri m the po.alblh .ud by a constable Ai lb Iwuia party u and Hie enure produruou very well ltkd l.r i'i.han.i i.i.nway lcrle i. pro.liii ili.u, to m.i .neak

By BRETT PAJJK. lio ih.i Ue lo ii- - atutud of nobbiah and happeu lb, as Irian ttrl who to vary Lumaden Hare . the cool mia sorehead, for personally I have not haa

canuta women toward tnowi whom Uiey Victor Herí, i hat bruii the aeaaoii sil much In love with Iwr iuii.-j- husband a rare Georae hflft opened Ute liu.haud, I finely eel. The renuuiiiua;out of UOB1H..II for twenty year. U therePtoyhouaeeon.idrr interloper, ll I attn on fem wilta "Provea Pat " Produced By John wince, a, termine n. . her sin frliud atu- eltly In the lili m nituv. of Ue- company m all ,in, ay to stop mi. roadltlon?"a proiniard,

te.AfVr tWStasss is uní meddler tn "puta" lo un. Instance Cort at tac :ort meaier. II unfolded a one trout inarrylia- - rrhnislt. neiUor. and brin sucataa. The year 1 to beaesaon,on of roper lud ied. "The New York Idea" aa BBwH YrVell. well, certainly w would like la

BM York. Oct. quite imocrnt lid ahnw ror .yflafiethy IB of ess snoot plea.iu scotsi of many a day. tier back to ererlf Hit wandering lov, of voire and while "The New York Idea" may ad by Grace Ueorwe la k rharnnn. and finely nearPly-

the oUier inanaswr2. --ui refrxliiie that metí lulatakeo persone uiay t Henry Bloavyjn I, much her Una by ardenl edand lie Book prime Mu dies paying not be the very beat fool to be teen. It w halan, entertaimuenf

HT SoUK.rn 6 neard Uw call- tot wra innitt iiixw their victim ludeed "The Two better man the ,. rare musical comedy atteulioa to old man Srfunalt, while on or uv beef that could have basa enoiu-i- i Word haa beenAl virtuee'' purnt be named "A Study lu tu libretto Inorad I'nnce Pat" di.Unrt Htbmalt. nukee love to Orare Then received lato Juniot,rooUDUe sod classics! drsssas for the fir.t sup It flu nrece George her And bow II u Wilton I ackavr was apeak rie nere to Hie errart that aaro,u - II Serons- Por.fin rurllyaadI wlUiIjr worth while Prune. Psl agree, to elope Arhmali. i Uuj PUjhoua and u..Ens announrenirntsad of Horeiere.rUjr eairtosl very wlütii itu final curtain falla, ev mol.ahlt iWrwd sulor-- to Be found In Senior, and they yet at far a the auto ofYea, share really I a pkl her plan. Tost to a food deal to eapert cm. nr mu.nai oraamaauoa4 Bus comedy. "TBS Two VITVias." a as know, Uiat me eweel woman, Bu Trtnre Pat " The tory deal, with the mobile, where live rnnitable arreau them of suy initial offerins. out it-- aad mtve American Won an a club the otlwr wlU avvajd no heEadljoce a; reeled mm al lb sootti Uwator all bul reduced SO Saapair. adventure of Srhnulr. Yak youth won. Whirupon eiplahalion. are made all ruimiud ' he aald ber.hli'. uuul afbr the war. At

- Where be pumo, relamimos the isaTo Ihi .uyl lov, and uimac while ean.n.i. around Broadway, loaca Ilk round end lb cltoru tell U that every Pisy d to fUMly by Mr Kiakr iatll yeare There not s theaur to New York,k. o. .ilead tala bteny perenal A toe ssbUo natatory of bu urroundJass. and intrust one la nappy one naor. aco wlutn it was Ural produced, the etury where aherS BPS as mora foraiau actor. ssLHsssessssSSuiinif to a volunteer rriSad who races Miss Bssssr Painter , who mao such a of "The New York lass' isaaii no to ra Piayin kmirfia roto toan there artntn eat to tn country hato wears an masa Is "Toe Lilac DiyJeo Isst sjuirs dstsllad rsvtarw One has ssly is Ajnsricss instaislniuli The stssje as

October 17. 1915.Sunday.10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

'Read Our Interesting Red fern Corset Advertisement In The Society Section Today" CHURCH SERVICES

"Betty" The Shopper Salon de Beaute IN EL PASO TODAYMall Order In filled by "Betty," an IJiiaViilililIM YOU have not vrirlted this New Beauty Parlor

EVFRT shopper who has endeared herself to our IFyon have done youraelf an Injustice. Puremany rmtnrnrii because of the personal Her-

virwater uaed In all work. Children's hair cut-

tingto every All orders ahlpped aame a apeclalty. Expert operator. We Invite you TWRKK Of SILLY SUNDAY'S FAVORITEday a received. to Our Halon de Beaute. SONGS M II I FEATURE ARMY

"fShe House of Courtesy' NF.RVICK.

Special rmaram Have Rees Arrasara ra

The Banner Selling Event Of October! Locil Ckurrhr,Eveslsg.

Meralsg sai

Servtres In Fl Psso churches today offer

of Chun-he- will hire snarls? program.The musical fnture will be cmiihasliecl AtA Matchless Silk Dress Occasion sevenl worshipping places, while Intern,

numberIns subjects

or pulpits.nave been announced ITom a


Three of Billy Sunday's ravnrite hymnsMonday At 8:30 "Joy Belli," 'Hrghten the Cerner WnerBegins Morning' Tonwhlrh



"ir Yourappropriate

Heart Keepsfor


air singing, will be reatures of the musicalportion of the Twentieth Inrantry servir"

$14.50 To $19.50 W. $22.50 To $27.50 Heldvntlnntl










Chaplainof the

of theFourthKxlon


A chorus or enlisted men his been work-i-during the week on the sours, and willoccupy a big pisiform ami Icid the congrcSilk Dresses SilK Dresses ration.

Under the leadership or Cipl. B. P. .

rerlmental commlsRiry .07 the TwentiethInramry, it ofTlrers aimselert ptiTates have prrpired an elaboratederontlon ror the hlr Sundav eveningservice st Fort Bliss. The deroratlen$1 1 .96 $1 0.85 i" is rnmmnailon or flars. huntlii

rabeen provided that lhe ronrreititfon may the jbetter reid the words and music ror is Isinrlnr. which Is an Important featureJ. the services. The men of the midline (run5

h wennein Infantry 9Cri, ! ano aerorauons.

pruirrwn win do:Prelude, aelertlons from "Flint". .. .OounodTwentieth Infantry band.

GREATEST dreaa values of the aeaaon are will see the most spirited dress selling of Scripture.Hymn. "Brlrhten the comer" Gabriel

THE in this wonderful Dreaa "Occaaion." beginning MONDAY We have made plans to eclipse the fi"?"-.'?- .

"Joy BellsVy Br,y Tonlrht?"....WItlen. Armonrl

Monday. Mostly silk and silk and serge combinations in remarkable selling records of October a year ago and serenide,Twentieth

"Moonllrht"Infantry bind.


the most wanted styles brought out thus far. We men-

tionhence this special sale of silk and silk and serge dresses. i 'órsce-- ' ?!CrosB

particularly the taffetas and messalines in new Au-

tumnAll latest Autumn models emphasizing our unmatchable Hymn,





MissRight"Anns Axtoo.

Sundayhues. Many strikingly trimmed with fur and braid. values. Every new fad and fancy represented. Colored Solo.

Announcements."Fe JohninV:xflgA large and varied showing of $14.50, $17.50 and embroidery, beads, braid and fur trimmings are features.

$19.50 valuea. Beginning Mon-

day $11.98 These $22.50. $25.00 and IQ Dj-- ....v..,de.Brl

Sullivanyour choice of this group at . . $27.50 values PIV.O Twentieth Infantry band.


Coats For All Needs White House Suits usui!fííSS

A specialsermon



"""ygervicebe given






The service will be led hvRevillon nirectnr Andrews or the First Baptist choirwho has been In charge or the organizationror about one month. Rev. J. F Williams$9.95 Up Freres $19.5( $25.00 the pastor. Is away from the city..32-FW- t Program will be rendered:"The yun Is Sinking Fast". Andrews

COATS AT $9.95 A UP New Au-

tumn FURS SUITS AT $19.50 For years our Solo,Scripture


Thou My Hand" Brlnracoats for every purpose at very values at $19.50 have stood supreme Prayer.

Frank Cheek.

and this season with increased effort o?rer7ng."011' f0r ' rosWrmoderate prices. Velvets, corduroys,showing of Revillon Fura we are showing greater values than Solo. "One sweetly solemn Thought"..plushes and fancy mixtures and plaids OUR n'... Ambrosein gabardines, poplins, whipcordsFur Coata la very com-

plete.ever Mrs. Frank Lynch.

in newest colors. Trimmings of vel Revillon Frerea and broadcloths. Every new style, Dnet, "The Lord Is My shepherd". .. .smarttanda for and Mr. Cheek and Mr. Andrews. ..highest quality Au-

thentic,vet, braid 'and fur. See these smart priced Back of thla s $19.50 Solo, "Fear Not Ye. Oh. Israel."... avjCk

coats name at&nda The White at Charlea J. Andrews.$9.95 Up House, with a guarantee of Setls--fHymn.Anthem. "Theat . . Radtent Morn Hath Past."action. y- SUITS AT $25.00 Our suits at $25 Woodland

NEW BLACK COATS $14.50 UP A The New Fura Include full akin are famous in El Paso. The new Fall SPECIAL MUSIC AT EASTscarfs and barrel muffs of foxea,of black unusual merit. Fur and EL PASOvast ahowing plushes, velours akunk, wolf, lynx, beaver, mole, stocks show PRESBYTERIAN.

and corduroy plushes in belted styles etc Almoat all trimmed with braid trimmings make them smart in-







at the eveninrtrimmed with fine furs. Prices heads, tails and feet. Trices mod-

erate,These are El Paso's best values, i?"cS Sunday. Miai Margaret Llvesí"wm

of course. Pert Day," wrth violinstart priced played by her autor, miss Saminieat. . . $1450 at $25.00 yyjW

stereoptlcon"Tho Holy" will also be aumm,

A six weeks' nulling contest was Inaugu-rated In the church last Sunday. Taking aiS SSfS, "F""r; of Men." the pastor has

EXTRA $3.95 Silk Fibre $3.95 Novelty SilK EXTRA Ífrom now until


ror the roilowmgand has

objectsJE a reward to the winner in Beck erroi t

All $5.00 $ SWEATERS BLOUSES $2.95 Nk $0Bringschoo ;




eitherthe Sunday

or3.75 prcaclmig services; win souls ror Christ,CORSETS BOAS .... AJKJ and make list of scripture passages whi. lrefer to flan or fUhlng.

THIS leader will oauae someSPECIAL feature Monday of Austin Park Ckrlattaa.

In the Corset Section $2.95 $2.95 A regular 12. St Ostrloh Boas In ing and evening services of the AusUnMonday. We offer for one day church Sunday, thelong fluffy styles with silk rirst sanaMchoice of all $6.00 Modarta. Bon Tons, beginning at II o'clock; and

the most remarkable Fibre Silk offer selections from our best taaael ends. Shown In pink, canary, I o'clock. Bible school T 1, T, "beamRegallates, Redferns. Warnera and PERHAPS MONDAY we at W: o'clock, will b.' rollowe.l i,,," edlali

Ala Hplrltea In New Fall and Value offered in El Paso this season will specially priced. Mostly solid old row, green and black, etc. Reg-



commuuloii.In the Endeavor


llarviyat ft

win,, ni

Winter modela $3.75 be on sale in our Sweater Section Monday. Striking color crepe de chines, Georgette crepes and stripeExtra


II valuea.Monday tj)."asr. itKjVJ and the meeung subject will be i"'.'

at olid color sweaters with long d sashes or plaid taffetas in new color combinations. Smart.J and white trimmings. Shown in all the new colors. Tailleur models with long sleeves and new collars. ErssgetlraJ LuUieraa.The service at the Evsngem a,

SPECIAL On sale in many cities at $3.95 Regular $3.95 values. Extri FEATURE- - condonedrliunli. ttOB

InSan Antonio street, Villi"

and $4.95; Monday only. . . . $2.95 special Monday $2.95 tJS&irx fi pSSiS willroe .5b- -

S2.50 Mesh 200 Dozen aermon will be Wslklng20c There will be a confessional1.35 service at 10 o'clockBAGS .... HANDK'FS preparatory tocou.munion, on account of which buauaiachool will be dUpensed with.

It. ft and IZ.E0 O MAMMOTH ahowing of ad-

vanceRBQULAR meah A Xmaa Handkerchiefs Hlghlsad Park Metasduthaga Mondayat radical reductions. Aaaortad Smart Footwear Novelties for women. All pure linen pWJ", "i "a'nr at the Highland

and Shamrock Unen in white and church will be delivered bya! lea and atylea with chased frame.. Rev. Hubert M. Smith, presiding elder orKxtra special gr C gf colored border effects. Borne neatly the New Meneo conference lhe mcirniugMonday only iTll.tJ embroidered. Six aervlces will consist or Sunday school atPriced At $6.00 And $7.50 for 11 00. Each. . . 20c ine usual Un, a sermon st It o'clock by

1 y,l" l anuibell and an address by WB. ülllesple. president or the tl missionand church eiienslou board. -

HOUSE FOOTWEAR is becoming famous in El Paso and the AJU VIsU MelaodisLr WHITE .the Alls vuu Metnodistbecause of the many superior merits. A feature that appeals to all 16 lliwco street, services will

church,be as follows

south...... . ...Monday SUlldsv Slindsv irhnnl .tNewest well dressed women is the fact that each day and each week witnesses the arrival by lark, aUMrtnTendent: nriiehta. 7' .,o'clock by Rev Hubert

express of many new models to be found nowhere else in the city. Character and in-

dividuality!"" V ' and a sernmi,

smith; Epwonnby lt.v

Novelties distinguishes White House shoes. Exclusive styles and expert fitting by Features will also make an address uillesn.

courteous salesmen a feature of this fast growing Department. Below we describe Church si Christ.The Church of Christ, Soul Montana street

Angora Novell, Wool Neckbriefly three new models: 1 l.l PINO BMB'B UNDKBGAB-Mr- . will have preichirg services at 11 am'sad ai s p. m. Sunday, with Rev J wPriced ... to gl.Sb NTH finest nainsook and funn. lhe oaator. deliiertna aneSaraMMLRoyal Society dealgna. All hand em-

broideredThe aeeoadVervlce will Ta Maid laUeAngora Wool Novelty Toas-Bo- y Tasa New 'Bizarre" Seamless Boot At $7.50 by expert Filipino needle-

womenthesnsrnoon because the pastor

O'NIiautore Monday e.enlng fo, Abilene wta The wSliSIn Manila under the auaupsr-vlalo- n engagem.,,, WithM ADE of fine white kid in lace model. Small invisible eyelets. college. "He

tbe Abilene GhrUlUnNew Milk I marrante With Gold, new of French forewomen. Klret stood to serve" will heiname of theM.u Hug and rear! Hautllea. A M. Black enamel covered Louis Cuban heel. The beauty of the new ahowing In jsertca. Moatly gowns, uwrulng service and tne

envelope chemlae and c h e ni t aeIxmtlicr tjurrgeruj Oases FwUy "seamless" boot is in its superior fitting qualities; Also Prices II 60Kqulppod at gl so as gas $7.50 $7.50 aPTfi 9srsgsllansl Caursa.shown in Imported bronze kid. Either style at. to atObauttlly laot Bead Mentis In Blackaad While. New Ideas.

New Ten Boot At $6.00 Bleck Celf Boot At $6.00 NEW NECK FIXINGS He VP - AMisaNew Bid Clove NoveMtea la Butter vast showing of choker collars, waist Roaensteia. H T. Carson and MUs

Khsdo aad New Colora. rich dark taa tace boot with gray buck lop. In-

visibleblack calf lace boot with fawn buck tops. fronta and collar and cuff sata, mads program has been arranged Willi uiany okV

Novelty Dressed Bnwptes In Sanan A Mete, hand sewed and curvad leather FINK eyeleta and hand aewed construction Curved of organdie. Oeorgette crepe and hnat souga uu the program

lliarnuter Onto men. heele. A smart boot for the well J CC leather hasta. Individuality In at crepe de chtne. 50c Up 04 Md sf Mar atsaasch Irannia.dreaaed woman. Price vary moderate 11 tpUiVV every Una. A clever new boot at tpQtlV Cholos 7"-- ' rhlldhood I ha,tMbaensnUadFar TnsBased Brit. And Glrdlce. sparingly and rarsfuliy, MTdoctorwki

Clever New atylea gl 00bad ireaung ine wiihout ancosas

NOVKXTY HANDBAGS SS.M UP visad dm lo try Chamberlain s Tahtou i

Men's Pretty Hesaattlciaed Linea A pretty aad fascinating ahowing of ífras.oí for

Thrja hot.

strsnainsasdand they


Handkerchief at gas Handbags In Tokio leathern. Import-ed

relieved the StalsllpSlUa kevXuaiuNovelty Velvet. Dull and Bright I lake a dose or tbrm wbeu notNew Novelties la Women's Hlgn just riglii and luay quickly riaHwTÍd

sayas Nsdnrenr. Priced Vow. Pin Baal. Vienna Beaded Styles with rí- - "ra j. p urtúy. Victor H T. TorShell Frames. Brocaded French sals by all )

Women'. Hand lltwiutUn-ue- Initialtac 6fea Store te Houee ü- - ftft ftO IJn B Psas Leunly Pleseer1 AaMSdatkSB.

0 Service' Little Plaza-Pho- ne 45SO 0 Courtesy" T J iieoa lunriu or rtunrer H. L CapaU Conveyauce. will be runuaaad I'All Phone Orders Given Prompt And Personal Attention By An Expert Shopper"

Sunday. October 17. 1915 EL PASO MORNING TIMES II

Stay Vigorous SAYS CITY HOUSESat Seventy In The Fall For WimlterKellogg'g


inWafersMen and

Re-vive 70,000 SOULS NOW Prepare

Women When Life's SunBegins to Set.

H HAWKINS DBCLARKB REAL Yeull Fdl In Love Just When Women NeedTATE MORE ACTIVE THAN IN $10.95 $4.958 0c BOX P REE MA NT MONTHS. With Then Drosses s Them, Neck Scarfs . .

Whit you ARE, not what you WERK, U



womenin the

toninebe "lire




to"El Paso real estate Is more active than BEFORE you spend one penny for a TC WEAR with your new suit around the

wow down loo soon. Kellrtrg's Ssnrtone It has been ror many months, said Wllrordwafers keep your vital enerry aglow H. Hawkins of the real estate firm or Haw-

kinssee our collection of the now nock if your suit hasn't a fur collar, and

Bros., yesterday. "We are having agreat many calls not only for residences styles, featured at $10.95. Tomorrow, a besides, you have felt the need of one thesebul ror apartment sites and have a rowclients with the rash looking ror invest hundred new dresses, received the last few past few chilly nights. Remember, also,menu. The fall season promises to be thebest we have had rnr several years. The days, will be on display and the one thing an ounce of prevention is !city Is roil and It Is almost Impossible toget a 'ror rent' house at any price and we want to emphasize is their stylo. The Pretty styles of neck scarfs that come inthe winter crowd has not yet arrived, allor this notwithstanding the hundreds of collection includes black coney and white Iceland. We've seennew houses and apartments that have beenbuilt in the last rcw months. El Paso silks and even crepe de chines. these same pieces elsewhere $6 and $ has close to a population or To.ono."

Ik I L. Oallardo has bought Of Joseph A color range complete, at $10.951 Better get one tomorrow for $4.951Pl Klfinman a bungaluw at mtWyoming street, being on lot I and wenthair or lot 13. block 7fl, or the Bassett ad-

dition, for 12,80. Hero Is Just theL. Sutherland has bought of Mrs. J. T.Hamel a brick bungalow in Alu Fall Cost You Want $8.95 You Can Always Use $4.95Vista ror .850.

J. E. Lyons has told to Myrtle Reagan a An Extra Skirt ...bungalow on the west hair or VOL! will marvel that coats possessing solot t, all or lot S. block 7, or the Baaaelt would hardly buy theaddition, ror gS.OOO. pricemuch style and quality value ao per-

fectTHISE. A. Snrlggs or the Shannon Copier

company has located In El Paso from in these skirts are made of, to sayworkmanship, so new in coloring;and has bought a brickbungalow from Mrs. Katie M. Biggs on lot so really good all round be sold at nothing of the making. They can be worncanblock of the Go-vernment

or lot 3,3 and hair ?4,Hill addition, for S.&00 cash. as well with silk blouses as they can withthe above Now when we'reLuther A. Tllley has bought from Mrs. price. just in.

Oeorge Mawhlnney a cotuge In middies, and are just the skirt for allI'm the Equal In Nerve Forre anil Power, block 49 or the East El Paso addition, ror the very height of garment selling our abili-

tyto Any of the Rising Generation. 11.850. round wear. They come in taffeta, satin,to these remarkable FallHawkins Bros, made all of the sales. present newb away all gloominess and peevishness, plaids, and mixtures. Pleated andFur Trimmed sergesstrengthen your etered-ou- t nerves, coats at $8.95 is an achievement. Golf Suits Aplentyhen ambition deserts you and vitality plain, some with belts. You save $3.55 to-

morrow,down near aero; when you're ragged NEW BUILDINGS IN cloths, mixtures-- chinchillas, zibelines, all



Kellors"end body

banitoneand your


"rin-gerlark at $8.951 at $116, $117.95, $119.76 by when they're priced but $4.951

you up to concert pitch, put "thepunch ' in your muscles, and make you (Gradualtlnaie all over with health. Stages up to

Send coupon below ror a free 50c trial EL PASO NUMEROUS What Luck! f8 Georgette 6 Q Defy the Cold! 98.80bol or Kellomr's Sanitone Warers.The reruUr fl.00 site or Kellopg's Sani-

toneBlouses Are Underpriced P.e0 FROM Paris surely have the inspirative ideas of these suits come, Silk Sweaters Are . . $4.95

Warers is ror sale in El Paso at KellyIt Pollard's, 101 N. Oregon street; Knob-lauch

their dash of martial note as seen in the military but-

tonsDrug company, 300 Mesa avenue; A.TRICK COMPANY COM-


Y F VALUES are a criterion, the blouse and collars, the trim looking belted coats that smack of an ANY rate, they're IN style, too!nynn & Co., 213 San Antonio street; Rio ATTrei Drug company, 41 S. Stanton. RIGDISTRICT.BLOCK IN BUSINESS department on the Second Floor is go-

ingofficer's uniform I They are all here ready for your inspection and This group we offer will surely pleasethey have arrived since the Fall Fashion Fete. Most of them areto be one of the busiest spots in our you. There's a color range that meets

FREE 60c BOX COUPON Great building activity, both e busi-ness

whole others "doné" in braid and soutache, many with em-

broideredstore on Monday. These blouses match with hatot El Paso, are your any or garment youand the residence districts pockets. Every material in the "Dictionary of Fall andr. I. KELLOGG co.. Is reported by the com-pany. made of Georgette lace, chiffon, have. Made of fine. silk fibre, pock-

eted,288S Horrmaster Rloek , crepe, Winter 1915" is here, broadcloths, whipcords, men's wear serges, may

RatUe Creek, Mich. The new L. E. Booker building, situated at crepe de chine and plain colored messaiines. wool 'poplins, gabardines, Scotch and English wool mixtures. And belted, even sashes to match. ToSend me by return mail, a 60 cent Chihuahua and San Antonio streets, is nowtrial box or the wonderTul discovery ror being occupied. It has all modern con-

veniences,Many in flesh and white long-sleev- e styles I what's more, there is every color on the chart, African brown, wear while motoring, or walking, or tonerves, Keilogg's Sanitone Warers. I including steam heat Tor winter


cents In stamps to help pay and is air cooled In tbe summer months. It Over fifty new styles to choose from at so green, blue, navy, black, while the price range above is, as usual, work. They're a genuine value to get to-

morrowpostage packing. consists of 30 apartments on tbe two upper the Lowest-- i IName - floors, while the lower floor is equipped low a price as $2.951


for only four ninety-fiv- e IStreet ) Tor storerooms.R. F. D.) Plans have been revised and work will

be resumed on theCity SUtB building at the Intersection or Leon andSan Antonio streets. The building will havedimensions or U fey It) reel It will bebuilt or concrete and steel. A garage and ChUdren's Coats Modera $8.80 Frolaset Front Lacedtellysalesrooms will occupy the lower floor, and Ju'Mieiümodern rooms will be ntted out on the CorsetREALTY ACTIVITY upper rioors. The building is to cost 40,ooo.

The second-stor- rorms are lnlare ready Priced at 92.49 and $6.98to receive the concrete on the newstructure that Is being erected bjr $4.95this rirm ror the Motor company,

and San streets. corduroys, Astricans, mixtures.corner Leon AntonioFAST INCREASESnew



RooseveltCarl are

street.moving Into their silette, chinchillas, others sizes Lovely Mminnied Hats well suited for

Tbe new bungalow for A. P. Burgura on 6 $2.49, sizes $5.95 UNUSUALLYslender andMcKlnley avenue is nearlng completion. Are $6.9 Mstead off $12 me-

diumTbe company is prepar-ing Woolen Dresses figures; lightly: boned ; me-

diumplans ror a large apartment house to beW. K. MARR DECLARES ADVENT located in the residence district, as well as height bust with semi-girdl- e

FALL REASON ADDS IMPETUS TO ror a modern residence to be erected in plaids, stripes, plain, serges THE Millinery Department is prepared toREAL ESTATE Rl S1NESS. Hlchmond Terrace. The company will also and mixtures, sizes 6 98c, tomorrow the hat values top effect; in fine Coutil. Sizes

greateststart several attractive bungalows, located 20 to 30 only. Regularly $ dirrerent sections or the city, in the near sizes 4 $1.98Hi.". Advent or the tall season has been future. ever offered to the women of El Paso. For ab-

solutely$4.951a the cause or a ureal Increase In El Paso tomorrow.

realty activity," declared W. K. Marr or SOk Sweaters correct style, for unheard-o- f assort-



exceptionallyL. Marr company.

all"Businessthe nasi NEW STRUCTURES for little girls, all sizes, $6 val-

uesand for quality their equal will not be DeBevoice Brassieressummer, but there Is always a general re-

vival foror business In the rail and in this El $3.95 seen soon again. There are hats for all occa-

sionsPaso la baring la doubtless a greater proportion than any other city or the south Hats For Girls and Little Tote for the elderly woman, for the matron,or wesi. wnen uio msiory or iwid iswritten it will record the busiest veal ARE ANNOUNCED every stylish shape and mate-

rial,the miss. Turbans, tailored effects, trimmings

both In El Paso realty and building In theMsiory or fne city." in the gay colorings of Fall, of flowers, wings and feather fancies. Colors A SERVICEABLE, simple

Deals and conveyances ror the past week serviceable, fine for school and brassiere for day wear,are reported by this rirm as rollows. to match the new suits and dresses. All in allevery

Government HUI company to 8. K. Al dress, $1.75 values 98c; $3 val-ues

made of fine white mesh, lightlybright, lots b and 0, block X. Richmond I. Hi.l APARTMENT HOUSE WILL BE CON it's a showing we are justly proud of. As thereTerrace, It .800. STRI CTED IN CITY'S RESIDENCE for $1.98 boned at sides. $1.00.

W. 8. Miller to W. T. Ellis, lots 10 and DISTRICT. are no duplicates we will advise early shop-

ping.11, block 109, East El Paso addition, 3,500.

Oeorge W. Sharp to C. T. Rlssler and Second FloorW. J. iiarns, tor as ann east nair or lot ti, Architects Brauntoo 4 Lelbert report thatblock 3, Golden Hill addition, 3,750. they are preparing plans and specfricatlona

Government Hill company to Will R ror a nig tv aiarmem nuiiuiug to oe lo-

cated Worsted Tarns andWinch, lots and 13. block tí, Govern-ment

on East Nevada street. The building A Sale o! the The "TRDnrHill addition. (400. will be a brick structure with Special NatchScarfsB. Sommer to Frank Reina, lota II and basement, and will be modern in every re-spect.

to la18, block 46. Government Hill addition, $500 Until the contract is awarded the World Famous iiL Ladies' Patent K i d$3.80 Valuesname or the party who Is arranging to putup tne structure at a cost or ara.uuu, win Button Boot, trimmednot be announced. Bent (Gloves with white piping;,

The architects are siso preparing plana $2.49 blaok cloth top, whiteand specirications ror a brickbuilding, to have dimensions or 60 by 88 lor Hen, $2 Values stitching" in center, kid-

neyHEAD STUFFED FROM reel, and to De located on .mum Mantón AUTOMOBILE, for heel with white in-

laid.COLD street. The lower rioor will be fitted ror FOR Ins, tor tennis, forCATARRH OR A Aak for style purposes and the upper floor con-verted kinds. of sports! Made

Into Tour apartments. Contract ror P2521 H. The pair,tS-- the Improvement will be awarded at an of warm wool worsted ma-

terial 3in NostrilsCreara Applied early date. In the Cambridge styles, tan In all hues, tam andI Opeas Air Passages Kight Up. Architects O. J. Thorman & Co. have ore and ouba, In the PXM. Mocha, scarf to match, ft. 60 valuespared plans ror a bungalow to $4.25( be constructed on Alameda street ror Simon slate shade. Great at 11 48' for 12.49!Instant relief 410 waiting. Your clogged I siii Bin

nostrils open light up; the air passages or One or the most Interesting developmentshead clear and you can breathe rree of the paat week was the announcement

Írour No more hawking, snurrilng. blowing, that the Hlo Grande Bank It Trust companyheadache, dryness. No struggling for will erect In the near futura abreath at night; your cold or catarrh día- - steel building in the business district or Broadcloth, Georgette Just Arrived! Cloves,

rara. i.i Paso. The new shyscraper is to be con-structed LinensCrepe,jet a small bottle or Ely's Cream Balm at an expenditure in excess of Handkerchiefs,

from your druggist now. Apply a little or 1160,000. Monday Main Floorthla fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In look for the Fur TrtainniÍFufyour nostrils. It penetrates through every f Specials Hosiery, Jewelryair passage of the mucous membrane and NEW BUILDINGS IN iElastic Gusset. relier cuines instantly. knewNwhat WEIt's lust rine. Don't stay stuffed-u- with African Brown Broad-

cloth, rYOU Long White Kid Gloves,a cola or nasty catarrh. the tnoat favored you'd buy fur made of fine

EL PASO NUMEROUS shade for suits this season, bands NOWI New York French kid, in white only.5 4 -- inch, with a lustrous makers are scurrying from reg. $3.00 thesatin finish, $1.59 furrier to another. Prices pair, for. $1.98oneTHE VERY the yard . . .

Georgette Crepe, the on all garments Children's No.777 Roundscarcest material in the are going up by leaps and Ticket Hose, 4 thread

BEST East now, in a range of bounds. And to be fashion-able,

heel and toe, in black"Business Is satisfactory as usual and colors, special suits, dresses and costs Boston Storebetter all the Ume," remarked h only, reg. 25 c, Monday,felting of the rirm of LeaveU. Patau The for Monday OQ must be I

4 "There Is great activity at OVERCOATSIS The PRODUCT Of THE annaiun . new ouuaings ana only, the yard . sP 1 J7 There srs black, brown and 21Chomes going up snd many Improvement KLOSFIT PETTICOAT white eoney, white Iceland, pairare being made on the streeU and to the 72-In- Table Linen, a At 920.00El Paso Co. beautiricatton or our handsome suburban fine and Nutria amona these All Linen Handkerchiefs,smoothDairy additions." Haas Revolutionized Silk finish, a bands and they come tn 1, 2 and

Sales were reported by tbe fina or woven, grade, usually sold Inch strips. Moderately priced embroidered corners. have a right tol.caicil. Palm a Sherman ror the past week YOU

It costs a little moro than a rollows: Petticoats for 65 c the yard, tomor at 0c to 11.26 the yard. made of fine Irish linen, a lot from a $20To Tom H v oían and H. o. HadMcId

soma othan- - producía, but or lou to It inclusive of block 9J; lots row, the Ws would also direct your at-

tention remarkable overcoat. The men at thewith S lo I Inclusive, or block M. and lota I be able to got a ready-mad- e yard 49c to the fur trimmed 15cwhen dealing us. you to 16 inclusive, or block tuu, of sasseu's TO that frofs that are creating quita a values at. . head of our nation are trying

the beat there is and the addition, for a consideration or S6.O00. The petticoat you Roajnd Scalloped Tableget ia tha Lace De-

partmentlittle attentionsale wss made for account of the Alamo solve the of theproblem

very beat of service. Heights rouipany. know will fit you absolutely Cloths, just the size for on the Main Floor, Sterling Silver Rings, tobale was aiao uiaoe u t m i.ewia oi is a satisfaction that has only the average dinner table, fins for coats and suits. beautifully mounted with high cost of living. So far

Do r it fail to give us your been known since the intro-

ductionsilky finish, good quality Braids, laces, all new trim-

mingsbrilliants, neat, attractive as overcoats are concerned

order. join Hoaewo d street and Grant avenue or Al-

thoughfor Fall and Winterthe "Kloefit."Alamo Heights addition. of linen, reg. $1.50, Mon designs, special for to-

morrowhave solved it forready! we you.Bale was made to Maurlci Sefceru of s there other ad-

justableare onlybungalow situated on San Diego day

THE CLEAN DAIRY street, between Elm and Louisiana atresia, top skirts, the for 98c The range of fabrics coverscostal deration li.noo The sale was made color andinsomuch the whole field offor account of Winchester Cooley. "Kloefit" is unique

be adjusted to fit Then rememberittwo ran iMwrw sua caot r as may design.two children or J. W. HI, isirrksnt figure. The gussets at Aak far Mr. Jltne Mall order enterrevery that $20 overcoat ISEl Paso Cleveland, ner. bad croup last winter. One our a

was a boy of . Uks other s girl or S years the sides will give so that the Stamps with your pur-

chase andwUl b mailed our new $20 overcoat and mustMr. Nit writes: "Both gol so choked up Petticoat will fit perfect-ly.

they'll pay forthey could hardly breathe and couldn't talk youI gave ittriu Palsy' Honey sed Tsr sed Every shade imaginable a Jltne ride and take Art Goods Catalogue measure up to the verynothing else, and It anurely cured them."Co. Ask tbe of value here.Dairy Thl reliable iw.liciiir mk.ioii or in every at $5.951 you shopping! on i c.vrt fur samaOouic for II uniiMvllaic relief from salesgirl Phone 6800rolda couaiu and croup, heals raw. in

340 rUcasd thrust sad tooaeu plumo, o l

urug more taaveruariuroisuma a asolana auuMu. asa gioear.

12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17. 1915.


been a greaU eiiffrrrr from c tusadarlie. but am now entirely free from

Lsnf I Hare that fiiuhte. I have not felt ao wellla ten yeare a I do now. I would

Hw w w Not Fait recommend Peruna and Manalln loSo Well In atl euffereni. I will any. Oo bleax

Dr. Hart man and big wonderful rem-

edie"Ten YearsAs I Do Mra. Charle A napa ugh. R. R 7.

t.egrnre. ind.. wrltea: "Peruna haafe Now been a godsend to me. I can feeleafe In gaylns that It saved ray life,aa I was all run down and waa Just

I Recom-mend

miserable when I commenced takinghk or jmn.K laiini (1(1111.111 redertrk dark III wim a Halloween dance at the bom of your Peruna, but am on the road to

h united m mirria by Fúdher Roy at Ml. MimnVl. now. I cannot thank youSometimes I Hunk I see within your eyes. fif ih" iirinii duba Mr. M. K. Balea recovery

ferk nr nder feeling gleaming iticrc. the parish homo of ib church of Immiru-Ui- will rntartaln the Friday '.on rlub. Mlai Peruna too much.".' k'fii'n. longing- - whleh belles nnreption Mls i.erman will be al- - Ann" Miroftin will be the !mtea for tha

Htc mask Of "K)l indifference Which yon h ner iit. Mr- - y. fe. cniiini, 8 D. 'bib and Mra. W. 0. Dunn will enter-tain mm To All Our booklet, filing you how to

Nr. arid Baily l fimin will atfnd ihc aromn tlii Saturday Luncheon club. keep well, free to all.iiiK fbr r'lailvan and mot liillm'" SufferersAnd nun l nr,dcr whai i m vmrr mlnd, Mi b- prient Thry will laivr tirprlr Wedding.

Muí if tin i hidden mili, for Hi nf 'Those who object to liquid mecll-r-tn- ere a niem'ry iiorilv arii i Kanaa Cttíf, tuiatt The wcddlnr of Mia Merttta Thorn and'A shrlne m which go In the Mr and Mr. J. J. I'rumt in thlr aprrtal Ferguann now procure Peruna tabl-

eta.patt. came u 1 great ur- -

Misa Nettle E. Roanardun. R. F. V canpriac to Huir many friend It nccurred onrant fiM 11 gill Mm will, "I haveymi 21. WeatflelB. N. Y., wrltea:Friday ' li ning at a o'clock at the bom of

' the hndi grandparenti. Mr and Mra. WllWag thrpr a chord struck within your klrhv. V'MIn llevHim on si. ulroct r. L.breast, fiveralreei performed the tieltiarThe itIvi floods your life In pain or inmdny,Meas? the ring nervlce. The tooiik ere prettily

deconled lili flowera and foro. Thelor like tiwi bird , teeks II hud' ore 1 gown or shell pink satin witnlougin

ratiyinr In erv-t- o Irern Its Tni n Beautiful Hand luce.

n overdressHer hat

ofwaa of embroidered

shadowedpin ALL our packages are now delivered by

sun irunrnii wim oitrnn i.iiinieM Lauretta Oreen. Union Messengers.rsrrli d mi rn bouquet or hrldea roses innMelil (.alendar Igf

ohe rrk. Painted Plates fi nis ii"i un embroidered net which hung furnished the best goods, now wein mreamers me length or in r gown. We have always

TI l'ICWI Of Patriotism over. Ihere Follón the ceremony ifreshmenlni be non tune no rnr oihnr noi'iirj served service.were The bride Is the cliaruiliiir promise a quickerIn THIS WKBK ONLYffllr. Mrryone's interest, however, naua 01 it and Mrs H THBrne ind1" inn centered on Die masquerade dance eai Imrn Hnd reared In F.I I'ano. having a 'Phone. orders, tell your doctor to 'phone usm be given al the (.ountry duh neit us yourhost or friends. The groom is the aon ofSaturday This will he Ihr largest danm 45c 65c 98c Mr. and Mrs. Jame Ferguson, and li a prescriptions, and we will have them to you in

the club his fi'r given More lime gnd repreieniauve or me Eiiiou i. uirrett com-pany

yournon' ii being spent on thr decorations few minutes.and special features are being arranged. KORXTER PRICE The young rnuple will mike their home In a

Colonel fe, V smith dressed al a "fury2.01 3 0( 1.00 n Piso, ind Bie at home to their friendmu" Will dance "Thi pring son from at H07 PI rain street, Phones 731-73- 2.

NaadeUsolta. a special police squad wto . imiKl valuaa. rare a.ndbe Miml mid temporary jml erected tol thiirch Affairs.Inrirreralc those who dn ROI topear IU hpautlful dAjdajna. They'll gocostume, livor mil be tRd Ctrrle number five or the rirsl Metho-ni-- tgiven miiiy faat. Com' early. Warner Drug CompanychnrrhmpruM vf tn finí" ror the gut. as pleasantly entertained

llinrsday afiernoon by Mra. J. T. H6e. TheIl urged Hut ill innui i. í'l'' If they canto dame. r



served bya



1 Orndorff Hotel Block.CHINA PALACE CO. SAfuirs fur Mi Virginia siewart will There were fourteen ladies prei'tit andthl nh thebegin week luncheon od two new member ere dd' d 10 the roll,Wednesday fi in 'liven hy Mis. Frank Mrs. K, Knudien and Mra. A. Taylor, riri112 Fun Antonio StColas and Mr. charles Davi at Hie homa number two mel with Mrs H. M WhitfieldOf Mrs. Davis on Wst Boitlcvard. 'mi tfljoyad 1 pleasant business and aorlalIba uiiii afternoon it l 0 rlnrk Mis session.

The Women'e Mlaatonary aoelety of Trin-ity Meihodlsl cntirch giving a silver teaon Tuesday afternoon front J:0 to 5:30 for MUSICAL RECITALthe henerit or the Traveler' Aid at theI'nlor. station, at the home of Mrs. s. I, PROGRAMSnirehrield, 809 Eat Rio Orande street, towhli li all women of the eiiv re invited. Are really Inexpensive If ordered at the right place, and add so much to theii well us the women or the diurch. The pleasure or the recital, not to mention the convenience for mailing toliosteaae ror Ihla octil ifralr re Me. friends.d imes A M Oranihllng. Vip linblnson,- 0. BUSK HUNTING HOI si

I Jr (,2. October'a child I horn for woe. Hanlclson. T. J. Wood-ude- . j. w. Brown, You can attend to It all by phone 766 not necessary to ever corns down town.Wk it I., iniiiii w.'R. HcKenna, 11. A. LayAlu1 ,,f' vlrlBHltudea 1 1TV iST Ml miint mid I. J Ayer.

The Aid society of the First Methodist MRS. WILLI AM WALZ.w xar But lay a Tourmalin or Opal I ff church met In the church on Friday after-

noonMrs. William Walz, a charming young m atron of thla city who la quite a favorite BLISS. ing to dispose of a port'on of a bicyclem2p on breaat I H he opened with devo-

tionalIn society circle. She played the part o r the Spirit of Patriotism tn the pageant EIRE AT FORT

which It alleged was stolen. Jesus Ol-ivaraIrlJj And hopo will lull the woea lo exercl.. led by Hie president, nd which as given on Friday Mrs. Wall s quite a beauty and haa a boat of friends, Gun Ammunition Endangered by was taken Into cuitody at the same

Ihe following ofrirers were elected for the, won by her charging personality. farly Morning Bakeahop Flames. time, and charged with being In possessionenulng year: President, Mr. A. L. Foote; of a portion of a stolen bicycle.first vice president, Mrs. v. A. Price; Thirty thousand round of machine run Theft of a Jar of gum and a box of ci-

gars,vice president. Mr, w. W. Fink; program u'as given. Miss Minnie Tankers-le- BAND ammunition were endangered early Friday valued at SB, from a small store nearMra. J. H. Rullmin: treisurer. Mr. gave a reading. Miss Mary Kelly and CONCERT TODAY morning when fire, or unknown origin, Second and EI Paso streets, was reportedj Silverware Jj J. C. Worlhlnglon; Ritdltor. Mrs. H. M. Mist Elizabeth Kelly played piano aolos. the to the police department Saturday morn-

ing.Wliltncld. and press reporter, Mrs. H. L. Miss Sadie Itutli Aldrldge gave, a reading The following program will be rendered broko out In the basement of Eighth The door of the establishment waSpenc. and Miss Margaret Bush tang a solo, accom-

paniedby the Eighth cavalry band thla afternoon cavalry bakeihop at Fort Bliss. A general left open and while the proprietor was in

o- -. alarm was aounded and the entire regi-

mentthe rear the articles were taken.on tho piano by Miss Vivian Pome- -Áj It Does Not Break Entertained at Ltmrhenn. roy. viiss a. Mllcneii gave a read na-- also.

at i o'clock at Fort Bliss under the direc-tion

turned out to fight the flame, which

Mr. F. H. Todd entertained quite de-lightfully

The nexi meeting of the society will be held of Chief Musician R. Resta were extinguished with little damage.

I r By far the bet for table use in Silver- - f at luncheon mid bridge party vveuuesuay. March. 'Nile Pilgrim A. A. O. N. M. 8.the


blaze originatedand it Is


the ovenspossible

ofyelterday her homeat on Mundy avenue. Vanover CHENEY'S EXPECTORANTthat the heat from the ovens caused IL1 he luncheon was served at Individual Entertained Guild. (r raternaily dedicated to Nile temple, to sacks, saddles and va-

riousTbe fire spreadtable, rentered with howls of roe, r. J. F. Waddell entertained the SL Seattle. Washington.)look and other The ammunition watr Pretty to at. laating that it U In yiiUiillirtnuiriK and snap dragon. Mr. Patrick's Altar Guild on Friday afternoon. Overture, "Zampa Herold

may be retained in the family for years Todd a assisted by Mis EHiel P.rawrord. About 30 member were preaenL Mrs. C. Song, "Then I Called You My Bitter wasstored

reachednear tneae

by thesuppu

fire. Twenty-Four-Ho- Cough andMlsgi Frances F.arl and Mr. Frank Hughe. E. Kelly presented s check or ItvO to Bishop Sweet" R. Hela

3 J and yearo. Jr7 Her guest lisi included Msdamcn L. K. A. J. schuler In bohair of the guild to help Selection, "Carmen" Bizet Superfluous Hair, moles, scars or facial Croup Cure.I aney. James Mi henil. Trank Turner, derray lit expenses to Denver, ttater punch watir., "Atona BpOHWaojWaahed In nlre warm aoapy watar now and Knf blemishes removed. Orare A. Benson, Fice

I ' harlea Vollertson. u Hlaker Hinllh, Jamei Was served anil a two course lunrlieon. The Fanusie. "Oreme de la Creme" Tobanl 18 Wstaon'ithen mid drl-r- i specialist. Hollenbeck, over 4with a aoft. clean cloth. Silver- - 7 rawrord. C. a. Reinamund, A. j. Fraser, hostess was esld by Mrs. H. II Rlhnert, Marcli, "Blaze of Olory" Holzmann Grocery. (Advertisement) Cheney' Expectorant has been the com-fort

j) I ware will require little pollahlng. f Harrv Wall. n. c. Surton. W. c. Raum, Mrs. W. E. Truesdale and Mrs J. J. l.lebert. for SO of sufferers from colda,J K V, 1. lUgglo. II. Wi Broaddus Ralph The next meeting will be mid on October Why Not POLICE KEEP BUSY. hoarseness,years

cougta, croup, whoopingTAKE A OOOD LOOK IN OUR f W. J. Freeman, F. P. Ryan, Oeorge St) at the home of Mr. L. A. Sherman, on use Navajo rugs In your new bungalow? rough, tight chest and lung troubles.V ) 4 SHOW WINDOWS TODAY ;amphaut, Frank Buche, p.. V. Fraer. ProspccL No other rugs are as appropriate. Beauti Augustus B. Contreras was turned over Cheney' Expectorant is; the nest coughPaul ninthar. 11. fl. MciMintock. Frank ful assortment at to county authorities Saturday morning by medicine made, becguae it cures quickly

U Lrv and aee many new thlnfa all reaaonably priced. C. E. Kelly. H. E. Chrlaty, Vied Entertained at lllunrr. Beach's Art Shop. the police on a charge of carrying a re-volver.

and gives Immediate relief after the rtrsi)

Woodworih. Paul Terrv. Emmett Hlnes. Dr. K. R. Carpenter entertained at din-- r City National Bank - Bid-- . (Adv.) Contreras was srreated by City dose. Try It. Sold at Kelly It Pollard'sJ SPECIAL June Vance. Ilnttelle White. Frank last evetuua at the Country club ore- - Detective Good Saturday morning. or People's Drug Store, El Paso, TelaA prr-tt- Bread Tray ln Shef field Plata, Hughe. Harry Lackland and Deorge More. ceeding the week end dance for Miss Marie Need masses? Ask Segal!. 10s Texas BL Juan Remdez was arrested by the police Oood slzed bottles for only S5c. Mallo Mccvtolien or Fort Davis, Texas. His near Oregon. Established lni. (Adv.) Saturday morning, charged with attempt ders tilled.Bible Oata Meets. guests were Mrs. 0. W. McCutehcn. s

The Wesley lurile rlaa "f Hie Alt VUta Marion Young, Mlt Olive Davis. MI19

J I Iñe A. D, Foster Co. Si sundavHnddleton.



enjoyedIhe resílleme



tho. W. Major









McCuleiien,E. L. "Read Our Big Advertisement on Last Page Telegraph Section"

JLS Herald Bid. J I i re.ent wete ihe Misses Fay Winn. AmyHarper. Roth Urown. Mabym Pilterson. Host al Dinner.

""ur wedding Hnfra Inamre happy marrlacea " f Jt Alma, Huddlet'ih. Vivian Brown, rngenla Mason Pollard as Ihe host at dinner0IIMM, Winifred Rmltn, Ruby liardner, last clubtheII ( evening at Country preceed-in-JOIN Ol.R CHRISTMAS CLUB and Mrs Huddleion; Messrs James Hush,w the week end dance, cover Were laid

Make 10 per rent on your aavlnga. (jome in lames l.cwl-- , lovd Nelson. Clyde M. Nev, for Mis- - Miry Nations, Misa Beulali Brown.r? and get a bank free. u red Dallev. w. n. Pulllam. J. R. Roe. Mrs. Josephine Notions Morftt, Major F. A.

Vere l easure. It ilitddletnii. 8. W Wilcox. C, A Prandberg and tbe host.T. S. Huddleion and Tom Schnei-

der. Dinner al lliirvri House.Edward Ledwlilge entertained at dinner

F.iilcrUlned al ninnrr ll evening al the Harvey House to honorAsalatant FnlKd sH,. r.u strict Attorney iss l anilla Cennati and Frederick Clark,

R F Crawford and Mrs Crawrnrrt enter-tained

hose marriage will occur on their home iiovernment lllll

last night lot Untied Bute Attorney j. 1..Cgntp and piled Slates Attorney SOCIETY PERSONALSHugh I Robertson, of San Antonio. Lieu-tenant 0. E. Mlchiells of the Hlxteantil In Miss Mary Turnev Nations and Mrs. Jofantiv. Iinlted stiles Marshal J If. nogera sephine Nailon Morflt will leave today ror

Kansas City, where they will spend a fewaril ' "in t. week.Honored Cnlonel Smith Mlts Helen Stratton. who ha heen

Mr and Mrs. Frank Anís entertained laat ror several month, is up and able tocm muí. e among her friends again.kVellUetable wa decorated with yeilow'cliryean-themum- Miss Beitie Uilton. who hat been visiting--3f and the favor- - mid place card In the oust for scleral months, hat returnedjjjjjj were typical of Halloween l overs were to 1.1 laso.laid for Colonel Sinilli. Mi ind Mr. AlfredKerr. Mr. and Mrs II k'rart. Mr. Lillian Tom Harwwid. of Mexico, who has been

orco ran. Mr. Ysahel Flato capt Clifford Miending several day in El Paso, will leavelimne ami Richard lturge.s and ihe host and today.holiest. o

o Mrs liustav lee. of New cirleant, It theSocial and Card Parli guetl of Mrs. J. B. Tutlle for a few days.

Comfort , 5?3e Mancliesujr Hnve. No c.3, v. o. W., Mrs formerly lived in El Paso and hisgave a aortal and card nrtv at Figle hall a hot or frtendl who are glad to have her

and Style Ji nu Thursday evenln Hun hie uas olived with them again.during the- evening uní iter rrfie.shmenti

Combined were served Mrs n BctllrU was the win-ner

Ml Ed Merger m l little son of v alenyaa or the lutles- nr-- i prta and L Allen leu, a few day 11

011 the aiiiileiiian'e plil Mist C. Cham-berlain

city with reúfavaa mil fi tetillawon the roiiKilatioti. The conunlltee o Redfern Corsets Are Bestin charge . composed of Mrs Fred War-

ren.Miss Mable Carmlchal will leave the list

Mr Ruby van illiu. Mrs Alllton. of the week for orona. New Mexico,Mrt. Chamberlain and Mrs Payne where the 111 spen.i the winter months.

oProgram Fnvrd R Holing of Los Angelei, Cal I spend-

ingThe 'luí. mullican nils' wirictv held a a few dayt ihe city with Mr and Prices $3.00 to $10.00very int. resting meeting last Wednesday Mri. Paul Heermans 11 their home un Eastmorning. After a brief biisincsi meeting a RIO M Hide He. - O

Mr. and Mr. P II. Watkuii. who haveheen living in th city the pat year, have HE new Redfern designing and construction insures the latest fashionmoved to kan- - City, Mo.

HAIR IS GRAY; A lines and gives the silhouette so much in vogue. This means the gentlycurving line at the side waist; the flat back; the higher bust and the straight

Warren W arpenter will telurn home front. In other words it means a more erect carriage a smarter figureYOU I.UÜK OLD UmIiv from New York City, where lie hitbeen alteadlas a conference of colleclori than the past several seasons.

If you want shoes of beauty and comfort, wear of ruilomi.

Queen Quality. A stylish shoe is sometimes Look Young by Darkening Gray P,iNr.

weekaad Mr.

In HieW

cityB Ake.


returnedspent the

10 These new features are all embodied perfectly in the latest REDFERNan uncomfortable shoe. A comfortable shoe Is some-times

Hair With No Dye Un ir home in Mai ra. trxa.models now on display. We invite you to call Monday and examine the con-structiondecidedly ugly. But Queen Quality shoes com-

bineHarmless. Marioa I etcher came in from chihuahua

of Redfern. Corsets and have a trial fitting. Not necessary to buy.Style and Comfort in a most satisfactory manner. Lucerne apartments

o Our Coreetieres will gladly demonstrate their superior merits.The manufacturers of Queen Quality shoes know how If your hair it (ray. faded. wtp. nun Mrt. M. MrCall of lot Angele. Cal., mho

to make a Beautiful Shoe and make it Comfortable at premature!) gray, or streaked with gray, tiientIter.

tbemi -

pastJ. L.


tn ihrleft


with herror

the same time. There are low heads, medium heels you will li,k twelve or fifteen yeari young New Mexico, "tShQ Corset Store of CI Paso'er if you darken your gray hair by baniand heels. shoes fit the foot andhigh Queen Quality ptwiui your Wan and tcalp a few timetgive comfort from the brat day's wearing. wtui v Ban Hair Color Kettorar. u 11 liana petara tv her home the middle or the week

i.--- and nol a dye. bul acts on the rooU.makes gray hair iHialUiy. turning all yourgray tuui lu a beautiful, iuitrou. aon, nat Hoial Dleu lo tier borne. Ml North kihsti 4III líligélilrillllMr if)ural dark abade, darkening gout gray hair atraat. Littlesoil auiira baaU of hair to aaeoly uvd uat PhoneSav. Ira M. Brice, who has been 'atu rally thai no oat need euepeel you ute Providence hueptwl aluce bit accident it PlazaAf Ban Beaidet. 0 Ban atopt dandruff reported improvingHilling scalp end falllug hair, promotes lugrowlta (luarauleed to give latltfartiuo ag niag


Croabyun Tyruo.



Saturdayu beie 67o Store of Service"ne .n refuaded Only tur for a big 7 o .puní tiir pail wcea

boulr at krlly i Pollard a. alio PeopleDragfolki tuppUed

atete, ajbjf



Mrtrn.init.i Ion de Beaute Is the Talk of 1 Paso'

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIBXSBBl aWifWittuaasM BbS. KHHbHsHh

JomUjr. October 17. 1919. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

graph in the papers Snlvely turned over, lowing his srrest hy Mounted Officer Tommotur about the Loa angeles nutra. hari and the chief denied that he or the police inri at ivurn ann I lorenre tire. LADIES of married IsdR. Sebastian has confiscated toy of kitten's possessions rorry. Sent caled Hyri-n- e A kaiotogy

Use wool wine, aitiri.i aiiorney. i T W Mth t lew York City.tdtntnrd this todty In discussing chargesIn court by counsel for George A. Bitten, a MISSION potato CHim Ask grocer genuine hnd painted plant cards Imported

direct rrom In hundred end oneÜETV neiective. insi ine ponre irjmg 10 Japan, asend him to prison to keep him quiet mtten exquisite designs? nnest assortment everIs charred with cmbexxllnr riso (rom t Wky Net shown in the rlty. Prices rrom I roots etchwoman. Sebastian, as rhier or police, wts inspect the genuine imported linens for no o up- - MRS. L. O. FUNES,tried tnd acquitted on t charge or con-tributing

household me, from practically every Beark's trl me dependency of a minor. country on the globe, shown In beautifully City INallonsJ Bank Bldg. (rtduate of Dresden. Oermsny; Florence. Italy, and Paris. France.

Bitten. Woolwme admitted, recently was emhrodere.i and drtwnwork designs, it Openi Her Studio ofbefore the grand Jury In connection with Scarfs Art SnsstT TftU tVeek-- Bargain.this cite. City Wttlonsl Bank Rldg. (Adv.) ART AND EXPRESSIONBtrhLOUIS XV style art rase. Kranlrh A

Chief of Police E. Snlvely turned over o fharroal, paatel, oil, water color and china painting, per month ... SB.OSthe district attorney today a packet of Veath 6e t. PrskiUea Officer. baby grand piano, in mahogany case, onhpapers. Bittern's counsel said yesterday in Marcos Romiret, a . Mexican Hm, we advise calling early tt the strictly Clans art, Saturday a o'clock

ninnrr for CnHt. general culture as a necessity and their court that the police had taken from' his youth, wis turned overyear-ol-

to Mrs. Emma "one prlre" plan., house, K1 Paso Piano Co.. Expression (Emmerson method) SS.SMr. ind Mr. Henry B. Oluetple poetry tnd music being joined, the study client a lot of material

Therehe has hern collect-

ingw coster, county probation orfleer. Satur W n srhutt. Prop., ow (south side) Tetss PHONE tStl 111 W BOl LEVARD

it dinner Thursday evenlng rom Of music Was WIUI inrm rrj uqiuiwi. and a photograph. was no photo day afternoon by Judge Paul Thomas, fol street.Jdlmeniary to Mr. Llpploeott of Lot Ange The early mnslr of Greece was mmgienles, Cal. The table was prettily centered with mvths. Pan. Apollo. Mercury, andwith marigolds and the plane cards ware others are examples of this.In marigold design. Covera were laid for F.ariy Greet musicians cnaniea songs can- - "El Paso This"Mr. Llppincou. Harry Tape, Miss Mary nosed In honor of rhlers and heroes or Women Have Never Witnessed A Sale LikeWilson and Mr. tad Mrs. W. B. oilleiple. tlie time. One of tnese singers was

who was chief of the EleuslnlanTa Heel Wednesday. mysteries but the greatest or them all wot

The current events and literature de-partment

the blind Homer who lived 00 yetrt B. C.of the Woman's club win meet Terptnder and Pythagoras were famous See Special Plan Toon Wednesday afternoon at the First philosophers who treated on music and

christian church at 1 o'clock. Miss Oreta each added a string to the Lyre. Aristotle i isnna. a. iI aimer will tire an organ solo: Mrs. F. M. nd Plato, We greatest 01 me pmiosorrncr.Hale will speak on "Abraham, the Founder had much to say of music, also Piularen. Window Shop Earlyor Hare; ' Mrs. Frank W. Seward will The word mtulc xo xne ' tren uwspeak on the "Heritage of a Child;" Mrs. whole circle Tf the sciences particularlyO. A. Chlckett will be the leader of the astronomy tnd mathematics. Our scalesdiscussions. Mrs. w. U Crockett is In and derived from two scales or Tour tones Display Tomorrowcharge of the meeting. each. Invented by Pythagoras tnd called

irinrhnnii rrom the time or Homer onWeed al Country Clnh. for about a thousand yetrt, there was little

In a dinner party at- the Country club progress or change in musical an, except nnnnonlpreceding the week-en- dance, was Miss from the Influence of those who workedVirginia Stewart, Lieutenant and Mrs. John In and wrote for the church, and from theMoore Thompson and Lieutenant James L. formation of a system of writing music orCollins. system or notation as 11 is snore currer uy

termerf we shall see the result of thematterjTmusical. church upon music in our next articlesince we have begun to trace the develop'ment of this srt down to the present time

mnsa.ANit PARK ORCHESTRA CONCERT.The Highland Park orchestra was heard In

I IKK s BONG. a concert at the First Methodist Episcopalrhurrh Tuesday nigm, wnero an appre-ciativeO, life! how like t song thou art! audience heard an Interesting pro

orchestra showed improvementAnd every soul on earth hath part! gram. Thesince the last concert, since wnirn limeA'td ir the be Isong gay, prayseveral new members have been added.'TIs beam upon thy way! welcomesA. Btrnes the director anyone

unite with the orchestra totodesiringAnd tr the song be sad, I prayIt be but clouds beroro thy day! communicate wiui mm.When soul shall soar to heights unknown PROGRAM AT CONGREGATIONALAnd soagr on wings of faith are borne! MUSICAL

H HI II.No sermon will be delivered at the Con- -

Then melody, like angels sing greiritlontl church at Rio Grande andShall tlirmiKh the e.srth for ever ring! William street, hut a special musical proAnd nlglit shall be a day's sweet dream rSwhlrh Is follows:gram will be rendered asWhen

theme!i.ove and nun are noan s nest Hymn All Hall the Power .áñnnB vÉjjfejBMKV snññnnna nxrofAnthem, O For the Wings a

QuartetYours for Sunshine and Humanity, Solo, The Lost Chord SullivanNABELLE BIGGART. Mr. 1. 1. Tyndall.El Paso, Ort. 17, 101. Sweet tnd Low Btrnby

Qutrtet.HOW 111 MC BEGAN'. Solo SelectedI have found nations wnirn nave no Ood Miss Dells Rosensteln.

but I have not found one without music. Rocked In the Cradle or the Deep (bysun in ii!nter or rerent times. request) Knight

Music Is a ptrt or man's nature. There Mr. R. J. Carson.Is a longing in every human soul for ex Hymn The Hetvens Declarepresión. There are things we would ex Solo, 0 Rest In the Lord from "Elijah"press but cannot by speech. Music Is Mrs. J. J. Tyndall.natural outcome of this desire to express Pltrto Solo SelecledIn some way thoughts and emotions which Mfs. 1. M. Richmond.we cannot embody In words. Music must Hymn, Jerusalem the Golden.have begun In the world's Infancy. The Personnel or the qutrtet: Soprano. Missi:hini:sc stale that music had It liegln Delia Hosenstoln; alp.. Mrs. i. 1. Tyndall;nlng in 'their country three thousand years tenor, Mr. 1. J Tyndall: bass, Mrs. R. I.Derorc i.nrisi. Carson. Mrs. J. M. Richmond, pianist.

Beyond doubt the first music was vocal The service begins tt 8 o'clock.singing Is bit Intensified speech. Alprimitive peoples have first expressed SONG SERVICE AT CHURCH OF ST.themselves by dancing; soon the dancing CLEMEN I r Zr Jnnl HBnW I ill m ' m

sSPBS"- - ji f .

was accompanied by vocal sounds; later to Sunday evening tt 7:30 it the Church ofmark the time for the dancing. Instruments St. clement the following program win be J Jr Ixbw I If 1 I 'ftwore devised. From this crude beginning ma wonderful an nas developed. Chorai Processional, "Praise Ye the

First we hive melody with the voice, then Fither" Gounodrhythm marked by crude Instruments, later Choral Magniricat Tourssystem, when scales were formed. Choral Nunc Dlmlttls Tours

Hhythm is truly wonderrul. The blood Prayer Hymn, "Hear Our Prayer" DickinsonIn our bodies keeps time with the music Anthem Lovely Appear," from "Tlieour pulse heating with the pulse or rhythm Redemption" Gounodor the music. Thai Is why, when a band Incidental solo. Miss Constance i' playing as we walk down the street, we Solo, "Today K Ye Will Hear His Voice"unconsciously accord our steps in time Rogerswith the music. Mr. C. Ruby.

The foundation for our modern music Anthem, Glorious Is Thy Name" rromas laid by the Greeks before the time or "Twelfth Miss" Mcxartnsi. i ne ureets considered ine study Incidental Qutrtet Miss I'atemtn, Miss

' of fcoetry. srt tnd mnslc, and possession or Gertrude Yale. Mrs, M. H. MtcCallum, Mr.M. H. Lemen. Sa W fl nxaxaxf I anxaxanxfi V vlv IrDuet, (linde Me, O Thou Great

Jehovah" LansingMiss pateman and Mr. Lemen.An Appeal to Wives Anthem,

rrom "The"He

Elijah"Is Watching over


Uffe.rtory Anthem, "The Heavens AreTou know the terrible affliction Telling" rrom "The Creation" Hiwdn

that comes to many homes from the Incidental Trio: Mist Pateintn, Mrs. Mtc-Callum,result of a drinking husband or son. Mr. Lemen.

Hecetslontl Hymn, "Jerusalem, TheTou know of the money wasted on Golden" Le Jeune"Drink" that is needed in the hometo purchase food and clothing. Ml MC CLUB PROGRAM.

has saved thousands of drink-ing

The music department or the Woman'smen. It is a home treatment. club made a mild beginning or the

No sanitarium expense. Can be season's work by the presentation of an

We in earnest oratorio program upon Tuesday afternoon,secretly. aregiven tt the First Christian church. The nextwhon we ask you to give o It It INK a program will be composed or rolk songs,trial. You have nothing to risk and sung In the various native costumes.everything to gain, for your moneywill be returned if after a trial you THE MINSTREL QLEKN OF SPAIN.(ail to get results from ORRINB. Once, wnun the 'Moors Invaded Spain and

ORRINE la prepared In two forms: defeated Its people, the king wis alsotnd ttken away. The queen or Spalanjvo. 1. secret treatment; ORRINE No. had I very beautiful voice, and she Most Phenomenal Hat Sale2. the voluntary treatment. Costs disguised herseir in boy's doliilng

only $1.00 a box. Ask us for book-let.

and went to the teul of tlie Moorish chief-tain su J tang to hint A hile he wts at reast.

Kelly & Pollard. Sheldon Hotel "What t divine voice," said the Moor.building. "Boy you sbjll Have a royal footstool!" and

he then compelled the king of Spain to puthis head on the ground tnd the singer gen-tly placed tier feet on bis neck. When tin-queen In El Paso's Historywas through singing the Moor said:"Boy, you sing Tike an angel! Ask whatNEW you will and will grant It."

"Let me take tlüs young king bark to bis

HAVILAND people." said the singer. Her request wasgranted, so she led the king Into the moun-tainsCHUNA. where they met the Spanish minister. Monday None"Sire, you mutt marry again," he aald."Your queen has Joined the enemy." Afeist wis held and the minister put his And Lessdaughter next to the king and she made Worthlove to hliu. But the king turned sadlyaway from her, and said to the singer:"Boy,


ine something merry," and the Tuesday Than $16.50the hills and along the plain,Dressed lu the Hollies of a boy she went,And In toe Moorish chlertsln's tent;He gave

sangSer a footstool fair and strong. THE MOST PHENOMENAL SALE OF NEW MILLINERY to our knowledge in the hi.tory of El Paso begins Mon-

dayAnd she won tlie footstool with t song."

The king or Spain then recognizee hiswire and took her tenderly in his arms. Morning at 8:30. In times past Hats at the end oí a season have been ruthlessly cut in price but never withinThe minister was punished and the Moorswere finally driven out of Spain. the memory of our customers have the season s newest and most exclusive conceptions been placed on sale at theJOINT RECITAL BY MB KNICKMEYKB AMD

A Joint recitalMRS.

ofKTOVVtC.organ and voice num-

bersradical reductions named here.

wlU be given it the First Christianchurch Friday night. November i. All

Xho Vslssossl Pattern lovers of music invitad.ire cordially This special purchase consists of ONE HUNDRED of the finest Lyons Black Silk Velvet Hats in high crownCoras Blas Oaartag.

We have just received an Im-portation

Pilgrim Sailors, Picture Sailors, Poke Sailors, Tricorns and other exclusive modes pictured above and the latest ragefrom Havlland


o completaand Oold


of makeNow

dancingthat the



enjoyablecool enough

of allto

on Fifth Avenue. The trimmings include rare furs, beaded and metallic flowers, finest ostrich plumage, coque ef-

fects,their on pastimes, some allcuuoti should be paid toSilver Shape" and the the feet. You cannot douce gracefully, nor

Also, the new "Roae will you enjoy dancing, if you are afflicted gold and silver lace, etc.with corns. But, why have corns? It Is

of France." a ltlt pattern. the simplest mailer In the world lo get ridThe




reputationon Sti-


them Simplycoin



accordingor White's

lo All American copies and adaptations of favorite Paris models. Real De Luxe "Tailleur" Hats from such worlddirections, slid your corns will vanish

of having more repeat orders While's Corn. Cur Is I Made in El Paso famous makers as FISKE and GAGE. Every hat different no two alike. Specially designed for the New Yorkand a larger volume of bualneas tin. ir. tnd as hundreds of El

than say pattern ever made by everyPaaoans





pricesl removes

la only Millinery Opening and purchased at its close by our Buying Organization at a decided sacri- - j4t f gIHam.

The "Vaimont" Is considered fice to the makers. Not a hat worth less than $16.50, and many would sell regularly forthe peer of all the colored dec-

orationsMills Bids

"Safety First"Huberts

Druggists.Banner Bldg. much more. Your unrestricted choice Monday and Tuesday at J Jsince its production, Depot Pharmacy Apr.



ago.of France" has For any

la'sof toe



BOIusedhand planoa NONE ON APPROVAL. NONE C. O. D.Cub lenas:been selected by more buyers and players. or

Emerson, upright, rosewood.than of the nowthis season anyDecker A Bon. upright, ebony.

patterns shown. Chickermg, upright, ebony.All three of the above are kiiubaJi Player, uiahogauy.

beautiful, all In good taste and PianolaJuhnson



all carried In OPBN STOCK. pearlatl Kle, in. oak AM siiliMIMaTwo Vlctrulaa records. iiTou may buy one pleca or IM Two Edison PhoootTapluaial

andat any Unas to meet your re-

quirements.aa reoreaenled.

f Billing. Plane Gs. "6fe Store 'C HouseIts t Boulevard.AdverUseinciii

teOASTlAV UNDER iNVkBTMUTtON. of Service" Little Plexe Phone 45AO of Courtesy'

uv AerlO Mas!Angeles. Cs!. oct is lot u I "Read Our Large Adv. On Last Page Telegraph Section"

14 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17. 1915.


sy onetuiraaa.

day theyTo


a storybar of


days, they tent her a box of floteen, and'The Family Divided" I a Strong Play With Moral. lha lad penned a little notealer. He leertln? man aft In proposed

In hei lllllr ImI i sn4 lo Merry. She aaaln re hi ted him Anlute rn1itlnii hour later he saw tbe msn safer follow

Tlln Wife. .n.llrlltl gmuiiiileasti' thai Merry from the meats ri hu. .ao.l Is- - IK ill The manaawr hurried to Mercy's moms

living- - suli rnr separation tlie aaughier He strode in. mrned the key in the door TODAYLima sutr.trd in her mil lha on to toe and put it in his pocketIstrier nrtren I'" rhlMrenpa-- .,Mercy fitina herseir inward the door, butrow hi ami lie- lUnrl't' in lore with the msn ajee r rmsrtit her wrists with hit"Bote" M''itt'n wuint lawyer. hands StM beat strains! him. but sbeThe win, laiKtng it mother's Inflgwoee, could not rree herself. As she DOUGLAS MURRAY'S MEMORABLE TRIUMPH

Ik- lather ilrrldeaherone-- t hii'IWayward. the panels of the door wore beaten In. Ati. send him t" Panama II writes lo In-

ri,shot rana; out Ibrntiyh the room. The face

rni bis wife, .unrr.iifiii that ir he wants of thr leadlnr man peered thmuyh thein bid farewell in iiim .on h. may do hcoken door The two men faced etrhat llif lining attoitie ufflrr By litann-- other. Slowly the manarrr sank to thethr parent meet Urn ion and. through floor. He waa dead.

Bob's" rfrnrti li 'ilH'MUII'itl Is effected HiltL !tjÍ Merry:-- ' Mercy turned There stood the "The Impostornil ihn iinttir- - i. etpfaiMd ijU jfiaC (juaker lad.Tim aflUslteni nrstn-- t Pfi i;ir Idle ana "I shot him." the actor leered up from

pirinna airaln i rate's liimlnii'l of wife his kneefina "Take Merry awayapparent, for nrirrn golden wara of this where tney can t rind her."rrnaple I llv- mi wasted in thr- wire' The young yuaker led Merrv awty-aw- aygrmtnrtles iM ln r. thai her husband, gener-ously áMB BlraHyflaai I 'l BfcSBI lo Uie quietness of a little friends' village.

aiding a poor WOroan, wti unfaltlifulfc

In her apartment, tbe artir telephoned thelo tier. police station and wetted his fate, alone. WITH



The Noted Actress, Janet Beecher, Is the Lead.EDNA MAVO

World f ililí presents the five pari photo-play

are to roinr to them. It will now be byÉTfflaaaaaW "line resilient" Based upon Kugene lefitimste industry and not by then and

MtaXftON. Wslo-rs- ' renowned state auccesa of Ilia deception.

Chanela rt. same name. Janel ii. i. her is the woman in thisCAST, case. Mitt Beerher's varied staff esperl-enc-

Jane fiewmhl-Ho- Janel Beecher stand, her In iroou Head in thu tryn.,i, Reynokls Usvlrt Powell ni s role of Jane Reynolds, the girl

iirin John Brand íLystor i.hambers yearns to shine In t sorltl sphere aboveMr- - ilnn die Mr .. Alberia ullsiin her own.

Henry Osell The plt replst with. UirtHing tllua WIGWAMHarold Mrra's hroihrr Lewis Kdgartt ida Oeraldlne McCannMORI, notably thr hurstlnr "' a ! tl.noilniloila wild strongriipi'in a Janel Beecln-- Is the laadlna rtidy of ihe and ihe flnodlns: or Ihe surrounding loun-try- .

moral 10 ill him-- .uní IlUaMDd, i "The film play "Kme leathers" based on This was caused by the perridi OlainlU llvidel." I llireeerl tins or the sime name bj Ruyerta Boh Beynolda. wlto pasted an mrerlor EMILY STEVENSpholodranta featinwi i dna .Mai" and Waller which "look the town In storm," renieni rm ihe structure or Ihe dam And"

iBmoiii Wa.hluirn.

volve p iu on it- - production a rew years a to. Bob d,d llu- - in order 10 fratiry his youilf T 0 D AYin.' nioimd Henryatari STARRING IN"Fine Feathers" will be shown at the wife's love nl "line leathers."Viii. a urll tn .In DllStnett limn and his BIJou ter on Wednesday and Thursday Surely, a alu.iblr moral resson lo "Mlwife In. th very nun h In Ion uiili a. I.

and will be assured of htvlrik and simdn who are similarly leinpted.i.ihri unit liapm ni tin- itoaaesglon of a sented to them a very powerful driuta paraonti popuafity is not the least of "THE SOUL OFhetutiriil l. wlil'-- nnd a handsome son. viso, be-

sides Last ofn an rsritum and reaii-i- form. Janet Herein T- - inaiiv asarla. Showinghi ii romes a day when llir wife seen her heII The atnry intereslina from the moral belni an acrftiiipllshed aclresahusband, leave KM offh-- nub another standpoint - well .is from Ihe drain ttU). A is s painied uf merit and pioru-ien- in A WOMAN"woman arrompan) in home, and inert many outdoor sports.glir the woman inotiei when she points MYAJUT WASKBunM

Ml worldly bMHIoa tnd cfieoata on- - Mi- Baeieiier is a valuable acquisitionrlhv un an- - tn aerure the a .niipliaii iha aereen dramt. Charlie Chaplinfir nl of her desires. In her hm iralneri. HplencPd hoiograpliy and rood artlng

"IN THE PALACE OF THE KING" she has t short span or liappini"s, which rharaen rue ihl- - plrinre. which hss some He UNIQUEis Succeeded in s permn ..r me .hhm remarkable ji howinr nisriit lire n

AT THE ALHAMBRA WEDNESDAY. retí hf dni'-- : then she snd In hushan.l Murray-'- Restaurant. ew York, the bttrst-n- i TODAY LAST SHOWING.resolve to besrln life anew In humble ur of i dam and Ihe Noodlnt; Of Ihe sur- -

ORCHKSTRA MUSIC In his latest and funniest comedy,roiilidlnts. If rina feathers (I, e. money) roundina country.

2:30 to 5:30 7:30 to 10:30SHOWS START

AT THE GRECIAN MONDAY AND TUESDAY-"BRE- 12:00 noon Í :16 p. m. "SHANGHAIED"1:16 p. m. 7 30 p. mIN THE BONE" 2:80 p. tri. 8: 45 p. m.3:45 p. ni. 10:00 p. m. ONLY NEW CHAPLIN IN SIX WEEKS

Also "FOILED," a "Ham" and "Bud" comedy.aaaaaPaWVakfaC' í 'ÍSaW'aKÍi



Feature WeekTODAY

Waaaallü5mmaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagPWaaaf-aJPJ'.PSga-

2alJmm&jtm "Charles Chaplin" Positively Only Big Circus Coming This Year

Kntflal jMban In hla beet comedy, EL PASO TWO DAYSMONDAY AND TUESDAY,

"Shanghaied" OCTOBERl linn. list. ROMAKCK hi MAniiin "Henrietta." 2D years IfO, and ha appeared Get Dinner after tlie Parade and then hike for the allow groanda and

in i ii iin Bl BWANAVi In aloek ror Utrea year with Dan A Vltatrruph Drwuia, Featuring. Kivr ihoiiaiiit ungni lakr part in l waa


the yeeuiii.lo l'hirlei

New York.rohniiii


In "DONAL.D HAId,." aee the big free to everybody acts. There'll be ample Unte.priHliii'lii.n front tumour mm-- by K. appeared In all llu' le.ida that William TEXTS Bullas and Magoffin Ave.Man. in Crawford; In alawt' alara Terries pla.M il bi I oudon.fot itmk mhi paria. TOMORROW

An haul C iiim Ksitauay Ha was the ortfiiuttor in Aiiter.r.i or Hie

man. I RaU'liff, irlMat Hacks)! an-- luada or "Hlienindoab," "Hie siuiriinir CENE FROM"BRED IN THE BONE" "IIKNKY WAIjTIIALI"Duclieu lite ratal t.anl. rwn little Feature.Lawn Kdrard, an IñyltiribM) quarici in In a Special

aatuallonaJ dramu or llfr. VajfTaaU," and "Hearts Are Trumps MUTUAL MA8TE.RPICTURI PRODUCED BY FUXLlAJWCB-- la. Star. Iilral "Kln." When l.ieplrr k Co. Was oiKallUed, lie was

I.uiik I'aliintK ill no n parla an the an ond aelor eniraKed charle miif Ii (A MUTUAL MA- l.lil'ii h heard that orjg or the artrnstes would TUESDAYand "Miniiro" inakrs him i .ri llly oeared in By PRANK KtNSSlXA. be unable lo go on with Uie company. He

III fin lull- iii l.aaanay play. i. .ii (ore be knew what she had done, she had RDNA MAVOyirt enpertm in pbolopltya in "in ibe Box." Mr. HatUirie wa- - wiih Ihe n hler A Heart silrrlny Drama la Four Parts, Pro stepped forward and asked lo bn laken In and

lata., of Iha Klim" proveí wnmlrrrul rompany in "The Msn from Home," which the woman' place er naliictl beautyrértlallon" lo a played In t.hirago rnr forty week- - durrd by Brlktnee, Featuring the Pupu-la- r and turn. grace were In tier favor, and BRYANT WASHBURN

Aft. aonw thirty yrara iprnl on tlir For four year Mr. tUtcllffa wan leadlna UaruUty tilwh, Nuppnrlnl b CtM she was accepted.brniiiiuto ntatf. playinii in kih'N mail for Ira. Leslie ,arler, appeal litis In of Mellar Hrrren Mlars. That night Mercy Lake, unknown to her iJl.laaaaanTTi;tlMLJ!Pi.1JJjnjmilraniai as "Romfto,'' Mailn-ih- and Ihr Zara." "Camine." "Tin aroofld Mrs. soir. was follow ins all the forcea and uu WEDNESDAY andlik B J Itatrlnti- haa .1111 urnbed lo Um "Two Wotnen." ami "Vaata CAST pulses of hiiedin. which had compelled THURSDAYlurv of iniitum t ,i. ami rinda tlit-- ara Hearne." I.aat year Mr. Hatrllffe was wrn M.ui urn of the "Fly Theatrical her pi forsake llu lire to which early en"wonderful" and rvvrlatloo." Ha Wltllealde "Mr. Wit." In ew ann KT BKECHEn 65a n Walker in troupe uenrgr A iieraiiger vrronmeni training nan ruten ner. JAN 600inaaai'd by i:aua oapei lallv for the pan York. doing what her mother and what her Inor kma I'hilii- II or -- pain In taa 'it ait Mi Italelirre also stalled Willi Name Ills Wire Mai'Hlc Wilson father, and what her ancestors had done ANIMALreatiire phoiuplat "In lha PtltOa uf thr (i .xrii m lionieo and Juliei; and "Mac-

haMrs. Lake aiimtu IsM for generation- - heron- her. She bail re-


Klna. diainatii frofn f. Marl.m Crtw HX" and aa UoUofei ttai in "Jiuliin Lake Richard Cuminlurt to tbe lure or the stage. But she Eugene Walter'a Play. ACTORSAmusing

Inl it - ni.-- - ii .i. bethults." Kssi'v in Kluabelh." Asset..oi did not know that her mother had been ThrillingMMoat oi my lire havtnr been ipanl on brack In "Hedda Oabler." and " " Merry, at atxtaao Dorothy cish an aclresa. deserted by her raiher in Uie INCLUDING Wild Animal

Mir lia-- tímale alaae." aald Mr llatrlirre, He set a world's rerord by tilavlnf H i Her (Juaker Sweetheart.. William Hinckley village In wl.h h he had grown up. and FRIDAY Elephant Act andI rould nut a.r hew anyoiii' DMa" In "ne afternoon and "Itacbetn" the ending Man of Troupe of thtl her mother had her at a round Camalrould fin1 propel i pri.i..n in a drama aainr nlfht When Mrkee Rankin was us-

inaflayers w t. i.awrenrc ling at tbe door nf the (.maker couple. She A Special Release. Feature

without the aid i.r the voire ll haa been three man a week for the pari or only knew that lire was sweet sweeter Zebraa aoiiiieiriii revelation i me rind Uiat "Macbeth," Mr. Hllellfre played Una Manager of Agency Al. Fllton tban It had ever been when she had noUi Kangaroo AFRICAN 550one i an do to nol taily effectively imt in strenuous rota Tor thirteen i onseeultve Ing bul lire or tin- iiends to look forward SATURDAY Beara . lhal la nil in. in iinpreatlvi- and Untes. .Nay. nay. Mercy! They are nauahty to and she ran twty rmm those who loved 24-lions-- 24 World'thai hold, an atullenee afra) mora apell. other plays in which Mr. Rateiirfe hat play acloca. Thee and me must nol look her Tha Beet Program In To Llonbound II. an a play." starred are "The ureal Bub)'," "The hanr-in- tl Uifiiii" When the troupe disbanded, the leading aa uaual. Tlrs-- )m ONI ACJ( Hera gaiMr Halnllffi' eiiKared lor tbe pari illrl" and "sweri l uvemiei. and was I ho stalwart uuaBer lad took the mald't man. very much in lovo with Merer, L.op.rd. aof llir K UK liei hum- ill lila eapmial rilool lu I'tucaao two yeara with in Isseo'a hand in hla and ted her under the traet tn thtl Uiey try lo get a position In StM Lion. Most ttntttltntl Wild Animal tawl

ill or hi. lino- in huíais or nude tin- meadow, where they had upon llu une company. s.i Uiey went togcUn-- Spectacle Ever Witnessed vary Onerar parla on IMf humíllale alare. The Til Hie Palace Uf the knur besides an siirrai frum Uie troupe plaving in tlie lo in. agency. From his private orflce. Dog An Actorpuyad Hie part evi-

l-reatttrintr Mr. Kapilfre, will hate Richard villas. opM't house But as the In, led Uie manager taw Merry enter the 'outer Ooata

ated all kpeelall Horn in London C, Tratrerl, I ssanty h adnoi man and Mitt Uie hull- uuakeresa away, it wat with mi room THE COLONIAL TEA ROOM, Monkey ONLY REAL WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS N EARTHloaned Mary ndoraon Arleen llarkslt in slellar Miles lie photo' willlhu feel thai went It was wild There a pma," be said to hla assist-

antEVERY ANIMAL A PERFORMER 506In 1IU3 anil i., reara lahr Mine lo A me play will be shown si Ihe Alhambct reseninivul lu her heart -- ror Uie first time "hurt! y after be had offered a MONTANA.Ira with Tier ll rim hi part waa In theater on Wednesday and Ih.nsday. and sha knw not why Iht little potiUoii In a nitialral tbow. Mercy loyally 1413 PIOrLI

gray uaaer nouiiei, in. i.m pra ii.u k. refuted it tiniest lb leadUig man waa too Ntw Miif Ltii Stmt Pariái M 1ft3iii..- retlrtklnl and tlmpllcltj of the rleuda' "siayied up.' loo. In urder In secure her, PHONE 43. 40M.MI.Mtll in imu KtAM. bren taken Trom the eUteMUl infantry Village- It was as thoiish s new world, Ihe iitaiuurcr alto ofrerrd a position lo tbe ANIMAL

-- ew ral hundred round- - of .si unites are a land of summit and dancing, had born artoi Tbe in it season, Mercy Two PrforietttS DUy 3 akiifj 9 PM. ANIMALJfsi.- I.ral I mi nd s.ii III ui HeerUlnp and aJleaed to have Been in bis possession. openud at her feet. Íouiig hers, if a alar. TRAINERS Doors Op. 1 and 7 CLOWNS

Lieutenant iiHki F. Muliaeli- - uiernth When the lad len her she ran back r the dearest rnrndships wlin h theBaaaaaatajg t.oieroiurut I'ruprrt). .ntlantry. was Ue prim ipal wlUtcss fov (he ..wirili oier tin- grass look again upou pretiy- girl gained w at Uitt of the wardrobeIeus l eal was invlelsd In fnlted .ii-s prosecution. He Idenliried ainniiinlllon In i new world. The ai tresa glauced up woman, a worn out actress, wn... ror toma INTERNATIONAL CAFE

dun i. I e. .ui I aim. lay on a tin re of hsv whieh was presented M (overiuurnl prop-erty

and smiled and the dancing master ran unknown reason, became greatly attractedint uieiM d and liawus in his i..n alter Iter plsyfully. But Mrrc.i sped away to Merry. When the actress was offered American and Chinese Service.prop. il. i.. I'.niriiis u. the aoviTumeut. a tu terror, miar oner sioppiug unui the 4fabulous anda aalary a longer contract by Ladlestook Booth for or Partías.The jury in the rate only t shortsenlen. i, ui, v ,,r- - In the was safe within Ihe collage. the manager, Mercy took Ihe woman to fiveW(s inipii-- i .1 Ps the court lime to nuns in uieir veroiei in ninny. later, a sr. nnd troupe ranie to the vU wiiii her. 0 a. Id Paso bU, neat to FOR QUICK RESULTS USE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS.

al - trial was n.irl In He- tetttuiony 1 UK BIO Kill Is IN MARI IL lage. Lata shy, Mor. lipped away fnun In uu- meantime, two old Quakers and BUoblireteiili il li. Hi. it ai. sll. K' d II. al Iter home on. afti'riioon and went h. th. one young (.maker grew weary uf wallingleal had aiiiiiiiunuon wlucb hasl MISMOS KUH MMIIM I - Ask STOCer. Mandliig neat the stage door. for a word from tlie liulr girl who went








Show Surt on the Hour. A SENSATIONAL PLAY OF STAGE LIFE. DON'T MISS IT. Regular Price iLtHH sHl

Sunday. October 17. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

the iHv or II' election, to the IMh when1 JI1MIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMllltl IIIIIMIIIIIIIIItlMI MlllltlllllllllllMltnillllinillMMMIIIIflllf IMIIIIIIIIItllllltlMltltflUthe sdm'nttrittP,n nent into office. futt.ion letters ere received by the mayorfrom applirem for ntv positions, tot thefirst two weeks sriei the administration Extra Special!assumed nrflee. the corridor oí Hie cityhall and Uie iv clerk's orfire were filledwith th" appllranui who had filed Mielrapplication" and Uiose wIni .sue in p. sonto gel Jobs. If any person hss sn Ideathat it f a "elnrh" to hand out city Jobs, For this week's sellinglet them trv lieing mayor.

It Is not only the "Jolt" problem that themayor has m deal with bul II Is everyconceivable question ranging from adminIstration of city arrairs tn Ihe naming ora rish in an artlnrtal pond, the naming r 300baldes not rnnnlcd. rxmplaWla made tothe inavnr are based on the rain, sun. soarfactories, streets, lights, water, stars, trainand street car schedules, taxes, family Untrimmed Velvet and Plushtroubles, milk. Mexican wars, schools andnumerous other things. Shapes, block and all colors. Values

II Is believed that Ihere never was apolice department that was not found fault up to $6.00 (I rwith and Ihe mayor gets Ihe blame ror It.Delegations "kirk" about the police. Wives Specialwhose huslwind arc arresten appeal M CHILDREN'S HATS, valdea up to $4.00. Specialthe mavnr to have (hern released and vire U5versa. Children, whose parents are thought-less

this weekenough to gel Into Jail, appeal to the

mavnr to have them released, lietatlves ofthose fined In the corporation rourt appealto ihe mayor to have the tines or theirkinsmen remitted. OUT OF HIGH RENT DISTRICTCo-- is In Br Mar

As rar as Ihe salary or tho mayor Is con-cerned Better Styles Better ValuesIt l not believed that he ever getsout of lh-- office with a rent or it. The MILLINERYLOWER PRICES -

hardlv leaves i. ntv hall without receiv 416 North Oregon Streeting some money froth the mayor, and thatconies out or his own porkct. As Hie from IIIIIIIIMIilllllllllllllilIIIIIIIIIIIIlMIIIIIIIIIlllllllIlllllltlllllllllllHIIII llltlIlflllfllltllllllllilMIIIIIMIIIIIlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIaia(ithose who may perhaps be really In need,tin' mayor is the legitímala mark for"moor hers."

As far as ihere being any run in theproposition of being mayor of a city themayors themselves will concur probably SocietyTri-Sta- tew ithout a dissenting vote -- thai such ts

HKB.H LOCIE BOTH. To corroborate this k Poultryccrlenced.Who mikes actors out or Arrlran Linn. He perrorm a class or 14 or his pupils n a thrilling act with the Al. thenot

rirsl seen. The rlty hall is Ihe Poultry Poultrywild animal circuí '.hat's to be in El Paso Monday and Tuesday. October 93 and M. depository-mayor

for complaints or all eltiren.or nature or character HHMHON TEX.Twist the lion's tall. m rr Roth, and the trainer and his act with circus, the exhibitor or the. greatest array negnrdless merit,

-- kirk." In iheiheSome job, that, and one that v. ni the .'( lions Is '.he star act of the show's of educated wild animals ever shown In rhe tnayor gels passing,

Msrslhon OT1IKR8 ONIjT ADVKHTISi: To CUT TII1Crltv hall man might say that In Ihe Torn Miller or Alpine, wsa COsff OF DIVING.program. It's a "thrlllr" or the very first one lot. The snow's program Is entirely halcyon days or Ills youth he was connect-ed

Visitor Tuesday. Wi: AltK DOl NCIspectacle, and altogether by them, animal IT.M for several months, and water a "shivery" given an acting troupe with a ntv administration for some hi father,rase ntatiita. over one. members. Numerous acts Hal Ilium m accompaniedC Then along comes a mere man, a well features- - thing like eight months and we know Loult llarman. m a several day trip to I'YeHh home-grow-and shownW who The big- cats are marvelously train-ed,

for the first time this something about complaints that arc made poultry retail nt less thun wkolssala Our Poultrytoo. the feat withperforms case. does rather dirrirult in Which tllsntl Springs tins week.and each one some season these animals Pike part Is not shipped In dressed. Comovnog-uli- r artist, Is he. Walks right up to to a mayor. were to our place, pick out the fowl yourest. Al th? iimmand or Moth, they arrange are Introduced. There's actor laughing In this are not Mr. and Mrs. Morten MstMwlihe incidentstin mselves Into groups, pyramids and hyneas. Hrsf known to be educated. A necessarilyWhile

applicable to localstory

affairs they visitors rrom the ranch Ttmrsday. want alive. Our expert dresser will huve It ready for you In onedozen or them, and Ui.n be looks the vic-tim with death at doten zebras do minie a tripFlirting every mo-

nisome very Interesting reals. apply. Ask the mayor ir they do. Allle Pavts and l em Taylor minute.,In the eye and says, "twist bark, ir lit. the trainer walks among them, and Then there's Hons, leopard-- ,


and Ihe "rooster" story lo tioqulllcs In aillo., taking with them. H"dog" storyyou daro." at a given signal, the whole lot term in a bears and sea lions other Hons make trips passengers, fifteen mining metí W00 WU1 1.000Or course when lions are mentioned, it great pile on the rioor and Roth climbs in balloons and while in the air shoot sky-rockets

ire true.N'rrinus Prnstrstlon begin developing Hie porpillles mines. Springs,, while they Inert, 18c lb., alive; 20c lh., ilrroecd end drawn(refers to big rats of the African Jungle, onto the back or the topmost one Caesar and other rircworks. Tiny ponies noses

The rltv Is a big Institution, nunnlng Tom JJlewlon was in from the ranch on 1.000 hens, while they Inst; 14o lh ellvo; Iflc lh., drcsssrsl anil drawnvariety, and the "twister" to one llerr and Caesar In a voice that makes the circus ride elephants. Babboons are trapeze per dirncrrli task, r.nnsiderlnv the business Tuesday. .Louie Roth. , aaatl rattle proclaims his disdain for man formers. Educated royal Bengal tigers are Itproblems

is aInvolved, the kicks and com-

plaints,Hill Mtisgrkves wus ii Maralhon .visitor Wo also have Ducks, Turkeys and (Ícese, t attractive prices.

Rotb Is a trainer or these (Teat (Jet off my back or I'll cat you alive" used in an act thai amases. Polar, grizzly whether the mayor does rlrhl r rrom llaytnoiid Krblav.retines, that's his proresslun. Wild but Roth, to show Caesar his utter con-

temptand Russian sable hears to the number of wrong, the lob Is no snap. At the end of u t pson Taylor and sons. William and ORDKR8. WILL p; DKI.I V :i; KD IN TKN M1NI T1Í.S.Animal Educator, reads his professional for Hon prowess, bites the Jungle thirty are performed in one ai t. The six-teen his term unless a mayor has an Iron k'ennettL or the KUicald ranah, were weaa

cards. That his Is a real man's job Is at-

testedking on the ear, twists bis tall and then wortd's i bsmplen danring horses do-

ing lullOH he has nervous prostration. end visitors in town ami were guests atby the dozen or more sears that puts his head in the lion's mouth. all the lau- - popular dances Is some-

thing The rltv administration when elected Is ihe Hold Varblo. Nealornament his anatomy mementos of as But sometimes, like other big school boys, entirely out or the ordinary. Then prima facie the choice of the voters. The Jin k Knglc was a visitor rrom Ihe ranch Commission Companymany battles with his pupils. Roth's charge become obstreperous, for no there's tin. rifly clown animals that pro. eltlseni then as a whole should uphold ttm 'That he Is a real artist in his line Is matter how much tliey are trained and vide a splendid line or wholesome comi-

cality hands of the administration to the end that MrsT Pryor and moihcr were visitorsproven by the fact that M has educated tamul they are still lions and chork rull lor HM youngsters. it Pe not liainivcred In the administration muí the Yarhlo ranch Saturday. H KM1Y DEVOTO. 611 K. SHtita IVmore Iimis than any other trainer, and thai or latent rrroclty anil the desire to kill Monday aim Tuesday. October 9", and aft, of the city's arrairs. 1 es M,s Johnnie lemons left lor Kni.Tsmi

that may ríame Into lire at any moment, arc the days srheduled for the flames show senttel n the upbuilding or any city and sum iv. where she will leach tins winter.then the trainer has a right busy time, and to exhibit In El Paso. Two performances the prosperity ol the city depend- - upon Have suiden r the Raymond community,

rull growh, and accumulates a few more sears. will he given each day, and a big. the given by the elttzens tn was a visitor Hi town Sunday.All or this leads up to the fact that the Nut the circus Is coming rerers, or street parade, too. each morning at the administration. That Js the plea that Ilenr Lease ol Alpine was a visitor here

elrcns Is coming, and with the circus Is course, to the Al O. Barnes wild animal 10:80. almost every administration makes pi thecitizens. It Is the plea lhat this one makes. Mrs" 'Jim Itoberts and children. WO

"What Is It you wanted?" the mayor Panied by Miss Mate '"W.on auli.ed to NO USE TRYINGasked the reporter. own rrom the noberis' tmM Jrway.i was thinking dial you had some Job." Id Allen is in from the Is

said the reporter." spending a few days with Mrs. Allen at Ihe

It's No Cinch to Hold Down Job of Mayorthe'""Is






doing today?"




was in from

or iron

the ranch lo,


"1 don't know of a thing." replied the were visitors n town sum lay. COMPANYmayor. "How Is the Mexican situation?" Will i'.rawTord mude a visit to ai- -

Must Control Roosters and Hand Out Jobs Speaks a VoodCough


for Chamberlain's '"MiMrs.,



teacher In the kindergarhas taken'".'""

the FOR LOW PRICESMrs J. N. Hose, Vernon, Pa., makes a by Miss Johnnie l.emons, Who went to

good report or her opertence In the use or Phone 2048L 316 Texas(iiamberlam's Cough Remedy, as rnllows: o 'w"l'necmer and daughter made a trip St."It has been used by myseir and ramtly ror visit this week.on aBy II. G. CHAPMAN quired the major. "Is that what you to the chairman of the fire and police a number of years ror colds and coughs. in I.lither Ynrhu motored to Alpine on busl

buzz, said?" also gave' 16 granddaughter, aged Vt,my laturdsy.rrr-- r blngl (crescendo) "I certainly did not. I said that my "1 do not earn to discuss the matter with years when she had croup last winter. It 0,


Jim of Mr and(diminuendo) rang Uie neighbor! dog, d o g, get that, that gentleman. You are the mayor or the broke up the attark at onre. I have recom-

mended Wrfeamayor's 'telephone. barked at my dog. Now do you city, aren't you?" chamberlain's Cough Itemedy to on'illo mountains, the consideration being grade, ;is taken seriously ill last weekwho ft, INK). Mr. lli.wi II xperts Pi stock the place and w is moved lo the home or herrrlends and"Hello." said Mayor Lea, taking the hook many or my neighbors, with calllu fnim theAH Must Talk to Mayor ft with equally good icesuHs." from atrip mi! in caiisbad Sunday. She waa accom-

paniedfrom the receiver. His voice was pleasant. "I think I do." By this time presnlra-tio- n have used Phur" Use fore-head,

"Well, thai Is who I want to talk to. Be-

sides,all dealers. (Advertisement.) Springs valley liinncdiately. Mr. by her physician. Ot. i'rank A."Hello, replied the voice at Ihe oilier In. broken out on mayor's For sale by to liogulHcs Ileirge with his

He took out bis tiEndkercbicr to this Is a matter strictly within the children were may remove p Yoakum und Mr. and Mrs3 P. ('.. (letzwlller.wipe his brow, province or the mayor or the city and Is not Mis Nicholas al Warwick nu. WhiU In Animas. Mr. Howell is ru. lidwanl Scoggln shipped hla apples rromorJÍ,. "Please do not shake the' 'phone! It euro mar couiu DC alieno, u p, py me gen-

tlemanthe guests

oilierlooi.-- i,, ujivu taken leasing options on his young orchard Tuesday. This li Hi"

who is at too sama line- a police D. Simpson and ramllv, planus. first crop rrom the young trees and thei liaíe thai honor," buzies right in ear."my and fireman. I do trust (sweet sarcasm) aeiompan'd'by'slr. Joe ( yield was very satlsrsctury.I Well, my neighbor's dog hcrked at my your pardon. Now, what Is Amusements snd rang;; CLINT, TKXAS.thai you fully understand me." ItltoeO out to U i. W. Cook of Hoswell, Is here on adog." your complaint.'" "1 understand you perfectly," replies the and ramlly.took nu and piospecting trip ami is ihe guesl of Mr."1 pardon." have told a dozen times that Sunday, where tin vbeg iyour you my ranch Clint'smayor gaining courage. "Yours Is a case "(Advertisement.) the rsnen, postmistress, Mrs. II. O. Murphy, and Mis. M Collier al Ihe Collier rami. Mr.tMsIÚ Over"My neighbor's dog harked at my dog! neighbor's dog harked at my dog. What the day is inspent Halla, where she was matron ofwhile want Tor ex Cook" you reparation a dog bark-

ing relurnod rrom an nit i.s to visit I Paso union thuCan't you understand?" are you going to do about It?" at your dog. it Is a matter Involving "Trnc IMPOSTKH." nick Arnold has V V honor at Uie wedding or Ikm' brother vii next rew days."The bark IS ofr the log?" In "Just moment please. will refer visit to Westminster.gently a you a question of equity Jurisprudence and This William A. Brady photoplay stars no tended Murphy will go to Chicago and uslt rrull compensation ror outraged leadings." less a glllterlng personality than Josle Co-

llins,Arnold ind linl

in Sanltt,'":l":r.n w nii return father hefure she return to Cunt two MUD t FinK.

"That's it exactly." the heroine of "The sp.pped ofr Ir. and Mrs. m, Bowihv were the"Well, have dog bark Pack al resi-


guesui or Mr. and Mrs. (J. II. Vheeler Sun-day."BROADWAY FAVORITES" WIGWAM your your Passing show" and other mu-

sical'"rr or Langtry, roruierly li.. l.ylesneighbor! That la whal the the Uilsdog." mayor comedies. There Is no gainsaying this was a visitor here

wi lilted to but being he said or place, Druggist Travis was In HI Puso Wednes-day

suy,FRIDAYTHE PRETENDERS" mayor supix.rtlng east, headed by Ule very popu-

larBy Associated Press.on business.briskly: "I will see that the matter is at-

tended actor Alex n. Francis, and Uie presence WMls's Josephine Lynn went to Alpine Mr. II. H. Wheeler Atilinta. i.i (id. 16. Two women lustto by the proper authorities, The doubt asset visited relatives Inanol Miss Collins Is beyond a Kl Paso irldsy. their lives and two others were probablycity cannot havo the dogs of - citizens not to be underestimated. "The lmposier"Parking al Ihe dogs or other citizen's. It Is Is adapted from the sitecessrul play byMrs. Mark Pheteplaree is VlSlliQI Iter ratally burned today In a riro which awept

an outrage and cannot be tolerated." parents Vim Horn and expects to beDouglas Murray and Is a dramatic tiliimph there lor the next month. II mi-e- of the Mutual Film rorporaiionare





I pope that you In every wine or the word. Picture patthis rlsll I" oP Angeles, Ihe M" W. J. stahmaiin has recovered from his on the second floor of an office buildingor seeingruns will have the plessure"1 in. ink you for your kind wish, but 1 recent une m here or an electric full Hi a

do not think " rine feature at the Alhainbra today. Mr. linker is lying at Mm home danger-ously room where picture rilms were beingB HMsasWxtf ,Tr!.a. I "O, yes you will." W. 53 III and with small hopea of Ills re-covery.

ror sblpmiil. Is belli ved to haveÍBH9fgHBBM j 'asf LvMaaaasB i "I do not think so. one tune la Clls.RT.lK Mr baker is a pioneer In Clint started ihe blase, winch so rapidly

( nough, " Those who did not get to see Charlie who attended. Moat or the farmers hi this locality have that the score of women and gtrli em-ployed"Well, don't forget my dog. His feelings Chaplin In "Ambition." whlrh was shijwu at ml their lasl cutting or airaira ror tails in the plan weie trapped. Flre-ii-

are so tender. ' the Crecían yesterday, must surely see n IOKT OTAXIOX. lesson ihe ciop mis been unuiuiity it made neveral spectacular rescues."You cau rest assured that your dog will today; it will be shown again lor the losi small. The pig hull Mum which recently The deid are Clara Weslbrook and

be accorded the ticaUintnt mat in- - my de-

mandtime in El l'aso "Ambition" la In four Mr and Mis llins V Powlis nnd MI- - struck Clint ihimagcl hundreds r gerei Mi- LOWS Ham.

(lie dogs or all ts eltlseni nould reels. It IbOWS Charlie Ills besl work 0, M. McKinny of Kl Paao was downreceive. The dogs of our mucus ire out or S3 keystone Etimoflías and Uiere are no,,,, viHiiing friend! ft m poll. rbo Tuesday.

" suitable lor each scene. It issacred to us. I will personallyalmost Impossible to describe lust how ""m'ss'Toui's',' 'Vea'doJs or HMmiWQi ft. H.

Ilrlruallon Demands Hearing reolly runny this picture Is. You'll see ,erTsund".y .'arsons a Hel.ghl ,1

"There Is a delegation iiom Ihe eaatsra Charlie and Mabel, Fatty, Ambrose. visit with Mr. and Mrs. Weber and family Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Maltox were In from Rheumatismsection or use city demanding an interview and Ihe whole Keystone bunch In the Animus Tuesday.with you." exclaimed ihe roiil- - their best parts. It's a scream. Be lure "'yn's' Helen Mice or 1'sr.j.ns. made .short Mr Mrs. v. Small telnrneiimissoiier, who is not Irish., rushing Into and see it today, but you'll have to come

visit al is B. Sunday, Whig on kfWT W loin un eyp lele, Hip lo dirrerenluie mayor s orrirc. "liny claim the early. Ilegular prices. attend the exposiuons OK t he Pa clfie ' ' points on the Parirte coaal. A Home Cure Given bydog catchers are strangling then doss to lieutenant It. P. Monro ol he UjB. COaM Mrs. J A. Adama and rhildren left Sat-

urday One Who Had Itdentil without Just cause or excuse " WICWtM I.ATK8T CHAPLIN FILM guard, arrived last week lo th ror Ijouglas, Arli., where they will"What's that," Inquired the mayor, The latest Charlie. Chaplin comedy.winter here. Ills quarteri have been .is niuke their ru.iire home.minilcdly forgetting tlio person al the "Shanghaied," will be shown at Ihe Wiy

oilier end of the wire by hanging up Uie wain today, it is a and contains Wnii.' KUwarU Key "I he arrl. Mrs Claude Puller and babv of lied Hock. It Luum, forreceiver. some or the cleverest and runniest work tot" rnderiaking Parlor., transacted busi-


nrn visiting relatives In the rliy tin- - week i.i' rmuftlv trtnr ruMrs. w. I'. Hitter entertalm-- the adiea' after ilottor it tuoli roitra"This delegation will not he out ofr. lhat Chaplin has ever done. Ills Juggling Friday.JailWhat must r do about It?" .eb tin- and dancing add a little novelty to Ml well hern

Brockweil returned Monday Missionary society ur Uie Methodisi chinch, km I racrlvftl waa only tinp.rry. FlriÜy,Mrs .OBcar liiday artcrnoon. I fi.iiinl a rmixxl) thai 'urr.l rae cnniLile tely,

commissioner. known rumnaking actions. There will visiting- in varum.rrom an .Hended trip it ha lienor rvturmxl I a gun It"Tell the delegation that I am busy be u "llain and Hud" comedy on the lull Mrs. Prank uraves was brought in from tf a i. forr Wlltl rrr IrffH afíllrtlHl allJ

thai Uiere are matters of vital importance Tomorrow One ol the Vltagraph's Hrosri Pemrri)ut,riy" of So. t received .he sad Hed Hock Thursday, In order that she even i.r,in Willi HhauimtUiii, and Itthaj must be settled today. Tell tfieiu Uiai way Mar Tenures. of lie death of h other. John J might receive medical attention. i cur In nory

will sec Hum at in o'clock pun now Tuesday A very strong bill, consisting or newwhich occurred at Washingnm. Joe Johnson anil ramllv hdl last week ror 1 want tnerj euffcer from any form ot

morning. Tell them anytluus. You know El l'aso pictures and a two reel itagraph l.i.rry,differs.! tiolnta In Texaa. rliatiuiatie UvubU lo try u.i marrluua hml- -

iuw to nx II. ir you don't, what did I in which Edith nujrey, llughic Mack, Jay :'.eíi Sunday the regulsr non .ertarlan Miss Elisabeth narren, the blind singer,r


atltlr-j-ni a



aandy mui


give you that oKice for?" liwlgglnt and Evart uvertou appear. m m take plae. ,,,left Monday for El Paso. inr Aftar you lia uaorl U ui H"Well, you know work, and thai Is A special program of musu aim tdtclf to Dial

more thai, "t 01 I. OF A WOMAN" TODAY. 7 to p nr. Ii well represented si theIt all happened as the result of the Dirk, strolling down die road at a lata "Ves. we know all that. Ymi are. to be The I'nlque presents today Ihe last show-

ingw.' HenHmiih .mi ... ..ijd AlliiKpierque rslr, Ihe rollowiiig being in Mud tn pri" of It.

he loved commended. Hui inn along md arrange of the "Soul of a Woman fealuring cipltan las. Sunday attendance: Mr and Mrs. It. invnoidi, Mi.hour, aaw the girl walking friends atwhich and Elsie Dun-

barHPJest Dick Mason w:lu di legation airan hui y working the Ittlenh ii emotional actrers Imlly Stevens and Mrs. Murry and John MaJnun.

played upon each other. Clad In hurriedly ahead of him. Of course he for the city must, ir lie la not alieady, de-velop and a celebrated cast. "ThO Soul or I "M'üiter A. V. Slttott celebrated his Mi Anthony Conner waa hi rrom IPM rllaf la ti.iM offafatl frawf Dub ( daiay.

could not know that she bad bean ac-


into a diplomat If he wanl to hold Woman" has now run three days and birthday last Sunday bv glylug an Hock Monday. Vrli "latattered overalls, with a battered hat to draw pocked bouses, which Is ss Nn - H. 1,...I N; M (Jurnoy, number d his fríen Mark itckum.locked oat of the Nolan do It. determinedly . 1. uV. ride to a Mrs Joe Wood and children or Bed Hock,s., com shows N. T.oratop his bead, Dick looked Uko a hired Btiranre an eireptlonal picture, p. w. Alton. MS I".'! IIKbtw.hi are visiting In Lordslnug this werk.home and that she waa on her way to breathsmissiourr,




linee deep start at It.40 noon, 1:16. S.W, ., :0o. 1, I'rldsy ror Hoswell to .iriange roi a bout t. M. Fisher Ii In El l'aso ror a rewfporullda- Abort atAta

man, which was exactly what Elsie v s c and 10:00 p. in that rlty at an early dalehold Inher fathera cottage. Something In her riiat man Is making good." the mayor to be Willie, uayi.mistook him tor. And Elsie, dressed manner aroused his suspicion, and so! "" aldermen. I. ANT SHOWING CHAPI.IVN BElsT COMEDY. vf.iling with Estf

andgraltdpsrent. Par- HOPE, V M.areIn a suit of overalls, barefooted and It., hljou will show for Uie lost timeDick shadowed, never dreaming the And the Teaaleamia, harh newest and greatest 'aiúlMrs spents Chaplin's "'"ir nroekway, r..

carrying a bucket of cool water out while that he in turn was betas; shads ' ' ' Mass sto. kena comedy, "shanghaied " Remember, this Ik relativesFred

a. P.carhoM T. Watson and In Ids or Memphis.

"" alderman Iunday with Tiltil., are expected here next Week towho - luumuii i.l the walerInto fields, looked for all the world owed by Plnkcarter. and sanuui roininlllee v e have aboutMr.shown

CTiapliu'khere Hi



theA Vitagrapn

rirst oneOsear Brockweil took m the Hoiweii rair upend their honeymoon, ami wlile here will

like farmer's which To his horror Dick Elsie, f '" wortti or well machinery a rew days last aeek le1 b u' ta at the home or the groom aa daughter, was great saw pumping drama, respiring Donald I lull, the star or UieThose taking pari W Ihe bridge to, . l brother. J. 1.. Watson Bargains

Just what Dick mistook her for. after vsinly trying to ota, the Dun- - MuPciflcVuíiU S' i tag rap li company, will also b shown report some exception ally lueroritci lor It. slid Mrs. id Pillion, Mo., ireIt never occurred to Dick that Elsie bar cottage through the front door, mpaiiy demaudin. lie- - residue of the "hu h is to result tn qulie s gueati at Hotel Hope, and while here will

money due on Ha- coiilracl. the prises offsreo. their daughter We have a lot of money aar-in- gwas the petted and spoiled child of Ma-

jorforce open a window and climb inside "This city is led ror

Dunbar, the millionaire, nor did He saw bis duty and promptly pro-

ceededng uutru that doeae'i

payingpuinp urrudiug

ouy puuip- -

to ANIMAst, N. M





Mr.ii ..--


Itbargaina in Windows.

Elate know that Dick was the young to do It A minute later r'si'eruieiit,"hairiuar r



Hie- finance


whoJohn Duocan. for The past several years a k list after his ranch pmeiiy near Doors, Screen Doors aad

broker who had cleared $8,000,000 in saw Dick climbing through the ir the company wonts l money then let r.iidrnt r lids se Uon and widely knownand

place. dJul this thiouvl south in part or this stale Mr. and Mr- - n. i nick were vltitors tomachinery as per pJaru andthe stock market as the result of the window. The detective was about to " died Monday at the home ol lu Carlsbad Monday.eiricallous. lu ii rinal The way be Anions,

Both thought the Jest so follow when he aaw his old friend, said oardeita. where he had gonewar. good it sounded like it moih r m Mri. L. C. Pllllain. who wai a guest otthat they pretended to be what the Spike Cooper, slink Into the scene and "BuX'Zii-ii,- went - phone again. A B the In lk "I


li oh of Uierrom

throata severe

and the home of ber daughter. Mrs. A. W LANDER LUMBER CO.woman dlsusssdbouserunning an apartment was Hoard, has gone to liaylou. N. M., whereother thought them. crawl into the house. at the other end of MM line. Her vuiee JIV on a he will apeud Ihe winter at the home 1700 Texas. Phone 282.

The deception was easy because Elsie Five minutes later Dick. Dude and bkiiuiuled

luty iieephke alie had lost a portion or ber

visit loand



r homeVarbrough

in Texs.are

Thej or her son, Proi Pulliain, oue ol ligytun'a

was stopping with her friends, the Bpike were shackled together and ''Helio," said the mayor. ,, are now Ute guests ol their eldest 'I'''1 rricnniMus Mabel

tesclursAustin, teacher or the third

Nolans, who owned the tana near her xuarrhed to the village lockup. It hap "My neighbor - looTlera have a Uabil of relatives lieToncrowing al ail limo or tne night The But will ilkli inuny otherfather's country home, while Dick was pened that Major Dunbar had taken noise disturbs m.v nouae. If It Is p luming to Uiiniai m il I ebruary.topping with the Judsons, who owned his guests out motorboatlng, and not Pji i -- my House will Ik euu,. Mn. It. iMinagan

No I tie to i.. I..t week to Sllltl a few dayswant city top i, nithe farm half a mile away. All went Elsie was unable to establish bar Iden-tity.

era." C f wm ly boms, itaiicb osmoothly until Dick, who was called As for Dick, when he requested "A Booster's crow i tómenme very at-

tractive,"Mrs t o. How. Jr was I house gueai

W k Hatfield Ihe past w- -a State National Bankootbt UV ofllra.mayor, using a tonsto the city one day, accidentally ex-

changedthe sleuth to look lnskte his traveling of voice calculated to calm. "I remember Tto X T and Waromel outfits have lust

traveling baga with one Hplke bag for papers which would identify whan I wsa on the farm" coiuplatsd I moat lucceasful brandlnsCooper. Cooper was on his way to hi in he got himself Into a worse masa Cast

"I doCunlrul

not ranHuxklrrs

about that the wnminaOsTABIilslMICD AfHlL. IttSl.

the country for the express purpose of when a One layout of burglar's tools interrupted. "W nal I uonl to know u a rising trip lluuugh Uie valley the pai auitPLua and PRorm noo.osaotlarising the Dun ha ra" mmuu-- r ware brought Into view. But, aa whether th il can control a rooster "

CO.bur "I am sorry lo inform ou, Ibe mayor eOLÜOKT l lllial Mr Hen p. I in, li wagon boss for theborne. Piakcarter, a very suspicious shown In Kalam'a four act "Broadway replies, ilul lh n lias absolubi. i Ocaeral lllalrlbalm local Diamond A outfit, give a genera n Interest Paid on SaTtnga Accoiaatadetective, was shadowing the man and Favorites" feature, "The Pretenders," chlrkens."

runtrol over i It may rrguitlv SU rasa, lesas. reprowboy

Una andhtaduarter

dan' al Uieal

recentlyUray Jul


when be aaw the exchange of baga the matter wsa dually class red. This "Well I ntusl s.v lhat this Is s pretty tlw w in ii iLarVd out on it ngular rail C. it atOHDHKAD. PrestdeuL JOHBPU MAOOPFIN. Vlce-Pre-

grausferred his suspicions from Cooper production features Oraufurd Kent the rorue off wlien a iili mi l control luuat- - roundup The affair wn lamelyfor

attend. C N. UAJWOTT. QBORQB D. VUOHX.era." and Ihe woman hung up. and pnivi d a happy orcaiion Uioso par

aj Dick ana followed the latter. famous H roadway star, Mtaa Mar We do aot solicit nor ship orders L. j. aibCHRIaTT. AsjlttT came to a clluuis that night. guerite Oourtot appears an, I from dry territory la violetiua ef "Van MoweU of Douflas, Aril., has

wtu. i itniio lo 4: é, liUU Api ii 13, Texas lawa bougi.i Uie iuiv goal rauib lu tos lei

16 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17. 191V


TRI-STA- TE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWSspent several days In town litis week, Im Uie syl Ha pHee. where everal grresgm at, Hie holne of t:. B. currier, uncle of eihbaev are In ship. Many head

Mr. and Vr John QMlnM anl drMT or Mi llestnn. run frnni P. fmimd The turnip cropOf III ton. III.. topwi over in Ml Charles Tompkins arrived rrom Mnrenrl on lhl place is ready Tor shipment aturdav. on Ibnr wax t iln r Cltr. Mr. and Thursday. any time. Hail bad done ome damage toMr. rHrkii nave .lnn'i hununa: Irtn In honor of kiln nentrlee nutter frlrnd the oat crop- - In the canyon. ThreshingVtn fhr Black iiioiinlaw- - anil will remain In gave her a party Wednesday night at Mrs. begdn. thl M"tlrn ihriiiiri Uv winter Sarah Sleniel'. An enjoyable time wis rae Nlmmm left Wednesday for Doug- -

Mm. J. W. Jeik"U a in lamina- 'at had by all i present. la Arlr everal days withurdav. on her way li I'tnm xltn-- .. Mr lii I ri n - of John Hieden will regret to

Ml rather. - H Nimin i. n' .n,n,tlli llltn M III T nil learn Ihal be - seriously Injured wnlle

M nhel vilmimi went to Alimogorrtor j w. iackaon, inpennn mien f IN on duty i oiilhern Pacific engineer. He

nine, and he rrMiri inai hi Mi unci wa "truck on MW head hv Hie mall crane Wednesday.Mn J A. Harrl went to Kl raso

ni tlial mmi-an- i w or a pissing train, while leaning out of the Wednesdaythinn coiiprr tump If tiene nilniK eab or hi- - engine.

A most enjoyable day was spent at Fair mill IE. ABI.ONA.Mm E. T HodMM nf ( anltal DOB View ruesday, Hu- eodBtry home of Mr.

taped nvrr in Uin Saturday, nn fcef way and Mr- - F, H nrant. by a number of li-die, the reception ridav niglit by ihe W C.

lu the id inolberd inr necMlon. from Papo. teirhers and párente provedr t,.Mr ami Mr.. J A. I'clrlc or Paaci ar birtliday of Mrs. Oram. A most bniiiilirul Mm. xp.rfei. st.l- -

nvid in DMMafl sundav fur a vlll nf a IS dinner vva served. Pi which all preent gte.n sucre-the opentuir address, song ny

Mm lilani In- anderi-nn- . aho i did ample Justice. Tie' afternoon wss gaveISrandii. lili n nr.

a liter of Mm puttie spent in pleasint onverllon. games and BlF liBtóavP :JiRi'-J'- M''' menlieaiitlfiilly rendered recitation by

Mln Jrannrtf ilrmct "t StyndUl stop-

pednielmi i allng. A number of i winder, vocal duet by Mr. W.

ov r in DMriM Stnutsji. on r way Pi were left in token of the gnatH.M- i-


Mr Leste' Brenner, reci-

tationesteem xxhlrh Mrs. brant held allin aniltin- lull- ralr al n bx Ml Biker, vocal DOlo by Mr.

Rile nf r.ltf left al a lute iiuur in the rt o wishJ.Mr and Mi. JV. Jack Mengles Ifler Ihe nnaln Inr Mi' 'Irani many more hippy birth llwrearrlvert here Suiiiliv. Tliey the doors of Ibe W. C. T.

lew di) to 'lnnk otri Difning 'tot the davs. Those ladle, enjoying the day wereI'linwn open and tteileiou refreabtnentHall. Shaxv. Henil. Hrown. cllr.mrroundlnr mntflrv were served. Ml present enjoyed It very

finrsev Whort'.n. WMII.ims.Mr. Muabctli nf n r Hy Err, Hest,and d Ihe Impr that such

liiti-- . Buck, Pauith. Moody and chillón. much expxiilVd with Mm. Klluhftfl Elliot! Don ortonw.held - it star currier. ,on of Mr. and Mrs. I".. B. HarfH a reception would beinr un0av. in r xxm In lx

Mm. Martha Mlanl left Detnlng Titeada r;nrner nf -- an suiion manager or the Mm. ti.rar Cochran returned rrom aand Bush l.uinlsT located El Paao Sunday.Angle.n company, week' vllt infor a wltli li'T tr.inilnou- -

will also Mr brOUM r in Missouri at Ma 'ot. was badly binned and narrowly Mr. ami Mr, o, m. ktilonrii. Mter Johnescaped wlili ln life b) the explosion uf ('.. Ktllourh and MIM CongtWICO Kreee. arh

Mil- - will lx- at nit ".!. ii i.n.iiiii- - lia can or root wnieii contained on a bunt.H'itii on ni arrompanj li It Ulard i' paint, gas-oline,

In the mountainthe burning tlqnd Wei thrown all Budkan-i- - Hud Ml nrl Bowl- - is v. lx ti l 10 have Mm.

over He- room, Tlve bilge spread quicklyMr. and Mm l.arm mviiainMl - in Snow and little daughter. Motnle, back

Uinnrli h'li. was at hind. Mr. CurrierU in MMI of vi. ai:d vm William Ho again rrom a six month.' absence.iKime Tuesday and Is under the csreard of Kana- - itv TThfl SIMM WM much

of a physician. Mr. and Mrs. D, ii Cordon returned rromlirtr fti tnl- in lit.- Mi. an.iijov-- d liy Aeatrlee kansag last uit iiday.- butler of Walnut Siirtng.ft ruesti were Mr, anil M sliear-in- rHoward,Mr. seciindMck lloljknv li'h shippedranch visited san stmun friend, last week.John Warren. J CJTMI oí WlVSf i.ltj.i JA. came In from McAllister id :i.I7ii pniiiiils Ot bis flock or AItgorax

anl Mm pofford and sulphur springs valley Sunday and this week. L iñMr- - J. J WHIl lert lioiniiia rdnrdav will Im In n- fur a few days. R. 0. Phillip and ramliy relumed last Jfor a Villi P friiwdH In unta Hila Chirle Mall and family or Paradise rWtdenceVtre taken upSaturday and Have againMr. lienia-- r LotaWW of Mo v WM In rlsjtlni I"- - parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). on their homestead!.Vr.

n Yvitnand Mr.


lioppit.M. Mrlc.r of Albu .lalHIV M AH It B Hall, in sun llnotl Mrs. J. H. Losjrhoo cnnlrihub'd some rlne

qin npii- an- rnlrrtaiitintr i. Imu party nf TEXAS. carrnts and beets and Lew Hirgs a kcirerIIIKMTOH,

Ivtnitiir friend dnrinit ralr vxcck Mr. and pear weighing B ounces to the ditptay cab-

inetii and Mr. B.I S. P. .station.Mm. Mrtr' mie-i- - ire at the ;J. Mow, a prumiiieui ranchman ofI. iaiilk. Mm I Niirdheuae., MIM Mai

W inkler c unity, xvas in the city on busi-ness

T. J. Illggs reñí to Demtng. N. It..rand Maori Mill l Hils'th Vnliltll and Tuesday. wlih Id. nuto full nt his :al' t:iaxvJarvi William-V- r Jack ...... vice president of the Pecos honey. He wlabei w introduce ins rine

and Mr- - liarle i. Mo.ire nf ruitni' Valhy lal'- hank. gaOM Over last Tuesday honey to tlie people of New Mexico.up il in i k ti' y on a busineai trip. Oeo. D. Watson returned home from Mo- -

Nn le polia it notiai nil Viek Winter came in rrom Muiiabans lastWnftm in Ml ta ti and w III OCCBpy II Tuesday rencl Tuesday.Mr. Mrs. Watlon's dxughter and sontin- - wick and-- wean andJack family of i;rand Fallsof livor caitii' In law with children, are visiting tnemMl.. i: Shrlip r City an- wltb Mr. and Mm. E. V.

tt r tfi In until idav Willi Mm. Waller Sweat! , a few weeks.w Im li.t. Im en her kuckI Mrs. W Hinders arrived bonie last IIKI.KN AfJEE. Lew Hlggs' daughter and mi In law or

1., arc tur rt Dim StT II alifiiiila Mr Metrair bi Bowie last Friday and In-

tendMonday rrmn Williamson county, where camedaughter ofMr. and Mrs. Sam Agee, Silver City. N. M.siirpp'i returned to Net notoe fuwidny. other rriendsshe had been visiting relatives and friends. to visit him and their

Mr-- , i. p. dii of Central, win hau t o llev. Ii. E. Adams of Odessa filled lil of Bowie ror some time.her i idlier. Ml- - Aim BroWMMf. or

in the local Baptist church on The residence xvhlch J. D. PrexvlH ISDemiM, im lew da relurMd M in i Paso, where he went with hisSunday. mother, gating crop conditions. Farmers are dig-

gingbuilding ror Ben Botan and his wire will be

home Taotdftl lflonln J mire Hnreli Carson went lo su rra Blan-c- Mrs. A. I.. Painter, who left last week ror potatoes, the oat crops have been cut rilllshed within a few days.Main Wnri lier ot II POO arrived In la.t Monday in to a telerrapnlc Magdalena. , , lawresponse C. mm inand preparations are being made t, snip Mr. and Mrs. H. I.umhurg.

Demi Of 1 day tor a lo her paietiti. C. P. Knight and Scott n.Mil s Williams made Hie turnip- and cabbage in this and daughter of James Dickson, arc visit-ing

canyon.Mr. unit Vm William Woe. her. W. N. Townley. Irby Dyer. P. H. mark, a trip down Cox Tuesday Investi at home this xveek.canyon Messrs. Knight and Williams xvrnl as farMr. J. J. Blafel, tar boa haabatid mi Frank Peacock, Ed flocking and B. W.inirniii ot MIcmc, "ti Beptetnber i by baker went Pi Odessa lost Monday, at xxit

the eplutlon ot i ItcMo Lite tank, .un' neses In the trial of a suit for damagesdied in Uw adíe- lio.pltal Hie follownm atraliisl Hie Texas . Pacific railroad. Mr.Kiurbnry, Until, aire 7; l.otn. aire 5; Dorothy, igc S; daufhlers or fiev. and Mrs. epirnei' lo Iteimwf from N. M. Baker xvas an attorney In the case.'.i.Miiirg--III when Mi wa lniiP d. Pi settle J. - A. Dowdy, the local agent of the Tex-

asher li'iiiiind'. buolbt-a- a afralr While Mere A Pacific mud. announces that that roadibe vlalPd Mm. n Ft. Ililley. Afp'r alnml a my provide temporary loading clinics rorlhre' weeka' lav m town, Mm. SUvel i.tln-- department-- . Hhowlnir aomrthlna; or Hie first or the week for Albuquerque to hog shippers from tills station. This IsWeilm d,i '.ail .mil fiom tliero be th wide rantre ..r work helnit done at the attend the fair. untile necessary because, of the rules ofwill return to Falrbury, ill., hi remain per-manently.

inlleire. Ptnr. Itnnie. and oilier inemberi Mm I lizalii'th I'arnsworth, who ha been Hie stab; livestock sanitary board, whichni II ramliy beltiK in charier ol spend Inr the summer here, left tlic last or prohibit the admission of bogs to stork

Hie liiilden club mil Tiicmlay them. (lu- week fur bar winter home In Topeka, mtis used for other purposes. As hogrternobn at Uw home ..f Mm t I. York i'ranrla Mo" man or Hincón ha etiterrd Kan. shipping is an Important feature of traffic ''Home" It's a magic word. A word which brings back fond recollections to

Oil Pille llet III' lliU'll Wll. .petit tie- ninth Kiade ot the Park srhool and If buy Stewart, bookkeeper at the American at Itarsiow. now thai our farmers ore rais-ingIII the manlier, d iiicilewm k and Mayinir al llev. Hunter Lewis'. National bank, went Pi Hincón Saturday many bogs, loading chutes are neces-sary

those up in years and a fulfillment of the dreams of those about to marry. An excep-tional1.1. n Mtcttl unte, Iffct which Mr Her. K. K. Malhes mid tainlly have moved and met bis ramliy. They are bow r for them.

lork .l ived il dell. lull, two cnillse pinctl rt.'tn tlte lion! on camino Heal Ibe Irujse recently varaled by the A. H. Dunlop, civil engineer for this Ir-rigation

opportunity to buy furniture awaits you at this Removal Sale, prices greatly re- Jit- - Hvl.itid M.utliw ni Hi and Mm to Hie Prof. Hktnntond boDM near llaillcy Underwood rairuly, woo nave moved lo El district, has returned rrom a tourp l KbuUiwortli wet.- ueti r tile hill lull, where Ihey will be inn to see UMC uf inspection that took him as rar u GrandUn- n.M nn turn will In- with Mm. rrtenda. Mr. and Mr. II. II. Hendrlrk or Kl Paao, Kalis.M. t h In ' "11 I'llie slri . rniii.ioon is a new student in Who have been In the cllv several weeks, Mrs. B. W, Baker and little daughter

n- - riub lia n ortwlwd. tilled la etrr ipecuU In tWTIuuUure from DeU; while Mr Hendriekl was auditing the have returned rrom Chicago, where theythe. home of books at the people's state bank, returned the summer.tin iii lit " c ii, ' Hie mea unir .,! er, i and ha- - rOOOU at spent

In their home last week.

Tin chilihilliil

Had H rlrr mei'tltllt Mondaj TI V. W. C. A. irla enjoyed a "Weenie Mrs Ike Hulziuaii or Ihe Economist spent VS1.ETA, TKX AN.

il the 1mm uf mi- ither Bolirii BoT' on ihe mesa a few eveninirs pal. last week III Albuquerque, visiting; bcron I'ltii Kin i t. HI i WHffilt leei u i Mr. and Mr. Mi How-- ll rroin the Dlvoralnn parents. Haf father Just recovering Mrs. I". W. Whlttney and Mrs. I.. A. Folx

inr nn- iiae i iui.i in dull wen- Sunday dinner irnest at tlte from a .severe Illness and uperalloii. were visiting In the Pass CityJiulre Frank Wrlirht visited the fair In Wednesday.brr. ii"- r.iv

Trowbrldfe,Mckyi". Katoertne

Mr-rc- l liltnir lie.iffre. Ihe Hllle son of Pror. and Albuquerque last week. (Julie a crowd of young people cameWiiinei. RbynélM

EMIter Bolleh, lam and Mi. W i.hrislensen was rhrlalened al Mrs. M. P. Itui'liaiian entertained a few down front El I'aso Tuesday evening andWflffWtMUKrimRandolph,

mil Julia Art. r ihe i in tr home Stvturdky arternooti. Rev. E. K. rnetids al card- - Tuesdax evening, after after a few dances at Ibe Bon Ton ball,

bridle Mis Holicii served a de M míe nf the I're.bylerlan rnurrlt offlrlat xxiueh ilaiii-lu- xx an Indulged in until the told Judge lull that there wm to be arai wen small hoiiri. xvedding and that Uie pintea desired biniof Ills' InrlieloUS llllicll. in The Ili'Xl tlieelinir Mrs. T. I.. I.oxve recovering sloxxly at bi officiate, and after a few BttegUoni

club will pi al tin bone' ..f Miss fay Mr red C. Wnrklnthia has arrived from the Hotel Men In Kl Paso and it Is thought Judge Kolx pronounced tie blushing cou-plekeve. nil Bprtlre pUcel. luvl Mnllllay Warn, Tea-- , lo axaumt Hie dutlei of pro- - an oH'ratioii will not be necessary. man and wife. The contracting parties

inirtil. H r r botany, the hair mude vacant liy Mr. Wall, lliilxull or Seattle, Wash were r: A. Hlmble md Mary A. Delaney.Mr. and Mn. Jim Kerr ten WedneHUy Ihe .irftiallnji nf Mann Pro xvho has been visiting tier friend. Mr. C. II Iroop of the Thirteenth calvary, under

nnrbl to annul lie- Mamtilr iiieetinif and re or Wi rkeiillun is a itr.nlti.ile or Ibe Tev slichter. In this city for severil days, r.iiuinand uf l.ieuu-nan- Smlter. left ror Kltpe fair at Albuquerque - University and untie, in State C.oHere left Monday for i.liinibus. iihlo, Where Paso Friday mil will proceed to their sta

Mr. A. E. Hfmhi nf ladiiniliii- - in with iplendld reronunMdkUont. will vi1!. Mr. SHebter accompanied Hon at i, limit, as soon m the otheri. . Wedncaday. Mi Maiiranl Maine, ha. rone In In as far as lieuung. troops arrive from the points rartber down

Mi., imal snndirra Wedtie.dav sleeted - CIHfornlt, where win study Mr. and Mrs. W. S. cox attended the ralr the river.a of mi music tin. winter She ni to' uodei tome at Albuquerque la. I week. The coming week will see the opening ti I Ul IS THE "WHITE BEAUTY,"

aMi pai'.i ni. of the best leui hem nil tile Pai'llp cn.l'l Mrs. C II. Klatner arrived here last week of Ysleta's handsome new srhool, the fin 27x54 inch Axminster TO EVERYBODYblind mu. o tan Kl Paso win. has In eh I'l'Ui m voire and piano. from Atlanta. .a ror a visit wltb her son, eat building nl its kind til the state. Ysb'ta a moat complete Kitchen Cabinet,tisiiiuir M- a- o .elll-l- lie idle lliclllti. - The first social uatln-- inr for foeulty Ha id KtttO ST, and wife. may well be peoud of It. Ruga, heavy weight, beau-

tifulmore conveniences than any cabinet

in in inn. ere Mm. ii a Bnodfrui ineiuliers wa bold I't Iday ntrht at the home Tlie Junior unit senior classes nf the high Mrs. P, ii. Armstrong is hume agiin arter For your Bridge, Whist andand Mi .! I. of Prof i; T Hanriy. A dellrhtlul even-In- r .eh, ml bad u picnic last Saturday at the a seven weeks' visit with her sister In San Oriental and Floral on the market, barring none. They

illhel ,,ll. who has ticen III i. report.-- I. the nnly liindiance in a i. nun. ranch, .lx mile, west of town. Antonio. Auction parties, as many as nil atik 145.00 for this tstyle, we willkfsjrn tot a Ion ror KkiiPi ItlU Tliuia-da- perfect eveimnr was the alise r lee Miss l.eniiii Walton was the dcJIartttfUl Hurl cralrliill and wife, who have been designs. Reg. price $3.25; seU for 124.50. white enamel $22.00,

iiininma Team when linn- came tor ii s t Kliday eienmr at an inriutnal vlsinnr witli ired Holtnei and wire for Removal d! you want of tables andtin Tliiimdav live Hiiiidi.d dub niel .mn. nr ihe mlaehlawoui boys liaiintr dinner party. Those present xxere Misses tin pMI moDth, returned tu tleur home m f in Oolden Oak. Must aee it to ap-

preciate.list week at Hie home ni M-


brown tin- cream froin Ihe bark poreh Mary Florence Marriott and Martha While. Roawell, n. xi Wednesday. price P 1 JO chairs to match.Till aiillin- II" UlUkl nuiuDor o while Hie i inbli'rt faculty were deltrht w. II .Nelili ti. Hlchard Walsh and Miss Clara Morrlss or Del IHn Is DieDtrlei Marriott.

(ames were playad. ItM hMTIt l core lie no- Ineinaejvea in nilier ways. guest or Hell sage It the Sage ranch, andMis W. P. Wulbui leturiied lat weekinr won ny mis will remain .until arter Hie holidays.Píntale.. N. wherefront M.. she attendedBrown !. d I debrlnii.. u.n coin w tier .Istei Mr. II IV. Carroll, A large parly or Ysleta sports headed liyIhe cutll I'tltlnn nf Ihe New Mexicoluni lieott linee enlerUI wen Mm. , ,,,,rk. Mi.s TooUtmin has n In ederation of Wiuin-n- chilis ex iiinuii.i.iii. Ike l.oi wensleln. lert BRASS BEDMtliur liiiill ' - ileum luiuiei. so. ri aiteiidinr the xposiilons and Miss i arrie l.lnfuul last week In here Wednesday for tin' Hueco Tanks,Morlmi Mm William Mm mm ,,,,. h,.r,. r,ir tll visit Mliuipierque. where they will spend a week bunting. JMhmñIHHHerford. Mm U I, Mm. m wain w nn In r staler. Joe OoJUUVlei lias returned from Califor-

nia,w - Mr, it. ni nan ana !. wn Mrs ti. I.. Turner of Tyrone and son, where lie wenl tn take In the greatMr and Mm llarker left SundayITeld. wtio In- Mrs. May Mil perry John tinner, and wife of Santa mía. lertliains. ami the hy I'uii. im tiirbt fu lllniquerque to attend the fair. Wednesday evening for California to expositions. (Like Cut)Mi keve- - and katlo'l UK- W aniel tin lull It - rieeU'd Iblt Ibe 'Rev, Dr Sands of the elpositmlis. Mr. Duran and jher two daughters andmet tin. week si I be horn.- i.r Mra. ii In- - '.nil,', will fill Ibe pulpit or Hie Park son have retuiiu-- from California, whereKelly on pine .ue. Mrs fcelly erx Tu stivP nan church next Sunday In the TKX. tin have spent Uie past two years, andPKCM,deli, refresline bsen re ot the pwior. llev. E, t: Malbei, will remain in old Ysleta.

imi- -

turned nun vv It In tin mIiim.iI bouse al Valdlmore Jaiisen has returned pi Ysletamd Mrs. i. II. sanibpiisl i It lav'Mrs. As. llryant lert M for t xvill make this in. Iih uiiIh'i urn thai day and permanentto town Tnurada) frotn a trip in Villi "ith In r bmihcr at iilumbuY K, M. N. Y. ii. ilMib business callerDr. awasfair ai tllniiliieiuuc Ml- - '. Wlte ot Ibe pre.ldenl - I, U ll.igei-- eliinii-i- duiinr Hi'' KlTin- W .lie - U.y Undue club wlurli was: if the mi. siiiiti id Mltie am r a week from a two week- -' it with rela In I'aso Thursday.

Dunn, old Ysleta Isboy,n anin Willi Mi- - II al Hie in mu nf r and Mi. i.eorre live- - unit mends al Casilaiid.o

Taylor, in.-- .ot al the Iwnn- id Mm ill add. has relumed In her luuue at India, pending a 'uouUT'a vacation among his obiMrs. I II. ha returiie.lY Baker Just friends hereN. A. BoltcT in Pine strm i Mm. 1 It. Mission rroin mil or xeral weeks ith tier Abe Turner ha. hi., farm andMr. a s w SOU) goneTaylor won tin- prli fiar tnrh snne. Mm. II. L. i lajinn. tie. Mis. Ho.--c Walker, children in New Mexico, nklaliuma and lo New Mexico, where le' has purchased aHoilrll semed llcinlnus III' hlllcll - alllt.l- - ti.ituir her parents. Mr and Mn. 8. E.

K rrutt ranch and will make his future home,in. usual enjoyable lal tune followed Walker, she is aecoinpanled In her HttH WilliThe rlub xvill uieel Mil week at Ibe te mv , iiaurbM-- HUI l lame The i .uní. people of the Presbylei tanof Mr T b mlnr mi Heudni k street I pror imi r, p ptxlev han- returned i liurcli mi l unda afternoon ami organ-te- turn ti t . ahi.

The I'rldav club will Hot un ci Ibis week I Iron) a nmnth's vacation apenl it Pai keli-- a christian Kttdeayui society, withberauar of the absence id many iin iu and other allfortiia Ms. Mary Nelson pi e. i, ti nt. Cei II t:oon. Mis liertriide Walker, the nurse rroui

It will MMaH lu ll week Willi Mm RarV, Hunter la wn speak- - at Ihe Y. M. vice and Mis. KlKalwIb Uavls. tie' A. c. hospital at Clifton, lias chargeil Hush on Pine trei C, A Tuesday eveninr wcrelary unl treasurer i,t Uto hospital bcr,- dining Ule absence

id Mrt. Alice D. aim ,nv Prof. DM Baddleherk and Mrs. Alln- iiiiiub. r nf lb.- Park ranchmen and The aliuoiiln i l ot the enrareiiient and D Hainllioneuprlaini d ith a duck dinner ryuien are inrreasttir and I really liuprot iiliproaihina uiarrlage nr Mis horothy Mr- - Alice has gone to oneTlnsdiv avanlnf M tin noatai of MNkluJa.ihcir .lalry henl. loi r. Iiueli Wain and Jav Herd elm- - ir idea. am of Hie neighboring ranche to heriVankI rhiiiinniid on Pine slr.'et. Tin' floral p,. recriiilv purchased irtd In .id of in. .in pita' In the liumernus tro lids of these v

.,i and the In autitully aijKiinP-- rrade liiurnsey rows and I' ii. Mi'hoxxell preukllkMl yoiMaf BjMipaf The announce-,- Mr arwhere tindmu r were . rati ujoynl Tin- scleral head id Hne klollleana. nl was mude at a iliinly latTMlin riven Francisco,

Mealco46 lb. guaranteed rolled edge

ere Hie Misses Julia Sbeppatd. Fsllier - J phine Morion formerly librarian at Ibe MM or the bi tile to be, w here MuuUan.witli Mattresu and guaranteed national

Bolleh and Lucille iul ai Ihe nhere, la iiijoxlhr a l rnun her cuvcm wen- laid for six girl friends, as ed a poll lluulength spring. Kegular price of bed, $12.50;ijlyde Mver and lnvlrhl Mrr:lure. After neither fraM Mliuiexiiia pillow. Mlsiea Stella V ver, Warren Col-

lins.NMaUkaV 50 different kinds. All

Uk' duiin r lie itieili daJunl and had a Pnr. mi. Iladb.y Is attend Uxff Hie peace Marion and lone buoy, ladya Print Charle Connorbi u.


ror Ikuirlas. wnrn-h- mattreas, 16.50; springs, Si. 00.most enjovable III aMi riiurrrs. in se.nlon at San I nui. and I Ion nn o.,, nn, lie- wrddiur will


and Mr.gxiFelix outline left for Doug styles and all prices. Kemoval ITlee. complete $14.00

The Hex. k. '. Murran. pallor of the Pi ,r II., wen and hr. add enjoyed a short lake plan Noxeiiiber I, after which theylas Friday to mrt Mr. Outnrle'i brotbeiMelboili'i rbuicli. nturtied Wednesday ltl froui Prof I P. Barrel, tormer pie wilt r mi an Mlañalv wedding trip to and I mm there Mr. liuUirle IIparentsfrom Marra. Teta, when- he Mb mil tü' i.i. ul id the iiklaboni ScIkmiI nf Mines al California and Ihe rar horlhweit. to to before Hie bondp.,t- - goMetnodisl conference Hi. i 'linn ration 1. Wllburlon nkla nue ,,r iii. inaiiv iffalri in tilto i laminationsrajotrtiik uirr In- - ap)i .'Diluent Lj Hie ion James Wod of n M ii a new i.mi.. or the humum young bride to be. Of

P. Ferrer bpus- -ri rnr Ttirion bi Join lit.fereiin- to .ootinuc Willi Ins duirrli here P. dent to enter Ihe prepai ai .ry depart Vim I ,i di, Wain was riven Tueidiy wire, who II visiung her mother, Mrs.for aimtlH-- year at tin r Mi... Jeans, whoun lit id Ule o here night inn Agues

Miss tula While and J II lletosnii were Miss tdl n Walton, inslrucinr m inn un. lain. ,i with a Puliko partx Ib- Pdluwtur

Hanilltoa.Q D skldmore leaves Uni week for .anmarried Tuesdax al lie home of al tlte colHi n . upiyed lew days' vlalt young ladle- - Ixu .tliv Warn, AntOUlO nrOOj Hiere ha will go to HidMIM lATUK 's latín Whip', at 1 a n Nauiiu May and Waneii Collins. W ui' r redrmtii her in Iher who wa to her Mi vi ii where he lias accepted a the ftev Plait,


lueiuherilor ul the at il tlx froai a nneiinr uf the Hatch. SteTl Wrj.j Mnuile Vlrkers and Mi. T. K ia' left for her ranch on therburcii besutolbaptist s w Men, i, i eiii ration .,r W niun's club I ota lieaiu hanip Ii. m i. where alie expecu lo slay for theMr. and Mra. I tsbeeUtr bnde'i ramUy. at l uíales. M M ludge Ulil Mi- - J buck ire moving winter.were preeenl at u- wrddtnr Mm sue Taylor, alabr of nr Hunter liit.i tin prell) home al Mr. and Mn. Mn. Norm MaiiheumMr. and ipenlladles of tie ftoClal ' Ireii Ol Hi I.IMH.Kl M In blue and whiteThe other color.I wis. ha. mined tolo Ule house abe m htrle) u who ire umv ni ,tn taragoia. Sunday in cllfum viniing frlendi or any

Preabytertan eaurrb w,n ruler tainesJ in iipu .1 in ,rc she went lo l aniiinrlnu Mr. ami Mrs. J A. Hrady lertda.v

Mi- - Pbye, who has been spending uje K grade for Bsc yard laid on your floor, fongo- -Mra. Kmnia huff at llar hmue or iierdaurMs r Mn. Thotiia F. MHbIit. on t toe yeai ar--' ulgtii tor their new Florida lioiiie, week end Willi her daughter In cilrion, leum. 4 be yard, laid. Uood gra4e. Inlaidml wlili- ui mule will veil Ihe Dallai retut iied lat nlgbt- 85ctree t. Tnuraday cienuia irier tin II 1 M M. M. fill, mid aim stop ui Alabama to see Ml. Mi liervude Wilker mm m usitlnr linoleum for yard, luid

Mrs huff ami Mr- - MHster servedirn(ram Brady's fattier Poro people grvally re. Mrs llaiiultoii'sprior lo taking piare alwbnn Urns.refresluuruls. prearM (really s Maime llariiiirbii left the flnl to lose them. Di hospital. WM the guel al many socialcaajoyed. lis ,.. f ,r - i. ia- - p. attend Mm J W Parker was iHnlen al Ikt function., here. Mis Walker n a veryll.e wredrtuia of ler .i.ier. Miss xlaud . boon- Wednesday afieitioon ol last week bright mu accomplished young womanMlaUl A rkMh will b inai mil nepilM-- .. lu Mr KHoore in i Twenlk-t- b centui duo Mu club u and ba many aduibrr in Uu- - camp.'dai1,.k. a til. ii.u of Mrairord itudytiiir Pía- lilalOD al toe ireseol nine.

.nfVe Uaefe. slant in lb. lark.aaaa Texas and a xiry iutereiiug tu,, gram waa nn inn in hoi i M. m.utftre It abb- Ui sit no s un. rt, r an WESTERNMi- - xiiiuie .tuft returned l.naie Salur-da- dered After tin. bixely rrfrealiiiieiila. rule.atiaik of typhoid lexer aim I, u be rrum sexual weeks' xiait aith lilting or in ken salad, lómalo jelly, J I Bailey reretved a wire .aluiday an

able to iiieet Ue publn "al the winu-.- tn Hew Vork. olives, Viratuu beaten bhsrut. loe lea. iioutirlua the aerloui tibie nf his moltiermany oar. oírles b l). ii nf the angel.' bxxl cake and tie cream were at Burbai'k. cal. Mr Uaiiex waad ioA nuiiitx-- ..r Pam and ' ,ii. n. paopfa are in Al in rluw of this ftoinia nnne. at Morsdl ui ill in ibe city .cm very enjoyable that arternooo, whim poinim Albuquerque this week all. intuir tlte Hi. first of the en r utile to Fky- - afternoon. Mrs ttaiph landiuui gave a ii, will uk He train lo California

tale fair Prof ' "nwaj and Miss Watuat. wlure la will tu llluUllls l'iaii" sel.-- Hon rtin-- new were I kuigbl and faiiuly retuned halurliora kdna h'- - or Uk I uiu.i uo xu n reeuiraUiir from a recant Hlnea. added Mm Fleuimiug. Mrs. Htailey and day fev.m a trU' Iheoufb 't N. w M, timstun aork an- bulb Hiere lookui afU-- Ui Mr- - N. p I itu- i, aim rluldreo of Pern Mn. Landrum and west Teak- They aiaile the. iriii .,

il,. lied I.. Iii I!.- Ml- - s I llltl Ibeir ear, vtaiiUkt ibe al hn.well Furniture Co.-- IN SIMON, mu M and l'laku. Tria Mr kmglit ..niIn ui aiteiuled the varal day with ni brother It I kuigblti. week I xi iiuiii and tan, ii returned lo San a b rus-- n udenl of Cloudcroft, who i,lieneral Frank Hlleb mu o i i. I - of Ue' week from Mu now living al liatai. Texa. BI KKKT 4 ul 64 Inches long, solid oakl week in luok afbr kogee. i ik la. and have moved lo J i: Ulcu and wife were in t luudt ruft fumed finish. 1 inn d. silver drawer Kegularat MogoUun i am n xiKla frutu Ibelr ranm down Uii canMl ftuaday met t ibe illxtl IP HUM roen. welil tu II Palo Ilium in. Kemoval 308?. El Paso St$18.75buquergiir tail xteek la un búa 'leek Price Saves Y dm Money"

Mlell sua mi m iN'aiou ui uit axayasd, kJT ftka, un Ibau waj Imuik Uuui Mm fan

Sunday. October 17. 1915 EL PASO MORNING TIMES 17


1 ( HUOBY.DBAR XQ HURY HOME! TKQ-- S A SOUSIftft. COAT4 L) XB-- f tvlPE TOLVE GOT SUCH A WONPfcftpjU ,LL BET THA- T- TUB WAV & Í IS. NY MM ltPBY WAW 1 JCtI.Suit Tt UaY i CAhJr WAIT TO vsipey Will. O ok.. THAT J. ;HUi ) Lk ( UP'YJAKEUP! ( sSSiER :


I , 441 OU?)T A ( j&l V



Ca ., fl. By Mbwbmoi re-- s Ser. I. roa! Bínala rtjft

ADVERTISING RATE CARD Male ft Female Help Wanted Agents Rooming Houses For Sale For Salt Miscellaut otis " BicjiMes and Motorcycles Stores and Ofilceg10 riew York Slahufsu uirer wants ainhl- di Mi lunc h land, ciea'rlng II AH LEY DAVIDSON motorcyrle H73.00 BIGHT storerooms for rent, on PrankllnTt.tiout reprenviiutivcs with at least sl.voo. U)0 pci month. Cor. nurd md Broadway. II equipment Cm be seen 105 Texas St Just east of N. oreron: ItWtlsVs feet; tat

I It carts (mt ord onSsVabllab od general agency and mall order WHY NOT INVESTIGATE THIS! Call awrnoOn. to t49 per month. See R. A. Alnaa, too S.tit renta word eact

II 30 pa UMper

p monU Instnirtions guaranteeing sucres. Transient hotel, withm hair block or llie RAC1N0 CAR FOR Sll.l! Ollarantee 75 Special Notices 15 St. m ton.Abora .alas applj to euk vtU te o. and to Big repealer; universal demand. L. B. I Del Norte, t large room, well furnished miles an hour; car in excellent . oli li.l., rent free, to party whose occupa

mullí "u after first insertion. M odra, U E. 21st St. New York, ciiance to make li.onn on vour Investment Plume f:vc Hon keens them in orflce. lit CapíesAlIihm fl umnot


aooowaia. uo AoENTuS-S- lde line men, our tiew specialty within So days, only tl.SM, on term. Rent"it SALacGheap, ne" tierlck refiTrerator building. Phone MB.

n Una. Ml oenta por Uno. eoua sells on sight to merc hants, weighs 4 oís. rso per momn.oral to a una. costs is. Fine repeater, Permaneni honr1 THIS ONE WON'T LAST. md gas range, with elevated oven. Phone aForHouses RentTIaril Aortl 1. 1111. work or travel. Free sample. Specialty II rooms, beautirully furnlslied, very de-


No ad ran for an ladaflnne parlad (L f.) taken Sales Co.. tH3 Resl Estate Trust Bldg.. Phil location. Onlv ttto. Rent tofl. Nil NÜcfÜrT typewriter.' visible, tta. RT FOR RENT .T tha lelpbona, order to aiscoatanue ii i. eu. ba suae In mag. adelphla, Pa CLOSE IN ON OOOD RESIDENCE STREET. hnlll Typewriter Co loo Mesa Phone Í74T. S acre rrult. adjoining Wahlnrton park,

olaaamaa acts ara ana anar nm A NTED DEMONrSTIlATOSl AOtNtS Make .oob this year; be jroiir rooms, new and hesutirully rurnlshei V sjSc.ER sewing machino at a bargath.' s room brick, 3 room house, double rtrtfeWe Tile fire, liability,onaiua tor mora toan ona in- - far a corset company. No can-vassing own boss; Independent; ahundant money; A bargain. kASO. half cash, balance tits per phone 3131--

compensation. suU. chicken house, etc. one of the moilnanoff acrldeut. pate glass, burglar, md auor traveling Position era. aa month.opportunity, la replying give la de-

tail Iour time your own; all or spare time; at FINE LOCATION. iMMFNsl: large ciiesi,' M- - Call Ms.' loniouuc uisuraiica. ruoue us and we will complete md beautiful home in El Paao.ome or traveling. Wrfse E. H. FeHman. 353. Will lease at 7t per month. Responsiblesend with ralea.mmwhet experience (If ) Id seHlaf, Seny age galea Mgr.. 371 Third St., Cincinnati, o. rooms, alecntng porcli, bandaomely ror parties only.snd sslary expected. Address D. IE care nlshed. painted. Only t575. Rent 35 perLEOAL ADTXamaORa. Times. AC0I1CK --Automobile Oastiflne going up. month. U anted to Buy Mlace Hancous ' DAVIS BROS .

Trust Bldf.REALTY


I07ESell Casotonlc. Equals gasoline at 1c a M. E. with 106 TEXAS ST.DUPLA T AD (PACK. gallon. Eliminates carbon. Dollar an hour BAILEY

Townlcy.LAND wan rED tt UMd esis; musíTié inAi con" CambhTdge St, I rooms MOiM

profit Mies guaranteed. White Mfg. Co. Mesa Ave.CO.,

Phone sosa. dlllon am. price must be right North M14 Savannah, 7 rooms ME 00aaak IniarUon. 7 canu. Pent. 10. Cincinnati, O. Campbell Mrret ciarKgc. 3 N Campbell. H. E. LYONS, First Nat Bank Bldg.

WAWTED Agenu. no trouble to sell the PAln for lion dollar mini, señil "lori FOR RENT Modern bungalow, on McEla":

heatless trouser press, every mm wants cent postage for coin list Numismatic lev Ave., to party who will buy windowone or mora; big write for A FEW OF THE MANY BAHOAINS THAT Bank of Aliaona. Doimlas. ArD ALVKRtlSÍRk naae ana curtains, rnone luis.

Una. particulars. Bou man Supply Co.. Box W0, LIPF0RD HAS. WANTED tec tmy from owner, no agents-w- ell Who Want to Reach FOR RENT Nice hotel. In good.aan raadtaa aaattat, aaah UaisUea. par Santa Barbara, Cal. 4 rooms; good furniture E3M) NORTH TEXASloraled rooming bouse; must be a "rowing New Mexico town. Address P. 0.5 rooms; good rurnllure 375 hargsm. I'hone . should lite classified Ads In the Big Dally Box aO.4 rooms; good tiirnlture 400 oi norm Texas,rooms ; good furniture fA) NTi:l To exrhange new furniture ínr newspaper

DAiXAS TIMES HERALD. NEW fumitura exenrntad for old. Phone0 rooms; food rurnllure MO old Phone VJ04S. Pierce Furniture Co. Wmt Ad Ratea: IMIt. Home Furniture Co., Ill N. Stanton.

lu rooms; good rurnllure too W ANTED second hand desks, chaira ami Insertion, per word le FOR RErÍTo Large, homey house. 110 monthOFFICES 10 rooms; good furniture goo rial tables. Phone MS. 4 insertions, per word le Phone Dr. fl. Strong;, S77 or n77.TIMES BRANCH

WANTED Thopoufhly experienced altera-tion

10 rooms; good rurnlture Soo iin "MARY JANE Bit! ah ios N tanteen 7 insertion, par word fc THREE ROOM IP )l Si foV rent Phone 5TM".

Pablaban MawlM Ttosa. help, at once. Mugt Be competent to PORTRAIT service on proofs. it. rooms; good furniture l,5oo ;m insertions, per word iscrlnished wotk or frames. Write, ror cat-

alogue.VI rooms; good furniture (apta) l.v.'si No ad taken for lea than 15c. Send stampfine Call the :work garments. at White MiscollancousSaTeBwai on ToFor tha rontanlaofaol tha Tlmai

House.Roberta, MX) McOae, Kansas City, 44 rooms; good furniture 4.r.v Kxchnngr in advance. Furnished Houses For Rent

malnlalm brsaeh moa al tba follow In placar Also several restaurant, saloon and gro-cery WVMI.D- V trade piano or player piano 8ciÁL WótICEtatass 15 BuBrmorn TWO collage, each 4 room md largo

Branca 10 (Mexican) comer Second end El atores. WUl stand thorough Investi-gation.

ror light aulomobllc. south Tuxaa Muslo We know rrom our paat experience that sleeping porch. I furnished and t unfur-nished,1'aaa Bla. Business Opportunities i At bargain prices. Co., bssemem McCoy Hotel. there l not enouth flowers and greens rur on ranch 10 miles rrom El Paao,Brancli 11101 Kan pan Above rooming and apartment bouse are and decorsuons In El Peso. WaHotel. parties mile rrom Ytlrla. u mile off North LoopIS Orndorff Cm be small cashnought

payments, halam-- monthly. We have Just Furniture tor Sale 14 cm furnish on three day' notice and at road. Kitchen and bath piped for hot mdspecial rate any quantity oeairea. cold water, on hill, fine view. Ideal rorTHE FORT WORTH RECORD what you want. i,c ecu i is or furnlturo; liilflonler, bu-

reau,i ALirunniA i i.oiiAi. lu.. healthseeker. Rent reasonable. PhoneSea Llpford, with wardrobe, buffet, coal range, gsa Texas St. and Mesa Ave. PhoneWANTED Good, bright young lady for ot-

ricewill present your advertisement to CHAS. A. CULTKR it CO.. stove MM Tularos st. Phone MM. irry-- Yileta.

work; must ba experienced and U.ouO subscriber In North Texas, tot Mesa Ave. Phone 954 VflR trimmed'SALS bras bed.Cheap,rapid In rigures and percentages. Apply to Southern Oklahoma, Weat and Hew AmericaEiSouthwest Texas and Central Texas. It will be to your own benefit to see us dreser, desk, laiile, rugs, etc. TSOO San ybody uses Time Want Ads.The Record It read by more farm-ers

before you purchase elsewhere. Jose st. Highland Jsrk car. Everybody read them Tkey brlag

Wanted and stockmen than any other A few specials for this week. SAVE MÓ.NEY Buy at El Faso Trunk"ac-torv- . nu Antonio st the desired resulta.Male Help dally paper In Texas. Tell them 9 rooms, lease, rent I Si.&o price t 450. where made. Net Crawford Theater. Newly furulahed. Hsndsomaly uscoraled,about the lands you have for salt or It rooms, lease, rent t 50.uo, price I 875. FINE living rcHiYii rurnlture amT several fcpoüessly clem private booths for ladleaexchange. Advertise your horses, ts rooms, lease, rent t 90.00. pries It,son. rugs Rir sale 'Call unlay 9114 Tiilarnss . a Ala waii. rropneior. modern bungilow complete

lyII rooms, lease, rent ft 10.00. price i,uoo.mules, hogs, haep, machinery, cityV5 rooms, lesae, rent to.oo, pries fi,fkio. WE-P- hlglieat prices" rór" second" hand ÁlJtbMÓSnZ" HÜLOYkrÍS;" LIABILITY r urn shed, cloae In, aplendld neighbor-

hood.CLEAJUNO HOUSE. property or my other property, realEMPLOYERS' and lot or others rurnllure- Pierce ui mi lire Co. AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION For particular tee Roeborougb ftthat bare for sale.WANTED Thoroughly experienced altera-tion

or personal, youSee Oeo. ITRNTÍí "for house ror INSURANCE. SURETY BONDS.SegU. RE sale- anil 5 roomEmployers Furnished with Hit

AndCliil help, at once. Mugt be competent to UasFlfled

7c linerates

first Insertion. With James L. Msrr It Co rent. w Texas SI. All losses adjusted here. Oat our ratea N i7TfTy fum shed 8 rtwim houe wlUiTechnical Mm. Clerical Help. work on fine garments. Call at the White per DOUOLAS C. CROW ELL AUENCY.No. sol Un "Most desirable loca-tion

Antonio St., sleeping porches.Skilled tabor House. fic per line each subsequent inser-tion.

ROOMING house furniture for sab-- ; roomsSON Mills H Id Phone STLPbores NOS. 4350 43M. 7047.

g In city." I'hone Oftig, itxff Montana.are full. Phone13 Mills Bid. Phone 1104. Count 6 words to the Une. A INC HOME ON MONTANA. ' A S healing Move, good condition, cheap. THREE American musicians will play for liouse for rent. 5 roonis'md

Trial ad of It words seven times, II mostly dances, serenades or private parties; si. porch, tit n. Stanton, raoat unrooms, ltousekeeplug splendid Phone 4jfl-- j Ic.ractton ruaranteed or no pay. TermsWHITE news and stories for newspapers 11.00. place; well furnished, rent Is right; lease reasonable, violin, piano md cornet. Very furnlshad bouse. 7 Copper K,

ano nxagaxmea: Dig pay; experience un WorthAddress


Classified Advertis-ing

to Fort to suit. 11,000: 1400 cash, balance easy. Autos and Accessories latest dnre. phone ttll-- Tor terms. Hlghlmd Psrk.Detail free. Pre SEE THIS ONE. r"o(5m9, tit. PhoneReporting 4 7044.necessary.

BXTMM, lag St. M)UI

Department, Fort Worth, Texas. Sit rooms, right downtown; always full, si loiliLi i si D ami "rebuilt automobiles CRrCWNA naa cured hundreds of lubercu- -

snd s money maker. Price 14.000; part rash. sacrificing blggeat buys ever offered! losl. throit trouble md bronchial affecWANTED A brtm. Industrious office boy, WHITE motion picture plays; 950 each; ex THIS IS A (.0(11) ONE. terms or cash. tions write for free booklet Crnotiua WantiMl to Bent si

with wheel ; food future for the rlfht boy. penanceProducers'unnecessary.



Wainto be BÜY oil stock, sliiy million dollar com-

pany;t rooms, i sleeping porcnee; only ison, imi csdlllac; good a new. Distributing Agency, Box Me, Depl. C. 8m

Apply JVdverUslnr Manafer, Tinte office,wrlaht.tinners.

St Louis. oil stork advanced 50 percent Oct. part cash, balance easy. - pa. Psthrinder; good a now. Antonio, Texas.mornings only: 30. Oklahoma oil doubled in price, oround-floo- r And others, rrom 5 to 8 rooms, thst are ropas. Reo; slightly used. W A.N TED 2b usad cara: musí be In Al con

WANTED Waitress; must hsve proposition ; 100 percent dividends M priced right. 7 pass. Bulck Six. dition md price muat be rlghi North WeBUILDINO

will leaseWANTED



rererence; pay 7 per week, write at days possible; SO wnlls st onre. cjulrk ac-

tionSEE MR. RICE. RAMEY BROS , These cars have surte rt md lighter, Csmnbell Street 0ragre, Ml N. Campbell. term years a

for automobile business.once, flchadel'g Cafe and Bakery, surer on your money; limited number 80 Flrsl Nat. Bank Bldr Phons 61 3. lino will buy a .mail Bulck truck; good bR. M. F. B AllCHt RT7denSgt, KOt MllfabuildingBuilding mutt b at least 110 by 110shares, 9c share; 110 (333 condition.per buys par Mi's) -- hf.l IMM! I'IATI.1 V ninr 4357 or have equal floor apace. Texas

ELECTRICIANS, helperi or student or WANTED Two waitresses: steady employ value stock: company paid two dividends, Centrally located 45 rooms, all outside,- pass. overland, a bargain

flTTY MAHY JANE BREAD, 10 if. Stanton. airea preferred, other locationsmother Remit Write We have other rai too numerous toadvantage meni; 8 week to begin with. Adores paying toon. now.unuausl per Hour, andelectricity wUl find one private public baths. Run-ning

considered interna auio cofree Information. Amalgamated oil Co., mention , tak us about easy terms. a'IÍ.'ÉEn" a El i o ' 9 Til fe PAR ATI ' i Ns al Hran'a. ttopaiIn the navy to learn their trade thorough y uoeix neswursni, Ainuquerque, n. m. water In all rooms, heal, lobby and nu Texas st see J. W. stockartl.and achieve promotion; monthly pay from LADY wanted to solicit fire and automobile

1400 Coico rd Bldg.. Oklahoma, okla. orflce, elegant rurnllure, lont lease and en l.oneK in I Auditorium caras-e- It.- "- J. CLEANERS ejlran" fleah Phone 4I9L

tu. m to atn, plus gratuities; board, lodg-

ing,Insurance, very prontable ror the right CI r YiVlH MIAMI! "I TUL Mi'í.- -i l'ciPLI.Á cheap rent, alwaya mil The best ever twtr, overland so. new

medical attendance, lnitruciiou, Uioln. party. g Mills Bldg. Phone tea. AND PROFITABLE BUSINESS IN WORLD orfered In El Paso. Will sacrifice ir sold rei.' overland, passenger .ai Personals M WANTED To 2 3 furnishedfree; age 18 to K. Apply Navy Hecrultuig From earnings of present Ihtatler our by Monday- this over at once. I li 13 Mollite. r, passenger 450 rent or rooms,

fcl M Teta, woman cook on ranch near city: white company has paid since isst Msrrh See Oeo. Itnr, lord. 0 passenger S7t for light housekeeping; referencaa DoA W.. ScgU.htatlon, BM tjw PERSONAL Dare you answer tniat A very toor colored. Call at not Upson Are. for not wmt to buy the rooms wmt rantI PER chasalCENT MONTHLY DIVIDENDS With James L. Marr k Co.. lido Psckaril 30.Men to learn the barber trade. refined, highly educated, attractive youngWANTED them. Times,Address permanent, rareThe world la conatanlly needing more particular We are offering shsres which are No. 3o4 sin Antonio St., 1013 Peerles. new, I.HO lady, of hlgheal character, under if years.

being rapidly taken. Buy before price Phone Nos. iuir suits Bearcat 1,150 PB di. A mm v M s i,. ' r m 'wiiearn good wages. worm lao.uuo, is looking ror a gvoa, kinn,Eawbarbers.



with us. Prepare Male ft Female Help Wanted hs advances. lull particulars. tfkw-- 14 RdosTs 1013 M, o in on speeclsier. raciory re-built,

worthy husband, who could really aimre- - bath, dote in and lu private ramUy; ref-erenceUNITED STATES PICTURE Vi mile guaranteed cxrhantrad; stale terms. AddreMOVING CO.,aW. earned while learning, write TRANSIENT. late real nice, sttraiiive,Money WANTED Experienced saleslady and BIiIk., Chieago, 111. BF.NIIAM. MuDkHN GAHAiil-:- P. 0. Rot litLyjton or toMJfrr Barber Collate, Fort worth. Teias. Iiesrt business dlsMlct, modern, steam wire, having mean md eaay gi along

somespeak Spanish and good rererence. EL PASO TRADlNO CO. hest, running water In every room, beau f on SALE Willi. Would marry poor mm or raimer. a7ANTED To rent unrurnlshed house or 4


for oper-


r.sgie ury uooqs üo., lie r. overiana Talking maclunea complete tr.v!. Singer tllul furniture, long lease, first time n Bulck rosd.b r o5 iSirlrUy confidential.) More particular to rooms, olote In or lar out, by adultknowledgenorthern

Spanish,Mexico. wlUi

companyotrice in El WA N TED Charnbermald. colored or Mex drop head machines no.oo and higher. New market. Hurry to ret this; going st a sac Klstiders roadster. nun any man answering wiinm iu ramlly or 3; permment; bo tick. Address

InWrite giving reference and rcan who speaks English. o!6 ft an Intonlo. machines fully guaranteed Sito. We are ex rlfire. lt.400 will swing. See Hamilton or overlstid 1300 A. life, cara tunea.

Paso. rully.Afldres w: 7t, care Timet. peeling at celebrated Standaid lioury Ma i.rabuve, sole aírenla. These cars have been Uioroughly over-

hauledsome póstate. Address Sincere (B. MO) desiresqualifications SltuaUons Wanted Mai chines to arrive and want to make room With McMath Realty Co., md are In shape. Tem-

orvalwv. Neb. iGeneral denvene not an' room, close In will ahar with congenial

YÓíTNfTMAN. for tbem. No. 4 Stevens Bldf. Phone inWd. trsdes rsrsfully considered. svvered. This notice la genuine and will lady. Refereneet rurnlahad. Address B.offTce"clericalexDerienced In 117 8. Santa Fe. Phone W7. SAXON MOTOR SALES CO., stand fuUeal investigation. I07Í, Tlinaa.careTIMKai WANT AOS far results. good, good knowledge of bookkeeping andTRV Pool ROoM''fitiTnx 3lf3 Texas St. j. C. IíaNsI'l k aolTTiTTSíTf fVÉ aASKCY:Leave them at Branch 9, tai Teta. accounts, desires position; reference. C lO&i, WAN tFiTyuplTcomrieIy rufnJiSad

rare limes Look this over and make offer. Musi sell SEE OUR LIST or roominc houses. Rho ROADSTER Wa solicit the ualronage of attorneys, prerrrred, apartment or small bungalow inon account death of owner. We will gladly show them v you. IMS Ren roadster, equipped with Lee lire rorporauon or individuals In snt class of rood locality! C 1174. care Times.UENTLEMAN, speaks, writes and talks ng Sea Geo He ail, WM10HT RAMEY REALTY CO., and everything in good rendition Pnce legitimate Investigation. Civil r trlmlnal

PILE driver foremen, 15; pile driver , Hah and Spanish, desires position. Ad-dress

hsndled by Invetligslor in WANT! O By bariielTcr. a nice home in priwith James L. Man 4 Co., tot N. Stanton SL Phone I5M. r.. Would takn Ford or small touring car cases expertAt- blacksmith, general work, 3, 905 City National Bank Bldg. Jorge No. 104 bsn Antonio St., a part payment. the United SUte and Mexico. Room 107, vate family, pleaae (lata all particular.

baker lulnlng camp, fib. mine Outlerraa. PhOQSS No JAY K. EMpX, Two Republic l ife Uldf Phone ItsT. D 1178. car Tlrnes. ,,

coal. 1100 month; waitress,FrarbEiacoftL

N. M., AMERICAN man wsntt any kind of honest gpOO clear per moñtli on m iuveíiniéril rT II HimiM1- - All full, hire location, close In.poo Mills si. Phone MS CocdMOTOal ataxia. paraTysis, úTbeta and W'AMi li tluoiii." slem heaiccl. ne'sr hifli

A Mitchell, Han labor: experience fsrraer and exceptional li.too cash. Cigar and boot Marking stand, oood lernis. Phone osoil li FOR Ml 1013 Abbott lietrolt. el, trie nervous pttlenU taken south Uiu winter school, private family preferred J. Is,WANTED A good lire Insurance solicitor. Iv good wtih stock. M Prospect or phone bee this si once. It rooms I lights sud itarter, lis A I rondlUon. new by leading parva speclsltit; astonishing re car Tlmai.

Musi devote entire time to this lass. income, luoo. IieavuiabluSee Oeo. Setil, Ures: s Itit premier sukiiuobUe, eleeirirbusiness. Oood contract. Apply WAN TED Three or four small sets of books With James L, Marr k CO..

i. m- - Phons 410 W. lights, newly painted, new lop and new Apartments For Rent I'nfur--U Mills bldg- to keep during Idle time, by expert ac No. so4 San Antrinlo St., hoi :sk. room or fumitura. for lire, mat overhauled; ofrered at a bargain of' 111.1i ion Bureau.

lip HO LAiKnh wanted, eteady Job 7or countant Address r o. aox loas Phones Nos. 4350.43M. saU 101 Wvomln If sob! at oner. Cleveland Sciuaic Garage srniuar dire., csucafo. nlshed mrlglit party. Apply El Paao Upholsurlng WANTED Position neuogrspher. Lv

s Al Í ROOMING fiollsK Phone .M, W. Wi: waul b your automobile Bring A MIDDLE AOED man of the best repulstlon M'l'R.NiSHED Wrlsht Apsrunenu, central-ly:o trtl Erie St., Highland Park. Young man seeking experience rather youi car. We will producá results. wmu to make arqualniance of a rerined loraUd. high last. A nice aparUiieni

WANtED-ftoIle- llor For special advertising thsn salary. Phone IMS LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US HMMiiing Hourses Tor t ROSEBORO A HOWARD. lady heiween the ate of 7, and 15, widow now avallshiu at 40

Comruerral Printing Co., ground floor. WAMÉD-Posltl- oo. by Nor. t. by expert FOR Ol Il k RESULTS. Santa Fe and Main tit. with no incumbrance no objection. New Leary Apartment 4 rooms, bath mdWRIGHT RAMEY REALTY CO. with full conridenrs, p. o. Box ras,Trust Bldf. enced colored chauffeur and mechanic Btdg.) sleeping porch, modern, tt7 .50.

SOS N. Stanton St. Phone IMO H Paso The limdsnme uew Bmkley Apanmenu.tAI st the Alava: dalicvous boiue eookad call islOi afiarnoona. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US and all diseases lihr md will be completedcorner Upton,tnesls for tec, lit a-- Prego" American' FOR 01ICKworS. HEsI -healthy wnu(nan can "of wome.t treated by "(dd Doctor Belt about Nov. 1. The lttest built-i- reaturea.BAHBÉR, at once. Paao del Norte Barber do most snythlnt. Call for Hannelly REALTY CO Ircrty years' experience; medical sdvtre Slid absolutelv oiind(iroor noor and wall;' t03 N. Stanton St.Shop. rnoo anov-- medlelns tt a monUi. Address 40t S. Adtms cosUy Interior furiilalilngs. Reservations

of wanted, with wheel. Misatoo Oarage. Yol NO man, speaking Spanish and EVERYBODY uses Hairs Hut Ada i.,i! Worth, Tria are now being mad.desires position in office. D. AtlTrST WriNIAI. deeeripilnn. JAMi.l L MARR k CI

FOR RALE senger Baker electric, run paper,Saleunen Wanted Tunas. Lot and Found only g.uuo miles; look like new; run wealthy marriageable people, head mar 304 -- an Antonio. Phone

r.'ÍT RATK carpnii'trr woik, natlsfacUon like new. and as rood ss new. Will sen! riage tllmonlal. Paper free. Mr. Ball, El. PASO THAMflo CO.Al l.nMt.N -- Pocket saie Une. new live guaransrea. rnone asw, wiiuan isou. POUND A young eaM. Owner can hsve rice, pioneer Motor Co.. Myrtle and camp-bel- bl7 Wesley Roberts Hid os Alíseles. l WhllA. New Home tas Slwdsrd se in.proposition, all merchants la towns or EXPERIENCED" jmltor; can furnlah rJty A FIE PHOPUkinOc. property by establishing risuu md pay-

ing at. Phone at, MArTATAGK paper, highest rharecW, Machine We ara láreiiU for the threeitOjOM and uwter. want It Pajrs a.oo rsfarsucr C. ItB, cara T"- ror a party not able to do bard work or a charsrs Call Circulation Manager IjII CAUII I.Ac., Cadillac Inter Slab-- IMh year, s,csi members, make.. We don't knew of any other foodon each sake. No eoUacung. no lady to handle. A swell cigar stand. Cheap iiiks rnona .iou Studebakar Jo, 5 pssssttter Ford, bsrgaina aesled; setid IOC, T. T. Lov. Box IM0, luarhine. if we did we wauld headli Itrisk to mcrrhsnt. We lake back unsold Female rent. Make you good living, and It Is yours Wlntons. All Special prices on slightly usrq urop neaurood Easiest, blneat baying side linn SltuaUons Wanted for fJOO. l"0- - Stllr 11 in second hsnd cart Just B

El Psso Aulo Salea Co., IIS kansaa "SPANISH lessons by testher who sosaks Singerver offered lanfield Mig- Co.. got sigei PROSPECTIVE mothers will find greatest SVEE MR. RICE AT 0N(E RAMEY BROa., NO I OHi h HE SKIl 117 ft. Santa Fe, Phone 7oest- angiiSD,ÍL. Chicago. comfort during gestation and conflnemeni eon First Nat Hank Hldj Phone 13 lor uf the fot'owint hand IrcnTToTti AÁTÁTiTlileíiTS'any second pianos lio want b, buy Utr twl Ford ever Motel, room ore tonfCKtMA)Vscsicy War. It aaastiaeaassl ta periods by taking proreasloaal ganara) ARE YOÍ' 1 OOklNfc FOR A SNAP? you

ami player, cash or tenas; orrarad lor Ota priea-- affl) Eleclrn Oregon and River street new 4 roomsany line, to sell general Irada in Texas; Sterile wive who want children are A dandy resucirant. right dowutown. doing me ,011 upilglu rosewood lights, food Dies fine appearance. Sea iccl'H Future foretolel Year's predltllon each, strictly up to the minute, bed, ra- -

.. riled hnuenied. II will relieve rncunisiiim. coo Die business Yours ror m. Will lovolra slonKpecUlly ,iop,.si Daker i upright, ebonv rnierator. ga range, aliad, iiuoiaum on. Ho.el.oro Nell slllr, hid Phone iTH seal sealed for 0c, blrlhdate No alaminslon contract; au weekly f aUpstiou. had in ulaiion. sluttish liver snd gi.uuu chlrkei ing upright, ebony clah oluo riooi atemi heal. Mak your raa,r Mil si Cleveland,i;oounenUI Jewelry ('., UI- - general debility. Swedish gradúate nurse. SEE MM RILL RROk kiintiall player, mahogany I li cok, just out ofpalfil sliop n Sprout,

rrvatioua now Ready about Nov. I.Bldf Cleveland, Onto. at nar noma or yours, esv n tet flrsl Wti. Rank Riot Pianola player, abob) st ba.gaui prices See them today. T sVaRhTed Be.i matrimonial paper Axularaon. Filler. Bole AtanU.

YOUXO' desires In Johnson ILL UL.M1AM. published. Mailed free The Correapoii- 41 140BALBfiifoattaai. HraaaBsM, swattas lady poaitloii barbar shop electric, walnut r lionsnow opeci manicurist, hair dressar and face mat PBartM else trie, oak Moil.i u oarage. dent. Toledo, 0, tHI iUITIN APARTMt Ms aciniTai-cla-


staple Una rgaTwerlnitip oasares CALE at Braaek Ma. t. MS Texas M. Two Vlctrotaa and records WANTEi os. rautl bt JR At otsn- - viIX)WT tl, worth sao.uoo, would "marry rinlthtua. light, airy rooms. larraaent peaitloa. a. C, e i Tipaaa. Leave Ada aad MubatHatlea Two Edison pbouotrsphs and racoras. dlllon snd price must be riant North : avof M Los Anreleg, Qal court; furuuhad md unfurnished, ralea MIde. sees wiuiasB a Bias ueiroix poaluoo, oeaTo? lujaran teed aa represented Campbell Birrei Garsae, eil N Campbell MHVOYaNT readings free with faceBAjJttkHI WaJ fCD to sail hoaxerr see refsraaees Pfcone em w. e. FiLLiNo piano co., RIPUBI l( land made Hie. t.ooO mil guar JAMES U MARR 00..

nda si v bsrgsin prleas to retail SACRIFICE. couDI sickness fine business, tm t. taulevara. tntsa, at the Eis auio supply tut sn receipts to tst day. low rent: v Am nuDiNfl efj Msss Ave uas service nailon For Ri iil MLscellaiieoiis 37 PRoae Mt-MConHoatlr-y- . S!MO. AyenU profit Worth tl.sOO Sacrifice tkoo rash, Wv have purchased a rsrload ol Standard .AH i oh Guarantee 71 WUIKILL iPAMTmrs TS tut Sea OSP

EXPI HIFNTEI .i.n.,r, for Anions sod WE atari you ta builfssai. ntrauaat; ararf including new suloi'b!ls delivery car Call Rotary Sawing Machine Tec make room uraiuvnl rondl Mic.F nice ir basement, suitable for alo tt two and 4 room ataaja aaatadr.alirorui. a sto to ato a day irrocositlon ana women, sao so saw weea 1411 Alameda. ibr them we are offering singer drop beads asaimania Pboas atoa

Hotel system lliiasssrh RAffiF a roí ius-ñOM- in md Otter second baud machine at moat 7órInaulre undsy UM.nimg sheldon. CADILLAC 1W4, tal al bargainHome or small room miles a wur. rsr in rxeelURt coadi- old price. Talking Machine tOJRItlslt or Irada fur Fori and rash. Phone aft winríhir fumlahad kptmm VfA laTy

wAKTtJVLoaieni mgm JfKP save:booklet

no nusgnriisiaañZtdaIe

OyportunltyCo. Drawer

Ufa PUOcUt JS M117 S. santa Fe. Phone 17. Till I PASO Al TO ÍLPPI 1.0 Storea and Offices employed, best loeaUon, Mo Address

w, Ml 4t Ksbulli Typo. p lisrears oki. apply p"jartara Kt Oranae. N j Texss tare riaysa.Pboob trm.wrttar Co., 40 Mata

Fi iaalr IIMj, WaiiU-- d atolin CAFI,aa jyation in the ciiy. prtae rat Bicycles and Motorr WK can tall you 1 home in tarvara, parfur-a-s. soaps pn ""ths 'aulaaijarf'li MM ffly on nan o Bat rlty on the sirli swat airarwa. ma cenital dm RTM CaR'VoJTIaTe "fluaraSriIkind or terms, to sun you; can us - klud of term, tu suit you; rail uplatr eajsTUs rumlshrd rrce to iones an hour: car in xcallaut condl up al

lion Pllol.e us iTry an ad in A to m M. Siaatoa re rbaa tm. AT Marinee.' flá Vi

fÁlvtrlrtMeT e orvtartars M. tf AesM W Mtl FU it afcop.lacaJ, a aaaaay. ua tía mal turn ' Ull OLyyy LoiiEYw

18 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17, 1915.

Apnrtmrnts For Rent Fur- - Furnished Rooms For Rent ll' ill Fstnte and City Property Renl Fstnp nty Property Real Rertotf-.-CR- y Property Reiil Fsinlo 'it y Property I ni in line-ni- t Real Estate m

nihnL II (M r.rni "romvrttnt bath, walkinr H li'.nM in ,. iv. lot vi14Ó tm rnrncr. POR BALB OR r .ICHANOh. F a dandy lu rra mi lionsr, xsidlanm. limn Ul paved street haaemenl, heat, strictly Reauurtil. inudrn. home a ittkl take nice I or i

THr HoBrvóN TNewel íuinietied beslroaiB, ctoaa tn.5'i vdern, south rent and beautifully - trtlstlr In de.lim; fvrv rohrenlenre r, nil payment

The individ HONE BARGAINS '. Raaney Bras.most elerantly mi nek, phone 171. larre, airy rooms, breikraat room, siml

hiií mth' ' wlibbat ateetrtnr" porch. I4.3K. it irom mnaerii buniralnw on Eaat eonri and servant's room; hettlnr plant WB- Phone et i

n NEAR nkw hp. ii school. I room nd sptrlnus basement; commands unllm toll, ahtlVow vater ,hot100 Myrtle Ave.hardwood

'.laude;f loo

waterbuilt hnr plani; hasement, heat, oak rloo ra. bollUn Weat Rniileytrd Is lo be ptved. We litve tied lew in select nrlrhborhood. Will ptrt of i.psi arret rris furnidKei room. prlvaM fimilr- cil

ra; in featiii"-- , a friira. rlar.'i Pepinr ronm. nuiiOi w feet on thlt street. One site; will aell consider smaller residence or bulldlnr lois anrh or property suitl hone :ro home,

$600muat he aei-- to he appre-

ciated; rrntit, f.a'.ed alrcrt. betaUful view, price (heap. in pan pasmen i 317. El Pido.eaah.rVi?.T room, (MittcnM; So SUE Hi balance eaay. rirhl. tecnia lo ulL Lois in ant ptrt of AIM addition. Prices Bee Narrate ,,r Wilkinson, with malí larm rutar I ndmlini WaW red brick hunralow, on rlfht. JAMFS I.. MARR A CO.. aldw. price about

Phone Jtara I'd 37 lfn. im Bl 18 IT S mom new hunralow Fine comer West Ran Antonio St. two 04 ski Antonio st Phones Cruces. N. M.II heated furnished r' ni H hy t, Kan Boulevari!; near lien hlrh school, - ni front, blocks rrom Pttn del Norte. Sev new im-

provementthis la a real bargain i catb, bal-ance and In ii r-- . cash, balance to lull on thlt street, cheap at issr. in ariesian water

I nfurnished For Rent - p month. J on n rront root. for El Paso prop

rive 9 -- "mi front kits Altura Ptrk. two hloeksJ erty. Pimm n- Mudcrn room hunralow rm Mon HIMiF-- T BARiiAIN IN EL Pl-- o room. In artesianriiiniiuishnienl wat.--sireei ctr. i.erei ano cneap ai ior 4011:111tana, ihla below market value, a A REM RARGAINJhome eloae In. ptved street, rull An. una o iraoe miinbeltrhahec, for a nice piunt here; tl,ia In 1SO0 block Monlana St. II rooms, .btsenienl, 3 Iota, price on request only. 0 reel on Peidrts Junction with Montana. tillo. Phone 90.Offered rash, balance seeRoom nnd Hoard eaay ns st improved. t7.snn ror entire

BBIKÜÓÑ'M SAÑAI'iíHCM. for ronva- MANHATTAN HP.IHHTS-- Á room", btae- - re. Itvi MA tr cent on Ihla nrlre. McMATH REALTY CO. I.enal Not iresVnN ? ".in hrlck on loi I7H Phone WiAC" tillare, mciii Inal, 'j coiner lots, imly part south rrom lids terrace Alamo- -on a onleacenu. on I t Hliaa car line away irom by ItYi; near car line and sch.,.,i,.vn;

Trained In rah. Iialan.-- terms. Thla la a ne MB, rord-- l st. 3'io each, aim down and ir, t So SitH"M I l.!KC ic doit and heat. nuraa only !Ki eaah, balance ,n per month monih. TH ST ATT. OF TEXAS, to ths Sheriff ar aaor

I Itl h " ATI" . harre. Home roi.klna;. Batea 110 and 11.'.n.O-- F IN, ON PAVED STREF.T 5 rocana, Ii WIS PROS. Consul-I- f El 1'aso I'liuno, Oraaltat:

HPM M'lH VIEW iP CITY. lirr week. Phone lint fraine dwelltnr on two bas'im ni. neat, hiillt-l- fcaiuresa beauty, C I Kalix. AdmlnUtrat-- r of Itw BdaU ofüKPUfA POJICHES. 1 III. Bl NNV CHEST. full lots; plenty of shade and nice and priced rlaitl. Let n show you. A HOME-M-


HI'.airt hla Final




PRIVATE PnnCHM FROM AND BACK. Ilealthaeeki ra: ITneat rooma and aleep. lawn, ready ror chlikeu- - bouse, built on rull lots, 50x140; of lh sin '"IM7 na 1VIV V irroo M RjOM IHS, Inr porrhea; hot, cold water earh room; NEW in ncalowb 4, S. a and a rooma trees, loners, crass: all renced; chicken with 10 aMUaattat

roil HIM liiriillr.n ; IKIIIIC couailllf. t iiuim ai eti h We have them rrom ?.- -! to house, coal house, rthbll pens, rhlrken m9SSuStaamt . ommandm. uut tt 13 room Ntt. craiit'.rd Thuler Flttt; lio a week. on lerms to suit, call lis ror tppolniim uis yard, etc; on Hovrniment Hill rar line. llrallon ol thli Writ for at laaat 6vt Pa- -

adMiilv room: block mm pnslofrire. ROOMING HOUSES hi look idem over.

31 s ai íes m. i.:. .mi m ar Fahena, The lot alone arc WOfth nearly Ihr price N apsi iirlinad In ths riitintj of KI Paao. rotli' mu, uní. val-

leyasked tor all. This Is a real barraln. See

ir. Main st ArroM rrom ivwtoffic. CALI. I Braneli Na. . HW Tejan 8L ,7lV) --Olvea you tn Income of Hun per 0RANFI YIEW LOTS lo trade ror cquitv In clearedland,



roodEasy It today. Final flttlri(sil nf ssl. Estala, to

SrWI iñrt rtirñtsItñ-- sham l.eate Ads and BnbarHpHrin. month I.' sides your own apai tinenta. house S3., no in cletr loir. Tell us what heap .goo.Phone 5076. CREEL A PHILLIPSSM Mesa ilIrirnrilly have. terms. fnra ths Nt.vombsr Tsrin. ISIS, ol aald Count. Coqrt.

heated apartment. rooms, rrnnt and hark S4 room house; eav waikinr dis-tance;

you acres, 75 tn slfalfa, near Laparches, all tniili-i- lettor, ilk hath; lonr loaae; terms 100 N. N. Price 11 per acre Brand new buñraíow In Manhattan

Iklflr distance, 'iiikh IP iitits. ph. .i. THE HIOHLANHS Sanllormin fnr tnberru mm l;i NOA Low Near Alia Vlatl everythniK on placeSIncluded at lleirhts. 4 rooms and rlased sleeping dar ol A. D. ltlt. when said Account

lóala. riorche, with southern - l,3o will buy "t real home and an In tchiKil, aotitb rront; 1250 aah. balance easy, ihls price, will ronslder trade porch, bath, hardwood Poors, latest built-i- and Appllisllon III It br laid CourtI idll' V I .room ruin, api 0.00 UNIIKB seal oc aalil

fine viru overloukln city, natea come of III. per month from an tl sec it today tomorrow may be loo late. reatiires, tan block oí i UIVENII r.YONS, Piral ti Hank Hlds poaura ; for El Paso property. hrlek, car lines; C'rurt, at mil fhri 11 Paao. UiU

II pei tti- -k up. Phone tifaVO. room residence; handsomely fur-nlahed;

47 arres near Clint, II aerea In small rash payment, balanrc like rent. Sth dar of October. Itll.''li Ml NT Com.oi'ial'ly riirnlshi .1 3 room i''iect dote in; Investigate 1lls, HO YoH WANT OOVERNMENT HILL old LEAVI-L- P.W M A .sin:!.5-AJ- .,Nli.j IA rui n; roon nini hoard year pear treet; One setapartment; rinse in I'tymn 17I:W.for heallho ckera,

iirilwho appnulate rood LOTS? 'f our list lierore yon buy. We of

-improvements on place, tm Ming st. Phone im Clerk Count, Court, Kl o Coenu. Texas.

üoepSi Wo- n- The heat buy "t i Ikorne," wnh ret e have n hat you want.4 huTTñ furnished apartment, BThome and cue In home of trained nuran piinipPir plain, nice RAROAIN IN CATTLE RANCH. lamed thla tth day of Oitober.porch nos l'ro"..-.- Phone 1090. in ui. mm Photic '.'M .

Jiue rrom rooma to pav rent; Dili laLOTS ON THE MESA adobe house. Price IICO per 00 head best White Face cattle. M INTO0K.We have larre listt btrrtln. I acre rash. SB head Court. El Paao Count., Taxaa.THREE KíüuM APARTMENT and slccptnr CREOLE COOHINC and horses. Clark. Count?NEW HIU.KtNB can Ihc bestyou aelectmn or

MO. 1?' M i tl- Ave.any Wu have two ranches that ran house and rood corrals. (Seal.) Br c. Altada, iioputjporch. Mra. Kern. 4IU ti. KI Paao. Cor. Franklin one In the"i v Ii pavmr hotel, down-

town;city. Make ut prove It. TltUE COPT. I oatUfr: - Jhe in, i at a barratn. one or Some nn dthai É. AP.Vii i Mf:TM uinlahed.' T5 np'i park mid puhlli III, ran Ph inc. alwtyt a rood maker; pat. land, rlrht of pasturare 'pylon J Rdwarda.iii"iiey these Is In of lite best lo-

cationson rorestMiindy. Phono aotc ANDERSON-IT!.- !

one reserve in Yavapai county, Arl-xona. Rberlfr of El Pee iHSKKkKim welcome. Satlafactorjr .Ell, in New Mexico. Infor-

mationPrlco, $l ,000,

!MOi IN . apartment, walkltnr dia- acrommirflatlona at WOO. Write Mra. rladly riven. "SEE I'S" A I TO STAGE LINEStañer . Phone 1. 16. stn.iiu, l.a r.rucea, New Mexico. BUSINESS CHANCES". tcrlor Homes." H. s. llurrman. DAVIS TANDY COMMISSION CO.,

l ,1. m M mi M. ni v NH ELY rurnlahed front room, pltahle for Hiirkler Hldr.CEO. II. BOOTH CO., Mí II Trust liml iinic. UiB CUUCHI AUTO unm.

I TMíJlP.l'p .inrlm'til9 Plínne r.ífli, in nil. un n nr younn lady employed; hif rrocery fine location; H Milla RWr Phone irr,?. XIOUMNU lliU-- UEUVEBI.hoard If dolrcd. l'hone7ol. cy maker. luí II ROOM HI SlIAl Texas SL Trackage I'.iueef Piase, trout ol Hotel

i,uu,la at 6 St a. ne.del lRooms For Rent 34 linAlili and i""in fb? f roiiplea, ladiea or Automobile will be taken as ;irst pay-

ment50- - Foot Comer, 14.500. yares SU 1'aeo to c.taauu Tie; Anthony.llousck'pino ft:, ui an a nionin. lovo r.. MOO Buya rrocery; do not mi this new modem bunralow nf 4 ' E. D. Wllllnr, Ilrrioo. II. U, Meeuulle. II. OS; Meslue

mm i.K.i Well rnrniahi'ii. an; house Plume 5e I. have to buy natures; cheap rent. PMOO larre comm. larre sleeplnr porch. rjon.s. baUi and large ileepinf porn-- N. 0. BUCIIOZ, Lee

neptBg roomi; belli and rini- - slneplnr lino i pasii si Mee, larirc '"furnlahed Bpdvrn, pavmr paid, on Tnlarosa, nj, .front block imm Alann iieigiits. Sheldon Lobby. lletumu-- i aula nasa. Lea Cruces Dma store. 11poirh. oiler desirable property for rml f'uiit tvllh hoard. Phone 'jm II. 100 Por the beat located restaurant In ash. bll. Hi 4 yrs. I vire H,00, USO cash.' hal. eusy.or sale. .' IIiHiI.ukI Park. city; will flve easy lertna Pi the rlrhl t r. n. ii.. basem.nt nnd MUST sen my tlirtcUve bSnñiow, XluiM Urun

Kñ witnii aciiiieincn li riKim and hoard parly. j ji room pebble daata on Trowbridge r p'lilil only r.MVJ. rash. In I. Alia Vista district, all bulltln reatures. meMi, i. ii..ii..-k- mir room, nswlj in i iltalc Inline. Plume CMC si., Oovt Hill. bSini caah, bal. easy. easy. haiYlarBoB rioojs. two larre sleeping ILL thk.t AUTO iONK.rrtthed; nmn Haiti rrce hatha. Hotel I'll IK famllt will riuiin and hoard s r. mniiirii iiiinirniuw. i.ast ki paso. porches, very roiivenient, lliurourhlv mod-ern.

MUftMsNVi ilMbS uEUVUtl.Weatern. 31.' s s union. minie. Pliulic fi03. NORfON REALTY CO. M,7M moms, all huillín H u lire, hard- - Price rash. balance I2S ner Furnished or unruniished. Cash pay-

ment,risjuwr fiua, fruut Uotal diilla, (Ultj

III of hnKM iinni. rPntiliur w rhuiith, Iftferett balance like rent. Miss Harlnett. and Kun4t-- ai u... UTUac .eo a. mRooflM 17, Mm I'hone wood rToora, .rickHiiiisi and I, an Mrs !ir-- w, 7I)V Myrtle. ran Bulldlnr. iHi. rartre, Hotel via itortb road to VBieta ; t tiaut-- aoutii road iti' and pritatc front porch, steam heat. Phone WW, hextinr plant, ui Iwo aouih friint lota, LAND. sheliion lobby. Plnne 304L iatwiis. IS a. ni. Tla CUot Saa JSIlwi

BOB West Missouri. Manhattan UrN. r.vm cash, ha easy. acres, r miles down valley, rpvi. IF YOU rüáliy want lo sett your business arrllng Jkl i'aao 11 ,99 4. lu. Vira 1'a.taI'iiH Itm furnished M.WI.V funilOied', rurnare rieal phone Ii acre near La Mesa, house, on lard. roomiur house, residence, vacant lot. u Bata,

xpcaaaumi, Uc; irauaoa,

trausatWk:, ban


rooms, ronm emir hath; Wt per month. - N

li.or.. 14.7V r, rooma. baaemeni. hcatlnr plant, c, 18011 business properly, farm or ranch list with k Uaka vaiiuin uijlii Muri at Tihib1710 K. Iionlinfd, .

PAIIOAiii HKI IV) HV Pin, Í1- Jlllic ("'..Raascti Add., north or Montana St, hard win ui rioors. all builtm rraturet, 10 acres near Anthony, limitc., o'entrd, us. IKJ IT MlV.

M' nntu-lo'- front ron n East IKiAllli and room. HI0I .Nnrth Stanton alre'T. 4 room hunralow about completed, i.ot larre aleeplnr pon-h- toulli friiiil on Hin c,L",

w.iua WIOWAM REALTY CO.. ItOMWtU. .'AlUtlaaidatl HAUi JUNJLunil jn arre tracts above Canutillo alOranil.-- ri.Vi catb, bal. I lo S Phone 47fl4. 415 Trust hldr- boib Koawail and CamItoiiii rani urlrU-- f. of kin in n for hretk-las- t al claaa hu I. 1 Prospect. 40x11. caah 3O0. yr.i or tncailio, Tlo-

Phone J.W. W,s.'.o- - iii iwno !ik. afonttnt, S COMPANYrooma, e Trackage A SpecialtyTWO boiiaekeeplnr rooma, rurntshed com-plete,

Room and Hoard Wanted 3Mcalifornia


modern hrlek, basfincnt. heatlnr plunl, all m Miiis n. ptione W3.carrlad

m.up to

M.-- f; slnglo rontn. 13. 408 Vi Wyo huiltin reaturct, hardtvisid rim. is. r;r,o E. U. W II. I. INCWÁNTEH Hy ireiith man. mom and hoard Will take lota as ftrtl rtsh, bal. eaay. With N. 0. Huchoz A Co..with cultured Spanlali people, where can Balance eaay.Two tire iKiiiVkeapmr rooms with lull LAFAYETTE PLACE Sheldon Cubby. I'bone jp.

wau r. I'liom- i.Vi n lull ... orhoa. learn Spanish;i i

pleaae riveTlrne.

parllrulaia Í3.35ii- - n .' v,! E. Rio oVande. re I Al HEA0C TRACTS. A dandv 3 room houaa with lecnunr nnrel U1X1HE TO FUOKNULand cure

IVSi. finniahi ki pmir"riiiiii, pine,New 4 room 'niiiralnw In lirajidvlew, brick. biillUn fealrtret, Uardwood floors. Finest siihurhan home sites In t Iota. Ity tijm, take It, . j cash, bal. rarvati coa

tin ii ifc ual.'i. flow In. iv.ii w. Mlaaourl. Uve Uiock For Sale M with btaemeot ami lair1' sleeplnr AS00 cash" hal. east lower valley, 8 miles below city easy. Globa. OUa Valla Auto Sue- - iini.Fence and ahed.' caah. on paved ruad. All land III rtilttva-tiun- . See Mr. Rice, Itamey Bros.porrh. WO KNULK kalafcl UAM Hi UK NU UOT Ul'lONunmil I.KI l.i'l.Ml k, cluaf III; heap :,.7ii One ur Hie swellest pla.e,, fronilnr Tttu and tract. I3U1I 1st Nat. Hank Bldr. Phone 613. UNI.

i rut 1000 i ni. PhoW B7M V.IS ,000. south, in Richmond Terrace, 5 lanre tn Mon per acre, will make any rea-

sonableWlUi All Traína at JbuaLPOR 8 AL K

TWO M liiiii kcplii Minia.-- EVKHYBOIIY liars Tlmrai Want Ada. Handy and larire ! room bunralow rooms, ail modern huillín featurca, terms lo suit purchaser. two southBeautirul bunrtlow" on F. Haff email. Prop,

rrontI'lmin- - mu. hc.'iiinr plant, larre rl.i il ileepinr Investigate Hits opportunity before corner lots near Alta FALLn AUTO LINK.rhlldren. 11"' Wyiiiiiliia. Eterybnd) rend them. Thr) lirlng on three loll. Oras, tree.,- fencea, Vista school. A barraln: must be sold atresulta. purch, in ract everythlnr rxpected Hi an fitly. Phone for tppointmunl. W. R Baaty, 1'rop.Ihr dralrOd yon. tnrvanu' iKiuae, and chickenii hi mi iinic InMi- ki'fpInK rarar" up Home, and Hie Htiii- - (ire easy. W. F. PAYNE, oiK'i rrom owner, tl.oon. Phone Rountl trlr Uily lairept Bundaj). ana way.bouse. Hunt ror home. . stmiton. aroom, Don't fall lu URl 401 Mesa Ave. Phone tuso. REST BARGAIN ON BLISS

Nlcii in red brick larre sleepmr RAILROAD TIME TABLE3.iam HKAIJ VnOOHA 0OAT8. tSAM. C. HITV 1TEALTY CO., porrh, three car linos; ture barraní ror

Will aell one tlioiihaud or more al $f.ií:. isiki hVViek- -r. roiim red brick cottage.cloae'ln. fail isl Nal. Bank half cash. Phor.e. IW73. eaO 12:01 a.Ilni i hi Mi Ut Meat. IHdr., One of HM bet herds tn New Mexico. Street and Hldewalk In and paid for. A SNAP IN VINEYARD TRACTS.

Phone 131. .'

'NiiirroN REALTY CO.. Lots alone arc worth over $,ooo. Phone TIKI. I have tor quick sale, two tracts want tsii ror ioi tl, 15, fo, block to, Mounulo Tima Only. )TWii lnm-- in. r in. rloni- - In. tliU 17 Mi.riciin ulilir. . Phone 1M A few setoctloni rrom or the 3. acres in the Vineyard Tract, all ortnd View addition. Best ofrer takes L r. 1 1 a. antaai.

w. one (Viced and adjoining1 the paved road on them. V. lb Peck, 707 Ortnt Bldr., Los An- - From Uie North end Ileal Airtva.frynjOto. nitliFI.NK MA III. A.NÍ HOUSE, I 3 Hull larrest properly Hats In the cliv. the souUi and canal north. relés. Cal. Caltfomlaa C:.10 emrrplllT hiiu.-i-- i nifi inunda fur nut. 10IX HaHie wiiKnii and liaineaa, al a bárralo. Mi tire, any price, any loca-tion,

on3 Oolden HlaU Llmlled 2:10 p.m.

,117 Portland. any term-- . adobe house, price stió.OO per acre. Terms, A BAii iJaÍÑ Ktty Hroñc red I Tuoumcarl.-- Paao bocal (OaUr aa- -porch. Hardwo rioora mid tiei IMA) cash, balance 8 cent intr- -eaay, per pressed brick cottare. Hardwood rioors, cept Hundeii. ..740pm.TV I hi im. IIIHIM- WK North. IU1Y rrrlstei-ei- i Du'Vic Jersey hora of Oil- - plant. Modern every reaped. 7



Hrande.pressed brick, close est. ir you are inokinr ror a snap, you soiiih rront, rine location. Frank Scott. t Tucumcarl-E- Paso Local IHun. ucdjl ll :M p.m.

h li ti s Hairy 4'0 Capíes Hld. . cash. on tu.ixij, Bt ,txj0 should see this properly. Owner paid a Phone I Copper Oil Bpeclal to p.m.

II'. PIA inii.M. Nuilh cash, bal. very II I ruod deal more, loan he Is asklnr, butM8. 4 Oolden Stale Llmlled. 1:40 p mi, hi. Cainp- - eiiestniiii MSW ii.NF Inn for hle. tit: Venus. 8 room modern hunralow, base-

mentFUR SALE the büniñí- - roc North and last II t.By owner, per

bHI. II O. w'o nit lo turn quickly to meet otherWorka.wrir'it Cleanlnr 1 Celif, .rulen 4:4- -lion cash and .'" a month Includtnr and ins plaill. rarar--- two low, 1416 East Nevada, comer Wright p i.: Iiim.m .i p.r hakpir. Phone M47 W. FuR SALE Fresh young ( iiw. Phone 'mi. Intereal ror mall home In K. El Paao. rull loth, near Lamar school. W. F. PAVNE. Sole Arent. Ave. F. C. Morris, 530 First National Bank

4 Qui In atat Umltad 1:U pin.i. in- .i a wiM'k 111 s. n'lma. Electric llirhts, aewer and water. si.Miii. trrsj cash, easy on Bldr- For the Weat HeperL42 BEAUTIFUL HI M1A1.0W O.N BLISSPoultfy and Kflfls balance. Oolden Blata Umltadon SALE ttjnS home IIS lots be i.te p.m.Mm i.i, m. imina. i Myrtle. STREET. on canlln Cuttle I 7:41Helrhls.,i ns for tale. ÜTI0 n Hiero St. BUM. breakfast room. rlas?ed sleepmr

rooms,3100 Rlk. e larre rooms, all huillín handled with little cash. Phone 4860 W, Bis Oraata. Pale a Santa f V Kallfeaa. POL

S riMuna and lilxil aleeplnr porch. or write loio Birch City. (Banu ra Bntam.)helmed tile bathroom culllurs.85Furnished Rooms For Rt'nt porch, full basement and lite,Financial and In vestments Twn Iota faelur (south. Fence and shed. From Iba Nor-- b ArrtTa.plant. Laundry, etc. Pavliur all painted walls, screened aand rlacd sleepinr

Firty-riv- root rront onCar line and school one block, caahMB. paid. fl.s'Hi. Bm .j cash. hal. porch, mahoratiy colored fln ab. Two

on Hlo uremic st room, mod-ern

full lots on corner faciur south, I.trre (lovernment r the MorUi-'-t 'i it ii nf finominr llotuea, bunralow, netv, only 3,3o, sheds and tarare sadewalks and tie Kaoaaa cid and CUeaaa Peesensac. 1:64 e.i

ui will Klailly (how to you. HO YOU WANT TO SELL NEWMAN INVESTMENTrath. This is a pick Inr. One block from two car lines. 814 CUIceao real MaU T." M p.,

vinir home nr liilslliess if you COMPANY, up. Ualnalaa. Harrtaa-- rt A Baa Anteóle Railway.WHHIHT'HAMeV HtAI.'l Y CO. Terms.reiiaonable we can hti. Inn San Antonio. In .'Ann Vlata, netv 4 H. hunra-low

and price la ptiiuieyour Real Estate Formso N. rUntun St. I'hoiic ItWdispose or it flu .ton. and porch, south W. F. PAYNE. and From he eil ArrtTa.

WRP.HI IIAMKY HEAI TY CO. front, IIW cash, bal. ten SWELL NKW Ranches 101 SuneeiSunset


Wt R. Sluiiluii St. Phone 1650 easy: In all parts or El Paso. Up to the min-ute

From Lbe WeatII TU AD IHQ CO. Anolher one In Alia Vlala, new homes with all of the latest, modern FOR SALE AT A BAROAÍÍT 111 Suneet Limited 1:30


TalkliiK MacUinea notnplute .(. sllirhtly 4 room bunralow, a nine beauty. and novel features. Before you select your ranch, near Anihonv, all under 2 Cauiorala-- l 1:0 p.m.Utad drui In a KUtarn tin.iai and nvt Oaty i cash. home. Just let mo liow you some of Hie well renced, near auto road; 110 11:00 p.m.

M.ini' Ii.ii irania Hi Wlnn-- Hume, and 'Au.'tioneer and Sales u real snap, 5 rooroi and sloop- - list huys In, the city. It will pay you to acres in riue stand airalra, 8 acres In rull For ihs Eaal Oeperl101 Limited

tiiiui.ini. IllaaU hhuji ion HUNllAl.oW-Mod- -... Htr porch, in location, t.,100, compare Houses and prices, ami ir you pear, peach and apple trees, 4 acres 10Bune-Buneel EapraM . .

iuit.l Plume sW. W. A. WILLIAMS, , lota: 1300 cash, Sim cash. Ant lerms on ba) ciruxn rind Just what you are looktnr ror, In white vines, in acres In grain, balanre Fur the WealAurtlnn Sales and Conuiiiaslon Broker. balate you like. anee. , will be glad to rirure on bulldlnr Just "i abb- land. There Is also rood house, barns, CaUforalaa

ofTIre Entrance to capiat Bd. 4 ut Hie very best lots In Oovl. what you want. wagons, burry, mules, horses, cows and 9 suiisoi riiwaialimen :i to .. ui'ek I aell evcrylhinr at liictloa or private sale. . 13.1100. Hill ror W. F. PAYNE. all kinds of arr.culiural Implements and 101 Buuset LimitadUX to 75c Jnight Ofllre Pliulic ran: nesineiico aawi tv Ml ash tools, .snap price, includlnr Improvements, Texas A Paolfle Rellway.

ayri'iir lur your auto...., " AI.I.X. ICATA, r. RouM HBO IHllCK-'- 4 Ami dmi't forret. that II will 1110 per acrt. cash, balance on S

EipreeaUie Eeet lnt

I7 MACHI I IN At PHONE SKI. a.m.l'tpi iciu ii Auctioneer, corner luis; lota or fruit; alivav, pa) tmi to see me ni-

tonterms. Will consider lease. I Canaoc sail t:M p.m.

Iii.hM- - i.ainn, weii tin niatii 3 Cur Fehl lo S07 Flral NaL Hank Bldjt. Phone 43. chicken hinises; cow pena; buy nr hiilld. Ill IH'.I.AIIY INSI riANCE. A "SNAP.rVaUemen acreataad nirapina; porch füic place rur chicken ranch. OTIlo P. Illl. I.. 10 per ll.onn ror one year, Yod 41 14 acres all, ni a nm all in cultivation t Cannon OaUiiparinii'iii and liroad front pon lx'a, in w Houses For Sale Mil Caplea IHdr- Phone :,). nrrord lo be without thlt and indar Inigabon, luncd, near

in, mi- uno nil in iiirrn ooovanleneea. 6it when It costs ,, little. Berilio, has rood road, nouao. Price

.Net ail n,,i. plmiic I3V M. Tbese policies protect, lllu per acre, part rash, balance on lerms.ii ini BITNOALOW Nw, Lei me write- yon now Thi s, arc absolutely sntps for quick sale. VILLA CURRENCY

hardttuiiii floors, healini Fire, then, aukuiiohlle. liability, Phone, Write or call Hir lull particulars.I ll l at Hi mu h No. in'. Teiaa SU FOR SALE. plant; I lota; vm cash, tn plato rusa and accident insurance COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE A COMMISSION

l.ratr Adi ami Nuhvrrlpllun. One or the iirt'tilett per uionlh. also written In tbe very best com-panies.

COMPANY,pebble ilasheii liomea. all mod-ern,

Dcih'i wall. 3I First .National Bank a aerea of the very lu st W. F. PAYNE. Phone

land near Yaleta. all under cuín j:R("iM BUNriAl.ow Montana; 14,000. one- -401 Mesa Ave. Phone l?0. EL PASO, TEXAS. AT DALLAS FAIR10 M in i it' M .lili tullí, ehn fouith di'ttti, rest etsy.vat!on, In. use mat proc LITTLE NKW HiiMFfunil.l.i'd in .ii tin. lil- Unti l Henmili. cor, III On Iitially new; all fur 13, MW or

Chitiuahua and Han Autumn, 3 tilocka from Hade for city property. Willlota In ooviTiiinciii mil; :, ll'ii'M RED PRESSED URH'.k and I'urut- -

depiil .1 luí - w. .i .in tel I'aao del Norte lUM Hie moat rlrld aA renced, and on hlrh rround. tute; bpsou Ave. tT,.Wi; terms.

ííilTki l.lrikítTY Sinrii nral rlasi; ni tv lion.uoiiae; new rurnjture; hot and cold wa-

ter;WIlHilir RAMI. REALTY CO.,



i:i in.TV CO., 4 room win ii PHBSS mil' k and rurnl, There Is nnthlnr In Fl raso that VALLEY LANDS. I.KOIH.i: H. CLEMEMTB CAItHIES A BIC

pallia and heat. M. I. Armalruuv, vr. Mi M. staninti st. Phone cs:. PhoneMorran

i.mmis ture. I eiiaiinu i .,(iou.-- oo down will tieal tills. like buymr BO (old ROLL Ol lilt I It I lIM. At All I It

B Eipaao St. Phone rest ivo.oo monthly. teres ror IIS. A Tine apartment 30 acres. 12 miles El Peso.TO PHKSS Ml I mm.6 VERY BEST IN THE VAI.I FY,rult HI In ui .' in. n or ladiea. uildlnr or huainets block ite.

IVi LOT MONTANA ST. Pavlnr and side-walks

and will bark this hp. Soli"nf u,..nil front roOBL rloM In. with h.iilliiy l ocated on one ,,.,t northurivatt- family of refen-nc- BARHAIN.

paid lor; 1,300; terms. aim south streets In El Pato. Will and location cannot be beaten, Supplied with Inrequlred. IIOI'SE A btrrtln tt II. No trade. over $6,000 Villi money,PI am. I be Just three blocks rrom uew eA very attractive anil desirable room LOT a-- Alameda st. l,oi).oo; terms. and In a location thai simply tnd carrylnr a thoutand post cards shovtETkcANlS-- ileal, null, i III a fine Incalían. I3,7.'i0 onrurulaheil roiidia, htiaui NEW BLNHAI.OWS. must increase In value very mate-

riallyREALTY CO., inr the treat Elephant Butte dam andruiiniii- - wak-r- tn m iiiuii Hank. tour null H ins II vj i.i Morgan Hhlg.

han Anknilo. Mra. M A. Phoho isllliiv IVNTHKI L A MAI HEWS, within t few years ixl0 Phone 154. other advertiainr matter ralore, Oeorre H.

lit To Wa have a rine list of ue houses; corner, 45x48 feel beingfatrt. - pin ii ritm .in- Nepuklleg Clemenu, director of the publicity bureaufine three4 rooms and aleepmr i rch, at $i.fM. by a bulldlnr.TllHKK larji. k'aiii heated rooma, aluale i nn sale, in- owneri; home of 10 roomt up to 14,11X1 ui all on vety 1 II, SMITH A SONS. brlnrlnr splendid revenue bulld-

lnrof the (Thamber ol Commerce, left Satur-dayor en aulle, pi it an tiaih, new and dealr-aid- and alcenliir purch uoodorn near cart easy terms. on the corner 7:.xe. could he arternnon for Hallas to attend a meet

lor . I iii.ih- lian uní N. nn-- uii and schools, r""d location. W. II. Valley Canda. lii ut for and at lionlillTKI. .Nnll.MVN ntraJly located. AJÍ i.'H. WtulilitrUin Ave.,

'Fort Worth, We tixf a lere Dumber nr par month. l,0Mi will handle Hie lor of tbe executive committee or the

ouiaide rooma nam heal, hot aim ruhj Tima, j'ai Iota in Altura Park and Minian Hi- - Notary. deal. me say lo yon. Mister In-

vestor,Texas Press association, which will on

waler. Hirn-tl- Phone Real Fstale anil Fire Insurance. with all ii eonvenlrucea, that are thai tills propcrti Is Hie M ACRES SACRIFICED, Mondty telect the dates for the annualcheap and terAta to sun any one ni best and birresl bai ralu in KI ir you wanl a snip here It It, convention of Uie members of the TexasNKW1.V n mi'il' li J )llae, furnlaln il two

HFA1.TY CO Paso today, and at the flrnn- I am tl Lt Mest. panics cannot meetANI'EHSi'N UI I II fourthlarv -- .ii j- mi imiuia, no aim. sis uota . estile to be held In this city nextiand t? Buckler IHdr. SUTTON. CANTREI A MATHEWS. authorised to quote la u mmi deal their oblirtllon. Make ua an ot year.ii,. t. lliniiWinl Park. Phone law 110 Two Republics llldy Phone lH). lesa than the properly is aciilally

PuR iw.Nl :ii'N t t rain, two R nil Aim Plume tax. worth. P',r several days nil, prop-- 'Tbe forthconunr meellnr promises lo be

LOOK. ITIls HI.MS RENT. one of the most important and the moatluí ,i rootna, adJoiuuiK batli; refiund droaudob a le BAitorT." erty can be bourht ror t.Mt. Firth(.ajo-- laia.-i- attended in the of thaaire toniblnallon livmr aud dinlnr historylioim imtal.' .(ill din i' Phone Ml Bell MaV casli, balance rood lermiroom, .' led roonia, balh, kiuhon, Tentative plans looklnr lo ar'I A' tieaulii uily furnlahed rooma In p N 6. BUCIIOZ A CO., F ill SAI.B. slreplni porch, new, le ar Ave.

I'Ay .ni.."plu raiifHir the prorram will be laid try theMeaavaft' 'eiidni'e, cloaa in; no alrk ; refi Bhi Id. n nbbjf Phone 777. One or the pietin-s- i peb-ble

Alia Mala arbool. rash, balance lot ilo IMMHIRATION DEPARTMENT Of Ml executive coimulitee at Dallas. The enter-tainmenti ii, in n Ntt Montana DOI'lil AS C. ClU'WEl.t," dashed hoine, all modern, un uioiitli. mi in.: , Intereal. Elephant Bulie Water Uteri' association, features for Hie Teius editora

Hull .Ml - heat, pritale baUia Real stale. Inauraiiic í'sibj Milla Bide H acres i.r uie nit lu st islll n,.,, fm Itvlnt room, kin lien. bath. at Lit Cruces, New Mexico. Lnvlut the will be arranred by the u Paao Chamberii ii tit in at rlaaa: eorfiar dan Aniouio Yaleta. all under i ullit allon, house sie.'i'iiiK purch, n lull toUt rrouf HE' RE BAH'.MN --oireacekcr'a allunllon to irrlyated farm ui Coiiimerce, and everytlunr iioaslble will

A P VI K A BROS., leal eaiaU ami Hnrk cottare. Arlxona SI. doner, 4 larre lam.'j under Itw piuject The taaoclallon be done make tboirOrel Ardmu oniei Holier) coat tv pi i' i" slit new. all lor lots, near car, t'sid lei ins. to stay tn the cityHP k In t.TVtii tMUiMorehouse h me

U.:un, nr ulii trade fur citt prop Il.ruo Neu a ruum buck and sleepiur roomt two iiorchet. t V4 '"'a. pat inr paid will limn all lands lisiad ror sale, pruvid- - une oi pleasure as v. en as prorii.ronmi hatha.i, i.

aulUlile o I lln B BILL, erty Will aland ror the umst rlrld porch, ueai car, seal cash ami tM Boon f'r liuiiiMlnw in back. Price .raw. nrormailon at to tlieir quality and valuei .i w yuuua i,, no ii da-uiui, i. ' bl,la Phone i. cash, balance Mi a monih. Walkiur willaired pi i.i,

i apies iniesliraliiiti, me in and tee a un. niii un lu ui,, mierest. o supervise yuur purehaae, piotecl youi6aVRlE "VCBUTCHER A BOeT. plhitu if Ihr pi i lit . Mr New t room brick m cornar, aoutb distance. Itferratt. tnd help you in sureed. Wrlia or BHOB. mi tie reserve of each bill ItNl At It ,,

Hi "illl i Moivluiusr HI", k lu.lle ttBA. Willi, II RAMI i REALTY CO. rront. Alls isla dlatrli I, aaoo cash, OItSOn AVE 0OHNER. call, alauiM'1 the rollowltir:hatii. pnt

Ii HAMULI I t. 1, lot N. siaiiP.n M l imne tm. and $ in 4 room brick, nearly t lots, tialkinr lU teres füé BnST "You will lik. El Paao. All ktndt of illanuii' II Hioeli hOM m IIW Xrt A room bunralow, modern ror only kS.IMl Calirurnia owner Myudut, N. M. house, tint well, money there, lor rurtlier tnformailontbroijurboul, riue location, au caaB, monry Pat uir paid iilenly utter, team rood horses and cows, write or all upon the Bt Paso Chamber

III III Hi. a PI Al It Plume 140 ( balance to aull. CLOSE IN LOTS. lo an acre. Can be deeded rlrht away Ad-

dressof Commerce."

i L MARR A u WATCH Tl Aa li,l ttBtB New I inum hunraluw and rlasaed 4 comer kU. on C Nevada St for I..IS0 H Ml. etra Timet. Pieces of the money will be riven awayCapíes Hulillti ,, 4M. We believe II. al pruperty on porch, .,ak iloura. buriel, rash Priced clieap k seme an eslalr. Foil SAI E P. , is soutrnira lo members of the executive.ra r. k'shI land, mile.Texas o., uih enhance CA8SIDY A NEEIpiilaI- - rapidly book case, kill hen i abinel. cloae tn, romiiutiee of the Texas press tsaoclttlona; si i m i "I H n value within llw n. ti iwelva I or Aaai cash, balauite to suit. IU Mills Bt. Phone o. M.. good well, no and delegate tnd Us Horn to the Dallas40. Milla Bid. Phone IWB. other imp, nt. will lake 17 per acrein, mi.- - by reason ol in. .".. t, i room brick liuotalow and 11 7n A beautiful i room collar, real rlote situ- ralr.

ONI or tttu i. .in-- , all unl.iu eoaiveui hilllACK B. STEVENS, , ...... which makes larre alee.tir porrh wid lake Iota, tn. lias M 8xB) eleemnr porrh. nnienlaneea; no alck. fjut Muudi ate. I'buiir Real i ue ami liisuiaooe. Texas alrrrt tbe wain east and piano or auto Ui trade, rronl porrh. and all outbuiidluira. CBtAT UI II Hi M, ALTIVlfV.Ms J. WATT, -- est iin iuuthfaie south or Hie let ua build lu aull uu on leruu Thla Is up to dale aud modern in every

(il l MAP II intls, 417 N toa srt I rani Oven Si none 4S4. tracks. We have Hu sale sev way; has never been on tbe market before Want to Buy Renl Estate m Kewaiaa A Hadllrld Brporl ProgrrM laeral choice close lu in, uMt MACON Si .'IT REALTY Co II n.Mk- - A beautirul I room bunralow on lol unslrurUuii ui Many Hoaiea.FU.Ni'.HmV irold' uJL'm" ZZ "l'.tñt Rem flstute 4:it I'roperty proiertle ou Taxaa m . i al l liKW MW. iari Mills Bldr. this Is just lie tutu an hunt ui Ureal ariitltr In the May or bulldlnr tnd"befure the rise" prlcea. reauirvs; will tell fur M00 down nut tut Improvrinent In Kl Paao Is reported by Ui''llSk HAMsEl III M 11 in p. month includUir Interest. LIST Id H I'lti PKRIY UITH UB llrm of Newman A Hadricui Thia firm hisPhone 1071. Trust Btdr- H.too A a room bunrtlow on lot rixitn. FOR QUICK REBl'l TS Juat about completed buHdium as foUowiII Mil AUK ITRKU l IF MM t NIlLH HIE MABIU-- T This hts eteryllilnr up ki dale and mud REALTY CO.. For M. ;. Vfolr, realdence i Hiver aid

lil MIM lilis uew iii Alia era. one block rrom car line and near ma N. sun urn Be pi, ... I5U. Ocboa aireéis, cosimr tt.lMO; for T. N.Mi l : iisxn buJUialow. ttiih Drop m and e a ill be also to show you lsla dltlrlrl. lor Ml ItMl school. IKW down and tut per month all! pper and ketit streeuIfepiiit puich, ekiaa III ott a Hin, buaar, rull of conuoris Hut yuu iiuttu and t in, ,ini :ur n i. handle. rotttnr W.TM: for i. Brett, two buildPiiu.pc.-- l Ave. ri.OUO. out- - can handle on the rajHest trrnia. If you i i This Is eeriah THE OUAHANTEE HI ALTY CO, WANTED I In in acre. n,.t toon than So inr at Florldt and Sacrtiunlo streei- -

in in i ash balaiir I. t aud i siiakiur iiw rent NEW IIOOII Ut NI w ai ti.sat Phone mi. 7VU tl .Nat Bank. in lu , Irom El Pas suitable for chlrkrii cotunr in.uou carh; for C V. kuir. Iyrara; waUUur latanoe. it up II will look libo down aud ajn HU III, llllk- i an li uo in,, ,i ... i.u Glv. bulldlnr! t Sacramento aud Honda sinmué We have toe sola iiiierest. on t fuJ kiu, all luodt-r- dracripiiiai wtter and l.n with lor John Bute. I v.

New I ruuta buivaluw in jlare and ir your offer II 0 ACRBB tlOOD LAND A. nil I. 1, owners only Addr.-,- , . uirs biitlduiFs at Mobile ami I'lorlda stir.Mauliaitaii IP labia, on W ba-

ilartm immtn. in t aooMn i. in it's yours. bare WKStfeb each.If yov want t autp it la at To bin busin. - .in, .! prop

nut bain, sUaiu heal;liardwouilall

flour. PALM A III ll kl ipayiiteat.Bl Nl.ACUW.



taj-- 0


tullíIt La Maea Paruet raanul umrt their erl hate lausa, in clear lots and llu iaai

le- - rinn hat Juat atant-- bulldlnr tin-miSt. Ke abliratluns. make at tn offer. Ui caah lu pay dirferance; what have you? biuiralott a ou Bllaa and BlrrQHIM. IJUAll Nevada and uover

uu, 'prívale iiicul iluwn. i.,.ln. I .un lujic.isay ron BALB. mi We wlH rladly abow you the N 537. tare Times. - ttjtui L, o tack. Also

fiveliill.l fill or I room close in t room buntaluw al t.- - corner or Hoi'BROAIMH'S A I t B.ARliN It hi. IPs. w'i.r'.HT andRAMEY HKAITY CO.. ttoiHi tnd blltt streets Is .itubi. 7 I auv .10 Piral Nal Bank Bld V4 Mata. U7 X v car.- i un. a under eonatrurti

lU-- in acrtt a'ij..ion,. Fori Bltaa military tut N Stan tun BL Phoa 1MB lur H. C. Plan, Bi coal fct.Suo.rcseriaii.iu. uear Bibool of Units, lavtl

ta in. ms laiiu i.asy irruía. Ta ViM Btttar.It. 400. uew brick These little clabBified adg Mra. Loulae Janet of San lata. Cat, ar

t rull (ornar tots In Ua Hiaama n two larre will rued in El Paao on Saturday, via thelion siith and Tornillo Bu., ou T A and . inn H.,lden Man Llmlled of the El Pato A

bit. ou Hlo Ornf rMOO, aiu ' iracas leruii to aun huí. ui tul. v. ii.aiicu ilr "lüw Ada ia V- ,- boost your buBiuesa. souUim eaten railway tystML Mae It herisorlh II.Ui build to tult but JAM. I WATYB. araaa ctBta W car; caah paa n vim her rather. A U. Jones, who laBt 4, MM Bat) BA IBM- - Balabt rtA - a

1 I Mm 'IL!,

í4. 'Sunday. October 17. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

El Paso Business Firms From A to Z STOCK MARKETera!












bondsred The rirst



CAMPor the


iitntSTtNÍs. LOCAL BANK STOCKR-- increased almost during the past lert fort nil.. Saturday for border petrel' ii Hf ÑDRu.k jo years' eirrienre. or-

neólo F.TPaSo pTaWiCO"-lilde- st

PIANOSbouse inB We have for sale la odd lot I week,


Octoberto a


Issued todayof the


thedulyseen considerable

The men ofservicethe Fighth

In thecavalry


pirtt rvai. ftang Bldl. Pttone Mi. Paso. Stelnway and Weher pianola pi Commercial National Bank. federal reserve board. It shows. islands, and most or them were glad for a Is Recommendedi oiM wfs- - ( KnTiFiF.ii anoi aouih side. 9na. Texas si. Monr.RTT n wmally professional RI Paso Rank It Trust.

RESOURCES.chance bi gel out In the open again

THI T CU Phone SMC. Suite J i, MILLER headquarters with Fi Paso TRADING CHARACTERIZES BRIEF RioFirst



Bank A Trust I Oold coin and certificates In LieutenantTroop ,. commanded bv '.aptalti Rhea. To the man who haa "irone to

M. City National Rank Bldg ri ano company, nai leiaaov SATURDAY REWWN Above stocks are in amounts of vaults 8mr.njiA andFoster and Lieutenant nation, pieces" who buffers from a "break-

down"troop p. Lieutenant Tompkins andoold settlement rund 58.rWn.nmfrom 15 to K share. Oold redemption rmid with United Lieutenant Palton. went to sierra Blenrs, of hot phyaleal or mental vigor,

fin the ily Piumhing r.i neitn plnmhlng By Associated Press CURTI GO. Sttaes treasurer I.lli.nri troop R i (plain Klrkpatrlck. Lieutenant has wasted hie vitality in youthfor less Phone 104. SIS V Campbell St Rroartltur-- i and Lieutenant Cramer, went toNew York. Oct. ts. Trading in stocks to-

dayof the laws ofthrough Imoranre na-

ture,AHOim:tT87 Tabens. and i Pean andI'KOMil PI I MUER. M13 "teas PÍone 1063. El Paso, Texas. Toul gold reserve ajsia.7sat.nnti troop captain

H. we moderate and altogether profes-sional,

Legal tender Irulenani Rhees. went to Hancock Major t, trie sixty out of every hundredH lllilMMA.N I 00.. " ira Kunranteea. I B Rotea, Mirer, etc 19.74S.ntmArchitects. with a rurther diminution of public New York Wire Quotations Dally. I anshorn will he In comntand of the squad men who have either already made orc I1MCNES 4 Co., satisfactory plumbing, ron with l ieutenant Palton Theas adjutant418 Roíierts ílanner Bldg.. M Mesa. Pbone 3055. Interest Prices at the outset were so Ir-

regularTotal reserve 880.&3',,ofin will make a tragedy of marriage, weBills squadron relieves the Thirteenth cavalry,El ruó, Texae. discounted and bought.BlSH i471. as to suggest rurther liquidation: which has the border for offer thePhone MO PLUMRINO 00. Pnone Maturities within days g, Ancoro been on some Kenwaperaa on following

" but these declines were largely effaced In lime,i. L. HoWaRD, Arcnltect. REAL EStATÉ. Maturities within .lavs ll.Mniw''spies Bldg. Phone til. the later dealings, when another rise in Maturities wllluti St davs t4.7rci.Oiio Company A. sixteenth Infantry, which lias ABSOLUTERE Al ESTATE. RENTALS AND INSURANCE. Baldwin Locomotive. Maturities wAthin an lays ,lie.fl,i been on duty at Hart's mills, near t He GUARANTEEatsuch specialtiesAnder on Filler Realty Co. heal estate, Maturities over trn days l.oOT.onn smetter, has been relieved and will return

M W and oriental iiaml made, hand painted. building, Insurance and Investments, t to General Motora and caused GRAIN MARKET to amp cotton Sunday. If a hill couise treatment of alx St yeahand embroidered linens, lares and silk rnone tn. the short interest to cover. Incidentally. TnlaJ 843..M.Oii company k. sixth infanirv. win, h hs of Srnsapersa Is taken and the simple

foods, shawls, scarrs. silk handkerchiefs, !CNg. Bethlehem Steel ascended 7 points to the Irivelinents been doing guard duty al thr smelter and directions given are followed out and Itmantillas, drawn work and sarapes El. PASO SION CO.. 414 Mesa. Phone ua. new high price of 484. United states bonds lO.SSn.ono at Hart's mills for the past two months, does not give absolute satisfaction, wadlrert Importations. Henry S. Bearli, 08 Municipal warrants H.Mn.nio has also been relieved from this ilniv and will refund tin- full purchase price.Pan Francisco st. CalalorietodejUera. CITY SIGN CO 308 N. Stanton. Phone l?7. There was further selling for European federal reserve note, net 18.36(. ill return lo .anip Colton Sunday Try one box of these wonderful little

account, malnlv of the railroads, hut thla WET WEATHER IN NORTHWEST AND Due from federal reserve banks. tablets and see the marked relief yonAJgAllOU. SPANISH LESSONS. made only slight impression upon quoted SOUTHWEST DELAY'S WHEAT MOVE net to c Hriirade inspection of Hie regiments or

will receive, then take the full courseUEO. W CAMEHUM. MUW and hemlst. Conversational method Palmare College. .slues, unitea etaws sieei was aio MENT AND BOOSTS PRICES Ml other resources 1.018.000 ill

o l.ightlibe held


Inafternoonfull field


Matera) treatment and be permanently benefited.505 San Francisco 9t P. 0. Bol 488. "íc"aXes, ror account of foreign Interests, sell-

ingThey contain no mercury nr other In-

juriouscommander of the a substantial fraction to .'. but Total rsliitig. allAgent for - resource. 84t8.8n.Oon drugs. They relieve nervouaIMit II Mil V FFICKM ssy TOLEDO SCALES 313 San Francisco St recovering at the end. Consolidated Oas Private William Sehanti. company R, Six diseases, eleeplnssneea. falling memory,ore shippers' assays and cnemtcai . By Associated Press. MUI l ll.slost over ;i points ot us recent rise on uc- - teenth infantry. Is away on a rurlougli. pari brain fag. incapacity for study or busi-ness,Mines examined and reported upon. SPANISH LESSONS. Chicago. Oct. 16. weather northwest Capital paid In M.rrr.nnof contemplated "extra divi-


--Wet r vvntrii win oe in i.ntcago.San fault any spent premature decay, exhausted vitalityCorner oonTiiment depositsBullion work a specialty.TeX PRIVATE board and Spanlab lessons: by an payments. and southwest, delaying the movement of

and all troubles catiaed by overwork andft musco unrl Chlhn.hna SIS. El PaSO. month. Address Reserve deposit notes, net Sí7f,í Quartermaster sergeant Smith, companyMEfÁLLÜHOI- T-

expert proressor: $30 a Trade reports were of the same hopeful both lite spring and the winter crop, led to Federal reserve notes, net I4,7l one sixteenth infantry, who received his dls dissipation.ASSAifcRS.


representatives rorM. A. R care Times. nature, one authority declaring that "the a new upturn today In the price of wheat. Ml Other liabilities 8.540,0111 charge at Ihe end or bis term or enlist-

ment,Sen 88 persa has brought happiness Into

t Ferguson,umpire and COOPS FOR SALE, tide or business is resinning at an acceler-

atedwin re enlist Sunday and will leave thousands or homes and made marriageore shippers to El Paso smelter: or coal, pace." nespite something or a later reaction, the Total liabilities HIUBIAIO ror a three months' furlough, which will be possible to men who bsve tried hundredsanalysis WHY throw old furniture whencontrol work a specialty ; away your ctose, wiui'it was unseiiieu. snowen u"i medies without benefit.

WHler. etc El PMO. fka. BOX 718 we are roslllvely the hirhest payers for The bond market showed a decided fall-ing

trtvanie or 's. to lie. w in nerenmer at cold reserve against net liabilities. 88.3 pent in Pa of other i

second hand furniture and household arti-cles?

orr in demand. Total sales, par value, 81.08' and May at ll.noH. Gains were made, per rent. cook citartaa a. miaiftliii tetnotxtt c. The risk Is not yours, tho proprietorsÁRfctCIJtD laXAtd. Cash reserve against net IlabMlties.Csg Sixteenth Is back from a ihree will refund the money If you are not sala-

ried.El Paso New and Second Hand Store. aggregating only 11,75,000. too, by the other leading staples corn per inraiiiry.

fairHive good trial,n nan RiunrCttK Barbecued meats Phone 3491 400 S. EI Paao. United states bonds wcreuncliangnd on to ltc. oats 1 to ic and loovisioiis vva to cent. months itiriotign, wnicii ne spent at san sensaperaa afresh dally. 300 Texas St. Phone IS4 call during the weak. Cash reerva against liahllltles after set Francisco. don't delay any longer, commence now

WANTED All kinds of furniture. We Í ling aside 40 Uidjr-a- nd be a well man. At your drug-gist

rem gold Miilkern. I. Sixteenthper reserve Sergeant companywere as touows agaln-d-for goods than rtrm In the Closing siock quotations orders mat were enrounwonrTm. more your any Heavy selling for 81 box orsent postpaid perle t oramount OfHUj federal reserve notes In c4r Infantry, will be discharged Monday.Alaska Gold the wheat notably dincity. 308 S El Paso. Western Furniture Co. tered at times lit pit.sell 85.r.". mu r.n hut-er- and ml culatlon. 80.1 8 boxea forper cenl. une, orpornl knight, enmpanv I. Sixnone uxy. ing the last hair or the day. were rhierlyers of Mexican currency; romiuis..."Millsecnerel

American Beet Sugar ÜM ascribed to attempts at profit taking, usual mil infantry, has been promote,! tn ror- - THF BROWN EXPORT OO.C. M OrUx. Mgr.. Room 214, TOREAGE WAREHOUSES. Can mi; IRON AND STEEL napalAmerican the end or the week. rtenL is. 71 Cortlaodt St.. New York. N. Y.Bldg. Phone 8400. H. L. STEWART FtWiTURE CO. American Locomotive rna Increasing damage reporta from the Bj Isaoetlktd Tress. rrivate uu en ii gains, troop i.. ineenin

'CAÉlIrlÉt cLCSÑtNG. We buy, sell end store, pack, ship and Amerlcini smelling and Refining... northern section of the bell put strength mew lork. un 18. steel works are cavalry, oa- - neen utscrurgeo at expirationmove household goods. Da preferred into tnr corn market. tr'iinouslv striving to make l.crtvv or or service.

MiMI.MAN Carpet cleaning CO., tarpu Phone 6. 9 S. Stanton SL American Sugar Heftnlng Oats rell the errect or a lively rail rroni against an avalanche ,,r siveelfn .itlons rni- Corporal Waller R Newfebii, troop M. set aside sale under trustee dewd: on trial.uA laid. steam I'ru.u-- -andEL PASO TRUNK FACTORY New ware- - American Tel and Tel the seaboard, on the ensuing upturn, loing the onpreredentedb he.iv turnos

KirMith cavalry, has been discharged at ex-

piration Iialsy M. Wood va. Roy W. Wood, di-vorce;Phone 1ST

bouse, safest location; positively lowest American Tobacco though, longs sold rrei ly ni rolle, t prodin is last month. - résiilior term of service. mod.

fill BANC k WE1.LB0RH. carpet reno v nor srates, pnone tos. Anaconda Copi er provisions rose in response to gossip of un- ieei corpora' ion mis week produce,!

tony pavioviu. troop m. Fifteenth

atmÑEsHSwws- Alrhlsnn 108 immediate expori transactions, said ingots at the rat,' ol i.i'.onnm mn. f,.r o,. aiairv. via- - it tiaru,-,- i rtdav - Slvly filth District CourtSTOVE REPAIRING Baldwin locoiuotue ISf here had been n serious reduction ol are iiionth. a new niavliioiin tecord

ly t In line of serviré. (Ballard CaMwan, judga.)SIMÓN V1ÉSCAS. Chimney Sweep. Stoves Baltimore and uhli MI Private Perry Ii Heaii. Hoop imhihmade house supplies since October L al II. 9.and Plejrard,STOVE HEPA1RINO New parts Ordotl ror rolled steel ivati

rge It. Dry an et Bethlehem steel during KM week waa marinar gas rnoay at the evrepaired and aet up. Closing qitiMHtioiis ere as follows: filed.earned ror all makes or stoves. L. J sre again heavy. to try title,ii Puun Tovas Phone 476ft. Brooklyn Rapid Transit .' Wheat tiecemlieiv gi.ogTi; May, ll.09ij ilrallon or hi- - term orPeeler, with D. & H. Iron Works, corner E. T, I'M vs. Consolidated Kansas CitycTiTr-Ts- ... nr. BSSIm ii chimneys clean ML fifth and s. Florence su Phone :u4. California Petroleum 'Corn December, fioVc; May. 6l',.,c. Bridge nmtrat is closed Included Stw ions Private fltiatave Hauiberg, troop I

-- melting and Refining company, damages,Canadian Parirle r the Northern Pa. tin-- ho piniK,ii,,hin I'hlrieentli eavalrv was discharged Friday014 Derember, May. 4frHc.K. M. Lopez, sciiaener rui. -- : nc; personal Injun.--- verdict in ravor of plain-

tiffJ. i. Anurew TAILORS. Central Leather pork December, 816.17; January. I7.M. A Heading, the Maine Central, Ule l.acka uecause oi uisiiiiiiiiy rront line oi service.toVfl set up andPhonerepaired.

ISIS. .Chesapeake mid Ohio Lard November. sti.r; January, gv.l.'i. iinna and the ureal Northern aro m the Huberto ugo, by next friend, vs. Santarmv. S. sunton. ChlcHgo Great Western nibs October. Hue; January, 89.5.'. arltet ror 11,00(1 lont or m, :frk. ARMY ORDERS i ii, company, damages, personal In-

juries;CHItVOPOUV Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul... vi.iriue work nlai ed un linle.t iu,, rr..i.i,The El Peto Tailors and Cleaners. 417 Texas and Northwestern hoais on Hie Miami) coatl and ,, filed.

CHIROPODY. Marcel halrdresslnir. BjHle Chicago MONEV M.UtKKTS. one Bpee tal lo tlie Morning Times.C R. I. and" P aciric, calling for iiixuii s.ikhi ion. ,,r .eelog. Marey Purdy, 10 ti' aiermos- Chino mil tin eviieiulitin, ,,r mmWashington, Oct 16. Infantry pmmo VITAL RECORDSCopper At New York. Hon- - colonel Flniore P.TANKS, culverts. Irrigation pipe, silos TagIron ho iniiiii feature bl IntereglColorado fuel and inENGLNEEBS. fahricatedCIVIL garages, etc. Ask for catalogue. Phone By Assoclaled i res. steel pari. Twenty eighth itifmiiry. to colonelas the buying ft

RIPEH. 209 Mills St. Phone 843. 1456 Hills, utton K White Mfg. Co. Crucible Sleel Sew lurk. Oil. 10- .- MtreCMUt paper, 8fj sloit I80MI atlsetii-i- I'vvenly emhtli infantil Major Births.Denver and Hio QraBdfl prd 3Ü per rent. lo maniilneliirlng neorge ii i', mean. iiiiasigni.-n- lo MILL! R To Mr. and Mrs. R. W. MlUer,

CIVII. ÉNtilfUEEHg AND SURVEYORS, II II 'I II M- l- I - Distillers' securities iu iing iixchaiige ixiy-day bills, 84.6u; Hit am colonel, assigned Seyenleentli Infatitrv I8U7 Wagt Main Oct. b. a boy.LtWTli M WHITE, Engineer and survey oi McLELLAN BROS. Phone 700. 309 Frisco. trie dt niann, UV6; aides, a.iiWM. cipiain Henry L. k'mnl-u- rwelflli Infaii yn A To Mr. and Mrs flregoiio Meaa,

818 Mesa, Pnpne 1781-- General Electric bar eilver, 4Wvl. try. to .major, assigned rwelrih mraitlry 814 .iteaens. UCt. 18, a boy.THAN Great Northern pfd Mt xlcun ooioi s, tgijc. REALTY TRANSFERS First Lieutenant carl c Junes, Seventh In MARTINEZ To Mr. and Mrs. fluadalupe


309- - Great Northern ore ctfs iiovFiiiineiii uouds so adj. fnntrv. lo captain, aaelgoed Seventh in Martille, IMC Oregon, Oct. 11, a gtrLiTFi-c- i. jivii i tai. me' to Holmes Cln'8" Guggenheim Exploration id charles 1).i,., mono non, .in fantry; Seco l.leutenanl Hart MORUNPA To Mr. and Mra. J. Moronda,

Wks A establishment. ETflclent Illinois central 106Dlork

usorgo n. Bluer t D. storing, an or man. Third lurantry. to t as lissi i con, Oct. 13, a girl.Consol. Itt, leanilei- addition, gc.tusi RentlOInterborniigh Corp ?31, Signed Third Infantry.and oaorieii cieanuig- Mexican Uuuej Quolutloiis

i ie.mnir works. M N. Staníon. Ph. 6751. TYPEWRITERS, Inspiration Copper 4Í' Mil Ajked, Mr- -. Harrtei Tuh-t- in Hubert A. Mhiiim Major liogi-- Hrooke. medical COrna. ii Deathsi the north 65 feet ofInternational or N. J west one hair or blin kTYPEWRITERS absolutely rebuilt by fac Harvester irom etlernian ro neral hos- -Valional and Hank oi l.ondou being reet on trorlhweal MARAirPJi p. tra P. Marauer. I months,61DEAD CATTLE. tory mechanics. Supplies for all makes Kansas City southern bills : Haw r.'.."pu Mori tt, Aleander aililllum, ti.SM.rorner pitai. Presidio or san Franclaco, to port

16 South Hill. net. tr. Burial lu Concordia.dead cattle, horses and mules of machines. Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 408 Lehigh Valley Sidle bills UMW eavenworth. HA It H A c Barragan, i. 71 i.anai.

Mesa. Phono 8747. Louisville and Nashville lUj 18 un I n'HIiea. ailinini-- n eii- ,,r rue roiiovving officers an- relieved rmtnr.auled away free, rnone ssiv-'- ii ma Durrency Oct. if. initial In ConcordiaMexican Petroleum 91 J M. Nenelle to K, W. Hfown. lots Ii lo the department: Howardcariaiua eunt-lu- c-- turcla, 6, too - soum ki0AHCIA"DENTISTS. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. All Miami Copper 11 uu M block "11" ml, ilium. Itjan. Isrke. niedieal corps; First letitenanl Burial in Concordia.HUtÑNJ Oct 14.makes sold, rented and repaired. 816 Mills and Texas pesos net Iv. Paul.Missouri, Kansas prdMills Bidg. PhoneJOTB .di, i Henry, in- tied reseñe corps 018 Southna. A. BURTON. 445 suver uali donara COTI lie una 0. Scott. pnone tax Agent corona typewriter Missouri Pacific Piral Frank P. ItOOe, denialK SSSSXZ 4ii iii Bldg. Pfi. 1196. Mamo Heights company lo irini H. New ocboa. Oct IS. Burial In Concordia.TURKISH BATHS. National Biscuit LIVESTOCK MARKET 8. man and II. P. Hadrield, lots p to 16, block nirgeon; Acting Dental surgeon James ii.

BR LEE MclNTQSH, cog let Nat. Bank Hldg106 N. Oregon. Louis Wacht. Prop. Ph. 1090 National Leld lots 0 to 15. block 00, and lots I to 4, .Miirnlngstar. Marriage Lleenswa

Nevada Copper At Kansas Clly block ion. all In Hasseti addition. 8lti anil Captain WHIIain n. fiavls. mednal corps,AGENCIES. Garcia andDETECTIVE VETERINARY SURGEONS. New York Central oilier consideration: 'let. 15. Is relieved rrom Ihe Hawaiian depuitment. OARCIA RnnRIUHEZ J.

tud u.r, winiania nnurtivt Agency Inves It. H By Assoclaled Prega. orders October I, directing Rodrigtieg.N. Y.. H. and t':iptalnSouth hlln Hales pi ;. II. Bus. lot IT. block)R. R. A. H100INS. Pbone 936. 305tlratlon made of civil and "lmlnal cases. Norfolk and Western ansim cuy, oil. ". Campbell addition. MO; Oct. Ii'. charles p. Leonard, First inrantry. to sail C Rhodes and Mary

i iregon Hospital for horses and dogs.616 17 rirn na, pan ma- - Northern Pacific H04 Luuu. .visikei sirong. bulk, esas mK' I'alli-o- to j o Haradu lots and to Join his regiment about November 13. Hoefle.

JVC. STAN9EL E SON DETECT1 V E A MAX masER. D V. S. Phone 1157. Parole Mall Ills alia UUUllels, fU.IUS.OO, Hgs, lu.M& block r,i. Past El Paso, tin diul oilier are so u to direct captain con AhM FN HAR1Z FUENTKS Juan Armonda-ti- l

Room 607, Two Kep. Life jMgb?"" j?! Paciric Tel. and Tel consideration: May 81. aril Pi all about Matrlt :,, mm anil Maria Fuetilra.WELDING. Pennsylvania Market steady I. H. captain John lorfey. Jr., Infantry, Is

' Perguson If Max II. Miller, the ea-DRESSMAKING. IEAVY machine and automobile parts weld Pullman Palace Car lo i Prune led mo, is. 88,8001' 10 feul of lot 0, all or 7 and west 5 feivt ,,r detailed bt inspect new inranliy milts or Aiilomoblle Licensee.

MISS FOWLER." dressmaking, pnone WH-- J ed promptly, urown welding go. Ray Consolidated Copper ateer.; e ion lot 8, block M Kast LI Paso. 88.7m tie. Imllana and Michigan. gMO rincisao Arroya, Del lito hotel,and evening Reading vni atOOSera anu leeuem, .'i.juiub; jivi. 88. 1814. Second Lieutenant Robert V, Hyatt Is at-

tachedPriilos llntousiiie.

MHS. CHOsS. Ph. 1046, morniti Republic Iron and Steel 888JISii8. Mayrield Building and liiigiron-riien- rosi' lo First cavalry. mil Mrs. l'. Jones. 3881 nations, lordDRUG STORE. BUTTER AT ELGIN. southern Paciric Miecp tieceipi, l.SJ. ,'iuisri siobují. pany to C; H. Rhodes, lots 87 ami i'8. block second i leiiteniiiii Stephen m Wilms ley five passenger.

PSaD"ScHAEVl druggllt. Eatafi ütJyrs By Associated Press. southern Railway so Lamo, RLaatsa.; yearling, ..; 00. East hi Pa-- 84.86.-i-. July m. la iiitacheii to Mvih cavalry. 1611 B, 11. Blankenship. till North

?SciipWotia ourER,

specialty. 804 J4 Elgin, Oct. 16. Butter 100 tubs studebaker Co 16Í tgtaejra , aea, .jij iu. James tl. MrNary to E. N. Hurst lots :i ami I'li- l.ieiitenuiit Thomas H keene. Campbell. ChandlerIIIBtllegJ resell'' S lallcd to coilTennessee Copper fiSsi I. block 'i liovenillienl Hill. S7IV: (lit K.

corps.OVK'H nRtin STORE. Texas Company 166 Ai CUicagu. (icand View- Realty company lo Joe Jack duel annual physical cvaiulnatluii of cer- - hlai'il n. I'nrd truck.

l San Antonio. Pbone siBoriM. METAL MARKETS. Union Paciric i:i4:s. By Assoclaled Picas. son. lots i: and Hi. block B: Hituoi ill officers. M. Romero. 383 Chihuahua,OWLDRUO STORE. A L. Ryan, Proprietor, Do prererred 81 U Ulllcago, I'll. IU. Iiuga nrceipia, u.uuu. 30fi; . 14. captain Constant Conner. Fourth Infin-in- lludsr-- seven passenger.

nnan all nleht Phones . At New York. united Sttaes Steel Market hum. unchanged to " jie.e ye.-- P. F. kern to liarle A. WVrodvard. Jul II.- il' tiilh-.- lo general re. cutting 16I.V jo-- . M. iiomem, 383 chihuahua.

WARlsER'ft ORUO By Associated Preas. Do preferred ml day aieragr. num. es.sjtj wavy) tt ock H, Kern piaie. 87f,if.r0; Oct. 16Ice, relieving captain F.dward Chaliu rs Uve

Inrantry HudsonQroft,,ii 0. vir, arre, 8818Utah K.Copper ,.,, O. Proctoc to Alice V. urniloifr lotPrompt dellvertea. . New York. Oct. 16. Copper i.W-j- . I'll!- a:,. .íj.quleL 7RÍJI M.iJ.,1 Ad.iiii F r;asad. ordnance depart.stern Union Viaj. Market weak, vi block .ii. Earn place, uu aim other eonCaiiie-ne- ei nils,trolyUc. i86lft.. inctit. is ordered in Sandv Hunk proving Mtl 1319 Fast Roulevard,rexAll drug bIron unchanged. Westlnghnuse Electric 6'4 live ie, steoia, 8tHalv. weíterti steers, sideratliili; net. s.

In material.F. Allison,

Montana Power 56 The First .National to ground itei, Tuomai IIlluners,- iovvs anuhXJXJW Veri: (...i ntiartei inasli-- captain California.change- - KastCeneral Motors 345 lingers, luis 10 and II. block I. Maauffiii corps - N. R. NorthcuU. lisEl Paso Smeller Quotations. caive.--. f;.;i(Bii.5u. Claude II Miller, ilalveslon. bi Ho. ton. aj

mea M7 E.' San Antonio. Pbone 161 or 168. Total sales for the day. 1,0011. .Market nicaily. flotne stead, la..'); ocx t6. Ford five passenger,ml iuartermaster, Captalii Alfred Ford rive- -Rar sliver (Handy & Harmon quotation), C. H. I.esvell and W. L. lexwortli to toll J. A. lubbs, 8818 Manzana,

I WrUP'i 8U8J)i; laiuba. i.?5i8.Mi. iu asvalslants, Moe. ogiveaton, rjuatiermaglerEDUCATIONAL. MB. KANSAS CITf PRODUCE I. aura R. Harado. the west run half of lot ' "KItUe cbll London lead. C14 is 6d. eoa-- t defanaea, Chagapeake "e E. Prosser, Fort Bliss. Reo riva- -

CARE and educational training for By Assoclaled Press. At Fbrl Uorlb. . M and all of 37 and 38. block II. Maiiliiitiati otonel win. ii lllalre,Pig lead, 14.50. Kansas Oct. 16. Butter, and mCity. 13.pnone eggs, llnlglllS. 11.600; Dot,dren, wire Special lo Hie .Morning XUbaa, Infantry, iwo nmnths: Major, chan-dler

Mil Bin Hustamantr.s. 604 Fourth street.Copper bars, 17.750c. poultry unchanged. i.h.'trles Imi to T While lot- i,, 1FEED AND El EL Port Worth, Texas. Oct. 14. Hos Re-

ceipts.and 17 to 80. block 16. Manliatlun Heights. P o hi, in- - medical corps, one month

WALTER S ri iVToN Ocboa TUU. iMarkei Ml blguer. lop, RUaj f 1,000; Oct. S.15 days. AI46íÍ!--

jn P. O'Connor, 316 Upson, Bulck

Phone Ml Pbone ua for pure feed, also bulk. b'u.lo. Majkcl fgc Higher lor mo I.plgmeiilo llecas to Jose Murales, easthay and grain Prompt delivery mmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm week. one Hair nr lot 10. block 88, Utta l wood IN THE COURTS 11..M y Udas, 803 East Missouri. Chal-

merscattle Heielplii, " Market nominally lawn 40 8IH0. sept HFURNITURE REPAIRING. Steady. TWO loads good steers, EfAu. i Uf J. L. Mayrield lo J s iivicn nml H thlrlv fuurlli District Court

vi paso HPHOLSTEHlNi) CO. Davenports. Ule vscek. heel aterís M: awwed cuvvs and Hill. secHfini. i and t, Mart 17, township ..o M. Jack-on- . Judge i

.h.iii r.rto t nrrter. Eioert In antiques hellers lower bulls iim !." luwei, I, T. 4 P. Ry. company land, flu and other IX. H. . A T d S. F. Railwayt nii, XIV and Luis XVI designa Olve us calves Mockers:, sierre stead) cunslflei alluii Oct. 7. coinpanv iliiniag Injuries, rileda trial Pbone 66. 8184 Erie BL MPAIRDIRECIORY 15c luwer, - aim iieuera steaoy uu uoata A. E. Aver- - ra, A. T A B. F. Hallway BAGWELL & CO.others 18pm lower, ateaoy. Rulldlou- fu ion oompany, .lutuagci paraoaaj injuries; riled.

GASOLINE. Sheep None. Market steady ror the week J i; MeKlioy to build l,i lek bungalow. 1226 Milla Bldg. Phone 1441VlVE gal, oil TSCjjsolineJgc JPhoiM i356j ::ive in lots to 3, block 31. Manliattan i"-- t lllstrlcl Cettri.

t o r I O.N MAHKETS. Heights. 88.AOU. (P. It. Price, Judge STOCKS and BONDSHAUDRESSING. J B, Neff lo build a brick bungalow, .six Fmma S Miller xflller. divorce.

HMKDRESSLNG, manicuring and Manneuo At New York. 44X8H. on lot- - 17 to 80, block ii. lunaeipreps. Misses Rodrigues, Cleaned or Rebuilt Like New' By Associated Press.

Heights. 18.500. com- - fjoodman M Thornton et al.

W&. HIDES AND WOOL. The Cost Is So Little New York, Oct. 16. Cotton futures rolaedTnsjsnrniN.RnowN art Hides, wool. Dells steady, as roilows: ociobei. i.1.. De-

cember, II.Me January, lü.nc; Majen,Tel.; Albuquerque,N

tallow,M. ; Douglas.

etc., ElAril.;

Paao,Pboeolx. Aril.: tWs BepaJr Directory jivea ail that principeJ place wnere aa 18.88c; May, 1315c.

Art.; Chihuahua. Max.; ParraLMeji, artiole can be repaired End should be preaerved tAl Liverpool.



rtatL,FUEL CO.

every home aa a ;efLy guide.By



16. Kpol collón sieady. Advertising in "The Times" Is Anpure Distilled Water. .'id;fiood middling, 7 Mvd; middling. 7 lowPure instilled Water ice. middling, 6.76d. bales, l.tkXi bales.


880X100 TO LOAN

4EWELEI8.on diamonds at i per cent. Electro Plating Cawpemten. and Catblne

The following table shows tna weather Investment, Not An ExperimentWatches cleaned. 50c; malosprlnga. 50c; in every metal. cunilliiuus that prevailed at the vgriuua

warracted. Denver Jewelry Co., 10 San 8tora TrontB Ftxtures of all weailar bureau stations Ihruugliuul theUnited States al S t. m., aeveiity-fiflt- i

Anionic. Wigwam Bldg. k,nu AU k,nd" of r'palrSouthwestern Iron & lime, yesterday:JEWEÍV''fcjETlIjÍÍll-WATCHE- ln(. EYee ealimalM

main apriuga 5o Wire Works phone S7sa WlorTTTen.p" - L Read the letter fromcrystal 15c. All work guaranteed 8 years. 704 Texaa KL Phono SOS 41 B. Overlaod St followingW

Genevav 'CIILa

JewellREPAIRED Riolif-ExL- oi'l



Í Í one of our Grocery Advertisersand pe.welryJ bnlder

repalrüig;k Co.. 8



guarau-teed- . EI Paso Trunk Factory Mat tice Heating & abaWATCHES

crystals 16c.cleaned

All workSOc,

guaranteedmain springs

1 years80c; lgi tar'aaos' "uli P"110"1 i;' i i ii.eneva Jevelry Co., 885 San Antonio SL Jlsmt fltUER. lltlher""1 cio'dj ur Service I IHE CUT PRICE GROCERYAbilene, CtOUd) N .. 68 84 60 ...

EL PASO IROS AND METAL CO., 15 Ban dwM Segeir ea4 K- - Prompt aod J Amarillo, clear ... y 50 70 46 .Antonio, dealers in scrap Iron, rubber, ykTKUr rbanged. Rellabla. -" Atlanta, clear 7,', so AND MEAT MARKET

copper, brass, bones, etc. Phone 4880.IOUm ,i i 68 98

EAST Li FASO JUNK CO. pays highest Ni r TO RAW MiRD THEATER m N. Casa p bell St. PKaae 88 Boston, clear .... 5 Ul ...price for all klude Junk. Silt Alameda. PBONE Ilea- - Chicago, clear .. 5H 51 54 ... MUS I. CftOSSBLATT, Top.Phone 4 Cincinnati, deal- 51 78 í

Rebuilding. Repairing, (iuppllea, HARLEY-- A VIDSON Denver, cloudy M 40 .16

MKtae. .1 All Make.. t8 IM. bell oil, i ler :.s 404 Wgesaiafl &L

Local mlkcantile agewcy. MOTORCYCLES Dululh, pi. i.iv A iiReporu and raungs or individúala, collec-

tions.Twelve Taara-- EJaperlence Bicycle R- - EL PA0. clear .. SK 7 77 Vi

Members of the National Association fc Oalvesiou. cloudy St 11 76 Mi 74of Mercantile


PATEMAN, Mgr., Rebuilt Typewriter Co. fljQgPk JZ nav re. , mtr h W 76 SU 76 Oct. I. 1918.ackaonvlUe, ,iUii m ii 74 80 7 TEXAS.88 Herald Bldg.It We Can't Repair It Xf WbeeU i.ittie nock, cioudy SF-- 70 76 64 EL PASO,

KODAK FINISHING. aa legales, - 64 78 r,iW W1U Buy It Q Pmq Repdr Sbop Nanhville. i ldy M 7 80 14)

NY roll film developed, 10c; prints, 8c, it, Neu iirlesn... le.i SO 86 70tc: service. MaU orders aollclted. Meea Ave. SIS S. CUaintun. Pttona IIIPhooe 7117. at New York, cloudy sw 48 M,iner. srffljttJBlfo,Ei yt- - iiinaha. rain I 68 88 04

Phoenix, ler W Mr. E. C. Davis, Gen. Mgr. Times.den vVKST Maasenger Service pr. tito. vtMLU Saces WE CAN FIX T SHOP Rapid City, cloudy W

, y, TUS'MÉSSÉSáER SERVICE. fOoli 4888 Bicycles Sold StRoswell,


Nl.K I.' Dear Sir : We used the columns of the Times last Tuesday to ad-

vertiseMl IIP Tip Messenger Service Pix 1700 fy. eait Lake, clear nw

knd Repaired ban Antoni clear .. S 16 8ü 80 72rfil gsssaw oMOVINC MajVj irancisco. clear W E 64 88 a consignment of Concord Grapes and sold three hundred or

JÓVIÑO Mining cali uduiu s Transfer Co Santa f' pi tidy.. N .. 48 54 14mJLmJLX J Look and Gnu 1 beattlt. pl cldy SL

MLavlCAL. - 3 acTSW. Washington, rain M Si 44 móre baskets Wednesday. We consider this exceptional good busi-- iWlckiu. cloudyTuna,


W ,ll v,.l

, of Usa thai ness on grapes for one day, due to the fact that the Times is a first-cla-

kLl OMOAM.H AND miles an houi and aiiioum of prertpiuiiunii fur vour furniture, pnone 8681 GOOd- -

Ualat oa Havlaf Year Relety NATIONAL TELKGRA- - of Uss than OI of an ini a are not puh advertising medium.i..rl i nru:lvre Store. Ill J aaier Rlatu. aU.Lsrpceee y the PHOWK aad Uahed lo this table.M RsEHIE

Me i ir su Su) ArrestedPASO NURSERY CO.. Inc. Fruit aod or A 14 year-ok- l Mexu aii boy was arrested TUB CUT PRXC1 QROCKRY.

narueuUI weea, auruua, i ilurdav night by uv Detective Várelanunla: roses our specially. Rursertea on South EI Paao street The youth, ac-

cording' :eii block Alan u the dewciivr. was aaati to grabflnwer atore EJJW Confectionery, ' I Vfl'Xl S aejldliai froto a Mexi' sn woman reí i inOl TniK Bldg. By ear Peoeeeaof Text, and Meea; pbone MT. own a aide street uito the Ah' alleyI Mgr ' where lie was by Üir drleiine in

belug searched the boy was found to have

mlTiiti1 Ya-- f- Ta a latoaty caarsa-- .


20 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17, T915.

Timely rhM"tsérndSufiéest ions. 1 ti


BUILDERS HARDWARE Vital Points Disclosed by Your Inspec-


of Any or All of the Homesof the best quality and uveat variety can be round here ai pnce no

higher than I aaked for Inferior gradea.

We Have BuiltP. & F. Corbin's CONTRACTOR3 Sixty-thre- e extremely aucceaafuf yea ni of hardware manufacturing AND BUILDER8 ahould and doea mean much to the BUILDER. ARCHITECT, 'CON- -

TRACTOR Alfb HOME OWNJR. Oet the benefit of that wonderful experience by specif Jrlng "COR BIN HARDWARE." Phone 3335


1. Beauty in Design My Motto: "IDEAL HOMES"2. Permanency, Durability and Honesty in Construction3. The Best Material Obtainable Used Throughout Bungalow Building a Specialty.

Mm, 4. The Utmost in Convenience and Comfort Homes Built on the Easy Payment Plan.

5. The LOWEST Possible COST and TERMS to You218 N. HTANTON. COB. MUIA PHONE 4.

VIBRATORY MASSAGK COMMIXES 3the benefits or Osteopathy, Mass- - 3ace, Vibration and Swedish mMovements and Is MsMy reo- - sommended by physlclms.Young Men Let Us doe You a

We will furnish the money and free Trial Ireatment 5- -

Married Men ind see for yourself how Itlots or we will use your lots. makes the whole body glow with 2health and renewed vitality. Itstimulate the circulation of the Sblood, soothes the tired nerves j

snd quickly relieves the achesV and pains.

"HOME" It's a magic word. A word that brings The free trial treatment costsnothing. We want you to know

back fond recollections to those in and ful-


about this remarkable machine. 3aup years MaconScott Just ask us to show you the AT- - BRealty Company nold Massage vibrator. , 3of the dreams of those about to marry. Oet one of the Hsad SOBS

FREE 80 - Pag Books

Stop and seriously consider the building of a home ; 426 Mills BIdg. Phone 5579 ARNOLD Texasit's the one place on. earth where happiness shouldreign supreme. Massage Vibrator Electrical i

I have built a great many homes in El Paso and they Stops Aches and Pain Supply Co.stand today as monuments to a conscientious effort and It gives remarkably beneficial Distributors.

results for the treatment of nervousness, US JT. Stanton. Phone 1120

rheumatism, backache, headache, lame-- "Where Quality and Priceof material.quality colds, constipation, torpid liver. count, we win."ana most poaiy ailment.

Think it over and let me submit you specificationsand prices. t ii srt n ittall Us ror lour isMy Motto: "Efficiency" The Most for Your Money.

Roofing Wants

R. A. Williams .SjttKSÍÍtSSfln. iMaaSSSaBsMffffiMflHlflMlji Asphalt ShinglesTylike Slate Coated

CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Protexit Roofing Paper218 Capíes BIdg. Phone 2395 Everjet Roof Paint

Tarred Felts"jt Pitch

See Us for That Next .Job Rheinheimer Lumber Company I

Lumber, Sash and Doors. Fence.of Painting, Papering or Decorating.

Brown Ac Missouri Sta. Phone 498 3Tiffany Blend Our Specialty.

Yelton Paint & Wall Paper CoPhone 1247 309 N. Stanton St.

Built by Macon-Scot- t Co. for J. E. Macon, D. L. H. Morigault and Mica Louise Hopper. R. E. McKEECONTRACTOR AND BUILDER

New Electric FixturesThe Bungalow Have built some very pretty homes andCome down and let us show you at what moderate cost you can replace the old will build you one see me and get prices.

out of style fixtures you are using. 815 San Antonio StreetAutomatic FOR HOMES, STORES, Phone Office 484: Night Phone 3200FIXTURES RESTAURANTS,OFFICES, HOTELS,Gas Water BANKS and THEATERS.

A type for every need. A style for every purpose.

Heater AWNINGS FOR HOMES OR FORLAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO., Inc. BUSINESS HOUSESPhone 890 206 Mills St All tur work ia done by expert awning- men with

years of experience. Finest equipment; beat ofIt provides steaming hot water material, enable ua to do awning work as it

should be dene.Be ua about porch curtains or special canvaafor the kitchen and bath, every work. Largest stock of porch, lawn or oamp

furniture In to Southwest. Camp stoves,hour of the twenty-fou- r at the Protection That Protects table, etc.

Tents lor Every Purposeturn of the faucet. Let us demon-

stratela our guaranteed title. It keep you out of courts, aavea you lawyer's fee and insures you that We carry the Largest





notice.Tents specially mad

the and show"Bungalow" the title to your property ia flawless when you buy property. The largest and most completa Une of lawn, porch and oamp PUMNl-TUK-

In th South we Everything for the what hpt water conveniences

Demand and Get a Guaranteed Title The Goat Is Small.really are. "It Is Better to Be Safe Than Sony." WATER BAGS

Bsjst for Touring and Horn Us.




COMPANY El Paso Tent & Awning Co.Office: Fourth Floor, Two Republic BIdg. H J. UOUJNg, Maaaaar.

425 N. Oragon St. Phone. 3386-3- 3 it ban uAm listo trr. next to uhamhkk or jummkklk.Phone 339. J. E. QUAID.

General Sports armim mató Automobfkf


SHELTQN'S PLAYERS Race Specials ta Leave Laurel and Latonia tor Juarez Plant CAPTAIN EDWARD MAHN PROVES WORTHY


Mask and Pan Zareta Among-


to Be Shippedwm


TO DEFEAT SOLDIERS New Leader Personally Defeats Virfinia, Nine to Nothing Col-

legians of Colorado Trims Wesley ans, Thotarh OutweighedNearly Twenty Pounds to Man Chicago Beats Hoosiers

Villareal Prove Pitcher of ClanThat HU Name Would

Indicate v ... isP'd rress. visitors attack while Ward at half roriiuhiidge. Mass (at is. -- Captain the t'tahans starred with his brilliant

Mahn of Harxarn proved nlmseir a plunging. Van Pelt scored all or rub'sAortliy successor to captain Charles Brick-ley- , point-- , getting a rorward piss and kick-

ingArmy Association Champ Drop the runner rrailball star, by person-ally

a goal rrom the Held.dsreatlng the i nlverslty or Virginia a a aSpeedy Contest to Mexicana today, to o, by drop kicking three ri. id PRINCF.TON Wl8 FROM

goals, one or llam rmm the line. II XXI III ,1. inThe Virginians proved less formidable By Associated Presa.than was anticipated rroni Ihelr hi tn n Prlnreton, N. J., Oct. 1ft. rrlnceton rolleddefeat of two weeks ago. They had Utile up a score or 40 to 3 against the Lafayettein the way of an offense which Harvard haitball team here today, but the visitorsIT UlC set - - i prnlonrcd nr lid not rath un in tlie Mrst prrlod. but have what consolation there is In the rartII rxvcntlcth returned the winner Will their defense stiffened as it retreated and that they arc the first eleven that hasbe seen thin arternoon at Rio Grande twice H.rexv bsck the Crimson tide Inside scored on the Tigers thin season..iik. when the plemakers and dough the five yam line.

hoys clash In the ileridlnir game. Gra-ham

Holli p.gmr began raggedly. Harvard ILLINOIS AMI OHIOIs elated to pitch for thr Twin rumbling and orfeiullng while UBs t HTATE IN TIClU'lh, while either Fisher or Pedregón wen uncertain. Before Harvard woke

will hurl for the Purity crew. In up I., the visitors' .offense the hall was By Asaoclau-- I'n ss.that the Twentieth romes through twice within kicking distance or the rlm Columbus, o.. net. Ift With two of their

w ith a victory the si rles xx HI go Int'i ton irnai but in each case nightguani best ground gainers on the side Unes, thethe camp on the mesa by five out of Thurman tailed by yards. A third attempt Illinois football were held to ascveu game. wss blocked. He by Ohio slate on nhlo field today. The

a a a nnal score was to ;i.

It XI ni KLKVF.N-- landing on the M xard line In tlie rourth

BY BUD RUTMEHFORD. ox in mil nit. HtNDH AP. prrlod, Halfback Winters of Ohio kickedMildly, a new phase or the campaign Tor By Associated cress. goal rrom placement ror the rtrst score

"te ''CSaTablp'' uf Mexico Colorado springs. Colo.. Oct, Mk A-lthough

or the game.outwvlghrd 90 pounds to the man. With .ideal hanging over their heads,

yesterday artertioon in llm guise Hie Colorado i ollegi' Tlgeri tills arteninon the Illinois players repeatedly maule useor a lot of baseball players deflated Nebraska Wcsleyan university by or the rorward pass, bringing the sail toat lllo Grande park, and Uic srsrle-liuc- tile or 89 to ft. Colorado's npeid and the .'i mu, Mne. where i.iuarteibackranir made such an Impression that r open rteiding baffled the heavy vlslPirs drop kicked the hall through the

they will be known as the "red shirt" ihroughout the game. The Tigers scored pnsis rur his team's three points.brigade. Seriously, those fast Sbelton thr.-- touchdowns in the second quarter. a aPaynes hit thtlr way around to a decisive Hosa taking a forward pass over, and Tay-


victory over ne Twentieth dough boys yea- - tnashtng through the line for two COLGATE, 13 TO S.. terday afternoon at the MrCloskey stadium, a IRON MASK. PAN M : i tOUchdowni. Nebraska's touchdown came By Associated Pfeg.Vbul in view of the Tact that neither Goldblatt Will Bring Him Here Hart Newman Plans to Return With Favorite rtnocr. in the Hind quarter alter two lung rm vxst Point, N Y., Oct. is The Army

or Wilson was pitched, alibis are In xvard passes and by Johnson. xx as drfrsted Palsy by Colgate by rS to 0id.i4". une raet is certain, however, that The Tigers scored their last touchdown on In one or Hie hanhst-rough- l games evertlie Jh'xlcun club Is capable or playing good a run by "Stub" Davl. staged hen-- Although the cadets toughti it or any least two or .three mem-bers

George Odom and Seymour hard they could not ward nff tin- taiwer--an' anyhow, and tr they- keep up the Veiller Among Those Who MORAN AND COFFEY BACK ll H MVKK onslaughts or the visiting backs.

brand or ball played yesterday some, club BACON r.HH'.AHO . ."Is in Tor a n. in Písate in the ruliire. The Will Ship From Maryland li ii.te.i Press. MINNESOTA TRIMScore, 4 to 3. Is indicative or a ! JUST SPOET FOR JFUJST SPORT Chicago. Oct. 16, The speed or Its back DAKOTA IX WET.geme and It certainly was. Held gave the team of the I'nlvixrslty of lu tsaoclalad Press.'ay a By J. K. 8TRI.NOFIELD, TO FIGHT TUESDAY Chicago a 13 to 7 victory over Indiana to Minneapolis. Oct. A. Playing In a rainPANCHO VILLA MAY ill Juarez, Méx.. Oct. 16. Information dally day alter one hr the hardest báltica ever that seriously Interrcrred xvith the use or

received here rrom Laloiila. ky.. and other ruughl between the two institutions, rorward pastes, the University or Minne-sotaJOKE, 111 ! SHELTONN U. K. tracks, indicates that the usual large num-

ber ACROSS THE BOARD AND BACK a a a Piday derealed the University or southTills Pancho Villa and chile eon or horses will be on hand Tor the big YALE ni vis .pit i It Dakota, is to rroni the grandstand may be an winter race meeting at this track, which Y. M. C. A. o. id a a aexcellent Joke, but It doesn't quite efface begins on Thanksgiving Day and runs, as AT MADISON SQUARE Uy Associated Press. DRAKE Y FAILSthe fail mat tin- Sheltun bunch rrum the usual, ror a period ot one hundred racing By HY SCHNEIDER t New Haven. Conn., OcL Ifi Yale dereatml AUAINST KANSAS.south side arc a pretty good crowd or ball days. the sprlngrield Y. M C. A. college hereplayers, ill course the Twentieth did not From Latonia will corns the special train, THE DUBLIN O I A NT, JIM COFFEY. OK NEW YORK AND IRELAND, biday, 10 P o. The points came rrom two By Associated


Oct. IA Outweighedhave (irahain. Maresch or Wilson In the leaving there at the close or the present will meet Frank Moran of Pittsburgh ut Madison Square Garden In New touchdown- - and the resultant goals, aand

Lawrence.until Hie last quarter, and playing behind a strange twlrler meeting at that track. On this special will York City Tuesday night. The" heavyweight event promises to draw well. heautirul field goal by Savage from the Orgke university rpll before the footballr doubtless imsicadit-- HM club slightly, but probably be this fall as many horses as Dublin Giant's Opponent Looks Th big scrappers will go ten rounds. Coffey Is the Idol of New Yorkers line and a ssfety. The visitors team or the University of Kansas liere to-

day,it's a rertalnty that a return between have ever botare bean from that made many brilliant rorward passes, butshipped and the Gotham reliance as a prospective challenger for the heavy-weight

.m:ihV 30 to 7. The invaders tought a hardthese two teams would be a bear and no to this and those that have Best Figures Frank xx. re Ui gain ronshHentlv.point course, on but unable tobattle all the way. were gaintitle against Willard. Johnson's vanquisher and his ntable ofmistake. At least two members on the already booked application- - tor cars on th! Vale wss penalised for a total ut nr.Mu Hon club are capable or playing class train, embrace stables have at present Says So Himself "managers" will probably be aaked to consider Tuesday night's best man yard-- . si r rt neat times.C" ball anyhow, namely Medina and Caro, some or the very best horses In training, in the light of a challenger. a

BADGERS BEAT PL'RDI'E;third base and shortstop, while the re-

maining Ill MARTIN KTAR.8 INf a a CAME FASTER THAN sunnsurprisingly

membersgood game.

or flicLieutenantclub put up a

IRO MARK WILL Winner Will Eventually Demand MOHAN'S GREAT PUNCH AND EXPERIENCE WILL STAND HIM IN ill CAME. By Associated press.By A Press.manager or the Twentieth, was not RACE AGAIN AT Jl AHI. Crack at Heavy Title good stead against the Coffey ia reported as a fa at Annapolis. .Mr! !, ou. 16. Pennsylvania and from


Ind..W 3.

Wisconsintoday In

wonagreatly worried over any possible outcome A racing star and a performer that fighter. It's a cinch there will be no "pulling" in the Tuesday go. Navy made a 7 to 7 tie game here ibis game that was clospr than the score In-

dicated.or the however, as Hosa, formerly Is most popular with patrons or the juirez Against Willard Each man will do his best in the short scrap. each scoring a touchdown ami The Indlnnans' line stopped theof the sixth, was Installed to forpitch the race track Is among the horses booked to goal. heavy Hadgers time rter time, and Wis-

consindough boys as an opener. race at this course ISO coming winter.- That MYSTERIOUS MOSE GOLDBLATT AGAIN HAS IRON MASK IN HI8 Nivy's score was due to the quick eye frequently xmi held for downs.a performer Is the great Iron Mask, which By L0OE. of Martin, who, arter intercepting astable. Mose will race hla string at Juarez this winter and endeavor to ai d pass, ran 7Í. yards ror the lOUcadovrV FINALS.TWENTIETH THOl'CHT is once more In charge of his old trainer. iVew York. Oct. .Quite the most Im-


A Most Goldblatt. The latter expresses the ristlr encounter or the year, yea bring the double record holder of the Mexican plant back to his sen-sational

Hh.dgeit kicking goal, ihe Ouakers' pointsWALKAWAY, M 111.belief that he will bring the great sprinter In many years, will takeuilace at Madison form of two years ago. The big gelding bled on one or two were duo tn .i-nt trying or line tackle Navy 7: Pennsylvania 7.

It the Twentieth bovs entertained a back to the form the coming winter that Sanare. Qardan on October to. Frank Mo- occasions In his Kentucky races and U appears as though Moae has and end plays with passing, Cornell 41; Rucknell 0.Ui'iri.i or a tvalicaway this was dispelled marker! nT running at tills tfSrk w hen in-

setran and Jim Coffey will square away Tor SOME Job on his hjtnda to bring the sprinter back. a a a nartmoirth ftO: Vermont 0.

'durviic.-th- r game, as the sturdy two world's records, one at five and a bout that ought to be a desperate affair Hill COLOR too un. o ai; Williams a.players put up a consistent brand furlongs ana me other at six ir mere ever was one. xinran is thorough ClltMI'ION IN FORM. Trinity 7: Amherst ft.

or nan. nan tor man, nnwever, me in-

fantryrtirinngs ly aroused over Ihe fart that many of Ills HOWEVER. THE MEXICO CLIMATE AND THE JUAREZ TRACK SEEM By Associated Press. fxwartlunors 14; ('ramus ft.

will average a belter club. In the iron Mask has always done well In train Hdui rers have switched to the o Iff Irish to agree with the non of Qlagulse, anil Goldblatt might turn the trick. Denver, Colo., Oct. Hi. Colorado School Bondorh 0; Wesley an 3.opinion or tin-- writer, with the exception Ing at the Juarez course, and (ii.lilhlatt man. Moran came down from Saratoga The Cincinnati turfman got more out of the Livingston horse than any or Mines' last year Rocky Mountain (leorgi'town ss. North Carolina n.of the shortstop and third base positions. thinks their is no question but that before springs ami has finished his training at Dal other trainer. champions derealed the l.'nlverslty or I.Shlgh Í?; Albright A.

Willi Graham or Wilson starting the game the winter is over lie will be racing as Hawkins' training rarm. He warmed up Wyoming eleven here today, 0 to 0. In Pennsylvania state Í7: Gettysburg II.It is Impossible to tell wltat the Twen-tieth

good as ever. the nght with Cofre y rifflil orr the reel. their first conferenre game or the season. Rutgers vi Muhlenberg 0.might do, as iioss, while a speedy The famous sprinter Is still owned bv J. "Why should there be any doubt about OWNERS OF THE BOWIE RACE TRACK IN MARYLAND HAVE "SEEN Wyoming arter two recent overwhelming tevens' Technical 7; llavarford ft.

twlrler, is not on a par with either of Livingston, but lie has turned the son of my wnippmg i.oriey xvny. uiiiu t Jim the light" and have fallen In line as boosters of the mutual form of defeats held the champions scoreless for Syracuse (tí; Rochester n.these bsb, Certainly, however, the Purity three period x. In the third lllnrhmati ror Ohio M; Western Reserve u.Wcsleyaniitsguise-itoya- i Hose over to Ooldblatt to Flynn smash him all over ihe ring? Do in conducting rare at that They havew mid be a great deal bettor off if they ob-tained

take him to marc, as Uiat hors 'man Is the you think tor a minute that Klynn couldwagering meetings course. an-nounced

the Mines realured In line smashing. Two Iowa 0; Northwestern A.

the services r Caro and Medina only American trainer that lias ever suc-ceeded

ever handle me that way?" ssked Moran, that the Iron Men will soon be lined up at Maryland's newest Piuchdowns resulted and a rorward pass Michigan aft; Carroll 0.ror other positions in the held, as both of Ir. getting the gelding to rare in with a serious look In his eyes, track. completed the Mines' scoring. Nebraska 47: Washburn 0.these men are good hitters and execllent this rountry to his best rnnn. except when a a a Michigan 14: Case 3.a afielders. At third the Purities are well no was a Iwn year old and handled by MOHAN SAYS HP,

aTHE FINAL SALE OF YEARLING THOROUGHBREDS' FOR ISlii IN coi.niiMio mi xt i us Hi. Louis 30: Knox 0.

fortín. 'd with Hilly Meason. however, hut James Rowe. MOTHKH MIIHMONM. Missouri Oj Oklahoma 3i.- Kentucky will be held at the Latonia race track Tuesday. Loral menIi. HI TO WIS.caro would add a great deal or strength to Now the diplomats By Associated Crrgg. Colorado Srhool of Mines SO; Wxomlnfthe short position. have succeeded In solving Hie Maaiean "Just take my right with Jack Johnson, in quest of horse for racing as this winter might do well Salt Lake city. Utah. Oct. 16. -- A weak 1'nlverallv 0.a a a question, which move II Is bellaved will re-

storefor Instance. tell you I had the big black to look into this final cleanup. The fickle fortunes of the turf are no defense enabled the Colorado ggles to St. Lawrence 3t; Stephens 0.In a bad way at the end of twenty rounds clearer demonstrated than through the outcome of the spring and fall r the or tali and Lee 13; 0.u I. Mil 111 xxi li HARD peace In this republic the outlook for ir triumph ou University Washington Virginia Poly.

BALL brilliant racing during the long: meeting or and they hadn't been a Utile too thick Kentucky sales. The catalogue for Tuesday lists many youngsters that here Inday. the final score being to 8. Sewanee 7; I, nix erslty of Florida o.AFTER THIHI) IN m, with their caution in wouldthe Jockey Club Juarez the coming winter have him.

my cornerliad two will make turf history all you have to do is PICK THE RIGHT ONK The thee touchdowns made by the Aggies nlM't'stly or Tesas Í9. Rice Institute 0.

After Ihe third Inning the Twentieth set-tled

Is most stopped Well, Flynn were ihe result or triple passes. Robin Baylor 41 Trinityrosy. flings at Jack, and he two unmerciful Every year Bluegraaa owners and hreedera sell youngster for a songdown and played consistent ball, but a a got son crossing the line three times. The - Map' Nurmal n. Kansas Malethe Mexicans bunched lilts In the seventh beatings from the black panther, didn't he? only to aee them come back the following year and trim the best In work of strong at fullback featured the Aggies 0.ami came aeross with three ull:?s The,

ALL POLITICAL PARTIEK Yet he turns around and almost hnlslies training. Money doea not ALWAYS count in the purchaae of a yearling.sin nun register was nearly tied in the PAVOR RACING. Cnrrey in the first round. I've been told Old Rosebud sold for less than fuOO.ninth, however, when Augustiak got a long Tills country, however, rsvurs racing as lhat. had not the willard Syndicate, come a g ahit luto center that ordinarily would have ll doea all other sports, and, to the rare to hla rescue. Cnrrey would have been THE FOUR-- EAR-OL- BEACH COMBER IN THE E. R. BRADLET 8TA-bl- ebeen gooJ ror two sacks. missed stopped. That ought to be something or aLujan It, track II has always proven little dirferenee line on ability. Willie, trainer here is a glaring example which proves that price alone can not make amy mybowevér, and f lie backstop made the entire as to who has been In when thecircuit MonJkc, a recruit fielder for the meeting has been run off.

powerAt present tin

has worked night and day to p me capital rare horse. The colt Is bxHock Sand-Fair- y Slipper and Is u Van Surdam's Football ColumnTwentieth, missed a costly fly In the sixth neighboring city or Juarez. Just over the in the punch that will do for Corfey, He big brown. He la a maiden, though he hua been racedand" was taken out later to nuke room for Hlo Grande river El Paso, Texas, Is enjoy-

ing- tn. best tutor In the world anil no man with frequency the paat two seaaons against fields of mediocre class.

Caporal. Wilson, win, replaced Ross In a great year of prosperity, and no city alive can pick out the flaws in a man's É g Éthe eighth Inning, fanned four men out or adjacent to any winter race track orrrrs rar

like he ran. He tells me that I have TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WAS THE PRICE PAID FOR THE By II. E. VAN 8UNDAM. srore a touchdown, lying the score. Hebetter left than the Dublin niant andaHall)alx In

eltbora return

Grahamgame the

WilsonInfantry would better, accommodations In every way to the I'll attend to the right son of Rock Sand. Ha may, however, prove as much of a success in The eastern football situation at pres kicked goal, hut the referee rerused P)

or on the visiting tui fin. lovers ofn and raring. allow it With only a Tew seconds to play.luoiinii and It ought to be a good one. The Usually there Is little winter In the "I've the greatest confidence In the world stud service at Bradley's Idle Hour farm as he has a disappointment In ent shows Harvard keeping up Ha record Its scored rour points by kicking a goalcor northern part of Mexico. Both there and

In Lewis- I've always llknd him and I'll racing. The colt still has a chance to make good as a racer, und may or tlie past two seasons. Yale Is gradually from the line.She lion Payne ab. R. 11. P). A. E. In El Paso, spring sets In early in January, tell yon why. Willie was lu his prune eventually prove a bargain at the improving and with Ia- Gore back In theu when came to my home foxvn, Pitts-

burgh,Lnyva. 4 0 0 0 0 1 and what cot.ld be better called a mild fallMesa, lib 4 u l i i than winter generally comes there during to fight some one. I was a freckl-

ed,. ROY BRASH EAR, A FORMER MEMBER OF THE VERNON PACIFIC game, both 1'rlnrrton and Harvard will GRAMMAR SCHOOL TEAMCaro, ss 4 0 0 14 0 the month of December. II is not out or raced, gawky kid and I waa have hard work to defeat the Blue. CorCoast league team, Is ambitious to head a Coast league club. He hasMedina, ab .. u i i ,i the ordinary to see Christmas and sianiiing neac the door, praying rnr the IN STRENUOUS PRACTICELujan, cf 3 1 3 o 'J 0 Mew Years lime at Juan i with

Daythe ladles

a front entrance to the arena to rail out so made a bid for the Oakland branchiae. nell at last shows the result of Hharpe'scarpi... rf 4 1 it I o 0 on the lawn at Ihe track without their that I could rail In. Suddenly Lewis came ciuistrurlive policy he has bullded slowlyVillareal, p 4 0 .) t o wraps and men tn their shirt sleeves along and followed s by handlers, bucket FROM THE PRESENT OUTLOOK OF THE FIOHT GAME IN NEW YORK and carefully and now the loyal support-

ersBailey and Lamar ElsvenaLolo. lb 4 ii ii The air Is pure, and usually lu this sec-

tionInters, towel twirlers and hangers on. He there Is little likelihood of referee' decisions. Fred Wenck, the newest of their alma mater can have the sat-


PlayYanes, c 4 t 0 41 1 fcoin eSovetidxer until April, little rain

passed right in front of me .and as he Preliminary at Rio Grandedid so I couldn't resist the temptation to member of the board of commissioners, Is in favor of decisions for the of seeing their team win by largeor snow rails, and. a a consequenre there say: 'Hey, Bill, take us In, will you?' I big bouts, but not for the minor events. New Yorkers will not stand Park NextTotals 38 4 fl II S Is little dampness. The new Improvements scores. Dartmouth has an unusually strong Saturdaynearly fainted when he vrabbed for discrimination and therefore will continue to havemy armrwentleth - ab. h. h. po. a. e. on the track in raising and grading makes u .un while little trinity has already made.Head, 3b 3 0 0 Í 3 0 It safe from any weather disturbances, and and said: contests.lluchanan, as I o 0 0 0 0 ll will always I,.- In s condition during the a a hlsuxry for Itself by defeating Amherst The second game for clly honors In lbsss Í u 0 0 t 0 coiulng winter for horses to rare on. at no "LITTLE BROTHER" GETS THE RETURN TO JUAREZ OF GEORGE ODOM WITH A RACING STA-bl- e and lying Brown. u annual school football Irani will beGraham, ss I U 0 0 0 0 time ailing ror an afternoon imaiponement. WHAT

" 'Sure,HE

hlondv.ARKS inn the coming season will recall the many great races of that fleet but William has the weakest team m ten staged Saturday, starting at p. go..

Savage, rr r t 0 0 o There Is no question Ihat young horses conic right along.' 'My Just before the El Paso High .New Meneaerratic mare Follle Levy under that turfman's colors. The formerlittle brother, he said to the doorman years.asI. Minor.-- 3b 0 ll 3 1 1 develop better, and older borBes maintain Aggies gome at Hlo Orande park.Augustiak. c 5 3 I 10 0 I ihelr health and best form at Juarez during he shoved me in ahead of him. rider will be warmly welcomed by Ei' Paso race fans. Mm were it not for the Injury to

I never forgot - for thai. Then lie This game Is sure to be a hummer, asMorrh. tb 5 0 B t 0 the winter months Ulan at any oilier raring "Chcno," would today have a clean slate.Soudcr, cf " ii J li plant tn the cold weather season In the was a might t hero In my eves and he is GEORGE HAS HAD PARTICULARLY GOOD LUCK WITH A BIG STRING l.auiar Is dcpuinlucd tn reverse the tableaMoclke, If 3 0 0 1 0 1 world. There have been yet. Punny though that Fate should and rank as a contender ror premier on tin. Bailey aggregation, who made lbswinters at Juirez of Celt youngsters the past two seasons in the east. Ho will probably Ha-boya rrum Montana street school bitewaltz him around to be trainer for eastern honors. The Injury to "Cheno"Caporal, If (I I 0 0 .0 when between 700 to Don myhorses have been fight that might boost roe right into tlie bring s band of baby racers here to school for a campaign on the "Met" the dust h. the tune of ft lo 7. In the clashI. - p 0110 housed at the track, and not a single case ruins Ills banee ror all American. To

championship circle. Lewis had Al Reich tracks next' summer. The Juareg plant and climate is surely the BEST of two weeks ago.Wilson, 1 u 0 of sicknessp 0 0 among them was In evni. nee thedale tuts shownMoreover. Hie rllmgle at Juirez during win-ter

schooled In he way to whip t.ofrey and he for the accomplishment of the maximum in the perfection of young no quarter accuracy Both teams are practicing hard everyTotals 36 I I J 1 racing dors not stale horses, which Is would have, had lie tcn game. Mr. Cof thoroughbreds. In rorward pasalng that he has. Every day In preparaUnn for the coming atrur-gl- eHv inning- - proven by Ihe iwrrormers that go to oUier fey will never have to question my rnur victory lias been due to forward passes. Every pupil of the two schools It

Shelu.n Paynes ouo 001 300 4 tracks in H-i- spring ami cami.ilirn thromrh- age. perhaps I have it on htm a Utile In heno to Keady or Soutrlle.Illn 110 out the that department i II whip him sure.Hit- - 3uO- - season the

Twentieth 000 010 1013ft

aun kcuiucay amisuccessfully

me easternon Canadian a I lleves that his unsuccessful campaign tins pi. who want tits puppi. when I tell ynu SO we Kl Pasosos must mourn the hrst .in.-- tor of the league. Is making plans totracks ..r Is due pi being over golfed. that I refuse to set a prlre on or in. msummer any

Hits IW1 01 IJt-- S America. IHLDEHICK A MENCh nance this city has ever had for one or handle about Mm Grammar srhoolVardon and Hay predicted that the young-ster

I want to create an interest in our breed all i.r whom are eiperted to takeummsry: Home run Augustiak. Lovernor Whitman made a wise move Its men. b.r. to break into the alUAmert-would eientuslly siirrei such a act of dog in tlila part of the world He a advantage of the reduced rale tickets tohit- - Mon ii Hscnfles hli -- Buchanan. 41 HI OI I HlTTl ftALOON GOES 'P. vlicn tppointed Frederick A. Wenrk back When they got to England, after muí h on the style of tin Airedale dos. an column. Grammar srhool pupila.Stolen has.-.- Yanes. Meaa. Host, hatnnan NewAugus-tiak,

or the York Stale Athletic i.ulniel had played thnni P. a desperate tlHiugh lie's not aulle no Urge. He's thu Colgate bark U by lecomes on mapniunorn. Boss. Left baaea ofou aad Uvaaaaltr Deaaallsli ommisklon. to hli uw place Frank s f..--defeated i thing ou tourthree cornen ii lie ami rtiiahy san..i; Twentieth 10. Piral base on er Resort: HirugaJUa Lor ape 1 ahurl. ' Neil, vacant by an entire change in in. P. Id He- old folks a i.ivcly beating in. Army, while Its rival. TIMF.8 KEI.EI'IIONHtin off, tiin in I lay tshellons, 3. I'wentieth. Struck out Siertal lu tlie Morning Tunes. He- iiifimvr-hi- i.r the body. Wcm-- un Bombardier Wells Is Syracuse, is msklug history, running upat hum- - that our Francis was playing way no longer a bomBy Roas, by Wilson. 4; by Villareal. Albuquerque. V M Oct I --Aeveral derstands boxing thoroughly lie has been above tie apard that ihey fell he was na-

turallyhardier It'. Sergeant Wells now ih yes itremely large scores.

It. Bases on ball- - nrr Villareal, 4; off hutllea of in in. glycerine, cal or gaso a snorting editor and a chronicler or fights galled to. Perhaps the y sergeant Hilly Walls old dear, tr you in UN' west. .Michigan seems 10 nave me Firsl race John W KM)h'.M-- , 3. Hit by pitched ball By Villareal. line aad gfL'ks of dynamite were used as ruairman re will Dt A power in me new ... don't mind Hilly has been promoted and scores. Second race . While CrownSunders. Roas: by Hoss. Iayva. Inuliigs early this morning to blow up the Bridge board. His appolntmrul was the first of 'ii Mclails

ireuirned Pi n,. game this all F.nglanrt Is happy. Billy Is popular Hi Tesas the University la as usual Third race Al Pleree

picked By Rom. 7; by Wilson. lilt, salooo, a disreputable resort in Barrías at Hie long deferred selections under tlie Ma casioued despite tlie raet thai he can't stand all opponent- - and by large Fourth rare Voguealtar forced ofr by an up una lay oiapiurlloned ttt Hoss A. Huns made rr Hie south end i.r the city. The saloon was lone boxing act. passed by the last Mew yearder the bettering of scores. lirih rare ... Transitit reared punrhes AmericanFur wasulo tlin.Hoss. i Time or game I 4.'. niplie ll .leuiollshed. but the bartender and eight lis legislature by which boxing Is to be thai lie

accidentwould never

ala- able In handle a heavyweights. Well 'are's 'ow, lulu Al AUjuquerque Monday Hoswell had a SHlh rare Mara cassldv

kane patrón esraprd practically uninjured. No placed In tie hands of a paid commission. sexentii race HaoulMore Ui anil don'tbe did back rorg. i t.,goir club again Winn get power youclue ha been found In the dynamiters. Commlsalcavrii O'Nell, Price and Dixon Medco I believe the It. ..well lealllhe electrified the gi.lfing world with his ."lie back bom.- with a V. C lacked n, t

FOURTH FIELD ARTILLERY received no salary for the time they have brilliant nlay , He flgnily believes thai Uie your blouse. If you can! has not ik.vii - Torm. ror noticedTrinidad Buirr Mere. served. Secretary Harvey, who had hoped bn.uirhl great deal uf latent power thai was not First rare .. lolllefur. .1 absence from Ihe link"LOSES TO MESILLA AGGIES Kid Sale arrived from Trinidad yester-

dayto remain, got a salary The new ...u. his pibperlly driven. In other words, If second l.dmond Adams

and is looklag fur a boxing engage, mission, - will fj.eive S3Jov a yeaavwllh aaout the great Improvement in game. SAN JACINTO ELEVEN de.. lop. a good quart i she will m rare OarlThe lourtti HSU artillery fouUtall tram mem He fights at from 130 to ft:, pounds. tlie privilege or handing in an imllmrtra bnhlud

iidiiiu-- thim




In whichplay

th. championship of snuihwest Tetas aim Fourth race Knver Beylounitwed to Mesilla. II. M yesterday and He will go on with any srrapiier at bill against tlie state. I.'nder the be played this wen- all hull) SEEKS GRAMMAR DATES Mexico. doubt her ability to dob at Firth rare Yiaielsclashed Willi ll.. Male college eleven The eight any place. ioulhweteru promot-

ersSet, the term .r office is to last Otoe year.

tested. He, wellyear

as every man rontirkt Miiutia. Talbot, an r.i raso noy. is tne si tih race Guy Fishern wish to art in connection with A new is to be appointed In as biggrsl star for Hoswell, while Aaa Por-

terthelost through a 'safety,"soldiers score Ing, professional or amateur, has felt Uta The newly organised Kan Jacinto gramthis lightweight can reach Hale through January of each TtMMY'b RACK Hut three light pesaltlna year. is luminary.being II will bework in

charged The two forces will The Tunes sport dek The Trinidad mixer ratter Hit- - rule, Wenrk s term will ex-pire

strain or the season's mar actuad football team, which has beenwere stage what tlie long realS return match, which will take place at is particularly anxious for a try at H. no January I. 1010. Of course tr Weaelj lerestlug

will do rorto

riulmei'ssee just practicing steadily for than a week, Basabsll ami football fans alike, I be. LATONIA

Rio Grande park aoon alter Thanksgiving Cordova. proves hit worth, he will be Immediately game.desires to meet lia-- football team of any heve, will be In knowing that 1. Trout Fy. John W Klnii. Stephen .

reappointed to fill out a roll term Win í a a a in IMS), Dick Hohliuel. ilusión s first base Goldy. Consoler. Birka.IUk Heats Netada. - a fraduaP of I. and was a champion rUtítUUt VVEl.SH HtlstM. other grammar i... .i m the city, partlcu nun. was a loothall star at Marietta col 3. Lady Vandergriri. Impressive. na.

By Associated Press. Imaiir white in college As 1 membar IMFCti ON LON4Í IHLA.SD larly Lamar or Bailey. lega Because of Hobllliel's accuracy lu I Lou Blue. Father Hlley, Bouanaa.GO TO Logan, Llab, t 14. Playing a mur or s Vale saimmliig team he competed at Freddie Welsh has a bobby, an hottest u. The in., up of the Han Jscinio team la tin owing the forward pasa. built my 6 Hornlr, L'seeit, Conning Tower.

Inaproved grantr over their homing i iiford riiiversity in Lngland After leer goodness bobby. He Is breeding Welsh team around nun and while I took a 7. PUttway. Alston. AltaiuahaPHIL YOUNG'S CAF E pi artice, the l uu Aggies defeated the Me Ing college h- - look up newepapar work Id Prriers down al Ledsrhurat. Long Island. as follows: Hight end, Frank Patterson chance on account uf the liability to In-


vada uxutersity team here today, M lo the sport department of the Now York Let Fred tell you about his blooded stock. right tackle, William Pier don, right guard, Dame Fortune was kind and allowed117 bou lb El Paso St Mall and lias be- n at it ever since. "I brought the mother of my piippps nam Hl'suiibeig. sentar, John McLean, left niui to play lbs entire season. LAUREL.JTor Kraah Oysters aarvad la all Csxaat League he res. over from Wales, abe was the fittest hud guard, salvador i...n left lackle. Rulelo Al Leilugtoii kv be made a place sick I. lollle. Edna kenna. Ilerla.

sad all kinds of Maxleaa At HaH Lake 3, Kan Francisco Ott.tlMllllk Hi KIs annual In llial ....... n. Her brolla r was l.nan left end. Claren.. Hlooiu, quarter of 47 yaids against Kentucky suu ll s. un sumption, ....bun Jim Baseystylea At Vernon 3; Oakland Mis 01 IMF. I toe dog Hut the Welsh people presented In hack. Juhn Williams, rlirht half, "nutrh won our haiiii.lunsbii. some Waal I i.arl. Martin Casca. I. II) mo..Diane Hot or Cold Lai at haa. At Los Angele I. Portland 4. Irauiia "..iiu. i sailed down his king Oeorge when he waa the Prtsjee of Fuller, ..plain rollback. James McCoy, os. o a by kicking s place kick rrum the 4 Lt'xx Cold cap. Fnver Bey

rusty guir .l.iL. sad tra be wont loot Wales Tie aira of my puppies Is the oeat ten hall, Alvln Hickman nnbstltulea are. ;m vard line. Al New Coiicsird. nblu. Willi UAfcli, Deviltry. Vales.a golf bail ii u,. eye until well Into next do ta Amsrica. Ma Is a blue rlbPou win Hhrrnun Webster, Bishop Psliaraoa and thr score against ua at the Pegtiuung I L u I uher, Bab asalta, caiitoo QV.Wastoa'i, 39 Sat Antonio asrkag. Tac treat lastssMaxsaM star at aar aad you cas guasa the nuadier of pas- - Alberto Mayas. or the snood half, ttosuy praCsssj g I vtki sisa

B 2 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17. 1915.


Baltimore. Mri in i us Bai.r r'iili fot Saturday Laurel rrk IB an. Hhto. oel. 10. Rare rotiirna for Saturday al La ton la rollnaa: walrWeather rinuil tear, hraw ekar traa fatec70 ihi-- 7 FIA: I mm inn '"ni ard Time ?I I t, M .17 I I, I 44 SfíM ' 'il'-R- fl rnrton linn 4.' 40 3 4.117. -- Urt rood, won drlvina,

I start good. i 'a ama,

fndev Horse Wt i H i '' f,n Ir.dea H ir Wl. ML Sir Kin Jork.yuther .. p I l ! i. imp i SOU) Inditalrv M 4 .. f i LaPallh Don't Lose $5MJel I ... 3 5" t Í una f.j Afparaawi -- m ... 107 t 4 4 14 Molt ÍI Ik Pay $20 andblnetta ..Ill i 7 m l M.raegart UM B"d f.roo lot) I lit' fi I1 HaritD

V - Trl ..m M M 4' 4 Vrnr rmnll MM Jan,' 'klv 05 7 a1 ' 4 4" K Jnkln , sIllStia - 4' 4 m r Vtnk MM Toh) a.hinn ini s .. :, 4 '.' M H Dennlrrl.lttrv ..v.. o v 1 i.antrill ins a oil .a i anons fi 3 H 7 MrAloc SSVD Thompaon .. 107 10 .. MM 4 7" 7 Pool

fcdi Maryland mri 71 7 P I Olldei SOOO ill if MrCMe 100 7 7 4 orayB0.M Tamerlane :,) II ' O J M. nrlll Ut vurrtl ol the Mlal 101 0 .. 0' I0' oa VanDitarn $tí muluela iiit i uitwr. ira rM f.Mj piare Show 3 70; Vldct. place Í0T ino 11 .. 11 11 10" 10 Bieamahnm it ii,hii,f.M. S0I7 Buthleaa 101 3" t 11 II Herlfri

I.I TIIC.R sprfnlnl into a HMtff lead rounding rirt tnrn and galloped in frnfil II fieldifv wat VIPI I rniiiarmiirly. hut idM never art to the leader. BfiHIJETTA mullirla paid Induatrv iralaM 7 9 piare 4 10. allow ?0: Aapararua. Bam,nr. ,.ri nut nf it tn early iii. hut hntshed with a nih. BHK.KI.KY MM rwhind piar lii. Itow 3 40; Red Croaa, ahow J.IO.going I'. the pott Come andBrrtlrfcatl I'iperth. Carl av rock, pattv Began. Tow ton Field. Henry Hutrhtnann. IM'I lli diapoaed of. BIP 1. BOSS In firal half. I alter tired. ASPABAOt S

Mi ItflK' " rtMEfl OAKLEY rame tatlh a matt lat quattrr. HELEN TWTMP-1IK- I. n IP never formidable.

Mi list E Six furlongs Tina :.l I I, :W 4 5. I 17 Marl good; won5679 srrati i. o John W- Klein. Get5685 Ki )N0 R ACE BU furloafvi Time :H ... Iw i, t; a tart rood; wonIndei. Horte. drl place aattw. ;a r'ir t f I" iinrtinaii li":') HorM. mil u U," Sir. Fin. Jorkev.Maa -- pi nit . $20.00M.Í3 srhut'ingcr s Akin in r 1" Robinaon

till Pc. Byrnr MM Korfbare M I 3 3' I ti1 Judyr,vt vfadir :;:::::::::: MrAIrr MM rir. i.innen too a 41 4 3" UtPBlUt mkafl pia k I.OUdrt Mlo or Larrirk 10a a 4' Henry Suits and.r;a i. and lia J'l Mrtralf

l.lttlr St III ...mntuel LHtld -- pur. straight I sn. plan- so. show I an, sprint, p'ao nowLilv

10 (V HmallJam- '.rey tria ' -4 MorjHi, Kn.hll.illnn. ahow 4 00.

spl it f r alow, moved up ainutlv on inside rounding far 'PRINT In .' mutílela paid: A. N. Akin, alrairbl 15.90, piare 7.00. fBow 3.00; KVirfhate, plaee Overcoatsrinai dm latter arrttl ar.und M os la Id rúa rush enteral, rtont" t and loan. hn .o; )r. r.armen. 4.M.swerved over to manir at futlong pnlr. tall't "I afirr ar tiitiar to ln'r PMiHIBITl'iN A. ki howlnr aprid. fourltt ;i out all the way and outstayed KOBKHA1F..a forward rontender all the way. quit in home stretch. CANDU hart M Liner was ron-n- to to wide, nn (.AB.MK.x knorkf d out or it al lower turn, cloacal bir Forap'-- Huftnian lo- Ma whip ai atxtertltti r""r

HftatrlKtl KalravMllaar, I'rmrn.k. Hrnnnival-- . Palrpma. 5686 """" RAGS MIM and Time :94, :M 1:14 1.49 2

5680 lllllin KM.K-- MI rurlniiarv litm- if4 .M S N I 17 I f. Mart ihm1 ttnn (9 fi. tjlan good, won eaally. pla.e drivinr.Itld'J Horae Wl. 8t. S4 Va Str. Tin. Jorkey. And Save That $5 in Our Second Floor ShopInrt'i Horv- Wt. H H !S Ln Jo' ... : I oldr-.- Boy Judy

HM4 suf tlntnrtrril lint kOIH sxriafl ,...107 4 3 2 i'l 8 if Connollyi Bran- i nnanIT aa QNM MM Reatan ....100 3 3 3a oentry That extra $ down't fluure In the actual com of the clotheB at all.

aaaT Bttian a un ... M tllnv '' 7 i:nuiinaiiretia Hunt It la an extra 16 tacked on by the ground floor toree to pay for(MtiTrviiriah 4a


Mrlaarart muluela paid: Ooldcrcal Boy. atralrht J.lo, place 5.50; Pyrlan. place 3 50. n their ground floor rents, heavy office oxpinses, otc. These expensesBaJ litjrni"1 muluela aold.:A4 aiii'Mirh .. r,t MeDonnnU sdd nothing to the value of the clothes at' all and there kan't anyi.oirn HKST BOY aaaumed when ready and won easlnr up. SY'RIAIt up4aia3ii

patunn'Mann lit

..PIT. 0 a7'

llit-- tfnrfliaml I'' id "ii win RLlfSN tired ba.iiy. i.nMMAi REI 1 A would av been third In a few reaMon why you -- Intuid pay ..". extra for them. We say that these

Hmiilliaumi ..ios Han Mink more strldea. Kurments are precisely the garments for which the "ground floors".' tiiijliif ii haul

Lulrrliilrnilrrit, I plM .in. ahoax t.m. Bravi 'lalihejl Itislllualon nek $20. We have simply cut out of your coat the ground floor

Oinanli'i t larr a. M . l.tlimi a n i f un 5687 "' RACE su rurl.itir. Fort Thomas stakei. Time :i4, :U l.ti running expenses. That's xvhy you aax-- $5.PI ni.M KMiKM' ravortil tin- an na anil muran hi" flalrf from tin? ülarl. aa Siart riMid. won easily place drlvlnr.

wll In iiin i irt Hit l. ItARDEtl at mil artyr maKinir a winr turn Mnrui.niuejl Wt. SI. Ai V. Sir. Fin. Jorkey.HtlO horat Mntrh ETHAN Al l. EN nnlm'tl wmrly, WOUM hava rum aronil In ÁÜ TBlr If you can equal these clothes elsewhere for less than 120 regu-

larly,ani.lhi tri n III MM IAT10M ran away two anil a half mil'" on h!.-- way to thn POal Smoke .. IM It .. 5 P 1' Smallsrral.'!i'-- l.aitorr. Vrilarto. I illy Ortnf. Walrr Lilly. Yank Notion, Trtta aa Vnl Cuamle Ill 3 .. su r,s s I' Moll come hack and get your money.

5835 "Cheeks 112 4 .. 4" :.l I I" Martin13) "Primero .... llar d .. i'l 2! 2 4' darner IfOOOlccoi ni m il l f. M ir. HIM :ñ S S, :5I 3 b. 1.17 I 41 KUrl fOOtlj 15505 iBUekle Haw til .. i" 4k MM,, M38 M.adv Alngya 107 7 .. 3 :v a a Meteair Most complete BEE OI R

Intln. Hora. Wt. Bt. Sir. Fin lot knv rKM rPocnlrhoo ... 110 I .. 10 so ' 7'4 Taylor stock of MAT & Ca.OTHINC CO. ) $2.00..TO Hopa 105 a .. IP in 0' 8 Hanover4 1' H I' M. t iattarl::! Iioilar ( r,3- - Marie Stct-o- Ha ta KPKCIAL.Henry . IÍ1 5 .. 0 pi' - 04 Andreas gyyqMHO Ailtllr M. MciJlhry yj SS(MM)aeMa In M Paso. HAT7 11 .. 1' If" 10 HuntMM VoniiTwr 100 31 3 VI ill III 'wii Port l.irltt .. 07 15 ..15 13 15 ll VanPitscn...114 1 41 Mi i.iap-ai-alnilam liiirf 31 3' Mi lu'iinotl

SK3B "Maraaret R, 05 10 .. 0' v" 13' !' Mnrys San Antonio and Meta AvenueLUle.v

'.")) Hurfaker .... 100 13 .. 7 S'l 12 13 LaPalllertm i.o skolnv 8M I.IIMm 107 14 .. 14 14 14 14 O'Brieni imtUi'rt fi mu i tin

I!"J'l Kalllleen 115 0 .. 13' 13' tm 15 Pool

mtjtili'l nil tmilar, atrafatM plan- - 4.. Mm 3.70; Artill M pUro 7.70. Held. '" Mcimwell entry Mfc R. Bradley entry. Kaehls, starter.ahow 30: Monti ranor. hou-rrfort atlor II lnutui-1- lialil- Bir Btnnka IK Rrali- anlnii aii-- l4 ei no i,-,- msri hnvfluid rtri'w without ratinaDOpOB outran hi- - It) flrt turn and away SECOND BATTALION coilint, 7. Bases on 'tails nrr CoUlna, t l!m census would enhanre the credit of

DISTANT. ii't" uluiiilnn rtrl half. ADDIE v.. rlosi-r- t a blf ftp anil nntahnd Coam'c. piare m.oo, ahov I4J0 cnerka, (NeOoweU entry, entry' show 3.40. TEAMBatter in By MillkoK-k- Tlnie or game Hie city's bonds, xvhlch xvould have a good

aoitia liotltls, MOI4TBFBBOH rlalit at rnrt. BHi SMOhl moved up ateftteh .nrl ilrew awa laat altteenth rOSMtr ni WINS FIFTEENTH GAME I W. I nipirea Spinal. Kllm'. effect also on the county's bonds."Tatr hpfl nnauu r. Thi' l inn. StrombolJ. . atronr id, PRIMERO iired. Bl.ACk'lK paw weni aratj to laat rtirlontr. lady

CCB9 II h si anil vrnty yrda. Timo :3U I '. :SI. I.W, 1:4.1 1.47. M.WATS quit. MAHSE HEMRY was prominent for half mile. ti.s.i s in nut ii to tviLsov. Given $8,000 Damaoea.- lai t v won """Ig Scratched: Stephen n Paymaster, Cane Run. Rochester. Not a Losing Performance Charg-

edverdict for tg.ooi) was returned by a

111111 " v' ' Prealdcnl Musi Aiilltorle Special Count or Jury or the Slxty-rirt- district court Sat-urdayTimeWt at. 4 S H J" 5688 one eirbth 4.5. :M 1:14 1:41

I :54 -- vari (rooii won driving, place same Against Fast Club From Lily's Population. Says Senator. in favor of T. E. Dill, who wasMt4 Vottrlhl Mm suing the kansas city Consolidated Smell-

ing(MMS)Bn ruiinrr tra 4 ? 3' 5' H Mink index. Horse. Wl. St, 14 14 Ii Str. Tin. Jorkey. Sixteenth The proposition of taking a special -Hnd Rerinlng company for dam-

agesof Paso has been referred lo Pres-identIMlt liirshon 31 T. MrTatrirart MOB star Jasmine no 4 Ei am 6 21 i Martin Woodrow Wilson, who must autnor-Iz- ror alleged personal Injuries. Thn

.'I Klntr Box 4a i;nnpir .11.1"..,. .07 5 4' 4 0 4 ? Robinson it. according lo a letter received by plaintiff alleged that he was Injured asf.'.'.TKi H Bmtlai ni 7 .k 7 ni r. I illrv Hodge .137 3 3 3' ri 1' 3"! VanDiisrn The Second battalion of the in John M. Wyatt (Torn t'nltrd States Senator the result of becoming overheated while

TA'tO Vol.lttt fi Allm SMI Bronzewinir . doing repair work in a furnace. He xvas.100 2 7 54 t 3 4 Mott fantry nosed out tip- Third battalion Morn.- - Sl.eppard. Senator Sheppard slat-edMIS Day Day ... .liil . SI 7' MrJMrmoll Mise Lady Rotha . 10 0 2" 5' 3 5" 5' Henrv nine

thai the president had been seen and represented by Nealon and Dormán.un a H AtPxaniVr 5041 Water Witch Oí 0' 7 7 0 0 Morys from the same regiment at Camp t.olton that his authorization xvuuld doublle.s-.fol-lo-

! mutiii'ln .:ii. Vuilrliua. traiitht 11 ao. plai-- S.M, afloat 1.40) Oulnce, ilaro iv Hank "Tin 100 7 2 7 7 LaPallle yosteidiiy. 5 to 4. This marked lh fif Returned inn. Kansas City.Loo. hito a on, Marahon, hoar 5.10. .""Hiela paid star Jasmine, straight o nu, piare 3.70.' show 4.70; Hanovla. piare teenth straight success Tor tin- - nitui bat-

talion'sThe cenatia bureau has been asked lo Dr. P. 0. Sawyer of chlhuanua, Mexico,

VHil.l.IM, pr iitril into a "intnanilinir load riiundintr Timt turn, stallril off l fiBO. show 4.70; Hodge, show 3.10. crack leum Tor the year. Min-kowski

r an of the cost required yeaterde renirned rrom Kansas City,oppmitiiiti finiu Bf'JS IM: in Imtni' trrti li anil ritHhhrrt tratin ly. I.altnr sl'AR JASMINE

was on tin niolind for the rTctOri Tor Hie ape ctal census. Until thai Is given where e visited Ills aged mother. He ex-

pertsmoved up aiou.ll 'il furlnna- polr. hut aacakmt'd IHI aUtMatU. MARSHO!) rlonod a lasted.outrun during early pari, rame with a rush In atreteh and Just in oppoMllon to Colling. The latter vu nothing further will be done. Mr. Wyatt". lu return lo Chihuahua ln a fewHAMiVIA rinished rasl and would have won lit a few more strides. HoriCK found for ten hits, rout- of whlrhMr M.I -- Mill - hroki-- alow. came in who is lor the movement in days. - .(Tap. found tli' .weiKlii too much and tireil at en.t nnot w'tvr. aimw-er- ,1,1,1. enr uiav the period ,md nutted three

OOOOCCQ-- J II B A CI Mile and ope half. Tine :M i, r.l 1:10 I 48 15. 8:10 O'DAV and LADY BOTHA null last quarter. Heavy

openingslick work featured the work or

runs.tip- matter

this respect,lo Mayor


alreadyLea and

broachedthe rounlv

thei suit good;- won driving dboal ' n nA''B ann seventy yards, lime 24 :49 1:18 1:42 winners. The score: commissioner.. Mr. Wyatt's belief Is that

Index, llorar Wl SI 1, , -- ir. Kin J01 k.'V 47 2 5. start rood; won easily, place drlvlnr second Battalion ah. r. ii. po. a. Bakt-- ...iio r." f. a tja T. Mriaairiiit index. Horse WT Bt. t Aj Sir. EIB. lorkey. Paris, lb 3 I 7 u

1.II Trunin 100 I la 14 Htrea MV73 Stanley S .103 I 3 2 2 t Mons Clark.Sims, c

Cb4 n a II I ,i

loin Hainoi'k ta Í 4" i'l Obert rom Hard Ball .... .105 0 7 r, 4' 4' 2 Steams iiuran, ;tb .. 4 0 3101 3 ? 4 (IB Jill MrltiTniiilt 6633IBI Itendelar'HU .III 3 t" II 2" 3 Pool Albright, ai ... .Kl COtdle F. 07 8 11 SflSJ Yort Lad .111 0 4" S' 3' 3 4 Mntt Memeiih. rf.' rnuliiefti paid BlTlie Hnkrr. atralftlt 4.H0, piar how if. 40 Truvalo. piar VWi liiihlr Pnsl . ..III 4 SI 4 5 5 5 Alldl'CSs Jones. If

,1 hmi rmn n,iin i' now t m MSI l'l inr Feet .111 S ' 7' 7 7 fl5 Hanover Seott. er Father Brothernil II BAKETT lint off "oon after hri'ak and knoi ki'd hark, went to tin- -'

. Rroivenor .III I 5" 8 KI 7 Small Minkowski, ptb a ritah ronndinr far luin and dlfioiii d oí TBOVAT11 in rmal drur. Latter liowTd 403 Transportation .ina 7 0 0 0 g' Robinson

d 1. hut falirnrt whin . TON HANCOCK quit. '418 Oranre IM I s g gi j) Herbert Totals ;...3l 6 10 :7 11 sRerOtebM naxntaJ. '' mtttiii - paid Slanh s tra irlit 34.30. pl'.ce in a.. M,r,u s S" Hard Ball, pi Third Battalion ah. n. ii po. a. e.

7.20. show 5.50; Reiidel. show 1.80. Wat burton, ss .. Toys are all right for the very little fellows xut when it...,sIA!.t:.v w,;' "'I'' frwrdly to stretch, where he came gwav with ease. pringrr. Jb

COMPANY B, OF SIXTH Matt-o- lb HAIIP BALI, away pnorl) rained steadily and was rnlng slronr at end. IKRTJKI. Crenshaw, 3b comet to the older one's it's differentry. howed gorKl fornt. YORK LAP tired In stretch. C.I'IPL POST dropped out of It In Brown, If

DEFEATS CAVALRYMEN Mattmee, rf 10 0 0 nMSVRNM was never seriously rormldaTile. Heder, lbSrratthed Any Port. Altamahn nio- ntnnnr mriair. er CHRISTMAS is two montha off and you can make this tha merriest

Total 34 4 4 II 3 5600 sn ' r" "AC- E- Mile and seventy yards. T me 40. t :15 i s. 12 4 A c ..... Christmas for any of your boys or girls by opening a savings accountScore by Turn na-- 47 ... start rood; won YoakJns, rf

Clash Marked By Terrific Hitting '.'inipany B 300 tn index. Horsedriving, place aame. Collins, p now and when Christmas comes present them with the book. YouWt. 81. sj A. 8tr. Fin.Part of Infantry Boya lilla r,jo 000 vc id Jockey. rnerrier .... encourage the habit of thrift and saving which will benefit themon II Troop 300 001 onn 4 sTA5isiinastnr 10 10 (F ' 4" PMott Eaton 0

.wio chillón King throughout life. Let the small children have the toys andHave Big Spread un- 300 not itu ma I'l pool verylili- - But nrll. HUrtn- - t "ry. ra40)lruh Oentleman 114 4 8 4' HI 9' 3 Metralf Total 34 4 .M 13 candy; but glx-- the older ones a savings account book and they'll

Three bai-- tut Hill Home run - Ehrhardt.HAM world- - WOI del- 114 g j 34 4 31 44 small Patted for i ollins in ninth

stolen -- mlthy. Tinker. (17)kale s 103 3 4 N M al i Burger "Batted ror springer in ninth. thank you later In life.Company B, of the sixth infantry, mlrr Mm a, Llndtey, samin-t- MM Walab, n r.04.". l.nniae , ios f ." II :,l if steams Huns and hit by innings.

t'alnid the haarpaii team of II Troop, of the Swam. Btriiet out By .iinmetore. i" bvMRB Frtn 111 7 7 7 7' 75 t.enlrv second Batial 'on 301 ion 00- - I

Thirteenth ravalry. at mini ayeater mil. 11 on ball- - orr EUTTmetore, jU&l Meno 111 a in 0) g gi g VanPusen Hit 40. JOn IHI 10 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS

dav The smli infantry bo pa red Un off Hill. I lot base un errur- - '.'iiiipany i5flt.'oCounterpart ni i l V 0' 9 Hanover Third Battaln n l'J 101

rufflr- - nf a defeat handed to Hie n. Ii h Troop. 3. i en on ba.aea Company 33 pp-- Dead wood loo s 7 10 10 III I'l Hunt Hits 001 6

Moopara on the diamond by apread- - B. 5; II Tinnp 5. wild pllrhe- - Bv imirie 'J T '"' I"1"1 surpassing, straight "40 in. plan- ,m jn. ,ow o.Ofl; Chilton king, Miniinai.v lunings piiiTu-,- lu Minkowinfr a hur liim h and tin- lid lore, J; by Hill. I. tima ur ratne :9J. place JO.OO. show 10.30; Irish Ocnlleman. ahow 3.00. ski, St Collins. 3. Runs made --Off Min American Trust & Savings Bankfrom aeveral r,,ntainiT- - or -- luiPh couraa." I'mplren Hllhuan and Picket, MMTi-Vs- hegan slowly, moved up with a rush In stretch and Just trot

kowski. off Collins. 6. Hit- - apportionedFrom a aortal atandpnini tin- affair war a showed good speed but ilred IRISH c.fxtifmam had

up. cur MlllkowsKI. h; on i.oiiuis. III. Two-

Pure siirro-- k a return win LETTERS III INOI TRY vWBXp'8 WOPFR ran a Tali rare. JESSIE LOI ISF quit. RENO WW forcedno evcu.e

backluts r. warliuitoti. "Everybody's Bank" Corner El Paso and San Antonio

put on at Vidria Sunilav m vt at turn, but was out run badly flrat three nuarters ba-- c stolen bases Albright CJ),

"liter nf p.iii, Don 4nhnon ' Minkowski, 'lark. Collins. ,n tifire hitThe Infanlry team proved inpatief In the Bequested Youklns, Struck outBy Minkowski, II-lu Locate Knur ill lug Person-Fo-hitlina (ii partinriii unit raun-- d ten runin f tit- lai-- iwo in- - Hill ImIiI tin lelh ia have been rerenll) reielvedmounted turn u. four hniuli:?. The n ore by hlef of Police Dun Johnson fromCompany U AB. It. II. po. A. WEIGHTS AND ENTRIES TODAY'S RACESRtirwelL .'b ... ..5 9 mea of Hie rountry, aaklnr thaiWalab. .aa an iiiveautatinn be made 10 rind somemarina. If ... trare of inlasinr relatm s One uf tdr let onoStorv.Hill- - p

lb li ra is mm WUhamshiirr. ky., and asks FIRST RACE-S- IX rurlonga: 5300 InfOt 107 SIXTH RACE-S- IXFhrharrtl. e ... inforiuatlon of J. J. Harwell, who was faSti Stephen R his U7I Trappold lus rurlontstniiiiy. ah .... in El Paao up lo elrhl uuuiins aro. SpadU 109 --MO Lucky B lu 5641 t, ,Tucker, rf .... Ills brotber, Ralph Rari II, is inqulr-iii- c 5oft5 Busy Joe 100 it') cenilewoman it'.) 5070 Auna k ruler r NAdam-- , rr of blin. .W. Trout Ely 100 ot Lynn tut 5613IPihert l I'lii'inpM'U wired 1,1 Minne-

apolis.545(1 Jenni. small 100 '7:.7 Deliver 100 Santo p

Tou'la Mich., for a to ki t Imtne m icral :30 Bayunarra 100íí Lady Yandegnft ...100 5640 Royal Intereat ....

H Troop waeka aro, and arier receirlnf ha tirkat - Zudoi a 11) : Baby Cal 112 564 laeeit ... ,Morn-- . :tb ha.- - nut been beard from, according- to a MM Jno W. Klein Ill 5817 Al Pierce 100 i607o,Mar Caatidy '.1Worrell, rr .... letter from his father, Andrew ThompaoD. apt. Beese 112 .Vwk ManaaaeliHmneay. aa ... "f Minneapolis. Ihoinpsnn. at "im tlnvt :aT52 Manrred 112 lot RTD ItAi.L M 'i Unele Jiinnnelie swain. X .. Hie letter slated, was In Hie Paao mini Alex tieu Hi I.1 Buay .imLlndaey, cf ... ly hospital. 5652 Senaymlhr Ill --Ml Lai Blue 87 5644 H.iinrMrs. J. A Adams wuuld like 'in hear. fVUniyiiin. tore, p 5667 ijrump.' tt harlicri.ollin-- . If ... 4 0 0 0 0 0 moil her husband. J. A Adam-- , who waa SECOND RACK One mile 658 "innionada 100 'r, t.onning Tower ... Areported in El Paso sume tunc ami. Ad and seventy yards: 5616 Hughes ....104 MaI1 ISam- - was formerly a hlai in the em Ipin .if iu- railroad ,n mpalme, 5057 WTilte Crown 00 .'67 Bos. (Mi noose 108 SEVENTH RACE Une

tmldflah and rliibrs, while they laat. two snm.ra, the letter staled 5548 Margaret Huikhy .ltd 5636 Vogue 112 and seventy yards. No 1rtiidfi-h- . one aiobe and bin or riah rood, Mrs. W. C. Col we ,r Palatka. I la., la Mil Manioc 104 560.1 prince Hermla 114 Longeremail 3r. rom larre :o rehTa. delivered tn aniii ns to hear from hi r husband. W. C. (.'7liJoe elem I(a, 5".' himghurel 115 568 Alstonany pan of the nty. Telephone 731 and i.i'lweli. wbu was report' d tu pc El Transpon 10 Rj 'I tike 5657 t idrrt Peeved73! Warm-- Iirug Co - iAdv.) Paao. s4'i Beau Pere lot TlUrn Lntry 5641) Malabar Because.'053 Birka lot

5610 Chilla 10t FIFTH RACE one mile and 5644 Aria:,'; .. a sivleenih M5fl s'livneaa

NOW LET US ALL FIX FOR HUNTING 5ij34 Bio aadaa lot -1 La Mode 102 --8f. a.ty Pancbita ..t567n'j.ildy Ill Fat Iter lllley IM aet'. I nil'.1 string ....

Tba Opon Beaton la Hete. Gavma la Abundant, and 5637 Habna ill ln'innii IU7 6520 I lilaway

and T HI Bit HACK MX fin loofl 03OS 1 avolara 107 5615 Bank BillThe 6port la Clean Healthy. ... ;v 104 546t Britlah S 100 5341 AltabamaKVKK YTH1NO FOR THE HUNTER 1l4.linpir-iv- e 101 (06 Exper tallón H'7 561 Counterpart

In Arma, Ammunition, Clothing and Camp --34 T11M1 Tush 104 t56Mi Transit 110 564;. RaoulEquipment la Awaiting Your Inapeotlon at Wealhi drat, Hark good.

SHELTON-PAYN- E ARMS CO. I XI III I, PARK LACH, MAR V LAND ThePhone 4M. Store open bauirda)'- - until p. m. bo. El pao bureM IT lis! ha. rm and one It 11 B Ue and 20 Profit Sharing Coupon

half furlongs yardson krnna Ill 1630 Yódele tt in h

1627 follte til 552S Mai tin CMC. II44V7 tial anil) 11 iv. Pharoah lit B630 Noma hiM7t Hlslutber 141) au7 üerl 110 MM Borax togBi Hat ia lot ,,.'. 1, r, o 104)

0 Dcklllry px,1617 Maifo'i 101 BI00 ai 'Lain Parr 08

(MB 0; Eddie T BtJO I ily Oiute 577 Valat tm HOTPOINTbias Dr. Sullivan IQB 536 St Lateriln 105BAVJ Importanl MB ..a. rrtiiklt- B4- Mabel Dulweber . .1030621. la.111r W lOt .v.i7 wndan 101BS3 Ci ettnra 10 MM Page While 101 Mil Orrnrad imBUI Water War tot Fair Helen tot B6- Je. Jr. Home Book of101 315 Bent Mora 41 5674 Minstrel Xa Electricity

11 and Fiet jrr .III 406 Asw an ai55HI Ml :1010a 101 ft am u.xi.l six fur- MM Volugpa mIPtexas state fair MOO-N- BACE M) I'll UU. SIXTH RACE Mile and one which entitled him to IS Percent Discount on Hotpoint Heating Ap-

pliances- oa asale CxlVwr It u Otlakar 3t. LUaltad Laaie Uallaa leve,fcarl3 ÜM0I sixteenth and now he has electrically made Toast and Coffee for break-fast.

(Mts oal lop ill MM M arabos tu45" lit 6611 Bianehrnre 114 How Could He Stay Peeved!!4M6 Pieaumpnuo tit ran 6tm RobinetiaUB) bepidveda il 5577 Miss kavanaugh mtO- -t Lou Lanier I to 5647 Pay Sirak 6651 Our 1,2 "Yours for Service"IB40 Dryad KM M.tO Potvald Va. Donald 6T7 Bátl fron (oMil k ayderaaerot 107 sata Coi Aaluaeada Mil CarltonB647 I dmnnd Adama ... 167 U)08 salon u imI4K B' riuudlaa 107 574 I ady -- ondnai MM Canto tor,n Batwa M7 8t Laura Mil KlMay El Paso Electric Co.567 J Hal t tm waa) ' artaer.M-- MW2 Cliff Idge pS RailwayHum Maulo Park I0B 5674 Anxit-I- MM raleada uM74 Jlu. -- aa))- 10a tiev Muaistt 667 Oartaorui M Electric Building. Phone 2323



. Sunday. October 17. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES B 3

Romance AboutRubber Industry A new basis of

Dodge Brothers Announcing adjustment forOne of ihe most rlshorate and Interest-

ing window displays ever shown In FlPaso Is to be seen now at tlie branch of PUNCTUREthe Onodvear Tire A Bobber company. SogMills street. To tlx- layman there has al-

ways PROOFmotor car hern mystery and somewhat or romanee about the grest rubber Industry. ItIs more or less vaguely known lhat rubber in its rrude lorm Is Something mat In future, the basis for adjustment on all LEE Puncture Proof Tires will becomes from a tree in far orr tropicalcountries. There the general knowledgeends The Hoodyear window display, in-

stalled Thursday, to continue for MM 5,000 MILESweek, makes many things clear.The window itself is a reproduction or

a jungle scene in Braxll. where Hie rim- instead of 3,500 miles as in the past.You will realize the first timevery crude rubber known ss Para comesRrsde Rratil. as a matter of fart, had a

ride this monopoly of this up to tlie time thai - - This conclusively lhat LEE PUNCTURE PROOFyou in car that it has all of Brazilian trees were obtained by "atrat- prove TIRES have made and willuf MAKE MILEAGE IN EXCESS OF THEIR GUARANTEE.the comfort, responsiveness and talav pcninsn

la. etc.. where in the past few years plantaiion- - ror Uie production of "tame" rub

power you want in a car ber have grown so mightily as to over-shadow

LEE Red "Velvet" Tubesthe South Americansource or supply.

original are the best under all climates and conditions.There are many grades or rrude rubber8. X. M I- HHI Samples or all or them lhat are generallys X. Stlverslarre, who recently came to used are In Ihe Obodycar display. All are

Tho wheelhase I Paso from lienver as manager or the Borderlandla 110 Inches nrlginlally taken, in liquid form, rrom Autolocal branch or the Boss Bobber company, rubber trees. The liquid Is the "blood"The price of the car complete la JTss has derided thai i Paso Is good enough known a latex that flows rrom Incisionsfor him and lie has or his Inter-estsf. o. b. Detroit) disposed made in the bark by the tappers. The dlsIn the parent concern with exception Includes robber treeof the local branch. He was one or the play even a Co.mrtstnns are mane amisnowing now mo Supplyand of theorganlxers president company how Hie latex Is collected by the natives,when organlxed at Denver and the roneeMi who coagulate It by smoking II over theeight branches, being one of theoperates name or a palm fire, before it can be han-

dledlargest distributors or automobile tires In for Southwestern Distributors.the United states. Mr. Sllversurre baa shipment.

The Brazilian crude rubber samples themoved his ramus; to Fl Paso and will be-come "crepes" from the plantations of tne rar WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AUTO SUPPLIES

LONE STAR MOTOR CO.a permanent resident. east, and the other samples are all la-

beled plainly; the Jungle scenery includes Myrtle Avenue at Kansas Streettrees, landolphla vlns, butterflies snd par-rots and th" whole ensemble Is used as a EL PASO, TEXAS

301-31- 5 West San Antonio Street setting feT a display or the ramotts

Road Construction tires. In the making or which the -- vill - AT Mil -Goodyear Tire A Bubber company hascome to operate the largest tire factory InEl Paso, Texas and the world. There are photographs, loo,Preparedness showing operations in the big factory, andoccupying a prominent place la a pictureor the late Charles Ooodvear, who made dealer his cars In carload lots. For well plants, pushed to Uielr limits, imlltWashington, Oct That military pre-

parednessrubber useful In Its thousands of pres-entror defense includes extensive commercial ways by discovering a nearly il.nno cars i.ixm above the schedule

road construction, vtawed rrom the stand-point

method of vulranlilng It, to make It tough Optimism Gets or the sales de altment. This surplus wasof the country as a whole. Is made and durable and thus useful, as a finished To stick to this schedule In every de-

tail divided cotmiclentlously amona Maxwellapparent in sentiment which comes rrom product. Is a Maxwell principle, although, tothe Atlantic- seaeoast, the 1'arlflc slope, Tlie whole idea Is worked out In a way, Ally in System do so. the Maxwell wlea department has. Headers in greatest need, but was rela-

tivelyand even the (luir or Mexico. gives the pubic an unusually Intimate In the last two months, been forced to de-

clineonly a drop In the bucket or the de-

mand.Hcccnlly the Alabama legislature unan-imously

touch with the lesser known side or one more than six million dollars' worm So carefully waa tin- division made,("Suggests Trip Pair Sex Likes passed a Joint resoluion. prepared of the greatest Industries of modern times. of di-


of orders, from dealeri who fairly liegged however, that even Hie retail branches ofby J. mi crart or the state highway de-partment,

The window has already been viewed by Detroit, Oct. If. Melon' tils board ror more cars than Hieir scheduled num-ber.

the cnmptyiv were held to their originalanil or course assented to by thousands. the general manager or one or the allotments, the surplus going entirely HWithout Eating New National uovemor Henderson, which calls upon the h ading automobile building concerns of a During August and September the Max dealers.

pr-- ni. ni ami congress of tlie rolled Vellle Has New "Six" Coupe. advised InStates "to take such sli ps as In Ihelr wt The Velle Motor Vehicle company of few years ago, earnestly

Let It be known that the Kissel com-pany

i'n no doubt, to their associations with dom appears to be most expedient to bring Mollne, 111., nave announced a new type theI, M

seasoncars. Instead

le come,of the


it bad Justabout at the earliest possible moment the ror the "Blltwel" sixwill five a prlxe to the rirst boinir racing, which Is certainly no pink tea enclosed car body rinlí or a national system of good which Is In more waysthat drives from Chira to Frisco with-out

chassis, unique The termed Ihe exec"directors, aghast,eatmir and right away I'm olT," Is National cars have always been roads." It is set forth I the preamble. than one. This body Is built on coupe

live a dreamer and declared Uteri wvnn tthe alluring- proposition put up to the known as a real "man" propoiltlon. There Uiat "a great war now being waged In lines, but has a seating capacity of tour t.oon prospective automobile owners in tlie

Car In a recent let-ter

hut ope ii, mat a national sys passengers.Motor company Is a certain style and distinctive world.that Is a gem in Its way.


tern of good roads Is essential to tne sue The main seat Is amply wide ror three It Is the execullie who tells the story. Is Your Car Headyabout the National that lias causedThi' writer introduces Ills plan as "a cessful protection of a country In the persons. The driver being scaled slightlyHe Is one of the hlgircst men In the Inatll-tr-

scheme wherby the Klssle Kar may he ad-vertised

It to be known as an srlstorrat among au-tomobiles,

event or war. ahead of Ihe other two gives him greater today. The director and Hie lin the most terrible and novel carrying an appearance of At the recent Itoads con freedom, at the same time adds to the Uny directed vanished some time

way," Ihcn (roes on to explain the details: more masculinity, perhaps, Hum any other grcss in Oakland, Cal.,' among the resolu comrort of the guests. A fourth seat s a" rrom the active list. for the Winter NeeiMon? A thorough iverlmullng nfteT a"I have decided to go on a rast It's ex-

cellentextremely high grade ear. As the National Hons adopted was one In which the con mounted on a stationary pedestal and may Men or the same type as this carry op-

timistluwtl Summer Siwon lemgthciw tlie "life" ot nny cur.

Tor he health but why not make design has tended towards refinement, It gress recommended "to the congress of be revolved into any desired position. have been back or automobilelias avoided effeminacy. The lithe, the I lilted states, the advisability of In sasblessevery

a few beans by It? Have an advance The drop windows are or the In Detroit and Michigan. Ihi--agent ahead to spred the news, so by the body design of the National today vestigating the necessity of building a variety and are held In any position by an early

successefforts In manufacturing were crude We Will Overhaul, Rebuild or Paint

lime we (ret there, the Innabllancc will he tells or the racing proclivities of its an-cestors.

hard sitrraee highway along the I'aeirir automatic device. Dark blue whipcord up-

holstery and hectic. Hut, with Hn- i- and exnerlon hand to look us over. The editors will The National Is a car with right ocean side, from Mexico to British Colum-bia,

suitably matches tlie "Velle blue" have Hu ir OBtUnlsñldevelopedbe only to glad Ui prim the news, tnorby In Its blood and strength In Its sinews, and oilier national highways, to bo body color. A large compartment in the

cure,Inffi scientific

theylines and have organised

nny make of cur. Our plant In the most complete In theand with an outward that be-speaks

used military and commercial high-ways."

Houthweat: our priced are reasonable; our service In atlnllven tiller sheets, with also a picture or appearance as rear deck provides a safe place for the plans of production and distribution sothe outfit. The car sliould be rigd up In these inner characteristics. extra tires. Velle quality and workman-

shiperriclent as to bear creditable comparison your command. Kvery Job le personally supervised by

glarioiis shape to atract atcntlon, with "This year, moro then ever before, nave ,ii Her in Hie year at a meeting or (he In Its highest form Is evidenced In Ihe to any Industry or long standing. Halley. Thnt gunranteeh natisfartton.also a sign to the erect that enybody see-ing

National cars been sold to lady drivers." Maine Automobile association, tne enair body work and rinlshlng. Tlie rare com-plete,

The Maxwell Motor CO. Inc.. for Instance,me eating or even buying food, should said (leorge M. Dickson, general manager man of the slate highway commission eon mounted on the "Blltwell" model S"4 began Its production or the present model

be rewardet. of the National Motor Vehicle tended Uiat the rirst federal money snent chassis. Is I.7Ü in July Willi a definite schedule of pro AUTO CO.MODERNTito the odds laid against me by tne "This Is extremely gratifying- as It has In that state should be In connection with The new Velle six cylinder coupe re-moves

itiicllon and delivery for every ear of theskeptical, will be about . I will yet been our endeavor to put Into the Nation-

ala system of roads paralleling the coast, all limitations as to area of travel O.000 lo be built. Earn day's work or the

win with plenty or muscle still hanging every refinement, style and beauty 'that lo serve particularly In rase or military for a car of Its type and may be used as mammoth plants lierc and at Newcastle I'HONK Hit. 112 WKST OYKRliANf) HT.on my bones. For I have fasted before, would appeal to lady drivers, and yet, al necess'ly. unhesitatingly on country roads as on the and Dayton, was laid out In advance. I nchones 20 days, and still feeling well so tho same time, avoid any appearance of At tt'c October meeting of the executive boulevards of the city. rar In this schedule as definitely as-

signed 92 When in Trouble."know i can go Sil days or so, the lime effeminacy. board of the American Automobile asso a certain Maxwell dealer. Its dale "Phone HA1LEY atriggr the trip will take. Arriving at the "Now that Nationals are nrovlng to be ciation, with ITesldent John A. Wilson Order Sulzberger Majestic. Ham or Ba-

conof shipment formed part of the dealer'sGolden nelitie. the manegement of the ex favorites among the fair sei, does not presiding, a resolution was passed al the today for breakrast tomorrow. Cob ffact and the contracts covered theposition, will most likely Invite us me suggestion or chairman nietu or its na-

tionalDifferent." whole fiscal year. It was arraii'rcd Pi give

in tne car to a piose or nonnpr insiae than heretofore." good roads board, "that the A. A. Aira where the iteonle will view lis reanccxfullv asks the congress in its con

,i v day. and wonder how a car could " ni. i, iiion of redera! aid in good roads tobe built with stitch perferüiess that even Many Colored Trails. the several states, to bear In mind lhata starving- man could manipulate It wim In a trip through tin- middle west. C. T. highways constructed In seaeoast ami bol ,s su'eivw yaav

ease rnr thousands of mites. More fre ad. and family of Belleville, 111., trav-eled

der stales should possess a relatlonslup to"In this way you git the name Kissel Kar over t.SOO miles In their Maxwell over the military preparedness or the rouniry

before the peaples mind, same as In or-dinary

tin- Red Ball route from BL Louis to lt which Is demanding such widespread atadvertising minus cost and the Paul: the lied Band route rrom 81. Paul to

erert are more Impressive; besides the Aberdeen. S. I)., and the Black and Yellow The stale and local clubs or the AmerlKissel Kar lias don something no other trail from Aberdeen to the Yellowstone, ran Automobile association are calling loear lias ever atlinpted to do. So why i n h trail was named for the markings We or tneir representatives iinot?" which act as guldeposts. congress this action of the national auto

mobile body, and also asking lhat a billshall be passed providing for an annualfederal appropriation, divided among theseveral states on (Iv basis of area, popu-lation anil road mlleago, to lie supple-mented by a like amount of money rromtin states, and tne total lo he expendedon post and military roads selectedthrough the or thestate lilghwiy departments.

Ignition SystemsNot So Puzzling

Edison Mazda Lamps "The difference between batten ignitionami iiign tension magneto ignition mispuuled many antoni oblle owner., and pros-pective buyers," states J. Y. Carson of theAuditorium Motor Co., distributor ror HieDim Your Auto Lights Hay net i.igin six.

"In loe magneto ignition system. Hie current for ignition goes directly rrom Hiemagneto to Hie stun k plug- - lie pi- accessory which the owner !ihe magneto and withthe spued or Ihe engine, rue amount orcurrent output of any magneto Is In di

Use the New Nitrogen Headlights. We rect proiiorllon lo the speed. B may call for."For Hun reason, it the higher engine

have a Complete Line. They are cheap speeds Ihe magneto Is furnishing a goodhot spark -- but Hie hot park is not neededat Hie higher speeds When Hie engine jr 9 If wo haven't it, It's on the way."

KOnCEl In our show windows Edison's first Incandescent lamp and uiimiig slow and nulling 'laid, the magneto furnishes hut a weak spark although

all the designs of Mazda's, for store, resident, automobile a very hot stark - needed under theseand bicycle lighting. conditions. This uneven current output

has caused the migie-i- to in loKDISON DAY, OCTOBER I1ST. II museum and replaced ny battery in

oil all Hn- belter makes or cars.Use Mazda Lamps and reduce your light bill one-ha- The storage hatterv. of course, fur

a uniform cm rent. s good hotEVERYTHING EL.ECTRICAL. spark Is available at all limes, irrespe-tiv-

uf Hie envine slice!. I DlHTUIUrTOJl.S."The battery deliver! He laiuc rurrent

ai tlie .lowest engine pee. as n noes hi

Lawrence Electric Co. ihe higher mil- hoi He- magneto gives bill Ford Care-Firesto- Tires jVJvtty little current when ihe engine is runnlug slowly. This Is why ears with bat jH iiflHterv Ignition can be tlirotlled down lo a

HONK 80 Irgrl Lamp Dealers In Texas. 200 MII.I.S much lower speed than cars equipped Wltfl

inc magneto."An oi,n has been given to Hie bal

tery lysieu. In that rrequenl recharging"I the batten - iieie-,a- in nilpreresaeats, iiowever, nan- made this oblection uivslld.

Most csrs which have hatterv tg on Iare also equipped with an eiecirir gene BSBBrator. This - driven bv Ihe en-gine, in ihe sags as) - tin- msgnah lidriven, slid rurni-iu- - rurreol lo Ihe

The generator tnererure. autouiat-li-afl-

keen, Ihe battel rhalged at allmile's, and does awav with the iirreaeily ofhaving H recharged

'This equipment, known as the gene-

iainr hallen 1,1. ni lia- - become standard IibvbvJ hTin all I tie higher pi nid car, displacingthe old style uiagnehe

Cira Hlhl liNtiibullea."Tliere must b- a lose retail n between

Hie welrtil ill.lrlbuln II Hie iloul wlc .

PERFECT COMBINATION and Hie weight distrlbuiioji on lis- rearwin el- - ,aul wossovir, iiuiicr-ria- j SBjafJJJJJJBJBJJBSjagga-- -- SXJBJJBBgBJJSBgJJBBgminiar of Nniiti ke Marmoti com r POF SAFETY, panv "It is In set a more even weight

ti il.uilon that many msnuisciiire uwnot use unit power plsiits.ACCESSIBILITY, PRIVACY Foreigner hsve given s greal dealmore attention to tin. poini than Amen

For your valuables is obtained by placing them in our cans, wllh uV result that there Is prac-tically no foreign rar built with what la

Kire and Burglar lrooi Vault. known as the unit power plant. It ! thisDon't delay this protection close atteullon Willi these wall detalla

that have given the foreign car suchBale Deposit Boxes Cor Kent riding qualities at high spred. The

pio.. live buver of 10. high quality carmight do well to aprnd s considerableamount of time in looking Hilo the bal-astesThe First NahonalBank of his car sa a whole "

E L PASO f TEXAS iskuuulIn the

iiioIoii-i- -




-- anPrrlretYuMnulc


andslidre Jr ...TalbCXi J If I IR. 51-- Surn two Msaaeil cars fiinahrd with t Itrun and il'i i'kvok of hum mar

gin ft every cvuuvs.I ;


B 4 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17. 1915.

hilr'a at fhat piar. Hr itmi Uw handaonw Intirln ear overland, the road beint

Dealers in an ejerlienl eondlllon.AmongTratHlnf aun mil in hl(h v ar ovar

mounlaln e and Ihrourh rrowifd rltyGas RowAlong atraHO, an ' irut ryltndr r Kinr tnnrliio eareUhll-.he- a In Califnmla rvrenily.arrordin in an artlrl In a well known Eaittotonhlle mararlne Tha rear boa nf Uv

n important III. in a islanrl peen of aiitomrihlle wa ealerl hy Maynr teha-tla- ntltie wa. effected t week In the of l os Anrele- - and it remained o aealedvnp,r .il In :.anoiiipam n tin II the end of tne endúram e run.dlTi of lliul-.,- n ' - Mi Namaaan

i. ;!.. l I iMuart ann I. il, fhe Inlerninenal Antra ah rompany fatalloaalanrt. alcs sgut of tin ..mpanv. hart hern awarded Hie aarney fnr the t nan r

chame meeting with i. vntcarra un iv atitomoMtei in tin dlatrfei rann nf thestreet in talking Hie fiutoiimMle men. eiaht lyhnrler earn will arrive from theMr. Vltrarro iatcit nial hi anuiinunile wa. farlory lliun a ahnrt tlarae In rae Med abelnr painlcrl liil I teaiicd another one demnhalralor hy the rnmiiany. TheThe nmtifi if i nri iminr a n roail Knaer maehlr.ea are exceptionallyrr - hm ttrid lip and uiilnn Pit mlii OUMmobllao and it e.,eeted that a largelili Mr Vinarra - Pinking over one number will be Mild in Ihla aecuon.of Ihr hamlxiini' n man tilif - In Hh Iviwroom- - of Hm compam mi Mviilr avenue T arlnad of lh" new "iV Iftlrt modelThe r at - rn mptll rloeeo, the entire Matweii tourinr rara were trranrr mi nt than three ui-- hy Hie linqii'ir Motor rnmpany, hen-

dieraquarter aw an Hour. of Ihr niltotnohilea III Uie aotitttanal. The llnai alan annnoneea the re

In omplianen iu imp section, rerentiv eetpt of a nntf'e from the factory r.r theinrlrii to II' iiv tmfTtr ordinance, mat all urporatlon, 1.0111011 that the new permaautnrnntillc lii'l-- l In- in if- x. ttl lIcNci nent lop Maxwell edan ear ill arrive at

i.r in. r ii adits fit moir.ri-.t-- of uu. areney MIMtl a abort time end beare ltl Mipplvlna their machine, piar ed on f li ilit ion.

with. Plmli-i.' and denertori, a Urgequantity nf v. turn ere pun ftooeil Isa week W. A. keili fnrnierly of eatlle. Waah..from tin h.i, t rlatirt Auto supply compaña will In Uu future la Identified with theThe r. n m model fleflea lor run river Uie Pioneer Mi.r alea rompany In the 00top of ii.. piole Af tin anrl l tin parity of lalt - aaent. Prh.r to roflatnO InMint itffective -- nil a lavara- number ni Poao Mr Kelly "old klntr elarht nlimieiiiii''i .if machine, an outfitting cara ta Itaar ' ara rati the Pacific i na- andwitli tin rr n blinker, utiiih in al- trrv fatolllar with thl.a tnactilne,popnl.-r- While h i riuiut r' painl whlrli handlid eicltialvely hy thr: PioneerInr lh" Upper naif nf tin tila, ilark in luinpatiy.aird-- tha' it iiia llimw llio Marfil dnnti

I, J. Illahmiiith. dealer r.r Matwell autoShipment of iifw I lilnr atrrag Inobilea at Mai (a. Icia. wa- - a vlatior in

In rom i ari. ail" 'lailv an- at f.r-- m he me rlty thla week for the purpu' of tak-

Inr received li Trl lair- Motor nun lllf tWO of Hie new "if." llHMe uu

pain liandlTn '.i tin tetrotl ar for Mron cara hack Hltn him Mr. n la enHiualaatlr nver automobile cunditlnna theijr i in ao.illaweatem counties. I ait week roubtrj irilniiary Pi Mai fa. and alafea thatraptdlt n tin iai acre received Hiry

err rhtppcd mil to rah arción m rub Hie road! are to li',. nnilliuti. aa the nllfliiri in ilifTcrenl towns of Wftslrrn leass, Milt nf trf fftur.

.V Metn-i- i an Anions. Tin- .liipmrntaWill Pi tin pTrltol for "in' iiraliam 1. forlair, Il avelina ten ip, nalnni' .in ii i erase of rout rara a rlay, In refimaeotaMva ..r tin- d

lartcy I" lupply tin - inakiinc a tour of New Mexico.naeenUy Ür. Korjejr haa tnade arnnurr-tóenl-

Praaof iTínt tin' Maxwell nfaf nf Hip rnr the atle nf a lartre nuinlier ofalrunan i mil" automobllei made waa oh machine-- , aicmdlti tn rip, ill- - tral In lh"Mined ' ' uhi'ti tin- - machine wax II office, and alilpuienla of Thetin only nir ni aa thai lUrtaarJ, w in. n car will ooit he made.rrarliprl - ilrstlnitlon mi limp, ihr

ami fi' oilier mar tilín ia tarl-r- at It. H. Smith haa lieen ' mated hy ihrtil- aim- tun' for Um 'anno of a pirrtli' in W'eatein Motor suiply niinpany In

Mr xii " ami llir la lroll niai'llllle waa tin nan I'd', calamine of that firm,tin- flrtl ami ofll) .ml. un PH. to make ami vtiiii will .In nni of Hie moat com

O pin. " u ill, nut an an lilelil of pfate auio icecsoory booka cvor piiiipui inaarjajM airad. Hk tup aria marie oVM nun tn. aoutffweal Mi. Smith - wi.rkimr mor. A Wonderful Car at Wonderful Pricealralfiaalfl nf n niiulain r I. ami ftla gent atetiially on the new catalogue, which lie aotior etlUuiilaaUr naj me Huik nf the LwpOO to have umpleled the near future.MftJ little lOUHBt ear.

siiipineni- - "f tin new model mis una-ro-

Sale MaUiaaapr tMneniii of Um Hnr tiuiniiK con are expected to arrive inoVrlarrd Vuln up. eritupauv. aiitioiiiieeil tin- nú within a abort um conaignvtl to A Twelve-Cylind- er Motor Carnila alleiinaiu itiat lie liail n . elvert a the Pioneer Votjir sale- - imnpany. rite,MOtlrr t.. tin thai in the future lee um l.lnea han- been en mule for kornctin - Would In- iiuaraiil" 'I for 5400 lime. The oew ism Pierre irow car will

nf 1,100 - formariy. The an alto arrive wnhln tho next tinny dtya. For F.'iiii "iii'-n- ' alii'' fioin liar inatiiifaeturr'iof

ftt lH Bat Mthe l.e tin - anil m lit IBIO t m. Morrli r,r the i atinnnl HankTin- - lile i. In un inimlleil lay the I1111I1I11111. - drltflni one of the Pip- model

luinl. I.iiiiI iito Mipi'lx i'.liipaiiy an. a Overland fiv paaaengar cor, o. Pedrlcalar" nuillliel nf sale- - have hrteu repotted nf Kl Ta.-- ia tin' uwner nf a model si" Only tplvrCO FactoryPiurliifr car Olao. The

companx waa eoahlerl to fill a inutilice ofIl' lim.lehnir of tl ffleaO of tin Holder orderi t week, uwiiik tn Hie arrival of

lamí Autn Nofatall rnnapafl) al knn-i- i ami m utiiI carinarla or late UOdOl ear.Myrtle aratlttat, in nnier lo r lalili-h lh" Here you have Faster Pick Up, Greater Flexibility, anduh aiiiuiir id I'liilue nt wa i ninpl.tiil la- II. M. OlHOOPIa. alea niatiagir or ihrui'ek. the niiupaiA " oer'iipyltiK nearly truck dopai ine hi r the Noiiliian saleaiwor' muí li liare - ruiini rlv The company', returned tin week rnun Marfa, a more Perfectly Balanced Flow of Abundant Power.vuleaiilinir il' i'iu Um HI u III' he npi lieil to where he la iii n. ii in rleiiiiinslrnlitig ainnrio naunitni in- new brofirli - In iiiinih' r of tin- latest model machine.-- . Afeatlrl III Ihr' rear uf the htoek roilhl nf till' ter ataying a ahort itiv. Mr. idihwiie All Vibrations have been Eliminated. THECompletelyroiiipany. the remullí luiir of llri'' offn i to that tllstrlct. where lie will'llillil.- - the in t" pill mi .itn.nlni ,li, remain for some time.iiiay ni no frvoJ of Um iuw room. ENGER TWIN-SI- X has Twice the "Get-a-Wa-y" of A

iiiiniiiiii it,.- arrival of n lame numbar ofmil-- , lie n Main Mntni roinpaiiY were of "lie ton crparlty. - expected to arrive

mabled I" fill i.uim run- - uniera la- week. Single Six. A Demonstration will change your viewMiioiik Ileum nirivmir nuiiitiiohlH'h are It. r.i-- iKTlnml sale- - coinpaux. illicit fiuniI.. !'.'," I. I, Mlin I' of I. Illll. Jllllllh tlni factory. Immediately after arrival theS'tin

hepp-- .Newman

It.. hillIravcalnaenl

Will, n.lll.'iiiupany,P. M. HtKliYill

i. M.of


illy.will he ilcllici'ed In mi relia-er- In of Motoring. More Power. More Get-a-Wa- y, More

Harne- -. Ju-- a. lluiit of Van YHorn. s.I'erkni-- . Jnitte Han M Jaekon. J. I). Ipdd, A. H. I linnre. aalea manager of the Oak-

land Speed, More Economy. A Perfectly balanced car withmi In do l a U n la N, Hoi t. Uu Auto Salea ctiuipajiy. la at, I,, it. WilluiuiMiti. l.Pul Alta Lao, uiukiiiK ia tour of jk'eawrn Touo. ami aanil P. Lapp It, - having rtlapoard oí a large nuni-be- Greateror rara on the trip. Mr. Klinoro ia Flexibility.

The InteniaMniiiil Autn Salt s er.iiipany re cxpecied In return within a shorl time,reived a rorlr rut of Hie new flun k having been gone rnr several (laya.ear- - yr lenliiy anil III, IIIH. nllli - were' llnluediatr .1. 'nere.i in pun haw rs in ma J. VV. HUfaek, .- Iratlilacn street, ALL HILLS ON HIGH!rlty and nnllunir point- - fine of tin, mu Nircfllaed an merlán,! ma car or Ihrrant aas villi in Alumuirordii hy J..I111 lile naodel 'mm Hie AtttnMm. inn-- . fw Hulek autiiiuii- sale- - cniiipany-laa- l weak. The Bailey Mo-

tor company or limxxcll, N. M.. received Briefa liipinent nr four new overland louring Specificationsar- - through the Kl Paao office of the com-

pany. Motor Twin Six (12 cylinder.-- 1 cast en bloc. Anrrle of cylinders60 degrees from center Une, 2 H Inch bore, 3 H Inch

A large niimlii r nf ordr stroke. Valve In the head motor. Construction of motorSTORE YOUR ere mi, d during the paat wi'ek by theWealern Motor supply cntnpany on San sjljjjj aaBBBBaiBal

allows for removing; head.r'rancieco airare tite offirr a or the com II i.i

jaojÍIicnitlon Automatic and manual advance ignition.iiany wi re rreguenlr'd hy a totirlata' ear

p. mini Tor n iliii iiiii and relurnlng ftuin Wheelbaae Road clearanceHousehold Goods that lUte.

Electric Starting and Electric motor meshing in fly wheel gear for starting.The llnidrrlc.ini Auto Supply company re-

ceived Lighting System Generator direct drive.Ml pair or new auto lampa directWhere you get service and rrotii the factory ndav aftenirMni. The Carburetion Double entraca carburetor with manifold hot water Jack- -

lampa tluiixx a red light in remit and awhite light on tin' aide, mid an lome nf eted.

aafety. uu ntftteai uiirica or the kind turned nut Springe Cantilever. 'In aMM lime.

Transmission Three speeds ahead, one reverse.Sam WltklMi ilealnc In the Overland

aula inobilea ai lienilug. S. M received Clutch Multiple disc. Dry plate.shlpiiunl nf four fnuuloiiriuk roro thefn t y Ihini nh the I'l Pdao aalea agency Rear Axle Pressed ateel housing. Spiral bevel gears. Full floating.

AT LESS COST, TOO Cooling System Thermo-sypho-

iiiiiiiig the iiuc Control Center.

a PASO ST0RA6E WAREHOUSE h HcKeona. traveling territorial repre-sentative

Tlrm Wheels equipped with demountable rims and 32x4 tires,of lite king Automobile luaniifae-iiinn- d on rear.

rarporoUon. waa a vtaitnr in tliePhone 2 I 66 city laal xvnck. Mr. Mrkeiina will pi lid Color Hody is dark hrewster day- - Pa-- " with thePloaaar Mulor salea rnmpany. liainllera of Weight of Car 24S& lbs., fully equipped with top, windshield, batterythe king osfl in the aotiUrWeat, lampa, starter, magnetic apeedometer, tools and extra rim.

liapul proiTeaa - lieing niaale in the raaa, Price !;. f. o. b. Cincinnati.i' nf tlie body fur UV new palrul

THK HOMi; OK uaauti ,,r the pnlh e de(iai iinciit in theNauiiiau Mnlair sale, company. Mr "Understand, when we put a car on the market we otand behind it just as Packard orHoleproof Hosiery onnotinead x. Untax tlie wat n willlie reedy for aerxiic within two w,.k. Ford would. We have the financial strength to back this We havefor M n, Women and t.'hl dren. up. just as much at stake.

BRYAN BROS. tlax Ham II "I miniainia wa- - a u il..r In Our reputation is just as valuable. Refer to Dun or Bradstreet and you'll probably bethe, city laat week for lln purpOa of buy-i- sur-priseds.i Amonio anal Oregon. .Motor



of pail- - mmlln-


Weal-ern will to find that we have the same rating as Packard and Ford." (Frank J. Enger.)bellarrell

ni tn ilnialiiia immciliah Iv by Mi Compare the flexibility, power on the hills, finish and leather with carsthat sell for twice the price of the ENGER TWIN SIX.

SHAW AND CO. tinlinker- -



sale- -week

;, yby This proposition is being handled independently of all other lines carried by the Inter-

nationalaprrial bmly la bilng rotiatructed lur the View, Enger Twin-Si- x Chassis Auto Company.Fotmily Liquor Dealer. new truck, and will In rotuploM wilbios gi. n i; OOtaD tu i it, Mp a abort lima.

DI l.r I HKl), l.a l.dwarda. aireiil nf Hi. Maxwell Dealers wanted in all Cities and Counties of Arizona and New Mexico, also Westriu, or 1141, 111 NorUi o. f. o a'. Alpine. Teaaa, waa a tailor ID Texaslln- city nal week, fur u utin or tak-ing


punno, .if






ing in territory west of the following cities: Plain vie w, Colorado, Eldorado, San Angelo andCHICHESTER S PILLS tutu


ii.inpaiiy.aalea agent


- olthe


WinVm Del Rio. Liberal discounts offered. First come first served. Write for our proposition.

inn -- 11 auloUKibltea, aaiiiuiiu, - mat a inf tin new miii hcii touring cara wut

a - aar in at ai, krnjianai u 1


x carload


of u cylinder louring cara International Autokm bHAXá rfLTXa aa waa utilnaih ,1 , w el k bl aklaml 416-42- 2 Texas Company Elraa k m aa Baa, kaiaaa. Alaaaiaa liar.aa mu niniiany. included in the anrp Paso, TexasSWD BY DftÜbüISIS CVEirYWNlUf in. in - .uie uf the four cylinder ma

J. W. Stockard, Managerlie Willx- - knight roadalrr demonaUator

arrived m m illy laat week and la nownil ID Hie allnWI.a.lii- - id tlie KlURINARY l - o 11 land company ou San I um ir,, o

aaaaaaSPPaaallaV. OIICNAIQES aenrri Mmtciiaka r enlutan bile artlil v lulu h I11111 In piluiitic the tour ia a Qolo etitil-- Beaeh, fit., snd Miami, lia., raeré UieKUKVED IN

A J. tiaiia. aaeul of the 1, ml aiiioinn- by ii" um. Motor mil - "in, .11, lal Under um ma ear. placed al Uae ,i.- .,.i DlUe uifhuay vnda. fM? úme v,"ebllaa at oiiiinbua. N. M waa a Hallar in week. Over of the l"J'e hiartiway prealdent by 1. J. The euureFirst Tour trip cutera t.tuu nut.liar nly i an t for lhai purpoee of buy- - uje. prrstdrut of Uae Cole Motor ar com-i- and Upen houae is alwy a m order' oul tbore.24 HOURS ike finuag une ni uie new avio cara. ol Inilianarttilla. who alwaya nas o i:- nave a rimuana bui tinThe Wooltoa-KMO- r elataanna Work! Ml Vrei Increaseschedule uf practically 100 tulle earli in vtattor interval in toe trotad ruada day

Back Cap- wart, aalea agent of Uu Nauniananerly liar lydr llnlnie eiiiiiany. haa pur. Dixie Highway movement.

a deep far a period of eleven daya. the luurtMs the adtet.i arf the ew t,0H Vails six ha.aaaia Motan ale eemUMM la ni, laimug tala cliac.i a lota delitciy aimi tu be uaeil leavtna; ilitcago un October 10 ami reach MA advtaabletk i..arvy mother, who ta vtailmg tl I'aao from

ID in. city. tadi rtty ra route hat made prepara tnt lav Ivriuinlal torio on October ti an ornajneoikl fencelo.envioae

'aiutthe plain with

loit Worth. Teta. lloia fur wein na and enlertainini the Aetordlnf tu Uie DUle ht(1av.a ofrtclala ve iod(t at theplan e an aturan

jpaaaara a raa Uttfntt Mra Will laft. wife of William Tafl. Tlw mural tour over Uir Dille I1KI1 tounalr. anauiu) wlaoui are Carl 0. Klaher. this tour over the proposed route ahoulo '" "i " willentrance, m order lhai

ALL laat'ouiaT carloau or Uae mm m. ,1. Q. u. C aalea ato m uf liar iiitnialunal Auto salea vaay avuich lnifin In Qateaao. baluralay. luuratlei uf Uae l.neala hi(hway alad one brin( '' a limai tlaa! acllvitiva of uiuae aim aaauratd oltavall

properly uldc.lsciIrurka la now ra route to my from Ibe eomiiaiii returned laal vteek fiuni a inn ti., mm direrlly responsible for Uie totereaivd tu Uar inovetuenl and tlaoae In

tug the ,igh!:1. toiy luiiatgiM-- to Uae .Neuiuen Motor to Cloti. V N. tit toba r lu. and cauls in Niauat. I la. tan or Uie DUle lurhuai t mi alona Uar route Already aouav aectioii. f" Hi and lit. lactone, he In thehale company I, ta pacuna lauMUaely Uae .1. .,. lia A Boukaaaller. fonnei mayor uf the ruad bate oven oiaafilrt. il aud In '"i'i of Ihe rouutry' ureal agm ultuimi

Henry hiera. foruaerl uf Willi ui. Aiu. al. interval of IOC IMilalu Uae ttl ol IndlaiuuaoliF and a notad apeskvr on other ei lloii aork already ha urn it liinisaiiiia of fanners ai cay folk-Leo i. Troal, agent of inr trankltn Motor lia aur.,rt a iHialtluti a.ah 1.1 nf atMck wlU uuive the uurUi anil the sood rnaia proJerla. and f ield svrreiery II la belieavit Uaal. w ittaaia tbr tie It three "ell irlatl thai Hinting rouaiiauimOra. la al preaenl Iba Uu

proiri'l W iitlbia alii of the Ulale Histaway aaao ear the enuire road will hate baaeu atan uar. and thetiiaklut a lour or Wealern Mulor Mii i'l) iiuiarany of ti Mmlk Uu. and loans alona Uie route onartnator of com forctlioijgtii of Hewratrrn aeclion of Ibr ute In Uaa mu raat 1I1 the tour eulliuiaUtally tlaiion. Kin Hubtaard. "Abe pleted raeaeral lullliou dollar alivatt. miians la but an evidence of Uieirare omnia of note tn uv haveuf Ilia In Martin" and a anan news beau ..ubacribad and euibuiaiii i,,iua i'i i.kl. etell welland Uae booaler' aaaruiao n. al ever) icmeier', mp

paiH-- field, alaa la with Uae louriau. alono Uar route la at a htsti pitch urth while.liervofW bartoni.upin Ana., an a via it (ivva laroaitae of den Kaoiua a ..itJ. K. Anderaun of U Paao I the uwaaer llor in the ilk last . Uaa Irlp IViii wltlrh will let utaUuns lUtvrtere m. tlw Tlw route front iJaitew leada tlirough uf111,11, at.

.points to UV apredy l oiui.leuoii

the tuf a four cylinder Knag ivadalca purrliaaeaj Matt overland in 0 tounuij car. speedy n.itipletJoii of Uat ajival umject liaaitillr. III indtaiiaiioiTa. Ind.. Iieurh pivjecl.II. ,1, Uie u.ll. rl Molnc ..I.. Ma" udr Alllauo. prealdariU ur llar liixte lick. lad.. Lauiavflle. .. .faabviile.laat waa. four rarlaaata oa Uae new uaerlaBd lour inahiaay aaaotiauoa. la taaaktiuf Uae ulti Tena., iilaeuanoao. Teau.. AtuuaU. lia. yette raatieo 'aaaMlar Httk tuaur.aV WT NaaaM . ota-- a V. aOagt taVl. nif raaa are nu ro rvuUi laa U Taao fur iUi the tout lata, and alirerllna Uaa unit Marou. tie.. Altaaay. u .. TalUbaj.rr. 11 ta nut oftoo OJaO Ml to put up a B,. m.m Or.. 1, 1.a


U Uae uwaaac ajf a aaaaaa aya Uaa. U law uaaerlauol Auto teic. uuiupaai) pcaataaaUy. Tka oataCiaU car wiittli u used JackaouaiUc. tu.. Uaosa. ría,. Weal, Palm ta keep out UU fnasadi. kaut uua ta alai, lUaTbUatJ i&EswSEEBBBBBBBa

Sunday. October 17. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES B 5

New Packard Twin-Si- x Creates Much Interest Among EI Paso Auto Fans El Paso Air Remained In McNary's

Kelly-Springfie- ld sAfter Crossing Five States and Seven Mountain Ranges

McNary Likes READ 3,000 Miles MadeKellys THESE on El Paso Air

Mr. James orshsni xicary. vice presl ITEMS MR. AMI MR. JAMRB MMARV RE-

TIdent of Flri "snonel hank, has Just pur-chased

R FROM woMii in i i

TRIP.hla second Hupmoblle. He was st This la Just one experience Mr. and Mrs. James fl. McNary. crossingwell pleased with the performance or his for motorieta who uae rive tate. and seven mountain ranges onfirst Hup., he purchased a second, whkfi Tiree. a three thousand mile motor trip, returnedhe is using on a Hip to California. Before with K.l Pao air In three of the rive tire

en their Hupmoblle touring car Instarting Mr. UcXary had the Boas Rubbrr which they made Ihe trip through Xewroiiipeay rqnlv his rar with a art of Kellx t'oat more to buy Mexlro, Colorado, Nevada, Utah and Cal-

ifornia.Springfield tire. I ess to ownAak McNary.

The Boss Rubber CompanyDistributers

308 Texas. El Paso, Texas.

C can he obtained with aaretv all except onthe turn whlrh are parabolic, saretv wall

Mitchell Is Out Plan to Climb or cnnrreie are to be constructed aroundthe turn owing to the danger of goingover precipices. The altitude al the top I

With a New Car Top Pike's Peak about noon feet ard at the bottom abool8,000, making a rlinvh or about feet In17 miles over about as novel and Interestinga route as a roadway was ever built. It isTim of all v. ii flrtvlnr has hsen SO America's one (real nallnnal hill climb claimed that touring ears will he able,

1. V. STOCKAHD AMD CHALKY SHARP, PACKARD AGENTS, VIBWHIO THE TWIN SIX. materially reduced by the introduction of will be held some time next year nvrrTffé when especially tuned for the orraalon. tothe Mitchell demountable ..dun topnexr make most or the distance onthai motor car owners are coming to a road or 17 mile In length rrom cascade high gear.

Seldom before In the history of the mo- - Packard In all details. The luxury of hilo In a commercial way. At the lime lie rear end of the ear was all right, and was i. .ih into thai the .iiitomobtle Is no longer to the top of Pike's Peak, providing Ihe The nlan for the. hill climb includes conniisincs.i in mi my or i rano has an finish, one of the chief Packard attributes. introduced the modern service to the NO replacing lew wncoi, closing ana uniiMhg Talr weather

nMend." now m mind are worked out tests for all classes or louring cars and ror

"Bjiilnl'' created interest aH was Is carried by the new product even to the Mexlran dcserl. Mr. Storkant waa engaged hi Ihe rear axle, and rebuilding what hea Rlana The Pike's Peak Highway associa-

tion,commercial cars and truck of even- class.

created by the Packard twin six, on it ar-rival

working parts or the ear. extensively In tin- cattle blislpaas ami had undone. The demountable Sedan lop means an a private corporation which construct-ed

Stanley WUaon claims that throughout thoand display during tlio past week. So bcautirul in conslrurllon and finish Is Sharp was one or Ills row hand, wlio hail storkard sal grumbling at his merhanlc

year car ror any and all kinds of the world's highest highway al an ex-

pensecountry are many cities hero the motor

The rar. In all respectó, exerts even the the motor that many local motorists have ai qiuri d a limited knowledge, Of gasoline on u nearby rock, smoking a rlgarciic. Weather al toe expense or only one car and or 400,000. will be the promoter of inirk lias not prox-- t n a success on accountfondest expectations of J. W. Storkard. motois while repairing the gasoline driven one body, and the inn lhat ror a very the hill Ihe world

or the hills, and h believes thai succesalikened It in appearance to a piano. It la sharp Joined him. and also lit a cigarette, great st climbing eventpioneer automobile dealer and of dumps, used when Hit- wind railed to turn slight additional Investment "Ihe su or "l" tor a great number in this Pike's Peamanager Thisso arranged that all parts are more accessi-

blesmoke and reflection rinallv convinced him ever knew. highway was opened as

the International Auto company, Packard than In any previous model ever of-fered

tlx- windmills at the rattle water holes. that ir ihe trouble wasn't in the back end can be converted into a luxurious enclosed far as Olen Cove, about 13 mile rrom Cas rllmb will prove of national Importance torepresentative In this city and adjacent ter-ritory

ar, suitable for winter use, will mean a he Ihe industry. The sm cess or the Wilsoncade. September I, and will hardly com-pleted

by Packard engineers. The cylln-- ! Sharp Klrrtrd Mechanic. or the car, it must be somewhere else. So the winter use of gave Ihe Wilson Ihematerial Increase in company slogan,ders are set In a V shape at fin degrees he lilted the hood. rlear to the lop until spring, one 'BuiltMr. storkard and his Packard expert, angle, permitting the narrow valve alley When the new stage ar-rived.

cars. feature oT the program for the great climb, for the Hills."Charley Sharp, with the Times representa-tive

between the heads, and allowing a most Sharp was singled out as manager, Memory began working. Once his gas The price ol Sioa ror the detachable which will cover several day of compi ti liltlc reTin'ementsand of friends, the Twin mechanic, and driver of the Main'. bOCatlM engine on the pump at the drinking trough great many and con-

veniencesa party save convenient valve adjustment. The rarbu-- I winter sedan top can be better appreciated tlon; will be a truck contest. The putting

Six a trial last week. About one hundred retor. a double spout affair of the usual he could Mart and lop gisollue motors. had bucked, and he bad fixed It by when It is remembered that an outlay of on of this contest was due to the success-ful

which are not unuersaly foundmil. a of desert road west or El Paso was Packard type. Is located between the cylln-- I

1 in rust trip In the new slaire was at-tempted

wllh the spark plugs. He wipedi rom atoo to 1700 was rormerly teipiii ed to climbing or the peak bv the Wilson in motor cars. One instance of the mlnule

covered the the machine. by Sharp the day the car was on he two plug.- - or the two cyllndered oi mil tc which the Martnon engineers goInby party new ders and over the valve alley. obiain a ear or Ihe enclosed type. truck at the time or th opening, and rorHills, sand, mud and roads by express, ami within a rew car, and turned her over. three days prior to the opening. As the in rilling their car Is found In a little con-

veniencewere negotiated. Id the steep sand hills Ignition System Waist Hlnli. hours arter its arrival inTtoswell. Trouble the engine responded. And In Too oxvner who heretofore, has garagedWilson mad- - the ascent wllh to help the man who changes

The Ignition system and improved Pack-ard

Tive minute., after and mu hi de or pul up hla car during the winter months successfully tires. Itwest of Canutillo, even, the motor pulled or course followed, acrordluir to Mr. load of two tons. Stanley t. is llwaya troublesome to put aDelco Is located at the forward part of lay and work, ihe car was again off on Its will now have Ihe use of his car through, capacity

through without signs of laboring, and siorkard bul It rould hardly bo attributed Wilson. r of the J. C. Wilson com-pany,

Jack under the rear axle and in order tothrough the whole of the trip there waa the valve alley and on equal height with to the Cowboy driver. initial trip to Torrance. out the year, and al an extremely nominal


of the Wilson worm-driv- make It easier a lug is cast on the bottomthe carburetor. This loratlon In the high-est The first miles covered. outlay both Idmseir and passengers can side or Ihe Maimón "41" axle thatnever a sign of vibration. firry were easily Kmbarraaament Is evident In the manner of the truck, has suggested that one event rear so

Tbe sand bills west of Canutillo, called portion of the motor permits the driver The rate at which tne stage ate up the and speech of the cowboy driver even to-

day,enjoy all the comforts and


and at least be for trtirks laden to their ra-pacity

the Jack en be readily ritted.the "Hill of the Mesa." Is well known to to negotiate water waist deep without dan-

ger miles, aa c.imparcd will) tlio old horse after years of capertenre with ma-chines,

in expensive coupes,load. The highway nxvr which Ibis One Nc (ontenience.

nearly all motorists. It Is one of the most of wetting his Ignition or drowning the drawn vehicles, bronchi on dreams. Mr. when x p. Sluckard rolatca Ihe Inci-dents

berllns. contest will be held provider every oppor-tunity

The man who pays )MW "r more rordifficult pulls In this part or tbe counlry carburetor. storkard. the only passenger, dreamed of or their first night out In an auto-

mobile.The new detachable sedan lop furnished ror a great climb, as it ts 30 reet an automobile has a right to exprct a

and the hill w,ts pulled In high. Ruts and During the trip conversation turnad to another; perl aps several other ram on hla Bolh driver and agent have since on bolh the live and seven passenger wide rerulailv and on the turn 54 feetdeep "guts" In the rood had been made pioneer days In molordom, and Mr. Stock-ar- staire route. Sharp, mechanic and driver, learned thai II Is not nrreaaarr to remove models Is complete In every paritcular. Tim wide. Tbe surface Is Ideal, or will be whenby the recent rains, and the twin six was recalled Incidents or his early suke saw a future or speed contests, the rear wheels of a car to brush off a interior Is allrai lively lined with whipcord ll is all completed, and the highest speedhandicapped In Its pull by these natural line In New Mexico, ana the Introduction of gigantic cars, and terrific rate of jnlles per duly spark plug, but the driver will never ., i ,m,i in theconditions, in addition, the. car carried a the automobile Into tbe New Mexican stage oír. rorget thul I did them things ' while top of the car furnishes an abundance offull list of passengers. Driver Sharp, how-ever,

serviré. Driver Shan- was the "goal" of Then one cylinder missed fire, and the agent has breath with which to tell the tale. nam. rne wmusmciu is uum--held tbe car to the top of the grade the1- story, which Mr. blockard used to II- - car went forward on Impulses and Jerks of Not a Hit of Trouble. iilaiina feature and the doois open full

In third speed, and seemed to make the mr leu u iiuii-- oi pioneering Wlin the other ryll.iricr, which led the driver to Kvlderfrr or the fact that Manager stockpull without exertion. autos. believe that a tooth in the sprocket of the mid can be taken om. making prartteaHyResponds I" Driver's Hand. According, to the story told by Mr. stork-

ard,affair had broken. Kxamlna-tlo- in open suuruia i i ivi uwtob "

me of the striking characteristics of the the Incident occurred In 1903. and was proved hla Judgment bad, and he de-rided

trial trio of ihe twin six. .Not once, sav The top Is made lo fit "the six or 16

twin six Is the ease with which It answers In connection with the first automobile that the fear In ihe differentials or to allow several cattlemen who were at body and fastens rigidly and securely inthe hand of the driver. It Is handled In Sharp had ever seen or driven." The car, transmiaslon waa nut Accordingly, he iracted by the car to view the engine and place wtilrh. liigelher wllh Ihe liberal uehard and difficult roads and at all rates a affair, had been shipped by took down tbe rear end of the machino, to take a picture or the engine, did. they ol sliork and noise deadening felt washers

sneed. with the ease aecompanvln the express from th factory to Roswell, N. M., gear, box and clutrnv raise the "hood. al all join! provides against aii.x objection-ablevn.'l Of a roidster or half Its weight. The to be used on a stage line between that city The hundred mile trip, a demon stratlnu rattle from vlbralion or rough roads.

new car. stiff and fresh from the factor)', and Torrance, a small station on the E. P.Works All Night. for the satisfaction or Ihe agent and ror the From the above ll will be gleaned neither

responded to the driver with the game k fl. W. railroad The day, which waa when he friends of that agent, was covered with as lyle. romrorl nor convenience lacking.smooth and free action as does the car Tbe automobile stage line was a dream started his examination, drew to a rinse. uní. trouble as the same distance would Toe top Is filled on the tegular "six or "M 'which wear has made "respóndanle." of Mr. Storkaid'a put Into reality. It was The examination continued by lantern light t.e covered in a Pullman. In addition, body. Is bull! with the low road clinging

Aside from tbo most powerful engine and the first auto stage line in that district, Into the night. And the aun rose when there was m porter to trouble the oc-cupants

vet nrovides uiiinlc in .el roomthe ease with which the new car is han-dled,

and It was Introduced before the average the cowboy driver had derided that the of the car. lor Ihe occupants.the twin six Is characteristic of the New Mexican would consider the autoino- With some 4,iJ or "ine six m id

models In the hand of satisfied owners It

goes without saying the factory ll beingpressed for eorly dellverleg on model

Rush Production New Plant for ccpilpped Willi ine airyrai wy.

Motor Hair Climbing In l anadaOf Olds Eight Briscoe Company "Farmer and manufacturer alike are

making more money in Canada today thansver before in their history." says I on laLóala, Canadian district manager for theAÜT0M0HU 1IffiECIOKT The new eight Introduced by the Olda Word romes from Jackson, Mich., that all Chalmers Motor company, who has Just re-

turnedMotor works of Lansing, Midi., is a de-

parturearrangements ror the building of the new from an extensivo tour or the do-

minion.100,000 local plant or the Briscoe Motorboth In looks and mechanical de-

signhave been "KING EIGHT"concludedcompany and thai

from any car yet produced hy that actual building operations will begin Im-mediately.

"An impressive Inrrease in the sale ofGoodrich Auto and Truck Tires thishas naturally followed wavemotor oarscompany and Is. also, at varlenre with any-

thing ..r prosperity and sales- arr booming In all Sl,3SOIn the line now mi the Although the Briscoe Motor company baa 'caned. The of On-

tarioBest In the long run. U. hi U I It 3! South El Paso St. Tel. 231 already leased every available plant In sections of province

market. From the bonnet back to the rear has taken 7.0OH more cars toeat Vulrantilnp Plant In the Southwest. orihe car It resembles the olds four, hut Jackson, and Is In addition, conducting ne-gotiations dan- than

alonewere sold up o this time last The Car of no Regrets

there the resemblance ends, for Hie motor ror the establishment of a Ca-nadian the maritime province sales have

and most or the mechanical feature raetory, the growth of the com-pany's

year. In andareTHE CLEVELAND SQUARE GARAGE iicmi :ai per rrnl greater than last yeareither entirely now or modified lo meet

make thebusiness has been so rapid as to

the inrrease Is siso noticed in Ihe western Pioneer Motor Co.the requirements of an new Jackson factory an liV. BWEEMVXi Prop. FIRHT-CIiAS- UARAGK AND KKIWIR Ml or. ehaaala. dlate necessity. ' '

When the fact Is considered Uiat IheService Night and Day. West Franklin suvd Santa Fe hie. Phone M7. In appearance the car shows a recasting on



rectoryline ,.r



located directlyCentral etlra war lax on cars going Into cañada On the corner where Myrtle meeta Campbell. Phone 52.

of the linea of the radiator, there being a rail mod. ideal shipping conditions bring the total duly up to 4:' per rentrounded Jacket which gives a head on view afforded tint showing Is Indeed a remarkable me.are for theAMERICAN GARAGE. somewhat rcaenihllnv somo or the produrticn of Briscoe cars.

company's growing Canada has demonstrated most clearly U)

foreign machliira. The lamps, with ihe tnilh or the assertion lhat financialThe of tneL. W. DKNMON. MGK. plans the builders Immedialelv. their but stale of mind.nothing aauxiliary lights mounted on lop, are stringency IstheAutomobile Repairing and Storage. "Day and Night Service. another departure from former Olda modela. hasbetrny

i, n laidrart


withthe new

Ihe broadestBriscoe plant

con Wert it hot for the constant recruiting andThe general linea are carried forward dulling of volunte, rs no one would ever

300 S. Oregon El Pauto, Texas Mom the new type "43"eeptton and

aridwith intimate regard to

know there waa war In the air. Businessruuire growththe sealing arrangement in the tour-ing will

Arrange,is going on with greau r vigor than duringmenta be such thaiear and tbe body dimensions lumia un-

altered.every item used ha nsst rive vears. croo reports from the

LEE TIRES BORDERLAND AUTO The wheel baae in both cars la onein Hie


in the formor a


raw material,centers on

to eastern and western sections alike are the EAST OR WESTun nitral, and aurh features at natural leave, at the other end, a product finished most raVOraOSS III some yrais sou hi. i.iiii- -

heSUPPLY CO. hickory rounded huh raps. Circa. In every' detail and ready for the hands of r is receiving war prlrne for everylhlngPLAIN, ANTI-SKI- and PUNCTURE PROOF. aian walnut aleeriug wheels and instrument the motorist, Kverythlng In the plant is to has lo sell.

board, which have been linked up with the most There is more money in Canadian sav-

ingsPHONE MIO. ( OHM K MYRTLK and KANSAS. olda cars for months past are thown againrepresent advanced engineering hanks today than ever before Whileexperience as applied to the manurariurein lie eight and help the layman to recog-

niseor automobiles. our Imports are perhaps curtailed a trifle TAKE THE

THE It. PASO Alio'l.y lout'.wv (Inc.) the car aa an old. Already this Is more than sel ofT by our greatlyarrangements are made for theTIRES, I, tv. it mo k. Pre. W. C. aUekke, See. Beyond the rart thai the motor is or an erection or dwelling, to house ttie me Increased exports.have failed loCanadaentirely new design, undoubtedly Ihe moat ehanli s who will be added lo the "Few families Incoin

TUBES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONGRESS, PULLMAN AND IMPERIAL outstanding feature or ihe car is its weight. peny's force.membercontribute,

tothethe Canadian

serviréforcesof at

aidingleast one

the GoldenFor Ita horsepower. It la aaid to be ihelightest eight cylinder car yet produced, leases In the comalike from the poorestregistering a total weight, with roll louringsupplies and eiiuipioeui, of approximately Why's "Gets-It,- " for try and irom wic leumii-- ui hisjihssi isi

EL PASO OVERLAND AUTO CO. .'."ou pounds. rank.

Overland Automobiles and Willys Trucks Tlte motor is V type conatru. uon, I. head,with ryllndera act at the usual angle of yo Corns, Like a Kiss? StateI SO 121 SAN FRANC ISCO STREET PHONE 110 degrees. A peculiarity of the desUm In llialtne crank case la dividid vertically ud it ofisst integral xmiIi lie cylinders. Thti ion New Secretary

Watch the 5000 Mile RED TOP FISK TIRE million enable.., tie motor to lie real in in. i -- I KVKRVBO0Y tun IT.lions and not m one. as in tie ma LlhEk IT, lis PtIMEhh AND- 14 Jority of ihe rigid cylinder cars al pn teal Chalmers CompanyWESTERN MOTOR SUPPLY CO. SflT on tiie market. Such a design, ll xa ill be TAKES BIT A MiiMl M TO APPtV. Limitedseen, fat Hítales the inbling of Ihe motor

o I. It" Is the wondri or the coin At t'te meeting of Chalmers board of .11d world. Millions aay so. because mil held Detroit fteptemberrector m Tuesday,lion, have usid It. That's what makes llCADILLAC SALES CO. Cliarles r loll, ror tne past niuen

I KHGl sos I ISM I. HAMIO.Nh. the biggest selling corn remedy on eartb years private secretary to Hugh Chalmersele. u n secretary of tin- chalmrr Mo

E. P. ft S. W. IUILDINQ TELEPHONE 5105 Gavrrsor Derlarrs llr MUI Tura Loosr tor company The Train Ofrrleiadless tries GoaiirU. ferrar, vice president and as.istanl

By Associated I'll is general manager of Ihe Chalmers MoUir

AJAX Juarautecd in Writing, WOO Mllee. libera Claim Uuallljr-- bailas. Teas, oil. 16 Governor lame oiupanv. who lias previously fulfilled HieGuarantee It All Adjustment Mad Hare. L Kerguson, in halls- - lo opea the Texas duties of sern lary. will uirn over mmstale fair, said Uiday that he Mould par rtioii uf no work lo the incoming GREATER COMFORTSTIRES I MI1U ",a Campbell htreeu. POuti. TV, don every our ol Ute mo fnendleaa eoa U'

I PltEE OUICa" Tiltr: itHVICg. lela now in stale prisons, - n uiouirndrd Sir. will I'llier ilMo Ills new lllllirsby the board of pardons yesterday. al He most auspice period In tie history"That is ,ny idea of life savtug.f toe of Ihe Chalmers .Motor company sale. San Fravnciaco and Return $45.00Hand-Mad- e MilesREPUBLIC 5,000 Guarantee. governor raid. and production nave reached a poim in vnThe governor added thai be hear before attained by Chalmers and a record Loa Angele and Return $35.00

ELK AUTO SUPPLY CO.; Ihe story of n y on. ol to. j.auu year of prosperity has oeeii ushered In Dv Return $35.00TIRES 10 Texa prisons ami lliul if more a Mu tier rent increase in sales for the San Diego andl ardón i oiiirre nilaiioii were made lie firsl three months. Final Limit December 31 at, 1915.would give ti,, m cleiuency also.


7007Aeroulaar lu terry Meil Dy



far Ireia Wrecking Washington, D. C, and Return $91.75All Mae AU By Associated I'll ss lieivrrtou. lesa, 'ics- 10 unpen lies it Philadelphia. Pa., and Return $94.00Kan la Fe, N. M Oct lark of ited bv tlic Carranca r lu ce to

OPEN EVERY HOUR IN THE TEAR. i'iiiuilisgrso.-o- i by the poslufflcr depart day from Mexico city say lhat Americans New York City and Return $95.00nrnl. Human nuble n Indian trader at 'la a joined me torees oi .apai some

uado. Aru., has botighi a biplane and will nibs ago are irspuh.iblr for the remit Final Limit Nine MonthOakland Auto Salea Co. carry toe I inlid tel. - mad inn. ugh Ihe dynamiting uf passenger trains lu MexicoOakland lr from Gallup. M. to ton Ueflajioe, "Mjreer

OaicaJylei My

uueTMaskallyLife Saw Aaftbtaaaa 'Oarte-It- l'

Art"Oe ll Is also p porten thai u aiu servio he Account dedication of the Scottiah Rite Temple atACTOxU Dial Rlail 1 OH eam't rMiyou, t Mlcbael's and Ganado wieu ti,e capital and l.arrdo Waa re

Myrtle Atrsue He also plalu a paasengei servlca and will today. . "Gels-It- will surely get that aavg staph. led yesterday Hern ials Arguiurdo Weahington, D. Cm round trip lick eta will be on aale Octo-berA a. H NUM.. Mfr. Tel Ilex. make uip to UV Mokl ullae at nraibl or callus you'te been trying for a long hum ud Almaiali, apela clueftaliis. are re 13. 14, IS, 17; final return limit October 31. with privi-lege

I lie tuplaue has armd i Gallup aod Mat lo gel rid of laki it ughi off " lean aa a ported a having begun negotiation for

O N n PAU A I TO Mile l O fUgOU arr lo be made this week. whistle." Apply ll m seconds put your tul read! and aiimceiy. of ex ten aion to November 10th on payment of $1.00,W 1 N T A .1.1 I n wis tux GARA Cat Unking i'l shoe us hi oter It nothing to11 N kaes, M. rtseae ant Aula Hies VereUrl ink. iMiihlne lo hurt too needn't fuss typhus fcjMOaaalc la Men Me sir, et rate of $66.85.MITCHELL U II MAttaH. Mar Motor care which dispute tbe lallioad wllh thick bandages Uial make a package by Associated Presa.r right of wag with i.iriipents of lie tracks out of your toe. o knitei, raaors and nenia le. f. M (ut 1. A serious ty CITY TICKET OFFICE( Mi,, i no tape ii. Uouble Hi sliuplu phoid epidemic al callo i M has re$788 ily it elf sure, quo s painless Try it also suited m many deaths particularly anions Roberta-Banne- r Phone 594r-58f- ilfor boa us and - ihlldleli mil nU - al, being lakeu to Bid..SAXON SIX- - auwmu Gets If la sold si all druggist, tic a purify ti.o water supply, which tiente Ir

See Them luda tsultie o, seia direct by t- - Lawrence It railroad oírmela have warned ibeli egg.Motee Cor Ca He-- a pioye Is i oiiumluaicu

sHHUil H I

B 6 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17. 1915.

Better Trucks Coming


i . JUL

CADILLAC EIGHTOne o Four Tona, Worm Drive.

Fitted with Moreland Gaasifier and the advantages are In all the things that constitute quality the highest known quality the Cad-

illacequally effective with Gaaoline or Distillate. eight is universally accepted as standard.It has shown its superiority in speed events, cross-countr- y runs and endur-

anceMORELAND contests. It has even beaten the fastest trains.

AKES A DOLLAR lAAnl.INK M II ISABKL, These feats have been accomplished by the same kind of cars that can be ob-

tained"I II,,- Trl Stun- viol iSIHiSM, s It ridf. In the iskrwas urn1 iif tin- n t it launebei placed on thr lake. by the everyday purchaser and not by cars designed primarily for speed

Go Farthest purposes., Great Power and extreme Sturdiness enables all More-lan- d These performances have demonstrated the stamina of the cars that Cadil- -

Trucks to perform all tasks quietly, easily, without strain. Auto Owners Waverley Electrics lac quality built into them which enables them to withstand severe punishment.Moreland Distillate Trucks are the simplest, most power-

fulMake At Pavillion Show Cadillac foundSuggestions There is a delight and charm in motoring in the eight-cylind-

devised? 1ofmeans transportation yetin no other car. A ride in the car will prove this to anyone.

"l. I. atarted the wilt auto ahowiin- rritnal aiitnnn.hii. buyer la ttr miii'THE FIRST CARLOAD111.11. wini 1. for th'1 proBTina with a nsvlliiin i'ablhlt at Forest I'ark

WILL ARRIVE MONDAY mdi. in aiitorrKibIM eonttrueuon,' atstea Nafdpna The romblnatlon of open-ai-

W. K staliiiki r. vlen nrcalili til ami dlrei tor affect wiih abundant prnteellun from thenf weather funned an atlrai tlve ..i hi Patnrindi-- riiinpsny.You must see them and get prices before you buy. niannfupliin-r- or 1 hi- I'athrimliT Ani'iiin he cars exhibited none aitraeteiiTwin fix an.l sinirte six. more attention than the two Wsveriey

eh mi brousbanu, embodylntr a they dn jL"Automobile nwnsei who Orive thrir rara two widely dlffereni types nf electrical and &JLhnvi- not only been derlvliur miirh pleasure merhanlcaJ ennatriirtlnn. tfaTfand rrrrestlim from their niarhlnea. tnit The WaverlSy ItdO light rour la in everyValley Implement & Hi- alan have brien uiaklnir ailtrireatlona and respert S ileuirture from prevloua li(...i nna .. tm- Tbej hive rje type a nrfarod by (lit eumpaiiy.majided llirhter ara and more The ear mounted on a complete steal

nnea. Tin inaiiurartnrr wta irink In take chaala Willi 1..11. lull flnntliiK cantilever rtill- - and (till wiulil ha- - In nVehicle n iprintri and front springs. vCompany oblainnd will,, m sairiririinr iiuallty. Hi" drive "f the worm irear tyjie. Witt-

' The Mihalltiitlnii or IlirhP i ami IniiKhiT alnrle reduction perpendleuiar to tne axle.haa in. the hiaiii-- metala. The rontroller la of the conttllUOUl t'lrqiio

SOUTHWESTERN AGENTS. av irmi clna;a have been n plaeed with drum ni", with fur forwardlivhtar but biuutber steel atainpinm snn ami reverse, nprrtliir In horizontal plane504-6-- San Francisco St. El Paso, Texas. ilruf fnrrlniK. Tina reilmtiun uelsht over the leerlos: lever.

bullnn ant economy mi raanline, nil and Bra The fi aiiMif nrranfemenl prnvinen fnr two

Iiaaaeiuri-r- henhlea the driver on the rear' Motor ear owners have been .1. mandlnn oat, II" drlvefa wAt belnir orret tu pro-

videwith Iher letlon, wider ranire or fn e elbow room. A aeparale fnldlnaability. Ilrbter mctproostlns parts in th" ehalr at the driver's rlirht seronunodstes DELIVERIES CAN BE MADE IMMEDIATELY.

litigtnn irlit Ma- - Airrcd f. rnlcr. motor, ete. nil- - new demand haa been We rout iii pusMMriMeallle, w a.ii lulumr llff met in the Twin six motor A complete elrele of windowa aurronnda

Studebaker Prize maun. Mu nodfrw Kpclr, i.iith rasartinn. "The car hiiyi r today ireln in the occupants, kIvIiir- llcht ami clesr visionKIiimI I'mtlH-ro- iidlow, Kv.. Wil win lv motor rapidity of k up. Wide In ajltdlrei'imna. A Tsln vlflon CADILLAC SALES COMPANY

un Williamson, Waal aw im- in- i. ranre nf r ae'tlvlly. eaae nf hill prolaets the rront slaaa.., l et- It. lliiiiniiMin. Nowata, nkls.. Ar-

thurimibini! mssimum m- aa at all The battery blope ahsrply both InEssay Contest ft: i apeedSj eeumuuv ur mierallou aim , the rront in rear rlvlnir, with the rounded E. P. & S..W. Bldg. Phone 5105

arresatblltty, alMitpr tuiniiiir rldua. comers "i ni" metal body, a very pteastnt JFnr tiiiltC.tlon unrl llraitai-h- etr. design. The enrvH of the rouf Is very dlgnl- -

tin ni una, dull lo thr motar Itself, "i:hainlH rlain'H Tshtots an- the brut medl "The Inal'tenl ' all for comfortable rtdlnjrl nan son attnpie.Is ins most Mtai pari .,r i motor ear. yet rlni- I ban- nafld Mr inilliri'iitl'in. Inl iiiaiiiii'- - - aiao iiirill'-- i 'n''fl in nn' Modal ill wavartoy broufttattii i. in- - lii be least mi. in tin Kiusnesa ami Tlmy new Twin Six model?'. The aiitomuhil,. bat longer wheel base than the inrht rour.hardest in comprehend, it IMS fsct tin' ftijreatint) and tons up tin' bol' aya maniirai'turer owes a lid in the motnr ear nml tin- - .nermKS the division or the rear Paeiric International Kxposltlon and tlic service, and the new dairy route will be

'hit iMnin.icii tin- mrporauon Mn, Thnir ariimi M milii and and buyer won ha- - demanded these aeat Intu three separate hairs, une rnr each BUILDERS GATHER builders of the city will be the Joint hosts opened.In institute i"i" - - a mmmi among

i htm yet in or casa Matra tin y oeru)aot, while Hie fourth passeoger la lo ihe visiting builders, ihe assambllDC di Al the start there will be available fortwi Hot mil t; vat- - uf UK'- fur tin- liesl tsi led tu Kivi- wfllea Mrs. - in model im mi a rolding many thousands of which rrom all parts the mute something like i:) gallons ursructe imi rieeeding 300 yards, on lb Relbt Miihr. Httto, lihro, Por ah' by all from al rrtog the other goeata. ol Hie country, cannot fall to promote and milk daily. Later Uils amount may be In-

creased,construction of thr full riniinn rear sale, dealer, AdrertlserrH mBaw ral Krerman Ili ad, M .lor ami ilrivlng aysteiii nttiieh'il illreri foster an interchange or progressive If tile association rinds thst lb"

- used in Sfudehakri nr. ears, inn tin fly APwii laPd in tin li.i lv instead nf the i ha-- frame. thought iiin technics! and busloéfs mat-ters,

psirnnagc Is sufficient. The inaugurationadvantage it over othet type IiiiiikU-- . Wyo.. net. Ifi. Miiiradler The i Waverley parallel shan FOR BIO MEETING or to more firmly establish good id the i nlecprlse will be directed by Sami. r axles. Th ii contest mi uf a Ii. i II 11. iri'i'inan. 7. rettrpa, died Iwre drive. W illi herring' bone gears, - used nn educational ami suclal Inter-

course.luinaldson, a dairyman of much experi-ence,tiiiiMl character. 'and liroiinlil several thmi ally lodaWi Qaoaral Praeman lerved rt this ear. The iniilrnller Is of the knire under whose guidance It la, expected

Mild article discussing tin- full. 4 a itlhj llaiifilnil Mu." Throiifl. yai- - in the nih il -- pih - army, tittlrur blade type, ami the springs mil elliptic and The urcigrsm ror the week Includes reg-istration

tin- new busine-- s will assume an activei comtni from ainuisi wws part rum iin' rank nf in n ate In Hint of bruta quarter inure fur good measure. or the representatives al the existence,

of lln loiwti.. h UsoehMed Prnss, iller mneral. lie rendered There is "ini'thnm especially pleasing tn Palace hotel and a rcreptiun on the open-ing

William, the son or Mr.Nut unir rtn tin esays show a great t t Wurtthysboro. lli.,.Oci It -- jm- lwbarry, snrrlre diiriinr the etrji mid vsrtotil Jn mil'' eyes III Hie lines uf nil- - lei. nml A Mill II IS HI IIIIKHS- - tVKKK AT SAN day. Tuesday Ihe rust meeting will and Mrs. I, ':. VHJeon. was operated on

or fairultarily mi the Srt Of YOilUI inn-- a muro, un iiimiriil al n in nn miihiiiiik illan war- - Hi- waa une of n party "f Hi. uncial seating arrangement ap peals KHANciscn attiu:ts tiioi xanus be held when Hiram Johnson, governor or at the Hotel Dleu, Kl Paso, Wednesdayi with autesnnbllr tmti. imi tin y for iin' murder nf Mm I. ii. MartUL a union prlaooars thai sneaeded in pscajilny e'iuaiiy I" inn nr me Indies, .vi II t:P0MTI0V ilallfornls, and Msyor Jsmea Holpfi or San mornlntr for appendicitis. Hue to the

II f.i" Hint thf young wilier rrowd or uiitaldera thrfiniri-- tin- inun and rruiii Ibby nrismi by ntnhellng under the "ii at the show urfered innri' varied and Fraílela CO, will addross the delegates, i m or an abscess the isjieraUon waspossess a i ii'iltiiii'.- nn riunli nl knowledge, a thamasiKi iH'iMin.i win within tin- Nioik walls in' funeral wrn he m washinr-ton- . I'utitrn.stlng realures than will be round in subsequent days, addresses by niany or serious, and Ihe parents spent several

1mi of H" in entered ititn a detallad ds aii. in arttneaa tin' nxncution. n. c. tiieae two wsverleys. By Times Special correspondent- - Iba roremost builders or Ihe world Will be days In El Paso Willi their son. Little Wil-liamscript! on In. un. in.- a rull rear San Prsnelaeo, Oct. IS. "American heard and general business will be at-

tended.Is doing well.

axle relieves iin- linn "I tin- iiuiiii-- i Kl Pn l iiiiiily PlSaSsW vsiii lathin. Inllders' Week." which will be cele The una! evening. Saturday, will iieuiiing Srifroan, itrryerinteManl or agri-

cultureii. ear - weight, at tin- afford-ing

Plonsora hiii ssssrabla at rust fWabyte bi'Bt'd at Ihe be marked by a grand closing banquet, at of the Oorrabtos enmpany, In Hét-ico,greater acceaaiblllty to lit- parts hav lian eblirrb Siinday, nn 17, 5 p. nr. l A MAN YOU DO NOT KNOW; fcxposlttoa st San Kraoelseo rrom OetoBsf which all delegates and their wives will has been in t:hainbiiin on a short

liar directly In do with tin- rrar ami ainnil rum ral of I'lnnm-- II. L. Ctnell. inn is 10 . arooUsea iu attract between rorty be guests. business and pleasure Jaunt. He slateslorreeeing in Urn rai n pcrrnrm- - reymnces win in- runtlsbed and rifty llioiisaiul bulMora rrom all sec-

tionsbe was forced to get out or Mexico be-cause -

alirn.rne prise ottered m the cmupctttinn to-

taledA. T. Hsmworlh.

. C. R.i i larv. BIS DA YS ARE TEE NIGHT Mrrrlarv

of theB,

countrv.f. Thiusti'ii



franciscoten days START NEW DAIRY not .Local






outbeenIn that





ti'. waterdH'rlliini-iil.- liss received hundreds nr rromTlii- judges have announced tin- award-- a Chamhrrin lletrv Atsoeiatlon Will on October ., until December 1. Mean

.ii budding organizations to ihc.erfect Serviré llown Rio Urandr.billow - time the ditches will receive their annualllial ssld organizations will be. representedi how It, MM Xnrth Chsmbertn. N. Oct- - 1ft. At meet-

ingl m y. by rull of im mi - M.,

front street ' llalph u The Newspaper Man of the Night" Lives Against Proverbs andquotos

of tile Ohamberln Dairy association The reclamation service has rmally heenst 'tlhaundi-rn- . It. nf SB High llreel, t .Many special festines sre on the at ihe home nr Will MrMsry here Ssturday convinced thai it will be necessary m en- v aJJM.i- - Hi; Paul K. i.ilfflth. in. M ill kin Health Warnings and Reverses His Day That You May Have Including dances and receptions, nlght. It was rinally decided that Hie as-

sociationlarge Uie linine across tm- i.hiinuienn

i.nli... tin I liny - necivelnir l inch liunipicis. tripa nnd a grest will inaugurate a dairy service dip Ii The wnrk will Iw done while thewert: Ivan muí r Versailles. 0. Clyde Your News on Time His Society Is His Own "builders' hsll" for which thousands of down the west side or the river. As soon water is out this rail.WauW ord, , n. Kdward, niiini. Caruey, t.l'AH.NTi:i:s POSITIONS Though He Knows Yours Well. tickets hsvo already been sold. as the association can make nts John O'SbjM and daughter, Helen, were

charlea Harlow, billon, s. D. stan t:alirornls, Ian I'ranriacG. the Panaras- - an automobile truck will be pressed Into In El Paso Wednesday.bay A. Sprinkle, Katamaioo, Mich.-- . John MttaiaM 1485 nml isllurfuril. tfwanec, nkla. I.loyd I Mutt.vrand nsptas, men.; a swavua. 1 Trust niilg. It. F. DavlH. Mjtr. By A MAN Of TDK Midi ducar may know the vagaries of the mar-

ket;Preachers warn against milking day Into that Men may rend that which Internight; doctor- - Ii II id the ravaircs ur health him when be nwukens-- Ui that evteiillolluwtng iin making id day into night; Hi" Newspaper Man or the Night" worksirrnUccs, book-- , vuluinea, hs?e been wnl ror you.iin OB the same llieiii"; asnttsrtiuns ami Wgjpyorfciai flsnw ls i.nng.santloliOlOs, nhatever Is tin lc difference, The hours are lung rnr "The NewspaperJVCaxwEll lieaith niaurts. hul springs ami open air Man i.r the Night." He puis in s shirt which SAXON SIXamps' rill their pictiisea with painlid ratlfei rruin eight to twelve and sometimescurva nr thi.-- i m Im have made inn much fifteen boura in length. Hut the hours passdnv or ail Kin Mnl ocn an old pioterb fleeU) IP - busy; for une reason. Illsslllgs: monicnUi see filled with Internal. H is

'11 in , ami early I" Use. hamlhiiK lire all lis varied runna. He A for fiveMakes a man healthy, weuithy and arlae " . what von dream. Ha knows the cor-ners

big touring car peopleHul did sou aver think ot the or Uie fit) where darkest shadowsc lkc"Woitdcr Car Man of the Mgld I" alone dare creep, The dives, and dens,

Hid It SVef in cur to you llinl hundreds Hn ir lUlUCS ami H eir rrcqncnti r, heT men ill every city HI lie union turn day can call by sdilieas nml name. The men

into night that Ml IM knuw when you wbu t.iv away from borne, and the womenCUe with the sllll Jllsl WhSl Wheel- - uf tills WOO ,i, 110 lioine, he see- - and Snows I""and nttier uo'loii- - hae Uirned while yuu Well, ii" hears tbe shot ur a night brawlahipll on eleni noiht nlr. anil knows where the

"Th- - Newspaper Man or Hi" ighl" lues 11, him, In - h Ihe trill id the "cop's"after HÑ sun lia- - út II" he is cnl whistle,ieettve as well - individual. Includes litenun win. aallli'r th" new- - In "ill cllv. Hi" He know,- - these tilings.nn n who put thai in s Into haie uf 'éopy," but he knows abo Ibe sweet smell ofthe Hago Htm turn - into type, and night ir When the dust ul a trafflc-ldo- i ki rttía men Htm start rolling Iba gxai wheels city ha- - .III on wall- - and windows Heir the almost in in. in machine which pruts know- - where Uie .North Star be-- , anil he

the paper. Ilul. hi reai ln - "id n n tur ktiuws where ami whin- the tinsiii rises.Iher than thai roUeetlvety', lie Includes He reels Ihe mgl't suuilds Willi their Utter-

ance.the mili arl lie- - in all Un- itu id '" He nulsales Willi tile Ulli'tl'sl of llfl-a,, winch, when drawn together m me Just us much as ir he were living with

larger cities, make- - tin maní arterias, ins im who iiii ine hi nigiicsmttds. He Includes tin whole invil ma noon ur he live- - wlien be is alune He

hlnecy id muni thuu ami nn n who guild ha- - Ufloa lu toe. Ihliik and bn uthc. Andunder thr glaring light ul the "lectrlc. In- learai that there is inure In the song

"The Newspapar Man uf Ibe v iht" of mocking bint at midnight than In thepipes or an organ alter 8 a. in.t 11k 110 h n tvrragc ManThe Powerful Motor of the Maxwell II" knows all lids.

lie Is unknown In the average the every-day

And m he has Ids society toman He appeal - mi the streets, in miik" up for tin society which he musea;This is one of thearnoat marvelous pieces of Un ornees and nuildlnga, where . is hi- - nlcruiiui cut to make up fur the the

made and dug ujir in the sfteilKM II. lie Star, the club, tin- esta, the hall.machinery ever invented. Very powerful with - .led while 11" wheel- - uf lbs busy dayIlls Society Is His Own Saxon High Speed Notorhave hi en taking mi then iHÓnsanHUSl furfour cylinders cast en bloc it has made the the day hul be In awake imu as the day Ills snclcly Is the oil. live "N'ewnpaper

Maxwell famous as "The Car that Laughs Is drawing to a close rind the jtulsl nuil "I me vis HI ll"H lile w Heels ul lilt

been oul ttas in.-- - have stall"! lolling out the firstwhich has ground hy greatat Hills." Induslrtal and on il ma. lunes. And. us eilitlulis ror the ity he In gins hi gather this year's favored typeIin. hade uf evening cume oler H illy in ms social ceiin r naHy tins gathering

and shadows the niin-t-- he piare i a 1. o, .ni une ot nuheiiuaii ivpeBest of all this motor is breaking all low long upi nines mule and limi, awake, until when He meets there, m hi- - gathering place

cost records for : the "leciiii . in. 1, mn their artificial bald, with Ids "ii" "Kewspsper Men of Dm sizedhe iiecin- wholly alive. 11 is lata mat Night." Their enteriainiuenl is talk Saxon engineers know that a small gasoline motor running at1st - Miles per gallon of gasoline. or

in- -iinday


have Itwheni.rr llieli


and thenut they have

th poll!"irin li




iin workThey high speed gives as much power as a large motor of the slow type.

2nd Miles of lubricating oil. al linine. are all or them pessimists in their habitat- per quart Imiuanily"The Man of MM Nigtit' start they are proud id moat luutallccs At the same time it consumes far less gasoline, and greatly reduces

3rd Lowest repair bills. in- - work in narfiesl when yua tun to in. and tin y give vent their social hours tu the of theim in the club, iic fur the evening call p. id, servan, - and calculations. weight car.We are waiting to take you for a When you hai" i tin- lalei play by They "rue " Hie sdllor and Office boy. and

ride in the that haa broken lis must popii ur icti.r kjnsrtfS, when .iiis " the policy ot the paper. They t Those are farts which Saxon enalifcera Kxcept for starling the car, gear shifting-l-test car the managing edltui and Inhave rlialletl ir sleepy or pltv. il apyou V'lil-- . have developed and which all engineers practically unknown to ttaxon "8lx" 4uie sill tor. then ,.all low "First-Coat- " records, and is card- - ni ssrua 11. in yuur cigsr cove: on city ilicy giyour l. Hie Man of Iba ion Ibe alrect and fight with tin- man who now recognise. 80 today the high apeed drivers.

breaking all low "After-Co-st records. Night" is Just geituni down to hanl work ha- - just said then pap. piintrd Ill's. He motor la the Ideal of moat designers. Saxon "Six" also offera you manydldn I belling to their fraleruil)When you naie puticii novara rioae upunder your dim ami told your wire to ii" NewspajH-- Man of in, Sight" sleeps Saxon Sixes" are built with the won-

derfulother features of advanced motor car

Electric Start yon al 7 oilo.k. " in- ew!.ap.r 'when tin- weather isn't too old or too 11.. design. Chief among them are: light'OneManhkknrTop er 8&X011 high speed motor. ExpertaMan or Hie iglr - taking Ids lunch And, when he has lung roossa weight with ampleiusl a lull' before yuu crawl rnuu your back lo Ihe resort wliu h - freuuciitrd hy marvel at its power. Ralph De I'alma. etrength, saving

Ibis "hroUiera of ihe Sight," and tlrea and gasoline, beautifulDemountable tyms Lights warm ne w paper Man uie again ha the world'a greatest racing driver, aald yacht-Un- a

Mgld - rrjuictng III wanning Ida. becouiea a psrt of the social urgsiiitaiimi. body, the moat modern type of body;lie hnuisjea and talk- - win, the rest mini tbe feat of Maxori "Six" In climbing theyjljjfoptrto Kaaaa asaaealiiaa Ha. it is time lo go io woik in, n im News ateep three-mil- e mountain road at ample room for all five Ignition i.r iii.ur which you make rour wors Man ufthc Nlarbt job.paper - ul. He He Fully to appreiiute thla oar you musttog I" th. Ni w spaMT Mall or Hi" ingiiis lu waken. In rub Pis v. - and gel Unlontown. Pa-- , la mlnutea and 4 sec-

ond.- see It. Come inMghi make- - i. - ..1. in- - and the today.ready ror Iks swHcIuiik uf the tiullog whleli waa "the moat astounding feat Iroe oETiioiT boura wliu h urn tall yuucs al mime he turns on ihe -- luiru and take- - Ihe bbnka saw." high speed, motor.fives ton work. ever'out of his eyes, h. p.: yacht-lin- - body: two-un- eloottlcTUrl " aro U" lav - im tin .!. no nulls,for the N. Man or II' Night." narrl fl Man la ttn- Waft. The amoothneae and flexibility of Sax-

onstarting and lighting: demountable rims;

"ilal Id I1II1- III Hie countiv II. - Ihe happie-- i mal. in. world"The

"Six" are a 00 aslant delight to own-er- n top; Tnnken axles: vanadiumlull- - 1I1. I, ,,.ui.- - men's ni.. alhl. In i.ii. Man of the Mghl. He To in. on two mtlea an hour "on sfil cantilever springs; h wheelluh- - .1 m l nn "Vw.iei"'i Mam" andtd He Niahl as a nml i. well and lo- Hies when Id high" Is not a "slum" performance, but base; h by j h Urea, dknown P. the ' Newspaper Man d knows tin rai ls, whuh is die an ordinary incident In daffy driving. lo rear.

but s a n.. .m- id entertain reara tieiwwn .m aim tin- muiim nl - ml tin id .Inn- - Imue-- and He gels a Minar, root olcafe- - is known 1,1 "The Newspaper Man ul square root lie "mvei." and Four" Hoaduster SSM -- Mis" Touring Car S7S&the gin lie ha ages sent out in n in- - surreiu and .m u,. . oy W ith detachable Coups- - top 4&& U lUi t liable SS5'no. ni, ul mo! ul ihcin at 1'bshi s and learns He takes t. . Car MS "Six" KuaiWli--rwane period in lu uni i or etertrie light nag. 1.1 Ills day to make it uae 7aWolk Hill lie U Slop his gaitm ' r Mall or He ihl I, lu step Itowa mil ur hit, Irahi one ul lhee plat' s Is would Im join your fraiernli) m.l uul'Sias lost - the in.p. ..r u, . ni m. vi. at riiiaiuial auvantaios. ai. tli.u SAXON MOTOR SALES CO.would be with li v. w r

Buquor Motor Car Co. Ifhave


didn'tpa 323 Texas St. Phone 137

M ri a r iin- mei haulrumu asiaav ivua are doing thBL thai i" mat

aguí iKiuioi .havt ata iuu

SJI weathsr raiajr. arata

1Sunday. October 17. 19 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Ó 7



A Beautiful Sentimental March tNMtnsll tilt II IN ,nIMNI. MtKISBallad that Appeals Instantly iiik niTitnoll P

iiiitsinp.PPJ vll NI


A Resl Lyric Sri to Lilting, CatchySingable Melody. We have published ly Associated Pfess.

."lew nrk. c. t o. The Mrelgn hemmany big hita but we are frank in sav-ing

tpuition nf Ihi- - cmintrv must be su Lstablished 1897that 'Tulip Time In Holland" Is the Aniei ,i anited popnlsnon no olhsr kind eso

tisht the hallle- - of either In wiquickest hit we hare ever had the rlc,or in peare." Solicits Your forfortune Patronagegood to publish. colonel The. ito.w-,c- ju asaerted in s

peech on "Amern inrm liefore tiIf You Will Go to Your Nearest knights of .ti srneste Hall Tiic

Dealer and Hear This Song You outsetilny night,

it wasr.olonel

tie- dine clt


that st theto IPeedL and FuelUW Will Soon Find the Reason learn English and ll was the duty ol

me cs in prcn lev l npocunilh am knrllll eit alsti dott1n 212 W. Second St. Phone 389

HHf j cnOBTJB Lyha by Dm Radford Mmmc my ? if A. Wltiivrnj a tnilliscry systei ilia o the swl--- iir su imimsi Ml to I

IIKr allowed lo eoni'said Colonel Hi lexeiL If he -

til lie .icil.l h,his own tlveliho ol lo h'itei hlniS" It Lasli st sn man r ii Loretío Cruces,

olonel noo-c- lost Just s denio New Mexico.cratlc America it that sonstate should he- - Academy

I J" Leen no of rekfMttt creed inBn T . tolera i.uhili- arralrs so ll no oi

Unction of nationshit There i no roomoim,! j h in this country ror 'ophenaied Anienein-h- e

For salt whertver music is sold - sld "When icier to hyphenated

I Amerteana, I d. not rerei- lo ualiirallr.ecii Published by JEROME H. REMICK CO. Amerlians. Some or the reft best Mtien

that I have ever known were naturistisWH rt m aawi tumm "awa ems van. aw i mBU 9 I cwcuo, HOtai iii i i Mta jt-- - JléW altrecl Ainerli-ati- bom aliroad

Hui .i hyphenated American is not anAmeric an al Ml."

speaking of prrredne Colonel noosetell 'said that, even m time c.r peai e. In

dividual and the railroads hottldand lhal iticiustnal ilistuiiiances "ir". JtT f 'asa, fSsV ráfrraastwhSB tWW WW Ssi old tie cllniinsleil the' sirmc stilt a

Hon in ihe I'nlted state, at tlu-- ime Isnnilsl lo the countrv as a Whole slid dis-

creditable alike to employer and employe,"le said "I am certain that th peroinnenih Jre atnfude tor tht eonnlrt 'rc irsrds national pt'eparedneiw for sell detense la along the line ol universal servlee mi The si-- - model Switterlsnathe most ttsmoersllr of nalions. Ms arnvri the most democratic- army in :he world,rttere Is tint a Uniell or tmliUrlsin or

about sw iterland. it has BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLSbeen found as a matter or actual practical

W. C. Fowler, Jr., Company C, sixth inf antry, and Clarence Smith, Company I evperleni-- In sw itci land that Ihe univer-sal

it- - CURCES, noted ror Its rllmatlc attrarttori. I a healthy location. Tree rromSixth Infantry. military training has made a ven mark-- the detractions or city lire, an Ideal spot ror an Academy. Ihe building: are commo-

diousd increase In social erro ami in the emd equipped with all modern Improvement. Beautirul around afford everyAlthough the value or military training years. I have chargo or the latter pIsm abilllv or the man thus trained to do weir raclllty i. o o. tilo. o exerclio. Parent and fniardlin will rind this a tnot desirable

has long been recognized. It Isn't ofVn that and Smith has the nine to twelve years old lor hlmscir in Indusivr. ' Inhtitutlnn ror thorough tralnlnr In physical. Intellectual and rcrined culture.a man enlista in trie army Just for the ad-vantage

youngsters. For particular eldres M0T1IKR Si H Ionof being ordered around by a few "The organization is similar to that of a OUT .tore closes Sunday rrom I to t p. tn.

hundred cominiesloMd and " company In the anriy. There are eight In i)ur delivery system works at all otherbut in company e:. tnfSBtri a squad, with rorporsl and asslstmit for hour- - from 7 a. in lo 10 p. m. Te lephone

stationed at Lamp Cotton, there s a man poral. and the brigade la headed by a senior 731 and 71?. Warner lrug Co. Adt)who enlisted with that Idea In mind. Pri-vate

leader. We shall accept aa many boyiw. C. Fowler, Jr.. anil In spin- of the as care to Join, and as soon as we are mily

fart that he says he Is geuing what he en-listed

organized and settle down, we should do NEW ORUANS 34 HOURSTor in large quantities, prolmlilv some good work. The uniform will be

BI KFALO BILI. IS COMING. which did not "take" hsve been replaced larger quantities than ho expected, he is khaki, similar to that of the Hoy Scouts."by better numbers. glad that be Is securing the experience. Mr. Fowler may lake over the Boy smut Sale ATLANTA 49 HOURSSells Unto show with William Cody Dated Full particulars of the coming of yie big For years. Fowler has been Interested In work at the Young Men's christian aasorla-tlon- Candy

Inr El Paso Early In Nov ember. the training of boys. When the Hoy Scout the only troop, in the nty. SeoulWord was received It) El Past) yesterday movement started he enthusiastic ally look Master Brown Is at the head or the V. M. NEW YORK 74 HOURS

Drives Sludrbaker for Cent a Mile. It up. and has assisted In organizing many c. A. troop and has round that he Is nutof the coining to this city on November ,

O. W. Chandler or Hannibal, Mo., drove scout troops. Kcallzlng that the military able to give as much or his time to It at Is on ourof the sells l loto Buffalo Bill show. With Idea naturally appeals to- yoiinnstcrs, and neededthe snow Ir Mir original Bill Cody, or Búr-


a 1916 Sludebakcr Six from the Detroit fac thinking that he could get the best experi-ence

Hid i. nod Work In thaltanoofia. BRAZIL NUT BRITTLE VIAtories to his home city in two and one heir lr. military training by Joining the The Boy Scout movement saw Its slail inof the early characters ofHill, one actual driving days. The distance from army, he enlisted and has served five Chattanooga through the efforta or Mr. Fow-

lerthe weal and well known to many El liotriili to Hannibal Is miles and Mr. months. At Be end of a year he experts who was a visitor In that city ror more 25c the lb.rtaotna. Chandler round the eipense of the trip to to purchase his discharge, as he believes than a month, about two years ago. Real

According to Rylcy Cooper, press agent be slightly under one cent per mile cov-ered..

he ran secure a remunerative position, Izlng the good lliat a troop could do the The Sunset Limitedfor th' shows, the Mg cirrus this year Is either In Kl Paso or lh a northern city, boys In th city, lie mentioned It to a, num-ber

Saturday Only.replete with thrillers, anil ll even better working with boys. or mends and the suggestion wastlian la.- vcar. Many of the events which The housewife's dally problem Is, "What nut in spite, or tnc lari mat ne m neen mads that ha organize a troop. This waswere staged for the public appetite In the shall I give them to eat?" Answer: In the army, wlUi the duties that rail to done, and when he left Chattanooga the Boy The Elite Confectionery year's program are retained, but those Majestic Ham and Bacon. Uie lot ol a private, Fowler has not neglect-

edscout movement was In" Mil sway there. You Can't Beat Ithi work with boys. He has been In this kind or work ror

Clarence Smith Asalsllag. more than rive years, and has had a rouraeAbout two weeks ago. with the assistance in training In the University or Chicago.

or Clarence Smith of company I., Sixth in-

fantry,At another time he had charge or the Bo-

hemian A SOLID SLEEPING CAR TRAIN.who is also interested In work .Settlement House in Chicago. .

Picture Framing at Tuttles. among boys, he organized a boys' brigade clarence smith, who Is his assistant Inat the First cnnstlan church, and although the First Christian churrh boys' brigade, EAT AT

Vitralight White Enamel at Tuttles. the organization has not yet perfected became interested In the work through Mr. THE EXPOSITION rates will be on sale daily untilthe brigade now baa enrolled about SO boys. Fowler, and has proven an able assistant The Newest and Bed leKamnt"The work or the. boys' brigade Is similar In the rormatlon or the brigade. He also Freak Poy and Roo Csnn 'ss.íhree kinds of Floor Wax at Tuttles. to Uiat or the Boy Scouts." tald Mr. Fow-

ler.has been enlisted ror about Tlve months, November 30th; limit December 31.

"However, the brigade Is not affiliated coming rrom Hulla, Illinois. Club House CafeThree kinds of Furniture Polish at Tuttles. with the Boy Srouta or America. In addition to faking charge of the brl"Most boy are attracted by the gade, Fowler I the teacher or a siuiilsy IM Senile El Patu at. CITY TICKET OFFICE NO. 206 N. OREGON

yet It could not be called military-asp- si .... class which ha fourteen members.TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. or the Boy Scout movement and or However, nls greatest work Is the work From Your Residence.tlie boys' brigade, and that Interest can well that he is doing with the 46 boys, and were We Check Baggagebe turned Into account They are taught It not Tor the Interreren.e ol h.u,.. i.ordinary drill, knot tying, rirst aid, etc.. hikes, whlrh'he accepts at a matterand take to it readily. The brigade ts or course. Fowler aays that Instructing thedivided Into two classes boys between nine boys or Ft I'aso would be all Tun and no Dr. Che Hekand IS years or age, and boys over j work. Cn Rbinuni,

Mail sndBleMHl



Banking By salu untaal (mlo the work of tilling hi soil a It ahould mir Maelwsu MSbe tilled and to growing the crops the


prepared.Hum ror market as they should be Watson 's Groceries areWe 4 cent Interest, compounded twice We dopay per every year. "One or the great troubles with which

bualness under the depositors' guaranty law of the State of Texas, we find ourselves ronrronted Is the desireand are a Guaranty Fund Bank, as provided by auch law. TO POOR SETTLER or nearly eery man who come lo the Famous For 99

Is and vglley to take up loo much land. The QualityOur plan, In addition to being convenient. safe, profitable Assayer tad ChemistSwiss olonv w hich has grown rich andliberal. Nobody has ever lost a dollar in a State Bank in Texas. Inriuenttal at New Glarus, Wis., startedWRITE TODAY FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET, "BANKING BY MAIL." with only 10 acres each. They were GEO. W. CAMEKON

Phone 5151. Texa. Street 210-21-OR SIMPLY MAIL YOUR DEPOSIT. of miles from a market or any kind. Representativa For Shippers to the

I.I UK.. I H. CLEMENTS POINTS OI T THAT Chicago and Milwaukee were then villages El Paso Smelter.EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO., El Paso, Texas, VALLEY IS NOT CALLING AVER-AGE

There were no railroads. St. Louis wasPOOR MAN. the only town or metropolitan dimension 206 Ban Franc laco fit.. El Paso, Texas.

and It was mo mile away. The poor man P. O. Bos 4Ht.who attempts to farm to acres In these "First of the Season""We are Inclined to discourage ihe poor valleys has a market at the edge or hi

man rrom coming to these valleys," said little rarm."Grorge II. Clements, "and to insist that fUM BROS. PRINTING CO., FreshFancythis la not s poor man's rounlrv. In themain the sttltude assumed on this propo-sition Is the correct altitude to assume. R. B. BIAS FUEL CO. PRINTERSHello! 586 The average man. wiihoui money, will not Artichokesf 1510 East MlaaourL

in d, but it is refreshing to read in a "Rubber Stamps Made Dally." sre eon) Isaue or the Wisconsin Farmer of Phono 141.

110 8. Oregon 8L Two Phonesan unbroken serie of mo cm - made by All Klnda of Poultry SuppliesNOW men who landed that stale many COAL, WOOD AND FEED. and BrusseVs Sprouts'year ago without a dollar. 1 hey may

nave had no money but Ihey were willing Ws manufacturo our own Poul-tryAnd you won't say Hello without the "o" to work and did work, and that makes all Food.

the difference hi the world.when the weather turns cold Malory of (success by Work. H. MOHR".New i. Urn- - in Orean totally, Wiscon-

sin, WATSON'S GROCERYnow the ric hest strictly fanning com-munity

Cut Rate Hardware,in the slab- and the leading com-

munityC. M. cniuui T. A I III Its I ONSANTA FE FUEL CO. in tha production of dairy stuffs Paint and Glaas.

or all kinds, was fust seiiled by Swissfarmers In me eotony. IM strong, Thurston Audit Co. Mt Mouth El Paao M.aided by tlK' sis- - government i. the ex-

tent that ll auppiled money, Certified Public Accountantsleft the canton or Qlarua. Switzerland.April It), 181.', and landed In Baltimore six City National Bank Buildingweeks later. Hum,- they Journeyed by

The Triple Value oí Sty leplus that















learnedIn ad



WANT AD ORDER BLANKland had been killed l Indians sod n was Dr. Carl Smithderided lo gc furlher till an investiga-tionStyle Wear Economy had been nude- lo miiri men were

Kl I'lLKL, BLOOD, alUM, UV-IO- l,sent to wt-- c to rind oui ihe stains ofTo be dressed in a suit or affairs. To cut a long story short, on KIDNEY AND ULAD-DE- T11K KI PASO MO It NINO TIMKRovercoat of Style-plu- is to August ic is, ms or the original IM "lo-


have down- - the roiiiMlate.ii- -retched melr

or NeWdestination

Glarus, haviiiK Rooms (I7-IS- I ' Enclosed find I In payment for puljllshlnc the following udverUaententmade Ihe trip from st Louis to their Wis First National Bank, style that stays, and causis home gfooi. carrying thMr poor for dsys In TJ1K KL PASO Molt M NO TIMES aa par rata quoted below;

style that saves personal belongings m He-- hands or on j ;you money. their backs. Eighty riw- of those who hadstarted rrom the homeland had died or COPY FOR AID)disease superinduced by Hie hardship In-


to the long and tiresome Journey.Clothes $17.00 PraaorlpUoas filled and deliveredStyleplus Meouwral lo lnSulr. at aay time day or nbjbL"The rolonv became hot only s success

Mail order Killedbut a standing proof .,r what a poor man Promptly.for au do Willi a piece or nun ir ne istheYesterday style E.was and willing to work That colon A. RYAN & CO.

man of unlimited purse. But has given to Ihe !! of Wl""tisin uciiiV DragalaiaIWaaWmiirUKpaSsj J today style for $ I 7 is so much of

'essionalit high!




them beingand pro

highils or lh Male Whilein Ihe poliileal eoumof a reality that thousands ol a' rir! they were in. unco 10 or i iaiuiisovBr d Americans are tltev quice, adupted me uieiiocM. and Independent Assay Office

I all intents andof the rnunii)wearing Styleplus and call leamted Tne see caitautMPurpoMs bsraine Am' i U. W H. kHAti .KM. Proprietoring them ''Great." We are the only Styleplus store here. ond aeneistion intermarried with tlielr

with ta.nt to, Of SMiiwé Amu, mmtneighbora of Oertnan extraction or tUUmlcml Añaltill. tiuc'ciMtbelr Ainet an louhboi- - sod with the mad ttmortmd Upon. Smlllmm Wmrt a

of the ssir family names bornby the mei among them there was noth Ism'Wk- a n. . NAME AND ADDRESS POI NT AS HART OP A- D- Oive name and address eo ad If poaalMe. aaIng lo indi, ate tbelr ftwl origin, OAce tod Laboratory: brat resulta are obtalnad this way It for any reason you do not wish your name to appatir in the ad walata trian Peer Mas KelreoM. Cm. Urn FraactK CWkaakaa Ms will (Iva ad. a key number, care The Tirnea. which counts three words extra. Answers are forwarded

gi paso. Texas i without extrao you expanse.Whin we sat in the lalerature wr sandout rroui tie bureau or ihe'bainber or onunerre that Ihi I not a HATES 'me cent par word tor single dally Insertion, 1 S crin per word for single Sunday Inaar-Uo- o

Man's (ij.untry - do not want to be If ad. Is ordered for seven consecutive dsys the rate Is &H cants per word for 7 Insertions t Mini-mumCjT too tile illy Tills l Jul the eoua- - CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE accepted It cants.) Example 16 words, t dsy, II cents; 8 days, 46 cents. Tirnaa patrons ahould

irj ror iH,r i icn ol lie ainn wni 111 MUI I I mt KKKCD80M mall ada for Sunday paper not later than Friday. If remitting In stamps kindly aend 1 esnt denomt- -posed lb. - i hlrh has load' nstlon. The great est wsat ad medium In Southwest TexaaSllCd r,. .1 New 1,1.1 - WIS assay ra Chemists, MetallurgistsThewill


tuanwill ad

c, iiUod


can workui ibsas

but Represen tan vea tur Ora bluppafA SUNDAY ONLY AOS ARE tifa CENTS A WORD.lle s ybu wll ee toat he la gtvea every ll aa Fraaolaoo M.

ot U, slid ha cao BU Paao. TasaaStat ml asi u he UI tfh'' huwaU

B 8 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. October 17. 1915.

"Made In El Faso" BUY 1 "HIGHEST QUALITYIS ONE OF THE 1,000Art Glass "Reasons Why"




STATESMAN,Ask Our Expert COFTF'EESPhone 5400

sni n RY ALL Bin x

El Paso Sash & Door Company GROCERS biirrtiPhones 5400 5401-


LET THE LITTLE TrEES GRpW Pass -- Tex When We Repair Them





BRICKBUILD BRICK Our Flour is So Fine They Look Like New


TILS This com from the finishing touch we give to the shoePARTITIONS it hardly needs sifting. Test it between thumb and fin-

ger.From employing skilled workmen only. . If you will

A Beautiful Texture Brick Not a particle of grit or coarse grain to be detected. bring your shoes in before they are too far gone we willin various

Red. Mottled.desirable

Glazedshades That '8 only one reason why our flour is such a fine guarantee the results. The prices are very low consistent

Surface and Fire Flash. baker. There are many others. Try a sack and enjoy with good work. A trial is all we ask. You will be satis-fied.Fire Brick and Fire Clay. learning them for yourself.

EL PASO GLOBE MILLS FOR FOOT TROUBLES yifWilsMiHiiiniIbsVBRICK CO. AND ARCH SUPPORTS, COODYBAB WILT SBOB BfAIBlNC'Globe9 'Cream of Wheat' Flouror 17 319 Texas Street D Paso, Tessa

El Texas. SEE US.Paso,"Costs More, Goes Further' 'Made in El Paso" SB

Largest Lime Hydrating PlantPatronize Inc. in the SouthwestSharp --Elliott Mfg. Co.,HomeIndustry BRICK, LIME, CEMENT, ROOFING


COAL, WOOD, GRAIN AND HAYM. 1 STIMS0N, President ::: H. S. BURWELL,Vice-Pres- t.


and Wholesale and Retail

El Paso, TexasSouthern BudOf flop and Yards Phones 186Jstetaflsnaaal HissHkaw.JB Cor. Piedras a O. H.Ba3l3S 8. A. Tracks 5144

ffSm HI ILarge bottles, per doz $1.50Small bottles, per doz $1.00 sflBxsxl HsnBTUsHsH bxbIbsbmJS m.

of and bottles Ésñaaaaaa ' VtWvKWk IUpon return cases a re-

bate ot 50c on the large size and 25c on TENTS If you are everthe small size is allowed. Then K I

Sleeping Porch Curtains, Awnlns-- inclinedWIS S WHAT IT COSTS for Residence and Buslinxa Houses, tol awn. Porch and Csmp Furniture,Duck and Canvas All Orades.


LARGE SIZE SMALL SIZEf I M I H J. Collins, atrr. a cross child, turn

$1.00 75c 314 SAN FRANCISCO ST. your inclination;PHONE 4800 give the child a

dose of Purgatoll."YOU'LL SEND IT TO US PurgatoU will

EVENTUALLY. WHY NOT NOW?" bring the childOnly welding- outfit In town hiving up awartime shop. You psy only one0Í Li4DÍJVG PRODUCTS: profit for both machine and weld-in- c better man or worn- - "

El Paso Brewing Assn. whenwork.


out.our work Is finished an than the whip

WESTERN WELDING AND MM, CO. willm a Ssata re St. Phone CMS.

MISSION MACARONI --Egg NoodlesSpaghetti, Vermicelli, Soup-C- ut Paste and AXEL SWANSON Purgatoll

Merchant TailorWINNER STORE SERVICE Ready-C- ut MacaroniS. W. Oor. 8beldon Hotel, LatUe 25 Cents

HSBBComplete Store Outfitter MISSION POTATO CHIPS Clean, Crisp, Wholesome El Paso, TEXAS At All Drug Stores




Us Before


ETC. SVNNY MONDAY ELUING --The Housewife's Friend tíKracKajacK" Baseball GoodsNew Address KRAKAUER, ZORK & MOVE'S,:, tTry These Products. All Grocers Handle Them.303 N. Kansas PHONE 1465 Hardware Satisfaction El Paso, Texas

Hills, Sutton & White MACHINES $10 up to $55 BIG CUT ON 'Sheet Arctic Shortening Good Pure CoffeeWE REBUILD ELLIS BROSManufacturing. Co. ANY MAKE Vacuum CleanersOF TYPEWRITER Metal Works Why pay ror chaff at tac corree

HVbTU uii wii mm-- 1 $6.S0 The ideal butter substitute for price? When you buy FANT'B PRINTINGhi. i I WK WILL PAY CHAFKLE88 coffee you (I the beatMadr I.I Pass I'rudurl at RSJBMB in. QrtsBaSj MSJ Bf BB TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUP-

PLYThe Best Equipped Plant cake baking. For sale y all part of the coffer berry and uothlng

else. Ask us way.Mats, nuil.. ticwrller we .ii,, i.i,,,,, leading grocers in the Wr.CO. in the Southwest.Maiiufactunr of (Jaltanm-- tBBkS Wl. MpAJB AM hi: II MUg Si. as. 4 aad as ocal sr goof an kind, laVusaled ilulveru, ("11 I MAi. HIM. Also Ask Us About Roofing Manufactured by theWhere and Ask phone us.Irrurstiou Pipe, Irrigation Salea, price quality count your grocer or PRINTERSirt)WTrough.

ass, in, irl'l,.nr.


i. Rebuilt Typewriter Co. we win. H. WELSCH CO., El Paso Refinu FANT COFFEE CO.niacin Mrlal siloe, Sheet Mrlal 119 N. Stanton St "Rubber marapa Made Dally."I'ludiK

Auk fort

ceialogur.MS Beaa Aieuur Phone 1130 1215 Tesas St. Phone 600 EL PASO, TEXAS II a Oregon He Two Phones

Gem Bakery Acme El Paso Ervin Mfg. Co.NOW





HfcU Texas Soft, White HandsSheet Metal Make your wife's work easy.

Bedding Co. Buy her a Saw B-- Bewtas a Turquoise Let us send you a pair of ac rob-berQuality Works Mfg. High Grade Cotton motor. Haiti





creamWitchand and Felt Mattresses. Kit any machina at abrU. wear the rlovea lo aleep

Manufacturers of Felt aad Cot zsc(sO io and watch the rasatta. Seat poetPhone 111 for demunatratioa. ' .íQu airs tit y Sleep good, rest well. pad to any address, or delivered toton Mattrc soy part or the city. TelenaeMae hui.ll. II. Int. .1 iikIi We do not renovate. Southwestern Electric and' ul gtiu. Ui Ttl aad 7St."WAHM AIM 1 1 BNAIJkS Mp .11) Wholesalers of Beds, Springs,Demand Our Bread Kroaji Your d fur cuitas Sea us be pnce, aleo msMKBS uu .u ,. i

u Accept No Substitute. fore



yourm ii

eoutrsct.v.... Tssas.

CoU, Chairs, Etc. 608 SOUTH VIRGINIA ST. Machine Comgany , Inc. aotlr40B.UO .

eaia cattinB

Bk Saruiaelune.

improvedBall Warner Drug Co.

Uol of I y a Trasto buticiloa. P. O. Bob 714. El Paso, Tos. El Paso. Texas order,3Ui

aollt iss, SB n 'rantlacoai. rase, TBJLAS.

M HOW ?ftovOWAi&!yT THi f )THt0tR Vbu FÉR6IT TfMT bill lál,W jEd iSp office,

TtJj 1 11




f1 fa?0Ittnrning me,

Sunday, Oct. 17, 1915Polly Neither Peace Nor Pool for Pa Now!I HIP' HrP! HúJR' LL LA0 tJP itflTH 4 L--,

WkLfc. Ui' GUJt Gom lb iw&rk ForIrWAtóo ! HERE'S UtfHERf- c- Í ktTCH

.50ME OF 7Hñ"TMfc" SHE'S M4DE.

!- y.


Hm fmm as MvWH to eal m sweat Be BINGVILLE BUGLEwe Ml to hey lujsftiul T THBV TRY A ADWITH

4 efte.Ce.UK mmm d O m imo, w?T Wft Cas R a FW a N

ILm- - ob Hot Ak sarsd Cold roeee.swestolMoa hooks open to eoboady.


CjisasntoL Mito k & A.

"I WifeJ-- éI f v

is PER56MTet MIM WITH JTL6TTCO os--r aj Hc (rive Nn ones orTUS POffCOrD6S"TMAO HAD- -

and the thetmometeer drops down toprobably enable us to buy a square was in Bingville last week looking for 15 or 20 degrees below zero.

meal with what would be left over. a steer to match up with a speckled and HI Oft to Loin to Read We would suggest that unless tome

Ti BINGVILLE BD6LB sported steer he had so ss to make a of our dead beet subscribers desires toIf subscribers, who are ten Hi Cranby one of our most prominentyou yoke of oxes outen the both of them, have us make a alignment before win-

terTh Loadlos Pr of Ik County years or more in arrears, thinks but Lish failed to find a match. Speckled cittizens and also one of our most ig-

norantarrives that they drop ato the Bugle

Bright, Br..iy, Bellico. Bustling that you can rub it in on charity and spotted steers aint very numerous ones receeved a letter tother day offis and pay us tomethink on their

much longer, you ire mistaken, around here. in the mail from the on test back subscripshions. At the presentEsret it tumTile skeert in Bingville at writing our assets It away below our

and if you don't pay something on present bein at our hens has kind of let Hi wss a good eal surprised when li?bilities and unless we git tome moneyyour back subscripshions the law up on lsyin slnct it got cooler. As a re-

sultEph Higgint our accommodating P. M. toon we persoom we will haft to closeÍ5 must take its course. Beware I eggs have went up to die redikulus handed him the letter and Hi turned it up shop for lack of funds.

price of 20 ctt. per doz. over and lookt at it and then lookt atEh. painted ma buggy lastSimpson

Country Correspondence week and thinned the paint with what the address right side up and upside

he thort was varnish but which lster down and as let Hen if the letter wasHAPPY VALLEY. proved to be molasses, and the paint aint shurely for him. Are

Hame Wilton i ereckting new pig dried yet, arid h.h calKilatet that Detore Eph aald It wss and then HI who eanttrofft for his pin to eat out of. Hame it does get dry the flies will have It et tod for that matterread or even eatIs always making tome improvement all off.

Mil iM M M. For further Informatioa around hit place. It wort he long before Tniun summer askt Eph If he would be so accommo-dad- n

oil on at vUnm Um di tor.Mrs. Ben). Gibbs sundavd with Mrs. will be here. Some people likes to see as to open the letter and read him

Peter Wilkina laat Sunday arriving Sun-day

Injun summer come, but as tor ut it la the contents there was in it if enny. Youmorning, and returning home Sun-day

the most melankoly part of the year. Eph said he would and so he opead aevV, conshus of harina- pent a veryEDDYTORIAL ON CHARITY. enjoyable Sunday. OCCASHIOKAL Personals the letter and read it over hlsself first

Being as we can't think of noth and when he done go he begin to laff

ZION CROSSROADS. Nice weather after the rain. like everythink. HI askt him whot heing better to write a editorial

Atonzo Peterson's wife persented him Hez Andrews perdicts that we will wss laffing at and soon as Eph couldabout for this issue of the Bugle, with a boy on Louzo's birthday, have two more big rain storms within git straightend up he read Hi the tetter Nu-t-?we will therefore write on the sub-- which was last Monday. Lomo saya

s short time. Hez says when there I whhch was nothlnk moren a bill from athat if she had persented him with a pair

jeckt of "Charity," which is a of boots or something else that he could one big rain there It always two more ticker dealer at the co seat from who tt

good deal better than writing wear and what would be useful to him, follers it If there was a Bingville seems Hi purchased 3 gait of remhe would of been a good deal better five and aint newer paidwouldall. committee, It's duty be to moren yrs agonothing at he is already the father lover? In that case this adver-

tisementpleased, being at call Hez fer permulgatin such theo- - for yet.We will probably not be much of 7, and looks upon the arrival of one on will interest Lis-se-you.found what in thess. When HI out wasdisputed when we that there of a calamity than asay more as more Dad Henderson went squirl huntln re letter he snatrht it outen Ephs hands I have for the past 2 or 3

is a large number of residents of blessing. cent and shot a hen hawk. Dad mostBill Woods it laid up with roomatiz. and shuk hit fists under Ephs nose sad wkt been gethering and storingBingville who don t know what generally always as a rule shoots some-

thingBill can't acaircely move had nor foot, whether it is told him if he ever ketchd him readinhuntin,when he in barn wholethe word charity means, and prob-ably

and hit wife has to feed him with a tea-spoon

goes way my a measwhat he was huntin after or not. his personal and private mall mat-

terownnever will they wouldn't just like a baby. Bill says that Bale Hawkins that his hay of different kinds of nuts for

know what it meant if they was to roomatiz is worse than typhoid fever this rear wasn'tsayshardly worth cutting,

crop agin he would report him to the P.human consumpshion this winterbecause he had both and knows. at Warshlngton! Then0- orthoritiet,look it up in the dicshionary, owing to the drought Bale expects to

which is impossible, being as there Mrs.Jane



of Keyridgewith her



have to buy hay for hit Stock thit winter Hi clumpt off home maddern a wet hen. by them as desires nuts. These

ain't probably more than two dic- - and Monday. Jane would of Tues-day

at usual. nuts incloods walnuts, hickoryshionanes in Bingville, one at the d with her sister also, but she had to Jabez Wouldn't Sien nuts, beech nuts, cheat nuts &

HMC WiLSon '5"

d&CCKTiNS- - A WW PfoV school house and tother at the Bu-

glereturn home to look after things.

VERITAS.Samantha Still Sick

Two weeks ago there was a registered other kinds of nata too numerasTtOpM-- r, paoa HK Pi;s TO tAT OOT OP. office, to which we refer re-

peatedlySamantha Dee vers Is on the sick list letter came to the Bingville postoffice to mentshion.

and often in order to as-

certainCALAMITY CROSSROADS. as ushual this week. Tother day as we for Jabez Simpaon, and when he called

how certain words is Amri Haines hat told hit mule to Ben happend to be a going past her resi-

dencefor hi a mail Eph Higgins, our accommo-


What is niser during the long'spelled and the meaning of same. Henderson for $20. Amri says he lived she knockt on the winder and postmaster, told Jabe that he winter evga. than to set down be-

foreinanty consists 01 rteing rnar- - with that mule ten years and has nearly beckond us to come as she wished to for the letter before the fire beforehad his head kicked off hit shoulders would baft to aign you go to beditable. Them as has charity are twice, so he thought he would tell it at speak to its and we done so only to find he could get it and crack a lot of nuts and etcalways long suffering with their a bargain to Ben, being as he don't like Samantha aettin up clott to the fire all Jabe refused to sign, he said that ever

5 Osgood or ftotrceAoie was neighbors and. are always ready to Ben very well no how. bundeld up In shawls and blankets and tinct he had signed hit name at securitysame? Anser nothing is niser.

overlook faults in others and will Miss Zalla Comttock of Snake Bend thivring like everythink like at if she for a note four yean ago and had to They go good in conneckshiona visiting her aunt here, Mrs. Hester

this we" ano TMRice weccone ing to suffer being imposed upon Ruskin. Most all the boys here at the waa freer in todeth. pay for the fall amount of the note f, with appels or they're tumbleOecAüse Ht Rmp $ 2 on his

without losing their tempers, roll corners it mashed on Zella who Is a Samantha tuk us to book for not he had took a oath that he would good alona. Not only that, buty and mentchioning the fackt in the Bugleing their stpeves wanting powerful girl.PACK SUBfCfePSHf&N to fite.

upThat's what charity is. Bedelía Pepe rs was 44 years old last last wk that the was on $he sick list never again put his name down 'on a the colonels of nuts of various

Mitt ain't snd not only that but on s sicker list piece of paper, and he'd be doggoned ifSaturday. Bedelía sayt she kinds is nice to make nut cakeis said atIt "charity beginsbut 27. There it lott of folks around than ushual. We apologised to Saman-

thahe would do it this time.

home, Din enanty in ningvine h wh members the vear aba was who was purty mad about it and Eph told him that it was government oat of, also to put into taffy. Andon't begin at home by a doggoned bom and you can't go back on that. told her that if we diddrnt mente hion

rules to sign for a registered letter and fackt, nuts is good for mennytick last wk itSight. It would be a good eal bet- - Malachi Summers et whole punkin her being on the list was lett he signed, he couldn't have the leta oversite being as we sjiro to tute this things and they're awful nurrish-in-

ter if H did. It" would be a good P1" f&ST" Ü!fve" whí Ü'uÍÍS fackt about Sainancha in every ithue of terif folks here too. You've herd the saying,eal better in Birtg waa nek abed for two days. Malachi is

ville would stop considering the a great hand for punkin pie. with bu? very few exception, for the , 3 "as awete aa a nut," ain't you?motes in their nabor's eyes and ONE WHO WAS THERE. uast several yrs

hadThen Samantha sound to cool down a ever These nuts whitch I have geth-er- d

little attenshion the told Jabs If he lsid mucha to Eph so as spay itleerle mite and aald for us to see toin their own eyes. It UkelS that not aaeatthioning that the waa on finger on him he would have him perse-

cutedis all spread out on my barn

would he a good ral better it they the sick Hat every wk hereafter diddent to the full extent of the lawof the

for floor drying and curing, as I miteassault and battery on s servantAmri Gookins had take billsdidn't talk about each other behind printed at the Bugle officesome

last week ad-

vertisingSsmsf- c- tatés wet as . -- . ;f vernment, which skeered Jabe setae. say. I diddent gethcr 'em to ete

each other's backs and always try an oxshion which A" wnl on a aickcr Hat than ushual this week ij, Xnd he went away without hit letter, I get herd 'em to sell, If youto git the best of each other, hold neat Wednesday VVtij doo't snore becux last Setterday night her si Jshe can't have that letter 'less

desirewhether it is in a horse dicker or people have oath ion t and have us print with who ahe Uvet Wim comy- - ne signs zor n is it nas to wy ui we nuts give me a call and I

anything else their sale blUf for them. Job work done bedroom to ask her s Quhion after will make the price right on same." "w ahe had rat to bedfor the night andWhile charity is a Mod thing, Satisfackshion garrynteed orleft iSe door o?ea moren- - a mirtnit sod

enough charity is funtoeni ana Pett Hoskrns walked S miles with his that the draft of cooliah air w hitch Addisiiional Personals money refunded. I don't chargetoo idui-.l- i ll W louder shot over to come into the room from he outside isos- - old muxslt gun Zeas Watkiaa had a cow to Weak bar amy moren these nuts is worthaibie foe s person to havsvC much Gootchic pood laat Saturday to snoot a whot give her s fresh Sold. Samantha lea? in a stone fatase last steak. Abe saidcharity look at us .t hunch of cartridges which he had lokat- - sitar i "i4""? or "Tf of blan-

ketshe cAttritateahell have to shoot her and considera that I rlakd Ufa & lim

Jll' ,J there the week be ISic and if. and alius haa doorsv,r Toe beef the nabort gettin of off thethe B ou to some era en trees.Bingville .stents I , i ..rove than he diacovricd he had lockt tile and the winders ail abet dteru Mist Phoebe Hlldehraad. our faahiooNow we have s4 char- - went and le. Via powder to home, s a tmiiii is so drove op withSee me if you want nuts.

fty for people ve BBjJBp on resé wtitw" '" Samantha saya work at present that she can'tasndinr thrm the now he wont try cold whi-x- h she has she par- - , new work inside of four w--sC Yours for Nuts,year and thsry nev(r' tfc red SjfcTÍ em partridget aatu it the "Tf"? . ,. . Tr" 7 How-- s tnu terve a nsatttwg years om Ute sacat UM eu rom wuunceat in return for i, nd probably v Osgood of Bardacrabble was a we) that she wosst stick her nose outen doorsnever win. r visitor to this ostias this week, and until about neat May 1914 We dont Winter Is Approachlof WES WOODRUFFOttr reward in HtJS. bur if vdf thrice welcome Simsjss he paid us $2 on heave of no seraoa to Blrigethe who en

his back tubat ripshioo Thank yoaj joys being in poor health as mutch aa We desire to state very bree fly thatcould get a pox W i. here at Silas Call saass ofton estvahiatly if Samantha does and 'hereafter we will winter is aperoscpjne almost atore Nut Collectornow. it would enal you have a lttue ready money ahead endever to state the It on She tick liat arc aware of it, tost there aint no doubtoí our pry 0mí-ha- á Elisba Wigguiaj of Calanutjf Corocra each wk aa rcgW si clockwork, i we will be aware of it after it gats hers BimgvUU

Magazine Section fI ago Jftornina 6Timt Magazine Section

Sunday, Oct. 17, 1915

.éa Tí a r nu f if ÍÍ.am Sab, if i n i ur it ii. a

JJP jJLi fJ' How the tradition,

BgKjKjK v Ipa fef iI ' About the Gorgeously

glj Plumed Bird Are BeingIm yÉjMk WL Reversed, and How Miss

ltlr lEliaabeth Parkeaeeder of Peacka, SllAVNrr7 Who Believes W'mMSmKSm.t.' hen laid seven end hstched and reared six v "'I iaulllUl Wavli (mViHsW 'ÍSÍ55KS :

They Are Lucky, ,hI. "rh n,,H., .1. .,. t.i! I Jaaaland Has Proved It for Herself.

IX of the grotesque, odd and bizarre symbol?are going Into the unregretted discard thinReason, and sheer beauty, grace of line andpoetry wilt take the place or the mere retlshIn the revelation of the irlacd peacock as the

promise of good luck." writes 8ybll Arden. "Why, In-

deed, should propitious fortune be associated with ugli-ness? Good luck Is a blessing, and, as such, Is fair ofseeming and a delight to the eye of our appreciation.The growing love for the aesthetic and beautiful Itbeing expressed In our national life and thought. Sothe peacock rainbows Itself Into our acceptance at apropitious time, backgrounded by enviable tradition andhistory. For It was regarded by the ancients aa theattribute of Juno, and In Bysantlne art Is a symbol orhe Resurrection."

The peacock has brought good luck lo one energeticgirl, who combines with business the temperament orthe real artist. The bird is not only her symbol, butthe means or her livelihood. She Is in the aristocraticwork or raising the Juno symbol, with Its fasclaatlng

snd Its breast of magical greenish-blu- Hername Is Elizabeth Parker, and she frankly nays thatshe raises peacocks tor profit. Pretty alliteration; prettygirl.

"As a plain business proposition they are moneymakers." fays she. "as there Is a good market for themat prices ranging from twenty dollars to two hundreddollars a pair, according to beauty. Aa they are a richman's luxury, one seldom has to cut prices to make sales.I suppose In time the market will grow leas, but atpresent there are so many men building themselvesgreat estates that the demand Is atrong. On these es-

tates the decorative features of the peacock add thefinal touch to all (hat Is rare and beautiful, and onceyou have gotten the eye of your prospective customeryou have little difficulty In effecting the sale. The peacock seems to belong to clipped hedges, great, curved,tone vaaea. lovely terraces and green lawns

"At first I could hardly believe that these gorgeousbirds were eaay to rear. I discovered to my good fortune,however, that they were hardy creatures that will roostin trees all winter long and go through snow storms atchipper as a chickadee.

"For my first pair of birds I paid twenty dollar, get-ting them In the winter at a bargain. In the sprint, the

A Remarkable Example of a SymmetricallySpread Peacock Tail.

m l Warn)

ViEaH mm'


How the BRAINS of SCIENCE Shows That NEURONES or BRAIN CELLS Grow by Their PROPER USE asmay make to better tbe conditionthe whole organism can erer ' Youth Is Trainedcure for mental deficiency.

"Defective" Children Another point la that the growth present school! for the mentally defl-o- f

these neuron ea Is largely a quae- - clent.tlon of stimulus. The neurones In This la the system recommendedthe eight-centr- e of the brain of ny the late Prof. Forel In hta thought-pupp-

whose eyas were removed at tu work, "L'Ame et le Systems Ner-blrt-ri?i7n were ahown to be email and Veux," and has been pursued, It liMayB, shrunken compared with those of a believed, with success by Dr. Libertynormal animal. As with other parta xadd In America. The Ingenuity andof the organlam, use brings fitness, technical skill often shown by crlp-an-

a certain amount of exerclee Is pj prime facto Inclined tonecessary If these cells are to attain suffer from defectiva circulation ofby TRAINING their full development. b)ooi ln tn, from their inca- -

It would seem, therefore, that the parity for active phyalcal exercise. Ismental capacity of a backward child eloquent on thla point,can only be developed by giving play In the majority of caaea mental

WHATIr the physical CSUM ol bo Raid thai Micro I absolute unan-

imityto those faculties which he does pos- - deficiency In children Is dependent

deficiency Id child on the point amona physlolo- - sees, and It mav be nurstloned wheth-- - on ante-nat- causea which It Is lm- -

hood? How far In attend giitsthHt these neurones aro the The Exercises of Seeing and "Neurones," or Nerve Cells Backward ' ' Children Are Aided er a system which should aim at this possible to remedy. Mal nutrition laence at special schools likely to rem-edy

only seat of conn, lounnese, and that Hearing Have an Important Are Developed by Any by Occupations That Elicit by educating Mr aenses of sight, never a predisposing cause. WithII? the ad BM rent rill P atnt lona Relation to the Development Occupation That Demands Their Interest and Give Op- - hearing and touch all of which backward children the development

The thlnklncwhereby the Impressions received by of the Brain and Nerve Celia. Concentration. portunity for Self Expression, might be attained by music, drawing of any natural tendency toward ex- -

narl nf in. brain has ranalatañ ,...our senses are I imbeen generally considered, ever since That they serve In thla latter canac- - trncna of this action are left In ccr- - sues of the body will suffer ln order from the experiments of Donaldson the tendency toward one or the other offer the best chance. In all cases.the researches of the Bpanish physl- - ,,Jr may - lodged from the expert- - tain neurones of tbe cortex, thereby that It may grow, and that, If the re- - and others, depends on the capacity which ths child may manifest would the subjecting of the mentally defl- -

legist, flenor Ramon Calal at the m!Dt 1f'rrlbf'n bv IJr- w- - Mott, gMng rise to the phenomena of malnder of the body be so 111 nour- - for Implanted in them not be more aucceasful than the ef- - clent child to the Iron discipline of a

end of' tha' nn Bngtlah nuthArlty. , memory; Ished as to lead to partial or com- - before birth, and therefore no altera- - forts to stimulate the memory, which "truant" school sesma worse then

last century, to be the Th(, experiment showed that a This being so. the development and plete starvation, the brain loses there-- tlon of the diet or any attempt ws seem to be the main features ln our useless.neurones, or nene cells situated In .ii.i.i . ... ..... v, . tl... L . iv ' athe " " ' " i hi miii iiiii-- i rupteu hi"hi wi uvhi wwmm iu itiniuwu vj nuruiy nil j mB M f cortex, or by suitable means causes a sensation becomes of primary Importance. As It Is as If the whole organism knewmiter integument of the brain oroner. of taste ir ,n,,,ii,,i i,, the i, ,,,,,,. f Dr i,,.t tr befo htnh v - in... i,... mea. in fnet itsThese ODD THINGS About LITTLE ANIMALSbod

neurones ,,r pear shaped light, If the optic nerve be excited by packed closely together, and. up to a very life, and therefore made everyniimherlntr "counties mil. It mr,A f i ai 4a - i..., ,. i I i. ...,i 1,...,

one" navln Prolongations of which nerves of hearing From this Dr. The activity of the branches they Hence, all hough proper feeding can I A LITTf.B bird told me so" arc gradually dropped out byt the are not as particular as women shop-Z-

m Í. ""'y mention the axon, Mott argues that' the neurones act afterward throw out depends on Indirectly do something by lucres is tb expression that has "Paramecium" they again swim horl- - pera They simply catch hold of them central axial core of not only ns receiving stations, but ns their feeding, and this, again, on Ing the general health of the organ solved mimy a mystery for eontally on a level as usual. leaf at any old point and drag it In."

..........quantity or smaller transformers of energy, and that, In tthe supply of blood to the part, as do Ism, It can do nothing for the growth young,,,. .,A h 0f the sir shall Harper also placed a strong If worms nappen to seise a lea- f-

is.,u-,- , uiiinrons. the course of this function, thev use . most vital functions. But the brain or development of the neurones carry the voice, and that which hath L" " l Da" or lne al,n lnl wn,cn tn'r u8 " tooa a "aain- g-

thought, although It cannot up oxygen. Ho says, moreover, that has this peculiarity, that all the tls- - themselves This, as Dr. Mott bIiows wlnKn thm ,.' 'the matter," sal th ths hM the oretur which Ingested the by the side, their attempt to drag the. preacher -- B,tv "im'mimicjy ini in pun icki into uie Durrow is iiuiwcsb. i

In the old Basque legends a. "little mna awmm upward ana ui.y seise tne lear at some narrow

How bird" Is Introduced 'whlch tells the "way unt" ,th,v were out Prt their efforts are unsuccessful,Enemy MICROBES Attack the HUMAN BODY truth." The sisters had deceived the,h mafnl areatest power. Why does a jellyfish ebb and flow,

iii,,.. x., .,,, .i,,., v.. k.é hi. a- -i Henri and J. L. des Bancela narrow down and broaden out withINCK Pasteur's great discovery of or toxins which fliev manufacture In And latelv It has come to he aeen It generales most quickly ln moist child was a cat. his second a doe: and .f Pari" elr experiments to the tldet

J 'he bacillus of anthrax, the part the system. that a great carrier of harmful tn and tranquil air. but seems Incapable his third a bear: but the "little blrd,f : determination of the effect of ul- - This was the problem delving Dr.played by microbes In the universe One has only to mention the bacilli crohes Is the sir. MM. Trlllat and of reproduction if the air Is dried and told him the truth-t- he first two were rays upon some of these H. Hordam put up to himself to find

has constantly grown In Importance of t ul.erculosls. of diphtheria, of small- - Fouassler. In a recent communlca- - kept moving. daughters and the third was a eon. "f : former,y was out He found that In ths edge ofuntil It li now thought by many men P. d the vibrio of cholera to tlon to the Academia dos Sciences, The Investigation now proceeding Thla wonderful, little, SK"? ,h u'a-vlol- rays the umbrella of the "sea nettle," orot science that they are the chief fac- "how how terrible Is their work In showed that the small vesicles of Into Its means of transmission will bird appears In sundry tales of great ,ea tnem-lnde- ed. I have positively Jellyfish, are the five senses of thistors Jn Its life. . this respect and yet these dreaded water-drop- s present In tho atmos- - doubtless throw light upon the at- - antiquity. It Is Introduced ln the tale " ' ""rB-v- rays kui par- - creature, which are necessary for the

Plants, as everyone .knows, take agents of death arc In themsalves a pherc form a medium in which many tacks of this and other microbes; but of "Princess Fairstar" as a "little ameoia but these French savants re- - production of Its harmonious, rhyth- -

carbon from the carbonic-aci- gas Wí f sport, being apéeles which pathogenlo microbes will multiply In the meantimo it may be said that green bird who tells everything." It port that the rays stimulate and In- - rnlcal contraction When tha "um- -

found In the atmosphere, turn It Into struggle for existence, through and flourish', and M. Bordas has aeems one cause of also appears 1n the Arabian Nights, vlgorate the activities of "Cyclops." brella" Is trimmed around the edgestarch, cellulose, sugars, and oils, which all organisms pass, has armed given It as his opinion that thla Is their Increase. Whether this wonderful bird ml- - an anlmalculumtwlth a single eye. with a scissors, they are less sensi- -

and with tho of and the grated as most birds said to do Prof. S. J. Holmes opines that the tlve to this rhvme and reasonthereby store un eneruv weapons thev use aaainst one of tha chief routes of tranamis- - Tho filtering water areWhen the plant Is eaten by an alon for the bacillus of typhoid fever, avoidance of certain foods are right- - Into the laboratory of scientists; nrchln " afraid of light and flees O. Natlaae of the French Academy

animal, it furnishes the eater with Most of them are parasites which This microbe, which Is tbe same lv recommended as prophylactic whether It lias been telling the psy- - " ' ' - " "n snaoows are women m his laboratory upon theglycogen and fats, which are In their ean only live at the expense of an as that which causes typhus, or the measures; but It may be well that ln chologlsts on animal behavior the "J J? " . J efrct. of viIou tHi-n- UDon thturn converted Into animal windows, houses, marvellous things thev now announca ? " qnlIte th' " raPldity of locomotion of worms.muscular work, or vegetable host and In a disease of camps, Is probably always open

The and the avoidance of crowds we have to the world, is not for us to 2LITE2Íe-J?-2 VÜT' m4e them move In a livelyeuorgy thus put at tbe die- - medium which they have to create with us, but has little effect aave say.posal of living beings cornea la the for themselves. on enfeebled bodies or those suffer- - even more effective means of pro- - Be that as it may, Dr. V. Frans of 22 "ü. 22 S ' them morefirst instance from tha sun. but It Fortunately for ... If the n.ra.l.. Ing from actual lesions of the tissues, tectlon against our unwelcome guests. hh of the opinion, from some " í"" fUv?- are Uer to the mom- -

is made svallBble 1 "i SB newest researches on animals T""" " ins, i"" mi i aova, una least or anof microbes.

largely by means can thus use means for making good - and plants which Inhabit the deep, "ma" Bpot Hsrht Piatea toward a at night.

Microbes the soli forhis hsbltaflon at tho expense of the . Aiip " t nun P fllirrT"T'f ir i flTP th"t direct contact with rays of llaht 8ea urchin it will crawl away from it When worms are placed on half

tatlon and agriculture,prepare

and accumu- -

vege- - host,which

the host Is not without allies I I I V T I H AK V . Or W r.r, I fl A IV I r'l"r determine the movemente of,n nap l1n " U mor actlv at glossy paper and half sandpaper they

enable him to make harmless marine n'S"t from theanimals move smooth paper to thelate in the earth the nitrogen that the parasite. in charms and witches of them, and they were therefore How do worms take hold of leaves rough. They hale salt, but love mud.we absorb with cereal food. The most efficient of these are In ABE not only ln the forests going to burn the root every Friday ""gut Ufe of the Fish. to drag them into their holes to the Dr. Natlaae was able to train hisThey even help to break tin rocks, the mainritv nt n, i,.nn,... Germany and bogs of Ireland, night and thus make him ao mis- - u llas lonir been known tim hi,i. ground T earthworms by the use of a piece ofhe'Xd0 rJhn!r,i,rart" Ca" r WMte- cornuc," ot the WOOO, but ln ,he v:ry hoart of Lonco,,: mble that no would return to his mímate hut niv .. - This might at first sight seem a paper wet with salt water. He called5. Olieeto ol J!S"J?. th" People many forsaken eothenrt. have maintained that the Inhabitant

allly question, yet It has baffled some this his "whip."ouaint supersiuiona sun survive Charms agalnBt the evil eye ana nf the ocean mlcrate ,v.. of the "big bugs" ln the zoological When the worms crawled u hdigestion. harmless the Invader. Vet hla routes a small herbalist in one of the cures for various comnlaints. ln tho not oniv mirU, ..... ! "V seminaries. wished they were made hannv lnYel, in spite of all this microbes of attack are mun ní rln... .. , , . ....... j jt ' n.i.. . .

mey migrate la the tip or the stem first taken In mud, on sandpaper; with plenty ofnave for the majority a bad name, By the bites of Insects, the ml girls of the cosier type, who Inquired shaped stones, exist ln plenty. air creatures du Fewer ofttneatT If so, why? leaves ln the dark. If they did notwaterand moBt people look on them rather crobes causing malaria, yellow fever, a pennyworth of tormentlllii root Aecorilini? to nn nnthorltv on the ,r,oi ..... u . .anl-f- According to Prof. James Jordan go as he Intended they should heas toe enemies or ma man as its and sleeping-sicknes- all pass direct- - jhough they would not say for what subject, glass witch-ball- can often race In tho daylight than nhVh worm" a 03t ,top ? examine vari- - placed them to tre light, upon smooth

,r" . 'y ,n,H lh' blood purtwse It was needed. "Vj be seen hanging In sweetstuff shops. This has led students to sav Ih.i ou PrU tn " taey hmTt ! and "whipped" them with salti oie mraeiy quo to ins oe- - utners gain an entry Into the In- - A week later for They are usually two In number. migrate to deener clime, in ,he a Í been always believed to do. No, they water.

havlour of a relaUvely small claaa testlnal canal by the medium of r. .h. ,erbmt Ifnri to .,.n. When , wuhe. n nnrehnao . .among.. them which are ib ..... ....! rA....... ....... ii. t. .t .... .w... . ' "ur"ce at night.npwwwg i' ii"' uniitin piy it until iiioy e.iinuie(i its use. iiioBO nans uiey are poiueiy in- Dr. B. H. Haroer is Mother i.and effective causes of certain mor- - either generated therein or deposited confessed formed that there forFinally they that a they hang roalcula explorer. He undertook to Making RUBBER GUM from FISHui macases uy reason or tne poisons on It by flies young man had ceased to love one luck, and are not for disposal. discover why the little slipper creat-

ure called "Paramecium" was inclined WELL known Oerman chemt- - bumlnous bodies are then removed by

How FEAR Is thetopower."

swim away from a "pulling A cal weekly tells of a process for filtration,The c'r altr" obtained lnReally Principal CAUSE of DROWNINGS wnn great inge iulty, Dr. Harper making a very elaattc. caout- -

mannar la ru tA with ...this

jthee tiny anlmalcula a fodder ohouc-lllc- é ma. t erial out of salt or r. inn nt hamium - - . . . .

nEAR and water might not at first which was made, up of finely divided fresh water fish. The procees In brief been warmed to a temperature of 50I" blush be considered blood broth-era- . particles of Iron. These specks of to aa follows: 100 kllogrammeeabout deg. Cant, (about lli eg Fahr) untilExperimental psychologists, metal were engulfed and gobbled up 120 pounde-- of fish Is treated with 400 a plainly perceptible alkaline reactionhowever, aa well as physiologists, by the living slippers" they look liters about 110 gallons of water for la obtained. In place of the bariumhsve recently established the fsct

like miniature Cinderella footwear two hours at a temperature of SO deg. hydrate solution a dilute aqueous sus- -and they accumulated to the tall, of Cent (about 1S4 deg. Fahr.) pension of calcium hydrate-m- ilk ofthat fear couies from a substance the cresturea. The aqueous extract Is then freed lime-m- ay be uaed.which becomes active when It Is ln A. the particles collected thus to from the solid residue by filtration. Immediately after this the wholellijtild form, flowing freely ln tbe the posterior end of the body this and a teet Is made with a email por- - mass la treated with carbonic acidbloodstream av part tended to aink downward. At tlon of the filtrate to determine how gaa. until It shows a weak aeld reac

This fear "stuff" Is made In certsüñonce, when this happens, the little much dilute sulphurlo acid, or aul- - tlon. The barium of lime precipitate

glsnds, which sre ordinarily not too anlmsl swim, vigorously upward tow- - pburous acid to gas form or ln .que- - la removed by filtration and the fll- -

active Nivertheleas, aa Prof. Will-Ia-ard the aurfaco unless the load Is ous solution. Is necessary to preclpi- - trate, to which formaldehyde has beentoo heavy. As the particles of iron tate completely the lecithinJames of Harvard proved, when containing added, le concentrated In a vacuum

there Is an excess of inueclc action, ' L i ' albuminous bodies which are preclpi- - During this evaporation traces ofIn the cuurse of fatigue, exhaustion

, Ubis by acids. free carbonic acid it..or muscles deprived of blood, this Showing the Vulnerable Points in the Body When Cramps" Are Likely to Seize a Swimmer. TAWNf! (nr flie NHCI? T1)e nece""rr amount of acid, as suiting product represent, an elasticfear material Is manufactured freely VrtlXIIliJ 1UI II1C llVdEi calculated from the test, Is then added mass, not unlike caoutchouc In Itsand quickly other day a circus ilder who every the aurf or when you fall overboard suddenly appears. N recent years the surgeon's knife to the filtrate, and the precipitated al- - properties.

Fear explains why a vast number day for months had performed a Is the very worst thing possible. In- - "Cramps" come easily after meals, I has been far too busy ln con-

nectionof people drown; nay, even why ex- - daredevil cowboy broncho act was deed, with all possible safeguards, after fatigue; when the victim rushespert swimmers and divers surcumh killed, because one of his children most people should really be exer- - Into the water, while hot and ln a with the Intricate or- - WIRELESS TOP for an AUTOMOBILEto the troii. m, no- water they love so lay sick at home. Few who saw the deed In tailing overboard. Properly perspiration, after Illness or other tnt lay between the nose andmuch to play with. fatal accident ln the circus ring r. ul trained, the ( ar el. ment will be re- - depleting disturbances of health. throat. Except ln necessitous clr-- REPORT from Belgium by tbe patrol noticed a wire connection to

There sre nowadays few left to Ised it was due to bis worry about hla moved, and the person who later on On the other hand, many cumstances nature's own handiwork A correspondent of an English tne "skeleton" of the raised top.deny that ewrybody fhould burn to child and his anxiety to hurry home accidentally falls or 1. thrown over- - "cramp'' drownings blamed unou the .v.... . n. trade Journal tells lwln th wlre PuU'd from underewlui aa well as to walk, t'hildren, to him. " " ' "'" e" uaut u msuiussianuu a we telephone receiver, andTTZ V cramp jnei Dy m llttlB common sense of a most extraordinary use of an au- -women and timorous uicu learu Peoule likewise drown holding it hismay kJ i'"'i i sen to ear was dumfoundedprostrvaiiuu is due to. tne lear, coiuublou ana

land. ii . .- .- . .171 . The most familiar form of nasal tomoblle too. It seems that a Brltiah - -to swim on dry i'".''ih' .i..i oi iear in pain, iihe rear """" tuu,a hearpanic which aonio suddi n and unex- - e.tarrh ia chronic of i P'ainiy a messageYou do not require water to prac In the water and Its direct and In- - Peopb drown after they are to dan- i.ected ache. Dln. soa.m or twln.a i"'?". Ptr ""faed canturing a Oar- - coming from nowhere in oartlcul.r

tlsc It. hwnnming may be learned direct Innm-nc- upon the control of gcr imuv oft from terror than inaugurated. ' th reoelv- -It affects the 'f'1" f""doubtedly general were aeated. Th. motor had broken .In a room, without going near tbe breathing, ot lung and from ' apower, wlreleesupon inability to help themselves. Real "crampe are various in kind, health and absorbs certain nutrl- - .h ,k. . telephone ata- -

', r " "" "nou,a tncreiore. practise uut usually a spasm or clulcb In a meBt that should go to other parta ueeeaga came from theIt....1. ..... .llí .icrt ..t....i . .11..1. ranee anil careleumeas. ',. nr-.-i ni.. i. h ....... iil. . . . prisoners nearest headauart k.--- - - .u.. u uurupi or the bodv. Moreover, it affects tne inwhich note for yourself, that The ways to prevent and anticipate but in glancing over the car oes of the corp. to which th.jou may way. accordance with various sprain, "charlle horse" or palsy, the other nerves that He to IU region. officer, belonged

"UOT '""i iu re wuei Keucy pisns. anected part Decomes tor s time uso- - simple remedies are oftenmuscles Is bettor left alone sad not le be kept ln mind aa well aa prac- - Thus ext ln the water should lees. At such a serious moment it efficacious than pretentious - NEW METHOD ofthought about. If you thluk about tiaed. Tbe first esaentlal is to have be made with the arms only. Then behooves the champion swimmer, as Try this ALKYLATING SUGARS

a' mu wiiwi. w.-.- i no uic D.iniiruiru uaiuei. io f) itulo Koine lini acic arm rmwner a l laNTlllN hu iiami e.allif nv . .at oucc li regular water Is a slave and not a conqueror. The lee khould then be cnarhl to fnu htm.elf from all fear t ibink a a, ...i -- .i .... 7Z. ,. u '"w m aqueous aolu

If a slack wire walker or an aero- - Water must be treated with a cordial do the work aloue. two arms and one clearly of the correct method to con Put a teaspoonfiU of the powder into tu a new method of alkylat- coat by uslnabout ...

Dat foes about hla routine business lolersnce, and nut tbe familiarity leg, two legs and one arm one lea aarva hla caimanees, life and strength . ni..t u. ..-- r. .k. aiivH ... .m... ul. , .. aulphatss andand keeps these accurate tricks and which breeds contempt, and eSS arm. the other leg and the and to float, paddle or swim with the thoroughly syringe the nose After carried out previously by means of every caae whfr'el" afwlU- - Umuscle habits unhooked and uncou- Exercises and training rauat be un- vpsnwuc enu ana vice versa unaffected llmtM. wane calling done itselffirmly, this is sniff the powder alkyl Iodides and ailver oxide, two noselble in t.i .i.- - .. 7pied with his fears, worries, thoughts dertaken with regard to proper modes on. ii iraiuiiig would not only make louaiy ana coony lor succor. un .eh .,,,irii ...d . nii. k. .v.. .aand anxieties, all goes well. of bathing, swimming, floating, cling the gigantic aud horrible loases of If these procedure, are kept In This should be done unremittingly vantage of avoiding oompllcatlooa. power

was lounoof throrodñ .The instant, however, worry, self-- , ing to wreckage, being rescued and the steamers Kaetuwid. Hlocum. Tl- - mind and ateadfaatly carried Uare out, night and morning, aud It will not be .uch as ruceaalsatlon. the Waiden to- - that obtained bv Yh n"cousclousueaa, or eveu will power, first sld. to youm-l- aa well aa to an- lam. aa. l.usitanla U, but would tha water will be happy playground long before the wonderful heallus version and tbe tateroonver.lon of The .a.ier methda

steps In upon s trained habit, that other iu danger of drowning take care of many foolhardy hathra for many who will olherwtae narlah n. f w. lw.1. n.., win i la M enea per preparationtostoat a disaster threaten. Ths Fear and emolUmal excitement to and rush swimmer, greatly tacimabe syntheticwhen a "crainn" ia Ita nlavful araan h r.w Only one must persevere. It I. now ahown that similar result. perimenU to the sugar series


arnro or m biamobs noi m reí-.- Arthur scribbled a check as the crowd They found Luke contrite gnu teoaei evu av .ii anu jttitiau .11 lu uunce and lie held It in the fierce light beating onA Almond that fell la Mini entwrtt ego busied and swayed around him. Vivian toward Bather and his gypay sovereign, revela A Hungarian band played In the him, and It biased and sparkled.

blcmga to tb alder branch of Ik Stanley finllr la tart a hysterical laugh and clutched Hagar. He begged to be remembered to grand ballroom, and a string orchestra n "Friends, my dear and welcome guests!" $10,000 for 1.000 WordsStanleyVlrginis. Tbla diamond go wit ta title to the Arthur by the arm aa the auctioneer hand-

edHagar and that aha be aaaured that once tha conservatory. Attentive servants he cried In a ringing voice, "I will tell yon Less


atanlerata Bniliod.

To cheatthat

a aaaatnow rom

ktaaaaaata tb.

of him the diamond from the sky. Then, as he waa out of prison and bad his revenge were at every hand, giving every care to a strange story or the first finding of a orbotb OoL Stanley han snhatltnted a srp babj bar. the purchaser and his little coterie of he would return to the tribe and aerve the gueeta. great gem such as this. A gem known as)

for aa Idea for Sequel tobottght from Ita nnnatorel father, far the Httla friends passed through the dispersing Hagar faithfully as headman again. But bmythe, a humoresque figure in his helmet the diamond from the sky'"daughter ban ta htm. Ría yean wtfa ties, taa crowd, Vivian looked Homer Graydon In the ha was obdurate In his sullen determination and armor, and with the incongruous crook Aad there he told, and with a poetic dic-

tion "THE DIAMONDgypsy mother ratania and takaa ta reveng th face deliberately and turned her back upon te hav his revenge In his own way. handle umbrella, led Esther to the one quiet he must have practiced, the atory ofBros Stanley irlrl hhj ralaed la aaertt. and rtara him. "Go back to Virginia. Miss Esther," he spot In all the bedlam of romp and revelry. the adventurer. Sir Arthur Stanley, some-

time FROM THE SKY."tb rhiid a bar own. The gypsy's aoa (ma ap a amid, "and leave the matter of my enemlea This waa a email upstairs reception or tea nailed the Fallen Star, founder oflecaieBlair

wastrel and become gnat frienda with In her room at her modest hotel Esther to me. They have so much influence a poor room, plainly but richly furnished, and with a the Stanley family In Virginia and finder The American Film Company (Inc.)Stanley, wfco la right fnl balr. Blair ta racklaaasnt daaperat tad hats Artbar. bat rtlaaemhire. Ar-

thurdebated nervously with herself. The rank gypsy could get no Juetloe against them In large window that overlooked tha lawns of the diamond from the sky.

Plcturisod Romantic Novalatringely Inania b la onlj a gynay ensagellng Injustice done I.uke. who had been railroad-

edthe courts. If I told my story It wouldn't and flower garden. A wide branched palm While the revelers hung spellbound at

and tees weat andr tb aaaaaMd nam of loba Pow-I- to prison by the Influence of Blair Stan-la- y be listened to. But I can't b held here In a handsome Jardiniere screened a small the story, he told of how too years ago tha in Chapter.taklnt tb blant nf a arder Blair baa and Frank Durand while Arthur had forever, and I will have a bettei revenge divan or settee near the center of the room. reckless Sir Arthur, younger aon of the

Blair telling Arthur It waa not Bardar bat never Interfered, made her more bitter than In a better wayl " Beside it waa a email ornate table. A grest flrst Earl of Stanley In England, had been This contest is open to any man,an Arthur bettering b baa wrongas and abe had been at the strange attitude Arthur And In this frame of mind, mingled with door led to the billiard room, and through banished to America to the English set- - woman, or child who it not connectedebaatad Blair. Bat Artbar do not tan Blair ba directly or indirectly with the Filmla tba fain balr and Blair the rtfhtfnl on. Thediamond from tba air pa from hand to band, Company or the newspapers publishingtought for It aaln by man;, and It ran trag. the continued atory.41. In CallfornU Artbar borona a millionaire amila mmranded by enetnlea who ak bla rain. B at You are advised to see the continuedlnjnrad In an arrldrnt and tana enamtee make a photoplay in the theaters, read thedrug fiend of him. Rather, anpnnad to he only a story as it runs every week, end thenT" girl, learna ab It reallr Bather fltanlay and

ornea to California Mating Arthur, whom ab lore. eond in your suggestion By followingVirian Maratón, aa advntura, secretly married to tha narrative in print and observing theBlair, together with Dnrand aad T Vanx, bead ofa diamond gang, aad Blair Stanley plot to keep action on the screen you will be given aBather from Arthur. Blair takaa charge ot Arthur's splendid opportunity to supply a sug-

gestiongreat bnalneaa affaire, wblla Dnrand. He Vani, andVlrlaa lead " John Powell, tha mad millionaire " for a sequel.aa Arthur la known to wilder dlaatpatlona, the what A board of three judges will decideplot being to rntn Arthnr morally, financially aad which of the suggestion received isbyelcally. Blair aeeka Arlhnr'a wealth and olrlfcmteij bla death, that be. Blair, ma gala the día most acceptable. The judgment of that

ond from tha sky and the earldom. Virian aleo hoard will be absolute and final.retires the diamond, aa do Dnrand and D Vana.Blair doable orneare bla former rrpey tceomplles,I. uk Lorell. and rallroade him to prlaon. Btbar SPECIL pnailrd at Arthur'a ttrange con dart for tha plot-ter Suggeations for a sequel will bo ac-

ceptedconvince their drag victim he la going Insane,

ami symptoms of this ara nil hallnelnatlona that aa up to and including Februaryarea Bather. Bagar, 'gather's foater mother, la hat 20, 1916. Aa it is the IDEA that isslowly reroaerlng from a blow that Blair dealt herwhich i.J.r.A h.e .i..rfi. , w in. wanted, no attention will be paid to

.Bather' deroted frienda. Onahha. a hnnohKaok aad literary style. Contestants mutt confinemarmadnke Hmyfbe. aa Engllah lawyer, seeking tha their contributions to 1,000 words orbx to tb Stanley ratldom. are bar only frienda.

less.(Copyright: IMS: By Boy L. MeTardell. The prima award to be payment in

CHAPTER XXrV.TUB MAD MILLION AIRE. full for all literary, dramatic, and

" you all through, gentleman" motion picture right:TV eltf rated the auctioneer. "lam San J oil suggestions (o THE AMER-

ICANfjP offered seventy thousand dollar FILM COMPANY (Inc), 227for thla magnificent diamond. Ita BROADWAY. CHICAGO. ILL.previous hlatory I unknown, but

local expert have pronounced it to beworth ten timea the aum you offer. Where and kissed htm passionately. "Give medid It come from? That I cannot tell 7011, the diamond, Arthur, dear," she murmured.but by the decree of the court it la adjudged But Arthur drew back with a startledan aaiet of the Santley circus, bankrupt. cry, for there looking full at them withAa auch the purchaser's title will be valid. acornful gaze was Esther!Am I offered any more? Seventy thousand,

" Vivian rsaliaed the subterfuge thataeventy thousand, aeventy thousand! Erther was an apparition would no longerHomer Qraydon. wealthy spendthrift asavail. 8he áhrlaked. " Choose between us!" 'he waa, grew aahen faced. Seventy thousand

Arthur thruat her from Mm and throughdollars would csemp him to raise, but the door, the one entrance to the room, andVivian Maratón gave htm an alluring smile,turned the bronse bolt, while Vivianand as his pride was also at stake, he madescreamed and) beat outside In and baf-fled

ragean effort to smile baok at Vivian anddesire for the diamond.nodded to John Powell as if to say. "Go kgrBhigher If rou can!" But ere Arthur had thruat her from the

The rival bidder laughed recklessly. Once A STRANGE TADLbAU MET TVTtlTo E& room Vivian's clawing grasp had ripped

his tender attitude toward her, Eathsr and the billiard room gave Ingress and egressthe English lawyer left him. Luke looked to the quiet spot. A few oouples strayedstrange and grim with his cropped head out and In, but for ths most part Estherand shaven face In his prison garb. He was was alons In this small tearoom afternot the rugged, picturesque figure Esther Smyths left her, to apprise ths m aster ofbad known slnoe childhood. He seemed an-other

the houae that a lady wished to ass himbeing, a graven faced. Implacable per-


of a vengeance that could wait In tho great ballroom the gay set of Loa Waiábníymv-- wearaeeeeeeeaaa Hv nH aaffiawiTto strike. Angels wsre hilarious with wine and jaaKr MaP .'k KlfiH WJtSF saaBBBaaaaanal

Hardly had the newspaper sensation of music. Blair, a handsome and striking fig-

ureIHSs IMf VsaaaaaaaaasV " 1 SÜSmHP'SPs

John Powell's purchase of the diamond died In the full uniform of a Confederate of-

ficer,down than " the mad millionaire," aa he was forgot his schemes and plans and en-

joyedcalled for eccentricities, broke Into print himself with all the abandon of hiagain. Now the newspapars announced that reckless nature. Durand, arrayed in a con-

ventionalisedutw SRaaaaaaflal leataaSe? al aaanf to celebrate bla rtcovery from his recent In-

juries,costume as the King of Dia-

monds,Waar íMa- -i looked like that court card comaMr. John Powell would give a greatfete, tho first formal house warming of his to lit.

"I running true to he whis-pered

am forro,,"grsnd new mansion. At this ftts, the papersatatsd, the great diamond that bad caused to Vivian. "'The pack' called me

the tragedy and bankruptcy of the Santley the King of Diamonds, and here I am, youWMtwffflgU aaamML K TaPH costumed for the part! "aK BtH circus would figure In a aeneatlonal sur-


" Tou wouldn't have dared to dress in

It was Vivian who bad suggested the character abroad," laughed Vivian. "The BwSlrrM mMXXXXXwarr&M snmMÉktormented police of Europe look too constantly for tba aauTf in ruraV

fete, a costume affair. Arthur,aa he was with the devilish suggestion of Xing of Diamonds! " jjWeSJv bbbbbbWÍKsÍW

"Tou are right, my dear girl." replied aaaS'"Inssns delusions, and addicted to evil drugs,welcomed any excitement, any dissipation to Durand, carelessly. "But speaking of Eu-

rope,Pat- ;5iBf' " aaaBBeWCaSjlEn

the carnival at Monte Carlo waajjj make him flrget the attacks of rsmorse that svsn

fc ever and anon obsessed him. Like many no gayer scene than thla. Certainly ourfriend, the whilom John Powell, 1 giving aothers In the same situation, Arthur be-

lieved ftte. But what Is this big surprise--esjsnwnwnaw &V9- princely""'"'jjjjfc his evil companion were his good aHeafanfi

friends and true, for ever they fed his vani-ties

be Is to spring?" aaáaf ist Tnanknand flattered and fawned upon him. "I haven't the least Idea," odnfeesed BBnaBBBBBBBraÍBaaKS W La. X P

Vivian lived in an elyslum of reckless and Vivian. "Ha la very secretly of inte." LXBKBlKfKBBBBSKSK l m. - eWasVcostly luxury. There were high revels Then her brow kn)t In a slight frown asnightly by tbs mad millionaire and his she remembered that Arthur bad promisedfriends in ths gay recorta of Los Angeles, to give her the diamond this night, butand now thsre waa to come the crowning when she had sent him a note by her maideffort In wasteful and luxurious prodigal-ity

he had only returned her word that theI S Sm aaaananeSallaaaaaPSr? the Powell costume ball. diamond would be given her later in (he

Arthur abandoned all business affair to evening. Where waa he. what waa his sur-prise?Blair Now that be had the diamond from

the aky. Vivian waa exerting every wile to "I thought you would come as the Queenobtain it And Arthur promised he would Of Hearts." remarked Durand, Interrupt! nx.

Luvce wOOKEo araAHce and ggum in.hi prison garb present it to her fittingly at the fete. her train of thought. "When we deapollefe choose oeTwceN w tiMfe- ieKfso VivianBut there is no honor among thieve. Europe you were known In 'the park' as

again he felt all the daring careleaansas of bad taken toward her sines bis recovery Already Durand was planning to chsat the Queen nf Hearts, aa I was known as tjemcnts in Virginia and had gone far up his velvet sleeve and ehlrt, and his arm

his wild youth as Arthur Stanley of Stanley from his Injurie. Rumors that bis mind Blair, after Arthur, as John Powsll. waa the King of Diamonds. De Vaux, too. Is the Kappahannock river trails to steal was hare to the elbow as he extended theball, , was affected aa a result of his hurts were ruined. Durand broached this to Vivian, chary of our old pseudonyms. He touted away an Indian princess He told of Sir dlsmond from tha sky to Esther, and wildly

"Eighty thousand!" h cried, rife In Los Angeles, where those who had who played her cards tactfully and seem-ingly

for our victims at the select snd exclusive Arthur's cspture by the savage redmsn, his cried, be knew nut why, for ber to take Itformerly called him " the golden man " now encouraged him in his treachery to clubs In the various capitals of Europe so torture by atake and fire, and then the and to forgive him.

Vivian waa In a flutter ot unholy de-

lightcalled the Knave of Club But be,

of designated Arthur aa "John Powell, the Blair. Her one desire wsa the diamond, and he waa fall nf the meteor In tha night that had bul Rataer't eyes wers wld and wild,to realise she was the Inspiration to with to forget. There he is,between John mad millionaire." that was to be hers ths night of ths ftts. too. seems saved hla life and deified him. For the her gate was upon his naked arm, scarredmadthe money rivalry with dark eyed oriental hourl. In

Powell and Homer Graydon. as they eagerly for herself she would never again Intrude She could hardly wait for It. dancingcostume of

aa French xouave." Indians had taken It aa a sign of ths Great arid marked from the needle thrusts of hla

Ths nlgbt came, aa all nights will. the She hud read of such thingdlaplcaauru. addiction.Splrlt'a drugbid for the bauble that bad been a talisman upon Arthur, surrounded aa he was by lt us forget the past and our pasts!"of death. sycophants and parasites who worked him Then he told of the finding of the great in the newapspers. Now shs knsw

had dsclded ths best way to Inter-cede

aid Vivian bitterly.Esther" Eighty thousand I am bid for by Mr. evil. But for Luke Uovll, done a great In-

justice, for Luke would be to Intrude upon Then Durand exchanged a smile with a diamond In the cooled meteor and of his "That Is the reason! " she gasped in hor-rorPowell! " chanted the auctioneer. "Come, she would make one last appeal be-

fore Arthur at the fete, and make him promise to charmer sttlrsd as a Neapolitan flower girl, ancestor hearing It away and consigning snd disgust. And with Indignant fer-vorcom. Mr. Graydon, do not let superstition ahe returned to Richmond and Hagar.

Luke's release from prison. and whirled away In the. dance with her. It to hi hairs to he worn when a the snatched the dlsmond from hi

stop you! The lion would have killed the The remorse and contrition of Luke that he arcureaccompanied Esther In taxlcab Outalde, Quabba snd the gardener peered of his would bs cailed to ths grasp and threw It from her as an evil thing.

lady and the Jealous husband would havs had ever been disloyal to her and Hagar,to

Bmythethe fete He waa attired aa a knight In through the windows st the gsy scene, in English earldom. "It Is called ths dia-

mondStricken with shame and remorse, Ar-

thurlolled Sam Santley even had this diamond Esther fait waa genuine. She determined to but peralsted In carrying bis great company with cheuffeurs and coachmen. from the sky, ths ' chsrm sgalnst bowed his head on ths table and

not figured in the case, perhaps. All great take the English lawyer Bmythe into her armor,English umbrella. He explained he did not 1'pstalrs, Esther waited nervous and Im-

patient,harm,'" concluded tho speaker dramatic-ally.

sobbed. He had not seen or cared whera

diamonds have their dramatic history. Re-


confidence, and found occaalon to aend wish to get wst and become rusted in bis half regretting she had com. Then " For none savs a true descendant the diamond had been flung, nor had Eathsr.the Kohlnoor and Orloff diamond. Qusbba to Bmythe with a message.

in case It rained When Informed sh remembered I.uke, unjustly In prison, Of ths sdventursr who found it or the It hsd hurtled through the opsn window

This diamond may ba a lucky stone for all Lawyer Smyths was also preparing toarmorthat the rainy season in this station of ths and ber resolution returned. woman ha loves csn posssss It lest It bring snd had fallen, only to be caught In the

we know, despite what has happened!" leave Loa Angeles. He bad shipped his country was yet some mouths oft, Smyth In the ballroom below. Bmythe. her dlsaater and death!" tr. milling branch of a rose bush far beneath.

Arthur knew better. Blair knew better, precious deer head by express with much had replied that rain knew no seon He yet faithful knight, wandered about Then Arthur dismounted and a groom Vivian' screams hsd not disturbed tho

ar.d so did Vivian and the English lawyer misgiving and foreboding of harm befall-ing had seen It rain In indon when even the seeking the master of tat mansion. led the boree away. The crowd cheered, noisy revslers in tb ballroom, showering

Gmyths So did Durand. the international It ere It reached his dearly beloved Times had predicted fair weather. So he Suddenly tha music (topped There was tha band struck up a lilting measure, and confetti and singing as they danced and

d tmond tlilef and swindler. And so did England, whsrs be wss shortly to follow. would run ho risk and would take his a fanfare of trumpet and the raya of a the dance went on. drank, but Durand and Blair, mindful ofbit accomplice and Jackal the dapper Count Like Bather, tha eccentric but loyal Eng-

lishumbrella calcium light were turned from the gallery Removing hla plumed hat and wig. the diamond, had followed They found

becoming purple velvet curtains at Arthur led via upatslrs to the reception Vivian hysterically scrabbling st the doorde VauK. But Homer Graydon only knsw lawyer was discouraged and " feel better when I carry something." toward the greatthat Vivian Uarston's favor depended on dlsmsyed at the puxallng conduct pf the he edded " When I carried my gams tro-

phy,the nd of tb ballroom. These were drawn room that hey might be alon As they

ofof lbs little room and Blair buret it In.

the diamond. American heir to the Stanley earldom Htre the deer head. I did not need an um-brella

aslds by two slim young girls In tho cos-

tumeascended the u!rs, a great uproar Marmaduke Smythe was close behind the

thousand dollars!" he cried, was the heir, a fugitive from justice In Vir-ginia,

In fact, it did not rain while I car-

riedof Tudor pages, snd there, between laughter rose in ths ballroom. intruder.

"Elghty-flv- e

gulped and grsw ashen pal again. flourishing under tbs name of John It. wblcb waa remarkable. So now I the parted velvet turtslns. full In the great Marmaduke Smytho had been standing on Whsrs is ths diamond? Where I ItTthen he

eighty-fiv- e thousand dollars cash PowelL a tbouaand leagues from Stanley ahall carry the umbrella, especially aa I pencil of light directed at him. sat the a .hair to better see and hsr ths story of hrleked Vivian, shaking Arthur by tbTo raise

tor this bauble to give a woman hall. Virginia. nave shipped the deer head to London and of a cavalier on a great white horse ths diamond from tbs aky In moving to paybe bis rula. "I eon feat it Is an enigma to me," he ex-

plained1 du hope It will not be stolen or injured with crimson trappings. Immovabls as a get down to .onvey Esther's m to

Maimaduk Smythe gav hi arm towouldthousand!" crisd John Pow.lL to Esther "Of course. Blair In transit." atatur stood rider and steed. Then the bend the dismount. tpeSr, Smythe had broken

Batter and they walked proudly out inNinetyGraydon gav. tb auctioneer a Stanley, aa the neat in ahoot agin II. At tne Powell mansion. ntTtng with crashed s march, and through the ballroom an lactrlc 11km wall bracket and a re-

sult llene, and left the schemer and theird aHomer

of the head la reply to bis cannot bccon.r the Earl of Stanley so long the crush of maskers. Father sued avthe to the center came rider and horse. Here his metal armor badvictimsmok-

ingnegative Jerk Uvea That Arthur and the rider made a swseplng live wire. He was rescusd with aas Arthur Stanley Stan-

leyfound the butler, arrayed as a gorgeont in they paused In the ballroom wanfor the Below the gayetylb worseiDV'".'ybouMdl Ninety thousand! Are lives under another name only adds to Jor domo, receiving the guests, as the host bow to the stsnled assemble. plum. naidl any

Outside the dawn crim-

sonedwhn Vlvln and Arthur at Us height.

thouaahd. once! Nine. the confusion of the arbole bally Ihlag!" was to make his entrance in some novel and It wss Arthur Stanley of Stanlsy hall, electrlonl reached toNinety lbs east and aindoner wher Eathsr waited.1 L twins! Ninety thouesud for Then Esther told him about Luke, aad aurprlalng manner. It waa whispered, in Virginia, but known hers, save to a few aa enterad the room

babied the bush beneath the window and bornthousand, rosetba slight flgurL bs neuised. Going, going. because be bad a kindly heart In his queer fact, the costume ftts waa a laviah behs-mla- John Powsll. rightly "the mad millionaire" They did not see

lb dlawoud from ths sky I

ItJ"; to Mr. John Powell for ninety body the English lawyer accompanied revel. Wine flowed, punen was served H look from hie neck the great gleaming the palm.around Arthur

gwny(To be oonLUueaV)

Outlaw a Esther to the prison on visiting day. on every aid, and the guests ntade tbeut- - diamond is It curious locket and chain. Vivian threw her arma



jsesBBBBBsia l

m XZjalSMsssLsssssfl Bb 98 flftasM saaslaHk ' V' annx Pt MÉ 'X



from thr Cecbogar, n Hungarian I) dance: No. 2, fromjlka"; Ni. I, free arm gymnastics No, i, indoor baseball

another position from the Psebng r No, pillltary drill;t Btevi ns. Instructor of the girls; r x, basket hall, n "fair

BBssHasirVf MWBWJsSHjL ÉÉB M&fl'I, " ts'd It ii yard"; r 10, on the tennis court top, - ss1rylWsssisWwE

id, iiikcn From an aesthetic dun' i.oitom, another atop In the

Education Is aMeans to an End

(By Ml:s maim; utKT BTBVBNaj

TI end hall be determined hy the meant. ' The neglect of this Ii therock upon v. h, h

' thousands ere wreqke'd The best , mrans tend to thenil ,in. ,u- accomplishment of the best etid.

I(education in lie Broaden! and moat complete unee includes the wholo

man, physical, mental and moral. Tin- physical education should he placed jssl;,i for it is fundamental and absolutely neoeeaary for tin- proper (mining,development nnd rill expression of mltld and morals "Doing things" Inno crete awakens Hi'' Individual mind to the real lawn of mind In gen-

eral. Nearly ml modern philosophers and psychologist have taught this sssss.'Wi I PMPVH '"ajisjj HsHfact, huí lif school systems until recently have entirely Ignored the body

m;in of Hi, defects nnd delinquencies prevalent In the youth of thecommunity for bich schools nnd colleges un- criticised. They have notgained the ex pi rh in e with which to understand the meanings of universallaw nnd until they have done- so, they cannot orientate them. The manwho never learned to uae a pick or hnr with case, certainly can never tell

lea wan organized in 1905. but folkothers how to build n Brooklyn hrtdKC. -

dancing has existed here since theChildren should lie Busy. days when the children of the early

'Ivlldrcn liuve their sensory impulses played upon from the lime they w. ulcrs engaged in their games oni ni. Un primary gradea to the completion of their school or college course. tho village commons or within theI'll less Ihej are taught some son of hundieran work, given occupational walls of Ihe forts that formed theemployment in school or are encouraged in hop, skip, run. Jump, skate, protection agulnst the Indians.swim, join a .gymnasium or participate In some form of athletic sport, they

To go back to the day when therehave no motor nutlet for their pent Up feelings and activo impulses, none was no folk dancing one must go backof in. useful application of these to the activities of life. The principle of to the day when history was young,physical training is briefly, the attainment of the greatest amount of benefit for on the checkered floors of someWith the laarfl amount of fatigue-- the power of accomplishment combined of Home's most ancient buildings arewith ease wliH h can he utilized in every activity of life. found plats," and many

There In In Ihe performance of military drill a very important educa-tional

of the present day folk dances arefactor, nol merely physical The correct Interpretation and Imme-

diatebut dertvaties nf ancient ceremonies

execution i,l a d. Unite command by a class under instruction, necessi-

tateconnected with the seasons, the har-

vestsa functioning 1I the Individual mind and eerve as i In prac and historical events.tically all phases ,.i life. Such Inierpretatlon and prompt execution com-

pelsFree In expression, set to rhythmi-

caltin, strictest of attention, what Dr. Hoarhorn call "win attention." The music, folk dances nre the na-

turalpresence of (I signifies a mental dcclpllne which Is fuudamcntally necessary dunces, unspoiled by the handIn all educational pursuits. Tin- degree of Voluntary attention in an indi-

vidualof man. Handed down from century

determines in u large measure his extent of available intellect. It Is to century, Ihey still hold the formthis attention which makes possible the power of concentration upon a in which they were originallytask; it promotes the self help which leads t., success. Any educationalmeans

danced.which possesses as Its chief characteristics l be training of this para-

mountand the effects are equally different

Others arc more ret t Some comemind Quality should be considered as n desirable adjunct to education, on the dancers. One Is pure love offrom the industrial Centers of Eng-

land, dance, and the other Is the love ofItiystoaJ Hduuaiion Important. from the smoke palled centersPhysical education is on'- ( radtctlon to tlie ancient con.ipiion of lilrmlngbam; others from the applause.'.'

that nomon - most Importan! function, o tin- iniui. Memory in gen- - wind-swe- cliffs of the count coun- - This Inst effect is the effect that Is

crul. Is bul a collection of pigeon hobs from which the mind mid try. Home come from the far away eliminated as much as possible at thenates, lis .!..(. ioin liahybood the hods memorizes its actions by doing them vforests and shores of Norway. Bt 111 high school. It Is a value that mustand storing them up in the nervous system In conscious or su boons, mus others have their true home In Den-for- bo guarded against, It is realized. In

but tin- mind, whether consciously or subconsciously. Is always active mark, and some of the prettiest first addition to the love of dancing, whichIn selecting lk)e beat and most udupla hie modes of action bul Hum only saw their expression along the valley also is minimized, the values lyingiu.,M,l.d .I., not cease tin- active us., oí the body. of the Hhine or in the Tyrol, In more ease of movement, physical

exercise and operation as taughtPhyelcal education trains the individual to place bis body mora readily Young America is debtor to all thein most of the dances, make its In-

structionunder fW Influence of Ihe will, thug I. rinsing the body and Its control un- - world for It folk dances, and to a

well worth while asidedar Ihi control of the conscious mind. Hy Its means lie learns i specifically ) large measure its folk lore, und be-t- o

from Its recreative iuulities.concentrate his energy on the musí les called Into afilón and Inhibit all lnT Young America, assimilative undPrimarily, folk dancing Is for mereOther from working. Thus an education of the muscular' activities, powers eager to grasp the best. It enters Into

children, hut the beauty of ofof Inhibition und also of Hie sense of ensues the spirit of ihe dance, though it may manythe Hungarian dunces Is such thatwhile slrieily meaning to place In order, mentally or physlcullv. might In this have but faint ol.., of the cuuses thutthe high school Klrls take to themcase he diflui d to mean a sense of orderly balance between extrema activity lead to Its beginning.rearllly.und cxlrtno Inhibition and the word passivity Is a misnomer, nature does There can be nothing objactlon-abl- e

nol recognise passivity No such thing exists. It la but a form of com-parison

In the true folk dunces. They ml. s,r Haseball.

arc but the spirit Ihey embody In ac-

tion.Indoor baseball. played out of

- Detciou win. True the customs of the world doors, is a, eport that appeals to theoverage high school girl who Is fullhave ' hanged, but the childhood ofiinn-- also dev etoj, nil. The volitional aspect of the will i its

the World, or of nations, when folk of life. The grassy lawn of theschool is well adapt, I to the game, f--

make a although it is so cro d """ R T-S- si fli mastei of life. "bWthan one game at a hardlyis that it Intnl. Ion, the

graceful movement, for be played.highest s, i of

hi m Ihe children must ('lad In their c bloomers, thegulution learn of ih. countries where they girls muy be four n the baseballt Judg- -orlgiiiutcd. t ictr customs, s bit of grouud al tbe hou ed for theu.l infair their history und folk lore. pluy, and It is b also that classUlllUlt The folk dunce movement has gotten and theucter. spread until now it is taught In all iiiln, Is given a tchoola It has spread even more Of course the game as played by

..ii. da liiH. ball, bi I Mill, be rapidly name than In fact, accord- - l he girls very little resembles thatin .ni., drills and aestt the UMI '" l lual.eth liurchenal, a national played by the boya A glance at thehave all found an enlhi authority on the movement. ball in the picture above will showin tin Kl,, high sclu i ( ourac of instruct i ís "It I true that there are Instances that, and because of the kind of ballwall the students uu I most ofresult of the .Moris uf phval where almost any kind of a dunes used there Is absolutely in, dangerdirectress, Mrs alurgurt-- i Steven.'., thoroughly enjoy Hu period of

loledhas been taught and then called a of a player being Injured,them others 'w hothis interest in wholesome exercise u folk dance," said Miss Burchenul. liasket Hall U'oil I.IUcithe course are unable tolug.grow "The result has been great confusion, basket ball is another gums that Isse f conflicting classes,As a means of clearing the minds "My ... i. i la dancing has beeu well liked, and Is one of the mostjipaienily are not inler- -

of studious girls in their teens, and ustcd in n'ai all. but these last arefrom the standpoint of its possibility utrenuuus games Indulged In by high

of giving the physical culture often few and lte nlhuslasni of the othersas fuliu of self expression and play, school girls, not excepting tennis. Th

uxeded by high school girls, the va-

rioushan makes up for them.

rather t inn as a meaus uf show lag suits worn by tbe girls form idealaun., and drills have off for 1. benefit of the around la in la good piayara have been developedgames Oauce Moicum-voI-. onlooker, basket ball uniforma and even when a ring, as progress) a part of the physical training at

been found must successful, not only Two distinct and different kinds of no game is in progress many find the above picture. within the shadow of the sobaol. local bigb school girls A picture olproviding toe exercise but developing fulk ami'v movemeut in Auier- - pleasure ars to be found la dancing. pleasure In merely pasting the ball

Tennis, on the OSgjurU at ib.e nigh Ttte military drill, in which the of- - an entire company drilling Js ahwwr

The Fnll Skirtof This Pale Pink

Taffeta Dance

Frock Hat a Hem

of White Net,

Trimmed with Rotes

The Wide Sleeves andtfíe Gfenqinq Bodice Are Aleo oí the

Net A Petticoat


of White Lace

Hangs Below

gfl the Overikirt.

A 1916 Interpretation

of the Louis XVI.

b jjjj Frock in Pale

Blue Taffeta




the hips was drawn a broad sash of There Is still a strong tendency tothe taffeta embroidered to corre-

spondIntroduce the military note. Fashion

The Elizabethan Euff Again Appear is ThU Smocked HB with the skirt. keeps her hand on the pulse of thegggB The bayadere - were alwaya day and It still throbs with the ex-

citementW picturesque and I am giad that Fash. of war. For this reason,

SUZANNE LATOUR chiffon flounced with exqutalte Ion has seen fit to recall hem to there are bats of decidedly militaryBy

lace. Here and there, among favor. character, and Italy, the latest ally,hM been likened to a the cloud-lik- e folds of the lace, Hats, Hats. HaUt has furnished the Inspiration. There

FASHION that Alee nestled tiny bouquets of ailk of hata.are hate of Garibaldi red, Others of

Then followed an arrayflowers In delicate tones of pink, Italian grern and more af green andfrom one point of the compasa to Hats withlAf-g- bata and small hats. red withmauve, blue and yellow. touches of whits, thus re-

peatinganother with every puff of wind. The bodice fitted snugly to the high crowns and others thatstraight

were the colors of ths nationalThen again ehe la called a "Capric-

iousform of the fair almost crownlesa. Both


Dame" who changes her mind wearer and the t, square briraa and drooping brims were With the passing of the militarydecolletage waa edged with evidence and side by side were stylea I gazed at the cryalal for theawith the sand In the hour glass, or a hata. They rep-

resentedkaleidoscope that varies Its forma ruchlng of tulle. Short sleeves and picture

includinglast time and saw. not dainty snd

Of lace different periods, fluffy garments of lace andornamented with bands silk, butand combinations of color with every Ixmls XIII.. XIVof the brocaded satin showed thoaa of Henry IV., heavy, practical apparel designed forturn of the hand. Therein lies the Philippe, D-

irectolreto the XV. and XVI., LouIf winter wear. Thereadvantage contour of her were luxuriant,aecret oí ber charm. One never Empire. Trulygraceful anna, and her bodice front and Second luxurioua coats and mantles of peltryknowa what guise she will assume Chiffon chaaeAfternoon Gown of Black 'merrywas ornamented with lace and flow-ers

Faebion la leading us a Bnd others of duvetlfie, blanket clothnext. At present o find her an at-

tractive to harmonise with the underskirt. Over White Silk. it iM ir with her variations of the modes. and velvet and built onof the Louis crowned hats areFinding the Many of the high ample linea to givegown perfect In line warmth and com-fortperiod, but tomorrow she may be and color my gaze sought her feet.

chic to this costume, was a modified of velvet and always there Is a grace-

fulto the wearer.

transformed Into an equally charm-ing White silk stockings embroidered In

Nspoleou of silk beaver with a plume or clueter of plumes, wev-In- For the woman who cannot affordcoquette of the Directolre. Again of plumage posed at the aids the side or acrosswhite and silver covered her slender gracefully at a fur coat Fashion has provided theseI aay, therein lies her potent charm. When this masterpiece of sartorial Then by way of varietyaaklea; and sliver slippers with Hay the back. garmenta snd muffs andThere are a favored few to whoms art had laded from view looked simply trimmed with a sin-

glescarfs. The furarecompleted this dainty theyFashion allow the special privilege again and almost with admi- o aregasped vivid hue, aof a mailer andcostume. Then abe passed on and flower, ao are the muffa withof gazing lato a crystal where future I knew that Faablon had permitted I beheld an afternoon gown fur or ribbon or a square buckle of but a few axceptlona. There is stillmodes appear la haxy form. But to of supple, mirror velvet and chiffonme to see her latest creation for silver or gtlt. . thst effective combination of fur andInterpret correctly these in that rich shade known hataas t occasions there are fsbric In theevening wear. For drees sets consisting of muffelusive shapes one must be purple. I found myself In the era cbllfon. When 1 had absorbed the bodice front. I have visions of the aplenty of velvet, with wide, eweep-ln- scarf and hat. For thla,schooled in the psychology of fash-

ions.Directolre Stroot Costume. of Henry Quatre. beauty of this gown it also disap-

pearedmany debutantea who will appear brtma and trlmmlnga of plumage, myself, will be thankful

many, be-sides

I have been crystal-gasla- with The tight-fitte- bodice had .a and In Its place there came garbed In frocks such aa this. flowers, fur embroidery, ribbon or I have touched but lightlythe rapt fascination of a aeer of old The glass again became a haxy ahirred yoke of chiffon and the neck appetite maiden of the Second Em-

pireFashion has s noticeable fondness beads. In many Instances the brim Infinite variety of amart modes

upon the

Benares and this is what I saw; mass and when It cleared I found my-

selfline was finished with a ruff of lacs clad m a taffeta dance frock of for the youuger generation this sea-

son,is outlined with a narrow edging of appeared to me within the crystal


Vision of the Past.regarding a street costume of whose pointed scallops reminded me palest pink. and tbo costume that followed fur. such as seslskln, beaver, skunk, baU, but I think It Is sufficient to con-

vinceexceptional smartness which was de-cidedly

of the EUxabeihtan collars. In fact Ths imple bodice had the sloping the dance-froc- waa a youthful crea nolo. you that there isorof the Petit ei mine an undeniableA garden Trianon with Directolre In tine and color. this gon might have bees a replica shoulders made famous by the beau-tiful

tton of aapphlre blue with a founda-tion

charm la thewalks and flowerdotted The suit was of corbeau-blu- e velvet of one worn b) Marguerite de Valois. Empress Eugenie. Prom the of silk of the same tone. Over And tae Military Meid. faahiona.lawns. Up and down, this labyrinthine with trimming of sable and braid. It bad long sleeves of velvet slashed low decolletage hung a graduated the chiffon bodice waa arranged a ofmase of nature-beaut- walked state-ly

The coat buttoned close about the at the wrists, with Inserted puffings ruffle Of taffeta, the widest points jumper-effec- t of chiffon taffeta and The small,silk' lost fltting toque

inOne million dollars was the re-

warddames and lovely damsels In d neck and a high collar, embroidered of chiffon. They were set In Just coming over the shoulders. the full sleeves were gathered Into fur, velvet or appears everyof tae Inventor of thebe-

comefrocks of rich silks and lace. in gold and black and edged with below the shoulder ss In the days of The corsage fitted the figure, ac-

centuatingenugly fitted cuffs which extended color Imaginable and promises to pen.

bit of headgear torOne paused loafer than the rest of far, extended well over the ears. The Henry of Navarre. the smsllness of the waist, nearly to the elbows. A Una of small the favored

the courtly procession and I noted to skirt of the coat flared becomingly and the voluminous skirt was buttons and loops fast-ened

the stormy days when Boreae holdsIn Scotland a Jury's verdict

the minutest detail her charming and the sloe ves had wide cuffs bor-dered

Maid of the Second Empire. gathered at the top and trimmed tbo i uffs. high carnival. Awithtoque

brownof cherry

fur andred

by the majority. It need not, aagoes

thcombinedgown. with fur. The very full skirt was of chiffon about the hem with two bands of The skirt was wide, of course, end Ivet England, be unanimousface withIt was of white brocaded satin with The skirt hung la full ripples about with a twenty-inc- band of velvet Nattier blue ribbon, ornamented at was ornamentad near the hem with crowning a pretty glowing

gold roses dotting the sur afee and the feet and a baud of fur, lour about the lower edge. A narrow the upper edges with pleated lulls a band of embroidered net cheeks and laughing eyes would In

its bouffant draperies were caught up inches wide, finished the- - hem. The liae of fur defined the line of the taffeta. A bowknot of tlay In tones of blue, dull rose, green and uniré cheerfulness and good-wi- In There are 1TB different la

s display sa underskirt of white bat, which added the final dash of where the velvet was joined to the blue and pink flowers adorned the black. About the waist snd low ovar the grayeat of November weather. an average watch.

S s V

Ayéa 4 sxc? - T

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