Digital Illovo Book.indd


Transcript of Digital Illovo Book.indd

Once upon a time, in a land far far away there lived a furry little bear. His name was Bhele the

Peanut Butter Bear. Bhele was furry and cute and spent his days basking in the sun.

But Bhele was a lonely bear. He had no friends and was very sad. He would call out

with no luck, “Prrrrr Prrrrrr is anybody out therrrrrre?” Silence.

This made Bhele the Peanut Butter Bear a very sad Bear. One day, Bhele was walking around in the sun when he saw a golden light. It was glistening and bright. Bhele galloped towards

it and he couldn’t believe his eyes.

He peeked through and saw a whole new world on the other side. He gasped in amazement

and delight.

Suddenly, a drop of delicious Illovo Golden Syrup landed on his mouth and immediately

Bhele’s eyes opened wide and he felt a tingle down his spine.

Bhele had never tasted something so sweet in his life.

It made him happy and excited. Now Bhele was curious. He jumped through the golden light

and started bursting with excitement.

“Wooooow!” exclaimed Bhele. Finally, Bhele wasn’t lonely, he was happy. The delicious

Illovo Golden Syrup had introduced him to a whole new adventure.

Bhele stood in amazement as he looked at everything that was happening around him. This new place was absolutely bright and


From a distance he could see many monsters frolicking around in the lollipop fi elds. They all looked friendly and happy. He started making

his way toward the fl owing golden stream in front of him.

Bhele leaned in closer and his eyes lit up. It was made of Illovo Maple Syrup and tasted

like something from his wildest dreams. Bhele scooped up as much of the deliciousness as he

could and closed his eyes to enjoy the sweet taste. Mmmh! Maple Syrup!

Suddenly, he felt something land on his shoulder. “Hoot hoot! Whoooo are you?” Bhele suddenly became shy as these big eyes were

staring down at him.

“My… my name is Bhele, the Peanut Butter Bear. Where am I?”

“Oh, hellooo Bhele! You’re in Illovo Syrup Land! A land full of syrups and smiles and all things delicious. Follow me I’ll show you how

everything is better in Illovo Syrup Land.”

Bhele’s new friend fl apped her wings and started fl ying off with a big smile. Bhele could

hardly keep up. “Wait! What’s your name?”

Bhele’s new friend giggled from the sky “I’m Aphile the Maple Owl. Come along let’s go on

an adventure.” And off they went running through the cookie fi elds and swimming through the endless Illovo Syrup streams.

Bhele and Aphile were walking through the magical sweet land when suddenly they heard

a beautiful melody. “Who is that?” asked Bhele. The sound got louder and clearer as

they got closer. Someone was singing a song Bhele had never heard before.

“Oh, that’s Carla the Caramel Frog”, said Aphile. Bhele couldn’t wait to

meet her.

They fi nally got to where the sound was coming from and Bhele couldn’t believe his


All the monsters from Illovo Syrup Land had gathered on the mountain banks to watch

Carla perform their favourite “lunchbox song”. She was short and round and lived under the caramel tree. Aphile told him that was Carla’s secret ingredient. The Illovo Caramel Syrup dripped down from where she lived and gave

her the sweet voice which echoed across Illovo Syrup Land.

All the lunchbox monsters sang along with Carla. Bhele looked around in awe of all the

monsters around him. They were smiling and laughing, glowing with a golden brightness.

What an amazing land this was.

Suddenly, someone from across the mountain laid his eyes on Bhele and said “Hello, are you new here?” Bhele felt every monster’s eyes on him and nervously nodded. But the unexpected

happened. There was a loud roar of applause. All the monsters clapped

and cheered and welcomed Bhele. That made him the happiest

bear in the world.

All the monsters sang a welcome song for Bhele before going off about their day in Illovo

Syrup Land. But one monster stayed behind with Bhele the Peanut Butter Bear and Aphile

The Maple Owl.

“What’s your name?” she sweetly asked. Bhele told her and asked what her

name was. “I’m Gugu theGolden Gwinya”.

Gugu was shy but had a big bright smile and glistened with Illovo Golden Syrup every time

she smiled.

Gugu told Bhele that she had a secret to tell him. Bhele was intrigued. He leaned in closer

and opened his eyes wide. Gugu sweetly whispered into Bhele’s ears and he couldn’t

stop gasping from amazement.

She told him that Illovo Syrup Land was a magical place. All the lunchbox monsters used

to be lonely and sad.

After following the golden light, all the monsters found this magical land of delicious

syrup and suddenly their lives got better.

Every monster found their own superpower at Illovo Syrup Land and all the monsters were real friends. It was only with the deliciously sweet golden Syrup that this was possible.

“Everything you see here is yummy and everything is sweet,” said Gugu the Golden

Gwinya, “it’s up to you to fi nd what will make you smile.” Bhele was excited

for what lay ahead.

After talking to Gugu the Golden Gwinya, Bhele was excited to fi nd the perfect

golden sweetness so he could discover his superpowers. The three monsters walked

through the valleys and peaks of Illovo Syrup Land showing Bhele what this wonderful land had to offer. If they jumped high enough, they could taste the clouds. And if they stretched

wide enough, they could hug the biggest tree.

But there’s something that Aphile and Gugu wanted to show him. They jumped on a fl uffy

lettuce lily-pad and fl oated down stream.

Finally, ahead of them they saw something that was big and looming over them. It was a majestic tree. Its branches were soft and

fl oppy and its leaves smooth and gooey.

“This is it!” said Gugu and Aphile at the same time. All Bhele could say was “Wooow!” It was

where Illovo Syrup Land started, and had the original Illovo Traditional Syrup

deliciously fl owing off it.

Bhele the Peanut Butter Bear jumped up and reached for a taste. All of a sudden Bhele

felt like something inside had come alive. He felt like he could do anything. Bhele started

dancing and gliding all over the bank, showing off his moves.

He just couldn’t contain his excitement. Illovo Syrup Land was full of surprises and happiness

and everyone shared the smiles. Bhele the Peanut Butter Bear wasn’t lonely

and sad anymore.

He looked over at his lunchbox monster friends with a big smile and asked, “what

adventure shall we go on next?”

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