Decoupled microgyros and the design principle DAVED

Decoupled microgyros and the design principle DAVED W. Geiger a,* , W.U. Butt a , A. Gaiûer a , J. Frech a , M. Braxmaier a , T. Link a , A. Kohne a , P. Nommensen a , H. Sandmaier a , W. Lang a , H. Sandmaier b a Hahn-Schickard-Gesellscchaft, Institute of Micromachinning and Information Technology HSG-IMIT), Wilhelm-Schickard-Street 10, 78052 Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany b University of Stuttgart, IZFM, Breitscheidstraûe 2b, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Abstract This paper reports the surface micromachined gyroscopes realized by HSG-IMIT according to the patented decoupling principle decoupled angular velocity detector DAVED) [1]. The latest DAVED prototypes realized with a special SOI-technology show a RMS noise below 0.0258/s 50 Hz bandwidth) and a bias stability of 0.38/s over the temperature range. Thus, the target speci®cation comparable to electronic stability program ESP) requirements) is met. Further, a novel and advanced design concept is presented which can be viewed as a doubly decoupling scheme. The goal of decoupling is to reduce the so-called quadrature signal and thus improve the sensor performance, especially, the temperature sensitivity. This advancement will be necessary to meet the demands of future applications, like, advanced driver assistance system ADAS) or to partially replace ®ber optic gyroscopes, for example, within autonomous guided vehicles. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Gyroscope; Angular rate sensor; Angular velocity; Microgyro 1. Introduction Angular rate sensors or gyroscopes are used to measure the angular velocity of their ``host'', a moving object, without external reference. Low cost and high precision gyroscopes ®nd use in the ®elds of advanced automotive safety and comfort systems, virtual/augmented reality, peo- ple-to-people and people-to-device communication gloves, helmets, and mobile phones), robotics home robots and autonomous guided vehicles), and medicine surgical instru- ments). Due to the large market scope, various groups are working on new designs, technologies, and readout concepts for micromachined gyroscopes. Keeping in focus the low cost factor, a clear tendency to use surface-micromachining-like processes can be observed. Compared to conventional surface micromachining, a larger thickness of the layer containing the movable structures is desired to obtain higher inertial mass and thus higher accuracy. Fig. 1 shows the milestones of the mechanical design principles suitable to these new technologies. The ®rst design principle Fig. 1a), presented in 1993, had one movable proof mass suspended by effective, two-dimensional spring [2]. Gyroscopes with one linear and one rotary oscillation mode [2,3], with two linear modes [4±6], and with two rotary modes [7±12] were investigated. Sensors according to this concept will be available on the market soon. In 1996, HSG-IMIT ®led a basic patent issued 1998, [1]) aiming to decouple the driving and sensing mechanism Fig. 1b). This is achieved by the use of two types of one-dimensional springs. The ®rst type restricts the motion of the driven movable mass to one-dimension. Similarly, the second restricts the motion of the sensing mass relative to the driven mass, again to one-dimension. The design principle is called decoupled angular velocity detector DAVED). The presented prototypes are based on this concept. Other sen- sors according to this principle were presented in [13±15]. A direct comparison of a simple and decoupled structure is given in [14]. It is shown that the quadrature signal is reduced by a factor of 5. The design principle in Fig. 1c shows a logical further improvement in the previous designs. By using three mova- ble masses, four types of springs, and two anchorages a real one-dimensional motion of the driven and detection element is achieved. Sensors based on this principle are under preparation. The principle DAVED was presented ®rst at Transducers'97 [16]. First measurements were reported at MEMS'98 [17] Sensors and Actuators A 95 2002) 239±249 * Corresponding author. Tel.: 49-7721-943-226; fax: 49-7721-943-210; mobile: 173-7201187. E-mail address: [email protected] W. Geiger). 0924-4247/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0924-424701)00732-4

Transcript of Decoupled microgyros and the design principle DAVED

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