Copy Right: All rights are reserved. No part of this book can be copied by any means, by any one without written permission from the author or legal agent. Email:[email protected] DEC.29/2014 MIAMI FLROIDA About the Author Dr. Albert Sneij, 68 years old, was born in the city of Homs, Syria. During childhood, he used to spend summers as a prentice jeweler, with his father. That gave him, later insight and experience about molten metals dynamics, which helped him critic the belief of floating tectonic plates. He graduated from Damascus University with a Degree of Medicine and travelled to the USA for further medical training. While travelling the country from coast to coast, he became interested in nature, gardening, natural birth, 1


Copy Right: All rights are reserved. No part of this book can be copied by any means, by any one without written permission from the author or legal agent.Email:[email protected]/2014 MIAMI FLROIDA

About the Author

Dr. Albert Sneij, 68 years old, was born in the city of Homs,

Syria. During childhood, he used to spend summers as a prentice

jeweler, with his father. That gave him, later insight and

experience about molten metals dynamics, which helped him critic

the belief of floating tectonic plates. He graduated from Damascus

University with a Degree of Medicine and travelled to the USA for

further medical training. While travelling the country from coast

to coast, he became interested in nature, gardening, natural birth,


and world peace. He became an amateur geologist, recently in 2013,

after observing few ‘Calcium tiles’ that were filled with fossils.

That fossilized rock intrigued him to investigate the story of how

the Earth came into being. 


To my son Nabeel, President, RADEUS TECH ,

Who gave me essential technical help.

To my daughters Rhonda and Alicia for their inspiration,

To My son Waleed and Kameel for their support.

Dedicated to the memory of my late wife May.

EMAIL: [email protected]


Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION:..................................................6NEW MATTER FORMATION/ CREATION, INSIDE THE EARTH:..............7VOLCANOES......................................................9GEYSERS:.......................................................11Where Water Comes From In Geysers Or Black Smokers?..........12HYDROTHERMAL VENTS:...........................................13METHANE AND PETROLEUM..........................................17Live Matter: Live matter was found fresh in the water that was coming from the hydrothermal vents, deep in the ocean.Live matter was found in ancient deposits, for example in Australia, in iron rich deposits, micro organism was found that was essential in converting the iron ore from one form into another. Live organisms were found, directly in geysers.......................................................18EXPANDING EARTH...............................................19Expanding Earth Theory (s) :.................................27Earthquakes and fault line:.................................28WAS THE EARTH SMALLER?........................................31RANDOM FORMATION:.............................................33With the Earth smaller and the oceans almost none existent, the Pangaea becomes more feasible...............33METAMORPHIC ROCK and GEYSERS..................................37SUMMARY:......................................................40COSMIC CREATIVE ENERGY, AND GOD:..............................43PERSONIFICATION OF COSMIC CREATIVE ENERGY: ancient and current 44WATER VOLCANOES AS MANIFEST OF CCE:...........................46MUD VOLCANOES AS MANIFEST OF CCE:.............................49EARTH EXPANSION OF DRY LAND (CONTINENTS)......................51



MY STORY: It was nearly one year ago (2013) when I picked up a white flooring tile that was left over from a house upgrade. It was white, filled with fossils. They were real fossils. Some werelarge, 10 cm long. Some were small 2-3 mm and the rest were very small. I wondered how this tile was formed?Where did the calcium come from? Did it come from high mountains that eroded under rain?I knew that erosion from rain is very slow. May be it brings one mm. every year. It had to be acid rain, and the ocean must convert into alkaline, in order to make calcium precipitate.But, there was a big BUT. This tile and fossils were formed and deposited if very short time; may be one foot per 4 weeks; beforethe fossil decayed and disappeared. Not only that, Calcium must come in fast quantity, enough to bury the fossils. That could notcome from rainwater erosion of another mountain; I have observed videos about “expanding Earth” which left unanswered where did matter come from. There was new matter created, in order to expand the Earth.Meanwhile, I had observed under water hydrothermal vents, in deepOcean. I noticed the cloudy water coming from the vents. Some wasdark, some was white.It clicked. I made the connection. Further, I felt that all that matter DID NOT COME from old matter. That matter was created anew, as well as the water that came with it. That was my vision that connected the new matter and water with the cosmic energy. Which I named: the Cosmic Creative Energy of the Milky Way galaxy. Some look at this energy as “God” that was mentioned in the Bible; albeit, there is some great difference.


This is a piece of white tile filled with fossils, embedded inside calcium deposits. Image credit, author. It measured 2x2 feet, 1 inch thick. Image credit: Author


I am proposing that:

1. The Earth started as a small object , some 4.5 billion

years ago, more or less. That is the Big Bang.


2. The Big Bang is, still in action, creating matter, in

all forms. That is causing the Earth to expand and


3. The origin of the Big Bang is coming from our Milky

Way Galaxy.

4. New matter creation manifest in various forms, such

as volcanoes, geysers, mud volcano, hydro thermal


5. Sedimentary rocks did not come from older rocks

erosion; Rather, it came from hydrothermal vents, or

geysers, as well as mud/ sand volcanoes.

6. Earthquakes are result / symptoms of the expanding

Earth. Expanding Earth can be seen as Faults

/fissures and spread in the land.

7. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and other seas, are

results of expanding Earth.



The Big Bang- past and present.

I am presenting, my observation that there is a process of

new matter creation inside the Earth.

A form of energy, which I call Creative Cosmic Energy

(CCE), initiates this. That comes from our own Galaxy, the

Milky Way. Please notice that the galaxy is one unit with

energy that gives it its form, as a disk. The Earth

started its journey from the center some 4.5 billion years

ago. That is 2/3 the journey from center to the periphery.

Photo credit: Andrew Colvin under a CC license

This is a view of our Galaxy, the source of the creative



This Energy (CCE) is the factor that formed and created the

Earth as well as the Sun and Moon, some 4.5 billion years


This energy is the factor that makes volcanoes produce hot

molten lava, day after day, year after year. This energy

creates as well the following:

1. Volcanic ash.

2. Water, usually hot, with sulfuric salts, or other

salts. This form is called Geyser, if above land, or

Hydro- thermal vents, if under water. Both forms are

numbered in the thousands.

3. Methane and petroleum, as in the case of the Gulf BP


4. All other matter, metals and diamonds.

5. All other life forms starting with bacteria.


___________PS: This creative energy can be called

God. But is not the same concept that was mentioned

in the Bible (Old and New testament).



Volcanoes are believed, without proof, to get their

material and energy from old lava. The idea of Subduction

has no evidence and does not make sense. The old molten

lava must have cooled after that very long prior of

billions of years; the entire volcano mountain is a new

matter that was created and explodes with pressure by the

effect of the cosmic creative energy of the Milky Way

Galaxy. Notice that many volcanoes "build up pressure"

over time. If it was old lava, it must have cooled now

after this very long time of billions of years. In the

Hawaii area, there are no continental plates, sliding

under another plate. Rocks do not slide as if it were soft

plastic sheets. The entire Hawaiian Islands are new

matter, from deep in the ocean floor.


Photo is under the public domain


1954 Kilauea Hawaii volcano. Notice the river flow of molten lava that represents a source of


Photo is under the public domain of US GOV

Mud Volcano

Photo credit: Bruno Girin under CC license.



Photo Credit: Brochen Inaglory, under GNU license

Please notice the marble-like cone and surrounding land,

which was formed by direct deposits, over millions of years.

Geysers are found in various areas of the Earth. They are

a form of hot water coming from the grounds with pressure

that can reach up to 180 feet in the air. It is associated

with various chemicals, mostly Calcium. Plus live matter

that was reported. The chemicals can vary. In this picture

you can see the foreground to be brownish. The cone is


whitish. In my opinion, those geysers are the origin of

marble and what is called metamorphic rock. Those rocks

are famed/ believed to form under pressure and heat, from

sedimentary deposits. But you can see direct deposits from

geysers, in the amount of one inch every 100 years, more

or less. How much can a geyser build in one billion years?

Could be the entire crust at this location? The same

applies to the large number of Black Smokers (aka

hydrothermal vents) that produce, visibly, without stop,

huge amount of deposits. Those materials come in varied

colors, which will cause varied color of sedimentation


Where Water Comes From In Geysers Or Black Smokers?

Nearly all geologists have the common belief, that the

origin of water is rain that seeps down to the level of

lava, gets heated and comes up.

The question is, why it does not go back to the origin, and

where pressure comes from?

In my opinion, geysers' water and chemicals are new water

and chemicals that are formed by the CCE (cosmic creative

energy), somewhere deep in the Earth. In other words, in my

opinion geysers are another form of volcanoes. It should be

mentioned here that even volcanoes contain water 10-20%,

without which it does not exist.

In hydrothermal vents or black smokers, the claim / belief


is that the ocean water seeps into the grounds, touches

hot lava, then comes up mixed with soil chemicals.

That is not possible by simple mechanics. There is no pump

that brings water, one way, towards the vent. Again, my

position is that water and chemicals that are coming out

from the Black Smokers or Hydrorthermal vents is a proof

of new matter creation inside the Earth under the type of

energy that I am presenting.



Hydrothermal vents, AKA BLACK SMOKERS were discovered few

decades, ago in the Ocean floor. It numbers in the tens of

thousands along some 40,000 miles of the ocean.

They are solid structures about 80 +/- feet tall, built

of Calcium and other minerals. Hot water and chemicals

comes out, without stop. I think that they are the origin

of all sedimentary rock in the entire Earth. Their black

or white color indicates the rich material that will come

down and make deposits. They are surrounded with variety

of live creatures that feed on microorganisms that come

out from the deep. Source of energy is Earth itself.

That live micro organisms had been encountered, even in

ancient (billions of years) sedimentary rocks, in

Australia. Those organisms were essential in converting

iron material that came out at the same time from,

presumably, ancient geysers.


Photo Credit: P Rona, Public Domain under NOAA

One hydrothermal vent (black smoker), deep in the ocean floor


Photo Credit: Photo Public domain NOAAA

Another hydrothermal vent. Notice the colorful live creatures at

the bottom. They include shrimps, fishes and coral

Photo Credit: Albert Sneij

This is a calcium rock filled with Cambrian fossils, which seem to be animals, not plants


This fossil filled calcium stone was built next to a fast

producing hydrothermal Vent (aka BLACK SMOKERS). Please

notice the term vent, or SMOKER, here, is misnomer. It

appears as smoke, because Ocean water is so clear. The

"smoke" is, merely, chemicals, mostly Calcium that exists

in the thousands in the Ocean, and produced chemicals that

formed the so- called Sedimentary rocks.

The question is where all that sediment (Calcium) came


The common faulty answer, it came from erosion of high

grounds that eroded under the effect of rain. That is

impossible. For the rain to erode calcium rock it needs to

be acidic, that will prevent it from depositing into

sedimentary rock; since it requires being alkaline. That

is very slow process, it might require years for one foot

of rock. There is no such process in our current time /

oceans. You can see in hydrothermal vents, black smokers,

a rich abundant source of material coming out with water,

in thousands, along miles and miles of ocean floor.

But here, matter deposited before fossils decayed or was

eaten by another creature.

Hydrothermal vents can compare with geysers (above

ground). Geysers represent the original very old smokers

that became above grounds after the Oceans receded, some

180 million years ago. Hydrothermal vents can compare with


mud and sand volcanoes, which can be seen, at present, in

many location of the Globe. Images can be seen in this

book as well.


METHANE AND PETROLEUM In the Red Sea, there is a report that Methane is

produced, by nature in the amount of 11 million pound per

year. Natural gas comes out from inside the Earth.

Petroleum is found inside old rocks, but that does not

proof that it came from old fossils.

Photo Credit: D Schwen, Wikimedia commons license

This is a tar pit, LaBrea tar pit, near LosA ngelos,

California. Methane gas bubbles through the tar.

Metals and diamonds: The old Big Bang theory does not

cross the bridge from the initial step of Hydrogen-

Helium, into complex metals, and diamonds, for example.

In the case of diamonds, diamonds are found around


volcanic vents, as in Kimberly (in England). With the old

explanation that it formed under volcanic heat, it does

not add up, so is the case with complex metals. I theorize

that all metals are formed anew, directly and freshly under

the effect of the cosmic energy. In old volcanoes, in the

Dead Sea area, nearly pure Sulfur rocks were found.

Live Matter: Live matter was found fresh in the water that was coming from the hydrothermal vents, deep in the ocean. Live matter was found in ancient deposits, for example in Australia,in iron rich deposits, micro organism was found that was essential in converting the iron ore from one form into another. Live organisms were found, directly in geysers.



New matter creation is necessary to explain the concept/

theory of Expanding Earth. Scientists who acknowledge

spread of the Ocean flour, could not accept that the Earth

increase in volume in general. So they imagined, without

evidence that the far edges of the spreading floors, are

going under the crust at the far end. That is called

subduction, without any evidence


Image shows fresh expansion of

the surface of the Earth. This spread / expansion is misunderstood

by most scientists. It can, with much effort, indicate increase of

volume of the Earth under my presentation. This crack / spread is

about 4 feet wide. It is deep as far as 30 miles, where it can

measure a part of mm. This crack / spread happens all over the

Globe every year.

Another crack / spread in the surface


Below is an obvious sample of land spread. Way back, xxxx millions

of years, both tops were united. After the spread, the edges

crumbled and filled the valley. You can agree with me that the

little stream did not carve the valley.

I take this dry land expansion further. In my opinion, it is the reason to see Sandy rocks stand with vertical


walls, with some distance between them.  Example is land view in the State of Colorado

The right and left rocks were connected in the past X

millions of years. But got separated by land expansion.


In my opinion, the entire Mississippi River Valley is a

form of land expansion. In the middle we have the New

Madrid Fault with massive numerous  Earthquakes. Without

that land expansion, and prior to it,  you can bring the

Appalachian Mountains to the edge of the Rocky Mountains.

That is a distance of 1000 miles, over 300 millions of

years, more or less.

I have noticed that the Rocky Mountains of Colorado ( red color ) and the ULURU Rock of Australia as well as the Rocks of Argentina Mts have the same color(red).Same observation was about the Red Mountains i China.

My theory is:  prior to  Earth expansion, on land and in the Oceans,  all those mountains were connected. That Could be the case of one billions years ago . The age of Uluru Rock is estimated at 3.5 billions years


and the age of the Earth as 4.5 billions years. That gives me one billion years when all those mountains were one. That was before the oceans started to spread and open up, and before the continents spread.

Below is a view of ULURU red rock, Australia. Below is a

view of red rocks from Argentina.

Below is a view of red rocks from Argentina.


Ocean floor spreading

View of ocean floor, spreading.

Image public domain from USGS

Photo Credit: Fnachon, Creative Commons lic.

Conventional geologist believe that the Colorado rocks were tilted to standing position, as well as the Uluru red rock. But I dispute that:  I can show that those rocks were formed by sand volcanoes, similar to mud volcanoes which are seen active all over the globe. There was no mountain building.

Here, I dispute the geologist dogma of mountains


building as follow:

All mountains are the left over of the ancient crust that cracked / spread after the effect of Earth expansion. Further, there is no way of the dogma of subduction in which the crust will go under another piece of crust and lift it up in order to build a mountain. Laws of mechanics do not support that. There is no way, a floating log will go under another and lift up, higher. 

Subduction and mountain building is pure Geology Dogma.

Photo C redit: Creative Commons license


View showing age of ocean floor (9-180 millions years) of Pacific Ocean floor, red is the youngest

Photo Credit: Creative Commons license


Age of the Ocean Floor. The red color 9 MA (millions years ago) and up to 180 Ma

Photo Credit: Image from public domain NOAA.


Expanding Earth Theory (s) :

In 1889 and 1909 Roberto Mantovani published a hypothesis

of Earth expansion and continental drift. He assumed that

a closed continent covered the entire surface of a smaller

Earth. Thermal expansion led to volcanic activity, which

broke the land mass into smaller continents. These

continents drifted away from each other because of further

expansion at the rip-zones, where oceans currently lie.

Although Alfred Wegener noticed some similarities to his

own hypothesis of continental drift, he did not mention

Earth expansion as the cause.

In 1888 Ivan Osipovich Yarkovsky suggested that some sort of

aether is absorbed within Earth and transformed into new

chemical elements, forcing the celestial bodies to expand.

Also the theses of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg (1933, 1974),

and Nikola Tesla (1935) were based on absorption and

transformation of aether-energy into normal matter.

Since 1888, there were some theories about Etheric energy

that was absorbed and transformed into matter. However, it

was ridiculed at the time. That was before ocean floors

mapping was introduced in around 1970.

This concept / theory of expanding Earth was presented by

graphic artist Neal Adams, after Karl Heinz Jacobs

(German). Karl Heinz Jacobs made a model of Earth, with

both Atlantic and pacific Oceans deleted, before


expansion, which was displayed in a museum for some time.

Then it was removed due to disapproval of other

"scientists lords" who could not digest and swallow the


Click here for: Expanding Earth, by Neal Adams:

https://ww w h ? v=3HDb9Ijynfo

If you observe the bottom of the Atlantic and Pacific

oceans, seen above by NOAA, you can see fissures all the way

from Africa to South America and west of America that

appears to be explained by the expansion of the Earth.

Expansion of the Earth needs the factor that there is new

matter creation 100%. The Grand Canyon manifests the

expanding Earth. Notice the vertical rock edges.


The Grand Canyon

Photo Credit: Amaltheus, under GNU license.

Please notice the vertical walls of solid rocks that were

not carved by the river or rainwater. That little river did

not carve the Canyon.

Earthquakes and fault line:

In my opinion, Earthquakes and fault lines are caused by

the new matter creation that causes expansion of the size

of the earth. That expansion will crack the connection of

the earth mantle, expand it with a jolt that manifest as

earthquake. Here, earthquake is not caused by plate moving

and sliding, as if, the plates are floating on a surface of

molten lava. Provided that the mantle is some 3000-


kilometer in thickness of solid rocks and sliding rocks

cannot cause hot molten lava to explode in the form of

active volcanoes.

Expansion of the earth also manifest as cracks, called

Fault line that manifests the action of expansion, no less.

Fault lines are not caused by earthquakes; they are

associated with them and represent the expansion.

You can see Earth expanding, after Earthquakes, by a spread

of few feet, every year, in many locations.


Photo Credit: M Savage, C Commons license.

Fault lines are as huge as in the case of the Red Sea and

the Persian Gulf. This is a crack in the Earth, also called

a Fault line that lies between 2 Plates. Iceland.

Let say that the Atlantic Ocean is a huge old fault line



If we accept the age of the Earth at 4.5 billion years, and

if we accept that the earth was expanding, then we have to

imagine and accept that the Earth was smaller, way back.

Notice the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean that is full of

"stretch marks"

The same can be seen in the floor of the Pacific Ocean,

and all major seas, which demo the expansion of the floor.

If you look at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, you will

see it is full of stretch marks, both up and down an east

to west. Provided that the edge of Africa and South

America fit together, then if you bring the African edge

to the American side, you need to go back 2 billion years,

more or less. If you apply the same procedure to the

Pacific Ocean, you will reduce the size of the Earth to

21% of its current size. Ocean waters will be reduced by

same ratio to 21%. That water will cover most or all of

early Pangaea, with some water.

Below is my diagram that comparing the current diameter of the

Earth and diameter at time of true Pangaea, some one billions years

back. (keep in mind that one billion is NOT strict).


The rate of expansion: The rate of expansion is about 0.9

meter per year, measured by satellites, according to Dr.

Konstantine Myel.

Click here to see the model of smaller Earth, as Pangaea,

at https://ww w h ?v=S4 W etyR O Vvk

In my proposition, the Earth was much smaller in the first

part of the 2.5 billion years. And I will not shock any

one if I said that the size of the Earth could be as small

as a golf ball; that is the time of start of the Big Bang.

The same applies to the Sun and Moon. I will leave the


other planets for now.


Many people (scientists) claim, believe that a blob of

molten lava was the origin of the Earth and Sun, that the

Moon was fractured from the Earth by a magic wand (planet).

That chip formed the Pacific Ocean.

Not so.

The sun, earth and moon could not be put into motions and

orbits, by random chaos. The Cosmic Creative Energy (CCE)

that created matter, of the Moon, Earth and Sun, also, put

them into orbit. The Earth rotates around its self. The

Moon rotates around the Earth and the Earth around the Sun.

All motions are from west to east. The rest of the planets

do rotate from west to east, and in a single plane of

orbits. There is no random, here. Cosmic Creative Energy

is still in action. That is manifested on various forms,

as mentioned in this book. All atoms of the Earth has

organized form of existence, no random is here.

With the Earth smaller and the oceans almost none existent, thePangaea becomes more feasible

Click here and watch the real image of correct Pangaea at:

4.50. This video is by Neal Adams:


This is my diagram of true Pangaea, 550 millions years ago, +/-,

with diameter of 350 miles, which is 4.4% of current diameter.

Continents were smaller by 79% than now, without big river basins

and valleys, such as the Mississippi river / Great Plains, and the

Amazon River with its large basin. I can bring here, all the other

rivers and valleys, later on.

But, here Pangaea was covered with some water, was not dry



Next is the wrong form of Pangaea, as an island surrounded

with very large ocean.



METAMORPHIC ROCK and GEYSERSI am presenting, here, proof samples that metamorphic rocks were

formed, directly from geysers; not as alleged by classical

geologists, that they were formed under pressure and heat, from

sedimentary rocks. By the way, even sedimentary rocks were formed

from geysers, (aka) hydrothermal vents or Black Smokers, mud

volcanoes, and sand volcanoes. Both ”vents and smokers” are faulty

names. Vents relate to air movement. And smokers relate to smoke

from fire.

This is a sample of classical metamorphic rock, of several colors,

white, orange and bluish.

1. In the center, (2) a hole that is the remains of a geyser

channel, still open. Several smaller channels (5) that are

remains of small channels.

2. A long channel, side way, (3, 4, 10) that is filled with

purple matter at the walls, the center is closed, filled with

white matter (marble)

3. Channel remains that was wide, now closed, filled with orange

yellow matter, of several layers. ( 6, 7, 8)

4. Another dark filled spot with white center indicates a closed,


filled channel. f. Orange filled, wide area (11) that indicate

an early stage of channel that was filled, already.

Photo credit, Author Albert Sneij

Conclusion: This is proof, demonstration that sedimentary rock is

created, formed, directly around active ancient geysers. The

channel of the geyser, which was large at the start, is filled at

the walls with Calcium plus matter with different colors. Finally,

the channel is closed totally or partially, depending on the amount

of deposits. In its purist form, deposits present as marble. My

opinion is that metamorphic rock did not form under pressure and

heat as believed by conventional geologists.

Another sample by Author Albert Sneij

A. Large and small channels that are still open. The wall is

purple, lined with white marble layer.

B. Original (orange) old wall of channel.

C.  Tracts that represent large or small channels that are

filled, with marble white material.

Please notice that “sedimentation” cannot explain the layers of

this rock, holes, and colors.


Photo credit: Author.

Photo credit: Author.

Please notice: AA is a large open channel.  A-A-A is a tract that

represents a closed channel, with purple and /or white material.

The same is noticed in A-B-B, where the white material is more

noticed in the center of the channel

C. C. represents the wall of the channel when it was much larger

and at early stage.




In the beginning, that is the beginning of the Big Bang (of

the Earth), the Earth was very small. It started to grow by

small volcanic water vents that spewed water and chemicals,

as we have those vents in the thousands, under water. That

vented material was enough to fill the planet with water

and all chemicals that filled and covered the Earth with

Sedimentary rocks, which is the Crust of the today's Earth.


3 men from Michigan described an event of Underground boom,

and earthquake, land elevated and cracked open about 2

feet. Then heat and foul smell gas, came out from the


What do you need more to recognize active dynamics in the

Earth? This video explains very well.

Click on the link:

http://ww w h ?v=c8_ Y pjiH5fg

OCEAN CLIFF: Are manifestation of Expanding Earth


Cliff at: Fadloy Faro Island

Photo Credit: Eileen Sanda, under C. Common license


Cliff of West Wales, notice the similarity of color and structure with the previous one.

Photo Credit: D. J. Ovens under C.Commons license.

Cliff, Norway

Photo by Wilson, under Wikimedia commons lic.



Image taken in Nevada, USA. Image credit Steve Jurvetson, licensed

under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

The above image is of our night sky, where you see

thousands upon thousands of bright stars. Each is a

product of the Cosmic Creative Energy

I was talking to my daughter Alicia ( 24 y ) and she asked this question: Is this cosmic creative energy equal to God?

The answer is : it is like the little finger, of God, that creates the Earth as we know it. All is needed is


that little finger of God.

I am not going with this book beyond the Milky Way Galaxy. The way I see it, the energy from the Galaxy isvery old, in time. It is, just there. I am not going to go beyond our Galaxy. I am not going to look into other galaxies, which become visible with artificial means (huge telescopes) and are subject to manipulationby NASA. NASA is a military system, not for pure clean info. I can see our Galaxy with my own eyes, which I trust 100%. Click on image to enlarge.


PERSONIFICATION OF COSMIC CREATIVE ENERGY: ancient and currentI am not the first one to see a cosmic creative factor,behind the existence of the Earth. However, it was not called so. It was personalized in the form of a woman (goddess) or a man (god). I will mention 2 examples, not ignoring the rest of cultures.

In ancient Sumer (now Iraq) this CCE was personified as: Ishtar- Inanna, in the form of a woman. Inanna was viewed as a middle aged naked woman with 2 wings, standing on 2 live lions and accompanied with 2 large sized owl. I see that to represent a much-civilized culture that did not have shame of nudity.



Image from British museum. From Iraq ( ancient Sumer).

You can find this form of woman Goddess creator in a lot of ancient cultures.


In Hawaii, this woman Goddess is called PELE, Goddess of volcano, which is the factor behind volcanoes and associated earthquakes. It is said that when an earthquake hits the area, natives will attribute the


earthquake to her (Pele). Volcano is viewed as a resultof her action and desire to expand her land. Her color is the color of molten hot lava. Pele is known, also for her power, and passion.

image credit Arthur Johnsen, by fair use.

WATER VOLCANOES AS MANIFEST OF CCE:Volcanoes are seen usually as hot explosive molten lava; However, I present here that the term volcano must be applied to all hot springs, all over the Globe.

I have seen the term volcano applied to mud production as in mud volcano; but this term WATER VOLCANO is my own production. Here, let me oppose the conventional


belief by most geologists, that hot springs comes from rain seeping under ground and touching the hot lava, where it gets heated.

This concept cannot explain the high content of gas CO2, in some hot springs.

2. It cannot explain the thousands of “hot springs” in high altitude in Tibet. In Tibet, there is over 1000 “hot springs”, and the rain is a rare commodity. Elevation of those “hot springs “ is highest in the world at 4200-4500 feet.

Image from Daggayi, Tibet. Notice, the volcanic appearance of the steam.


3. It cannot explain high-pressure hot water that exists in geysers. Where water goes 180 feet up in the air.

Image credit Brocken Inaglory, under GNU license.

In this image you can see the pressured water that disproves the idea of passive rain from the ground. Notice, also the cone is typical of volcano. This is perfect image of water volcano. The author of this photo used the term” steam eruption phase”. Eruption istypical of volcanoes.


4. It cannot explain the steady flow of mineral hot water in high places like Pammukale, Turkey. There, water flows slowly over high large hill.

Pammukale “ hot springs”

Image credit: Paolo Benedetti, under license of Creative commons 3.0

A view of Hot Springs at Lassen Volcanic National Park.

It is remarkable to notice the association between the

“hot spring” and “volcanic”.


image credit: Walter Seigmund, license under Creative commons 3.0

MUD VOLCANOES AS MANIFEST OF CCE:Mud Volcanoes are another proof of Cosmic Creative Energy.

They are also, debunking of classical geologist claim that they are otherwise. That they come from passive rainwater, that goes upwards??? Besides all that mud, where it came from? From deep of the Earth, then it must leave a cavity, then a collapse. That collapse is not seen, because the matter is created anew.

Further they are proof that mud and clay did not come from rain erosion of mountains, any where in the Globe.You can see vast landscape that was produced fresh fromthe volcano.


Image of mud volcano. Santa Catalina, Columbia.


Image of mudvolcano. Gobustan, Azerbijan.,Asia.

Notice the vast landscape that is in the background. Itproves that mud and/ or sand did not come from rain erosion from mountains. Rather, it was created on the spot, from Cosmic Creative Energy.


EARTH EXPANSION OF DRY LAND (CONTINENTS)Theory of Expanding Earth was explored by others, such as Karl Heinz Jacobs (German) and Nail Adams ( American).

However none explored the topic of dry land expansion.

Rock Mts.3000 mile long Appalachian Mts. 1500 mile long

At the same time the Oceans were spreading, the Continents were spreading. The Appalachian Mts. and Rocky Mts. were connected. The Mississippi River and Great plains were established by land spread East-West.In New Madrid Fault, one observes great number of earthquakes, which indicates land cracks and spread.

My other observation is from the Arizona landscape, where you find two pillars of rock, standing with several miles spacing between them. My point is that


they were connected, xxxx millions years, back. The space between them was created not by rain erosion, butby land spreading. The sand that was between them formed an elliptical curve between the vertical pillars. The area us dry and rain is / was not a factorin sand collapsing. Plus, we have a large number of Earthquakes, in Arizona; there are earthquakes 1000-3000/year, which cause land expansion and spread.

This illustrates the Crust, 550 millions years ago. Sand geysersor Sand volcanoes produced different density sand dunes and landscapes.




DIMENSIONS AND FORM OF THE TRUE PANGAEAI calculated the Earth diameter of Pangaea, taking all the Oceans out, not only the Atlantic Ocean. Current diameter 7,918 x .21= 1662 .78 (21% is the ration of land and Oceans).

But with land reduction in the same ratio, diameter of the Earth will be reduced to 349 miles.

The following views are of different areas and activities of Pangaea, 550 millions years ago. Please keep in mind that the number is flexible. The views


include water volcano, mud volcano, and keep in mind the hot lava volcano. All those formed the entire body of the early true Pangaea.



The above four images show the Earth surface buildup ofPangaea, 550 millions years ago. They consist of various forms of volcanoes( be it mud volcano, water volcano, sand volcano )

I mentioned 550 millions year ago, more or less. Please notice that, years count, is not absolute. And the divide between those mountains is for illustration,only. But they were connected 100%.

This is the true diameter of the true Pangaea.

At that time, all mountains, of all Continents were touching each other. That was the original crust of theearth. With this, I conclude that there were no mountains building or lifting, according to conventional Geology. The Crust broke down, and split. That caused the Crust to have high peaks and valleys between them.