BALAI PENGAWAS OBAT DAN MAKANAN DI KUPANG Jl. R.A. Kartini-Walikota-Kupang Telp. (0380) 8554595, 8554596, Fax. (0380) 8554596 Email : [email protected] Berita Acara Pemberian Penjelasan Nomor : PL. Pada hari Senin tanggal 22 Juni 2020, telah dibuat Berita Acara Pemberian Penjelasan untuk paket pekerjaan: Kode Tender : 3714191 Nama Tender : Pengadaan Reagen Media Konsolidasi Sampel Obat dan Makanan Nilai Total HPS : Rp. 642.986.332,00 Metode Pengadaan : Tender Metode Evaluasi : Harga Terendah Sistem Gugur A. Daftar Pertanyaan Peserta Berikut Jawabannya



Telp. (0380) 8554595, 8554596, Fax. (0380) 8554596

Email : [email protected]

Berita Acara Pemberian Penjelasan

Nomor : PL.

Pada hari Senin tanggal 22 Juni 2020, telah dibuat Berita Acara Pemberian Penjelasan untuk paket pekerjaan:

Kode Tender : 3714191

Nama Tender : Pengadaan Reagen Media Konsolidasi Sampel Obat dan Makanan

Nilai Total HPS : Rp. 642.986.332,00

Metode Pengadaan : Tender

Metode Evaluasi : Harga Terendah Sistem Gugur

A. Daftar Pertanyaan Peserta Berikut Jawabannya


Telp. (0380) 8554595, 8554596, Fax. (0380) 8554596

Email : [email protected]


Telp. (0380) 8554595, 8554596, Fax. (0380) 8554596

Email : [email protected]


Telp. (0380) 8554595, 8554596, Fax. (0380) 8554596

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Telp. (0380) 8554595, 8554596, Fax. (0380) 8554596

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Telp. (0380) 8554595, 8554596, Fax. (0380) 8554596

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Telp. (0380) 8554595, 8554596, Fax. (0380) 8554596

Email : [email protected]

Beberapa perubahan/ adendum dokumen yang dibuat oleh PPK sebagai berikut :

No. Sebelum Sesudah

1. 2. 3.

RANCANGAN KONTRAK R. Pembayaran Prestasi Pekerjaan 1. Pembayaran prestasi pekerjaan dilakukan dengan

cara: satu kali pembayaran setelah pekerjaan mencapai 100% (seratus persen) yang dibuktikan dengan Berita Acara Pemeriksaan, Berita Acara Serah Terima

W. Jenis Kontrak : Lumsum HARGA PERKIRAAN SENDIRI 82. Dietilamin Spesifikasi : Assay (GC): ≥ 99.5 % (a/a) KERANGKA ACUAN KERJA Masing-masing KAK Paket Obat dan Makanan 6. Jangka waktu pelaksanaan : 120 (seratus dua puluh) hari kalender sejak ditandatangani kontrak

RANCANGAN KONTRAK R. Pembayaran Prestasi Pekerjaan 1. Pembayaran prestasi pekerjaan dilakukan dengan

cara: Termin,dua kali pembayaran setelah pekerjaan diatas 50% dan 100% yang dibuktikan dengan Berita Acara Pemeriksaan, Berita Acara Serah Terima

W. Jenis Kontrak : Harga satuan HARGA PERKIRAAN SENDIRI 82. Dietilamin Spesifikasi : Assay (GC): ≥ 99 % (a/a) KERANGKA ACUAN KERJA Masing-masing KAK Paket Obat dan Makanan 6. Jangka waktu pelaksanaan : 150 (seratus lima puluh) hari kalender sejak ditandatangani kontrak

Dokumen Adendum tersebut akan di-upload oleh PPK pada SPSE.

Demikian Berita Acara ini dibuat dan ditandatangani pada Hari, Tanggal dan Bulan sebagaimana tersebut di atas

untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Badan Pengawas Obat Dan Makanan


Pokja Pemilihan Pengadaan Suku Cadang

No Jenis Barang/ Jasa Satuan Vol Spesifikasi Satuan Vol Spesifikasi 7 Asam Nitrat 65 % 2,5 L 3 250 ml & 1 lt 3 Kemasan sediaan diperkenankan

berbeda dari HPS, dengan jumlah akhir minimal sama dengan HPS. (Lebih boleh)

10 Enzim diastase 100 gr 1 50 gr 1 Kemasan sediaan diperkenankan berbeda dari HPS, dengan jumlah akhir minimal sama dengan HPS. (Lebih boleh)

82 Dietil amin 2500 ml 1 Assay (GC): ≥ 99.5 % (a/a) 1 Assay (GC): ≥ 99 % (a/a) Penawaran Penyedia diterimaAssay (GC): ≥ 99 % (a/a)

88 Asam Askorbat 250 gr 1 100, 500, 1000 gr 1 Kemasan sediaan diperkenankan berbeda dari HPS, dengan jumlah akhir minimal sama dengan HPS. (Lebih boleh)

91 boron trifluorida 1000 ml 1 500 ml 1 Kemasan sediaan diperkenankan berbeda dari HPS, dengan jumlah akhir minimal sama dengan HPS. (Lebih boleh)

92 Raksa II klorida 500 gr 1 250 gr & 1000 gr 1 Kemasan sediaan diperkenankan berbeda dari HPS, dengan jumlah akhir minimal sama dengan HPS. (Lebih boleh)

Kupang, 22 Juni 2020Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen

Muhammad Fajar Arifin, S.Farm., Apt.

Tanggapan PPK/ userHPS Penawaran Penyedia



No Jenis Barang/ Jasa Satuan Keterangan (Spesifikasi) Volume

1 Acetonitril 4 L Gradient grade for Liquid Chromatography, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak

barang diterima26

2 Ammonium Acetat 1 kgParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


3 Ammonium hidroksida 2,5 LParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


4 Asam asetat glasial 2,5 L Parameter for analysis, value ≥ 99%, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang


5 Asam borat (H3B04) 500 gParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


6 Asam Nitrat (HNO3) suprapure 1 L Suprapure, 65 %, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima 17 Asam Nitrat 65 % 2,5 L Parameter assay (acidimetric), value min 65,0%, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun

sejak barang diterima3

8 Cyclohexane 2,5 LParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


9 DONtest WB HPLC Standard VICAM ampul 1 mlParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


10 Enzim diastase 100 grParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


11 Etanol 96% 2,5 L Parameter purity (GC), value min 96,0%, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak

barang diterima1

12 Hydrogen peroksida 1 L Value 30%, stabilized for

higher storage temperature for

analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


13 Kalium cromat (K2CrO4) 250 grParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


14 Kalium iodida (KI) 250 grParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


15 Kolom immuno afinitas (DONTESTWB Vicam)

Mycotoxin testing system

25/pakDetect levels as low as 0,04 ppm and as high as 5 ppm, total volume 3 ml,


16 Metanol 2,5 L Parameter purity (GC), value ≥ 99,9%, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak

barang diterima64

17 Microfiber filter VICAM 100/pak 1,5 µm, 11 cm 118 Natrium acetat anhydrous 250 gr

Parameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima2

19 Natrium bisulfit 250 grParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


20 o-phosporic Acid 2,5 L Parameter for analysis, value min 85 %,masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak

barang diterima2

21 Perak nitrat 25 grParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


22 Pottasium Dicromat Bioxtra 250 grParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


23 Selenium tablet

1000 tablet/kemasan

Komposisi per tablet : Na2SO4 96.5%; CuSO4 1.5%; Se 2.0%, masa kadaluarsa

minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


24 Sodium Ascorbat 100 grParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


25 Sodium Borohydride 25 gr Powder, value ≥ 98,0 %, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima 1

26 TFA 25 mlParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


27 Aquabidest 1 L Parameter steril, hipotonik, value nonpyrogenic iirigation, masa kadaluarsa minimal

2 tahun sejak barang diterima208

28 zinc acetat 250 grParameter for analysis, masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima


29 Baird Parker Agar a. Form : granulated

b. This medium attains its selectivity with potassium chloride, lithium chloride and

glycine with added egg yolk tellurite emulsion. Sodium pyruvate is essential to both

recovery of damaged Staphylococcus aureus cells and their subsequent growth.

b. Solubility 58 g/ 950 mL

c. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

30 Buffered Peptone Water a. Used for the preliminary non-selective enrichment of bacteria, particularly

pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae such as Salmonella and Cronobacter , from food

and animal feed, water and other materials.b. Solubility 25,5 g/L

c. pH-value (25oC) : 6,8-7,2

d. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

31 King Agar B a. Form : granulated

b. Solubility 33,5 g/L

c. Appearance (clearness) : clear

d. Appearance (colour) : yellowish brown






500 g

500 g

500 g


e. pH-value (25oC) : 6,9-7,3

f. Used to identify Corynebacterium diphtheriae with the UV fluorescene test

g. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

32 Kligler Iron Agar a. Form : granulated

b. Solubility 55 g/L

c. Appearance of the plates is clear and red

d. Appearance (colour) : yellowish-brown

e. pH-value (25oC) : 7,4-7,6

f. Used for identify Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028

g. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

33 Lauryl Sulfate Broth a. Form : granulated

b. Solubility 35,5 g/L

c. Appearance (clearness) : clear

d. Appearance (colour) : yellowish-brown

e. pH-value (25oC) : 6,6-7,0

f. Used for growth promotion test in accordance with the current version of DIN EN

ISO 11133g. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

34 Listeria Agar Base (ALOA) a. Form : granulated

b. Solubility 35 g/ 476 mL

c. Appearance (clearness) : slightly opalescent to opalescent

d. Appearance (colour) : yellowish

e. pH-value (25oC) : 7,0-7,4

f. Used for growth promotion test in accordance with the current version of DIN EN

ISO 11133g. For the isolation and differentiation of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria

spp. from food and animal feed, environmental samples in the area of food

production and food handling and other materials. h. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

35 Listeria Fraser Broth a. Form : granulated

b. Solubility 57,4 g/L

b. Appearance (clearness) : clear to almost clear

c. Appearance (colour) : yellowish-brown

d. pH-value (25oC) : 7,0-7,4

e. Growth promotion test in accordance with the current version of DIN EN ISO

11133. Selective enrichment of Listeria , Eschericia coli , and Enterococcus faecalis.

f. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

36 Maximum Recovery Diluted (MRD) a. Form : granulated

b. Typical composition per L medium : Peptone 1 gr and NaCl 8,5 gr

c. Solubility 9,5 g/L

d. Appearance (clearness) : clear

e. Appearance (colour) : colourless to slighty colourless

f. pH-value (25oC) : 6,8-7,2

g. Used for growth promotion test in accordance with the current version of DIN EN

ISO 11133h. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

37 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer a. Form : granulated

b. Solubility 17 g/L

b. Appearance (clearness) : clear

c. Appearance (colour) : yellowish brown

d. pH-value (25oC) : 6,7-7,1

e. This culture medium complies with the recommendations of the ISO (1975), the

DIN Norm 10160 for the examination of meat and the DIN Norm 10181 for the

examination of milk. f. Typical composition : Peptone from meat 7 g/L; D(+)glucose 5 g/L; phosphate

buffer 5 g/L.g. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

38 Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium a. Form : granulated or powder

b. Solubility 11,4 g/L for single strenght dissolve and 22,7 g/L for double strenght


c. A chemically defined medium based on glutamic acid was first advocated by

Folpmers2 for the enumeration of the coliform group of bacteria in water.d. The pH of the final medium is critical for optimum performance and the sterilised

broth should be checked to confirm that it is at pH 6.7 before use

e. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

39 Bacto Peptone a. Form : powder

b. Bacto Peptone neutralised form are very nutritious all-purpose peptones

prepared by the enzymatic digestion of selected animal protein sources.










500 g

500 g

500 g

500 g

500 g

500 g

500 g

500 g

500 g

c. pH-value (2% solution) : 7,0-7,2d. Typical analysis (% w/w) : total nitrogen (13,9); amino nitrogen (2,4); sodium

chloride (3,2)

e. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

40 Peptone Water a. Form : powder

b. Solubility 15 g/Lc. A basal medium to which carbohydrates and indicator may be added for

fermentation studies.

d. Typical analysis (g/L) : peptone (10); sodium chloride (5)

e. pH solution : 7,0-7,2

f. Appearance dehydrated medium : straw coloured, free-flowing powder.

Appearance prepared medium : light straw coloured solution.g. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was received

41 Nissui Compact Dry YM a. Medium contains chromogenic enzyme substrate X-Phos that develops blue

color for most of yeasts, some yeasts do not generate blue color.

b. Main component : Potato dextrose agar; chromogenic enzyme substrate X-Phosc. Certificate : AOAC, MicroVal

d. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received42 Nissui Compact Dry ETB a. Usage of Compact Dry ETB is a simple and safe test procedure for determination

and quantification of enterobacteria in foods, cosmetics or raw materials – as well

as pharmaceutical raw materials.b. The plates consist of a special 50 mm diameter petri dish containing a detection

specific nutrient padc. Compact Dry™ ETB contains dehydrated culture media with glucose, a gelling

agent, and a chromogenic indicator to facilitate the identification and

differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae from other types of organisms.

d. Final pH (25oC) : 6,8-7,2

e. Certificate : AOAC, MicroVal and NordValf. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received

Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A-Vi a. Form : solution

b. Quantity 3 mLc. Lyophilized and polyclonal rabbit antiserad. Polyvalent, specific for somatic antigense. Cross-reactions are possible because serogroups may share non-major group

antigensf. When properly rehydrated and used as recommended, each vial contains

sufficient reagent for 60 testsg. Sodium azide (0.2%) used as preservativeh. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received

Salmonella H Antiserum Poly A-Z a. Form : solution

b. Quantity 3 mLc. Lyophilized and polyclonal rabbit antisera

d. Absorbed or unabsorbed specifically for either phase 1 or phase 2 antigens

e. Perform between 150-1500 testsf. Identification of Salmonella by flagellar (H) antigensg. Sodium azide (0.2%) used as preservativeh. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received

Bacillus cereus selective supplement (10


a. Form : lyophilized

b. It suppresses the growth of accompanying bacterial flora during culturing Bacillus

cereusc. Dissolve the lyophilized supplement by adding 1 ml sterile distilled water. Mix

gently until dissolved. For the preparation of GranuCult™ MYP (Mannitol Egg Yolk

Polymyxin) Agar (Base) acc. ISO 7932, ISO 21871 and FDA-BAM

d. Typical composition : per vial 5000 IU; final concentration 10000 IU.e. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received

Bactident Coagulase a. Form : 3 mL of lyophilized

b. Coagulase is an enzyme with the ability to coagulate plasma of Staphylococcus

aureusc. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received

Bactident Oxidasea. These strips are impregnated with NNN’N’ tetramethyl -p- phenylene-diamine

dihydrochloride for the detection of bacterial cytochrome oxidase enzyme

b. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received

a. Appearance (clearness) : clearb. Form : lyophilized

c. Typical compositon (vial) : D-cyclocerine 200 mg; 4-Methylumbelliferylphosphate

di sodium salt 50 mgd. Growth promotion test in accordance with ISO 11133. Supplements for selective

agar of Clostridium perfringense. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivedf. Compatible with TSCA 1.11972.0500

Listeria Fraser Ammonium Iron III supplement a. The ammonium iron(III) citrate promotes the growth of the Listeria and, together

with esculin, permits the -D-glucosidase detection in Listeriab. Typical composition (per vial) : Ammonium iron(III) citrate 250 mg












47 Botol @100 strip

48 Clostridium selective supplement (10


Box (@10 vial)

49 Box (@10 vial)

44 Box

45 Box (@10 vial)

46 Box @ 6 vial

500 g

500 g

Pack @240 petri

Pack @240 petri

43 Box

c. Compatible with item number 35 (Listeria Fraser Broth)

d. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivedListeria Fraser Selective Supplement a. The selective supplement is a mixture of acriflavine and nalidixic acid in a

lyophilized form. The content is dissolved in each original vial by adding sterile

demineral water (about 1 ml).

b. Compatible wit item number 35 (Listeria Fraser Broth)

c. Typical composition (per vial) : Acriflavine 6.25 mg; nalidixic acid 5 mg

d. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivedONPG Discs a. Form : Disc

b. Used for the rapid detection of b-galactosidase activity in microorganisms,

specially to identify late lactose fermenters quicklyc. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received

Nessler reagent a. Form : solution

b. Nessler's Reagent is used for determination of Urea (as Ammonia)c. Composition : potassium iodide 50 mg; disstiled water 50 m

d. Final pH (25oC) : 12,3-12,5

e. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received53 Rap ID Rap ID NF Plus System a.Used for detection gram – Bacilli , including Vibrio spp ., based on enzyme

technology. Reagent impregnated wells in plastic tray. Requires Spot Indole, REF

8309002; Nitrate A, REF 8309003; Inoculation Fluid, REF 8325102. CE

b. The RapID NF PLUS System is a qualitative micromethod employing conventional

and chromogenic substrates for the identification of medically important glucose-

nonfermenting, Gram-negative bacteria and other select glucose-fermenting, Gram-

negative bacteria not belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae .

c. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. Rap ID Yeast Plus System is a qualitative micromethod employing conventional

and chromogenic substrates for the identification of medically important yeast,

yeast-like and related organisms which have been isolated

b. RapID Yeast Plus System is comprised of (1) RapID Yeast Plus Panels, (2)

RapID Yeast Plus Reagent A, and (3) RapID Yeast Plus Reagent B.

c. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. RapID STAPH PLUS System is designed for use with microorganisms that

routinely grow on plated media used for the isolation and cultivation of

Staphylococci and other gram-positive coccib. The RapID STAPH PLUS System is comprised of (1) RapID STAPH PLUS Panels and

(2) RapID STAPH PLUS Reagentc. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. This product is for use with RapID CB PLUS System (R8311008), RapID NF PLUS

System (R8311005), RapID ONE System (R8309002), RapID NH System (R8311001),

RapID STAPH PLUS System (R8309003) and RapID NH System (R8311001).

b. Typical composition : Sulfanilic Acid (8,0 g); Glacial Acetic (280,0 mL);

Demineralized Water (720,0 mL)c. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. This product is for use with RapID CB PLUS System (R8311008), RapID NF PLUS

System (R8311005), RapID ONE System (R8309002), RapID NH System (R8311001),

RapID STAPH PLUS System (R8309003) and RapID NH System (R8311001)

b. Typical composition : n,n-Dimethyl-1-naphthylamine (6,0 g); Glacial Acetic (280,0

mL); Demineralized Water (720,0 mL)c. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. Remel Spot Indole Reagent is for determination of the ability of microorganisms

to split indole from the tryptophan molecule by the spot test method.

b. Typical formula : ρ-Dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (10,0 g); Hydrochloric Acid

(100,0 mL); Demineralized Water (900,0 mL)c. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. Save time preparing diluents for Thermo Scientific™ RapID™ System using

Thermo Scientific RapID 2 mL Inoculation Fluid.b. This product is for use with RapID ONE System (R8311006), RapID YEAST PLUS

System (R8311007), RapID STR System (R8311003), RapID CB PLUS System

(R8311008) and RapID STAPH PLUS System (R8311009)c. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. Save time preparing diluents for Thermo Scientific™ RapID™ System using

Thermo Scientific RapID 1 mL Inoculation Fluid.b. This product is for use with RapID NH System (R8311001), RapID ANA II System

(R8311002), RapID STR System (R8311003), RapID SS/u System (R8311004) and

RapID NF PLUS System (R8311005).c. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. Used for detection gram-negative bacilli based on enzyme technology. Reagent

impregnated wells in clear plastic tray. Requires Spot Indole, REF 8309002;

Inoculation Fluid, REF 8325106. CEb. RapID ONE is a qualitative micromethod employing conventional and

chromogenic substrates for the identification of medically important

Enterobacteriaceae and other selected oxidase-negative.














60 Rap ID Innoculation Fluid 1 ml Box

61 Rap ID ONE Box @20 test

58 Rap ID Spot Indole Reagent Botol @15 ml

59 Rap ID Innoculation Fluid 2 ml Box

56 Rap ID Nitrate A Reagent Botol @15 ml

57 Rap ID Nitrate B Reagent Botol @15 ml

Box @20 test

54 Rap ID Yeast Plus System Box @20 test

55 Rap ID Staph Plus Box @20 test

50 Box (@10 vial)

51 30 disc

52 Botol (100 mL)

49 Box (@10 vial)

c. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received62 1-propanol 2,5 lt Purity: ≥ 99.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

63 Amonia solution 2,5 lt Assay (acidimetric, NH₃): ≥ 30 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

64 Amonium Dihidrogen Phospat 500 gr Assay (acidimetric): ≥ 99.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

65 Asam Ortho Phosphat 1 lt Assay: ≥ 85.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

66 Baku As 100 ml Density: 1.013 g/cm3 (20 °C)

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

67 Baku Cd 100 ml Density: 1.013 g/cm3 (20 °C)

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

68 Baku Hg 100 ml Density: 1.054 g/cm3 (20 °C)

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

69 Baku Pb 500 ml Density: 1.02 g/cm3 (20 °C)

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

70 di-Isopropilamine 1 lt Density: 0.72 g/cm3 (20 °C)

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

71 Diklormetan 2,5 lt Purity (GC): ≥ 99.8 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

72 Ethyl Acetat 2,5 lt Purity (GC): ≥ 99.5 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima2

73 Formaldehid, 37% 1 lt Assay: 36.5 - 38.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

74 Hidrogen Peroxide 500 ml Grade: ISO

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima2

75 2-propanol 2,5 lt Purity (GC): ≥ 99.8 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima2

76 n-Heptane 1 lt Purity (GC): ≥ 99 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

77 Nitric Acid (bebas Logam ) 65 % 1 lt Assay (alkalimetric): ≥ 65.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima3

78 Silica gel 60 F254 25 TLC plates 20 x 20 cm (

Alumunium ) @25 pcs

pack @25 pcs Spesific surface area: 480-540 m2/g

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima11

79 Silica gel 60 F254 25 TLC plates 20 x 20 cm (

Kaca) @25 pcs

pack @25 pcs Spesific surface area: 480-540 m2/g

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

80 Sodium Sulfat 1000 gr Assay: ≥ 99.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

81 Sodium Thiosulfat Pentahydrate 500 gr Assay (iodometric): 99.5 - 101.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

82 Dietil amin 2500 ml Assay (GC): ≥ 99.5 % (a/a)

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

83 dikloretan 2500 ml Purity (GC): ≥ 99.8 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

84 Metanol untuk GCMS 2500 ml Density: 0.792 g/cm3 at 20 °C

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

85 Piridin 500 ml Purity (GC: ≥ 99.5 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

86 Amonium Asetat 500 gr Assay: ≥ 98.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

87 magnesium nitrat heksahidrat 500 gr Purity (metallic): ≥ 99.99 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

88 Asam Askorbat 250 gr Assay (iodometric): 99.0 - 100.5 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

89 Dinatrium hidrogen fosfat 500 gr Assay: ≥ 99.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

90 N,n-dimetil formamide/DMF 1000 ml Purity (GC): ≥ 99.8 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima3

91 boron trifluorida 1000 ml Assay: 14.0 - 16.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

92 Raksa II klorida 500 gr Assay (coplexometri): ≥ 99.5 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

93 tembaga (II) sulfat 250 gr Assay (iodometric): ≥ 99.0 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima1

94 Alkohol 70% Botol @ 1 L a. Parameter concentration, value 70%

b. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received35

95 Di-Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate 500 gram Assay (acidimetric) ≥ 99.0 % 196 Citric Acid 1000 gram Assay (acidimetric, calc. on anhydrous substance) 99.5 - 100.5 % 197 Ethanol absolut 2,5 lt Assay: ≥ 99,9 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima5

98di-Potasium hidrogen phosphat/K2HPO4

1000 gram Assay (alkalimetric) ≥ 99.9 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima2

99Potasium dihidrogen phosphat/KH2PO4

1000 gram Assay (alkalimetric; dried substance) ≥ 99.5 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima4

100 Chloroform 2,5 lt Purity: 99.0 - 99.4 %

masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima3

101 Pepsin A 100 gram Masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima 1102 Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate 500 gram Assay (acidimetric) ≥ 99.5 % 1

261 Rap ID ONE Box @20 test

103 Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Anhydrate 500 gram Assay (alkalimetric) ≥ 99.0 % 1

104 Natrium Hidroksida 1000 gram Assay (acidimetric,NaOH) ≥ 99.0 % 1105 1-Chlorobutane 1 liter Assay (GC, area%) ≥ 99 % 2106 Trichloroacetic Acid 250 gram Assay (alkalimetric) ≥ 99.5 % 1107 Trifluoroacetic acid 100 ml Assay (acidimetric) ≥ 99.0 % 1108 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 500 gram Assay (acidimetric) 99.0 - 101.0 % 1109 Ammonium Carbonate 250 gram Assay (acidimetric, NH₃) ≥ 30.0 % 1110 HYDRANAL Water Standard 10,0 @ 80ml 10 ampul Masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima 1111 Docusate Sodium 100 gram Masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima 1112 Orion ROSS All in One pH Buffer Kit 1 set Masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima 1113 Sodium Nitroferricyanide (III) Dihydrate 100 gram Masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima 1114 Di sodium tetraborat 250 gram Masa kadaluarsa minimal 2 tahun sejak barang diterima 1

a. Parameter : used for screening cosmetic products for microbial contamination

b. Form : granulated mediac. Appearance : cream to yellow homogeneous granulated mediad. Gelling : firm, comparable with 1.5% Agar gele. Colour and clarity of prepared medium : yellow coloured, clear to slightly

opalescent gel forms in petri platesf. Reaction : reaction of 5.4% w/v aqueous solution at 25°C pH : 7,2±0,2g. Cultural response : cultural characteristics observed after an incubation at 35-

37°C for 18-48 hoursh. Solubility : 54,1 g/Li. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was receiveda. Form : powder

b. Used for testing microbiological cosmeticsc. Dehydrated appearance : tan, homogeneous, appears moist with a ten-dency to

clumpd. Preparated appearance : medium-dark amber, slightly opalescent, may have a

slight fine precipitate

e. pH-value (25oC) : 7,0-7,4

f. Solubility : 42,8 g/Lg. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was receiveda. Form : granulated media

b. Appearance (clearness) : clearc. Appearance (colour) : red

d. pH-value (25oC) : 7,2-7,6

e. Solubility : 108 g/Lf. Mannitol salt phenol-red agar is a modified version of the selective agar proposed

by Chapman (1945) for the isolation and presumptive identification of

Staphylococcus aureus in non-sterile pharmaceuticals and food.

g. This medium complies with the specifications given by the harmonized methods

of EP, USP, JP for Microbial Examination of Non-sterile Products: Tests for Specified

Microorganismsh. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was receiveda. For the determination of the total microbial content from food and animal feed,

water and other materials. This culture medium complies with the specifications

given by EN ISO 4833, ISO 17410, FDA-BAM and APHA (SMA: Standard Methods

Agar). b. Form : granulated mediac. Appearance (clearness) : cleard. Appearance (colour) : yellowish to yellowbrown

e. pH-value (25oC) : 6,8-7,2

f. Solubility : 22,5 g/Lg. Growth promotion test in accordance with ISO 11133. h. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was receiveda. Growth promotion test in accordance with the harmonised method USP and EP

b. Form : granulated mediac. Appearance (clearness) : clear to slighty opalescentd. Appearance (colour) : yellowish-braun

e. pH-value (25oC) : 5,4-5,6

f. Solubility : 39 g/Lg. The medium is to be used for fungal counts (yeast and molds)h. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was receiveda. Parameter for analysis, value ≥ 99,5 %

b. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was receivedVogel Johnson Agar (VJA) Botol @500 gram a. Typical composition : Peptone from casein 10.0; yeast extract 5.0; di-potassium

hydrogen phosphate 5.0; D(-)mannitol 10.0; lithium chloride 5.0; glycine 10.0;

phenol red 0.025; agar-agar 13.0b. Form : granulatedc. Solubility 58 g/L

d. pH-value (25oC) : 7,0-7,4

g. Typical compositon (g/L) : Peptone from casein 17,0; Peptone from soymeal 3,0;

D (+)-Glucose monohydrate 2,5; Sodium chloride 5,0; di-Potassium hydrogen

phosphate 2,5








120 Sodium Chloride/NaCl Botol @500 gram


118 Plate Count Agar (PCA) Botol @500 gram

119 Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) Botol @500 gram

116 Leethen Broth Base Modified (MLB) Botol @500 gram

117 Manitol Salt Phenol Red Agar (MSA) Botol @500 gram

115 Leethen Agar Base Modified (MLA) Botol @500 gram

h. Growth promotion test in accordance with the harmonised method of USP

i. Used for the detection of mannitol-positive staphylococci.

j. Expired date minimal 2 years since the item was receiveda. Parameter : endotoxin

b. Sensitivity 0,125 EU/mLc. 1 pack consist of TAL (0,125 Eu/ml) 0,2 mL x 44 pcs = 44 test, CSE 1 pcs, dan

Endotoxin detection water 2 mL x 5 pcsd. Material of package is ampulee. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivedf. Wajib melampirkan CoAa. Synthetic bacteriostatic antibiotic that inhibits the translation of RNA to protein

by binding to the 50S ribosomal subunit, blocking the peptidyl transferase reaction.

Chloramphenicol resistance is encoded by the resistance gene cat, whose product,

chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, inactivates the antibiotic via acetylation.

Typically used at 30-50 µg/ml for selection of chloramphenicol-resistant

Escherichia coli .

b. Form : Grayish to off-white crystalline powderc. Purity : ≥ 97% by Assaye. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. Appearance : oily, yellow to brownish yellow, clear or slightly opalescent liquid

b. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. Appearance : oily, yellow to brownish yellow, clear or slightly opalescent liquid

b. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. Parameter for analysis, value ≥ 98 %

b. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received127 Spiritus Jirigen @ 20 L Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was received 2

a. Assay (GC, area %) : ≥ 99%

b. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivedEggyolk Tellurite Emulsion a. Sterily test : steril

b. Appearance : pale yellow emulsionc. Typical compositon : Sterile egg-yolk 500 mL, NaCl 4,25 g, potassium tellurite 2,1

g, disstiles water to give a final volume of 1000 mLd. Growth promotion test in accordance with ISO 11133. Supplements for selective

agar of Staphylococcus aureus in Baird Parker Agare. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receiveda. 2 self-contained units of a single organism

b. Minimal phasase 2c. Standards and guidlines : Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), ISO 11133

d. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivede. Include certificate microbaa. 2 self-contained units of a single organism

b. Minimal phasase 2c. Standards and guidlines : Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), ISO 11133

d. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivede. Include certificate microbaa. 2 self-contained units of a single organism

b. Minimal phasase 2c. Standards and guidlines : Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), ISO 11133

d. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivede. Include certificate microbaa. 2 self-contained units of a single organism

b. Minimal phasase 2c. Standards and guidlines : Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), ISO 11133

d. Expired date minimal 1 years since the item was receivede. Include certificate microba

Kupang, 17 Juni 2020

Pejabat Pembuat komitmen

Muhammad Fajar Arifin, S.Farm., Apt













133 Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 Pack of 2 sticks

131 Kocuria rhizophila ATCC 9341 Pack of 2 sticks

132 Saccharomyces kudriavzevii ATCC 2601 Pack of 2 sticks

128 α Naftol Botol (50 gram)

129 Box (@10 botol; 50


130 Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 Pack of 2 sticks

125 Tween 80 Botol (500 mL)

126 Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride Botol (100 gram)

123 Chloramphenicol (for Analysis) Botol (25 gram)

124 Tween 20 Botol (500 mL)


122 TAL Assay Kit (Gel-Clot) single test Pack (Sensitivity

0,125 EU/ml; TAL 0,2

mlx44test; Endotoxin

detection water

2mlx5pcs; CSE 1pcs)