Appraisal analysis of international press coverage of the ...

1 Faculteit Letteren & Wijsbegeerte Jolien Debacker Appraisal analysis of international press coverage of the shock defeats of Brazil and Spain during the World Cup 2014 Masterproef voorgedragen tot het behalen van de graad van Master in de Meertalige Communicatie 2015 Promotor Mr David Chan Vakgroep Vertalen Tolken Communicatie

Transcript of Appraisal analysis of international press coverage of the ...


Faculteit Letteren & Wijsbegeerte

Jolien Debacker

Appraisal analysis of international press

coverage of the shock defeats of Brazil and Spain

during the World Cup 2014

Masterproef voorgedragen tot het behalen van de graad van

Master in de Meertalige Communicatie


Promotor Mr David Chan

Vakgroep Vertalen Tolken Communicatie



Writing a thesis is one of the most challenging things a student faces in his academic career.

Fortunately, I was supported by a number of people who I would very much like to thank for

their contribution.

First and foremost, I would like to thank David Chan, who supervised me in writing this

thesis. He gave me valuable tips and helped me attain a higher level of academic writing. I

want to thank him for his optimism during our meetings and his patience. His continuous

support and feedback helped me to overcome the more difficult times and find the courage to


I would also like to thank my family, who supported me throughout my whole career at

Ghent University and especially during my last year. I also owe special thanks to my fellow

students for their advice and support when I was writing my thesis.

Finally, writing this thesis has been an enriching and challenging experience. It allowed me to

develop a critical attitude, which will undoubtedly help me in my future career. Whatever the

future may bring, I feel confident that my experiences of the last four years will stand me in

good stead.


Table of contents

1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 6

2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .......................................................................................... 8

2.1 Football and national identity ........................................................................................... 8

2.2 Journalistic voices ............................................................................................................ 9

2.3 Media models ................................................................................................................. 11

2.4 Appraisal theory ............................................................................................................. 14

2.4.1 Types of attitude ...................................................................................................... 16

2.4.2 Indirect realisations .................................................................................................. 19

2.4.3 Graduation ............................................................................................................... 20

3 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 22

3.1 Corpus ............................................................................................................................ 22

3.2 Analysis of newspaper articles ....................................................................................... 23

4 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................. 26

4.1 Overview all results ........................................................................................................ 26

4.1.1 Comparison 1st key match ....................................................................................... 28

4.1.2 Comparison 2nd

key match ...................................................................................... 33

4.2 Analysis winning teams ................................................................................................. 39

4.2.1 The Netherlands ....................................................................................................... 39

4.2.2 Germany .................................................................................................................. 41

4.2.3 Comparison winners ................................................................................................ 44

4.3 Analysis UK ................................................................................................................... 45

5 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 47

6 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................. 50

7 NEWSPAPERS ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDING CODES ...................................... 52

7.1 Dutch press ..................................................................................................................... 52

7.2 Spanish press .................................................................................................................. 52

7.3 British press (1st key match) ........................................................................................... 53

7.4 German press .................................................................................................................. 53

7.5 Brazilian press ................................................................................................................ 54

7.6 British press (2nd

key match) .......................................................................................... 54

Appendix A: Word Tables ....................................................................................................... 56

Appendix B: Analysis articles ................................................................................................ 92


Appendix C: Excel sheet ........................................................................................................ 199

Appendix D: results chi-square test ....................................................................................... 203



Figure 1: Overview Journalistic Voices ................................................................................... 10

Figure 2: Overview Media Systems ......................................................................................... 12

Figure 3: Appraisal theory - A Systematic Overview .............................................................. 16

Figure 4: Institutionalised Affect ............................................................................................ 18

Figure 5: Overlap Graduation & Attitude ............................................................................... 20

Figure 6: Overview Force ........................................................................................................ 20



This study focuses on the print press coverage of the two shock defeats of Spain and Brazil

during the World Cup 2014, which was held in Brazil from 12 June till 13 July 2014. Both

defeats were internationally received with astonishment and were heavily discussed in the

media. The first shock defeat was the Holland – Spain match on 13 June 2014, in which the

Netherlands defeated Spain, 5-1. The second shock defeat took place on 8 July 2014 between

Brazil and Germany, in which Germany won, 7-1. This study compares the print press

coverage of the countries involved in each match by examining articles from both popular

and quality newspapers. In addition, a British perspective is added to obtain an outsider’s

view, because Britain was eliminated from the World Cup already in the early stages of the

competition. Appraisal theory is applied to analyse the evaluative statements used in the

articles which reflect the author’s either positive or negative attitude.

This study addresses the following five research questions:

1. What are the contrasts between the pre- and post-match coverage of all six countries


2. What are the contrasts between the Spanish and Dutch print press coverage (post-

match) of the Spanish defeat in the Holland – Spain match?

3. What are the contrasts between the German and Brazilian print press coverage (post-

match) of the Brazilian defeat in the Germany – Brazil match?

4. What are the contrasts between the pre- and post-match coverage of the winning


5. What are the contrasts between UK print press coverage (post-match) of the first key

match and the UK print press coverage (post-match) of the second key match?

Thereupon, the following hypothesis was formulated for the first three research questions:

The Spanish and Brazilian post-match articles will contain more negative attitude than

the Dutch and German post-match articles.

The hypotheses for the fourth and fifth research question are:

Positive attitude will have increased in the German and Dutch post-match coverage.


The reaction of the British press to the first shock defeat will be less outspoken in

terms of negative attitude than their reaction to the second shock defeat.

The first two hypotheses were formulated upon the assumption that the press of the losing

country is likely to focus on the negative aspects of their national team’s performance,

whereas the press of the winning team would focus on their team’s victory and therefore use

more positive utterances.

The connection between the national press and national sentiment (covered in detail in the

theory section) supports these hypotheses, because national sentiment is said to influence the

national press who are then able to reinforce it through their articles. Therefore, the press of

the winning country might be influenced by a positive national sentiment, which is then

reflected in the articles. The opposite can be said for the press of the losing country, which

might be influenced by a negative national sentiment.

In terms of the hypothesis for the British press, it was based upon the assumption that the

effect of the second shock defeat would have been diminished by the earlier occurrence of the

first shock defeat.

In the next section, we first explain the relation between the media, national identity and

major sporting competitions such as the World Cup. Next, a short overview of three

journalistic styles will be given to determine the degree of objectivity of the articles analysed.

Moreover, an explanation of the different media models laid out by Hallin & Mancini will be

discussed to gain insight into the differences between the newspaper industries of the

countries examined in this dissertation. Finally, we will give an in-depth explanation of

appraisal theory and its different features that were applied in the analysis of the corpus.



2.1 Football and national identity

National identity was defined by Guibernau as “a collective sentiment based upon the belief

of belonging to the same nation and sharing most of the attributes that make it distinct from

other nations” (2007, p.10). According to Parekh (1994), it is a fluid social construction

which changes perpetually. Stuart Hall (1991) added that everyone contains multiple co-

existing social identities based upon their race, gender, class etc. However, national identity

is seen as the most unifying one for most people within one country (Smith, 1991).

According to Vincent & Harris (2013), major international sporting competitions elicit this

sense of national unity more than any other event beside war. As Hobsbawm (1990, p. 143)

said, “the imagined community of millions seems more real as a team of eleven named

people”. Consequently, international football competitions such as the World Cup exert an

important influence on national identity. Therefore, journalists may lean more towards their

own country´s team.

In addition, the term ‘sport-nationalism-media troika’ was coined by Rowe et al. (1998) who

described the interaction between the media, their audiences and the national teams.

According to Whannel (2008), national identity is to a large extent shaped, (re)produced and

reflected by the media during major international sporting tournaments. The drama and

competition that these tournaments bring enable the newspapers to stir strong emotions and

national sentiments with the help of photographs and prose (Hunter, 2003). In other words,

these tournaments evoke strong emotions which are shared and reinforced through journalists

in newspaper articles, which contributes to this sense of national sentiment and national

identity. Consequently, we can expect the articles assembled in the corpus to contain more

subjective and emotional utterances instead of purely objective reporting.

Next, a short overview of three journalistic styles will be given to determine the degree of

objectivity of the articles analysed.


2.2 Journalistic voices

This study focuses on the language used in print press coverage which is influenced by the

journalistic voice used in the coverage. Journalistic voices namely have an influence on an

article’s degree of objectivity and in particular the authorial objectivity, for which first a

distinction should be made between tabloid news reporting and broadsheet news reporting.

White (1998) states the following:

…the so-called ‘tabloids’ frequently differed from the so-called ‘broadsheets’ in terms

of the interpersonal mode or voice of their general reporter news texts. The constraints

on interpersonal values operational in the reporter voice of ‘broadsheets’ such as The

Times, The Sydney Morning Herald or The New York Times either do not apply, or

are less consistently applied in the tabloids such as The Sun… (White, 1998, p. 6)

However, according to Boyle (2006), the differences between the two types of newspapers

are gradually fading and especially in cultural and sports news, which is of particular

relevance to this study because it focuses solely on sports journalism, on which R. Boyle

(2006) states the following:

This ties in with what Sparks (2000: 32) suggests is the need to view such broadsheet

newspapers as 'bundles of serious and less serious materials'; the challenge for

newspapers is getting that mix or balance correct in terms of attracting and retaining

their target readership. Hence the rise in the space and resource allocated to the

coverage of sports in the 'serious' broadsheet press in the UK over the last decade or

so is in part explained by placing it within this wider context of the 'reformulation' of

a more market-driven journalism.

Martin & White distinguish two main voices within English broadsheet reporting: reporter

voice vs. writer voice. The reporter voice is typically used in ‘hard news’ coverage such as

articles on warfare, court proceedings, etc. It implies no explicit judgements by the author

thus making the article more objective. The writer voice is often associated with media

analysis, commentary and human interest and clearly shows the author’s personal judgements

and feelings. Martin & White subdivide it into correspondent voice and commentator voice

(2005, p. 169). The commentator voice is typically and nearly exclusively used in

commentaries, opinion pieces and editorials whereas the correspondent voice usually occurs

in news analyses, political coverage and background articles. The main difference between

these two is the fact that “the author is limited to a smaller repertoire of judgemental values”

when using the correspondent voice (2005, p. 170).


Figure 1: Overview Journalistic Voices (Martin & White, 2005, p. 173)

According to Thomson et al., the different types of journalistic voices have not yet been

thoroughly discussed in the context of the English-language tabloids. However, it appears

that “different conventions apply here with respect to the use of explicitly evaluative

language” (2008, p. 221). Regarding the broadsheet news reporting, they distinguish between

the reporter voice, the correspondent voice and the commentator voice.

The reporter voice, used in hard news coverage’ “involves a substantial curtailment of the

author’s use of explicitly attitudinal meanings, particularly with respect to inscribed

judgement” (Thomson et al. 2008, p. 221). In other words, they do not judge human

behaviour but render such judgements in quotes of a third party. The correspondent voice is

usually used “in the work of specialists or round journalists (i.e. correspondents)” and in

articles on local and international politics. They involve “some curtailment of inscribed

attitude, but the constraints are less extensive than in reporter voice” (2008, p. 221). It

involves explicit assessments of the human behaviour but it does not make any ethical

judgements. Lastly, the commentator voice is mainly found in subjective texts such as

opinion pieces and editorials.

All articles assembled in the corpus belong within the specific branch of sports journalism,

where most of the news articles are commentaries or opinion pieces. It is therefore expected

that the writer voice, specifically the commentator voice, will occur most frequently in the



2.3 Media models

Because this dissertation involves newspapers of various nations who differ not only

regionally but also politically and culturally, it is worth examining the differences between

the media systems in the countries involved.

Daniel C. Hallin and Paolo Mancini (2004) were the first to provide a framework for a

comparison between the media systems of eighteen West European and North American

democracies. They argue that the differences in media systems are connected to a country’s

political, cultural and social system and therefore they identified four dimensions to

categorize the following three media models:

the ‘Polarized Pluralist Model’, which covers the Mediterranean countries of southern


the ‘Democratic Corporatist Model’, which covers northern and central Europe,

the ‘Liberal Model’, which includes Britain, Ireland and North America.

The four dimensions they used to distinguish these three models were:

the development of the newspaper industry and in particular that of a mass circulation


political parallelism (i.e. the links between the media and the political parties),

professionalization of journalism,

the role of the state in the media system (i.e. degree of state intervention)


A clear overview of these three models and the five dimensions is given in the following

diagram (Hallin & Mancini, 2004, p. 67):

Of importance to this study are Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Britain and Brazil. This

study solely focuses on sports articles and will therefore only cover the dimension

‘newspaper industry’. The other four dimensions are strongly related to politics and are

consequently of less interest to this study. Because Brazil is not included in Hallin &

Mancini’s comparative study, we cannot discuss it within this framework.

As can be seen in the diagram above, the other four nations do not all adhere to the same

media model. Spain is part of the Polarized Pluralist Model whereas Germany and the

Netherlands fall within the Democratic Corporatist Model. Britain sets itself apart from the

other three nations and is part of the Liberal Model.

Hallin & Mancini’s research (2004, pp. 94-99) showed that the commercial press in Polarized

Pluralist countries, for example Spain, did not develop to the same extent as the countries

Figure 2: Overview Media Systems Figure 2: Overview Media Systems Figure 2: Overview Media Systems


within the other two models. In addition, their newspapers were directed at an educated elite

interested in politics and in particular at a male audience. Newspaper circulation in those

countries is now still the lowest in Europe. Moreover, the newspaper industries in the

Mediterranean region hardly include tabloids or popular newspapers but instead the sports

dailies supplant their role.

Germany and the Netherlands are part of the Democratic Corporatist Model. This model sets

itself apart by the early high level of mass literacy through which a mass circulation of press

could rapidly grow (Hallin & Mancini, 2004, p. 148). In Germany in particular, around the

1870s and 1880s, mass-circulation press began when newspapers were being sold in the

streets, these Boulevardzeitungen were to a large extent dedicated to sports coverage (p. 158).

Here, Hallin & Mancini draw a comparison with Britain regarding the place of tabloids in the

media system. In Democratic Corporatist countries, tabloids do not take in such a central

place as in Britain, because usually the circulation of quality and local newspapers is higher.

In addition, tabloids in countries such as Germany and the Netherlands have more middle

class readers and are not as sensationalist. Nevertheless, the German tabloid BILD comes

relatively close (p. 159).

Britain adheres to the Liberal Model, which is characterised by “the early and strong

development of commercial newspapers, which would dominate the press by the end of the


century, marginalizing other forms of media organization” (Hallin & Mancini, 2004, p.

202). Newspaper circulation is highest in Britain and is comparable to that in Democratic

Corporatist countries. In addition, Britain strongly separates quality newspapers, with middle

to upper class readers, from tabloids, which is subdivided into “middle market” and “mass

market” papers (p. 206).

Hallin & Mancini (2004, p. 248) add that most media systems are now increasingly taking

over features of the Liberal Model. However, this system took form under the influence of a

specific context and should not be seen as the “natural measure of all media systems” (p.


In the next section, we will discuss appraisal theory, which was used to analyse the evaluative

statements in the newspaper articles.


2.4 Appraisal theory

For centuries, the term ‘emotion’ and its implications have been widely discussed. Darwin

(1872) was the first to approach emotion scientifically. Later, several theories on emotion

were developed such as Wundt’s dimensional theory (1896). In the 1960s, Arnold (1960)

and Lazarus (1966) introduced a new theoretical approach which they called ‘appraisal

theory’. This theory was basically a “systematization of ancient ideas about emotions,

reflecting the ideas of Aristotle (1954), Hume (1739-1740/1969), Spinoza (1677/1989) and

Sartre (1939)” (Moors, 2013, p 119). In the 1980s, appraisal theory was firmly established in

emotion research.

According to Moors et al (2007, p. 120), “appraisal is a process that detects and assesses the

significance of the environment for well-being”. This means it evaluates the satisfaction or

obstruction of a person’s concerns which consist of individual needs, values, beliefs etc. In

addition, appraisal is not based on ‘abstract cognitive principles’ (Gibson, 1979) and it is the

idea that an event influences one’s behaviour by eliciting or dissuading one from certain

reactions (Moors, 2013, p 120). Moreover, certain differences in relation to an individual’s

culture or development are included in appraisal theories, whereas other theories do not take

these into account (Ellsworth, 1994). In other words, appraisal differs depending on the

individual, her culture and her development and is therefore not a ‘fixed’ theory.

According to Martin & White (2005), appraisal occurs in both spoken and written texts as the

speaker or writer adopts a stance towards the contents of the text and towards those who he

communicates with. This study applies appraisal theory to examine the evaluative language

used in written texts and specifically in print press coverage. This approach offers a

framework, in which we can systematically analyse the articles and give scientifically robust


Appraisal renders interpersonal meaning alongside negotiation and involvement. Negotiation

focuses on interaction whereas involvement focuses on non-gradable resources such as

solidarity (Martin & White, 2005, p.33). Appraisal is subdivided into three interacting

categories: attitude, engagement and graduation.

Attitude is “concerned with our feelings, including emotional reactions, judgements of

behaviour and evaluation of things.” (Martin & White, 2005, p. 35) In other words, it deals


with the speaker/writer’s positive and negative evaluations showing his or her feelings

towards certain subjects.

E.g. Well, I’ve been listening to the two guys who are heroes [value judgement] and I

admire [affect] them both. (Example taken from Auman, 2014, p. 13)

Engagement deals with “sourcing attitudes and the play of voices around opinions in

discourse” (Martin & White, 2005, p. 35). The speaker/writer uses linguistic elements to

express their own stance by quoting, confirming, denying etc.

E.g. Meanwhile (and we’re not making this up), two Indian nationals on a flight from

Singapore to Hong Kong were detained at Changi airport after an American passenger

said he heard one of the men calling himself a ‘Bosnian terrorist.’ (The man in fact

said that he was a ‘bass guitarist.’) (Example taken from Martin & White, 2005, p.


Lastly, graduation attends to “grading phenomena whereby feelings are amplified and

categories blurred.” (Martin & White, 2005, p. 35) In other words, graduation is about

adjusting the degree of an evaluation by adding intensifiers or diminishing an utterance.

When talking about the kind of graduation, the term ‘force’ is used which implies

intensification, comparison, repetition etc. When an utterance is non-gradable, a system

called ‘focus’ is used which divides the content into core and peripheral ideas.

Force : e.g. infinitely more, quite clinical, somewhat upset (Martin & White, 2005, p.


Focus: e.g. a fully-fledged, award-winning, gold-plated monster, some pure essence

of stupid (Martin & White, 2005, p. 37)

The following figure summarizes appraisal theory and its subdivisions.


Figure 3: Appraisal theory - A Systematic Overview

The main focus of this study lies on Attitude, which is further explained in the next section.

2.4.1 Types of attitude

According to Martin & White, attitude provides a “framework for mapping feelings as they

are construed in English texts” (2005, p. 42). It is divided into three semantic subcategories:

affect, judgement and appreciation.

‘Affect’, also referred to as ‘emotion’, is concerned with the personal emotional state such as

happiness, confidence and anxiety in a reaction to a text, phenomena or someone’s behaviour.

This is illustrated in the following example, in which a member of Australia’s Stolen

Generation tells about her being separated from her siblings1:

So this meant the grieving took place again. The grief came for my

younger sister and two brothers whom I thought I would never see again. The

1 Australian Human Rights Commission. (1997). Bringing them home: The 'Stolen Children' report. (Example

taken from Martin & White, 2005, p. 42)


day I left the Orphanage – that was a very sad day for me. I was very

unhappy, and the memories came back. (Bringing Them Home) (1997, p. 12)

The second semantic subcategory ‘judgement’ deals with the assessment of others’ behaviour

such as admiration, criticism, etc. It is also referred to as ‘ethics’ and is illustrated in the

following example on the treatment of indigenous people in Australia:

You have almost exterminated our people, but there are enough of us remaining to

expose the humbug of your claim, as white Australians, to be a civilised,

progressive, kindly and humane nation. By your cruelty and callousness towards

the Aborigines you stand condemned … (Bringing Them Home) (1997, p. 46)

According to Martin & White (2005, p. 52), judgements can either deal with ‘social esteem’

or with ‘social sanction’. The former is in relation to a person’s ‘normality’, ‘capacity’ and

‘tenacity’. The latter is related to someone’s veracity (i.e. truthfulness) and to someone’s

propriety (i.e. ethicalness).

The last subcategory ‘appreciation’, also referred to as ‘aesthetics’, is about the

speaker/writer’s evaluation of semiotic and natural phenomena as illustrated in the following

example taken from online reviews on a CD of Stevie Ray Vaughn2:

... and, as a bonus, a very psychedelic, destructive (literally!), cathartic, and liberatory

version of Jimi Hendrix's 'Third Stone from the Sun'. ( online reviews)

Within this aspect of appreciation, Martin & White distinguish

1) “our reaction to things (i.e. do they catch our attention; do they please us?),

2) their composition (i.e. balance and complexity),

3) their value (i.e. how innovative, authentic, timely, etc.).” (2005, p. 56)

Martin & White (2005, p. 45) add that judgement and appreciation can be seen as

‘institutionalised affect’, in which judgement can be formalised as rules and regulations, and

appreciation as grants and prizes. In other words, judgement stipulates what proper behaviour

2 Example taken from Martin & White, 2005, p. 205)


is, whereas appreciation focuses on our evaluation of things. Affect is thought to be at the

centre of these institutionalised feelings as illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 4: Institutionalised Affect (Martin & White, 2005, p. 45)

It should be noted that within the framework of appraisal theory, the three types of attitudes

(affect, judgement and appreciation) can indicate both a positive and negative evaluation.

These range from positive to negative feelings for affect, from admiration to condemnation

for judgement and from characteristics we value and those we do not for appreciation.

It is also noteworthy that some expressions involve more than just one type of attitude as is

shown in the examples below. In this case, they are called “hybrid realisations” (2005, p. 61).

I felt disgusted with them for provoking him. (Affect - Judgement)

I felt disgusted with/by the smell. (Affect - Appreciation)

Martin & White add that “attitude involves gradable meanings, which have the potential to be

intensified and compared” (2005, p. 44). In other words, feelings vary in depth and intensity

and with the help of modifiers a statement can be weakened or enhanced, e.g. very beautiful,

virtually flawless, etc. This indicates overlap between graduation and attitude because “it is a

general property of values of affect, judgement and appreciation that they construe greater or

lesser degrees of positivity or negativity” (2005, p. 135). Because not only this overlap is of

relevance to this study, but also graduation itself, a more in-depth explanation will be given

in section 2.4.3.


2.4.2 Indirect realisations

So far, we have only taken into account explicit lexical items to indicate whether an

expression deals with affect, judgement or appreciation. However, as the following example3

illustrates, these explicit elements do not show the full picture of the feelings represented in a


One dark day on Framingham

Came and didn’t give a damn

My mother cried go get their dad

He came running fighting mad

Mother’s tears were falling down

Dad shaped up he stood his ground

He said you touch my kids and you fight me

And they took us from our family

Took us away

They took us away

Snatched from our mother’s breast

Said this was for the best

Took us away (Rose, 1996, p. 81)

If we only take the explicit text elements into account, then in terms of affect, we only

consider the words in bold. However, this text evokes more emotions than the ones explicitly

mentioned. This implicit subjectivity is also referred to as ‘invoked attitude’, whereas explicit

subjectivity is referred to as ‘inscribed attitude’ (Martin & White, 2005). To clarify this

further; inscribed attitude is when explicit lexical items are used to evaluate something,

whereas invoked attitude implies that no explicit items have been used but the reader can

deduct the evaluation by ‘reading between the lines’.

Martin & White also distinguish between “individual and social subjectivity – between

readers as idiosyncratic respondents and communities of readers positioned by specific

configurations of gender, generation, class, ethnicity and in/capacity” (2005, p. 62). In

addition, there is a difference between tactical, resistant and compliant reading. Depending on

the chosen reading position, the approach becomes more or less objective. Tactical reading,

which is the approach that this study adopts, refers to a “typically partial and interested

reading, which aims to deploy a text for social purposes other than those it has naturalised”

(2005, p. 62). Resistant readings resist and oppose the ideas and meanings given in a text

whereas compliant readings will support and advocate those ideas (2005, p. 62).

3 Archie Roach’s anthem for the Stolen Generations (Example taken from Martin & White, 2005, p. 61)


Because interpreting and analysing invoked attitude not only largely depends on the reading

style but also on the reader himself, this study will only focus on explicit utterances in order

to remain as objective as possible.

2.4.3 Graduation

As mentioned in section 2.4.1, there is some overlap between graduation and attitude. In

other words, “attitude and engagement are domains of graduation which differ according to

the meanings being scaled” (Martin & White, 2005, p. 136), which is illustrated in the

following figure:

Figure 5: Overlap Graduation & Attitude (Martin & White, 2005, p. 136)

In order to better understand this overlap, we will first give a more in-depth explanation of


Graduation is divided into two kinds of scalability: focus and force. ‘Force’ is used when an

utterance is graded according to intensity or amount. When qualities and processes are scaled

the term intensification is used, whereas quantification refers to the scaling of entities or


Figure 6: Overview Force


‘Focus’ implies “grading according to prototypicality and the preciseness by which category

boundaries are drawn” (2005, p.137). In other words, adding words such as ‘genuine’ or

‘real’ assess how prototypical a phenomenon is; e.g. a true leader. Words such as ‘kind of’ or

‘of sorts’ indicate the phenomenon’s place within its category; e.g. kind of nice.

In addition, utterances that are gradable according to intensity (force) can also be graded

according to prototypicality (focus), for instance:

A very red carpet (intensity) A piece of genuinely red carpet (prototypicality)4

Sometimes positive values are softened when “the positive assessment is being construed as

potentially problematic for writer-reader solidarity” (Martin & White, 2005, p. 140), for

instance: ‘kind of sexy’. Because many of the articles in this study are opinion pieces and

commentaries, it is expected that the writer will avoid harming this ‘writer-reader solidarity’

by applying this strategy.

To conclude this section, now that both attitude and graduation have been explained, the

overlap between those two can be seen in the following examples. The words indicated in

bold can be labelled as both graduation and attitude.

Inspector Morse was supposed to be the pinnacle of the late John Thaw’s career.

He never did anything better than Detective Inspector Jack Regan.

They remain wonderful. 5

For the analysis in terms of graduation, the scope of this study is limited to ‘force’ for reasons

of practicality and will therefore not include utterances of ‘focus’.

In the next chapter, we will elaborate on the methodological approach used to analyse the

newspaper articles.

4 Example taken from Martin & White, 2005, p. 138

5 Examples taken from Martin & White, 2005, p. 158



This chapter describes the methodological approach used for this study which focuses on the

print press coverage of the two shock defeats of Spain and Brazil during the World Cup 2014.

3.1 Corpus

In order to address the five research questions mentioned in the introduction, a corpus was

assembled consisting of 52 newspaper articles. More specifically, ten articles were each taken

from the German and Dutch press, five of which were written prior to each match and five

immediately after. Six articles were included from both the Spanish and Brazilian press, three

articles of which were written prior to each match and three immediately after. In terms of the

British articles, we included ten articles per key match, five of which were written prior to

each match and five immediately after. The articles were published between 8 and 17 June

2014 for the first shock defeat and between 6 and 14 July 2014 for the second one. We

selected the articles based upon the occurrence of key words directly linked to the shock


The newspaper articles were gathered from both popular and quality newspapers, because the

differences between the two types of newspapers are gradually fading, especially in cultural

and sports news (Boyle, 2006), as was explained in the theory section. The corpus consists of

opinion pieces, longer feature articles and general sports reporting. These types of articles

generally contain more subjective language, which results in the fact that 45 articles were

written in the commentator voice and seven in the correspondent voice. The subjective nature

of the articles also explains the absence of the reporter voice in the corpus.

The British articles were gathered from The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent and

The Mirror. The Independent is considered a quality newspaper as well as The Telegraph and

The Guardian. The Mirror, on the other hand, is regarded as popular press.

The Dutch articles were collected from De Volkskrant, De Telegraaf, NRC Handelsblad and

Het Algemeen Dagblad. De Volkskrant and NRC Handelsblad are both regarded as quality

newspapers whereas De Telegraaf and Het Algemeen Dagblad are considered popular

newspapers. However, De Telegraaf is not as sensationalist as the German BILD and covers

more serious topics as well.


The German articles were mostly taken from the popular newspaper BILD. The remaining

articles were collected from two quality newspapers; Die Welt and Frankfurter Allgemeine


This study solely focused on English-language publications for the Spanish and Brazilian

print press coverage. Consequently, those articles might not reflect the feelings of the nation

as well as Spanish and Portuguese articles would do, which is one of the limitations of this


The Spanish articles were gathered online from, which is a commercial

English-language website that reports on Spanish news, and from

which is an English-language newspaper in southern Spain that also has a monthly printed

edition besides the online edition.

To obtain a Brazilian perspective on the second shock defeat, articles were gathered from the and The Rio Times is the leading local news

source in English in Rio de Janeiro. Besides the online edition, there is also a monthly printed

edition. The Buenos Aires Herald is the only English-language newspaper in Argentina and

has both a printed and online edition. It has become the main source of local news for the

English-speaking people in Buenos Aires.

3.2 Analysis of newspaper articles

Appraisal theory was used to determine similarities and contrasts in the print press coverage

of the nations involved in the shock defeats. As explained in the theory section, appraisal

theory comprises three types of attitude: affect, judgement and appreciation. In addition to

those three, the analysis also took graduation into account and more specifically utterances of

‘force’. When analysing the corpus, we focused on word groups, sentences or paragraphs

describing one unit instead of on separate words. Moreover, when it was unclear which type

of attitude was most appropriate, decisions were made based upon our own judgement.

In order to analyse all articles consistently, we applied certain rules:

- whenever an utterance was about people, it was labelled as judgement, e.g. superstar,

- verbs with a strong emotional connotation were labelled as affect, e.g. to hammer,

- when deciding on the positive or negative nature of an utterance, we looked from the

writer’s point of view,


- when utterances were literally repetition from the title or quotes, they were included

only once,

- in terms of graduation, we added ‘+’ if an utterance was intensified and ‘-‘ if it was


All utterances of attitude and graduation were categorised according to their positive or

negative nature and were grouped per country according to affect – judgement – appreciation

– graduation. For a complete overview of these categorisations, see Appendix A. The

complete analysis of all articles is included in Appendix B.

Furthermore, an excel sheet was drawn up in order to give a clear overview of all articles and

in which the following parameters were included:

- national code (e.g. UK)

- dominant journalistic voice6

- the article’s source

- number of positive and negative utterances of affect, judgement and appreciation

- number of utterances of positive and negative graduation

- number of words per article

The overview mentioned above can be found in Appendix C.

For the analysis of the articles, we systematically allocated a code to all articles consisting of

the nationality and the number of the article as well as an indication of pre- or post- match

written, e.g. UK1-pre. In addition, some articles were considerably longer than others. In

order to give a proportional figure for the purposes of comparison, we divided the number of

utterances by the total number of words and multiplied the outcome by a hundred. The

proportions are not true percentages but they do provide a guide as to relative proportion.

Moreover, it is important to mention that the corpus consisted of ten articles for the

Netherlands and Germany and only six for Spain and Brazil. This inevitably had an effect on

the number of utterances found in each category. This effect was however diminished by

turning the absolute figures into percentages as noted above. In addition, the chi-square test

was applied to determine the statistical significance of the differences between the results.

6 Even though some articles contain multiple journalistic voices, we only refer to the dominant one for reasons

of practicality


When the p-value was lower than 0.05, the difference between the results was regarded as

statistically insignificant. A complete overview of all p – values can be found in Appendix D.

In the following chapter, we will analyse and discuss the articles assembled in the corpus.





























- + - + - + - +

Affect judgement appreciation graduation


All six countries




In this chapter we examine the results of the analysis of the corpus. Throughout this section,

the appraisal theory is used to discuss the results in terms of quantification. These results are

then linked to the theory concerning the relation between the media and national sentiment.

The discussion of and possible explanations for the results are included in this section for

reasons of practicality. The main findings are again summarized in the conclusion.

4.1 Overview all results

This section addresses the first research question of this study, namely:

‘What are the contrasts between the pre- and post-match coverage of all six countries


The following bar chart shows an overview of the results of all six nations involved in the


Overall, we can see that the pre-match articles contain more positive than negative attitude,

reflecting a positive approach to the upcoming key matches and the presence of positive

national sentiment. The same tendency can be found in the post-match articles with the

exception of negative affect, indicating a clear presence of negative emotions after the shock

defeats. In addition, there is an outspoken preference for intensifiers, especially in the pre-

match articles.


Now we will briefly discuss each category. Later in the results section, we will go into further

detail and provide a more in-depth analysis.


We can determine a significant increase in negative affect (p < 0.05) 7

when comparing pre-

with post-match articles. Words such as ‘humiliate’ and ‘slay’ were labelled as negative

affect and the high occurrence of those verbs could explain the high figure. Positive affect

stays approximately the same. It was noticed that throughout the analysis, affect was the most

prominent category in all articles. This suggests that the journalists generally gave most

attention to the emotions that these shock defeats caused and especially emphasized the

humiliation and grief felt by the losing teams.


There is little difference in negative judgement when comparing pre- with post-match

articles. There is, however, a small drop in positive judgement. The high figure for positive

judgement in the pre-match articles indicates confidence in the national teams’ abilities.


Negative appreciation has doubled in the post-match articles, which shows a focus on the

losing teams and on the poor quality of the match seen from the journalist’s point of view.

Positive appreciation stays approximately the same. The figures for appreciation are generally

lower than the other categories. This means that the articles tend to focus more on emotions

and behaviour than on the evaluation of the match itself.


Both pre- and post-match articles contain a great deal more intensifiers than diminishers.

Nevertheless, the number of diminishers increases whereas there is a clear drop in the use of

intensifiers. This indicates a possible downplay of the Dutch and German victory.

These are however overall figures and in order to give a more detailed picture of the results,

we will now discuss the two key matches separately.

7 Statistical significance can be found in Appendix D








0.66 0.73 0.52


0.66 0.59











- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

Affect Affect Judgement Judgement Appreciation Appreciation Graduation Graduation

The Netherlands

Spain The Netherlands

Spain The Netherlands

Spain The Netherlands



The Netherlands vs Spain (post)

4.1.1 Comparison 1st key match

This section addresses the second research question, namely:

‘What are the contrasts between the Spanish and Dutch print press coverage (post-match) of

the Spanish defeat in the Holland – Spain match?’

The following bar chart shows an overview of the results of the Spanish and Dutch post-

match articles.

Looking at the Dutch articles separately, we can see a higher figure for the positive side of

each of the categories, which is easily explained by the fact that the Dutch team were the

winners of this match. These findings suggest that the journalists were influenced by the

positive national sentiment that immediately followed the victory and also reinforced this

sentiment by including many positive emotional and evaluative statements in their articles as

the following examples illustrate:

Onwaarschijnlijk en hallucinerend [positive affect] (NL3-post)

Translation: Unbelievable and hallucinating [positive affect]

Een spectaculaire en bijna onvoorstelbare zege [positive appreciation] (NL1-post)

Translation: A spectacular and almost unbelievable victory [positive appreciation]

In the Spanish articles, the figures for negative judgement and appreciation do not differ as

much from their positive counterparts. The difference is also statistically insignificant and


therefore negligible (p > 0.05). However, there is a significantly higher figure for negative

affect, showing a clear presence of negative emotions in the articles:

Never before had a title-holder been so comprehensively thrashed [negative affect]


The Spanish articles also tend to focus their negative comments on the Spanish team and

comment positively solely on the Dutch team and their performance as the following example


“In the second-half, they were simply better than we were [positive judgement] and

they overwhelmed us [negative affect]” (Quote Del Bosque) (SP1-post)

The examples above suggest that the Spanish journalists were influenced by a negative

national sentiment after the match, which was then reinforced through the negative

statements included in the newspaper articles. However, the journalists do include positive

notes for the future, by which they sparkle up hope and encourage their national team:

“There are corpses that bite” [positive affect] (Quote journalist Enric Gonzalez) (SP3-


“Spain has to think of victory and scoring goals” [positive affect] (Quote Spanish

manager Rafael Benitez) (SP3-post)

Now we will discuss each category separately in order to illustrate our findings with more

examples taken from the corpus.


Both the Spanish and the Dutch articles focus on the emotions of their teams, explaining the

high figure for positive affect in the Dutch articles and the high figure for negative affect in

the Spanish articles. The positive affect expressed in the Dutch articles is, however, less

prominent than the negative affect in Spanish ones, showing a stronger reaction of the

Spanish press to this match.


Examples Dutch articles:

Oranje zegevierde [positive affect] met liefst 5-1! (NL1-post)

Translation: The Dutch team triumphed [positive affect] by scoring no fewer than 5


Onwaarschijnlijk en hallucinerend [positive affect] (NL2-post)

Translation: Incredible and hallucinating [positive affect]

Examples Spanish articles:

The European champions were thrashed [negative affect] (SP1-post)

Spain crumbled [negative affect] (SP3-post)


The Dutch articles clearly reported positively on the performance of their team, whereas for

the Spanish articles there is little difference between the positive and negative side. A

positive commentary on the performance of the Dutch team partly balanced out the negative

commentary on their own team’s performance as well as a hopeful approach towards the

following matches.

Examples of positive judgement in the Dutch articles:

(..) schoot Oranje dit keer als een komeet uit de startblokken [positive judgement]


Translation: (..) the Dutch team had an amazing start [positive judgement]

(..) Oranje beet sportief van zich af [positive judgement] (NL2-post)

Translation: (..) the Dutch team reacted sportsmanlike [positive judgement]

Examples of the balanced reaction in terms of judgement in the Spanish articles as well as a

hopeful approach towards to following matches:

“We did everything wrong” [negative judgement] (Quote Del Bosque) (SP1-post)

The Netherlands exacted emphatic revenge [positive judgement] (SP1-post)

Casillas is still valued [positive judgement] (SP3-post)

“And they should not change that because of a single defeat” (Quote Spanish manager

Rafael Benitez on the Spanish way of playing) (SP3-post)



There are three times as many positive evaluations than negative ones in the Dutch articles, as

is what was expected from the articles on the winning team:

Een spectaculaire en bijna onvoorstelbare zege [positive appreciation] (NL1-post)

Translation: A spectacular and mind-boggling victory [positive appreciation] (NL1-


Toen begon die ongelooflijke helft [positive appreciation] (NL3-post)

Translation: And then that amazing second-half started [positive appreciation]

The Spanish articles on the other hand do not have one prominent side. The journalists again

tend to reserve their negative comments for the Spanish team and the positive ones for the

Dutch team leading to a more balanced result:

It was a debacle [negative appreciation] (Quote Xavi Hernandez) (SP1-post)

(..) it was a festival of Orange [positive appreciation] (SP2-post)


All post-match articles generally contain more intensifiers than diminishers and the

differences between the two national presses are rather small. This was a shock defeat and

therefore the emotions were much stronger expressed by both national presses than after a

‘normal’ defeat.

Examples Dutch articles:

Een enorme [positive graduation] fout van Casillas (NL4-post)

Translation: a huge [positive graduation] mistake by Casillas

“In de eerste helft kwamen wij er soms al erg [positive graduation] gevaarlijk uit”

(Quote Wesley Sneijder) (NL4-post)

Translation: Even in the first half we were very [positive graduation] dangerous

Examples Spanish articles:

“Today we were very [positive graduation] weak” (Quote Del Bosque) (SP1-post)

Never before had a title-holder been so comprehensively [positive graduation]

thrashed (SP2-post)


The results above show that the hypothesis that the Spanish post-match articles would contain

more negative attitude than the Dutch post-match articles is partly refuted because it only

applies to negative affect and appreciation. Negative affect in particular is the most prominent

category and clearly indicates an emphasis on the feelings of shame and grief by the


However, in terms of the other categories, the Spanish press shows a rather balanced reaction

to the match. The journalists do not express negativity as one would have expected and

instead also include positive comments. Nevertheless, these positive comments are reserved

for the Dutch team, whereas the negative ones are mainly directed at the Spanish team.

Because a major sports competition like this tends to have an impact on the national

sentiment of a country as was described in the theory section, we noticed that the journalists

also try to encourage their team not to give up and hereby create a national sentiment of hope

for the matches that are yet to come instead of further fuelling the negative sentiment.

The Dutch journalists on the other hand, clearly focus on their team’s victory in all three

categories and report positively on their team’s triumph. The emotions felt by the Spanish

team are given little attention. These findings suggest that the journalists were influenced by

the positive national sentiment that immediately followed the victory and also reinforced this

sentiment through their post-match articles.
























- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

Affect Affect Judgement Judgement Appreciation Appreciation Graduation Graduation

Germany Brazil Germany Brazil Germany Brazil Germany Brazil


Germany vs Brazil (post)

4.1.2 Comparison 2nd

key match

This section addresses the third research question, namely:

‘What are the contrasts between the German and Brazilian print press coverage (post-match)

of the Brazilian defeat in the Germany – Brazil match?’

The following bar chart shows an overview of the results of the Brazilian and German post-

match articles.

When looking at the German articles separately, we notice that in general the positive side of

each category is more prominent, reflecting a positive reaction towards the German team’s

victory. However, negative affect is also rather high (the difference between the positive and

negative is even statistically insignificant), because the articles also strongly focus on the

emotions of the Brazilian team:

(..) bittere Tränen der Enttäuschung [negative affect] (DE1-post)

Translation: Bitter tears of disappointment [negative affect]

Weinend und untröstlich (..) [negative affect] (DE2-post)

Translation: Crying and inconsolable [negative affect]

Based on the theory concerning the influence of such a major sports competition on the

construction of national sentiment by the media, one would expect that the German


journalists would have been influenced by the national sentiment that followed the German

team’s victory and would have used the articles to reinforce this sentiment. However, in this

case national sentiment is partly set aside and the focus lies more on the Brazilian team’s

emotions as is illustrated in the examples above and which actually diminishes the national

sentiment. Nonetheless, the high figures for positive judgement and appreciation do indicate

pride of the national team and do point towards a reinforcement of the national sentiment:

"Es war eine überragende Partie von uns" [positive judgement] (Quote Toni Kroos)


Translation: “Our performance was of paramount quality” [positive judgement]

Das war Fußball von einem anderen Stern [positive appreciation] (DE1-post)

Translation: This was football of a whole different level [positive appreciation]

In terms of the Brazilian articles, the negative affect figure is only slightly higher than the

positive figure. The difference between the two is even statistically insignificant. However,

when reading the articles, we noticed that the focus does lie on the Brazilian defeat and the

negative emotions that followed:

The cameras panned around the stadium to looks of incomprehension and grief

[negative affect] (BR1-post)

Nevertheless, the journalists do include quotes by the German press that reflect the positive

German sentiment:

“Germany will never forget July 8, 2014, thanks for this moment of glory’ [positive

affect] (Quote Joachim Löw) (BR3-post)

Consequently, the articles reflect and reinforce the negative national sentiment that followed

the defeat by reserving the negative comments for the Brazilian team and the positive ones

for the German team, which can also be seen in the figures for positive judgement and

appreciation, which are twice as high as the negative figures:

Brazil’s defending was truly awful [negative judgement] and Germany took full

advantage with brilliant passing and movement [positive judgement] (BR2-post)

A possible explanation would be the intolerance of the journalists towards their national

team. As was mentioned before, these are English-language publications that might not

reflect the national sentiment as well as Portuguese articles would. When briefly looking at


the reactions of Portuguese articles, we can indeed sense this intolerance and anger as is

illustrated in the GloboEsporte headline which read: “The disgrace of all disgraces”, and in

the Lance! headline which read: “The biggest shame in history”8.

Now we will discuss each category separately in order to illustrate our findings with more

examples taken from the corpus.


Both German and Brazilian articles contain more affect than any other category. The positive

affect in German articles is higher than the negative affect in Brazilian articles, showing that

they might have reacted stronger to their victory than the Brazilians to their defeat:

Unfassbar! Phänomenal! Weltmeisterlich! [positive affect] (DE1-post)

Translation: Unbelievable! Phenomenal! World Class! [positive affect]

The men who crumbled [negative affect] on Tuesday at Belo Horizonte (BR3-post)

As mentioned before, the negative affect in German articles is also quite high because the

German articles strongly focus on the negative emotions of the Brazilian team and their fans:

Tut uns leid, Brasilien. So weh wollten wir euch nicht tun [negative affect] (DE3-


Translation: We’re sorry Brazil. We did not want to hurt you this much [negative


Der Frust und die Enttäuschung(..) [negative affect] (DE4-post)

Translation: The frustration and disappointment [negative affect]

The Brazilian articles also contain positive affect, even though the presence of negative

emotions is more noticeable in the articles. This positive affect is largely explained by the

inclusion of quotes by the German team or German newspapers:

“Boys you are immortal!” [positive affect] read the gleeful column in Bild (BR3-post)

8 Full reference included in bibliography



The positive judgement in the German articles clearly stands out, which indicates a positive

evaluation of their team’s performance:

Dieser großartige Auftritt unserer Nationalelf [positive judgement] wird in die

Geschichtsbücher ein (DE3-post)

Translation: This tremendous appearance of our national team [positive judgement]

will be written into history.

“Wir sind wirklich eine Einheit” [positive judgement] (Quote Miroslav Klose) (DE1-


Translation: “We are truly one unit” [positive judgement]

The positive judgement in the Brazilian articles is remarkably twice as high as the negative

judgement, which shows they do not put emphasis on the poor performance of the Brazilian

team but rather on the performance of the German team:

He was excellently checked[positive judgement] by Phillip Lahmn (BR1-post)

If you win 7-1, you have done everything right. [positive judgement] (BR3-post)


The positive appreciation is exactly the same in German and Brazilian articles. The German

journalists evidently positively evaluate their victory, whereas again the Brazilian articles

reserve their positive comments for the German team and the negative ones for their own


(..) eine Gala der deutschen Mannschaft [positive appreciation] (DE1-post-

Translation: the grand ball of the German team [positive appreciation]

A beautiful game and a miracle of teamwork and application (on the German team)

[positive appreciation] (BR3-post)

(..) their heaviest ever World Cup defeat [negative appreciation] (BR2-post)

Noticeably though, the German journalists also include statements which downplay their

team’s success, which partly diminishes the national sentiment:


Gewonnen ist noch gar nichts [negative appreciation] (DE5-post)

Translation: We have not won a thing yet [negative appreciation]

“Wir sind eine Runde weiter, mehr nicht” (Quote Thomas Müller) (DE5-post)

Translation: “We have made it to the next round, nothing more” [negative



All post-match articles generally contain more intensifiers than diminishers, which can be

explained by the nature of this defeat which led to a stronger expression of emotions.

Examples German articles:

Völlig [positive graduation] demoralisierte Gastgeber (DE1-post)

Translation: Completely [positive graduation] demoralized hosts

“Es haben alle ihre Aufgabe wahnsinnig [positive graduation] gut und konzentriert

erfüllt” (Quote Joachim Löw) (DE4-post)

Translation: Everyone completed their task incredibly [positive graduation] well and


Examples Brazilian articles:

(...) the humbling that was so [positive graduation] brutally dished out (BR1-post)

Brazil’s defending was truly [positive graduation] awful (BR2-post)

The results above show that the hypothesis that the Brazilian post-match articles would

contain more negative attitude than the German articles is confirmed. Noticeably though, the

Brazilian articles do include many positive comments and the German articles tend to focus

more on the negative emotions of the Brazilian team.

The Brazilian journalists report rather positively on the shock defeat with the exception of

affect. In terms of judgement and appreciation the Brazilian press largely focuses and

comments positively on the German team. Therefore the articles seem to contribute to a sense

of German national sentiment rather than trying to cause a shift in their negative sentiment.

The influence of this negative sentiment on the journalists can be seen in the noticeable

presence of negative affect in the articles, even though the figures for affect suggest a more


balanced reaction. The Brazilian press clearly emphasizes the shame and humiliation that

their national team caused.

The high figures for positive judgement and appreciation in the German post-match articles

indicate a focus on the German team’s victory. In addition, these findings suggest that the

journalists were influenced by the positive national sentiment that followed the victory and

that they also reinforced this sentiment through their post-match articles. However, as was

mentioned before, the figures for affect portray a different picture because the German press

also strongly emphasizes the emotions felt by the Brazilian team. A possible explanation

would be that the scale of Brazil’s defeat may have led the German journalists to tone down

their coverage, because a triumphal reaction might have been seen as unfair or cruel.










0.57 0.65 0.52






0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80

- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

Affect Affect Judgement Judgement Appreciation Appreciation Graduation Graduation

Pre post pre post pre post pre post


The Netherlands

4.2 Analysis winning teams

This section addresses the fourth research question, namely:

‘What are the contrasts between the pre- and post-match coverage of the winning teams?’

First we will draw a comparison between the Dutch pre- and post-match articles followed by

a comparison of the German articles. Next we will compare both national presses with one


4.2.1 The Netherlands

When comparing the pre- with the post-match articles, we can see a higher figure for attitude

in the post-match coverage. The figures before the match are probably lower because the

result remained yet to be seen so there was not as much emotional involvement or the

possibility to evaluate behaviour or the match.

In general, the positive side of each category is more prominent in both the pre- and post-

match articles, showing a positive approach to the upcoming match as well as a positive

evaluation afterwards. However, the pre-match articles also contain quite a lot of negative

attitude, reflecting a more ‘tentative’ national sentiment as following examples illustrate:

Spanje wint toernooi na toernooi, terwijl onze arme bondscoach [negative affect],

volledig ten einde raad [negative affect] aan het experimenteren is (...) (NL1-pre)

Translation: Spain is winning one tournament after the other while our poor coach

[negative affect] is desperately [negative affect] trying to experiment (...)


Goed, qua ervaring legt Oranje het af [negative judgement] (NL1-pre)

Translation: Well, when it comes to experience, the Dutch team is at a disadvantage

[negative judgement]

Nevertheless, after the match the positive attitude increased considerably, which suggests an

increase of national sentiment, fuelled by the Dutch team’s victory, which was stirred up by

the journalists through their writing:

Onwaarschijnlijk en hallucinerend [positive affect] (NL2-post)

Translation: Incredible and hallucinating [positive affect]

Met een spectaculaire en bijna onvoorstelbare zege (...) [positive appreciation] (NL1-


Translation: A spectacular and almost unbelievable victory [positive appreciation]

The high figures for positive attitude after the match also suggest that the Dutch journalists

focus on their own positive performance and give only little attention to the Spanish


“We waren gewoon veel fitter [positive judgement] dan Spanje (NL5-post)

Translation: We were simply much fitter [positive judgement] than Spain

De wereldkampioen lag op apegapen [negative judgement] (NL4-post)

Translation: The world champion was standing there, completely bewildered

[negative judgement]

In addition, the high figure for positive graduation is explained by the extreme nature of this

defeat. However, it was noticed that the use of intensifiers decreased compared to the pre-

match articles, which may be because of the down-to-earth mentality of the Dutch team or the

journalists after the victory; they emphasized that this was just one match and that this victory

would not matter if the team did not also win the final match:

(..) een wereldtitel levert het Oranje vooralsnog niet op [negative appreciation] (NL2-


Translation: However, this does not make them world champions yet [negative


Lastly, the hypothesis that positive affect, judgement and appreciation would have increased

in the Dutch post-match coverage is confirmed. Positive affect and positive appreciation in



1.90 1.65












0.29 0.61








- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

Affect Affect Judgement Judgement Appreciation Appreciation Graduation Graduation

Pre post pre post pre post pre post



particular have strongly increased. Moreover, we noticed that the national sentiment was not

as present before the match but increased considerably after the Dutch team’s triumph.

4.2.2 Germany

In general, there is a higher figure for attitude to be found in the post-match articles, which

could be explained by the fact that the nature of the defeat resulted in subjective writing

including more emotional opinions, judgements and evaluations. In addition, the figures

before the match are probably lower because the result remained yet to be seen so there was

not as much emotional involvement or the possibility to evaluate behaviour or the match.

Looking at the bar chart above, we can see higher figures for the positive side of each

category, which shows a positive attitude before and after the shock defeat. The pre-match

articles in particular show a great deal more positive than negative attitude, indicating a clear

presence of positive national sentiment before the match as is illustrated in the following


Heute ist UNSER Tag [positive affect] (DE1-pre)

Translation: Today is OUR day [positive affect]

Weil wir das beste Team im Turnier [positive judgement] haben (DE2-pre)

Translation: Because we have the best team in the tournament [positive judgement]

Noch nie seit 1990 war die Chance auf den Tital größer [positive appreciation] (DE2-


Translation: Never before has the chance of winning the title been greater [positive



However, we see a clear increase in the post-match articles in terms of negative affect and

negative appreciation and a decrease in positive judgement, because the German articles

largely focus on the emotions and performance of the Brazilian team instead of on their own

victory. In addition, the articles downplay the German victory which possibly results in a

diminished sense of national sentiment:

(..) weinenden und entsetzten Brasilianer [negative affect) (DE3-post)

Translation: crying and stunned Brazilians [negative affect]

Bei Brasilien stimmte hinten und vorne nichts [negative judgement] (DE5-post)

Translation: Brazil did everything wrong [negative judgement]

“Wir sind eine Runde weiter, mehr nicht” [negative appreciation] (Quote Thomas

Müller) (DE5-post)

Translation: “We have made it to the next round, nothing more” [negative


Nonetheless, the post-match figures for positive attitude remain higher which suggests that

the national sentiment is still present in the articles:

Wahnsinn! [positive affect] (DE1-post)

Translation: Madness! [positive affect]

(..) sie schossen uns in den Fußball-Himmel [positive judgement/affect] (DE3-post)

Translation: (..) they shot us straight into football-heaven [positive judgement/affect]

In addition, both pre- and post-match articles contain more intensifiers than diminishers,

which can be explained by the nature of this defeat. However, it was noticed that the use of

intensifiers decreased whereas the use of diminishers increased. This change could be

explained by the humble attitude of the German team who downplayed their victory and

emphasized this was just one match and that they have not won the final yet:

“Niemand soll glauben, dass das noch einmal so leicht laufen wird [negative

appreciation] (DE5-post)

Translation: No one should think that it will ever be this easy again [negative


The hypothesis that positive affect, judgement and appreciation would have increased in the

German post-match coverage is only partly confirmed. There is indeed an increase in positive

affect and appreciation. Positive judgement, however, has strongly decreased. It was also


noticed, that the negative side of each category generally increased in the post-match articles,

which reflects a changed focus of the German journalists away from their own team onto the

Brazilian team.


4.2.3 Comparison winners

This section compares the results of the Dutch and German articles; the national presses of

the winning teams of each shock defeat.

The German articles show a considerably more positive approach to the upcoming match

than the Dutch articles. There is a clear presence of national sentiment reflected in the

positive utterances of attitude, whereas the Dutch articles show a more tentative national

sentiment which is influenced by doubts and lack of trust in the ability of their national team.

However, we see a clear change in attitude after the match. The Dutch articles overflow with

national sentiment and strongly emphasize their team’s performance and only marginally

describe the Spanish team’s emotions and performance. The German articles on the other

hand, show a slight change of focus away from their own team onto the emotions of the

Brazilian team. One could consequently argue that there is a small drop in national sentiment

right after the match due to this change of focus.

In conclusion, as was mentioned in the theory section, international football competitions

such as the World Cup exert an important influence on national identity because they enable

journalists to stir up national sentiment through the use of photographs and emotive language

(Hunter, 2003). This theory is in this case applicable to the Dutch press, because even though

national sentiment was not as present before the match and the journalists chose a more

tentative approach in their articles, national sentiment was noticeably present in the post-

match articles. This suggests that the journalists were indeed influenced by the national

sentiment that followed the victory and then reinforced it through their writing.

However, this study also shows that the theory does not apply to every case. National

sentiment was excessively present in the pre-match German articles but then partly fell off in

the post-match articles, because the German journalists strongly focused on the Brazilian

team and their emotions. These findings suggest that the journalists were not solely aiming to

reinforce the national sentiment that followed the victory, probably because a triumphal

reaction would have been seen as cruel. Consequently, the journalists may have actually

diminished the national sentiment instead of further fuelling it.





0.97 0.91 1.13

0.73 1.17

0.89 0.77 0.88 0.95

0.2 0.58

0.11 0.46

0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

Affect Affect Judgement Judgement Appreciation Appreciation Graduation Graduation



UK - post match articles

4.3 Analysis UK

This section addresses the fifth research question, namely:

‘What are the contrasts between UK print press coverage (post-match) of the first key match

and the UK print press coverage (post-match) of the second key match?’

Looking at the bar chart above, we can see a balanced reaction to both key matches with the

exception of negative affect, because the British press focuses in particular on the emotions

of the losing teams, whereas utterances of judgement and evaluation do not occur as

frequently. The following examples illustrate this further:

Examples British articles on the first key match:

(..) they wanted to go on plunging the knife in, insatiable, almost sadistic [negative

affect] (UK5-post)

They looked broken, powerless, unable to do anything to palliate the beating [negative

affect] (UK5-post)

Examples British articles on the second key match:

In shame. In humiliation. In tears of utter shock, disbelief, disrepair, records rewritten

for all the wrong reasons. [negative affect] (UK2-post)

(..) this was not just a defeat, not just a brutal, horrible, soul-destroyer of an evening.

It was a demolition job. [negative affect] (UK2-post)


Especially the articles on the Germany-Brazil match contain many more negative emotional

utterances as is illustrated in the examples above. In addition, the high occurrence of verbs

such as ‘batter’ and ‘dish’ and the focus on the emotions of the Brazilian team add to the high

figure for negative affect. One could therefore argue that the occurrence of another earlier

shock defeat did not diminish the emotional impact of the second one, which could be

explained by the more ‘extreme’ nature of the second shock defeat compared to the first one.

In addition, the British articles contain considerably more intensifiers than diminishers,

because this was a shock defeat and therefore more extreme language was used to describe it,

as can be seen in the following examples:

Examples British articles first key match:

“In the second half they totally [positive graduation] overwhelmed us’ (Quote Del

Bosque) (UK3-post)

Spain offered virtually [positive graduation] no resistance (UK3-post)

(..) an ultimately [positive graduation] disappointing season (UK5-post)

Examples British articles second key match:

(..) left Brazil utterly [positive graduation] bewildered and helpless (UK1-post)

(..) were absolutely [positive graduation] merciless (UK4-post)

Fernandinho was entirely [positive graduation] culpable (UK5-post)

In conclusion, the hypothesis that the reaction of the British press to the first shock defeat

would be less outspoken in terms of negative attitude than the reaction to the second shock

defeat is partly confirmed because it only applies to negative affect. In other words, the

second shock defeat only caused a stronger reaction in terms of emotions. In terms of

negative judgement and appreciation, the reaction of the British press to both shock defeats is

similar and overall balanced. This balanced reaction could be explained by the fact that the

British articles do not report on the British team and are therefore not influenced by a sense

of national sentiment as opposed to the other national presses.



This study examined the print press coverage of the two shock defeats of Spain and Brazil

during the World Cup 2014, which was held in Brazil from 12 June till 13 July 2014. The aim

of this study was to examine contrasts and similarities between the coverage of the national

presses of all countries involved, i.e. The Netherlands, Spain, Brazil and Germany. In

addition, a British perspective was added to obtain an outsider’s point of view and to examine

the difference in reaction to both shock defeats.

First we drew a comparison between the pre- and post-match print press coverage of all six

countries involved. Overall, the pre-match articles contained more positive than negative

attitude, reflecting a positive approach to the upcoming key matches. In the post-match

articles as well, the positive side of each category was more prominent, with the important

exception of affect. All articles tended to focus on the emotions of the losing team and

included many emotionally loaded verbs such as ‘hammer’ and ‘thrash’, which suggests that

the gravity of each defeat received more attention than the victory.

Secondly, we examined the first key match and discussed the contrasts between the Spanish

and Dutch post-match coverage. The Spanish press showed a rather balanced reaction with

the exception of negative affect, which was the most prominent category. The hypothesis that

the Spanish post-match articles would contain more negative attitude than the Dutch post-

match articles consequently only applied to affect. In addition, the Spanish journalists tended

to reserve their positive comments for the Dutch team and the negative ones for the Spanish

team. This suggests an influence by a negative national sentiment that followed the match

and which the journalists reinforced through their ‘negative writing’. However, it was noticed

that the journalists also tried to create a national sentiment of hope for the matches that were

yet to come by encouraging and supporting their team.

The Dutch articles on the other hand clearly focused on their victory in all three categories

and reported positively on their team’s triumph. The emotions felt by the Spanish team were

given little attention. The journalists were likely influenced by the national sentiment and

fuelled this further through their ‘positive writing’, which is in line with the theory of Hunter

(2003) which states that a major sports competition enables the journalists to stir the national



Thirdly, we discussed the second key match and looked at the differences between the

German and Brazilian post-match coverage. The Brazilian journalists report rather positively

on the match in terms of judgement and appreciation by focusing on the German team.

Therefore the articles seem to contribute to a sense of German national sentiment rather than

trying to cause a shift in their own negative sentiment. This negative sentiment can be seen in

the noticeable presence of negative affect in the articles, in which the Brazilian press clearly

emphasizes the shame and humiliation that their team caused. Consequently our hypothesis

that negative attitude would be more prominent in the Brazilian articles is confirmed.

Noticeably though, the German articles also strongly focus on the emotions of the Brazilian

team instead of solely on their own victory. A possible explanation would be that the scale of

Brazil’s defeat may have led the German journalists to tone down their coverage, because a

triumphal reaction might be seen as unfair or cruel. Nevertheless, the German journalists also

included positive comments which does point towards an influence of a positive national

sentiment that followed the victory and which they reinforced through their articles.

Fourthly, a comparison was drawn between the analysis results of the winning teams of both

shock defeats. The hypothesis was confirmed that the Dutch post-match articles would

contain more positive attitude compared to the pre-match articles. The same hypothesis was

partly refuted for the German press, because positive judgement strongly decreased in the

post-match articles. The main difference in coverage between the two nations is the opposite

reaction in the pre- and post-match articles. National sentiment was excessively present in the

pre-match German articles but then partly fell off in the post-match articles. The German

journalists strongly focused on the Brazilian team’s emotions by which they may have

actually diminished the national sentiment. In terms of the Dutch articles; even though

national sentiment was not as apparent before the match and the journalists chose a more

tentative approach, national sentiment was noticeably present in the post-match articles.

Lastly, we compared the reactions of the British press to both shock defeats. The results

indicated a very balanced reaction with the exception of negative affect. In both shock

defeats, the British press focused in particular on the emotions of the losing teams and

judgement and evaluation did not occur as frequently. The hypothesis that the British press

would react stronger to the second shock defeat in terms of negative attitude only applied to

negative affect. This shows that the occurrence of a first shock defeat did not temper the

emotions that followed the second one. In terms of the other categories, the British press

reacted similarly to both shock defeats and provided balanced commentaries.


This summarises the main results of this study. However, a few important remarks should be

made with regard to further research. This study solely focused on English-language

publications for the Spanish and Brazilian press, which might not have reflected the reactions

of those nations as well as articles written in the national language would have. In addition,

the corpus consisted of ten German and Dutch articles, whereas only six articles were

gathered from the Spanish and Brazilian press. In order to formulate a scientifically robust

conclusion, each national press should be equally represented in the corpus and all articles

should ideally be written in the national language of the country they are published in.



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7.1 Dutch press

NL1 – pre De voorspelling van de dag: Een kleine nederlaag voor Nederland, De

Volkskrant, 13 June 2014, 665 words

NL2 – pre Premier Rutte: ‘We winnen van Spanje en halen finale’, De Volkskrant, 13 June

2014, 269 words

NL3 – pre Droom wordt werkelijkheid voor Van Gaal, De Volkskrant, 13 June 2014, 300


NL4 – pre Van Persie: ‘Spanje fanstastisch team, maar wij zijn ook heel goed’, De

Volkskrant, 8 June 2014, 298 words

NL5 – pre Aftellen tot de aftrap: neemt Oranje revanche voor verloren WK-finale?, NRC, 13

June 2014, 1251 words

NL1 – post Oranje verplettert wereldkampioen Spanje, De Volkskrant, 13 June 2014, 418


NL2 – post Oranje slacht Spanje af, De Telegraaf, 13 June 2014, 546 words

NL3 – post Supersensatie volgens het meesterplan van Van Gaal, De Volkskrant, 13 June

2014, 885 words

NL4 – post Ontketend Oranje geeft wereldkampioen Spanje enorm pak slaag, NRC, 14 June

2014, 422 words

NL5 – post Apetrotse Sneijder geniet na: ‘We waren gewoon veel fitter dan Spanje’,

Algemeen Dagblad, 14 June 2014, 624 words

7.2 Spanish press

SP1 – pre Kick-off: Spain’s first game a grudge match, The Local, 12 June 2014, 608 words

SP2 – pre “Tiki-taka is our style, we’ll live of die by it”, The Local, 13 June 2014, 579 words

SP3 – pre Xavi: We’ll live and die playing the ‘Spanish way’, The Olive Press, 13 June 2014,

281 words

SP1 – post Del Bosque: We are all to blame for the hammering, The Local, 14 June 2014,

480 words

SP2 – post Holland thrash Spain in World Cup opener, The Local, 13 June 2014, 392 words

SP3 – post Can Spain recover from Holland thrashing, The Local, 17 June 2014, 643 words


7.3 British press (1st key match)

UK1 – pre Spain boss Vicente del Bosque warns rivals this World Cup is not the end of their

domination, The Mirror, 12 June 2014, 878 words

UK2 – pre Spain v Holland: Dutch play down talk of revenge for 2010 World Cup final, The

Telegraph, consulted on 13 June 2014, 390 words

UK3 – pre What time is Spain vs Netherlands: All you need to know as 2010 finalists renew

rivalries, The Mirror, 13 June 2014, 684 words

UK4 – pre World Cup 2014: Spain still suffering from Holland’s ‘brutal’ tactics in 2010

final as sides clash again, The Telegraph, 13 June 2014, 860 words

UK5 – pre World Cup 2014: Spain captain Iker Casillas in confident mood ahead of Holland

clash on Friday night, The Telegraph, 13 June 2014, 395 words

UK1 – post Spain v Holland: Reigning champions humiliated as Robin van Persie inspires

Dutch t 5-1 World Cup 2014 thrashing, The Telegraph, 13 June 2014, 1073 words

UK2 – post Spain 1-5 Netherlands: World champions humiliated as Dutch run riot, The

Mirror, 16 June 2014, 743 words

UK3 – post Spain v Holland: The days of tiki-taka may not be over, but the aura of

invincibility has gone forever, The Telegraph, 14 June 2014, 840 words

UK4 – post Spain humiliated as rampant Holland blast five in World Cup shock, The

Guardian, 13 June 2014, 1315 words

UK5 – post Spain not suffer just a defeat but a World Cup disaster against Holland, The

Guardian, 14 June 2014, 1070 words

7.4 German press

DE1 – pre Glückstag 8. Juli, BILD, 8 July 2014, 334 words

DE2 – pre 11 Experten erklären, warum wir heute Brasilien schlagen, BILD, 8 July 2014,

740 words

DE3 – pre Jetzt sind wir WM-Favorit, BILD, 7 July 2014, 519 words

DE4 – pre Deutschland gegen Brasilien – WM-Halbfinale live, Die Welt, 8 July 2014, 509


DE5 – pre Vor dem WM-Halbfinale Sechs Gründe, warum Deutschland gewinnt, Frankfurter

Allgemeiner Zeitung, 8 July 2014, 844 words


DE1 – post Deutschland im WM-Finale: 7:1-Wahnsinn! “Fussball von einem anderen

Stern”, BILD, 8 July 2014, 894 words

DE2 – post Das legendäre WM-Halbfinale von Belo Horizonte, BILD, 9 July 2014, 357


DE3 – post Danke! Wir lieben euch, BILD, 14 July 2014, 693 words

DE4 – post Das Wunder von Belo Horizonte ist schon Legende, Die Welt, 8 July 2014, 1061


DE5 – post Deutschland hatte leichtes Spiel mit Barfuß Buxtehude, Die Welt, 9 July 2014,

1105 words

7.5 Brazilian press

BR1 – pre Brazil plays without Neymar in World Cup Today: Daily, Rio Times, 8 July 2014,

333 words

BR2 – pre Brazil, without captain, awaits Germany clash, Buenos Aires Herald, 8 July 2014,

684 words

BR3 – pre Neymar injury sucks life out of Brazilians, Buenos Aires Herald, 7 July 2014, 855


BR1 – post Brazil humiliated by Germany in World Cup Semi-Final: Daily, Rio Times, 8

July 2014, 398 words

BR2 – post Sensational Germany humiliate Brazil to reach World Cup Final, Buenos Aires

Herald, 8 July 2014, 241 words

BR3 – post Pictures of a match written into history, Buenos Aires Herald, 9 July 2014, 747


7.6 British press (2nd

key match)

UK1 – pre Neymar injury leaves Brazil reeling – while Germany look to be peaking at the

right time, The Mirror, 8 July 2014, 592 words

UK2 – pre Brazil v Germany: Luiz Felipe Scolari says his side can cope without Neymar,

The Telegraph, 7 July 2014, 1080 words

UK3 – pre World Cup 2014: Lukas Podolski says Germany are ready to turn the beautiful

game ugly against Brazil, The Mirror, 6 July 2014, 490 words

UK4 – pre Brazil vs Germany: Neymar injury a blow but hope springs eternal for World

Cup hosts, The Mirror, 8 July 2014, 776 words


UK5 – pre Luiz Felipe Scolari must inspire Brazil to play as a team against Germany, The

Guardian, 7 July 2014, 989 words

UK1 – post Big match verdict: Germany 7-1 Brazil was the biggest mugging to take place at

this World Cup, The Mirror, 8 July 2014, 831 words

UK2 – post Brazil 1-7 Germany match report: Hosts humiliated as Germany inflict misery in

record defeat, The Mirror, 8 July 2014, 683 words

UK3 – post Brazil’s tragedy Mineiraço will haunt emotional World Cup hosts for years to

come, The Mirror, 8 July 2014, 512 words

UK4 – post Germany destroy Brazil’s final dreams with seven-goal battering, The Guardian,

9 July 2014, 1027 words

UK5 – post Brazil vs Germany match report World Cup 2014: Utter humiliation for hosts as

Thomas Muller and Toni Kroos help Germany hit seven past Selecao, The Independent, 9

July 2014, 1485 words


Appendix A: Word Tables

The Netherlands

Pre-match articles Post-match articles

Affect Judgement




Affect Judgement Appreciation Graduation(force)


Al blij mag


Onze arme


volledig ten

einde raad(-) ,



),heeft zich


+), onzeker(-),

heeft goede




maken ze zich




optimist(+), wij


Geven we ons

nu al over?(-),

keepte in zijn

eentje(+), qua

ervaring legt

Oranje het af(-),

de grote 4(+), de



maakt nog altijd

geen volledig

fitte indruk(-),

nog bepaald niet

de topspeler(-),

loop je het

gevaar volledig

mis te schieten(-



durfde zelfs(+),


Een kleine

nederlaag(-), de

kraker Spanje-


een soort van


-), klinkt

lekker(+), een



obligaat en vol




n(-), dat



oersaai(-), harde



een tactisch


Een kleine


volledig ten

einde raad(+),

een beetje



geen volledig

fitte(-), nog

bepaald niet de


volledig mis(+),

veel respect(+),

lang niet altijd(-

), haast





goed in vorm(+)







Slacht af(+),

zich wensen(+),


juichend(+), de

opgeluchte Van

Gaal(+), Oranje


eindelijk, zo was

van zijn gezicht

af te lezen(+),


bestrafte niet(-),

uitgefloten en


), niet

NL1 Reuzenstap(+),


l(+), goed




wierp zich als een

blok graniet(+),

kon redding


prachtig raak


verschalkte (+),

een ongenadig

pak slaag






NL1 spectaculaire en



zege(+), goed




geen oogstrelend

voetbal(-), een

juweeltje(+), een

sterke tweede




start(+), een

mooier begin(+),

het trauma van

Zuid-Afrika(-), een


kopgoal(+), een

NL1 goed verzorgd


reuzenstap(+), goed


defensie(+), nog

groter uitgevallen(+)


Precies op het juiste

moment(+), een

kleine terugval(-),

prima kon volgen(+),

pas echt het



talloze trainingen(+),

heel vaak op die

manier(+), met veel


vermogen(+), min of


gaan die finale



verwacht dat de


van Spanje gaan


vindt het





Daar geloof ik

heilig in(+),



Kijkt vol


uit(+), heel



we gaan er

volledig voor(+)


Neemt Oranje







goed in vorm(+)


Zo moeten we

dus ook


niet voor de


gaat(+), niet


helemaal niet

makkelijk(-), de

verrassing van

het toernooi(+)



team(+), wij zijn

ook heel

goed(+), beste

team van de


goede groep(+),

niet zo ervaren(-

), een heel

ervaren team(+),

nóg een keer te



steekspel(-), een





Droom wordt


, wens in


dit is het hoogst


bijna vlekkeloze


snel en goed




Een enorme


K is voor ons

geslaagd (+),

een heel mooi







Het hoogst




snel en goed


helemaal niet



Heel goed(+),





heel ervaren (+),

heel mooi(+)


bepaald geen




radicaal durven


zo kort (+), niet

zo geweldig(-),



n hele


spatte uiteen(+),

Spanje was de

kluts kwijt(+),

de Arena Fonte




boven(+), het

schaamrood op

de kaken(-)




maar waar(+),




, trilde en rilde







hoeft niemand

dat meer te

verbazen(-), is



strijdlust(+), de


makkelijk en

onterecht(-), zich

liet vallen(-),



binnen(+), pakte

niet goed uit(-),




af(+), verrader(-),

beet sportief van

zich af(+), beukte

Casillas aan de

kant(+), van held

tot schlemiel(-),

de schlemiel van





zo vaak

bekritiseerd(-), de

ene ster(+), de

andere ster(+),


geslaagd(+), voor

hem liet kruipen

alvorens het

vonnis te


pass(+), de grote

ontlading(+), een

kleine terugval(-

),een enorme



goal(+), perfect


voetbal(+), een


voorzet(+), een


aanname(+), een


kopstoot(-), een


schot(+), de

Spaanse afgang(-),

de martelgang(-)



het meesterplan(+),

een van de meest




polonaise zich

mengde met


samba(+), het

meer op de voet

staan(-), wat

moeite(-), een beetje

zielloos(-), zelfs nog

lang niet (+)


Enorm pak slaag(+),

zo’n goede(+), een

enorme fout(+), een




vol richten(+), erg


keihard gewerkt(+)





haalde zijn

schouders op(-),

wij komen naar

Brazilië om te


sterven we op

onze manier(+),

maak ik me

geen zorgen(+),

we hebben geen

haast(+), een



weinig oud


de favoriet(+),

was bepaald

geen reclame(-

),niet over de

schreef ging(+),

een sterk




topspitsen(+), fit

genoeg(+), een



moeten ze wel


hebben wat hij

van ze wil(+),

veel kritiek(-),

zich uitstekend

opstelt(+), goed


steeds positiever

benadert(+), niet

zo geweldig(-),


belangrijk(+), en

dat doet Van



hij geeft het

goede signaal

af(+), zo


harde spel van

Nederland (+),

zo’n harde

wedstrijd(-), het


verlopen EK(-),

een hele



reeks(+), veel

grote namen(+),



), de


aanzien op het

spel(-), een


verschil(+), het

aanzien van de


wat daar nog

van over is(-)


zo ongelooflijk


nog niet heel

sterk(-), een



weinig oud

zeer(-), zo jong

en onervaren(+),

heel veel te

winnen(+), iets



ploeg was

los(+), het












Oranje stoomde

door(+), werd

afgestraft(-), te





geniet na(+),

viert(+), wakker

geschud(+), vol



tegenzat(-), met



in diepe rouw



wierp de schroom

van zich af(+),

twee van de

betere aanvallers

van de wereld(+),

de vliegeraar(+),

de defensie


), ze kropen uit de

loopgraven de

zon tegemoet(+),

Van Persie had

alles gezien en

alles gepland(+),

kopte de bal met

veel atletisch

vermogen alsof

hij een zeehond

was die een bal

naar de overkant

van het bassin



beter voetbalt(+),

moeite om de

voorsprong vast

te houden(-),

schoot een beetje

zielloos in(-), de

defensie uit elkaar

trok(+), uit de

ultieme moment

van glorie(+), de



simpel was de

tactiek(+), van


schoonheid(+), dat

vraagt veel van de

spelers voorin(-),

tegen een


opboksen(-), een

wereldgoal(+), een

vrucht van die

tactiek(+), de


pass(+), nu was het



strafschop was

omstreden(-), een

wezenloze pass(-),

één geweldige

pass(+), die


helft(+), een fraaie

aanval(+), deze

afstraffing(-), de






grote leider van

het team(+), al

het succes


zeker niet




zo jong en

onervaren(-), de



Oranje heeft de

komende weken

alles te



Sneijder(+), op





), voelde heel


bleef Oranje

geloven(+), in

paniek(-), we

startten weer zó

fel(+), was


lucht getrokken

alsof hij een

appeltje uit de

boom nam(+),

beukte de bal(+),

een van de

beoogde sterren

van het WK(+)


Geeft enorm pak

slaag(+), een

ongenadig pak

slaag(+), schoot

zwak in(-), sterker

en sterker(+),

greep goed in(+),


Nederland kwam

onder de druk

uit(+), een goede

pass(+), de bal

binnen te

rommelen(-), de


lag op apegapen(-

), speelde hij

Casillas in alle

rust uit(+)


Waren gewoon


Zo’n goede tweede


weergaloze tweede

helft(+), evenmin

een verrassing(-),

een prachtige

pass(+), een


duikkopbal(+), een

enorme fout(-), een

onverwacht ruime


goed zicht op de

tweede ronde(+)


De spectaculaire

zege(+), de

prachtige avond(+),

een droomstart(+),

een waslijst aan


namen(+), de

befaamde Oranje-

koorts(+), de

wervelende tweede

helft(+), op

sublieme wijze(+),

de start van de

tweede helft was


veel fitter(+),



schoot Oranje als

een komeet uit de


de sterren Robin

van Persie(+),

Spanje werd aan

alle kanten


gelopen(+), , al

erg gevaarlijk,

draaide Oranje de


nog maar eens

flink aan(+), de

derde treffer had


was het voorbij

met de formatie(-

), ze gingen

zomaar ballen


Er zat geen lijn

meer in(-), plukt

hij nu de vruchten




61 Spain

Pre-match articles Post-match articles




Graduation (force)

Affect Judgement Appreciation Graduation



A grudge

match(-), out for


clash again(+),

their desire for

revenge(-), burn

inside(+), the

wounds of that

defeat were still

raw(-), a scar

that hasn’t yet

healed(-), it gets

me down(-),

enjoyed(+), no

fear, just

respect(+), were

widely booed(-

), Spain are



Tiki-taka is our

style, we’ll live

or die by it(+),

insisted(+), not


The European

giants(+), dark

horses(+), the


star(+), the ever-

loyal Del

Bosque(+), a


team(+), well-


make things

difficult(-), to

close down

Spain’s attack




their defence has

been criticised(-

), the team’s

weak link(-), the



star(+), new

young talent(+),


The mouth-



match(+), a


challenge(+), a




World Cup



Famous style of

fast passing

play(+), the so-

called tiki-

taka(+), a bright


Spain’s normal

dominance of

possession(+), a

clear chance of

defending the



A big chance(+),

really close(+)


A much changed

outfit(+), very

dangerous(+), very


very quick(+), a

relatively stable

side(+), extremely



very fast(+), very

good(+), very

clear(+), a great

many successes(+)










stunning(-), one

of the toughest

defeats(-), at a



bounced back(+)


Thrash(-), have

dished out(-),

humiliating(-), a


mistake(-), a

dismal night(-),

the humiliation(-

), painful(-),

were humbled(-


We are all to

blame(-), we

didn’t react well(-

), simply

better(+), hotly

contested(+), little

margin for error(-

), we did


wrong(-), solid in

defence(+), very

weak(-), has

borne great

success(+), the

fall-out of this



Come up short(-)


Heroes(+), the


legend(+), very

difficult(-), a very


Emphatic revenge(-

), a flurry of late

shots(-), we need to

try to find

solutions(+), a

debacle(-), was


heightened their



A truly horrible

start(-), festival of

orange(+), a

brilliant diving

header(+), Friday’s

clash(+), a

potentially bruising



The end of a

glorious era(-), life-

or-death clash(+),

this massive blow(-


Little margin(-),

very weak(+)







heavily(+), very

difficult(+), very


very physical(+),

a lot better(+)


afraid of

anything(+), we

are in our

prime(+), I

don’t have any

fear for the

future(+), that

concerns Del

Bosque(-), the

threat(-), is

hoping(+), snuff

out their


hopefully it will

allow us to





the humility and





We’ll live and

die playing the

Spanish way(+),

never abandon

tiki taka



their most


players(+), the



trio(+), a






maestro Xavi


his side are past

their best(-), a

mature team and


players(+), a

much changed

outfit(+), the



trio(+), very


players(+), very


players(+), the

role of


the best team in

the world(+),


World Cup

clash(+), the



+), a charm

offensive(+), the

best football in

the World(+)

), so


y trashed(-)






fearing the


crumbled(-), the






the players have

been stung(-),




doubts(-), he

kills him(-),

victory(+) as a

team they’re

dead, dead but

not out(+)


team(+), very

physical(+), live a

lot in the past(-),

could have been a

lot better(-),

Casillas is still

valued(+), be on

the pitch(+),


), a historic

triple(+), the end of

an era(-), the cycle

of victories is

over(-), an

avalanche of Dutch

goals(-), numerous



impose our


dominate(+), we

want to make


strong(+), a

false nine(-)




Xavi(+), they



very fast


very good at the


, strong in

defence(+), the

Barcelona play-

maker(+), they

have the tactics,

the technique

and the physical


won’t be easy(-)


UK (first key match: The Netherlands vs. Spain)

Pre-match articles Post-match articles




Graduation (force)

Affect Judgement Appreciation Graduation



Last hurrah(-),

high hopes(+),

brushed off



success(+), after


triumphs(+), the

future was


should fear(+),

hope(+), not






deposed(-), took

a battering(-),

last year’s


win or die(+),

we want to

dominate the

game(+), win


Stars(+), Spain

are on the

wane(-), age

catches up with

Casillas and

Xavi(-), the

apparent heir to


Koke poised to


Xavi(+), the

ambience in the

squad is very


perennial under-


have slipped

under the radar(-

), so why



famously tried

to bully Spain

out of their way

of playing(-),


Not the end of



three major

trophies on the

spin(+), era of



much at stake

for Spain(-), the

best team on the

planet(+), aura



their famed tiki-

taka passing

style(+), has

given them a



such glittering

prizes(+), our

style is very




High hopes(+), very

good(+), very

enthusiastic(+), a



much at stake(+),

such glittering

prizes(+), very

clear(+), given us so

much(+), completely

different(+), totally



Totally rebuild(+),

more pragmatic(+),

very important(+)


few better sights(+),

ample miles on the



Very clear(+), many




celebrate(+), a

display of Dutch

brutality(-), total


inflicted the




without a

shadow of a




brutal(-), fancy

his chances(+),

being kicked

off(-), quite so



), killing them

with flair(+),


boos, jeers and

UK1 Would only get

better(+), majestic


only the start of

things for the

Oranje(+), yes we

can get better(+),

how good(+), to

get better(+),


Spain were

lacklustre(-), age

appearing to have

caught up(-), were

hardly likely to

accept(-), the


approach(-), Van

Gaal’s insistence

had its merits(+),

quick to lay down

their marker(+),

served early


softening up their

UK1 An ominous

prospect(+), a

phoney war(-), the

incredible diving




worthy of a wild

celebration(+), a


third(-), heavy

challenge(-), a

killer blow(-),

game over, perhaps

an era over(-), that

is not what you



Spain’s biggest

defeat(-), Spain’s

worst(-), overly

robust approach(-),

a beating(-), this

feted Spain side(-),

UK1 Hardly likely(-),

quite so


proved too

much(+), heavy

challenge(+), not

so many(-)


Biggest defeat(+),

overly robust(+),

so severe(+), so



defeat(+), much-





Quite the same(-),

biggest defeat(+),

many more(+),

quite recover(-),

rather well(+), so


or die by this

style of play(+),

make history






Play down talk

of revenge(+),

agonizing(-), It

doesn’t matter

any longer(+), I

don’t believe in






Boast(+), have a



fire Holland to


thrust into the


moments to





triumphed over

the beast(+), the

iconic image(+),

cannot criticise

them(+), the

decline of





separate(+), they

have been



Didn’t go over

the top(+),

overcoming the

quality deficit(-

), perceived as

weaker(-), a

champion of







Something of a

new identity(+),



the tough


physicality is

part of the

game(+), hard

work(+), hard

tackling(+), the

surprise of the






style(+), we

need to be





final(+), the

biggest clash(+),

the clash(+), the

showdown(+), a


kung-fu kick(-),

a stellar



successes(+), given us

so much(+), very

enthusiastic(+), very

difficult(+), very

tough(+), very

good(+), very

strong(+), many

times(+), much-

changed(+), very

important(+), great


very good

manager(+), some

very dangerous

players(+),changed a

lot(+), very

smoothly(+), very

good(+), huge


such great joy(+)


Very different(+),

very tense(+)



rankled(-), a

cacophony of











suffered(-), no

such worries(+)



run riot(-),














killing them with

flair(+), Spain

took control(+),

offering pace,

movement and



Costa delivered

for Spain(+),

made the most(+),

stepped up(+),

fought back(+),

the dangerous


impressive Daley

Blind(+), the

hungrier team(+),

the static Gerard

Piqué(-), a gem of






consigned their

opponents’ recent

era of success to

the past(-), man-



the summit of

world football(+), a

wonder header(+),

heaviest defeat(-),

setback(-), World

Cup final clash(+),

the cultured

style(+), such

spoiling tactics(-),


circumstances(-), a

costly miss(-), a

quiet game(-), a

superb diving

header(+), aesthetic

quality(+), a

Velcro-like first-

touch(+), lofty

reputation(+), a

surging run(+), his

dipping half-



Aura of

invincibility has

been gone forever(-

), Spain’s biggest

defeat(-), their

gilded era(+), not

just a defeat(-), not

just a drubbing(-), a

well(+), some

passion(-), quite

the opposite(+),so

many(+), totally






plain silly(+),

plenty more(+),

quite quickly(+),


obligatory(-), far

too quick(+),

fairly minimal(+),

quite easily(+),

quite cynical(+),



not quite(-)




almost sadistic(-),



virtually no









chasing one last



want to

dominate the

game(+), win or

die(+), hope(+),

make history



refused to




boosted(+), not


hope(+), not



such great




humility and

star man(+), the


playmaker(+), to

calmly slot

past(+), a


character(-), will

be central(+),

one of the most


players(+), a

finer all-round

player(+), few

better sights(+),

ample miles on

the clock(-),





the bruises have

yet to fade(-),





reputation still

scarred(-), their


approach(+), so

why change(+),



Golden era(+), a


opening Group

B fixture(+),

tiki-taka can

resist all


our style is very

clear(+), a very


challenge(-), a

very difficult



lly cynical

game(-), more





question marks

continue to hang

over the ability

of the squad(-),

potentially the

end of a golden

era(-), glorious

period of


brutal(+), made

the world sit up

and take















draw the curtain







never been

afraid(+), to

inject hunger(+),

the requisite

hunger(+), some


lacks hunger(-),

Chile(+), not

crossed the

line(+), out-

thought and out-

played the best

team on the


exquisite timing

and technique(+),

providing the




quick feet(+),

shatter Spain’s

perceived status

as invincibles(-)


World champions

are taken apart(-),

then you have a

chance(+), in

trouble(-), never

again will they

quite recover the

aura(-), the days

of tiki-taka may

not yet be over,

but the days when

their mere

presence alone

violent rejection(-),


judgements(-), a

new era for

Spain(+), quite the

opposite response(-

), the fancy

crockery(+), quick

direct balls(+),

some intangible

things(-), lay a

fundamental truth(-



Much better game

of football(+),

emphatic reversal

of fortunes(+), a

World Cup

classic(+), the

kickfest(-), th

unhappiest of


debuts(-), still-

vivid memory(-), a

potentially winning

lead(+), a snapshot

he will never

forget(-), a perfect

pass(+), with all the

time in the





ruled out



, determined(+),




remain raw(-),

very tense(-),

desperate(-), we

want to beat

them of



very tough

rival(+), very

good and fast

players(+), very

strong in

defence(+), a




criticise(+), a

very important

team(+), played

excellent World

Cups(+), great


and tradition(+),

very good


hold him in high

esteem(+), some

very dangerous


changed a

lot(+), ambience

is very good(+),

Spain lacking a




The champions

are ready(+), the



clash(+), World

Cup roll of

honour(+), the

stormy World

Cup final(-), a


clash(+), a good









blast(+), shock(-

), celebrates(+),




rout(-), misery(-

), crawling(-),


savour(+), make









, stunning(+), an


soaking(-), tried

his luck(+),


enjoyed(+), shot


would be worth a

goal’s head-start

certainly are(-),

started rather

well(+), normally


served him so

well(+), the

second mistake(-

), an aging side(-),

erred(-), out of

form(-), pressing

well(+), the

energetic Diego

Costa(+), Spain

failed(-), we are

all to blame(-),

how does it fight

against the dying

of the light(-)


Superior(+), quite


showed character






like dangerous


world(+), a decent

save(+), a decent

opportunity(+), the

almost obligatory

controversy(-), a


pass(+), a


decision(+), fairly

minimal(+), such is

a referee’s life

these days(-), the

redundant part of

the argument(-),

the technology is

probably as far

away as ever(-),




spoiling(-), a

stylish finish(+),

came from

nothing(-), almost

magnetically(+), a

headed volley(+), a

killer final ball(+),

ominous(-), how

bad things were

going to get(-)



best squad the



progress as far

as possible(+),


approach(-), we


favourites(+), all

teams want to

play as best they

can when they

face Spain(+)








Yes five(-),







stunning(+), will

not bring


smashed(+), not


plunging the

knife in(-),


almost sadistic(-

), enjoying(+),



unable to do

anything to


forlornly(-), they

were lost(-),



plain silly(-),

stood his ground

well(+), hardly

moved(-), he

should have done

better(-), should

have made

something of it(-),

always in

charge(+), far too

quick(-), had

actually played

for the decision(-

), were worth

their lead(+),

looking likely to

find gaps(+), get

the better of

them(-), their



expertly(+), right

back in the

game(+), gave

Spain a taste of

their own





Worth saying(+),

normally it is

redundant message

but here it seemed


somehow(-), the

worst defeat(-),

Olés were their


more and more of

them(+), superb

header(+), in the

firing line now(-), a


slant(-), the death

of possession

football(-); the

style itself may not

be the problem but

something is(+), all

the best intentions

mean nothing if we

can’t put them into

practice on the

pitch(-), big ones(-)



headed down the

tunnel in

silence(-), a

picture of






smell blood(-),

feel it seeping





Here they lost it(-

), just like the

Dutch(-), an


tide(+), an


superiority(+), we

went on, and on,

and on(+), no


Spain were


not blame bad

luck(-), recover

physically and

emotionally(-), he

misjudged(-), he

failed(-), symbols

of the most

successful era(+),

they should not

have done(-), not

prone to radical

changes or knee-

jerk decisions(+),

rightly so(+), a

mistake(-), they

lost it(-), neither

quick enough nor

strong enough not


well enough


lessened still

further(-), not did

they keep the ball

or create



lacked(-), did not

have the control(-

), much like the

Dutch did here(-)


Pre-match articles Post-match articles

Affect Judgement




Affect Judgement Appreciation Graduation(force)



heute können

nur wir


Ihr könnt nach



heute ist

UNSER Tag(+),




freuen sich(+),

DE1 Fokussiert(+),


Sieger(+), viel


patzte er leider(-


DE2 Unserer größten

Experten(+), das

beste Team im

Turnier(+), die


DE1 Rekord!(+),

Mission Finale





DE2 Das Hammer-


Spiel(+), eine

sehr gute

WM(+), eine

DE1 /////

DE2 Größter


sehr gute(+), der

Druck einfach

zu groß(-), ganz

genau(+), einen



Niveau(+), eine




zerlegt nach

allen Regeln der











DE1 Noch


Helden(+), die




behielt die


Vollgas geben

und uns das Ding

holen(+), WM-


(+), wir sind

DE1 Fußball von einem

anderen Stern(+),



Darbietung in der

deutschen WM-



Maracana(+), etwas


klarsten Erfolk(+),


e Kombination(+),

DE1 Knapp über(-), fast

komplett(-), völlig

frei(+), immer

häufiger(+), weniger

Minuten(-), kaum

mehr(-), völlig


DE2 Fast schon(-), so

stark(+), so groß(+)




schlagen wir



noch nicht

fertig(+), noch

eine Rechnung



Wir Brasilien

schlagen(+), wir

kommen ins


packen wir


hoffe(+), auf

dem Boden(+),

wir heute


nichts mehr


fürchten(+), wie



cool bleiben(+),



nicht zu sicher(-





einen Haufen

guter Jungs(+),

hat das Finale




fußballerisch auf


Niveau(+), ans

Team denkt(+),

die Sperre von

Thiago Silva(+),

wir besser

sind(+), ist die

Mannschaft der

Star(+), packt

heute die Titel-

Taktik aus(+),

technisch und

taktisch beste


wir einfach

besser sind(+),

ganz einfach

besser sind(+),

echt schwach(-),







Schwächung für



eine bedeutende

Figur(+), nicht

so einfach


den Vorteil(+),


Power und


Fans(+), die


Mischung aus

Defensive und


noch nie war die

Chance auf den

Titel größer(+),

ein gutes


DE3 Titelreif(+),


Leistung(+), den



+), größte

Kontinuität auf



nicht so

einfach(+), ganz

ganz fest(+),

ganz einfach(+),







k(+), viel



Fest glauben(+),

auf viele(+),

ganz große(+),

ganz starken(+),





größten Titel-

Glauben(+), so

fest(+), mehr


+), mehr








nicht verkraften

konnten(-), die




Finale oho(+),






ließ sich nicht


), Hören und

Sehen verging(-

), völlig



bittere Tränen



schier aus dem

Häuschen und

sangen: einer

geht noch(+),




wirklich eine

Einheit(+), als

besten WM-



Meister des


Balls(+), eiskalter


sorgte früh für




unglücklich ab(-),

machte perfekt(+)

DE2 Deklassiert(-)

DE3 Großartige

Auftritt unserer


schossen uns in

den Fußball-

Himmel(+), die


Seleçao nur noch



), warum sind wir

so gut(+), immer

besser werden(+),

ihre spielerischen




Debakel(-), eine


Ballstafette(+), eine

Gala der deutschen





5:0(+), harmlose






Das legendäre






Niederlage aller



Debakel(-), es gibt

nicht irgendeinen

Grund zu glauben,

dass es mit Neymar

So früh(+), so

weh(+), so gut(+),

einfach alles(+), so

nah(+), so

wunderschön(+), so



Kaum zu greifen(-),

kaum nach(-), knapp

32 Minuten(-), freue

mich riesig(+), sehr

traurig(+), ganz

anders(+), kaum

möglich(-), kaum zu

glauben(-), kaum zu

greifen(-), ein wenig

freuen(-), ganz

gut(+), wahnsinnig

gut(+), viel mehr(+)


So gedemütigt(+), so

unmöglich(+), gar

nicht(+), ganz

leicht(+), gar

nichts(+), sehr

gut(+), so leicht(+)



Fest an den



Jungs jetzt

packt euch das

Ding(+), Ach

was(+), wir sind

ein Team(+),

lobt(+), größten



glaubt so





eine große


hier das Ding in

der Hand zu


DE4 Hoffen(+)





noch nicht am

Limit(+), dem



k nicht


die bessere


die bessere

Bank(+), viel

variabler und




mehr laufen als

andere(+), nicht

nur einen














(+), der Mann


), die optimale



Offensive und


DE4 Goldenen




den großen

Wurf(+), gute




DE5 Die beste

Quote(+), Duell

der Giganten(+),


für das gute


sprechen(+), so

im Fokus




Aktionen stets

Kopf Hand und




großen Wurf(+),

etwas besser(+),

kaum zu


), sehr



So im Fokus(+),



schon gar

nicht(+), mit

aller Härte(+),

richtig gut(+)


DE2 Herzlich(+), am

Boden zerstört(-

), tiefe Spuren


weinend und





), Demütigung(-

), sacken auf die






), Zuspruch(+),




bittere Tränen(-

), kann ich nicht

einmal weinen(-

), der Schmerz

ist so stark, so

groß, dass ich

nicht die Kraft

habe, zu


bester Torschütze

der WM-


unser großer



Dämpfer(+), hätte

den Titel mehr

verdient als Jogis-

Elf(+), unsere



t den Eckball

entspannt(+), Opa

Klose(+), der


Kroos(+), der





spielt frei vorm

Tor selbstlos

quer(+), tolles


macht das


DE4 Superstar

Neymar(+), wir

hatten schnelle

alles anders

gewesen wäre(-),



DE3 Davon werden wir

noch unseren


erzählen(+), in die


ein(+), 18 Minuten

für die


Ehrentreffer(+), das

Besondere dieses

Tages(+), unser

schnelles 1:0(+),

plötzlich gelingt

alles(+), guter

trick(+), und damit

nicht genug(+),



Desaster(-), nie

stimmte das Lied

so sehr(+)


Das Wunder von

Belo Horizonte ist

schon Legende(+),













aus der Armut(-





Erfüllung seines


(+), von Herzen

gönnen(+), mit

aller Härte





ins Zeug







für die


Tore(+), die


auf viele




+), der ganz



ganz starken

Team(+), keinen


den flexibelsten




), schwer


hat gelernt(+),

zieht seine


durch(+), gibt

immer alles(+),


der Favorit(+)


Die Chancen

scheinen für die

Deutschen etwas

Fuß haben(+),






damit ist aber

auch gut(+),


ewigen WM-


eine hübsche

Pointe(+), der


Spitze(-), die




schlägt die

Hände vors









ein geiler






Stellt den Pott

schon mal

kalt(+), Heute

ist unser Tag(+),

wir uns in den

Armen lagen(+),



Tut uns Leid(-),








Klose entriss

Ronaldo den

Torrekord(+), die

Deutschen waren

einfach stark(+),




), ungeschlagenen



Löw lenkte den

Fokus schnell auf

das Endspiel(+),

ab morgen

fokussieren wir

uns bereits auf

den nächsten

Gegner(+), wir

sind bereit den

letzten Schritt zu

machen(+), mit

Ruhe und

Abgeklärtheit zu


haben alle ihre


wahnsinnig gut

und konzentriert


der historische


eines seltenen

Ereignisses(+), des

mit Spannung


Duells(+), und die

Superlative werden

sie begleiten(+),


Fußball von einem

anderen Stern(+),

die Marschroute

war offensichtlich(-

), unbehelligt(+),

das Ergebnis war

natürlich nicht

unbedingt zu

erwarten(+), dem





wie bei einem

Boxer, der auf

einen Punching-




























sten(+), bestach

besonders in der

Defensive durch


und körperliche

Präsenz(+), fand

nicht wirklich

ins Spiel(-), in

Szene setzen




Team(+), so






nister(+), großen

Vier Teams(+),



der große




ungläubig die

Hände vor das


schütteln alle

die Köpfe(+),


herrlich(+), so

ein Tag, so


wie heute(+)



kaum zu


schießt Brasilien






ich freue mich



der vierte Stern

soll her(+),


erfüllt(+), konnte

nicht ansatzweise

ersetzt werden(-),

der mitreißende

Auftritt der

deutschen Elf(+)

DE5 Barfuß




ern(+), die man

auf Augenhöhe

erwartet hatte(-),

es war eine


Partie von uns(+),

auch der Gegner(-

), bei Brasilien

stimmte hinten

und vorne nichts(-

), Brasilien war

außer Kontrolle(-

), Scolari muss



sein wie einer der

eine Kuh melken

soll die keine

Euter hat(-),

liefen seine

den knappen



), dann hatten wir

auch leichtes

Spiel(+), der

Schlüssel zu

diesem Spiel(+),

Egal wie



heißen wird, er

dürfte als

Außenseiter in die

Partie gehen(+)

DE5 Leichtes Spiel(+),

noch nie

glaubhafter(+), in

den ewigen Stein

gemeißelten 8. Juli

2014(+), als ob

Deutschland gegen

Barfuß Buxtehude

spielt(-), das


das Wunder von

Bern(+), für so


gehalten(+), so ein

perfekter Tag(+),



kein fliegender

sondern ein


Torwart(+), vor

dem Abstieg




weichste Glied(-

), auf der

falschen Seite

steht(-), erst

dann richtig gut





Extraklasse von



), ihnen fehlen

an allen Ecken

und Enden(-),

nicht unbedingt

für jugendliche


Ronaldo der





), furios(+),




schwang sich

auf(+), taumelte

in Rekordtempo

dem Knockout



), die ultimative














chen(-), sehr




Finale oho(+),


, oh wie ist das


Männer ins

Messer(-), die


Konter der


Hulk(+), das war

zu wenig(-),

Ausdauer Ruhe

Klarheit und


nach dem 2:0

waren sie




Ronaldo(+), wenn

man es einem

gönnt dann dem



+), was Toni

macht hat alles

Hand und Fuß(+),


gesteigert(+), er

ist physisch

präsent und


den besten

Torwart der Welt

im Kasten hat(+),

ein gnadenlos

der Erfolg ist ein

scheues Reh(+), an



Dienstag hat alles

gepasst(+), Scolatis

Taktik war ein

Schuss ins eigene

Knie(-), auch ein

perfektes Chaos ist



ging die Ordnung

verloren(-), wären

auch zehn Tore

ganz leicht möglich

gewesen(+), jetzt

wird es ernst(+),

gewonnen ist noch

gar nichts(-), das

Finale wird ganz

anders(-), niemand

soll glauben, dass

das noch einmal so

leicht laufen wird(-

), wir haben noch

nichts erreicht(-),

das Endspiel wird

enger(-), wir sind

eine Runde weiter,

mehr nicht(-)


Qualität als


taktisch klug(+),





warum sollte es

den Brasilianern

besser gehen(+)





kaum zu


kaum zu








vermisst(-), ging

unter im








lobt(+), den

Momenten die

einem den Atem



oh wie ist das



guter Joker(+),

den besten

Joker(+), wenn

die deutsche

Mannschaft den

Fuß nicht etwas

vom Gas

genommen hätte(-

), großartige

Jungs(+), die

Brasilianer haben

eine tolle WM auf

die Beine

gestellt(+), ein


Land mit





auf Wolke

sieben(+), jetzt

müssen wir


bleiben und ein

bisschen Demut


niemand sollte

sich für


halten(-), aber



die einem den

Atem rauben(+),

es fehlen einem

die Worte(+),




aus den Schuhen


rational schwer

zu fassen(+),





+), konnte ich

gar nicht mehr



mich aufhänge(-

), Neymars



sich rasend





flehte(+), eiskalt


munter(+), noch

ein Haar in der

Mannschaft ist

gut geerdet und

bereit und


Weltmeister zu





), weinten und





), Grabrede(-),

die schlimmste

Niederlage aller

Zeiten, eine



ergriffen eine

Träne(-), mir tun

die Brasilianer

leid(-), eine




nicht sonderlich







Pre-match articles Post-match articles

Affect Judgement




Affect Judgement Appreciation Graduation(force)

BR1 feared(-),

dreams are

over(-), for

good(-), a

serious blow(-),



target of ire(-)



denting home

hopes(-), lifting

the trophy(+),

absorbed the


+), looking


miss(-), the


everything we

dreamed of(+),



slug it out(+),


Star player


stars(+), the

worst Brazil

center forward(-

), an already




Most talented

player(+), he has

done his share,

now it’s up to

us(+), stand in

their way(-),


teams(+), has

yet to shine(-),

cowardly(-), you

don‘t do that(-),

show all your



ready(+), works

BR1 A challenge(-)

BR2 Biggest

showcase(+), a

major setback(-

), the

opportunity will



powers that will

be released(+)

BR3 No escaping(-),



strength(+), so

dominant a




wanted to

see(+), changed


BR1 Very


BR2 biggest



setback(+), very



modest(+), most


BR3 Some of the

joy(-), more

quickly(+), so


many more(+),



most thrilling(+)





y dumped out(-),



snatching away

Brazil’s hopes(-

), cheered on(+),

the humbling(-),

so brutally

dished out(-),

looks of


n and grief(-), to

surge(+), rifled


shambolic(-), a

beaten César(-),

the damage(-)

BR2 Humiliate(-),

Brazil’s hopes


BR1 Germany simply

had too much(+),

the wheels came

off the hosts’ bus

in spectacular

style(-), calmly





coolly slot the




Germany(+), a


Germany(+), the

abject hosts(-),


defending was

truly awful(-),

brilliant passing


movement(+), the

BR1 Maracanazo

(curse) of 1950(-),

this was worse(-),

the heaviest defeat

in the history of the

World Cup semi-

finals(-), the

heaviest defeat the

Brazilian national

team ever

suffered(-), an out

of body



unmarked(-), the


opened(+), the

worst was not

over(-), the game

and the day was

now as good as

over(-), a

consolation(+), the

damage had long

been done(-)

BR1 Too much(+), so

brutally(+), barely

had time(-)

BR2 Truly awful(+),

badly missed(+)


Well beyond(+),




feeling the

weight of

expectations on

its shoulders(-),








play for



Sucks life out(-

), hope(+),



hopes(+), dream

of winning(+),

in tears(-), joy

was sucked

out(-), face of

pain(-), injured

my heart(-),

filling our souls






very hard(+),


player(+), make

the host


can’t expect him

to play badly(+),

top player(+),

other players




Brazil’s young

star(+), you

never give

up(+), with

successes(+), he

should be


should be





themselves real


overcome the

odds(+), can

pull a rabbit out

of the hat(+),



theirs(+), the

spectre(-), a


Brazil needs a

hero(+),is he big

enough to fill

the gap(-), least


most thrilling

World Cup in


anything seems

possible, even




destroy(+), a

state of total

shock(-), banged

in(+), lashed

in(+), inflict(+)

BR3 Humiliation(-),


ended hopes of

erasing 64 years

of pain(-), more






lingering shame

at 20th


horrors(-), to

pour out


joy(+), beat







sense of

World Cup’s all-

time leading

scorer(+), defence

fell apart(-), the

superb Sami

Khedira(+), in-



BR3 A legion of past

masters of the

game being

taught a lesson by


being treated as

pariahs(-), tried to

shield him players

from blame(+),

I’m responsible

for all this(-), the

squad is as good

as the revered

West German



sober voices

pointed out that

neither Argentina

nor the

Netherlands will

be any pushover(-

BR2 Their heaviest ever

World Cup defeat(-

), a consolation


BR3 A match written

into history(+),

divided by a

scoreline as wide

as the Atlantic(+),

writing the game

into the history of

both nations(+),

well beyond the

realm of soccer(+),

global footballing

domination has

been a way to put

its 200 million

people on the

map(+), historic

disgrace(-), iconic


stadium(+), next to

this the

Maracanazo was a

joke(-), a release

valve for national

pride(+), a



we will be





became smoke(-

), tragic(-),


doggedly(+), rip

out of the soul a

victory that

would be


themselves and


heroes(+), tragic

hero has to go to

hell before he





heroes(+), has

yet to really

show the




centre forward(-

), the Hulk(+),

the Invisible



players have it

within them(+),

more individual

talents than us(-)


boys you are



Germany will

never forget

July 8 2014(+),

moment of


reduced to

dust(-), disgrace

of disgraces(-), I

can’t believe it(-

), crumbled(-),

off to Rio on a


), you have done



beautiful game(+),

a miracle of

teamwork and

application(+), the

Miracle of Belo

Horizonte(+), their

return to


acceptance after

Htiler(+), an event

bathed in the


afterglow(+), cap a

remarkable quarter-

century(+), a


barrage(+), game

of the century(+),

but in the end what

will count is who

wins the final(+)


UK (2nd

key match: Germany vs Brazil)

Pre-match articles Post-match articles




Graduation (force)

Affect Judgement Appreciation Graduation





hurtled(-), swift

cycle of hope

and despair(-),

strong pain(-),




feeling that

anything was

still possible(+),


hopes are


ruthless(-), that

feels this is their



dreams and

desire(+), colder

analysis(-), sad




Peaking at the

right time(+),

lift his

supporting cast

above the


golden boy(+),


reliant on


certainly more

dependent on

him(-), who

stepped up for

Brazil(+), took

all the pressure

on his



clever, talented




players(+), not

going to outplay


Dismissed as

fantasy(-), not a

great Brazil

side(-), not even

a particularly

good Brazil

side(-), hard to

come up with

many names(-),

that’s about it(-),

the omens for

Brazil are not

good(-), go

negative and

they might have

a chance(+), so

much colour(+)

so much life(+),

so much love of




UK2 Challenge(-), a


Rather bleak(+),



particularly good(+),

so much colour(+), so

much life(+), so much








Far more(+), of such

importance(+), keenly

felt(+), so heavy(+),

very brave(+), much


UK5 More notably so(+),

pretty removed(+),


The biggest


stole the host

nation’s football


worried(-), stole

Brazil’s football

identity(+), a

fervent praying


crowd(-), broke

a nation’s


knocking them

out(+), ruining

the dream of


humiliating(-), a




most painful(-),

what a night this



UK1 Germany thought

an awful lot

bigger than

that(+) They went

the whole hog(+),

disintegrating so


Brazil were

ordinary(-), Brazil

have been

ordinary for much

of this


one of the great


sides of world

football(+), the

all-time World

Cup leading


unselfish and

clever, a team

performance full

of individual

brilliance(+), laid

UK1 A big one(+), free-

flowing beautiful

joyous football that

was once Brazil’s

domain(+), it was

just like watching

Brazil(+), this was

about Germany(+),

champagne stuff in

any era(+), their

first goal was


enough(+), a blur

of pinballing

passing(+), another


symbol(+), a

masterpiece of

technique and

precision(+), but it

is different now(+),

that image is

outdated(+), they

reached the end of

the road here(-),

UK1 An awful lot(+),



so completely(+),


bewildered(+), so



rather ordinary(+)

UK2 Barely


utter shock(+),

truly beyond(+)


Fairly bad(-),

barely catch(-),


registered(-), too

high(+), utterly




UK2 I will have my

heart on the

field to help

these players

and Neymar’s

heart will be out

there too(+),

play for



aggression(-), if

the heart has

been ripped

out(-), the part

where we get

sad is over(+),

everything we

imagine and

dream about(+),

anger(-), fury(-),

anger(-), anger(-

), anger(-),

anger(-), threat

of national

trauma(-), the




not worried(+),

ridiculed(-), an


them(-), not

going to beat

them on flair(-),


heirs(+), but this

is a different

Brazil now(-),

there was one

man who

channelled the

spirit(+), not do

it playing



they’ll win



22 ‘special’

players(+), surf

to the World

Cup final on



tackle(-), rabble



they are

special(+), a

fantastic group

of players(+),


derby in world


more sonic

boom than

bonfire night(+),

the skies crash

and shake(+),


robust play(-),


shuffling day(-),

exercise in patch

up and mend(+),

this is how we

must do it(+),

resemble Van


sunflowers to

the power of a

hundred(+), a

carnival of the



the truth is

darker(-), extra

ballast(+), dead-







very happy(+), at

such a high level(+),

quite useful(+), a bit

surprised(-), excess of


extremely tough(+),

considerably more(+),

a great deal of

respect(+), such

strong(+), a lot of

pressure(+), very

strong(+), cheer them

on immensely(+), a

lot of heart(+)


dismantle them



bewildered and




Fernandinho and




hard to


wonderful to

witness the



less wonderful

to watch its

team(-), nerve-




scarred by the

failure(-), love

to hate for their

relentlessly cold


with panache

and joy(+)

the ball back


treating the game

like a training




romantics had not

wanted Brazil to

win this tie(-),

Brazil used to be

the guardians of

the beautiful


Germany the

ruthless clinical

champions of


realpolitik(-), they

have been rather

ordinary(-), their



Brazil have not

really been the

Brazil we have

idealised(-), the

great team of

Zico(+), Germany

have not been the

automatons of

old(+), this is a

now it’s Germany’s


UK2 Record defeat(+), it

was not meant to

end like this(-),

new greater

spectre(-), the

absence of Thiago

Silva was more

critical(-), as if the

air had gone out of

the Brazilian

balloon(-), it was

all over(+), fell

perfectly(+), it got

worse, or better if

you were a

German(+), it no

longer mattered(-)

UK3 Live long in the

memory for all the

wrong reasons(-),

familiar funeral


remembered as if

he had passed

away(-), an



So extreme(+),

too long(+), too

early(+), too


expertise(+), too

late(+), absolutely





many more(+), so

much(+), deluded

a little(-), so

much(+), entirely




exuberant and




hard done by(-),




slay the ghosts

of 1950(+)

UK3 Not be fazed(+),

no more


this can be our

time(+), we

have a great

chance to get

the trophy this


UK4 A blow(-), hope


eternal(+), leap

of faith(+), how

suffocating the

pressure was(-),

joy had been

replaced by a


idol(+), no


nation than

Germany(+), he

had done his

share – now it’s

up to us to do

our part(+),

Brazil raises the

stakes again(+),

a prosaic Brazil

team(+), how


Germany are(+),

no tougher


good players(+),

emblem of his


limitations(-), a



bunch of strong,





wanted to cry

their way

through the

tournament and

UK3 The beautiful

game at this

World Cup is

about to turn

ugly(-), a

succession of





clash(+),it is

only important

to end the game

with a

victory(+), the

pressure is

reaching a

climax(-), sound

will be


Brazil have the

pressure on

them(-), it’s OK

for us(+), the

time to shed

their ‘nearly

men’ tag(+)

UK4 You would have

UK2 Humiliated(-),

inflict misery(-),






tears of utter





rewritten for all

the wrong

reasons(-), the

hearts of a

nation were not

just broken but

smashed into a

billion tiny



haunted(-), a

brutal horrible


), demolition(-),



), traumatised(-),

will follow

Scolari and his


Germany(+), a

team that has

embraced its

freedom(+), the

automatons of old

have gone,

replaced by






Neuer(+), the

game’s great


the keepers of the

flame of beautiful

football(+), Spain

have carried that

mantle with

panache and joy

for some time(+)

UK2 Had skated on the

edge of disaster(-

), his own

stupidity(-), the

skipper, missing

the brains of the

operation(-), the


Brazil’s biggest

home game for 64

years(+), the

contrast between

the sides was

telling(+), the

worst 25 minutes in

Brazilian football


something fairly

bad happened back

in 1950(-), forget

the glorious

successes, the

Maracanazo shaped

Brazilian football

more than any

other game in the

Seleçao’s history(-

), this though could

be worse(-),


expectation levels a

touch(-), were

expectation levels

too high? Perhaps(-

), it will be no easy


UK4 Their own version




feel obliged to

win(-), feel


crumbs of



overcome his

absence and

seal their

second title(+),

brave(+), under

no illusions(+),

nothing much to



Inspire(+), a

huge blow(-),

urges Brazil

on(+), terrible



saddened(-), an

example of

happiness and

high spirits(+),

wasn’t very




then decided to

put the boot in

instead(+), not a

youth player(+)


Germany are

ready to turn the

beautiful game

ugly(-), happy to

bore a billion tv

viewers as long

as the result

goes their


bringing the fun

and excitement

to a juddering

halt(-), we are

strong(+), we

are on a good

run(+), Brazil is

likely to come to

a stop(-), have

turned the


event into a





thought by the

reaction that

someone had

died rather than

been ruled out

of two football


sense of loss is


+), a


landscape that

suits them

perfectly(+), a



spirit(+), before,

losing was


winning would

be superhuman,

an epic feat(+),

this can only

play into the

hands of


futebol de

resultados above




football(+), with


troops for the

rest of their

lives(-), beyond

their worst

possible fears(-),

never relent(-),

ripped to





Neymar(+), a

wave of emotion





volleyed in(+),


collapsed(-), an


guest at a


darted off(+),

slam home(+),

coughed up(-),

the tears




boos(-), trudging

men who had to

be strongest

proved the

weakest links(-),

Germany took the


advantage(+), the

thin yellow wall

parted(-), the

calm penetrative

intelligence of

Sami Khedira(+),

the vision of

Kroos(+), the


movement of

Muller(+), stood

and watched(-),

was just a

spectator(-), Real-

Madrid bound


Brazil statues(-),

Germany danced

around them(+),

Hulk(+), Oscar at

least got Brazil

off the mark in

injury time(+)

UK3 Brazil’s newest

of the beautiful

game(+), a black

marker pen had

been taken to the

pages of their

football history(-),

their opponents

might as well have

been invited from

the beach(-),


equivalent of

chewing on broken

glass(-), prompted

a standing

ovation(+), a

celebration of

colour and

noise(+), the eerie

sound of silence

and other noises(-),

a strange gargled

sound(-) their rich

football history(+),

a masterclass(+),

nobody could have

imagined(-), crazy

as it sounds(+),




brilliance(+), all




rubbing their








go for the

kill(+), hurts(-),

under pressure(-

), admire(+),


killed the



welcome the



Hulk(+), a



cheer them

on(+), a lot of


changed the

complexion of

this World



criminal(-), the

most beloved

Brazilian(+), has

done Brazil a

favour(+), come

out of the

shadows to save

Brazil(+), would

do well to

follow that

lead(+), ready to

help(+), not

going to affect

the team’s


will have to

come together

and play as a

unit at all


diligent(+), the

real driving

force(+), made

the competition

his own(+), no

player close to


Gaucho grit and

garra(+), the

dark arts(+), the

change could

even be a good

thing(+), it will

bring something

new to the

team(+), a good

slice of luck(+),

UK5 Inevitably


the absence of

Neymar will

make things

harder(-), the

bulk of the

action(+), a


strategy(-), a


derby(+), tough


swung the

pendulum a bit

towards the

Germans(-), a


chance(+), a


off like

zombies(-), the

Living Dead(-),

a mercy killing(-

), jeers(-)

UK3 Tragedy(-),

haunt emotional

World Cup





ran riot(-), years

of being

haunted(-), let’s

go let’s go let’s

go(+), steely-

eyed gazing



caught up in the

moment(-), were

soon silenced(-),

killed a

heartening chant

with one swish(-



), tragedy(-),

distraught(-), the

cult hero(+),

Brazil’s fallen

hero(-), lined up

like a super-


Flamengo side(+)

UK4 Germany

removed the

crown from



lingered too

long(-), Germany

elegantly broke




Germany have

just put on one of

the all-time


his team have not

peaked too


illuminate the

final(+), they will

surely have too



Brazil would have

this was perfectly

normal(+), a

personal ordeal(-),

neatly encapsulated

in that moment(-),

it was too late(-),

the worst marking

imaginable(-), a




weighted through-

ball(+), a

cannonball of a

shot(+), the fourth

was even worse(-),

a hopelessly



Oscar’s stoppage-

time goal could

never be described

as a consolation(-)

UK5 In one of its own

great cities(+), a

World Cup match

like no other(+),

this was football

history being

made(+), a



outsiders at their

own party(-),

work his



Play as a

team(+), an


player(+), just

by being on the


Neymar had not

played well(-),

Seleçao resorted

to expecting

Neymar to sort

things out(-),

Neymar can

always offer a

great outlet for

Brazil(+), both

wrong(-), a

strong group



great World Cup


Germany will

not treat Brazil

like normal


, crucial(+),

such strong


tradition(+), a


choice(+), will

need an escape

valve(-), a



sheer brutality(-

), bludgeoned

and bloodied(-),

barely catch

their breath(-),

numb(-), have

been dumped

out of their own








ignominy(-), so

extreme and





shelter their



harrowing(-), a

dream dying(-),


resentment(-), a

full-on mutiny(-



sieved 15(+),

Germany were

genuinely in the

mood for double



brilliance(+), he

did enough all the

same to turn the

volume down on

some of his

critics(+), more

than anyone there

was Tony

Kroos(+), the



Khedira was not

far behind(+),

they should have

given more

credence to the

fast that Silva was

also missing(-), a

player who will

always give his

opponents a

chance(+), not

one had bothered

picking up

Müller(-), Brazil

were in disarray(-

realignment of how

we think about the

world game and

where the power

lies(+), was this

worse than Brazil’s

defeat to Uruguay,

how could it not

be(-), an avalanche

of German

goals(+), an

absurdity(-), social

unrest kept

repressed by the

loyalty to the

national team(+),

the most expensive

ritualistic moment

of humiliation(-),

disorder and chaos

on the pitch(-),

nothing that could

be done(-),

remembered best

for 2014’s

humiliation(-), it is

hard to see past

Joachim Low’s

team now(+), the

fruit of so much

planning and well-

laid plans(+), it was



very strong



had he been

more accurate(-

), was running

like hell(+), one

of brazil’s best

players(+), an

option more

useful for

defending and

marking(+), it’s

up to the

Seleçao to


olé(+), fear(-),






torturous(-), end

in tears(-),

sobs(-), oozed


the pining in

absentia for








tempting to

wonder whether

it was ever

going to stop(+),

we blanked out(-

), catastrophe(-),

the worst

moment of my

life(-), were

booed off(-),


scapegoating of


), their non-



outclassed in



UK5 Had taken leave

of any semblance

of a game-plan(-),

should mute their


one of the most

mediocre Brazil

teams(-), he

deluded himself a

little(-), life goes

on, that’s what

I’ll do(+), his

team were

dreadful(-), a

Germany team

that never looked

likely to lose

control of the

match(+), took

their chances(+),

they did what all

good teams do

and hunted down

(+) opponent that

downhill from

there(-), it was

going to be hard for

Brazil(-), then the


opened(+), three

great saves(+), a

marvellous hit(+),

looked like a man

who was

wondering how he

might best get out

of the country at

the first

opportunity(-), it

was surreal(+), this

was a new

territory(+), the

humiliation was

like no other(-)









raw(-), painful(-

), humiliating(-),


, excruciating(-),

bystanders at a

solemn state

funeral(-), lost(-

), never be






supposed to

exorcise the

ghosts of the


instead it has


Brazilians with a

complex they

may never

shift(-), anger(-),


could not handle

the pressure(-),

Manuel Neuer

was superb(+),

emerged from the

pack with the



the favourites for

this trophy(+), a

team with

Germany rigour

and qualities(+), a

badly defended

corner(-), Lahmn


tackled(+), they

responded in the

worst way


Germany were

running all over



Fernandinho was

entirely culpable(-

), the brilliant

Manuel Neuer(+),

Oscar broke free

and finally beat





olé(+), sneer(-),







humility and



disaster(-), the

worst defeat(-),

falling to

pieces(-), ran

them down(+),




mild feeling of


Brazil fell

apart(-), all the

nasty surprises

were for

Scolari(-), the


flooded Brazil(-

), they







sacking the

city(+), Brazil

were on their



booed off(-), the

fight seeped out

of Brazil(-),

Olé(+), the

humiliation was

like no other(-)


Appendix B: Analysis articles

1) First key match


NL1 - pre De voorspelling van de dag: Een kleine nederlaag voor Nederland

Charles Bromet, voetbalverslaggever van de Volkskrant, geeft elke dag een vooruitblik op het

WK. Vandaag: de kraker Spanje - Nederland, de reprise van de WK-finale van 2010.

Door: Charles Bromet 13 juni 2014, 08:00

Nou, moet er nog afgetrapt worden of geven we ons nu al over?

Dat is een beetje de teneur in het land hè, dat Oranje al blij mag zijn met een gelijkspel.

Spanje wint toernooi na toernooi, terwijl onze arme bondscoach, volledig ten einde raad,

aan het experimenteren is geslagen met een nieuw systeem.

Dat 5-3-2 systeem, geeft dat nou een beetje defensieve zekerheid en stabiliteit?

Het is een soort van schijnveiligheid. Meer handen aan het bed, dat idee. Maar kijk eens naar

die achterhoede en het aantal gespeelde interlands. Doelman Cillessen (8), rechtsback

Janmaat (16), de centrumverdedigers De Vrij (12), Vlaar (24) en Martins Indi (16) én

linksback Blind (12) hebben samen 88 interlands gespeeld. Ter vergelijking: Iker Casillas

keepte in zijn eentje 154 interlands. Centrumverdediger Sergio Ramos zit op 116 zogeheten


Goed, qua ervaring legt Oranje het af. Maar we hebben toch Robin van Persie, Arjen

Robben en Wesley Sneijder. Legt dat dan geen gewicht in de schaal?

Vorig WK, toen Rafael van der Vaart er nog bij was, werd door sommigen gesproken van 'de

grote 4'. Nu Van der Vaart met een blessure heeft moeten afhaken hebben we nog altijd 'de

gouden driehoek'.

Klinkt lekker, maar in de praktijk heeft alleen Robben er een uitstekend seizoen op zitten.

Van Persie heeft geworsteld met blessures en maakt nog altijd geen volledig fitte indruk. En

Sneijder heeft zich weliswaar teruggevochten bij Galatasaray, maar hij is nog bepaald niet

de topspeler die hij in 2010 was. Er is dus veel onzeker. En pas na de eerste groepswedstrijd

kunnen de eerste voorzichtige conclusies worden getrokken.

Niet eerder?

Dat mag wel, maar dan loop je het gevaar volledig mis te schieten. Zelfs Louis van Gaal

weet nog niet zeker wat hij precies in handen heeft op dit moment. Hij heeft wel goede hoop,

maar geen zekerheden.

Hoe kijken ze in Spanje eigenlijk tegen Oranje aan? Met dedain of zijn ze angstig?

Geen van beide. Op de persconferenties wordt er obligaat en vol clichés gesproken over


Nederland. Dat er veel respect is etcetera. Maar de internationals van coach Vicente del

Bosque hebben ook gekeken naar die moeizame oefenwedstrijden van het Nederlands elftal

tegen Ecuador, Ghana en Wales. Die weten wat er te halen is. Die hoeven dat niet uit te


En Spanje zelf dan? Maken ze zich in de kringen van La Roja nog ergens zorgen over?

Vooral over de spitspositie. Net als tijdens de vorige eindtoernooien is die nog altijd met

potlood ingevuld. De diepe spitsen voldoen lang niet altijd in de ogen van Del Bosque,

waardoor hij er vaak een extra middenvelder posteerde. Die opereerde dan als een zogeheten

'valse 9'.

De kritiek van de buitenwacht: dat eeuwige rondspelen is oersaai om te zien. Het verweer van

de coach: kijk eens wat het ons allemaal heeft opgeleverd. Bovendien heeft Del Bosque nu

wat accenten verlegd, waardoor je naast het tiki-taka van Barcelona ook wat strijdelementen

van Atletico Madrid in het systeem terugvindt.

Is te verwachten dat het weer zo'n harde wedstrijd wordt zoals de WK-finale van vier

jaar geleden?

Nee, dat ligt niet voor de hand. Destijds was sprake van een titelgevecht, haast letterlijk. Dit

is het eerste pouleduel. Met een gelijkspel is er nog niets aan de hand. Kijk niet vreemd op als

het uitloopt op een tactisch steekspel: Spanje dat de bal laat rondgaan en Nederland dat

geduldig wacht op die ene kans om te counteren. Die ene pass van Sneijder op de

wegsprintende Robben. En dan...

Goed, kom maar door met die voorspelling.

Als je puur kijkt naar de kwaliteit van beide selecties, naar ervaring en naar bewezen

daadkracht, dan neig je naar een zege voor Spanje. Een kleintje, dat wel. 1-0 dus voor de

regerend wereldkampioen.



Consulted on 08/04/2015


NL2 – pre Premier Rutte: 'We winnen van Spanje en halen finale'

13 juni 2014, 17:23

Het Nederlands elftal gaat de finale van het WK voetbal halen. Dat voorspelde premier Mark

Rutte vandaag na afloop van de ministerraad. Als Oranje inderdaad zo ver komt, gaat hij naar

Brazilië om zelf bij de finale te zijn.

De minister-president zei dat hij een optimist is en dat hij ervan uitgaat dat Oranje alle

wedstrijden gaat winnen. 'Wij gaan die finale halen en dan ga ik erheen.'

Rutte voorspelde ook dat Oranje de eerste wedstrijd, vanavond tegen regerend

wereldkampioen Spanje, 'met duidelijk verschil' gaat winnen. Met hoeveel, wilde hij niet

zeggen. Over het precieze aantal doelpunten 'ben ik nog in contact'.

'Het wordt spannend'

Ook minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert van Defensie verwacht dat de Nederlanders van

Spanje gaan winnen. Haar collega Ivo Opstelten van Veiligheid en Justitie durfde zelfs een

uitslag te noemen. 'Het wordt spannend, maar Nederland wint met 2-1 en haalt zeker de

tweede ronde.' Onderwijsminister Jet Bussemaker vindt het moeilijk om een voorspelling te

doen. 'Maar we blijven optimistisch: 2-1 voor Nederland.'

Minister Frans Timmermans van Buitenlandse Zaken was voorzichtiger. Nederland is

volgens hem goed in vorm. '1-1 of 1-0 voor Nederland. Van Persie maakt het doelpunt.'

Zijn collega Lodewijk Asscher van Sociale Zaken houdt het op een gelijkspel: 1-1. Asscher

heeft net een nieuwe televisie gekocht. De vorige was te oud, de hockeywedstrijden waren

daar al amper meer op te volgen. Asscher gaat met vrienden op de bank kijken en bekende

dat hij altijd een beetje zenuwachtig is voor dit soort voetbalwedstrijden. Hij is iemand die

tegen de tv schreeuwt, zei hij.



Consulted on 06/02/2015


NL3 - pre Droom wordt werkelijkheid voor Van Gaal

Door: Redactie 13 juni 2014, 00:04 Bron: ANP

WK 2014 Voor Louis van Gaal gaat tijdens de eerste wedstrijd van het Nederlands elftal

tegen Spanje een wens in vervulling. 'Dit is het hoogst haalbare voor spelers en trainers', zei

hij. 'In deze sfeer wilde ik altijd al participeren.'

Van Gaal miste als bondscoach met Oranje het WK van 2002. Daarom keerde hij na het

Europees kampioenschap van 2012 terug bij het Nederlands elftal. Na een bijna vlekkeloze

kwalificatie wacht vrijdag in Salvador een duel met de regerend wereldkampioen.

'We zijn op een toernooi', vervolgde Van Gaal. 'Zo moeten we dus ook voetballen. Als je er

één meer maakt dan je tegenstander, dan ben je door. Zo eenvoudig is het. Daar gaat het dus


Van Gaal bedoelde waarschijnlijk dat het Nederlands elftal tegen Spanje niet voor de

schoonheidsprijs gaat. 'Als de tegenstander balbezit heeft, zullen we heel compact moeten

verdedigen. En als we de bal hebben, dan zullen we een paar stations moeten overslaan',

doelde hij op een snel en goed uitgevoerde counter. 'Dat is niet makkelijk met Spaanse

weerstand. Helemaal niet makkelijk, maar we kunnen het wel. Daar geloof ik heilig in.'

De doelstelling van de KNVB was aanvankelijk een plaats in de halve finale. Die is

inmiddels bijgesteld tot een plaats bij de laatste 8. 'We zullen er alles aan doen om de

verrassing van het toernooi te zijn', beloofde Van Gaal. 'Maar we spelen wel tegen de

nummer een van de wereld. Dus dan wordt het niet makkelijk. Maar we kunnen de halve

finale of zelfs de finale halen. Daar geloof ik heilig in. Maar dan moet wel alles kloppen.

Sommige jongens zullen zenuwachtig zijn. Aan hen wil ik nog iets meer aandacht geven.

Dan moeten we kijken hoe het afloopt.'



Consulted on 06/02/2015


NL4 – pre Van Persie: 'Spanje fantastisch team, maar wij zijn ook heel goed'

8 juni 2014, 18:28 Bron: ANP

Van Robin van Persie mag het WK beginnen. De aanvoerder van het Nederlands elftal kijkt

vol verwachting uit naar de eerste groepswedstrijd, vrijdag tegen titelverdediger Spanje. 'Het

is een enorme uitdaging om meteen tegen Spanje te beginnen, in mijn ogen hebben zij

misschien wel het beste team van de wereld', zei Van Persie in Rio de Janeiro. 'Ik ben heel

benieuwd hoe dat in onze eerste wedstrijd zal gaan.'

De confrontatie tussen Nederland en Spanje in Salvador betekent een herhaling van de WK-

finale van 2010. Vergelijken is volgens Van Persie onmogelijk. 'Wij hebben een nieuwe,

goede groep die niet zo ervaren is. Spanje beschikt wel over een heel ervaren team, dat het

EK en WK heeft gewonnen.'

De Spaanse bondscoach Vicente Del Bosque bouwt nog steeds op de vaste kern die in 2008,

2010 en 2012 drie toernooien op rij won. De vraag is of routiniers als Iker Casillas, Sergio

Ramos, Gerard Piqué, Xavi, Xabi Alonso en Andrés Iniesta in staat zijn om nóg een keer te

pieken. Van Persie: 'Er komt altijd een moment dat je moet doorselecteren, maar Spanje heeft

nog steeds ongeveer hetzelfde team. Ik ben eerlijk gezegd wel benieuwd hoe zij dat doen,

hoe ze voor de dag zullen komen.'

De spelers van Oranje zagen Spanje zaterdag een oefenwedstrijd tegen El Salvador met 2-0

winnen. 'De wedstrijd werd geloof ik wel 35 keer herhaald op de televisie, dus in stukjes

hebben we alles wel gezien', zo grapte Van Persie. 'Spanje heeft een fantastisch team, maar

wij zijn ook heel goed. We gaan er volledig voor. Het WK is voor ons geslaagd als we

straks met z'n allen kunnen zeggen dat we een heel mooi toernooi hebben gehad.'



Consulted on 06/02/2015


NL5 – pre Aftellen tot de aftrap: neemt Oranje revanche voor verloren WK-finale?

13 juni 2014

door Pim van den Dool

Sneijder en Robben gisteren op de laatste training voor de

wedstrijd tegen Spanje.

Vanavond begint voor Oranje het WK met de wedstrijd tegen Spanje, een replay van de

verloren WK-finale van 2010. De grote vraag is of Nederland er klaar voor is en de kans

krijgt revanche te nemen tegen de Spanjaarden, die gelden als de favoriet. Een vooruitblik.

De eerste groepswedstrijd in groep B, die vanavond om 21.00 uur begint in de Arena Fonte

Nova in Salvador, is toch vooral een herhaling van de WK-finale van vier jaar geleden in

Johannesburg. Het is voor het eerst sinds die beladen wedstrijd dat Spanje en Nederland

elkaar weer treffen. De spijkerharde finale, die vooral Oranje op veel internationale kritiek

kwam te staan, was bepaald geen reclame voor het voetbal.

Gisteravond, op de laatste persconferentie voor de wedstrijd, kwam de finale van 2010 nog

even ter sprake. Van Gaal vond het harde spel van Nederland van toen geen probleem, zo zei

hij op een vraag van een Britse journalist:

“Fysieke weerstand hoort bij het voetbal. Het is onderdeel van het vak. Er is een

scheidsrechter die grenzen aangeeft. Ik denk dat Nederland vier jaar geleden niet over de

schreef ging. U denkt daar anders over. Dat vind ik jammer. Want ik denk dat de fysieke

strijd hoort bij voetbal, bij sport.”

Van Gaal gisteravond tijdens de persconferentie in Salvador.

Huidige Oranje verschilt sterk van ploeg vier jaar geleden

Of het vanavond nu weer zo’n harde wedstrijd wordt of niet, in de Arena Fonte Nova staan

twee andere teams tegenover elkaar. Vooral Nederland treedt aan met een sterk verjongd

elftal. Waar bij Spanje vermoedelijk nog zeven spelers in de basis staan die de WK-finale van

2010 speelden, zijn dat er bij maar Nederland maar vier (Van Persie, Sneijder, De Jong en


Robben). Van Gaal heeft na het dramatisch verlopen EK van twee jaar geleden

(uitgeschakeld na drie verliespartijen in de groepsfase) radicaal durven vernieuwen.

In de basisopstelling van vanavond dus veel jonge spelers met weinig internationale ervaring.

Verdedigers die alleen in de Eredivisie actief zijn geweest, zoals De Vrij, Janmaat en Martins

Indi, moeten Spaanse topspitsen als Diego Costa en David Silva zien af te stoppen. Tot

gisteravond was er bij Nederland nog maar over één positie onduidelijkheid: op het

middenveld moest Van Gaal nog de keuze maken tussen Jonathan de Guzman of Jordy

Clasie. De bondscoach bevestigde gisteren dat De Guzman, die de afgelopen weken met een

lichte blessure kampte, fit genoeg is om te spelen.

Welke tactiek Oranje vanavond tegen Spanje precies zal hanteren is afwachten, maar zeker is

dat Van Gaal begint met een 5-3-2 opstelling, een nieuw systeem dat de bondscoach pas

enkele weken geleden bij het begin van de voorbereiding introduceerde. Oranje is nog een

onaf bouwwerk, maar het moet nu toch al dienst doen, schrijft onze verslaggever in Brazilië

Bart Hinke vandaag in NRC Handelsblad (€):

In de Arena Fonte Nova werden gisteren door werklui de laatste posters opgehangen, kabels

gelegd, fanshops ingericht. Van Gaal was op het veld min of meer met dezelfde soort

handelingen bezig, op de laatste training op het wedstrijdveld. Niets fundamenteels meer. Al

35 dagen heeft hij sommige jongens nu onder zijn hoede, de meesten twee weken minder. Nu

ongeveer moeten ze wel hebben begrepen wat hij van ze wil, ook in het 5-3-2-systeem dat

tegen Spanje beproefd zal worden.

Sneijder en de rest van de selectie gisteren bij aankomst in


Van Marwijk te spreken over houding Van Gaal

Van Gaal kreeg veel kritiek op zijn beslissing zo kort voor het WK een nieuw systeem te

kiezen, maar oud-bondscoach Bert van Marwijk vindt dat de bondscoach van Oranje zich

uitstekend opstelt, schrijft hij in zijn NRC-column van vandaag:

Er is veel te zeggen over bondscoach Louis van Gaal, maar ik vind dat hij zich in aanloop

naar de eerste wedstrijd van Nederland tegen Spanje goed opstelt. Het valt mij op dat Van

Gaal de zaken steeds positiever benadert. Het is in de voorbereiding niet zo geweldig gegaan

en als je in die sfeer meegaat, sluipt er onzekerheid in het team. Het is dan ontzettend

belangrijk dat de coach vertrouwen uitstraalt. Hij moet de juiste toon aanslaan. En dat doet

Van Gaal momenteel. Hij geeft het goede signaal af.


De wedstrijd van vanavond is voor Van Gaal trouwens een hele bijzondere: eindelijk zal hij

leiding geven aan het Nederlands elftal op een eindtoernooi. De bondscoach, die als

clubcoach zo ongelooflijk succesvol is geweest, liep in 2002 het WK met Nederland mis. Er

is vanavond in Salvador dus dubbele revanche te nemen: Van Gaal zal hopen dat het duel

van vanavond het startschot is voor zijn wraak op de geschiedenis.

Spanje: nog steeds zo sterk of is het beste er wel af?

En dan over tegenstander Spanje, dat internationaal een indrukwekkende reeks neerzette door

drie grote eindtoernooien op rij (EK 2008, WK 2010, EK 2012) te winnen. Veel grote namen

van vier jaar geleden (denk aan Casillas, Xavi, Xabi Alonso, Ramos en Iniesta) zijn nog altijd

van de partij en dat roept in eigen land de vraag op: besluiten ze hun interlandcarrières op het

WK in Brazilië in stijl of gaan ze één toernooi te lang door?

De grote leider van het team, middenvelder Xavi Hernandez, haalde gisteren voor de laatste

training zijn schouders op toen hem op een persconferentie werd gevraagd of het geen tijd

was voor verandering:

“Nee, ik zou niet weten waarom wij dingen anders zouden moeten doen. Onze dominante

speelstijl heeft Spanje toch juist al het succes gebracht? Daar houden wij aan vast. Wij

komen naar Brazilië om te winnen. En als we ten onder gaan, dan sterven we op onze


Bondscoach Vicente del Bosque, de 63-jarige architect van het Spaanse voetbalsucces van de

afgelopen jaren, was het met Xavi eens. “Jong Spanje werd vorig jaar Europees kampioen.

Dus over de toekomst maak ik me geen zorgen. Langzaamaan passen we een nieuwe

generatie in. We hebben geen haast.”

De Spaanse bondscoach Del Bosque gisteravond op de

afsluitende training van zijn land.

In Spanje zelf leeft het WK overigens nog niet heel sterk, vertelt onze correspondent in

Madrid Merijn de Waal. Dat gaat vaker zo, zegt hij: meestal wordt het land pas een beetje

opgewonden zodra de kwartfinales zijn gehaald. Over Nederland zijn de gevoelens volgens

De Waal gemengd:

“Men is de schoppartij van 2010 niet vergeten, maar omdat hij voor de Spanjaarden goed

afliep, bestaat daarover weinig oud zeer. Nederland wordt zeker niet onderschat. Al zijn veel

van de huidige basisspelers voor de Spanjaarden grote onbekenden.”

Aanzien van Nederland als voetbalnatie op het spel


Doordat dit Nederlands elftal zo jong en onervaren is, is Spanje vanavond de duidelijke

favoriet. Van Gaal beaamde dat gisteravond ook. “Spanje staat op nummer één van de FIFA-

ranglijst, wij op nummer vijftien. Dat is een belangrijk verschil. We moeten dus bij balbezit

van de tegenstander compact blijven en als wij de bal hebben, moeten wij stations overslaan”,

ofwel in directe patronen de aanval kiezen.

Balbezit van de tegenstander als uitgangspunt, dat is wel eens anders geweest bij Oranje,

concludeert onze verslaggever Hinke:

Wie had dat ooit gedacht bij Holland, bij Van Gaal? Oranje heeft de komende weken alles te

bewijzen, heel veel te winnen, maar nog steeds iets heel belangrijks te verliezen: het aanzien

van de voetbalnatie. Wat daar nog van over is.



Consulted on 18/02/2015


NL1 – post Oranje verplettert wereldkampioen Spanje

13 juni 2014, 22:52 Bron: ANP

Met een spectaculaire en bijna onvoorstelbare zege op Spanje is het Nederlands elftal

vanavond aan het WK begonnen. Oranje klopte de regerend wereldkampioen met maar liefst

5-1 in de Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador.

Vier van de vijf treffers van de formatie van Louis van Gaal vielen na rust, toen het elftal zich

niet meer beperkte tot verdedigen en counteren maar de tegenstander met goed verzorgd

voetbal overklaste. Robin van Persie en Arjen Robben scoorden allebei tweemaal voor de

ploeg die een reuzenstap naar de achtste finales zette.

De krachtmeting in de Arena Fonte Nova deed na 8 minuten even denken aan de reprise van

de vorige WK-finale tussen beide ploegen. Toen was het Wesley Sneijder die Arjen Robben

alleen voor doelman Iker Casillas zette, nu andersom. Ook de kleine middenvelder kreeg de

bal tijdens zijn honderdste interland niet voorbij de recordinternational van Spanje.

Oranje bestreed de regerend wereldkampioen op een manier die Louis van Gaal vooraf had

aangekondigd. De formatie liet zich ver terug zakken en wilde in balbezit zo snel mogelijk

counteren. Die tactiek leverde voor rust nog geen oogstrelend voetbal op maar werkte wel.

Spanje combineerde maar sporadisch door de goed georganiseerde Nederlandse defensie.

Als de titelverdediger gevaarlijk dreigde te worden, dan wierp vaak Ron Vlaar zich als een

blok graniet voor de bal.

Toch was het Spanje dat na 26 minuten de leiding nam. Diego Costa liep meer tegen het been

van Stefan de Vrij aan dan andersom, maar scheidsrechter Nicola Rizzoli beoordeelde de

botsing met een strafschop. Xabi Alonso maakte vanaf 11 meter geen fout (0-1). Bijna

passeerde David Silva even later Jasper Cillessen nog een keer. De doelman van Ajax bleef

echter lang staan en kon redding brengen.

De gelijkmaker van Nederland was een juweeltje. Daley Blind vond met een lange trap het

hoofd van Robin van Persie, die vanaf zo'n metertje of 15 prachtig raak kopte. De treffer van

de aanvoerder was de inleiding voor een sterke tweede helft, waarin Oranje de tegenstander

af en toe overklaste.

Robben, opnieuw op aangeven van Blind, tekende na 53 minuten voor 2-1. De Vrij

verschalkte Casillas in dfe 64e minuut met een kopbal. De Braziliaanse toeschouwers hadden

allang de kant van Oranje gekozen toen Van Persie (72e minuut) en Robben (80e minuut) de

titelverdediger een ongenadig pak slaag gaven. De zege was nog groter uitgevallen als Van

Persie niet op de lat had geschoten en Sneijder en Wijnaldum alleen voor Casillas wel hadden




Consulted on 06/10/2014


NL2 – post Oranje slacht Spanje af

vr 13 jun 2014, 22:48

door Twan Bovée

Gouden driehoek zorgt voor weergaloze start van WK voetbal

Een mooier begin van het WK voetbal had Louis van Gaal zich niet kunnen wensen. Het

Nederlands elftal declasseerde in Salvador de regerend kampioen Spanje. Aan de hand van

de gouden driehoek, bestaande uit Robin van Persie, Arjen Robben en Wesley Sneijder,

zegevierde Oranje met liefst 5-1 (!). Het trauma van Zuid-Afrika is voor even vergeten.

Robin van Persie zorgde met een weergaloze kopgoal, na een schitterende pass van Daley

Blind, vlak voor rust voor de grote ontlading. De 30-jarige aanvoerder rende al juichend naar

de opgeluchte Van Gaal. De gelijkmaker kwam precies op het juiste moment. Zo zou later



Aanvankelijk liep alles anders. Waar het Nederlands elftal in de openingsfase de Spanjaarden

in het hoge tempo prima kon volgen, was er toch een kleine terugval. Daarbij legde de

Italiaanse arbiter Nicola Rizzoli de bal ook nog eens makkelijk en onterecht op de stip toen

Stefan de Vrij doorgleed en Diego Costa zich liet vallen. Xabi Alonso schoot in de 27e

minuut vanaf elf meter onberispelijk binnen.

Wesley Sneijder en Van Persie kregen ook kansen, maar David Silva had in de eerste helft

een enorme dreun kunnen uitdelen. Alleen opgedoken voor Jasper Cillessen stuitte hij op de

handen van de Oranje-sluitpost. De nieuwe, defensievere tactiek (1-5-3-2) van Van Gaal

pakte aanvankelijk qua resultaat dus niet goed uit. Ondanks de vijf verdedigers verschenen

de Spanjaarden van coach Vincete del Bosque immers enkele malen gevaarlijk voor het doel

van Cillessen.

Oranje ontsnapte. Na de bevrijdende goal van Van Persie stootte Van Gaal & co in de

tweede helft met perfect counterend voetbal door. En wéér stond Ajacied Blind met een

geweldige voorzet aan de basis van het doelpunt. Dit keer bediende hij Robben. Na een

sublieme aanname rondde de Bayern-vedette doeltreffend af. Eindelijk, zo was van zijn

gezicht af te lezen.


Een opstootje tussen Bruno Martins Indi en Diego Costa werd vervolgens door arbiter Rizzoli

snel gesust. De Italiaan bestrafte de geboren Braziliaan, die door het publiek werd

uitgefloten en uitgescholden voor 'verrader', niet voor een voorzichtige kopstoot. De

internationals lieten zich niet provoceren. Sterker nog, Oranje beet sportief van zich af. Een

vlammend schot van Van Persie spatte uiteen op de lat. Spanje was de kluts kwijt.


In de 64e minuut was het toch raak. Sneijder nam de vrije trap, Van Persie beukte Casillas

aan de kant, Rizzoli liet doorspelen en De Vrij scoorde. De met 50.000 toeschouwers gevuld

Arena Fonte Nova ontplofte.

Van held tot schlemiel

Casillas hield Nederland vier jaar geleden in Johannesburg nog van de wereldtitel, maar in

Salvador was hij de schlemiel van Spanje. De 33-jarige Real-goalie blunderde in de 72e

minuut opzichtig, waarna Van Persie al weer zijn 45e interlanddoelpunt liet aantekenen. De

Spaanse afgang was een feit, Oranje boven.

De martelgang was voor Spanje nog niet over. Robben bezorgde met zijn tweede treffer van

de avond de Zuid-Europeanen pas echt het schaamrood op de kaken. Even is de teen van

Iker Casillas vergeten, maar een wereldtitel levert het Oranje vooralsnog niet op.


De volgende confrontatie staat voor woensdag op het programma. De tegenstander is dan

Australie. De laatste groepswedstrijd volgt op maandag 23 juni tegen Chili.



Consulted on 06/10/2014


NL3 – post Supersensatie volgens het meesterplan van Van Gaal

Door: Willem Vissers 13 juni 2014, 23:50

In Salvador voltrok zich de supersensatie, geschreven volgens het meesterplan van

bondscoach Louis van Gaal. In een van de meest memorabele wedstrijden uit de WK-

geschiedenis van Oranje, herstel, uit de historie van het toernooi zelf, vermorzelde het

Nederlands elftal de wereldkampioen: 5-1. Het is ongelooflijk maar waar.

Wesley Sneijder (3de R) en bondscoach Louis van Gaal (2de R) © ANP

Blijdschap bij Arjen Robben en Robin van Persie, ze scoorden beide twee

keer. © ANP

Onwaarschijnlijk en hallucinerend was de sfeer in stadion Fonte Nova, dat trilde en rilde

van opwinding en waar de Nederlandse polonaise zich mengde met Braziliaanse samba. Olé

in het kwadraat. Spanje - Nederland, de ouverture van het WK voor de finalisten van 2010.

Uitslag: 1-5, met twee goals van aanvoerder Robin van Persie, zo vaak bekritiseerd als het

om eindronden ging, en twee van Robben.

De lach van Van Persie en Robben, bij de wissel van de aanvoerder, was het ultieme moment

van glorie. De ene ster, Van Persie, geeft de band aan de andere ster: missie geslaagd. En

toen moest de ultieme vernedering nog komen, toen Robben weer een sprintduel won en

Casillas voor hem liet kruipen, alvorens het vonnis te voltrekken.

Na de vroege achterstand wierp Nederland de schroom van zich af, om te profiteren van twee

van de betere aanvallers van de wereld: Van Persie en dartele Robben, de vliegeraar. Van

Gaal mocht de Hollandse school dan voor minimaal één duel vaarwel hebben gezegd en de

defensie met vijf man hebben dichtgetimmerd, zijn aanvallers deden wat hij vroeg. Ze

kropen uit de loopgraven de zon tegemoet.

Want het ging alleen om resultaat, vrijdag in Salvador. Simpel was de tactiek: verdedigen.

Ruimtes klein houden bij Spaans balbezit. Bal veroveren en dan snel naar voren, met een

diepe, lange pass.

Van ongekende schoonheid

Dat vraagt veel van de spelers voorin, die weinig ballen krijgen, veel moeten lopen en vaak

tegen een overmacht opboksen. Dan is het zaak kansen te benutten. Van ongekende

schoonheid waren de meeste doelpunten.


Wat een wereldgoal was bijvoorbeeld de 44ste treffer van Van Persie in het Nederlands elftal

(1-1), een vrucht ook van die tactiek, van de talloze trainingen in de afgelopen weken. De

weelderige, bekeken pass van Blind, gegeven van de linkerkant van het veld, een meter of

acht over de middenlijn, naar het centrum, waar Van Persie al was vertrokken.

Louis van Gaal en Bruno Martens Indi. © ANP

Arjen Robben. © ANP

Van Persie vertrekt heel vaak op die manier, maar dan komt de bal niet of te laat. Nu was het

scenario perfect. Kijk, hij was los. Kijk, daar viel de bal uit het zwerk. Van Persie had alles

gezien en alles gepland. Hij moest alleen nog op de knop van uitvoering drukken. Van Persie

kopte de bal dus over Casillas heen, met veel atletisch vermogen, alsof hij een zeehond was

die een bal naar de overkant van het bassin kopt.

Toen was het dus weer gelijk, kort voor rust. Spanje was op voorsprong gekomen door een

strafschop van Diego Costa, door zijn keuze voor Spanje voortdurend uitgefloten door het

publiek in Salvador. De strafschop was omstreden, maar in een toernooi waarin

scheidsrechters de hoofdrol opeisen, hoeft niemand dat meer te verbazen. Onverstandig

was de sliding van De Vrij, maar Costa zocht het contact, ging min of meer op de voet van

De Vrij staan en liet zich meeglijden over het gras. Xabi Alonso scoorde.

Dat Spanje in aanleg beter voetbalt, is geen schande. Met 851 interlands op de teller bij de

aftrap, met zeven spelers uit vorige WK-finale, tegen een defensie van jonge voetballers uit

de eredivisie, plus Vlaar van Aston Villa. Dan gaat weleens iets fout. Dan neemt Martins Indi

een bal verkeerd aan, geeft Janmaat een wezenloze pass of zijn te veel overtredingen nodig.

Het had 2-0 kunnen worden

Maar dan die strijdlust, vaak voorbehouden aan anderen. En toch kreeg Nederland de eerste

kans, toen Robben opeens Sneijder diep stuurde. Die had wat moeite om de voorsprong op de

defensie vast te houden en schoot een beetje zielloos in, tegen de uitgestoken hand van

Casillas. Het tiki-taka van Spanje begon even te lopen, zo halverwege de eerste helft, en een

doelpunt kon niet uitblijven. Het had zelfs 2-0 kunnen worden, toen Iniesta met één

geweldige pass de defensie uit elkaar trok. Cillessen redde, op de stift van Silva.


En toen kwam Oranje, toen begon die ongelooflijke helft plus twee minuten. De ploeg was

los, het vertrouwen groeide, Spanje wankelde. Na een fraaie aanval, waarbij eens niet

meteen de diepte werd gezicht, werd het 1-2. Weer na een pass van Blind, uit de lucht

geplukt door Robben alsof hij een appeltje uit de boom nam. Piqué omspeeld, Casillas nu

wel gepasseerd.

En nog was het niet voorbij. Het was zelfs nog lang niet voorbij, deze afstraffing. Van Persie

beukte de bal tegen de lat, met rechts, op aangeven van Janmaat. De Vrij, een van die jonge

spelers die het vertrouwen kreeg Van Gaal, kopte bij de tweede paal een vrije trap van

Sneijder binnen. Van Persie hinderde Casillas, die bij de onwaarschijnlijke 1-4 weer in de

fout ging. En toen kwam die 1-5 ook nog, van Robben, een van de beoogde sterren van het




Consulted on 11/02/2015


NL4 – post Ontketend Oranje geeft wereldkampioen Spanje enorm pak slaag

14 juni 2014

door Peter Zantingh

Nederland speelde zelden zo'n goede tweede helft

Van Persie juicht met Bondscoach Louis van Gaal. Foto ANP / Koen van Weel

Oranje heeft in Salvador wereldkampioen Spanje een ongenadig pak slaag gegeven. Een

weergaloze tweede helft zorgde voor een 1-5 overwinning. Van Persie en Robben maakten er

beiden twee.

Spanje - Nederland in een verslag

Nederland begon in het 5-3-2 dat Van Gaal in de aanloop naar dit toernooi adopteerde. Met

De Guzman op het middenveld naast De Jong, waar Clasie in de voorbereiding nog vaak op

die positie speelde. Verder was het elftal zoals viel te verwachten. De opstelling van Spanje

kende evenmin een verrassing, of het moest zijn dat Diego Costa (Atletico Madrid) de

voorkeur kreeg boven Pedro (Barcelona).

Al na vijf minuten kon Oranje op voorsprong komen: Sneijder liep alleen op Casillas af, maar

schoot zwak in, en de Spaanse keeper kon redden. Daarna werd Spanje sterker en sterker;

Ron Vlaar greep twee keer goed in bij gevaar.

Toch kwam Nederland op achterstand. De Vrij liet Costa over zijn been vallen na een

kapbeweging van de genaturaliseerde, in Brazilië geboren spits. Xabi Alonso benutte de


Vlak voor rust werd het gelijk. Een prachtige pass van Daley Blind vanaf links belandde bij

Van Persie, die met een prachtige duikkopbal Casillas verschalkte. Zo gingen de ploegen met

1-1 de rust in.

In de tweede helft was alles anders. Nederland kwam onder de druk van Spanje uit en

plotseling leek alles te lukken. Robben maakte 1-2 na weer een goede pass van Blind, De Vrij

maakte 1-3 uit een indraaiende vrije trap - hij wist de bal bij de tweede paal binnen te

rommelen. Spanje protesteerde omdat Van Persie Casillas zou hebben gehinderd, maar daar

wilde de scheidsrechter niets van weten.


De wereldkampioen lag op apegapen - en Oranje stoomde door. Een enorme fout van

Casillas, die de bal van zijn voet liet springen, werd afgestraft door Van Persie (luister ook

het radiocommentaar van Van Gelder). En alsof zelfs dat niet genoeg was, maakte Robben er

tien minuten voor tijd 1-5 van. Na een dieptepass van Sneijder haalde hij Ramos in en

speelde hij Casillas in alle rust uit, om daarna binnen te knallen.

Het kon nog 1-6 worden, meerdere keren zelfs. En Torres kon 2-5 maken, maar voor open

doel faalde hij. Het bleef dus bij 1-5: een onverwacht ruime overwinning voor het team van

Van Gaal, dat plotseling goed zicht heeft op de tweede ronde.


Consulted on 18/02/2015


NL5 - post Apetrotse Sneijder geniet na: 'We waren gewoon veel fitter dan Spanje'

Door: Mikos Gouka

14-6-14 - 10:56

Wesley Sneijder (nummer 10) viert de spectaculaire

zege op Spanje © epa.

Een kort nachtje na terugkeer uit Salvador, gevolgd door een lichte training op het

vertrouwde Estadio Gavea van Flamengo. De spelers van Oranje kwamen vandaag in Rio de

Janeiro bij van de prachtige avond die het had beleefd tegen Spanje. De spelers van

bondscoach Louis van Gaal zorgden er in Salvador met een handvol treffers niet alleen voor

dat de Oranje een droomstart beleefde, de voetbalwereld is ook wakker geschud.

Oranje doet weer volop mee, ook al heeft de ploeg niet als gewoonlijk een waslijst aan

klinkende namen op het veld staan. In Nederland slaat de befaamde Oranje-koorts dus

gewoon weer toe en ook in gastland Brazilië wordt inmiddels vol respect gekeken naar de

onervaren formatie uit Nederland. Waar het twee jaar geleden in Charkov tegen de Denen zo

vreselijk tegenzat, schoot Oranje dit keer als een komeet uit de startblokken.

Ron Vlaar, Daley Blind, Stefan de Vrij en Jasper Cillessen. Hun namen worden plotseling

met respect uitgesproken in het gastland van het net gestarte WK. Maar uiteraard blijven de

sterren Robin van Persie, Arjen Robben en natuurlijk Wesley Sneijder, de man die Brazilië

vier jaar geleden in Zuid-Afrika in diepe rouw dompelde, de blikvangers.

De nummer tien van Oranje was uiteraard apetrots op de prestatie tegen Spanje, dat na rust

werkelijk aan alle kanten voorbij werd gelopen. 'Toch is het wel een beetje wat we al

voorspeld hadden', grinnikt Sneijder.'Hoe gek dat misschien ook mag klinken na een 5-1

overwinning tegen Spanje. Ik doel ook niet direct op de uitslag, maar vooral op het


De spelers van Oranje, die vanaf vandaag het vizier vol richten op de ontmoeting met

Australië, voelden na rust dat de regerend wereldkampioen op omvallen stond. 'Spanje werd

angstig,'' zegt Sneijder. 'Wij waren meedogenloos in de tegenaanvallen. Het voelde heel


Volgens Sneijder was de kiem voor de wervelende tweede helft gelegd in de eerste rondgang.

Ondanks de achterstand door de rake strafschop van Xabi Alonso, bleef Oranje geloven in

een goede afloop. Zeker toen Robin van Persie op sublieme wijze een lange bal van Daley

Blind achter Casillas had gekopt. 'In de eerste helft kwamen wij er soms al erg gevaarlijk

uit', zegt Sneijder. 'Maar de start van de tweede helft was fantastisch. We zaten er overal heel


kort op. We hebben nauwelijks nog ruimte weggegeven.'

Toen Spanje vervolgens in paniek leek te raken na de snelle 2-1 van Arjen Robben, draaide

Oranje de duimschroeven nog maar eens flink aan. En toen Stefan de Vrij de derde treffer

achter Iker Casillas had gefrommeld, was het voorbij met de formatie van Vicente del

Bosque. 'Ze gingen zomaar ballen wegschieten. Er zat geen lijn meer in.'

Precies zoals Van Gaal en rechterhand Danny Blind in de pauze hadden voorspeld. De

spelers van Oranje hadden ademloos naar de coach geluisterd. 'We startten weer zó fel',

knikt Sneijder. 'Spanje was volgens mij verrast door de manier waarop wij speelden. Voor

rust gaven Xavi en Iniesta nog wel een paar steekballen, maar in de tweede helft was dat niet

meer het geval.'

De spelers van Oranje begonnen na de winst tegen de Spanjaarden stuk voor stuk over hun

fitheid. Inspanningsfysioloog Jos van Dijk, dagelijks prominent naast Van Gaal op het

trainingsveld aanwezig en fysieke trainer René Wormhoudt hebben blijkbaar vakwerk

afgeleverd. Bovendien had Sneijder zelf ook al maandenlang keihard gewerkt met Gökhan

Saki, een Turks-Nederlands kickbokser uit Schiedam. Daar plukt hij nu de vruchten van in

het benauwde weer in Zuid-Amerika. 'We waren gewoon veel fitter dan Spanje. Maar als we

er straks uit vliegen dan hebben we niks aan deze zege gehad.'



Consulted on 18/02/2015


SP1 – pre Kick-off: Spain's first game a grudge match

Published: 12 Jun 2014 09:47 GMT+02:00

Holders Spain open their World Cup campaign against the Netherlands on Friday in a

repeat of the 2010 final with the Dutch out for revenge.

Andres Iniesta's strike four minutes from the end of extra-time in the Johannesburg final

crowned Spain as world champions for the first time and now, four years later, the European

giants clash again at Salvador's Arena Fonte Nova in the mouth-watering opening match of

Group B.

With South American dark horses Chile and Australia still to come, a win for either side

would set the group's agenda.

Captain Robin van Persie, Arjen Robben, Wesley Sneijder, Nigel De Jong and Dirk Kuyt are

the five survivors from the 2010 final in the current squad and the Dutch have made no secret

of their desire for revenge.

"It was a big chance for us to win the World Cup and we were really close," said Aston Villa

defender Ron Vlaar.

"It should always burn inside to make something right. To play against them now in the first

game is a great challenge."

Veteran midfielder Wesley Sneijder, who will win his 100th cap in the match, said the

wounds of that defeat were still raw.

"It's like a scar that hasn't yet healed. It always gets me down when I think about it," said the

Galatasaray star.

As the double European and reigning world champions, Vicente del Bosque's Spain are

bidding to join Brazil and Italy as the only teams to have enjoyed back-to-back World Cup


The ever-loyal Del Bosque is expected to make just one change from the side which started

and won the Euro 2012 final with Chelsea's Cesar Azpilicueta coming in for Alvaro Arbeloa

at right-back.

- No fear, just respect -

Cesc Fabregas should start up front for Spain with Brazil-born Atletico Madrid striker Diego

Costa expected to make a second-half appearance from the bench.

"We don't have any fear. But we do have respect," said del Bosque.

"Holland are a well-organised team, well-coached, and I am sure they will make things

difficult for us."


Spain can expect a hostile reception in Salvador, judging by last year's Confederations Cup

when they were widely booed on their run to the final where they lost 3-0 to hosts Brazil.

Van Persie is expected to be fit, despite arriving in Brazil as an injury concern after

sustaining a groin problem in last week's 2-0 friendly win over Wales in Amsterdam.

Coach Louis van Gaal has experimented with a 5-3-2 formation designed to close down

Spain's potent attack and counter-attack hard.

But the future Manchester United manager used a 4-4-2 formation against the Welsh to keep

the Spanish guessing which system he will use in Salvador.

Much relies for the Dutch on their attacking triumvirate of Van Persie, Arjen Robben and

Sneijder, while their defence has been criticised as the team's weak link.

Spain are wary of their opponents' ability to hit them on the break, warned midfielder Sergio


The 25-year-old Barcelona star, who played in the 2010 final, said while most of the team

that won the World Cup remained, Holland now have a lot of new young talent.

"We have practically the same players whereas they have had an infusion of new players and

a new coach (Louis van Gaal)," said Busquets.

"They have deployed a different system of playing, with five defenders and relying on hitting

their opponents on the counter-attack.

"We have to thwart their counter-attacks and also keep a close eye on their most effective

players such as Arjen Robben, Robin van Persie and Wesley Sneijder.


Consulted on 06/02/2015


SP2 – pre 'Tiki-taka is our style, we'll live or die by it'

Published: 13 Jun 2014 10:29 GMT+02:00

Midfield maestro Xavi Hernández insisted Spain will stick to its famous style of fast

passing play, the so-called tiki-taka, when his side kicks off their World Cup campaign

against Holland on Friday night.

Spain manager Vicente del Bosque has dismissed suggestions his side are past their best as

they attempt to win a fourth consecutive major tournament at the World Cup in Brazil.

The world champions get their campaign under way against the Netherlands on Friday in

Salvador in a repeat of the final four years ago in South Africa which was decided by Andres

Iniesta's solitary goal in extra-time.

"We have a mature team and young players. We are not afraid of anything and we are in

our prime," said Del Bosque.

"I don't have any fear for the future either because we have an under-21 team that are

winning things and there are plenty of replacements that will ensure a bright future."

Whilst Del Bosque could name a side containing just one change to the side that started the

European Championships final in 2012, the Netherlands are a much changed outfit in recent

years with coach Louis Van Gaal introducing a wave of young players with little experience

at international level.

And understandably it is the more experienced trio of Robin Van Persie, Wesley Sneijder

and Arjen Robben that concerns Del Bosque.

"A lot has changed in four years. We have had a relatively stable side since 2010, but Van

Gaal has stimulated them a lot and conserved the essence of Dutch football. We know that up

front they have very dangerous players."

Midfielder Xavi Hernandez also highlighted the threat of the Dutch front three, but is

hoping Spain's normal dominance of possession will snuff out their threat.

"They have three very experienced players up front. They will sit in and then look for very

quick counter-attacks. We know Spain will have more of the ball.

"That is our style and we know we will live or die by it. Hopefully it will allow us to

make history."

Captain Iker Casillas is also confident of becoming the first side since Brazil in 1962 to

retain the World Cup.

"We will try to repeat what we did in South Africa. We have the role of favourites and we

know all the other teams want to beat Spain.


"We are motivated to win a second star on our shirt for our country. Spain have been the best

team in the world for the past four years and, if we have the humility and ambition that we

did in South Africa, the team will be strong and have a clear chance of defending the title."

Del Bosque confirmed that Barcelona left-back Jordi Alba will be fit to play despite suffering

from foot blisters and toothache.

That leaves the former Real Madrid boss with just one major decision over whether to start

with a recognised centre forward in Diego Costa or opt instead for Cesc Fabregas as a "false


Fabregas completed his move from Barcelona to Chelsea on Thursday and expressed his

relief to get his future sorted ahead of the start of Spain's campaign.

"It was extremely important to me that this transfer was completed before the World Cup so

that my mind will only be focused on hopefully helping my country try to retain the trophy,"

he told his official Facebook page.


Consulted on 06/02/2015


SP3 – pre Xavi: We’ll live and die playing the ‘Spanish way’

By Tom Powell (Chief Reporter) - PUBLISHED -

13 Jun, 2014 @ 11:12

AS Spain and Holland prepare for their World Cup clash this evening, influential

midfielder Xavi has declared La Roja will never abandon the ‘tika taka’ style they have

epitomised over the last six years.

“We’ll live or die by our style of play,” he defiantly said.

The match, a repeat of the 2010 final, is arguably the most mouthwatering of the entire group


“ They have very fast attackers, so they’re very good at the counterattack, but also strong in

defence,” added the Barcelona play-maker.

“But we have our own style of play. We’ve been playing that way for many

years and we’ll try to impose our style on them.

“Our style of play is very clear. We want to dominate the game; keep

possession. We’ve had this style for many years and had a great many

successes, so I think it would be a mistake to change it.

“All of our players have adapted to it by now. We’re going to win or die with this style of

play. We want to make history again with this style of play.”

Meanwhile, Netherlands boss Louis Van Gaal – soon to be take over at Manchester United –

has launched a charm offensive on tonight’s opponents.

“Spanish football may well be the best football in the world at the moment,” he said.

“They have the tactics, the technique and the physical workrate to make them number one,

and that’s what they are.

“We will have to play a compact game against them when they have possession, and that

won’t be easy.”



Consulted on 10/04/2015


SP1 – post Del Bosque: We are all to blame for hammering

Published: 14 Jun 2014 10:50 GMT+02:00

Updated: 14 Jun 2014 10:50 GMT+02:00

Spain coach Vicente del Bosque admits the holders were stunned by their 5-1

hammering at the hands of the Netherlands in their opening World Cup match on


The defending holders and European champions were thrashed in their Group B opener as

the Netherlands exacted emphatic revenge for the defeat in the 2010


Manchester United striker Robin van Persie and Bayern Munich winger Arjen Robben both

netted twice, while centre-back Stefan de Vrij also got on the scoresheet.

Worryingly for del Bosque, it could have been more as the Dutch fired in a flurry of late

shots as the Spanish defence capitulated in Salvador.

"We didn't react well to Van Persie's second goal -- they were euphoric and they hammered

us," said del Bosque.

"In the second-half, they were simply better than we were and they overwhelmed us.

"Now isn't the time to point the finger of blame at each other, we are all to blame.

"We need to try to find solutions and win the two remaining games, starting with our next

game against Chile."

In a group that was always expected to be hotly contested and liable to be settled by goal

difference, Spain now have little margin for error if they are to avoid a stunning first round


"It is one of the toughest defeats of my career," admitted the 34-year-old Xavi.

"We did everything wrong in the second-half, it was a debacle."

Spain conceded two goals at the last World Cup and three in their qualifying campaign for

Brazil 2014, leaving Del Bosque at a loss to explain the five-goal mauling.

"I can't find the words to explain that, we are normally solid in defence, but today we were

very weak," said Del Bosque.

"You have to acknowledge the performances of Van Persie and Robben."


Spain bounced back from losing their first game at the last World Cup to Switzerland by

winning the South Africa 2010 title.

The 63-year-old del Bosque was praised for sticking to his principles despite defeat to the

Swiss four years ago and is likely to do so again.

That loyalty to those who have won in the past has borne great success over his six-year

spell in charge with the Euro 2008 and Euro 2012 titles combined with their 2010 World Cup


However, next up for Spain is the side Del Bosque admitted before December's draw he

wanted to avoid the most when his team play Chile in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday.

Del Bosque insisted it was not a matter of fitness in Salvador with the fall-out of this defeat

set to take days to settle.

"It wasn't a question of fitness, their second goal gave them a lift and heightened their

performance," said the Spaniard.


Consulted on 06/10/2014


SP2 – post Holland thrash Spain in World Cup opener

Published: 13 Jun 2014 22:49 GMT+02:00

Holland have dished out a humiliating 5-1 defeat to Spain, in what was a truly horrible start

to their defence of their World Cup title.

Spain took the lead in the 27th minute with Xabi Alonso converting from the spot after a foul

on Diego Costa.

But that was the last of the celebrations for the team known as La Roja — a team which

Spain's El Pais newspaper sad was defending not just a title but a style of play.

After Xabi's conversion, it was festival of orange with Van Persie beginning the show with a

brilliant diving header just before half time.

Robben then scored in the 52nd minute before Dutch defender De Vrij followed up in minute


Spain goalkeeper Casillas then made a terrible mistake on a dismal night for the team's

defence, failing to control a back pass, and allowing Van Persie to score his second.

Robben then completed the humiliation with a fifth goal for Holland in the 80th minute, a

goal which also handed him a brace on an evening that may go some way towards easing

Holland's painful memories of their World Cup final defeat to Spain four years ago.

The match also saw Spain's goalkeeper Iker Casillas come up short in his bid to break Italian

goalkeeper Walter Zenga's long unbeaten World Cup record on Friday.

Had Casillas kept a clean sheet until at least the last four minutes of Spain's Group B opener

against the Netherlands in Salvador, he would have overtaken Zenga's 517-minute unbeaten

run from Italia 1990.

Casillas had not conceded a World Cup goal since Rodrigo Millar scored in the 47th minute

of world champions Spain's final group game 2-1 victory over Chile in South Africa four

years ago.

But when Dutch striker Robin van Persie netted in the 44th minute of Friday's clash, to

equalise Xabi Alonso's earlier penalty, Casillas's run stopped at 477 minutes, 40 minutes


The last time the reigning champions lost their opening match, France were humbled by

Senegal in 2002, but never before had a title-holder been so comprehensively thrashed.

Spain now face a potentially bruising match against a physical Chile side, a game that could

decide their fate in a Brazil World Cup that is certainly not going as planned.


Consulted on 06/10/2014


SP3 – post Can Spain recover from Holland thrashing?

Published: 17 Jun 2014 09:57 GMT+02:00

Stunned by their heroes' 5-1 humiliation by the Netherlands, Spaniards are already

bemoaning the end of a glorious era and fearing the worst in La Roja's World Cup life-or-

death clash on Wednesday with Chile.

Diego Maradona put the challenge in a nutshell.

"So how are Spain going to recover from this massive blow? Spain isn't used to letting in five

goals," the Argentine legend told Latin American television station Telesur.

On Friday night as Spain crumbled in the second half against the Dutch onslaught, some

supporters still held out hope.

"In 2010 we also lost the first match," one female supporter said tentatively.

"But this was not just a defeat, they crushed us," said another fan.

After a historic triple -- Euro 2008, the World Cup in 2010 and Euro 2012 -- Spaniards are

suddenly facing up to the prospect of losing heavily, perhaps even falling out in the group


"I have the impression that it's the end of an era. The cycle of victories is over," said Javier

Gomez, sports presenter for the private television station La Sexta.

He does not think Spain will make it to the quarter finals.

"It is the end of a footballing model," he said, the "tiki taka" trademark of Spain and

Barcelona in which players make rapid-fire short passes aimed at frustrating the opponents

by depriving them of the ball until the moment it ends up their net.

It is a style that is now under challenge from a faster, more physical game, Gomez told AFP.

"Against Chile they may be able to take control because the players have been stung. But

it's going to be very difficult because Chile are a very disciplined team, relentless, very

physical on the attack," he predicted.

And even a win against Chile may not be enough in a Group B dominated by an avalanche of

Dutch goals.

- 'Dead, but not out' -

"Chile are going to try for a draw. I don't think Spain will be able to score more than two

gaols," fretted 21-year-old Madrid student Yoel Plaza as he left an official Real Madrid shop

in the Spanish capital.

Spain's squad was selected with no thought for the future, Plaza complained.


"This team live a lot in the past, in what they did in the European Cup and the World Cup.

There are players who weren't chosen and who could have been a lot better than some in the

team have been," he said.

Online, many supporters seem to be ready to forgive keeper Iker Casillas who was savaged

by the sporting press for his performance against the Netherlands.

According to sports daily AS, more than 30,000 people online said they want him to keep his

place against 18,200 for David De Gea.

"Casillas is still valued by the public but commentators and professionals have their doubts,"

said AS journalist Juan Jimenez.

Casillas will definitely be on the pitch when the Chile game starts on Wednesday, said Javier

Gomez. Spain coach Vicente del Bosque is known for being faithful to his players, he added.

"If he takes him off, he kills him."

Spanish manager Rafael Benitez, the former Liverpool boss now with Napoli, warned against

burying La Roja too soon.

"Their philosophy has given them numerous triumphs in the past. That should not be

forgotten. And they should not change that because of a single defeat," Benitez wrote on his

blog, quoted in leading Spanish sports daily Marca.

"Spain has to think of victory and scoring goals," he said.

Speaking of Spain's squad, journalist and writer Enric Gonzalez warned in conservative daily

El Mundo that "there are corpses that bite".

"They know and their next rivals know and we ourselves know that as a team they're dead.

Dead but not out," he wrote.


Consulted on 06/10/2014


UK1 – pre

Spain boss Vicente del Bosque warns rivals this World Cup is not the end of their


21:40, 12 June 2014

By David McDonnell

Brazil may be last hurrah for stars who have won three major trophies on the spin but coach

has high hopes for these finals... and the future

Still smiling: Del Bosque brushed off concerns that Spain are on the wane

Spain coach Vicente del Bosque insists they are not about to bring the curtain down on their

era of unprecedented success, writes David McDonnell in Salvador.

The Spanish begin the defence of their World Cup crown against Holland on Friday, chasing

their fourth straight tournament success after their 2010 win and Euro 2008 and 2012


But far from Brazil 2014 potentially being the end of an era for Spain, as age catches up with

the likes of goalkeeper Iker Casillas and midfielder Xavi, Del Bosque said the future was


With Manchester United’s David De Gea the apparent heir to Casillas and emerging

midfielders such as Koke poised to succeed Xavi, Del Bosque said rival teams should fear

the rise of a new generation.


New generation: De Gea is one of a number of youngsters breaking through

Asked if Brazil could mark the end of an era for Spain, Del Bosque said: “I hope that will not


“We have an Under-21 squad which has recently been European champions and we have

renewed our players by 30 per cent compared to 2010. So I’m not afraid of the future.


"We’ve seen this generation of players, what they have done and we want the younger

players to emulate those older ones. We have a few players over 30, but not many in a squad

of 23. We are not afraid of anyone or anything.

“The ambience in the squad is very good and we are very enthusiastic about it, even though

it is a huge responsibility to defend your title as world champions.”

Del Bosque is adamant his side can win the World Cup again

Against that backdrop, there is much at stake for Spain, despite having cast aside their

reputation as perennial under-achievers with their recent success.

FIFA’s Team of the Year since 2008, they have been deposed from the top of the world

rankings for just one month since winning the World Cup in 2010.

Yet as they begin the defence of their crown, Spain have slipped into Brazil under the radar.

Few people have tipped them to win, despite their status as the best team on the planet.

Their aura of invincibility certainly took a battering with last year’s chastening 3-0

Confederations Cup final defeat to Brazil in Rio’s Maracana Stadium.

Their famed tiki-taka passing style has been the foundation of their success, but the addition

of Brazilian-born striker Diego Costa to their squad has given them a different dimension if


Despite that, Barca star Xavi, 34, said Spain would “win or die” by the style which has

brought them such glittering prizes in recent years.

Stubborn: Spain will not change their winning formula, says Xavi

“Our style is very clear,” said Xavi. “We want to dominate the game and have possession.

We have had many successes to justify our style of play, so why change?

“We will win or die by this style of play. It has given us so much and we hope to be able to

make history again with that style of play.”

Holland famously tried to bully Spain out of their way of playing with an approach Del

Bosque described as “brutal” in their last meeting, the World Cup Final in South Africa four

years ago.


The final saw 14 yellow cards - nine of them to the Dutch - and one red, as beauty

triumphed over the beast in Spain’s 1-0 victory in Johannesburg.

Del Bosque recalled that bruising encounter, of which the iconic image was Holland’s Nigel

De Jong planting his studs into the chest of Xabi Alonso, an assault for which he was only


“It was brutal on the part of the Holland team,” said Del Bosque. “There were three or four

incidents, but you cannot criticise them for the way they played.”

Whether the decline this season of Barcelona, whose players make up the core of Spain’s

side, will be mirrored by the national team here in Brazil, remains to be seen.

At least five Barca players - Gerard Pique, Jordi Alba, Xavi, Andres Iniesta and Sergio

Busquets - are in Spain’s first-choice XI, while Cesc Fabregas, now a Chelsea player, could

also start.

Although Real Madrid reasserted their European pedigree this season with their Champions

League win, only three players - Casillas, Sergio Ramos and Xabi Alonso - are likely to start.

But Del Bosque rebuffed the suggestion Spain could follow Barcelona’s decline and said:

“The national squad is completely different to Barcelona, totally separate.

“They have been dominant in Spain and the Champions League, but we have no direct

relationship between club and national team and what is happening in Spain.”

Spain vs Holland (8pm UK time): Probable teams

Spain Casillas; Azpilicueta, Pique, Ramos, Alba: Xavi, Busquets, Alonso; Silva, Costa,


Holland Cillessen; Martins Indi, Vlaar, De Vrij; Robben, Janmaat, De Jong, Blind, Fer;

Sneijder; Van Persie.



Consulted on 06/02/2015


UK2 – pre

Spain v Holland: Dutch play down talk of revenge for 2010 World Cup final

Ahead of the rematch of the 2010 World Cup final between the Netherlands and Spain, the

Dutch play down any talk of seeking revenge for the agonizing 1-0 defeat in Johannesburg

four years ago

"It's history. It doesn't matter any longer," winger Arjen Robben said on Thursday, before

the two teams' World Cup Group B opener at the Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador. "I don't

believe in revenge - 2010 was a final, this is a group match. You can't compare it. "

In a possible indication of the way the Netherlands will play on Friday, coach Louis van Gaal

defended the tough tackling four years ago that earned eight players a yellow card and one a

sending off as the Dutch lost their third World Cup final.

"Physicality is part of the game of football," Van Gaal said. "Four years ago the Dutch team

didn't go over the top."

Van Gaal's team in Brazil, a mixture of youngsters and a handful of veterans of the South

Africa campaign, has been physical in training, too, with Nigel de Jong and Bruno Martins

Indi felling forwards like Robben and Wesley Sneijder.

The hard work and hard tackling is a way of overcoming the quality deficit the Netherlands

has compared to Spain.

This Dutch team is widely perceived as weaker than the one that reached the 2010 final. Van

Gaal has totally rebuilt his defense and key midfielder Kevin Strootman is missing the

tournament as he recovers from knee surgery.

"We will do everything we can to be the surprise of the tournament," Van Gaal said.

The 62-year-old Dutchman, long a champion of attractive attacking football, has become

more pragmatic as he plots to spring that surprise in his first World Cup. He has ditched the

traditional 4-3-3 attacking system beloved of the Dutch and instead will play a five-man

defense to counter Spain's quick-passing style and hope to score on the counter.

"What is very important is that when the opponent has possession we need to be compact," he

said, adding that the Dutch have to "bypass stations" when they have the ball - hinting at a

long-ball game unfamiliar to Dutch fans.

After their opener, both teams have to play Chile and Australia in Group B.



Consulted on 12/04/2015


UK3 – pre

What time is Spain vs Netherlands: All you need to know as 2010 finalists renew


11:26, 13 June 2014 By Liam Prenderville

The two nations open their campaigns later today, four years after their bruising final

in South Africa. Here's all the key information you need

Bruising: De Jong clatters Alonso back in 2010

In arguably the biggest clash of the group stages, Spain and Netherlands will renew rivalries

later today.

Four years ago in South Africa, Andres Iniesta settled a bruising final to secure Vincete del

Bosque's men their first ever World Cup trophy. And while the Spanish may be able to boast

a similar squad to that in 2010, Netherlands have something of a new identity this summer.

Manchester United fans will also have a keen interested in the clash in Salvador as they

look to gain an insight into their new boss Louis van Gaal.

Here's all the important information you need ahead of the showdown.

What time is the game?

Spain vs Netherlands will kick off at 20:00 BST at the Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador. The

first match of day two will be between Mexico and Cameroon with a 17:00 kick-off, before

Chile and Australia face off at 23:00 BST.

Star man: Can Arjen Robben fire Holland to success tonight?

Have they played before?

As mentioned above, the two sides played each other in the final in South Africa four years

ago. Premier League referee Howard Webb was thrust into the spotlight, specifically for

failing to show Nigel de Jong a red card for a waist-high kung-fu kick on Xabi Alonso. The

ex-Man City man was instead given a yellow - one of 13 bookings in Soccer City. John

Heitinga did receive his marching orders in extra-time after fouling Andres Iniesta, although

the Barcelona playmaker did have the final say. He collected Cesc Fabregas' through ball to

calmly slot past Martin Stekelenburg with just four minutes of extra-time remaining to give

Spain the trophy.


One's to watch

Sergio Ramos - A divisive character amongst the watching public Ramos is another who

has enjoyed a stellar campaign. His crucial goals in the semi-finals and final of the

Champions League were moments to savour and he will be central to La Roja's aspirations.

Arjen Robben - At the age of 30, the Bayern Munich man is now one of the most

experienced players in the Oranje squad. His game-changing miss in 2010 will continue to

haunt him but Robben appears to have matured into a finer all-round player at the Allianz.

There are still few better sights than the winger in full flow.

Xavi - Has he still got it? The Barcelona midfielder is nearing the end and showed signs of

all of his 34-years this season. Despite the ample miles on the clock he still knows how to

pass a ball though, and what better way to bow out from the stage than with yet another

medal for the cabinet.

More success: Iniesta and Xavi have been at the centre of Spain's recent triumphs

Where can I watch it?

The game in Salvador will be the first to be screened by the BBC this summer. Coverage will

begin at 7:30pm (sorry Eastenders fans) with World Cup stalwart Gary Lineker joined by

Alan Shearer, Rio Ferdinand and Thierry Henry. Commentary comes from Steve Wilson and

Mark Lawrenson.

What if I don't have a TV handy?

Well then you are luck, as Mirror Football will be providing a LIVE blog on the action in

Salvador. Be sure to check back in the build-up for the latest team news and facts, as the

tournament reaches day two. Not only that, we will be offering a blog on EACH and EVERY

game this summer. You'd be a fool to miss out.

Betting odds

Spain are strong favourites to get their World Cup campaign off to a winning start - unlike in

2010. Four years ago they lost to Switzerland in their tournament opener but Paddy Power

price them at 17/20 to win tonight. Holland are available at 19/5, with the draws at 12's.



Consulted on 06/02/2015


UK4 – pre

World Cup 2014: Spain still suffering from Holland's 'brutal' tactics in 2010 final as

sides clash again

Threat of physical intimidation hangs over holders as they face Dutch again in Group B

opener while coach Vicente del Bosque attempts to raise his team to extend golden era

By Mark Ogden, Salvador

8:00AM BST 13 Jun 2014

When a man as diplomatic as Vicente del Bosque is prepared to describe Holland’s treatment

of his Spain players as “brutal” during their last encounter in the 2010 World Cup final, it is

clear that the bruises inflicted in Johannesburg have yet to fade completely from Spanish


For the first time since world football’s showpiece event was marred by 14 yellow cards and

one red in Soccer City – not to mention Nigel de Jong’s kung-fu assault on Xabi Alonso –

Spain and Holland meet again in Salvador tonight in a glittering opening Group B fixture.

Spain, having retained their European Championship crown two years ago, face the Dutch

with Del Bosque’s team cast as ageing veterans chasing one last hurrah, yet the threat of

physical intimidation in the Arena Fonte Nova hangs over the world champions, with

Holland’s reputation still scarred by their belligerent approach four years ago.

Despite the treatment they received – and overcame – against the Dutch in South Africa,

Spain midfielder Xavi insists that there will be no change of style from Del Bosque’s players

as they attempt to prove that tiki-taka can resist all challenges.

“Our style is very clear,” Xavi said. “We want to dominate the game and have possession.

We have had many successes that have served to justify our style of play, so why change?

“We will win or die by this style of play. It has given us so much and we hope to be able to

make history again with that style of play.

“We are feeling very enthusiastic, even though we know we have a very difficult challenge

ahead. The first game is a very difficult one against a very tough rival and a repeat of 2010.

“Holland have very good and fast players and they are very strong in defence, but we must

impose our own style, as we have done many times in recent years.”

With Holland now a much-changed opponent from four years ago, with Louis van Gaal

replacing Bert van Marwijk as coach, Del Bosque refused to condemn the Dutch for their

uncharacteristically cynical game plan in Johannesburg.

The former Real Madrid coach, who is attempting to become the first manager since Italy’s

Vittorio Pozzo in 1938 successfully to defend a World Cup, insists Spain will expect to face a

Dutch team reflecting the country’s more aesthetic approach.


“The 2010 final was brutal on the part of the Holland team,” Del Bosque said. “There were

three or four incidents, but you cannot criticise them for the way they played.

“We have to remember that Holland are a very important team and they have played

excellent World Cups. We know we are playing a team with great sportsmanship and

tradition and Van Gaal is a very good manager. I hold him in high esteem. He has changed

the essence of Dutch football and he has some very dangerous players.

“It is true that the Dutch have changed a lot. Seventeen players from their squad in South

Africa are no longer involved, compared to only six from our squad. But we have been

working together for 21 days now – six days in Brazil – and it has all gone very smoothly

indeed. The ambience is very good and we are very enthusiastic about it, even though it is a

huge responsibility to defend your title as world champions.”

Spain’s prospects of winning a fourth successive major tournament – leaving aside the 2013

Confederations Cup -have been boosted by the decision of the Atlético Madrid forward,

Diego Costa, to pledge his allegiance to La Roja rather than Brazil, the country of his birth.

Having overcome a hamstring injury, Costa is expected to start against the Dutch, with Cesc

Fabregas the alternative option being considered by Del Bosque, who welcomed the

midfielder’s transfer from Barcelona to Chelsea.

Costa’s emergence has solved the problem of Spain lacking a reliable goalscorer, but

question marks continue to hang over the ability of the squad to raise itself for another World

Cup assault.

With several key players in their thirties, including the 34-year-old Xavi, Brazil 2014 is

potentially the end of a golden era.

Yet Del Bosque insists that Spain already have the players in place to sustain their glorious

period of dominance beyond this tournament.

“We have a few players over thirty, but not many in a squad of 23,” Del Bosque said. “We

are not afraid of anyone or anything.

“So when people talk about the end of an era, I hope that will not happen.

“We have an Under-21 squad which has recently been European champions and we renewed

our squad by 30 per cent compared to 2010.

“I am not afraid of the future. We have seen the next generation of players and we want

them to emulate those older players who brought Spain such great joy.”



Consulted on 18/02/2015


UK5 – pre

World Cup 2014: Spain captain Iker Casillas in confident mood ahead of Holland clash

on Friday night

Spanish captain and goalkeeper Iker Casillas says of World Cup defence: "It is all in

our hands if we have the humility and ambition of four years ago."

By Mark Ogden 12:00PM BST 13 Jun 2014

Iker Casillas has ruled out Spanish complacency as they prepare to launch the defence of

their world title by insisting Vicente del Bosque’s players are determined to add a "second

star" to their World Cup roll of honour. The Real Madrid goalkeeper is set to face Holland in

Salvador on Friday in a repeat of the stormy World Cup Final of four years ago, when Andres

Iniesta’s extra-time goal secured Spain’s first World Cup, in South Africa. With the qualifiers

from Group B facing a potential clash with Brazil in the second round, both Spain and

Holland could find themselves facing the host nation in the knock-out stages. But despite the

challenges facing Spain, captain Casillas insists the champions are ready to defend their


“I think we are motivated,” Casillas said. “Our goal is to try to get that second star for Spain

to add to the one we won four years ago.

“But Spain are seen as the best squad in the world and any team playing against us wants to

beat us.

“It is all in our hands if we have the humility and ambition of four years ago, though. Our

team will be strong and we want to progress as far as possible and defend our title.”

Memories of Holland’s belligerent approach against Spain in Johannesburg remain raw,

but Casillas does not expect a repeat of that encounter in Brazil.

“These are two very different matches,” Casillas said. “The one in South Africa has nothing

to do with what happens here.

“When you start a World Cup and don’t get a result, you are very tense and desperate to

overturn mistakes of your first game.

“So in terms of Holland, we want to beat them of course.

“After the last World Cup, this is our first game in the competition since Johannesburg and

we are delighted to be here. We want a good tournament here and want to repeat out victory.

“We are favourites, but all teams want to play as best they can when they face Spain.”



Consulted on 12/04/2015


UK1 – post

Spain v Holland: Reigning champions humiliated as Robin van Persie inspires Dutch to

5-1 World Cup 2014 thrashing

Full match report of the World Cup 2014 Group B game between Spain and Holland at the

Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, on Friday June 13, 2014

High five: Robin van Persie and Louis van Gaal celebrate striker's first goal Photo: ACTION


By Mark Ogden, Salvador

9:55PM BST 13 Jun 2014

Just like the last time, Spain were on the end of a display of Dutch brutality, but Total

Football replaced total thuggery and left Louis van Gaal warning that Holland would only

get better.

It is an ominous prospect, with Robin van Persie and Arjen Robben delivering majestic

performances – and two goals apiece – in Salvador, but having inflicted the biggest hiding

on a world champion since Buster Douglas stunned Mike Tyson, Van Gaal insists that this 5-

1 victory is only the start of things for the Oranje.

“Yes, we can get better,” Van Gaal said. “Without a shadow of a doubt. You could see this

in the last 20 minutes, when we started to play the ball around with confidence. That is when

you could see how good these players can be. This result gives them confidence and I expect

them to get better.”

Vicente del Bosque described Holland'’s treatment of his Spain players as “brutal” during

the 2010 World Cup final, but Dutch goals replaced fouls on this occasion. And if Van Gaal

is true to his word and Holland do improve on this, Manchester United may have to wait

longer than they expected before he begins work at Old Trafford.

Having masterminded this Group B rout, Van Gaal will fancy his chances of taking Holland

all the way to the final on July 13.

Spain were lacklustre, with age appearing to have caught up with Del Bosque’s team, and

they must now beat Chile in Rio de Janeiro next Wednesday to maintain realistic hopes of

avoiding a group-stage exit.

With the two teams meeting for the first time since the Battle of Johannesburg in 2010 –

Spain were hardly likely to accept any invitation to contest a ‘friendly’ against the Dutch


after being kicked off the pitch in Soccer City – Van Gaal had gone into this game by

defending the belligerent approach of Bert van Marwijk’s team four years ago.

Van Gaal’s insistence that the physical challenge of any football encounter was as important

as the technique and skill of the players involved had its merits, but it also hinted at

Holland’s readiness to apply similar methods in Salvador, if not apply them quite so brutally.

Nonetheless, the Dutch were quick to lay down their marker, with Ron Vlaar conceding the

first foul of the game with a foul on Diego Costa just 18 seconds after kick-off.

Nigel de Jong proceeded to plunge an elbow into the ribs of Sergio Busquets and Wesley

Sneijder clipped the Barcelona midfielder from behind as the Dutch served early notice of

their determination to test Spain physically. But it proved a phoney war, with Holland

merely softening up their opponents before killing them with flair.

Still, after Sneijder had been denied an eighth minute opener by a crucial Iker Casillas save,

Spain took control of the early stages.

With Costa offering pace, movement and physical presence up front, Spain were able to

threaten Holland’s three-man defence with an array of passes to the Chelsea-bound forward,

who was playing to the backdrop of boos, jeers and derogatory chants from the Brazilian

supporters inside the Arena Fonte Nova.

Costa’s decision to pledge his allegiance to Spain, less than 12 months after making the first

of two friendly appearances for Brazil, clearly rankled with the natives and his every touch

drew a cacophony of abuse. But after allowing Vlaar to block an early strike on goal, Costa

delivered for Spain on 26 minutes when he drew a foul from Stefan de Vrij to win a penalty.

Costa certainly made the most of the Feyenoord defender’s sliding challenge, but he did

enough to convince referee Nicola Rizzoli to point to the spot and Alonso stepped up to beat

goalkeeper Jasper Cillessen.

Rather than allow Spain to take a grip of the game, though, the Dutch fought back by

stretching the pitch and feeding the dangerous Robben and impressive Daley Blind. And it

was Blind who teed up Van Persie for the incredible diving header which levelled the scores

on 44 minutes.

Blind’s raking pass from the halfway line appeared ambitious, but Van Persie threw himself

at the ball and was able to direct a looping header over Casillas from 15 yards. It was a goal

worthy of a wild celebration and Van Persie wheeled away and sprinted to Van Gaal before

high-fiving the coach on the touchline.

“A player doesn’t have to do that,” Van Gaal said. “He’s not the first player to do this, but it

was wonderful. It was emotional.”

Van Persie’s goal infused the Dutch with the belief that they could avenge their World Cup

final defeat of four years ago and they emerged in the second half clearly the hungrier team.

Robben, Blind and Sneijder tormented the Spanish defence and Van Persie’s movement


proved too much for the static Gerard Piqué and Sergio Ramos at the heart of Spain’s back


Xavi and Andrés Iniesta could not retain the ball and Busquets was nullified by De Jong and

Jonathan de Guzman and it took the Dutch just eight minutes of the second half before they

were rewarded for their dominance when Robben made it 2-1. Blind, a gem of a player

down the left, sent over another stunning pass, and Robben danced around the lumbering

Piqué before shooting past Casillas.

De Vrij added a controversial third when he headed in at the far post following Van Persie’s

heavy challenge on Casillas before the United forward made it four by pouncing on a mistake

by the shell-shocked goalkeeper.

Spain, now humiliated, then suffered a killer blow when Robben danced around Casillas to

make it 5-1 on 79 minutes. Game over, perhaps an era over for Spain, who now face a battle

merely to stay in the competition.

No such worries for Van Gaal, though. “We made five goals and conceded one and of

course, that is not what you expect,” Van Gaal said. “The way they were scored, well! That

was what I expected, but not so many.”




Consulted on 18/02/2015


UK2 – post

Spain 1-5 Netherlands: World champions humiliated as Dutch run riot

Jun 16, 2014 11:39

By David McDonnell

Iniesta and co were stunned in Salvador as RVP and Robben grabbed a brace each to deliver

Spain's biggest defeat since 1963

Revenge, when it finally came, was brutal and merciless, writes David McDonnell in


This humiliating defeat, Spain's worst for more than half a century, was more damaging and

painful then any kind of physical intimidation from Holland.

Pilloried for their overly robust approach in losing 1-0 in the final to Spain four years ago,

Louis van Gaal's side exacted revenge and in so doing perhaps consigned their opponents'

recent era of success to the past.

For this was a beating so severe and so emphatic, it is questionable whether this feted Spain

side can recover quickly enough to preserve their status at the summit of world football.

Two goals each for Robin van Persie - the first a wonder header - and man-of-the-match

Arjen Robben, as well as one from defender Stefan De Vrij, condemned Spain to their

heaviest defeat since a 6-2 loss to Scotland back in 1963.

The holders take on much-fancied Chile in Rio next Wednesday, where only a win is likely

to do if they are to recover from this setback and ensure they do not exit at the group stage.

This was the first meeting between these two nations since their brutal World Cup final clash

in Johannesburg, where ref Howard Web showed 14 yellow cards - nine to the Dutch - and

one red.

On the eve of the game Dutch coach Louis van Gaal defended his nation's tactics on that

occasion, claiming they had not crossed the line with their physical approach against the

cultured style of Spain.

On this occasion, however, the Dutch did not need to employ such spoiling tactics - they

simply out-thought and out-played the best team on the planet and made the world sit up

and take notice.

But it was Spain who made the breakthrough, in controversial circumstances, in the 27th

minute, when Diego Costa was judged by Italian ref Nicola Rizoli to have been brought down

by De Vrij.


Brazilian-born Costa, booed by the locals for his perceived treachery in defecting to Spain,

cut inside De Vrij to put the ball back onto his right foot, when the Atletico Madrid went to


Replays of the incident showed Costa had planted his left foot on to that of De Vrij, but

Rizzoli had made up his mind and Alonso swept the ball beyond Dutch keeper Jasper


David Silva should have made it 2-0 in the 41st minute when Andres Iniesta put him through

with only Cillessen to beat, but his attempted chip was kept out by the Dutch keeper for a

costly miss.

Just how costly became apparent three minutes later when van Persie, who had ensured a

quiet game, levelled with a superb diving header that is unlikely to be beaten at the

tournament for aesthetic quality.

Daley Blind spotted van Persie's run and floated the ball to the Dutch skipper, who showed

exquisite timing and technique to fling himself in the air and send a diving header over Iker


Holland came out for the second-half with greater conviction and took the lead in the 53rd

minute, Blind again the provider, with Robben providing the finishing touch.

Spain squandered possession from a throw-in and when Blind found Robben, who brought

the ball down with a velcro-like first-touch, he turned Sergio Ramos and Gerard Pique before


It was no more than the Dutch deserved for weathering Spain's early first-half pressure and

proving the pre-tournament favourites, despite their lofty reputation, are vulnerable with the

right approach.

Van Persie could have made it 3-1 with 20 minutes left after a surging run from Robben, but

his dipping half-volley crashed against the bar.

But Holland duly scored their third of the night when De Vrij capitalised on an error from

Casillas in the 64th minute to bundle the ball into the net.

Van Persie duly made it 4-1 when Casillas, who had a dreadful game, miscontrolled the ball,

allowing the Manchester United striker score his second goal, prodding it into an empty net.

Robben made it 5-1 with 10 minutes to go, his quick feet once again creating enough space

for him to thud the ball into the net and in so doing shatter Spain's perceived status as




Consulted on 06/10/2014


UK3 – post

Spain v Holland: The days of tiki-taka may not be over, but the aura of invincibility has

gone forever

Holland's stunning 5-1 dismantling of the world champions leaves a nation wondering if

things will ever be quite the same again

Pain in the rain: Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas stands bemused as

the world champions are taken apart by Holland in Salvador


By Jonathan Liew, Salvador

12:46AM BST 14 Jun 2014

It was Carlos Bilardo, the coach of Argentina’s World Cup-winning side in 1986, who said

that a team needed seven players defending and three players attacking. When those three are

Arjen Robben, Wesley Sneijder and Robin van Persie, then you have a chance. But when

you have none of either, as Spain appeared to do for long periods on Friday night, then you

may be in trouble.

The instinctive reaction to Spain’s biggest defeat for half a century is to draw the curtain on

their gilded era. And to watch the distraught Spaniards streaming out of the Arena Fonte

Nova was to witness fans who had experienced not just a defeat, not just a drubbing, but a

violent rejection.

They were not wondering if Spain would get out of Group B. They were wondering if

things would ever be the same again.

Spain may get out of the group. They may even win the thing. They may win many more

things. But never again, in this generation, will they quite recover the aura that Holland so

ruthlessly dismantled here. If their 3-0 defeat to Brazil in the Confederations Cup final

could be put down to a second-tier competition and a rampant home side, then there could

be no such excuses here. The days of tiki-taka may not yet be over, but the days when their

mere presence alone would be worth a goal’s head-start certainly are.

And yet, we should probably set aside such nebulous judgments for the time being, and go

right back to the beginning. Not the beginning of the game – which Spain actually started

rather well – but a couple of weeks ago, when Vicente del Bosque named his squad for the


Del Bosque has never been afraid of experimentation, either in terms of tactics or personnel.

He has handed over 60 debuts since taking over the national team six years ago, and since


Euro 2012 the likes of Isco, Thiago Alcantara, Koke and Mario Suarez have been brought

into the fold. There was much talk of this being a new era for Spain, with fresh faces being

introduced to inject hunger into a squad that has won everything there is to win.

So what happened? When Del Bosque named his squad, it contained no fewer than 16 of the

23 players who played in South Africa four years ago. When it came down to it, the normally

dynamic Del Bosque went back to the players who had served him so well in 2010, but who

now had four more years in their legs. Seven of Spain’s starting XI started the final against

Holland in Johannesburg.

The second mistake Del Bosque made was telling his squad, as he did after a training session

a few weeks ago, that he had only identified one player with the requisite hunger to

compete in a World Cup: Koke. If it was an attempt to inject some passion into an aging

side, it appears to have had quite the opposite response.

Del Bosque erred in selecting Iker Casillas, a goalkeeper who has hardly played for Real

Madrid all season except in the Champions League, like the fancy crockery you only get out

of the back of the cupboard when special guests come to visit. Gerard Pique has been out of

form all season. This was a Spain side picked on reputation, not form.

When a team lacks hunger – even on the most microscopic scale – the first thing that goes is

the work rate off the ball. Spain, a team for so many years used to playing with the ball,

started by pressing well, especially the energetic Diego Costa. But as Holland began to assert

themselves in the second half, Spain failed to close them down quickly enough. Sergio

Busquets, Xabi Alonso and Xavi were simply bypassed time and again by Holland’s quick,

direct balls to the front three. Del Bosque’s first substitution – Fernando Torres – was also


“In the second half they totally overwhelmed us,” Del Bosque said afterwards. “But it is not

the time to point the finger of blame. We are all to blame. We must look to the future and go

to the next match and secure a win against Chile. There are some intangible things, but I

don’t think it is about physical fitness.” In Louis van Gaal’s jibe about Spain approaching the

game as if they were playing against Bolivia or El Salvador lay a fundamental truth. When a

side that has been used to winning for so long finally meets its match, how does it fight

against the dying of the light?



Consulted on 12/04/2015


UK4 – post

Spain humiliated as rampant Holland blast five in World Cup shock

Friday 13 June 2014 22.05 BST Last modified on Saturday 14 June 2014 01.17 BST

Arjen Robben celebrates putting Holland 2-1 ahead against Spain in their World Cup Group

B match as the substitutes look on. Photograph: Juanjo Martin/EPA

Redemption for Arjen Robben and Holland arrived in the form of an emphatic reversal of

fortunes from the 2010 final and a much better game of football. This match deserves to be

remembered as a World Cup classic – Robin van Persie’s first goal and Robben’s second just

might be – and it certainly provided more entertainment than the kickfest in Johannesburg.

There were times when Spain looked superior and times when Holland looked desperate

enough to revert to old habits, but in coming back from a goal down to win the match quite

handsomely Louis van Gaal’s side showed character and application. As the new

Manchester United manager had said they would.

Robben and Holland looked pleased enough just to be winning 2-1 when the former struck to

put them in the lead for the first time, but by the end of the game, with Iker Casillas making a

second mistake in misjudging a back pass and presenting Van Persie with a second goal for a

scoreline of 4-1, the Dutch looked conspicuously like dangerous tournament underdogs and

all talk of Spain being among the favourites looked plain silly.

Yes, Spain opened with a defeat in South Africa four years ago and went on to win the

competition, but this was a rout. And Diego Costa had the unhappiest of competition debuts,

mitigated only by the misery Casillas must have been feeling. With the match won at 4-1,

Robben outsprinted the Dutch defence from the halfway line, sent Casillas crawling the

wrong way twice, and joined Van Persie on two goals for the night. He may now regret

saying a qualifying game could never be compared to a World Cup final, because this was an

occasion for everyone in orange to savour.

Robben spoke before the game of the still-vivid memory of Casillas denying him the chance

to give Holland a potentially winning lead in the World Cup final of four years ago,

describing it as a snapshot he will never forget but one which now belongs to the past tense.

He gave Wesley Sneijder a chance to help make amends after just nine minutes, threading a

perfect pass through the square Spain defence, and memories must have come flooding back

as the Galatasaray midfielder lined up a shot with all the time in the world but still hit it too

close to the goalkeeper. Casillas stood his ground well and made a decent save, though the


goalkeeper hardly moved except to fling out an arm and Sneijder will know he should have

done better.

The game looked as though it might bring back plenty more memories of 2010 when Ron

Vlaar clattered Diego Costa after just 13 seconds, though the Dutch settled down quite

quickly and Vlaar had every reason to be proud of his next challenge on Costa, a block to

prevent the Atlético Madrid striker getting in a shot after David Silva and Andrés Iniesta had

combined to give him a decent opportunity. In truth the opportunity was so inviting Costa

should probably have made something of it before Vlaar came across, but his first touch was

indecisive and the Aston Villa defender was always in charge once his opponent had been

forced on to his left foot.

The first goal arrived just before the half-hour and with it the almost obligatory controversy.

Xavi played a magnificent pass to Costa, whose turn in the area was far too quick for Stefan

de Vrij, and when the defender’s trailing leg brought the striker down the Italian referee

pointed straight to the spot. It seemed a reasonable decision at first sight, yet though replays

established De Vrij had made contact, it was fairly minimal and there was a suggestion that

Costa had actually played for the decision by hooking his foot behind his opponent’s. Such

is a referee’s life these days.

The goalline technology was able to establish that the ball crossed the line when Xabi Alonso

beat Jasper Cillessen from the spot, even though the goalkeeper went the right way, but that

was the redundant part of the argument. The technology that can help referees make correct

decisions in every aspect of open play is probably as far away as ever.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter the fact is that Spain went ahead and were

worth their lead. Xavi, Iniesta and Alonso were finding each other quite easily and always

looking likely to find gaps in the Dutch back line. Jonathan de Guzmán was booked for a foul

on Iniesta and when De Vrij joined him for a quite cynical block after being turned by Silva

it appeared Dutch frustration might once again get the better of them. There is, as Van Gaal

was saying beforehand, a place for physical aggression in football and it is up to the referee to

draw the line, but Nicola Rizzoli was given little option as Holland greeted Spanish

sophistication with roughhouse spoiling.

Spain at their sophisticated best should really have doubled their lead before the interval.

Iniesta played a peach of a reverse pass to play Silva clear on goal, but the Manchester City

player went for a stylish finish with an attempted chip, only to see Cillessen get a glove to the

ball and divert it for a corner. Almost instantly Spain had cause to regret that miss when the

Dutch equalised with a goal from nothing on right on the stroke of the break. From a Spanish

point of view it came from nothing anyway, though Daley Blind must be congratulated on a

stunning diagonal ball from halfway on the left touchline. Robin van Persie’s run picked it

up almost magnetically and though Blind probably had a volley in mind when he played the

pass, the ball was not in quite the right place and the Manchester United striker repositioned

himself expertly to beat Casillas with a diving header instead. It could almost be described as


a headed volley, the last thing Spain were expecting, and it put Holland right back in the


The second half began in one of the sudden downpours typical of the region, it is the rainy

season after all, and though the sky cleared in a matter of minutes both benches took an

unexpected soaking. Iniesta tried his luck with a daisy cutter on the wet turf but found

Cillessen equal to it, before Holland gave Spain a taste of their own medicine by keeping

hold of the ball through a couple of dozen passes – allowing for a throw-in that Spain won

then uncharacteristically gave straight back to their opponents – before Blind once again

popped up with a killer final ball, this time to find Robben in the centre. The Bayern Munich

forward brought down the ball effortlessly with one foot, turned past Gerard Piqué with the

other before joyously finding the net as Sergio Ramos moved in with a shot straight down the

middle that Casillas could not reach.

Robben’s reaction suggested he enjoyed his shot at redemption, and he was involved again

as Holland came looking for a third, helping to find Van Persie on the right for a shot that

crashed against the bar. Much to the crowd’s delight – Brazil don’t think much of him

either – Costa made way for Fernando Torres after that, the Chelsea player arriving on the

pitch just in time to see Holland increase their lead when De Vrij squeezed in a far-post

header after Casillas had missed Sneijder’s free-kick cross. If that looked ominous for Spain,

few in the stadium realised how bad things were going to get.



Consulted on 18/02/2015


UK5 – post

Spain suffer not just a defeat but a World Cup disaster against Holland

Spain’s game has been about control for six years but here they lost it. The questions will

be relentless, just like the Dutch

Andrés Iniesta, Fernando Torres and Cesc Fábregas look shellshocked as Spain are beaten 5-

1 by Holland. Photograph: Quinn Rooney/Getty Images

Saturday 14 June 2014 00.36 BST Last modified on Saturday 14 June 2014 01.45 BST

This time it probably was worth saying. A minute after the final whistle went, the stadium

announcer at the Arena Fonte Nova followed a new trend from this World Cup and declared:

“The final score was Netherlands 5, Spain 1.” Normally it is redundant message but here it

seemed meaningful somehow: Yes, five.

Holland had got what the Spanish describe as a manita, a little hand: a goal for each finger.

This was the worst defeat a defending champion had ever suffered at the World Cup and it

was the first time Spain had conceded five at the tournament since they were last in Brazil, 64

years ago.

At the final whistle Daryl Janmaat fell to the turf and kissed it, lying there in disbelief. This

was astonishing, barely believable. Four years ago, Holland had lost the World Cup final to

Spain. Now, they had humiliated them. They had scored five; they could have scored more.

The Spanish goalkeeper, Iker Casillas, made two stunning saves in the dying minutes that

will not bring redemption for what went before and Robin Van Persie smashed another

shot against the bar. By the end, they had taken 13 shots.

Towards the finish, the Dutch were an unstoppable tide; the blue shirts just kept coming

forward for more. Olés were their sound track but they were not satisfied to simply pass the

ball, to keep it: they wanted to go on plunging the knife in, insatiable, almost sadistic.

There was something about the goals, especially the fifth from Arjen Robben, that spoke of

an immense superiority. Holland were enjoying this.

“Often you go quiet after two or three goals but we went on, and on, and on,” Van Persie

said. It was no exaggeration: chances were wasted and more chances were made, more and

more of them.


Spain offered virtually no resistance. They looked broken, powerless, unable to do

anything to palliate the beating, just look forlornly at the clock and will it to run down.

They had lost and they were lost. And that may be the point.

Spain were defeated in the opening game four years ago and still won the tournament, having

topped their group. But this was different: that day Spain were unfortunate against

Switzerland, here they could not blame bad luck. A defeat need not have been the end of the

World Cup – Spain could have reasonably expected to go through anyway, maybe even to

win the group and thus avoid Brazil – but a defeat like this must surely be damaging.

Next up, Chile. Spain must recover physically and emotionally. There will be tactical and

technical questions to address too, and many of them.

As Janmaat hit the floor, Spain’s players turned and headed down the tunnel in silence.

Casillas’s face said it all, a picture of impotence to accompany each goal. The Spain captain

knew that his culpability was inescapable too. Van Persie’s superb header caught Casillas

off his line. The third was a delivery from Wesley Sneijder that, however much Spain

appealed for a foul, he misjudged. The fourth came when he failed to control a back pass,

allowing the ball to slip into the space between him and Van Persie. As he flung himself at it

to clear, all he did was send the ball into Van Persie’s legs, who sent it into Spain’s net.

Before this game Casillas and Xavi Hernández appeared before the media, captain and vice-

captain, symbols of the most successful era in Spain’s history, men with 286 caps between

them, but they will be in the firing line now.

Casillas spent most of the season on the bench in Madrid and for the first time Xavi was

doubted in Catalonia, aged 34 and in need of careful handling. Both started here; there will

be many saying that they should not have done.

The Spain coach, Vicente del Bosque, will probably resist a revolution and is not prone to

radical changes or knee-jerk decisions. He has always defended those who have given

Spain so much and rightly so. He will show them faith, too. But there will be questions, and

some of them may even be of a philosophical slant. Just as they were after the defeats for

Barcelona and Bayern Munich in the Champions League with some announcing the death of

possession football.

“It would be a mistake to change the style,” Xavi had said on the eve of the game and the

style itself may not be the problem but something is. The application of it, perhaps. Or the

condition and form of those who are entrusted with carrying it out. “All the best intentions

mean nothing if we can’t put them into practice on the pitch,” Xabi Alonso said.

Barcelona had an ultimately disappointing season, winning nothing for the first time in six

years. But seven Barcelona players played a part here. There was only one from Atlético

Madrid and they are the league champions.


The questions asked will be big ones, even if the charge in the final 15 minutes was driven by

one team that could smell blood and another that could feel it seeping painfully from their

body and wanted only for this to end.

Spain’s game has been about control over the last six years but here they lost it. They were

neither quick enough nor strong enough nor well enough organised to stop Holland. The

control was lessened still further when Xabi Alonso was withdrawn.

Nor did they keep the ball or create sufficient chances, despite getting the first goal early:

the goal that usually comes as a guarantee, forcing the other side out. Here the goal, the thing

they have most lacked, did not matter because they did not have the control that has always

been at the heart of their identity.

This was not just a defeat, it was a disaster. In the next few days, the questions will be

relentless, forever coming at the Spanish. Much like the Dutch did here.



Consulted on 18/02/2015


2) Second key match


DE1 – pre Glückstag 8. Juli

Heute können nur wir gewinnen

08.07.2014 - 21:19 Uhr

Kroos und Klose auf dem Weg zum Bus mit dem es weiter zum Flughafen nach Porto Seguro


Wir kennen den Fan-Gesang: „Ihr könnt nach Hause fahr‘n...!“

Sorry, Brasilien, aber heute heißt es für euch im besten Fan-Slang (grammatikalisch nicht

ganz sauber): „Ihr könnt nach Hause bleiben!“

Denn heute ist UNSER Tag!

Gegen den WM-Gastgeber geht‘s um den Einzug ins Finale! Es wäre unser achtes (!) WM-

Endspiel. Rekord!

Was spricht heute für Deutschland?

Jogis Jungs sind fokussiert auf den vierten Titel, aber trotzdem locker. Das spürte man

gestern bei der Fahrt auf der Fähre in Richtung Flughafen.

Torwart Manuel Neuer (l.) und Bastian Schweinsteiger

bei der Ankunft vorm Hotel in Belo Horizonte

Miro Klose grüßte entspannt die Fans, Thomas Müller winkte fröhlich – so sehen Sieger

aus. Auch Löw lächelte in die brasilianische Sonne. Mit dem Charter ging es später von

Porto Seguro in den Spielort Belo Horizonte. Die Mission Finale hat begonnen.

Draxler (l.) und Müller freuen sich auf das Halbfinale

gegen Brasilien


Löw hat in seinen acht Jahren als Cheftrainer und drei Halbfinal-Teilnahmen (2008, 2010,

2012) viel gelernt. Er experimentiert heute nicht bei der Aufstellung wie noch 2012 beim

EM-Halbfinale gegen Italien (1:2). Damals verzockte er das Finale.

Löw sagt: „Wir wollen unbedingt noch mal nach Rio. Am 13. Juli.“

Heute ist UNSER Tag! Der 8. Juli ist ein Glückstag des deutschen Fußballs.

Am 8. Juli 1982 gewannen wir das WM-Halbfinale gegen Frankreich nach Elfmeterschießen

(trotz 1:3-Rückstandes in der Verlängerung).

Am 8. Juli 1990 wurden wir Weltmeister in Rom (1:0 gegen Argentinien).

Am 8. Juli 2014 schlagen wir Brasilien und erreichen das WM-Finale...?

Jogi Löw vor dem Abflug optimistisch: „Wir sind noch nicht fertig“

Heute ist UNSER TAG.

Wir haben noch eine Rechnung offen. 2002 verloren wir das bisher einzige WM-Spiel

gegen Brasilien – ausgerechnet das Finale (0:2). Oliver Kahn hatte ein Superturnier gespielt.

Im Endspiel patzte er leider beim ersten Tor von Ronaldo.

Diesmal, liebe Brasilianer, könnt Ihr nach Hause bleiben.



Consulted on 09/02/2015


DE2 – pre 11 Experten erklären, warum wir heute Brasilien schlagen

08.07.2014 - 00:01 Uhr

Wir kommen ins Finale!

Experten wie „Kaiser“ Franz Beckenbauer, BVB-Star Marco Reus und Triple-Trainer Jupp

Heynckes geben exklusiv in BILD ihre Prognose für das Halbfinale ab

Heute, 22 Uhr! Deutschland gegen Brasilien, das Hammer-Mega-Super-Spiel dieser WM!

11 unserer größten Experten erklären: Darum packen wir Brasilien und kommen ins


Weil vieles wie 1990 läuft

So wird „Kaiser“ Franz Beckenbauer das WM-Halbfinale verfolgen

Foto: privat

► Franz Beckenbauer (68), Weltmeister als Spieler und Trainer: „Ich tippe auf einen

2:0-Sieg für uns – vielleicht auch erst nach Verlängerung. Wir haben bisher eine sehr gute

WM gespielt. Und für Brasilien ist der Druck einfach zu groß. Ich sehe Parallelen zu unserem

WM-Gewinn 1990.“

Weil wir das beste Team im Turnier haben

Triple-Trainer Jupp Heynckes mit seinem alten Nationalmannschaftstrikot

► Jupp Heynckes (69), Bayerns Triple-Trainer 2013: „Wir haben bislang die beste

Mannschaft im Turnier. Und ich kenne meine Jungs von Bayern ganz genau. Die haben jetzt


nur noch ein Ziel im Kopf: Weltmeister werden! Ich hoffe auf ein Finale gegen Holland,

dann gewinnen doch immer die Deutschen.“

Weil wir einen Haufen guter Jungs haben

BVB-Star Marco Reus verletzte sich im letzten WM-Vorbereitungsspiel gegen

Armenien (6:1)

► Marco Reus (25), Dortmunds verletzter Top-Stürmer: „Wer mit vier WM-Halbfinals

in Serie einen Weltrekord aufstellt, hat das Finale verdient wie kein anderer. Unsere

Mannschaft ist charakterlich und fußballerisch auf höchstem Niveau angekommen. Ein

Haufen guter Jungs, der auf dem Boden geblieben ist und zuallererst ans Team denkt.“

Weil Neymar Brasilien fehlt

Günther Netzer wurde 1974 Weltmeister. Er kam aber nur bei der 0:1-

Niederlage gegen die DDR zum Einsatz

► Günter Netzer (69), Weltmeister 1974: „Das Aus von Neymar ist eine große

Schwächung für die Brasilianer. Er ist mit seinem Namen und seiner Spielweise eine

bedeutende Figur, auf die man nicht so einfach verzichten kann. Hinzu kommt die Sperre

von Thiago Silva. Aber es gibt noch einen einfachen Grund, warum wir heute gewinnen:

Weil wir besser sind als Brasilien!“

Weil wir nicht von ein oder zwei Stars abhängig sind

BILD-Kolumnist Alfred Draxler im Deutschland-Trikot

► Alfred Draxler (61), Chefredakteur SPORT BILD und BILD-Kolumnist: „Wir haben

den Vorteil, als einziger Halbfinalist nicht von ein oder zwei Superstars abhängig zu sein. Bei

uns ist die Mannschaft der Star. Brasilien kommt nach dem Ausfall von Neymar mit der

Jetzt-erst-recht-Power und fanatischen Fans. Aber bei uns spielen einige das 5. Halbfinale bei

WM oder EM. Die macht nichts mehr nervös.“

Weil Klose heute sein 16. Tor macht


Deutschland-Fan und BILD-Reporter Mathias Sonnenberg

► Mathias Sonnenberg (45), BILD-Nationalmannschafts-Chefreporter: „Jogi packt

heute die Titel-Taktik aus! Er hat die richtige Mischung aus Defensive und Offensive

gefunden. Vorn hat er mit Miro Klose einen Torjäger, den die Brasilianer fürchten und der

heute sein 16. WM-Tor macht. Die Brasilianer werden gegen uns wie irre anrennen, da

müssen wir cool bleiben.“

Weil Löw auf den Bayern-Block setzt

► Berti Vogts (67), Weltmeister 1974 und Europameister-Trainer 1996: „Deutschland

ist von den vier Halbfinalisten die mit Abstand technisch und taktisch beste Mannschaft.

Noch nie seit 1990 war die Chance auf den Titel größer. Das liegt vor allem auch daran, dass

Joachim Löw auf einen Bayern-Block setzt wie Helmut Schön 1974.“

Weil wir einfach besser sind

„Windhund“ Horst Eckel wurde 1954 an der Seite des großen Fritz

Walter Weltmeister

► Horst Eckel (82), Weltmeister 1954: „Ich drücke der deutschen Mannschaft ganz, ganz

fest die Daumen. Mein Tipp ist, wir gewinnen 2:1, weil wir ganz einfach besser sind als die


Weil Brasilien bisher echt schwach war

► Andreas Brehme (53), Elferschütze beim 1:0 gegen Argentinien im WM-Finale 1990:

„Brasilien hat mich bisher total enttäuscht, unser Team hat speziell in der ersten Halbzeit

gegen Frankreich ein gutes Spiel abgeliefert. Wir sollten uns aber nicht zu sicher fühlen, die

Brasis können auch mal einen guten Tag erwischen. Ich sehe unsere Chancen bei 51:49


Weil Brasilien den Druck nicht aushält

► Lothar Matthäus (53), Kapitän der Weltmeister-Elf 1990: „Die Mannschaft hat sich

im Turnier kontinuierlich gesteigert, schwierige Situationen überstanden und


Selbstvertrauen gewonnen. Sie ist noch nicht am Limit. Brasilien ist dem gigantischen

Erwartungsdruck nicht gewachsen, der hier überall zu spüren ist.“

Weil wir die stärkere Bank haben

► Pierre Littbarski (54), Weltmeister 1990: „Es wird langsam mal wieder Zeit. Wir haben

die bessere Mannschaft und vor allem die bessere Bank. Löw kann mit Spielern wie

Schürrle oder Draxler nachlegen, das fehlt den Brasilianern. Deutschland ist viel variabler

und effektiver. Darum gewinnen wir 2:1.“



Consulted on 09/02/2015


DE3 – pre Jetzt sind wir WM-Favorit

Weil wir mehr laufen als andere +++ Weil wir nicht nur einen Superstar haben +++ Weil

wir fest an den Titel glauben

Bundestrainer Jogi Löw lässt sich immer etwas Neues einfallen. Gegen Brasilien sitzt er zum

111. Mal auf der Bank. Seine Bilanz: 75 Siege, 20 Remis, 15 Niederlagen

07.07.2014 - 00:07 Uhr

Jungs, jetzt packt euch das Ding!

Holland? Brasilien? Argentinien? Ach was! Jetzt sind WIR der Favorit auf den WM-Titel!

► WIR stehen zum vierten Mal in Folge im WM-Halbfinale – diese Quote ist titelreif.

Und Jogi Löw hat beim 1:0 gegen Frankreich seine Titel-Taktik gezeigt: Deutsche

Tugenden (starke Defensive, gute Standards), große Laufleistung (115,3 Kilometer,

Bestwert aller Halbfinalisten) – so wird man Weltmeister.

Mats Hummels hat sich zum n ss iele in der Abwehr

entwickelt und ist auch e ann ie wic ti en o e

► WIR sind ein Team! Holland ist Robben, Argentinien Messi und Brasilien war Neymar –

alle Teams sind abhängig von einem Super-Star. Wir aber haben die Verantwortung auf

viele Schultern verteilt. Und die Tore: Mit Müller, Hummels, Klose, Schürrle, Özil und

Götze haben wir schon sechs Torschützen. Das macht uns in der Offensive unberechenbar.

Manuel Neuer zeigt in Brasilien eine Weltklasse-

Leistung nach der anderen, ist der ganz o e

c alt eines ganz starken Teams

► WIR haben den besten Zusammenhalt.

Und der wird nicht geredet, sondern gelebt! Die anderen wohnen in Hotels in Einzelzimmern,

wir haben die Campo-WGs. Die Ersatzspieler ziehen voll mit: Vor dem Viertelfinal-Sieg

hielt Mertesacker in der Kabine die Ansprache, obwohl Löw ihn auf die Bank setzte. Es gibt

keinen Stinkstiefel. An der Bar im Campo gibt es Caipirinha, Löw lockt mit Liebes-

Besuchen der Frauen als Prämie.


► WIR haben den flexibelsten Trainer!

Bastian Schweinsteiger ist vom Super-Joker zu Beginn der WM wieder

zum Mittelfeldchef geworden

Löw spielte erst mit einer Sechs, dann mit Doppel-Sechs, mit „falscher Neun“ und echtem

Mittelstürmer – so sind wir schwer ausrechenbar. Kapitän Lahm lobt: „Unser Trainer lässt

sich nicht von Sachen beeinflussen, die außerhalb unseres Kreises passieren oder gesagt


► Wir haben die größte Kontinuität auf dem Trainerposten!

Löw ist seit 2006 Nationaltrainer, hatte acht Jahre Zeit, die Mannschaft nach seinen

Vorstellungen zu entwickeln. Jetzt hat er die optimale Mischung zwischen Offensive und

Defensive gefunden. Argentiniens Trainer Alejandro Sabella hat den Job erst seit 2011,

Hollands Louis van Gaal und Brasiliens Luiz Felipe Scolari sogar erst seit 2012. Man hat das

Gefühl, Löw hat aus den Erfahrungen der letzten Turniere gelernt und zieht seine

Entscheidungen durch.

Ob als Joker oder in der Startelf – Miro Klose gibt immer alles für die


► WIR sind jetzt Wett-Favorit auf den Titel!

Bei „Bwin“ (Europas größter Sportwetten-Anbieter) gibt es bei 10 Euro Einsatz für

Weltmeister Deutschland nur noch 32,50 Euro. Für Brasilien und Argentinien immerhin

schon 37,50 Euro, für Holland sogar 42,50 Euro. Wer Geld verdienen und den Titel feiern

will, sollte auf Deutschland setzen...

► WIR haben den größten Titel-Glauben!

Kein Halbfinalist glaubt so fest an den WM-Pokal wie wir. Toni Kroos: „Wir haben immer

mehr Selbstvertrauen, immer mehr Sicherheit.“ Miro Klose: „Es ist eine große

Möglichkeit, hier das Ding in der Hand zu halten.“

Jetzt sind WIR der Favorit auf den WM-Titel!



Consulted on 13/04/2015


DE4 – pre Deutschland gegen Brasilien - WM-Halbfinale live


Im Halbfinale der WM 2014 tritt Deutschland gegen Gastgeber Brasilien an. Hier finden Sie

alle Informationen zu TV-Termin, Live-Stream und Ticker der Partie der Deutschen.

Foto: Getty Images Mats Hummels erzielte den goldenen Treffer im Viertelfinale gegen

Frankreich. Am Dienstag wartet nun Gastgeber Brasilien im Halbfinale auf Deutschland

Deutschland gegen Brasilien – im Halbfinale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 wartet ein

echter Klassiker. Gespielt wird am Dienstag ab 22.00 Uhr in Belo Horizonte. Die Partie wird

im deutschen Free-TV übertragen. Das ZDF berichtet live aus der südostbrasilianischen


Beide Teams hoffen auf den großen Wurf – den Einzug ins WM-Finale 2014 und den

anschließenden Gewinn des WM-Titels. Für die Deutschen wäre es der vierte (nach 1954,

1974 und 1990), für die "Selecao" der sechste Gewinn der Weltmeisterschaftstrophähe (nach

1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 und 2002).

Die Chancen dafür scheinen für die Deutschen allerdings etwas besser zu stehen. Nach

dem Ausfall von Superstar Neymar durch ein Foul beim 2:1 im WM-Viertelfinale gegen

Kolumbien, muss Trainer Luiz Felipe Scolari seine Offensive umstellen. Das Fehlen des mit

vier Treffern in fünf WM-Spielen erfolgreichsten Torschützen der Brasilianer ist für den

Coach kaum zu kompensieren.

Schweini über WM-Gegner

“Die Brasilianer sind keine Zauberer mehr“

Hinzu kommt, dass Abwehrchef Thiago Silva von Paris St. Germain wegen seiner zweiten

Gelben Karte gesperrt ist. Für den bisher sehr souverän auftretenden Defensivspezialisten

wird wohl Bayern Münchens Dante in die Innenverteidigung rücken.

Hummels köpfte Deutschland ins WM-Halbfinale 2014


Im Spiel wird Dante dann auf einige bekannte Gesichter treffen: Mit Torwart Manuel Neuer,

Philipp Lahm, Jerome Boateng, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Toni Kroos und Thomas Müller

werden gleich sechs Bayern-Akteure in der Startformation des Teams von Bundestrainer

Joachim Löw erwartet.

Zuletzt zeigte die Nationalmannschaft beim 1:0 gegen Frankreich eine gute Leistung und

bestach besonders in der Defensive durch Konzentration und körperliche Präsenz. Das Tor

des Tages erzielte mit Mats Hummels (12. Minute) dann auch ein Abwehrspieler. Neben

Innenverteidiger Hummels zeigten sein Nebenmann Boateng, Torwart Neuer sowie

Schweinsteiger starke Leistungen.

Mittelfeldspieler Mesut Özil hatte dagegen zum wiederholten Male bei dieser WM Probleme

und fand nicht wirklich ins Spiel. Er könnte gegen Brasilien seinen Platz in der Startelf


Deutschland gegen Brasilien live im Free-TV und Stream

Ob sich Özil gegen Brasilien dennoch in Szene setzen kann, wird sich am Dienstag zeigen.

Das ZDF überträgt die Partie ab 22.00 Uhr live und beginnt die Vorberichterstattung aus Belo

Horizonte bereits ab 20.15 Uhr.

Ergänzend zur Fernsehübertragung stellt das "Zweite" einen Live-Stream in der

sendereigenen Mediathek bereit.

Halbfinale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft live im Ticker

Natürlich können Sie das Aufeinandertreffen der beiden Teams auch in unserem Liveticker

verfolgen. Die "Welt" bietet einen Ticker mit allen Höhepunkten der Begegnung an. Seien

Sie live dabei, wenn Deutschland gegen Brasilien antritt.

Ob Tor, Ecke, Freistoß, Elfmeter oder Foul - der Liveticker informiert Sie topaktuell darüber,

was bei der WM 2014 in Rio de Janeiro gerade passiert.

Der Sieger der Partie Deutschland gegen Brasilien trifft im WM-Finale am Sonntag im

Maracana in Rio de Janeiro auf Argentinien oder die Niederlande.

Die aktuellen News vorm WM-Halbfinale gibt es in unserem WM-Ticker.



Consulted on 18/02/2015


DE5 – pre Vor dem WM-Halbfinale Sechs Gründe, warum Deutschland gewinnt

Wer zieht ins WM-Finale ein, Deutschland oder Brasilien? Der Wettmarkt verharrt

ausgeglichen, die Vorhersagen nähern sich der Fifty-Fifty-Marke an. Man kann also nur eine

Münze werfen. Oder gute Argumente wirken lassen!

08.07.2014, von Achim Dreis

Manuel Neuer: Manu, der Libero, hat die beste Quote aller Torhüter

An diesem Dienstag um 22 Uhr (live im ZDF und im WM-Ticker bei FAZ.NET) kommt es

zum Duell der Giganten: Brasilien gegen Deutschland. Ein Spiel, dass es in zwanzig

Weltmeisterschaften bislang ein einziges Mal gab. Hier der fünfmalige Weltmeister mit dem

Heimvorteil, da das drei-Sterne-Team, für das gute Gründe sprechen. Wir nennen sie:

1. Neuer: Die WM 2014 ist auch ein Turnier der Torhüter. Selten haben die Männer mit den

zupackenden Händen so im Fokus gestanden, wie bei dieser angriffslustigen Meisterschaft.

Und selten haben sie so durchgehend überzeugt: von Mexikos Reflexkönig Ochoa über

Costa Ricas Helden Navas bis hin zu Amerikas Verteidigungsminister Howard. Aber keiner

der großen vier Teams, weder Argentinien, noch Holland und schon gar nicht Brasilien, hat

so einen wie Manuel Neuer zwischen den Pfosten: mit 1,93 Meter von imposanter Statur,

mit seiner stoischen Ruhe von außergewöhnlicher Natur, mit 85,7 Prozent der gehaltenen

Bälle auch noch mit der besten Quote aller WM-Torhüter. Dazu vielseitig wie kein Zweiter.

Als „Manu“, der Libero, verblüffte er im Spiel gegen Algerien die Welt mit seinem

gekonnt-waghalsigen Spiel jenseits der Strafraumgrenze. Mit seiner Ein-Hand-Parade gegen

Benzema bewahrte er Deutschland gegen Frankreich vor der Verlängerung. Manuel Neuer ist

kein fliegender, sondern ein spielender Torwart, dessen Aktionen stets Kopf, Hand und Fuß


2. Dante: Er ist unser Lieblings-Brasilianer und Lieblings-Bayern-Spieler: Dante, der

lustige Lockenkopf, der es nach einer fußballerischen Ochsentour über den kalten Süden

Brasiliens, den noch kälteren Norden Frankreichs aus der Armut bis nach Belgien und

Mönchengladbach geschafft hat. Und weil er dort als Abwehrchef die Borussia vor dem

Abstieg rettete, ging sein Lebensmärchen weiter, führte ihn zu Bayern München, wo er erst

Triple-Sieger und dann tatsächlich Nationalspieler wurde. Nun wird er ausgerechnet gegen

Deutschland den gesperrten Thiago Silva ersetzen und sein erstes WM-Spiel bestreiten. Für

Dante ist es die Erfüllung seines Kindheitstraums, den wir ihm von Herzen gönnen.

Allerdings ist er das weichste Glied in der knüppelharten brasilianischen Abwehrkette und

vom Bayern-Block im WM-Halbfinale der einzige, der auf der falschen Seite steht. Er wird

es nicht schaffen, seine Klubkollegen Müller, Kroos, Schweinsteiger, Lahm mit aller Härte

abzuräumen und ihnen den Weg ins WM-Finale zu versperren.


Dante: Lebenstraum WM-Teilnahme erfüllt, damit ist aber auch gut

3. Neymar: Auch wenn alle brasilianischen Fußballer beschwören, dass sie sich besonders

ins Zeug legen wollen und für ihren Neymar spielen und siegen werden. Auch wenn jetzt

Experten aller Länder behaupten, dass schon manche Mannschaft erst dann richtig gut

wurde, als ihr Superstar fehlte, weil die Verbliebenen als Team stärker wurden: die

Extraklasse von Neymar fehlt der brasilianischen Rumpeltruppe des WM-Jahrgangs 2014.

Er ist der einzige, der bislang Raffinesse in das ruppige Spiel des Gastgebers brachte, er

erzielte fast die Hälfte aller brasilianischen Tore. Er wird ihnen fehlen an allen Ecken und

Enden des Spielaufbaus. Das ist schade für alle Genießer guten Fußballs, aber gut für


4. Klose: Vor ihm haben sie Angst: die Erfahrung von vier WM-Turnieren, 135

Länderspielen und 36 Lebensjahren spricht zwar nicht unbedingt für jugendliche Frische,

aber für sein unverwüstliches Wesen. Miroslav Klose war schon beim bislang einzigen

WM-Treffen zwischen Deutschland und Brasilien dabei, dem WM-Finale 2002. Zwar war an

jenem fernen Tag sein Gegenpart Ronaldo der große Gewinner, aber der deutsche

Rekordtorschütze könnte ihn in der ewigen WM-Torjägerliste an diesem Dienstag überholen.

Es wäre eine hübsche Pointe, wenn Klose mit seinem 16. WM-Tor Ronaldo an der einsamen

Spitze ablösen und zugleich Deutschland gegen Brasilien ins WM-Finale schießen würde.

© dpa Miroslav Klose: Mit der Kraft der vier WM-Teilnahmen

5. Der Schiedsrichter: Marco Rodríguez hat die wichtigste Szene seiner Schiedsrichter-

Laufbahn schlicht übersehen: den Biss von Uruguays Luis Suarez in die Schulter des

Italieners Giorgio Chiellini. Trotzdem ist der 40 Jahre alte Mexikaner weiterhin im WM-

Einsatz, was seine Qualität als Spielleiter insgesamt unterstreicht. Für Rodríguez wird das

brisante Halbfinale zwischen Deutschland und Brasilien sein dritter Einsatz bei dieser WM

sein und der siebte seit 2006 insgesamt. Bundestrainer Löw hat ihn schon taktisch klug in die

Pflicht genommen, als er seine Erwartung formulierte, dass der Schiedsrichter konsequent

durchgreifen werde. Es würde den deutschen Technikern zugute kommen, wenn Rodríguez

den Brasilianern keine vergleichbare Härte durchgehen ließe, wie sie sein spanischer Kollege

Carlos Velasco im Viertelfinale gegen Kolumbien gewährte. Und man kann davon ausgehen,

dass Rodríguez genau hinsehen wird.

6. Gastgeber-Rausschmeißer: Die deutsche Bilanz gegen die Gastgeber großer Turniere ist

beinahe schon beängstigend. In den vergangenen 42 Jahren hat Deutschland acht Mal bei

Welt- und Europameisterschaften im Verlaufe des Turniers gegen das Gastgeberteam spielen

müssen: Und egal, ob EM-Halbfinale 1972 in Belgien oder 1976 in Jugoslawien, WM-

Zwischenrunde 1982 in Spanien, WM-Viertelfinale 1986 in Mexiko, EM-Halbfinale 1992 in

Schweden oder 1996 in England, WM-Halbfinale 2002 in Südkorea oder EM-Gruppenphase


in Österreich, bei allen acht Duellen waren nach Schlusspfiff die Heimmannschaften

geschlagen. Warum sollte es den Brasilianern besser gehen?



Consulted on 18/02/2015


DE1- post

Deutschland im WM-Finale7:1-Wahnsinn! „Fußball von einem anderen Stern“

08.07.2014 - 23:51 Uhr

WM-Wahnsinn! Die deutsche Nationalmannschaft zerlegt den Gastgeber aus Brasilien nach

allen Regeln der Kunst und zieht mit einem 7:1-Sieg ins Finale ein

Unfassbar! Phänomenal! Weltmeisterlich! Nach der spektakulärsten Fußball-Darbietung

in der deutschen WM-Geschichte trennt Joachim Löw und seine noch ungekrönten

Helden nur noch ein Schritt vom vierten Titelgewinn. Auf den Tag genau 24 Jahre nach

dem letzten WM-Triumph in Italien versetzte die gereifte Generation um den nun

alleinigen WM-Rekordschützen Miroslav Klose (16 Tore) mit einem sensationellen 7:1

(5:0) im Halbfinale ganz Brasilien in einen Schockzustand.

Im Endspiel am Sonntag im mystischen Maracanã in Rio gegen den Erzrivalen Holland oder

Argentinien, das Deutschland 1990 in Rom mit 1:0 besiegen konnte, geht es aber wieder bei

Null los.

„Sensationell, märchenhaft, das ist alles zu schwach. Das war Fußball von einem anderen

Stern. Jetzt wollen wir natürlich auch noch den letzten Schritt machen. Das war heute etwas

Historisches”, befand DFB-Präsident Wolfgang Niersbach. Joachim Löw behielt auch in der

Stunde des Triumphes die Bodenhaftung. „Ein bisschen Demut tut jetzt auch gut. Wir

wollen nicht überbewertet sein”, meinte der Bundestrainer.

„Jetzt müssen wir noch einmal durchziehen, Vollgas geben und uns das Ding holen”,

kommentierte Thomas Müller im ZDF den achten Einzug einer deutschen Elf ins WM-

Finale. Nach seinem fünften Turniertor (11. Minute) hat der Münchner nun die Chance, wie

2010 WM-Torschützenkönig zu werden. „Wir sind wirklich eine Einheit, und das sieht man

auch auf dem Platz”, betonte der 36 Jahre alte Klose, der mit seinem Rekordtor vor 58 141

Zuschauern den Brasilianer Ronaldo (15) als besten WM-Schützen überflügelte.

Beim zweithöchsten deutschen WM-Sieg und dem bisher klarsten Erfolg in einem WM-

Halbfinale überhaupt trafen für die in der ersten Hälfte entfesselten schwarz-rot-goldenen

Kicker außerdem auch noch Toni Kroos (24./26.), Antreiber Sami Khedira (29.) und der

eingewechselte André Schürrle (69./79.). Oscar verkürzte erst in der 90. Minute.

Gegen kollektiv versagende Brasilianer, die die Ausfälle von Superstar Neymar und

Kapitän Thiago Silva nicht verkraften konnten und die höchste Niederlage ihrer

Länderspiel-Geschichte kassierten, spielte die deutsche Startelf ihre Erfahrung von 681

Länderspielen aus. „Finale, oho”, skandierten die deutschen Fans, die Spieler der Seleção

wurden von ihren Landsleuten ausgepfiffen.

Kroos erwies sich in seinem 50. Länderspiel nicht nur erneut als Meister des ruhenden Balls,

sondern auch als eiskalter Vollstrecker. Der Eckball des vor dem Absprung zu Real Madrid

stehenden Münchners leitete das sechste deutsche WM-Tor nach einer Standardsituation ein.


Der 24-Jährige kurbelte gemeinsam mit Khedira im Mittelfeld unermüdlich an und sorgte

mit dem zweiten Tor-Doppelpack im DFB-Trikot früh für klare Verhältnisse.

Bei den Hausherren kam der in Belo Horizonte geborene Bernard für den verletzten Neymar

zum Zuge, der völlig frei trotz seines Fehlens in aller Munde war. Alle Spieler und auch

Trainer Luiz Felipe Scolari betraten die Arena mit weißen Schirmmützen mit der Aufschrift

„Força Neymar” („Vorwärts Neymar”). Schon lange vor dem Anpfiff hallten immer wieder

Neymar-Gesänge durchs Stadion, dagegen wurde Löws Team schon beim Verlesen der

Aufstellung ausgepfiffen.

Bei angenehmen Temperaturen knapp über 20 Grad ließ sich die deutsche Mannschaft aber

von dieser Atmosphäre und der fast komplett in Gelb getauchten Kulisse nicht

einschüchtern. Die erste erfolgversprechende Kombination über Müller und Özil brachte in

der 8. Minute Khedira im Strafraum in Schussposition, Kroos blockte den Versuch des Wahl-

Spaniers unglücklich mit dem Rücken ab. Drei Minuten später führte wie schon im

Viertelfinale gegen Frankreich eine Standardsituation zur Führung. Beim ersten deutschen

Eckball durch Kroos stand Müller und konnte sich bei seinem insgesamt zehnten Tor bei

einer WM-Endrunde die Ecke aussuchen.

In der Folgezeit wurden den Brasilianern vom DFB-Team immer häufiger ihre spielerischen

Grenzen aufgezeigt - auch der für den gesperrten Thiago Silva ins Team gerückte Bayern-

Profi Dante konnte das sich nun abzeichnende Debakel nicht verhindern. Eine traumhafte

Ballstafette über Kroos und Müller leitete das 2:0 durch Klose ein, der im ersten Versuch

noch an Julio Cesar scheiterte, ehe er im Nachsetzen flach in die Ecke traf. Das 16.

Endrunden-Tor des Team-Seniors, mit dem er ausgerechnet in Brasilien Ronaldo als WM-

Torschützenkönig überflügelte, leitete eine Gala der deutschen Mannschaft ein, in der den

Brasilianern binnen weniger Minuten Hören und Sehen verging.

Kroos mit einem Doppelschlag binnen kaum mehr als 60 Sekunden und Khedira jeweils nach

traumhaften Kombinationen schossen mit ihren Treffern fast im Minutentakt gegen völlig

demoralisierte Gastgeber ein rekordverdächtiges 5:0 heraus. Fünf Tore in den ersten 29

Minuten waren der DFB-Auswahl nicht einmal gegen San Marino gelungen, wo es am 6.

September 2006 im dritten Länderspiel der Ära Löw am Ende 13:0 hieß. Während bei vielen

in Gelb gekleideten Fans bittere Tränen der Enttäuschung flossen, waren die deutschen

Anhänger schier aus dem Häuschen und sangen: „Einer geht noch, einer geht noch

rein”. Auch Ex-Bundestrainer Jürgen Klinsmann war hingerissen und twitterte schon zur

Pause begeistert: „GO GERMANY GO !!! WHAT A GAME !!”

Für den an einer Sehnenreizung in der Kniekehle laborierenden Mats Hummels rückte nach

der Pause Per Mertesacker in die Abwehrkette, die gegen Brasiliens bis dahin harmlose

Offensive auf einmal Chancen zuließ. Doch Manuel Neuer hielt mit Glanztaten gegen

Ramires (51.), Oscar (52.) und zweimal Paulinho (53.) seinen Kasten sauber. Löw reagierte

an der Seitenlinie ungehalten auf die Nachlässigkeiten. Erst danach besann sich das Team

wieder aufs Fußballspielen und machte schließlich durch Schürrle, der einen Pass von


Kapitän Philipp Lahm über die Linie drückte, das halbe Dutzend voll. Zehn Minuten später

stand Schürrle erneut frei und machte die historische Pleite der Seleção perfekt.


Consulted on 06/10/2014


DE2 – post Das legendäre WM-Halbfinale von Belo Horizonte

09.07.2014 - 15:05 Uhr

| 7 bewegende Momente unseres Super-Sieges

Herzlich! Jogi Löw und Brasilien-Trainer Felipe Scolari umarmen sich nach dem Spiel

Nach dem 1:7 ist der WM-Gastgeber Brasilien am Boden zerstört!

Das Halbfinal-Debakel gegen Deutschland in Belo Horizonte hat bei der Seleção und Trainer

Luiz Felipe Scolari (65) tiefe Spuren hinterlassen. Weinend und untröstlich schlichen die

Spieler nach der Klatsche und dem bitteren Halbfinal-Aus in die Kabine.

Sieben Tore, die die Seleção ins Mark trafen – BILD zeigt 7 Szenen des legendären WM-


Schluss mit der Demütigung! Nach dem 1:7 sacken Luiz Gustavo (l.) und

Davis Luiz auf die Knie und beten

„Es war eine fürchterliche, eine katastrophale Niederlage, die schlimmste Niederlage

aller Zeiten. Aber wir müssen lernen, damit umzugehen“, sagte der Nationaltrainer nach

dem fast schon traumatischen Erlebnis.

Zuspruch von den Vereinskollegen: Thomas Müller (l.) und Schweini

trösten Dante (alle Bayern) nach dem Mega-Halbfinale

„Schande im Land des Fußballs“, schrieb die Zeitung „O Dia“, die

„Folha de São Paulo“ titelte: „Historisches Debakel.“

Die Protagonisten selbst waren ebenfalls fassungslos!

Bittere Tränen weint ein kleiner brasilianischer nach

verlorenem Halbfinale im Stadion in Belo Horizonte

Der gelbgesperrte Kapitän Thiago Silva (29): „Normalerweise kann ich nach einer

Niederlage nicht schlafen. Aber nach diesem Ergebnis, bei einer Weltmeisterschaft, die

wir alle gewinnen wollten, kann ich nicht einmal weinen.“

Und weiter: „Der Schmerz ist so stark, so groß, dass ich nicht die Kraft habe, zu



Brasilien deklassiert und gedemütigt!

Die Szene vor dem Spiel: Abwehrchef David Luiz hält das Trikot vom

verletzten Superstar Neymar nach Hymne hoch

Wäre es mit Superstar Neymar anders gekommen?

Trainer Luiz Felipe Scolari: „Es gibt nicht irgendeinen Grund zu glauben, dass mit Neymar

alles anders gewesen wäre. Der ist Stürmer, der ist nicht hinten.“

Der gesperrte Brasilien-Kapitän Thiago Silva kann auf der

Tribüne nicht mehr hinsehen, schlägt die Hände vors Gesicht

Für Dante geriet sein WM-Debüt zu einem Albtraum. „Das einzige, was wir tun können, ist

um Verzeihung zu bitten“, meinte der Innenverteidiger vom FC Bayern nach der historischen


Brasilien-Trainer Luiz Felipe Scolari gibt Anweisungen

im WM-Halbfinale. Oder zeigte er die „Sieben“ für die

sieben erzielten Tore der DFB-Elf



Consulted on 04/02/2015



14.07.2014 - 11:35 Uhr


Was für ein geiler Fußball-Rausch, dieser Wahnsinns-Sieg im Halbfinale gegen

Brasilien, den WM-Gastgeber und fünfmaligen Weltmeister. Davon werden wir noch

unseren Kindern erzählen.

Wir stehen im Finale, können Sonntag in Rio unseren vierten WM-Titel holen. Nach diesem

Triumph kann es nur heißen: Stellt den Pott schon mal kalt!

„Heute ist unser Tag“ hatte BILD geschrieben. Und genauso ist es gekommen. Dieser

großartige Auftritt unserer Nationalelf wird in die Geschichtsbücher ein. Es ist der höchste

Halbfinalsieg, den es je gab. Und noch nie lagen wir bei einer WM schon so früh mit 5:0 in

Führung. Es waren 18 Minuten für die Ewigkeit.

Müller (11.), Klose (23.), Kroos (25./26.) und Khedira (29.) schossen uns in den Fußball-

Himmel. Später traf auch noch Schürrle doppelt (69./79.). Oscar erzielte Brasiliens

Ehrentreffer (90.)

Während wir uns in den Armen lagen, flimmerten Bilder von weinenden und entsetzten

Brasilianern in unsere Wohnzimmer. Tut uns leid, Brasilien. So weh wollten wir euch nicht

tun. Aber ohne den verletzten Neymar (Wirbelbruch) und den gelbgesperrten Thiago Silva

war die ruhmreiche Seleção nur noch ein Trümmerhaufen.

Jogi Löw spürte wohl schon vorher das Besondere dieses Tages in Belo Horizonte. Lange

vor Anpfiff ist der Bundestrainer unten am Rasen und streichelt versonnen über die


Deutschland startet erstmals bei der WM mit derselben Aufstellung. Mit der Elf, die

Frankreich 1:0 schlug. 2012 gegen Italien (1:2) hatte Löw noch das EM-Finale verzockt.

Kluge Menschen erkennt man daran, dass sie aus ihren Fehlern lernen.

Warum sind wir so gut?

► Weil zum WM-Showdown Toni Kroos (Note 1 mit Sternchen) und Sami Khedira immer

besser werden.

► Weil Miro Klose auch mit 36 Jahren weiter trifft, jetzt bester Torschütze der WM-

Geschichte ist (16 Treffer).

► Weil Neuer unser großer Rückhalt ist. Als Brasilien Anfang der 2. Halbzeit wütend

anstürmt, hält er einfach alles.

Kleiner Dämpfer: Hummels muss mit Sehnenreizung im Knie ausgewechselt werden.

Hoffentlich wird er bis zum Finale fit. Wir brauchen ihn.


24 Jahre warten wir jetzt schon auf den nächsten WM-Titel. Jetzt ist der große Traum

so nah. Sonntag gegen 23 Uhr könnte Kapitän Philipp Lahm den WM-Pokal in den

Himmel von Rio recken. Keine andere Mannschaft hätte den Titel mehr verdient als



★ 11. Minute: Eckball Kroos von rechts. Die Brasilianer bewachen unsere Kopfball-

Raketen Hummels oder Höwedes. Dahinter hat sich Müller frei geschlichen. Und schießt

den Eckball entspannt mit der Innenseite mitten ins Tor! Unser schnelles 1:0! Das gibt 'ne

breite Brust, wie schon gegen Frankreich (0:1 Hummels/12.). Plötzlich gelingt alles...

★ 23. Minute: Kroos in den Strafraum zu Müller, der überlässt Klose. Den ersten

Versuch pariert Cesar, den zweiten setzt Miro rechts rein – 0:2! Ausgerechnet "Opa"

Klose (36). Der schon 2002 beim WM-Finale gegen Brasilien (0:2) dabei war. Es ist sein 23.

WM-Spiel, nur Matthäus (25) hat mehr.

★ 24. Minute: Lahm flankt von rechts, Müller haut am Ball vorbei. Guter Trick:

dahinter knallt Kroos mit links direkt links rein. 0:3!

★ 26. Minute: Der überragende Kroos erobert den Ball von Fernandinho. Pass in den

Strafraum zu Khedira. Der spielt uneigennützig zurück zu Kroos, Treffer aus 14 Metern

zum 0:4. Kroos schlägt ungläubig die Hände vor das Gesicht. Ja, wirklich! Drei Tore in

vier Minuten. Wir führen 4:0 beim WM-Favoriten! Und damit nicht genug...

★ 29. Minute: Özil spielt frei vorm Tor selbstlos quer zu Khedira, der schiebt das 0:5

rein. Tolles Teamwork, wie schon beim 0:4. Auf den Bänken schütteln alle die Köpfe – die

Brasilianer fassungslos, die Deutschen auch! Nach der Pause kommt Mertesacker für

Hummels rein. Auch „Merte“ hält hinten dicht. Vor allem aber fischt Neuer in den zehn

Minuten nach der Pause zwei "Unhaltbare" von Paulinho und Oscar. Weltklasse! Der

eingewechselte Schürrle macht das Desaster für Brasilien perfekt.

★ 69. Minute: Nach Pass von Lahm schiebt der Joker das Tor zum halben Dutzend


★ 79. Minute: Müller von links, Schürrle riskiert es aus spitzem Winkel direkt. Und

trifft herrlich unter die Latte – 0:7! „So ein Tag, so wunderschön wie heute“ singen am

Schluss die deutschen Fans im Stadion. Nie stimmte das Lied so sehr!

★ 90. Minute: Oscar lässt Boateng aussteigen, vollendet zum 1:7-Ehrentreffer.



Consulted on 06/10/2014


DE4 – post Das Wunder von Belo Horizonte ist schon Legende

7:1 gegen Brasilien


Von Lars Gartenschläger, Lars Wallrodt

Entfesselt? Einmalig? Weltmeisterlich? Mit einer Leistung, die selbst mit historischen

Parametern kaum zu greifen ist, besiegt Deutschland Brasilien und zieht in sein achtes WM-

Endspiel ein.

Der historische Fußballabend von Belo Horizonte. Deutschland schießt Brasilien aus dem

WM-Halbfinale, und die Fans kommen mit dem Torezählen kaum nach. Beginnen wir mit

dem 1:0 von Thomas Müller, der nach einer Ecke ...

Knapp 32 Halbfinal-Minuten waren gespielt im Estadio Mineirao, als die Zuschauer Zeuge

eines seltenen Ereignisses wurden. Ein deutscher Torschuss, in diesem Fall von Toni Kroos,

flog am Tor vorbei ins Aus. Es war der erste Schuss eines Schützlings von Bundestrainer

Joachim Löw, der an diesem Abend nicht den Weg ins Netz fand.

Davor hatten Thomas Müller (11. Spielminute), Miroslav Klose (23.), zweimal Kroos (25.

und 26.) und Sami Khedira (29.) alle Diskussionen über den Ausgang des mit Spannung

erwarteten Duells gegen Brasilien beendet. Mit 7:1 (5:0) gewann die furiose DFB-Auswahl

und steht am Sonntag zum achten Mal in einem WM-Finale. Und die Superlative werden sie

auf ihrem Weg nach Rio de Janeiro begleiten. Entfesselt? Historisch? Weltmeisterlich?

Welcher Begriff ist angemessen für eine Leistung, die in der WM-Geschichte wohl

ihresgleichen sucht?

"Ich weiß nicht, was man sagen soll", sagte ein begeisterter DFB-Präsident Wolfgang

Niersbach: "Sensationell reicht nicht aus, märchenhaft. Das war in der ersten Halbzeit

Fußball von einem anderen Stern. Ich freue mich riesig für unsere Mannschaft und die

Trainer. Es war so was von begeisternd. Wir haben jetzt am Sonntag die große Chance, den

letzten großen Schritt zu machen: Der vierte Stern soll her!"

Müller trifft nach Kroos-Ecke

Die Gastgeber, zusätzlich emotionalisiert durch das verletzungsbedingte WM-Aus ihres

Superstars Neymar, starteten furios. 43 Sekunden bis zur ersten Ecke, zweieinhalb Minuten

bis zur ersten Torchance durch Marcelo – die Marschroute, die Trainer Luiz Felipe Scolari

seinen Schützlingen mitgeben habe, war offensichtlich. Doch das angestrebte frühe Tor

gelang nicht. Schlimmer noch für die Brasilianer: Die Deutschen trafen.


Nach der ersten Ecke von Kroos tauchte Müller sechs Meter frei vor dem Tor auf und drückte

die Kugel unbehelligt ins Netz – es war das 2000. Tor der Länderspielgeschichte. "Das

Ergebnis war natürlich nicht unbedingt zu erwarten", sagte der Torschütze später: "Wir

hatten schnelle Ballgewinne, da waren die Räume größer. Das haben wir Mitte der ersten

Halbzeit überragend ausgenutzt." Die Selecao war zunächst geschockt, ehe sie gut zehn

Minuten später endgültig unter der Erwartungshaltung ihrer Landsleute zerbrach - und an

dem deutschen Umschaltspiel.

Klose sichert sich den Torrekord

Nach schöner Kombination über Kroos und Müller erzielte Klose im Nachsetzen sein 16.

WM-Tor und schwang sich damit zum alleinigen Rekordtorschützen auf. Wie bei einem

Boxer, der auf einen Punching-Ball einhämmert, fielen die weiteren Treffer. Und die Selecao

taumelte in Rekordtempo dem Knockout entgegen. Die ersten brasilianischen Fans

machten sich nach nicht einmal einer halben Stunde auf den Heimweg, die grün-gelbe

Schminke war tränenzerfurcht.

Klose entriss Ronaldo den Torrekord, Deutschland hat mit nun 223 WM-Treffern drei mehr

erzielt als Brasilien - es war die ultimative Demütigung für die Gastgeber. Der Frust und

die Enttäuschung darüber entluden sich in gellenden Pfiffen gegen den glücklosen Stürmer

Fred, später verhöhnten die Anhänger ihr Team, indem sie die deutschen Pass-Stafetten

lautstark bejubelten. Selbst für Oscars Ehrentreffer in der Schlussminute hatten sie nur noch

spöttischen Applaus übrig.

"Ich kann es nicht erklären", sagte der bemitleidenswerte Schlussmann Julio Cesar: "Es ist

einfach schwierig, das zu erklären. Die Deutschen waren einfach stark, das müssen wir

anerkennen. Nach dem ersten Tor sind wir zusammengebrochen, das hatte keiner erwartet.

Ich bin wirklich sehr traurig, besonders ich. Mir wäre es lieber gewesen, das Spiel wäre

durch einen Fehler von mir 0:1 zu Ende gegangen, als dieses 1:7." Krachender als an diesem

Abend in Belo Horizonte ist wohl noch nie der Fußball-Traum einer ganzen Nation geplatzt.

DFB-Elf in historischen Dimensionen

Ganz anders die deutsche Reisegruppe. Obwohl zahlenmäßig klar unterlegen, übernahmen

die in schwarz-rot-gold gekleideten Schlachtenbummler mit jedem Treffer mehr das

Kommando. Sie skandierten abwechselnd "Finale, oho!", "Auswärtssieg" und "Oh, wie ist

das schön!"

Ungläubiges Staunen entwickelte sich zu grenzenloser Begeisterung ob dieses kaum für

möglich gehaltenen Auftritts. Wann konnte ein Team in einem WM-Semifinale zuletzt Kräfte

sparen und zwei ihrer Schlüsselspieler (Mats Hummels und Miroslav Klose) zwecks

Schonung früh auswechseln? "Was war das? Kaum zu glauben!", twitterte Franz

Beckenbauer aus der Heimat. Nicht einmal er hätte nach den bisweilen zähen Auftritten und

den knappen Siegen gegen Algerien im Achtelfinale und Frankreich in der Runde der letzten

Acht einen solchen Befreiungsschlag erwartet.


Schon zur Pause hatte die deutsche Elf mehr Tore erzielt als bei ihren vier letzten Halbfinal-

Auftritten zusammen. Noch nie verlor Brasilien ein WM-Spiel höher als mit 0:3, noch nie

gewann Deutschland ein K.o.-Spiel klarer als gegen den bei diesem Turnier bislang

ungeschlagenen Rekord-Weltmeister, noch nie schoss eine deutsche Auswahl fünf WM-

Tore binnen 18 Minuten, noch nie erzielte ein Team sieben Tore in einem Halbfinale. Doch

selbst mit historischen Parametern bleibt die erste Halbzeit kaum zu greifen.

Löw lenkte nach dem Spiel den Fokus schnell auf das Endspiel am Sonntag: "Es ist logisch,

dass wir uns ein wenig freuen, doch ab morgen fokussieren wir uns bereits auf den

nächsten Gegner. Ein bisschen Demut ist auch ganz gut, es geht weiter. Wir sind bereit, den

letzten Schritt zu machen", sagte Löw im ZDF-Interview.

Von der Leistung seiner Mannschaft war Löw beeindruckt: "Es war heute wichtig, dieser

Leidenschaft und diesen Emotionen von Brasilien mit Ruhe, mit Abgeklärtheit zu

begegnen. Die waren dann nach diesen Toren geschockt und dann hatten wir auch leichtes

Spiel. Es haben alle ihre Aufgabe wahnsinnig gut und konzentriert erfüllt."

Autokorso schon zur Halbzeit

Neymar fehlte den Brasilianern und konnte von Bernard nicht ansatzweise ersetzt werden,

auch der gesperrte Abwehrchef Thiago Silva wurde schmerzlich vermisst. Doch der

Schlüssel zu diesem Spiel war viel mehr der mitreißende Auftritt der deutschen Elf, für die

der eingewechselte Andre Schürrle (69. und 79.) mit seine WM-Toren zwei und drei den

Endstand herstellte. Schon während des Spiels hupten Autokorsos durch Berlin, der

Schlusspfiff ging unter im Feuerwerk über den Fanmeilen.

Im Endspiel am Sonntag (21.00 Uhr, ARD und im Liveticker warten entweder die

Niederlande oder Argentinien. Gegen die Südamerikaner hat die DFB-Elf auf den Tag genau

24 Jahren vor dem Coup von Belo Horizonte seinen bislang letzten WM-Titel gewonnen,

Oranje war noch nie Weltmeister. Egal, wie Deutschlands Endspiel-Gegner heißen wird: Er

dürfte als Außenseiter in die Partie gehen.



Consulted on 18/02/2015


DE5 – Post Deutschland hatte leichtes Spiel mit Barfuß Buxtehude

Deutschland im WM-Finale, was für ein unfassbares Spiel. Brasilien wird im Halbfinale so

gedemütigt, dass die deutsche Nationalmannschaft am Ende Mitleid hat. Die ganze

Fußballwelt ist sprachlos.

Von Oskar Beck, Lars Wallrodt, Lars Gartenschläger


Deutschland gewinnt das WM-Halbfinale in Belo Horizonte gegen Gastgeber Brasilien mit

einem entfesselten 7:1. N24-Moderator Carsten Hädler lobt das deutsche Team und hebt

einen Spieler heraus.

Kluge Köpfe wissen schon lange: Das Leben wird nicht gemessen an der Zahl der Atemzüge,

sondern an den Momenten, die einem den Atem nehmen.

Was für ein unfassbarer Abend.

Das "Oh, wie ist das schön" ist noch nie glaubhafter durch ein Fußballstadion geschmettert

worden als von den deutschen WM-Schlachtenbummlern an diesem schon jetzt in den

ewigen Stein gemeißelten 8. Juli 2014 in Belo Horizonte – man hat die Momente, die einem

den Atem rauben, gar nicht mehr zählen können.

7:1 – es fehlen einem die Worte.

Zeitweise war es, als ob Deutschland gegen Barfuß Buxtehude spielt. Aber es war Brasilien,

der Gastgeber, der fünfmalige Weltmeister. Anderthalb Stunden lang wurde eine Mannschaft,

die man auf Augenhöhe erwartet hatte, gnadenlos demontiert, gedemütigt und aus den

Schuhen gespielt. Wie das Unerklärliche zu erklären ist?

Der Dortmunder Innenverteidiger Mats Hummels versuchte es so: "Was da passiert ist, ist

rational schwer zu fassen. Ich habe nicht damit gerechnet, niemand von uns hat damit

gerechnet. Beim 4:0 habe ich mich gefragt, was hier eigentlich los ist. Es war einfach


Deutschland macht die Fußballwelt sprachlos

Die komplette Fußballwelt ist genauso sprachlos. Kopfschüttelnd steht sie vor dem

höchsten WM-Halbfinalsieg aller Zeiten, das deutsche 6:1 gegen Österreich anno 1954 in

Basel, dem dann das "Wunder von Bern" folgte, ist aus der Rekordliste gelöscht. Sieben Tore

gegen Brasilien – jeder normale Mensch, der kein Rad ab hat, hätte das ungefähr für so

unmöglich gehalten wie den Versuch, eine Dose Bier zu überreden, sich selbst zu öffnen. "Es


war eine überragende Partie von uns", sagte Toni Kroos, "aber zwischendurch, als plötzlich

ein Tor nach dem anderen fiel, konnte ich gar nicht mehr glauben, was da passiert."

Wie kommt so ein perfekter Tag zustande?

Franz Beckenbauer hat es mit einem Stirnrunzeln einmal nachdenklich so erklärt: "Der

Erfolg ist ein scheues Reh. Der Wind muss stimmen, die Witterung, die Sterne und der

Mond." An diesem denkwürdigen Dienstag hat alles gepasst.

Auch der Gegner.Bei Brasilien stimmte hinten und vorne nichts

Brasilien war außer Kontrolle. Ohne Thiago Silva und Neymar stimmte hinten und vorne

nichts. Luiz Felipe Scolari muss sich vorgekommen sein wie einer, der eine Kuh melken

soll, die keine Euter hat – jedenfalls sah er nach dem Spiel aus wie sein bekannter

schottischer Trainerkollege Bert Paton, der nach einem 0:7 seiner Mannschaft aus

Dumfernline in der Pressekonferenz einst sagte: "Irgendwelche Fragen, bevor ich gehe und

mich aufhänge?"

Scolaris Taktik war im Übrigen ein Schuss ins eigene Knie. Auch ein perfektes Chaos ist

etwas Vollkommenes, hat er sich vermutlich gesagt, jedenfalls liefen seine Männer ins

Messer und in die überfallartigen Konter der Deutschen – streckenweise erinnerte das Spiel

an das 4:0 gegen Argentinien vor vier Jahren bei der WM in Südafrika, als Diego Maradona

seinen Offenbarungseid als Trainer ablegte.

Neymars Geist verflüchtigte sich rasend schnell

Auch die Brasilianer hatten jetzt keinen Plan, sie hatten nur ihre Hingabe. "Neymar!

Neymar!", skandierte das Stadion, heißen Herzens schmetterten die Spieler die Hymne,

Ersatzkapitän David Luiz hielt ein feuriges Kampfplakat in Form eines Trikots mit der "10"

hoch, und Hulk flehte beidhändig zum Himmel, als wollte er den Geist von Neymar

herbeibeten. Das war zu wenig. Bundestrainer Joachim Löw: "Wir sind den tiefen Emotionen

der Brasilianer begegnet mit Ausdauer, Ruhe, Klarheit und Beharrlichkeit. Nach dem 2:0

waren sie durcheinander, das haben wir eiskalt ausgenutzt."

Was nach Thomas Müllers fünftem WM-Tor zwischen der 23. und 29. Minute passiert ist,

hat die Fußballwelt selten erlebt: vier Treffer in sechs Minuten. Erst schoss sich Miroslav

Klose mit seinem 16. WM-Tor am brasilianischen Volkshelden Ronaldo vorbei auf Platz

eins der ewigen WM-Schützenliste (Löw: "Wenn man es einem gönnt, dann dem Miro"),

und die Mittelfeldkönige Kroos und Khedira schossen munter weiter drauflos. "Was Toni

macht, hat alles Hand und Fuß", sagte der Bundestrainer über den Münchner

Doppelkanonier, "und Sami hat sich wahnsinnig gesteigert. Er ist physisch präsent und


Lasst sich trotzdem noch ein Haar in der Suppe finden?

Vielleicht das: Nach der Pause, als Per Mertesacker für Mats Hummels kam, ging für fünf

Minuten die Ordnung verloren. Viermal musste Manuel Neuer geschwind zupacken – oder


anders gesagt: Er durfte zeigen, dass die deutsche Mannschaft nicht nur sieben Tore schießen

kann, sondern für den Ernstfall auch noch den besten Torwart der Welt im Kasten hat.

André Schürrle ist ein gnadenlos guter Joker

Den besten Joker in Gestalt des Doppeltorschützen André Schürrle darf man an der Stelle

auch nicht vergessen, und wenn die deutsche Mannschaft den Fuß nicht etwas vom Gas

genommen hätte, wären auch zehn Tore ganz leicht möglich gewesen. Die 58.000

Leidtragenden im Stadion weinten und pfiffen, und David Luiz heulte vor der TV-Kamera

hinterher im Namen der ganzen Mannschaft Rotz und Wasser: "Alle leiden. Ich möchte mich

beim ganzen Volk entschuldigen." Die abschließende Grabrede hielt der Trainer. Scolari:

"Das ist die schlimmste Niederlage aller Zeiten, eine Katastrophe."

Sogar die Sieger verdrückten ergriffen eine Träne im Knopfloch. "Mir tun die

Brasilianer leid", sagte Thomas Müller, "das sind alles großartige Jungs, die in diese WM

viel investiert haben." Und Löw spürte: "Das muss eine unglaubliche Enttäuschung sein.

Die Brasilianer haben eine tolle WM auf die Beine gestellt. Es ist ein fantastisches Land

mit freundlichen Menschen."

Aber ab sofort muss er wieder an Deutschland denken.

Die deutsche Nationalmannschaft bleibt hungrig

Denn jetzt wird es ernst. Gewonnen ist noch gar nichts. Allerdings muss man sich wohl nicht

sonderlich sorgen, dass Löws gefeierte Himmelsstürmer auf Wolke sieben jetzt den Boden

unter den Füßen verlieren und sich mit den Vorschusslorbeeren nach dem Schützenfest von

Belo Horizonte zufriedengeben – hören wir kurz rein in ein paar beruhigende


Mats Hummels: "Wir können das alles sehr gut einschätzen und wissen, dass das Finale ganz

anders wird. Niemand soll glauben, dass das noch einmal so leicht laufen wird."

Toni Kroos: "Wir haben noch nichts erreicht. Wir müssen noch einen Schritt gehen.

Weltmeister ist noch niemand im Halbfinale geworden. Das Endspiel wird enger."

Thomas Müller: "Um es mal etwas humorlos zu sagen: Wir sind eine Runde weiter, mehr

nicht. Am Sonntag steht es wieder 0:0."

Doch das letzte Wort soll dem Bundestrainer gehören, und es hört sich gleichermaßen

mahnend und verheißungsvoll an. Joachim Löw: "Jetzt müssen wir konzentriert bleiben

und ein bisschen Demut zeigen. Niemand sollte sich für unbesiegbar halten. Aber unsere

Mannschaft ist gut geerdet – und bereit und willens, Weltmeister zu werden."



Consulted on 18/02/2015


BR1 – pre Brazil Plays Without Neymar in World Cup Today: Daily

By Robbie Blakeley on July 8, 2014

Brazil must complete World Cup journey without star player Neymar, or defensive center

Thiago Silva.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Neymar, scorer of four goals at the FIFA World Cup, will

miss the rest of the tournament after suffering a broken bone in his back following a

challenge from Juan Zuniga, the Colombia right-back. The initial prognosis is that the

Seleção No. 10 will be out of action for anything between six and twelve weeks.

Brazil must complete World Cup journey without star player Neymar

While his injury does not require surgery, and is not as serious as first feared, his dreams of

playing in a World Cup final at the Maracanã are over, not just this year but, one would

imagine, for good.

It is undoubtedly a serious blow for the Seleção (Brazil national team). They have managed

to reach their first semi-final since 2002, the last time they lifted the World Cup.

That means the goalscoring burden falls primarily on Fred’s shoulders. One of the stars of

the Confederations Cup triumph last June, when the Fluminense striker scored five goals, his

tale this year is a very different one. With just one goal to his name in the competition, he has

become the target of ire for many home fans.

Statistics published this week have shown Fred to be the worst Brazil center forward in the

history of the World Cup, dating all the way back to the tournament’s inauguration in 1930.

As well as that solitary goal, scored against an already eliminated Cameroon side, Fred has

managed only ten shots on goal in five outings.

Brazil play Germany in the semi-finals today at 5PM local time (4PM EST) at the Estádio

Mineirão in Belo Horizonte. The Seleção will also be missing captain and central defender

Thiago Silva, who will serve a one game suspension after collecting a second yellow card in

the quarter-final against Colombia



Consulted on 09/02/2015


BR2 – pre Brazil, without captain, awaits Germany clash

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Coach Scolari: ‘We will be playing for nation and Neymar’

Dante will take suspended captain Thiago Silva’s place, while Neymar’s replacement was not

confirmed by coach Luiz Felipe Scolari yesterday before the semifinal clash between Brazil

and Germany.

SAO PAULO — Brazil will be without captain Thiago Silva for its World Cup semifinal

against Germany after FIFA yesterday rejected an appeal against his yellow card, denting

home hopes of lifting the trophy for the sixth time.

The host was already missing its most talented player, injured striker Neymar, but coach Luiz

Felipe Scolari said his side had absorbed the disappointment of his absence and were

looking forward to today’s match in Belo Horizonte.

“The team will miss the way he plays, the happiness. I’m sure that tomorrow (today) they

will play for Neymar, but also for themselves and, above all, for the goal of the whole group

— to qualify for the final,” he told reporters. “He as one is s a e, now it’s to s,

myself, Thiago, the others and all the Brazilian people. This is the match where we are

playing for everything we dreamed of, for each and every one of us, and for Neymar.”

Latin American fans are hoping Brazil meet its archrival Argentina in soccer’s biggest

showcase at the Maracanã stadium, but the Netherlands and Germany stand in their way as

four heavyweight teams slug it out in the semifinals.

First up is Brazil, which has yet to shine at a tournament in which it is feeling the weight of

200 million people’s expectations on its shoulders.

Anything but winning the World Cup on home soil would be a national catastrophe, even

though Brazil has won the trophy five times, more than any other nation.

When Colombia defender Juan Zúñiga clattered into Neymar with his knee in the

quarterfinals, breaking a bone in his back, there was a mixture of shock and anger among

Brazilians who knew the injury was a major setback to their chances.

FIFA ruled yesterday that Zúñiga would not be punished for the challenge, because rules

prevent the ruling body from revisiting an incident that is dealt with by the referee on the


Thiago Silva, however, was still fuming. “In my opinion, it was a cowardly tackle,” the

suspended captain said. “I am a defender and yo on’t o t at. There’s no way you put a

knee behind a player to get a ball in front, unless you want to cause a certain situation.”


The captain also supported his teammate Dante, who will take Thiago Silva’s place in


“I said ‘this might be your moment to go out there and show all your skills,’” Thiago Silva

told a news conference at Belo Horizonte’s Mineirão stadium. “He was one of the first

players to greet me, and I said ‘look, the opportunity will arise.’ But it’s up to the coach to

select him. Dante’s definitely ready. He’s someone who works very hard. He’s one of the

first to get to training and one of the last to leave.”

Dante has only recently been recognized as a world-class player after years struggling at

relatively modest clubs. He made his debut for Brazil last year and now plays his club soccer

at German champions Bayern Munich. Chelsea midfielder Willian is the most likely

replacement for Neymar, but in the team’s final practice yesterday, Scolari hinted that he may

even use three defensive midfielders, with Luiz Gustavo returning to the team after a yellow

card suspension.

The absence of Neymar and Thiago Silva could make the host stronger, Germany coach

Joachim Löw said.

“No one should think that Neymar’s absence or Thiago Silva’s absence is a drawback,” said

the Germany coach. “With (central defender) Dante playing for Thiago Silva you can’t

expect him to play badly, especially against Germany.”

“For the other players there will be powers that will be released in this game,” Löw said. “A

top player missing means other players take responsibility and I am sure they will play for

Neymar and for the entire country.”



Consulted on 09/02/2015


BR3 – pre Neymar injury sucks life out of Brazilians

Monday, July 7, 2014

The hope of a sixth World Cup title had been piled on the 22-year-old striker’s


RIO DE JANEIRO — There was no escaping the serious injury that took B azil’s yo n

star, Neymar, out of the World Cup on Friday.

A sense of anger and injustice washed over social networks. Hopes of a sixth World Cup

title had been piled high on the 22-year-old’s shoulders, and he himself has been talking for

years about his dream of winning the World Cup in Brazil.

Now, after a flying jump and knee to the spine from Colombian defender Juan Camilo Zúñiga

that cracked his third vertebra, Neymar was taken off the pitch on a stretcher and rushed to

hospital in tears. Some of the joy was sucked out of Brazil’s 2-1 victory.

President Dilma Rousseff issued a public letter to Neymar and Brazil’s technical commission,

addressing the player as “darling Neymar” and praised his “uncommon strength.”

“Your face of pain,” she wrote, “injured my heart and the heart of every Brazilian.”

“I know like every Brazilian you never give up and, more quickly than you imagine, will be

back filling our souls with happiness and our history with successes,” Rousseff concluded.

Neymar’s Facebook page was pinging every few seconds Saturday morning with messages of

support. He recorded video messages of thanks for fans and support for teammates. So

dominant a subject was his injury and its repercussions that it even entered TV coverage of

Argentina’s game against Belgium.

During the first half, Brazilian television commentators described images of Neymar leaving

the team’s training ground in an ambulance, to take a helicopter back to his family house in

the São Paulo beach resort of Guarujá. They had to keep broadcasting pictures of the match,

they explained, but at halftime, they promised, they would show Brazil the Neymar pictures

everyone wanted to see.

Luiz Bonfim, 40, sat watching the Argentina game on a central Rio de Janeiro street on an

enormous television someone had balanced on a wall. “It was aggressive,” he said of

Zúñiga’s knee-in-the-back. “He should be punished.”

Bonfim suggested the Colombian should be suspended for as long as Neymar was out of

action. On Facebook, Brazilians exchanged FIFA’s email address to send complaints.

Bonfim remained optimistic. “We will be champions anyway,” he said.

But there was an increasing, and sobering, realization that Neymar’s injury changed

everything. Now, instead of being clear favourites for the Cup, the Brazilians — without


Neymar and captain Thiago Silva, suspended for a second yellow card — will be underdogs

against the Germans tomorrow.

To win the World Cup they think is rightfully theirs, the Brazilians will have to prove

themselves real champions and overcome the odds. Because even if they can beat Germany,

then there is the specter of a possible final against Argentina and Messi at the Maracanã.

“Want to believe in a miracle? Without Neymar, favouritism became smoke. The team

stops playing for him and can pull a rabbit out of the hat,” wrote Marlos Mendes, a

journalist for Rio tabloid O Dia on his personal Facebook on Saturday. “Fred and Hulk have

the chance to overcome themselves and become heroes. I say this because I don’t understand

anything about football and because I believe in tragic storylines. And the tragic hero has to

go to ell be o e e eac es eaven.”

Mendes could have been talking about one of B azil’s en in e oes — Ronaldo, known

in Brazil as simply “The Phenomenon.” After his unexplained bad turn in the 1998 World

Cup final in which Brazil lost to France, after the horrendous knee injuries that would have

ended the careers of many athletes, Ronaldo battled doggedly back to fitness and won the

2002 World Cup for Brazil with two goals in the final against the same team they will face

tomorrow: Germany.

Now Brazil needs a hero like him — not just to score, but to fill the space that Neymar

occupied in the Brazilian imagination. But who?

Despite Mendes’ comments, Hulk has yet to really show the strength of the comic book hero

for whom he is named. Jokes about him and Brazil’s under-performing centre forward Fred

rebounded on social networks. “Brazil already had the Hulk,” joked one, over a picture of the

midfielder. Underneath was a picture of Fred. “Now it has the Invisible Man,” read the


Some suggested David Luiz. The Paris Saint-Germain defender has been pivotal to Brazil’s

games and scored the second goal from a free kick with a shot that curled high over the

Colombian wall on Friday. Is he big enough to fill the gap?

Commentator Juca Kfouri, during an ESPN broadcast Friday night, said he believed the

players have it within them. “Something tells me that, knowing that we will face a team with

many more individual talents than us at the Mineirão on Tuesday, it is possible,” he said. “It

is possible to rip out of the soul a victory that would be epic.”

In soccer, and especially in this, the least predictable, most thrilling World Cup in decades,

anything seems possible. Even this.



Consulted on 09/02/2015


BR1 – post Brazil Humiliated by Germany in World Cup Semi-Final: Daily

By Robbie Blakeley on July 8, 2014

Germany thrash Brazil 7-1 in Belo Horizonte and will play in the final on Sunday.

By Robbie Blakeley, Senior Contributing Reporter

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Seleção (Brazil national team) were unceremoniously

dumped out of the FIFA World Cup after being thrashed 7-1 by Germany at the Mineirão

this evening (July 8th). A sensational six minute period in the first half saw the Germans

score four goals, snatching away Brazil’s hopes of a sixth world title, not to mention a first

on home soil.

Germany simply had too much. Before the tournament there was much talk of the

Maracanazo (curse) of 1950, when Brazil lost the final 2-1 to Uruguay. This was worse. The

heaviest defeat in the history of the World Cup semi-finals and the heaviest defeat the

Brazilian national team has ever suffered.

Cheered on by a packed house, the w eels came o t e osts’ b s in s ectac la style.

Thiago Silva and Neymar were missing for Brazil but no one expected the humbling that

was so brutally dished out. As each goal went in it felt like an out of body experience. The

cameras panned around the stadium to looks of incomprehension and grief.

Germany went ahead after eleven minutes. Toni Kroos whipped in a corner and Thomas

Muller, inexplicably unmarked, calmly volleyed home. Marcelo tried to surge forward down

the left flank but was excellently checked by Phillip Lahm, but then Miroslav Klose doubled

the German advantage and the floodgates opened.

Less than 60 seconds later Lahm’s cross was mishit by Muller. The loose ball fell to Kroos,

who rifled home from the edge of the penalty area. Brazil were now 3-0 down and the fans

barely had time to register what was happening. Fernandinho lost possession, Sami Khedira

teed up Kroos and the fourth hit the back of the net.

The hosts were now in a shambolic state and the worst was not over. Before the half hour

mark, Germany had made it 5-0. Mesut Ozil centered for Khedira to coolly slot the ball past

a beaten César. The game, and the day, was now as good as over.

Andre Schurrle added two more after the interval before Oscar scored a consolation for the

hosts. By then, though, the damage to this Brazil team had long been done.



Consulted on 06/10/2014


BR2 – post Sensational Germany humiliate Brazil to reach World Cup final

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Brazil's hopes of lifting the World Cup on home soil evaporated in the opening 30 minutes

in Belo Horizonte, as a rampant Germany side smashed home five goals and added two

after half time to destroy the abject hosts 7-1 in today's semi-final.

Brazil's defending was truly awful and Germany took full advantage with brilliant passing

and movement to march into the final and hand the host nation their heaviest ever World Cup


An unmarked Thomas Muller got the first from a corner after 11 minutes before Miroslav

Klose struck to become the World Cup's all-time leading scorer with 16 goals.

Brazil's defence, badly missing the suspended Thiago Silva, fell apart as Toni Kroos grabbed

two in three minutes before the superb Sami Khedira added a fifth in the 29th minute to

leave the crowd, and millions watching on TV, in a state of total shock.

Brazil's few second-half attempts were foiled by in-form goalkeeper Manuel Neuer and

Germany substitute Andre Schurrle banged in the sixth in the 69th minute and lashed in a

seventh to inflict Brazil's first competitive home defeat in 64 matches and 39 years.

Oscar scored a consolation goal for Brazil in the last minute.

In Sunday's final in Rio de Janeiro, Germany, seeking their first world title since 1990, will

play either Argentina or the Netherlands, who meet in Sao Paulo tomorrow.



Consulted on 06/02/2015


BR3 – post Pictures of a match written into history

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Divided by a scoreline as wide as the Atlantic, Germans and Brazilians united after the World

Cup hosts' 7-1 humiliation in writing the game into the history of both nations, well beyond

the realm of soccer.

For Brazil, to whom global footballing domination has been a way to put its 200 million

people on the map, yesterday's semi-final trouncing by Germany not only ended hopes of

erasing 64 years of pain from a shock defeat the last time it hosted the World Cup - but it

might even be more devastatingly traumatic.

"Historic Disgrace," headlined Folha de S.Paulo, the most influential newspaper in a country

that has won the four-yearly contest an unmatched five times since a first victory in 1958.

Referring to defeat by tiny neighbor Uruguay in the 1950 final at Rio de Janeiro's iconic

Maracana stadium, known to all Brazilians as the "Maracanazo", O Globo newspaper quoted

Spain's El Pais: "Next to this," it said, "The Maracanazo was a joke."

For Germans, to whom soccer provides a release valve for national pride that still sits

awkwardly with lingering shame at 20th century horrors, it was a moment to pour out

collective joy at a beautiful game and a miracle of teamwork and application.

"The Miracle of Belo Horizonte," declared several papers on Wednesday. It echoed the

"Miracle of Bern", 60 years ago this week when West Germany beat heavily fancied

Hungary in the 1954 World Cup final in Switzerland - a triumph that Germans saw as

marking their return to international acceptance after Hitler.

Many also recalled it was 24 years ago to the day when West Germany won their third and

last World Cup - an event bathed in the euphoric afterglow of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Victory in Sunday's final at the Maracana in front of Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was

herself raised in East Germany, would cap a remarkable quarter-century for the reunified


Mass-selling Bild devoted six of its eight main pages to the match under the banner headline

"Speechless!", summing up the sense of disbelief at the scale of the win.

"Boys, you are immortal!" read the gleeful column in Bild, which thanked all the team by

name and coach Joachim Loew:

"Germany will never forget July 8, 2014," it said. "Thanks for this moment of glory.

Thanks that we could experience it!"

As Brazilian commentators spoke of the country that gave the world Pele and a legion of past

masters of the game being taught a lesson by Germany, Folha de S.Paulo's main sports

columnist Juca Kfouri wrote: "Brazilian football was reduced to dust."


The globoesporte website, part of the Globo media empire, called the result the "Disgrace of

Disgraces", in an ironic reference to President Dilma Rousseff’s repeated claims – and tweets

- that this would be the World Cup of all World Cups.

They gave it a hashtag: #I Can’t Believe It.

In a country where the ageing players who lost in the Maracanazo still complain of being

treated as pariahs, there were thoughts for the fate of the men who crumbled on Tuesday at

Belo Horizonte. O Globo focused, however, on veteran coach Luiz Felipe Scolari, who has

tried to shield his players from blame.

"I'm responsible for all this," was its headline, quoting the man who coached Brazil to a fifth

world title in 2002.

In Berlin, despite heavy summer storms, fireworks rang out after each goal on Tuesday night

- a veritable barrage when four went in the space of six first-half minutes - and after the final

whistle cars raced through the city with honking horns and the red, gold and black national

flag draped from the windows.

Commentary filled the airwaves, with former players lining up to speculate on whether the

squad is as good as the revered West German world champions of 1954 and of 1974.

Looking ahead to Sunday, Sueddeutsche Zeitung wrote "Off to Rio on a High". But amid the

celebrations, sober voices pointed out that neither two-time world champions Argentina nor

three-time runners-up the Netherlands will be any pushover. The Dutch, losers in the 2010

final, play Argentina later on Wednesday.

"If you win 7-1, you have done everything right," Olaf Thon, who was in the 1990

championship squad, told Deutschlandfunk radio, adding Tuesday would go down as a "game

of the century".

"But in the end, what will count is who wins the final."


Consulted on 04/02/2015


UK1 – pre

Neymar injury leaves Brazil reeling - while Germany look to be peaking at right time

08:00, 8 July 2014

by OliverHolt

With Neymar, there was a feeling his talent could lift his supporting cast above the

ordinary - without him the near future looks rather bleak

Out: Neymar after Zuniga’s knee hurtled into his back "at 25.8kph"

Neymar’s father has posted a message on Instagram. It was a fairly straightforward update on

his son’s condition but it still sent Brazil into another swift cycle of hope and despair. One

brief passage in it addressed the possibility that Neymar might be fit “before the time already

planned”. “His return to the turf depends on him overcoming the strong pain that he feels,”

the message on the Neymarpai_ (Neymar’s dad) account concluded. Some supporters

speculated it was code for the fact that the golden boy would be fit for the final if Brazil got

there. The idea was later dismissed as fantasy but Brazil wanted it to be true because the

alternative, frankly, is bleak.

That is why the country is still obsessing about Neymar, still watching replays of the moment

he was felled by Colombia’s Juan Zuniga on Friday night. That’s why they are still analysing

the incident in minute detail. Zuniga’s knee hurtled into Neymar’s back at 25.8kph,

television reports said. The truth is that this is not a great Brazil side. It is not even a

particularly good Brazil side. With Neymar, there was a feeling that anything was still

possible, that his talent could lift his supporting cast above the ordinary. Without him and

without suspended captain Thiago Silva, looking forward actually feels rather bleak.

Germany look like a team peaking at the right time. Brazil don’t. Brazil are reeling.

They had become unhealthily reliant on Neymar, certainly more dependent on him than

Argentina are on Lionel Messi. From the opening game against Croatia to the moment he

scored the decisive penalty against Chile, Neymar was the man who stepped up for Brazil.

He was the man who took all the pressure on his shoulders and thrived on it. Now they are

without him, Brazil’s hopes are fading. They are playing a ruthless, well-drilled, clever,

talented Germany team that feels this is their time. Brazil have talented players but ask

yourself the question about how many of their side would get into Germany’s team and it is

hard to come up with many names.


Marcelo at left-back? That’s about it. That’s one of the reasons why the omens for Brazil are

not good. Men like David Luiz can still talk in stirring abstract terms about dreams and

desire. Colder analysis says the sad reality is that Brazil’s best chance of beating the

Germans is to frustrate them. They are not going to outplay them. They are not going to

beat them on flair. Go negative and they might have a chance. Because this is a World Cup

in Brazil, because there is so much colour, so much life, so much love of football here,

somehow we still expect this Brazilian team to reflect that. We still expect beautiful football,

we still expect to see the spiritual heirs of Pele, Socrates, Zico and Ronaldo in those yellow

shirts. But this is a different Brazil now. There was one man who channelled the spirit of

Pele and the rest and he is gone.

Brazil may still beat Germany tonight but if they do, they will not do it playing beautiful

football. If they win, the odds are t ey’ll win ly.



Consulted on 09/02/2015


UK2 – pre

Brazil v Germany: Luiz Felipe Scolari says his side can cope without Neymar

World Cup 2014: Brazil manager Luiz Felipe Scolari says his side can cope without

Neymar because they have another 22 'special' players

By Paul Hayward, Chief Sports Writer, in Belo Horizonte

10:30PM BST 07 Jul 2014

Brazil are trying to surf to the World Cup final on emotion. “I will have my heart on the

field to help these players and Neymar’s heart will be out there too,” said Thiago Silva,

the host nation’s captain whose appeal against suspension failed on the eve of their semi-final

with Germany.

Silva, who called Juan Camilo Zuniga’s challenge on Neymar in the Colombia game a

“cowa ” tac le, will watch from the sidelines in Belo Horizonte but has seized the role of

rabble rouser and cheerleader. “This is a derby in world football and everyone wants to

watch this match,” he said. If Brazil’s fans seem overcome with feeling, try listening to the

coaching staff and players.

“We will not have Neymar but we have another 22 players who have been hand-picked

because they are special,” said Luiz Felipe Scolari, Brazil’s coach. “I have a fantastic group

of players. I’m sure that we are going to play for us, for Neymar, but also for the goal of

reaching the final.”

When Brazil score at this World Cup the noise from the fireworks is more sonic boom than

bonfire night. The skies crash and shake. These turbo-pyrotechnics express not only the

people’s love but an edge of aggression that also shows in the team’s increasingly robust


Semi-final day is resource-shuffling day for the hosts: an exercise in patch up and mend. No

Brazilian would have believed a script in which the home team went into a last-four tie

against Germany without their injured idol, Neymar, and captain, Silva. If the heart has

been ripped out of Brazil’s campaign, there is no better-equipped nation than Germany to

take advantage.

“The additional motivation we must have is that with every game we’re going up another

step. Obviously Neymar left a lot of himself with us and he’s taken a lot of himself with

him,” Scolari said. “The part where we get sad is over and we left that behind when we

knew he wouldn’t be with us any more. The way he spoke to the players made them

understand he had done his share - now it’s s to s to o o a t; the players and all

the Brazilian people.

“This is the match that we will we be playing not only for ourselves but our country -

everything we imagine and dream about - and for Neymar, and everything he has done for


us. Amongst our group we are already focused on different things. This is how we must do


And so Brazil raise the stakes again. On television screens around the world, the yellow

glow of the home crowd must resemble Van Gogh’s sunflowers to the power of a hundred. It

must come over as a carnival of the purest sentiment. The truth is darker. The emotion

driving a prosaic Brazil team into this semi-final with Germany is strictly conditional.

Scolari and his men know how quickly it could flip into anger.

Fury could wash over everything. Anger at the World Cup’s cost, anger at Brazil’s loss of

creativity, anger at the possibility of Argentina marching into the Maracana on Sunday,

anger that Neymar was kneed in the back and no-one has been punished. Here in Belo

Horizonte, the players know the threat of national trauma is compounded by how

dangerous Germany are. There could be no tougher opponent at the cusp of Sunday’s final

in Rio, scene of the numbing defeat to Uruguay in 1950.

"We have good players for the sector where Neymar played," Scolari says. "We have options.

I'm confident, I'm not worried." Those options are chiefly Willian in midfield or Bernard in

a wider, more forward role. Before the tournament Willian said his dream was to score the

winner in a final against Argentina with a long-range shot three minutes into added time.

With Luiz Gustvao returning from suspension Scolari already has extra ballast to deal with

Thomas Muller, Mesut Ozil and Toni Kroos. On top of the Willian-Bernard choice, though,

Brazil’s coach will stretch his deliberations to Fred, an emblem o is co nt y’s limitations."

Silva’s replacement is likely to be Dante, one of the few less than gilded links in Pep

Guardiola’s Bayern Munich side, but a match for David Luiz in the extravagant hair stakes.

In the centre Scolari must choose from a largely interchangeable bunch of strong, upright

gliders, with Gustavo the No 1 ahead of Paulinho, Fernandinho and Ramires: all Premier

League regulars.

Luiz, often ridiculed in English football for his positional infidelity, has been an inspiration

to his country. His enthusiasm (and dead-ball brilliance) renders him most in tune with what

we imagine Brazilian football to be: exuberant and confident. That spirit has offered vital

locomotion to a team who started out wanting to cry their way through the tournament and

then decided to put the boot in instead.

Brazil have conceded 19.2 fouls per game here, more than any other nation. That equates to

96 in total, with 10 yellow cards. Even their press officer was banned for the rest of the

tournament for pushing a Chile player.

Twelve years ago Scolari won the World Cup at the expense of a pre-reformation Germany

side who were unable to cope with Cafu, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos.

With two goals in the final in Yokohama, Ronaldo took his tally in World Cups to 15. That

day seemed an age ago as Brazil filed a desperate and frivolous appeal against Thiago

Silva’s suspension: an attempt, perhaps, to claim the martyr role and make them appear hard


done by, which they are not, given the rough treatment meted out to James Rodriguez in the

Colombia match.

“At no point did I think of kicking the ball away from him. I already had a yellow card,”

Silva said. “I’m not a youth player. I’m going to suffer, of course, but I really trust the

players and the team.”

But all this emotion - all this volatility - will find its resting place with either a Sunday trip to

the Maracana to slay the ghosts of 1950 or an inquest that will sound a lot like the fireworks

that erupt over Brazil.



Consulted on 15/04/2015


UK3 - pre

World Cup 2014: Lukas Podolski says Germany are ready to turn the beautiful game ugly

against Brazil

12:56, 6 July 2014 by Dave Kidd, Neil Moxley

Arsenal’s hitman says he and his team are happy to bore a billion television viewers as

long as the result goes their way in Belo Horizonte

Lukas Podolski has warned that the beautiful game at this World Cup is about to turn ugly.

After a succession of nail-biting clashes, the Germans are bringing the fun and excitement to

a juddering halt. Podolski insists that Joachim Loew’s side have no intention of turning

Tuesday’s mouth-watering semi-final clash against Brazil into an exhibition. Arsenal’s

hitman says the Germans are happy to bore a billion television viewers as long as the result

goes their way in Belo Horizonte.

Podolski said: “It doesn’t matter how many skills you perform before you score a goal – it is

only important to end the game with a victory. “This is the World Cup. When you have a

season with 38 matches, you know you can afford to play differently and lose a couple of

matches. “But when you are at the World Cup you must focus on seven matches and not lose

any. We have two matches to go and when you win those, you are the champions. “We are

strong, we have not lost a game in the tournament and we are on a good run ... four wins and

one draw.”

Brazil is likely to come to a stop when the teams meet. The pressure bearing down on Luis

Felipe Scolari’s side throughout the tournament is reaching a climax. The hordes of yellow-

shirted Brazilians have turned the month-long event into a jamboree - and the sound will be

deafening when the two teams meet on Tuesday. But Podolski says the Germans will not be

fazed – and the Gunners hitman says that it will be no more intimidating than playing at

White Hart Lane in a north London derby. He said: “Brazil have the pressure on them

because they are playing at home. “If we play against 80,000 Brazilian fans in the stadium,

it’s OK for us. “When you play at Tottenham, or in front of 45,000 at Liverpool, you are used

to this.”

Germany have lost in World Cup semi-finals in 2010 and 2006 and were beaten finalists,

against Brazil, in 2002. Loew’s side were also beaten in the Euro 2012 semi-final, having

been runners-up at 2008 – but Podolski reckons this is the time to shed their ‘nearly men’ tag.

He said: “Yes of course we think this can be our time. We were close in 2010 and 2006 and

we lost in the semi-final and now I have the feeling we are closer than we were at the last

World Cups. “We have a great chance to get the trophy this time.”



Consulted on 09/02/2015


UK4 – pre

Brazil vs Germany: Neymar injury a blow but hope springs eternal for World Cup


08:49, 8 July 2014, by JackLang

With their star player sidelined, the hosts are looking elsewhere for inspiration ahead of

the World Cup semi-final at the Mineirão, writes Jack Lang

Now what? How do Brazil cope without talisman Neymar for the semi-final with Brazil?

Although Juan Camilo Zúñiga probably did not realise it at the time, his challenge on Neymar

in the closing stages of Brazil’s quarter-final win over Colombia has changed the

complexion of this World Cup.

The inquest in the Brazilian media began almost immediately: opinion pieces riddled words

like “cowardly” and “criminal” occupied far more column inches than the result itself the

following morning; medical diagrams of the spine had been printed in every sport pullout in

the country by Sunday.

You would have thought by the reaction that someone had died rather than been ruled out of

two football matches. But then Neymar, perhaps the most beloved Brazilian out there at this

moment in history, is of such importance to Luiz Felipe Scolari’s side that the sense of loss is


Yet there is an argument to be made – albeit one that requires something of a leap of faith –

that Zúñiga has done Brazil a favour. While Neymar’s absence will be keenly felt on the

field, the Seleção may just have stumbled into a psychological landscape that suits them


Last week, expectation was weighing so heavy on the squad that Scolari summoned his go-to

psychologist to the Granja Comary training base to conduct one-on-one sessions with players.

The emotional reaction of captain Thiago Silva during the penalty shootout with Chile

seemed to underline just how suffocating the pressure was: the joy of last summer’s

Confederations Cup campaign had been replaced by a worrying seriousness.

Now, with Neymar injured and Thiago Silva suspended, there is suddenly a welcome

underdog spirit in the camp. “Before, losing a second World Cup in Brazil was unthinkable,”

noted Folha de São Paulo columnist Juca Kfouri. “Now, winning would be superhuman, an

epic feat. It is now the Germans, not the Brazilians, who feel obliged to win.”

This can only play into the hands of Scolari, who now more than ever will feel vindicated in

pursuing futebol de resultados above style. With no-one of Neymar’s quality available, there

is no longer the same duty to produce thrilling, attacking football; the title, if it is to be won at


all, will be won with Gaúcho grit and garra. We may well see more of the dark arts that were

employed to thwart James Rodriguez on Friday.

Further crumbs of comfort are to be found in the history books. In 1962, Pelé limped out of

Brazil’s second World Cup game against Czechoslovakia, which ended goalless. The outlook

was bleak without O Rei, yet the Seleção managed to overcome his absence and seal their

second title.

Ryan Pierse - FIFA

It was nothing, Willian: Could the Chelsea man come out of the shadows to save Brazil?

Key to that success was 22-year-old forward Amarildo, who was called into the side and

responded by scoring three goals, including one in the final. Neymar’s replacement against

Germany – Chelsea midfielder Willian is the man most likely to step in – would do well to

follow that lead, as O Possesso (The Possessed One) himself said this week.

“Whoever comes in mustn’t feel as if they are Neymar’s substitute, but someone who’s ready

to help and who’s not oin to a ect t e team’s e o mance,” Amarildo told

“The change could even be a good thing, because it will bring something new to the team and

change the way they play. The team will have to come together and play as a unit at all

times. And they’re obviously going to need to be very brave to win this World Cup.”

They will also need a good slice of luck. As any diligent historian would tell you, Amarildo

may have had an instant impact in 1962 but the real driving force was Garrincha, who

stepped into the void left by Pelé and made the competition his own. The problem for Scolari

is that there is no Garrincha, no laye close to Neyma ’s level, in the current squad.

Brazil, then, are under no illusions over the difficulty of the task at hand on Tuesday. But

now they are outsiders at their own party, the Seleção find themselves with nothing much

to lose – or at least much less then they did last week. If Scolari can work his magic, that

might just be enough to get them to the final, even without Neymar.



Consulted on 09/02/2015


UK5 – pre Luiz Felipe Scolari must inspire Brazil to play as a team against Germany

Neymar’s absence is of course a huge blow but Brazil can still beat Germany in the World

Cup semi-final without him

Luiz Felipe Scolari urges Brazil on against Colombia in their World Cup

quarter-final. Without the injured Neymar, He will need them to play more

as a team against Germany in the semi-final.

Monday 7 July 2014 10.01 BST Last modified on Monday 7 July 2014 19.20 BST

The last few days have been inevitably dominated by the terrible news of Neymar’s injury

and his personal drama. I do hope, though, that the Brazilian players have taken this time to

actually think of something else. Saddened as they are at the loss of not only an amazing

player but also a player who always stood out as an example of happiness and high spirits,

they have to focus on the job lying ahead of them. I will not lie here: the absence of Neymar

will make things harder for the Seleção in Belo Horizonte. Neymar is the kind of player that

creates some problems for the opposition just by being on the pitch and without him Luiz

Felipe Scolari will have to devise an alternative plan to take on Joachim Löw’s men.

Truth be told, Neymar had not played well in either of Brazil games in the knockout stages

so far. More notably so against Colombia, when he basically had one shot at goal and was

pretty removed from the bulk of the action by the time Juan Camilo Zúñiga took him out. I

wasn’t very happy with the way the Seleção resorted to expecting Neymar to sort things

out with individual moves. That is always a difficult strategy at such a high level. He scored

four goals, of course, but it was worrying to see David Luiz and Thiago Silva hitting long

balls to him instead of trying to work things through the midfield. But Neymar can always

offer a great outlet for Brazil on the break and he would have been quite useful, to say the

least, against Germany on Tuesday.

But I am bit surprised by the split in some reactions. Defeatism and excess of confidence

are both wrong here. Brazil against Germany is like a football derby and it has all the

ingredients to be an extremely tough match. True, the recent problems in the Brazil camp

might have swung the pendulum a bit towards the Germans but I would be surprised if any

of Löw’s players are actually rubbing their hands before this semi-final – funnily enough,

only the second time these two teams will have met in a World Cup.

I personally think the recent events will be used by Big Phil to galvanise the Seleção spirit.

There is a precious chance for him to rally his players towards a strong group performance,

based on collective commitment rather than the expectation of individual moments. Brazil

have reasons to feel reassured. Their collective game against Colombia was a considerable

improvement in comparison to recent performances, although mainly in the first half. With

all due respect to Colombia’s eat Wo l C n, the match against Brazil was always

going to be different for them and they were considerably more nervous against the Seleção.

Germany will not treat Brazil like normal opponents either. There has always been a great

deal of respect and admiration from them towards the Brazilians. That does not mean they


will not try to go for the kill. This match is crucial for this German team and for their coach.

The absence of trophies since 1996 hurts in a country with such a strong winning tradition

and I understand Löw has been under a lot of pressure to deliver a title. He has assembled a

very strong squad and if you like well-played football there is no way you won’t admire

players like Thomas Müller and Toni Kroos, for example.

I went to the Maracanã for Germany’s game against France in the quarter-finals and the

professional way the Germans played impressed me a lot. They took their chance in that set-

piece with Mats Hummels and then resorted to sitting deep, in order to hit France on the

break. André Schürrle could have killed the game had he been more accurate in front of

goal. Even the veteran, Miroslav Klose, was running like hell. The way the Germans

advanced using the midfield looks daunting and Brazil will certainly have to concentrate on

disturbing their build-up and look out for opportunities to break. In this sense, Scolari will

welcome the return, from suspension, of Luiz Gustavo. He has been one o B azil’s best

players in the tournament and also brings a lot of knowledge about the opponents, including

the Bayern bunch.

Dante also knows a lot about the opponents and he is a natural choice to replace the

suspended Thiago Silva, assuming the captain’s appeal against his yellow card is not

successful. But Brazil will need an escape valve and I believe it demands the repositioning of

Oscar. His switching to a more central role could give the Seleção more quality in midfield

and from there Oscar can unleash Hulk, whose runs against Colombia could and should have

resulted in at least another couple of goals. Brazil could deploy Bernard and use his pace to

put pressure on the wings but Willian is an option more useful for defending and marking.

Fred remains a massive concern and I think Scolari has given him enough time – five

matches – to show something. But the manager is the one there watching the players almost

24 hours a day.

Last but not least, Brazil cannot forget they will be playing a World Cup semi-final at home

with a crowd that will be willing to cheer them on immensely. It’s a special occasion that

will demand a lot of heart. It’s to t e Seleção to oblige.



Consulted on 15/04/2015


UK1 – post

Big match verdict: Germany 7-1 Brazil was the biggest mugging to take place at this

World Cup

Jul 08, 2014 23:13

by OliverHolt

Oliver Holt writes it wasn’t a handbag, wallet or phone that was pinched in Belo

Horizonte, Low's men went further and stole the host nation’s football identity

They had been worried about muggings during this World Cup and they got one. A big one.

It wasn’t a handbag that was pinched here at the Estadio Mineirao. Or a wallet. Or a mobile

phone. Germany thought an awful lot bigger than that. They went the whole hog and stole

Brazil’s football identity.

In front of a fervent, praying, weeping crowd of men and women dressed all in yellow, the

Germans broke a nation’s heart. Not just by knocking them out of this World Cup. Not

just by ruining the dream of winning this tournament on home soil for the first time. Not

just by humiliating them with a crushing, embarrassing, shocking 7-1 scoreline. But by

doing it playing the kind of free-flowing, beautiful, joyous football that was once Brazil’s

domain. That must have been the most painful thing. It was just like watching Brazil, but

this Brazil were playing in red and black shirts. What a night this was. What an astonishing

night. What poignancy to see Brazil disintegrating so spectacularly. What a privilege to see

Germany dismantle them so completely.

Brazil were ordinary but, let’s face it, Brazil have been ordinary for much of this

tournament. This was about Germany - and the confirmation of their emergence as one of

the great, swashbuckling sides of world football. This was champagne stuff in any era, one-

touch football that left Brazil utterly bewildered and helpless.

Their first goal was straightforward enough, a sidefoot volley from Thomas Muller when he

was left unmarked at a corner. The second was a blur of pinballing passing between Muller,

Schweinsteiger and Klose that left the latter with a tap-in from a rebound. That was the goal

that took him beyond Ronaldo and established him alone as the all-time World Cup leading

scorer. It was another powerful symbol of the way in which these two nations have passed

each other going in opposite directions.

Next was Kroos’ drilled long-shot, a masterpiece of technique and precision which keeper

Julio Cesar could only touch forlornly into the net. Then it was Kroos robbing Fernandinho

and feeding Khedira, and the way he refused the chance to shoot and laid the ball back into

the path of Kroos, so he could sidefoot it home. It was wonderful to watch. Unselfish and

clever, a team performance full of individual brilliance.

It was the same with Germany’s fifth – yes, their fifth – when Ozil laid the ball back

languidly for Khedira to slide home. By the time Schurrle scored the sixth midway through


the second half with another sidefoot, Germany were treating the game like a training

ground exercise. It was hard to believe what we were seeing, but the truth is that even

before this match began, ootball’s omantics a not wante B azil to win t is tie.

Brazil used to be the guardians of the beautiful game, Germany the ruthless, clinical

champions of football realpolitik. That was still just about the case in 2002 when these sides

met for the only time in a World Cup and the Brazil of Ronaldo, Ronaldinho and Rivaldo

prevailed. But it is different now. It has been wonderful to witness the emotions unleashed

in the home fans at this tournament, less wonderful to watch its team. Part of the reason

why following Brazil here has been so nerve-shredding is that they have been rather


They have dragged themselves through the rounds and against Colombia in the last eight,

they won few friends with their cynical treatment of James Rodriguez. In truth, Brazil have

not really been the Brazil we have idealised since 1982 when they were scarred by the

failure of the great team of Zico, Socrates and Eder to win that year’s World Cup. And

Germany have not been the automatons of old, the side we all used to love to hate for their

relentlessly cold efficiency for more than a decade.

Forget Andreas Moller hitching up his shorts after he scored the winning penalty against

England at Euro 96, forget the hard running of Lothar Matthaus, forget the assassin’s glare of

Karl-Heinz Rummenigge. That image is outdated. This is a different Germany, a Germany

liberated by Jurgen Klinsmann, a team that has embraced its freedom more and more under

Joachim Low. The automatons of old have gone, replaced by attacking, adventurous,

intoxicating players like Muller, Ozil, Kroos, Lahm and the sweeper-keeper, Neuer.

It is a while since Brazil could boast that they were t e ame’s eat ente taine s, the

keepers of the flame of beautiful football. Spain have carried that mantle with panache

and joy for some time but they reached the end of the road here. Now, it’s Germany’s turn.



Consulted on 06/10/2014


UK2 – post

Brazil 1-7 Germany match report: Hosts humiliated as Germany inflict misery in

record defeat

Jul 08, 2014 23:01

By Martin Lipton

A barely believable match in Belo Horizonte saw Germany take a 5-0 half-time lead as

they destroyed the host nation

It was not meant to end like this. In shame. In humiliation. In tears of utter shock, disbelief,

disrepair, records rewritten for all the wrong reasons. The hearts of a nation of 200

million people were not just broken here in the Estadio Mineirao last night. They were

smashed into a billion tiny pieces. Irreparably.

Before last night, only England were haunted by the name of Belo Horizonte. Not now. For

Brazil, this was not just a defeat, not just a brutal, horrible, soul-destroyer of an evening. It

was a demolition job. Unimaginable. Inconceivable. Brazil, we were told, were still

traumatised by the “Maracanazo’’, the 1950 “final”’ defeat by Uruguay. Now, there is a

new, greater, spectre, one that will follow Luiz Felipe Scolari and his shell-shocked troops

for the rest of their lives. One that was truly beyond their worst possible fears. But one

that will never relent. Ripped to shreds. Clinically dissected.

Before the game, the focus had been on the absence of Neymar, the man who was not here.

Neymar face-masks and banners everywhere, “Forca Neymar’’ baseball caps worn by

Scolari and his squad as they entered the Estadio Mineirao. And a wave of emotion carrying

them, the 60,000 inside focusing the ambitions of this vast country, hoping local boy

Bernard could fill the void. But Scolari’s side had skated on the edge of disaster to even

reach this point. When it mattered, the absence of Thiago Silva, suspended because of his

own stupidity, was more critical.

Without the skipper, missing the brains of the operation, Brazil looked for leadership from

David Luiz, Fernandinho, Luis Gustavo and Oscar. Instead, the men who had to be strongest

proved the weakest links. And Germany took the ultimate advantage. Just 11 minutes had

elapsed when the thin yellow wall parted. Toni Kroos delivered a corner, Thomas Muller was

allowed to peel away from six defenders and volleyed in unmarked from the six yard box.

The crowd, shocked, tried to respond. But it was as if the air had gone out of the Brazilian

balloon. They had no answer to the calm, penetrative intelligence of Sami Khedira, the

vision of Kroos, the perceptive movement of Muller out on the right. And as they collapsed,

conceding four more goals in the space of six minutes before the half-hour had elapsed, you

felt an unwelcome guest at a funeral.

Germany’s second was down to Fernandinho, failing to cut out Muller’s crossfield ball, but it

was the rest of the defence which stood and watched. Muller darted off the flank, beyond


Marcelo, and while Miroslav Klose’s first effort was parried, his second found the target, his

16th World Cup goal to claim for himself the record he had shared with Ronaldo. Almost

before the striker could celebrate, it was all over.

Philipp Lahm sped down the right and Muller’s miskick fell perfectly for Kroos to slam

home left-footed. It got worse – or better if you were a German. Fernandinho coughed up the

ball to Kroos outside his own box, and was just a spectator as a one-two with Khedira

allowed the Real Madrid-bound schemer to pick his spot.

And the fifth followed, with Brazil statues as Germany danced round them, inside the box,

Mesut Ozil pulling back for Khedira to steer home. The tears flowed all around. The faces of

the fans were ashen. They had come to a party and found themselves grieving. Boos at the

break, Scolari’s men trudging off like zombies, the Living Dead.

Off went Fernandinho – a mercy killing – and Hulk, on came Paulinho and Ramires, Manuel

Neuer finally extended to foil Oscar and the Spurs midfielder. But it no longer mattered.

Andre Schurrle made it six and the jeers came again. With 11 minutes to go he added a

seventh. Oscar at least got Brazil off the mark in injury time.



Consulted on 06/10/2014


UK3 – post

Brazil’s tragedy: Mineiraço will haunt emotional World Cup hosts for years to come

22:53, 8 July 2014

by JackLang

Germany’s staggering victory in Belo Horizonte will live long in the memory for all the

wrong reasons, writes Jack Lang in Rio

Capitulation: Die Mannschaft ran riot leaving the Selecao to face

years of being haunted

“Vamo, vamo, vamo,” David Luiz hollered in the tunnel. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. B azil’s

newest cult hero and temporary captain then stood in silence for a few seconds, steely-eyed,

gazing out onto the pitch. A deep breath or two and then the roar.

Luiz led Brazil out onto the pitch in that familiar funeral procession. No one knew just how

appropriate that slow walk would prove. As the anthem started, he raised a shirt high above

his head. ‘Neymar 10’, it read. B azil’s fallen hero, remembered as if he had passed away.

The tears may have subsided in the wake of the Chile game, but this was still an emotionally

charged moment. Of course it was: this was Brazil’s biggest home game for 64 years.

But even before hindsight cast the Neymar tribute in such a damning light, the contrast

between the sides was telling. While Germany lined up like a super-powered Flamengo side

(what an occasion to use that shirt for the first time in the World Cup!), Brazil were again

caught up in the moment.

The fans screamed Neymar’s name as the game kicked off but were soon silenced by the

first Germany goal. Miroslav Klose then killed a heartening chant of “Eu acredito” (I

believe) with one swish of his right boot. In the Globo commentary booth, Ronaldo shifted

uncomfortably in his chair.

The third goal went in. Then the fourth. “A tragedy,” sighed the SporTV commentator. “This

is the worst 25 minutes in Brazilian football history.”

Distraught: David Luiz and Brazil's players shift into the tunnel at



That, of course, is quite a statement. Something fairly bad happened back in 1950, after all,

and has been spoken about in hushed tones in Brazil ever since. Forget the glorious

successes; the Maracanazo shaped Brazilian football more than any other game in the

Seleção’s history.

This, though, could be worse. Not because of the context – the injury to Neymar had lowered

expectation levels a touch and at least this was not the final – but because of the sheer

brutality of Germany’s win. They bludgeoned and bloodied Brazil, who could barely catch

their breath between each goal. The fifth, when it came, barely registered on the heart

monitor; by that stage a whole country was numb. Many had turned their televisions off by

the sixth. By the seventh, fewer still.

Were expectation levels too high? Perhaps. The inquest, though, will have to be answered

another day. For now, Brazilians must simply come to terms with the fact that they have been

dumped out of their own party, and utterly humiliated in the process.

It will be no easy task. This Mineiraço will surely haunt Brazil for years and decades to




Consulted on 09/02/2015


UK4 – post Germany destroy Brazil’s final dreams with seven-goal battering

Miroslav Klose, left, Toni Kroos, right, and Sami Khedira, all first-half scorers for Germany,

celebrate during the battering of Brazil.

Daniel Taylor at Estádio Mineirão

Wednesday 9 July 2014 01.09 BST Last modified on Wednesday 9 July 2014 11.17 BST

It was the night Germany removed the crown from football royalty. They did so with their

own version of the beautiful game and, by the time they had finished, Brazil had suffered an

ignominy that was so extreme and implausible it felt as though a black marker pen had

been taken to the pages of their football history.

No team in that famous shirt has ever suffered in the way Luiz Felipe Scolari’s did during a

brutal first half in which Germany scored five times in 19 minutes and played as though their

opponents might as well have been invited from the beach. Brazil had not lost a competitive

match at home since 1975 but they were not just removed from their own World Cup. They

were embarrassed in a way that will make them look back on this tournament and want to

shelter their eyes. It was football’s equivalent of chewing on broken glass and they should

probably just be grateful Germany did not make it even more harrowing after Andre

Schürrle had added another two goals in the second half.

This was not a team losing. It was a dream dying. There was anger, resentment and

something approaching a full-on mutiny when Scolari and his players lingered too long on

the pitch at the end. Yet there was also an appreciation of what they were seeing. Schürrle’s

second goal prompted a standing ovation. Soon afterwards Brazil’s fans could be heard

shouting “olé” to every German touch.

Until this stage Brazil’s matches had been a celebration of colour and noise. Yet now there

was the eerie sound of silence and other noises, too. At times it was something approaching

fear, a strange gargled sound that could be heard every time Germany elegantly broke

forward, threatening more humiliation. The sight of Brazil, with all their rich football

history, being dismantled this way was actually shocking. What cannot happen, however, is

for the story to be all about B azil’s e iciencies when Germany have just put on one of the

all-time performances. It was a masterclass. No other word does it justice and all that is left

for Joachim Löw now is to hope his team have not peaked too early. If they illuminate the

final in this way, they will surely have too much expertise for Argentina or Holland.

For Brazil the inquest will be torturous. It was always going to end in tears of some sort but

nobody could have imagined the television cameras would already be zooming in on the first

sobs midway through the first half. That was at 3-0 and, five minutes later the score had risen

to five. If it had continued at that rate for the rest of the match, Brazil would have sieved 15.


And there were times in that first half, crazy as it sounds, when it did seem as though

Germany were genuinely in the mood for double figures.

In the process Miroslav Klose scored his 16th World Cup goal, removing Ronaldo from the

record books and earning himself a standing ovation when he was substituted later in the

match. Thomas Müller oozed confidence, scoring his fifth goal of the tournament and

playing with the nonchalant brilliance that made it seem as though all this was perfectly

normal. Mesut Özil did not score but he did enough, all the same, to turn the volume down

on some of his critics. More than anyone, there was Tony Kroos – left foot, right foot –

showing why Real Madrid want to take him from Bayern Munich. Kroos, with two goals of

his own, was the outstanding performer, though Sami Khedira was not far behind.

And Brazil? After all the pining in absentia for Neymar, the brandishing of his No10 jersey

during the national anthems and the “Força Neymar” baseball caps, maybe they should have

given more credence to the fact that Thiago Silva was also missing, without even a fraction

of the hysteria. The night was a personal ordeal for Dante, Silva’s replacement, while David

Luiz had suddenly reverted to being a player who will always give his opponents a chance.

Brazil’s defending could be neatly encapsulated in that moment, after 11 minutes, when

Kroos sent over a corner from the right. Seven players in yellow and blue had joined Júlio

César inside the six-yard area. But not one had bothered picking up Müller and by the time

Luiz realised there was a man spare it was too late. Müller’s volley punished Brazil for some

of the worst marking imaginable and what followed was a full-on disintegration.

Germany sensed their opponents were vulnerable and were absolutely merciless. Kroos’s

beautifully weighted through-ball, then Müller’s lay-off, set up Klose to beat César at the

second attempt for 2-0. In the next attack Philipp Lahm crossed from the right and Müller

mis-kicked his attempt at goal. The ball arrived on Kroos’s left boot and it was a cannonball

of a shot for the third goal. Brazil were in disarray and the fourth was even worse from their

point of view. Fernandinho lost the ball to Kroos, who broke through the centre, exchanged

passes with Khedira and then slotted his shot past a hopelessly exposed goalkeeper.

By the time Khedira made it five, aided and abetted by Özil, after carving another route

straight through the centre of Brazil’s defence, it was tempting to wonder whether it was

ever going to stop. “It was like we blanked out,” Scolari said afterwards, reflecting on a

“catastrophe” and “the worst moment of my life”.

Brazil were booed off at half-time and the anger manifested itself later in the scapegoating

of Fred, their non-scoring goalscorer. Schürrle stroked in Lahm’s centre for the sixth goal

and then whacked in a shot off the underside of the crossbar. Oscar’s stoppage-time goal

could never be described as a consolation. Brazil had been outclassed in every department.



Consulted on 18/02/2015


UK5 – post

Brazil vs Germany match report World Cup 2014: Utter humiliation for hosts as

Thomas Muller and Toni Kroos help Germany hit seven past Selecao

Brazil 1 Germany 7

Sam Wallace , Belo Horizonte, Wednesday 09 July 2014

They spent the previous four days weeping for Neymar. They will spend the rest of their

lives grieving about Tuesday, 8 July, and the day that Brazilian football was demolished in

one of its own great cities.

In the list of great sporting collapses it is hard to think of an occasion as raw, as painful and

as humiliating as this, when Germany scored five goals in 29 minutes against a Brazil team

that had taken leave of any semblance of a game-plan. Extraordinary and excruciating to

watch it was a World Cup match like no other. Even the Germans sensed that they should

mute their celebrations, as if they were also bystanders at a solemn state funeral.

Something was lost to Brazilian football yesterday that will never be recovered, not in this

generation or perhaps many more to come. It was their misfortune that the second World

Cup finals in their country coincided with one of the most mediocre Brazil teams in memory

but even then no-one expected a defeat that Luiz Felipe Scolari himself described as

“catastrophic, terrible”. This was football history being made. It was a realignment of how

we think about the world game and where the power lies.

Was this worse than Brazil’s defeat to Uruguay in the 1950 World Cup decider at the

Maracana? How could it not be? The final say on that will have to be decided in the endless

days, weeks, months of debate that will follow in Brazilian society but the irony will not be

lost on them. This was the tournament that was supposed to exorcise the ghosts of the

“Maracanazo” and instead it has lumbered a whole new generation of Brazilians with a

complex they may never shift.

This was a World Cup semi-final lost in an avalanche of Germans goals midway through the

first half that turned the rest of the match into an absurdity for the home fans. They went

through anger, to disbelief on to irony, cheering Germany’s seventh goal and greeting every

successful pass with an “Ole” and a sneer in the direction of their own hapless players.

If there was any consolation after the sixth and seventh goals were slotted away by the

substitute Andre Schurrle in the second half, it was that the Brazil players did not lose the

plot or disgrace themselves with a sending off. It remains to be seen how this country, with

so much social unrest kept repressed by the loyalty to the national team, reacts. They have

paid $11bn to stage this World Cup finals and it has turned into the most expensive ritualistic

moment of humiliation of which a nation state could conceive.

“Ordem e Progresso” it says on the flag. Disorder and chaos on the pitch. What happens to

Luiz Felipe Scolari now is anyone’s guess. He says that he will be in charge for the third-


place play-off on Saturday, which cruelly gives this team four more days together at their

mountain-top camp in Teresopolis, with a hostile populace at the gates.

Afterwards the Brazil coach presented himself for cross-examination with humility and

quiet fortitude. He deluded himself a little that there was “nothing that could be done” about

that run of goals in the first half but there was one moment that stood out when he was asked

to assess his legacy as a World Cup winner in 2002, and then the man who presided over this


“I'll be remembered probably because I lost 7-1, the worst defeat Brazil have ever had, but

that was a risk I knew I was running when I accepted this position,” he said. “Life goes on.

at's w at I'll o.”

He will step down after this tournament, remembered best for 2014’s humiliation. His team

were dreadful, falling to pieces after the second goal against a Germany team that never

looked likely to lose control of the match. They took their chances in that first half run of

goals when Thomas Mueller, Miroslav Klose Toni Kroos (twice) and Sami Khedira all

scored. They did what all good teams do and hunted down an opponent that could not

handle the pressure.

In goal Manuel Neuer was superb. Tonight, the Netherlands and Argentina face one another

for the other finalist’s place on Sunday but it is Germany who have emerged from the pack

with the stand-out performance of the knock-out round. It is hard to see past Joachim Low’s

team now as the favourites for this trophy, the fruit of so much planning and well-laid plans

over the last 14 years.

As for the game, the national anthem went well for Brazil, at the beginning of which Julio

Cesar and David Luiz held up a Neymar shirt, and then it was downhill from there.

It was obvious from the very start that against a team with Germany rigour and qualities, it

was going to be hard for Brazil’s two defensive midfielders Fernandinho and Luis Gustavo to

pass the ball forward in any meaningful way. The Germans allowed the Brazil defence to

have the ball and then ran their midfield pair down as soon as they were given it. The first

scare came on seven minutes when Klose’s shot hit Kroos and deflected wide. Then the

floodgates opened.

When the teams came out Scolari had presented Low with a small gift in a blue bag that took

the Germany coach by surprise. He had nothing with which to reciprocate. It was the last

time that Low was surprised by anything that Scolari did, apart from perhaps any mild

feeling of disbelief the German might have had at how quickly Brazil fell apart. All the

nasty surprises were for Scolari.

The first of which was a badly defended corner on 11 minutes. Luiz allowed Muller to creep

away from him and when Philipp Lahm’s ball from the right dropped it dropped at the feet of

the 24-year-old who beat Cesar from close range. Was that the point at which Brazil fell

apart? The feeling was that it was later. After the first goal, Brazil had a single attack, in

which Lahm brilliantly tackled Marcelo in the box.


Then No 2 came from Klose, the goal that made him the record World Cup goalscorer with

16, ahead of the Brazilian Ronaldo. It started with Kroos who found Muller who could have

shot but teed the ball up for his strike partner. Cesar saved the first effort and then Klose put

the second one away. At that moment the realisation flooded Brazil that they may well lose

this game and they responded in the worst way possible. They collapsed.

The third came from Kroos, rifled in by his left foot after Lahm’s cross from the right had

been missed by Muller. Germany were running all over their opponents. To say that they

figuratively smelled blood would be underplaying it. The opponent had already

surrendered and they were sacking the city.

Another followed three minutes later. Fernandinho was entirely culpable in losing the ball

and then came the breakaway. Muller passed to Kroos for the fourth goal. Brazil were on

their knees. It happened again. Khedira breaking forward and switching the ball to Mesut

Ozil. Khedira got it back and scored. The Germany bench erupted for the fifth time. Not even

half an hour had been played. As they returned to their seats there was disbelief among the

German staff.

Booed off at half-time, Scolari tried to change things with the introduction of Ramires and

Paulinho. In the first 15 minutes of the second half, the brilliant Manuel Neuer made three

great saves from Ramires, Bernard and Paulinho and the fight seeped out of Brazil.

On 69 minutes Schurrle, on for Klose, scored the sixth. The seventh was a marvellous hit by

the Chelsea man from the left channel of the box. In his goal, Cesar looked like a man who

was wondering how he might best get out the country at the first opportunity. Then with a

minute remaining Oscar broke free and finally beat Neuer.

By then the hone fans had already been applauding Schurrle and greeting each German pass

with an “Ole”. It was surreal, but then before this day they had never lost a World Cup game

by more than three goals. For Brazil, this was a new territory, and the humiliation was like

no other.

Brazil (4-2-3-1): Cesar; Maicon, Luiz, Dante, Marcelo; Gustavo, Fernandinho; Hulk, Oscar,

Bernard; Fred.

Subs: Paulinho/Fernandinho ht, Ramires/Hulk ht, Willian/Fred 69

Germany (4-2-3-1): Neuer; Hoewedes, Boateng, Hummels, Lahm; Khedira, Schweinsteiger;

Muller, Kroos, Ozil; Klose.

Subs: Mertesacker/Hummels ht, Schurrle/Klose 60, Draxler/Khedira 75

Referee: M Rodriguez (Mexico)

Man of the match: Muller

Rating: 8

Attendance: 58,141



Consulted on 18/02/2015


Appendix C: Excel sheet

First key match



# affect # judgement # appreciation # graduation Journalistic voice


# words

NL1 - pre - 8 5 9 6 Commentator Volkskrant 665

+ 3 3 4 3

NL2 - pre - 2 1 0 0 Corresponden Volkskrant 269

+ 5 2 0 2

NL3 - pre - 1 2 0 1 Correspondent Volkskrant 300

+ 1 3 5 3

NL4 - pre - 0 1 0 0 Correspondent Volkskrant 298

+ 4 6 3 5

NL5 - pre - 3 7 7 4 Commentator NRC 1251

+ 10 17 6 10

NL 1 - post - 0 1 1 0 Commentator Volkskrant 418

+ 4 8 5 4

NL 2 - post - 3 9 6 2 Commentator Telegraaf 546

+ 13 6 10 2

NL 3 - post - 2 4 6 3 Commentator Volkskrant 885

+ 11 16 15 4

NL 4 - post - 3 3 2 0 Commentator NRC 422

+ 4 8 6 4

NL 5 - post - 6 5 0 0 Commentator AD 624

+ 11 6 9 3

SP1 - pre - 8 4 1 0 Commentator Local 608

+ 4 12 3 2

SP2 - pre - 2 2 0 0 Correspondent Local 579


+ 13 9 5 6

SP3 - pre - 0 1 0 0 Commentator Olive press 281

+ 6 7 4 4

SP1 - post - 11 6 3 1 Commentator Local 480

+ 2 4 3 1

SP2 - post - 9 1 2 0 Commentator Local 392

+ 0 0 3 1

SP3 - post - 15 3 5 0 Commentator Local 643

+ 3 7 3 5

UK1 -pre - 5 6 2 0 Commentator Mirror 880

+ 17 11 9 10

UK2 - pre - 2 2 2 0 Commentator Telegraph 390

+ 5 3 7 3

UK3 - pre - 2 2 2 0 Commentator Mirror 686

+ 5 9 5 2

UK4 - pre - 4 5 5 0 Commentator Telegraph 860

+ 16 16 7 19

UK5 - pre - 4 1 1 0 Correspondent Telegraph 395

+ 7 6 4 2

UK1 - post - 15 6 5 2 Commentator Telegraph 1073

+ 16 23 5 3

UK2 - post - 16 2 12 0 Commentator Mirror 745

+ 7 8 9 7

UK3 - post - 10 11 9 3 Commentator Telegraph 840

+ 7 6 4 7

UK4 - post - 13 10 12 3 Commentator Guardian 1315

+ 15 14 16 9

UK5 - post - 27 17 7 2 Commentator Guardian 1070

+ 7 6 5 3


Second key match



# affect # judgement # appreciation # graduation journalistic voice


# words

DE1 - pre - 2 1 0 0 Commentator Bild 334

+ 11 4 3 0

DE2 - pre - 2 2 0 1 Commentator Bild 740

+ 11 20 10 13

DE3 - pre - 0 1 0 0 Commentator Bild 519

+ 10 24 5 11

DE4 - pre - 0 1 0 1 Correspondent Welt 509

+ 1 7 5 4

DE5 - pre - 6 6 1 0 Commentator FAZ 844

+ 23 21 14 5

DE1 - post - 9 2 1 4 Commentator Welt 894

+ 16 11 14 3

DE2 - post - 17 1 5 1 Commentator Bild 357

+ 4 0 2 2

DE3 - post - 6 1 1 0 Commentator Bild 693

+ 18 17 12 7

DE 4 - post - 19 2 1 7 Commentator Welt 1061

+ 25 13 20 6

DE 5 - post - 17 11 10 0 Commentator Welt 1105

+ 26 20 11 7

BR1 - pre - 6 2 1 0 Correspondent Riotimes 333

+ 1 2 0 1

BR2 - pre - 10 4 2 0 Commentator BuenesAires 684

+ 10 11 3 5

BR3 - pre - 13 7 4 1 Commentator BuenesAires 855


+ 9 13 9 5

BR1 - post - 11 1 8 1 Commentator Riotimes 398

+ 4 4 3 2

BR2 - post - 3 3 1 0 Commentator BuenesAires 241

+ 5 6 1 2

BR3 - post - 11 3 2 0 Commentator BuenesAires 747

+ 12 4 16 2

UK1 -pre - 13 7 6 0 Commentator Mirror 592

+ 5 9 5 6

UK2 - pre - 16 5 5 0 Commentator Telegraph 1080

+ 12 16 10 1

UK3 - pre - 0 3 3 0 Commentator Mirror 490

+ 4 4 6 0

UK4 - pre - 5 5 2 0 Commentator Mirror 776

+ 8 12 12 6

UK5 - pre - 13 4 5 1 Commentator Guardian 989

+ 18 13 9 14

UK1 - post - 15 9 1 0 Commentator Mirror 831

+ 12 16 12 6

UK2 - post - 35 8 5 1 Commentator Mirror 685

+ 7 8 4 2

UK3 - post - 19 1 10 3 Commentator Mirror 513

+ 3 2 3 2

UK4 - post - 31 7 14 0 Commentator Guardian 1027

+ 8 14 11 6

UK5 - post - 38 8 10 1 Commentator Independent 1485

+ 14 13 13 5


Appendix D: results chi-square test

P > 0.05 = statistically insignificant

Spain post

Affect - 35

+ 5


judgement - 10

+ 11


appreciation - 10

+ 9


graduation - 1

+ 7


Brazil post

Affect - 25

+ 21


judgement - 7

+ 14


appreciation - 11

+ 20


graduation - 1

+ 6


The Netherlands post

Affect - 14

+ 43

P= 0.0001

judgement - 22

+ 44

P= 0.0068

appreciation - 15

+ 45

P = 0.0001

graduation - 5

+ 17

P= 0.0105

Germany post

Affect - 68

+ 89


judgement - 17

+ 61


appreciation - 18

+ 59


graduation - 12

+ 25


UK (post) UK1 UK2

Affect - 81 138 P=0.0001

+ 52 44 p=0.4142

judgement - 46 33 p=0.1436

+ 57 53 p=0.7029

appreciation - 45 40 p=0.5876

+ 39 43 p=0.6587

graduation - 10 5 p=0.1967

+ 29 21 p=0.2579






P= 0.8575











p= 0.2935

All 6 countries pre post

Affect - 127 361 p<0,00001

+ 219 254 p=0,1076

judgement - 87 135 p=0,0013

+ 260 240 p=0,3711

appreciation - 58 139 p<0,00001

+ 153 215 p=0,0012

graduation - 15 34 p=0,0066

+ 142 105 p=0,0186

The Netherlands pre post

Affect - 14 14

+ 23 43

judgement - 16 22

+ 31 44

appreciation - 16 15

+ 18 45

graduation - 11 5

+ 23 17

Germany pre post

Affect - 10 68

+ 56 89

judgement - 11 17

+ 76 61

appreciation - 1 18

+ 37 59

graduation - 2 12

+ 33 25