50619-ID-buletin-statistik-perdagangan-luar-negeri ... - Neliti

iii KATA PENGANTAR Publikasi Statistik Impor September ini merupakan kelanjutan dari publikasi sebelumnya yang diterbitkan secara bulanan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Publikasi ini berisi data yang merupakan hasil pengolahan dokumen, baik yang berupa soft copy maupun hard copy. Data yang disajikan dalam publikasi ini, mencakup : A. Impor menurut Golongan Barang HS, Golongan Barang SITC, Komoditi (HS), Negara Asal, Pelabuhan Impor, Negara Asal dan Lima Golongan Barang Utama SITC 3 dijit, Komoditi tertentu dan Negara Asal Utama B. Impor Kawasan Berikat menurut Golongan Barang HS 2 dijit, Golongan Barang SITC, Negara Asal, Provinsi dan Pelabuhan Impor Ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya disampaikan kepada seluruh aparat Bea dan Cukai serta Bank Indonesia yang telah secara teratur dan berkesinambungan mengirimkan dokumen PIB, juga kepada PT. Pertamina yang telah memberikan data impor minyak dan gas secara rutin. Selanjutnya, kepada semua pihak yang telah banyak membantu Badan Pusat Statistik sehingga memungkinkan diterbitkannya publikasi ini, juga disampaikan terima kasih. Akhirnya, kami mengharapkan semoga publikasi ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pemakai. Jakarta, Desember 2008 Badan Pusat Statistik Kepala, DR. RUSMAN HERIAWAN NIP. 340003999 http://www.bps.go.id

Transcript of 50619-ID-buletin-statistik-perdagangan-luar-negeri ... - Neliti



Publikasi Statistik Impor September ini merupakan kelanjutan dari publikasi

sebelumnya yang diterbitkan secara bulanan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Publikasi ini

berisi data yang merupakan hasil pengolahan dokumen, baik yang berupa soft copy maupun

hard copy. Data yang disajikan dalam publikasi ini, mencakup :

A. Impor menurut Golongan Barang HS, Golongan Barang SITC, Komoditi (HS), Negara

Asal, Pelabuhan Impor, Negara Asal dan Lima Golongan Barang Utama SITC 3 dijit,

Komoditi tertentu dan Negara Asal Utama

B. Impor Kawasan Berikat menurut Golongan Barang HS 2 dijit, Golongan Barang SITC,

Negara Asal, Provinsi dan Pelabuhan Impor

Ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya disampaikan kepada

seluruh aparat Bea dan Cukai serta Bank Indonesia yang telah secara teratur dan

berkesinambungan mengirimkan dokumen PIB, juga kepada PT. Pertamina yang telah

memberikan data impor minyak dan gas secara rutin. Selanjutnya, kepada semua pihak yang

telah banyak membantu Badan Pusat Statistik sehingga memungkinkan diterbitkannya

publikasi ini, juga disampaikan terima kasih.

Akhirnya, kami mengharapkan semoga publikasi ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pemakai.

Jakarta, Desember 2008 Badan Pusat Statistik Kepala,





The monthly publication of import statistics, is a sequential issue from the preceding

publication which developed by The BPS-Statistics Indonesia. This Publication contains the

data of imports document on both softcopy and hardcopy. The data in this publication covered:

A. Import by HS Commodity Groups, SITC Commodity Groups, Commodity (HS), Country

of Origin, Port of Importation, Country of Origin and Five Major SITC Commodity

Group, Certain Commodities import by Main Country of Origin

B. Bonded Zone import by Commodity 2 Digits HS, by SITC Commodity Group, Country

of Origin, by Province and port of Importation

Deeply gratitude and the highest appreciation are due to the Custom Officers and Bank

of Indonesia of their contribution of regularly in sending documents, and also to PT. Pertamina

for the best cooperation in supporting data of oil and gas so that BPS published this edition


Finally, it is hoped that this publication would be useful for users.

Jakarta, Desember 2008 BPS-Statistics Indonesia

DR. RUSMAN HERIAWAN Director General





Daerah pencatatan statistik dalam publikasi ini meliputi seluruh wilayah Republik



Statistik dikumpulkan berdasarkan dokumen impor (Pemberitahuan Impor Barang

(PIB - BC 2.0) dan Pemberitahuan Pengangkutan Barang Impor (PPBI – BC 2.3) yang

diisi oleh importir. Dokumen PIB - BC 2.0 dan PPBI - BC 2.3 diterima dari Bea dan

Cukai dan berlaku sejak April 1997 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan

nomor 101/KMK.05/1997 tanggal 10 Maret 1997.


Sistem pencatatan Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri mempergunakan Sistem

Perdagangan Umum (the General Trade System) atau dengan Sistem Perdagangan

Khusus (the Special Trade System). Dalam Sistem Perdagangan Umum, Kawasan

Berikat dianggap sebagai ”dalam negeri”, sedangkan dalam Sistem Perdagangan

Khusus, dianggap sebagai ”luar negeri”. Sejak Januari 2008, sistem pencatatan

Statistik Impor menggunakan Sistem Perdagangan Umum.


Pencatatan Statistik Impor meliputi seluruh barang-barang yang masuk ke wilayah



Sebagian impor kapal laut dan pesawat beserta suku cadangnya termasuk dalam

Statistik Impor.

Barang-barang luar negeri yang diolah atau diperbaiki didalam negeri tetap dicatat

sebagai barang impor, meskipun setelah barang tersebut selesai diproses akan

kembali ke luar negeri (re-ekspor). Barang-barang di bawah ini tidak termasuk di dalam Statistik Impor :

a. Pakaian dan barang-barang perhiasan penumpang.

b. Barang-barang penumpang untuk dipakai sendiri, kecuali lemari es, pesawat

TV dan sebagainya.

c. Barang-barang yang diimpor untuk keperluan perwakilan (kedutaan) suatu


d. Barang-barang untuk ekspedisi dan ekshibisi/pameran.

e. Sebagian barang-barang yang langsung diimpor oleh angkatan bersenjata.

f. Pembungkus/peti kemas.

g. Uang dan surat-surat berharga.

h. Barang-barang sebagai contoh.




Data dalam publikasi ini mencakup dokumen PIB selama September 2008 yang

diterima oleh Badan Pusat Statistik sampai akhir Oktober 2008. Sistem pengolahan

menggunakan Carry Over. Dengan metode ini dokumen-dokumen dari Bea dan Cukai

ditunggu selama satu bulan setelah bulan berjalan. Dokumen-dokumen yang datang

terlambat akan dimasukkan dalam bulan pengolahan berikutnya.


Penggolongan barang yang digunakan di dalam statistik impor adalah klasifikasi

Barang Impor yang berdasarkan pada Buku Tarif Bea Masuk Indonesia 2007 (BTBMI

2007) yang mengacu pada amandemen keempat dari World Customs Organization

(WCO) sebagai lembaga Internasional yang menyusun klasifikasi Harmonized

System (HS). Disamping menggunakan HS sebagai klasifikasi jenis barang, juga

digunakan Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Revisi 4.


Periode penentuan impor adalah tanggal penyelesaian dokumen oleh pejabat-pejabat

Bea dan Cukai yang terdapat dalam dokumen impor.


Nilai barang dinyatakan dalam nilai CIF (US$) dan nilai Kurs September 2008 yang

digunakan adalah US$ 1 = Rp. 9.345,-


Berat barang impor adalah berat bersih dan dinyatakan dalam Kg.


Negara asal adalah negara dimana barang-barang tersebut dihasilkan yang

dokumennya setelah diperiksa oleh pejabat Bea dan Cukai dan dinyatakan sesuai

dengan peraturan yang berlaku.





The statistical recording area in this publication covers the entire territory of the

Republic of Indonesia.


Statistics are compiled based on Import Declaration Form (Pemberitahuan Impor

Barang (PIB-BC 2.0) or Pemberitahuan Pengangkutan Barang Impor (PPBI-BC 2.3))

of Import documents that are filled by importers. The PIB documents received from

Customs and Excise, prevailing on April 1, 1997, based on Minister of Finance Decree

No. 101/KMK.05/1997, March 10, 1997.


The system of recording Foreign Trade Statistics apply the General Trade System or

the Special Trade System. In the General Trade System, the Bonded Zone is

regarded as "Domestic", while in the Special Trade System, the Bonded Zone is

regarded as "Abroad". Since January 2008, the system of recording import Statistics

have applied the General Trade System.


The recording Import Statistics covers all goods entering the Indonesian territory.


5.1 Part of importation of sea vessels and airplanes and their spareparts are included

in the Import Statistics.

5.2 Overseas goods which are processed or modified in Indonesian Country are

recorded as importation, although after the goods finish process will return to

abroad (re-exports).

5.3 The goods here under are not included in the Import Statistics :

a. Clothes and jewelry of passangers.

b. Luggage of passangers of own use, except refrigerators, television sets, etc.

c. Goods imported for the use of foreign countries representations (embassies).

d. Goods for expeditions and exhibition shows.

e. A part of the goods directly imported by armed forces.

f. Packings containers to be refilled.

g. Bank notes and securities.

h. Sample goods.




The data in this publication covers documents of September 2008 were received by

the BPS to the end of October, 2008. The documents are processed using a carry

over system. The deadline for the acceptance of documents of a certain month is one

month after the reference period, which means the end of the following month. The

documents accepted after the deadline is considered as the document of the following



The classification of goods in this publication applies the 2007 Indonesia's Tariff

Classification, based on fourth amendment from World Customs Organization (WCO)

as an International Organization who arranged the Classification of Harmonized

System (HS). Besides applying the HS, the Standard International Trade

Classification (SITC) Revised 4 is also applied in the classification of goods.


The period of import determination is the date of settlement/completion by the

Customs and Excise Officials as stated in the Import documents.


The values recorded, are the CIF value (US$). The exchange rate use for September

2008, US$ 1 = Rp. 9,345,-


The net weight of imported goods are presented to Kg.


Country of origin is the country in which the goods have been produced, after being

verified by Customs and Excise Officials, pursuant to the prevailing regulations





KATA PENGANTAR/FOREWORD …………………………………………………………….. iii-iv

PENJELASAN/EXPLANATORY NOTES ……………………………………………………… v-viii

DAFTAR ISI/CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………………. ix

RINGKASAN/SUMMARY ……………………………………………………………………….. xi-xix

Tabel/Table I-1. Import Menurut Golongan Barang HS/Import by HS Commodity


A. Menurut 21 Golongan Barang HS/By 21 HS Commodity

Groups ……………………………………………………………...

B. Menurut Golongan Barang 2 Dijit HS/By Commodity Groups 2

Digit Code HS …………………………………………………......

C. Menurut 40 Golongan Barang HS Terbesar/By 40 Biggest

Commodities 10 Digit HS Code ……………………………….....




Tabel/Table I-2. Impor Menurut Golongan Barang SITC/Import by SITC

Commodity Groups ……………………………………………………. 4-8

Tabel/Table I-3. Impor Menurut Komoditi (HS)/Import by Commodity (HS) ………... 9-115

Tabel/Table I-4. Impor Menurut Negara Asal/Import by Country of Origin …………. 116-118

Tabel/Table I-5. Impor Menurut Pelabuhan Impor/Import by Port of Importation ….. 119-121

Tabel/Table I-6 Impor Menurut Negara Asal dan Lima Golongan Barang (SITC)

Utama/Import by Country of Origin and Five Major SITC

Commodity Group …………………………………………………….. 122-146

Tabel/Table I-7 Impor Komoditi Tertentu Menurut Negara Asal Utama/Certain

Commodities Import by Main Country of Origin ……………………. 147-150

Tabel/Table K1 Import Kawasan Berikat Menurut Golongan Barang 2 Dijit

HS/Bonded Zone Import by Commodity 2 Digits HS ……………..... 151-152

Tabel/Table K2 Impor Kawasan Berikat Menurut Golongan Barang SITC/

Bonded Zone Import by SITC Commodity Group ………………..... 153-157

Tabel/Table K3 Impor Kawasan Berikat Menurut Negara Asal/Bonded Zone

Import by Country of Origin …………………………………………... 158-160

Tabel/Table K4 Impor Kawasan Berikat Menurut Provinsi dan Pelabuhan Impor/

Bonded Zone Import by Province and Port of Importation ............ 161-162




Pada September 2008 nilai impor mencapai USD 11.296,1 juta yang terdiri dari impor

melalui Kawasan Berikat sebesar USD 1.940,0 juta (17,17 persen) dan di Luar Kawasan

Berikat sebesar USD 9.356,1 juta (82,83 persen). Nilai impor migas Indonesia mencapai USD

2.539,1 juta atau 22,48 persen dari total impor Indonesia. Sedangkan nilai impor nonmigas

mencapai USD 8.757,0 juta dan memberikan peranan sebesar 77,52 persen terhadap total

impor Indonesia.



Migas Nonmigas Total

Indonesia Kawasan Berikat

Indonesia Kawasan Berikat

Indonesia Kawasan Berikat

Nilai CIF (Juta USD) Sistem Perdagangan Khusus

2007 September 2 277,6 --- 4 513,5 --- 6 791,1 ---

Oktober 1 810,3 --- 4 475,7 --- 6 286,0 ---

Nopember 2 436,2 --- 5 137,9 --- 7 574,1 ---

Desember 2 417,7 --- 4 420,1 --- 6 837,8 ---

Sistem Perdagangan Umum

2008 Januari 1 918,5 10,6 7 689,6 2 096,1 9 608,1 2 106,7

Februari 2 576,9 11,4 7 266,0 1 960,2 9 842,9 1 971,6

Maret 2 499,8 8,1 7 776,9 2 299,6 10 276,7 2 307,7

April 2 851,1 20,8 8 795,5 2 273,6 11 646,6 2 294,4

Mei 3 315,3 17,5 8 348,9 1 978,0 11 664,2 1 995,5

Juni 3 685,9 49,3 8 424,6 2 195,1 12 110,5 2 244,4

Juli 3 639,1 23,2 9 230,7 2 039,3 12 869,8 2 062,5

Agustus 3 177,1 36,4 9 149,1 1 971,6 12 326,2 2 008,0

September 2 539,1 5,0 8 757,0 1 935,0 11 296,1 1 940,0

Peranan Terhadap Total Impor (%) Sistem Perdagangan Khusus

2007 September 33,54 --- 66,46 --- 100,00 ---

Oktober 28,80 --- 71,20 --- 100,00 ---

Nopember 32,16 --- 67,84 --- 100,00 ---

Desember 35,36 --- 64,64 --- 100,00 ---

Sistem Perdagangan Umum

2008 Januari 19,97 0,50 80,03 99,50 100,00 100,00

Februari 26,18 0,58 73,82 99,42 100,00 100,00

Maret 24,32 0,35 75,68 99,65 100,00 100,00

April 24,48 0,91 75,52 99,09 100,00 100,00

Mei 28,42 0,88 71,58 99,12 100,00 100,00

Juni 30,44 2,20 69,56 97,80 100,00 100,00

Juli 28,28 1,12 71,72 98,88 100,00 100,00

Agustus 25,78 1,81 74,22 98,19 100,00 100,00

September 22,48 0,26 77,52 99,74 100,00 100,00



Dari total nilai impor migas Indonesia, impor melalui Kawasan Berikat hanya sebesar

USD 5,0 juta atau 0,20 persen, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak USD 2.534,1 juta (99,80 persen)

di Luar Kawasan Berikat. Sementara itu, nilai impor nonmigas di Luar Kawasan Berikat

mencapai USD 6.822,0 juta atau 77,90 persen dan yang melalui Kawasan Berikat sebesar

USD 1.935,0 juta (22,10 persen).



1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

6 000

7 000

8 000

9 000

10 000






















ta U



Migas Nonmigas

Keterangan : SPK = Sistem Perdagangan Khusus SPU = Sistem Perdagangan Umum

Dilihat dari peranannya, selama tiga belas bulan terakhir impor migas memberikan

kontribusi rata-rata 27,71 persen per bulan dan impor nonmigas sebesar 72,29 persen per

bulan. Sementara itu, pada September 2008 peranan impor migas mencapai 22,48 persen

yang berarti angka tersebut berada di bawah rata-rata. Sebaliknya peranan impor nonmigas

berada di atas rata-rata yaitu 77,52 persen.

Dengan diterapkannya Sistem Perdagangan Umum (General Trade System) dalam

pencatatan statistik impor, secara keseluruhan nilai impor barang yang tercatat mengalami

kenaikan yang nyata (signifikan).






Bulan/ Tahun Nilai (Juta USD) Peranan (%)

Migas Non-Migas Total Migas Non-Migas Total

Jan-Sept : SPK: 2004 8 243,7 25 256,2 33 499,9 24,61 75,39 100,00

2005 13 319,9 30 537,3 43 857,2 30,37 69,63 100,00

2006 14 486,0 31 219,0 45 705,0 31,69 68,31 100,00

2007 15 268,6 38 506,9 53 775,5 28,39 71,61 100,00

SPU: 2008 26 202,8 75 438,3 101 641,1 25,78 74,22 100,00

Keterangan : SPK = Sistem Perdagangan Khusus SPU = Sistem Perdagangan Umum

Impor migas Januari-September 2008 sebesar 26.202,8 juta atau lebih tinggi daripada

rata-rata migas Januari-September periode 2004-2007 yang sebesar USD 12.829,6 juta.

Sedangkan rata-rata impor nonmigas Januari-September periode 2004-2007 sebesar USD

31.379,9 juta atau lebih rendah dibanding impor nonmigas Januari-September 2008 yang

sebesar USD 75.438,3 juta. Dilihat dari nilainya, selama Januari-September pada periode

2004-2008 di dominasi oleh impor nonmigas dengan rata-rata peranan sebesar 71,83 persen

per tahun. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perekonomian Indonesia selama ini

masih bertumpu pada sektor nonmigas.















Korea Selatan


Amerika Serikat











Dari keseluruhan nilai impor pada Januari - September 2008, 73,13 persen berasal

dari dua belas negara utama. Singapura menempati posisi pertama, yaitu 17,80 persen dari

total impor Indonesia, diikuti oleh Cina (11,56 persen), Jepang (10,83 persen), Malaysia (7,36

persen), Amerika Serikat (5,98 persen), Korea Selatan (5,47 persen), Thailand (4,86 persen),

Australia (3,01 persen), Jerman (2,41 persen),Taiwan (2,17 persen), Perancis (0,89 persen),

dan Swedia (0,78 persen).

Impor terbesar pada Januari-September 2008 berasal dari sembilan negara kelompok

APEC Lainnya yakni mencapai 35,69 persen atau sebesar USD 36.274,4 juta. Kelompok

negara ASEAN berada di urutan berikutnya dengan peranan sebesar 33,09 persen (USD

33.637,6), kemudian diikuti negara-negara kelompok Uni Eropa 7,60 persen (USD 7.723,3

juta), negara kelompok NAFTA sebesar 7,51 persen (USD 7.633,3 juta), dan kelompok

negara lainnya menyumbang 16,11 persen (USD 16.372,5 juta).











Brunei Darussalam








Jika dilihat impor Indonesia dari kelompok ASEAN, selama Januari-September 2008

peranan impor yang paling tinggi adalah dari Singapura dengan peranan sebesar 53,80

persen dari total impor ASEAN. Malaysia menempati urutan kedua sebesar 22,26 persen,

diikuti oleh Thailand (14,68 persen), Brunei Darussalam (5,84 persen), Philipina (1,81

persen), Vietnam (1,53 persen), sementara peranan impor dari Myanmar, Kamboja dan Laos

masih di bawah satu persen.

Dari kelompok negara Uni Eropa, selama Januari-September 2008 peranan impor

yang paling tinggi adalah dari Jerman dengan peranan sebesar 31,71 persen dari total impor

Uni Eropa. Perancis menempati urutan kedua dengan peranan 11,68 persen, diikuti oleh

Swedia (10,28 persen), Italia (9,93 persen), dan Inggris (9,09 persen).






Januari - September 2007 Januari - September 2008

Nilai (Juta USD)

Peranan (%)

Nilai (Juta USD)

Peranan (%)

APEC ASEAN 17 077,7 31,76 33 637,6 33,09 Thailand 3 205,5 5,96 4 937,0 4,86

Singapura 7 157,9 13,31 18 096,0 17,80

Philipina 273,0 0,51 610,1 0,60

Malaysia 4 242,5 7,89 7 486,9 7,36

Myanmar 26,6 0,05 28,1 0,03

Kamboja 1,1 0,00 1,5 0,00

Brunei Darussalam 1 330,0 2,47 1 963,4 1,93

Laos 2,9 0,01 0,2 0,00

Vietnam 838,2 1,56 514,4 0,51

NAFTA 4 257,7 7,92 7 633,3 7,51 Amerika Serikat 3 447,7 6,41 6 081,8 5,98

Kanada 758,5 1,41 1 446,0 1,42

Meksiko 51,5 0,10 105,5 0,11

NEGARA APEC LAINNYA 17 705,0 32,92 36 274,4 35,69 Jepang 4 687,0 8,71 11 005,6 10,83

Hongkong 304,7 0,57 1 874,7 1,84

Korea Selatan 2 588,5 4,81 5 562,7 5,47

Taiwan 1 092,3 2,03 2 207,4 2,17

Cina 6 306,9 11,73 11 745,2 11,56

Papua New Guinea 6,6 0,01 16,8 0,02

Australia 2 208,5 4,11 3 064,3 3,01

Selandia Baru 369,4 0,69 595,7 0,59

Chili 141,1 0,26 202,0 0,20

UNI EROPA 5 544,9 10,31 7 723,3 7,60 Jerman 1 453,4 2,70 2 448,7 2,41

Perancis 960,2 1,79 902,1 0,89

Swedia 608,9 1,13 794,2 0,78

Italia 468,0 0,87 767,0 0,75

Inggris 464,4 0,86 701,9 0,69

Belgia 252,1 0,47 489,4 0,48

Belanda 337,9 0,63 463,3 0,46

Finlandia 256,0 0,48 310,0 0,30

Austria 101,6 0,19 280,4 0,28

Spanyol 179,8 0,33 208,1 0,20

Denmark 68,6 0,13 76,7 0,08

Irlandia 148,9 0,28 74,5 0,07

Polandia 87,4 0,16 61,4 0,06

Cheska 42,0 0,08 48,7 0,05

Hungaria 18,1 0,03 21,5 0,02

UNI EROPA LAINNYA 97,6 0,18 75,4 0,07

LAINNYA 9 190,2 17,09 16 372,5 16,11

TOTAL IMPOR 53 775,5 100,00 101 641,1 100,00





Bulan/ Tahun



Barang Konsumsi

Bahan Baku/


Barang Modal

Total Barang Konsumsi

Bahan Baku/


Barang Modal


Jan-Sept: SPK: 2004 2 769,0 26 183,4 4 547,5 33 499,9 8,27 78,16 13,57 100,00

2005 3 415,6 34 170,6 6 271,0 43 857,2 7,79 77,91 14,30 100,00

2006 3 573,4 35 404,9 6 726,7 45 705,0 7,82 77,46 14,72 100,00

2007 4 901,7 40 947,4 7 926,4 53 775,5 9,12 76,14 14,74 100,00

SPU: 2008 6 703,9 79 585,9 15 351,3 101 641,1 6,60 78,30 15,10 100,00

Keterangan : SPK = Sistem Perdagangan Khusus SPU = Sistem Perdagangan Umum

Rata-rata nilai impor Januari-September periode 2004-2007 adalah sebesar USD

44.209,4 juta dengan rata-rata nilai impor barang konsumsi dan peranannya selama empat

tahun tersebut mencapai USD 3.664,9 juta (8,25 persen), impor bahan baku/penolong

sebesar USD 34.176,6 juta (77,42 persen), dan impor barang modal sebesar USD 6.367,9

juta (14,33 persen). Sedangkan Januari-September 2008, barang konsumsi, bahan

baku/penolong, dan barang modal masing-masing memberikan kontribusi sebesar 6,60

persen, 78,30 persen, dan 15,10 persen dari total impor Indonesia.

Januari-September 2007








Bahan Baku/



Januari-September 2008








Bahan Baku/







Dilihat dari peranannya selama Januari-September periode 2004-2008, rata-rata

peranan tertinggi diberikan oleh impor bahan baku/penolong yaitu 77,60 persen, diikuti oleh

rata-rata impor barang modal sebesar 14,49 persen dan rata-rata impor bahan konsumsi

sebesar 6,60 persen. Sementara itu, peran barang konsumsi yang tertinggi dicapai di tahun

2007 yaitu sebesar 9,12 persen. Golongan bahan baku/penolong memberikan peranan

tertinggi di tahun 2008 sebesar 78,30 persen, sedangkan golongan barang modal peran

tertingginya dicapai pada tahun 2007 sebesar 14,74 persen.

Jika dibandingkan dengan periode tahun sebelumnya, peranan nilai impor bahan

baku/penolong dan barang modal terhadap keseluruhan nilai impor pada Januari-September

2008 mengalami peningkatan masing-masing dari 76,14 persen menjadi 78,30 persen (naik

2,16 poin) dan dari 14,74 persen menjadi 15,10 persen (naik 0,36 poin). Sebaliknya impor

barang konsumsi menurun dari 9,12 persen menjadi 6,60 persen (turun 2,52 poin).

Menurut golongan barang SITC (Standard International Trade Classification) 1 dijit,

kelompok barang utama impor selama Januari-September 2008 adalah kelompok mesin dan alat

angkutan dengan nilai sebesar USD 31.787,2 juta dan memberikan peran sebesar 31,27 persen

dari total impor Indonesia Januari-September 2008. Jika dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama

tahun sebelumnya, peranan impor kelompok ini mengalami peningkatan sebesar 6,16 poin dari

25,11 persen menjadi 31,27 persen.


SITC Golongan Barang Januari - September 2007 Januari - September 2008

Nilai (Juta USD)

Peranan (%)


(Juta USD) Peranan


0 Bahan Makanan dan Binatang Hidup 5 213,5 9,70 6 305,7 6,20

1 Minuman dan Tembakau 241,3 0,45 340,6 0,34

2 Bahan Baku dan Hasil Tambang 3 309,0 6,15 5 713,7 5,62

3 Minyak dan Bahan Bakar Mineral 15 315,5 28,48 26 272,2 25,85

4 Minyak Nabati dan Hewani 63,9 0,12 104,9 0,10

5 Bahan Kimia dan produknya 7 470,4 13,89 12 636,9 12,43

6 Barang-barang Buatan Pabrik 7 160,3 13,32 15 628,4 15,38

7 Mesin dan Alat Angkutan 13 504,1 25,11 31 787,2 31,27

8&9 Lainnya 1 497,5 2,78 2 851,5 2,81

Total Impor 53 775,5 100,00 101 641,1 100,00

Impor kelompok barang SITC 1 dijit yang terbesar berikutnya adalah minyak dan bahan

bakar mineral dengan nilai USD 26.272,2 juta dengan peran sebesar 25,85 persen, diikuti

oleh barang-barang buatan pabrik sebesar USD 15.628,4 juta (15,38 persen). Selanjutnya

yaitu bahan kimia dan produknya sebesar USD 12.636,9 juta (12,43 persen), bahan makanan

dan binatang hidup sebesar USD 6.305,7 juta (6,20 persen), bahan baku dan hasil tambang



sebesar USD 5.713,7 juta (5,62 persen), kelompok barang lainnya sebesar USD 2.851,5 juta

(2,81 persen), minuman dan tembakau sebesar USD 340,6 juta (0,34 persen), dan minyak

nabati dan hewani sebesar USD 104,9 juta (0,10 persen).

Selama Januari-September 2008, pelabuhan di DKI Jakarta membongkar barang impor

terbesar dibanding dengan pelabuhan di propinsi lain, yaitu sebesar USD 49.178,7 juta atau

48,38 persen dari total impor Indonesia. Propinsi dengan impor terbesar kedua adalah Jawa

Timur yang mencapai USD 14.388,6 juta (14,16 persen), diikuti Kepulauan Riau USD 9.970,4

juta (9,81 persen), Jawa Tengah USD 7.693,7 juta (7,57 persen), dan Banten USD 5.659,5

juta (5,57 persen). Kemudian nilai impor yang masuk melalui propinsi Kalimantan Timur,

Sumatera Utara, dan Jawa Barat masing-masing sebesar USD 3.986,4 juta, USD 2.842,7

juta, dan USD 2.221,0 juta. Sementara nilai impor ke propinsi lainnya masih berada di bawah

USD 1,4 milyar.

Dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun 2007, delapan propinsi utama diatas

mengalami perubahan peranan. Empat propinsi mengalami perubahan peran positif atau

meningkat yaitu propinsi Kepulauan Riau sebesar 6,93 poin, DKI Jakarta 0,89 poin, Jawa

Barat sebesar 0,30 poin, dan Sumatera Utara 0,01 poin. Sementara empat propinsi lainnya

mengalami perubahan negatif atau menurun yaitu Jawa Tengah 2,23 poin, Kalimantan Timur

1,56 poin, Jawa Timur sebesar 1,11 poin, dan Banten 0,78 poin.

Grafik 6. Nilai Impor menurut Pelabuhan Bongkar di Delapan Propinsi Utama Januari-September 2007 dan 2008

















DKI Jakarta

Jawa Timur

Kepulauan Riau

Jawa Tengah


Kalimantan Timur

Sumatera Utara

Jawa Barat

Jan-Sept 2007

Jan-Sept 2008




Berat Bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)H S Uraian Golongan Barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date

03 Fish And Crustaceans 198 679 10 710 498 807 815 19 613 045

04 Dairy Products, Bird'S Eggs, Natural Honey 0 15 208 373 0 70 359 219

05 Products Of Animal Origin 48 852 283 336 819 634 4 001 778

06 Live Trees And Other Plants 52 2 831 307 41 881

07 Edible Vegetables And Certain Roots And Tubers 21 513 108 989 44 152 100 617

08 Edible Fruits And Nuts 12 179 57 351 30 090 111 531

09 Coffee, Tea, Mate, And Spices 46 729 765 960 172 914 1 625 393

10 Cereals 0 59 485 0 84 664

11 Products Of The Milling Industry; Malt, Starches 1 335 791 25 283 411 491 080 9 441 728

12 Oil Seeds, Oleaginous Fruits; Grains,Seed, Fruits 274 797 2 225 244 639 669 4 632 095

13 Lac; Gums; Resins, Other Vegetable Saps, Extracts 37 008 703 631 51 886 1 536 407

14 Vegetable Plaiting Materials; Vegetable Products 0 36 356 0 65 708

15 Animal-Vegetable Oils/Fats, Their Cleavage Prod. 155 863 12 186 281 480 457 15 031 553

16 Preparations Of Meat/Fish/Crustaceans/Mollucs 1 790 94 600 39 649 663 872

17 Sugar And Sugar Confectionery 1 090 5 155 250 30 360 3 137 963

18 Cocoa And Cocoa Preparations 2 163 45 433 65 089 794 149

19 Prep.Of Cereals, Flour, Starch, Milk, Cooks' Prod. 65 809 1 412 469 204 128 2 468 613

20 Prep. Of Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Part Of Plants 47 194 1 727 545 15 434 2 037 442

21 Miscellaneous Edible Preparations 282 88 124 5 680 707 271

22 Beverages, Spirit, And Vinegar 24 568 696 339 149 167 2 413 086

23 Residues And Waste From The Food Industries 0 41 945 0 57 076

24 Tobacco And Manufactured Tobacco Substitutes 208 703 11 459 315 917 491 47 397 774

25 Salts; Sulphur; Earths, Stone; Lime, Cemen 26 718 960 238 887 011 10 503 521 82 616 826

26 Ores, Slag, And Ash 796 528 2 042 382 774 925 2 275 404

27 Mineral Fuels/Oils, Prod. Of Their Distillation 4 294 029 160 677 238 6 165 068 187 527 226

28 Inorganic Chemicals 19 357 889 158 441 646 10 343 134 97 190 680

29 Organic Chemicals 12 189 348 120 557 427 17 703 247 195 307 563

30 Pharmaceutical Products 16 380 814 722 91 765 4 423 361

31 Fertilizers 21 884 283 592 13 298 269 651

32 Tanning Or Dyeing Extracts 1 687 505 19 590 938 8 679 834 84 639 473

33 Essential Oils & Resinoids; Perfumery, Cosmetic 50 900 394 761 1 683 813 16 516 664

34 Soap, Organic Surfasce-Active Agent, Lubric. Prep. 846 800 8 760 691 2 426 908 28 578 924

35 Albuminoidal Substances; Glues; Enzymes 1 028 920 31 069 707 3 168 486 50 736 632

36 Explosives; Pyrotechnic Prod.; Matches; 533 179 818 341 1 302 659 6 062 772

37 Photographic And Cinematographic Goods 157 491 1 921 496 610 269 13 320 716

38 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 2 376 951 25 048 493 8 240 989 94 513 802

39 Plastics And Articles Thereof 35 435 927 378 618 791 106 208 727 957 435 748

40 Rubber And Articles Thereof 5 417 357 53 829 998 16 786 984 165 687 366

41 Raw Hides, Skins, And Leather 4 295 632 25 095 525 28 736 291 174 963 252

42 Articles Of Leather; Saddlery, Travel Goods 110 122 560 635 826 175 6 527 549

43 Furskins And Artificial Fur; Manufact. Thereof 13 216 61 158 238 868 1 026 538

44 Wood And Articles Of Wood; Wood Charcoal 6 448 372 71 980 298 4 430 537 40 135 112

45 Cork And Articles Of Cork 5 741 69 963 21 712 324 069

46 Manufact. Of Straw, Plaiting Materials 4 98 510 1 265 205 565

47 Pulp Of Wood Or Of Fibrous Cellulosic Material 23 326 629 237 392 685 20 521 168 220 886 946

48 Paper & Paperboard; Articles Of Paper Pulp 8 018 174 82 539 901 16 771 499 187 423 467

49 Printed Books, Newspapers, Pictures 132 169 958 318 964 119 11 019 030

50 Silk 124 883 1 107 871 1 551 561 9 765 156

51 Wool, Fine Or Coarse Animal Hair; Woven Fabrics 252 326 2 859 156 3 503 590 38 855 722

52 Cotton 15 987 885 164 973 484 63 733 889 657 408 106

53 Other Vegetable Textile Fibres; Paper Yarns 116 741 3 390 460 1 047 501 15 455 315

54 Man-Made Filaments 4 799 413 49 179 841 31 745 757 363 728 560

55 Man-Made Staple Fibres 4 586 908 54 454 034 19 248 022 206 175 080

56 Wadding, Felt, And Non-Wovens 921 666 11 139 852 5 659 884 56 428 101

57 Carpets And Other Textile Floor Coverings 43 541 1 535 914 428 351 3 991 386

58 Special Woven Fabrics; Tufted Textile Fabrics 1 590 331 14 790 257 14 359 048 143 767 599

59 Impregnated, Coated, Covered Textile Fabrics 996 192 9 980 657 6 961 334 89 784 096

60 Knitted Or Crocheted Fabrics 5 837 051 67 742 719 42 394 871 500 479 439

61 Articles Of Apparel, Knitted Or Crocheted 391 934 5 091 405 3 070 758 34 894 559

62 Articles Of Apparel, Not Knitted Or Crocheted 198 521 3 039 268 1 617 132 28 126 441

63 Other Made Up Textile Articles; Worn Clothing 137 574 1 862 468 901 960 8 982 720

64 Footwear, Gaiters; Parts Of Such Articles 688 664 3 690 005 2 440 966 29 728 271

65 Headgear And Parts Thereof 40 388 304 783 184 717 2 932 492

66 Umbrellas, Seat-Sticks, Whips, Riding Crops 545 287 358 1 700 786 415

67 Prepared Feathers, Artificial Flowers 138 85 364 3 168 858 732

68 Articles Of Stone, Cement, Asbestos, Mica 179 843 6 745 272 1 403 843 17 755 503

69 Ceramic Products 1 214 897 24 246 275 5 287 368 42 158 073

70 Glass And Glassware 5 188 929 75 530 903 7 179 209 94 462 409

71 Natural And Cultured Pearls, Precious Stones 47 395 275 491 4 316 509 45 379 995

72 Iron And Steel 60 792 198 604 214 678 94 462 592 769 410 853

73 Articles Of Iro And Steel 39 541 433 343 314 609 99 474 836 839 059 760

74 Cooper And Articles Thereof 7 819 862 71 903 743 56 740 450 524 744 506

75 Nickel And Articles Thereof 685 584 1 441 347 2 098 926 10 030 847

76 Aluminium And Articles Thereof 17 634 461 49 726 631 16 272 723 132 895 212

78 Lead And Articles Thereof 252 611 1 423 820 1 921 562 6 495 941

79 Zinc And Articles Thereof 452 034 5 768 711 1 435 509 18 202 933

80 Tin And Articles Thereof 340 632 4 790 752 1 403 279 18 899 935

81 Other Base Metal; Cermets; And Articles Thereof 17 726 200 248 817 942 5 655 098

82 Tools, Implements, Cutlery, Spoon & Forks 346 194 4 119 653 3 654 145 36 174 820

83 Miscellaneous Articles Of Base Metal 1 410 690 16 182 148 8 936 106 79 847 600

84 Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery, Parts 19 623 195 235 646 434 324 790 934 3 398 309 220

85 Electrical Machinery & Equipments 27 523 689 270 857 568 679 515 973 5 626 855 875

86 Railway/Tramway Locomotive, Mechanical Traffic 17 300 1 139 024 277 386 6 336 598

87 Vehicles Other Than Railway/Tramway, Parts 13 098 305 192 482 622 90 931 617 1 520 808 017

88 Aircraft And Its Components 3 027 69 757 1 008 856 25 747 997

89 Ships, Boat, And Floating Structures 1 047 038 8 434 771 1 168 848 37 473 240

90 Optical, Photographic, Cinematographic 1 003 589 11 022 079 43 889 709 379 712 045

91 Clocks And Watches And Parts Thereof 760 57 363 46 014 1 093 821

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92 Musical Instruments; Parts And Accessories 910 600 8 927 459 6 766 781 73 108 739

93 Arms And Ammunition; Parts And Accessories 208 4 348 5 150 100 336

94 Furniture, Bedding, Mattress Support, Cushion 523 311 7 495 958 3 526 381 49 721 932

95 Toys, Games And Sports Requisiters; Parts 168 152 952 513 2 398 008 41 284 623

96 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 538 863 5 477 561 8 738 907 73 546 232

97 Works Of Arts, Collectors' Piece And Antiques 1 422 12 544 7 449 120 795

98 Vehicles In-Ckd And Their Components 48 986 8 007 198 433 140 47 325 175

99 Postal Packages, Parcels, And Returned Goods 0 2 137 0 15 208

Total Import 392 910 804 4 064 855 506 1 939 944 624 18 930 818 729

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Berat Bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)SITC Uraian Golongan Barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date

A. By commodity 1 digit SITC

0 Food And Live Animals 413 428 36 118 818 1 422 991 103 465 963

1 Beverages And Tobacco 233 270 11 824 002 1 066 630 49 317 039

2 Crude Materials, Inedible 66 190 209 660 226 958 73 251 529 723 344 535

3 Mineral Fuels, Lubricants, Etc 4 214 029 159 217 662 6 122 497 186 154 097

4 Animal & Vegetable Oils/Fats 171 728 12 517 519 520 968 16 105 177

5 Chemicals 70 704 595 732 861 563 129 200 222 1 338 001 966

6 Manufactured Goods 179 967 740 1 642 021 344 514 153 993 4 787 933 692

7 Machinery & Transportation Equipments 61 366 765 716 634 318 1 096 115 565 10 652 544 665

8 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 9 616 751 93 341 332 115 194 980 1 046 345 392

9 Special Commodities &Transaction 32 289 91 990 2 895 249 27 606 203

B. By commodity 2 digit SITC

01 Meat And Meat Preparations 19 8 851 302 64 601

02 Dairy Product And Eggs 0 15 228 336 0 70 488 729

03 Fish, Crustaceans,Molluscs And Their Preparations 200 450 10 787 147 847 162 20 160 425

04 Cereals And Cereal Preparations 30 579 1 046 463 131 484 1 963 523

05 Fruits And Vegetables 106 373 2 065 978 109 666 2 369 960

06 Sugar, Sugar Preparations, And Honey 1 090 5 156 718 30 360 3 154 183

07 Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, And Spices 48 899 813 773 238 591 2 528 340

08 Feeding Stuff For Animals 0 42 149 0 64 096

09 Miscellaneous Food Preparations 26 018 969 403 65 426 2 672 106

11 Beverages 24 567 364 687 149 139 1 919 265

12 Tobacco And Tobacco Manufactured 208 703 11 459 315 917 491 47 397 774

21 Hides, Skins And Furskins 590 407 158 6 250 1 047 113

22 Oil Seeds, Nuts, And Kernels 0 730 0 8 449

23 Crude Rubber 4 095 704 44 212 174 9 625 505 99 163 075

24 Wood, Lumber, And Cork 1 724 637 14 723 570 1 531 305 12 435 201

25 Pulp And Waste Paper 23 326 629 237 392 685 20 521 168 220 886 946

26 Textile Fibres And Their Waste 13 139 538 144 203 623 27 612 373 287 130 501

27 Crude Fertilizers And Crude Minerals 22 169 890 207 975 571 10 028 013 80 418 741

28 Metalliferous Ores And Metal Scraps 1 372 512 8 061 015 2 415 419 11 992 380

29 Crude Animals And Vegetable Materials, Nes 360 709 3 250 432 1 511 496 10 262 129

32 Coal, Coke, And Briquettes 72 280 069 952 312 126

33 Petroleum And Petroleum Products 4 147 237 158 787 992 6 057 001 184 941 817

34 Gas; Natural And Manufactured 66 720 149 601 64 544 900 154

41 Animal Oils And Fats 3 745 220 462 234 000 1 542 479

42 Fixed Vegetable Oils/Fats 152 118 10 915 802 246 457 11 634 645

43 Animal Vegetable Oils/Fats 15 865 1 381 255 40 511 2 928 053

51 Organic Chemicals 12 189 215 120 767 361 17 376 103 190 674 901

52 Inorganic Chemicals 19 357 694 158 430 474 10 339 979 97 119 136

53 Dyeing,Tanning, And Colouring Materials 1 895 604 21 764 530 8 649 414 89 988 674

54 Medical And Pharmaceutical Products 13 192 808 163 423 126 9 771 715

55 Essential Oils And Perfumery Materials 409 854 5 405 667 2 831 050 33 587 046

56 Manufactured Fertilizers 1 639 64 576 3 734 55 193

57 Plastics In Primary Forms 29 199 786 313 837 119 64 192 141 641 734 324

58 Plastics In Non-Primary Forms 2 686 542 30 391 245 12 507 847 116 454 090

59 Chemical Materials And Its Products, Nes 4 951 069 81 392 428 12 876 828 158 616 887

61 Leather, Leather Med, Nes 4 312 866 24 768 779 28 822 256 175 324 721

62 Rubber Manufactured, Nes 1 240 354 9 208 654 6 575 743 63 933 112

63 Wood And Cork Manufactured 4 729 476 57 326 691 2 920 944 28 023 980

64 Paper, Paperboard, And Manufactured Thereof 7 577 533 77 308 609 12 353 430 123 961 178

65 Textile Yarns, Fabrics, And Their Products 22 347 173 239 836 128 164 263 276 1 813 405 618

66 Non Metalic Minerals Manufactured 11 225 902 138 400 557 14 213 397 153 858 006

67 Iron And Steel 94 462 510 865 654 312 166 449 801 1 308 874 115

68 Non Ferrous Metals 25 367 964 127 080 437 74 096 438 680 916 873

69 Manufactured Of Metal, Nes 8 703 962 102 437 177 44 458 708 439 636 089

71 Power Generating Machine And Equipments 2 877 762 39 175 751 36 477 624 535 486 621

72 Machinery Specialized For Particular Industry 4 268 250 65 204 349 58 189 781 796 705 957

73 Metalworking Machinery 1 143 272 12 398 082 17 236 136 146 178 298

74 General Industrial Machinery And Equipments 9 987 482 112 042 187 84 569 886 1 016 254 694

75 Office Machinery And Automatic Data Processing 4 140 159 40 382 180 166 706 268 1 437 826 266

76 Telecommunication And Reproducers Apparatus 5 846 153 51 958 205 231 516 880 1 734 068 185

77 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 18 910 876 188 450 981 407 693 535 3 377 170 679

78 Road Vehicles 13 139 100 198 047 925 91 278 211 1 541 404 759

79 Other Transportation Equipments 1 053 711 8 974 658 2 447 244 67 449 206

81 Sanitary, Plumbing, And Fittings 315 612 6 109 901 1 609 666 36 172 211

82 Furniture 193 105 2 553 895 1 729 203 15 883 280

83 Traveling Goods 79 564 428 317 543 360 3 768 020

84 Clothing 899 475 11 042 749 7 411 480 87 972 430

85 Footwear 688 664 3 690 005 2 440 966 29 728 271

87 Professional, Scientific, And Contractor Instruments 735 479 8 589 336 23 678 181 157 328 033

88 Photographic Apparatus, Equipments And Optics 436 457 4 467 595 16 144 777 178 310 491

89 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 6 268 395 56 459 534 61 637 347 537 182 656

91 Postal packages 0 2 137 0 15 208

96 Coin; Not Being Legal Tender 0 12 0 2 776

97 Gold; Non Monetary 32 273 89 823 2 895 081 27 586 506

99 Gold Coin And Current Coin 16 18 168 1 713

C. By commodity 3 digit SITC

017 Meat And Edible Meat Offal, Prepared Or Preserved 19 8 851 302 64 601

022 Milk,Cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 0 15 207 862 0 70 358 422

023 Butter And Other Fats From Milk 0 764 0 1 279

025 Eggs, Birds, And Egg Yolks; Fresh, Dried Or Otherwise Prese

0 19 710 0 129 028

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034 Fish, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 32 680 10 195 462 53 290 17 437 374

035 Fish, Dried Salted Or In Brine; Smoked Fish 0 9 230 0 236 560

036 Crustaceans, Molluscs, And Aquatic Invertebrates 165 999 505 806 754 525 1 939 111

037 Fish, Crustaceans, Molluscs, And Other Aquatic Invertebrates

1 771 76 649 39 347 547 380

041 Wheat And Meslin, Unmilled 0 59 437 0 83 772

045 Cereals, Unmilled 0 48 0 892

046 Meal And Flour Of Wheat And Flour Of Meslin 0 101 0 1 271

047 Other Cereal Meals And Flours 0 29 561 0 93 095

048 Cereal Preparations And Preparations Of Flours/Starchs Of Fr

30 579 957 316 131 484 1 784 493

054 Vegetables, Fresh, Chilled, Frozen Or Simply Preserved 21 501 108 590 44 014 97 734

056 Vegetables, Roots And Tubers, Prepared Or Preserved Nes 72 693 388 122 35 562 654 214

057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 12 179 56 487 30 090 107 474

058 Fruits, Preserved And Preparations 0 1 501 391 0 1 494 871

059 Fruit And Vegetable Juices 0 11 388 0 15 667

061 Sugar, Molasses, And Honey 1 090 5 155 225 30 360 3 136 323

062 Sugar Confectionery 0 1 493 0 17 860

071 Coffee And Coffee Substitutes 18 361 248 463 67 566 977 606

072 Cocoa 0 2 756 0 56 302

073 Chocolate And Other Food Preparations Containing Cocoa 2 163 42 677 65 089 737 847

074 Tea And Mate 28 375 432 105 105 936 501 819

075 Spices 0 87 772 0 254 766

081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 0 42 149 0 64 096

091 Margarine And Shortening 0 239 159 0 1 021 435

098 Edible Products And Preparations 26 018 730 244 65 426 1 650 671

111 Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Nes 1 103 20 142 8 521 90 018

112 Alcoholic Beverages 23 464 344 545 140 618 1 829 247

121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 166 952 10 918 302 764 451 43 037 885

122 Tobacco, Manufactured 41 751 541 013 153 040 4 359 889

211 Hides And Skins, Raw 6 406 092 108 1 032 912

212 Furskins, Raw 584 1 066 6 142 14 201

222 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Ofsoft Fixed Vegetable Oils 0 60 0 720

223 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Of Other Fixed Vegetable Oils 0 670 0 7 729

231 Natural Rubber Latex;Natural Rubber And Similar Natural Gum

325 420 2 613 520 981 503 7 360 124

232 Synthetic Rubber Latex, Synthetic/Reclaimed Rubber 3 770 284 41 598 654 8 644 002 91 802 951

244 Cork,Natural,Raw And Waste 0 29 712 0 72 758

245 Fuel Wood And Wood Charcoal 1 50 192 1 570 223 904

246 Wood In Chips Or Particles And Waste 0 20 157 0 5 141

247 Wood In The Rough Or Roughly Squared 592 001 4 592 102 162 101 1 731 918

248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 1 132 635 10 031 407 1 367 634 10 401 480

251 Pulp And Waste Paper 23 326 629 237 392 685 20 521 168 220 886 946

261 Silk 91 571 285 014 1 257 240 2 928 542

263 Cotton 10 264 451 104 808 556 19 631 389 194 237 061

264 Jute And Other Textile Bast Fibres 28 956 1 953 318 61 301 1 804 012

265 Vegetable Textile Fibres,Raw Or Processed;Waste Of These 9 359 317 515 100 242 2 184 057

266 Synthetic Fibres Suitable For Spinning 1 361 145 26 833 615 2 466 369 50 636 044

267 Other Man-Made Fibres Suitable For Spinning And Waste 1 335 772 9 345 683 3 439 800 28 426 653

268 Wool And Other Animal Hair 46 923 632 124 632 077 6 739 330

269 Old Clothing And Other Old Textile Articles; Rags 1 361 27 798 23 955 174 802

272 Fertilizers, Crude 21 531 365 903 24 325 379 513

273 Stone, Sand And Gravel 5 951 110 39 507 872 448 409 3 067 363

274 Sulphur And Unroasted Iron Pyrites 12 076 026 98 112 505 8 278 569 62 201 241

277 Natural Abrasives 2 288 359 13 183 035 794 589 4 733 694

278 Other Crude Minerals 1 832 864 56 806 256 482 121 10 036 930

281 Iron Ore And Concentrates 92 000 425 384 136 413 414 682

282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 35 664 3 887 811 21 361 3 991 307

283 Copper Ores And Concentrates 603 65 512 2 924 321 386

284 Nickel Ores And Concentrates 399 938 476 010 1 273 083 1 525 087

285 Aluminium Ores And Concentrates 195 11 172 3 155 71 544

286 Ores and Concentrates Of Uranium and Thorium 0 31 288 0 25 704

287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 583 528 1 285 915 563 683 1 435 606

288 Non-Ferrous Base Metal Waste And Scraps 260 584 1 877 813 414 800 4 205 571

289 Ores And Concentrates Of Precious Metals; Waste,Scraps 0 110 0 1 493

291 Crude Animal Materials 48 852 283 336 819 634 4 001 778

292 Crude Vegetable Materials 311 857 2 967 096 691 862 6 260 351

321 Coals, Pulverized Or Not 72 158 445 952 226 668

322 Briquettes, Lignite And Peat 0 1 0 21

325 Coke And Semi Coke Of Coal/Lignite/Peat 0 121 623 0 85 437

333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 824 9 405 418 4 415 8 191 311

334 Petroleum Products, Refined 3 695 879 147 918 353 4 933 527 173 619 019

335 Residual Petroleum Products, And Related Materials 450 534 1 464 221 1 119 059 3 131 487

342 Liquefied Propane And Butane 30 642 33 228 29 971 129 703

343 Natural Gas, Liquefied Or Not 78 1 840 1 760 28 444

344 Petroleum Gases And Other Gas 0 9 343 0 41 018

345 Coal Gas, Water Gas And Similar Gas 36 000 105 190 32 813 700 989

411 Animal Oils And Fats 3 745 220 462 234 000 1 542 479

421 Fixed Vegetable Fats And Oils Soft,Crude,Refined Or Fraction

152 118 3 489 529 246 457 6 101 462

422 Fixed Vegetable Fats And Oils Solid,Crude,Refined Or Fractio

0 7 426 273 0 5 533 183

431 Animal And Vegetable Oil; Fat Processed And Their Wax 15 865 1 381 255 40 511 2 928 053

511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 202 294 5 573 505 532 201 10 354 301

512 Alcohols,Phenols,Phenol-Alcohols And Their Halogenated 9 632 070 88 699 149 11 616 658 121 596 877

513 Carboxylic Acids,And Their Anhydrides,Halides,Peroxides 893 970 8 744 058 1 955 741 17 601 397

514 Nitrogen-Function Compounds 804 526 10 396 866 1 577 028 22 573 823

515 Organo-Inorganic And Heterocyclic Compounds 305 886 3 212 608 788 984 7 140 316

516 Other Organic Chemicals 350 469 4 141 175 905 491 11 408 187

522 Inorganic Chemical Elements, Oxides And Halogen Salts 16 288 941 83 226 609 8 413 875 63 798 409

523 Metallicsalts And Peroxysalts 2 863 154 64 838 705 1 613 050 26 095 638

524 Other Inorganic Chemicals;Chemical Compound Of Precious 205 429 10 356 862 311 142 7 004 771

525 Radioactive And Associated Materials 170 8 298 1 912 220 318

531 Synthetic Organic; Colouring Matter 260 486 3 762 646 979 455 13 513 221

532 Dyeing/Tanning Extracts And Synthetic Tanning Materials 33 844 829 665 60 292 1 528 781

533 Pigments, Paints, Varnishes, And Related Materials 1 601 274 17 172 219 7 609 667 74 946 672

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541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 13 090 253 206 412 551 6 448 313

542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 102 554 957 10 575 3 323 402

551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 39 182 266 611 306 413 3 381 791

553 Perfumery, Cosmetics, And Toilet Preparations 11 718 128 150 1 377 400 13 134 873

554 Soap,Cleansing And Polishing Preparations 358 954 5 010 906 1 147 237 17 070 382

562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 1 639 64 576 3 734 55 193

571 Polymers Of Ethylene In Primary Forms 6 824 443 101 091 570 12 498 643 170 090 862

572 Polimers Of Styrene In Primary Forms 5 680 099 63 593 116 12 540 273 123 567 065

573 Polimers Of Vinyl Chloride In Primary Forms 1 908 428 14 381 716 4 319 678 33 133 707

574 Poliacetals And Polycarbons In Primary Forms 2 702 810 34 007 200 8 901 300 95 477 024

575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 11 951 263 98 786 723 25 918 151 219 101 812

579 Waste And Scrap Of Plastics 132 743 1 976 794 14 096 363 854

581 Tubes, Pipes, And Hoses Of Plastics 164 468 1 556 215 1 437 073 11 749 650

582 Plates, Sheets, And Film Of Plastics 2 505 212 28 428 021 10 946 034 102 086 568

583 Monofilament And Rod Of Plastics 16 862 407 009 124 740 2 617 872

591 Disinfectants, Insecticides, And Fungicides Put In Forms 258 600 2 943 173 1 285 989 16 569 265

592 Starches, Inulin, And Wheat Glutenal Buminoidal Subtances; 2 348 693 56 144 467 3 651 655 59 292 461

593 Explosive And Pyrotechnic Products 22 321 156 835 782 390 5 136 363

597 Additive For Mineral Oils 498 513 3 778 095 1 400 771 11 738 967

598 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 1 822 942 18 369 858 5 756 023 65 879 831

611 Leathers 4 295 626 24 689 433 28 736 183 173 930 340

612 Manufactures And Composition Leathers 17 240 79 320 86 073 1 393 934

613 Furskins, Tanned Or Dressed 0 26 0 447

621 Materials Of Rubber 308 443 3 484 060 2 251 288 22 587 333

625 Rubber Tyre,Tyre Cases,Tyre Treads,Inner Tubes, And Tyre Fl

23 560 294 459 120 811 1 007 809

629 Articles Of Rubbers 908 351 5 430 135 4 203 644 40 337 970

633 Cork Manufactures 5 741 40 251 21 712 251 311

634 Veneers,Plywood,Improved/Reconstituted Wood Worked 4 524 562 54 747 941 2 455 962 21 671 927

635 Wood Manufactures 199 173 2 538 499 443 270 6 100 742

641 Papers And Paperboards 5 743 012 55 310 998 7 349 300 69 893 633

642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Pap

1 834 521 21 997 611 5 004 130 54 067 545

651 Textile Yarns 1 762 750 25 387 203 10 063 369 146 461 824

652 Cotton Fabrics, Woven 5 431 818 57 042 018 44 036 214 453 250 367

653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 5 453 618 48 090 010 38 005 779 381 813 957

654 Textile Fabrics, Woven, Other Than Of Cotton Or Man-Made Fi

368 149 4 130 522 4 004 374 46 879 564

655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 5 837 051 67 742 719 42 394 871 500 479 439

656 Tulle,Lace,Enbroidery,Ribbons,Trimmings And Other Small W

1 250 432 11 931 518 11 186 097 120 937 462

657 Special Yarns,Textile Fabrics 1 985 367 21 421 553 13 157 363 149 671 050

658 Made-Up Articles, Wholly/Chiefly Of Textile Materials 136 268 1 847 997 881 520 8 911 512

659 Floor Coverings 121 720 2 242 588 533 689 5 000 443

661 Lime,Cement And Fabricated Construction Materials 4 702 333 35 406 452 944 413 7 259 617

662 Clay And Refactory Construction Materials 1 050 187 20 443 235 3 764 294 21 965 412

663 Mineral Manufactures 225 848 6 054 178 2 183 702 31 302 891

664 Glass 5 156 972 74 803 111 6 796 528 87 011 048

665 Glassware 17 456 420 702 138 792 2 599 019

666 Pottery 70 518 1 246 603 342 543 2 965 678

667 Pearl, Precious And Semi Precious Stones 2 588 26 276 43 125 754 341

671 Pig Iron,Spiegeleisen,Sponge Iron, And Ferro-Alloys 566 793 2 858 822 900 030 5 478 654

672 Ingots And Other Iron/Steel In Primary Forms 2 680 159 29 640 971 5 046 436 52 579 811

673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 22 472 257 209 674 949 29 121 000 236 097 386

674 Flat Rolled Products, Clad Or Plated 5 398 130 88 374 061 10 794 058 102 598 033

675 Flat Rolled Products And Alloy Steels 16 782 881 130 684 220 29 522 405 184 748 004

676 Iron/Steel Bars, Rods, Angels, Shaped And Sections 11 930 452 125 894 501 15 904 222 149 073 158

677 Rail/Railway And Tractor Construction Of Iron/Steel Materials

50 650 1 448 247 128 608 2 295 297

678 Wire Of Iron/Steel 1 328 629 15 707 363 3 675 931 38 246 082

679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 33 252 559 261 371 178 71 357 111 537 757 690

681 Silver, Platinum, And Other Metal Of The Platinum Groups 8 676 55 685 601 543 7 232 768

682 Copper 6 919 444 69 396 829 53 158 966 507 533 357

683 Nickel 237 911 892 982 629 236 7 931 573

684 Alumunium 17 241 867 45 219 284 14 564 278 114 760 440

685 Lead 190 329 1 349 184 1 818 272 6 268 945

686 Zinc 426 316 5 324 502 1 328 521 16 309 793

687 Tin 338 780 4 760 227 1 378 247 18 407 633

689 Miscellaneous Non-Ferrous Basemetals Employed In Metallur

4 641 81 744 617 375 2 472 364

691 Structuctures And Parts Of Iron/Steel Or Aluminium 1 620 028 31 501 539 4 249 678 70 237 422

692 Metal Containers For Storage And Transportations 1 024 836 10 017 162 2 873 938 36 192 453

693 Wire Products And Fencing Grills 769 717 8 863 927 3 235 706 33 661 472

694 Nails, Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Rivets Of Iron/Steel Or Copper 1 696 999 11 345 960 10 818 489 84 438 274

695 Tools For Used In The Hand Or In Machines 305 505 3 897 164 3 483 154 32 261 137

696 Cutlery 40 184 207 628 166 623 3 744 445

697 Household Equipment Of Base Metals 196 000 1 745 235 1 499 244 13 627 488

699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 3 050 693 34 858 562 18 131 876 165 473 398

711 Steam And Other Vapour Generating Boilers And Parts 110 052 1 253 758 966 300 15 655 469

712 Steam Or Other Generating Boilers And Parts 3 375 1 126 075 78 023 7 167 651

713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 608 353 12 760 074 7 217 061 162 488 773

714 Engines And Motors, Non-Electric And Parts 29 936 2 631 371 1 035 597 63 953 342

716 Rotating Electric Plants And Parts 1 462 038 17 384 283 22 959 565 251 044 322

718 Other Power Generating Machines And Parts 664 008 4 020 190 4 221 078 35 177 064

721 Agricultural Machinery And Parts 123 070 942 404 1 123 196 8 343 199

722 Tractors 14 55 276 590 859 823

723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts

1 281 836 26 122 575 10 795 888 185 875 974

724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 1 456 670 13 778 429 16 787 258 166 266 275

725 Papermill/Pulpmill Machinery And Paper Cutting Machines 186 639 8 689 735 3 004 394 183 962 236

726 Printing/Book Binding Machinery And Parts 126 738 1 746 978 3 083 035 38 557 734

727 Food Processing Machines And Parts 9 002 1 732 968 689 597 37 787 713

728 Other Machines And Equipment Specialized For Particular Ind

1 084 281 12 135 984 22 705 823 175 053 003

731 Machine Tools By Removing Metal 298 738 4 180 836 8 881 019 57 524 273

733 Machine Tool For Working Metals 333 480 2 266 152 1 924 709 19 271 675

735 Parts Of Machine Tools 97 587 1 355 426 3 267 853 20 237 209

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737 Metalworking Machinery And Parts 413 467 4 595 668 3 162 555 49 145 141

741 Heating And Cooling Equipments And Parts 673 901 12 564 474 7 393 299 110 879 546

742 Pumps For Liquid And Parts 867 585 10 419 961 6 599 213 84 354 225

743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts

942 232 21 015 182 7 163 913 137 661 422

744 Mechanical Handling Equipments And Parts 4 063 812 30 772 809 22 514 559 232 314 412

745 Other Non-Electical Machinery, Tools, And Mechanical Appar

401 895 3 962 005 4 764 792 64 393 611

746 Ball Or Roller Bearings 594 469 5 791 357 5 520 148 60 955 562

747 Taps, Cocks, And Valves For Pipes 657 968 6 558 547 8 952 601 91 313 482

748 Transmission Shafts And Cranks 1 202 780 11 769 826 11 751 735 112 746 986

749 Non-Electric Parts And Accessories Of Machineries 582 840 9 188 026 9 909 626 121 635 448

751 Office Machines 19 672 168 716 1 068 613 4 936 790

752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 1 874 344 19 513 543 44 698 198 469 614 108

759 Parts And Accessories For Machine Of Heading 751 Or 752 2 246 143 20 699 921 120 939 457 963 275 368

761 Television Receivers 39 422 346 088 1 393 569 3 878 657

762 Radio Broadcast Receivers 364 75 460 5 328 627 454

763 Sound Recorders Or Reproducers 102 343 967 802 3 617 095 50 937 767

764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 5 704 024 50 568 855 226 500 888 1 678 624 307

771 Electric Power Machinery And Parts 719 889 10 374 272 9 386 581 95 195 451

772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circu

4 205 045 34 585 306 95 396 439 725 172 490

773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 4 937 525 29 286 266 30 305 609 257 837 487

774 Electrical Apparatus For Medical Purposes And Radiological 3 772 50 445 249 304 2 160 441

775 Household Type, Electrical/Non-Electrical Equipments 1 561 765 12 501 363 10 144 692 78 430 361

776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes

3 678 411 63 046 807 160 282 817 1 451 248 909

778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 3 804 469 38 606 522 101 928 093 767 125 540

781 Passengger Motor Cars 701 22 020 656 6 007 188 469 187

782 Motor Vehicle For The Transportation Of Goods 207 279 12 510 755 1 679 512 85 896 692

783 Road Motor Vehicles 25 429 533 596 149 537 2 673 699

784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 10 065 052 123 980 951 67 237 687 999 191 333

785 Motorcycles, Scooters, And Other Cycles Motorized/Non Mot 2 664 398 35 974 978 21 748 716 256 918 732

786 Trailers And Other Vehicles, Not Motorized 176 241 3 026 989 456 752 8 255 116

791 Railway Vehicles And Associated Equipments 3 744 470 423 270 275 4 233 495

792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 2 929 69 464 1 008 121 25 742 471

793 Ships, Boats, And Floating Structures 1 047 038 8 434 771 1 168 848 37 473 240

811 Prefabricated Buildings 52 608 3 424 730 246 583 21 223 523

812 Sanitary, Plumbing, Heating, And Lighting Fixtures/Fittings 6 061 1 346 046 46 249 3 716 953

813 Lighting Fixtures And Fittings 256 943 1 339 125 1 316 834 11 231 735

821 Furnitures And Parts 193 105 2 553 895 1 729 203 15 883 280

831 Travel Goods 79 564 428 317 543 360 3 768 020

841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 3 112 292 582 37 136 1 583 793

842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 38 278 509 717 154 615 3 780 649

843 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 496 64 034 13 225 658 905

844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 2 657 349 786 13 815 1 153 682

845 Articles Of Apparel 318 155 4 366 511 2 452 166 29 535 641

846 Clothing Accessories Of Textiles Fabrics 227 757 2 548 043 2 016 933 26 308 330

848 Articles Of Apparel And Clothing Accessories Of Other Than T

309 020 2 912 076 2 723 590 24 951 430

851 Footwears 688 664 3 690 005 2 440 966 29 728 271

871 Optical Instrument And Apparatus 10 808 248 351 711 672 5 725 938

872 Medical Instruments And Appliances 289 043 2 911 782 3 023 455 27 452 896

873 Meters And Counters 172 147 2 165 329 1 894 361 25 723 592

874 Measuring, Checking, Analysing, And Controlling Instrument A

263 481 3 263 874 18 048 693 98 425 607

881 Photographic Apparatus And Equipments 113 228 1 346 114 6 693 859 86 409 167

882 Photographic And Chinematographic Supplies 157 486 1 917 569 608 586 13 285 355

883 Cinematograph Film, Exposed And Developed 5 3 927 1 683 35 361

884 Optical Goods 164 978 1 142 622 8 794 635 77 486 787

885 Watches And Clocks 760 57 363 46 014 1 093 821

891 Arms And Ammunitions 208 5 486 5 150 156 705

892 Printed Matter 495 123 5 490 840 5 286 500 73 593 819

893 Article Of Plastics 3 402 002 32 450 762 28 256 263 186 890 080

894 Baby Carriages, Toys, Games, And Sporting Goods 173 286 957 701 2 420 600 41 318 086

895 Office And Stationery Supplies 184 281 1 613 877 2 362 334 10 451 825

896 Works Of Art, Collectors Pieces And Antiques 1 422 12 544 7 449 120 795

897 Jewellery, Goldsmith, Silversmith Wares, And Other Articles 3 841 102 987 776 405 9 786 061

898 Musical Instrument And Parts/Accessories 994 933 9 392 398 9 219 982 83 334 353

899 Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 1 013 299 6 432 939 13 302 664 131 530 932

911 Postal Packages N.c.a.k 0 2 137 0 15 208

961 Coin Not Being Legal Tender 0 12 0 2 776

971 Gold, Non-Monetary 32 273 89 823 2 895 081 27 586 506

999 Gold Coin And Current Coin 16 18 168 1 713

Total Import 392 910 804 4 064 855 506 1 939 944 624 18 930 818 729

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Berat Bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)Kode Negara Asal Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini KumulatifCode Country of Origin Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date

JP 111 Japan 74 233 518 653 979 485 425 338 576 3 982 169 593HK 112 Hong Kong 14 955 134 241 704 814 163 260 401 1 331 059 099KP 113 Korea, Democratic People'S Republic 515 1 529 12 701 62 786KR 114 Korea, Republic Of 27 823 927 284 198 191 170 970 085 1 697 626 281TW 115 Taiwan 9 366 708 97 006 743 66 142 519 655 262 304CN 116 China 39 843 175 367 486 315 176 200 180 1 557 832 851MO 118 Macau 169 765 1 808 352 859 141 12 229 613PG 120 Papua New Guinea 0 134 608 0 648 073TH 121 Thailand 23 159 340 207 159 872 58 341 023 733 204 297

SG 122 Singapore 95 562 070 1 119 282 334 535 525 933 5 398 962 755

PH 123 Philippines 504 247 13 122 459 19 511 070 246 650 035

MY 124 Malaysia 33 842 994 335 028 043 76 708 028 749 904 322

MM 125 Myanmar (Form. Burma) 7 020 279 866 1 350 1 292 705

KH 126 Cambodia 20 309 180 575 91 163 568 421

BN 127 Brunei Darussalam 0 44 287 0 304 412

LA 128 Lao People'S Democratic Republic 0 2 0 2

BT 130 Bhutan 1 511 6 084 69 908 285 215

VN 131 Viet Nam 3 278 143 24 452 019 12 488 062 85 082 504

MV 132 Maldives 0 325 0 13 075

IN 133 India 3 102 475 46 755 397 11 549 747 132 470 871

PK 134 Pakistan 978 269 6 969 466 2 063 883 14 584 668

BD 135 Bangladesh 73 359 596 602 57 445 787 927

LK 136 Sri Lanka 52 696 525 840 335 090 3 952 956

IR 142 Iran (Islamic Republic Of) 106 335 619 744 93 169 820 298

SA 143 Saudi Arabia 1 475 704 3 705 322 2 389 757 7 841 869

IL 144 Israel 3 102 737 3 070 1 302 918

KW 145 Kuwait 75 837 1 298 301 136 125 2 014 943

JO 146 Jordan 112 440 880 529 99 190 1 296 377

LB 148 Lebanon 0 37 596 0 29 046

PN 149 Palestina 0 27 0 2 335

YE 151 Yemen 0 37 083 0 92 466

OM 152 Oman 0 2 418 0 12 238

TR 154 Turkey 121 023 2 665 747 1 430 343 13 668 150

AE 155 United Arab Emirates 1 030 212 6 338 277 4 422 692 53 726 404

QA 156 Qatar 52 686 357 593 109 049 653 328

BH 157 Bahrain 265 911 1 501 555 748 772 3 919 413

CY 158 Cyprus 84 168 84 168 60 480 60 480

EG 211 Egypt 214 872 861 574 214 354 711 901

LY 212 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 0 493 0 5 512

MA 213 Morocco 9 275 48 133 427 242 877 021

TN 214 Tunisia 0 147 360 0 191 612

SD 216 Sudan 0 3 878 0 202 644

LS 218 Lesotho 0 46 290 0 1 358 920

NA 219 Namibia 0 26 0 303

ET 221 Ethiopia 198 4 374 23 666 465 441

TZ 222 Tanzania, United Republic Of 164 274 759 276 249 791 1 187 045

SO 224 Somalia 0 8 623 0 83 513

KE 225 Kenya 0 285 249 0 557 485

RE 226 Reunion 30 30 385 385

TG 230 Togo 2 2 56 56

LR 232 Liberia 9 9 60 60

CG 235 Congo 1 079 8 094 6 582 13 597

CM 236 Cameroon 1 845 346 154 26 790 702 213

NG 237 Nigeria 0 1 141 0 12 049

SL 238 Sierra Leone 8 2 692 25 220 63 232

GA 239 Gabon 62 769 164 080 97 777 361 746

CI 240 Cote D'Ivoire 0 1 376 861 0 2 119 424

SN 241 Senegal 321 1 264 7 970 20 471

MR 242 Mauritania 0 268 315 0 449 326

BJ 244 Benin 97 005 97 005 156 993 156 993

VI 248 U.S. Virgin Islands 0 2 200 0 36 728

NE 253 Niger 0 49 0 6 429

SH 256 Saint Helena 0 32 376 0 94 914

SZ 260 Swaziland 125 321 351 626 794 688 1 849 305

ZA 261 South Africa 5 584 696 12 953 949 5 060 703 20 358 127

ZW 262 Zimbabwe 0 6 902 0 23 800

ZM 263 Zambia 0 393 402 0 3 156 934

MW 264 Malawi 0 420 0 2 862

MU 267 Mauritius 1 152 399 7 060 184 1 721 282 13 967 282

VG 298 Virgin Islands (British) 349 784 3 479 488 370 910 7 199 789

OF 299 Other Africa 0 21 0 20 000

AU 311 Australia 11 966 039 87 984 003 25 308 645 224 478 612

NZ 312 New Zealand 1 340 883 19 452 782 486 740 46 504 542

GU 319 Guam 76 669 33 592 35 475

NR 321 Nauru 0 579 0 2 659

NC 322 New Caledonia 0 11 690 0 150 965

MP 324 Northern Mariana Islands 0 6 569 0 25 160

IO 328 British Indian Ocean Territory 0 984 0 67 332

AS 331 American Samoa 0 13 867 0 294 893

FJ 333 Fiji 0 955 0 2 781

WS 336 Samoa 680 637 721 678 2 525 360 2 814 253

SB 337 Solomon Islands 0 11 0 47 100

TV 339 Tuvalu 0 20 173 0 76 794

CX 340 Christmas Islands 0 45 0 14 700

UM 341 United States Minor Outlying Island 7 544 7 607 26 569 27 049

CC 342 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 0 505 779 0 11 788 468

TK 343 Tokelau 0 95 0 2 519

US 411 United States 9 469 805 143 205 329 42 429 609 539 431 726

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CA 412 Canada 576 125 7 680 086 836 442 20 518 588

MX 421 Mexico 41 576 796 634 900 987 3 730 941

GT 422 Guatemala 0 16 113 0 14 470

HN 423 Honduras 0 512 0 6 404

NI 424 Nicaragua 9 9 100 100

PA 425 Panama 0 113 0 13 286

CU 426 Cuba 56 112 56 112 38 360 38 360

CB 427 Curacao 0 79 996 0 77 796

SR 428 Suriname 0 1 0 309

CL 431 Chile 112 10 406 881 3 971 7 839 792

VE 432 Venezuela 0 1 265 0 19 583

AR 433 Argentina 420 944 3 073 937 739 276 7 081 252

BR 434 Brazil 1 395 774 13 286 979 13 043 566 58 055 684

CO 435 Colombia 10 499 32 369 28 916 107 411

UY 437 Uruguay 0 675 796 0 1 947 585

PY 438 Paraguay 0 823 311 0 1 057 420

PE 442 Peru 1 740 59 963 92 146 277 150

GY 443 Guyana 0 20 327 0 20 820

JM 446 Jamaica 0 65 0 3 018

PR 447 Puerto Rico 0 23 698 0 1 336 923

DO 449 Dominican Republic 0 299 0 13 663

SV 450 El Salvador 517 644 517 644 553 705 553 705

CR 451 Costa Rica 126 028 131 165 125 944 198 462

AG 454 Antigua And Barbuda 0 1 665 0 2 136

DM 460 Dominica 0 2 800 0 21 983

FK 461 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 0 5 202 0 96 183

AN 467 Netherlands Antilles 4 62 034 35 153 551

LC 469 Saint Lucia 802 3 842 25 709 60 303

GB 511 United Kingdom 2 767 215 22 422 310 12 237 274 85 173 571

NL 512 Netherlands 897 511 12 626 661 4 445 075 78 403 422

FR 513 France 570 160 13 030 049 9 496 815 73 983 341

DE 514 Germany 5 557 076 64 006 227 28 601 485 337 572 157AT 515 Austria 538 947 16 282 553 18 697 626 174 260 994BE 516 Belgium 802 977 9 742 359 3 488 544 59 502 207CH 517 Switzerland 809 302 9 608 009 4 004 123 53 868 168

LU 518 Luxembourg 0 466 571 0 1 734 395

MC 520 Monaco 0 564 0 5 204DK 521 Denmark 13 711 597 478 717 158 7 088 023NO 522 Norway 77 563 2 028 024 1 380 278 49 445 244SE 523 Sweden 4 700 920 41 892 833 6 277 035 62 226 601FI 524 Finland 1 344 451 6 995 950 1 763 234 39 180 279IE 525 Ireland 21 274 238 830 78 135 1 755 154IT 526 Italy 2 385 381 10 900 512 10 884 547 76 312 339ES 527 Spain 130 772 2 330 986 381 220 14 023 332

PT 528 Portugal 674 27 754 13 348 559 170IS 529 Iceland 114 8 566 579 12 009 875 389GR 531 Greece 312 789 3 149 267 559 467 8 469 330VA 532 Vatican City State (Holy See) 0 5 449 0 58 540LI 534 Liechtenstein 7 1 027 199 55 593

HU 542 Hungary 6 471 253 778 232 775 1 983 309PL 543 Poland 141 039 644 922 317 926 1 775 782

RO 544 Romania 26 046 232 250 134 984 885 374BG 545 Bulgaria 65 261 307 716 382 467 1 577 103AL 548 Albania 91 406 980 8 177KG 553 Kyrgyzstan 94 2 206 184 181 188 928MD 554 Moldova, Republic Of 24 87 653 95 400 996 724TJ 555 Tajikistan 0 530 0 3 200UA 557 Ukraine 5 774 166 90 858 435 7 845 330 97 910 209LT 559 Lithuania 0 13 326 0 71 210LV 560 Latvia 532 1 478 40 357 118 935

EE 561 Estonia 0 281 0 22 909

GE 562 Georgia 141 8 258 4 826 36 794

HR 563 Croatia 0 117 544 0 553 636

MT 565 Malta 50 414 52 625 18 009 25 762SK 566 Slovakia 14 654 235 759 193 730 2 378 050

SI 567 Slovenia 0 41 122 0 230 553

CZ 568 Czech Republic 7 528 117 876 375 950 4 808 194

GS 569 South Georgia And The South Sa 0 4 464 0 6 045

RU 572 Russia Federation 1 217 765 10 197 407 1 677 044 17 021 327

Total Import 392 910 804 4 064 855 506 1 939 944 624 18 930 818 729

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Kode Provinsi / Pelabuhan Impor Berat Bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)Code Province / Port of importation Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to dateNangroe Aceh Darussalam 0 6 474 0 94 991

101 IDSBG Aceh - Sabang 0 322 0 4 804109 IDSUS Susoh 0 214 0 4 163110 IDSIN Sinabang 0 129 0 3 751111 IDTPK Tapaktuan 0 140 0 3 409116 IDAUN Blang Lancang (Arun) 0 5 669 0 78 864

Sumatera Utara 5 328 783 73 617 318 11 025 753 175 521 091143 IDTPR Tanjung Pura 0 23 720 0 1 474 563

144 IDBLW Belawan 5 327 860 73 538 411 10 993 622 173 033 943153 IDRPA Rantau Panjang 0 381 0 2 843166 IDMES Medan / Polonia (U) 923 51 533 32 131 1 003 644170 IDKTJ Kuala Tanjung 0 3 273 0 6 098

Riau 15 033 918 247 312 346 19 711 829 423 503 368225 IDDUM Dumai 14 614 28 247 379 31 327 51 883 005228 IDBLS Bengkalis 0 24 038 0 18 968229 IDTGK Tanjung Kedabu 0 2 582 0 124 514233 IDPEK Pekanbaru (Rumbai) 0 154 644 0 206 297235 IDSUQ Sungai Guntung 0 7 123 205 0 11 177 654242 IDTEM Tembilahan 0 242 880 0 1 166 700243 IDKEN Kuala Enok 0 182 862 0 579 097244 IDRGA Rengat 0 770 612 0 422 483261 IDPKU Simpang Tiga (U) 0 1 411 0 70 315277 IDBUN Buatan 15 019 304 210 562 733 19 680 502 357 854 335

Jambi 3 553 621 6 924 307 2 945 296 6 183 137291 IDKTK Kuala Tungkal 3 553 621 6 924 307 2 945 296 6 183 137

Sumatera Selatan 307 000 332 670 313 124 433 317332 IDSUN Sungsang 0 25 670 0 120 193339 IDBLJ Belinju 307 000 307 000 313 124 313 124

Lampung 0 6 170 342 0 4 549 506395 IDPJG Panjang 0 6 170 342 0 4 549 506

Bangka Belitung 0 12 892 0 32 614328 IDTPD Tanjung Pandan 0 12 892 0 32 614

Kepulauan Riau 143 995 040 1 271 780 029 688 964 699 6 295 602 344248 IDTBK Tg Balai Karimun 0 5 0 228250 IDTAN Tanjung Uban 0 6 965 0 60 593251 IDTPN Tanjung Pinang 75 452 5 270 733 897 720 7 364 927252 IDTER Terempa 0 50 269 0 86 749258 IDBTU Batu Ampar 89 216 301 759 849 950 392 841 030 3 460 879 125262 IDTNJ Kijang (U) 0 45 290 0 953 162263 IDPAS Pasir Panjang 128 854 16 380 982 508 786 57 919 426265 IDSKP Sekupang 15 281 728 242 570 949 167 111 654 1 689 813 063267 IDKAB Kabil/Panau 39 211 366 246 725 900 99 655 842 770 960 875271 IDBTH Hang Nadim (U) 81 339 878 986 27 949 667 307 564 196

DKI Jakarta 202 688 970 2 156 159 693 1 135 437 912 11 132 162 739431 IDTPP Tanjung Priok 199 084 379 2 123 303 760 827 131 762 8 763 229 679433 IDJKT Jakarta / Pasar Ikan 0 2 457 0 9 115434 IDCGK Sukarno Hatta (U) 3 602 219 32 827 919 308 211 306 2 367 896 347436 IDHLP Hlm. Perdana Kusuma 2 372 25 557 94 844 1 027 598

Jawa Barat 700 36 009 21 309 15 822 748463 IDCBN Cirebon/Penggung 14 64 1 155 5 574466 IDBDO Husein Sastranegara 0 897 0 1 911 573467 IDBLG Balongan 0 286 0 6 131468 IDBND Bandung(Ptt/Gd Bage) 222 34 195 5 574 13 883 594470 IDCRB Cirebon (Ptt) 0 1 0 570480 IDCIN Cinta, Java 464 566 14 580 15 306

Jawa Tengah 9 502 436 97 716 948 36 883 545 361 393 359491 IDTEG Tegal 1 1 20 20494 IDTES Tanjung Emas 9 501 962 97 701 672 36 872 027 360 740 764496 IDSRG Achmad Yani (U) 285 8 266 9 853 205 839497 IDSMR Semarang (Ptt) 0 541 0 1 652498 IDSOC Jebres/Adi Sumarmo 188 6 388 1 645 443 662499 IDSMM Adi Sumarmo (U) 0 80 0 1 422

D I Yogyakarta 337 12 180 5 478 119 478531 IDJOG Adi Sucipto (U) 304 4 148 3 158 64 267532 IDJOK Yogyakarta (Ptt) 33 8 032 2 320 55 211

Jawa Timur 10 657 829 190 856 662 38 491 192 465 218 856563 IDTPE Tanjung Perak 10 449 421 166 902 404 35 439 162 387 168 060564 IDPAZ Pasuruan 108 383 20 723 576 289 249 29 870 529565 IDPRO Probolinggo 19 247 2 291 924 156 262 8 099 273587 IDSUB Surabaya /Juanda (U) 80 778 938 758 2 606 519 40 080 994

Banten 1 200 000 12 555 218 1 554 672 17 332 566461 IDMRK Merak 1 200 000 12 555 218 1 554 672 17 332 566

B a l i 42 336 341 202 2 033 460 27 444 282611 IDBUL Buleleng 154 1 354 31 334 40 984613 IDBOA Benoa/Loloan 0 45 303 0 1 067 051620 IDDPS Ngurah Rai (U) 42 182 294 545 2 002 126 26 336 247

Nusa Tenggara Barat 0 1 156 0 13 245655 IDBMU Bima 0 1 156 0 13 245

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Nusa Tenggara Timur 0 1 355 0 26 840693 IDTEN Tenau 0 1 355 0 26 840

Kalimantan Tengah 375 730 7 632 9 625750 IDPPS Pulang Pisau 375 730 7 632 9 625

Kalimantan Selatan 0 21 0 480771 IDBAN Banjarmasin 0 21 0 480

Kalimantan Timur 588 931 964 067 2 444 989 4 960 852803 IDBPP Balikpapan 588 931 810 813 2 444 989 4 515 776805 IDSRD Samarinda 0 101 290 0 148 987817 IDBTG Bontang 0 51 964 0 296 089

Sulawesi Tengah 7 912 7 912 73 155 73 155866 IDPRG Parigi 7 912 7 912 73 155 73 155

Sulawesi Selatan 99 99 5 122 5 122897 IDMLI Malili, Sulawesi 99 99 5 122 5 122

Irian Jaya Barat 0 138 0 1 443982 IDSOQ Sorong / Jefman (U) 0 138 0 1 443

Papua 2 517 45 738 25 457 313 571980 IDTIM Amamapare 2 517 45 738 25 457 313 571

Total Import 392 910 804 4 064 855 506 1 939 944 624 18 930 818 729

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H S Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date

I Live animals; animal product 44,932,902 522,539,464 99,075,170 1,261,649,270II Vegetable products 736,849,393 6,840,724,854 381,872,265 3,411,841,049III Fats, oils, waxes of animal/vegetable 4,490,591 69,077,808 9,067,567 116,219,791IV Foodstuffs,beverages,spirits and tobacco 519,756,810 4,062,913,849 342,057,253 2,732,396,270IX Wood and its articles,plaiting materials 73,903,131 570,383,764 33,371,069 275,327,917V Mineral products 3,897,432,724 35,389,326,369 2,731,211,190 27,255,951,055VI Prod. of chemical or allied industries 950,306,247 9,440,197,640 1,194,598,156 10,009,859,997VII Plastics, rubber and articles there of 191,721,689 1,879,399,198 483,993,422 4,241,136,313VIII Raw hides, skins, leather and articles 9,183,131 58,746,881 46,087,777 313,343,059X Pulp, paper and articles there of 319,206,640 3,086,456,595 206,749,660 1,986,305,514XI Textiles & textile articles 109,550,333 1,202,764,471 374,402,256 3,907,648,920XII Footwear, umbrellas, artificial flowers 4,989,502 54,274,550 15,710,054 148,922,042XIII Cement, plaster, glass, ceramic products 67,161,072 633,022,160 54,996,505 498,001,831XIV Pearls & precious/semiprecious stones 366,475 2,883,810 7,798,370 59,585,591XIX Arms and amunition; parts & accesesories 13,317 89,045 605,814 10,771,964XV Base metals and articles there of 839,703,291 10,249,140,796 1,245,294,746 11,892,302,929XVI Machinery,electric,electronic equipments 268,121,255 2,316,297,751 3,078,478,282 25,022,255,833XVII Vechiles, aircraft, and vessels 110,247,671 1,160,889,383 802,086,655 6,847,452,441XVIII Optical,photographic,musical instruments 6,574,265 64,143,637 126,900,599 1,087,506,120XX Miscellaneous manufactures articles. 17,878,094 175,777,430 61,574,735 561,357,606XXI Works of art,antiques special provisions 91,767 646,777 136,907 1,277,915

TOTAL IMPORT 8,172,480,300 77,779,696,232 11,296,068,452 101,641,113,427

H S Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date

01 Live animals 11,311,722 144,333,354 21,667,620 270,183,13002 Meat and edible meat offal 8,415,089 77,008,970 19,569,593 165,763,45403 Fish and crustaceans 10,558,977 85,887,644 9,184,598 78,041,93504 Dairy products, bird's eggs, natural honey 13,793,857 207,331,412 46,351,269 727,759,07305 Products of animal origin 853,257 7,978,084 2,302,090 19,901,67806 Live trees and other plants 24,223 448,661 38,595 580,71507 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 66,721,790 613,954,938 26,485,749 254,314,64808 Edible fruits and nuts 45,447,047 399,504,229 44,740,855 371,853,04109 Coffee, tea, mate, and spices 5,585,586 32,533,079 5,596,524 38,566,41210 Cereals 461,967,752 4,058,213,543 208,118,334 1,765,817,361

11 Products of the milling industry; malt, starches 73,420,213 706,240,018 35,961,607 340,069,75312 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; grains,seed, and fruits 82,789,431 1,022,108,480 56,238,393 606,199,69413 Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts 854,002 7,215,492 4,639,283 33,883,78914 Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products 39,349 506,414 52,925 555,63615 Animal or vegetable oils/fats and their cleavage products 4,490,591 69,077,808 9,067,567 116,219,79116 Preparations of meat/fish/crustaceans/mollucs or other aquatic 990,642 8,124,809 1,733,980 14,150,17617 Sugar and sugar confectionery 126,228,010 994,566,392 49,074,372 384,494,55118 Cocoa and cocoa preparations 3,070,939 45,832,182 4,951,127 103,889,08619 Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastrycooks' products 5,784,231 49,388,509 10,441,398 95,768,50320 Preparations of vegetables, fruits, nuts or other part of plants 4,862,159 42,198,209 5,841,616 48,247,390

21 Miscellaneous edible preparations 13,492,573 111,792,238 51,440,814 376,651,94822 Beverages, spirit, and vinegar 10,612,112 86,590,957 8,046,583 60,590,61823 Residues and waste from the food industries 351,532,907 2,659,642,940 193,189,887 1,367,356,81924 Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes 3,183,237 64,777,613 17,337,476 281,247,17925 Salts; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and 588,532,770 5,557,217,687 94,007,729 607,543,34526 Ores, slag, and ash 357,914,057 1,930,123,002 90,538,053 351,770,90327 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation 2,950,985,897 27,901,985,680 2,546,665,408 26,296,636,80728 Inorganic chemicals 198,734,287 2,168,503,203 113,968,254 1,093,599,38829 Organic chemicals 320,856,165 2,567,055,218 530,333,445 4,241,742,89130 Pharmaceutical products 1,720,259 15,810,052 30,925,389 259,472,011

31 Fertilizers 325,499,719 3,683,597,672 236,105,378 1,734,962,95332 Tanning or dyeing extracts 25,931,413 257,554,287 63,410,696 640,158,42933 Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet 5,499,422 55,735,553 45,719,815 435,953,94934 Soap, organic surfasce-active agents, washing, and lubricating 18,278,945 158,441,186 43,122,530 340,789,57435 Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes 15,026,871 132,365,139 22,247,869 225,933,71836 Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; certain combustible 1,919,555 9,637,957 5,686,104 48,284,90437 Photographic and cinematographic goods 1,010,890 11,084,076 5,071,251 64,504,12338 Miscellaneous chemical products 35,828,721 380,413,297 98,007,425 924,458,05739 Plastics and articles thereof 155,368,449 1,540,976,019 358,564,340 3,167,227,79840 Rubber and articles thereof 36,353,240 338,423,179 125,429,082 1,073,908,515



Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )



Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )



H S Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date



Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )

41 Raw hides, skins, and leather 7,194,444 43,302,271 38,209,976 252,931,33542 Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods and similar 1,975,024 15,371,290 7,630,593 59,232,88443 Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof 13,663 73,320 247,208 1,178,84044 Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal 73,825,228 569,567,984 33,163,141 273,174,03145 Cork and articles of cork 27,557 339,841 82,591 1,073,49146 Manufactured of straw or other plaiting materials; basketware and 50,346 475,939 125,337 1,080,39547 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; recovered 273,576,217 2,619,642,460 122,883,343 1,186,228,52048 Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp or of 45,055,508 462,191,172 77,068,757 750,150,99549 Printed books, newspapers, pictures, and other products of printing 574,915 4,622,963 6,797,560 49,925,99950 Silk 143,958 1,305,341 1,643,270 10,539,663

51 Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horse hair yarn, woven fabrics of 318,983 4,220,481 4,118,238 48,839,87352 Cotton 56,206,090 660,915,376 138,400,337 1,512,621,38153 Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarns and woven fabrics of 1,445,623 14,546,357 2,120,972 26,131,89354 Man-made filaments 11,480,244 108,022,742 52,958,858 556,788,37255 Man-made staple fibres 12,894,116 173,102,440 42,387,265 477,351,29756 Wadding, felt, and non-wovens 3,770,135 40,324,982 13,276,999 123,146,57757 Carpets and other textile floor coverings 1,336,593 10,209,180 2,193,272 16,387,93758 Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestrips; embro 1,886,008 17,317,072 16,656,102 166,564,27059 Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics 5,453,907 47,858,171 23,441,036 221,744,51160 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 7,244,470 78,216,851 49,905,038 551,298,196

61 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted 2,539,689 14,318,026 11,971,067 84,160,23062 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or 2,931,808 13,086,641 11,918,055 83,396,29263 Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile a 1,898,709 19,320,811 3,411,747 28,678,42864 Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 4,058,060 43,916,710 13,333,382 124,322,40365 Headgear and parts thereof 287,294 3,227,696 1,196,873 12,844,57466 Umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding crops and parts 491,092 5,712,853 731,472 6,774,21467 Prepared feathers and articles; artificial flowers; articles of human 153,056 1,417,291 448,327 4,980,85168 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar material 15,400,138 142,350,916 13,959,905 119,305,36469 Ceramic products 28,279,097 257,029,592 19,377,314 156,441,20070 Glass and glassware 23,481,837 233,641,652 21,659,286 222,255,267

71 Natural and cultured pearls, precious/semi precious stones, and 366,475 2,883,810 7,798,370 59,585,59172 Iron and steel 622,187,184 8,232,136,092 657,758,435 6,643,073,42873 Articles of iro and steel 118,599,094 1,173,203,661 283,165,766 2,438,875,67374 Cooper and articles thereof 12,067,141 141,572,743 85,378,550 839,378,35075 Nickel and articles thereof 766,862 2,529,499 3,153,605 26,803,42076 Aluminium and articles thereof 52,000,584 347,813,182 116,683,971 962,398,27178 Lead and articles thereof 6,223,481 70,337,705 13,507,202 167,895,90279 Zinc and articles thereof 9,043,123 100,064,694 17,622,747 234,251,73680 Tin and articles thereof 615,627 7,605,097 1,799,359 22,848,744

81 Other base metal; cermets; and articles thereof 170,985 2,595,606 3,050,003 31,792,19782 Tools, implements, cutlery, spoon and forks, of base metal and 4,843,248 46,956,892 29,771,360 234,915,20783 Miscellaneous articles of base metal 13,185,962 124,325,625 33,403,748 290,070,00184 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; 188,430,107 1,603,121,396 1,568,859,966 13,502,720,00485 Electrical machinery and equipments; sound 79,691,148 713,176,355 1,509,618,316 11,519,535,82986 Railway and tramway locomotive, mechanical traffic, and all kinds 523,817 6,967,166 4,428,925 66,324,90087 Vehicles other than railway/tramway, and parts and accessories 64,036,306 630,629,054 454,422,257 4,473,545,88088 Aircraft and its components 468,734 2,791,959 190,087,614 1,107,823,24489 Ships, boat, and floating structures 34,540,266 377,191,456 76,193,358 596,037,05390 Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, 4,849,436 45,809,588 115,023,926 956,998,427

91 Clocks and watches and parts thereof 332,061 3,944,380 1,738,985 23,640,93792 Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles 1,392,768 14,389,669 10,137,688 106,866,75693 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof 13,317 89,045 605,814 10,771,96494 Furnitures, bedding, mattress supports, cushions and stuffed 8,694,967 85,740,121 26,562,117 242,974,08195 Toys, games and sports requisiters; parts and accessories thereof 5,057,846 45,475,453 14,708,620 136,428,09996 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 4,125,281 44,561,856 20,303,998 181,955,42697 Works of arts, collectors' piece and antiques 91,767 644,640 136,907 1,262,70798 Vehicles in ckd and their components 10,678,548 143,309,748 76,954,501 603,721,36499 Postal packages, parcels, and returned goods 0 2,137 0 15,208

TOTAL IMPORT 8,172,480,300 77,779,696,232 11,296,068,452 101,641,113,427



H S Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to Current month Cum. Jan. to

2709001000 Crude Petroleum Oil 920,625,021 9,586,324,459 718,142,063 8,509,932,655

2710197100 High Speed Diesel Fuel 827,649,542 8,327,487,811 712,550,713 8,500,111,218

2710111200 Motor Spirit, Premium Unleaded 611,409,525 4,524,097,118 565,763,683 4,684,503,164

1001901900 Other Wheat, For Human Consumption 379,264,873 3,488,633,134 176,809,892 1,550,543,169

8708999900 Other Parts,acces For Other Vehicles Of Heading 87.02, 8704, 8705 12,610,652 146,670,759 86,828,119 1,124,807,380

2710197900 Other Fuel Oils 111,077,473 1,780,757,747 65,584,064 1,122,334,046

8517120000 Telephones For Cellular Networks/for Other Wireless Networks 1,302,088 7,388,196 226,665,549 1,111,139,212

2710117000 Naphtha, Reformate Or Preparations For Preparing Spirits 173,668,129 1,080,822,330 195,026,518 1,049,779,764

7207121000 Slabs Of Iron/non Alloy, Cont.< 0,25% Of Carbon, Other Than Square 101,880,926 1,330,982,338 108,676,741 1,039,927,563

3104200000 Potassium Chloride 146,815,862 1,578,489,090 138,835,206 913,791,343

5201000000 Cotton, Not Carded/combed. 46,261,207 552,194,577 79,501,888 904,875,981

2304000000 Oil-cake&other Solid Residues,in Pellet Form, From The Extract Of Soyabean Oil 247,071,961 1,816,611,662 128,359,472 847,859,043

8473309000 Parts & Access Ofother Machines Of Heading 84.71 1,945,059 17,444,527 106,321,143 842,018,237

8802401000 Aeroplanes Of An Unladen Weight > 15,000 Kg 367,633 2,231,401 162,412,610 836,486,542

8522909900 Other Parts And Accessories For Goods Of Subheading 85.19 Other Than 85.19.81 1,618,577 12,582,198 108,925,353 773,299,684

2902430000 P-xylene 80,283,078 558,734,802 108,289,421 741,007,568

8517709900 Other Parts In Subheading 85.17.70 929,222 8,560,034 93,097,503 730,975,445

2710191400 Aviation Turbine Fuel (jet Fuel) Having A Flash Point Of Less Than 23-c 52,811,018 555,407,620 55,560,061 590,878,987

7204490000 Other Ferrous Waste And Scrap : 83,813,571 1,052,155,118 52,212,536 548,283,520

8517625300 Other Transmission Apparatus For Radio- Telephony/radio-telegraphy 292,062 3,066,082 58,015,514 504,717,442

1201009000 Other Soya Beans, Whether Or Not Broken 58,113,062 818,650,571 41,300,262 496,653,999

8542900000 Parts Of Electronic Integrated Circuits 513,947 3,998,530 49,580,913 464,921,442

8542390000 Other Electronic Integrated Circuits 168,558 2,781,179 38,637,372 461,165,529

2901210000 Ethylene 36,397,394 323,335,147 51,432,027 433,919,657

8429520000 Mach With A 360,revolving Super Struct, Mech Shovels,excavators And Shove 11,611,493 94,910,705 53,174,563 419,525,835

7403110000 Refined Copper For Cathodes And Sections Of Cathodes 5,257,017 51,172,466 42,402,149 404,022,272

8431499000 Oth Parts Of Machinery Of Heading 84.26, 84.29/84.30 7,704,421 59,333,410 41,633,856 352,911,343

8704102200 Damper Designed For Off Highway, > 24 T Not Ckd 5,298,745 31,542,251 64,612,624 342,329,655

2905310000 Ethylene Glycol (ethanediol) 31,682,407 253,443,508 35,574,390 327,135,358

2710191600 Kerosene 0 317,906,413 0 320,310,363

7208390000 Flat-rolled Iron/nas, Hrc, Width >600 Mm, Thick< 3 Mm 16,633,550 405,146,254 17,586,651 317,709,281

8714190030 Spokes/nipples Of Motorcycles (incl. Mopeds) 5,321,211 49,130,709 33,321,989 314,971,125

7601200000 Aluminium Alloys 12,312,290 109,447,211 36,076,326 304,846,905

2601110000 Iron Ores And Concentrates, Other Than Roasted Iron Pyrites :non Agglomerated 354,136,999 1,677,764,796 86,490,606 290,564,275

4702000000 Chemical Wood Pulp, Dissolving Grades. 30,873,329 270,313,988 30,855,891 289,059,622

3902102000 Polypropylene In Granule Form 16,371,646 168,273,730 31,351,236 283,238,377

7204290000 Waste And Scrap Of Oth Alloy Steel 45,289,613 504,386,350 32,005,133 282,228,147

2901220000 Propene (propylene) 32,882,645 192,880,303 53,719,144 279,781,467

8471302000 Laptop Incl Notebooks 500,441 4,928,212 42,342,473 269,893,435

8529109900 Aerials&reflect.s Of All Kinds Not For Radio-telephony/radio-telegraphy 358,636 4,478,717 38,421,391 265,998,339



Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )



SITC Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to dateA. By Commodity 1 digit SITC

0 Bahan makanan dan binatang hidup 1,181,832,465 9,972,684,311 726,453,597 6,305,715,6121 Minuman dan tembakau 13,757,733 150,456,099 25,306,823 340,570,3882 Bahan mentah 1,523,307,353 13,422,623,182 661,113,373 5,713,699,2363 Bahan bakar, bahan penyemir,dsb 2,945,159,968 27,845,971,819 2,543,408,100 26,272,168,7904 Minyak/lemak nabati dan hewan 4,128,278 62,685,290 8,147,128 104,872,3635 Bahan kimia 1,080,555,576 10,715,521,699 1,484,963,311 12,636,901,0186 Hasil industri menurut bahan 985,702,360 11,588,669,526 1,639,819,331 15,628,387,4917 Mesin dan alat pengangkutan 378,882,316 3,481,290,062 3,864,731,601 31,787,235,2488 Hasil industri lainnya 59,120,799 539,696,321 338,685,240 2,822,238,9779 Barang dan transaksi khusus lainnya 33,452 97,923 3,439,948 29,324,304

TOTAL IMPORT 8,172,480,300 77,779,696,232 11,296,068,452 101,641,113,427

B. By Commodity 2 digit SITC00 Live animal for food 11,311,722 144,333,354 21,667,620 270,183,13001 Meat and meat preparations 8,664,017 78,275,683 20,085,096 169,069,94402 Dairy product and eggs 13,934,081 207,934,563 46,836,951 729,839,89603 Fish, crustaceans,molluscs and their preparations 11,300,691 92,736,640 10,403,075 88,833,73004 Cereals and cereal preparations 516,584,120 4,521,301,844 239,008,716 2,036,112,05605 Fruits and vegetables 117,434,868 1,059,568,253 77,751,278 680,342,01006 Sugar, sugar preparations, and honey 126,349,794 995,770,615 49,409,208 387,251,10607 Coffee, tea, cocoa, and spices 9,412,739 84,076,583 19,656,420 195,218,51408 Feeding stuff for animals 351,546,871 2,659,838,929 193,204,804 1,367,455,58909 Miscellaneous food preparations 15,293,562 128,847,847 48,430,429 381,409,63711 Beverages 10,574,496 85,678,486 7,969,347 59,323,20912 Tobacco and tobacco manufactured 3,183,237 64,777,613 17,337,476 281,247,17921 Hides, skins and furskins 2,105,364 12,689,290 1,598,087 10,563,51822 Oil seeds, nuts, and kernels 82,085,553 1,014,766,057 54,111,675 585,649,76223 Crude rubber 18,878,193 188,548,617 49,832,902 425,087,96824 Wood, lumber, and cork 35,650,039 214,298,356 15,487,954 116,578,29425 Pulp and waste paper 273,576,217 2,619,642,460 122,883,343 1,186,228,52026 Textile fibres and their waste 57,679,185 711,365,408 109,705,036 1,260,508,57827 Crude fertilizers and crude minerals 528,214,605 4,740,127,886 94,096,558 594,938,02128 Metalliferous ores and metal scraps 522,667,564 3,898,003,513 204,270,702 1,459,305,14229 Crude animals and vegetable materials, nes 2,450,633 23,181,595 9,127,116 74,839,43332 Coal, coke, and briquettes 2,580,771 124,107,905 1,052,735 33,683,80333 Petroleum and petroleum products 2,837,603,331 27,567,043,708 2,441,834,223 26,081,782,23834 Gas; natural and manufactured 104,975,866 154,820,206 100,521,142 156,702,74941 Animal oils and fats 223,643 2,241,565 1,300,904 12,868,36442 Fixed vegetable oils/fats 1,832,496 36,291,902 3,156,407 52,301,37443 Animal vegetable oils/fats 2,072,139 24,151,823 3,689,817 39,702,62551 Organic chemicals 321,844,171 2,582,686,801 513,882,664 4,119,113,83352 Inorganic chemicals 174,382,132 1,842,941,277 102,112,539 948,551,69253 Dyeing,tanning, and colouring materials 26,421,583 263,713,068 63,695,450 651,012,99554 Medical and pharmaceutical products 2,639,047 24,773,520 51,910,729 434,122,10855 Essential oils and perfumery materials 12,036,496 127,593,246 61,351,712 588,244,48756 Manufactured fertilizers 324,344,713 3,667,527,973 235,523,002 1,729,917,89857 Plastics in primary forms 123,689,797 1,233,590,742 257,994,422 2,354,916,25658 Plastics in non-primary forms 16,556,337 165,409,146 46,252,893 409,310,63559 Chemical materials and its products, nes 78,641,300 807,285,926 152,239,900 1,401,711,11461 Leather, leather med, nes 5,130,534 31,008,043 36,804,130 244,782,45062 Rubber manufactured, nes 17,232,825 148,349,165 74,292,081 641,273,49763 Wood and cork manufactured 38,202,746 355,609,469 17,757,778 157,669,22864 Paper, paperboard, and manufactured thereof 44,542,936 455,806,625 71,593,247 676,200,72465 Textile yarns, fabrics, and their products 47,409,246 472,192,483 241,909,042 2,492,738,88866 Non metalic minerals manufactured 137,063,423 1,554,722,848 59,659,799 545,554,48867 Iron and steel 552,595,138 7,248,720,009 712,194,205 6,931,976,62568 Non ferrous metals 72,777,846 598,618,220 214,744,142 2,058,291,76569 Manufactured of metal, nes 70,747,666 723,642,664 210,864,907 1,879,899,82671 Power generating machine and equipments 46,429,338 355,754,787 327,330,619 2,697,628,65872 Machinery specialized for particular industry 64,571,437 566,128,257 461,607,435 4,209,554,57773 Metalworking machinery 9,429,394 87,179,665 61,812,944 645,465,56974 General industrial machinery and equipments 68,909,300 596,912,532 502,247,305 4,446,793,18475 Office machinery and automatic data processing 9,236,341 83,775,344 283,113,937 2,208,434,55976 Telecommunication and reproducers apparatus 17,773,865 163,930,230 775,107,710 5,434,580,30977 Electrical machinery and apparatus 53,711,355 475,673,446 662,151,613 5,350,014,85978 Road vehicles 73,317,278 766,019,302 522,186,563 5,033,038,86279 Other transportation equipments 35,504,008 385,916,499 269,173,475 1,761,724,67181 Sanitary, plumbing, and fittings 4,435,973 40,380,034 12,624,453 129,342,59482 Furniture 6,406,404 62,651,461 17,181,133 147,701,04183 Traveling goods 1,820,393 13,969,973 6,906,527 52,154,66984 Clothing 6,698,566 39,812,148 29,431,895 218,721,28185 Footwear 4,058,060 43,916,710 13,333,382 124,322,40387 Professional, scientific, and contractor instruments 3,995,748 39,083,757 81,512,627 624,521,73888 Photographic apparatus, equipments and optics 2,139,265 21,876,492 27,542,740 298,244,95489 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 29,566,390 278,005,746 150,152,483 1,227,230,29791 Postal packages 0 2,137 0 15,20896 Coin; not being legal tender 1,120 5,601 2,696 15,44697 Gold; non monetary 32,332 90,185 3,437,252 29,293,650

TOTAL IMPORT 8,172,480,300 77,779,696,232 11,296,068,452 101,641,113,427


Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F. (US $)



SITC Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum.Jan.to date Current month Cum.Jan.to dateC. By Commodity 3 digit SITC

001 Live Animals Other Than Fish 11,311,722 144,333,354 21,667,620 270,183,130

011 Meat Of Bovine Animals Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 3,863,466 36,276,105 11,544,240 99,466,630

012 Other Meat, Other Edible Meat Offal, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 4,551,018 39,542,856 8,021,126 64,138,874

016 Meat And Edible Meat Offal, Salted, Dried, Edible Flour Of Meat 605 1,190,012 4,227 2,158,007

017 Meat And Edible Meat Offal, Prepared Or Preserved 248,928 1,266,710 515,503 3,306,433

022 Milk,cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 12,518,997 190,229,281 40,019,122 644,490,498

023 Butter And Other Fats From Milk 185,506 7,958,943 790,579 35,369,181

024 Cheese And Curds 1,081,960 8,536,122 5,415,169 44,723,995

025 Eggs, Birds, And Egg Yolks; Fresh, Dried Or Otherwise Preserved 147,618 1,210,217 612,081 5,256,222

034 Fish, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 7,804,073 65,044,762 5,625,010 54,412,874

035 Fish, Dried Salted Or In Brine; Smoked Fish 1,254,891 10,182,643 753,332 7,124,479

036 Crustaceans, Molluscs, And Aquatic Invertebrates 1,500,013 10,660,236 2,806,256 16,504,525

037 Fish, Crustaceans, Molluscs, And Other Aquatic Invertebrates; Prepared 741,714 6,848,999 1,218,477 10,791,852

041 Wheat And Meslin, Unmilled 379,264,873 3,580,232,185 176,809,892 1,586,924,072

042 Rice 14,565,227 245,289,265 7,564,076 102,233,331

043 Barley, Unmilled 0 31,676 0 16,722

044 Maize, Unmilled 64,862,283 218,598,615 22,633,063 71,711,585

045 Cereals, Unmilled 3,275,369 14,061,802 1,111,303 4,931,651

046 Meal And Flour Of Wheat And Flour Of Meslin 46,635,224 389,596,867 23,547,620 201,476,649

047 Other Cereal Meals And Flours 841,926 7,217,569 420,420 3,342,903

048 Cereal Preparations And Preparations Of Flours/starchs Of Fruit 7,139,218 66,273,865 6,922,342 65,475,143

054 Vegetables, Fresh, Chilled, Frozen Or Simply Preserved 66,238,574 607,151,925 25,682,841 242,268,285

056 Vegetables, Roots And Tubers, Prepared Or Preserved Nes 3,299,263 35,268,744 4,194,422 42,937,406

057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 45,398,200 398,923,631 44,631,576 370,719,345

058 Fruits, Preserved And Preparations 1,579,627 11,095,296 1,714,702 13,170,999

059 Fruit And Vegetable Juices 919,204 7,128,657 1,527,737 11,245,975

061 Sugar, Molasses, And Honey 125,383,291 986,368,899 47,596,228 371,073,122

062 Sugar Confectionery 966,503 9,401,716 1,812,980 16,177,984

071 Coffee And Coffee Substitutes 1,164,833 10,675,169 9,943,321 63,718,229

072 Cocoa 1,609,680 32,107,412 1,950,621 71,046,478

073 Chocolate And Other Food Preparations Containing Cocoa 1,461,259 13,724,770 3,000,506 32,842,608

074 Tea And Mate 701,162 6,257,470 1,924,147 12,765,193

075 Spices 4,475,805 21,311,762 2,837,825 14,846,006

081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 351,546,871 2,659,838,929 193,204,804 1,367,455,589

091 Margarine And Shortening 362,117 3,364,091 919,587 9,117,426

098 Edible Products And Preparations 14,931,445 125,483,756 47,510,842 372,292,211

111 Non-alcoholic Beverages, Nes 10,551,032 85,333,941 7,828,729 57,493,962

112 Alcoholic Beverages 23,464 344,545 140,618 1,829,247

121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 2,461,704 57,149,811 12,097,834 227,147,270

122 Tobacco, Manufactured 721,533 7,627,802 5,239,642 54,099,909

211 Hides And Skins, Raw 2,104,780 12,688,205 1,591,945 10,548,427

212 Furskins, Raw 584 1,085 6,142 15,091

222 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Ofsoft Fixed Vegetable Oils 81,408,709 1,004,597,204 52,665,967 572,096,650

223 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Of Other Fixed Vegetable Oils 676,844 10,168,853 1,445,708 13,553,112

231 Natural Rubber Latex;natural Rubber And Similar Natural Gums 1,294,634 10,322,452 2,556,968 19,851,449

232 Synthetic Rubber Latex, Synthetic/reclaimed Rubber 17,583,559 178,226,165 47,275,934 405,236,519

244 Cork,natural,raw And Waste 1,279 65,831 2,097 164,192

245 Fuel Wood And Wood Charcoal 5,267,526 11,726,519 448,966 1,472,082

246 Wood In Chips Or Particles And Waste 7,679,058 9,746,938 815,107 1,292,058

247 Wood In The Rough Or Roughly Squared 4,313,029 46,209,224 1,618,120 17,623,758

248 Wood,simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 18,389,147 146,549,844 12,603,664 96,026,204

251 Pulp And Waste Paper 273,576,217 2,619,642,460 122,883,343 1,186,228,520

261 Silk 100,802 313,448 1,296,817 3,003,494

263 Cotton 46,992,552 560,221,901 81,984,377 922,910,718

264 Jute And Other Textile Bast Fibres 416,363 4,009,485 225,060 2,587,145

265 Vegetable Textile Fibres,raw Or Processed;waste Of These Fibres 91,819 1,397,744 193,711 3,221,951

266 Synthetic Fibres Suitable For Spinning 7,201,525 121,182,678 16,239,809 239,728,201

267 Other Man-made Fibres Suitable For Spinning And Waste 2,632,374 21,412,446 8,672,701 75,736,203

268 Wool And Other Animal Hair 85,911 1,712,661 1,033,036 12,812,329

269 Old Clothing And Other Old Textile Articles; Rags 157,839 1,115,045 59,525 508,537

272 Fertilizers, Crude 97,682,092 711,709,640 19,338,661 114,220,971

273 Stone, Sand And Gravel 128,256,718 1,468,470,802 7,495,434 67,531,686

274 Sulphur And Unroasted Iron Pyrites 45,039,622 238,460,859 32,526,896 142,856,571

277 Natural Abrasives 2,682,546 18,839,776 948,336 7,261,376

278 Other Crude Minerals 254,553,627 2,302,646,809 33,787,231 263,067,417

281 Iron Ore And Concentrates 354,254,565 1,892,262,673 86,648,172 321,857,420

282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/steel 136,827,261 1,613,236,542 88,336,355 859,837,645

283 Copper Ores And Concentrates 1,556 96,594 7,332 963,472

284 Nickel Ores And Concentrates 399,938 499,314 1,273,083 1,561,655

285 Aluminium Ores And Concentrates 24,357,155 326,674,546 11,862,343 145,495,969

286 Ores And Concentrates Of Uraniumand Thorium 0 31,288 0 25,704

287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 3,177,920 27,571,146 3,763,491 27,406,317

288 Non-ferrous Base Metal Waste And Scraps 3,649,094 37,630,854 12,370,985 102,110,498

289 Ores And Concentrates Of Precious Metals; Waste,scraps 75 556 8,941 46,462

291 Crude Animal Materials 853,257 7,978,084 2,302,090 19,901,678

292 Crude Vegetable Materials 1,597,376 15,203,511 6,825,026 54,937,755

321 Coals, Pulverized Or Not 1,534,946 79,078,442 567,823 15,249,331


Berat bersih/ Net weight (Kg) Nilai/ Value C.I.F (US$)



SITC Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum.Jan.to date Current month Cum.Jan.to dateC. By Commodity 3 digit SITC


Berat bersih/ Net weight (Kg) Nilai/ Value C.I.F (US$)

322 Briquettes, Lignite And Peat 405,111 2,230,272 155,940 781,264

325 Coke And Semi Coke Of Coal/lignite/peat 640,714 42,799,191 328,972 17,653,208

333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 920,658,485 9,597,242,264 718,167,800 8,519,329,163

334 Petroleum Products, Refined 1,856,417,343 17,584,832,708 1,684,602,149 17,340,468,740

335 Residual Petroleum Products, And Related Materials 60,527,503 384,968,736 39,064,274 221,984,335

342 Liquefied Propane And Butane 83,551,193 104,037,435 74,876,219 95,629,306

343 Natural Gas, Liquefied Or Not 1,804,206 1,806,858 1,657,950 1,705,853

344 Petroleum Gases And Other Gas 19,584,467 48,869,547 23,954,160 58,595,658

345 Coal Gas, Water Gas And Similar Gas 36,000 106,366 32,813 771,932

411 Animal Oils And Fats 223,643 2,241,565 1,300,904 12,868,364

421 Fixed Vegetable Fats And Oils Soft,crude,refined Or Fractioned 1,265,014 22,497,680 2,084,256 35,482,559

422 Fixed Vegetable Fats And Oils Solid,crude,refined Or Fractioned 567,482 13,794,222 1,072,151 16,818,815

431 Animal And Vegetable Oil; Fat Processed And Their Wax 2,072,139 24,151,823 3,689,817 39,702,625

511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 209,886,432 1,535,922,850 293,980,839 2,023,322,210

512 Alcohols,phenols,phenol-alcohols And Their Halogenated 49,693,866 442,252,130 61,562,106 603,600,518

513 Carboxylic Acids,and Their Anhydrides,halides,peroxides 26,107,186 272,680,976 44,901,181 415,158,838

514 Nitrogen-function Compounds 10,658,251 117,095,712 31,797,886 356,281,058

515 Organo-inorganic And Heterocyclic Compounds 13,480,968 109,349,732 56,947,138 492,890,947

516 Other Organic Chemicals 12,017,468 105,385,401 24,693,514 227,860,262

522 Inorganic Chemical Elements, Oxides And Halogen Salts 42,175,977 515,898,565 42,086,139 419,150,999

523 Metallicsalts And Peroxysalts 129,256,787 1,291,424,263 56,830,534 498,981,258

524 Other Inorganic Chemicals;chemical Compound Of Precious Metals 2,921,521 35,476,835 2,945,449 26,997,803

525 Radioactive And Associated Materials 27,847 141,614 250,417 3,421,632

531 Synthetic Organic; Colouring Matter 3,946,333 52,461,240 19,431,938 236,021,882

532 Dyeing/tanning Extracts And Synthetic Tanning Materials 978,362 9,123,920 1,283,160 12,730,294

533 Pigments, Paints, Varnishes, And Related Materials 21,496,888 202,127,908 42,980,352 402,260,819

541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 1,390,812 12,879,223 32,344,719 257,092,277

542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 1,248,235 11,894,297 19,566,010 177,029,831

551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 2,277,621 20,646,015 25,534,012 245,216,737

553 Perfumery, Cosmetics, And Toilet Preparations 3,221,801 35,089,538 20,185,803 190,737,212

554 Soap,cleansing And Polishing Preparations 6,537,074 71,857,693 15,631,897 152,290,538

562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 324,344,713 3,667,527,973 235,523,002 1,729,917,898

571 Polymers Of Ethylene In Primary Forms 32,288,112 351,281,035 56,884,687 572,544,372

572 Polimers Of Styrene In Primary Forms 11,708,816 114,816,049 25,292,657 219,062,621

573 Polimers Of Vinyl Chloride In Primary Forms 5,010,882 41,555,470 8,441,632 67,267,528

574 Poliacetals And Polycarbons In Primary Forms 16,190,055 169,480,865 37,656,548 362,058,309

575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 57,836,766 549,933,793 129,636,958 1,133,112,402

579 Waste And Scrap Of Plastics 655,166 6,523,530 81,940 871,024

581 Tubes, Pipes, And Hoses Of Plastics 1,811,952 16,977,466 4,652,579 49,462,944

582 Plates, Sheets, And Film Of Plastics 14,552,435 145,582,030 40,784,670 348,761,735

583 Monofilament And Rod Of Plastics 191,950 2,849,650 815,644 11,085,956

591 Disinfectants, Insecticides, And Fungicides Put In Forms 2,180,522 30,914,671 13,977,411 130,025,978

592 Starches, Inulin, And Wheat Glutenal Buminoidal Subtances; Glues 36,513,620 397,673,152 29,601,184 317,268,445

593 Explosive And Pyrotechnic Products 1,367,825 8,787,472 5,088,930 46,773,107

597 Additive For Mineral Oils 15,120,213 116,083,346 39,206,309 271,858,144

598 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 23,452,589 253,769,913 64,276,759 635,255,933

599 Residual products of chemical or allied industries, sewage sludge;other 6,531 57,372 89,307 529,507

611 Leathers 5,089,664 30,614,066 36,618,031 242,382,908

612 Manufactures And Composition Leathers 40,870 391,702 186,099 2,337,733

613 Furskins, Tanned Or Dressed 0 2,275 0 61,809

621 Materials Of Rubber 3,400,650 35,954,810 17,951,434 147,017,339

625 Rubber Tyre,tyre Cases,tyre Treads,inner Tubes, And Tyre Flaps 9,622,346 81,046,220 32,753,619 290,376,351

629 Articles Of Rubbers 4,209,829 31,348,135 23,587,028 203,879,807

633 Cork Manufactures 26,278 274,010 80,494 909,299

634 Veneers,plywood,improved/reconstituted Wood Worked 37,136,114 343,657,398 16,100,990 140,342,733

635 Wood Manufactures 1,040,354 11,678,061 1,576,294 16,417,196

641 Papers And Paperboards 36,920,559 378,413,427 49,340,416 460,409,525

642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/shape And Article Of Papers 7,622,377 77,393,198 22,252,831 215,791,199

651 Textile Yarns 10,668,330 115,956,587 32,346,637 372,725,176

652 Cotton Fabrics, Woven 7,266,878 75,352,770 51,869,179 531,697,374

653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-made Fibres 7,640,849 65,286,949 45,932,048 444,889,773

654 Textile Fabrics, Woven, Other Than Of Cotton Or Man-made Fibres 717,642 7,180,949 5,794,151 60,931,896

655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 7,244,470 78,216,851 49,905,038 551,298,196

656 Tulle,lace,enbroidery,ribbons,trimmings And Other Small Wares 1,735,840 16,052,640 13,658,572 142,513,786

657 Special Yarns,textile Fabrics 9,057,352 85,730,682 36,847,651 343,937,438

658 Made-up Articles, Wholly/chiefly Of Textile Materials 1,740,803 18,201,471 3,352,957 28,264,978

659 Floor Coverings 1,337,082 10,213,584 2,202,809 16,480,271

661 Lime,cement And Fabricated Construction Materials 76,003,746 964,307,838 7,350,722 70,748,885

662 Clay And Refactory Construction Materials 28,412,687 259,340,262 17,043,242 131,407,548

663 Mineral Manufactures 7,955,445 83,852,044 13,351,273 121,732,672

664 Glass 13,664,127 152,487,894 13,128,629 149,016,412

665 Glassware 8,808,219 72,951,638 7,432,164 60,028,645

666 Pottery 2,213,154 21,713,202 1,212,410 11,231,821

667 Pearl, Precious And Semi Precious Stones 6,045 69,970 141,359 1,388,505

671 Pig Iron,spiegeleisen,sponge Iron, And Ferro-alloys 19,232,399 515,371,139 25,545,059 371,138,640

672 Ingots And Other Iron/steel In Primary Forms 121,835,813 2,190,255,621 131,325,327 1,661,055,249

673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 184,103,222 2,103,718,093 190,992,829 1,776,284,964



SITC Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum.Jan.to date Current month Cum.Jan.to dateC. By Commodity 3 digit SITC


Berat bersih/ Net weight (Kg) Nilai/ Value C.I.F (US$)

674 Flat Rolled Products, Clad Or Plated 44,402,280 481,667,438 59,340,457 500,366,281

675 Flat Rolled Products And Alloy Steels 33,260,261 327,798,625 62,426,818 534,698,078

676 Iron/steel Bars, Rods, Angels, Shaped And Sections 66,868,401 816,831,421 80,122,027 761,763,187

677 Rail/railway And Tractor Construction Of Iron/steel Materials 798,998 6,628,015 875,340 8,737,899

678 Wire Of Iron/steel 16,291,569 195,366,388 20,554,667 191,403,498

679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/steel 65,802,195 611,083,269 141,011,681 1,126,528,829

681 Silver, Platinum, And Other Metal Of The Platinum Groups 13,326 204,825 2,065,699 10,696,087

682 Copper 9,602,845 127,471,170 73,599,391 772,630,399

683 Nickel 300,918 1,774,318 1,432,057 20,946,106

684 Alumunium 47,685,428 300,008,998 105,287,877 839,318,926

685 Lead 6,149,410 69,654,268 13,192,047 164,616,292

686 Zinc 8,814,910 96,871,261 16,942,283 225,795,615

687 Tin 87,003 1,312,522 927,849 15,440,275

689 Miscellaneous Non-ferrous Basemetals Employed In Metallurgy 124,006 1,320,858 1,296,939 8,848,065

691 Structuctures And Parts Of Iron/steel Or Aluminium 13,557,196 148,154,349 40,929,000 359,108,765

692 Metal Containers For Storage And Transportations 4,104,381 41,072,804 10,220,789 107,000,579

693 Wire Products And Fencing Grills 6,234,772 63,381,753 11,682,770 114,649,337

694 Nails, Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Rivets Of Iron/steel Or Copper 15,259,543 131,689,501 39,972,665 329,929,699

695 Tools For Used In The Hand Or In Machines 3,997,218 37,483,592 26,491,736 202,131,734

696 Cutlery 780,944 8,905,707 3,214,083 31,866,526

697 Household Equipment Of Base Metals 3,529,023 40,232,339 7,648,917 80,394,665

699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 23,284,589 252,722,619 70,704,947 654,818,521

711 Steam And Other Vapour Generating Boilers And Parts 16,709,756 72,341,488 53,964,744 310,870,698

712 Steam Or Other Generating Boilers And Parts 2,414,416 26,876,567 18,542,467 181,185,641

713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 15,118,922 148,017,955 126,256,587 1,191,205,186

714 Engines And Motors, Non-electric And Parts 875,132 6,855,675 57,444,719 267,480,652

716 Rotating Electric Plants And Parts 10,074,666 92,476,433 62,258,758 662,460,164

718 Other Power Generating Machines And Parts 1,236,446 9,186,669 8,863,344 84,426,317

721 Agricultural Machinery And Parts 1,238,210 11,529,674 7,106,348 89,033,186

722 Tractors 1,089,787 5,520,285 5,488,207 29,968,104

723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/parts 36,419,483 294,147,895 215,337,678 1,723,467,733

724 Textile/leather Machinery And Parts 7,670,023 63,322,767 48,934,143 463,494,913

725 Papermill/pulpmill Machinery And Paper Cutting Machines 3,275,058 42,866,613 52,855,228 620,155,559

726 Printing/book Binding Machinery And Parts 1,518,999 11,615,280 23,046,824 151,449,028

727 Food Processing Machines And Parts 1,321,807 28,190,199 7,882,485 172,620,320

728 Other Machines And Equipment Specialized For Particular Industry 12,038,070 108,935,544 100,956,522 959,365,734

731 Machine Tools By Removing Metal 2,336,792 23,343,139 23,159,296 235,271,083

733 Machine Tool For Working Metals 3,185,053 28,144,118 15,070,707 160,359,812

735 Parts Of Machine Tools 348,884 3,833,637 8,649,193 56,553,760

737 Metalworking Machinery And Parts 3,558,665 31,858,771 14,933,748 193,280,914

741 Heating And Cooling Equipments And Parts 12,017,713 119,197,511 80,453,550 750,946,182

742 Pumps For Liquid And Parts 8,052,493 63,835,421 60,819,565 486,113,290

743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 9,357,170 91,121,322 58,826,591 659,839,466

744 Mechanical Handling Equipments And Parts 16,551,899 115,150,872 74,370,877 594,646,301

745 Other Non-electical Machinery, Tools, And Mechanical Apparatus 2,525,748 24,314,576 38,076,978 331,773,234

746 Ball Or Roller Bearings 3,245,522 30,652,793 28,828,219 255,571,409

747 Taps, Cocks, And Valves For Pipes 4,906,425 41,631,335 49,879,766 386,986,002

748 Transmission Shafts And Cranks 9,875,301 85,547,580 79,110,919 688,991,034

749 Non-electric Parts And Accessories Of Machineries 2,377,029 25,461,122 31,880,840 291,926,266

751 Office Machines 3,056,343 26,292,300 44,662,795 328,400,940

752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 3,759,887 33,175,562 126,348,382 967,069,050

759 Parts And Accessories For Machine Of Heading 751 Or 752 2,420,111 24,307,482 112,102,760 912,964,569

761 Television Receivers 1,750,429 18,549,521 22,943,649 294,333,753

762 Radio Broadcast Receivers 400,970 3,196,739 3,622,962 27,949,501

763 Sound Recorders Or Reproducers 656,965 9,405,205 5,754,758 75,192,330

764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 14,965,501 132,778,765 742,786,341 5,037,104,725

771 Electric Power Machinery And Parts 3,919,606 37,917,171 36,792,582 303,864,545

772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuits 9,622,870 69,376,249 159,207,183 1,163,575,700

773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 10,707,934 74,888,175 72,543,231 577,854,662

774 Electrical Apparatus For Medical Purposes And Radiological Apparatus 191,514 1,813,002 9,373,406 72,050,440

775 Household Type, Electrical/non-electrical Equipments 9,167,713 75,885,572 38,197,914 299,167,228

776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/tubes 5,029,646 82,272,343 168,330,390 1,571,771,992

778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 15,072,072 133,520,934 177,706,907 1,361,730,292

781 Passengger Motor Cars 8,943,964 100,204,204 80,461,255 936,166,719

782 Motor Vehicle For The Transportation Of Goods 19,599,241 199,946,635 174,493,735 1,288,571,567

783 Road Motor Vehicles 332,003 9,397,192 3,363,309 35,868,709

784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 27,917,899 282,503,211 186,928,776 2,022,065,014

785 Motorcycles, Scooters, And Other Cycles Motorized/non Motorized 15,645,993 161,597,393 74,174,207 717,049,178

786 Trailers And Other Vehicles, Not Motorized 878,178 12,370,667 2,765,281 33,317,675

791 Railway Vehicles And Associated Equipments 503,142 5,947,596 4,364,308 60,577,880

792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 460,600 2,777,447 188,615,809 1,105,109,738

793 Ships, Boats, And Floating Structures 34,540,266 377,191,456 76,193,358 596,037,053

811 Prefabricated Buildings 319,896 7,911,872 1,071,383 33,777,989

812 Sanitary, Plumbing, Heating, And Lighting Fixtures/fittings 1,628,016 15,240,342 2,412,191 31,676,649

813 Lighting Fixtures And Fittings 2,488,061 17,227,820 9,140,879 63,887,956

821 Furnitures And Parts 6,406,404 62,651,461 17,181,133 147,701,041

831 Travel Goods 1,820,393 13,969,973 6,906,527 52,154,669



SITC Uraian golongan barangGroup description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum.Jan.to date Current month Cum.Jan.to dateC. By Commodity 3 digit SITC


Berat bersih/ Net weight (Kg) Nilai/ Value C.I.F (US$)

841 Men's Coats/jackets, Not Knitted 528,904 2,169,204 2,666,247 17,637,192

842 Women's Coats/jacket, Not Knitted 1,375,936 4,752,796 4,918,102 29,156,685

843 Men's Coats/jackets, Knitted 377,559 2,016,222 1,883,602 9,615,835

844 Women's Coats/jackets, Knitted 1,298,889 5,196,195 4,104,512 19,429,398

845 Articles Of Apparel 1,375,471 9,355,088 7,466,258 59,018,143

846 Clothing Accessories Of Textiles Fabrics 514,738 3,915,162 2,850,401 32,699,269

848 Articles Of Apparel And Clothing Accessories Of Other Than Textile Fab 1,227,069 12,407,481 5,542,773 51,164,759

851 Footwears 4,058,060 43,916,710 13,333,382 124,322,403

871 Optical Instrument And Apparatus 55,521 656,151 1,777,961 17,799,267

872 Medical Instruments And Appliances 1,045,990 12,830,306 12,789,139 106,420,539

873 Meters And Counters 704,986 6,874,350 9,183,422 90,304,842

874 Measuring, Checking, Analysing, And Controlling Instrument And 2,189,251 18,722,950 57,762,105 409,997,090

881 Photographic Apparatus And Equipments 315,574 3,222,622 8,187,412 103,853,395

882 Photographic And Chinematographic Supplies 1,006,479 11,039,073 4,825,182 61,541,014

883 Cinematograph Film, Exposed And Developed 4,411 45,003 246,069 2,963,109

884 Optical Goods 480,740 3,625,414 12,545,092 106,246,499

885 Watches And Clocks 332,061 3,944,380 1,738,985 23,640,937

891 Arms And Ammunitions 44,859 146,817 2,898,536 14,048,142

892 Printed Matter 1,087,487 11,007,510 12,273,070 123,876,270

893 Article Of Plastics 14,564,978 135,481,207 52,081,058 378,310,307

894 Baby Carriages, Toys, Games, And Sporting Goods 5,232,408 46,744,380 15,183,355 139,199,554

895 Office And Stationery Supplies 1,841,434 18,554,915 7,600,879 60,490,201

896 Works Of Art, Collectors Pieces And Antiques 91,767 644,640 136,907 1,262,707

897 Jewellery, Goldsmith, Silversmith Wares, And Other Articles 313,386 2,449,077 2,146,339 18,071,910

898 Musical Instrument And Parts/accessories 1,809,425 18,135,266 33,236,914 269,600,304

899 Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 4,580,646 44,841,934 24,595,425 222,370,902

911 Postal Packages N.c.a.k 0 2,137 0 15,208

961 Coin Not Being Legal Tender 1,120 5,601 2,696 15,446

971 Gold, Non-monetary 32,332 90,185 3,437,252 29,293,650

TOTAL IMPORT 8,172,480,300 77,779,696,232 11,296,068,452 101,641,113,427



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date

0102100000 Live bovine,pure-bred breeding animals 0 448,586 0 2,647,147

0102901000 Live oxen, other than pure-bredbreeding animals 11,062,058 143,140,215 20,797,766 265,885,289

0102902000 Live buffaloes, other than pure-bredbreeding animals 62,077 553,089 85,833 842,772

0102909000 Live bovine, Other than oxen & buffaloesother than pure-bred breeding animals 187,188 187,188 783,323 783,323

0105111000 Breeding fowls spec.gallus domesticus,live, weight <=185g 0 2 0 19

0105119000 Fowls spec.gallus domesticus,live,weight <=185g, other than breeding 0 156 0 428

0105992000 Ducks, live, weight >185gother than pure-bred breeding 0 3,546 0 22,275

0106200000 Live reptiles (including snakes andturtles) 399 399 698 698

0106390000 Other birds, live 0 158 0 962

0106900000 Other live animals, for humanconsumption 0 15 0 217

0201100000 Carcasses & half-carcasses of bovineanimals, fresh or chilled 0 32,564 0 93,134

0201200000 Oth cuts with bone in of bovine animals,fresh or chilled 16,823 31,145 58,895 80,347

0201300000 Meat of bovine animals, boneless,fresh or chilled 91,926 290,622 420,407 1,271,816

0202200000 Oth cuts with bone in of bovine animals,frozen 292,134 2,094,516 550,108 3,874,431

0202300000 Meat of bovine animals, boneless,frozen 3,462,583 33,827,258 10,514,830 94,146,902

0203120000 Hams, shoulders & cuts thereof of swinewith bone in, fresh or chilled 583 3,516 1,267 9,592

0203190000 Other meat of swine, fresh or chilled 549 7,412 1,202 21,061

0203290000 Other meat of swine, frozen 16,320 146,880 18,370 183,728

0204220000 Oth cuts with bone in of sheep,fresh or chilled 686 13,818 7,612 113,788

0204230000 Other meat of sheep, boneless, fresh orchilled 238 2,177 2,798 26,927

0204410000 Carcasses & half-carcasses of sheep,frozen 10,565 48,483 53,889 206,378

0204420000 Oth cuts with bone in of sheep, frozen 26,477 240,723 129,347 1,128,139

0204430000 Other meat of sheep, boneless, frozen 4,570 127,024 15,199 555,669

0204500000 Meat of goats, fresh, chilled or frozen 578 123,807 1,233 348,139

0206210000 Tongues of bovine animals, frozen 21,562 433,243 38,757 834,591

0206220000 Livers of bovine animals, frozen 628,684 3,522,596 989,863 5,241,025

0206290000 Other edible offal of bovine animals,frozen 3,048,866 31,332,870 5,427,587 49,723,397

0206300000 Edible offal of swine,fresh or chilled 0 43,033 0 77,069

0206800000 Edible offal of sheep, goats, horses,asses,mules or hinnies,fresh or chilled 0 418 0 1,644

0206900000 Edible offal of sheep, goats, horses,asses, mules or hinnies, frozen 19,027 112,381 28,921 185,643

0207120000 Meat & edible offal of the spec. gallusdomesticus, not cut in piece, frozen 225,845 1,389,250 396,374 2,475,308

0207149000 Oth cuts & offals of fowl of the speciesgallus domesticus, frozen 416,096 1,199,433 690,401 2,020,431

0207240000 Meat and edible offal of turkeys, notcut in pieces, fresh or chilled 0 6,813 0 12,326

0207250000 Meat and edible offal of turkeys, notcut in pieces, frozen 46,078 103,233 112,470 242,458

0207331000 Meat and edible offal of ducks,not cut in pieces, frozen 84,294 685,743 105,836 731,504

0210191000 Bacon of swine, salted, in brine, driedor smoked 0 294 0 436

0210991000 Freeze cried chicken dice 0 1,186,782 0 2,123,754

0210999000 Oth meat & edible, incl. frours & mealssalted, in brine, dried or smoked 605 2,936 4,227 33,817

0301102000 Ornamental marine fish, live 0 1,490 0 1,781

0301103000 Freshwater ornamental fish, live 0 198,986 0 152,437

0301920000 Eels (anguilla spp.), live 150 550 8,631 23,641

0301939000 Carp ,live for oth than breeding 0 2,384 0 600

0301940000 Bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus), live 0 41,234 0 93,371

0301994010 Tilapia fish, live 0 3,225 0 1,338

0301994090 Other freshwater fish, live 94,252 573,978 76,735 439,032

0302110000 Trout (salmo trutta & orcorhynchuses),excl.fillets, livers/roes, fresh/chilled 5,340 9,285 10,928 21,526

0302120000 Pacific/atlantic/danube salmon, excl.fillets, livers/roes, fresh or chilled 0 352 0 837

0302190000 Oth salmonidae fish,excl.fillet,liverand roes, fresh or chilled 49,650 1,637,379 21,488 510,289

0302360000 Southern bluefin tunas, excl. fillets,livers and roes, fresh or chilled 0 901 0 1,710

0302390000 Oth tunas, excl.fillets, livers & roes,fresh or chilled 0 27,324 0 17,016

0302500000 Cod, excluding fillets, livers & roes,fresh or chilled 0 817 0 1,050

0302610000 Sardines, excl. fillets, livers & roes,fresh or chilled 34,874 279,490 15,112 85,303

0302640000 Mackerel, excl. fillets livers & roes,fresh or chilled 168,000 1,117,090 109,200 710,223

0302691090 Other marine fish excl.fillets, liversand roes, fresh or chilled 19,138 855,768 8,252 272,603

0302692010 Tilapia, excl.fillets, livers and roes,fresh or chilled 70,700 789,387 25,895 228,548

0302692090 Other freshwater fish, excl.fillets,livers and roes, fresh or chilled 20,482 346,626 7,210 104,971

0302700000 Livers & roes of fish, fresh/chilled 1,294 4,825 1,491 5,201

0303110000 Sockeye salmon, excl.fillets, livers &roes, frozen 1,883 13,940 9,167 49,771

0303190000 Oth pacific salmon, excl.fillet, liverand roes, frozen 661 154,195 2,245 124,547

0303210000 Trout, excl.fillets, livers and roes,frozen 0 8,652 0 58,090

0303220000 Atlantic & danube salmon, excl.fillets,livers and roes, frozen 31,481 163,688 167,041 920,714

0303290000 Other salmonidae, excl.fillets, liversand roes, frozen 25,733 223,112 158,945 557,499

0303390000 Oth flat fish, excl.fillets, livers &roes, frozen 21,940 22,037 12,067 12,191

0303410000 Albacore/longfinned tunas,excl.fillet,livers and roes, frozen 0 25,051 0 63,797

0303420000 Yellow fin tunas, excl.fillet, liver &roes, frozen 21,840 2,356,612 13,943 4,473,019

0303430000 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito,excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 0 7,661,702 0 12,428,986

0303450000 Bluefin tunas, excl.fillets, livers androes, frozen 0 75,000 0 149,250

0303490000 Oth tunas, excl.fillets,livers & roes,frozen 262,659 623,688 149,716 456,114

0303520000 Cod (gadus morhua, ogac, macrocephalu),excl.fillets,livers and roes,frozen 0 5,492 0 24,951

0303610000 Swordfish (xiphias gladius),excl.fillets,livers and roes,frozen 13,861 261,059 31,510 402,189

0303710000 Sardines, excl.fillets, livers and roes,frozen 53,474 463,118 22,715 187,341

0303740000 Mackerel, excl.fillets, livers and roes,frozen 5,080,424 34,807,151 3,331,773 21,367,906

0303750000 Dogfish and other sharks, excl.fillets,livers and roes, frozen 12,005 114,725 36,005 669,450


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

0303760000 Eels, excl.fillets, livers & roes,frozen 0 2,265 0 4,900

0303791010 Kerapu(cromilepte altivelis,epinephelus,excl.fillets,livers and roes,frozen 0 43,469 0 52,830

0303791090 Other marine fish, excl.fillets, liversand roes, frozen 1,456,178 9,728,608 907,909 5,053,446

0303792010 Tilapia, excl.fillets, livers and roes,frozen 34,041 558,548 17,116 1,006,967

0303792090 Other freshwater fish, excl.fillets,livers and roes, frozen 164,500 450,709 106,925 245,079

0303802000 Roes of fish, frozen 0 838 0 5,833

0304190000 Other fish fillets,fresh or chilled 0 110,088 0 475,158

0304210000 Swordfish (xiphias gladius)frozen fillets 0 136,080 0 340,360

0304290000 Other fish fillets,frozen 112,888 977,059 277,053 2,383,742

0304990000 Other fish meat (whether or not minced)frozen 46,625 166,785 95,938 227,267

0305100000 Flours, meals and pellets of fish,fit for human consumption 0 1,461 0 2,976

0305201000 Livers & roes of freshwater fish, dried,salted or salted or in brine 0 61 0 768

0305209000 Others livers & roes of fish, dried,smoked, salted or in brine 1,841 344,117 3,585 231,679

0305300000 Fish fillets, dried,salted or in brine,but not smoked 0 14,321 0 7,103

0305410000 Pacific salmon, smoked, incl.fillets 0 158 0 2,458

0305490000 Other smoked fish, including fillets 0 44,869 0 102,822

0305591000 Sharks fins, dried, salted/unsaltedbut not smoked 6,121 103,328 41,851 789,939

0305592000 Marine fish, including anchovies, dried,salted/unsalted, but not smoked 1,162,180 7,365,991 660,499 4,460,746

0305599000 Other dried fish, salted/unsalted butnot smoked 3,344 776,878 2,625 717,638

0305630000 Anchovies(engraulis spp.), salted butnot dried or smoked and in brine 0 5,331 0 6,087

0305691000 Marine fish, incl sharks fin,salted butnot dried or smoked and in brine 0 3,296 0 2,016

0305699000 Other fish, salted but not dried orsmoked and in brine 81,405 1,522,832 44,772 800,247

0306110000 Rock lobsters and oth sea crawfish, ( Ja,Palinurus,Panulirus spp.) frozen 70,000 147,188 217,902 480,305

0306130000 Shrimps and prawns, frozen 318,547 1,332,075 717,385 3,841,909

0306140000 Crabs, frozen 199,709 997,404 969,850 4,243,213

0306190000 Other, incl flours, meals & pellets ofcrustac, fit for human consump,frozzen 293 70,111 2,312 309,607

0306211000 Rock lobsters and other sea crawfish,breeder, not frozen 0 3 0 5

0306213000 Rock lobsters and other sea crawfish,fresh or chilled 0 1,525 0 1,617

0306223000 Lobsters (homarus spp), fresh/chilled 0 5 0 126

0306231000 Shrimps and prawns, breeder 1,000 3,256 21,786 107,414

0306232000 Shrimps and prawns,other than breeder,live 0 2,100 0 40,046

0306233000 Shrimps and prawns, fresh or chilled 0 1,725 0 8,473

0306234900 Other shrimps and prawns, driedin oth than airtight containers 0 20,326 0 28,385

0306249900 Other crabs, not frozennot in airtight containers 0 2,303 0 7,386

0307101000 Oysters, live 0 2 0 56

0307102000 Oysters, fresh, chilled or frozen 5,892 25,774 35,029 75,710

0307103000 Oysters, dried, salted or in brine 0 1,049 0 4,215

0307212000 Scallops, fresh or chilled 1,905 9,933 2,196 10,659

0307291000 Scallops, frozen 10,483 267,871 32,640 729,407

0307292000 Scallops, dried, salted or in brine 0 2,611 0 4,420

0307312000 Mussels, fresh or chilled 397 43,385 1,046 28,402

0307391000 Mussels, frozen 3,636 21,985 9,391 69,555

0307412000 Cuttle fish and squid,fresh or chilled 27,575 54,608 14,307 55,386

0307491000 Cuttle fish and squid, frozen 791,819 7,043,124 624,074 4,886,808

0307492000 Cuttlefish&squid,dried,salted/in brine 0 57 0 59

0307512000 Octopus, fresh or chilled 0 2,574 0 2,979

0307591000 Octopus, frozen 65,412 581,547 154,483 1,533,240

0307592000 Octopus, dried, salted or in brine 0 282 0 884

0307602000 Snails, other than sea snails, fresh,chilled or frozen 0 3 0 57

0307912000 Other molluscs, fresh or chilled 3,052 24,554 3,518 23,551

0307991000 Other molluscs, frozen 293 787 337 3,533

0307999000 Oth aquatic invertebrates not crstceans,for human consumpt dried,salted/in brine 0 2,072 0 7,175

0401100000 Milk and cream, not concentrated, no addsugar, of a fat content, by weight < 1% 43,020 514,514 147,879 1,907,758

0401200000 Milk and cream, not concentrated, no addsugar, of a fat content, by weight 1- 6 1,282,537 10,513,149 1,608,443 12,920,123

0401300000 Milk and cream, not concentrated, no addsugar, of a fat content, by weight > 6% 68,966 672,685 136,680 2,252,279

0402103000 Milk&cream fat cont<=1.5%,in solid formadded sugar/oth sweet,in cont>= 20 kg 2,941,050 44,940,291 10,320,342 175,225,231

0402109000 Milk&cream fat cont<=1.5%,in solid formadded sugar/oth sweet,in cont< 20 kg 1,054,151 14,703,015 2,768,643 58,131,964

0402212000 Milk&cream fat cont> 1.5%,in solid formnot added sugar/oth sweet,in cont>=20 kg 413,871 21,315,350 1,972,504 100,525,510

0402219000 Milk&cream fat cont> 1.5%,in solid formnot added sugar/oth sweet,in cont<20 kg 186,243 4,822,402 1,185,825 25,143,168

0402292000 Milk&cream fat cont> 1.5%,in solid formadded sugar/oth sweet,in cont>= 20 kg 706,950 10,084,693 2,439,773 40,800,822

0402299000 Milk&cream fat cont> 1.5%,in solid formadded sugar/oth sweet,in cont< 20 kg 2,646,279 39,454,722 13,044,921 133,155,890

0402910000 Other milk & cream, not containingadded sugar/other sweetening 70,051 442,615 319,244 1,476,809

0402990000 Other milk&cream, containing addedsugar/other sweetening 237,008 2,115,040 300,477 2,486,689

0403101100 Yoghurt in liquid form, incl. condensedform,cont.fruits, nuts, cocoa or flavor 189 4,600 600 16,847

0403101900 Yoghurt in other form, containing fruits,nuts, cocoa or flavoring matter 9,454 403,660 27,931 537,630

0403109100 Yoghurt in condensed form, not contain fnut, cocoa, or flavoring matter 0 170,739 0 74,986

0403109900 Yoghurt in other form, not contain fruitnut, cocoa, or flavoring matter 1,633 88,699 4,420 51,856

0403901000 Buttermilk 4,630 4,641,557 24,917 19,911,996

0403909000 Curdled milk and cream, kephir & otherfermented milk and cream 38,477 592,405 56,116 1,480,971

0404101100 Whey, whether/not concentrated/containadd sugar/sweetening,for human consumpt 1,994,940 23,823,522 3,653,421 44,151,690

0404101900 Modified whey,whether/not concentr/contadd sugar/sweetening,for human consumpt 448,500 8,803,483 1,047,315 18,584,316

0404109900 Modified whey,whether/not concentr/contadd sugar/sweetening,for animal feeding 0 124,441 0 254,680

0404900000 Oth products consisting of natural milk 146,746 687,424 151,347 1,041,954



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

0405100000 Butter derived from milk 151,906 2,846,645 622,579 9,419,999

0405200000 Dairy spreads derived from milk 0 115,000 0 132,750

0405901000 Anhydrous butterfat derived from milk 0 3,024,277 0 16,501,859

0405902000 Butter oil derived from milk 0 16,900 0 75,600

0405903000 Ghee derived from milk 0 794 0 11,174

0405909000 Other fats and oils derived from milk 33,600 1,955,327 168,000 9,227,799

0406101000 Fresh cheese (unripened or uncured),including whey cheese 633,410 4,841,477 3,188,331 25,136,811

0406109000 Fresh curd (unripened or uncured) 0 91,564 0 488,275

0406201000 Grated/powdered cheese,in packages ofa gross weight exceeding 20 kg 14,316 76,765 107,226 477,047

0406209000 Grated/powdered cheese,in packages ofa gross weight <= 20 kg 24,980 206,378 104,609 1,044,864

0406300000 Processed cheese,not grated or powdered 346,858 2,695,996 1,905,222 14,980,299

0406400000 Blue veined cheese and oth cheesecont veins prod by penicillium roquefort 103 285 480 1,314

0406900000 Other cheese 62,293 623,657 109,301 2,595,385

0407009900 Other birds' eggs, in sheel ,preserved or cooked 0 71,031 0 42,210

0408110000 Egg yolks, dried 1,797 88,396 9,924 437,809

0408190000 Egg yolks, other than dried 31,200 109,208 74,395 266,324

0408910000 Birds' eggs, not in shell, dried 112,254 879,447 514,676 4,155,290

0408990000 Birds eggs, not in shell, oth than dried 0 35,730 0 190,088

0409000000 Natural honey 81,814 696,788 287,105 2,155,990

0410001000 Birds' nests 0 2,140 0 12,475

0410009000 Other edible products of animal origin,not elsewhere specified or included 4,631 34,601 48,623 272,542

0501000000 Human hair, unworked, whether or notwashed or scoured; waste of human hair 9,056 75,575 203,771 4,183,102

0502100000 Pigs', hogs' and boars' bristles andhair and waste thereof 48,925 614,924 378,419 4,532,954

0502900000 Badger hair and other brush making hairand waste thereof 11,425 108,916 99,925 788,084

0505101000 Duck feathers and down, of a kind usedfor stuffing 36,219 182,934 698,462 2,968,103

0505109000 Feathers and down other than duck, ofa kind used for stuffing 1,208 3,720 21,247 99,744

0505901000 Duck feathers and down, used other thanfor stuffing 13,544 55,465 59,538 269,879

0505909000 Other skins and parts of birds; powderand wsate of feather or part of feathers 577,382 5,403,522 512,294 4,482,711

0506100000 Ossein and bones treated with acid 0 10 0 148

0508001000 Coral&similar material,unworked/simplyprepared but not otherwise worked 300 1,285 5,850 26,085

0508002000 Shells of molluscs, crustaceans/echinoderms,unworked/simply prepared uncut 13,781 110,571 47,816 137,193

0508009000 Cuttle-bone,unworked/simply preparednot cut to shape,powder&waste thereof 22,240 247,442 13,119 103,882

0510009000 Ambergis,castoreum,civet; bile; glands& oth animal prod.used in pharmaceutical 0 124 0 14,353

0511100000 Bovine semen 0 2 0 136

0511913000 Artemia egg (brine shrimp egg) 9,894 115,150 170,076 1,597,002

0511919000 Oth.product of fish or crustaceans,moluscs or oth.aqua invertabrates 46,003 901,003 36,485 441,411

0511991100 Semen of swine, sheep or goats 0 28 0 6,580

0511999000 Other animal products not elsewherespecified or included 63,280 157,413 55,088 250,311

0601100000 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms,crowns & rhizomes, dormant 4,346 16,887 6,100 57,775

0601209000 Bulbs,tubers,tuberous roots, cormscrowns & rhizomes, in growh or in flower 9,162 83,098 11,512 128,626

0602109000 Unrooted cutting and slips of oth plants 0 58,912 0 66,144

0602902000 Orchid seedlings 5,808 29,836 10,500 67,715

0602909000 Other live plants; mushroom spawn 0 151,318 0 67,679

0603130000 Orchids, fresh flowers of a suitablefor bouquets/ornamental purpose 0 100 0 50

0603190000 Other fresh flowers of a kind suitablefor bouquets/ornamental purpose 0 923 0 5,530

0603900000 Flowers of a suitable for ornamental, dried, dyed, bleached / othwise prep 168 9,097 2,889 47,931

0604100000 Mosses and lichens 4,700 51,096 7,440 104,174

0604910000 Foliage, branches & oth parts of plants,fresh 0 108 0 80

0604990000 Foliage, branches & oth parts of plants,other than fresh 39 47,286 154 35,011

0701100000 Potatoes seed, fresh or chilled, 224,000 2,557,256 170,239 1,780,859

0701900000 Potatoes, other than seed, fresh or chilled 141,939 3,920,828 66,441 2,165,281

0702000000 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 9,269 123,437 23,972 189,483

0703101100 Onions bulbs for propagationfresh or chilled 633 61,041 1,526 18,091

0703101900 Onions,fresh/chilled,oth.than bulbsfor propagation 2,664,759 32,425,429 1,085,147 12,774,737

0703102100 Shallots bulbs for propagationfresh or chilled 0 185,000 0 69,768

0703102900 Shallots,fresh/chilled,oth than bulbsfor propagation 3,070,249 125,951,444 1,202,019 52,735,762

0703201000 Garlic bulbs for propagationfresh or chilled 0 140,000 0 18,620

0703209000 Garlic,fresh/chilled, oth than bulbsfor propagation 53,623,791 365,511,326 19,067,937 130,868,341

0703909000 Leeks & oth.alliaceous, fresh/chilledoth than bulbs for propagation 1,095 971,491 2,200 407,165

0704101000 Cauliflowers, fresh or chilled 15,893 178,357 25,952 212,177

0704102000 Headed broccoli, fresh or chilled 9,991 318,123 14,347 290,472

0704200000 Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled 411 7,896 990 19,853

0704901000 Cabbages, fresh or chilled 10,029 194,398 25,836 210,494

0704909000 Kohlrabi, kale and similar ediblebrassicas, fresh or chilled 37,514 219,391 45,018 263,099

0705110000 Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce), freshor chilled 10,079 113,822 20,648 149,653

0705190000 Other lettuce, fresh or chilled 5,635 50,842 5,857 58,767

0705210000 Witloof chicory, fresh or chilled 984 5,592 2,378 14,412

0705290000 Other chicory, fresh or chilled 2,414 9,155 2,683 9,691

0706101000 Carrots, fresh or chilled 1,607,764 13,827,025 849,017 7,152,408

0706102000 Turnips, fresh or chilled 0 3,446 0 2,504

0706900000 Salad beetroot,salsify,celeriac,radishand similar edible roots,fresh/chilled 936 47,381 1,141 37,568

0707000000 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh/chilled 1,972 20,990 3,969 33,475

0708100000 Peas (pisum sativum), fresh/chilled 284,524 3,841,707 87,761 1,275,959



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

0708200000 Beans (vigna spp., phaseolus spp.),fresh or chilled 186,134 5,352,110 72,316 2,161,211

0708900000 Other leguminous vegetables, fresh orchilled 761 263,029 928 111,554

0709200000 Asparagus, fresh or chilled 5,272 72,358 8,056 75,022

0709400000 Celery oth than celeriac,fresh/chilled 6,933 130,202 13,044 151,280

0709510000 Mushrooms of the genus agaricus, freshor chilled 27,153 198,539 30,172 191,735

0709590000 Other mushrooms, fresh or chilled 26,881 278,824 25,690 253,017

0709601000 Chillies, other than giant chillies,fresh or chilled 0 2,782 0 2,091

0709609000 Other fruits of the genus capsicum orof the genus pimenta, fresh or chilled 135,254 415,941 140,501 387,304

0709700000 Spinach, new zealand spinach & orachespinach, fresh or chilled 2,056 10,024 2,290 9,360

0709901000 Globe artichokes 1,499 6,700 5,768 19,898

0709909000 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled 140,622 1,163,067 122,227 947,641

0710100000 Potatoes, frozen 638,229 4,074,538 667,875 4,015,440

0710210000 Peas (pisum sativum), frozen 27,062 488,228 43,598 576,878

0710220000 Beans (vigna spp,phaseolus spp), frozen 2,362 2,362 10,422 10,422

0710290000 Other leguminous vegetable, frozen 97,110 753,866 87,991 778,667

0710300000 Spinach,new zealand spinach and orachespinach (garden spinach), frozen 1,770 35,315 1,601 46,825

0710400000 Sweet corn, frozen 62,729 565,870 60,451 517,002

0710800000 Other vegetables, frozen 23,473 107,994 52,174 174,274

0710900000 Mixtures of vegetables, frozen 72,257 638,683 92,450 684,694

0711209000 Olives, preserved in other preservation 0 9,600 0 4,685

0711409000 Cucumber and gherkins, preserved inother preservation 0 1,703 0 4,185

0711519000 Mushrooms of the genus agaricuspreserved in other preservation 0 2,652 0 7,811

0711599000 Other mushrooms and trufflespreserved in other preservation 0 17,882 0 5,422

0711901000 Sweet corn, provisionally preserved 42,882 82,744 63,738 132,246

0711902000 Chillies, provisionally preserved 9,100 275,443 6,640 188,852

0711903000 Capers, provisionally preserved 0 1,684 0 3,661

0711909000 Oth vegetables, mixtures of vegetablesprovisionally preserved 0 34,926 0 43,471

0712200000 Onios, dried, whole, cut, sliced,broken/in powder, but not further prep 90,208 2,841,887 248,202 6,023,102

0712310000 Mushrooms (genus agaricus), dried,whole,broken/in powder, but not further prep 926 30,263 2,230 65,926

0712320000 Wood ears (auricularia spp.),dried,whole,broken/in powder, but not further prep 25,490 137,589 28,314 167,872

0712330000 Jelly fungi (tremella spp.),dried,whole,cut, broken/in powder,but not furth prep 11,000 111,458 9,900 143,082

0712399000 Other mushrooms, dried, whole,cut,sliced,broken/in powder, but not further prep 87,575 929,151 126,552 1,691,191

0712901000 Garlic, whole, cut, sliced,broken/in powder, but not further prep 183,803 1,552,118 206,955 1,905,648

0712909000 Other vegetables/mixtures of vegetableswhole, cut, sliced, but not further prep 94,326 1,314,005 198,333 2,582,818

0713101000 Peas, dried, for sowing 0 29,729 0 28,440

0713109000 Peas, dried, other than for sowing 461,550 2,957,402 162,350 1,000,820

0713209000 Chickpeas(garbanzos), dried, other thanfor sowing 28,200 1,242,491 8,460 315,838

0713311000 Beans (vigna mungo hepper/vigna radiatawilczek), dried, for sowing 0 3 0 10

0713319000 Beans (vigna mungo hepper/vigna radiatawilczek), dried, other than for sowing 1,664,091 21,252,766 864,817 10,279,119

0713329000 Small red(adzuki) beans(phaseolus/vigna)dried, other than for sowing 45,499 404,840 13,266 130,651

0713339000 Kidney beans, including white pea beansdried, other than for sowing 308,645 4,431,271 104,782 1,469,122

0713391000 Other beans, dried, for sowing 0 254 0 417

0713399000 Other beans,dried,other than for sowing 137,604 2,534,348 58,615 1,390,267

0713409000 Lentils, dried, other than for sowing 9,999 10,470 12,576 14,871

0713509000 Broad beans & horse beans, dried,other than for sowing 153,560 7,128,138 110,838 4,288,815

0713909000 Other dried leguminous vegetables,other than for sowing 175,388 1,307,406 103,540 492,739

0714109000 Manioc (cassava), in other form 5,000 10,000 4,000 8,000

0714200000 Sweet potatoes 1,740 4,615 4,663 6,794

0714909000 Arrowroot, salep, jerusalem artichokes,& similar roots/tubers with high starch 3,766 52,291 4,346 45,819

0801110000 Coconuts, desiccated, fresh or dried 24,086 203,138 50,157 366,252

0801190000 Coconuts, other than desiccatedfresh or dried 273,587 738,528 138,123 378,219

0801220000 Brazil nuts, shelled, fresh or dried 0 20,000 0 29,200

0801310000 Cashew nuts, in shell, fresh or dried 0 733,316 0 470,022

0801320000 Cashew nuts, shelled, fresh or dried 15,876 222,624 86,625 895,928

0802110000 Almonds, in shell, fresh or dried 0 199 0 364

0802120000 Almonds, shelled, fresh or dried 14,795 323,520 67,608 1,621,956

0802220000 Hazelnut/filberts, shelled, fresh/dried 94 2,119 4,518 16,095

0802310000 Walnuts, in shell, fresh or dried 0 80 0 189

0802320000 Walnuts, shelled, fresh or dried 13,828 70,160 8,233 207,730

0802400000 Chestnuts (castanea spp.), fresh/dried,whether or not,shelled or peeled 3,659 41,235 2,843 28,950

0802500000 Pictachios, fresh or dried 848 150,267 307 221,511

0802600000 Macadamia nuts,fresh or dried,whether or not,shelled or peeled 0 240 0 1,563

0802901000 Areca nuts, fresh or dried 0 101,881 0 61,233

0802909000 Other nuts, fresh or dried 14,364 89,330 13,368 103,322

0803001000 Pisang mas, pisang rastali, pisangberangan & pisang embun, fresh/dried 0 3,139 0 2,988

0803009000 Other bananas, including plantains,fresh or dried. 1,750 49,304 1,328 56,753

0804100000 Dates, fresh or dried 2,613,309 10,619,789 2,166,132 10,978,535

0804200000 Figs, fresh or dried 104 1,681 1,238 5,108

0804300000 Pineapples, fresh or dried 11,323 171,354 9,371 127,410

0804400000 Avocados, fresh or dried 629 10,212 1,428 22,990

0804501000 Guavas 852 125,974 760 77,791

0804502000 Mangoes 64,981 957,847 37,735 596,176

0804503000 Mangoesteens 0 1,973 0 2,341



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

0805100010 Oranges, fresh 1,659,410 23,124,544 1,386,648 17,650,741

0805200000 Mandarin (incl. tangerines & satsumas),& similar citrus hybrids, fresh or dried 2,216,569 86,129,415 1,727,541 73,973,860

0805400000 Grapefruit, including pomelosfresh or dried 49,795 317,367 39,321 402,291

0805500000 Lemons and limes, fresh or dried 51,709 481,023 57,299 448,283

0805900000 Other citrus fruit, fresh or dried 12,914 116,794 9,073 93,590

0806100000 Grapes, fresh 6,115,802 20,759,378 11,411,558 38,779,926

0806200000 Grapes, dried 86,698 1,193,118 109,839 1,440,969

0807110000 Watermelons, fresh 30,558 362,732 23,994 195,784

0807190000 Other melons, fresh 4,996 83,391 12,925 208,433

0807209000 Other papaws (papayas), fresh 6,641 146,440 5,163 76,519

0808100000 Apples, fresh 15,448,139 116,146,678 12,440,694 92,697,343

0808200000 Pears and quinces, fresh 11,373,087 71,153,945 8,723,977 53,678,397

0809100000 Apricots, fresh 0 148 0 192

0809200000 Cherries, fresh 0 2,597 0 5,039

0809300000 Peaches, including nectarines, fresh 2,624 14,494 3,797 20,637

0809400000 Plums and sloes, fresh 25,307 126,527 42,075 177,246

0810100000 Strawberries, fresh 26,453 166,455 64,397 324,191

0810200000 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries,loganberries, fresh 13 470 85 5,483

0810400000 Cranberries, bilberries & other fruitsof the genus vaccinium, fresh 0 8,600 0 10,807

0810500000 Kiwi fruit, fresh 101,062 746,390 200,665 1,310,734

0810600000 Durians, fresh 1,452,977 23,298,540 1,816,450 29,097,543

0810901000 Longans, fresh 3,196,818 34,723,292 3,576,201 39,583,025

0810902000 Lychees, fresh 0 933,785 0 801,531

0810904010 Langsat, fresh 90 90 72 72

0810904020 Starfruit, fresh 0 248 0 190

0810906000 Tamarinds, fresh 10,993 180,710 9,464 140,901

0810908000 Black, white or red currants andgooseberries,fresh 0 1,763 0 3,673

0810909000 Other fruit, fresh 444,948 3,731,967 347,778 2,865,170

0811100000 Strawberries, uncooked or cooked bysteaming or boiling water, frozen 24,422 416,492 33,201 568,133

0811200000 Raspberries,blackberries,mulberries,loganberries,currant,gooseberries,frozen 866 20,674 5,524 107,993

0811900000 Other fruit and nuts,uncooked/cooked bysteaming or boiling water, frozen 23,559 111,968 70,554 354,544

0812100000 Cherries, provisionally preserved 0 8,932 0 29,049

0812900000 Oth fruit & nut,provisionally preserved 0 16,990 0 65,912

0813100000 Apricots, dried 1,876 16,187 3,554 33,581

0813200000 Prunes, dried 3,981 10,762 7,250 27,368

0813300000 Apples, dried 0 601 0 1,361

0813401000 Longans, dried 52 205,476 41 90,502

0813402000 Tamarinds, dried 0 14,925 0 14,373

0813409000 Other fruit, dried, 20,208 86,090 20,910 283,454

0813502000 Mixture of which dates/nuts other thancashew nuts/brazil nut predmnt by weight 395 555 1,031 3,180

0813509000 Other mixtures of nuts or dried fruits 0 224 0 330

0814000030 Peel of citrus fruit or melons,watermelons, dried 0 1,523 0 1,312

0814000090 Peel of citrus fruit or melons,watermelons, provisionally preserved 0 4,019 0 6,753

0901111000 Arabica wib or robusta oib, not roastednot decaffeinated 307,192 4,669,186 715,084 10,032,938

0901119000 Oth coffee,not roasted,not decaffeinated 1,796 262,295 10,623 629,483

0901121000 Arabica wib or robusta oib, not roasteddecaffeinated 0 4,295 0 16,393

0901211000 Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated,unground 14,236 152,149 75,128 1,097,521

0901212000 Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated,ground 23,433 189,966 60,066 541,955

0901221000 Coffee, roasted, decaffeinated,unground 89,332 598,065 298,622 1,836,792

0901222000 Coffee, roasted, decaffeinated, ground 6,909 13,438 20,984 41,056

0901902000 Coffee substitutes containing coffee 23,191 109,522 89,172 383,633

0902101000 Green tea (not fermented), in packing<= 3 kg, leaf 9,594 134,741 20,584 229,465

0902109000 Green tea (not fermented), in packing<= 3 kg, other than leaf 9,643 409,933 99,931 655,438

0902201000 Green tea (not fermented), in packing> 3 kg, leaf 0 482,986 0 654,065

0902209000 Green tea (not fermented), in packing> 3 kg, other than leaf 77,518 880,364 80,099 977,088

0902301000 Black tea (fermented),in packing <= 3 kgleaf 208 686 1,391 9,250

0902309000 Black tea (fermented),in packing <= 3 kgother than leaf 5,845 28,877 70,022 243,646

0902401000 Black tea (fermented), in packing > 3 kgleaf 47,725 260,132 27,155 204,929

0902409000 Black tea (fermented), in packing > 3 kgother than leaf 493,159 2,988,682 1,189,838 6,112,754

0903000000 Mate 0 36,000 0 54,000

0904111000 White pepper, neither crushed nor ground 311,515 869,224 124,781 408,873

0904112000 Black pepper, neither crushed nor ground 745 39,829 4,226 144,386

0904119000 Other pepper, neither crushed nor ground 261 166,118 309 137,202

0904121000 White pepper, crushed or ground 0 19,103 0 5,831

0904122000 Black pepper, crushed or ground 1,136 3,219 3,107 11,324

0904129000 Other pepper, crushed or ground 3,960 14,111 1,595 5,885

0904201000 Chillies, dried 1,421,303 10,564,387 1,200,202 8,294,914

0904202000 Chillies, crushed or ground 160,479 1,387,329 163,188 1,269,208

0904209000 Oth fruits of the genus capsicum/pimenta, dried or crushed or ground 789 497,475 8,003 549,708

0905000010 Vanilla whole 0 495 0 12,558

0905000090 Other vanilla 2,212 54,201 1,555 134,214

0906190000 Cinnamon-tree flowersneither crushed nor ground 2,209 10,887 4,080 14,300

0906200000 Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers,crushed or ground 90,610 181,115 323,376 643,556



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

0908100010 Nutmeg, in shell 0 27,166 0 47,430

0908100020 Nutmeg, shelled 0 16,190 0 18,257

0908200000 Mace 0 4,500 0 14,625

0908300000 Cardamoms 0 15,798 0 10,347

0909101000 Seeds of anise 31,508 268,045 72,332 168,348

0909200000 Seeds of coriander 2,108,644 5,220,903 743,237 1,754,593

0909300000 Seeds of cumin 217,060 896,393 106,893 561,314

0909400000 Seeds of caraway 0 76,414 0 37,541

0909500000 Seeds of fennel or juniper berries 32,748 409,100 21,939 151,058

0910100000 Ginger 43,845 138,060 18,427 103,004

0910200000 Saffron 0 3,305 0 16,359

0910300000 Turmeric (curcuma) 3,845 67,160 10,624 51,722

0910910000 Mixtures of spices 17 1,322 215 15,774

0910991000 Thyme; bay leaves 769 2,536 2,327 9,291

0910992000 Curry 1,801 8,288 2,154 13,883

0910999000 Other spices 40,349 349,089 25,255 240,501

1001100000 Durum wheat 0 1,124,100 0 266,820

1001901100 Meslin, for human consumption 0 11,467 0 25,500

1001901900 Other wheat, for human consumption 379,264,873 3,488,633,134 176,809,892 1,550,543,169

1001909900 Other wheat, not for human consumption 0 90,463,484 0 36,088,583

1002000000 Rye 0 75 0 1,135

1003000000 Barley 0 31,676 0 16,722

1004000000 Oats 56,365 382,115 21,459 213,017

1005100000 Maize (corn), seeds 258,152 1,411,956 612,959 4,055,342

1005901000 Popcorn 376,171 9,258,509 223,676 4,193,596

1005909000 Maize (corn), other than seeds 64,227,960 207,928,150 21,796,428 63,462,647

1006100000 Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) 300,000 2,580,832 615,000 6,033,544

1006209000 Other husked (brown) rice 0 10,000 0 41,806

1006301500 Thai hom mali rice 113,500 113,500 117,236 117,236

1006301900 Fragrant rice, broken > 25%semi-milled or wholly milled rice 67,212 7,472,084 96,490 2,436,459

1006302000 Parboiled rice, semi-milled orwholly milled rice 0 200,000 0 160,000

1006303000 Glutinous rice (pulot), semi-milled orwholly milled rice 13,894,750 113,175,982 6,476,701 52,443,269

1006309000 Other milled rice, whether/not polishedor glazed 189,765 40,136,266 258,649 13,966,252

1006400000 Broken rice 0 81,600,601 0 27,034,765

1007000000 Grain sorghum 2,212,720 2,930,872 730,362 948,949

1008100000 Buckwheat 0 3,424 0 5,621

1008200000 Millet 765,097 8,907,397 225,169 2,732,904

1008300000 Canary seed 241,187 1,762,011 134,313 960,492

1008900000 Other cereals 0 75,908 0 69,533

1101001000 Wheat flour 46,634,150 389,558,775 23,545,885 201,418,094

1101002000 Meslin flour 0 3,723 0 6,987

1102100000 Rye flour 0 7,140 0 18,127

1102200000 Maize (corn) flour 30,951 375,824 20,203 292,882

1102900090 Other cereal flours 752,575 6,592,990 367,309 2,851,626

1103112000 Groats and meals of durum or hard wheatsemolina 0 225 0 1,069

1103119000 Other groats and meals of wheat 1,074 34,144 1,735 50,499

1103130000 Groats and meals of maize (corn) 18,245 66,784 10,850 42,896

1103192000 Groats and meals of rice 0 1,700 0 3,729

1103199000 Groats and meals of other cereals 0 41,671 0 56,773

1103200000 Cereal pellets 40,155 131,460 22,058 76,870

1104120000 Rolled/flaked grains of oats 206,104 1,664,865 143,379 1,248,275

1104191000 Rolled/flaked grains of maize (corn) 0 17,460 0 14,507

1104199000 Rolled/flaked grains of other cereals 16,475 2,991,155 23,597 1,504,092

1104220000 Other worked grains of oats 0 1,368 0 3,329

1104230000 Other worked grains of maize (corn) 0 123 0 363

1104292000 Other worked grains of barley 0 25 0 50

1104299000 Other worked grains of other cereals 246,980 8,178,977 132,628 4,110,773

1104300000 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flakedor ground 14 5,431 30 13,947

1105100000 Flour, meal and powder of potatoes 73,199 753,242 96,952 1,115,569

1105200000 Flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes 140,995 2,501,696 198,407 3,400,233

1106100000 Flour, meal and powder of the driedleguminous vegetables of heading 07.13 144,000 501,502 494,424 1,675,295

1106201000 Flour, meal & powder of manioc (cassava) 140 250,140 49 123,422

1106202900 Flour and powder of sago 25,697 42,956 60,447 120,975

1106209000 Flour, meal & powder of roots or tubersof heading 07.14 0 37,600 0 126,542

1106300000 Flour,meal and powder of the driedleguminous vegetables of prod.chapter 8 52,092 178,757 77,000 244,406

1107100000 Malt, not roasted 3,265,496 23,801,376 1,866,068 13,376,630

1107200000 Malt, roasted 0 75,075 0 69,455

1108110000 Wheat starch 179,000 1,169,629 97,568 533,117

1108120000 Maize (corn) starch 6,302,733 114,540,093 2,748,977 42,310,023

1108130000 Potato starch 339,500 7,651,831 276,698 6,851,932

1108140000 Manioc (cassava) starch 14,534,341 136,104,113 5,086,925 50,782,194

1108191000 Sago starch 0 786 0 450

1108199000 Other starches 297 32,033 3,133 111,591



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

1108200000 Inulin 177,000 1,141,651 518,005 3,417,936

1109000000 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried 239,000 7,783,698 169,280 4,095,095

1201001000 Soya beans, whether or not broken,suitable for sowing 0 79 0 983

1201009000 Other soya beans, whether or not broken 58,113,062 818,650,571 41,300,262 496,653,999

1202109000 Oth ground nuts, not roasted/otherwisecooked, in shell 8,878,245 56,826,414 3,542,248 19,759,638

1202200000 Ground nuts, shelled 13,509,911 119,424,485 7,287,714 50,928,248

1203000000 Copra 14,000 96,000 7,000 48,000

1204000000 Linseed, whether or not broken. 52,164 78,451 61,293 83,906

1205900000 Other rape or colza seedswhether or not broken 15,405 56,634 5,845 24,311

1206000000 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken 560,665 6,699,442 346,050 3,266,653

1207200000 Cotton seeds, whether or not broken 0 36,622 0 36,720

1207400000 Sesamum seeds, whether or not broken 331,421 2,901,959 183,848 1,424,128

1207500000 Mustard seeds, whether or not broken 0 998 0 1,970

1207910000 Poppy seeds, whether or not broken 0 14 0 147

1207992000 Palm nuts and kernelswhether or not broken 5,417 30,354 862,001 3,334,671

1207993000 Safflower seedswhether or not broken 0 5,712 0 2,240

1207999000 Other oil seeds & oleaginous fruits,whether or not broken 29,592 228,253 39,094 4,542,747

1208100000 Flours and meals of soya beans 550,971 9,119,309 408,395 4,812,381

1208900000 Flours&meal of oth oil seed/oleaginousfruits, other than those of mustard 24,700 610,760 67,925 729,020

1209230000 Fescue seed, of a kind used for sowing 0 1,082 0 9,997

1209290000 Other seeds of forage plants, of a kindused for sowing 20,000 220,025 17,452 600,206

1209910000 Vegetable seeds,of a kind used forsowing 6,892 245,339 644,842 5,630,204

1209999000 Other seeds of a kind used for sowing 13,035 550,169 206,568 2,877,200

1210100000 Hop cones,neither ground nor powdered,nor in the form of pellets 0 16,269 0 105,644

1210200000 Hop cones, ground, powdered or in theform of pellets; lupulin 0 20,774 0 208,103

1211201000 Ginseng roots, cut, crushed/powderedform 10,627 28,389 164,000 983,841

1211209000 Ginseng roots, in other forms 0 1,283 0 15,317

1211309000 Coca leaf, in other forms 0 10,272 0 3,199

1211901100 Cannabis, in cut, crushed or powderedform, used for pharmacy 0 33,310 0 30,609

1211901300 Rauwolfia serpentina rootsused for pharmacy 291,608 2,416,055 647,218 4,667,604

1211901400 Other plants, in cut, crushed orpowdered form, used for pharmacy 156,191 1,456,906 223,906 2,175,049

1211901900 Other plants, in other forms used forpharmacy 79,246 726,939 27,701 734,525

1211909100 Pyrethrum, in cut, crushed or powderedform 0 24,000 0 85,440

1211909500 Gaharu wood chips, in cut, crushed orpowdered form 185 6,185 555 9,600

1211909600 Liquorice roots, in cut, crushed orpowdered form 0 36,385 0 86,813

1211909900 Oth plants, in cut, crushed/powderedform, used for other purposes 30,922 296,917 41,425 644,222

1212201100 Seaweeds & oth algae,fresh,chilled/driedof a kind used in pharmacy 0 495 0 317,727

1212201900 Seaweeds & oth algae,fresh,chilled/dried,used in dyeing,tanning,perfumery 63,425 709,307 82,553 556,239

1212202000 Seaweeds & oth algae,fresh,chilled/dried, for oth,not for human consumption 448 163,208 3,285 162,952

1212209000 Oth seaweeds & oth algae, fresh, chilled, dried,primarily for human consumption 7,223 106,710 34,718 327,142

1212993000 Melon seeds 159 1,741 122 2,893

1212999000 Other vegetable product, of a kind usedprimarily for human consumption 9,953 74,674 17,456 216,636

1213000000 Cereal straw and husks, unprepared 2,000 3,704 12,500 27,845

1214100000 Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets 11,964 104,839 2,417 15,927

1214900000 Other forage products, whether/not inthe form of pellets. 0 87,446 0 54,998

1301200000 Gum arabic 5,242 175,400 27,437 725,974

1301901000 Gum benjamin 0 20,229 0 50,289

1301902000 Gum damar 0 42,165 0 170,420

1301903000 Cannabis resin 0 833 0 10,741

1301909000 Other gum and resin 241,998 1,823,219 550,139 3,894,947

1302119000 Other opium, whether or not modified 647 14,980 112,604 836,859

1302120000 Saps and extracts of liquorice, whetheror not modified 58,374 449,609 379,349 2,780,489

1302130000 Saps and extracts of hops, whether ornot modified 1,500 20,159 15,542 466,690

1302192000 Extracts and tinctures of cannabis 0 966 0 109,048

1302193000 Other medicinal extractsderived from vegetable products 74,200 413,715 221,553 1,757,368

1302194000 Vegetable saps,extracts of pyrethrum orof the root of plants cont rotenone 0 30 0 1,797

1302195000 Japan (or chinese) lacquer(natural lacquer) 1,620 56,828 177,557 1,319,929

1302199000 Other saps and extracts of vegetable 52,022 451,167 829,751 6,199,472

1302200000 Pectic substances, pectinates & pectates 27,084 117,135 340,233 1,367,044

1302310000 Agar-agar 27,192 357,972 47,699 726,759

1302320000 Mucilages & thickeners,whether or notmodified, derived from locust beans/guar 114,844 1,772,674 201,715 4,278,309

1302391000 Carageenan 158,009 739,993 1,033,919 4,596,985

1302399000 Mucilages & thickeners,whether or notmodified,derived from vegetable products 91,270 758,418 701,785 4,590,669

1401100000 Bamboos used primarily for plaiting 12,000 149,874 28,800 200,853

1401200000 Rattans, used primarily for plaiting 557 557 277 277

1401900000 Other vegetable material used primarilyfor plaiting 5,000 26,000 5,200 15,972

1404200000 Cotton linters 0 32 0 271

1404909000 Other vegetable products not elsewherespecified or included 21,792 329,951 18,648 338,263

1502001100 Edible tallow of bovine animals, sheepor goats, other 0 98 0 11,416

1502001900 Unedible tallow of bovine animal, sheepor goats, other 477 81,420 1,930 53,291

1502009900 Unedible fats other than tallow ofbovine animals, sheep or goats, other 0 24,904 0 29,150

1503009000 Lard oil, oleo-oil & tallow oil, notemulsified or mixed or othwise prepared 1,115 209,799 723 659,939

1504101000 Fish-liver oils and their fractions,fit for human consumption 6,650 57,620 26,889 263,889



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

1504109000 Fish-liver oils and their fractions,unfit for human consumption 62,320 283,401 78,827 417,119

1504201000 Fats & oil of fish, not liver oilssolid fraction, not chemically modified 28,241 603,351 157,781 1,753,566

1504209000 Fats & oil of fish, not liver oilsother fraction, not chemically modified 101,460 654,523 717,645 7,972,275

1505001000 Lanolin 8,690 84,693 62,613 391,230

1505009000 Other wool grease and fatty substancesderived therefrom 3,770 33,457 234,294 901,423

1506000000 Other animal fats and oils, and theirfractions, not chemically modified 10,920 208,299 20,202 415,066

1507100000 Crude oil of soya bean, whether or notdegummed 16,000 63,974 26,354 100,792

1507901000 Refined oil of soya bean 564,120 12,433,218 855,332 17,711,345

1507902000 Fraction of unrefined soya-bean oil 250,935 2,769,556 430,909 4,191,673

1507909000 Other soya bean oil and its fractions 241,456 3,316,164 412,058 5,071,636

1508909900 Other ground-nut oil,oth than solidfractions ,not chemically modified 0 1 0 63

1509101000 Virgin olive oil, in packing of netweight <=30 kg 8,600 130,557 37,305 500,017

1509109000 Virgin olive oil, in packing of netweight >30 kg 13 131,679 64 490,075

1509902100 Fractions of unrefined olive oil, inpacking of net weight <=30 kg 11,475 33,436 7,993 30,267

1509902900 Fractions of unrefined olive oil, inpacking of net weight >30 kg 0 95,280 0 200,035

1509909900 Other olive oil, whether/not refined,in packing of net weight >30 kg 2,312 130,052 15,700 627,862

1510009900 Oth oils, obtained solely from olives,not chemically modified 2,179 10,416 5,724 134,790

1511100000 Crude palm oil 0 1,050 0 1,425

1511901000 Fractions of unrefined palm oil,not chemically modified 0 7,777 0 99,494

1511909010 Palm oil, refined, bleached & deodorised (rbd) 8,392 39,442 16,074 64,266

1511909020 Olein, refined, bleached & deodorised (rbd) 0 6,906,712 0 3,592,349

1511909090 Other palm oil and its fractions,not chemically modified 50 92,168 617 172,516

1512110000 Crude oil of sunflower seed/safflower 400 1,000 1,000 2,841

1512191000 Refined oil of sunflower-seed/safflower 0 91,943 0 259,046

1512192000 Fraction of unrefined sunflower-seed orsafflower oil 21,186 1,711,804 38,094 3,401,875

1512199000 Other fractions of sunflower-seed/safflower, but not chemically modified 2,466 80,920 1,709 192,619

1512299000 Other fractions of cotton seed oil, notchemically modified 712 3,962 2,529 8,524

1513110000 Crude oil of coconut (copra) 0 82,218 0 29,759

1513199000 Coconut oil, refined, bleached & deodorised (rbd) 0 126,697 0 109,345

1513291100 Solid fract, not chemically modified,ofunrefine palm kernel stearin/babassu oil 218,900 1,369,982 442,680 2,614,990

1513291900 Oth fract, not chemically modified, ofunrefine palm kernel stearin/babassu oil 0 39,975 0 57,564

1513292100 Solid fract, not chemically modified,ofrefine palm kernel stearin/babassu oil 42,032 309,037 78,703 507,318

1513292900 Oth fract, not chemically modified, ofrefine palm kernel stearin/babassu oil 0 153,289 0 194,134

1513299900 Other fractions of palm kernel oil or,babassu oil, not chemically modified 523 74,988 1,470 156,990

1514110000 Crude oil of low erucid acid rape orcolza 33,106 241,989 29,144 220,054

1514199000 Oth fraction of low acid rape/colza oilnot chemically modified 14,727 39,005 36,031 100,125

1514911000 Crude oil of oth rape/colza oil & itsfractions 0 7,292 0 47,868

1514919000 Crude oil of mustard 0 422 0 550

1514999100 Oth fractions of rape or colza oil 0 271,976 0 439,374

1514999900 Oth fractions of mustard oil 0 5,493 0 12,098

1515110000 Crude oil of linseed 0 105 0 1,497

1515190000 Other linseed oil and its fractions 226,187 2,028,786 397,412 3,509,874

1515210000 Crude oil of maize (corn) 0 5,191 0 7,963

1515291900 Oth fractions, not chemically modifiedof unrefined maize (corn) oil 11,531 36,263 18,379 67,682

1515299900 Oth fractions, not chemically modifiedof refined maize (corn) oil 46,778 398,361 136,539 922,104

1515301000 Crude oil of castor 8,335 85,385 28,800 155,616

1515309000 Other castor oil and its fractions 60,699 1,611,856 91,482 2,644,939

1515502000 Fraction of unrefined sesame oil 0 20 0 22

1515509000 Fraction of refined sesame oil 37,018 487,706 29,392 741,259

1515901100 Crude oil of tengkawang 0 103,600 0 642,500

1515901900 Fraction of refined tengkawang oil 417 518 768 2,175

1515909100 Crude oil of other fixed vegetable fatsand oils 0 19,124 0 76,715

1515909900 Other fixed vegetable fats and oils andtheir fractions 1,947 741,513 14,145 2,185,349

1516101000 Animal fats & oils and their fractions,in packing net weight >=10 kg 0 273,600 0 672,211

1516109000 Animal fats & oils and their fractions,in packing net weight < 10 kg 0 1,559 0 2,184

1516201100 Re-esterified fats & oils of soya beanand its fraction 0 143,343 0 256,235

1516201200 Re-esterified of crude palm oil and itsfraction 202,109 1,244,017 404,900 2,334,500

1516201300 Re-esterified fats & of palm oil, othercrude and its fraction 161,403 1,085,390 316,555 1,847,764

1516201800 Re-esterified fats & oils of olivesand its fraction 343 10,043 291 14,947

1516201900 Oth vegetable fat, re-esterified fats &oils and its fraction 136,800 3,167,827 261,288 4,841,656

1516202100 Hydrogenated fats in flakes of ground-nut, soya beans, palm oil or coconuts 0 25,476 0 26,930

1516202900 Other hydrogenated vegetable fatsin flakes 350,090 2,809,981 818,644 5,843,843

1516204000 Hydrogenated and refined, bleached anddeodorised palm kernel stearin or olein 808,280 4,081,779 955,177 4,940,279

1516207000 Refined, rbd palm stearin with iodinevalue not exceeding 48 4,500 323,300 14,506 459,196

1516209100 Oth fat & oils of ground-nuts, palm oilor coconuts 0 454,510 0 641,482

1516209900 Other vegetable fats and oils and theirfractions 181,981 6,470,413 274,503 8,470,313

1517100000 Margarine, excl. liquid margarine 73,565 762,512 183,375 1,332,447

1517901000 Imitation ghee 0 112 0 186

1517902000 Liquid margarine 74,514 391,067 161,666 1,001,466

1517903000 Mould release preparations 0 15 0 437

1517904300 Shortening 0 39,830 0 66,066

1517905000 Solid mixtures or prep of vegetablefats or oils or of their fractions 0 296,829 0 492,133

1517906200 Liquid mixtures or prep of fats/oil,which palm oil predominates 57,781 269,792 145,174 648,831



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

1517906300 Liquid mixtures or prep of fats/oil,which crude palm kernel oil predominates 0 34,931 0 36,136

1517906400 Liquid mixtures or prep of fats/oil,which (rbd) palm kernel oil predominates 0 4,539 0 6,538

1517906800 Liquid mixtures or prep of fats/oil,which illipenut oil predominates 0 112,142 0 329,512

1517906900 Liquid mixtures or prep of fats/oil,which oth vegetable oil predominates 12,893 333,110 25,994 1,103,340

1517909000 Oth edible mixtures or prep ofanimal or vegetable fats or oils 143,364 1,119,212 403,378 4,100,334

1518001200 Animal fats and oils, boiled, oxidised,dehydrated,sulphurised,blown,polymerised 19,110 92,235 28,650 131,851

1518001400 Ground-nut,soya-bean, palm/coconut oilpolymerised,or oth chemically modified 11,000 937,881 26,400 1,668,460

1518001500 Linseed oil&its fract,boiled,oxidised,dehydrated,sulphurised,blown,polymerised 0 24,272 0 44,475

1518001600 Olive oil&its fract,boiled, oxidised,dehydrated,sulphurised,blown,polymerised 0 195,770 0 165,257

1518001900 Oth animal/vegetable fat & oils, boiled,dehydrate,sulphurise,blown,polymerised 89,792 922,139 133,544 2,034,130

1518002000 Inedible mixtures/preparation of animalfats or oils or of different fats/oils 23,357 138,789 60,415 270,483

1518003200 Inedible mixtures/preparations ofground-nuts, soya-beans or coconuts 32,000 896,640 65,920 1,640,157

1518003300 Inedible mixtures/preparation of linseed 0 74,604 0 165,034

1518003900 Inedible mixtures or preparate of othervegetable fats or oils 782 209,809 6,762 521,995

1518006000 Inedible mixture & preparate of animalor vegetable fats or oils 5,184 353,267 14,570 1,512,212

1520001000 Glycerol, crude 0 721,448 0 259,011

1520009000 Glycerol waters and glycerol lyes 196 2,306,979 852 1,970,991

1521100000 Vegetable waxes(oth.than triglycerides)whether or not refined or colored 44,908 198,329 301,648 1,058,135

1521901000 Bee wax and other insect waxes, whetheror not refined or colored 500 15,785 6,044 132,549

1521902000 Spermaceti, whether or not refined orcolored 0 1,065 0 6,347

1601000011 Sausage containing pork 0 167 0 1,683

1601000090 Other sausages and similar products ofmeat, meat offal or blood 1,836 28,494 1,417 19,229

1602101000 Prepared or preserved meat offal/bloodcontaining pork, in airtight containers 0 9,100 0 51,891

1602329000 Oth prepared/preserved meat offal/bloodof fowls of the spec. gallus domesticus 101 33,537 199 93,577

1602390000 Oth prepared/preserved meat offal/bloodof oth fowls of poultry of heading 01.05 27,538 34,599 56,247 63,803

1602411000 Hams and cuts thereof of swine,in airtight containers 16,198 32,407 18,452 36,915

1602419000 Hams and cuts thereof of swine,in other than airtight containers 11,461 12,256 18,485 19,078

1602421000 Shoulders and cuts thereof of swinein airtight containers 0 1,468 0 1,125

1602491100 Luncheon meat of swine,in airtight containers 0 10,002 0 7,007

1602491900 Luncheon meat of swine,in other than airtight containers 33,377 67,678 35,941 72,181

1602499100 Oth prepared/preserved meat offal/bloodof swine in airtight containers 64,791 244,206 73,807 264,599

1602499900 Oth prepared/preserved meat offal/bloodof swine not in airtight containers 0 5,898 0 9,826

1602500000 Other prepared or preserved meat offalor blood of bovine animals 71,908 556,385 283,681 2,270,836

1602909000 Oth prepared/preserved meat offal/bloodof any animal 2,114 27,895 4,878 55,148

1603001000 Extracts & juices of chicken, with herbs 200 4,466 4,303 37,136

1603002000 Extract & juice of chicken,without herbs 0 17,292 0 99,899

1603003000 Extracts/juices of oth meat,fish/crustamolluscs/aquatic invertebr, with herbs 18,000 162,000 17,100 152,460

1603009000 Extracts/juices of oth meat,fish/crustamolluscs/aquatic invertebr,without herbs 1,404 27,960 993 101,931

1604111000 Salmon, prepared/preserved in airtightcontainers 0 5,891 0 21,790

1604119000 Salmon, prepared or preserved in otherthan airtight containers 0 2,605 0 7,303

1604131100 Sardines, prepared/preserved in airtightcontainer 46,321 251,192 114,964 431,115

1604131900 Sardines, prepared or preserved in otherthan airtight containers 159,379 1,911,879 92,424 1,420,163

1604139100 Sardinella and brisling or sprats,prepared/preserved in airtight container 0 5,353 0 4,880

1604139900 Sardinella and brisling or sprats,prep/preserved not in airtight containers 213,412 1,595,223 349,247 3,074,236

1604141000 Tunas, skipjack & bonito (sarda spp),prepared/preserved in airtight container 0 121,439 0 449,879

1604149000 Tunas, skipjack, bonito(sarda spp),prep/preserved not in airtight containers 26,000 105,410 11,367 89,391

1604151000 Mackerel, prepared or preserved, inairtight containers 155,675 609,346 182,545 1,006,636

1604159000 Mackerel, prepared or preserved, inother than airtight containers 0 478,178 0 382,124

1604161000 Anchovies, prepared or preserved, inairtight containers 0 2,366 0 8,020

1604169000 Anchovies, prepared or preserved, inother than airtight containers 45,600 722,151 119,879 765,414

1604193000 Otherfish, whole or in pieces, but notminced, in airtight containers 1,458 12,339 1,917 13,033

1604199000 Other fish,whole/in pieces,not minced,prepared/preserved in other 0 2,503 0 4,368

1604201900 Sharks fins, prepared and ready for usein other than airtight containers 1,771 7,195 39,347 271,100

1604202100 Fish sausages in airtight containers 0 260 0 221

1604202900 Fish sausages in other than airtightcontainers 2,064 4,706 4,086 8,342

1604209100 Other prepared or preserved fish, inairtight containers 9,412 164,194 8,287 148,698

1604209900 Oth prepared/preserved fish, in otherthan airtight containers 15,950 361,265 26,662 958,063

1604301000 Caviar and caviar substitutes, prepared/preserved, in airtight container 1,768 4,214 2,467 5,376

1605101000 Crabs in airtight containersprepared or preserved 12,768 93,971 197,084 958,639

1605109000 Crabs in other than airtight containersprepared or preserved 1,517 57,227 5,013 170,831

1605201100 Shrimps paste in airtight containersprepared or preserved 0 17,334 0 62,000

1605201900 Shrimps paste in other than airtightcontainers prepared or preserved 0 1,221 0 1,601

1605209100 Other aquatic invertebrata in airtighcontainers,prepared or preserved 0 345 0 299

1605209900 Oth aquatic invertebrata in oth contners, prepared or preserved 3,100 55,884 7,744 248,228

1605300000 Lobster, prepared or preserved 0 13 0 239

1605409000 Other crustaceans in other containers, prepared or preserved 0 16,463 0 8,203

1605901000 Abalone, prepared or preserved 0 2,083 0 3,646

1605909000 Oth crustaceans, molluscs & oth.aquaticinvertebrates, prepared or preserved 45,519 236,749 55,444 268,014

1701110010 Cane sugar,icumsa minimal 1200 68,707,407 318,200,232 22,564,591 103,812,211

1701110090 Cane sugar,icumsa maximal 1200 0 25,000 0 9,200

1701991100 Refined sugar, white 45,181,651 511,915,275 18,716,954 191,936,070

1701991900 Other refined sugar 1,000,000 2,509,215 432,000 1,087,087

1701999000 Other cane or beet sugar, & chemicallypure sucrose, in sold form 0 34,650,000 0 13,904,878



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

1702110000 Lactose and lactose syrup, containingby weight 99% or more lactose 196,751 2,629,536 336,531 5,348,836

1702190000 Lactose and lactose syrup, containingby weight less than 99% lactose 464,209 4,609,460 539,460 7,622,597

1702200000 Maple sugar and maple syrup 4,872 38,851 4,505 51,441

1702301000 Glucose, containing fructose < 20% 1,777,923 19,197,379 1,165,411 12,311,460

1702302000 Glucose syrup, containing fructose < 20% 2,844,393 16,678,564 1,526,618 7,795,488

1702400000 Glucose and glucose syrup, containing20% <= fructose < 50% 92,400 1,120,059 80,388 717,017

1702500000 Chemically pure fructose 2 197,186 74 246,054

1702601000 Fructose, containing fructose > 50% 2,000 15,153 8,600 55,413

1702602000 Fructose syrup,containing fructose >50% 267 80,634 7,475 167,062

1702901000 Maltose 775,743 5,868,094 517,344 3,708,239

1702902000 Artificial honey, whether or not mixedwith natural honey 8,163 1,759,903 5,547 1,936,553

1702903000 Flavoured or colored sugars (exludingmaltose) 0 29 0 53

1702904000 Caramel 317,008 2,550,436 339,942 2,278,316

1702909000 Other sugar, incl. invert sugar & sugarsyrup blends cont. 50% of fructose 368,061 3,580,986 511,812 4,827,853

1703101000 Cane molases containing added flavouringor coloring matter 0 3,980,000 0 764,700

1703109000 Cane molases not containing addedflavouring or coloring matter 50 56,099 5,976 28,967

1703901000 Oth molasses result from extract/refineof sugar,cont add flavoure/color matter 0 14 0 27

1703909000 Oth molasses result from extract/refinesugar,not cont add flavour/color matter 3,560,577 56,010,006 545,895 10,307,610

1704100000 Chewing gum,whether or not sugar-coated 140,720 633,260 135,968 1,293,671

1704901000 Medicated sweets 46,088 207,286 417,570 1,877,732

1704902000 White chocolate 3,978 63,534 19,411 304,662

1704909000 Oth sugar confectionery, not cont.cocoa 735,747 7,990,201 1,192,300 12,101,354

1801000000 Cocoa beans, whole or broken,raw/roasted 105,000 22,721,526 286,627 58,903,380

1802000000 Cocoa shells, husks, skins & oth cocoawaste 25,000 125,003 3,750 17,097

1803100000 Cocoa paste, not defatted 3,581 195,095 6,120 539,815

1803200000 Cocoa paste, wholly or partly defatted 818,000 2,936,009 750,650 2,658,462

1804000000 Cocoa butter, fat and oil 2,002 18,883 12,541 72,738

1805000000 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugaror other sweetening matter 656,097 6,110,896 890,933 8,854,986

1806100000 Cocoa powder,containing added sugar orother sweetening matter 1,144,875 10,908,647 1,939,219 21,040,061

1806201000 Chocolate confectionary in blocks, slabor bars, weighing > 2 kg 7,199 95,538 44,172 317,123

1806209000 Oth chocolate & oth food preparationscont. cocoa, weighing > 2 kg 8,302 164,574 97,116 946,988

1806311000 Chocolate confectionary in blocks,slabsbars, filled, weighing > 2 kg 10,231 129,607 76,949 753,569

1806319000 Oth chocolate & oth food preparationscont. cocoa, filled, weighing > 2 kg 40,804 866,860 276,592 4,533,577

1806321000 Chocolate confectionary in blocks,slabsbars, not filled, weighing > 2 kg 60,452 248,710 25,867 148,140

1806329000 Oth chocolate & oth food preparationscont. cocoa, not filled, weighing > 2 kg 33,892 235,608 108,171 552,671

1806901000 Chocolate confectionary in tablets orpastilles 35,344 338,383 176,920 1,861,653

1806909000 Food preparations of flour, meal,starchcont. 40% <= cocoa <50%, for retail 120,160 736,843 255,500 2,688,826

1901101000 Preparations of malt extract for infantuse, put up for retail sale 0 113,316 0 284,859

1901102000 Prep for infant use, of goos of heading0401 to 0404 of malt for infant use 65,120 667,955 244,787 3,983,155

1901103000 Preparations of soya bean powder forinfant use, put up for retail sale 462,686 3,063,065 1,468,573 9,945,407

1901109000 Food preparations of withoutcontaining fat for baby 138,245 1,483,597 314,430 3,476,501

1901201000 Mixes & doughs of flour, groats, meal,starch/malt extract, not cont. cocoa 37,229 251,375 99,716 646,417

1901202000 Mixes & doughs of flour, groats, meal,starch/malt extract, containing cocoa 0 3,194 0 24,075

1901203000 Other mixes and doughs for prep. ofbakers wares, not containing cocoa 161,942 1,522,121 221,313 2,640,235

1901204000 Other mixes and doughs for prep. ofbakers wares, containing cocoa 50,593 279,277 43,081 219,477

1901901000 Infant food prep for lactase deficieny,medical not put up for retail sale, 2,275 38,829 3,304 59,854

1901902000 Malt extractInfant food, not put up for retail sale 288,603 1,229,894 434,056 1,664,864

1901903100 Filled milk, prep. of goods of heading04.01 to 04.04 38,266 1,879,613 52,407 1,936,805

1901903900 Oth medical food prep of goods ofheading 0401 to 0404 804,716 5,612,665 1,669,038 15,625,291

1901904100 Other soya based preparation, in powderform 12,155 12,155 21,105 21,105

1901904900 Other soya based preparations, in otherform 1,289 81,895 577 84,663

1901909010 Kerupuk of shrimps 105 74,899 192 99,288

1901909090 Oth preparation of medical food cont.cocoa 278,396 3,125,490 1,070,466 9,967,650

1902110000 Uncooked pasta, not stuffed/otherwiseprepared, containing eggs 40,274 613,660 54,024 752,326

1902192000 Rice vermicelli (bee hoon) 44,267 395,003 46,002 388,916

1902199000 Oth uncooked pasta, not containing eggs 411,576 4,859,376 366,615 4,304,496

1902201000 Stuffed pasta, whether or not cookedor otherwise prepared 0 124,545 0 414,219

1902209000 Oth stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked 228 756 444 2,101

1902301000 Instant noodles 52,921 682,174 75,733 775,302

1902302000 Instant rice vermicelli 1,016 268,165 785 203,462

1902309000 Other stuffed pasta 182,415 1,033,404 303,590 1,860,800

1902400000 Couscous 110 1,281 504 4,742

1903000000 Pearl tapioca, flakes, sefting andsubstitutes of tapioca 51,536 356,801 24,767 224,713

1904100000 Prepared foods obtained by the swellingor roasting of cereals/cereal products 287,169 2,500,034 774,925 6,700,954

1904200000 Prapared foods of mixtures of roastedor unroasted cereal flakes products 45,831 437,141 64,716 555,826

1904300000 Bulgur wheat 0 104 0 3,248

1904901000 Rice preparations, including pre-cookedrice 24,806 817,982 54,780 910,767

1904909000 Oth prepared foods obtained of cerealsor cereal products 69,958 725,375 185,462 1,463,631

1905100000 Crispbread 338,336 3,174,553 273,517 2,302,485

1905200000 Gingerbread and the like 772 968 2,822 3,022

1905311000 Sweet biscuits not containing cocoa 131,162 1,564,473 315,537 4,356,051

1905312000 Sweet biscuits containing cocoa 376,855 1,932,805 470,827 2,885,085

1905320000 Waffles and wafers 461,666 4,052,911 865,914 7,801,091



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

1905400000 Rusks, toasted bread & similar toastedproducts 35,761 288,484 49,787 485,318

1905901000 Unsweetened teething biscuits 0 2,805 0 5,662

1905902000 Other unsweetened biscuits 66,971 657,550 37,719 752,134

1905903000 Cakes 529,596 2,028,400 329,854 1,942,947

1905904000 Pastries 8,853 88,714 3,029 200,980

1905905000 Bakery products made without flour 0 6,664 0 3,098

1905907000 Communion wafers, sealing wafers, ricepaper and similar products 8,483 165,341 17,830 194,921

1905908000 Other crisp savoury food products 36,395 256,485 93,164 651,929

1905909000 Other baker wares 235,654 2,913,215 386,006 4,938,631

2001100000 Cucumbers and gherkins,prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid 2,513 251,122 4,911 211,772

2001901000 Onions, prepared/preserved by vinegaror acetic acid 650 301,425 2,641 127,772

2001909000 Oth vegetables,fruit,nuts,edible plantprep/preserve by vinegar/acetic acid 6,898 126,414 9,610 147,976

2002101000 Tomatoes, whole/in pieces,not preparedor preserved by vinegar/acetic acid 0 115,024 0 83,322

2002109000 Oth tomatoes, whole/in pieces,not prep.or preserved by vinegar/acetic acid 322 38,888 1,304 63,558

2002901000 Tomato paste, not prepared or preservedby vinegar or acetic acid 48,323 6,139,743 42,866 4,831,785

2002909000 Other tomatoes, prepared or preservedotherwise than by vinegar/acetic acid 4,371 216,773 6,913 331,848

2003100000 Mushrooms of the genus agaricus, notprepared/presrved by vinegar/acetic acid 80,154 752,699 81,559 652,364

2003200000 Truffles, not prepared/preserved byvinegar or acetic acid 0 1,423 0 16,832

2003900000 Oth mushrooms, not prepared/preservedby vinegar or acetic acid 22,067 305,515 33,939 445,569

2004100000 Potatoes, frozen, not preprd/preservedby vinegar or acetic acid 1,167,861 8,828,942 1,254,844 9,248,809

2004901000 Infant food of vegetables, frozen, notprepared/presrved by vinegar/acetic acid 0 628 0 1,019

2004909000 Oth vegetables,frozen,prep/preservedby vinegar/acetic acid 3,810 11,837 11,520 23,570

2005100000 Homogenised vegetables,not frozen, notprepared/preservd by vinegar/acetic acid 0 2,461 0 6,435

2005201000 Potatoes chips & sticks,not frozen, notprepared/preservd by vinegar/acetic acid 315,275 2,145,700 519,169 3,782,718

2005209000 Other potatoes, not frozen, not prep.or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid 549 8,298 352 13,943

2005400000 Peas (pisum sativum), not frozen, notprepared/preservd by vinegar/acetic acid 160,864 1,392,301 76,600 703,086

2005510000 Beans,shelled, not frozen, not preparedor preserved by vinegar or acetic acid 13,012 256,015 18,062 279,749

2005590000 Other beans, not frozen, not preparedor preserved by vinegar or acetic acid 143,635 1,051,462 94,732 624,035

2005600000 Asparagus, not frozen, not prepared orpreserved by vinegar or acetic acid 57,329 291,936 36,923 199,456

2005700000 Olives, not frozen, not prepared orpreserved by vinegar or acetic acid 52,574 127,119 23,259 176,535

2005800000 Sweet corn(zea mays var.saccharata),notfrozen,not prepared by vinegar/actc acid 143,629 677,631 127,235 606,177

2005910000 Vegetables and mixtures of, notfrozen,not prepared by vinegar/acid 41,594 175,035 29,089 320,929

2005990000 Oth smoked garlic, not frozen vegetable& mixtures of not prep.by vinegar/acid 52,846 513,649 46,362 433,788

2006000000 Vegetables,fruit,nuts,fruit-peel & othparts of plants,preserved by sugar 39,970 507,435 47,731 600,565

2007100000 Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruitor nut, homogenised preparations 53,929 315,379 238,835 1,030,500

2007910000 Citrus fruit 14,182 567,700 14,657 1,131,202

2007991000 Fruit grains and pastes other than ofmango, pineapples or strawberries 19,453 175,444 19,471 213,192

2007999000 Fruit grains and pastes of mango,pineapples or strawberries 138,364 817,939 404,428 1,999,513

2008111000 Roasted ground nuts, othwise prepared/preserved 4,680 140,398 20,480 156,208

2008112000 Peanut butter, othwise prepared orpreserved 49,666 365,423 127,627 854,636

2008119000 Oth ground nuts, othwise prepared orpreserved 8,442 297,358 12,324 497,597

2008191000 Cashew, incl. mixtures,othwise preparedor preserved 0 406 0 1,957

2008199000 Other nuts and seeds, othwise preparedor preserved 11,455 153,215 46,477 606,242

2008200000 Pineapples, othwise prepared/preserved 4,743 1,519,934 7,026 1,514,921

2008301000 Citrus fruit, added sugar/oth.sweeteningin or not in airtight container 0 22,640 0 13,881

2008309000 Oth citrus fruit, not added sugar/sweetening in/not in airtight container 86,427 287,789 78,695 267,920

2008401000 Pears, containing added sugar orsweetening matter in airtight container 0 12,199 0 13,855

2008409000 Oth pears, not containing added sugarsweetening matter, in/not airtight cont. 0 28,614 0 43,442

2008501000 Apricots,containing added sugar / othersweet,matter in/not airtight container 0 10,619 0 6,844

2008509000 Apricots, not containing added sugar/sweetening, in/not airtight containers 0 13,793 0 21,420

2008601000 Cherries,containing added sugar / othersweet,matter in/not airtight container 54,777 392,328 52,349 360,504

2008609000 Cherries, not containing added sugar/sweetening, in/not airtight containers 20,749 76,021 30,677 113,652

2008701000 Peaches,containing added sugar or othersweet,matter in/not airtight container 39,702 120,411 22,725 75,444

2008709000 Peaches, not containing added sugar/sweetening, in/not airtight containers 6,201 68,780 4,295 71,345

2008809000 Strawberries,not containing added sugar/sweetening, in/not airtight containers 13,467 158,862 8,128 233,858

2008910000 Palm hearts, oth prepared or preserved,whether or not containing added sugar 0 4,004 0 1,929

2008922000 Mixtures of other edible parts of plantadded sugar, in/not airtight container 105,964 671,325 39,125 291,662

2008929000 Mixtures of other edible parts of plantnot added sugar,in/not airtight contain. 151,942 1,055,556 104,994 675,922

2008991000 Lychees, othwise prepared or preserved 144,465 875,551 100,547 683,037

2008992000 Longans, othwise prepared or preserved 582,251 1,899,539 443,327 1,370,357

2008993000 Stems,roots and oth.edible partsof plants, othwise prepared or preserved 4,958 71,391 7,714 97,450

2008994000 Othwise prepared or preserved, addedsugar/sweet, in/not airtight container 15,644 117,480 22,089 155,488

2008999000 Othwise prepared/preserved, not addedsugar/sweet, in/not airtight container 53,248 589,979 38,268 563,825

2009110000 Orange juice, frozen 53,430 643,019 119,272 1,382,328

2009120000 Orange juice, not frozen,of a brix value not exceeding 20 99,145 656,301 82,171 550,593

2009190000 Orange juice, not frozen,of a brix value exceeding 20 171,581 1,060,035 123,952 899,432

2009210000 Grapefruit juice, of a brix value notexceeding 20 0 1,910 0 1,835

2009290000 Other grapefruit juiceof a brix value exceeding 20 18,423 147,328 14,311 639,163

2009310000 Juice of any other single citrus fruit,of a brix value not exceeding 20 1,167 21,994 1,273 21,957

2009390000 Other juice of any other single citrus fof a brix value exceeding 20 37,325 220,989 53,333 455,239

2009410000 Pineapple juice,of a brix value not exceeding 20 0 23,630 0 20,794

2009490000 Other pineapple juice,of a brix value exceeding 20 0 252,469 0 263,872

2009500000 Tomato juice 25,791 152,559 17,008 119,632



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2009610000 Grape juice (including grape must),of a brix value not exceeding 20 37,026 256,650 35,106 225,613

2009690000 Other grape juice (including grape must)of a brix value exceeding 20 32,677 99,107 53,907 154,395

2009710000 Apple juice,of a brix value not exceeding 20 66,963 546,181 53,933 500,643

2009790000 Other apple juiceof a brix value exceeding 20 93,235 623,244 181,172 1,320,416

2009801000 Blackcurrant juice 326 5,182 5,469 42,910

2009809000 Other juice of any other single fruitor vegetables 95,779 689,430 146,086 960,412

2009900000 Mixtures of juices 186,336 1,728,629 640,744 3,686,741

2101111000 Instant coffee 480,496 2,161,313 4,064,302 15,766,512

2101119000 Oth extracts, essences and concentratesof coffee 53,729 723,534 182,730 2,094,183

2101120000 Preparations with a basis of extracts,essences or concentrates of coffee 163,476 1,787,618 4,417,990 31,245,777

2101201000 Tea preparations consisting of a mixturetea, milk powder and sugar 3,210 64,864 9,096 112,761

2101209000 Mate preparations consisting of a mixturmate , milk powder and sugar 54,260 970,205 426,031 3,511,797

2101300000 Roasted chicory&oth.roasted coffee substitutes,extract,essence&concent.thereof 1,043 3,788 8,620 31,986

2102101000 Bread yeasts, active 173,133 1,505,907 380,593 3,390,193

2102109000 Active yeasts, other than for bread 72,789 967,791 313,745 2,752,478

2102200000 Inactive yeasts; other single-cell microorganisms, dead 229,848 4,781,424 574,912 6,898,757

2102300000 Prepared baking powders 73,081 997,874 141,498 2,068,574

2103100000 Soya sauce sweet, salt and other 439,941 3,830,099 349,762 2,957,423

2103200000 Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces 53,610 647,059 80,548 900,312

2103300000 Mustard flour & meal & prepared mustard 30,406 361,567 18,201 422,084

2103901000 Chilli sauce 11,418 351,100 17,808 451,579

2103902000 Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings,including belachan 80,091 729,638 322,590 2,327,411

2103903000 Fish sauce 168,860 1,718,657 131,475 1,132,434

2103909000 Other sauces and preparations therefor;mustard flour & meal & prepared mustard 796,225 7,650,887 1,681,898 14,242,856

2104101000 Soups and broths & preparation thereforcontaining meat 52,522 218,977 89,394 335,623

2104109000 Soups and broths & preparation therefor,not containing meat 130,042 651,352 241,479 1,309,073

2104201000 Homogenised composite food preparations,containing meat 8,965 49,583 6,444 39,240

2104209000 Homogenised composite food preparations,not containing meat 6,604 66,290 6,269 93,770

2105000000 Ice cream and other edible ice, whetheror not containing cocoa 224,302 1,310,275 808,324 4,357,329

2106100000 Protein concentrates and texturedprotein substances 43,264 1,198,563 151,212 4,342,605

2106901000 Dried bean curd and bean curd sticks 1,174 109,007 9,951 200,199

2106902000 Flavoured or colored syrups 64,806 356,180 179,675 961,311

2106903000 Non-dairy creamer 3,926,147 39,943,545 7,792,847 71,143,533

2106904000 Autolysed yeast preparations 19,260 289,171 58,400 2,949,265

2106905100 Non-alcoholic prep used as raw materialto make composite concentrates beverages 50 24,639 1,750 116,654

2106905200 Non-alcoholic comp concentrates for simpdilution with water to make beverages 153,434 3,251,794 1,780,335 24,352,583

2106905300 Ginseng based products, non-alcoholicpreparations use for making beverages 0 17,155 0 44,755

2106905900 Other non-alcoholic preparations usefor making beverages 208,922 1,238,508 830,040 4,569,951

2106906900 Other alkoholic preparations 9 55 12 837

2106907000 Preparations vitamins or minerals, medic food and oth.food suplements 230,811 1,499,452 5,302,818 35,319,256

2106908000 Mixtures of chemicals foodstuffs or subtwith nutritive value, used for food proc 210,397 3,045,930 2,083,990 24,920,936

2106909100 Fortificant premixes 20,648 106,910 370,380 1,936,088

2106909200 Ginseng based preparations 15,710 58,457 93,047 1,104,233

2106909400 Other preparations for infant use 14,189 49,071 196,632 1,199,539

2106909500 seri kaya 750 5,542 8,458 104,575

2106909900 Other food preparations not elsewherespecified or included 5,274,951 29,048,457 18,307,558 106,943,476

2201100000 Mineral waters and aerated waters 593,699 4,233,527 483,389 2,830,446

2201909000 Other mineral waters or artificial 30 502 1,837 8,337

2202101000 Sparkling mineral waters and aeratedwaters, flavoured 1,483,963 16,294,158 694,876 7,527,436

2202109000 Other mineral water, containing addedsugar/sweeening or flavoured 1,325,451 12,785,660 868,839 8,138,767

2202901000 Flavoured uht milk drink 191,506 1,720,771 392,918 2,275,395

2202902000 Soya milk drink 783,412 3,597,472 370,457 1,916,424

2202903000 Non-aerated beverage ready for immediateconsumption without dilution 2,125,638 8,209,089 1,309,668 5,962,873

2202909000 Oth non-alcoholic beverages, excludingfruit or vegetable juices 4,047,333 38,492,762 3,706,745 28,834,284

2203009000 Other beer made from malt,including ale 7,420 37,715 12,866 75,878

2204211100 Wine, in containers <= 2 l, alcoholicstrength by volume <= 15% 0 126,527 0 201,173

2204211200 Wine, in containers <= 2 l, alcoholicstrength by volume > 15% 0 1,532 0 9,000

2204212100 Grape must,in container <=2 l,alcoholicstrength by volume <= 15% 14,674 40,631 43,260 117,004

2204292200 Grape must,in container > 2 l,alcoholicstrength by volume > 15% 360 360 646 646

2206002000 Sake (rice wine) 0 30 0 278

2206009000 Other fermented beverages,including mead 0 100 0 186

2207100000 Undenatured ethylalcohol of alcoholicstrength by volume of >= 80% 5,329 28,025 37,554 224,694

2207201100 Ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strengthby volume of > 99% 5 14,480 10 21,097

2207201900 Oth denatured ethyl alcohol, includingmethylate spirits 0 6,746 0 34,047

2207209000 Other ethyl alcohol and other spirits 0 7,484 0 10,874

2208201000 Brandy of an alcoholic strength byvolume not exceeding 46% vol 0 43 0 247

2208202000 Brandy of an alcoholic strength byvolume exceeding 46% vol 0 5,917 0 70,815

2208204000 Other spirits of an alcoholic strengthby volume exceeding 46% vol 0 43,497 0 522,583

2208301000 Whiskies of an alcoholic strength byvolume not exceeding 46% vol 175 35,046 79,483 322,264

2208302000 Whiskies of an alcoholic strength byvolume exceeding 46% vol 0 23,122 0 275,958

2208501000 Gin&geneva of an alcoholic strength byvolume not exceeding 46% vol 185 18,607 427 108,301

2208502000 Gin&geneva of an alcoholic strength byvolume exceeding 46% vol 0 362 0 4,321

2208601000 Vodka of an alcoholic strength byvolume not exceeding 46% vol 650 1,730 3,936 9,062



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2208602000 Vodka of an alcoholic strength byvolume exceeding 46% vol 0 9,326 0 111,531

2209000000 Vinegar and substitutes for vinegarobtained from acetic acid 32,282 855,736 39,672 976,697

2301100000 Flours, meals & pellets, of meat / meatoffal; unfit for human cnsmtion; greaves 7,392,247 52,455,082 4,991,425 33,255,720

2301200000 Flours,meals&pellets,of fish/crustacean,molluscs/other aquatic invertebrates 4,301,533 45,971,425 4,358,469 40,694,054

2302100000 Bran, sharps and other residues ofmaize (corn) 3,488 87,132 2,749 64,698

2302300000 Bran, sharps and other residues of wheat 303,807 3,121,467 153,574 1,413,851

2302409000 Bran, sharps and other residues of othcereals 0 56,935 0 22,152

2302500000 Bran, sharps and other residues ofleguminous plants 70,000 367,500 46,843 235,324

2303101000 Residues of starch manufacture ofmanioc (cassava) or sago 0 9,099 0 2,911

2303109000 Other residues of starch and similarresidues 20,391,450 151,245,390 15,479,528 99,085,864

2303200000 Beet pulp, bagasse and other waste ofsugar manufacture 0 58,169 0 88,643

2303300000 Brewing or distilling dregs and waste 9,577,535 43,387,992 3,202,027 13,111,909

2304000000 Oil-cake&other solid residues,in pelletform, from the extract of soyabean oil 247,071,961 1,816,611,662 128,359,472 847,859,043

2305000000 Oil-cake&other solid residues,in pelletform, from the extract of ground-nut oil 265,380 2,898,174 124,737 1,068,368

2306300000 Oil-cake and other solid residues ofsunflower seeds 221,440 221,440 85,697 85,697

2306410000 Oil-cake and other solid residues oflow erucic acid rape or colza seeds 14,114,362 101,966,010 3,986,981 27,108,938

2306490000 Other oil-cake and other solid residuesof rape or colza seeds 43,596 2,480,594 13,526 758,629

2306500000 Oil-cake and other solid residues ofcoconut/copra manual/mechanic proces 0 25,000 0 3,274

2306600000 Oil-cake and other solid residues ofpalm nuts or kernels 153,480 567,280 59,550 199,676

2306902000 Oil-cake and other solid residues ofmaize (corn) germ 3,253,184 21,932,911 1,903,184 11,804,954

2306909000 Other oil-cake and other solid residues 1,581,647 26,506,268 362,755 5,004,857

2307000000 Wine lees; argol 0 242 0 11,873

2308000000 Vegetable materials and waste, residuesof a kind used in animal feeding 16,965 704,401 6,647 249,755

2309101000 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale,containing meat 613,442 4,788,442 503,222 3,943,158

2309109000 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale,not containing meat 404,423 4,994,882 552,148 5,922,132

2309901100 Complete feed for poultry 217,008 2,016,155 150,590 1,160,407

2309901200 Complete feed for swine 4,539,204 30,297,687 1,088,388 7,666,878

2309901300 Complete feed for prawn feed 91,715 1,718,684 35,122 1,402,065

2309901900 Other complete feed 103,238 619,233 106,111 1,500,025

2309902000 Premixes, feed supplements and feedadditives for animal 3,311,858 25,899,722 7,563,369 77,618,179

2309903000 Other preparations of a kind used inanimal feeding, containing meat 19,907,400 193,199,622 11,558,097 110,451,459

2309909000 Other preparations of a kind used inanimal feeding, not containing meat 13,582,544 125,434,340 8,495,676 75,562,326

2401101000 Virginia tobacco, not stemmed/stripped,flue-cured 1,610,173 7,421,715 8,497,704 30,850,469

2401102000 Virginia tobacco, not stemmed/stripped,not flue-cured 9,137 55,267 71,490 367,811

2401103000 Other tobacco, not stemmed/stripped,flue-cured 77,786 1,713,085 531,482 9,031,259

2401109000 Other tobacco, not stemmed/stripped,not flue-cured 17,193 787,811 134,435 9,123,247

2401201000 Virginia tobacco, partly/wholly stemmed/stripped, flue-cured 276,107 27,470,170 957,006 94,442,129

2401202000 Virginia tobacco, partly/wholly stemmed/stripped, not flue-cured 0 178,200 0 655,776

2401203000 Oriental tobacco, partly/wholly stemmed/stripped 288,667 10,595,167 1,195,922 50,537,595

2401204000 Burley tobacco, partly/wholly stemmed/stripped 0 1,926,780 0 7,883,168

2401205000 Other tobacco, partly/wholly stemmed/stripped, flue-cured 0 2,404,200 0 9,972,542

2401209000 Other tobacco, partly/wholly stemmed/stripped, not flue-cured 173,690 2,376,339 693,965 12,311,225

2401301000 Tobacco stems 8,679 1,582,674 13,375 1,100,699

2401309000 Other tobacco refuse 272 638,403 2,455 871,350

2402100000 Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos,containing tobacco 1,840 37,127 3,200 403,400

2402201000 Beedies 0 856 0 27,099

2402209010 Cigarettes tobacco 0 4,763 0 80,577

2402209090 Other cigarettes containing tobacco 0 182,932 0 2,085,025

2402902000 Cigarettes of tobacco substitutes 7,484 31,255 19,264 547,153

2403101100 Blended tobacco, packed for retail sale 0 141,240 0 533,372

2403101900 Other smoking tobacco, packed for retailsale 0 11,962 0 159,508

2403102100 Blended tobacco, for cigarette making 676,520 6,655,530 5,004,041 47,678,321

2403102900 Oth manufactures tobacco for cigarettemaking 0 32,734 0 210,119

2403109000 Other smoking tobacco, whether or notcontaining tobacco substitutes 30,597 488,119 122,575 1,786,850

2403910000 Homogenised or reconstituted tobacco 2,391 25,431 14,035 225,595

2403991000 Tobacco extracts and essences 1,254 7,800 59,815 271,537

2403993000 Manufactured tobacco substitutes 0 21 0 21

2403994000 Snuff 0 1 0 210

2403999000 Oth manufactures tobacco & manufacturedtobacco substitutes 1,447 8,031 16,712 91,122

2501001000 Table salt 81 13,900 2,100 13,406

2501004100 Oth salt cont. at least 94.7% sodium chl a dry basis ,in package netto < 45 kg 51,985 895,699 45,974 375,810

2501004900 Oth salt cont. at least 94.7% sodium chl a dry basis ,in package netto < 45 kg 148,829,346 1,233,827,499 7,167,968 51,778,783

2501005000 Sea water 0 25 0 432

2501009000 Other salt 3,816 17,557,335 14,420 1,261,881

2502000000 Unroasted iron pyrites 0 1,847,953 0 149,030

2503000000 Sulphur of all kinds, oth than sublimed,precipitated and colloidal sulphur 45,039,622 236,612,906 32,526,896 142,707,541

2504100000 Natural graphite, in powder or in flakes 368,096 2,421,502 174,454 1,496,877

2504900000 Natural graphite, in other form 74,643 1,336,500 30,974 371,419

2505100000 Silica sands and quartz sands 8,336,787 49,176,883 857,912 3,910,790

2505900000 Other natural sands,whether/not coloredother than metal-bearing sands 744,390 4,077,256 159,122 1,001,709

2506100000 Quartz 527,910 5,270,007 106,776 618,867

2506200000 Quartzite 44,259 384,740 41,291 311,517

2507000000 Kaolin and other kaolinic clays,whetheror not calcined 11,047,205 121,892,842 2,360,487 28,183,045



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2508100000 Bentonite 1,566,874 104,294,323 575,070 12,498,588

2508300000 Fire-clay 130,076 3,624,595 44,312 1,352,160

2508400000 Other clays 3,250,936 37,480,280 998,289 6,665,086

2508500000 Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite 261,954 1,265,044 93,572 493,503

2508600000 Mullite 173,690 1,143,786 110,258 658,282

2508700000 Chamotte or dinas earths 560,180 3,851,889 209,400 1,093,160

2509000000 Chalk 458 177,347 2,038 85,804

2510109000 Other natural calcium phosphates,naturaalumunium calcium phosphates, unground 91,725,800 632,585,858 17,301,524 93,742,317

2510201000 Apatite, ground 0 58,114,000 0 13,798,740

2510209000 Other natural calcium phosphates,naturaalumunium calcium phosphates, ground 4,801,286 4,940,083 1,454,761 1,634,859

2511100000 Natural barium sulphate (barytes) 3,676,276 87,552,054 696,002 9,091,225

2511200000 Natural barium carbonate (witherite) 0 26,000 0 7,280

2512000000 Siliceous fossil meals and similarsiliceous earths 333,547 3,895,714 216,077 2,100,124

2513100000 Pumice stone 3,623 179,711 20,650 490,104

2513200000 Emery, natural corundum, natural garnetand other natural abrasives 2,678,657 18,595,924 922,661 6,651,445

2514000000 Slate, whether or not roughly trimmedor merely cut 26,025 55,633 7,699 22,884

2515110000 Marble and travertine, crude or roughlytrimmed 0 386,236 0 224,393

2515121000 Marble and travertine, merely cut intoblocks 2,690,799 14,919,044 484,737 3,740,797

2515122000 Marble and travertine, merely cut intoslabs 3,133,163 23,145,267 1,156,792 8,204,183

2515200000 Ecaussine & other calcareous monumentalor building stone; alabaster 0 600 0 2,277

2516110000 Granite, crude or roughly trimmed 13,440 3,568,931 43,008 137,966

2516121000 Granite, merely cut into blocks 629,124 64,583,762 118,006 1,657,411

2516122000 Granite, merely cut into slabs 1,534,161 20,849,945 471,047 6,759,025

2516200000 Sandstone 28,816 12,564,938 8,745 322,990

2516900000 Other monumental or building stone 25,366 402,338 6,961 144,523

2517100000 Pebbles, gravel, broken/crushed stonewhether or not heat treated 7,888,486 136,319,252 290,232 2,087,905

2517300000 Tarred macadam 556 556 3,607 3,607

2517410000 Granules, chippings and powder of marblewhether or not heat trated 5,000,029 30,552,428 110,164 783,469

2517490000 Granules, chippings & powder of stones owhethet or not heat treated 124,098 6,735,208 39,689 1,823,388

2518100000 Dolomite, not calcined or sintered 0 12,569 0 18,622

2518200000 Dolomite, calcined or sintered 819,830 7,737,773 212,677 1,474,872

2518300000 Dolomite, ramming mix 48,000 144,253 8,160 34,772

2519100000 Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) 1,440,000 6,160,731 871,200 2,427,202

2519900000 Fused magnesia; dead-burned magnesia 3,644,175 30,935,491 1,805,411 10,046,879

2520100000 Gypsum, anhydrite 86,130,973 1,015,480,853 2,877,824 29,666,176

2520201000 Plasters, for use in dentistry 91,400 220,400 16,910 45,386

2520209000 Other plasters 11,351,187 64,114,535 765,980 5,769,984

2521000000 Limestone flux; limestone and othercalcareous stone 507,918 21,316,737 76,999 1,222,823

2522100000 Quicklime 20,380 26,831,909 5,940 2,493,565

2522200000 Slaked lime 30,093 3,642,413 8,034 552,707

2522300000 Hydraulic lime 500 1,380 2,000 6,382

2523101000 Cement clinkers, for white cement 93,228 1,994,161 134,684 940,218

2523109000 Other cement clinkers 4,628,915 17,668,512 521,669 1,384,686

2523210000 Portland cement, white cement, whetheror not artificially colored 6 676,839 275 46,791

2523291000 Portland cement, colored cement 60,093,000 633,760,214 2,601,534 26,078,828

2523299000 Other portland cements 2,247,567 207,294,857 96,223 8,658,053

2523300000 Aluminous cement 517,456 4,808,934 395,540 3,017,971

2523900000 Other hydraulic cements 23,521 1,394,435 24,446 636,421

2524100000 Crocidolite 0 20,000 0 5,700

2524900010 Chrysotile 12,577,645 76,797,037 5,725,946 31,612,905

2524900090 Other asbestos, crocodolite & chrysolite 9,723 215,618 2,130 63,559

2525100000 Crude mica and mica rifted into sheetsor splittings 50,164 336,589 32,138 200,278

2525200000 Mica powder 158,157 1,913,084 243,741 2,647,172

2526100000 Natural steatite, not crushed, notpowdered 518,710 2,943,370 51,220 459,900

2526201000 Talc powder, crushed or powdered 9,357,259 91,096,678 1,210,905 11,969,079

2526209000 Oth natural steative, crushed/powdered 4,061,544 22,298,148 405,567 2,706,281

2528100000 Natural sodium borates and concentratesthereof (whether or not calcined) 45 28,270 490 85,086

2528900000 Natural boric acid containing not morethan 85% of h3bo3 on the dry weight 84,446 1,995,096 179,911 1,061,765

2529100000 Felspar 26,417,488 197,520,837 2,111,493 16,804,314

2529210000 Fluorspar, containing by weight 97% orless of calcium fluoride 94,000 983,105 49,635 332,500

2529220000 Fluorspar, containing by weight morethan 97% of calcium fluoride 125,978 1,516,585 69,004 762,695

2529300000 Leucite; nepheline & nepheline syenite 162,370 3,915,271 78,410 914,145

2530100000 Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites,unexpanded 263,708 2,812,229 126,734 1,078,319

2530201000 Kieserite 15,302,255 138,866,060 3,818,411 26,984,508

2530900000 Other mineral substances not elsewherespecified or included 2,335,569 22,636,921 602,813 6,874,199

2601110000 Iron ores and concentrates, other thanroasted iron pyrites :non agglomerated 354,136,999 1,677,764,796 86,490,606 290,564,275

2601120000 Iron ores and concentrates, other thanroasted iron pyrites :agglomerated 27,978 213,831,694 20,021 30,862,262

2601200000 Roasted iron pyrites 89,588 666,183 137,545 430,883

2602000000 Manganese ores & concentrates,includingferruginous manganese, m.content >= 20% 0 1,692,847 0 740,692

2603000000 Copper ores and concentrates 600 17,228 2,874 19,895

2604000000 Nickel ores and concentrates 0 24,112 0 38,357

2605000000 Cobalt ores and concentrates 8,040 42,113 577,654 1,968,596

2606000000 Aluminium ores and concentrates 5,000 1,112,620 6,628 448,273



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2607000000 Lead ores and concentrates 269,972 3,009,961 234,861 1,805,092

2608000000 Zinc ores and concentrates 0 333,004 0 697,957

2609000000 Tin ores and concentrates 120,738 348,242 114,028 418,297

2610000000 Chromium ores and concentrates 0 2,093,657 0 964,662

2611000000 Tungsten ores and concentrates 0 351 0 1,593

2612100000 Uranium ores and concentrates 0 31,288 0 25,704

2613900000 Molybdenum ores and concentrates,other than roasted 2,767 9,954 18,290 293,593

2614001000 Titanium ores and concentrates,ilmenite ores and concentrates 0 50,000 0 25,722

2614009000 Titanium ores and concentrates,other than ilmenite ores & concentrates 876,609 4,134,164 737,182 3,114,531

2615100000 Zirconium ores and concentrates 1,816,188 14,632,921 1,996,591 15,859,341

2615900000 Other niobium, tantalum ores andconcentrates vanadium or zirconium ores 79,671 722,122 65,719 1,170,511

2616100000 Silver ores and concentrates 75 515 8,941 46,086

2616900000 Precious metal ores other than silverores 0 30 0 210

2617100000 Antimony ores and concentrates 3,935 34,390 19,166 166,164

2617900000 Other ores and concentrates. 0 467,420 0 179,566

2618000000 Granulated slag (slag sand)from themanufacture of iron or steel 0 34,111 0 77,591

2619000000 Slag,dross (not granula slag),& othwaste from the manufac. of iron or steel 355,300 7,841,941 34,465 766,664

2620190000 Ash & residues containing mainly zinc,other than hard zinc spelter 0 144,930 0 259,465

2620290000 Ash & residues containing mainly lead,other than leaded gasoline sludges 0 203 0 3,652

2620990000 Oth metals or their compounds ash & residues containing mainly tin 120,597 122,105 73,482 88,125

2621900000 Seaweed ash (kelp) 0 960,100 0 733,144

2701110000 Anthracite 1,515,363 76,074,802 544,410 13,875,645

2701121000 Bituminous coal: coking coal 0 42,000 0 16,170

2701129000 Bituminous coal: other than coking coal 0 1,995,718 0 529,616

2701190000 Other coal 19,583 965,922 23,413 827,900

2701200000 Briquettes,ovoids & similar solid fuelsmanufactured from coal 379,140 1,778,919 117,116 494,253

2702100000 Lignite, whether or not pulverised, butnot agglomerated 0 17,695 0 30,474

2702200000 Agglomerated lignite 25,405 114,685 37,896 181,113

2703001000 Peat, whether or not compressed intobales, but not agglomerated 0 65,171 0 21,867

2703002000 Agglomerated peat 566 253,802 928 53,557

2704001000 Coke & semi-coke of coal 561,274 39,670,234 294,504 16,885,225

2704003000 Retort carbon 79,440 3,128,957 34,468 767,983

2705000000 Coal gas, water gas, producer gas andsimilar gases other than petroleum gas 36,000 106,366 32,813 771,932

2706000000 Tar distilled from coal,from lignite orfrom peat & other mineral tars 55,189 767,527 29,304 493,580

2707100000 Benzol (benzene) 0 50,029 0 77,145

2707200000 Toluol (toluene) 0 201,863 0 250,010

2707300000 Xylol (xylenes) 0 1,286 0 6,811

2707400000 Napthalene 124,268 466,935 222,331 914,299

2707500000 Oth. aromatic hydrocarbon mix.of >= 65%by volume,distils at 250.c, astm d 86 m 972,985 14,396,910 1,405,041 17,131,156

2707910000 Creosote oils 0 88,317 0 137,667

2707992000 Carbon black feedstock 17,800 241,101 39,640 689,712

2707999000 Other products of the distilled of hightemperature coal tar 834,132 8,928,351 932,985 9,188,454

2708100000 Pitch 166,814 7,336,444 601,935 4,462,917

2708200000 Pitch coke 0 4,716,240 0 1,563,722

2709001000 Crude petroleum oil 920,625,021 9,586,324,459 718,142,063 8,509,932,655

2709002000 Condensate 0 85,505 0 62,353

2709009000 Other petroleum oil, crude 33,464 10,832,300 25,737 9,334,155

2710111100 Motor spirit, premium leaded 57,945 402,741 95,579 604,271

2710111200 Motor spirit, premium unleaded 611,409,525 4,524,097,118 565,763,683 4,684,503,164

2710111300 Motor spirit, regular leaded 0 12,759,293 0 13,988,412

2710111400 Motor spirit, regular unleaded 0 105,629,968 0 113,992,147

2710111500 Other motor spirit, leaded 0 153,835 0 327,086

2710111600 Other motor spirit, unleaded 57 205,119,160 3,494 190,274,562

2710113000 Tetrapropylene 49,520 9,339,046 92,349 11,787,825

2710114000 White spirit 123,102 2,222,340 230,831 3,509,322

2710115000 Low aromatic solvents containing byweight <= 1 % aromatic content 525,074 14,186,661 909,065 18,842,671

2710116000 Other solvent spirits 32,365 83,737,982 20,817 85,665,243

2710117000 Naphtha, reformate or preparations forpreparing spirits 173,668,129 1,080,822,330 195,026,518 1,049,779,764

2710119000 Other petroleum oil, light oil & otherthan crude 821,559 28,732,692 1,494,357 32,836,509

2710191300 Aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel) havinga flash point of not less than 23-c 9,078 125,002 25,876 234,848

2710191400 Aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel) havinga flash point of less than 23-c 52,811,018 555,407,620 55,560,061 590,878,987

2710191600 Kerosene 0 317,906,413 0 320,310,363

2710191900 Other medium oils and preparations 9,261,407 76,813,282 14,688,280 106,759,196

2710192000 Topped crudes 0 270,644 0 466,123

2710193000 Carbon black feedstock oil 37,801,991 168,965,213 22,413,623 79,912,780

2710194100 Lubricating oil basestock 9,464,474 78,810,134 14,925,482 92,972,053

2710194200 Lubricating oils for aircraft engines 6 53,844 835 215,433

2710194300 Other lubricating oils 11,482,588 94,246,306 24,584,863 178,031,350

2710194400 Lubricating greases 1,525,488 11,122,623 2,533,526 24,627,502

2710195000 Hydraulic brake fluid 29,694 194,010 84,366 379,194

2710196000 Transformer and circuit breakers oils 416,514 6,649,223 705,879 8,680,034

2710197100 High speed diesel fuel 827,649,542 8,327,487,811 712,550,713 8,500,111,218

2710197200 Other diesel fuel 7,903,970 91,486,083 6,661,849 95,835,035



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2710197900 Other fuel oils 111,077,473 1,780,757,747 65,584,064 1,122,334,046

2710199000 Oth petroleum oils & oils obtained frombituminous minerals (other than crude) 294,311 7,166,259 623,820 12,052,894

2710910000 Waste oil, containing polychlorinatedbibphenyls (PCBs),pcts or pbbs 0 530 0 770

2710990000 Other waste oils 2,513 166,798 22,219 555,938

2711110000 Liquid natural gas 1,804,206 1,806,526 1,657,950 1,697,489

2711120000 Liquid propane 83,551,192 83,632,121 74,876,215 75,099,875

2711130000 Liquid butanes 1 20,405,314 4 20,529,431

2711141000 Liquid ethylene 8,380,106 23,816,213 14,030,214 35,218,348

2711149000 Liquid propylene, butylene & butadiene 0 6 0 316

2711190000 Other liquid petroleum gas 11,203,902 25,040,037 9,916,132 23,267,404

2711210000 Natural gas in gaseous state 0 332 0 8,364

2711290000 Other petroleum gas in gaseous state 459 13,291 7,814 109,590

2712100000 Petroleum jelly 172,874 3,258,106 432,298 5,793,394

2712200000 Paraffin wax containing by weight lessthan 0.75% of oil 22,604 627,864 81,595 1,081,146

2712901000 Other paraffin wax 943,004 15,106,330 1,399,649 17,948,517

2712909000 Microcrystalline petroleum wax, slackwax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax 367,600 3,874,625 724,278 6,826,307

2713110000 Petroleum coke, not calcined 1,296,000 13,190,433 440,640 2,893,397

2713120000 Petroleum coke, calcined 205,073 29,718,695 186,557 15,560,025

2713200000 Petroleum bitumen 52,036,861 268,925,407 29,907,674 127,606,946

2713900000 Other residues of petroleum oils or ofoils obtained from bituminous minerals 1,835,039 9,823,122 1,742,956 7,134,265

2714100000 Bitumen and asphalt, natural bituminousor oil shale and tar sands 0 156,771 0 73,715

2714900000 Bitumen and asphalt, natural asphalitesand asphaltic rocks 5,825,929 55,857,090 3,257,308 24,394,302

2715000000 Bituminous mix. based on natur. asphalton natur. bitumen, on petroleum bitumen 1,477,260 3,249,151 917,391 2,224,865

2801100000 Chlorine 76,369 938,425 42,857 441,372

2801200000 Iodine 892 6,639 11,718 78,532

2801300000 Fluorine; bromine 1,053 62,411 14,770 418,498

2802000000 Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated,collodial sulphur 1,107,851 58,685,094 1,292,567 29,086,531

2803001000 Rubber grade carbon black 4,279,717 46,608,037 5,365,070 50,224,928

2803002000 Acetylene black 684,243 4,305,474 1,429,825 9,428,842

2803003000 Other carbon blacks 943,820 11,953,395 1,263,069 14,559,770

2803009000 Other carbon 491,608 10,262,307 898,290 11,800,725

2804100000 Hydrogen 95,890 772,002 47,351 888,805

2804210000 Argon 510,310 5,467,624 273,970 2,863,734

2804290000 Other rare gases 141,790 873,419 259,355 2,355,948

2804300000 Nitrogen 1,319,111 11,786,899 282,872 2,687,143

2804400000 Oxygen 2,138,114 19,707,347 428,509 4,217,959

2804500000 Boron; tellurium 3 528 40 1,114

2804610000 Silicon, containing by weight >= 99.99% 0 16,799 0 48,516

2804690000 Silicon, containing by weight < 99.99% 760,409 5,322,458 1,886,186 12,149,725

2804700000 Phosphorus 52,951 193,863 628,741 1,571,730

2804800000 Arsenic 23,002 287,248 21,701 282,240

2804900000 Selenium 4,069 15,895 182,187 989,860

2805110000 Sodium 315,068 1,194,275 321,109 3,197,614

2805120000 Calcium 41,940 468,266 265,450 1,136,521

2805190000 Other alkali or alkaline-earth metals 215,913 2,865,739 353,402 2,669,743

2805300000 Rare-earth metals, scandium & yttriumwhether or not intermixed or interalloy 0 2,891 0 98,536

2805400000 Mercury 0 5,387 0 146,310

2806100000 Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) 132,143 563,938 35,793 383,982

2806200000 Chlorosulphuric acid 5 6 59 91

2807000000 Sulphuric acid; oleum. 3,774 50,836,651 6,771 6,040,764

2808000000 Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids 542,929 7,993,766 344,732 3,546,323

2809100000 Diphosphorus pentaoxide 144 42,028 2,505 117,061

2809203000 Phosphoric acids, hypophoric acids andhypophosporic acids 2,290,166 8,047,573 3,857,243 10,884,970

2809209000 Oth phosphoric acids, hypophoric acidsand hypophosporic acids 2,459,138 72,335,983 4,414,163 75,334,401

2810000000 Oxide of boron; boric acids 276,516 3,304,446 216,889 2,346,833

2811110000 Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) 123,235 973,300 175,442 1,144,835

2811191000 Arsenic acid 41,149 388,508 70,117 372,184

2811199000 Other inorganic acids 166,259 1,009,312 209,969 1,201,985

2811210000 Carbon dioxide 126,648 1,697,090 43,427 712,694

2811221000 Silica powder 1,059,341 13,589,442 1,092,890 13,429,113

2811229000 Silicon dioxide, other form 869,905 9,043,172 991,380 9,974,239

2811291000 Diarsenic pentaoxide 1,261 6,160 3,014 9,990

2811299000 Other inorganic oxygen compoundsof non metals 44,869 957,739 66,522 1,789,996

2812100000 Chlorides and chloride oxides 130 38,103 1,376 112,592

2812900000 Other halides and halide oxides of nonmetals 38,574 182,878 177,630 661,710

2813100000 Carbon disulphide 64 649 4,463 11,382

2813900000 Other sulphides of non-metal 6 21,869 287 14,815

2814100000 Anhydrous ammonia 27,060 3,071,171 89,840 1,584,335

2814200000 Ammonia in aqueous solution 12,394 108,299 23,163 188,213

2815110000 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), solid 452,469 10,647,066 217,062 5,176,291

2815120000 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda),in aqueous solution(lye or liquid soda) 226,251 2,016,933 159,981 1,215,797

2815200000 Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) 1,170,216 8,224,745 1,952,501 9,127,185

2815300000 Peroxides of sodium or potassium 2 18,261 763 78,310



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2816100000 Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium 57,468 547,268 182,236 1,539,204

2816400000 Oxides, hydroxides & peroxides, ofstrontium or barium 23,172 183,569 61,000 176,425

2817001000 Zinc oxide 1,125,535 4,708,013 1,081,993 8,588,238

2817002000 Zinc peroxide 7,714 190,957 13,500 500,320

2818100000 Artificial corundum, whether or notchemically defined 103,832 1,089,965 118,020 963,294

2818200000 Aluminium oxide, other than artificialcorundum 24,352,155 325,561,926 11,855,715 145,047,696

2818300000 Aluminium hydroxide 5,667,297 73,001,874 2,216,705 25,915,825

2819100000 Chromium trioxide 22,774 603,812 89,049 2,141,569

2819900000 Other chromium oxides and hidroxides 42,226 637,148 115,802 1,031,377

2820100000 Manganese dioxide 2,399,451 18,406,417 4,235,583 27,856,480

2820900000 Other manganese dioxide 48,160 872,089 73,280 961,813

2821100000 Iron oxides and hydroxides 8,378,275 17,761,662 1,214,218 8,968,419

2821200000 Earth colors 1,788 27,158 21,207 65,125

2822000000 Cobalt oxides and hydroxides, commercial 18,500 148,497 444,093 4,467,586

2823000000 Titanium oxides. 691,615 8,779,590 1,714,325 20,265,407

2824100000 Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) 50,921 808,592 132,206 2,428,654

2824900000 Other lead monoxide 0 8,357,396 0 1,337,125

2825100000 Hydrazine, hydroxylamine, inorganic salt 164,244 1,000,614 332,360 2,623,574

2825200000 Lithium oxide and hydroxide 4,046 97,404 68,682 888,675

2825300000 Vanadium oxides and hydroxides 11,943 78,212 58,775 623,368

2825400000 Nickel oxides and hydroxides 7,000 147,881 137,430 3,254,096

2825500000 Copper oxides and hydroxides 12,304 535,483 37,537 3,659,428

2825600000 Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide 11 3,720 339 34,644

2825700000 Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides 24 4,330 366 19,260

2825800000 Antimony oxides 39,619 533,812 199,141 2,691,242

2825900000 Other inorganic bases 29,287 451,592 111,271 1,345,064

2826120000 Fluorides of aluminium 0 180,416 0 64,552

2826190000 Other fluorides 75,052 1,444,575 61,985 1,339,503

2826300000 Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (syntheticcryolite) 13,345 22,150 27,026 45,614

2826900000 Other complex fluorine salt. 110,505 1,267,097 296,036 2,646,958

2827100000 Ammonium chloride 437,454 3,857,050 240,139 1,443,342

2827201000 Calcium chloride, commercial grades 740,508 1,687,497 189,747 389,989

2827209000 Calcium chloride, not commercial grades 1,331,456 9,532,868 397,318 2,676,415

2827310000 Other chlorides of magnesium 1,414 348,736 5,433 185,077

2827320000 Other chlorides of aluminium 605,333 11,471,887 255,723 4,611,493

2827350000 Other chlorides of nickel 7,620 98,937 39,973 545,634

2827390010 Other chlorides of zinc 74,285 790,683 91,373 993,670

2827390090 Other chlorides of iron, cobaltd and ofother materials 23,791 1,287,459 37,158 1,126,214

2827410000 Chloride oxides & chloride hydroxides,of copper 2,000 23,545 7,960 94,945

2827490000 Other chloride oxides & chloridehydroxides 118,060 864,999 117,952 1,114,222

2827510000 Bromides of sodium or of potassium 21,152 316,302 44,091 519,459

2827590000 Other bromides 67,194 310,711 79,766 544,528

2827600000 Iodides and iodide oxides 2,594 49,067 31,905 577,373

2828100000 Commercial calcium hypochlorite & othercalcium hypoclorites 307,134 2,190,301 422,271 2,875,642

2828901000 Sodium hypochlorite 117,204 209,048 721,737 805,471

2828909000 Other hypochlorite 225,236 2,606,825 219,128 2,457,473

2829110000 Chlorates of sodium 114 7,531,837 499 5,389,964

2829190000 Other chlorates 271,081 2,802,180 343,867 3,044,578

2829900000 Bromat dan perbromat, iodat & periodat 172,535 372,534 93,280 850,561

2830100000 Sodium sulphides 828,103 7,140,710 676,551 4,940,787

2830900000 Other sulphides 80 371,626 538 708,452

2831100000 Dithionites and sulphoxylates of sodium 662,004 5,909,897 259,778 7,239,966

2831900000 Other dithionites and sulphoxylates 143 166,260 410 347,690

2832100000 Sodium sulphites 253,765 16,383,464 210,236 6,314,570

2832200000 Other sulphites 21,662 8,413,944 19,635 1,513,041

2832300000 Thiosulphates 128,510 2,797,586 60,360 1,318,482

2833110000 Disodium sulphate 14,623,728 138,103,110 2,456,162 23,543,508

2833190000 Other sodium sulphates 3,297,835 61,231,062 497,090 9,346,425

2833210000 Magnessium sulphate 2,403,824 15,201,195 706,314 3,661,647

2833221000 Aluminium sulphate :commercial grade 0 616 0 1,578

2833229000 Aluminium sulphate:other grade 13 194,943 154 84,793

2833240000 Nickel sulphate 28,827 446,372 311,558 4,255,447

2833250000 Copper sulphate 533,990 4,975,146 1,356,773 10,956,462

2833270000 Barium sulphate 57,208 1,570,213 59,211 1,228,543

2833291000 Of chromium or zinc 211,419 2,851,021 146,700 2,568,862

2833292000 Tribasic lead sulphate 28,294 156,474 46,083 422,119

2833299000 Other sulphate of other material 400,640 3,611,290 270,741 2,629,489

2833300000 Alums 581 841,387 2,791 294,141

2833400000 Peroxosulphates (persulphates) 204,737 1,297,919 332,399 1,358,762

2834100000 Nitrites 232,233 2,203,788 208,039 1,274,488

2834210000 Nitrates of potassium 195,378 1,542,099 228,894 1,188,306

2834290000 Other nitrates 278,681 2,996,674 335,868 2,307,198

2835100000 Phosphinates (hypophosphites) andphosphonates (phosphites) 208,496 947,530 457,959 1,808,299



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2835220000 Phosphates of mono- or disodium 446,120 2,353,569 581,231 2,335,339

2835240000 Phosphates of potassium 96,519 1,662,020 370,071 3,806,577

2835251000 Dicalcium phosphate, feed grade 1,679,000 23,059,340 1,422,564 12,628,737

2835259000 Oth hypophosphites, phosphonates andand phosphates, polyphosphates 228,648 4,747,812 131,637 2,717,656

2835260000 Other phosphates of calcium 441,927 27,583,226 543,130 20,126,148

2835290000 Other phosphates 207,794 2,061,430 356,439 3,391,725

2835310000 Sodium triphosphate (sodiumtripolyphosphate) 4,398,423 26,928,954 5,939,795 30,100,110

2835391000 Tetranatrium pirofosfat 36,774 474,316 107,406 766,156

2835399000 Other polyphospates 775,612 5,059,552 1,492,494 7,975,313

2836200000 Disodium carbonate 72,387,983 655,931,971 23,218,089 197,285,314

2836300000 Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) 3,965,937 50,121,095 1,543,266 16,029,958

2836400000 Potassium carbonates 557,032 5,733,081 643,681 4,852,756

2836501000 Calsium carbonate, food or pharmaceu-tical grade 997,242 13,367,346 313,229 4,095,786

2836509000 Calsium carbonate, other grade 4,274,031 55,062,943 1,655,558 16,030,434

2836600000 Barium carbonate 323,077 3,065,094 114,481 955,096

2836910000 Lithium carbonates 91 69,114 219 503,123

2836920000 Strontium carbonate 0 601,517 0 332,650

2836990000 Other carbonates 911,931 14,347,010 620,057 8,210,594

2837110000 Cyanides and cyanide oxides, of sodium 270,000 2,374,920 465,723 3,993,393

2837190000 Other cyanides and cyanide oxides 121 491,747 4,218 708,785

2837200000 Complex cyanides 0 3 0 29

2839110000 Sodium metasilicates 175,724 2,676,440 87,742 1,155,596

2839191000 Sodium silicates 2,673,919 18,530,609 827,221 5,514,119

2839199000 Other silicates of sodium 837,689 7,088,043 468,410 4,254,912

2839900000 Other silicates; commerial alkali metalsilicates 1,075,008 9,563,822 1,144,513 7,687,374

2840110000 Disodium tetraborate (refined borax),anhydrous 4 21,387 660 20,317

2840190000 Other disodium tetraborate (refinedborax) 2,882,662 25,844,270 1,635,361 13,601,103

2840200000 Other borates 20,920 251,197 60,728 220,866

2840300000 Peroxoborates (perborates) 0 185,287 0 203,896

2841300000 Sodium dichromate 572 165,201 2,998 240,774

2841500000 Other chromates and dichromates,peroxochromates 774 73,701 9,200 281,280

2841610000 Potassium permanganate 140,000 411,329 465,600 1,105,430

2841690000 Other manganit 85 3,219 401 10,369

2841700000 Molybdates 12,593 51,149 38,674 668,965

2841800000 Tungstates (wolframates) 756 3,476 4,466 22,812

2841900000 Oth salts of oxometallic orperoxometallic acids 20,809 255,837 135,315 1,588,680

2842100000 Double/complex silicates,includ aluminosilicates w.or not chemical defined 174,514 2,551,528 194,131 1,916,066

2842901000 Sodium arsenite 20,002 173,085 18,030 239,875

2842902000 Copper and/or chromium salts 0 5,185 0 31,057

2842909000 Oth salts of inorganic acids/peroxoacid 72,865 816,320 501,839 3,634,666

2843100000 Colloidal precious metals 0 435 0 30,318

2843210000 Silver nitrate 166 2,506 42,743 170,338

2843290000 Other silver compounds 291 42,717 74,414 2,465,619

2843300000 Gold compounds 163 1,411 19,133 2,160,422

2843900000 Other amalgams and other compoundcolloidal precious metals 32 1,045 14,510 183,431

2844101000 Natural uranium and its compounds 93 93 1,440 1,440

2844109000 Ceramic products & mixtures containingnatural uranium 169 6,597 10,978 688,613

2844209000 Ceramics products & mixtures containinguranium enriched in u235, plutonium 0 1,500 0 7,664

2844301000 Uranium depleted in u235 & its compoundthorium and its compunds 0 108 0 10,259

2844309000 Ceramics products & mixtures containinguranium depleted in u235, thorium 0 112 0 1,223

2844401900 Other radioactive elements & isotopes &compounds, radioactive residues 149 3,084 29,434 406,437

2844409000 Ceramic products & mixtures containingisotop or compound,radioactive residues 541 18,173 201,245 2,097,454

2845100000 Heavy water (deuterium oxide) 1 55 277 4,711

2845900000 Other isotops other than those heading28.44 25,751 87,833 5,400 47,177

2846100000 Cerium compounds 820 8,291 605 54,999

2846900000 Other compounds, inorganic or organicof rare-earth metal 323 15,768 1,038 101,655

2847001000 Liquid hydrogen peroxide,whether or notsolidified with urea 1,582,849 11,208,819 816,499 5,200,363

2847009000 Hydrogen peroxide, whether or notsolidified with urea other form 936 1,202,928 3,890 716,789

2848000000 Phosphides, whether or not chemicallydefined excluding ferrophosphorus. 180 22,196 5,785 73,913

2849100000 Carbides, whether or not chemicallydefined of calcium 651,991 8,677,088 460,032 4,432,796

2849200000 Carbides, whether or not chemicallydefined of silicon 496,278 4,211,385 729,789 4,829,109

2849900000 Carbides, whether or not chemicallydefined of other material 8,247 568,003 89,971 1,542,756

2850000000 Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicidesand borides 608 2,371 11,016 57,206

2852001000 Mercury sulphate 1,503 2,247 4,056 9,858

2852009000 Other compounds, inorganic/organic, ofmercury, excluding amalgams 2,003 15,649 9,177 63,162

2853000000 Liquid, compressed air, other inorganic(incl distil/conductivity water,similar) 685 8,554,123 7,780 1,143,413

2901100000 Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons. 599,453 5,073,617 841,791 7,459,200

2901210000 Ethylene 36,397,394 323,335,147 51,432,027 433,919,657

2901220000 Propene (propylene) 32,882,645 192,880,303 53,719,144 279,781,467

2901230000 Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof 3,203,151 14,792,946 5,893,444 23,925,315

2901240000 Buta-1, 3-diene and isoprene 1,410,726 36,194,888 4,972,812 75,126,171

2901291000 Acetylene 20,645 31,366 22,178 68,076

2901299000 Other unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons 510,297 1,084,594 972,455 2,243,250



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2902110000 Cyclohexane 1,190 297,480 6,027 459,316

2902190000 Other cyclanes 105,042 912,833 273,614 2,075,873

2902200000 Benzene 22,026,088 112,552,006 27,584,452 127,871,915

2902300000 Toluene 11,286,314 77,729,442 14,973,573 92,038,134

2902410000 O-xylene 2,056,441 25,910,748 3,091,188 32,208,833

2902420000 M-xylene 0 54,012 0 53,989

2902430000 P-xylene 80,283,078 558,734,802 108,289,421 741,007,568

2902440000 Mixed xylene isomers 2,518,385 28,820,764 3,537,783 34,460,393

2902500000 Styrene 36,472 739,444 56,810 1,226,184

2902600000 Ethylbenzene 0 2,865 0 5,909

2902700000 Cumene 0 2,785,304 0 4,224,330

2902901000 Dodecylbenzene 0 542,214 0 923,902

2902902000 Alkylbenzenes 2,386 876,562 30,161 1,619,066

2902909000 Other cyclic hydrocarbons. 474,880 5,569,141 775,941 8,677,427

2903111000 Methyl chloride used in the manufactureof herbicides 31,240 585,455 31,359 1,131,513

2903119000 Other methyl chloride 106 20,263 4,886 22,547

2903120000 Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) 380,106 6,075,328 285,215 4,185,053

2903130000 Chloroform (trichloromethane) 64,526 408,299 182,848 1,530,597

2903150000 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) 7 110 99 1,546

2903190090 Other halogenated derivatives ofhydrocarbons 15 660,013 171 802,523

2903211000 Vinyl chloride monomer (vcm) 14,353,163 122,101,440 14,006,577 113,502,746

2903219000 Other vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) 20,850 262,696 100,080 1,017,078

2903220000 Trichloroethylene 91,475 1,934,205 89,172 1,635,783

2903230000 Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) 794 808,816 5,595 623,386

2903290000 Other unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons 135,658 1,154,783 576,612 4,126,161

2903310000 Ethylene dibromide (iso)(1,2-dibromoethane) 20,128 92,372 46,600 229,923

2903390000 Oth fluorinated, brominated/iodinated 0 285,533 0 1,104,484

2903440000 Dichlorotetrafluoroethanes and chloropenta fluoroethane 0 1,440 0 36,290

2903450000 Other derivatives perhalogenated onlywith fluorine and chlorine 0 29,812 0 72,910

2903470000 Other perhalogenated derivatives 2,968 10,153 7,987 25,156

2903490000 Derivatives of methane, ethane/propane,halogenated with flourine & chlorine 292,347 4,037,707 824,475 7,027,769

2903590000 Other halogenated derivatives of cyclanic cyclenic/cycloterpenic hydrocarbon 0 30,481 0 72,919

2903610000 Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene andp-dichlorobenzene 153,140 1,878,573 227,062 2,573,544

2903690000 Other halogenated derivatives ofaromatic 18,297 246,929 34,969 381,996

2904100000 Derivatives containing only sulphogroups their salts and ethyl esters 486,198 5,637,402 531,859 6,225,083

2904200000 Derivatives containing only nitro oronly nitroso groups 15,185 628,657 52,760 1,197,636

2904900000 Other derivatives of hydrocarbons,wherther or not halogenated 5,642 111,905 499,692 6,419,592

2905110000 Methanol (methyl alcohol) 6,935,402 53,726,062 3,381,107 25,303,301

2905120000 Propan-1-ol(propyl alcohol) & propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol) 722,743 19,267,150 1,382,409 29,170,340

2905130000 Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol) 1,980,034 20,177,056 3,615,195 32,822,762

2905140000 Other butanols 701,085 3,597,976 1,124,451 5,004,643

2905160000 Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomersthereof 2 11,501,725 20 21,272,920

2905170000 Dodecan-1-ol (lauryl alcohol), hexadecan-1-ol, and octadecan-1-ol 66,369 666,970 139,690 1,375,286

2905190000 Other sulphonated, nitrated/nitrosated 298,228 2,054,464 671,681 4,261,776

2905220000 Acyclic terpene alcohols 88,511 994,387 521,283 6,268,633

2905290000 Other unsaturated monohydric alcohols 22,570 390,436 141,674 2,440,903

2905310000 Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) 31,682,407 253,443,508 35,574,390 327,135,358

2905320000 Propylene glycol (propane-1, 2- diol) 2,052,205 19,610,322 3,813,516 34,377,932

2905390000 Other diols 212,636 2,861,587 789,053 7,752,128

2905410000 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl) propane-1,3-(trimethylolpropane) 13,963 251,985 30,759 533,980

2905420000 Pentaerythritol 500,900 4,931,816 1,014,300 9,708,712

2905430000 Mannitol 71,424 299,464 244,153 988,073

2905440000 D-glucitol (sorbitol) 134,146 793,325 103,789 679,921

2905450000 Glycerol 175,083 1,872,195 228,665 2,686,305

2905490000 Other polyhydric alcohols 21,175 520,203 63,811 1,660,441

2905510000 Ethchlorvynol (inn) 0 337 0 1,427

2905590000 Other halogenated, sulphonated,nitratedderivatives of acyclic alcohols 202 136,560 2,022 408,950

2906110000 Menthol 34,400 234,309 467,020 3,459,100

2906120000 Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols anddimethylcyclohexanols 0 1,563 0 19,437

2906130000 Sterols and inositols 43,014 372,800 186,628 2,333,065

2906190000 Other cyclanic, cyclenic/cycloterpenic 235,746 504,149 446,082 2,320,920

2906210000 Benzyl alcohol 97,486 677,644 299,183 1,810,914

2906290000 Other aromatic alcohol 5,952 333,979 108,947 2,166,014

2907110000 Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts 1,592,133 15,068,087 2,778,150 25,253,807

2907120000 Cresols and their salts 109,474 839,926 229,363 1,951,357

2907130000 Octylphenol, nonylphenol and theirisomers, salts thereof 31,697 1,935,942 81,002 3,758,414

2907150000 Naphthols and their salts 2,296 72,312 7,481 166,068

2907190000 Other monophenols 64,311 932,464 218,233 3,048,819

2907210000 Resorcinol and its salts 16,351 319,405 100,126 1,892,347

2907220000 Hydroquinone (quinol) and its salts 54,919 304,492 464,417 2,533,983

2907230000 4,4-isopropylidenediphenol (bisphenola, diphenylolpropane) and its salts 34,418 276,111 60,986 480,861

2907290000 Other polyphenols; phenol-alcohols 42,973 296,519 137,622 1,099,434

2908110000 Pentachlorophenol (iso) 14,000 98,005 105,700 739,838



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2908190000 Oth derivatives containing only halogensubtituents and their salts 16 80,586 243 83,773

2908910000 Dinoseb (iso) and its salts 0 143,680 0 568,464

2908990000 Oth derivatives containing only sulphogroups their salts and esters 11,556 1,156,994 28,581 642,183

2909110000 Diethyl ether 0 6,660 0 56,180

2909191000 Methyl tertiary butyl ether 293 576 1,788 6,717

2909199000 Other acyclic ethers and their halogenated 4,862 68,444 29,003 1,003,677

2909200000 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenicethers & their halogenated derivatives 0 4,587 0 126,471

2909300000 Aromatic ethers & their halogenated,sulphonated, or nitrosated derivatives 50,447 557,524 143,944 2,243,271

2909410000 2,2-oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol,digol) 169,404 5,125,002 170,325 5,640,552

2909430000 Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol orof diethylene glycol 866,785 11,533,207 1,930,440 24,148,696

2909440000 Other monoalkylethers of ethyleneglycol or of diethylene glycol 148,645 4,696,393 319,964 8,517,624

2909490000 Other ether-alcohols, their halogenatedsulphonated, nitrated derivatives 479,189 6,100,171 1,436,925 15,995,012

2909500000 Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols &their halogenated, nitrated derivatives 2,621 282,995 132,197 3,266,733

2909600000 Alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides & their halogenated drv 125,585 936,886 320,311 2,226,558

2910100000 Oxirane (ethylene oxide) 6,820 96,154 33,169 208,809

2910200000 Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) 2,308,758 16,122,618 4,242,301 27,213,468

2910300000 1chloro2, 3epoxypropane(epichlorohydrin) 36,512 181,779 97,399 431,084

2910900000 Other epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols & their halogenated derivatives 472 100,857 12,909 554,155

2911000000 Acetals & hemiacetals, whether or notwith other oxygen function 255 10,082 6,076 177,571

2912111000 Formalin 0 197,810 0 126,445

2912119000 Other methanal (formaldehyde) 20,000 60,017 17,800 60,662

2912120000 Ethanal (acetaldehyde) 16,097 53,873 32,093 126,690

2912190000 Other acyclic aldehydes without otheroxygen function 49,987 1,476,535 168,112 3,950,400

2912210000 Benzaldehyde 349 15,902 3,170 55,870

2912290000 Other cyclic aldehydes without otheroxygen function 171,410 1,925,605 725,295 7,984,977

2912300000 Aldehyde-alcohols 0 116,731 0 706,591

2912410000 Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzal-dehyde) 10,410 150,645 161,146 2,626,432

2912420000 Ethylvanillin (3-ethoxy-4-hydroxyben-zaldehyde) 8,009 151,086 168,212 2,579,786

2912490000 Other aldehyde-ethers,aldehyde-phenols& aldehydes with other oxygen function 1,013 22,157 8,806 131,326

2912500000 Cyclic polymers of aldehydes 0 65,537 0 182,128

2912600000 Paraformaldehyde 380,000 3,935,401 364,460 4,070,959

2913000000 Halogenated,sulphonated,nitrated or nitrosated derivat.of products of h 29.12 19,169 24,622 60,331 96,143

2914110000 Acetone 2,474,687 13,934,097 2,948,207 15,572,778

2914120000 Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) 3,232,570 21,270,135 5,316,564 29,394,070

2914130000 4-methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobuthylketone) 446,122 3,609,225 826,431 6,804,252

2914190000 Other acyclic ketones without otheroxygen function 18,182 309,523 176,996 2,580,412

2914210000 Camphor 10,670 205,309 14,498 400,999

2914220000 Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones 60,809 2,278,683 168,068 4,485,288

2914230000 Ionones and methylionones 140 148,375 4,252 1,672,629

2914290000 Other cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpepenic ketones without oth. oxygen func. 48,469 1,187,667 586,884 8,459,583

2914310000 Phenylacetone (phenylpropan-2-one) 0 487 0 1,451

2914390000 Other aromatic ketones without otheroxygen function 7,560 137,496 123,581 1,765,964

2914400000 Ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes 232,170 2,322,211 442,525 4,483,073

2914500000 Ketone-phenols & ketones without otheroxygen function 11,136 76,459 118,719 1,262,352

2914610000 Anthraquinone 1 4 11 53

2914690000 Other quinones 10,125 87,512 88,425 886,478

2914700000 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated ornitrosated derivatives 7,690 63,092 64,482 369,579

2915110000 Formic acid 171,786 1,319,941 159,894 1,123,636

2915120000 Salts of formic acid 102,838 2,219,245 60,736 1,080,641

2915130000 Esters of formic acid 270 5,298 6,394 61,190

2915210000 Acetic acid 6,118,124 70,710,819 3,963,764 46,421,279

2915240000 Acetic anhydride 45,800 272,154 82,272 466,035

2915290000 Other acetic acid and its salts 131,485 1,648,079 642,866 5,070,949

2915310000 Ethyl acetate 1,032,366 12,982,599 1,311,489 14,518,093

2915320000 Vinyl acetate 458,208 25,249,093 667,957 33,758,439

2915330000 N-butyl acetate 109,906 1,758,790 174,005 2,780,323

2915360000 Dinoseb (iso) acetate 0 6,500 0 14,019

2915390000 Other esters of acetic acid 577,297 6,778,216 1,298,652 16,735,227

2915400000 Mono-, di- or trichloroacetic acids,their salts and esters 348,653 2,750,041 430,975 3,144,025

2915500000 Propionic acids, its salts and esters 111,048 1,136,324 325,739 2,905,021

2915600000 Butanoic acids, pentanoic acids, theirsalts and esters 373,068 2,069,679 738,447 4,335,946

2915701000 Palmitic acid, its salts and esters 160,107 1,760,395 495,970 5,687,241

2915702000 Stearic acid 250,253 2,761,781 390,593 4,212,142

2915703000 Salts and esters of stearic acid 230,081 2,151,352 481,666 4,103,401

2915901000 Acetyl chloride 16,710 189,481 67,278 479,351

2915902000 Lauric acid, myristic acid, their saltsand esters 134,400 1,104,531 213,427 1,634,892

2915909000 Other saturated acyclic monocarboxylicacids & their anhydrides & halides 182,509 3,700,797 443,846 8,292,387

2916110000 Acrylic acid and its salts 510,266 5,649,805 893,399 9,199,520

2916120000 Esters of acrylic acid 4,491,801 27,486,909 9,599,321 52,823,416

2916130000 Methacrylic acid and its salts 84,940 823,010 225,204 2,015,998

2916141000 Methyl methacrylate 2,253,701 24,851,877 5,151,310 48,834,999

2916149000 Other esters of methacrylic acid 175,633 1,682,195 583,363 5,099,767

2916150000 Oleic,linoleic or linolenic acids,theirsalts and esters 16,776 397,606 42,802 847,696



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2916190000 Oth unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylicacids, their anhydrides & halides 87,738 854,635 445,028 3,787,466

2916200000 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenicmonocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides 14,374 562,918 1,086,222 15,862,583

2916310000 Benzoic acid, its salts and esters 422,436 4,703,925 810,383 7,707,209

2916320000 Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride 82,545 784,299 160,176 1,324,186

2916340000 Phenylacetic acid and its salt 255 4,630 1,086 29,137

2916350000 Esters of phenylacetic acid 3,000 20,071 17,280 200,390

2916391000 2,4-dichlorophenyl acetic acid & itssalts and esters 162,000 1,289,280 531,360 4,040,605

2916399000 Other aromatic monocarboxylic acids,their anhydrides, halides & peroxides 71,551 556,596 421,471 2,878,721

2917110000 Oxalic acid, its salts and esters 3,588 1,064,925 24,663 1,285,495

2917121000 Dioctyl adipate (doa) 160,411 462,719 329,511 942,581

2917129000 Other adipic acid, its salts & esters 71,128 1,582,116 130,879 2,812,157

2917130000 Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their saltsand esters 31,501 158,299 124,214 594,904

2917140000 Maleic anhydride 35,046 1,010,987 86,305 1,617,850

2917190000 Other acyclic polycarboxylic acids,their anhydrides, halides & peroxides 204,171 1,570,028 453,456 3,451,606

2917200000 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenicpolycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides 43,061 230,879 135,550 671,796

2917320000 Dioctyl orthophthalates 300,885 1,993,073 658,314 3,459,994

2917330000 Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates 201,521 1,424,246 483,634 3,013,496

2917340000 Other esters of orthophthalic acid 608,843 3,414,139 1,351,902 7,179,337

2917350000 Phthalic anhydride 1,164,505 16,159,910 1,699,385 20,547,307

2917360000 Terephthalic acid and its salts 502,031 6,835,582 582,940 5,966,138

2917370000 Dimethyl terephtalate 0 18,220 0 29,654

2917391000 Trioctyltrimellitate (totm) 188,851 863,076 383,200 1,853,155

2917392000 Other phthalic plasticizers & esters ofphthalic anhydride 0 252,019 0 429,727

2917399000 Other aromatic polycarboxylic acids,their anhydrides, halides & peroxides 342,258 3,822,784 660,272 7,753,982

2918110000 Lactic acid, its salts and esters 228,656 1,456,432 534,554 3,200,015

2918120000 Tartaric acid 20,420 219,776 61,954 626,570

2918130000 Salts and esters of tartaric acid 62,327 489,312 176,948 1,333,879

2918140000 Citric acid 2,050,827 10,203,260 2,470,660 12,755,149

2918151000 Calcium citrate 18,580 42,977 47,186 173,500

2918159000 Other salts and esters of citric acid 459,440 3,786,226 691,311 5,108,820

2918160000 Gluconic acid, its salts and esters 152,472 1,268,230 143,043 1,599,485

2918190000 Oth carboxylic acids with alcohol function but without other oxygen function 76,878 806,165 208,942 2,153,825

2918210000 Salicylic acid and its salts 35,946 406,227 106,858 1,205,974

2918220000 O-acetylsalicylic acid,its salts andesters 47,289 414,154 187,147 1,486,611

2918230000 Other esters of salicylic acid & theirsalts 65,398 879,711 191,220 2,521,710

2918291000 Alkyl sulphonic ester of phenol 235 460 4,000 8,752

2918299000 Other carboxylic acids with phenol function but without other oxygen function 41,137 391,655 236,165 2,441,113

2918300000 Carboxylic acids with aldehyde/ketonefunction but without other oxygen func. 3,809 95,437 107,672 2,688,217

2918910000 2,4,5-t(iso) (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic 9,200 191,511 85,032 426,450

2918990000 Oth carboxylic acids with additionaloxygen function,their anhydrides,halides 44,847 923,570 619,889 4,343,659

2919100000 Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate 9,964 139,747 13,780 576,764

2919900000 Oth.phosphoric esters,their salts,incllactophosphates, their halogenated 35,167 378,298 119,876 1,241,277

2920110000 Parathion (iso) & parathion-methyl (iso) 7 7 70 70

2920190000 Oth thiophosphoric esters,(phosphorothioates) & their salts 0 120,729 0 495,621

2920901000 Dimethyl sulphate (dms) 47,836 286,797 54,946 363,360

2920909000 Other esters of other inorganic acidsof non metals and their salts 74,143 483,871 128,104 752,917

2921110000 Methylamine, di- or trimethylamine andtheir salts 151,567 1,385,426 375,906 3,130,884

2921190000 Other acyclic monoamines & their derivatives; salts thereof 389,632 6,365,555 1,278,247 27,176,576

2921210000 Ethylenediamine and its salts 159,385 2,199,681 508,836 5,683,435

2921220000 Hexamethylenediamine and its salts 7,960 207,691 38,000 525,436

2921290000 Other acyclic polyamines & their derivatives; salts thereof 266,598 2,341,252 563,636 5,136,767

2921300000 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenicmono-or polyamines,& their derivatives 562,636 4,604,458 1,426,989 10,768,866

2921410000 Aniline and its salts 327 1,747,360 1,893 6,620,859

2921420000 Aniline derivatives and their salts 72,178 866,431 331,227 3,240,077

2921430000 Toluidines & their derivatives; saltsthereof 50 65,971 152 357,903

2921440000 Diphenylamine & its derivatives; saltsthereof 2,073 46,527 8,752 340,004

2921450000 1-naphthylamine (alpha-naphthylamine),2-naphthylamine (beta-naphthylamine) 16,003 328,448 63,393 1,531,367

2921490000 Oth aromatic monoamines & their deri-vatives; salts thereof 999 127,070 15,787 562,806

2921510000 O-,m-,p-phenylenediam, diaminotoluenes & their derivatives; salts thereof 251,935 2,839,598 1,271,017 12,719,616

2921590000 Oth aromatic polyamines & their derivatives; salts thereof 55,334 2,256,530 397,681 16,484,342

2922110000 Monoethanolamine and its salts 66,781 1,045,778 177,549 2,347,285

2922120000 Diethanolamine and its salts 92,451 2,646,771 341,359 7,454,300

2922130000 Triethanolamine and its salts 18,436 587,360 41,161 1,492,614

2922191000 Ethambutol & its salts, esters & otherdrv suitable for produc of anti tbc pre 2,710 219,490 146,255 2,264,722

2922192000 D-2-amino-normal-butyl-alcohol 124,871 262,171 316,298 826,327

2922199000 Oth amino-alcohols,phenylpropanolamin hcl, tramadol, ketamin hcl 23,803 400,992 351,228 2,964,392

2922210000 Amino hydroxynaphthalene sulphonicacids and their salts 76,877 1,607,103 387,187 8,643,264

2922290000 Other amino-naphthols & other aminophenols 23,323 478,476 120,019 2,460,684

2922310000 Amfepramone (inn), methadone (inn) &normethadone (inn); salts thereof 0 1,568 0 65,837

2922390000 Other amino-aldehydes,amino-ketones& aminno-quinones 153 90,746 1,328 839,207

2922410000 Lysine and its esters; salts thereof 487,369 2,948,522 1,085,718 6,175,032

2922421000 Glutamic acid 1,714 39,983 19,392 293,925

2922422000 Monosodium glutamate 1,221,086 10,760,517 1,232,515 10,489,424



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2922429000 Salts of glutamic acid 3,191 73,328 21,284 238,996

2922430000 Anthranilic acid and its salts 0 6,802 0 28,556

2922491000 Mephenamic acid and its salts 54,065 406,742 457,660 3,053,019

2922499000 Oth amino acids,o.t.t containing morethan one kind of oxygen function 79,790 2,051,920 881,584 13,191,823

2922501000 P-aminosalicylic acid & its salts,esterand other derivatives 52,952 164,788 151,075 505,252

2922509000 Oth amino-alcohol-phenols,amino-acidphenols oth amino-comp with oxyg funct. 583 132,528 108,495 2,233,005

2923100000 Choline and its salts 371,305 4,870,611 482,254 5,909,107

2923201000 Lecithins, whether or not chemicallydefined 769,402 6,418,959 802,879 6,607,014

2923209000 Other phosphoaminolipids 24,464 932,300 329,226 1,686,715

2923900000 Oth quarternary ammonium salts andand hydroxides 365,953 3,643,529 768,996 6,133,937

2924110000 Meprobamate (inn) 15 21,354 2,799 36,744

2924120090 Other fluoroacetamide (iso), monocrothopos (iso), phosphamidon (iso) 4,800 20,073 23,040 90,342

2924190000 Oth acyclic amides (including acycliccarbamates), & their thrf, salts thrf 233,087 3,406,520 561,009 8,682,758

2924212000 Diuron and monouron 30,481 232,285 132,360 960,980

2924219000 Other ureines & their derivatives;saltsthereof 7,250 184,963 41,393 1,156,468

2924230000 2-acetamidobenzoic acid(n-acetylan-thranilic acid) and its salts 0 75 0 8,142

2924291000 Aspartame 54,612 368,284 1,025,275 6,075,857

2924292000 Butylphenylmethyl carbamate, methylisopropyl phenyl carbamate 0 304,010 0 1,322,719

2924299010 Asetaminophen (paracetamol), salycylmide, ethoxybenzamide 244,101 4,041,598 1,366,879 15,754,873

2924299090 Oth carboxyamide-function compounds 297,159 2,313,294 2,993,406 22,470,146

2925110000 Saccharin and its salts 525 33,195 14,916 308,070

2925190000 Other imides & their derivatives, saltsthereof 22,197 143,860 113,669 742,824

2925210000 Chlordimeform (iso) 0 1,159 0 7,997

2925290000 Other imines and their derivatives;and salts thereof 11,090 280,045 140,197 2,003,062

2926100000 Acrylonitrile 485,346 5,909,469 1,176,790 12,361,004

2926200000 1-cyanoguanidine (dicyandiamide) 12,774 124,060 155,201 441,602

2926300000 Fenproporex (inn) & its salts, methadone(inn) intermediate 0 301 0 963

2926900000 Other nitrile-function compounds. 54,334 892,058 1,587,124 28,407,856

2927001000 Azodicarbonamide 120,730 412,592 161,530 488,660

2927009000 Oth diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds. 150,856 1,526,581 402,551 3,522,690

2928001000 Linuron 0 229,542 0 410,441

2928009000 Other organic derivatives of hidrazineor of hydroxylamine 19,068 231,915 184,442 1,620,257

2929100000 Isocyanates 2,981,403 30,811,835 7,058,670 67,975,854

2929901000 Sodium cyclamate 0 159,345 0 265,520

2929902000 Other cyclamate 105,210 105,210 104,475 104,475

2929909000 Other compounds with other nitrogenfunction 25,257 169,107 47,182 877,379

2930200000 Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates 220,163 2,212,463 946,937 12,911,632

2930300000 Thiuram mono, di or tetrasulphides 10,316 245,974 46,303 989,025

2930400000 Methionine 1,340,847 12,210,434 6,681,466 44,191,860

2930500000 Captafol (iso) & methamidophos (iso) 0 5,475 0 25,014

2930900000 Other organo-sulphur compounds 781,591 7,679,217 2,756,330 28,467,077

2931001000 Tetraethyl lead 0 218,886 0 1,443,361

2931002000 N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine and saltsthereof 209,440 9,159,926 2,482,788 67,715,194

2931003000 Ethephone 14,745 206,696 72,421 684,584

2931009000 Other organo-inorganic compounds 288,568 1,278,253 1,255,735 6,190,029

2932110000 Tetrahydrofuran 1,225 154,306 6,850 540,375

2932120000 2-furaldehyde (furfuraldehyde) 40,001 127,925 70,019 220,081

2932130000 Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfurylalcohol 80,007 1,044,849 183,562 1,886,621

2932190000 Oth compounds containing an unfusedfuran ring in the structure 6,250 124,024 306,724 2,969,875

2932210000 Coumarin, methylcoumarins &ethylcoumarins 154 83,758 1,916 937,529

2932290000 Other lactones 23,161 254,133 172,010 3,820,230

2932930000 Piperonal 2,000 25,116 80,903 596,116

2932991000 Carbofuran 77,920 1,084,425 1,081,009 13,945,837

2932999000 Other heterocyclic compound withoxygen hetero-atom(s) only. 418,273 2,485,957 2,244,996 13,811,366

2933111000 Dipyrone (antalgin) 32,131 290,658 285,618 2,541,067

2933119000 Other phenazone (antipyrin) and itsderivatives 25,001 295,516 387,854 3,254,254

2933190000 Oth compounds containing an unfusedpyrazole ring in the structure 12,912 240,453 288,816 4,795,330

2933210000 Hydantoin and its derivatives 27,776 252,466 147,364 1,174,998

2933291000 Cimetidine 1,635 44,504 61,863 820,771

2933299000 Oth compounds containing an unfusedimidazole ring in the structure 98,037 268,991 509,912 3,904,747

2933310000 Pyridine and its salts 41,078 645,347 296,413 4,987,554

2933320000 Piperidine and its salts 2 3,080 603 102,499

2933330000 Alfentanil (inn), anileridine (inn),bezitramide (inn), bromazepam (inn) 3 283 56 195,556

2933391000 Chlorpheniramine and isoniazid 10,360 82,114 165,035 1,198,384

2933392000 Isonicotinic acid hydrazide,& its saltsesters,derived of pharmaceutical grade 0 4,375 0 60,022

2933393000 Paraquat salts 1,123,645 10,046,965 4,397,108 32,685,205

2933399000 Oth compounds containing an unfusedpyridine ring in the structure 189,448 1,454,138 2,083,348 19,011,957

2933410000 Levorphanol (inn) and its salts 0 14,596 0 51,800

2933490000 Oth compounds containing in the struc.a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system 66,026 827,186 378,659 4,304,889

2933520000 Malonylurea (barbituric acid) and itssalts 1 41 65 3,737

2933530000 Allobarbital(inn),amobarbital(inn), barbital(inn),butalbital(inn),butobarbital 1,250 3,305 30,875 77,710

2933540000 Other derivatives of malonylurea(barbituric acid), salts thereof 0 3 0 1,123

2933591000 Diazinon 0 64,346 0 408,760



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

2933599000 Oth compounds contain a pyrimidinering or piperazine ring in the structur 31,204 593,367 1,166,252 12,050,739

2933610000 Melamine 1,082,471 5,621,798 2,034,901 9,261,740

2933690000 Oth compounds containing an unfusedtriazine ring in the structure 405,554 4,378,115 1,245,342 11,346,172

2933710000 6-hexanelactam (epsilon-caprolactam) 6,257,884 40,922,352 16,263,220 102,929,028

2933720000 Clobazam (inn) and methyprylon (inn) 0 99 0 448,175

2933790000 Other lactams 31,824 190,249 211,400 4,557,035

2933910000 Alprazolam(inn), camazepam(inn),chlordiazepoxide(inn), clonazepam 16,003 69,460 245,558 1,064,198

2933991000 Mebendazole and parbendazole 835 13,600 30,220 206,143

2933999000 Other heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. 138,044 874,980 2,165,715 15,948,466

2934100000 Compounds containing an unfusedthiazole ring in the 32,017 213,268 207,610 1,661,311

2934200000 Comp containing in the structure a benzothiazole rind-system, not futher fused 151,628 1,590,185 759,538 6,114,864

2934300000 Comp containing in the structure a phenothiazine ring-system,not further fused 6,047 90,552 71,488 1,169,359

2934910000 Aminorex(inn), brotizolam(inn), clotiazepam(inn),cloxazolam(inn),oxazolam 120 6,853 186,000 692,454

2934991000 Nucleic acid and its salts 100 10,944 6,600 282,073

2934992000 Sultones, sultams, diltiazem 14,163 67,364 634,139 3,775,237

2934993000 6-amino penicillanic acid 0 92,040 0 3,345,950

2934999000 Other nucleic acids and their salts,whether or not chemically defined 74,265 735,536 3,055,723 22,508,700

2935000000 Sulphonamides. 94,843 738,786 1,239,874 14,603,134

2936210000 Vitamins a & their derivatives 72,830 280,751 1,585,917 6,967,454

2936220000 Vitamins b1 & its derivatives 14,906 251,076 367,047 4,552,642

2936230000 Vitamin b2 & its derivatives 12,201 159,751 485,860 3,922,026

2936240000 D-or dl-pantothenic acid (vit b3or vit b5 & its derivatives 19,436 216,945 239,821 3,097,476

2936250000 Vitamin b6 & its derivatives 12,982 205,960 248,970 2,867,656

2936260000 Vitamin b12 & its derivatives 6,412 37,321 267,319 2,368,929

2936270000 Vitamin c & its derivatives 196,901 1,763,789 2,586,240 19,736,268

2936280000 Vitamin e & its derivatives 27,508 508,917 527,319 9,870,262

2936290000 Oth vitamins & their derivatives 134,268 924,952 2,235,995 13,272,164

2936900000 Oth vitamin, incl natural concentrates 79,752 1,112,371 1,019,180 9,028,788

2937120000 Insulin & its salts 0 5 0 3,800

2937190000 Oth polupeptide hormones, proteinhormones 0 237 0 131,052

2937210000 Cortisone,hydrocortisone, prednisone &prednisolone (dehydrohydro cortison) 3,177 19,575 344,686 1,472,231

2937220000 Halogenated derivatives ofcorticosteroidal hormones 272 3,994 269,909 5,749,570

2937230000 Oestrogens & progestogens 437 4,023 861,548 7,731,676

2937290000 Oth steroidal hormones 2,787 18,607 603,398 3,646,863

2937310000 Epinephrine 6 154 4,405 41,546

2937400000 Amino-acid derivatives 104 2,771 23,651 293,971

2937500000 Prostaglandins,thromboxanes &leukotrienes & their derivatives 2 16 6,300 43,450

2937900000 Oth hormones 30 621 3,616 135,853

2938100000 Rutoside (rutin) & its derivatives 525 6,102 57,497 285,800

2938900000 Oth glycoside, natural or reproduc andtheir salts, ethers, esters & oth drv 22,601 71,292 83,732 734,984

2939110000 Concent of poppy straw, buprenorphinecodein,ethylmorphin,etorphine,heroin 1 1,175 136 564,430

2939190000 Oth alkaloids of opium 0 28,944 0 708,847

2939200000 Alkaloids of chinchona andtheir derivatives, salts thereof 1 71 2,550 19,366

2939300000 Caffeine & its salts 90,511 379,638 1,048,074 3,578,678

2939410000 Ephedrine & its salts 1,151 11,346 58,286 530,197

2939420000 Pseudoephedrine (inn) & its salts 10,801 33,892 496,280 1,590,159

2939490010 Phenylpropanolamine hcl (ppa) 5,150 20,067 172,280 657,410

2939490090 Other ephedrines and their salts 0 501 0 77,502

2939510000 Fenetyline(inn) & its salts 75 1,038 4,875 84,201

2939590000 Oth theophylline & aminoophylline 7,112 67,723 131,570 1,409,850

2939610000 Ergometrine (inn) & its salts 1 6 6,400 19,616

2939620000 Ergotamine (inn) & its salts 0 5 0 44,921

2939690000 Oth alkaloids of rye ergot 13 56 41,920 213,615

2939919000 Oth cocaine, levometamfetamine 25 154 2,375 42,105

2939991000 Nicotine sulphate 2 32 213 2,370

2939999000 Oth vegetable alkaloids, natural orreproduc by synthesis & their salts 154 106,838 216,224 1,692,282

2940000000 Sugars, chemically pure, oth thansucrose, lactose, maltose 45,810 546,904 430,294 3,745,839

2941101100 Amoxicillins & its salts non-sterile 8,366 130,778 453,480 3,310,743

2941101900 Oth amoxicillins 26,614 457,737 1,135,949 13,758,566

2941102000 Ampicillin & its salts 1,020 97,543 154,337 4,043,837

2941109000 Other penicillins, their derivatvs withpenicillanic acid structure; salts thrf 13,680 132,770 495,923 4,322,374

2941200000 Streptomycins & their derivated, saltthereof 29 26,833 5,911 607,839

2941300000 Tetracyclines & their derivated, saltthereof 40,076 563,860 522,732 4,926,211

2941400000 Chloramphenicol & its derivated, saltthereof 9,965 100,031 276,475 2,844,172

2941500000 Erythromycin & its derivated, saltthereof 3,141 71,945 281,568 3,697,663

2941900000 Oth antibiotics(rifampicin, cephalosporin, their deriv,salts thrf, quinolon) 93,763 1,141,255 3,655,372 29,948,682

2942000000 Oth organic compounds. 84,363 689,501 946,440 11,427,356

3001200000 Extracts of glands or oth organsor of their secretions 1,013 44,556 30,771 420,034

3001900000 Oth human or animal substanc. prepar.for therapeutic/prophylactic uses, nes 1,198 37,610 39,871 190,451

3002101000 Plasma protein solution 2,656 5,708 859,384 1,574,797

3002102000 Antisera & modified immunologicalprods with or not obtain 76 18,688 4,770 3,479,611

3002109000 Oth antisera & blood fractions & modifimmunological prods 22,330 233,850 974,003 8,246,288

3002201000 Tetanus toxoid 0 10,351 0 29,562



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3002202000 Pertusis, measles, meningitis a/c& poliovaccine 644 5,061 391,724 9,858,456

3002209010 Hepatitis vaccine 1,304 9,466 347,860 1,633,354

3002209090 Oth vaccine for human medicine 5,754 75,887 2,371,742 11,281,851

3002300000 Vaccines for veterinary medicine 71,818 454,687 2,899,261 20,172,191

3002900000 Oth human blood; animal blood prepfor therapeutic 17,632 97,468 662,387 5,459,981

3003101000 Medicaments cont amoxicllin (inn) notput up in measur doses-for retail sale 0 10,700 0 241,400

3003109000 Oth medicam cont penicllins or drv notput up in measur. doses - for ret sale 5 14,401 1,555 64,266

3003200000 Medicaments cont oth antibiotics 11,304 95,915 292,319 2,980,258

3003390000 Oth medicaments cont hormones oroth prod. - for retai sale 3,432 88,159 30,150 954,476

3003400090 Oth medicaments cont alkaloids orderivated thrf but not cont hormones 167 10,494 137,615 686,526

3003900000 Oth medicaments cont >=2 constituent 111,900 509,419 796,003 7,254,161

3004101500 Containing penicillin g (excluding 0 3,942 0 22,516

3004101600 Containing ampicillin,amoxycillin orsalts thereof, of a kind taken orally 2,548 11,141 81,170 263,143

3004101900 Oth medicam cont penicillins or drv putup in measured doses-for retail sale 320 3,080 5,323 271,254

3004102100 Medicam cont streptomycs-ointmentput up in measur doses-for retail sale 2,004 10,140 6,564 20,475

3004102900 Medicam cont oth streptomycins ortherderivat other than ointment 787 11,359 42,522 673,931

3004203100 Medicam cont erythromycin or drvthereof for taking orally 0 1 0 5

3004203200 Medicam cont erythromycin or drvthereof ointment 101 4,764 45,140 81,027

3004203900 Medicaments cont erythromycin or drvother for taking oralling or ointment 180 13,146 30,071 424,564

3004207100 Medicam cont tetracyclilns or drvthereof for taking orally 0 907 0 38,071

3004207900 Medicam cont chloramphenicols or drvother for taking oralling or ointment 15,709 106,632 152,648 1,033,485

3004209100 Medicam cont linc, sulf,iso,pyr or drvthereof for taking orally 15 17,384 233 1,221,539

3004209900 Medicam cont gentamycins or drvthereof for injection 54,058 286,251 947,214 6,840,618

3004310000 Medicam cont insulin-but not contantibiotics 15,314 63,927 1,022,909 7,394,448

3004324000 Containing hydrocortisone sodiumsuccinate or fluocinolone aceton 84 80,449 31,457 267,350

3004329000 Medic cont oth corticosteroid hormone 748 6,977 93,268 763,344

3004390000 Oth medicam cont hormon, adrenalin, othprod of hd 29.37, not cont insuline 40,756 541,076 1,425,489 5,468,729

3004401000 Medicam cont morphine/its derivativesfor injection 0 1,001 0 152,241

3004403000 Medicam cont quinine sulphate orbisulphate, for taking orally 0 12 0 70

3004405000 Medicam cont papaverine or berberine 0 25 0 3,000

3004407000 Medicaments cont atropin sulphate 0 1 0 2

3004409010 Medicaments cont morphine or its drv,for taking orally 0 1,861 0 914,715

3004409090 Medicaments cont morphine or its drv,not for taking orally 1,015 159,559 37,758 2,723,333

3004501000 Oth medicam cont syrups & drops ofvitamins of a kind suitable for children 293 37,488 860 261,331

3004508100 Medicam cont b complex vitamins 0 260 0 7,474

3004508900 Medicam cont oth b complex vitamin 3,196 17,911 96,221 981,162

3004509000 Oth medicaments cont vitamins oroth prods of heading 29.36 115,003 876,121 430,653 3,562,558

3004901000 Specialised medicines for cancer,aids or oth intractable diseases 2,511 41,963 849,909 12,747,062

3004902000 Oth medicamt put up in measuredosesclosed sterile water for 144 21,821 20,376 362,980

3004903000 Antiseptics 0 3,499 0 30,451

3004904900 Oth anaesthetics cont ketaminlidocain 102 22,003 12,474 983,712

3004905100 Analgesics,antipyretics & oth medicamcont acetyl salicylic acid 0 3 0 13

3004905900 Oth analgesics, antipyretics & medcont chlorp maleat,diclof, tramadol 18,539 90,789 218,799 996,396

3004906000 Antimalarials cont artemisinin,primaqartesunate or chloroquine (inn) 0 731 0 100,705

3004908000 Transdermal therapeutic systems (tts)patches for cancer or heart diseases 0 610 0 80,278

3004909100 Oth medicam put up in measur doses-cont sulpiride(inn),cimetidine,rantidin 278,397 2,545,314 360,854 2,724,153

3004909200 Oth medicam put up in measur doses-cont piroxicam(inn) or ibuprofen(inn) 1,678 191,754 16,439 581,017

3004909300 Oth medicam put up in measur doses-cont phenobarbital,diazepam, 0 613 0 133,936

3004909910 Oth medicam put up in measur doses-doses cont phenobarbital, 1,500 2,636 8,500 179,964

3004909990 Oth infusion fluids; nutritional orelectrolytic solutions 566,425 5,988,058 12,371,517 112,537,692

3005101000 Adhesive dressing & oth articles coverimpregnant w/ pharmaceutical substc 17,494 133,903 152,797 1,255,792

3005109000 Oth adhesive dressings & otharticles having an adhesive layer 28,990 118,954 231,031 1,508,161

3005901000 Bandages 23,387 210,063 198,698 1,395,290

3005902000 Gauze 28 35,969 431 100,959

3005909000 Oth wadding, impregnat/coated withpharmaceutic subst or put up in forms 15,246 127,222 622,126 2,694,670

3006101000 Sterile absorbable surgical or dentalyarn; sterile surgical or dental 14,416 64,548 233,133 392,040

3006109000 Sterile surgical catgut,similar sterilesuture matt & sterile tissue 2,632 33,547 417,931 3,213,235

3006200000 Blood-grouping reagents 709 8,383 142,279 800,067

3006302000 Reagents of microbial origin forveterinary 17 17 165 165

3006303000 Oth microbial diagnostic reagents 0 15,460 0 13,678

3006309000 Oth opacifyng prep for x-ray exam,diagnostic reagents design to be 230,961 2,073,074 492,877 3,887,989

3006401000 Dental cements & oth dental fillings 1,924 44,447 154,837 754,700

3006402000 Bone reconstruc cements 40 225 3,028 16,159

3006500000 First-aid boxes & kits 428 6,430 8,741 109,907

3006600000 Chemical contraceptive prepbased on hormones 0 12,004 0 3,455,554

3006700000 Gel prep designed to be used in humanor vet medic for parts of the body 11,326 28,774 119,482 476,774

3006910000 Appliances identifiable for ostomy use 1 1 50 50

3006920000 Waste pharmaceuticals 0 9,402 0 20,414

3101001100 Supplement fertilizers in liquid form,not chemical treat-of solely vegetable 456 193,768 2,704 184,731

3101001900 Oth thn supplemnt fertilizr in liquidform,not chemicl treat solely vegetable 480,000 10,823,001 99,898 1,873,805

3101009100 Oth animal or vegetable fertilisers,supplement fertilizers in liquid form 0 87,605 0 137,879

3101009900 Oth animal or vegetable fertilisers,oththn supplemnt fertilizr in liquid form 10,305 79,977 23,473 155,466

3102100000 Urea, with or not in aqueous solution 400,202 1,727,872 241,723 1,114,776



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3102210000 Ammonium sulphate 36,122,600 295,212,326 14,659,017 87,292,416

3102290000 Oth double salts & mix of ammoniumsulphate & ammonium nitrate 76,000 156,006 63,520 159,738

3102300000 Ammonium nitrate, with or not inaqueous solutions 9,748,977 234,554,402 6,404,900 111,771,112

3102400000 Mixt of ammonium nitrate with calciumcarbonate or oth inorganic non-fertilis 36,018 86,051 26,520 98,752

3102500000 Sodium nitrate 664,245 4,885,348 456,301 2,693,174

3102600000 Double salts & mixtures of calciumnitrate & ammonium nitrate 717,500 9,529,623 294,175 3,431,901

3102900000 Oth mineral or chem fertilisers,nitrogenous inc mixt 7,349 62,120 7,256 127,767

3103101000 Superphosphates, feed grade 0 5,000,090 0 2,777,355

3103109000 Other suoerphosphates 19,169,903 439,256,298 7,216,177 170,742,591

3103901000 Calcined phosphatic fertiliser 186,773 1,167,050 64,625 272,992

3103909000 Oth mineral or chemical fertilisers,phospatic 44,561,250 580,618,484 18,723,010 154,590,133

3104200000 Potassium chloride 146,815,862 1,578,489,090 138,835,206 913,791,343

3104300000 Potassium sulphate 265,284 10,586,453 195,080 5,207,604

3104900000 Oth potassium salts 12,299,133 51,826,750 10,503,369 31,202,190

3105100000 Mineral or chemic fertilisers,tablet orsimilar forms-pack of a weight < 10kg 378 1,082 2,577 17,448

3105200000 Mineral or chemical fertiliser cont theelements nitro,phosphor & potassium 40,176,855 340,437,086 28,480,380 179,523,700

3105300000 Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate(diammonium phosphate) 1,636 1,548,709 3,676 1,759,933

3105400000 Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate(monoammonium phosphate) 250 47,756,668 150 29,954,961

3105510000 Oth mineral or chemical fertiliserscont nitrates & phosphates 13,012,700 31,208,731 8,934,839 16,835,908

3105590000 Oth mineral or chemical fertiliserscont nitrogen & phosphorus 659,879 10,392,873 679,908 7,109,323

3105600000 Mineral or chemical fertilisers contelements phosphorus & potassium 39,600 26,282,926 23,936 11,003,390

3105900000 Oth mineral or chemical fertilisers, intablets or in pack < 10kg 46,564 1,627,283 162,958 1,132,565

3201100000 Quebracho extract 26,611 357,383 55,924 598,646

3201200000 Wattle extract 122,500 615,716 123,813 709,196

3201901000 Gambier 0 721 0 2,553

3201909000 Oth tanning extract of vegetable origintannis & their salts, esters & oth drv 86,259 542,318 37,667 376,272

3202100000 Synthetic organic tanning substances 475,610 5,395,903 450,776 5,824,789

3202900000 Oth inorgan tanning subst;tanning prepwith or not cont natural tanning subs 231,301 1,945,276 318,799 2,663,784

3203001000 Coloring matter of vegetable or animalsuitable for use in food or drink 20,028 161,993 126,665 1,287,888

3203009000 Oth coloring matter of vegetable oranimal not suitable for use in food 16,053 104,610 169,516 1,267,166

3204111000 Disperse dyes crude & prep based& preparat based thereon, crude 185,844 6,565,921 1,147,031 26,687,597

3204119000 Other disperse dyes and preparationbased theron 273,623 5,743,635 1,373,473 23,171,291

3204121000 Aciddyes whether or not premetallised 24,248 338,545 134,132 1,790,739

3204129000 Oth acid dyes whether or not premetallised & preparation based thereon 44,334 281,502 257,565 1,707,308

3204130000 Basic dyes & preparat based thereon 56,107 429,849 238,201 1,693,726

3204140000 Direct dyes & preparat based thereon 345,200 5,005,176 1,620,908 24,928,707

3204150000 Vat dyes (incl those usable in thatstate pigments) & prep based thereon 279,817 2,030,981 1,116,319 8,225,690

3204160000 Reactive dyes & preparations basedthereof 394,215 5,633,443 2,091,978 29,188,696

3204170010 Synthet organ pigment in powder form 658,407 8,074,041 4,686,845 57,845,896

3204170090 Other pigments & preparat basedthereon 696,675 7,094,436 2,973,874 24,783,360

3204190000 Oth synthetic organic coloring matter,incl mix of coloring 552,166 5,968,020 1,568,757 14,842,632

3204200000 Synthetic organic prods of a kindused as fluorescent brightening agent 283,449 3,078,426 1,500,169 14,570,058

3204900000 Oth synthetic organic coloring,matter, w/ or not chemically defined 80,907 1,263,235 304,300 3,799,134

3205000000 Color lakes; preparat as specified inbased on color lakes 71,341 954,030 418,386 2,787,048

3206111000 Pigment base on titanium dioxidecont weight >= 80 %, on dry matter 4,010,278 35,942,085 8,822,075 74,675,115

3206119000 Preparate base on titanium dioxide,cont weight >= 80 %, on dry matter 161,213 1,342,716 395,410 3,998,631

3206191000 Pigment base on titanium dioxidecont weight < 80 %, on dry matter 87,904 708,584 236,724 2,085,779

3206199000 Preparate base on titanium dioxide,cont weight < 80 %, on dry matter 48,831 873,706 387,665 4,836,208

3206201000 Chrome yellow,chrome green,molybdatorange/red base on chromium comp 104,116 956,351 533,475 4,068,846

3206209000 Oth pigments & prep based onchromium compounds 53,993 442,190 337,661 2,170,990

3206411000 Preparations of inorganic pigmentsultramine pre based thereon 0 36,493 0 149,009

3206419000 Oth ultramarine & preparationsbased thereon 99,162 1,043,259 162,618 1,619,379

3206421000 Prep of inorganic pigments- litophonebased on sulphide 40,000 134,570 24,600 71,189

3206429000 Oth litophone & oth pigments & prepbased on sulphide 30,153 1,232,949 38,288 762,025

3206491000 Prep of inorganic pigment based on othhexacyanoferrat (ferro&ferrycyanides) 41,433 641,112 81,151 1,976,957

3206499000 Oth pigment & prep based on hexacyanoferrates(ferrocyanides & ferricyanides) 257,722 2,444,466 1,430,429 11,239,488

3206501000 Prep of inorganic pigment of akind used luminophores 25,481 363,049 261,354 2,415,938

3206509000 Oth inorganic prods of a kindused as luminophores 59,131 1,594,195 158,411 2,602,537

3207100000 Prepared pigments, prep opacifiersprep colors & similar prep 460,827 5,844,060 1,632,881 20,772,374

3207201000 Enamel frits 674,221 6,274,088 645,679 5,189,195

3207209000 Oth vitrifiable enamels & glazes,engobe (slips) similar prep 391,087 5,608,119 495,520 5,556,439

3207300000 Liquid lustres & similar preparations 92,986 282,115 219,852 1,093,467

3207400000 Glass frit & oth glass, in the formof powder granules or flakes 9,240,562 77,012,201 4,739,641 42,366,675

3208101100 Varnishes>100-c hr,based on polyesterfor dental use, dispersed in a non aqueo 27,220 163,379 114,843 1,041,352

3208101900 Oth varnishes based on polyesters<100-c hr,disper in a nonaqueous 251,648 1,234,478 781,566 5,625,578

3208109000 Other paints & varnishe (incl enamels &lacquers polyester dispers, non aqueous 337,485 4,854,227 1,557,258 16,212,684

3208204000 Anti-fouling/anti-corrosive paints forships hull base on acrylic/vinyl polymer 197,065 2,535,905 900,123 9,566,438

3208207000 Varnishes (including lacquers), of akind used in dentistry 0 191 0 5,352

3208209000 Other paints & varnishes (incl enamels&lacquers) based on acrylic/vinyl polymer 145,612 2,657,399 770,787 11,051,076

3208901100 Varnishes (incl.lacquers),exceed >=100Cheat-resistant used in dentistry 7,945 103,523 36,377 398,385

3208901900 Varnishes (incl.lacquers),exceed >=100Cheat-resistant used in oth than dentist 193,397 1,598,535 910,217 7,721,506

3208902100 Varnishes (incl.lacquers),exceed <100Cheat-resistant used in dentistry 0 932 0 8,736

3208902900 Varnishes (incl.lacquers),exceed <100Cheat-resistant used in oth than dentist 324,727 2,915,497 1,114,805 11,617,801



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3208909000 Oth paints & varnishesdispersin a nonaqueous 268,205 3,099,211 1,434,454 17,129,827

3209101000 Varnishes(inc lacquer)>100C hr-acrylicvinyl polymer, dispers in a aqueous 51,588 614,437 248,140 2,277,218

3209104000 Leather paints-based on acrylic orvinyl polymers dispers in a aqueous 31,926 306,828 52,650 525,780

3209105000 Anti-fouling/corrosive paints for shipshulls-acrylic/vynil polymers 76,823 679,859 218,167 2,212,478

3209109000 Oth paints & varnishes dispersa aqueous medium 399,947 3,643,161 691,751 6,060,844

3209900000 Oth paints based on others varnishesdispers in a aqueous medium 407,139 2,848,228 1,173,043 8,056,747

3210001100 Varnishes (incl lacquers) > =100C hrof a kind used for finishing leather 18,883 65,063 67,318 282,874

3210001900 Varnishes (incl lacquers) < 100C hrof a kind used for finishing leather 1,477 86,500 8,109 235,265

3210002000 Distempersof a kind used for finishing leather 0 1,481 0 2,100

3210003000 Prepared water pigments of a kindused for finishing leather 47,923 705,560 137,041 1,829,240

3210005000 Polyurethane tar coatingof a kind used for finishing leather 2,663 48,142 2,889 143,298

3210009000 Other paints & varnishesof a kind used for finishing leather 261,723 1,811,146 822,695 5,217,283

3211000000 Prepared driers 32,480 547,389 328,537 3,022,127

3212100000 Stamping foils 131,432 642,392 905,360 3,793,624

3212901100 Aluminium paste 133,451 1,390,687 1,068,302 9,572,401

3212901200 Oth pigments (incl metallic powder &flakes),for leather-dispers,non aqueous 22,995 178,701 72,382 591,433

3212901900 Oth pigments (incl metallic powder &flakes), dispers in non-aqueous media 19,904 272,719 225,241 1,688,393

3212902100 Dyes or oth coloring matter in formsfor ret sale-suitable for food or drink 0 75,577 0 199,337

3212902900 Oth dyes or oth coloring matter informs or pack for retail sale 18,434 360,124 101,865 1,684,567

3213100000 Colors in set, in tablet, tubes, jars,bottles, pans or in similar forms/pack 40,345 173,139 138,138 422,390

3213900000 Oth artist, students or signboard, intablet,tubes,jars,bottles, pans or other 15,890 302,703 58,726 1,447,355

3214100000 Glaziers putty, grafting putty, cementscaulking compound 173,124 2,205,403 637,176 7,040,091

3214900000 Oth painters fillings; non-refractorysurfacing preparat for facades 664,700 9,858,728 809,643 9,351,156

3215111000 Printing uv curable inks-black 2,772 160,869 20,977 4,289,520

3215119000 Printing other than uv curable inks-black 140,391 1,369,914 790,949 7,671,164

3215190000 Printing inks, other than black 486,293 4,196,040 4,209,008 37,608,025

3215901000 Carbon mass for one time carbon paper 34,788 109,176 84,166 256,825

3215906000 Drawing ink and writing ink 23,289 176,822 252,775 1,934,438

3215909000 Oth printing ink, writing/drawing inkwith or not concentrated or solid 133,934 1,198,754 1,346,686 5,961,304

3301120000 Pharmaceutical grade - of orange andoth essential oils of orange 8,768 250,396 151,078 1,241,637

3301130000 Pharmaceutical grade - of lemone andoth essential oils of lemone 7,738 101,740 132,481 2,285,470

3301190000 Other essential oils of citrus fruit 16,812 168,051 78,071 1,419,117

3301240000 Essential oils - of peppermint(mentha piperita) 10,388 63,918 197,881 1,433,696

3301250000 Pharmaceutical grade - of oth mintsoth essential oils of oth mints 25,724 136,530 161,311 1,173,016

3301291100 Pharmaceutical grade of lemon grass ofcitronela, cinnamon, ginger, cardamon 1,028 38,772 5,674 207,923

3301291200 Pharmaceutical grade of sandalwood 0 1 0 2

3301291900 Oth pharmaceutical grade-essential oilsoth than those of citronella 15,944 364,337 86,211 2,316,554

3301299100 Oth pharmaceutical grade of lemongrass of citronella, cinnamon, ginger 2,487 15,656 54,556 118,923

3301299200 Essential oils of sandalwood, oth thanpharmaceutical grade 0 148 0 24,761

3301299900 Oth essential oils-oth thanpharmaceutical grade 46,837 479,348 579,696 5,504,647

3301300000 Resinoids 1,155 34,212 31,980 545,726

3301901000 Aqueous distillates & solutions ofessential oils suitable for medic use 0 56,433 0 103,638

3301909000 Oth essential oils (terpeneless or not),incl concretes& absolutes; resinoids 45,482 392,878 231,489 2,103,312

3302101000 Odoriferous alcoholic prep for thealcohol beverages, liquid form 7 10,185 365 43,154

3302102000 Odoriferous alcoholic prep for thealcoholic beverag, in oth form 0 1 0 10

3302109000 Oth mixed of odoriferous of a kind usedin the food or drink industries 244,623 1,713,730 2,519,399 20,461,541

3302900000 Oth prep based on odoriferous substancesfor the manufacture of beverages 1,850,628 16,819,679 21,303,820 206,233,610

3303000000 Perfumes & toilet waters 79,642 1,408,006 668,109 13,522,105

3304100000 Lip make-up preparations 24,558 484,338 469,073 5,961,647

3304200000 Eye make-up preparations 22,367 389,702 280,570 6,143,233

3304300000 Manicure or pedicure preparation 1,322 224,593 17,644 1,191,619

3304910000 Powders, whether or not compressed 26,663 506,394 403,733 5,537,738

3304991000 Face & skin creams & lotions 389,659 6,540,511 4,026,683 38,264,946

3304992000 Anti-acne creams 9,342 25,878 84,747 391,488

3304999000 Oth beauty/make-up prep & prep for thecare of the skin (oth than medicamts) 187,964 1,870,753 3,930,255 28,314,786

3305100000 Anti-mycosis shampoos & othershampoos 1,399,861 14,567,243 6,415,966 59,804,428

3305200000 Preparat for permanent waving orstraigtening 23,402 141,206 61,186 713,168

3305300000 Hair lacquers 7,421 54,462 108,954 685,264

3305900000 Others preparations for use on the hair 310,905 2,553,422 1,697,484 12,083,033

3306101000 Prophylactic pastes & powders 73,513 500,608 330,393 2,940,237

3306109000 Others dentifrices 4,212 105,986 20,334 243,021

3306200000 Yarn used to clean between the teeth(denital-floss) 84 6,578 1,036 64,556

3306900000 Oth prep for oral/dental hygiene, incl.denture fix-ative pastes & powder,retail 23,717 422,083 55,419 1,178,486

3307100000 Pre-shave, shaving or after-shavepreparations 2,559 41,430 36,387 579,238

3307200000 Personal deodorants & antiperspirants 143,947 768,487 810,232 5,265,523

3307300000 Perfumed bath salts & oth bathpreparations 45,508 429,452 82,891 776,900

3307410000 Oth agarbatti & oth odoriferous prep.which operate by burning 356,245 2,955,625 282,613 2,186,744

3307491000 Room perfuming preparations 20,913 200,819 187,126 1,229,147

3307499000 Oth prep for perfuming or deodor rooms,incl odoriferous preparat use religious 21,895 312,000 75,799 1,791,447

3307901000 Animal toilet preparations 0 11,510 0 39,915

3307902000 Contact lens solution 10,893 316,606 56,364 1,025,777

3307903000 Papers & tissues, impregnated or coatedwith perfume or cosmetics 3,307 50,301 4,471 85,696

3307904000 Other perfumery or cosmeticsincluding depilatories 0 7,853 0 14,417



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3307909000 Oth pre-shave, cosmetic or toilet prep,prep rooms deodorisers, w/ or perfuming 31,902 193,692 78,334 702,653

3401111000 Soap, organic surface-active-for toiletuse-medicated prods 77,728 644,103 140,457 1,471,938

3401112000 Bath soap 221,831 3,357,372 390,210 4,541,239

3401113000 Oth toilet use,of felt or nonwovens, impregnated,coat with soap or detergent 3 7 19 34

3401119000 Oth soap & organic surface fortoilet use 48,683 191,525 100,515 416,807

3401191000 Oth than for toilet use-felt/nonwovensimpregnated,coat with soap or detergent 0 16 0 79

3401199000 Oth soap & organic surface other thanfor toilet use 5,201 92,798 13,917 230,452

3401201000 Soap in oth form for flotation deinkingor recycled paper 0 95,085 0 168,782

3401209000 Soap in oth forms, other than chips 116,822 3,279,743 203,378 4,702,311

3401300000 Organic surface-active prods & prep forwashing in the liquid, put for ret sale 16,477 138,616 202,646 1,814,623

3402111000 Organic surface-active agents, with/notfor retail sale; sulphated fatty alcohol 92,578 1,591,558 225,141 3,965,370

3402112000 Wetting agents used in the manufactureof herbicide 0 17,516 0 31,304

3402119000 Oth anionic-organic surface-active agentwith or not put up for retail sale 390,630 2,184,575 877,605 5,730,594

3402121000 Wetting agents used in the manuf ofherbiced-cationic 26,088 883,745 53,226 1,396,265

3402129000 Oth cationic-organic surface-activeagent with/not put up for retail sale 483,483 5,186,510 1,423,935 14,017,328

3402130000 Organic surface-active agents,with ornot for retail sale; non-ionic 1,410,721 13,842,579 3,581,133 33,762,772

3402190000 Oth organic surface-active agents,withor not up for retail sale 868,785 6,956,435 1,849,056 15,592,329

3402201100 Anionic surface active prep. in liquidform-put up for retail sale 27,192 236,100 63,993 671,803

3402201200 Anionic washing prep & cleaning prep,incl bleach cleans,liquid form, retail 9,604 200,208 71,511 899,665

3402201300 Oth surface active preparations- inliquid form, for retail sale 21,407 442,203 46,485 909,088

3402201900 Oth wash prep & clean prep,incl bleachcleans & degreas prep,liquid, retail 63,303 1,366,513 207,592 5,406,953

3402209100 Anionic surface active prep. oth thanin liquid form-for retail sale 13,248 29,183 163,830 425,038

3402209200 Anionic washing prep &clean prep, inclbleach,cleans-oth than liquid,retail 1,679 4,115,283 8,832 2,340,142

3402209300 Oth surface active preparation-oth thanin liquid-for retail sale 9,607 76,541 81,745 373,022

3402209900 Oth wash prep & clean prep,incl bleachcleans, oth than liquid, retail sale 111,175 620,572 263,339 1,660,075

3402901100 Anionic surface active preparat-liquidnot put up for retail sale 314,065 3,384,500 960,603 8,763,353

3402901200 Oth anionic wash prep & clean prep,incl bleach,liquid,not for retail sale 125,782 1,498,891 252,232 3,119,178

3402901300 Anionic washing prep.or cleaningincl.bleaching, cleansing or degreasing 134,949 2,705,156 314,301 3,482,394

3402901400 Oth organic surface active in liquidform, wetting agents 9,659 131,482 23,681 406,940

3402901500 Oth organic surface active in liquidform, not wetting agents 106,114 1,393,699 267,762 3,229,836

3402901900 Oth wash prep & clean prep,incl bleachcleans, in liquid-not for retail sale 393,329 2,564,854 699,105 6,279,219

3402909100 Anionic surface active preparations,oththan liquid- not for retail sale 49,044 466,475 129,076 1,280,841

3402909200 Anionic wash prep & clean prep,inclbleach,cleans-not liquid-not retail 10,989 1,013,449 17,162 906,675

3402909300 Anionic surface-active prep,not liquidform not for retail sale 224,747 2,040,893 236,274 2,095,247

3402909400 Anionic surface-active prep, not liquidform, wetting agents not for retail sale 870 69,873 2,889 230,024

3402909500 Anionic surface-active prep, not liquidform,not wett agents not for retail sale 803,921 7,855,788 1,215,978 11,620,143

3402909900 Oth wash/lean prep,incl bleach cleansoth than liquid-not for retail sale 162,199 1,664,808 1,096,567 5,137,945

3403111100 Liquid lubricating oil prep, for treatmof textile,or oth materials, cont petrol 63,448 518,683 110,903 1,190,247

3403111900 Oth liquid preprtion for the treatmenttextile or oth materials, cont petroleum 11,679 190,509 36,245 590,654

3403119000 Oth prepar for the treatment of textilematerials,oth than liquid,cont petroleum 82,731 440,690 246,426 1,559,752

3403191100 Liquid oil for aircraft engine cont.petroils/oils obtain. bituminous mineral 1,122 16,450 13,827 125,509

3403191200 Other liquid prep content silicone oil,cont petrole oils,or bituminous mineral 0 75 0 1,317

3403191900 Other liquid for other purposes contpetrol oil or bituminous mineral oils 7,318,336 45,233,760 16,643,718 90,747,322

3403199000 Oth lubricating prep cont petroleum oil 811,031 10,612,091 2,317,353 24,506,134

3403911100 Liquid prep cont silicone oil-for treatof textile,or oth matt,not cont petrol 55,708 699,579 208,403 2,575,731

3403911900 Liquid prep for treatment of textilemater,not cont petroleum oil & silicone 85,935 2,320,687 213,801 5,644,057

3403919000 Liquid preparat for treatment of textilor the materials, not cont petroleum oil 803,651 8,667,530 2,155,298 18,100,006

3403991100 Liquid oil for aircraft engine not contpetroleum oils or oils obtain bitumin 382 54,822 3,764 231,146

3403991200 Other liquid prep content silicone oilcont petrol oil,or bituminous mineral 50 65 377 1,613

3403991900 Other liquid for other purpose not contpetroleum oil or bituminous mineral oils 820,515 2,775,947 1,005,893 3,880,596

3403999000 Preparat for treat of textile,leatheroth mater,not cont petrol oil,not liquid 284,928 1,893,236 984,495 7,757,315

3404200000 Artificial waxes & prepared waxes,ofpoly(oxyethylene) (polyethylene glycol) 293,854 3,125,379 724,551 7,221,485

3404900000 Oth artificial waxes & prepared waxes. 1,038,130 9,255,566 2,761,385 23,051,742

3405100000 Polishes, creams & similar preparat forwear or leather 13,347 332,491 105,753 1,964,903

3405200000 Polishes,creams & similar prep for themaintenance of wooden furniture 1,190 15,498 12,217 74,656

3405300000 Polishes & similar prep for coachwork,other than metal polishes 809 139,198 9,388 425,796

3405401000 Abrasive lapping & honing,in the formof flour,scouring pastes & powder 8,104 54,802 65,765 387,313

3405409000 Oth scouring pastes & powders & otherscouring preparations 43,164 330,664 92,060 907,391

3405901000 Metal polishers 55,579 295,349 89,163 601,659

3405909000 Oth polishes & cream, for footwear,furniture, floors 62,968 351,037 73,356 849,012

3406000000 Candles, tapers & the like. 70,348 631,453 63,551 933,647

3407001000 Modelling pastes, incl those put up forchildrens amusement 15 45,359 182 128,022

3407002000 Prep known as "dental wax", in sets, inpackings,retail sale or in plates 0 2,359 0 14,386

3407003000 Other preparations for use in dentistry,with a basis of plaster (of calcined 8 99,253 461 238,355

3501100000 Casein 105,194 1,704,961 1,256,574 19,269,567

3501901000 Caseinates & other casein derivatives 84,214 870,047 1,040,735 10,446,261

3501902000 Casein glues 36 22,942 365 384,594

3502110000 Egg albumin - dried 2,367 12,277 13,086 65,517

3502190000 Egg albumin - oth than dried 0 14,128 0 98,984

3502200000 Milk albumin,incl concentrates of >= 2whey proteins 38,980 392,510 355,282 3,779,546

3502900000 Oth egg albumin 2,102 32,408 46,544 214,069

3503001000 Glues of animal origin 45,620 371,745 67,505 654,930

3503002000 Gelatin in powder form with bloatinglevel a-250 or b-230 or more 82,044 488,517 320,085 1,564,391



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3503003000 Isinglass 0 16,844 0 28,283

3503009000 Oth gelatin derivatives,isinglass,otherglue of animal origin,excl casein glues 204,125 1,997,385 1,047,147 8,872,041

3504000000 Peptones and their derivatives, otherprotein substances and their 255,993 4,797,686 979,608 12,912,972

3505101000 Dextrins, soluble or roasted starches 7,050,872 31,255,090 3,843,966 21,909,204

3505109000 Oth dextrins & oth modified starches 4,165,142 59,207,550 3,627,377 48,589,337

3505200000 Glues based on starches/dextrins 348,480 3,922,941 780,118 7,858,636

3506100000 Prods suitable for use as glues/adhesivefor ret sale as glues/adhesives < 1 kg 340,855 2,999,675 1,089,617 8,774,291

3506910000 Adhesives based on polymers of heading39.01 to 39.13 or on rubber 1,016,860 9,297,336 2,576,308 23,845,134

3506990000 Oth prepared glues & oth preparedadhesives, nes 1,001,232 11,871,681 3,669,367 40,062,851

3507100000 Rennet & concentrates thereof 4,686 48,634 53,681 285,541

3507900000 Oth enzymes; prepared enzymes nes orinclude 278,069 3,040,782 1,480,504 16,317,569

3601000000 Propellent powders 908 86,718 3,303 1,793,053

3602000000 Prepared explosive, oth than propellentpowders 489,363 2,132,938 1,113,814 9,643,959

3603001000 Semi-fuses, elemented caps, signal tubes 4,697 500,697 98,126 7,546,446

3603002000 Safety fuses or detonating fuses 14,093 195,547 470,757 4,519,283

3603009000 Oth safety fuses, detonat fuses, percussion detonat caps,igniters,electric dtnt 401,133 1,848,079 2,971,959 18,786,193

3604100000 Firecrackers and other fireworks 449,218 3,971,746 420,869 3,644,086

3604901000 Distress signal equipment 8,186 47,380 2,901 55,240

3604909000 Oth signalling flares, rain rocket, forsignal & oth pyrotechnic articles 227 4,367 7,201 784,847

3605000000 Matches,oth than pyrotechnic article of36.04, in pack of >= 100 matches 170,600 171,062 141,950 143,137

3606100000 Liquid/liquified-gas fuel in containersused for filling or refilling <= 300 cm 182,032 282,093 159,752 305,740

3606901000 Solid or semi-solid fuels, solidifiedalcohol & oth similar prepared fuels 166 45,442 910 132,184

3606902000 Lighter flints 13,506 66,819 20,286 401,215

3606903000 Oth ferro-cerium & oth pyrophoric alloyin all forms 168,448 182,560 229,970 245,510

3606904000 Resin torches, firelighters & the like 0 10,264 0 56,675

3606909000 Oth articles of combustible material asspecifed note 2 to this chapter. 16,978 92,245 44,306 227,336

3701100000 Photographic plates & film in the flatfor x-ray 45,627 523,575 722,150 6,935,757

3701200000 Instant print film 0 28,776 0 270,193

3701300000 Oth plates & film, with any side>255 mmspecially for printing industri 301,722 2,824,915 1,273,140 18,936,945

3701910000 Oth plates &film for color photogrhapy(polychrome) 0 184,791 0 436,521

3701990000 Oth plats &film photogrhap(polychrome)specially manuf for printing indust 3,081 72,722 15,278 260,845

3702100000 Film for x-ray 1,279 17,578 26,849 959,971

3702310000 Oth film,without perforat,of width notexceed 105 mm for photograp(polychrome) 1,537 1,591 84,399 91,960

3702324000 Instant print film in bands of width >=16 mm & length >=120m 0 20,267 0 45,782

3702329000 Oth film with silver halide emulsi,of a width < 105 mm 1,126 2,114 6,766 8,416

3702393000 Oth infra red transparent film,of a width < 105 mm 350 4,166 2,113 27,413

3702395000 Oth film, without perforat, of a width <105 mm special prep for medical serv 0 37,747 0 81,726

3702399000 Oth film without perforations of awidth < 105 mm 9,271 10,584 14,933 16,792

3702419000 Film for use oth than in medical,surgical,dental or veterinary sciences 2,428 56,075 50,300 2,104,551

3702424000 Film oth than for color photogr',width>610mm, length >200m, prep for 13,680 21,762 12,920 27,742

3702429000 Film oth than for color photogr',width> 610mm, length >200m 0 2,626 0 12,372

3702433000 Infra red transparent film, width >610 mm, length < 200 m 0 27,945 0 334,937

3702435000 Film, width > 610mm, length < 200mspecially prepared for medical service 65 38,773 162 640,288

3702439000 Oth film of width > 610 mm & length <120 m 4,785 37,192 26,716 242,186

3702443000 Infra red transparent film, 105mm< width < 610mm 0 24,624 0 322,706

3702445000 Film, 105mm< width<610mm,specially prepared for medical service 39 65,794 97 757,457

3702449000 Oth film, 105mm < width < 610 mm &length < 120m 7,567 42,376 66,568 285,871

3702519000 Oth film for color photo width < 6mm,length < 14 m 0 70 0 333

3702522000 Film for color photo width<6mm, length>14 m, for cinematography 0 749 0 63,149

3702529000 Film for color photo width<16mm,length > 14 m 0 9 0 2,163

3702549000 Oth film for color photo16mm<width<35mm,length<30m, oth than for slides 1,285 48,199 2,700 127,826

3702552000 Film for color photo 16mm< width<35mm,length<30m, for cinematography 0 2,521 0 199,477

3702559000 Oth film 16mm< width<35mm, length> 30mfor color photography 10,589 99,060 307,388 2,888,623

3702565000 Film width>35mm,for color photographyspecially prepared for medical service 0 75 0 2,610

3702569000 Oth film width> 35mm, for colorphotography 0 5,340 0 34,826

3702914000 Infra red transparent film oth thancolor photog width < 16mm 0 1 0 203

3702939000 Oth film oth than for color photo 16mm<width<35mm, length<30m 1,188 5,139 1,600 45,185

3702949000 Oth film 16mm< width<35mm, length<30m,oth than for color photography 7,709 8,835 10,380 13,678

3702952000 Film oth than for color photo width >35 mm for cinematography 0 29 0 89

3702956000 Film oth than for color photo width >35 mm prepared for medical service 2,309 12,023 6,589 62,411

3702959000 Oth film oth than for color photography 0 13,322 0 72,782

3703100000 Photographic paper, paperboard&textil,unexposed, rolls,width of 610-1000mm 0 139,023 0 205,879

3703200000 Oth photograph paper, sensitis, unex-posed for color photography 43,558 1,159,403 105,170 5,029,740

3703900000 Oth photograph paper, paperboard & textsensitised, unexposed. 41,323 916,481 123,313 2,288,568

3704001000 Plate & film for x-ray,unexposed but notdeveloped 0 108,050 0 416,019

3704009000 Oth photograph plates,film,paper,paper-board & textiles,expos but not developed 21,861 411,461 43,237 816,844

3705100000 Photograph plates & film, exposed &developed,for offset reproduc 8,279 136,432 10,394 142,755

3705901000 Photograph plates & film, exposed &developed,for x-ray 61 310 2,475 16,547

3705902000 Microfilms, exposed and developed 0 4,240 0 2,091

3705909000 Oth photograph plates & film,expos &developed,oth than cinematographic film 14,575 52,215 42,736 213,427

3706101000 Newsreels,travelogues,technical & scien-tic film exposed&developed,width>=35mm 2,678 27,082 200,392 1,989,550

3706109000 Oth cinematograph film, expos & deve-loped of a width >= 35 mm 1,732 14,432 45,173 942,261

3706909000 Oth cinematgrphic film,expos & developwith or not incorporating soundtrack 1 3,489 504 31,298



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3707100000 Sensitising emulsion,for photo use (oththan varnishes, glues, adhesives),retail 17,221 132,697 187,217 692,053

3707901000 Flashlight materials, unmixed prods forphotog uses,put up in measur portions 932 3,144 71,817 106,039

3707909000 Oth chemical prep for photographic uses,put in measur portions, ready for use 443,032 3,734,252 1,607,775 15,297,266

3801100000 Artificial graphit,in the form of pasteblocks,plates or oth semimanufacts 91,202 535,518 321,258 2,337,398

3801200000 Colloidal/semi-colloidal graphite, inpastes,blocks,plates or oth semimanufac 0 464,665 0 852,097

3801300000 Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes &similar paste & for furnace linings 1,681,930 7,079,583 1,741,887 6,700,599

3801900000 Oth artificial graphit;colloidal or semigraphite,pastes, blocks or plates 35,749 457,678 121,022 1,772,349

3802100000 Activated carbon, including spentanimal black 351,530 2,789,009 618,750 4,820,609

3802901000 Activated bauxite, including spentanimal black 88,240 1,084,198 45,320 489,252

3802902000 Activated clays & activated earth, inclspent animal black 0 327,118 0 194,932

3802909000 Oth activat natural mineral prod,animalblack include spent animal black 478,275 6,886,579 267,025 3,676,197

3803000000 Tall oil, whether or not refined. 33,361 259,960 64,235 485,695

3804001000 Concentrated sulphite lye 167,801 753,350 233,548 830,193

3804009000 Oth residual lyes from woodpulp with ornot concentrat,desugar or chemical treat 273,239 5,837,261 345,214 8,118,453

3805100000 Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils 7,121 502,525 12,181 818,487

3805900000 Oth terpenic oil produc by the distillat of coniferous wood & oth crude paracy 78,074 1,226,868 141,192 2,041,684

3806100000 Rosin & resin acids 6,107 2,009,606 19,924 2,817,497

3806200000 Salt of rosin,of resin acid, of drv orresin acid,oth than salt of rosin addict 4,211 20,524 16,215 72,809

3806301000 Ester gums - in blocks 0 250 0 2,847

3806309000 Ester gums - in oth forms 151,060 1,362,870 360,324 3,188,520

3806901000 Run gums in blocks 0 4 0 50

3806909000 Oth derivates rosin & resin acidsthereof 226,833 2,525,540 346,437 3,664,991

3807000000 Wood creosote 54,481 437,343 95,599 553,170

3808501100 Intermediate preparations for themanufacture of insecticides,subhd note 1 186,143 1,019,797 1,673,848 8,307,866

3808501200 Insectisides in the form of mosquitocoils/mosquito coil powder, subhd note 1 0 22,481 0 33,890

3808501300 Insecticides in aerosol containerssubhd note 1 0 228 0 7,747

3808501900 Insecticides, in oth form, subhd note 1 129,915 4,096,684 1,122,402 15,450,861

3808502000 Fungicides, subhd note 1 284,383 3,784,297 942,976 14,548,554

3808503000 Herbicides, anti-sprouting products andplant-growth regulators, subhd note 1 290,324 5,526,610 907,532 14,823,989

3808504000 Disinfectants, subhd note 1 4,782 216,091 36,649 811,251

3808509100 Wood preserv, being prep oth than surface coat,cont insect/fungi subhd note 1 0 10,000 0 61,500

3808509900 Oth disinfect,smlar product,put up inform/pack for retl sale, subhd 1 19,495 146,612 139,883 1,026,441

3808911000 Intermediate preparation for the mnfactof insecticides, not subhd note 1 29,805 388,265 1,128,424 10,086,598

3808912000 Insectiside in the form of mosquito coil/mosquito coil powder, not subhd note 1 0 100,815 0 179,932

3808913000 Insecticides in aerosol containers, notsubhd note 1 3 3 136 136

3808919000 Insecticides, in oth form, not subhdnote 1 226,450 2,551,393 4,299,053 14,026,943

3808920000 Fungicides, not subhd note 1 238,565 2,667,855 1,704,830 13,743,282

3808930000 Herbicides, anti-sprouting products andplant-growth regulator, not subhd note 1 734,836 9,909,200 1,856,088 34,144,570

3808940000 Disinfectants, not subhd note 1 17,729 242,262 66,520 1,088,093

3808991000 Wood preserv,being prep oth than surface coat,cont insect/fungi not subhd note 1 0 14,964 0 94,581

3808999000 Oth disinfect,smlar product, put up inform/pack for retl sale,not subhd note 1 18,092 217,114 99,070 1,589,744

3809100000 Oth finish agent,dye carriers to accelewith a basis of amylaceous substances 518,470 3,862,989 645,085 3,668,628

3809910000 Oth finish agent,dye carriers to accelekind used in the textile or like indust 1,303,640 14,132,171 3,346,629 32,652,304

3809920000 Oth finish agent,dye carriers to accelekind used in the paper or like indust 1,626,700 13,323,256 4,123,154 32,497,520

3809930000 Oth finish agent,dye carriers to accelekind used in the leather or like indust 317,506 3,122,162 860,860 8,458,953

3810100000 Pickling prep for metal surfac,soldering, brazing, welding powders 905,368 8,895,811 2,531,457 21,617,176

3810900000 Other prep of a kind used as cores orcoating for weld electrodes or rods 816,302 5,639,382 1,886,434 16,520,428

3811110000 Anti-knock preparation, based on leadbased on lead compound 0 48,570 0 175,724

3811190000 Oth anti-knock preparations 56,366 827,814 228,395 3,346,344

3811211000 Additive for lubricat oils,cont petroloil & oil obtain from bitumin,retail 70,598 272,904 211,706 780,039

3811219000 Additive for lubricat oils,cont petroloil & oil obtain from bitumin,not retail 3,175,474 28,225,020 10,501,330 74,387,981

3811290000 Oth additive for lubricat oils,contpetrol oil & oil obtain from otmn minera 190,877 4,080,558 588,231 8,709,869

3811901000 Anti knock prep., rust preventativ& corrosion inhibitors 134,285 1,221,224 726,400 5,637,832

3811909000 Oth anti-knock prep.,for mineral oilliquid used as mineral oils 331,007 3,210,015 1,462,676 12,155,478

3812100000 Prepared rubber accelerators 689,718 9,191,709 2,795,380 27,122,812

3812200000 Compound plasticisers for rubber orplastics 775,456 7,616,535 1,331,903 12,706,500

3812301000 White carbon 126,744 1,526,850 224,956 2,386,909

3812309000 Oth anti oxidising prep & oth compoundstabilisers for rubber or plastics 1,365,058 14,925,611 3,801,569 45,201,064

3813000000 Prep. & charge for fire-extinguishercharged fire-extinguishing grenades 156,972 1,745,505 622,677 3,609,927

3814000000 Organic composite solvents & thinners,prepared paint or varnish removers 682,181 7,643,533 1,968,381 19,007,133

3815110000 Supported catalyst,with nickel/nickelcompounds as the active substance 58,570 450,713 1,132,193 6,772,547

3815120000 Supported catalyst, with precious metalcompounds as the active substance 43,753 296,169 690,425 22,478,679

3815190000 Oth supported catalysts 184,883 1,619,301 2,266,781 19,437,259

3815900000 Oth reaction initiators,reaction accelerators catalytic prep,nes or incld 698,585 12,177,164 2,330,541 35,043,681

3816001000 Refractory cements, mortars, concretes 2,422,554 22,066,968 1,551,646 11,712,549

3816009000 Oth refractory cements, mortars, concret 2,017,145 17,409,061 1,402,736 10,736,987

3817000000 Mixed alkylbenzenes & mixed alkylnaphthalanes oth than head 2707 or 2902 1,535,102 37,585,797 4,083,612 71,625,615

3818000000 Wafers/discs with silicon content 131,202 427,983 528,826 5,090,820

3819000000 Hyd brake fluids&oth for hyd trnsmssionwhether or not cont<70% weight of petrlm 500,196 4,151,011 1,015,523 8,356,160

3820000000 Anti-freezing preparations & preparedand prepared de-icing fluids 321,894 622,106 531,545 1,397,318

3821001000 Prepared culture media for development 11,638 86,141 256,228 1,865,774

3821009000 Oth prepared culture media fordevelopment 10,723 233,869 94,501 1,662,601

3822001000 Plate,sheet,film, foil&strip of plasticimpreghtd/coated with diag. reagents 23,073 99,799 1,094,232 4,721,101



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3822002000 Paperboard,cellulose wadding&web fibreimpreghtd/coated with diag. reagents 7,509 69,726 130,802 1,774,859

3822003000 Sterilisation indicator strips & tapesoth thn heading 3002 or 3006 341 6,432 4,354 65,837

3822009000 Oth diagnostic/lab reagents & preparedwhether or not head 30.02 or 30.06 87,899 1,203,858 2,778,589 22,103,825

3823110000 Stearic acids 254,879 2,291,847 335,419 2,982,416

3823120000 Oleic acids 61,256 503,562 114,632 856,617

3823130000 Tall oils fatty acids 247,115 3,177,964 395,916 4,344,631

3823191000 Acids oil from refining 67 118,948 876 244,448

3823199000 Oth industrial monocarboxylic fatty acid 258,210 4,195,152 492,482 8,986,798

3823701000 Industry fatty alcohols in the formof wax 0 28,331 0 56,777

3823709000 Oth industry fatty alcohols in the formof wax 796,982 8,104,669 1,622,633 15,425,528

3824100000 Prepared binders for foundry mouldsor core 221,578 2,119,233 523,066 4,068,188

3824300000 Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixedtogether with metallic binders 826 5,337 4,887 174,548

3824400000 Prepared additives for cements, mortarsor concretes 1,482,592 11,660,851 4,487,356 23,663,378

3824500000 Non-refractory mortars & concretes 15,323 270,718 85,753 619,902

3824600000 Sorbitol oth than that ofsubheading 2905.44 12,177 383,568 20,323 328,531

3824720000 Mix cont halogenated, drv methane,ethanecont bromochlorodi(tri)fluoromethane 0 1,042 0 3,386

3824750000 Mix cont halogenated, drv methane,ethanecontaining carbon tetrachloride 0 3,674 0 5,058

3824760000 Mix cont halogenated, drv methane,ethanecont 1,1,1-3-chloroethan(methyl chlrfrm 0 1,715 0 15,825

3824780000 Mix cont halogenated, drv methane,ethanecont PFC or HCFC but not CFC or HCFC 0 59,191 0 103,350

3824790000 Other mix cont halogenated, drv methane,ethane 141,002 1,766,030 303,772 5,253,688

3824810000 Mix & preparation containing oxirane(ethylene oxide) 0 8,911 0 34,037

3824820000 Mix & preparation containing pbbs, PCBs, PCTs 1 21 700 1,266

3824830000 Mixtures & preparation containingtris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphat 0 357 0 3,512

3824901000 Ink removers,stencil correctors&oth,corrector fluids in package 63,513 982,434 307,929 3,468,641

3824902000 Mixtures of chemical, of a kind used inmanufactured of foodstuff 25,881 136,739 79,146 461,489

3824903000 Copying pastes with a basis of gelatinpresented in bulk/ready to use 0 109,220 0 381,985

3824904000 Composite inorganic solvents 2,483 2,199,059 9,894 1,333,877

3824905000 Acetone oil 758 10,905 20,051 157,543

3824906000 Preparations/mixtures cont monosodiumglutamate 24,860 134,836 16,782 748,675

3824909000 Oth prods & preparations cont cfc-11,12,115, and halon 5,005,162 48,588,774 12,619,202 121,252,416

3825410000 Waste organic solvents halogenated 0 1,260 0 32,772

3825690000 Oth wastes from chemical/allied industoth than cont.organic constituent 0 50 0 72

3825900000 Oth residual prods of the chemical/allied industry 6,531 56,062 89,307 496,663

3901103000 Polyethylene < 0,94 in liquids orpastes 225,328 942,494 471,036 2,085,117

3901109010 Polymers of ethylene, in granule form 10,832,874 123,093,224 20,267,984 208,074,272

3901109090 Polymers of ethylene other form 2,297,829 25,771,054 4,225,369 43,698,743

3901200000 Polyethylene having a specific gravity0.94 or more 7,034,956 88,069,435 12,676,098 146,434,326

3901303000 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymersin liquid or pastes 1,040,629 10,012,482 1,374,824 12,660,786

3901309000 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymersin other form 2,099,725 21,616,680 5,263,196 45,072,356

3901903000 Oth polymers of ethylene in liquidor pastes 304,636 643,909 578,546 1,294,547

3901909000 Oth polymers of ethylene in other form 8,452,135 81,131,757 12,027,634 113,224,225

3902101000 Polypropylene in powder form 352,875 5,726,322 518,701 9,355,475

3902102000 Polypropylene in granule form 16,371,646 168,273,730 31,351,236 283,238,377

3902109000 Polypropylene in other form 2,477,334 21,867,002 4,936,622 29,706,731

3902203000 Polysobutylene liquids/pastes 14,646 484,825 93,382 1,686,364

3902209000 Polysobutylene in oth forms 124,998 1,838,679 242,824 3,434,397

3902303000 Propylene copolymers in liquidor pastes 49,989 678,973 89,963 1,115,143

3902309010 Propylene copolymers in granule form 10,848,501 111,641,054 20,259,815 177,197,946

3902309090 Propylene copolymers in other form 581,108 9,040,785 922,466 14,031,043

3902903000 Oth polymers of propylene in liquidor pastes 2,223 153,556 13,185 346,622

3902909000 Oth polymers of propylene in other form 946,181 11,703,847 2,615,675 25,019,896

3903110000 Expansible polymers of styrene 2,054,824 17,417,662 3,952,995 30,339,119

3903190000 Other polymers of styrene 3,662,598 36,811,811 6,993,017 63,993,742

3903203000 Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymersin aquaeous dispersion 106,007 909,632 161,743 1,213,029

3903209000 Oth styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN)copolymers 208,228 4,285,431 471,179 8,880,339

3903303000 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)copolymers in aquaeons dispersion 106,194 927,974 244,463 2,207,989

3903309000 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrenecopolymers in other form 5,287,526 51,242,363 12,803,146 105,860,326

3903903000 Oth polymers of styrenein aquaeons dispersion 125,737 1,119,775 235,611 1,680,669

3903909000 Oth polymers of styrenein other form 157,702 2,101,401 430,503 4,887,408

3904101000 PVC homopolymers, suspension typenot mixed with oth substances 510,372 3,536,240 278,548 1,649,873

3904109000 PVC in other form 3,350,265 27,494,548 5,755,429 44,602,987

3904210000 Oth poly(vinyl chloride) non plasticised 22,397 1,065,784 34,491 914,804

3904220000 Oth poly(vinyl chloride) plasticised 783,385 4,577,234 1,223,886 7,001,558

3904300000 Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers 124,600 1,441,140 278,893 3,876,299

3904400000 Other vinyl chloride copolymers 33,321 908,845 114,001 2,881,947

3904504000 Vinylidene chloride polymr in dispersion 250 6,856 377 15,800

3904509000 Vinylidene chloride polymersin other form 114,500 1,817,121 279,792 3,061,010

3904610000 Fluoro-polymerspolytetrafluoroethylene 28,505 185,868 167,707 1,114,991

3904693000 Fluoro-polymers polytetrafluoroethylenedispersions 0 12,881 0 82,725

3904699000 Oth fluoro-polymers in other form 15,651 79,841 229,491 988,296

3904903000 Oth fluoro-polymer polytetrafluoroethyldispersions 0 1,172 0 28,231

3904909000 Oth polymers vinyl chloride in oth forms 27,636 427,940 79,017 1,049,007

3905120000 Poly(vinyl acetate) in aqueousdispersions 116,427 1,158,657 142,247 1,515,749



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3905190000 Other poly(vinyl acetate) 354,979 2,496,831 713,016 4,810,255

3905210000 Vinyl acetate copolymers in aqueousdispersions 455,313 3,232,180 500,703 3,328,550

3905290000 Other vinyl acetate copolymers 29,650 800,524 73,223 1,881,090

3905301000 Poly (vinyl alcohol) in aqueousdispersions 18,074 1,532,392 77,569 2,035,640

3905309000 Poly (vinyl alcohol)in other form 1,605,067 15,233,540 4,722,564 41,883,640

3905910000 Copolymers of vinyl acetate or of othervinylester 49,373 661,033 249,580 2,965,669

3905990000 Oth polymer of vinyl acetate/oth vinylesters;oth vinyl polymers; primary form 66,530 543,481 684,663 4,649,343

3906101000 Poly(methyl methacrylate) in aquaeousdispersions 61,026 448,946 210,682 1,255,699

3906109000 Oth poly(methyl methacrylate)in other form 359,302 5,151,052 809,527 11,874,010

3906901100 Oth acrylic copolymers in aquaeousdispersions 306,156 4,009,071 606,838 7,577,987

3906901900 Oth acrylic copolymers in other forms 989,266 6,139,316 2,152,103 14,049,611

3906909100 Oth acrylic polymers in aquaeousdispersions 674,583 5,183,167 849,235 6,852,130

3906909900 Oth acrylic polymers in other forms 2,302,654 19,808,046 7,115,520 54,673,929

3907100000 Polyacetals 901,640 7,737,870 2,243,339 18,686,626

3907200000 Other polyethers 2,963,018 31,413,169 6,695,086 63,584,847

3907302000 Epoxide resins based powder coating 129,748 766,432 446,041 3,182,428

3907303000 Epoxide resins in liquids/pastes 702,527 7,158,437 2,873,216 28,279,369

3907309000 Epoxide resins in oth form 1,386,246 11,565,979 4,738,482 40,479,450

3907400000 Polycarbonates 2,594,118 24,547,550 7,762,998 68,067,096

3907500000 Alkyd resins 78,149 1,245,283 203,184 2,409,893

3907601000 Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in aqueousdispersions 30,829 132,950 22,321 192,454

3907609000 Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in oth form 4,442,610 53,167,300 7,113,842 79,802,849

3907700000 Poly(lactic acid) 30,522 76,429 70,695 187,544

3907912000 Oth polyesters unsaturated in chip form 4,822 151,214 21,103 421,220

3907919000 Oth polyesters unsaturated in oth form 246,401 2,930,307 638,862 6,185,720

3907994000 Oth polyester satureted based powdercoating 24,633 239,989 75,356 871,818

3907999000 Oth polyesters saturated in oth form 2,654,792 28,347,956 4,752,023 49,706,995

3908101000 Polyamides in primary forms, polyamide-6 5,105,705 40,782,214 15,316,749 116,022,504

3908109000 Oth polymde-6,-11,-12,-6,6,-6,9,-6,10 470,433 8,328,092 2,126,497 24,757,418

3908900000 Other polyamides 232,959 3,297,966 860,113 10,235,482

3909101000 Urea resins, thiourea resin in mouldingcompound 108,919 1,554,354 220,075 3,241,565

3909109000 Other urea resins 870,633 4,162,962 946,504 6,042,074

3909201000 Melamine resins in moulding compound 355,031 2,993,011 1,086,203 7,726,704

3909209000 Other melamine resins 176,772 2,089,332 307,852 4,312,544

3909301000 Oth amino-resins in moulding compound 70,661 1,064,670 172,227 1,559,636

3909309000 Oth amino-resins, oth thn mouldingcompound 268,457 3,496,586 782,476 7,965,845

3909401000 Phenolic resins in moulding compound 27,717 199,618 84,561 679,567

3909409000 Other phenolic resins 3,602,706 12,396,258 4,097,443 21,661,299

3909500000 Polyurethanes 1,603,309 16,200,995 5,078,290 49,919,086

3910002000 Silicones in dispersions or in the formof solutions 455,068 5,087,975 2,018,383 18,727,840

3910009000 Silicones in oth forms 698,536 5,304,277 3,117,193 24,154,214

3911101000 Petroleum,coumarone,indene/coumaroneinde in liquid or pastes 28,406 1,012,357 78,426 1,878,700

3911109000 Petroleum, coumarone, indene/coumaroneindene in oth form 1,412,673 11,744,698 2,928,728 23,767,690

3911900000 Oth petroleum, coumarone, indene/coumaroneindene in oth form 1,210,226 11,528,619 2,644,717 29,678,159

3912110000 Cellulose acetates non-plasticised 279 57,909 410 67,874

3912120000 Cellulose acetates plasticised 0 22,193 0 145,437

3912201100 Water-based semi-finished nitrocellulosecellulose nitrates non plasticised 431 16,034 17,970 52,594

3912201900 Oth cellulose nitrates non plasticised 256,085 3,694,733 619,363 8,290,528

3912202000 Cellulose nitrates plasticised 9,600 434,699 26,400 989,952

3912310000 Carboxymethylcellulose & its salts 467,813 4,941,174 1,382,106 13,445,605

3912390000 Oth cellulose ethers 279,965 2,417,608 1,670,370 14,533,550

3912902010 Regenerated cellulose 0 154,102 0 480,801

3912902090 Other regenerated cellulose 131,642 1,024,159 660,108 5,176,541

3912909000 Oth cellulose in other form 240,860 1,593,941 1,032,629 6,605,450

3913100000 Alginic acid, its salts & esters 147,625 1,252,164 852,118 7,184,836

3913900000 Oth natural polymers & its modified, inprimary form 213,175 2,096,319 975,294 9,557,092

3914001000 Ion-exchangers based on plymrs of headof a kind used 144,459 1,475,535 244,483 2,920,558

3914009000 Oth ion-exchangers based on plymrs ofhead of a kind used 88,720 1,702,230 337,931 6,845,961

3915100000 Waste, parings & scrap, of polymers ofethylene 12,023 18,178 7,581 78,054

3915200000 Waste, parings & scrap, of polymers ofstylene 0 564 0 13,132

3915909000 Waste, parings & scrap, of other plastic 643,143 6,504,788 74,359 779,838

3916101000 Monofilament of polymers of ethylenechloride 14,382 125,276 118,827 854,164

3916102000 Monofilament of polymers of ethylenerods, sticks and profile shapes 73,424 199,515 232,442 517,415

3916201000 Monofilament of polymers of vinylchloride 12,426 326,108 49,746 819,767

3916202000 Monofilament of polymers of vinylrods, sticks and profile shapes 28,316 811,016 76,418 2,078,028

3916904000 Monofilament of other plasticsof hardened proteins 347 42,172 1,837 90,235

3916909000 Oth monofilament of other plastics 63,055 1,345,563 336,374 6,726,347

3917101000 Artificial guts (sausage casings) ofhardened proteins 8,588 39,323 165,554 910,192

3917109000 Artificial guts (sausage casings) ofcellulosic materials 84,742 597,832 741,916 5,157,905

3917210000 Tube,pipe,hose,fitting therefor ofplastic of polymers of ethylene 110,206 598,940 238,547 1,386,031

3917220000 Tube,pipe,hose,fitting therefor ofplastic of polymers of propylene 25,941 209,281 132,291 1,038,882

3917230000 Tube,pipe,hose,fitting therefor ofplastic of polymers of vinyl chloride 595,818 2,587,110 444,634 3,099,048

3917290000 Tube,pipe,hose,fitting therefor ofplastic of other plastics 170,667 4,833,101 799,998 15,865,247



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3917310000 Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses havea minimum burst pressure of 27.6 mpa 206,173 1,238,139 424,630 3,751,765

3917321000 Sausage & ham casings, without fittingsof plastics 1,538 42,334 11,432 188,765

3917329000 Oth unflexible tubes, pipes & hoses, notreinforced, without fittings 150,110 1,908,779 346,390 3,348,792

3917330000 Oth, not reinforced/otherwise combinedwith oth materials/fittings of 3917.30 852 51,198 15,185 223,875

3917390000 Oth tubes, pipes and hoses 272,386 2,554,881 617,886 5,923,652

3917400000 Fittings of plastics 184,931 2,316,548 714,116 8,568,790

3918101100 Tiles of polymers of vinyl chloride 60,573 306,624 68,901 334,369

3918101900 Oth floor covering of polymers of vinylchloride 2,520,785 22,259,762 1,385,098 9,785,293

3918109000 Wall or ceiling coverings of polymers ofvinyl chloride 579,456 8,816,773 327,738 4,541,630

3918901100 Tiles, of polyethylene 6,600 830,115 85,140 2,213,196

3918901300 Oth floor coverings of polyethylene 179,568 1,843,703 182,347 3,086,834

3918901900 Oth floor coverings of oth plastics 162,899 926,569 197,825 1,042,374

3918909100 Wall or ceiling covering of polyethylene 197,822 3,267,669 223,316 3,529,674

3918909900 Wall or ceiling coverings of oth plastic 187,590 1,155,487 440,889 2,032,864

3919101000 Tape in roll,width=<20cm,of polymers of vinyl chloride 179,207 1,161,944 526,647 3,550,721

3919102100 Tape in roll,width=<20cm,of polyethyleneused in mnfctre of telephonc/elect wire 91,818 604,185 416,724 2,552,543

3919102900 Tape in roll,width=<20cm,of polyethyleneused for other 264,339 2,522,814 1,476,615 10,120,908

3919109000 Oth self-adhesive plate, sheet,film,inroll, width =<20 cm, of oth plastics 583,518 4,592,638 2,334,473 20,282,256

3919901000 Oth self-adhesive plates, sheets, film,foil, tape of polymers of vinyl chloride 248,510 2,166,645 708,495 5,995,033

3919909000 Oth self-adhesive plates, sheets, film,foil, tape, strip of plastics 1,289,236 15,344,989 4,938,707 41,208,697

3920100000 Oth tape of polymer of ethylene,not formfg of telephonic/electric wire 2,248,557 19,888,360 5,716,990 45,180,688

3920200010 Bopp film, of polymers of propylene 2,691,318 29,275,569 6,092,050 62,299,194

3920200090 Oth tape of polymer of propyleneused as an adhesive by melting 698,584 7,396,674 2,063,198 15,829,207

3920301000 Polymers of styrene used as an adhesiveby melting 48,214 457,996 83,751 785,730

3920309000 Polymers of styrene not used asan adhesive by melting 103,479 946,415 207,997 1,967,697

3920430000 PVC tape weight >6% of plasticiser usedot than mfg of telephonic/electric wire 437,690 4,053,038 1,318,252 9,836,394

3920490000 Other of polymers of vinyl chloride 640,299 5,036,785 1,536,798 11,415,480

3920510000 Oth plate,sheet,film,foilorstrip of acrypolymers of methyl methacrylate 0 1,351 0 14,734

3920590000 Oth plates,sheets,film,foil & strip othacrylic polimer of methyl methacrylate 23,390 419,251 257,075 4,542,345

3920610000 Film, of polycarbonates 406,492 3,266,754 511,082 5,335,707

3920621000 Film, of poly(ethylene terephthalate)used as an adhesive by melting 723,143 3,991,544 2,149,188 11,182,257

3920629000 Oth plate,sheet,foil & strip of poly-(ethylene terephthalate) 95,726 1,055,886 309,412 3,115,114

3920630000 Tapes, of unsaturated polyesters, 6,569 64,139 20,454 178,853

3920690000 Tapes, of oth polyesters, used as anadhesive by melting 494,662 5,434,685 1,563,891 15,843,148

3920711000 Cellophane film 29,568 91,224 86,463 296,443

3920712000 Viscose tear-off ribbon, foil 3,612 787,672 10,685 1,381,196

3920719000 Oth plate,sheet & strip of regeneratedcellulose usedoth than adhesive by melti 286 523,680 2,317 274,418

3920730000 Cellulose acetate, plasticized, usedas an adhesive by melting 86 3,319 6,425 47,022

3920790000 Plate,sheet,foil & strip of oth cellulosderivatives 582 1,657 8,802 44,419

3920911000 Film of poly(vinyl butyral),thickness0.38~0.76mm width <= 2m 167,587 1,598,073 895,326 8,496,122

3920919000 Oth film of poly(vinyl butyral,plate, 35,131 431,149 277,960 2,240,227

3920921000 Plate,sheet,foil & strip of nylon 6of polyamides 1,569 49,500 36,329 422,679

3920922000 Plate,sheet,foil & strip of polyamides,used as an adhesive by melting 0 6,151 0 51,678

3920929000 Plate,sheet,foil & strip of othpolyamides 2,447 229,532 36,872 978,816

3920931000 Plate,sheet,foil & strip of melamine,of amino-resins 1,781 9,641 10,315 65,557

3920939000 Oth plate,sheet,foil & strip of aminoused oth than an adhesive by melting 0 60,501 0 121,230

3920941000 Phenol formaldehyde (bakelite) sheets 1,486 409,081 23,427 994,661

3920949000 Oth plate,sheet,foil & strip of phenolicresins 13,624 25,857 88,277 143,243

3920990010 Corrugated sheets & plates, of otherplastics 5,020 171,264 16,111 599,271

3920990090 Oth plate,sheet,foil & strip of otherplastics 45,945 1,144,127 220,296 5,795,536

3921111000 Plates & sheets, cellular, of polymersof styrene 248,929 1,530,767 443,293 2,499,736

3921119000 Film, foil& oth strip, cellular, ofoth than plate and sheet 69,788 386,889 118,964 1,078,568

3921120000 Tapes of PVC,in plates & sheets formused as mfg telepni/elect.wire 570,254 8,641,352 952,407 8,352,909

3921130000 Plates & sheets of polyurethanes 71,612 862,227 584,200 5,977,825

3921141000 Plates and sheets of regeneratedcellulose 10 122,564 420 393,829

3921149000 Film,foil & oth strip of regeneratedcellulose used in mfg telepnic/elect.wir 13,820 230,082 40,867 499,411

3921191000 Tapes in plate & sheet,of oth plastics 206,024 2,308,467 363,169 3,849,875

3921199000 Tapes in oth form,used in the oth thanmfg of telephonic/electric wire 560,788 9,489,118 1,362,066 11,800,685

3921902000 Plates & sheets, not cellular plateand sheet 139,741 1,645,368 327,753 3,643,176

3921909000 Film,foil & oth strip, not cellularoth than plate and sheet 1,087,994 7,141,106 2,640,127 17,476,497

3922100000 Baths, shower-baths, sinks & washbasins 139,388 987,467 342,343 2,845,220

3922201000 Lavatory covers of plastic 43,908 227,990 148,562 907,897

3922202000 Lavatory seats, of plastics 12,862 75,133 23,766 119,608

3922901100 Parts of flushing cisterns, of plastics 0 62,985 0 281,587

3922901900 Flushing water closets (lavatory pans)and urinals 3,868 74,850 64,409 605,174

3922909000 Similar sanitary ware, of plastics 108,825 1,798,546 338,397 3,026,606

3923100000 Boxes used for cinematographic films,tape and disks 1,077,230 8,704,207 3,475,625 27,943,887

3923211000 Aseptic bag of polymers of ethylene withaluminium foil in forcing material 50,228 456,647 434,611 2,001,510

3923219000 Oth sacks & bags, of polymers ofethylene 602,445 4,969,699 1,708,633 15,239,421

3923290000 Oth articles for the conveyance or packing of goods of oth plastics 573,482 6,814,379 2,226,231 22,022,008

3923301000 Toothpaste tubes container, of plastic 555 15,445 2,892 107,250

3923309000 Carboys, bottles, flasks & similararticle, not tootpaste tube container 519,934 5,247,443 2,370,260 21,810,981

3923400000 Spool,cop,bobbin & similar support 84,505 1,174,527 690,360 8,724,781



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

3923500000 Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures 403,012 3,858,175 2,508,703 19,685,999

3923900000 Oth articles for the conveyance/packinggoods of plastics 545,795 4,352,258 1,999,284 16,859,418

3924100000 Tableware & kitchenware 839,000 6,634,599 2,052,860 13,318,077

3924901000 Bed pans, urinals (portable type) &chamber pots 385 54,959 2,169 281,354

3924909000 Oth household & toilet articles, ofplastics 515,322 5,112,398 1,410,996 10,610,472

3925100000 Reservoirs,tanks,vats & similar contain.capacity <= 300l 57,144 486,535 169,028 1,404,799

3925200000 Doors,windows & their frames & threshold for doors 98,009 1,672,011 143,237 1,772,188

3925300000 Shutters,blinds (includ venetian blinds)and similar articles and parts 97,118 504,970 166,406 980,518

3925900000 Oth builders ware of plastics, not elsewhere specified 479,974 4,750,938 495,404 4,452,032

3926100000 Office or school supplies of plastics 176,663 2,111,094 885,184 4,725,021

3926206000 Articles of apparel used for protectionof plastics 21,072 180,933 229,759 1,678,725

3926209000 Oth articles of plastics, including belt 536,265 6,313,991 2,006,208 23,011,875

3926300000 Fittings for furniture, coachworkor the like 106,329 963,770 229,447 3,527,036

3926400000 Statuettes & othornamental articles 58,717 452,870 257,502 1,326,114

3926901000 Floats for fishing nets, of plastics 48,883 467,328 412,632 2,337,478

3926902000 Fan & handscreen, frame & handlethereof and parts 19,255 217,614 48,627 622,004

3926903200 Plastic moulds with denture prints 494 2,012 1,413 20,930

3926903900 Oth hygienic, medical & surgical 41,338 730,057 327,647 6,554,745

3926904100 Police shields, of plastics 0 291 0 6,128

3926904200 Protective mask & similar article forused in welding & similar works 15,729 159,485 117,994 1,108,203

3926904400 Life saving cushions for protection ofpersons falling from heght 11,689 31,279 29,572 124,103

3926904500 Reflected light nails, of plastics 246 24,343 524 154,921

3926904900 Oth safety & protective devices, 66,761 417,504 246,939 3,579,376

3926905300 Transmission or conveyor belts or beltin 48,831 234,703 357,518 1,763,489

3926905500 Plastic j-hooks & bunch blocks fordetonator 3,085 56,816 27,903 300,508

3926905900 Oth industrial articles, of plastics 559,518 4,443,478 3,189,579 31,325,705

3926906000 Nipple former,breastshell,nipple shield,hand expression furnel 8 10,169 240 219,138

3926907000 Corset busks & similar supports forarticles of appared or clothing accessor 33,330 185,071 83,293 1,106,001

3926908000 Cards for jewelleryorsmall objects ofpersonal adornment 48,047 799,805 147,574 1,612,396

3926909000 Oth articles of plastics & othermaterial 3,177,773 26,730,655 22,032,040 116,329,990

4001101100 Natural rubber latex,cont ammonia >=0.5% catrige concentrate 670,088 4,993,742 1,444,246 10,600,251

4001101900 Natural rubber latex,cont ammonia >=0.5% processed by other methods 20,298 86,580 60,632 234,138

4001102100 Natural rubber latex,cont ammonia <0.5% centrifuge concentrate 20,000 22,000 71,040 75,352

4001102900 Natural rubber latex,cont ammonia <0.5% processed by other methods 60,111 1,080,681 216,754 3,112,210

4001211000 Natural rubber in smoked sheets,rss grade 1 0 1 0 233

4001213000 Natural rubber in smoked sheets,rss grade 3 238,335 2,269,614 71,501 680,887

4001214000 Natural rubber in smoked sheets,rss grade 4 0 438,963 0 1,436,937

4001219000 Natural rubber in oth forms 40,320 207,699 105,356 490,729

4001221000 Tsnr, standard indonesian rubberSIR 3 cv 18,956 55,617 58,212 160,123

4001222000 Tsnr, oth standard indonesianrubber 45,360 163,248 151,781 471,195

4001224000 Tsnr, specified singapore rubber 0 25,549 0 76,058

4001225000 Tsnr, thai tested rubber 0 131 0 8,400

4001229000 Oth tehnically specified naturalrubber (TSNR) 24,736 26,727 69,124 156,046

4001291000 Air-dried sheet,oth natural rubberin other form 0 12,000 0 40,320

4001292000 Latex crepe 0 212 0 36

4001293000 Sole crepe 0 584 0 3,609

4001294000 Remilled crepe, including flat barkcrepe 72,228 196,822 191,458 550,390

4001295000 Oth crepe 0 104,095 0 375,360

4001299000 Oth natural rubber in oth forms 67,202 259,720 86,434 867,911

4001301100 Jelutong in primary form 0 80 0 103

4001301900 Jelutong in oth forms 0 43,328 0 76,107

4001309100 Oth balata,gutta-percha,guayule,chiclesimilar, in primary form 0 2,102 0 1,672

4001309900 Oth balata,gutta-percha,guayule,chiclesimilar, in other form 17,000 332,957 30,430 433,382

4002110000 Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), inlatex form 1,266,248 11,239,499 1,876,555 16,691,465

4002190000 Carboxylated styrene-butadine rubber(SBR) in other form 5,595,709 68,895,432 15,226,736 149,635,613

4002200000 Butadiene rubber (BR) 3,964,551 42,979,977 12,234,031 111,002,432

4002310000 Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (IIR) 1,674,061 10,128,216 7,898,586 39,604,998

4002390000 Halo isobutane-isoprene rubber(CIIR of BIIR) 379,559 4,469,732 1,584,496 16,385,851

4002410000 Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubberin latex form 0 160,075 0 566,487

4002490000 Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubberin other form 595,332 3,991,050 2,744,228 17,377,707

4002510000 Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR),in latex form 262,725 3,470,222 457,206 5,060,457

4002590000 Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR),in other form 688,691 4,518,975 1,300,090 10,185,227

4002601000 Isoprene rubber (IR) in primary forms 16,800 289,931 72,240 863,612

4002609000 Isoprene rubber (IR) in other forms 114,109 715,429 329,993 1,895,644

4002700000 Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugateddiene rubber (EPDM) 448,239 6,491,423 1,483,154 18,955,636

4002801000 Mixture of natural rubber latex withsyntetic rubber latex 84 1,631 4,200 32,807

4002809000 Oth mixture of natural rubber latex withsyntetic rubber latex 5,606 255,083 24,248 842,835

4002911000 Oth synthetic rubber latex & facticederived from oils of poly graft natural 161,601 1,149,940 438,742 1,806,191

4002919000 Oil synthetic rubber& factice derivedfrom oils of other latex 0 72,430 0 231,553

4002991000 Oth synthetic rubber & factice derivedfrom oils in oth form 3,329 140,953 25,258 563,816

4002999000 Oth synthetic rubber latex & facticederived from oils 186,856 1,391,965 389,654 4,742,696

4003000000 Reclaimed rubber in primary formsoarin plates, sheets or strips 1,294,300 8,893,307 565,721 4,092,490

4004000000 Waste,paring & scrap of rubber (othhard rubbers) 925,759 8,970,895 620,796 4,699,002



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

4005100000 Compounded rubber with carbon blacksilica, unvulcanised 247,441 2,417,444 1,251,488 10,869,724

4005200000 Compounded rubber with solutions,oth subheading 4005.10 75,148 957,933 115,224 1,369,379

4005910000 Compounded rubber,unvulcanised,inplates, sheets, & strip 446,065 3,762,167 1,358,122 8,219,148

4005990000 Compounded rubber,unvulcanised,inoth form 341,488 5,527,947 740,509 7,632,552

4006100000 "camel-back" strips for retreadingrubber tyres, unvulcanised 6,659 114,393 16,645 126,011

4006900000 Oth forms & articles of unvulcanisedrubbers 54,215 1,716,666 255,307 4,526,317

4007000000 Vulcanised rubber thread & cord. 184,060 1,704,703 614,897 4,409,861

4008110000 Plates, sheets, & strip of cellularrubber 170,087 1,403,650 453,415 4,567,891

4008190000 Oth forms of cellular rubber 48,918 502,012 99,450 877,377

4008210000 Plates, sheets & strip of non-cellularrubber 19,109 514,776 112,031 2,828,778

4008290000 Oth forms of non-cellular rubber 30,455 1,299,947 198,836 2,538,892

4009110000 Tube,pipe & hose, not reinforced/othermaterial without fitting 294,528 4,121,035 2,181,357 22,167,581

4009120000 Tube,pipe & hose, not reinforced/othermaterial with fitting 70,767 773,283 540,005 7,287,466

4009211000 Mining slurry suction & discharge hose,without fitting 4,351 1,395,105 30,366 3,734,739

4009219000 Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced withoth materials without fittings 187,983 1,409,293 1,109,902 11,591,787

4009221000 Mining slurry suction & discharge hose,with fittings 571 30,578 7,455 1,690,864

4009229000 Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced withoth materials with fitting 348,666 1,610,583 1,949,693 5,822,919

4009311000 Mining slurry suction & discharge hose,reinforced w textile, without fitting 4 1,084 730 20,036

4009319000 Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced withtextile, without fittng 164,980 755,785 777,552 5,307,172

4009321000 Mining slurry suction & discharge hose,reinforced w textile, with fitting 3 395 81 6,377

4009329000 Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced withtextile, with fittng 1,525 62,272 23,685 436,359

4009411000 Mining slurry suction & discharge hose,reinforced w oth materials, without fitt 44,376 363,967 49,607 598,183

4009419000 Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced withoth material, without fitting 120,642 1,549,610 695,416 5,180,225

4009421000 Mining slurry suction & discharge hose,reinforced w oth materials, with fitting 1,642 6,853 17,570 112,937

4009429000 Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced withoth material, with fitting 536,967 3,953,329 5,352,091 35,094,764

4010111000 Conveyor belts/belting,reinforced withmetal, width > 20cm 151,397 199,569 824,489 1,153,676

4010119000 Conveyor belts/belting,reinforced withmetal, width <= 20cm 87,882 853,222 524,534 5,261,933

4010121000 Conveyor belts/belting,reinforced withtextile, width > 20cm 39,657 201,998 75,925 409,519

4010129000 Conveyor belts/belting,reinforced withtextile, width <= 20cm 292,487 1,852,655 697,603 5,918,767

4010191000 Oth conveyor belts/belting, reinforcedwith oth; width > 20cm 51,529 762,255 311,394 4,625,485

4010199000 Oth conveyor belts/belting, reinforcedwith oth; width <= 20cm 596,530 2,909,878 1,969,565 10,845,586

4010310000 V-belts,V-ribbed,60cm<outside circum ference<=120cm 28,156 258,745 297,866 2,834,493

4010320000 V-belts,oth than V-ribbed,60cm<outside circum ference<=120cm 11,330 67,873 29,288 172,679

4010330000 V-belts,V-ribbed,120cm<outside circum ference<=240cm 37,895 80,482 173,964 1,127,951

4010340000 V-belts,oth than V-ribbed,120cm<outside circum ference<=240cm 139 2,610 2,677 62,103

4010350000 Endless synchronous belt,60cm<outside circum ference<=150cm 1,351 26,880 56,988 266,620

4010360000 Endless synchronous belt,150cm<outside circum ference<=198cm 0 4 0 370

4010390000 Oth transmission belts/belting 129,929 1,388,676 1,519,548 14,143,538

4011100000 New pneumatic tyres,of rubber of a kindused on motor cars 1,103,153 7,926,560 3,581,525 22,482,627

4011201000 New pneumatic tyre,of rubber used onbuses/lorries, width<450mm 2,554,815 13,022,484 4,444,797 22,235,157

4011209000 New pneumatic tyre,of rubber used onbuses/lorries, width>=450mm 1,179,967 9,772,527 4,600,880 29,865,532

4011300000 New pneumatic tyres,of rubber of akind used on aircraft 15,891 168,284 150,527 1,833,147

4011400000 New pneumatic tyres,of rubber of akind used on motorcycles 158,450 1,557,070 353,181 2,661,988

4011500000 New pneumatic tyres,of rubber of akind used on bicycles 135,894 1,801,496 184,305 1,787,626

4011610000 New pneumatic tyres,of rubber used onagricultural/forestry vehicles & machine 98,794 1,792,481 262,329 5,163,514

4011620000 New pneumatic tyres,of rubber, rimsize<61 cm,used on const/ind.vehicles mach. 44,790 345,536 156,313 1,160,022

4011630000 New pneumatic tyre,of rubber,rim size>=61cm, used on const/ind.vehicles mach 0 58,143 0 386,776

4011690000 New pneumatic tyre,of rubber,used for oth purpose 519,299 2,830,819 2,919,593 15,307,430

4011920000 Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,usedon agricul./forestry vehicles mach. 59,332 1,195,365 176,645 3,210,705

4011930000 Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,rimsize<61 cm,used on const/ind.vehicles mach. 219,175 3,523,645 631,014 5,806,699

4011941000 Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,rimsize>=61cm, used on earth mov.mach. 0 123,484 0 123,035

4011949000 Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,rimsize>=61cm, used for oth. purposer 422,489 3,964,464 2,532,280 23,548,653

4011991000 Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,used on vehicles of chap.87 1,347,573 17,497,969 6,908,711 102,425,515

4011992000 Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,used on earth moving mach. 169,760 1,549,815 1,477,638 11,686,671

4011993000 Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,used for oth, width>450mm 0 167,755 0 642,215

4011999000 Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,used for oth, width<450mm 495,447 4,726,224 2,794,456 26,939,543

4012110000 Retreaded tyres,used on motor cars 9 1,488 230 11,562

4012129000 Retreaded tyres,used on buses/lorries,width>=450mm 1,147 1,676 2,185 5,041

4012130000 Retreaded tyres,used on aircraft 5,513 65,583 21,746 210,597

4012191000 Retreaded tyres,used on motorcycles 3,473 74,338 10,845 116,112

4012192000 Retreaded tyres,used on bicycles 0 197 0 372

4012199000 Retreaded tyres,used for oth purpossed 6,865 97,232 5,547 155,933

4012201000 Used pneumatic tyres,used on motor cars 0 1,103 0 24,544

4012202900 Used pneumatic tyres,used on buses/lorries, width>=450mm 0 119 0 127

4012203000 Used pneumatic tyres,used on aircraft, 0 771 0 27,880

4012206000 Used pneumatic tyres,used on earthmoving machinery 0 43,700 0 574,191

4012209900 Used pneumatic tyres,used on othpurposes, oth than of furskin 0 469 0 1,912

4012901100 Solid tyres, of ext dia < 100 mmfor vehicles of chapter 87 49 2,204 756 8,003

4012901200 Solid tyres, 100 mm< ext dia < 100 mmfor vehicles of chapter 87 2,449 3,363 7,815 10,300

4012901300 Solid tyres,external diameter >250 mm,width<450mm, used of chap.87.09 0 722 0 1,086

4012901400 Oth solid tyres,external diameter > 250width<450mm, used of chap.87. 370 2,989 743 28,746

4012901500 Oth solid tyres,external diameter >250,width>450mm, used of chap.87.09. 3,614 3,614 30,269 30,269

4012901600 Oth solid tyres,external diameter>250mm,of a width > 450 mm 336 4,559 665 39,927



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

4012901900 Other solid tyres 144 65,510 389 75,297

4012902100 Solid tyres,enternal diameter <100 mm, 0 1,318 0 7,666

4012902200 Solid tyres,external diameter >100mmand >250mm 285 660 2,942 4,338

4012902900 Oth cushion tyres 2 8,697 58 23,709

4012907000 Replaceable tyre treads, width<450mm 0 162,461 0 467,721

4012908000 Tyre flaps 2,764 22,775 5,901 39,795

4012909000 Oth retreaded/used pneumatic,solid/cushion tyres, of rubber 32,358 667,363 138,015 3,556,654

4013101100 Inner tubes,of rubber,used on motor carwidth tyres<450mm 79,463 360,152 53,464 303,681

4013101900 Inner tubes,of rubber,used on motor carwidth tyres>450mm 86,673 351,164 83,751 376,032

4013102100 Inner tubes,of rubber,used on bus/lorriwidth tyres<450mm 72,283 488,319 96,919 880,602

4013102900 Inner tubes,of rubber,used on bus/lorriwidth tyres>450mm 37,855 347,937 404,720 694,736

4013200000 Inner tubes,of rubber,used on bicycles 99,576 1,318,930 84,190 965,605

4013901100 Inner tube,of rubber,use on earth movingwidth tyres<450mm 6,128 49,059 63,570 212,750

4013901900 Inner tube,of rubber,use on earth movingwidth tyres>450mm 0 29,130 0 37,404

4013902000 Inner tube,of rubber,used on motorcycleor motor scooters 613,652 4,207,092 492,546 3,304,401

4013903100 Inner tube,of rubber,used on oth vehicleof chap.87, width tyres<450mm 16,665 35,059 8,694 23,059

4013903900 Inner tube,of rubber,used on oth vehicleof chap.87, width tyres>450mm 12,635 201,760 12,163 196,882

4013904000 Inner tube,of rubber,used on aircraft 0 107 0 3,423

4013909100 Oth inner tube,of rubber,suitable forfitting to tyres of width<450mm 4 120,787 49 121,951

4013909900 Oth inner tube,of rubber,suitable forfitting to tyres of width>450mm 13,205 279,692 51,253 567,188

4014100000 Sheath contraceptives 31,514 370,616 383,305 4,446,199

4014901000 Teats for feeding bottles & similar kind 14,030 153,646 73,850 1,173,323

4014904000 Stoppers for pharmaceutical use 22,614 233,077 431,041 3,939,612

4014909000 Oth hygienic/pharmaceutical articles,ofvulcanised rubber 11,220 129,794 99,419 1,183,554

4015110000 Gloves, mittens & mitts, surgical 88,298 555,740 450,299 2,634,619

4015190000 Gloves, mittens & mitts, for otherpurpossed 93,466 612,777 367,663 2,686,024

4015900000 Oth article of apparel, clothing accessfor all purpossed 60,458 356,880 486,137 2,226,407

4016100000 Oth articles of vulcanised rubber otherof cellular rubber 15,593 198,536 138,184 1,871,555

4016911000 Mats 26,534 638,129 173,572 1,927,736

4016919000 Floor coverings 208,912 760,975 413,199 1,659,387

4016921000 Eraser tips 57,129 413,387 191,843 1,490,766

4016929000 Other erasers 24,405 503,426 85,668 1,317,775

4016931000 Gaskets, coverings & oth, packing forelectrolytic capacitor 103,935 311,193 340,589 2,458,604

4016939000 Oth gaskets, washers & oth seals 566,746 5,592,591 5,605,758 55,857,500

4016940000 Boat/dock fenders,whether/not inflatable 95,128 1,418,403 339,557 3,938,829

4016950000 Oth articles of vulcanised rubber, 71,751 276,747 86,365 541,875

4016991100 Oth article of vulcanised rubber,for vhcof heading 87.02~87.05&87.11 400,618 3,162,580 4,132,666 34,176,311

4016991200 Oth article of vulcanised rubber,forvehicles 87.09,87.13,87.15&87.16 10,133 202,792 134,931 1,149,113

4016991700 Oth article of vulcanised rubber,forfor bicycles of heading 87.12 543 33,620 1,574 66,369

4016991900 Oth parts & access for vehicles ofrubber 45,549 194,798 166,063 1,484,944

4016992000 Parts & access of rotochutes ofheading 88.04 2,704 35,480 2,870 292,170

4016993000 Rubber bands 1,846 320,745 47,367 1,773,853

4016995100 Rubber rollers 141,441 1,191,771 286,755 2,745,249

4016995900 Oth article of a kind used in machinery/mechanical/electrical appliances, & oth 106,162 1,117,890 687,648 6,427,045

4016996000 Rail pad, of rubber 53,056 133,423 94,886 403,673

4016997000 Structural bearings including bridgebridge bearings, oth than rail pad 24 11,309 188 59,951

4016998000 Rubber grommets & rubber cover forautomotive wiring harness 420,641 908,233 1,079,885 7,901,122

4016999000 Oth articles of vulcanised rubber foroth purpossed 315,774 2,657,571 1,905,140 17,187,358

4017000000 Hard rubber in all form,include waste &scrap, articles of hard rubber 33,545 1,772,556 200,864 1,583,214

4101200000 Whole hide & skin,weight/skin<8kg(simplydried), 10kg(dry-salt), 16kg(fresh) 422,290 3,109,432 185,393 1,323,370

4101500000 Whole hide & skin,of a weight >16 kg 82,344 1,431,962 94,779 1,819,446

4101900000 Oth raw hides & skin of bovine/equineanimals 247,715 1,829,996 86,203 741,121

4102100000 Raw skins of sheep/lambs with wool on 62,974 362,963 88,011 790,092

4102210000 Raw skins of sheep/lambs without wool on, pickled 65,007 286,076 500,250 2,225,976

4102290000 Oth raw skins of sheep/lambs withoutwool on, not pickled 748,863 3,426,105 265,971 1,545,430

4103200000 Raw hide & skin of reptiles 0 9,199 0 104,109

4103300000 Raw hide & skin of swine 17 17 167 167

4103900000 Raw hide & skin of oth animal 425,845 2,088,167 350,547 1,917,676

4104110010 Bovine leather,vegetable pre-tannedfull grains, wet state 412,535 2,492,011 749,412 6,747,602

4104110090 Oth tanned/crust hide & skin of bovine,wet state, full grains 388,330 7,177,056 690,283 18,981,327

4104190000 Oth tanned/crust hide & skin of bovine,wet state, not full grains 360,157 4,324,297 2,368,274 18,491,768

4104410000 Crust vegetable (semi-tanned) hide &skins, full grains 985,222 4,190,587 15,470,871 58,744,620

4104490000 Oth crust vegetable (semi-tanned) hide& skin, full grains 202,312 1,947,808 2,474,397 21,752,263

4105100000 Tanned/crust skins of sheep/lamb,without wool on, in the wet state 31,522 286,848 340,574 2,643,215

4105300000 Tanned/crust skins of sheep/lamb,without wool on, in dry state 2,573 20,777 95,796 963,276

4106210000 Tanned/crust hide & skin of goat/kid,in the wet state 46 73,947 921 332,521

4106220000 Tanned/crust hide & skin of goat/kid,in the dry state 0 2,888 0 68,761

4106320000 Tanned/crust hide & skin of swinein the dry state 338 10,112 11,463 236,925

4106409000 Oth tanned/crust hide&skin of reptiles 0 388 0 19,523

4106910000 Oth tanned/crust hide & skin of oth,animals in the wet state 0 41 0 1,350

4106920000 Oth tanned/crust hide & skin of oth,animals in the dry state 3,460 56,366 347,224 5,412,937

4107110000 Whole hides&skins,full grains,unsplitsof bovine/eguine animals 37,955 313,728 800,603 6,556,260

4107120000 Whole hides & skins,grains splits,ofbovine/eguine animals 43,152 466,712 800,699 8,479,823



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

4107190000 Oth whole hides & skins,of bovine/eguine animals, in oth form 174,180 1,709,740 3,557,115 34,632,570

4107910000 Oth whole hide & skin,including side,ofbovine/eguine animals, full grains 1,719,721 1,973,148 212,996 3,424,654

4107920000 Oth whole hide & skin,including side,ofbovine/eguine animals, grain splits 207,750 2,285,397 4,012,959 15,835,973

4107990000 Oth whole hide & skin,including side,ofbovine/eguine animals, in oth forms 268,905 1,367,051 1,238,042 9,485,833

4112000000 Leather further prepared after tanning,oth than leather of heading 41.14 20,521 78,764 338,103 2,523,589

4113100000 Leather further prepared after tanning,of goats or kids 23,857 298,053 694,638 6,751,985

4113200000 Leather further prepared after tanning,of swine 34,988 220,144 612,156 3,085,282

4113300000 Leather further prepared after tanning,of reptiles 4 334 87 219,634

4113900000 Leather further prepared after tanning,of oth animals 13,565 69,185 306,098 1,684,414

4114100000 Chamois (including combinationchamoss leather 13,642 239,681 100,045 1,757,786

4114200000 Patent leather & patent laminatedleather, metalised leather 37,280 525,013 381,164 7,011,485

4115100000 Composition leather with basis ofleather in slabs, sheets/strip 107,649 483,990 1,014,111 6,537,532

4115200000 Paring&oth waste/of composition leather,not suitable for manuf. of leather artic 49,725 144,288 20,624 81,040

4201000000 Saddlery & harness for any animalof any materials 2,959 33,144 10,944 236,795

4202111000 School satchel,with outer surface ofleather, compositons/patent leather 7,313 81,983 11,982 110,660

4202119000 Trunk,suit,vanity,executive,brief-caseswith outer surface of leather 71,018 503,574 359,041 2,576,149

4202121000 School satchel,with outer surface ofplastics/textile materials 30,723 274,574 63,657 469,078

4202129000 Trunk,suit,vanity,executive,brief-casesw out surface of plastics/textile mat. 516,463 4,681,735 1,396,009 12,566,156

4202191000 School satchel,trunk,suit,vanity,brief,of wood, iron, steel or zinc 0 1,975 0 6,793

4202199000 School satchel,trunk,suit,vanity,brief,ot oth materials 84,711 803,613 489,615 2,702,561

4202210000 Hand bag with outer surface of leatheror of patent leather 32,053 378,676 555,835 4,759,359

4202220000 Hand bag with outer surface of plasticsheeting or of textile materials 283,306 2,122,485 1,438,399 10,725,373

4202290000 Hand bag with other outer surface 572,701 2,927,636 1,259,537 7,686,959

4202310000 Artcl in pocket/hand bag with outersurface of leather or of patent leather 5,018 110,193 137,214 1,123,140

4202320000 Artcl in pocket/hand bag with outersurface of plastics or of textile 35,455 366,977 233,939 1,868,585

4202390000 Article of kind normally carried pocketor in handbag with outer srfc of other 50,624 399,287 141,129 912,528

4202911000 Sport bags,with outer surface of leathercomposition leather/of patent leather 4,839 26,740 6,072 53,961

4202919000 Oth artcls with outer surface of leatheror of patent leather 3,111 171,548 45,512 1,613,367

4202921000 Bowling bags with outer surface ofplastic or of textile materials 1,399 11,255 9,388 34,531

4202929000 Other articles with outer surface ofplastic or of textile materials 45,642 478,682 470,862 2,859,159

4202991000 Bags, with outer surface of copper 760 4,227 499 3,944

4202999000 Oth than trunk, suit-cases,handbags,& similar containers 59,197 499,093 237,502 1,550,709

4203100000 Articles of apparelof leather or of composition leather. 1,263 9,226 38,808 297,167

4203210000 Gloves,mittens & mitts speciallydesigned for use in sports of leather 1,168 19,744 13,128 211,644

4203291000 Protective work gloves of leather orof composition leather 35,433 299,030 90,084 1,271,968

4203299000 Oth gloves, mittens & mitts of leatheror of composition leather 2,708 89,336 25,927 299,837

4203300000 Belts & bandoliers of leatheror of composition leather 85,773 672,254 389,912 2,840,624

4203400000 Oth clothing access of leatheror of composition leather 2,186 44,053 25,268 341,389

4205001000 Oth articles of leather or ofcomposition leather, boot laces ; mats 789 42,442 44,039 942,326

4205002000 Oth articles of leather,industrial safety belt & harnesses 16,298 36,506 20,889 114,878

4205003000 Leather strings or cords for jewelry orfor personal adornment 50 10,148 1,051 50,807

4205004000 Oth articles of leather/of compositionleather of a kind used in machinery 539 7,134 12,118 53,070

4205009000 Oth articles of leather oth thanboot laces,safety belt & leather string 20,235 262,328 97,058 939,857

4206000000 Articles of gut of goldbeaters skinof bladders or of tendons 1,290 1,692 5,175 9,510

4301100000 Raw furkins of mink, whole, with orwithout head, tail or paws 584 1,064 6,142 14,047

4301600000 Raw furkins of fox, whole,with or without head, tail or paws 0 4 0 261

4301800000 Oth furskins, whole, with orwithout head, tail or paws 0 17 0 783

4302190000 Tanned or dressed furskins, oth thanof mink & of lamb 0 2,270 0 61,463

4302300000 Tanned or dressed furskins, whole skins& pieces or cuttings thereof assembled 0 5 0 346

4303100000 Articles of apparel, clothing accessof furskin 12,634 33,715 233,103 864,928

4303902000 Article for industrial purposes,oth than of furskin 7 687 363 5,654

4303909000 Oth than sport bag & article for industpurposes, oth than of furskin 0 1,290 0 30,317

4304001000 Artificial fur 0 25,186 0 114,163

4304002000 Article for indust purposesof articficial fur 438 8,772 7,600 81,317

4304009100 Sport bags of artificial fur 0 78 0 152

4304009900 Artificial fur&articles thereof otharticle find purposes&sport bags 0 232 0 5,409

4401100000 Fuel wood,in logs,in billets,in twigsfaggots or in similar forms 5,267,453 11,560,791 447,278 1,223,944

4401210000 Coniferous, wood in chips or particles 7,309,046 8,606,052 710,247 936,761

4401220000 Non-coniferous 12 13,902 35 9,000

4401300000 Sawdust & wood waste & scrap,whetheror not agglomerat in logs,briquet,pellet 370,000 1,126,984 104,825 346,297

4402100000 Wood charcoal(including shell or nutcharcoal), of bamboo 0 26,444 0 120,439

4402900000 Wood charcoal(including shell or nutcharcoal), of oth than bamboo 73 139,284 1,688 127,699

4403101000 Baulks, wood in the rough,treated withpaint,stains,creosote/oth preservatives 50,116 569,220 88,696 754,747

4403109000 Oth baulk,sawlog,pit-props,poles,pilestreated with paint 207,866 6,665,302 106,688 2,814,553

4403201000 Baulks, wood in the rough of other thanconiferous 0 673,208 0 288,628

4403209010 Coniferous,oil damar, pulpwood 0 175,621 0 215,426

4403209090 Oth wood in the rough 1,028,908 3,576,900 130,739 624,511

4403411000 Baulks of dark red meranti, lightred meranti & meranti bakau 95,255 124,019 87,543 176,009

4403419090 Oth pulp,baulk,of dark red merantilight red meranti & meranti bakau 84,637 843,368 5,651 33,050

4403491000 Oth baulks of dark red meranti lightred meranti & meranti bakau 0 12,347 0 7,290

4403499090 Oth pulp,baulk,sawlog,pit props,poles of tropical wood 0 66,277 0 111,687

4403911000 Baulks, sawlogs and veneer logs of oak 197,134 5,463,273 94,018 2,148,900

4403919090 Oth pulp,baulk,sawlog,pit props,polesof oak 1,982,907 20,621,044 833,970 8,140,794



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

4403921000 Baulks, sawlogs and veneer logsof beech 15,000 442,320 5,246 168,198

4403929090 Oth pulp,baulk,sawlog,pit props,pole ofbeech,oth thn pulpwood 118,301 527,469 99,231 284,022

4403991000 Baulks, oth meranti,beech,oak,tropical wood,ramin,keruing,kapur 18,132 570,063 22,469 501,327

4403999090 Oth pulp,baulk,sawlog,pit props,poles ofmeranti,tropic wood,ramin,keruing,kapur 514,773 5,878,793 143,869 1,354,616

4404100000 Hoopwood, split poles;piles, picket& the like of coniferous 37,800 231,781 152,250 904,406

4404200000 Hoopwood, split poles;piles, picket& the like of non coniferous 20,400 405,585 3,264 176,820

4405000000 Wood wool, wood flour. 0 1,355,409 0 723,334

4406100000 Railway or tramway sleepers(cross-ties)of wood not impregnated 0 7,551 0 59,660

4406900000 Railway or tramway sleepers(cross-ties)of wood impregnated 0 132,799 0 34,876

4407100010 Coniferous,planed of a thickness > 6mm 2,984,976 29,811,828 1,662,156 18,541,396

4407100020 Coniferous,sanded or end jointedthickness>6mm 0 175,897 0 89,629

4407100090 Coniferous,oth sanded or end jointed& planed, thickness>6mm 7,314,681 54,151,183 4,449,816 28,470,179

4407210090 Mahogany,oth planed, sandedend jointed,thickness>6mm 22,340 87,349 37,754 133,593

4407220090 Virola,imbuia&balsa,oth planed, sandedor end jointed,thickness>6mm 0 16,756 0 8,934

4407251010 Dark meranti/light red meranti,planedthickness>6mm 130,257 932,894 101,439 744,422

4407251090 Dark meranti/light red meranti, othplaned,sanded thickness>6mm 1,271,923 5,326,159 777,276 3,118,787

4407260090 White lauan,meranti,seraya,yellowmeranti,alan,oth planed&sanded,thick>6mm 0 4,460 0 16,938

4407270090 Sapelli other planed, sanded orend jointed,thickness>6mm 0 629 0 2,172

4407280090 Iroko other planed, sanded orend jointed,thickness>6mm 32,460 940,341 50,496 873,441

4407293110 Kempas wood,planedthickness>6mm 0 17,405 0 16,804

4407293900 Kempas oth planed&sanded orend jointed, thickness>6mm 27,851 1,012,625 61,073 1,138,573

4407296110 Teak wood planedthickness>6mm 126,000 410,100 125,688 378,883

4407296900 Teak wood,oth planed&sanded orend jointed, thickness>6mm 0 344,888 0 340,028

4407298090 Mengkulang wood,oth planed&sandedor end jointed, thickness>6mm 14,353 14,353 11,182 11,182

4407299900 Oth tropical wood, oth sanded or endjointed&planed,thickness>6mm 258,706 2,137,024 89,848 1,101,103

4407910010 Oth of oak wood, planedthickness>6mm 446,744 6,384,214 274,516 4,137,237

4407910020 Oth of oak wood, sanded or endjointed, thickness>6mm 15,137 15,137 41,789 41,789

4407910090 Oth of oak wood,oth planed&sandedor end jointed, thickness>6mm 1,108,049 11,846,949 950,509 9,082,759

4407920010 Oth of beech wood,planedthickness>6mm 0 7,129 0 6,735

4407920090 Oth of beech wood,oth planed&sandedor end jointed, thickness>6mm 166,024 1,884,424 184,823 1,385,457

4407930010 Oth of maple wood,planedthickness>6mm 0 26,395 0 78,328

4407930020 Oth of maple wood, sanded or endjointed, thickness>6mm 13,769 74,202 31,496 110,239

4407930090 Oth of maple wood,oth planed&sandedor end jointed, thickness>6mm 554,164 3,886,211 350,165 3,869,350

4407940010 Oth of cherry wood,planedthickness>6mm 0 3,585 0 2,928

4407940020 Oth of cherry wood, sanded or endjointed, thickness>6mm 34,253 309,028 22,913 167,318

4407940090 Oth of cherry wood,oth planed&sandedor end jointed, thickness>6mm 0 412,259 0 394,992

4407950090 Oth of ash wood,oth planed&sandedor end jointed, thickness>6mm 164,174 1,238,777 147,470 1,709,320

4407990010 Oth wood sawn or chipped lengthwise,sliced or peeled, planed thikness>6mm 183,599 1,089,152 470,432 2,405,043

4407990020 Oth wood sawn or chipped lengthwise,sanded or end jointed thikness>6mm 131,055 619,136 150,317 719,922

4407990090 Oth wood sawn or chipped lengthwise,planed or sanded thikness>6mm 2,945,340 21,669,664 2,205,603 15,004,915

4408101000 Cedar wood slats prepared for pencilmanufact;radiata pinewood for blockboard 375,918 1,267,871 165,544 1,003,316

4408103000 Face veneer sheets, coniferous 327,572 4,256,983 287,962 4,571,511

4408109000 Coniferous,oth cedar wood slats,faceveneer sheets 305,440 2,317,264 482,595 3,581,078

4408310000 Dark red meranti, light red meranti andmeranti bakau of the tropical wood 117,500 673,626 56,250 404,494

4408391000 Jelutong wood slats prepared forpencil manufact 0 112,421 0 364,573

4408399000 Oth jelutong wood and oth woodprepared for pencil manufact 0 2,202,561 0 3,320,229

4408900000 Oth sheets for veneering and of thetropical wood of thickeness < 6 mm 1,020,953 6,292,701 1,675,978 12,886,491

4409100000 Coniferous wood cotin shaped 280,882 587,016 255,806 744,657

4409210000 Non coniferos wood cotin shapedof bamboo 13,927 39,440 19,104 41,457

4409290000 Oth non coniferous oth teak stripsfriezes for parquet flooring 148,483 932,885 131,993 1,043,158

4410110000 Particle board & similar board of wood 18,824,417 165,248,658 5,936,500 42,387,324

4410120000 Oriented strand & waferboard of wood 69,595 462,453 28,627 195,237

4410190000 Oth particle board,oriented strand board(osb) of wood 1,863,352 16,292,529 784,165 6,285,598

4410900000 Particle board & similar board ofother ligneous materias 927,562 10,987,161 325,367 3,367,231

4411120000 Medium density fibreboard (mdf)of a thickness < 5mm 2,411,899 23,810,780 1,007,389 9,969,261

4411130000 Medium density fibreboard (mdf)of a thickness > 5mm and < 9 mm 190,590 3,949,598 101,257 1,784,246

4411140000 Medium density fibreboard (mdf)of a thickness > 9 mm 4,757,681 36,689,154 1,830,488 14,190,721

4411920000 Oth fibreboard of a density >0.8g/cm3 208,314 4,197,405 105,625 1,957,681

4411930000 Oth fibreboard of 0,5g/cm<density<0,8g/cm3 1,893,583 11,993,412 763,149 5,114,050

4411940000 Oth fibreboard of a density <0.5g/cm3 186,990 3,514,154 67,634 1,499,441

4412100000 Plywood,veneered panel&similar laminated of bamboo 78,019 1,218,835 118,897 1,275,435

4412310000 Oth plywood,each thick.<6mm with atleast one outer ply of tropical wood 182,632 2,155,004 114,880 1,226,858

4412320000 Oth plywood,each thick.<6mm with atleast one outer ply of non coniferous 0 12,767 0 8,189

4412390000 Oth plywood consisting solely of sheetsof wood of each thick < 6 mm 2,228,676 19,579,221 1,224,704 10,265,570

4412940000 Oth plywood of blockboard,laminboardand battenboard 64,277 361,837 80,520 616,680

4412990000 Veneered panels&similar w/at least oneother wood 979,442 22,586,802 601,103 10,255,805

4413000000 Densified wood, in blocks,plates,stripsof profile shapes. 63,502 1,481,426 186,842 2,007,154

4414000000 Wooden frames for paintings, photo-graphs mirrors or similar objects. 10,520 168,066 9,063 285,305

4415100000 Cases, boxes, crates, drums & similarpackings; cable-drums 141,804 832,412 171,377 850,109

4415200000 Pallets,box pallets& other load boards;pallet collars 208,847 2,004,967 255,816 1,918,401

4416001000 Staves of wood 8 2,057 133 11,464

4416009000 Casks,barrels,vats,tubs&other coopersproducts & parts thereof, of wood 2,058 32,463 17,904 255,518

4417000000 Tools,tool bodies,tool handles,broom orbrush bodies & handles, of wood 84,689 857,412 212,977 1,891,016



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

4418100000 Windows,french-windows&their framesof wood 0 186,007 0 100,117

4418200000 Doors & their frames & thresholdsof wood 113,485 299,159 265,312 506,011

4418400000 Shuttering for concrete construcal workof wood 0 503 0 3,796

4418600000 Posts and beams of wood 17,111 456,290 20,294 331,713

4418710000 Assembled flooring panels for mosaicfloors of wood 0 45,541 0 37,752

4418720000 Assembled flooring panel for multilayerof wood 19,381 790,956 9,750 1,206,903

4418790000 Oth assembled flooring panels of wood 101,510 1,505,203 116,077 1,371,809

4418901000 Cellular wood panelscellular wood panels 0 73,051 0 127,959

4418909000 Other builders joinery & carpentryof wood 175,031 2,351,593 150,076 1,946,020

4419000000 Tableware and kitchenware, of wood. 4,228 240,737 11,773 233,818

4420100000 Statuettes & oth ornaments, of wood 468 14,729 994 39,375

4420901000 Wooden articles of furniture not fallingin chapter 94 0 23,277 0 53,103

4420909000 Oth wood marquetry and inlaid,casketand similar articles of wood 8,675 185,617 18,266 1,226,805

4421100000 Clothes hangers of wood 41,340 361,066 150,096 1,332,182

4421901000 Spools, cops & bobbins, sewing threadreels and the like of wood 0 15,803 0 15,464

4421902000 Match splints 62 62 384 384

4421903000 Wooden pegs or pins for footwear 3,810 11,744 5,403 16,581

4421904000 Candy-sticks, ice-cream sticks & icecream spoons 27,735 359,602 35,760 811,765

4421907000 Fans & handscreens, frames & handlesof wood 125 8,888 441 16,618

4421908000 Toothpicks of wood 16,991 424,996 13,571 248,181

4421909100 Horse and bullock gear of wood 0 23 0 361

4421909200 Prayer beads of wood 12,259 23,655 24,163 41,462

4421909900 Other wooden articles 50,217 402,182 86,664 1,537,204

4501100000 Natural cork, raw or simply prepared 192 6,002 971 46,925

4501900000 Waste cork; crushed, granulated orground cork. 59 44,491 621 58,321

4502000000 Natural cork,debarked or roughly squaredor in rectangular (includ square)blocks 1,028 15,338 505 58,946

4503100000 Corks and stoppers 1,880 27,162 9,696 80,322

4503900000 Other articles of natural cork. 13,181 54,526 32,501 126,823

4504100000 Blocks, plates, sheets & strip; tiles ofany shape; of agglomerated cork 4,670 49,604 18,280 237,438

4504900000 Other articles of agglomerated cork 6,547 142,718 20,017 464,716

4601210000 Mats, matting and screens of vegetablematerials of bamboo 16,399 130,989 36,329 181,990

4601220000 Mats, matting and screens of vegetablematerials of rattan 300 1,101 10,120 24,431

4601290000 Oth mats,matting & screens of vegetablevegetable of material 81 1,497 464 7,501

4601921000 Plaits and similar products of plaitingmaterial of bamboo 0 27,841 0 144,181

4601929000 Other products of bamboo 0 19,162 0 47,197

4601939000 Other products of rattan 0 32,321 0 71,575

4601941000 Plaits and similar products of plaitingmaterial of vegetable materials 0 59 0 163

4601949000 Other products of vegetable material 0 42 0 2,457

4601991000 Mats and matting of other material 9,047 17,597 5,983 15,619

4601992000 Plaits & similar products of plaitingof other material 14 24,384 165 123,136

4601999000 Screens of other material 10,655 62,329 29,877 135,859

4602110000 Basketwork, wickerwork & other articles,of vegetable material of bamboo 11,251 97,837 35,411 185,674

4602120000 Basketwork, wickerwork & other articles,of vegetable material of rattan 0 21,593 0 40,093

4602190000 Basketwork, wickerwork & other articles,other vegetable material 0 24,690 0 43,799

4602900000 Basketwork, wickerwork & other articles,of other materials 2,599 14,497 6,988 56,720

4701000000 Mechanical wood pulp. 11,238,638 134,630,867 8,052,475 92,131,449

4702000000 Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades. 30,873,329 270,313,988 30,855,891 289,059,622

4703110000 Chemical wood pulp, soda, oth than dissolving grades,unbleached,coniferous 2,116,171 23,073,505 1,429,419 14,843,352

4703210000 Chemical wood pulp, soda, oth than dissolving grades,bleached,coniferous 20,817,570 239,367,963 15,776,236 179,957,931

4703290000 Chemical wood pulp, soda, oth than dissolving grades,bleached,non coniferous 13,094,011 154,964,799 10,345,844 115,098,336

4704110000 Chemical wood pulp,sulphite,oth than dissolving grades,unbleached,coniferous 243,331 7,784,676 138,457 4,338,669

4704190000 Chemical wood pulp,sulphite,oth than dissolving grades,unbleached,non coniferous 0 3,004 0 11,615

4704210000 Chemical wood pulp,sulphite,oth than dissolving grades,bleached,coniferous 1,359,019 8,113,964 1,131,297 6,321,984

4704290000 Chemical wood pulp,sulphite,oth than dissolving grades,bleached,non coniferous 0 115,047 0 178,643

4705000000 Wood pulp obtained by a combination ofmechanical & chemical pulping processes 9,315,534 63,802,813 6,508,408 42,452,385

4706100000 Cotton linters pulp 140,262 2,458,363 555,893 6,684,658

4706200000 Pulps of fibres derived from recovered(waste & scrap) paper or paperboard 0 13,649 0 22,078

4706300000 Pulps of fibres derived from recoveredof oth than bamboo 1,804 65,606 17,025 86,102

4706910000 Mechanical pulps of fibres derived fromrecovered paper or paperboard 518,158 2,407,601 383,429 1,829,586

4706920000 Chemical pulps of fibres derived fromrecovered paper or paperboard 67,072 1,587,614 188,146 2,165,955

4707100010 Unbleached kraft paper or paperboardfor paper making purposes 98,615,410 947,142,696 22,093,732 224,624,295

4707100090 Unbleached kraft paper or paperboardfor oth purposes 6 170,154 425 78,633

4707200010 Oth paper,bleached chemical pulp,notcolored, for paper making purposes 5,711,624 44,655,242 2,667,043 18,944,079

4707200090 Oth paper,bleached chemical pulp,notcolored, for oth purposes 2,745 23,440 10,170 94,550

4707300010 Paper made mainly of mechanical pulpfor paper making purposes 73,028,403 630,766,474 21,393,769 167,128,814

4707300090 Paper made mainly of mechanical pulpfor oth purposes 88 6,263 945 18,547

4707900010 Other paper, unsorted waste & scrap,for paper making purposes 6,433,042 88,101,748 1,334,739 19,631,156

4707900090 Other paper, unsorted waste & scrap,for oth purposes 0 72,984 0 526,081

4801001000 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets.weighing not more than 55 g/m2 88,933 367,258 64,109 290,019

4801009000 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets.weighing more than 55 g/m2 5,241 531,053 13,069 405,169

4802100000 Hand-made paper and paperboard 10,846 314,786 64,452 691,723

4802200000 Paper and paperboard of a kind used asfor photo sensitive,heat-sensitive 21,271 712,889 61,142 1,667,257

4802400000 Wallpaper base 45,257 216,153 70,692 390,584



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

4802541000 Paper,no fibres used in manufac gypsboard computercards,weight <40g/m 50,764 372,232 51,289 533,189

4802549010 Aluminium base paperweighing<20gm2 in rolls >15cm 7,292 26,931 25,996 87,093

4802549090 Oth carbonising base paperweighing<20gm2 in rolls >15cm 47,709 2,625,211 55,518 1,528,080

4802552100 Fancy paper and paperboard,in rolls of width of =< 15 cm 5,285 18,666 13,581 162,966

4802552900 Fancy paper and paperboard,other than in roll of with of >15cm 5,409 5,891 5,087 10,780

4802559000 Paper,no fibres, for other purpose40< weight <150 g/m,roll 691,232 9,023,701 872,779 8,799,851

4802562900 Oth fancy paper & paperboard 1 133,668 26 176,982

4802569000 Paper,no fibres, for other purpose40< weight <150 g/m,sheet 17,375 48,485 20,739 67,745

4802570000 Other paper & paperboard, weight>40g/m2and =< 150g/m2 613,884 3,790,122 544,221 3,596,500

4802582100 Fancy paper and paperboard,in roll width<=15cm/in rectang sheet<36cm&othside15cm 0 58,895 0 188,120

4802582900 Fancy paper and paperboard,oth in rollwidth<=15cm/in rectang sheet<36cm 0 184,628 0 137,493

4802589000 Oth paper,no fibres, for other purposeweight >150 g/m 1,145,460 12,801,320 750,771 8,594,480

4802611000 Paper, fibres>10%, aluminium paperpaper,in rolls 76,308 210,826 76,920 237,908

4802612000 Paper,fibres>10%, for banknotes,manufACof gypsumboard, in rolls 0 590 0 665

4802619000 Paper,fibres>10%,oth aluminium paper,banknotes,printing,writing,in rolls 548,859 1,687,264 550,986 1,673,139

4802621000 Paper, fibres, aluminium paper basein sheets with 435< one side <297mm 74,751 185,341 87,285 155,190

4802622000 Paper,fibres,banknotes,manuf of gypsumboard,in sheets 435<oneside<297 mm 7 291,435 123 319,178

4802629000 Oth paper,fibres, for other purpose,in sheets with 435< one side <297mm 2,846 829,247 4,609 872,903

4802690000 Oth paper,fibres, for other not purpose,of fibres>10%, paper in roll 387,881 3,019,198 393,293 3,631,804

4803003000 Cellulosewadding not further worked thanbeing color,marble throughout the mass 22,694 57,343 42,491 203,889

4803009000 Oth cellulosa wading & tissue paper fortoilet/facial tissue stock&similar paper 179,753 1,543,050 512,508 3,700,397

4804111000 Kraftliner paper&paperboard,in rolls orsheets,unbleached 0 66,632 0 75,926

4804119000 Kraftliner paper&paperboard,in rolls orsheets,bleached 4,027,573 33,884,714 2,202,560 17,157,521

4804191000 Kraftliner paper&paperboard, oth thanof kind used in mnftre of gipsum boards 65 2,116 316 11,401

4804199000 Oth kraftliner paper&paperboard 1,389,209 15,252,521 874,305 8,624,899

4804211000 Sack kraft paper for making cement bagin rolls or sheets,unbleached 6,338,205 70,197,501 6,809,764 73,065,832

4804219100 Sack kraft paper for making cement bagin rolls or sheets,bleached 0 44,792 0 35,480

4804219900 Oth sack kraft paper for making cementbag in rolls or sheets,unbleached 170,041 3,114,236 167,968 2,620,912

4804291000 Composite papers, in rolls or sheets 0 68,115 0 89,117

4804299000 Oth composite papers, in rolls or sheets 314,092 4,313,407 518,780 4,478,661

4804311000 Elect grade insulating kraft paper,weighing 150 g/m,unbleached 8,816 126,289 135,285 1,392,453

4804313000 Wet strenght 40g to 60g, for plywoodadhesive tape,weigh 150g/m,unbleached 0 940 0 3,140

4804319000 Other kraft paper & wet strenghtweighing 150 g/m,unbleached 732,516 7,324,627 598,210 5,998,589

4804391000 Adheshive tape,40-60g,used in mnfact.weight <= 150g/m2,bleached 270,330 3,157,574 311,586 3,299,951

4804399000 Adheshive tape,40-60g,not used inmnfact.,weigh <= 150g/m2,bleached 80,979 1,821,712 78,142 2,018,380

4804411000 Elect grade insulating kraft paper,150<weighing< 225 g/m,unbleached 68,615 251,274 37,253 161,777

4804419000 Oth elect grade insulating kraft paper,150<weighing <225 g/m,unbleached 172,623 3,156,843 203,221 2,163,946

4804420000 Bleached uniformly throughout the mass&>95% wood fibres,150<weigh<225 g/m 154,867 595,664 183,859 1,034,133

4804490000 Other kraftpaper& paperboard150<weighing< 225 g/m 19,499 2,368,369 10,715 1,667,349

4804511000 Elect grade insulating kraft paper,pressboard weighing >600g/m,unbleached 38 125,127 134 125,714

4804519000 Oth wet strenght 40g to 60g,for plywoodadhesive tape,weigh>225g/m,unbleached 30,769 2,612,319 31,032 1,202,060

4804521000 Bleached of kind used in the manufact ofgypsum boards 0 23 0 252

4804529000 Bleached oth of kind used in themnfrt of gypsum boards 36,639 108,947 9,608 40,032

4804590000 Other kraftpaper& paperboardweighing 225 g/m or more 215,679 857,568 183,350 856,675

4805110000 Uncoated paper&paperboard,semichemicalfluting paper,rolls or sheets 753,744 9,697,476 375,677 4,387,918

4805129000 Uncoated paper&paperboard,oth semichemical,straw flutingpaper.rolls,sheets 22,048 22,268 9,701 11,721

4805191000 Uncoated paper&paperboard,oth flutingpaper 109,109 364,591 46,917 373,119

4805199000 Oth uncoated paper and paperboard,in rolls or sheets 219,276 6,311,587 184,992 2,946,358

4805240000 Uncoated paper&paperboard,testlinerweighing 150 g/m2 or less 0 2,704,683 0 1,158,416

4805251000 Uncoated paper&paperboard,testlinerweighing >= 150 g/m2 663,731 7,356,646 334,965 3,876,245

4805259000 Uncoated paper&paperboard,testlineroth of weighing >= 150 g/m2 770,910 5,336,567 437,048 3,069,330

4805301000 Paper,sulphite wrapping paper,colored match wrapping paper 0 10,323 0 12,179

4805309000 Paper,sulphite wrapping paper,oth colored match wrapping paper 53,605 3,525,572 45,568 1,822,933

4805400000 Filter paper and paperboard 507,343 4,198,401 1,716,008 13,210,370

4805500000 Felt paper and paperboard 1,098 2,127,195 16,428 1,141,681

4805911000 Paper used as packing of flat glassproduct, resin<0,6%,wg<150g/m 0 18,318 0 10,737

4805919000 Uncoated paper&paperboard,oth blotting,&joss paper,weighing150g/m or less 133,383 1,186,538 95,025 1,359,048

4805929000 Uncoated paper&paperboardof oth 150<weighing<225g/m 1,045,517 8,197,985 575,786 4,313,746

4805931000 Multi-ply paper and paperboardof weighing > 225g/m2 97,549 519,348 66,934 297,621

4805939000 Uncoated paper&paperboard,of other weighing > 225g/m2 703,538 6,805,766 661,278 4,527,826

4806100000 Vegetable parchment 48,318 861,599 106,446 1,839,929

4806200000 Greaseproof papers 53,174 815,972 113,758 1,442,423

4806300000 Tracing papers 14,715 220,386 44,976 308,848

4806400000 Glassine and other glazed transparentor translucent papers 778,947 5,336,830 1,463,132 10,011,572

4807000000 Composite paper and paperboard notsurface-coated or impregnated 1,092,503 8,710,344 804,877 7,302,809

4808100000 Corrugated paper&paperboard,whether ornot perforated,in rolls or sheets 600,899 3,954,269 368,583 2,923,391

4808200000 Sack kraftpaper,creped,crinkled,whether,not embossed or perforat,rolls or sheets 26,347 135,803 171,924 863,510

4808300000 Oth kraftpaper,creped or crinkle,whetheror not embossed or perforated 13,809 284,694 33,750 651,435

4808901000 Paper&paperboard,embossed paperfancypaper used printing,cover,lining 301 3,349 3,749 44,526

4808909000 Paper&paperboard,oth embossedfancypaper used printing,cover,lining 181,022 1,572,507 141,682 1,840,609

4809200000 Self-copy paper 2,216 6,639 6,564 20,684

4809900000 Other self-copy paper 230,454 1,362,239 475,567 2,657,322

4810134000 Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect.in rolls papers of width <15cm 58 196,744 1,508 203,937



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

4810135000 Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect.in rolls papers of oth width <15cm 13,535 85,632 54,288 281,092

4810139010 Banknotes paper, in rollsof a width <= 15 cm 396,498 3,228,363 4,183,250 32,239,237

4810139090 Oth coated writing and printing paperbanknotes paper,in rolls 1,626,849 14,878,175 1,637,784 12,677,273

4810145000 Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect.sensitive 297<one side<435mm,in sheets 0 81 0 1,541

4810146000 Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect.of width < 15cm 1,423 8,639 5,830 34,181

4810149090 Oth coated writing &printing paperbanknotes paper,in sheets 8,273 42,490 14,055 45,528

4810190010 Other Banknotes paper 558 29,611 4,384 43,779

4810190090 Oth banknotes paper,coated wrinting&printing paper, one side>435mm 30,143 3,317,385 29,493 5,680,410

4810223000 Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect.sensitive,light weight coated paper 58,320 168,814 25,974 171,894

4810229000 Oth aluminium paper base, light-weigtcoated paper 383,998 10,220,482 629,700 9,849,862

4810294000 Oth paper&paperboard for photo,heat,.elect oth light weight coated paper 22 22 326 326

4810295000 Oth paper&paperboard, oth in rollof a width 15cm<one side<36cm,unfolded 0 1 0 4

4810299000 Oth aluminium paper base and artpaper oth light weight coated paper 451,230 5,565,913 508,855 5,518,152

4810313000 Kraftpaper,for separate batery plate,width<=15cm,15cm<side>36cm,unbleached 102 102 739 739

4810319000 Kraft paper,paperboard, not for writing,printing, other grafic purp, <=150 g/m2 104,999 576,810 77,400 266,459

4810329000 Kraft paper,paperboard, not for writing,printing, other grafic purp, >150 g/m2 1,662,439 7,474,229 1,433,364 6,678,350

4810392000 Paper as interleaf mtrl in proc batteryroll < 15cm, rect < 15 x 36 cm2 2,391 45,709 17,715 270,959

4810393000 Oth kraft paper, roll < 15 cm, rectang< 15 x 36 cm2 0 2,050 0 12,915

4810399000 Kraft paper and paperboard in other size 113,917 1,294,821 121,435 1,128,889

4810921000 Gray backboard, multi ply 686 511,872 585 363,508

4810929000 Oth paper colored for computercard & gray backboard, multi ply 357,522 4,214,175 377,325 3,271,323

4810992000 Oth paper and paperboardof multi ply 0 1 0 515

4810999000 Oth paper colored for computer card,oth multi ply 206,990 2,105,228 466,645 3,757,310

4811101000 Tarred, bituminised/asphalted paper &paperboard, in roll <15cm, rect<15x36cm2 3,571 134,949 16,548 212,133

4811109000 Tarred, bituminised/asphalted paper &paperboard, in other size 107,989 1,027,985 380,433 2,874,177

4811411000 Gummed or adhesive paper&paperboard,self-adhesive 215,385 2,301,441 640,165 6,263,184

4811419000 Gummed or adhesive paper&paperboard,oth self-adhesive 426,617 7,000,833 1,435,786 14,096,012

4811491000 Oth gummed or adhesive paper&paperboardself-adhesive 36,130 679,810 89,506 922,467

4811499000 Oth gummed or adhesive paper&paperboardoth self-adhesive 188,158 2,430,141 631,682 4,583,910

4811511000 Paper coated,impregnated or coveredwith plastic, bleached,wg>150g/m 0 68,487 0 140,476

4811519000 Paper coated,impregnated or coveredwith plastic, unbleached,wg>150g/m 784,241 6,892,476 1,037,267 9,213,948

4811591000 Paper coated,impregnated or coveredoth for mnftre of papercup bottoms 114,612 605,662 203,394 1,962,245

4811592000 Oth paper coated,impregnated or coveredand with a lining of aluminium foil 740,066 6,914,265 2,519,560 24,859,503

4811593000 Oth paper coated,impregnated or coveredoth in sheets 15<oneside<36cm unfolded 0 155 0 16,857

4811599000 Oth paper coated,impregnated or coveredwith plastic,oth bleached,wg>150g/m 867,913 6,244,115 2,344,098 16,709,547

4811601000 Paper coated,impregnated or coveredwith wax,paraffin,stearin,oil,glycerol 5,900 162,707 23,640 869,750

4811609000 Paper coated,impregnated or coveredwith oth wax,paraff,stearin,oil,glycerol 277,067 1,584,061 403,423 2,365,177

4811903000 Oth paper, paperboard,cellulose waddingweb of cell fibr roll<15cm,rect<15x36cm2 4,927 20,506 6,271 51,809

4811909000 Oth paper, paperboard,cellulose waddingweb of cell fibres other size 712,373 8,783,601 2,196,828 29,329,034

4812000000 Filter blocks,slabs&plates,of paperpulp 41,919 275,104 178,737 1,364,159

4813100000 Cigarette paper,in the formof booklets or tubes 490 52,304 1,181 179,553

4813200000 Cigarette paper,in the form in rolls ofa width not exceeding 5 cm 172,248 2,312,773 841,819 9,967,594

4813900000 Cigarette paper,oth in the of booklets,tubes & in rolls 501,056 6,441,006 2,179,305 20,128,845

4814100000 Wallpaper&similar wall coverings,"ingrain" paper 0 18,255 0 56,464

4814200000 Wallpaper&similar wall coverings,the face side,with a grained,embossed, 83,310 819,128 189,008 1,622,778

4814900000 Wallpaper&similar wall coverings,oth with transparant protective plastics 186,203 1,886,003 335,001 3,595,257

4816200000 Self-copy paper (other than of 48.09) 27,470 99,685 57,074 153,260

4816900000 Other heat transfer paper & offsetplates of paper 278,605 3,130,260 724,604 3,774,581

4817100000 Envelopes 29,382 281,499 138,816 1,703,898

4817200000 Letter cards,plain postcards andcorrespondence cards 14,854 243,700 26,431 496,509

4817300000 Boxes,pouches,wallets & writingcompendiums,of paper or paperboard, 36,489 113,961 224,653 598,424

4818100000 Toilet paper 24,603 175,637 52,799 400,962

4818200000 Handkerchiefs,cleansing or facialtissues & towels 61,676 676,557 225,221 2,147,011

4818300000 Tablecloths and serviettes 14,794 36,802 32,387 90,044

4818401100 Napkins & napkin liners for babies &similar sanitary articles 676,454 11,759,796 1,747,261 28,533,569

4818401900 Oth napkins & napkin liners for babies &similar sanitary articles 475,161 4,859,930 1,226,618 12,405,792

4818402000 Sanitary towels,tampons & similararticles 1,115,519 10,941,516 3,793,616 38,397,431

4818500000 Articles of apparel & clothing,surgical face masks 2,134 41,954 8,375 179,064

4818900000 Oth articles of apparel & clothing,oth surgical face masks 247,698 1,169,347 644,840 3,132,338

4819100000 Cartons,boxes & cases, of corrugatedpaper or paperboard 937,988 13,416,704 1,959,357 21,761,668

4819200000 Boxes, of non corrugated paper &paperboard 1,502,379 11,191,375 4,089,428 31,609,152

4819300000 Sacks&bags,base of a width>40cmfor cement or fertizer packing 413,063 1,724,190 753,710 3,270,066

4819400000 Other sacks and bags, including cones 61,950 1,095,654 275,784 3,551,629

4819500000 Other packing containers,includ recordsleeves 199,482 1,340,480 1,235,359 7,199,122

4819600000 Box files,letter trays,storage boxes&similar articles,used in offices,shops 21,168 240,488 67,767 787,780

4820100000 Registers,account books,note books,receipt books,&similar articles 42,882 720,845 290,104 2,313,287

4820200000 Exercise books 34,505 198,900 70,404 442,222

4820300000 Binders(other than book covers),folders&file covers 2,273 183,505 7,628 523,325

4820400000 Manifold business forms& interleavedcarbon sets 1,890 15,539 1,808 76,228

4820500000 Albums for samples or for collections 33,052 135,558 169,824 386,228

4820900000 Other exercise book,binders,manifold,albums 73,866 399,723 143,583 1,105,522

4821101000 Printed,labels that form of packing forjewellery,small objects & the like 97,045 1,104,644 954,122 11,104,216

4821109000 Printed,oth labels that form of packingfor jewellery,small objects & the like 293,729 3,390,841 3,205,520 39,628,416



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

4821901000 Oth printed,labels that form of packingfor jewellery,small objects & the like 52,306 328,412 508,004 2,486,888

4821909000 Oth printed,oth label that form of packfor jewellery,small objects & the like 69,492 1,560,650 807,864 20,730,751

4822100000 Bobbins,spools,cops&similar of pulpof a kind used for winding textile yarn 11,084 136,716 24,648 1,741,746

4822900000 Bobbins,spools,cops&similar of pulpoth of a kind used for wind textile yarn 218,103 1,558,052 335,826 3,425,161

4823200000 Filter paper in rolls or sheets 166,161 1,880,762 1,002,959 11,241,857

4823401000 Cardiograph recording paper 1 7,056 56 89,538

4823409000 Oth paper for self recording for otherapparatus 51,271 552,746 368,220 3,879,614

4823610000 Trays,dishes,plates,cups&the like,ofpaper or paperboard of bamboo 0 1,171 0 6,613

4823690000 Trays,dishes,plates,cups&the like,ofpaper or paperboard of oth than bamboo 62,048 357,477 157,512 893,872

4823700000 Gaskets and washers,moulded orpressed artcles of paper pulp 59,587 541,389 82,724 865,299

4823901000 Other paper, cocooning frames forsilk-worms 47,609 406,300 176,241 1,631,390

4823902000 Sterilization indicators,not gummed,cocooning frames for silk-worms 1,011 20,526 3,932 83,483

4823903000 Cup stock board (l.e. polyethylene (pe)in rells of width of less than 10 cm 185 36,929 1,199 40,471

4823904000 Telegraph or teleprinter paper in stripor rolls 0 1,007 0 408,276

4823905000 Display cards for jewellery/for smallobjects of personal adornment 7,887 17,667 13,965 80,044

4823906000 Punched jacquard cards 0 10,214 0 50,219

4823907000 Fans&handsscreens,with paper mountsor leaves&frames of any materials 765 3,999 1,388 7,602

4823909000 Other,cut to size/shape,other than instrips, rolls or sheets 494,590 5,302,505 1,273,710 16,159,755

4901100000 Print books in official language of impctry for educations, in single sheet 81,323 1,044,582 3,220,819 18,275,126

4901910000 Dictionaries,wholly/essentially in theofficial language of the import country 392 42,668 5,568 329,644

4901991000 Oth educational,wholly/essential in theofficial language of the import country 59,925 429,653 200,871 2,108,837

4901999000 Oth educational,oth wholly/essential inofficial language of the import country 176,707 1,121,790 1,624,983 11,515,556

4902100000 Newspapers,journals & periodicalsappearing at least four times a week 5 5,942 553 50,206

4902900000 Oth newspapers, journals and periodicals 15,078 168,506 71,626 892,043

4903000000 Childrens picture,drawing or coloringbooks. 61,389 153,448 204,077 546,075

4904000000 Music,printed or in manuscript,whetheror not bound or illustrated. 16,746 55,743 62,217 377,963

4905100000 Maps&hydrographic or similar charts ofall kinds,globes 3,786 41,190 44,865 367,605

4905910000 Maps&hydrographic or similar charts ofall kinds,in book form 0 739 0 15,007

4905990000 Maps&hydrographic or similar charts ofall kinds,in other form 4 7,695 130 103,421

4906001000 Plans&drawings,including photographicreproduct&carbon copies of plans&drawing 404 3,944 14,585 167,100

4906009000 Plans & drawings, being originals drawnby hand, hand-written texts 37 8,810 340 303,105

4907001000 Banknotes, being legal tender 0 83 0 874

4907002000 Unused postage stamps 0 9 0 96

4907004000 Stock,share/bond certificates&similardocuments of title; cheque forms 4 355 50 296,509

4907009000 Other banknotes,unused postage,revenue,stock,share & the like 672 24,939 118,889 1,336,030

4908100000 Transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifiable 39,070 293,730 451,647 3,705,889

4908900000 Oth than transfers (decalcomanias),vitrifiable 32,898 165,319 264,837 2,073,898

4909000000 Printed/illustrated postcards, cardgreetings, messages/the like 579 13,415 19,494 235,097

4910000000 Calendars of any kind,printed,includingcalendar blocks. 11,393 170,859 18,923 318,173

4911100000 Trade advertising material, commercialcatalogues & the like 20,997 283,025 147,459 1,863,289

4911912000 Printedmatter,wall pictures&diagram forinstruct purposes;designs&photograph 177 1,552 347 14,631

4911913000 Printed matter,oth printed picturesand photographs 1,223 13,672 19,340 295,255

4911919000 Printed matter,oth anatomical&botanicaldiagram & wall picture 5,412 52,456 43,340 1,096,925

4911991000 Printed card for jewellery,small objectperson adornment,carried in the pocket 7 17,273 136 128,106

4911992000 Printed stickers for explosives 0 1,636 0 22,572

4911999000 Oth printed matter, oth printed sticker& printed card 46,687 499,930 262,464 3,486,967

5001000000 Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling. 80,067 236,173 726,131 1,852,593

5002000000 Raw silk (not thrown). 11,941 28,604 536,315 731,339

5003000000 Silk waste (incl. cocoons unsuitablefor reeling, yarn waste&garneted stock). 8,794 48,671 34,371 419,562

5004000000 Silk yarn(oth than yarn spun fromsilk waste) not put up for retail sale. 13,726 205,960 59,042 1,500,756

5005000000 Yarn spun from silk waste,not put upfor retail sale. 6,328 93,566 47,945 236,381

5006000000 Silk yarn & yarn spun from silk waste,put up for retail sale;silk-worm gut. 301 43,845 12,327 214,971

5007100010 Fabrics of noil silk,bleached/unbleached 50 16,033 4,916 376,895

5007100090 Fabrics of noil silk, oth than bleached/unbleached 21,871 468,137 203,244 3,860,868

5007200010 Oth fabrics,silk/silk waste >85%,oth than noil silk,bleached/unbleached 182 8,364 975 61,029

5007200090 Oth fabrics,silk/silk waste >85%,oth than noil silk,oth bleach/unbleach 412 8,150 11,398 114,511

5007900010 Oth fabrics,silk/silk waste < 85%,oth than noil silk,bleached/unbleached 155 20,566 1,875 318,038

5007900090 Oth fabrics,silk/silk waste < 85%,oth than noil silk,oth bleach/unbleach 131 127,272 4,731 852,720

5101110000 Shorn wool, not carded/combed,greasy, including fleece-washed wool 7,077 9,542 19,351 42,351

5101190000 Oth shorn wool, not carded/combed,greasy, including fleece-washed wool 363 634,534 18,633 2,097,510

5101210000 Shorn wool, not carded/combed,degreased, not carbonised 0 2,553 0 33,900

5101290000 Oth shorn wool, not carded/combed,degreased, not carbonised 756 756 7,590 7,590

5102190000 Fine animal hair,not carded/combedoth of kashmir (cashmere) goats 0 457 0 24,750

5102200000 Coarse animal hair,not carded/combed 0 178 0 2,873

5103100000 Noils of wool/of fine animal hair incl.yarnwaste but exclude garnettstock 0 1,159 0 34,283

5103300000 Waste of coarse animal hair includeyarn waste but exclude garnetted stock 0 370 0 4,130

5105100000 Carded wool 218 25,137 1,965 161,744

5105210000 Combed wool in fragments 0 10,258 0 71,796

5105290000 Combed wool not in fragments 77,448 1,027,668 979,897 10,325,802

5105310000 Fine animal of kashmir (cashmere)goats 49 49 5,600 5,600

5106100000 Yarn,carded, wool > 85% by weightnot put up for retail sale 0 29,824 0 256,054

5106200000 Yarn,carded, wool < 85% by weightnot put up for retail sale 43,178 561,797 318,895 4,317,079

5107100000 Yarn,combed, wool > 85% by weightnot put up for retail sale 13,008 138,993 77,844 1,280,806



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

5107200000 Yarn,combed, wool < 85% by weightnot put up for retail sale 474 23,438 15,972 279,678

5108100000 Yarn of fine animal hair not put upfor retail sale., carded 0 3 0 40

5109100000 Yarn,wool/animal hair > 85%, for retailsale 0 9,966 0 377,078

5109900000 Yarn,wool/animal hair < 85%, for retailsale 0 14,104 0 120,470

5110000000 Yarn,coarse animal hair/of horsehairwether not put up for retail sale 0 106,170 0 771,152

5111110000 Woven fabric,carded,wool/animal hair>85%, weight < 300 g/m 10,705 65,162 244,333 1,205,955

5111190000 Woven fabric,carded,wool/animal hair>85%, weight > 300 g/m 715 28,677 3,164 355,164

5111200000 Woven fabric,carded, wool/animal hairmix. mainly w/made filament 0 31,014 0 393,869

5111300000 Woven fabric,carded, wool/animal hairmix. mainly w/made stapel 20,145 117,838 208,963 1,181,834

5111900000 Woven fabric,carded, wool/animal hairoth mixed 0 34,171 0 323,353

5112110000 Woven fabrics,combed wool/animal hair>85%, weight < 200 g/m 71,292 296,247 624,363 5,161,608

5112190000 Woven fabrics,combed wool/animal hair>85%, oth weight > 200 g/m 30,582 520,173 859,280 11,838,664

5112200000 Woven fabrics,combed wool/animal hairmix. mainly w/made filament 8,660 87,658 206,462 1,696,173

5112300000 Woven fabrics,combed wool/animal hairmix. mainly w/made stapel 17,090 229,935 283,513 3,650,630

5112900000 Woven fabrics,combed wool/animal hairoth mixed 4,897 98,259 104,916 1,620,539

5113000000 Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair/of horsehair 12,326 114,391 137,497 1,197,398

5201000000 Cotton, not carded/combed. 46,261,207 552,194,577 79,501,888 904,875,981

5202100000 Cotton waste,yarn waste 429,669 4,306,785 110,026 1,256,995

5202910000 Cotton waste,garnetted stock 0 1,486,979 0 821,532

5202990000 Oth yarn waste & garnetted stock 49,752 523,489 295,002 2,125,029

5203000000 Cotton, carded/combed. 251,924 1,710,039 2,077,461 13,830,910

5204110000 Cotton sewing thread,not for salecont 85%/more by weight of cotton 11,259 406,529 61,821 1,879,296

5204190000 Cotton sewing thread,not for retail saleoth cont 85%/more of cotton 49,127 1,247,424 169,259 4,871,777

5204200000 Cotton sewing thread, for retail sale 7,956 39,141 26,139 290,051

5205110000 Single yarn,of uncombed fibres measur714.29 decitex/more, cotton>85% 1,049,699 6,309,090 2,470,359 13,996,680

5205120000 Single yarn,of uncombed fibres232<measuring<714.29dec,cotton>85% 144,952 2,892,074 304,739 6,382,860

5205130000 Single yarn,of uncombed fibres192.31<measuring<232.56 dec,cotton>85% 116,768 1,423,772 271,563 3,455,879

5205140000 Single yarn,of uncombed fibres125<measuring<192.31dec,cotton>85% 26,204 483,980 145,314 2,489,223

5205150000 Singleyarn,of uncombed fibres measuring<125dec (>80metric number),cotton>85% 0 619 0 3,897

5205210000 Single yarn,of combed fibresmeasuring 714.29dec/more,cotton>85% 46,389 903,546 206,998 2,275,384

5205220000 Single yarn,of combed fibres232.56<measuring<714.29dec,cotton>85% 246,408 7,371,760 420,119 11,106,340

5205230000 Single yarn,of combed fibres192.31<measuring<232.56dec,cotton>85% 6,173 52,189 17,121 196,220

5205240000 Single yarn,of combed fibres125<measuring<192.31dec,cotton>85% 73,984 1,257,527 25,894 2,102,426

5205280000 Singleyarn,of combed fibres measuring<83.33 decitex (>120metric),cotton>85% 17,191 49,104 58,842 163,925

5205310000 Cable yarn,of uncombed fibres persingle yarn 14.29dec/more,cott>85% 12,000 106,313 24,000 309,933

5205320000 Cable yarn,of uncombed fibres persingleyarn 232.56<measur<714,29,cott>85% 35,462 409,602 93,082 1,134,983

5205330000 Cable yarn,of uncombed fibre per singleyarn192.31<measuring<232.56,cott>85% 249 249 3,360 3,360

5205350000 Cable yarn,of uncombed fibres persingle yarn<125 (>80 metric), cotton>85% 25 10,883 110 65,300

5205410000 Cable yarn,of combed per single yarn714.29 decitex/more(<14metric),cott>85% 9,684 134,302 152,707 711,304

5205420000 Cable yarn,of combed per single yarn232.56<measuring<714.29dec,cotton>85% 11,106 779,441 53,389 2,307,442

5205430000 Cable yarn,of combed per single yarn192.31<measuring<232.56dec,cotton>85% 23,118 91,348 50,169 365,675

5205440000 Cable yarn,of combed per single yarn125<measuring<192.31dec,cotton>85% 30,699 370,925 420,301 4,534,481

5205470000 Cable yarn,of combed per single yarn83.33<measuring<106,38dec,cotton>85% 7,544 36,565 31,599 154,591

5205480000 Cable yarn,of combed per single yarn<83,33decitex(>120metric),cotton>85% 0 78,343 0 696,795

5206110000 Single yarn of uncombed fibres, 714,29or more (<14 metric),cotton<85% 77,672 813,486 296,858 3,933,478

5206120000 Single yarn of uncombed fibres,232<measuring<714.29dec,cotton<85% 1,972 60,159 20,538 165,822

5206130000 Single yarn of uncombed fibres,192.31<measuring<232.56dec,cotton<85% 0 220 0 3,577

5206140000 Single yarn of uncombed fibres,125<measuring<192.31dec,cotton<85% 0 10 0 4

5206150000 Single yarn of uncombed fibres,<125dec(exeeding 80 metric),cotton<85% 0 15,195 0 86,723

5206210000 Single yarn, of combed fibres,measure>714.29(not>14 metric),cott<85% 0 6,633 0 65,761

5206220000 Single yarn, of combed fibres,232.56<measure<714.29 dec,cotton<85% 0 305,948 0 663,102

5206230000 Single yarn, of combed fibres,192.31<measuring<232.56dec,cotton<85% 20,866 123,379 54,877 414,102

5206240000 Single yarn, of combed fibres125<mesuring<192.31 dec 0 2,203 0 5,279

5206250000 Singleyarn,of combed fibres measuring<125 decitex (> 80 metric number) 0 11 0 207

5206310000 Cabled yarn,of uncombed measuringper single yarn > 714.29 decitex 1,108 1,452 7,695 11,560

5206320000 Cabledyarn,of uncombed persingle yarn232.56<measuring<714.29dec 5,985 78,588 42,783 395,802

5206330000 Cabled yarn,of uncombed persingle yarn192.31<measuring<232,56decitex 0 4,334 0 21,558

5206350000 Cabled yarn,of uncombed measuringper single yarn<125(>= 80 metric number) 1,407 5,906 15,429 43,669

5206410000 Cable yarn,of combed fibres measuringper single yarn 714.29 decitex/more 0 40,780 0 211,940

5206420000 Cable yarn,of combed fibres persingleyarn 232.56<measuring<714,29 decitex 0 18,985 0 126,612

5206430000 Cableyarn,of combed fibres persingleyarn 192.31<measuring< 232.56decitex 0 53 0 895

5206440000 Cable yarn,of combed fibres persingleyarn 125<measuring<192,31decitex 0 6,363 0 94,522

5206450000 Cable yarn,of combed fibres measuringper single yarn<125decitex (>80 metric) 0 13,271 0 135,976

5207100000 Cotton yarn(oth than sewing thread) putcont 85%/more by weight of cotton 15,100 591,166 89,319 1,157,722

5207900000 Cotton yarn sewing thread put upcont 85%/more by weight of cotton 3,678 207,884 21,747 618,870

5208110000 Unbleached plain weave, weight >=85% ofcotton, weighing <= 100 g/m 347,346 2,103,299 1,595,939 11,993,744

5208120000 Unbleached plain weave >=85% of cotton,weighing > 100 g/m 199,930 1,593,459 1,050,257 8,541,706

5208130000 Unbleached 3-thread/4-thread twill,incl. cross twill >=85% of cotton 5,133 81,354 40,522 617,632

5208190000 Other unbleached fabrics>=85% of cottonweighing <= 200 g/m 505,122 4,284,251 3,429,346 28,640,232

5208210000 Absorbent fabric bleached for surgicaluse, cotton >=85%, weighing <=200 g/m 57,965 1,450,246 242,830 7,184,867

5208220000 Bleached plain weave, weighing > 100g/m 198,620 2,441,928 1,196,882 14,408,904

5208230000 Bleached 3-thread/4-thread twill, inccross twill >=85% of cotton 0 43,273 0 301,068

5208290000 Other bleached fabrics >85% of cottonweighing <= 200 g/m 140,997 2,169,050 1,140,280 18,043,324



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

5208310010 Plain weave dyed; voile/chemi voileweighing < 100 g/m 69,274 953,716 540,867 5,981,207

5208310020 Cambrics dyed weighing < 100 m/gweighing < 100 g/m 943 1,026 11,429 12,102

5208310030 Other garments matter weighing < 100 m/g 7,657 129,363 68,228 771,418

5208310090 Other dyed fabrics weighing < 100 m/g 148,410 2,907,965 717,029 12,137,988

5208320000 Plain weave dyed, weighing > 100 g/m 238,819 3,644,662 2,638,733 35,838,070

5208330000 3-thread/4-thread twill dyed,including twill 12,818 290,940 123,003 2,797,740

5208390000 Other dyed fabrics >85% weighing < 200 m 169,090 1,554,126 1,421,566 11,476,937

5208410010 String fabrics plain weave of differentcolor , weight <= 100 m/g 32,269 124,056 441,818 1,603,765

5208410090 Other plain weave of different color,weight <= 100 m/g 8,413 164,675 90,636 1,653,143

5208420010 String fabrics of different colorweighing > 100 g/m 38,459 300,798 311,588 3,412,332

5208420090 Plain weave other than string fabrics ofcolor, weighing > 100 g/m 587,533 5,205,315 8,641,168 71,020,133

5208430000 Diff.colour,3 or 4-thread twill, wovenfabrics, 85% cotton,weight>200g/m2 272 152,195 1,702 960,855

5208490000 Other fabrics of different color 16,077 166,179 139,544 1,736,410

5208510000 Plain weave printed of different color,<= 100 m/g 73,759 434,446 577,347 4,047,417

5208520000 Plain weave printed of different color,> 100 m/g 33,340 392,239 371,555 3,827,122

5208590000 Other fabrics printed of differentcolor 19,719 471,164 108,763 4,024,162

5209110000 Plain weave unbleached cont.>=85% ofcotton, weight >200 g/m 99,439 572,597 1,202,642 5,513,420

5209120000 3-thread/4-thread twill unbleached,cont.85% of cotton, weight > g/m 0 55,024 0 301,545

5209190000 Other fabrics unbleached con.85% ofcotton, weight > 200 g/m 496,512 6,656,159 3,070,931 44,707,428

5209210000 Plain weave unbleached , cont.85% ofcotton, weight > 200 g/m 261,646 1,073,585 702,185 3,815,805

5209220000 Bleached, 3 or 4-thread twill, wovenfabrics, 85% cotton,weight>200g/m2 31,462 235,188 298,194 1,787,967

5209290000 Other fabrics unbleached. cont.85% ofcotton, weight>200 g/m 201,565 1,437,721 1,321,822 9,878,888

5209310000 Plain weave dyed, cont.85% of cotton,weight > 200 g/m 140,122 1,341,237 929,059 9,704,699

5209320000 Dyed, 3 or 4-thread twill, incl. twillcont.85% of cotton, weight>200g/m 185,790 2,414,804 1,619,941 17,375,732

5209390000 Other fabrics dyed, cont.85% of cottonweight > 200 g/m 416,736 2,375,919 2,212,569 15,258,095

5209410000 Plain weave of yarns of diff color,cont 85% of cotton, wght>200 g/m 7,148 318,892 47,949 2,486,033

5209420000 Denim of yarns diff color, cotton>85%,weight > 200 g/m 767,427 5,400,929 3,635,090 21,361,986

5209430000 Oth fabrics of 3-thread /4-threadcont 85% of cotton, wght>200 g/m 32,779 176,051 130,428 782,437

5209490000 Other fabrics of yarns diff colorscont 85% of cotton, wght>200 g/m 184,563 2,717,655 1,510,311 22,135,420

5209510000 Printed plain weave, cont.85% of cottonweight > 200 g/m 1,722 79,691 11,056 303,750

5209520000 Oth.thn plain weave 3 or 4-thread twill,printed, 85% of cotton, wght>200 g/m 57,223 120,044 636,487 876,063

5209590000 Other printed fabric cont.85% of cottonweight > 200 g/m 70,638 690,643 493,678 4,363,875

5210110000 Unbleached plain weave, cont. <85% ofcotton, mixed with m-m-f weight<=200g/m 15,675 1,027,711 114,210 7,739,064

5210190000 Oth unbleached fabrics, cont.<85%mixed with m-m-f weight<=200g/m 186,798 2,148,502 993,506 12,152,075

5210210000 Bleached plain weave cont.<85% ofcotton, mixed with m-m-f weight<=200g/m 13,788 302,062 224,012 3,375,882

5210290000 Oth bleached fabrics, cont.<85% ofcotton, mixed with m-m-f weight<=200g/m 11,096 207,934 134,569 1,257,251

5210310000 Dyed plain weave cont. <85% ofcotton, mixed with mmf weight<=200g/m 89,918 1,416,838 1,064,290 14,270,685

5210320000 3-thrd/4-thrd twill, incl.twill<85%of cotton, mix w/m-m-f weight<=200g/m 15,281 76,104 132,813 815,017

5210390000 Other dyed fabrics cont. <85% ofcotton, mixed with m-m-f weight<=200g/m 2,748 289,286 28,756 3,283,158

5210410010 String fabrics of yarns of diff color<85%of cotton, with mmf weight<=200g/m 2,481 307,591 36,362 2,077,178

5210410090 Plain weave other than string fabrics<85%of cotton, with mmf weight<=200g/m 11,031 285,649 106,973 2,553,220

5210490000 Oth fabrics of diff color cont.<85% ofcotton, mixed with mmf weight<=200g/m 123,007 502,243 445,173 3,099,492

5210510000 Printed plain weave cont.<85% ofcotton,mixed with mmf weight<=200g/m 66 56,051 1,798 321,522

5210590000 Other printed fabrics cont.85% ofcotton, mixed with mmf weight<=200g/m 2,106 1,249,577 26,114 7,262,860

5211110000 Unbleached plain weave, cont. <85% ofcotton, mixed with m-m-f weight>200g/m 2,245 102,191 20,368 1,138,752

5211120000 3-thread/4-thread twill unbleachd,inctwill<85% of cotton w/mmf weight>200g/m 0 28,946 0 226,253

5211190000 Oth unbleached fabrics, cont.<85%mixed with m-m-f weight>200g/m 234,050 1,033,638 1,705,866 8,266,506

5211200000 Bleached plain weave cont.<85% ofcotton, mixed with m-m-f weight>200g/m 75,158 1,011,377 552,497 6,764,316

5211310000 Dyed plain weave cont. <85% ofcotton, mixed with m-m-f weight>200g/m 112 60,652 2,434 746,121

5211320000 3-thrd/4-thrd twill, incl.twill<85%of cotton, mix w/m-m-f weight>200g/m 7,159 95,503 90,845 749,888

5211390000 Other dyed fabrics cont. <85% ofcotton, mixed with m-m-f weight>200g/m 12,388 1,262,516 126,545 9,259,560

5211410010 String fbrcs of yarn of diff color<85%of cotton, mixed with mmf weight>200g/m 0 1,271 0 6,480

5211410090 Yarns of diff clour oth than string fab<85% of cotton, mxd w/mmf>200 g/m 2,603 18,634 22,776 158,029

5211420000 Denim of yarns diff color, cotton<85%,mix wth man-made fibr weight>200g/m 80,902 2,604,026 174,662 5,352,941

5211430000 Oth fabrics of 3-thread/4-thrd<85%ofcotton, mixed with mmf weight>200g/m 0 31,290 0 47,164

5211490000 Oth fabrics of diff color cont.<85% ofcotton, mixed with mmf weight>200g/m 0 35,500 0 435,359

5211520000 3-thre/4-thread twill,incl.twill<85%of cotton, mixed with mmf weight>200g/m 0 45,067 0 384,748

5211590000 Othr printed fabrics cont.<85% ofcotton, mixed with mmf weight>200g/m 0 43,746 0 316,957

5212110000 Unbleached woven fabrics of cottonweight <=200 g/m 78 37,360 150 310,562

5212120000 Bleached woven fabrics of cottonweight <=200 g/m 357,228 1,881,929 1,841,970 10,381,919

5212130000 Dyed woven fabrics of cottonweight <=200 g/m 3,243 374,370 23,145 2,754,101

5212140000 Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns ofdifferent color weight <=200 g/m 14,765 454,539 82,217 3,116,381

5212150000 Printed woven fabrics of cottonweight <=200 g/m 27,097 86,748 147,995 541,481

5212210000 Unbleached woven fabrics of cottonweight > 200 g/m 3 1,047 74 11,630

5212220000 Bleached woven fabrics of cottonweight > 200 g/m 0 2,715 0 51,576

5212230000 Dyed woven fabrics of cottonweight > 200 g/m 1,990 16,292 36,335 188,283

5212240000 Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns ofdifferent color weight > 200 g/m 0 58,499 0 518,412

5212250000 Printed woven fabrics of cottonweight > 200 g/m 0 59,487 0 435,687

5301100000 Flax, raw/retted-flax, raw/retted 0 13,943 0 68,622

5301210000 Broken/scutched flax,broken,scutch-ed/other processed but not spun 0 397 0 3,772

5301290000 Other flax, raw/processed but notspun; falx waste 0 110 0 1,033

5301300000 Flax tow & waste raw/processedbut not spun 2 7,142 45 52,332

5302100000 True hemp, raw/retted 0 14,607 0 24,018



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

5302900000 Other hemp raw and processed butnot spun 0 1,161 0 11,624

5303100000 Jute & oth textile bast fibres, raw/retted 412,780 3,993,583 184,565 2,343,290

5303900000 Jute & oth textile bast fibres,processed but not spun 3,583 15,902 40,495 243,855

5305000011 Raw coir coconut fibres 0 75,862 0 36,251

5305000021 Raw abaca fibres 26,460 62,431 23,549 51,218

5305000029 Abaca fibres processed 0 54 0 644

5305000090 Oth than coconut, abaca, ramietextile fibres 65,357 1,222,037 170,117 2,972,437

5306100000 Single flax yarn 1,251 376,079 6,051 985,463

5306200000 Multiple (folded)/cabled flax yarn 3 52 56 2,549

5307100000 Single yarn of jute/of oth textilebast fibres of heading 53.03. 18,081 79,024 17,505 80,080

5307200000 Multiple (folded)/cabled of jute/oth fibres bast fibres of heading 53.03. 714,820 6,067,449 502,617 4,338,330

5308100000 Coir yarn of ther textile bast fibres of5303 808 2,905 68,631 107,348

5308200000 True hemp yarn of other textile basffibres of head 5303 28 54,685 788 421,395

5308901000 Paper yarn 7,909 509,976 53,282 1,386,720

5308909000 Other paper yarn 284 484,962 2,531 702,419

5309110000 Unbleached/bleached woven fabricsof flax cont.>=85% of weight of flax 445 15,975 7,032 173,797

5309190000 Other woven fabrics of flax cont.>=85%of weight of flax 43,662 472,158 549,136 6,126,955

5309210000 Unbleached/bleached woven fabricsof flax cont.<85% of weight of flax 5,273 62,839 31,974 533,606

5309290000 Other woven fabrics of flax cont.<85%of weight of flax 14,204 267,660 222,057 3,388,226

5310100010 Unbleached plain woven fabrics of othertextile bast fibres of head 5303 100,600 301,962 110,145 317,859

5310100090 Bleached plain woven fabrics of othertextile bast fibres of head 5303 0 579 0 7,189

5310900000 Other woven fabrics of jute/of othrbast fibres of heading 53.03. 0 2,047 0 15,278

5311000000 Woven fabrics of oth vegetable textilefibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn. 30,073 440,776 130,396 1,735,583

5401100000 Sewing thread of man-made flmentof synthetic filaments 182,866 1,184,403 1,103,967 7,467,647

5401200000 Sewing thread of artificial flmntfor retail sale 3,115 192,959 22,916 937,676

5402110000 High tenacity yarn of nylon/otherspolyamide of aramids 219,723 849,887 1,519,510 10,144,118

5402190000 High tenacity yarn of nylon/otherspolyamide of oth aramids 373,828 3,026,863 1,263,745 12,633,083

5402200000 High tenacity yarn of polyesters 1,125,268 11,095,941 2,859,639 26,787,049

5402310000 Textured yarn of nylon/oth polyamidesmeasuring single yarn <= 50 tex 15,551 203,165 115,617 1,611,673

5402320000 Textured yarn of nylon/other poly-amides, measuring single yarn <= 50 tex 44,916 892,969 120,120 2,103,853

5402330000 Textured yarn of polyesters 947,618 10,333,825 2,504,622 40,385,336

5402340000 Textured yarn of polypropylenesynthetic filament 12,239 418,686 33,469 1,079,299

5402390000 Other texture synthetic filament yarn 374,241 3,654,066 994,442 10,134,586

5402440000 Oth yarn, single, of elastomeric<=50 turns/m 217,766 1,235,092 1,510,629 7,620,811

5402450000 Oth yarn, single, oth, of nylonor oth polyamides, <=50 turns/m 141,860 1,461,385 567,477 5,507,611

5402460000 Oth yarn, single, oth,of polyesters,partially oriented, <=50 turns/m 77,897 1,929,971 217,154 4,617,915

5402470000 Oth yarn, single, of oth polyestersfor mdical/srgical use, <=50 turns/mtr 325,277 3,393,920 888,779 9,376,570

5402480000 Oth yarn, single, oth, ofpolypropylene, <=50 turns/m 0 171,369 0 414,349

5402490000 Oth yarn, single, oth thn, of elast,nylon,polyeste,polypropylene,<=50 trn/mt 114,004 2,013,971 532,265 10,671,292

5402510000 Oth yarn, single,twist,of nylon/oth polyamides, > 50 turns/m 18,693 139,860 106,007 519,457

5402520000 Oth yarn,single,twist, of polyester> 50 turns/mtr 57,462 1,693,921 103,154 3,437,027

5402590000 Oth yarn,single,twist,oth th of nylonor oth plyamide&plyester,>=50 trn/mtr 5,868 141,232 38,327 1,240,889

5402610000 Oth yarn of nylon/oth polyamides,multiple/cable 90,619 703,615 169,735 893,623

5402620000 Other yarn of polyester,multiple/cable 40,346 742,702 179,999 3,246,299

5402690000 Oth yarn,multiple/cable,oth thnof nylon/oth polyamides&polyester 63,578 789,537 381,743 3,879,934

5403100000 High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon 18,810 192,616 58,393 471,065

5403310000 Other single yarn of viscose rayon, untwisted/with a twist <120 turns/m 72,964 600,951 203,628 1,738,348

5403320000 Other single yarn of viscose rayon, withtwist exceeding 120 turns/m 253 43,212 461 293,134

5403330000 Other single yarn of cellulose acetate 228 192,584 7,731 1,138,851

5403390000 Other single yarn 118,379 1,161,109 649,544 5,692,032

5403410000 Other multiple (folded)/cable yarn ofyarn of viscose rayon 21,001 361,903 139,994 1,393,754

5403420000 Other multiple (folded)/cable yarn ofof cellulose acetate 640,907 10,194,981 3,060,759 43,986,328

5403490000 Other artificial filament yarn 13,324 334,497 68,489 1,555,592

5404110000 Synth monfilament of elastomeric>=67dctx,dim.<=1mm, width<=5mm 40,048 308,381 142,698 1,111,672

5404120000 Synth.monfilmnt oth,of plypropylne>=67dctx,dim.<=1mm, width<=5mm 12,102 117,005 22,583 353,489

5404190000 Synth.mnflmnt oth thn elast&plyprpln>=67dctx,dim.<=1mm, width<=5mm 215,045 3,376,749 904,433 15,050,164

5404900000 Synthetics other than filamentsexceeds 1 mm, width <= 5 mm 586,460 1,956,146 1,328,951 7,166,046

5405000000 Artificial monofilament >=67 dec, nocross-sect,dim>=1mm,strip and the like 62,780 111,333 117,366 519,065

5406000000 Man-made flamnt yarn(oth thn sewingthread), put up for retail sale. 72,317 921,309 424,960 2,341,763

5407101100 Unbleached tyre woven fabrics &conveyor duck 174,488 1,055,061 1,294,637 8,314,833

5407101900 Other unbleached other than tyre wovenfabrics & conveyor duck 57,113 1,634,015 387,910 11,233,500

5407109100 Tyre woven fabrics & conveyor duckof other woven fabrics of synthtcs flmnt 689 4,689 3,799 48,930

5407109900 Other woven fabrics of synthetics flmntobtained materials of head 54.04 19,523 331,317 258,999 4,295,085

5407200000 Woven fabric, bleachded/no,obtained from strip/the like 121,947 726,274 643,052 3,513,818

5407300000 Fabrics specified in note 9 to section 25,726 135,760 206,841 1,556,279

5407411000 Woven nylon mesh fabric of untwistedweight >=85% of flmnt of nyln/polyamd 3,609 224,648 66,317 1,737,997

5407419000 Woven fabrics obtaind from high tencitymaterials of heading 54.04. 329,201 918,626 1,461,717 5,525,641

5407420000 Dyed woven fabrics weight>=85% offilament of nylon/polyamides 549,250 3,556,096 6,250,891 42,272,363

5407430000 Woven fabrics of yarn of diff colorsweight >=85% of flmnt of nyln/polyamd 21 45,453 121 541,443

5407440000 Printed woven fabrics weight>=85%of flmnt of nyln/polyamds 240 54,251 1,788 448,481

5407510000 Woven fabrics, bleachd/no,con.>=85% of txturd polyestr flmnt 600,161 3,027,199 2,279,300 16,903,788

5407520000 Dyed woven fabrics cont.>=85% ofweight of textured polyester flmnt 633,738 7,491,637 3,971,129 53,530,583

5407530000 Oth woven fabrics of yarn of diff colorweight>=85% of textrd polyester filament 42,324 323,643 244,126 2,261,147



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

5407540000 Printed woven fabrics cont.>=85%,weight>=85% of textrd polyester filament 134,612 1,585,280 1,277,853 14,467,748

5407610000 Oth woven fabrics, cont >=85% of byweight of non textured polyester filamnt 1,022,526 9,899,244 5,948,541 63,702,240

5407690000 Oth bleached/unbleached woven fabricscont.>=85% of polyester polyments 215,265 3,545,467 1,958,189 30,334,506

5407710000 Oth woven fabric,bleachd/no,con.>=85% of txturd polyester flmnt 77,134 817,564 323,956 4,325,766

5407720000 Dyed woven fabrics cont.>=85% ofweight of synthetics filament 178,072 937,783 1,092,720 5,721,435

5407730000 Oth woven fabrics of yarn of diff color>=85% weight of synthetic filaments 14,892 126,822 36,579 422,016

5407740000 Printed woven fabrics cont.>=85%,weight of synthetics filament 5,471 77,677 41,581 609,882

5407810000 Woven fabrics,bleachd/no,cont.<85% weight of synth flmnt with cotton 5,950 122,596 52,471 1,137,206

5407820000 Dyed woven fabrics cont.<85% ofweight of synth flmnt with cotton 21,579 528,988 168,582 3,556,294

5407830000 Oth woven fabrics of yarn of diff colorweight<85% of synth flmnt with cotton 4,116 69,613 9,912 472,607

5407840000 Printed woven fabrics cont.<85%,weight of synth flmnt with cotton 0 32,973 0 119,454

5407910000 Woven fabric,bleachd/no,obtaindother than synthetics/cotton filament 49,437 206,419 360,578 1,591,741

5407920000 Dyed woven fabrics obtained otherthan synthetics/cotton filaments 182,579 2,145,021 1,200,457 17,593,255

5407930000 Oth woven fabrics of yarn of diff colorother than synthetics/cotton filament 47,084 157,696 329,843 933,805

5407940000 Printed wiven fabrics obtained otherthan synthetics/cotton filaments 28,197 106,269 73,875 734,104

5408101000 Unbleached woven fabrics obtainedfrom high yarn of viscose rayon 1,079 121,068 11,516 970,675

5408109000 Bleached woven fabrics obtainedfrom high yarn of viscose rayon 36,371 295,996 313,022 2,630,152

5408210000 Woven fabrics, bleachd/no,cont.>=85%wght of artifical flmnts/strip 577 62,354 1,205 204,189

5408220000 Dyed woven fabrics cont.>=85%weight of artificial flmnts/strip 555,546 1,116,203 157,608 4,325,110

5408230000 Oth woven fabrics of yarn of diff color>=85%wght of artifcl flmnt/strip 309 68,286 3,936 454,778

5408240000 Printed woven fabrics cont.>=85%weight of artificial flmnts/strip of 7,164 196,380 109,248 1,379,713

5408310000 Woven fabrics,bleachd/no, obtaindof oth artificial flmnt/strip 318 4,871 1,734 43,232

5408320000 Dyed woven fabrics obtained of otherartificial flmnt/strip of the like 2,283 89,320 23,567 1,012,845

5408330000 Oth woven fabrics of yarn of diff colorobtnd of oth artficl flmnt/strip 0 28,501 0 232,694

5408340000 Printed woven fabrics obtained of otherartificial flmnt/strip of the like 4,300 9,567 27,952 107,637

5501100000 Synthetic filament tow of nylon/other polyamides 34,566 604,465 188,636 2,772,225

5501200000 Synthetic filament tow of polymers 53,561 474,767 149,500 1,037,352

5501300000 Synthetic filament tow of acrylic/modacrylic 1,562,498 27,549,746 4,285,720 71,252,107

5501400000 Synth. filament tow of polypropylene 0 891 0 3,306

5501900000 Other synthetic filament tow 36,127 259,150 155,646 1,692,235

5502000000 Artificial filament tow.artificial filament tow. 1,344,742 11,668,307 5,608,137 48,084,468

5503110000 Synthetic staple fibres of nylon/othrpolyamides of aramids 25,506 437,308 177,933 1,637,700

5503190000 Synthetic staple fibres of nylon/othrpolyamides oth thn aramids 101,393 351,672 195,471 1,109,767

5503200000 Synthetic staple fibres of polyesters 2,866,975 41,138,656 4,493,285 60,585,732

5503300000 Synthetic staple fibres of acrylic/modacrylic 1,757,404 26,751,969 4,701,885 67,410,138

5503400000 Synthetic staple fibres of poplypropylene 433,927 4,971,911 1,119,923 10,523,078

5503900010 Other synthetic staple fibres of polivinil alcohol 4,804 527,905 37,388 2,148,085

5503900090 Other synthetic staple fibres of otherthan polivinil alcohol 4,492 106,452 68,435 618,943

5504100000 Artifcl staple fibres of viscose rayon,carded/othwise procssed for spning 1,093,444 7,872,747 2,483,541 20,502,708

5504900000 Artifcl staple fibres of viscos rayonnot crded/othwse procs for spin 122,341 1,178,953 527,830 5,367,793

5505100000 Waste of man-made fibres ofsynthetic fibres 26,137 529,146 12,376 830,424

5505200000 Waste of man-made fibres ofartificial fibres 45,620 46,154 36,496 39,582

5506100000 Synth staple fibres of nylon/oth polyamides crded,comb othwse procs for spng 6,135 136,579 53,550 988,190

5506200000 Synth staple fibres of polyester crded,combed othwse proces for spining 181,934 16,619,461 436,485 15,961,419

5506300000 Synth staple fibres of arcylic/moda-crylic combed othwse proces for spining 24,742 512,061 115,352 1,517,308

5506900000 Oth synth staple fibres, carded, combothwise processed for spinning. 107,461 739,685 60,600 470,616

5507000000 Artificial staple fibres, carded, combothrwise processed for spinning 90 117,139 4,321 911,228

5508100000 Sewing thread of man-made staplefibre of synthetic staple fibres for rta 58,865 920,858 548,612 8,442,943

5508200000 Sewing thread of man-made staplefibre of artfcial staple fibres for reta 5,923 135,420 71,025 920,686

5509110000 Single yarn cont >=85% by weight ofstaple fibres of nylon/oth polyamides 3,520 16,417 56,145 104,766

5509120000 Multiple/cabled yarn cont>=85% bywght of staple fbre of nylon/oth poly 142 305 226 726

5509210000 Single yarn cont >=85% by weight ofpolyester staple fibres 36,237 1,267,417 53,828 2,580,351

5509220000 Multiple (folded)/cabled yarn cont.>=85% of polyester staple fibres 281,134 2,432,425 629,012 4,789,994

5509310000 Single yarn cont >=85% by weight ofacrylic/modacrylic staple fibres 32 29,626 316 125,860

5509320000 Multiple/cabled yarn cont>=85% byweight of acrylic/modacrylic staple fbrs 19,912 70,873 101,745 293,158

5509410000 Single yarn cont >=85% by weight ofsynthetic staple fibres 0 38,361 0 64,608

5509420000 Multiple (folded)/cabled yarn cont.>=85% of synthetic staple fibres 6,358 45,740 44,975 376,046

5509510000 Oth yarn of polyester staple fibresmixed mainly with artificial staple fbrs 20,416 159,080 39,511 482,394

5509520000 Oth yarn of polyester staple fibresmixed wool/animal hair 0 14,420 0 82,127

5509530000 Oth yarn of polyester staple fibreswith cotton 0 596,919 0 1,140,566

5509590000 Oth yarn of polyester staple fibresoth than mixed mainly 17,103 340,900 40,214 862,273

5509610000 Oth yarn of acrylic/modacrylicstaple fbr mixed with wool/animal hair 103 80,099 878 759,035

5509620000 Oth yarn of acrylic/modacrylicstaple fibre mixed with cotton 18,110 53,959 92,308 260,427

5509690000 Oth yarn of acrylic/modacrylicstaple fibre oth thn cotton&animal hair 561 44,559 21,147 335,456

5509910000 Other yarn mixed mainly ot solelywith wool/animal fine hair 0 201 0 2,435

5509920000 Other yarn mixed mainly/solely withcotton 0 189 0 990

5509990000 Other yarn of synthetic staple fibresoth thn mix with animal hair&cotton 18 77,487 233 392,630

5510110000 Single yarn cont >=85% by weight ofartificial staple fibres 63,629 229,634 179,720 905,549

5510120000 Multiple/cabled yarn cont.>=85%by weight/artificial staple fibres 32,880 50,810 142,860 265,390

5510200000 Oth yarn, mixed mainly/solely withcont>=85% of weight of artificl stpl fbr 95 48,667 648 281,601

5510300000 Other yarn, mixed mainly/solelycont>=85% of weight of cotton 1,193 92,027 26,923 786,033

5510900000 Other yarn of artificial staple fibrescont>=85% of weight of cotton 16,464 287,102 94,688 1,499,306

5511100000 Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, cont.>=85% weight of such fibres 10,984 192,497 65,081 1,243,292



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

5511200000 Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, cont.<85% weight of such fibres 0 457 0 2,965

5511300000 Yarn of artificial staple fibres put upfor retail sale 4,183 50,496 47,968 668,183

5512110000 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibrecont>=85% weight of polyester staple fbr 103,339 774,705 598,009 4,018,744

5512190000 Woven fabrcs of synth staple fbr cont>=85% wght,oth than polyester stple fbr 222,321 1,681,624 1,080,766 9,692,436

5512210000 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibrecont>=85% weight of acrylic/mdcrylic 71 21,340 755 132,174

5512290000 Woven fabrcs of synth staple fbr cont>=85% wght of oth thn acrylic/mdcrylc 12,083 173,470 139,926 1,412,810

5512910000 Oth woven fabrics of synth stple fibrecont>=85% weight of acrylic/mdcrylic 13,134 26,134 60,136 243,010

5512990000 Oth woven fabrics cont>=85% of wghtof acrylic/modacrylic staple fibres 15,448 150,283 346,882 2,150,483

5513110000 Woven fbrcs of polyester staple fibresplain weave <=85% mix w/cotton <170g/m 107,767 1,048,701 434,515 5,089,896

5513120000 3-thread /4-thread twill, incl twillpolyester staple fibres <=85% w/cotton 668 86,485 10,286 618,668

5513130000 Oth woven fbrcs of polyester stple fbr<=85% mixed wght <170 g/m of cotton fbr 5,003 155,548 75,101 1,651,563

5513190000 Oth woven fabrics <85% mixed cottonweight <170 g/m of cotton 65,344 386,368 246,613 1,730,737

5513210000 Dyed woven fabrics of polyester staplefibres, plain weave <85% of such fibres 81,711 1,988,814 454,136 12,047,764

5513230000 Oth dyed woven fabrics of polyesterstaple fibres <85%, cotton<170 g/m 18,286 615,009 145,177 4,303,364

5513290000 Oth woven fabrics <85% such fibres,mixed cotton <170 g/m 7,606 148,848 39,201 1,218,874

5513310000 Wvn fabrics of yarn of diff color ofpolyester stpe fbrs,plain weave<85% fbrs 16,108 118,485 133,380 812,194

5513390000 Oth woven fabrics<85% of such fibresweight <170 g/m of cotton 138,179 423,274 733,555 2,629,015

5513410000 Printed polyester staple fibres, plainweave <85% of fbr, cotton<170 g/m 164,130 3,512,996 250,621 4,491,514

5513490000 Other woven fabrics<85% of fibresweight <170 g/m of cotton 157,139 807,932 474,022 3,224,131

5514110000 Woven fbrcs of polyester staple fibresplain weave <=85%,cotton >170g/m 12,150 48,416 54,062 355,852

5514120000 Bleached or no,3 or 4-thread twill,polyester stpl fbrs<85%,cotton>170g/m2 45 2,229 540 20,549

5514190000 Other woven fabrics<85% of fibresmixed weight >170g/m of cotton 457,969 3,769,784 2,146,384 19,726,548

5514210000 Dyed polyester staple fbrs, plain weavestaple fbrs<85%, cotton >170 g/m,dyed 7,042 17,156 17,131 115,826

5514220000 Dyed, 3 or 4-thread twill, incl. twillpolyester stpl fbrs<85%,cotton>170g/m2 3,508 111,272 25,407 840,037

5514230000 Oth dyed woven fabrics of polyesterstaple fbre<85%, cotton >170 g/m,dyed 32,219 176,439 138,434 915,304

5514290000 Other woven fabrics<85% of fibresmixed weight >170g/m of cotton , dyed 43,561 515,947 444,668 4,865,647

5514300000 Woven fabrics of synth stple fibre<85%, cotton >170 g/m, diff color 0 11,300 0 49,196

5514420000 Prnt 3-thread/4-thread twill,incl twlpolyester stple fbr<85%, cotton >170g/m 456 104,932 3,055 625,268

5514430000 Oth printd woven fabrics of polyesterstpl fbr <85%, cotton >170 g/m 3,403 33,944 35,810 129,888

5514490000 Other printed woven fabrics<85% suchfibres, weight >170 g/m of cotton 104,050 255,953 562,468 1,690,581

5515110000 Oth woven fabrcs of synth stple fbrs ofpolyester stpl fbr mixed w/viscose rayon 278,923 2,487,506 2,716,222 18,664,490

5515120000 Oth woven fabrcs of synth stple fbrs ofpolyester stpl fbr mixed w/m-made flmnt 1,285 201,517 19,378 1,656,223

5515130000 Oth woven fabrcs of synth stple fbrs ofpolyster stpl fbr mix w/wool/anml hair 45,739 270,273 777,675 3,749,663

5515190000 Other woven fabrics of synth stple fbrof other polyester staple fibres 259,633 1,377,982 1,794,779 9,537,167

5515210000 Oth wvn fbrcs of acrylic/modacrylicmixed/solely with man-made filament 624 4,667 4,645 85,136

5515220000 Oth wvn fbrcs of acrylic/modacrylicmixed/solely w/wool/fine anml hair 0 6,552 0 121,643

5515290000 Oth wvn fbrcs of acrylic/modacrylic mixw/other than man-made filmnt/wool 0 80,393 0 714,385

5515910000 Oth woven fabrics mixed mainly/solelyman-made filaments 312 42,650 2,529 697,324

5515990000 Oth woven fabrics mixed mainly/solelywith other than man-made flmnt/wool 29,050 555,239 225,570 5,132,582

5516110000 Unbleached/bleached woven fabrics ofartificial staple fibre;weight>=85% 715 204,604 5,763 1,387,020

5516120000 Dyed fbrcs of artificial staple fibre;weight>=85% of artficial staple fibres 1,221 219,129 10,543 1,341,535

5516130000 Woven fabrics of yarns of diff colorweight>=85% of artficial staple fibres 564 4,619 6,954 61,661

5516140000 Printed woven fabrics of yarns of diffcolor; wght>=85% of artficial staple fb 3,262 111,661 33,250 999,058

5516210000 Un/bleached woven fabrics of artificialstaple fibre mix m-m-f;weight<85% 1,410 21,553 29,045 238,052

5516220000 Dyed woven fabrics of artificialstaple fibre mix m-m-f;weight<85% 22,117 207,325 717,310 2,388,179

5516230000 Woven fabrics of yarn of diff colorartificial staple fibre;weight<85% 0 3,462 0 50,276

5516310000 Un/bleached woven fabrics of artificialstaple fibre mixed w/wool;weight<85% 0 1,181 0 8,969

5516320000 Dyed woven fabrics of artificial staplefibre mixed with wool;weight<85% 980 1,573 7,232 16,239

5516330000 Woven fbrc of yarn of diff color staplefibre mixed with wool;weight<85% 0 132 0 396

5516340000 Printed woven fabrics of staple fibremixed with wool;weight<85% 0 2,675 0 32,921

5516410000 Un/bleached woven fabrics of artificialstaple fibre mixed cotton;weight<85% 735 43,505 14,746 464,212

5516420000 Dyed woven fabrics of artificial staplefibre mixed with cotton;weight<85% 0 6,908 0 169,727

5516430000 Woven fabrics of yarn of diff colorsmixed with cotton;weight<85% 4,493 34,342 19,534 197,545

5516440000 Printed woven fbrcs of artificl staplefibre mixed with cotton;weight<85% 0 115 0 488

5516910000 Other un/bleached woven fabrics ofstaple fbr mixed w/cotton;weight<85% 127 8,572 668 66,704

5516920000 Other dyed woven fabrics of artificialstaple fibre mixed cotton;weight<85% 13,562 148,218 111,809 1,465,947

5516930000 Oth woven fabric of yarn of diff colorsstaple fibre mixed cotton;weight<85% 2,552 2,823 53,330 58,501

5516940000 Other printed woven fabrics of artificlstaple fibre mixed cotton;weight<85% 2,311 13,807 14,670 108,987

5601100000 Sanitary towels & tampons, napkinsliners for baby&similar sanitary article 2,416 52,090 13,281 373,220

5601210000 Wadding & its articles of man-madefibres 26 40,081 471 395,920

5601221000 Wrapped cigarette tow of man-madefibres 15,579 56,831 62,314 223,058

5601229000 Other wrapped cigarette tow of man-made fibres 391 20,014 6,423 154,028

5601290000 Wrapped cigarette tow of other thanman-made fibres 67,999 673,690 209,707 1,513,894

5601301000 Polyamide fibre flock of waddingmaterial not exeeding 5 length. 3,843 79,907 15,070 320,345

5601309000 Textile flock & dust mill neps otherthan polyamide fibre flock;<=5 flock 1,004 68,335 10,123 1,166,770

5602100000 Needleloom felt & stitch-bonded fibrecovered/laminated. 14,929 203,412 65,137 2,401,277

5602210000 Oth felt of wool/fine animal hair,notimpregnated,coated,covered 0 2,040 0 324,512

5602290000 Oth felt of oth textile materials,notimpregnated,coated,covered 1,605 13,048 30,276 166,290

5602900000 Felt, oth thn needleloom&oth felt notimpregnated, coated, covered 17,848 186,852 67,743 955,112

5603110000 Non woven of man-made filament, notimprgnatd,cvred/lminated;wght<=25g/m 325,200 4,007,623 1,395,310 13,542,081

5603120000 Non woven of m-m-f, not imprgnated,covred/lminated; 25g/m<weight<70g/m 487,754 4,785,442 2,104,887 20,058,378

5603130000 Non woven of m-m-f, not imprgnated,covred/lminated; 70g/m<weight<150g/m 328,479 2,633,477 1,184,496 8,412,643

5603140000 Non woven of m-m-f, not imprgnated,covered/laminated; weight>150g/m 337,113 2,286,889 1,254,032 10,383,039



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

5603910000 Non woven of other, weight=<25g/m2 272,116 3,707,083 791,688 6,316,456

5603920000 Non woven of other25g/m2 < weighing =<70g/m2 105,149 1,691,144 434,241 5,233,632

5603930000 Non woven of other70g/m2 < weighing =<150g/m2 9,851 257,586 139,641 1,641,831

5603940000 Non woven of other, weight=<150g/m2 308,412 1,490,516 1,214,058 7,062,766

5604100000 Rubber thread & cord, textile coveredand the like head 5404/5405 63,346 830,268 279,784 3,790,747

5604900000 Oth thn rubber thread&cord, textilecoverd&the like head 5404/5405 62,381 1,384,179 199,095 2,826,240

5605000000 Metallised yarn, whether/not gimped,metallised yarn, whether/not gimped, 15,342 544,213 66,860 1,698,261

5606000000 Gimped yarn, strip & the like of headigimped yarn, & strip & the like of headi 221,217 2,481,856 393,543 3,837,449

5607210000 Binder/baler twine of sisal/othertextile fibres of genus agave 7,175 32,082 142,840 418,534

5607290000 Othr binder/baler twine of sisal/othtextile fibres of genus agave 59,883 715,761 176,258 1,690,249

5607410000 Binder/baler twine of polyethylene/polypropylene 3,438 28,091 29,043 260,921

5607490000 Gimp yarn,oth thn binder/balertwine,of polyethyln/polypropyln 408,165 4,910,578 536,608 5,123,980

5607501000 V-belt cord of man-made fibres treatedresorcinol formaldehyde>=10000 dec 15,957 185,812 153,237 1,686,313

5607509000 V-belt cord of othr synth fbrs treatedmeasuring more than 10,000 decitex 103,841 838,312 644,154 8,149,858

5607901000 Other gimped yarn, of artificialsfibres, like of heading 5404/5405 1,270 13,660 26,889 203,751

5607902000 Other gimped yarn, of abaca/othhard fibrs,like of headng 5404/5405 537 3,169 3,629 12,851

5607909000 Other gimped yarn, oth thn of abacaand artificials fibres 51,013 1,420,470 237,056 3,021,261

5608110000 Made up fishing net of man-made textilematerials 308,840 2,501,843 371,268 3,168,995

5608192000 Net bags of man-made textile material 12,238 65,937 72,729 275,880

5608199000 Knotted of twine,oth than man-madetexti. matr.,fishg net&net bags 28,716 213,302 33,710 454,382

5608900000 Other knotted of twine,cordage/ropemade up fishg net and oth 61,022 430,340 268,233 1,366,214

5609000000 Articles of yarn,strip/the like of head5404/5405,twine,cordage,rope/cable 46,040 1,469,049 643,165 4,515,439

5701100000 Articles of yarn,like of head. 5404/5405,of wool/fine animal hair 0 56,370 0 383,247

5701901000 Articles of yarn,like of head. 5404/5405,of cotton, oth text.matr. 19,836 28,514 12,718 51,405

5701909000 Articles of yarn,like of head. 5404/5405,oth than cotton, oth text.matr. 7,390 31,863 4,972 39,171

5702100000 Kelem,schumacks,karamanie&smlarhand-woven rugs, not tufted/flocked 1,448 1,606 11,329 15,679

5702200000 Floor covering of coconut fibres (coir)not tufted/flocked 0 28,602 0 18,393

5702310000 Floor cov of pile constrct of wool/fineanimal hair,not made up, not tufted/floc 0 3,998 0 11,021

5702320000 Floor cov of pile construct of man-madetext mat, not made up,not tufted/flocked 109 45,490 3,777 83,692

5702399000 Floor cov of pile construct of othertextile materials, not made up,not tufte 17,587 70,868 32,265 249,063

5702410000 Oth floor cov.of pile constrct made up,of wool of fine animal hair 0 18,565 0 215,408

5702420000 Oth floor cov.of pile constrct made up,of man-made textile matrls 89,769 2,866,501 85,164 3,513,354

5702491000 Oth floor cov.of pile constrct made up,of cotton,oth textile matrls 0 6,022 0 9,770

5702492000 Oth floor cov.of pile constrct made up,of jute fibres,oth textile matrls 0 7,898 0 21,362

5702509000 Oth floor cov.not of pile constrct, notmade up,oth thn cotton&jute fibres 0 46,301 0 83,858

5702910000 Oth floor cov.not of pile constrct,made up,of wool/fine animal hair 0 1,717 0 2,160

5702920000 Oth floor cov.not of pile constrct,made up,of man-made textl matrls 77,406 151,874 56,004 227,564

5702991000 Oth flr cov.not of pile cnstrct,made upof cotton,oth textile matrls 10,434 29,163 13,756 110,825

5702999000 Oth flr cov.not of pile cnstrct,made upoth thn cttn&jute fibres,oth txtl mtrls 3,362 39,750 8,003 44,170

5703100000 Carpet&oth txtl flr cov.,tufted, whthr/not made up,of wool/fine anim.hair 5,730 17,310 7,915 54,312

5703200000 Carpet&oth txtl flr cov.,tufted, whthr/not made up,of nyln/oth plyamid 47,663 663,940 112,721 1,087,172

5703300000 Carpet&oth txtl flr cov.,tufted, whthr/not made up,of oth man-md-txtl mtrls 410,658 1,972,296 875,119 4,278,344

5703901000 Carpet&oth txtl flr cov.,tufted, whthr/not made up,of cotton,oth textile matrls 40,851 370,969 27,335 392,083

5703909000 Carpet&oth txtl flr cov.,tufted, whthr/nt md up,not cttn&jute fbr,oth txtl mtrl 44 44 73 73

5704100000 Tiles, having a surface <=0,3m,felt,notufled/flocked,made up/not 461 128,838 57,419 544,970

5704900000 Tiles, having a surface >0,3m,felt,nottufled/flocked,made up/not 221,278 1,779,026 352,976 2,566,224

5705100000 Oth carpet&oth txtl flr cov.,whthr/not made, of cotton 11,636 15,149 70,560 76,819

5705900000 Oth carpet&oth txtl flr cov.,whthr/not made,oth thn cotton&fibres 370,931 1,826,506 461,166 2,307,798

5801100010 Woven pile&chenille fbrc,of wool/fine animals hairs,melton cloth(tennis) 38,407 221,094 163,894 2,102,142

5801100090 Woven pile&chenille fbrc,of wool/fine anml hairs,oth melton cloth(tennis) 223 152,336 709 614,774

5801210000 Uncut weft pile fabrics of cotton otherthan fabrics of head 5802/5806 1,384 23,149 13,986 171,201

5801220000 Cut corduroy of cotton oth than fabricof head 5802/5806 81,805 971,399 854,092 6,640,136

5801230000 Oth weft pile fabrics of cotton oth thnfabrics of head 5802/5806 12,340 63,737 76,071 465,450

5801250000 Warp pile fabrics of cotton, cut, otherthan fabrics of head 5802/5806 0 39,792 0 320,483

5801260000 Chenille fabrics of cotton other thanfabrics of head 5802/5806 0 7 0 1,098

5801310000 Uncut weft pile fbrcs of man-made fbrsother than fabrics of head 5802/5806 189 234 2,601 3,872

5801320000 Cut corduroy of man-made fibres otherthan fabrics of head 5802/5806 24,856 65,597 103,064 435,108

5801330000 Oth weft pile fabrics of man-made fbrsother than fabrics of head 5802/5806 0 11,246 0 88,200

5801340000 Warp pile fbrcs, epingle(uncut) of man-made fbrs othr thn fabrc of head 5802/06 0 38 0 686

5801350000 Warp pile fabrics of man-made fbrs,cut,other than fabrics of head 5802/5806 0 89,787 0 790,132

5801360000 Chenille fabrics of man-made fribresother than fabrics of head 5802/5806 558 9,049 14,139 87,700

5801901000 Othr carpet & text floor covrng of silkthan fabrics of head 5802/5806 612 2,659 16,146 43,190

5801909000 Othr carpet & text floor covrng of oththan silk/fabrics of head 5802/5806 72,920 619,278 249,178 2,608,635

5802110000 Unbleachd terry towelling&smlar wovenfabrcs of cotton othr than head 5806 32 86,413 128 535,342

5802190000 Bleachd terry towelling&smlar wovenfabrcs of cotton othr than head 5806 11,564 225,518 65,073 1,507,733

5802200000 Terry towelling & imilar ofothr textilemat fabrcs of cotton othr than head 5806 623 23,703 2,951 124,468

5802300000 Tufted textile fabrics of cotton otherthan fabrics of head 5806 0 76,206 0 547,480

5803001000 Gauze, oth thn narrow fbrcs of heading58.06, of cotton 39,449 343,757 1,139,037 4,779,741

5803009000 Gauze, oth thn narrow fbrcs of heading58.06, oth thn cotton 7,464 39,863 44,469 351,566

5804101000 Tulles & other net fabrics of silk,notincl woven fabrics of head 6002 to 6006 1,620 60,022 32,313 625,187

5804102000 Tulles & other net fbrcs of cotton,notincl woven fabrics of head 6002 to 6006 0 13,529 0 168,080

5804109000 Tulles&oth net fbrc oth than silk/cottoninc woven fabrics of head 6002 to 6006 59,566 337,391 500,960 2,784,205

5804210000 Mechanically made lace of man-made fbrsexcl fabrics of head 6002 to 6004 34,204 308,553 792,137 8,370,883



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

5804290000 Mechanically made lace of oth textilemat. excl fabrics of head 6002 to 6004 25,516 443,488 528,400 7,503,908

5804300000 Mechanically hand-made lace excl.fabricof head 6002 to 6004 5,176 84,390 125,851 433,610

5805001000 Hand-woven tapestries of cotton, whetheror not made up 55 14,385 3,515 129,225

5805009000 Hand-woven tapestries of other thancotton, whether/not made yp 0 9,780 0 91,665

5806101000 Woven pile fabrics of silk other thangoods of head 5807 12,187 130,564 252,450 1,766,303

5806102000 Woven pile fabrics of cotton otherthan goods of head 5807 2,374 57,197 34,502 541,584

5806109000 Woven pile fabrics of other than silk/cotton other than goods of head 5807 10,859 82,200 43,878 668,285

5806200000 Oth woven fabrics;weight>=5% of elasto-meric yarn/thread 114,874 1,523,431 1,501,219 20,063,976

5806311000 Narrow woven fabrics of cotton for mfgof inkd ribbon oth thn goods of head 580 7,493 59,521 41,197 627,975

5806312000 Backing for electrical insulating paperother than good of head 5807 0 4,078 0 145,460

5806313000 Slide fastener ribbons;width<=12mmother than good of head 5807 33 1,050 330 24,846

5806314000 Webbings used in covering piping, polesand the like but goods of head 5807 2 448 2 4,500

5806319000 Other woven fabrics excluding goods ofhead 5807 17,191 168,496 256,392 1,648,371

5806321000 Narrow woven fabrics of man-made fibresfor seat belt webb excl goods of head 58 56,144 539,241 258,554 2,351,121

5806322000 Slide fastener ribbon;width<=12mm of mffor seat belt webb excl goods of head 58 10,709 13,619 73,035 119,184

5806323000 Webbings used in covering piping, poles,other than good of head 5807 0 939 0 20,928

5806329000 Woven fbrcs of oth than cotton/man-madefbr other than goods of head 5807 255,771 1,808,616 1,714,518 14,350,719

5806391000 Woven fabrics of silk other than goodsof head 5807 16,048 49,899 86,145 514,633

5806399010 Woven fabrc for covering,piping, poles,other than goods of head 5807 34 1,313 605 10,180

5806399020 Narrow woven fabrics for mfg of ribbonstypewritr, no ink oth than good of head 0 7,336 0 64,838

5806399030 Narrow fabrics used for slide fastener;width<=12mm 223 1,685 7,955 18,833

5806399090 Narrow fabrics used for slide fastener;width>12mm 2,677 53,165 37,522 499,688

5806400000 Fabrics consist of warp without assbldby means of an adhesive 625 7,805 1,957 47,016

5807100000 Labels,badges, similar mat of woven,inpiece,strip,shape/size,not embroidere 481,584 4,102,397 4,070,063 39,205,573

5807900010 Labels,badges, similar mat of non wovenfbr in piece,strip,shape/size,not emb 144,306 986,401 1,066,548 8,406,610

5807900090 Labels,badges, similar mat of oth wovenfbr in piece,strip,shape/size,not emb 130,344 670,621 814,861 5,862,770

5808101000 Braid in the piece combined with rubberthreads, without embroidery, not knit/cr 297 51,174 3,802 547,799

5808109000 Braids not in the piece combined withthreads, without embroidery, not knit/cr 873 12,045 19,314 213,283

5808901000 Oth braids combined with rubber threadswithout embroidery, not knittd/crocheted 12,421 285,132 137,330 2,551,655

5808909000 Oth braid combined with oth than rubberthreads, without embroidery, not knit/cr 51,430 196,151 126,104 816,856

5809000000 Woven fabrics of metal thread & wovenfabrics of metallised yarn of head 5605 8,772 103,654 47,695 843,902

5810100000 Embroidery without visible ground,in piein strip motifs 259 13,146 18,785 160,208

5810910000 Embroidery of cotton, without visiblegorund in piece,in strip motifs 10,418 259,632 174,332 4,335,296

5810920000 Embroidery of man-made fibres, withoutvisible goround,in piece,in strip motifs 19,253 218,505 226,165 3,621,412

5810990000 Embroidery of other textile material,visible goround,in piece,in strip motifs 30,112 1,017,604 317,803 9,580,562

5811000000 Quilted textile prods in the piece,with mat aseembld othr than embrdry of 5 70,132 553,607 594,325 4,604,004

5901100000 Textile fabrics coated w/gum/amylaceused for covers books and the like 2,079 26,345 30,266 239,361

5901901000 Textile fabrics coated w/gum/amylacefor tracing cloth 81 98,313 3,870 114,318

5901902000 Textile fabrics coated w/gum/amylaceprepared painting canvas 4,972 19,547 16,993 80,051

5901909000 Textile fabrics coated w/gum/amylacefor other than tracing cloth/paintg c 15,919 453,012 92,019 2,604,788

5902101000 Chafer canvas type of nylon/oth poly-amides, high tenacity, rubberised 140,767 971,469 645,015 4,553,851

5902109000 Chafer canvas type of nylon/oth poly-amides, high tenacity, not rubberised 1,021,844 9,026,404 4,669,000 39,569,322

5902202000 Chafer canvas type of polyester, highnylon, tenacity, rubberised 10,274 17,738 110,567 190,547

5902209000 Chafer canvas type of polyester, highnylon, tenacity, not rubberised 239,452 1,960,818 993,302 8,063,743

5902900000 Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn,oth thn nyln/oth polymd&polystr 20,264 81,189 147,805 419,908

5903100000 Textile fabrics impregnat,coat,coverwith polyvinyl chloride 2,373,861 21,139,060 2,657,069 25,765,208

5903200000 Textile fabrics impregnat,coat,coverwith polyurethane 435,160 5,025,593 3,553,570 39,504,336

5903901000 Impregnated textile fbrcs of nylon canvcoated with plastics oth than of head 59 38,834 462,822 387,535 4,485,137

5903909000 Oth imprgntd text fbrc of otht han nyloncanvas coated w/plastic oth thn of head 168,277 2,044,243 1,102,010 18,342,475

5904100000 Linoleum, cut to shape/not,coatingapplied on textile backing 410 1,458 6,928 23,406

5904900000 Oth linoleum, cut to shape/not,coating applied on textile backing 79 2,946 2,609 68,928

5905000000 Textile wall coverings.textile wall coverings. 1,242 150,740 15,531 199,943

5906100000 Adhesive tape;width<=20cm, oth than ofheading 5902 13,223 112,949 170,810 1,265,666

5906910000 Knitted/crocheted linoleum, whetherof not to shape 116,233 749,790 668,674 4,668,053

5906991000 Linoleum for hospital rubber sheeting,whether/not cut to shape. 0 612 0 6,262

5906999000 Linoleum not for hospital rbbr sheetinwhether/not cut to shape. 129,742 878,574 219,249 1,913,467

5907001000 Fabrics impregnated,coated/covered oilof oil-based preparation 35,241 63,630 92,062 571,737

5907003000 Textile fbrcs impregnated, coated/covrwith fire resistant chemical 0 25 0 424

5907004000 Fabrics imprgntd,coated/covered flockvelvet, the entire surface of textile fl 146 34,599 200 166,537

5907005000 Fabrics impregnated,coated/covered wax,bitumen/similar product 0 39 0 472

5907006000 Fabrics impregnated,coated/covered othematerials 76,584 222,203 167,834 615,841

5907009000 Othe textile fabrics not impregnated,covered with othe materials 12,550 90,330 87,172 1,453,813

5908001000 Wick; incandescent gas mantleswhether/not impregnated 2,904 17,968 20,071 105,136

5908009000 Textile oth than wick; incandescent gasmantles, whether/not impregnated 18 15,107 1,539 101,790

5909001000 Fire hoses and similar textile tubing 25,527 446,914 102,126 1,651,839

5909009000 Othe textile hosepiping & similartextile tubing 107,409 637,595 132,061 1,613,052

5910000000 Transmssn/convyr belts/belting,of textl matrl, whether/not impregnated, 33,422 206,093 419,006 2,303,415

5911100000 Textile fabrics, felt&felt-lined wovencoated with rubber,leather/oth materi 8,958 685,122 224,498 9,523,331

5911200000 Bolting cloth, whether/not made up 1,607 33,523 13,125 781,347

5911310000 Textile fabrics&felts;weight< 650 g/m,in making/similar machinenery 7,962 93,608 1,427,045 8,226,725

5911320000 Textile fabrics&felts;weight>= 650 g/m,in making/similar machinenery 60,187 611,303 3,425,885 30,007,942

5911400000 Straining cloth of a kind used in oilor the like incl that of hair 730 7,001 5,070 81,247

5911901000 Textile packings & gaskets used inmaking/similar machinery 8,465 28,333 101,881 434,232



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

5911909000 Othe than textile packings & gasketsused in making/similar machinery 339,484 1,441,156 1,728,639 12,026,861

6001101000 Unbleached long pile, knitted/crocheted,mercerised 97,336 378,270 296,911 2,181,575

6001109000 Bleached long pile, knitted/crocheted,not mercerised 74,670 242,879 1,174,986 2,336,709

6001210000 Looped pile fabrics of cotton,knitted/crocheted 130,346 1,052,829 796,016 6,218,171

6001220000 Looped pile fabric of man made fibre,knitted/crocheted 44,340 396,497 249,481 3,125,722

6001290000 Looped pile fabric of oth textls matrls,knitted/crocheted 54,918 185,125 28,288 243,108

6001910000 Oth pile fabrics, of cotton,knitted/crocheted 96,539 637,524 547,102 3,772,495

6001921000 Oth pile fabrics, of man made fibres,unbleached 3,992 84,601 36,343 834,742

6001929000 Oth pile fabrics, of man made fibres,othe than unbleached 137,612 984,684 791,945 5,660,503

6001991000 Unbleached fabrics of othe textilematerials,not mercerised 6,740 28,718 53,558 210,354

6001999000 Bleached fabrics of othe textilematerials,not mercerised 14,399 482,500 120,557 2,584,263

6002400000 Knit/croch fbrcs;weight>5% of elastomeyarn,no rubber thread, oth than of head 164,394 3,021,207 1,253,687 23,252,375

6002900000 Knit/croch fbrcs;weight<5% of elastomeyarn,no rubber thread, oth than of head 843,519 15,013,559 5,987,657 123,333,080

6003100000 Knit/croc fbrcs of wool/fine anmalhair, width<=30cm oth than 6001/6002 8,109 58,341 54,426 399,857

6003200000 Knit/crocheted fabrics of cottonwidth<=30cm oth than 60.01/60.02 62,254 604,185 479,613 3,347,533

6003300000 Knit/crocheted fabrics of syntheticfibr, width<=30cm oth than 6001/6002 39,585 477,637 529,441 3,741,628

6003400000 Knit/crocheted fabrics of artificialwidth<=30cm oth than 60.01/60.02 0 5,691 0 51,244

6003900000 Othr knit/croc fabrics, width<=30cmoth than 60.01/60.02 86,345 674,519 556,815 4,654,262

6004101000 Knitted swimwear fabric;weight 80%synth yarn; 20% elastic yarn 597,689 5,520,757 5,388,700 45,782,826

6004109000 Knitt/crochet fabrc,width<=30cmcon.>20%, oth thn of heading 6001 849,288 7,421,590 3,867,516 36,275,973

6004900000 Othe knitted/crocheted fabrics; width<=30cm othe than of heading 6001 118,442 1,578,092 1,279,692 15,420,912

6005210000 Warp knit fabrics of cotton othe thanof heading 60.01-60.04 33,496 503,393 249,718 3,060,403

6005220000 Dyed warp knit fabrics of cotton othethan of heading 60.01-60.04 23,594 845,141 156,717 5,110,409

6005230000 Warp knit fabrics of yarn of diff coloroth than of heading 60.01-60.04. 504 3,062 4,992 29,591

6005240000 Printed warp knit fabrics of cotton oththan of heading 60.01-60.04 21,695 258,961 277,899 2,781,817

6005311000 Wrp knit fbrc,of synthtc,bleach/no,swimwer,of polyester&polybutylene 165 602,118 1,287 3,528,304

6005319000 Wrp knit fbrc,of synthtc,bleach/no,oth thn swimwr,of polystr&polybutyln 201,454 3,000,441 1,550,049 18,611,913

6005321000 Warp knit fabrc,of synthtc,dyed,swimwer,of polyester&polybutylene 44,543 151,768 184,321 811,608

6005329000 Warp knit fabrc,of synthtc,dyed,oth thn swimwr,of polystr&polybutyln 190,229 2,312,609 1,557,948 17,269,092

6005331000 Wrp knit fbrc,of synthtc,yarn diff clrs,swimwer,of polyester&polybutylene 0 7 0 95

6005339000 Wrp knit fbrc,of synthtc,yarn diff clrs,oth thn swimwr,of polystr&polybutyln 139,381 800,148 1,138,838 9,045,649

6005341000 Warp knit fabrc,of synthtc,printed,swimwer,of polyester&polybutylene 0 1,951 0 17,246

6005349000 Warp knit fabrc,of synthtc,printed,oth thn swimwr,of polystr&polybutyln 4,882 21,000 14,551 189,374

6005410000 Warp knit fabrics of artificl fibres ofthan of heading 60.01-60.04 0 14,034 0 99,988

6005420000 Dyed warp knit fabrics of artificl fibroth than of heading 60.01-60.04. 0 23,389 0 184,050

6005430000 Warp knit fbrc of artfcl fbrs yarn ofdiff cls,oth than of heading 60.01-60.04 0 2,289 0 14,753

6005900000 Oth warp knit fabrics oth than ofheading 60.01-60.04 84,093 1,468,786 459,654 7,996,912

6006100000 Oth knit/crochtd fbrcs of wool/fineanimal hair oth than of head 6001-6004 22,793 290,384 140,167 2,215,577

6006210000 Oth knit/crochtd fbrcs of cottonoth than of heading 60.01-60.04. 56,070 974,581 420,857 7,002,090

6006220000 Oth dyed knit/crochtd fbrcs of cottonoth than of heading 60.01-60.04. 1,975,216 13,974,223 12,640,996 89,370,395

6006230000 Oth knit/crochtd fbrcs of yarn of difcolor oth than of heading 60.01-60.04 59,468 411,354 407,536 2,595,334

6006240000 Oth printed knit/crochtd fbrcs ofcotton oth than of heading 60.01-60.04. 57,570 642,502 334,847 4,302,891

6006311000 Oth warp knit fbrcs of nylon fibr meshfor as a backng material for mosaic tile 35,937 127,404 221,268 973,946

6006319000 Oth warp knit fbrcs of oth than ofheading 60.01-60.04. 16,283 421,449 152,528 3,694,904

6006321000 Dyed nylon fibre mesh for use as backngmat for mosaic tiles oth than head 6001- 309,183 4,205,372 2,348,832 27,747,200

6006329000 Oth dyed nylon fibres material formosaic tiles oth than head of 6001-6004 211,291 2,264,466 1,701,015 16,782,999

6006330000 Oth knittd/crochetd fabrc synthtc,of yarn of diff colors 11,227 61,671 107,093 1,208,038

6006340000 Oth knittd/crochetd fabrc synthtc,printed 31,121 179,669 384,478 1,669,392

6006410000 Oth warp knit fabrics of artificialfibres oth than of heading 60.01-60.04. 0 58,765 0 529,218

6006420000 Oth dyed warp knit fabrics of artifi-cial fibres oth than of head 60.01-60.04 62,811 1,343,316 543,953 11,193,791

6006440000 Oth warp knit fabrics of artificialfibres printed oth than of head 60.01-60 5,038 278,607 44,716 1,832,257

6006900000 Oth warp knit fabrics oth than of artcial fibres oth than of head 6001-6004 215,909 4,124,786 1,368,044 28,001,628

6101200000 Male's wear of cotton oth than ofhead 61.03 8,626 45,760 25,328 445,743

6101300000 Male's wear of man-made oth thanof head 61.03 19,553 20,613 42,271 78,450

6101900000 Male's wear of oth textile materialoth than of head 61.03 16,162 33,201 82,234 233,695

6102100000 Female's wear of wool/fine animalhair knitted/crocheted oth than of he 113 1,924 5,701 55,534

6102200000 Female's wear of cotton,knitted/crocheted oth than of head 6104 1,738 16,168 43,756 293,202

6102300000 Female's wear of man-made fibres,knitted/crocheted oth than of head 61 706 1,278 18,115 34,065

6102900000 Female's wear of oth textile materials,knitted/crocheted oth than of head 61 16,715 28,255 117,424 196,684

6103100000 Mens/boys suits(oth thn swimwr)knitted/crocheted 9,842 33,397 17,872 330,120

6103220000 Male' ensembles of cotton 767 4,553 1,466 31,525

6103230000 Male' ensembles of synthetic fibres 0 10,878 0 33,211

6103290000 Men/boy ensembl of oth textls matrls(oth thnswimwr)knitt/crochet 3,198 4,964 33,703 35,669

6103310000 Male's jackets & blazers of wool/fineanimal hair 0 18 0 2,325

6103320000 Male's jackets & blazers of cotton 425 16,171 12,566 63,885

6103330000 Male's jackets & blazers of syntheticfibres 377 3,263 4,626 60,500

6103391000 Male's jackets & blazers of ramie,linenor silk 0 7 0 905

6103399000 Male's jackets & blazers of oth textilmaterials 2,361 5,863 12,257 53,897

6103410000 Male's trousers,bib&brace overall,breeches&shorts of wool/fine animal hair 3,194 5,065 3,793 11,627

6103420000 Male's trousers,bib&brace overall,breeches&shorts of cotton 17,308 69,073 77,551 339,830

6103430000 Male's trousers,bib&brace overall,breeches&shorts of synthetic fibres 5,034 12,161 32,034 175,989

6103490000 Men/boy trousr,bib&brace overll,breech&short of oth textl matrl,knitt/crochet 17,461 38,404 98,785 155,295

6104130000 Female's suits of synthetic fibres 2,822 3,056 5,503 8,695



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

6104192000 Women/girl suits,of cotton synthtcfibres,of oth textl matrl,knitt/crochet 12,496 54,435 22,198 102,577

6104199000 Female's suits of oth textile material 25,721 54,570 62,802 342,951

6104220000 Female's ensembles of cotton 43 10,217 38 18,895

6104230000 Female's ensembles of synthetic fibres 0 3,497 0 7,314

6104290000 Womens/girls ensembles,of oth textl matrl,knitted/crocheted 310 463 3,149 8,001

6104310000 Female's jackets & blazers of wool/fine animal hair 11 99 4,105 11,479

6104320000 Female's jackets & blazers of cotton 12,707 19,313 16,568 65,893

6104330000 Female's jackets & blazers of syntheticfibres 298 1,751 5,533 33,318

6104390000 Women/girl jackets&blazers,of oth textl matrl,knitt/crochet 10,687 18,002 12,744 33,651

6104410000 Dresses of wool/fine animal hair, knitted/crocheted 159 1,639 13,471 37,213

6104420000 Dressed of cotton 19,601 58,829 67,679 437,002

6104430000 Dressed of synthetic fibres 5,198 36,955 43,065 217,419

6104440000 Dressed of artificial fibres 1,336 7,457 50,740 402,348

6104490000 Dresses of other textile materials 1,548 7,223 39,179 168,199

6104510000 Female's skirts & divided skirt of woolor fine animal hair 0 2 0 1,042

6104520000 Female's skirts & divided skirts ofcotton 36,816 96,301 67,634 207,193

6104530000 Female's skirts & divided skirts ofsynthetic fibres 6,444 17,877 18,466 67,111

6104590000 Women/girl skirts&devided skirts,of oth textl matrl,knitt/crochet 138 5,413 3,537 30,742

6104610000 Female's trousers, bib & brace overallsbreeches & shorts of fine animal hair 8 53 3,430 9,855

6104620000 Female's trousers, bib & brace overallsbreeches & shorts of cotton 95,173 362,743 242,387 1,019,564

6104630000 Female's trousers, bib & brace overallsbreeches & shorts of synthetic fibres 28,884 81,669 75,254 258,023

6104690000 Womn/girl trousr,bib&brace overll,brh&short f oth textl matrl,knitt/crocht 14,141 51,547 113,636 331,747

6105100000 Male's wear of cotton, knitted/crocheted 86,135 486,101 736,678 4,169,735

6105201000 Male's wear of synthetic fibres, knittedor crocheted 9,251 76,119 150,751 536,368

6105202000 Male's wear of artificial fibres, knitteor crocheted 23 135 740 7,667

6105900000 Men/boy shirts of oth textls matrls,knitt/crochet 12,266 73,751 100,706 237,548

6106100000 Female's wear of cotton, knitted/crocheted 347,021 1,632,743 1,208,825 7,350,002

6106200000 Female's wear of man-made, knittedor crocheted 41,285 81,520 144,792 669,810

6106900000 Womn/girl blous,shirt&shirtblous,oth textl matrl,knitt/crocht 40,493 99,341 346,945 1,134,940

6107110000 Male's underpants & briefs of cotton 22,009 87,154 191,065 866,580

6107120000 Male's underpants & briefs of man-madefibres 15,036 90,616 35,312 243,654

6107190000 Male's underpants & briefsof oth textls matrls 2,408 32,498 25,478 121,309

6107210000 Male's nightshirts & pyjamas of cotton 5,979 21,421 10,836 82,146

6107220000 Male's nightshirt & pyjama of man-madefibres 8,630 26,275 15,237 54,549

6107290000 Male's nightshirt&pyjamasof oth textls matrls 4 12 29 308

6107910000 Oth wear articles of cotton 109,443 784,501 168,511 1,139,392

6107990000 Oth wear male of oth textls matrls 2,067 34,248 3,773 103,913

6108110000 Female's slips & petticoats of man-made fibres 160 20,135 6,652 105,955

6108193000 Female's slips & petticoats of cottonof oth textls matrls 0 10 0 66

6108199090 Female's slips & petticoats oth thnsilk, of oth textls matrls 3,261 4,470 35,516 85,343

6108210000 Briefs & panties of cotton 106,512 488,808 333,407 1,647,770

6108220000 Briefs & panties of man-made fibres 319,047 1,318,246 714,044 2,890,786

6108290000 Female's brief&pantie,knitt/crochetof oth textls matrls 19,699 22,984 21,406 33,530

6108310000 Nightdresses & pyjamas of cotton 67,940 257,802 123,503 408,206

6108320000 Nightdresses & pyjamas of man-madefibres 35,371 250,170 71,343 519,238

6108390000 Female nightdress&pyjama,of othtextls matrls,knitt/crochet 5,995 14,079 4,707 14,500

6108910000 Negliges, bathrobes, dressing gowns ofcotton 400 7,894 2,143 34,842

6108920000 Negliges, bathrobes, dressing gowns ofman-made fibres 17,692 53,250 34,233 103,050

6108990000 Oth famale wear,of oth textl matrl,knitted/crocheted 200 4,007 882 31,643

6109101000 Men/boys't-shirts, singlets & othvests, knitted/crocheted of cotton 98,539 405,120 632,649 3,887,934

6109102000 Women/girls't-shirts,singlets & othvests, knitted/crocheted of cotton 70,203 348,879 554,513 3,868,595

6109901000 Men/boys't-shirts,singlets & oth vestsknit./crocheted of ramie, linen/silk 7,701 15,449 17,527 54,337

6109902000 Men/boys't-shirts,singlets & oth vestsknitted/crocheted of oth materials 37,163 86,108 243,743 1,056,014

6109909000 T-shirt,singlet&oth vest,knitte/crochet,of oth txtl mtrl,oth thn f rami,linn&slk 26,575 219,007 164,047 2,055,609

6110110000 Jerseys,pullovers, cardigans, waistcoatof wool 1,860 31,310 100,907 508,134

6110120000 Jerseys,pullovers, cardigans, waistcoatof kashmir (cashmere) goats 190 662 10,895 51,061

6110190000 Jerseys,pullovers, cardigans, waistcoatof oths wool/fine animal hair 206,903 2,333,072 1,095,588 15,635,535

6110200000 Jerseys,pullovers, cardigans, waistcoatof cotton 45,949 256,496 508,770 3,789,120

6110300000 Jerseys,pullovers, cardigans, waistcoatof man-made fibres 15,594 69,289 279,630 1,233,564

6110900000 Jersey,pullovr,cardign,waistcoat&similrarticle,knitt/crochet,of oth txtl mtrl 1,341 598,875 55,767 4,174,000

6111200000 Babie garment&clothing accessorie,knitt/crochet,of cotton 19,801 105,670 290,699 1,076,976

6111300000 Babie garment&clothing accessorie,knitt/crochet,of synthtc fibres 24,178 129,744 90,497 464,545

6111900000 Babie garment&clothing accessorie,knitt/crochet,of oth txtl mtrl 5,710 171,868 116,200 1,418,111

6112110000 Track suits of cottonknitted/crocheted 327 129,718 1,718 608,341

6112120000 Track suits of synthetic fibresknitted/crocheted 23,102 26,326 46,554 97,513

6112190000 Track suits of oth txtl mtrl,knitted/crocheted 692 4,883 3,368 83,249

6112200000 Ski suitsknitted/crocheted 1 2,213 365 28,353

6112310000 Male's swimwear,of synthtc fibrs,knitted/crocheted 1,047 8,162 32,604 243,251

6112390000 Male's swimwear,of oth txtl mtrl,knitted/crocheted 53 7,834 1,223 33,827

6112410000 Female swimwear,of synthtc fibr,knitted/crocheted 747 11,488 25,762 464,077

6112490000 Female swimwear,of oth txtl mtrl,knitted/crocheted 885 6,883 4,478 43,437

6113001000 Diver wetsuit,made up of knitt/cochet,fabrics of heading 5903, 5906/5907 194 2,776 2,843 34,966

6113002000 Protectve/safety garmnt fr worker,made-up of knitt/cochet,head 5903;5906;5907 1 1,382 36 15,779



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

6113009000 Oth garment,made up of knitt/crochetfabrics of heading 5903,5906/5907 0 624 0 6,737

6114200000 Oth garments, knitted/crocheted ofcotton 3,365 35,415 109,022 531,533

6114300000 Oth garments, knitted/crocheted ofof man-made fibres 982 11,068 48,395 437,475

6114900000 Oth garments, knitted/crocheted ofof oth textile materials 22,334 119,308 191,473 929,024

6115100000 Panty hose & tights of graduatedcompression hosiery 28,830 46,591 24,469 49,315

6115210000 Panty hose & tights of synthetic fibres,single yarn<67 decitex, elastic/rubber 1,734 8,536 8,417 40,954

6115220000 Panty hose & tights of synthetic fibres,single yarn<67/>67 decitex, 5 5,653 199 21,854

6115291000 Stockings,socks,sockettes of cottonsingle yarn<67 decitex, elastic/rubber 0 4,162 0 31,588

6115299000 Panty hose & tights of oth than cottonelasticated/rubberised 5,109 19,588 26,872 121,549

6115301000 Women's full-length,knee-length hosieryof cotton, single yarn < 67 decitex 21 1,381 436 8,926

6115309000 Women's full-length,knee-length hosieryof oth than cotton, single yarn<67 dtex 11 1,953 365 8,038

6115940000 Oth stockings,socks, of wool/fineanimal hair,single yarn < 67 decitex 15 175 588 9,568

6115950000 Oth stockings,socks, of cotton,single yarn < 67 decitex 24,768 115,511 77,359 613,538

6115960000 Oth stockings,socks,sockettes ofsynthetic fibres,single yarn < 67 dtex 45,483 365,933 167,589 1,063,051

6115990000 Oth stockings,socks,sockettes of othtextile materials, single yarn<67 dtex 13,766 16,085 12,678 66,376

6116100000 Gloves,mittens, mitts, knitted,croch.impregn., coated/covered plastics/rubber 3,331 32,590 10,238 205,986

6116910000 Gloves,mittens,of wool/fine animal hairknit. not impregn.coat.plastics/rubbers 324 1,130 14,701 59,169

6116920000 Gloves,mittens,of cotton knitted,croch.not impregnated coated plastics/rubbers 1,253 87,315 2,916 229,238

6116931000 Gloves,mittens,of synthetic fibresknit.not impregn.coat.plastics/rubbers 2 245 77 8,403

6116939000 Gloves,mittens,of oth th synthetic fbrsknit.not impregn.coat.plastics/rubbers 9,352 42,869 40,511 242,757

6116990000 Gloves,mittens,of oth textile materialsknit.not impregn.coat.plastics/rubbers 30 31,315 609 71,723

6117101000 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas,& the like of cotton 14,273 39,578 29,363 119,579

6117109000 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas,& the like of oth textile materials 9,973 44,215 40,495 159,320

6117801100 Ties, bow ties & cravats of wool/fineanimal hair 3,590 16,220 33,204 122,099

6117801900 Ties, bow ties & cravats of oth thanwool/fine animal hair 2,223 16,499 3,988 193,257

6117809000 Oth access of oth than wool/fineanimal hair 20,891 293,070 260,400 3,473,493

6117900000 Oth parts of garment 62,820 775,366 598,206 5,364,119

6201110000 Men/boys'overcoats,raincoats,car-coats,cloaks of wool/fine animal hair 248 30,948 17,697 156,713

6201120000 Men/boys'overcoats,raincoats,car-coats,cloaks of cotton 261 5,843 11,533 83,881

6201130000 Men/boys'overcoats,raincoats,car-coats,cloaks of man-made fibres 1,725 6,484 16,247 73,026

6201190090 Men/boys'overcoats,raincoats,car-coats,cloaks of oth man-made fibres 14,054 24,124 63,010 103,000

6201910000 Men/boys' anorak, wind-cheaters/jacketsof wool/fine animal hair 122 5,135 8,594 31,915

6201920000 Men/boys' anorak, wind-cheaters/jacketsof cotton 72,028 315,200 163,773 592,871

6201930010 Men/boys' anorak, wind-cheaters/jacketsof batik 5 120 8 4,608

6201930090 Men/boys' anorak, wind-cheaters/jacketsof oth man-made fibres 12,746 17,457 66,356 273,722

6201990090 Men/boys' anorak, wind-cheaters/jacketsof oth textile materials 5,290 6,039 18,116 66,285

6202110000 Women/girls'overcoats,raincoats, car-coats, capes of wool/fine animal hair 1,717 6,206 96,556 264,074

6202120000 Women/girls'overcoats,raincoats, car-coats, capes of cotton 1,534 24,219 40,810 349,119

6202130010 Women/girls'overcoats,raincoats, car-coats, capes of batik 33 44 1,365 2,881

6202130090 Women/girls'overcoats,raincoats, car-coats, capes of oth man-made fibres 7,706 9,495 45,488 146,711

6202190090 Women/girls'overcoats,raincoats, car-coats, capes of oth textile materials 29 49,599 1,015 217,147

6202910000 Women/girls'anorak,wind-cheater/jacketsof wool/fine animal hair 239 1,035 15,326 35,069

6202920000 Women/girls'anorak,wind-cheater/jacketsof cotton 9,417 25,988 33,297 200,685

6202930090 Women/girls'anorak,wind-cheater/jacketsof oth man-made fibres 1,137 4,891 26,503 117,544

6202990010 Oth famale wear,of oth textl matrl,of silk 0 28 0 162

6202990090 Oth famale wear,of oth textl matrl,oth than silk & ramie 50 2,757 4,748 539,557

6203110000 Men/boys'suits of wool/fine animalhair 215 24,308 23,268 304,202

6203120000 Men/boys' suits of synthetic fibres 22,894 23,147 29,545 46,308

6203191000 Men/boys' suits of cotton 2,055 14,456 6,622 59,154

6203199090 Male's suits, of oth textl matrl,oth thn silk&ramie,oth thn cotton 210 10,683 6,882 40,039

6203220000 Men/boys' ensembles of cotton 91 2,003 243 5,111

6203230000 Men/boys' ensembles of synthetic fibres 0 1,235 0 2,955

6203290090 Male's ensembles, of oth textl matrl,oth than silk & ramie 0 3,057 0 6,451

6203310000 Men/boys' jackets & blazers of woolor fine animal hair 1,092 6,813 40,070 363,776

6203320000 Men/boys' jackets & blazers of cotton 62,507 160,953 197,287 675,591

6203330000 Men/boys' jackets & blazers of syntheticfibres 4,040 27,294 48,190 294,302

6203390010 Male jackt&blazr, of oth textl matrl,of silk 0 445 0 11,538

6203390020 Male jackt&blazr, of oth textl matrl,of ramie 0 7 0 1,462

6203390090 Male jackt&blazr, of oth textl matrl,oth than silk & ramie 419 21,714 14,103 310,095

6203410000 Trousr,bib&brace overll,breech&short,of wool/fine animal hair,male wear 508 5,034 32,431 294,269

6203421000 Men/boys' bib & brace overalls ofcotton 896 15,540 12,515 62,274

6203429000 Men/boys' trousers of cotton 156,611 775,299 860,970 7,007,583

6203430000 Trousr,bib&brace overll,breech&short,of synthtc fibres,male wear 45,732 114,794 233,225 1,111,348

6203490010 Trousr,bib&brace overll,breech&short,of oth txtl mtrl,of silk, for mens/boys 4,998 5,075 4,096 9,196

6203490090 Trousr,bib&brace overll,breech&short,of oth txtl mtrl,oth thn rami&silk,for m 7,706 15,287 19,178 175,009

6204110000 Women/girls' suits of wool/fineanimal hair 352 3,730 2,508 78,317

6204120000 Women/girls' suits of cotton 1,485 19,852 2,862 53,464

6204130000 Women/girls'suits of synthetic fibres 9,841 11,323 20,790 61,209

6204190010 Female suit, of oth textl matrl,oth thnswimwear,of silk 11 90 2,157 7,597

6204190020 Female suit, of oth textl matrl,oth thnswimwear,of ramie 0 637 0 1,038

6204190090 Female suit, of oth textl matrl,oth thnswimwear,oth than silk & ramie 43 2,205 4,138 74,903

6204210000 Women/girls'ensembles of wool/fineanimal hair 104 109 1,336 1,535

6204220000 Women/girls' ensembles of cotton 1,282 17,292 1,304 31,781



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

6204230000 Women/girls' ensembles of syntheticfibres 512 4,832 3,216 14,196

6204290090 Female ensembl, of oth textl matrl,oththn swimwear,of silk&ramie 132 24,980 1,775 59,888

6204310000 Women/girls' jackets & blazers ofwool/fine animal hair 1,116 2,739 50,314 177,002

6204320000 Women/girls' jackets & blazers ofcotton 2,955 23,443 29,713 448,693

6204330000 Women/girls' jackets & blazers ofsynthetic fibres 2,025 9,839 38,024 291,545

6204390010 Female jackt&blazr,of oth txtl mtrl,oththn swimwear,of silk 0 108 0 22,767

6204390090 Female jackt&blazr,of oth txtl mtrl,oththn swimwear,of silk&ramie 343 8,174 17,096 542,276

6204410000 Dresses of wool/fine animal hairnot knitted/crocheted 109 625 11,163 37,046

6204420000 Dresses of cotton 18,450 128,526 133,207 1,226,220

6204430000 Dresses of synthetic fibres 6,102 29,050 77,380 468,368

6204440000 Dresses of artificial fibres 1,503 5,341 58,514 279,793

6204490010 Female dresses,of oth textl matrl,oththn swimwear,of silk 1,994 8,276 46,762 438,061

6204490090 Female dresses,of oth textl matrl,oththn swimwear,of silk&ramie 1,098 7,634 44,953 497,546

6204510000 Skirts & divided skirts of wool/fineanimal hair 170 607 14,452 53,661

6204520000 Skirts & divided skirts of cotton 42,386 160,764 159,580 1,018,272

6204530000 Skirts & divided skirts of syntheticfibres 11,191 34,199 82,418 437,302

6204590010 Feml skirt&dvde skrt, oth txtl mtrl,oththn swimwear,of silk 97 257 1,792 14,116

6204590090 Feml skirt&dvde skrt, oth txtl mtrl,oththn swimwear,of silk&ramie 4,114 23,505 22,841 508,208

6204610000 Women/girls' trousers,bib&brace overallbreeche,short of wool/fine animal hair 246 3,857 32,145 113,327

6204620000 Women/girls' trousers,bib&brace overallbreeches,shorts of cotton 765,215 2,610,010 1,949,230 8,844,357

6204630010 Women/girls' trousers,bib&brace overallbreeches,shorts of batik 1 18 268 1,169

6204630091 Women/girls' flyers coveralls 0 713 0 7,386

6204630099 Oth women/girls' flyers coveralls 67,010 206,231 212,716 1,071,867

6204690010 Trousr,bib&brace overll,breech&short,of oth txtl mtrl,of silk, for womens/gir 5 579 395 21,949

6204690020 Trousr,bib&brace overll,breech&short,of oth txtl mtrl,of ramie, for womens/gi 0 242 0 19,849

6204690090 Trousr,bib&brace overll,breech&short,of oth txtl mtrl,oth thn silk&rami, wmn 43,359 85,795 135,907 678,848

6205200000 Men/boys' shirts of cotton 54,434 225,072 597,892 3,962,074

6205300000 Men/boys' shirts of man-made fibres 28,502 118,207 90,743 717,645

6205900010 Male's shirts,of oth textl matrl,of silk 331 3,380 1,673 65,711

6205900020 Male's shirts,of oth textl matrl,of ramie 0 48 0 4,611

6205900090 Male's shirts,of oth textl matrl,oth thn silk&ramie 6,666 29,028 14,836 167,699

6206100000 Women/girls' blouses, shirts & shirts-blouses of silk/silk waste 4,287 16,331 155,177 927,479

6206200000 Women/girls' blouses, shirts & shirts-blouses of wool/fine animal hair 82 2,196 3,651 60,412

6206300000 Women/girls' blouses, shirts & shirts-blouses of cotton 45,406 371,019 444,155 3,449,428

6206400000 Women/girls' blouses, shirts & shirts-blouses of man-made fibres 31,993 120,418 269,348 1,464,128

6206900010 Female's wear,of oth textl matrl,of silk 20 1,593 1,564 115,925

6206900090 Female's wear,of oth textl matrl,oth thn silk&ramie 31,251 89,188 189,092 1,226,781

6207110000 Men/boys'underpants & briefs ofcotton 576 39,800 8,754 192,449

6207190000 Men/boys'underpants & briefs ofoth textile materials 3,844 7,284 3,357 18,115

6207210000 Men/boys' nightshirts & pyjamasof cotton 8,788 12,247 24,341 64,411

6207220000 Men/boys' nightshirts & pyjamasof man-made fibres 2,562 2,564 5,506 5,573

6207290090 Male night shirt&pyjam,f oth txtl mtrl,oth thn silk&ramie 0 7 0 10

6207910000 Oth male wear,of cotton 6,629 87,258 14,535 96,779

6207990000 Oth male wear,of oth textl matrl 119 5,815 10,651 175,431

6208110000 Women/girls' slips & petticoatsof man-made fibres 2,559 20,192 6,926 139,187

6208190010 Female slip&petticoat,of oth textlmatrl,of silk 0 24,725 0 25,209

6208190020 Female slip&petticoat,of oth textlmatrl,of ramie 4,980 4,980 40,737 40,737

6208190090 Female slip&petticoat,of oth textlmatrl,oth thn silk&rami 6,022 37,709 27,851 297,163

6208210000 Women/girls' nightdresses & pyjamasof cotton 144,772 217,502 124,092 308,303

6208220000 Women/girls' nightdresses & pyjamasof man-made fibres 64,900 190,806 125,744 550,260

6208290010 Female nightdress&pyjam,of oth textlmatrl,of silk 0 28 0 2,108

6208290090 Female nightdress&pyjam,of oth textlmatrl,oth thn silk&rami 20 2,950 40 35,406

6208911000 Panties of cotton 26,697 38,907 74,977 140,933

6208919000 Women/girls' singlets of cotton 1,049 8,374 6,030 39,910

6208920000 Female wear of man-made fibres 77 18,791 1,294 53,976

6208991000 Female wear of oth textl matrl,of woolor fine animal hair 1 8 42 102

6208999000 Female wear of oth textl matrl,oth thnwool/fine animal hair 6,707 27,235 23,318 802,733

6209202000 Babies' t-shirts,shirts,pyjamas, napkins(diapers),& similar articles of cotton 777 62,377 7,704 447,046

6209209010 Babie garmnt&cloth accessri,of cotton,oth wear,suit,pant&similr articl 29 4,465 262 65,000

6209209090 Babie garmnt&cloth accessri,of cotton,oth wear,oth thn suit,pant&similr articl 985 32,681 15,881 290,938

6209301000 Babies' suits, pants & similar articlesof synthetic fibres 38 27,016 779 128,707

6209302000 Babies' t-shirts,shirts,pyjama, napkins& similar articles of synthetic fibres 628 773 3,524 6,209

6209303000 Babies clothing access of syntheticfibers 60 2,973 1,472 45,105

6209900000 Babies garment&clothing accessries,of oth textiles materials 46,478 112,914 305,807 819,881

6210101000 Garmnt,made up of fabrc of head 5602or 5603,protective works garments 4,710 24,851 9,175 63,600

6210109000 Garmnt,made up of fabrc of head 5602or 5603,oth thn protective work garmnt 0 313 0 5,602

6210201000 Oth garmnt of subhead 620111-620119,protective works garments 0 1,525 0 3,042

6210209000 Oth garmnt of subhead 620111-620119,oth thn protective work garmnt 20 13,032 130 62,355

6210301000 Oth garmnt of subhead 620211-620219,protective works garments 484 7,048 2,507 43,712

6210309000 Oth garmnt of subhead 620211-620219,oth thn protective work garmnt 861 76,167 39,676 557,503

6210400000 Oth male garmnt,made up of fabrc ofhead 5602;5603;5903;5906;5907 6,617 14,968 15,201 73,167

6210500000 Oth female garmnt,made up of fabrc ofhead 5602;5603;5903;5906;5907 67 2,705 2,232 34,954

6211110010 Men/boys' swimwear of batik 0 3,893 0 7,179



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

6211110090 Men/boys' swimwear of oth than batik 1,446 12,645 24,094 368,428

6211120090 Women/girls' swimwear of oth than batik 594 9,207 8,580 139,376

6211200000 Garments ski suits 0 2,007 0 33,345

6211320000 Men/boys' track suits of cotton 384 5,832 30,165 57,062

6211330000 Oth garments, mens/boys,of man-made fibres 398 3,346 18,148 55,762

6211390000 Oth garments, mens/boys,of oth textile materials 2 2,515 58 39,987

6211410000 Oth garments, women/girls'of woolor fine animal hair 5 75 651 4,577

6211420000 Oth garments, womens/girls,of cotton 4,197 95,515 18,996 270,711

6211431000 Women/girls' surgical gowns of man-made fibres 0 6 0 57

6211439000 Oth garmnt,males,of man-made fibres,oth than surgical gowns 24,699 205,452 112,696 431,831

6211490000 Oth garmnt,males,of oth textilesmaterials 10,615 13,006 16,721 157,278

6212101000 Brassieres of cotton 22,489 414,226 53,324 1,275,803

6212109000 Brassieres of oth textile materials 609,103 2,939,710 1,916,103 9,087,560

6212201000 Girdles & panty-girdles of cotton 0 9,012 0 27,424

6212209000 Girdles & panty-girdles of oth textilematerials 235 2,865 2,394 52,913

6212301000 Corselettes of cotton 0 96 0 407

6212309000 Corselettes of oth textile materials 16,136 18,630 48,275 66,236

6212901000 Suspenders, garters of cotton 8 3,102 309 53,520

6212909000 Suspenders, garters of oth textilematerials 7,969 90,511 182,121 1,410,769

6213200090 Handkerchiefs, of cottonoth than batik 37,665 108,695 58,363 183,299

6213900099 Handkerchiefs of oth textile materials,oth thn of silk&batik 0 302 0 668

6214100010 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas,veils'batik of silk/silk waste 0 26 0 492

6214100090 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas,veils'not batik of silk/silk waste 253 2,055 22,510 208,918

6214200000 Shawl,scarve,muffler,mantilla,veils &the like, of wool/fine animals hair 3,831 5,296 23,478 83,901

6214300090 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas,veils' not batik of synthetic fibres 15,489 82,410 24,215 172,425

6214400090 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas,veils' not batik of artificial fibres 357 1,956 9,269 48,993

6214900010 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas,veils' batik of textile materials 0 290 0 19,595

6214900090 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas,veils'not batik of oth textile materials 42,237 108,624 76,871 285,847

6215100010 Ties, bow ties & cravats' batik of silkor silk waste 1,264 1,326 18,208 18,328

6215100090 Ties, bow ties & cravats' not batik ofsilk/silk waste 7,200 26,098 159,638 667,805

6215200010 Ties, bow ties & cravats' batik of man-made fibres 0 13 0 27

6215200090 Ties, bow ties & cravats' not batik ofman-made fibres 5,285 7,617 17,453 42,406

6215900010 Ties, bow ties & cravats of othtextiles materials, batik 0 192 0 1,711

6215900090 Ties, bow ties & cravats of othtextiles materials, oth thn batik 17 1,860 1,817 18,081

6216001000 Protective work gloves, mittens & mitts 24,385 51,462 88,949 227,445

6216009100 Oth gloves, mittens of wool/fineanimal hair 21 1,040 270 7,465

6216009200 Oth gloves, mittens of cotton, oth thansubheading 6216.00.10 279 3,729 2,634 19,075

6216009900 Oth gloves, mittens of oth textilematerials 531 10,857 18,787 103,975

6217100000 Accesories of clothing access oth thanof heading 62.12 83,341 550,505 444,093 5,317,293

6217900000 Parts of clothing access oth thanof heading 62.12 44,779 984,829 530,166 12,987,620

6301100000 Electric blankets 122 28,460 2,780 125,803

6301200000 Blankets not electric and travellingrugs, of wool/fine animal hair 0 377 0 2,041

6301300000 Blankets not electric and travellingrugs, of cotton 15,250 172,734 91,075 768,074

6301400010 Blankt(oth thn elctrc blankt)&travllngrug,of synthtc fibr,of nonwoven fabrc 10,433 33,756 68,646 226,443

6301400090 Blankt(oth thn elctrc blankt)&travllngrug,of synthtc fibr,oth nonwoven fabrc 28,934 152,308 48,785 271,746

6301900010 Oth blankets&travelling rugs,of nonwoven fabrics 27 671 239 19,536

6301900090 Oth blankets&travelling rugs,oth thn nonwoven fabrics 41,045 144,140 144,038 490,710

6302100000 Bed linen, knitted/crocheted 9 974 138 14,584

6302210000 Bed linen, printed of cotton 24,162 99,976 69,316 245,859

6302229000 Bed linen, printed of man-made fibresof woven fabrics 59 349 694 3,929

6302290000 Bed linen, printed of oth textilematerials 0 85 0 464

6302310000 Oth bed linen of cotton 13,650 71,445 63,168 405,170

6302321000 Oth bed linen of man-made fabricsof nonwoven fabrics 132 7,328 1,060 19,566

6302329000 Oth bed linen of man-made fabricsof woven fabrics 5,404 127,373 16,834 213,347

6302390000 Oth bed linen of oth textile materials 0 602 0 7,549

6302400000 Table linen, knitted/crocheted 19,873 27,746 159,508 198,874

6302510090 Oth table linen's not batik of cotton 2,630 47,012 11,379 129,170

6302530090 Oth table linen,of man-made fibresoth than batik 14,389 18,741 40,922 54,578

6302590090 Oth table linen not batik of oth txtlmaterials 19 2,115 68 8,074

6302600010 Toilet,kitchen linen,of terry towelling/similar terry fabrics batik, of cotton 0 1 0 10

6302600090 Toilet,kitchen linen,of terry towelling/similar terry, not batik, of cotton 288,725 1,146,106 486,332 2,043,642

6302910010 Oth bed linen batik of cotton 49 40,259 370 48,360

6302910090 Oth bed linen not batik of cotton 493,624 3,094,742 903,941 5,823,564

6302930090 Oth linen, of man-made fibres,oth thn batik 32,271 85,550 40,776 122,187

6302990000 Oth linen, of oth textile materials 17,355 52,737 22,904 73,406

6303120000 Curtain, blinds, valances, knitted/crocheted of synthetic fibres 0 287 0 2,598

6303191000 Curtain,knitted/crocheted,of othtextiles materials,of cotton 0 12 0 210

6303199000 Curtain,knitted/crocheted,of othtextiles materials,oth thn cotton 4,914 57,677 16,644 174,358

6303920000 Curtain not knitted/crochetedof synthetic fibres 7,415 137,802 13,034 325,440

6303990000 Curtain not knitted/crochetedof oth textile materials 0 8,783 0 113,681

6304110000 Bedspreads, knitted/crochetted 81 211 7,111 10,005

6304191010 Oth furnishng articl,bedsprd,of cotton,oth thn knitt/crochett,batik 212 229 1,032 1,099

6304191090 Oth furnishng articl,bedsprd,of cotton,oth thn knitt/crochett,oth thn batik 0 132 0 3,348



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

6304192010 Oth furnshng articl,bedsprd,oth nonwvn,oth thn knitt/crochett,batik 0 17 0 634

6304199090 Oth furnshng artcl,bedsprd,oth thn cttnnonwvn knitt/crochett,oth thn batik 0 266 0 3,538

6304911000 Oth furnshng artcl,oth thn bedsprd,kntt/crocheted, mosquito nets 5,179 24,128 53,256 138,329

6304919000 Oth furnshng artcl,oth thn bedsprd,kntt/crocheted, oth thn mosquito nets 2,519 4,928 7,166 32,802

6304920000 Oth furnshng artcl,oth thn bedsprd,notknitt/crochet,of cotton 290 21,132 1,911 65,308

6304930000 Oth furnshng artcl,oth thn bedsprd,notknitt/crochet,of synthtc fibres 5,056 8,413 15,343 37,043

6304990000 Oth furnshng artcl,oth thn bedsprd,notknitt/crochet,of oth txtl mtrl 0 25,786 0 94,572

6305101100 Sack&bag,oth bast fibr head 5303,new,of jute 581,439 10,186,842 370,107 6,670,437

6305101900 Sack&bag,oth bast fibr head 5303,new,oth thn jute 0 15,010 0 15,359

6305102100 Sack&bag,oth bast fibr head 5303,used,of jute 0 642,285 0 77,700

6305102900 Sack&bag,oth bast fibr head 5303,used,oth thn jute 0 3,435 0 38,064

6305200000 Sacks and bags, of cotton 2,470 33,919 30,265 482,532

6305321000 Flexible intermediate bulk containersof nonwovens 0 352 0 3,908

6305329000 Flexible intermediate bulk containersnot knitted/crocheted 51 94,753 1,379 232,941

6305332000 Sacks, bags of woven fabrics of stripor the like 12,084 12,084 20,139 20,139

6305339000 Sack,bag of polyethylene/polypropylenestrip not knitted/crocheted 497 147,033 5,860 395,844

6305391000 Oth sacks, bags of nonwovensof polyethylene/polypropilene 0 81 0 979

6305392000 Oth sacks, bags of knitted/crochetedof polyethylene/polypropilene 0 147 0 399

6305399000 Oth sacks,bags of not knitted/crochetedof polyethylene/polypropilene 0 13,112 0 28,495

6305901000 Sacks and bags,of oth textl matrl,of hemp of heading 53.05 0 33 0 303

6305909000 Oth sacks, bags 0 40,047 0 70,920

6306120000 Tarpaulins, awnings & sunblinds0f synthetic fibres 31,066 270,170 70,018 731,578

6306199000 Tarpaulins, awnings & sunblindsof oth textile materials : 42 4,835 67 26,604

6306220000 Tents of synthetic fibres 26,007 127,538 80,271 315,222

6306299000 Tents of oth textiles materialsoth than cotton 1,648 29,221 6,458 58,617

6306300000 Sails 0 20 0 310

6306409000 Pneumatic mattressesoth than cotton 0 45,866 0 96,212

6306910000 Oth camping goods of cotton 0 554 0 7,396

6306999000 Oth camping goods of oth textilematerials, wovens 2,024 90,438 6,300 393,767

6307101000 Floor-cloths,dish-cloths,dusters, cleaning cloths of nonwovens 163 34,820 5,095 367,352

6307102000 Floor-cloths,dish-cloths,dusters, cleaning cloths of felts 117 313 2,380 5,011

6307109000 Floor-cloths,dish-cloths,dusters, cleaning cloths of not felts, woven 15,398 188,984 24,871 1,038,671

6307200000 Life-jackets and life-belts 1,410 18,718 19,085 122,081

6307903000 Umbrella covers in pre-cut triangularform 2,951 40,968 29,446 409,169

6307906000 Life harnesses 1,288 21,540 4,043 84,710

6307909000 Oth made up articles 24,115 332,053 178,679 2,682,173

6308000000 Sets consisting of woven fabric&yarn 4,272 165,205 209,289 1,473,347

6309000000 Worn clothing & oth worn articles. 1,189 20,930 21,708 63,158

6310101000 Used/new rags, sorted 0 3,573 0 34,495

6310109000 Scrap twine, cordage, rope and cablesworn out articles of those, sorted 90 12,909 1,053 33,551

6310901000 Used/new rags, unsorted 26 5,804 257 48,920

6310909000 Scrap twine, cordage, rope and cablesworn out articles of those, unsorted 156,534 1,071,829 36,507 328,413

6401100000 Waterproof footwear incorp. protectivemetal toe-cap with outer soles, rubbers 661 49,677 5,357 256,085

6401920000 Waterproof footwear, covering the anklebut not cover the knee,with outer soles 612 22,005 5,105 61,887

6401990000 Oth waterproof footwear with outer soleplastic by stiching, riveting, nailing 46,550 1,117,907 151,905 1,948,993

6402120000 Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear &snowboard boot with outer soles,rubber 0 37,495 0 266,292

6402190000 Sports footwear with outer soles,rubberor plastics 280,866 4,276,175 1,214,924 9,966,508

6402200000 Footwear with upper straps/thongs assembled to the sole by means of plugs 1,598 15,995 22,678 142,607

6402911000 Oth footwear covering the ankle,diving boots 4,649 10,793 5,025 31,570

6402919000 Oth footwear covering the ankle,oth than diving boots 25,330 208,442 126,338 626,888

6402990000 Footwear not covering the ankle withouter soles, rubbers, plastics 695,099 10,679,575 1,852,523 16,497,573

6403120000 Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear &snowboard boot, outer soles,leathers 0 3,640 0 28,339

6403191000 Sports footwear fitted with studs, bar& the like,foot ball,running,golf shoes 326 2,623 5,215 47,983

6403199000 Sports footwear not fitted with studs,bar & the like 46,944 450,907 458,761 5,130,901

6403200000 Footwear,outer soles of leather, uppersof leather straps accros,instep big toe 285 88,436 3,356 515,134

6403400000 Footwear,incorp. a protective metal toecap base/platform of wood 1,122 227,141 28,078 2,143,974

6403510000 Oth footwear with outer sole of leathercovering the ankle 154 339 6,753 13,404

6403590000 Oth footwear with outer sole of leatheroth thn covering the ankle 7,642 84,598 136,999 727,733

6403910000 Oth footwear covering the ankle 4,042 22,993 78,056 300,873

6403990000 Oth footwear oth thn covering the ankle 52,417 697,296 745,610 5,325,036

6404111000 Footwear with outer sole f rubbr/plastcsprt footwr fitt w spik, cleat/the like 10,147 61,874 74,487 452,790

6404119000 Footwear with outer sole f rubbr/plastcsprt footwr fitt w/o spik, cleat/th like 193,481 1,688,308 822,632 6,425,577

6404190000 Sports footwear for oth purpossedwith outer incl. textile materials 419,148 5,040,581 1,539,232 12,909,201

6404200000 Footwear with outer soles of leather/composition leather 48,857 512,101 36,649 763,177

6405100000 Oth footwear, with uppers of leather/composition leather 31,114 517,426 165,614 2,202,512

6405200000 Oth footwear,with uppers of oth textilematerials 28,798 372,911 73,765 740,893

6405900000 Oth footwear 800,638 7,219,180 1,304,632 10,849,805

6406101000 Uppers & parts thereof, oth than stiffeners of metal 20,893 476,471 197,978 2,579,633

6406109000 Uppers & parts thereof, oth than stiffeners of oth than metal 621,055 1,786,111 1,002,656 6,843,579

6406200000 Parts of footwear with outer soles &heels, of rubber/plastics 394,869 5,052,304 1,656,894 17,867,063

6406910000 Parts of footwear of wood 218 8,275 1,201 101,721

6406991100 Oth part of footwear of oth materialsof iron/steel 39,867 495,581 198,777 3,772,845

6406991200 Oth part of footwear of oth materialsof copper 0 10,597 0 27,364



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

6406991900 Oth part of footwear of oth materialsoth thn iron/steel, copper 46,885 352,980 60,443 401,360

6406992100 Oth part of footwear of oth materialsof rubber/plastic in-soles 8,493 213,138 89,729 1,212,645

6406992900 Oth part of footwear of oth materialsof rubber/plastic out-soles 26,070 137,354 194,875 792,143

6406999000 Oth parts of footwear 199,230 1,975,481 1,067,135 12,348,315

6501000000 Hat-forms,bodies,hood of felt,not blockshape, not brims, plateoux, manchons 226 23,633 5,231 53,865

6502000000 Hat-shapes, plaited,by assembling stripof any material, no block shape,lined 0 762 0 16,525

6504000000 Hats,oth headgear/plaited,by assemblingstrips of any material, trimmed/not 1,040 60,018 15,679 166,915

6505100000 Hat&oth headgear, knitt/crochet,hair-nets 374 104,325 5,507 1,111,718

6505900000 Hat&oth headgear, knitt/crochet,oth than hair-nets 17,542 194,111 176,477 1,024,081

6506101000 Protective helmets for motorcyclistswhether/not lined/trimmed 135,120 1,746,476 410,056 5,196,792

6506102000 Industrial safety helmets, oth thansteel helmets whether/not lined 19,063 79,078 187,676 628,290

6506103000 Steel helmets 721 3,389 4,260 32,826

6506109000 Oth safety headgear 47,722 364,114 146,001 1,735,272

6506910000 Oth headgear of rubber/of plastics 7,230 58,117 17,758 141,844

6506991000 Nonwoven disposable headgear of othmaterials 0 31 0 7,211

6506999000 Nonwoven oth than disposable headgearof oth materials 20,335 130,624 33,783 855,594

6507000000 Head-band,lining,cover,hat foundation,hat frame,peak&chinstrap,for head-gear 37,921 463,018 194,445 1,873,641

6601100000 Garden/similar umbrellas 2,494 166,761 6,002 274,140

6601910000 Umbrellas having a telescopic shaft 188,375 1,132,374 250,823 1,037,739

6601990000 Umbrellas not having a telescopic shaft 200,919 3,403,144 355,584 3,989,969

6602000000 Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips,riding crops & the like. 157 15,986 147 62,929

6603200000 Umbrella frames, including framesmounted on shafts (sticks) 83,982 809,225 103,391 1,078,653

6603901000 Parts ror articles of heading 66.01 15,165 170,590 15,525 221,552

6603902000 Parts for articles of heading 66.02 0 14,773 0 109,232

6701000000 Skin&oth part f bird w their feathr/down, feathr/down,feathr,part of feathrs 6,014 77,417 9,690 481,876

6702100000 Artificial flower, foliage,fruit, partsof plastics 66,231 867,572 111,856 1,498,722

6702900000 Artificial flower, foliage,fruit, partsof oth materials 73,814 370,552 248,469 945,191

6703000000 Human hair, dressed, thinned,bleached,othwise worked for wigs/the like 1,139 24,971 54,447 1,287,079

6704110000 Complete wigs of synthetic materials 4,246 18,535 17,267 160,177

6704190000 False beards, eyebrows,eyelashes,switches of synthetic materials 403 34,348 1,635 306,508

6704200000 Wigs, false beards, eyebrows,eyelashes,of human hair 1 882 111 33,080

6704900000 Wigs, false beards, eyebrows,eyelashes,of oth materials 1,208 23,014 4,852 268,218

6801000000 Setts, curbstones & flagstones, ofnaturals stone (except slate) 313,758 2,485,311 79,857 580,858

6802100000 Tiles, cubes,similar articles, square<7 cm, art. colored, chipping & powder 3,007 92,885 6,352 154,724

6802210000 Marble, travertine & alabaster, simplycut/sawn a flat/even surface 1,886,018 9,685,738 847,144 3,200,093

6802230010 Oth monumntl/buildng ston&artcl thereof,granite polished slabs 1,613,607 9,116,049 560,723 2,837,040

6802230090 Oth monumntl/buildng ston&artcl thereof,granite oth thn polished slabs 4,600 1,996,269 6,868 586,820

6802290000 Monumental/building stone, simplycut/sawn a flat/even surface 66,450 259,579 10,097 67,172

6802910000 Marble, travertine & alabaster, futherworked 577,117 12,021,658 276,171 4,116,673

6802920000 Calcareous stone, further worked 0 2,889 0 86,135

6802930000 Granite further worked 187,406 4,404,922 63,939 1,375,485

6802990000 Monumental/building stone, furtherworked 8,638 331,206 5,957 267,836

6803000010 Slate(work&article/of agglomerat)slabs/roofing slates 47,008 201,909 27,698 117,041

6803000090 Slate(work&article/of agglomerat)oth thn slabs/roofing slates 13,587 142,146 61,194 100,892

6804100000 Millstones & grindstones for milling,grinding/pulping 662,857 5,486,497 1,287,994 8,721,918

6804210000 Millstones, grindstones, grinding ofagglomerated synthetic/natural diamond 33,939 466,865 233,923 2,374,146

6804220000 Oth millstone,grindstone,grinding wheel&the like of oth agglomert abrasv/ceramc 282,879 4,238,424 1,021,397 10,301,939

6804230000 Oth millstone,grindstone,grinding wheel&the like of natural stone 92,134 1,099,960 190,976 1,250,532

6804300000 Hand sharpening/polishing stones 328,977 2,730,525 303,345 5,125,536

6805100000 Natural, art. abrasive powder,grainon a base of woven textile fabric only 112,643 966,574 547,425 3,905,892

6805201000 Polishing discs on base of paper/paperboard only 2,357 94,429 22,158 579,679

6805209000 Oth natural abrasive on base of paperor paperboard only 262,241 1,973,965 534,514 5,439,244

6805300010 Abrasiv powder/grain,natural/artificial,base of oth materl,polishing discs 6,913 170,646 78,116 884,072

6805300090 Abrasiv powder/grain,natural/artificial,base of oth materl,oth thn polish disc 109,780 1,113,855 254,619 2,479,344

6806100000 Slag wool, rock wool & similar mineralwools, in bulk, sheets/rolls 498,235 6,429,276 540,918 7,123,679

6806200000 Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays,foamed slag,similar exp.mineral mtrials 22,465 115,633 58,720 333,229

6806900000 Insulating, sound-insulating/sound-absorbing mineral materials 727,712 4,066,495 1,591,634 5,972,070

6807100000 Articles of asphalt/of similarmaterial in rolls 393,537 3,768,686 211,969 2,403,468

6807900000 Oth articles asphalt/similar material 1,365,027 8,212,908 945,432 5,266,287

6808000000 Panels, boards, tiles, & similar art.of vegetable fibre, agg with cement etc 135,173 1,208,864 90,084 885,311

6809110000 Boards, sheets faced, reinforced withpaper/board only 1,596,000 14,378,542 322,997 2,454,617

6809190000 Board, sheet not faced, reinforced withpaper/board only 1,256,155 18,511,713 279,929 3,257,448

6809909000 Articles of plaster/of compositionsbased on plaster oth than dental moulds 406 35,231 9,439 48,077

6810110000 Tile,flagstone,bricksimilar articlebuilding blocks & bricks 92,655 2,107,901 51,106 619,194

6810190000 Tile,flagstone,bricksimilar articleoth thn building block&brick 39,893 1,841,819 167,684 1,466,793

6810910010 Prefabrcat structrl componnt for build/civil engineering concrete building pile 0 8,080 0 5,977

6810910090 Prefabrcat structrl componnt for build/civil engineer oth thn concrt build pile 10,255 1,003,575 8,600 281,060

6810990090 Oth prefabricated structural component 46,457 614,756 48,246 624,583

6811400000 Article of cemnt,cellulosefibr/the likecontaining asbestos 942,756 6,059,202 139,054 2,223,220

6811810000 Article of cemnt,cellulosefibr/the likenot containing asbestos corrugated sheet 10 319,047 63 294,067

6811820000 Article of cemnt,cellulosefibr/the likeoth sheet,panel,tile&similar article 783,098 5,649,754 196,192 1,190,761

6811830000 Article of cemnt,cellulosefibr/the liketubes, pipes and tubes/pipe fittings 579 33,606 2,797 94,011

6811890000 Oth article of cement,cellulosefiber/the like 7,704 241,556 28,786 1,085,369



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

6812801000 Cloth&accessori,paper,millboard&felt,fabricated crocidolite fibres 49 70,413 984 33,696

6812809000 Oth thn cloth&accessori,millboard&felt,paper,fabricated crocidolite fibres 50,477 672,796 320,078 4,802,360

6812910000 Oth fabricat asbestos fibres;mix with aasbestos,cloth&accessr,footwear&headgear 311 22,419 2,192 66,828

6812920000 Oth fabricat asbestos fibres;mix with aasbestos,paper,millboard&felt 3,581 119,331 19,852 293,084

6812930000 Oth fabricat asbestos fibres;mix with aasbstos,compres fbrs joint,in sheet/roll 51,743 360,777 89,274 562,539

6812991000 Oth fabricat asbestos fibres;mix with aasbests,cloth&accessori,paper,millboard 18,219 25,892 10,850 25,501

6812999000 Oth fabricat asbestos fibres;mix with aasbestos,oth woven/knitted fabrics 313,542 1,405,881 157,887 1,304,317

6813200000 Friction material and articles thereofcontaining asbestos 29,729 210,487 81,269 970,191

6813810000 Friction material&article thereof notcontaining asbestos brake lining&pad 97,789 1,003,722 655,170 5,581,715

6813890000 Friction material&article thereof notcontainng asbests oth brake lining&pad 159,379 1,455,625 1,189,794 12,181,030

6814100010 Worked mica & articles of mica, agglomerated,sheets,strips,simply cut to shape 23,693 318,693 51,457 684,241

6814100090 Oth worked mica & articles of mica,agglomerated, reconstituted 1,073 4,410 1,808 132,858

6814900010 Worked mica & articles of mica, in rolls& pieces, simply cut to shape 698 9,267 11,119 90,198

6814900090 Oths worked mica & articles of mica 2,225 11,872 6,592 109,661

6815101000 Yarn/thread non-electrical articlesgraphite/carbon 1,072 11,791 14,672 98,628

6815102000 Bricks, paving slabs, floor tiles, etcnon electrical articles graphite/carbon 88,453 871,208 66,680 597,220

6815109000 Oth non electrical articles graphiteor carbon 14,073 145,685 127,734 806,979

6815200000 Articles of peat 0 27,865 0 32,099

6815910000 Articles of stone, contents magnesite,dolomite/chromite 1,349 1,747,340 5,693 555,420

6815990000 Oth articles of stone,oth thn contentmagnesite,dolomite/chromite 8,650 166,497 32,683 194,507

6901000000 Bricks,blocks,tiles & oth ceramic goodsof siliceous fossil meals/of similar 38,875 810,676 46,568 870,386

6902100000 Goods of siliceous cont by weight,singly/together mg,ca,cr > 50% 398,125 10,606,567 301,321 12,427,484

6902200000 Goods of siliceous cont by weight,singly/together alumina,silica > 50% 828,122 14,924,308 1,144,088 13,997,881

6902900000 Goods of siliceous cont by weight, ofoth metals compound 5,366,751 35,585,036 7,258,623 39,933,781

6903100000 Oth refractory ceramic goods cont byweight, graphite/carbon > 50 % 44 178,403 7,351 1,012,802

6903200000 Oth refractory ceramic goods cont byweight, alumina/silica > 50% 75,895 721,377 296,631 1,524,102

6903900000 Oth refractory ceramic goods cont byweight, oth metal compound > 50% 421,759 3,595,816 1,978,500 19,149,259

6904100000 Ceramics building bricks 16,206 179,523 30,099 114,673

6904900000 Flooring blocks, support/filler tiles& the like 34,500 73,616 24,424 195,177

6905100000 Roofing tiles of ceramic 37,649 471,460 24,083 267,874

6905901000 Lining bricks for ball millslining bricks for ball mills 0 986 0 11,058

6905909000 Chimney-pots,cowls,chimney liners, architectural ornaments & oth ceramic constr 0 32,797 0 35,428

6906000000 Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering,pipefittings. 47,664 138,649 422,064 1,180,889

6907100000 Tile,cube&similar article,whether/notrectangular,circle <7cm 17 188,061 176 105,883

6907900000 Oth thn tile,cube&similar article,whether/not rectangular,circle<7cm 9,564,757 96,911,104 2,513,097 22,892,378

6908100000 Oth thn tile,cube&similar article,whether/not rectangular,circle>=7cm 718,640 2,901,149 222,784 968,586

6908901000 Oth thn tile,cube&similar articl,whethr/not rectangular,circle>=7cm,plain tile 1,146,146 6,360,160 296,222 1,424,411

6908909000 Oth tiles 5,775,536 50,680,141 1,805,311 14,532,123

6909110000 Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemicalor oth technical of porcelain/china 5,228 203,425 34,429 611,629

6909120000 Cermaic wares having a hardness >= 9the mohs scale 358,499 1,828,184 425,941 2,700,231

6909190000 Oth ceramic wares for laboratory,chemical/oth technical uses 16,344 54,865 163,329 886,136

6909900000 Ceramic trough,tub,used in agricultureceramic pots, jars for packing of goods 16,345 98,113 35,749 360,919

6910100000 Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basinof porcelain/china 883,567 5,432,020 856,378 4,456,548

6910900000 Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basinof oth than porcelain/china 305,001 2,284,825 267,921 2,434,248

6911100000 Tableware & kitchenware of porcelain/china 2,046,913 19,865,136 852,498 8,623,699

6911900000 Oth household, toilet articles ofporcelain/china 2,577 278,373 47,817 889,314

6912000000 Tableware & kitchenware, oth householdtoilet art, oth than porcelain/china 94,657 794,127 177,399 842,508

6913100000 Statuettes & oth ornamental ceramic art.of porcelain/china 54,729 624,512 52,185 513,411

6913900000 Statuettes & oth ornamental ceramic art.of oth than porcelain/china 14,278 151,054 82,511 362,889

6914100000 Oth ceramic articles of porcelain/china 168 223,304 726 575,433

6914900000 Oth ceramic articles of oth thanporcelain/china 10,105 831,825 9,089 2,540,060

7001000000 Cullet & oth waste & scrap of glass;glass in the mass. 3,146,395 24,726,398 223,731 2,107,524

7002100000 Glass in balls 24,206 571,534 69,987 291,917

7002200000 Glass in rods 3,342 42,559 11,850 183,161

7002311000 Fused quartz/oth fused silica forvacuum tubes 0 10,404 0 244,864

7002319010 Fused quartz/oth fused silica forenamel glass 0 35,146 0 540,986

7002319090 Glass in ball,tube of fused quartz/othfuse silca,oth thn boro silict glas tube 39,804 264,010 25,722 302,466

7002321000 Glass having a linear coefficient 0-300celcius for vacuum tubes 0 1,770 0 9,191

7002329010 Glass having a linear coefficient 0-300celcius for venamel glass 468,678 3,819,569 857,768 7,104,224

7002329090 Glass having a linear coefficient 0-300celc oth thn vacum/boro silict glas tube 60,429 160,459 803,319 1,111,233

7002391000 Oth transparent neutral glass forvacuum tubes 3,108 36,945 10,900 95,512

7002399010 Oth transparent neutral glass for enamelglass 0 20,212 0 112,904

7002399090 Oth glass having linear coeff. 0-300coth thn vacum&boro silict glas tube 36 32,600 924 144,877

7003121000 Optical colored glass, not opticallyworked 28,827 201,720 253,699 2,152,449

7003122000 Non wired sheets,in squares/rectangularshape incl.1,2,3,4 corners cut, colored 282,068 703,006 72,539 298,872

7003129000 Oth non-wired sheets colored glass 111,447 1,018,729 69,613 435,686

7003191000 Optical glass, not optically workedoth colored 0 8,350 0 15,200

7003199000 Oth non-wired sheets not colored glassor profiles 476,340 3,796,956 123,974 1,043,563

7003200000 Cast glass and rolled glass,wired sheets 30 35,208 324 46,468

7003300000 Cast glass and rolled glass,profiles 94 96,949 685 61,516

7004201000 Optical drawn,blown glass,not opticallyworked opacified, flashed, absorbent 0 125 0 4,712

7004209000 Optical drawn, blown glass, opticallyworked,flashed,opacified, absorbent 246,794 5,139,994 210,750 1,827,756

7004909000 Oth optical drawn,blown glass,opticallyworked,flashed,opacified, absorbent 1,058,320 6,412,068 327,871 2,003,020



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7005101000 Optical float glass,not optically worked,flashed,opacified, absorbent 0 2,439 0 6,435

7005109000 Float glass in sheet, optically workedflashed, opacified, absorbent 398,831 6,514,318 157,506 2,136,891

7005211000 Oth non-wired glass, colored, opacifiedoptical glass, not optically worked 0 408,935 0 220,339

7005219000 Oth non-wired glass, colored, opticallyworked, flashed, opacified 120,476 1,049,635 119,763 804,665

7005291000 Oth non-wired glass, not colored, notoptically worked 0 1,350 0 1,130

7005299000 Oth non-wired glass, not colored,optically worked 416,427 2,878,792 163,118 1,093,112

7006001000 Optical glass, not optically workedfor glass of heading 70,03,70.04,70.05 0 33,602 0 148,550

7006009000 Optical glass, optically worked forglass of heading 70,03,70.04,70.05 188,436 2,331,507 115,368 2,771,362

7007111000 Toughened (tempered) safety glasssuitable for vehicles of chapter 87 147,944 951,823 585,429 4,822,630

7007114000 Toughened (tempered) safety glass suitable for ships,boats,floating chapter 89 0 4,162 0 3,865

7007191000 Toughened (tempered) safety glass suitable for earth moving machinery 531 21,678 3,824 47,010

7007199000 Toughened (tempered) safety glass suitable for oth machinery 9,565 546,570 174,543 1,641,237

7007211000 Laminated safety glass suitable forvehicles of chapter 87 33,738 431,377 230,392 1,913,754

7007212000 Laminated safety glass suitable foraircraft/spacecraft of chapter 88 0 46 0 487

7007214000 Laminated safety glass suitable forships,boats,floating struct, chapter 88 0 19,637 0 11,544

7007291000 Laminated safety glass suitable forearth moving machinery 69 1,283 2,141 17,053

7007299000 Laminated safety glass suitable foroth machinery 54,566 97,919 74,118 272,064

7008000000 Multiple-walled insulating units ofglass. 59,132 223,938 31,007 174,834

7009100000 Rear-view mirrors for vehicles 150,468 1,624,619 1,288,546 11,885,867

7009910000 Glass mirros, unframed 144,567 1,062,893 413,938 1,885,943

7009920000 Glass mirros, framed 39,025 530,889 115,454 1,026,357

7010100000 Ampoules of glass 92,853 351,196 43,999 886,533

7010200000 Stoppers, lids & oth closures of glass 5,468 141,747 73,258 433,350

7010901000 Carboys, demijohns & bottles for injectables of a capacity > 1 ltr, of glass 918 104,376 449 72,885

7010902000 Bottles & vials for antibiotics, serums& oth injectables of capacity < 1 ltr 394,698 2,225,056 245,389 1,734,036

7010903000 Oth bottles for intravenous fluids ofglass 32,843 241,135 46,016 336,785

7010909000 Flask, jars, pots, phials, oth containerof glass 5,948,305 51,007,602 2,951,097 26,305,342

7011101000 Stem for electric lighting 12,767 46,806 9,587 909,549

7011109000 Glass envelops for electric lightingoth than stem 138,651 1,634,605 186,879 1,490,356

7011201000 Television tubes, cathode-ray tubes 4,697,639 69,212,713 4,459,441 59,848,015

7011209000 Cathode-ray tubes, oth than television 196 6,527 53,105 66,818

7011900000 Oth glass envelopes, bulbs,tubes,open& glass parts thrf, without fitting 384 120,933 4,508 149,030

7013100000 Glassware of a kind used for table,kitchen, toilet, office of glass-ceramic 249,169 2,548,486 484,134 3,515,432

7013220000 Stemware drinking glasses, of leadcrystal 68 411 1,105 37,178

7013280000 Stemware drinking glasses, neitherglass-ceramics nor lead crystal 276,164 2,576,363 419,910 3,530,737

7013330000 Other drinking glasses, of lead crystal 0 8,607 0 7,991

7013370000 Other drinking glasses, neitherglass-ceramics nor lead crystal 318,286 1,537,707 463,556 2,450,884

7013410000 Glassware for table (not drinking glass)kitchen purposes, of lead crystal 88 9,517 252 23,112

7013420000 Glassware for table (not drinking glass)ktchn,linear coef<5x10-6/Kelvin,0-3000C 0 16,413 0 24,536

7013490000 Oth glassware for table(not drink glass)kitchen purposes, not ceramics 76,941 1,035,274 161,163 1,605,777

7013910000 Other glassware of lead crystal 12,496 50,102 4,193 75,842

7013990000 Other glassware 715,543 4,576,847 1,206,819 6,965,846

7014001000 Signalling glassware & optical elementfor motor vehicles 803 44,465 8,064 171,132

7014009010 Lighthouse lamp,ship/locomotive/railwaylentern, aircraft, beacons aerodromes 1,166 12,673 25,827 48,404

7014009090 Other signalling glassware & opticalelements of glass, not optically worked 6,684 117,162 18,645 363,084

7015100000 Glasses for corrective spectacles 33,715 268,479 536,384 3,845,665

7015901000 Clock or watch glasses 157 2,113 265 22,519

7015909000 Glasses for non-corrective spectacles;hollow glass spheres & their segments 4,821 343,723 10,667 11,466,081

7016100000 Glass cubes & oth glass smallwares,for mosaics or decorative purposes 65,827 336,293 58,346 373,098

7016900000 Oth articles of moulded glass; leadedlights; multicellular & smlr forms 323,351 3,764,795 193,491 2,651,632

7017101000 Quartz reactor tubes and holders,for production of semiconductor 0 4,715 0 44,196

7017109000 Other laboratory or pharmaceuticalof fused quartz or oth fused silica 18,130 169,664 296,172 2,045,417

7017200000 Laboratry, hygienic/pharmaceutical withcoef< 5x10-6/kelvin, 0 - 3000 c 2,728 59,601 39,382 493,050

7017900000 Laboratory, hygienic/pharmaceuticalglassware, fused quartz/oth fused silica 14,526 134,053 131,518 1,324,215

7018100000 Glass beads, imitation pearls,imitation precious & glass smallwares 308,855 3,029,120 342,358 3,122,707

7018200000 Glass microspheres <=1mm in diameter 67,000 424,971 21,604 223,582

7018900000 Glass eyes, not prsthtc artcls, ornamntof lamp-worked glass,not imittn jewellry 32,883 425,221 67,730 861,910

7019110000 Chopped strands,of a length <= 50 mm 57,194 445,767 70,730 655,459

7019120000 Rovings of glass fibres 616,533 4,050,768 399,043 3,432,653

7019191000 Yarn of glass fibres 0 256,867 0 182,175

7019199000 Sliver & chopped strand of glass fibers 180,062 1,686,362 449,018 6,531,666

7019310000 Mats of glass fibres 342,236 6,453,702 538,107 9,088,743

7019320000 Thin sheets (voiles) of glass fibres 20,017 281,684 33,918 371,629

7019391000 Asphalt/coal-tar impregnatd glass-fibreouterwrap for pipelines 9,820 248,575 18,254 388,968

7019399000 Mattresses,boards and similarnonwoven products of glass fibres 87,603 1,888,328 148,831 2,844,888

7019400000 Woven fabrics of glass fibres rovings 147,016 1,603,080 156,324 1,715,725

7019510000 Oth woven fabric,of a width <= 30 cm 27 1,943 1,892 24,413

7019520000 Oth woven fabric,of a width > 30 cmplain weave, of single yarn 0 30,526 0 35,171

7019590000 Oth woven fabric,of a width > 30 cm 8,659 126,807 21,486 632,948

7019903000 Escape chutes of glass fibres 1,487 2,242 2,415 14,143

7019909000 Other articles of glass fibres 277,590 2,340,546 393,974 4,835,146

7020001100 Glass moulds for the manufacture ofacrylic goods 4,002 61,177 22,082 147,213

7020001900 Glass moulds for other purposes 129 12,529 351 72,751



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7020002000 Quartz reactor tubes & holders designedfor production of semiconductor wafers 0 59 0 610

7020009000 Other articles of glass. 161,646 1,689,096 298,745 2,731,010

7101100000 Natural pearls 0 1,486 0 35,099

7101220000 Cultured pearls, worked 1 7 100 638

7102100000 Diamonds, unsorted 0 1 0 151

7102210000 Diamonds, unworked or simply sawn,cleaved or bruted, industrial 0 61,851 0 23,714

7102290000 Diamonds, worked, not mounted or set,industrial 0 17 0 9,719

7103910000 Rubies, sapphires & emeralds, worked 1 15 15 299,255

7103990000 Other precious stones, worked 0 1,202 0 42,902

7104101000 Piezo-electric quartz, unworked 435 7,154 25,920 276,707

7104102000 Piezo-electric quartz, worked 2,585 24,586 43,000 352,363

7104900000 Other synthetic precious stones,worked 3,023 35,519 72,324 381,390

7105100000 Dust and powder of diamonds 2 1,243 851 77,366

7105900000 Dust & powder of other natural orsynthetic precious/semi precious stones 264 1,030 4,174 9,028

7106100000 Silver powder 3,000 5,786 906,687 1,711,398

7106910000 Silver, unwrought 2,212 30,802 588,509 3,461,389

7106920000 Silver, semi-manufactured 8,040 16,470 544,935 4,932,788

7107000000 Base metals clad with silver,notfurther worked than semi-manufactured. 0 3,532 0 63,251

7108110000 Gold powder 28 2,254 65,317 686,469

7108121000 Gold in lumps, ingots or cast bars 46 1,928 854,025 5,453,857

7108129000 Gold in other unwrought forms : 32,037 75,045 1,250,261 7,601,775

7108130000 Gold,non monetary,oth semi-manufacturedform 105 10,365 1,250,534 15,319,707

7109000000 Base metals/silver,clad with gold notfurther worked than semi-manufactured 116 532 17,115 223,332

7110111000 Platinum, in lumps, ingots, cast bars,powder or sponge 0 116,172 0 251,828

7110119000 Platinum in oth form, unwrought 0 45 0 4,024

7110190000 Platinum, wrought 3 241 9 5,502

7110212000 Palladum in lumps, ingots, cast bars,powder or sponge 10 30,719 683 146,579

7110219000 Palladum, unwrouht, in other form 0 721 0 49,872

7110290000 Palladum, wrought 0 1 0 6,358

7110390000 Rhodium, wrought 23 24 210 235

7110411000 Iridium, osmium & ruthenium in lumpsingots,cast bars,powder or sponge 0 164 0 331

7110490000 Iridium, osmium & ruthenium, wrought 0 52 0 195

7111001000 Silver or gold, clad with platinumsemi-manufactured 38 41 24,666 35,981

7111009000 Base metals, clad with platinumsemi-manufactured 0 55 0 26,356

7112300000 Ash containing precious metal orprecious metal compounds 0 8 0 603

7112910000 Waste & scrap of gold, incl. metalclad with gold 0 53 0 7,907

7112999000 Waste & scrap of oth precious metal 0 11 0 166

7113111000 Parts of jewellery of silver 1,053 12,005 494,988 4,436,018

7113119000 Jewellery of silver 1,273 19,716 1,340 72,916

7113191000 Parts of jewellery of other preciousmetal 44 1,040 38,429 177,836

7113199000 Jewellery of other precious metal 111 933 127,236 1,481,970

7113201000 Parts of jewellery of base metal,clad with precious metal 404 1,194 709 18,429

7113209000 Jewellery of base metal, clad withprecious metal 3 9,415 125 37,918

7114110000 Articles of silversmiths wares ofsilver, whether or not plated or clad 0 25,771 0 12,852

7114190000 Articles of goldsmiths wares ofoth precious metal, 0 91 0 1,490

7114200000 Articles of goldsmiths wares ofbase metals, clad with precious metal 7 819 369 11,484

7115100000 Catalysts of platinum, in the formof wire cloth or grill 19 51,359 1,075 2,891,517

7115901000 Other articles of golds or silver 0 636 0 27,678

7115902000 Other articles of metal clad with goldor silver 13 13 29,032 29,032

7115909000 Oth articles of precious metal/of metalclad with precious metal 0 1,452 0 5,961

7116100000 Articles of natural/cultured pearls 0 1,972 0 4,500

7116200000 Articles of precious/semi-preciousstones(natural/synthetic/reconstructed) 0 29 0 25,316

7117111000 Parts cuff-links and studs, of basemetal, whether or not plated 9 788 1,032 16,053

7117119000 Cuff-links and studs of base metalwhether/not plated with precious metal 5,600 57,363 37,441 356,607

7117191000 Bangles of base metal, whether or notplated with precious metal 3,428 78,810 14,598 285,498

7117192000 Parts of oth imitation jewelleryof base metal, whether or not plated 0 10,494 0 20,130

7117199000 Other imitation jewellery of base metalwhether or not plated 62,664 1,078,356 936,055 5,298,056

7117901000 Bangles 9,328 46,874 25,926 132,746

7117902000 Other imitation jewellery 221,451 1,018,806 417,122 2,594,684

7117909000 Parts of imitation jewellery 7,979 31,141 20,862 133,219

7118101000 Silver coin, not being legal tender 0 11 0 118

7118109000 Oth coin (not gold coin), not beinglegal tender 1,104 5,535 2,528 13,497

7118901000 Gold coin, whether or not legal tender 0 1 0 426

7118909000 Oth coin (oth than gold/silver coin) 16 54 168 1,405

7201100000 Non-alloy pig iron cont. by weight0.5% or less of phosphorus 245,900 128,700,509 189,530 71,459,243

7201200000 Non-alloy pig iron cont. by weightmore than 0.5% of phosphorus 0 2 0 2,479

7201500000 Alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen 616 30,284,143 35,366 15,386,022

7202110000 Ferro-manganese, cont. by weight morethan 2% of carbon 169,710 7,548,463 82,499 9,216,457

7202190000 Ferro-manganese, cont. by weight <=than 2% of carbon 468,054 3,738,417 767,830 6,146,048

7202210000 Ferro-silicon, cont. by weight morethan 55% of silicon 1,189,005 12,622,318 2,445,236 20,232,271

7202290000 Ferro-silicon, cont. by weight <=than 55% of silicon 406,149 4,573,764 658,620 6,257,707

7202300000 Ferro-silico-manganese 4,121,290 37,915,180 9,818,352 72,453,382

7202410000 Ferro-chromium, cont. by weight morethan 4% of carbon 139,882 1,305,097 303,704 2,849,363



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7202490000 Ferro-chromium, cont. by weight <=than 4% of carbon 36,675 1,102,770 230,787 2,741,471

7202500000 Ferro-silico-chromium 51,051 51,051 91,545 91,545

7202600000 Ferro-nickel 0 9,387 0 103,982

7202700000 Ferro-molybdenum 10,219 174,508 458,361 6,124,809

7202800000 Ferro-tungsten & ferro-silico-tungsten 0 7,670 0 78,242

7202910000 Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titanium 0 36,772 0 212,304

7202920000 Ferro-vanadium 1,897 9,186 25,962 223,775

7202930000 Ferro-niobium 0 11,673 0 115,691

7202990000 Other ferro-alloys 259,094 2,294,123 717,321 4,514,438

7203100000 Ferrous products obtained by directreduction of iron ore 39,800 228,007,147 29,850 115,383,791

7203900000 Other ferrous products 10,997,290 22,149,313 8,305,593 13,491,341

7204100000 Waste and scrap of cast iron 6,399,052 29,698,338 3,164,680 15,817,364

7204210000 Waste and scrap of stainless steel 0 6,777,464 0 4,425,941

7204290000 Waste and scrap of oth alloy steel 45,289,613 504,386,350 32,005,133 282,228,147

7204300000 Waste & scrap of tinned iron or steel 816,972 14,683,012 613,775 6,595,276

7204410000 Turnings,shavings,chips,milling waste,sawdust,filings,trimmings & stampings 502,905 5,519,791 296,560 2,345,940

7204490000 Other ferrous waste and scrap : 83,813,571 1,052,155,118 52,212,536 548,283,520

7204500000 Remelting scrap ingots 5,148 16,469 43,671 141,457

7205100000 Granules of pig iron, spiegeleison,iron or steel 603,667 31,281,920 735,535 19,155,855

7205210000 Powder of alloy steel 71,549 721,138 158,006 1,312,954

7205290000 Powder of pig iron, spiegeleison,iron or steel (oth than alloy steel) 420,551 2,826,588 490,962 3,585,470

7206101000 Iron and non-alloy in ingotscontaining by weight > 0.6% of carbon 4,847 70,241 6,377 48,791

7206109000 Iron and non-alloy in ingotscontaining by weight <= 0.6% of carbon 20,156 92,191 23,687 130,944

7206900000 Iron and non-alloy in primaryform other than ingots 89,400 1,092,498 1,149,552 13,006,731

7207110000 Semi-finished iron/non-alloycont. < 0,25% carbon ,rectnglr,square 3,895,202 315,012,441 3,900,913 236,480,048

7207121000 Slabs of iron/non alloy, cont.< 0,25%of carbon, other than square 101,880,926 1,330,982,338 108,676,741 1,039,927,563

7207129000 Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloycont.< 0,25% carbon ,rectnglr,not square 6,049,483 141,514,142 6,086,277 100,078,083

7207190000 Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloycont.< 0,25% of carbon 2,586,863 3,765,328 2,881,134 5,180,988

7207201100 Slabs of iron/non alloy,cont.by weight> 0.6% of carbon 0 313,893,846 0 183,537,610

7207201900 Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloycont. by weight > 0,6% of carbon 1,011,280 17,633,772 541,561 11,246,452

7207209900 Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloycont.by weight 0,25% <= carbon <= 0,6% 6,051,659 62,067,139 7,196,399 58,221,501

7208100000 Flat-rolled iron/nas,HRC,reliefwidth > 600 mm 282,759 21,778,819 321,114 17,328,438

7208251000 Flat-rolled iron/nas,HRC,pickled,width>600 mm, thick >= 4.75 mm for re-rolling 1,977,839 5,957,919 2,193,297 5,446,254

7208259000 Flat-rolled iron/nas,HRC,pickled,width>600 mm.thick>= 4.75 mm,not re-rolling 7,156,721 48,984,335 8,629,583 50,639,985

7208260000 Flat-rolled iron/nas,HRC,pickled,width>600,thick > 3 mm or but thick< 4,75 mm 10,830,533 80,559,131 11,082,186 66,034,772

7208270000 Flat-rolled iron/nas,HRC,pickled,width>600mm, of a thickness of less than 3 mm 21,952,458 191,461,126 23,012,353 152,606,904

7208360000 Flat-rolled iron/nas, HRC,width >600 mm, thick >10 mm 7,078,233 63,154,189 8,642,790 56,084,770

7208370000 flat-rolled iron/nas, HRC,width >600 mm, of a 4,75< thick< 10mm 3,859,865 73,093,172 4,653,384 58,462,993

7208380000 flat-rolled iron/nas, HRC,width >600 mm, of a 3< thick< 4,75 mm 4,877,566 66,352,846 5,225,988 50,087,339

7208390000 Flat-rolled iron/nas, HRC,width >600 mm, thick< 3 mm 16,633,550 405,146,254 17,586,651 317,709,281

7208400000 Flat-rolled iron/nas, HRnCrelief 1,504,326 11,291,364 1,444,232 8,274,029

7208510000 Flat-rolled iron/nas, HRnC,width>600 mm, of a thickness > 10 mm 14,764,839 173,870,046 18,116,879 184,643,973

7208520000 Flat-rolled iron/nas, HRnC,width>600 mm, 4,75 < thickness < 10 mm 10,681,105 112,601,307 11,943,592 102,245,005

7208530000 Flat-rolled iron/nas, HRnC,width>600 mm, 3 < thickness < 4,75 mm 664,328 6,735,707 790,812 6,121,804

7208540000 Flat-rolled iron/nas, HRnC,width>600 mm, thickness < 3 mm 1,890,003 14,248,364 1,531,839 10,010,500

7208900000 Other Flat-rolled iron/nas 4,405,930 45,296,285 5,306,603 44,781,958

7209150000 Flat-rol in coils, cold-rolledwidth > 600 mm, thickness >3 mm 651,114 7,874,972 665,880 6,458,133

7209160010 Flat-crc, pickled or not, 1<thick<3mm,600 < width < 1250 mm 15,007,067 108,935,989 12,883,505 86,578,973

7209160090 Flat-crc, pickled or not, 1<thick<3mm,width > 1250 mm 2,318,350 37,799,725 2,055,021 32,283,684

7209170010 Flat-crc, pickled or not, 0.5<thick<1mm,600 < width < 1250 mm 17,618,925 171,654,923 15,016,928 133,271,161

7209170090 Flat-crc, 0.5<thickness<1mmwidth > 1250 mm 12,329,132 107,074,930 11,117,194 79,161,426

7209181000 Tin-mill blackplate (tmbp), crcof a thickness < 0.5 mm 6,712,672 113,782,568 7,354,598 95,471,100

7209182000 Flat-crc, thickness<= 0,17 mmcontaining by weight<= 0.6% of carbon 185,825 1,814,605 219,321 1,876,290

7209189000 Flat-crc, 0,17< thickness< 0,5 mmcontaining by weight<= 0.6% of carbon 7,740,289 117,647,616 6,152,320 91,200,828

7209250000 Flat of iron/non-alloy, not in coilcold rolled, of a thickness >= 3 mm 2,319,586 22,959,081 1,407,259 15,438,727

7209260010 Flat of iron/non-alloy, not coil,coldrolled,1mm<thickness<3mm,width=<1,250 mm 0 629,493 0 396,524

7209260090 Flat of iron/non-alloy, not coil,coldrolled,1 mm<thickness<3mm,width>1,250 mm 24,372 172,259 28,886 364,094

7209270010 Flat of iron/non-alloy,not coil,coldrolled,0.5mm=<thicknes<1mm,width<1,250mm 51,261 477,461 105,931 525,505

7209270090 Oth flat of iron/non-alloy,not incoil,cold rolled,0.5mm =< thickness<1 mm 13,779 1,756,390 32,554 1,642,009

7209281000 Flat-CRnC, thickness<= 0,17 mmcontaining by weight<= 0.6% of carbon 16,756 136,116 17,217 119,068

7209289000 Flat-CRnC, 0,17< thickness< 0,5 mmcontaining by weight<= 0.6% of carbon 669,112 1,687,676 416,523 1,177,246

7209901000 Flat of iron/non-alloy, cold-rolled,corrugated form 29,296 130,586 59,873 275,218

7209909000 Flat of iron/non-alloy, cold-rolled,other than corrugated form 123,784 629,494 394,148 1,024,673

7210111000 Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon>=0.6%plated or coated with tin,thick > 0,5mm 125,420 2,670,331 181,858 3,083,798

7210119000 Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon< 0.6%plated or coated with tin,thick > 0,5mm 2,702,024 23,057,328 6,821,893 23,999,423

7210121000 Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon>=0.6%plated or coated with tin,thick < 0,5mm 1,696,746 16,009,207 2,331,994 18,396,998

7210129000 Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon< 0.6%plated or coated with tin,thick < 0,5mm 5,444,176 49,461,208 6,350,411 52,171,718

7210201000 Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon>=0.6%plated or coated with lead, thick <1,5mm 12,760 1,902,277 14,039 1,167,548

7210209000 Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon>=0.6%plated or coated with lead, thick >1,5mm 82,358 4,114,802 146,437 4,250,107

7210301000 Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon < 0.6%plated or coated with lead, thick <1,5mm 4,867,676 62,181,877 6,082,661 60,158,216

7210309000 Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon < 0.6%plated or coated with lead, thick >1,5mm 1,099,340 15,930,826 1,419,141 17,163,333

7210411000 Flat-rolled of iron/non-alloy, othwiseplated zinc,corrugated,thickness<=1.2mm 0 169 0 573

7210419000 Flat-rollof iron/nas,othwise plated zinc,carbon< 0.6% ,corrugated,thick> 1,5mm 0 3,310,595 0 2,127,835



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7210491000 Flat-rolled of iron/non-alloy, othwiseplated zinc,not corrugated,thick <=1.2mm 6,959,765 63,519,909 7,297,832 57,998,062

7210492000 Flat-rollof iron/nas,othwise plated zinccarbon< 0.6% ,n-coruugated,thick<= 1,5mm 235,483 3,406,348 239,035 3,315,104

7210499000 Flat-rolled of iron/non-alloy, othwiseplated zinc,not corrugated,thick > 1.2mm 1,403,656 21,720,919 1,438,040 18,906,914

7210500000 Flat-rolled iron/non-alloyplated with cromium & or chromium oxides 1,770,948 17,958,243 2,193,437 18,980,543

7210611000 Flat-rolled iron/non-alloyplated with alumnm-zinc,thickness<=1.2mm 8,886,468 59,390,454 11,537,377 67,404,437

7210619000 Flat-rolled iron/non-alloyplated with alumnm-zinc,thickness >1.2mm 1,632,150 12,160,023 1,468,199 11,245,567

7210691000 Flat-rolled iron/non-alloyplated with oth alumnm,thickness<=1.2mm 357,051 741,182 385,075 784,356

7210699000 Flat-rolled iron/non-alloyplated with oth alumnm,thickness >1.2mm 539,927 9,065,150 725,872 8,259,508

7210701000 Flat-rollof iron/nas,painted, varnished,coated plastics,carbon<0.6%,thick<=1,5mm 3,147,696 22,260,628 5,081,187 30,070,801

7210709000 Flat-rollof iron/nas,painted, varnished,coated plastics,carbon<0.6%,thick>1,5mm 873,957 8,086,352 1,793,974 12,074,121

7210901000 Flat-rollof iron/nas,plated,coated othmetal,carbon<0.6%,thick<=1,5mm 0 16,018 0 32,744

7210909000 Flat-rollof iron/nas,plated,coated othmetal,carbon<0.6%,thick>1,5mm 273,313 2,846,491 417,286 4,169,217

7211131000 Hoop,strip iron/not alloy, HR, not clad150 mm<width<600mm,thick <= 4mm 0 70,970 0 190,275

7211132000 Rolled on 4 faces/in closed box,HR, notclad, corrugated,carbon<=0,6%,thick<=4mm 0 1 0 1

7211139000 Rolled on 4 faces/in closed box,HR, notclad, oth shape,thick<=4mm, width>150mm 4,920,185 39,867,075 7,059,828 44,356,804

7211141000 Hoop&strip iron/not alloy, HR, not cladcarbon<=0,6%,thick>=4,75mm, width<400mm 970,376 2,324,715 464,602 1,199,872

7211149000 Oth flat-rolled iron/not alloy,not cladhr, carbon <=0,6%,thick>=4,75mm 386,641 13,279,229 523,673 14,972,463

7211191000 Hoop&strip iron/not alloy, HR, not cladcarbon<=0,6%,thick<4,75mm, width<400mm 489,184 4,745,941 588,789 3,380,132

7211193000 Oth flat-rolled iron/not alloy,not cladhr, carbon <=0,6%,thick < 0.17 mm 0 57 0 782

7211199000 Oth flat-rolled iron/not alloy,not cladhr, carbon <=0,6%, 0.17<thick<4.75 mm 1,208,171 4,621,725 1,812,437 5,533,924

7211231000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy,CR,not cladcorrugated, carbon < 0,25% 0 19,725 0 28,664

7211232000 Hoop&strip iron/not alloy,CR, not cladcarbon<=0,25%, width < 400mm 0 717,184 0 397,179

7211239010 Oth flat-rolled iron/not alloy,not cladcr, carbon < 0,25%,thick < 40 mm 0 10,094 0 26,025

7211239090 Oth flat-rolled iron/not alloy,not cladcr, carbon < 0,25%, thick >= 40 mm 307,094 4,095,044 247,722 4,513,870

7211291000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy,CR,not cladcorrugated, carbon >= 0,25% 32,112 32,112 133,400 133,400

7211292000 Hoop&strip iron/not alloy,CR, not cladcarbon >= 0,25%, width < 400mm 41,077 797,289 55,464 927,118

7211299000 Oth Hoop&strip iron/not alloy,not cladcr, carbon >= 0,25%, width < 400mm 276,378 6,565,539 491,248 6,830,514

7211901000 Oth Hoop&strip iron/not alloy,not cladwidth < 400mm 386,651 3,359,867 574,437 4,670,830

7211902000 Oth flat-rolled iron/not alloy,not cladcorrugated, carbon < 0,6% 0 1,608 0 3,965

7211903000 Oth flat-rolled iron/not alloy,not cladthickness <= 0.17 mm 0 3 0 81

7211909000 Oth flat-rolled iron/not alloy,not cladthickness > 0.17 mm 713,978 7,515,167 632,768 11,376,401

7212101000 Hoop,strip iron/not alloy, coated tin,width < 400mm 95,801 456,817 169,111 738,353

7212109000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy, coated tin,400 mm <= width < 600mm 17,894 6,375,068 28,832 6,545,933

7212201000 Hoop,strip iron/not alloy, width<400mm,elect coated with zinc 0 69,393 0 75,867

7212202000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy,width<600mm,carbon<0.6%,thick<=1,5mm,elect coat zinc 1,717 45,848 8,883 155,928

7212209000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy, other shapeelect coated with zinc 1,941 297,116 18,198 394,450

7212301000 Hoop,strip iron/not alloy, coated zinc,width < 400mm non-elect coated zinc 42,945 428,690 71,050 525,047

7212309000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy, other shape,non-elect coated with zinc 53,126 10,381,901 94,835 4,068,359

7212401000 Hoop,strip iron/not alloy, coated zinc,width < 400mm, coated with plastic 305,960 2,086,341 524,498 3,442,682

7212402000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy, carbon<0.6%,thick > 1.5 mm, coated with plastic 17,746 193,371 24,489 306,014

7212409000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy, other shape,painted, varnished/coated with plastics 458,245 8,546,632 856,027 12,347,608

7212501010 Hoop,strip iron/not alloy, width<400 mm,coated with aluminium-zinc alloys 7,299 463,555 12,211 1,528,695

7212501020 Hoop,strip iron/not alloy, width<400 mm,coated with chromium 25,240 453,224 138,040 456,218

7212501090 Other hoop,strip iron/not alloy,width < 400 mm 0 31,021 0 70,654

7212502090 Other flat-rolled iron/not alloy,carbon<0,6%, thick > 1.5 mm 76,122 457,571 229,611 1,599,947

7212509000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy, otherwiseplated or coated 996,584 2,758,514 790,997 2,659,953

7212601000 Hoop,strip iron/not alloy, cladwidth < 400mm 98,323 575,027 314,254 2,202,583

7212609000 Flat-rolled iron/not alloy, clad 92,423 48,237,012 133,673 47,487,067

7213100010 Containing indentations,ribs,grooves ofcircular crosssection <= 50 mm2 345 1,659,676 12,963 1,418,387

7213100020 Containing indentations,ribs,grooves ofrectangular, square <= 20 mm2 in width 0 112,697 0 113,858

7213100090 Containing indentations,ribs,grooves ofshape 15,006 8,532,327 76,738 5,257,614

7213200000 Other bars, rods, hot-rolled ,in irregularly, of free-cutting steel 132,916 7,409,982 201,625 5,678,928

7213910000 Other bars, rods, hot-rolled , circularcross-section < 14 mm in diameter 8,918,661 79,528,208 11,353,736 75,262,345

7213990000 Other bars, rods, hot-rolled , notcircular 950,516 22,688,547 1,338,434 22,479,146

7214101100 Oth bars,rods of iron, non-alloy steelforged,carbon<0.6%,circlr cross-section 23,004 875,847 10,300 620,552

7214101900 Oth bars,rods of iron, non-alloy steelforged,carbon<0.6%,not circular 3,745 2,440,373 4,726 2,038,636

7214102100 Oth bars,rods of iron, non-alloy steelforged,carbon>=0.6%,circlr cross-section 19,490 32,581,440 16,860 12,726,917

7214102900 Oth bars,rods of iron, non-alloy steelforged,carbon >= 0.6%,not circular 400,662 22,999,571 368,218 14,783,059

7214201100 Containing indentations, ribs, groovescarbon < 0.6%, circular cross-section 109 480,415 5,911 260,715

7214201900 Containing indentations, ribs, groovescarbon < 0.6%, not circular 88,145 260,332 95,068 281,321

7214202900 Containing indentations, ribs, groovescarbon >= 0.6%, not circular 107,287 7,302,573 120,290 6,546,022

7214300000 Other bars & rods, not forged, offree-cutting steel 37,432 499,311 35,482 544,067

7214911010 Concrete steel, hot-rolled,hot-drawn,hot-extruded, carbon < 0.6% 667 1,313,322 7,827 1,342,958

7214911020 Shaft bars, manganese steel, hot-rolled,hot-drawn, hot-extruded, carbon < 0.6% 192,020 1,986,464 446,288 3,599,136

7214911090 Other bars & rods, hot-rolled,hot-drawnor hot-extruded, carbon < 0,6 % 193,409 3,005,075 241,010 3,106,176

7214912010 Concrete steel, hot-rolled,hot-drawn,hot-extruded, carbon >= 0.6% 136,190 137,590 199,166 201,358

7214912020 Shaft bars, manganese steel, hot-rolled,hot-drawn, hot-extruded, carbon >= 0.6% 4,639 4,591,608 12,561 4,822,864

7214912090 Other bars & rods, hot-rolled,hot-drawnor hot-extruded, carbon >= 0,6 % 87,799 327,057 83,642 371,833

7214991010 Carbon,oth than of circularcross-section: concrete steel 0 5,552,017 0 4,438,599

7214991020 Carbon, other than of circularcross-sect:shaft bars; manganese steel 429,670 6,244,779 643,654 7,232,975

7214991090 Oth. carbon, other than of circularcross-section 0 679,875 0 842,310

7214999010 Oth. carbon, other than of circularcross-section concrete steel 0 7,518,662 0 7,508,837

7214999020 Oth. carbon, other than of circularcross-sect:shaft bars; manganese steel 4,529,847 49,314,962 5,267,405 48,508,403



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7214999090 Oth.Than Concrete steel, Shaft bars, manganes steel 918,081 5,390,815 1,016,980 5,264,805

7215100000 Oth bars & rods of iron/non-alloy steelfree-cutting steel,cold-formed/finished 405,293 4,890,251 710,654 6,521,287

7215501000 Oth bars & rods of iron/non-alloy steelcontaining by weight 0.6% or more of 8,238 16,016 20,717 59,866

7215509000 Oth bars & rods of iron/non-alloy steel 262,088 5,552,338 372,422 8,839,694

7215900010 Manganese steel/shaft bars,containingby weight less than 0.6% of carbon 103,188 806,136 157,675 1,032,715

7215900020 Oth Mangan steel/shaft bars,containingby weight less than 0.6% of carbon 657,991 2,909,849 913,502 4,160,820

7215900030 Manganese steel/shaft bars, containingby weight 0.6 % or more of carbon 70,149 815,731 92,886 1,068,978

7216100000 U, i or h sections , not further workedthan hot-rolled, of a height < 80 mm 443,107 22,183,558 608,215 21,049,751

7216210000 L section of iron/non-alloy steel, notworked than hot-rolled,of a height<80 mm 644,490 4,933,935 468,135 3,496,960

7216220000 T section of iron/non-alloy steel, notworked than hot-rolled,of a height<80 mm 19,057 254,162 16,383 210,545

7216310000 U, I or H sections, not further workedu sections 500,315 40,665,075 512,643 21,303,955

7216320000 U, I or H sections, not further workedi sections 841,722 11,759,493 1,065,325 12,042,278

7216330000 U, I or H sections, not further workedh sections 3,628,138 63,018,538 3,691,218 42,724,098

7216400000 L/T sect,not further work than hot-rollhot-drawn/extrud,a height of 80mm /more 586,925 9,440,222 529,881 7,169,892

7216501000 Oth angles,shapes&sections,not furtherof a height of less than 80 mm 180,936 10,576,804 239,787 5,992,452

7216509000 Oth angles, shapes & sect,not furtherof a height of more than 80 mm 3,444,297 51,852,975 4,086,004 52,919,215

7216610000 Angles,shapes&sections,not worked thancold-formed,obtain from flat-rolled prod 453 38,451 4,120 54,982

7216690000 Angle,shape&sect,not workthan cold formoth than obtain from flat-rolled product 282,425 3,265,896 603,049 7,114,129

7216910000 Oth angles,shapes&sect,not further workcold form/finish from flat roll product 39,954 94,129 55,505 137,636

7216990000 Oth angles,shapes&sect,not further workoth than cold form/finish,flat roll prod 304,739 10,201,983 441,992 12,220,280

7217101000 Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,not platd/coated,cont.carbon < 0.25% by weight 1,933,956 25,893,876 1,288,050 12,117,815

7217102200 Bead wire;flat hard steel reed wire;notplated/coated; 0.25%=< carbon<0.6% 4,233,131 31,601,195 2,732,252 19,257,260

7217102900 Other wire of iron or non-alloy steel,not plate/coated, 0.25% =< carbon < 0.6% 673,154 10,383,329 799,142 10,072,045

7217103100 Spokes wire;bead wire;flat hard steelreed wire;not plated/coated,carbon>=0.6% 796,159 6,914,912 1,318,002 6,684,086

7217103900 Other wire of iron or non-alloy steel,not plated/coated, cont. carbon >= 0.6% 250,477 9,285,255 308,150 7,690,381

7217201000 Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated w/zinc, cont.carbon < 0.25% by weight 1,289,855 27,163,171 934,784 16,841,427

7217202000 Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated w/zinc,cont.carbon>0.25% & <0,45%by weight 119,404 862,336 137,120 710,256

7217209100 High carbon steel core wire,for almniumconductors steel reinforced (acsr) 2,579 264,402 26,302 485,313

7217209900 Oth than high carbonsteel core wire,foraluminium conduct steel reinforced(acsr) 422,768 9,283,947 902,840 11,415,644

7217301000 Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated w/oth base metal,cont.crbn<0.25% by weight 0 4,634 0 39,870

7217302000 Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated w/oth base metal,cont.0.25% =<carbon <0.6% 60,081 739,233 90,759 975,660

7217303110 Copper alloy coated high carbon steelwire coated with brass 1,631,176 19,790,681 3,171,401 28,076,299

7217303190 Copper alloy coated high carbon steelsteel coated with other copper alloys 219,206 2,860,590 374,866 3,450,995

7217303900 Other wire of iron or non-alloy steelplated with oth base metal,carbon>=0.6% 417,588 9,206,283 358,267 3,418,129

7217901000 Oth wire of iron/non-alloy steel,platedzinc>=240g/m?,silicon<=0.1%,cover by pvc 11,020 701,714 20,038 1,366,192

7217909010 Oth wire of iron/non-alloy steel,platedcontaining by weight 0.6% or more 24,260 1,620,323 75,050 2,336,727

7217909090 Oth wire of iron/non-alloy steel,platedexcluding goods of subheading 7217.90.10 716,367 3,485,111 1,156,422 6,873,835

7218100000 Ingots & oth primary forms of stainlesssteel 6,333 78,430 12,483 195,909

7218910000 Semi-finished prod.of stainless steelof rectangulr (not square) cross-section 36 22,445 105 116,937

7218990000 Oth semi-finished prod.of stainlesssteel 125,495 1,599,983 513,089 7,961,169

7219110000 Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hotrolled,in coil of a thick exceed 10mm 2,348 427,081 14,850 1,376,906

7219120000 Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hotrolled,in coil of a 4.75mm=<thick<=10mm 250,311 1,432,174 914,083 4,415,918

7219130000 Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hotrolled,in coil of a 3mm<=thick<=4.75mm 2,297,539 42,843,796 5,092,279 92,887,976

7219140000 Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hotrolled,in coil of a thickness<=3mm 322,542 3,837,347 633,949 6,999,265

7219210000 Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hotrolled,not in coil of a thick > 10mm 149,624 3,637,427 429,087 9,015,452

7219220000 Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hotroll,not in coil of 4.75mm=<thick<=10mm 4,993,063 53,965,709 7,780,307 68,375,058

7219230000 Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hotroll,not in coil of a 3mm<=thick<=4.75mm 785,287 6,781,874 2,045,132 16,238,753

7219240000 Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hotrolled,not in coil of a thickness<=3mm 45,535 1,742,398 46,881 3,518,884

7219310000 Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel,cold rolled, of a thickness >= 4.75 mm 18,210 259,054 158,379 1,226,051

7219320000 Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel,cold rolled, 3 mm =< thickness < 4.75 mm 96,942 1,100,777 298,884 4,379,476

7219330000 Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel,cold rolled, 1 mm < thickness < 3 mm 786,841 8,157,086 1,543,663 17,385,555

7219340000 Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel,cold rolled, 0.5 mm =< thickness <= 1 mm 692,324 7,232,674 1,758,914 16,303,391

7219350000 Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel,of a thickness < 0.5 mm 233,652 4,009,678 638,512 8,956,725

7219901000 Oth flat-roll prod.of stainless steel,thick>=1.5mm & <125mm patterns from roll 16 27,825 324 64,701

7219902000 Oth flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel,of a thickness < 0.5 mm 131 131 29,680 29,680

7219909000 Oth flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel,of a thickness >0.5 mm 256,141 3,158,766 500,045 6,430,434

7220111000 Hoop & strip of stainless steel, hotrolled,of a thick >= 4.75 mm,widht<400mm 59,834 12,082,172 363,284 14,085,605

7220119000 Hoop & strip of stainless steel, hotrolled,of a thick >= 4.75 mm,width>400mm 205,083 8,310,053 362,016 8,904,642

7220121000 Hoop & strip of stainless steel, hotrolled,of a thick < 4.75 mm,width<400mm 40,413 1,413,994 94,299 2,079,297

7220129000 Hoop & strip of stainless steel, hotrolled,of a thick < 4.75 mm,width>400mm 353,957 4,811,516 942,760 7,697,139

7220201000 Hoop & strip of stainless steel, coldrolled, width < 400mm 75,358 918,110 240,555 2,484,443

7220209000 Hoop & strip of stainless steel, coldrolled, width>400mm 1,866,820 15,061,387 5,269,541 17,467,027

7220901000 Hoop & strip of stainless steel, notcold rolled, width < 400mm 4,947 507,396 36,001 863,557

7220909000 Hoop & strip of stainless steel, notcold rolled, width > 400mm 9,307,200 40,201,333 14,379,504 58,113,056

7221000000 Bars & rods, hot-rolled,in irregularlywound coils, of stainless steel. 3,168,503 15,126,983 1,457,181 7,318,583

7222110000 Bars,rods, hot-rolled, in irregularlyof circular cross-section 53,253 2,371,219 149,128 4,377,198

7222190000 Bars,rods, hot-rolled, in irregularlyof not circular cross-section 904,588 6,559,299 679,226 5,609,969

7222201000 Bars,rods, cold-formed or cold-finishedof circular cross-section 57,608 344,393 254,337 2,598,558

7222209000 Bars,rods, cold-formed or cold-finishedof not circular cross-section 645,011 10,349,528 1,219,428 9,810,383

7222301000 Other bars and rods of circularcross-section 375,974 1,041,347 339,051 5,227,196

7222309000 Other bars and rods of not circularcircular cross-section 237,475 3,543,253 773,033 8,986,307

7222400000 Angles, shapes and sections ofstainless steel 277,468 3,589,855 336,559 3,612,741

7223001000 Wire of stainless steel having a cross-sectional dimension exceeding 13 mm 28,040 328,294 143,807 1,563,154



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7223009000 Wire of stainless steel having a cross-sectional dimension <= 13 mm 576,272 4,718,246 2,556,710 21,145,666

7224100000 Ingots & oth primary forms of oth alloysteel 0 1,504,025 0 1,848,485

7224900000 Semi-finished prod. of oth alloy steel 114,133 926,802 337,009 3,074,038

7225110000 Grain-oriented of silicon-elect steela width of 600 mm or more. 660,260 8,706,281 2,484,693 25,029,609

7225190000 Oth than Grain-orient of silicon-electsteel a width of 600 mm or more. 3,401,116 25,197,114 3,670,949 23,907,718

7225300000 Flat-roll product of oth alloy steel,ofnot further worked than hot-roll,in coil 739,776 14,078,030 799,010 11,468,171

7225400000 Flat-roll prod of oth alloy steel,of notfurther worked than hot-roll,not in coil 2,422,165 22,595,072 4,449,756 38,273,947

7225500000 Flat-roll prod of oth alloy steel,of notfurther worked than cold-rolled 0 225,479 0 446,671

7225910000 Oth flat-rolled prod.of oth alloy steel,electrolytically plated/coated with zinc 1,341,689 11,843,987 2,417,058 21,355,272

7225920000 Oth flat-rolled prod.of oth alloy steel,otherwise plated or coated with zinc 70,290 5,632,469 98,793 4,737,167

7225990000 Oth flat-rolled prod.of oth alloy steel,otherwise plated or coated with not zinc 611,370 3,106,346 1,828,590 6,268,393

7226111000 Hoop & strip, grain-oriented of siliconelectrical steel, of a width <= 400 mm 21,086 2,099,681 75,388 5,201,179

7226119000 Hoop & strip, grain-oriented of siliconelect steel, of a width >400 mm,<600mm 305,473 4,030,862 1,433,476 14,897,076

7226191000 Hoop,strip,oth than grain-orient ofsilicon elect steel,of a width<= 400 mm 4,258 85,031 32,612 582,352

7226199000 Hoop,strip,oth than grain-orient ofsili elect steel,of width>400mm,<600mm 3,711 519,161 21,804 1,183,180

7226201000 Hoop & strip of high speed steelof a width <= 400 mm 0 79,301 0 76,595

7226209000 Hoop & strip of high speed steelof a width > 400 mm, < 600mm 88,657 1,649,151 132,077 1,896,900

7226911000 Hoop,strip of oth alloy steel,hot rolled, of a width <= 400 mm 1,819 52,656 8,342 216,474

7226919000 Hoop,strip of oth alloy steel,hot rolled, width >400 mm, <=600mm 212,226 1,395,877 191,249 2,630,149

7226921000 Hoop,strip of oth alloy steel,cold rolled, of a width <= 400 mm 21,574 1,430,726 27,965 1,221,557

7226929000 Hoop,strip of oth alloy steel,cold rolled, width >400 mm, <= 600mm 72,688 1,084,023 85,852 1,095,657

7226991000 Hoop & strip of oth alloy steel,width <= 400 mm 19,272 101,681 91,137 398,069

7226999000 Hoop & strip of oth alloy steel,width > 400 mm and <= 600mm 418,713 1,965,939 1,005,138 4,512,951

7227100000 Bars & rods, hot-rolled, in irregularlywound coils, of high speed steel 0 142,709 0 691,479

7227200000 Bars & rods, hot-rolled, in irregularlywound coils, of silico-manganese steel 0 383 0 6,758

7227900000 Oth bars & rods, hot-rolled, inirregularly wound coils 7,524,627 39,265,059 5,810,668 27,045,062

7228101000 Bars & rods, of high speed steel, ofcircular a cross-section 225,806 555,700 386,015 1,543,375

7228109000 Bars & rods, of high speed steel,not ofcircular a cross-section 123,961 7,651,319 282,318 11,165,410

7228201000 Bars & rods, of silico-manganese steel,circular a cross-section 203,720 419,178 201,683 568,312

7228209000 Bars & rods, of silico-manganese steel,not circular a cross-section 1,399,453 12,813,538 3,130,885 16,667,488

7228301000 Oth bars&rods,of silico-manganese steelof circular cross-section 1,379,282 9,502,775 1,843,482 11,509,818

7228309000 Oth bars&rods,of silico-manganese steelnot of circular cross-section 13,735,145 100,492,583 17,234,528 106,012,174

7228401000 Oth bars,rods,not further worked thanforget, of circular cross-section 10,903 1,671,668 50,489 1,587,085

7228409000 Oth bars,rods,not further worked thanforget, not of circular cross-section 1,872,369 24,090,970 1,620,376 14,267,179

7228501000 Oth bars,rods,not formed/cold finishedof circular cross-section 42,742 686,850 78,735 1,147,193

7228509000 Oth bars,rods,not formed/cold finishednot of circular cross-section 860,241 10,310,134 1,715,163 14,045,456

7228601000 Other bars and rods :of circular cross-section 443,527 3,009,949 570,038 4,902,010

7228609000 Other bars and rods :not of circular cross-section 422,346 11,812,361 1,145,620 17,368,769

7228700000 Angles, shapes and sections of otheralloy steel 2,543,312 20,546,802 2,773,901 18,670,636

7228801100 Hollow drill bars,rods, weight >=0.6%of circular cross-section 3,290 139,738 115,550 720,980

7228801900 Hollow drill bars,rods, weight >=0.6%not of circular cross-section 799 168,233 7,344 876,013

7228809000 Oth. Hollow drill bars and rods 109,831 1,807,353 913,188 8,581,587

7229200000 Wire of silico-manganese steel 600,824 5,708,349 824,859 7,938,762

7229900010 Wire of other alloy steel.of high speed steel 372,865 1,402,750 508,274 2,021,993

7229900090 Wire of other alloy steel.not of high speed steel 1,912,387 23,147,757 2,827,572 26,921,989

7301100000 Sheet piling of iron or steel 401,301 9,365,279 363,414 8,749,954

7301200000 Angles, shapes and sections of ironor steel 232,721 2,743,896 521,690 4,724,160

7302100000 Rails of iron or steel 616,482 3,098,947 521,904 3,445,833

7302300000 Switch-blades, crossing frogs, pointrods and other crossing pieces 1,000 51,405 3,802 82,224

7302400000 Fish-plates and sole plates of ironor steel 2,743 123,272 3,462 245,052

7302901000 Sleepers, of iron or steel 41,282 103,604 114,971 274,589

7302909000 Other than sleepers, of iron or steel 137,491 3,250,787 231,201 4,690,201

7303001010 Tubes,pipes of cast with an externaldiameter not exceeding 100 mm 141,066 1,206,759 355,874 3,076,490

7303001020 Tubes,pipes of cast with an externaldiameter not exceeding 150 mm 16,094 263,077 17,109 461,145

7303001030 Tubes,pipes of cast with an externaldiameter >150 mm and <=600 mm 39,831 326,082 55,129 590,772

7303001090 Oth.Tubes, pipes 6,712 737,306 87,656 1,968,648

7303009010 Hollow profiles, of cast iron withan external diameter < =100 mm 0 35,470 0 93,220

7303009090 Hollow profiles, of cast iron withan external diameter > 100 mm 1,529,697 12,012,950 3,114,215 26,771,410

7304110000 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles,seamless, of stainless steel 4,665,865 17,638,114 7,905,224 44,984,582

7304190000 Oth.tube,pipe&hollow profile,seamless,line pipe of a kind use for oil/gas pipe 15,345,990 111,355,773 20,845,474 163,984,246

7304220010 Oth.tube,pipes&hollow profile,seamless,unfinished drill pipe (green pipe) with 610,322 8,341,159 3,146,844 22,402,371

7304220090 Oth.tube,pipes&hollow profile,seamless,unworked pipe end 443,532 7,459,852 1,329,477 15,635,422

7304230010 Unfinished drill pipe (green pipe) withyield strength less than 75,000 psi 0 274,531 0 458,465

7304230090 Oth. unfinished drill pipe (green pipe) 435,428 3,515,859 1,701,070 10,740,590

7304240010 Unfinsh case&tube, yield strgh<75000Psioth.of stanlss stel for drill 19,759 1,340,211 45,099 1,815,581

7304240090 Oth.unfinish casetube&unworked,stainlesswith yield strength less than 75,000 psi 18,414 1,808,232 119,049 3,687,212

7304290010 Unfinish casetube&unworked pipe endwith yield strength less than 75,000 psi 13,749,798 85,674,393 23,313,546 125,657,230

7304290090 Oth.unfinish casetube&unworked pipe endwith yield strength less than 75,000 psi 5,022,018 48,692,495 8,199,121 81,862,137

7304311000 High press. conduits,of circular cross-sect.of iron/non-alloy steel,cold rolled 523,093 2,800,501 770,312 5,688,779

7304319000 Oth.drill Rod Casing&tubing withpin and box threads 765,857 11,478,904 2,118,274 23,323,995

7304390000 Oth. Drill Rod Casing and tubingwith pin and 5,901,250 40,066,185 7,712,250 57,478,013

7304410000 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced)stainless steel 124,347 2,115,951 368,476 4,908,305

7304490000 Oth. Cold-drawn or cold-rolled(cold-reduced) stainless steel 297,450 5,470,737 2,123,134 17,151,783



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7304511000 High press. conduits,of circular cross-sect.of oth alloy steel,cold rolled 11 133,188 1,149 695,529

7304519000 Oth tubes/pipes/hollow profiles,seamlesscold rolled,crclr c-s of oth alloy steel 45,136 1,094,852 260,225 2,592,335

7304590000 Oth.Drill rod casing&tubing with pin&sect.of oth alloy steel,cold rolled 296,144 3,533,627 2,200,560 16,361,346

7304900000 Oth.Drill rod casing&tubing with pin&cold rolled,crclr c-s of oth alloy steel 623,306 38,299,803 2,564,413 32,521,867

7305110000 Lines pipe, for oil or gas longitudinallsubmerged arc welded of iron/steel 491,702 1,775,169 1,212,258 5,615,757

7305120000 Lines pipe, for oil or gas other,longitudinally welded of iron/steel 30,889 1,074,017 230,331 1,336,347

7305190000 The oth.line pipe of iron/steel for oil,external diameter > 406.4mm 1,580,120 35,702,763 3,560,996 44,850,957

7305200000 Casing of iron/steel used in drillingfor oil/gas external diameter 406.4mm 43,016 2,897,311 104,593 4,791,438

7305311000 Lines pipe, for oil or gas longitudinallstainless steel pipes & tubes 3,763 289,394 44,397 558,130

7305319000 Oth.lines pipe,for oil/gas longitudinallstainless steel pipes & tubes 165,048 704,471 1,229,294 2,633,915

7305390000 Oth.lines pipe,for oil/gas longitudinall 1,039 1,149,800 1,742 1,564,997

7305900000 Oth.lines pipe,for oil/gas longitudinalloth.stainless steel pipes & tubes 223,168 5,787,913 208,751 10,696,587

7306110000 Line pipe of kind use for oil/gas pipewelded, of stainless steel 35 1,364,063 801 2,657,366

7306190000 Oth.line pipe of kind use for oil/gaspipe,welded,of stainless steel 1,878,471 27,550,404 6,984,267 33,593,774

7306210000 Casing&tubing of a kind use in drillingwelded, of stainless steel 0 62,806 0 113,753

7306290000 Oth.casing&tubing of a kind use indrilling,welded,of stainless steel 282,696 5,108,594 118,202 9,736,059

7306301010 Boilr tube weld,of circulr cross-sect ofiron/non ally stel intrnl diamtr<12.5mm 138,373 473,083 161,100 635,801

7306301020 Boilr tube weld,of circulr cross-sect ofiron/non ally stel intrnl diamtr>=12.5mm 6,112 223,995 31,347 344,844

7306302010 Boilr tube weld,of single/double walled,coppr plate,intrnl diamtr<12.5mm 35,289 578,056 281,598 3,707,148

7306302020 Boilr tube weld,of single/double walled,coppr plate,intrnl diamtr>=12.5mm 64,113 2,751,073 167,383 5,343,293

7306303000 Boilr tube weld,of single/double walled,coppr plate,sheath pipe for heating 436 44,824 2,803 51,557

7306309010 Oth.boilr tube weld,of single/doublewalled,coppr plate,intrnl diamtr<12.5mm 98,666 1,895,907 1,444,120 6,468,609

7306309020 Oth.boilr tube weld,of single/doublewalled,coppr plate,intrnl diamtr>=12.5mm 624,078 13,840,981 1,094,631 17,014,830

7306401010 Oth.weld,of circulr cross-section ofweld boilr tube w intrnl diamtr<=125 mm 10,992 47,943 252,656 948,124

7306401090 Oth.weld,of circulr cross-section ofweld boilr tube w intrnl diamtr>125 mm 14,879 157,129 54,584 1,901,246

7306402000 Welded boiler tubes of stainless steelwith internal diametre >12.5 mm 26 841,956 360 5,964,147

7306403000 St'less steel pipes & tubes welded ofcirclr cross sec. w extrl dmtr>105mm 0 23,646 0 47,289

7306409000 Oth,not welded of circular cross sect.with internal diameter > 12,5 mm 381,550 3,614,295 1,164,720 19,151,112

7306501010 Oth.boilr tube,weld,of circlr cross-sectn,oth alloy steel int.dmtr<=12.5mm 0 62,199 0 163,871

7306501020 Oth.boilr tube,weld,of circlr cross-sectn,oth alloy steel int.dmtr>12.5mm 122,872 261,081 161,935 427,250

7306509010 Oth.boilr tube,weld,of circlr cross-high pressure conduits 84 4,801 2,252 40,715

7306509020 Oth.boilr tube,weld,oth.thn high prssrconduit,oth alloy steel int.dmtr<=12.5mm 5,617 53,191 32,053 414,684

7306509030 Oth.boilr tube,weld,oth.thn high prssrconduit,oth alloy steel int.dmtr>12.5mm 226,745 1,992,949 1,431,573 10,424,865

7306610010 Oth.boilr tube,weld,square/rectangularcross sectin,with int.diamtr<=12,5mm 19,989 553,888 47,347 489,024

7306610090 Oth.boilr tube,weld,square/rectangularcross sectin,with int.diamtr>12,5mm 494,433 3,355,565 454,414 3,076,369

7306690010 Oth.boilr tube,non circulr crss-sectionwith internal diameter<=12,5mm 0 140 0 1,026

7306690090 Oth.boilr tube,non circulr crss-sectionwith internal diameter>12,5mm 0 17,734 0 57,618

7306901010 Bundy-weld pipes and tubes,with internal diameter <= 12,5mm 7,645 14,380 25,937 72,835

7306901090 Bundy-weld pipes and tubes,with internal diameter > 12,5mm 651 2,697 17,249 76,088

7306909010 Oth.thn bundy-weld pipes & tubes,with internal diameter <= 12,5mm 77,597 1,259,446 443,895 2,286,460

7306909090 Oth.thn bundy-weld pipes & tubes,with internal diameter > 12,5mm 1,590,013 36,388,329 4,805,346 41,220,447

7307110000 Cast fitting of non-malleable cast iron 30,230 340,428 43,744 695,941

7307190000 Cast fitting of other than non-malleablecast iron 2,227,803 8,837,174 5,892,275 18,136,305

7307210000 Other, of stainless steelflanges 324,992 5,676,235 1,149,187 18,330,603

7307220000 Other, of stainless steelthreaded elbows, bends and sleeves 125,384 1,367,253 776,312 8,205,679

7307230000 Other, of stainless steelbutt welding fittings 101,861 1,187,089 1,487,821 7,263,540

7307290000 Oth.,of stainlss steel oth.than flanges,butt welding,threaded elbow,bend&sleeve 327,461 3,656,695 1,534,419 17,348,276

7307910000 Tube or pipe fittings (couplings)flanges 1,152,715 9,840,111 4,955,368 33,333,025

7307920000 Tube or pipe fittings (couplings)threaded elbows, bends and sleeves 333,688 3,047,974 2,101,002 18,254,893

7307930000 Tube or pipe fittings (couplings)butt welding fittings 517,083 3,476,150 1,666,177 13,884,250

7307990000 Other tube/pipe fittings (couplings) 1,419,751 16,052,156 7,278,761 87,686,512

7308101000 Bridges and bridge sect. w prefab'tedtype joined by shear connectors 86 88,160 2,502 223,216

7308109000 Other bridges and bridge sections 186,399 27,643,493 487,623 60,876,172

7308201100 Towers with prefabricated modulartype joined by shear connectors 390,000 810,114 634,791 1,249,357

7308201900 Other towers 1,552,229 6,729,963 1,248,231 7,088,328

7308202900 Other lattice masts 867,963 13,074,210 3,899,213 41,797,330

7308300000 Doors, windows and their framesand thres hold for doors 131,495 1,254,881 660,875 4,436,516

7308401000 Equip. for scaffolding w prefabricatedmodlr type joined by shear connectors 0 210,397 0 181,022

7308409000 Other equipment for scaffolding,shuttering, propping or pit propping 216,350 2,458,309 501,888 7,271,957

7308902000 Other, prefabricated modulartype joined by shear connectors 68,400 516,430 105,930 964,219

7308903000 Oth. corrug,curved/bent galv'd plt fass'bly.into undgrnd conduits&culvert 103,280 498,061 306,035 1,616,276

7308904000 Oth parts of tub/tunnels,made of formd&bended corrugated sheet of iron/steel 458 1,168,752 5,182 1,324,873

7308905000 Other, prefabricated modularrail for ships 3,219 134,881 6,583 243,142

7308909000 Other structures and partsof structures of iron or steel 9,852,228 90,522,375 32,553,417 225,265,906

7309000000 Reservoir,tank,vat&similar containerof iron/steel, capacity > 300 ltr 597,214 5,563,090 2,652,243 35,978,946

7310100010 Tank,cask,drum,can,boxe&similarfor transporting or coagulating latex 71,842 329,434 258,841 980,172

7310100020 Tank,cask,drum,can,boxe&similarof iron or steel casting in the rough 1,872 185,103 4,047 472,883

7310100030 Tank,cask,drum,can,boxe&similarother of iron/steel forging/stamping 139,673 1,425,715 246,621 2,989,640

7310100090 Oth.tank,cask,drum,can,boxe&similar 457,522 3,833,673 1,816,809 9,452,742

7310211010 Cans <1L,closed by soldering ofiron/steel casting in the rough 20,752 143,204 76,911 465,296

7310211020 Cans <1L,closed by soldering ofiron/steel forging or stamping in 74 13,261 369 27,811

7310211090 Oth.cans <1L,closed by soldering ofiron/steel 21,464 401,387 58,806 1,026,832

7310219010 Cans >1L & <50L,closed by soldering ofiron/steel casting in the rough 270 611,870 2,950 241,995



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7310219020 Cans >1L & <50L,closed by soldering ofiron/steel forging or stamping in 32 26,678 214 72,282

7310219090 Oth.cans >1L & <50L,closed bysoldering of iron/steel 79,597 1,316,987 202,705 2,783,944

7310291010 Cans <1L,not soldering ofiron/steel casting in the rough 673 14,641 11,531 91,892

7310291020 Cans <1L,not soldering ofiron/steel forging or stamping in 0 11 0 250

7310291090 Oth.cans <1L,not soldering ofiron/steel 28,908 62,696 99,125 250,409

7310299010 Cans >1L & <50L,not soldering ofiron/steel casting in the rough 2 1,490 23 1,987

7310299020 Cans >1L & <50L,not soldering ofiron/steel forging or stamping in 116 22,143 987 64,315

7310299090 Oth.cans >1L & <50L,notsoldering of iron/steel 596,704 7,555,738 98,842 4,755,062

7311001100 Cont'ners for compressed/liquefied gasseamless stl cylinders, capacity< 30 ltr 71,912 5,099,395 152,307 9,835,580

7311001900 Other seamless steel cylinders 1,114,814 5,764,151 2,307,708 13,485,759

7311009100 Other containers of iron or steelwith capacity of less than 30 l 274,340 2,762,628 420,136 4,605,449

7311009900 Other containers of iron or steel 418,535 3,346,635 788,014 6,164,253

7312101000 Standed wr,ropes & cables for lockedcoil,flatt'ed strands&non rottng wr rp 1,248,020 6,789,436 1,339,837 7,151,485

7312102000 Stranded wire,rope&cables by plated/coatd wth brass,& of a nom.d<=3mm 360,812 4,253,748 978,783 10,691,808

7312104000 Stranded wire, rope and cables withstranded wire of diameter of< 3 mm 24,279 308,987 156,794 1,355,181

7312109000 Other stranded wire, rope and cables 1,535,079 18,300,179 3,884,802 33,334,301

7312900000 Oth stranded wire, rope and cables,plaitd bnds,slings&of ir/stl not elect 365,675 5,153,406 803,295 16,478,066

7313000000 Barbed wr of iron/steel; twisted hoop&of a kind used f fencing of iron/stl 36,188 981,301 23,035 550,773

7314120000 Woven cloth with endless bandsfor machinery, of stainless steel 3,625 291,908 136,595 1,102,468

7314140000 Woven cloth, of stainless steel 11,948 375,898 171,403 2,245,582

7314191000 Endless bands for machinery oth thn ofstainless steel 144 137,058 1,085 1,123,590

7314199000 Other woven cloth, not stainless steel 17,103 233,350 256,613 2,121,378

7314200000 Grill&fencing,welded at the intersectofwr wth a max.sect.d>3mm&mesh s>100cm 401,510 5,433,063 321,523 3,942,314

7314310000 Other grill, netting & fencing,weldedat the intersect.by pltd/coatd w zinc 349,836 5,999,495 157,983 4,548,687

7314390000 Oth grill, netting and fencing,weldedat the intersection 647,018 5,949,934 799,744 8,745,879

7314410000 Oth cloth, grill, netting and fencingby plated or coated with zinc 223,042 1,270,359 143,510 1,070,495

7314420000 Oth cloth, grill, netting and fencingby coated with plastics 73,552 734,491 53,149 408,630

7314490000 Oth cloth, grill, netting and fencing 166,625 2,500,498 202,775 2,176,176

7314500000 Expanded metal 3,173 205,423 39,735 592,849

7315111100 Roller chain for bicyclesof mild steel 72,873 1,025,522 85,532 1,130,632

7315111200 Roller chain for motorcyclesof mild steel 379,184 3,692,155 1,314,766 10,837,839

7315111900 Other mild steel for roller chain 79,245 557,415 326,627 1,790,694

7315112100 Other roller chain for bicycles 3,443 265,576 1,473 261,323

7315112200 Other roller chain for motorcycles 513,342 4,564,175 1,230,495 10,321,408

7315112300 Oth roller chain transmis. type6mm < pitch length <= 3mm 7,355 194,937 20,172 1,527,625

7315112900 Other roller chain 265,767 1,990,957 698,878 4,374,084

7315120000 Other roller chainof mild steel 592,612 5,452,998 1,412,625 13,086,098

7315191100 Roller chain for bicyclesof bicycle chain 0 1,836 0 4,184

7315191200 Roller chain for motorcyclesof motocycle chain 7,897 95,562 153,624 2,178,179

7315191900 Other roller chainof other mild steel 4,093 17,214 11,299 39,627

7315199100 Other roller chain for bicyclesof bicycle chain 0 4,545 0 1,810

7315199200 Other roller chain for motorcyclesof motocycle chain 6,806 69,022 90,677 1,181,767

7315199900 Other roller chain of other thanbicycle chain&motocycle chain 19,277 223,585 40,322 698,097

7315201000 Skid chainof mild steel 10 432 3,023 7,372

7315209000 Other Skid chainof mild steel 67,257 269,858 167,484 490,944

7315811000 Stud-linkof mild steel 11 203,210 65 310,355

7315819000 Other Stud-linkof mild steel 138,080 931,842 327,106 3,915,927

7315821000 Other, welded linkof mild steel 0 1,414 0 16,132

7315829000 Other, welded link 14,031 784,476 26,589 633,980

7315891100 Other chain for bicyclesof mild steel 0 8,372 0 6,202

7315891200 Other chain for motorcyclesof mild steel 87,542 536,962 1,132,402 6,948,533

7315891900 Other chain of mild steel not formotorcylcles and bicycles 8,105 78,152 74,840 904,751

7315892200 Other chain for motorcyclesof other than mild steel 44,777 254,039 39,446 223,322

7315892900 Other chain not mild steel, not formotorcylcles and bicycles 65,378 964,072 522,142 3,282,391

7315901000 Other parts of chain for motorcyclesand bicycles 12,246 34,226 60,067 305,413

7315909000 Other parts of chain not formotorcylcles and bicycles 547,773 4,009,600 2,126,312 13,986,903

7316000000 Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof,of iron or steel 454,736 5,729,700 2,087,511 18,826,010

7317001000 Wire nails 2,915,995 29,737,724 1,202,632 10,057,569

7317002000 Staples 170,438 821,308 101,102 779,673

7317009010 Dog spikes for rail sleepers,carding -tacks&similar articles,of iron or steel, 2,955 176,976 1,492 177,704

7317009020 connector & anti-splitting,connector andHob nails for footwear, ring nails 24,795 118,409 56,811 260,023

7317009030 connector and anti-splitting, connectorHooknails 0 104,602 0 50,299

7317009040 connector and anti-splitting, connectorCorrugated nails, drawing pins and tacks 363,534 2,273,666 127,968 772,501

7317009090 Oth.connector and anti-splitting,conn -ector and anti splitting 2,627,161 27,533,351 836,394 8,995,785

7318110000 Threaded articles for coach screws 267,186 1,121,187 281,126 1,811,304

7318121000 Other wood screws with an externaldiameter not exceeding 16 mm 691 209,541 7,106 159,867

7318129000 Other wood screws 272,818 1,570,797 366,560 3,602,313

7318131000 Screw hooks and screw rings with anexternal dmtr not exceeding 16mm 37 2,860 559 45,488

7318139000 Other screw hooks and screw rings 27,765 590,887 181,270 2,039,213

7318141000 Self tapping screw with an externaldiameter not exceeding 16 mm 12,123 96,391 213,620 1,126,854

7318149000 Other self tapping screws 36,606 388,336 163,856 2,485,792

7318151100 Screw metal with/without nuts/washerswith an external diameter <=16 mm 215,755 1,935,295 2,023,512 15,700,198

7318151200 Bolts for metal, with/ without nuts ofan external diameter <= 16mm 2,160,304 18,259,325 8,353,912 67,564,990



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7318151900 Oth screws&bolts whether/not without -their nut/washers wth.an ext'l dmtr>16mm 333,544 2,787,803 1,246,567 10,288,313

7318159100 Other screws for metal with or withoutnuts or washers 169,086 1,104,692 567,643 4,411,924

7318159200 Other bolts for metal,with or without nuts 497,635 3,485,932 1,632,123 11,971,437

7318159900 Other screws and bolts whether or notwith their nut or washers 268,709 4,395,665 724,042 15,891,377

7318161000 Nuts with an external diameter notexceeding 16 mm 185,305 2,806,632 1,180,547 11,679,351

7318169000 Other nuts 1,302,898 10,070,312 4,685,691 33,563,159

7318191000 Other threaded articles of an externaldiameter not exceeding 16 mm 9,481 190,722 56,201 946,297

7318199000 Other threaded articles of ironand steel 358,647 1,934,119 1,376,345 8,099,743

7318211000 Non threaded artic. for spring washers&oth lock washers w an ext'nal d<16mm 9,304 282,273 48,230 1,454,298

7318219000 Other spring washersand other lock washers 51,597 458,733 392,076 3,824,768

7318221000 Other washers with an externaldiameter not exceeding 16 mm 62,638 649,977 855,731 7,699,400

7318229000 Other washers 276,281 2,365,445 1,985,865 20,425,939

7318231000 Rivet with an external diameternot exceeding 16 mm 18,646 152,008 77,701 883,761

7318239000 Other rivets 14,646 361,560 143,752 1,852,991

7318241000 Cotters& cotters pins with an externaldiameter not exceeding 16 mm 59,376 1,086,657 501,178 3,084,884

7318249000 Other cotters and cotter pins 89,457 1,114,186 905,273 10,974,577

7318291000 Oth non threaded articles wth anexternal diameter <= 16 mm 34,463 292,642 464,928 4,647,243

7318299000 Other non threaded articles 998,262 5,670,151 4,833,755 40,933,987

7319200000 Safety pins 8,288 175,986 65,602 426,335

7319300000 Other pins 111,680 849,212 622,954 5,786,770

7319900000 Oth similar articles for use in hand,of iron or steel 59,303 679,606 256,473 3,227,328

7320101000 Leaf springs and leavesfor motor vehicles 99,208 431,276 444,569 2,394,356

7320109000 Other leaf springs and leaves 42,949 425,688 394,084 3,240,163

7320201000 Helical springs for motor vehicles 114,384 893,480 751,894 7,426,745

7320209010 Other Helical springs for motor vehiclesFor motor vehicles or earth moving 22,693 158,012 174,672 1,992,255

7320209090 Other Helical springs for motor vehicles 155,918 826,708 651,057 4,795,503

7320901000 Other springs and leavesfor motor vehicles 54,662 407,395 492,608 3,598,141

7320909000 Other springs and leaves 290,134 1,463,663 937,962 7,752,844

7321110000 Cooking appliances and plate warmersFor gas fuel or for both gas and other 167,140 1,534,964 418,460 3,338,832

7321120000 Cooking appliances and plate warmerswith liquid fuel 15,175 405,833 7,837 754,770

7321190000 Other Cooking appliances & plate warmersincluding appliances for solid fuel 55,047 174,536 132,956 422,761

7321810000 Other appliances with gas fuel orfor both gas and other fuels 59,026 308,467 336,002 901,298

7321820000 Other appliances with liquid fuel 0 3,218 0 8,149

7321890000 Other appliances with solid fuel 7,753 53,312 23,361 129,394

7321901000 Oth cooking appliances & plate warmersOf burner for kerosene stoves 3,687 80,116 5,268 423,604

7321909000 Other Cooking appliances and platewarmers 534,482 8,294,546 1,168,239 18,879,208

7322110000 Radiators and parts of cast iron 412 77,034 429 143,111

7322190000 Other parts of radiators 20,485 186,952 253,225 1,977,141

7322900000 Other radiators for central heating 109,412 670,355 248,974 4,296,876

7323100000 Iron/steel wool; pot scourers&scouringor polishing pads, gloves and the like 34,236 809,850 42,630 1,152,893

7323911000 Kitchenware of cast iron ,not ennamelled 91,945 501,976 256,593 953,260

7323919000 Household articles of cast ironnot enamelled 183,330 797,814 352,354 2,180,565

7323920000 Household articles of cast iron,enamelled 13,789 3,154,423 26,961 5,000,756

7323931000 Kitchenware of stainless steel 481,688 7,438,920 792,854 11,183,901

7323939000 Other household articlesof stainless steel 266,748 1,626,786 508,078 3,354,028

7323940000 Household of iron(oth. than cast iron)or steel, enamelled 189,299 2,794,405 917,423 9,885,583

7323991000 Other kitchenware 325,529 2,694,574 432,443 2,909,919

7323999000 Other household articlesof iron or steel 309,047 3,031,654 524,867 5,008,763

7324100000 Sinks and wash basins,of stainless steel 184,249 1,677,496 371,349 3,501,426

7324210000 Bath of cast iron, whetheror not enamelled 43,900 250,610 127,701 802,628

7324290000 Bath of stainless steel 17,058 316,995 167,157 1,067,603

7324901000 Sanitary ware for flushing waterclosets or urinals (fixed type) 439 57,895 3,079 82,080

7324902000 Sanitary ware of bedpans,urinals( portable type ) and chamber pots 428 5,693 1,351 86,740

7324909000 Other sanitary ware 195,539 1,476,759 396,601 3,109,483

7325101000 Other cast articles of non malleablecast iron by latex spouts & latex cups 50 65,863 420 143,002

7325109000 Other cast articles ofnon malleable cast iron 518,892 1,864,289 962,091 5,339,724

7325910000 Grinding balls and similar articlesfor mills 1,058,759 17,779,934 1,400,821 20,745,317

7325991000 Other cast articles of malleable castiron by latex spouts and latex cups 0 6,232 0 11,833

7325999000 Other cast articles ofmalleable cast iron 459,509 2,435,439 943,856 6,390,358

7326110000 Grinding balls&similar artic.for millsforged/stamped but not further works 285,339 33,008,236 633,456 43,199,983

7326190000 Other articles or iron or steelbut not forged or stamped 615,328 6,263,505 2,408,127 21,378,465

7326202000 Articles of iron or steel wirefor rat traps 11,649 347,240 97,025 655,274

7326205000 Articles of iron or steel wireWire poultry cages and the like 51,897 189,600 82,459 291,468

7326209000 Other articles of non ironor steel wire 247,120 1,736,477 569,681 6,390,855

7326901000 Ships' rudders not forged or stamped 39,500 1,007,530 307,332 6,868,230

7326903000 Stainless stl shield&clamp assembly wthrubb.sl for hubless cast ir&pipes fit. 48,570 562,945 330,700 4,181,724

7326904000 Latex spouts and latex cupsbut not forged or stamped 2,275 27,166 5,685 61,584

7326905000 Rat traps but not forged or stamped 152 20,071 1,461 64,221

7326907000 Stainless steel shield, clamp assemblyHorsesshoes; riding boot spurs 31,865 200,100 275,693 2,186,291

7326909000 Other articles not forged or steamed 3,757,882 34,511,858 13,435,602 100,551,191

7401000000 Copper mattes, cement copper(precipitated) 956 79,366 4,458 943,577

7402000000 Unrefined copper,copper anodes for elec-trolytic refining. 3,285 775,579 16,403 2,073,849

7403110000 Refined copper for cathodes andsections of cathodes 5,257,017 51,172,466 42,402,149 404,022,272



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7403120000 Refined copper for wire-bars 2 149,454 55 521,998

7403130000 Refined cooper for billets 0 22,891,928 0 19,264,374

7403190000 Other refined copper, unwrought 153,776 805,619 1,383,146 6,662,454

7403210000 Copper alloys for copper-zinc basealloys (brass) 166,065 1,333,089 1,394,822 10,747,684

7403220000 Copper alloys for copper-tin basealloys (bronze) 2,154 305,262 15,258 1,549,403

7403290000 Copper alloys for oth copper alloys(oth than master alloys of head.74,05) 10,234 120,540 68,896 1,029,159

7404000000 Copper waste and scrap. 938,536 5,824,604 6,857,492 36,033,675

7405000000 Master alloys of copper. 10,280 38,392 68,597 291,511

7406100000 Powders of non-lamellar structure 55,617 277,228 701,884 2,980,580

7406200000 Powders of lamellar structure; flakes 63,144 776,084 497,068 6,470,167

7407103000 Profiles of refined copper 3,612 267,180 81,599 589,845

7407109000 Other Profiles of refined copper 204,940 2,392,978 1,509,703 16,515,494

7407210000 Profiles of refined copperOf copper-zinc base alloys (brass) 87,214 2,387,773 590,958 11,827,282

7407290000 Other of copper alloys 49,911 809,734 329,928 4,932,680

7408110000 Copper wire.Of which the maximum cross-sectional 258,792 7,034,489 2,058,225 55,682,222

7408190000 Other wire of refined coppper 712,237 5,478,160 4,571,594 30,797,957

7408210000 Copper wire of copper alloys withcopper zinc base alloys (brass) 146,561 1,965,604 1,379,629 15,318,683

7408220000 Copper wire of copper alloys w copper-nick bs alloys/c-nickel-zinc bs alloys 6,228 69,068 106,090 1,234,780

7408290000 Other copper alloys for copper wire 211,304 1,189,067 1,058,085 8,220,301

7409110000 Copper plates, sheets and strips, of refined copper in coils 297,710 2,024,195 1,444,958 15,421,738

7409190000 Copper plates, sheets and strips, of refined copper, not in coils 113,894 1,540,995 978,684 8,666,571

7409210000 Copper plates, sheets,strips, of copperzinc base alloys (brass), in coils 301,328 4,288,687 2,492,651 34,547,588

7409290000 Copper plates, sheets,strips, of copperzinc base alloys (brass), not in coils 33,248 1,173,064 267,460 6,192,762

7409310000 Copper plates, sheets,strips, of coppertin base alloys (brass), in coils 71,431 933,167 753,920 9,296,092

7409390000 Copper plates, sheets,strips, of coppertin base alloys (brass), not in coils 49,519 344,712 236,598 1,475,707

7409400000 Copper-nickel base alloy (cupro-nickel),copper-nickel-zinc base alloys unrefined 83 165,046 9,491 2,751,919

7409900000 Other copper alloys, unrefined 4,842 134,384 207,596 1,402,088

7410110000 Copper foil, refined, thickness < 0.15mm, not backed 209,916 1,111,745 1,491,595 9,951,443

7410120000 Copper alloys, refined, thickness< 0.15 mm, not backed 49,727 404,275 371,061 2,848,382

7410210010 Reinforced sheets/plates of polyamide,of refined copper, backed 96,249 603,744 525,266 2,424,402

7410210020 Reinforced sheets/plates of polyamide,Copper clad laminate for PCBs 210,382 5,797,449 965,477 25,802,212

7410210090 Reinforced sheets/plates of polyamide,Copper clad laminate not for PCBs 36,453 257,290 165,296 1,445,300

7410220000 Reinforced sheets/plates of polyamide,Of copper alloys, unrefined 51,749 540,158 466,512 3,676,485

7411100000 Copper tubes & pipes of refined copper 222,566 2,623,465 1,657,696 15,594,005

7411210000 Copper tubes & pipes of copper alloyswith copper-zinc base alloys (brass) 130,645 1,281,030 1,056,493 9,219,095

7411220000 Copper tubes & pipes of copper alloyswith cupro-nickel or nickel silver 8,076 66,895 132,313 705,952

7411290000 Other copper tubes and pipes 236,511 2,732,516 1,512,843 13,603,542

7412100000 Copper tube or pipe fitting ofrefined copper 5,859 133,554 42,897 755,707

7412201000 Copper tube or pipe fitting ofcopper-zinc base alloys (brass) 36,076 272,508 279,181 1,614,015

7412209000 Copper alloys, not brass, refined 34,208 802,597 307,314 4,502,699

7413000000 Stranded wire,cable,plaited bands,of copper, not electrically insulated. 231,074 994,467 785,904 4,235,103

7415101000 Nails&tacks(incl.drwing pins)of copperiron or steel with head of copper 189,332 1,324,965 164,800 782,113

7415102000 Staples and similar articles of copper 2 7,818 7 15,191

7415109000 Tacks, drawing pins, & similar articles 182,893 1,771,241 227,887 1,833,490

7415210000 Washers (including spring washers)but not threaded 3,348 49,894 42,096 376,672

7415290000 Other articles of copper, not threaded 9,850 732,221 121,143 5,155,947

7415331000 Screws 74,884 733,196 154,072 1,923,951

7415332000 Bolts and nuts 725,410 973,421 2,748,348 3,823,008

7415390000 Other articles of copper, threaded 22,328 302,785 105,668 1,603,646

7418110000 Pot scourers and scouring or polishingpads, gloves and the like 0 16,517 0 24,697

7418190000 Other Pot scourers & scouring/polishing 17,338 70,866 43,969 216,988

7418200000 Sanitary ware and parts thereof 1,076 82,556 10,666 265,503

7419100000 Chain and parts thereof of copper 7,581 144,017 13,898 310,752

7419910010 Fittings for fire hoses, of copper 649 14,762 3,048 93,602

7419910020 Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similarof copper 458 27,867 12,709 311,578

7419910030 Electroplating anodes,machine beltfor ships or other vessel 24,273 299,387 192,878 2,726,652

7419910090 Oth table, kichen,cast, moulded,stamped/forged but not further worked 522 197,509 12,269 3,641,938

7419991000 Electroplating anodes,machine beltfastener,fitting for ships,fire hoses 884 48,576 8,766 461,457

7419992000 Similar containers not fitted withmech./termal equip. of a cap.of <=300l 2,778 44,493 41,299 295,004

7419993100 Grill and netting of copper wirefor machinery 2,132 13,946 118,517 473,431

7419993910 Grill and netting of copper wireCloth suitable for making mosquito nets 4,296 102,095 6,245 135,553

7419993990 Other grill and netting of copper wire 4,482 52,349 58,513 430,217

7419994000 Other grill and netting of copper wireSprings 1,061 48,343 8,026 105,671

7419995000 Other grill and netting of copper wireCigarette cases or boxes and similar 0 3,271 0 1,896

7419999000 Other articles of non copper 18,153 141,041 36,481 526,639

7501100000 Nickel mattes 399,894 400,030 1,272,855 1,278,271

7501200000 Nickel oxide sinters&oth intermediateproduct of nickel metallurgy 44 75,172 228 245,027

7502100000 Nickel, not alloyed 28,060 704,594 235,148 7,751,488

7502200000 Nickel alloys 3,425 15,624 89,878 396,813

7503000000 Nickel waste and scrap. 0 9,075 0 265,669

7504000000 Nickel powders and flakes. 18,618 114,350 220,350 1,469,181

7505110000 Bars, rods and profiles of nickel,not alloyed 279 91,723 1,924 1,797,025

7505120000 Bars, rods & profiles of nickel alloys 1,630 26,937 13,555 345,432



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7505210000 Wire of nickel, not alloyed 5,316 52,205 143,018 1,523,496

7505220000 Wire of nickel alloys 1,528 53,704 30,901 2,090,930

7506100000 Nickel plates, sheets, strip&foil ofnickel, not alloyed 217,705 403,914 86,461 2,050,951

7506200000 Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foilof nickel alloys 13,775 216,581 393,050 2,709,048

7507110000 Tubes and pipes of nickel, not alloyed 0 4,090 0 100,738

7507120000 Tubes and pipes of nickel alloys 6,190 9,616 196,826 374,507

7507200000 Tube or pipe fittings 4,392 80,980 20,946 336,497

7508100000 Cloth, grill and netting,of nickel wire 8,479 32,171 34,486 774,160

7508903000 Bolts and nuts of non nickel 525 37,040 1,389 125,981

7508904000 Other articles suitable for usein building of non nickel 0 16 0 1,357

7508909010 Electro-plating anodes,wrought or un-wrought, including those produced by 11,398 94,567 212,757 1,788,382

7508909020 Screens for printing machines 620 6,773 90,990 215,561

7508909090 Other Nickel tubes, pipes, tube, pipefittings 44,984 100,337 108,843 1,162,906

7601100000 Aluminium, not alloyed 6,614,613 64,401,988 19,084,889 174,959,968

7601200000 Aluminium alloys 12,312,290 109,447,211 36,076,326 304,846,905

7602000000 Aluminium waste and scrap. 2,576,877 31,446,185 5,417,699 65,303,298

7603100000 Aluminium powders of non-lamellarstructure 53,549 547,951 247,651 1,826,713

7603200010 Aluminium powders and flakes of flakes 2,983 75,537 3,654 139,437

7603200020 Aluminium powders and flakes,powderof lamellar structure 19,318 612,547 65,396 1,487,234

7604101000 Bars and rods of aluminium not alloyed 112,848 2,567,713 349,090 7,993,963

7604109010 Profiles suitable for use as heat sinkwith cross-sect.dimention < 17,5x17,5 cm 0 97,103 0 656,311

7604109090 Oth profiles suitable for use as heatsink 67,186 744,364 137,280 2,065,559

7604211000 Perforated tube profile for evaporatorcoils of mtr veh. ac mach.of alum.ally 6,419 59,577 52,472 304,544

7604219000 Oth hollow profiles of aluminium alloys 323,182 2,186,391 1,192,260 7,259,928

7604291010 Extruded bars and rods not surfacetreated 33,597 643,978 128,564 1,829,385

7604291020 Extruded bars and rods surfacetreated 35 1,527 58 5,556

7604293000 Y-shaped profiles for zip fasteners,in coils of non aluminium alloys 4,593 32,384 32,049 152,880

7604299000 Other bars, rods and profiles ofnon aluminium alloys 240,257 1,355,169 695,492 3,863,932

7605110000 Alum. wire of aluminium not alloyedwhich the max.cross-sect'l dim.exceeds 7,181 144,073 44,669 568,689

7605191000 Aluminium wire of non aluminium notalloyed with a diameter < 0.0508 mm 262 9,000 2,413 15,251

7605199000 Other aluminium wire of non aluminiumnot alloyed 20,291 200,747 84,681 1,299,400

7605210000 Alum. wire of aluminium alloys whichthe max.cross-sect'l dimension > 7 mm 4,746 110,823 20,633 467,497

7605291000 Aluminium wire of non aluminium alloyswith a diameter not exceeding 0.254mm 17,309 92,672 75,669 512,517

7605299000 Other aluminium wire of non aluminiumalloys 23,870 487,708 101,049 1,959,737

7606110010 Aluminium plates,sheets&strip of plainor figured by rolling of thick.>0.2mm 13,472 727,023 73,663 2,213,428

7606110090 Oth aluminium plates,sheets&strip ofplain/figured by rolling of thick.>0.2mm 20,818,186 55,401,518 22,497,079 123,984,769

7606121010 Can stock (alloy 3004,3104 or 5182, ofthickness > 0,25 mm, in coil 86,111 534,270 503,139 3,001,869

7606121090 Oth.Can stock (alloy 3004,3104, 5182,of thickness > 0,25 mm, in coil 226,150 955,870 346,418 2,242,207

7606123100 Sheets o alum. rigid cont.sheets alloy5182,5082,hardnessh19<1,000mm in width 59,793 667,412 281,725 2,782,717

7606123910 Other aluminium sheet/coilnot exceeding 1,000 mm in width 1,523,574 11,329,348 4,007,102 27,915,894

7606123920 Other aluminium sheet / coilexceeding 1,000 mm in width 2,224,566 22,737,990 6,958,011 66,333,195

7606123930 Aluminium Litho Grade sheet/coil alloyha 1052 hardness temper h19 and alloy 511,747 1,314,752 996,379 2,999,056

7606123990 Other aluminum sheet 482,522 3,567,600 2,148,826 14,521,111

7606124000 Oth, plain/figured by roll./press. butnot surface treatedof non alum. alloys 153,361 986,797 429,927 4,125,392

7606129000 Other aluminium plate rectanguler ofaluminium alloys 126,330 4,156,068 791,740 13,639,461

7606912000 Oth alum. not alloyed,plain/figured byrolling/pressing b not surface treated 1,575 30,387 6,750 70,116

7606919000 Oth aluminium plate, not rectanguler ofaluminium, not alloyed 26,084 172,835 325,144 758,790

7606923010 Venetian blind slat,whether or notrolled or cut, in width ¢1,000 mm 16,247 38,609 27,536 59,177

7606923020 Sheet or coil of alum. rigid containersheet alloy 5182,5082,hardness h19 139,192 529,735 609,024 1,911,652

7606923090 Oth.than Sheet/coil of aluminium rigidcontainer sheet alloy 5182,5082,hard h19 118,619 1,144,929 105,943 588,218

7606929010 Oth venetian blind slat,whether or notrolled or cut, in width ¢1,000 mm 0 29,248 0 233,927

7606929020 Oth.sheet/coil of alum.rigid containersheet alloy 5182,5082,hardness h19 0 179,526 0 739,245

7606929090 Other aluminium alloys 111,517 860,742 262,406 2,313,737

7607110000 Aluminium foil not backed, rolledbut not further worked 248,158 2,784,071 1,236,774 11,747,680

7607191000 Foil of aluminium alloy A1075 or A3903not back,oth than rolled but not worked 132,042 611,509 680,287 3,094,496

7607199000 Oth than foil aluminium alloy A1075/a3903 not back,oth than roll but notwork 251,214 2,076,609 1,776,612 16,881,295

7607204000 Aluminium foil backed for imitationgold or silver 19,083 187,757 60,026 673,825

7607209010 Aluminium foil laquer coated (white orof thickness >0,05 mm or < 0,15 mm 108,363 1,151,473 610,223 4,306,420

7607209090 Oth.aluminium foil, backed,thickness <=0.2 mm 92,154 1,362,961 453,466 7,765,652

7608100000 Aluminium tubes and pipes ofaluminium, not alloyed 156,264 1,249,695 563,812 4,006,826

7608200000 Aluminium tubes and pipesof aluminium alloys 92,695 919,899 452,440 4,527,632

7609000000 Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (forexample, coupling,elbows,sleeves) 81,880 481,902 689,130 3,665,733

7610100000 Alum. structures for doors, windows &their frames and thresholds for doors 49,946 701,042 207,312 1,876,547

7610901000 Oth alum. structures for bridges andbridge section, towers, lattice masts 1,931 254,195 7,063 683,367

7610909000 Other aluminium structures 133,212 2,089,086 302,355 4,010,537

7611000000 Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, vats andsimilar containers for any material 3,977 126,994 74,804 1,850,317

7612100000 Alum. collapsible tubular containers 19,916 117,348 169,688 963,231

7612901000 Aluminium casks, drums, cans, boxes andseamless containers for fresh milk 0 1,928 0 12,474

7612909000 Oth.aluminium casks,drums,cans, boxes& containers, for any material 173,296 2,290,199 751,347 10,020,987

7613000000 Aluminium containers for compressedor liquified gas 10,876 56,405 25,761 406,071

7614101100 Cable with steel core of circularcross section not exceeding 500 mm 344,266 394,241 879,649 1,051,813

7614101900 Other cable wth steel core 4,919 123,808 34,216 261,812

7614109000 Other stranded wire with steel core 142,187 1,984,337 344,470 5,327,335



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

7614901100 Cable without steel core of circularcross section not exceeding 500 mm 0 796,285 0 5,466,089

7614901200 Cable without steel core of circularcross section > 500 mm but < 630 mm 7 7 64 64

7614901900 Other cable without steel core 498 2,865 3,927 13,893

7614909000 Other stranded wire without steel core 44,192 167,209 163,879 653,566

7615110000 Pot scourers and scouring or polishingpads,/gloves and the like of aluminium 8,248 24,392 8,214 34,375

7615190000 Oth table, kitchen/oth householdarticles & parts thereof of aluminium 181,326 829,552 373,620 1,573,854

7615201000 Bedpans, urinals ( portable type )and chamber 0 16 0 521

7615209000 Other sanitary ware and parts thereofof aluminium 36,368 524,056 49,486 1,064,454

7616101000 Nails of aluminium 92,760 457,503 72,464 895,992

7616102000 Staples and hooks of aluminium 61,165 367,194 218,153 917,473

7616109000 Tacks, rivets,cotters,cotter pinsand washers of aluminium 59,433 819,099 522,459 4,339,194

7616910000 Other cloth, grill, nettingand fencing, of aluminium wire 3,894 359,983 27,336 376,136

7616992000 Ferrules for use in the manufactureof pencils 22,516 40,598 103,033 304,214

7616993000 Alum.slugs, round, of such dim. thatthe thick's>one tenth of the diameter 26,872 536,085 87,038 2,186,453

7616994000 Bobbins, spools, reels and similarsupports for textile yarn 16,683 65,220 39,370 254,778

7616996000 Latex spouts and latex cups 0 33 0 304

7616999010 Venetian blinds 973 31,052 5,056 147,367

7616999090 Other articles of aluminium 298,818 3,197,267 1,507,631 13,082,829

7801100000 Refined lead 3,237,776 35,552,315 7,468,954 85,164,964

7801910000 Oth unwrought lead&containing by wgtantimony as the principal oth element 2,554,557 29,366,289 4,915,325 67,867,354

7801991000 Oth unwrought lead&containing by wgtunrefined 0 8 0 3,260

7801999000 Oth unwrought lead&containing by wgt 344,221 4,523,208 659,834 10,341,782

7802000000 Lead waste and scrap. 13,062 13,063 22,176 22,423

7804110000 Sheets, strip and foilof a thickness < 0,2 mm 1,192 53,496 11,492 267,405

7804190010 Lead embossed, cut to shape, perfortd,coated,printed, backed, reinforce mtrial 641 6,212 42,830 97,362

7804190090 Oth.lead plates, sheets, strip andfoil, lead 3,329 42,828 92,147 858,962

7804200000 Powders and flakes 7,694 109,912 1,465 15,203

7806002000 Other articles of lead,bars,rods,profiles and wire 3,215 113,082 144,220 1,066,873

7806003000 Other articles of lead,tubes,pipesand tube or pipe fittings (for 989 18,279 3,279 140,156

7806009010 Lead wool,washers,electro-plating anodes 553 398,754 1,782 1,288,479

7806009090 Other articles of lead 56,252 140,259 143,698 761,679

7901110000 Zinc not alloyed containingby weight 99.99% or more of zinc 4,549,719 48,448,974 8,481,685 111,356,855

7901120000 Zinc not alloyed containingby weight < 99.99% of zinc 2,786,948 31,827,300 5,683,291 77,558,091

7901200000 Zinc alloys 1,058,314 9,895,960 1,925,837 24,150,305

7902000000 Zinc waste and scrap. 0 8 0 159

7903100000 Zinc dust 125,117 1,413,382 358,205 4,247,858

7903900000 Zinc powders and flakes 64,944 1,031,058 233,456 3,956,569

7904000010 Zinc wire,bars,rods,not surface treated 1,940 125,209 12,123 346,251

7904000090 Zinc profiles 392 767,937 2,333 916,616

7905001010 Zinc plates, sheets, strip not surfacetreated 135,391 2,227,483 111,496 2,288,053

7905001020 Zinc plates, sheets, strip surfacetreated 65,954 417,534 96,149 544,326

7905002010 Zinc foil not surface treated 7,217 604,970 9,907 245,503

7905002090 Zinc foil Surface treated 18,974 111,454 27,801 185,188

7907003000 Gutters, roof capping, skylight frames& oth fabricated building components 29,630 760,162 25,040 1,455,675

7907004000 Zinc tubes, pipes,tube, pipe fittings(cuoplings, elbows, sleeves) 9,457 137,658 185,244 1,070,878

7907009010 Electro-plating anodes; stencil plates 32,889 278,071 78,582 704,397

7907009020 Domestic articles and parts thereof 1,216 221,755 589 169,929

7907009090 Oth articles of zinc oth than domestic 155,021 1,795,779 391,009 5,055,083

8001100000 Tin, not alloyed 45,696 200,563 172,848 818,236

8001200000 Tin alloys 2,225 580,850 15,482 4,246,354

8002000000 Tin waste and scrap. 22 70,681 136 134,032

8003000000 Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire. 39,082 531,109 739,519 10,375,685

8007002000 Other articles of tin, sheets and strip,Plates, thickness > 0,2mm 494,187 5,801,120 644,288 5,614,822

8007003000 Tin-foil (whether or not printed or backper),thick < 0,2 mm,powder & flakes 23 9,363 297 10,979

8007004000 Tin-Tubbes, pipes and tube or pipe fitti(for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves 4,334 5,544 8,222 13,834

8007009010 article of tin, Collapsible tubes fordentifrices, colours, and the like, 0 1,542 0 25,925

8007009090 Other articles of tin 30,058 404,325 218,567 1,608,877

8101100000 Tungsten (wolfram) powders 2,663 36,668 45,799 310,282

8101940000 Unwrought tungsten, including barsand rods obtained simply by sintering 0 6,922 0 183,834

8101960000 Tungsten wire 320 17,845 28,953 310,769

8101990010 Tungsten bar&rods,oth than those obtaineply by sintering,profiles, sheet, strip 97 2,649 4,655 54,844

8101990090 Other tungsten (wolfram) 3,032 33,357 82,712 822,831

8102100000 Molybdenum powders 713 13,438 5,280 165,271

8102950000 Molybdenum bar&rods,o.than those obt'dsimp. by sintering,profiles,strip&foil 16,501 62,615 1,305,229 3,236,612

8102960000 Molybdenum wire 200 7,623 18,915 765,935

8102990000 Other molybdenum 0 1,291 0 163,691

8103200000 Unwrought tantalum, including bars androds obt'd simp.by sintering; powders 3,446 10,020 589,695 1,486,073

8103900000 Other tantalum 0 24 0 1,397

8104110000 Unwrought magnesium containingat least 99.8 % by weight of magnesium 69,426 870,326 313,253 3,884,367

8104190000 Other unwrought magnesium 914 18,979 4,235 68,172

8104300000 Magnesium raspings,turnings &granules,graded according to size; powders 10,053 84,599 89,827 732,028

8104900000 Other magnesium 1 57,937 26 218,334

8105201000 Unwrought cobalt 0 469 0 61,761



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8105209000 Mattes cobalt; cobalt powders 159 4,367 14,429 342,619

8105300000 Cobalt mattes waste and scrap 0 812 0 2,309

8105900000 Other cobalt mattes 83 10,650 34,816 736,228

8106001000 Unwrought bismuth; wasteand scrap; powders 0 2,875 0 76,090

8107200000 Unwrought cadmium, powders 203 738 888 16,621

8107900000 Other cadmium 0 20,546 0 76,471

8108200000 Unwrought titanium; powders 0 24,314 0 172,984

8108900000 Other titanium 15,983 923,020 170,414 15,234,448

8109200000 Unwrought zirconium; powders 0 44,067 0 47,124

8109900000 Other zirconium 509 39,110 1,837 155,156

8110100000 Unwrought antimony; powders 46,000 199,060 300,960 1,229,490

8110200000 Antimony waste and scrap 0 7,518 0 67,954

8110900000 Other antimony 0 32,127 0 454,594

8111000000 Manganese and articles thereof, includewaste and scrap. 482 41,950 22,400 206,513

8112120000 Unwrought beryllium; powders 0 60 0 2,268

8112190000 Other beryllium 0 13,181 0 411,592

8112210000 Unwrought chromium; powders 0 5,719 0 68,165

8112290000 Other Chromium 0 428 0 1,573

8112990000 Other thallium 200 301 15,680 23,796

8113000000 Cermets and articles thereof,including waste 0 1 0 1

8201100000 Spades and shovels 257 19,683 4,902 154,276

8201200000 Forks 0 18,801 0 58,660

8201301000 Hoes (mamooties) and rakes 512 1,126 1,408 11,958

8201309000 Mattocks and picks 87 3,492 2,245 34,964

8201400000 Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tool 0 228 0 4,336

8201500000 Secateurs & similar one-handed prunersand shears (including poultry shears) 6,620 127,415 6,829 173,817

8201600000 Hedge shears,two-handed pruning shearsand similar two handed shears 0 2 0 65

8201900000 Other hand tools of a kind used inagriculture, horticulture or forestry 32 3,232 6,321 18,760

8202100000 Hand saws 94,313 962,134 97,171 1,213,106

8202200000 Band saw blades 32,308 501,357 421,793 2,294,065

8202310000 Circular saw blades with working partof steel 3,172 59,074 65,140 349,230

8202390000 Other circular saw blades,including parts 37,145 414,084 102,805 1,282,858

8202400000 Chain saw blades 130,273 705,197 177,325 774,904

8202910000 Straight saw blades for working metal 15,389 65,957 248,655 346,126

8202991000 Straight saw blades 7,036 89,017 21,356 158,272

8202999000 Other saw blades 92,244 1,050,001 400,318 4,332,721

8203100000 Files, rasps and similar tools 66,885 506,773 123,518 1,670,368

8203200000 Pliers (including cutting pliers),pincers, tweezers and similar tools 212,563 2,099,364 375,855 4,611,846

8203300000 Metal cutting shears and similar tools 48,542 531,587 69,201 1,196,292

8203400000 Pipe-cutters, bolt croppers,perforating punches, and similar tools 29,946 594,232 153,149 2,538,039

8204110000 Hand operated spanners and wrenchesnon - adjustable 381,829 2,773,007 781,390 5,802,659

8204120000 Hand operated spanners and wrenchesadjustable 480,846 2,523,084 999,664 4,879,048

8204200000 Interchangeable spanner sockets,with or without handles 161,947 1,503,423 447,943 3,623,207

8205100000 Drilling, threading or tapping tools 38,518 696,928 397,901 3,171,612

8205200000 Hammers and sledge hammers 195,616 2,987,493 316,897 4,363,504

8205300000 Planes, chisels, gouges andsimilar cutting 82,990 937,211 110,934 1,072,953

8205400000 Screwdrivers 127,620 1,612,708 280,992 3,010,089

8205511000 Flat irons 14,241 61,197 10,000 95,481

8205519000 Other household tools 8,522 152,015 27,513 473,360

8205590000 Other hand tools , oth than househlodtools 219,433 2,728,115 568,617 6,307,913

8205600000 Blow lamps 61 24,396 1,092 45,094

8205700000 Vices, clamps and the like 110,261 1,666,777 347,032 3,863,607

8205800000 Anvils; portable forges; hand-/pedal-op'ted grinding wheels with frameworks 38,729 470,663 82,967 711,239

8205900000 Sets of articles of two or moreof the foregoing subheadings 70,724 626,577 517,841 4,142,446

8206000000 Tools of two/more of the headings82.02to82.05 put up in sets for retail sale 95,266 751,530 290,529 3,419,975

8207130000 Rock drilling or earth boring toolswith working part of cermets 1,206 40,929 42,931 790,442

8207190000 Other rock drilling or earth boringtools, including parts 207,384 1,983,466 4,775,631 35,998,580

8207200000 Dies for drawing or extruding metal 49,057 598,411 616,542 7,268,335

8207300000 Tools for pressing, stampingor punching 379,935 1,471,471 5,096,981 20,919,303

8207400000 Tools for tapping or threading 17,207 241,162 329,981 3,206,674

8207500000 Tools for drilling,other than for rock drilling 131,354 687,838 1,490,534 10,999,680

8207600000 Tools for boring or broaching 16,283 176,104 703,815 4,519,236

8207700000 Tools for milling 8,205 114,265 513,738 3,553,745

8207800000 Tools for turning 12,571 258,764 405,576 3,236,673

8207900000 Other interchangeable tools 57,996 472,668 1,564,504 13,755,044

8208100000 Knives and cutting bladesfor metal working 35,461 260,550 585,633 4,821,038

8208200000 Knives and cutting bladesfor wood working 75,046 924,132 463,462 5,168,669

8208300000 Knives&cutting blades f kitchen app'es/for mach. used by the food industry 13,281 167,880 42,361 455,375

8208400000 Knives&cutting blades for agricultural, horticultural or forestry machines 1,421 28,249 15,787 193,186

8208900000 Other knives and cutting blades 112,107 1,445,030 1,700,083 13,293,930

8209000000 Plates, sticks, tipsand the like for tools, 74,777 1,344,793 684,874 7,744,974

8210000000 Hand-operated mechanicalappliances, weighing 65,086 567,593 65,541 916,947

8211100000 Knives with cutting blades,serratedor not and sets of assorted articles 37,556 198,052 45,033 2,510,316



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8211910000 Table knives having fixed blades 5,149 166,714 19,066 745,346

8211925010 knives ,fix blades, handle of base metalfor agricultural, horticultural/forestry 229 3,937 410 5,499

8211925090 knives ,fix blades,handle oth than metalfor agricultural, horticultural/forestry 15,403 47,602 8,973 34,271

8211929010 Flick or spring knives; hunting,divingand scouts knives,penknives;blades>15 cm 2,702 41,214 4,129 59,997

8211929020 Other knives having fixed bladeswith handle of base metal 91 24,757 1,989 45,057

8211929090 Other knives having fixed bladeswith handle oth than base metal 12,465 120,068 45,766 510,794

8211932010 Knives,oth than fixed blades,with handlebase metal, for agricultural, forestry 59 7,355 83 6,163

8211932090 Knives,oth than fixed blades,handle oththan metal, for agricultural, forestry 793 2,788 750 4,476

8211939010 Knives having other than fixed bladeswith handle of base metal 0 9,749 0 11,976

8211939090 Knives having other than fixed blades,with handle oth than base metal 22,025 142,393 102,300 370,129

8211940000 Blades with handle of base metal 5,776 147,921 129,747 876,765

8211950000 Knives with handles of base metal 2,217 63,253 8,434 112,855

8212100000 Razors 14,106 118,885 111,522 678,593

8212201000 Safety razor bladeswith double-edged razor blades 91,613 985,076 1,593,216 14,582,290

8212209000 Other razors and razor blades 18,928 359,435 69,493 566,474

8212900000 Other parts of razors and razor blade 450 6,582 1,260 29,603

8213000000 Scissors, tailors' shearsand similar shears, 55,006 836,862 126,105 1,425,537

8214100000 Ppr knives,lttr openers,erasing knives,pencil sharpeners and blades therefor 81,789 1,126,494 120,449 1,742,815

8214200000 Manicure or pedicure setsand instruments 58,735 339,198 205,427 873,340

8214900000 Other articles of cutlery 110,923 673,389 130,732 1,004,203

8215100000 Spoons,forks,ladles,skimmer,cake serv.&fish knives sets of assorted articles 2,147 151,101 10,652 504,941

8215200000 Similar kitchen and tableware,other sets of assorted articles 89,556 400,390 98,194 651,694

8215910000 Similar kitchen and tablewareplated with precious metal 21 27,234 4,840 59,817

8215990000 Other similar kitchen and tableware 153,205 2,905,258 375,513 4,453,575

8301100000 Padlocks 446,099 4,114,379 687,393 4,874,869

8301200000 Locks of a kind used f motor vehicles 208,600 1,652,017 1,716,174 15,575,324

8301300000 Locks of a kind used for furniture 345,649 4,525,513 372,571 4,462,355

8301400000 Other locks 569,647 6,549,061 830,365 9,388,262

8301500000 Clasps and frames with clasps,incorporating locks 25,782 284,030 169,159 1,049,535

8301600000 Parts of padlocks and lock 332,077 3,841,025 1,977,576 18,844,861

8301700000 Keys presented separately 16,762 166,442 42,246 328,185

8302100000 Hinges 1,322,338 11,257,859 1,380,262 11,388,470

8302200000 Castors 393,061 2,944,013 630,713 4,291,957

8302300000 Oth mountings, fittings and similararticles suitable for motor vehicles 304,805 3,024,195 2,008,398 19,845,005

8302413010 Hasps ; suitable for buildingsuitable for building 158,614 1,934,776 336,363 1,453,135

8302413090 Bolts, hooks, eyes and staplessuitable for building 68,322 711,580 60,947 717,483

8302419000 Other mountingsuitable for building 636,042 5,013,595 824,768 6,513,132

8302421000 Bolts and haspssuitable for furniture 18,839 308,116 22,272 372,464

8302429000 Other Mounting ; suitable for furniture 1,550,550 12,521,842 2,445,500 17,811,278

8302491000 Mounting of a kind suitable for saddlery 18,037 97,849 19,058 226,711

8302499000 Other mounting ; oth than of a kindsuitable for saddlery 281,993 3,058,378 499,656 4,960,098

8302500000 Hat-racks,hat-pegs, bracketsand similar fixtures 112,930 1,115,249 131,804 1,784,157

8302600000 Automatic door closers 58,872 503,705 125,916 1,031,039

8303000000 Armoured/reinforced safes,strong-boxesand doors and safe deposit lockers 373,428 2,417,037 665,227 3,926,523

8304001000 Filing cabinets or card-index cabinets 31,519 797,542 45,020 1,341,340

8304002000 Office or desk equipment of copper orof lead 9,949 79,667 1,170 190,203

8304009000 Other similar office or desk equipment 254,815 2,234,540 1,024,313 6,048,064

8305101000 Fittings for double loop wire bindersdouble loop wire binders 12,258 42,260 36,086 114,422

8305109000 Fittings for loose-leaf binders or filesoth than double loop wire binders 143,131 1,525,039 188,342 1,778,638

8305200000 Staples in strips 220,590 1,975,630 212,878 1,964,784

8305900000 Letter coners, paper clips, indexingtagsoffice articles 84,850 1,465,484 248,865 3,479,078

8306101000 Bells for cycles 15,524 114,426 11,875 139,067

8306102000 Bells, gongs and the like, of copper 0 10,136 0 10,369

8306109000 Bells, gongs and the like,oth than of copper 5,349 68,381 25,315 295,248

8306210000 Statuetes and other ornamenplated with precious metal 41 130 4,196 5,290

8306291000 Statuetes and other ornamen, of copperor lead 56 2,388 103 3,195

8306299000 Statuetes and other ornamen, of oth thancopper or lead 5,465 86,433 16,500 208,142

8306301000 Photograph, picture or similar frames;mirrors : of copper 0 15 0 10

8306309000 Photograph, picture or similar frames;mirrors : of oth than copper 34,485 536,983 63,058 943,045

8307100000 Flexible tubing of base metal, withor without fitting of iron or steel 75,199 1,243,835 494,176 5,251,802

8307900000 Flexible tubing of base metal, with orwithout fitting of other base metal 12,558 340,668 96,831 1,383,667

8308100000 Hooks,eyes&eyelet o base metal of a k.used f cloth,footwear,awnings&handbags 156,905 2,278,307 1,597,609 15,197,162

8308200000 Tubular/bifurcated rivets of bs metalof a kind used for clothing,footwear 47,705 246,759 565,004 2,090,335

8308901000 Beads of base metal 46,984 143,262 193,036 1,300,653

8308902000 Spangles of base metal 12,087 54,147 32,439 486,544

8308909000 Other clups and parts 254,002 3,172,046 1,378,052 12,863,757

8309100000 Crown corks of packing accessoriesof base metal 13,707 71,036 38,095 203,170

8309901000 Capsules for bottles of base metal 9 74,789 187 298,166

8309902000 Top ends of alum. cans of base metal 139,751 1,719,509 774,565 9,665,905

8309903000 Other caps for cans of base metal 94,433 1,652,804 322,452 2,216,208

8309904000 Bungs for metal drums; bung covers;seals;case corner protectors 18,313 149,508 104,210 974,776

8309905000 Oth packing accessories, of aluminium 86,928 528,062 467,821 3,864,117

8309909000 Oth packing accessories, of base metal 74,931 901,821 859,208 8,219,169



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8310000000 Sign , name, address and similar plates,numbers, and oth symbols, of base metal 35,006 397,993 506,440 4,697,364

8311101000 Coated electrodes of base metal,for electric arc-welding : In rolls 717,263 5,641,239 990,829 6,795,178

8311109000 Coated electrodes of base metal,for electric arc-welding, In oth than rolls 1,325,989 17,652,491 3,602,366 36,652,720

8311201000 Cored wire of base metal, for electric arc-welding : In rolls 684,521 4,257,435 1,630,081 8,615,345

8311209000 Cored wire of base metal, for electric arc-welding : In oth than rolls 218,918 1,589,186 422,916 3,333,580

8311301000 Coated rods &core wire of base metalfor sold,braz/welding by flame in roll 494,141 3,047,428 911,029 7,301,635

8311309000 Coated rods & core wire, base metal,forsold,braz/weld by flame in oth than roll 128,146 1,174,288 687,126 5,842,221

8311900000 wire and rods, of agglomerated basemetal powder, used for metal spraying. 487,987 3,009,297 905,187 7,450,789

8401100000 Nuclear reactors 227 29,622 3,238 123,094

8401200000 Machin and app for isotopic separation,and parts thereof non-irradiated 92 21,529 1,036 226,927

8401300000 Fuel elements (cartridges), 28 2,489 364 41,334

8401400000 Parts of nuclear reactors 451 4,478 336 120,982

8402111000 Watertube boiler electric with a steamproduction exceeding 45 tons per hour 5,043,467 8,501,613 6,447,379 22,086,128

8402112000 Watertube boiler not electric with asteam production exceeding 45 tons/ hour 0 2,266 0 15,203

8402121100 Watertube boilers elect. with a steam15 tons <= steam prod.< 45tons/hours 0 2,495,109 0 5,558,007

8402121900 Watertube boilers electric with asteam prod < 15 tons /hours 124,288 2,044,422 254,014 7,491,211

8402122100 Watertube boilers not elect. with steam15 tons <= steam prod.< 45tons/hours 0 1,491,489 0 2,842,288

8402122900 Watertube boilers not electric with a15 tons <= steam prod.< 45tons/hours 111,433 1,150,547 573,850 3,107,926

8402191100 Electric boilers with a steamprod.< 15 tons/hours 0 37,506 0 57,595

8402191900 Oth vapour elect generating boilers,inclhybrid boilers, steam prod<=15 ton/hours 351,839 926,165 947,769 2,693,887

8402192100 Oth not-elect generating boilers,inclhybrid boilers, steam prod >15 ton/hours 0 10,685 0 29,406

8402192900 Oth not-elect generating boilers,inclhybrid boilers, steam prod<=15 ton/hours 803 435,795 91,520 1,750,275

8402201000 Electric super heated water boilerselectrically operated 553 28,837 4,462 66,270

8402202000 Electric super heated water boilers not electrically operated 250 7,236 1,760 54,463

8402901000 Boiler bodies or shellsgenerating boilers 278,393 2,853,829 854,625 8,182,300

8402909000 Other parts of steam or other vapourgenerating boilers 2,645,801 13,332,122 5,654,910 73,684,546

8403100000 Boilers of central heating boilers otherthan those of heading 84.02. 195,237 2,772,211 226,606 7,515,192

8403901000 Boiler bodies or shells central heatingboilers oth than those of heading 84.02. 762 1,077,508 5,939 2,056,101

8403909000 Other part of central heating boilersoth than those of heading 84.02. 113,140 2,739,437 552,719 8,797,432

8404101010 Soot remover for use with boilers ofheading 84.02 25,935 72,050 182,518 888,569

8404101090 Oth auxiliary plant for use with boilersof heading 84.02 4,296,906 21,699,305 16,414,953 86,117,507

8404102000 Oth auxiliary plant for use with boilersof heading 84.03 162,192 1,391,960 1,231,758 5,422,343

8404200000 Condensers for steam orother vapour power units 299,083 862,925 1,437,163 6,111,775

8404901100 Boiler bodies or shellsof goods of subheading 8404.10.10 : 2,384 28,507 185,887 552,569

8404901900 Part oth than boiler bodies or shellsof goods of subheading 8404.10.10 : 6,456 192,083 306,756 1,044,551

8404902100 Boiler bodies or shellsof goods of subheading 8404.10.20 : 11,676 77,448 22,891 123,392

8404902900 Part oth than boiler bodies or shellsof goods of subheading 8404.10.20 : 59 1,592,284 728 10,950,775

8404909000 Other parts of auxiliary machineryfor use with boilers 3,348,238 13,107,305 19,351,801 72,039,712

8405100000 Producer gas/water gas generators,withor without purifiers; acetylene gas 23,933 2,978,135 213,684 23,008,306

8405900000 Parts of producer gasor water generators 24,588 2,230,891 677,626 9,792,392

8406100000 Turbines for marine propulsion 26 12,082 197 173,018

8406810000 Turbines oth than marine propulsionof an output exceeding 40 MW 411,347 17,603,046 3,372,421 101,349,160

8406820000 Turbines oth than marine propulsionOf an output not exceeding 40 MW 870,151 3,563,403 2,969,586 23,505,180

8406900000 Parts of steam turbines and parts 1,132,892 5,698,036 12,200,263 56,158,283

8407100000 Spark-ignition rcprctg piston enginesfor aircraft 17,873 77,996 3,990,517 39,196,713

8407210000 Outboard motors, marine propulsion engines 94,246 2,119,691 1,998,937 34,292,490

8407291000 Spark-ignition rcprctg piston engn foroth marine prop egn, output =< 22.38kw 80,877 2,046,526 140,062 9,679,585

8407299000 Spark-ignition rcprctg piston engn foroth marine prop egn, output >750kw 6,669 323,992 15,291 4,168,178

8407310000 Reciprocating piston engine of vichileof chapter 87 ,capacity <=50 cc 23,389 68,503 12,856 65,429

8407320000 Reciprocating piston engine of vichileof chapter 87 ,50cc< capacity <=250 cc 1,114,246 11,215,811 8,552,882 94,210,813

8407330000 Reciprocating piston engine of vichileof chapter 87 ,250cc< capacity <=1000 cc 242 1,123 482 33,266

8407341000 Piston egine for pedestrian controlledtractors, cylinder capacity <= 1,100 cc 0 250,516 0 1,591,998

8407343000 Spark ignition rcprctg piston engn of acyl.capa exc.1000 cc for vhc.of hd 87.11 0 18,464 0 410,771

8407349000 Piston engn of a capacity exc. 1000 ccoth.for tractors,vhc.of hd 87.11, 87,01 847,445 7,329,599 5,618,018 48,802,892

8407901000 Oth spark-ignition recipro pist engineof a power not exeeding 18.65 kw 604,375 3,156,680 2,131,690 7,298,415

8407902000 Oth spark-ignition recipro pist enginepower > 18.65 kw and <= 22.38 0 62,766 0 77,340

8407909000 Oth spark-ignition recipro pist engineof a power > 22.38kw (30hp) 69,359 361,920 178,100 1,056,959

8408104000 Comprss-igntn piston eng.for marinepropulsion of a power not exceed 750 kw 967,665 6,608,378 1,799,619 10,157,326

8408109000 Comprss-igntn piston eng.for marinepropulsion of a power exceeding 750 kw 284,762 3,746,254 3,299,590 64,429,648

8408201100 Comprss-igntn piston engines for vhcls8701.10, output <= 60 kw 0 63,989 0 995,998

8408201200 Comprss-igntn piston eng oth for vhcls8701.10, output <= 60kw,fully ass 524,596 4,389,039 1,193,678 5,919,658

8408201900 Comprss-igntn piston engines for vhclsoth 87,not fully assemble,output < 60kw 194,557 3,098,354 1,319,276 25,574,055

8408209100 Comprss-igntn piston engines for vhcls8701.10, oth output not exceed 60 kw 0 2,007 0 36,095

8408209200 Comprss-igntn piston eng oth for vhcls8701.10,oth.output <= 60kw,full ass 805,633 6,598,834 8,821,801 74,381,704

8408209900 Comprss-igntn pist engines oth for vhcl8701.10,oth.output <= 60kw,not fully ass 35,463 368,172 415,432 3,751,143

8408901010 Comprss-igntn piston engn for earth movemach. of an output not exc. 18,65 kw 70 699,590 3,147 6,100,978

8408901020 Comprss-igntn piston engn,railway loc/tramway vhc.of output not exc.18,65 kw 0 16,573 0 40,638

8408901090 Compr-ign piston engn oth for earth movemach,railway loc.output not exc.18,65kw 1,346,772 18,499,240 1,591,606 21,324,819

8408905010 Comprss-igntn piston engn for earth movemach. of an output exc. 100 kw 85,227 259,039 2,484,033 5,747,158

8408905020 Comprss-ign piston engn for railway loc/tramway vhc.of an output exc. 100 kw 0 10,000 0 312,187

8408905090 Compr-ign piston engn oth.for earth movemach,railway loc. an output exc. 100 kw 566,881 5,094,887 5,905,675 49,617,565

8408909100 Compr-ign piston eng for earth move machoth.an output>100kw, and <=18,65 kw 48,178 940,262 44,457 1,102,690

8408909200 Compr-ign piston eng for railwy loc/tramvhc.oth.output > 100kw,and <= 18,65kw 0 99,323 0 657,382



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8408909900 Comp.ign.piston eng.oth,earth move machrail loc. oth output exc.100kw,not18,65 636,844 8,209,460 1,162,961 15,079,101

8409100000 Parts suitable for aircraft engines 106 45,545 14,821 5,177,740

8409911100 Carburettors & parts thereof for earthmoving machinery, spark-ignition 24,475 176,862 762,650 6,334,604

8409911200 Cylinder blocksfor earth mov machinery,spark-ignition 1,697 20,821 8,993 131,137

8409911300 Cylinder linersfor earth mov machinery,spark-ignition 4,413 68,013 109,947 888,303

8409911400 Heads and head coverfor earth machinery,spark-ignition 7,098 204,872 92,765 2,077,014

8409911500 Pistons for earth mov machinery,spark-ignition 22,973 187,400 347,730 2,589,844

8409911600 Piston rings,gudgeon pinsfor earth movemachinery, spark-ignition 17,718 233,147 793,116 7,857,826

8409911900 Oth parts suitable for earthmoving machinery, spark-ignition 36,967 385,240 308,766 2,713,829

8409912100 Carburettors&part thereof for vhcles of87.01, power =< 22.38 kw, spark-ignition 8,858 100,678 80,873 875,344

8409912200 Cylnder blocks for vehicle of head 87.01power =< 22.38 kw, spark-ign 872 25,471 26,481 230,782

8409912300 Cylnder liners for vehicle of head 87.01power =< 22.38 kw, spark-ign 499 7,301 9,932 52,332

8409912400 Heads and head cover for vhcls of 87.01power =< 22.38 kw, spark-ign 1,050 15,335 2,344 171,441

8409912500 Pistons for vehicles of 87.01,power =< 22.38 kw, spark-ign 3,458 28,738 87,983 640,295

8409912600 Piston rings & gudgeon pins for vhcls of87.01,power =< 22.38 kw, spark-ign 210 2,162 2,939 9,525

8409912900 Oths parts suitable for vehicles 8701,power =< 22.38 kw, spark-ignition 26,567 78,430 197,228 1,498,753

8409914100 Carburettors and parts thereoffor vehicles 87.11, spark-ignition 655,693 4,225,938 11,677,427 93,341,782

8409914200 Cylinder blocks, crank casesfor vhcls 87.11,spark-ignitio 257,599 2,302,796 1,461,178 13,502,911

8409914300 Cylinder linersfor vehicles 87.11,spark-ignition 0 48,708 0 77,737

8409914400 Heads and head coverfor vehicles 87.11,spark-ignition 207,134 2,038,185 3,133,851 33,272,654

8409914500 Pistons for vehicles 87.11,spark-ignitio 81,847 656,920 641,879 5,019,278

8409914600 Piston rings and gudgeon pins forfor vehicles 87.11,spark-ignition 11,432 202,775 364,453 4,284,764

8409914900 Oth parts suitable for vehiclesheading 87.11, spark-ignition 373,498 3,385,721 6,627,544 56,772,378

8409915100 Caburettors and parts thereof for othvehicles of chapter 87, spark-ignition 58,674 430,443 680,929 7,811,623

8409915200 Cylinder blocks, crank cases for othvehicles of chapter 87, spark-ignition 506,806 3,639,832 4,144,615 42,195,768

8409915300 Cylinder liners for othvehicles of chapter 87, spark-ignition 27,968 364,144 58,992 645,238

8409915400 Heads and head cover for othvehicles of chapter 87, spark-ignition 199,454 891,090 1,385,982 7,360,805

8409915500 Pistons for oth vehicles of chapter 87,spark-ignition 69,703 544,027 922,494 8,318,161

8409915600 Piston rings and gudgeon pins for othvehicles of chapter 87, spark-ignition 165,860 768,611 1,105,029 7,854,402

8409915900 Oth parts suitable for vehicles foroth vehicles 87, spark-ignition 1,141,885 9,596,144 14,197,916 119,794,125

8409916100 Cyl.block,crank case,marine propul eng,power<= 22.38kw for vssl of 89 spark-ign 0 5,782 0 18,855

8409916200 Piston for marine propuls eng, power<=22.38 kw for vssls of 89, spark-ign 2,904 31,613 2,952 24,487

8409916300 Oth.for vssls chapt.89,marine propl engof a power <= 22.38 kw, spark-ignition 1,250 65,705 18,017 611,722

8409916400 Cyl.block,crank cases,marine propls engpower>22.38kw for chapter 89,spark-ign 167 12,606 6,388 129,663

8409916500 Pistons for marine propuls eng.of power>22.38 kw for vssls of 89,spark-ign 5,575 23,333 14,363 249,625

8409916600 Oth.for chapt.89 for marine propuls eng,of a power>22.38 kw, spark-ignition 3,084 122,260 24,844 778,193

8409917100 Carburettors & parts thereof for othengines, spark-ignition 14,021 71,446 50,307 180,382

8409917200 Cylinder block for oth eng,spark-ign 63,577 644,463 73,008 1,544,233

8409917300 Cylinder liner for oth eng,spark-ign 28,977 303,646 100,109 1,177,197

8409917400 Heads and head cover for oth engines,spark-ignition 6,156 48,942 53,010 522,224

8409917500 Pistons for oth engines,spark-ignition 27,792 345,309 350,037 4,285,180

8409917600 Piston rings and gudgeon pins for othengines, spark-ignition 6,249 54,508 107,811 1,045,727

8409917900 Oth parts for oth engines,spark-ignition 248,678 2,829,611 2,214,967 20,995,989

8409991100 Carburettors & parts thereof for earthmoving machinery, comp-ignition 1,437 27,116 89,159 1,506,678

8409991200 Cylinder blocks for earth moving mach,comp-ignition 6,785 113,461 71,552 1,550,869

8409991300 Cylinder liners for earth moving mach,comp-ignition 1,072 47,705 11,283 141,911

8409991400 Heads and head cover for earth movingmachinery, comp-ignition 11,654 67,069 142,328 1,188,748

8409991500 Pistons for earth moving machinery,comp-ignition 8,473 64,644 84,840 417,179

8409991600 Piston ring & gudgeon pin for earth movemachinery, comp-ignition 15,077 28,058 92,835 225,254

8409991900 Oth parts suitable for earthmoving machinery, comp-ignition 84,295 425,882 785,106 5,440,111

8409992100 Carburettors&part thereof for vehiclesof 87.01 comp-ignition 3 93,377 211 86,725

8409992200 Cylndr blocks for vehicles of 87.01comp-ignition 11 443,404 220 400,213

8409992300 Cylndr liners for vehicles of 87.01comp-ignition 16,789 108,776 51,064 199,425

8409992400 Heads and head cover for vhcls of 87.01comp-ignition 297 57,273 5,033 220,915

8409992500 Pistons for vehicles of 87.01,comp-ignition 52 43,862 6,554 182,909

8409992600 Piston ring&gudgeon pin for vhcls of87.01 comp-ignition 0 4,998 0 12,543

8409992900 Oths parts suitable for vhcls 87.01,comp-ignition 8,914 1,447,998 25,621 9,997,236

8409994100 Caburettors and parts thereof for othvehicles of chapter 87, comp-ignition 95,761 508,673 1,134,364 5,571,226

8409994200 Cylinder blocks for oth vhcls of chapt87, comp-ignition 169,912 2,110,211 1,943,463 11,149,738

8409994300 Cylinder liners for oth vehicles ofchapter 87,comp-ignition 25,437 159,244 258,689 1,635,567

8409994400 Heads and head cover for vehicles ofchapter 87,comp-ignition 92,177 600,314 1,068,278 6,065,516

8409994500 Pistons for oth vehicles ofchapter 87,comp-ignition 30,232 385,036 238,195 1,568,798

8409994600 Pistons ring & gudgeon pins for vhcls ofchapter 87, comp-ignition 31,753 272,544 270,082 1,652,539

8409994900 Oth parts suitable for vehicles foroth vehicles 87, comp-ignition 430,696 4,331,666 5,655,654 38,410,735

8409995100 Cyl.block,crank case,marine propuls.eng,power<= 22.38kw for vssl of 89,comp-ign 0 6,158 0 5,477

8409995200 Piston for marine propul eng of power<=22.38 kw for vssls of 89,comp-ignition 164 4,723 603 23,803

8409995300 Oth.for vssls chapt.89,marine propul engof a power<= 22.38 kw, comp-ignition 1,221 66,022 6,377 139,035

8409995400 Cyl.block,crank cases,marine propuls engof power>22.38kw for vssl 89, comp-ign 1 1,679 73 65,622

8409995500 Pistons for marine propuls eng.of power> 22.38 kw for vssls of 89,comp-ign 45 834 9,824 16,559

8409995600 Oth.for vssls,chap89,marine propuls engof a power>22.38 kw, comp-ignition 11,114 91,792 271,709 954,309

8409996100 Carburettors & parts thereof for othengines, comp-ignition 806 39,635 4,987 82,194

8409996200 Cylinder blocks for oth engines,comp-ignition 7,550 292,402 48,218 1,448,578

8409996300 Cylinder liners for oth engines,comp-ignition 120,900 1,050,132 418,190 3,257,773



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8409996400 Heads and head cover for oth engines,comp-ignition 16,067 291,690 493,745 3,041,214

8409996500 Pistons for oth engines, comp-ignition 44,927 531,567 347,555 3,791,347

8409996600 Piston rings and gudgeon pins for othengines, comp-ignition 2,368 119,515 56,147 885,435

8409996900 Oth parts for oth engines,comp-ignition 1,104,702 11,384,022 8,824,807 90,172,001

8410110000 Hydraulic turbine&water wheels of power<= 1,000 kw 63,661 1,195,218 714,361 12,323,988

8410120000 Hydraulic turbines and water wheels of apower>1,000 kw but not exceed 10,000 kw 0 94,860 0 824,922

8410130000 Hydraulic turbines and water wheels ofa power exceeding 10,000 kw 513 13,046 1,482 310,481

8410900000 Parts hydraulic turbines, water wheels,including regulators 231,014 1,263,743 1,761,828 12,857,313

8411110000 Turbo-jets of a thrust not exceed 25 kn 49 25,871 46,885 422,283

8411120000 Turbo-jets of a thrust exceeding 25 kn 16,878 566,402 20,311,955 32,996,018

8411210000 Turbo-propellers of a power not exceed1,100 kw 16,142 25,286 546,415 1,243,112

8411220000 Turbo-propellers of a power exceeding1,100 kw 0 123,203 0 3,686,560

8411810000 Oth gas turbines of a power not exceed5,000 kw 2,185 213,840 109,399 12,838,710

8411820000 Oth gas turbines of a power exceeding5,000 kw 725,521 2,682,501 28,897,150 83,186,784

8411910000 Parts of turbo-jets/turbo-propellers 202 63,676 158,550 4,973,894

8411990000 Oth parts of gas turbines 114,137 3,119,723 7,373,985 127,969,673

8412100000 Reaction engines oth than turbo-jets 18 35,173 380 163,618

8412210000 Hydraulic power engines and motorswith linear acting (cylinders) 166,950 1,992,425 1,263,181 16,441,952

8412290000 Oth hydraulic powerengines and motors 518,072 3,093,790 3,292,520 23,569,279

8412310000 Linear act (cylinders), for pneumaticpower engines and motors 6,379 65,186 251,106 2,100,005

8412390000 Oth linear acting (cylinders) forpneumatic power engines and motors 27,306 93,969 133,194 1,419,546

8412800000 Oth engines and motors 90,093 473,507 366,577 6,272,109

8412901000 Parts of reaction engines of subhead8412.10.00 715 53,925 12,889 256,752

8412909000 Oth parts of power engines & motors 131,037 810,411 1,062,268 7,764,560

8413110000 Pump fitted/design to a measu device fordispnsng fuel/lubric,used in fill stat 61,773 1,402,057 1,063,608 18,528,202

8413191000 Pumps fitted/designed to a measuringdevice electrically operated 204,945 1,128,890 2,453,123 15,266,716

8413192000 Pumps fitted/designed to a measuringdevice and not electrically operated 4,253 104,983 45,618 848,608

8413201000 Water pump for hand pump,oth than thoseof subheading 8413.11or 8413.19 67,387 567,077 134,566 1,177,537

8413209000 Oth hand pumps, oth than thoseof subheading 8413.11or 8413.19 434,479 1,673,181 539,702 5,477,365

8413301100 Fuel,lubric.,cool medium pump,earth movemach/motor vhcle, reciproc/rotary type 128,226 2,294,080 1,918,955 17,769,808

8413301900 Fuel,lubric.,cool medium pump,earth movemach/motor vhcl,not recipro/rotary type 802,685 7,283,054 9,852,864 86,923,750

8413309100 Oth fuel,lubric,cool medium pumps,intercombust piston eng recipro/rotary type 125,528 1,133,792 1,802,108 10,515,276

8413309900 Oth fuel,lubric,cool medium pumps,intercombus piston eng oth recipro/rotary typ 137,553 1,278,247 1,526,812 16,916,105

8413401000 Concrete pumps, electrically operated 50,553 213,886 193,066 1,717,129

8413402000 Concrete pumps, not electric operated 0 15,186 0 94,248

8413501000 Oth reciprocating positivedisplacement pumps, electric operated 96,653 738,589 3,368,158 11,095,677

8413502000 Oth reciprocating positivedisplacement pumps,not electric operated 200,537 760,946 374,119 4,943,470

8413601000 Oth rotary positive displacement pumps, electrically operated 195,957 1,210,157 836,022 6,780,266

8413602000 Oth rotary positive displacement pumps, not electrically operated 15,603 47,845 323,663 1,451,874

8413701000 Single stage,water pump for belt driveror direct coupling 768,743 3,909,675 3,908,521 15,282,156

8413702200 Impulse-turbo water pumps of < 100 w&electrically operated for household use 766 84,677 1,779 121,730

8413702900 Impulse-turbo water pumps of a capacity>100w electric operated for household use 912,393 7,919,635 10,833,654 59,091,388

8413703000 Oth centrifugal pumps not electricallyoperated 140,536 969,512 955,171 3,349,006

8413811000 Oth pumps, electrically operated 1,426,206 11,436,549 7,324,161 67,180,295

8413812000 Oth pumps, not electrically operated 252,462 1,530,848 1,250,914 11,528,087

8413821000 Liquid elevators, electrically operated 103,927 3,388,126 607,408 11,474,930

8413822000 Liquid elevators,not electric operated 882 260,273 29,916 3,563,373

8413911000 Parts of pumps of subheading 8413.20.10 27,456 404,459 171,465 3,193,442

8413912000 Parts of pumps of subheading 8413.20.90 9,439 344,161 74,649 1,380,009

8413913000 Parts of pumps of subheading 8413.70.10 14,454 421,377 169,840 4,832,137

8413914000 Parts of pumps of oth centrifugal pumps 124,103 1,607,369 1,388,526 17,581,133

8413915000 Parts of oth pumps,electric operated 1,232,253 8,545,667 6,515,769 61,379,844

8413919000 Parts of oth pumps,not electric operated 223,689 1,529,754 2,749,639 24,318,863

8413921000 Part of liquid elevator,electric operate 288,206 1,589,789 397,551 2,192,032

8413922000 Part of liquid elevators, nonelectrically operated 846 41,580 8,218 138,834

8414101000 Electrically operated, vacuum pumps 87,707 1,393,025 572,396 14,754,521

8414102000 Not electrically operated, vacuum pumps 16,642 71,136 122,344 817,424

8414201000 Bicycle pump,hand/foot operated air pump 2,615 1,230,537 5,704 1,046,149

8414209000 Oth than bicycle pump,hand/foot operatedair pumps 83,841 449,372 205,884 1,602,612

8414301000 Compressor, capacity>21kw/hourhaving displace/revolution >220cc 845,448 9,978,249 3,040,706 35,370,845

8414309000 Compress,oth.capacity>21kw/hour,have displace/revolution > 220cc 1,420,966 20,076,792 7,450,754 89,294,696

8414400000 Air compressors mounted on a wheeledchasis for towing 623,241 4,752,704 2,244,047 21,133,304

8414511000 Table fans & box fan with a self contelectric motor of an output <= 125 w 58 91,358 797 548,914

8414519000 Oth than table fan box fan wth self contelectric motor of an output <= 125 w 454,567 2,713,767 1,158,996 7,378,338

8414591000 Oth fans of a capacity <= 125 kw 49,637 707,959 329,796 4,924,924

8414599000 Oth fans oth of a capacity <= 125 kw 94,300 1,047,889 765,511 6,520,621

8414601000 Hoods having a max horizontal side notexceeding 120 cm, fitted with a filter 41,539 342,339 157,797 1,359,975

8414609000 Hoods having a max horizontal side notexceed 120 cm,not fitted with a filter 39,070 730,569 208,145 3,090,925

8414801100 Hoods having a maximum horizontal sideexceeding 120 cm, fitted with filter 41,588 314,501 104,004 2,426,692

8414801200 Hoods having a maximum horizontal side>120cm,not fitt with filter for ind use 22,998 509,382 198,427 2,737,769

8414801900 Hoods have a max horizontal side>120cmnot fitt with filt oth than for ind use 968 29,193 23,387 132,155

8414803000 Free piston generators for gas turbines 57,589 157,038 447,147 2,647,332

8414804100 Gas compr modul for use in oil drill oththan those of subhd 841430 and 8414.40 63,858 1,735,610 1,291,838 54,233,012



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8414804200 Oth than gas compres,capacity>21kw/hourdisplace/revolution > 220cc 70,037 1,233,116 866,901 13,643,885

8414804900 Oth than gas compres,oth capa>21kw/hourhave a displace/revolution > 220 cc 441,047 3,137,333 5,785,447 44,363,175

8414805100 Electrically operated, air pumps 22,443 177,892 157,980 1,321,008

8414805900 Not electrically operated, air pumps 11,953 77,402 158,037 1,007,041

8414809110 Electrically operated,blowers & the like 203,203 1,522,463 1,490,833 13,428,616

8414809190 Electrically operated, oth thanblowers & the like 66,292 667,710 436,128 4,955,673

8414809900 Oth air pumps, not electrically operated 4,709 61,278 49,917 303,284

8414901100 Parts of pumps/compressors,of electricoperated equipment 219,527 2,179,617 1,464,146 18,991,933

8414901200 Parts of electric operated equiment ofsub headings 8414.60/8414.80 227,752 1,033,100 1,541,361 18,063,762

8414901900 Oth parts of electrically operatedequipment 673,408 5,859,874 1,828,394 20,769,850

8414909100 Parts of non electric operated equip ofsubheading 8414.10, 8414.20/8414.40 36,058 383,866 89,300 1,137,254

8414909900 Oth parts of non electrically operatedequipment 129,162 1,858,562 710,332 13,700,545

8415100000 Air conditioning mach,windows/wall typesself-contained/'split system' 2,989,291 28,914,501 14,701,465 145,698,617

8415811100 Inc.refri,reversible heat pump,used inaircraft of an output <= 21.10 kw 29,051 234,816 98,120 598,316

8415811200 Inc.refri,reverse heat pump,used in aircraft ouput>21.10kw,air flow>67.96m3/min 1,500 139,361 15,950 1,302,761

8415811900 Inc.refri,reverse heat pump,used in aircraft oth.of output >21,10kw/not 6,356 55,080 66,642 821,432

8415812000 Inc.refri,reverse heat pump,used in rilway rolling stock 0 487 0 550

8415813000 Inc.refri.reverse heat pump of road invehicles oth those of subhd 8415,20 0 3,479 0 9,694

8415819100 Refri.revrse heat pump,oth.used aircrafrail,road,output>21.10kw,airfl>67.96m3/m 1,620 38,960 27,030 610,379

8415819900 Refri.revrse heat pump,oth.used aircrafrail,road,output<21.10kw,airfl>67.96m3/m 4,259 163,297 17,261 1,305,371

8415821100 Oth,incorp a refrigerat unit of usedaircraft,output>21.10kw,airfl>67,96m3/m 0 6,640 0 186,218

8415821900 Oth,incorporat.a refri unit of used aircraft oth.output>21.10kw,airfl>67,96m3/m 9,949 37,584 51,274 359,900

8415822000 Oth,incorporating.a refrigerating unitof a kind used in railway rolling stock 23,040 27,708 1,555,179 1,562,916

8415823000 Oth,incorporat.a refri unit of a kinduse in road vhcle oth.those subhd8415.20 716 11,434 19,889 190,542

8415829000 Oth,incorporat.refri unit oth.of a kindused in aircraft,railway,road vehicles 196,941 1,273,045 1,336,748 9,388,082

8415831900 Not inc. a refri unit,used in aircraftoth of output>21.10kw,airflow >67.96m3/m 0 211 0 12,245

8415833000 Not incorporat.a refri unit of a kindused in road vhcl oth.those subhd8415.20 0 769 0 5,379

8415839000 Not incorp a refri unit oth.of a kindused in aircraft,railway,road vehicles 569,743 3,145,122 2,417,785 16,278,072

8415901200 Chassis/cabinet,welded&painted,parts ofmachines of an output <= 21.10 kw 77,080 1,338,537 234,181 3,560,952

8415901900 Oth chassis/cabinet,welded&painted,partof machines of an output<= 21.10 kw 300,986 3,306,606 2,199,941 20,545,341

8415902100 Chassis/cabinet,welded&painted,parts ofmach.of output>21.10 kw,aiflow>67.96m3/m 0 5,484 0 39,257

8415902200 Oth chassis/cabnt,welded&paint,part ofmach.of output>21.10 kw,aiflow>67.96m3/m 43,606 78,688 130,278 242,598

8415902300 Chass/cabinet,welded&paint,part of machof output>21.10 kw,oth aiflow>67.96m3/m 0 127 0 859

8415902900 Oth.chass/cab,welded&paint,part of machof output>21.10kw,oth aiflow>67.96m3/m 7,973 198,128 59,638 1,930,587

8415903190 Cab,weld/paint,part of mach output 26.38-52.75kw,airflow>67.96,oth use air/rail 2,697 35,521 22,444 273,742

8415903200 Oth cabinet,weld/paint,part of mach ofoutput 26.38-52.75kw,air flow>67.96 1,268 14,658 39,391 186,207

8415903390 Cab,weld/paint,part mach output 26.38-52.75kw,oth airflow>67.96,oth use air/rail 0 180 0 1,105

8415903900 Oth cab,weld/paint,part mach of output26.38-52.75kw,airflow>67.96,use air/rail 516 77,196 851 415,206

8415904190 Chas/cab,weld/paint,part mach a output>52.75kw,airflow>67.96,oth use air/railw 0 3,732 0 40,373

8415904200 Oth chas/cab,weld/paint,part of mach ofoutput > 52.75kw,air flow>67.96 106,161 928,603 1,594,777 14,771,859

8415904390 Chas/cab,weld/paint,part mach a output>52,75kw,oth airflow>67.96,use air/rail 214 114,661 576 2,326,712

8415904900 Chas/cab,weld/paint,part mach output>52,75kw,oth airflow>67.96,oth use air/rail 141,358 1,282,450 983,943 7,171,352

8416100000 Furnace burners for liquid fuel 8,802 155,283 250,386 2,864,106

8416200000 Oth furnace burner,includ combinationburners 106,419 2,974,107 842,032 15,647,636

8416300000 Mechanical stokers,including their mechgrate,mech ash discharg&similar app 228,184 1,152,065 710,178 3,693,144

8416900000 Parts of furnaces burners for liquid/solid/gas fuel, mechanical stokers 436,791 1,326,609 2,798,716 9,633,737

8417100000 Furnaces & ovens for the roast,melt/othheat treat,of ore,pyrite metal non-elect 1,118,321 9,206,990 3,201,328 27,191,836

8417200000 Bakery ovens,including biscuit oven,nonelectric 116,158 893,160 936,908 8,582,786

8417800010 Incinerators, non-electric 2,990 14,369 58,576 280,203

8417800090 Oth than incinerators, non-electric 415,052 5,575,830 2,870,432 26,198,458

8417900000 Part furnaces & ovens for the roasting,melting non-electric 342,179 2,973,877 5,800,357 23,643,773

8418101010 Household type, comb refrigrtr-freezecapacity < 230 l 151,804 1,356,655 712,106 5,412,428

8418101090 Household type, comb refrigrtr-freezecapacity > 230 l 346,528 2,895,477 1,699,831 13,536,172

8418109000 Comb refrigrtr-freeze fitted with seprtextrnl doors, oth than household type 223,116 1,720,651 634,685 5,321,365

8418210010 Refrigerator,household typ with comprestype of capacity not exceeding 230 l 139,165 1,598,586 453,840 5,762,251

8418210090 Refrigerator,household typ with comprestype of capacity > 230 l 90,638 832,520 410,787 3,740,018

8418290010 Refrigerator,household type oth thancompress type of capacity<=230 l 14,488 61,412 64,396 355,744

8418290090 Refrigerator,household type oth thancompres type of capacity > 230 l 117 47,547 785 224,888

8418300000 Freezer of the chest type, not exceed800 i capacity 157,770 1,646,112 409,807 4,462,410

8418400000 Freezer of the upright type, not exceed900 i capacity 2,427 29,709 18,412 235,761

8418501000 Refrigerating chambers, capacity > 200 l 35,646 266,464 220,767 904,257

8418509000 Refrigerating chambers not exceeding 200capacity 247,492 2,825,669 1,159,708 13,136,023

8418610000 Heat pump oth than ACmachinesof heading 84.15 0 82,154 0 598,625

8418691000 Beverage coolers 65,526 391,905 236,623 3,337,429

8418692000 Water chillers with a refrigeratingcapacity of 100,000 i/more 141,570 982,619 1,325,418 7,199,323

8418693000 Drinking water coolers 2,064 230,374 12,252 1,765,932

8418695000 Scale ice-maker units 46,735 415,722 228,723 1,429,357

8418699000 Oth refrigrt/freez equip,oth than heatpump oth than air condition mach hd84.15 110,894 1,827,849 418,706 11,723,388

8418911000 Part for good,sub 8418.(10,21,29,30,40),furniture to refri/freez 53,302 606,185 183,562 1,908,276

8418919000 Oth parts furniture designed to receiverefrigerat/freezing equipment 112,356 1,517,307 740,560 5,653,572

8418991000 Evaporators and condensers 271,736 3,557,513 1,050,542 16,366,929

8418992000 Cabinets and doors, welded/painted 424,782 3,290,944 761,129 5,949,710

8418994000 Aluminium rollbonds for sub 8418.10.10,8418.21, 8418.22 and 8418.29 23,910 442,780 149,703 2,466,068



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8418999000 Oth part refrig & freezers equipmentelectric/oth 243,620 3,285,444 1,865,684 13,234,163

8419111000 Instant gas water heaters,for householdtype, non electric 33,997 253,862 232,852 1,846,925

8419119000 Instant gas water heaters for oth thanhousehold type, non electric 5,003 121,199 55,697 2,598,718

8419191000 Oth instant gas water heaters for household type,non electric 83 56,792 163 205,480

8419199000 Oth instant gas water heaters for oththan household type,non electric 8,476 1,812,670 46,282 4,474,205

8419200000 Medical,surgical/laboratory sterilisers 3,248 177,710 167,535 4,942,161

8419311010 Evaporators,dryers for agri products,electrically operated 119,342 417,568 2,266,649 7,030,192

8419311090 Oth.than evaporators,dryers for agriproducts, electrically operated 106,711 1,100,804 257,526 2,957,382

8419312010 Evaporators,dryers for agri products,non electrically operated 20 135,175 622 619,882

8419312090 Oth.than evaporators, dryers for agriproducts,non electrically operated 845 96,458 17,529 924,142

8419321000 For wood, paper pulp, paper/paperboard,electrically operated 35,581 1,739,780 633,921 36,187,212

8419322000 For wood, paper pulp, paper/paperboard,non electrically operated 3,784 45,255 8,666 263,825

8419391100 Machinery by a proces involving heatingfor the printed of electricall operated 3,751 57,124 98,200 1,682,341

8419391900 Oth machinery by a process involvingheating for the printed of elect oper 350,873 2,124,982 3,995,075 18,994,790

8419392000 Machinery by a proces involving heatingfor the printed of not electric operat 209 46,565 744 136,113

8419401000 Distilling/rectifying plantelectrically operated 28,885 594,573 952,905 11,791,296

8419402000 Distilling/rectifying plantnot electrically operated 4,788 32,324 166,952 794,661

8419501000 Cooling towers 117,486 1,684,869 378,937 6,206,739

8419502000 Condensers for air conditionersfor motor vehicles 100,175 677,652 1,477,787 11,622,568

8419503000 Oth condensers for air conditioners 52,421 761,904 482,504 4,292,144

8419504000 Oth condensers electrically operated 400,245 2,974,946 4,879,508 31,160,221

8419509000 Oth condensers not electricallyoperated 227,990 1,246,879 1,311,326 20,922,193

8419601000 Machinery for liquefying air/oth gaseselectrically operated 69,944 279,718 690,484 5,015,942

8419602000 Machinery for liquefying air/oth gasesnot electrically operated 0 20,659 0 310,519

8419811000 Oth.mach,plant & equip for making hotdrinks/for cook/heat food,elect operated 48,378 348,913 146,988 1,670,750

8419812000 Oth.mach,plant&equip for make hot drink/for cook/heat food,not elect operated 11,096 131,990 98,240 817,363

8419891100 Evaporators for air-conditioning machfor motor vehicles,electricall operated 82,641 682,071 1,359,867 11,149,207

8419891300 Machinery by a proces involving heatingelectr for the manuf of PCB/PWB's/PCA's 9,541 55,738 1,288,876 1,799,698

8419891900 Oth mach for making hot drinks/forcooking/heating food,electricall operate 307,597 2,897,500 2,470,588 31,749,892

8419892000 Oth mach for making hot drinks/forcooking/heating food,not electri operate 10,062 22,023 12,087 104,919

8419901200 Part mach for the treat.matrial by procinvolve heat,print circuit,wiring,elect 1,986 20,453 25,091 283,334

8419901900 Oth.part mach,the treat.matrial by procinvolve heat,print circuit,wiring,elect 225,464 2,913,455 1,549,127 14,672,117

8419902000 Part mach,plant/laboratory equipment,of non-electrically operated articles 65,338 1,035,186 520,934 16,226,464

8420101000 Apprts.for the app of dry film/liquidphoto resist,etc, calender/oth roll mach 3,439 64,303 350,042 2,015,321

8420102100 Roller-type ironing mach suitable fordomestic use 0 106 0 266

8420102900 Wringers suitable for domestic use 0 1,149 0 12,871

8420109000 Oth calendering/oth rolling machin 47,804 740,730 213,087 2,883,223

8420911000 Parts cylinders of apparatus for theappl of dry film,liquid photo resis,etc 3,342 30,911 164,749 248,872

8420912000 Parts cylinders for ironing machinesor wringers suitable for domestic use 81 1,990 2,012 29,222

8420919000 Oth parts cylinders for calenderingor oth rolling machines 6,724 388,191 29,042 1,714,536

8420991000 Oth parts of apparatus for the applicof dry film,liquid photo resist,etc 1,340 12,831 30,463 276,493

8420999000 Oth parts for calendering/othrolling machines 2,323 25,663 77,669 246,708

8421110000 Centrifuges,including centrifugaldryers for cream separators 175 16,394 3,958 351,943

8421120010 Clothes-dryers, of capacity notexceeding 30 i 2,631 15,541 17,216 106,690

8421120020 Clothes-dryers, of capacityexceeding 30 i 14 40,275 265 160,500

8421191000 Centrifuges,including centrifugaldryers for sugar manufacture 329,310 1,674,847 2,832,522 13,200,798

8421199000 Oth centrifuges,including centrifugaldryers 909,538 1,879,296 2,238,598 8,355,109

8421211100 Filtering machin & appar water elctricfor domestic use of a cap <= 500 l/h 21,685 462,059 146,302 3,301,046

8421211900 Oth filter machin& appar water electricof a capacity <= 500 l/h 207,980 1,535,833 815,654 11,505,636

8421212100 Filtering machin & apparat water electrfor domestic use of a capacity > 500 l/h 56,764 615,337 249,356 1,933,547

8421212900 Oth filter machin& appar water electricof a capacity > 500 l/h 123,256 2,442,792 1,373,776 24,470,784

8421221000 For filter/purify beverages oth thanwater of a capacity <= 500 l/hr 120 67,393 751 329,672

8421222000 For filter/purify beverages oth thanwater of a capacity >500 l/hr 7,346 119,180 128,195 1,888,033

8421231100 Oil filters for earth moving machineryinternal cobustion egines 108,744 582,605 1,121,720 5,888,627

8421231900 Oth oil filters for earth movingmachinery internal cobustion egines 15,554 254,168 238,795 2,368,126

8421232100 Oil filters for motor vehiclesof chapter 87 64,205 606,891 588,378 5,561,556

8421232900 Oth oil filters for motor vehiclesof chapter 87 74,390 1,421,774 649,891 13,936,682

8421239100 Oil filters for oth earth movingmachin and motor vehicles of chapter 87 66,597 915,869 622,682 8,076,732

8421239900 Oth oil filters for oth earth movingmachin & motor vehicles of chapter 87 139,179 834,165 1,127,027 7,827,972

8421291000 Filtering/purifying machin & appar formedical/laboratory use 2,644 25,606 31,551 847,465

8421292000 Filter/purify mach&apparatus for liquidof a kind used for sugar manufacture 21,048 181,279 259,433 1,860,084

8421293000 Filter/purify mach&apparatus for liquidof a kind used in oil drill operations 21,259 155,448 787,187 4,580,376

8421294000 Filter/purify mach&apparatus for liquid,petrol filters 12,381 50,907 68,751 802,714

8421295000 Filter/purify mach&apparatus for liquidoil filter oth than those subhd 8421.23 13,496 353,664 173,334 2,501,695

8421299000 Oth filtering machinery & apparatusfor liquids not electrically operated 170,602 1,752,142 2,145,878 21,884,425

8421311000 Intake air filters for inter combustionengines for earth moving machinery 49,224 297,027 586,407 2,763,733

8421312000 Intake air filters for inter combustionengines for motor vehicles of chap 87 72,252 611,737 702,696 5,321,884

8421319000 Oth intake air filters for internalcombustion engines 67,838 1,389,207 709,505 9,149,107

8421391000 Laminar flow units oth than intake airfilter for internal cobustion egines 3,970 136,531 48,068 2,936,121

8421399000 Oth.laminar flow units oth intake airfilter for internal cobustion egines 373,252 4,341,389 4,226,247 49,198,726

8421911000 Parts of goods of subheading 8421.12,of centrifuges,includ centrifugal dryers 61 56,356 14,535 452,716

8421912000 Parts of goods of subheading 8421.19.10of centrifuges,includ centrifugal dryers 1,368 78,776 106,701 2,111,557

8421919000 Parts of subhd 8421.11.00/8421.19.90of centrifuges,includ centrifugal dryers 5,334 125,234 366,974 3,673,481



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8421992000 Parts filter cartridges of filter,subhd8421.23 6,255 169,374 278,003 3,824,269

8421993000 Parts of goods of subheading 8421.31 41,784 376,079 385,828 3,519,481

8421999100 Oth parts of goods of subheading8421.29.20 5,554 11,519 68,853 154,076

8421999200 Oth parts of goods of subheading8421.21.11/8421.21.21 129,603 597,648 603,424 3,198,728

8421999300 Oth part of subhd 8421.31,8421.23.11,8421.23.19,8421.23.91/8421.23.99 24,099 365,078 428,240 4,839,422

8421999900 Oth parts of sentrifugal, includingcentrifugal dryers 155,435 2,038,269 1,773,434 25,249,719

8422111000 Dish washing machin of the household type,electrically operated 3,623 52,703 17,859 364,066

8422112000 Dish washing machin of the household typenot electrically operated 0 1,826 0 4,613

8422190000 Dish washing machines of the othhousehold type 23,169 201,999 142,448 2,831,223

8422200000 Machinery for cleaning/drying bottlesoth containers 3,272 181,909 23,780 3,969,658

8422300000 Machinery for filling,closing, sealing,or labelling bottles, cans, boxes,etc 150,752 1,353,945 4,334,422 49,352,093

8422400000 Oth packing/wrapping machinery(including heat-shrink wrapping mach) 317,217 2,682,454 18,364,540 106,722,211

8422901000 Parts of goods of subheading 8422.11 3 3,116 156 84,797

8422909000 Part goods of subhd 8422 of oth thansubheading 8422.11 85,177 665,208 1,423,739 19,755,027

8423101000 Personal weighing machin,including baby&household scales,electrically operated 4,522 222,464 71,078 897,601

8423102000 Personal weighing machin,including baby& household scales,not electric operate 126,757 1,039,693 206,678 1,678,892

8423201000 Scales for continuous weighing of goodson conveyors, electrically operated 2,084 84,761 29,674 2,543,510

8423202000 Scales for continuous weighing of goodson conveyors, not electrically operated 111 13,738 1,485 32,734

8423301000 Constan weight scales,predetemin weightscales & hopper scales,electric operat 29,860 157,659 382,399 2,084,449

8423302000 Constan weight scales,predetemin weightscales&hopper scales,not electr operat 28,620 161,179 42,027 582,520

8423811000 Oth weighing machinery,max capacity<=30 kg, electrically operated 8,987 90,493 131,619 1,288,614

8423812000 Oth weighing machinery,max capacity<=30 kg, not electrically operated 22,330 199,115 130,068 509,222

8423821100 Oth.weigh mach,having a maximum weighngcapacity <= 1 000kg,electric operated 6,423 31,643 194,102 468,081

8423821900 Oth.weigh mach,oth.having a max weighngcapacity <= 1 000kg,electric operated 853 78,305 2,532 178,096

8423822100 Oth.weigh mach,having a maximum weighngcapacity <= 1 000kg, not electric 2,936 60,265 9,598 134,304

8423822900 Oth.weigh mach,oth.having a max weighngcapacity <= 1 000kg, not electric 21,658 109,656 84,070 444,169

8423891000 Oth weigh mach,oth.capacity exceed 30kgor not but not exceeding 5 000kg, elect 17,441 448,117 152,034 2,068,181

8423892000 Oth weighing mach,oth.capacity > 30kgand <= 5,000 kg,not elect 17,509 138,734 34,551 297,097

8423901000 Weighing machine weights 2,498 31,461 71,557 229,814

8423902100 Weighing machin weights,not electricalloperated 37,790 293,665 1,247,931 9,972,080

8423902900 Parts of weighing machinery,electrically electrically operated 2,371 73,768 17,976 560,079

8424101000 Fire extinguishers,whether/not chargedsuitable for aircraft use 0 4,356 0 15,158

8424109000 Fire extinguishers,whether/not chargedfor oth aircraft use 8,292 364,652 97,861 2,295,771

8424201100 Spray guns & similar appliances foragricult/horticultural,electric operat 67 1,952 653 14,986

8424201900 Spray guns&similar appliances for othagricult/horticultural,electric operat 1,536 20,422 139,548 495,405

8424202900 Spray guns&similar appliances for othagricultural/horticultural,not electric 6 22,705 11,260 66,045

8424301000 Steam/sand blasting machines,electrically operated 136,895 1,234,125 1,016,053 10,391,801

8424302000 Steam/sand blasting machines,not electrically operated 3,086 102,581 26,432 1,190,219

8424811000 Oth.mech appliances for agricultural/hortikultural, drip irrigation systems 9,091 185,988 68,058 1,381,154

8424812000 Oth.mech appliances for agricultural/horti,oth drip irrigation systems,elect 25,928 177,843 100,169 690,720

8424813000 Oth.mech appliances for agricultural/horti,hand-operated insecticide sprayers 21,545 447,823 126,795 1,525,106

8424814000 Oth.mech appliances for agricultural/hortikultural, not electically operated 24,981 551,265 147,575 2,644,835

8424891000 Hand operated household sprayers ofcapacity not exceeding 3 l 43,071 394,487 134,946 963,957

8424892000 Oth appliances oth. agri/horticultural,spray heads with dip tubes 47,874 366,363 191,886 1,221,512

8424894000 Wet processing equipment,by projecting,dispersing/spraying of chemical,etc 49 52,955 14,248 318,262

8424895000 Oth appliance for projecting,dispersing/spraying liquids/powders/fire,electric 28,832 826,888 558,102 5,529,978

8424899000 Oth appliance for projecting,dispersing/spray liquid/powders/fire,not electric 20,750 351,488 251,505 2,706,300

8424901100 Parts of fire extinguisher,electricallyoperated 51 36,721 5,921 1,353,775

8424901900 Parts of fire extinguisher, not electricoperated 52,266 563,736 580,397 4,914,771

8424902100 Parts of spray guns, of good of subhead8424.20.11,electrically operated 87 2,606 835 11,527

8424902300 Parts of spray gun,oth of good of subhd8424.20.11,electrically operated 3,532 22,867 79,870 401,969

8424902400 Parts of spray gun, of goods of subhead8424.20.11,not electrically operated 0 11,827 0 33,795

8424902900 Oth parts of spray guns and similarappliances 24,467 102,500 157,566 1,234,685

8424903100 Parts of steam/sand blasting mach &similar jet projecting mach,electric 47,028 125,383 348,308 908,429

8424903200 Parts of steam/sand blasting mach &similar jet projecting mach,non electric 2,198 73,391 25,412 740,297

8424909100 Parts of oth appliance of subhead8424.81.10/8424.81.20 228 19,049 2,248 87,258

8424909200 Parts of oth appliance of subhead8424.81.30/8424.81.40 215 45,853 496 170,070

8424909900 Oth mechanical appliances(whether/nothand operated) 129,188 1,181,995 930,461 11,809,384

8425110000 Pulley tackle & hoists oth than skipfor raising vehicles, by electric motor 110,468 1,123,813 1,015,792 8,152,454

8425190000 Pulley tackle & hoists oth than skipfor raising vhcles,oth by electric motor 201,379 2,049,036 1,318,160 15,928,846

8425310000 Oth winches; capstans,poweredby electric motor 216,726 1,159,661 2,715,196 8,521,397

8425390000 Oth winches;capstans,oth than poweredby oth electric motor 454,283 3,980,267 2,302,554 32,825,161

8425410000 Jacks hoists of built in jacking systemof a type used in garages 42,830 362,038 119,885 1,091,585

8425421000 Jacks used in tipping mechanism forlorries 73,855 166,079 147,087 405,101

8425429000 Oth jacks and hoists, hydraulic 488,147 6,887,970 1,087,791 23,876,016

8425491000 Oth jacks;hoists of a kind used forraising vehicles, electrically operated 76,381 306,629 584,113 2,390,480

8425492000 Oth jacks;hoists of a kind used forraising vehicles, not electric operated 301,026 1,293,300 526,827 2,248,318

8426110000 Overhead traveling cranes on fixedsupport 450,654 3,008,557 959,527 13,296,541

8426120000 Mobile lifting frames on tyres andstraddle carries 31,270 3,778,133 280,667 15,463,688

8426191000 Bridge cranes and gantry cranes 983,994 3,708,218 7,599,907 12,905,789

8426199000 Oth bridge cranes and gantry cranes 2,227,338 15,393,398 8,298,194 100,538,833

8426200000 Tower cranes 482,010 3,437,741 695,489 9,375,491

8426300000 Portal/pedestal jib cranes 0 830,738 0 9,939,705



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8426410000 Oth machinery,self propelled,on tyres 263,814 1,576,012 2,349,930 11,396,595

8426490000 Oth machinery,self propelled,oth thanon tyres 865,663 2,467,711 3,231,486 14,433,256

8426910000 Oth derricks machin designed formounting on road vehicles 166,042 551,548 610,792 1,854,584

8426990000 Oth derricks mach oth designed formounting on road vehicles 208,805 3,371,142 1,559,697 25,657,315

8427100000 Self-propelled trucks powered by anelectric motor 490,737 3,567,598 1,792,383 17,665,539

8427200000 Oth self-propelled trucks 2,012,868 13,956,157 8,288,973 62,200,967

8427900000 Oth trucks 396,216 3,681,720 1,668,342 13,203,463

8428101000 Passenger lifts 816,370 7,633,340 2,279,331 23,795,649

8428102100 Oth lifts of a kind used in buildings 0 135,445 0 431,319

8428102900 Oth lifts oth than of a kind used inbuildings 74,526 641,256 285,707 2,766,623

8428109000 Skip hoists 71 287,559 1,613 594,918

8428201000 Pneumatic elevators and conveyorsfor agricultural use 121,117 361,027 94,545 1,291,934

8428202000 Automated machines for the transport,handling & storage of PCB/PWBs/PCAs 668 64,624 71,335 1,195,000

8428209000 Oth pneumatic elevators & conveyors 153,661 1,136,228 2,644,603 12,912,486

8428310000 Oth continuous act elevators &conveyorsspecially designed for underground use 0 87,062 0 752,816

8428321000 Oth continuous act elevators &conveyorsof bucket type,used for agri type 467 15,071 512 193,810

8428329000 Oth continuous act elevators &conveyorsof bucket type,oth used for agri type 199,628 1,831,416 1,208,945 10,765,974

8428331000 Oth continuous act elevators &conveyorsof belt type, of agricultural type 0 11,850 0 25,186

8428332000 Automated mach for the transport,hand& storage of PCB/PWBs,belt type 532,995 546,464 2,172,667 2,485,931

8428339000 Oth continuous act elevators &conveyors,oth of belt type 438,505 2,247,055 2,226,476 11,722,568

8428391000 Pneumatic elevators and conveyorsof agricultural type 2,800 10,671 1,970 219,832

8428393000 Oth automated machin for transport,hand & storage of PCB/PWBs/PCAs 0 4,779 0 275,105

8428399000 Oth continuous-action elevators &conveyors, for goods/materials 65,391 2,080,823 694,870 16,546,624

8428400000 Escalators and moving walkways 1,150,354 6,784,778 3,173,002 15,806,412

8428600000 Teleferics, chair-lifts, ski-draglines;traction mechanisms for funiculars 0 22,896 0 184,301

8428902000 Oth lifting,handling, loading/unloadingmach,hand&storage of PCB/PWBs/PCAs 360 5,255 7,118 93,416

8428909000 Oth mach,oth than lift,handl,load/unloadmach,hand&storage of PCB/PWBs/PCAs 83,237 1,784,163 1,164,150 14,996,642

8429110000 Track laying, bulldozers and angledozers 1,194,136 15,112,396 7,328,501 105,495,566

8429190000 Bulldozer & angledozers oth track laying 1,838,664 6,350,054 13,531,758 39,560,277

8429200000 Graders and levellers 1,014,638 9,888,848 8,649,634 79,768,734

8429300000 Scrapers 23,588 272,355 13,020 649,147

8429401000 Road rollers 382,999 3,065,228 1,070,736 8,359,192

8429403000 Tamping machines 867,363 6,301,809 5,280,188 32,243,464

8429510000 Front-end shovel loaders,mechanicalexcavators and shovelloaders 2,014,098 16,519,594 13,505,345 85,021,605

8429520000 Mach with a 360,revolving super struct,mech shovels,excavators and shove loader 11,611,493 94,910,705 53,174,563 419,525,835

8429590000 Mech shovels,excavators & shove loaderoth front-end shovel, mach. with a 360 1,539,264 6,075,134 9,252,386 34,367,117

8430100000 Pile-drivers and pile-extractors 342,752 4,115,409 1,193,740 12,049,060

8430200000 Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers 1 250 309 5,028

8430310000 Coal/rock cutters and tunnelingmachinery, self-propelled 30,008 1,103,888 62,633 3,550,466

8430390000 Coal/rock cutters and tunnelingmachinery,oth than self-propelled 85,183 760,145 116,388 1,862,375

8430410000 Oth boring/sinking machineryself-propelled 372,821 3,703,998 3,788,414 45,079,861

8430491000 Wellhead platforms & integrated producmodules for use in drilling production 23,377 2,296,427 39,523 13,727,513

8430499000 Oth wellhead platforms & integrat prodmodules for use in drilling production 144,572 8,329,872 1,145,677 59,056,675

8430500000 Oth moving,grading,levelling,scrapingmachinery, self-propelled 174,539 602,427 1,200,062 9,140,110

8430610000 Tamping/compacting machinery,not self-propelled 83,338 225,950 498,409 1,091,823

8430690000 Oth machinery of hedaing 84.30, notself-propelled 127,159 683,384 626,288 3,635,771

8431101300 Parts suitable for of goods of subhead8425.19,8425.39or8425.49,electri operat 62,592 323,678 246,811 1,602,452

8431101900 Oth parts suitable for of goods ofheading 84.25,electrically operated 846,655 1,512,099 4,532,254 9,698,744

8431102200 Part suitable for goods of sub 8425.11,842520,8425.31,8425.41,8425.42,not elec 36,129 238,894 84,325 1,579,534

8431102900 Oth parts suitable for of goods ofheading 84.25,not electrically operated 120,029 1,012,469 267,627 4,405,874

8431200000 Parts suitable for goods of head 84.27 52,123 1,465,187 445,595 12,216,533

8431311000 Parts of goods of shd 8428.10.(21,29),8428.10.90,of lift skip hoist/escalators 255,181 2,361,339 471,808 4,331,372

8431312000 Parts of goods of shd 8428.10.10),8428.40.00,of lift skip hoist/escalators 416,026 2,236,662 766,798 6,109,662

8431391000 Part suitable for goods sub 8428.20.10,8428.32.10, 8428.33.10/8428.39.10 29,547 126,402 132,646 2,366,256

8431392000 Parts suitable for goods of subheading8428.90 131 42,163 2,106 730,482

8431394000 Part of auto mach. for trnsport/storageof PCB/PWBs/PCAs 7,812 91,632 104,228 994,317

8431399010 Part of oth lift,handl/load mach,telph/conveyor 431,980 2,563,774 3,566,222 22,622,755

8431399090 Oth parts of machinery of head 84.25 26,842 345,096 279,056 3,414,780

8431410000 Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips,ofmach of head 84.26, 84.29/84.30 1,226,540 7,142,770 8,814,291 49,664,322

8431420000 Bulldozer/angledozer blades of machof heading 84.26, 84.29/84.30 341,762 3,850,926 1,497,107 21,529,116

8431430000 Parts of boring/sinking mach of subhead8430.41/8430.49 1,590,555 17,451,022 28,350,581 258,504,000

8431491000 Parts of machinery of heading 84.26 950,774 3,257,376 7,259,077 18,936,750

8431492000 Cutting edges/end bits forscrapers,graders/levellers 2,253,469 17,501,969 4,188,445 36,598,139

8431493000 Parts of road rollers 236,800 2,969,277 2,074,427 22,926,178

8431499000 Oth parts of machinery of heading84.26, 84.29/84.30 7,704,421 59,333,410 41,633,856 352,911,343

8432100000 Ploughs 12,721 107,046 32,178 308,541

8432210000 Disc harrows 15,648 42,235 40,014 119,846

8432290000 Scarifiers, cultivators, weeders, hoesand oths harrows 52,045 177,478 199,895 757,868

8432300000 Seeders, planters and transplanters 372 8,174 659 88,677

8432400000 Manure spreaders & fertiliser distributo 0 28,912 0 225,862

8432801000 Oth machinery for soil preparation/cultivation;of agricult/horticultur typ 2,979 255,059 55,131 1,951,044

8432802000 Lawn/sports-ground rollers 0 945 0 16,568

8432809000 Oth machinery for soil preparation/cultivation 17,265 68,077 72,463 388,869



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8432901000 Parts of machinery of subheading8432.80.90 1,370 13,112 15,995 120,338

8432902000 Parts of lawn/sport-ground rollers 2 193 408 4,776

8432909000 Parts oth machinery for soilpreparation/cultivation 4,207 277,915 31,542 2,045,599

8433110000 Mowers for lawns,parks/sports-groundswith the cutting device rotate horizont 114,069 754,598 572,000 2,929,019

8433191000 Mowers for lawns,parks/sports-groundsmanually operated 390 31,520 1,300 97,448

8433199000 Oth mowers for lawns, parks/sportgrounds,oth than manually operated 328,425 1,689,606 1,131,789 6,600,483

8433200000 Oth mowers,including cutter bars fortractor mounting 17,417 268,908 52,487 889,199

8433300000 Oth haymaking machinery 0 2,801 0 31,418

8433400000 Straw/fodder baler,including pick-up 0 2,516 0 9,239

8433510000 Combined harvester-threshers macinery 2,647 12,647 4,287 22,855

8433520000 Oth threshing machinery 1,875 10,025 11,900 20,409

8433530000 Root/tuber harvesting machines 920 920 31,851 31,851

8433591000 Cotton pickers and cotton gins 0 53 0 133

8433599000 Oth cotton pickers and cotton gins 7,193 53,962 60,350 379,447

8433601000 Machin for cleaning,sorting/grading eggfruit/oth agricultur prod,electric 620 7,651 1,864 302,784

8433602000 Machin for cleaning,sorting/grading eggfruit/oth agricultur prod,not electric 0 243 0 837

8433901000 Part mach:castor,of diameter(inc yres)>100mm,<= 250mm,width wheel =30mm 45 5,602 484 85,218

8433902000 Parts mach:castor,oth of goods of subhd8433.11/8433.19.90 29,612 181,303 65,851 597,318

8433903000 Parts mach:castor,oth of goods of subhd8433.19.10 1,901 3,517 3,956 7,650

8433909000 Parts mach: oth castors 44,961 184,922 272,601 631,251

8434101000 Milking machines, electricallyoperated 2,724 55,533 339,263 1,236,321

8434102000 Milking machines,not electricallyoperated 0 22 0 226

8434201000 Dairy machinery, electrically operated 1,050 175,650 16,000 8,847,796

8434202000 Dairy mach, not electrically operated 0 10,945 0 639,530

8434901000 Parts of milking & dairy mach.of electoperated machines 4,154 75,206 66,085 2,873,259

8434902000 Parts of milk & dairy mach of non electoperated machines 168 24,817 887 311,106

8435101000 Presses,crushers & manufacture of wine,cider,fruit juices,electric operated 144,313 1,365,299 925,144 9,072,819

8435102000 Presses,crushers & manufacture of wine,cider,fruit juices,not electri operated 441 52,534 131 126,777

8435901000 Parts of presses,crushers & manufactureof wine,cider,fruit juices,electr opera 15,142 230,464 65,713 948,147

8435902000 Parts of presses,crushers & manufactureof wine,cider,fruit juices,not electric 473 6,071 12,852 103,473

8436101000 Machinery for preparing animal feedingstuffs, electrically operated 30,463 581,805 221,672 3,780,559

8436102000 Machinery for preparing animal feedingstuffs, not electrically operated 112 24,114 234 35,454

8436211000 Poultry incubators & brooders,electrically operated 15,492 463,338 97,354 4,890,870

8436212000 Poultry incubators & brooders,not electrically operated 0 23,467 0 291,960

8436291000 Oth poultry-keeping machinery,electrically operated 11,054 215,329 37,688 1,646,947

8436292000 Oth poultry-keeping machinery,not electrically operated 0 257,906 0 1,269,004

8436801100 Germination plant mach, agriculturalor horticultural type,electric operated 0 517,868 0 884,376

8436801900 Oth germination plant machineryelectric operated 1,400 91,739 67,900 405,165

8436802100 Germination plant machin, agriculturalor horticultural type,not electric 0 30,768 0 181,233

8436802900 Oth germination plant machinery, notelectric operated 3,241 57,987 20,076 166,842

8436911000 Parts of poultry-keeping machinery/poultry,incubator & brooders,electric 20,227 269,746 260,189 2,455,640

8436912000 Parts of poultry-keeping machinery/poultry,incubator&brooders,not electric 53 33,438 9,285 328,519

8436991100 Parts oth of poultry-keeping machin,agri & horti type,electric operated 5,332 75,947 3,273 1,545,559

8436991900 Parts oth of poultry-keeping machin,oth than agri&horti type,elect operated 20,717 122,867 171,724 1,026,544

8436992100 Parts oth of poultry-keeping machin,agri & horti type,not electric operated 2,924 33,889 68,456 616,631

8436992900 Parts oth of poultry-keeping machin,oththan agri&horti type,not elect operated 95,457 791,131 376,038 2,740,282

8437101000 Machinery for bread grains;winnowing &cleaning machin, electrically operated 141,802 205,785 1,455,768 2,347,222

8437102000 Machinery for bread grains;winnowing &cleaning machines,not electric operated 0 16 0 2,618

8437103000 Mach for clean,sorting/grad seed,graintdried leguminous vegetables,oth, elect 63,891 1,543,319 229,411 21,561,722

8437104000 Mach for clean,sorting/grad seed,graintdried leguminous vegetable,oth,not elect 896 2,734 2,200 32,038

8437801000 Macinery for rice hullers & cone typerice mills,electrically operated 12,358 752,748 12,663 1,062,196

8437802000 Macinery for rice hullers & cone typerice mills,not electrically operated 0 544,879 0 521,668

8437803000 Macinery for industrial type coffeeand corn mills,electrically operated 4 147,675 30 2,921,574

8437804000 Macinery for industrial type coffee& corn mills,not electrically operat 60,698 343,369 65,791 490,856

8437805100 Polishing machines for rice,sifting andsieving,bran cleaner,electric operate 0 164,844 0 284,796

8437805900 Oth polishing mach for rice,sifting andsieving,bran cleaner,electric operate 50,494 305,025 112,059 519,059

8437806100 Polishing machines for rice,sifting andsieving,bran cleaner,not electric 80,990 732,658 100,553 1,195,100

8437806900 Oth polishing mach for rice,sifting andsieving,bran cleaner,not electric 33,685 295,371 66,164 378,491

8437901100 Parts of machin of subheading 8437.10,electrically operated 56,673 331,196 583,885 3,346,070

8437901900 Parts of machines oth than of subhead8437.10,electrically operated 175,674 8,603,204 398,424 5,969,647

8437902100 Parts of machines of subheading 8437.10,not electrically operated 8,862 16,729 60,335 81,019

8437902900 Oth parts of machines of subheading8437.10, not electrically operated 73,689 333,284 129,685 949,895

8438101000 Bakery mach,macaroni,spaghetti/similarproducts, electrically operated 94,780 2,040,612 763,773 33,725,258

8438102000 Bakery mach,macaroni,spaghetti/similarproducts, not electrically operated 10,736 311,158 708,174 1,227,157

8438201000 Mach for the manufac of confectionary,cocoa/chocolate, electrically operated 31,437 447,211 588,388 8,399,684

8438202000 Mach for the manufac of confectionary,cocoa/chocolate,not electric operated 3,236 21,163 29,751 178,278

8438301000 Mach for sugar manufac, electricallyoperated 52,010 2,298,208 375,470 8,885,188

8438302000 Machinery for sugar manufacture,not electrically operated 0 286,141 0 3,020,692

8438401000 Brewery machinery, electrically operated 0 7,102 0 10,880

8438402000 Brewery machinery, not electricallyoperated 124 230 1,583 2,155

8438501000 Mach for the preparation of meat/poultry,electrically operated 45,335 338,578 707,737 3,792,393

8438502000 Mach for the preparation of meat/poultry,not electrically operated 29,737 144,458 39,038 200,247

8438601000 Machiner for the preparation of fruits,nuts/vegetab, electrically operated 5,776 433,229 32,820 5,012,289



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8438602000 Machiner for the preparation of fruits,nuts/vegetab, not electric operated 13,575 159,916 24,668 258,403

8438801100 Coffee pulpers, electrically operated 1,252 12,804 5,145 111,385

8438801200 Coffee pulpers, not electricallyoperated 0 42 0 8,892

8438809100 Oth coffee pulpers,electric operated 50,122 731,181 882,216 13,742,071

8438809200 Oth coffee pulpers,not electric operated 940 101,678 641 153,199

8438901100 Parts of goods of subheading 8438.30.10electrically operated 294 705,587 145 5,098,611

8438901200 Part of coffee pulper,electric operatedmachines 1,131 1,266 2,398 6,298

8438901900 Parts of oths goods of heading 84.38electrically operated 34,081 216,195 283,100 3,100,082

8438902100 Parts of goods of subheading 8438.30.20not electrically operated 3,472 37,111 37,392 309,255

8438902900 Parts of oth goods of heading 84.38.20of coffee pulpers,not electric operated 4,928 872,237 36,986 6,514,882

8439100000 Machinery for making pulp of fibrouscellulosic material 41,048 522,809 180,398 5,913,672

8439200000 Machinery for making paper/paperboard 1,399,102 11,130,404 16,704,897 120,025,584

8439300000 Machinery for finishing paper/paperboard 103,784 1,043,344 2,298,353 15,091,342

8439911000 Part of machin for mak pulp of fibrouscellulosic material,electrically operat 258,678 1,339,595 5,815,003 43,013,695

8439912000 Part of machin for mak pulp of fibrouscellulosic material,not electric operat 21,075 7,575,488 1,338,689 167,848,851

8439991000 Parts for making/finishing paper/paperboard, electrically operated 646,616 9,278,851 20,515,669 196,485,713

8439992000 Parts for making/finishing paper/paperboard, not lectrically operated 3,050 118,489 234,479 2,396,168

8440101000 Book-binding mach, includ book-sewing,electrically operated 95,306 482,992 1,598,695 8,162,875

8440102000 Book-binding mach, includ book-sewing,not electrically operated 3,470 32,572 15,139 91,323

8440901000 Parts of book binding & sewing machineselectrically operated machines 1,015 14,447 4,000 569,731

8440902000 Parts of book binding & sewing machinesnot electrically operated machines 0 7,826 0 160,578

8441101000 Cutting machines, electrycally operated 457,811 3,072,271 3,341,416 20,556,403

8441102000 Cutting mach, not electrycally operated 10,474 285,065 36,950 1,925,403

8441201000 Machin for making bags,sacks/envelopeselectrically operated 9,482 160,521 63,498 1,265,958

8441202000 Machin for making bags,sacks/envelopesnot electrically operated 0 4,998 0 13,489

8441301000 Mach for mak cartons,boxes,cases,tubedrum/similar containers,electric operat 44,894 590,686 355,431 5,300,540

8441302000 Mach for making carton,boxes,cases,tubedrums/similar containers,not electric 0 228 0 7,204

8441401000 Machines for moulding articles in paperpulp,paper/paperboard,electri operat 98,672 5,213,335 709,800 15,687,728

8441402000 Machines for moulding articles in paperpulp, paper/paperboard, not electric 962 7,247 6,860 22,571

8441801000 Oth machinery for making up paper pulp,paper/paperboard,electrically operat 89,571 1,458,732 373,412 12,574,856

8441802000 Oth machinery for making up paper pulp,paper/paperboard,not electric operat 26,446 317,929 231,041 1,694,347

8441901000 Part of machin for mak up paper pulp,paper/paperboar,cutting mach,elec opert 62,258 710,165 619,798 9,790,957

8441902000 Parts of machin for mak up paper pulp,paper/paperboa,cutting mach,not elec op 1,135 36,456 29,534 541,078

8442301000 Machinery, apparatus and equipment,electrically operated 40,177 426,418 1,034,737 10,700,060

8442302000 Machinery, apparatus and equipment,not electrically operated 2,500 7,793 23,765 102,711

8442401000 Parts of electrically operated machin,apparatus/equipment 23,955 173,032 1,482,780 2,621,703

8442402000 Parts of the foregoing mach,apparatus/equipment,non electrically operated 1,694 16,684 52,148 507,351

8442500000 Plate,cyls&oth.print comp.plates,cyl &lithograph stones,prepared print purpose 24,634 184,189 465,508 3,608,369

8443110000 Print.mach.used for print by mean platescyl&oth print,offset print mach,reel fed 553,384 3,806,950 5,054,020 32,258,367

8443120000 Print.mach.use,print by mean plate cyl&oth print,offset print mach,sheetfed,off 1 6,793 1 51,321

8443130000 Oth offset printing machinery 268,228 2,178,936 3,489,807 29,219,610

8443140000 Letterpress printing mach, reel-fed,excluding flexographic printing 278 91,355 785 1,684,714

8443150000 Letterpress printing mach,oth than reelfed, excluding flexographic printing 696 65,883 9,333 122,925

8443160000 Flexographic printing machinery 9,162 344,661 71,207 4,559,172

8443170000 Gravure printing machinery 153,241 903,285 4,243,883 12,688,846

8443190000 Oth than gravure,flexografhic,letterpress,oth offset printing mach 252,333 2,024,065 4,039,000 34,349,023

8443311010 Printer-copier,ink-jet,color,capable ofconnecting to a data machine/network 292,930 1,897,342 2,672,344 16,685,126

8443311090 Printer-copier,ink-jet proces,no color,capable of connect to data mach/network 19,331 156,804 102,752 917,402

8443312010 Printer-copier,laser proces,color,capable connect to data mach/network 3,111 59,003 110,456 1,926,833

8443312090 Printer-copier,laser proces,no color,capable connect to data mach/network 28,175 248,278 231,975 3,795,448

8443313010 Combination printer-copier-facs mach,color,connect to data mach/network 55,205 214,064 1,077,932 4,682,472

8443313090 Combination printer-copier-facs mach,no color,connect to data mach/network 60,495 529,452 997,631 8,926,537

8443319010 Oth mach which perform >= 2 functionof printing,copying/facsimile; color 167 8,011 54,075 804,251

8443319090 Oth mach which perform >= 2 function ofprinting,copying/facsimile,no color 62,312 648,131 620,618 2,722,944

8443321010 Dot matrix printer,color,capable ofconnect to data machine/network 94 13,190 8,310 215,701

8443321090 Dot matrix printer,no color,capable ofconnect to data machine/network 48,500 377,664 1,016,900 8,499,054

8443322010 Ink-jet printer,color,capable ofconnect to a data machine/network 561,069 6,371,933 5,750,961 51,099,302

8443322090 Ink-jet printer,no color,capable ofconnect to a data machine/network 22,324 624,474 349,830 5,341,863

8443323010 Laser printer,color,capable of connectto a data machine/network 25,056 296,010 480,424 5,139,788

8443323090 Laser printer,no color,capable ofconnect to a data machine/network 21,119 390,477 387,543 4,379,638

8443324090 Facsimile machine,no color,capable ofconnect to a data machine/network 13,895 156,779 165,791 1,607,401

8443325090 Mach of screen print machinery,no color,capable of connect to data mach/network 0 18,226 0 74,054

8443329010 Mach of oth material,color,capable ofconnect to data machine/network 4,665 7,612 116,491 196,763

8443329090 Mach of oth material,no color,capableof connect to data machine/network 1,786 9,108 45,557 182,233

8443391100 Electrostatic photocopy apparatus,directprocess, color 0 1 0 23

8443391900 Electrostatic photocopy apparatus,directprocess, no color 402,029 2,592,322 602,298 3,684,522

8443392010 Electrostatic photocopy apparatus,in-direct process,color 545 5,691 12,480 207,992

8443392090 Electrostatic photocopy apparatus,in-direct process,no color 10,055 208,774 338,192 4,853,762

8443393090 Oth photocopy apparatus incorporating,optical system,no color 54,350 252,807 202,308 1,108,653

8443394010 Ink-jet printer,color,not capable ofconnect to data machine/network 6,434 14,554 63,321 127,721

8443394090 Ink-jet printer,no color,not capableof connect to data machine/network 0 1 0 123

8443399090 Oth print mach,no color,not capable ofconnect to data machine/network 326 13,152 12,151 176,832

8443910000 Part & accessori of print machinery usedfor print by component of head 84.42 88,925 847,399 1,462,016 9,990,349



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8443991000 Part & accessori of screen print machi-nery for manufact of print circuit board 11,683 50,282 118,327 1,299,251

8443992000 Ink-filled printer cartridges 433,055 2,390,703 11,414,501 56,086,222

8443993000 Paper feeders and sorters 2,604 8,569 42,498 287,807

8443999000 Oth part & accessori of screen printingmachinery 413,547 4,211,459 8,705,274 96,003,578

8444100000 Mach for extrude,texture/cut man-madetextile material,electric operate 120,330 559,516 1,106,534 5,053,264

8444200000 Mach for extrude,texture/cut man-madetextile material,not electric operate 1,006 121,285 2,536 274,768

8445111000 Carding machines,electrically operated 460,617 2,219,410 2,294,285 15,645,519

8445112000 Carding machines,not electricallyoperated 0 100,904 0 266,722

8445121000 Combing machines, electrically operated 0 42,763 0 989,014

8445131000 Drawing/roving machines,electricallyoperated 116,400 1,184,103 559,070 5,756,035

8445132000 Drawing/roving machines,not electrically operated 0 56,511 0 449,686

8445191000 Other machines for preparing textilefibres; electrically operated 57,131 917,239 752,530 7,933,221

8445192000 Other machines for preparing textilefibres; not electrically operated 14,656 56,889 729,908 1,496,297

8445201000 Textile spinning machines;electrically operated 1,307,286 5,432,342 3,044,549 38,033,626

8445301000 Textile doubling/twisting machines;electrically operated 0 715,224 0 3,247,132

8445302000 Textile doubling/twisting machines;not electrically operated 0 1,480 0 9,168

8445401000 Textile winding(including weft-winding)or reeling machin,electrically operated 134,978 2,019,279 766,601 34,067,029

8445402000 Textile winding(including weft-winding)or reeling machin,notelectric operated 0 32,186 0 521,067

8445901000 Oth machinery for preparing textile,electrically operated 93,743 404,656 1,679,511 5,310,007

8445902000 Oth machinery for preparing textile,not electrically operated 360 120,991 5,146 431,023

8446101000 Machines for weaving fabrics of a width<= 30 cm, electric operated 0 857,956 0 3,148,809

8446102000 Machin for weaving fabrics of a width<= 30 cm,not electric operated 0 5,449 0 7,562

8446210000 Machine for weaving fabrics of a width> 30 cm, Power looms, shuttle type 45,368 506,108 299,068 1,152,449

8446290000 Machine for weaving fabrics of a width>30 cm, Oth than Pwr looms,shuttle type 486,780 6,608,903 2,858,850 39,166,381

8446300000 Machine for weaving fabrics of a width> 30 cm, shuttleless type 665,689 3,903,020 4,612,036 21,753,287

8447111000 Circular knitting mach,cylinder diamtr<= 165 mm, electrically operated 59,793 851,378 711,857 5,810,366

8447112000 Circular knitting mach,cylinder diamtr<= 165 mm,not electrically operated 0 22,464 0 849,309

8447121000 Circular knitting mach,cylinder diamtr>165 mm, electrically operated 65,844 950,743 572,626 9,892,789

8447122000 Circular knitting mach,cylinder diamtr>165 mm,not electrically operated 0 5 0 1,390

8447201000 Flat knitting & stitch bonding machine,electrically operated 173,911 872,143 2,082,656 10,343,611

8447202000 Flat knitting & stitch bonding machine,not electrically operated 16,779 200,361 80,050 1,070,160

8447901000 Machines for making gimped yarn,tulle,lace&mach for tufting,electric operated 145,340 2,963,718 1,887,600 16,001,633

8447902000 Machines for making gimped yarn,tulle,lace&mach for tufting,not elec operated 79 152,768 292 1,446,182

8448111000 Dobbies & jacquards, card reducing,electrically operated 49,078 403,183 413,071 5,221,866

8448112000 Dobbies & jacquards, card reducing, notelectrically operated 1,381 38,981 6,591 196,863

8448191000 Oth auxiliary machin for mach of heading84.44, 84.45, 84.46, 84.47, electric 113,328 729,582 229,269 6,238,252

8448192000 Oth auxiliary machin for mach of heading8444, 8445, 8446, 84.47, not electric 10,322 18,396 22,259 147,010

8448200000 Parts&accessories of mach of heading84.44/their auxiliary machinery 78,183 864,179 1,681,780 11,403,167

8448310000 Card clothing of mach of heading 84.45 21,512 272,054 301,464 5,687,887

8448320000 Parts&accessories of mach for preparingtextile fibres,other than card clothing 17,979 634,791 255,485 4,183,058

8448330000 Spindles, spindle flyers,spinning rings,and ring travellers of mach 84.45 26,313 946,184 756,782 10,605,240

8448390000 Other parts & accessories of mach ofhead 84.45/their auxiliary machinery 208,372 2,501,568 2,807,061 26,171,131

8448420000 Reeds for looms, healds & heald-framesfor weaving machines 5,382 225,469 109,079 2,003,379

8448491100 Shuttles, for electrtrically operatedweaving machine 887 39,559 8,995 244,041

8448491900 Oth parts & acces, for elect operatedweaving machine 59,756 555,302 691,747 6,265,224

8448492000 Parts & acces, for non electricallyoperated weaving machine 38,248 156,323 92,130 1,870,148

8448510000 Sinkers, needles&other articles used informing stitches 62,950 105,375 93,295 674,155

8448590000 Othe parts&accessories of mach ofhead 8447/their auxiliary machinery 42,596 545,973 688,761 10,153,265

8449001000 Mach for the manufacture/finishing offelt/nonwovens,electrically operated 175,921 477,169 400,015 1,767,256

8449002000 Mach for the manufacture/finishing offelt/nonwovens, not elect operated 64 2,291 1,591 55,411

8450111000 Household/laundry-type washing machin;fully-automatic mach;capacity <= 6 kg 99,514 1,956,555 390,182 7,557,886

8450119000 Household/laundry-type wash mach;fully-automatic machine;capacity > 6 kg 934,717 8,530,775 3,581,967 31,883,782

8450120010 Household/laundry-type wash mach;built-in centrifugal drier,capacity <= 6 kg 206,082 2,391,711 743,193 7,579,337

8450120020 Household/laundry-type wash mach;built-in centrifugal drier,capacity > 6 kg 701,225 5,418,827 2,562,561 18,956,159

8450190010 Other household/laundry-type wash mach;dry linen capacity <= 6 kg 28,156 37,476 158,249 201,925

8450190020 Other household/laundry-type wash mach;dry linen capacity > 6 kg 245,584 1,931,809 435,514 3,383,581

8450200000 Household/laundry-type washing mach;a dry linen capacity >10 kg 126,339 1,163,641 586,236 5,305,241

8450901000 Parts of goods of subheading 8450.20 557 97,787 6,817 181,948

8450902000 Parts of goods of subheading 8450.11,8450.12 or 8450.19 641,828 3,135,029 1,984,112 9,385,748

8451100000 Dry-cleaning machines 115,857 481,122 530,072 3,380,179

8451210000 Drying machines,each of a dry linencapacity not exceeding 10 kg 12,558 111,951 79,452 623,303

8451290000 Drying machines,each of a dry linencapacity exceeding 10 kg 70,292 1,373,893 495,835 11,781,133

8451300000 Ironing machines and presses(including fusing presses) 16,235 195,036 201,671 1,981,441

8451400000 Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines 121,904 2,025,332 1,211,716 17,716,470

8451500000 Mach. for reeling,unreeling,folding,cutting/pinking textile fabrics 24,387 259,872 184,657 2,629,475

8451801000 Other machinery exclude machines of hd84.50; for domestic use 122 16,412 1,515 325,888

8451809000 Other machinery exclude machines of hd84.50; not for domestic use 104,676 1,298,707 903,901 9,764,815

8451901000 Parts of machines or dry linen capacityno exceeding 10 kg 9,122 60,926 93,265 745,915

8451909000 Parts of oth machines of heading 8451 29,499 283,781 224,906 2,639,284

8452100000 Sewing machines of the householdtype 180,671 1,006,943 382,182 2,913,254

8452210000 Oth sewing machines, automatic units 233,247 1,227,831 1,849,490 13,297,302

8452290000 Oth sewing machines, not automatic units 546,668 4,123,063 3,146,344 24,439,074

8452300000 Sewing machine needles 22,861 140,434 209,288 1,151,668



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8452400000 Furniture, bases and covers for sewingmachines and parts thereof 18,496 71,908 40,894 165,884

8452901100 Arms,beds,stands,flywheel,belt guard;treadles/pedals of subhead 8452.10 30,339 306,768 657,411 1,185,397

8452901900 Oth part of sewing mach of machinery ofsubheading 8452.10 72,118 850,781 533,376 4,919,651

8452909010 Arms beds,foot & pedals of mach excludesubheading 8452.10 18,407 254,517 11,950 221,722

8452909090 Other parts of sewing mach of machineryexclude subheading 8452.10 75,578 1,404,078 225,656 5,233,357

8453101000 Machinery for prepare,tanning/work hides, skins/leather, elect operated 98,403 485,188 1,237,882 3,148,040

8453102000 Machinery for prepare,tanning/work hides, skins/leather, not elect operated 0 104,867 0 509,697

8453201000 Machinery for making/repairingfootwear, electrically operated 148,920 682,029 850,552 4,974,443

8453202000 Machinery for making/repairingfootwear, not electrically operated 9,648 107,167 89,154 1,312,654

8453801000 Mach for make/repaire other articles ofhides,skins,not sewing machine,electric 36,941 1,292,707 240,986 6,967,497

8453802000 Mach for make/repaire other articles ofhides,skins,not sewing machin,not elect 211 2,668 717 7,701

8453900000 Parts of goods of heading 84.53 38,335 474,107 428,478 4,195,176

8454100000 Converters 1,928 142,097 14,396 664,174

8454200000 Ingot moulds and ladles 96,057 938,372 1,142,796 13,019,231

8454300000 Casting machines 333,548 3,953,969 1,433,163 30,995,877

8454900000 Parts of goods of heading 84.54 244,725 3,081,852 896,082 10,784,566

8455100000 Tube mills 1,751 32,760 53,813 160,834

8455210000 Oth Rolling mills, hot or combination hocold 878,770 4,906,367 754,946 17,745,411

8455220000 Oth Rolling mills, cold 494,889 2,137,652 1,105,945 8,666,567

8455300000 Rolls for rolling mills 300,558 3,288,894 1,456,005 13,843,376

8455900000 Other parts of metal-rolling millsand rolls therefor. 133,559 3,085,409 768,905 20,277,770

8456100000 Machines tool for work any material byremoval material,operat by laser/photon 693 26,935 33,381 778,146

8456200000 Machines tool for work any material byremoval material,operat by ultrasonic 8,512 29,559 496,131 1,475,452

8456300000 Machines tool for work any material byremoval material,electro-discharge 22,681 242,260 415,191 3,436,628

8456901000 Mach tool for mnfact of printed circuit,numerical control,by plasma arc process 11 22,261 1,312 90,732

8456902000 Wet proces equip for the applicationby immersion of electrochemic solutions 86 418 1,048 8,570

8456909000 Oth mach tool for work any material byother operating processes 6,599 155,439 43,159 1,608,134

8457100000 Machining centres 284,370 3,307,982 2,523,102 38,638,400

8457200000 Unit construction machines(single-station) 22,660 197,185 71,906 1,062,317

8457300000 Multi-station transfer machines 0 3,813 0 56,479

8458110000 Horizontal lathes, numericallycontrolled 130,636 833,911 1,289,230 15,250,313

8458190000 Horizontal lathes,not numericallycontrolled 282,289 2,035,519 1,468,149 15,870,735

8458910000 Other lathes,numerically controlled 63,838 550,419 608,177 9,346,995

8458990000 Other lathes,not numerically controlled 387,507 3,946,908 4,033,282 31,917,319

8459101000 Way-type unit head machineselectrically operated 25,240 375,760 233,355 4,140,998

8459210000 Dilling machines, numericallycontrolled 11,995 418,771 210,944 7,682,443

8459291000 Dilling machines, electrically operated 120,053 763,709 623,616 5,000,952

8459292000 Dilling machines, not electricallyoperated 0 44,542 0 124,436

8459310000 Boring-milling machines, numericallycontrolled 15,916 118,311 37,513 1,727,519

8459391000 Oth boring-milling machines, electricalloperated 173,781 1,504,830 1,045,284 11,868,453

8459392000 Oth boring-milling machines, notelectrically operated 206 26,325 848 229,785

8459401000 Oth boring machines, electricallyoperated 73,511 575,020 974,922 6,341,440

8459402000 Oth boring machines, not electricallyoperated 32,202 221,844 1,410 1,398,382

8459510000 Milling machines, knee-type,numerically controlled 4,204 63,360 32,970 182,018

8459591000 Oth milling machines, knee-type,electrically operated 56,218 283,015 63,585 527,284

8459592000 Oth milling machines, knee-type, notelectrically operated 0 107,118 0 298,322

8459610000 Other milling machines, numericallycontrolled 34,460 197,502 743,150 3,022,776

8459691000 Other milling machines, not nmrcllycontrolled, electrically operated 25,745 877,997 100,349 6,065,993

8459692000 Other milling machines, not nmrcllycontrolled, not electrically operated 8,048 106,353 51,900 360,459

8459701000 Threading/tapping machines,electrically operated 29,734 730,277 446,539 6,350,595

8459702000 Threading/tapping machines, notelectrically operated 20,123 149,686 85,092 815,700

8460110000 Flat-surface grinding mach,an accuracyof at least 0.01 mm,numeric controlled 14,889 110,242 66,835 1,268,263

8460191000 Oth flat-surface grinding mach, accuracyof at least 0.01 mm, electric operated 79,561 739,273 577,206 8,220,271

8460192000 Oth flat-surface grinding mach, accuracyof at least 0.01 mm, not elect operated 13,398 65,538 51,716 338,998

8460210000 Other grinding mach,an accuracy of atleast 0.01 mm,numerically controlled 13,792 68,493 177,046 1,745,508

8460291000 Other grinding mach,an accuracy of atleast 0.01 mm, electrically operated 78,144 724,254 1,086,211 12,042,647

8460292000 Other grinding mach,an accuracy of atleast 0.01 mm, not electric operated 1,005 122,325 17,125 1,522,020

8460311000 Machine tools, numeric controlled, forsharpen carbide diamet <= 3.175 mm 118 636 4,848 12,698

8460319000 Oth sharpening (tool/cutter grinding)machines,numerically controlled 18,892 82,475 104,234 476,122

8460391000 Oth sharpening (tool/cutter grinding)machines, electrically operated 5,159 86,108 14,534 1,178,347

8460392000 Oth sharpening (tool/cutter grinding)machines, not electrically operated 1,163 3,862 816 7,048

8460401000 Honing/lapping mach,electricallyoperated 13,169 98,062 88,030 1,254,043

8460402000 Honing/lapping mach, not electricallyoperated 8,420 27,861 32,235 295,357

8460901000 Oth mach-tools for deburring,abrasives/polishing products, electric operat 27,675 185,313 279,041 3,227,141

8460902000 Oth mach-tools for deburring,abrasives/polishing products,not electric operat 10 31,468 2,772 451,412

8461201000 Shaping/slotting machines,electricallyoperated 60,166 364,729 240,145 4,023,074

8461202000 Shaping/slotting mach,not electricallyoperated 0 29,770 0 99,357

8461301000 Broaching mach,electrically operated 30,528 135,748 577,934 2,806,909

8461302000 Broaching mach,not electric operated 0 210 0 2,270

8461401000 Gear cutting,gear grinding/gearfinishing mach, electric operated 18,386 285,821 28,421 3,406,628

8461402000 Gear cutting,gear grinding/gearfinishing mach, not electric operated 0 22,881 0 163,765

8461501000 Sawing/cutting-off machines,electrically operated 93,445 1,737,264 4,016,318 13,560,800

8461502000 Sawing/cutting-off machines, notelectrically operated 10,822 105,013 37,463 318,423



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8461901000 Oth mach-tool for planing/shaping/slottiby cermets, electrically operated 6,246 359,949 116,978 2,808,152

8461909000 Oth mach-tool for planing/shaping/slottiby cermets, not electrically operated 486 38,815 3,843 364,055

8462101000 Forging/die-stamping machines(including pres) & hammers, electric 875,718 6,344,431 3,245,756 35,123,212

8462102000 Forging/die-stamping machines(includ pres)&hammers,not electric 35,945 427,602 99,437 2,949,192

8462210000 Bend,fold,straighten/flattening machine(includ pres),numeric control 99,918 796,439 746,114 5,656,609

8462291000 Bend,fold,straighten/flattening machine(includ pres),not nmric control,elect 348,217 2,261,559 3,013,494 14,637,470

8462292000 Bend,fold,straighten/flattening machine(incl pres), not nmrc control,not elect 6,287 191,699 28,533 868,343

8462310000 Shearing machine (incl press),oth thancombine punching mach,numeric control 21,352 233,388 59,078 858,982

8462391000 Shearing machine (incl press),oth thanbine punching mach,not nmrc cntrl,elect 499,721 4,646,002 1,367,364 17,161,238

8462392000 Shearing mach (incl press),oth than binepunch mach, not nmrc control,not elect 216 122,441 7,064 419,922

8462410000 Punching/notching mach,incl comb punch &shearing mach,numeric control 6,127 117,542 83,035 1,740,164

8462491000 Punching/notching mach,incl comb punch &shearing mach,not numeric contrl,elect 134,901 1,363,908 927,334 9,969,280

8462492000 Punching/notching mach,incl comb punch &shear mach,not numric cntrl,not elect 5,042 52,274 9,272 157,814

8462910000 Hydraulic presses 670,490 3,234,260 2,583,852 12,279,317

8462991000 Mach for manufac of boxes,cans& similar contain of tin plate, electrc. 21,229 382,044 109,688 4,958,730

8462992000 Mach for manufac of boxes,canscontain tin plate,not elect. operated 0 136 0 8,013

8462995000 Oth machine for working metal byforging,hamming,electric operated 109,184 3,296,884 656,216 15,383,665

8462996000 Oth machine for working metal byforging,hamming,not electric operated 25,717 184,930 78,325 685,813

8463101000 Draw-benches for bars,tube,profile,wire,or the like, electrically operated 26,968 943,378 703,125 8,787,704

8463102000 Draw-benches for bars,tube,profile,wire,or the like, not electrically operated 92 24,351 511 109,513

8463201000 Thread rolling machines, electricallyoperated 10,164 1,049,734 37,023 1,993,236

8463202000 Thread rolling machines,notelectrically operated 335 11,099 727 34,246

8463301000 Machines for working wire,electricallyoperated 46,382 1,029,055 681,802 13,745,567

8463302000 Machines for working wire, notelectrically operated 47 18,523 4,932 133,108

8463901000 Oth mach tool for work metal/cerments,without remove material,elect operated 240,602 1,383,863 609,367 11,414,295

8463902000 Oth mach tool for work metal/cerments,without remove material,not elect operat 399 28,576 18,658 1,284,379

8464101000 Sawing mach for working stone,ceramics electrically operated 30,131 215,003 267,455 1,005,060

8464102000 Sawing mach for working stone,ceramicsnot electrically operated 1,819 50,755 2,797 189,071

8464201000 Grinding/polishing machines,electrically operated 63,893 576,803 375,046 2,166,118

8464202000 Grinding/polishing machines,not electrically operated 0 4,788 0 121,716

8464901000 Oth mach tool for work stone,ceramics/like mineral material,elect operated 340,593 2,067,124 1,178,196 6,755,835

8464902000 Oth mach tool for work stone,ceramics/like mineral material,not elect operate 17,816 244,696 77,768 630,911

8465100000 Mach, can carryout different type opera-tion without tool charge for such operat 69,964 778,367 1,653,710 6,089,031

8465911000 Sawing machines for scoring PCB/PWB's electrically operated 7,389 98,186 23,949 300,450

8465912000 Other sawing mach for scoring PCB/PWB's, electrically operated 105,633 1,295,502 914,194 5,100,453

8465919000 Other sawing mach for scoring PCB/PWB's, not electrically operated 72,826 420,761 418,105 2,853,301

8465921000 Mach tools for routing PCB/PWB'ssubstrates,shank dmtr <=3.175 mm 1,232 31,489 89,276 752,436

8465922000 Oth planing,milling/moulding (bycutting) mach,electrically operated 155,217 1,219,091 471,846 4,646,133

8465929000 Oth planing,milling/moulding (bycutting)machines,not electric operated 16,234 805,198 127,640 2,482,751

8465931000 Grinding, sanding/polishing machines,electrically operated 125,512 992,090 967,320 7,242,845

8465932000 Grinding, sanding/polishing machines,not electrically operated 6,290 61,690 33,053 274,605

8465941000 Bending/assembling machines,electrically operated 5,092 256,633 232,013 3,883,122

8465942000 Bending/assembling machines, notelectrically operated 0 5,090 0 12,919

8465951000 Drilling mach for manufac PCB/PWB's,with a spindle speed > 50.000 rpm 4,012 92,246 14,591 1,910,405

8465953000 Other drilling/morticing machines,electrically operated 34,479 754,485 57,412 1,657,035

8465959000 Other drilling/morticing machines, notelectrically operated 153,630 1,173,391 1,333,112 9,159,952

8465961000 Splitting, slicing/paring machines,electrically operated 92,232 734,338 278,042 3,034,498

8465962000 Splitting, slicing/paring machines,not electrically operated 0 44,713 0 187,473

8465993000 Lathes, electrically operated 15,335 671,759 48,163 9,495,856

8465994000 Lathes, not electrically operated 0 20,321 0 46,664

8465995000 Oth mach for deburring surfaces of PCB/PWB's, for scoring laminati presses 4,825 185,123 10,339 405,925

8465996000 Other mach-tools for nailing,stapling,glueing/otherwise assemb,electric 101,262 1,415,370 416,218 7,854,699

8465999000 Other mach-tools for nailing,stapling,glueing/otherwise assemb,not electric 173,325 1,666,218 1,041,744 10,277,507

8466101000 Tool hold.self-open dieheads for 8456.908460.31,8465.91,8465.92,8465.95,8465.9 1,778 63,019 83,979 1,805,166

8466109000 Other tool holders & self-openingdieheads 41,551 489,570 543,812 5,969,302

8466201000 Work holders for sub 8456.99, 8460.31,8465.91, 8465.92, 8465.95, 8465.99 8,964 103,183 451,656 1,539,522

8466209000 Work holders for other machine 26,794 217,399 1,107,368 8,127,248

8466301000 Dividing head,special attach for 8456.908460.31,8465.91,8465.92,8465.95&8465.9 178 21,355 1,111 201,791

8466309000 Dividing heads & other specialattachments for oth machine-tools 38,742 216,392 1,073,339 3,858,554

8466910000 Parts&acces suitable for machine ofheading 84.64 341,316 1,308,348 2,416,746 5,784,359

8466921000 Parts&acces suitable for mach subhead8465.92.10, 8465.95.10, 8465.99.50 12,595 81,806 132,188 636,627

8466929000 Parts & acces suitable for mach ofother subheading 84.65 49,170 558,088 926,297 8,591,421

8466932000 Parts&acces suitable for mach subhead8456.90.10,8456.90.20,8460.31.10 1,687 17,607 37,657 508,237

8466939000 Parts&acces suitable for mach ofother headings 84.56 to 84.61 67,247 953,084 1,919,065 15,485,651

8466940000 Parts & acces suitable for machineother headings 84.62 or 84.63 161,943 1,752,028 3,431,206 19,058,289

8467110000 Tool for work in the hand,pneumatic,rotary type (incl rotary percussion) 19,075 165,992 578,629 4,431,034

8467190000 Tool for working in the hand,pneumatic,in other type 13,960 186,673 422,987 1,954,853

8467210000 Drills of all kinds with selfcontained electric motor 115,381 1,201,169 480,313 3,303,917

8467220000 Saws with self containedelectric motor 19,651 252,799 75,800 816,684

8467290000 Oth tool for working in the hand,with self-contained electric motor 564,152 5,536,458 1,306,568 11,122,166

8467810000 Chain saws 311,955 1,015,997 953,142 4,053,155

8467890000 Oth tool for working in the hand 101,200 897,065 974,781 9,264,697

8467911000 Part of chain saw,of elect-mechanic forwork in hand,self-cont. electric motor 12,704 152,074 30,767 334,693



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8467919000 Part of other chain saw 275,235 1,637,931 520,871 3,047,235

8467920000 Parts of pneumatic tools 11,100 112,748 99,537 902,138

8467991000 Part of tool of subhead 8467.21, 8467.22or 8467.29 11,958 222,159 42,796 507,869

8467999000 Part of tool of of oth heading 8467 36,497 580,590 327,949 3,880,495

8468100000 Hand-held blow pipes 6,360 18,249 25,597 75,562

8468201000 Hand-operated gas welding, brazing/cutting appliances for metal 33,347 223,934 159,414 1,257,131

8468209000 Other gas-operated machinery &apparatus 210,565 676,729 767,935 5,488,601

8468800000 Other machinery and apparatus forsoldering, brazing/welding 39,785 410,222 383,240 2,021,779

8468901100 Parts of goods of subheading8468.10 6,576 10,811 47,160 186,503

8468901200 Parts of goods of subheading8468.20.10 9,239 144,104 125,191 953,157

8468909000 Parts of other Heading 8468 18,308 425,059 418,501 4,741,028

8469001000 Word-processing machines 2 2,892 508 106,503

8469009010 Automatic typewriters 0 17,094 0 91,152

8469009090 Other typewrites 19,112 522,121 125,897 2,295,888

8470100000 Electronic calculators, cpble of operatiwithout an extnl source electric power 14,705 612,269 23,494 1,631,138

8470210000 Electronic calculating machinesincorporating a printing device 194 12,343 2,640 84,472

8470290000 Other electronic calculating machines 9,149 121,803 76,574 1,868,499

8470300000 Other calculating machines 64,155 645,259 220,889 2,281,897

8470500000 Cash registers 19,350 203,804 603,333 5,015,239

8470901000 Postage-franking machines 0 763 0 67,173

8470902000 Accounting machines 0 1,432 0 3,137

8470909000 Machines for pocket-size data record,reproduc,display mach with calculat 10,127 66,320 775,243 1,832,868

8471301000 Handheld computer incl palmtop & PDAs 1,348 835,262 46,515 24,832,593

8471302000 Laptop incl notebooks 500,441 4,928,212 42,342,473 269,893,435

8471309000 Oth portable digital automatic dataproc mach,weigh not more than 10 kg 136,055 905,956 3,469,945 20,738,259

8471411000 Personal computers excl 8471.30with at least a CPU and an input/output 30,184 491,944 462,329 9,884,061

8471419000 Oth automatic data processing machineswith at least a CPU and an input/output 58,424 1,122,206 2,010,280 31,656,713

8471491000 Personal computers excl 8471.30presented in form of systems 211,321 1,617,378 7,359,412 56,377,859

8471499000 Oth automatic data processing machinespresented in form of systems 91,069 1,051,811 3,683,846 33,895,182

8471501000 Processing units for personal computerother of subhd 8471.41 or 8471.49 199,089 1,499,223 3,289,166 36,926,386

8471509000 Oth Processing unitsother of subhd 8471.41 or 8471.49 314,850 2,082,620 15,594,055 121,222,718

8471603000 Computer keyboards 246,600 1,486,193 1,074,178 5,227,421

8471604000 X-ycoordinate input devices,includingmouse,light pens,joystick,track balls 125,092 1,172,419 702,105 4,910,800

8471605000 Plotters whether input/output units ofheading 84.71or of heading 90.17 6,254 19,468 56,293 132,949

8471609000 Other input/output units,whether/not contain storg unitsthe same housing 824,069 5,259,281 3,526,547 30,475,895

8471701000 Floppy disk drives 50,872 291,757 4,491,210 14,612,088

8471702000 Hard disk drives 108,068 2,048,910 3,704,396 33,728,828

8471703000 Tape drives 4,807 38,873 445,857 3,684,673

8471704000 Optical disk drives,including cd-romdrives,dvd drives & cd-r drives 373,821 2,825,867 21,770,538 155,724,118

8471705000 Proprietary fmat strge device includ me-dia therefor f automat. dt proc.mach 11,440 182,848 2,297,281 16,575,336

8471709100 Backup management systems 1,110 73,391 197,723 2,968,402

8471709900 Other storage units ofautomatic data processing machine 46,028 646,720 1,684,439 15,564,372

8471801000 Control and adaptor units 29,888 1,190,660 409,456 6,558,832

8471807000 Sound card and video card 25,272 365,790 208,639 2,027,661

8471809000 Other units of automatic dataprocessing machines 63,134 1,293,617 4,938,728 42,964,779

8471901000 Bar code readers 5,524 126,819 92,549 1,647,868

8471902000 Optical character readers,document/image scanners 16,590 302,826 314,383 6,306,415

8471909000 Other units automatic data processingmachines 278,537 1,315,511 2,176,039 18,531,407

8472101000 Duplicating machines, electricallyoperated 1,472 11,341 2,791 126,575

8472102000 Duplicating machines, not electricallyoperated 6 1,898 54 12,582

8472301000 Machin for sorting/folding mail/forinserting mail in envelopes,electric 0 2,178 0 87,001

8472302000 Machin for sorting/folding mail/forinserting mail in envelopes,not elect. 0 80 0 7,360

8472901000 Automatic teller machines 279,992 1,528,658 5,749,466 25,029,385

8472902000 Electronic fingerprint identificationsystem 2,747 24,793 143,519 668,433

8472903000 Other office machines,electricallyoperated 59,995 450,954 1,186,971 4,872,912

8472909000 Other office machines,not electricallyoperated 20,475 291,425 50,476 1,285,430

8473101000 Printed circuit assemblies for word-processing 9,321 51,109 82,715 1,279,223

8473109000 Other parts & access of the mach ofheading 84.69 27,431 186,709 606,049 6,929,774

8473210000 Parts & access electronic calculatingmach sub 8470.10, 8470.21/8470.29 922 20,225 16,618 374,647

8473290000 Parts & access of other machines ofheading 84.70 4,263 178,733 94,154 1,564,501

8473301000 Assembled printed circuit boardsfor machines of heading 84.71 360,613 5,635,831 4,334,748 43,899,717

8473309000 Parts & access ofother machines ofheading 84.71 1,945,059 17,444,527 106,321,143 842,018,237

8473401100 Parts including printed circuit assembfor machines of heading 84.72 1,693 7,380 114,908 411,448

8473401900 Other parts&accessories of the machof heading 84.72,for electric operate 6,250 43,699 77,283 1,097,998

8473402000 Other parts&accessories of the machheading 84.72,for non electric operate 156 3,375 3,725 156,230

8473501100 Parts&accessories suitable for usewith mach of heading 84.71,electric 53,174 323,563 402,952 13,609,249

8473501900 Parts&accessories suitable for usewith mach head 84.69 & 84.72,electric 11,220 336,216 45,693 912,976

8473502000 Part&acces suitable for use with machof heading 84.69-84.72,non-electric 9 76,115 2,772 710,569

8474101000 Sorting,screening,separating/washingmachines, electrically operated 307,583 1,702,147 1,920,354 13,073,442

8474102000 Sorting,screening,separating/washingmachines, not electrically operated 64,391 154,371 238,952 714,036

8474201100 Crushing/grinding machines forstone electrically operated 723,736 6,406,554 2,901,663 11,419,527

8474201900 Crushing/grinding mach for earth,oresoth mineral subtances,electric operat 225,003 4,064,498 1,643,563 17,201,857

8474202100 Crushing/grinding mach for stone notelectrically operated 1,151,196 1,361,649 4,038,111 4,335,389



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8474202900 Crushing/grinding mach for earth,oresoth mineral subtances,not electric 15,922 355,146 26,625 874,716

8474311000 Concrete/mortar mixers, electricallyoperated 85,946 752,516 152,384 3,550,177

8474312000 Concrete/mortar mixers, notelectrically operated 1,667 103,127 11,634 204,804

8474321000 Mach for mixing mineral substances withbitumen,electrically operated 263,750 2,706,589 561,466 6,445,651

8474322000 Mach for mixing mineral substances withbitumen,not electrically operated 7,999 39,957 26,613 531,864

8474391000 Other mixing/kneading machineselectrically operated 266,423 942,484 1,778,597 7,006,440

8474392000 Other mixing/kneading machines notelectrically operated 0 38,610 0 801,711

8474801000 Mach for agglomerating,shaping/mauldsolid mineral fuels,electric operat 34,915 1,651,672 393,461 12,725,502

8474802000 Mach for agglomerating,shaping/mouldsolid mineral fuels,not elect. operat 73,744 160,386 290,098 488,624

8474901000 Parts of mach for heading 8474.10 to8474.80 of electric operated machines 918,574 11,527,440 5,375,384 77,365,205

8474902000 Parts of mach for heading 8474.10 to8474.80 of not electric operat mach 96,654 1,528,505 981,055 9,418,660

8475101000 Mach for assembl electric/electroniclamps tubes/valves,electric operat 4,097 77,714 28,715 1,949,797

8475102000 Mach for assembl electric/electroniclamps tubes/valves,not elect. operated 308 2,532 14,751 41,514

8475210000 Machines for making optical fibresand preforms thereof 72,574 76,185 194,148 203,281

8475290000 Other machines for manufacturing/hot working glass/glassware 67,032 594,830 936,137 6,694,126

8475901000 Parts of machine for heading 8475.10to 8475.29 of electric operated machin 11,089 200,902 426,987 6,901,826

8475902000 Parts of machine for heading 8475.10to8475.29 of not elect. operated mach 3 46,311 1,502 546,027

8476290000 Other automatic beverage-vendingmachines 71,981 178,270 426,582 1,583,754

8476810000 Other automatic goods-vending mach,incorporating heating/refrigerating 0 9,778 0 22,132

8476890000 Other automatic goods-vendingmachines 379 67,172 205,403 782,040

8476901000 Parts of automatic goods-vend machincorpor heating/refriger,elect.operat 6 21,697 101 137,321

8476909000 Parts of automatic goods-vendingmach 51,042 2,185,388 511,300 33,642,685

8477101000 Injection-moulding machines formoulding rubber 741,852 6,890,819 6,008,373 40,301,737

8477103100 P.v.c. injection moulding machine 534,298 4,809,579 2,371,370 16,395,991

8477103900 Other injection-moulding machinesfor moulding plastics 68,979 1,048,095 530,074 8,378,671

8477201000 Extruders for extruding rubber 45,656 563,691 680,402 7,290,778

8477202000 Extruders for extruding plastics 303,719 2,897,059 1,815,119 32,150,408

8477300000 Blow moulding machines 86,290 1,533,498 369,115 34,110,844

8477401000 Vacuum moulding & other thermo formingfor moulding/forming rubber 16,676 492,575 250,484 6,758,555

8477402000 Vacuum moulding & other thermo formingfor moulding/forming plastics 117,961 1,021,509 2,021,882 14,387,670

8477510000 Mach for mould/retread pneumt tyres,for moulding/othwise forming inner tub 116,492 1,239,536 3,316,288 19,883,012

8477591000 Other machine for moulding/otherwise-forming for rubber 41,421 255,932 493,370 3,206,905

8477592000 Other machine for moulding/otherwise-forming for plastics 6,783 169,083 711,085 1,755,156

8477801000 Other machinery for rubber,electrically operated 1,060,722 7,187,755 8,234,104 69,542,627

8477802000 Other mach for rubber,not electricallyoperated 358,665 2,156,977 2,784,633 35,250,798

8477803100 Lamination presses for the manufactrof PCB/PWBs 20,742 217,310 130,988 2,341,161

8477803900 Other machinery for plastics,electrically operated 74,152 342,143 1,631,361 3,758,447

8477804000 Other machinery for plastics, notelectrically operated 23,031 232,075 129,304 3,055,134

8477901000 Parts of electrically operatd mach forworking rubber/products from rubber 134,978 1,781,300 2,373,510 24,257,214

8477902000 Part of nonelectric opratd mach forworking rubb/fr the manuf product rubb 64,740 905,782 1,189,135 17,301,629

8477903200 Pars of lamination presses fr themanuf of PCB/PWBs 43 4,303 30,641 258,064

8477903900 Oth parts not in 8477.90.31-32 44,852 180,275 242,655 2,407,937

8477904000 Part of non elect.mach fr workig plast/manuf of prodct frm plastic material 32,224 410,792 771,990 3,975,613

8478101000 Machinery for preparing/making uptobacco, electrically operated 129,867 2,191,307 3,116,221 68,896,472

8478102000 Machinery for preparing/making uptobacco, not electrically operated 0 19,466 0 752,311

8478901000 Part of cigar/cigarette electricallyoperated mach 19,647 319,236 1,406,524 11,938,539

8478902000 Part of cigar/cigarette,nonelectrically operated mach 90 54,991 11,924 1,378,300

8479101000 Machinery fr public works,building/thelike electrically operated 231,815 2,021,942 857,354 7,146,125

8479102000 Machinery fr public works,building/thelike not electrically operated 13,354 301,330 184,966 1,062,141

8479201100 Machinery for making palm oilelectrically operated 255,788 4,202,679 1,307,651 27,289,476

8479201900 Machinery for preparing palm oilelectrically operated 83,017 1,818,671 354,792 31,370,782

8479202100 Machinery for making palm oil notelectrically operated 27,581 205,300 136,500 1,420,191

8479202900 Machinery forpreparing palm oil notelectrically operated 19,328 226,460 34,528 1,062,201

8479301000 Presses for the manufacture ofparticle board electrically operated 55,440 1,376,373 176,691 5,690,264

8479302000 Presses for the manufacture ofparticle board not electrically opertd 2,455 109,782 3,150 502,272

8479401000 Rope/cable making mach,electrically operated 46,565 1,306,726 693,157 6,916,551

8479402000 Rope/cable making mach, notelectrically operated 0 377 0 2,498

8479500000 Industrial robots, not elsewherespecified/included 13,351 192,895 671,516 8,736,432

8479600000 Evaporative air coolers 137,479 529,415 978,986 3,899,066

8479811000 Oth mach&mechanical appliance fortreating metal,electrically operated 53,367 999,778 701,023 13,430,070

8479812000 Oth mach&mechanical appliance fortreating mtl,nonelectrically operated 764 86,980 9,355 839,888

8479821000 Mixing,kneading,crush,grind,screen, &otherwise machine,electrically operated 500,252 3,533,528 4,034,482 46,143,298

8479822000 Mixing,kneading,crush,grind,screen, &otherwise machine,not elect operated 10,131 269,818 120,369 2,057,494

8479892000 Chemical vapour deposition app forflat panel display production 69,925 314,367 655,717 5,928,050

8479893000 Oth apparatus, electrically operated 173,174 4,614,373 2,184,192 31,333,286

8479894000 Oth apparatus,nonelectrically operated 93,419 1,006,067 3,892,924 21,475,082

8479902000 Part of goods of subheading8479.89.20 41,401 952,728 926,414 8,774,779

8479903000 Part of oth electrically operatedmachines 283,407 3,053,091 2,825,574 33,625,362

8479904000 Part of nonelectrically operatedmachines 40,327 486,072 1,132,229 18,323,795

8480100000 Moulding boxes for metal foundry 28,435 304,535 211,388 3,790,417

8480200000 Mould bases 180,445 1,861,218 2,065,033 19,094,109

8480301000 Moulding patterns, of copper 335 3,948 4,032 78,068

8480309000 Moulding patterns, of other material 234,789 2,109,003 1,334,660 18,028,663



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8480410000 Moulds for metal/metal carbidesinjection/compression types 9,415 270,355 337,265 6,715,697

8480490000 Moulds for metal/metal carbides notinjection/compression types 114,562 1,049,644 1,645,803 14,329,464

8480500000 Moulds for glass 9,879 135,262 269,585 2,949,245

8480600000 Moulds for mineral materials 87,314 2,142,354 398,985 9,124,172

8480710000 Moulds for rubber,plastics, injection/compression type 545,679 4,102,522 8,858,525 64,058,055

8480790000 Mould for rubber,plastics, not injection, compression type 89,274 2,007,483 1,590,767 21,684,654

8481101100 Pres-reduce valve,iron/steel,manualoperate sluice,5 cm <=int dia <40cm 58,526 579,092 808,179 8,653,400

8481101900 Pres-reduce valve,iron/steel,automaticoperate sluice,5 cm<=int dia <40cm 306,354 1,806,420 3,247,994 13,301,229

8481102000 Pressure-reducing valves of copper/copper alloys 19,329 337,514 260,688 2,445,797

8481109000 Pressure-reducing valves not of iron/steel,not of oth metal,not of plastics 171,524 2,250,067 2,153,327 23,310,794

8481201000 Valve for pneumatic tran,manual operatesluice, 5 cm<=internal diameter<40cm 1,728 70,574 39,517 572,587

8481209000 Valves not of iron/steel, not of othmetal,not of plastics 84,757 1,306,092 907,570 14,172,132

8481301000 Cast iron valve of swing check-valvetype,40 <=inlets internal diamtr<600 mm 77,556 647,143 899,466 3,555,788

8481302000 Check (nonreturn) valve,copper/copperalloy, internal diameter < 25 mm 28 33,555 2,834 71,763

8481309000 Other check (nonreturn) valve 291,143 2,707,775 2,552,197 29,518,520

8481401000 Safety/relief valves of iron/steel 156,569 1,113,197 1,122,671 9,990,987

8481409000 Oth safety/relief valves 300,044 1,988,455 4,179,311 25,110,659

8481801100 Valves fr inner tube of copper/copperalloys 459,487 2,031,340 2,240,269 14,965,490

8481801200 Valves for inner tubesof oth materials 11,206 100,751 52,609 567,790

8481801300 Valves for tubeless tyres of copper/copper alloys 2 4,401 36 31,628

8481801400 Valves for tubeless tyres of othmaterials 4,906 41,491 47,238 549,027

8481802100 Lpg cylinder valves having inlet &outlet internal diameters<=2.5cm 235,153 967,250 1,440,261 6,399,510

8481802200 Lpg cylinder valves having inlet &outlet internal diameters>2.5cm 4,918 167,230 14,719 714,764

8481803000 Cocks/valves,whether/not fitted withpiezo electric igniters for gas stove 134,493 1,464,273 873,107 8,030,111

8481804100 Soda water bottle valve;gas operat,of plastic, 1 cm < intern dia <= 2,5cm 2,016 41,441 1,226 89,728

8481804900 Oth soda water bottle valves;gas operatebeer dispensing units 46,044 301,801 234,720 3,256,993

8481805100 Mixing tapes and valves,of plastic,1 cm < internal diameter <= 2,5cm 27,984 351,059 30,365 342,126

8481805900 Others mixing tapes and valves 146,981 1,548,482 265,613 1,995,092

8481806100 Water pipeline valve,manual operatesluice,5cm<inlet/outlet int diamtr>=40cm 88,903 263,511 65,657 331,245

8481806200 Cast iron gate valve,inlet diamtr>=4cm &cast iron butterfly valve,inlet dia>=8cm 35,977 318,097 267,579 2,917,933

8481806300 Cast iron gate valve,inlet diamtr<4cm &cast iron butterfly valve,inlet dia <8cm 43,357 568,553 216,598 3,010,090

8481806400 Hog nipple waterer,of plastics,1 cm <=internal diameter < 2,5 cm 0 662 0 6,916

8481806500 Other hog nipple waterers 6,094 24,038 39,026 77,518

8481806600 Nipple joint valves,of plastics, 1 cm<=internal diameter < 2,5 cm 0 2,099 0 4,099

8481806700 Other nipple joint valves 8,371 322,163 84,148 1,061,472

8481807100 Ball valves,of plastics, 1 cm <=internaldiameter < 2,5 cm 28,481 512,343 132,221 5,788,121

8481807200 Other ball valves 413,035 3,700,443 5,258,810 31,996,672

8481807300 Gate valve,manual operate,of iron/steel,5cm<=inlet/outlet internal diamtr<40cm 218,725 2,540,760 1,409,225 8,795,851

8481807400 Gate valve,manual operate,of iron/steel,inlet/outlet internal diamtr < 40cm 12,939 306,067 371,841 2,737,653

8481807500 Manifold valves of plastics, 1 cm <=internal diameter < 2,5 cm 0 2,938 0 35,055

8481807600 Other manifold valves 103,349 644,944 940,085 6,142,015

8481808100 Pneumatic control valve,of plastics,1 cm <=internal diameter < 2,5 cm 7,425 9,065 374,550 465,064

8481808200 Other pneumatic controlled valve 16,246 114,988 712,317 2,535,903

8481808300 Oth valve of plastic,inlet diamtr>=1cm,outlet diamtr <= 2,5 cm 20,246 341,192 29,024 449,738

8481808400 Oth valve of plastic,inlet diamtr>=1cm,outlet diamtr > 2,5 cm 57 45,219 4,729 153,959

8481808500 Oth valve of plastic,with other size ofinlet/outlet diameter 37,254 371,504 300,780 1,778,510

8481808600 Other valve of stainless steel/nickle,manual operate,weighting < 3 kg 18,980 496,353 92,153 2,441,646

8481809100 Ball valves 54,045 276,460 517,513 4,474,567

8481809900 Other valves and similar appliances forpipes 904,083 7,544,263 12,075,889 95,144,045

8481901000 Parts of housing for sluice/gate valves 11,275 199,713 134,402 2,373,164

8481902100 Bodies, for water taps 10,351 45,522 21,285 298,460

8481902300 Others bodies for taps, cocks, valves,and similar appliances 20,242 141,944 183,726 1,262,022

8481902900 Others parts for taps, cocks, valves, &similar appliance of int. dimtr =< 25mm 65,342 625,376 812,384 9,581,843

8481903000 Valve bodies/stems of inner tube/tubeless tyres valves 32,863 396,831 362,768 4,121,424

8481904000 Valve cores of inner tube valves/tubeless tyres valves 0 511 0 12,568

8481909000 Others parts for taps, cocks, valves,and similar appliances 208,037 1,956,373 4,099,139 31,342,534

8482100000 Ball bearings 1,280,997 10,891,175 11,861,611 99,614,037

8482200000 Tapered roller bearings,includingcone&tapered roller assemblies 159,688 2,521,450 2,237,303 25,410,285

8482300000 Spherical roller bearings 176,078 1,532,921 644,798 7,024,546

8482400000 Needle roller bearings 68,033 569,956 1,175,642 10,007,664

8482500000 Oth cylindrical roller bearings 164,879 754,998 1,826,554 9,909,077

8482800000 Oth,including combined ball/rollerbearings 613,103 8,983,246 5,941,710 53,492,939

8482910000 Balls, needles and rollers 116,205 1,371,332 1,036,093 16,631,468

8482990000 Other parts of ball and roller bearings 666,539 4,027,715 4,104,508 33,481,393

8483101000 Transmission shafts for earth movingmachinery 88,637 1,011,015 975,345 12,340,333

8483102100 Transmissi shafts for enginesf veniclehead 87.01exc 8701.10/8701.90 34,419 166,678 291,520 1,476,264

8483102200 Transmission shafts for engines ofvehicles of subhead 8701.10/8701.90 195 3,469 6,297 44,630

8483102300 Transmission shafts for engines ofvehicles of heading 87.11 209,363 2,534,733 3,337,981 38,790,339

8483102400 Transmission shafts for engines ofoth vehicles of chapter 87 1,410,208 10,880,166 13,320,332 99,538,621

8483103100 Transmission shafts for marine propul-sion engines of an output<=22.38 kw 0 4,335 0 16,067

8483103900 Transmission shafts for marine propul-sion engines of an output>22.38 kw 78,161 556,697 687,764 7,221,714

8483109000 Oth transmission shafts 981,198 7,875,464 8,252,179 73,871,874

8483201000 Bearing housing incorporating forearth moving machinery 20,229 349,003 151,612 1,387,265



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8483209000 Bearing housing incorporating not forearth moving machinery&motor vehicle 242,279 2,098,476 959,246 7,008,006

8483301000 Bearing housing not incorporating forearth moving machinery 102,327 610,913 556,775 4,841,320

8483309000 Bearing housing not incorporat not forearth moving machinery&motor vehicle 504,574 5,136,556 2,710,742 26,247,045

8483401100 Gear&gearing for engines of vehiclesof head 87.01exc subhead 8701.10/90 64,953 295,831 778,638 3,073,834

8483401300 Gear&gearing for engines of vehiclesof heading 87.11 245,399 2,289,903 3,031,996 27,437,096

8483401400 Gear&gearing for engines of othvehicles of chapter 87 626,674 4,622,757 6,353,495 54,755,566

8483402100 Gear&gearing for marine propulsionengines of an output<=22.38 kw 2,323 131,369 56,255 1,755,076

8483402900 Gear&gearing for marine propulsionengines of an output>22.38 kw 296,726 4,116,196 3,502,102 37,741,967

8483403000 Gear&gearing for the engines of earthmoving machinery 82,868 1,063,647 926,020 13,523,003

8483409000 Gears and gearing for oth engines 1,024,009 7,769,871 10,302,993 70,252,297

8483500000 Flywheels&pulleys,including pulleyblocks 577,937 4,193,568 3,594,507 32,491,325

8483600000 Clutches&shaft couplings(includinguniversal joint) 450,755 4,638,333 6,309,689 60,903,728

8483901100 Parts of 8783.10 for pedestrian controlltractors of subheading 8701.10 48,256 270,707 193,555 1,107,336

8483901300 Parts of 8783.10 for oth tractors ofheading 87.01 27 18,468 338 338,698

8483901400 Parts of 8783.10 for goods of heading87.11 143,706 867,091 882,240 6,034,496

8483901500 Parts of 8783.10 for oth goods ofchapter 87 169,593 1,661,275 1,323,292 13,203,600

8483901900 Parts of 8783.10 for oth 29,999 556,356 216,800 5,342,424

8483909100 Oth toothed wheels for pedestriancontrolled tractors of subhead8701.10 500 1,226 34,966 44,983

8483909300 Oth toothed wheels for oth tractors ofheading 87.01 430 1,025 4,506 16,112

8483909400 Oth toothed wheels for goods ofheading 87.11 83,512 739,749 993,951 8,720,612

8483909500 Oth toothed wheels for oth goods ofchapter 87 135,982 1,108,921 2,241,499 19,065,927

8483909900 Oth toothed wheels for others 268,168 1,818,283 1,727,794 12,966,109

8484100000 Gaskets&similar joint metal sheetingcomb with oth material/2 more layrs 326,797 2,948,773 4,382,317 33,544,243

8484200000 Mechanical seal 124,957 960,137 935,559 10,530,792

8484900000 Sets/assortments of gaskets&similarjoints 235,166 1,621,897 5,206,948 30,007,417

8486101000 Apparatus for rapid heating ofsemiconductor wafers 2,526 7,363 1,208,429 1,352,316

8486102000 Spin dryers for semiconductor waferprocessing 80 1,261 350 4,777

8486103000 Machines for produc semiconduntor waferby removal of material,laser/photon beam 0 238 0 2,423

8486104000 Mach., app for sawing monocrystal semi-cond. boules into slice, wafer into chip 0 272 0 17,667

8486105000 Grinding, polishing,lapping machines forproces. of semiconductor wafers 0 14,365 0 384,299

8486106000 Apparatus for growing/pullingmonocrystal semiconductor boules 17,425 75,844 2,295,331 7,208,617

8486109000 Oth machines&apparatus for the manufactof boules/wafers 8,662 103,412 1,264,636 8,478,320

8486201100 Chemical vapour deposition app. forsemiconductor production 1 344 58 76,680

8486201200 Epitaxial deposition mach., spinners forcoating photograph emulsi on semiconduct 0 69,606 0 408,719

8486201300 Physical deposition app. by sputteringon semicond wafer, for semicond product 0 6,072 0 891,039

8486201900 Other film formation equipment 6,864 8,447 92,000 345,159

8486202100 Ion implanters for doping semiconductormaterials 0 567 0 9,252

8486202900 Other doping equipment 0 20 0 240

8486203100 Deflash mach, spraying appliance foretching,stripping,cleaning semicon wafer 2,130 7,273 85,123 331,251

8486203300 App for wet etching, developing,stripping,cleaning semiconductor wafers 422 11,076 112,416 1,662,571

8486203900 Other etching and stripping equipment 11 203 213 7,517

8486204200 Step and repeat aligners 12 24 7,001 14,362

8486204900 Other lithography equipment 177 1,238 2,864 22,494

8486205100 Dicing machines for scribing/scoringsemiconductor wafers 0 1,971 0 12,987

8486205900 Other equipment for developing exposedwafers 6,806 25,984 117,696 395,549

8486209100 Lasercutters for cut contact. tracks insemiconductor production by laser beam 0 13,749 0 74,420

8486209200 Mach. for bend, fold and straighteningsemiconductor leads 1,330 8,533 1,300 322,353

8486209300 Resistance heated furnaces, ovens forthe manufact of semicon device/on wafer 0 745 0 21,159

8486209400 Inductance/dielectric furnace, oven forthe manufact of semicon device/on wafer 0 11,043 0 904,996

8486209500 Auto-mach. for the placement/removal ofcomp./contact element on semicond. wafer 0 1,373 0 12,948

8486209900 Other mach. & apprts for the mnfact ofsemicon. devices/of elect integ. circuit 388 7,800 10,481 167,849

8486301000 App. for dry etch pattern on flat paneldisplay substrates 0 211 0 5,269

8486302000 App. for wet etch, develope, strippingor cleaning flat panel displays 1,614 3,226 14,533 34,829

8486303000 Chemical vapour deposition app.to prodspinners for coat,physic depo.flat panel 9 4,283 1,421 169,921

8486309000 Othetr mach. and app. for the manufactof flat panel displays 0 6,485 0 80,257

8486401000 Focused ion beam milling mach to prodce,repair mask,reticle for pattern s-device 0 17,136 0 81,260

8486402000 Die attach app, auto-tape/wire bonders,auto-mach.trans/handle/storage,wafer box 2,489 48,248 184,919 3,851,784

8486403000 Moulds for manufact. of semiconductordevices 3 111,739 347 3,539,048

8486404000 Optical stereoscopic microscopes withequip. design to handle of s-wafer/rtcle 0 365 0 56,145

8486405000 Photomicrographic microscope with equipdesign to handle of s-wafer/recticle 0 715 0 116,130

8486406000 Electron beam microscopes with equipdesign to handle of s-wafer/recticle 0 15 0 2,788

8486409000 Other machines and apparatus specifiedin note 9(c) to this chapter 21 734 204 28,579

8486901100 Parts and accessories of app for rapidheating of semicondictor wafer 2,497 9,368 51,635 236,897

8486901200 Parts & accessories of spin dryers forsemiconductor wafer prosesing 0 784 0 7,316

8486901300 Parts&accessories of mach. for prod.semicon wafers by removal/laser/photon beam 326 9,925 1,271 113,574

8486901400 Tool holders&self-open diehead, of machfor sawing s-boul to slice/wafer to chip 9 1,503 269 27,982

8486901500 Oth parts, access.of mach. for sawingm-crystal s-boule to slice/wafer to chip 1,985 25,289 17,179 379,618

8486901600 Parts & access.of grind, polish, lapmach for processing of semicon. wafers 0 2,716 0 33,569

8486901900 Oth parts, access.of mach. and app.for the manufact. of boules/wafers 7 73,389 1,703 868,446

8486902100 Parts & access of chemical vapour deposition app. for semiconductor product 0 281 0 1,316

8486902200 Parts & access. of epitaxial depo. mach,spinner for coat photo. emuls on s-wafer 20,458 33,221 350,598 1,489,040

8486902300 Parts & access. of ion implanter fordoping of app for physical depo, sputter 0 1,117 0 11,314

8486902400 Tool holder/self-open diehead; of sprayfor etch,strip s-wafer,dry-etch pattern 267 267 1,946 1,946



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8486902500 Oth parts & access. of spray for etch,strip,clean,dev s-wafer,dry-etch pattern 1 5,043 1,546 109,977

8486902600 Tool holder/self-open diehead,of dicingmach laser cutters,fold,strightn s-lead 84 2,622 2,934 6,700

8486902700 Other part and accessories of dicingmach laser cutters,fold,strightn s-lead 327 6,363 24,506 148,932

8486902800 Part & access of resist heated, induct,dielectric furnaces/oven mnfact s-wafer 0 2,817 0 15,450

8486902900 Oth part & acces of mach & app.for mnfctof s-devices/of elect. integr-circuits 0 2,048 0 43,671

8486903200 Tool holder/self-open dieheads,of app.wet etch patterns on flat panel display 0 932 0 9,582

8486903300 Oth. part&access of app for wet etchingdevelope, strip/clean flat panel display 1 1,986 185 70,241

8486903500 Part & access of spinners for coat.photoemuls/app.phys depo on flatpanel display 0 108 0 1,024

8486903900 Oth part & access of mach and apparatusfor the manufact. of flat panel displays 17 765 797 35,549

8486904100 Part & acces of focused ion beam millingmach to produce, repair mask, reticle 0 1,874 0 5,597

8486904200 Part&acces of die attach app, auto-tape/wire bonder, encapsul equip for assembl 673 68,434 14,144 803,064

8486904300 Part&acces of auto-mach transport, handlstorage of s-conductors, wafer casse/box 0 3 0 46

8486904400 Part&acc of optic stereoscop microscopewith equip to hndle/tran of s-wafer/rtcl 0 23 0 122

8486904500 Part & acces of electron beam microscopewith equip to hndle/tran of s-wafer/rtcl 0 10 0 708

8486904600 Part & acces of pattern generating appused to prod masks/rtcl from photoresist 0 541 0 39,950

8486904900 Part and acces of other mach & appspecified in note 9(c) to this chapter 591 9,551 11,700 125,688

8487100000 Ships/boats propellers and blades 133,631 2,047,414 1,321,046 15,665,943

8487900010 Oil seal rings 147,679 1,407,422 1,650,949 14,191,047

8487900090 Oth mach. parts, not cont. electric con-nector,insulator,coil, oth elec.features 108,672 2,489,155 1,667,978 28,134,280

8501101100 Stepper dc motors of an output =<37.5w 65,717 736,456 2,328,050 18,769,375

8501101200 Spindle dc motors of an output =<37.5w 71,421 357,065 3,642,625 16,714,158

8501101900 Others dc motors of an output =<37.5w 218,724 1,708,567 1,999,812 20,540,684

8501109100 Stepper universal (AC/DC) motors ofan output =<37.5w 4,411 13,762 59,767 239,829

8501109200 Spindle universal (AC/DC) motors ofan output =<37.5w 24,299 84,425 350,144 3,745,748

8501109900 Others universal (AC/DC) motors ofan output =<37.5w 288,681 4,012,216 1,936,578 27,101,829

8501201100 Universal (AC/DC) motors ofan output >746 w and < 1 kw 12 46,324 786 182,215

8501201900 Universal (AC/DC) motors of anoutput >37.5 w and <= 746 w 102,132 2,275,927 286,831 3,115,346

8501202000 Universal (AC/DC) motors ofan output>1 kw 76,373 255,188 300,285 1,161,709

8501311000 Dc motors an output =< 750 w 261,469 3,141,544 1,697,480 17,925,144

8501312000 Dc generators an output =< 750 w 265,819 3,216,630 1,166,702 11,597,441

8501320000 Dc motors/dc generator an output > 750wand <= 75 kw 795,910 4,967,459 1,149,146 7,847,573

8501330000 Dc motors/dc generator an output >75 kwand <= 375 kw 9,905 1,912,282 121,306 2,740,707

8501340000 Dc motors/dc generator an output > 375kw 10,768 138,981 139,295 1,299,159

8501401000 Oth AC motors, single-phase of anoutput <=1kw 252,936 2,475,239 739,856 6,409,602

8501402000 Oth AC motors, single-phase of anoutput >1kw 85,112 772,814 234,016 1,730,026

8501510000 Oth AC motors, multi-phase of anoutput <=750 w 237,317 1,757,895 1,156,743 6,731,995

8501521000 Oth AC motors, multi-phase of an output> 750w and <=1kw 170,291 1,359,118 441,038 3,486,955

8501522000 Oth AC motors, multi-phase of an output> 1 kw and <= 37.5 kw 496,808 4,138,963 1,328,794 11,052,339

8501523000 Oth AC motors, multi-phase of an output> 37.5 kw and <= 750 kw 315,577 1,513,629 1,133,101 5,699,959

8501530000 Oth AC motors,multi-phase of anoutput >75kw 216,120 1,471,760 1,106,482 10,836,701

8501611000 AC generator of an output <=12.5 kva 417,845 4,328,608 798,370 7,360,376

8501612000 AC generator of an output > 12.5 kva &<=75kva 246,301 2,002,568 296,499 2,873,754

8501621000 AC generator of an output > 75 kva &<= 150 kva 55,624 262,166 68,975 631,025

8501629000 AC generator of an output > 150 kva &<= 375 kva 45,620 340,670 179,691 954,719

8501630000 AC generator of an output > 375 kva &<=750kva 5,915 1,352,835 57,511 19,062,480

8501640000 AC generator of an output > 750 kva 94,748 757,469 1,697,859 16,351,501

8502110000 Generat sets with compression ignitioninter combus piston output <=75 kva 715,354 6,543,651 2,772,194 21,215,504

8502121000 Generating sets with spark-ignit interncombust pist output >75kva & <=125kva 53,449 656,056 258,538 1,827,836

8502129000 Generating sets with spark-ignit interncombust pist output >125kva & <=375kva 224,290 2,501,993 928,442 11,712,163

8502131000 Generating sets with spark-ignit interncombust pist output > 12500 kva 51,555 1,371,237 970,127 62,723,391

8502139000 Generating sets with spark-ignit interncomb pist output >375kva & <=12500 kva 691,238 8,160,190 8,321,952 105,921,380

8502201000 Generating sets with spark-ignit interncombust piston output <=75 kva 1,233,031 7,120,992 2,422,506 11,714,563

8502202000 Generating sets with spark-ignit interncombust piston output >75kva & <=100kva 170,149 662,666 184,748 824,593

8502203000 Generat sets with spark-ignition intrncombust piston outp>100kva & <=10000kva 149,408 2,523,426 293,250 28,948,837

8502204100 Generating sets with spark-ignit interncombust piston output >12500 kva 0 508,050 0 4,006,091

8502204900 Generating sets with spark-ignit interncomb piston output>10000kva & <=12500kva 163,572 2,731,105 189,244 5,055,320

8502311000 Oth generating sets wind-poweredof an output <=10,000 kva 473 75,687 35,032 3,085,033

8502319000 Oth generating sets wind-poweredof an output >10,000 kva 0 29,133 0 105,097

8502391000 Oth generating sets not wind-poweredof an output <=10 kva 121,401 1,419,816 235,763 2,040,594

8502392000 Oth generating sets not wind-poweredof an 10 kva<output<=10,000 kva 257,599 837,099 5,379,589 10,769,089

8502393100 Oth generating sets not wind-poweredof an output > 12,5000 kva 1,900 349,955 32,250 13,990,940

8502393900 Oth generating sets not wind-powered ofan output > 10,000 kva & <=12,500 kva 61,458 1,237,287 638,743 19,868,862

8502400000 Electric rotary converters 1,156 77,579 40,501 1,235,440

8503001100 Stators for ceiling fans for generatorsof an output <= 10000 kw 20,704 179,198 136,742 1,703,346

8503001200 Parts of motors for generators ofan output <=1.5 kw & >75kw 24,084 257,626 88,841 1,499,328

8503001300 Parts of motors for generators ofan output >1.5 kw & <=75kw 78,572 784,054 583,848 5,886,752

8503009000 Parts of motors for generators ofan output >75 kw & <= 10000 kw 1,219,418 9,049,073 14,328,706 122,163,656

8504100000 Ballasts, for discharge lamps/tubes 418,912 3,379,588 2,026,207 14,318,433

8504211000 Step-voltage regulators;instrumenttranformer with a power handl cap<=5kva 3,708 102,886 55,498 1,084,753

8504219100 Liquid dielect transformer with handlingcap>5kva & <=10kva, side voltage>=66 kv 16,183 60,945 305,587 681,915

8504219900 Liquid dielect transformer with handlingcap>5kva & <=10kva, side voltage <66 kv 20,264 336,892 290,520 5,556,260

8504221100 Step-voltage regulator, side voltage>=66kv & handling cap>650kva &<=10000kva 0 39,914 0 97,727

8504221900 Step-voltage regulator of a high sidevoltage of <66,000 volts 9,776 307,966 157,139 2,229,355



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8504229100 Liquid dielect transformer, side voltage>=66 kv, handl cap >650 kva & <=10000kva 9,668 38,577 1,352,012 1,758,345

8504229900 Liquid dielect transformer, side voltage< 66 kv, handl cap >650 kva & <=10000kva 71,274 695,586 485,910 4,193,731

8504231000 Liquid dielectric transformers, powerhandl cap > 10000kva & <= 15000kva 134 1,843,960 613 17,624,839

8504232100 Liquid dielectric transformers, powerhandl cap > 15000kva & <= 20000kva 1,111 800,225 813 925,656

8504232900 Liquid dielectric transformers, powerhandl cap > 20000kva 519,387 936,264 6,042,352 8,975,251

8504311000 Instrum. potential transformer, powerhandling capacity <= 1 kva 26,132 792,348 450,920 5,688,093

8504312000 Instrum. current tranformer with powerhandling capacity <= 1 kva 150,309 700,619 1,254,445 9,051,496

8504313000 Flyback transformer, power handlingcapacity < 1 kva 34,783 489,611 223,449 3,296,814

8504314000 Intermediate frequency transformer,power handling capacity <= 1 kva 18,705 831,830 170,803 4,692,767

8504315000 Step up/down transformer,slide regulatorhandling capacity <= 1 kva 321,392 2,566,197 1,839,168 12,561,332

8504319000 Oth transformer having power handlingcapacity <= 1kva 261,327 2,211,879 1,680,343 19,370,363

8504321100 Matching transformers, power handlingcapacity > 1 kva and <= 5 kva 4,435 97,225 42,457 968,929

8504321900 Oth instrument transformator, powerhandling capacity > 1 kva and <= 5 kva 6,124 313,867 118,878 1,726,479

8504322000 Instrment used with toys,scale modelsor similar recreational models 226 5,153 2,649 28,436

8504323000 Oth transformer, high frequency, powerhandling capacity > 1 kva and <= 5 kva 15 7,568 793 76,647

8504324100 Matching transformers, power handlingcapacity > 5 kva and <= 10 kva 1,063 4,291 19,693 54,101

8504324900 Oth instrument transformator, powercapacity > 5 kva and <= 10 kva 1,236 35,511 12,515 83,819

8504325100 Matching transformers, power handlingcapacity > 10 kva and <= 16 kva 0 825 0 10,530

8504325900 Oth instrument transformator, powercapacity > 10 kva and <= 16 kva 12,660 138,611 120,181 699,151

8504331100 Matching transform.side voltage >= 66kv& power cap. > 16 kva and <= 500 kva 0 196 0 2,832

8504331900 Oth instrum transform.side voltage>=66kv& power cap. > 16 kva and <= 500 kva 292 53,004 7,490 125,990

8504339100 Matching transform. side voltage < 66kv& power cap. > 16 kva and <= 500 kva 629 2,460 12,064 49,347

8504339900 Oth instrum transform. side voltage<66kv& power cap. > 16 kva and <= 500 kva 47,342 357,321 478,726 3,004,419

8504341100 Matching transform.side voltage >=66kv &power cap >10000 kva & <=15000 kva 0 95,490 0 206,200

8504341200 Oth instrum transform.side voltage>=66kvpower cap >10000 kva & <=15000 kva 5,367 213,237 52,228 2,466,320

8504341300 Matching transform.side voltage < 66kv &power cap >10000 kva & <=15000 kva 0 31,645 0 200,544

8504341400 Oth instrum transform. side voltage<66kvpower cap >10000 kva & <=15000 kva 46,119 226,686 492,185 3,629,311

8504342100 Matching transform. having a powerhandling capacity >15000 kva 0 1,079 0 13,934

8504342900 Oth instrument transform. with powerhandling capacity >15000 kva 66,368 659,821 371,239 4,594,459

8504401100 Uninterrupted power supplies (ups) 656,480 6,651,132 4,113,891 37,962,069

8504401900 Other static converter for automaticdata processing machines 197,146 1,128,129 3,742,121 24,315,071

8504402000 Battery chargers having a rating>100 kva 72,591 590,549 465,228 2,989,806

8504403000 Other rectifiers 56,333 682,633 1,320,756 11,538,718

8504404000 Inverters 26,471 197,143 274,726 2,270,653

8504409000 Other static converter 376,466 3,007,128 3,752,793 32,545,701

8504501000 Inductors for power supply for automaticdata process mach&unit thrf,telecom app 22,103 600,494 522,030 7,808,360

8504502000 Chip type fixed inductors 2,471 52,544 311,269 1,662,603

8504509100 Other inductors, with power handlingcapacity > 2500 kva and <= 10000 kva 5,544 104,242 1,086,345 6,161,608

8504509200 Other inductors having a power handlingcapacity > 10000 kva 4,636 18,622 180,364 643,747

8504901000 Parts of goods of subheading 8504.10 38,645 229,803 450,123 3,471,348

8504902000 Parts of printed circuit assmb good sub8504.40.11,8504.40.19,8504.50.11 25,418 324,634 96,493 2,778,480

8504903100 Radiator panel,flat tube radiator assembfor distrib&power transformer <=10000kva 4,611 142,768 27,452 470,185

8504903900 Oth part of electrical transformers ofa capacity <= 10,000 kva 103,997 2,409,554 353,982 18,037,872

8504904100 Radiator panel,flat tube radiator assembfor distrib&power transformer >10000 kva 179 47,284 23,575 203,039

8504904900 Oth part of electrical transformers ofa capacity > 10,000 kva 37,887 326,546 843,833 1,429,046

8504905000 Other, for inductors of capacity<= 2500 kva 0 2,819 0 43,547

8504906000 Other, for inductors of capacity> 2500 kva 462 9,362 19,215 350,004

8504909000 Parts of goods of heading 8504 oth thansubheading 8504.10. 213,225 3,012,508 1,141,509 19,134,110

8505110000 Permanent magnet of metal 143,977 1,679,712 1,946,134 12,479,029

8505190000 Permanent magnet not of metal 311,645 4,222,439 6,133,878 43,084,827

8505200000 Electro magnetic couplings, clutchesand brakes 65,605 815,868 503,566 10,788,371

8505901000 Electro magnetic/permanent magnetchucks,clamps&similar holdg devices 145,736 1,091,717 2,754,279 12,274,718

8505902000 Parts of goods of subheading 8505.20 687 29,491 30,824 183,800

8505909000 Oth non-permanent magnet 271,122 1,509,068 1,681,148 21,167,382

8506101000 Manganese dioxide having external volume<=300 cm of primary cell/batteries 160,778 903,735 761,470 3,457,589

8506109000 Manganese dioxide having external volume> 300 cm of primary cell/batteries 165,005 1,066,574 640,592 6,929,337

8506300000 Mercuric oxide of primary cell/batteries 227 838 1,853 17,194

8506400000 Silver oxide of primary cell/batteries 0 1,544 0 29,903

8506500000 Lithium of primary cell/batteries 104,799 348,860 827,354 3,047,497

8506600000 Air-zinc of primary cell/batteries 3,535 12,267 17,627 89,555

8506801000 Zinc carbon, having an external volume<=300 cm of primary cell/batteries 10,843 38,631 60,480 212,130

8506802000 Zinc carbon, having an external volume> 300 cm of primary cell/batteries 1,668 14,733 17,286 104,778

8506809000 Other primary cell/batteries 397,269 3,837,980 7,964,253 64,527,228

8506900000 Parts of primary cells/batteries 188,065 1,536,427 4,574,374 32,814,816

8507101000 Lead-acid, for starting piston engineof a kind used for aircraft 162 281,061 2,445 1,295,307

8507109000 Lead-acid, for starting piston engineof a kind used not for aircraft 758,741 7,181,370 3,284,293 28,778,698

8507201000 Oth lead-acid accumulator of a kindused for aircraft 0 8,710 0 608,269

8507209000 Oth lead-acid accumulator of a kindused not for aircraft 452,962 2,905,492 1,258,868 8,952,405

8507300000 Nickel-cadmium of electric accumulatorsincluding separator therefor 13,652 172,271 258,327 1,479,569

8507400000 Nickel-iron of electric accumulatorsincluding separator therefor 34 1,097 98 17,612

8507801100 Lithium ion accumulators of a kind usedfor laptop (incl. notebook, subnotebook) 898 4,588 12,782 218,643

8507801900 Other lithium ion accumulators 2,358 230,175 314,537 843,829

8507802000 Oth accumulator of a kind used foraircraft 2,000 20,995 147,529 795,816



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8507809000 Other accumulator 221,248 2,004,678 1,288,643 9,902,326

8507901100 Plate of goods of subheading 85.07.908507.10 8,318 10,515 75,835 156,052

8507901200 Plate of a kind used for aircraft 0 187 0 9,082

8507901900 Plates for other accumulators 460 323,424 16,222 1,521,908

8507909100 Other parts of a kind used for aircraft 3 565 50 24,558

8507909200 Battery separators in sheets, rolls/cutto size of materials oth than PVC 67,848 712,891 346,437 3,342,652

8507909300 Part of goods of subheading 8507.10.90 42,640 247,978 162,060 971,276

8507909900 Part of good of heading 8507.10 oth thansubheading 8504.10.90 271,554 1,395,664 1,379,568 7,027,805

8508110000 Vacuum cleaner with self-contained electa power < 1,500 w & a dust bag < 20 l 56,664 495,069 424,373 3,359,457

8508190000 Oth vacuum cleaners with self-containedelectric 30,056 548,442 199,361 3,990,504

8508600000 Other vacuum cleaners 75,771 510,610 544,945 3,666,589

8508700010 Part of vacuum cleaner for domestic use 4,682 45,994 55,844 388,507

8508700090 Part of vacuum cleaner other thandomestic use 12,691 62,102 145,235 804,182

8509400000 Food grinder&mixer,fruit/vegetable juiceextract with self-contained elect motor 375,238 2,982,097 1,207,832 10,248,174

8509801000 Floor polishers with self-containedelectric motor 3,605 96,876 15,683 455,180

8509809000 Oth electro-mechanic domestic applianceswith self-contained electric motor 116,093 630,850 1,976,663 8,745,337

8509901000 Part of goods of subheading 8509.80.10 500 34,261 5,858 560,970

8509902000 Part of goods of subheading 8509.40.10or 8509.80.90 416,724 2,410,232 598,957 3,798,787

8510100000 Shavers, with self-contained electricmotor 2,301 95,923 66,850 520,986

8510200000 Hair clippers, with self-containedelectric motor 6,884 54,353 18,092 130,615

8510300000 Hair-removing appliances,with self-contained electric motor 6 7,387 141 44,138

8510900000 Parts of shavers, with self-containedelectric motor 16,318 280,321 327,689 4,990,191

8511101000 Sparking plugs suitable for aircraftengines 370 17,735 25,248 816,808

8511109000 Other sparking plugs 140,797 1,094,664 1,293,096 6,425,521

8511200000 Ignition magnetos, magneto-dynamos,magnetic flywheels 102,707 531,112 876,402 4,763,057

8511302000 Unassembled distributors/ignition coilexcluding those for aircraft engines 12,053 45,760 76,853 681,606

8511309000 Other distributors; ignition coils 287,156 2,181,975 3,149,263 26,603,135

8511401000 Starter motors & dual purpose starter-generators for aircraft engines 88 2,858 1,349 597,226

8511402000 Other unassembled starter motors 16,554 304,786 379,712 7,630,067

8511403000 Starter motors for vehicles of heading87.01 to 87.05 294,357 1,634,497 2,432,842 14,039,802

8511409000 Other starter motor 320,532 2,551,870 2,921,065 25,823,043

8511501000 Other generator suitable for aircraftengines 43 14,120 410 722,402

8511502000 Other unassembled alternators 20,120 89,197 43,403 266,008

8511503000 Oth alternators for vehicles of heading87.01 to 87.05 299,698 2,546,871 2,910,170 24,574,358

8511509000 Other generators 185,633 1,590,922 8,900,932 25,917,173

8511800000 Other equipment of electrical ignitionor internal combustion engines 64,981 521,957 831,479 8,189,404

8511900010 Parts of goods for aircraft engines 2,626 22,706 107,304 480,675

8511900091 Contact points 17,060 130,363 607,279 7,215,247

8511900099 Other parts of electrical ignition/internal combustion engines 445,816 3,967,909 5,233,039 51,021,510

8512100000 Lighting/visual signalling equipmentof a kind used on bicycles 23,840 547,982 70,448 1,492,529

8512201000 Lighting/visual signalling equipmentfor motor cars, assembled 492,933 4,205,549 6,642,289 58,442,642

8512202000 Unassembled lighting/visual signalingequipment 24,068 240,043 122,547 1,642,205

8512209000 Other lighting/visual signallingequipment 155,985 1,077,404 2,634,158 18,690,670

8512301000 Horns and serenes, assembled 79,696 713,186 548,914 3,790,443

8512302000 Unassembled sound signalling equipment 703 13,482 45,388 103,846

8512309000 Other sound signalling equipment : 84,612 565,766 449,885 3,225,161

8512400000 Windscreen wiper, defroster & demisters 94,368 821,576 628,982 5,721,981

8512901000 Parts of goods of subheading 8512.10 1,288 214,790 8,021 2,150,315

8512902000 Parts of goods of subheading 8512.208512.30,/8512.40 184,870 1,692,088 2,331,153 23,210,985

8513101000 Miners helmet lamps 7,848 31,066 348,480 1,233,544

8513102000 Quarrymens lamps 19,500 31,717 61,880 122,382

8513109000 Other portable electirc lamps 559,946 3,168,624 1,961,726 8,646,810

8513903000 Parts of reflectors for flashlights;plastic switch 40,499 229,919 49,624 338,420

8513909000 Oth part of portable elect lamp designedto fuct by their own source of energy 122,066 971,818 238,208 2,584,411

8514100000 Resistance heated furnaces and ovens 53,193 316,504 390,623 4,557,222

8514202000 Oth furnace/oven function by inductionmanufact. of PCB/printed wiring board 22 42,124 6,276 1,363,691

8514209000 Oth furnaces/oven function by inductionor dielectric loss 26,074 1,170,495 213,723 11,494,584

8514302000 Oth elect furnace/oven for the manufactof PCB/printed wiring board 508 24,889 7,085 174,516

8514309000 Other furnaces and ovens 250,665 1,227,716 726,365 5,210,956

8514400000 Oth equipment for the heat treatment ofmaterials by induction/dielectric loss 10,537 412,758 59,235 2,787,748

8514902000 Part of industrial/laboratory electricfunaces/oven for manufact.of PCB/PWB 6,306 97,320 44,343 835,561

8514909000 Other parts of furnaces and ovens 117,073 697,598 1,125,275 5,022,456

8515110000 Soldering irons and guns 36,879 387,756 123,716 1,832,742

8515191000 Mach and app for soldering componenton PCB/printed wiring boards 43,575 241,996 108,768 2,498,513

8515199000 Other brazing/soldering machines andapparatus 61,059 355,600 910,330 4,528,549

8515210000 Mach and app for resistance welding ofmetal fully/partly automatic 9,238 495,546 158,802 1,749,264

8515290000 Mach and app for resistance welding ofmetal non-automatic 134,230 1,206,469 299,129 5,503,551

8515310000 Mach and app for arc welding of metalfully/partly automatic 96,855 1,233,536 1,100,520 10,517,551

8515391000 AC arc welders, transformer type non-automatic 47,025 971,414 316,625 4,544,711

8515399000 Mach and app for arc welding of metalnon-automatic 131,779 1,184,054 889,766 8,245,184

8515801000 Electric mach & app for hot spraying ofmetals/sintered metal 2,363 243,751 17,145 1,278,252

8515809000 Electric mach & app not for hot sprayingof metals/sintered metal 34,987 537,916 195,518 3,900,081

8515901000 Parts of AC arc welder, transformer type 28,653 192,478 293,346 3,928,459



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8515902000 Parts of mach & app for solderingcomponent on PCB/printed wiring boards 8,515 39,304 104,568 880,848

8515909000 Other parts in heading 8515 113,542 1,292,471 862,426 12,991,642

8516101000 Electric instantaneous/storage waterheaters 165,314 1,348,841 885,805 6,557,559

8516103000 Electric immersion water heaters 0 104,413 0 267,878

8516210000 Storage heating radiators 0 58 0 969

8516290000 Oth electric space heating app/electricsoil heating apparatus 37,484 138,697 418,446 2,139,074

8516310000 Hair dryers 20,181 305,072 146,974 1,095,371

8516320000 Other hair-dressing apparatus 40,874 405,596 101,254 825,413

8516330000 Hand-drying apparatus 3,750 36,819 15,298 258,920

8516401000 Electric smoothing irons of kind designto use steam from the indust boilers 847 14,446 2,789 102,046

8516409000 Other electric smoothing irons 56,431 1,223,529 225,080 3,601,112

8516500000 Microwave ovens 49,434 834,259 243,046 2,860,372

8516601000 Rice cookers 1,916,594 12,045,031 7,380,376 43,756,270

8516609000 Cooking plates,boiling rings,grillers &roasters 131,275 1,326,100 408,641 4,050,967

8516710000 Coffee/tea makers 11,161 138,728 110,021 801,511

8516720000 Toasters 45,538 419,758 174,236 1,413,962

8516791000 Kettles 11,267 165,008 64,979 424,667

8516799000 Other electro-thermic appliances 224,523 1,428,523 813,831 4,975,544

8516801000 Elect heating resistor for type-founding/type-setting mach; for indust. furnaces 499 32,462 40,760 303,261

8516802000 Sealed hotplates for domestic appliances 12 2,583 186 76,297

8516803000 Other electric heating resistors fordomestic appliances 77,059 175,815 435,094 898,357

8516809000 Other electric heating resistors not fordomestic appliances 23,451 494,441 180,912 3,437,391

8516902000 Parts of goods of sub 8516.33,816.50,8516.60, 8516.71/8516.79.10 309,929 3,148,791 483,124 5,436,827

8516903000 Parts of goods of sub 8516.10 97,736 546,916 195,020 1,170,469

8516909000 Other parts of goods of sub 8516 1,469,187 12,644,407 7,908,113 63,277,882

8517110000 Line telephone sets with cordlesshandsets 121,828 541,066 10,680,692 32,230,098

8517120000 Telephones for cellular networks/forother wireless networks 1,302,088 7,388,196 226,665,549 1,111,139,212

8517180000 Other telephone sets 255,889 1,459,279 6,372,352 46,209,045

8517610010 Set top boxes which have a communicationfunctions of base station 1,055 1,405,942 146,871 56,854,796

8517610020 Base station for radio-broadcasting 0 92 0 1,386

8517610090 Other base stations 9,686 1,735,500 481,155 116,791,003

8517621000 Radio transmitters/receivers for simult.interpretaion at multiligual conference 254 3,294 919 1,059,958

8517622100 Control & adaptor units, incl. gateways,bridges and routers 41,792 260,135 357,026 2,460,735

8517622900 Oth unit of automatic data process machother than those of heading 84.71 26 22,491 5,477 1,053,283

8517623000 Telephonic/telegraphic switching app 51,683 202,546 3,155,309 20,138,289

8517624100 Modems including cable modems and modemcards 55,016 582,880 4,780,219 56,904,477

8517624200 Concentrators/multiplexers 464,912 1,164,724 15,209,027 54,067,595

8517624910 Set top boxes which have a communi-funcof app for carrier-current line system 1 17,465 68 259,456

8517624990 Oth app for carrier-current line systemor for digital line systems 54 1,754 7,864 104,112

8517625100 Wireless lans 739 2,754 107,905 141,853

8517625200 Transmission/reception app for simultaneinterpretaion at multiligual conference 0 94 0 5,128

8517625300 Other transmission apparatus for radio-telephony/radio-telegraphy 292,062 3,066,082 58,015,514 504,717,442

8517625900 Transmission/reception app.for simultaneinterpretaion at multiligual conference 19,107 110,527 1,518,277 10,307,756

8517626100 Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony/radio-telegraphy 6,958 31,590 37,067 11,782,255

8517626910 Data compression tools 0 1,635 0 25,333

8517626990 Oth machines for reception, conversion & transmission of voice or image 0 371 0 21,083

8517629000 Oth mach for the reception, conversion &transmis/regenerate of voice,images,data 71,666 1,086,983 5,059,213 53,415,101

8517691000 Portable receiver for call, alert/page &paging alert devices, including pagers 0 749 0 13,652

8517692000 Oth app. for transmission/recept voicesfor radio-telephony/radio-telegraphy 1,071 10,404 36,405 458,932

8517699000 Oth app. for transmission/recept voices 91,745 550,769 9,806,669 55,623,362

8517701000 Parts of control and adaptor units incl.gateways, bridges, routers 2,489 135,828 224,327 10,869,525

8517702100 Parts of cellular telephones 80,533 998,686 675,231 6,748,388

8517702900 Oth parts of transmission app, oth thanradio-broadcasting/television trans app 96,058 608,032 5,377,805 29,284,838

8517703100 Other printed circuit boards, assembledfor line telephony/line telegraphy 2,886 69,200 340,747 3,890,022

8517703200 Other printed circuit boards, assembledfor radio-telephony/radio-telegraphy 773 292,603 122,543 6,529,645

8517703900 Other printed circuit boards, assembledfor other 681,501 3,899,771 42,445,601 213,257,455

8517704000 Antennae of a kind used with apparatusfor radio-telephony/radio-telegraphy 208,946 1,618,691 6,893,441 49,833,642

8517709100 Oth parts for line telephonyor line telegraphy 21,118 485,953 1,266,806 22,234,199

8517709200 Other parts for radio-telephonyor radio-telegraphy 246,672 380,363 3,702,962 5,680,512

8517709900 Other parts in subheading 85.17.70 929,222 8,560,034 93,097,503 730,975,445

8518101100 Microphones having a frequency rangeof 300 hz to 3.4 khz 14,588 79,943 32,135 426,248

8518101900 Oth microphones,whether/not withtheir stands 58,308 549,785 367,932 1,779,043

8518109000 Other microphones 81,500 1,628,935 856,788 9,175,626

8518210000 Single loudspeakers, mounted in theirenclosures 415,712 3,073,843 1,423,342 9,582,519

8518220000 Multiple loudspeaker,mounted inthe same enclosures 302,937 4,691,502 975,833 13,870,970

8518291000 Box assembly speakers 30,728 205,821 142,303 677,101

8518292000 Loudspeakers,without housing, havinga freq 300 hz to 3.4 khz 13 34,174 4,460 161,821

8518299000 Other loudspeakers 713,694 5,538,807 3,240,477 26,356,292

8518301000 Headphones 15,822 225,950 76,407 931,344

8518302000 Earphones 48,972 552,830 242,558 2,672,064

8518303100 Handsets for telephonic apparatus 5,065 22,394 25,776 99,792

8518303900 Other headphones and earphones,combined microphone/speaker sets 1,778 55,036 35,342 527,366

8518304000 Line telephone handsets 32 13,667 253 200,630



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8518309000 Sets consisting of a microphone and oneor more loudspeakers 53,126 1,484,497 261,315 8,520,856

8518401000 Audio-frequency electric amplifiers,having 6/more inputs signal lines 2,119 28,843 25,247 268,696

8518402000 Audio-frequency electric amplifier usedas repeaters in line telephony 0 25 0 3,905

8518403000 Audio-frequency electric amplifier usedas repeater in telephony not line tlpny 3 3,555 340 103,426

8518409000 Other amplifier listrik audio-frekuensi 37,639 1,019,415 214,817 3,379,844

8518500000 Other electric sound amplifier sets 221,159 1,728,165 935,874 6,145,278

8518901000 Parts of subhead 8518.10.11,8518.29.208518.30.40, 8518.40.20,inc print circuit 449,714 5,163,775 2,480,333 26,617,821

8518902000 Parts of goods of subheadings 8518.40.10 4,141 239,514 353,715 2,413,157

8518909000 Parts of goods of subheadings 8518.50.108518.50.20 1,022,358 8,648,066 5,807,915 49,192,956

8519200000 App operated by coins, banknotes, bankcard, token/by other mean of payment 4,400 56,601 58,000 410,165

8519300000 Turntables (record-decks) 10,999 11,986 239,052 251,409

8519500000 Telephone answering machines 0 3,175 0 5,093

8519811000 Pocket size cassette recorders, thedimensions of which < 170 x 100 x 45 mm3 470 14,819 1,365 182,532

8519812000 Cassette recorders,with amplifiers/loud-speakers, operate with ext. source-power 12 74,122 70 664,022

8519813000 Compact disc players 10,359 312,910 27,913 1,204,474

8519815000 Dictating mach not capable of operatingwithout an external source of power 152 311 23,737 41,382

8519816000 Magnetic tape recorder incorp soundreproducing app, digital audio type 36,438 115,371 184,469 675,577

8519817000 Other sound reproducing app, cassettetype 2,742 79,442 12,968 176,516

8519819000 Other apparatus using magnetic, opticalor semi-conductor 12,451 303,129 64,186 1,805,714

8519891100 Cinematographic sound reproducers forfilm of a width of less than 16 mm 0 30 0 300

8519892000 Record-players with/without loudspeakers 35 30,081 1,250 123,816

8519899000 Other apparatus not using magnetic,optical/semiconductor 210,715 3,020,861 671,309 6,897,383

8521100000 Magnetic tape-type of video recording/reproducing apparatus with video tuner 1,895 117,315 12,240 3,876,916

8521901100 Laser disc player for used in cinemato-graphy, television/broadcasting 7,718 11,208 246,500 706,205

8521901900 Other laser disc players 267 82,393 33,843 1,291,616

8521909100 Oth video recording for used in cinematography, television/broadcasting 88,676 544,271 190,951 1,467,782

8521909900 Oth video recording/reproducing app,whether/not incorp. a video tuner. 269,636 4,627,180 3,986,905 55,411,428

8522100010 Pick-up cartridges for special used incinemagraphy, television/broadcasting 3,401 336,382 18,816 5,168,190

8522100090 Other pick-up cartridges 34,325 370,161 1,532,795 8,215,063

8522901000 PCB assemblies for TV, broadcastingcinematograph sound recorder/reproducer 28,324 714,342 2,697,596 14,815,027

8522902000 Printed circuit boards assemblies fortelephone answering machines 4,019 77,902 28,422 3,957,713

8522904000 Audio/video tapedecks and compact discmechanisms 5,064 73,391 175,820 1,845,190

8522905000 Audio/video reproduction heads, magnetictype, magnetic erasing heads and rods 5,552 39,270 70,494 862,148

8522909100 Oth parts, accessories of cinematographysound recorders/reproducers 65,676 250,816 5,622,114 20,833,183

8522909200 Other parts of telephone answeringmachines 2,556 13,955 32,010 1,434,589

8522909300 Other parts and accessories for goods ofsubheading 8519.81/heading 85.21 123,345 949,250 6,107,959 45,178,600

8522909900 Other parts and accessories for goods ofsubheading 85.19 other than 85.19.81 1,618,577 12,582,198 108,925,353 773,299,684

8523211000 Cards incorporating a magnetic stripeunrecorded 2,295 61,423 133,897 908,452

8523212000 Cards incorporating a magnetic striperecorded 3 23,196 214 143,222

8523291100 Magnetic tapes, of a width < 4mm forcomputer tapes, unrecorded 220 15,279 2,805 53,028

8523291200 Magnetic tapes, of a width < 4mm forvideo tapes, recorded 11 1,389 292 15,057

8523291910 Other magnetic tapes, of a width < 4mmunrecorded 12,233 103,069 47,941 324,502

8523291990 Other magnetic tapes, of a width < 4mmrecorded 589 2,478 4,200 47,510

8523292100 Magnetic tapes, of a width >= 4mm, and< 6.5 mm for computer tapes, unrecorded 11,768 81,834 36,635 218,743

8523292200 Magnetic tapes, of a width >= 4mm, and< 6.5 mm for computer tapes, recorded 5,252 57,190 11,598 137,338

8523292910 Other magnetic tapes, of a width >= 4mm,and < 6.5 mm, unrecorded 3,568 30,526 20,933 486,031

8523292990 Other magnetic tapes, of a width >= 4mm,and < 6.5 mm, recorded 36 221 409 5,851

8523293100 Magnetic tapes, of a width >=6.5 mm forcomputer tape,in pancake/jumbo,unrecord 18 1,843 4,000 79,962

8523293200 Magnetic tapes, of a width >=6.5 mm forother computer tapes, unrecorded 0 8,509 0 35,648

8523293300 Magnetic tapes, of a width >=6.5 mm foroth, in pancake/in jumbo form,unrecorded 3 45 201 4,923

8523293910 Oth magnetic tapes, of a width >=6.5 mm,unrecorded 47,067 644,187 217,346 2,678,248

8523293990 Oth magnetic tapes, of a width >=6.5 mm,recorded 0 659 0 11,237

8523294100 Magnetic discs for reproducingphenomena other than sound/image 122 312 942 4,737

8523294200 Magnetic discs for reproducing representof instruction, data, sound, image 3,022 38,146 24,012 334,559

8523294300 Other magnetic discs, unrecorded 0 776 0 17,186

8523294400 Other magnetic discs, recorded 199 34,725 2,403 485,314

8523299100 Magnetic media for computer use, unrecorded 6,883 8,030 15,915 17,641

8523299200 Magnetic media for reproducing forreproducing phenomena not sound/image 0 648 0 15,256

8523299300 Magnetic media for reproducing representof instruction, data, sound, image 0 9 0 2,861

8523299900 Other magnetic discs 23,754 228,888 189,769 1,776,209

8523401100 Discs for laser reading systems forcomputer use, unrecorded 127,489 1,019,841 3,699,540 34,808,845

8523401200 Discs for laser reading systems forreproducing phenomena not sound/image 17,165 223,656 393,999 6,164,191

8523401300 Discs for laser reading systems forreproducing sound only 3,059 4,458 3,275 8,525

8523401400 Discs for laser reading system for reprorepresent of instruct,data,sound,image 2,669 20,540 4,178,473 9,196,126

8523401900 Other discs for laser reading systems 6,093 10,827 109,393 691,332

8523409100 Optical media for computer use,unrecorded 972 11,577 179,647 636,809

8523409200 Optical media for reproducingphenomena not sound/image 239 1,596 3,103,244 4,028,152

8523409400 Optical media for reproducing, representof instruction, data, sound, image 41 15,160 31,942 14,052,866

8523409910 Other optical media, unrecorded 0 4,297 0 245,558

8523409990 Other optical media, recorded 5,019 52,343 316,321 3,032,281

8523511000 Solid-state non-volatile storage devicessuitable for computer use, unrecorded 5,237 9,291 14,109 165,891

8523512000 Solid-state non-volatile storage devicesfor reproduce phenomena not sound/image 19,698 19,698 829,440 829,440

8523513000 Solid-state non-volatile storage devicesrepresent. of instruct,data,sound,images 191 4,056 59,415 297,691



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8523519010 Solid-state non-volatile storage devicesunrecorde 15 281 610 985

8523519090 Solid-state non-volatile storage devicesrecorded 555 3,351 80,007 190,944

8523520000 Smart cards 93,299 906,410 9,008,950 73,821,722

8523591000 Proximity cards and tags 220 17,695 5,700 225,694

8523592000 Other semiconductor media, suitablefor computer use, unrecorded 55 6,209 25,365 226,990

8523593000 Other semiconductor media, suitablereproducing, phenomena not sound/image 0 53 0 5,839

8523594000 Oth semiconductor media, suitable repro,represent of instruct,data,sound,image 0 2,841 0 59,813

8523599010 Other semiconductor media, unrecorded 0 22 0 1,485

8523599090 Other semiconductor media, recorded 95 1,027 391 33,059

8523801000 Oth disc,tapes, solid-state non-volatilestorage for computer use, unrecorded 427 9,522 198,728 5,664,564

8523802000 Oth disc,tapes, solid-state non-volatilestorage for repro, pheno not sound/image 0 176 0 23,259

8523803000 Oth disc,tape,solid-state non-vltl forrepro,represent of instruct,data,sound 16,818 43,929 142,428 215,736

8523804000 Gramophone records 0 916 0 67,682

8523809010 Oth discs,tapes,solid-state non-volatilestorage unrecorded 0 5,015 0 5,939

8523809090 Oth discs,tapes,solid-state non-volatilestorage recorded 258 7,428 4,737 228,615

8525500010 Transmission apparatus forradio-broadcasting 10,077 138,889 1,241,313 5,049,559

8525500020 Transmission apparatus for television 975 74,918 9,245 3,459,984

8525500090 Other transmission apparatus for other 6,099 63,818 172,729 1,466,154

8525600000 Transmission apparatus incorporatingreception apparatus 286 17,006 23,008 2,192,746

8525801000 Web cameras 8,102 136,591 71,323 645,447

8525802011 Digital still image video cameras 4,880 114,113 101,919 2,418,729

8525802019 Other digital camera 15,520 227,596 636,065 5,457,153

8525802020 Video camera recorders 20,487 179,378 210,242 2,872,943

8525809000 Television camera 7,515 292,262 117,903 9,470,075

8526101000 Radar app, ground base,/of a kind forincorp in civil aircraft/seagoing vessel 23,999 117,722 2,764,507 9,163,638

8526109000 Other radar apparatus 17,167 147,836 2,355,126 5,722,438

8526911000 Radio navigational aid app, for incorpin civil aircraft/seagoing vessel 16,927 39,135 236,188 940,388

8526919000 Other radio navigational aid apparatus 72,770 857,122 643,463 6,803,650

8526920000 Radio remote control apparatus 38,623 313,524 1,067,010 11,694,590

8527120000 Pocket-size radio cassette-players 53,088 377,301 98,045 581,870

8527131000 Oth app combined with sound, recordingor reproducing apparatus, portable 20,251 269,872 51,781 1,130,337

8527139000 Oth app combined with sound, recordingor reproducing apparatus, not portable 42,068 295,185 168,679 2,300,956

8527191100 Reception app capable of plan, manage,monitor electromagnet spectrum portable 457 19,507 25,029 40,775

8527191900 Reception app capable of plan, manage,monitor electromagnet spect not portable 1,056 33,866 18,209 210,576

8527199100 Oth radio-broadcast receiver can operatewithout extern source of power, portable 0 13,233 0 23,160

8527199900 Oth radio-broadcast receiver can operatewithout ext source of power,not portable 15,560 74,805 42,827 218,324

8527210000 Radio-broadcast receiver,use ext sourcepower combined with sound record app 40,574 319,505 887,751 5,298,946

8527290000 Radio-broadcast receivers,not capable ofoperate without extern source of power 43,247 342,317 1,269,287 9,296,007

8527911000 Oth recept app for radio-broadcast,combi-ned with sound record app. portable 0 46,242 0 110,281

8527919000 Oth recept app for radio-broadcast,combi-ned with sound record app. not portable 60,852 841,550 555,012 5,322,354

8527921000 Oth recept app for radio-broadcast, notcombined with sound record app. portable 2,101 7,112 23,253 88,754

8527929000 Oth recept app for radio-broadcast, notcombi with sound record app not portable 20,110 135,224 319,032 2,126,454

8527991000 Other reception app for radio-broadcast,portable 76,530 236,587 114,652 321,376

8527999000 Other reception app for radio-broadcast,not portable 25,076 184,433 49,405 879,331

8528411000 Colors cathode-ray tube monitor forused in auto data proc. system, hd 84.71 834,196 8,526,678 942,979 10,358,988

8528412000 B/w of cathode-ray tube monitor forused in auto data proc. system, hd 84.71 4,423 102,048 10,716 276,312

8528491000 Oth color cathode-ray tube monitor usedin auto data process system head. 84.71 27,546 101,937 1,048,006 2,994,388

8528492000 Oth b/w/monch color cathode-ray tubemonitor in auto data proc system,hd 8471 18,613 36,656 632,081 1,452,545

8528511000 Projection type flat panel display unitfor auto data process system hd 84.71 17,236 225,334 435,508 6,024,321

8528512000 Oth color monitor use in an auto dataprocess system head. 84.71 579,194 6,887,309 14,756,921 241,301,849

8528513000 Other b/w/monochrome monitor used inautomatic data process system hd 84.71 24,005 164,744 116,598 1,104,072

8528591000 Oth colors monitors use in an auto data 16,414 460,639 493,279 3,785,898

8528592000 Other b/w/monochrome monitors 4,804 47,834 23,749 525,620

8528611000 Flat panel display types used in auto-data processing system head. 84.71 1,142 2,028 24,900 83,311

8528619000 Oth projector for used in an automaticdata process system head. 84.71 4,977 62,433 281,146 2,029,328

8528690000 Other projectors 375 205,532 12,222 570,760

8528711000 Recept app for TV, not design to incorpvideo display,with communication funct 4,986 57,740 76,797 854,426

8528719000 Other recept. app for TV, not design toincorporation a video display 25,792 124,007 1,542,110 1,800,597

8528721000 Other color receivers, battery operated 0 406 0 732

8528729000 Other color receivers, not batteryoperated 157,920 1,454,626 2,486,637 20,945,926

8528731000 Other b/w receivers, mains operated/battery operated 0 170 0 220

8528739000 Other b/w receiver, not battery operated 28,806 89,400 60,000 224,460

8529102000 Parabolic aerial reflector dishes fordirect broadcast,multi-media system&part 181,017 3,123,746 4,833,131 19,783,337

8529103000 Telescopic, rabbit & dipole antennae fortelevision/radio receivers 98,261 806,443 488,777 4,646,980

8529104000 Aerial filters and separators 12,137 392,292 73,326 1,905,190

8529106000 Feed horn (wave guide) 14,602 236,772 53,868 1,146,257

8529109200 Other aerial/reflector with transmitionapparatus for radio-broadcasting/tv 26,522 278,300 698,404 3,530,576

8529109900 Aerials&reflect.s of all kinds not forradio-telephony/radio-telegraphy 358,636 4,478,717 38,421,391 265,998,339

8529902000 Parts of decoders suitable for use withthe app of headings 85.25 to 85.28. 23,918 413,054 573,497 5,298,918

8529904000 Parts of digital cameras/video camerarecorders with app of hd 85.25 to 85.28 27,819 169,427 4,394,987 16,093,465

8529905100 Other PCB, assembled for goods ofsubheading 8525.50/8525.60 11,450 58,857 859,067 1,562,955

8529905200 Other PCB, assembled for goods of subhd8527.(13;19;21,29, 91 atau.99) 135,230 1,112,482 485,417 4,912,912

8529905300 Other PCB, assembled for flat paneldisplay of heading 85.28 128,837 705,335 3,028,719 14,177,504



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8529905400 Other PCB, assembled for TV receiversof heading 85.28 72,438 862,914 240,530 3,148,554

8529905500 Other PCB, assembled for goods ofheading 85.28 820 16,753 5,279 396,838

8529905900 Other PCB 319,439 1,895,765 4,874,922 38,643,456

8529909100 Parts of TV receivers suitable forwith the apparatus of hd 85.25 to 85.28 2,285,585 22,599,005 17,019,922 153,923,517

8529909400 Parts of flat panel display for usewith the apparatus of hd 85.25 to 85.28 3,880 39,144 125,911 950,169

8529909900 Other parts suitable for usewith the apparatus of hd 85.25 to 85.28 593,406 5,777,157 17,654,067 179,823,109

8530100000 Elect. signall, safety/traffic controlequip for railways/tramways 2,996 85,333 193,394 1,284,937

8530800000 Elect. signall, safety/traffic controlequip for road,inland waterway,park fasc 16,429 87,294 2,246,750 4,893,648

8530900000 Part of electrical signall, safety/traffic control equipment 19,530 197,896 251,568 2,566,801

8531101000 Burglar alarms 1,726 62,454 17,994 669,956

8531102000 Fire alarms 7,003 339,589 303,653 2,349,424

8531103000 Smoke alarms 454 21,902 12,731 233,206

8531109000 Other alarms and similar apparatus 125,726 521,818 1,577,247 8,767,181

8531200000 Indicator panel incorp liquid crystaldevices (lcd)/light emitting diode (led) 159,628 1,175,853 8,094,084 61,030,391

8531801100 Door bells, buzzers and dings 5,216 62,670 105,400 341,607

8531801900 Other electric bells 66,305 206,039 1,239,193 6,746,784

8531802000 Flat panel displays(including electroluminescence, plasma and other technolog 4,639 2,369,541 220,443 78,455,288

8531809010 Telegraphic apparatus for ships enginerooms 35,037 68,063 445,311 1,384,410

8531809090 Other electric sound/visual signallingapparatus 15,904 153,208 245,381 2,583,437

8531901000 Parts incl, printed circuit assembliesof subheading 8531.20/8531.80.20 45 13,714 2,141 623,292

8531902000 Parts of door bells/other door soundsignaling apparatus 0 15,473 0 529,111

8531909000 Other parts of electric sound/visualsignaling apparatus 6,778 108,556 260,238 2,629,051

8532100000 Fixed capacitor design for use in 50/60hz circuit, reactive power >0.5 kvar 130,671 1,989,182 9,283,603 30,963,664

8532210000 Tantalum fixed capacitors 5,134 206,011 340,384 10,130,649

8532220000 Aluminium electrolytic fixed capacitors 210,162 2,324,247 3,575,095 36,840,577

8532230000 Ceramic dielectric,single layer of fixedcapasitor 60,991 387,285 1,230,467 9,170,906

8532240000 Ceramic dielectric, multilayer 47,862 634,174 1,496,501 16,155,367

8532250000 Dielectric of paper/plastics of fixedcapasitor 43,189 326,196 645,455 5,409,491

8532290000 Other fixed capasitors 130,548 1,634,843 4,419,461 33,438,717

8532300000 Variable/adjustable(pre-set)capacitors 132,968 924,984 3,768,563 25,690,949

8532900000 Parts of other fixed capasitors 703,381 4,409,015 16,915,077 93,207,734

8533101000 Fixed carbon resistors, composition/filmtypes surface maunted 87,412 1,766,951 4,582,767 19,232,209

8533109000 Fixed carbon resistors, composition/filmtypes not surface maunted 46,575 316,492 1,800,908 10,213,899

8533210000 Oth fixed resistors for a power handlingcapacity <= 20w 40,914 196,698 790,469 6,981,637

8533290000 Oth fixed resistors for a power handlingcapacity > 20w 96,316 1,142,853 4,347,061 57,448,734

8533310000 Wirewound variable resistors, rheostats,for a power handling capacity <= 20w 742 39,578 5,428 599,190

8533390000 Wirewound variable resistors, rheostats,for a power handling capacity > 20w 40,262 103,373 47,689 807,406

8533400000 Other variable resistors, includingrheostats and potentiometers 15,151 231,929 238,925 3,006,825

8533900000 Parts of lectrical resistors 63,610 1,058,756 1,153,820 20,647,329

8534001000 Printed circuits, single-sided 63,627 681,362 1,653,111 12,468,680

8534002000 Printed circuits, double-sided 11,064 193,984 282,980 5,564,704

8534003000 Printed circuits, multi-layer 103,085 703,066 3,378,002 27,649,519

8534009000 Oth printed circuits 485,749 4,301,428 14,680,061 110,367,600

8535100000 Fuses for voltage >1000volts 6,609 204,222 197,602 2,886,050

8535211000 Automatic circuit breakers for a volt< 72.5 kv, moulded case type 9,956 38,694 174,997 838,026

8535219000 Automatic circuit breakers for a volt< 72.5 kv, other than moulded case type 87,413 814,853 2,131,117 18,959,382

8535290000 Automatic circuit breakers for a volt>= 72.5 kv, moulded case type 18,184 269,922 269,442 2,815,055

8535301000 Isolating switches, make-&-break switchsuitable for a volt > 1 kv & < 40 kv 3,868 208,295 100,499 5,946,451

8535302000 Isolating switches, make-&-break switchfor voltage >= 66 kv 563 34,188 5,211 342,809

8535309000 Isolating switches, make-&-break switchfor voltage >= 40 kv and < 66 kv 100,447 748,404 2,745,893 15,301,577

8535400000 Lightning arresters, voltage limitersand surge suppressors 73,243 534,398 655,970 4,795,921

8535901000 Bushing and tap changer assemblies forelectricity distrib/power transformers 135,692 832,733 1,691,964 11,639,703

8535909000 Oth elect app. for switch/protec. electcircuits,for make connect elect circuits 142,829 2,225,431 2,295,668 28,853,822

8536101000 Thermal fuses; glass type fuses forvoltage <= 1000volts 61,906 767,004 1,037,809 7,033,880

8536109000 Other fuses for voltage <= 1000 volts 111,339 1,038,662 1,096,385 6,840,822

8536201000 Automatic circuit breakers mouldedcase type for voltage <=1000volts 21,817 115,076 422,124 1,728,283

8536202000 Auto-circuit breaker for incorp intoelec-thermic for voltage <=1000volts 2,812 6,550 11,992 59,081

8536209000 Other automatic circuit breakersfor voltage <=1000volts 101,855 952,456 1,500,923 9,854,167

8536300000 Oth apparatus for protecting electricalcircuits 403,402 1,654,144 2,977,568 14,960,796

8536410000 Relay for a voltage <= 60 voltscircuits 78,292 770,470 1,562,646 14,721,448

8536490000 Relay for a voltage > 60 volts and<= 1000 volts 117,197 937,623 1,157,914 14,603,852

8536502000 Over current, residual current automaticswitches for voltage <= 1000 volts 462,799 558,302 1,501,888 4,621,552

8536503100 High inrush switch, commutator for stoveranges, microphone switch, domestic use 20,716 160,652 24,709 512,548

8536503900 High inrush switch, commutator for stoverange,microphone switch,not domestic use 128,633 1,038,449 941,331 8,006,762

8536504000 Miniature switches for rice cooker/oventoasters 6 5,670 899 40,665

8536505000 Electronic ACswitch consist of opticalcouple input,output circuits,elect switc 39,284 141,427 929,871 5,134,774

8536506100 Make, break switches for domestic usewith rated current carry cap < 16 amps 146 13,744 11,450 96,132

8536506900 Make, break switch not for domestic usewith rated current carry cap < 16 amps 7,532 71,108 393,267 1,366,654

8536509100 Starters for elect motor,fuses,switch,fuse, suitable for use in electric fans 48,322 522,106 686,335 10,744,518

8536509910 Smoke switches 4,329 34,571 64,700 538,020

8536509990 Oth electronic ACswitches for voltage< 1000 v & acurrent <= 11 amps 374,158 3,627,559 5,683,012 50,611,731

8536611000 Lamp-holders of a kind for compact lampor halogen lamps 23,594 166,433 48,344 399,904

8536619000 Lamp-holders oth than compact lamps/halogen lamps 155,857 1,441,438 245,792 2,548,568



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8536691100 Telephone plugs for domestic use, ratecurrent carrying capacity < 16 amps 66,822 285,264 2,069,091 4,556,444

8536691900 Telephone plugs not for domestic use,rate current carrying capacity < 16 amps 22,936 139,896 81,138 727,943

8536692100 Av sockets,cathode ray tube sockets fortv,radio receiv, cap<16amp,domestic use 0 11,598 0 18,029

8536692900 Av sockets,cathode ray tube sockets fortv,radio recv,cap<16amp,not domestic use 10,704 445,028 419,828 4,164,550

8536693100 Sockets,plug for co-axial cable,printedcircts, domest use, radio equip,<16amps 2,340 8,441 45,420 168,791

8536693900 Sockets,plug for co-axial cable,printedcircts,not domest use,radio equip,<16amp 11,542 145,722 132,059 1,112,800

8536699100 Other plug and sockets, domestic use,radio equip., acapacity < 16 amps 20 9,781 748 253,544

8536699900 Other plug & sockets, not domestic use,radio equip., acapacity < 16 amps 132,714 1,114,110 1,806,343 9,749,552

8536700000 Connectors for optical fibres, opticalfibres bundles/cables 11,568 182,619 300,321 4,986,535

8536901100 Connection, contact elements for wiresand cables; wafer probers 89,566 621,215 3,340,553 18,848,122

8536901900 Other connection, contact elements forwires and cables; wafer probers 215,089 1,789,722 3,678,647 34,636,316

8536902100 Junction boxes for domestic use,cap. <16 amps, for use elect fan/radio 4,537 71,727 80,144 1,056,584

8536902900 Junction boxes not for domestic use,cap. <16 amps, for use elect fan/radio 434,809 2,676,320 4,659,915 33,221,674

8536903100 Cable connectors consist of a jack plug,domestic use,<16amp, for elect fan/radio 59,806 330,682 512,843 3,729,212

8536903900 Cable connectors consist of a jack plug,not domestic,<16amp, for elect fan/radio 458,201 4,055,710 7,549,666 66,960,325

8536909100 Oth cable connect consist of jack plug,cap. <16 amps, for use elect fan/radio 240,251 1,502,031 3,718,279 36,501,878

8536909910 Connector & socket cable for ic,printedcircuit 168,212 1,751,345 2,083,878 18,837,579

8536909990 Other connector and socket cable 800,864 4,601,312 7,161,227 64,332,096

8537101000 Switchboards&control panels for voltage<= 1000 volt 221,891 855,669 1,871,070 16,648,243

8537102000 Distribution boards for use with goodsof hd.84.71,85.17,85.25 < 1000 volt 2,960 233,877 57,229 3,829,323

8537103000 Programmable logic controllers for auto-mach for trans. for voltage <=1000volt 6,754 74,852 33,985 756,677

8537109000 Oth board for elect control for voltage<= 1000volt 364,404 1,904,640 14,319,875 40,976,912

8537201100 Switchboards incorp. elect instrum forbreak, connect/protect elect circt>66 kv 821,694 1,659,042 6,866,061 13,552,293

8537201900 Switchboards incorp. elect instrum forbreak,connect/protec e-circt<1000v&>66kv 13,978 776,963 208,943 9,662,297

8537202100 Control panel incorp. elect instrum forbreak,connect/protect e-circuit > 66 kv 12,306 254,011 940,200 4,202,294

8537202900 Other control panels for a voltage>1,000 volts 87,996 884,934 1,340,605 8,844,019

8537209000 Oth board for electric control fora voltage > 1000 volt 560,314 3,769,645 5,520,072 36,510,781

8538101100 Parts of programmable logic controllersfor auto mach for trans. for <=1000v 13,098 107,356 223,212 2,559,274

8538101200 Board,panel,console,desk,cabinets ofuse in radio equipment, voltage <= 1000v 0 1,932 0 51,312

8538101900 Oth board,panel,console,desk,cabinets ofused in radio equipment, voltage<=1000v 62,282 747,688 1,047,827 12,841,512

8538102100 Parts of programmable logic control forauto-mach for trans. for voltage >1000 v 20 49,975 208 3,890,403

8538102200 Board,panel,console,desk,cabinets ofa used in radio equip, voltage>1000 v 0 323 0 3,630

8538102900 Board,panel,console,desk,cabinets ofused in radio equip, voltage>1000 v 89,496 915,249 1,855,680 17,266,272

8538901100 Oth board,panel,console,desk,cabinetsconnect for wires, wafer prober<=1000 v 141,236 756,431 1,453,564 10,772,041

8538901200 Parts of goods of subhd 8536.50.50,8536.69.30,8536.90.10 for voltage<=1000v 20,818 154,957 371,874 2,243,607

8538901300 Parts of goods of subheading8537.10.20 for voltage <=1000 volt 0 220 0 46,111

8538901900 Other parts of boards,panels consoles,for voltage <=1000 volt 44,005 630,492 456,231 7,506,563

8538902100 Parts/printed circuit ass. of telephoneplug connec for wires,wafer prober>1000v 33,801 56,354 93,700 465,149

8538902900 Other parts of boards,panels consoles,for voltage > 1000 volt 598,529 5,128,062 21,378,204 145,294,328

8539101000 Sealed beam lamp units for motorvehicles of chapter 87 77,868 657,743 494,495 3,337,473

8539109000 Other sealed beam lamp units 51,780 237,234 696,453 3,013,443

8539212000 Tungsten halogen for used in medicalequipment 646 1,890 800 9,882

8539213000 Tungsten halogen for used for vehicles 30,345 586,533 394,501 4,444,954

8539214000 Other reflector lamp bulbs of tungstenhalogen 1,343 70,121 4,310 384,735

8539219000 Oth tungsten halogen 61,095 454,016 260,243 3,234,240

8539222000 Other filament lamps, infra red, power<200 & voltage>100v in medical equip 0 268 0 1,636

8539223000 Other reflector lamp bulbs of a power<=200w & for voltage > 100 volt 8,199 18,446 36,992 118,579

8539229000 Other filament lamps, infra red, power<=200 w& voltage>100v 63,614 453,969 196,566 1,387,042

8539291000 Other filament lamps, excluding uvor infra-red lamps, in medical equipment 93,284 121,165 445,955 580,141

8539292000 Other filament lamps, excluding uvor infra-red lamps, for motor vehicles 108,637 848,235 1,549,447 13,122,770

8539293000 Other reflector lamp bulbs 21,975 97,199 175,814 786,248

8539294000 Flashlight bulbs; miniature indicatorbulbs, rated up to 2.25 v 1,297 17,719 3,336 99,455

8539295000 Other filament lamps, capacity > 200w &<=300w, voltage>100volts 8,095 17,296 62,914 194,386

8539296000 Other filament lamps, capacity < 200w &<=300w, voltage <= 100volts 745 40,115 9,221 251,142

8539299000 Other filament lamps, excl ultra-violetor infra-red lamps 186,258 1,563,151 985,131 6,241,624

8539311000 Tubes for compact fluorescent lamps 23,565 314,671 350,249 4,718,988

8539319010 Tube lamps 110,808 1,187,475 382,048 3,678,642

8539319020 Compact fluorescent lamps 20,392 105,342 95,338 1,165,563

8539319090 Other fluorescent, hot cathode 1,459,672 11,057,468 9,379,025 61,253,483

8539320000 Mercury/sodium vapour lamps; metalhalide lamps 44,470 341,527 422,294 4,848,660

8539391000 Tubes for compact fluorescent lamps,cold cathode types 77,242 664,550 142,001 1,014,196

8539392000 Discharge lamps for decorative andpublicity purposes 9 24,431 144 112,242

8539393000 Other fluorescent cold cathode types 576 10,239 3,630 238,022

8539394000 Electric lamps for mtr vehicle/cycles 6,882 147,906 33,938 734,439

8539399000 Discharge lamps, other than uv lamps 49,410 782,353 255,052 3,137,921

8539410000 Arc lamps 2,431 17,109 15,882 58,375

8539490000 Ultra-violet/infra-red lamps 21,612 154,639 187,368 1,610,382

8539901000 Part of alumi end caps for fluorescentlamps alum. screw caps for incand lamps 237,424 3,010,218 929,978 12,552,403

8539902000 Oth parts,for lamps of vehicles of allkinds 15,148 67,724 51,153 227,274

8539909000 Oth part of elect filament/dischargelamps including sealed beam lamp unit 325,571 2,934,450 2,532,875 31,352,981

8540110000 Color cathode-ray television picturetube incl video monitor cathode-ray tube 3,182,551 58,540,529 5,621,959 112,930,479

8540120000 B/w cathode-ray TV picture tubes,incl video monitor cathode-ray tubes 63 330,046 133 672,305

8540200000 Tv camera tubes; image converters andintensifiers; other photo-cathode tubes 43,837 145,511 262,857 998,512



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8540401000 Data/graphic display tubes color foruse with articles of heading 85.25 13 23,043 99 166,460

8540409000 Data/graphic display tube color not foruse with articles of heading 85.25 58 13,580 2,296 391,506

8540500000 Data/graphic display tubes, black andwhite/other monochrome 5,068 63,416 32,352 578,674

8540600000 Other cathode-ray tubes 20,595 124,732 291,723 1,044,396

8540710000 Magnetrons of microwave tubes 16,531 33,368 146,846 413,412

8540720000 Klystrons of microwave tubes 0 59 0 366

8540790000 Travelling wave tube, carcinotrons exclgrid-controlled tubes of microwave tubes 200 21,457 54,925 259,553

8540810000 Receiver/amplifier valves and tubes 350 2,847 3,043 58,755

8540890000 Other valves and tubes 13,183 55,636 282,404 1,390,388

8540910000 Parts of cathode-ray tubes 250,771 4,912,162 1,817,974 24,369,981

8540991000 Parts of microwave tubes 33,555 237,072 664,082 6,988,167

8540999000 Other parts of thermionic, cold cathodeor photo cathode valves and tubes 16,657 110,812 476,001 1,996,192

8541100000 Diodes, other than photosensitive/lightemitting diodes 197,617 2,230,703 10,277,102 53,668,602

8541210000 Transistor with a dissipation rateof < 1 w 14,555 232,563 729,584 8,307,941

8541290000 Transistor with a dissipation rateof >= 1 w 91,409 2,145,591 3,374,400 41,806,467

8541300000 Thyristors,diacs and triacs, other thanphotosesintive devices 26,376 178,631 1,332,257 12,071,617

8541401000 Light emitting diodes 23,413 479,615 811,169 17,824,473

8541402000 Photocells, including photodiodes/photo-transistors 25,877 208,105 715,407 5,241,041

8541409000 Oth photosensitive semiconductor device,including photovoltaic cells 20,838 468,055 13,427,876 111,874,930

8541500000 Other semiconductor devices 83,320 765,479 2,526,682 21,107,933

8541600000 Mounted piezo-electric crystals 30,110 230,758 2,097,520 10,729,674

8541900000 Parts of diodes,transistors & similarsemiconductor devices 27,159 277,513 1,832,254 8,784,265

8542310000 Processors,controller, converter, logiccircuit, amplifier, clock timing circuit 156,811 3,144,226 30,270,868 191,367,674

8542320000 Memories of elect integrated circuits 6,272 48,054 2,539,473 7,134,229

8542330000 Amplifiers of elect integrated circuits 59,952 469,071 520,819 3,507,029

8542390000 Other electronic integrated circuits 168,558 2,781,179 38,637,372 461,165,529

8542900000 Parts of electronic integrated circuits 513,947 3,998,530 49,580,913 464,921,442

8543100000 Particle accelerators 16,553 268,109 1,017,882 9,440,535

8543200000 Signal generators 14,680 17,867 317,080 844,008

8543302000 Wet processing equip. for the applic.by immersion of chemical/elec.chemical 13,600 15,867 107,278 189,813

8543309000 Oth machines & app for electroplating,electrolysis/electrophoresis 109,369 683,741 5,806,461 24,797,743

8543701000 Electric fence energisers 1,463 20,753 71,525 607,040

8543702000 Remote control apparatus, other thanradio remote control apparatus 72,898 731,961 447,025 4,870,118

8543703000 Electrical machines with translationor dictionary functions 2,297 165,156 103,436 8,043,245

8543704000 Equip for the removal of dust particlesor elimination of electrostatic charge 5,128 8,232 40,183 144,080

8543705000 Integrated receiver/decoder ird fordirect broadcast multimedia systems 138,456 2,326,804 1,110,295 14,217,141

8543709010 Electrical mine detonators 659 5,799 49,659 403,446

8543709090 Other electrical detonators 150,931 1,736,279 883,717 6,805,731

8543901000 Parts of goods of subheading 8543.10/8543.20 66 17,971 1,130 443,705

8543902000 Parts of goods of subheading 8543.30.20 2,069 25,034 1,938 95,090

8543903000 Parts of goods of subheading 8543.70.30 93,529 133,708 703,015 1,062,370

8543904000 Parts of goods of subheading 8543.70.40 212 3,805 2,757 62,242

8543905000 Parts of goods of subheading 8543.70.50 5,679 161,123 16,345 1,008,005

8543909000 Other parts of goods of heading 8543 34,225 433,306 1,041,039 8,982,077

8544110010 Winding wire of copper, laquered/enamelled 442,927 4,146,676 3,830,361 38,922,842

8544110020 Winding wire of copper, cover with papertextile material/PVC 306,517 2,296,851 2,704,731 20,088,612

8544110030 Winding wire of copper, laquer/enamelled& cover with paper, textile material/PVC 165,231 2,043,458 1,050,394 11,761,096

8544110040 Winding wire of copper, rect cross-sect.and without connectors 55,569 589,637 564,446 5,721,080

8544110090 Other winding wire of copper 312,116 2,900,625 1,822,104 21,020,269

8544191000 Winding wire not of copper, laquered/enamelled 6,540 51,882 40,628 509,811

8544192000 Winding wire not of copperof manganese resistance wire 793 83,676 8,752 851,977

8544199000 Other winding wire not of copper 313,339 5,213,595 2,766,994 39,158,629

8544201000 Insulated cables fitted with connectors,for a voltage <=66.000volts 427,371 4,030,404 2,855,709 20,872,955

8544202000 Insulated cable not fitted withconnector for a voltage <=66.000volts 1,294,769 9,890,608 6,976,544 49,105,403

8544203000 Insulated cables fitted with connectorsfor a voltage >66.000volts 2,029 75,768 86,521 608,049

8544204000 Insulated cables not fitted withconnectors for a voltage >66.000volts 244,629 497,651 507,119 1,442,128

8544301000 Wiring harnesses for motor vehicles 196,319 1,716,959 2,235,435 19,086,170

8544309000 Oth ignition wiring sets,oth wiring setfor used in vehicles, aircraft/ships 465,119 4,537,886 3,556,927 39,670,259

8544421100 Telephone, telegraph, radio relay cablesubmarine, for communication, <= 80 v 24,749 152,146 212,663 1,743,244

8544421900 Other fitted with connectors for telecom-munication, voltage <= 80 v 89,326 911,682 1,344,793 8,417,879

8544422000 Fitted with connectors for telecom-munication voltage > 80 v & <= 1000 v 77,002 492,461 563,608 4,189,411

8544423000 Battery cables for voltage <= 1000 v 49,057 100,768 226,108 826,949

8544429000 Oth fitted with connector, for voltage<= 1000 volts 1,464,999 5,465,675 5,272,521 34,739,509

8544491100 Telephone,telegraph,radio relay cablesubmarine, not for communication, <=80 v 5,896 86,067 145,979 1,240,869

8544491900 Other fitted with connectors not for telmunication, voltage <= 80 v 269,317 1,664,454 2,294,803 16,941,693

8544492100 Shielded wire for mnfact.of auto-wiringharnesses, not for communication, <=80 v 59,074 292,608 355,560 2,015,715

8544492900 Oth fitted with connectors, <= 80 v,not for used for telecommunications 1,081,767 2,860,198 5,319,731 26,161,608

8544493100 Telephone,telegraph,radio relay cablesubmarine, for communic., >80v & <=1000v 7,088 47,074 55,098 371,014

8544493900 Oth fitted with connectors for telecommunication, voltage > 80 v and < 1000 v 182,033 1,792,473 794,489 6,435,557

8544494000 Other fitted with connectors, > 80 v &<= 1000 v of a kind not used for telecom 109,137 1,186,877 1,382,080 15,668,147

8544601000 Other electric conductors, volt > 1 kvand <= 36 kv 157,318 954,975 894,323 6,199,476

8544602100 Plastic insulated elec.cable havingcross sec<=400mm for 36kv<volt<=66kv 82 48,539 1,963 214,553

8544602900 Plastic insulated elec.cable havingcross sec>400mm for 36kv<volt<=66kv 259,555 1,828,540 1,944,499 11,958,142



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8544603000 Other electric conductors, for a voltage> 66 kv 61,231 2,528,282 7,410,715 73,413,498

8544701000 Optical fibre cables teleph,telegraph,radio relay cables,submarine 26,296 1,789,290 386,430 12,800,698

8544709000 Other optical fibre cables 504,189 1,757,160 3,310,492 18,353,574

8545110000 Electroda of a kind used for furnaces 983,932 9,738,533 3,861,212 33,039,654

8545190000 Electroda of a kind used not for furnace 37,560 848,419 390,765 3,712,771

8545200000 Carbon brushes for electrical purpose 49,254 395,960 520,017 4,962,339

8545900010 Battery carbons 254,987 2,411,694 667,041 6,276,172

8545900090 Lamp carbon, oth articles of graphite/oth carbon, with/without metal 61,502 523,247 419,998 2,032,260

8546100000 Electrical insulators of any material ofglass 368,635 1,811,366 925,671 4,960,642

8546200010 Ceramic bushing for tranformator 35,410 473,346 412,767 3,848,933

8546200090 Oth elect insulators of any material ofceramics 521,072 3,394,338 963,498 4,775,214

8546900000 Oth elect insulators not of glass andof ceramics 320,325 2,510,667 1,812,495 14,099,843

8547100000 Insulating fitting of ceramics 23,544 187,957 364,272 2,301,576

8547200000 Insulating fitting of plastics 655,772 2,557,772 5,448,092 26,676,289

8547901000 Elect conduit, joints therefor, of basemetal lined with insulating materials 40,707 554,533 489,046 3,143,437

8547909000 Oth insulating fittings for elect mach,appliances/equipment, being fittings 81,085 1,363,251 1,204,870 7,537,912

8548101100 Lead acid scrap of primary cells/battery/elect accumulators used in aircraft 16,299 74,258 41,559 195,502

8548101900 Other lead acid scrap storage batteries,drain/undrained 12 90,258 10,191 369,916

8548103100 Waste,scrap copper of prim.cell/battery, elect accumulators of used in aircraft 0 139 0 4,485

8548103900 Other waste, scrap containing mainlycopper 0 765,960 0 436,450

8548109000 Other waste, scrap of primary cells,primary 3 173,165 68 436,570

8548901000 Image sensors contact type copmrisinga photo-conductive sensor element 4,792 38,635 382,950 1,788,599

8548902000 Printed circuit assemblies incl suchassemblies for external connections 10,339 212,618 564,195 2,510,633

8548909000 Other electrical parts of mach and app, nes 82,886 218,852 543,735 7,306,106

8601100000 Rail locomotives powered from anexternal source of electricity 31 1,741,308 1,989 23,747,727

8601200000 Rail locomotives powered by electricaccumulators 0 1,429 0 19,222

8602100000 Diesel-electric locomotives 15,026 142,082 39,894 3,359,910

8602900000 Locomotive tenders 6 9,823 1,230 35,744

8603100000 Self-propelled railway,tramway coach,vantruck powered from ext. source of elect 0 35,292 0 558,660

8603900000 Self-propelled railway,tramway coach,vantruck not power from ext source of elect 386 1,861 19,867 122,530

8604000000 Railway/tramway maintenance/servicevehicles, whether/not self-propelled 16,205 135,658 224,832 740,773

8605000000 Railway/tramway passenger coach,not selfpropelled,luggage van,post office coach 0 24,163 0 28,604

8606100000 Tank wagons and the like 712 84,734 9,317 85,716

8606300000 Self-discharging vans,wagons, oth thanthose of subheading 8606.10 0 129 0 1,484

8606910000 Railway/tramway goods vans & wagonnot self-propelled covered and closed 0 18,775 0 127,328

8606920000 Railway/tramway goods vans&wagon notself prope open,removable height<=60cm 0 207 0 21,505

8606990000 Railway/tramway goods vans&wagon notself prope open,removable height > 60cm 16 37,646 272 488,975

8607110000 Driving bogies and bissel-bogies 149 20,029 6,048 528,982

8607120000 Other bogies and bissel-bogies 4,598 655,400 31,407 3,287,638

8607190000 Oth, including parts axles & wheels 457,531 2,532,540 3,449,646 15,460,083

8607210000 Air brakes and parts thereof 3,495 70,434 293,650 3,371,769

8607290000 Brakes and parts thereof other than airbrakes 2,162 103,060 52,071 1,202,091

8607300000 Hooks & oth coupling devices, buffers,and parts thereof 123 7,409 1,304 68,679

8607910000 Other parts of locomotives 2,144 66,893 214,716 1,404,176

8607990000 Other part of trolling stone 336 158,220 8,194 3,599,358

8608002000 Electromechanic equip of railway/tramwaytrack fixtures,fiiting, mechanic signal 222 4,146 9,871 230,008

8608009000 Non-electromech equip of railway/tramwaytrack fixtures,fiiting, mechanic signal 0 96,358 0 2,086,918

8609001000 Containers of metal design & equip forcarriage by one/more modes of transport 4,151 503,568 35,006 3,510,439

8609002000 Containers of wood design & equip forcarriage by one/more modes of transport 0 29 0 934

8609009000 Other containers design & equip forcarriage by one/more modes of transport 16,524 515,973 29,611 2,235,647

8701101100 Pedestrian controlled tractors, power<=22.5 kw for agricultural use 14 132,236 590 408,239

8701101900 Pedestrian controlled tractors, power<=22.5 kw oth than for agricultural use 0 53,337 0 49,741

8701102100 Pedestrian controlled tractors, power> 22.5 kw for agricultural use 46,490 187,287 22,800 631,030

8701102900 Pedestrian controlled tractors, power> 22.5 kw oth than for agricultural use 0 51,564 0 108,000

8701201000 Road tractors for semi-trailers, ckd 0 3,385 0 20,948

8701209000 Road tractors for semi-trailers, not ckd 113,407 1,632,162 1,184,240 14,256,445

8701301000 Track-laying tractors of a cylinder cap<= 1100 cc 13 166 138 10,509

8701302000 Track-laying tractors of a cylinder cap> 1100 cc 0 91,145 0 757,388

8701901100 Agriculture tractors of a cylinder cap<= 1100 cc 158,371 725,074 817,540 3,784,285

8701901900 Agriculture tractors of a cylinder cap<= 1100 cc 792,807 3,636,979 3,805,489 20,095,424

8701909100 Other tractors of a cylinder capacity<= 1100 cc 0 33,412 0 178,916

8701909900 Other tractors of a cylinder capacity> 1100 cc 92,092 609,085 841,650 3,944,572

8702101100 Motor vehicles for the transport >=10 p,a gross vehicle weight < 6 t, ckd,diesel 261 19,122 5,997 179,589

8702101400 Motor vehicles for the transport >=10 p,vehicle weight >= 24 t, ckd, diesel 2 29,272 40 824,470

8702102100 Motor vehicles for the transport >=10 p,vehicle weight < 6 t, not ckd, diesel 183,030 706,192 1,937,368 7,358,867

8702102200 Motor vehicles for the transport >=10 p,vhcl weight >=6t & <18t, not ckd, diesel 0 7,300 0 15,782

8702901910 Motor vhcl for the transport in airport,weight>=5t&<24t,not ckd, nondiesel,>=30p 0 3,412 0 40,095

8702909990 Other motor vehicle, non diesel,>= 10 pvhcl weight > 24 t, not ckd 0 45,360 0 534,217

8703101000 Golf cars, including golf buggies 24,310 290,163 20,590 636,400

8703109000 Vehicles specially designed for travelon snow and similar vehicles 0 1,250 0 1,000

8703211000 Go-karts, cylinder capacity <= 1,000 ccinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 125,515 0 1,062,700

8703212190 Other motor cars, <= 1,000 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 20,385 0 515,876

8703212990 Other motor cars, <= 1,000 cc, not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 9,099 72,189 141,186 898,980



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8703219000 Other vehicles, <= 1,000 cc, not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 132,495 0 466,823

8703221110 Sedan/station wagons, 1,000-1500 cc,ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 34,714 0 356,320

8703221190 Other motor cars, 1,000-1500 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 2,120 2,120 17,713 17,713

8703221910 Sedan/station wagon,1,000-1500cc,not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 1,732,566 15,276,609 14,039,672 139,942,446

8703221990 Oth motor cars, 1,000-1500 cc, not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 1,794,129 16,862,278 14,422,095 137,224,768

8703229000 Other vehicles, 1,000-1500 cc, not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 19,644 0 290,150

8703231000 Ambulances, 1500-3000 cc intern combustreciprocating piston engine 0 158,224 0 1,048,736

8703232000 Hearses, 1500-3000 cc internal combustreciprocating piston engine 0 3,048 0 48,779

8703233000 Prisons vans, 1500-3000 cc internalcombust reciprocating piston engine 0 5,690 0 91,838

8703234110 Sedan/station wagons, 1500-1800 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 55,400 0 556,008

8703234190 Other motor cars, 1500-1800 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 2,500 2,500 16,050 16,050

8703234210 Sedan/station wagons, 1800-2000 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 1,345,271 0 6,978,833

8703234310 Sedan/station wagons, 2000-2500 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 19,640 0 225,333

8703234390 Other motor cars, 2000-2500 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 959 30,489 8,004 345,503

8703234490 Other motor cars, 2500-3000 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 192,615 0 1,535,638

8703235110 Sedan/station wagons, 1500-1800 cc, notinternal combust recipro piston engine 283,735 8,166,859 2,943,824 92,417,656

8703235190 Other motor cars, 1500-1800 cc, not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 241,709 1,001,161 1,807,106 8,144,020

8703235210 Sedan/station wagons, 1800-2000 cc, notinternal combust recipro piston engine 136,813 775,943 1,404,068 9,285,893

8703235291 Oth motor car,1800-2000 cc, (4x2) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 34,734 761,513 302,138 4,557,126

8703235292 Oth motor car,1800-2000 cc, (4x4) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 0 54,066 0 477,725

8703235310 Sedan/station wagon,2000-2500cc,not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 486,398 8,713,147 6,575,173 112,561,040

8703235391 Oth motor car,2000-2500cc, (4x2) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 1,200,575 10,958,729 10,855,973 99,390,417

8703235392 Oth motor car,2000-2500cc, (4x4) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 0 213,782 0 2,136,027

8703235410 Sedan/station wagon,2500-3000cc,not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 27,013 485,723 471,643 8,983,661

8703235491 Oth motor car,2500-3000cc, (4x2) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 2,353 114,074 35,251 1,481,011

8703235492 Oth motor car,2500-3000cc, (4x4) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 98,718 724,135 958,877 10,937,306

8703236400 Other vehicle, 2500-3000 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 11,040 11,040 161,685 161,685

8703239100 Other vehicle, 1500-1800 cc, not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 28,601 0 266,104

8703239410 Oth vehicle, 2500-3000 cc, (4x2) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 0 18,000 0 100,000

8703239420 Oth vehicle, 2500-3000 cc, (4x4) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 0 18,984 0 184,283

8703241000 Ambulances, cylinder capacity > 3000 ccinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 3,550 0 190,205

8703244010 Sedan/station wagons, > 3000 cc, ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 4,190 0 93,964

8703245010 Sedan/station wagons, > 3000 cc,not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 82,444 1,300,152 2,377,483 23,719,473

8703245091 Oth motor cars, > 3000 cc, (4x2) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 27,716 224,474 331,372 3,179,001

8703245092 Oth motor cars, > 3000 cc, (4x4) system,not ckd,int combust recipro pist engine 144,596 1,673,678 1,953,830 22,462,967

8703249000 Other vehicle, > 3000 cc, not ckdinternal combust recipro piston engine 0 8,565 0 565,425

8703321000 Ambulances, 1500-2500 cc, diesel 0 66,140 0 698,848

8703325100 Sedan/station wagon,1500-2000cc,not ckd,diesel 288,586 849,206 2,383,247 7,013,397

8703325900 Other motor cars, 1500-2000 cc, not ckd,diesel 1,311 8,112,922 18,000 74,765,973

8703329900 Other vehicles, 2000-2500 cc, not ckd,diesel 295,211 1,451,488 2,530,648 12,235,313

8703335100 Other motor cars, 2500-3000 cc, not ckd,diesel 3,587 64,299 58,336 734,621

8703335200 Other motor cars, > 3000 cc, not ckd,diesel 69,176 462,894 1,144,882 8,041,985

8703339000 Other vehicles, > 2500 cc, not ckd,diesel 0 9,115 0 120,064

8703901000 Other ambulances 0 78 0 304

8703902000 Other hearses 14 14 134 134

8703909000 Other vehicles, not ckd 101 142,250 1,790 1,784,549

8704101100 Damper designed for off highway,<= 24 t,ckd 18 1,724 160 1,810

8704102100 Damper designed for off highway, >24 t,ckd 383,805 10,647,746 3,696,423 169,014,269

8704102200 Damper designed for off highway, > 24 tnot ckd 5,298,745 31,542,251 64,612,624 342,329,655

8704211900 Other vans, <= 5 t, ckd, diesel 11,925 318,435 50,443 2,495,287

8704212900 Other vans, <= 5 t, not ckd, diesel 3,121,675 28,010,328 24,611,753 208,372,509

8704222919 Other vans, 6-10 t, not ckd, diesel 0 3,302 0 15,753

8704224300 Tanker vehicles, 10-20 t, not ckd,diesel 0 47,524 0 298,965

8704224900 Other vans, 10-20 t, not ckd, diesel 0 99,634 0 703,620

8704232900 Other vans, 20-24 t, not ckd, diesel 0 51,343 0 565,145

8704233900 Other vans, > 24 t, ckd, diesel 656,590 683,217 2,322,328 2,533,870

8704234300 Tanker vehicles, > 24 t, not ckd, diesel 0 94,289 0 103,871

8704234900 Other vans, > 24 t, not ckd, diesel 2,529,721 15,232,166 20,784,059 122,161,289

8704312900 Other vans, <= 5 t, not ckd,internal combustion piston engine 820,832 7,747,330 4,245,143 42,279,908

8704324900 Other vans, 6-20 t, not ckd, internalcombustion piston engine 0 40,349 0 497,720

8704901000 Motor vehicles for the transport of good, ckd 0 3,121 0 2,332

8704909000 Motor vehicles for the transport of good, not ckd 657 24,200 23,600 155,774

8705100000 Crane lorries 11,202 742,419 127,081 2,047,383

8705200000 Mobile drilling derricks 2 271,147 31 4,139,154

8705300000 Fire fighting vehicles 3 64,411 75 1,168,359

8705400000 Concrete-mixer lorries 13 150,903 128 2,771,740

8705905000 Street clean vhcl, incl cesspit emptiermobile clinic;spray lorries of all kinds 65 6,077 2,475 157,364

8705909000 Other special purpose motor vehicles 183,626 1,334,417 4,193,411 20,646,605

8706001100 Chasis fitted with engines for agri.tractors of subhd 8701.10/8701.90 0 2,904 0 70,180

8706001900 Oth chasis fitted with engines for vhclsof heading 8701 52,332 54,243 925,726 946,953

8706002000 Chasis fitted with engines for vehiclesof heading 8702 0 176,492 0 862,770

8706003000 Chasis fitted with engines for vehiclesof heading 8703 0 575 0 3,875

8706004000 Chasis fitted with engines for vehiclesof heading 8704 58,476 160,122 963,781 2,356,065



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8706005000 Chasis fitted with engines for vehiclesof heading 8705 20 11,072 1,367 102,388

8707100000 Bodies for the vehicles of heading 8703 13,084 493,715 52,620 3,959,282

8707901000 Bodies for the vehicles of heading 8701 527 9,589 3,204 27,213

8707903000 Bodies for the vehicles of heading 8705 40 631 498 10,498

8707909000 Bodies for the vehicles of heading 8702,8704 26,554 405,655 274,003 5,695,842

8708101000 Bumper & parts for vehicles heading 8701 10,917 82,607 52,458 546,072

8708109000 Bumper & parts for vehicles heading 8702;8703;8704; 8705 298,318 2,390,151 2,268,826 16,442,355

8708211000 Safety seat belt for vehicles 8701 915 38,081 10,713 407,615

8708219000 Safety seat belt for vehicles 8702; 8703; 8704; 8705 134,034 896,036 958,355 7,639,739

8708291100 Component of door trim assembly for hd8701 51 3,985 1,544 72,579

8708291200 Component of door trim assembly for hd8703 115,643 1,396,845 1,218,682 12,534,639

8708291300 Component of door trim assembly for hd8705/subheading 8704.10 56,779 461,926 323,271 2,711,166

8708291900 Component of door trim assembly for hd8702 & 8704 (exlcuding 8704.10) 104,720 1,294,891 387,004 5,545,915

8708292000 Parts of safety seat belts of heading8701-8705 105,438 990,996 907,859 8,223,869

8708299100 Oth part, access of bodies for agricul.tractors of subhead 8701.10/8701.90 8,372 9,544 123,083 156,673

8708299200 Oth part, access of bodies for agricul.vehicles of heading 8701 41 6,140 1,466 140,108

8708299300 Oth part, access of bodies for agricul.of heading 8703 1,072,236 7,085,936 10,033,922 65,748,629

8708299900 Oth part, access of bodies for agricul.of heading 8702; 8704; 8705 544,978 3,884,177 3,822,343 22,064,405

8708301000 Brakes,servo-brakes; parts thereof forvehicles of heading 87.01 531 59,187 12,012 1,103,351

8708302000 Brakes,servo-brakes; parts thereof forvehicles of heading 87.03 257,101 2,153,288 3,728,054 32,953,380

8708309000 Brakes,servo-brakes; parts thereof forvehicles of heading 8702; 8704; 8705 890,304 5,872,860 3,486,739 28,445,776

8708401100 Gear boxes, unassembled for vehicles ofheading 87.03 12,801 226,508 27,518 509,453

8708401200 Gear boxes, unassembled for vehicles ofsubheading 8704.10/heading 8705 136 38,183 2,021 875,842

8708401900 Gear boxes, unassembled for vehicles ofhead 8701-8702 & 8704 (exlc 8704.10) 178,559 4,301,021 1,816,766 29,990,985

8708402100 Gear boxes, assembled for agri tractorsof subheading 8701.10/8701.90 598 1,630 2,629 14,022

8708402200 Gear boxes, assembled for oth vehicle ofheading 87.01 0 3,495 0 16,643

8708402300 Gear boxes, assembled for vehicle of hd87.03 98,966 1,214,141 839,575 8,665,824

8708402400 Gear boxes, assembled for vehicle ofsubheading 8704.10/heading 8705 992 28,569 15,249 91,806

8708402900 Gear boxes, assembled for vehicles ofheading 8702 & 8704 (exlcuding 8704.10) 119,463 8,533,208 2,089,344 28,289,904

8708409000 Parts of gear boxes 62,107 984,686 453,145 4,187,112

8708501100 Drive-axles with differential, unassablfor vehicles of heading 87.03 697,652 6,451,663 7,167,173 64,879,293

8708501200 Drive-axles with differential, unassablfor vhcl of subhead 8704.10/head 8705 16,883 82,951 73,516 500,195

8708501900 Drive-axles with differential, unassablfor vhcl hd 8701-8702&8704(exlc 8704.10) 124,252 2,119,208 809,870 11,506,845

8708502100 Drive-axles with differential, assabledfor agri tractor of subhd 870110,870190 227 2,013 3,383 30,143

8708502200 Drive-axles with differential, assabledfor other vehicles of heading 87.01 374 3,626 7,771 92,816

8708502300 Drive-axles with differential, assabledfor vehicles of heading 87.03 429,799 2,877,208 3,621,687 23,100,876

8708502400 Drive-axles with differential, assabledfor vhcl of subhd 8704.10/hd 87.05 62,170 762,344 69,439 4,507,373

8708502900 Drive-axles with differential, assabledfor vhcl of hd 8702,8704 (exlc 8704.10) 428,026 3,467,091 2,784,128 22,636,776

8708509000 Parts of drive-axles with differential,non-driving, axles 76,645 440,093 298,306 3,684,663

8708701100 Wheel centre discs and caps for agritractors of subheading 8701.10/8701.90 3,434 38,981 26,840 198,428

8708701200 Wheel centre disc & cap for oth vehicleof heading 87.01 16 36,370 748 56,091

8708701300 Wheel centre disc & cap for oth vehicleof heading 87.03 578,043 4,791,332 2,002,219 15,841,086

8708701400 Wheel centre disc & cap for oth vehicleof subheading 8704.10/heading 87.05 166,073 1,979,193 301,782 3,187,529

8708701900 Wheel centre disc & cap for oth vehicleof heading 8702 & 8704 (exlc 8704.10) 1,124,428 9,397,943 1,998,810 14,020,095

8708709100 Other road wheel for agri tractors ofsubheading 8701.10/8701.90 6,296 27,644 99,270 570,330

8708709200 Other road wheel for oth vehicles of hd87.01 0 1,229 0 9,227

8708709300 Other road wheel for vehicles of head87.03 50,708 498,526 321,473 2,561,305

8708709400 Other road wheel for vehicles of subhd8704.10/heading 87.05 92,561 466,969 248,557 2,123,479

8708709900 Other road wheel for vehicles of head8702 & 8704 (exlcuding 8704.10) 183,971 2,510,548 337,470 3,997,275

8708801100 Suspension systems for agri tractors ofsubheading 8701.10/8701.90 187 2,387 3,816 34,087

8708801200 Suspension systems for oth vehicles ofheading 87.01 340 16,616 9,572 255,024

8708801300 Suspension systems for vehicles of head87.03 25,292 255,603 139,919 1,234,661

8708801400 Suspension systems for vehicle of sebhd8704.10/heading 87.05 5,899 113,880 78,812 1,424,658

8708801900 Suspension systems for vehicle of sebhd8702 & 8704 (exlcuding 8704.10) 254,252 1,554,196 409,629 4,005,140

8708809000 Parts of suspension systems (incl shock-absorbers) 340,441 3,020,865 2,799,970 22,879,087

8708911100 Radiators systems for agri tractors ofsubheading 8701.10/8701.90 1,726 36,503 5,311 419,580

8708911200 Radiators for other vehicles of heading87.01 1,188 2,841 17,519 66,322

8708911300 Radiators for vehicles of heading 87.03 31,145 595,500 225,534 3,177,552

8708911400 Radiators for vehicles of subhd 8704.10or heading 87.05 12,087 157,535 131,637 1,605,461

8708911900 Radiators for vehicles of heading 87.02,8704 (exlcuding 8704.10) 74,326 815,155 516,787 4,284,785

8708919000 Parts of radiator 571,716 2,141,968 2,220,296 18,348,439

8708921000 Silencers (mufflers),exhaust pipe; partsfor vehicles of heading 87.01 3,130 9,952 9,205 21,683

8708922000 Silencers (mufflers),exhaust pipe; partsfor vehicles of heading 87.03 454,311 3,326,287 3,477,051 33,360,281

8708923000 Silencers (mufflers),exhaust pipe; partsfor vhcl of subhd 8704.10/head 87.05 11,872 13,258 121,316 160,312

8708929000 Silencers (mufflers),exhaust pipe; partsfor vhcl of hd 8702,8704 (exlc 8704.10) 122,064 972,006 1,081,113 6,944,455

8708931000 Clutches and parts thereof for agritractors of subhd 8701.10/8701.90 2,230 25,433 36,081 251,695

8708932000 Clutches, parts thereof for oth vehicleof heading 87.01 81 274 2,015 3,726

8708933000 Clutches, parts thereof for oth vehicleof heading 87.03 206,934 2,096,840 2,034,379 21,139,484

8708934000 Clutches, parts thereof for vehicles ofsubheading 8704.10/heading 87.05 2,673 21,457 35,736 300,144

8708939000 Clutches, parts thereof for vehicles ofheading 8702 & 8704 (exlcuding 8704.10) 392,676 4,769,862 2,108,157 31,265,394

8708941000 Steering wheels with airbag assemblies 4,551 50,148 45,817 395,519

8708949100 Oth steering wheels, columns,boxes foragri. tractors of subhd 8701.10,8701.90 196 5,674 983 46,450

8708949200 Oth steering wheels, columns,boxes forother vehicles of heading 87.01 16,710 217,748 149,748 1,947,339



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8708949300 Oth steering wheels, columns,boxes forvehicles of subheading 87.03 567,447 4,724,283 6,218,939 56,425,381

8708949900 Oth steering wheels, columns,boxes forfor vehicles of head 8702, 8704, 8705 86,416 943,513 750,001 7,974,516

8708951000 Safety airbags with inflater system 28,358 486,109 607,864 7,944,627

8708959000 Parts of safety airbags with inflatersystem 1,008 18,662 45,809 235,644

8708991100 Unassembled fuel tank;engine bracket forvehicles of heading 87.01 15,721 516,397 71,762 3,183,349

8708991200 Unassembled fuel tank;engine bracket forvehicles of heading 87.03 252,099 1,283,701 1,949,866 11,451,495

8708991900 Unassembled fuel tank;engine bracket forvehicles of head 87.02; 87.04; 8705 102,566 748,888 544,322 4,481,582

8708999100 Other parts and accesories for agritractors of subhd 8701.10/8701.90 44,951 1,294,449 284,386 9,275,022

8708999200 Other parts,acces for other vehicles ofheading 87.01 291 381,811 435 589,671

8708999300 Other parts,acces for other vehicles ofheading 87.03 1,385,257 13,416,276 8,471,341 99,971,219

8708999900 Other parts,acces for other vehicles ofheading 87.02, 8704, 8705 12,610,652 146,670,759 86,828,119 1,124,807,380

8709110000 Electrical vehicles 6 43,744 174 186,657

8709190000 Non elect work truck,self-propelled,notfitted with lift/handl equip,in factory 28,354 246,520 88,576 2,666,775

8709900000 Part of work trucks,self-propelled, notfitted with lift/handl equip, in factory 53,836 191,985 203,015 1,292,438

8710000000 Tanks, other armoured fighting vehicles,motorised, with weapons/not, & parts 31,542 57,772 2,292,722 3,276,178

8711101100 Motorcycle,incl moped,scooters, reciproint combust piston engine < 50 cc, ckd 0 3,904 0 5,498

8711101900 Other motorcycles, reciprocatinginternal piston engine < 50 cc, ckd 11,614 119,629 21,061 191,423

8711109100 Motorcycle,incl moped,scooters, reciproint combust piston engine <50 cc,not ckd 0 37,408 0 62,129

8711109900 Other motorcycles, recipro int pistonengine < 50 cc, not ckd 42 41,241 869 535,457

8711201090 Motocross motorcycles, with recipro intcombust pist engine, 50-250 cc, not ckd 39,191 108,519 980,436 2,234,502

8711202100 Motorcycles, scooters, with recipro intcombust piston engine, 50 -125 cc, ckd 0 146,334 0 544,855

8711202400 Motorcycles, scooters, with recipro intcombust piston engine, 200 -250 cc, ckd 0 530 0 12,682

8711203000 Other motorcycles, recipro int pistonengine, 50 -250 cc, ckd 0 7,869 0 34,619

8711204100 Motorcycles, scooters, with recipro intcombust piston engine, 50-125 cc,not ckd 153,525 693,239 989,139 4,882,525

8711204200 Motorcycles, scooters, with recipro intcombust piston engine, 125-150cc,not ckd 36,809 276,241 430,009 3,059,940

8711204300 Motorcycles, scooters, with recipro intcombust piston engine, 150-200cc,not ckd 191,035 1,997,212 1,587,032 15,898,050

8711204400 Motorcycles, scooters, with recipro intcombust piston engine, 200-250cc,not ckd 145,027 623,817 2,262,745 10,077,330

8711209000 Other motorcycles, recipro int pistonengine, 50 -250 cc, not ckd 647 29,479 13,537 294,966

8711301090 Motocross motorcycles, with recipro intcombust pist engine, 250-500 cc, not ckd 2,239 14,976 66,865 140,150

8711309000 Other motorcycles, recipro int pistonengine, 250 -500 cc, not ckd 166 537 4,937 18,211

8711401090 Motocross motorcycles, with recipro intcombust pist engine, 500-800 cc, not ckd 189 16,730 4,500 211,009

8711409000 Other motorcycles, recipro int pistonengine, 500 -800 cc, not ckd 2,901 19,587 64,146 571,304

8711509000 Other motorcycles, recipro int pistonengine, > 800 cc, not ckd 1,722 100,453 48,019 2,871,811

8711904000 Side cars 0 44 0 3,432

8711905000 Other motorcycles, ckd 8,718 11,595 21,120 100,972

8711909000 Other motorcycles, not ckd 540 6,725 10,930 111,796

8712001000 Racing bicycles 732 7,428 232 20,112

8712002000 Bicycles designed to be ridden bychildren 1,749,615 19,177,466 1,427,017 14,867,410

8712003000 Other bicycles 219,977 2,106,299 331,590 1,919,518

8712009000 Other cycles 373,046 5,530,876 582,904 7,648,556

8713100000 Carriages for disabled persons, notmechanically propelled 8,868 110,310 27,367 315,561

8713900000 Carriages for disabled persons,mechanically propelled 0 228,746 0 468,058

8714110000 Saddles of motorcycles (incl. mopeds) 17,163 3,344,126 100,033 21,794,485

8714190010 Clutch assembly of motorcycles(incl. mopeds) 180,436 2,675,156 2,244,450 22,854,101

8714190020 Gear assembly of motorcycles(incl. mopeds) 332,349 3,366,487 2,008,342 14,494,986

8714190030 Spokes/nipples of motorcycles(incl. mopeds) 5,321,211 49,130,709 33,321,989 314,971,125

8714190040 Oth part & acces, for motorcycles ofsubheading, 8711.10, 8711.20/8711.90 167,106 3,017,661 141,071 24,928,317

8714190090 Oth part & acces, for motorcycles ofsubheading, 8711.30, 8711.40/8711.50 2,853,842 25,256,883 11,687,661 96,119,104

8714201100 Castors of a dia (incl. tyres) 76-100 mmthat the wheel width > 30 mm 0 10 0 131

8714201200 Castors of a dia(incl. tyres) 101-250 mmthat the wheel width > 30 mm 2,095 3,861 2,937 6,207

8714201900 Castors of a dia(incl. tyres) > 250 mmthat the wheel width > 30 mm 687 23,844 4,176 85,496

8714209000 Other parts of carriages for disabledpersons 0 61,225 0 266,479

8714911000 Frames & forks for bicycles of subhead8712.00.20 148,289 1,761,608 164,893 4,520,361

8714919000 Oth parts of forks 437,773 4,598,103 1,429,365 12,090,331

8714921000 Wheel rims and spokes for bicycles ofsubheading 8712.00.20 71,971 356,143 86,182 433,925

8714929000 Other wheel rims and spokes 246,072 4,079,557 821,272 15,865,182

8714931000 Hubs,(exlc coaster brake hub, hub brake,free/sprocket-wheel), bicycle 8712.00.20 30,159 237,448 83,461 404,401

8714939000 Oth hub, (exlc coaster braking hub, hubbrake, free/sprocket-wheel) 104,085 1,958,298 406,506 4,676,958

8714941000 Brakes,(incl coast brake hub,hub brake)for bicycles of subheading 8712.00.20 90,207 590,730 88,479 545,283

8714949000 Oth brakes, (incl coaster braking hubs,hub brakes) 265,048 3,208,147 1,104,559 12,373,034

8714951000 Saddles for bicycles of subhd 8712.00.20 31,987 323,090 25,048 280,033

8714959000 Other saddles 149,596 1,565,202 227,317 2,384,621

8714961000 Pedals and crank-gear,& parts thrf forbicycles of subheading 8712.00.20 34,652 313,894 19,767 184,189

8714969000 Other pedals and crank-gear,& parts thrf 171,435 2,316,929 460,582 3,667,613

8714991000 Parts & accessories of bicycle of subhd8712.00.20 66,350 303,966 364,509 527,782

8714999000 Parts & accessories of vehicle of head87.11 to 87.13. (exlc. 8712.00.20) 1,976,877 21,687,122 10,507,153 96,473,158

8715000000 Baby carriages, trailers, semi-trailers,oth vhcl, not mechanically propel;& part 114,809 1,053,852 287,077 2,065,112

8716100000 Trailers & semi-trailers of the caravantype, for housing/camping 0 541 0 8,801

8716200000 Self-loading/self-unloading trailers &semi-trailers for agricultural purposes 0 2,917 0 4,480

8716310000 Tanker trailers,tanker semi-trailers forthe transport of goods 24,136 649,517 79,261 1,157,243

8716394000 Agricultural trailers and semi-trailers 0 119,469 0 268,463

8716399000 Other trailers and semi-trailers for thetransport of goods 0 34,050 0 60,026

8716400000 Other trailers and semi-trailers 153,026 1,159,852 302,477 4,316,020



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

8716801000 Cart,wagon,sack truck,hand trolleys &similar hand-propelled vhcl used in fact 31,489 525,116 91,435 1,073,997

8716802000 Wheelbarrows a kind used in factory/workshops 40,849 1,090,423 41,990 717,985

8716809000 Oth vehicles, not mechanically propelled 47,176 704,609 143,404 1,338,964

8716901100 Wheels for trailers and semi-trailers 127,091 1,747,038 372,379 3,015,843

8716901300 Other parts for goods of subheading8716.20 6,538 103,309 21,677 196,015

8716901900 Other parts for trailers, semi-trailers 199,328 3,245,256 977,353 10,631,121

8716909100 Parts for goods of subhead 8716.80.10or 8716.80.20 41,822 375,023 75,952 612,302

8716909900 Other parts for other vehicles 186,048 1,593,977 594,736 4,169,395

8801000000 Balloon,dirigibles,glider, hang glidersand other non-powered aircraft. 0 4,692 0 85,075

8802110000 Helicopters of an unladen weight <=2,000 kg 850 11,603 6,000,000 19,657,973

8802120000 Helicopters of an unladen weight >2,000 kg 0 18,238 0 36,733,894

8802201000 Aeroplanes of an unladen weight<= 2,000 kg 30,000 76,100 2,864,250 8,386,211

8802209000 Other aircraft of an unladen weight,<= 2,000 kg 1,400 3,520 1,885,269 3,942,424

8802301000 Aeroplane of an unladen weight >2,000 kgand <= 15,000 kg 0 140,566 0 119,466,323

8802309000 Other aircraft of an unladen weight> 2,000 kg and <= 15,000 kg 0 3,000 0 211,914

8802401000 Aeroplanes of an unladen weight> 15,000 kg 367,633 2,231,401 162,412,610 836,486,542

8802409000 Other aircraft of an unladen weight> 15,000 kg 32,297 32,304 12,562,500 12,695,913

8802600000 Spacecraft (including satellites) andsuborbital, spacecraft launch vehicles 0 3 0 6,063

8803100000 Propellers, rotors, parts thereof ofheading 88.01/88.02. 1,110 18,286 15,792 2,585,793

8803200000 Under-carriages, parts thereof heading88.01/88.02. 1,066 6,164 174,526 223,135

8803300000 Other parts of aeroplanes/helicoptersheading 88.01/88.02. 18,938 146,079 1,979,735 30,639,007

8803901000 Parts of telecommunication satellites 796 8,712 31,977 1,361,645

8803902000 Parts of balloons, gliders/kites 100 1,300 325 10,325

8803909000 Other parts of goods of heading 88.01or 88.02 6,410 40,104 688,825 22,977,402

8804000000 Parachutes (incl dirigible parachutes,paragliders)&rotochutes,parts,acces thrf 8,134 14,512 1,471,805 2,713,506

8805100000 Aircraft launching gear, part thereof,deck arrestor/similar gear, part thereof 0 1,156 0 9,037

8805291000 Ground flying trainers 0 28,980 0 9,521,722

8805299000 Parts of ground flying trainers 0 5,239 0 109,340

8901101000 Cruise ships,excursion boats,ferry-boats of gross tonnage <= 26 ton 0 661,130 0 273,822

8901102000 Cruise ships,excursion boats,ferry-boats of gross tonnage>26 but<=250ton 0 2,060,916 0 1,559,997

8901103000 Cruise ships,excursion boats,ferry-boats of gross weight>250 but<=500ton 0 1,841,622 0 541,378

8901105000 Cruise ships,excurs boats,ferry-boatsof gross tonnage>4000but<=5000 0 791 0 7,861

8901106000 Cruise ships,excursion boats,ferry-boats of gross tonnage > 5000 ton 0 14,954,000 0 110,188,277

8901205000 Tankers of gross tonnage > 4000 but<= 5000 ton 0 16,165,600 0 28,005,438

8901206000 Tankers of gross tonnage > 5000 ton 0 149,356,147 0 151,647,330

8901901100 Other vessels, not motorised of grosstonnage <= 26 ton 0 711,842 0 5,715,115

8901901200 Other vessels, not motorised of grosstonnage > 26 but <= 250 ton 0 2,648,000 0 5,484,834

8901901400 Other vessels, not motorised of grosstonnage > 500 ton 19,875,000 77,158,601 31,168,382 78,305,246

8901902100 Other vessels, motorised of grosstonnage <= 26 ton 0 6,463 0 89,154

8901902200 Other vessels, motorised of grosstonnage > 26 but <= 250 ton 180,000 1,833,722 511,335 9,786,397

8901902300 Other vessels, motorised of grosstonnage > 250 but <= 500 ton 0 777,000 0 501,251

8901902400 Other vessels, motorised of grosstonnage > 500 but <= 4000 ton 1,340,000 13,018,000 300,000 33,241,080

8901902600 Other vessels, motorised of grosstonnage > 5000 ton 1,749,000 36,206,000 5,200,000 28,666,542

8902001100 Fishing vessels of gross tonnage<= 26 ton 0 13,096 0 344,727

8902001400 Fishing vessels of gross tonnage> 100 but <= 250 ton 0 312,000 0 1,390,000

8902001500 Fishing vessels of gross tonnage> 250 but <= 4000 ton 0 267,130 0 130,000

8902009600 Factory ships&oth vessels for proc/preserv fishery of gro ton > 4000 ton 6,196,000 6,197,838 225,000 229,826

8903100000 Yachts&oth vessels for pleasure/sportsrowing boats&canoes, inflatable 5,843 144,611 10,726 385,208

8903910000 Sailboats, with/withoutauxiliary motor, not inflatable 0 52,077 0 362,944

8903920000 Motorboats, other than outboard motor,not inflatable 277,000 288,013 42,011 227,386

8903990000 Other vessels for pleasure/sports;canoes, not inflatable 9,968 114,831 29,405 2,304,438

8904001100 Tugs of gross tonnage <= 26 ton 75,893 76,353 2,424,979 2,425,897

8904001900 Tugs of gro tonnage >26 ton, of apower <= 4000 hp 1,656,000 7,971,054 31,072,805 66,916,638

8904002100 Tugs of gro tonnage <26 ton, of apower <= 4000 hp 0 54,001 0 800,180

8904002900 Tugs of gro tonnage >26 ton, of apower > 4000 hp 0 640,733 0 6,892,904

8905100000 Dredgers 1,279,000 6,194,919 3,299,184 9,229,265

8905200000 Floating/submersible drilling/production platforms 0 754,653 0 16,211,476

8905901000 Floating docks of a gro ton > 100 tons 5 35,056 101 281,907

8905909000 Oth vessels w/navigability of which issubsidiary to their main function 1,043,649 31,534,306 680,524 11,596,142

8906100000 Warships 4,260 4,260 19,867 19,867

8906901000 Lifeboats oth than rowing boats, othvessels of displacement <= 30 tons 0 107,007 0 359,843

8906909000 Lifeboats oth than rowing boats, othvessels of displacement > 30 tons 43,375 1,023,430 215,953 4,258,474

8907100000 Floating structures, inflatable rafts 49,393 321,617 222,105 1,604,483

8907901000 Buoys 46,135 429,965 101,327 3,808,749

8907909000 Other floating structures 709,647 3,204,789 663,104 12,065,064

8908000000 Articles of headings 89.01-89.06imported for breaking up 98 49,883 6,550 177,913

9001101000 Optical fibres,optical fibre bundles&cables for telecom.&oth electrical use 6,982 97,018 791,461 8,958,544

9001109000 Optical fibres, optical fibrebundles&cables for other purpose 14,738 117,602 1,712,002 10,228,031

9001200000 Sheets&plates of polarising material 4,551 62,121 730,362 9,060,585

9001300000 Contact lenses 93,468 693,533 6,227,231 50,530,523

9001400000 Spectacle lenses of glass 24,780 123,878 49,931 878,651

9001500000 Spectacle lenses of other materials 5,650 216,009 178,868 3,154,757

9001901000 Lenses & optic elements for photograpor cinematographic cameras 213 7,195 12,636 46,141



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9001909010 Lenses & prisms forlighthouses/beacons 0 102 0 5,491

9001909090 Oth elements of glass not opticallyworked 7,040 48,601 119,401 945,336

9002111000 Objective lenses for cinematographicprojector 3,431 43,865 174,568 7,665,872

9002119000 Objective lenses for cameras & otherprojector 4,674 30,408 62,715 418,120

9002190000 Objective lenses for oth instruments& apparatus 339 2,832 23,891 537,890

9002201000 Filters for cinematographic projectors 1,343 1,657 52,995 64,150

9002202000 Filters for cinematographic cameras,photographic cameras & oth projectors 8,086 18,710 440,135 988,798

9002203000 Filters for telescopes/microscopes 218 326 5,881 7,672

9002209000 Filters for oth instruments&apparatus 38,898 135,245 261,893 1,525,103

9002901000 Lenses&prisms for lighthouses/beacons 9 2,478 144 29,001

9002903000 Lenses&prisms for cinematographic cam.photographic cameras&oth projectors 28 15,784 1,271 91,519

9002904000 Lenses&prisms for medical&surgicalinstruments 0 935 0 6,540

9002909000 Lenses&prisms for oth instruments 10,811 29,580 151,940 1,487,652

9003110000 Frames&mountings for spectacles,goggles of plastics 6,234 62,748 116,800 447,252

9003190000 Frames&mountings for spectacles,goggles of other materials 8,627 65,704 33,434 553,135

9003900000 Parts of frames&mountings forspectacles, goggles&the like 6,440 120,106 223,221 1,072,815

9004100000 Sunglasses 126,504 819,701 756,364 4,010,220

9004901000 Corrective spectacles 4,111 81,490 45,191 837,720

9004902000 Corrective goggles 143 246 2,111 5,211

9004905000 Protective goggles 3,047 19,122 19,772 130,248

9004909000 Other spectacles & goggles 100,375 808,418 350,874 2,559,522

9005100000 Binoculars 5,281 20,292 2,601 129,751

9005801000 Astronomical instrumens, excludinginstruments for radio-astronomy 0 800 0 1,519

9005809000 Monoculars & oth optical telescopes 239 188,341 2,406 2,120,474

9005901000 Parts&accessories (incl mountings) forastron.cal instr.ex.instrum.f rad.astr 947 7,267 63,128 421,137

9005909000 Parts&accessories (include mountings)for oth optical telescopes 9 12,985 152 178,140

9006101000 Laser photo plotters 0 18,919 0 414,662

9006109000 Oth cameras of a kind used forpreparing printing plates/cylinders 4,763 40,993 65,244 572,872

9006300000 Cameras specially design for underwater use for aerial survey, medical,or 0 6,422 0 5,809,803

9006400000 Instant print cameras 24 35,596 251 150,874

9006510000 Oth cameras with a slr, for roll filmof a width <= 35 mm 57 53,081 111 199,268

9006520010 Camr.of a kind used for recording doc.> 35 mm 0 4,733 0 23,406

9006520090 Other cameras for roll film of a width> 35 mm 367 386 6,232 9,347

9006530010 Cameras of a kind used for rec. doc onmicrofilm, microfiche 0 2 0 128

9006530090 Cameras of oth. a kind used for rec.doc on microfilm, microfiche 6,579 40,455 21,918 157,695

9006591000 Lasers photo plotters/imagesetterswith raster image processor 0 1,993 0 982

9006599010 Camr.of a kind used for recording doc.on mic.film, microfiche/oth microforms 146 247 5,503 9,102

9006599090 Other camera for recording documenton mic.film, microfiche/oth microforms 4,658 37,048 11,918 245,908

9006610000 Discharge lamp ("electronic") flashlight 1,238 16,368 6,264 53,525

9006690000 Oth photographic flashlight apparatus& flashbulbs 7,783 32,473 50,725 241,839

9006911000 Parts & accessories for laser photoplotters of subhd 9006.10.10 38 4,428 11,950 172,141

9006913000 Parts & accessories for cameras ofsubhead. 9006.40.00 to 9006.53.00 9,521 20,287 42,232 75,648

9006919000 Other parts & accessories for cameras 3,362 54,323 55,640 409,241

9006991000 Parts & accessories for photographicflash-light apparatus 85 11,465 357 47,347

9006999000 Parts & accessories not for photograpflash-light apparatus 7,990 48,336 1,242,549 8,002,178

9007110000 Cinematographic cameras for film ofwidth <16 mm/for double-8 mm film 0 2,397 0 18,886

9007190000 Other cinematographic cameras 27,027 56,882 340,807 785,468

9007201000 Projectors for film of <16 mm in width 6,764 61,953 24,278 162,743

9007209000 Oth projectors whether/not incorp.sound recording/reproducing apparatus 6,937 314,485 16,690 1,423,995

9007910000 Parts and accessories for cameras 2,442 53,381 915,544 8,523,209

9007920000 Parts and accessories for projectors 97 7,900 1,333 60,944

9008100000 Slide projectors, oth thancinematographic 445 75,249 5,942 4,400,888

9008200000 Microfilm, microfiche/oth m. readers,whether/not capable of prod. copies 757 9,598 41,533 534,341

9008300000 Other image projectors 15,106 126,288 151,726 1,021,540

9008401000 Photogr.enlargers&reducers (oth thanc.graphic) use in the print industry 0 302 0 864

9008409000 Other photographic enlargers andreducers (other than cinematographic) 8,789 22,942 78,458 117,613

9008901000 Parts and accessories of the goods ofsubheading 9008.20.00 70,859 671,850 3,399,190 44,124,601

9008909000 Parts and accessories of other imageprojectors 161 50,663 2,311 576,855

9010100000 Apparatus and equipment forautomatically developing x-ray film 52,038 667,006 1,420,697 22,992,263

9010501000 App. for the projec./drawing of circ.patt.on sensit.substrates for mk ofPCB 0 354 0 7,747

9010509000 Oth app&equip for p.grap (includingcinematographic); negatoscopes 573 74,556 20,439 153,027

9010600000 Projection screens of 300 inchesor more 36,626 358,900 106,052 884,771

9010901000 Parts&acc. for projection screens,/for articels of subheading 9010.10 15,620 81,781 25,326 151,369

9010903000 Parts&acc.of app for the projection/drawing of circuit patt. of PCB/PWBs 0 7,339 0 9,949

9010909000 Parts & acc.of oth apparatus&equipfor photographics laboratories 24,722 151,241 116,192 1,306,356

9011100000 Stereoscopic microscopes 4,647 7,851 67,166 258,913

9011200000 Other microscopes, for photomicrograpcinephotomicrography/microproject 1,720 8,880 344,413 1,254,382

9011800000 Other microscopes 7,591 119,216 193,286 2,014,708

9011900000 Parts and accessories of stereoscopicmicroscope 2,079 25,380 64,316 255,283

9012100000 Microscopes oth than optical microscopediffraction apparatus 7,306 38,651 19,004 466,204

9012900000 Parts and accessories for microscope 3,793 34,813 11,570 58,478

9013100000 Telescopic sights for fitting to armsperiscopes; telescopes design to form 3,470 21,411 57,772 814,188

9013200000 Lasers, other than laser diodes 10,193 43,560 27,615 1,017,712



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9013801000 Optical error verifications&repairapp.for PCB/PWBs&PCAs 51 11,048 3,230 276,679

9013802000 Liquid crystal devices 3,024 51,026 314,241 2,915,230

9013809000 Other devices, appliances&instrumentsof other optical appliances 4,786 61,453 588,286 5,448,198

9013901000 Parts & accessories of goods ofsubheading 9013.20.00 1 966 340 10,784

9013903000 Parts & acc.of goods of sub head.9013.10.00/9013.80.00 384 384 18,435 18,435

9013909000 Parts&accessories of other goods ofsubheading 90.13 0 1,827 0 139,052

9014100000 Direction finding compasses 64,061 314,664 1,299,357 2,702,800

9014200000 Instrum.&appl.for aeronautical/spacenavigation (other than compasses) 0 239 0 74,657

9014801000 Navig'nal instrum.&appl.used on ships,work with an automatic data processor 0 8,693 0 746,346

9014809000 Other navigationalinstruments&appliances 2,099 73,981 698,041 5,444,427

9014901000 Parts&acc.of ships navig'nal instrumwork with an automatic data process. 0 702 0 10,592

9014909000 Parts&accessories of oth navigationalinstruments&appliances 22,597 44,623 1,934,656 4,427,091

9015101000 Rangefinders used in photography&cinematography 0 12 0 162

9015109000 Other rangefinders 244 40,878 36,631 1,387,045

9015200000 Theodolites and tachymeters(tacheometers) 1,401 19,140 37,083 771,939

9015300000 Levels [measuring higher of ground] 46,137 147,961 31,023 167,065

9015400000 Photogrammetrical surveyinginstruments & appliances 18,395 403,320 135,920 2,119,940

9015801000 Radio sonde and radio wind apparatus 0 15,073 0 141,914

9015809000 Other instruments&appliancesfor surveying 37,956 445,437 3,148,383 23,686,624

9015900000 Parts&accessories of surveyinginstruments and appliances 83,092 544,225 4,364,370 23,212,755

9016001000 Balances of a sens'vity of 5cg/better,w/without their weights, electronic 12,924 87,101 177,740 2,518,227

9016009000 Balances of a sens'vity of 5cg/better,w/without their weights,not electronic 26,828 321,492 185,207 1,919,380

9017101000 Plotters whether i/o units of hd 84.71or drawing/drafting of head 90.17 433 21,657 28,800 595,951

9017109000 Other drafting tables & machines,whether/not automatic 5,670 48,917 33,528 212,037

9017201000 Rulers 37,227 282,334 65,829 523,110

9017203000 App.for the project/drawing of circ.patt.on sens'zed subs's for mfc.of PCB 4 2,064 168 61,153

9017205000 Plotters whether i/o units of h 84.71/drawing/drafting machines of h 90.17 417 1,060 2,500 39,667

9017209000 Other drawing, marking-out/mathematical calculating instruments 12,978 168,793 29,748 429,350

9017300000 Micrometers, callipers and gauges 23,214 333,397 462,345 6,661,280

9017800000 Other instruments micrometerscallipers&gauges 225,750 1,864,788 543,999 4,429,208

9017902000 Parts&acc.of app.for the project/drwgof circ.patt.on sens.subs'tes for PCB 0 105 0 9,135

9017904000 Parts&acc.incl.PCA of plotters whetheri/o units of head 84.71/of head 90.17 0 983 0 1,234

9017909000 Parts and accessories of otherinstruments 15,251 58,754 49,002 400,458

9018110000 Electro-cardiographs 1,669 18,920 82,080 646,512

9018120000 Ultrasonic scanning apparatus 4,442 24,710 378,017 2,181,166

9018130000 Magnetic resonance imagingapparatus 11,680 75,831 817,290 3,699,164

9018190000 Other electro-diagnostic apparatus 88,192 768,667 2,490,152 18,665,134

9018200000 Ultra-violet/infra-red ray apparatus 5,200 69,765 45,288 2,534,762

9018311000 Disposable syringes 108,023 971,780 829,485 6,797,117

9018319000 Other syringes, with/without needles 48,237 362,050 563,800 4,267,472

9018320000 Tubular metal needles and needles forsutures 38,494 325,943 474,096 3,952,542

9018391000 Oth. catheters 7,810 105,122 223,799 1,798,510

9018392000 Oth.tubular metal needles and needlesfor sutures 3,796 30,609 29,700 306,828

9018399000 Other instruments and appliances,used in dental science 196,970 3,725,001 2,651,644 20,378,015

9018410000 Dental drill eng.,whether/not comb.on a single bs with oth dental equip. 12 2,822 368 30,158

9018490000 Oth.dental drill eng.,whether/not comb.on a single bs with oth dental equip. 95 39,286 1,025 262,777

9018500000 Other ophthalmicinstruments&appliances 694 15,204 88,698 511,810

9018902000 Intravenous administration set (adult) 5,157 40,743 134,008 925,984

9018903000 Electronic instruments and appliances 5,713 23,458 5,712 1,419,179

9018909000 Other instruments&appliances inmedical 311,044 3,085,003 4,780,306 40,072,911

9019101000 Electr. mechano-therapy appl.massageapparatus 71,864 1,308,729 453,143 8,024,852

9019109000 Oth. electr. mechano-therapy appl.massage app. 33,596 348,259 214,879 2,305,550

9019200000 Ozone therapy,oxygen therapy, aerosoltherapy, artificial respiration/other 18,377 81,865 225,067 1,280,346

9020000000 Oth breathing appl.&gas masks, excl.protec.masks having neith. mech'l part 24,228 177,651 459,299 4,048,525

9021100000 Orthopaedic/fracture appliances 18,357 119,318 78,717 512,195

9021210000 Artificial teeth 0 5,635 0 18,335

9021290000 Other artificial teeth 2,775 5,735 8,658 142,926

9021310000 Artificial joints 0 862 0 5,572

9021390000 Other artificial joints 1,021 2,248 6,731 21,411

9021400000 Hearing aids, excluding parts andaccessories 370 1,080 1,619 7,644

9021500000 Pacemakers for stimulating heartmuscles,excluding parts&accessories 0 345 0 25,349

9021900000 Oth appl.which are worn/carried/implanin the body,to comp'ate for a defect 15,217 116,351 4,963,774 59,630,886

9022120000 Computed tomography apparatus 13,337 71,570 1,002,610 6,152,434

9022130000 Oth. computed tomography apparatusfor dental use 87 8,435 5,740 281,865

9022140000 Oth. computed tomography apparatusfor medical, surgical/veterinary uses 36,677 166,499 3,034,802 8,528,709

9022191000 X-ray app for the physical inspectionof solder joints on PCB/PWB assemblies 0 27,038 0 516,283

9022199000 X-ray apparatus for other uses 12,003 186,355 534,532 8,177,857

9022210000 Alpha,beta/gamma radiations app formedic.surgical,dental/veterinary uses 5,989 70,515 59,386 1,819,007

9022290000 Alpha, beta/gamma radiationsapparatus for other uses 2,028 157,161 229,270 13,928,706

9022300000 X-ray tubes for medical, surgical,/veterinary uses 594 6,813 160,586 901,490

9022901000 Parts&acc.of x-ray app f the physicalinspec.of solder joints on PCAs 487 5,047 21,309 66,878

9022909000 Parts & accessories for other x-ray,alpha,beta/gamma radiations apparatus 9,129 155,676 512,344 3,950,473

9023000000 Instrum. app.&models,for demonstra'nalpurp.(exam. in education/exhibitions) 22,408 382,300 1,040,215 16,142,252



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9024101000 Machines and appliances for testingmetals, electrically operated 17,562 135,020 292,502 2,629,077

9024109000 Machines and appliances for testingmetals, non-electrically operated 37,526 98,557 219,579 1,377,780

9024801000 Machines & appliances for testingother material, electrically operated 9,725 70,078 525,361 5,546,756

9024809000 Machines &appliances for testing othermaterial, non-electrically operated 10,060 122,935 269,015 2,515,090

9024901000 Parts&acc. for elec. operated machinesand appliances for testing materials 977 15,016 71,579 762,262

9024902000 Parts&acc.for non-elect'lly operatedmachines&appl. for testing materials 18 3,652 1,099 150,165

9025110000 Thermometers&pyrometers not combinedwith oth instruments, liquid filled 11,309 128,174 90,023 1,426,460

9025191000 Thermometers&pyrometers not combinedwith oth instruments, electrical 8,356 140,019 172,578 2,175,458

9025192000 Thermometers&pyrometers not combinedwith oth instruments, non electrical 5,158 73,411 247,749 1,681,212

9025801000 Temperature gauges for motor vehicles 1,632 13,679 9,097 173,631

9025802000 Oth. temperature gauges for motor vehic.electrical 23,273 155,228 250,500 2,310,262

9025803000 Oth. temperature gauges for motor vehic.non electrical 2,147 57,311 118,919 658,760

9025901000 Parts and accessories for electricallyoperated instruments 1,934 40,074 27,109 288,077

9025902000 Parts & accessories for non-electrically operated instruments 2,817 22,095 53,003 621,959

9026101000 Level gauges for motor vehicleselectrically operated 10,623 68,306 175,354 1,446,127

9026102000 Level gauges for motor vehicles notelectrically operated 9,466 76,354 244,625 1,316,486

9026103000 Oth measur/checking the flow/level ofliquids instrum.,elec.oprt 46,531 517,155 1,635,086 13,845,598

9026109000 Oth measur/checking the flow/level ofliquids instrum.,not elec.op 14,150 176,111 303,495 2,977,811

9026201000 Presure gauges for motor vehicles,electrically operated 8,286 60,590 241,224 1,196,530

9026202000 Presure gauges for motor vehicles,not electrically operated 1,454 27,141 31,427 290,826

9026203000 Other measuring/checking pressureinstruments, electrically operated 29,591 668,428 767,907 10,899,473

9026204000 Other measuring/checking pressureinstruments, not electrically operated 10,359 222,172 178,035 2,608,118

9026801000 Oth instruments/app. for measuring, electrically operated 14,275 144,388 278,270 4,627,684

9026802000 Oth instruments/app. for measuring,not electrically operated 35,140 300,793 199,064 2,061,890

9026901000 Parts&acc. for electrically operatedinstruments and apparatus 15,964 185,469 528,338 10,308,262

9026902000 Parts&acc.for nn-electrically operatedinstruments and apparatus 10,546 142,313 232,844 3,173,114

9027101000 Gas/smoke analysis apparatus,electrically operated 14,712 177,806 397,300 4,682,656

9027102000 Gas/smoke analysis apparatusnot electrically operated 1,491 13,471 113,981 403,320

9027201000 Chromatographs&elektrophoresis instrum, electrically operated 4,111 17,835 265,827 1,278,551

9027202000 Chromatographs&elektrophoresis instrum, not electrically operated 764 1,832 7,034 77,349

9027301000 Spectrometers,sp.photometers&sp.graphsuse optic radiat,elect'lly operated 13,750 51,567 880,575 4,197,315

9027302000 Spectrometers,sp.photometers&sp.graphsuse optic radiat,nt-elect'lly operated 362 3,104 43,469 412,737

9027501000 Oth instrum.&app.using optic radiat'ns(uv, visible, ir), electr'lly operated 3,321 72,574 249,715 6,617,764

9027502000 Oth instrum.&app.using optic radiat'ns(uv,visible,ir),not-elect'lly operated 2,927 7,263 389,394 907,170

9027801000 Exposure meters 594 4,831 47,913 676,474

9027802000 Coagulometers 3,871 32,235 291,522 2,172,294

9027803000 Other instruments and apparatuselectrically operated 8,300 134,775 512,608 8,881,149

9027804000 Other instruments and apparatusnot electrically operated 3,651 37,630 40,106 2,567,473

9027901000 Parts&acc.includg PCA of h 90.27,othfor gas/smoke analysis app.&microtomes 1,600 19,521 102,180 1,022,596

9027909100 Parts&acc. of gas/smoke analysis app.and microtomes, electrically operated 6,346 40,543 168,918 1,242,286

9027909900 Parts&acc. of gas/smoke analysis app.&microtomes,not-electrically operated 17,364 239,808 203,517 4,393,108

9028101000 Gas meters of a kind mounted in gascontainers 22 92,141 2,429 507,975

9028109000 Other gas meters of kind mountedin gas containers 10,848 162,405 192,893 2,223,207

9028201000 Totalizing water meters 69,674 516,929 259,596 1,733,361

9028209000 Other liquid meters 64,095 348,152 450,676 2,061,217

9028301000 Kilowatt hour meters 21,651 259,586 490,904 4,991,655

9028309000 Other electricity meters 20,109 311,597 333,599 2,503,605

9028901000 Water meter housings/bodies 24,263 227,309 171,404 1,498,455

9028909000 Oth parts&accessories of gas, liquid/electricity supply/production meters 136,546 1,994,215 1,478,243 22,078,546

9029102000 Taximeters 12,301 15,946 48,445 72,696

9029109000 Mileometers, pedometers and the like 21,418 98,927 242,454 1,372,353

9029201000 Speedometer for motor vehicles 110,324 890,620 1,165,878 9,092,148

9029202000 Tachometers for motor vehicles 34,844 287,536 352,952 3,397,189

9029209000 Oth speed indicators&tachometers;stroboscopes 41,325 395,592 920,049 10,677,329

9029901000 Parts&acc.of goods of sub h 9029.10/of stroboscopes of subheading 9029.20 70,844 514,619 977,457 7,954,694

9029902000 Parts and accessories of goods ofsubheading 9029.20 66,722 758,776 2,096,443 20,140,412

9030100000 Instruments & apparatus for measuring/detecting ionising radiations 1,225 31,874 282,972 2,028,814

9030200000 Cathode-ray oscilloscopes &cathode-ray oscillographs 11,726 42,544 256,510 959,679

9030310000 Multimeters without a recording device 10,439 97,873 242,447 777,513

9030320000 Multimeters with a recording device 1,010 15,622 26,448 205,318

9030331000 Instruments and apparatus for measuring/check voltage without a rec. device 58,928 194,934 10,028,469 11,247,992

9030332000 Impedance-measuring instruments andapparatus designed to provide visual 4,356 20,534 26,675 4,025,958

9030333000 Ammeters and voltmeters for motorvehicles 2,620 13,873 25,751 156,265

9030339000 Oth instr&app for meas'g/check.voltagecurr.resist./power,w/o record. device 35,816 286,522 1,076,685 3,873,338

9030390000 Other heading 90.30with a recording device 86,419 266,078 1,271,057 7,574,898

9030400000 Other instruments and apparatus,designed for telecommunications 247 7,096 489,118 1,429,790

9030821000 Wafer probers 0 16,171 0 1,039,820

9030829000 Oth instrum.&app.for measuring/checking semiconductor wafers/devices 8,241 65,044 379,098 5,892,117

9030841000 Instruments & app., with a recordingfor measure, check electrical quantities 36 11,769 325 1,117,319

9030849000 Oth instru. and app., with a recordingfor measure, check electrical quantities 110 1,175 13,503 164,814

9030891000 Instru.&app.s,w/o recording device forgoods other than subheading 9030.39 5 1,230 2,936 145,278

9030899000 Other instruments & apparatus,without recording device 8,657 84,147 494,283 3,102,630

9030901000 Parts&accessories including PCA ofgoods of subhead 9030.40&9030.82 586 16,409 28,772 770,035



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9030902000 Parts&acc. of instrum.&app for measure/check elect'al quantities on PCB&PCAs 360 7,934 53,871 1,044,226

9030903000 Parts&acc.of optical instrum.&appl.formeasuring/checking PCB/PWBs&PCAs 945 3,304 4,826 223,524

9030909000 Other parts&accessories of goods ofhead 90.30 21,469 105,862 1,423,159 5,003,121

9031101000 Machines for balancing mechanicalparts, electrically operated 41,824 277,974 479,121 8,004,074

9031102000 Machines for balancing mechanicalparts, not electrically operated 40 12,301 520 108,687

9031201000 Test benches, electrically operated 19,696 138,390 243,160 7,317,058

9031202000 Test benches,not electrically operated 7,650 20,520 103,063 412,228

9031410000 Oth optical instrum.&appl.for inspec.s.cond.wafers/devices/p.masks/reticles 3,405 6,480 4,746 42,110

9031491000 Optic' instrum&appl.for measur surfaceparticulate contamn. on s.cond. wafers 9 1,336 35 109,419

9031492000 Optical error verification&repair app.for PCB/PWBs and PCAs 0 687 0 20,118

9031493000 Optical instrum.&appl. for measuring/checking PCB/PWBs&PCAs 0 2,637 0 223,102

9031499000 Other optical instruments andappliances for other purposes 16,089 172,812 1,515,792 7,457,070

9031801100 Cable test equipment, electricallyoperated 21,868 120,584 374,707 2,417,657

9031801900 Cable test equipment, not electricallyoperated 2,177 10,199 46,793 532,620

9031809200 Other instruments, appliances&machinesof head 90.31, electrically operated 81,853 1,187,587 3,052,546 22,609,068

9031809900 Other instruments, appl.&machines ofhead 90.31, not electrically operated 18,126 139,049 232,950 5,904,860

9031901100 Parts&acc.incl.PCA of optical instrum.&appl.for inspecting s.cond. wafers 90 2,365 10,221 115,601

9031901200 Parts&acc.of optical error verific.&repair app.for PCB/PWBs&PCAs 0 52 0 888

9031901300 Parts&acc.of optic. miscrocopes fittedw/equip.for hand&trans.of s.cond wafer 281 2,252 19,730 93,842

9031901900 Parts&accessories for otherelectrically operated equipment 9,026 109,741 211,544 2,855,319

9031902000 Parts&accessories for non-electricallyoperated equipment 2,153 24,249 33,856 423,202

9032101000 Thermostats, electrically operated 59,629 626,963 484,940 4,775,545

9032102000 Thermostats, not electrically operated 3,754 98,068 49,767 582,246

9032201000 Manostats, electrically operated 772 15,156 35,703 335,694

9032202000 Manostats, not electrically operated 148 9,971 1,378 59,455

9032810000 Hydraulic/pneumatic regulating/ctrllinginstruments and apparatus 18,139 123,887 208,908 2,503,160

9032891000 Instru.&app.fitt.with anautomatic dataprocess.mach. for controll the propul. 3,158 89,035 66,344 3,789,824

9032892000 Automatic instrum.&app.for controllingchem./electro-chem.solutions in PCA/PWB 584 72,771 1,290 472,530

9032893100 Automatic regulating voltage units(stabilizers) 173,123 1,309,227 372,673 2,350,072

9032893900 Oth automatic regulating/controllinginstrum.&app., electrically operated 71,875 574,751 635,536 7,612,135

9032899000 Oth automatic regulating/controllinginstrum.&app.not electrically operated 173,716 1,268,701 5,164,814 33,821,205

9032901000 Parts and accessories of goods ofsubheading 9032.89.10 135 3,684 24,192 95,772

9032902000 Parts and accessories of goods ofsubheading 9032.89.20 314 553 3,094 44,023

9032903000 Parts and accessories of other goods,electrically operated 13,298 147,149 198,452 2,926,547

9032909000 Parts and accessories of other goods,not electrically operated 29,270 264,062 1,150,276 10,501,344

9033001000 Parts&acc. for machines,appl.,instrum.of chapter 90 for elect'ly operated 63,095 291,714 1,109,185 10,616,493

9033002000 Parts&acc. for mach.appl.,instrum.ofchap. 90 for not electrically operated 19,630 156,091 617,478 4,644,764

9101110000 Elec'ly wrist-watches,whether/not withastopwatch fac'ty,wi mech.display only 1 413 58 34,977

9101190000 Elec'ly wrist-watches,whether/not withastopwatch facility,with oth display 721 6,544 295 251,689

9101290000 Oth wrist-watches,whether/not withastop-watch fac'ty,w non auto. winding 3,394 7,274 50,394 141,697

9101910000 Other wrist-watches, electricallyoperated 42 972 1,260 2,115

9101990000 Other wrist-watches, not electricallyoperated 3 1,439 6,253 50,242

9102110000 Elec'ly wrist-watches oth head 91.01,wh'er/not w astop.w. faclt,w/mech.dspl 944 9,227 134,855 1,178,536

9102120000 Elec'ly wrist-watches oth head 91.01,w/nw a s.watch fac'ty,w op-elec.displ 0 3,169 0 5,781

9102190000 Elec.ly wrist-watches othh91.0,whether/not w/astopwatch faclt,w/oth display 32,063 728,016 89,758 2,132,905

9102210000 Oth wrist-watches oth h91.01, whether/nt with a s.watch fac'ty,w/autom.wndg 276 31,497 27,595 5,366,392

9102290000 Oth wrist-watches oth h91.01, whether/nt w/a s.watch fac'ty,w/n.autom.wndg 69,168 469,553 154,207 1,690,742

9102911000 Stop-watches, electrically operated 2 13,436 192 32,069

9102919000 Other wrist-watches oth head 91.01,electrically operated 101 9,392 447 54,246

9102990000 Other wrist-watches oth head 91.02,electrically operated 26,988 442,784 84,742 1,019,901

9103100000 Clocks with watch movements, excludingclocks ofh91.04.,electrically operated 0 19,142 0 43,737

9103900000 Clocks with watch movements, excludingclocks ofh91.04.,not elec'ly operated 12 968 330 3,057

9104001000 Instrument panel clocks & clocks of asimilar type, for vehicles 6,301 34,812 239,089 1,765,775

9104002000 Instrument panel clocks & clocks of asimilar type, for aircraft 0 15 0 14,975

9104003000 Instrument panel clocks & clocks of asimilar type, for vessels 7 85 76 692

9104009000 Instrument panel clocks & clocks of asimilar type, for spacecraft 1 135 18 28,835

9105110000 Alarm clocks, electrically operated 29,437 244,937 22,489 355,271

9105190000 Alarm clocks,not electrically operated 28,427 213,882 85,299 669,307

9105210000 Wall clocks, electrically operated 6,120 98,685 33,127 366,522

9105290000 Wall clocks, not electrically operated 23,504 356,614 73,057 1,045,661

9105910010 Marine and similar chronometers(oth. than clocks of heading 91.04) 0 1,435 0 3,957

9105910020 Public clocks for building; clocks forcentralised electric clock systems 0 1,139 0 1,855

9105910090 Oth. Clocks, electrically operated 1,906 66,698 8,888 226,947

9105990010 Oth. marine and similar chronometers(oth. than clocks of heading 91.04) 0 5 0 574

9105990090 Oth. Clocks, not electrically operated 744 43,686 6,149 150,298

9106100000 Time-registers; time-recorders 10,317 94,796 142,114 783,610

9106900000 Oth time record.&intervals of time appw/clock/watch move./with synchron.mtr 4,382 142,144 68,222 1,040,051

9107000000 Time switches with clock/watchmovement/with synchronous motor. 12,267 104,629 103,550 1,211,922

9108110000 Watch move., comp.&assem. with mech.display only, electrically operated 0 3 0 54

9108120000 Watch movements,comp.&assem.with opto-elect'nic display only, elect'ly oprtd 0 1 0 23

9108190000 Other watch movements, complete &assembled, electrically operated 0 45,809 0 155,674

9108200000 Watch move., comp.&assem. with mech.-with automatic winding 36 305 3,969 19,841

9108900000 Other watch movements, complete &assembled, not electrically operated 94 6,896 176 36,078



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9109110000 Clock movements of alarm clocks,compl.and assembled, electrically operated 782 6,723 2,777 12,736

9109190000 Clock movements of oth clocks, compl.&assembled, electrically operated 3,470 135,403 17,668 475,424

9109900000 Clock movements, complete andassembled, not electrically operated 512 99,042 1,673 246,289

9110110000 Complete movements, unassem./partlyassem.(movement sets) of watches 6,623 33,908 71,125 496,141

9110190000 Rough movements of watches 0 54 0 916

9110900000 Oth. compl/incomplete movements,unassem.or assembled (movement sets) of clock 1 15,617 32 61,773

9111200000 Watch cases of base metal, whetheror not gold/silver-plated 1,909 8,169 5,528 28,688

9111800000 Other watch cases 15,070 34,834 122,125 684,348

9111900000 Parts of watch cases 7,031 18,669 8,631 29,631

9112200000 Clock cases and cases of a similartype for other goods of this chapter 1,678 7,172 3,452 12,959

9112900000 Part of clock cases&cases of a similartype for other goods of this chapter 1,168 8,080 4,154 23,872

9113100000 Watchstraps,watch band&watch braceletsof precious mtl/of mtl clad w/prec.mtl 17 70 39,839 73,302

9113200000 Watchstraps,watch bands& bracelets,of base metal,wheth/not gold/s plated 5,358 13,234 4,643 31,479

9113900000 Other watchstraps, watch bands &watch bracelets 11,835 118,519 57,899 854,479

9114100000 Springs, including hair-springs ofclock/watch 133 217 2,285 2,558

9114200000 Jewels of clock/watch 0 868 0 1,957

9114300000 Dials of clock/watch 171 12,715 384 37,299

9114400000 Plates and bridges of clock/watch 44 4,998 48 5,169

9114900000 Other parts of clock/watch 19,001 225,551 60,113 675,909

9201100000 Upright pianos 5,264 102,384 26,045 371,737

9201200000 Grand pianos 415 57,595 12,700 615,131

9201900000 Oth pianos,including automatic pianos;harpsichords&oth keybrd string.instr. 15,717 354,246 53,074 688,174

9202100000 String musical instruments playedw/a bow 969 31,417 3,200 222,110

9202900000 Other string musical instrumentsplayed 19,414 161,390 102,835 952,607

9205100000 Brass-wind instruments 5,897 34,841 5,758 125,523

9205901000 Keyboard pipe organ; harmonium & similarkeyboard instrum with free metal reeds 0 95,989 0 368,794

9205909000 Oth. keyboard pipe organs, harmoniumswith free metal reeds 10,290 307,878 38,149 2,182,182

9206000000 Percussion musical instruments(forexp, drm,xylophones,cymbals,castanets) 70,592 997,437 324,297 3,876,318

9207100000 Keyboard instruments, other thanaccordions 46,177 269,631 308,584 2,399,449

9207900000 Oth musical instruments,the sound isproduc/must be amplified,electrically 18,681 384,281 74,185 3,370,110

9208100000 Musical boxes 3,202 43,157 20,988 202,671

9208901000 Decoy calls, call horns &other mouthblown sound signalling instruments 1,434 23,695 3,681 120,053

9208909000 Oth musical instruments not fallingwithin any oth heading of this chapter 3,512 86,498 3,578 250,897

9209300000 Musical instrument strings 22,699 306,422 180,672 2,786,455

9209911000 Strung backs, keyboards and metalframes for upright pianos 166,859 2,549,837 941,716 13,995,689

9209919000 Other parts and accessories for pianos 739,293 5,363,871 5,162,994 33,993,940

9209920000 Parts & accessories for the musicalinstruments of heading 92.02 164,746 1,088,400 1,282,959 8,551,681

9209940000 Parts & accessories for the musicalinstruments of heading 92.07 4,687 1,442,367 130,452 13,576,463

9209990000 Parts & accessories for other musicalinstruments 92,920 688,333 1,461,821 18,216,772

9301110000 Artillery weapons (for example, guns,howitzers & mortars), self-propelled 472 2,875 102,422 111,999

9301190000 Artillery weapons(for ex.guns,howitzer& mortars), not self-propelled 98 2,581 2,851 2,388,967

9301200000 Rocket launcers;flame-throwers;grenadelauncers; torpedo tub&sim. projectors 0 17,000 0 384,500

9301900000 Oth military weapons,o than revolvers,pistols & the arms of heading 93.07 2,942 18,885 2,074 3,568,937

9302000000 Revolvers and pistols, otherthan those of heading 93.03/93.04. 243 610 13,335 49,034

9303100000 Muzzle-loading firearms 13 84 666 6,449

9303209000 Oth sporting/target-shooting shotguns,including combination shotgun-rifles 0 1,252 0 352,642

9303900000 Oth firearms&sim. device which operateby the firing of an explosive charge 570 1,288 116,282 295,547

9304009000 Oth arms (for example,spring, air/gasguns&pistols),excl.those of head 93.07 0 2,302 0 19,033

9305100000 Parts and accessories of revolvers/pistols 0 12 0 3,130

9305219000 Shotgun barrels of other shotguns 0 4,429 0 57,541

9305910000 Parts and accessories of militaryweapons of heading 93.01 0 113 0 55,119

9305999000 Parts and accessories of other arms 145 161 2,277 5,125

9306210000 Cartridges for shortgun and air gun 93 14,626 787 54,452

9306290000 Parts of cartridges, gun pellets 1,335 6,101 291,424 414,174

9306301000 Oth cartridges&parts thereof use forrevolvers & pistols of heading 93.02 12 12 1,076 1,076

9306302000 Cartridges for riveting/similar toolsor for captive-bolt humane killers and 0 837 0 33,543

9306309000 Other cartridges and parts thereof usefor other arms 0 594 0 2,403

9306900000 Other cartridges, missiles and similarmunitions of war & parts thereof 7,383 14,824 72,603 2,948,264

9307000000 Swords,cutlasses,bayonets,lances&similar arms&parts thereof &scabbards 11 459 17 20,029

9401100000 Seats of a kind used for aircraft,convertible into beds 0 8,310 0 90,101

9401200000 Seats of a kind used for motorvehicles, converti-ble into beds 52,758 315,693 280,521 2,163,956

9401300000 Swivel seats with variable heightadjustment 151,730 2,564,679 533,958 6,941,921

9401400000 Seats other than garden seats/camping 89,668 610,650 215,664 1,591,162

9401510010 Seats of rattan 0 3,359 0 10,290

9401510090 Other seats of rattan 2 5,608 12 25,753

9401590000 Other seats of bamboo/rattan 4,123 97,656 11,039 73,151

9401610000 Upholstered 104,234 1,296,667 356,015 4,238,063

9401690000 Other upsholstered 119,976 711,265 346,897 2,070,437

9401710000 Other seats, with metal frames,upholstered 404,076 3,213,605 959,503 8,099,192

9401790000 Other seats, with metal frames, notupholstered 340,268 3,113,456 785,624 5,479,382

9401801000 Baby walkers 16,288 67,195 41,987 167,541

9401809000 Other seats 142,929 718,618 260,364 1,478,898

9401901010 Parts of aircraft seats of plastics 7,293 43,044 10,753 707,257



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9401901090 Oth parts of aircraft seats of plastics 1,262 61,545 9,639 1,339,659

9401902000 Parts of baby walkers 0 815 0 632

9401909100 Parts of seats of goods of subheading9401.20.00/9401.30.00 401,548 3,418,048 3,174,930 25,510,410

9401909910 Oth.of goods of subheading of plastic9401.20/9401.30 68,337 471,942 123,846 850,903

9401909990 Oth.of goods of subheading9401.20/9401.30 512,018 4,421,775 3,161,607 25,315,304

9402101000 Dentists' chairs 26,872 245,593 227,796 2,123,609

9402103000 Barbers' and hairdressers' chairs andparts 12,407 177,310 36,355 439,988

9402109000 Other dentists, hairdressers & barberschairs and part thereof 18,535 337,641 68,906 1,001,599

9402901000 Furntr.designed for medical,surgical/veterinary surg.purp.&parts thereof 11,466 213,250 94,985 1,000,741

9402909000 Oth. furntr.design for medical,surgical/veterinary surg.purp.&parts thereof 102,600 1,212,987 1,226,068 5,472,026

9403100000 Mtl furniture of a kind used in office 256,475 3,679,959 417,830 3,816,900

9403200000 Other metal furniture 824,547 7,253,234 1,573,625 12,272,394

9403300000 Wooden furniture of a kind usedin offices 544,855 7,584,914 942,093 9,126,902

9403400000 Wooden furniture of a kind usedin the kitchen 118,498 1,886,951 137,333 1,937,838

9403500000 Wooden furniture of a kind usedin the bedroom 669,937 5,507,272 866,809 6,925,925

9403600000 Other wooden furniture 692,854 6,666,790 1,232,127 11,180,009

9403700000 Furniture of plastics 111,828 700,312 149,904 1,167,974

9403810010 Bedroom, dining room/living room sets ofrattan 0 28,725 0 40,318

9403810020 Bedroom, dining room/living room sets ofother materials 41,400 143,486 39,779 222,980

9403810030 Furnt. of plas. of kind used in parksgardens/vestibules 332 4,374 216 4,209

9403810040 Fume cupboards for use in medicallaboratories 0 863 0 3,752

9403810090 Other furniture of bamboo or rattan 12,194 117,298 66,564 412,909

9403890010 Bedroom, dining room/living roomsets of other materials 39,828 779,127 82,999 1,050,322

9403890020 Oth furniture of a kind used in parks,garden/vestibules 5,851 89,417 9,033 116,695

9403890030 Fume cupboards for use in medical lab.of cane,osier,bamboo/similar materials 0 28,207 0 134,003

9403890090 Other furniture 155,787 1,108,003 195,106 1,701,670

9403900000 Parts of other furniture 332,173 3,590,635 587,852 6,656,442

9404100000 Mattress supports 4,598 100,141 56,206 350,874

9404210000 Mattresses of cell. rubber/plastics,whether/not covered 6,695 457,451 31,571 431,460

9404291000 Mattress springs of other materials 48,400 259,393 169,050 926,231

9404292000 Mattress of hyperthermia/hyphothermiatype of other materials 0 304 0 1,248

9404299000 Other mattress of other materials 66,330 335,792 84,735 543,928

9404300000 Sleeping bags 2,972 26,418 10,705 108,740

9404901000 Quilts, bedspreads and mattressprotectors 10,994 59,961 68,112 300,836

9404909000 Other articles of bedding and similarfurnishing 43,346 1,098,504 187,125 2,112,470

9405102000 Surgical lamps of ceiling/walllighting fittings 1,760 55,612 7,629 127,169

9405103000 Spotlights of ceiling/wall lightingfittings 42,596 405,023 170,739 2,324,537

9405109000 Oth chandeliers&oth elec ceiling/walllight.fittng,exc.of apublic spac.light 586,787 4,745,944 2,555,090 19,013,103

9405201000 Surgical lamps of electric table,desk,bedside/floor-standing lamps 0 36 0 1,847

9405209010 Elect. table of spotlights 6,980 179,856 19,279 307,188

9405209090 Oth. elect. table, desk 269,265 1,573,976 630,356 4,473,419

9405300000 Lighting sets of a kind used forchristmas trees 58,585 195,331 174,530 494,699

9405401000 Surgical lamps, incl. operat lights;pilot lamp assem for elec.-thermic dom 8,137 10,493 40,564 58,486

9405402000 Searchlights 9 2,433 349 11,492

9405404000 Oth. electr. lamps of spotlights 41,127 244,240 177,683 1,254,265

9405405000 Street lamps/lanterns 29,708 295,426 168,668 1,323,030

9405406000 Other exterior lighting, other thanstreet lamps/lanterns 18,915 110,909 252,541 1,230,230

9405407000 Non-flashing aerodrome beacons;lampsfor railwayloc.aircraft,ships ofbs mtl 1,877 19,847 185,934 955,397

9405408000 Pilot lamp assemblies for electrodomestic appliances of heading 85.16 65 3,681 758 7,556

9405409010 Fibreoptic operation headlights 564 4,487 62,437 210,484

9405409090 Oth electric lamps,including oth eleclamps&lighting fittings of wood 95,248 954,099 375,562 7,557,450

9405501100 Non elect. lamps&flighting fittings -of brass, for religius rites 0 68 0 605

9405501900 Oth. non elect. lamps&flighting fittings 0 26,134 0 108,933

9405504010 Hurricane lamps of base metal 18 23,236 42 40,118

9405504090 Other hurricane lamps 7,278 72,087 8,704 89,830

9405509011 Oil lamps of brass, used for relig.rites 0 1,515 0 1,523

9405509012 Oil lamps of other base metal,or of wood 0 562 0 13,405

9405509013 Oil lamps of plast, stone, ceramic,-glass 1 6,131 1 9,192

9405509019 Other oil lamp of plastic 0 770 0 3,035

9405509020 Miners lamps and quarrymens lamps 29 1,128 707 2,657

9405509090 Other miners lamps & quarrymenslamps 6,375 35,355 40,495 305,246

9405601000 Property protection warning signs,street name plates,road&traffic signs 3,650 52,467 10,387 433,238

9405609010 Property protection warning signs,of stone/ceramic 0 32 0 60

9405609090 Other property protection warningsigns 39,445 279,198 172,125 1,029,867

9405911000 Parts of glass for surgical lamps 15,257 16,063 66,785 70,137

9405912000 Parts of glass for spotlights 0 3,278 0 16,588

9405914000 Glass globes and chimneys for otherlamps 25 17,720 163 37,539

9405919000 Parts of glass of other lamps 73,775 707,762 360,711 3,616,495

9405921000 Parts of plastics for surgical lamps 121,276 139,973 422,525 500,225

9405922000 Parts of plastics for spotlights 0 1,252 0 6,720

9405929000 Parts of plastics for other lamps 154,759 1,264,836 326,052 2,211,899

9405991000 Lampshades of textile materials 770 5,438 8,767 22,149

9405999010 Frames for miners/quarrymenslamps 0 302 0 1,026



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9405999090 Other, for the miners lamps, surgical 212,506 1,533,307 415,908 3,586,249

9406001000 Greenhouses fitted with mechanical/thermal equipment 529 11,052 1,073 33,220

9406009200 Other prefabricated buildings of wood 1,323 31,370 5,008 181,018

9406009400 Other prefabricated buildingsof iron/steel 258,126 5,053,177 890,836 16,636,386

9406009900 Other prefabricated buildings of othermaterials 59,918 2,816,273 174,466 16,927,365

9503001000 Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars andsimilar wheeled toys; dolls carriages 205,661 2,057,967 468,102 5,305,156

9503002100 Dolls, whether/not dressed 111,661 1,062,617 428,869 2,649,411

9503002200 Garments and garments accessories;footwear and headgear 618 18,117 47,003 679,710

9503002900 Other garments and garm. accessories;footwear and headgear 47,321 425,574 513,148 4,798,652

9503003000 Electric trains, includ tracks, signalsand other accessories therefor 14,077 215,016 59,741 496,030

9503004100 Model aircraft assembly kits 11,058 88,952 28,449 186,031

9503004900 Other model aircraft assembly kits 785,234 4,037,265 1,245,798 6,035,257

9503005000 Other construction sets&constructionaltoys, of materials other than plastics 19,057 196,443 130,931 1,276,621

9503006000 Stuffed toys representing animals/non-human creatures, puzzles 69,393 765,246 98,645 1,715,133

9503007100 Toys of jigsaw/picture puzzles 9,716 60,161 30,549 204,455

9503007900 Other toys of jigsaw/picture puzzles 116,141 1,247,301 586,942 3,716,569

9503009100 Numerical, alphabetical/animalblock/cut-outs; word builder sets; 9,753 76,963 82,893 307,513

9503009200 Skipping ropes 125 20,357 334 26,384

9503009300 Marbles 151,466 1,795,568 24,836 339,827

9503009900 Other of goods of sub heading95.03.00.9 1,675,031 14,803,424 3,874,777 33,508,034

9504100000 Video games of a kind used with atelevision receiver 96,460 1,083,823 277,991 3,498,539

9504202000 Tables for billiards of all kinds 646 114,209 4,201 166,612

9504209000 Other articles and accessories forbilliards 21,594 349,551 38,515 602,529

9504300000 Oth games, operated by coins, banknotesbank cards, tokens/by other means 124,865 1,216,266 513,778 4,029,103

9504400000 Playing cards 111,739 2,260,506 234,587 1,817,596

9504901000 Bowling requisites of all kind 1,737 13,648 5,238 38,688

9504902000 Darts and parts and accesories of darts 5,040 158,829 333,302 16,376,078

9504903900 Other tables designed for use withcasino games 0 6,802 0 29,552

9504909100 Tables designed for games 62 131 100 359

9504909900 Other tables designed for games 21,011 498,008 278,672 11,481,910

9505100000 Articles for christmas festivities 218,655 432,870 1,054,420 1,813,676

9505900000 Festive,carnival/oth entertn.articlesincl conjuring tricks & novelty jokes 106,233 484,246 362,960 1,331,024

9506110000 Skis of snow-skis 649 10,107 5,282 40,605

9506120000 Ski-fastenings (ski-bindings) 0 119 0 706

9506190000 Other snow-ski equipment 15,072 104,656 45,376 568,456

9506210000 Sailboards 1,788 4,472 14,877 79,568

9506290000 Other water-skis, surf-boards,sailboards& oth water-sport equipment 9,155 79,708 38,931 357,140

9506310000 Clubs for golf, complete 1,255 123,759 3,989 205,495

9506320000 Balls for golf 1,335 46,724 4,612 92,148

9506390000 Other golf equipment 19,849 74,583 43,975 242,292

9506401000 Tables tennis 22,290 145,452 32,725 233,092

9506409000 Oth articles & equip for table-tennis 48,433 214,235 51,495 397,176

9506510000 Art. & equip. for lawn tennis racketswhether/not strung 6,155 89,811 218,523 1,340,803

9506590000 Oth. art.&equip. for lawn tennis rackets 85,249 826,424 207,598 1,817,178

9506610000 Lawn-tennis balls 690 33,845 5,305 76,137

9506620000 Inflatable balls 20,141 208,988 149,561 893,058

9506690000 Other balls, other than golf balls &table-tennis balls 83,858 2,085,147 60,351 913,232

9506700000 Ice skates and roller skates, incl.skating boots with skates attached 2,661 76,062 14,237 197,549

9506910000 Artic.&equip. for general physicsexercise, gymnastics/athletics 445,589 4,522,384 1,714,947 12,474,975

9506992000 Bows and arrows for archery;crossbows 0 3,699 0 16,720

9506993000 Nets, cricket pads, shinguards andsimilar articles 23,444 68,897 68,292 217,250

9506995010 Shuttlecocks 16,872 134,553 81,265 664,758

9506995090 Other articles and equipment for sportbut badminton 12,580 219,935 60,480 593,213

9506999000 Oth articles&equipment for oth sports;swimming pools&paddling pools 42,817 342,192 122,818 2,573,758

9507100000 Fishing rods 72,958 454,822 185,368 1,589,446

9507200000 Fish-hooks, whether/not snelled 31,119 513,469 93,991 1,025,089

9507300000 Fishing reels 38,739 470,804 84,692 952,429

9507900000 Other fishing rods, hooks,/reels 28,810 290,087 239,636 2,937,386

9508100000 Travelling circuses and travellingmenageries 0 2,219 0 9,233

9508900000 Roundabouts,swings,shooting galleries&oth fairgrnd amus.; trave. theatres 91,984 838,440 435,513 3,488,758

9601100000 Worked ivory and articles of ivory 2 16,945 691 195,247

9601901000 Worked mother-of pearl/tortoise-shell & articles of the foregoing 637 7,167 834 106,168

9601909000 Other worked mother-of pearl/tortoise-shell & articles of the foregoing 1,696 3,149 10,488 43,968

9602001000 Gelatin capsules for pharmaceuticalproducts 14,560 62,987 149,333 1,031,283

9602002000 Cigar/cigarette cases, tobacco jars andhousehold ornamental articles 4,332 47,970 7,792 384,125

9602009000 Oth worked veget/minrl carving matrl&artic.ofthese matrls;ofwax,stearin,gum 5,904 144,960 25,566 1,662,408

9603101000 Brushes consisting of twigs/othersvegetable material bound togather 92,280 371,049 148,331 963,818

9603102000 Brooms consisting of twigs/othersvegetable material bound togather 119,056 586,257 190,719 809,065

9603210000 Tooth brushes, including dental-platebrushes 121,736 1,265,891 936,417 9,467,397

9603290000 Shaving brushes,hair brush,nail brush,eyelash o. toilet brush for use on men 77,236 943,394 188,049 1,613,933

9603300000 Artists' brushes,writing brush&similarbrushes for the applic.of cosmetics 15,280 186,245 144,324 1,071,606

9603400000 Paint,d istemper, varnish/similarbrushes ; paint pads and rollers 205,072 2,817,814 283,139 3,488,617

9603500000 Other brushes constituting parts ofmachines, appliances/vehicles 38,846 367,649 122,020 1,652,869



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9603901000 Prepared knots and tufts forbroom/brush making 114 23,692 3,544 278,822

9603902000 Hand-operated mechanical floorsweepers, not motorised 9,575 179,240 21,727 428,493

9603904000 Other brushes 69,247 919,029 102,788 1,121,416

9603909200 Parts for goods of subheading 9603.90.20 72 37,978 337 88,608

9603909900 Parts for goods of oth than subheading9603.90.10 121,440 987,071 274,898 2,372,420

9604001000 Hand sieves and hand riddles of metal 176 22,736 6,091 351,621

9604009000 Hand sieves and hand riddles of othermaterial 3,066 68,690 12,502 242,405

9605001000 Travel sets for personal toilet 4,658 27,233 15,306 178,370

9605009000 Travel sets for sewing/shoe/clothes cleaning 11,402 98,487 35,029 353,287

9606100000 Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners andpress-studs and parts therefor 35,286 515,648 343,921 6,599,089

9606210000 Buttons of plastics, not covered withtextile 60,202 1,113,445 1,220,367 14,132,812

9606220000 Buttons of base metal, not coveredwith textil 42,225 962,819 1,103,443 10,420,915

9606290000 Buttons of other material 105,774 1,561,822 1,433,813 9,029,834

9606300000 Button moulds&other parts of buttons;button blanks 6,858 147,908 102,668 2,000,365

9607110000 Slide fasteners fitted with chainscoops of base metal 47,545 1,031,501 557,268 8,505,235

9607190000 Other slide fasteners 197,449 2,472,618 2,278,072 20,929,762

9607200000 Parts of slide fasteners 311,854 2,726,424 1,916,567 10,283,108

9608101000 Ball point pens of plastics 62,195 745,955 110,061 1,554,827

9608109000 Oth. ball point pens of plastics 53,986 822,038 269,000 2,330,565

9608200000 Felt tipped & other porous-tipped pens& markers 22,222 406,179 69,477 1,274,285

9608310000 Indian ink drawing pens 19 15,366 111 22,601

9608391000 Fountain pens 4,021 114,095 5,213 344,921

9608399000 Oth. indian ink drawing pens 18,954 284,397 46,313 1,052,092

9608400000 Propelling/sliding pencils 3,669 126,460 21,907 548,355

9608500000 Sets of articles from two/more of theforegoing subheadings 20,948 65,276 31,346 137,313

9608601000 Refills for ball point pens of plasticscomprising the ball point&ink reservoir 1,209 35,405 791 195,112

9608609000 Oth. refills for ball point pens of plstcomprising the ball point&ink reservoir 1,877 138,270 67,307 1,201,490

9608919000 Pen nibs and nib points of othermaterial 34,032 299,702 677,107 6,632,230

9608991000 Duplicating stylos 6 12,213 29 51,371

9608999000 Penholders,pencil-holders&similarholder parts of the foregoing articles 14,310 438,892 316,957 4,330,984

9609101000 Black pencils 102,259 930,498 117,147 1,575,353

9609109000 Crayons & other pencils with leadsencased in a rigid sheath 177,628 1,403,456 172,325 1,753,830

9609200000 Pencil leads, black/colored 105,600 808,689 421,177 3,299,462

9609901000 Slate pencils for school slates 0 1,330 0 13,417

9609903000 Pencils & crayons other than those ofsubheading 9609.10.00 23,188 408,020 21,582 704,366

9609909000 Pastels, drawing charcoals, tailors'chalks 74,668 681,122 178,717 1,398,651

9610001000 School slates 19,203 31,823 14,536 26,673

9610009000 Oth slates&boards,with writing/drawingsurf'es,whethr/not framed for o.school 6,932 100,841 10,140 401,155

9611000000 Date, seal/numbering stamps &the like hands operate 16,127 128,611 81,235 513,228

9612101000 Ribbons of textile fabric 16,376 104,066 260,241 546,470

9612109000 Ribbons of other materials 103,312 762,381 1,254,251 7,356,656

9612200000 Ink-pads 9,570 84,916 13,608 155,698

9613101000 Pocket lighters, gas fuelled,non-refillable of plastics 287,699 2,688,146 482,154 3,508,765

9613109000 Oth. pocket lighters, gas fuelled,non-refillable 175,706 2,388,676 210,657 2,192,593

9613201000 Pocket lighters, gas fuelled,refillable of plastics 18,578 472,742 21,679 546,663

9613209000 Oth. pocket lighters, gas fuelled,refillable 33,510 1,886,214 44,527 1,942,586

9613801000 Piezo-elect lighters for stoves&ranges 0 48,785 0 170,017

9613802000 Cigarette lighters/table lighter ofplastics 9 9 27 27

9613803000 Cigarette lighters/table lighters, oththan of plastics 5,536 49,762 98,611 889,741

9613809000 Other lighters 223,451 547,301 111,711 368,607

9613901000 Parts of refilled cartridge/other receptacles 18,426 65,099 31,200 155,604

9613909000 Other parts of lightersother than flints and wicks 27,264 467,031 213,540 3,665,810

9614009000 Oth smoking pipes, cigar.cigaetterholders and parts thereof 1,107 8,480 7,755 63,465

9615111000 Hair slides and the likeof hard rubbers/plastics 80,342 348,823 170,708 714,862

9615119000 Combs of hard rubbers/plastics 146,150 945,187 256,055 1,469,654

9615191000 Hair slides and the like of materialother than hard rubbers/plastics 83,228 380,363 107,045 510,625

9615199000 Combs of material other than hardrubbers/plastics 75,691 1,610,665 153,471 2,240,604

9615901100 Decorative hair pins of aluminium 0 5,900 0 15,190

9615901200 Decorative hair pins of iron/steel 5 11,445 111 14,842

9615901900 Oth. decorative hair pins 9,467 148,189 44,956 431,631

9615902000 Parts of decorative hair pins 56 7,827 80 9,615

9615909100 Parts decorative hair pins of aluminium 1,004 6,697 1,968 12,272

9615909200 Parts decorative hair pins of iron/steel 68 11,050 470 27,147

9615909900 Oth. parts of decorative hair pins 12,739 409,566 60,018 586,451

9616101000 Sprays of scent and similar toiletsprays 147,970 1,007,576 1,341,107 7,102,084

9616102000 Mounts and heads of the sprays 38,368 590,470 155,178 2,539,516

9616200000 Powder-puffs&pads for the applicationof cosmetics/toilet preparations 31,894 210,784 566,962 2,010,520

9617001000 Vacuum flasks and other vacuumvessels 75,929 1,279,444 189,354 2,254,813

9617002000 Parts of vacuum flasks & oth vacuumvessels other than glass inners 5,094 79,684 110,190 187,927

9618000000 Tailor' dummies & oth lay figrs;auto-&oth displ.used for shop window dressing 10,099 218,122 127,842 1,095,624

9701100000 Paintings, drawings and pastels 12,528 105,552 71,708 492,273

9701901000 Colleges & similar decorative plaquesof cut flower bud,foli/oth part of plant 0 19,305 0 57,654

9701909000 Colleges & similar decorative plaquesother than of natural cork 9,403 147,332 24,688 309,558



HS Uraian Komoditi Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

9702000000 Original engravings, prints andlithographs 12,602 71,520 3,199 32,119

9703000000 Original sculptures and statuary, inany material 55,814 295,172 30,012 320,066

9704001000 Postage/revenue stamps 0 1 0 298

9704009000 Postal stationary other than postageor revenue stamps 0 1,734 0 3,324

9706000000 Antiques of an age exceeding onehundred years 1,420 4,024 7,300 47,415

9801101000 Sedan of head 8703 with cylinder cap <1500 cc, incompletely knocked down 83,234 2,649,500 635,818 10,447,626

9801102000 Oth vhcl of head 8703 with (4x2) systemincompletely knocked down, for person 1,859,217 16,485,693 14,844,667 126,769,022

9801201000 Vhcls of head 8704 with gross weight<=5 ton, incompletely knocked down 0 328 0 2,688

9801202000 Vhcls of head 8704 with 5 ton < grossweight <= 24 ton, incmpltly knocked down 4,175,338 36,825,524 33,119,373 231,106,996

9801203000 Vhcls of head 8704 with gross weight>24 ton,incmpltly knocked down,for good 2,405,024 66,004,450 16,704,628 134,999,501

9801302000 Vhcls of head 8702 with 5 tons < grosweight <= 24 ton, incmpltly knocked down 35,303 6,950,971 235,664 12,637,441

9801303000 Vhcls of head 8702 with gross weight> 24 tons, incompletely knocked down 0 16 0 855

9802100000 Rotary internal/spark-ignition combustcomprsn-ignition pist engine, of inckd 99,917 1,824,912 895,041 10,520,138

9802200000 Gear boxes, of incomplete knocked downvehicles 336,738 3,923,029 4,539,443 45,609,231

9802300000 Drive-axles, of incomplete knocked downvehicles 1,683,777 8,645,325 5,979,867 31,627,866

9999100000 Postal packages n.c.a.k 0 2,137 0 15,208

TOTAL IMPOR 8,172,480,300 77,779,696,232 11,296,068,452 101,641,113,427



Negara AsalCountry of origin Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date

111 JP Japan 289,981,525 3,013,747,495 1,196,002,472 11,005,633,406112 HK Hong Kong 27,016,612 350,703,042 226,655,647 1,874,719,316113 KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic 170,134 1,455,159 404,699 3,477,326114 KR Korea, Republic Of 287,267,973 3,181,800,669 533,424,184 5,562,702,067115 TW Taiwan 120,129,930 1,002,680,533 264,565,314 2,207,373,427116 CN China 822,476,054 7,922,865,529 1,570,561,486 11,745,239,904117 MN Mongolia 0 600,424 0 438,501118 MO Macau 188,396 2,559,758 1,012,409 13,486,429120 PG Papua New Guinea 6,331,994 20,780,910 1,673,640 16,770,229121 TH Thailand 434,544,967 3,829,415,146 562,898,707 4,937,039,645122 SG Singapore 1,568,172,511 12,853,827,305 2,070,007,673 18,096,018,650123 PH Philippines 9,946,543 291,497,227 52,910,338 610,079,300124 MY Malaysia 571,740,278 7,826,050,279 591,311,819 7,486,905,606125 MM Myanmar (form. Burma) 5,311,453 70,613,632 2,142,074 28,117,570126 KH Cambodia 30,357 214,741 280,100 1,517,017127 BN Brunei Darussalam 163,174,749 2,188,889,661 134,352,608 1,963,387,818128 LA Lao People's Democratic Republic 6 97,921 312 182,494129 NP Nepal 64 347 1,155 3,626130 BT Bhutan 1,511 6,084 69,908 285,215131 VN Viet Nam 31,558,122 562,016,759 48,814,678 514,375,599132 MV Maldives 52,332 52,658 925,726 938,805133 IN India 227,905,246 2,482,951,458 288,023,039 2,348,940,089134 PK Pakistan 2,105,937 35,351,956 3,956,637 50,790,523135 BD Bangladesh 3,060,253 20,349,472 1,753,476 19,895,513136 LK Sri Lanka 2,123,160 48,304,570 2,194,292 32,814,418137 AF Afghanistan 0 20,430 0 34,826138 ID Indonesia 514,993 11,152,646 1,974,209 16,419,841141 IQ Iraq 0 142,000 0 109,815142 IR Iran (islamic Republic Of) 19,456,901 177,245,410 25,416,022 211,512,288143 SA Saudi Arabia 546,074,933 4,437,009,939 432,908,604 4,009,013,366144 IL Israel 94,465 701,721 2,425,814 16,336,877145 KW Kuwait 169,219,570 1,585,835,498 159,980,981 1,590,867,827146 JO Jordan 38,888,573 342,857,079 9,973,516 83,871,942148 LB Lebanon 30,269 7,514,430 71,543 4,920,409149 PN Palestina 0 567 0 72,055151 YE Yemen 0 1,678,805 0 1,001,569152 OM Oman 423,569 5,512,637 1,026,902 4,577,398153 SY Syria Arab Republic 61,535 265,201 69,813 491,477154 TR Turkey 167,431,083 1,102,692,991 128,357,211 1,011,434,539155 AE United Arab Emirates 14,936,365 421,308,605 17,159,838 404,392,460156 QA Qatar 12,425,977 248,824,334 15,290,249 227,614,347157 BH Bahrain 112,930,523 363,402,022 80,705,927 226,871,068158 CY Cyprus 84,168 99,991 60,480 91,390159 OD Oth.west Asia 0 613,852 0 499,456211 EG Egypt 57,720,428 695,318,356 17,251,416 178,062,604212 LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 4,509,005 417,065,876 7,890,759 339,623,336213 MA Morocco 51,190 81,778,666 1,117,015 15,020,956214 TN Tunisia 3,606 58,806,802 83,820 21,124,572215 DZ Algeria 0 125,879,027 0 109,115,533216 SD Sudan 85,571,970 686,863,765 67,711,094 614,154,696217 ER Eritrea 0 175 0 1,205218 LS Lesotho 0 46,290 0 1,358,920219 NA Namibia 1,427,550 8,991,619 1,780,852 14,356,914221 ET Ethiopia 214,425 4,161,487 667,156 5,838,468222 TZ Tanzania, United Republic Of 3,145,394 25,689,825 3,031,421 20,829,791223 MG Madagascar 53,974 541,383 85,476 2,415,806224 SO Somalia 0 8,638 0 85,094225 KE Kenya 1,281,610 11,184,078 1,492,879 9,758,550226 RE Reunion 4,360 3,486,032 121,787 1,935,708227 MZ Mozambique 3,202,238 13,019,602 4,947,010 12,376,791228 BW Botswana 0 438 0 3,328230 TG Togo 2,451,058 16,078,020 2,457,413 12,475,720231 GH Ghana 1,294,865 6,777,699 1,059,733 6,316,601232 LR Liberia 9 93,200 60 21,170233 GN Guinea 0 1,726,935 0 1,351,713234 AO Angola 274,865 607,070 145,591 493,179235 CG Congo 771,457 1,323,394 512,263 851,500236 CM Cameroon 722,938 10,296,256 669,523 16,732,446237 NG Nigeria 644,788 129,866,453 707,158 111,470,595238 SL Sierra Leone 9 144,673 25,223 135,436239 GA Gabon 62,769 271,286 97,777 443,218240 CI Cote D'ivoire 1,154,369 24,043,518 1,615,850 46,846,129241 SN Senegal 1,138,937 2,388,162 722,557 1,643,237242 MR Mauritania 0 1,582,807 0 975,078243 ML Mali 336,105 2,080,960 573,790 3,004,057244 BJ Benin 1,598,858 20,098,880 1,688,294 24,710,353245 BF Burkina Faso 818,213 6,379,439 1,417,768 10,486,969



Country Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )



Negara AsalCountry of origin Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to dateCode


Country Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )

247 GM Gambia 0 1,252,970 0 773,794248 VI U.s. Virgin Islands 0 146,207 0 59,330249 SC Seychelles 622 9,738 2,677 310,284251 UG Uganda 15,316 1,781,159 500,769 3,989,257252 CF Central African Republic 505,853 6,891,837 851,467 8,666,759253 NE Niger 10,291 44,449 17,584 52,811254 TD Chad 200,000 1,234,875 332,895 1,892,710256 SH Saint Helena 0 40,190 0 125,194257 ST Sao Tome And Principe 0 176 0 11,146260 SZ Swaziland 127,506 6,760,055 1,036,869 9,602,320261 ZA South Africa 31,107,369 335,974,530 31,650,311 256,505,886262 ZW Zimbabwe 2,368,617 9,230,304 4,006,406 14,632,409263 ZM Zambia 0 1,425,171 0 5,019,378264 MW Malawi 0 2,255,653 0 3,124,966267 MU Mauritius 1,167,911 7,417,571 1,770,039 14,568,449268 RW Rwanda 0 103,552 0 90,850298 VG Virgin Islands (british) 396,289 6,025,480 461,264 8,340,151299 OF Other Africa 0 21 0 20,000311 AU Australia 480,599,772 4,432,845,331 302,835,656 3,064,304,920312 NZ New Zealand 37,581,470 515,667,456 39,615,862 595,694,393318 FM Micronesia, Federated States Of 299 485 2,920 5,258319 GU Guam 76 675 33,592 35,674321 NR Nauru 0 8,630 0 468,501322 NC New Caledonia 0 16,007 0 166,095324 MP Northern Mariana Islands 0 6,569 0 25,160328 IO British Indian Ocean Territory 0 4,267 0 117,310331 AS American Samoa 390,341 4,711,213 379,820 8,421,786332 CK Cook Islands 0 32,328 0 11,315333 FJ Fiji 0 158,144 0 119,422334 KI Kiribati 0 7 0 414335 MH Marshall Islands 0 33 0 211336 WS Samoa 681,387 723,278 2,539,835 2,846,195337 SB Solomon Islands 8,818,346 12,760,017 1,800,136 3,240,469338 TO Tonga 423 1,736,915 3,074 404,313339 TV Tuvalu 0 20,182 0 76,891340 CX Christmas Islands 6 2,851 88 19,888341 UM United States Minor Outlying Island 7,544 7,607 26,569 27,049342 CC Cocos (keeling) Islands 0 509,817 0 11,792,548343 TK Tokelau 0 119 0 2,951391 TL East Timor 207,000 1,167,020 377,540 1,998,550411 US United States 522,152,333 4,379,152,602 798,958,005 6,081,814,559412 CA Canada 204,679,981 2,208,578,169 180,494,182 1,445,944,152421 MX Mexico 3,582,994 33,223,405 12,420,777 105,543,281422 GT Guatemala 269,918 1,906,731 165,655 1,025,614423 HN Honduras 55 838,360 2,430 357,398424 NI Nicaragua 109,766 229,094 88,703 334,360425 PA Panama 1,152,673 12,424,829 792,622 33,691,900426 CU Cuba 56,112 56,133 38,360 77,520427 CB Curacao 17,529,000 17,608,996 17,529,000 17,606,796428 SR Suriname 0 72 0 1,831431 CL Chile 142,447,505 919,322,156 36,352,647 202,012,606432 VE Venezuela 871 9,311,022 41,926 12,717,231433 AR Argentina 182,639,221 877,927,786 97,451,729 451,068,734434 BR Brazil 265,792,891 1,744,975,622 144,040,231 963,450,108435 CO Colombia 196,719 1,782,110 393,186 3,702,856436 BO Bolivia 72,000 705,533 50,544 510,091437 UY Uruguay 632,919 5,840,953 294,282 5,334,546438 PY Paraguay 1 827,211 1,519 1,112,177441 EC Ecuador 221,217 4,095,235 211,326 3,967,241442 PE Peru 1,716,961 22,048,559 2,163,772 23,973,013443 GY Guyana 104,985 285,312 65,091 172,495444 TT Trinidad And Tobago 393,010 29,195,875 165,563 11,478,937445 BS Bahamas 0 2,605,668 0 1,141,952446 JM Jamaica 0 642,786 0 322,384447 PR Puerto Rico 1,527 743,370 302,032 6,315,981448 BZ Belize 0 37,532 0 52,883449 DO Dominican Republic 499,534 6,289,326 325,084 2,421,414450 SV El Salvador 693,344 1,050,900 660,004 809,819451 CR Costa Rica 2,414,641 4,758,403 2,132,669 8,093,880452 HT Haiti 1 247,490 47 220,511453 BB Barbados 46,690 537,477 23,931 241,010454 AG Antigua And Barbuda 0 1,696 0 2,613455 AI Anguilla 0 1 0 9456 AW Aruba 0 37 0 1,289458 CV Cape Verde 0 388 0 15,588460 DM Dominica 0 2,831 0 23,398461 FK Falkland Islands (malvinas) 0 5,415 0 104,666



Negara AsalCountry of origin Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to dateCode


Country Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )

462 GF French Guiana 0 137 0 4,098463 PF French Polynesia 0 30,424 0 15,761465 GD Grenada 0 40,000 0 28,758467 AN Netherlands Antilles 9,122 128,595 19,081 576,657468 NF Norfolk Islands 20,801 149,373 89,030 159,987469 LC Saint Lucia 802 86,142 25,709 95,456472 GP Guadeloupe 12 50,012 265 49,265511 GB United Kingdom 41,932,768 416,190,942 102,051,907 701,861,468512 NL Netherlands 36,175,182 315,382,330 50,677,779 463,328,826513 FR France 28,701,663 200,182,859 128,616,118 902,107,572514 DE Germany 60,792,950 592,177,641 258,866,725 2,448,711,740515 AT Austria 2,370,183 35,184,001 29,293,561 280,370,824516 BE Belgium 44,310,830 307,188,928 50,216,173 489,451,758517 CH Switzerland 5,851,560 72,163,616 50,203,018 467,229,354518 LU Luxembourg 33,121 1,852,948 94,724 4,546,898520 MC Monaco 1,563 62,024 31,126 561,248521 DK Denmark 638,519 9,508,605 6,251,440 76,672,694522 NO Norway 11,657,949 100,480,261 14,671,187 137,072,527523 SE Sweden 14,196,244 139,450,434 70,441,870 794,177,416524 FI Finland 4,804,513 55,063,385 29,786,086 309,967,673525 IE Ireland 1,056,260 21,244,226 3,790,542 74,506,918526 IT Italy 17,556,533 177,167,386 84,929,482 766,999,600527 ES Spain 5,002,286 67,259,622 16,668,884 208,105,747528 PT Portugal 35,880 2,588,054 650,862 7,540,532529 IS Iceland 5,438 8,594,510 38,031 2,377,472530 MS Montserrat 0 4 0 180531 GR Greece 3,597,272 17,329,910 2,241,692 21,498,070532 VA Vatican City State (holy See) 0 5,449 0 58,540533 AD Andorra 0 790 0 4,551534 LI Liechtenstein 7 199,042 199 522,940540 CD Democratic Republic Of The Congo 0 224,813 0 308,091542 HU Hungary 56,209 1,845,506 1,735,995 21,511,629543 PL Poland 2,571,756 60,416,262 6,090,732 61,369,857544 RO Romania 247,677 1,640,188 794,112 7,361,390545 BG Bulgaria 3,633,081 10,353,975 2,205,538 9,123,970547 YU Serbia 460 2,081 113,940 127,727548 AL Albania 310 201,061 6,669 540,678549 AM Armenia 3,399 3,399 24,887 24,887550 AZ Azerbaijan 431 133,000,743 12,350 100,002,408551 BY Belarus 279,832 159,046,550 1,614,987 103,501,599552 KZ Kazakhstan 0 14,044,964 0 18,391,356553 KG Kyrgyzstan 9,094 314,484 234,310 679,240554 MD Moldova, Republic Of 468 109,476 105,483 1,371,008555 TJ Tajikistan 145,820 347,219 266,182 620,956556 TM Turkmenistan 0 5 0 8557 UA Ukraine 9,989,032 917,338,538 10,432,925 704,682,164558 UZ Uzbekistan 688,517 5,798,163 1,142,011 9,722,009559 LT Lithuania 92,246 238,794 721,094 1,105,503560 LV Latvia 789 421,010 47,221 570,708561 EE Estonia 1,625,211 3,634,103 1,672,025 4,281,763562 GE Georgia 523 340,850 178,549 805,623563 HR Croatia 235,866 1,349,281 282,388 2,557,129564 BA Bosnia And Herzegovina 12,062 29,494 9,304 60,948565 MT Malta 50,513 67,505 20,146 338,077566 SK Slovakia 241,756 2,398,886 927,076 11,850,367567 SI Slovenia 39,707 1,778,421 380,549 7,140,537568 CZ Republic Czeska 2,106,343 12,752,180 7,770,188 48,694,586569 GS South Georgia And The South Sa 0 5,888 0 9,081570 MK Rep. Of Macedonia 95 652 8,428 27,799572 RU Russia Federation 135,786,317 1,503,686,413 128,967,995 1,047,212,833

TOTAL IMPORT 8,172,480,300 77,779,696,232 11,296,068,452 101,641,113,427



KodeBulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date

0 201,563,369 0 16,734,591101 IDSBG Aceh - Sabang 0 397 0 8,270102 IDOLO Ulee Lheue 0 63,140,000 0 2,578,198104 IDLSW Lhok Seumawe 0 116,817,000 0 9,175,584106 IDLAS Langsa, Sumatra 0 50,000 0 15,578109 IDSUS Susoh 0 214 0 4,163110 IDSIN Sinabang 0 129 0 3,751111 IDTPK Tapaktuan 0 140 0 3,409112 IDBAO Bakongan 0 14,172 0 14,671116 IDAUN Blang Lancang (arun) 0 683,631 0 3,100,526117 IDKRU Krueng R. Malahayati 0 1,520 0 4,571118 IDKLS Kuala Langsa 0 734,166 0 1,008,918119 IDLHK Lhok Nga 0 20,122,000 0 816,952

464,987,753 4,482,313,870 345,276,121 2,842,723,584141 IDPSU Pangkalan Susu 0 191,884 0 107,209142 IDPKR Pangkalan Brandan 0 2,302,200 0 414,396143 IDTPR Tanjung Pura 0 432,734 0 1,725,153144 IDBLW Belawan 421,518,748 4,013,420,715 301,831,000 2,503,969,712145 IDTJB Tanjung Balai Asahan 7,678,079 48,629,327 4,195,970 31,075,522153 IDRPA Rantau Panjang 0 381 0 2,843159 IDSLG Sibolga 6,648,505 31,870,875 20,898,175 110,145,650165 IDPTE Pulau Tello 0 78,750 0 122,850166 IDMES Medan / Polonia (u) 15,602 221,838 860,216 9,536,067170 IDKTJ Kuala Tanjung 29,126,819 385,165,166 17,490,760 185,624,182

67,372,388 730,453,002 58,200,693 420,962,521191 IDTBY Padang/tl.bayur 67,372,388 730,449,954 58,200,693 420,817,963192 IDPDG Padang / Tabing (u) 0 3,048 0 144,558

128,692,191 1,227,439,170 136,754,571 1,305,000,538221 IDBAG Bagan Siapi-api 4,850,000 58,609,850 46,897 521,255223 IDPAI Panipahan 0 1,280 0 810224 IDSNB Sinaboi 0 1,956,000 0 48,069225 IDDUM Dumai 76,860,527 624,510,115 70,082,288 418,685,582227 IDSEQ Sungai Pakning 1,011,439 1,087,218 786,529 1,128,970228 IDBLS Bengkalis 632,028 2,391,766 480,750 1,307,229229 IDTGK Tanjung Kedabu 0 2,582 0 124,514230 IDSPA Selat Panjang 1,674,642 3,643,477 83,041 287,840233 IDPEK Pekanbaru (rumbai) 1,142,553 16,622,383 691,253 10,952,454235 IDSUQ Sungai Guntung 0 7,188,089 0 12,862,245242 IDTEM Tembilahan 0 288,174 0 1,179,323243 IDKEN Kuala Enok 0 182,862 0 579,097244 IDRGA Rengat 147,457 918,069 351,387 773,870261 IDPKU Simpang Tiga (u) 3,130 30,530 6,009,392 7,793,334273 IDPAK Pekan Baru 4,419,395 23,209,370 8,400,752 37,929,389277 IDBUN Buatan 16,561,455 238,114,955 22,076,151 373,796,229278 IDPWG Perawang, Sumatra 21,389,565 248,682,450 27,746,131 437,030,328

9,930,930 98,654,898 18,270,188 122,521,890291 IDKTK Kuala Tungkal 6,710,499 69,276,695 14,231,887 78,212,223292 IDMSA Muara Sabak 248,780 2,067,697 449,048 3,641,344293 IDDJM Jambi 2,971,651 27,310,506 3,589,253 40,668,323

47,779,461 259,124,231 23,077,844 154,471,105326 IDPLA Palembang - Plaju 1,037,637 8,776,284 588,340 6,287,910332 IDSUN Sungsang 0 25,670 0 120,193334 IDPLM Sm.badaruddin (u) 23,544 191,236 1,085,448 4,669,037339 IDBLJ Belinju 307,000 307,000 313,124 313,124340 IDMRI Musi River/boom Baru 46,411,280 249,824,041 21,090,932 143,080,841

1,021,000 4,263,000 509,687 1,746,881361 IDBKU Bengkulu 1,021,000 4,263,000 509,687 1,746,881

39,040,392 920,032,731 29,141,862 737,066,382395 IDPJG Panjang 39,040,392 920,032,731 29,141,862 737,066,382

8,204,353 50,828,722 11,372,292 32,418,087321 IDMUO Muntok 0 4,960,500 0 681,935322 IDBLI Blinju, Banka 0 171,000 0 187,465323 IDPGX Pangkal Balam 6,704,353 41,326,117 10,404,792 25,164,702328 IDTPD Tanjung Pandan 1,500,000 4,040,851 967,500 5,892,626330 IDSLI Sungai Liat 0 287,000 0 196,339333 IDTSE Tanjung Seliu 0 12,501 0 9,000335 IDPGK Pangkal Pinang (u) 0 31 0 10,636337 IDLUB Lubuk Besar Bangka 0 30,722 0 275,384










Port of Importation


Pelabuhan Bongkar Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )



KodeBulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to datePort of Importation


Pelabuhan Bongkar Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )

515,162,765 5,068,208,646 1,006,574,721 9,970,356,774248 IDTBK Tg Balai Karimun 507,631 5,005,046 1,334,306 12,361,926249 IDPSS Pulau Sambu 139,316,536 2,126,635,045 98,860,491 1,962,365,161250 IDTAN Tanjung Uban 181,120,523 937,693,418 147,698,765 931,735,606251 IDTPN Tanjung Pinang 956,562 24,492,039 1,452,891 24,505,014252 IDTER Terempa 0 50,269 0 86,749254 IDTBT Tanjung Batu, Riau 0 57,810 0 171,417258 IDBTU Batu Ampar 125,656,075 1,311,460,278 447,296,104 4,080,986,105259 IDPBL Pulau Buluh 0 425,000 0 358,047260 IDDAS Singkep - Dabo 1,440 133,818 693 281,861262 IDTNJ Kijang (u) 1,000 84,883 1,330 1,130,496263 IDPAS Pasir Panjang 128,854 16,749,249 508,786 58,271,619265 IDSKP Sekupang 22,319,506 317,849,075 175,574,940 1,755,364,497266 IDNON Nongsa 0 24,968,310 0 1,270,509267 IDKAB Kabil/panau 45,072,993 301,559,677 105,864,915 825,303,581268 IDRAN Ranai 0 114 0 4,890269 IDUNA Udang Natuna 0 158,327 0 8,063,917271 IDBTH Hang Nadim (u) 81,645 886,288 27,981,500 308,095,379

2,409,265,277 22,962,515,536 5,634,495,979 49,178,735,690431 IDTPP Tanjung Priok 2,399,047,027 22,825,944,597 4,677,916,682 42,053,653,740432 IDKLB Kalibaru 150,281 54,552,506 145,773 71,859,612433 IDJKT Jakarta / Pasar Ikan 102 116,768 2,509 893,546434 IDCGK Sukarno Hatta (u) 9,906,887 80,593,798 941,945,794 6,881,332,883436 IDHLP Hlm. Perdana Kusuma 160,980 1,307,867 14,485,221 170,995,909

167,752,475 2,256,308,410 164,446,079 2,220,977,771463 IDCBN Cirebon/penggung 1,885,142 21,650,192 3,736,633 8,447,705466 IDBDO Husein Sastranegara 0 2,237 0 1,933,753467 IDBLG Balongan 161,933,000 2,188,758,290 152,799,202 2,123,420,585468 IDBND Bandung(ptt/gd Bage) 599,332 4,146,725 908,091 18,088,990470 IDCRB Cirebon (ptt) 0 1 0 570471 IDTLN Tanjung Leneng 3,334,537 38,249,400 6,987,573 67,689,849472 IDTSO Tanjung Sekong 0 3,500,999 0 1,381,013480 IDCIN Cinta, Java 464 566 14,580 15,306

889,563,513 8,373,895,799 788,246,798 7,693,722,607491 IDTEG Tegal 1 1 20 20494 IDTES Tanjung Emas 206,911,701 1,928,965,392 265,479,473 2,124,129,020495 IDCXP Cilacap 682,651,199 6,444,456,271 522,736,937 5,568,119,982496 IDSRG Achmad Yani (u) 424 12,793 28,723 498,609497 IDSMR Semarang (ptt) 0 448,683 0 201,286498 IDSOC Jebres/adi Sumarmo 188 12,579 1,645 772,268499 IDSMM Adi Sumarmo (u) 0 80 0 1,422

577 20,171 44,641 521,591531 IDJOG Adi Sucipto (u) 544 12,139 42,321 466,380532 IDJOK Yogyakarta (ptt) 33 8,032 2,320 55,211

1,740,651,478 16,798,802,696 1,445,318,226 14,388,624,546561 IDTUB Tuban 0 9,044,011 0 578,600562 IDGRE Gresik 199,147,880 1,495,318,962 92,459,603 602,875,305563 IDTPE Tanjung Perak 1,200,373,138 11,848,084,060 1,051,165,943 10,094,539,825564 IDPAZ Pasuruan 108,383 45,038,678 289,249 60,572,193565 IDPRO Probolinggo 5,260,800 12,848,755 596,310 8,957,833566 IDPRN Panarukan 335,152,737 3,382,768,781 281,651,127 3,433,796,791573 IDPAC Pacitan 0 329,069 0 432,290587 IDSUB Surabaya /juanda (u) 607,696 5,181,287 19,137,158 186,336,056588 IDSUR Surabaya (ptt) 844 189,093 18,836 535,653

1,007,017,384 8,119,196,515 857,419,561 5,659,482,639461 IDMRK Merak 543,057,013 4,090,642,600 632,485,232 4,054,381,014473 IDCGD Cigading 463,960,371 4,028,553,915 224,934,329 1,605,101,625

52,430,637 508,001,411 63,462,401 619,277,209611 IDBUL Buleleng 154 1,354 31,334 40,984613 IDBOA Benoa/loloan 52,171,188 505,941,491 55,069,003 552,869,139620 IDDPS Ngurah Rai (u) 259,295 2,058,566 8,362,064 66,367,086

7,335,387 63,634,387 25,208,537 192,258,304655 IDBMU Bima 7,335,387 58,731,207 25,208,537 191,450,884661 IDAMI Mataram / Selaparang 0 1,600 0 31,657663 IDBDS Badas Sumbawa 0 4,901,580 0 775,763

5,583 3,291,299 44,983 2,406,126681 IDKOE Kupang / El-tari (u) 0 89 0 5,647685 IDWGP Waingapu 0 11,455 0 139,000













KodeBulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to datePort of Importation


Pelabuhan Bongkar Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F ( U S $ )

693 IDTEN Tenau 5,583 3,279,755 44,983 2,261,479

10,129,304 88,097,201 8,403,568 76,114,623714 IDPON Pontianak 10,129,304 87,808,716 8,403,568 69,434,879715 IDKTG Ketapang K. Barat 0 275,000 0 119,625722 IDPNK Supadio (u) 0 13,485 0 6,560,119

2,320,686 40,054,303 2,942,600 19,580,180742 IDSUK Sukamara 610,000 899,538 381,860 1,531,860744 IDKUM Kumai 1,710,311 11,145,102 2,553,108 6,300,472746 IDSMQ Sampit 0 28,008,933 0 11,738,223750 IDPPS Pulang Pisau 375 730 7,632 9,625

23,482,641 184,415,179 83,730,569 285,649,335771 IDBAN Banjarmasin 23,482,641 89,195,493 83,730,569 209,151,332773 IDKTB Kotabaru 0 95,219,686 0 76,498,003

319,303,012 3,744,122,832 328,766,675 3,986,410,961803 IDBPP Balikpapan 308,925,603 3,393,007,512 302,461,264 3,331,681,498805 IDSRD Samarinda 8,295,345 169,126,726 5,916,124 157,773,929806 IDTRD Tanjung Redep 0 10,199,320 0 46,129808 IDLIN Lingkas Tarakan 0 6,398,000 0 30,363809 IDNNX Nunukan 1,218,300 48,546,298 79,339 958,350810 IDTGR Pasir/tanah Grogot 0 229,602 0 1,055,981813 IDTSG Tanjung Sangata 58 92,773,365 23,444 336,013,130814 IDBPN Sepinggan (u) 222,136 1,767,786 12,558,499 94,074,564817 IDBTG Bontang 641,570 22,074,223 7,728,005 64,777,017

559,037 5,667,465 602,970 8,589,505832 IDAMU Amurang 0 2,244 0 30,649834 IDMND Manado 0 141,363 0 129,343835 IDBIT Bitung 559,037 5,510,727 602,970 7,819,148839 IDNAH Naha (u) - Sulut 0 3,547 0 51,495843 IDMDC Sam Ratulangi (u) 0 9,396 0 553,439844 IDMNA Melangguane (u) 0 188 0 5,431

7,912 23,418,006 73,155 1,090,491866 IDPRG Parigi 7,912 7,912 73,155 73,155877 IDPAT Pantoloan 0 23,410,094 0 1,017,336

174,750,802 1,015,209,121 129,393,831 588,223,140893 IDUJU Ujungpandang 59,248,973 648,089,963 28,566,172 331,809,497897 IDMLI Malili, Sulawesi 115,481,485 367,066,704 99,447,424 251,883,084904 IDUPG Hasanuddin (u) 1,595 2,627 117,637 174,590907 IDSQR Soroako 18,749 49,827 1,262,598 4,355,969

102,000 105,517 273,827 388,129921 IDBUW Bau-bau 0 3,517 0 114,302922 IDKDR Kendari 102,000 102,000 273,827 273,827

26,512,021 104,502,336 25,359,336 111,949,296946 IDAMB Ambon 26,512,021 104,500,876 25,359,336 111,900,500960 IDBAK Batu Kilat 0 1,460 0 48,796

0 42,663 0 36,582942 IDTTE Ternate 0 42,663 0 36,582

0 738,894 0 448,665971 IDSOR Sorong 0 8,756 0 147,449982 IDSOQ Sorong / Jefman (u) 0 138 0 1,443997 IDMUB Muara Berau 0 730,000 0 299,773

59,099,341 444,774,852 108,656,737 1,002,623,684980 IDTIM Amamapare 59,099,341 444,774,852 108,656,737 1,002,623,684

8,172,480,300 77,779,696,232 11,296,068,452 101,641,113,427


















Berat Bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)Negara Asal/ SITC/ Uraian Golongan Barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Country of Origin/ SITC/ Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date

Japan784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 10 010 982 119 028 865 78 172 362 1 069 732 034673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 69 152 433 663 877 559 69 653 381 556 898 079723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 14 411 286 107 949 299 69 732 652 554 724 101782 Motor Vehicle For The Transportation Of Goods 8 279 505 121 364 609 64 930 284 547 667 290713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 4 532 065 43 144 198 51 597 790 481 613 012

Others 183 595 254 1 958 382 965 861 916 003 7 794 998 890

Sub Total 289 981 525 3 013 747 495 1 196 002 472 11 005 633 406

Hong Kong764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 1 278 711 12 055 498 87 930 009 489 211 422652 Cotton Fabrics, Woven 1 549 092 16 169 233 14 400 815 146 129 428655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 1 199 166 15 506 931 7 936 949 111 495 077776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 668 158 8 235 687 12 347 282 96 425 394752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 212 124 2 294 066 6 036 217 67 283 075

Others 22 109 361 296 441 627 98 004 375 964 174 920

Sub Total 27 016 612 350 703 042 226 655 647 1 874 719 316

Korea, Democratic People'S Republic686 Zinc 0 963 444 0 2 398 238691 Structuctures And Parts Of Iron/Steel Or Aluminium 165 605 165 605 377 348 377 348541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 0 10 119 0 210 660575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 0 40 950 0 76 577513 Carboxylic Acids,And Their Anhydrides,Halides,Peroxides 0 43 200 0 59 919

Others 4 529 231 841 27 351 354 584

Sub Total 170 134 1 455 159 404 699 3 477 326

Korea, Republic Of334 Petroleum Products, Refined 127 922 163 1 747 517 792 109 281 825 1 834 000 036673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 29 697 878 270 761 919 34 739 446 247 086 445764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 701 614 6 495 583 37 132 285 235 320 498776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 514 755 12 890 821 29 331 709 193 517 013655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 2 221 933 22 183 645 17 700 530 177 419 890

Others 126 209 630 1 121 950 909 305 238 389 2 875 358 185

Sub Total 287 267 973 3 181 800 669 533 424 184 5 562 702 067

Taiwan673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 13 873 676 223 723 347 13 786 330 172 208 329511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 14 029 345 107 917 208 25 582 485 148 782 058655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 1 076 754 13 650 279 8 085 546 105 047 876776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 159 413 1 909 482 8 356 988 86 203 965653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 1 145 442 9 860 342 8 153 102 73 254 709

Others 89 845 300 645 619 875 200 600 863 1 621 876 490

Sub Total 120 129 930 1 002 680 533 264 565 314 2 207 373 427

China764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 6 027 400 51 121 061 256 091 757 1 487 435 637752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 1 782 364 16 773 934 50 322 970 355 622 449673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 43 679 189 362 614 217 40 730 001 303 281 484676 Iron/Steel Bars, Rods, Angels, Shaped And Sections 30 460 913 391 319 726 28 069 578 283 505 868778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 7 146 850 61 101 238 33 316 507 254 446 647

Others 733 379 338 7 039 935 353 1 162 030 673 9 060 947 819

Sub Total 822 476 054 7 922 865 529 1 570 561 486 11 745 239 904

Mongolia592 Starches, Inulin, And Wheat Glutenal Buminoidal Subtances; Glue 0 480 000 0 385 200278 Other Crude Minerals 0 120 000 0 49 920531 Synthetic Organic; Colouring Matter 0 424 0 3 381

Sub Total 0 600 424 0 438 501

Macau611 Leathers 0 170 893 0 3 449 086652 Cotton Fabrics, Woven 12 552 368 740 72 053 2 453 662655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 100 193 425 249 500 544 2 203 005776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 56 622 127 818 1 152 081656 Tulle,Lace,Enbroidery,Ribbons,Trimmings And Other Small Wares 0 156 273 0 591 509

Others 75 595 1 437 981 311 994 3 637 086

Sub Total 188 396 2 559 758 1 012 409 13 486 429

Papua New Guinea072 Cocoa 105 000 3 516 000 286 627 9 228 655282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 981 644 6 447 524 539 904 2 931 410223 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Of Other Fixed Vegetable Oils 2 005 21 139 274 032 1 979 958292 Crude Vegetable Materials 520 70 381 116 100 1 060 328245 Fuel Wood And Wood Charcoal 5 241 553 10 556 831 440 048 858 560

Others 1 272 169 035 16 929 711 318

Sub Total 6 331 994 20 780 910 1 673 640 16 770 229

Thailand781 Passengger Motor Cars 4 567 220 55 210 548 41 923 933 556 973 235784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 9 072 609 76 752 036 63 850 802 530 269 844061 Sugar, Molasses, And Honey 108 617 601 790 961 110 39 064 012 284 201 625713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 2 575 647 19 958 836 35 042 946 274 646 863

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782 Motor Vehicle For The Transportation Of Goods 3 995 027 33 423 946 29 083 417 233 232 716Others 305 716 863 2 853 108 670 353 933 597 3 057 715 362

Sub Total 434 544 967 3 829 415 146 562 898 707 4 937 039 645

Singapore334 Petroleum Products, Refined 1 121 067 564 9 505 946 738 1 002 010 873 9 185 360 796764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 2 617 496 22 277 808 77 274 511 799 151 659511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 62 016 386 414 825 284 82 143 046 530 691 577759 Parts And Accessories For Machine Of Heading 751 Or 752 723 536 8 147 258 55 915 287 420 215 847776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 395 916 8 790 205 39 481 435 367 422 701

Others 381 351 613 2 893 840 012 813 182 521 6 793 176 070

Sub Total 1 568 172 511 12 853 827 305 2 070 007 673 18 096 018 650

Philippines022 Milk,Cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 2 232 285 14 411 549 10 194 087 67 807 569776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 7 546 193 828 5 949 027 60 151 913759 Parts And Accessories For Machine Of Heading 751 Or 752 14 756 272 912 3 834 093 59 317 689784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 254 314 4 244 981 2 028 453 40 522 770282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 3 257 430 80 125 655 1 780 179 37 608 225

Others 4 180 212 192 248 302 29 124 499 344 671 134

Sub Total 9 946 543 291 497 227 52 910 338 610 079 300

Malaysia334 Petroleum Products, Refined 163 269 144 3 306 681 091 157 312 997 3 289 823 623333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 78 210 185 1 172 039 301 65 376 214 1 084 487 513511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 30 290 045 191 344 667 40 436 381 240 782 966764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 1 906 285 19 617 744 16 447 609 147 497 338673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 2 523 322 152 720 033 2 037 224 97 652 000

Others 295 541 297 2 983 647 443 309 701 394 2 626 662 166

Sub Total 571 740 278 7 826 050 279 591 311 819 7 486 905 606

Myanmar (Form. Burma)054 Vegetables, Fresh, Chilled, Frozen Or Simply Preserved 1 853 590 30 839 734 911 098 14 132 574044 Maize, Unmilled 3 450 843 36 065 840 1 229 626 9 998 919034 Fish, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 0 355 586 0 886 915035 Fish, Dried Salted Or In Brine; Smoked Fish 0 1 169 391 0 793 933635 Wood Manufactures 0 86 202 0 778 841

Others 7 020 2 096 879 1 350 1 526 388

Sub Total 5 311 453 70 613 632 2 142 074 28 117 570

Cambodia845 Articles Of Apparel 3 439 14 392 116 524 696 674655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 0 77 685 0 267 229652 Cotton Fabrics, Woven 22 576 27 301 101 111 141 757841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 1 871 4 077 33 790 111 383121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 59 070 0 88 200

Others 2 471 32 216 28 675 211 774

Sub Total 30 357 214 741 280 100 1 517 017

Brunei Darussalam333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 163 174 704 2 179 804 698 134 352 162 1 958 414 082282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 8 850 560 0 4 183 555288 Non-Ferrous Base Metal Waste And Scraps 0 178 045 0 396 468792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 0 614 0 158 713679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 38 655 0 120 464

Others 45 17 089 446 114 536

Sub Total 163 174 749 2 188 889 661 134 352 608 1 963 387 818Lao People'S Democratic Republic

263 Cotton 0 96 456 0 150 874845 Articles Of Apparel 6 279 312 14 838292 Crude Vegetable Materials 0 1 000 0 13 500843 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 0 43 0 2 711278 Other Crude Minerals 0 141 0 569

Others 0 2 0 2

Sub Total 6 97 921 312 182 494

Nepal896 Works Of Art, Collectors Pieces And Antiques 60 339 960 3 270747 Taps, Cocks, And Valves For Pipes 4 4 195 195842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 0 4 0 161

Sub Total 64 347 1 155 3 626

Bhutan893 Article Of Plastics 1 399 5 658 69 488 195 206776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 1 74 132 85 787874 Measuring, Checking, Analysing, And Controlling Instrument And 111 350 288 4 180772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 2 0 42

Sub Total 1 511 6 084 69 908 285 215

Viet Nam333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 0 87 549 304 0 78 103 770674 Flat Rolled Products, Clad Or Plated 7 765 095 46 916 609 11 269 034 59 140 196673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 3 263 903 56 911 130 2 965 358 45 129 845042 Rice 3 500 000 114 970 450 1 541 894 43 275 744751 Office Machines 348 163 3 820 644 2 465 206 22 718 851

Others 16 680 961 251 848 622 30 573 186 266 007 193

Sub Total 31 558 122 562 016 759 48 814 678 514 375 599

Maldives784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 52 332 52 332 925 726 925 726

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654 Textile Fabrics, Woven, Other Than Of Cotton Or Man-Made Fibres 0 221 0 11 574899 Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 0 104 0 1 501699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 0 1 0 4

Sub Total 52 332 52 658 925 726 938 805

India334 Petroleum Products, Refined 84 083 776 279 061 668 70 911 287 287 472 779081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 29 171 381 669 510 165 11 691 549 268 883 194511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 26 288 497 183 511 199 37 519 033 260 687 013764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 335 926 1 225 421 50 984 491 182 319 644263 Cotton 24 750 96 951 802 52 654 151 340 359

Others 88 000 916 1 252 691 203 116 864 025 1 198 237 100

Sub Total 227 905 246 2 482 951 458 288 023 039 2 348 940 089

Pakistan263 Cotton 832 329 13 113 561 1 292 313 19 839 284651 Textile Yarns 174 988 3 169 767 379 986 6 399 977034 Fish, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 79 000 7 978 026 52 930 4 678 961792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 0 80 551 0 3 751 091653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 147 098 793 975 394 141 2 749 532

Others 872 522 10 216 076 1 837 267 13 371 678

Sub Total 2 105 937 35 351 956 3 956 637 50 790 523

Bangladesh658 Made-Up Articles, Wholly/Chiefly Of Textile Materials 525 070 9 695 939 348 060 6 403 320611 Leathers 0 95 777 0 4 659 412651 Textile Yarns 446 195 3 196 747 397 537 2 319 788592 Starches, Inulin, And Wheat Glutenal Buminoidal Subtances; Glue 24 000 204 000 108 000 792 000264 Jute And Other Textile Bast Fibres 387 407 2 056 075 163 759 782 773

Others 1 677 581 5 100 934 736 120 4 938 220

Sub Total 3 060 253 20 349 472 1 753 476 19 895 513

Sri Lanka046 Meal And Flour Of Wheat And Flour Of Meslin 1 900 000 46 121 675 1 127 960 24 426 787074 Tea And Mate 38 415 254 534 211 643 970 230121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 65 364 0 862 198656 Tulle,Lace,Enbroidery,Ribbons,Trimmings And Other Small Wares 645 32 228 10 880 719 483771 Electric Power Machinery And Parts 78 21 403 13 833 690 668

Others 184 022 1 809 366 829 976 5 145 052

Sub Total 2 123 160 48 304 570 2 194 292 32 814 418Afghanistan

057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 19 500 0 20 475625 Rubber Tyre,Tyre Cases,Tyre Treads,Inner Tubes, And Tyre Flaps 0 815 0 10 306723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 0 115 0 4 045

Sub Total 0 20 430 0 34 826

Indonesia676 Iron/Steel Bars, Rods, Angels, Shaped And Sections 173 302 1 364 388 256 942 2 088 087044 Maize, Unmilled 0 6 062 950 0 1 982 585036 Crustaceans, Molluscs, And Aquatic Invertebrates 11 913 155 875 129 592 1 406 999851 Footwears 0 90 481 0 953 188771 Electric Power Machinery And Parts 0 113 320 0 851 570

Others 329 778 3 365 632 1 587 675 9 137 412

Sub Total 514 993 11 152 646 1 974 209 16 419 841

Iraq057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 142 000 0 109 815

Sub Total 0 142 000 0 109 815

Iran (Islamic Republic Of)511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 11 646 510 105 717 218 15 826 426 145 093 577344 Petroleum Gases And Other Gas 4 364 641 19 794 016 7 432 984 28 590 737334 Petroleum Products, Refined 0 11 876 943 0 15 923 561335 Residual Petroleum Products, And Related Materials 1 856 613 17 393 528 860 334 8 444 764278 Other Crude Minerals 503 250 9 191 438 159 329 3 277 399

Others 1 085 887 13 272 267 1 136 949 10 182 250

Sub Total 19 456 901 177 245 410 25 416 022 211 512 288

Saudi Arabia333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 466 032 772 3 746 110 721 346 773 507 3 262 148 591334 Petroleum Products, Refined 33 116 460 270 159 680 34 922 262 278 318 011511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 2 995 366 122 677 234 4 821 382 164 090 784512 Alcohols,Phenols,Phenol-Alcohols And Their Halogenated 13 880 635 106 610 722 16 211 177 134 979 069282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 107 880 263 0 56 289 383

Others 30 049 700 83 571 319 30 180 276 113 187 528

Sub Total 546 074 933 4 437 009 939 432 908 604 4 009 013 366

Israel764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 17 989 81 571 1 999 353 10 368 997541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 1 787 36 510 110 013 1 144 783751 Office Machines 450 22 483 14 428 812 898598 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 0 81 0 536 578516 Other Organic Chemicals 216 8 333 8 741 525 077

Others 74 023 552 743 293 279 2 948 544

Sub Total 94 465 701 721 2 425 814 16 336 877

Kuwait334 Petroleum Products, Refined 161 933 000 1 410 052 324 152 799 202 1 441 525 923333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 0 98 788 256 0 79 659 040512 Alcohols,Phenols,Phenol-Alcohols And Their Halogenated 2 900 003 20 245 561 3 106 195 24 033 433

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571 Polymers Of Ethylene In Primary Forms 3 047 337 19 331 066 3 314 526 19 921 571282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 624 020 25 642 677 434 341 15 066 969

Others 715 210 11 775 614 326 717 10 660 891

Sub Total 169 219 570 1 585 835 498 159 980 981 1 590 867 827

Jordan272 Fertilizers, Crude 35 660 000 267 776 000 6 882 380 42 841 848562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 2 780 940 60 178 830 2 818 203 27 763 420522 Inorganic Chemical Elements, Oxides And Halogen Salts 84 000 12 018 215 81 480 9 628 369685 Lead 0 704 780 0 1 847 209232 Synthetic Rubber Latex, Synthetic/Reclaimed Rubber 112 440 764 340 99 190 581 197

Others 251 193 1 414 914 92 263 1 209 899

Sub Total 38 888 573 342 857 079 9 973 516 83 871 942

Lebanon282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 7 219 560 0 4 121 867892 Printed Matter 30 027 171 610 67 238 386 732263 Cotton 0 76 267 0 185 795073 Chocolate And Other Food Preparations Containing Cocoa 0 4 595 0 99 179713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 0 969 0 43 048

Others 242 41 429 4 305 83 788

Sub Total 30 269 7 514 430 71 543 4 920 409Palestina

292 Crude Vegetable Materials 0 540 0 69 720773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 0 27 0 2 335

Sub Total 0 567 0 72 055

Yemen034 Fish, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 0 988 006 0 538 173251 Pulp And Waste Paper 0 573 860 0 157 464611 Leathers 0 29 038 0 128 750873 Meters And Counters 0 7 013 0 70 816036 Crustaceans, Molluscs, And Aquatic Invertebrates 0 50 067 0 68 553

Others 0 30 821 0 37 813

Sub Total 0 1 678 805 0 1 001 569

Oman344 Petroleum Gases And Other Gas 0 2 554 986 0 2 480 891684 Alumunium 299 819 299 819 897 583 897 583575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 123 750 470 250 129 319 630 259251 Pulp And Waste Paper 0 2 182 600 0 550 232655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 0 1 694 0 6 438

Others 0 3 288 0 11 995

Sub Total 423 569 5 512 637 1 026 902 4 577 398

Syria Arab Republic263 Cotton 0 108 104 0 144 443642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 0 45 200 0 128 520893 Article Of Plastics 0 31 535 0 90 964892 Printed Matter 44 994 52 870 44 779 52 061575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 0 10 410 0 49 388

Others 16 541 17 082 25 034 26 101

Sub Total 61 535 265 201 69 813 491 477

Turkey333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 129 744 827 785 582 894 105 297 090 756 606 115046 Meal And Flour Of Wheat And Flour Of Meslin 26 310 000 151 155 400 11 823 322 71 839 990672 Ingots And Other Iron/Steel In Primary Forms 0 58 881 742 0 40 200 135121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 300 557 5 558 185 1 482 701 25 462 272511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 0 16 219 746 0 24 942 169

Others 11 075 699 85 295 024 9 754 098 92 383 858

Sub Total 167 431 083 1 102 692 991 128 357 211 1 011 434 539

United Arab Emirates334 Petroleum Products, Refined 0 189 699 309 0 171 506 744282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 5 310 574 107 597 680 2 963 372 54 826 571684 Alumunium 1 517 776 12 237 428 4 515 463 36 055 507793 Ships, Boats, And Floating Structures 14 762 762 700 16 193 661741 Heating And Cooling Equipments And Parts 420 465 762 6 030 13 639 231

Others 8 107 581 110 545 664 9 674 273 112 170 746

Sub Total 14 936 365 421 308 605 17 159 838 404 392 460

Qatar511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 9 371 752 81 502 185 13 588 958 104 398 288671 Pig Iron,Spiegeleisen,Sponge Iron, And Ferro-Alloys 0 119 121 943 0 66 979 839334 Petroleum Products, Refined 0 26 100 849 0 28 289 310598 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 0 10 746 832 0 20 600 739282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 3 785 000 0 2 225 331

Others 3 054 225 7 567 525 1 701 291 5 120 840

Sub Total 12 425 977 248 824 334 15 290 249 227 614 347

Bahrain334 Petroleum Products, Refined 49 998 540 159 738 490 60 173 136 157 508 718281 Iron Ore And Concentrates 62 490 999 189 607 187 19 659 668 50 254 095684 Alumunium 248 686 4 982 114 771 847 14 243 526672 Ingots And Other Iron/Steel In Primary Forms 35 478 3 152 107 56 897 2 512 634282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 128 910 1 840 127 19 337 962 604

Others 27 910 4 081 997 25 042 1 389 491

Sub Total 112 930 523 363 402 022 80 705 927 226 871 068

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Cyprus287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 84 168 84 168 60 480 60 480893 Article Of Plastics 0 8 621 0 16 497726 Printing/Book Binding Machinery And Parts 0 2 290 0 4 260895 Office And Stationery Supplies 0 1 726 0 3 288642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 0 1 213 0 2 072

Others 0 1 973 0 4 793

Sub Total 84 168 99 991 60 480 91 390

Oth.West Asia562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 0 600 000 0 238 058764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 0 305 0 65 234551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 0 373 0 61 626695 Tools For Used In The Hand Or In Machines 0 280 0 46 500726 Printing/Book Binding Machinery And Parts 0 4 605 0 27 980

Others 0 8 289 0 60 058

Sub Total 0 613 852 0 499 456

Egypt562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 27 019 350 494 538 587 9 870 306 135 557 618272 Fertilizers, Crude 29 190 000 163 789 000 6 226 519 27 901 627061 Sugar, Molasses, And Honey 820 000 27 907 056 126 511 4 977 136057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 129 029 4 492 104 100 946 3 349 676745 Other Non-Electical Machinery, Tools, And Mechanical Apparatus 0 7 000 0 796 306

Others 562 049 4 584 609 927 134 5 480 241

Sub Total 57 720 428 695 318 356 17 251 416 178 062 604

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 0 399 202 700 0 311 711 608511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 4 509 005 17 862 683 7 890 759 27 906 216874 Measuring, Checking, Analysing, And Controlling Instrument And 0 493 0 5 512

Sub Total 4 509 005 417 065 876 7 890 759 339 623 336

Morocco272 Fertilizers, Crude 0 81 509 000 0 9 037 718842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 8 448 59 073 401 927 3 183 507841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 1 748 13 476 84 119 694 288845 Articles Of Apparel 1 697 11 583 86 868 580 275844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 1 669 8 468 80 453 439 932

Others 37 628 177 066 463 648 1 085 236

Sub Total 51 190 81 778 666 1 117 015 15 020 956

Tunisia562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 0 54 900 000 0 15 189 600057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 1 145 352 0 3 304 576282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 1 766 670 0 1 051 816263 Cotton 0 442 613 0 318 681251 Pulp And Waste Paper 0 99 200 0 235 288

Others 3 606 452 967 83 820 1 024 611

Sub Total 3 606 58 806 802 83 820 21 124 572

Algeria333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 0 125 855 027 0 109 091 413057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 24 000 0 24 120

Sub Total 0 125 879 027 0 109 115 533

Sudan333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 83 462 533 665 915 496 66 343 090 601 021 320282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 2 107 245 20 491 434 1 357 406 12 246 086685 Lead 0 165 820 0 363 112263 Cotton 0 182 086 0 274 978764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 0 1 557 0 196 921

Others 2 192 107 372 10 598 52 279

Sub Total 85 571 970 686 863 765 67 711 094 614 154 696

Eritrea894 Baby Carriages, Toys, Games, And Sporting Goods 0 175 0 1 205

Sub Total 0 175 0 1 205

Lesotho723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 0 46 290 0 1 358 920

Sub Total 0 46 290 0 1 358 920

Namibia686 Zinc 641 320 5 461 023 1 250 147 12 503 475282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 786 230 3 530 570 530 705 1 853 136778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 0 26 0 303

Sub Total 1 427 550 8 991 619 1 780 852 14 356 914

Ethiopia211 Hides And Skins, Raw 65 007 310 485 500 250 2 491 455287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 119 220 1 013 270 107 240 949 663222 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Ofsoft Fixed Vegetable Oils 0 2 327 265 0 925 466685 Lead 0 266 720 0 690 490611 Leathers 198 4 374 23 666 465 441

Others 30 000 239 373 36 000 315 953

Sub Total 214 425 4 161 487 667 156 5 838 468

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Tanzania, United Republic Of263 Cotton 1 083 201 8 091 932 1 696 496 11 890 850282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 753 740 7 915 200 542 693 4 670 415222 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Ofsoft Fixed Vegetable Oils 1 213 453 8 863 796 754 232 3 256 249292 Crude Vegetable Materials 0 420 500 0 672 800265 Vegetable Textile Fibres,Raw Or Processed;Waste Of These Fibres 0 217 590 0 252 951

Others 95 000 180 807 38 000 86 526

Sub Total 3 145 394 25 689 825 3 031 421 20 829 791

Madagascar551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 8 800 343 200 61 336 2 150 178223 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Of Other Fixed Vegetable Oils 0 18 000 0 100 848265 Vegetable Textile Fibres,Raw Or Processed;Waste Of These Fibres 0 52 896 0 57 656841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 174 884 8 390 45 904211 Hides And Skins, Raw 45 000 112 500 15 750 39 375

Others 0 13 903 0 21 845

Sub Total 53 974 541 383 85 476 2 415 806

Somalia582 Plates, Sheets, And Film Of Plastics 0 8 473 0 80 914778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 0 150 0 2 599764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 0 3 0 1 237844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 0 12 0 344

Sub Total 0 8 638 0 85 094

Kenya074 Tea And Mate 315 978 1 343 809 856 204 3 213 196292 Crude Vegetable Materials 116 191 1 052 639 185 906 1 785 081523 Metallicsalts And Peroxysalts 709 867 6 773 617 212 960 1 640 045611 Leathers 12 308 108 839 135 609 1 082 026642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 0 460 000 0 953 600

Others 127 266 1 445 174 102 200 1 084 602

Sub Total 1 281 610 11 184 078 1 492 879 9 758 550

Reunion714 Engines And Motors, Non-Electric And Parts 0 22 048 0 997 383251 Pulp And Waste Paper 0 3 458 580 0 786 444748 Transmission Shafts And Cranks 1 055 1 059 35 828 35 999743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 1 237 1 243 30 853 31 123742 Pumps For Liquid And Parts 697 697 19 111 19 111

Others 1 371 2 405 35 995 65 648

Sub Total 4 360 3 486 032 121 787 1 935 708

Mozambique263 Cotton 2 810 868 6 030 966 4 728 942 8 884 675282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 271 870 6 091 740 169 705 3 019 668121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 59 400 0 158 874222 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Ofsoft Fixed Vegetable Oils 95 000 480 009 27 170 157 708054 Vegetables, Fresh, Chilled, Frozen Or Simply Preserved 0 301 830 0 105 687

Others 24 500 55 657 21 193 50 179

Sub Total 3 202 238 13 019 602 4 947 010 12 376 791Botswana

724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 0 432 0 3 231658 Made-Up Articles, Wholly/Chiefly Of Textile Materials 0 6 0 97

Sub Total 0 438 0 3 328

Togo282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 1 600 160 13 025 327 992 099 7 420 697263 Cotton 850 896 3 041 271 1 465 258 5 041 191248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 0 11 300 0 13 233581 Tubes, Pipes, And Hoses Of Plastics 0 120 0 543611 Leathers 2 2 56 56

Sub Total 2 451 058 16 078 020 2 457 413 12 475 720

Ghana282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 821 965 4 493 780 513 505 2 864 853263 Cotton 346 700 1 044 900 440 709 1 332 955072 Cocoa 0 300 000 0 932 430248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 0 463 657 0 554 328287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 126 200 348 530 105 519 306 919

Others 0 126 832 0 325 116

Sub Total 1 294 865 6 777 699 1 059 733 6 316 601

Liberia282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 37 050 0 12 319685 Lead 0 27 150 0 5 702287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 0 28 990 0 2 899744 Mechanical Handling Equipments And Parts 0 1 0 190713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 9 9 60 60

Sub Total 9 93 200 60 21 170

Guinea282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 1 157 370 0 732 451248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 0 569 557 0 619 103741 Heating And Cooling Equipments And Parts 0 8 0 159

Sub Total 0 1 726 935 0 1 351 713

Angola081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 0 320 000 0 288 000

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282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 274 865 274 865 145 591 145 591699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 0 205 0 41 588592 Starches, Inulin, And Wheat Glutenal Buminoidal Subtances; Glue 0 12 000 0 18 000

Sub Total 274 865 607 070 145 591 493 179

Congo282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 750 486 1 263 856 463 801 712 785248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 19 848 50 196 39 352 111 902771 Electric Power Machinery And Parts 0 1 202 0 10 647699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 1 089 1 089 7 150 7 150675 Flat Rolled Products And Alloy Steels 0 7 015 0 7 015

Others 34 36 1 960 2 001

Sub Total 771 457 1 323 394 512 263 851 500

Cameroon072 Cocoa 0 4 179 048 0 10 819 885282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 559 755 3 932 172 358 069 2 424 299263 Cotton 99 996 1 132 346 165 338 1 861 134248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 60 794 838 674 92 400 929 102685 Lead 0 131 195 0 315 224

Others 2 393 82 821 53 716 382 802

Sub Total 722 938 10 296 256 669 523 16 732 446

Nigeria333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 0 123 518 892 0 103 290 132263 Cotton 241 788 3 464 979 409 664 3 859 728072 Cocoa 0 1 008 800 0 2 440 019248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 379 000 1 631 069 290 294 1 184 664685 Lead 0 216 129 0 595 568

Others 24 000 26 584 7 200 100 484

Sub Total 644 788 129 866 453 707 158 111 470 595Sierra Leone

248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 0 87 000 0 35 235282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 54 900 0 33 215792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 8 8 25 220 25 220778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 0 2 584 0 24 705776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 0 20 0 11 641

Others 1 161 3 5 420

Sub Total 9 144 673 25 223 135 436

Gabon635 Wood Manufactures 0 76 169 0 181 442263 Cotton 62 769 62 769 97 777 97 777282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 104 830 0 67 615625 Rubber Tyre,Tyre Cases,Tyre Treads,Inner Tubes, And Tyre Flaps 0 19 220 0 42 668694 Nails, Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Rivets Of Iron/Steel Or Copper 0 5 922 0 39 859

Others 0 2 376 0 13 857

Sub Total 62 769 271 286 97 777 443 218

Cote D'Ivoire072 Cocoa 0 13 013 000 0 33 904 211263 Cotton 802 924 6 315 121 1 380 382 10 178 503282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 351 445 4 406 588 235 468 2 610 562057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 200 566 0 135 382685 Lead 0 54 245 0 11 391

Others 0 53 998 0 6 080

Sub Total 1 154 369 24 043 518 1 615 850 46 846 129

Senegal282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 1 137 670 1 914 810 712 827 1 187 370263 Cotton 0 199 299 0 327 334034 Fish, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 0 75 000 0 75 000287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 0 158 320 0 15 832874 Measuring, Checking, Analysing, And Controlling Instrument And 0 900 0 11 300

Others 1 267 39 833 9 730 26 401

Sub Total 1 138 937 2 388 162 722 557 1 643 237

Mauritania282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 1 314 487 0 525 635575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 0 211 260 0 317 961651 Textile Yarns 0 45 950 0 101 474893 Article Of Plastics 0 5 896 0 17 152653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 0 4 194 0 10 531

Others 0 1 020 0 2 325

Sub Total 0 1 582 807 0 975 078

Mali263 Cotton 336 105 1 931 027 573 790 2 971 816251 Pulp And Waste Paper 0 149 900 0 31 479784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 0 32 0 725694 Nails, Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Rivets Of Iron/Steel Or Copper 0 1 0 37

Sub Total 336 105 2 080 960 573 790 3 004 057

Benin263 Cotton 646 938 12 542 860 1 101 515 20 580 416282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 951 920 7 137 120 586 779 3 960 035057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 263 710 0 154 383287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 0 155 190 0 15 519

Sub Total 1 598 858 20 098 880 1 688 294 24 710 353

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Burkina Faso263 Cotton 818 213 6 379 426 1 417 768 10 486 482749 Non-Electric Parts And Accessories Of Machineries 0 10 0 351841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 0 3 0 136

Sub Total 818 213 6 379 439 1 417 768 10 486 969

Gambia282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 1 199 580 0 762 582685 Lead 0 53 390 0 11 212

Sub Total 0 1 252 970 0 773 794U.S. Virgin Islands

335 Residual Petroleum Products, And Related Materials 0 144 000 0 22 032776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 0 25 0 12 482611 Leathers 0 1 272 0 11 669232 Synthetic Rubber Latex, Synthetic/Reclaimed Rubber 0 463 0 5 514899 Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 0 136 0 4 578

Others 0 311 0 3 055

Sub Total 0 146 207 0 59 330

Seychelles598 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 0 9 000 0 307 350553 Perfumery, Cosmetics, And Toilet Preparations 612 612 2 261 2 261541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 10 10 416 416746 Ball Or Roller Bearings 0 116 0 257

Sub Total 622 9 738 2 677 310 284

Uganda263 Cotton 0 1 732 644 0 2 920 905287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 5 040 10 023 392 228 897 567611 Leathers 10 276 16 692 108 541 162 784282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 21 800 0 8 001

Sub Total 15 316 1 781 159 500 769 3 989 257

Central African Republic263 Cotton 505 853 4 773 353 851 467 7 780 125282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 2 074 450 0 768 507772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 1 140 0 61 748247 Wood In The Rough Or Roughly Squared 0 42 894 0 56 379

Sub Total 505 853 6 891 837 851 467 8 666 759

Niger098 Edible Products And Preparations 0 6 389 0 19 118696 Cutlery 9 841 9 841 14 512 14 512273 Stone, Sand And Gravel 0 27 400 0 5 900679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 26 0 5 692898 Musical Instrument And Parts/Accessories 416 416 2 998 2 998

Others 34 377 74 4 591

Sub Total 10 291 44 449 17 584 52 811

Chad263 Cotton 200 000 1 234 875 332 895 1 892 710

Sub Total 200 000 1 234 875 332 895 1 892 710

Saint Helena778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 0 14 904 0 53 613679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 17 110 0 30 610642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 0 5 789 0 22 363676 Iron/Steel Bars, Rods, Angels, Shaped And Sections 0 276 0 5 779651 Textile Yarns 0 885 0 4 583

Others 0 1 226 0 8 246

Sub Total 0 40 190 0 125 194

Sao Tome And Principe741 Heating And Cooling Equipments And Parts 0 174 0 11 121892 Printed Matter 0 2 0 25

Sub Total 0 176 0 11 146

Swaziland251 Pulp And Waste Paper 0 5 203 358 0 2 864 669885 Watches And Clocks 77 2 747 162 823 1 558 931684 Alumunium 0 496 757 0 1 388 400263 Cotton 102 420 804 743 168 304 1 240 446724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 20 047 20 302 587 070 673 387

Others 4 962 232 148 118 672 1 876 487

Sub Total 127 506 6 760 055 1 036 869 9 602 320

South Africa251 Pulp And Waste Paper 15 293 316 88 498 396 14 349 121 77 434 706282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 8 943 050 88 224 635 5 807 588 47 632 768263 Cotton 2 238 531 13 165 011 3 978 513 22 351 433281 Iron Ore And Concentrates 0 74 972 000 0 13 757 955522 Inorganic Chemical Elements, Oxides And Halogen Salts 104 380 6 669 575 138 260 12 511 073

Others 4 528 092 64 444 913 7 376 829 82 817 951

Sub Total 31 107 369 335 974 530 31 650 311 256 505 886

Zimbabwe263 Cotton 2 368 617 7 645 871 4 006 406 12 511 655

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121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 563 502 0 1 803 744278 Other Crude Minerals 0 1 008 000 0 276 438651 Textile Yarns 0 11 223 0 23 007074 Tea And Mate 0 1 640 0 16 536

Others 0 68 0 1 029

Sub Total 2 368 617 9 230 304 4 006 406 14 632 409

Zambia682 Copper 0 393 402 0 3 156 934263 Cotton 0 774 369 0 1 130 862121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 257 400 0 731 582

Sub Total 0 1 425 171 0 5 019 378

Malawi263 Cotton 0 2 208 590 0 3 043 309074 Tea And Mate 0 46 643 0 78 795121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 420 0 2 862

Sub Total 0 2 255 653 0 3 124 966

Mauritius575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 378 187 3 744 876 736 022 6 157 333679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 674 400 1 744 739 752 179 2 610 854723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 0 190 296 0 1 023 709651 Textile Yarns 47 232 335 391 108 077 761 574582 Plates, Sheets, And Film Of Plastics 252 134 607 725 569 218

Others 67 840 1 267 662 173 036 3 445 761

Sub Total 1 167 911 7 417 571 1 770 039 14 568 449

Rwanda676 Iron/Steel Bars, Rods, Angels, Shaped And Sections 0 103 074 0 89 788598 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 0 463 0 1 050784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 0 15 0 12

Sub Total 0 103 552 0 90 850

Virgin Islands (British)811 Prefabricated Buildings 0 530 000 0 3 800 000592 Starches, Inulin, And Wheat Glutenal Buminoidal Subtances; Glue 170 600 1 616 657 141 950 1 276 385773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 0 253 797 0 1 174 630899 Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 35 018 282 648 50 750 410 106523 Metallicsalts And Peroxysalts 0 332 600 0 314 675

Others 190 671 3 009 778 268 564 1 364 355

Sub Total 396 289 6 025 480 461 264 8 340 151

Other Africa776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 0 21 0 20 000

Sub Total 0 21 0 20 000

Australia041 Wheat And Meslin, Unmilled 171 932 278 1 266 595 917 77 367 773 583 124 416001 Live Animals Other Than Fish 11 311 323 143 858 959 21 666 922 267 377 677684 Alumunium 7 775 091 65 071 087 23 907 239 188 357 696282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 5 024 055 296 701 062 2 633 612 163 565 381285 Aluminium Ores And Concentrates 23 100 000 314 000 856 11 041 800 137 036 668

Others 261 457 025 2 346 617 450 166 218 310 1 724 843 082

Sub Total 480 599 772 4 432 845 331 302 835 656 3 064 304 920

New Zealand022 Milk,Cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 652 053 48 557 903 2 412 649 167 912 937282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 4 972 147 143 600 846 2 921 274 74 270 990098 Edible Products And Preparations 1 988 603 12 098 333 9 444 469 55 422 458251 Pulp And Waste Paper 13 550 115 106 873 804 6 997 224 51 069 862011 Meat Of Bovine Animals Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 1 018 095 16 808 239 2 901 562 47 719 312

Others 15 400 457 187 728 331 14 938 684 199 298 834

Sub Total 37 581 470 515 667 456 39 615 862 595 694 393

Micronesia, Federated States Of292 Crude Vegetable Materials 296 482 2 888 5 226057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 3 3 32 32

Sub Total 299 485 2 920 5 258

Guam792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 75 82 33 567 33 767334 Petroleum Products, Refined 0 580 0 1 408791 Railway Vehicles And Associated Equipments 0 6 0 275845 Articles Of Apparel 0 6 0 199899 Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 1 1 25 25

Sub Total 76 675 33 592 35 674

Nauru745 Other Non-Electical Machinery, Tools, And Mechanical Apparatus 0 7 826 0 461 975642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 0 225 0 3 867653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 0 405 0 1 859652 Cotton Fabrics, Woven 0 174 0 800

Sub Total 0 8 630 0 468 501

New Caledonia665 Glassware 0 10 450 0 132 902764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 0 4 307 0 15 033

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884 Optical Goods 0 1 044 0 11 921749 Non-Electric Parts And Accessories Of Machineries 0 67 0 4 672898 Musical Instrument And Parts/Accessories 0 129 0 1 470

Others 0 10 0 97

Sub Total 0 16 007 0 166 095

Northern Mariana Islands653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 0 4 497 0 19 533848 Articles Of Apparel And Clothing Accessories Of Other Than Text 0 2 059 0 5 557652 Cotton Fabrics, Woven 0 13 0 70

Sub Total 0 6 569 0 25 160

British Indian Ocean Territory741 Heating And Cooling Equipments And Parts 0 708 0 76 248751 Office Machines 0 2 913 0 37 627699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 0 216 0 2 105625 Rubber Tyre,Tyre Cases,Tyre Treads,Inner Tubes, And Tyre Flaps 0 413 0 1 155899 Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 0 17 0 175

Sub Total 0 4 267 0 117 310

American Samoa263 Cotton 137 245 2 426 477 271 513 4 149 691723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 0 119 860 0 1 446 004781 Passengger Motor Cars 0 111 077 0 883 686282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 1 452 527 0 530 172081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 0 248 758 0 201 424

Others 253 096 352 514 108 307 1 210 809

Sub Total 390 341 4 711 213 379 820 8 421 786

Cook Islands291 Crude Animal Materials 0 32 328 0 11 315

Sub Total 0 32 328 0 11 315

Fiji282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 153 620 0 94 994273 Stone, Sand And Gravel 0 3 487 0 21 001652 Cotton Fabrics, Woven 0 625 0 1 828653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 0 330 0 953278 Other Crude Minerals 0 82 0 646

Sub Total 0 158 144 0 119 422Kiribati

694 Nails, Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Rivets Of Iron/Steel Or Copper 0 7 0 414

Sub Total 0 7 0 414

Marshall Islands893 Article Of Plastics 0 33 0 211

Sub Total 0 33 0 211

Samoa773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 383 949 383 949 1 562 569 1 562 569575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 150 600 150 600 419 400 419 400772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 24 203 46 904 152 262 293 015813 Lighting Fixtures And Fittings 40 880 50 215 165 248 222 823642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 40 915 40 915 133 789 133 789

Others 40 840 50 695 106 567 214 599

Sub Total 681 387 723 278 2 539 835 2 846 195

Solomon Islands282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 1 509 300 4 153 960 1 089 889 2 256 751246 Wood In Chips Or Particles And Waste 7 309 046 8 606 046 710 247 936 618776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 0 11 0 47 100

Sub Total 8 818 346 12 760 017 1 800 136 3 240 469

Tonga282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 1 733 000 0 381 260292 Crude Vegetable Materials 175 3 455 1 091 19 662048 Cereal Preparations And Preparations Of Flours/Starchs Of Fruit 248 248 1 983 1 983058 Fruits, Preserved And Preparations 0 185 0 715642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 0 27 0 693

Sub Total 423 1 736 915 3 074 404 313

Tuvalu653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 0 20 173 0 76 794772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 9 0 97

Sub Total 0 20 182 0 76 891

Christmas Islands892 Printed Matter 0 45 0 14 700725 Papermill/Pulpmill Machinery And Paper Cutting Machines 0 2 800 0 5 100874 Measuring, Checking, Analysing, And Controlling Instrument And 6 6 88 88

Sub Total 6 2 851 88 19 888

United States Minor Outlying Island657 Special Yarns,Textile Fabrics 7 544 7 544 26 569 26 569655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 0 63 0 480

Sub Total 7 544 7 607 26 569 27 049

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands725 Papermill/Pulpmill Machinery And Paper Cutting Machines 0 96 146 0 5 286 091773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 0 194 801 0 2 946 126679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 82 484 0 1 224 061747 Taps, Cocks, And Valves For Pipes 0 12 852 0 882 286771 Electric Power Machinery And Parts 0 41 607 0 636 022

Others 0 81 927 0 817 962

Sub Total 0 509 817 0 11 792 548

Tokelau653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 0 95 0 2 519842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 0 24 0 432

Sub Total 0 119 0 2 951

East Timor071 Coffee And Coffee Substitutes 193 000 1 044 822 370 540 1 959 797282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 80 000 0 21 708223 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Of Other Fixed Vegetable Oils 14 000 28 000 7 000 14 000057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 13 500 0 2 025723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 0 698 0 1 020

Sub Total 207 000 1 167 020 377 540 1 998 550United States

792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 274 483 1 362 746 127 502 160 710 785 552222 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Ofsoft Fixed Vegetable Oils 50 044 084 763 871 908 35 818 653 462 875 202041 Wheat And Meslin, Unmilled 124 286 181 899 813 389 59 935 801 407 257 521263 Cotton 18 446 194 222 209 057 30 964 347 361 529 781081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 59 521 779 508 636 396 37 387 677 286 802 878

Others 269 579 612 1 983 259 106 507 349 367 3 852 563 625

Sub Total 522 152 333 4 379 152 602 798 958 005 6 081 814 559

Canada041 Wheat And Meslin, Unmilled 48 016 673 1 064 001 652 23 554 846 474 007 852562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 112 691 000 728 627 200 106 228 500 438 914 232251 Pulp And Waste Paper 29 874 876 284 033 027 24 135 648 219 630 640764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 7 535 399 978 525 197 45 003 665782 Motor Vehicle For The Transportation Of Goods 0 1 615 249 0 32 126 909

Others 14 089 897 129 901 063 26 049 991 236 260 854

Sub Total 204 679 981 2 208 578 169 180 494 182 1 445 944 152

Mexico764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 7 183 117 177 2 263 184 26 531 482288 Non-Ferrous Base Metal Waste And Scraps 160 374 2 913 111 895 908 10 381 852752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 11 866 65 322 1 593 489 8 191 823282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 1 927 472 12 154 425 1 351 670 6 536 883541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 9 556 36 288 670 141 3 662 089

Others 1 466 543 17 937 082 5 646 385 50 239 152

Sub Total 3 582 994 33 223 405 12 420 777 105 543 281

Guatemala282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 269 890 1 756 725 164 633 912 909634 Veneers,Plywood,Improved/Reconstituted Wood Worked 0 40 002 0 48 513551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 0 470 0 20 067685 Lead 0 88 028 0 18 486724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 0 10 323 0 8 963

Others 28 11 183 1 022 16 676

Sub Total 269 918 1 906 731 165 655 1 025 614

Honduras282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 815 940 0 282 509248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 0 20 852 0 18 862845 Articles Of Apparel 14 336 1 044 13 894844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 41 266 1 386 12 687842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 0 130 0 10 499

Others 0 836 0 18 947

Sub Total 55 838 360 2 430 357 398

Nicaragua282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 109 266 198 256 69 930 108 641748 Transmission Shafts And Cranks 119 2 176 5 263 67 899742 Pumps For Liquid And Parts 70 1 437 3 226 26 279699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 39 1 092 1 063 25 939749 Non-Electric Parts And Accessories Of Machineries 37 1 113 953 23 239

Others 235 25 020 8 268 82 363

Sub Total 109 766 229 094 88 703 334 360

Panama793 Ships, Boats, And Floating Structures 0 8 993 000 0 31 301 616282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 1 152 340 3 276 230 777 830 1 990 314515 Organo-Inorganic And Heterocyclic Compounds 0 800 0 79 200724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 0 29 200 0 59 098035 Fish, Dried Salted Or In Brine; Smoked Fish 0 8 000 0 53 569

Others 333 117 599 14 792 208 103

Sub Total 1 152 673 12 424 829 792 622 33 691 900

Cuba542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 0 21 0 39 160287 Ores And Concentrates Of Basemetals 56 112 56 112 38 360 38 360

Sub Total 56 112 56 133 38 360 77 520

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Curacao562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 17 529 000 17 529 000 17 529 000 17 529 000759 Parts And Accessories For Machine Of Heading 751 Or 752 0 79 068 0 61 200772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 7 0 11 213653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 0 662 0 3 608894 Baby Carriages, Toys, Games, And Sporting Goods 0 25 0 1 205

Others 0 234 0 570

Sub Total 17 529 000 17 608 996 17 529 000 17 606 796

Suriname842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 0 70 0 1 516744 Mechanical Handling Equipments And Parts 0 1 0 309844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 0 1 0 6

Sub Total 0 72 0 1 831

Chile281 Iron Ore And Concentrates 136 989 000 835 267 000 30 745 949 128 165 753251 Pulp And Waste Paper 3 353 535 63 191 225 2 609 784 47 452 483562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 513 000 9 418 000 705 240 6 444 645057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 50 016 3 553 527 49 777 6 379 042784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 42 912 360 259 550 226 4 644 351

Others 1 499 042 7 532 145 1 691 671 8 926 332

Sub Total 142 447 505 919 322 156 36 352 647 202 012 606

Venezuela511 Hydrocarbon And Their Halogenated, Nitrated Derivatives 0 9 083 203 0 11 677 543651 Textile Yarns 0 164 619 0 650 242514 Nitrogen-Function Compounds 0 28 000 0 119 000541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 860 2 254 41 386 105 102542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 0 6 532 0 55 440

Others 11 26 414 540 109 904

Sub Total 871 9 311 022 41 926 12 717 231

Argentina081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 173 632 680 754 794 808 90 456 953 370 082 504041 Wheat And Meslin, Unmilled 0 77 371 460 0 33 993 860222 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Ofsoft Fixed Vegetable Oils 2 075 020 22 561 840 1 407 714 15 066 848022 Milk,Cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 0 2 925 000 0 8 234 519679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 113 409 2 531 003 174 431 6 105 725

Others 6 818 112 17 743 675 5 412 631 17 585 278

Sub Total 182 639 221 877 927 786 97 451 729 451 068 734

Brazil672 Ingots And Other Iron/Steel In Primary Forms 38 677 150 342 449 279 34 229 278 230 284 156081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 56 101 841 378 625 582 29 096 094 183 897 517281 Iron Ore And Concentrates 154 657 000 692 276 000 36 084 989 105 197 732263 Cotton 3 071 458 50 324 124 5 222 257 75 915 442671 Pig Iron,Spiegeleisen,Sponge Iron, And Ferro-Alloys 124 000 127 400 847 240 102 72 789 951

Others 13 161 442 153 899 790 39 167 511 295 365 310

Sub Total 265 792 891 1 744 975 622 144 040 231 963 450 108

Colombia591 Disinfectants, Insecticides, And Fungicides Put In Forms 72 000 614 430 170 640 1 383 406513 Carboxylic Acids,And Their Anhydrides,Halides,Peroxides 80 000 417 499 100 000 492 663081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 0 425 000 0 401 625575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 34 000 132 804 90 865 315 739553 Perfumery, Cosmetics, And Toilet Preparations 218 21 791 2 712 199 111

Others 10 501 170 586 28 969 910 312

Sub Total 196 719 1 782 110 393 186 3 702 856

Bolivia522 Inorganic Chemical Elements, Oxides And Halogen Salts 72 000 672 000 50 544 460 344248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 0 33 532 0 49 718679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 1 0 29

Sub Total 72 000 705 533 50 544 510 091

Uruguay679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 578 883 0 1 455 497251 Pulp And Waste Paper 0 1 938 724 0 1 445 518036 Crustaceans, Molluscs, And Aquatic Invertebrates 0 1 443 039 0 848 367248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 608 919 1 237 062 270 570 609 167057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 24 000 383 100 23 712 326 227

Others 0 260 145 0 649 770

Sub Total 632 919 5 840 953 294 282 5 334 546

Paraguay611 Leathers 0 823 063 0 1 052 190551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 0 3 899 0 53 238776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 0 142 0 4 332743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 1 1 1 519 1 519724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 0 106 0 898

Sub Total 1 827 211 1 519 1 112 177

Ecuador282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 164 440 2 870 255 100 308 1 144 057071 Coffee And Coffee Substitutes 0 135 000 0 1 055 700081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 0 621 992 0 601 784673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 0 113 905 0 324 099

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034 Fish, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 0 53 709 0 296 102Others 56 777 300 374 111 018 545 499

Sub Total 221 217 4 095 235 211 326 3 967 241

Peru081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 1 592 630 19 973 784 1 770 258 20 111 071057 Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 1 086 507 0 1 943 871411 Animal Oils And Fats 48 567 414 298 99 515 584 440523 Metallicsalts And Peroxysalts 50 400 100 800 138 096 276 192248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 22 340 162 772 37 754 228 869

Others 3 024 310 398 118 149 828 570

Sub Total 1 716 961 22 048 559 2 163 772 23 973 013

Guyana278 Other Crude Minerals 0 140 000 0 75 376282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 104 985 104 985 65 091 65 091759 Parts And Accessories For Machine Of Heading 751 Or 752 0 20 327 0 20 820285 Aluminium Ores And Concentrates 0 20 000 0 11 208

Sub Total 104 985 285 312 65 091 172 495

Trinidad And Tobago671 Pig Iron,Spiegeleisen,Sponge Iron, And Ferro-Alloys 0 27 553 920 0 10 986 678251 Pulp And Waste Paper 170 670 1 207 642 40 525 278 189282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 222 340 434 305 125 038 214 063742 Pumps For Liquid And Parts 0 8 0 7

Sub Total 393 010 29 195 875 165 563 11 478 937

Bahamas282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 2 605 648 0 1 141 661771 Electric Power Machinery And Parts 0 20 0 291

Sub Total 0 2 605 668 0 1 141 952

Jamaica282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 640 266 0 279 490775 Household Type, Electrical/Non-Electrical Equipments 0 2 175 0 24 946071 Coffee And Coffee Substitutes 0 210 0 11 970842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 0 70 0 2 960713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 0 25 0 2 856

Others 0 40 0 162

Sub Total 0 642 786 0 322 384

Puerto Rico515 Organo-Inorganic And Heterocyclic Compounds 5 6 617 423 2 214 304764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 0 23 498 0 1 337 170541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 597 17 542 116 097 912 220542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 393 1 982 141 694 749 487772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 10 989 386 290 727

Others 522 692 742 43 432 812 073

Sub Total 1 527 743 370 302 032 6 315 981Belize

081 Feeding Stuff For Animals 0 20 000 0 34 000697 Household Equipment Of Base Metals 0 17 532 0 18 883

Sub Total 0 37 532 0 52 883

Dominican Republic282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 499 530 6 287 650 324 507 2 328 458774 Electrical Apparatus For Medical Purposes And Radiological Appa 0 361 0 35 747772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 599 0 23 473121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 220 0 11 891541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 0 158 0 10 741

Others 4 338 577 11 104

Sub Total 499 534 6 289 326 325 084 2 421 414

El Salvador251 Pulp And Waste Paper 517 644 517 644 553 705 553 705282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 175 700 531 967 106 299 229 300542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 0 1 250 0 25 320844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 0 12 0 496843 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 0 11 0 457

Others 0 16 0 541

Sub Total 693 344 1 050 900 660 004 809 819

Costa Rica223 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Of Other Fixed Vegetable Oils 3 412 28 771 587 969 4 678 891282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 2 284 820 4 589 041 1 332 757 2 434 714759 Parts And Accessories For Machine Of Heading 751 Or 752 232 2 545 84 389 680 283248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 126 000 126 000 125 688 125 688611 Leathers 0 4 842 0 70 000

Others 177 7 204 1 866 104 304

Sub Total 2 414 641 4 758 403 2 132 669 8 093 880

Haiti724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 0 35 200 0 162 961685 Lead 0 211 957 0 44 511551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 0 326 0 12 699844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 0 4 0 191845 Articles Of Apparel 0 2 0 102

Others 1 1 47 47

Sub Total 1 247 490 47 220 511

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Barbados282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 46 690 537 215 23 931 238 840784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 0 259 0 2 148629 Articles Of Rubbers 0 3 0 22

Sub Total 46 690 537 477 23 931 241 010

Antigua And Barbuda679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 1 665 0 2 136711 Steam And Other Vapour Generating Boilers And Parts 0 12 0 230761 Television Receivers 0 13 0 194743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 0 5 0 42699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 0 1 0 11

Sub Total 0 1 696 0 2 613

Anguilla023 Butter And Other Fats From Milk 0 1 0 9

Sub Total 0 1 0 9

Aruba713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 0 37 0 1 289

Sub Total 0 37 0 1 289

Cape Verde752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 0 141 0 7 987841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 0 62 0 4 685723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 0 185 0 2 916

Sub Total 0 388 0 15 588Dominica

724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 0 2 800 0 21 983772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 29 0 1 209716 Rotating Electric Plants And Parts 0 1 0 116759 Parts And Accessories For Machine Of Heading 751 Or 752 0 1 0 90

Sub Total 0 2 831 0 23 398

Falkland Islands (Malvinas)653 Fabrics, Woven, Of Man-Made Fibres 0 5 202 0 96 183611 Leathers 0 213 0 8 483

Sub Total 0 5 415 0 104 666

French Guiana778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 0 110 0 3 451679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 27 0 647

Sub Total 0 137 0 4 098

French Polynesia034 Fish, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen 0 30 405 0 15 507893 Article Of Plastics 0 15 0 191775 Household Type, Electrical/Non-Electrical Equipments 0 4 0 63

Sub Total 0 30 424 0 15 761

Grenada662 Clay And Refactory Construction Materials 0 40 000 0 28 758

Sub Total 0 40 000 0 28 758

Netherlands Antilles744 Mechanical Handling Equipments And Parts 0 10 240 0 254 233651 Textile Yarns 0 2 150 0 66 647778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 124 2 532 2 238 52 774679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 113 16 521 2 048 46 535292 Crude Vegetable Materials 0 19 646 0 36 169

Others 8 885 77 506 14 795 120 299

Sub Total 9 122 128 595 19 081 576 657

Norfolk Islands651 Textile Yarns 20 801 20 801 89 030 89 030282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 122 297 0 50 753821 Furnitures And Parts 0 6 275 0 20 204

Sub Total 20 801 149 373 89 030 159 987

Saint Lucia778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 802 1 790 25 709 35 334282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 82 300 0 35 153772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 1 434 0 13 962874 Measuring, Checking, Analysing, And Controlling Instrument And 0 203 0 6 958582 Plates, Sheets, And Film Of Plastics 0 415 0 4 049

Sub Total 802 86 142 25 709 95 456

Guadeloupe685 Lead 0 50 000 0 49 000748 Transmission Shafts And Cranks 12 12 265 265

Sub Total 12 50 012 265 49 265

United Kingdom782 Motor Vehicle For The Transportation Of Goods 1 594 970 7 978 078 15 307 551 76 922 305

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251 Pulp And Waste Paper 25 341 732 268 092 720 8 070 788 72 639 060282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 5 747 520 47 496 236 4 223 687 27 205 911716 Rotating Electric Plants And Parts 130 583 1 906 145 1 514 975 25 551 556515 Organo-Inorganic And Heterocyclic Compounds 539 643 6 112 419 2 341 968 22 245 884

Others 8 578 320 84 605 344 70 592 938 477 296 752

Sub Total 41 932 768 416 190 942 102 051 907 701 861 468

Netherlands251 Pulp And Waste Paper 21 638 532 200 976 319 4 978 615 47 924 133022 Milk,Cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 595 279 11 550 048 1 650 227 37 128 064098 Edible Products And Preparations 524 089 5 663 803 3 376 986 31 481 447515 Organo-Inorganic And Heterocyclic Compounds 1 370 337 11 631 972 3 691 809 30 555 699728 Other Machines And Equipment Specialized For Particular Industr 36 807 334 975 2 657 125 16 913 357

Others 12 010 138 85 225 213 34 323 017 299 326 126

Sub Total 36 175 182 315 382 330 50 677 779 463 328 826

France792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 77 987 252 931 40 980 823 203 648 940772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 237 896 2 676 561 6 392 436 63 183 094723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 859 837 4 675 342 9 016 005 48 002 635773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 79 623 958 389 7 626 084 44 692 185679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 277 837 10 475 603 843 980 25 854 916

Others 27 168 483 181 144 033 63 756 790 516 725 802

Sub Total 28 701 663 200 182 859 128 616 118 902 107 572

Germany764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 211 928 2 468 001 43 930 769 314 378 536728 Other Machines And Equipment Specialized For Particular Industr 261 839 3 980 462 11 603 656 129 213 098793 Ships, Boats, And Floating Structures 0 14 204 271 0 109 716 475745 Other Non-Electical Machinery, Tools, And Mechanical Apparatus 173 791 1 357 943 4 711 179 78 203 564752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 12 888 154 175 7 393 979 74 885 831

Others 60 132 504 570 012 789 191 227 142 1 742 314 236

Sub Total 60 792 950 592 177 641 258 866 725 2 448 711 740

Austria776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 31 182 294 166 16 476 355 124 157 300716 Rotating Electric Plants And Parts 667 702 886 56 407 21 903 766641 Papers And Paperboards 260 437 2 838 730 1 237 598 12 043 705642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 131 840 2 289 798 653 833 10 300 819251 Pulp And Waste Paper 0 9 760 084 0 8 853 999

Others 1 946 057 19 298 337 10 869 368 103 111 235

Sub Total 2 370 183 35 184 001 29 293 561 280 370 824

Belgium515 Organo-Inorganic And Heterocyclic Compounds 1 287 542 13 671 844 5 617 542 48 421 232716 Rotating Electric Plants And Parts 2 630 714 197 125 421 44 904 761251 Pulp And Waste Paper 19 511 390 127 782 409 4 623 061 29 823 925046 Meal And Flour Of Wheat And Flour Of Meslin 9 677 500 50 761 000 5 482 342 28 323 845724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 255 447 1 367 309 1 663 574 23 570 575

Others 13 576 321 112 892 169 32 704 233 314 407 420

Sub Total 44 310 830 307 188 928 50 216 173 489 451 758

Switzerland764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 214 789 1 130 748 16 630 815 84 610 673724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 18 826 1 399 680 392 252 38 798 200714 Engines And Motors, Non-Electric And Parts 949 69 586 128 551 30 635 254551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 111 456 685 105 3 569 461 21 201 810533 Pigments, Paints, Varnishes, And Related Materials 82 546 620 641 2 469 481 20 886 557

Others 5 422 994 68 257 856 27 012 458 271 096 860

Sub Total 5 851 560 72 163 616 50 203 018 467 229 354

Luxembourg121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 446 985 0 1 654 488749 Non-Electric Parts And Accessories Of Machineries 24 758 96 314 56 635 1 257 226676 Iron/Steel Bars, Rods, Angels, Shaped And Sections 0 723 505 0 729 343553 Perfumery, Cosmetics, And Toilet Preparations 102 13 027 1 766 212 417735 Parts Of Machine Tools 0 861 0 134 751

Others 8 261 572 256 36 323 558 673

Sub Total 33 121 1 852 948 94 724 4 546 898

Monaco542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 0 362 0 337 841553 Perfumery, Cosmetics, And Toilet Preparations 796 3 320 23 060 111 276575 Other Plastics In Primary Forms 190 3 981 2 171 36 339592 Starches, Inulin, And Wheat Glutenal Buminoidal Subtances; Glue 0 50 000 0 24 350774 Electrical Apparatus For Medical Purposes And Radiological Appa 0 264 0 12 331

Others 577 4 097 5 895 39 111

Sub Total 1 563 62 024 31 126 561 248Denmark

098 Edible Products And Preparations 185 469 1 790 154 1 164 860 14 248 122022 Milk,Cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 199 000 2 527 025 1 102 399 13 284 465542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 14 429 45 685 921 330 6 662 663741 Heating And Cooling Equipments And Parts 4 568 126 323 127 060 3 641 896727 Food Processing Machines And Parts 255 52 172 12 776 2 630 777

Others 234 798 4 967 246 2 923 015 36 204 771

Sub Total 638 519 9 508 605 6 251 440 76 672 694

Norway562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 7 005 165 74 774 748 5 966 755 50 966 172744 Mechanical Handling Equipments And Parts 9 411 628 693 36 390 12 000 941

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713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 35 714 440 753 893 485 10 087 040772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 4 229 68 718 12 196 6 046 261793 Ships, Boats, And Floating Structures 1 749 047 1 756 978 5 200 133 5 275 735

Others 2 854 383 22 810 371 2 562 228 52 696 378

Sub Total 11 657 949 100 480 261 14 671 187 137 072 527

Sweden764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 254 046 2 780 409 33 494 233 406 980 133725 Papermill/Pulpmill Machinery And Paper Cutting Machines 288 860 4 062 634 5 595 926 67 520 359251 Pulp And Waste Paper 5 359 194 77 168 183 5 116 411 63 460 736782 Motor Vehicle For The Transportation Of Goods 477 361 3 827 448 4 567 866 38 230 386641 Papers And Paperboards 3 593 520 23 164 481 3 938 853 26 174 449

Others 4 223 263 28 447 279 17 728 581 191 811 353

Sub Total 14 196 244 139 450 434 70 441 870 794 177 416

Finland764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 112 872 807 416 17 252 243 148 679 800713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines And Parts 1 205 628 842 44 391 20 293 767725 Papermill/Pulpmill Machinery And Paper Cutting Machines 1 168 1 137 780 102 182 18 647 968641 Papers And Paperboards 1 858 727 15 653 606 1 924 433 14 095 874251 Pulp And Waste Paper 1 013 112 15 081 287 711 866 11 348 672

Others 1 817 429 21 754 454 9 750 971 96 901 592

Sub Total 4 804 513 55 063 385 29 786 086 309 967 673

Ireland098 Edible Products And Preparations 27 870 1 065 555 876 311 14 926 220022 Milk,Cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 215 000 3 528 347 737 771 12 591 584752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 2 117 40 301 343 619 11 456 686551 Essential Oils, Perfumes, And Flavour Materials 47 778 768 650 342 917 8 305 668542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 159 18 532 150 346 5 421 091

Others 763 336 15 822 841 1 339 578 21 805 669

Sub Total 1 056 260 21 244 226 3 790 542 74 506 918

Italy728 Other Machines And Equipment Specialized For Particular Industr 56 049 2 211 116 1 089 530 51 719 671723 Civil Engineering And Contractor Plants And Equipments/Parts 994 765 16 140 674 3 418 407 48 359 393764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 61 943 554 697 5 577 017 43 824 048745 Other Non-Electical Machinery, Tools, And Mechanical Apparatus 140 388 922 156 13 112 016 42 453 873743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 51 481 1 143 499 1 100 718 36 608 678

Others 16 251 907 156 195 244 60 631 794 544 033 937

Sub Total 17 556 533 177 167 386 84 929 482 766 999 600

Spain691 Structuctures And Parts Of Iron/Steel Or Aluminium 0 7 327 305 0 27 599 994533 Pigments, Paints, Varnishes, And Related Materials 759 173 12 957 885 1 070 335 19 559 291679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 478 892 2 907 108 2 718 120 14 036 699684 Alumunium 275 972 2 843 916 762 648 7 836 246772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 29 311 259 696 602 767 7 719 063

Others 3 458 938 40 963 712 11 515 014 131 354 454

Sub Total 5 002 286 67 259 622 16 668 884 208 105 747

Portugal845 Articles Of Apparel 5 425 36 741 231 842 1 924 922844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 1 324 12 692 66 316 710 865841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 1 170 9 002 41 882 493 292697 Household Equipment Of Base Metals 447 153 050 6 417 453 382842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 385 5 764 21 078 443 704

Others 27 129 2 370 805 283 327 3 514 367

Sub Total 35 880 2 588 054 650 862 7 540 532Iceland

752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 0 66 0 1 121 618278 Other Crude Minerals 0 8 296 288 0 751 656542 Medicaments, Including Veterinary Medicaments 0 978 0 211 917411 Animal Oils And Fats 5 320 21 728 25 943 151 082898 Musical Instrument And Parts/Accessories 0 233 0 45 028

Others 118 275 217 12 088 96 171

Sub Total 5 438 8 594 510 38 031 2 377 472

Montserrat749 Non-Electric Parts And Accessories Of Machineries 0 4 0 180

Sub Total 0 4 0 180

Greece263 Cotton 310 109 3 391 175 537 918 7 901 671121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 15 574 982 423 101 356 4 786 558251 Pulp And Waste Paper 2 955 807 10 552 617 641 690 2 394 515724 Textile/Leather Machinery And Parts 0 86 406 0 1 546 084662 Clay And Refactory Construction Materials 150 137 321 127 605 127 938 164

Others 165 645 1 996 162 355 601 3 931 078

Sub Total 3 597 272 17 329 910 2 241 692 21 498 070

Vatican City State (Holy See)873 Meters And Counters 0 5 449 0 58 540

Sub Total 0 5 449 0 58 540

Andorra778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 0 789 0 4 420695 Tools For Used In The Hand Or In Machines 0 1 0 131

Sub Total 0 790 0 4 551

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Liechtenstein121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 198 000 0 463 777728 Other Machines And Equipment Specialized For Particular Industr 0 850 0 50 859522 Inorganic Chemical Elements, Oxides And Halogen Salts 0 15 0 3 570772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 71 0 1 718651 Textile Yarns 0 57 0 1 477

Others 7 49 199 1 539

Sub Total 7 199 042 199 522 940

Democratic Republic Of The Congo121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 99 000 0 237 600247 Wood In The Rough Or Roughly Squared 0 44 313 0 34 466223 Oil Seeds Use For Extraction Of Other Fixed Vegetable Oils 0 68 000 0 34 000

Fruit And Nut; Fresh Or Dried 0 13 500 0 2 025

Sub Total 0 224 813 0 308 091

Hungary714 Engines And Motors, Non-Electric And Parts 484 14 647 332 296 6 554 325778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 11 461 158 568 485 257 2 347 612764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 281 6 696 166 142 1 808 512541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 18 2 670 65 400 1 603 381752 Automatic Data Processing Machines And Their Units 411 9 727 79 417 1 222 423

Others 43 554 1 653 198 607 483 7 975 376

Sub Total 56 209 1 845 506 1 735 995 21 511 629

Poland672 Ingots And Other Iron/Steel In Primary Forms 0 28 248 820 0 17 590 230764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 6 776 115 167 372 641 7 090 511784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 7 832 7 244 078 297 815 4 628 081553 Perfumery, Cosmetics, And Toilet Preparations 20 763 324 347 280 608 4 557 209598 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 137 760 1 457 468 334 880 3 216 303

Others 2 398 625 23 026 382 4 804 788 24 287 523

Sub Total 2 571 756 60 416 262 6 090 732 61 369 857

Romania747 Taps, Cocks, And Valves For Pipes 8 893 214 568 93 905 1 570 303749 Non-Electric Parts And Accessories Of Machineries 0 19 391 0 558 793792 Aircraft And Associated Equipments And Parts 0 1 190 0 533 448679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 12 783 304 427 22 428 497 062842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 1 972 12 877 48 916 460 622

Others 224 029 1 087 735 628 863 3 741 162

Sub Total 247 677 1 640 188 794 112 7 361 390Bulgaria

075 Spices 2 167 200 3 810 080 759 312 1 290 561523 Metallicsalts And Peroxysalts 836 760 4 074 580 253 525 1 184 455682 Copper 21 287 206 543 198 851 925 357121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 124 740 0 675 896737 Metalworking Machinery And Parts 0 51 145 0 641 502

Others 607 834 2 086 887 993 850 4 406 199

Sub Total 3 633 081 10 353 975 2 205 538 9 123 970

Serbia894 Baby Carriages, Toys, Games, And Sporting Goods 427 427 113 888 113 888891 Arms And Ammunitions 0 1 112 0 8 030513 Carboxylic Acids,And Their Anhydrides,Halides,Peroxides 0 314 0 4 727746 Ball Or Roller Bearings 29 100 48 587679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 11 0 306

Others 4 117 4 189

Sub Total 460 2 081 113 940 127 727

Albania684 Alumunium 0 199 944 0 496 461845 Articles Of Apparel 71 481 3 599 27 007893 Article Of Plastics 0 315 0 7 197842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 147 202 2 077 6 900841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 0 14 0 1 330

Others 92 105 993 1 783

Sub Total 310 201 061 6 669 540 678

Armenia073 Chocolate And Other Food Preparations Containing Cocoa 3 115 3 115 16 322 16 322745 Other Non-Electical Machinery, Tools, And Mechanical Apparatus 105 105 5 050 5 050711 Steam And Other Vapour Generating Boilers And Parts 179 179 3 515 3 515

Sub Total 3 399 3 399 24 887 24 887

Azerbaijan333 Petroleum Oil, Crude 0 132 999 830 0 99 965 532728 Other Machines And Equipment Specialized For Particular Industr 431 701 12 350 27 437778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 0 207 0 9 232893 Article Of Plastics 0 5 0 207

Sub Total 431 133 000 743 12 350 100 002 408

Belarus562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 0 156 865 106 0 87 665 762625 Rubber Tyre,Tyre Cases,Tyre Treads,Inner Tubes, And Tyre Flaps 268 735 2 156 423 1 594 268 15 788 003676 Iron/Steel Bars, Rods, Angels, Shaped And Sections 11 069 24 683 20 593 46 771746 Ball Or Roller Bearings 28 316 126 749665 Glassware 0 22 0 314

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Sub Total 279 832 159 046 550 1 614 987 103 501 599

Kazakhstan673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 0 10 608 923 0 9 011 951685 Lead 0 2 065 523 0 5 977 449686 Zinc 0 1 188 842 0 3 246 195674 Flat Rolled Products, Clad Or Plated 0 181 495 0 154 272746 Ball Or Roller Bearings 0 23 0 1 359

Others 0 158 0 130

Sub Total 0 14 044 964 0 18 391 356

Kyrgyzstan533 Pigments, Paints, Varnishes, And Related Materials 94 13 217 184 181 203 494263 Cotton 0 100 546 0 162 369674 Flat Rolled Products, Clad Or Plated 0 119 046 0 129 232266 Synthetic Fibres Suitable For Spinning 0 20 100 0 56 405641 Papers And Paperboards 9 000 9 000 50 129 50 129

Others 0 52 575 0 77 611

Sub Total 9 094 314 484 234 310 679 240

Moldova, Republic Of611 Leathers 0 20 101 0 651 768873 Meters And Counters 170 3 262 8 201 177 621748 Transmission Shafts And Cranks 0 3 008 0 113 850776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 24 37 95 400 98 240655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 0 10 041 0 71 073

Others 274 73 027 1 882 258 456

Sub Total 468 109 476 105 483 1 371 008

Tajikistan263 Cotton 145 820 346 689 266 182 617 756533 Pigments, Paints, Varnishes, And Related Materials 0 530 0 3 200

Sub Total 145 820 347 219 266 182 620 956

Turkmenistan629 Articles Of Rubbers 0 5 0 8

Sub Total 0 5 0 8

Ukraine672 Ingots And Other Iron/Steel In Primary Forms 96 320 683 825 589 126 284 517 128 576562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 68 000 94 759 408 38 080 55 295 336673 Flat Rolled Products, Not Clad 3 537 275 47 740 488 4 811 986 52 941 931675 Flat Rolled Products And Alloy Steels 2 379 587 28 719 953 3 207 435 31 667 219674 Flat Rolled Products, Clad Or Plated 85 307 24 756 266 98 025 22 815 354

Others 3 822 543 37 536 834 2 151 115 24 833 748

Sub Total 9 989 032 917 338 538 10 432 925 704 682 164

Uzbekistan263 Cotton 688 517 5 797 864 1 142 011 9 718 314844 Women'S Coats/Jackets, Knitted 0 55 0 2 166651 Textile Yarns 0 229 0 1 113846 Clothing Accessories Of Textiles Fabrics 0 15 0 416

Sub Total 688 517 5 798 163 1 142 011 9 722 009

Lithuania625 Rubber Tyre,Tyre Cases,Tyre Treads,Inner Tubes, And Tyre Flaps 92 112 165 809 718 315 820 891657 Special Yarns,Textile Fabrics 0 1 606 0 83 661684 Alumunium 0 13 326 0 71 210899 Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 0 1 679 0 51 703842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 110 897 1 844 26 310

Others 24 55 477 935 51 728

Sub Total 92 246 238 794 721 094 1 105 503

Latvia232 Synthetic Rubber Latex, Synthetic/Reclaimed Rubber 0 64 800 0 226 800282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 352 040 0 154 898655 Knitted Or Crochetted Fabrics 532 1 326 40 357 105 403656 Tulle,Lace,Enbroidery,Ribbons,Trimmings And Other Small Wares 24 176 2 235 15 767541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 30 31 3 616 10 729

Others 203 2 637 1 013 57 111

Sub Total 789 421 010 47 221 570 708

Estonia764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 1 217 10 577 263 990 1 502 605282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 1 051 600 1 586 660 651 992 973 028773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 57 124 87 043 594 513 938 650251 Pulp And Waste Paper 485 160 1 850 830 109 161 433 549699 Manufactures Of Base Metals 0 8 637 0 109 166

Others 30 110 90 356 52 369 324 765

Sub Total 1 625 211 3 634 103 1 672 025 4 281 763

Georgia685 Lead 0 100 970 0 203 863764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 17 49 152 574 153 073282 Waste And Scrap Metal Of Iron/Steel 0 224 000 0 147 840629 Articles Of Rubbers 0 1 452 0 92 072874 Measuring, Checking, Analysing, And Controlling Instrument And 0 386 0 85 310

Others 506 13 993 25 975 123 465

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Sub Total 523 340 850 178 549 805 623Croatia

737 Metalworking Machinery And Parts 6 837 162 389 54 266 1 072 418248 Wood,Simply Worked And Railway Sleeper Of Wood 228 000 788 197 193 755 686 859728 Other Machines And Equipment Specialized For Particular Industr 0 115 745 0 288 417541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 100 852 4 700 180 659121 Tobacco, Unmanufactured And Refused 0 39 600 0 88 120

Others 929 242 498 29 667 240 656

Sub Total 235 866 1 349 281 282 388 2 557 129

Bosnia And Herzegovina334 Petroleum Products, Refined 0 16 814 0 35 153851 Footwears 0 136 0 9 928641 Papers And Paperboards 12 062 12 062 9 304 9 304743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 0 291 0 5 148784 Parts And Accessories Of The Motor Vehicles 0 14 0 467

Others 0 177 0 948

Sub Total 12 062 29 494 9 304 60 948

Malta741 Heating And Cooling Equipments And Parts 0 5 118 0 144 832721 Agricultural Machinery And Parts 0 2 930 0 141 023634 Veneers,Plywood,Improved/Reconstituted Wood Worked 50 409 50 409 17 833 17 833657 Special Yarns,Textile Fabrics 0 6 071 0 17 233743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 0 54 0 4 572

Others 104 2 923 2 313 12 584

Sub Total 50 513 67 505 20 146 338 077

Slovakia764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 440 18 290 254 713 5 768 013778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 14 936 167 688 118 538 1 133 255743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 134 161 186 3 490 903 167776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode, And Photo Cathode Valves/Tubes 244 897 74 534 722 225737 Metalworking Machinery And Parts 6 757 34 023 64 630 413 213

Others 219 245 2 016 802 411 171 2 910 494

Sub Total 241 756 2 398 886 927 076 11 850 367

Slovenia725 Papermill/Pulpmill Machinery And Paper Cutting Machines 0 12 548 0 1 188 000541 Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products 900 5 700 108 000 684 000743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 33 111 920 616 649 853641 Papers And Paperboards 0 75 996 0 436 994516 Other Organic Chemicals 0 2 770 0 421 040

Others 38 774 1 569 487 271 933 3 760 650

Sub Total 39 707 1 778 421 380 549 7 140 537

Czech Republic764 Telecomunication Equipments And Parts 77 242 375 825 4 108 427 14 311 659641 Papers And Paperboards 846 065 5 687 953 993 049 6 883 205022 Milk,Cream, And Milk Products Other Than Butter Or Cheese 0 1 450 000 0 6 113 850772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 24 124 152 920 335 445 4 280 793514 Nitrogen-Function Compounds 260 400 1 946 568 589 400 4 007 574

Others 898 512 3 138 914 1 743 867 13 097 505

Sub Total 2 106 343 12 752 180 7 770 188 48 694 586

South Georgia And The South Sa642 Paper And Paperboard Cut To Size/Shape And Article Of Papers 0 4 433 0 5 348679 Tubes, Pipes, Hollow Profile, Pipe Fitting Of Iron/Steel 0 1 408 0 2 885772 Electrical Apparatus For Making And Breaking Electrical Circuit 0 31 0 697743 Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Centrifuges, And Parts 0 16 0 151

Sub Total 0 5 888 0 9 081

Rep. Of Macedonia842 Women'S Coats/Jacket, Not Knitted 33 397 3 401 11 139791 Railway Vehicles And Associated Equipments 0 54 0 5 859841 Men'S Coats/Jackets, Not Knitted 5 23 2 325 4 050845 Articles Of Apparel 1 61 317 3 049851 Footwears 56 56 2 385 2 385

Others 0 61 0 1 317

Sub Total 95 652 8 428 27 799

Russia Federation672 Ingots And Other Iron/Steel In Primary Forms 63 183 677 584 274 345 74 407 386 430 511 498562 Fertilizers, Manufactured 30 920 607 638 748 136 18 179 753 312 999 829334 Petroleum Products, Refined 0 63 343 764 0 84 683 380682 Copper 97 884 6 030 848 769 628 46 891 473671 Pig Iron,Spiegeleisen,Sponge Iron, And Ferro-Alloys 10 000 72 373 610 72 030 31 925 818

Others 41 574 149 138 915 710 35 539 198 140 200 835

Sub Total 135 786 317 1 503 686 413 128 967 995 1 047 212 833

Total Import 8 172 480 300 77 779 696 232 11 296 068 452 101 641 113 427

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Komoditi Negara Asal Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Commodity Country of Origin Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)


THAILAND 10 554 250 125 227 822 5 103 011 50 983 507

VIET NAM 3 500 000 114 970 450 1 541 894 43 275 744

CHINA 300 000 1 893 629 615 000 3 699 884

PHILIPPINES 0 749 000 0 2 311 244

UNITED STATES 187 686 903 708 252 498 982 633

OTHERS 23 291 1 544 656 51 673 980 319

Sub Total 14 565 227 245 289 265 7 564 076 102 233 331


THAILAND 28 263 030 88 466 018 10 826 537 32 813 937

INDIA 19 981 154 56 649 841 6 147 372 15 542 174

MYANMAR (FORM. BURMA) 3 450 843 36 065 840 1 229 626 9 998 919

UNITED STATES 7 803 434 16 996 100 2 701 960 6 142 947

VIET NAM 3 399 243 8 153 949 1 141 652 2 784 310

OTHERS 1 964 579 12 266 867 585 916 4 429 298

Sub Total 64 862 283 218 598 615 22 633 063 71 711 585


UNITED STATES 50 044 084 763 871 860 35 818 653 462 875 101

ARGENTINA 2 075 020 22 561 840 1 407 714 15 066 848

MALAYSIA 5 971 301 18 843 407 4 053 032 10 518 397

BRAZIL 0 7 883 000 0 5 786 094

ETHIOPIA 0 2 327 265 0 925 466

OTHERS 22 657 3 163 278 20 863 1 483 076

Sub Total 58 113 062 818 650 650 41 300 262 496 654 982

Biji Gandum dan Meslin

AUSTRALIA 171 932 278 1 266 595 917 77 367 773 583 124 416

CANADA 48 016 673 1 064 001 652 23 554 846 474 007 852

UNITED STATES 124 286 181 899 813 389 59 935 801 407 257 521

CHINA 0 211 051 670 0 59 857 510

ARGENTINA 0 77 371 460 0 33 993 860

OTHERS 35 029 741 61 398 097 15 951 472 28 682 913

Sub Total 379 264 873 3 580 232 185 176 809 892 1 586 924 072

Tepung terigu

TURKEY 26 310 000 151 155 400 11 823 322 71 839 990

AUSTRALIA 7 496 375 117 177 121 4 656 761 68 006 960

BELGIUM 9 677 500 50 761 000 5 482 342 28 323 845

SRI LANKA 1 900 000 46 121 675 1 127 960 24 426 787

CHINA 225 425 13 718 204 138 636 4 708 166

OTHERS 1 024 850 10 629 098 316 864 4 119 333

Sub Total 46 634 150 389 562 498 23 545 885 201 425 081

Gula Pasir

THAILAND 39 475 001 479 652 156 15 892 712 179 118 889

MALAYSIA 3 600 300 26 248 550 1 551 799 10 403 726

KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 2 473 600 21 025 220 1 396 130 9 318 432

INDIA 0 12 487 000 0 4 307 514

AUSTRALIA 148 750 3 601 250 67 681 1 353 943

OTHERS 484 000 6 060 314 240 632 2 425 531

Sub Total 46 181 651 549 074 490 19 148 954 206 928 035

Gula Tebu

THAILAND 66 049 600 291 034 612 21 507 600 95 375 005

INDIA 2 656 717 27 164 414 1 026 631 8 406 316

SINGAPORE 1 090 1 090 30 360 30 360

MALAYSIA 0 25 103 0 9 385

BELGIUM 0 11 0 330

OTHERS 0 2 0 15

Sub Total 68 707 407 318 225 232 22 564 591 103 821 411





Komoditi Negara Asal Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Commodity Country of Origin Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)

Daging Sejenis Lembu

AUSTRALIA 4 885 511 35 812 610 11 957 623 77 366 454

NEW ZEALAND 2 207 480 32 811 242 5 275 785 72 823 645

CANADA 195 673 1 820 232 419 441 3 450 283

UNITED STATES 257 091 1 088 775 288 703 1 543 164

SINGAPORE 16 823 31 145 58 895 80 347

OTHERS 0 810 0 1 750

Sub Total 7 562 578 71 564 814 18 000 447 155 265 643

Daging Ayam

SINGAPORE 316 907 1 096 891 530 503 1 880 987

UNITED STATES 316 994 811 826 542 243 1 417 693

BRAZIL 0 558 566 0 963 146

FRANCE 0 107 930 0 207 497

MALAYSIA 8 040 13 470 14 029 26 416

OTHERS 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 641 941 2 588 683 1 086 775 4 495 739


AUSTRALIA 148 829 000 1 076 972 000 7 166 445 48 312 146

INDIA 0 174 004 000 0 4 524 104

NEW ZEALAND 0 528 000 0 169 480

GERMANY, FED. REP. OF 13 250 147 567 18 677 138 852

SINGAPORE 2 761 281 156 11 910 114 572

OTHERS 40 217 361 735 33 430 171 158

Sub Total 148 885 228 1 252 294 458 7 230 462 53 430 312


NEW ZEALAND 71 445 3 673 738 331 688 15 949 393

BELGIUM 21 420 1 161 912 76 684 7 670 398

NETHERLANDS 27 152 1 668 831 29 752 5 707 546

AUSTRALIA 8 401 487 619 38 504 1 960 556

FRANCE 32 004 309 047 218 310 1 815 201

OTHERS 25 084 657 796 95 641 2 266 087

Sub Total 185 506 7 958 943 790 579 35 369 181

Minyak Goreng

MALAYSIA 438 198 9 678 292 651 506 14 270 400

SINGAPORE 513 032 10 803 837 949 893 10 126 092

THAILAND 0 3 612 693 0 4 385 862

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 260 200 2 710 020 417 517 4 337 353

UNITED STATES 95 354 515 488 190 476 840 269

OTHERS 37 803 476 334 60 529 850 473

Sub Total 1 344 587 27 796 664 2 269 921 34 810 449


NEW ZEALAND 525 945 45 615 665 2 206 797 156 544 151

UNITED STATES 2 287 950 30 556 689 6 920 857 115 050 537

AUSTRALIA 1 439 125 20 006 786 5 120 107 79 086 414

PHILIPPINES 2 232 285 14 374 468 10 194 087 67 736 409

SINGAPORE 335 997 6 342 834 1 945 286 26 460 996

OTHERS 2 828 824 32 682 034 7 857 597 109 147 736

Sub Total 9 650 126 149 578 476 34 244 731 554 026 243

Bawang Merah

THAILAND 0 75 201 479 0 31 513 983

VIET NAM 0 27 540 320 0 11 198 205

MALAYSIA 1 200 756 9 392 118 677 017 4 743 039

PHILIPPINES 0 7 875 185 0 3 176 077

CHINA 1 850 000 3 944 340 518 000 1 338 840

OTHERS 19 493 2 183 002 7 002 835 386

Sub Total 3 070 249 126 136 444 1 202 019 52 805 530





Komoditi Negara Asal Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Commodity Country of Origin Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)

Bawang putih

CHINA 53 218 935 362 988 027 18 867 833 129 734 004

MALAYSIA 304 498 1 696 310 155 007 789 836

INDIA 867 384 159 376 143 997

MOZAMBIQUE 0 171 000 0 68 400

THAILAND 0 155 430 0 61 527

OTHERS 99 491 256 400 44 721 89 197

Sub Total 53 623 791 365 651 326 19 067 937 130 886 961

Telur Unggas

CHINA 0 71 031 0 42 210

OTHERS 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 0 71 031 0 42 210


INDIA 0 127 008 0 498 960

VIET NAM 15 876 150 715 86 625 409 062

PHILIPPINES 24 086 196 414 50 157 355 319

THAILAND 273 587 606 340 138 123 312 198

AUSTRALIA 0 269 409 0 180 885

OTHERS 0 567 720 0 383 197

Sub Total 313 549 1 917 606 274 905 2 139 621

Kelapa Sawit

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 2 005 21 139 274 032 1 979 958

COSTA RICA 3 412 6 233 587 969 1 008 028

MALAYSIA 0 2 982 0 346 685

OTHERS 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 5 417 30 354 862 001 3 334 671


CHINA 309 491 859 889 112 800 392 833

SINGAPORE 0 77 209 0 103 545

MALAYSIA 3 960 141 881 1 595 83 565

INDONESIA 0 15 000 0 67 937

INDIA 0 809 0 31 057

OTHERS 4 166 16 816 19 623 34 564

Sub Total 317 617 1 111 604 134 018 713 501


KENYA 315 978 1 343 809 856 204 3 213 196

VIET NAM 210 269 2 213 193 153 000 2 033 065

SRI LANKA 38 415 254 534 211 643 970 230

CHINA 32 413 617 450 41 904 802 789

INDIA 23 527 224 332 63 335 589 964

OTHERS 23 090 533 083 162 934 1 477 391

Sub Total 643 692 5 186 401 1 489 020 9 086 635


VIET NAM 0 2 721 833 0 5 650 568

BRAZIL 154 457 1 077 443 481 092 3 233 304

EAST TIMOR 193 000 1 044 822 370 540 1 959 797

UNITED STATES 31 785 262 954 134 634 943 459

ITALY 9 178 58 914 64 695 693 205

OTHERS 77 669 832 950 218 718 2 099 438

Sub Total 466 089 5 998 916 1 269 679 14 579 771


COTE D'IVOIRE 0 13 013 000 0 33 904 211

CAMEROON 0 4 179 048 0 10 819 885

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 105 000 3 516 000 286 627 9 228 655





Komoditi Negara Asal Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

Commodity Country of Origin Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai CIF / CIF Value (US$)

NIGERIA 0 1 008 800 0 2 440 019

MALAYSIA 0 703 500 0 1 541 069

OTHERS 0 301 178 0 969 541

Sub Total 105 000 22 721 526 286 627 58 903 380

Cabe (segar-dingin)

INDIA 129 000 293 461 124 298 256 332

AUSTRALIA 6 121 21 081 16 054 54 555

THAILAND 0 37 950 0 32 258

SINGAPORE 0 16 139 0 17 956

MALAYSIA 0 31 389 0 16 098

OTHERS 133 18 703 149 12 196

Sub Total 135 254 418 723 140 501 389 395

Cabe (kering-tumbuk)

INDIA 1 045 805 8 488 868 907 642 6 658 150

CHINA 252 026 2 422 364 272 241 2 461 430

MALAYSIA 187 922 1 129 114 91 584 589 306

THAILAND 91 590 319 578 77 852 229 617

GERMANY, FED. REP. OF 4 933 20 136 21 347 88 652

OTHERS 295 69 131 727 86 675

Sub Total 1 582 571 12 449 191 1 371 393 10 113 830

Cabe (awet sementara)

INDIA 9 100 186 653 6 640 129 133

TAIWAN 0 44 400 0 27 667

VIET NAM 0 27 290 0 17 004

CHINA 0 17 100 0 15 048

OTHERS 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 9 100 275 443 6 640 188 852


CHINA 441 600 16 863 129 1 677 888 55 286 739

BRAZIL 1 024 652 10 886 466 5 503 985 38 666 246

TURKEY 300 557 5 558 185 1 482 701 25 462 272

UNITED STATES 46 168 3 528 546 426 764 22 874 297

SINGAPORE 0 5 567 046 0 17 749 685

OTHERS 648 727 14 746 439 3 006 496 67 108 031

Sub Total 2 461 704 57 149 811 12 097 834 227 147 270

Ubi Kayu

CHINA 5 000 10 000 4 000 8 000

OTHERS 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 5 000 10 000 4 000 8 000
