38th Infantry Regiment - September 1952 - Korean War Project

Korean War 38th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - September 1952 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record: USA-150 Folder: 060009 Box: 06 File: 09 National Archives and Records Administration College Park, Maryland Records: United States Army Unit Name: Second Infantry Division Record Group: RG407 Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org Korean War Project 2ID-00400894

Transcript of 38th Infantry Regiment - September 1952 - Korean War Project

Korean War

38th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - September 1952

2nd Infantry Division

Korean War Project Record: USA-150

Folder: 060009

Box: 06

File: 09

National Archives and Records Administration

College Park, Maryland

Records: United States Army

Unit Name: Second Infantry Division

Record Group: RG407

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project 2ID-00400894

Korean War Project 2ID-00400895


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Korean War Project 2ID-00400896

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Assigned to:: 2nd Infantry Division APO 248 US Arrrry

A. W-.. Stuart Col fnf Gommanding


Korean War Project 2ID-00400897


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CommandReport (CSGP0-28)

38th Infantry Regiment Op.erations Section S-3 October 12, 1952

Period Covered~ 1 through 30 September 1952


A. llf.IP..onUOT 101-'J'


Korean War Project 2ID-00400898

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Dtirinc the pcriocl 1? Acl; tl•rc.:t. 20 ~4..u; 52, _the 38th Inf~'<ntry Hc;;imcn t relieved

significant O})Crations i·Jcre under tal~on. '.!.'he last >·mok brouc;ht intenne rains 2~ml

extensive d&rn&.co to clofcusi vr; _Josi tions.

the JGth .l'1fantl-;<r :::;i vine Haxi:>ruJn effort· to reconstruction of in:::tallation::: .:ll1(l

road nets.

Unit location and co:u11nandin,; officers of the rc.;inont c,t tb.e i)•J;LL:in:; of

38th vic

1st .Hn vic

2nd .Hn Vic

Jr(l Bn Vic

liD B.n. Vic:

C'l'289J06 Lt

C:J:J09281 fll.aj

Cl:JOlJ22 M&j

0:1.'275299 Lt

02.'286321 Lt


Col Will:i,am F. Kernan

Jack A· Du.'1lal)

.11enry Gl''CCl'

CoJ. Goc,i"':;c c. J!'o ;;lo

Col COl'nelis 3chilperoorcl

Korean War Project 2ID-00400899

~-· .. OfGLAS~IFIED l' I ~J:Jhorizyf':/.NQZlS-JIJ/ I 8y... ... . t:b\AA D.ate 1

) s !EPROOUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES i c------ : . .._____

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SECRET ~J:CUR I'£Y INFOH 1\<f .1\ rrrnN

Korean War Project 2ID-00400900

.. DECLASS'fF,-ED ~.tJnon.ly :6tNQ us-; rJ I By t:b\AA;().aie __ ______ _____: ______ .

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j tEPROOUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES l .c(-----~- .... _ ~ . ,

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Tactical op'.•rations for the ;:>erioJ. 1 Sept to 17 Sept consisted of an

active defense ai1d i;nprovcment of LINE JJ.1HEJ'l10VlH. 'J!he Re,:;irnent continued

reconstruction of (lLI118-se 1Iono durin.:; the heavy rains of late Au,;ust. On .5 Sept

the ls t Bn vthich had been in the reserve positions commenced relief of the

the 1st :Sn assumc.l rc;;sponsi.oilit;;." for tho sector. 'l'he Hetherl?,ncls Bn closed

reserve positions Vic 309202 at 06l6lt5I Sept .52 c'>W.l. co:x.aenceri. 2. st::YGn day

li::tening posts oc-.ch ni;ht to provirlc informaUon, ecHly ':Jaruin..o;, and. to

capture enenw Ps',f. On the nic;h t of 12-l] Jept 52 11 C11 Co _p<.l.tro 1 1·1Bh Re,;i; I

& R a ttacho1 c .. 1~.:.:..~srl U}1YJ in interdlit'~ent fil·e fi;ht~ from 2039 hours to 0035 hours.

Vic G'X2713J56 anrl G'l'283J.5.5. 'l'he eneill? suf:::'cre(l Est 4 1liA aud 12 counteu KIA.

fire fights. }Jstiillate ru1 au.di ttonc.:.l 20 enemy c< .. sualtie~ fruil1 those two actions. I

sector of tho reL;inent. 'l'he 20. Bn moved iuto the regimental reserve positions

and prepared to conduct a ceven da;r trainin'"; pro;;rarn.

On 181900! Sept the cuoq;r lii:l.ilitchoJ. "" coordin.:;.tecl_ <.!.ti;~ccic on outposts

Bald..v and Pork Chop. Pork Chop iJas attacked by 01.n estimatecl En Co; Baldy by

an Est En :Bn (-).

B GQ of the 38th held .. Pork Chop 1vith a reinforced plato(lll. :~.•he enem~r

a.tta.ckecl at CJ.usk 1.1oiT:1.~1_; in \vith his own Art;,r. :J.'he 1iln overran the positions

but \tore driven off. The fire fic;ht continued until 2330 Hrs. :J.'he lst Bn

reinforced the platoon of .B Go vi th the 1st :Br! Rf"~id.er Plc:,,toon i;.J:·.lediately

follovrin.~ the fire fi.;ht. 'J.'his t?.ction accounted for 60 En KIA counted., 120

En tviA Est.

SECRET ~"F,rnR TTY IN1i10TI M f.. 'T'rr".:t

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Korean War Project 2ID-00400901

-. . ,~ DtCLASS!FIED lf ~j;Jfl!>rlly !{_ Nitzi? jtJ L ~· . By_ t:b\AA:O.ate __ l

S .. , ·r::· C r.? E.. 'T , L.~ ~ r. • , _ __,

s:ECUHJ'l'Y TI\F01{?\lA 1rTON

Simul taneow:;ly vli th the a tte.ck on Pork Chop the J:;n a ttc-.. cked. OP 11 J.38.lc1.y".

:raking adva.n taE,;e of friendl.v sruoke 1}-Sed to screen the road to the left coupany 1S

position the l!in \las able to move ill close to the OP. :~:he 1-'n moved. in vii th

his own Art:r, an .!!lst 1000 roun-'.lG, and overran K coupan..v's Psns on the crest of

the hill. :~.•he .s.ction con tinucd throu.:;.t;.out the ni,;ht, \·ri th the Jrd. J3n he ldin.s

fast to the loi't slope of ",;}w hill. .lUoJaents of L Co movocl up '.;he Lill to

ascertain the si tua.tion on Bald._v, crossing the line of d.epa1·tm·c at 2200 Hrs •

. E Co moved into blocl::inc; Psn Vic c·r266321, assw:1ing reoponsibiJ.ity for the Psn

182J45I Sept 52. At l90655I Sept 52 the Elmn of L Co <lispatched to deter.rnine

the situa.tion on the crent was forced to 1J/D clue to intense En fire.

DurinG the follovlint; clD-y C/ At~:s by the 38th lnf failed to rei;;Ci'.in the

crest. At 200.5301 Sept 52 a patrol from I Co reached the 5th buuker of the

left slope and stayed. in thone positions until the hill vl&o retaken the fol-

lolling morning.

During the next tt-.ro days several reliefs \-.rere made in the 1)locldnc Psn

and left com11any positions of the Jrd B.r;.. E Co wac relicwed in the blrz,cki.ng Psn

by C Co of the 2cl Eng and returned to previous :cy Rep tel Hes Psnn. G Co R.eld

L Co in assigned sector at .190800! Sept 52 and was in turn relieved by the

2d Reconnaisance Co at 1921001 Oct 52. ' .·

:~.·he morning i:llnediate:cy follo-vling the En attack on 110ld Bald.;y~u intense

A:rty and air :power t<Ta.s c3.irected at all known enemy installations in the immed-

iate vicinity of the affected point. 18 air strikes \-.rere directed. a.t lucr:::;.ti vc

targets with excellent results. :~:he pressure on the enemy f1·om air bombardr.1ent

;..-as kept up tl'>.roU{;hout the nit;ht vi th r<.l..ci..ar directed. MI~-2 bornbinl:;S close in •

.All day the 20th continued air strikes were placed repeE.telL~v en close in enemy

strong points, 10 air strikes were conclucted on the.t day, alone vii th .1\il?Q,-2

bombings durin.:; the ni,;;ht.

At 2005JOI Sept 52 a 11atrol from Item Co reached the 5th bUJ.1ker on the riGht

slo:po of Ba.ld;r. ~·he pac1·ol rcnaineu in the r)ositions ur.til the subsequent C/Atks

that eveninc.

On tho JflOl'nine; o:C 19 Sep 52 the cor,Jmandinc officer of the 2cl Bn \1/c?.s notified

that his Bn vJ8.3 to conduct a Bn size C/Atk on 11 01cl B2-lclyn. 'l'horough reconnaisance

and planninc:; u2.s UJ.-irler'Gab~ll by the l3n. comnander and staff.

SECRET R~rDR rrry TN .. PO"P VA rrrn'"'

Korean War Project 2ID-00400902




Due to the nature of the terratn the only .i)OS<>i blc nei.ihod. of att;Ecck v/~_ich

envelopment comiac u~l ·!;he risht and left fin_;nro of tbe hill. One corJ:Ja.ny v.ras

con.pany in re·:~orve. 1'fith the raethou 2-lL<l dircctioH of the attack dictated l!y the

formation of the Gl'01Jlld the re:maininc; cLecisions to 'be Jn?..de \vere: te.) S!1ould the

attack be launched. dtu·int; the J.e.~r or ni,;ht and in eitk;r event at \lhat time. tb)

Should tho att2.ck have a heavy Ju:ty prc_para.tion or should it be made with none.

'l'he advantac:;es of tho clay attack over tho ni :.:;h t 0:1-Gtack '"~.1.::; thc::.t as thol'Ot16h

a reconnaisance uould not be neccs :;2.ry. Cont:col durinc tho o.ttac:..C 'i.roulJ. ;_'_:;reatly

be increased.. Ti1e creator advauta.;os l'e:.::-!;ed. \ri th the nicht c:ct'[;c;.ck, the attacking

elements coulcl novo u...'1clor the cover of clc.rkness ancl t;;:;ain sru·priso. 1'he att2.cking

elements when joined cou.ld consolid.e.te the ground., e..nd any larc:;e coor<.linateCi.

eneli\Y' counterattack \'T011ld have to cor,1e (lm·inc the dnyli~ht hours or e.fter d£,l·k

the next ovenin{;. !n ei thor cnse 1:10 uou.lcl. be "'Biuin._::; time or force !;he ej·wm,v

to B.ttack clurinr; clayli,):l t hom·s. lt wE s bocatwc of the lccttor tlw t the ni;Id.;

attc:>.ck was decij.od. upon. 1 Corps 1'8~tc'.ere(). the docisioa <.>.::; to the tL1e of the

attack to coonUnate with an attack orr Kel~r Hill iu the ad.jacent di visi(JlJ.

sector. Recent e:::t;eriences by this rec;iraent h:::..ve indicated tllo:.t \1hen an Arty

preparation is tweet the Chinese are Ilrep::;.recl fo1· tho a.ttaclc vrhich follow·s e,ncl

there is no ele:-nent of :JUl'prise. '.!.'he area h'-cl 1Jeen thoroughly satm·stce. with

air strikes, ni::;ht bombinc;s, and heavy A;::'t~r fires continualJy after the initial

preceedin5 t..h.o ;;vt;tack and fired the en tire d.a~r E .. t enerr~r positions. :~.:he cl dsion \'las

macle to att2.ck Hithout a preparation in as cruch c1-s the enCElY had been coutinu.aJ.ly

poru1ded. since the;r had. L:;<?.ined GL.e hill, and b.D.Q not hau.. the op~;ortmli ty to build.

up the defensi vc positions to an..y -:;-.ccat extent.

:t•he necessc.cry reconn"1.isz.ncc by Bn and Co o:.':ficers vP.~s ;na.d.e on the 19tl:

and 20th of Sep 52. At 2020l!5I SelJ 52 G ancJ. F Co:::- crossed. their respective

LODs, G Co on the left fl2.nk and. Jr Co on the richt, moving forvl<ctrcl. sloul._v.

At 2230 liro F Co vf3.c pint1ed d.oi'm b~r he2-v~r l~n fire, E Co moved forwrd. a:(; 221~7 Hrs

to reinforce F Co. Li', F ana. E Cos L1ovod slov:~r up the hill rea.chin,_; the crest o:f

Baldy at 2106201 Sep 52 an(;. :::ocw:ed the hill.

SECRE'r R~r.un TTY nrvon HA rrrn~'t

Korean War Project 2ID-00400903


~Jhorl.ty/tNQ7J?IO/. ; ,~)

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:rhe 2<1 J:!n immedia tezy l.lccan the ta.s lc of reorg<'-ni zing: and. consoli(lat ing

the position. Supplies and reinforcements were brought up throughout

the da;r. 'l'l::e 13n ore;anized the hill as a. separe.te strong point, overhead

cover on fi.;h1;j_nc; positions \vere constructed as quickly Fcs possible with v1h2.t

After ~lcly \tas secure'l a. concerted effort on t}'e _,art of the 38th lnfantry

Regiment, the 2d En.;ineers, and other su'1ort elements of the division 'l:tas

directed at making "Old .J:S2.ld;r" a fortre:Js. Jl.ta.xirnur.'l effort 'I'J<:il.S ,;i ven to 11 Baldy 11

with ccnsid.erable eft'ort d.irectc:.i at outposts Erie, Arsenal &.nci. rork Chop ..

The 2d }i:nL;ineon:; began conotruction of a. ro<Hl for whc,lc'l vehicles to :Baldy

to replace the existing roa.C. which coul(~ 'Je usocl by )Ul'DouLcl c<:·.l' iU'L c;<1;·. Tbn

FL:l,_;ineers also uO:.}"-H i'iOl'k on <-:;.. vrhoc lect vehicle roc.d to Erie, a roc.d _previously

paasible to I)orsonnel carriers on~r.

At 211530! Sept the 2tl Bn o.f the 9·1;h Ir1f be~t.n tho rolid of tlw lst B,l

in tt;e center sector of the 'P.r;_;i;:)"\nt. 'l'he plan ·iJeinr; to have the 1st J3n. vlhich

had not sustained heavy casualties, relieve the 3rtl :Bn in the left sectoln. The

a.ndpasucd to Opn controlof the '3Jth Inf.

On 23 Sep lst ]n relievecl all clements locaterl in tl1e 3rd Iln 3ector c;,t JG}mt

1st :Bn assumGd responsibHi t:r for the left 13n sector at 2311551 Sep 52, and the

3rd J:!n and 2nd. J3n Dtovo:l iHto l'8:J<)J'Vt) ~cl'tk-8. On 26 Jop :S Co Jdth Inf rulievocl I

Co which i;lle11 returned. to Opn Ctl of the )rd. 13n.

Col A W Stu.9.rt assumed cor.rua.nd of tho JSth lnf Ret;iment on 2JObJOI Sop 52.

On '27 Sep the 23. :Sn of the JU·J-;h In:'aui;ry rolicve;l the 2tl ]n of tl:te 9th Inf

in. the center sector of the re.;imeut.. ~·he 2d :an of the J8th Inf assumed respon-

si.bili ty for the sector at 2709001 ~ep and. the relief ~vas completed., by 271109! Sep.


i I

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Korean War Project 2ID-00400904

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During the mont}~ of Sop the J8th continuocl an activo <lefenso of i JtiS

ersion \YclS rn2.Ci.e on cor1bat out post 11Pork Chop at the sane tirao. '.l'hc J8th i.nf

J3n att::.c'.r co;J•.luct,occ t)y tho 2d. Iln. 011 20 Sap. :rho ronainU.or of the month

Regt front '.-J8.s llcvelope(l to cuicl.e the COllGtruction. :the :perioU. clo<WcL Hi th tJ-:-.o

JGth Infaatry in complete contra 1 of all l>l'OYiOLlSl;'r rpo:t;tecl cle:::'en:::::LYrJ lJOGi tons.


Korean War Project 2ID-00400905


S-3 J,1onthly Summary (Sentember)

From 1 thru 4 Sep 52 Y3th In:t: Regt W/J11D Atch1 Cont Def and improvement of on LirTE J,U1FST0\.J"T. Res Bn conducter'J unit and speci:ilist traini.ng. The Regt 11 RTC Cont six (6) day Replacement Training Program throughout the period.

On 1 Sep 52 I, Co Rel I Co on Psns, assuming Resp for sector at; 0550 HI's.

On 3 Sep 52 F Co Rel G Co on Psns, assuming Resp for sectr)r at o'Sl5 HI's.

On 5 Sep 52 1st Bn commenced Rel of HD on Psns, lst Bn assuming Resp for sector at 1645 Hrs. B Co J<D passed to Opnl C 1st, Bn at 1645 a~s. Rel of ~D .Bn by 1st Bn completed at 060600! Sep 52 and B Co reverted to Ctl of l'JD Bn. ND Bn Ret to Regt 11 Res Vic CT309282 assuming Resp for Regt 1l Res 061645 Sep 52.

From 7 Sep 52 to 16 Sep 52, Regt Cont Def of LIPE ,TAJ't•"STO\JH with Res Bn conducting unit and snecialist training.

On 9 Sep 52 K Co Rel I Co on Psns, with 2d Recon utilized as blockil"lg force in K Co Ps.ns during the Rel. At 1605 HI's K Go assumed Resp for new sector. At 1840 Hrs I Co ass~~ed Resp for Prev K Co sector releasing 2d Recon Co. 2d Recon Co Ret to Prev Roptd Res Psns at HM.O Hl:'s.

On night of 11-12 Sep 52 E Co dispatched a combat Ptl. Ptl Eng TJNlTI in commo trenches and bunkers Vic CT296356. Brief FF resulted in 5 to 8 ~ casul­ties. Frd1y Pt1 Clsd Ps~s at 0550 Hrs with negative casualties. Two·~her small ,pt1 contacts on night of 11-12 Sep 52. Brief J.i'F with En vtithlrawing.

On night of 12-13 Sep 52 C Co Ptl with I & R A.tchd Eng 'ill'lE in intermittent firefights from 2030 to 0035 Brs in Vic CT278356 and CT2S3355. En suffered Est 4 WIA and 12 counted En KIA. Two other Ptls contacted En with 10 and 5 min­ute firefights. En suffered an additional 20 casualties.

On 17 Sep. 52 ND Bn commenced Rel of 2d Bn on Psns. ND Bn assumed Resp ~. for sector at 180530I Sep and ~el complete,-') at 0640 Hrs. 2nd Bn Clsd new Res Psns lf~ Sep and prena.red for unit and F:necialist training.

On 181900I Sep 52 En Dn launched coord A.tk on OPs Baldy and Porkchop. Action on Baldy Cant until 2106~0I Eiep 52 when Frdly forces secured the Hill.

On 181900I Sep OP Porkchop .Atk by Est En Co. B Co Plat held Psns and FF ended R.t 2330 Hl:'s. 1st I3n Raider Plat reirforced B Co inunedin.tely following FF. At M.OO Hrs A Co Rel B Co and Raider Plat on Psns, assuming Resp for Porkc hon at 1400 Hl:'s. :r.'n cas1lal ties suffered vlere counted 60 KIA and 130 Est WIA.

' " .

On 1819001 Sep 52 OP i3aldy A.tkd by Est En Bn (-). A<;:tion Cant throwshout the night with K Co Psns on crest of hi.ll overrun, holding fast to left slope of hill. . Elmr, L Co crossed I,D at 2200 Hrs to ascertain situation on Baldy. E co· moved into blocking Psn Vic CT266321, asswning Resp for Psns at 1823/+5! Sep 52. At 2040 Hl:'s E Co ·A.tchi Onn Ctl of 3d Bn. At 190655I Sep 52 Elms L Co forced to WID due to intense En f:ire. A.t 190i300I Sep 52 G Co assumed Resp for L Co sector and passed to Opn Ctl of 3d Bn at 0715 Hrs. At 191200I Sep 52 Elms of E Co, K Co, L Co with 5 Tks 38th Tk Co A.tch:l, C/Atk on Baldy, reached crest of hill but forced to W/dra\v due to intense En fire. C Co 2d Engr Bn Rel E Co in blocking Psn ro;d passed to Opn Ctl of 3d Bn at 192015I Sep 52. E Co Ret to Prev Res area at 2015 Th:'s. 2d Recon Co Rel G Co on Psns at 2100 Hrs and passed to Opn Ctl of 3d Bn at 192100I Sep 52. G Co Ret to Prev Res area at 2100 Hrs. At 1000 Hl:'s Elms L Co Rel C Co 2d Engr Bn in blocking Psn, C Co 2d F..ngr reverting to Ctl of 2d Engr Bn 11t 201000I Sep 52. Elms I Co Deptd LD at 200530 Hl:'s reinforcing 5 bunker Psns held on left slope of Baldy. At 2045 Hrs G, F Co crossed LD for Coord Atk on Baldy, G on left flank and F Co on right.· At 2105 Hl:'s G and F Co engaged in FF, moving forward slowly. At 2230 Hrs F Co pinned down by heavy En fire, E Co moved forward at 2247 Hrs to reinforce F Co. G, F, E Co moved slo\.;ly up hill reachi-, g crest of l1ill 2106201 Sep 52 a·~d securi'·'g hill.


Korean War Project 2ID-00400906

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S-3 MOnthly Summ~ry (cont'd)

.On 211530! Sep 52 2d Bn 9th Inf commenced Rel of 1st Bn on Psns, assuming Resp of sector at 1730 Hrs. 2cl Bn 9th Inf passed to Opn Ctl of the 33th Inf 211730! Sep 52. Rel by 2d Bn 9th Inf completed at 2050 Hrs. 1st Bn Clsd nevi Res A.ssy area e.t 2115 Hrs.

On 220B30I Sep 52 A Co 38th Inf Rel Elms E, F, G, Co on Baldy, 1st Bn assuming Resp for Baldy at :JB30 Hrs. 2d Bn Clsd Regt 11 Res Psns at 1050 F-Ir's.

On 2308)-')I Sep 52 Col A W Stuart aosuced command of the 3Bth Inf Regt.

On 23 Sep 52 C Co Rel 2d Recon Co on Psns, assuming Resp for Psns at 1155 Hrs. 2d Recon Co Ret to Prev Co area, A.tclrl Opn Ctl of 38th Inf at 1155 Hrs. On 231155! Sep 52 1st Bn assumed Resp for forrnAr 3d Bn sector. A.t 0600 Hl:'s D Co Rel M Co on Psns.

On 23 Sep Frdly Ptl Eng En Ptl Vic CT267341+ at 2350 Hr's. Brief FF with Frilly disengaging and Ret to J:!,rdly Psns at 0130 Hrs.

On 24 Sep 52 ~ID Ptl Eng 5 man En LP at 2100 Hrs. Brief FF, Frdly Ptl Ret to Frdly Psns at 2230 Hrs. Enemy suffered Est 2 KIA.

On 25 and 26 Sep Res Bn conducted unit and specialia·t training.

On 26 Sep 52 B Co Rel I Co on Psns, assuming Resp for sector at 12.30 Hrs. . ·• I Co Clsd Res area Vic CT273305 at 16.30 Hrs.

On 27 Sep 52 I Co Deptd Res Assy area for Regt'l Res area, closing new Res area Vic CT293313 at 1913 Hrs. I Co reverted to Ctl of p3.rent un:it at 1915 Hr's.

On 27 Sep 52 2d Bn 38th Inf Rel 2d Bn 9th Inf on Psns. 2d Bn 33th Inf assumed Resp for sector at. 0900 Hrs, Rel completed at 1107 Hrs. At 0900 Hrs 2d Bn 9th Inf reverted to Ctl of parent unit. K Co Rel C Co Ol"l Psns at 1355 Hrs, K Co assuming Resp for neH sector and passing to Opn Ctl of lst Bn e.t 1355 Hrs. C Co Clsd new Res Psn Vic CT279306 at 11+50 Hrs.

On 271030I Sep 52 3d Bn opened CP Vic CT3092-'32.

On 2B Sep 52 C Co Rel A. Co on OP "Old Baldyrr, Rel completed and C Co assumed Resp for OP 110ld Baldy" at 0950 I-It:'s. 2d Recon Co reverted to Division Ctl at 2724001 Sep 52. Co C 2d Engr Bn Atchd to 38th !nf effective 281200I Sep 52.

On 280600I Sep 52 1 Plat L Co A.tclrl to C Co, L Co (-) remaining Prev Reptd Psns.

On 29 Sep 52 A Co Rel K Co on Psns, assuming Resp for sector at M.l5 Hrs. K Co Clsd new Res nrea Vic CT266314 at 1430 Hrs, revertlttg to Ctl of 3d Bn at M15 Hr-s.

On 30 Sep 52 3d Bn (-) commenced unit and specialist training.


... SECRET R~rnn TTY T~vnn 1\f A 'T'TOXt

Korean War Project 2ID-00400907

DfCLASS'!FIED ~.J:JW..ty/l(NQZ£5"/0 I 3y._ . t:b\AA;(l,ate __ :a A$ h4t ; •• "'""]

J .AJrnsTmm.

I I~ I


For the period.· 1-18 September 1952 the Olllphasis v1as on the il:IfJrovcDent

and rehabilitation of existinc i':i.~htinc:; r·or~itioas. :B-unkers vJere rebuilt,

com.rnunication trenche~J deepened, and :protective wi1·e laid. All of thin r10rk

itas done under a steat1.ily increc:.sinc tEJif&10 of onorzy :no:::tar and artillery fire.

'l'his action reachecl a climax on 18 September 19.52 \·Then Pork Chop and J33,l.Jy

received tremendous all day pounclir~,; ll:r mortar an.cl artillery to vlhich \'/D.s

added. direct fil'e artillor~r. ~J.Ihis :fire severely Ci.a:12-,:;od. tJ.1ese IJOSitions'

-b~ers that had. 1'rcviously been col1.Sidered sound. ·:i£·

Just before dark the fire iru:roc:.scd. on 'Ghc;;e !_>c:d tiunc 2~w1 the ener:w l>oc;an

harrass:Vng fire on the HSR. 1'he Chinese attc."l.c}.:ed lm,ler tho cover of this fire ' ~

and. overran both positions. Subsequent events ind.icE;.i;o that the Pork Chop

operation \vas a diversion but that the eneqv intended to stay on Bald.y.

The eneey "Vra.s llll.Cl.ble to achieve hi::> ;;oal on Bal<iy because the Regiment

did not give him time to corJ.solicL:,te a"Kl orGe:.nize his position. Consta.nt presoure

\vaS maintained on him by combat patrols, counter attacks, t-ank fire, artillery

~and mortar fire, and air strikes.

On the nisht of U-24' Septer.foer 19.52 a seenlin£;ly COI4f>licated but "Vrell

coordinated counter attack succeed.e'l in retakin,;; the hill.

Once the hill wc•s retaken the ir.1.".J.etiiate pro~lem vrc:..;.s holU.i~lg a:::P-iast

enenw counter attack. Bunkers and coum1..11.dcation trenches vere alr:iost totally

de.stroyed by the preceecling action. TemJJorary fighting lJOSi tions were pre-

pared from material se.lvaged on .Bc:tl<'.l.y. 'l'hon a com_k)rehensi ve plan vJ<J.s (lra\m up

to construct a self .sufficient dqfensi ve posi tio.n. \rfher0 previousl..v units

had been required to improve positions with their o-vm personnel, all the

resources of the Re,.siracmt plus engine,)r .s.nd KSG labor v1ero !lk'l.d.e G>.vailable

to the unit hold.L1c; Bald.._v. Work dota.ila Here set up from the reserve bat-

talion ·to s trint; barbed t'lire. l'he results of tl:tis concerted effort has been tho

steady progress to a truly strOll£.:: d.efensi ve :position well d:u.; in '.vi th plenty

of protective vtire ancl a t,rell coorclinated c.Lefcnsi ve fire p1in.



·- j

Korean War Project 2ID-00400908


_ .. 1 • I l- 'l.--~·"'f'"- .

'1:..""---- ·- - ·- --- --·- --- _______ ___-)'

._ DECLASS]FIED f f?.J;Jhr;ri,tyflt.NQ7J?JO/ I

Bunkers r:mst be O.uc in so thc.;.t onl;v the top protection sho1:1s <:-t.bove the

s 1J.rfs.ce. verJcical bre<.cinc is not enouc;h to sta.n<i Ul) unc"t.or repeated direct

hits. lnterlocking logs or tililber built lo.:.; cabin ntyle is reg_·u.ired.. On

hills such as the~jO they shou.l<l be sot in the hill \•li th one corner projecting

out from the hillside so that crazing fire can be secured. Too ;na .. "J..V bunkers

provide a fine viO\·r of the euenzyr but very sr.aall fields of -effective fire.

llurint; the period before 10 September 1952 materials such as logs a..nd

concertina wire v1ere in short supllzy an<l the Re{;i:nent v1as atterapting to stay

within the A~'R on ammuni tiou. The diminution of our fire t'{a.S countered by

an increase in that of the ener]\\r. t'his increase proE,:;ressed l'ri th an insicl-

iousness that allowed him to prudsh us severel/ "ri thout it aJI_poa:r·L1,.:; abnorhal.

:r.o.- coordinate the effort of the reconstruction of the Baldy clefenses

we stayed vii thin the framevmrk of norraal comma.nd responsi-bility rather than

setting up a special task orc-s.:rdzation. 'l'his has proven raost successful.

~tn-J .~ld L~U'!i lnf Exec Officer


Korean War Project 2ID-00400909

.-, __ ,

rd'~~, ,;;e ~~,.;;;.~ """"'~' ~--~~-

SECRET ._ S~011Rl'rY INl'Y>llMATTON .

HEADQtrARTERS 3Sth Infantry Regiment APO 248

SUBJECT::;. S-3 Evaluation for Period 1-30 September 1952:

Commanding Officer 38th Infantr,y Regiment APO 248

, .. i

8 October 1952.

Regimental activities for the month of September were generally limited to

the active defense of LINE JAMESTOWN in the regimental sector.

During the period 1 thru 17 September 1952-Ragimentnl effort was directed

toword the improvement and strengthening of defensive positions. A comprehensive

program of barrier erection was launched with special emphasis being placed on

OUtposts ARSEN.AI;; and OLD BALDY. Due to the proximity of enemy positions as

well as the freq11ence of enemy mortar and artillery fire it was soon determined

'that it was necessary to erect a form of prefabricated barrier which could

q11ickly be installed with a minimum of p_ersonnel... C.oncertina being unavailable,

personnel from reserve elements were utilized to construct wooden knife rests

around which bitrbed wire was attached. These knife rests were carried to the

hill crests during daylight hours and fastened in place during darkness. This

process achieved excellent results for several nights until the enemy was able to

observe our intentions. Subsequent 1-10rk wns greatly impaired by periodic mortar . ·

and artille:ry fire >-rhich sometimes totoled between 200 and 400 rounds nightly.:

During the period 10 th1·ou,;h 20 Septembe~· 52 Great conco ·n \J:•s r:c'J_~:-essed by

higher headqparters on ammunition expenditures. At this time tank and mortar

· ammunition allocations had been exceeded in the division and instructions were

received not to fire ccrtoin types. Due to shortage of ammunition, efforts

were made without success to obtain air strikes.

On 18 September 1952 the tempo of enemy fire increased to such an e}:tent

that a special req~est was submitted to G-3 for tank ammunition. During the

day, positions on Baldy were repeatedly hit by.recoilless rifle and rocket fire as

well as some tank and SP gun fire. During midafternoon an additional allocation

of 200 rounds of tank t1mmunition was received and the tanks on Baldy given per--

mission to fire. SECJ~ET SEOURI'flY INi',OTI M /r. TTn"~

i 'I 1 I

I .!

--j "'!



Korean War Project 2ID-00400910

-· ~ 'O~ClASSIFIED -IL ''-' ~j!Jttofo)yf\(!VQZJ?!tJ/_ r -- -

··-- ·------.-----·----·--·---Sy .t;lAAA :O.aie .

=:·- ___ : ____ ::d

S-3 Evaluation for Period 1-30 September 52. (cont•d).

At 18185QI:September 1952 the regimental sector was subjected to intense

fire which continued sporadically throughout the night. At 1819001 September

1952.an estimated enemy battalion was reported attacking Old Baldy and an

est~~ted enemy company was attacking Porkchop.. Wire communications to the

outposts were severed in the initial barrages and subsequent information or

a fragmenta~ nature only was forthcoming by radio from the outposts •. The

outpost on Porkchop remained in radio contact until 2330 hours when the enemy

withdrew and the outpost was re-inforced ...

On Old Baldy fragmentar,r reports indicated that some friendly elements

remained on the position. Artillery V •. T. fire was plnced on Old Baldy upon

arrival of the attacking enemy and continually throughout the engagement.

Several counterattacks we~.·e launched by Co E from the right and Co L

from the left on 19 September 1952. These attacks moved to the extreme flank

positions on Baldy where they were forced to stop by heavy casualties inflicted

by artiller,r, · morta.r and hand grenade fire. Remaining elements of E Co withdrew

to blocking positions along the ~·1LR whe·.:·e they were relieved to regroup and

prepare for a coordinated counterattack. Elements of L.Co remained in position

on the left until relieved by a platoon of I Co who remained in .contnct •.

During the period 19-20 September 52 a systematic program of neutralization

or enemy positions by tank, artillery and mortar fire coordinated with all


j . ' .• 1

·~£,;~ became readily apparent thHt the enemy's ability to defend was seriously arrect.e(i •. : ·l':J

At 2020451 September 1952 a coordinated attack vas l~unched by the 2d Bn:}~~~t~J

available air support was conducted. During this period of attack by fire it

~-~ •;"

retake Old Baldy. The double envelopment was launched \oJithout preparator,r fire~:., ::~·;·_: ~·;~~ (~~/

and was well on the way to the objective before detection. Upon making contact

all available supporting fires were called in and tbe attack progressed slowly

against heavy ene:tey resistance. 'lhe reserve company was committed and joined

the right company in the assault. The firefight continued throughout the night

with attacking forces finally joining on the objective at 2106201 September 195a

and the hil~ secured.

SECRET SECURrry INlNH•-H .~ '""/"\·'·



l J

Korean War Project 2ID-00400911

. DECLAS§IFIED ~.cJhtrl.!Y A(NQ 7%?1 () L

-~-----9 Y .t:IAAA ;() .zi e ---

. t~··-_1·~·~---~···-·---···· • .r,.EPROOutEO AT THE NATIONAL AR~;~ES i l ~---~r- . . -·· \ ..

."\.._ '--"r:;CPET l.,.'") L . ....- ../ ~ ., .~


S-3 Evaluation for Period 1-30 September '1952 {cont 1d)

r _,


On 21 September 1952 2d battalion 9th Infantry was attached to the regiment

and relieved· the lst battalion 38th Infantry on position. The 1st battalion then

relieved the 2cl. battaUon on Old Baldy on 22 September 1952 at which time the

2d battalion moved to reserve assernbly A.reas for regrouping.

On 23 S~ptember 1952 Colonel A W Stuart assumed command of the regiment and

the 1st battalion relieved the 3rd battalion of responsibility for the left

battalion sector. The 3rd battalion reverted to regimental reserve.

Following the occupation of Baldy all supporting effort of the regiment

was directed at organizing the defenses of the position. Due to enemy fire the,

number of personnel utilized at one time was restrtcted. Details were organized

to work around the clock with emphasis on fonmrd positioDs during darkness.·

Concertina previously unavailable was now provided and a master plan prepared to

j organize the position for all around defense. Two days after the retakirg of Baldy

the regtment was placed back on the ASR except duri;~g enemy attac!zs.

On 27 September 1952 the 2d battalion 3<'3th Ir:fantry relieved 2d battalion

9th Infantry on position and the latter unit reverted to control of the 9th Infantry.

During the remainder of the month the regiment continued improvement of

positions and dispatched 8 to 12 patrols nightly. The reserve battalion started

a seven (7) day training program.


1. That a systematic program be inaugurated to provide frequent air .. in front of critical terrain features such as Baldy, Porkchop and Arsenal.

2. That the ASR on aromuni tion consider the tactical significance of

specific positions held so that the defense zone is not jeopardized.

3. That wherever possible communication lines be laid in communication ·

trenches or burj_ed to reduce the possibility of severance of -wires by enemy fire.

4. Tn~t ready reserve be maintained at close reinforcing distance to

critical areas so that counterattacks may be launched swiftly and decisively.

5. That where immediate counterattack is not feasible or fails, that the

position be reduced by fire ann reoccuppied after a well rehearsed and coordinated

counterattack can be launched.


ltL_ '

Korean War Project 2ID-00400912

. OfCLASS'IFIED I' f?.J;Jhorl.tyi'{NQZJ?J{}/ I

~::::·, ~·TJ.aie: i ~~

!.' # .,_ -~i\.-~:,:;-~..;.,~-~~"--~~,.;,.,,""" ~-"·~-·-·-j!EPROOUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES\

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~FCR·ET l.) ... ... ,..; .... . _.A



S·E C RET 'l""F.r.TTn TTY I~T'FOTI r T A rrrnN



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Korean War Project 2ID-00400913

·. D'ECLASSlfiED ~J:JhPri.ty/V.NQV?I a I 8y .t:lAAA:O.ate __



HEAD (.rr :\.~TERS 3f3th Inf~ntry Regiment APO 24.?5

S-2 Evalu!lt.ion September 1952

Oc·tober 4, 1952

1. a. During the period 1-30 September 1952 the reeiment occupied positions

on line Jamestown.

b. The enemy to tho front of the regiment cH.splRyed a much more

aggressive n.+.t:itude trnn was no+,ed in the previo11S period rc~ported on. Friend-

ly patrols contactnd ertemy el8ments rJ.t poi.nts previously tr~rveled by o1.1r pR.trols

without interfnrence. In a feH instrmces he showed d:i.sreg::J.rCI. for our retall::Latory

fires, wh;_ch were limi.ted. by a.v~.i111ble supply ra.te, by emDloyment of t<J.nks 11nd re-

coiless rifles in cHrect fire on friendly positions. The enemy displayed h:l.s ability.

to attack, without warniJ1g, under a hen:vy concentration of supnort:i ng artillery, by

execution of s:i.multaneo,ls attacks on outposts 1113aldy" (CT256323) and Porkchop (CT26S

337), both of wh:i.c h ~>mre succes~>ful from the point of view tbn:t. the enemy was able to

reach friendly positions. These t1-TO actions are discussecl belov.1.

2. a. T1~ldy A.ct:ton. On 17 September two enemy tanks and an 1.mdetermind number

of recoiless r1.:f.'les bro:tght. direct fire to bear on positiC'ns on "Baldy" (CT256323).

'This was the first time sue h action by the enemy was reported in t h·3:t pa.rticular

sector. On the following cln.y; till enemy (leliverecl a very large volume of accurate

fire throughout dayli[;ht hours, covering "Baldy" with at least 1000 rounds. Previous

intercepts of enemy radio traffic had mentioned er~emy offensive action was to take

place on 1!1 September. This warning, plus the much heavier than norm,gJ incoming

artillery and direct flre mentioned above, were strong indications of an enemy.

forthcoming and aJl troops .were alerted.

At 1850 hours a very intense enern.y artillery, mortar, t~.nk firP., and

recoiless rifle fire preparation fell on outpost "R'lldy" (CT256323), outpost "Porkchop"

(CT26B337), and on frieJ"dly HLR positions, wi t.h a large amount of harrassing fire

coming in on rear areas. By 1900 hours elements of en enemy infantry battalion

succeeded in gaining poslt:i ons on fiB<Jlclyfl, having moved j_n with an attack toward

the center posit~ons and an enveloping force around the east flan.k.



Korean War Project 2ID-00400914

\. ,,;L.,, .....


cc~- -~; --· -·- ._ ......... - --· ,_ __ ____________ ____.,.-)"

Although heavy frienfl.ly artiJ.lory ar·d Cal 50 machine gun fire was

immediately called in on friendly positions and although small groups of friend-

ly infantry remained in control of so"lle portions of the hill, the er1emy succed-

ed ii1 his attack and h"l.d actual over-all control of ·the hilL Furthermore, the

enemy estabJ.:i.sherl a platoon sized ambush on a likely avenue of movement of

friendly reinforcements and succeerled in preventing G. friendly compan,y from re-

inforcing during the nir~ht of lf~-19 Sepi~ember.

Counter attacks by frienrlly element:,; during daylight hours of 19

September maint~.ined pressure on the enemy b1-1t 11e:ce driven bB.Ck by heavy and

accurate enemy art11lery and mortar. Pr'3nsure on the enemy \vas aJ.so placed by

friendly tanks, artiller;r, and air, deY'y:i_ng the enemy the opportunity to pror-

erly orgaDize the position.

On the n-ight of 20 September a friendly counter attack, movj.ng very

a,ggressively, drove the enemy from IIBD.lcl.y11 in complete confusion. Retreating

enemy elements were caught in ·che open w:tth very he::tvy VT fire from frierdly


b. It is believed that in spite of the W!'l.rn:i.ngs of impAnd:Lng er:-.emy

attack, the enemy achieved .complete surprise in the jyi ti3.1 phase of t hi.s actj on

by the following means:

(1) Tlminr::; of the attack. Previously the enemy h'ld customarily

attacked during complete darkness, usu.t:llly around midnight. His. attack during

daylight was a complete departure from past experierces and uncloubtdly cau1-:;ht

f'riex•dly troops nt a time vrhen preparation.s were not completely me.de f'or ex-

pected action.

(2) The, closeness of enemy troops to their ovm 3.rtHJ.ery preP-

aration. The eneny infantry was on friendly pbot'ions 10 minutes after too preP-

aration began and before the prep~r::tt:lon had complet~'!ly J5ftec1. Since no unusual

sight5.ngs ha.d been noted durine; the clay, it is apparent tm.t the enemy success-

fully infiltrated a battalion sized force to an area 10 m5 nutes marching dista1~ce

from "Baldy" and assemh1ed and concealed it there.

(3) Intensity of artHJ.ory nreparation. Frior.clly troops, a1-

though th'3y lnd received he:wy jnc0m:Lng n.rt:Ulcry dur:i1"(3 the ch~r, we:t•o iY:.t pre-

Korean War Project 2ID-00400915

-DECLASS-IFIED ~.cJW..ly tv:NQTi?l tJ I Sy _ t:b\AA ;()_ate __ ::f'Wt& I I 4 •11''17 -,

•• •1

c. (1) It is believ.qd t. h'3.t too enerny' s mission was to attack and

hold "Baldy". Indications whJch point out that :tntcntion were numerous. The

enemy dead fo,md on the hHl were gonerally er:uipped with various t:rpes of bags

containin~ r~tions and large amonr·tR of arnrnu:d tion. At le<1.st 60 cases of c;ren-

ades were brought up by the enet•1y anc1 nut 011 1"l0Sitions. Jvfany cave type emplace­

ments were fo1111d that had bAen dug by the er,eny :tn h:i.s attempts to organize tm

pos:ttion. Two flags ivere fo~md, which hrl.cl been prep0.rr'd by e emy tmHs declicat-

ing those un:its to the siezure of the hill.

(2) The enemy's failure to accomp1 ish too mission of holdi.ng

ttBaldy" 1.-J'IlS prob:J()ly (lne to tl1,., conr;-tc1'1t. presm.1re placod on his troops by friend..:

ly air strikes, artiller;1r, ·Gi-J.l1ks, an'~- :infantry connter-attn.cks. It is heJJ.cven

th1.t he sufferAd A.pproximately 5'10 casunJt.ios c1ur:ing t h'?. entiro opcr::J.tion and

J. a.. Porkchop ,\ction. At precisely the S!lf'18 tjme tlJE) artillery preP-

aration and infa.Ptry attack to!')k place nn li1J·1ldy" oi rrdlar ensmy action was taking

place on outpost 11Porkc hop 11 (CT?.68JJ7). The enemy a.Lt.~l.Cked from the north and

from the Host flqnk, cloGely follow5 '1G t hej r art Ulery prepr:n·ation as in the

"Baldy" action. E•'emy infantr:; re8cmd. frieDdly positions, rnoved thro'l~~h them

and bqc1c, a.sGUfJJted once more to p:ick up thsd.r wounded, and witlxlrew.

Tt1e enemy achieved surprise in m11c h the sarne manner as noted in the

"Baldy", action.

b. It is bel:i.cved thn.t the er:r~my 1 s attac)( rm th:i.s hilJ was a dJ.verslon

to tte main effm:t hr:dJ1f~ rnnde 01~ 11 ]3-"'.ldy". The j11dicat1ons be~ri''C: out such en-

emy intent:i ons were (1) The e; erny co,.tld probably h-=tve occup~ c,d t h3 011.tpost had

'.he so desired, sjnce most of the fJ.•:iendly troops on th0 hill were casuolt.ies.

(2) A very r1ef':i ;·,i te w.:i.t rx'lrmv'tJ, alo:ng 1rri.th attempts to secur("! his wocmd.ed, was

mrtde, seer0:i,_l:':l;SlY R.ccord5.rG to p]rm. (J) 11Porkchop" could very easily be made

untenable to· enemy by virt.ue of fr:!.ondly dom:i.na.ting observat:i on of too outpost.

4. Aggressive fr~_endly patro1ling resulted in 13 patrol contacts, verify-

ing enemy presenc\ at the points of cont<J.ct and his intr;ntions of resisting ef-, .... ,,

forts to drive . him :from posi t:Lons he notv- occupies. Neeting engagements with

enemy patrols in unoccup:i.ed tet-rr:dn showed a m0.rked increase irdiciJ.ting more

aggres_s.ive pAtrol activHy on the pnrt of the ener'ly.


•: ..

:.j. . ~!

Korean War Project 2ID-00400916

-· . ·- o·~CLAS$1FIED

lu:Jmm.ty UNQ7J?J ~I r By ___ t;b\AA ;o,a~e __ I ...... "& ··- .......

. ·'


5. The only enemy j_ritb.ted cont,J.ct, in ad<lition t,o th8 tvJO outpost actions

noted above, occurred \·!hen a smqJ.J. rrd d5 ne party succeeded in j J•fil t.rating to

frien01y positions on ttBaldy11 • This eroup entered the commullicn.tion trenches

and succeeded in capturit1g 1 Ka.tusa soldier before beiP.g detected. It is probable

that this manuever was executed by ':1. specialized reconnaisnnce unit \-.Those sole

mission is to capture prisoners.

6. Two CCF prisoners, both \v01mded, \vere captured by friendly troops during

the period, but cUed of wounds before interrogation was posr.ible.

7. The enemy to the front of the regiment conslsts of : 39th CCF Army,

1st Bn, 345th Regiment, 115th Division deployed between the CT23--26 grid lines.

J~th CCF Army, 1st and Jrd Bn, 337th Regt, 113th Division denloyed between the

CT26-32 grid lines. The enemy occupies OPLR positions from er1.st to west in our

sector on 11T-Bone 11 (CT29535B), 11Pokkaen (CT276349), "Ihsakkol" (CT26434S), "Hill

228 11 (CT252325), and "Hill 222 11 (CT2/o~-3319).

8. Artillery and mort8.r fire received has varied from very he·wy to very

light, with the general pattern througlxmt the period of a build up to the time

of the 11Baldy11 action, -vlith a very marked decrease since that time.

9. The enemy remains C~J.pable of:

(a.) Continuing in active defense with units now i.n contact.

(b) Launching limited objective attacks with units now in contac·t.

(c) Reinforc:i.ng 11a.'' or 11b 11 with reserves consisting of 22 battalions.

(d) To launch all out attack with units now in contact and 22 addit-

onal battalions carried in reserve.

... ..;.···.,


w~U WALTER H ROOT Capt Inf S-2

Korean War Project 2ID-00400917

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:~-~.,.._.,4-,,..o .. :-.. .,..-·~~~''"..,_,.,, .. ~,.-·,~'•~. ,.

jkPROOUCEO AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES I .ct·.,. . -~--- ' - -·· . < r ·~ ~

1:.--.:_ __ ~ -··-'------- ~---------/··

---- -· ··----··----·-·------ --~-



.. '

Korean War Project 2ID-00400918

'D~ CLA$§]Fl ED ],I'' ~c('~R~E-o;.T·T-;;E~ATIONAL ARCHtvES \ .

~J:Jiwr&/fLNQTi?N/ _ L_ -~-~ ._ ---~--:~./ ~=:,~,~~~e----~~~----------,-~-~----0-~----------~~--------~------~~-:~J SECRET ,,


HEADQUARrERS 38th Infantry Regiment APO 248

5 October 1952

SUBJECT: s-1 Evaluation for Period 1-30 September 1952

TO:. Commanding Officer 38th Infantry Regiment


Strength as of 1 September 1952: 92.9% of T/0

Strength as of 30 September 1952: 98o8% of T/0

Strength of the Netherland Battalion attached: 44 officers, 619 ~fo

KATUSA attached to the Netherland troops: 195, KATUSA attached to

the US troops: 456


During the period 1-30 September 1952 particular emphasis was placed

on casualty reporting procedur~s. New casualty reporting forms were in-

troduced to be used on a trial basi~~ This procedure was instituted by

the Department of the il.rmy. The pUrpose of the new forms was to simplify

casualty reporting procedures and provide a rapid and accurage means for

the individual soldier to report casualties. To facilitate casuality re-

porting by attached UN troops, the casualty reporting forms ~o1ere produced

in Dutch and Korean. In addition, another tYPe of casualty reporting form.

in simplified pamphlet form was received to be used on a trial basis. Fram

the limited use of these forms it is believed that this system has some-

what simplified casualty reporting. After the attack on 11 0ld Baldy 11 on

18 September, which resulted in over 400 casualties, the casu.<.1~ty reports

in most cases were received accurately and promptly, indicating that the

new casualty form is an improvement. The Personnel Section, finnly estab-

lished after its move from Chunchon, was able to provide much better ser-

vice to the Regiment.


The following awards and decr)rations were awarded or recommene.ed


\ J .{

Korean War Project 2ID-00400919

---------~-------------7----- SECRET SJ]GUR lTY INFOitMA TTON

E t, -1 _, -- _ cl.uring_ th~s _period:


Distinguishe.d.Ser.vice Cross- 1

Silver _Star

Soldier's. Medal

Bronze Star (V)

Br'onze Star (M)_



- 8



Morale during_ the above !_:-leriod was excellent. In that the Regiment

. _ was committeli ciuring the majority of the month, recreation facilities

were consietera'bly ___ CUJ:'taile_d. There were a total of three USO shows shown

to the. troops ciuring t4e __ moz:>.th. Movies were macile availalale to the reserve

.... __ units on every Qther night basis. Mail aeli very has oee.n improved since

the mov:.~ment of the J1egimental APO to the forward area. All units on line

were issuei 101 rations and ,:;m excellent supply of PX items, including

many critical articles, were available to the troops. The ~oldiers De-

posit program was continually emphasized, and though the Regiment was on

line, the results obtained d~ing the month of September reached an all

time high, $24,615 being deposited. The Regliaent also contributed gen-

erously to the 2d Division Orphanage funQ, I Corps Amputee fund, and the

Army Emergency Relief. The Regimental Chaplains continued their policy

of conducting frequent visits to the front line units in adclition to

hol!rd;1g regular Sunday services. During this period the Regiment receiveci

much publicity from both FEC')}I and ZI newspapers and magazin.s, particularly

concerning the action on "Old Bality11 , Porkcohp, combat outposts in the

Regimental sector.


During the above period there 1.-rere: 104 KIA. 308 \fiA 19 MIA 45 NBC


A total of' 451 enlisted replacements and 19 officer replacements were

received during this period. Replacement flow anc' rotation ••as not normal

during this perioa. The combat losses coupled with the small number of



"'' I..._

Korean War Project 2ID-00400920

_.....-:-::-~~.:::::=:===~···· , .. DECLAS$lFIEO

~.cJtlcriJy NNQ Z%?1 tJ I By t:lAAA ;D.aie ---

. :· "''1:~-;i;~r~f};:·~~ ... ·~---'*~····~· · .. ,;.,.,...:..._.., • ,,.~ ,!!EPROOUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES ;

fL-:_ -~·r-· · ·' .: f

\.~-- ' ' ·-·-·····-· --~---~:·



replacements received prevented the Regiment from rotating September

eligibles, except EI'S personnel, during the month. This affected 109

enlisted men; t-rhom, although they hc.d the necessary constructive months

credit, were unable to rotate. Although this procedure is not conduc-

tive to a high state of morale, it was necessary to hold these eligibles

m order to maintain the combat efficiency of the Regiment. Training

of replacements was conducted by the Regimental Traini.ng Center in

seven-day cycles. During their cycle of training, trainees were addressed

by the Regimental Commander, Regimental Executive Officer, Regimental

Chaplain, TI&E Officer, and the llmerican Red Cross representative. The

policy of instilling in them high esprit de corps is successfully con-


. '

~~~ ~.f[ R. WHEATON Capt Infantry Adjutant

SECRET ~"fj;r.nv. rrY TNl'.,Ol\ M A 'PT()1'.'


L ' --,.,


Korean War Project 2ID-00400921

·. o·ECLAS~IFIED f i:.J:Jhf;ri,ty:t{NQZ'£SJtJ/ I By_.,--· t:b\AA;(),a1e __ I

I'QP'Wiji 4 I = i •·-~}

:\..~~,r,.~rJL'<>',~ ... ' ,·-~ '~.-., ... ...-..>.~>; ,_.,., ,,

_,;lEPROOUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES \ J ,c{:'----,~ ... ,.-r~--- ~-- · ~ . .._ _, . \·l .. """--~-- __ :_- '--. ' f./ ---. -- ..,__ ~------_.._ . .,._.-"


S-2 'f.!Ol'fl' I{,Y STTt-1H!!.RY September 1952

1. During the period 01-30 September the 38th Infantl'"IJ Regiment occupied positions on Line Jamestown.

2. A. program of aggresdve patroling \vas carried out vlith RXi average of 12 patrols ·dispatched for each 24 hour perj.od. Contacts i<Tere mr:v1e by these patrols at the following points:

CT232354 CT295358 CT260JJ6 CT249317 CT233355. CT23l346

CT256323 CT267344 CT294358 CT257328 CT295358 CT275348

3. The enemy attacked positions on 1101d Baldy" (CT256328) with one bat­talion supported by heavy artillel'"IJ and mortar preparations at 1850 hours on 18 September. In this attack he succeeded in gB.5 ning his objective a11d remained there until driven off by friendly counter attack on 20 September.

4. At the same time, 1850 on lG September, the enemy executed a secondary attack against posi t:lons on "Pork Chop" (CT269338) with a reinforced company,

t also supported by a very effective artillery and mortar preparation. In th:ls attack he succeeded in gaining the crest of the h:lll, but \vi thlrew apparen·tly according to plan.

5. During the night of 2 September 52, an eBtimatcd enemy platoon succeeded in moving to the r:i r,ht flanlc posi.tion of npr company on "Old Ba1dyt1 undetected. A few CCF entered t m communicatim1 t.renc hes capt urine 1 Kat usa and 1 US soldier after a. brief flre fight.. Tl10 US so1d:i er succeeded in escaping while beir·g dragged down the slope. The enemy covered their withlr.<J.vW.l with j.nter<se mortar

· fire.

6. Arty and Hortar

A.rty 3251 Rds Htr 7076 Rds

7. Enemy Losses:

PH-------------KIA- (counted)--KIA- (estimated) WIA-(estimated)


2 86

293 610


.tJ~~ HALTER Capt S-2


i t 1

.. ,

Korean War Project 2ID-00400922

. O~CLASSlFIED .li' lu:JhYri.ty fi/!VQ 7.3?1 0/ !J:; ,· .. , ~D.ate __ 1

i . )~P~~~~~~~ A ;;~~';;'ATIONAL ARC~IVE~ .. '

. .r~-~-----··--;·-··~ ~ .. ......,__~~--- -~ - ·- ~ ~.... - - ---- ___________ _...6:



SECl~E·r Rl~rTIHiTY 1Nl''nT\MA'J1T()'""T

------- --------------··---

i I

. j

••!i · ...




Korean War Project 2ID-00400923

SOJeots lftl:u.tloa

IM418t1 ·lfS-30

~ten, J0'/290 GY

M!orophoae, T-45

Aat.._, Al/lJO

AnteD.Jaa1 Al/131 ' '

Deieotor .. Set,· 801\ 6250

lael, JU.-39

Bac, BO-lSO

Oaapaas, leaaatic


Sb.n'e1a, 1oaa ha.al.le

Pioka, railroai

Mattock, piok

Boari, plotti»g, H-l.O

ShOTe11 ceaeral purpose

4 October 1952


' 14





' 43

1 ,, 10




'1. 0\lr .tbre• (3) "SUrl• PoU.ta• (1Mrgeao7 Su.ppl;y Potata) al"8

nooltet1 with thirteen thousanel, tour hur&bei torty (13,440} •o• t~

ratior.us and. a two (2) day supply of sa.uaition tor each or the three

battaliou oD. line. The shover point has been in operation throqbout

the period.. A olothinc exohaftge and barber shop ll)catea at the shower

poiat, were put 1a operation iur1ag the perioi.

8. The total aaowat ot Statement of Charges tor the period is

Qae Bairei 1Unet7-1i'f'& 4ollars ani forty-two ceats ($195.42) 1 a 4eerease

. ot two Baadrei Eight flollara and. eight;r-tour oenta ($208.84) \t.Qfier the .,

total tOI' the preceding perio4.

9. Durina the periOfl the Fire unit repair shop repairecl twa.ty ..

two (22) tire UD.its tor the regimeat. Tweaty-sev$11 (27) tire Ullits vere

turnei :1n to Quarteraaster for salva,;e or repair, :).f which tv•t:r-sevea '

(27) vere repaired or replaced ad returaefl to us.

10. Personal etf'eots or thirt.7-tour (34) per sou were· processed bJ

the Graves Registration Seotioa, also oae-hunirei eighty (180) boc1.1es

SECRET --~11'rn-ry rrpv T1'n"rYr~ i\f 1\ rrrn'-r



Korean War Project 2ID-00400924

·. DfClASSIFIED I P-J:Jtrori.P;fV_NQZl?JrJ/ I 8y- .t:b\AA :O.aie --



4 Ootober 1952

•t which. tort:r-ou (41) were eDea1' iead, were evaoua:t.ed. d.urha the period.

SECRET S"Ftr,nn Trry nnilrm "'IJ" 'l'TI"\"'"!'


; J

.. 1

Korean War Project 2ID-00400925

. DfCLASSIFlED I P,J:Jhori.!ytiNQZJ'?JO/ I

' ~)-~·~;:,,_.l.,;:"~·-··· ,J!EPROOUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES \ ............... , ·- ----:'"~ 1 -- ':&...,_.

ey .• . t:b\AA;[).a1e __ ['


----~----_-_-__ --·-__ -: __ ·_ · ... -.;

' -1' ,D Sff~;~~~~~:~~r · ,) APO· - _248


»ur1ntt the perlod 01 Se~t 52 to OS S•pt 52 'the. Bn re­llalned ln Regt res and oont work: on rea ar,ea.

On 6 Sept 52 the Bn rel the ND :an and _assumed res pons l-bl1lty of sector on Ltne J•meatown. ' .

Durlng period 6 Sept 52 to 21 SePt· $2 the Bn sent out 13 reoon patrols and 13 ambush. Durlng th"* perlod the patrols made 6 oontaota and lntl1oted a t.otal ot -42 enemyltiA's counted; 11:3 eat en KIA'a; and 125 est en wu•s.

On nlght of 18 Sept 52 at approx lS30 hrs the Bn began reoelvlng neav7 volum~u• ot arty & mortar flt•· At approx 1900 bra unk: no. en attacked Porkchop OP and ove_t•ran the p1 n. After overrunning the psn, the e01my pulled ott because ot the heavy cas ualt les they s utfered. the est 1mated enemy losses were not known. · -

Alao on n1ght ot 18 Sept the en threw a Bn(+) alzed atk: on Bald7 and captured tt after ttere• hand to hand f1gnt1ns whloh laate~ 10 hra.

Ttl' ntght of 20 Sept 2d Bn, 38th Int counter-attacked Baldy wlth GOo on lett and F co on ~"lght. After 9 hour.s of nand to hand tlght1ns they retook the hlll at 0630 hrs.


At 1600 nrs 21 Sept the let Bn was rel by 2d Bn, 9th Int.

'I he moJD\.ns ot 22~ Sept 52 the Bn rel the 2d Bn, 38th Int assumed res pons 1b111ty of Baldy and sector of L1ne Jacnestwn.

From 22 Sept 52 to 30 Sept 52 the Bn sent out 16 screenlns ptla to cover the flanks and front ot Baldy whl'le wlre teama la1d wtre around area. These soreenlng patrols made 3 contacts w 1 t.h no eat of en losaea.

Du~tng the month the Bn reoelved sporadic arty and mortar except tor the 18 & 19 Sept when approx 3,500 rds fell on an. Total tds for the month. of Sept on Bn sector \'liB 5,264.

V.artoua weapons, hand srenaaes, and documents were captured due to aotlvlty durlng month. All captured materlil was evacuated through 8-2 channels· ..

,--- S E c· R E T -~ ailCttllxrrY INFOUMA TTON

! l I .I

Korean War Project 2ID-00400926

·. DfCLASS.IFIED ~j;JflPfi.ly NN£2 71?/ {)I By • • t:lAAA ;(),ale __

. ·SECRET •.---ooURlT~ifdffAa'itM110N

let Bn. 38th Infantrl A:PO 248


\...___ -·

1•2 Sept Bn was ln Regt'l res & conducted tng.

3; Sept Bn e tood a Command Ins peot lon. Lt Col James B. Bar\holomees assumed command of Bn.

4 Sep~ an remalned 1n Regt'l res & made prep to rel ND ln .sector ot Llne Jamestown.

· 5 Sept Bn began rel of ND and o ompleted rel 6 Sept. Bn CP set up vlo 285319.


6 Sept thru 21 Sept Bn remained ln sector ot Line James• town & continued def.

On 18 Sept Bn was subJected to a terr1tlo barrage ot en arty & mortar tlre. At 1845 bra en atckd Porkohop outpost (1 plat BOo, CT268337) ln an est atk.ot company slze. Terrttlo tlre tlght ensued a~ en overran Porkchop only to be drlven ott

. by· frdy arty, mortar, and AW f tre. At 2337 hrs Bn co led the Ralder Platoon up Porkchop and reached toP at 0012 hrs 19 Se~ and secured Porkohop. He then ordered the relntoroement of Port• chop and evacuation of trdy &: en KIA's & WIA's. On 19 Sept from 1300 hrs to 1900 hrs A Co & Porkchop were agaln subJected· to en arty barrage. Arty tapered off twwards evenlng and s1t remalned qulet.

On 20 Sept est 30 en probed Porkohop and were drlven baok by ,arty &: mortar flf• after trdy toroea had lntlloeed est S en KU'a and 10 en wa a. In ooorcHnatlon 'Wlth 2d Bn atk on Baldy whloh was secured by en ori 18 Sept, A Oo obsvd 250 en Jtunnlng from Baldy and brought ln AW and mortar and arty on en. Est llO en KIA and 125 en WIA ca a result ot thle aot1on.

On 21 Sept 24 Bn, 9th Inf re1 let Bn, 38th Int ln sector. Bn set up new Bn Cl vlc cl' 28131,. Rema lnder of Bn remained la aasy tor 21 Sept after belng rel by 2d Bn, tth Int.


On 22 Sept A Oo rel G Co &: E Co ot 2d Bn, 38th Int on Baldy at 0600 hrs. D Co reo'd 1 K.IA & 2 WIA from en shelling on Blldy 1917 hra 22 Sept. Bn CO assumed res pons 1b1l1ty of sector 23 Sept.

On 23 Sept C Co rel 2d RON Oo ln Bn sector. Bn 00 assumed rea pons ll;>lllty ot ieotor 1225 hrs 23 Sept. "'I" Oo remained 1n c omll\fnd of let JJn•

On 25 Se.Pt D Oo rel H Oo ln aeotor.

on 27 .Sept .K Oo rel o Oo ln a eo tor . unde,r control ot ls t l3n.

On 28 Sept~ Oo rel· J.roo onR~f"f; B Oo rel I co tn sector. ,.- SEC- mlo~

ri'Y l .,a'O 1l. M A 1 .~.~ SEClJJll).. .~:·· .... -

Korean War Project 2ID-00400927


/:.J:Jhf;ri.tyt{NQZY?J~/ . l~.:=~-- -h. -- ~-----------) i- ~. By • ~ t:b\RA ;().ate __ L......._.,. .......... --:.·-~ .. -lii!ii-·-*'a.--~-"-. ......_._ ______ ..... ,..,, ______ _~,


S-3 JOURNAL S UM..\i!RY FOR SEP'l'EMBER 1952 c ont 1 nued

En lhelllng dur1ng entlre per'lod was concentrated prlmarll7 on Porkohop and Ba.ld7• Wlth exception ot 18•21 Sept en sbelllng was sporadlo throughout entlre pertod.

During rrlod Bn was ln sector ot Llne Jamestown (C't 266323 to CT 296328 . Bn engaged ln entene lve repalr & reconstruct ton work on pens concentrating malnly on Porkobop OP (OT268337>•

Durlng perlod Bn was ln sector ot Llne Jamstown (CT 266323 to OT 253306) Bn engaged ln eatenatve repalr & reoonatruotlon work on pens oonoentratlns malnl7 on Bald7 OP (256323)• ·

At close ot perlod Bn remalned ln aeotor ot Llne Jamestown ( Ct 253306 to OT266323) and oont 1nued de tense.

At close of perlod Bn a lt was negat lve~


Korean War Project 2ID-00400928

-. t""'~"'-"""""'·~~·-···· _ ""/.EPROOUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES i

\ ~--~r------- - ·~·. ,, ~"""'--- /, ..... ~-- ·--·---~-----J·


.A.H1 248


4 October 1952

SUBJECT: S-1 hc)nthly Unit bummary

'1'0: Commanding Officer 38th Infantry hegiment APO 248, U. &. Army

1 \:lep-fieveille 0530 hours followed by breakfast at 0630 hours, followed by police of area - 1-'rojector and sound equipment from 3d Bn turned i.nto MR Section Regiment by 1st Lt l'lcDonald - 1 EH interviewed by Battalion Commander and assigned to i•iike Company - l"ionthly reports finished and turned into message center for delivery to S-1 Regiment - Punishment t~eport - hosters - Cadre Certificates - Corporal of the Guard woke Sgt Major 2300 hours stating that shots had been fired on Post #2 t>gt of the Guard with 2 reliefs sent to investigate,Capt Walker notified.~atrols sent to investigate listening posts set up for the remainder of the night.

2 '"'ep-heveille 0530 hours follo-wed by breakfast at 0630 hours, followed by ·oolice of area - normal routine of day follo~·ied.

3 bep-lteveille 0530 hours followed by breakfast at 0630. hours, followed by police of area 0730 hours - 1st Lt l'lcD~mald to A&H to find out about Post Exchange and setting up Battalion PX - 1 Eivl each from I, K, L, and H vompanies given c:i.othing inspection by Sgt lii.ajor and sent to li.TG ::lervice Company in prepars.tion for departure for NCO Academy departed S-1 1400 hours - 4.1uota for h&lt received from S-l•H.egiment of 22 EM broken down as follows Hq }, I 5, K 5, L 5, H 4, physicals to be taken 1300 hours · 5 ~eptember 1952 departuxe 6 Sentember 1952 - King, Krystal, Pre, USS4059184, Hq Uo, to clearing - Burns, Clarence .u. ~1, US,52001682, Go L, insect sting, to collecting and returned to duty - StevJard John E, He, U55J097990, Uo I grenade frar:ments, hr~ad, right hand blown off, NBC died of wmmds in Battalion Aid Station - Lt F1c1)onald, to 5-l ltegiment to escort Lt Detvreiler to 3d Battalion, assigned to King Gm11pany ar:r'ived 2000 h"urs

4,~ep-heveille 0530 hours followed by breakfast 0630 hours followed by poljce -''"'- of area 07 30 hours - 1 EN from I Company retu.:med errouneously from NCO

Academy sent back through RTG - Heckert, Gpl, I Company, LS55145970, possible fracture of left foot concussion grenade to clearing - Lazier, .1.\alph, Sgt, I Company, HA11200087, ~~I.A. penetrating wound right upper arm. abrasion back right knee to collecting - ·woods, Hawatha, Pvt, Hfu.3420446, penetrating '0b'lll'id left side to collecting - Southeland, JaJnes L, Frc, ,US5J065§?1, ~left side of head, King Company - hocha, ~nest, Pre,

vompany Kmg, U»56129180, broken leg, head and neck, wiA - Ka'~<aguchi, Kohei, l'vt, vompany King, US$6096543, fragments of right leg wiA - Hill, .Leroy J., "'pl, 1 Company, lJS5212$022, 'wlA right leg left shotllder

Korean War Project 2ID-00400929

Lr-""...._o~~c~t....._...ASs-!F-IED--]~t •· f:.~jtror..tylY.fi/QZY?J~i 1 oy t:lAAA ;()"te --- 1' v_ ,., I

,;. ,. -~');.~ .. /~,.,.~~~.f'""'""~·''-''~~""-' ''"{ '0••·'""

' ",,,ilEPROOUCED AT THE NATIONAL AR~~;IVES ~. \, . ,~ . -I

\:..""----- - l

--- .... ''''-· ---------~-

~grand, William::>., 1-'vt, Company I, RAlh4391114, leg and neck \tdA -hutcherson, Thomas E., I'fc, Comnany I, RA5J077988, KIA, fragments both legs - Tapscott, Jack G., 1st Lt, 02211330, Company 1'-1, mortar fire, w~~ds of sh~:mlders:, chest, I<IA - l''lamrn, Norbert J., Pre, ComPany L'J.,

uS55160623, lViOrtar fire left arm, chest, and snoulder. 5 .Jep-J:l.eveille 0530 hours, breakfast 0630 hours, police of area 0730 hours,

_ negative report on Casualties this date 5 beptember 1952. 6 i:>ep-1~eveille 0530 hours, breakfast 0630 ho·trs, follov.:ed by police of ;,rea 0730

hours - picked up 5 repla.cemc·nts from RTC, 1800 hours and assigned as follo>-<s, 1 K, :J: L, ~nd 3 H - one El1 returned from Emer~ency leave reassigned to t,ing vompany - _1 Officer assigned to I llompany.

7 bep-5 1i'1 1 each from Hq, I, K, L, and .lvJ. compa.'1ies sent to S-1 Hegiment to 1oritness drawing of N00 ri'.affle departed 0700 hrmrs - 3d Bn, NCO Counsel met vJith the following companies represented iiq, I, K, L, and h companies, and Jgt .-.ajor presiding as charim.,m, .Hajor Frieden>,ald representing .on vommander - Ballek, V•illi.:::un, Gpl, us;:2101318, Hq l)o, shell fragment wounds back of right thigh, to clearing - Gutche, Ulenway, Pvt, RA16394671, Hq 0o, shell fragments of left lower arm, right thigh, returned to duty - BDch, :frederick, rvt, •tA21921582, l:iike Company, WIA, contused 1-round left shoulder and left ja-v; to collecting - Barz, ~\lilliam, Col, lJS55516223, I 0 ompany, ~IIA, perforating wound right lovrer cervical region, to collecting - ~Jhipple, . Howard, 1st Lt, 0131+0725, I Company, v•IA, left scanular region and right side, to collrccting - Braun, Walter C., Sgt, RA1637179, I CompalY, '.HA, penetrating 1-mund right forearm, back to duty - Haynard, Hoy L, Pre, US53107607, I Lom~'a.ny, vvlA s] ight left cervical region uo•md, to collecting -liif'J.entes, Daniel, Pfc, RA1P372881, Hq Co, KIA, mutilated right arm, both legs - Bak .Sing Ha, !Jpl, Kll38879, Comr•any I, I'·JIA, penet:cating 1:W'md, lower lumbar region to collecting - V<loods, Herman, l>vt, RA12337421, Company I, penetrating '~Jound left side, throat, ri.ght hand, to collecting -Hartin, Thomas L, 2nd Lt, 0990137, Company I, mortar wound 1·ight foot, to collecting - h.:unare:;~, Elias Diaz, ivt, U;:)50ll?.7hf', Company I, 'Nl4 penetrating wound right buttock, returned to dtty - Ou Heng Ju, · Cpl, Kll28106, ComDany I, l''ill, small of back, -virmnd of right arm, possible fract'J.re of right thigh, to collecting - !Janter, rcex r·., l'vt, h.Al3357867, Company I, ~viA, penetrating wound right thigh a."'ld right e.rm, to collecting - lleynolds, Clarence H., Prc,­llb)Jl00133, Company I, wiA, left arm and left leg, -..wund of_ left hip, to collecting - ::iteen, i''r&"1k Jr., Cpl, DSS51C.4686, vompfmy l, ~HA, penet­rating ,,.,ound right shoulder, and arm to collecting - Harrision, t1illiam Pvt, U,:;>20910ejl, lJom:r'any I, \dA, penetrating v,o:md upper and lo><er arm to collecting - Barti:1n, ~~illiam, ffc, Ub51132192, Company I, i~IA, penetrAting -wound right side of !lOse to duty - Kyung ~oo Kim, l'fc, 1\0693270, Gomr.)any I, ~-.IA, penetrating wounds left hand left b•.tttock to collecting - Bo~r:rles, Charles, l·fc, Ub52131143, Hq Co., ~HA, wounds of lovJer legs and right thigh scrotum right hand, to 8055 hASH ~~ - Bowman, Jack C., Pvt, U35S204?66, Hq 0o., v•IA, ivDunds of right arm and left eye to collecting - Toros, Diaz, .. ~vt, US50ll3108, Hq Uo., combat exhaustion to collecting

8 bep-H.eveille 0530 hours, breakfast 0630 hours, followed by police of area, 0730 hours - u EH 1 each from I, K, L, and 1~ companies from N~O Academy -22 Ei"1 departed from S-1 3d .bn, for Service l.lomp~ny, g?ing on .iii.lli 1100 ho~s furnished one meal prior to depo?rture - 1 Officer, 1 wOJG denarted on li&.tt from S-1 3d Bpttalion to Service 0omnany 1100 hours

Korean War Project 2ID-00400930


~·!.,.__,. _____ "' ___ ~--=-- - I

------~---- -----........ --~-~~----- -·-----~

9 bep-Reveille 0.530 hours, breakfast 0630 hours, followed by nolice of area 0730 hour~, ~d general. police of supply area - Serman, Joseph I, Pvt, UC>.)2132471, vompany L, vviA, left thigh to collecting - 2 EM from h:TC ~o 3d Battalion picked up lLOO hours and assigned to B~ttalio - 1 2nd l.Jt., assigned to Battalion - Regimental and Battalion Sgt Hajors held m7eting at &-1 J:i.egiment ~50? hours, meeting was NCO Council "eadj_ng of f1nal report on rec~nt N\iO t~affle and profit also hov.r money ";as divided. ~¥2661.00 taken in, ·ll'492.75 paid out for purchase of pri?.ea., balance of ;w2168.25 was divided as follm-;s: ;H084.00 to Officers council and t:~l08h.25 to HGO Gouncil.

10 Sep-heveille 0530 hours, b:ceakfast 0630 hours, nolice of area 0730 hours - 1 BH King Company, departed on Big h., E'l'S, departed 0700 hours to S-1 H.ep,iment -1 EN departed to b-1 iieg:inumt to make comnassionate telerhone Gall to ZI ~eparted 0800 .hours - 2 1h love Company r-eported back through HTC from Hospital - 3 .t.h given clothing and equi:Jment inspection by Bn bgt Hajor and then sent to lLTG fro further shipment to NCO Academy, departed 1530 hours.

11 &ep-l{eveill 0530 hours, breakfast 0630 hours, police of area, 0730 hours - Gush­man, James E., GpJ., ltAlll71562, Gomparr.f King, sl:i Ght mul U.ple wo'.mds in back of head and rif{ht shoulder to clearing - Dickison, Hay E.,.. lJvt, 1i.Al73166'(3, vompany l\ing, penetrating \munds side of face, neck, to clecu·ing - 3 H.OKs hiA sent to clearing.

12 t>ep-li'ry, H.ichard, rvt, ;1Al34118h7, V'~IA, sliv,ht wonnd right u:)per and 1oi>ler leg to clearing - 'l'odderdB1e, .iL)bert, 2nd Lt., 02?05753, \iom·"any 1., \HA, slight penetrating \"Jound left \1rist incised wound left leg, to clearing -#No. of EH ~·JIA, 3, from L Company, sent to clearing - 1 EH from I Company wiA, sent to clearing.

13 ~ep-lieveille, 0530 hours, breakfast 0630 hours, police of area, 0730 hours, general police of supply area - 1 Officer and 1 EJ:.-1 each from Hq, K, L, .and h derarted for ~'~~interiz.gtion school to be held at Division forward at chaplain tent departed 0700 hours - 1 EM denarted from S-1 3d Bn to Regiment for records check - 8 El'IJ. arrived in Battali,Jn 1900 ho•1rs, for assigmnent within the Battalion, interviewed by lst Lt EcDonald - List from Regimental S-1 on It;;,.;..i-t for Officers - 22 ul scheduled for H&H - ~iilson, Robert, Pfc, uS)21?80SS, Company K, partial amnutation of right loi>.rer arm, slight fracture of left ].ower leg, to R055 t-;ASH - Sutherlan, Raymond, Pfc, US$$196810, K Gompany, penetrating 'iio1md of left thigh, back of left knee to clearing

14 ~ep-1 RQK sent to 38th personnel on Emergency leave - 8 ~i replacements interviewed bJ Lt Col., Fogle, and assigned to their respective companies -l!.rlines, howard G., Pvt, H.A132822b2, Gom)l.<my H, SFvJ of face, chest, right thigh, KIA

'15 Sep-2 }!;lvi returned from NCO Academy - 2 Ul returned from Gth Army Honor Guerd 1 Ei'i returned from 2nd Division 2nd ''eplacement Conmany - 3 EH and 1 Officer returned from J:Wi. - 2 1i'il from I Company ~viA sent to' clearing - 1 El'~I from K Company I.,IA sent to clearing - 1 £l·l1 from love Uom 'MY VJIA, sent to clearing

16 Sep-15 11•1 to 1-Le~iment ~-1 to be placed :Jn Handator.>: Levy - ~ Er'l ~lOK /sent to li.egiment C>-1 for L:mergency leave - '-:>chnitski,. Gi~bert, >:>gt,.,, 1lAlo333829, I Gompany, jaw infection, NBC to collecting - 2 .c;l{ from I vompany wiA, sent to clearing - 1 Ei•• from Hike company seriously "'ounded in action, sent to

!!lASH - 2 EH from L Comoany sent to clearing

Korean War Project 2ID-00400931


'DECLASSIFIED I 1·'·,:' ~J:.twn.ty·NJVQZY?Ia 8Y-. . ~:O.ate __ j

' .. ,,..._.., ~ >~-"=~· ~ -

.. .'j!EPRODUCEO AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES \ l --~---'• """'---- - ' ---- ' - ------- --- _____.;

17 Sep-l~veille 0530 hours, breru{fast 0630 hours, followed by police of area 0730 hours - normal routine cnrried out

18 Sep-16 EM replacements interviewed by Battalion Commander Lt Col F'ogle and tur~~d o•;er to respective compani~s and taken to positions on Ull -22 EM and 1 Officer departed for R&R 1100 hours - Trains area alerted 1900 hours - attack on Baldy - 1 EH sent to Battallon Aid Station, 2 EM sent to forward Aid L;>tation, 1 b:N sent to collecting to obatin information regarding heavy cesuc;1ty rate

19 Sap-Information coming in V'-ry incomplete as to number of ca.sualties actually occurr~--~ - totaL casu'U ties as of 19 .September, 60 WIA, 4 WIA Officers, 3 KIA .!U"l, 8 v-viA ltOK EH, 1 KIA .ROK El'1, reported as of 1800 hours - 50 E.H 1 \'~OJG reported into trains area fran postions on hill - 1st Lt i11eDonald reorganizing remnants of L, and K ~omnnnies to determin knovm number of KIA, ~IA, and MIA.

20 ~ep-~-work going forward \'lith the reorganizing of Love and Kint: com1J<mies, supervised by 1st Lt l"lc1onald - 23 Ei:~ arrived in 3d Battal; on trains area

1845 hours replacments interviewed by Lt \,;ol :!!'ogle, and turned over to clerks to obta:i n necessary information - 3 Ei-1 der··,.,rted on H&R, 1 each from I, K, and

21 uepl.iteveille 0530 hours, breakfast 0630 hours, followed b;r nolice of area 0730 hours - 12 · HOK sold:i ers brought from RTC to 3d Battaltcm and Q'tPrtered for the night after intervieH with Battalion Commander - ~a.ptain Farr assigned to King Company as Battal:bn Commander - \"'OJG Jenkins assigned to K:i.ng Company as Unit Adminsitnator - Lt Gol l~ogle interviewed ~v':JG Jenkins

22 ~ep-Heveille 0.530 hours, breakfast 0630 heurs, follm-Jed by police of area 0730 hours - 2 trucks dispa.tc:,ed to forward Aid StBtion to bring back blocking force - 11 El•i received from h.TC - Lt Col :F'ogle inte1'viewed 11 repla:ac:l?.:'"drts and subject EH turned over to respective clerks - l: EM each from Hq, 1, K, L, and H companies, intervievJed by Battalion °ommander, likely candidate to compete ~,_rith other ISH of various battalions and m ganizations for a trip to Janan, candidate chosen , Pogue, Roy J, King Company, 5FC - 3 EEl going on qcl.~ sent to Battalion Aid Station for dusting - h hN returned from NCO Academ;y: Ell! from King Company 2nd_in class.

23 ::>ep-1 EN from Love Company departed for l!.mergency leave 0800 hours - 3 EH departed .S-1 3d Battalion for scheduled P.U.h - 6 Officer replacements for 3d Battalion J eceived, intervier,Jed b] Battalion Commander, and assigned to respective companies - 1 El111, King Com~1any, to collecting for r.hysical 'Jrior to rotating - 1 HOK El1 dep~;rted on emergency leave - 22 EIVl scheduled for 1\&.R On 29 Septerrber 19.52.

24 tiep-Reveille OS3C hmL·s, hre;:,;~;·::1::ot 0630 hou; s, followed by police of area 0730 hours - normal routine of day carried out

25 Sap-Battalion to receive 411 EH replacements and 20 ROK El1 at 1800 hours - 9 EM departed at 0400 hours for 2 day tour of Seoul Area - 4i! EH rerlacements and 20 i".OK EN received by Battalion and interviewed by Battalion eommander, turned over to respective comnanies - 1,4 El\1 replace~1ents taken to respective companies.

26 Sep-Heveille 0530 hours, breakfast 0630 h(Jurs, followed by po:p.ce of area 0730 hours - general routine of day carried out. ·

27 Se0 -l;)-1 tent taken dotm, finished breaking camp ;md loading equipment and departed · Blue 'l'rains. area 091.5 hours. Arr:i.ved in ne1-J Battalion area 1000 hours

and f:in:i.shed setting up S-1 equji.pment 1145 hours - 9 11I:•i returned from Seoul area tour.

Korean War Project 2ID-00400932

DEClASSIFIED f:· 1/.xjtlYri)J :t:IJVQ 7.3? I fJ / I

. BY- , ~;Qate __

28 Sep-lteveille 0530 hours, breakfast 0630 hours, poli.ce of area 0730 hours -4 EM departed for Jewish High Services at 0830 hours - 2 Offj_cer replacements arrived, intervie-vmd by Lt Col Fogle.

29 Sep-lieveille 0630 hours, breakfast 0645 hours, follohed by :-olice of area 0715 hours - 3 J!;H returned from NCO Academy, EH from King conn~· any stood 1st in cla.ss - 1 E.H returned from clearing for duty to L company

30 Sep-Reveille 0600 hours, breakfast 0630 hours, followti.rlgcp6lice of area 071.5 hours - Pay Agents departed from S-1 for finance office 0900 hours -Pay Agents commenced paying nersonnel 1330 hours.


Korean War Project 2ID-00400933


11~,.1 3:rd .D:1, '3:_';t:·~ In_:e ·: ·.}.l·. l"-~CJ.~ (~~~~eJ!_J')'''?.)' L:OT-~:~A.

Period Govered: l?roT:J. OUPOO I :jep 52 To 3D1?;no I ~Cl) 52

5 C•ct. 5?

S&~.e J::.os i tio:r:.s t~-J.(J Batt :·<!_io·:~ ~roe· n ~3 (if c:.:rl i~1.:.; i:1 l~llrrtl~p~-~. ,~,~ r: }Jr:.t t:"' ti"~1:t9d. 0..1.1. B/:re::-3~?li·;_re lJOl ~-c~r, r:.~1ispD.tc~--·~i;·-~-r: r~.- r;_1_"~;_:r1~:~l"t.rl o·l .. tiio ·.-.~n.tr·o! .. :--~


~~_i_-~:-]·:.t •

An Obser~l':':.-tiOJ1 }io~_1t QY[ r.IJJI ~-~r;?

$ect,ion. Tho~r ~r~Jo:bted I,o:Jcj~,t~!·.l. 226.9, therob;.~ fD.cEit.-:t supporting; uofi_1;o:'s on the-,e

tho b.~rirv-,. of n.~:...,Ot\G • i\n G2-~_0;:1"'"r

rencle1"Jed. u_sel.t?:-::1:~j to t...~'1_e {;}\:t~~\8f-le 1Jy· t:.~-o d(~:st~~T."!..c~;:~i"r ... -o li..G.to tho rear of t~;c B.-,t;f~R1im! 0£. '!'1:e c3a~'c

_!~ "f -, .... -""I l.J ,, __ ;

.·c~.~~~~ber of- incon·ti , .. 1;-:: er~o}"·~:t r~~o1~·1:.ar ~~\_}'!J artjJ_~Lcr:·~' =r,o,t:_:~:_\·~ :~.. t,r'.~~j_" ;~·· :·~~01-. · ~··l .. -.-~. f'lC.~_h az llautb.s -t.o ti:.e :").ctliTG el~cr·:.::;r ~..Je3,TlOJ1~; t.~1o~·.7" ,_1oJ_-·(.~ r·.'bl~~: to ,..,. , · 11 ~)o::· .~:-,(-1

adiust cffectiYe conntcrfir·c upo'> t'·o'"1. '.·;. t..>

.... '-r~ ,,.._-:;t.,)

.Po:Lp.tt~ 1rrhere e:::e~!~! A.cti"'iTit;r l~n_".:.l bc;()Jl S)~Jotte(~ 1.~-, ;:1_ -r..r~.J~~-- .?.<:/Lc: a Ps\cl. T\vO cont~' ct pab'ols acco'~pl:i_:';hecl t.ho:i_l' ::J_;; "" l_c- ,,, · .fliot·i:o~ UP\·Tard s of' 15 O!"'_or~r:;" i<I:l. ;···.Y:_r:l a~: l1n.told ;y:r JJor o.e .-;· ~.~·­l1es9curing_ tli.e 1s:r-~ flr::1lc of~ :~-t:LJ~JJ 266 (l~Hld:;r) a~-~<l ~.()~1 ~1.-t· ... ~-~l ... CG pa:3r~e~_.:l tl~ro~_ ~~h0~1. rJ.l>c l;~~-·t,tcl~ ~l:)atroJ 1,1:10 ' · baclc HIT-tL 266 11itt·1 a r~i:.~:Lrixr:~. of C0.:-~,_:u:?J~t,in'=1

continl:ted -a:n -t1p~..r:~n~')d clj_3·11·); r1..o.5_J1 trn.r:et .::.ro8.S boi~--·r·: liiTJil Point. t\t 1850 ;_1011rD 1f5 :3,:.~~q IIII:J ~266 recei,.rod. r~#:-l

-;JIIl, t:.~o ot>.::Jr rt·-·. n ·-.t.··- c!::-i~::.~:

" )

~:l-:~-/~ ..;.!1;-··,:J~~ J)C~}:

fTt .,~c.; ? :i_:ft;3 ·:~·~;1

mi~11.rtes latel, tlrte cr..o;·-:::c'" the ,devustatiDg fh:e o:J:' wl~.ich they ran t,]lrOnf':>.

lJo.tt..~) l:~o:r' D:'-:t,:·"?cl:.,. ·1 ~1~_c::":L-~·-:_.-:'

t Tl:e 3rC1 " ~nto reserve n.t ·' . OFJ,: ~&:~ :~TL~BD.R

Acting S-2


S1ll)lJO:L~tiri .. ~~ i.fGD"~;)OT"'-f:3 T~ 1.0 cli!.OT1~r ;3 ec~:. :.rec!

t~!.-lc ~-:::~ 01.-r-: r;_rt -~_1/_(;j~~:· t b.~~~r,~~ ;•J .. -.. a:·-~;

1fiLJJ 266 .~'-~~d 1-~ llr~_t :t~:_ t] 1 c ~-. ~ ---·h t 2!YJ Bn cr.ttn.c1:od

re1:i.cn;r,,1 hy tf-;_c "l3t Bn o:1 :n l:ol ~:i}lortJ~l.r nftor~.rD.rd.

·--~Fr-OE·T ~.~ ·-- \..- r -- ~

·i•v':' -- ."


Irt Cc.J_

Korean War Project 2ID-00400934


},rom OJJ.f\00 I :.;ep 52 To .3ID1WIO :C :)cp 52

TJ:c ~rno.t·::)l~ po}_")tio71 o·~'

GDX~Le }JOflitior~s t!1(1 B::t~: .. r::!_j_o·:

t ~-*·'11._.l8d an a~:ces_~:ji"';Ja 1. .. o 1-i_c;r,

5 Uct 5?.

Item Co }::.ad a.- sT·~a1}. :Co~-... ccJ cYt 1-IJI.~~L leo co1~-Gi:~"!:_r·1~_-r; t.1·:_oii'J t:::_:;:-:.~~.oi:_ ;~·-,(.:;~I_: .. ~: ... ~ to obsnl-"'iTO G11_rrolJ_.,··f: ~i_n.~~ tor··-~t-'; i·--·· fer r:n_lS1Joct<3ii o:nJ·;· -- ~ y;o~-1• 5_t tc'~L~3 p_--~--l :-_o·\:!.:;;~-·~c;~:-:[:,.

I ;~·,: J.

, 2?.G, a11d 228.9, t11er• .. '3b;r fnci}j_t .. ~.t:L~"ln: t~~0 ln.7ri11C, of ~::rf·'~c~:-:~--~~~1-~io -:~c :-·I~o~·:. C(_~r:-""·:_:~~.5_c

D..J-1d sv.pportir-P·_~ \·JO-:?..!-JO"fl8 0~1 tl1e···~e n.::."Joac. lln er1o~:~r ( ifJ~~nr\7~rt. -Lcy:~l l-'o~3t o·;_ 1-IIT_."; ?f1/;_ was rendered 11seJ.0:3.'~~ to t!~.e {..!hj_··:{::~~e lJ~T tJ~e d~::st2.~1.r..ctt·?o f.iJ. .. G of t}?c; 50 c~~1.~!. 14G to th.o rcnr of tl"";.e P<-?.~ttpv]~io:n C~f'. 7~.:.c :3a""~.o J·lCr >-~" .. J."'~~o)J ··:;tY' :."JGiil rto\r:i·t.'"":~ t;··ro~l::~l: co:rrJ·;.~o trencl1es; r~o:r~-~r rr pos 2 i1)J.c.: ~·:it--:.: il 'HCJ~o I'OlJOrte ·•

calibe1 .. o_f i!J.CO!:l:L·-~:.~ el!.c:.-:.:r ::lo:.~ter r-1rti l.lo1_,~T flasl1 azi:m1.:tt1':.f~ -~~o t}~.e n.cti'~.rc ol~o::".;/·· ~-Jeo.r,O?J,•; t>.e··- ,:TC!~··.

adjust offect:b:e con<1tGrf':i.rc npo'~- t1 'o~1.


})OiY:1tf3 ,,;]1o1"'tG u:1e~--.. 1y· a.ct.i"'1it:::r };n_d 1_-;,ec:J:. ~-~~-~_;otto(~ J.-:-~ ,r1_ "~:r~~. 1 ·-·· ·!·_~·O

a Psll. T'f..·Io cont.n.ct pa:t:~ols :_1~C·:;o:."~i)]_:t~:;11o(l tl-i..GiT~ :.:~i:·;r.~. c·-~o i

,. . .., -.~ '- ~ \ J

flicti11;: up . ..rnrd s o.f 15 o:i.or:;r J:·~IA -,,~rl 0.:·"""" :_l.1"'.toJt1 :i_-:1_~ --l;ur of~ ,-;· "'.~. · · ~,lJli, t~ ~(:; ot>~Jl-;

resecur:lnt; t1;.e J.sft fJ.r:.~1.l::-. of 1-l.IJ~J; ·266 (E;ald.:,'") rr·-,_ .. -; .c7_r1_5_- --~~-;~,-r~; n.~·-, rr··-t.-·: fox·ce pas.sec1 Jcl-:J·::::y· :_(~2"':.

back HTI~r_, 266 '.Tit'-, n J .. ~-~-·t.-(.(;I ..

·:most fl'"teq11GJ1tl:l ii ·; t~~:lO n;!·~ t· to c.:t·: ll:,t~I"'G n o· :~y~~ ··,rc::~·~o

~CT253316, HILL 192. ~.t G'l'250Jl-'7, t,1:o :3:LuiJ ·:,:c. VAI,L"- · , erom1d North of lUII, 26(), vic GT;!/;.6337•

B:r.1G!:1:r nort,n~c z\:r~d 2lrt~i~L l e:~,.~-~ -~.".'":i.ro ("~~:--;_o-:.-Je:::{ ~?. ·-.. ::1.1_,1

conti"iJ.rtcd nn tlp1,-JC'i:t"Jd c1:L:.-~;_1') r:.:·.:J_r1 t~cn_~---~et r-:.l.""~)~~.-~3 be5.:-~c.·:

?oi-nt. l1t 1850 ~-:.o:::.rs lfi iiiJ~L 266 re·~eiiJe.J r~~~-~-.. ID!lutes latE-::r tr~e cr:.er~y· J_c.~.ll:.:J.::}·:.o::t .·~~ '~TJ.cJ~otlD

tl4e · dt?-.:lt:.v:;tD/cj_rlQ~ i~i~:~·(~ of which they ra11 thrm~;:'J' .• of 20 Sep, 1-rhon 2n:J tl1C 1:lOl'*Tiin~ b.Olll~~:i •

f31J.l_)lJOrt in_.'·~ l"~J-lo ci1ora~r

1371 .attn~1:od.

The .3rd Bn uas reserve at l·ial.-:

reliovr)d by tf-cc 1st Bn 011 ;:23 ;1.t J155 1wr:c';,

OFJ,: ~e:cr:Q;:;u...

_STlliBBR Acting S-?

kol nhort1y nfter,_rard. 'S F C R E T J?c·· J~I~!-~ .. "-' ' ', _ ..

ginCUB. l'£Y INi'~''l'llif 1\ TTON Irb CoJ


Korean War Project 2ID-00400935

,'~ i

I I Ill t! 111-zr WI? *" 1


Period Covered: FroTI 011800 I Sep 52 To 301Wl0 I Sep 52

Hq 3rd B!l, 38tlt Inf H.I\.K KOL ( CTJ11282) KOR<~li. 5 Oct 52

The greater 1JOrtion of '.~e period un.s spent in 8Ctive defense of. the same positions t 1'-"1 Datt.a.lio'~ u::-s defendicr,:; i:-: Au~ust. The Battalion con­tbued an a-;ressive !,101 icy, dispatcl~in~; r1 n-tni:r.m:m of t1m patrols each :ni~;ht.

Item Co had :<_ sr'a11 force on HILL lESO continually; their nission beb.g to ob~erve snrroi1."''1; nr; ter"" r-d 'l for suspected eneny posit ions a-..,_1 move:r1cnt.

< A!l Observr>.tion .Po"lt on HII.J., 2C7 uas T"'rtPned by s1x J'.en of tlc.e Bn I and R


·---~~action. They sno:bted and reported onc,._.,v nctivity on HTI.IS 222, 204, 228, nlrl 228.9, thereb-· fe.cilit".ti:nr; t~1e :1_nyi'Y; of eff'ecttve fi:re fran or~anic and snpport.in-; 1;Te•-·r:o:1S on these aTCO':l. fi..,., enc'l"lY Observation Post o·1· HIV 2GL:-w~ rendered useJ"''Js to t 1'e "Jhi'lese by t'·o de,structive fire of the 50 cal HG' to the re8.r of the BattP.lion O.P. Tb.e ::1a?1.e t!G harrassed CCF :!1.0Vi";r tl'rour,h

1_, CO:m:'"'O trenches; r1·l.n;~ 11 po:"l:>:i.bJ.G hi+,,.,u Her•'l reportel.

_ In ad·lition, the Battalion OF .';1.~sic;ted in re<Jortbc; t!1e loc.Rtio·-~ Pnd c8liber of i:>1co~i --r:- eneny nortar n:nd nrt·t_·i lerv ronnd!1. Bv taki"·"' sound ac'd

. flash az:L'!.ut~.s to tl~.e ncti•re enO!'Y ·\-J.C)rJ.po·-,·: th~7 uer-e able,. to cr.J.l for m1d adjust eff'c-ct:bre cmFlterfil'c npoCJ. tJ -:··1. -

PatroJli''l;: ·r,s tJ~9 noJ.•• offe~!~3i're ef''ort; pab:·ols set up e.nlJ'·.d:es at points where e:"le~,"'~' activit;,. had been npotter:l in e. v3.ir. atte::"!pt to co.nturo a PsW. T',lc contr, ~t pat""'ols ac·::::or;pli::hed their nis s ion a.rh~' rabl;r; mce ic:­fliating upuard s of 15 en_o,~:r KIA ,~nrl R'"' ·mt.old m~~-,ber of e·c~"''7 HIA, t~1e ot~:er resecu.ril'!;; the lsf't flr.nk of HIIJJ 26r, (P.<:~ld;r) a"ld holdb.·· U!'ltj_l a'l ::r'-.t~cldJ1g force passed thrc ·~h th~::-1.. T'1c lo.tter r;atrol Has instrur.1ental in \.fin'.'li.n.•· bac~< HILL 266 '.fit', n rd.h:tr:t'Il of' ca~11l'1.lti·Y~ ;:)nd nnte1~ial. Are::FJ patrolled most fr~quently i · t'~,e ntt nr)t to C9.'d:;ure a pri'>o~1er Here HILL 190 e.t GT253.316, HILL J.<)') Pt. G'T250317, the '-HDli' ,,l( VALL.bY -ric CT2L932?, and tl:e oper_ !;ro'lind ·North of lU.LL 266, vic CT246.337•

Enemy •1ortm:- '"J'.d nrti lf m•;: f:tJ~e ~~w-.red c. r::nr1-:::ed incre8.De on 15 ~Jop, rcnd contirmed all up',f1,:'d cl:i.'·1b; n::d.n trr'.r~~;t rro11.s beinJ, HILL 266 a"d l!:1:1.s;r Chec~-::: Point. At 1.850 l~onrs 1f5 Si~}) lUL!. 266 rc~eived an unprecedented TOT; fifteen ni..~utes later thro er,er1;r lC1.'r1ehod ,.., VJ.CJ.on:> Battt>.lion sizecl attnck, j_~nori 1':o/.

. the devastn.tinr~ f:b'e of snpportins ueapons e.r;.d their oHn artiller.f ba:rrar:-os 1.rltich they ran t:;-,_'0''"':1~. T';o o"'.etJ.y Becnr'Y1 HTLL 266 nnd held until the nir-:ht of' 20 Sep, •Jh•Jn t.'··; 2nd Bn attnc1:ed f\'"'-d :>~captured the vital outpost du :t:-:~ tAe ~or~i~~ hours.

1: The 3rd Bn 1:rn reliov• ·1 by the "13t Bn 0'1 23 .;ep nt 1155 hours, a ·n '"'ovo·l .{~nto reser·"v"ro at lb.k kol r1hortl7 nfterorarcl.

'il ~Ff'~faJ-A s E c p E T FOGlE . ~TllitLR ~-mC1Jlll'£Y IN7·"~l1\!fi\'PTON Lt Col Actinc S-2