2012 The Hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region and the emergence of...

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae

Transcript of 2012 The Hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region and the emergence of...

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa

Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa

Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae

Kraków 2012


Wojciech Blajer

Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo

Redaktor tomuWojciech Blajer

Sekretarz naukowyKarol Dzięgielewski

Współpraca redakcyjnaAnna Gawlik, Marcin S. Przybyła, Piotr Godlewski

RecenzentZbigniew Bukowski

Redakcja techniczna, skład i łamanieMagdalena Dzięgielewska

LayoutBeata Kulesza-Damaziak, Studio Grafiki Wydawniczej "Karandasz"

Projekt okładkiKarol Dzięgielewski, Beata Kulesza-Damaziak

KorektaKarol Dzięgielewski, Wojciech Blajer i autorzy

Tłumaczenia streszczeńRedakcja i autorzy

Korekta językowaPiotr Godlewski, Aeddan Shaw, Wojciech Blajer

Publikacja sfinansowana ze środków na działalność statutową Wydziału Historycznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

Wydanie I, Kraków 2012

ISBN 978-83-931345-4-0 (Profil-Archeo)ISBN 978-83-934218-2-4 (Instytut Archeologii UJ)

© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo, Instytut Archeologii UJ & Wojciech BlajerKsiążka, ani żaden jej fragment, nie może być przedrukowywana ani powielana w jakiejkolwiek formie

bez pisemnej zgody wydawcy.The book, or any part of it, may not be reproduced or copied in any form without written permission from the editor.

RedakcjaInstytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

ul. Gołębia 11, 31-007 Krakówtel. +48 12 663 12 72, 633 12 80

e-mail: [email protected]@uj.edu.pl

WydawnictwoWydawnictwo Profil-Archeo

ul. Jurajska 23, 32-087 Pękowice k/Krakowatel. +48 12 665 10 11

e-mail: [email protected]

Spis treści / Contents

List gratulacyjny Dziekana Wydziału Historycznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego........................................................9Tabula Gratulatoria........................................................................................................................................................................11Wykaz prac Profesora Jana Chochorowskiego ogłoszonych drukiem w latach 1970–2011..........................................13Svend E. Albrethsen

Do you remember? An archaeological excavation on Svalbard with Jan Chochorowski (Pamiętasz? O wykopaliskach w Svalbardzie z Janem Chochorowskim)...............................................................................................................................................21Roger Jørgensen

A Pomor outpost at Kapp Lee, Svalbard (Przyczółek Pomorców w Kapp Lee w Svalbardzie)..............................................29Jutta Kneisel

Gesichtsurnen und ihre Kopfbedeckung. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Phänomen der Gesichtsurnen im nordeu-ropäischen Kontext (Face-urns and their headdress. New studies on the phenomenon of face-urns in the North-European context)....................................................................................................................................................................................................39Agnieszka Krzysiak

Dwa miecze brązowe z Machowinka, pow. Słupsk (Two bronze swords from Machowinko, Słupsk district).......................57Radosław Janiak

Kamienna konstrukcja w kształcie łodzi na cmentarzysku kurhanowym w Nowej Sikorskiej Hucie, stan. 2, pow. Kartuzy (Stone setting in the shape of a boat from the barrow cemetery in Nowa Sikorska Huta, site 2, Kartuzy district)..............65Anna Bochnak, Tomasz Bochnak

Nieznane przedstawienie tarczy na ceramice kultury pomorskiej ze zbiorów Fundacji Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie (Unknown depiction of a shield on Pomeranian culture pottery from the collection of Princes Czartoryski Foundation in Kraków)............71Jacek Gackowski

Przełom epok brązu i żelaza w międzyrzeczu Wisły, Drwęcy i Osy w świetle nowszych odkryć i refleksji interpretacyjnych (The Bronze to Iron Age transition between the Vistula, Drwęca and Osa rivers in light of recent finds and interpretations).................77Jan Dąbrowski

Rola metalu w epoce brązu (The role of metal in the Bronze Age)...........................................................................................87Maciej Kaczmarek

Osady z epoki brązu na Nizinie Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej – uwagi o stanie badań (Settlements from the Bronze Age in Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska – remarks on the state of research)...................................................................................................93Tadeusz Malinowski

Zabytki kultury pomorskiej ze Szczepankowa w powiecie mogileńskim (Pomeranian culture artefacts from Szczepankowo in Mogilno district)................................................................................................................................................................................101Karol Dzięgielewski

Problemy synchronizacji danych paleoklimatycznych i archeologicznych na przykładzie tzw. wahnięcia subatlantyckiego (Problems of paleoclimatic and archaeological data synchronization as exemplified by the Subatlantic abrupt climatic shift)............109Jarosław Lewczuk

Cmentarzysko ciałopalne kultury łużyckiej z III okresu epoki brązu w Ośnie Lubuskim, stanowisko 17 (Cremation cemetery of the Lusatian culture from Bronze Age Period III at site 17 in Ośno Lubskie, Lubuskie Province)............................... 121

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Kraków 2012

Marek GedlUwagi o brązowych szpilach wrzecionowatych (Remarks on bronze pins with spindle-shaped heads)...............................129

Michał BugajNieinwazyjne badania osady obronnej w Wicinie (A non-destructive survey of the fortified settlement in Wicina).............135

Bogusław GedigaGrób kobiecy (?) wyposażony w militaria z Domasławia, pow. Wrocław (A female (?) grave from Domasław, Wrocław

district, furnished with elements of weaponry).......................................................................................................................................149Renata Abłamowicz

Wstępne wyniki ekspertyzy archeozoologicznej szczątków kostnych ze stanowiska 11 w Kornicach, województwo śląskie (Preliminary results of archaeozoological evaluation of bone remains from site 11 in Kornice, Silesia)...........................161Bogusław Chorąży, Bożena Chorąży

Uwagi o osadnictwie zachodniego Beskidu między Beczwą a Sołą w młodszej epoce brązu i wczesnej epoce żelaza (Remarks on the Younger Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlement in the Western Beskid (Beskid Zachodni) Mts., between the Beczwa and Soła rivers)....................................................................................................................................................................169Ondřej Chvojka, Tereza Šálková

Zur Deutung der urnenfelderzeitlichen streifenförmigen Siedlungsobjekte (An interpretation of linear ditch-objects from some Urnfield period settlements)......................................................................................................................................................183Michaela Lochner

Thunau am Kamp – eine befestigte Höhensiedlung der Urnenfelderkultur und der außergewöhnliche Fund eines Tonfässchens (Thunau am Kamp – a fortified hill site of the Urnfield Culture and the unique find of a clay barrel)................... 193Vladimír Podborský

Der neue Fund eines Deichselwagens aus der Ostslowakei (A new find of a cart model (Deichselwagen) from eastern Slovakia)..205Biba Teržan

Musterbilder auf Knochen – ein Element der Identität der früheisenzeitlichen Füzesabony-Mezőcsát-Kulturgruppe (Patterns on bones – an element of the identity of the Early Iron Age Füzesabony-Mezőscát-Group).......................................215Horia Ciugudean

The chronology of the Gáva culture in Transylvania (Chronologia kultury Gáva w Siedmiogrodzie).............................229Agnieszka Gil-Drozd

Rozwój obrządku ciałopalnego na obszarze Europy Środkowej w młodszej epoce kamienia i początkach epoki brązu (około 5500–2000 B.C.) (The development of the cremation rite in Central Europe in the Neolithic and beginnings of the Bronze Age (ca 5500–2000 B.C.)).......................................................................................................................................................................245Elena Miroššayová

Žiarový hrob s bohatou výbavou zo Ždane (Richly furnished cremation burial from Ždaňa, Slovakia)...........................253Йосип Васильович Кобаль

Знаки на керамiцi куштановицької культури (Signs on the pottery of the Kuštanovice culture)...............................263Renata Madyda-Legutko, Elżbieta Pohorska-Kleja

Uwagi o osadnictwie w Kotlinie Sanockiej u schyłku epoki brązu i w początkach epoki żelaza (Remarks on Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlement in the Sanok Basin).............................................................................................................273Piotr N. Kotowicz, Marcin S. Przybyła

Osada z przełomu epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w Ladzinie, pow. Krosno, stan. 10 (The settlement from the Bronze Age/Early Iron Age transition in Ladzin, Krosno district, site 10)................................................................................................. 283Sylwester Czopek

Nowe znaleziska „scyto-trackiej” ceramiki toczonej z wczesnej epoki żelaza na terenie południowo-wschodniej Polski (New finds of “Scytho-Thracian” wheel-made pottery from the Early Iron Age in south-eastern Poland).....................................297Marta M. Korczyńska, Klaus Cappenberg, Tobias L. Kienlin, Jakob Ociepka

Vorläufige Resultate und methodische Überlegungen zu der Prospektion bronzezeitlicher Fundstellen im mittleren Dunajectal, Kleinpolen (Current results and methodological remarks on the surveying of Bronze Age sites along the middle Dunajec River, Little Poland)........................................................................................................................................................ 307Paweł Valde-Nowak

Neolityczny łuk z Kamiennika (Neolithic bow from Kamiennik).......................................................................................... 323

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Kraków 2012

Jacek Górski, Przemysław MakarowiczNowe datowania radiowęglowe kurhanów i grobów beznasypowych trzcinieckiego kręgu kulturowego z Małopolski

i Wielkopolski (New radiocarbon datings of the barrows and flat burials of the Trzciniec cultural circle from Małopolska and Wielkopolska )..................................................................................................................................................................................331Anna Gawlik

Pochówki szkieletowe ze st. 1 z Witowa – interpretacja obrządku pogrzebowego (Skeleton burials from site 1 at Witów – interpretation of burial rite)..........................................................................................................................................................341Ulana Gocman, Igor Pieńkos

Gospodarka hodowlana na terenie wielokulturowej osady w Zagórzycach, gm. Kazimierza Wielka (od III okre-su epoki brązu do wczesnego okresu wpływów rzymskich) (Animal husbandry in the multiphase settlement in Zagórzyce, Kazimierza Wielka commune ( from Bronze Age Period III to the Early Roman Period))........................................................349Marcin Biborski

Nowe odkrycia rzymskich mieczy zdobionych inkrustowanymi przedstawieniami figuralnymi i znakami symbolicznymi (New findings of Roman swords decorated with encrusted figural representations and symbolic signs)................359Piotr Kaczanowski, Judyta Rodzińska-Nowak

Hunowie na ziemiach polskich. Próba podsumowania problematyki (The Huns on Polish – an attempt to summarise).........371Elżbieta Małgorzata Kłosińska

A unique find of Scythian provenance from the Lublin region (Unikatowe znalezisko proweniencji scytyjskiej z regionu lubelskiego)..............................................................................................................................................................................................................379Sylwester Sadowski

Nowe znalezisko czekana typu scytyjskiego z południowo-wschodniej Polski (A new find of a Scythian battle-axe from south-eastern Poland).......................................................................................................................................................................385Katarzyna Ślusarska

Ikonografia społeczności wczesnej epoki brązu Północnego Nadczarnomorza (The iconography of the Early Bronze Age societies of the Northern Pontic zone)................................................................................................................................................391Віктор Іванович Клочко

«Гордіївський феномен» (“The Gordeyevka Phenomenon”)...............................................................................................395Maya Kaschuba, Marina Vakhtina

Moderner Stand der Untersuchungen des früheisenzeitlichen Fundmaterials aus der befestigten Anlage von Nemirov am Südlichen Bug (Current state of research over the Early Iron Age materials from the fortified settlement at Nemirov upon the Southern Bug)..................................................................................................................................................................................405Любовь Степановна Клочко

Уборы скифских жриц (памятники периода архаики из Днепровского Лесостепного Правобережья) (Scythian priestess dress (archaic period sites from the Forest-Steppe Right-Bank Dnieper))...........................................................................417Anna Zielińska

Rola kobiety w plemionach koczowniczych, czyli w poszukiwaniu prawdziwych Amazonek (The role of women in nomadic tribes, or in search of the real Amazons)....................................................................................................................427Вячеслав Юрьевич Мурзин, Виталий Григорьевич Шлайфер

Два уникальных акинака из Черкасской области (Two unique acinaces from the Cherkasy oblast)....................................435Владимир Григорьев, Сергей Скорый

Курганы у села Гладковщина – памятники эпохи скифской архаики в Левобережной Приднепровской террасовой Лесостепи (Kurgans at Gladkovshchina – monuments of the Scythian archaic era from the Left-Bank Dnieper terrace Forest-Steppe).....................................................................................................................................................................441Вячеслав Юрьевич Мурзин

Бельское городище (Belskoe fortified settlement)....................................................................................................................461Татьяна Михайловна Кузнецова

Солохский могильник в контексте скифской хронологии (The Solokha burial ground in the context of Scythian chronology).......................................................................................................................................................................................467Елена Евгеньевна Фиалко

Курган с захоронениями скифских девочек с оружем (Barrow with the burials of armed Scythian girls).....................475

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Kraków 2012

Светлана Ивановна Андрух, Геннадий Николаевич ТощевМогильник скифского времени Мамай-Гора (Scythian Period cemetery at Mamay-Gora)............................................485

Vyacheslav I. MolodinThe Ob-Irtysh forest-steppe in the Bronze Age (Lasostep dorzecza Obu i Irtysza w epoce brązu).........................................491

Алексей Алексеевич ТишкинЗначение археологических исследований крупных курганов скифо-сарматского времени на памятнике Бугры

в предгорьях Алтая (The significance of archaeological research in the great Scytho-Sarmatian period mounds on the Bugry site in the foothills of the Altay)...............................................................................................................................................................501Лукаш Олещак

Погребения в каменных ящиках и культурная преемственность Алтая между раннескифским и хуннским периодами (Burials in stone cists and the problem of cultural continuity in the Altai mountains between the Early Scythian period and the Hunnu period)....................................................................................................................................................................511Заур Гасанов Гасан-оглу

Погребальный обряд как основа выявления собственно скифских курганов Азербайджана (Burial rite as a basis for the identification of proper Scythian kurgans in Azerbaijan).....................................................................................................519Сергей Леонидович Дударев

Из истории изучения конского снаряжения предскифского времени на территории Восточной Европы и Северного Кавказа (From the history of studies on Pre-Scythian era horse equipment in Eastern Europe and the North Caucasus)....................529Jan Bouzek

Central Europe and Caucasus in the Early Iron Age (Europa Środkowa i Kaukaz we wczesnej epoce żelaza)..................537Andrzej Mierzwiński

Achilles hiperborejski – esej o mitycznym spełnieniu (Hyperborean Achilles – an essay on mythical fulfilment)..............549Wojciech Machowski

Grecy czy Scytowie – kogo pochowano pod kurhanami na antycznych nekropolach Olbii i Pantikapajonu? (Greeks or Scythians – who was buried in the mounds of the ancient necropoleis of Olbia and Pantikapaion?)..............................................557Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka

A Phoenician amphoriskos from Olbia in the collection of Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Notes on our research in the Ukraine (Fenicki amphoriskos z Olbii w kolekcji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Uwagi o naszych badaniach na Ukrainie).................................................................................................................................................................565Maya Kashuba, Oleg Levitski

The Hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region and the emergence of circular pit-houses in the Early Scythian period in North-West Pontic (Techniki budowy domostw w okresie halsztackim na obszarach karpac-ko-naddunajskich i kwestia pojawienia się kolistych budynków zagłębionych w okresie wczesnoscytyjskim w północno-zachodnim Nadczarnomorzu)............................................................................................................................................................................573Joachim Śliwa

Aphek-Antipatris (Tell Ras el-‘Ain). Stanowisko z epoki środkowego brązu II i naczynie z kolekcji Instytutu Arche-ologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Aphek-Antipatris (Tell Ras el-‘Ain). A site from the Middle Bronze II and a ceramic vessel from the collection of the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University).............................................................................583Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz

Nie tylko depozyty. Drobna plastyka figuralna z Tell el-Farcha (Not only deposits. Figural fine art from Tell el-Farkha)...589Małgorzata Smorąg Różycka

Szlachetny barbarzyńca chroni Rzym? Kilka uwag o interpretacji przedstawień na tzw. dyptyku Stylichona (The noble barbarian protecting Rome? Some notes on the interpretation of representations of the Stilicho diptych).......................................599Janusz A. Ostrowski

Dwa polskie XVI-wieczne opisy Campi Phlegraei (Two Polish descriptions of Campi Phlegraei from the 16 th century)...........................................................................................................................................................................................609

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Kraków 2012


Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Kraków 2012, 573–582

Maya KAShUbA, Oleg lEVitSKi

The Hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region and the emergence of circular pit-houses in the Early Scythian period

in north-West Pontic

The hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region and the emergence of the circular pit-houses in the Early Scythian period in north-West Pontic. The ar-ticle discusses one of the most controversial problems related to the early period of Greek colonization of Pontus Euxine – the appearance of circular pit-houses in the 7–6th centuries BC in the barbarian milieu and the Greek archaic sites of the North-Western Pontic. A general account of the dwellings from this region is given. Also, the basic points of view of pre-vious research are presented. The analysis of the Hallstatt time house-building techniques between Carpathians and Danube showed that the tradition of building circular pit-houses has been introduced in the North-West Pontic as early as in the HaA period, from the milieu of Hallstatt ("carpathian-danubi-an") population. In the Early Scythian period, with the direct participation and under the influence of the communities of Basarabi cultural complex, the circular pit-houses have ap-peared here among the local forest-steppe communities. This is an important argument for the idea that the barbaric and Hellenic traditions of building pit-houses emerged separately and are not linked to each other.

techniki budowy domostw w okresie halsztackim na obszarach karpacko-naddunajskich i kwestia pojawienia się kolistych bu-dynków zagłębionych w okresie wczesnoscytyjskim w północ-no-zachodnim nadczarnomorzu. W artykule omówiono jedną z kontrowersyjnych kwestii związanych z wczesnym okresem grec-kiej kolonizacji obszarów Pontus Euxinus – pojawienie się w VII–VI wieku p.n.e. kolistych budynków zagłębionych na osadach barbarzyńskich i w greckich osiedlach okresu archaicznego na te-renie pn.-zach. Nadczarnomorza. Przedstawiono ogólny opis tego rodzaju struktur; zarysowano także rozwój poglądów na temat ich genezy. Analiza technik budowlanych w okresie halsztackim pomiędzy Karpatami a Dunajem wykazała, że tradycja wznosze-nia kolistych chat zagłębionych została wprowadzona na obszar pn.-zach. Nadczarnomorza już w okresie HaA i wywodzi się ze środowiska karpacko-naddunajskiego. Koliste domostwa zagłę-bione zaczęły się pojawiać na osadach lokalnych, leśno-stepowych społeczności w okresie wczesnoscytyjskim, przy bezpośrednim udziale i pod wpływem społeczności kompleksu kultur Basarabi.

Jest to ważny argument na rzecz tezy, że barbarzyńskie oraz helleńskie tradycje budowy domostw zagłębionych roz-

winęły się niezależnie i nie są ze sobą związane.

In the Early Scythian period of the North Pontic area, specific types of dwellings are

witnessed both in the barbarian hinterland and in the Greek environment (fig. 1–2; tab. 1). These are relatively small buildings represented by round or roundish pits, with plumb or slightly deflected walls and a horizontal and solid puddle bottom, sometimes lined with clay. Most of the pits had a small diameter (about 4–5 m) and a depth ranging from 0.3–0.65 m (half-deepened pit-houses) up to 1.1–1.3 m (deep-ened pit-houses). Thus, the surface of such dwell-ings ranged from 3.9–4.3 to 9.0–12.5 and 17.0–19.6 square metres (up to 26–28 square meters). Circular dwellings sometimes had additional constructive fea-tures: a central pillar and/or additional stakes on the perimeter; a fixed entrance (reported from some set-tlements, these entrances were represented by ditch--like pits and steps). Apparently, the organization of the domestic space was vertical and built from perish-

able materials, because, with few exceptions, there have been not recorded any benches or

couches made out of natural soil clay. The rem-nants of fixed dome ovens or hearths were unearthed in some circular residential buildings, while the presence of burned traces on the floors of other dwell-ings may suggest the use of portable heating installa-tions such as braziers.

Circular/rounded houses from the barbarian hinterland in the

north Pontic

Circular pit-houses and half-deepened houses dated with Early Scythian period (from 7th or the second half of the 7th to border of 6–5th centuries BC) have been dis-covered in the central part of the Middle Dniester basin (Selishte – 1 example, Dolinyany – 8 ex.) and along the

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Kraków 2012

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middle course of the Southern Bug river: Severinovka (1 ex.) and Nemirov (3 ex.) (М е л ю к о в а 1953, 67; С м и р н о в а 1961, 90, fig. 3; 1998, 82–101, fig. 3, 8, 16; 2000, 84–87, fig. 2:1–8). Somewhat later, in the Middle Scythian period (6th – first quarter of the 5th century BC), circular houses appear also on some large fortified settlements, situated on the right bank of the Dnepr (Motronino, Pastyrskoe, Trakhtemiro-vo). These constructions are notable for the presence of earthen plank-beds along the walls (Trakhtemirovo – 2 ex.) or storage pits in the interior (Pastyrskoe – 1 ex., Motronino – 1 ex.) (Т i т е н к о 1956, 53, 54; К о в п а н е н к о et al. 1989, 15, 16; Б е с с о н о в а, С к о р ы й 2001, 36–44).

As a rule, the household pits were located outside the houses (С м и р н о в а 2000, 84 f.). Subsequently, the circular dwellings from the barbarian hinterland were designed mainly for living purposes. The avail-

able observations on the character of building-up set-tlements (including the sites with round houses) have revealed a farmstead (“cluster”) planning. For instance, in Dolinyany (Middle Dniester basin), the households were separated by large, open spaces (С м и р н о в а 1981, 60). Later, similar free “cluster” planning is wit-nessed on the large fortified settlements from the right bank of Dnepr. The households of the Motronino fortified settlement were located close to each other around the open space of a “street” in the shape of an elongated oval (30×4.8–6 m; trench VI) or extend-ed in a chain in the SW-NE direction (length about 30–35 m; trenches I–II; Б е с с о н о в а, С к о р ы й 2001, 52, 53). In the Trakhtemirovo fortified settle-ment, the constructions (40 houses and more than 50 household structures) were located in groups on the edge of a hill; while the middle part and the area in front of the bank remained open (К о в п а н е н к о

Fig. 1. Distribution of round/roundish deepened dwellings from the 10–6th centuries BC in the Middle Danube, Transylvania, Southern Carpathians, Lower Danube and North-West Pontic regions. Key: a – Greek colonies, b – sites from pre-colonial period, c – colonies and chorae settlements, d – barbarian settlements of the colonial period (preliminary variant)

ryc. 1. Rozprzestrzenienie kolistych/zbliżonych do koła domostw zagłębionych z X–VI w. p.n.e. w rejonie środkowego Dunaju, Transylwanii, południowych Karpat, dolnego Dunaju i północno-wschodniego Nadczarnomorza. Symbole: a – kolonie greckie, b – stanowiska z okresu przedkolonialnego, c – osady kolonii i chorae; d – osady barbarzyńskie z okresu kolonialnego (wstępne zestawienie)

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The Hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region...

et al. 1989, 15). Yet the total number of round houses in the barbarian hinterland remains relatively low (tab. 1).

Deepened and half-deepened pit-houses on Greek archaic sites from

north-West Pontic

Such dwellings represent the earliest types of con-structions, recorded in Berezan’, Olbia and some rural settlements from Berezansky, Dneprovsky, Bugsky, Dnestrovsky and other estuaries. By their plan shape, two major coexisting types can be outlined: rectangular (with clear cut or rounded corners) and round (in the shape of a perfect circle or an oval). In numerical terms, the rectangular ones prevailed everywhere (the total quantity of circular pit-houses, excavated in Berezan’, Olbia and on the archaic settlements of Lower Bug is not known, since many materials are still unpublished). The deepened and half-deepened pit-houses with a rounded shape (including the ones of economic or religious use – s. Б у й с к и х 2007, 113, 114), are represented, with rare exception, by small-sized structures with vertical walls and an even floor of natural soil (depth 0.5–1.0 m). The area of most of them ranged from 4 to 10 square metres. The following constructive features are notable: presence of postholes, strengthening the borders with stone or adobe brick laying, existence of stone-adobe or wattle-and-daub walls by the above-ground part of the construction. The pit-houses also differed by the way of organizing the entrance, the presence or absence of the posthole from the central pillar, of hearths, heat-

ing installations in the walls of the pit, clay “couches” and “tables”, storage pits, hollows for placing vessels and so on (М а р ч е н к о, Д о м а н с к и й 1981, 62–74, fig. 5:3,6; М а з а р а т и, О т р е ш к о 1987, 8–27; О х о т н и к о в 1990, 10–19; М а р ч е н к о 2005, 54 f.; К р у т и л о в 2007, 26–35; Ч и с т о в et al. 2007, 418–422; О т р е ш к о, М а з а р а т и 2009, 81–92; Б у й с к и х, О т р е ш к о 2009, 136–144; Б у й с к и х 2009, 225–247; Ч и с т о в 2011, 158–168, fig. 2–4; and others).

The transition from pit- to above-ground adobe-stone house-building has been noticeably asynchronous everywhere in the North Pontic region, within approxi-mately 70–80 years (В и н о г р а д о в, Р о г о в 1997, 66-72), 60–70 years (Б у т я г и н 1997, 98) or 30–50 years (О т р е ш к о 2009a, 98–102) after founding the settlement. The regular adobe-stone building and formation of the urban structure of Borysthenes oc-cur as early as in the third quarter of the 6th century BC (В и н о г р а д о в, Р о г о в 1997, 68; Ч и с т о в et al. 2007, 421; Ч и с т о в 2011, 158 f.; and others) or not earlier than the last quarter of the 6th century BC (О т р е ш к о, М а з а р а т и 2009, 87). In Olbia, the cardinal rebuilding of the town and its chorae oc-curs not before the 5th century BC (В и н о г р а д о в, Р о г о в 1997, 68) or the first quarter of the 5th century BC (Б у й с к и х 2009, 229).

The way of building up the settlements is traced in Berezan’ and Olbia, as the centre of the polis and the chorae. Despite the apparent randomness of the posi-tion of pit-houses, here were typical also certain ele-ments of regulation of the building process and plan-ning organization. Within the chorae, all the stationary






















/ M
















er D









t P







pe a










Pre-colonial context


Barbarian milieu(i.1)

5 2 9 13 11 5 forest-steppe 45

Colonial context


Barbarian milieu(ii.1)

5 4 (5) 4 9 (10) 22 (24)

Greek milieu(ii.2)

2+2 (colonies + chorae)

2+10 and > (colonies

+ chorae)16 and >

TOTAL 5 2 14 17 (18) 19 26(27) and > 83 (87) and >

table 1. Sites with round/roundish deepened houses from the 10–6th centuries BC in the Middle Danube region, Transylvania, Southern Carpathians, Lower Danube and North-West Pontic (preliminary variant)

tabela 1. Stanowiska z kolistymi/zbliżonymi do koła budynkami zagłębionymi z X–VI w. p.n.e. w rejonie środkowego Dunaju, Transylwanii, południowych Karpat, dolnego Dunaju i północno-wschodniego Nadczarnomorza (wstępne zestawienie)



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settlements had a “cluster” structure, consisting of dif-ferent number of household units (primary modules, oikoi), which included a residential “nucleus” of several pit-houses and pit-houses with the adjacent household constructions. Each household was located at some dis-tance from the similar neighbouring block of buildings. A certain system of relationship between such living and economic complexes is reported from Berezan’ (М а р ч е н к о 2005, 53; Б у й с к и х 2007, 114; 2009, 228; Б у й с к и х, О т р е ш к о 2009, 138; etc.).

Discussion on the origin of circular deepened houses in the

north Pontic

Round/roundish houses from the barbarian Early Scythian settlements in Dniester and Bug basins, to-gether with the houses from the Middle Scythian forti-fied settlements located on the right bank of the Dnepr are typologically comparable (with minor differences in the construction details) to the circular houses from the Greek archaic sites of the North Pontic. This cir-cumstance, as well as the similar character of building up the settlements (“cluster” structure) contributed to the development of some important research direc-tions. Among the latter, special debate has been con-centrated on the problem of the “interdependence” of the circular houses from forest-steppe barbarian zone and the archaic Greek settlements of the North Pontic and, subsequently, on the question of the origin of such buildings on each of these territories.

The problem of a relationship between the “barbari-an” and “Greek” circular pit-houses has been considered by scholars within the general framework of Greek-bar-barian relations and interactions in North Pontic and is represented by a quite vast bibliography. Currently, the debate in this field (including the problem of round pit--houses) is being led mainly by specialists – advocates of the “barbarian” and “Greek” concepts (s. С о л о в ь е в 1989; 2000, 94–111; М а р ч е н к о 1999а, 333–353; 1999b, 145–172; 2005, 42–96; Б у й с к и х 2004, 46–50; 2007, 110–115; К р ы ж и ц к и й 2007, 18–25; О т р е ш к о 2009b, 28–37; Ч и с т о в 2011, 158–190; and others). During the ensuing discussions there had been made many important observations and con-clusions, among which quite promising (in the context of the topic of our article) is the assumption, that the Hellenic and barbarian traditions of pit-house build-ing are not interconnected (Б у т я г и н 2001, 36–41). Also it has been revealed, that the most of the ancient houses which are known in the Greek milieu date back no earlier than the first quarter of the 6th century BC, judging by the time of appearance of archaic settle-ments in Lower Bug region (Б у й с к и х, Б у й с к и х 2010, 3–64).

The question of the genesis of round/roundish deepened houses of the barbarian hinterland also con-

tinues to be a subject of debate (С к о р ы й 1996, 8-14; С м и р н о в а 2000, 80–93; Б е с с о н о в а, С к о р ы й 2001, 43, 44; Г у ц а л 2005, 36–46; Н о с о в а 2005, 31–43; 2009, 128–131). The hy-pothesis, according to which the roots of the tradi-tion of building circular houses had been brought in by the Early Scythians in their movement from the East (С к о р ы й 1996, 8 f.), has been criticized (С м и р н о в а 2000, 89 f.), especially in the aspect of the residential complexes from Middle Dniester re-gion (Г у ц а л 2005, 42 f.). In turn, it was suggested, that in a crucial moment in the history of the forest-steppe population, when the process of transformation of the Early Scythian culture into Scythian one was developing (…) there could have emerged a more advanced type of house with a regular rounded planning (С м и р н о в а 2000, 90; Г у ц а л 2005, 42, 43). Further development of the idea of convergence in the appearance of round houses was embodied in the so-called Thracian version, according to which early round constructions from the forest-steppe zone are linked to a W-SW Thracian im-pulse, namely the influence of the Ferigile-Bârseşti com-munities from SW Romania, especially from Dobrogea (Н о с о в а 2005, 31 f.; 2009, 128 f.).

This direction in the search for the roots of the tra-dition of building round/roundish houses from the bar-barian hinterland of the North Pontic region appears to be promising. However, modern research shows that the influences were not linked to the communities of Ferigile-Bârseşti culture, but had another origin.

The role of the Hallstatt cultures of the Carpathian-Danube region in the genesis of round pit-houses

of the Early Scythian time from the forest-steppe areas of the

north-West Pontic

The tradition of building round deepened houses is known among the Hallstatt cultures of the Carpathian-Danube region since the НаА period (fig. 1–2; tab. 1). The Early Iron Age archaeological cultures of the Car-pathian Basin, Middle and Lower Danube, including Eastern Carpathians and the forest-steppe zone of the Dniester-Prut interfluves’ are described as Early Hall-statt (12–9th centuries BC), Middle Hallstatt (8th cen-tury BC) and Late Hallstatt (7–6th centuries BC), ac-cording to the accepted archaeological systematization for these regions (s. V u l p e 1990, 102–130, pl. 62). The application of this scheme allows us to avoid the us-age of such ambiguous terms, as “Thracian” or “Illyrian”.

On the Early Hallstatt settlement Bucu-Pochină in the Southern Carpathians, 10 out of 22 dwellings were above-ground and 12 were pit-houses. Among the latter, along with oval/roundish constructions, a circular house was discovered (3.15×3.0 m and a depth of 0.5 m – s. R e n ţ a 2008). On the settlements be-

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The Hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region...

longing to the second phase of the Babadag culture (10–9th centuries BC) in the Lower Danube, with the predominance of oval deepened and half-deepened houses, there also existed small round half-deepened dwellings with almost vertical walls and a horizontal bottom: on the fortified settlement Jijila-Cetăţuie in Dobrogea their diameter was 2.5–2.6 m with a depth of 0.35–0.4 m (S î r b u et al. 2008, 26, 29, fig. 11:12); on the site Siliştea-Popină on the left bank of Danube they had a diameter of 2.5–2.9 m and a depth of 0.5 m (H a r ţ u c h e, S i l v e s t r u 1992, 17, 18, pl. III; P a n d r e a, S t o i a n 2006, 233).

In Banat, small pit-houses of circular shape are to be seen among the population of Gornea-Kalakača culture, beginning with the HaB period: on the settle-ment Gornea-Căuniţa de Sus (small round pit-houses with inclined walls; s. G u m ă 1979, 117, pl. III) and Kalakača fortified settlement (oval above-ground hous-es and a large number of circular half-deepened houses with a diameter of 2.3–3.7 m and depth of 0.3–0.7 m; s. M e d o v i ć 1988). In Oltenia, they are also known from the HaB period: on the Insula Banului settlement circular half-deepened dwellings were unearthed (di-ameters 3.0–3.8 m, depth 0.6–0.7 m). These houses had

Fig. 2. Round/roundish pit-houses from the НаB–НаС periods in Southern Carpathians, Transylvania, Eastern Carpathians (forest-steppe), Middle Southern Bug regions and the right bank of the Dnepr (forest-steppe) (preliminary variant)

ryc. 2. Koliste/zbliżone do koła domostwa zagłębione z okresów HaB–HaC na obszarze południowych Karpat, Transylwanii, Karpat Wschodnich (lasostep), środkowego Bohu i na prawym brzegu Dniepru (lasostep) (zestawienie wstępne)

1 – Piscu-Cimitirul Vechi; 2–3 – Insula Banului; 4 – Ernut-Râtul Morii; 5, 7–8 – Dolinyany; 6 – Selishte; 9 – Perebykovcy--Peredust’e; 10 – Măşcăuţi-Livada Boierului; 11 – Saharna Mică; 12–14 – Nemirovo; 15 – Zhabotin-Tarasova Gora (after/za: G o g â l t a n, U r s u ţ i u 1994; M o r i n t z, R o m a n 1969; B r u d i u 1991; M u s t e a ţ ă, S î r b u 2010; K a ş u b a, Z a n o c i 2010; М о г и л о в 2010; С м и р н о в а 2000; П о к р о в с к а я 1973)

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a posthole from a central pillar and were repeatedly re-paired (M o r i n t z, R o m a n 1969, 393 f.).

Furthermore, in the Middle Hallstatt period in the Banat Danube, circular half-deepened dwellings were still in use by the population of the Basarabi cultural complex (8th – middle and end of the 7th centuries BC), formed on the basis of preceding Gornea-Kalakača and Insula Banului cultures (G u m ă 1993, 232–235). The Basarabi cultural complex expanded quite wide, in-cluding the NE-N direction, where it covered the ter-ritories of Transylvania, Eastern Carpathians and the forest-steppe part of the Dniester-Prut interfluves’. The influences of the Basarabi cultural complex (includ-ing the sacred sphere) reached the central part of the Middle Dniester region, Southern Bug region, the right and even the left banks of the Middle Dnepr basin (s. V u l p e 1986, Abb. 19; K a ş u b a 2008, 37, fig. 1; K a ş u b a, Z a n o c i 2010, 50, fig. 18; etc.).

In the communities of the Basarabi cultural com-plex, in the end, the characteristic for the Early Scythian settlements of North Pontic type of circular dwelling emerges (fig. 2:4–10, 12–15). The sites of the Basarabi cultural complex, regions of its descent, the Basarabi-Soldăneşti sites from the Middle Dniester basin, early materials of the Nemirovo fortified settlement on Southern Bug and the Zhabotin-Tarasova Gora set-tlement on the right bank of Dnepr are synchronous. This is supported by new developments in their perio-dization and chronology, as well as by the synchroniza-tion with the modern Middle European chronological scheme, adopted for the HaC1 period (a detailed dis-cussion of these problems, with expanded bibliographi-cal references is beyond the scope of this article).

Round pit-houses on the Basarabi settlements Remetea Mare-Gomila lui Gabor in Banat (G u m ă 1993, 217, 218), Ernut-Râtul Morii in Transylvania (G o g â l t a n, U r s u ţ i u 1994, 81, fig. 2:3), Piscu-Cimitirul Vechi in the southern part of the Eastern Carpathians (B r u d i u 1991, 233, 234, fig. 9) and Măşcăuţi-Livada Boierului in the southern part of the forest-steppe zone of the Dniester-Prut interfluves’ (M u s t e a ţ ă, S î r b u 2010, 131, fig. 1:3; K a ş u b a, Z a n o c i 2010, 50, fig. 18), as well as the dwellings of the Chernoless II-Zhabotin period from the Pere-bykovcy-Peredust’e settlement on Middle Dniester (М о г и л о в 2010, 105, fig. 6:1), Nemirovo fortified settlement in Southern Bug region (early/first ”pre-co-lonial” horizon – С м и р н о в а 1997, 82, 88, 98, fig. 3:8,16; etc.) and settlement Zhabotin-Tarasova Gora (П о к р о в с к а я 1973, 169–172), according to the latest research, are synchronous and belong to the same chronological horizon: middle of 8th – first half of 7th century BC.

In fact, these circular houses have all of the pa-rameters, that would latter become the characteristic features for the Early Scythian round residential con-structions from the forest-steppe zone of the North-Pontic region: 1) a pit with vertical walls, a puddle nat-

ural soil bottom, horizontal or slightly decreasing from walls towards the centre; 2) a relatively small size – the area from 4.9 to 5.47 square metres and a depth from 0.5 to 1.0 m (a dwelling from the Zhabotin-Tarasova Gora settlement had an area of 12–15 square metres with a depth of about 1.0 m; relatively big were the pit-houses from Nemirovo, with the area of 26, 28 and 17 square metres); 3) an entrance place in the shape of a stepped narrow corridor was recorded in Ernut-Râtul Morii, Perebykovcy-Peredust’e, Zhabotin-Tarasova Gora (pit-house 2 of the trench XVI) and, possibly, Nemirovo (pit-house 3); 4) postholes from central sup-porting pillars were to be seen only in the pit-houses from Remetea Mare-Gomila lui Gabor, Nemirovo (dwellings 1 and 2) and Zhabotin-Tarasova Gora, in the Piscu-Cimitirul Vechi settlement two small pits were observed, placed each in front of the other on the sides of the room; 5) the walls of the above-ground part of the buildings were made of wattle-and-daub, the roofs were conical; 6) the presence of heating installa-tions – Perebykovcy-Peredust’e (remnants of a domed oven with an oval stone hearth bottom of 0.8×0.6 m), Nemirovo (remnants of destroyed hearths in all the pit-houses) and Zhabotin-Tarasova Gora (a small hearth in the shape of a stain of fired clay); 7) only the dwelling from Perebykovcy-Peredust’e contained a ledge (width 0.35 m and height 0.30 m) near the wall; 8) a com-mon feature for the compared structures is the custom of rebuilding the destroyed dwellings on the basis of the old pit or a secondary rebuilding (recorded on the Early Hallstatt settlement Insula Banului, Middle Hall-statt settlement Piscu-Cimitirul Vechi and Nemirovo fortified settlement in Early Scythian time), as well as the daubing of the floor and, sometimes, of walls with a layer of clay (apart from the pit-house on the Piscu-Cimitirul Vechi settlement) (fig. 2:1–15).

In the Ferigile-Bârseşti culture of the Southern Car-pathian zone and Late Hallstatt antiquities from Do-brogea, the discovery of circular dwellings is rather an exception than the rule.

In the Southern Carpathians, the Late Hallstatt pe-riod is represented by the cultural groups Bârseşti, Fer-igile, Gogoşu that developed on the basis of the local Basarabi cultural complex. They are known mainly from excavations of burial sites. The number of excavated set-tlements on the Danube plain and in the hilly zone is quite low (M â n d e s c u 2005, fig. 1). On all of the re-searched settlements – Alexandria-La Vii, Crăsanii de Jos-Piscul Crăsani, Băleni-Români, Pietrosu-Costeşti and Mlăjet (P r e d a 1959, 251–262; 1961, 209–217; C o n o v i c i 1979, 143–145; M u s c ă, M u s c ă 1980, 423–429; M u s c ă 2006, 57–71; C o n s t a n -t i n e s c u, P a n d r e a 1999, 9–14; L e a h u et al. 1997, 145–161), circular dwellings (with vertical walls and flat bottom, area of 4.9 and 12.5 square metres, depth of 0.8–1.0 m and 1.2 m) are known only in the Alexandria-La Vii settlement. This site has been dated to the end of the 6th – first half of 5th century BC (P r e -

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The Hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region...

d a 1959, 251–262; 1961, 209–217), but the possibil-ity of dating it within the second half of the 7th century BC should not be overlooked (s. V u l p e 2001, 471).

On the right bank of Lower Danube, round pit-houses are not characteristic for the Hallstatt time set-tlements. For example, in Northern Bulgaria, rectangu-lar deepened dwellings prevail throughout this period (11th – first half of the 6th century BC; To n č e v a 1980, 25, 62, 104; А н т о н о в а, П о п о в 1984, 160–184; etc.). In Dobrogea, on the sites of all of the three phases of Babadag culture, with few exceptions (the above-mentioned fortified settlement Jijila-Cetăţuie), rectangular houses with rounded corners or elongated oval dwellings prevail ( J u g ă n a r u 2005, 25–27).

Of a certain interest, in connection with the con-sidered matter (including the “search” for the Late Hallstatt circular dwellings in Dobrogea) are the data from Histria and the settlements of its chorae. For the archaic period (last quarter of 7th – last decade of 6th century BC), the excavations from 1952–1962 in His-tria yielded 53 above-ground houses in all of the three horizons, respectively: horizon I – 7 houses; horizon II – 5 houses; horizon III – 41 houses. Only one pit-house (section X/1956) belonged to the II archaic horizon. This dwelling, destroyed by fire, was almost rectangular (area 8 square metres and depth 0.55 m), had a narrow ledge along the western side of the pit and wattle-and-daub walls of the above-ground part. The building is dated within the first quarter of the 6th century BC (the II archaic horizon can be dated with the beginning of the 6th century: 570–560 BC). This pit-house is an ex-ception for the building system of the archaic Histria (P i p p i d i et al. 1959a, 296–300, pl. VIa; D u m i -t r i u 1966, 21–37, fig. 3).

The I and II horizons of the archaic period from Ar-gamum-Capul Dolojman (end of the 7th – second half of the 6th century BC) are characterized exclusively by above-ground dwellings. The oval pit-houses discovered there are related to the precolonial period and belong to a settlement of the third phase of Babadag culture – 8th–7th centuries BC (C o j a 1972, 33, 34). In Tomis, the earliest type of dwellings is represented by pit-hous-es, which outnumber the above-ground constructions. These pit-houses have an elongated oval shape and a trapezoidal profile (depth 0.3–0.6 m) or a rectangular shape with vertical walls (depth 0.7 m). They are related to the XII–XI horizons, which are dated with the sec-ond half of the 6–5th centuries BC and thus correspond to the III level of the archaic horizon in Histria. It is believed that the presence of pit-houses bears witness to the process of “attraction” of the surrounding barbari-ans (R ă d u l e s c u, S c o r p a n 1975, 9–54; B u z o i -a n u 2001, 233, 234).

On the Tariverde settlement, some circular or oval pit-houses were discovered. Five round or oval pit-houses (depth to 0.8 m; section I/1952) were arranged in two parallel rows and, judging by the Greek archa-ic and local coarse ware, can be dated to the 6th – the

very beginning of 5th century BC. Pit-house 1 (sec-tion II/1955–1956) was in the shape of two adjacent ovals (dimensions 7.0×2.9–4.0 m; a domed oven) and, given the presence of a Glasinac type fibulae and attic black-figure pottery, is dated with the 6th century BC. The other pit-house (no. 2) (section I/1956) was oval (4.5×4.0 m, depth 2.3 m from the actual surface level) and had a hearth outside the dwelling (C o n d u r a -c h i et al. 1957, 77–85; P i p p i d i et al. 1959b, 318–323; B e r c i u, P r e d a 1961, 273–279; B u z o i a n u 2001, 138–139). Finally, on the Celic-Dere settlement there were also unearthed round half-deepened houses (diameter ca 6 m and depth 0.7 m) with a posthole from the central pillar. The walls of the pits were strength-ened by a wattle-and-daub layer (thickness 0.4–0.5 m), and postholes for the walls were also revealed, the above-ground part of which was built with wattle-and--daub. Judging by the dating objects (so-called chrono-logical indicators) the half-deepened houses belong to the 6–5th centuries BC and were destroyed by fire ap-proximatively in the middle of the 5th century BC (S i -m i o n 1989, 218–219; 1997, 237–252; 2003, 213 f.; B u z o i a n u 2001, 136–137).

Our analysis has shown almost a complete absence of round/roundish deepened houses in the area of the Ferigile-Bârseşti culture and in the milieu of the Hall-statt communities from the left bank of the Lower Danube region. Although the overview of the residen-tial spaces of Histria and the settlements of its chorae confirmed the presence of round pit-houses, while their dating turned to be comparable with the one of the pit-houses from the archaic settlements of Lower Bug (s. Б у й с к и х, Б у й с к и х 2010, 3–64), and their dat-ing is much more later than the analogical residential complexes of the Early Scythian period from the forest-steppe zone of the North Pontic region.


Thus, the circular deepened houses, which are known in the barbarian milieu in the Early Scythian time, date back to the Hallstatt time house-building from the Carpathian-Danube region. The tradition of building rounded dwellings was brought into the North-West Pontic beginning with the HaA period (the Early Hallstatt culture Chişinău-Corlăteni and the Early Hallstatt group Tămăoani-Holercani-Balta). It continued in the HaC period, when a certain popula-tion group of the Basarabi cultural complex, preserving its traditions, built round dwellings on the settlements from the Middle Dniester region and Southern Bug area. The convenience and ease of the shape of these dwellings did not require the settlers to bring any other valuable constructive details and so on with them. With the direct participation or influence of the bearers of the house-building traditions of the Basarabi cultural complex, circular deepened houses emerged also by

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the forest-steppe population from the Early Scythian period. Further research of the problem of the genesis of round dwellings should clarify the character of the interrelationships between the barbarian and Hellenic cultures on the first stages of the Greek colonization in the North-Pontic region.

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Stanislav Ţerna (Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chişinău) for transla-ting the text into English.

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Maya KashubaRussian Academy of Sciences, Institute for History of Material Culture

Sankt-Petersburg, [email protected]

Oleg levitskiAcademy of Sciences of Moldova

Institute of Cultural Heritage, Center of ArchaeologyChişinău, Republic of Moldova

[email protected]