1984 A Most Important Year for Working People - IBEW

TN" IL-.f ...... .t&JOU1ti ""'I-; '"'- '. ----7-- .... ....... _',.., .... - t 'II •• I Il l\. 1984 A Most Important Year for Working People w. Make Certain You and Your Family Are Registered To Vote l. * Vote in the Primaries and on Election Day for Friends of Labor Be Active in Your local Union's IBEW-COPE Program

Transcript of 1984 A Most Important Year for Working People - IBEW

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1984 A Most Important Year for Working People w. Make Certain You and Your Family Are Registered To Vote l.* Vote in the Primaries and on Election Day for Friends of Labor

L~~"""iC. Be Active in Your local Union's IBEW-COPE Program


The Failing Economic Recovery Dictates A Change In The White House

"A full economic recovery will never take place until there is full employmen t, with substantially­reduced federal deficits and low interest rates,"

• At the recent Mid-Winter Meetings of the AFL-CIO Executive Council, the Council was furni shed with valid statistical evi­dence proving that the unrealistic budget and economic policies of the Reagan Administrat ion are still threatening the soundness of our economy for years to come.

So, in spite of the Reagan Administration 's highly publicized claims that the nation is fast on the road to a real economic recovery, that road the Administration is so proudly following and ballyhooing is running out of correct directional signposts and is still the wrong road to follow.

A full economic recovery will never take place until there is full employment, with substantially reduced federal deficits and low interest rates. These economic factors are needed now in order to bring about a real recovery.

However, the ever-rising high federal deficits are pushing up the already too high interest rates and threa ten to soon start us on an even worse "Reaganomic" recession.

The so-called economic experts cannot deny that huge budget defici ts raise interest rates causing curtailment of public and private job-creating investments. High interest rates also con­tribute to the over-valuation of the dollar, which prices U.S. goods out of overseas markets and encourages more flooding of imports, which causes more American workers to lose their jobs. When workers lose their jobs billions of dollars are lost in production, which in turn means billions and billions of dollars are lost in badly needed revenues.

Exorbitant interest rates, coupled with high unemployment, is .lIsa not the way to fight inflation, which robs workers am of realizing full value of their wages earned. This lowers thei r buying power on the consumer markets. Today the buying power of the worker's paycheck is lower than in 1979.

When President Reagan goes 0 11 TV and smilingly says, " Everything is going to be rosy, just have patience, stay the course," those and other innuendoes are simply used to cover up his supply-side, trickle-down experiment that has failed, and will continue to fail, unless the direction of the nation 's eco­nomic policy is reversed and the fundam ental problems are addressed.

It is very evident that the Reagan Administration has no intentions of changing its policies. Therefore, it is time for a change in the White House. Jobs, fairness, and opportunities for the futu re are the key issues in the forthcoming November elect ions for workers and for all the peoples of our nation. Only the election of a new president will resto re a proper administra­tion of workers' basic rights that are being undermined by the Reagan Administration.

Charles H. Pillard International President



I ,.






Volume 83, No. 4

FEFlTLlFIES AFL·CIO Mid-Winter Meetings

1984 NJATC Annual Meeting

Mandale Rebuilding America

Mondale-Fact Sheet on the Future

International Representative John W. Dalton Dies

Eleventh District Holds Manufacturing Conference

U.S. Savings Bonds

Supreme Cour1 Bankruptcy Ruling Threatens Collective Bargailling

Annual Statement of EWBA


• 1984

April, 1984










Editorial Comment

Research and Education

Safety Tips

Local Lines

Inside Front Cover




Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report 62

In Memoriam


63 InSide Back Cover

ON OUR COVER-NaliOna/ elections,

stale pnmalies, and caucuses are

"elY much In the news these days

November 6 WIn be a mosl IfT\portant

election day IOf wonung people and

thelf families Our lronl cover In

photographs and ecluOfIal copy urges

aJi ISEW members to be active

partJClpanlS in the enllre pollllcal


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"'""'"~ PO 80.332'9 .....".",.,.,. Ind ... 4620J I'll'S! o..rncs. .JOHN J McHUL TV 431 W)ocInwlg A_ ~,~_11I5OO

~ 00IlnI:I, JA.MES F MUlLONEY 10...:.... a.m- eo-SCow --........ o,rn fI'wd DosIncI. RICtiARO O. A.CTON ,50lI0 Ea! D<I s.r.. ~ Cho 4-<. ,. F....m 0Ish:I. tlA.RRY BEXlEY sa,,,,,,,,-,,Sl SW Ma"ta. Georg .. XIJ,2 FrIIh Oostnc\. ROBERT MISSEY 2'3, 59ItI SIr'" 51. ~ "'- 63'10-2885 s."", D<sIn<:l. lllOMAS H. PURSLEY '$" s"rou Hoornes DnYe a--.r. .... n550 s.t..n!h Dostrld. GLEN G. McCAll PO eo. 31. s-n. Orevon 97J02 E""""" Otslnd. J",MES R. Mc;:A"OY 2750 0.-. SU ... . fIocm 12 VIC!ona. Brrlish CoIumbif.. Cana<I8 \l8T 4U

AFL-CIO Mid-Winter


Meetings -:\,4

During the Mid-Winter AFL-CIO Meellngs, the ExecutIVe Board 01 the AFL-CtO Metal Trades Department met In seSSlOll. President Pillard Is pictured sea.led to the right of Dopanmont President Pa.ul Bumsky, who is seate<! at the head of the table.


Pictured sealed on the upper righ t Is Inter­nationsl President Charles H. Pillard partic­Ipating in the Mid-Winter sessiOf'ls 01 the AFl-CIO ExectJllve Council. President Pil­lard is also a vice president 01 the AFL­CIO. The Council considered matters per­taining to unemployment, wages. high In· lerest rales. Innation, housing. health care, Social Security, civil rights. International trade, OSHA and other issues important to organized labor and all WOO(lng people. Several members of Congress appeared before the Counal 10 discuss theIr policies and posillOOS on lebo(s issues

Ounng tho AFl-CIO Executive Council sessions. a most Important meeting was held by the standing AFL·CIQ Committee on HOUSIng Chairman 01 the Committee is PreSIdent Pillard, who is pictured preSiding 0'0'91 the meeting of the AFL-CIO Housing CommlnM President Pillard made the re­poll 01 the Committee to the AFL·CIO Ex­ecutive Council

President Pillard Is shoWn gIVing his report 10 the AFL--CIO Executive Council lor the ArL-CIO Hooslng Committee. To President Pillard's right Is Frank Orozak. president. Sealarers In the foreground Is William Wynn, president. Food and CornrnvrCial Workers.





l. [







AFL-CfO President Lane Kirkland and President Pil· lard are shown leading the AFL-CIO Execullve Coun­cil members who JOined the Miami Building Trades Counal In picketing the ABC Contractors meellng being held at the Fontaine­bleau HOlel

President Pillard Is shown In diSCUSSion dunng a break of [he AFl·CIO Executive Council Meeting with United Association President MaNin Boed.

During the AFL-CIO Executive Council Mid-Winter Meelmgs, Ihe AFL-CIO Mantime Trades Department mel in sessioo Shown on the left attending the Depar1menfs meeting is George Knaly, di· rector, IBEW Government Operations Director Knaly is a member of the Man\lme Trades Department Execullve Council. Sealed next to him is Justin 05110. VICe president, Machinists Union and Western Area E)(8C\Jlrve Board member. Manbme Trades Depart­-,

The IBEW-Carpentsr's JUrisdiction Committee hetd a meeung dUring the AFl-CIO Mid-Winter Meetings Shown seated at the meeting represenllng the IBEW are. lel1 to right. InternatIOnal Aepresentatlve Arlie Heald. Director 01 IBEW ConstruclJOn and Maintenance Ted Moseley. Second OIsmct VICe PreSIdent John E Flynn. International Execuwe Counol member Harry Bexley and Ninth DlStr1Ct Interna­Iional Representative Ken Johnson

AFl·CIO President Lane Kirkland and President Pillard are shown being interviewed while on the informational piCket line at the Fontaine­bleau Hotel during the ABC Contractors meel lng. Directly behind President PlliaH:! is Ed Stephenson. preSident. South Florida AFl· CIO. who arranged lor the Council 's parllCipatlon Brother Stephen· son is a member of the IBEW

Prior to the AFl-CIO Meetings. President Pillard and International Secretary lelgon mel With the IBEW International Vice Presidents and International Executive CounCil members to dlSCllss policies and plans of programs lor the progress 01 the Brotherhood. Shown is the entire group 01 officers attending one of the sessions


Shown In sessions during the NJA TC Annual Meeting are members 01 the CommUl88 during a dlscusslOfl Of\ a training Issue of vital Interest to the electncal industry


Center is International PreSident Charles H P,Uard, who serves as co-chalrman 01

the NJATC. On his right is C W Stocker, Jr", also co-d'lalnnan, who repreS8f\1$

NECA on the CommfUee. On the len Is Anthony Salamone, Adminlstrallve AsSIII·

aol 10 President Pillard, who serves as secretary of the NJATC.

The Annual IBEW-NECA Na­tional ' Oint Apprenticeship and Tramlng Committee Meeting was held in Washington, D.C., on March 19, 1984. The meeting was Jointly co-chatred by IBEW International Presiden t Charles H. Pillard and C. W. Stocker, JT ., vice president, Dis­trict 5, National Electrical Contrac-


tors Association. The Important meeting covered

numerous sub,ects relating to the aCllvltics of the NJATC. Nallonal Director A. J. Phillips gave a com­prehensive report concerning man · power training. further courses planned, BAT regulati ons and o ther important NJATC activities Vital to

the tralnlOg In the electrical con· s truction industry .

The members of the Committee who were present contnbuted to thc meaningful discussions concerning the development and programs of the NJATC.

j 1


- 4







Pictured here are the members of the National Join! APO'enlic:eshlp and Training Committee lor the Electrical Industry. who attended the 1984 Annual Meelmg held in Washington, DC



c. W. Stocker, Jr., Co·Chm. Thomas A. Powell Wilham D. Shlrd Gary Bruno

Burlon Brothers Elcc. Co . Powell Elcc., Inc. Waleo Elccme Company Bruno Electric

P.O. Box 9071 III S. 21st St ree t 4707 S.W. Kelly Avenue P.O. Box 9399

Fon Worth, TX 76107 Newark, OH 43055 Port land, OR 9720 1 Fresno, CA 93792

Mark W. Hughes, Treasurer Anton KiLngcr Robert E. Doran, III Robert B. Hoppe Klmger Elcc. Corp Capital Elcc . Const. Co. of The L. E. Meyers Company

Oir., Labor Relations, NECA P.O. Box 6803 Kansas, Inc. POSI Offke Box 27046 7315 Wlsconsm Avenue Jackson, MS 39211 Post Office Box 148 Salt Lake City, UT 84127 Bethesda, MD 20814 Leavenworth, KS 6(,().l8

James R Solem Leonard L Kevclder Henry P. Scalfo Barker-Fowler Elecmc Z"ck Brewer, Ir High Voltage Systems Scalia Electnc, Inc. Company Elcclric Service Co. POSt Office Sox 92 POSt Office Box 802 500 North Larch Street POSt Office Box 420 192 Marc Avenue Vineland, NI 08360 Lansmg, MI 48914 Casper, WV 82602 Cuyahoga Falls, O H 44222


Charles H. Pillard, Co.-Chm. lnternauonal PreSident, IBEW 1125- 15th Sueet, N.W. Washmgton, D.C 20005

Anthony I. Salamone, Secretary mEW 112S-15th Street, N .W. Washmgton, D.C 20005

Robert F. Regan, DIl.·IATC Local Umon No. 10.3, IBEW 80 Crescent Avenue NeWlOn Center, MA 02159

Howard Grabert, S.M. Local Umon 126, IBEW 2827 West Ridge Pike NOITIstown, PA 19401

Neal Boyce, 8.M . Local Umon 972, IBEW 3 II Second St rcet Manetta, OH 45750

Doug WatkinS, 8.M . Local Umon No. 558, lBEW Post Office Box 578 Sheffield, AL 35660

Fred J. Smith, B.M Local Umon No. 117, !BEW 400 Federation Pbce Elglll, IL 60 120

Kenneth R Edwards, I R !BEW 1l2S-15th Suect, N W Washington, D.C 2000')

Robert D. Grinstead, 8.M . Local Umon No . 12, IBEW 818 East 4th Street Pueblo, CO 8100 I

A. J. PhilliPS, Director Roben M. Chessler, ASSlst;l.nt Director

A. J. Pearson, Assis tant Director

Wilham J. Grosuck, B.M Local Umon No. 76, IBEW 3049 South 36th Tacoma, \VA 9840-1

Emil Ducoulombler, 8.M Local Umon 124, !BEW P.O. Box 8727 Kansas City, MO 641 14

B I Lowery, B.M Local Umon No. 175, !BEW 2922 Volunteer Drive, Suite 9 Chaltanooga. TN 37416


lUI The best leaders. history lell:,

us time llnd again, are tho:,c who cam tl"U!:'t. reiipcct and ~upport by doing. by building. Th~tl':, why the AFL·CIO endorsed the candidacy of Waller F. ~Ionclah.· to be Prc:-;idcnt of the United St;lte :-;,

WalleI' ~ l ondale i:-; a budder. He welcomes the future a)o\ an opportunity to rebuild America Like any builder. he know:< ,vou can't erecl :I ~ol1nd and :-;aft, ~l l"ue· ture without a firm foundation.

The foundation Wahel' :'Ilon­dale bclicvfJ:; Amcl'ita IllU"l I't'ly on i~ the ~t l'ength anel well-twill!! of all of its people. Thl' buildillK block:, o f this foundation al'l~ full employment and ,1 I'i:;ill~ :; tand ­al'(I of liv ing fo r workel':'.

Waller i\londale belic\'l':- that when people \\"ork hard. pay their laxe:;, ;\I'C g'ood parent:- and CilizCIl~, obcy the law and play by the 1'Ulc~, they have a I'ilrht to expect ('cl'tain thin~:;. from th('ir country - thing:;.. ~uch <1:-::

• A :O;<lf(' job. • J-\ d(>l'cnt itltome. • A :;'II/'(, community . • Good :;.chools. • Clean ail' and \\<ltc ... • A chanl'e to enjoy life. • .-\ cu:o;hion al(ain~t O\'('!'­

whelmin~ pl'Oblem~ . • .-\ ~overnment that C'II'(':- .

• A ~U'ong countl'y that i:­frN' ,mel <.It pcace.

Thi~ I:;. the America whith Walt(:>1' Mondale want:-:


workers to help him build. This is the kind of America he'.s fought for a:- a Jo\t:.lte official. II

Ell United Stutes Senl.ltor and a:-: Vice President of the Umted State~. Hi.!' vi.sion of Americ:'1 i~ the kind of America Wf want fol' oUI':-<.'h·e:;. and for our chilcir<.'11

, .


.. 1

- . I

Walwr )Iondalc ha~ <'arnl'C1 our trll~l and re:-op<'cl. li e <\<,sen'('s our su pport. But he won't bt'l'onw Pn.'si­dent IlH.' l'ely bt'c<lu:-o(' we \\ i:'oh and hOPl' for it. Wt' mll:-ot \\ ork for it - as \Valtet' )l ol\(\all' has wOl'hd for lI:-o fIJI' so many .\'l':lI':-O.

If\\(, \\ant to slOp till' a:-os;lult of thl' Hl'ag-an :\d­mini:'otralioll (Ill

our jobs, on our W;I,i!(''-:, otl Olll'

working- condi­tions and Oil our famili('s and tlwir fulUn.' \\('Ifat'l', tht'n \\l'

Illu:-t ('Ic'N Walkl' F. ),Iondall' :1:-0

I'n'sidl'nt of til(' linitl'd Stall'S.



1 f we arc to reduce the mOIl­.-:trom: [ederal deficit which hm; kept intel'e;.;.t rate;.;. high. dl'inm a r<'conl number of our employen; out of bu::.inc:-os and inCt'CaH'c\ UIl­(>mploymellt in our industry to d(' I)I 'e:-:.-:ion 1('\'l'1::., we must bt.'.L.rin \\'orking- no\\ to elect WaiteI' 1" , 1\londale as our nation's leader,

\\'h l'n h(, take:-o office as I'l'e:-oi­dl'nt on ,January :W, 19S;j, Walter 1-'. j\l on<i"IC' would immediately Iwg-in the 1;1:'01.: of )'t'building Anll'ril'a. li e's promi::.ed that workl'r:-o ;lIul thl'ir union::. \\'ill hl' it full pelltne r in thi::. work, alon,l! wilh American lllelllClg-ement and j!O \' (' I'IUl1t' nt,

Il l' ha!' ::.aid that Amel'i(';t':-; t'l'otlOmi(' and inciu::.trial mi,Lrht wa,.; a('hi('\'('d in g-I'eal pal't throu)!b 111(' tait'nl, .--kil],.;, 11;11'(1 \\o rk and declit-ation of building­and t'onslrul,tinn tl'<ules WOl'kl'l's,

Il l' is luokill,l! to lis to h('lp 1'('­

:--101'(' the i'ail'lw:-::-:, vitality and gl'(,;ltll(':-O:-: of An1t'l'It'a whit-h ha:-o been lo:-t (!tn-ing- the Hl'<I.l!an Ad­rninist n.ltion,

TOg'l'lIll'1' with \VaileI' F. ),1011-dal(· as Prl' ,~ldl'lll we, ;dong- with all othel' Americans. can :-:harl' in the excitinj.! joh of I'ebuildin).! America,

Member:-: of t ill' AFL-CIO nl.'\'er .:;h r ink from the task we do be,.;t - the ta::.k of building.

We' re proud and eag(' 1' to join with Wal t(,1' F , 1\ londale in Rebuildin!! Ameril'a.



F o R p R E s I D E N T


Walter Mondale says :

Every generation has itS own specia l challenge. But each generation has the same baSIC responsibility: to leave [heir chi ldren a beHer world than the one they inheri ted. We cannOt go back We can not )olv(: uur chi ldren's problems by rcpc:n-109 our parents' answers.

Walter Mondale has a plan to build for America's future.

• Renew our comffillmCnt 10 educa­tional access and excellence, from pn · mary school 10 graduate school • Ensure fair treatment fo r every mem­ber of our workJorcc by vigorously en· forcmg all anudlscrlmmatlon sta tutes, lla.~" lng the FRA. ami workmg toward pay equity. • Promote sCience and technology by restoring a proper balance between Cl ­

vlhan and military acuvIIICS, and by refurblsh mg laboratones In our n3110n's grea t univerSity research ccnters • Return to full cllfulLcmcnl of all en ­vlronmcntallaws and regula lions, renew the altack on tOXIC wastes, and address I ~nored probl ems such as aCid ram. • Recom mit our COUntry 10 energy se­cunt y, through Innovallve technologies and new energy sou rces, more conser· vallon, and stepped-up filling 01 the Stra · teglc Petroleum Reservc. • PromOte small bUSiness with meas· ures to reduce Interest r,lIes, foster cap­Ital formation, and mcrease the supply of skilled researchers and engineers. • Improve cooperation with our allies by :

• abandonmg diVIsive expon control policies,

• acting more firmly to address and resolve divisive trade issues,

• renewing our suppon for human rights and democratic values around the world,

• dc-escalating the rhetoric of military eonlronl3tion with the Soviet Union and working firmly and p:ltI cntly to reduce tensions.


• Gel serious once again about nuclear arms con trol by:

• ratifymg SALT H, • adhering to the ARM Treaty, • tightly controllmg the flow of weap'

ons-grade matenal, • re-emphaslzmg non-proliferation, • ralsmg the nuclear threshold In Eu·

rope, • Improving cnsls commumcatlons

with the SOV iet Umon, • beginmng to b:argaln toward a mu·

tual and venfiable freeze on strategIC arms,

• convening a summit conference to gCI the START and TNF talks back on track

The Reagan Administration has failed to build for the future.

• The future requITes the beSt educated and tramed generation m Amencan hiS­tory. But the Reagan Admlmstratlon has slashed fundmg for educallon by S2 hll ­hon (13 percent] m FY 1984 alone . • The future requuc.'i Amentan ~rlrncc and technology second to none, across the board. But the administration has radica ll y skewed rcse3rch and develop· ment funds toward nult tary acuvltles a 24 percent re31 IOcrease In FY 1984 mt! ­Itary R & 0 , and a four percent decrease III the civlitan sector. • The future reqUires unpolluted land, water and :ur. But the Admint stratton has faded to enforce environmental laws and regulations now on the books and has hlatantly betrayed the publi c truSt 10 li S managem ent of the EnVironmental Protection Agency . • The future requITes renewed move­ment toward energy Independence. nUt the Admintstrallon has slashed funding fo r programs that promote conservation and the development of new and renew­able cnergy sources. • The future requ ires ;I healthy small bUSiness sec tor- the pnllle sou rce of in­novallon and jobs in our economy, But the Admim strallon's poltcies have de·

prlved small busmcss of affordable credit, reduced theIT access to trained personnel. and lilted the tax codes In favor 01 cor porate giants

( -

• The future requITes revlla!tzed haslc mduStrles. But the Admml strauon has preSided over their decItne while dOing almost nothmg to hah and reverse n • The future requires the full, fau, and ... .; equal partlClp:m on of all Amen cans In our economy. But the AdmlOiStratlon has backtracked on mmorllY employ­ment, weakened support for mlnomy smail busmess, and opposed measures such as the ERA that would help ensure fairness for women • The fUlure reqUires stron~ alhanccs and diplomacy based squarely on Amer· (/I

Ica 's values. But the Admlnlstratton has weakened our tradlllonal alliances with the wOlld '!o detnO{;rac ies and undermIned the credlbtlllY of our commitment to human nghts around the world • Above all, the future dcmanrl~ dfre-li ve nuclea r arms control. But the .,. Administration has moved us away from-not toward- thiS vnal goa l


by AI Goodfader

"One of the real Issues In 1984 IS whether we're gomg to restore a nall on 10 which people h3ve the nght In fact­the umnumldated right-to p3rtlCIpate In the fullest sense of the word under the nghts and prOVisions of the National Labor Relattons Act ... I stand strongly for mdependent . effective umons."

With those words, Walter F. MondaJc reaffirmed his conSIstent belief III the nght of Amencan working people to meet their employers fallly across the b3Tgaining table and to have a vOice In

deciding the condItions under which they work. His com mitmen t to free collecllve

Continued on Page 14






International Representative John W. Dalton Dies The Brotherhood was saddened by

the death of International Repre­sentative John W. Dahon, who passed away suddenly on March 8, 1984. Brother Dahon was born on March 17, 1926, and was initiated mto Local 175, Chattanooga, TClmcsscc, on May 17, 1948. Brother Dalton became ac­tive 10 the affairs of Local 175 and served as a member of the ExecutIve Board from lune 1961 unul July 1963. Brother Dalton became bUSiness manager-fi nanc ial secretary In July 1963 and se rved III that office until February 1, 1974. While serv ing Lo­cal 175 as business manage r-finan­cial secretary, he also served as a member of the Apprenticeship and Training Committee and trustee of the Health and Welfare Committ ee.

Brother Dalton became a well-known, active trade unionist in the Chatta­nooga area and worked hard to pro­mote the trade union movement as a member of the Chattanooga Build­Ing Trades and Chattanooga Centra l Labor CouncIl. International PreSI­dent Charles H Pillard appointed BrOlher Dalton as an International RepreSentative and assigned him to the internatIOnal Office In Washing­ton, D.C., effecllve February i , 1974. At the lime of hiS death, Brother Dalton was serving the Brmherhood as a member of the Agreement Ap­proval Department at the Interna­tional Office, where he proved to be a great asset to that department . Sincere sympa thy IS expressed to Brother Dalton's famdy and friends

Eleventh District Holds Manufacturing Conference Leaders of the Manufactunng Branch In the IBEW Eleventh

DIStrict 3t!cnded 3 one-day workshop on FcbruMY 21, 1984, held In Springfield, MISSOUri. Eleventh DISlTlct VICC Presidcnt Jack Moore welcomed the variOUS loca ls attending and partie· Ipated In the vanous topiCS covered throughout the day. lnternauona l Representative Craig Hoepner chatred the work­shop and was assisted by International Representative Doug Wiegand of the Research Department. Representative Wiegand covered Work Measurements and Job Evaluation. Represent ­auve Hocpner covered the new Alcohol and Drug Test just Introduced at Alcoa, the tcehnolof:lcal change concerning malllten:lOce, arbitration trends and the selection of arbllrators, stnke sanctions, local umon elecllons and, most Importantly, CO PE and the politics of 1984. Thlrt~,-threc delegates from aeross the Eleventh District attended and partiCipated aCllvely throughout the day. Due 10 act ive participation of the delegates, Ih(' conference was most mformallve a.nd very successful

Eleventh DIS1rict Vice PresIdent Jack Moore is shown addreSSing 1he Eleventh DIS1rict ManufactUring Workshop Seated on his right is Inter· national Represen1atJVe Doug Wiegand. and seated on his teh is Inter· national Representative CraIg Hoepner

- -Partial views 01 the local union leaders who participated In the Eleventh District Manufacturing Conference.



l125-Fifteenth St. N,W. Washington. D.C. 20005

Charles H. Plilard International President

Relph A. Lelgon International Secretary


Dear Brothers and Sisters ,

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The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has been a longtime friend and enthusiastic supporter of the Savings Bonds Program , and we urge you to join us in supporting the program. If you are presently enrolled in the payroll savings plan for Savings Bonds, consider increasing your rate of saving. If you are not enrolled in the plan, think about how bonds can help you and your family to a more prosperous future , and then sign up.

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Fraternally yours,

~)II.i?~ Charles H. Pil lard International Pres i dent









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Organized labor will step up ItS efforts to move Congress to amend the federal bankruptcy code as a result of the recem U.S. Supreme Court mhng which per­mits even solvent compames to Imme­dIately cancel umon contracts by Ahog for bankruptcy.

Pluggmg what labor considers to be a gaping and unfair loophole In the bank­ruptcy law now "has the lOp prlom)' on labor's agenda, -, AFL-C10 Legislative DI­rector Ray ncm.~on hll .~ ~:l1cl

Labor leaders attendmg the AFL·CIO Executive Council meeting In Sal Har­bour, Florida, when the deciSion was handed down expressed dismay Imd an ­ger. Bm they added that the ruling W3S

not u nexpected and thaI legislation has been introduced to correct H .

The AFL-CIO, saId the Counci l, will "do everything in ItS power to ensure that Congress corrects the Supreme Court mistakc and vindicates national labor policy."

The CounCil declared, "The Supreme Court of the United St:ltes, in accordance with It s normal pro-business lealllngs, has now granted employers Wide per­mission to use the banknlptcy laws to destIoy collecuve bargallllng agree­ments_

"The Supreme Court was able to make tlll:S JCI.:ISlon because Congress has not spelled out the proper relationship be­tween the bankruptcy laws and the labor laws," the Council continued.

"Given an opening. the Court'S con­servative majority fashioned a legal rule that is best for busllless and worst for workers," it said.

The high Court's February 22 rullllg carne in two parts, the first part unani­mous and the second spin ;'j-4.

In the unanimous deCision, the Court ruled that a bankruptcy COUrt may free a company from Its union cont racts with­Out requITIng proof that the COntr3CtS thre3ten the comp3ny's survival. The company must Simply show that the contracts arc a financial "burden."

In the closely sp ilt rullllg. the Coun said a company m3Y abrogate a coll ccllve bargaimng agreement as soon as It files for bankruptcy while awaltlllg the deci' sion of a bankruptcy Judge . The hank· ruptcy court could later restore the contract by rejecting the bankruptcy petition.

The Council noted that the COUrt rna­iority in the 5-4 ruling h3d ignored lhe reasoning of a mi nority dissent written by Associate lustlee Wilham I. Brennan, J"

Brcn n"" Wlute that the malorlty "Ius


completely Ignored Important poliCies that underlie the National whor Rela · tlons ACt " of 1935 In pcrn1lttl ng a com· pany " Unilaterally to alter ;I collective bargaining agreement "

Pernllttlng thiS, s[lId Brennan, l!o a " threat to bbor peace." He added 1113t the mllng will mean that " resolution of the parlles' disputes will indeed be left to the relative slfcngth of the comendlll):: forces. "

A~ I'xamplcs, Hrennan notes that the union workers at Continental Airlines and Wilson Foods had gone on strike after the com pames last year tore up their contracts.

The effect of the rullllg on the Conti· nental case was uncle:I!. Airlines 3re covered by the Railway Labor Act rather than the NLRA . The Court noted that Its ruling pertained to contracts under the N LRA, not the Railway Labor Act, where the bonkmptcy l:iw is specially restri cted from being used to get OUI of union contracts.

AFL-CIO Spl.: .... lal C<) ull~d LJUIl:Il .... C Gold said Congress never intended that the bankruptcy law be used to nulltfy umon contracts under the NLRA and that legis lation must be enacted to make dllS clear to the COU rts.

A bIll to accomp li sh thIS was Ultro·

dueed by House Jud iCiary Cha irman Pc· ter W. Rodino, /r., (D-N.I.' hours after the Supreme Court deCISion.

Under the Roomo bill, employers would have to get the permiSSion of a bank­ruptcy COUrt before they cou ld term mate o labor agreem ent. The cou n could give permiSSIOn only If It found that the com­pany wouldn't survive without such re­lief.

The C:lse that rC:lehed the Supreme Court IIlvolved a New lersey budding materials suppber, BtidISCO, which III

1980 filed for b:lnkruptcy and IInmedl-3tcJy refused to pay w:lge mereases and pensIOn and he:llth benefits to ItS work­ers, members of 3 Teamsters local .

The Notlon31 Labor Rela tions Board ruled that the Bl ldlscocompany had com­mitted an unfair labor pract lcc. But a federal appeals court Ltl 1982 refused to enforce the NutS rulmg, holding that the bankruptcy process allowed such ae· tlon.

The Tcalll~tcl~ 101.::11 and the NUtB sought Supreme Court reVIew, and the AFL·ClO filcd supporting briefs 1Il the case The fede ration bnef argued thaI IllI' appea ls cou n ruling " removes an incen· tive for a dlstrcssed empl oyer to n:lrgalll wilh a Ul1 lon oVer reducli ons in term s aud t;oll\buons of employment. There IS

no reason to negotiate with the umon when the company can unilaterally 1m· plement changes after Altng for bank· ruptcy," sa id the AFL-CiO.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce con­tended III a brief supporting the company ,il3t fears that employers wlil usc the bankruptcy process "Ill a bad faith at­tempt 10 rid themselves of the obliga­tions unposed by collective bargallllllg agreements arc groundless."

Howl'vl'r, ;IS Ih r Bllrflsro ra'>e wa.,> movlllg through the coun s, Contlllental Alrltnes last September used the bank· ruptcy petition deVIce 10 cancel collec­live ba rg:lllllllg agreements with pilots, flJght 3t!endants and machinists even though the company wasn't short of cash or :lbout 10 collapse. The :lidines' unions arc su ll on Strike and the AFL-CIO has c311ed a nat ional boycol! 10 support them.

AFL-CIO attorney Gold noted that fol­lowlllg the enactment of b:mkruptcy law amendments in 1978, making it easier for both companies and individuals to declare -bankmptey, there has been a trend by employe rs to usc bankruptcy to break or weaken ItS unIOns.

Gold s;ud the Supreme Court ruling, unless reversed by Congress, will " Lll ­

crease the level of distress between em­ployers and unIOns, lllercase the number uf lalNI Jll>pl,Jlt;~, "ud ClcalC greater lli'

stabilIty in coll ect ive bargallling. " Regardlllg the cou rt 'S standard that

companies seek ing to void thelT union cont racts through bankruptcy need only show that the contracts 3fe a "burden," Cold said "collective bargaming agree· ments arc always, If they' re worth the paper they' re wnttcn Oil, an economic burden on employers-cverybody would Itkc 10 pay the mmlmum wage or below."

Edllor'. NOle : As this issue of the Journal was going to press late in March the U.S. House of Representatives passed legis· lation 10 save bankruptcy COl/rlS lrom a March 30 shutdown while saleguarding labor oonllacts from lirms that want them scrapped during bankruptcy proceedings. Similar legislation hali been passed by the Senate. The legislation. which is elf­pected to go to joint Conference Com­mittee shorlly to Iron out any dil/erences botween the House and Senate versions. is aimed at rescuing a bankruptcy system that the Supreme Court declared uncon­stitutional. Eventual passage of such leg· Islliliun is a top priority for organized labor. Nelft month's Journal will carry more de· ta!!s on this important legislation as it moves toward enactment Into law.



I ~

ANNUAL STATEMENT OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS' BENEFIT ASSOCIATION In compliance ""'111 the requirements or the Fraternal Act 01 vanous

stales, we afe publlshmg below In lormallon conlalned In the annual slatemeni 01 the Electnai Wor1<ers' Benellt AssocIation lor the year ending December 31, 1983

BONDS UMed States Government Canadian Government Olher Countries PubliC Utilities Induslnal

STOCKS RaiJfOad Pubhc Utlhtles Banks, Trusts & Ins Co. Industrial

FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS FHA & VA Loans Oilier Mortgage Loans





$ 3.723.500 9,183 .216 1.000,000

12,062.540 8.398,901

5 510,000 7,610,875 9,088,623


$41,117,807 44 .2\9,513

LIABILITIES AHD RESERVES Reserve lor LJle Cenllicales Death Claims Due and Unpaid Other liabilities Spe<:lal Reserves Unassigned funds


S 34.368,157



4,O~,724 12,375,109 10,002.100 13,852.501 2.075,966

392.322 5197.228.186

s)'47,126.443 2.870.645 2.878,688

363,221 43,989,189



INCOME Membersn,p AclmlSSIOf1 & Rtlnstatemenl fees Interest on Bonds DIVIdends on Siocks Interest on Mortgage loans Renl$ OIlier Income


EXPENSES Death Claims Increase In Reserve tor Lite Cer1llicates Investment Expense Oeprecl3uon Taxes Rent Salaries & Waqes Punllng & Stationery Acluanal , Audlhng & Statlsl lcal OJVIdends to Pension Members Other Expenses



Benellt Cenillcates In Force 12131 82 346.578 8eAl!llt Cenilleates Wntten &

Received cunno Vear 12.936 TOTAlS

Benehl Cenilicates Terminated or 359514

Translened duung Year 16,612 Benelll Certlhcales In Force 12131183 342.902

5 4,826.921 3,432,871 1.828.967 8.265,586 1,115.318 4.732.643

5 24,202.306

S to.822,ooo 638,676 372.94\ 249.684 296,lt2 81.600

693.177 5,555

35,317 1,090,758

214.848 $ 14,500,668 S 9701.638


25,872.000 $719.028000

33,224,000 S685,804,OOO


SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT FOR IBEW MEMBERS DEATH BENEFIT PLAN This IS a summary 01 the annual r&pOrt 01 the IBEW Members Death

Beneht Plan. Employer IdentlhcatiOn Number 53-0088380, a dealh benellt plan, tor the liscal year ending June 30, 1963, The annual repon has been Iliad wllh Ihe Inlernal Revenue Service, as reqUired under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act ot 1974 (ERISA)

The Internallonal BrOlherhood ot Electrical Workers has committed I\sell to pay all death claims, Incurred under the terms 01 the plan, 01 ·'A members belonging to Local Unions in slates, temlotles and prOVlRces in which the Electrical Workers· Benellt AsSOClallon does not operate

BasIc Flnanclat Statement

The lIalue 01 plan assets, alter sub1raclJng hablhtles 01 the plan, was S6,493.640 as 01 June 30. 1963. compared to 54.895.263 as 01 July I, 1982 Durlf19 the plan year the plan e.-pell8nCed an IOCrease In liS net asselS 01 $1.598,3n. Tlus Increase Includes unrealized appred­alJoo or depreCIatIOn In the lIalue 01 plan assets, that IS, the difference between the lIalue 01 the plan's assets al the end 01 the year and the lIalue 01 the assets at Ihe beginning 01 the )'ilar or the cost 01 assets acquired dutlng the year Dunng the year, the plan had a totallflOllTle 01 $687,719, including members dues contflbutlons 01 $121.178 and earnings Irom inllestments 01 5566,541

Plan e.-penses were 5176,286 These expenses Included 55,418 In admlnis1ralille e~penses, $170,333 In benellts paId to benefiCIaries. and $535 In other e~penses

Your Rights to Addit ional Information

You halle the fight to recall/e a copy 01 the rull annual repon, or sny part tnereol, on request The Ilems IISled below are Included In Ihal repon

I An accountant s repon. 2 Assets held lor InlleStment

To obtain a copy Oltha lull annual rapon, or any pan thereor. write or call Ihe oHlce ot Ralph A Lelgon, who IS the Plan AdmlRlstrator. 1 I 25-1 5th Sireet, N W, Washington, DC 20005, Telephone: (202) 833-7000. The charge to cover COPYing costs Will be $4 75 lor Ihe lull repan, or S 25 per page lor any part Ihereot,

You also halle the right to receille Irom the plan administrator, on request and al no charge, a slatement 01 the assets and liabihltes 01 the plan and accompanying notes, or a statement 01 Income and expenses 01 the plan and accompanYing noles, or both, II you requesl a copy 01 the lull annual report Irom the plan administrator. these two statements and accompanying notes Wi ll be IRdUded as pan 01 thaI report. The charge to COlIer copyng costs given aboIIe does not InclUde a charge lor copying 01 these portions 01 Ihe report because these ponlOflS are lurnlshed without charge

You also halle the legally protected flghl 10 e~amlfl8 the annual report at the main oHIC8 01 the plan, I I 25-1 5th Street. N W , Wash­Ington, DC " !!Ind at the US Department 01 Labol' upon payment of copying costs Aequests to the Depanment shoUld be addressed to: P1.Jbllc Disclosure Room, N4677. Pension and Wellare Bene!it Pro­grams, Depanment 01 Labor, 200 Consti tut ion Avenue. N W . Wash­Ington, D C.20216

IBEW JOURNAL I APRil 1984 \ 13



SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT FOR IBEW MEMBERS PENSION PLAN This is a summary of tha annual report lor the IBEW Members

Pension Plan, Employer tdenlJlication Number 53-0088380. lor the fiscal year ending June 30, 1983. The annual report has been liled with the Inlemal Revenue Service, as required under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act 01 1974 IERISA)

I. An accountant's report

2. Assets held fOf Investment;

3 Loans or other obligations in default.

Basic Financial Statement 4 Transactions In excess of three percent (3%) of plan assets

Benefits under tha ptan are prOVided by members' dues and investment income Plan expenses were $54,442.571 Thesa ex· penses included $1 ,539,497 in administratIVe expenses and SSI. 780, 7 43 In benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries, and $1 ,122.331 in other expenses. A tOlal 01 351.168 persons were parliclpanls in or beneficiaries 01 the plan at the and of the plan year, although not all 01 H19se persons had yet earned the right 10 receive benefits.

To obtain a copy of the lull annual report, or any pan thereof. write or call the office of Ralph A Leigon, who Is the Plan Administrator. 1125-t5th Street, N.W,. Washington. D.C. 20005. Telephone: (2021 833·7000. The charge to cover the copying costs will be $11.00 for the full annual report. or $.25 per page for any pan thereof.

You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on request and at no charge. a statement 01 the assets and liabilities 01

the plan and accompanying notes, or a statement of income and expenses of the plan and accompanying notes. or both. lf you request a copy of the full annual rePOn from the plan administrator. these two statements and accompanying notes will be included as pan of thaI repon The charge \0 cover copying costs given above does not Include a charge for the copying of these portions of the rapon because these por1ions are furnished wlthoul charge

The value 01 plan assets. after subuacting liabilities 01 the plan. was $353.270.379 as of June 30.1983. compared to 5270.041.557 as of July I. 1982. During the year the plan experlen~ed an Increase in its net assets of 583,228,822. This Increase includes unrealized appre­elatiOn or depreciation In the value 01 the plan assets. thaI is. the dlHererlCe between the value of lhe plan's assets at the end of Ihe year and the value of the assets al the beginning of the year or the cost of assets aCQUIred dunng the year. The plan had a tOlal income of 571 ,402,402. Including members' dues contnbutions of $33.018,357. gains of 53.632.342 from the sale of assets. and earnings from mvestments of $34.75t.703

Your Rights to Additional Inlormatlon

You have the nght to receive a copy of the full annual report. or any part thereof. on reQuest l'he Items I.sted below are irICluded In that report

You also have the legally protected light to e~amlne the annual repon at the main oNice 01 the plan. I 125-15th SlIeet. N W. Wash·_ jngton, D.C. 20005. and at theU S Oepanment of labof in Washinglon, DC., Of to obtain a copy Irom the U.S. Department 01 Labor upon payment of COpying costs Requests to the Department should be addressed 10: Public Disclosure Room .. N4677, PenSIon and Welfare Benefll Programs. Depanment of Labor. 200 Conslnutlon Avenue. N W . Washington. DC 20216

MONDALE Continued /mm Po}.:(' R

hargalOlOg ~lIld to the goal s of soc]:11 and economic progress for wh ich the trad e unton movcment works has never wav ' ered dunng his long and well ·docu · menled career III publtc Itfe.

II siems from a life long conVictIOn that a decent, productive lob fo r all who want to work, and a faIT sha re of the frUitS of thcIT la bor, arc baS IC clemen IS of Amcr· lcan prosperu y, and Ihal ou r fede ral gov· ernment must reassert Its central role III the just s tewardship of labor·manage men! affairs.

From hiS entry on the nallona l scene as a U.S. senatOf 10 1965, Mondale has fough t for falf pi:ly m the enactment and enforcement of federal labor·manage· ment law . At the same lime, he has supported programs to bnng our nallonal goal of full employment closer to rea ht y.

In the Senate, Mondale stood at the Side of workers on repc-1I1 of Secllon 14(bl of the Taft · Hartley Act which pamlts states to negate federal guaT:llltecS of the nght to organtze; on endmg of the bracero program which exploited foreign migrant farm workers; on stTengthelllllg of federal OSHA programs) and on the preservation of umon right s to partl Cl p:II C in the po· lill cal process


Mondale never fatled to defend respon · sLble trade Unionism from ever'1Ilcreas­tng attacks by radI cal :mu-unton forces seebng to stnp workers of theIr umon nghts. He helped to beat hack ~ I senes of assaults on the Davls·Bacon Act, whIch now is being underm ined hy the Reagan Adm1lllstration. He opposed repeated at­tempts, fostered by the Nallonal "Rlght­to· Work" CommLttee, to cripple union voter registrallon and poltocal educallon aCIlVllles. And he was on labor's SIde 111

cfforts to reform the Hat ch Act, which restncts polillcaJ actlvltles by federal employees.

Through the yea rs, Mondal e has dem­onstrated hIS conV Iction that th e fedeT:lI government has a responSIbility 10 fosler job· training and lob·creallon programs as a means of moving toward lull employ· ment. He 10lned with labor In support of a Wide range of measures to create, strengthen and maintain fede ral iobs and iob·tralnmg programs; to aid Victims of technological change, of reeeSSLon ' m­duced unemployment, of dLscnmmallon; and to overcome other roadblocks to gainfu l employment .

He continues to show a pracllcal un· derstanding of the role of labor utllons in American society. Speak ing al the 1983 AFL-CIO Convenllon, Mondal e de· clared that, as preSident, "I'd enforce

workers ' nghts and Aght for the adoption of the Labor Law Reform Act. "

HIS publtc statements hammer at the theme that workmg people have a right to partiCipate, through thetr utlLOns, III

the rebUIlding of a strong AmeTican econ· amy and faIr social climate- that orga· IlIzed labor is, III his words, "a legitimat e, propcr, and necessary pan of a healthy America." He makes it clear that he Lntends to end the usc of federal agenelcs as uillon busters, which has become rou· tine praclLee III the Reagan Admlll lStra· lion.

" When (the Reagan ) Administration says what our country needs is a uOlon· free ntlllOn, I tell them what we need IS a nalLon of free unions, " Mondale de· c1ares.

The AFL·CIO 's endorsement of Walter F. Mondale's presidennal candIdacy, whIch was based on conSldera\lon of a Wide variety of Issues and grassroots consuitalLons among union members, reflects the conViction that worklllg peo­pte must be Illvolved dtrectly and can · !lnually Ln the ciecllon campaign from ItS beginning.

It also allies the t rade union movement with a program and effective national kadcr in a drive to return American government to its proper role of promot · Lng the well·being of all Amcncans.



department of Research and Education

THE POWERS OF THE PRESIDENCY The Executive Branch and Legislation ..



The IradUlonal rHC of clt.'UIll~ the Presiden t of the United St.lIes IS under way, as pn::sldcnual hopefuh VIC for the nom mating VOtes of Amerlcll '!> registered voters. Voters should be carefully eva l· uatlng the candld:w.::s, looklll!: beyond the photogenic, humorous, chan'>m:lIIC, personable characteristics of the IlllhvuJ. ual cand idate-to seck a camhd:Hc who IS hcalthy, able to wHhM:lIld the Jcm:mrJs of the office, ltltclltgcnt , experienced, accountable to the voters, knowledgeable and understanding of the problems of the U.S. and the world, and responsIble III

his exercise of preSidential powers. Voters must look beyond the facade­

beyond the mdlvldual c;ulllHJatc at wh,1t the preSidency cl\l:l1ls. For, 11\ addu Ion to the obV IOUS reference to thc office of the PreSident, the pn.!'>Idency, tl!o defined In Webster's DictIOnary, IS " the Amen­can governmental Institution comprL!olng the office of PreSIdent and v:tnous :t!o!oo' ci:tted admllllswltlve :tnd polLcy-ma kmg agencies." That, rcfcrnng to the current preSidency, would be synonymous with the Reagan Admm lstratlon, The Ineffec· tual, uncanng performance of the Reagan Admllllstr:1I10n (the PreSIdent, hIS du ly­appomted Cabmet, hiS allPolllted While House staH, hIS appoll1ted fedcmlludges, and hIS hundreds of al)pOllltees to fedc r:tl agencIes, comnUSSLOns, task fo rces, worklllg groups, etc.lls one of the malll reasons why organized labor has en­dorsed Walter Mondale 10 be the next PreSident of the United Stales

The President 's I'owers

The PreSident of the United St3U;S has the power 10 propose leglslatlon and to have leglslatlon lIltrodueed III Congress easLly, 10 veto \eglsJauon that has been

.. passed by Congress; and, through hiS appolmees 10 federal agencies, bureaus, and commISSions, to change eXI~tlllg reg­ula tlons and to affect Ihe Implement:I' tlon and enforcement of eX isting legIS' lauon. The PreSident also Issues presldenlla l docu ments, usulIlly III the

~ form of prochllnlltlons or executLve or­de rs, both of which have an IIlcreaSlIlg Impact on the dally li fe and activ it ies of Amen can s and which often involve ne i­ther consu ltatI on wit h Congress nor sub­stantial nou fica tion to the pubt. c.

Under the Creull Cuntrol A(,;t uf 1%1), the PreSident has the authonty to direc t the Federal Reserve Board to reduce in­

terest r;lIes :lnd It) allocate credit We have :tll suffen::d throllgh these Ihn:e ye.LrS of the Reagan Admlll l ~tr.lll1m, a~ the slow growth of the money ~upp l y and high IIltere", r.L1es dev:l.,t,lted the Amenc.m economy :md PUt the ~4ueeze on employment and a!o the lobs of md­hans of Amencan~ were lo~t bee.lu,e nf cutbacks Itl constrUctIOn, manufaLtur­mg, and salcs_ It appe;\!s now th.u the Federal Rc!oerve I~ under pre~~llre to keep the money supply IIlcre;l!>lng III .111 dton to expand ecotlnnllC growth through Elecllon D.IY

The Executive Brandl ahu doc, the actual negotiating of tr.lde agreements, lind Amenca's worker .. h.IYC seen the export market for U.S plOduct~ eroded

by unf.llr and IcStncttve trade pra(';lIces of cenam countries, whLle IInport ·sen­Sluve IIlJustnes III the U.S .LTe at a comllCtllu'C dl~JdvJnt.lge bee.IUse of the relax.lt lun of U.S. tanffs and the ullw!ll­mgness of the Re;lgJIl Adlllllll~tr'Hlon to enforce our tr.lde IJws.

Abi lit y to Get Leg is latio n T IL rough ConJ,: res~

The Pres uJent and hIS allies III Cun· gress use .tli uf thcl r persuasive powers, Slnnegy, and lohhYlllg to sway legls\;HLon their WJy. MO~I n:cent PreSidents hilve depended on strong lohhYlng III Congress to enact theH lcg"lallve proposals, and Presillent Re.lgJI1 'S 10hbY IM has been no excelll lOll, mdeed, he ha::. heen credited wnh many successes III getting the Pres· Idenl's Jcgl~latlon passed In the carl)'


JANUARY, 1984 1981 '" 100

He/l llh' RIte.e.-AIl It. ml T./ln,po.· p •• , onal lion &

M."," V .. , Comblnea 'ood Houllng CIOlhlng 1I IIon C ... R.adlng

January 1984 1202 1146 1231 1090 1242 1203 1164 December 1983 1196 1125 122.7 111 1 1227 120,0 117.5 November 1983 119,2 1121 1223 111 4 121.3 120,1 118,0 October '983 119,2 1127 1222 111 1 121 1 119,7 1179 Seplember '983 118,5 111 5 121 4 1106 121,6 1195 117.7 August '983 1185 1126 t208 110,3 1226 119,0 1173 July ' 983 1179 112.7 1199 1097 1220 1188 116,9 June '983 117 d 1120 1195 1102 1214 118.2 115,3

January 1983 114 1 '06 5 1175 1055 1170 115 1 112 1 January 1982 1054 January 1981 946 January 1980 845 January 1979 77.

NOTE Canada s COntumef PfIce Inde~ !of /Ill ".ms .--e ••• MII 06 points 00,.09 tile paSt monln. or 0 S·. ThI$ equalled an aMu/l1 .ale 01 1FICI'.as. 016 0" 10!i' 12) TIle.nerease '" CPI OOn"9 tile paS! year was 6 I pooIlts orS 1

Pef<:1In1 change baIW88f'l1WO dill .. I, c;alcula,&d D}I ..,DI!IICIJ"9 Inti lOde. numDef lor 1116 eanoe. date I.om INII Iof tile laler lUI" .nd dl\ll(l'''9 lhe result by Ine 'nde~ """,oor 10< lhe earl.et dal., Ih." multIplyIng bV I()()

EXAMPLE For the perIOd 01 Janua~, 1983 10 J/lnua~. 1984 120 2 114 I .. 6 I Indeo poInlS; 6 I dIVIded Dr 114 I .. 053 >< 100 -$3°.

Prepnred by. DeplltlrTlenl 01 Aeseareh and Educall()~, ISEW, Februa~, 1964


I days of hL!> adLnlOiStla tlOll, PreSIdent Reagan dectu red that he had a mandate for chanKc from the VOIeTS, even thouKh he had won only 50.7 percent of the popular vote 11\ 1980. Congress, with Its RepublIcan-controlled Senate, rubber­stam l)cd his legislative program and qUI ckly passed the baSIC Jaws establish· mg Rcagan0I111 CS, whIle dCSlroYlIlg the progresSIve socia l IcgLslalinn !)f til(' p:l~' 50 years.

Presldem RCllgan's hudgel pobcH.!s, tax poliCIes, tr:lde poliCies, monetary pob· CICS, and regulatory policlcs h:lvC a com­mon goal- take from the average Amer­Ican worker and from the poor and give 10 the nch and 10 powerful bUSinesses. One of the ildmlnlStraliOn's first acts was to slash tax niles for hUSlIlCSS and the wealthy. The Reagan budget CUIS de­stroyed the essence of socia l and welfare progr:II11S, unfavorably affecting badly needed housmg programs, unemploy· ment compcn5allOn, black lung pro· grams, Jobs programs, Medicare and Med· Icald funds, dlsabdlty bencfhs, SOCial Security and penSion benefits, ellVlron· mental and lob safety rules, civd serv ice and nuhtary rctlrement beneAu, and federal workers' pay. The President's re· peated efforts to create a youth sub· mllllmum wage arc iust another example of the cxplOitatlon of those who need work.

Presidential Appointees

The PreSident hasthe power to appoint hundreds of people to CablllCt poSitiOnS, federal agencies, com nUSSlOns, task lorccs, workmg groups, etc. HIS appollltments mvanably reflect hi S own philosophy, and many, of COUfse,;He polillcal payoffs. Since It is Impossible for the White House to check everythl1l~ that IS done by the Pn::sldent's appOllltees, sume of hiS ap· pam led people 1.lke adv:lllta~e of the OpportUlllty 10 promote their own phd· osophlcal gOJ\s, whIch may be even more extreme than the President's. Some of these people do not consider the Jaws and progr:llns ent rusu::d 10 theu care worth enforcmg. Some display theIT anll· unwn bias through their lack of enforce· ment and through their admllllStrallve deCISIOns. (Sec "NLRll N:ltlon:11 Labor Rq,'l.Ilations I~us t e rs!" m th" M:lrch, 1984,

18EW /o!lflllll.1 The lIIali illlPUlllted hy PreSident Rca·

gan to head the Occupationa l Safery and Hc.:Jlth AdmInistration (OSHA lc:lme from a firm that had been cllcd 2.l tlm"~ fnr OSHA safety viOlatHlns. Workers no longer can dcpend on OSIIA to ensure thelT safety and heJlth on the lob. The Reagan Admlnlstral10n hilS tried to un· dcrmllle the Inw by nlterlllE: the rules throllE:h wluch It IS enforced. Budget cms have forced th e AnnA of comrlt'1nce of·



REFERENCE eASE, u.s. AVERAGE 1967 • 100 JANUARY. 1984

Appa.al AIL Ltaml • Tla"lpo,· Medlnl

Monl!! Vel' Comblned Fooa Housing Upkeep lallo" Cant

January 1964 302.7 2994 324 7 195.3 3079 367.5 December t983 301 .5 294.0 324.2 198.1 308.2 364.3 November 1983 301.4 2926 324.5 1997 308.2 362.9 October 1983 301.3 292.9 325.2 1998 3069 360.9 Seplember 1983 300.8 292.6 325.3 1993 3055 359.2 AugUSI 1983 299.5 292.2 324.3 1963 3041 357.9 July 1983 298.2 292.1 323.1 1940 301.9 355.6 June 1983 297 .2 292.2 322.3 1947 299.6 353.3

January 1983 292. 1 2884 317 .0 190.0 2943 345.3 January 1982 282. 1 January 1981 260.7 January 1980 233.3 January 1979 2047

NOTE ConllUmllf Pllce IfIde. lor an l1emS !tIC"ased I 2 poonts dunng lhe pest monll! Of 0 4' ThI$ equaned en e.nnual 'Ile at increase 01 • 8". 10 4 '( 12) The !tIC.ease m CPI Ourlng lilt past 1'11" was 106 potfllS, Of 3 So ..

Percent lnC"ase be tween two dates IS calculated by IlUbilaCilng lilt 0Ilde. numDe, lor lIIe earlie< date lrom lhat lor the la te. dale and dividing i/Ie "suI! by lhe index number IoIlhe ea,l" <lale. then multiplYing by 100

EXAMPLE For til .. peflod at January. 19&3 10 January. 1984 3027 292 I .. 10 IS IfIde. polms. 106 divided by 292 I .. 036 '"' 100 • 36'

P,epered Dy Oeperlmen! 01 Reseafch and Eaveallon, IBEW. FaD.u&ry. 1984


Acers and the clOSing of Acid of Aces; ISJ prOVISions of OSHA's general Industry job safety standards have been revoked Workers ' cotnpl:llnts arc Ignored, and many emp loyer penalties have been re· moved.

Presldcnt Reagan 's appointed Secre· tary of Labor has proudly accla imed hIS "achievem ent" III Departm ent of Labol (DOLI budget CutS that go much deeper than most other govenlment programs. Docs It matter to him that such CutS havc undernllned Job safety and health rules, the enforcement 01 anu ·dlscnml· nation laws, the collection of such eco· nomic tnfonnauon as unemployment and wage rates, etc.! It IS the DOL of the Reagan Administration that has pro· posed to weaken child labor laws for the first IImc since they were enacted tn 1938. It IS the DOL of the Reagan Admin­istration that hfls revoked the 40·year· old Fair Labor Standards Act ban on "indu5trtJI homcwork" In killttcd ou t · erwear manufactunng. It IS the DOL of the Reagan AdmtnlstratlOn that has al · tempted to devastatc tbe Davls·Bacon Act.

The PreSident's appolllted director of the Of Ace of Managemcnt and Budget, who drew up the devastating Reag.m budget and who IS a key spo kesman for Reagan tax and regulatory pollclcs, ad· mltted thllt Reaga nomics would not stimulate the economy and was deSigned to aid the wealthy. Yet, tlus appOintee contlllues to push for the Rcagan pro· gram, which has left our nation With an IIltolerable unemployment Situation

The PreSident 's appOintecs to the Council of [c("Jn()Jlllc AdvlSCIS ICEAI Jle promotlnE: the admllllStrnllon 's phlios· ophy III their reporl that the federal ,l,'overnment doesn't ne('d to unplement a new, more-comprehensive mduSln:11 poltcy. As DemocratS 111 Con~ress pre· pare to mHTk up Icgls l.ltlon that would create a system for dertllll~ wnh dec !tning tndustnes, the C EA says that the nation's manufacturlll,l,' base has not deteriorated as mll rh a<; I ~ cnmmonly belteved and that U.S. manufacturtng IS not III a penod of long· term declllle. Rather than selt ll1 E: a deAnlte timetable for acillevlllg full em ployment :md low IIlflallOn, as re· qUlred under the Full Emp loyment and Balanced Crowth Act, the CEA Simply outlines poli clcs for "making progress" toward those dual goals.

The PreSident of th e UnHed States al so appolllls Supreme Court ,ustlces, and there IS a strong posslblilly of several opelllllgs wllhll1 th e next preSidential term of of Ace. Supreme COUrI ,usllces, in thCIr delermmallons, often reflect the philosophy of Ihe PreSident who has appOinted them. Often limes, lU St one appOintee call SWln,!; deCISions 011 1m· portant labor issues to the del rllltent of America's workers. One of the mosl devastating deCISion s is the recent Suo

(Continued on Page 64)


... I



SWlIlg open the door of any med­ICInC chest and you'll find :I collee­lion of pills, salves and lotions for headaches. upset stomach, Insom­ma, hemorrhoids and other condi­tions afnlcling modern man and woman. Actually, there are over 250,000 non-prescription or over-the­counter (OTC) drugs aV;l1lablc to the pubhc, and Americans spend some $3.5 billion a yeaT on them.

OTC drugs can offer rebel for many minor conditions and ,u lmcnts not warrantlllg a visit to th e doctor. However, with incrcasmgiy more powerful drugs rcaching th e market, careful though t is necessary for self­administering these drugs. Improper usc of even sa fe preparations can result in problems fOJ the lIser.

People arc taking the art of diag­n OS IS IIHO thelT hands more than ever. Con tributing to thiS, of course, is the recent trend towards self·health ca re and greate r interest In lust what IS gOing on in our bo<hes. Increased partiCipatiOn In personal health care is encouraged by some experts, but the limitation of a la yman's knowl­edge should be recogmzed.

I Most of the public IS exposed [Q a

wide variety of new health educ'lIion where we work, and most often

l through mass communication media such as radio and TV, as well as newspapers and magaz lll es.

Armed with advertised medical ex­pertise, many people march into the drugstores and supermarkets of America looking for the cure on a shelf. For most people With certain ailments, and when the drug IS used properly, the remedies arc effective and sa fe . But OTC drugs have then limitations as well.

Non-prescription drugs do nOt cure disease. By their very nature, they treat symptoms, nOt Illnesses. Cold preparations, skin OintmentS, hem­orrhOid rehevers, and other OTC drugs arc formulated for the tempo­rary rehef of general conditIOns. Visit a doctor In case the problem persistS for more than a few days.

A more dangerous consequence of OTe drug use is that the dlscOlnfon it IS treating may be symptomatic of a more senous illness. Chromc head­aches shouldn ' t be Ignored, even If aspirin seems to soothc them. Can· stipalion could Signa l anyone of a number of se rious conditIOns. Any-

onc who cont illually pops antaCid tablets may be Ignonng the warnlllg signs of an ulcer.

In order to take any non-prescrlp­lion drug safely, the user must know something about the drug and ItS capabilities. All OTC drugs have di­rectIOns on the label as well as more detailed lIlstructlons on an enclosed Circular. Listed arc the drug's IIldl­cations and contrallld lcatlOns, warn­Ings and dosage.

Any drug. whether It IS a prcscnp­tlon o r OTe, can be dangerous If you excecd proper dosage. The Impor· tance of readlllg and following the directions ca nn ot be overst ressed. Don't assume that because tWO tab­lets of an OTC pain reliever or stom­ach remedy helps, three or four pills will make you feel twi ce as good .

Int eract ion between two or more drugs can be risky. Don't take a comblllation of medications without the say-so of your doctor. Antihist­amines, common in cold and allergy medlcmes, should nOt be taken If you have high blood pressure, dwbetcs or hean disease.

Aspirin, If taken III conlllnCtlon with a prescrtptlon anti-coagulant, can IIlcrease a nsk of hemorrhagmg.

Alcohol doesn ' t miX with any drug. An antaCid may adversely affect someone with laver disease. Some medicmes contalll chemica ls which cause drOWSiness, so users arc warned not to dnve when on the medication .

Read dlreetlons carefull y and fol ­low these rules:

Don't take drugs you don't need ; don't ove rbuy and keep drugs fo r long periods of lime; don't combine dnlgs care less ly; SlOp taking OTC drugs If symptoms persist ; don't take pre­scription drugs If nOl preSCribed spe· cifically for you; do read and follow directions for lISC; do dispose of o ld prescription drugs and outdated OTC medications ; do seek profeSSIOnal ad­vice before comblOlIlg drugs; do seek professional advice when symptoms persist or re turn ; do get medical checkups regu larl y. and do aVOid al ­cohol when taklllg medlc:ttlOn.

There 's an o ld saying that a man who actS as hiS own lawyer has a fool for a chent. It can eaSily be applied to the medIcal field If the OTC drug you arc taking begms to aggravate the symptoms you have, or If the condition does nOt go away, consult your phYSician immediately .

- By Esther MargoJIlI ~




A Description of Union-Busting Tactics L U. 1II,f.RI •• p.a.nsJ. ST. LOU1S, MO.- A prevIous &lucie dCKnbtd, 10 I ~CDCIII OIIUlf, the role of .he mlna,cmcm conlultlnn In (11..11111 the to­Cliled " union-I'e" cnvuonmcm " To brio, .he lub;c:CI inl0 I more IpcdRc 1I&ht.. il may 1M: bonc­ftciaitoiocul on the;. Hmman Allcnliance: ,anlu froRl JO to 100 mln'I:cmcnl rep.nenlilivu wilh feu vuym, from $WO 10 $500 101 the Iwo-day II th"' !n", .nd ;lucelo" normally Ill. I psychol opu I nd. II"'YCI, ~lIh vcry well vcned in theu rClpccuvc Rclds

Th" induurill psychologill usually begm5 .he forum Ind Is lomcwhat dn,rmmg in appearance, he: I, cUllllly d. ened, open shin, sleevn rolled up, Ind comn ac,o •• In I cool, 10v,al malmcr ,hal il • villi 1001 of hi, ulde The openmg approach 11 thllaU.ncmblcd hue I common problem with ors:anL~ed labo. and Ihal Ihe P05111VC tltp. 10 Ihit lie 10 make union. unm:ee"a,y The types uf "dulr~ble" ~ •• onnd needed in ~ wo.kforce. Ie lecl;vlIy In ind!vldual .olu. and a!lliude mamp· ulaiion .. e the p.olo,ue 10 Ihe methodo!olY The nUl theme n.und IS Ihll lOb lecumy hes In workin, la, I lueeenlul eomp~ny Ind nOI In ~In' I p~n of In o' ,lnlted wo.kfo.ee Eumplcs de pitied cneourase I deep. peuonal eomp~ny com rnilrnent , e I . if you hlp~n 10 wo.k 10. lntern~ Ilonal BUI!nen MleMne Corpora lion. you lie rdenllAed as an IBM ·e, . if II Tun Inluumenrs you Ire I n ·e, . tiC II i. Ihe eomflanYlhll 1110 be rdenuAed wllh on a pe ' lonal hUll, nOI the labo. O.pniUllon Thil concludes the fillt nUlon

The .eeond pelloo beS1n1 wnh the plyeholollil iOleo,IIyin, hi' p.ueorallon via Ihe ,ole of the irnmediate IUperv150. Thll i. the frool hnc, II 1$

Ihe lupe.VllOr who h .. the day ·to·day contael Wllh .he wo.klo.t;e . On a contlou'"g bUI' the ,upe.Vl5o. i. to be ernita] 01 the uOion. prUSUle il 10 be ine.eued. w!llk dlnupllonl Ire .0 be bllmed on the "IIlelfl~je"'" U'"O'\ lulu. co ... uactllall~n,uale i. 10 be pOln.cd 10 .. "ouldated" and Ihc,dole detrimental to indivldll.llecurlIY, the luperVISUI il 10 p,omole ICir Ind anxlclY. c.pilliite on pc, · lon~1 InICCllnty, and IIl1lin Ihe lupenor .ole 10 emphu!te the benlsn potirlon 01 the company as Oppond to the IOmewh" diuant potlllon of the I.bor o'lanlullon At thll po,nt the p,ycholollSI tUrDl the p'oteed'n., ovel 10 the iawyel.

The NUII,e ,' , appur~oce I. in .hup conllan '0 hi. rredcculOr_ true-c ·pICCC lUll (neutral wlo •• Ituched eollar l. a luther bndc'K from which .pceeh no.u ale laken, "Dice and ,ont colde. Ind mo.e method!tll. HIJ P'(Jf:DIaIlUn be,lnS p.edom Inanlly .lIon, the hnu of management nJhIl Ihe company h .. , nJh' to leplace slIIkelS. a n,hl 10 'UIS' un.on demand •• , n,ht to sh,ft opcfillloni and therdo.e the wo,kJo'Ct. and a nJh' ' a dcl~y and ,dun This \I followed by ,he melhodolop of enlo,eemtnl What is the Itlll w~y to delele people. whl! cireumvenu Ihe Itlll Inltot 01 a labu. bw..d hUlln&. huw 'u 'c. around ~emotlly darml. how to .pp.oacb dect:rllficanon d'KOI­lion, and lI.y wllh,o .he lechnltaJ JegalllY of the NlRB. t I. luve Iile ' llu.e luneled around the lunch lira or the .eSl .oom •• and If ~meone -sh ~bou, i, ,he . upontc II. " We tin tell you whit ,he I,w IIY' ''' lrom the. t the SUb,eCI II open

The .ynop. b " siven 10lnlly wi lh Ibe l.wyer d,Yerlln! from an urlan.nnn nl the law Imn a pmt pl.n lo r the avoid.nce 01 ,h. t vcry I,w Ind the S,mmlckt Inibble 10t;IICUmveo" t while the psychololiu olten CDmpI.U m.nallcment·, ~p. proleh to worke .. with ,he p.llem. uled In Ihe dinitll Dblcrv.nce of cKperimenlll anImal,

Pluu be advised 01 the lollowins member deaths

dUllnllhe rnonthlof Decembe. and ' I nullY Theo doff Flamm. malO'en.nce on pen~.on. IOlUlled Apnl IllS.!, Adnao W,lli. wneman on peMlon. o.:tobe. 1952, Marp.el Clark.l'.oouellon on pen lion. Octobe. 1114.3, Lloyd Ihllebllnd. m'lOlen~nCe on penslon. lune 11111, RiChard Hlkt. m.,nlenanee on penSIOn. lune 11142. Gco.,c G.yda.. Wileman on penllon. Oc'Obe, 11162, Harold BailY. Wllem.n on pension. M~y 1926; No'm~n MOil. IU ldenul1 un pcn~lon . lune 11152 , Orren Tate, Wllcman on penSIOn, June 11142/ Alvah Phocnl~ maIntenance on (ltnSlon. May 1944, Howard !'y'II. Wileman on pen' lon, AUIUII 1940, ~ml Geo'le Wille. m.lOle nlnce on penSIon. lune 19n

Local 3 Honors Over 300 Members LU. j (l.o.~m , u .'Q .. ta.mo). NEW YO RK. N. Y.- A sudden .~nnWMo.m on Sund~y. Fehru .. y S. 19114 dId not dampto .he IpmlS of Ihe 300 plu. honor mcmbc.s. who we.e loined by thell famlhu and SUUII. from a"endlol tbe p.esentallon of tlono, Sc.o lls to those memberl 01 Local J '. m~nulaclu,

101 d,VIsion who have .cached Ihe ',e 01 60 yuu and have accumulated 20 yea.s 01 CODJeeutrve Krv.ce The cvent marked the 17th ilonol Scioli Ceremooy aod • loul of 10.268 I"onol Sc,olll Iwuded

On these occasIons. membe'_Aath~ 1 l o~ethe l to hono' Ihe men and women of locll J fur thell loyalty and Illth/ulnn, 10 the tilde uOlon mov~ · meo, Th.oush IhdlllruMlu and .,crIAen. fired by tbe tul of common purpose 10. the '1I11nmtni of ,he common good. they h .... e bUIlt thll orllOl UIIon, and Local J laku pride In the Slory ... honor mcmbers .ymbohu In the .. ~de Un.On movemen.

The honu'en we,e Cum mended lUI thell ,elVlce to loc.1 J and the unlOo movement by George Schutk. " . p.esident of Loc.1 J . who na.ed Ihlt ;. IS ooly th,ougb the collee llve dloll l of , hos<: hem, honored ,hat condllion, h.ve been uub· Ir.hed. which II one I1me WClC thouAht to be Impos"ble. IDlth~m,clvCl.nd ue, y worklnl m.1l and woman In IbIS counlry. He ']'0 ,emlndctl ~IJ .hOK p.esent of the lenllment of P'csldenl Abra h.m LIncoln "All Ihar KIVes labo, w..vu the nallon."

On band 10 hononn, tbe hono.ees welC S.luto.e Bruz:t$C:. ue<:ullve BoMd membe" Edw'ld Cleary. pluldent. New York SII,e AFLClO, A.mand D' An&ela, coord,nIlO' of [ndUI"y AfI ... s, '~rh U·An~lo, cha .. m~n. lornl InduI'ry lIoa.d oj Ihe fJe<:Inc..tllndus,ry, Robert DobbtnJ, ueellu~c Board memoo, Dean oIlhe Labor Colle~ R1c1urrd Dwyer, . Iy Greenblall . UeCull1l'e Je<:.erary, CombIned Pc,,~,u.u Fw,J Mal1ul"~IUI"" DI"~'U"' , Laf.yelle Jlckson, !lusun •• Local 3, Hy Kay, p.elldeal Pioneers Retllccs AS5O(1I110n, BfI~n MeLauJhlrn. penSIon dlle<:to •• lornl Indus,ry Boa.d, ""sembly ' wom'Jo Nellie Mtycnohn, IlmuO·H .. I, IU"IInt bUllnus m'n~ger, Roben Reade, VI ce rluldenl , Stile Assemblymao Leonard StIVIskYI LoU'I Slein. USlJlanr bUSIness manager. LocalJ , LcroyTcmplO. ISEW Inlcrn.llonal Rcpn:."ntal1vr, and Harry V~n A .. d.le . I' . fin.ncI~1 secre'ary

Fo lluwing the p,csenrallon of Ic.olb. a dante WII held and rcfrnhmenn served for the ~nloy ment of ,he hono.ees. Ihelf Io'01ln and Iflend! As!isling Loul' Stein. the tbarrman of Ihe evc01. In Ihe 0' 8.n;zOllon 01 Ihe day'. Ic,lviliU. We lC members of ,he Elct;trical Squ~re Club. lhe Greek Ollhudu~ Council 01 Lotol J and 511nl Gco./te Auoclalion Chapter RO



Mt. PCIt. Pu ole •• e, ionll COPE dirfClO •• Idd.ffl tl a meeliol of Local 9, Chitl,o. 111.

COPE Official Addresses Local 's Meeting L U. 9 (0). CHl C .... CO. ILL.-LocI19 IS pleased ' 0 .nnounce thar OVCl 900 of ou, mcmben have volunl3111y pledgtd $ I 00 pc. quane. of Ihell nrn lOp toward, the COPE fund M.ny of our members .eahzed tbe Importance of the COPE pro,r~m ,nd ,.4 havc pled.&ed rno.e ,h~n $4 00 a ynr

COPE (Commmee On Pohtical Educalion) IS a nOl ·lor·p.oAt o.,.nl%lIlOn wbltb InvC5l1plCS and monliOIS the young .ecordl of our rep'Clentallvu 10 1I.le and fednal ,overnmenrs on issues coo· ccrnin~ labo. and I.bo. Inle. e'tS. The .uulrs of Ihe COPE monllollnll PIOOUCU a irS! of the dec· 100"e whIch labor ha~ nu,'ed as an .lIy In the pUt and en,bles I.bo. '0 prolect thell futule lUI"· po ..

Our local mem~rshlphas lu. ned Ilrsthand hom ~ ReSlonal COPE OlleCIO' Pete. Puole the ;mpo. rance of COPE in the bbor movemenl to the P"t and labo, ·s need 10. a 5110ng plO·l.bo, elec,ora,c In ,he futll.e . M. PeJole Idd.ened ou. wdl ·at tended Decembe. locII meellnl

M, Pesole polnled out tbat a wcll ·lnlolmed vOllng 100~e WIll elect ~omlK',ent ,epruenlluvel who w,lI be f,"hfulto Our needs IS I Ilrong llbol force. A p.o·labo. ,;ovcmmen' WIll keep Ihe In.er· tII en, of labor. , u onll VOIce 10 tbe cbambe.s 01 Washlnlltoo and Sprin,field

M. Pnole .1'0 noted that wc lie flced with In ulIemcly .nll · l~bo, leadersh,p to Ihe While Houn If the vOICe of labo. docs 00' rllu itt cry fo . pro­libo. le!;1,I,uon dUlin, the nut lew month,. then we cao be usu.ed ,h.t to the futu.e Ihe leadershIp of Amenta w,\I d'mtolSh the VOIC~ 01 libor to nOlh,", mO'e ,b~n I wb,mpe. ...

Ir " u'IeDI lhat we. the labo. lo.ce. back .uch plo·l~boll'oUI" n COPLin ,he nu, few monthl ludlOS up 10 the deeuon. We , hall ketp you rnlormed of Ihe p.o-Iabo. pohucal chmarc In our area and In WashIngton

If you want to keep au. t olletnve VOlCf '"001. pleaK fill ou, ~ CU .. t pled,e card and d.onare you. doll~rs '0 I e'uK Ihat WIll help III of u, Call ,bc b.1I or $<'e One of you. stewa.ds. they WIll be bappy t · 10 nllll you

B~ "ow. "II uf UUI IIIC"'bt,U I,.~c Ic .. c,vcd tl,t Local 9 1984 ulend~, It hu the d.lu b>.&hhJh,ed of our board·, ,nd lIewlrd 'l meclln,'. Ihe P't;nlC. the It,i.emenl pally. U weli as our monthly mem· beublp mUllng Now there is no rnson lor you 10 mIS' the,e ImpolIlOl mtelln,s. cspcclilly 001 monthly Thufl<by mcmbenhlp meelln,.


Holiday Dance Held ; Apprentices Sworn In L.U. 16 (il. £V ANSVllLE. IND._The Annual Loul 16 Ch.,, ' mu Dance wu held II Ihe Ram~da inn

t( 01 Enruv,lIe on Decembel 16 As IS alwaY5 the un, the .. IInce was a hu~e IUCCUI wllh a bountiful amount 01 lood and 1pm .. on hand for ~ueMI

The Winner of Ihe danceconlut was Pam Rlchler whod.d. ,.nl " Watus. ·' "op one oI.he fouma,"s

It', h •• d '0 .maglne that elgin yea.s a.(0 the dance WIS $ILII being held al our unIOn hall WLlh JO o. 40 couplc:~ In allendanct AI Ihat lime I don't

r-, Ihlnk anyoot envuloneo;! that such a small pally ... ould evolve InlO whal has b«:ome a p ia eVem Ih.t a J .ut malomy of our local looks 10 ... ·a.J tu yu ... lte. yea.

On February J, IS a!,!,renuee w"cmen took the oath 01 Illeglance u admm15lered to Ihem by Our pru.dent, Brother larry ScOIl, and .... ere " 'ek omed InIO the mEW lold

While I stood IIsten.ng to the yuung m~n reput ... the (),1 th olohligation, many thoupus raced Ihruugh

my mmd [wondered what they felt a$ they uttered the ... ords hurd by UI so many ILmu belore I IhlllK Ihat some 01 thcm mIght have felt ap pre hellllYC, lo r evcn though they were now pUI uf Ihe o'ganlzatlon, they WCIC unsu.e II Ihey .... ould be IUdlly aeccpled a5 one 01 the body I al so thInk that Ihey lelt wme pnde for ach,eYlng the s\a 'u, 01 a unIOn eleetncun

I would uk of Ihem nevel 10 let Ihe ~I o ... 01 p"de .hat ... as Idt thaI nlpll to d.m o. dun,nuh In any way Don'1 rUlt be a membcr, bUI bc ~n "clive member of you. loc.1 Ge. 1010 rhe habll of eommg to umon mccung,. If .here \I 10mc.h.n, thaI you don'l undc.nand. uk quulIOnJ

AI .... ay.'emembe. that YOUI unton o ... es you b" .eprucntauon and an orronunny 10 make a "lOll hVln&. but that oppnnunlly won 't alwaYI be thele .f you beGomc paSSIYC and decldc 10 let t h~ o.hc. ,uy make your deCISIon, for you

The newut mem"" •• of loc.116a.e R.ck DiYld R,ch .. d DtlL Scon Glrflnd. Ron Gtnet, MIke Kuester . lohn lasher, '1m t.ocsch. RIchard Mayo. RobclI M"wry. NIck Rcbnock. Rick Rogers. Idl Seng, Mike Spacl11. Alan Staple! and T.m Unllled

COnl. llulalto"" men, .nd always lemcm""t that our futulc .Ut5 0" the ,houldcrs of cach 01 you Ind mny mOre hke you who .... 11 foll" w

ST[vt lit "'NINe, P S

Safety Awards Presented ; Negotiations Continuing LU. 17 lo"u), DETROIT, MICH.-There wu I ,olOt Safety A ... uds D,nn(I for Bad All' and San dUSKY Serv.ce Ccnlc. , Dcccm"", 1. 19SJ. B.ld Au

.. WII awarded a T .... o· Yur Safe w ".k.n, Cen .flcalc. and thc men "fSanduIKY .... elc ..... ,ded a ccrn ficlle 101 II ycan of oUl5land,nl ulety practlcc~ . Con "atulallons, men of Sandusky. 10' YOUI saft wOlk LOI PlaCUCCI

Negollallons a.e contlnu'ng wIth thc 6'17-A Ag. eemcnt Also. B,othclI who arc lIavelin" 11>01. closely thiS year II the deductions 10. trayellO,

ItOJo. Many deducllons that a !,ellon Wli ablc to datm In Ihe paSt cannot"" clalmcd thIS yur and. II Ihe same time. many new tlcms may he ded ucted when II comn to 1 .. .,dlnS

Wo.k I' slowly be,lOnlnl on the 6,17-8 A,ree men! The Sellndgc All Ban bId was awarded to an IBEW cnnllacto. OUI 01 C.hlo.011. and mllny small iob, have been bid .nd awarded to our Contr.ctors

Wc anllclpate pUlnn, on I lew mOle cre ... s of lice mmmeu ""fore srnn" and 'anuary .. Ihe Ulllny Tne Tnmmcrs had a ClimbIng Clan al the un,on hall as pall of thell .pprcntlcesh,p

At Thumb ElecIrle, mlnl,ement has a, recd ' 0 • lop Lobo./Manaccmcnt Conferencc as a mtthod 01 Kuhnl .ssuu bclolc they ""come rloblems The ,tcwa,d, II Ihe Co-op lie In favor 01 thIS Three Importanl lIems have Ilready ""en ,ched ultd to "" dlKuncd at thc fial meetIng

On O'pnlZlnL £kilO" D,VI.,OO Macomb Mete. Ruden met wllh UJ .luling the hollda.,.. and Inothe, m~c"nl IJ K hcdulcd lOOn. Also du""g Ihe hulidaYI, we con"nu~d ou' dlort' 10 o'ganlZlllg cable comp.nies

AI the lanuary ,enelll mem""nhlfl mee. in&. loc.l 17 had Iheu Wheelba rro ... of Chee. Dllwin,; The winner of the wheelba rrow Ih,s year ... ., Run

Shevnock and the neward who IOld Ihe "'lOnl", lIekct was Mike Scheible 01 Ma.ysv.lle

For II~Yclen on Ihe .oad, to update you, "'e arc plann.n, on a,am hum, I RCllrtment ~mmar m btc Sp"'" alon, "'L1h a CPR Cia" fo. f,mlioc. 10 partlClpatc m. We .1,., arc plan01n, on hlYln, an App.enllCC G,adu.tlon Dmner/Dance SOmet.me m AplIl of 1984

Until nut \slue, ... ork »fe and God blus Pnu I Mc;M"NIIS, B M F S


Shown in thi! pieltlle a.c, ltlt to ri,ht , Paul M.an _ ninL ~en;o, apprt nlituhip con~u lt. ntl La"" Su~­m.n, pfu onnel ,"illaot II I l ylt E. lek~on , public fadl;I;fl admini)tta lo' l SltVf ," OIO, public ladl, iliu f lecu iul foltmAn , and AI luko, auiSlant bUiinui mana,t._

Apprenticeship Program, Agency Shop Begin L.U, 18 luI. lOS ANGELES, CAI..-The loc.l and Ihe ellY 01 ru.deu IU5t ilgned the neGen"y documents to bc&ln In deetnClan~' 'rp,cnucuh.p plOlum, Ihe fiul In .lmo,1 15 yun Pnu. 10 thiS p.ogram. the cLlY 1J11'.~adena u$ed to contract OUt ItS complcx electrIcal work, lU~' UVlIIg the rouline mamten.nee 1m (tu. OmOn Blolhc., Wllh Ihe ,dvcn. of UUI a"cement, mOre of the clly's ... ork WIll slay "'lIhlO Ihe local's IUII5dl(l111n, ~nd "'lIh lime the technlc.1 upelll5c dCYeloped by the 'pprent",eJ and Halllcd lourneymen wLlJ r~ma.n w"h,n thc local purvle'" 10 the bcllermenr of .11 our union Bltlh.en

On Ihe l{>1: An,tlu scene, the pnor neIOl"'~ .,enGy·,hop r,ov,slOn IS ,om, ",to dfeCl, helpIng the local cope wllh ,he mc.ca~d UpcndUUICS of leprescnun, almou , thud mo.e members Thu .gency ihop pro~,,'oo OJ bnnglllg .he local .nll) the lOth ccntu,y .... lIh the purchaH 01. new mIni compute. _ mOle sraff 10 adiusl ,,,ev.nces and more dCllul hdp to .nswer the .ncrened .dephone calls

The elllu of lO1 An,cles, Pasadena and Azut.l all conduded 198J negOllal1onl .... "h conllaet, tolal"" ove. 6 pelcenl per year '" cach 01 thc emu The CIIlU of lIurhank and AtUil w,]1 enle. .ntO Iheu 1964 Contract negoll.uon, III I few monlh,

TurnIng tU anC/lher 8ub1GCI. II any of uu r B.othe" and SISltl5 in Olhe. locals need a lob. the CIlY 01 ['asadena needs an IIUtrumcnt tech'lIClan 111 Ihe powel plant and I couple 01 d""lbullon hnemen o. cahle spltcer, 10 the Power DePUlmMI I'lcase call the luul fOI .he .cicnal

At lMKu, I' S

Xmas Party, Elections And Recent Deaths Are Outlined LU, 22 (i.ru'hpa), OM. AIIA, NEB,_On £kccmhe. 18 thc Annual Chllllmas Party .... u hcld for the ch,ldren 01 local n mem""n Each Ghlld had a chance 10 ~lsLl and put In thell .cqUCSt 101 Chlln, mas MOYln werc !ihown and .tflcshmellls were scr~ed A uck of un.Jy was handed OUt 10 the chIldren

Thc unemployment "tC 01 locd nls 11111 about JO to JS pc,ecnl Wc Ire hop",g thl' WIll Improve th .. ~pnng when the wcalher brelk., There 'ii a lot of d,scussiQn IboUI the amOunt ul work Ihat .s com"'g up Ihis SP''''g But as we .11 know, a 101 of th15 ",,11 ,0 11.1 the non·ulllOn .. de

" lot of Important things are comins up One of


Dlyll, l(elle, I nd Micharllhmihon vi)itin, ,,'ilh S.nta, The, arf Iht eh; ld'fn 01 Bro. het lim H.m­iLt on of LoClI 11, Omah., Neb,

Ihem I. the clceuon of offlcc •• IOJ Loul 2.l The mo., .mpo't.lnt thtn! " Iht clccuon 01 a Dc'" p.CJldent lor Ihe UnLled StatU Eve.y BrOlhe. and S.SICt and thelf lam.ltu and frIends hu tU ,Ct oul and "ote lUI Waltel Mondale /I We don't gel thiS rob donc II'S lOIn, to "" a vcry rough nut lou. YUrs,

Local 12 Went lor quae ~ while without losm. ~ny oltht Urothcrs The mumh 01 Decembel ... a~ rou~h ., we lost three Drothers They lie lohn KOC Il. llcnntnl leth and Wliitan. McW.lllaml We cxprct, our .ymr~thy wlhell .cI.,,'·es and Inends

Talktng to a lor of Brolher, .nd Smeu, hapPIness II 10 be _hIe to ~o out and wurk 40 hours I ... eek, but 10 a lot of casu Ih' l "nOI polS.ble any more So We a.e harpy to bc ablc .0 work whatevel hours arc aV~llable Ind try .0 make ends mecl

He surt fO VOIC

Scribe Outlines Huge Tunnel Job LU. H (i,ipa,U"Cllvl, BAl T I.'otORf, ,"'D.-WOlk pro!luscd !lud.ly throuK,h thc wlntc. at B.[u more', fort Mcllenry Tunnel r'OICCt The tunnel. now undel COIISIIUCIIOn .... Ill prOVIde I \'lIal hnk to complele Interstate 9S Ihrou,"" the Baltlmo,e Irea The area tcleGtcd fo, the roadway (fonts Ihe PaupJ<;O R,ve. between .hc locusl Poml com munlty and .he Canton tnJ"Stnal area, and rUn! directly in Irom of Fort McHenry. A tunnel wll ,decled ;ns.ead of a bnd,c to protect the skyline and h,stoncal upccu of thc fOil Ind Ihe cummu nlly

At the pruent Ume Ihe J1lnd,Yldual $led tubcl ... hICh comrrlsc the tunnel have ,,",en luwered, connected. poured ... lth concle.e Ind suled, Ind I.e orcn from end to end The tunnel con51115 01 loul tndlYlduallu""5, eaeh tu"" elpah[cof handlin, t ... o I,nn 01 IIlffic-t.ght bnn .n all Inlenor construcuon and flmshmg Ire undel ... ay .1 .hl1 lime The Ho ... ard P Foley Company IS both !cne,.l Ind elcetrlcal contractor on Ihls rhasc of rhc p,oleel App,o~Im .. c (OSI of thiS rhase-S.' m.lhon The contraCI as cump!cled WIll eOHI Ita/fic lur"ellbnce and control syMeml, ,l1uml n.1I0n, HnUiaUOn 'an" .11 h'Ih volta,e luh·)\a lions, and a eomplltCI (Cntet on thc cut "de of the IIH. Abo .nduded a.c lou •• ep.u~e hlP. yolta,e 1IC1 ac'OS! Ihe IIYCI

T. alne monLlonn, w,ll ""' ICGomplished by In stallillon of su,vtlllance 11101" and 6a televiSIOn camCl1i .Ifilled In the IU,,",_ The IIIUmlnal10n phose WIll ,equlre Over 8.000 fiuu.cs. 80 lane,ule 19


In Tunnel

A'" I hoWIi in the lunnr l Ir' Of:llob W"'W'I'_I, lear,,] fonmallo , Kt:ilo KarpP;olll,lupe,intudrnl, ' lId funk UMfU II' I, !"'''Iun.

"P", JO clr..,110mc .. ana nCr mC$ulc "I'u .• nd .n "MfM amenn. w,1I be r'ov,ded lor (ommu nlL.II",,, OV~ I 410 mIl"" of IU1.1 ,)"n:m, "'11m, wjJl 1M: ""eded for wmpleuon of the Foley PI()Jerl .Ione

The ,ener.1 IDleman II Ih,s time " IX"nI' WUYfr Dlolhers frank Llbe,~to,e ~l1d Bob H .. ~­!lOp are !oremen Sob Rankm 15the shop &lcward

The Foley phue lUlled In runc, 1983, and II tcheduled 10 flnl.h In Augusl, 1985 n ... ", .re 10 men on the ,Db nOW .nd 11 .5 uJI"cled 10 'f\C'.k" .\ around 80 men In 1985

I would hkt 10 thank Gen"".! Supcnmcndcnt Kel,o K'rppmen 101 hi, cooJICratlon and UItMlve Informallon I'UII dUlin, the lOur

The I 7'm,l", fon McHenry Tunnel II the IllICit plOJIc t evel unden.kr" 10 the history 01 Ihe N. Ilonal Inter$ule and DdcnK H,gh""y DI~lllOn II is .1.$0 Ihe lal,Cn under ... uel Iunnel In Ihe ","r1d Thc III,al COli on comple,,"n IS Cfl1ma.ed II S815 m,llion

Many eOll llaellll5 "'111 be lO~olved on Ihe lunnel PIOIC~ I aud ... e ... ill mOnilOllhcll plo,ren 10 lutu.e anidca IIf Ihe lournal

ROCla M LAs .. , I~ P 5

Local Has Active, Productive December L U. 2S II.0,tuIl.ClIVI. LONG ISLAND, N.Y.- Ik cembel ... as I busy mOlllh 101 many of the com mlttcn 01 Local 15. In ,ddu,on 10 the legulll meeting' 01 the van llUI committees, the '0110"'10, evenn "'cle held

Slaning ... ith the elec',on of the electrified "Su IOn', Cleeting'" si,n by Ihe apP,cnllcn, Ihe Chliumu Commlllce undel the chailmansh,p of John Cou,n had Ihe .... nnual Ch" "mu Pany on December 4 The.e ... as cmcnlmment and enough food .IId ICC cleam to 10 around Santa Claus p,"en,ly hSiened to the leqUtS" 01 the child.cn. .nd II Ihe end of Ihe mornlOll Ind lilernO(ln KU'on. (lch ch, 'd rece,ved 111ft In IlIlhe.e ... ere • 10tal of 406 boys Ind J9J girls ... ho '!lended Ihese KSSlons.

.... 1 Ihe .e8ular meeting on ~eembcl 13. the Commullhy ServlcC5 Commhlee p.esented Mr. CUrry , di.eciol of the BOlld of Cennal Sullolk Hoapita[, ... ilh a check fo r S[O,671 to be ul ed fOl Ihe pu .chase uf a dialysis machine. This Commit· tct. chahed by BIl] Myen. wu formed fm Ihe PU' pOK of elClt ins I pOl il ive im.ge of o. gamnd


Bill Myels, chalrm. n of Ihe Commun;l , Servicu Commillce 01 Loul 25, lollll Island, N.Y. , piC· u .nlin,' ch«k 10 Mr. Cuu )', direClor oltht Board nl CUllal Suffolk lIolphal , lor thtil pUlch.se of • dia lysis machine.

Pklu.ed i1 a pollion 01 tht Clowd thai alluded Local 25's Ch.btmn Pan,.

labor 10 tbt communltYI ,nd undcl fhothe. Myel! they hue done a ~Iut Inb

On ~cember 17, the Entcnamment Commillu .an a bus "'P III RadiO Clly MU$'c Hall lONe ... Yo,k CIlY 10 5(e Ihel' Chlillmas Sho ....... h,eh h.~ become a elulle After Ihe sho ... the.e "'31 a tOUI IIf back.nagc RadIO ellY .nd the equ'pmenl undrl thc 51age ... hele the mechan'sm IS localed that operates the 5lage 10 m.ke fIO",on5 of" d,f,apPCII dUllng the sho ... It .1.,0 lOciuded 5«'", the largesl theale, 01l'./ln5 In Ihe world and Ihe plO\eeuon booths ... hele Ihc stage Lop"n,'s ellnlfolled Irom .... hel Rad.o CII1, ,he gloup hid .:I Ie ... houlS 10 spend on Ihell own 5(elnll the lights IIf New YOlk Cuy at Chll,.mas Kason before lelum.nll: til Ihe bus lor lhe I1dc back to the local The Enltlliin men. Commltlee to eha llcd by John Clanton

On IXcembel 18 the 8]ood Bank Committee, challed by Je llY Mcycl, had Ihe!! sem,·annual Blood DI1~e IXsp .. e. ve ly nuty d.y that &flected Ihe tU.nOUI. Ihe Commtllcc dId a good Job of keeping thinp movms The Createl Ne ... York Blood Plogum Irp.eeulcs us hav.ng Ihc dllve on thl~ tlay as Ih.5 " Ihc lime Ihat Iheu 5url"Iy Is .. its lowesl ebb

Til top the month ofl, Waite. , Sk.elch lellled IS VIce p.n.denl and chai.man of Ihe Eueullvc Board. Wahc. had done an taeellenl lob, and the members Wish h,m .11 the beu In hIS .(t!lcment The E:reeullvc Board . ppo.nled An.hony Vaeeh!o 10 selve Ihe .cmamd(1 of Waltel" telm U v'ce plcsldent

Scribe Writos About Union Participation LU. 34 li,em .I1 I,lplllCllvl, PEORIA, ILL-Th" monlh I would hke 10 .epnnl an arucle "''''tCn by Mark AyelS that appeared In OUI loc,1 I.bo • paper. [Ieclthat thc meISISC " "'ollh .cpealing.

"'Just Ca.d Carne", The Downlal! 1If .... 1! Union •. ' A great ploblem I. lac 'nll our olgamzallon and othcr organizations across ,he nation. It " not. new problem. but .alher one ... hich ,s lut KCl1inS eomple.dy OUt of lund It II no, a popula r subicc t 10 m.ny 0/ us, bUI III Importance " conll~nlly SlowIng and buildIng. and ". efieci is dcva".lmg

IU uu' IIrull,c.I",.,.J .. uti ~1I ulhc. lI .mh~ l huo<b "rt " ,uSt ca rd timers" 's Ihe rlOblem

"UnIOn membe ..... ho eonllnullI, uke ;I ttet fide On olhel UniOO membe.s· ello.u Un'on mem bcrs without uu.~ Wh~1 ~m I fclemn~ 10/ When all of us fl.!t ,~pl.ed 10 become IBEW membe'f, It " 'U $ub,ret to Ihe Icceplanee of 01,1 •• ppllcallon '0' membenhlp OUI Iceeptance con.!ltuted I eon,,'CI bet ... een Ihe memlK' ., the locil un'on, the [BEW and bet ... een all such members of thc [BEW '1 The conlfael .em .. n~ h,nd'ng until broken Th.~ is the obhllu,on wh,eh ... c owe cach other .nd 10 t.ke it hdllly " to "'nd~lmIIiC Ihe 10und.llun at our organlIallon

" All of us rlomncd and a,IIreed 10 .b,dc b~ Ihe Consllluuon Ind la ... s IIf the ]BEW and IIU I local union We ~o ... ed to fUr/her the pu.pot.cllol which Ihe IBEW ' 5 rnfmuted, and we p.om.Kd 10 bear ... al1egtanee 10 It funhctmo' e, .... e II!;Ieed 10 nOt ucofiee .IS mlelCSIS In lOY manner

Unfonun'lely, !-Orne members IIC nOl hvrnll up to thell obhgallon Canymg. unron IIckel m OUI pockel dMS not make us good union men Til \'IO'iI5US • uniOn card IS ooe Ih 'I\&, 10 h~e by liS code It .nolher Munlh]y due5 pay '0' the IIckel , .elponslbllhy and dedication 10 Its tnta] c_usc makes us "'ollh, of 11 ~

"Thele arc lOme of uS .... ho comrlom'le uu. umon', pllSlIlon .ntl uuonah~e by sayml. " It wu ,UII •• m;lll Ihmg and that s.utly ,0ulJn't make any difference " TNt. c;oeh 5m.1I I,m. l .. aCl In II.SoClf dMS nol appear 10 have any elleci on OUI ClUU Colleeltvely, each 01 these .cu could can .mulC Ihe do ... nfall ol.ny UniOn. We can no 10ngcI eontrnue Ihue k.nds of ICls. lest Ihey ... ,11 MCOme comm""pl,ce and ... e .... 11 bl\'e ]OSI Ihe .dnnllgtl " Ihal OU I Blolhers had 10 stNgle to lonll and to

bard 10 allIIn for us. Each of us undelSlandl ... har I·m spcakrnlt 1If • .., 1 wan', go mlo • lol\jt d"SCI lat.lln

" We a.e all pall 0/;0 Blolherhood. an _n<)Clatlon ot men and wumen with a common 11m. a common behel and. eommOll pmlO:SSlon I ulge all unIon membelS 10 revitalize ,he 5plll1 of blOlhclhood. set u.de mdlvldu.1 goals and unite In a common cause We muSI become more ,clI~e 10 union ItUV",U .nd eduClte each o,hel m OUI obhsallon ~ 10 0111 o,,,,mIlIlOO WlthOUI It "'c Ulnd ,lone

" 1 ,,,,,Ioglzc tf I hive oflended .nyone Howeyel .1 I have, mlybe, IU!I m.ybe, you •• e me.ely • 'ea.d ean.c.

Why don 'l you attend youl loca] umon meelln,1 We all kno ... the (l(CUUS "Thelc '. '0(1 much 10 do," "I'm to(l tiled tomght," a' ·'1,,,," don 't feel hh ,olnlt." I knuw Ihcm .11, and j've used Ihem .111 Then I realized that au. un,On WIS worth I ..

couplc of houlS • month of my lime Some membels have only shown up 101 onc

mccuns They h,d to. It was the nlghl 01 Ihell Ini"'"on Maybe Ihey felt Ihal once you ·le.n the un'on Ihll" II .... 11 you have 10 do now .. P'Y YOUI dues once I month II II thiS a,,"ude Ihal'. hurttn, OUI unum and OIhen Ilke au", No ... , mOle ,h.n eycr, ... e have 10 fuppon our umon If no une takes "'" the lime 10 (;ole. Ihcn onc of Ihese daY.lhclc ... on 'l be anYlhlnllldl 10 (I re aboul. Thmk .boUI II'

So, .cmemhel ynul Inc.al umnn meeung nn Ihe second Wednesday 01 e.ch monlh, and thh month mike I res l cflorr 10 be there l

I ... ould hkt 10 thank Brolhen Phil Yehl . LillY Oppe, Dennis Shelton and 11m Capes fOI thei l effort, in 0.gam1mg a Christmas Fund Aha, a bl8 thank you 10 everyune who COntrlbUled 10 the t'" fund You helped !.Ome 01 our ncedy Blolhen havc • much bri8h tel Chllumu


Local Offers Courses, Stresses Voting

• L.U. 41 (1, .. ,lmll.lp_l, BUFfALO. N,Y._locll 41 Will once Iglm have. Famtly P,cn.c .t Darien L.kc. It appel" as ,I Saturda y, September 8. will be the dlte for ]984. Joe O'Connor pIQmbu Ihe wuthe. w,1I he IU51 15 great 1$ It was lIOn yu. This ~Cl r ... e will ,hale Ihe I.cllh,el at Darien L~ke w,d, Ihe "I"~ . '''''MI. uf th~ lI ull.lo Du,ldinK Tlldel. Many of u. WIll be able 10 Ke peoplc we'~e

kno ... n O'~ I .he YUI$, and hopdulI~, Ih~ uniting of Ih~ Dufblo BUI ld,ng T .. du wIll be ~tr~ngthenrd by Ih' IIOIn t Vtn lu,e As IUllhe l newl 01 the famIly Plcn,c devdop" It ... ,11 be ~nt OUI

It stem, II If ... e all gc t I 101 01 mall f,om the local In III v.no.1S uraclllu I kno ... that we all keep every p,cee 01 mall on file In III propcr pb~c If you have m'spbced IoOmeth,n" O. haven" Ie (elnd tome,hlO, becauK you haven" nOllncd uS 01 you. addlus ch.n,e, I'U lIy and bllng you up .0 IU.C on .ame OIhe. (venU m Loul 41

The C'edll UnIon ha. now PUt luelf 10 I POS'tiOn ,,·he.e 1\ tin Ind WIll be .ble to ItrVlce 'he mem be.shlp even be. ,er ,h.n belOle When you IhlOk you WI ll nced money 1011 CII, boa., ulvd home, o •• ruck, check Wllh the C.ed .. UnIon Arn lor the

, be.1 .ates In 'Own lourneymen Eduullon II ~jt;l1n olftnn, ~ "'Ide

.,oge of ell,emdy ImpofllOl COUrKI for you 10 • ake pan 10 The Idus 01 ,he COmmmee and Ihe Anal I tCp, th.t of "amnl ,he dUI Itstlf, playa ,'U' pall In Ihe neve l endml hallie to keep ahead 01 Ihe chlnln In OUI IOdu5IIY

The Telephone Proglam w,1I ~glO '" Apr,] .nd ~ concl ude in May. After 32 hO"'1 ul tr~""ng, il IS

hoped Ih.1 Ihe yurs 01 Ithoolln~ and Acid expe· "ence of Ihole who attend w,lI be able to adapI 10

,h.s ne ... Acid 01 OUI IOdusny Hands·on namlOg WIll be • I:'cat pall 01 Ihe p' og.,m and thou ld hdp than who allend I'UP the .nd,Ully much fOOnel The . esponK to attend ,he p.opam hIS been "cat .nd plans I .e under .... y '0 h,vc .ddlllon.1 KUlOns to handle.ll Ihose ... ho hue upleued.n Inlelest On~ Ana! ,hlOg- ,he Eiecunn '84 Cam p"", IS

.n h,ll,wIOg, have you and you. f.m.ly taken Ihe IlISI slep necessalY 101 vounl: 10 1984 have you .e"s,e.ed! If yoo have .ny que""onl le1-'ldlO, .e"suallon, elll the lOCI! unIOn olAee and you ... ,11 be "ven all .he dttatb yoo need Labo. mo)t .cally be o.,~nl2Cd ,h" yur .nd elect ou r fllends Please do YOUI shale

Local Nominations To Be Held May 2 L U. 42 !0,u ,,·,tlb&.'0~11, II ARTfORD, co ........ . · It IS thlt lime al:~IO' Th.n yca" hai ce ltalnly nown by

Local umon tl~ellonl lie 10 bt held thIS yeu NomlO.tlonS .hall be moved up On~ week 101110'"

. addillona! lime fOI Ihe mall billols Thclefore, nomlnallon, shall be held on Mol' 2, IY84, at a p,m. in Ihe I<.><:al un".IIl hall ., 379 Wetherell S" Manchule. , CnnneClltUI Addidunal dctalls Ie aardlllg election, .nd Clndiduu shill be scnl OUI .n the mill ' 0 each indlvldu.1

We hive ,eeently IIIIAed Ihe Asplundh T.ee Contr.ClI0' the "'es,em M.n.chu....,,,s , . oup, and I .m cUllently en,.,ed III huvy nCI:0"aIlOO) .t Valley Cab!evlslon In Nlul:lluek

OUt consuuctron dlv.slon " , lowly startIng '0 ,el • bene .... o.k p.clu.e The I William foley Comp.ny hat be~n awarded I Jubnanll .1 lIans· m""on l,ne 101 the UI Company. 10 Ne ... Haven, Connecllcul They alto r.cked up. smalle. hdllle for ,he munICIpal of Holyoke, Masuchusetll We luv~ .Ito been JUece.siulln IItve,.1 h.ch ... ay Itchl 10, tobt In the alta It t-Cems .h .. poulbly OUt len ~"s of pen~nce may Roally be wme,hlO, ,hat can be tUlned around

Henkel &. McCoy's CUilently dolO!! • small dUlflbullon ,ob 10 ... enern MU5achusclIJ 10. Nonhu.t Ullhll(5, 10 ... e arc .ble to at lcas. ge' lOme hOI lime In. OU I apP,ent'cCl, ... ho lie lcady 10 ".duate

lIopefully by th~ lime ,hiS 1I1II:le .ppcan 10 Ihe /ourn<ll, ... e "'111 have a belter hndle on ,he wo.k If Iny ollhe Blolhers ... ho lie lIavelltn" I .e IOlel eSlcd 10 lelUlnlng. plcaK be JUIC Ind till .hed

A mosl IInpo"anl nOllce 10 III lI .vellln, "A" membersl Please be sUle .nd u k 1m I leclp.ocil hullh, ... elfare and penl.on 101m, as we signed WIth the nllionll,cclp.oc.l pbn .nd we l Ie Iryin!! OUI bell to keep cnvc l .~e corrent 10. aU of our

membcl) OUI new eye!!I.,! cI ... eralle should he !!Olnl: 1010 effect 'n ApIII

Ik unIOn _ boy unIon

Scribe Urges PAC Support . Involvement LU. 51 !O, II ,I,U I.-8,,,III, SPRINGfIELD, ILL· As we cross ,he Ihreshold of ,he n~'" yu!. mak'nl: OU I "'1y down the .oad of life and Ih.ou,h the YUI

of 1984. OUI oOlon B.otheu and ~'sleu "'111 hue become pl~yelS of h.slo.y 110'" ... ell ... e petfo. m IS up 111 uch of us. The Poltllcal ACllon Commlllee of mEW Local 51 w,lI offer ~O/SO IICketS for "Ie unllithe Novembe. decllon Atlhe lu, heeullve So;o,d meClln" of uch quarter I w,nne' w.1I be d,l"'n from III t,,::kcts s.old durtn, thll qoallel ~ pe.cenl 01 'he proceeds hom 'he IIckel sales Iha • qOllle .... ,11';0 to Ihe lucky "'lOne. The remalOlO, rloceeds "'111 be u..ed by Ihe Polltlcol ACIIOn Comml1lec to >oppOr! cand,datn tho. SU PPO'I 1.001 and oppose Inll l,bo. cand,dates, 10 Infnlm the nlembelS 01 loc~1 5 1 oflhc cJndlda tu' retOldl, Iheir VICW S, If'hey hove su pported you in the I"~I, and if Ihey tn lend 10 surpOr! you tn ,he futu.c

In .ecent yun labo. UOIOnl .od thell membe. sh,ps haH taken ~ be.llnl: because a lan anuljuatcd .. bll.lllon p'ocedu,e that has .elleved llself of common nnse and •• UhillC .pp.oach to 'he resolullon, Inll·labo, ta .... dnl!!ned to .edoee the uOlon ... orktn, man ,nd ... oman 10 the dirk 'ICI of urfdom, and COoll declS.onl,hat take away ou, bas.e IIghlS 'hat arc guaranteed ondel 'he Cons \! IUIIOn 01 the United SI~tU of Amellc~

Th1l1ugh Ihe yun tOO mlny of Oot 1I000n Broth CIS Ind Slste.s h.ve become compl,cent and IfRo enl to .he u "enl .hat we hive fO'IlOllen Whll II

" 10 be wlthoul . Maybe lIke .he m.n ... ho hved In. bll hOUK ... "h 1" 0 t.n and .11 the coodltJ of hie and dldn', have lime '0 ... o.ry .bou, • sm.ll luk 10 the .oof He beume ladt.dlls.ul aboUI the leak No'" he has no ,oof Iell Ind hIS hOUK " abuul 10 1111 ,n l,ke hIm. 10 a Jensc, ,f ... e do nOI become politically acllve Ind uke 100e.u, from the lo ... cs, ofAce m Ihe Ilnd ' a ... ho SIIS tn the p,Ulden,', ch.It to .h~ Qv.1 OIAce, ... e may find oUlsclvu nm only w"hou, ~ .oof o~e . OUI hUlh. bUI w.thou, I house

Attend YOUI l<x:al oOlon mtCUnl Support Ihe PoIItI,,1 AClloo Commmcc Gelmvolvrd Rel:'S te. Ind VOl~ The ,ob you ~lVC mly be yoo. own


Local Honors Long­Time Instructor LU. 60 Ii), SAN ANTONIO, TEX,-The lolJo"'lOl: was UOI 10 me by B.o,he. Hllry Kat~ "Sou,h Tuu EI«mcal IATC I.ys cI.,m '0 hu.n, the IO)IIIIC'OI ... ·ho has lauJ!h1 In ,pp,enllce clan conunoously, lon,e. Ihan .nyone In Ihe IHEW Roben80b" Weston, ... ho bellan le.chlOg 10 Sep tembelof 1951, W.!] comrle,e h., J2nd yeu thl' May Weslon 100ned Locll 6O.n 1946 afte. Ic . vlnl Ihlee yea", .n Ihe Subee. dUlln!! WW II Th., ..... Ihe same year Local 60 and South Tun Chap,er NECA .OOp.ed ullnln!!standuds Ind ... as eefllfled b, Ihe Bureau of App.enlleuh,p

"Th.ough Ihe yun Wes,on ha, .Iso COOlflbuted much of hlS lime 10 ,"urneyman IIIm.n!! He IS currently leachm,; ,he ne ... ly offered Sem.Con doc,ol Electlon,,:s Cbss. M.med. Ind Ihe I.,hel 01 th.ee .aM, 'wo of ... hom lie Local 60 10uII1ey men, Weston,s Ihe declllcal IUperY'~or fOl ,he S.,,, AnlOniO Lsghr newspaper

"AU the app.cnI1Ce! look fo .... ard 10 Ihe lime that Ihfy can be m M. Welton', cl.ss, and come nU' September Bob ",,11 be b.ck at hIS desk ~,.nn1n!! hI! .l..ltd ,eaehm, YUI "

Brothe ' $ and SlSlers, ,h ,s IS the kmd of Itllcle that Illke 10 sec In this space We ,ead .nd htll enough .bolll "gloom and doom" ... "hool hav,"g 10 Ke 11 here If anyone knows of J BrOlhel 01 SI5I(' m th .. local unlUo whtl de.e . ves "~pe cl~1 I ~eolln"">n ," please let me kno ... 1 WIll do eve.y


Thru 1ft pinofC' of Bob WUtoo tcachinl cite' Ifonl~ 10 Ihe Ipprrn,iul of loc.160, S.n Anlonlo , Tu.

thlOg I can 10 ste Ihu II .s rflnted ID IhlS sp.te 1>.evlOusly I have Wllllen .bout the Local 60

Wileman '. ASSlKtallOn Ind ... h .. liS lunCllon II SInce then Ihe.e h,ve been .ame d"mallt chan,u 10 the by IlwI, 10 SlOp by Ihc I<x:al oOlon Ind pIck up you. copy

Sec yoo JI Ihe nUl meellO!! TO..,MY DA,vt\. P S


Mrmber Chuck DeMouH ..... d PlrleliSIl at the 1.0e.1 68, Denve r, Colo" con tr.cting works hop.


FOlmCf In,e.natlona l Viu Presiden' La .. ., fan.,n nuivu his )5,.,ul ,in from Busious Mlo"tf lIil1 Iltffrnllo .. the Drcembe. IU} muti .. , .

Local Runs Workshop; Several Jobs Hire LU. 68 UI, DENVER, COLO,- PIlC5Ideo, lohn BOIke, It . " .eco~ellnl: from CO lonary bypu. so, !!ery AI lUI .epoll he was .n Iht mlenSlVc CnC onlt 1\

RMe Med,cal Center Chuck DeMoulin II 10 be commended 10. Ihe

conllael1n, wo'kshOl' whICh he arranged 10. Ian u.ry 21 About 300 membe •• and spDusu benefit led Irom Ihe CXpellllt 01 a panel composed of k8"1. Anlne ill, Insullnee and 1I0vernmenui profeUlon al. The NI"on.l Eletllleal COntra t lOn Anoc,. liOn and I8EW wele al .o ,epruen'ed P.nel",~ and "


~udlfncf ,like ... c.e ~n.h"~II'II" .n hmh P"u",­pallon and co'fce ""nklnl

[conom " lcu'Hry has ~en slo ... 10 V'tll (kn ~el ho\oeve" .he '~neh" eount " S660 ~n Stree, d,d drop by about tOO m 'he rUt mon,h Thlt ..... . , due I",cly '0 sub,,,n,,a] hm nl on the IIlInalOUnd II Ihe FOil SI. "' , I.n IPbnulllej Nu dur Po ... er ptanl Ind u the Amellcan Bell Com· pute , CeOle, Thne twO lobs uc shon Itrm bUI lome 'malle, )olK h~ve also been hm nS Howeve., .helc I,C still (lveT SOO on Ihe ou\·of "'o,k hst and full employmen .... m be slow in .c, urnlnjl

The Anh.:use , lIusch Brewery clea, cd InOlher hurdle on February 1, ... hen , he fOil Coli"" ClIY CounCIl voud to Innu the proposed bu.ld.n, ,IIC Th,. will a/fo,d Ihe brewery the eny le'VlCn, If .a"fled, 10 I euy· ... ,de deellon on May I 19U

Recent slCkncssel and dlulnhun lie u follow, Bob 5<:011. Dne Mamn, Robert Z,dln. Bub [d ... "ds, SpIke HornCf, DruCf WalCf5, Chel PUSkl, John NOldlande" .nd lohn Bu,ke. J. O.he, .han Pres,deD! BUlke, Ihere . re no mdicauons ol vmtor or rhone cIIl rUIl1Cllons pleue keep all of Ihem In mind

The ,ympathy 0/ ,h.s local uni"n IS u.ended \0

Ihe fam'!y 0/ Boh C , ,,,s'c.d, huslness manage, of l-oc:.1 12, whose I.thel, Stephen, anl8[W mcmheT died In ,he lalle r pall "I/anuary

Con,lIlubuons '0 John and K.thleen Cole. who ~clme ,he pI,enn of a 1»h boy. lohn Ace. born on lanuary 17

Several memMrI Ind.flled Ihell encou,.,emeo. ,c,,",dlD, Ibe allllUde 01 cone"rn uJ"ts5t:d by Ih" body" ,he February 71eneral me""nl The dUll" WIS vo,c"d to like s.erllo ... ard 105111U'IOI poilU¥.: pubhc rclallon, and lev.ta],z.nl Our imalc btab hlhmenl of a lund .0 "commodate thIS KO.I 'J

~IO' di,cuned jOintly wllh the PipllIg and SheCi MClIllocah

ColOiado \lade unionlstl mCI on feh,ua,y 2S at a Srtcul [ ndouemcnt Convention 01 , he Stilt Aft-C/O ThllloclJ union and the Colorado Slate Conference of [leclllc.1 Wo,ken we,e ... ell ,ep ,uenlcd Ihcre RnuJu WI]] be repolled III the May luue of the lournG/


r Qlvt llUltd work l SIIn Benolo/f of Lonl 16, Ta· com., Wash" work$ a. his p"Himt ;ob U • Ibht rman.

Work Slow; Elect Mondale, Scribe Says L U. 16 11,,,m,rt&lIu p. ), TACOMA, WASil , Wurk II ¥try slow III our IU"$.hcuon IIlhe p .,,~ent, wllh no rchef 10. the Immediate futUle

In me"un,s with the conllaerOIl IInct Ihe mem ~lIhlp vOled 101 , lO'perc"ni .... Ic reduc llon_ .. o,k IS belDl 1.ln"" back from Ihe nQn un,on Klb.

We muSt do our best ., an mdun,y tn ge. M. Mond.le eletlcd r rCJlden. Oon 'l Inve II .0 Ihe olhc, people. gCI OU I 10 Ihe phonc hank,. ClUCuS meeung •. lund II!Sell, elC , 10 help all you tan

Many Ih.nk$ In all ,he members who called tt .. , WashlOglon Slate lelPsla tOIl, help.nll ddu.lcvfral bill. Ihu W(le dem men •• 1 to Jabo,


Don Rol.nd paUlts lrom hi, but, .cbedule at Ihe Child,en '. Chril imn PaIlY .

Wnh Ihe h.", unemrloymenl Iha' .... e hnc comes lome lD'e , eSlInI"OIlU 01 ho ... ID[W elec· t"cian, can be d,ver5l!lcd Some mcmhf.s are WOTklnl al cnKlne"rs, plant main'enance, real es· tate sales, CtC, To .he fI1Cm~ r l of Loc.1 76 On Ihe road we lend ou, bu. w15hu In, you. health and ~a f~.y

h .. ",,, IIn'llozo,r. P S


Au lu. nl Bu,in~n

MIIlJ I U Gene Lanldell of w Cl I 17, SU llie, WISh., ,tli'ed in feb· IUlty,

Gene Langdell Retires; Attend Local Union Meetings L U, 77 10,u&' mt ), SEATTLE, WASII.-ASSIst'nI I\"s.nus Manaller Cene langdcll has retired from the suff of locil 77 Cene loined mE W loc.l 195~ III October 1956 1$ ~ n inn rumenlte~hn,clln wOlk, ing It .he de.eaClOI on .hc Ibnfurd PTOleCt. Cene WI' very aCllvc III hIS local. and when local 1958 me ' ged with l-oc:al 77 ,n 11/66, he conunued to be an ac,lve member ulvln~ " 'hop IiIC ... ard, unh chll.m.n, as well" bernl ~\Ce pru.den. of 'he Hanford Alom" Mflil Trades CounCil

Cenc 100ned the "alf ,n 1916 II • buslOus rtpruenl~Uve rn Ih, Kenne"'lCk offi.:. and was la'er .ppmn.ed ."""nl bus men mlnlge. unlll h,s ret!lemenl m Febluuy of Ih" year

Cene has wo.ked hard on ~hall ollhe members 01 Local 77r ~nd on behllf of allihe nICmbe" and 5,.11 of Local 77, ] wanl .0 utend OUI best wlshe, 10 Gcne ~nd hl5 wile ReilY m ,hclt retirement, and to thank him fOI a job well donc

W"h many of 'he uuhllu m negu.,,"ons., Ihll I1me, at; welJ U many 01 Ih" r roblems we lie facing wnh the var.ous emploYClI, [ nlon,ly encourage (\'ery membe, 10 make eVfr)' eflon Ihey ~n .0 Incnd UIllOn mecllnl' 1.1100, wllh 1984 be'ng an clctllon yu, and Ihe /atl that olg.l1I:.ed labol hll .101 II stake.n Ih'5eleCIIOn. J thrnk 11 's ,m"""uve Ihat ail 01 ou, mem~ls make 1\ I polnl 10 auend Ih"" union meelln,s 10 du;cus. pohllcal '"UCl and camhd.,CI, '0 gel and 10 hell mlOlmallon concern,", Ihe election ~"d .n 'nttrlCCI the,r 0" n though" Ind feehn" about cand.da.CI and ISSUCJ, and mOil .mportan.ly, 10 '"ke .0 active pan in creallng a . pUl ' "f sohdorlly as we dell wnh OUI many problems


kf~ lIdle 51 of how blS or old you ar t, we .11 IIh 10 h1Vf Our pk lu,e liken ",'i.h Sanll , f rom thc looks uf San' I , he didn ', mind at Ill , Left '0 rIght , Iront , lie ChrlMinc ... . ughn and Dtbblf IIInu, . ,",ulinl , Iff\ .0 dlhl , arf Mlttit Cullifer Ind She' f 1 lI ub'n ,

This May Be Scribe's Last LeHer L U. 8OIi,o,ns&'-fpaL NORFOLK, VA.-Many Uwru 10 our Lad.". AUlihary .nd the olflc",. 01 L<K,I

• "

80 101 mak.n, 'h" Annual ChIldren. ChllllmlJ PallY a happy lime 10' .11 ... hQ IIlended The IIlend.nc" welllurraSKd the p.eVlous year' •• which made lor I joyoul lime 10' all As .lwlYI, ,here were plen ty 01 Kood thinll 10 eat and drink Ind ~ thr. f,h.hlr f_n rrally tonk advanlalC of ~ll.he good 'C!. Of cou,se, " wouldn't have been a rcal Ch. iu· mu party ... "hou. dear ole Santa CI.us Iyou., trulYI bClnll theTC .nd hnening 10 all ,he ch, ldren tell what they wanted 10. Chns.m'l At III ,he 1"'" yn, •• III" dllld.en h.d • w,de .clc~"v" ul ' oYI 10 choose from IItrr IIlkml '0 San," It "'al ,II mOil belulliul and hunwarmlnl 10 ".,,, 10 many Imle eh,ldren 10 hiPPY AIIO, I .h,nk the _ IadlCS Ql,he Auxlhary 101 lemnS me be Ihe man .n ,cd " w"h Ihe while wh,skclI Som"one ",d a min 10ft Ih rou", .hr"e IlIllu' He ~heves In S.anll, he doct nOt believe III Santi, he II Slnta lliow lIuc _1

FOI you ladlU who ... ould hke 10 loin .he Lldlu AU~lhary Or kno ... morc about II. ull .h" union olAee and someone will help you I think you would enjoy .he company ol luch line bdlu, They t ­necd you. g.ve a call1t;>d.yt

I ~hevc I ovc,looked the b.nh of Sleven Parker, .. tl,hm, III II 8 Ills. 2 OZ" who has sclected IS hlS p""nu, Alonzi and Fann,,, Park". Con"I" 10 you both Congratulatlont a]1oO '0 Kenny .nd Tel­r-u HUlchnon on the bmh 01 tbell von Chll.'''' phe '

The Wise Ok lourneyman had Ihlt lOllY m ~ Itl',d, 10 ~III' a "blchclo,"-bachclolS lie hk" 1»th,oom ciuners, It Ihey work fa" and luye no rinK /Thll's nOI nle",l Jou.neym~n Ifllnmll dlssCl In pmgrlmmablc

eontrollell have heMun with M C ''Tu'' Holllni IJ Ihe mJlruerO! Ou, induJlry .s moYlng more Ind mo ' c to nl01C 10phislicaied control •• ~nd if We ale 10 Slay ab reu\, we ne"d to allend cI.nCl

.hat will help. Why not tall .hc )ATC oflh:c ond put your name on the liS! for Ihe next clanr

I overh u rd onc of the of Ace secre taries Idling another, " [t's strangc how u",mponanl you, lob is when you·re askIng for .. rlue. bUI how imponant It can be when you w.nt to takc a day of! "I How u\le 1

Th" Imele may well b.:; my lUI one 10 Wille. ". due to my assuming the poSitIOn of OIlCClor of

TrainIng fOl Local 666 In RIchmond. Vllg,nla I must"y that o"cr Ihe past 16 yurs as yoor pres. M:c rc'JlY, .t hu been .cwardlng 10 me In many w.ys I've ,ecc.ved many letters, not only from our member' and thell famIlies, bUI from BrothelS and Slller$ of ,he IBEW.II over Ih.s great bnd of ours, m rega rds 10 my Willing. Ilhank you all It

'- has been a pleuure "mltng for our local untOn and I will m,H " 111 sl1l1 be .. member of Local 80 and w,]] be IItendlng the Saturday meellngs of ou, Brotherhood Should oor prcsident. lack HICks, wllnl me to connnue bemg .he prus Seerctlry, even thou,l\h myfull·ume lob WIll be In RIchmond, I'd be h.ppy 10 cont.nue God bles, you all, and Ihank you for ht-mg ,uch 'althfu! readers and cont" butor.

Rememht-r our s,ck BrolhelS Ind S,slers m you, pllyers and V,SII when you can Someone once uid. "It's 50 n"e loget nowers wh,le you can st.ll .mell the fragrance." Eutel Sund.y IS only a few day, away Ilow aboutllk.ng you. bm.ly to church • Clv.ees ,h" special day In the hfe of Chl1sllan, cvuy ... ·here, EUle. IS a Hry spe(i~l day-ClmS! arose WOld 10 the WISC· For God .w loved the world , that he ga~c hIS only begolten Son, that

~ whosoevel In b,m should nOI pCTlsh. but h~vc .ve.lulln~ lile lohn 316

1 0 II()Ll04QN, II< . I'S

Local Wi ll Miss Bishop O'Connor t.U. 81 H!. SCRANTON, [,A.-The members of Local 81, as well a all of the Union tradesmen In OUI commumty, w,1I dearly Illin Bishop lobn r

.. O'Connor who bas bccn deSIgnated 10 succeed th. latc Cardmal Terence Cooke., ArchbIshop of Ihe Archdloctse of New York B"hop O'Conno, wu a true f"end of the working men and women In

01,1. communny. and particularly the bUIlding and conStruction I"dts. The bishop" late falhe. had been a member of the hUlldln~ tradn, .ffllllied with ' he P,.nteu and held I gold ca.d fOJ 50 yean

~ (If membc"hlp BIshop O 'Connor was an ,nsp,rallon to all 01 uS

.n Scran ton and would wUlk with us '0 ;ssure Ihal OUI memht-rs w.re g.ven 'he 0rportunlty to work on any Ind .11 diocesan conSllU.l!on and renova· liOn. HIS comrassl(ln for the homeless and th. poor ,n our community led to the CreallOn 0/ ,helteu to house the homeless and Ihe expans,on of laellmes 10 feed 'he poor

... Recently he ~tabhshtd. Oooce511n Synod. charged w"h revamp.n& Ihe Dloce~'s Canon l..aw '" hne wnh th •• ecenl .ev".On5 '" Rome I was honored 10 ht- ,nv.ted ' 0 partICipate to Ih. Synod along with a number of labor rep,uenta\lvu. whIch was an other "gJI of h.s ",'erUI 10 h .... labor people .e.ogOlled Deltv.llng the malar address a1 our Labor Day Rally In 198.3, "'e ""II n.ve.lorgel h.5 word5, "Any Industry who w,ll 001 locate," the

• • Scran,on area lor I.a r of ht-Ing o.g;tnl:ed InlO a bbo. unIOn does nOI d.5.,ve 10 be In Ih!s tom· mUOlty .... nh you. fine people"

We WISh Ih. new Archh!shop of New York the but of luck. W. wao, all of th.mEW.n New York 10 know Ihat 01,1. Ion IS eelt:unly your g;ttn. The cOli le communilY he •• has upressed Ih." SlIdn." at lusing luch an inspIrat ional ind.vidual One of Our local news repon ers summed It up for all of

.. us when he wrote, " Johnny, w. hardly knew you" lOIiN I Mc::: Nul n, B M

Scribe Gives Insights On Politics and Economics L.U. 84 10,u.t&'caIY), ATLANTA, GA .-Loc~! 84 members 01 Un;, 84. U ae Statesbo. o. Geo rgll,


Member$ 01 "T he Rodtin& Cha;r Club" of Local 84, Atlanta, Ga.

recently donaled cwo .ocklllg chaus 10 two d.fin ent ~onvale5cenl hnmeo Th.5 IS the ,hlld donallon ChallS have been p.eYlOusly donlled 10 .he Bullock COUnlY Memon.l HO$pllal The Slatuboro mem o ber, voluntaltly cOntnbule One dollar pcr member I! the clOM: of uch monthly Untl mcellOlIo. Mem· bers who conmbule c.lIlhem~elves "The Rocklllg ChI." Club " The club ha~ been 10 UlSlence lor aboul 'wo yurs now Members of Un" 84 12 should cenatn!y be reeogntzed for thell commend· able purpo~5 of "The Rock,ng Ch.l" Club."

I ",ould Itke 10 announce Ihal the.e " a !tmllcd number of [BEW hats 10' ",Ie 10 Oil. membersh,p . Theeo,I" $4 OOeach II you would hke 10 pUlchase a hal, scc your unil chaIrman or shop 51ewud and arrangements can be made 10 deltyer your ha, a, one of our 18 unu mcellngs. The buslneu manage. or one of hl5 "SIStants WIll ht- glad 10 hltnllo Ihem co the mCClt n~

S,nce th" IS • ~rC5ldentlai clecllon yen, 'here are a few ,hlOgS I would ltl<. to bllcfly call to you, uttntlOn conceming po!tticS and economIcs.

A recent Federal ElccllOn Commission repo rted ,ho, cmporallonsled a 4.5 pe.cenl inc rease dunng ,he past year In the number 01 polillcal aC l ion commlltccs known as PACS. The CommISSIon reported that dUlln~ 1983. Ihe number of pACs inc, eased Irom 3,371to 3,525_ Thai flgure !ncluded I decline of one for UnIOnS, and .n increase of 88 10' corporallons PAC, are vlcwed a. a domtnant force," pollllCS The CommISSIon flguru show Ihat cO'poultons sponsored 19 percent of.ll PAD ,n 1976, 49 pe.cent In 1980, and 47 percent thIS ycar The compar.son of reglslercd I'ACs at Ihe Stall of .hose prcSlden"al elecllon yeall arc as follows

Corpora"ons l..abor Untons

~ 11391 12261

19HO 1981) 1255)

ill:! (1,6581


It 's obvIOUS lhat somclhmg needs co bc done 10 COlleCI Ih .. ,mba lance ~nd Ihereby bung th.s IIlIO .I OIate of cqu.ltbl1um

As you ean ue, pultllcal aclton commllteeS, backed by corpor~ltons, have gonc all oUI,h" yur .0 throw \he" ,urpoll beh.nd Rca",n '. re·elcct.on There arc several reuons ... ·hy Reagan has the .o'pora,e support CorpotaUOns know ,h" Rugan hn sh.ited Ihe blliance at .he Nallonal Labo. Rellllons Board to. ngh, w,ng maIO"'Y, Ih. at­IlvllleS of 'he Federal Mw!allon and Conc,hauon x ,v lCe and the N'llonal Med.al1on Boa..d have been curtaIled They have ~en a pres.den. succeed on brukong a unIOn (PATCOI

Economic eondllinns, t.eated by Rcaganom.c~, md~ the past y.~. a paonlul onc for Amellcan wo.ke .. , thell fam.I,CI, and unions. Rugan 's eco­nom,c pohCle, have brough, the wors' .uffellng to Ame"can! In a half cen'ury.

.... verage weekly eumng' (in current doll ... ) amoumw 10 SI8!1.n 1977 and h.Ye .once lisen 10 $186_ Howeyer. 'n Inflallnn-adlus tcd dnll.u. av· c.age weekly urnmg, fell from $189 in 1977 to SI?lloday" dechn. of 10 percent In .cal pur ch~s.ng power

We are told Ihu consumer Spendm8 surged by 8 4 percent m 198J. Th.s IS partly because more people were at work m 1983_ Howeyer. wh.le md,vldual income rose 50 percent over Ihe SIX' yeal period, consume. debl lose 60 pelCent. In· cleasing!y, consumer buying power depend!! upon horrowmg powcr. MOrlga ~e d(bt paned the $1

",Ilton mark m J981 An e""maled J3 per~ent ' 0 35 percent of the consumer 's dolla. is now requ ired to UN,ee consumer and mortg.gedebl before olher upendhu.cs can beconSldc.ed. Can the proporllon go mueh hIgher I Consume. d.b, .llow, an .ndi v.du.1 to spcnd tomorrow', mcome loday but .ventually It muSI ht- rel'lld Th~n the pam JC'S

'" AI some po.nl, .he nooft IIghlens, and Ihe noose ., IIghtentng now. Su walCh for changes tn pur chas.ng powel I,'s a good ,dea '0 su.ch for mean, 10 p,cserve purchumg power

Rug.n 's ela.ms 10 economIc recovery arc no. sustamable Therc IS no rcason 10 telebra.e .eCOV ClY of etonomlC coodtUons unlll the country .i

assu.ed Ihat thIS reeo~ery IS nOI followed by a seeond and WOlSe Reagan reeeSSlnn Only then w,ll we h.v. c.luse 10. confidence

A thange In ,he poJtllcal and econom,e eoune of the country w,ll allow the labor movemenl 10 r~~m 'he lempool human progress, ",hose rewards Will ht- shared by all Su Iherefort pleasc sUPJlOrt COPE

Mourned ---

Local Mourns

Local 86. Rothuur, N. Y., mou.ns the du th of lostph " Bud" Som· mtr,: 1904- 1984.

Brother "Bud" Sommers L. U, 86 {i,IU,en.&'Sp'). ROCIU!STER, N.Y.-On February 9, 1984. local 86 Ind h" many fnends In the laoor movemenl throughoul Ihe country we.e &addencd 10 hear of the pusing of JOleph "Bud" Sommers. Bud, wnh Ihat eycr ' present sm.le, WIS 79 yean old and a 56'ycar member of Ihc [BEW lIud was a very active member and was honoled shortly after his .e\l.emen, at a tesllmo· mal dmner on November 6, 1971 The followmg arllcle wI! w""en by Alex Gaby, the then·tdllor 01 ourloeal Labor News and a good 'nend oiBud ',

"Bud, wllh .. host of fllends m ,he labor move ment here and ac ross the su,c, lo,ncd l.oeal 86 .n 1919, and became a l.oc.186 JOu rne yman m 19J3 SInce lhal lime he has seNed In a doun ofllci.l capaClllcs wnh 'he unton including a ll·yeu 511n\ as bUSIness manager pno. 10 hIS rel"emcn, laSt yea r.

"As a forme r v.ce pres.den. and pres.denl of Ihe local, he was a pnme moycr In the many or",nl:ttng campaigns and conuac, negollallOn dio.u. wh.ch over ,he yeats made Local 86 one of the largul and mos, elfeClive IBEW affillatu in thIS enll.e reg.on of Ihe country Sorn m BalaVllm 1904, Bud atlended Aqumas Insutule and graduated from EdISOn Tech, whe.e he became western New Yo.k, and Iller, New York State Wrnthng Champ,on

" He was a delegate from Local 86to the old AFl Central Trades and Labor COUnC I! and Ihe melged Rocheucr AFL'ClO Counc,! lor over 20 ycars, and held ,op hccullve Bo~.d offlco with bolh, .n dudtO, Vlte pru,d~nt and trUSlee, challed many malor commlllees of thc twO bodIes, and helptd 10 ,he ncgOltlUOnS wh.ch ,uuhed .n the merge r of thc tWO bodies in 1958

" HIS membershIp in union and communilY or· gaOlzlllonS .nd C\lr of Rcx:hc$te r Elecmeal Ex· amtOtnll Bo.rds are 100 numerous 10 menlion.

"Bud abo was a loundin~ ',ther of Ihe lI. och."er Labor New, in 1945, and se rvcd on the publica· l ion', Boald of Conlrol unlll hi. rcurernent lau yell. He se ryed as .epresentatlye of Local 86 on the AlllCd Bu.lding Tudes Counci l for 11 yea"." 23


We u-ttml to DorOlhy, hi' wife, Ind 10 h'$ d.u~llIen Ann and Lynn, OUI .mcele .ympathy. C"d. un be sen. 10 Do. olhy Sommers, 529 S Penlnsul. Ave .. New Smyrna Beach, Flonda, 32069


Local Endorses Mondale For President LU. 9Q ,i6.em), NEW IIA VEN, CONN.-AI ou, Feb.u .. y meellng OUI local announced I .. 5upporl 101 Waller Mondale .n .he upcomIng p,u.denlial e1ecllon The dec.slOn was unanimous among the member.Mp in ancndance. OUI local'. dcc"ion Wit ~nd on Mr. Mondale'. pUI I>C'riOlmance When he wu • U.S Sen .. o., he comp. led .. 93 I>C'tcenl " 10 fno. ol labol" vOllng leco.d on libo. endOr1Cd blilt. H.! $Uppofl 01 the Oult·Bacon loCI, n wellu many other ,mpolunt labo. bills, r ' oves he baa been I "cal uset 10 organiZEd labo.

Ruh;ulg Ibe strength Reagan hu ",ned In luecumbmg to the demands of bl, buslnc,., .nd the onuldednell of hIS admmllu llion, we must .~cepl Ihe bel thai If we'.e IIU"'5 tu dclClOt RUII~" we mUI, concentrate OU I effo. ts by support ing Waite . Mondale.

The Dav.a·Bacon loCI, which hal come unde r wonant cn UCI!m by Ibe Rugen admmlstratlon, wu .ecemly dealt a se lback. FOUl of the five .e",launa p.oposalt made by See.et .. ,. of Labo. Rlymond Donovan had the bl""i,,,. of the U S COUll of Appub for the O'StllCI of Columbia Dupne Reagan 's man,. .nempts Ind fa,lules 10 elimlnale or weaken Ihe law th .ou,h Con"UI, OUr country' •• eprescntallvcs IUltio:<! the nco:<! for ktepln~ th ll law Intact.

Unfonwutely the Reagan adrmnullauOQ'. "back door tacuc," appea. to p.uen, futu.e r roblems for u. The four ' Clulauons which were upheld by the COUll we.e l. Ehmlnate the "30 pe. cent .u le" which .lIowl the wages paId On federal construe· lion IUU to be sel at Ihe pl<valltng .ate paid to JO peree'l! of 1oea1 <onsuucuon wOlkers, 2. Com· b,ne StliLltical dita from surroundln, ruIlI lIelS to let the ..... ge lite when no p.evalhn, . Ite Can bf fI,u.ed The .elulanon tcnd, towa.d I lo .... er ..... ge: IIle bfcause pay In ru •• 1 lieu IS geMlaliy lower than ID Cities, J uclude hom ,he wage calcullllOlllhe pleylous wage lIandllds calcUlalo:<! '01 ellher ledelll construct.on I'ftljeelJ under ,he r.e¥IOIII, mOle hbe .. 1 'lambrdl, and 4 upand Ihe usc of Kml·sk,lled helpell on ' edcIII rroleCIi. Itlectln, the tlldnlonilly !tmlled ule of non un.on I.bo. ' Ol$lure 10bs'OI qu.hRed uOion fou rncymen.

The Rupn admlnlStraliOn had nked the COUll to ,elCCt the appe.1 COPE. wor.lcs 10' you!


Local 98 Sponsors Steward's Seminar LU. 91 ,16. cm ), PHILAOELPIIIA, PA.-On Sit· Uld.y. '.nu.ty 28, 1984, Loell 98 IponlOred a "e .... ~n!'llCmm~I for U I membC'lI. BUllneU Man· Ige. I.m Mackin, alonl wllh h,s fOUl bUSiness repl(:fen t.tlvu. hosted , he meellng The semm.r wit diVided Inln sllr sessions. The R.st one, Lhe dUILCI and IcsponSlbllitlel of • newlld. wu pIe· nnled by the business manager Buslnen Reple· lenla tive Roeky McQu.llen. who II a mcm~1 of our SafelY CommLllee, spoke on safety on the iob Ille He 1110 llresenled guest speakers Ed Kelly from the OLimond T ool Company, who spoke .nd ,ave. demonst ranon on powe.·actultcd tool •. and 'ot: McSo. ley and ~.me D.llon who are the IIU

• eplcsentatlves of OSHA M. McSorley spoke on whit U!>HA doe, on a lob sile and the rlope l p.octdulu Involved lor getlLng them on , he iob Be,mt DIllon gave. shOll specch on asbeStOS and til danl\trs on the construction Ille BU5IDUS Rep· ' oclllalive plul G.lmUlc gave Ihe membe" a blici hutory lenon when be t~lkcd .bout labor and the law. thai h,ye bcen paued 10 hclp and hlnde. the labol movement. A gueSt speaker, W~lIcn BOII§h. Elq..,! •• , from t h~ law fitm of MCltn:.e. Kit:. Spell &. Wilderman, spoke on the . ccent chanIn in the Davi' llJcon Act and how they WIll .ffe( t UI He

also spoke on the .. gh tS yo.., have on t pIcket hne and what the CUllent .dmlnlsuttlon In Washing· ton IS dOIng to take those IIghn IW'y

The .hemoon SUS Ion naned With BUltneSS Rep· .esentatlve lot: Metlugh uplalOlOI ju. iJdtClioul dlSputcs with othe, ,radu, how they lie settled, Ind the .wardlng of wo.k In r revlously settled dlsputcs. Agent Tom Neil.on lpoke about the electnctl wOlk 10 pllll110ns used .. office fU,OI t..,re and telephone work done In OU. IIU The ahernoon ended wnh Bill W..,slOtch, an 10511UCtOl at OU I apprentice school, InfOlmlng the mcmbt'rs about whit badin of government un the Electl1cal Code. who en'olcCI the Nation~1 Code. IDd how LI can bf u,cd In seuhn,d,sputu with othe. "ades. Afte. each Ksslon. the le WIS a \tmlled qucstlon·aod· ~"H'<1 ve""" wllh a lut uf ."fu .. ".tlu" 11'''.:11 uut II th •• lime It seemed to bf the ,tnt.al opinion of Ibe neilly 100 members 10 .ttendance that the Saturday c,ven up was well worth tbe knowlo:<!,e £.IlOed

Local Un.on P.eSldent F.ed Compton,' dcleg.ue to the Ime,nluonal Assoc.allon of Electrical In· SpectOl' IIAEIl.eeently .nnounted the Innu.1 elec· lion lUll Its of officers for IQ84 Twn memben of Loul 98. Brothers Bill WU510Ich and George Oumn, we.e .eclected to the IAEI board of dltccto lJ. CnngfllUlatlons to both of you We lie conRdent they w,1I conunue to perform thell d\lllcs IS wdl as they have 10 the p.st

The Arrlcnllce T . alnlng Commll\ee has an· nouneo:<! thlt on the nights 01 Arnl 2 to 6 and Apnl 9 10 IJ f,om S p m to 7 p m , appltcallons WIll be taken 10. admISSion IOtO Local 98', ap· prenl1ce r.ogllm

A rcmmdc,- Apnl 10 •• ""m.ry EI«uon Day Vote IS .f you. IOh depended on II / " mIght'

H(J<.; .... MVlL.I.AY. ,. "S


Brolher Lou B"am Ind d. uSh". lIulhe. I mi ling ... i th ant lciplt ion of what Sanra ... ould brin, .

Scribe Urges Support For Union Movement L. U. 102 '1&0), PATER SON, N.l.- T he local held in Annual Child. en', Chrlstmu Pally on Decem· ber 10 ~\ the Rut".n Hall. As ul ul l 1\ W~I an ovcrwhclmingsuceen WI th .11 the children en jny· 109 themsclvu with the clown •. Thanks to B.othe. Sob Grindlcr. San ta . and his Wife. ,h.nks 10 Ba ..

and Janet OnadlY. and an ove. all good ume think. to the clforts of Bro thers Frank Arndt Ind Joe Koval If YOll h.ve chlld. en In the malical behevin, YCIlI. you should . c.lly .1I0w you. self to ICC the deligh t and enchantment 10 theu eyet " ,hIS annual plrty, do nOt mI SS the nel[t one

In the Chinese c.lendal, .... e have ,UII ente.ed the Yu. 01 the 11.11 It appears 1M tboUsh we have ~en in the ell 01 the lal lor .ome lime now and .... ,11 be 101 • while mo.e. Rat contracton and lat aniludu plolife late . The UnIons arc under con· stant attack from new Washtngton pollclu 10

IOclease union bust",g aC tln lL eS of bU' lneun. G.eybound and the butcher's nrlke lie lU51 the IIIClt enmplca of the 51tuggles the labo' move· ment 15 now engaced In for LIS Yery surv.val. AI u"~ hlll~ UIILull Ul I ...... al u. I .. !.v. uUI....,.1 I •• lIe .. ted by these anu·unton aCtlVlUCI, 10 II Iflects all 01 us 11 ,he untOn bue " allowed 10 ,lowly crumble, the untOP movement Itself seems as If II must su. ely eolllflle unless we III slay unlled Ind .hore uf! the very foundations that OUI fathers fousht 10 hard 101 In o.de. to p.ov.de us With • VOIce In SIfIVtnll for belle. worktng eondm on, and hvtn, ,undud, We do nOt want control over OU r em· ployee., we lUst Want to sha. e In the decllion· maklOS p'otUIU Ihat dueedy concern our Uvea and OUI livelihoods Ind OU r ablltty to m.ke I

dtttnt Walt


We must support our local. OUr Union, .nd all UDlons 10 Ih,s luuII&le, and we mUll 'urporl Ind eleci offlcllis that a"ee wnb pohC1U to help the WO.ktnll person Ichleve the d«ent bfe he o. abc deselvu. Our fo.ebears fought tOO hlld and tOO "nlnt , .tluggle for U5 to slop blck to I time of " unquClItOQlng Hrvllude There a.e hun"" people In Amellcl , there alC homeless people, .nd roott "e In the IIIUlllon nOi of thelt o .... n makID, We need 10 be a kmd, generou, people We lit. "v.ns ~ople . nOI the unfeeling $Orne seem to want us to become

lrosrl CollTVatU, P S

!> hown he. e i. one of the recipients 01 the Local 10J, Bolton, "bu., Scholarship Fund. Lell 10 ,I,ht lie 8ul lntu Managel Jack Ta)·IOI, recipient Donna Bowlel, he. dad , B,olher Mike Bo .... se' . • nd p,u· id~nt Ceu.,e lIulland.

Travelers Referred; Increase Allotted LU. 10J (l,u6. nl, BOSTON, ,'w\A SS.-Loc.1 IOJ " bolh proud .nd hippy 10 . epOrl that we wele " Ill able to lefe r lome u avchng Brotheu OU I to wOlk d..,,,ng , he month, of January and Febluary. I'm no t QUlle IU. e wben was the last lime LOCiI IOJ ~. wu able to bout luch a bright wo,k pictu. c, but II lute feeb rood We truly hope thlt the wOlk in oUljuIIJdletlon Will continue to allow us to p.ovlde job opportunltlcs for many mo.e of OUr IBEW 810thell and S.sters who have been fo.ced to hit the ,oad

On Janua ry 24 Loc.1 IOJ had a .pec"lly 'Ioufled meelLnll for the purpose of d,5euUtng .nd voting on whal WII to ~ done WHh our Milch I ratle <I The membcl$hlP voted to disburse all ol , he mODlel mtO OUI benefi t package. FIfteen cenll 01 the InCICII.en, hu becn placed mto the Health .nd Welfa.e r Ulld to Rllance a $50.000 l. fe mlu. ance puhcy ror pallLelpanl$ lO the Mastc. Medical PlIO. whole tI,e le", IKII, dcl uf the muncy went mru nU t Ddtlted Income Fund

1.1 ' 0 m r.n uI . y Local IOJ was able to help lln.nce

, Ih~ college cdueilion of 1""0 0/ our members' ch,ld'en Duc 10 tht newly founded tDEW Local tOJ SchoJauhlP fund, our local was .ble to award Donn. Bowser Idllughtt. of B'Olhe. Mike Bowse. , and lohn O'Oonnel (.on of Brolher lolln O'Donnell IWO ~Jl.lraIC S 1,(X)(l check. Congululal'OIlI, Donna and lobn, we ",,'Jh you Iud. and I p.O$J>C'Ous future

t· On Milch I the burden of runmng and manage­ment ruponJlb,lmu .... u J.fted from the Ihnulde.s of our BUlldmg Commlllcc Pc. hop, Ihe decIsIon 10 leuc the !uncllon h.1I and lounge 10 In outsIde firm ,s ,n the Ixll Lnu:rulJ of ,II By PUSIn' sl.Ich • mouon, we w,]] now Ix .«elvm,. ,u,unlt~ed Income on 01.11 bClllly, and QUI office •• and Enc­UIIYC Boa,d memM" ... ,11 be able 10 deyole Ihell

~ lime 10 more Import.nl IUUU Hopdully Ih.s .5 Ihe .MWCI we h,ye been .carchlng 1m Lei 's ho~ 11 .... Dlk, DU ll bt:CIUse ., mcc IS OU I bUilding IS,

.... c can't ,fford 10 lei au. decled oIRCI,I. _pend v,luable IImc on rnaue" concernIng .UIaU"nI5 and func uon halls Thcle •• c III too man~ mou Important IJSues which muSt be conllomd b~ Ihe people .... ho hold olRer 10 1.«..1 100 Flnaneul Sec. Clary John Fandl has .cpolled thai Ihc rno"

.... pge on OUI bUlldlng.hould bt: paid off In a Intlc ove. IWO ycus So m.ybt:, IUS! maybe. We mlshl srilliu Ihc da~ when 1S6 Frceport Street .... 111 hdp suppon Loca! 100 Innnd nl sceklng fln,ncl'! IUPPOI! from the members 01 our loc,1 unIon

I a,k Ihal ~OU keep In mind the S69 ,b,lhon trade deficit the Umted Stalu Iw,lIowed m 198J ,nd Ihe prolecled SI OO billton !lade gap the US Will be bomb"dd with In 1\11\4 PluJe do not look II

lilt.. tbue Agu lu as melt It.tl,IIe.. but rathe. look at Ihern IS lob" 1051 ,ob,' !-low rnucb mo.e un thlt country lakd h '. lime 10 fight back_buy unIOn, buy Amellcao made plothlCIS

KrNNV NI\lIll\U. I'S

Brothers Retire; Work is Picking Up L U. 104 [oAt.ul, BOSTON, MASS.- h ', been a

"'l whIle SlOct my last lelle •. 10 I would like 10 say htllo 10 . lIthe Brmhers who have mined the 1rx:.1 newsle tter

The hl,hltghl 01 nur Ch""mlS mcellng ... ·u Ihe prcscntluon of I 35·yur pin 10 Brolhe. F,ed"c\. "Sh,pwTeck ' Kelley un hiS .etlremenl by Imer nalloui Rep.uenllllvc Pili! loushl.n BlolheT Harold LaRose .ho lecelved • SC.VICC ptn for J3

.... yU., I would like 10 Wish Brolhc. Kelley a lon,r; and happy IClllcmenl After Ih~ meelln, a buffci and holidlY cheel WCle cnloyed by .11

At thiS lime I would I,kf 10 lake. belated orpo"unny to wl)h D.~e B.g Din Dlnle], a long .od happy IClllemCnl

The wOlk rlctu.c hun'l ch.nged much Itn~e my Ian ICllrl, hUI 1984 looks a ILItIe b",htt. with. few lobs n.nlOg up I'm Iiso harpy to 1~r<"1 that

... wC h.vc a few Clews wo.klng 10 lieu th.t up 1111

oow hive bt:en ,"ICIly non 1,I00on A nOle 10 tuvcllng 8.01hell wo.k,nll In local.

with .eclp.ocil Igreements fOI .clLftmenl lund. In oldu 10 hive YOUI fllnd~ credned 10 Loe ... 1 loa you must All 01.11 I form tn the local you "rt working In

In cloStnllo I'd like 10 qUOle B' Olhe. lIowud H litchfield, paS! plesldent and 60 yn. mcmbe. 01

... Local 10..\ "Be I",C to ~our union lie. ,oad membt:1 .nd aTtcnd your mccung~ 11 you do no •. .t IS nOI the un.On Ihll " IClllOg ~ou down. Ll .. yourself "

Negotiations In Progress ; • Dinner-Dance on April 28

LU. I I I (oAul, ot:NVER, COlO.-P.opoul. have bt:en fuchd on the follOWing contraeu Pub"c Scrvlce Company of Colm.do, 0 & 11011 Public ServIce Company of Cll l o r ~do. meter IcadcfS; WUtern Slope Gal Compln~1 and Puebln Gn &. Fuel. elcIL eal

Business ... hugel Muon and Plu.dcnl Gera ld Kios, IJon, with Ihe applOptille commmce memo

On Job

Piclured Is Tom Goth /I. "ewl.d, locl l III , onvfl, Colo., on Iht Dominion job .. fOri Mo. · , an , Colo.

bt:u on the YallOUJ N(~UlLal"llI COmmll. eCS, P'C seotcd Ihue pl<lpoul, 10 the meml)c,lIihlp dunng Ihe months olllnua.y and Febluary To ,r;lve you I bt:\le l .. lea of Ihe lime Invn!~td. I would like to leuacc Ihell C!fOIU

These 101.11 agreemenu le<lulled J3 ~palue unll mCClln,r;.s, encompaUlng thc entl.e SlalC 01 Colo, rado The four eontractJ We le neltulillcd ,nde pendently on speellJ wOlk ",Ies .nd Items olhel than econom,u AI Ihe time wages Ind IILnl':t beneflu were addreued. ,eprcstntallvU 01 tach 01 Ihe Iou. eommLlleu wele b.ou .... t In 10 lueh a fin~1 sculement Then ncgollal10n) commenced OcIObt: . 7, 19tu. and liter 27 SC~SLOnJ, some Sts s.ons lotalon, 16 hou". we we.e sble 10 ruch a salls/actory p.oposal/olthe mcmhc:uh'p't conl,d etallon

I am unablc III report on Ihe many se~ara\c departmcnt ",Ic ehangu. but thIS p.opoul WIll c.ll lor I wa,c Inc.cue of J 9 percenl, a pe.tenUle InCIClSe on Ihe dependent denial (overaKC, • 401 It Pian. and plovlde 1o. In eye·clft prog.am

Olhe. CIIn llacls settlcd recently .... c. e Siurgelln Gara~e ~nd Unwn Puwer C~"l(e A~rccmcnt1 BUlh ag. eemenu call lor . !(luI paekag~ Incrcue nf 5.8 percenl

Plurnlly n(gouallunl alc 10 pro,r;ICU fill the Mo.gan CounlY REA mcmbt:u and Ihe liCe eOm' panlU employee! I WIll .e!'O" on theH ou"ome In the nUr fUlurc

I reported a lew months b~ck on Ihe sc!tlemcD! obralOcd th'llugh Ihe COUIU reg3 rdlng 01.1 , d,~pule wLlh Commnnwuhh and DominIOn ConlllUCUOn Companlu To dare Ihele lie appro.,m~lcly 20 oUlsrandlOg nOUen from men who hid worked On these rroleclS. tnlliled 10 mnney due Ihem If YOII uc awne of Iny mcml)c,rs Ihat ""Cle employed on th., P'OICCI ",,,hlO 01.1 . IUII\1.lIclloo d,,"ng 1981-82. plene have thcm nOllly Ih" offi cc II they havc nOI done s.o

Th" yu" rolLey CommltlCe mceung w,1l bt: held on Apul 211 and 29 1\ the 1I0ltday Inn Nonh .t I· 70 and I 25 I would urge .11 unll ch.llmen 10 con.,de, who Ihell unll rer.eJenUtl,·e .... ,11 be to .h.! very Imronanl mcclln, and utlh:e Ih •• time lume 10 It"lhel lacu 01 Interest Icp,dlO,r; Ihe1l Units

On Ihe even.n,r; of Arlll 18 1\ Ihe H,lltd.y Inn Nonh. the local w.1l be hold,n. a dance oJ>Cn 10 all 01.1' membe.~ rlute (ome Ind help 10 m.ke thIS an enloyable (Ven'n,r;

Thc local mourns Ihe dellh 01 B,olhe. Rlcbud G. ecn. lourncym~n hntm~n In Ihe COn'"UClIlln d,Ylslon B.olher G.een Wa' IOlIlIttd IntO Loca! Ilion March 10. 1965, .nd lemamed In actl~e meml)c,. unll! hIS dUlh

WOlk ule. and ,"end YOUI untl meCtln,r;~

'<>11" L ])IIVI\. P S

We Must Unite For Our Own Good LU. II ) fi.o,uA:ell' " COLORAnO 'iPRI"'GS, COLO. DUling Ihe 1." decade the (OndllLOn of AmclI(l's labo. muvement has studll y de teILo' raled Umon memhenh.p hu declo ned. "'al':e 10

erc .. es havc bllen b.:hlnd IOnatlOn. wo , k",~ con· dlllons havc nOI ""plnved, and mOSt nnpoll andy. we'vc 10J! a largc me.,u.e 01 OUI poll1lcal POWCI

Unles, we IInlon nlcmbc:u lo.gel UUI pelly d, f· lercnces and dehcatc e!lus, thc labol union at we

koow Ll .s .n scnous dan,cl We mUil uOl te undc. I common ClUJ( and lurn once mo.c III I con$lruc· tlve dlleellon-belo. e II ', tOO laiC

I reccntl~ .ud a non flc l lon book (Our of Ih~ Deplhs!, .boUI the ludlow MIIIIC.C which look place III Colorado" co.l fltld$ around the lurn of Ihc cenlury Dunng Ihc lime olthe mIlUClC, men, WOmen and ch,ldlen welc wllhng 10 die-and dId ,'ve Ihell hves-Iollhe mClc II,hI IO 101m a union Today We 'le hard plcued 10 fill • 1I00on meellns, ,el members 10 .gTee 10 a mOle modcs i conuaCI agreement. o. to Improvc p.oduttloo so Ihat we 'll be able to ,ep,n Ihe Walk we ltl Ihe nOn un,on like from uJ lei J.omebody cIte do 1\, Ircms 10 be today', mono Sueb Ihofl"ghtedneU .nd ,n flcx,b,llly II k.lhn, Amellca's labol movement

UOIOn5 have bt:en under '!lIck ',0m mlny dll fe. cOI dllccllon., but wt'ye C$~e.ally .uffeled undel Rnnald Rugan ·. administratiOn PATCO. Ihe weakenln, and non enlo.ccmcOl of D,ylS Baeon Ind OSHA .e",IiUons lie lUSt I Ie .... ~IUI whele the cUllenr rles.dcnt hu hun UI UnlC$' we un.on membellvOlt en muse dUltng Ihe 198. eleclLon and eleci a frrendly p. esldenl, wc may nevu leplO enough Il/enAlh to ove,eome Ihe selbacks of Ihe Rel,an yeHs If you dont IhlOk a p.eSldent 01 .n admlnlJtr~1I0n make any dillel cncc. Iben you bnen'l bolheled 10 I)c,eome 10

lo.med-Ind Ihe compllcency WIll s.omedlY COlt )'01.1 your Ilvcllhood

The labor mOyemcnt hu p.og. used and muulcd dUlin, thue rail hund.ed yea", Should It dll~1I pear 01.11 ch.ld.cn o. ,'Imkh,ld.en wdl hive to fi,h tlo re,r;"n rlivrkgn we uke lor granted Jf we arc nOI ",.lllOg 10 g.~c I little loday, ... ·c·1l all bt: pay.n, lor 01.1. mllllku 10mOllO ....

MIII$ltllll L • MI\u. rmto.;\.t'N, 8 M


local 124. "Inslt Ci ly, ."1 0., rATC Tllining DI· rUIO. Mike Shine ;npllu I rnOIOI control d . CIt;1 on one 01 the school'. new p.o~ .. rnmlblf ellntrol· len.


Local IN P.elidenl Ed Duke, nnlel , len ivu hll 25·yu. Itn'ict pill Irom Bllsinus ManilU Emil " ollke" Dueoulombiel, .i , hl, I t betU lIn Board member Itrry M.ook IlHI kJ lin. Cong'"lI llTion, ~ , ! Several New Jobs Seen on the Horizon LU. 124 li,oe.em,fm ,.ulhp.1. KANSA S CITY. MO._The work oUllook.n Kan,., CLly .cm.med about Ihe same u of Ihe m.ddle 01 Janua.y How eve .," looks hke .hroe mlghl I)c, a "pt 01.1111 Ihe enJ of Ih,s lunnel Ihat we 've nlvelled Ih.ough Ihese pa" Ihfce YCIIS. Sevel.1 I.r~e commelelll plOlect S are .Ialcd 10 bt:gm .oon In downtown KaMaS ClIYI among them are plans 101 a new bUlld.ng 10 hou5e AT&T The. e also leemslO bt: qUilt a few Im.1I job, poppm/C up .11 a.ound Ihe 2S


arn Hopefully, Ihlllpllng will uke adyalluge of lowered IDle rest IItn, .nd the peOI 'UP dem.nd for new ~ru.ru",on will brnk loose There were ·.boUI 350 ,ourneymen on Book I JI Ihe turn of Ihe yur

Spe.k,ng of lower .nurut rues, they arc u · pt'cled '0 conILnue and perh.ps evell to drop more throu&hout 1911<1 This would be mainly due to tWO rusoos lithe slrength of the overall economy $eemi 10 bc Improvmg. which In turn Will lower plessure on the monel' .upply, Ind 21 198<1 II In clcclJon yur Wh.ch bnnp mc 10 a polnl thl! I havc mlde ~vcrll times m Ihl. column, Ihe only way 10 try 10 nOid whJl wc have seen I.nce 1980 .. fOI each one of UI 10 become Involved m carly 1984 It'l cuy to criticize whal the govunmenl II domg. blltthe only way Ihat we ale gOing 10 change II jJ throu&h aCllve pllllc.pllion. And Ihe be" way We can do thaI at the loc:al Inel .~ throu&h our own PAC It '. eommi lled 10 help Ihe Cluse of people IU51 hke youl$elves who Want grcalel rep­rCienUILOD on the governmenl, and to help IIbor', causCI, and Ihey need YOUI help now ,f the re ate to bc changn In 1984 ConSider the a!tern.llveSI

We all hear a lot of talk In today 's world ~bout the n ~w technological ~ge, and we've ~een ~ lot 0/ chlngu In OU r indu~try on the plSt I~ yeall_ To keep abrust of those changn, and 10 c. eale new fields at work 10. our memben, loc:al 12<1 hu bcen sponw!lng a senel of Journeymell claues Ihe pUI few year$. They lie held from Scpltmbe. throu&h Mlyat Ihe IATC Tralnong Center The RU! c1all m the SerlU IS a molOl cllnllol dus Th.s cln. cons.su of undersund,ng .nd bUlldmg molor con lIolsc.rcuit$, and undeutandong Ihedif/erentlYPU Ind hookups 0/ mOIOIS (bo lh exlernallnd internill. The class II IIUgbl by Slevc Goethals I he le~ond cllSs III the seflU 15 lIu&ht by 11m Boolon, and ouis wllh bolh Ihrory and hands·on lIammg tn the field of sem.conducloll Tcsi C'ljulpment " u..,d ' 0 dllp10sc and correCI Circuitry problem" along with class loom IIISltuCUOn III Ihe Iheo.y 01 thell use The Ihud dlSs tn the sequence, Ilso lIught by Slevo: GOClhal., It InstrUCtion '1Ilhe IlJe 01 pro~rammlibl~ ~u" .. ul1c.. Sla'c-uf-thc·all equipment III each of these aren has been pUI chased hy Ihe school for hlnd,·on use The clanel Il5t about 16 weeki Ind tun concurrently Much of whit We Will 00 10 the futu.e WIll hmge Oil the knowledge we lurn lodaYI and Ihe mo.e we un eduCite ourselves III OUr Reid, Ihe mOlc chance we w.ll have 10 olgamze thl! work and keep Ihe non union 0111. So "'e all owe 1\ to ou .~tlves 10 conlaC I Mike Shine Illhe App.emicuhip School Ind And OU t how to enroll in Ihcso: cLuses fony ' lI~ membeu of local 124 lecelved thO:ir

10·llId 2S·yur le.vice 1"10111 thc gtnr .~1 mUllng on lanuary II Those p.esent fOllS ·year pms were Ed AkelS, lack lowenSletn, PIIII 0 _ Cllig. Roben l 8arbo:r, Raymond l . 801llnger, DaVId l lIunnell, I. , Mlthad A Oamlco, lame. R Danahy, W.I1"m C. Dick, MarvIn E EnyUII , Harold F EwtnK. I. , Richard GIf/ord, Charles G!lff~y, lohn F Mlng •• r .cma, He. bel! Mar,dul, Ku.man H RlleY, I).lIIlld I RohlD.5tln. 10<' E Rumons, I. , Cl aude Shelld,n, Oav.d Smllh, Roberl R Wilson, E. S MOlllsome.y, and lames Hardison The follow.ng membc" wele leeop11%cd for 20 YUIS of seIYICC Roben 0 An dnson. Ch.a.rles E. Bou fredem:k T Rnrnh. Harry L Carey, Fred L Dopwn, 811he lohnSlon, Wilham B Murray, Howard l ~lIe.Add, W.lham B 5th.f fe., 81lly F ShootS, Glenn E Will,am., Joseph f Dalton, W,llllm Quail., EU&CDe R. Silvers, Robert l . Elkms, Henry H. Klemp, l ynn P lenklll', Fred Sci fr es, Vrrg,l D. Stone, F,ankSp.nl, E l Colubskl , W.lham H Allfree, and Cranl H Burnt

RoalllT I MALONl P S

Meetings Convened To Discuss, Attract Work LU. uo (i&'o ), NEW ORLEA NS, lA.- The mem bo: .~ of l oc:al 130 would like I<> txp.~&t IhclI Iympa.hy '0 the family of IIrothe r Michael Sala dtno MIke was one 01 OUI membe.s and. good fr iend of mmc He Will be mlued hy all 01 UJ OUI

On Jobs

AI Ih~ Convtntioll CCllier lob al Ihc World '. fai l lie membe .. 01 Local no, New O.lu oa, U . BOI' 10m row, left III righI, Ir e Tim Tylf r, E. M;stith 'lId /. Mangi.racina, lOp row, lefl III .ighl, lie M. M,"in, C. Deh. ,., it lIowa.d, I. W.II.ce, S. lion· dioo, G. MeYfl', B. Boyd and G. Collilli.

At the C, II . I Pl'Ce No.2 Jo b a.e, kneeling, ltft III I I~h l , E.k S~uvlne l .nd Donald Mulkey, III lIdi lll, left 10 ri,hl , •• e L M .. t;nn, D.n Lincolll , M~lph Cuon, Tommr Cartl., linin ...... lIate .nd One Zieslel.

symrathy goa 10 OUI presIdent , Benny R.ynal , In the 10$' of hiS beloved Wife, Till', and 10 IInllhe. Charles T.ylo. m the Ion of hIS Wife We ,hould lemembe. these f. m.lIesin our prayer.

Brothel Al lIoi!lc k, mya.clf and several membeu and ddegatcs of the 8u.ld,n, Tradu Council mel wHh .errennllllvu 01 the Wo. ld's fall and the Ifeneral conllacloll" A lones, land., CODU.UC lion and Ge.vII. flvl ot Thll meetmg wu called Ih.ou&h Ihe effn", of B.other Bosllck .nd the lIulldmg Tlldu, wllh Ihe 'nlcnt to try 10 prevent lome 01 the work fronllolnK non unIon. Aftel OUr meel>n,;. the genelll conllaCIO.S a~sured .u Ihlt Ihe work will go uDiOn W~ had lome help In penuldlllg th~m from lIcutcnant Covclllor Dobhy FI(em~n DobbY'1 one heck nl a man 1m nrgQlli7rri labo. It IS g. ell 10 hive him on our " de The IIulldmg Trade. Council , .fttr ~ long pcllod 01 lime, '$ beginning In leah:.: that we have 10 .lIck togetht. If wr Qfr going 10 SU.VIVC We have HJ suppon each Olher .nd ,oin togelhe r to be l unng

The r roposed Calle rla Shoppmg CCOlel III Me tallle w.II be a SSOO mlihon pro,eCt which won.u Ullml COU rt hnle recenlly The people In Ihe 11<:1 lie 'g, .. nStthe r,olecl m.mly beca llse of Ihe una lIalllc. wh.le Ihe dc~dopcl clllms it w.1I .nefuse Ihe properly value III Ihe area Whatever tbe: oot come of Ihli d'5PUle, If the eenle. I. Rn.lly bUIlt , we hope II ~s union There ••• !a.se h,ghllse, feDial ' hOpt and • hotel planned for Ih" I •• ge Ctnlrr

Th8 wOlk 5ceno: .. good wllh the Wnrld ', f .. ir gelling clost 10 the complellon dale The Tenneco tab IS III flilt ,wIng

Over Ihe paS! level.1 weeks, B.olher Bosudr •• nd olhcr bUllnUI managu. Ih ......... &l ..... U\ Lvu,.,.lla, hue called opeelll meellng' " thell ,c-spccllve Ioc:al , 10 d'l(us, Iho: wo.k JIIU.llun In Iheir d.f fO:lcn l arcli and Iry 10 Rnd way. to .cqulle more wurk fo. oul people . The meeting wu well.ttcndcd .nd vcry 1II10.ma"vc 10 the members

8y the IIIne ... e read Ihls ""clc. I hope we a r ~ In our new home II 3200 R.dgel~ke DII~e in Metallic. lOIlISI.na Let 'l keep our lingers clOssed

ro~ PAllO<>, P S

Prevailing Wage Rales Changes Explained L U. 134 ( l ,elU , I , l hllo.,p~l, CIlI CAGO, Il.L- AI OUI feb.u.ry 2 monthly umon meetmg. belo le report · IIIg on Ihe chan~e, of Davl,-8.con, BIISlneu Man· .gerT'm Blunahan .nnoduced s tatc fCnllot-hope· ful Ph,l Roc:k

Phil, hum, . nong uel with o.ganlud labor, .. .olced hiS O1'mlon on what he Ihou&hl • good Ulllon pe. lOn ,hauld be. Mr Rock then clled an eumpl .. wh .. ,r h ... nrl lOme {olleagun were .n· vlled to pUlle lplle at • eonferrnee The.e was a labo. d,spule whele plckelS wc.e .nvolved Ph.l, seeing the p.c kct hne, turned around, tlallng he would neVCr cross. pickel line Ind would support o.galll~cd l.bo. whereve r and whenever posSIble. JI. Ph,l .ecr,ved I Watm welcome with pledged .up· poll h om Ihe membershIp whIch 1I.lw shated by the Ch,caSo ~nd Cook COUnty 8u.ldmg Tradc-s CounCIl

Busmc-ss Manage. IIresnahan ploc:eedo:d to u · pl.lllthe Implementation of Ioc:al il revaihng ",.ge .ates to ,enect Ihe new wClghto:d avc. age Ihat will replace Ihe old "JU pelccn t ,ule" which SC I wages on federally "51Stcd projects

The Fcdcl~r Appo:ab Court in Wu hmston has accepled the expando:d usc of helpets only on ~uml"H.I" Ibll Ihe derailment limit h 10 Ireas whc.e the platuce \I preVailing lathel Ihan Iden· "liable. This mnovallon w.1I open the door lor shoddy COnnaClorl to hrre unsk,lled !abot, d!lvmg Ihe CO$I of COnJtrU(1I0n on fede rilly IISlued prO!' «IS into the lubbasement ba.gammg counter

The new rules we.e RISI p.oposed by labor .. ScC'Cllry R.ymond r Donovan III 1981 labor SU'''''ry 1)0001'111 WU ~ handpicked chOIce 01 ex· rreSllknl of the AClo'$ Curld and now penormlns a. PrUldent of Ihe United SUtes . • nd nOI our fnend, Ronald Reagan.

Elccllon DIY w.1I be ho:re before wc Italize II. II IS Ihen thlt we muSI remember DUO fnends who h.ve su!'polled u" and nOI fo.get the oncs who h~ve w. onged 115

CHARUsD. DUNNt, 8 R.·P.S. TOM StNClJI' .... B R_·P.S ~

100 Men on Book; Coal Project Held Up LU. 1]6 (1,II,u&.em ), 8IRM.INGIIAM, ALA.-As of thIS willing we have IUS I under 100 men on the book 011, ... .... , ]" ~"ua\lun II nol what we would like. his hlrd 10 beheve we had full employment ,. with !rave lie .. In Bi.mlllgham only. lew monlhs back It looks 1I0W as though we will have mare untmploymtnt befole Ih ings gC I belle •. We IIC hopong thmgs Will be bllg.hte l for th.s local by tbe lime you ,ud thll

For no:arly two years we have heard about the Crull g ... firanon planllo bo: built u Murphy'. Hill nCar Guntcl1Ivllle. Glound breaking tonk place many yean ago. The g.ounds hive been clured . ... Roads have been buil l . The su. veyor, have done Ihell p.climml!l ts Ind some foundallon wo.k has been done. Now one mlgbl ask when we can expCCt to have men workmg On Ihll prolecl. 1 Wish I knew Ihe answer to Ihlt qUC-Sllon. We hea.d Ihat the mnney ha. beo:n appropnated but \I bemg held up by tbe Rugan .dmlD"".IIon 10 Ihey can "g'vo:" us Ih.s work IS a way of gClli", VOles Now we , " hear ,t w.1I bo: Aplil o. May befo.e COOpCSl deCides whelhe. 10 continue Ihis prolecl '. fundmg. Th.s moy bc pili 0/ the keagan ploy, bUI with Ihe governmenl \!Ivolved there I. no w.y of know.ng when th., lOb will get undc. way. I, hkc you, have II d,lferent umel hurd Ihmgs Ihll were lboul 10 like pbce ThUot th.li5' J .. I uul take place. We have all bcen dIsenchanted at timC$. Tbll fCCrnS hke one of Ihosc umes 10 me Maybe by Ihe ume 04 thIS IIlIcle .taches the p.us, we w.1I h.ve the lues t rumol abou l Murphy" Hill.

lawsui .. , new connlCtS, uns.gned old conuaclS, mamlcnance contraCI5, 15 pcrtent CUI In wages, .nc'eaJCI In wagtl, commlttecs alld quorum •. WOlldrrln~ what I'm talkmg about1 Allend the nUl genelll meetin~ and Rnd OUI .


.: Stewards Seminar Held ; Board Screens Proposals l.U. 131 (II), ALBANY, N.Y.-On Suu rday. Feb· luary 4,1984, a slcwards scmmar wos held al the Thru,uy H~a t l Houst In Albany Stewards and ollken wc,e ,n ... ""d fr om locals JJl, 1369, 1311 and IJ8S of our hSltrn D,vls10n, and In splle of

" the "'mIn ,,·cathe. conrlulOns, auendan .... w.s very good

Dave Wnghr, Don Ragone and Ri ll Cu"e., prt~ .denlS of locols 137. 1385 and 1371, rc~pccllvdy. ",mdy presIded Over the JllOg. am, whIch was pre sented by the New YOlk School of Indu5mal anJ labor ReiatlOnso! Cornell Unlyelsr.y. The m~"uc .,,1$ we re Bernard Flaherty. boor relauons 51'"

111._ claliu, .nd Alice Brody. Jalm. educatlun spec,.),s l , both 0/ Cornell Unlv • • ~"y

Ms. 810dy opened the Semma. ","h a pw~r.m on the PlOP'" h.ndhn~ of gll ...... ncu, whIch con SISlcd of. que!lJon and an~w~r sess,,;m with ..ome d~balt amQng Ihe rarllC;lpant~ Mr f1ah~rly Ih~n pr e.en t ~d .n instruCtive $e5510n on " The UnIon 's Duty of Fall Representallon " ThIS, 100, consIsted

... 01 ud,cnce palll(lp3110n Df qU(StloM, answerS and de bale, along WI th .ome val u.bl ~ InSUUCllon Irom MI flah~lIy _ Ms Brody Ihen presc;nted. blld 'hde Jl log .. m enlltled " VDT'S and the WOIkplact "

Th" IMtruCllon period waS lollowed by IWO gucs i speakers who sharcd SOme of thell own Inslghl anJ CXPC II ISC on loday" Uluon mallCU flank M. n saId a few WOlds on havIng mOle seminan 01 ,h,s type IIIvolvlng • g, cat" ' numbe l

-. of u"l lt y unlOM throughoo t the Thlld D'SUltland Jl l ovldmg • wld N !lnge for the exchange 01 Ideas Ed laspel, [n IClnallon.[ Rep lell"nlatlV( and mem · 1>1: . 01 Local IJ7, Ihen spoke briefly .oout Ihc dangers In loday' s Con UaCI negotiations 01 "take· >way'" by companlU, Illoleby weakening the ba.· ga""ng pOJ IU On 01 t h~ U nlOIl . nd, of course, .e· sultmg In wtahl Contlacts Ed .Iso mcnUOlled the ImPO'lanCe of olganl~mg a~ many new groups as poSSIble , especl.lly m Ihese days of dec.easlng umon membe. shlp A buffe l lunch wu plov,ded,

"'/' making Ihe entlle p.opam ~(ty Informauve, ~n t~nalning and enloyable

On Monday , lanuary 30, 1984, Ihe Executive Boald mel in a specia l .eulon for th~ ,,,.ecmng 0/ p.oposal. submlllcd by the mcmbe.~hlp 1m our ~ pcomlnC conn.ct negotlallons_ The!;e proposals We le Sent to the Easlern D'VISlon 100ni 8oa.,d for lunhel .clccnlng and Ihen to System Coulicll U ·

... 11 10l finahzatlon bdo. e being exchanged wnh the company ,n Malch

I ~

ThaI '. all 10' now See you al Ihe nnt umon meeung


Unions and Contractors Must Work Together L. U, 119 li &ul, ELM IRA, N.V._Thl~ ~p'lOg Ih( wOl k P'CtUIC In our arc. IS a bn b" ,hlel. W,th wOl k al St loseph'. Ho'pnal and upcommg wOl k ,n otbel pa" , 01 QO. t~ .. nory, we m.y sec SQme 01 our lonc· travelilng B,olhe.s coming home

The Sialt of ou. ,ndustry IS not whal any 01 u, would h ke il to bc The ad ve nt of Reaganom,cs IS lUst one morc arrow In Ihe backs of unions and wm ktng men and wOmen of OUr counllY_ T be laoo. pol]cIU 01 thIS dmlnlSllallOn h,nt of 19th·centory Ihlnk,ng Ann-unton and anu·labo. arc wltcb· wo rds 01 Ih,s .dmlnl5t .auon Anyl hlOS Ihat sop· po rtS Ot guards the working force of IhlS counuy " now ,ub,(el to slanderous SC lutlny and unbe · lievable degradallon

Tht union conS!rUCIlOIl penon IS sublec led 10 speclalanenllOn /rom thlS nOn·umOn f.ellon T he thmking 01 10 yurs ago or evCn five year. ago muSt be ebanged ,f We arc 10 sUJv'~e ,n many areas N on·un lon .hop' ha ve take n OVe r most II nO I .11 of Ihe res ,den lial .nd hghl comme. clal work . These a. e the bl cad ' l nd ·butt c ' accounn Ihat un ion COnll.cI015 depended on fOI so many yu. s. Now IhlS wOlk " fil lin& the bank acc;ounlS 01 non· umon contratlon en abling them 10 gro w lugcr

and l."el , thus .. kIng th., wOlk away to"m Iht tr llned un,on ("It,n,an

Thc dlY, of conttactors and unIOns S, tlU'j( on oppUSHe "des 01 the I~ble ~ rc (om m~ 10 all end. The wodd and OUI IIIdu$uy are ch.nglng bSICI than We lie kecrlllK up with II The.~ lie W'Y', and we must find them !O ,ecoplure Ihe wurk thn We have losl and are losmg

The unIon contlaetot ~nd un,on membe. have a vested In le''''1 \0 Ih,s bus,ness We prov,de a "~Incd and suptl"" wo,ke r The contl.tlu. agrees 10 hlle unly union ~mp luycu Tlus .g.cemenl can work unly ,f Ihe CQntr.clulalld unUIII . can t aplure Ihe work aVailable

Throullh Ihe yca". unlun member. have had to lace many advelsarlCS and SC; lbaek. We nlU'1. lnd we ""II 11)111 togelhr as In Ihe put, In uverCume IhlS late.t th,e3t 10 Ihe hc~ collcct""~ bJIj(JIn108 .ystem

The Annual Stag OUIlng w,ll be hdd un luly 21, 1984, .t Ihe H~IfIS H,ll Youth Camp 1 bave 1\ un g<X>d soo.ce that Ih,S IS gom& to be Ihe be" oOllng In ,everal years_ The Outm~ Commlilee IS wOl k,ng hald to plOv,de mOl" .ellYlIIU .nd betlcr food and dllnk to r the best lime eve r, 10 ma.k thu dale 011 your calcnd., and we will ~ee you Ihele

TOM B~£ClII:K_ I' ~


Shown at Ih Decembel mtt ting 01 Local 141 , Wh u ling, W. Va., wht l t th t y le t tind Ih ri . 1C,,·ic;t pin ~, alt , left 10 tight , Rob"l L. I"cuughlin, 20 YU ISI Cha.les S"ahl, 1S yu n; Robert L itelfer, lS r un, and Geolge E, Nc" 30 yurs.

MOlt mt mbt n who rfetl~td pins at Ih t mutiog &It , Irft 10 light, Ironl l OW: Louis W. Youlkoyic;h , 30 yun , I.'an Lu Lewis,)5 YU'" u(Ond .ow: Btrnard P. Kdly,)O yu u , lI arr y T . Ollh , 25 yu •• , Ch .. lu Kni ght , 25 yca ,,] Il ro. y C. MiliCI, lS yca," , ,\trlvio A, Fankhou$tl, )5 YUI., Chu tt . A. Lap­in . kl ,)S yurs; and, back row: Myles B. Wilchey , 35 YU ll.

Christmas Party Held ; Service Pins Awarded L.U. 14 1 Ii,o, u& eatv ), WIt EEU N G, W.VA .- AI our Ircul .. meellngof December 16, a Christmas pany lo r the membersh'p wu held WIth the dual pu .pose of dISmbut!l1S1cnK,h·of 'se tvICe p,ns to Ihote d~· se. VlO g NO I all ihole eligIble weI<: present due 10 p.e-Chrl stmas plans and commllments. hence pIC· IU.u of all Ihe C.oup' Wele ,mpon ible 10 obtain

The ~c" . ame e~enlOg a dlnne. pllty 101 OU r ' ell rees w.s enjoyed by each membel .ece,vlOg an asSOllment of selected ehceltS Th~ pally was held at Ihe Trop,cana Restau ra nl on Wh~cl108 Island A good ly lu rn oOI of J5 l e ",~cs were on hand T his grou p mects each monl h on Ihe Ih"d Wednesday. Gamn a.e enloy~d ,nd PflZU ale a "" . ,ded 10. luc ky WlnnClS

H" ...... SON W hn, p S

On the Job

Shown u r t he mrn wOlking at th r Llkc Forest liosp ital fo b. Flom lr ft to li~ ht .. r Dwain TUlunen, Mark Sch ul~ , Tom Mon on and Kim Kobrln ick.

Scribe Needs Info For Articles LU. ISO li,em , lIs l;. ~ pa ), WA UKE GAN, ILL­Thele's not much happenmg IhlS ume 0/ Ihe yea l Howeve. , I was able tu gel a p,ctu.e of Ihe clew at Lake fo rest Hospital , courtesy of Tom Monon Thes~ men Ole '(plat,,,!! Kit old Inlolmk syslem with a neW SMS computctlled dala sy,tem Tllls IS a Ih , ee-month rob runnmg low·vohage cable Ihrouj(h plastered ((,llIIgt and brick Wills To plOlec;1 the compu.e l ,hey art al..o mstaillng an ummerruPllble power supply .nd • HALON fi .e sys lem

Once ag~m, I need 'n/Ul matlon and p,ctu.es !O

make up .rlldrs Please lend Ihe Info 10 the hall . and they w,lI pass II on

Sll"lN L STlUl(:1I l'S

Tin . .. ", 10mt 101 SO yur. Or mOIC U memb(n ol lhe IBEW . 10 lighl ur Ronald Ro. llp, 6S ycan, lI~nry Tapktn, 60 ynr~, Waltel Dully , 60 yU1S1 G ~olg~ Sm ith , 60 yun, Ted Eibdhaosu , 60 ycars , lohn MallO' gUo, 60 yurs l and C harl n G un~N , 60 yun. Th t pinl wur pre$ented II Ih t Lou l 16 4, I ~uty C ity , N.J" Annua l Dinnrl · Dan(r.

Annual Dinner-Dance, Holiday Parties Held L. U, 164 (1&01, IERSEV C IT V, N. J.-Ou ..... nnu.1 DlnnN -Pance was held agllO thl5 ycar on Dce~m be l J, 198.3, at .hc A' pen m Par51ppany, New JClSey rile evenln, conSl$.ed of a cocktlll hout. excell~n l food and oUISIandml\ muSIc whIch helped 10 ma ke the afia " a 10111 success.

Rccognl11on and a wa lds Wt lt presenled by Pres · ,dent lohn A DeBOUICI lnd Bu.tn~U Manager How ard E SchIe l, , . , 10 loseph Dorfman and Joseph Shuff, 101 SO years, W,lham B.rncs. Walt~ 1 Puffy, Theodorc E,bclhauS<: l, Thoma, Hall, Gcolge Smith, Charles Gunset, Donald Ken'p, lohn Manogho, 105cph Monch~k , Ed Perry, Henry Tapkcn and Loul' Vozu, for 60 yca rs, and Ronald Ro"ll p. Ralph Ne" and F. ed Crane, 10. 65 yea rs IS members of Ih~ Intc rnallonal Blothe . hood of Ele""c.1 Wo.ken OUllocal on,on would h ke 10 Ihlnk tht DlOner P~nce Committee ~nd Cha"man Larry Rosenblum 10. ano lhcl fine and enloyable evtmll.Jll

On December I, 1983, UUI An nual Chrinmas PallY wu held 10 ' ,he b.o thel memben Many penSIOn me m bcrs and lI.o\her, lorned OU I on th is e~emng 10 celebrate Ihe hohday seuon The Pl llY WU enjoyed by all wbo Jtlcnded . .... 11 1'1 plenlY 01 g<X>d f<X>d and h qu,d l e/tu hmen' /or .11 who at 27


tended OUt thanks to B.otheu Bob ~nd Russell Solleder, committee chalrmcn and Ihelt commit ree lor another fine holiday celebra"on

Abo at thIS bollday party, pillS were prc:sen.ed 10 members ""ho have atumed IS th.ou,h 45 yurs """h the IIrotherhood

Thc Annual Ch,ldren 's Chnstmu Party was hdd on Deccmber II, 1983 It was a fine afternoon for all Ihe eh.ldren '"'ho allended, "",th ~n ahundanl ~mount of . d.c,hmenu and g.fts fOI Ihe hohday oc:cu,on A /inc ,ob Wa~ done by Sinta Claus, and our Ihanh tn Brothel lor Gaus.dms and h.1 com mttler lor thl< Rn~ holiday celebrallon



Shown in this photo are, leflto lithl, lIob Cuen.her, lim O'Malley and lIob Askin 01 Loul 16S.

Scribe Announces 1983 Re1irees LU. 165 111. CIIlCAGO,ILL-AIl Local16S Broth · en and S".c" who rtllled lut yur j1 9831 from the I1ltnolS IIdl Telephone Company were honored at the lecenl dmner·dance held In thell honor a. .he Sable Room m H,ckory H,li ., IIhnOI! Due .0 the lel'Up of matenallor the Journal. the p,cture 01 the youp won 'l be pnnted unltl lune Hnwever, I have mcluded a puna] ItSt of those lelUlnl wllh .h.1 leue.

Th.1 be,nl elecuOll yUr, nom.natlons 101 ,11 unu)tf oUkes w,ll be accepled al the May mem be"hlp meellnl Ele:clton w.1I be by ma,1 ballo. on lune

The lollowlng a.e SOme 01 Ihe 198J IIhno, ' IIdl .eureu lUyrnond P Aplew, ErnUllne Ak,nl, Fredrtck P Beals, Leonud G Berenl, Lawrence F IIlehl , Gerald W Bowker, R E Boye., lohn M Brennan, Mlrtha A Bretsnyder, Kenneth H IIUII' ne. , Robert E, C ... I, frank I Charbonnuu, luSlc II CO:l, Edw.n I Cummmg5, Ch.rln A DaVIson, losephine D. Dudek, Robel! I Dunne, 10lel'h A Egan, lohn P Egan, Beny M Fernandez, lames I FOlies. , C.nel 11., forsberg. Robe .. A Frane.s, CLarence W Fredetlck, Charles R Frey, Thomas E. Fllne, AljI;crd A G.llls, EUlene I Colden, Ir , f.cdench W GOllman, Robert B C"dL, lohn Gruchol, N.ck I G,uszynsk. , francIS H Hall , George: M Hancoc:k, Alb." Harmsen, M.,vm S Hamson, lohn W Hawk, Thomas I Hendcnon, Dorothy C. H'&lml, Leroy II. Hodgman, Raymond G HogCl, loan Hldllcka, Rob." II.' Humer,Ioleph I Huslcld t, Clare E Johnson, Rose ~h'y John,on, I. Motion lohnnone, Anthony L K.sky , Robe .. F K,df~r, lo.eph KleIn, Edwud L Kohlc., M~ry , Landem, DoIOlc. Lang. Roben II. Lapkiewict, v,, · gm,a A Le,mellt r and Carole L Lin

Aho reliring were BernIce M,.unew , kl , Ed mund T McHuKh, Richard L McMillon. Ravmond

E. Meye., N~ncy II Mlchehn., Helen M M.hahe. Jack L M.lle •. Frcd F ,'I.10nd. , Sr Charles I' Moran. Hury P MU'phy, LO •• lne M Newmes. lobn II. Nord. IOKph C. OUonntll. Harold Opthoh, Thornas E OUtc, lohn I O'Shu, Roulle O·SuU,un, Teresa Pauhn&. Charles A Pe.kms, Vl1pma I I'el.;l.venlo. LA. Pcre:.scn, R.chard F PIerce, Ch ... les I Qu«n.n Charles T Relchwald, Datle~n F Rogers, luha A 11.""', lohn D Auge, Lou,,.., V Saffold, StanLey W Sahcl, heiyn S Sands, Lola M Schultz. Bogum.1 M Stachurskt. Thomas L Stah., lohn I Stanton. Raymund C Strudeman, V,nccnt SWan,",n, Ches· ttr SWldenk., Donald II.' Tnckle, W,lllarn R Two· hlg. He:.ben Vuth , Glady, M W.ianus, luhn Walsh, Margaret E WaLsh, M.nhew Walsh. Roy Wessman Ignauu, S woln.k. Cenrudc L Yumel and Harry K Zer,..,

IIHlth". Wilbu. Keyn, ont 01 Ihe faithful few 01 Local 175, Chan" noola, T"nn., nlitfli. We will miss you, Wil· bUI,

Local Kicks Off "Share And Care" Program

175 li ,o,em,cA n'I ), CII ATTANOOGA, TENN._The "Calc and Sharc Prog.am";s a Com· mUni ty scrVlCe project for .he dderly and handl· capped, ,nHlated In the I rea,c. Chattanooga area by Local 115, to plov,de frcc repall lor mmOl eLe,,"eal prublcms Sponsorcd by Local 175 and the NECA COntraCiOlS of the Ent Ttnntssec Ch~p· 'e, of NECA, the plan wtli p.ovlde a 24·hour Itlephone numb.1 1892 WORK), to field any elcc· Inul .eqUUt w"hlll a fou, county rad,us, III and around the Challanoop area Members of 175 donalC thelT IImc to handle thc5c problem. aDd NECA conUactors p.ovlde ma.enals and equlp­men, ThIs IS one of the prtme uDmpJes of labor and management 5lnv,nl and uempltfytng to our community .. 'hat Can be done when We wOlk ,oge ther lor a cOmmon ;ntC' CSI and cause We arc dec ply gratdul.o OU r eon.ractors lor thelt ,nvolve· ment and Comrn,trnent to thIS program and lII'erc:51 m Ih,s Kl!!:ment of ou. cornrnunuy, Thll prograrn has proven to b. vcry succcssful III the Atlanta, Ccmg,a, area, and we a.e Indebled 10 Brotber Harry Be_Icy, busmen manage. , Loul 61J, lor hIS hell' and su"csuons. To Our mernbers who are do,n, th,s wOlk aftcI hours, and on Ihell own ume, We $.Iy, "Thank you 10' you. eDtln,-you arc specill 10 rhlS Brotherhood May Ihe good Lord ,ncruse your !libe'"

B,other B,ll Lowtty, OU I buslnc," manaler, .e· cently rccc.vtd, lellel of eommendauon from the M t':. M Man Candy Company. concern'ng a lob Insulled by Duncan Eleem. Co, 0' Cha11anooga, TcnnC55ce, one of our NECA COnllaCI015. Th,s partleub, d,vlS,on 01 M a M IS localed In ,he Cleve:land, Tenncssee, area and the letter hllhly cornrnendcd Duncan Ele:cttlc Co, and thclt em· ploycc:s 101 a JOb well done AI our las. unIOn meellng. Brother Lowery ,ud a letter 01 com' mendauoo from Brother Ben Pa'nter, Cooslruclloo lupenntendcnt at the Bellelonle Nuclear Planr [TVA ), commendllll the elecure"ns on that lob tor a bUll installation prOlect complctcd thele. It IS refreshing and, yel, lewaldlng to hu. Ih,s Iype of newS ,nstead 01 ,ome of the o.hcl kind we hear mO re fr equently , We commend you al50, feLlows-­you know who you ne, Thankl l

1Ir<>.he. W.C. " Wilbu," Keye, . cccrn!y IC'II.d to h,s farm In CLeveland, Tennulee, and we w.nt to w .. h hIm .he very best of everything, Brother Kcyes has heen one of nu, f."hful memhers .0 a11end

tht local un.on rnceung. , has been a memb.r til '!t! sood standIng for 36 years Imllllled May 17, 1948). and has made many contnbuuons 10 the lucees. and ol\lom~ of .hlS tude. WIlbur shared wllh me that II would take .11 of hIS "rne now 10 tab calc of hIS caule: and ke:cp the larm Ul' God's best 10 you, B.othe. w.lbur

B.Other 11m W"p' lone 01 rny apprcntlce: class matn, 19721 •• the p.oud grandf.ther of. hulthy '1 8 Ib ~ 0% baby boy. All ale healthy and well Makes UJ, upecully me, know that wc are leu,ng older

A b" of w,sdom Tru.h.s DOl only 5uangtr than fictton these daY_II 's a 10' deanel, tOO

Expcllenee The brttemeu 01 poorqu.luy l.ogelS lOll, after the sweetnen of a cbeap pnee .s 101gOl-

"" Buy union. buy Amcncan and k«p JOM here: at ,. home. whe.e Ihe:y belong. May God bless'

C·U at Ihe nnl un.on m«"I\I.

c.r. DuNr..'1NC, P S KEN , .... 'l.U, A.!sT P.S

Business Manager Becomes CIR Member LU. 181 [il. UTICA, N,Y.-The work ",ene IS unchanged StIlce lut Willing. A spircmg Ichool was held recen.ly , and 37 Journtymen look .dvan uge of Ihe courK .. ·h,eh was complettd 10 tWO eye:nlng Kn.on, 10slluclO'S fo, the course wert: Wayne Busoc:k, Al Cor and Chuck Paul. All 01 them dl~ I gle" lob. More courSes should be offcred on the nea. future ,,;

The PolitIcal ACllon Commlllce 01 181 , aJong with the Ioc:al COn trlclors, d.d SOme advertlSmg on b,Hboard$ The billboards we.~ located through· ou t Ihc Cl t ics of Uuca and Rom~ Those . dverti'lOl along with Local !81 were Onc,da Eleclric , Waten Electr ic, Engle r Electnc, Bud Smith Elccttlc, Cu· a.eH, Electflc and Kogut Elccllic. A~vclltstng like this il a •• ep toward geltlng back ,orne 01 the work lost Over the past few years to non·unton Ihops The nC~1 thIng pLanncd .s to PUt up "grli at job Sties nOlin, the contractor and Local 181 'o"!

BUSiness Manager Ken W,lham, ha, been ap· po,nled 10 the Coune,1 on Indu,"flal Relations by Inlernattonal Pre:"den. Charles Pllla,d ThIS " , g'Cat honor fOI Ken a5 " 'ell as the eottre loc,1

Also, con""uluions tollrother Georle Walen, S', ""ho has been appointed to Ihe Nallonal Code CommIttee, He Is onc of 2J COntraCtOrS appointed to the 10'ycar POSI They couldn't have made, belle. chOIce, and we wuh h,m the b.st of luck. ..

StIlee the las. wn.m&, t"'"o rnote Brother. have deCIded 10 hang up the lools BrOlhel Lee FUI.a Icured as of lanuary I, 1984. He was initiated Ap.il 12, 1946 lI,olhe r Mark Wheaton ,elllcd lune I. 19s..J, Mark was Inmated ID March, 1946

A few months 1&0 ""e recerved the Slicker, Ihlt ,ud, "TillS ~ymen. made poss.ble by Un,OlI la· bo. " Plea,.., UK Ihem on your check. or paymenl nOllces In !aCI. ,f you ~ste them on .11 of your .. ehe:cks before:hand, you won 'I have 10 Ih.nk aboul II , they w,ll already be there: whe:n you WIne: nul ~ou r checks to banks, bus,nesses, CIC

11M O'LlAU, la , PS

Secrelary Re1ires; Blood Drive a Success LU. 212 [i .. o), CINCINNATI, OHl O--L,1 Koc:h .ell/ed the firSt of lanuary. 1984, after 15 yUrI of devoted SerVice 101 Local 212 as offi ce tc:c reury Th.oupout he. lCrv,ee .o Loc:al212, Lil has K'vcd !lve bu,mess managell ',"hlully We can be.t remember Ltl Koc:b by the SUtementS rn.de.1 her rell/cment parly on I.nuary 18 by F,nancul Sec· retary Bob Webmann "Throupou, he r .ery,CC to .... Loc:al 212, L.l hu leen our membenhip grow .nd P' OSPCI She will be remembe. ed by the younlel mcmhers as • grandmother; to Ihe eu.bli.hed membe • • he w,1t be remembcrcd as mom. Ind .0 the lenlot d. ,e,i.ed memb.r s h~ will be reca lled .. the lt union girlfnend." As a lu.ing tribute to Lt!, .he mcmberlhip of Local 212 unanimously ptlilioned the mEW 10 altow Local 212 to accept

Blood Drive

Solidarity 2 12 C hairman I).n l unker of Loul 2 12, .... Cincinnati , Ohio, is 5hown hC' f u .h wcro

8100d D . .. ·~ on I.nuary 19, 198.1 .

L.l Koch as an huu(uuy rn~mbcr 01 Lheu uIlIun Si mply stated, "Thank you lor a illh .... ell d"n~ "

In an attempt W Improve lhe pubhc Itn.)(" of organized labll' In [he C"'CUlnali comrnunll Y, Ihe Sohd.m y 212 CO'nmll,ce, chaired by nan IlInhr,

... toopcrJ lcd with WCI'O tc!evLSlOn at .hell Annu.,1 IllooJ Dlive 10 help make thu evCnt • success. Som~ 78 mcmb,·rs ol the local can proudly say thaI they were res ponSIble for malong Ib.s bli,.,d dnvc a buge .... Cct5~

As lor Ihe crnpJuymcnt IOlccas! w,.h'lI Ihe Local 111,uJls<hcuon, we were de.I, ye l anuther ~c r l"US 'j.tlhack, WIth the annOuncement hy CincInnati Cas and Elcclnc to StOP all ConSlluCUun "'<>fk a l

... tht Zlmme. Nuck~. Power S.nlon We arC Cu. rently sUStaining about 45 percent unemployment We would like to say thanks '0 al] Ihe b.othe. loc~ls thn have prOVIded ou. mcm1x:u wllh 1011$ throughoul the pas\ th . ee ye~.) Th~nk you./lentlc





Rouar W ll""~' P'i

At Work

Shown are ",e",bc.~ 1 2 14 , Chicago, III" U .he C~lilo lC> ia Ave nue Car ShoPJ.

CNW Restores Atl Suburban Runs LU. 214 !u ), C IilCAGO, Il l . In I-cbruary "I I \I~~ the CNW ~dded back all the subu.ban d"'15IOn run~ Ihat II had .aken away a YUI ago Wllh these l\lnS back In ou. d~tly ,chedule. the compallY WIll be lo.ced tu rebuJletm .he lobs t hat we'e abuhshed Every lob Ihu We can recover 15 " ery 5lglllfic~nt In the lurnmg around of .he present p"lIcy .he camer 15 trym/l 10 uphold T hat polICy 15. whCIl a lob 15 abolished and a man ,s ludou~hed .• hal ,ub and thot man WIll ncV<"r be pUI bJck .n servICe I bchcvc th .. Ihls pohcy WIll soon chal1~e U Ihe company .eallu~" C .. n1101 perio,," Shu.,·handed as pro,ected With .eeen! wurkload5 Increnmg ,11 Ihe 5ubu rbal1 dlvl~l"n, talks 01 recalli ng fu.loughcd c1ec \nclans haye been rece!Yed a lillie mure "penly [ U peCI much betlcr plog rcn 11\ I !l84

Rememoc r . h •• all membe. s ollhe IBE W ,h"ul" reglS.e r 10 Vo te m .he upcominll rruldcnli ~l dec­Ilon. P.c.,dcm Rn~a l\ and hIS tahlllc , have slammed .h ~ dO{)l on all UI110l1S Our b yes and Ihe h Ve! ul ou. ch,ld , en may de pend on yO ll' vOle We need a pres ,de,,, who will oct in .he wOlking " ,.n's best ml t rts.s. 110. an atll)! "" ho w".k. m Ihe bU I ,ntnes.s 01 bIg bUS Iness,

Dovel"< M GI~{]II X . I' S

Trophy ,.....,..---.

Irrne Bald",1 ,ecth'u .he IBEW trophy 10. biUe<1 ~ , h u ughl . [·.uen . in ~ Ihe trllph y i, BU5inru .\\In~~f ' lam e< MO ' YOf " om l "u1 210, Vie to.ia. II .C.

l.~1 summe.', pig rOaSt was . big i ,, ((eU. 1I f1. i~ .h. gun. 01 h"n"r.

Local Hoping For Better Year Than '83 L U, tlO (i.o,u,c,u , v,mar&em ), VICfOR IA, R.C.­T he p.t.urn ""I,h .h,. a".de •• t 19B3 ,uclal cY~n.s Iha l were descflbed In tbe lanuary ,ssue 01 .ht /011111,,1 A~ 1\184 I, now a lacl, we can unly h"pe Iha. II

WIll be a belle' ~c", fl)! mdny 01 uu r member .. than I!lS3 .... ·.s lucallJO. hke many of ou. SIStc' I~al, .s 5ulfcfln~ maSS unemployment 111 Ihe conSIlU,· Iton seeltOn The )'ear 19114 " aI,,, renew.1 ' lInc It" the constructIOn, hnt and shIpyard a/:. ccmcn t ~ The)' wdl J11 hc lough ,Icddm!',. e~ pec •• 11y .he tOnstruCllun, ..... lI h .h,' l.ck "I '''Y ma,,,, P'"lt''' in the proYlllcc

We hear across . hI- ",unlly ,,\ ",auy c""c~ •• "),,, and curs 10 collec\Jvc apc~mcnt§, hu. al no lime have We heard ,hal .hese concnSlons have I'h l dotcd any app.cc iahk a"",O", "I ... ork fn. lhe membfrshlp

The mEW III the f',oYlllce 01 IJnl1 .• h C"lumhl~ IS no. I""k'llg for any major lIaln. m the nUt couple 01 }'u.s bOI ... ~ ... ,11 nor be "eppIng back w •• ds tither. We hopc . ha, many 01 our contracW.s who sltll .e~d Ihe 10uInfll "Ve' Will ,hlnk abuu. Ihat al1d be !:uld~d aecmdlnllly

Remembe. 10 h~p yOU. add.es>u and bc:ncflCl Joy currem wllh lncallJO'$ busme~~ olfice

I R It ... · \kAv"y. B M

Guests Attend Christmas Party l .U. 215 (i), TAUNTON, MASS.-IIt' loo;al US hdd "' ChllSlmas Pany on ehc 161h "I Decemoc, ar Ihe L"layell~ Club T he mul wH ,uper ~nJ eh. mU~IC d~nce~blt. T he.e w.s a large .urnOUI, and a g<JoO<ll1mc w~s had by all. "spccI~lIy chose who .... ·"n rilles. Artcndlng guc"s were Gem!:c CI~.k Irom New Bedfo.d local IN, I"h" Revtl !rum Luca! 223 In BlOck,on, and racklc Roll-cnsha ..... "I Loca l 437 "I Fall R,ve. T he . Iuce men arC .he bUSiness ~gcl1l s of th" " , cspec tl Yc lucals

T he honmcd guests were ,he .ell rcd nlcmbcu, BI ll FII:gcrald. Claylon Reichcnbe!):.. E" Savard ."d our own lormer busII1cn agen t lu r 17 ye''', lohn Donahue They all looked In good health and

Business Managers

Picturtd "rf Ihe bus iness managers .... ·ho a .. end t d th t Chri ~tmu Parr y 01 l ocal 2l5, Taunl"n, Mass • • ·fom left 10 ,i , h. air lick Roberts haw, l ocal 4]7, Fall Ri. .. , Grort:~ C lark , l ocal 224, Nt w Btdf" rd , Walter Kulla~. local 2J5, and lohn Re.- it . l ocal 221. lh ockt u" .


Olhtr SUeU$ at .he part)· "'ere, Idl 10 ';Shl , loca l 2] 5'~ pres ;d ~ nl , Ron DUltl , ' ~Ii!~u loh n Donahu. (Iorme. bu~ inu. mlnl1l:t . ), Ed Sava.d , Clut II tj · chenber, ood BiLl fin8~lIld , .nd W.It~ . Kulla~ ,

bu. inu s nuna, ,, of l"cal 235.

enluYIII, .hell well ,Jesernd .eS' and reerutlon OUT lo.me. bUSIness ~8cm_ f rank Shumw~y. w~§ 10 be p.uemed wllh a plaque I{)I hIS 14 ye.ts 01

~crVlet, bu. ht had 1 P'tVl0US commLlmCIlI Our p.es.denl. IIonnlc DUlla, dropped Ihe plaque off 10 rr~nk •• a la.cr datc Nor wlsbtng our 1,,'e5 away. bu. everyone IS lookln~ forwa rd 10 .he ne~t on~

The work p.ctu.e is b;>.d I1ghl no,"" bUI.he spllng p.om15U ~n Improvemem We h.vc .Iew ,obs thl' arc ~upposed tu begm 111 belle. wnehcr .1 Ihey gl) unum In onc complex ,he.e were five l<1bs gULllg J nd only on<' wu ol11on

Once Ill",e! "'uul,J h ke '" say "buy Am<'flcan [ know II ., gel lin/: h~rde. '" do so. r don I know Ihe exac t figurcs, but lu. eycry doll~ . In WlgCS

",ughly 7 cems goes W Social Sccuri.y a"d , hat IS matc hed by .he employe. ~o yuu can Sec hnw ", ue h I ~ bttnll lusl by nol bUYI11& Amcrtcan·mad. p'OOUCI5, and why 50 m.ny peopkdouhl Iha t there will be moncy for fUlU re rellfCe~ Wi<hl11~all "rnUllh",h"l<lhc best In .heeo""n/:

ye., 101<" W"DE P ~

All Members Working ; Annual Banquet Held I.. U. 231 (i ), N IAGA RA fAllS, /'I. . t .-AII thetocal IS work"".s 1984 ,,"~el .nd should be fa. mOSI 01 t hc year Thc So.ncrs~. Power Planl. ",-hlch I<

our unly I •• ge ,ob. 51"",·.d down u parrs ",·tlc ~omp l e.ed and wllller Wea l he • .,,,ycd The hotel ,ub h~sn'l ~ta .. ed doc 10' COUll case Tesllnl has been (umpk.ed al ,he S.auffer SIIe 10' conUm, nallon P"OI 10 su."n!: the Robe .. Moses Powe. I'lanl ~ddl1lOn A Duponl cell hu,ld,ng IS sltll In

Ihe plannlnK stage The Annual Ban'luc. wu held on Feb.uafY 4 a.

Ihe Ntap" Hllt"n 11m Hod~~on and h .. Com nutlee dId a fine ,ob wllh a g<JoO<l meal. baml and a ' O~$I ol.he bus",~S! ma,uge' and Ius aSSI~tant

l'I""den. )uhn Baud pl~sentcd ScrYlte pins 10 Ihe lu!low"'~ members. I 0 year!. Wilham S,,"'(1I Gknn Ch!Ls.m~n, Nlchol a~ Jan kowskl , S.ian Ord way, Charles Pa rdue. Emanud Pohzzl and fl udy Tll ne.non, 15 yca .s John Baud, Ge .. rd De l aurcnti s, )dmn 1·l eI . , [(on3 ld l cplIIc and Da VI d Sap h, 25 yurs R,ch • • d Go lasuws k., Ja ck P Ken l1ed~, Arnold Li n \twood, II. . W.li ,am Moon, F.an k !'oliey, Albe rt StOIlChalll . nd Stephen Zambolli, 29


JO yu.s Vmeent Delolcn~o, 10hn P hssd, Frank Scheller, 1' , lamn Schmu~, Thomas ShomelS, Allan Smuh, Robe .. SIcwan, Go.don Wallaee and RIchard Woolcult , 3S yea.~ RONrt C!uks.on, lames Lowes and .... thu. McCill

The followmg .etl.ees also rccc.vcd SUVlte Plll$ Scan O'Shea, 2S yurs, V,elO. McBride, 30 yurs, F.ank D ... ·o.eek" 3'; yur~, Theodo.e Bottlcelh, 40 yean, James Butler, 40 YUrs, Donald Calle., Sr, 40 years, LoUI' Rosen, 40 years, Joseph Werne., 40 YUIS, and Robe .. yo.k, S., 40 years

[BEW walches were presented ro the 11183 .ell IteS, Harold Allen, Ron P,e.ee, Chades Moyt., Rod MOYN, GUido Colucc. and Charles Augerol

BClIlgan avId movie fan, I can'l help rebtlIlgou r local B.OIh.,rs' ncapades .... lIh the Iate5t mOVIC5 "Uncommnn Valor"-advcnture of "Dyna·man" DICk, "Sudden Impacl "-Dan Lowes dockIng hIS boat and dnving loh pickup truCki , "Scarhcc"­namng Ed Johnson, only .he scar locallon has Nen changed, "Neve. Say Never AI-".n"-A.n,e Littlewood's announcemenl of h,s new marnage, ''To Be Or No. To Be"-Jack Kcnnedy and hIS loremanshlp deCISIons, "Blade Runner"-Dave Kllld~la 'l SIdeline advcnturcs, "Two of. Kllld"­The CaMdlln capers 0/ Je/f Lown and Brran Park· hIli , "The BIg Chlll"-" A'Iuanum " JIm SlOneham lall l llltO a flooded d1lch,'Reckless"-Blll "Moun· lalll·Top" Chowboy sho .... s how to bottom out a truck

Don'l fo.ge. Ihe thIFd Thursday al Ihe Elk's, II'S

vour Unlnn meellng riM n"RtR'.RRV, pS


Receiving lS·yut iervie~ aw. rds al Ihe rtcent Local 246, Situbenvillf, Ohio, Chr iU n,as Dinnt . · Oane~ we'f, '.ont . ow, lell 10 d,hl , Brolhers John H.buh .nd H"old ay~t5; bnk . ow, lell to .ighl , B.olhers Clyde Shelton, a"sinns Manale. Ken GantT, Phil Brtls, Intetnat ional Rfp.estnlll;v. Gto.g~ Chapple, Chuck Do.sey, Tom Slraighl and John MOI,.n,

The lO-yeu se. vice awa.d .... inn~" include, lelt 10 ri,hl , Brolhers Geo .~e Brindle,.. Jim Devlin and Chuck Rilchie.

Local Awards Service Pins At Christmas Party L U, N6 [i,o,rt$,eu8<spa ), STEUBENVILLE, 01110-Cold ",.nd. and ICy weather dId nOI keep Ihe Brothers, thcu ladlU and sptclal guesls from en ,OYIIIg plenty of gnod food ~nd f".ndly converso lion al Local 246'. Illth Annual Ch"Uma< D.nner and Dane.

The yearly eelcbrl\lon ... 'n hlghhKhltd by b"d remark. from IntCrnallonal Rep,ucntal"'c Geo.,e Chapple Unl1ed Sllles Congles.man Dougla< AI'

pleglle, Oh,o Stal. Represcntallve All Bowcls and SteuNn~llIe Mayol ciCCI MIchael Walkosky

The gala evelll, held Salurday, Dcccmbe, 2 a. Ihe KlI1ghu of Columbus Hill , WCIfIon, We.1 VIrginia, al.o fe",ured a dclic louS "uk dinner with wedding soup, .hllmp cocktaIl, and SI'~ghCIll elltras

Imelllanonal Rcp,uenla"ve Chlpple asSisted III ..... ardlllg pillS and cnmrllmentary 1"'n·and·penc,] 'ctS as token. of "1'l'rcela\lOn 10 OUI many honored serv,ce award leClp,cnlS

R.ce,vmg 35·yc .. suvic. pm. were S.orhe" Harold Byers, Phil Byers, Ch~l!ts Dorsey, Kenneth W Gasse., W,]I,am Gilham, John P Habash, RICh, ard H Hebron, John E. MOJI"n, Clyde C. Shehon, Thomas StraIght. Robel! V WeSllak. and I.mu l WIlham.

The 30·yur .erVlce award . Included Brothers George Blindley, John Defrank, rllmes Devllll, W,lloam Kirkpat llck, Charles RHch,e, Carl T aylm .nd Alf Z~pollllk

T ..... my·five yea l funs Wel t aWllded 10 BIOthel5 Donald Croxall, Kenneth Lalllz, lerald McElhaney and WIlham Sk.ens

Twenty·yea. se. Vlce vele .. ns included Brothers W,lll4m R Durhln. R.chard f..~nckhause r and 10' seph R Hagel

Local 246 WIsh .. 10 thank falher Dav.d HuU, man, Our lady of North Amencan Martyrs Church. Slcubenvllk OhIO, lot Ihc IOvoc".on The local also would like , n ulend a hearty thanh 10 all .ha. genelOusly dona.ed many valuable doOl p"~" PrIzes we.e Iccclvcd flom George W Callrefi & Soos Company, T,, ·Slatc EJccwt, Inc., Say,e Ekc· \lical COlllraCllng. SlIgCIII Electrlt, L. K Com· stock Comr~ny, Slmaku IIrDlhers Company, The OhIO Company, Clldello Supply Company, Sam· mels Supply Company, OhIO Valley Employers Counc.1. Cong.essman Applegale, and Ihe S.tU benville Dlv",on of ,he NECA

The Brotherhood alS<) wlshu 10 Ihank the Om ner·Dancc Commll.ec fOl another lob well done Dona"ng m~ny hours of ,heu spare lime ..... e BrOlhe.s Chuck Wmters, chaIFman, Roy Allen, rack En5dl, Malk Casser. Ed lloyd, Emle 1>bgya., "Bu.eh" McElhaney; 1"(sldenl Elm.1 Sweallngcnl and V,ce p.esidenl Glenn Smuh

Rn~ L ENHlt. PS

Local Has Scholarship Drawing, New Treasurer L. U. H9 (ul, Ct:NEVA, N.Y.-My apoluglcs In, IIIlss,ng an ~rll cle for .he lBEW /,,"rnallas. mOlllh I had my deadl,ne dales lor publ,eatLon m,xed up

Along .hcse same lilies I would hke to '(1"'a l 10 OU r local B.othelS and S'MerS, If thele IS anythlllg you .... ould hk. In 5ee In p"nl In the JREW Journal, please send \I to me-any mlOfmallon .har would N 01 b~net'1. !O Ihe local, the IIIEW, nrgan,~cd labor. 01 abou. any members Ih,t would be 01 mlereSI 10 the local, etc

The lBEW 10l/FIIai 15 a Il,eat $oo. ce of gemnll Info. mallon passed .Ionll. I have had many people men LIon to me aboul the.c arllclu, and feel Ihey lie ocneficlal Also don't IUS. StOP at Itadmg your own local's new" &0 through tht mEW /ournal and ,cad olhers I'm Sure you w.ll find many mlercslln~ ~nd helpful ideas and mlo.mal1on from othel locals. and will see OU I p",blem, and &oals lit much the s~me

local 249 recently had us scholalShll" d'awlIIg ThIS ye.r'~ Willner ""as Ihe daughlcr of Charhe Cox, fl . st·c1ass(u,lOmc. se,Vlceman from Aubum I WIll have p'Clures of Ih~ preStnlatlon ,n nexl monlh's IBEW 10""",1

QU r local h .. a neW lIe~Surc. She IS ElLk. fa.he."ll ElLka works nul of Cene~. d'SII1CI as a mele. d.partmenl cl. rk We all .... lSh her luck .... Ih hel new dUIIC5 n local 249 ueasur.l. I'm sure she .... ,11 do a fine lob

Local 249 mOlllhly mecllngs • •• n iI.OO p m a. Ihe Amellcan LegIOn, Gencv., New YOlk They .,. held .he fourth Thutsday of every mnn.h !.Ie Ih.,c'

T R GOOt>llU, V P P S

New Assistant Business Manager AppOinted L.U. 266 (u ), PHOENIX, ARIZ,-WILh th!S new ~u r, our local has a newly appoInted aSSIStant bUSIness managcr T CII,. MIller hn been named to IhlS POSI, Terry recently lelll his time and talents 10 the form.non 0/ the Salt River PloleCt 1984 EI.c\IIc Safely Pouel Calendar The calend4l, plO' '1 duced by Ihe O"IIIel Cenual Safety Commlltee, .s probably one 01 the moSt unusual and appealing p,eces eVef dc~clopcd Vanou, ~afcty themcs and slo,.ns, whIch lie drawn ~nd tilled by Phoenix, Clendale, Tempe, Mesa, Tolleson and Guadalupe studcnlS )glldes 2 through 6), .ep,es.1II each of the 12 months, Nor only arc Ihese ch.ldren talenled, bUI II'S amaz.ng how well Ihey clearly e""p'us POllltS of safety , It would be wi,e of U5 10 he.d ." .heil safelY tips and adv.ce' We all ntend our haods and OC$! w\Shes to B.other MIller In his neW capaclly'

Our local IS pleucd tn announc. the follo .... lIIg memocrs have completed thell apl".enlLcesh.p tll,nlllg Gilhert Napoleon, aulOmOtlVe mcchanlc, r.nuarV I, 19B4, Sue N Lashbrook, cleelfician, December JI, 198J, la"'Tence A EXnef, cleelllcal hneman, November 7, 1983, RIChaid Overfidd, e1cClILullrncman, Novembe. 7, 198J, and Ccorge llaycs, plant mechanIC, December 2, 1983. Con· gralulationS, B.olhelS and Sister' The many bours of hald work and $ludy .hat you.ll PUt fOllh have ocen worth all your effons, .nd we uc all proud of YOUI ... ·cll·earn.d accomphshmenll

Welcome aboard 10 Ihe ne ...... members of ou' unIOn· from OUI Page Unll, M,ch.el Begay, /Iom our S •. John 's Unll, Jeuy Anaya, TellY DeMoss. Don Evans, Allen ,anke, Edwatd Uhballl, ClLspln Rodllgue:, Roben Ron, Rlcha.d Wl1kllls, Mary Koger, Dan McKcnzie. Ralph Sanchez, Thoma, SlOne511 •• I, Paul Ackerman. DaVId McMullen. WLllllm Johnson and Raymond Sec, hom Ihe Val· ley, Marlene Edel, Tammy FIllmnre, Bobby len· killS. W,ll,am McCausl,n, loe Rubcrry, [s.hel Rleh~rdson, Georgc Santa Cruz, Gary Hogsed, CeOTge ,almes, Rick Joy, Mae JOIne., Mall KInch, Paul Tones. HenlY Co.k.ll, Tom Crawford, Mar· celino FIgueroa, Carl Fisher, Manucl l.mlnez. Jnhn Johnson. Jeuy Lnn~, James Neilson and Jernld Pcrera

Four of our Brothers .~ tll ~d In 'anuIfY· John Bllee, Power OpelaUOnS, local 266 m.mbe. smce 1953, Orner Lee Ho&~n, Jr, Westcrn Cl'l.M, Local 266 membcl "nce 19';0, Andy Eoas. Soulhslde Cl'l.M, Local 266 member since 1948, and Wilocr H Thrash, Sou.hsrde C&M, Local 266 m~mbe, smtt 1966. We join in wlshmg you the best of he~hh and happmess III the years ahead'

The 19B4 Centr.1 Safety Commillee Co·Cha,, · men ."cnded a Safely Plann.ng Meetlnll m Feb, . ua.y Rep. esentmg Salt RI~el PrOleC! Managemen. we te Dave SIan ley, Photnul llTlgallnn, Ed Ponel, MaIn tenance, ' ohn R,ley, Engmeel1ng; and Keuh McClanahan, llu,ld"'g SCrVICe$, Local 266 repre · SClllativts fo.labor were lohn Reeves, KYlene land OUt VICC prcs.den! ). 11m Morn" Mamlenanee, Jot ROlh, Support S. r~leu, and Don PaJlY, Ground· Water Cl'l.M A ICpo .. of rhe 1983 ACllvl11ul AceomphshmenIJ and a prevIew 0/ 1984 Goals and ObleCtlVeS we. e among n"mernuS ISSUes d, s, cus~ed

au. h~arl felt sympalhy and prayers go .0 the families of ou r deceased Brnthe". David Cervanles and Donald F Shc.ts

fu. .. cu M I'I.TTu.aH" P S

Members Laid Off ; Contract Expires LU. 294 !i,,,,~m, rtb , rtdupa ), IIII1BING, ,,"INN.­The one lob that was pUlling on m.n and .... 45 gOIng very well hn Illd off all bur a handful 01 men Hleplpas Inc., whIch has a eOntratt III the lIorse Cascade I'aP~1 MIll ,n Inlerna.ional F.lls, had If) SlOp ConSn uellOn We hope .hey " 'Ill be call1llg for m~n In th~ ncar IUlure Even when" WlS fullv manned Our oul of· work lisl still had many names on" Fnr Ihe .eS! of Ihe ru"sdlclion II" Sill! very slow

I )

.J I


Many ot ou. locil lhothe., h~~c been wOlk.n& amOn& the 5J)(JO fJtcltlcians, 1I0ile.m~kell, P.pe· filters, lIOn Wo. ke., lnd olhe. un.on cflhsmen at the huge coal gUIAcallon pbnl in Beulah, Nonh Oa koll One Local 194 8IOthc., Roge. Be.glund of Eveleth, Mlnnnotl, hu been runn'ng I bus brlnS' 109 conStruCllon wnrke .. lIome on weekends hom Ihe ikul.h lob There h.ve been layolfs the . e IOU

.,. as Ihat lob It m In IInal lugu OUt contract wllh Ihe Northern Electric Coop·

eraUve .an Out on December Jl 1983 We ha~e uhd fOl a wase h ene but the company II pushIng for a wage Cut The Brot he.s and 51 "ell ore 11111 wOlkmg on Ihe old contu , t We lIope Ihele w.1l be a se ttlement loon

We lie ve ly p.oud \0 announce Iwo .eCent hlllhs .. - lI'Olher Telry S-eh,cle. and hit w.le I_k, 0/ I lihb,ng.

Minnesota, h.d • baby gill named B. yanna born on Fehnmy 2, 1984, and on January 23, 1984, S.olher Roger lIellqulst and h.s WIle R05e had a baby gill namcd Etndy Ma"e. Certainly we extend our healllCS' c,m~rali.LlatlOnl 10 ou r tWO SfOth~ .. and Ihell WIVU on the luut addllltlni \0 thell faml h.s

... B.o,her Huw."d Emery 01 Local 194 .s In J edd~h, Saodl A,ab,., working lur 'he SaudI Alahian /:"v· e,nmcnt', dutnca llnln"l~ de palllnen, llowa,d Will be JOIned by hIS wife Madd~lne and h,s Ion le.n P.ul In the vc,y ntal fUlu,e It hu t~ken m.ny mnnth. of I~d tape to ~ct ~ISU 1m h" lamily

Th, . yell Ou r ve,y uIU(ncc, as wOlkc" who belong ro org.nued lallor, w,1I be ,n Oil ' hand, We must get ' fl end, 0/ lallt;Jl In all politlcsl ofA ccs

It. such as fedetal, 'Ule, County and City elected scats 5() when you ate uked to buy Ihose COI'E tickets please be gene.ous II well as w.th your time to help our pollliul CamlUlgllI We can gCI IlIendJ of labo. mtO those olficu wuh youl help

Unlll nUl month buy Amcllun becauBe yuu ue one .• nd look 1m thMe union label.

E LLRo¥ LA"t)L, I' 5

Unit Meeting

Pinu.cd at a reeellt Conuructlon Unit mrellng are , left to right , Iholhrn John " B. be" Glgnr , ltalph Schman~" and All Gllod.kh of Loul 300, Montpelirr, VI.

Agreements Settled ; Construction Work Steady LU. JOO (i~ul, MONTPELIeR, VT,_BrOlhet John W Man.RrJd of Ihe COnltlU(ILOn Unll I. home .etoVCllng h om a heall IlIack lie stopped .n at

Ih the hall to let UJ .11 knuw he wa, leelmg beltCI Bell 01 luck to you, John' 8wthers MUll TaylOl and Ralph T.ylm are bolh home .ecove. lIl, from !ulKery We UpeCI they'll both be b~ck to wmk ~o

Work In Ihe Con'"ucllnn Unll .emaLns "e~dy wllh moS! member, working The loc.I·, arp.en· IIcuhlp prug.am took In seven new 1Il •• de ~r plcn IIeeS leeeMly They ile Jun Ba" , Raymond B.ad ISh, Kelly Ible, David Hughes, 0"11011 L.w. y, David Muste r and Bllan W.mble All Goodllch, long·time lupervlsor 01 the IATC, hn handed ,he .einl o~c . 10 Tom Zcno as the ncw SUpe.vlSor Art w,1I continue IU Sr lVe Ihe JATC as a \lustec Wage·op~nclS at W.,hlll!lton Elec,,,e Co-op and

CLl izens U\Llit;es hut been ~e ttled , The Ntso\l ' adng Committee 101 WEC included T,m I'udvah. I'e.cy Bft .. , Robert L.CI~II .nd Jim Me.rlgan The


B.Olhel John W, t\hnsAdd, Irh, I toppt"d by Ihe hall to let Businru Maug •• l im M rrrl~a n know hr wu fc.lin~ better.

Committee 101 CLI.~cn $ Indudctliltucc Munlllllny, MIke Alla.d .nd JIm Mtlllg~n

Lyndonville [leetlle and Ve"nolll Elec tll c Co 0 1' have new agreements, Lyndnn~.llc wllh I IW U­year connact wllh wag~·op.ne. III one relll and VermOnl Eject". with a one·yeO! cnnllael VCI mon' Electric's NeguII.llng Comm!lI~e wu SIan Ell"w, Bruce Lamb, BIll Lamb, h>e ".chette, Cordon Smilh (Enginee.lIlg DcpOllmenlllnd 11m Mc"'~.n The Cummitlee at Lyndnn~,lle tl.etlle wu com p"sed 01 lenna,d Ca,HIIl, Ken Newman and 11 m Me."~.n

Ill( HAIlI) I <;,..NA, II ..

"Rats" Have a Field Day; Be Sure To Vote L U. )01 !i,oa.ul, TtXA R"A NA, TEX. In rde. ence 10 Ihe d.RnlUon 01 a .edneck ,ednecks c~n be found III .11 w.lk, 01 Itf., from lervm, In an adminlSllatlVe capaclly to w~lklllg m an ,lIey But one Ihmg /u. ce,uln. they can alway, he .dcn\LAcd by the /ollowmg II~'IS whIch ... SO tYPlul 01 Ihell ch.racte •. u. shuuld I uy thell lack 01 (ha ,~ cI.1 Rednecks ~re I l l a lw~ys vely sdllsll, 12) etem~lIy cnvwus 01 anothe l rerson's pll1'perHy, {.llloyuus over another', mtslUltunc, (41101I1ly 'U!P'CHlU' 0/ any Idea not conceIved hy fellow redneck., I~I elated when go,sil'lIlg aboul ml&Au I. ml5/1l I~ a non Icdn~ck), 16) txllerncly plnu~ and n~e l I" POInt Out SIll III Olhe.s, (7) capable (,I lyUl8 WlthOUI tu rn I ng rcddcl, I RI.b~olu Ie alt 111' 111 .hallS' n~ fact' lalsu known IS m.kmg mounlam~ lIut "I mule hillsl. WI experts U1 .11 eontmvc. \l ll "su~s, IllUOP5, I almo$t I".get Ihe Onal and mOSI ohvluus char aCtensllc), 1101 a true redneck never ICCI hllllSell IS he IS-a g.enUlne jackUI'

Now, I'm SU le Ihat we don' t have any Ilrolhen o. Siste" "'ho f,1I IIItO ,he .bove e .. c~OIy, hUI t Ihou~h l y"u would enJuy leadln~ II

We' .e on tht ve.ge of c.llll1ng throuJl.h one 01 the TOughesl Wlllte" 01 all umes, e.u,cme Wlllttr weather p.evalled, wllh wo.k ~, an ,II lime luw, 10f Ulllun. anyway So:em~ u Ihough the "UI5" arc havmg Ihell Acid day How 10nJl. can un,ons lu. VI~e, go.ng m Ihe dueellon we' le ~olllll In nowl Everyune seems to be III as,eemenl th.t $omcfhmg needs to be done-but wh~tl Will you ned 1U

think tW,ee on Tuesday, Novembc.6, 1984, bencl known., Eleellon D~yl

Sorry 101 .he lap,e In alllcln lur the Milch Is.ue Oc-cembet was a b.d month 1o. me, p('.~onally, also. II 000t my Dad on Ch" "nUI Eve, .ftel a ShOll , bUI g. l1ant, fight wuh unce. 1I.0Ihe. Robelt HIlle. also lost h,s dad Ih .. In"nth, and we hOlh reee.ved a beau\lful Mcmonal BIble I.om the loc~1 It dlJ<:sn't help to case 'he pam, but II', a beautiful, laning way 10 memorialilt a loved one, and they are d~eply ~PPlcctat~d

Will close off for ,h" n,onlh We would \Ike to .ay hello 10 all OU I melnben eve'y ",hele, we ha~Cn't heard from some 0/ Y"u in '1'"le some tIme, 80 drop uS a note or ca ll, Let '. ,tay united even Ihough Ihe mole, scpatlle us l

PAT 1I0 W' _Ll, 1'.5

Scribe Glad 1983 Is Over LU. J24 !i,lIl!t.cm), LONGVIEW, TEX._Thank Cod 198.J IS ovel! I hop(' Ihat m 1984 we can all wake up and .ee tUSI whclc we all Went "' long We h.ve ,Ilowcd the pfelen' admmuuation 10 conVince u5 that we lie lUll a bunch 0/ .adlcal mlllollty ,roUpl

The.e', the mlllullty blacks. the m.nonty WhlltJ, the mlnol1lY women, and Icds. and yellows .• od Teamste rs, and tleet"eulls. and Communtcallon Worken. and Carpenlen, and Plumbe., They've gOt uJ III $<I m~ny group1 Ih.t I guess that we IU!I don't ne Ihat all these so·c.lled mmolllY gfOupS make up one b'g poup bellcl known n Ihe wo.klnS clan. which IU" h~"pen' to be tbe back bone 0/ our s.eat n~"on

Yu, they have convmced us we lie dlV.ded In

ou , hllle groups and any A TaT employee can tell you what 'I on thClI mmds

We as the wOlklllg clUJ can lIet our nallOn back III Ihe light hands when We deCide 111 wltd,fy and fo .m One group instead of many Thls IS the on ly way thu we will eve. ge t rId 0/ th Ronald Rc~gans tdwl1l Meesu, and Phil C.amml

Get out and vole III 1111141 MI L-HAlt W,UTUI UMH, I' S

Amount Collected by COPE Check-off Increases LU. JlZ Ul!t.o), SAN lOSE, CA L, SlJ,JJ14(}-an mcrtlse of almost $1,000 OYC I lUI yca. Th" ,s what Local 3J2', COPE check-uff yIelded /0' 198.\

Our lIlembcls ha~. I IIShl 10 be p.oud 01 ,hem selveund our travel In, BlothelS that s.gncd check off cards Give yourselves a pat on the back'

t 1m SOllY 10 uy, Ihough. that thIS yu. II Isn't enough to lUSt gIve mnney You w.1I .Iso have to gel tnvolvd In the gunroot< ~florts 10 elect a p.e .. denl Ih .. t. fTlendly to people who must work 10. I livmg Ronald Rta,~n" nOl IlIcndly 10 people wllo must wo. k lu. a hvmg unless you Ihmk d.ppmg bond cCI11Rcate coupon. IS the type 01 work I am talkmJC aboul Be ,u.e you get IIIvolved' You lit ,he people Ih~1 will pay the mneuu III ta~CI that we know will come because of Reagan's huge budget deRc", lust look at what he dId for CalIfornians when he ... as governOl H" million aile h i.nd, will uc~pe lueS, ~nd the ta~ shift will be to wOlklng peupk Ask yourself Ihese quu'iollJ How many chtld.en do the IllIlhunaircs have ,hat WIll have to ,e. ve III the lront lilies If Ihe.e I~ a wad How many of the NO· plus Marmc, recently k,lled in Bei,ul had mlll!(lIIl"e paren"l How many mIllionaires had theil health Insu.ance beneOn cull You know the answerl, IIUt who Iccelved a taX cU I from 90 pelcentto SO pcrcent1 You know the InSWer to tbal ,1'0 Be lure 10 lemembe. Ihue "ILngs when you lie ukeJ to help III ,he next seven months

Huw mucb moncy do yuu make u an tnSlde wileman I Don', Iell people how much money you make unlll you ,cllthem.1l the bencRts you don't have, ueh as no p"d hohdays, no paId vacanon, no paid ,.ck lcave, no paid beleavement lca~e, no pa.d educalton le.ve, nO sen.onty, wOlk 10 JlCrcent Ius houlS pc. week whICh mean. you. weekly pay IS 10 percent leu th in il you wOlkcd 40 houlS per week Then aod only Ihen yuu can tell them how much you make pel hou., OlhelwL5e people aSiume you have all Ihe above beneAts "lid because you belong to a 5\1ong union I Ulually ,ell people that inSide wuemen make SilO to SI OO Ins an hour Ihln allorncys, .nd about S\,IJOO.OQ len an hOU I than su.geons


Scribe Updates Contract, Company Name Changes L. U. )36 [I &onlY), CIII CAGO, lL, I~_Ame"CI" Telephone and Telegraph Communfcalllln,. Incol ' pOlaled h., /lied a unit cJ~r!Ocllion pelitlon wi lh Ihe National llbo. Rcl.llonl Bond asking for a natiunwide uni t A, of mid·February, Ihey refused 31


co honll. IIU' eoncr~el The T·J Sysl~rn CouncIl local . 134, IloS, 336, and 399 h~ve filed an unlau tabor r"CIlCe charge IgllnSC A T& T, Inc. with the NlRB A rtilUInmll orde r wu requelled bued on che new entity ag.cement elgned by ludsc G.eene 1'''01 '" dIVe~I"ule

mlnoi, Bell Communicallons, InCo.pOl.led, a .~Hh~l<hary nf rtltnm~ IIr!!, I~ rnntr~rtin~ mil work We ale I5km, to ba.galn ovel the Impact 01 that wOlk. If the company rciuSet UI bal,am, we may be 'orced to go 10 the Nallonal l~bo. ReTallOn! Solid

Automatle Electric hIS changed IIi name 10 "CTE Nelwo.k Syuems," and It Ihls pnnun, yet another name change In "GTE Commun lcalion." II In the works Th.ough • meq:c l, GTE COIl' haa combined GTE·Aulomaled Eleccric and GTE Len k· UII InlO one company

The pnmuy decllon "now over- bul the fight 15 nOI over, wc mUSI continue 10 back labor cln dldates Ovcr Ihe pan few yurs, workIng people have In5t The p.uenl .dmml5tra110n has given 10lnl, IIX b.eaks and ovel1urned o. Ignored I.w. to prOlecl and advan.ce Ihe wOlkmg maniwOmln A lack of regulalory Indus tr ial polley has continued 10 (ause job losses 10 'Oleign lob malke ts

Somehow we have 1011 lighl 0' the fact thaI Ihe purpose of Ihe gove .nment 11 to se rve the people It appeau Ibatlh"I'It~cnt ad",,,,,~tI~t,,JU I> "'I~ut on SCfvlOg corporations

As un'on members, we hlye to ask oUlSelyCl, do we wam OUI hfutylu to tonunue, do we wlnt our chlld.en 10 bc Ible to Rnd I lob I I I decenl wlge, do We Wlnl Ihe govelOmem 10 .ctVe ItS (1Illens o •• ts corpOlationll-lt IS nOI tOO laIC


Local Brothers Campaign For Walter Mondale LU. )43 (ii, LESUEUR, MJNN,- J would like 10 st." Ih,s monlh by (ongntul.Ilng IWO of ou, Brothers who hJve recently relll ed Th~y are Don .Id S~ov I!l of RocheSICI , Mmnesota, who hal been I B,olhe. for 30 yea.s, Ind Clen "Snuffy " nowe r ~ of Rochnlel, MlOnuot., who .Iso has 30 yurs in the IBEW I would hke 10 WIsh theon both good luck In th~n r ct n~ment Take II nsy and enlny the Ilf .. of 1~15ur~

On lanual)' 28 and 29, Blothers Stcye Olson, KeVIn Burke and myself wenl down 1010 Iowa on the "Ffltl Bhtz." DUling thne IWO day. We wenl door 10 doo r clmpllglllOg lor Mond.lc, ukin,tt people .ome questions and uk10g people to Ittclld their preCinct ca oco. Wc ~Jsn w.ote some Ic tters Ind poStcards to people Others wele on the phollCi tllk10g 10 people hom Ihe arCl WIth elecllons coming up I would hkr to encoulage 00' B,olhe •• 10 gel OUt and attend Iheu ClUCUS And campaign for Ihose candidates who WIll mOil help us We need 10 .cpJ.cc Some of the undld.les who h,yc pUt us ,n thIS illoallon we .re In

Crt my do·and·don 't boy infomullon Ihls momh, I would like 10 IOf01m anyone 1Olerc~led in boylllg I famIly computcr $yucm Ihat eoleco V'51On hJ I a onton made one called Ad.m The famIly com pUler IS competlllvely pllced Ind equal in qn.hlY to, ,f not bellC. Ihan, SimIlar compul£u com 109 from nonumon euablnhmtnts, Adam Wi ll retaIl fOI unde r S700. The IlCpNWU huJ,OOO members 1\ work manoflctollng the compuler II Clovcrs VIlle, New Yor k. whele m.nagem~nt relallOM with Local In arc described n very good, Do buyl

FOI Ihe "Don' t Buy" IiSI, I woold hke to . cmlOd OUI BrothelS not to buy COOlS bee. Coors beer IS I new p.oduct in MinnnOIl Ind IS. "Don't 8uy" product


Xmas Party Successful ; Work Coming Back L U, J49 ( i ,0, II ,mpi,"m,nb , rls a.~pa !, MIAMI , n .A,_ Local 349 had 115 Annoal Chrlstmaa Pany and was • huge .ucccn, thanks to the Emcltainment Com millee and thei r wiyes lohn McHulh, cha"m~n of Ihe Emellatnment Committee, PUI tOAethtr •

Christmas Party

Shllwllllr ~omr III • hr mrm br r~ wi. h .hei. fa m iliu at the pany.

~ r ca l Ch n~lmas rilly lor the children and adults We wenl Ihtou~h 750 hut JUII> w~ If'v~ ~w~~ 46 tu,keys, Ig ham., 30 pmn§c\tla pbnlS, and bicycles we.e given 10 the boy. and gills. Sant~ Wa5 Ihere as alwlys, Mun.y Wexler is our Slnt., I glanl 01 ~ mJn who hal been our Santa lor many year,

Work 10 the MII01I .Ie. II slow Jt .h,s ume Art Fe,"andc~, OUr bUJlncU manag~r, IS IUlnmg non utllOn lobs around, '0 It look ' Itke work WIll be hr.l1rr ~o"n 10 Mi~,,"

ll rolhcr Gene IInllnfldd, our new aprftntlcuhlP d,,(ctol, will move hl5 offlcc to UUI new bOlldm~ Ihal we pUlchased nut to OU I hall We lie gOIng to revamp Ihe bUlldmg. which has OVtl 8,000 Iquare feet of IP'CC We Will haye plenty of srace fOI shop and lab cluses Brother Blumllcld, belOle belOg appoInted, wu an [xeeUllye Board member 101 yur" then became presldenl Hc was p.uldellt until being "ppomted arprenllccshlp directo! nle Execullve 1I0ard appointed Many Chew u p.tsi denl 'Ild Charle . E " lIohby" Ell,ott .. vice prU I dent.llobby Packcr W~5 ~ppolnted to the Execullve BOlld 10 take Bobby Elltott. place on the Uoald

We abo SCt up ~ tummg school for Ihe hncmcn ac.oss th~ Stree t from the onIOn hIli ,n une of Ihe p~.klng TOlt [t WIll be lenc .. d In, ~nd poln haye been se t for cltmhmg MIl<.( Bell 'ClUC.CIII. th~ lmemen

8rothcr ' ohn Krn:ppcn, our Blood Dank d""CIOI, and Arthur fClnandu , 0111 business managcr, We rt awarded Ihe Ed Newman ~wDrd Mr Blood lIohn K""ppen l WI! hoppy to .nnounce we recelvcd 132 plntll of blood let '. KI) III Ou t In 00' next blood drIve aDd m~ke II In even grcatel one

CIlAU(.!, E " BoalV" hUO TT, V I' IR S

One of the best buys you can make .

a Voluntary CONTRIBUTION to


On the Job

Brother !lob C •• i.no, Local 351., L.nsing, Mich., lunllormer, n pldlor and rtguillor r,pdrm~n .

Local 353 Gets Ready For Elections LU. 35]\ill.o), TORONTO, ONT,-Once agam wc arc approachmg Ihe ume for local unIOn elecllons Every th ree yur$ we have the oppOlIunJly of eleellnlt Ihe m~mbe •• We wlih to reprelent us and the local union aJ 0lflcel5, truiten and DCgOUltOIS

ThIS local union 15 fortunate that II " already one of a growmg number of 1"".1 Ontons tha i have a mail In bollot ~y5 t tm.

With a luflsdlCllon as l.rge as Ihis one, wllh many mcmbtu even hYlOg beyond li S boundaries, II., ,mport.ntIO make the opportuni ty of caSllng ~ b~l1 ... t aUII~t..k 10 "v",yunc! .ft~, all, .. ~ ~IIJl beheye In the Will of Ihc mal0nty

That " why .t II to 'mportant Ihat In elecuon Inuit doc! leOecl Ihe WIll 01 Ihe majollly, and abo why we should .1l make an clfol! to sec that we CUt our ballot for the member of our cholte,



Cla.k Cll lhlni de live. ing ',"il bukel to loha " Iuk " De.b. ldge aad family.



Fruit Baskets Given to Retirees L. U. l S4 !i,cm,ml ,. u Mu pl), SALT LAK£ CITY, UTAH-This ras! Cbn $lmu uur betullv,", Board decided, J&~m, 10 g,ve frUIt bukcIs ,o each .t\Hed member of Our local who lives In the Salt lah aDd Provo "us ..... nd now smee local 217, OBdcn, was amalpm"cd IntO Loclt 354, Ihose .clUcd members receIved /rUIi basket$ ,15<)

Over 30 member, volunteered to ,hsmhulc the Inskcu We met al the umon hill II 900 am , December 17, on Ihal cold, 'nowy, fOUf mnrmng There we Welt dIvided InIO lcams of two fo. dehvc.y of the heauulul l.uI' bukcu We now have 118 rellred mem!).,., In Ihe Salt Lake Ind

... Provo 'lIeas. ploJ Ogden " IIIlII of 44 ,cUred memo bers, makHlg a ,rand lo.al of 162 ,cllled members 10 local JS4

One 01 the nice Ihmg! looul ,t." ~"angcmcnl. as I h.ve u,d bdorc, and I'm nymjt II Again , I, Iha. ou, younger member' gCt 10 mett the olde. Brothe,s, some of whom h ~ve nCYcl met bek"c This we have found m~ku a niee .clatlmuhlp uf Our m~mbe. , . The ItUlt bukelln 1I8c1f is nice, bUI

... the thou!:ht th.1 lilt foul 51HI remcmbcu and cues makes it ~ spccial g"', ~ ~peel~1 day I


Joshua M~lIi n , son 01 B'Ol hn John Mall in 01 Lou l 357, Lu VIS", Nn., Ielh San ti Claus (Brtlthr Gl nt Goodnough) whll ht would likf fUI CIII !~ I ' mos.

Santa Clau. lBro th" Ron E' pilloul, " 'h h IWO of his hrlpefS, Moll y Wynn , If lt , and ZOf Vatu, l ighl, Stl5 . udy 101 tht . u_h.

.. Kids' Christmas Party Was A Real Success lo U. 157 ( i ,o~cl, LA S VEGAS, NE V. ·Sunday, Decembel III, was the day 01 our ,r,al. Chrrstmu PallY fOI the kid, of members of Local 357 Times have been a htrle tough rn our loeal and you would Ihmk th~1 evcry dlglhle kId would h.ve been It th .. parly, but Ih'5 was nOt Ihe CUt, U 11 was I

~ much smailc, crowd Ibn lut yea r I wo"ld . ay about Soo len than Iht year before Th,. I. olle of Ihc many th,nKS [ fail to comprehend, why there we re len k ld~ ... hell lime, a'c nol '0 good

The kIds wc.e greeted hy S~nt . Cluul, who wcre Brothers Gcne Coodoough, Frank Sagrc5tano, An gus Cann ell and Ron Espliloza Thei r helpe., We ' e Be lly Ki mball, Ka lhy T roh l ~nr, Calol [tayel, Molly Wynn and Zoe YaIU. Mo,. of the kid, c nioy~d "Iking fO Sanla Cia" " but the. t were a fcw who

were a lILlie ahatd Evclyune enluyed thenl5clve. , especIally the parenl., whoemoyed peanulS, pOlato ChIP', Fnto. and d,p, coffee, cooklu and thaI good old "Bud" sClvd by DrOlher~ Paul Valc. and loe Quelelo.

heh kId lecelHd a Chllstmu 51ocklll,ll ami candy nne, Ind I chOIce of One 111ft of I . tulfed Inlm.I, tranS15IO ' "d,O, samCI, football , baskel ball, !IOCCn ba ll, I doll, • CI •• elle rape o. I lIereo .eco. d Many kIds asked fOI Cabbage Palch Doll., bu t II 10'11 unfonunale u we would hive had some. bu. OU r ,h'pmenl was IOS1 when SlIIt. and h" ,leIgh wcre hllacked by • mob of c.ued parent i between Ihe No. th Pole Ind Las VelU, maybc: nUl YUI we WIll lend lImed gua.d< 10 rnlu re our Quota

Busrne.s Managel Roy SmIth plesented • Pola fOld snapshOI 10 each kId who sat on Sanla', I.p VIce P.uldent Roy Klmb~1I lnd Brolhel II0Me. Bunllc, tntCJlalncd the kids by ,howlnll mOVIe t~rtoon! Tn alllhu'e who helped make thIS r~ny su line, We gl"e you a hnny thank5 Busi ncss Mun~Kel Ruy Smlthl PrCSldent CeCil Wynn, lr I tht Bill, In Ihe oUlce, lun ~nd Lenur~1 ~ll the ollltel! of J57, and cspecllliy ~ll the kid, and p.,Cnl5 who a!!cndcd

r\utNI CIA", 1'<;


R' (J lhu lI . rold " ubi · ".k II I Loul lS8, I'f llh Am btly, N. I .. ct lebralu 41 yu", u • n,embel, with tht oldf)1 .c . i ~t

ca. d in Ih t Illu!

Negotiations Continue; New Members Obligated L.U.lS9 (ul, MIAMI , FLA ._NegollltJOni arc mil in 1',ogrn, as of thIS WIllIl1K wllh Ihe nnrrd~ I'owe. and L,ght Comp~ny

Du rIn): the r~gul .. bU~lnc~5 meetIng uf Febluary Iwhl(h i5 Ihe fl . st Tue5d~y of cve. y munthl, we had the pk~sule "I Ilro,hc, Hollduy herng pre'tl\! 1·1<:: IS , hc hu~rncn mllll~gc r uJ SySlem CounCIl U 4, ... h,ch comprrs", Ihe 10 lucal Ulllons wluch ~rc mClllhcu I,f .he SyStem CounCil lie hlOlI,l:l11 alonK ... ith hIm Tony Ib""dun.nn. Local 7;9, I'mt Llu dCldal~ 1 he 15 al50 a member "f thc NC~U1latrng Commll tee u a .cprC$cmatrve "I Ihe Suh <;tatwn Underground Department Along wllh tho~e .wo mernbe .. of Ihe Commlllec, We al,o have L SprrllK, r rcsidCn! of Local .l59, repIC'Knl rn): thc Clcrrci l .nd Mn"cJlaneou~ Group, R Nadwotlny, Loul 621, Fon 1'lelCC, lepresentrng I'ower Rn<Jurc(~, and C Hartung. preSIdent "I Local 1()(,6. DIYlOna Buch, Icp.escnung . he O~c .hud Thf KWlhen 00 the Commmee have been nlcctrn~ 1m apprux .maldy 63 days. maklnllirght hc~dway on cellarn ISSUCJ T he Company IS bern(t very ad.m~1I1 Oil Celta", I,sues. such a, the temporary locallon, for the TIl.D Derailment and 0 1'e rnor~ bc:,n" a\~IKned 10 wo.k '" ma"'tenance Blmhel Uoltd~y d"cu~scd many of Ihe r .opoul~. and thcle were a lot "I Que51lnll, ukcd trorn thosc memben In attendance f)ellat111n,r, to the p ropo ,~l s

It IS the opInIon of Ih" Wlllel th~1 for the membershIp to Ix: IIIformcd of the ISSUes Ihey ,huuld ~lIend the ,cgul.dy ,cheduled meeun): 01 (ours~. Wt dId have. belle r IUIIIOUI ~t Ihe meeung 01 arpro~lmately 100 m~nlbe .. , bu. <luI of tht W I.) membership, wc should flll Ihe h.1I A, [lftlldcnt Ptlbrd s tatcd 10 hIS "Edltnrral Comment" 111 the FehluArY Issue of Ihe """1"1/, lod ) qUlJle, "The lucal unrUn mee!lng i. the pl~ce whe.t Ihe fOllllal busll1cn Iha. requlrn approval uf the local unum memhcIsh lp " conducted" So, lI rothtrs Ind Sis Ic rs, ~e ' OUI 10 Ihe mcctlngs and ~elln volvcd with you. loca l UI"on

We would like to welcome os new memben

thOlle who louk the obItS, "on oath at the Februa lY meellnll j S Crallon, II., S ForrtSl, L Hubbs, j . 1'loval, j Ke n , S Ross, and 1 Alchie. As President Spnng .. ated, "If you h.ve problems at you. work locallon, plusc gel wnh you. lob Iteward, JI Ihe loealton, they are the . ... u your JlIo rneys 10 .ep· resent you and the mem!>ershlp " Welcome .o the Ihotherhood

At the Sub Locil 359-2. we h~d J lecen. arbllra non cue 10' In IndIVIdual who was fi red; we are ~n.,ously aWllllns the arb,tralO. s deel5lon. We Iiso tU'1 lecendy melon Ihe conHaer, dISCUSSing .Iew of the lIems whIch Ihe membc:rshlp dId no. applove of rn the r revlotu p' Oposallhal ... as voted down AI of .hl' wntlng, we hope that Iht clly employees We leprcsenl rn Homeslead WIll be wo.krnl; unde. a new as.eemenl The ap p.enllce prol'am II SCIIIOg .eady lor II, fi .. 1 g. aduatrns clan, whIch rndlvlduals will be honu.ed al an apprenllce .,.,ards d,nner Congrltulauons to those who are new ioullleyman lrnemen

Ltt'. do.e wllh. synopSlsol the leceotly eX1'lred hun,rng ,uson, whIch ... e call soy waS pu. sued by ~ulle a few of the membershIp. We w,1I slIIgle Out th<lle (rrdlvldual. who arc re/frred to u , he "Bone Va ,d Hunt Club," as we assume they have all cnd~d Ihe huntin~ ~t .. oo WllhOUI loss of hfe or Irmb, hut many a Ihell was wastcd on those bee. cans. Few dcer, If any, fell 10 Ihe expert"'c uf Ihese IndIVIdual, 11 myself beIng one of them!, 50 the cnvI.onmentally p,ulcc'cd SpeCICS a.e 10 no dangtr "f being put on the endangNed 5pee,u hst Such m .. kJmcn as M Royals, Bull Crun, Harrel ,o" and Iholt mcmbc:u from the notth SIde of tbe T raIl. such u M 810wn. (who We heal" dorng • I!ln l '" managemenl !. D. lones. who has Ihose Iwo younl; boYI of h, . ","dln,r, Ih rough Ihe SWlmpl wllh the water warsl·deep (of cours ... , they a.e youn,r,e r Ihan 12 yu., of agel. and lUI bUI nOI leut, rellred mtmbc:. Lou FIsher was Ihere to keep In eye on Ihem iO they would no. get lost I Wish my came," WIS ... "h me ~o I could obtarn ""mt eVldenct of thrs elUSIve group of 5ponsmen Kenny S,mm ...... way caSI of U5, crashmg hiS lun' Icr~rred arrboat mtO Ihe lien, 01 was n fbat the lien IUS' lumpcd OUI lilto the Ira,1 and arc Ihe allb""'t '~ iront uke l No wondu h,s wde would r~tht, lIay at home whIle he IS oul hunlmg!

The End Of An Era


L.U, 16l (I , U , I , tnl , cal"~lo"1 1. NEW CITY, N. Y._ Thursday, Februuy 16. ]984, Pat E. 03mlani pa"ed Iway I'll hid tUJ! I short time ago reured a5 bustl1clI m~nlgcr of Local J63 Nor lung altO, 1 WIO!~ an "licit about the achievements I'at has aceompllJhed durrng hl5 career as busrne,s man Iger I also menlloned 111 the article the dllfc/enr Iwuds and trlbutCi Ihar WCIC given hIm for the thInK' he accomplished dunng Ih05e yells I am nOI 100ng 10 repeat Ihem now bec~use everyooe who knew Pat kne w aboul Ihem, and al~o knew how much he dnerved them and how ha.d he wo. ked to ge l Ihem

Be.ides !>emil ledcr of Local 163, Pal was aliO • luder 111 Ihe community Ue was • respecled lude. rn New Cny, the lown In whIch he Itved, 111 Rockland Couoty. 111 New York SI~IC; aod hIS ",fluenee .pread ac.o" the United S,alCS. It " hard to ImagIne that one pel""n can accompltsh u much as he dId 1111 .rngle lIfetIme H,s ",flUenCf 15 a labor leadel lIan,ccnded the realm of the cireuicil unIon Hrs rnvolvemenl 111 Ihe labo. movement rn Rockland Couoty helped budd a II.on8 l~bo. movemenl whIch" second 10 none

To . eallze how much Pa t was Itspec.ed. on~ tUSl h.d to tee the people who came 10 pay thell last ICSpeCtl ro Ihe man who was .upec ted fo r Ihe grcal work he did They ume hom all over the Ulli ted StAtU, llbor leade.s, pOl ItIcians and fri ends There IS gOIng to be • VOId in Ihe labo. mOvemenr here I"d around the coun try now that Pal is no longer wnh u.

Tht bcsl way I can end thI S IS tUSI to say, Pat , Ihank you



Mos. 01 the BlOth .. , hood hu known hlln n "P., 131 "buSlnesl mlnag .. ' " 0 1 "I" ' geanl at arms' or olhe. labor rela,ed ,e. ml and '1I1u 1o0me ,un kn ..... · h,m as a "I" .. nd "These lie very r .oper md ,usuAd wayt of •• 'mcmbe.m, h,m beeauu ,11. .. IBEW was hot h,e He worked IUclenly ,nd w"h u .. , "",ul,I~'n'n,l:'" \o"ucYe •• nkal ~",I .. uulol alwaYI be counled on 10 do the lob th.t needed '0 be done

,\1y mothe r Ann knew h,m n "Ern,e" Ind always aflecuonat .. ly called h,m thaI They had a specIal rclauon$h,p and .ehe 5100d by h,m th rou,l:h IhlCk and thm II .. v ... Ihe uyon" 'fIehlnll eve.y ,nod man naods a ,nod woman" had mumn~ ".1 • .1 In their very spectal.e!auon,h,p

I bave known Pa t E Oamtam 10. d~ ,,, Ihllly " " yeall I have called hIm "Oaddy,'·D.d and, .n ,he last uveral yurs "PO "The B ... tWO namn lie obvious m thell munon, bu, " PO" hnld, the mOSI n casu.ed memo"u for II , . m Ihe 1.51 yUIi of hIS hfe thai Ih'l n.ckname Jlnod for a new bond be tWeen us We d'Kuucd many ,hou,hll on many Jub,eCl! hom very pe. sonal 10 Ihe h,Slo,y of Ihe tBEW UK of ,he mcknMme " PO" stood for • more mal ure me and I very !flCcial adult relationship be tween f"he. and IOn, him ,hc "Mcn tor," me the " Prole,e." It WIS alloO .n l/feCIlona,e name thll could be used for him, In public, Ihat sho .... d IUflCCI for III tha I he had aceomrhlhed wh.1t lull ma.n'a,n,n, IoOme IOn of plolullonahim around my place of wo.k, the imemallonal Office My WIfe Mary, and I both rtlerr .. d 10 h.m .n th.s way be ... 4UrK" ,u~1 ~«me.J..u ,,&'11 II ...... ,11 be ,",,, ... cd durly Thll specIII twmkle In h,s eyn, thar seemed espec,ally bll,l:hl when he ~Isfled Ihe In lemall{)na/ OfB«, w,lI never ~ lorltolltn and WIll a/way. be UUlured

Inlemlltonal Rerr..,..,nt.Ilve Robel! A D.tm,~m ,member 01 Loul 363, a$Sll\J\rd 10 1M Imemlllon.1 Ofhce

B-Day Pickets

Local 1" , Rockford , III" memb~ 1Ii pkk~1 Pruid~ nl Rca,an in IUb'lCIO .... Cllh~r in Dixon, III. left to ri,hl arf Mikr fra,u, u sbllnl bUl inu. maU Kttr Grr, 8ladlburnl lerry Meyerhofn, plnlden" .nd Mikr Ton, ut , ruordin , lurel~'y ,

Undu Ihe Irehu in Dixon, Ill .. for f' ruidenl Ru,an'.71rd birthd.y lit, Idl 10 .IKhl, Roy BabIn, It£! Green ..... It , l ' rr y Ki ~ .K ... d and IIo.o ld Wi" d tb.

Labor Must Act to Improve Programs l .U. 164 (I ,em,rn,sTI.&catv), ROC KfORD, Ill.­Mal" " " lllon, I.ck 01 med.ca l eove'~l\e 10 ' Ihe

dderly Ind IOU jew ,Obi a, e ">lne I,t ,he UJOCC IDS .h~r ~re fac.n, Ihe American fI<: "ple Ih,~ dection ru, [he r'(5fnt . dmlO.s""u>n lurns Out report alte. rCP"It nyinK Ihese pruhlems don ', ulll It ', lime for Ihc wmklOg penflle 10 ~Iand ufl.nd put I SlOp 10 th.s wronJtlul act How un .... e .Ieep fI<:.ce· fully, knowlOK Ihal thc.e arc children and olhe r. KOln, Ihrou,h thue problem, ,n Amenc.IIt"',I:~n ISM for a hIgher bud,c l for mlhla ry spendln, but turns I dcaf Car 10 Ihe pool and needy [n Rod .. 'ord, illinOIS, we alone hl~e IIrown frnm nne food panlly 10 IB over the po .. 18 monlh. wllh an mC.eUC of Ihouunds of people .ecclvm,l: food l~bcll, w,ke up, Ih.s muSt OIop'

There hav .. been many bendiu 10 help r"K funds for local candldalCi ovel Ihe PU1 lew .... .,ek. .n our are. Labo. has helped .n " ' 51nl! many dollars, but ,he mosl .mportanl IhlOg '0 remember lJ 10 Slay acllye m YOIII alca and help YOU I local c.nd,darn oyerlum Ihe IO,Ul1lCe ,hu I, Jo.ng on .n ,hu coun"y undtr the p,uent .dm,n.nralton

WOlk 10 ou r a.e. Kems 10 be holdm, In own We hive .pplOx.mucly sCYen ,oumermen and s.x Irp.enllcCl on Ilook [ Hopefully, .... o. k w.1I p,ck UTI .... hen Ihe cold wUlhe. b ovt r We h~ve been a very fort unale Itx:alln hive had Ihe amount of work Ihlt .... e hive hid over Ihe lUI t .... o ye .. ~, and we .... ould hkc 10 Ihlnk the u lvehn,l: 8rmhen fVI Ihc I,elp Ihey ~ ' c It'V'fI, u, lIn "UI lub. By.lI of us WO.kml tngethe r .... c Ife Ible 10 keep up Ihc sundar.! of wOlk thlt ., upccled of UJ

To ... KI"'''~I''. P ..

Larry Clark Elected State Representative LU. 169 (i,o, .. ,em,rtb,rt),e,"'p' ), l OUIS"llU:, KY.-Many local J69 COflsuueuon membe" are now on Ibe .oad 100k'I\I fOI .... olk As mosr of rou know lOIn are ~n.ce all IC '~' 111." nltlon Yel Ihc Rca ... n Idmln'II'.Ilon $pcak, of Ihe econom,c leco,'ery He.t IIOlng 11;1 have. hard ume e()Dv.nc ,n, a man .... ho IS numbel .100 on Ihc 001 of wOlk book

On a bughler nott Ihe Ltx:.1 J611 bowltn, k.ltue hal finIShed Ihe first h,1I of ." " ... own .... lth ,he SUnd"d Elccmc lcam of I)on While. Fred SU,n,e. C reg Webe •• nd I,m Roso:nb.lm In fllSt placc

Forme. bus.neu man.,e. 01 loc.l Un.on .ltiy. larry Cla.k, hu been el"cled 1(1 the Kenlucky Houu of Rcplescmallvcs Con"ratul.llom aoe ex tended 10 Larry on h,s Vlt lory

Contr.ct nC,OllUIOnl arc now beglOn"'lt for uu. conSlrUCIlOO membels. H'lIh unemploymenl and Ilion, non unIOn compellilon will make nellou allng very d.fficult (\1 0'11 of our matntenance Ind m~nulatlurh)~ nIC'I'J.,.;,~ h~.( I ,~J ,u .Jc~1 wllh "m,l .. ha rjl:.m,n, condll ions

flOally. Ih" month Ihe Rohm a lIau Company ''1 bu,ldin, a ma,or add. lion 10 lIS LOul.",lle Planl They ale bUlld.n,l: " UOlOO" under a ProllCI ~t.u ment Onc of the produe" Ih, Ihey manuflcture II plex.glaS! If you •• e ,n Ihe market fOI plex"lau, .emember to buy from Ihose who bUild umon

C'lC<:. flTl(.t .... w. P S

Retiree Receives Watch; Members Must Vote L U. 175 (ii, ALLENTOWN, PA .-On Ap,,1 14, 19B3, ,cllled Brnlhe r W.lh.m H De'\1, lr ICC"lved hi' 35·yu. $crv'ce wr"lwlrch aWlld. Andrew Ku b.k, bUJln .. n manl,e r/ financlil sec.ellry. and Howard Leonard. ,ecrclalY 01 the Reme ... Club presented thc a ward 10 Bill II h,s home B,II It

ve. y gr~leful and had a p.c tu.e uken 10 . ho .... ap prec iation 10 all concerned tOI .hell stnero"ly H e is dOIng well Ind u.end, hi, be .. w"hes 10

all We congra luillc HIII.nd ..... 511. him many ycars 01 ple",u.e wcallng Ihc wllch he '0 well urned

Till' I. de",u .. rUt We mU51 defeat Rugan om.c, and hu e nu . f.mil.e, and f"etl d, inlo rmed II) " g'Slc l and vole for fllcnds of OIRl" ,,,,d l~bOt Supporting IlIcnds uf " ' ,11.,,\%ed I.bur i. ou . woy of Ihnwin~ g.atltude 101 .hei . dfo" , un our bth~l f

lie Ame.ican' lIuy Amc .i~ant lI ye now! Ell!>,! lI1'I,;. K, I'S


Oeiu, ceotU, reeeivin, his witch Irom, Andrew K .. b.k, bum~ m~u,eI16nanci.1

)« .el .. y of Local 3 ' 5, Allen,own, Pa., and lI o .... rd J Leonard, ~t ertlary of Ihe Relire".!! Club.

Local 382 Beginning To Recover L U 1BZ{I,o.em,ns&spal. COLUMBIA. S C.- Here ~ hnpm, Ihol evcryo" .. had 0 very Mtlry ChllJlmll J

and a Happy New Yu. Local JSl w,shcslhe bes t of everylhln, fo • • 11 'I.!! Brorbeu and S,uer. We would upeclally hke 10 .hank our members m helpm" Ltx:a l J8l 10 liS "begmnm" uf .ecovery hnm bad limes" by calch.ng up Ihell dues and (OnltnUm, to pay them on Ume. I would also hke 10 men lion Ihe facllhat our new bUJlnen mana~r has vl)lunlanly leduced h,s sa[ary ,n an effon 10

help the Itx:al ; We would also hke 10 ,hank our Brothers and

S'llen 10. Ihell allendance .. Ihe meelln", and for all of Ihe ,u"CSllons tlul lie made, somc 01 whoch I am lure ""II help l.oc.al 382 become a beller local. one of wh.ch we all can be flroud

I would hkt to ull e"eryone', allCnnOD 10 Ihe lact Ihal Ihe unIon IS supposed 10 be a Bro'hcrhood and ""IIhoUI Ihe brolherhood " cannot and w,lI not !u""Ve There a r .. I()o many people who ellhel fOI Ihe fact of ,l:lee<l or the nttd for presnlle arc OUI 10 bruk the bonds of brothcrhood Ind PUI uti down and oul We tI.O'l lei th,S hlrpeD We mull 'lick lo,clher IS BrolhelS and SISters. and show thcm we arc he. e 10 Slay and produce qualny wo.k Ihroujli,h quailly workmanshIp

In cJos.njt. ltx:al J82 would hke to ,hank .lIlhe mher local.! for he/pm, to keel' OUr members .... ho ",'anlcol to wOlk, wo. kmg ove. Ihe years, Thcrc arc I ,lIreal many of u. ",'ho 11..,,( bc:cn on Ihe rold fO I a lon, ume In Ipeak ' nlt for o,hers and myself, .... e ~

once ., •• n soy Ihanh 10 you .nd wt hope Ih. , w me day 182 WIll be able 10 re turn Ihe favor

How"ao P Wn~'Neu_ R S

Work Scene Stow; Many on Road L U. Jlt8(1, t'm,n$lllspa), STEVENS POINT. WIS._ l'ke mO!lt of Ihe locals 10 the ISEW, we can report Ihe now·lam,h .. adage, "Tbm,s arc slow " Our

ADDRESS CHANGES! Brothers and Sisters, we want

you to have your JOURNAL! When you have a change of address, please let us know, Be sure to Include your old address and please don 't forget to fill in L.U. and Card No. This infor­mation will be helpful In check­Ing and keeping our records straight. Use coupon on page 46.


y- enem,es h~ven ' t rcally dC5uoyed the mob.llty of the ISEW. 10 we have ~ lot of Brot hers u guests In s,sler locals Ihroughout Ihe country

The advant~ge to the out·of·work Brothe r m the IBEW is Ihe .btl"y to And work somewhere, . lso meeung Ihe Brothe., 01 other locals and Ihel r mput on how slm.lar problems are sol"ed etC_. etc_ II can he an enhgiltenmg expelJence, provIdIng yoo bnng thIS added kno .... ledge home'

r. The bIg di !iadvanlage 10 Ihe local .... "h a hard corps of Brothers In "an$" •• thc loss of Inpot at the local onIon meell ng. My ob'ef"allon, regard leu of the confhct 01 md,vtdlul idus, or solutIons Ihat these BrothelS possess, IS thac as a groop, Ihey arc the most on.on-orlented of .ny local and the most suppo/Uve to uDlon progreu. There lie m~ny ways .... e pay for the b ck 01 econom,c .cllVlty

.. Income IS only one lacetl [woold I'ke 10 make some Com men" on a pll> lul

' Idcshow of one world hlstoncal movement, n,mely. Ihe Slupld atllons of ~ prcsldent electcd 20 years aher h, . death at Ihe box office. Ahhou~h elccted wllh the lie of balanclIIK the budKel and redUCing the nUlonal deht, by February 198~ we WIll h~ve IIIcrcased the national deht 30, 7 percent, the lugest 10 our short hi ~ t o ry Unltke FDR. who had a !July

.. global war of survIval, makIng a tWO occan Navy Irom sCla!(h. 50,000 plane$ a ycar and [3 nulbon se r~lng m ,he Aimed Forces, he hu, tcg3rdlll~ Ihe nallon 's !iulvival, (om bat W!SC, a fc "" lD ' trn~'wnal skllrnlshu, He has redlstrlbu!ed Our n" IUnal, rcu, ure. Redlst llbullon, in word spukesc, can me~n thdt!

Regardmg world hlstoflcal facts- no capltaltsl " country has, In the 20th C~ntO I Y, come OU t of a

depreSSIon .elYlDg On the b05IDCSS (Ommunlly ' 0 provide the muns of Iccovery But your president plans thlS. Regardless of the results of ,he 1984 eleellon, Ihe Federal Reserve Notes fOI thIS huge deficit WIll bJJ due around lanuary, February and March 1985 It WIll he a debt IDc r e~se of ollc-thud ovcrmght ThIS WIll compet~ w"h and, ID my op,n,on, dcsuoy ~Jl venture capHal ID oUr country Th,s "',ll cause a nlaS51Ve dcp.esslon, probably "",-pled .. ·"h e:uremc mUallon Even manlVe pomp· pllmmg. If wllhour controls to the tnlCflllllonal flow of funds, w.ll foel the fites. Hc coold uke thc CnUre weSlern world down wllh hIm/us. PremIer MJlterand Stated Ihe abovc also at Wt! lIamshu,g. VUglllta, but w~sn't leally I[uoted 10 the Amclltan med". Why! The really sca ry solullun uf the past, If such a SI1 UallOn ansu, " war

Wc he tter push ou t !hc VOle fOi Mondalc and then reUCCllvely thmk how wc can pIck lip the

'l\ piecu In 19H5. Rona ld, you fUlIl cd fuu r Ch ri,,· males tn a row for the AmCllc~n people, if we don 't plan, you could rUIn Chds!mu 19~5 l!l

ab.enlla. Lech Walesa, the Pohsh cleeUlClan. 15

the "Man of the Year." nOI yuul

Au EN M ( E"cHl"<_ I'S

Jim Brimer Appointed .... Business Representative

LU.l96 IuAt l, LAS VEGAS, NEV.-The WlDte r 15

ta iling IU toll throughout the country_r~cords lie bemg broken all OV~I the place Reagan has olfi ~ .. Jly dcclared for . second term, announclrIg a S926·b.llton elecllon yea r budget, how's that for lecord KlIlng' On~ 01 OUI local ne .... sp.pers ex ~1.lDed how much a bllhon Is-a blll.on seconds

ago was 19~1,. bllhon weeks ~~o lesus Chllst was .. alkmg the nlth, a b,l1ion years ~I:O no one on IhlS plane! was ", .. lkmg e r~et on two icet In w ashmg!on, a b,llton dollars ago was only 103 years. Thai, Brothe" and SIsters, IS RUl:anomlcs

I II work '

I The Nevada Power Company plant AJ<:r~cment np,,~d on February L, 1984, afte r 17 m(ellngs

aI Negnlla"on! arC currentl y On a day tu·day ba"., With a 24-hour cancellallon clause. The Negou· .IIng Commlttce r( port s e~trcmcly haTd bargain Ing throughout the session$, wilh the Cnmpany playing the take-away game undcr the gUIse of cost COm"lOment The Company's commlltce IS some· what confusedl what they rcally want " e05 t sha l ing tn our eXIsllng contraclS

Elfecti~c Novemher 21 , 198J. I.m 11l1mer 15-

~umed hIS dUlles 15 buslDe~s Icptcscnt.,lve fm L.~ Vegas l.ocal396, ,"ss lgned 10 th~ Cen"al Telephone Company plant, .. afflc and clencal agreement< J.m WI!! be on a lene of absence from Central ""er approx,mately •• ox-yelT TenUle wllh Ihe Company. J.m IS mallled and has tWn daughteu We feel fortunate 10 have l.m nn the local onUID's )taff

erfeeuvc J~nuaty I, 198~. the re Wa) a ch.ngTng of gualds w, thm Cenl/al Telephnnc COnlpany_ Nevada O''',slon S,ate VIce Pres,denl W R McGrew rellrcd_ bt:lDll r~p l~eed by Gemge B. Kcmple wllh any luck, the new sta te "ICC pre51dent can turn around Ihe unfavorable press Central Telephone Company IS gC<llDg on a day·to-d.y ba •• , ahout .hell pOOl lcvd of people manaKemCDI Loc.1396 Buslrlcss Manage r CIlc h.s been compllTn.ngabout Ihat for a long UrnI' now We Sincerely hnpe !h.t a new slaTe VIce pruldent m~an$ a new face for CenT/al Telephone Company" mdust rla l Icla tlOn< The officcu, otaif, and members arc lonktng fm "'·a,J to wm klng .... "h the newly aHIRned ItaTe vICe p,csldcnt Welcome ~bo"d, Ctor~c'

M£Jr.ll CIlI, B M, F S


Here ue Joe Sack, left, Loul 198, Chartu ton, S.C., .ecordlol: .ecreta ry , and Donald M~sn ;c k , Encu· .in Boud nlemhr.

Negotiations Begin ; Elections Approach l .U, 198 luI, CHAII.L£STON. s.c. · HeI[u from Local J98 III Soulh Caroltna

NeRo"a"ons lor lilt local, the Charluton LNC Plant, and the Sou. h Caro],na Eleetrlc ~nd Cas Company sTln ed l~"uary JO, More detaIls Il!CI

The [ocal's Annual BBQCookout look place FebruOfY 18 Our local '$ condolences are .... "h th~ famtly and f!lends of rCIlrce 5 C ' ·Red· M~rlln .... hu pISsed ow.y He was employed It the Charlu ton Carag~ PUIS [kpanment

The electIon 01 local Unllln office," and ExeCUTIve Soard WIll be COTn l"g up re~1 SOOn I feci IhaT most office", Will .un 10 •• eelec"on Thc.~ .sn 'l tOO much to r~port on th IS month

so I'll close lor now Sec yuu ~ t thc mcellnj\s F L SMJlll. TRE"~ I' S

Writer Outlines Death , Retirement and Politics LU. 405 !i,sp>o!il.rtbl, CEDAR RAI'IDS, IOWA_ W"h the holtday ~ over "IS now lime thu We work

e~c r "" ha.d to cIcCI Walt", [\Iunda l • •• OUI ne . 1 ple~ldent

NU\htn~ new on the .... nrk siluanon here ID rcpo rt

II IS alway. w"h ,.dncss that "'·c repon the lou "I a Brothel Brolher Bob F 5tolba W3$ mn .. ' ed lOin 40<; on J~nuary 28, 1948 He .. as due 10 retlle Fehruary I 1984. bOI pas~ed away on January 14 [YIN, of • hea" alt~ck He wnrked J7 yur. a. Croat Elec1l1c Company. bu. h~d been 011 wor~ <mce they "'ent Out of buslncss Ap,,1 30, [982

Al"m Edabuln, • !Ign eleetrlcT3n .• el lled March I , IY84, he was inItIated mto 405 on rone 21. [950 George %ellff w.lI .ellle on Ap"l I. [984, he ... as tnlll.,,,,d 1010 405 on May 16, 1950. Charles 5 .. ope rCllled Match I, 19114, he w.s lTullat(d mID 405 nn OCtober 2.1, [946. To thcs~ three Broth"," who ale In Ihc proceu of rctlll"g. j:nod l"ck and happy 'eUltmeD! ahud

We have a weldIng C"o,"e gOIng on fOJ th uncm~loyed people, ",hlch started February IJ FOJ fOmc 01 our Brothtr~ who a.e unfortunate nm In be wO/kmg, thl~ " a chance w run her your skill!

There ate 66 coun lrlcs that have a COntent bdl \he lU I onc betn~ MCX1CO So nuw Furd MOlDr Co .5 ROlng tn hUIld In MCX1 CO because nj theIr COnTCn! bill and npon thell cars hack tn the USA where thele IS"" a tontcnt bIll' Now .hls content b.Jl thl! h3< been pa.ed 'n !he Hou.e of lI.ep,csenta ITve. WIll g1) (1) .he S,·n.!. The SCnate file numbe. t1) rder to IS 5 F 707. Please "'IlIe your ""natOJ on !h,s' ThIS bw worh 10 66 oth~r eount lles, Therc ., no .cnon It won' t .. ork hele'

Well , I'll dose th .. w"h the thought of our Brothers Ind S,Sters who Went to the caucu,""s on February 20. who helped get the process STarted to get lid 01 Ronald Reaj:an Labo. mU5T Slick togelhcr 101 the sake of 'U"'IVaI'

Sec you al ,he Ulllon mecllng Ie I! onll· as good as Our people make II


Mcmben u the beer bust cnio)· the food .

Nine New Apprentices Take Oath LU. 413 !i.o,tm&' ta!vJ, SANTABARBARA , CAL­At , he r~"u .. y genc r~1 lIlcmb"uh,p mee!!n!,;. Pres ,dent loc TIghe adnllnl .. cred the o~th of obltg.lIon \(J ",ne new ' ppT cnllees Fou. proud Local 41 J mClnbC!5 accomp"",cd thell ofisp!lng to !hls mo men IOU. oceaSlOn After .hc order of bU5tness ~ becr bU<I was hdd.t whI ch the nearly 100 mtm bers In allend~nee fill ed the new members "'"h

"' IE <



congptubtol~ lemarks. some old tales ~nd some sound ~dvI ~t. Good luck wishu go 10 app .cnll~n B~rt Andu'on. W.lham BIschoff. Con~n Bowers. M.chael FItt~. Dale Holden. Robert Johnson. DavId Poorbaugh. aradfo rd Seh.llmg and R.ck S!"'ocer. A pat 00 tbe back also gocs to aus.ness Manager Bo"'en and the other fathe.s pr~~nt. Brolhers Doug fltt s. Paul Poorbaujth and Wally Schllhng. A s!",clal thankJ to Brothers SIeve Lo!"'z and Denn" W,lh~ms lor Ihe" dfo rt s wIth the bee.­bust

Our annual Spllng A ... ·a.d' Dmner-Dance will tJt, held on Apl11 14, 1984. m Santa I'ohna, Cahfor· mOl. M yron Robertson, our only hvmg challer member w.1l be our spec.al guest of honor Myron, wllh cleven other members, slgncd the Local 4 L3 chane. On December I , 1911. I h ope to See the DES Hall filled WIth membe.s to sha re th IS C"enln, ... ·lIb reu .ed Brothe . Roben son

RICl1I\IlD I Loru. P S

Work Slow ; True Brotherhood Shown LU. u s (i ,spd:.rts1, BAITtI CREEK. MICH.­Greenngs to all OUI Brothe.s and Sisters m umon· ISm lrom Local 44S. Work IS slow be.e In Battle Creek, whicb 15 natu.al 10. Wmtel months hcre A!J fa. as future work goes, Kelloggs let the bIds for theu new office comple~ the fiut of Ma.ch F.om rumo.s gomg arou nd hele . it 's gomg to be "ery plush, whIch IS natural lor Kelloggs. Plus. the Clly 01 Battle Creek.s plannmg a five,slO ry parkmg complu ncxt to Ihe Kellogg Arena and Stouffe. 's Hotd which WIll all evlale quite a few of the parking probltm~ for the downtown a.ea wh,ch has been a sore SpOI lor qUlle a long lime

A I~w 01 Our membe.s saw true fellowshIp and concern for each OIhe. Ih lS monlh. Alone 01 the lobs here In OUr local, th.ee men we.e asked !U

uke IWO weeks off IMtead of a lay·olf, .eason bemg Ihat Ihe.e wun 'l enough wotk to keep eyerybody gomg for Ihe lime bemg, but takIng the lime off would hdp 10 a lleVIate Ihe problem until th.ngs d.d pIck up. The .UI of Ihe c.ew, unde.· sta nding the general loteman's poSItion, wanted to help; Ml they .eques ted Ihal e"erybody take IWO day~ off rather than Ih ree men lake IWO ... ·eeks off If Ihat '5n't what Url100l5m IS aboUI, I'm glavely 'OIstakcn about my Idea~ of the BlOthcrhood. UnIOn membershIp 10 me ISn't , " I don't ca re whal happens to you as long as I gel my check." II 'S eon cern for each other's well beIng and health. In the world loday there IS Strife tn the Middle East, deterio.at · Ing rclallons with the $oYle t UnIOn. and murdel and bloodshed all o~e r . We need everybody 10 stand up together and say, " Yes. I ~m concerned about you and I want 10 hdp you .... Ih your problems." We Can 'I keep On wnh the back-stabbing and Ihe childIsh pIcking and fighting amongSt each other One of the besl laclles to dissolve any o.gamzalion 15 to d,VIde and conque. Well, righl now ... ·e ar c becommg dIVIded , and we w.lI be conquered .f ",'e Conllnue 101l0wlOg the palh IhaT we ' re on We ha"e to sllck togethu In the bad umes as " 'ell as the ,nod. Try uym, someth.ng n;ce to you. neIghbor rather Ihan cumng hIm down, and smtle when you JTe ha","g problems, Ihey WIll be eaSlel 10 face

Have a good mon.h and keel' smlitn,.

'OW" F Mc AI.lUfFE P.S

Work Scene Gloomy; Fruit Baskets Distributed LU. 449 (i,o.nb.n dupa), POCATEll O, IOA.­When I agleed.o Wtlle ,he arllcJcs to the/oumal. [ wanled 10 wrlle some gnod news each month. He te ,s my filSI leiter and Ihele isn'l any good oe ... ·• thi s Ume.

Thc weather IS very cold right now, and work 10 the loca l 1& almost non·e ~i5Ienl A lew small jobs, bUI nOlhlng substant",1 Pro jeCt X has staned bUI mOSt 01 the wo.k will be broken down into s mall busmess package. llOder $100,000. Weslinghouse at the site has taken a fe ... · men, but "'t sllli have


local 449, Pocatello. Ida ., memben shown wilh Ih~ fruil buk~1I thaI we.e di slfibu.ed 10 trliled mcmbfls, (OntUCIO.S Ind widows. From left 10

right are Ed ,. Shepard ; Roben Reno , Tfd C. ' In.en, pluident , and Nei l Tillouon.

O"cr 80 mfn on the book Ou. local Isgmng through some hard limes WI" t can "'C do to change 111 One way would be 10 altend unIOn mee1lngs_ Last meellng I was dlsappomted to see lrss than 15 Brothen attending. II we don 't care abou t au . unIon. who WIll i We need all member. to aHend and get Involved

Elecllon tlmelsgro"'mg ncal We need 10SUpport and elect people who Cafe abou l Ihe wo.klDg man There also ale many upgude JOurneyman classes 5tallmg. Let's g~t SIgned up and become Ihe best qualified ... ·ucme n we can We need to be the beM Ihere IS In oldcr 10 gCI work and draw good w3ge~

Dunng the hohda)' season, NECA, local mem o bets and the ApPlenliceshlp Commlllee under the direction of Don Ivory gave OUt hUll baske ts 10 .ctlred membe.s and COntraC tors. This was a small loken of our app.CClallon to those who have wo.ked so hard for us so we may enjoy a hIgh standard 01 ltVlDg, May we lake ca.e of our IDhe"lance.

Local 456 Holds Annual Picnic


l.U. 456 (iAn), NEW BR UNS WI CK, N. J.--On Sep· tember \7, 19SJ, Local 456 held 115 plcmc at Reichlel Park In South Bl\lDSWICk, New lersey The ... ·calhe. waS ... ·a.m and the sky clea., maklDg II a wonderful day for outdoor festlvlllcs. The P'CnIC got nnder way at 11,00 a.m. wllh breakfast belDg se rved to the ea rl y arr.vals and the P,cn.c Comm,,'ee, As Ihe af ternoon arl1"cd, so dId mo.e of OUI local BlOlhers. Plenty of aC1I"lIIelt, from card games and ho rseshoes 10 egg IOSsn and soft ball, filled the day .... Ih both fun and laughte. Pr,zes ... ·e.e awa.ded to ~IC tOIl0US COnteStanlS 10

games and evems. If you prc/errcd 10 si l back and watch, plemy of Intere~ung conyersauon and re ' mmlscmg were heard where.·el a gloup of Brothers was gathe.ed The alOma 01 fine food and the abundance of good cheer uused many of us 10

Indulge OU ' selves, and a few 01 us 10 ovenndulge ~ bl! II was qUlle a pleasure 10 See many of OU T .et"ccS presem and enloymg themseh'c,

Slnce.e than ks go OUI from us all 10 the PICniC Committee, who once agam 01.01 an ou tstanding ,ob 01 OrgaDlZmg a wonderful c,'em You. hard wOlk and I1me Inves led payoff III great dl"idends when one can look around and see all of the local B.olhers m allendance that day wllh $m.le~ on thell /aees and happlOess lO the IT heans


Get Organized And Vote, Writer Says L.U. ~59 (u,emAees1, JOH NSTOWN, PA.- T he elec tion yea . bittz " currently being ca rried OUt by all of Ih~ media. Th,. bhl% IS pfOb.bly onc 01 the ,"asonS the medIa has liS conslilllllonal "ght of f.ee speech conSlantly PIOICClcd by Ihe couns of \he land. Theil "Clive covera~c , reponing, and

'ld·blowlOg keeps many a polll,cI.n aWarf of \he '" IaCI that hi s actions arc being wa lched and Ihus can Iccounl lor SO me 01 the .. WOO lOg of the p.ess Othe. groups do Ihe same-coahllons for Ih,s and thai . nallonal g.oups concerned aboul this and Ihal. freedom gfOUpS, Nc

We. too. can ahe r the pohllcal thoughts and actiOnS of OU I representallves First we must leg' Is ler 10 vote. We can'l leave the voting p<oce$$lor only a small group to C.alry OU' . Anytime ~ ~mall pe.cent 01 the populallon of you. COmmunlly pUIS a cand.date m office you don't ge t a true p,ctu.e of Ihe community 's needs and the drrecllon to whIch Ihey "'ant to go

$(ccondly, Olpn.:;:a ' ion IS Imponant_ The adage _ "sltength m numbers." means a 10' In the polmcal arena The groups geumg aC llon arc .... ell o,,,,"nlzed and financed to get then cause known and sup- ... port ed Who it",ens 10 you complam to Ihe locker room or ba r! G roup.o wllh b.g numbers and money gel candIdates to itslen ~nd establish poSlllons to gaIn support Political actIon commlltte5, lobby· 'S IS, and coaliuons are provIng thrs beyond a shado .... of a doubl

Thai 's why you muSt .eglste. 10 VOte aut ,hat 's not enough, use your "ght 10 va le. It counu . ... DeCIde whal ISSUes ate Important to you and leI you r .epresentatlves know. Want s trength In num· bers! Use yOUT local to help youl voice be hea rd 1I1he membelshlp 01 the unIon agreu, letters can be sent to .ep.csentaIlVCS 51allng POs"'ons. etC Don'l leI olhe.s eSlabhsh pno.llles and goaisl gel IDvolvcd tn dOIng wha, 's neeessa ry . Maybe some 01 you w,1l form g.oups in you, communIties At leasl do something. Prolect you r freedoms, and be ~ heard . PaSI gene.allons passed these .csponslb,h· IICS to us , we mus\ prolect them 10' the future gcne.Hlons


Scribe Supports Change ; Office Worker III L.U. ~ 7 4 li . o,c m,rlb ,ns&.spa1, MEMPHIS, TENN.-A nCw yur. a new p.eSldenl , we hope. Mr Reagan says Ihal unemployment " d'opP,ng. The .eason IS people are tunDlng ou t 01 benefits that WI ll make percentages show lowe. I hope the DcmoctlUC Party gC ls lis head logether Instead of fighung and Sta y.ng In " turmOIl and WIll deCIde on Ihe besl man 10 beat the Repuhlicans. J Ih.nk organIzed labo. has stood and stomaehed all of Mr. Reagan Ihey can stand. [n /act. II he's elecled agam, many umons WIll bile the dust He WIShes 10 push us I. back to the days of when people worhd 101 SO CentS a day. but he WIShes thai bIg busmns ... ·ould sull keep theu b.gc matgln of profits. Repubhcans and bIg buslOe5S cry and cry about wage CUIS, but the COSt of It''lOg IS slIlI rapIdly gOlOg up. The)' blame II on the working man. 1 know 01 one local Ihat CU I thel ' 5Ca ledrastl c~lIy tocomballhe " rats." The bUSiness manage. IS nOw on the r~d SlgnlOg the books. Wage cuts ar~ not the answer ...

One 01 OUI office workers who has b«n wtth U$ lor app.oxlmately IS years haJ suffe.ed a heart atlack. Many people across the country know her Mrs. Sud,e Tale. If you WIsh 10 drop her a hne. send II rO 1870 MadIson Avenue. Memph,s 381~_ She IS oul of tbe hospllal, bUI I~ stili " ery weak The lady has been like ;l mothel 01 slste. to m3ny of ou. Brothe", local and "avclhng,

Unul nell' mon th. may God "chly bless all 01 ,... ,00




n (\ \

Picnn t d . 1 the l . n ulfY mudn, 01 the Reli,ers CI"b 01 Loci ' 47'. lI ullmonl , Tn., 1ft, Idt 10 'i s hl , Lr l ll y Fa il, Ol lt MIlI ,r, Ihe .pUhf ' Flre/dl Nonl.) . ocl lohn C. No" I •.

Hut 1ft the mtmbtn who . Htnd td the I'n" .. ,. meeli " l . F,onl,ow, Id t lo .I,h',.re HOliet Hcath· man, lI ow .. d Nubile!, " lI uu "n,i lk " M.,,;· OIlU" ., Lu MeNul, Ind Dick H.nuln, Itcond 'OW, IUld.1 Ihr I, blt , Irt Wilton Glro .... d, Loyd

, Ra y ancl M. I. lhmlh on , II.nellnl, 1.11 10 .I,hl , I.t lock Ball • • d, Joh .. C. NOIII., M.rnell lI u thm. n, .'\~il d rtd hil, Std.li. 8.II . rd, I.,tod . Copt l. nd, Vi. olt t Girolllld, lunt III ,nl lion, htdt ll Norr;" Sibyl Ray. Norm. IIndricb Ind hmet lI ud,lckl.

Work Improves; Softball Season Under Way L U. 4ao li t-em), JACKSON, ""55.-0111 work has

.. Improycd .I'ghlly We h.ve app.u~lmucly JJ m(n left On UnJl II at Crand Culf UnH I hu pIcked up SOrne of OUr men that were Ilid off hom URI! II Fonunucly I was one of Ihem A few Journeymen h'Ye been lent to ,obi In IOWn, hut the re lie stili .bout 20 men on the bookl. I've been IOld the.e .. a good amount ul wmk commll UU I m lown this

~ spring and lummel Hope/lilly we WIll ge t somc of th'I, Non-Union contlaClOn ore .ca lly K,Yin~ u5 Some ha.d compet'110n

! would like 10 Ule",j uu r deepUI 'Y"'l'a ,hy to Ihe lami lt es uf tWO III IIU I local BrothelS. BIOthel Charles B Wlleo~, SI , p~ned ~w.y un Decem"el 30,1983 B' Olhel W,ko~ wu Inlu.ted on August 8, 1913. BrOt"(1 W,lcol will I>c m"led .,y hll I.iends and B' olheu Brolhe ' W D McDanIel passed away on lanuary II , 1984 Blother MeDanic!

~ wu ,nullted on July 15, 195 I, and rel i' ed ,n lune, 1916 Brolhe. MeDan,el w,1l be nllued by h,. friends and B.olhers

We haye twolQftb_U tum._,aln Ih 'l yur They , el tucked up w"h their fi . " lIame Ih" month I know they have been pr.ctlc'"K hard and are .cady to ,0 They made. good Ihow,", I.n YUI and I'm Su.e they w.1I th •• yur Lalry Nipper •• dOln, a t:ood lob of head,ng up the telmS aga,n th .. yel.

",. Any 01 you who can, come OUt and luppon Ihe team •. They arc . ep. esenlLng our locI I

In thue limn of bad unemployment We reall y need 10 pull 108elhe. So plelSe . tt end you. loc.l meellngl

,., Local Honors Graduates; Offers Courses LU, 48 1 (l,em ,lpduul, INIlIANAPOI,IS, IN I).­Tht 34th ApPlcnl1cuhip Cumplc'"," Banquet was he ld ,ecently, and Ihelt wu quite . luge glOUp, Thue ne w lourneymell Ind WOmen .eplClent two clanes dUI completed the proglam 10 1983, Smce tWO clasl g' oup. WCle lep. ucn tcd, the Commlt . ee


Bob Denny and R;c h. ,d Ri le ICfd vlnJ the ir Ap­plenl;u 01 th~ Yu. AWlld"

honored IWO mcmbc", R,chu.J RLfe and Bob [xMny, WHir Ihe "Outstand'ng App.enllce of Ihe Vea r AWlld " Also honored fm pOlII ( 'pa"On .n theu local unLOn were r.m Pi llerson Ind Ku Edward • Congla tulatlons lie In o.de. 10. au. Kraduatel 101 I lob wdl done

ThcO( men and women represent Ihe Ix:II named, rnost·qual.fled people ,n our .ndustry Thuc e.e denu.ls come only Ihloullh hard work .nd lIudy W,, 1r Ihe .ap,dly cxp.ndmK tcchnoloKlcs We "'e laced WHir tod.y, ,II of UI un bcndh from 10UI neyman .mrrovcmerll CQu.,n 0". lutal un"m has many courses on hne al Ih.s lime. Elccllon.c., PIO<;CII (lnIlO!, programm • .,I., (01111011':11, code and theory Ole only a leW- WHir lobolLet, fibe r OplL CI and olhe", cQmmg Help yourself and you r UntOn by s.gmng up for Ihesc courses Let 's com pt;te .n thIS rapIdly e~pandmg ma.ketpllce wuh Ihe best tool- knowledge

CounselLng" avaLl.b le 10 .11 ou r mtmben on a wide r.nge ul 'UbleC", from (canOln,., help 10 .elL,.ment, mcludmg p.oblem. wLlh workmen" compcnsalLon elallns for further mfo)lm~lI()n, c~Jl the L101 0n hall

Srothel lohn han. hn h. oken hLllcK aK' ''' ~nd wLilbe off for 'IuLle some ILme Le t', all ,.ve lohn a t~Jl and ,orne assutance and Icc if we Un help h,m .hlou,I\h some tough IIn.u

DrNN'~ N"lI(.",-o,..., I' \

Sportinis Honored During Tournament LU. 488 !i& ml l, BR IDGEPO RT , CONN. Wllh ~h e Supe. Bowl behind uund Ihe upcom,n8IOftb.1I $Cason 'PP,ol<;:h.ng, ! would l.ke to bu n, to you. attenlLon the leeognol,on pa.d Tom SPU'lInl, S., I{ Locll 25'. Annuli Softball Tournamen. I would abo ILkc to .pulog.u fo r haY,nlt taken aO lonlt to do '0

As I am 'ure all 01 you know, Local 488'. Softball Team palll(1patU annua lly in the Local2S Softball ToumamcO! held al BaldwlO Park, Bald",,", Long Island Th. , year, pliO. to the flu l .,.11 helOlt th.own OUI, BU ' lOe5. Man.ge. Frank Carroll, r. , p.e.en ted Tom, SI., with, plaque eommemorallnlt the IS· plus yeu s Tom h., played fu. 4~K in eYery fleld position, Tom was ~l so a~knowledgcd wllh hIS .ons, Tom, JI ., a IhLld·year apPlentlte, and lay, a fI .. t ·yu. app rcnllcc, /or bc1n,l\ Ihe flrll fuhe . ! ,0n('1 "io to play lor 488, TaklOI I n aCliYe and enloy.ble pall in thi s p.nentation w .. the wi le and mOlhe. beh111d theae men, DOtILe Sportin.

Tom, S •. , hu been In E~CCUIIye Board ",em"e.


Shown ,n Ih is plNu re Itf, lell 10 .i l hl, Tom SpOrt,n" 1' ., lay Spollinl, lI iII L,ndsey, bu,lnu, "UI, Lot al l5, Thomu Spollini . St., ,nd Frank J. Cau oll , l." b.ulnul man'ltc. , LouI 488, 8. ,dltf· po. t, Coon.

Ind vlJuable unt to Local 488 fo r O~CI 15 yeHI; and Lt was with great plcuure thu we hono. h.s deYolLon Let', haYe anolhe. ,reu leason ~hr s yUI

"1I'Olhc th(J{ld"-lhll 'S whal Lt ', all a"out P"l OONM'<JI., P S

Two-Year Work Agreement Obtained LU. 5OOlul, SAN ANTON IO, TEX ,_Aftel months 01 n"lolI'"0nS wllh CPS, thIS local sutcusfully obtalO"d I two·yca. working agreement A.eas of IiUCCesS we.e w.gc 111creuu lLed to the CPI .nd the CPS Job Evaluation P' og. am, ,mploYed "aca 1L0n and health ca.e

The NegolLll1ng Team COllsls"nlt of Prelldenl Andy Rullo, Charhe Carru~h, Ray Klu", Harvey S'S$m'n, M,chael Smith, lot' Barnel, lelry Day, Robert picgza, Gary W,ckWire and lohn Z..egle l deserye a 101 of c.edLl 10. theu eliOIlS '" secunng a plck.ge that "'as accepted by the m"mMnh,p by • 2· to· I ma.gln

The Brothel l and Suters who "tended the ,pe c.al meeltng to YOIce thell op,",ons, bo th lor and al"nS! the 'greement , c.n like p.ide '" themlclYes for Ihey represen ted Ihems"lycs and the 70 pe.cen l of theH fellow lI.othel8 and S.ue .. who /elt the need nOI 10 pallltipat" in the Yery thLng that pu" • • oof oyc. thell heads, food in theLl stom.the., a car or tWO .n thcLl garagu, a boot .n their dnve, health care .nd adequa te rel!lcmen! You re.lly we re you. Brothe .. ' keepe r- Amenl

The CPS Job Ev.I\I~l1on, wh.ch Wl.lJlleCled Into Ih15 year's negOILIlLon., U e~pc c ' cd, dlew I lot 01 m;~cd emOlL on,. I're"dent Rullo hu I eommLt· ment from CPS to '(Y'eW vaILU'" ,obs that wele nOI upgladed A, 0/ FebrullY I, 12,0b classlfica t,on letten hIve been submiLted 10 CPS managelnent 10 •• eYIC'"

By Ihe wa y, I Wanl to thank Ihe BlOt"e" wbo pitched Ln and helped dUllnK the work.ng ag.ec mcnt YOle

Party Held ; Scribe Urges Political Action LU. 505 (1&.01, MOBILE, ALA.-lIlolhe. members 0/ the IIIEW, we a.e In the eleclLon yur 0/ 1984 The Republ.cans leem 10 thLnk Ihey lie. sUle bet 10' reelee llon In the While House and other ke y .oles .n our goyelnment . They arc gambl.nlt thl! all the p' ospeelL"e DemocralLt cand,dalCi Will ,pht up Ihe wo. k",g·cllu people 0 / Amenca, Ihl! they ",ill ,ed"m theu offl cto wLlhout any nOIlCe .ble opposLtion lI.o.hel meml>cn, we t annOt let th .. happen We muSl pull 10Ic.he. U one, U we once were One powerful block 01 YOIU thaI Ihe polLutIOn, h.ye to deal w.th , Un;,m labor for Ihe lut few yea .. hIS taken the blunt 01 the hIghly organ.zed effort on tht part of biglndus lry 10 b. c.k American worktog people. It' l lime /01 you, BIQth· ell , IS union men, to nand up and be counted. You. vO le on Elc~ t i O n nay 11 the one thlt might ge l I tandid~te th.t 11 foy o .. .,le to labo. elec ted I 31



Thnc If' tomt: of tht ''''Illi who rn;o)'d tht Anoull Chth tmu '1", of Local 50S, Mobi lr , Ala., br'oI 00 D«tmwl , •. 1911.

1m nOl Uylne ,hi, polouCJ IS .he whnk an)wr, bUI n " • nan WI: mu~1 makr I concrnlll":',J dlon 10 put undld~t~s In oiflce who art lavo'.ibk 10 labor Wc h.v( I Anc Polmcal ACllon Commu Ire. of which I am proud to be a mrmM" .lon, wl,h Brothe .. James SWlflZ oul (h.llman, RIch mood Htodellon. lo~erh Romagnano and MIchael Fuhel If any of my 10.:,1 BrOlhe,,; hay, any !juts

lion) .bout the current pohuc,1 program w, a.e 1nuoduc1n~ contact one of the (ommm!:r mcm

"'" 0". Annu.' Chllslmu Pany wu held Detcmb.. , 18, 1911J A 1I00d ume wu had by alJ 1 wan, 10 UP/UI OUI 'prIC t,"uon and thanks 10 the follow .n, brothe, members Ind .he" wIVes '0' hdplng In the p'rr'"lInn ol.he pany. They lie toIr and Mrl Leo I C~In, 51, M" Clemelll H 5eelhol5t MI and M" laeob GodWIn, Mu Ronald Mc ' CormIck and ou r Santa Cbu •. Mr lack Walker

Campaign lor Ih.., candidates Ihat you. loul unroll cndo.sn Buy Unlon. buy Amc"un Attend you r un ion mec trngs IInd partlClrarC

DoN"Ul L An"M) I' ~


81Uintu Mana,u Miehatl I. Counih,n , loc,1 SOl, Sn' ..... h . Ga., di)euuio, camp,j , n luun ... i , 1I prtsidfo,i.1 1I0pdui Frill ,\tood,lf ,

Scribe Notes Unionist's Comments on NLRB L U. SOl U&.ol, SA VANNA II , G .... . -On Sunday lanuary I, Loul SOSlIdd liS Annual family OUlln, " 5unbC'.m Park, loe"ed In Sav,nnall A fully ca,e.ed ba,bC'eue dlnne. ","h hOI dOIS on rile "de .nd I vlllcry of beveralc, m.de for an cnloy~b!e d~y for all Tht pl'Yllound "'as ,,·ell equI!,ped. and u one mOlher PUI n. '· a bleuln,·· There WIS One nOl.ble .ch,cyemenl for Ihe day lay Whiff was only ,ble to ea, thlee barbecue pl.,u .nrl four hor dOIS heryonc ... ho ."ended enjoyed the food. ftllowlhlp.nd lunshlne. Ananlement, were made by 8u)lne., MaulCI CouOlh,n and Prnldelll Crawford BrOlhcr Robert Kramel assls led III rhe setlln, up md deanup of rhe arU

The m.nrpul.llon of fedelll labor law .nd man 'gemelli "lthts hn placed Ihe con"rucllon "'Dike. III .n unfo rrun'I e poslllon And .ccordlng to Char· Ue NIChob, CarpelllcU·llc~~U rC' In Scartle fo r Ihe unwn. In rhe lUI Ave yUII buildln.r: uades unions h.ve leen " Ihc hclllllnhlg of the colilpl.., of muh,· employe! collecllve ba.gtlnllll III the cons tr uction IIIdu~tr y .nd I ,eplac..,ment of that sYStem by a COntlnu . ngo~n ,nd".tnal bUlle" Ihroolhout rhe


,\ttm~n of Loul 508 tnlorio, Iht 'pi.il of It l· lowship ,nd ~unlh;nt dIllin, I.nu,ry ', Family OUlin,. lelt 10 . i,hl lie I. let, M. tbll ison. W. Crawfo.d. T. M"lunel' , M Ra lntl' , I. ~ hi" . 8u~ i. neSi MIUler Counih.n and A, "lImtl.

COn$,ruCtlon Induit.y N.chols blamed the Na lIon,l tabor Reb"ons Bo.;r rd .nd rht courr, ·'The SY'lem, he walllcd '·IS collap5lng "ound OU I ear ... He .1,0 lla led Ihar '· lon,·C5labh, hcd collec· IIV", b"ltll"III, • ..,lallon1h,pl lh .. hue bern bo.h UPO" • multI employe. hUll a . .. bem, d,sr"ptcd

by labor co"sul ran" who have eUIly acqUired the ' !,ec!al ry of "§III, rhe NIIIOIIIIL.bol Rdallon, ACI to aVOId (olltctrve hl lgammg Inpon5.b,h· IICS ,.

One oh..,oul rnull. he uld, '1' 10 lUI up well , C5"bl.,hrd ba rgalnlnK pattellls Ind promole ma]!}r Slnku ~nd lockour. " Iic (lied .• masSIve Inc rc .. .., In 1"'l'IlIon anJ IR ",olk hOUB 1lKllh.ough smku. ~ NIchol, »Id In 19/10 rhelt were .bour 6.000 sep· aralt agleemenn m Ihe Conurut\lon Indu"ry Ht predIcted Ihe number mlghl lkYlocktl If rhe trend to b,eak up multr employer "II> .. conlin un. ahcl ted by Ihe '· Laool Hoard 'i Igno. ante of ou r IIIdu, try·· Collcecive bargaining In ,hc cons tructlOO Industry "I~ at I ""I cuhed," NIchol, testified "SICPS must be taken 10 .cstore collccuve bargam· In& •. The ah ern.trve. he Slid, would h( ro lepeal the fcderal la", .nd "let u, .ccrrate bargamlng StrUCIUrU III rhe fre e, "n!cgulaled market .. "'C

dId IInor HI the W.ltner .... CI .. T",o loc.1 iamltrel celebllled ne'" 1I1I,·al,. lay

and S~nd) Whlfe , a Ion. T,ey Eldcl, and lohn and Kelley Por:IO. IV, a Ion. lohn Domlnrck, V

Nom,n,uoM 10' loc.1 unIon officer' II.., sched uJed fOI May of 1984 followed by the elecllon '" ' une Absenlee b~lIou arc avall,ble llpon lequut Ma,l rht reqllelt 10 fflEW Locil Unron 50S. PO 1Io~ 91S4 Sn.nnlh. CeooK" 31412

CnAW r\\ CntJN"I"N, P S

Weather Helps Work ; Negotiations to Begin LU. 55 1 11,0&.~m ), S .... I\'TA IIOSA, CAL-Creer· 111';5 BrolhelS .Ind Slueri. from Iht home,owlI of LUlhtr Burb.nk The wfllher has been OnSUIoOII· ,bl, good As. result, thelt wne mOlt drsparches III ,anll"y Ihan In lOme of the 'prmg ~nd summer monlh$ Ho",ucr. wOlk I. 'till not qUlle ,ood enough to b .. , lbout

A Cencl,1 Pre"dentS r.h,ntcnancc AI • ..,emenl h .. been l1"ned by Ihe 10 and SMUD for Iheu geolherm~1 po ... el pl.m, lohn Ifoldene. of Kel· scyvlllc has uken ,hll ull ,ohn'. experlcnce III the "ad..,. hIS kno",ledge of geolhnm.1 plams. ~nd h'l generally I.,d b.ck "IIludc ,hould m~k.., hIm rhe perfeci m.n fUI the ,ob The!e IS nO news on, Ilmllu Igreemenl with I>C&E

Speak"" 01 a,,,..,menl •. ne,olllllonl ,,·,11 soon hI:"n On our local .greemrnl For those of th.., ~"ulS,on. I,,·. P"y fOI those who IIen't .h.s may be .,ood lime to "lit

Tht wrrrrIS 01 thll alllcic hate to keep butin& Ihe same drum uch lime. but II shoold be made dcaf to .11 01 the mcmh<:uhlP the II1 0hiems ",e arc h.vlng due tu the p' (sent .dm",,,uatron Ron· nle and his c\tw hne rcally opened ,he doo r for l ire non ' un,on clemenl In our indll stry. Don'l be fooled by tht roty lI. clule ,hat il pllnted for you. beC.IIst it lll~' i,n', '10. If Reagan 1"ecltCI..,d. you can ,U5t .boll r ki n YOIl . wlrem . n·, licket goodbye

for the Chlnue th .. I, .he Yea! of the Rat.

Hopefully 10' "'. th" WIll be Ihe yur 10,,, lId 01 " Ihe IIU

Unul n(ll month, lellow members • • uppon yoo, loc.1 by ,,'endllll the meelln"

ScoTT L ConlAlID. P oS 0"", H ConlAlID. P 5

Brothers With 132 Years Total Experience Retire LU. 551 (l.o,lI ,ulV,nb,n l,em&'.p' ), SHEFfiELD •

• ,

.... LA.-C.ecl/np. BrothelS Wllb lhe com III, 01 'r"n.:. "'e have hopei our consrlUcllon wOlk w,ll pIck up We lI,ve had luch, long out of "'ork loll fOlIO long now Ih,r tVen • hllle .ehd wOllld be welcome Wllh m"o. decllo", (Omlll, IhlS fall. we w.ll hopefully 60 our p.n 10 ehln&e Ihe Iilu .. a"on 101 the belle. Th" WIll hi: a golden appa. lunrty for labo. 10 show Ihue fanc, ntWSp~pel "'II.n.I"" Ind butlnenmtn IU. I how well I.bo, tan dehve l SUlci, Ih"", of u. who make OU.1rYlIll IhlOOgh Jabo, lit Imarl enOUllh to kno", Ihar III

order ro ,ur"'v..,. we mull hue polltlc.1 ludels ",ho bvo. labor III office I know a min hu to thInk lbout mo re Ihan hl5 ,ob dUlln,!: electron., .A bur] .IM! know hll ,ob belt.." h.v.., lOp pnonlY I Un wnte 10 my elecled officlIll hom the pruldent on down when I di .. g".., "'irh lopin 1uch IS the IIml bUIld up, rroop mvolvemenl III 8ellul, 01

Irquor berng .erved In rhe While HOUle, bUI when my ,ob IS le .ked Dill from "nder mt bec.ule Ihe ,!:o .. ernmcm " offclln&' till ,ncentlve fOil IIlanr dOlIng Dr Ihe company" movln, OVtr«u. I juSl don't h.ve lime for corrcspondence. dISCUSS Ions of J dec.Slon. We mlIJ! Iteltogcther 10 slren,then I,bol aod lei thl' .treo,lh be shown'

The Elccillcal IXIlIrlmenl at Rcynolds Alloy. Ll stClhl1i Planr "'ill m,n the III years of c.rr:~rr · cnce Ihat Almon Whitehead. Raymond Cro",e ll Em cry McDonald, Ind Lou IS S"l1ivan rook ""th them ",hen they !ell red III January . Thne four Brothers ga ined 98 rOil ) yells upcncnce ","h Reynolds These men w~ .e a bIg lIar r of the local as wdl as th.., Elecmul Department of Reynolds They WIll bo:o lo.dy m'5$cd by Ih~ planl u wdlu ,he Blothers who have had rhe pleuu. t of wOlklll& wllh Ihem B.othel Tommy Wall.ce, Ihe elec lli Clan Slew.rd , wanted 10 $ubmn I P'CI"lt of these fou r ~Iong wllh Ihll IIlform. llon, bUI wu unab!e '0 do so bcca"J~ of the !CCC'PI of rcqutfll born several d,ffercnl camera manufaclulell uklng that Ihell PloduCI nOt be used to ,"~mpr Ih" task Cong.atlllallOnS, Brothcrs, on yaur r~lIIemtn r May " be • long .nd tntoy~ble one !IIi

ClVNrt Mu" ...... v PS


Pictured" Ihe Chdstmu 1.ny of Local 571, " Willen, 01\10, •• e. Itft 10 filth l , Emil I. SUUOI, lIu$;nen mlnaler , M ... William M, Io;I , William Mal'; , 8 . G. WiII;,mson, InIUnlt;on.1 Vice ' ru· idrn l , fOllrth Dililict , ,\t il. Williamson , 80b Do.o, loc. l llnion p. e.ldenl . 'nd Mrs. Do.n,

Local Holds Christmas Party; Thirty Percent Jobless L.U. S71 (I.nll ). WARUN. OIIIO_ The month of December "''' PICIlY actlvc for us AJon& wilh OU I .egula l mCtllng, "'C held oul Annual ChflJlmu /'ally and 0,,1 yea rl y Football OUl1n&

At QU! rC811bl "nion meeling, th ree of our mem b<.u ",ere honOled by our counry commiuloneu fOI ou rstand ln,!: community sc rv lee . 8rothe .. Wil

Honorees .....---

-Sho WII I I the .fll "ia. un ion mct'lInl I .e COLln t, CommiuiOIl"" MI .,tet Dennilon . nd "nlony Lalnl, on Iht It' h , ",hh Drill he.! Tom Wain" and William M. ki , fur,

lI~m Mak._ Ken Hecke. and Tom W~II1C rcec,v~,j plaquu and IClle.s of commcnd~tion fur Ih~ w",k they did 10 rUlorc our courthouse bt:JI til w<lrklng condillon Although the lou! fln.n(:c~ Ihe P"'ICCI, these chree members donBled theH lime to c<lm plett the work. A speCIal thanh h) Broth. Makt lOt luding up the p ' O)(<:1

.. Our ChnSlnlU "any was held at ""lion Inn 11"9 ycu. The eVening wu hlghllglucd wllh dlllnc., entertaInment and dancing 0 ... [ntcnu!lonal Vice P,u,dcnt, D.C. Williamson, was '" allcndance and also presence.! a plaque tu II rolhe. Makt fur h,~ (Qullhnus.: bell pre))c!:l. Everyone who lucndcd I'm Sure had a ,000 ume, and I would Id<~ tn &IVe a s~cl~1 thanks to Rtx ferry, Ih~ ,,,<ty ~h.uman, for a lob well done

, We also held Our yurly FO(.IIb.ll QUlln& ThIS yeu we went 10 Ihe PUtsburgh·Cleveland I\ame Although Ihe weather was cold, we all rnillal\ed <0 stay warm The ouunl\ wu concluded with a dlllnef fOl all II Ihe 422 Ruuuralll

QUI wOlk outlook IS all but 'OIY As of thl$ WflUn&. we have ~boUl 30 percent of OUr membc.r sh.p on Ihe hu, some membc.'$ uc wo.kwl\ out of town

I would ILke to lakt ,hiS npportunlty to »y Ihat [ hope everyone had a happy hohday and Ihat Ihe

... upcoming yell IS a ioyous Ind prO'I"'IOU5 olle

C",UI.II Iha, I' ~


,.. Brot her Ron Lau&h. t n II Sinta conic" with OQe 01 bis dve. aboul Ihe An nu.r Ch. i, IInU Pan y 01 Local 579, Bu nd ord, a nI " whk h wu he ld Decem· Hr 17, 1983.

Local Holds Party; Family Wins Lottery .,

- L. U, 579 {ul, BRA NTFORO, ONT.-The Local 57\1 , Chfl$trnu Party th" year Wli held wlhc Brandold

Public UlLlIlLes Hydlo Dcpllmnent's Sl:rvlce Centre Luncb Room, and Ihe children had I Sood lime B.othen Wayne Carmlchul and Darry l Kell ey mus t be commended fOI the excellent Chll 'Imu Party whIch Wa$ held for the chlldlen of 00'

memben. ... The work SCene 111 BrandouJ has .. grudy 1m

p. oved outlook 10' 19114 ., IWO of uu ' lar~e lurn IIIdu.nie8 arc now uklns back Ihe1l wu. kers whu have been un layoff Ihe p~ SI yea r

This yur has Slart ed oul rig ht lo r Brant/Old wllh a S.ant/Old famL1~ winning SI 4 n1l11l0n n n lhe 10llery

Good luck 10 ~Il 01 yuu 1,1 W CtMIlLUTUNl, R S

Scribe Notes Coming Negotiations, Election L. U. SK I !l&.u!, MOItIt ISTOWN, N. I. The Feh luar~ mtettng wu a very IIll00rnillVe one and Kt the lone fOI 1984, I yea. Ihat WIll nOI only leM local 581, butlabol In general. II WIS enCO\lll/l:lnll to see P'"lt'pallon hom the !lou. iuch U It WI5 dUling Ihl~ meelln& Members d"cutsed 1\ lenll.lh such Impo.tanl tOPICI as Ihe upeommll'llretmenl (whIch could be au. mOS t lmpOlunl all.eement In

re(enl memoryl, and Ihe leeenl ql,le~l1onn.lle 'C111

OUltu all 58 1 mcmbt. ., by BUSIness Manage. lien Carr The qUe5uonna1le was l)Sued In Older h) nnd PUI how the membe.shlp feels aboulthe Ic.II'lSUel of thlt ImpOtlanl upcumlnll. ~It. eemenl The COli

!lCnSu5 seem, IU be mlldcral~ hut nOl d.uoc ehanKe apd tn ",m SUme 01 Ihe Ihlllll:' Ihat need ",mnllnll. 10 kecp us eUmpClIllYC wllh the nnll "ilion ele menl Also Ihls ch~n~e WIll kel'r u~ (m Inp 01 Iht PIOOUCllvl1Y chart .nd Iht lur "I mdlll"y, wllleh ;s whe.e we Ilc light now

Th" " ~n clecoon year Imd, fI" the ),,(;,1 and Ihe na"Uil It" very ohvhms III evcry"ne, nut IU~I unIon WOlken, th~t 1\ IS IIIne f,,, lahor \U P'II ,n nose I<> Ihe ~rllldsl,me and , huw OIl! p"llllclanil thut we arc sellQUS .buuI I!Ur hvdlh,,()d~ and IHII sU"'VlI a, a unum

lIus"',,1S ManallC' Cali's .cpon wl,l us "tl lew pIckel hnes throughoul Ihe Ic""ory f'lckellnll: I~

an imp"rt.nt and neeClsuy ran of unllllll.m To" mlny 1()(:lls do nOI believe plckclln~ w\l.h any mo. e, and thcrdOle they w,ll nol W .. le thell Ume pUlling up PICkCIS When .un properly, Jllcke" arc very cflccuve, IS h.~ beell JI",v~n IImc ah~1 IImc In OU. te"lto.y

The '01111 App.enIlU$h'r T,alllllljt Committee 1$ lak"'g I\S responslb,lltlcs ve.y 'enOUlly Theil ,ob "a tou~h one· to educate OUI app.enllccs 111 a way wblch WIll benefit rhe I()(:al Ihe cunH'CIIII ~

and the IIIdustlY Conlllllulallons 10 lI.olher Stan Altm.n wh"

was .ecenlly commended by NabISCO ComJlany 1o. Ihe fine 'ob h~ pe. lulmed while work,,,& '0' AlI.n tlecllle at N~b,sco The local receIved. lellel lrom Nabl!ICo 5aylllg thu SIan wu bolh enlhu SIIJlle and a pleasure 10 work wllh

l'ruident 1',1 Sm"h hu appOInted Ihe lulll)wln~ arprenllcn In Ihe newly lorrned 5e.gnnt at Arm! Comnll \lee rlln Cannon, Mark Oeon, Ron FroSI, Don NlcI~cn and Mike Skewes

Brother lohn Wilkcn~ It the ncwtJI rncrnbet "f our SafelY Commillce He wu apPolllted by ,he Jl l esldenl althe Febr"ary meet,n~ fohn ,s an ex"e., hIgh vtlliaSe mall and WIll be a wclcnrnc ~ml im portall! member of the SafelY Co.nnllllee

The luul .egrets Ihe paulng of r~lIlcd membcl E, Ihshop Thomas, Sr IIrmher Thomu was • lo .emln fm NOIdlmg and I)ean lu. mosl (II hlii tlleel

IIlUthe. Ed Kavhan .rll"Huleed he wll! reUle III 1984

MIni"" .;;. N", " S

Local Signs Up Apprentices In March L.U. 595 (ia.ol, OA KLANJ>, CA L,·-The lulllt Ap p.cnu cuhlp ~nd Tramlllg Commlllee "ATCI t1pclll up lor Ippliuuo"s every IWO years. The pasl hn brought as m~ny as 1.000 applicants Intu Ihe 1,0. TC offi ce 111 I IO·day peuod The Ilgn up daY510r the .n"de Wileman arp.enuccship p.Ofl.Iam were March S Ih.ouxh March 16 J\ the IATC olflce

The ' A TC, al .. ·.y.lookmg 1m Improved "'''"''g 10 ' apprenllces .IId Ihe luurneyman w1lemen of L()(: .I W~, hu Se t Ill' one 01 the m01l1 (umpletc lJalnlll~ bCII,ue' \U be l!lond anywhe. e The cen ter conslSU of clU5100nU, lab arca, IUIll arca, and WIIIIIII arc. tn Ihe !ah a.ea we have 10 lah volt units ~"d rcl~led e<julpmer" lor I hands 'nn lah, \0

do exp~"n,cnu '" deellic~J theory, motOl and (on ltots, electronics and hundreds of olher lelll The l.h·volt e<ju'pment is valued at well OVe r


Loul 59S, Oakland, CII., app.enlicn Ui in& 10m, ol lhe G .t~ nl ft 10015 in tbt worhhop,

APplent leu usin l lhe lab·vo lt equ ip l1l ,nl.

S 100,000 The loolarca de''II''ed to lunher develop Ihe skills" e'lulpped wl1h a complele hne of Creenlee \O()ls, benders, saws, k 0 punches, pulhnll equipment , vacuum syslems, !lIly.e honl. elc tlHlc.lly we have any 1001 Ihar Creenlee produces, wllh a p"ee tall ul nve . S 70,000

All nl Ih,s 15 leI up for One ve.y Importanl re.MIn 10 p.oduce Ihe m051 effiCient and praduc­nve ,ourneyman Ihat II posSlhle At thIS ume we hue ,ppIOI.mlldy LIS apr.en"ces '" our p.o· /I: •• m We hive ,even appren"ce 1115<1UCIOIS and Ihey . re as folluw.· lesle. Dndge" Dave DaVIdson, Ken Dellavell, Rogel England. Art Nunes, Sam Solomon, and Howard ",ndevanler The eombl nallon of thue Rne leachels and the on·lhe·fob ""ll1ng by Ihe ,ourneymen IIIlhe field" PlodUC'"K wm~ of Ihe but sroups uf apprenuce, we have ever hd

Abo U5111g Ihe nalOing /aCI!Jlles ale the lOur ncymen of Loul 595. We have vallous dls!es, 80me .efteshe. CUo,"es .nd ,orne upg •• dm~ daues Opcn now ~re ACIDC Iheury, tran.former. and J. phase ,yuem" maIO, cnnuol 1,2 and 3, clecuieal trouble shOQllOg, bluepflnl rcadul&.. eleClflcal code lod a IItW clau nn Co m pUler" The journeymen lelehers arc '"" lIaJlhma", lohn GIbson, Dave Morgan, Wendel Nyglen, Wilham Walter) and Rohell Well

The beNt wcaPOIl Ihll we have In usc \0 help flghl the non union has IU), been outlined to yoo We have 10 be the beSt trallled and best '1uahRed, and K've 8 fOI 8 ,I we are gOlOg 10 SurvIve aod m"lItaln OUI wa8e, and Innlcs Ihal we worked 50

h~rd lor ~nd enlOY 10 much Nuw IS Ih Ume to I\el K flOUI and IhlOk of how you can Improve YOOI skIlls and be a more producuve worker Forsel,he T" and the bowling league, get back ,n sehool and help P'Olecl YOUI loh Sec you III class


College Built Using Union Labor LU. 6 '1 (l,o,u, l lLnb l, ALBUQUERQUE, N,,'I1,­The /all of 19l1J marked the completion of Con· " . uctlon I'h'5e II al Ihe Almand Hamme. Unlled World Colle8e ul d'e Arneltean Wesl , localtd .t Muntnum., New MeXICO, iust Rve m,les north 01 Las "eI\U, New MUICo. [ am h.ppy to 'cpo" Ihal vlflually aU 01 Ihe (un,!ructlon and remodehng at Ihe Cullege "' .. accomph.hed wtth unIOn labor Bradbu.y .od Slamm Was Ihe genefal contractor, a"d all the electrical wo. k waS done by H UlI.hcs Elec!ric of SonIa fe, New MUlco

The Coliell.e il one of .i~ UllI ted World Colleges promullIIg Inlemaliunal undel.tanding Ihmullh edllcilion In Seplembe r of 1982 Ihe Almand Ham- 39



Showli h~ ' f aft ",me of Ibt building' of tht Armand Hammel Untied Wn.ld Colle,. of .bt Ameriun WUI, which "u bui lt b, union labo •. IPhoto . uhmitltd b~ Poli to C rint , member of Loul 611 , Al buquUqUf, N. M.I

mc. United World COJl~'f o~nfd In doon 10 10l nudentS hom 46 (OuntrlU The ' all of 19M $;I W

the College obtam 115 mUlmum .lIlotlmen. ,,1200 students ,ep,ucnllng DV". 60 CDun.un

The C<llle,t 15 housed In tht bu.ldon,gs ~u rround "'5 th" b",uu~ "Mu"u:~u",~ Cutle," h .1,. '-4.,1. 115tH d~1 nOl (un tently mee, bUildIng coou flo .. tVU, some .emodehns hul)t,en done at Iht (utle, 'ndud'n, Ihe laVIsh ballroom and lobby alU whI ch ,orne of you may hau sten Inl Imll dUlmg Inter· nanoul TV co"."g. of tht dedlc.uon ce.cmomu prulded Over by HRH Pnll •• Chalies of Wales.

Tht ,\10nlezuma Cutle dalU back ID 1880, whcn Iht' Sanu, Fe R31lr0311 fltf l"c\ 11 a~ a rrq)" anc\ ~pa for ,n neh and bmous suuu [1'1 188S. the ong,nal structu.e bu.nt'd down and wn btt'l ItbUllt In the a.chuectul,1 uyle which 51111 s I~nd5 today. The castle ha , gonc through \'a/lous phases of oceu panty .ntiud1l1g hou"ng a C.thollC Itmll'lUY from 19J1thlough 1911 In 1980. the Munlczuma PIUP­eny was pUIchued by the Almand Hammer Foun darlon to ~come the Rut United w o. ld College '1'1 the Unltcd Stales FutUIC plans call fOl lemod ehng Ihe castle u well IS construellon of an Olymplc,slIt pool. I fYmnaslum and I IhulCI leI's hope Ihe wo. k "aw~lded 10 umon cnnllae· lor, ,Amde submitted by Loc;,l /:II I mcm~' Pol liO CILne 1


Hard At It

P;clured 1m the job iJ b. ckh~ ope.ator Doug Btith, Unit 14, Ci ty 01 Kil c hcncr, (;u .nd Wiler Dr ­p.n menl. B,olhel Bclt h is I member of Lnul 6J6, Toronlo. Onto

Local Purchases Building , Greets New Members L.U. 636 !u,u ,$pdml, TOR.ONTO, ONT,-Clc~1 news from the localthi' month We h.e pUlchased I new office building al 25 Tlcnl SIIeel. TOlonlO Th" bmldll'lg IS th ree yeals old and has 12,100 square feel on Ih.cc f100ls wi th pal kmg for Sol cals. The purehuc pIL te WaS 5660,000. To eOll$ lIuct Ih is nme bUlldll'lg today would eOSI ovel une mtlhon dolla.s. Loc.l 636 will occupy one floo ., with Ihe othel tWO 1I00u hemg tented Once the lental arrangement S arc comple tc. the bulld,ng ohould be n lf-",Iflcient

On behalf of Ihe Executive Ih,~,d , I would I,ke

10 welcome ,n to t h~ local thc 20 n~w members 01 Rosemounl Commun.calLons

The Fourth Aonual Loc.1 6.16 Slo,PlIch Tour­nament w.ll be held lune 30. 1984. II Waterloo Park, Wate.loo, On<Orlo. Th .. yca.'. hOllIS arc Un" I L- Knthene. -Wilmol Hyd.o. Unn 12-Watc.loo North Hydlo and Uml 14-City nf KLl chencl (Cas and Wiler Dep"lmcnl j. So gCt you. lums 011\1 nized and plan 10 .\lend this ae t iv'IY and have • good l ime Also the [BEW OnlallO UI;I"y Colf Tournamen t Will be held at Ihe R~cl.nd Coli Club In Wmdsor on September 8, 1984 Th.s evenl IS being spta.huded by Ea,1 Wood and .he umu hom Ihe W.ndso. Utili l in

Recently Blolhe, '.m Milici from WlOdsOl passcd aWIY. and OU I deepnt sympathy goes out \0 hiS lamoly

Fmally. negolLations lit aga,n upon us, .nd .s a .esul t of the government reSna,nt p'Ollums. ,II the local's wOlkinl\ ailreementS lie comml\ up due Our busmess .ep.fSCntatl\'U w,ll be ClLtremely bus)' and ulge eyeryone 10 coopelate and 155'11 whe.e poss,ble

H .... IOLLI V A/'I\';[. P S

Seven Brothers Mourned; Work Scene Looking Up LU. 6 ) 7 !i,0.u&'rl 51. ROANOKE, VA._Duling Ihe lasl couple 01 months of \983, LotalOll mourned Ihe duths of StVen of .ts members. Sadly missed are Blolhels Roben Milts, H_N. Dabbs. W EMus· Iud. hrl Bu. ke, 1 W Boolhe. f E. Hendnch and EO. Du.ham These B.olhelS w.1l be .ememlJ.cred lor the" fl1endsh,1' and (on. "butlons 10 oul glUI oiganiullon and IU memlJ.cn.

1983 .... u a 510 .... wo. k yea. 101 631 but Ihmgs do look I hllie beller fOI 1984 Hopdully by mid· IJllIng mosl of our membelS WIll lJ.c wo. kmg at home due 10 new (ontnclO ,wllded 10 union CnntrlCIOI5 10 Oil . IUflsdlCtlon Much 01lhl5 1$ due In the D,,,s'81(on Al'l and the willmgness of OU I members 10 work ... ·"h arU tonllaClO" to help them bid agamst non,unlon connactors m, "RIJ,h1 IO,Work"lfol lessl Slale

The Day,.·Blcon Act .s very Impellanl 10 all member5 01 the IBEW by kcepmg wages Ituoruble on /l;oy~.nment jobs. You can help keep IhlS ~ law by tontacttng YOUI ..,n"ors and rtpluenUllye lO .uJlpert of On'5· 8~con, although Rupn has CUI II 10 b1l5

1984 ,5 an decllon year . plusc .emembe. what tht currtnt admlOlSllalLnn has done to the Arne. · .can bool mo~ement, .tarung w.th PATCO Let 1.00. ', vo.ce be heard with your 'Olt


BrOlht! Charlie POliti, .fli.ef of Local 640, Phor _ nil , Afit ,. gf ll ;ng ;1'1 a lillIe praclkr on whu he ptans on doing a grut deal of during hi5 '~ Ii r~rnfn t .

Wages Lowered to Help Job Bidding L.U. 640 li ,u,em .rtb .lIs&'spal. PHOEN IX. ARIZ.­C rC~lInss once agalO from all of us here lO Ihe Phoc".~ 3lca. To Slall 011 wllh a SOUl nO lC. Our Sitelln/! COmm;ltCC chosc 10 lowe. flU I '" IOwn wagcs to $11 pCI ho" , on o. de . 10 help ou , "gn~tOfy con nacto •• b,d lobs ~' ,argtled y~Jue We have ,hf;: manpower to supply thest lobs ilthey e . c. come

our w.y The.e 15 no doubt'" my mInd thar ,h LS membellhfp has gone out 01 LI5 way 10 do Ihei. pUt in ge\llng the work back where it belongs. I sometImes wonder If Ihe eQntractnJ5 ale ,e ~lly 1I0ll'lg oul of theLl way 10 b.d on these iobs. Wilh Ihc .C5ldenll. 1 work at the bcsl tha l we have seen in a numbcl of years aod the commCfClal wnrk dOing equally IS well, Ihele .s no renon th~t Ihue b.duhould not bc III our favOI w .th approllimalely 400 men on Book I, ",c1udmg a numbel of men UlemptLllg Ihel l own one·man shops, we have ta ken the last dr>slIc nep JIOuible LeI'. all hnpe and p.ay that Ih" latest cu t w.ll be the answt! .

It .s .Iw~y, .. sad occasIon. bUI aboa happy onc, when we ~el 10 bId fare ... ·ell ' 0 one of our members who Iu~hes hIS day of lelLlement February 10 was nn ellcepllon lor long,"me membcn Charlu • A Pnrte. and Carl Clenn Togclhe. these fine 810ther5 h •• e accumulated 19 yu" of lanhlul serv.ce with Local 640. These mcn have dec.ded to hlng up IheLl tools and spend theLl rellremCnl day. enloying lile. Charlie has a lew acres III the GIlbe rt Ilea, and Carl has a nice .ctLl ement homt 10 Payson I' m IUrt Ihey un find ways to keep Ihem$Clvu busy and occup,ed around Ihe house

Chall,e h,., spenl the lut 38 yeau as. membe • • 01 640 trying to bUild up (ondllLons Ih~1 we arc accuStomed 10. He was bU5ineu manage. 1,0m July of 1962 10 June of 1966 He ,ttended Ihe 1962 IBEW Convcntlon IS a delegale 10. local 640 and 1150scrved u U'LSlant buslllcssagent from lanuary 13, 1912, to May 4, 1916. Olher commnmenlS ",~l .. JcJ ~ ...,~t "n Ihe tUtul"e Board. Among hiS many conmbul1ons 10 Loc.1 640 is also Ihal of tWO fine IOnS. the IJte 8.lIy Porter .nd Charles I . ... Ponel. ooth members 01 Ih'5 local and both IOU. ' neyman Wllemen Berlh CAll and Ch3rlte h~~e seen 1I00d InJ bad umes III the ennSlrUtl;OD industry. r havc had the pnv.lcge of wo.k.ng for both of Ihem on many iobs that Ihey ha" been general Inr~mrl'! nn .• ~ ..... 11 a~ hAV'I'!1: .hr honnr nf .... nrklllg 1m lubs OUt of lown whc.e they oolh conducted Ihemselvcs accordlllgly, Ihe WJy a good travelhng 8rothe. should I have $lid th'$ m.oy urnes lJ.cfore Jnd I'll uy It Igalll. that any membel h"III,11; a ILCkel III good ~tandlllg over JO yea.s deserves aoy con5,dcrauon thIS membershIp tan gl\'e them, Gcntlemen and B.othe.5, on lJ.ch.1f nf mYKlf and Loc.1 640, I congJalubte you and WISh you Ibe be" 01 luck '1'1 the yun .0 come

It was nlcc 10 Ke a good turnout ar Ihe last umon mceunl': Let's all put a good effnn OU I aDd IIY and make Ihe nUL one You would be surp"sed at Some of the f"end5 you haven, Sten III yens that .how up The comm.tlee "al. eady plann.ng II our Annual Jllcmc TheR arc alway, a lot 01 fun fOI the whole family Ind I good .... ay 10 mect YOUI luul!i IWoI B, .. tl,c , ~ [f tI,f;: pL~''''.,~ ~~ ~ .... ~e~.flll ~s II was laSI YCI •. I un assu.e you that you ""II definitely have I ~ood lime All you .emed BIOIh· CIS, we'le hoprng to sec III of you the . e al~

For ~II of you B.mhers 3nd Sil ler! b~ek hSI • • he weather here has been beauliful Through the ncws broadcuu we tin sec thl! you people had another ... lough WlntCf Unlolluna.ely. we cao g1~e you no 'flirf ftom hr," "nrr Om work ~lIu~""n . a. ym. can see. IS "cry poor We WIsh 10 Jay hello to OU r "avelllng loc;.1 Brothers. K.p, Anomal, Tcn)" I~ and many, many mOlc who h~.e had 10 luve . own \0 ~uPPOtl theLl fam.lies and also uphold the ob· 11,,"ons of any loc.1 unlnn

We IIC saddened 10 ICC B.otherlerry T.aey Ica~e ... his lob as one of our allCnlS bu t wish hi •• eplace­mcnl Te. ry Huricy the bt',t of luck with hiS nfW dUlles. Terry .... ,11 be handhng.lI the .ff.IIs of Palo VelJe. HaVing been buJi ste ... ·a.d on that ,ob for 51'1

.cry long. I leally can'l thrnk of anyooe beuu for Iha l ,ob. Terry '$ definitcly no novice 10 union affa"s siner hIS lIekel d~le. back a numbel of yurs also Good luck 10 you, TeIfY.

Anothel .eplacement In our S' rllelu.e.5 al so Ihat of (ha llman of the t~ccu 'i,' e Board. Bro.hel Dave Whecle l w,ll b~ h.ndllnJl Ih" posilLon unlit Ihe nnt election Dave .s nOl only a very .cllve union membel but IS . ery SlnCCle and conSClcnt,OUs on the lu tu,c 01 Ih,s loca l UOinn Thert IS no doubt Ihal he ... ·,11 g .. e this posi l ion 100 pe.ctnt. Thank you. BlOther One_

In cnncJU$I<1n. We Want 10 congratu l~t e ~JJ memo

(' bers with any new additions to their iamlltu Also fat tbose members aod their familIes who have been sick or hOIPuali:ed, ler '. see you 00 your feet rul sooo Don't forset we hive i very .cuve

~ Commuolty ServIce Commmee who are always rudy and wllltoS to help those In Med. Unul latCf let's thInk brothNhood, Ind leI's hear from wme of you reund memben


Scribe Urges Members • To 'Build Our Union'

LU. 647 (u), LITTLE ROCK, ARK.-Dropouu ,nd people who WIll not lOin the unIon m,y nOt re,lIze !hat the unIon sull controls them IS long u they

.. hold a lob wHhln the barplnlnS unit The umon \I also legally requued to represem them Non· membe .. cannot Vote on proposed eonuacu or elect Iheu oUkers ,nd Icplcsemallvu They do

.., ~ot haH Ihe Aceldenul Death and DIsmember mem Insurance from Amcncan Income Life thaI is coooecled 10 UOIOO membershIp Also, they may not rullze that union due. aoe lax deduel1ble

:l. It 15 our lob as umon members to comact every Dew workef and explain that the nbry aod benefi ts we enlDy hne b«n negotiated over many ye", by !he unIon ThIS 'sn'l expl,med by m,nagement We ale fon unlle If they even menllon the uOion

. TherefOle, illS up to us, ,fter new employeu have been told by mausemeot of the salary and benefits they cao receIve, to explain Ihal the eomp'oy ,5

DOt !lvln,; these of Ihelr own Inc Will They are ~ pall of the un,on eootract

New emrloyen frequently uk. "Whlt Sood " the unum!" Wnhout , umon, the employer can be a dlct,uor People who have worked for nOll' uruon employers reahze the Import,nce of a umon

.... JI they ha"e been .duKd a lalK, we.e replaced by some new automated equlpmeOt 01 dlupeed with Ihel1 emplo)'er's pohc,cs and dCClSlons Wllhoula uruon md,vldWlIs arc SUb'KI 10 cvery llrbnrllry deCISIon 01 mana,;ement The umon prOVIdes Ihem wnh a ,"cvance procedure $0 they are nOI subJecl

~ tOarb,trllrydeCLSIOnS. Managcmenl dee'5mns must ab,de by Ihe conllactual slindards. Without .. uOlon mana,;emeOl can promOte theu favorltcs UnIons provIde, scOlomy system for qualified "'orker~ of lon~ servIce Without II UnIOn Ihe

A :mployer seu the salary aod hours of work In wmc CiSCI a minimum wage law 5en Ihe mInI­mum wage A5 pall of a unIon you have s!lenglh 10 numben, and th rough colltttl~e bar,;alnm,; you

lot negotiate wa,;u, houn and wo.k",g (ondmons wllh members of managemeOl on II bUls app.oach-109 equahty. You WOO 'I find answclI 10 all your problems by beeomln,; a unIon member; but as a unIon membe., you WIll hive Ihe light to cxP'C$s

• your ,ob problems and have them consldcred The ongm of !lade un Ions IS usually dated alound

,he late 17005 You could say Ihey were born oul of necessHY, and mOjI 01 oul general10n has 10'

.... gorten Ihe v,olent employer reSlSliince 10 union OfpOIUIIOn. BuslOUS and profeSSIOnS havc Iheu "unIons" by Ihe ddinlt10n of the word In Webner's d,Cllonary, "a coniederlllon of mdlvlduals las na·

.... lIons o. JlCrsonsl lor $Orne common purpOse. " althou,;h they arc known as ISSOClatlons O. $Orne other ",Ie

The National ubor Rclallons Act s,~n emrloy-ecs Ihc ",;hI to self·o' g.;IOIutlOn, to form, ,om o. r- aSSISI labor or,;antZil10nS .nd It makes It an unlau

llabo. praCllce for Iny employer 10 IntCrlele with, rcstu lO or coerCe employees 10 Ihe exerCIK of theu IIghn ,;uarllnteed 10 the ACI

.,. It IS Imperative Ihat we remam a $lIon,; union to be able to mllntliln OUI standard 01 llvml(, rrosperny. sccumy and mdlvldual dlgnuy

801 Moon, P ~

Apprentices Graduate ; New President AppOinted

" L.U. 649 li,o,u,rtS,spa&'caty), ALTON , ILL.- The monlh 01 December brought the gradUilon 01 10 app.entlces. A dinner Wall given In their honor by the Local 649 App.entlceship C"mrmltee and WaS


M.m ...... ol the 1983 Local 649, Aholl , III " lop­p.cntieuhip Craduating Clan arc _hown with guulI;. Fro llt row, IcEtlo right , iIIf Brian McMllhonr R. lph Bechtold, Robert Whitlock, business m,n· .ger; fred Redd, apprentieu hip ullinins dilfetOI chai.man; Rick Corman, App.tnticeship Com· mi tt te !;tcrelary/treasu. er. Back row, lelt 10 .ight, arc D.ve McGivtl, G,ry lenki ,,!, It .. D"'ayne Stllars, W,yne Robeen. lohn Mi lloy Ind Randy Malone.

30-Year Members

Thirty·year-pin rnipienlS sho .. ·" here II Ihe Local 6-19 , No\"Cmber of, ]913, Pin Prcunlation Aw.rds arf, f.ont row, kneelin" lefl 10 ri,hl, Rod Bailey, lohn Downn, Hen.,. ,~cCoy, Howard Siever ,lid John Stricklin; back row, lefl In riSht, Vic Wtber, Don lIorney, Dale Barttls, Calt B.imer, Bob Coli· man ,nd Bob Kulp.

held at Lottco '~ Rntau'~nt 10 Codlrty, IIhoolS Dinner Inv"allons were extendC'Cl to Ihe aprren nces ' ... ·Ives, luche.s and thell SpOUKS. wllh PlcstS ",clud",g Busmess M,nager Roben Whtllock, Wegman Eteclllc V,ce p.es,dent Doo Wegman and hl~ WIle BellY, and former Apr'CnIlU,hlp Com­mlllee member lack Tuclh and hIS WIle Charla

Our cong'~lul,"ons ale extended 10 the new lourneyman Wiremen for completion of theu .p' prenllceshlp tr~mlOg, The oe .... w"emen arc Den n,s Underwood, Wayne Robeen, John Malloy, Bllao McMahoo. Dwayne Scll •• s, Ron Cllomen, Cary Jenkm,. Ir, R,ndy Malone, Dave McClvel and R,lph 8echlold

The A .... a.d' Dmner held Novembel 4 , 1983, prOVided II muns to g.;Ilher members of Local 649 loselhe. and ~y tIlbu.e to IhOje members wllh miny lUIS of stU"eC to the IBEW I know I have meolloned the pm prcsenUllon preVIously, how eve., there Ire members slIlI yet 10 be lecoSOlZed In thiS column Shown In the photo arc members WIth 30 yeau of KrVlce. Brothers, thaI IS qune a long span 10 thIS mduslfY_ The pm p.esenlitlOn award, hllYC gIven thiS local a ehaoce aod a stall 10 pthe. loose IlU wllhln the un,OO body C,,'en time, IhlSIISk WIll be IceomphshC'Cl I would hke 10 apoloSlze to Brother 8,11 Downey for m1Ssrclllng hIS name. 8111'5 pholo for 4.0 years ,e,Vlce was featured III the Februuy Issue of "Local Lmcs."

A sad note was brought 10 everyonc's .lIenllon at ,he February 10, 1984, umOn mceting BIOIher James 8asl, a hneman al Umon Elcctllc, passed away In February. Brother But was another of the long lisl of 649 members With 35 ytan of 5clVICe 10 the umon.

At ,he regular umon meetmg m lanu~.y, PIes, dent Gar)' Walker's reSlgnallon Ictte. w~. ,ud to the union body. Brother w al ker, elccled in the 1993 clecflons, hiS chosen to leave the duties 0/ president As many know, BrOlhe. walker pel

fOlmed hi. duties well 10. the short time he "O'ed A flne electriciao and good umoo BrOlher, Cary is thanked for hll Involvement and WIshed Ihe best 10 the lutule

B.other Cordon Admue was appOInted by the Eucutlve Board 10 fill Brother Walke r', term IS

prC$ldenl Cordon has been IOvolved in the local 10. many yean sC!vlOg dllle rent funellons, such IS

the App.enueuhlp Commlnee and u:ccuuve Board. He 15 wlShC'Cl the ben IS he executes hiS new dUlln

1983 was qUlle a yu. 101 Local 649 No! oilly have we seen Ihe beSlnn.nl ala ne .... localadmm· 15111110n .nd the forw~.d movement 01 tbe local IIself, but every malor eonUICI was up lor nego· nation. The lasl conuact belO'; worked On was Apu Oli llormerly Clark Olil. The new manage meO! was very ,ough to deal with and a few (onces lion. wele made. bur In all, the plant elKtllCtanS malOtalned an alleeahle worklOg cOntract A5 mentlooed p.evlously 10 Ihe last irucle, Union Eleelllc .. IIf1ed thell COntract as dId Shell Oil and the Olin Corpor.llon The Wileman agreement bem,; sell lcd, thln~s may qUlel down a bit, bUI neve. lor IonS A personal oOle to D~d Rawwn, your lime IS coming up neKI, Pop More latel


Scribe Urges Members To Become Involved LU. 659 (I,o,u,cml!t.eatv), MEDFORD, ORE.-Well here we go on a new yell I certnnly hope 11 15 a belief one allifound lor organu:ed labor. He.e, as everywhere, thlnl5 are pretty bad Seems hke we're n,;ht back to the same " bull c.ap" that our ex Prn,dent NIxon was shovehng OU1, only Ih .. lime they don'l evrn 5peak ola pnce Iteeze-II '5 Slllctiy drop Ihose wll';CS' It 's worklOg~lhcy a.e d,v,dlO'; Ihe worklO'; class mOle each day. All seCllons of Ihe loc.1 are under attack by Ihe employers who want 10 like advantage 01 !he limeS

On Ihe bn,;hlel Side, the Central Labo. Council 10 the Rosehu.,; I.ea appealS 10 be gCl1lng , hnle betlc.orpnlt-ed Throu,;h a combmed dlort of the different local unIons, a nIce. Chllstmu "'as en loyed by members 01 the Woodworkers fam,hn that lie 51111 on slnke aploS! lOUls,ana Pac,fic Corporallon. Donations 01 everylhlOg Itom cloth· lOS and food '0 toys for the kIds mide Ihmgs a lillie OICer dunn,; Ihe holidays for Ihose IOvolved

The employe •• are IIkm,; advan'age of hard times 10 lurther d, ... de Ihe trOOpS by semng up MIckey-Mouse arbllra1lon cases to PUI financ .. 1 burden, on unions, It seems_ Everyone should Ihlnk about these Ihlngs when problems come up on the ,ob. Don'l play mto the umon bustelS' hands Rcad YOUI ag.eemenl and know where you lIand. It's you. umon and II only .. ·,11 Clast II liS membets arc In!( rested m 11 It 's not lust an office clew and ElICCUllve Board aod dues thar ale "neve. low enou,;h "Gel 011 your buns, become IOvolvcd So to a meeun" go 10 Ihe polls and ICI 's look like Ihe grut organ,zallon we a.e'

The work SlIuauon lemllns the same Uoem ployment 10 th .. local umon IS hlghe. Ihan (Ve. U rverywhere elst HOpelully. IhlS win chin,;e In

the luture. I luess If nothlllg else, the Amellcan people can take p"de 10 the fact thar Ihey hne fioally made Ronald Rugao Ihe ictOr be neHI was In Holly .... ood. bu. It sure a5 hell IS cosunl them mare Ihan a matinee ticket. As everywhere ciS(, walcs arc ';010'; down and pncn arc gaIn, up NegotlatlOnS lie harde r Ihan e"cr Ihls )'ur It seems as though Ihe employers " ',11 g~d Ihe hands 1010 more .nd mOre "blllltlon In an ellort to b.eak umons

The Wlremeo have lUst completed another loor' neyman HalOlOg class III ,hell effort 10 upgrade Iherr craft I would hke to mentlon here that the Oregon ilale license qu~lIflcatlons are changms as 01 thl ' year They lie gOlOg ' A requlle code and othcr ~I"OU' classes belore lenew'ng Or~goo JOU l ' neyman inSIde wileman licenses SlllllOg In 1985, So, you Brolhe.s and SISters from out·ol·stare locals holding Oregon license, may want to contaCI Ihe Departmen t 01 Commerce to gel ill the detaIls . Dun't leI your liecnse uplre! I've been thlough that 10 mnother 51ate and u', no. wOllh lhe husle "


BU~lnUI Man~ge . MtLun senl OUI a " Mal~ 01 lhe local leuer" 10 the lotal unlOll members In

lanuary. [t hued thai Execuli~e Board meellngs WIll be held on the Ilut Saturday of each month n 100 p m In the UntOn oUlte In Medfo. d, wllh the txcepllon of S.:-ptemlJ.er 7, 1984, October 13, 1984, and lanuary 5, 1985. HI' fellC . also covered thanges In (he lOEW COnnHuuon and ~ome faclS concerning Unton membershIp

Remember Ihls 15 an e!e(1l0n yur_ both In your lotal union and on Ihe government level. Everyone ge l oul and gel regUI(red 10 Vote and remmd your nelghbo" and Inends to do the ume We tan'l stand another lour yurs 01 the grut plOspelllY' It WIll be a 101 tbupel to walth RonnIe on the lale Olght mOVIes Ihan on .he SI I o'd ock news TIll nt~1 lime

H .... ot.O I K~Lvt. P S

New Jail

Thi. it the compleled Cnroll Counly Jl n in Dcl· phi , Ind., on which members of Local 668, LIo I.y· elle, Ind., wn. ked.

I Brother lerry Dill 01 LoCI I 668 puning th Hnishing louchu on a d.mpu motor connor I t the l_il.

Work Not Enough To Ctear Book LU. 668 {i,u,tI ,8tspaj, LAFA VETTE, IN D._ Work mit hasn 't pltked up in our locll ', (Ullf(!iellont The Dodge Reporu tllk of some lObs 10 come, but II 'S nOI enough 10 dn. the book

Ilhought In light 01 all the wo.k we don 't have, I'd mention some Ihat we lie thankful Ihat we have been dOIng In the nnt few arlldu. SlOte I lIve In Cano!1 County, that 's where I 'll start Our ' 1.7S·mtllion wunly ;a,1 hal ;U51 been tompl~ltd It was built to hold 36 Il)rna t ~s and replace the smalle r, ou,da,cd One. Brothe r Chuck S.mpson ral) the job fo r Huston Electric. Brolher Jerry Dm, working for Village Eleemc, inStalled the temper· ature contro l sY5lcm Th" system should save U5 laa doHan, because II WIll allow the healing and coohng 01 iU5 t the oceupled arc., The only ,egret Ihatl have of the lob 15 thallli'·e ... blocks 'rom IIlnd dldn 'l gtl to work on 11

BrolhelS Chuck Bldle and lohn Foard have .e· Illed. Many happy yurs ahe,d, Chuck and lohn Hate to repon thc unfo rt unate de,.h of Brother Clarence L. Blckctt II 46. They found that mu,­cula. dystrophy had de5troyed hll he"t musclu. BrOlhN Bickett will be grcatly mined _monlt Ihe tanks


Local Cetebrates 70th Anniversary L U, 669\i&f.m), SPRINGFIELD, O IlIO-Fcb. uary 2S was Ihe 10t h AnnIversa ry 01 Local 669. It i, abo the b<:gmning of Ihe second year 1o, the 669'cr, Thank. to thc dlorts nl Robert Rude, hU' lOC." manlger, and Rob<:11 Morgan, cdlto •.• 'pcelll edinon of the 669'cl prncrlted an informaltve h,story 01 the local from Ihe day we receIved Our challe. until thc present

The "Man of Ihe Monlh " 101 Issue St I wu Rob· Crt M Rude Bob prnently se.ves as busmes, maugerffl nanclal secrc lary. He has been a member 10. o .. er 20 YCIIS I-I e also Icovn as p.e'ldent QI the SpllngfieJd Bu. ldlng Tildes

The " Man of the Month" for IUUC seven WIS

Glenn A Wh.p Clenn ' 5 prCSldent of Local 66\1, a posmon he has held for Ihe I"'IU 10 yca.,

A speti.t meetrng wu "lied on Ihe 19th of february to d.scuss wme of the problems caused by the hIgh unemployment and allo to dlScul! Andtngs by Our Work Recovery Commlllee I hope tn have mllre on Ihis in Ihe ne)l:1 .. tiele.

REMEMBER ELECTION VEAR. II is imper.ltve that all UOIOn members gCt Our to VOlt In 1984 II should be Vtry clear that we, ~ s union members, and OUI unions Ihemselvu, cannot withs tand an· olher four yurs with an admlnluralion that is du.ly " nil unit'll!

Chi tdren Enjoy Christmas Party

OAl L A SrL"u~, P S

L.U. 675 (i&ol, ELiZABETll , N.I.- The weathe r was cold but thc tun was shining In the face, of .Il our child ren who attended thIS year 's ChrtSlmu PallY Before Sanla Claus mde hIS cou n ce, they had thei. All of jelly donulJ and crumb buns The p.renll also had a chance to have Iheu morning coffee

The child . en were entertained by I magte lan whn dId everythIng, he turned I handkerchIef 10 , dove , and the best trtek was when he took one of the younlsters up 10 the gUIllotine The huvc boy surVIved, but hIS parents dId not.

When" was lime lor Santi Clau, to entt . , both kid, and parenn we, e excited. Evtryone crowded around him, and he had a difficult t ime let ling 10 his lUI. When every thing quie ted down, Ihe ehil·

dren walled vcry pancntly lor Santa 's helper, N,ck Phlltppa, to tall Ihell namn.

The Chrtstmu Plrty held IhlS ye~r was one of


,he best The Entertainment COmmltlee dId an '\- ' oUl5landml job and • • e 10 be commended Hop~ to see everyone" OeII yea r's party Remember, you don 't have \ 0 be a kid to allend, everyone IS welcome. Have. I reat '84.

Congratulattons are 'n ordel fOI BrothelS Bob Greenlg and Oded Palmer who afler years of Iuch· mg our app.enllce classes decided to SlCp asIde. Oded and I served on the Eurnmlng Board ,ogelhe r


and II was a pleasu re Our smce.e Ihanks 10 Bob .. and Odcd

Blu. O ....... u . P S

Boat •

This 60.1001 Slunwheeler W IS built by Lou l 68) .. .elired membu George Slillw'gner 01 Loc.1 683, Columbus, Ohio. The cult , buih lalil YU I, is 14 lec l wide .nd weighs 6"",, 10nl. II is docked on the Mus kinghum Rinr.

.. Fnrmer Local 683 buslneu . ep. t$cntat ive and neW ,. Columbus Suilding Tradu Eu cutivc Secret,..,. · Trtuurer lanles Rarey.

IBEW Members Etected • To Labor Posts L U. 683 {18teml, COLUMBUS, OH IO-l.oeaI683 member Robert V. fantngl on hiS b«n elec ted 10 ,r­

the posl of CIeCUu~e sec. elat)" ·u casurer of Ihe OhIO State Suild.ng Trades Counerl. He succeeds loe SedIVY, also an IBEW member, who dIed laS! yea r ....

Brothe r h rnnglon " a forme . p. eSldent and bUlmen rcp,esentattYC of Local 683. He has been uecuuve secrelary·treasu rer of .he Columbus BUIlding Trade! CounCIl for thc past four·and·one· half years He IS a 26·yea r member of LocaI6S3. r

Farrington'S vacaled POSI at the Columbus BUIld· Ing Trades was filled by the declion of Local 683 BUSIness Rep.e!W: ntallve James i4n:y. B.other Ra.ey has been a bu .. ness rep resentauyc 10' our local lo r iIr stI yean He has !W: rvcd on many commillen in our Io<;al UDlon, Includmg deleg"e 10 Ihe bUIlding trades counCIl and Ihe AFl·C10 Centr~1 Body. Rarey IS a VIllage counCilman m Canal Wlnchuler, OhiO. lic is a 11 ·yea. member of Locll 6SJ.

Rarey was replaced II Local 683 by BU510eU Rep.esemauve Kenneth L. Brotherton. Brothe. Brotherton has served as a $Ieward and ls currently a member ollhe Local 6SJ Executive Board. Ken .. Wal our " Elec trician of Ihe Year" in 1982.

Congralulation! and bes. wishes to Our Local 683 Brothers in thei r new jobs

Our Loca! 683 Crail Sho w 15 coming up Apnl 7

~ ~nd 8. L~st ye~l, the inItIal show was a Ilemcnduus success. wuh mOrc mcmbcn than e~pected exhib· !ling Ihdl hobbles . We expect this yCH'S show to

be bigger and beller. l ocal 683 members have been don~tul~ ume to

Icpall some of the laullY Wiling at our lot~1 Hu· mane Society animal shelle, We need to do Ihis kmd of vol un leer work 10 build organtzed labol's image w,th Ihe public. We arc happy ~nd proud

~ Ihal our membels ale WIllIng 10 duoate umc to

worthy causes Our local Union eJeclion IS commg up, wllh

nomin~t\ons nen mOlHh and Ihe clecuun in lune. ~We hope all IllE W mcmbefS exc'tlse Ihe" oplion

to vole. The lBEW Can only be as gre", U Ihe members make it

• Members Vote on Plan To Increase Local's Work L. U. 6\l2Iil!i",~p ' I, RAY CITY , MI CII ._ A .peelal meeling was held January 30. Bus,,'en di~cu~sed was Ih. ma/kel recovery outlook A eommll'te

.:lo was hllmed and vO led 011 by the body and ~pl'rovcd The ,dea of Ihe rna/hI recovery " 10 find way,

for conl/aclors 10 be able to go and bId smalle, )ohs al a more C(lmpCllt lve ,calc In orJC! 10 rc~",n

4 ' larger pOll1on 0/ Ihe work In Ihe 3rC3. whIch We currently, a. ullmn member~, have 10", Ihrough non'union shops'lowel hlds. The VUte was p","cd unall1mously and hope/uUy Ihe nurkel recovtry

~ concepl WI ll produce more work 101 our h)c. 1 • Again, ple.se make >u'C y,jU rc · .. gn ~hc buuk

the firol day 0/ each monlh, OJ semi in a post~ard da,.J afte r Ih~ 10lh of Ihe monlh and before Ihe JOth ollhe month rherc He 3ppt<l~lIn.~cly 120

• people On Book I The rclllement pally was held on February II

OUI congratulations to all ~be .corees Reccnl re/llceS as ul Ihe end of lanuary ue Jack Blohm, R. J. Ro)ek. Fred Varner , fohn lohnroc and All LaDouceul

• D"YltJ A G"NUV,I'.S

Members Should Work, ~ Vote for Labor Candidates

l. U. 700 (i,o&sp.l, FT. SMITII , ARK._AI Ih,~

""llImg IFebruarYI nOlhing has changed mUlh In ... our area with regard tu the work lo.d. Some of Ihe

local shop~ have pIcked up ~ lillie extra work" ~eem~, bUI nOt nearly enough 10 rcline Ihe "0\11 ol,work"list. Thele are lumillS 01 wOlk 10 cum.,

?" bul no,h"'g solid <'nough 10 Illn oul and buy Inc"" cal on. T he local ull10n al ~h15 ~imc, Ihrough '" members and leadcrohip. IS ma:'mgan hunes! ellon 10 Iry and rega,n some kmd 01 conllolon some 01

0;:: Ihe work Ihal is on Ihe draWing buard Hupdully h WOn'1 be wo lutle t"o 131 •. It', good I<J al leaS! sec. st3l1

AI Ihe January mecllng 'he 'ellr~mCnt papers came across the Iloor lor BrolhefS Bill Closland,

... Orval Hobb~ and T.l. Brldge!_ BloLher Crosland i~ laking a dlSabilllY ,emcmenl, wIllie Iho~hcrs Hobbs .nd Bndges ore tak1llg a normal 1"lItemem We WIsh all IMcse Brolhers a long alld happy relire

h menl. Rumor has it Ihat BrOlher CupcnllerL IS dOIng O.K. and Ihal Brolher Gary l'arkCl ""OS seen OU I and around aftcr a 101 of hospllal Ilmt Han~

ttl there, guys . ~ The prunary eleel10ns a,e comll1g up '" Ihe ve'y

ncar fU t llle. Watch your lisl of candida'ts and don" be alta,d 10 speak up lor your lllends. Try hard thI S year 10 help them ~el decled_ We U~ lo.ing

10.. the War at the poll s. h', not hard for managemenl to OUlspend us in an e1cchon, bUI u', • dlsgJ3ce /01 Ihem to OUlwork us, lou. They gel Ihc1I people oul to Ihe pulls 10 vote. 11 we would gel off oor

.. bUllS and do the same Ihlng, we could elec i ."yune we wanled /0. Thmk abuul u Buy American, buy unIon, buy COPE


local 702, WUI Frankfort , Ill ., "'hemen art pic­lured lulstin,Lt on the pi~kcl line .1 KEP hlC . In Greenville, III.

Local Strikes KEP Inc. For First Contract loU. 702 ji,o,u,uow,crll,rls,rlb,'p',I&!.ulvl, WEST fRANKFOMT, lll.-Our localullwn """n A" NlRB <·1cellon "' KEI' In t .. GreenvIIl •. llIttlo., . un July 12, 19~ .I, and oILer Ac vcn m"nil" 01 ncguIl3t1llfl ', we arc unable /0 re~ c h an ~~rccmcnt wilh the , ,,,,cat , hop emplnyer who pay ~ only. lew eenl' a!H've m[["mUnl wa~c

On lanuUlY 16, 1984, Ihe emph,ycc5 voted by all uvcrwhcltl"n~ maionly 10 ~ lIIkc Ihls employer Rep","cd here ;, 0 "lel/cr In Ihc Ed"OI" ""m'en by mle of ~hc ~~ "ki"~ employee; wluch ~dh Ih. ,wry " I what II i. hke IlJ Illemrl /0 ,uppo n one ', family under Lhc ~~ tundllluns "Dc~ 1 f..dllol I ~'" a U"kin8 ~ 1I1pluye e al KEf'

In c_ here ", Greenvtlle . Recen tly I h~vt rec~lved

Sume tllllCIsm on my standln,t( up~nd !l4y\l1~ wl/h my Idlow Sinh" I'J ltke 10 c~p1a ' n ~ rew tI"ng~ 10 Ihe.e people

"' I am 2S yt~rs old , h~v. Illrec children and ~n unemployed busb3nd When I KU/ Ihe lob ~I KEI' I Ihough!, "Gleat, now we e,1 n ~et all welr.rc , ltve and 5Ul'ron uursclvcs" Well , I ""as wrung Yu , 1 gOI my ""a~C5 Ilhey 're ba,ely h'g cnnllgh In c.1I wa~c l l, Alld ~hcr ) r~ld relll, decmc ~nd lelephnn. btl! , thele wa$n 'I e n"'l~h lefl 10 huy flJUd or gu 10 gel back and 10l\h I(> work , to I was sl!!1 On r~llial welfHe. BI,t( lI1depcndcnce Thert" no toy '" ~o"'~ III Iht bank 10 cash a welhre check or standlllg In lin. at a husy ~",ccry IIOrc ~nd pay"'g WIth food StampS ur lelling you r dau~hlcl she c~n' l hne a Brownl" unl/orlll ltke everyone else .nd you, Ion be Cln'l bave Ihal neal CAl It the 51nrt because you' re IOU p"or In buy I! for them

"We 'Ie nm "Yll1g /0 break I\t. l'otthUI All we're u k1l1g I~' chance 10 ""'>fk and work we will, at a deee nL wage, ~"be .ble In cm<1y a few holidays ~ y~31 wltl",ul wO"yln~ aboul yOIll neXI che~k being ~h,)I\ bec. use yuu hove no holtday paY I 10 be able ~o spcn~ a week w1\h our famllte, wi,houl wonYl1lg , bo," food and btl Is because we don't have. paId v~cal)(jn , and 10 have a !tItle bl! of In'ur~n Ce So we can alford It> be SIC k Is Ihal 100 much 10 uk filiI I don'~ Ih",k '0 and I'll "and on Ihat pickel line .s long u it uku III gOI what I Mllevc 1$ bIT It won 'I be easy. My landlord n ys If I'm 1~lc with Ihe ,ent ~galll he'll leal down my home, and my b,lIs ue uverdue. lIul lomehow we'll P'Y every penny .nd yuu CI" b<!1 your bullom dollal lhal we' ll win Ihl s SlIikc Ind finally be able 10 hold ou. heads hl~h and I1ve on Oor own. nnt welfare Tbank yuu frhm lenni!c! A Pauldllll\. .nd olher tmployeu sufl"ring Ihe ~am< hardshIps "'

1) "Yll) E M<Nnuv,I'S

Scribe Outlines PAC, CPR, Xmas Picnic and Seminar L.U. 728 !I,o,em,,,.&'.pII, fl'. lAUDEII.I)A LE, FLA.- This yeu's ChllSlIna~ I',,;n lc ""') held on Dtccmbcr 12, 1983. I I T Y hrk ,n Hollywood Our Chn51mu P,cnic Comlllillce'S clll)rl ~ to pro' Vide ~ famlly,ulicnlcd picnic were well receIved and apprCClaled by all in allend~nCl·. On behll of al1 Ihose who made 1/ to dlc pIcnIC! would like 10 Ibank Chfl ~Ill'" COnlmill<e Chairman l im



!~';~b,:",:.".~ . ~d BrOlht r " en Elgersma 01 Loul 728, fl. Lauderdole , Fl • . , hu, l inet hi . relnrn from Aluh, been lak;nl cart of our dams and oyntn at our AnnUli Chr; i ltnu Pknk. To Kt n and his wile lu l ie, who be hn bet n conning nery fur inro help Ing, Ihonk yo u.

I~ c ksoll .nd alilhe lIlember~ ,hal hdpcd 10 provide a liery enloyable outing lor u, III

Tbe loca l wtlf be eonducdn~ a h/c5~Y'ng ICPRi eour~c al the unIOn hall on Salurdays. It will be rutl 011 a firsl -corne, flrSt'serve b~ .. s, 1111 ,he de· marHI" t~hauslcd If you arc Inlcres. ed In altend· lIlg, please Co niaCI ASSlSI~nl lluslllcsS Agent lohn Somers

The Apprenllchhlp Comnllttee ... tll be con dueling. one·day semlllBr lor )ourncyman Wile· men on the changes III Ihe 198,1 NEe. If you are Inlcres~ed in I\lendlng. please conlact our lIalnlllg dl rec lor, ChIC l'ele2, al 564 3363. The CU loli due for lecepllng new apprenlicesh,p appltcalions ""Ill be May I If you arc a""are 01 anyone Iha. is planning ~o Ipply pi ta." see Ihal they do so pnor 10 thl ~

d>le Our 1'011l1cal ACllOn Committee IS '" need of

VolulUcers 10 work on phone hanks, walk preetl"ls and ~cncral1y hell' In Ihc C!cCIlUn of WallCf Mon· dale and QU r IlIher .ndorJed candidates . If you have any spare lime, please contact Ihe unIOn hall

Mlo'''lL FORTI N, P S

Negotiations Produce Small Increases L.U. 756 U,o&ul, I)A YTQNA BEA CH, FlA.­Occasionally I'm asked ill have gIven any coverage of Ihings such as loeal dancu, rallies, elC. The anSwer is no, Generally, I personally fed Ihar Ihert ate m"r" perllnenl Ihtngs IU con~ldcr However, I do fee! a s pecI~J congrOlulallons should go 10 BrOlhe r P~ul Mahaffey and hLs ""tic Alma on Iheil 50.h an,1lVersMy'

AI Ihe r~cenl Stale Electrical Workels meellng in Galllesvlllc, whICh I was pllvilcged 10 auend, much of Ihe formal and ",formal .alk wu Ihe ume. InSIde and oUI"de jUII.d,clions ","er.lOSlng theLl work , Iheu lobs, Ihelf membushlp In some loe.], Ihe re were nO longer any unIon contraclors

When It tame 10 eOl1lr~CI ncgollations, I waS forewarned by varIOus bUSlntss m.nage." presl­delll s of locals and ll11ernal1onal Reprcstl1lal1vU dUll ,he only area In whIch 10 .uccessfully nego· "~te wu health and welfare benefi ts. I o"ly lalked 10 IWO locals Ihll "WCIlIIO CounCIl." Ilolh I"cal. came b.ek With a mu""um 01 20 CCntS added \0 HaW No~hlng else, period On lOp 01 every.hlllg e!se, for Ihose Brothers Ihal dan'~ know, on January 16, 1984, Ihe U S. Supreme COUIt served up anolher pililel 01 Reaganomlcs_ It disallowed Ihe appea l of orgar)1zed bbar 10 prevenl Ihe dele. ion of the prevatling wage and "help"I" [Imll pomon 01 Ihe Davis· Bacon Act . Necdless '0 "y, Ihll will luv( a devaJla l ing illlpaCI on our 1'$1 basllon 01 finanCIal 1''''leCllon Oil Ideul prOlecl , As wtlh . ll Reagan· omlCS. Ihe rc.1 elleeu won'l be !cIt for IWO or Ihree years Taking all present <ondilton. tnlO consid· eratio n, Ih" .tllbe. as a member of Ihe Nego".· ItOIlS Commit let, .Iong wilh BrO\hcr~ DaVId Clontz and f..vcrCIt Wilhams, ag,eed to a onc·year contraCI 01 10 cenlS Idded 10 HaW Ibase areal. 10 cenn r~l se for Zont I ICape & KSCI and a Sllpulal ion Ihal any Increa5~ '" H&W cnSI be plld by ,be 43

e(HlU'''O'. No. there "'" no r~.,.,., .n ... a~e. to speak of or any of the multLlude of OIlICI Items sought by the body But the,c "'15 no ""&C "CU t" a, 'n some loc:als. and ... c Itlll hueou. contrac . ors and oUl loca! Whcn ... e own.he footbaU. then we tan be qu,Jle,back, h.1I IIl0then. It IS aU we tan do no ... 10 SIIY rn the game

A true tU I of our Brothcrhood ., y~t tl) tomc The <.by, 01 old a.e gone we musl band tOlcllrt<. 101lllVC lor a common Cluse. Ihe ul,vlval of Unlonl ,n thc U.S 01.1 . vOIce .nd 01.11 .cuons mu,t be, beal R.Ulan and h,. SlCIlm 1l00000rs We must. ,f our ,u,IoCcnd,nu ..... peCt 10 hvc u human hemg, ral her than labor ·d,o.d5' 111 RepublIcan slavclY

hm C <;VMO"", r ~


OiKuuilig the I.hon. 01 Ihe Olk Rid,r open· liolll by Mlnill ,,,, , . irll. COlpo. alioll lie, left to ",h i, lohll B. l- Millin, ch.l,mln. Olk Rid,e Ullil, 0011 Hoh:r.cllw, chlel ,rrwlld, Tcchnldlns, X·IO, limn II , "'cy, luiSlanl bUlincu mlnlse. , Earl SelvcIi, bu~inen mlna,er 01 l.oca1760, "'nOJ· vilLe, Tenll" , ame" A. Wl illce, chicl uewlld, Eleeuid.ns. X·IO. CIII Sellb.oulh, chid ~Ieward, Eleeuid,"s, Y·12 • • nd Gtrbllonu. chid ~If,,' .. d, I.inemfll , X·IO

Martin Marietta Takes Over At Oak Ridge l-U. 160 ' i ,u,u , II .Ik~p. I, "'NOXVII.I.I! , TI!NN. Wllh Ihe takeovc. Ollhe Oak Rldgc oJlC.atlont by Manln Mallell. Co.ro.~uon on Arnl I. 1\184 BU~lneu '\\lnllC' b.1 s.,r\'eli met wnh the chId Jtewards 10. the I"" 1,I.ub, .. I"d. I ••• " "."r 600 membrQ of '60 employed The lotal has been asSOCiated ","h the Oak Rld,c nuelea. pbnn 10. 41 yu,s .nd haJ pa,ucII"'ted wllh thc tOntraCtoU th., hue wo.k In Ihe lie. of COlUllucllon .nd ma,nlenanCe of Ihe fac,llIy B,oth~ , $ervcrs IS working fo, slab,IIlY In cUllem waIn and .CIlIt

menl benefits Ind 10 "'lure Ih'l 01.1' numben .re credrt", 10' ye~n wo, kfd uml( , UnIon C .. b,dt NcgOIl.IIOM w,lI begrn somcllme .n June. Unlll ne&OIlIIlOnl begrn .11 ... ,11 .emarn Ihe same IS

unde. Umon Carbide Connrucllon hu nOI pl thd Up III the ~In We

hne OH. 150 on Book I It thl t ume The loc.1 ""II be in n~SOl1aUOnl ","h NEC A

before AplIl 30, and 11 looklllk~ 1\ .... 11 be hald '0 ,et a 1000;1 agreemcnt with ",or'k 3t an all ·ume 1o", In Ihe arn IS" has been In Ihe lUI .wo yu.s due 10 RuganomlCl

Wllh 11I1hla. Governo. Alcundc, IIVU 1 lunch rnn 10 form Ihe Tcnncuct Su •• nUI Roundub]e The fOlmanon of the IIroup is for • "unron free enVIlOnmelll," along "'lIh tevelll olhe. WIY' 01 JI,otecung Ihe bUlilllhS clemenl of Tcnncs~ee III $0 nated hy the ,rnul' Ihry Will hi' l'Tf1mnling .he me." pl1nC'plcl in all conditIOns 01 employment In the st.te along "'lIh the "ate "R'Iht 10 Wo,k" Laws Th,s " I'"t 01 ... hlt " Koin~ on In loca1

"" Be more Informed Come 10 Ihe metl,ng on tlrc foullh Fnd.y of nch momh See you Ihere

Gl£NF Mcfo.\u." ... JI~

Officers Elected; Delegate AppOinted LU. 111 \111, NEW VOR K, N.Y,_At nur .egul u meetlnion November 1 19f].), I'elcr A l'uK1,a


Newly eleCled 016n,s Ind Board membeu oll.oClI 817, New Vo.k , N.V., ihown Id l to . ilht , front 10", Tom Aguele, financial orc, eu ry , Richsrd Lomb;udi. p . uid~nll .nd Krnny IrnklM. ViCf pIn· id.nl, blck lOW ,S. I Bal.u" Enculive 1I0.rd mem' btll Howie Edga., \rusu. er , Peu C. ilIy, 'teOl .dln, u(, etary, and Oa .. e Scully, [lrerulh'~ BOlld m~m' ....


~oTe o

T' .. S. OC T. Ii. e 3' 13] WEST Ii't ST,

The PO~I~' u)ed 10 en· eoulI'~ the rn~l1Ilttn 10

'Cl OUt .nd \·Olt .

lenelll ch,rrm.n, SYSIem CounCil 1, swore .n l.uc:.1811's newly elected olflce~ who w.lI u .ve for thennt th,ee yu,s. They Ife presrdenl.ll,chud ''''mn'll''' VlttrrMldenl, Kenny lenhns, .eco ... hn. KC.elary. rCle. ClIlIy, flnlneral uc.ell'y, Tom A'Iude, and t'Usure" Ilo"·,e Edsa' The ExeCUlive lIoud membe'$ lie 8rothe,s Dave Scully and ~I Balazar

The officers and ExeeulI¥c ~.d would hke 10

like Ih.s oppollunny 10 "',sh fn.me . Presldenl loe Keny.od Frnancll1 SccrtllryTnm Dwyer the betl nf everylhlng and Ihlnk them for s<rv,n, wllh ded.catlon and hard wnrk Ihe membel! of Local 811 o\·e. IheJ.t many yurs

We con,ruulalc Broth" I.oUI~ II S,mm., ... ho .... s arpolnted by P.estdent Lomba.d. 10 be ()t1,

dclegale to the New Yo.k Crty Central L.bor Councrl, ARCIO. A. 5pecial thanks to 8rother M,ke DIGiacomo .... ho made .he postc, that hclflCd 'n ICll1n,Oul the Icco,d VOle for Loc.18 I'.

We wuh a 5r<'edy ,e tn\'uy to B.u.Ir~ •• AI Ruman alld Tim O'Shea fr Olm Gund Cennal Termlna]


Informative Steward Training Class Held LU.IH \I), TAM PA, Fl.A.- In tod.y 'l fan movIng and Innonilve ",o.ld. bu~.nC'SSCs must ad.pt qu'ckly and dllc,endy 10 de\'elop new 51111el'0 .nd p.o· CWUleS to stay comflCtltlve Wnh deregulation III

eflect, GTE has rmplemented new pohClel and concepu 10 meet the uneen .. n ,oad ahead .n the lciecommunrcallons IndusllY TheK changes af· lecl everyone OIl uS on the payroll 01 General TelephOlne of flonda OUI buunell m~nagcr, Rob· el! l.. SenlOn, and h.s ~ta ff have spent many hou" dlttuss"" poliCY changes ","h Ihe Company 10

In,ure our ""h15 ale not v.olued On ntrrmhr. 10, 19SJ .• $!c",,,d's lIa,nlllg dno

... as held, IIUlhl by 1I1SllUClon wllh uflC"enee ill ,neVinces and .,b'II'"On cues ApPlox.mllely 200 ,tewllds wne p.esent for the elass at our local union hall Cun1 speakers Included Abn ~rlhI' . man, VICe president 01 EduCl!ton and TUlnrng '01 the Ame,ican Arb.traliOn A,socllllnn, Mart in Schc,nman, profenor of la'" 31 Co.ntll Unrver ~I!Y and a dlSlinguishcd a,bll.aIOl and medialo. for Ihe Ame"can A,blllalion AUoc'lI ,orr, arrd local Unrnn 1114', allorneY5 Cary Singlelary and Rill Van/le .

Top", rntluded ,lIevante IIreril~uon, d.S<.hargc 1 lor lu~t (au,e. leco.d kecrrnl rn~U t!puon by ~te ... a.ds, 1I<,.unclI! data eollccuon. rlSt rracllces of GT[ and the local urrron. Humorous J tOlln by .he spraker) ulthell rUt exp~ riencn enllghtenw the Iudlence Ind kept Ihe mee ting info.m~1 and very rc ... a rdm~ till tho~e rn attendance. These spt:ake., should be commended fo, thell naming skd], and ueellent p'c.knlatlon 100U. members ., All Ste ... ards should m.ke an attempl 10 anend Ihe nUl lurn",,, elau when announced. The knowled/le /I~med may help you 10 save someone'. ~ ~ lk.~"ulauon h'l m.de a uemendous Impael nn

lelephOlnc comr anres nauon ... ide GTE hI! imple· mcnled concepti thAt have affected nch of u, Consohdllion of many offices has changcd OILlln.1 plan, and uvcd the Complny millrons of dollars by thell ,cJMln, What h.sn 'l been cOlnsiderw tS Ihe Inc.euw uflCnJ.t PUI on 01.1' membe.rs by mllu"e mculled by .eJlO.nng to new wo.k. loca­tlOl15. change 'n work &thwu]u, ,n"udu. chartSed .. lob 'C 'ponlrb,lruu, .nd cxcus of employees ,n cenlLn lOb luncllons

Added 10 Ih,. II lhe leulng of Ihe Toll NClwork AT T The nut yeor w,1I be unusy for everyone .l

but solld~rlty.s unronant.n thue limes r.omote ou, union m COn\'e ' UIIons ... lIh olhe., .nd stllVe 10 m.ke 11\1, loc.1 snonle. SO ()t1' u]'>Comm, con· naci ne,onatroen un ~Ive us a slum, ,male ..

Don', fo.gel Ihe AliI Fnday of ue.y monrh IS

the ,eneul mC'tun" Wear you. UnrOn T 'lhlllS Ihat day'

Prt£STO'" l IIooNl, P S


Pklurcd on rin Ni,hl ol Lot.1 846, Charta oOOI' , Tenn " lie, lelt 10 . I,hl, hick .ow: llcubCli S.nd· ,idge, 1I0b W,inkle, Ib .old Sullivan .nd '.mrs A, I'

"Slim" T.ylol l fronl . ow: Geo'ge Nul, Inu ,na· t lonal Vice P.nldenl lohn IlighlowtI . nd lohn Noll , bUJOineU mlnlger 01 Lonl 846.


Shown It • local union meelin , . It, left 10 . i,hl , .. 1I i11 C.mpbell , Eneu. lve Board treftt "YI Chil ies H" wdl, Anand.1 .. '<' ltla'YI Jimmy Shan " b· eeulivc Boa,d membnf /llIold Suli lvan , . nd Slaler Smit h, Encullve Board member. •

Pins Presented; Work Scene Terrible LU. 846 \O, I&U), CHATTANOOCA, TENN.-Pm IILllht was held at Ihe reg ular mceling 111 November T ... elfth District Vite Plesidcnl High lO we. pre· sented rln l 10 the lo llow!ng members : George Nc.l, 3S yel'$, CeQIILt Carte' , 30 yUrs, Reuben ~nd'idIC, 30 YUII, Bob W'inkle, 30 yearsl Halold Sull,van, 30 yea", .nd Slim Taylo., JO yu ,s We

( apprec iated VIce Pres Ident HightllW" r being ab le to be wIth llJ 101 Ihls event.

As everyone know!. wOlk IS temble and I dun't see a ligh t at the cnd of the tunnel Everywhere I ca ll the locals havc hundreds on Ihclr books. many

1~ bf them their own membu!. TVA', Dlvis'on of Power Construction 16 in the midst oflayinj: nil and Dilla rd Smith COn6lfuct ion Company hn been workmg 32 hours a week fnr qUite a whi le.

We IIOve becn In negOllallon. wl\h ,evual of our co-ops. and ra ises have been in the 4 percen t range. We arc tu rrently in negollations wah the Chat· lanooga ElecIIie Powel Board. OUI Negotiallng

.. Committee COOSIS" of Huold Beckum. Pat Maul ­dto. 10m GIlliam. Lemon Thomas. lohnny Robells. John Noll and myself.

We have seen attendance at OUr regula r umon mcetings /all off. Everyone that can needs to attend_ Regubr meetings u e the third Thursday of every month and the Executive Boord mecling 15 thf firSt Thursday 0/ evcry month. See you there

Scribe Calls For Retirement Of Reagan, Republicans L.U. 861 (j&.ol, LAKE CIlARLES, LA.- We cllt~nd OU I condolencu to the bmily of IlrO!her Ronnie Lane Ronme died In a moto"yde aC'-'ldent lanuary 21.

.... It seem!! Amellca Isn·t slandlng u tall as I'lesl ' dent Reagan would hh us to believe nOr is Ihe economy on Ihe ups wlllg at th~ ra le he would hke us to believe. If II I' 18 Mr. Reagan says. then why

~ are linu at the employmem 01 should I say un­employment office so IOIl~1 These good people aren'l standIng tall. They have to swallow thc lI plide and ask fOI unemployment benefi ts which some have never bdorc;n thc lI lives had to do. In

.... the Ihree mon ths I was off work I drove by the unem ploymem office ahnost daily gom~ III and fr om the doclOl, therapIst and ou r union hall and not once did I see anyone who looked happy to be there . These people Want \0 wOlk bUI can't find a lob because Mr. Reagan and M. Tleen gave Ihelr

~ lobs 10 non-union and oUI-o/-state wOlkers. You won't find Mr. Reagan nOI Mr Trcen III any of these lincs. You won't see th"m 10 the soup kItchen lines. commodi lY hnes. I lgmng up for food stam ps

_ Or welfare . SlIlce they're nOl III any of these Iincl, .... how can they sec the hunger in the ution. These

non-union and out-n/"tUe workers didn't gel the jobs because they wo rk for leu, but because thcy don't b~long \0 a unwn. They are n't asktd to lake

•• pay cuts. Ooly ulllon members arc . I quOtc in pMt from an amcle whIch appeared III the Lake Cha rles Ameflean Press recently. datelmed Washington. IThe BUleau of Labol Sta"~lic5 . III anothcr rcpOIl

• ~~~~~~;i;fgl~~ee~~nn:ml;~~:~ t;aa!'~i~~s~~~a~!~: beeo heaVily uOlorl1zed. said Ihc findlllgs reflected " lower avoragc pay gains for blue-collar workcrs . '·1

The Republicans want tWO c1asscs 0/ pcoplc-....: the rich and the poor, and Brothers. if We Sli on

OU r hands and don·t get out th., yur and retire M, . Reagan and a lot of olhcr Republicans they Will have It thCH way bdo.e 1989. So IIrothers.

... let·, gel out and do in Washmgtnn ... h31 ... e did helc to LOUISiana lut October-give Mr. Rcagan and Ihe OIhel Republican , ea rly I~urement They·"c ram ed it . They .... ·orked hard day and night for three yeau to ge t u' and Ih,s nallOn mlO the mess

" we are today with unemployment and hunger When they get ud of us they will tum on the non· UIIIOn WOlkers and everyone w,1I wOlk for mini ­mum wage Or less. It 's not go"'g to be usy. Brothers. If it·5 good fm Ihe wQ.king people. u',



ne vu easy to accom pli sh. bUI logethcI we can achIeve our Koal-early .eti remcnt for RcpubH-cans NC~I month_ hunger In Amenca

M"Ml·IN T~ov. I' .S

Local Struggling for Full Employment L. U. 873 (iacml, KOKOMO.IND.- Atlh is "'flling Local 873 is 5lrugghng to keep full cmployment

for our "'SIde wircmen We have only I~ local hands on Ihe bench. we hope only tcrnporalily. All 01 our apprenllce. arc work",&. bUI Ihe thud-year dan., 51111 IfY"'!,: to get enough ltme In to be Indentured In\(} the unIon I rcgret to rcpoft the unp redi ctability of the ncar futu re/ what', new I Local IJ7J had hoped HI employ mOlt travde.s than II seems we WIll . Maybe wo rk wUl pIck up

The manufactu llng sector of Our local at Kolux Is nO w in ncgoliatloO$. We w,sh Ihem the best of luck and all of ou . support

I can'l he lp bUI menllon the evc r prescnt fact tbat th is local. like many othe rs. IS loslIlg most of the small constr "Clion lobs such .s reStaurantS and small m.nuf.Clurers . 11 Seem! .hat all 01 .he lo ... ·proflt lobs 10 tJus area get overlooked or IUSI dls .egarded Many of these lobs have been brllu~ht to the allcnllon 01 ou r contr'C \(}1! and 51111 no bids turned In and no contrac.s ,worded . "Tou small. no prOnl ," IS all I hear Th .. rea lly maku me JO re. bu t I don 'l have a 50lu\lon I wISh! did We used to make money on tlllS work I H~"e we "15t ~"tten g.eedy. accepllng ,,"ly Ihe '· b,~ " lob./

See you all at the UOlOII nlectln~

M"'fl~ ll ll"'''ti I'S

Workload Increases; Forrestal Refloated L. U. 902 lsoVII, I'IIILADELPIIIA . PA .-One of the nrSt malar m.tc9tonc' to be achieved In the l)VCr h~ul of thc USS f'o"e$l~1 wu ~ c~llmplished on lanulry 26. 1984. ApprO~llllatc!y IWO monlhs ahuJ of sthedule, the f"0"f51~1 was tJken OUt of drydock and scta/loa! Her bollom work, propdlc". shafts. sea va lves. palrll "'~. CIC .• wa~ completed and .e&ted ,allsfactorily The emph~s" ,s now on getlln~ her ens",cellng space re~dy lor "Ught off e,,"mlOa­lion." Shuing Ihe spolitghl "'I\h the cngmeerlllg spaces arc Ihe catapull •• wupons c!evatou, raJlrs. commumcallons equipment anJ missile SyStems. Thnc arcn now I re 10 Ihe I1ls .. 1lallon phase of h~ r overhaul There 15 pl enty of work to be done doWn5tream. bu t Ihe push is un '0 complete Ihe 1'011(5111/ ahead of schedule

Munwh,le wmk on the waterfront contlOUCS 10

be heavy. At presenl three w~rship s arc in Ihe ,h,pyard fo t thell regulat ovclhaols, WI th mOle scheduled 10 amve wllhln thc next few months The work furct III Ihe Electflcal Group (onllnue5 10 Inc reast as Our wOlkload incrcasu Let ' ~ hope thi ' tr cnd con\lnue,

Due to lhe Illcreue of eieetrllnlc mechamcs and ~ l cc ll itl~ns wOlklllg oUl5Ide the Electrical GIOUp, BUSiness Mana;:cr Steve DiTomo has appointed many new ! l c w~lds \() covel 0111 Il5ter shops. The 101l0wIIIg I!! a new. upd~ted LOCAl 902 st(ward~ USI showing thell areas of re ,poll5lhi lllY CI. rk LUZIer. Shop No 3. High Vohage Seell"n/ Alan TUll le, Shop No. 6. Num""c~1 Control/lohn Doyle. Shop No.7, Public SyS tem , T,m U. banskl. elec-1I0nic lU~II11C lOr. Appren\lee Sehoul/ John Annan, Shop No 51. Roild"l~ 1000, Rob I). Icy. Shop No 51. USS Forre lw/I Paul Gu.nacma. Shop No 5 1. USS 1'011 (.11111/ !oe Natarclla, Shop No. 51, USS Forlnra// [)~nni8 1\~I\ler. Shop No 51. USS For rtJla/, Eulonce I'olk. Shop No 67. BUlldlO~ Il l , and LallY PackMd. Shop No. 99. USS FOlres!al

1' ... 1J1 I 1'f.MI·U.lI .... F S

NLRB Issues Anti-Worker Decisions L.U. 915 (;&'ml). TAMI'A, FLA.- The I\e~/:an admlnlsuolion c"n llnuu lt~ anll -workc. poliCIes The new Nallon. 1 Labor Rel~llon~ nOlld (NLRll! maiolllY ithree mcn,bers appOInted by Reaganl has jU5t recen tly overlUfIl~d a 1975 precedent redUCIng job prot(c tirllliur wmkcrs No longer con ..... e count on the NLFlJl f'lI rceour$C ah cr belnll fir ed for plole~tin/: unsa fe worklll8 conditions. Recent de · clsions affect a truck dllver re/us"'l; 10 dllvc a Iruck because of malfunct luninl\ brakes. which caused hIS firing The truck could not be nHd and ... as scrapped. AccordlnK \0 Ihe NLRB 110 /edc r ~1 law was broken! They tunher uld. " We arc nM empowcred U) co rreC t all Im morall ly··1 The con, '

Bell Ringers

Shown, leh to ri ght , Irf Brothers Mihon Peru. Thomu Kaist r. Marcc lino Rodriguez Ind Chulie Wadf, part 01 our ann ual Solvation Arm)· work­force. Once again Loca l 915, Tampa. Fla. , . urp" . ed . Il othH labo. unions in Iht .' e~ ;n .ou l co ll tc­I;ons.

pany responded by ,"YIn!;. ·· We Can t have people calli n~ Ihe poitte all the t"n~ .. Althou~h Ihi. case did not Involve any unIOn Or organizing clfon. II

was deAnllc1y a poltey .eversal from prevIOus admlnlStrallons. Only one Demoerotlc oppmntce opposed Ihlll dccmon. He was a holdove r from the Carter admllliStratlon

These kllld! of dec,slOlu ~I e bccomlOg mOre and mote commonplace wi lhln the frame ..... ork of the cu rrent rro- bu~lnu$ IclmintSlfallon Often we don't always hcarof every m.ndate that alters our qualilY of IHe, we only Itve wllh the consequences of nOl beIng able 10 have mcantll~/ ul Input If polllies have , lt ercd OUr hfe /or Ihe worse. Ihen poJiIl~ can aho alte r our h fe for Ihe belle r l The time fOf change IS rapidly ap plflach,ng. Our opportunity 10

http ou15el"e5 comes nn Ihc IlrSI Tuesday of No· vembe. ne sure you ore quahned 10 make thIS change by nnt only reglstcflng, but vOllng as ..... ell We need to sUPPOrt Ihose people who have a proven hiStory 0/ hclplllg Ihe ... or king people The AFL· CIQ has endorsed Walter MOlldale as Ihe m~n who can make Ihe d,fference Ithlllk he can.

Bo~ K,,"£Il. P S


li cit Is I pJc.u.~ olllrOlher lIu.eh Glau 01 Local 953. bu Cllir f. Wi~ .• with . ht sn,;lt thai mad t him hiend~ ... hercvtr he Wfnl .

Brother Glass Retires ; Scribe Stresses Unity L.U. \153 (i.o, t .~m .cat'·&.5p'l. EAU CLAIRE. WI5.­from all the memb~rs of th" grca. local to our good IIl(lld and U!uon IIrothtr. Butch Gbss. we wanl 10 say drank, Thanks for your many COnt,,· bUlluns du"n~ Ihose m~ny thankless yurs you served Uf on lhe E~ecu "ve Board. Our sincele wishes 10 you and yours Ih •• logelher you Will ell!0Y many hiPPY and hC3lthy. well ·deserved ye~" of !("rement We ..... on ' t lor~c. you. BUlch. and when you 're "oveltng .ruund the good old USA. dlllp uS ~ card W"h Ih,~ arllclc IS a pIcture 01 Hu.ch wllh Ihat smile he had 1m evelybody. Th. smile that made Jum f"end s whereve r h~ Went Kecp on ,mllin!;. Bmchl

Wdl. looks hke Howard and hIS cummlttee se ttled the Dalfyland I'owe. AII;rce.ncnl . Mort on thn next time

Oenllls and hi ' commlttCe arC Sil l! gIVIng If hell wllh Ihe "'''cmen ', ~gr~emcnt What can 1 .ay; 45


Hlnglll thClc docsn't scem quite applopllate. We all know that togtther, united as one, you'll do the iob When the economy srallS to ge l back 10

normal 'alte l the neu eleclionl and Ihe wOlk plClurr staltS 10 look beller and Ihe recession comes 10 a hah, Ihen and only Ihen will ""e know thaI you succeeded Remembel, Blothels and SIS­leIS, unllY IS the backbone of OUI ,,"cat unIOn and unnrd "'e ,hall lema",

Ag"n as a rcmmder 10 .11, I(gisle. and VOle Your onc VOle docs count. You hive an obhga"on to YOUISc!VU as free American C'''%.tnS 10 eXerCiSe Ihn one freedom you .,,11 haYe left Do it! Vote!

Ahuys look for Ihe olllon label and buy Amel' • can made Support YOut Brothen .nd S.uus Attend your union meet.ngs, Kel IIIvolved. You arc Ihl' nnr, I h~1 m~kr it ~"nng Thl~ 1~ ynur ulllnn.



Mdv;1I and Gladys h deu on at the Retirement B.nquet Kivu in thei r hOllor by Loc.1 970, Kdso-lonKv ir w, W'lh


Fifty ,foul Luul970 members and "I"ndl lurn oul lor Ihe b. nqutl hunoring Mel ', 22 yu .s of lelching ' pp.enlicel.

Instructor Retires; Negotiations Continue U I. 9711 I I ~rI.Ol, "f.U O-LONGVIEW, WASH.­Melv.n Pede.son completd 22 yurs as .ppren­Ilcrsh.p ,nstructOI 10' Local 1170. He has laughl all fOUl yeals , and for several ycars all four glldcs at one I1mr, spend.nlt lour n.lthts a week ,n class. We Ihank h.m and h,s ... ite Gladys for Iheil slIong eonmbul1on 10 Ihis Joc.l Among Ihe S4 pelSons allendmg Ihe banquel [mosl of whom we.e h,s apr renllCU at One IImc) wne several e,,·busLDen """nlS and !nlemananal ReprtsentallVes, such as Woody Woods, Hank Conovtr and E IL &avers Dan Jacobs ... u the maIn speaker. Md, may YOUI re ll rement be ,real , and if ... t know you, il won 'l be spent 111 a lockm' chall' Mel has taught Over 100 'ppICnl.CU OUI of a 2.s0·man local, Ihal 'S nOI bad!

At thIS wlllmg there 11 nothmg ne ... 10 repoll on th~ WEveO ~glCeUlcul n.ey ~1J1l tb ,h'''" 'u go open shop In qUUllon is $1.50-600 million of wOlk. Loss of money by g01ll8 union! I douht II wllh lut yeu', WEyeO plofi15 up In pelCent!

The hosp,ce IS completc ~nd functionmg. T ht Cnll re bu.ld.ng ... as done by ~olon\Ccr umOn cr.fts, lIIc1udmg mOle th.n 34 volulllcers from IBEW 970 Thank!, Idln"".1

We ''' ' C wQuld I.ke 10 ge l ou, IOQ·plus Book Ont mm back til wOlk Wish I could give a good report, but the work p.clu.e nill looks down.

Aplil hn IWO mam holidays Kno ... whal they lid 80\h Involve a lamb Look up Genu.s: 11 and [ Pelc. 1'9 Our proyerb fOI thc moolh IS, " A fool veolS all his feelings, but a W,J( man holds Ihem back" PR 19· 11

1.0 " HODCIE" HODGu, P.S


ShOwn prutnl;ng Iht IB EW life S. ~in g Richa,d Long, Ctnler, . rt Pru idtOI David Rogers, ItI., , "d Buslutu r\hn. gcr Nul S. 8<>yu, 'ight , .11 of Loul 972, Mariena, Ohio.

Member Receives Ufe Saving Award L U. 972 (I), MARIETTA, 0 1110-1.1 the January 4, 111114, 'f_I!"lal meeting nf tocal 971, an IflEW L,fe Savmg Award was presenled 10 BrOlhel R.ch· lid L Lon" along ... "h a lette. f'om International Pre"denl P.llard .nd Intelnatlonal Secretary LeI ' gon commendm~ Brolher Lon~ lor h,s qUick re · sponst 10 c.lls 101 help and h,s dec.s.vc ICl10n .n pulltng lohn 8,edenback and VllleeOl ,..\tlle, from Ihe wuer ahel Ihell boal had caps.zed on IUM 4, 1983. and was luponsrble 101 s.vlllg thell 11ves


Scribe Asks All To Get Involved and Vote LU. 988 (u), SIDNEY, MONT.-It hn been ~veral months Imee I wrOle one of Ihue ILltle eompO~i· 1I0n~ lorihe /oulna/ I IIUU' I lacked the .nsp"llIon 10 sil do""n 10 Ihl' lype ... "ltl) bUI "nce Mr. Reagan has announced h,s fOlmal 'nltnllOn 10 seek re · cl~cllon, IIIspII.tion "n'l hud to find We must VO l e him OU t of offlct

h' s probably gOLOgtc) be a d. ,mal sum mel, with all of us bemg ovelwhelmed by politicians and poltucal advertising lIelicvc me, I'd ralhe. be fish.nR, bu. hc'n~ mvolved m politlc~ IS un. void ahle. You ... ould haYe 10 be • complete hClmJ( 10

On the Job ,

lill f men Irom Lou1988, SIdney, Monl., t mployed by Monllna-Dlkou Utililin II!d lowtl Yellow, StOnt REC, wo.k 10gClhf' to ciUI' pole during . hou~e mOHo

aVOId havmg somcone I ry 10 s ... ay YOUI vo te. it'S " my hope Ihal you will huen 10 all the .ssues. boring .nd . epMilive 38 Ihey may be. m.ybe even do a lillIe home·study, and th~n gc t Out .nd vO le There ale Ih05e who .,C belling on you nO I 10 vote, betting Ihll you won 't become involved and try 10 make. difference They lIand 10 gain .f you don 'l vote Our prcsent .dmmisuiuon would be Included 'n th,s gloup belling apm" you s.-

In fUlure articles I WIll be poLIIling 10 ploblems wllh cunent government po11cy .nd 111 III effects on I.bo, (Ihat 's usl_ Please don 'l Ihro ....... ay you. ,uue lUSI 10 1Y0.d Ihe poILues

As summtr i. app r~thlllg .nd wOlk will be plcbng up, lel' •• 11 make.n dfort 10 ""olk safely In Summer Ihere lie alway. plenty of dislr.cuons 10 keep you, mmd mmepiace Olher Ihan whe.e II ,

should be Work logelhe l with YOU I crew members 10 nOld h.vlIIg those dllllacllons hUll mmeOnt


Many Honored Guests AMend Christmas Party L U. 993 (i,O,Cllvllem ), KAM LOO PS, B.C.-On Decemhel 16, \1183 , Loca!993 ... n honoled 10 hlvr m me speclII guests p,cselll II our Annual eh",,· .. mas PallY

Brothers LauILe ROlison . nd Hllry S.mp&On lie two out of II membe., who chartered Local 993 on November 1, I!N7 80th Brothers arc the only" aellve chartc i membe.s slLll wo.king II !ourney­man wiremen 8,0Ihe,s HallY .nd laUriC ""tIC pru.nled "".Ih plaquu of 'PPlccial1on. The offl. CtTS and membel. would like 10 thank them for ..

,----------------------------------------1 I I

I Address CHANGED? : I Brothers and SIsters, we NAME ............. , ..................... ... ...... . I I want you to have your E ADDRESS ~ I JOURNALI When you N W ............................... ... . . I I have a change of ad- ....................... , ............. I I dress, please lei us C'I)' Sill. I Ip Coda I I know. Be sure to in- ~ elude your old address PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO .......... . ............ . . I

and please don't forget CARD NO . . _ .............. .. ....................... I to fill in l. U. and Card (II un~n .... n - cll.ck Willi Loc.! UnIon, I No. This information will PENSION MEMBER 0 '" be helpful in checking I and keeping Our rec. OLD ADDRESS . . .. .. ........ .. . ....... . I

:rd:o:ra~:: changed ...... C;I; ............... '5;~'; . . . . .... iip' i:od. ! ' loca' union •• ... e mu.' FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBER . . .. .. •.•...... I

have numbe,. 0' bolh. Mail To· Circulation Department I International Brotherhood .f Electrical Wolten :~ 1125 151b Street, N.W., WashlnltOll, D. C. 20005 I

I ~___________ ---------------------______ 1

, Charter Members

La.it Rori~oD . Idr , Ind tlarry SimplOD, ." 1"'0 cha,,,, mtmbeu of loul 9'1J, Kamloopt, B.C.,

~ who art l,iII workins II iourntymln wiremen. Hut Ih,y a.t "UtDld wilh plaquu 01 .pp.td.· lioll_

, Award

~ Peu. P~.chc" ..... p.ueow:l wllh the IB EW lile $.aviol "word lor hil ItKllf 01. woman from ;'" WI'tn. from It II 10 rich • .,t Rllilorn ."'.n'lt' W • .,at de Oflle1' . Ptlf' PM-until , and ',uldtol Aioh Hovt.

th,,, lona. hl.d foulht blnlu wh.eh maku th'J o'l!:an'UlIon .. plu,u" 10 M • p.ft 01

B,o,he. PtlU Pouchtk wu p.ucmw with Ihc .. IRFW 1,1 .. "'''111£ ,," ... anl Ptu:, I11l1 k hiS hfe Inlll

h, s own hand, when he dOH mtO ICy walt" 10 ""e I woman from d,owDml ahe. ,he had dnven hc, car over an embankment mUI Mart Lakf The OffiCCIS and mcmb<-n would hh \0 expreSS OU I

_ 'mCerc app'telanon ' 0 8'0th~. Pete. lor ouch. cou.agcous act

Brother Sam Ausun WIS ptnemed wnh the Colden Phen AWl.d 101 hts oU\St~ndin!\ athteve

... ment U top app.entlce lone man S •• du . te for 1983 The nlfic~.s and .nembe.s would Ioke to con8'" ulate B. othe. Sam 10 •• lob well don. and best wIShn In the luttne

B.othe. Bill Lockwood wu ptue nted wilh the Cnlden Phers Award 10' h.s oUl$ tandmS achIeve mem as lOp app.enlice w"em. n gTldulle lOT 198 2 The offleels .nd membel) wuuld like 11,1 conK.al ubte B,olhel B.ll 1011 tob wel l done and good luck

""" In Ih. futu.e Thinks 10 .1I members and therr W.Vel who

auended the pally WN IX Dutu,II M F S


Scribe Criticizes U.S.-Japan Talks



LU. 99S li,o,Jlir,rlla.',I}, lATON ROUCE, LA ._ Spmtually, Ihe.e 1$ Dodrife.ence whe,e .. eoneeml people There IS a tendency m aU tit us 10 Ihlnk

... alike and Jlnve 10' the ... me tlllngi N,nely·five pcrcCDt of Ihe people on Ih ll n nh would be ulrsfied wllh a deccnl JOb, a nIce home, I h.ppy family h Ie and some tiny IUllury On occasion So by now you should know Ihal I .m p.epanng to come down hard on wme COUntry, Ind y..,u I,e nght l It IS JUSt a hlndful ..,1 world leaden and poheymal<cn who keep a u. IIvu In . lu .mml and m.ke us mise. able . Now you ate lurng 10 gel ,he • esl 01 the I tory l

I w.nl 10 wllte • kw hund.ed wo. ds .boUI the Rcagan·Naknone ,alk.. We WCle ,uld Ihu thue mceungs we.e held to dl scuSi IWO nulo, issues

Ihn keep the ' e laBoIIshlp be tween rll'.n and Amelit. on ,n uneven keel Bc Ihl • ., II mlY, MI Ru,an could have done IS much ,ood choppmll wood on h' f lanch Ind th,. ' •• ,okel Up unulthey we.e " Invaded" by American know how, Ihe III' ,ncH' we re reputed 10 be the wOlld'l , .CltUI copyc" , We ,budy know Ihey lie Inuky, Ind by now We u n bc ClItremely eellllO Ihl1 the NlpJll.luOC IIu~ "1,1 "II~"" .. " vi '·~u"""5 '1,1 1,1", "d" by PloposlOlI fall tr.de IIlhe. Ih.n free tr.de So one "sue, ., we can H't. IS trade ddk,u .nd ,he olhel ll r.pan 'J unwllhnpUllO sprnd tnoU'" ..,1 ,It "",,\ moncy 10 dciend, nlllll~"ly, IhemHlvCJ

The audoc"y 01 Ihe rapalle.H' .nd Ihe ' IUJ'Idlly 01 the AmtnunJ "and Out 1,lr.e $O re Ihumbl' The plool.s 10 Ihe puddm&, and I offer you Ihe pudJmg Whi le tke Nips arc ' pend,n, $97 PCI ye,", pet (nlZ(n, 10' III dden'e , We 10 Ihe Unlled Slain cuntrlbule S877 each 10. rlran ·, dden,el

It was Slid Ih .. MI Reali'" WaJ iOtroduced ., Ikc m.n who .. n Ihe country ,h., Ihe IApa own I How lTut, how lTue. From .11 01 ttliS I've learned Ihat I'm damned SIClr. and ",cd .b<.>ul hUling the word p.Ot CC IIOnl! Ol and Ihe proi!e beiOK gwen 10 the J~p~n'u wUlkc. ~1

rhe fapancse lie Ihe wurld '~ but 1\ pl~ t Il C U\g PTOl eC trOn; Jm In Ih' J [OUn lTy evelY lime lalJ.UJ 0 1

Illends nl I. bol move 1010 ~ d"ecuun th., would lId ,n d,nlln.ohmg the ".de ddlc il and help Ihe Amenun wo.ke • • nd Ihe Amclltln buslOeum.n who isn·t bIg enoullh 10 ",k,p tht eounn )' fOI chup l.bo. "the cry 01 PIOleCUOOISm 110<:. Out To IIrg,n w1,h. r know of no poup Ihu 11 cry,nl 01.11 10' '· prOteCtlOn·', bUI 1. lhel Ihey lie plndm, fOI III, ".de

At 01,1 . txpcnloC, 01 cou.,.." Ihe I.f" hive ·m.de 0111" pl'IIY tnod wnh rh,,, umhlr ll. nl J'.orrrllon The h'pul uncmploymeO! rne '·entoyed· by Ihe Nlpi IlOee 19SJ \I 16 pe.eent' Thue m'ghty miles 01 Ihe Well! kcep bellowmlloudl~ th'l Ihey lie maVin, slowh bUI Sludlry 10WII,J f.1I ,"de It It ,ept:lltrOu. 01. bnpl mo.n,nll,n Wuhlnll'on D c., December 6. II'''''

I must live cledn whelt III. due M. Reapn I~ on th~ npl trick, bUI h," dloll ' I ILke so many olher meellngs--. lot 01 !Ilk, no ,ellon' I don-I SUJ'pose "mau~u Dead" dead II dud! You un hlyt you. 1.le ,nulled au , by In enemy Inuk attack, 01 you can st~ l ~e to duth /rom unemploy mcnt'

The " Illtle loth '· f.om the '·Land of .he RISing Sun" keel' thell tude advlntages nOl only by ulUeuonable lalilf nle1, bUI by theljuOlI.ysteni The la p~lIcse, hke I've nid, hAve 110 IO, Cn tlon whatslX' ver to altc r Iheu trade practieu. While Ihey w.uk hav O(: upon Amellun IIldu5t1y , nU l

trade ma.ket remains open \II the lap "adell and invCJ tou Thc tilde delltll m 1\183, $21 billion, wu m fapan 's fay orl It II IIdlculous 10 say Ihe leull

Old news, but II bun .epc.un" ... bll 01 1I0ny pined on by B,olhel R.IJ'h Tlou • • d- Klem Tool Comp.ny 01 Chlugo "clually II IS 10 Skok,el If .ewlidlO, Ihe Amencln lI.dumln'. IlIeg,ance to Ihem, f ,nee Ihe 1800l, by iru.ld,n.l\' pl.nl In ',pln! You un wllte 10 them and uprell YOUI VICW, on thll UOJ'"notlc muvc on Ihell p"t The add ,e,. 01 Klein Tool Company, 7200 McColm.ck Boule y.td. ChICI,O, IIhnoll 60645 PluloC .ddless YOU I lelle. to '· Pubhe ReI,uons'·'

To the th.ee pe"t'le who have wlluen me 10 yo.ce Ihell d'smlY 00 my " llIack." un Ronald RUlln, I uY. " YOII bue YOUI n&h' 10 YOUI op,n 'on", and to those 01 you who lie rnloy,ng II. you IIn'l hu,d nOlhmg ~el' C.hlornll, we arc makrn, one hell 01 an ~ffon to .elurn him to you'

It wlluld be • ,ood Idea ,J Ihe locala Ih.1 III!! hive I few dolla" .n ,he ull p.ep .. e '01 ,he WOUI II would IIr • very pllcucil ,lin " • kllchen w,. built m the hall We should 1\ Ih,S lime '"'' hlln,ma: some SOI\ of canned ,wt11 each Unle we .lIend • meelln" For instante, on Fcbruary 7 h.d we done ,hi, we'd hlvc II'S tlnl 01 ' ood in Ihe cupbolld. This is no ioke- Ihink .buut itl

S~r ynu nCllt mnnlh.


A lunehroo WII held 10' Dominick Cemb.o ... membu u' Loca11061J, [liU,",lb, N.I ., who .e,ind wilh U YUII 0' sClvice. Shown iu Ihe picture ce lcbl.ling IIf , Ith 10 ri, hl , 8 . Cemblola, I).

Cemb. uia, L MODleo .nd I. MOnliCfllo. , 'holos .ubmillfd by Loc.1 106'.}

O,her co,wolkers wllhing Brolhel Cembro" • h.ppy Ittlrcmul lie, Ironl , Itft 10 .i l hl , V. ''''01' .lry and A. Reodl , Inci, .u., left 10 righi , M. AUluuyllilk, F. Ll"tniak, D. Cemb.o", 'nd A. S.«.

Scribe Asks Members To Contribute News LU. IIO'llcm), CO VINGTON, KY._Well folks 11 's me ag~1n and needle,. 10 u y I lurp" 10 tell you Ihal OU I contr~CI was up In Feb.uary I am $Olry WnuIIg thHC letten and havr~ them pnn,~d

IWO monlh~ latcr, II II easy to fo.gel some Ihlnll iDd by be'nl laId off 101 • ,e .. you fO' l el lOll. If you "'.n, .0me, hlO, Wlillen, wrne II do wn and I'V( iI 10 Suddy. bUI J' lnse, no gossip I hopt when th .. is pnnled evclYbody is 51111 wo.k,n,. If nO, pleue gCI oul on Ih05f picket hnes [I you arc no' Kmnll lQ w~lk , 'hen do nOt !11k

1' 0\ m il hoplO8 10 go b~ck 10 work lOO n II has bccn • yta!, bu, [have not given up hope. It look, hke I wUl neVe. gct back I would like 10 say hello 10 everybody and hcllo to I ony and AU5fln Hope 10 ICC you loon

So lonlt unlil IIOlt monlh

Writer Outlines Local's Events


LU. I I <No !I.UIV}, MASON. MICH.-SlDee 0<11 l,sl cOllcspondence tn Decembe, . 01,1. locil has taken on many changes

In ~plcmber a poIlllOO was filled by Ihr 'P potnlmenr of lob Edmonds as an ISSISlln. to Oao Mo .. , •. bu,.nes, m.nlger, 10 fill. vacancy Clrlled when Dan be .. me 8M Bob ,oms Cam,lIe StOUt .nd KCllh Flewelling to fill 01,11 Ihe local ', .1111 Bob wu In ElIccu!Jve B .. , .. d member .nd "'IS .epl.eed In th .. cap.eily by Bob NOI5I"nd

Lut .ummel, 0<1.10<:11 comm.tted lo orlanlung Ihe uno r g~nozed Now 01,1 ' eflo.ts arc slalllng 10 show A new contraCI has ""tn Signed wllh Ihe M.llon Pubh, School n'Slnet, which coven cu. lodlant, cooks, and kllchen helpers_ An eleetlun hu juu be~n won wllh tmployees 01 • lelevlSlon " atlon In Alpen., and ba'~''''lOg Will •• ~" .uuu Anolhe. elecllon was 10 take place ,n March wilh employees 01 I manu!actullng company .

In Decembel, Ch,i. Fox, then p.~"dc nt 01 01,11 loul, . esigned his office ~nd the BOJ.d appa'nled Shell Aspey to the olflce 47



lI.~tiru Pauline Winklr r 01 Loul 1106, Muon, Mich., 5bows off ont 01 many 8;£1, lino 10 hn by olher membcts ,nd hirnds. A parly Wat 1'Il ld lor htl On 'anuuy 6 which mlny mrmb~n, hiuds and reline. lurndrd.

January brought the rClIIcmcnl of P~ulinc Wink· In P~uhnc was • ]ong'llmc member_ and se rved '5 a steward and traffie delegatc 10 SyStem CouncIl T -3, whLch preceded our present on<,·loc.1 strue' lUre H('., pride and dedIcation 10 the loc.1 w,1I br dearly mJ$,ed by .11 (lur BrOlher, .nd Siue.,

We send OU I suppon and best w,shu to OUI Bro thns and SISler. of Sy.ltrn CouncIl T·' We hope th •• any help you may need we w,1I be ,ble 10 '"'C.

NHI month we hope to .cpOrl bvor.bly on the rcsulu of OUI uprommg ecru lk.l1on election and bargam,", "'lIh the new groups we arc working wllh



A Itw of ou, luclty 'tcipitnu of , ibboni and p,izu ~I Iht picnic 01 Local 111 6, Tlluon, A.;z. Con· , UIIlIaI;OIlJ 10 nch of )'ou!

Negotiations Coming Up; Register To Vote L. U. ] 116 11l,tm&'m rl, T UCSON, ARI Z.-A hean~ welcome III our new membe ' S-Patncla Rlve.~ Robert Robmson, Raymond Paez, and Lau"e Hall Good to have YOII al the meeHn&. 100' Congrnu lallons 10 Brothe. B.uce Dice, .cciplent of the [BEW bel! budde door P"u In Feb'II~'y Th,~ ye: .. w,ll be a bll'y one 101 all 01 II~ We

hnt tht e[ttllon of IIfAtt/s tommg up soon, then negOllallons of Ihe Contrael , and Ih,s ycar wr .150 ne,Olla ie Ihe pensIOn plan Your partlClpaliOn 15 needed

Husmes. Agenl [c.ry MakowskI bnngs U5 up 10 dale at each meeting Are you gIving your 'uppon by btlng llic'" 10 find OU I whal IS ,oing onl T he

only way you Will know what \I IS thai IS gOing on '5 to bc tI the mettlng Ihe fI'$1 Thu.sday of neh month Eleh monlh mOle are anendlllg meel' ings beeluse Ihey know il [S Ihe only way Ihey will be IIlformed

Brothel TIm Blady IS now a depcHY regmral , If you haven't rCII'Sltlcd 10 vote , Tim will gladly help you aucnd In Ihls maller_then ut ilize your .ight and VOle'

The G. E planl III Tucson 15 down 10 nine employees, SIX of Ihe nlile a.e Local 1116 membc ...

Our sympalh,u are 51nCe.ely cxlended 10 the Chillu Ralllff family . Rodney Ralllff, 16 YUIS of age, and h" "e.y dose Iflend Darrell SUomp, 11, wele en lOUie home hom Ichool when a blowoul caused thell ICClllenlal deaths. LtH than 10 mm· UtU befole thell blowOUI, Rodney Illd Danell atded another mOt01l51 by changlllg a flat lIIe fo. them Theil ah rulsm will ,lwaYI.cmaln IIllhe hearts of thell many Iflends, (b5Smate~ and Ida lives,

ilEA MI LNf., l' S

Brothers Smalley and Hensel Save Infant's Life LU. 1114 (II ), ELiZABETli , N.I._ On Oo:.lobcr 15, ll/SJ , Matthew Smalley and Cratg Uensc! Wele working on Prospect Avenue III SOleh PlaIns, when they heard. woman sc ruming fOI help B.other Smalley was on Ihe ground and Brothcr Hcnsel was in the buckel. Smalley wenl runnlllg OVC I 10 Mrs Bruno and Hcnsel wu comlllg down Irom Ihe bucket 10 US'SI him Mrs Bruno lold them het Ihlce· mon thold daughlcr was choking from mu· tUS lodged III her Ih.oal and would Ihey please help he. Smalley look the baby from M.s Bruno and saw Ihat she wlS no\ breathlllg and hel mouth was full of tallv. He p.oceeded 10 elCln Ihe baby '. moulh OUt and was p.ep;lllnl': to gtve he. CPR when they heud he. take 'gup of alr, lIlhlS polnllhey knew she would be ;Inghl Latc., Mrs B.uno saId he. dOtlo' lold them if Ihesr IWO men had nOI done th" procedu.e Ihe baby would nOI bt here lo(by.

MI. and Mn IIruno wcre ~ery graleful and hoped rhe Company would thank Ih~m p'operly. PSEbG pltsented thcm WIth Ihc mCllto llouS safety .ward.

fortunDtely for MI and MIS. Bruno .nd their baby, Brolhen Smalley and Hensel were thc.e. We III admllt and Ihank you both fOI you. COnCern and quick aCl10nIII Ih ,s 1Ift.lh.tatenrng Sl\uallon. Cong.alulal1on,'


It.; Keele., the I wom. n journerman l inemln of Local 1245, W.lnut Creek, Cal., iii showo ht re w;lh, left to righi, Marc Chipman, appre ntice lincmu, Mike R.ln$, lint , ublo.c man , Briln Pc.· '01'1 , journeyman lin t nun, Davt Vilordo, line l ub· (unman l ~nd Drenl Tumc., line subforrnlln .

Local 1245 Introduces First Female Lineman LU. 124S !o,u,l,em,C"a lv, II11,goVI&'pe!l, WA LNUT CREEK, CA L.- f,ve·year (BEW Loc,1 1245 memo btl Ie . ; Keeler II I II/80s ptoneel

Thc 26 'yur'0Id CalIfornIa nallVC, who wo.ks oUI of PaCIfic Cu and Eleclflc 'l San Rafael head· quarlcrs, .eccnlly achIeved iourneyman lineman u.ms, becomIng the Ars\ woman \0 urn Ihe cla~~iflcalion 5Yltcm·wid~

She ap prcnticed wllh LIne Department t rew. ,n


Keeler wo,b .IOp • 40·1001 pole.

W~lnut Creek 10' thlec·and·one· half years. Then ~ lUI Augusl she was assigned 10 Ihe NOllh Bay Division. Word gO! around Ihe Sin Rafae l Ylld in midsummer thai a new lineman was coming 10 Ihe hcadquallell, and Ihen WOld gOt OU I Ihal Ihe new lourneyman lmeman was a woman. Clearly, ~ memben in Ihe yard were a htde curious about Keeler', Impendmg alllvaJ. Keder said $he was nervou~ when she fin! a .. ,,·cd In San Rafael, IIISI as anyone midll be, com,nllio ~ oew hcdquan crs on I new ISSlgnmeot. Alter she was asSIgned 10 a crew, Keele. SCI to work, .nd is lull with ber onginal c.ew IUd.y.

LlIle Subforeman Dave Vllordo said Ihe c. ew »­has worked out fine, and Ihat Ihe biggest dlfic.enec working with a woman on Ihe job i. that llnguage tends 10 be warched a hllic more carefull r.

Kee ler's lIIitial assignment n I'G&E was on a lmc clew baclt in 1979 when she wo.ked 15 a , groundman III Walnul Creek for more than a ytlr pno. 10 bc,mnlng her hneman ap prenticeship. She .ccalls that the move IU51 seemed the ductuon 10 uke. Kedc. Slid ,he', always hkcd be,nll out of .. doorl, ~nd wu used 10 he~vy work because sbe 'd spenl a 101 of ume as a leeoager lepamng fences to Iteep he l horses enclosed, as well as w,dlng through muddy eon.ls 10 feed them. Working with ber animals, she fteh, helped prepare her for the strenuous .nd dcmandlllg lob IS a lineman.

" I wasn 't su re [ could do ii," she saId, "bul when I gO t into my second year of apprenticeship] knew I tould do il . Ilt ked the wOlk and the challtnge, Ind I knew I could do a ,ood job, SO ISluck wilh .... ii," she added.

Keele. mdleated that 1\ loolt her a lull year to gel over btlng Ica.ed. "You lus t have to gel pasl .hat poiol, " she uid

Publtc IUCllon 10 Kemg a mediumly bUilt, rtd· .. balled young woman cltmblllg I 4O·foot pole has bcen mlxed_rang,ng from smiling tunoslty to outspoken dIsmay at why a woman would want to perform such work. One woman cuscomer even · advtsed Keeler in effCCI, "to get Mek 10 the kilchen."

Keeler al so recalls Ihe ~d~ice of anal her woman who yea rs ago encouuged he r to "find I iob that pays a man'. wagu." Al lhough Keeler says that "" Ihe didn't ha~e Ihal $peclflc goal tn mind when she slalled he. carecr, it's lurned 0111 Ihat Ihe adVice, glvcn hel by her own mOlber, rl btglnnmg 10 ply off ...

Keelcr in no way romanllClzes he. work. She Iiltu II, find, II laxrng IS well as ncilin&. bUI emphnizes Ihal the re IS no way to romanticize having 10 be pelched atOp. 40·loot pole al 4:30 a.m. III the mIddle of 1 dark field, on a cold, sto rmy ~ wintct morning when you're worktng hour aile . hou r to reslore power. Shc knows. She's becn Ihtre, ond l! " \ll5t plain hald, dcmandll'lg work. ,


New Officers Elected ; Xmas Dinner-Dance Held L U. 1246 (em), ADRIA N, MICII.-The newly elecled officers 10' Our local arc as follows: prni· dent, Dan Dowling) vice presidenl, Iell Youngj sccreury , "m Snyde. , treasurer, lInd. Byrd: flnan· cial.tertlary, l!arbala Lindcn; and commi ttcepcr· son, RU lh Parkhurst.

The Annual Christmas Dlnncr was held De·



Some of Ihe IK.I', "It druled up lor IlIlIowun. The, Ire , back row, It il 10 .I, hl , Amy l unol , Donn. Hamlin .nd ".,b k h"d\, illih f.on t row is TUI POIU.

ctmMr ]0. Then SIRI •• .rInd and rallr.td 10 III the chIldren and pan d 0111 .,ft, The dinner wu followed by , dAnce and lun WI' h.d by .11

Runl 1'''UflUk~T, P S

On Job

AI the IIi,h VOlt',f 5,51tll,. eltul'Y Job a'f LocaI 1249,SY"nUt. N.Y., membt" Bob Inl •• h. n,

..... Illd Mcl ¥i n Ga n CII .


T. tt·uimmin& mtmbtu and line Ch. p lf l mfmM" -c '!lended I fin! lid .lan . 1 M.,uohl Mlno. in


• Work Slows; One Big Job on Horizon LU. 1249 lo. ua. C'I ~ '. SYRACUSE, N. y.-ow wo.k

.. ~ hu stowed up COIlsultll"l,. Imct .ht cold and snow hne com", Our lObs In Marcy arc both fimshed for ,II plafllnl purposca The 10M In the Buffalo"n I . e cnhc. tlm,hed 01 .hut down UCCpl

,,'or .Iew m"," domllL,nal wo. k lor Buffalo ElecUle, The rob 10 Brew~le. 1'11111 10101 on bUI Ihould bo: finIshed In March Sche, Eleelrlc ', lOb In Wue, · • own 15 shul down, ' 1 lu" lemporl.lly We sull have man y B.othen work.n, Ou t of O1he. locals

L and .hal may"," our UVlOr unul Mucy·South IOU Wo.d aboul Marcy·Soulh is (n tOUral ,nl. Not

.h~. Ihe PSC IS , ush,n,re ,hln,re! .Ion, II .11, bUI al IU51 Governo. Cuomo I nd many 01 Ihe olhe.

-'" ruponslble politicians 10 Albany lie , uppollln, the con, truc .. on of 'he line for all the benefits It w,ll ploducc th.oughout the 'li re A rrf.rnr "cnn· servuion casement bill ," which I tlupec t was in 'roduced 10 sull M .. cy·Sou,h, ,reo, .hrough ,he

Hou~ and Senate and WI) "I:ned by Govern ul Cuomo. However. he made 1\ p!.m tha, he wu SIgn Ing" wnh a5'U,anCCI tha, the b,ll wouldn, It. uud CO Inte.fe.e wllb Marcy·Soulh In addrnon, Governor Cuomn and Po .... ,. AUlho."y Char rman Dy!;On leccntly made a!lan~emcnu 10 pu,ehaJC IdJruonal powe, h om Qucll«, 10hn Dyson ,e' cently l uned up Ihe "nollh country·· by <UAAUI'n,re Ihn In addmoeul line mlghl be nceJ~J hom M.~na 10 Mucy It wunJ~ like mu,,( .n my un, bUI Ihe Inu·s hom the n,"lh ha~e beJtun In runIc I.OUnJ and make nor~e. hh IImeo 01 old J /!un~ ",c·d ","ntl fi,rehl ·cm "I\c al a lime, on 1<>1 now 11 ·5 smetiy Marey·Sou,h

Bob LaOJtry neenlly Jt(>l nc,r;tuut,,'ns II ~teuben Rural Elec"lc fin'shed up wllh a I\eW .h,« YUI

I,.umem Wc· re nlll"'orkrn~Jw~YJl Loh PI,,,d IrylnK 10 KCI the tih' ~~.«menl 1m Ihe elru"cal wo. kcu Ihett. Our ure (h~pte •• bo I<ccpttd a new on .. ·yea. ag,eemen. Thc ··A ch'pte, ~nJ C'"~hlr'oCnrc a/!. temenl~ are bolh lunnml OUI Ihl~ yu. and 110 .... ne,Ollallonl Will be 5UlllnJt lOOn

Ou, de(\lon of officeu al,"1 rakn place thl ~ yur WLlh nOmmalLOnl m M~y Jnd In~IIII'lLon 01 new ofAce . ~ In July

We le(cn tly he ld a flnl .. 0.1 reV,eW ([)Ur5e ,. the MUYIiOld Mano. '" Bull.lo w .. h. d a Kood turnout wLlb 10 nee· Inmmln~ memhcn and fh .. Ime chap Ie. members att(ndlO~

PrOlCtt You, uvdlhn"d l W",k 'aldy' Buy Unron' And combat obSlru(lInnl~h'



These art handboob used in conjunClion with tnt Programmable Conuolln COllr~e unt.td by Lou l I :hl, AU/!USII, Me.

Hi-Tech Course Offered by Local LU. 12;)1;1, AUGUSTA, ME.-tvldenlly. hi lech conllol s~stem s Ifc becomlOJt rncrus1HJ:ly n«u suy 10 oll r If~rtr M~ny rnmp~nlt~ Ife nnW em ploYloli these i)·Slem$. Th.s muns. ,n • few yurs, th .. old syJltms WIll be obsolete. Sc:>-wh ... boUI us ' Well , Ihe p,obferatron of h'lfCh usc Will lu'·e .he unskilled far behlml and m.y"," evrn unem played

Dawn'n, on .caiLutLon. a P.ollamm.ble Con I.ollt. IPCI Cou'$( '5 beln, supplemcn.ed 10 .he app.entleesh,p eurnculum and iOumeyman up , .. d,nK clI$.\ot"J En'ollmenl for Ihc PC (ou,,... by the many cal!C' membo:u 'i overwhelm'n, Therc ·, nO doubl Ihar ou, cap.bllllln mU)1 e.pand wllh Ihe lob marktt ~me mem""" ""ILeve elecn on.cs and oth .. . hi

,eeh I IC no.h"" bUI a paU "', lad I'm lOlly 10 say. advanc.n/! .echnology docs nOt pus ILke fad d,cu It 's bettc, 10 h.ve an ulU sk,ll under our beln and .tay ~he .. J uf Ihe "un u"'un el"CI"clan Ipollnte IS dc.tLmcnlll .0 Ihc surv'Hl nl our Ifadt

Then Ihere afe .hose .ha, feu hi tcch and I~r mlOology Frr" of ~II, no One ncedi I collcl(c ph D 10 ,nterp.et th. tlOIC" C nomend •• u ••. Second, Ihe.e " no nOIC rr ( nomcnelllu.t, lun s.mple te.mlnology equated With .impltddlllllion •. Man· uals and ,10s5alle$ p' l)v ,d. "ClI·by·nell ~uidcl The termlOll . 'nform U$ of ou. errOrs The.e is no h"h·IQ ' (qulftmenl If you con .ead, hunt Ind

peck on a keyboard, hne Ihe deSire 10 tu.n, 01 don 't Irke hclOli left 10 Ihe dllk , look ,nco Ihe PC COUlse, How Cln one lJ!.f1o.e Ih •• ,mplrcllyl AI lel$llilve II. ehlnce Alter III, II ', fr«1

II any Brothe, 0' S1Ju, hn 111 1.mlly mcmbcrj .1 wllh IIhle.ie, academiC 0 1 CommunllY ach,eve menu and would hke 10 .h~ ... 11 Wllh us, lend Ihe IOfo.mauon 10 H,I.J.. Chow·Schlechter , p.eu ICC rctary; (/0 IB,EW loc.1 1253. 27 Kendall S"."I. Au",'ta. M'lOt 04330 The IOfo.mallon mus, be bnd. 1/ ~ pholo \I submitted, " mUil "" black Jnd while lI.elU.n of pholos cannOI "" guaunleed

Conlcmplalc Ih'l. Ihoud! When II.HllLn,. 01.11

of IOWn .nd IOtO .nOlhe. lu"td'.IIon, femem"". you are a ,uu, IUlIsJlCuon:If .ounuy II an ClI

.cnded pnvllcle COf\&ralulll,On. 10 Wood.!>w C'"n .... ~~.\ ta nt

bus,on. m,na,e, .nd Ulrnln, d" .. cto. , 10. hll leceHl apllUlOlm.n. by the ,ovcrno,.o Ihe po.lILon of member, Milne AdVIsory CounCIl on Voe.ILonal Edu~allon



'im Deloc 01lo<:a11lJ9, Buff.lo, N.Y., with onc of his " pride Ind JOYI ."

Scribe Spotlights Brother DeJoe, Building l.U. 1])9 Iu}, BUFFALO, N.Y.-On january la we moved ,nco Our new bUlldm, Thanh 10 the fol 10wlOI membo:n who llYe up therr SlIu.day II. AUellnk, G Blank, P I)Qrmann, II. F.eund, R Hubbard, K Lon" B McDonald. M Noon, D Patton, M Sidfan P S.efano Ind, of cOu"'~, D Banks Ind M Flana,1R The snow new .od Ihe Wind blew, bul" nevcr d,m'nlshed our ClUU, wllh Ih~ Huck. n,hl on Khedulc MIIs'OCI acCom phshed, we even had tlmt for some WIO,'. plua and. few been .00' NOle 10 Rusl-«Jven Ihe h"h tive Iat .. J~ 1

As "' lO te, continued to slip by, I kept p.omlSlng more wnlc·ups on In.e ' eltlng membe,. 0/ thIS local Well he re Anall, "Ino.hel, Dunkllk Steam S,.rlon's past b:ecullwc 80arJ n'Clnt.... , ,,,,, Deloc TIm ,ecently rcslgned from Ihe 8<N,d because he hIS taken I lob ,n Ihe fredon .. Stlllun MaInte· nanee Depallment I,m hn. vaned h,stury rn thl' loul l It hn ","cn • steward rn eve,y d~JI.llmtn • rn whoch he hIS wo,ked Aher spend,n, iO yurs m Ihe Lrnc Department, \1m went to Ounk"k Steam Sutlon wo,krng rn Ca.l Handltn" Electrical Mlrn .funce Ind Mrrh~n'r.~1 Maintenance, IImii hi5 recen, fob .han~e Besides berng an effCClive Slewa.d, hIS du.in have included unit chairman, heeUlive Boald memhe, alld the added dUlY of Synem Council U· II delega te, I,m WIS al 51) elec,ed a dde/!alt 10 ,he 32nd ISEW Convention in l OI An,des in J 9112 I mU51 menllon he.e , as chairman ..


of the h~cuuye B~I(I. w~ ~II mIss JIm and h,s knowledge of $I~am StatiOns and other uen To »y r,m is OU lspohn would be an understatement, but thIs trait I pe r ~onally mlU. In hll off hours, Ihe raismg, Ixurdmg, and training of horses, and hrs recent vcntu re In ral smg reJllslcred Polled Herefords [hts plldc and lOY), along wilh 97 ac res to fa rm, kecp 11m, h,s father, ',m, SI" and brother DaYid, who now "vu m OhIO, on the run 11m and hi, WIfe MIlly haye two daughtcn, Denls.c and Tncla, who have Ihell own pony "Doc" to care fOI .

In NIagara Fall, lut Ch"Slmn leuon the city put On a " festlyal Of llghl'" dIsplay, thanles 10 OUI members from Ihe Falls. Besldu In utide .n Ihe Falls papel thanking them lor the ll help, a leite r wu sent to Vice President Sob Clea ry com· mending those who helped 101 their community Splilt. In ,hatletlel Henry I Kallas, fesllval eha,,· man, staled hIS npllmism on the continued success of the Fes1JHI

Now that " 'e have a home, Buslnen Managcr flanagan and Pruident Banks ale trymg to locate p,ClUrl'S 01 Our pUt and present members on the lob. II you should have any and thm k they would be usefulm documenting the h, story of thIS loul, please gCt m touch w.th the office. larger pnnn arc deslled, and prov.s.on, may haye 10 be made for those warllmg to keep thei r O1iginals Morc on thIS later

[will close WIth a commenl For ycars no",' large Amellcan corporations have been movmg thel' manu(actunng operation! oyerseu Ruson cheap labor Now that labor force whIch rece,yed uten live ua,mng by thc Amencan corporations are busy counterfellmg and dras llca lly under~dllng the s.ame Who losul Not lUst Amencan I.bor, but Amencan bu.mus .n tums 01 bl/horlS of dollars III profit l

MARK II STf.FI'" ... , PS

Many Traveling; Agreement Reached LU. 1140 Ii,0$.eml, NEWPORT NEWS, VA.- Work for our mdoor w,remen 15 better Ihan II was onc year ago, but II hu a long way to 10. Many of OUI Brothers arc work.ng ou t of town, thanks to our s.s ter locals who arc wo.k mg OUI u ayehng Broth elS.

Our NegotIating Committee reached an agree· ment with our conuaclon on a conllact for ,nshle wiremen. Thanh to our Ncgollatmg Commatce who wele Kermit Ames, Tom Eyeret, Ho ward Day, Cene )ourdan and Steve Stump

On March 10, 1984, our local held III Annual &'nquel. More mlormation In the May /ouTna/

Remember, hemg • good uOlon membe. sta ru wnh be.ng a good Amencan, If you are nOl reI'" {(fed to yote-reg,ster ThIS 15 the yea r we can get cYen WIth Rooald Reagan

EDDtti Con , V P.lp,S

Scribe Urges Union Members to Stick Together LU. IlS9 luI, CIIlCAGO, I.LL.-On lanuary 16, 1984, our local unioo s wore .n Robert C. Kellcr as our new local pres.denl. AboJworn In were Steycn Martinez as V.ee pre"dent and r-"chael M.lclI. as Eneullve Bou d member at Crawford Slallon Th" Isdue to the recent retirement of Our past pruldent, Ralph Phelps, Ralph has always bee n an aC\lve membcr 10 union ma lleu and .n the pU t sllI ·and· a·half years he served u union pruldent, he brought about a great deal 01 changes, all for the benerment of the local and It' member •. Ralph will be mhsed by us all, and we all wish hIm the yery ben m h,s rtri rement . Good luck, Ralph_

Now II the lime for all 01 us .n iJS9 to pye Bob Keller all the support he needs In the coming ~eau, as he 5ervu u our new president It seems to me Ih.t in the past yean our local has been dIv ided, which only SerVe! one purpose-the decay and destruclion of • grcat umon body. The Company loyes to I(e this flghtmg and endlcss argumg. "Sule ," you say , " let 's all coope.a.e, but 1 don '.


Ralpb Pbllp' 01 lIKal I3S9, Chiu,o, m., .bi.d frOOl Ith, atnpll I n .llf1ulI of apprcciltion from thc NAACP. From Ilh to .Igh. arl William Frank. lin , Fisk S.ation/Donald Pi.u, Fisk Station , retilcd , Ralph Phelps, lo.mrr local prnldent r and Robert C, Krlllr , Crawford S t~lion, Inca l pre~ ldent .

hke th'5 guy as a union offlcel, or I don't iLke the way my 6hop slewa rd handled my grleyance." GIYe them. chance, they mIght make a mIStake now and then, bUI haven 't you at one IImc or anothe. 1 Start attendIng the re~la r mon.hly meetings, meet the offlcers and steward5. Get small , get Inyolved Con~ntUlallon5 to Ihe mcn and Womtn II Craw·

ford Stat ion 's Electllc.1 Mamteunce and Electll ­ca l Opcra tlng Dep~f\mcnts. hoth wllh 30 years and no 10$[,"me accidentsl keep up the good work

Also at C rawlord Stallon, M,chael Albano, Op ~rallDg Dtpartmcnt, was named Proof the Ouartcr, congiat ullllOn5, M.ke

Hltlo off also 10 the men and women In the Electrical Operating Department at Fl5k Stillion wnh 14 years and no 10sI-IIme aCCIdents Also It FISk SlIlIon, good luck to lack Webste r and WII · lIam Bucnho/er on thell rtCCnt .curcmcn'5, Re' cent rctlrement! at Crawford Ire Ken T oman, Harold DaYis, MIke Kusecck, lohn Galni.k, and !' red Ha~Jc r Cood luck to al1 of you,

In thc futu re, anyone who ha newsworthy m· formallon concerntnJl our locll's members and fam.l,n should contact DanIel FIIl:maullcc, fIsk StallOn, 01 Clarence A 2..mon, Crawford Station



liere Ire SOmt of the ntW Hnlmen ofl,oul 1367, Chicago, III. , It Chingo Sout h, overhud. From Ifft ,0 right 1ft Mike F.oSt , Plul WUlhersby, Puc Cooney, StUt Schulu, Dtnni , Ma"ni~, Bill Don· o~it(h , and Ray Su omek. lIenr, Gomn i~ nOI piellurd.

Pension Benefit Agreement Outlined LU, 1367 luI, CHICAGO, ILL_Stamng the month 0/ April, we will be recflvlng OU ! pay Incrcase that we accep.ed in 1983_ a two' year ~~rcement. Al so, our pension rc,opene. was voted on .nd counted February 6, 1984 lust a parllal summary- the offe l on the penSIon plan IS C5u mated 10 avera~e 4633 cen lS pc. hour It movu our ullmated funge bc:nefl ts to a new average oiaboul S6 8678 In hour There is I new fOlmub for ha rga.ntng Unl1 em· ploytes rellllnr; early tn 1984-- rct irce', tnC renes an lY~rage of 19 pClcem or .n avcra]te ,"Clta~ o( 51 9000 Ind full penSIon al a8e 60. The prov,"on w.1I be rc .. lsed to proy.de . spouse'l beneAt lor the s urvlvltlg SpOUSt of an em ployee who dies belole . ell r~lO cnt after complcllnJ\ iO o. mOrc years of


loseph StAO and his wifl Julia ce lebrale their SOth '" wddinr; In niYClury. Congrallllarions 10 the happy couple.

credit se rv,ce PenSIon beneflts will be calculated as though the employee rellTed at age SS the day before h •• death The spo\l$e .... 11 continue to reeclve medIcal npen~e plan coverage with pte· mlums plld for tnmely by Ihe Compan y_ Tbe ... med.cal (oyerage Will be IClmtnalcd .f the surviv· .ng spouse r(marlles

The pensIOn plan, effecllye January I, 1984, for Se rV. Ce aher December 31, 19J6, the sum of 1.40 percent of the h.ghe" average annual base pay 'llalned dunng a pen od of /lye Con.Ccullve years, multiphed by a clcdi t sc ry.ce to a maxImum of 3S yurs plus (was 1.2S percenrl. The Social Security adjus tment w.ll be reduced to 30 percent ladjus t· ... ment was 4() pe rcen t). Th.s was just apulia! summary, evtryone was milled the complete apeem~nl

AI the regular mcellng of Loca! 1367, held It the HIlIstde Hohday Inn, Pres ident AUen Young an· , nounced the new appointment of stewards to Brothel Ronald Royse, stockman, Chtcago South, and 10

Blother Arthur Tuckcl, Purchasing Dcp.rtment, office apphllrlce. .,

CongrallllallonS to the follow.ng on thell recent promollons, B.other lerry Clo'nI~k promoted to crew leader, \lndergrouod, ChIcago Sout h; Brother Raymond Stakenas prom()lcd to s.cnlor \tee tnm· mer , Brother Henry Ctllen promoted 10 s.cnlor lice 1I1mmCl; and Brothel )nc Wasek Ichld steward overhead) p.omoled 10 crewleadet, Ch,cago South .

Atthe Decembel uecul1ve Board meellng, Pres· Ident Allen Young announced thai Ihe Utility Conferenee, held February 21-24, was to be at­tended by Vice Prcsldent John Quealy, Execullye ·~

Board Chi llman Bill Ko~l owsk i and ExeCU llve !Ward Sec let~ry Gabc figunoa. The IlhnOls Sute Con· fer ence and U-2S Counci l meeting was held March 5-8 and was to be attcnded by President Allen , Young, V,ce Presidenc John Ouealy and E~ecullve Board officer RIch Rubas

Ne ws from ChIcago Central-congratulallons to the followlOg on theu promollons co hnemen on .. Dtcember 19, 1983 Bro thers AntOniO Cun· nlngham, LUll R.yell, Steven Shereyk and Dennis Duckworth

Celebrating a company ann.yersary, wllh 30 J

years, congratulations to Edward Biehnski , oyer· head (IiCUllman, April S, 1954.

The nClIr legoLar mee llng of loul 1J67 will be heldon Apnl II at Ihe HLilside Hol .day Inn sta rting al 800 pm The ExeCUllve Board wili mee t on ~ Ap,,1 2S al 7;00 I' m

W'shlnl all our members and thell bmlhcs a h.ppy and blcs'<Cd Easter. Thtnk Spn"&'


Meeting Time Changes; Many Events Planned L. U, 1400 luI, INDIANAPOLIS, IND._ AI our Jan­uary membc:rsh.p meeting, the mnllon was mad~ by lohn SImpson to change the sta lling lime of the membc: .. hlp meelll11: from 7 15 p,m to S:30 pm for A and C shIft members. Thc YOle was taken and ~s$ed 25 to 4 In favor of the chanle The B shlfl members w.1I SIll! hold Ihell meellng It the o/flce at noon

We d.d th ••• n an dlort to tncomagc .. rendance and .nyolyement. Of course thete will s till be Ihose who u y tha t " I pay my dues, surely no one

Picnic Fun

- , Winn~" and Ihei . p ri~f' horn Ihe child. en's enm· ~Ii.iou!

tlrpttU mo.~ than Ihal"/ But Ihu 'S Ihe wron, , attllude 10 hne II takes everyone", I local 10

help makt " ac"ve and stron, It ·, /0' a person's own ,ood 10 be. concerned and uu~e ,n hIS local A person shouldn't Up«1 50mwnc elw 10 do all

..... . he work-aloul's ludelstllp and members wanl and necd people w,.h new ,deas Ind ,n'''a''~~ to tlrry au' thou .dus. So-,el actl~e' SUrpoR YOU, local The lOb you sa~e may bt your own'

In my lUI atuck 1 ,,'IOIr about Ih" Recrutlon COmmltlee Ih" was fmmcd '" No~embc. 1983 The Commmec set liS Icma,,"'e a,enda 101 1984

... II n$ Feb.uary 8 meNIn, They w,lI h05t Ihree evenls 101 the mcmbershtp IhlS YUI They a.c II , MonIC Carlo lII~t 111 Apnl 21 the Labol Day p.cn,c 111 ~plembel. and jl • dance ,n the faU 0' ea.ly w,n.c.

I am sure Ihl! Commlltee w,lI need help "-lIh uch of Ihuc aeuv,"u Now '5 Ihc Umc 10 vol un."er. to b<:come an ac"VC pa" of YOUI local

We .150 have. new commmee The Se.vlCe ... Awa.ds Comm"'ee w.l1 have Ihe .upons.b.IIlY of

dcc,,!'n~ the way to show applrClaUon 10 steward. anti of/lcers, pasl and prCUnt, who do In outstand· III, tob The filSI mceun, fOI thl5 Comm",ce was

--"-111 Ihe bllel I'all of Feb/uaty. ThIS Commmec COOSISIS of Dan Sandels, Bob Johnson, MIke Ma.· IIn.c from Manulactu"n" and Clatence Mobley and Clatence Byrum from Lan,sdale. Th" ntW

-< commlllee w.1I ne"d Our suppon anti bell' On March 17, the Slate I8EW 80whnK Tourn.'

menl was hcJd m M.ch.gan Cuy hosted by local $J I ThIS Loc.l, 1400, senl 115 usual fine amounl

~ of talented part.c.pants Thou results will b<: ,n my next newsl~tter

.. Thal's all 101 n&ht ou .. · BUI .cmembc:. 10 support

you. local and a"cnd liS mcmb<:uh.p mCtUngs' YOUI support dots make a d,ffelence'

MALA CIlY O'C""''''-Oll, P 5

Past Recalled • By President

LU. U fO l~m &ClI"I, KEARNY, N, I.-There.s a say.ng whIch many of us arc bm.har wHh, " WHh

r a lillie honey, One un catch a lot of bees" The day, of bully.nK bct ... ·ecn m.na,ement and Ihe untOn lie mdeed a thm, of the past SUle, one can pound Ihelr fislS on ,he desk, ,hout or IUSI mah

... pla,n lackasses oul of Ihemscl ... es lIu! ,n th'5 d~y and age we are aU .n a tI,fftrenl ball game. One must assume a trust, confidcnce and understandmg ,lone has 10 ach.eve certam goals rega rdJcu II It

" ,n nelOllallng or IUSI a plam conversallon,


Waitin, I" Ihe l i,,~ .... s wonb Ibe effoRI Ihe food WI' d~l idouf!

provld.n, thn nOI one WOld m Our COnUacl If b<:.ng ~tobtcd by bolh rartles Wc.n Ih.s atlmln 'Slluton h .... e achlf"cd lUSt Ih... We have OUr dISCUSS'Ons. ou. delo"".a"ons and both parllCi arc as honut wnh uch Othel IS can be upectcd Not •• all limes do Ihmgs lum OUI the "'ay "'e " 'ould Ioke them 10, but wc kup punumg unlll we .each an undentandm, that we both can I,,'c .. ·"h anti m Ihe process sec thai a fa" dt(ls'on has betn made

We, of COUIU, do not .un 0. Own Ihe company, but u a unIon wc must deal m bet!; and not SI.tlUteS, 101 theoulcome un only benefit 0 . ha.m all of us We havc operaled and wtll continue 10 ope •• te m Ih,s mannCI, wtlhout plOm.SlnK Ihe wo,ld to an)·one. On many occasIons I have lold you that I do no. and WI" not .IcCtl'1 .ny spec,,1 fayors IOf myself Fo. whcn Ih.s 11 all ove., I am golllg 10 "try qUIetly fade away know.nK tha.1. at all IImet, h ... e dull SLnceldy and honeslly wllh everyone cunce.ned

OUI mana,ement I'cople he.e ,n Kcamy, hom our WOIU manage. 10 Ihe uellon eh.eI, could nOI hue chanKed any deCISIon, .hat WttC madc years ,go by Ihe people III COII'O"IC 1'051110nS ClOSing Keamy wu a well ma"c'ed, .Iudled I'lan and nOI somNhtng Ihat was deCIded overn'&h'

t.bny of us ha.·t much ..., .... ce, some as h"h as 4S yean, and these h..-e been ,QOd years 10. all of us. wllh ,ood pay. ,ood benefits andKQOd work.ng condlllons, lor e¥en mana,ement lIsclf tre~led all of us mOle than faLl If one d.d whu w~s elpcCled of Ihem by keeplnK oul of trouble, do.n~ a I", day's work for a fall day's pay, nu one plessu.ed you 01 hurt you In any way But the.e were a vcry f~w who at all limeS lound iO many Ih.n~$ .0 compl .. n aboul, and theu .... ele alway~ the same fICOl'lt day III and day out Now the$( ij,lme people .. ·.11 look back and ij,lY 10 Ihemsel~c5, "Dam II,

and I WU compllln,n,'· Our tlun Struclulc was mo.e Ihan falf Sil SO

pc. month, and we made Ihe h'Khcsl pay .n WE Ou. people gOlnK 10 olhe. pl~nt$ found oul theLl dues Struc"'" .s d,fferen. hom ou ... Some have to pay IWO to th.ee hours' pay I momh tlues, ,nclud.ng an .nmaliun fcc .n some 01 the CWA locals, and these same people arC KelllnK lowe. pay al ,he pmt time

We d,tln'l ",,,te Ih.s p,ece to lectu.c you, bu. lor old UrneS sake we IUSI Wantc'! to .cmlnd you ~ l"ll~ of Ihe paSI wh,ch m.ny 01 us can lorgel su qu,ckly

I Want to make one sOg!(ulLun do you like the idu ,f we all ,n Kearny started an organtZallon to

meet one( a year al wme suclal affa .. ] Pe.haps, Ie,'. ny. conl ll bullng from S5.00 10 SIO per yn.1 And wtlh Ihos money have a DIce dinner .nd dance

wtlh Prizes ,.ven OUI] ISomelh.ng hke our 1" onee ... l11 you are ",!eres ted, all you have 10 do IS

Knd me you. Plme and add ress. Send It 10 me, AI V. Cellno, 1 Cemnl Avenue, Kurny, New Jeney, [BEW Local 147007032 I th.nk th., '$ a wonderlul ,dea, and each yca. we can all sec each olhel one day a year. Send your Iellel n soon as pOSSIble, 01 it 'I too late

Many 01 Out ,cured members ",.11 b<: .Ud.nK thtS .rt.cle, antl.1 you a.e IIIteleSted.n lo ...... g our o.,.nIUIIOn and would like 10 see YOUI Iflentls and co·wo.ken once 1,ltn, let uS hca. from you anti you WIll becomt I bona fide membe. Thll naturally 15 open lor all 01 ou. memlx. ... n Newark Cllcway, Clark Plant , ConnectIon anti Mcadow· lands Cable TV So, COme on, let's heal from you all'



B.olh rs Alan Toduchini, left, and lamu W. So· kolowski 01 Local 1484, Syracuu, N.Y., arc 0.", niLing the Local 1484 2S· Yu . Pin AWI.di nS Dio· nt!,

Local 1484 To Hold 25th Pin Dinner-Dance LU. 1484 tIl OW), SYRACUSE, N.y .-plan.a.e oow beln, Rnahzcd 10. Ihe IBEW Local Unton 148415-Yur P ... Award Dlnne. Dance. BIOthelS lames W_ SokolowskI and Alan Tlldcsch ... " co·chaumen of the dance, bave SCI the dale lor s.,.u.day, Apnl 7.

19B4, III the Flam.n,o Room of LeMoyne Maool nn Old ltveqtODl Road

Plans tnclude an openb". cockta.1 boul f.om 6:30 to 7:30p.m, d ... nCI and the a",ards p.esen tallon, and danCln, from 9 10 I a.m. lO the sounds of SlIn Colell, and hiS orchcs trl Th.s yea.'. mcnu Will offe r a chOICe 01 chlCktn cOldon bleu 01 rltme "b

The d ... ner·d.nce •• open loall memb<:rs 01 Local 1484, WIth IIcke" runn.n/l: bo:t"'een $12 and $14 ThIS w.ll bo: an ueellenl OpI'OJlUnlly fOI members 10 bnn, thcll spouses 0, dllts and find oul mo.e about unIOnIsm

M the .... "'Ic. " ove •. now II w.1I b<: us.e. 10 attend OUI un.on meellnKS on Ihe second Montl.y 01 .hc month HA"e a safe Ind hapl'Y Eastel


Bud Shutts Retires; James Johns Promoted L,U. U9! luI, ENTERPRISE, FLA.-Brothe. Bud Shutts, ,wltchbo.t.d operaIO., Turnel Plant, hn had enough after 3! yurs on the lob. On Milch 2. Sorne 01 Bud'.lon/l:, "mc !flends honoled h.m with qUlle • scnd-oU I ran mtO Bud Ihe other day on Kcplel Road as he wlS OUt walkmg for some datly ucrCIIC. He had a c.ucke.·uck full of cans, bottlu and some old 'poti.um bones I askcd Bud whll he tI.d wnh all that Stuff He .rrhed, " I sell C¥cry.hlnK but the bones, .... hteh I convert mto finc ,twdry E~uy "lilt b" hell'S, you know" Wllh .h" he chmbed .nlo h,. S 11,000 custom van and drove home. Enjoy your .elirtmen!, Bud

lames "Doc" Wetherington, equipmen. operatol, DeLand, .cccndy "umhled onlO qUI Ie a find It seems as though Doc hatl laken 10 ufOl"n, one day with h.s .ed machete , when he uncove.ed a "


clanduunc patch of cannabl~. A reprC$cmauve of Ihe local conslabulary was ,ummoned ,mmed" alely 10 dlSpalCh the IlIepl weed. Doc. 01 course, QUerw hIS §(C,VICU and flaIled Ihe hItless stalks unlll Ihe all was ahve wIth pollen. Well done, B, Olhe. James

Everybc)dy hku 10 be promoted, even cici muns haVing 10 move. Brother James Johns, IlOubleman, !)eLand, has ldl us for greener pislures. 'ames has been WIth us for IWO yean and bas comflbuled pcaliy 10 Ibe effiCient 'Yllem IkLand is known lor I w,lI eSpC<:Ially mIss him, as he Wl$ Ihe thYlhm guitar In Our local &roUP "T1Ie L,,·e Wuu " A spt'cla] pany wu gIven 10 hIS honOI II the C.vc Lake Club and hlS old band membru played a fare well gig for hIm Brother Duane " M. Ivory" Cusmann al the keyboa rdSc ferome "Skins" Sui· Iivan, p,,-,CU55lOn, ' ohn "Boots" Snyder, u: .. phone, Due "Buhbles" Cierhall, lead gulta" and finally Steve " Mr Harmony" Nuh. lead vocals, combined all Ihelf talents one lasl ume as they belled OUt a \·ery popula. rcndmon of "II'S a long Way 10 TusClwllla. " A e~llng larewd] to a fine Iflend and Ihe beu rhythm guitar In the South' Cood luck, '.mu

In clOSIng we Walll to cOllg.alulale 810l her Dak Burroughs, u he cdcbrated 25 yu rs with Flollda Power COrporalloll Dale, an equlpmenl operltor, IS also usumlng the dUllu of secretary of Local 1491 I can Ihlnk 01 no one mo.e quahfied o. dedICJled to hold Ihis p.esllgiOUS poslUOn. If all ... nlon membrrs were 15 scnoos 15 Dale, wh .. ,,,ength we WQuid hue The local appreClalu Ihe commitment, Dale

As lor myself, I have never enloyed a lob 10 my life mOrt than Ih,s one. It IS very dIfficult to leave Lt , but I m ... St al50 pursue "glCenc. past ... . u" Thaok yo ... lo! lislenlOg, canng, and most of all rndlO,!:. I b,d yo ... farewell


At Conference

Business Manage! Dion f . C"' lh, ir 01 Local 1501, B.ltimore, Md., left , gteClIln lc'nllional P, uidrnl Ch.rles H. Pillard II Ihe ManLllactu ,in,!: Conlr r­cnce.

Scribe Calls For Political Unity L U. 1501 Iem&'mo), BALT IMORE, MD.-BuslOus Manager·Pru,dent DIOD F C ... thlle .ccently II lended the inlemaltOllal Manufacl ... nn,!: Confer enct In Wash,n,!:ton. D.C. The 10PIC covered was

Hu,lth Care COSt, A CII,"S In Collecuve Ba.galn Ing. ' B ... SlDeSS Manager C ... thne ICported that the conference .... 5 nctllent and supphed h,m wllh an abundance of maten.1. whICh he has pused on 10 the ... n'on', EIecuttve Boa.d

II doesn't §(Cern poss,ble Ihat ume has flown so ,apldly Ihll a new yur IS upon ... s al,cady It lS.n app ,opnale lime to take .IOCIt "I where we have COme from In Ihe paSI 12 months, what we h.ve achteved as a umon on behall of Our rnembrn and more Importantly whelC .. ·e hope to head to 1994 and Whal "-e hQpe 10 "hocH Wltho ... 1 qucsnon, II II difficult 10 assess Ihe ClIaCl rate 01 kmds 01 p.o,!:l"css Local 1501 achieved dUring Ihe pan year wllh n.uonal economIC and pohucal ,cenes chang· 109 so rapidly . Some pa rt s 01 ,he United Slates and Canada have StrOng levels 01 employment wilh outlooks 10. worlt oppOrt Unlllcs dunng 1964 ap· pea,ing very,!:ood We are Ih.nld ... 1 for Ihl! ]n


O ... ri n,!: Ihf Inltln'lional M.n ... faclu. ing Conlr r· enCC in Washinglon, D.C., Inlt.nalional staff memo bers portray. mOl' k nt,!:oliating u n ion du ling wit b .is iog medica l cosu .

Qlhe , pailS of ou, n.llon. ,obs arr sca.ce and the r lospeclS for 1984 arc nOI nea,ly as brsghl u the pohllcal luders would hke the pubhc to beheve Unfortun.tely, many peTSons LD the present Reag.n .dmlnislf.llon d'm't seem to be ,·c ' y people·ors · cn,cd and c~.tng-partlcuJa rl y when il comes 10 the subiect of ,cvllah"l'n.c; the nat;on.1 economy They seem almust too wtlhng 10 .1I0w Ameflcan· based, m ... lu·nauonal corpor~nons 10 upon U.S lObs QVUseu " " mUM mOre proflu for thut eompanlCS. And Ihe admlnl5trallon would have you and I pay Ihe bulk of kdelll laxCS rather Ih.n corporate Amellca

From slr1ctly I pelsonalllY StandpoIDI, Ronald Reagin seems to br a hhable·cno ... ~ lel10w And nl) m.lle r how yo ... ludge hiS .ecord as prc1,dent. whelher you g.ade hIm "good, bad or ,ndlllcrent." he has made what very well may be a lUling tmpact on many 01 OUI IIvu He has accomplished thIS nOt duectly. b ... t mdu«liy, thro ... gh the people he bas appotOted to Ihe VinOUS boards, commu­ICeS, departments. 'gcnClu, and Cl)mmISSl<)n$-­Ihe NLRB IS a rllme uample And almon wltho ... t UcepllOn. these apJlOlDled people ue DOl 101 labor .nd Ihe working ptople of Ihl1 nalLQn Tht$ klDd of thlnkmg must nOI be lo]c.aled We need .n estabh$hed mdul1f1al policy to Ihl5 country Ihal flrSI .nd foremos t emphas,zu people .nd not Ihe glCedy mulll ·nallonal corpora lions and the al .eady-nth m,lhonautl Workmgpcople ltnow thll the rebulld,ng 01 Amenca 's mduSUl.1 basc and the reopcnmg of lulflclCnl lOb nppoltUn111CS to prOVide needed full employmenl at decent wagcs Will tc · qUlle I ... St s ... ch a dellned nanonallnduSlnal JIOhcy We need gove.nm~nt to change 115 duec l ion and begm agam tl) focus on Ihe worklDg people of this nation, Ilr5t and foremost

Our International Union and all of o.gamud labor arc demandmg Ihe establishment of .n In· duslr1.J polLey Ihat 15 a,mtil ducclly al helpmg eommUn111CS and teglons hit hard by economIC chlnge, IS well as programs whIch wil1 plovlde lobs now 10. m,lhont left ,obleu by Ihe d/tctJ of Ruganomlcs And IhlS new md ... slr1al polICY IS nO! a chOIce belwecn basIC mdu51nes and new hlgh·technology compames. We need both, rapidly pow'ng and SllOng ]n Ih'5 everyday world. OUI government, no matter who '5 pru,dent, WIll .1· ways be rcq ... ued 10 take stepS Ihat affcci Ihe ,nICI"i1S of sp«lflc mdU5rncs .nJ regions of Ihe nallDn The qUC5l1on IS nOi ... helher we wanl government mvolvcd. but how-Inad"ertently or dehberalely, wlSlCI ... lly 01 effiCIently, callously Or /allly. We need a nauonal .dmmlSlT.llon thatlTuly beheves th'l the government'S fi,sl d\lly 's 10 the people II SCIVU

1984 IS. nlllon.1 election yeat II I) a political year It IS a yell of uemendoos 0PJlO" ... nlly 10' labo. lo maltc 11$ vOICe heard And ,f wt all.cuve]y ~l1Ic,plle In Ihe pohucal proccss, Indeed, labor's vOice w,lI be hurd loudly and dearly IP 1994 One of the be$! way. fot you 10 be acllve pohucally IS 10 become. ddegate 10 one 0/ Ihe slate andlor nlllon.1 pohtl(.l conven!lOnS 01 (aucusCi that scleci a cand,date /0 ' prCllden l That cand,d"e should be W.lter Mondale As a membe. 01 o.g. DLzcd labo •. II you atC able 10 pan'(lp~1C 1\ your loc.1 Icvd m Ihe sclectlon of preSldent .. 1 cand,·

datu. then you Will be able 10 mike labol'l VOlCt heard m 1984 It'. youl country and II'S you1lobs Wo.k al keepmg II together. Good bealth to all Ihe Brolhers .nd Sisters m Local 1501

/lUI' WINUU, P5._ ..

Scribe Reports on IUD Conference L U. 1505 (eml, WALT HAM, MASS.-On January 25 and 26, Ibe Induunal Un,oo !)epanment of Ihe AFL·ClO held theu Ann ... a1 Lepsl.uve Conference 10 Washmglon, D.C. The maIO ISSUCI d'ICuned at Y IhlS year'l confcrence wcre tbe lebulld10g of Amer· ican ,nd""lry .nd the e!ltabhshment 01 a N.Ilonal Indusu;,1 Policy. LUlCmng to speakers from every maiO . ... nion 10 the eounlry, a colleel,on of over ],000 delegates from across the nation heard how Ihe eroSion of 0 ... . mdustnll base '5 affecting each and every one of us Conuary to Ihe fO·called ImprovementS ID our economy that PreSIdent Rea· gan II so qUick 10 boUI about, the facts f"esemed " al the eQnference tcll I dlfferem story.

Of Ihe 31 mllhon lobs cruted since 1960, only one million arc In manu/ac tll"ng. F.om 1979 to 1982 we losl 305 mllhon jobs in construc t ion and ~ manu!aCIII,ing. S,nce 1972 0"" .ultake·home pay has dechned 17 pe.eent. While Ihese millions of lobs arc belDg losl 'n manUfatlu .. ng, the bulk of new lobs beLDg crealed LD Ihe serVICe mdullnCl , generally offer m ... ch lower pay aDd little chance ' 10. g,owth. What Ih,s downward trend to 0 .... IDduSlnal baSI: means 'I Ihe eveDI ... al lOIS of tbe middle dus ID Amenta u we know II , and II is a sn Qng mIddle class that ,s the b,Sls for . fO ... nd economy. The powth of the h iKh ·tcch and s.crvlee mdusmes eannOI po5.S,b]y absorb the m,lhons of wOlkers laid off U the resull of bIg bUIlDeS5 uporlLng OUI ,obs overSl:as .nd the ... nfau wm­pelLlLon of cheap fOl"," ,mpolls. Those unem­ployed autO, Ilcel, and IUIIle wOlkers w,1I be fOlew 10 find wo11t 1O much lowe.·paymg SoC'Vlce IOdustry lObs ThIS eroSIon 01 I S1rolll m,ddle class of wag~ tame., leads 10 a weakening ollhe whole ecQnomy.

The Induslflal Umon Depallment has proposed asolullon to thllproblem, Iht crullonol.nauonal 'ndUSlflal policy. By now we must know thaI Rcaganom,,~.s IS not the anSWCl hery Indus",.]· >zed nalLon In the world, e:r:cepl the Untied Slalu, .. bas a Ict of Indusln.1 snateg'ts for deYdopmg IDduSlnal compelitlveness and ,obs. No longer can we rely on the Rep ... bhcan clllm Ihal what's good for b'g b ... "nen II good for the economy. ]n .ecent years we have seen Ihe profits of co,por~t l ons rise » wh,le they IIlvcst more and mOle in overseas manufac tu.ing. In to<by's e.a of huge mulll ·nl· 1I0nai corporalioM, it has become standard ptae· lice for big buslnus iD the Umced Stiles 10 IUrn • tiS luck On Ihe Amenc~n workers th" made them what they arc and SCI up man ... f'Clu"ng plantS overseas where wOlkers lOti for low pay, lew ben-

efi~h:~d,:nndc~rdee~alt:h, :~~~~:~I c~:dd~:~~~.~. polICY" thaI will bllng all the segments 01 the Amencan economy logether Big bUIlD"', labo. and govern· ment m"'5t work In • IOlDt dfort 10 stem the flood 01 JObs 10 10Ie,," countllCS. To overcome the worst· eCQnQmlC eOndLllOOJ SlOee the Crul Depress,on, emer,!:eney meuu.cs hke pubhc lob crcallOO, '0· v('!;lments m OUI IDfraslWClure and lid 10 the mll"ons now ... nemployed arc needed We m ... SI ~ have ,n efleelLve pohcy ,I we hope to rebUild Amencan industry aod aeh,eve I glOWing and balanced economy

Scribe Discusses Taxes, Unemployment and Voting L U. 1535 (em), SO. MILWA UKEE, WIS._ Thry say the economy IS p'cklng upl ] wQ ... ld hlte 10 know whtre 'I" pick,ng ... p! It seems thai all Ihe people I speak to have a mcmbCl 01 Ihei. family unemployed Wtlh so maoy peQple unemployed, where docs the govcrnmeDl e. peel 10 get luesl Luge companies complain of, and use, u:r:es as a


Andy and 8,,10 Zitlinski (Dtp •. 121) 11 .hc union danet tniO)'ed a d.ink Iotlo.t .ht donei .. , 5untd .

• enon for mo~on, Don'. the!.C w mpan,u ,uIo:" we Imle ptople dOll'1 Ioke tuu enhel' OUf home .cspons,b,htlcs make II utlemely dllfieuh to mOve hke 1ar,t compan,n do It seems to me the ,ov'

!--_,m,."",, u "'ell as bl,e compan.u, fa.1 to ,uh:e ou. iobs made them whal they afe ,oday If no One works, no one buys' Whn ,oad ue p.oduets .f no one un affold 10 buy Ihtml

Upse.un&.o me '5 Ihe &'lvernment offieral' who you .hemStI~ti a faiSt. yel we hllie pt09k ale ouppoHd tu takc cu" on pay and f"nce benefits No way' We lousht lon, and hard 10 ,C. thc h " l" w" have ~ •• he offictals make the conCtsS 'OnS .hos "mc The ptople pay theu salanes, .he ptople should hav" the .. ,lot .0 vOle them a uose d. no. I don't , cmembe, rcadon, thc rapt's and Stconll ne ..... about any I"".blors Cutlln, the" IlIa"es

T ax time IS he .e W"h unemployment up we w,1l se" how Ru,anomlCJ app.eCll t eS Itss tn doll.1S to make the budget balance h w,1l take SOme ,,"cky pcnc,1 work and pruhably be at the up"nse of Ihc 1o"lc pcople. as u,ual

Please ,ememhe, 110" even . hc unemployed have thc lIghl '0 vOle! Lct you, lovern m"n. offiCIals koo .. · how you fecI about UIts, unemploymenl, socIII scrvlee <:U", u"IIIY ra.sts and anyth,nl thll affects you If you don' ..... ".e, .hey won'l know what you do Or don'l Want If they don't help now, Ihen We don't need .0 vo.e them back In office The ,ovemment works for us' Le"s tell thcm what we wan. for ou r money '

Hopelully nnl ISlue I'll hut 10methlnil to re· port on .he wOlk situation

Splln, .S hc.e ' Thc ,lOw.n, IcUon has sta rtcd The '(),Ids arc dur SO .here ,5 no ,uson no •• 0 .akc that Sunday mOrllln, dnvt to Ihe locJI un'on merun, Apnl 8 " Ihc datc Same IIme_IO am .,


. same place-Pull$k' Inn, Cudahy, WISconsin Happy EaSIC"

N"'KY MAJI\,."U, P S ..

Xmas Party A Success ; Brother Simkins Mourned L U. 1576 (ul, LOWER ALLOWA YS CREEK, N.l. ­On Decemher I 7. LQ(:al IS 76. of thc Salem Nuclea, Pow~ . Stal1on, Salem, N.J .• held ' 15 S~cond Annu~1 Chrrsrma$ Party

Brothe. J,m Zimmer agaul played San.a 10 •• he chIldren from ou r loca l B.othe, C h.p Germy. p.es,dent 01 ou, local, also served as bartender.

Sptcial thanks to Brothers lUi: Lackey, No.m

Almond. and C ra., Shorr for o.gan':In~ "u, party a,a,n

A good lime W1$ had hy all local 1516 also mourned .he sudden death 01

B.othe. r,m S,mk, .... who WI5 k.lled ,n an au.o ace.dent lU51 before Chnslmas Dona tions we,e colkcted. and a nus. fund wu 51arted fOI hIS small chIld ht Iell behmd

We .Iso slarted nc,Ol1aUOM 101 OUI new '84-'86 COntrael

RAv Huu •• F S

Christmas Party Held, Retirees Attend LU. 1607 (em). MILWA UKEE, "-IS.-On Dccem bo:. 10, 198.3, ou. Aonua l Chnslmas Pany wu held The local 's ICtHCes wert Invlled and many "tended We had a buffctlunch (tha. was plepared by OUI members) and nume.ous door pnus (also &>nated by the membersl Afte l lunch a short skrt was p.c5ented A ,nod ume was had hy all

We hope to see m o.t membels and ""lItts at nCI' yur's Ch""mas Party 50 we can make 1984 blgge. and be tter

RUTlI C""Vlt<>WHI, F S


This is • ~iew 01 l ome 01 the childrtn and Pllenll who a .. toded tht Child.en's Chris.mn Pally.

Local Stages Parties For Kids, Adults l .U. 18S2 li,eaova. t m ). S YDNEY, N.S.-On Dc ctmbe. 17, 198.3, .he 18EW local 1852 Annual Ch,ld.en'. Chnslmu Pany WIS held A pUppel 510010' was enloyed by thc ch,ld.en and parents p"or to the '!II val of "Santa. " He had Ilhs lor . he 130 ch.ld.en, and Ihey were also truted to candy, pop, ,ee trum. eh,ps, rIc Tca and coffce we.e also aWlllable fOI .he parenu Evuyone had a $well lime dc.plt~ th~ fa~t th~ hall wu flllcd 10 capacity In the evenm~ .here wu a p~rty fo r meml>cn ,nd .hert w,vcs o. ,,,lfllends . Th,s also wu a K'UI fun Ailed ~ venlng Rc/reshments .nd lunch we le served

Conglatulu,ons to thc Entertaroment Commit .ee who raISed the money. and made the nuoy arrangements neeenary for .he sucec., OJf bo.h OJ! Ihese part, e., Also those who m.de pe,son. 1 do· nallons 01 gave so freely 01 thell time and . k,lI , . uch as .he Su,ldin, Comm,ttee membcu who cleaned, painled and .epa"d .he unrOn hall Allo.

'~.nta·' 1810110., , UO'OI Wellsl. Already plans are bem~ fOlmed lor a b.gge. and bette r pUly for nell t year

10 luly, 1983. , new bUSiness agent, Mike HoI· land. took office along wllh a new Elleeulive 80ard Thest men have betn wo""nl hard to (leate new IIIte .esU III tht local. Commrnees have been fe' kmdled, aod .mplovcmenu arc beeommll ev.dent The Bu.ld.nl Commlt ' ce. SafelY Comm,ttee, Con· Itaet Commlllee, En.cnltnmen. Commlt.ee Ap· p,enucesh.p Comm.ttee, cle arc all aeUve and show.n, results

Ahhoullh work m OUI area " not 100 plentiful. morale IS up The economy shows ""I! of .m· p,ovement and hopefully 1984 w,ll see more 10M fo, OOJ I members In cio.,ng, local 1852, C'J'C 8leton, Sydney. Nova SCOl1~. Canada, ..... hc. all 18EW lQ(:als ,ood health and SueetsS In .ht ne w yu r

New Officers

Pictured hele is the Dr_ p.esidtllr of Lonl 1891, laurcloble, Pa., Beroard Sloka.

I Ceo" c C rosby i. Local 1898's new yin prcs idtn •.

President Appointed International Representative LU. 1898 leml . LAURELDALE. PA.-C.eennlls. SlSlers and Blothe.s of local \898. WlShm, you all a happy , healthy aod prosperous 1984 Th •• year ou. loeJI will celebra te liS 30th Ann,versary

As Wt look back 10 198.3. the.e arc happy and ud lime. 10 remembe, It was a yurlo. ne'''tUllnl a new COntraCl, whICh took maoy 1011& houlS of ha ld wOl k for the nelouaun, learn bolh locally and nallonall' land thcy d.d a splend,d lob to bllnl back a eOnt l aCI we could be hap py with. We had 10 'lIIke, and we .,w b,o. h(lhood d.splaycd onCe a, •• n. It made one ploud 10 know Ihu lechnll 01 Itllowsh,p and delermmallon to suck m,e,he. and lei the jOb done On the pICkel hnes ~nd many otbe l wa ys, and IhlS .s what mIkes our loca! S1lonll You. unrOn ,s only as siron, as you. meml>c .. h,p LUi:.1 1898. you can stand plOud because you .11 p.oved th.t you ale No. I

All of ou, membe .. on lav 'off hive been lecalled Ind .he work ,eenc looks (ltce llen. at "u, lime We would s.y welcome 10 ,he nc'" employers Also the employn .hat have relocated he.e f.om Ihc varrou, closm, laClhilU

The sad Ume II> be Icmcmbc,td was .he .. eppmg down 01 Pasquale Gino.5 ples.dent of Local 1898, P.es,d~ n. GinO accep.ed Ihe pos;Ilon of IBEW Thi.d Dlstllct IntClnallon.1 Rcp.csentatrve . He WIS pru· Ident 01 Loc.l 1898 fOl!5 yurs and EM ·J Counc,l 53


Ilr~sldem for 11 ye .. . s Congraudallon5, M. GinO, on you r new pos'tion and goad Iud: in the fUIlITe

We lake Ihl' opportunity to ",dcome VIce P.n­Idenl Be. nard S.oh;15 p. uldem of Local 1898 and Geo.ge Grosby a5 "'CC p.uldcnl of LocII 1898 Their dedlcauon u shown In Ihe p .. SI " a ,oad u:ample of Ihe ClIcellent le .. de.shlp wc will hne with MI Sroka and M. Grosby

GLADYS Wtllr<ICl', P S


Chalk Po lnl Genff'ling SI"I;OO .",,',,' ,. , ' nil, kntcling, of Loul 1900, Washinglon, gue Oil ... isilors I lOll'.

Chalk Point Cenc .... ting SUlion Pru idcnt lot Walsh, BU51neil Rep. t5enlathe Ke.s lin Manley, Inlerna· t ional RcprutDlath-c L.a.ry Hogan and membcrs of Ihe B.um .. n drlcgllion_

Local 1900 Hosts Brazilian Union Members L U. 1900 lu I, W"'SIIINGTON, O_C-Onn agaIn "n c""mple 01 wh,t the b.01he. 10 brothe.hood muns, occuut'd U OU r IDeal repruemau .. n n· eont'd our B.others lrom BraZIl nn a Inur nf Chalk Poml Generaunl: SI .. l1nn We .eally helped 10 bu.ld a bridge of solld"lty with nur Imnnaunnal uade limon B.nthen and SlS ten. OUI guulS lunhly p. a .. cd nur hnsplt .. l"y .. nd Ihc COUrlUIU ulended Ihem. bUI .. 5 P. Uldenl Walsh ~Id, "They could nut have enlnyed .hell "'SII ,nymo.e th .. n "'e enlo)'ed h""IDg them hele

Oil. "ISl1on wele tolmly sponsoled by .he Arne. Ican In!Ulule fm Flt'e Labor [)cHlnrmem Ind Ihe ... FL ·CIO. 011. local w", asked by the [memaunnal Office nf Ihe IBEW 10 hosl Ihell stay 10 Ihe Wash Inglon. 0 C Ifea I dOn'l know how many of II! WIll e .. er gel 10 BIni]. but nUl Blothers uld 10 Stop by If you arc c"el 10 Iht' nClghbolhood

You can be C(filln In gCI a "',urn welcnme frnm "'monm Rogello Magn, presldcnt, Eleclllc PO .... CI Wo. kelS Umon of Sao Paulo, ... IOY51O Cnrrcla de A.::e.~do. unlOn adVIsor 10 p'Uldcnt, Ele<;tnc PnW(f WOlk~IS nf Sao Paulo, lazaro Bi lac de Soun r , uldem, ElectriC Po .... el WOlken SlatC of Bahia (mciu..su Paulo ... Ifonso Hydrucleclflc Plnlect l, VlValdo de Souza Neto. p.u,dcm. Eieclflc Ene." Wo. ke., Umon of Bdo Hnllzonte. Mmas Cela". Nlnldo ... lb(,no BallO. p.eSldrnt Urban Wmke. , UnIon (mcludlOg enelgyi of CUI1llba Pa"na, and Bcnedllo dos SantnS Fllho, pr(5,dcm of Ihe Ulban Worker5 Ft'de'llIon ollhe Slale nf MIDIS Ce.a,s

Oncr .galn I wan. 10 lemlnd " .. e'ynnt who hu had a change 01 dmy to submu a form promplly And 10 whoevel 15 sp.eadmg Ihr rumot Iha t Our local is " beallng Ihe bushe," fur Inb chlnge fn.ms, rna) yuu. milk Cow d.y up and YOUI bA~em""t 'Pllng a kak

Happy Eas.".' 10"'" R Dun, P S

Scribe Urges Members To Atlend Meelings L U_ 1908 lui, coco ... , FLA.-I h~.e ,USI returned from fiH "'celts at thc POIt Evcrgbdes Plam. so a.l1Im Ih,s month I ha .. e no news about Our loca l I would hke tn thank uul Brnthers f.om 759 10. Ihe coullesy Ih .. [ was ~hown while . he .e. [",ould espeCially like 10 thank Ihe chIef newa.d, Eline D.u~ for the help he ~ave '" Ihe ",neunts whI le at the plam While 10 FOil lauderdale I attended 7S9', mee ting, and I'm W Iry to uy they seem to have I p.oblem gClllng membe.s to a .. ~nd Ihell meellngs lUSI '" we do. It " ~d 10 sec that only .. few of liS elle enough about nu. uDion and our l"'ehhood 10 take I cnurle of houlS a month 10 show our SUPPOII for Our own o.gamzallon

[hea. membe.s n wlllk compliln .ha. ou' unIon d~n'l do much Of IS weak. but I don '. Kt the-'C members at the hall hdpmll '0 make Ihc local 5trnngc. 01 belle. A umon', slfenglh comes 110m ,15 membc .. h,p [t ean only be as ~lfOng U Ihe memben Ife "',lImg to make" Ten 01 IS mcmb(,n Cannot do all th~ wn. k Iha, needs 10 be done

I ,eahze Ihat al limes ,he metllngs tend to b(, .epellllOU5 and someumes e .. en t.u.mg, but we all musl be Willing 10 glvc oul mpul and a I"tle of our lime 10 help make oul umon slIong.1 ,uggnt thai Ihe lime hll.5 comt 10' all of uS 10 become mnle aCllve ,nd help Oul umon gIn'" We ha .. e a new buslD~ ma .... g<'. Cha,llt' Holhw,y_ wbo along with hIS tWO asSiStants, Ealilohnson and Joe: Ooak. a. e wmJung !Ia and ""'~n days a week. 1010 12 hours a w,y, trymg 10 clear up Ihe hacklog of g:nevancu we have, ""h,le cnnnnumg III negona­nons and tlymg 10 SIgn up new mem~rs. Plea,.., show YOUI suppa .. for not only ,hest' ellolls, but for Ihe efforu of our B.nth~ •• and S,sters through­OUI System CouncIl U-4 who arc: workmg very hard to Iry IDjI;et bette. w .. gu, benefils and wo.kmg condllJons

I would hke 10 COnjl;UIUlalt' BtOlhc. Jerry MIl ­lican 01 local 1191 of our System Council U-4 1m hiS "Ppo,nlmenl to InbbY"1 fnr Ihe Flollda Elec­llIea[ Worktl$ AS§OCllnnn Ht' has a tough JOb 10 do. and I hope ",e WIll all do Our ben 10 help hIm In h,s ende .... ors 10 help u5

"'s you rud thIS coillmn, the Flonda Ic",latult' IS meenng ... 11 01 the p.~I, Ihey WIll be dealmg with ""ll affeci ul U CI1I%en$ of Flonw,_ I w,lI try to keep you IIlfonntd of these rloposals and ""II be askmg you to COOlaCI your le",lators aboul them. [hope you wdl be .t'$Jl<).ISI .. e when asked

Hope 10 sec you aJlII Ihe h.1I on Tuesday mght . "'Pll[ 10 at 8'00

TutllY L KAM'IE .... P S

Officers Elecled ; Conference Atlended LU. 1957 I~ m', E ... ST BUTLER, P ... . -Our local .ecently held ItS clecuon of olAcelS ConsldeIlnl: .hc 'ulmotl OU r local IS gOIng .hIOUgh., thIS lIme bec .. use of Our stalled negollallnn5, 1\ ",'U cncnu. ­agmg to sec so mlny penple "'tllmg to run for nffice "'5 10 Ihe 1'151 , \I SeCmS as If we become more United ... ·hen the gnm/l: geu tnugh It UYl a lor for 0111 membershIp 10 sec IhlS 'ype of unllY 10 what has been a .. cry "oubled lime fur all uf

EI~c I ~d 1o an unp.ccedcntcd Ihud tum as pres­Idem of local 19S7 was Dun WIlson Dean rakes nffice accepllng Ihe bl&/l:ut chall~n,e any p,e.,denl nf our local has e .. c. faced We '. e cuu~nlly wo.kmg under the 'elms of OU I old conuacl whIch explltd tlghl mon.hs agn, and IItcmpts 10 solve Ihe im' pass-c: ""lIh Iht' Cnmrany ha .. c p.oved frult[ess By vOllng III .Cla.n Dun as r . eSldcnt, ou. membe. shlp sho",ed they have bllh In hIS leadershIp, and ahhough " doesn't look ,1;00II as lal as .uchmg .. con t.act sCI.lcment ~O<Jn. 11 '5 encou.agmg to 5ce . h,s lauh ID ou. leadel

Pam Sankey was elecled 10 Ih~ Inb of vice r l ~Sldclll Pam was 1lfeviuusly 3 mcmbe. nf th~ Executive Roald, Ind sh~ ;, also a gfOUp stewa.d Nmcy Ferra" was Iceleclcd 10 Iht lob of ,ecording sccreta.y. u we. e Ma.l,n GucSt to the lob 01 finanel"! ~e(fe l a.y ~nd myself as trcasu.e . Elected

to the po5l11ons on the hecullve Bl».rd were !on "'nderson, Dave Hause., Lmda LeWIS, Tnm Me Cullnllgh and Donna Vasb.nde r. Cong.alulallons 10 Ihese pcnplt' and best of luck 10 Ihem io Ihelt Ih ree-yu. term of nffice

Dun WIlson and Jon ... ndc ,soD n:cendy luendcd the IBEW Manubclunng Confe, ence held II Ihe Shnreham Hotel In Wa~hmgton, D.C. The main 10PIC nf Ihe cnnlcrence "'as health care COSIS. h '~ become a Ifend recently fO I employers In Iry 10 take away our hea[th Insu.ance th~1 we' .. e bar gllned for ove. ,he ycars. We know aboul lh is only tOO .... ell becausc IhlS 15 nne of the maIO stumbling blocks," OU ' llIcmpltO , each ag. eement on a new .... conllact. Hopefully Dean and Jon have cnme away from the conference wnh some new Idus thai we can Iry In nu. nel:OllallOn5

II<» PoLL"SlY. P S

Work Scene is Nonexistent; Wage Laws Attacked ' LU. 1965 (i,o,u&'eml, T ... LLAHASSEE, FLA._A'_ ter se .. eral monlh. of confus,on, mlsscd dudllO~S, IWO 10 one publlshlOg period and IUSI pilln ovel' s'ghl, you. Tallahassee reportt. 15 back I hope Ihat your hnlld .. ys .... ere pleasant and thai \984 bllngs hapPlncss and plospemy 10 you and YOU'5

The I:ralltude of tach office. and member of Local 1965 IS apln genlilOely ulended tn Iho~ ~ local IInlnns lhal a.e p,o .. ,dlng employmeDl 'or ou. tra .. elling BtolhelS. W\thnllt thIS help, our B.nthe.s ",'ould be " Ill a heap £11 trnublt' '' A speCIal thanks 10 Loca[ Unlnn IS79, Augllsta, CenrS", lot thell e.,ten" .. e help It IS IIlSp.lInStO sec a local union blcS!lcd wnh an abundance of work_ Thanks, again, BIOIhe.s of IS79.

"'5 hIS been Ihe SIIUIUOn for much tOO long, our wo. k p,c lu.e lemams "llIually unchanged That ~ 15 to say IUSI .boul nOnell1Stenl 10. OUI InsIde members As has b(,cn Iht' case Ihough, for apm mueh 100 Inn"~ our compellllon lemalOS fully employed .... , we all kno"" thIS p.oblem ,5 .. cry cnmplu and Ihere is 00 Slmrle or smgle solullnn One ,'cry Import,nl mgred,enl m a fnlmliia 10 get ou, work back IS the absolule neCHSllY nf ow ~commg acu"e In pohUC5 as neve r befn.t'. I wtll get back to Ihal after you thInk 10", and ~rd aboul f'UliUCf '\

On January 14 and IS. 1984, the quallc,ly meet' Inl: of tht FIOJlda Elecmu.1 Workers "'5SOClluon wu held 10 CalOes .. ,]le, Flollw,_ local 120S .... as Iht' gracIOus hosi. Many thanks In 1l0S for the" gene.ous hospitality, ... lthough I was nnl able to J

anend, BUSln~u Manage. Clark mfnrmed me Ihar It was a .. cry IOte.eSllng, as "'ell as IOfnnnlu .. e, mt~tlng ... mong Ihe many Intelcstlng speakers ... ·c.e Brothers Dan Waters, lnternauon,,1 Vice P,U' .. Idenl, F.fth D,srnel , Harry Bealey, International Execullve CounCil mem~l, and many olher flor­Ida AFl CIO officers, as ""ell as most Flollda local unlnn bU~lncs$ managers

The deles",el ,..,Ieeled B.othel Jerry Jl,hlhcao ~ Local 1191 , WCSI Palm Buch, tn be Ihe FlOrida lel:15latl"e lobbyul fOI our 1S§OClltlnn Bcst WIshes Ind much suceC5S to Brn lhn Mllhcan m h,s dlnn5 on our bchllf

.... 1 hl\'e saId, and so many others .Iso, for many yean, politics and our aCII .. e pa .. ,e,p"t1nn Ihe lem, IS vitally Impo .. anl to the .. ery sur",val of orga· nlzed labo, If you don't believe il then IUSI look blck.1 Ihe 1151 eIght 01 10 )'un. National Dav,,' Bacnn legulatlon IS constantly being a\lacked and ... ·eakcned In our prospe.nUJ state we nn Innge. h .. ·c • stalcwlde p.evlI],ng wage la",' We havc the d,stinction nf being a "nght-Io-",o. k" llor less) • Sllte. In a committee of Ihc Flolld. leg"latu. e House BIll 19615 p.e5emly bemg cnnsldelcd ThIS bdl, If " Iw:came Ia"" ",ould make Illegal m the Sla.e nf flo rIda, any [ocal go .. ernment·s ple"lllIng wlge law h would ehm.nue Ihe . ecently enac ted cnunlY orJ'nancc in B,o .... ald County, Flo"d., w01kcd so ha.d for by the bUlldmg tradesmen of B.n",a .d Cnunty. ThIS proposed leg,slatlon in itself offe. s quilc a chll[enge to union membcrllh,ollgh · out FlOrida and 10 BIO. he l MillIcan, ou l lobbY1!l

Ronald Reagan, h ,l admmlStratron Ind Re pub· hcan, ultra·conse r .. atlves Ihroughout lhlS bnd arc

hard n work 10 des troy us We m ust fight bad; tf we arc to su rVI ve. Se ll eve m e. Srothers alld Sisters. they Wanl 10 dest roy all those th ings ,hat we In orgam zed la har have worked 10' all om lives. 11.13\

",,!.t:wk al 0 lew ' The Rusiness Roundtable-nut 1[1 ehmina te collective ba rgaining Irom the con~lIuc· tion Industry, PATCQ-viJluaJly destroyed, Hell, they endorsed Rugan. Wha t In the wo rld wou ld he do to those 01 us who did not1 Continemal l\" hoe1--a ban kruptcy 01 convenience, 10 cancel collecl1ve batgaming COll tr acts legally negollltcd, fac loTles closed and re-Iocated to whal are called ~(}{)d l.bo. chm~tc._" !l gh t · l o·work " Ifor leul

,"states, Involvement In polItIcs" certaInly nOl the Single

ans wer to the many problems lacmg us, Howevc., we working people must unitc and elec t poil ll clAnl al every level of governmem who a.e on ou r side The.e tan be nO doubt tlut we Oemocrau elected Ronald Reagan and h.s henchmen There can be no dlluhl th., wf mlJ'T 'I"nd Itwm h~r~ TIl \~Iiln r '

... 111. wllh Tlicky Dicky N,xon, Ge .. ld Ford and all the orhers who are l,Ving well and laughing It am expense. Srothe.s and S,S ters, we must ~ct flOW III this election yea!, Get Involvcd as neveT bdole Get ~Cllve, It may bt our last Clt3ncc_ Be pwud of

.. organized bbor Talk II up Se p.oud to be • u",on electrtcI~n Keep III mllld, Srolher. and S,sten, ,h., polmcs h<:guis at your local ulllon mectin,l\ and ends at Ihc Whi tt I'louse

.. One final note, I, as a lour-ye~' pren .cercury. ce rt ain ly apprec,.,e P,eSldent Pllla,d'! conunenlS ,n his editorul in Ihe Fchru.ry /oIHna/

IlLAIR I SCII.IVr.NlR. 1M" PS , Work Situation Picks Up Dramatically

'''L.u. 1005 (1m), PHILA DE LPHIA, PA._ lt h~s lung been my Icellllg that commUlllc.llon. play ~ vital pMI In the ope13l i"n .lId succcs. 01 .IlY "rgalll zalion. Towa.d Ihat end. Ihis Will hopefuUy be the filS! 01 frequcnt alllcie! for the /011.,,11/ 1\1I our members deserve and lIeed to be bettc r ",formed as to what is going on around them and ill tlteir local unIOn

The work sllu.110n at Qur plant. the Progrcss light;II!: COlllp.llY, has picked up dramatically OVer the laSt sevcral month •. It has 'csulted In Ihe

- recall of all our laid 'off members .IId the hmll!: of qUlle a numbe. of neW employees III. my Stutt,e hope and prayer thaI our prescnt SltllallOn mlghl

I soon bc shared by 01.1 ' S ,othcrs and S,sters who .re ~:SliJJ cndutlng the pang~ 'lId p.;ns of uncmploy

ment Brother. and Sisters, kl us not undcrc'\IInalC

the cn"e.! Import~nce of the ureom",!: nQ!llInal .... cleetion. of 19114 0," friend in tht White Ih)U)c

n.tes tha t " Amellca IS stalldinj{ tall," alld he Waots lou. mOre years to fi11lsn the ,ob hl$ admlntstralion

I started In 19110 Too many words hAvr hern w,lllen In rega rd to what he has done and laded to do w.'

...... n know Our oppOllunlly IS now and We nluot ge t ou, act ",gethe., .nd wIth alJ due respect, send h,m back to Hollywood whe.c he bdor\j{s

Ou r support throu~h COPE IS very I!llpo rt ant to ~ ou. cHait. and my Mite! IS Ihat we cann01 "OUt doll.r" Ihem, bllt we Can and must "IIUII\llmhe, " Ihem

If all Our members He reglste,ed .nd vale al"ng r' wllh mlllorlty groups, senIOr eill~cns, wmnen.

'-Nerans. etc., who have suffered 11\ onc wBy "r

l another by the .eltOnS of the r'C)Cllt ~d'nln""~ lion, 11 "", be done l

.. Cong.atulallon5to Ilwthn Edwud O'Keefc who I was reeclllly apPOInted a member ol . he E~ccollve

Board to flll 3 ,·acancy. Good luck' S.othel famcs Dup.ec WIll "reluctantly" rctife

on May 1 of 11115 year and 1 om Sure We will all


m.ss hIS ",mlllllg lace." 11m worked a. Progress lor 35 years and was a

SIgnee 01 Our local un ion chancr In 1957. Over Ihe years, he has .erved his loca l union wilh dedICation

• and loya lty III many eapacll ie1--a5 steward, b " eCullve Board member. vice presidcllt and preSi dent . ] kllOw . hO! 1 spea l< tor the cnme membenh,p 'n wis h1l1 g hIm many years 01 hi PPY rcuremcnt.

Attendance at our loci l union mccllngs II SlIIi not what 11 should be. ~IId I urge III to . \l end wheneve r ponlbk Vour Un,On offlcers Ole nOI pe, lecl . and do nOt p,etend to be We do try to serve Ihe membe.Shlp Ihe best pOSSIble way we can We Illvite constroctive cTitlcislIl. bUI d~,truc, ti lft cri t iCIsm only tcnds 10 destroy .he cl)I1ecpt hi the word "Ulllon" No te Iht flrst three JCttC rS_ UnI - You and I- you r unloll and you w~el"erl It's the only w~ y

R,,>c(:() I C(lLtLW. S,M

Local In Midst Of Negotiations L.U. 208~ lent !, SVIt I\CUSI!. N. Y ,_A~ of Ih" WTtI illg, Local 2084 IS In the mId" ,,/ II> cuntract negot;~lions wtlh Crou!e HInds Co OU I contract IS due to expl.e on MMChJ I. 1)184 OUf Nc~ollation Commlllce con';~I' 01 fI,hll Nmlll"Y!c, l!ud !-]arvcy, Stanley CI.,k, hm Chlppc,llc1d alld Tlln O'C~rroll This b Local 20R4', firSt attcmpl III hartl"'Clln~ OUt an agreement since Cooper Indu<tde. took over Crou$e I'hnds Cv III Apll! v/19IH.

As rcponed In ~ plCVIOUS . ",dc, CTO$S Roads Park, Traffle DIVISIon 01 Cmuse 1I11lds C". was laId to a group of 1Il,'CStofS I",," New York Cuy The clOSIng datc Wi! bit Detemhcl, 198J The new compRny i. lI"W known as Tralf1e Control Tcehnologlu, Inc Employcn 01 the n~wly I"rlllcd comp.ny WIll conlllll1t tf> b" lep.cselllcd by the IlIEW Theil 111\1011 local 1$ now desl~nated as 20114 I

10-Year Anniversary Dinner a Success LU. 2 1(11 (tm), WI\Tt:RTO WN. N. Y, -Ou, l()

Vur Annlvcrury D,nnu w,. , "Je~t bU~~U. Th~nks to everyone who se rved olllh<, Comml.tee It w.s a lot 01 h.d wOlk, and wu w()rthy 01 the dforts

The ollly enmplallll I heard .11 nlllhl w~i !lUI there wa. nut all honorahle rem"k abo"l Ilarbua L.bve, our p,cs,dent wlto Itn done such ~ fine iob. SI> thank yllll lor Ihe pUlente ~nd th~ l e~d~r ~hlp thu m~h5 ~ good rlC Slll~nl

II..I(:'KY 1!t.A( KWI cL, V I'

Scribe Discusses Productivity Problems L. U,1 14S [gov tl. VALLEJO. CAL.· I" the prcvlOO. column I had c~plolUcd whu l.m dOI1I~ U 4 u1l10n oWce, 111 Y"'" kst IlItCrC~IS The s p~ce Ilmil~IIOI" dId 1101 pe rllm lIIe to ",elude ~ (Om menl on what m~y hove beell my 1110>1 ullbl!lo,,~ ulldell.kin~

Tht ClJlI1nl~ndcl of .hc Mare 1~la"d Shipyard h.d ~e"t me I lettel In whIch he solicited my VIewS on l'roducl1vlly My rcspon'e rd lcctcd my C~tCIISIVe expeflcncc 11\ uther leum'Cllll"nnll , lllp yords The subtect wu l'roduc!tvllYJ .IId I detailed sc ve r~J of my cxp"flene(3 in Thnse ,hlPYMd5, It

tcmpling to Illus!!atc how lomc m~nagcmcnt rrat · uees, by ~ny s landard Ilf elf.lualion, could only be wnside.eJ._ coulllcrpro<iuelly" Some knelll could he dellved hom Illy exl'efle"ce. III th" ",c'. " he analyzes each p3Jagraph fm l"c~1 applIcabIlity Vou land the shopi would be the ul ltlnate beneflClary ] did not rdlcet your pOll" 01 VICW, b\lt I wa~ promnllnll you, besl IntCIC~U

If you ~re inlere St~d III the problem s that clln Iron t privalc lIIdustry at Ihe m"n,,~ell1en t level, then some 01 the prll1le<l "lOtc,,~1 I h~vc un hand nughl be " f 11IterCSll0 yuu 1 hi. rnaleflal addrc!se~ an Indcpendcnt ,eflu ul stodin lIlade un the ,ub,eet ollhc Amcllea" ""II .. trlal rn.lna~cr II you h.ve been havln8 prublcm j with m~n'K<lI1cnl ,

then II would seem that YUII belong 10 l ratner bl~ club It ICelm tbat the$c indIVIduals have beell untie r c1QIC Icrollny by leveral man'Remenl ana lysIS III reccll t yea,s so as 10 d~te'lII;ne Ihelf IIIflu~ nec on produC\llfity The flndlng~ 01 these iodcpen<lcrllllntf par311eJ stodles have been prlllted 111 var;ou, publkal10ns In ,Cern! months Note the


Local 1 145, Vi li eio , CII. , Pres ident I\lv,n Moorr ~ Ir ; ku I jaonty pose.


The pl tU nClf ury 15k!, "Ca n you id t nti l~ th mernben in Ihis phow1" Induded ., ~ loe Born lh. Wilt Sundak , n l nt Clt ... nge r. Ed Mahl t r, Mihun POllg, Ktvln Wood. Chri s Laborde. Bob w.dddl and Luuis Mort .

cap lion. a~5IglI~d to Ihese nllnus clllumn5~ "I\me.ican Wo.kc,, ' Destle Til Perform Blu",ed By So~ses"J "The F.tlule Of I>hnagcment", "Man' agers SluwQur J''''grns'', "Report F3ults Man"~c(S On Wor k Quality" lle . e IS an IIItetcsltn!: one, " Walkers Who reel Lovcd WOlI't lI"o",c Thc Company Goof-offs."

Ilow abOUII!..t oncl The C"p""nS lell t"~~""Y The ConSenSIlS IIf op"llon IS thAt 111 the wo,ld of prodUCllvlty the I\meflc~n IIldustf1al m~nage r IS the ~ , calc" IItlpcdimCnt Penn" IIle to qUOte Irom One 01 th t lien" "Mdnuld"ure" hdve tre~led the .. cmployees, p~rI1colady thc lowel ·p.,d ~m ployee" hke second class CIII%cns you c.nnot pwduce 3 Quality product WlIhout a qU3111y wOfk force, you Cdnnot crc~te a qunlil)' work lorc~ ulllt~s Ihe people feci thCll comrany rca!I)' carc. 10' them

we h~ve got to learn how 10 belle. m.n~ge the hum.,n laclor Ihere afe people ms.d" the 'hoosc' erylllS Out th~1 the 'wallG' "r~ JOtten. old l1l~n311e· lIlent technique. of li;.:hlCnl1lg managcment cnn 1101. wIllie Ignorlllg intangIbles sIIeh a5 commlt­l11ent, dedlcatwn. ctca l l'lty 30J 3 he.lthy work ethIC, WII! nOt I<'OIk" YIlU like Ihatl Cop'" of lhnt matert.1 av .. l~blc upon re4ueSI

Vuu Itked th,,, I COUlII Now in .he IntCreSt of ub,tel1vI\Y, I am obltgawd 10, m a manne, 01 spc.king, show you the other SIde of the co," Tit,· backgroulld m.,enaf fOI the 101l0wlI\~ par.g .. phs arc quol~$ Irmn a book Ihat wa, r~vlewed Man agcmem 10alysl5, concerned OHr the decline 01 pw<!uctivlly in thl~ cnunlly, have been SCfUIlIII~ "'~ th~ Amellc~n ",dust".1 manage, for h,s can IIlb""on 10 the plOhlcrnJ but Ihey are ~lso lookIng at whu m~kes tht Amcric.n worker I1c k The book I~ called Irt Se~rc" Of E.xce/J"nce, and I hope tlus wtll inspire you It) buy a copy. It secms thaI Ihe Ame"can worke,'s allltude may be a problem

M".c effeellve anJ effic'cnt management ee r ulIIly w!ll (olluibutc to hc1p"'g you get yoor lob dooe mOre dflClcnt ly No quesllon about IhAt HOlo'ever , m .rUs that COnCern methods to Imp.ov~ p",ducllvllY. man.ge," hove heen traditionally .e­IlIct.rtt to accept sU!'J:esllon. leorrccllon, IInplc­mcnt ~ugge~lIon51 sobmilled by subordillales on the u.cmbly linc. After all, wh~t do Ihey know ahO\II anYlhlllg! They c(,u;n ly would 1I0t leeepi fr om you Ihat thdr concept of productivity may be obsolete OJ Ifawed Mte. all thq' nl~y neve r have worked anywhere else, whe r ~ thm!;. may 55


hive bren done differently How could they know thn thml' could be done dilferenlly, II Ih" I. Ihe only way Ihey l'Vet did 111 l.bnagement '. aunude tYPlc, lly 15, " If you dOn'l like Ihe way we do .hing, here. kG back where you came from"

Sf: .1'111 If II may, contildCI Ihe YOU bc.or You have I specific ,upons,b,lity to you l JOb You cannOI IccCI" one plcmne on ru)(juc!lvIlY .nd ,Clcct Ihe olhc. BOlh SltU'II0nS ale Intc,,~1ated. Wc •• e lookmg al IWO side. 01 Ihe umc coin We may br lookllll " I CauSe Ind cffeci condllion Attitudes and Indl~ldual values Kern to be In' "olved II bOlh man.semenl and employee Inds, fOrnCllmu In conn,el

AIII.ude' Say, aren'l you Ilad Ihu you don'l work In r"vate Industry! They leally Kcm 10 havr Ihell rroblems O,d you know Ihal m,oy good WOlken 'Urn 1010 bad bosKd Do you know Ihal .he b"ul nllns Amellcan eXJIOrI IS Amelle,n ,0b.1 Do you know Ihal a vut numbt:r of Ihe Amenean unemployed In Ih" COUnt I)' would live Ihcli eye .telh to hive Ihe JOb you h"'e "ti" now, wuh .11 of Iherroblems' Iha' .oulonlle you, II half 01 .he p,y you IIC geHinAI lowe you .n ohllgulon U. union olficer In Iell you how I! IJ

These I re chang"'!: 1\mc~ IOSlPIl s/';AV,,'<Il III P,S

Negotiations to Begin; Local Gives Courses LU. 1166 Ii,o&u' v), FREDERICTON, N,B. It 15

wuh udnus ,hit local 2166 has losl one olliS membt:1I In (w," 'Bud" Rushton He died of a heart Illack on Novcmbel 18, 1983 He was 46 yurs old We knew him , •• .lund BrOlht! and, lood ~ptl llsm'n In Ihc January "sue of the /oullla/, he WII pl~IUlfd on , 50hball 'urn IKcond lOW, fifth from ,he Idtl To hiS f~mlly, ..... e e~l'rcu oUI decpc~1 s¥mr3,hy

Thele WCIC Iwo Ch ll~lnU5 1'~I\'c' In /JUI loul Ih" ~UI In ,he Fledellcmn Unl! on Decembel 10, " the Kinsmen Cenici In Fledellelon. N B, .boUI 20 memMls and .hell wwcs enjoyed d~nCInK and hSleOln~ '0' OIte b~od Thc olhcr Chll5Im,' Party was held on Decembt:, 3, 198.\, al ,he Waodlyn 1.1010/ Jnn ,n EdmundslOn, N B The l'ulY w~s held 1\ ,hc pool un whelc musl of 'he mcmb.:u br(>Ughl Ihell ' .. ..,mlulls and had a sWIm Ahtr ,he ~wlm_ the bt:el and Ihe mU)". I (old hulltl "'A~ scned ~crvlce 1'1lI! ..... e.c rrt~enltd dUllng Ihe surrCI to membcl~ of the EdmlJnd5lon UOII FOI pel"',,"11 rusons, I could nOl .IIcnd ,hc fledell"on Unit Chlls,mas Pany Ind nO piclUle ..... u IV~lllhJc

Th .. yell IS ,he yu. 01 ,he ""onaCI nC/:,()IIUIOnS 10 our local and A fe ..... chan/:u ~Te n~cdcd A

commlllcc ha, been SCI up 10 uch 1,1011 to cume 1,11' wllh lOme new suggeslIons 10 be pruenled 10

the NC,lo"altn, Commillee of ,he locil We hOfl'C thai III membcn WIll bnnk ,hell IdeI' and 1150 vo,e on ,he nc_t ',llcemenl

The work . " uallon ,n 01,11 local" vCly 1'0(1' .h15 wm,cl The only Inb lhal '5 S<.heduled 10 ~'ArI II

Ihe h"srllli rro\ect In Ihe Edmundu<>n Vnl! EI~­,,'hele In Ihe I""al, no ma,O! pfOlecu arc ~chedulcd

Smte mns! 01 us arC on 'he unemploymcn, lr" Ih" wIII.er, a lew courses wcre ~Ivcn In dllle.eni un"~ of Ihe loc,1 An dlec,,>'e 100emanshl!, ~nd a






Shown art m!mben who rcccivcd livc·~nt service pio~ at 'hr Chli)'ma) SUpptl. Fir)1 lOW, Idt 10 rilh t, alt Bu)inru MlnllCI Car., Suoie, Cillu Turleon, "'"C ,'lt l"in .nd Elnie Knor. Second row, Idl 10 li,hl, ar" Carmel Duchhrs, lIenry I)i,mond, Ftlund J)c.chfnu, RCfUld "Cors,," Mounel Ind Uni, Chailmln It' IIY Caron.

bUlc motur conuol COUI'IC .... cre k,nn In the Edmundston Un" dUllngDecembc. 19R.l, A ngsIOg ~l1d safety ~<I\IISC WU given in the Fledellcton Unn on lanullY 1984 In M~rch ~n elecm.miCS (OUrlt was .l,ven In the Bathuut Unit Those COUISCS IIC paId lUI r"lm Iht Eduuuon fund and ,1'0 ,he m~npowel So, BWlhelJ, we have nuthon, III 1o"", bu, '" ,l~," sume knowlcdge

luc CU"\H, P S

Negotiations Begin With Porter Company LU. 21711t'ml, LY NCIIB URG, VA.-By Ihe lime you ,ud th", you "'111 hnc VOId on • new conU;l.ct A. all of you know, .he 11 K Pontr Company hu named m ncw ,lcnclal manager 10' the LynchbuTg Worh, Mr Wade kubcII,. At the tlmt' of ,h" w'lIlng. wc have nOt mel wuh Ih! new Comrany Ne&ol1'"n~ Commmcc We I,e hOPlnlth" the Company wllllecon~Ide, the ptl­"Iwn II hu 'lkcn on ~Ive· batks ,nd concesSIOns Ind Ie ' us CHme ur wllh • tall ,cn1cmcl\I 10' bolh .. du ..... "hout the need of a o\llke

On lamury 142~. P.nldcnt C T Don Ind f,naneul ScuctalY W II Cleuy anendcd 'ht' 198~ IBEW 'bnufactullnll. Conlclenee In WuhlO/:lon. DC. The I'ro~nm on huhh cuc WII Inl00matl~c .nd vuy timely whIch made Ihe cnllre cnnfcr!nce • ~UCCC5S

We CQnllnuc '0 rcad ,h~1 Ihe .ccc~_!On 15 o~c, and that we die un Ihe way to a ptl ... -er/ul ,ecovery, ho ... cvcT, 'h" I~ no, ,he ca\c here on lynchburg Aile' meetmx with />1, ~co". Ihe p,c~Iden{ of Ihe II K Portel Company from l'II,sbuljth, Penn.yl unla_ he ,nfolmed 1,15 Ihat ,hue wcrt' no ri,ns 10 close lynchbullI. Works and Ihat 'hey d,d hlv! rbns 10 pUI mUle PIOOUCts InlO pn)(jucuon .. lynchburg wllh .he hope 01 hurldlnll. Ihe work lon:e up 10 Ihe In!11! wl\" nne lime 01 over 50()

"mrloyen We un only wIll ,nd sec II Ih .. " lIue

Keep In mind thn I~.un .nd onturmliion Iha' Ifleci OUI livelihood arc bt:ln~ d,~c\l~~ed al Ihe 'c~ul31 monlhl~ mec.in~~ Aliend Ihe mon, hly uniOn meeun,llhe loullh Sunday 01 cach mon.h, S 00 It m" J61l Campbcll Avenue, Lynchburg. VIIl,ma

Unit] nut month, take cI.e .nd ".y well W ILLIAM CII(ASV, I" S


AI~ .. ,ht mteting were Dou, prc,ielenl , .nd Bill Creu." financial Ucrtllry.

News On Party, Work, Health and Trip LU.1152 lemI, 1I 0LLYWOOD, FLA.-Not much newt thl' mon,h

01,1. bl~ cvenl wu, Ch"Slmas r'''y, which wlS a big .uccen We h,d 10'5 01 good livc mu"c. Ilbulou. lood, .nd 101$ of fun WI5 ~nloyed by .11 11,151 about everyont who anended .~eelvcd I doGl pnlc. Thanks 10 Ihe commltlee headed up by SlJler. Arlene Cools and Manon Bushey, 101 • successful r'"Y

Welcome back hom lonl med,c.1 ICI~es 10 SIS I~r$ S,,~ Fl)'t, Ruth Wallacc ,od Sally !hllrnp Stay .. tll



Wo.k hu slowed down some, no mOle overume ,.. No I'yolb ., of yel SI1I1 no d,llclent date IS 10 whcn Ihe rlan. IS movln, 01 .cio(lun&

Slllel M.llon Bushey and hu,b,od AI .ook 10 the rOld nn thell ncw bIke 101 a 11'1'1 up '0 nonhfln _' FloTida lJavc lun mnd ~tay warm Guc~. thai', .11 fOI Ih" lIme


Brother Foley Retires; Robert Wilson is Olympian LU.llSl In), ,'ltONTREAL, QUL-Oulloc.ol umon wu founded In March 1968. 16 ¥n .. liD Laldy IWO ,lICII nenlS hal'pened, and we dec,dcd ' 0 pbc~


an arllcle on the IHEW /OU"'<I/ Ont of ,hueevenl' c"octlned 810Ihel Leo Foley, a re"'ed B'Olhcl who ... has IIIIrnLd >;() ye,,, I!; , member ()f 01,11 BIOIh elhood l1e wu mmlled 10 1932 In local 561, Ind n ,hal lunc he wu wOlkmlllol C,nld,an PaclAe Railw~y We InvIted him to attend Our .CglJlll ,_ monlhly meellng 10 Novcmbcl 1983, .. whICh Ilme we handcd hIm, ee.ufiule l!tetonn, 10 hI, SO years H a memNI ,nd also the bUllon thl! 'OU wllh II AII.he officers and membrrs Plesent wcre ,mrrened w1Ih Ihe vIIII"y and Ihe enel/O' entoyed J by B,olhe. Foley ..... ho IS now SO yun old l1e WII accomr.n,!d by hIS son, Donald, who lifO wOlkl U an eleell,e,an II CP 11.111, and ..... e were mlolmrd hn \1'01,1,"" WU ,Iso 10 ,oad hnlth

Srolhe. Foley 101.1 1,1, a Ie ... · UOTIU 01 whcn he Ix:gan In w<llk on the d,CScllocomOIIVU, and .ome of them cheelcd up ,hOle 10 an endance. lie wu I 10leman when he rcured. SIncc hc lellred, he spend, hiS time wuh SOCIal clubs .nd meCIl Ihe uthcl Itured employeu of CP Rail whenevel Ihel! arc mec"n~, Ol g~n'ztd. We WISh BrOlher Foley Ind his w,lt many years 01 h,pp,neSi and ,lood hulth


Shown illlhi, piCIUf~ a", rur, It I! 10 fiShl . Brolh· tr5 1. fredtriek. R. Larocht, W . ... Redhud and M. LamMrt. frOOI .ow, It II II) riShl , R. LansuaFf , R. WilionlOlympkeonlendt r}aod I. Trtmbby, prtl· idtnl 01 Local 2253, Montrul , Qut.


~ In thi$ pholo a.t lhoWIl , Iff! 10 rishl , B,olh!n G. Talbal, rteo.dillS $ttrtllry, Donald Folcn Ttlirc~

Leo f olty rectivins his ee rtificalc from I . Trtm· bl" , pruidenl 01 LOCiI 2253, C. LeulrMau ... ice ~ttlidenl 1 ,.." . L:amMrt , Iinancia l ltCrtlar" and W.

K. Redhud. Stnelll chairman, Syuem Cou ncil 3'. IBEW.

14 Ihey un CooUnue eo,oy.nl a well dCHned .cU.emcnl

The olhcr C"enl Ihl! hu haJlpc::ned '$ Ihc one cODcem.nl B.othel ROMI! WlboTl. eleClnCI,n at CP Rail Angus ShoJls a memMf of ou.local umon. wbo represenled OUr counlry. Canada. I! the Win

... Ie. Olymp'cs beld al SaralCvo, YUlosl,vla. In 1984 He was ,he bfa.eman 00 Ihe babslClgb lum of four He was on Ihe same lum In 1976 al Ihe Wmler Olymrllcs hdd .n lake PlaCId. New Yo.k.

"I: and .t wu h., l,,{ pan.c.pauon .n any Olymplu m the fUlur e

B .. ,>Ihe. Wdl4n began hIS app. cnucnhlp for CI' Ril l In 1972. He beume an eleclllc.an m 1976 and preuntly wo.k$ as an eleelllclID at AD""

~ShoPl OUI local UnIOn .uhzes that the cho.ce of Btolher w,lwD "a .er.tsenla\lve of our country I{ the Olymp'u " an honor of whIch we lie pToud, and a cOmmittee wat lo. mtd .n o.de . to bdp h,m

..... delray SOme upcnlCS not eo .. ered by Ihe OlympIC Commmet. B,orhel I,mes ffedellck wu Ihe co· old'nilOI 01 thIS campallfl of SUbseTlpllon Many nems we' e 141d. and Ihe camp"ln wu a ,uccu,

__ Our employer, CP Rill, dId nOI want 10 COntnbUle a cem for IhlS eVCnt , and tbts IS one 01 Ihe reuons we deCIded 10 do lomelhm, ro help Brolher Wilson

'J\CQlJU T"l.Ma ...... 't', P S

, Vice President Ripp Is Guest At Party

~ LU. 2270 ' n }, WILMINGTON, DEL_On o.:cem· M. 10, 191U, Our local held the member Chn"ma~ ParlY 10. children and the memMI ChriSlmas Parl Y. The pitUU Wele he!.l" the Corpus ChILs lL


Soclll Hall In El , mele, Debware The chl ld.en's parly was allended by 120 child.en II was the mOSt-attended children ', p"ty .n Ihe local's b.s · tory . The children were enlenained by • Slta l

..- malic ac t perfo.med by .etired membel Brothel Mclvin lannan. Cafl oons we.e , hown and story· book cbaracte., Raggedy Ann, Ragedy Andy, Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red·No.ed Rein· deer we.e also present There WII, 01 course, I

ShOwnlllhe Local U70, Wilminglon, Del., Ch,in· mu hrtf "1' rtli .ed members, leI! to tilhl, back row, Bill Hubelski , lohn Mfen. And, E!t.ue.o­win, 8i11 Barbie, Charles Socono, GeorKC Ih u Ind Nick Christianl, front .ow, lim McKinne" Jim Ha,,·tr, Charlu Wortham, E.nen Garyantn, I~ Zoli , loho Dick, GC-O'Ke Seidle. lohn BUllon, John Falkow5ki and Lou Dionisi . AliO . ho,,·n ne Inle. natiOo&l Vice p.uidcnl And.ew ,\\ . Ripp, Internllional Rep.t5cn ,alivc limes McA lcc. and P,esident William Bohnc.

Showll at Ihe Chriumas Parry lor the ehild.tn uc Miu Christina Bobnc lioowmanl. Blolhrr Albtll O' Neill . I' .,ISanll CIaLU!. Mil. Ca th , l ohne IRag· ,c-cI, Ann l, .~i" Liscllc .\\uhlcib ' Raged, Andy!. Min Annelle Yi iSle. (Rudolphl, Thomas Bohnc and Yiilliam Bohne, III.

"ISII Irom Sanll Claus who banded J.1t Slock.o,s 10 the chlldlen

ThaI ~~enmg the membel Ch,ulmu P,ny ... a~ held It " 'as well a"cnded wllh 11>0 membe.s and tCUreCl p.tunt A surp"sc lue$l wa$ Inle.nallonll V.ce PrcSldent Andre"" M RIPP V,ce PleSldcm RIPP WiS a key 1111 labol lude • • esponSlble for uv,nl tbe Ra.lroad ReILtCmenl SYllem du. ms .hll laS! sesSIOn of Congress Accompany.n,; V.ce PIU Ident RIPP was Intemallonal Rep,ucnlauve !ames McAteel V.ce PleS1dcm R.pp ... sLled the pa'ly whIle on hiS way 10 Washm,lOn, D C

DUling .he Pi"y Vice P.eSldenl RIPP utended holIday greeun,s 10 the local members VICe Pres ,dent Rlpp commended the local 101 115 SUPPOfl of IBEW·COPE ICOPE 15 the political ICllon arm of the Aft·ClOI ind ul,ed continued membersh.p .upport. Tb.ougb member support. COPE RgblS Ihe temble anlL'r,,1 labo. pollc.et of ,he prcscol adm.n.slrauon lu~t as member VOLeet Wele nec elSary 10 uve RlIlr~d Retlremem, SO w.1! memM. "01Cet be neccsury at the poUs th" c1eclLon yea r 10 yOle "plnSt ann-Ta.1 pohucuns The huffe t dlnne •• ncluded pnme lib and ente .... nmem wlS supplied by Ihe band WTPM Doo. r"Zt5 wt.e all4 gryen away

Mlny Rne people we.t .esponSlble 10' makLll' the partlCS successful. The Or ... m2l1l0n WIshes 10

Ihank Ihe 10llnwLllS the I'ell mal.eun, B.othe. MelVin larman. our le. "fie Santa Cl~us, B'o,hcl AIMI! O'Ne.II, Raggedy Ann played bf Mn Calhy Bohne, Raggedy Andy played by MIn LISette Mech lelb, Rudolph played by M.ss Annelle W,sle l. flouy the Snowman played by M.ss ChllSllRI Bohne. Ibe w.ves of membe .. who helped wLlh the child len's party and ,hose memM .. who so ld the lIekels, kd by uccu.ive, Will iam Connell

An add.lLonal word of thanks 10 Brolhets Chlrles Wortham, III , and Michael McConnell who used thei ..... deo camera equipment 10 tapc hiShll llh l$ of Ihe ch.ldren's party and showed Ihe hi,h1i&bu n the evening party.


These IWO plelD.n show shop newardJ P'rll t!· patin, in the All P,o .. ince Shop Stewards Mcetinl held on October I , 1983, in Fredelicton.IPic.u.u COUll tly of Local 2309, f . ede.icton , N.B.I.

Members Retire Early; Provincial Meeting Held LU. 2]09lu), fREDERICTON , N.B._Thl,local's ma)Ol emplo~., The New Brunsw.ck ElteULC PO"'Cf COmmlfJlOn, lecendy offeTcd an early leUlement schemeol whIch 26 members look ad"lIIlage They lie lohn Temp1cmen Lyle foley. Thomas Lynch. Eileen Qul"ef. Phllhp M.lls. Iuilus Vahl. I. MUriel Scali. lamC$ lackRln. Smclur MacDonald, AII,n Theriault. RUlh Canley, Lorena Birch. Mane Bo· urque, Brydon McKmgbl, Glen Cunnmghlm law tence Hoyt, The.ese Arsenauh. ROMI! V,ulour, Vilma Mllchdl, Lc-o C,ulreau. Stephen Chnlten Hn, Clarence Spence. Carohne R.ckard, lames SeOLL, Ed ... . Tlrd.ff and James O.aon Tnhule wu raod to .CILleu I! pa.tLrs Ihroughout the provIDce, "'c w.sh them Ihe ben 01 luck In Ihe fUIU'e

LocallJ09 Jnd Our S.~ler local. \133. h,,-e de cllied to ,hare olRce faC.hIICS; a mm'e should r.ove MneRe,"1 10 both Iroups. ThIS " hy no means Ihe IllSt !lep 10 amallJmillOn, II 15 SImply a way lor both locals to upand olfke space, Implove eov' elise and uuh::c sec.ctana l help mO.e efRclently Our ncw add.u, '$ 127 MILn Street, f.edencton, N B I the phonc numbel, 412-3295, lemaLOS un· cban,ed All memben a.c ",dcome to drop .0 and LOspecl Ihe new prem,"cs BusLOess f.hnagelS John Cole and Bert Enns ,Iways have the coffee On and maybe evcn stale b.nd from Ihe bikery down' StaLlS

Well nC,OllaILOnS 10. oul lechmcal youp ha~c Mgun and •• e prOSlCSSlnl slowly wLlh the empha· s •• thIS yell bem, on umon ueulLlY, layoffs, and plld eduulIooal lea ..... Del"ls 01 talks w.1I M

d.seuIHd at all unll meellnl' dunnlthe nUl few monlh., memM., Ire urged 10 anend The memo Mrs nl Ihe NelolLalLons CommJl tee arc BusLOen Mana,er lohn Cole, Pr(S.dent Cohn N.chols. shop Itewa.d, Dan McCask.l. lack Maynl.d, Chff Hum ble and SI Sierhen unll chamnan Grant Good We cannot nelOUlle ID a yacuum 14 ke~p .n roucb and above all ,.ve us YOUI suppo"

Th., local was a cO'SpanSOI 10. meellAls of the Atlanuc Uuhly Councd .n SlLnt lohn 's on feb· ruary nlnd 24 There were dele",le5 Irom all lour Atlanuc Provmccs wLlh a ,DOd cachan,e 01 .dcas and compaTlson 01 each local 's I lIualLon Delllis of theu mccune' Will M ava.lable .n luture lour n .. 1t

On Oclobel I , 1983, we held a .. cry succusful All Pro"',"ce Shop S.cwards Meeting '0 F.edellc ton Nearly all a.us of the p.o .. mce we.e reple · sentcd and we dIScussed a host of lIems .nc1udmg ne,olLalions, grievances, boycons. One main .d· unllie to thi s type of meetinl was thaI members from the d.fle.ent a.eas olthe p.ovlnce gotlo meC! one another and app.ec.ate the dLlle.em problem, other ueas h .... e and 10 Stall thinkm, as One local .atbe. th in diffe.ent l ' OuP ' 57


The loeal mOUrnS the sudden loss 0/ Alan Kut In" Op<'.atOI, Pt upruu , who wu taken flOm U$ III a cal utldent on December 30, 198J Plu.se remember- be eardul OUI thc.c on the hlpways

On feb.\lary I .... c mond mto new offke 5~ee ~. 111 r.bln Sueet, fredenclon We ale shaftn, Ihll space wuh 1733 and also .secrctanll sllff Thc office hIS I meenng rQOm facll,[yfor ou. neCUllve, neIOUI[lon$, and other meel1Dg5 and separ'le bUSl ' nus manager alcas. We are plOg.e5smg' ll you love oUlslde Fredenclon and ale m 10Wn, plene d,op In and II gocI wllhoUI $IIyin" the Fredellcton members a.c llso welcome to d.op In to see OUI new facillues. II IJ on the second floor 0/ Ihe bui lding hOUSing " Bun Master Bakery." and hal/, way bel ween The Bank of Montreal and Mac· Donalds on Ma.n StrCCI. across from R. c ... ·cr·. fashions

My apolo"es lor nOI Intiud.nl Chll Humble as I member of IheTcchmcal NegouaungCommltuc 10 Ihe lanuary Issue of Local TImes

Hol'C' you all surv,ved the hohdays. but II you a.e like most people. nOw have 10 ray Ihe fiddler, oops. bills

COL • ..: N K lfOU. P S

Officers Protect Contract, Members' Rights LU, 2.116 (1I, ' p,ta&catvl, M.ONTP[LIER, VT.­Th.ce hundred employe" of ,,"ew England Ttle· rhone Company wCfe transferred flOm AT6.T to one of Ihe VinOuS SUbsldll llU. elthe. 10 ATTIS. ATTCOM o. NYNEX Howevel. the ma,omy of OUI membe., 10 Ve.mont sily wllh Ihe New EnJ!' land Telephone Company The unoon" conilnUlng 10 make lure that Our labor agteemenl wnh AT&T II lIved up 10. 50 that our working Condlilons do nOI dClenorate We have ~Jso h,d 10 be walchlul of oul agtcemen! wllh tile Company tllu we would r~" .uenl Ih~ um~ employeu aftci d,VCUIIUle a, we dId before. The COmp,lOY hal allcady tried 10

trandt l some of our membcrs 10 Ihe CWA, and, needle" 10 »y. the IBEW hu challenged such a mono Olhel p.ed,cllbk problems have anscn. and we afe contlnu"lIy meeting wllh one subSIdIary or Ihe olhel 10 gel these ]foned oul R~centl, we had a seml·"nnual EquIpment In

lIallallon Mectlng In Velmom wnh Ihe Com""ny Our El Slewards wc.e auured that Ihe work lind fOI 1984 lookcd good

To avOId Ifouble Ihey had encountcred lO olhtr Statu. AT&T filed wuh the Vermonl SI"te L,cen sIng Soard 101 an ",empt 5tatU5 In Ihe hcenSlng of tdephone 'ep"" technicians. Howevel. the L.cen slOg Boald ,uled Iha< Ihese lechmclans should be licensed because" is on the books IS such At. ,oinl mecllng WIth the LICenSing Boald, II WIS agreed that we would ask Ihe Vermont leg,slalure 10 dill/y Ihe law We contacted them when Ihey convcned In January. and Ihty "re add,uIlnllhc problem Ou, lobbyi" IS working wnh ASSl&lInt BuslOe" fohnagtr Johnson and mystlf 10 develop a po'lIIon 01 an acceptabk and fall lolutlon to everyonc Involved. keepmg In mind Ihat our aIm is for lob seeunty for Our affecled members

Th" local IS lollowlng the pattern of othen aeron Ihe country-mak,ng sUle ii' membeuhlp is eligIble 10 VOIC In Ihe 19S4 plesldenli~l election It II neVet tOO carly

Asslnant Busmes, Manager f . ank lohn$(ln It po.1I Ihat 5urplus has been a m",or facto. In Ihe Traffic Oep<1rtment since Ihe lirsl 0/ Ihe yu. Hopelully buslneu w,lI hawe p'cked up hy thOJ prln"n" bUI In the meanllme he IS keepIng a w,"chiul eye on Ihc sl1uauon 10 be sUle Ihl! Ihe lurplus IS dlsmbuted fauly and equllably thtoup· OU I the system and by the COnlue!

In Ihe IaSI '$Sue of our mOOlhly nt ... ~lette. , B.olh" lohn..,n rrvle .... ed 10/ Ihe bendit of .. affit employees. at well as aU olhers, Ihe np" of employees unde r the Taft · Hartley law and Ihe Weingarten RIgbts. suung that, among other "ghtt. the baSIC rule Stt down by the COurt I, Ihat an employu hu a tigh, HI union .ep.uCntallon In any invUII",tory meetlnil WIth the employe. which Ihe employee .ea,onably believc mil!ht result In dISCiplinary aellon agaonSI Ihe employet

As ,hIS missive IS being composed w~ In Ver· mOnl "re enloylng' be~uly thl! only he~hly fallen snow can crUlt Wllb MOIher r-;~Iu. e·$ pranks of th.s p<1,t WlntCf. we could eaSily be cnlOYlng sucb • breath·u.hng VltW ~ga.n at th., gou 10 press'

M"u.1CI, L foItnu.. B M

Club Officers

i this piclun lit the olficcn Auoeia tion 01 Lonl3. New York. N.Y., Nassau COUnty Chapler: lohn A. Scun,,;.no. chlirman; Roben G. anl , viet chai rman, Thomas Gallaghe •• fi nanci.1 nen la ' YI ,\\all Callaghan. \fU~U l tf; and Cathy Scuntlano of "The WlvCl of Ihe R Cl i . ~u."

Missing i. Inhn Verce llctlo, , eco.ding Iterell r,.

lifl . are all the olficen ul both Ihe ch. plef and "Th~ Wivu of Ih RNiretl," including Ih t chai. · mCn 01 Ih. n. iOlU commit tees.

Club Conducts Many Social Affairs RETI R EES ASSOCIA TlON O F LU.3, NEW YOR .. , N.Y., NASSAU COUNTY CIIAPTER-On Oec~m bet IS. 1983. Ihe Nnuu Chaple. 01 the Retirees held Ibell combIned 10th Incepllon AnnIversary. Ch" slm.s and Chanukah Luncheon II Ihe Ocean' .,de Country Club IVe we.e hono.ed 10 have B.OIh • • loserh la(oh'cn and h,s lovely WIle Ro~ 10 allendantc

A happy nOle came about on the announcemenl of BrOlh.r Roben E Ande.son be,ng apPOInted 10 first Wlce p. eSldent of the Loeal 3 Reurc.:s An o· tulton. A SUIJ'''5tng note to 111 was when Ihe lad.n known as "Th. W,ves 0/ the Relines." whose cha"person IS Cllhy Scun2tanO, and her charmmg co·olficers. r.e.ented Our chapler w"h a banner to commemorate oul "Day"

On Febluary 14 we held a Valenllnt opcnd,sh affa ... and OUI SI Patrick lunchwn Wa§ held on March 20, 1984 [ .hall keep you tnlmmed 0/ ,II of our lonhcommg eVen15. Thinks SO much


Chairman's Election Held in March RETIREES ASSOCIATION OF LU. J, NEW YOR", N.Y., NO RT II FLO RI DA CHAPTER-Nomina lions IOf the oflicr of chairman we.e held at our mectlng In lanuary The nom.nees art Iht Incum· bent, I ChadOlck, Anlhony Badam. and AnhUI WeslOn All three lie ucellrnl

We had a plcn.c. sponSOled by Harry Greenfield, In Morikanl Stale Palk 10 Delray. Th,s prtstlnC pI.k somehow hn escaped the real utile devel· opers and IS iOl'ctlhe way MI Mo.ikani donaled it to Ihe 5111e of Flot!d~ 10' Ihe ptlv;le.!:e and honor 01 becomIng a Clti2en of Ihe natIon when he retired Th. envllonment was dchghlful and all of U5 'Oloyed belllg Ihe ••

The barbecue wh.cb followed was dIligently managed by Harry The food w"s managed by Ann Chadnlekllht hanks, beefburgers. uJads, betr and .oo~ pop weltplenuful The mus,c from Uoettero:o. WUIUpt:. "ndentertatnlng. The people rcspolllllble ~ tor the lucc:elS are tOO numeroul 10 menuon. In bCI all who a!tended made" contnbuuon lowa.d Its success We are happy 10 nOle Ihst 01.11 bd,Cf have a tremendous effect upon Ihe suceeSi 01 all OUf even/l. Ann hu always been Involved tn obtaIning Ihe lood and liS d,stnbulIOn Congoalu, lation. fOI , job well done

Wc commend Bess f.ldman who made OU r Chnstmas and Chanakuh Party last Dec~mber a " pleasant time to ,emember. Bernie and you Wfle tremendous tn the sc,.,,,eu you pt:t!OImed. I take thIS opportunity 10 give you 1'C'0ple Ihe highest appl.u~ .nd tongratubnons you duetve from oul chapler

The yeu of 1984 has aUlved with SpeCial sillul· Icanee 10 lemovc from of fi ce a pres,dent wbo hIS a vendetti loward organIzed labor, enttllemenu "", and pool Amencans The urly endor~ment by Ihe Afl·CIO provcs how Import"nt .t II for sll wo. kers. umon and non,un'on, and 'CllleU, to whteh we owc our wonderful rClllement , 10 VOle for the Democrallc cand.date During th~ lut three ~ yurs 01 Ihe Reagan le.m 'n of lice. thele have been mOle challenges 10 Ihe laws and . ~gulanons thll have prolecled Ihe npt' of Amencan worker. than at any mhcr lime In Ihe h".ory 01 the libor ~ movement fobny Ibouunds of JObs havc been exported to fortlgn eoumnu, wllh the ",eklnl 01 Ihe NlRB with opponeniS of labo •. plul cutbatks In unemploymenl benefits and fedcr"l lid A lack 0/ compaU lOn In the Reagan camp leads 10 unIon 1 "bustlnJ!" and p.evenllng the AmCII"n wo.ke. hom Improving the qualily 0/ hIS wotkpJace The vc ry latest faCtS polnl oul thaI cO/potauons uled cued bankruptcy proceedmgs 10 blC.k unlons.-· W,th I tuck r ~co .d lIke IhiS~VOlt for Ihe Oem ()(;.oti , Party_

The very ben 0/ heallh 10 uS

O"VII) B~"Nc;, P S

Retirees PartiCipate In Many Events RETIREES ASSOCIATION O F LU. J. NE W YORK, N.Y., NO RTU IERSEl' C HAPTER-As we all well know, Ihe weelts and months fly by so fUI when we arc well and happy and keerlnl busy and on the ,0. So It 15 With oul IctlVe chapter members Oul " Ladlcs Day" in November WIS well attended ~ as always. and Ihrough the efforts of lorraine Wahlers . .... e had I .epresentatlve from N I Bell d,scuss the many ehangn In the Bell 5yflem whIch affect each of u, w~ all have a much beller .. understanding of these changes nOw

In Decembe. ~verll of Our members Went 10 Ihe Felt Forum 10 heu Rep. esentalive Claude Pepper (0 Ha I 5pt:ak at "Sen.o. Fo.ce 'S4 .. We lie all " Pcpper'. People" and salule hIm for Ihe wOlk he hu done on our beh"lf We also had our Chlllt · mat · Hanukkah PallY. which wlS very well a< lendcd Out honored guesis were Joe and Rose 'aeob.on. whom we au always happy 10 ICC and .. Vlllt wllh Al S"'gllt2 and his commlllee lie 10 be congralUllltd on thIS /inc afl~" Lydoa Thoman always deservcs a b,g thank you for her always· IllnOvailVe "ally creallon" and our thanks to Ihe membe •• 10' Ihelf cOllfnbullons of.., many door p,,:u

In lanuary we had a " l"d.cs Day," but due 10 the Slorm the.e were very few r.eKnl , whIch " undelJtand.able We therefo.e looked fOlwlld 10 .. the Milch mcetlng whIch WIS • comblncd ,vcnl, "Take YOUI Valentine 10 a 51. Patrick 's Pany .. We arc all making plans 10 'ttend Ihe annual fish,n, trip 10 Baybe.ry, the week of May 14 So gel you. le5e,v,"onl In early with Chalfman Chafin Con gllose AI.o In Ihe works 15 Ihe pl"nned week in lunc at Tamarack lodge .nd th~ A.,t RellleCi luncheon on lune 19 at Eleclehcstct. wluch i, US pel couple

It II wllh deep regrel th.1 we extend our ,ym· pithy to Ihe I.m,lou of Ihe follOWIng member. who have pused away' Jose OaDl. Charlu Penllo

·nd Add·Ben Lc~ scht / I al,o Flo/cncc DonRiomo, wI le of Dick Bongiolno They wIll hc R'C'lly mlued by aiL

.. We regrcl Ihll OUI FIn.nelli Seclcl.ry Lu~e. JQ[ul v.h.ll has ,ulgned hia po$1tion .nd wIsh to Ihank h,m for h,s umillng dlons on behalf of OU I eh_plc. 8.0lher Bill Sm.lh hn Ivctd 10 finish LUlu', Icrm 01 offlec and we wllh hnn well Brolhet Allhul Mansfldd hu been appOInted In Ihe B<lard of Tru"en 10 flllihe IIne~p"ed It lm of Brothel Ch.rles Penllo

We lie happy loaccept Ihe folll>w,ngnew letoreU .... . nlo OUI chapler Frank Camma/~I" Mlchad Cn

celh, Richard Conway, Slinley ' .ckewlh.l, !'clcr Nowak .nd M.ke Smmkov,ly, We ho~ Ihey enlOY the good lellowsh.p .nd comr.ny 01 OUI ChaPICI memben. We look forwald 10 wdcomlnll.1I new .elHen InIO our ch.plcr We meel Ihe aecl>nd Wednesday of Ihe month II Ihe Ikrgcnfleld Rec· ruuon Cemcl, l.eglon DI1ve, BC I ~~nfleld, New

. lersey al 100 p m L

Festive Occasion ' ..... -...

are SOUl t of Ihf rf lheel enl"y lll ~ Ih cocklall hOIl' n Ihf Chr;~lm" rarl y,

~ Retirees Enjoy Party; Good Year In '83

I RETIREES CLU II Of l..U. 6, SAN fIl.ANCISCO, CAL- Elghly member~ .nd Ihell w've, Ind II1cnd,

""\ &'Ilhered at our unIOn hall 10 celebrale Chl1'lmU on December IS, 198J. The l.d.es 0111 did Ihem selves .. 'uh Ihc wondelful lood unelulu, salld~, lurkey, ham and baked bean5, uku and cook,e)

- , can't glv~ enuugh pla.,e 10 Sam Schneller ud hiS crew, who IOlIk car~ 01 Ihe kllcben and sc.Vlllg Ihe lood NOI un I ovellook Ihe m~n whu pilI up the ubles and challs and Ihe w"m~n whu 5CI ~nd

" deCOlalcd Ihem wllh beaulIIIII Chflumn dc~orl tloo,

I MIS. Bub Lyle played Ihe p .. no, and we .11,1,""Cd .n s.nglllg Chl15Ima$ ulO15 We .Iso had aquancI

r- who dId some ~rcal ha"nonl~lIlg There wele gil" for Ihe lad,u and bottled loud, IlI r Ihe mcn ,$


Prizes The bU'lIlc5!i agcot, Franz Glen, hIS tllff _nd Ih~ ~lfl' lrum Ihe olflce 10lned .n the lun

Befo.e the plrty We had a Ihotl meetlllg and

l ag,eed Ihal 1983 was a guud yur 101 U5 We rece.ved an IncrCUe In OUI penSitm checks Ih loLlj\h Ihe hndneu and efforu 01 OIL. workll1/; Bruthe r, We had many good ' peakcrs at uu r meellng. a"d I

_V1511 10 Ihe maIO PG.!I.E Power 1'1," t In San F.an· cisco, We lie looklnll lorwald to ,"mhe, good ycu .n 198. 1

Wllh leg. et we InnOUilce ..... e 1011 OU r oldnl leuree, 94·ycar ·old Maunce O'Connor who Waf

known lor h.s work on ship rcpall durll1~ WOIJd W" II We shall ml~S h,m

We Ife looklog lorwa.d II> _ fun·packed mp 10 Reno and Sparh. Nevada tn April

Hu,,,,,,,"1 DU""I, 1'11.£\


IJrolh~1 Ellgf nt and Sisl., lIu Cole, lI.lirer, Club of weal I I , l.os Angelu, Cal., display Ihd r baud. e"nd .. ·/l"d bi.d, .nd aR;,n . ls at an All Ft<tlval hdd in Cyprc.'>', Cal.

Retirees Should Calli Write Representatives RETllI.t:I!S Cl.UB OF l..U. 11 , l.OS ANG El.ES, CA l..-Qu, fI'SI meellng III Ihe new yea. was held On ranua ry III/our Loca! I I headquarten QUI memheuhlll "nendance was grell , wIth seve .. 1 ntW membe,s lommg us. A welcome 10 all 01 yOIl

PreSideol lIaiph l.a/kln opened Ihe met/L"g wllh htanlclt New YUI glee/Lngs. He led 115 In Tht Plcdge of Alleglance 10 OIL' fI.g _nd eounlfy and ,cque.,ed we rcmaln .randmg III I lIl"menl 01 SIlence, Icmemberlng Ihose members who no lon/Cer Ire wllh u, All Ihose hav,ng bIrthdays dllrlllg Ihe monlh 01 'anuary were asked 10 ,emam s •• "dlng while we sang thOl lovely rdram' HIppy !llIlhd~y 10 You "

MlIIlIlCI 01 Iht E~ecuuve Bo.,d mctllnlt and Ihose 01 Ihe p.ev.ous ,tne •• 1 meel1nll. werC rud and aJ1J1",v~d. Due 10 S,sle. Edna l.arkm bem~ Ihsenl, du,ng he. public CHlzen lury duty , S'51er 101. Wum.n graCIOusly and cumpelcntly 10010. over Iht .eco.dlllg of the ~Rcnda, It" whICh ..... c Ih.nk he.

QUI UC~SUftr, F,ank S'flckland l mtmbershlp commlllctman and edllo. 01 OU, nc""Sr~rCI, Tire .~hmr e,n"", Gene DIOg1O; Tou. COmm\lleeman ",," "Good ~nd WcUa,c " ,epofler l)3n Cuh~n ~Il Rove us j\(",d newS, Thwu):h Ih~ lIlEW/NECA 1lu.t rUlld, Pan Cohen ",llIImcd LIS Ih .. we cln nu ..... pur~hasc uur plt~cnl>t:d drugs f.om ou ' !tICal Thnftv D.u~ SIL"e~ II no m", e Ihao $2 00 per r.c~tflpUOil O. We can olde, by mad from Natlollal Rx at 110 COli

BlOlh(1 SIeve H_rr"'glOn, prts.dtnl 01 L.ocil II, add, essed u, As U5uai, hf PUI U$ III a ve.y sJIC'cIII lov,al mood wllh one of h'5 umdy ,oktsl"o"u H.s .eporl, howevel, w;u nOt .harlovul, ,numuth as OUI local wu prella"n, 10 ,0 on a fou,·day workweek, Ihercby mak,ngn po",ble 10 keep mOre eleclrlcrans workIng He ulged 115", gel IIlYolved 111 .tg.sICllnll: VOlers, and 10 Inlorm people 11 .1.11 "!:hI 10 d,~aglee. bUI don 'l d.sagrce .1 you dlln'l gCI.nvolvcd B'olhe. Cary Alexander I~ vely hU5Y reg',"ellll, peorle. and "·c commend h.m 1m h" cflOlu

Our very ""U'C 8101h(, ·CILff" Hollrday, Icgl~ la\lve commll lecmall, and ples.dent of Ihe Cali 101n,a COllllcil of St:mu, CIIL~cns, Imp,cued upon u~ Ihe .mpollaOCC 01 conlacllngour ,cllre scnlall~U Oil IUUes benellClallO Ihe .el1reCi, as well n ,.SlIts Ih .. affee l 01,1, chlldlcn and ,randch,ld.cn H" ~UblcC I mallCI madc an aJ1rrop"~lc "'''o<lucllnn 10 Oil' slleakcl lor .hc day, Mr Abe Bo~crlllan M. !loxerman fo' many yea.s has been .dvucallllg • U.S Na"ooal Health Se, v.ce. The HR3884 hill (now shelved by Cong,essl 's 101 people _nd nOl 101 plOlll and shlluld be .e~d, deba.ed and dl .cuned by Cung.us. A pubhc anoOunCCmenl !hould be nude .0 Ihal all ci l1 ~Cni c.n .equtS! 1 copy 01 Ih" UNo ·J884 bill II was also suggulcd Ih31 we nil 01

wille our local cOlIlIluspc"un and ask 101 _ frce CUllY 01 Ihe HR -3S84 b.1I

UPO II peruSIng the leI/CIS to Ihe edllol 01 ,he fBEW /oumal, il was , ratifYing 10 learn Ihal Ihe 10cll, IhrUII,hOUI OUI Unlled StllU arc IlIIeleS/ed and 'llvolved ., we arc 111 keeping IIntOnl5m .IIve, Ind Ihll we lie wO/king lowa,d I common go,al­ptace, health Ind ,he PUISUI! of happll1~U lor all

In Ihe PUISUII 01 hapJl1nns, many of OIL. reillees dlvel/ Ihell ltl5ure hours 10 IllS Ind c,,115 An examrle IJ Blolher .nd S'fie' Eugene and Bea Cole who dlSpllyed IhcII hind-carved, wood b"d, and Inlmal,., .n All Fe,lIviI ,n CYrrus, Cal,lornll ThcII IIIIIIlIsh11l 15 btOughl OUI .n nch ob,eci. polI/aym, indiVIdual pelSon.llI1n. mostly w.st .nd humolOlI' The Cole,' generOSllY m don~l1ng one 0' molC U,vlngS at Clch ,cneral meelLn~ spur. Iht mcmbelShlp mlO buy.nll: r ~fIlc ILcken with Ihe hope Ihtl Ihey WIll be Ihe lucky winnerS Thallk you, Eu,ene and !lu Th~ raflle .C\lVIlY IS conduclcd hy OIL' "elY

(llngemil Bnllher, Phil Truuo, and Ihe monty collected poy. Iu r Oll r delre.ous luncheons, p.e­pa,cd and served by lI 'Olh~1 a"d S'Slel Ib"y and Edi.h Wud They Ole Ihe moSI ~r~cwu5 hosl and ho"e~, Qur StnCcle Ih."ks to Ih~m, and 10 alllh~ members who «uuriblLle time and ell"" In maklnll: /lU' lIIetllugs cducalulIl.1 ond enillyahle W~ aga," InVlle III Cllrlornl. and oUI-oI'Slale IIiEW mem be/5 IU IUlII u, Ihe scc<>nd Wednc~d~v 01 evcry monlh at 1000 a m al Loca! II he.,lqulllcu

Eqllf. G,.OR(.. ~, r <;

Local Celebrates 70th Anniversary RETIII. EES CLUB Of l..U. lS, II ARTfORD, CONN, - AI III 01 OUI mCtlln,s, J commlllec 01 IWU U IVU a lunch 01 »ndw.chCli and coliec. elc BLlt oner a yUr , lI:ellclllly In Ihe IaU we hove a d,tss up, ClIeltd luncheon ThiS yell " Wa~ held 1\ Ihe BuckboatJ lIen.uranl In GlaSlonbury on October 27 fo, ,II Ihe .ellled mtmb"u and IhcII w,~cs and lady 11I.llds S'~ly·I"u r people S~I down In. very tOloyahle p~rty hosted by Joseph Meegan and lohn NlmlfUw.k, We would hl\"~ h.d more bUI bec~un 01 slckn('1II1'/ p,eVIOU' appOIntnleillS ~hcy m.n.'/ a good lime

Cold wuthcr "htrc, and some of Ihe members ale headlll' lUlllh, nOl w be $cell all:a'n IIlIul ~plmg If hul lh pernuII, Imay be g()In~ down thc.t wllh my Wife to ViSit ,cI.IIVU for a ~hon V. SII

l.oc~! 35 had a ~ala alfAII 10 celehrall' 1t 5 70lh Al1nlve .~uy on Febru~ry II. 1\1'84

End1l11: with a sad nO\c, w~ have loS! I"", mOle "'.mbert, l.aLllenc~ Me,~c " lI.e~III~ld While. Ed w3,d MarC(lllx .nd nUl I"n~ lell11 sec. clary \rCU­Ulcr, lo"ph Mec):an May Ihey .cSI 111 pcace

Scribe Outlines Year's Events

WI! UAM B Bua ... , I' S

II. ETl II.£\'.S CLUB Of LU. 175, CIIATTANOOGA, TENN. The r.nllaryl, 1984 meelln, of The lI.elLted MemMI1 Clllb of Local 17S opcned Ihe N~w Yu. 1984 101 olflccn and mcmbe.1 01 .hc dub C .... d lu tk It) III ((lnte'llcd and plaY /01 officers 10 have guod gUldallcCJ Thu,. ynr 1983 bec.me h'Slory, wllh Ih,s lummaIlZ~tI"n

History" dram. The universe IS 'Iheaue, wllh Ihe wolld. , .. 'c Milch nencry. m~ny SCllplS and mull11udu 01 dlffclenllhemcs 11:" mlO hfe 10 creale d,ffe lelll (h,,~ele rl, wllh nch ,odlv.dual UI1vlllg 101 thclI own eho.en 1/1 Ihc d.ffelent seIling' of each ,eenc. There ue alwaYI many and v",ed .cwn, llIembell of CUI wllh d,l/crenl Cha,~ clen ,

ulenl' alld eap.bLlhlu, Ih .. apIICaI and ,ake pan III the d,IIClen l at" UpOil Ihe scene, Ihell bdc and pnl "" Utlt of Ih., ,cene 10 anulh ~r 0 , 10 thell ~IVel1 du""y Some 01 Ihesc actou become fond llIeml1lLe, of ~ ycue, day ,one hy, ncv~. 10 , elurn 10 Iho,e Ih.t k.new .nd loved Ihtm Mcmonn glow dUll and fade w.th age Ind IImc, un III one d.y evcry indiVIdual .Clor ",US! cvenlua!!y pau on lrom Ihe ""ge 10 Ineel Ihell own deslloy, hol'.cfu!!y It) be wllh Inut Illd .emembe, tll,morll 59



• A .. ,ndi"l Ih~ AnnLl~1 Ch.iumu Pan)' of .he Re­,i,uI Club of Loc:~1 175, Chlll'Don,a, Tun" 00 Dcumbe.12 wnt, lell 10 ,i,hl, Mn. Ann MCCOld, M ... Ma.,ie Bank. and ROlf f loyd.

of sUile and paIR no more xvelll club mcmbcll pused on In

m, MIS I.mes A llolal G,euon, MIS Gllnl IAlbcru] Ma,htny and 8 .othel Lester l hulkner

The club also 10$1 Brolhc. Cuil C Pennmgton and Wile Hazel , .... hen they moved 10 NOllh Ca,­ohn. to live They IIC mlsscd

Brothel E E. "kd" McDaniel fell .nd .unllned broken bone. Ih.t required oJlC'I.uonl In 1983 lic and h,' w,/c, ElsIe, lpo:.nt conslder.ble lime In Ihe hOIJlllal bUllrc back home now, hopt'futly IClllnl bene. nch day Brother L. E "Cu.ly" w!lsoa', hun ,un I'oppo:.d buunl.nd, Ihrorcllully. left hIm "dnd" 10 •• ume, unllithe hUll wu ,uncd be""n,.,,, .. CIOK (;III for Cudy

n,,," Cl ... b'. Ch""mn Dlnnel Pany was a 'Imuhln& hit " IhlS ycu due p"manly to the hald

w<)lk, plannln& and u relcSl dfoll' of Mn MalllC B.nk, and hCI own appointed CommlHec /IotlllCle u"n&d Ihe p,ny me,11 10 be ""rvcd, wuh ;olllhc mmmln&s I.blc dttorallonJ,' I.ce, place ICllinICs for 4S members and uh,out platc. fo r mcmbert shulln unablc to '!lcnd Shc 'Iunged, Iyped and h.d pllnted ChrinmlJ urol. /0' youp IIn,!!ln, .nd played thc puno lbea ... tllulIy ) for Ihc IIn,In,vo",p Shc r.e · .... n'ed 10 have rich member brln,' '1ft whIch Ihc dIrected .nd helped pus OUI, wllh everyone lecel"'ln, a pit Lont: befor. Chnstmn IIm'ed ahe hid cr()(.heted cnough rOlholdclI iO

Ih.t each lady IllendlnS would .etCI"C one n a S.ft Thcn .hc a .. anl:cd with Ihe ,uu ... ,ant 10 h .... e ',h ... t . ln" Chrilima. dinner. fh,ed and dehvcled

10 membel5 unable 10 anend Brorhcr Bob Ind Ann McCo. d del''''crcd, pl,te to BIOther lIomcr Wynn, while Brothe. L E, and Bea WII_on ddl ... clcd. plait 10 bolh Brothcr E E McDaniel and wife E1.,e A plate fo. each of tht loul', offl ct gttls wu scnt beCIU,C they ducryed &orne and could OOt Ica ... e d ... un 10 attend Now, that &O ... nd, hke I ,.cat Ch.mma~ "tI,ry n/ Ihntl"hlflllnr~, Ind shlnnl wllh fdlow Amulcanl, the B.othe.hood of Ihe IBEW, In ICIIOO, sp.udlnl ptlce and ,oodwlli 10 othu. al Ch"stmu IImc .nd helping to f ... lflll • Chn~I1an ·rytW' mlUlon of lo ... c- thc Iccogllluon of Chn$I', blllh Do nOI b1l 10 Ur'CJI yo ..... ppre clluon 10. theSt Ihln,s. Thank you MlIgle .nd all Ihole that helped you make thl' Ch"Slmu a ,oylul rl1t""r to lesus. I baby born In Bethlehem

May the yur 1984 be pro,p~ .oU! fOJ ,II Arne rl cans and III !lUt des~rYc pro~pc"ty by helpm~ Ipltld il ",ound in goodwill of rcuonabl~ Ind ICn!ible ar.tlon~ fn. rhMr rhAr laNU for good


Club Varies Site of Monthly Meetings RETIRJ;ES CLUB OF LU, US, ASIIEVI!..U, N.e.­I! wu dcclded by the membel5hlP for vallelY and a change 01 scenery 10 meet II dllferent placu. fa, OUI Noycmbc.r meeling we met 1\ Wtilem Stter FanHly Stelk Houst In MOlllnlon. The ..... ulhcr cooperated beluufully./ W IS InEd by those dn ... mg down the mountain from the weSlern artl It WII I lovely drive

At OUI Oectmbel mettlng al Ihe Iiallmuk C.f· cttl;a, Tunnel ROld, AsheYllle, we carned OUI the Ch" nmll theme A 5IOg'alon& QI ChoJtmu songs and the .elaung of ~hlldhnod mem<JI\U about Chn"ma, wcre led by our chapilln, ChultJ lIoughman, .nd h" wile Adeillde Each membel brou&ht • "hI thest wc.e uchangtd dunng the ,ct·to&ether E ... cryone had a I . ell lime

We were back In Mo.[t.lInlon for Ihe lanual'}' meeung al l}ulncy'5 !otuk Housc 101 lun .nd lnod lellowshlp WJlh OUI u,ual ,ood .eco rd of 10 mem ben p.e,enl

for those .elUecs of Local US who mlghl like to 1010 UJ, OUI mecllngs ue held the HrJl S ... nday 10 each monlh at 3 00 P m ~I a place decided upon al each meellng


Ch.des Will of tilt Reti.ees Club of 1.o<:al 161 , Crolon, Conn., ponra)', S.nu Clau. "the Ann".f Ch.iSlmas Pany. SlIndi"l be",ide him il Mlkc MlIl'"I, an ElIt'cuti ... e Commillffpeuon.


Ed DeCoJta holds the plaq ... e that he and Runel! Bunon "·c.c p. uentcd by IWO cleenidaus of Gen· tral Oynamks Fltr tr ir Rnu Shipyard.

Retirees Wind Up 1983 With Happy Memories RETIREES CLUB OF LU.161, GROTON, CONN.­We ue dosml anothel eventful yeu of 1983 wllh I few happy memol1tJ and were espeellily pleucd wllh a plaque rlescOled 10 UI by IWO elec"'clan~ III OcpanmeOl 141 of Cenelll DynamlCll Eltculc Boat Shlpyud Ed DecOSII and Russell Bunon duclve a super ... ole of Ihank, from all of OUr members. The plaque hu OU, 1051,l1li" and the narnCJ of all of IIUr offieus 1O~~IIbed below, a .cal work of art

We had OUr Ch'isliRU rarty Ihe evening of Decembe. 14 As usual our wlyu camt fo.wa .. l with another IUPC' potluck supper It would make

you. moulh wiler to uc IU the goodlCl they came up with

Thomu McGo vern SpUD a few platten 01 lUll'

ablc Ch"nmu mullC and we enloyed • linS'" Ion,!! of Chllltmil cllol" k

Dcar ole Sanll dldn'l forgel us Ih" yell, .Dd he palaed .round m.ny gifu_ Wc Icceiyed e ... cry th ing from "IIOUp tonuu "Someone sa,d I WIS Ihe hiAAeSt OUt Ihcle

Okt Wc h.d • Ane lime Ind .. ffled off money which il DlCC to hlye The first prit.e of SSO WIS won by D Verooe.u of Connecllcut Boulev.,d, lecond pllt.e of $10 was won by 11m fClleo of '" NOlwith and S1 0 was WQn by Chet Fulton of Groton

We would IIkt to extend a special thank, to Alnold PlOkllon, bUJIOCJ5 managcI 01 Local 161, 101 donallons of cheer, also fa. lupplym, UUI

help fOI the rany by h.Ymg ,eYcral shop "ewllds aod Incnd. 11"'lOg U5 I hand whIch hclped make tht rany a I,cat .uccess. Wc h.d • lathe. largt ~ pthellnl .nd .11 had a g.cat IImc Thanh many IImu

On l_n"lry 10 we had a re~1a r mecllnl which had been pollponed twice due 10 b.d wealher We t.lkcd about many lon,·unge plans fa . Ihe future


Scribe Remembers Older Members RETIREES CLUB OF LU. J47, DES MO INES, IA._ A ,rclI lime was had by those l1tendl", thc February mcelln, of the dub with B.olher Walltn W,lliam, p.ClldlOl

The meclln, WIS honored by Ihe preunce of Blothcr Robert C. Wllhams, In lernallon.1 Rep.h • .enllllye for the EleYemh Disuiet of IBEW The maliC. of the impo".nce of promolln, thc Clndl dacy 01 Waller Moodale was 5u .. ""d. ln Ihat Ic&ard, ,II p,eJent werc uI,ed to be 10 al1encianee 1\ thclI prcClnet ClUCuS A maliC. of mtelesl enloyed by .11 prCJtnt wu Ihe uh,bHlon of • P,(I"',( taken ""vc •• 1 ycan '10 II I uDlon piny where membel· Ihlp PIDS we.c Iwarded

B'Olhe. Arlhur Clark pissed thc excdlcnt p'c' hu., 11" ... ",1 hum une youp 10 another and It ~ cluled yeal Spoil by III prtscD! in Ihe endc .... or 10 .denuly those ahOWD In the pholo, Th,. also brought 10 m,nd the n.mts of other older mCmbell who had conllibuled 50 much 10 Loc:.JIl 341

In the taller legard cornu 10 mind the name 01 1 Harold Bake., the forme. bU'lneu managc. who wn in,lI\Jlnenlll'n thc forml", 01 the local un,on'. health .nd weIll Ie plan He also IOslllled. modem Aim, ,yltem Ihlt induded • Stp.rale Ale for clch .. member Mueh mOr~ could be menliODed for th" lI.eat .nd dcdluled uDlon man If 'pacc pcrmmtd

I hc club mcelln, was al&o hono.ed by the pru­encc of OUI 5elllor membel, No .... Ch.mberlain, , age 9S, who I' usually 10 IlIcndancc Due 10 '"hng Vllllln, " " u ..... 1 10' Brothe. ChambellalO to be taken to our mectlngs. Recenlly Brother No .... deClined the offe red "de fOl the reuon thlt .now ,. WII fOleC151 .nd he wlnt~d 10 be home to tho ... el his wllk, Ye" hc dots hi! o wn y~ldwo. k, too.

We older membe.5 III Local 341 are pro ... d of Ihe taci thu the local was olganlud by BrothCI Harold . II rOlch, dtcused former Inu,mauon.l ofAee •• nd lor whom 0 .... union hall ,s named As. unlOI cmun, thc bid thin, abo ... t g.ow.ng old .s Ihat you outllye and lose thc I'cattst friend, on e.nh Mlny of those fl1ends' names air Ihown on Ihe umon'~ ml'mnnal hnarrl in Ihr mrfllnl hili Thus, when the cu" cnt members meet they n n tee Ihe nimCI of thOle to Whom they owe theil p.uem bencAtI, proVided by Loc:al 347

Penonally, I ,hall be fo.evCI glateful 10 those whll h .... e, by Ihei r d/o.1S .nd uniomsm., made fa. lIle and my brolher ' CU rees, all of the comfolu .nd .eeu.i uu enjoyed by me .od OU r other memo h<"

hm H Powu;s, PS

January Meeting Features Distinguished Speakers RETIREES ASSOCIATIO N Of L U. 358, PEATII

-A MBOY, N. j._As plOrn.ud by Pres,dem frank Smuh, th~ january mectlng would be a mon en IIghtcn.ng and a fully Important mecl1n, 10' our group, and" was

We were very plcutd and qUilt honored 10 have a5 oul ,ucst spukers, M. lamn E MeG/cevey, EsqUlrt, prcKn,]y wo.klnK "'lIh the SlltC legull' lUre and as the ]cpl adVIsor 10. B.shop Theodore

"" Mteamk and the Dux:cn of Metuchen, and Mrs Edith Edlnan, who ;s affhncd wllh .he N I Fed nallon of Semo. Citizens, and ccrtaml y no !!ranger 10 Our group Both M. McGree"cr Ind Mrs Edle­son gave most .nform,lIve talks on the Rl SIn!:

Health Cafe Cos. 10' .he ScnIO' Cuuen and the Dugnosllc Rda.cd Croup System. and wme Qf th .. ma,o. drawbacks of the system The need 10' "­belie. home CI.C syslem wu ~]so rdleeted on by

~the .wo very .nformed ~~~k.tu The Med,ca.e p.og.am and IWO recommend.

tlOoS that should be totally unacceptable to Ihe 5eOlor clllzen liVing on a fixed mCOme we re al~o

.. dIscussed by the group The fiut being the Mun. Te .. aod second the HSIao Plan A$ Staled by NCSC Executive DucctOI W,lliam R HUlton, " MedIcare "a program fOI wtllch evcry Amcncan contnbutu ".a ponlon 01 hIS Income Ihrou,hout h.s worlung hfe .... 11 Amel1uns thelefore a.e entllied 10 bene fiu thn lenCCI theu COnl11bUIlOnS 10 the system, Med,care I. nol welfare, .t ., a pro,ram of soclIl Ins ... rance, '0 apply a Muos TeM ' 0 Med.care IS to du •• oy .he very fo ... nda\1on on whIch Ihe pro· gram was bUIlt

80lh ~h McGreevey and MIS Edlesun WeTC thanked for .hell dlorlS on behalf 01 Ihe SCOIO. ""zens and were Invited back whenever thell very

busy sched ... les would pe.ml!

A specul meeting was also called by PrClldeo. Smllh to convene on January 2.B to .eVlew and change. whue n«ded, ,he bylaws of Ihe group We ,hank reUrCeS , ... hus Donees, Dan.el Zboyan, Andre ... Do.uch, Sam ... el K ... ,hman, W.lham So fidd. PreSIdent Frank Smith, V.ce P,n.dcol W.I ham Coyle and Sec.c.ary Don POllen,cl lor the una dian they putlouh on the new bylaws W"h appmval we wIll 1M: known as ,he "IBEW RClllcd

<i> Mem""-u CI ... b of LocaI3S8." 81mhel .e\lrees. you,

l club g'oup, association o. whatever name yuu g'V( thIS galhe .. ng can only endu.e so long as each 01 yo ... gIve of yoursdf by your acuve paruClpal10n

_ As you are aware. we celebrated OUI 14th yur a5

I ao organ.~ed reluees group on March 21, Some thlOg we cao all be very ploud 01 You U .n md, .... d .... 1 arc rcsponslble lor ,h,s, keep up the effo.t by conllou.ng to attend youl meetings and

~by aCllvely pafllc'l'~ung Cong.atulatlons and con

I tmued Success each and every one 01 you vely fine gentlemen and Brothe. s

II IS IOdced ... lIh buvy hurt and a deep l(ellnK .. of I<).,ow. we mus, rcpoll the passlOg of • very

young brother mcmbe., RICh.ud I Schne,del Brothe. Scbnelder. born Augu1tlJ. 1950. and tntuatw Into 0 ... 1 local unlOO on NovemlM:l 1. 197J, d,ed follow

.... ,og a fall wh.le workIng On the .e cleetnfiullon of the Ene·Lackawanoa Ratlroad On Jan ... ary 8 1984 We thank the mlny. many B.othen Ih.t came lorward fOI the wake praye. scrVlce to forthc ' show theu I(SpeCt and love 10. OU r BIOthel who

rr was taken SO suddenly from hIS famtly and from hIS ur"on bmrly We would aKatn olfe r 0 ... , dec PUt sympathy to B.othel Rage. Scbne.der and Com mend b.m for hIS IIIIIUdc and Hue Splllt 01 8roth r e.hood Many thanks agalO. 8rothelS Th.s letler

I was reccntly rece.ved and we wlSb to sha.e 11 with you 8'othe," of Ihe IDEW' 8eJlezla Company Inc .nd D' Ann. & Hoogendoorn Inc


To- Local .1SS, IBEW Perth Ambov, N[

From C·4 Re ·Elcctnficauon C rew local UflIon 164, IREw

I Dear Brothers and S.sters

It IS wllh deep reg'(1 and lo rruw th" • leiter of cnmmendallon,$ be'''g ,cntll th., lime since

we would have p.derrcd ,ha, the ,.me hi' rud 10 the p.esence of B.othe. RIchard Schneldu

We, the C·" crew working fOI D'Anna and Hoogcodooro on the .e-cicctflficallon 01 the En e Lackawanna Raolroad would hh to .elte.ate Ind confirm what evnyone sho ... ld alrudy know , thai 15 that 8rothel RIchard Schnelde .... ., an CllCmplary membe. of Ihe lllEW 10 the shOll lime that ""'e have known Brothel S(hoe.der, we have come to .espect and Idmrr~ h.m as a B.othel In our opln.on and In Ollr hearts, he w.1l be so.ely mlsscd by all He ... ·asalw.ys rrofic.enl , hardwolklng and cons"tenlly 100klOg 10 belle. h.mself and hIS B.o.helS. He was truly .nSlIU mental.o malotalnrnl: the h.~ q ... allty of "'ork mansh.p .thleved on thIS prOlecl and Iron reIlly hc was oil. numbe. one ~lcty-conKiou$ p<:lson

It IS OU. SmCcre hope thaI all of the rrofu .. onallsm and brotherhood Ih .. he .. ,,~eJ 10. WIll be remembered .nd ,,,,,cd 0" bv us all 10

h.5 memory At th.s lime. uu. Cr~W ,,"'o ... ld also hke 10 $late

thai the (Jthe. SfOthers uf Local -1'i8 wOlk1Og wnh II~ on Ih.s ploleet have been of the hlghul cahlM:l and we Ihank them

Rc.reetfully ~ ... bmllled. Ken B,ehi' •• geneul foreman, C·" c.ew members W.lham Manz. Cen eral foreman. Edward W.IIIams. Doug Gelz. Kesta Clawfo.d, lohn SlepaOlan, Mark Re.st . , Chiton Crawford, WIlham L ... ndy. all 01 Locll Umon 164 aod Brothers Robert Andelson and Kennelh A.ey 0/ Local UnIOn 358 Althou/:h Brothel Schncldel was w.th 115 10. only

a "ery shon lime. he wlil certarnly be long . emem bered and ml1§ed by all of U5

We offer oul congutulauon. 10 B.othc. Uuold Kllb1Oak. Card 676582, .... ho, on Janllary 8. cele boated h .. 4..hd year a5 a member of Local Un.on J58 810ther Kub.nak pncsc.-ntly h" Ihe honor and d'SlInctlnn of hold1Og the oldu. ICuve clld .... nh IhlS loc.al UOIon We also congrllllflle Blother R.chard R_ Lar,..,o. Card 616586 and llrolher Treat urel Wlllum I McDono ... gh, Clld 616581, who on feb,wfJ 5. have also marked 4J yun wllh ou. local umon These three B.o.he.s ha~e certamly SCt some kmd 01 standards 10. all of ... s 10 try and hve up 10, the" mdlvldual efforts On the lOb. theu ... n,on SpUII and ded,cation 10 Ihc brolhe.hood, rnOSl ass ... redly has ga.ned fa. Ihem a grcal deal of IUpcc;t and c.ed.blluy Once ag;un, IIro.hels_ con glltlliallons'

Brothers.l·m Sure we all rcad Plu.dent PLl]ard's edltor,,1 comments as pre.ented In the feb.u ary , 1984. 10urn~1. AS ",,,h all the edlto"al, of o ... r preSldent,1/ .s ""'e11 wntten. and should be .enccled upon agam and agam I, fa. one, ,hall

Oh )·e •• I prom.sed a Brocher I would say, from h.m. " H •• M.ekey' "

Retirees Enjoy Christmas Dinner RETIREES CLUB OF LV. )75, ALLENTOWN, PA.--Our ChnSlmas Party was held at the V,lIagt Inn In AlienlOwn, Pennsylva",a Dmner was scrved II ooon, w.th cards and b1Ogo afterward Alte. an eOloyable lime. everyone departed at " .m P m





Shown 1\ tht hud IIble II t ht Chris tmal Dinnt. of Ihe atlirus C I ... b of Lot:al]7S, Allenlown, PI., art, lelt 10 ri ~l, 1I0ward Lt~nard, ,eereury, An· drtw Kubik, b .... ineu nUna,tf 01 the local, Ellint , the 1(11;11', of6et Itcreu,y! Artb .... Wieand, pre.i· den , 01 the Rt.ilen Club, '\hs. Andlew Ku bik, Ind Mf1. Howard Leonlld.

Thi. i, an~thcr vitw of Iholt attendi ng Ihe Ch.is l­mat Dinner. From left 10 .il:ht arc Mrs. Leonard, .\\u. Roben Cu,ekuJl11, Robe .. GUlekuoot , Mr. and MII. 'H Black, Emily Spukfl and Ann Smilh.

Scribe Outl ines Club's Activities RETIREES CLUB OF LU. 474, ,\\E,\\PIII5. TL .... N._ The long hOi SUmmer of 1983 cnded and we are glad to be lid of II From luly I. 19113. thro ... ~ lare s.:ptembcr OU r t~mpt' .. tu.e was In the hIgh SO', 10 Ihe Uppt'l 90's wllh no ta.n dunog the I'Cnod With 100 drgren 10 laIC Augu~1 It ,,'u enollgh to keer most of liS "sco.on'" IOs,de w"h .hc au condlt.oned comfo"

Our d ... b rru,dent. Alleo P Bums_ suggeued .hat we cancel Our s.:ptembcr IfIJI .0 SI Lou" IM:cause of the extremely hal wu.he. Also our oUllng to Mud Island here m MemphIS dUllng AIIKUSt was postponed We m~dc up fo' th.s by haVing an Clllf.·spec.al Thanksglv'ng d.noe r with ,he 11adlllon.1 !urkey and 11.mm.ngs BUSiness Manager Albe rt lIya .. attended thIS meeting and d.sc ... ued the local ... nlOn "Pm PreSCntatlon Cer cmon.n" on Decembe. 17, 1983. Wc agleed 10 co· sponsol thll evCnt ~nd lurmshed the <lIrkeys and ",mm.ng' wllh hams and n.he . lood for the b ... lle. type lunch aftcr .... ard

OUI dub Chn5lmas DlOnel 10 Decembe. ,,·as • iSUIU.]. concelOcd wllh 'rprov,ng the d .. tnb ... t.on of fruit basket' to club members not able 10 mee. ","h us, and to prescnt ush (ootnbll"on. <0 thrn;c mcmbels 10 need of financ"l help Those 00 Ih,s COm mil tee .... ut Prn.dcnl Allen P all.n •• George Pcek. Roben Tate, Donna Peder and G ... y Gallls

To make the .... uther plClure (Omplele. Ihe week belo.e Chnstmas and Ihe "'cck alrer we.c. ,. .hey would uy In CalLlolOlI, 'mOSt unllsual" lows m the Icens and below, and zero on Christmas day Even the I:randchlldren d.d not Want 10 play 0 ... 1' SIde

We wcre uddened by the death 01 tWO membe .. du.mll Chnnmas week-John MdlOn Webb On Chfls tmn Day and ItAm Calv.n Hunt on December 28 Then "'e lost W.lham L G.bson nn lanuary 11. 19~"

In leadlOg the Ie"ers of OIhe. dubs 10 Ihe /OIll(IQ/

we nUllce they ,u, e the .... veS and .... dnws 01 mconbclI ~. e welcomed ,0 the" meellngs ~nd OUtlllg' The lad.es a.e • deli .. ",. part 01 OUr club and are dues ·pay,ng members They welcome the direct part.clpatlon ~nd "wol"eme", on all dlSc ... s, ,.ons and declS.ons 01 the mccllngs. We are all aware they can getlhing. mov'ng if neeeS$ary. "

Our club et..·(lIon of "£flee,, fur the next tWO yu.s comn up In M~y Then OU I annu~1 P'CniC

wIll M In lune We look forward to th.1 Cu¥ C ... rn\. P S

Retirees Kick Off Year With Two Great Meetings RETIREES CLUB Of LU. 419, BEAUMONT, TEX._The 479c15 kIcked olf84 " 'lIh ''''0 ~rut mcetill&l If OUI comm.llen keep up the ,00II "'olk we un look fo ...... d to .nothe. luper yeal

Ou l JanualY meeun, lutured Dale ~"Jler . IIIIn

tn8 director of OUI are' lATe. Dal .. brou~ht UI an tnfOrmallve n. rrallye Ind queillon period ~on' cerning the hl. tory, methods, "m, .nd resu!15 of OU I ve ly ,ueeenlu! apP,entlee rraintnll p,oVam He left ul "'lIh Wllm leprd, for hIm penonally and lot of lcaptCt 101 the vaSt knowledge fOI h'5 wo.k that he evulenced Dale even lI.ye uS nld l imen a pat on the blck ... hen he uld thlt the ucuAcct we made "'CIC nor In vain Then he also poroted out that the lourneyman Wileman II slIlI Ihe mos t Import.nt I.tl(ll In the education 01 an appreouce

In Febluary we enloyed a V.lenune PallY and welcomed fOUl new mem~.. Bob l'II,cr. lack Taylor, and Dor01hy and Paul Smllh IOlIled uS In ,he coronation of ou, "Sweethurt 01 the D.y," 5In"n, of V.lentlne son", pteknla lJ (ln of OU· merOUl ~Ift" .nd Ihe enloyment of I vcry laSlY luncheon prepated by Oul lady membC"lf-aJl of thiS alon~ WIth ou"e,ulal bUllncl, meelln~ Vcral Nerilnd was our "sweethea,t and she Won eyery body', hUrl with he. charmro, penonallty Jt WI5 I ,rell pally Ind thelc .re 1-0 many people 10 think Includln~ Lteand Aby McNeel. JohnOle Ind Faedcll No.m, Mildred F.,I, M.udmr ~nd Harold W,I illms. R L Webb, Lucy FOICC, VI Clrouard, Lou. ena Young. Sedalll Balllrd, Leoda Copeland, June H.mllton, Ind Emml DavlJ A spec,,) lhlnks ,ll:OCf

OU I 10 Gamet Lee who furnIshed the musIc fo, our HlngleS!

Brother lack Taylo. was .eeo,ltOl:cd for h.s 60 yurmem~l5hlp.n Ihe IDEW leelnd AbyMeNeel were ~Iven In ovallOn on then SSth ... eddm, anOlvelUry We.ll welcomed Druce '.cobson, our "eumer, blck f,om h" ~IIIt wnh hi' d,u,l;h,e. tn Wnhln~ton, DC

We mee, II 1000 a m the flu, Saturday 01 each monlh In the un,on hill, 10 .11 you arel retllces come and loin 10 the lellowsh,p

It.oy F",,~. S(C

Scribe Notes Labor's Fight for Survival RETIRED ,'"EMBERS CLUB OF L U. 728, IT. LA UDERDALE, FLA._ We filSt ~clm( ac· quamted wllh the labol moYCmenl, lxil In .nolhel crafr in the carly 19JOs ,od Ih,' 'I the WOIS' antt· un",n. anll-labor penod we've evcr c.xpellenccO Do you know we arc the only eounlly In the free .. orld whe.e ,he labo. movement 15 fipunll for sun'Ival

The Food Workc" Imem.llonl l Unum worltCIJ are bC"In~ thlown OUt of ... ork by the thousands and rcplaeed by nonuOlon employee. fOI lUI th.n half Ihen hourly wa,u. Ind to ordcr 10 lurVlve, th~y h"'e 10 accept 11. Automobile, Stcel. Rubber , Mmlng and Trochu arc leally taktn~ I be.llng ThiS anli·labor altitude he,.n wilh the IIrin, of Ihe II, 4OOal . ".flle controllers l,thc.e"Clalion somewhere' The economy,s now up.ndlO,I; and labor should be .el('lnln~ the" fOrint. b. rA.mmA muscle, but Ihey h.,·c fa.led to do 50 M.naAemenl d"ms , hat liS taclles arc ncce".,y for survival Isn'l II IUS' plato old unlnn·busunA' What un we as labor .ell.en do'

Many Members in Florida: Others Busy at Home RETIREES CLUB OF LOCAL 948, FUNT, Mlc n .­OUf femen club IS sull r'O'IeS!lO~ and keepln~ aCtIVe e,'en though a 101 of OUI mem~,s Ire sl111 In Floncb lookIng lor wa,m 'pou

Had a Irtte. from Slrm S.mmons. who was south of S, PettlSbur&. flonda Scems lIke Slim, AI,el Ruthe.ford, Grant Wilcox, V,,!ll Haake Ind thell Wlve$ had qWlr a P'CniC and lei to,ethe l_almos, enough to Slart a flollda branch of 948 rellleCi

On January 25, 1984, OUI club mem~rl and Ihell Wives ancnded a buffellunchcon II Pecl', Restau· rani here In Fhnt, John Bond, local 948', bu"nen man'Ae" wlS a ",e$t. Thelc wele no speethe. 0 1

formahltes. JU"' ~ood food S,nce my last lelle" Tom LeWIS. one of ou.

relllCCS, pISsed away. Tom was 78 ycar50ld Mem ben ... ho h"'e worked 10 our IUII~,cllon m the pUt WIll 'emem~, Tom U I lupertOlemlen. of lohn Jl,hllc i E1ectoe Co. 11m "BuIBcr" Dav" I' " home reeuperanng f,om open hun su"ery " lISt rcpoll Jim 15 51111 plenty SOTe

Relllee 11m Plllen,cr has bC"~n havmg 'Iune a Nllie over • streel·w,d,.nln, p.Olcet 10 Holly, Mlchl,an I.m IS protestlO, the Jl IOtrct because of

the Ananc .. 1 h •• d~hlp to the P' opc"y owners on low .nd find tncomes. Our group IS suppomn, hm In hIS plOteSt

To III IBEW membeu pilnnln, a Vleallon Ih" .umme., we would hke to uk thll you try to VIlli ~ Au,oworld, fhnl's oew Iheme palk opening luly " 1984 Maybr we wtll see you thele

GOOllel NtCHoLS, Pau

Meeting Speakers Discuss Income Tax and Health Costs RETIR EES CLUB Of BREVARD COUNTY [La· " CAL 2088 SPONSOR)--AI our Februlry meel1ng. newcomcis Elht .nd Marione Norton, Dan and Mary Connolly, and !amcs Williams were wei · cumed EIIII rC'lIed from Local 177, Dan hom 358, .nd 11m frOm 20R8. We app,eciate Ihem showtn, up, .nd look forward ro ,helt pafllClpallon Iwe need.lI the help we c.n gel l]

Gunts introduced wele Ed Lone'gan and Lew ~ lohnson Ed , •• membC"1 of the Steelworkerl, and i. consldelln, .. amng I locil S,ecl ... orker .etl,ce , roup Lew il from Ihe lTV Ind Newspaper GUild He wOlked In New York ducctly under Crolge Melny, Ind helped And uylum fO I lIade unlon •• ts

PlllOlled in CommuniS! or fl5{:l5\ countries Ceo.ge ~hlltl of the AARP an$,.,e,cd in detail

'IuClIIOnt .ubmnted aboul Income .. , prOVISion, Ceorge .• ellled from ,he U.S Deparlment of State . .... m.nafiU the IRS·AARP Tn Counsehn, for Ihc E.lderly [TCE! Plogram ,n B.evard and Indran R,ver CounuCi

On ,he Itate !ellul,IIVe hont, a bill to permn lenlOl1 the usc of absentee bllton hIS been .t introduced In the House ThIS IS Ihe ume b.lllhat AOI c1ob~,ed tn I Sen"e comm", .. e lUI YUI, due to pan to a eommumcallon I"Jure Imon~ InIC. eSled pallles

Of much VUle, Imponance 15 a bill 10 .r,"ato skYlockelin, hospital COSts DUlin, lhe pUt th.ee yurs, Ihey hve n$Cn at a ra te ,h,ee limes that of the CPI Thele IS no IUSI1AUIIon lor Ihls nulla· Keou, ,0u,lOg The b.1I would hmlt tnc.eases to Ihe CPt plus 4 percen t ClI.eepl in most unusual CllcumSlancCJ. A. 500n u the bill ~elS a numbe" we .hould III gel bC"hmd II with phone call, and letteu SllIe Senato, lohn Vogt II I eo·spon50r Alon~ onc w,"1 of Ihe CLC hall was the Mondale

phone bank_till phone • • n all bpen.e of Ihc bank . IS paid from the Mondale camralgll fund, and a nommal hoully IIle pard Hours arc from S ro 9 pm-which generally doel nOl appell to rellleca who hke 10 be home ~f(l le da lk. However , we can-and will- hclp 10 olhel way •. to thr dayhght ' •

l",clI D. CUUll , PS

Internallonal Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report







Q ~ w ~





S 4,343.805 .81

S51,649.176 .05

S 136.027 88


S 983,219.05



34 .755

$ 6,554,706 .75

$75 ,446 ,381 .02

II\IIVIEIVIDRII=IM Prayer (or OUT Deceased Members

Heavenly Farh er. (/$ we celebrate th e lOyotis Easter season and cnioy the beauties of sprlllg. let tiS no/ forget those 0/ our Brothers and Sisters who have departed this life. Welcome th em into your glorious home, so th ey may dwell with You in a life where spring Is eternal. Amen.

EWBA Death Claims Paid in January, 1984 ~ loul SUmlml Lou' S., .. m, .... ~,

"'nSlII) Pm, 111) PeIlS·1(1) p.",.(16) Ptns (16) Pms 111) Pon, (18) Pins (18) Pons .('8) Pons 112) Pons (22) Ptns.(23) i'W(2!i) Pens (2!i) PI1>S 131) "',,(3S) P..,s (33) Ptn, (33) PI", (33) P'ou(331 Pons ('0) "'n, ( •• ) F'en1(U) Pens (. 71 PIn, (.7) PtM(521 PI", (521 "'"S (511 Pent (57) Pens (571 Pens (581 Pens (591 Pens (591 PtnS (601 Pens (66) Pens (66) Plns·I66) Po". (66) Pens.(70) Ptn,(II) Ptn, 113) Pens (7S) Pl!mln) Ptn, 111) Ptns.(77) Pons In) PinS (M) Pms 18.) PrnslSe) Pens (95) Pens 1981 Pent 1991 PIn, 11031 PI" (103) PIns (103) Perls (103) Pens (1()oI) Pens (1()oI) Pons (105) PIllS (109) PI"S (1 10) 1'en's.(I IO) Ptns (I 12) Pens (122) P'nI .(I25) Pens (125) 1'1", ('25) 1'tIIs·1I2SI PIns (1251 Pens 1125) Pens 1125) Pens 1125) Pm. 1126) Perl. (\29) PIns (131 )

"''' Somlml



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• • 'M ,. '" '" '" '" ,. '" '" ,. '" '" ,. ,. '" m on

'" ,~

'" '" '" '" '00

'" ,. ., "" "" '" ~,

"' ., ' r 349


'" '" ~, · '" ,.,

'" '" '" '" '. "' ., ". ". ""

Shin ;,.a •• S ~ ~nren$. II A [SlrIN, f SrOOk I 1.000" O./ln, M J Boytt, II A Wells.~ ECldltrmn, II L BIOI, II J [ miU, Jr C 'II M.>klory. J II JoMS. J H CoIem.n, C C Coo, Jr II Url>an$". E f fla il, Jr ,E J (;'1'1 . Jr, II E ZelIt<, J 0 Ripley. J B lIug lles. II l Clun .. , F v SaFlCleJS. G 'II Sartl f E Moessner C f ~Im K A fif<nmI"O , E A o.~'$. 0 E Ucty, II A am, II Mly, r , Arm~I'Or>\J , S

AWd tt " C 8'11<1)'. 0 J BernhaRt II J Kiy L J fOsctllM. 0 II LlMjue, M C BlInd."". II E c.~""", 0 A H,lom, J N C.$~.II , II 0 lJV1oJ, E V Cltmens. 'II e Jjrntsoo. JI F 'II Car"" f l MattINS. 'II S G> , .... l C Booln II 'II WaJ$h, K E ~ew, II C 1.11"". B J Sickle';, G l ffYM,gtr. H J WOO(I,. l E WMe, B J l~ t W !Iu"'ll"drltr P E U"derwooG, J r Weel<$, H 0 Sa~. p

BOOd'"gIM, W ~ Man'"gty H l Am. L 0 ScMe!dtr, R J Joh, nSlln 0 H ("wto'd. A £ 0,)I,0Il, C R

~'''. C R Webb. W H linclslrom, 0 H.~. A [ SI>"fOCIo W C _ orson. J C Y'5eO, K C,.wta.d, J ~

2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,lXKI 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 ',600 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 ! ,601) 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 ... " 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,00000 2,000 00 2,00000 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,00J 00 2,000 00 .... 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,00J 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00

m Mlnc/liCi. 0 J 60b Wooda~, C E 613 Himp,on. A B 631 8ooTtIt. J W 631 Hendril;kl, J , 640 F.arT, ~ 0 &40 Hem""n C M &43 Madeod. B A 653 Pltto", J 0 6~ IInceli, J P 659 Plul5ltl. J 0 659 Bunt., C R 666 Good ... ", B E 616 LINin,. E A 116 H,'. R 12~ CIo\JQI1, l 0 156 FOSI!! . J W 713 Pl I<lns. J IN Mlnln S W 9&<1 S~l\tDaull", A

1319 ~ Itn, J C U~ 0.$01"'11, 8 J ISH WII1l!! . W A 1.141 4mbe.~ G F 1701 F~IIIO , S J 1101 win. G f 1011651 StanlOl1, J J I (I 1)69) BY'1IIl A J 1013951 AleC"""It .E M 10 11U I Meve" G W (011220) MOO'", W 1 PerIl II) fllmm, , J PI .. It) Hdleb'lnd. l C PIns 13) Bonllll', A J ~ 13) 8oo01on. W M ~ 13) e'unlai, J ".", 13) CI1l.it""ltz. H """ 13) Colligan. G E """ 13) Ool'lltrl P """13) O' IQOfIi S A PIns 13) riff!! 0 J PIn! 13) Gibson H """ (3) Goftlllrt, A PIns 13) 0 ..... 13 ... M f PIn, (3) O.~. S A """ 13) KOIIjI. F "' .. 13) Un<ltt1i1t,g~" G """13) M,IOnty A M PerIl I]) Mm5/1 l PerI, 13) M I ~l n, 0 Pens Il) MI'(O, E Pent 13) M~W;. 0 J Pens (l) MCOoNI~, A J Pens III M,C/1eI E II Pens 13) Ptmtf. N M "'AS (l) RO~!\Jletn. S """ III Selm~, J J Pens Il) ScN!Il t Pens 131 S~"o, J """ (J) s.tgel, S """ (31 S<mtM<ls, 0 Pens (ll I~f\'t, A PIns (3) Utllttll, W H Pens 15) Rummtl. F W Pens (SI P .... II f Pens IS) RlutI1 J, W Plnl(61 Soed .. ccl. G Pens 181 Dol'"", R 0 Pens (91 MI1H'''' P W Pens (lilly,", J r Plnl (91 St.auat , P C PtnI( I I) De<>e.,n.J C Pensl l l) HlOOIlI , LO "'111111) KffJ1P. G W f'trte(ll) IIIelStn,TJ

2.000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,00000 1,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,00000 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,00000 2,00000 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,00J 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 1.600 00 2,00J 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2,00J 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 ,~OO

2.00J 00 2,000 00 ,"00 00 '000 00 '000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 '000 00 '000 00 '000 00 2.000 00 '000 00 2000 00 '000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2000 00 "'. 2.00000 2,000 00 2.000 00 '000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00

P"mfl. J II Sc:on, J A Vodt, A L Sin(IJI W E MY"I, £ II C<!I.!, J l

"" " 0..1'1' A 5 flSkum. 0 P ~I)QI S , J M MtWoIlilms , W H ClImrl J A Coollillt E A Sh,nklin, £ S Plnd11,gUI W M~,J J Saleh. J BoIdl, R Cocn ,un, W H V,,,", M A M ... " ~ l JilCkl lJ1, G V M .. ,n J SlIeIbou'rIt. A 0 SnelilblJlIt', f E MIOG,I9O<, J E Mu~ W J JoIin.un, A M L'~tJ, E E 'h"~, II W Allyn. F C [1'ln. E l Slatn , J E Berty. II P Cornai,u5, J B HI""' H J _"'In. J G S,tek, l II .Iont1. J W 8irl:.lID ... , f DaYis, M 8 IINmsloy, K II Ounean J II MacKleM It, J f Rk:~s, K l Upt!l~,wt, J G Cook, H II Fled .. , .. C W Lon\l , G A Wrighl H II P,IC/1eII, E B OlnWl!iU S Ci~ J J Conve, .. , J 0 KimWn , K F 1'l1~"Il. II E rms R A Mc\J IU",,,, L P 0..:.101 , f Cowe ' G W H.iwt"<l''''. 0 .l\rn<j.,;~n , f SIlon, W 0 ~,IIE ~tltC, R ClI I~, H C CI'ltmer, H 0 fl'htt, A A L~tIII , L E McCllln, R II MUIlstedl, f A 51,,,,. 0 l McGlynn, W St'nlon. W H """.,

1,333 :lJ 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 IX! 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2.00J 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 tOOJ 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2.00J 00 2,000 00 '000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,00J 00 !,3JJ 3<1 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 '000 00 '000 00 2000 00 2.000 00 200000 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 IX! '000 00

Ptnl ( 13<11 Ptn, (t3<l1 I'tns (13<11 p&ns (13<11 !'tnl (1)11 !'tnl (134) Ptns (1341 Ptnll13<l1 PIns 11341 ~OI 113<1) 1'1r111 13<I) PIn5 1134) Plrte 11)11 PtnIII34) PI., 1134) PlOi 11)6) ~1I·11 Ptns (1501 PtnI(l601 PIfII (\131 """ 117S1 ~rte 11161 PlrII 1\110) PI .. jleJ) PInt lIe51 PInt p911 Ptnlilltl) PIns 111I-l1 PIfIII202) Pens 12()oI1 Pt/lS (21.1) PInt 1213) Ptos 122') Pens 1(26) Pens (2.J01 PInt (2311 PInt 1234) PtnII2IS) Pens 12.51 PetIt 12. 5) PIns 125&) Pt/lS (253)

"'tIS (2601 """ 1265) PInt 1(69) Pens (292) """(2921 """ (2901) Perl, (zo.t) Pens (3021 Pens IlGoI) """(lGoI) I'tns (lOS) Pens (309) PIns (309)

""" (309) Pens (313) Ptnl (31T) Ptn. (m) PtM (3.J2) Penl (332) """(;}.C(l) ,,-(m) """ (353) Ptnt (353) P!IIi (351) PIns (357) """ (351) PtnI (3&4) """ (3651 "'," IJli91 Ptn. (]jig)

""" 1:lIl21 PerlII~1 PeIIi (337)

a""", C A 8ucklt\' G B O,ller, AN Itr\ipe,l"I;, A J Ku n(, L G lI'I~I, II £ Mansi., A E M,lIer, E 0 M,lenoIl, C p.n", J C PJlS<I, J PI1JT1O(OC, N A -, "." Tamil "" E S<mml , A KGIolsioJ, J May M M VIM , R C Schm IDI, H M Hoicom~ E H Ptllil!/ V J Bowtn. E R Th'Nd~'1 1. J R 81\1Ce. W R ""<\Ot., D I 1I,."lfdson VI L CroWJnll, W J o..nOl1 C H CIa" R E Bry'ltlson J 1(011.." M ~IYI" E C JoIiflSon, C M Robson W G lJOl"l f 0 Orr 0 r CICltJ"', J ClIy!(IJI G f\el! 1~ 0 E GI'ltru.m H Hilt , J C SI~~,H JoIIn.un. 0 Ch"Sll)jllltr, F A Wilt' C J Mlnln, E H CUtle', L A Hu llen l A RI," ! J B,crwn M S [~m.", C W Emtty, E E HondflCkl, H W JQr>t$, f H Wt\1, C A Mer.elI H E Thompson F ~ H~~ P l Hlwtty , A f Worrell, R A HUlcrtIASOn , J Zommlt, E HUlCM'IlI, G LlIlnlry H C. 'SltOS, G J l)'I1'''. J A "1If\' J 0 Bloom, E t o..ens J C fUI W L Sl!em"~I, J A firmer, 8 l 0g0lJl, G V MtOt,", ~ .

2.000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2.00000 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2000,00 2,000 00 2,00000 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,00000 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,0(10 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000,00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000.00 2,000 00 2,000 00 200000 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,0(10 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,00J.00 2,000 00 2,0(10 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2000 00 2,000 00 ,"00 00 2.000 IX! 2000 00 2.000 00 '000 00 '000 00 '000 00 '000 00 2.000 00 '000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 2.000 ()(I

ZO(hl.OO {,too 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 • ,(100 0fI


... , PMIjQI Ptns IlI'l ""'" !~ 11) "- 1'26) PIns 1(28) P.ns 1' 29) """ 1' 29) I'IM 1' 3S) PIns (UI I I'IM (Ul) Pan$1'4~1 Pn 1'461 ,..,. (U91 """1"91 """I '~l """ 14131 Ptns 1''''1 f'IM 1'99) ...... 14991 """ (!lOll PIns (5.:11) """{~1) f'InIlMlI PIrII (~! Ptns 1~1 """ (5611 PIns (Yoe) """'ISS) ""1$69) """ I!I&)I "-Is (S11! PIns (573J "'15611 PwI5 (5&011 .... (SI4I .... /YAI "-I~I ,,-(.oIl """(lOll "-IWI "'(601) PInt 1601) Pens (61 II

""" (611) Pn (611) PInI16(1)

""" (6311 ..... '5321 ...... 16321 "'" 1&l3, PIns (6171

-'" 0 .. " , .... lgg.Ird £ M -' ''''''l1li E 0 1V\t S A McMJltrl. G 1 eo""", C B ClwtsltnSln T D We>lllliU1. II G &0",.,. 0 W l_ H" C,.,,, • "'"" .. ... , . .... " -, .... " S/IIo'" M 0

~" GNr.. Sf P LII'~S ~ .... " """,",, "

""""" '" "'- , fjo,..". H 1Iw!y B II BtIOy E W -"' -" -..,,, _CO , _., I~D6 _CC ... " -., ..... " ..... ,. hi.. J" GDrv.a, £ L ,_ C .... ., .... .an.c. Ii " fllllCi H P let Jo C S 'lOY £ J

-" .""..CO

...­'''00 ' .. 00 ' .. 00 2.000 DO 2.000 DO ~OOO 00 2.000 00 2.00000 2.000 00 , '" 00 '''00 2.000 00

'''00 2.001) 00

' .. 00 ,"" .. '''00 '''00 ,.moo ' .. 00 , .... ' .. 00 VXIOoo 2,000 00 ' .. 00 '''00 '''00 ' .. 00 ' .. 00 2.000 011 , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. ' .. 00 , .. .. , .. .. '''00 , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. ,.moo , .... '''00 2.000 DO , .. .. , .. .. ' .. 00 ' .. 00 ' .. 00 2000 IX)

HOD 00

... , I'n (&010) Pw; (&010) I'n (559) ,,-(ml "-(6~1 rtnIj6(,O) F'InI (6M) !'1M (6&11) """16m i'tntI&l2) ",,,.(813) I'n (87fi) "'(8111) 1'InI(911 I'n 17011) """ (72t1 """17$01 PIllS (l~J .... (1101 .... (1110) .... 11&11 .... (1611 "-11611 PIllS 17et) I'InJ (113) ""',lnJ "'11111 PIns Inti Pw; Inti ""I~I ""'(1911) "- (135) ... ,"" I'n 1""1 ... " . ., PIIIIIti51 "-1t6$1 "-lin) I'I1II11721 ...... 1 .. ) """ 1"7) PwIs 1111) I'IIIIjllll """1889) ""' 1102) I'llllltoJ) """ "'0) PInII'''1 """ )911) f'wIt )9311 """lUll

RESEARCH AND EDUCATION (Conflllued fTom Page 16) prcmc Court rullOg that a com pan y de­claring bankruptcy may lermlll:II C UlHon contracts-cut ling wages, the work force, ami fnnr,r ht'ndlrc;-wllhnut "hnwl ny, Ihar the contract threatens Ihe com p.my'!> survival

Ability to Affect Existing Ltgisl:uion

Congresl> passcs Icglslatlon, but II nCI ther Implements nor cnforces that kg­I:.I .. II UII Thu:.c puwcr:. afC dclq,:Hcd IU

the executive-branch agenClcs and the Jud iCial system. The execullvc-branch agcncles havc the 3\1thomy to carry out thc day-to-day adminIstration of federa l laws and rCb'\datlons. The:.e executIve and admu\1strauve powers elllrustcd w thcse agenclcs allow them to Issue reg­ulallons that Invo lvc occupallonal heal th and safcty, consume r product safety, cn­vlrnnmrnul PrIll/'C II on, food and dntf, standards, tnlde pollc le:., work rules, and many other areas that affect the Itves of American workers and consumers.

tn lUSt one speCific example of the admmlstratlon's abIlit y 10 affcct eXlsllng leglslalJon, the DOL revi sed regulations for the admlnlstrallon of the ServIce


-" TIICy H A _ .. s..... A A W"d J I Want, It l P, ... T J WlilIDa", I A


-" lWIoyon A J WoIW...s M S ... , Til .... V f .. C . G._JIM" .... " -"' -'" ~"'H+ ... " """'" " IliMOll l A TIf9/III\I It M ""'. SIIItboOO L W LoontY L 1 blllS I H -'" -." ... " HInon Jr "0 ",""SC "- " "'" , . .. " , -" ..... J 0 irQ H l ilIonllll C 0 -'" ..... , """" • 0 -" P_y Ii TfYIoI C A "'.., J A -, -" ....... G .... "

-1.333 ~ 1.00000 , .... 1000 00

'''00 1.000 00 VXIO 00 2.000 00 2,000 00 1 _85 11 2,000 00 2,000 00 200000

'''00 , .... mw , .. .. , .. .. 2.00000 , .... 2.0CI0 00 2,000 00 UIOOOO , .... ... " 2000 00

200000 2.000 00 21100 00 200000

'''00 , .... ' .. 00 '''00 ' .. 00 , .... , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. '''00 ' .. 00 , .... '''00 ' .. 00 HIOO 00 ' .. 00 '''00 , .. .. , .. .. ' .. 00

.... , """1M) I'nIM) M 1es2) Mlm) .... ''1 "-I~) ~('M2) I'tIIs (V6il) !In 00(11 ) fin )1002) ...... (lOll) ,..,.. (lD2t ) ""'(10019) "-(1011)

""" 11111) """111'11 "-(1206)

""" II220J .... 11220) .... llm) PllllII2t51 PIIIIJI2'11J PIIII(1317) I'InI (IJtifij I'InIII:I9]) "-11:19]1 """!Iot2fi) """11"'1) PIIIIO ' 1C) Pw1111W-i1 """JI~I I'nJlSoI1) I'n )I&!iOI PIIII(11'011 """111'01) PwIs 11151) 1'n)1I1551 I'n (IIeZ! .... rmfl ... """ I'n 11 0) PwIs 11 0) PIns II 0 J I'InJ II 0 ) F'tftIIIOJ "--110) "-110) ,,-)10) "-110) ...... 110) I'n II 0)

...... -" £/IIrI'I;If(II. W II

""'" " Young II 8 MdIoI. B l o...6nt< E l ""'" • C W" ,long II E 0_ E 'II G,,~i!IO. f • ,- , ....,,, liInnII. A II

""'" El -" _G. ..... -" ...... " ... " -'" -"' r ..... W J !,.,.,~. W J

-" -" -DC LDtU.II II

"""' .. CoIa\'./I 0 J

-" !OM! 0 II """'. -" w .... G W ..., " ...... n s.....G, _., -.." .... co ......... 51 t G --- " .... .. BeI\1IS011 0 'II

-" ...... " -" _'0 ..... " ...... " Contract Act of 1965 (SCAI, thereby cutung back thc numbel of service con­tract workcrs protected by the prevailing wage standards COnt.1UlCd III thc SCA.

An example of the admllust ratlon 's lack of proper enforcelllcnt of an ade­quate: statute IS cle:arly seen In the DOL's failure to enforce the Landrum·Gnffin Act requirement that employcrs' labor relallons consultants filc reports dlsclos­IIlg their actiVIties and financial arrange­ments. According to a ma)onty report Issued by thc House Edue3110n and Labor SubcOlnl1l1t1 ec 0 11 Labol -ManagelUclH Rc1:mons, only about J percent of DOL's Labor-Managem ent Standards Enforcc· mcnt DIVISion (l.MSE\ time IS now de­vOied to employer and consultant rc­porllng requIrementS, while more than 50 percent of LMSE time IS spent on union audits and criminal investigations Yet, the LMSE dIrector mamtalnS that hiS agcncy has "scarce cnforccmelll rc­sources"

Spacc hmllations on thIS artlclc do not perml! more examples of thc vcry many abuses of presldcntlal powcrs rcgardmg legisl atIon. Another pOilU to remember IS the fact tll:H the platform commlttec of each politi cal pa rty submJl s to JlS parly convenliOn a sel of prmclples and poll

2,000 00

' .. 00 2,0CI000 , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. ' .. 00 , .... '''00 '''00 '''00 '''00 , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. 2.000 00 2.000 00 , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. '''00 , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. '''00 ' .. 00 "m., '''00 '''00 , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. ' .. 00 , .... ' .. 00 '''00 , .. .. , .. .. , '" 00 HIOO 00 , .... 21:100 00 1.(XIO 00 , .. .. , .. .. ' .. 00 ' .. 00

.... """ (1 II J 1lIfIirI. G P

""" (I II) Oeoucl. J " ,,"(10/ Otw*IHl """ (I 0 ) Ilidoer\ W l I'I1II (I II 1 DIIIW. C 'it "-110 J { .. Ilium. G W """110 ) Mns.G II PItII II 0 J N1lQtrlICI f M """jlOI f~IIT Pont )I 0 ) FoDell. A J I'I1II1101 ~. M J "'" PO) Q.IIiIInd 'it M I'Ins (I 0 J Gm/IMn P 1'InI(1 0) GtocrIIS. t 0 PInIII 0 ) Ibrwy $ ..... (I 0 J 1IIooIIn. W A "-IIOJ IUl.L A ""'no) ~ Me """ (I 0) KI!III "-Pa>liPII) Koo:ft.J """ P II ) Itoh\e', M 1'nllllJ Ktos J C 1'Ins(11I) ....... C A

""" (I 0 J limberI { """110) ~.K A """II ) ~Af "'"' 11) MMIIJ II II "'"' (I ) IkCIeary II """)1) ~.C """,I) __ J PInI P J MIIDI'I D J "-II J MuroIor f J .... (1 ) ...... WJ ""'(I) ,...,.. F 0 ..... 11 I PooI.!T "- II ) s.cr.IIr l W "'" (I J $(NoIodI. W J ..... (1 I SiorwI.1I A ..... pIIJ SleGge J PInI n II I SmIIIt. C '" """ II 0 ) SIimper v [ Pont (I 0 J SUncIr$Il M K .....)10) T ..... A' PwlsIIOJ r1llSlty II B """JlOJ Tom. A f I'I1II [I OJ V"" II II """ n II I ....,... J II .... ~II) w..AE ..... nO) WIIIIp l "-olIO) Y_! T , .. -

UIOO 00 ') 200000- • 2000 00 , .... 2.000 00 ' .. 00 2,00000 2.0CI0 00 2.000 00 2.0CI000 2.000 DO 2.000 00 " 2000 00 2.000 00 , .... 2.000 00

"' .. '''00 UIODOO

"' .. 2(10000 2.000 00 ... 2.000 00 , .... UWOO 2.000 00 2,000 00 20110 110 2.CXIO 110 ' .. 00 '''00 2.CXIO 00 2.CIOO 110

'''00 , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. 2.000 110 2.000 00 , .. .. , .. .. 2000110 ... , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. '''00 S989 211 05

CICS on Issues( the platform!, which forms ,f

Ihe nucleus of legIslation to be proposed to Congress. When a PreSident IS runnmg tor reelection, he has the dommant vOIce m shapmg hiS party's platform.

[t IS obvIOUS that the powcrs of the preSIdency ex lend far beyond the of Ace of one mdl vtdual. They are delcgated 10 ..

and arc Imp[em cnted and enforct.'d, by bundreds of presldcntial appomtees m thc exccullve branch and m thc ludlclal syStem It IS our mtent to ca ll attentton to the enormity of thesc powers and 10 a:.k evcry registered votcr III the U.S. to give serious conslderallon to the mdlvtd­ual they put mto thc of Ace of th c Pres· Ident.

ADDRESS CHANGES! Brothers and Sisters, we want

you to have your JOURNAL! When you have a change 01 address, please let us know. Be sure to Include your old address and please don't forget to fill In L.U. and Card No. this Information wilt be helpful In checking and keep" Ing our records straight. Use coupon on page 46.


.. •









l .-

REFLE T Brother Bill

r need to tell you, Brotherhood, about my brother, Bill.

He died, you know, peace at lasl; memories are with me sti ll.

It seems like only yesterday, but in 1945,

A 14-year-old electricity buff would line us up around his bench,

And holding hands (with such trust), he ran a current through all of us.

We could nol tell our folks (weren't we dumb?)

Or we would miss out on the tricks to come.

Brother Bill.

As years went by, high lining was the love of any hour.

He was proud of his " lines," those big structures , carryin' power.

The tornado at Belmond and Ames the ice storms arou nd the state,

The men on the job, unending labor through the night

Till a ll the folks had heat and light. Brother Bi ll .

In Sioux City, l. E. Meyers Hdq., 1974,

My sis and I showed up one day to pull a trick on Bill.

With goofy hats, st reet-ladies' talk, the station lady gawked;

Before Bill could speak, we laid it on; the lady knew he'd hit the skids .

We got him good for all the tricks he pulled on us when we were only kids.

Brother Bill.

So it is the master plan called Brother Bill to rest.

He loved his work on this old earth , he always gave his best.

He was a Brother, yours and mine, a generous kind of guy;

I think he might be organ izing a local in the sky.

10100. Enenluch S isl~r of 8i11 W .. lerbury Loeal 55, Des Moi,,", Iii.

which Are You?

Some members keep their union strong,

While others just belong. Some serve with pride, Some go along just for the ride. Some work for the union, and do

their share; Some lay back, and just don't ca re. Some always show on meeting

night , While there are those who never

go. When we have non-union men Working in our city, What's really on my mind is , " Where is the picket line?"

Henry 1'. II«k Relired member of locilJ 477 Soln lXm"rdillO, c.1.


Thank you, Mom, thank you, Dad, For holding me when I was sad, For teaching me how to tie my own

shoe, For being there when I needed

you, For helping me throughout the

years, For making me laugh, and for

wiping my tears, For being there by my side, For giving me hope, and for giving

me pride, For loving me as I grew, Mom, Dad, I really love you!

J~ R .. boos 10-yur-old .... n of Richard Rubols lou11l67, ChicaSO, 111 .

Jack Frost's Season

Jack Frost closes his icy grasp, It seems that winter is here at last. Snow covers the houses and lands, Jack Frost has it all in his hands. "Winter Wonderland" fits this

season well, Let's sing a verse of " Jingle Bells." The snow covers the land like icing

on a cake, Ice and snow now cover the lake.

Finally the land starts to thaw, Spring is here. hurrah, hurrah! SMn Refli .... ge Il O .. ughler of Mib Refli loe,,_ 88, Chillicolhf, ot.io

My Brothers

My brothers are both union men , I watch them every day Go off to work and do their jobs; They excel in every way. Their work is so demanding, They travel very far, Returning home late each night Clothed in soot and tar. My father was a union man, His dad before him, too ; And so it was only natura l Thai my brothers would pursue! My brothers are both union men And on this you can rely: W hen you really need them They are always nearby. You can count on them for

anything, Emergencies or whim. I wish you all could meet them , My brothers , Tom and Jim! Nancy .... Sapey SiS ler of Tom and Jim Roberts loe.IS0 1, Whi le I'I"ins, N.Y.

o 00 o


Historically. the IDEW has maintained a strong Interest in the safety of Its mem­bers both on the job and at home. Each local union Is mandated by the IBEW Constitution in Article XVII , Section 16, to establish a Safety CommlHee.

We know the importance of on-tha-Job safety in our industry, In particular. In­cluding: personal protection equIpment, guards and safety devices, the eUmlna­tlon of hazards, safe design and con­struction, good housekeeping, and good maintenance of equipment.

One 01 our most important perlOna' alsetl In doing our jobs and earning our paychecks ara our ay.s. The following guidelines on face and eye protection were ISlued by a large electric utility. They clln help you work ... ely on your job. Know your specific employ"'. safety rules and follow them.

Approved gogo," ""ell '- wom ..,.,..,., Ihe d.nge, of ftytng pertlcJes. dusts, or redlaUon •• ilt • .

Face shlekl. sha ll also be wom ...... the poaibility of face Injury e.'sts from ....

heurcts. .~

Approved voogtes or face shields .. app,. pMI. shall be used and property acljuslecl 10 aflord adequate pt'01llCtion ...... : 1. Riveting or chipping. 2. Using grinding whHI ... 3. Breaking or drtlNng concrete, .,..,.,..,.1,

rock, brick, etc. 4. Working in boll., fire chambers. 5. Exposed to dltSl 110m handling ..... and ..... 6. Closing cutouts with link type htan and hook

sUck operated line tanslon dlaconneclL 7. Driving tq screwl or bolts whe,. galvantzed

flak .. or pieces 01 metal mar becomrt dI .. lodged.

6. Performing other operations .... re ftrjng :;,j

partk:fH are a known hazard and a,. ..... 10 cause ere Injuries.

9. Charging air conditioning aqulpment. 10. Steam cleaning opIIl1IUons. (In addition 10

approved toni .. or face shields, approved rubber glo ..... and apron shall also be worn).

Gogo'" and face shield ..... 11 be used when working with or on aquipmenl containing acids, causllcs or herbicides.

Combination respirator and goggla units wll be used where there II • concentraUon or dull or flynh.

Approved hoodl wll be used when unci­blasting.

The outside of 00ft1 .. should be wJped orr before ramovlng Utam from 8)'81.

Either approved goggl .. or shields shall be used when burning, welding or babbltlng.

Approved erewear shall be worn when work­Ing around microfilm equipment where ultra viole' rare mar be emllled.

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