Resume Bedah Plastik

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Transcript of Resume Bedah Plastik

NoIdentitasTanggal MasukPODDiagnosisLab terakhirTatalaksana

1Tn. Resno Budiono20 tahunRM : 869784Tgl 26-10-2014Tgl 27-10-2014Fraktur maksila sinistra + VL regio frontal + VL palpebra sinistraTanggal 28-10-2014Darah rutin :1. WBC = 2. HGB = 3. HCT = 4. PLT =

Farmaologis :1. Ceftriaxone 2x1 gr2. Ketorolac 3x30 gr

Non farmakologis :1. Perawatan luka

2NN. Andini fauziah4 tahunRM: 859512

(PICU)Tgl 16-07-2014Tgl 02-10-2014Combutio post skin graftTanggal 17-09-2014Darah rutin :1. WBC = 13,92 x 103/uL2. HGB = 15,45 gr/dl3. HCT = 45,34 %PLT = 444,7 x 103 /uL

Farmakologis :1. Cefotaxim 3 x 500 mg

Non farmakologis :1. GV2. Perawatan luka3. Skin graft

3NY. Simis68 tahunRM: 865936Tgl 18-09-2014Tgl 02-10-2014Luka terbuka pada cruris ec selulitis dan DMTanggal 18-09-2014Kimia darah :1. GLU = 152 mg/dl2. URE = 17,4 mg/dl3. CRE = 0,83 mg/dl

Darah rutin :1. WBC = 8,25 x 103/uL2. HGB = 7,81 g/dl3. HCT = 22,36 %4. PLT = 491,9 X 103/ uL

Farmakologis :1. Cefteriaxon 2 x 1 gram2. Ketorolac 3. Metformin 2 x 500 mg4. Ranipril 1 x 2,5 g

Non farmakologis:1. GV2. Perawatan luka

4Tn. Fredy16 tahunRM : 861635Tgl 11-08-2014Tgl 02-10-2014Skin loss ankleDarah rutin :1. WBC : 6800 uL2. HGB : 11,4 g/dlFarmakologis 1. Ketorolac 3 x 30 mg2. Cefotaxim 3 x 1 gram3. Ranitidine 2 x 1

Non farmakologis1. GV2. Perawatan luka3. Debridement

5Tn. Rudi Napitulu26 tahunRM : 859063Tgl 10-07-2014Tgl 02-10-2014Post. Skin graftPada pus ditemukan Proteus mirabilisFarmakologis1. Ceftriaxon 2 x 1 gram2. Ketorolac 3x30 mg

Non farmakologis1. GV2. Perawatan luka3. Debridement4. Skin graft

6SantiTgl 01-10-2014Tgl 02-10-2014Combustio derajat II-III 90%Farmakologis:1. Ceftriaxon 2 x 1 gram2. Ketorolac 3x30 mg3. Ranitidin

Non farmakologis:Awasi TTVGV