PELUANG PASAR PRODUK MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA · sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak...


Transcript of PELUANG PASAR PRODUK MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA · sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak...

Page 1: PELUANG PASAR PRODUK MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA · sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak kelapa sangat menjanjikan dan ... Manfaat Minyak Kelapa untuk kecantikan adalah hal


MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA(Market Brief – ITPC Vancouver 2012)













Page 2: PELUANG PASAR PRODUK MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA · sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak kelapa sangat menjanjikan dan ... Manfaat Minyak Kelapa untuk kecantikan adalah hal
Page 3: PELUANG PASAR PRODUK MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA · sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak kelapa sangat menjanjikan dan ... Manfaat Minyak Kelapa untuk kecantikan adalah hal





1.1 ... Latar Belakang 1

1.2 Manfaat Minyak Kelapa 1

1.3 Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Murni 3


2.1 Perkebunan Kelapa di Indonesia 4

2.2 Produksi Minyak Kelapa 5


3.1 Permintaan Pasar Dunia 7

3.2 Ekspor Minyak Kelapa Kasar – HS 151311 8

3.3 Tren Pasar Minyak Kelapa di Kanada 9

3.4 Saluran Distribusi 11

3.5 Hambatan 12

3.6 Peluang 12

3.7 Produk Minyak Kelapa di Kanada 13



5.1 Perwakilan Kanada di Indonesia 15

5.2 Perwakilan Indonesia di Kanada 16

5.3 Daftar Pameran Untuk Pemasaran Produk Minyak Kelapa 17



Page 4: PELUANG PASAR PRODUK MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA · sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak kelapa sangat menjanjikan dan ... Manfaat Minyak Kelapa untuk kecantikan adalah hal



1.1 Latar Belakang

Minyak kelapa merupakan bagian paling berharga dari buah kelapa. Minyak ini

digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri, minyak goreng, penyembuhan penyakit

dan juga untuk perawatan tubuh dan kulit. Dalam industri minyak goreng, minyak

kelapa dianggap paling sehat dibandingkan dengan minyak nabati lain. Dengan

sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak kelapa sangat menjanjikan dan

bermarket luas. Minyak kelapa juga dimanfaatkan secara langsung sebagai bahan

bakar selayaknya solar.

Manfaat Minyak Kelapa untuk kecantikan adalah hal yang tergolong baru dan

sedang menjadi trend. Potensi untuk ekspor dalam bidang ini sudah sangat

menjanjikan. Produk-produknya untuk perawatan kulit & wajah sudah tersedia di

pasaran Kanada. Adapun minyak kelapa yang dimaksud disini adalah minyak

kelapa murni atau virgin coconut oil (VCO).

1.2 Manfaat Minyak Kelapa

Minyak kelapa kaya akan asam lemak yang relatif tinggi. Minyak ini mempunyai

beberapa sifat daya bunuh terhadap beberapa senyawaan yang berbahaya di

dalam tubuh manusia. Manfaatnya untuk kesehatan dan penyembuhan sebagai


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• Perawatan Rambut: Minyak kelapa adalah salah satu nutrisi alami terbaik untuk

rambut dan membantu pertumbuhan kembali rambut rusak disamping juga

menyediakan protein bergizi untuk rambut.

• Perawatan Kulit:

o pelembab efektif pada semua jenis kulit termasuk kulit kering

o penunda kulit keriput

o obat kulit termasuk psoriasis, dermatitis, eksim dan infeksi kulit lainnya.

• Penuaan dini: membantu dalam mencegah penuaan dini dan penyakit

degeneratif karena sifat antioksidan.

• Penyakit jantung: mengandung asam laurat sekitar 50%, yang membantu

dalam mencegah berbagai masalah jantung termasuk tingkat kolesterol tinggi

dan tekanan darah tinggi.

• Berat badan: Mengandung asam lemak pendek dan menengah-rantai yang

membantu dalam mengambil dari berat badan yang berlebihan.

• Pankreatitis: berguna dalam mengobati pankreatitis.

• Pencernaan: Lemak jenuh hadir dalam minyak kelapa memiliki sifat anti

mikroba dan membantu dalam berurusan dengan berbagai bakteri, jamur,

parasit, dll, yang menyebabkan gangguan pencernaan.

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• Kekebalan: membantu dalam berurusan dengan virus dan bakteri yang

menyebabkan penyakit seperti herpes, influenza, dan cytomegalovirus. Minyak

kelapa juga efektif pada jamur dan ragi yang menyebabkan candida, kadas,

athletes foot, sariawan, ruam popok, dll.

• Hati: mencegah penyakit-penyakit hati dan juga mencegah penumpukan lemak.

• Ginjal: membantu dalam mencegah penyakit ginjal dan kandung empedu, juga

membantu dalam melarutkan batu ginjal.

• Diabetes: Minyak kelapa membantu dalam mengendalikan gula darah, dan

meningkatkan sekresi insulin.

• Tulang: meningkatkan kemampuan tubuh kita untuk menyerap kalsium dan

magnesium dan sangat berguna untuk mencegah osteoporosis.

• HIV dan kanker: Hal ini diyakini bahwa minyak kelapa memainkan peran

penting dalam mengurangi kerentanan virus dari pasien HIV dan kanker.

1.3 Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Murni/ Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) untuk Perawatan


VCO makin dikenal karena beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan minyak kelapa

biasa, terutama untuk perawatan dan kecantikan kulit. Bahan baku untuk membuat

VCO sangat murah karena ketersediaannya melimpah.

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VCO adalah minyak kelapa yang dibuat dari bahan baku kelapa segar, diproses

dengan pemanasan terkendali atau tanpa pemanasan, tanpa bahan kimia dan

RDB (Refined, Bleached and Deodorized) - proses penyulingan, pemutihan dan

proses untuk menghilangkan baunya.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa manfaat Minyak Kelapa Murni untuk perawatan kulit.

• Pelembab / Moist

• Makeup Remover

• Lip Balm

• Masker wajah

• Body Butter

• Body Lotion

• Body Scrub

• Foot Cream

• Hair Conditioner

• Shaving Cream


2.1 Perkebunan Kelapa di Indonesia

Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki areal kelapa terluas di dunia dan

sebagai produsen kelapa terbesar di dunia. Dengan areal tanaman sekitar 3,9 juta

ha dan produksinya dengan kapasitas 16 miliar butir. Indonesia mengungguli

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Filipina yang luas lahannya hanya 3,1 juta ha dan India yang seluas 1,7 juta ha.

Ketiga negara ini memasok 77 persen dari kebutuhan kelapa dunia. Kontribusi

Indonesia terhadap produksi kelapa dunia sebesar 27 persen. Produksi kelapa

dunia, menurut APCC, tercatat 11,8 juta ton setara kopra. Luas areal kelapa dunia

mencapai 12,17 juta hektar. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Perindustrian, dengan

produksi buah kelapa sebanyak 16 miliar butir per tahun, nilai ekspor produk

kelapa dan olahannya hanya sebesar US$ 427,16 juta. Sementara itu, Filipina

yang produksinya hanya 12 miliar butir per tahun, nilai ekspor dua kali lipat

Indonesia yakni US$ 841,038 juta.

Perkebunan kelapa di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dengan prosentase 4%

per tahunnya. Untuk produksi, peningkatan terjadi dengan rata-rata 5% per

tahunnya. Kelapa dapat tumbuh hampir diseluruh wilayah Indonesia, karena tidak

membutuhkan persyaratan khusus untuk tumbuhnya. Luas perkebunan kelapa di

Indonesia ternyata sebagian besar adalah perkebunan rakyat.

2.2 Produksi Minyak Kelapa

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Selain pangsa pasar luas, demand tinggi, khasiat jitu bagi kesehatan, potensi

industri pengelolaan minyak kelapa yang dinilai cerah ini juga ditunjang oleh

persediaan bahan baku yang sangat mencukupi.

Total kapasitas pabrik tertinggi terdapat di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (491 ribu

ton/tahun), disusul oleh Provinsi Papua (126,5 ribu ton/tahun), dan Sulawesi

Tengah (126,2 ribu ton/tahun). Propinsi Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) mengekspor

sebanyak 151.606 ton minyak kelapa kasar atau Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) ke

berbagai negara di dunia selama semester pertama tahun 2012. Ekspor CCO

sebanyak 151.606 ton menghasilkan devisa US$ 192,25 juta bagi Sulut, atau

mencapai pangsa 34,65 persen dari total perolehan devisa semester pertama yang

tercatat sebesar US$ 554,8 juta. Dengan ekspor minyak kelapa sebanyak 151.606

ton, maka rata-rata ekspor Sulut untuk komoditas unggulan tersebut setiap bulan

mencapai lebih 25.000 ton.

Pada tahun 2011, produksi minyak kelapa Indonesia (968 juta metric ton) masih

dibawah Philippines (1,690 juta metric ton). Hal ini tidak sebanding dengan luas

lahan yang ada di Indonesia (3,9 juta ha) dibandingkan dengan Philippines (3,1

juta ha). Tabel dibawah menunjukan jumlah produksi dari 10 negara produsen di

dunia. Philippines menempati urutan pertama yang disusul oleh Indonesia.

Indonesia mampu dan mempunyai kesempatan emas dengan adanya lahan dan

produksi kelapa yang sangat besar untuk menguasai pasar dunia.

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3.1 Permintaan Pasar Dunia

Perkembangan permintaan pasar sangat dipengaruhi oleh konsumsi minyak

kelapa dunia. Dalam dunia perdagangan, Kode HS untuk produk minyak kelapa

adalah HS 151311 untuk COCONUT (COPRA) OIL – CRUDE.

Kontribusi minyak kelapa Indonesia menduduki posisi ke-2 di dunia yaitu sebesar

22,1% dan Philipina sebesar 43,9% dari total produksi dunia.

Pangsa pasar minyak kelapa Indonesia masih didominasi oleh pasar internasional,

seperti Amerika Serikat, Eropa serta Asia. Pasar Belanda, yang dikenal sebagai

salah satu pusat perdagangan di Eropa, menjadi tujuan utama ekspor CCO.

Korea menjadi satu pasar potensial minyak kelapa kasar, ditandai permintaan

negara tersebut yang menunjukkan peningkatan dari waktu ke waktu.

Perdagangan ekspor kelapa kasar ke negara Amerika Serikat juga sangat

meningkat sebagai salah satu bahan baku yang diolah menjadi bahan bakar

minyak (BBM) alternatif/ biofuel. Kepala Bidang Perdagangan Luar Negeri, Dinas

Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Sulut, Hanny Wajong mengatakan di pekan ketiga

bulan Oktober 2012, Sulut mengekspor CCO ke Amerika sebanyak 9.393 ton.

Ekspor CCO ke Amerika Serikat tersebut mendatangkan devisa bagi Sulut sebesar

US$99,79 juta.*

* Bisnis Indonesia, 24 October 2012

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3.2 Ekspor Minyak Kelapa Kasar (HS 151311) Indonesia

Kontribusi Indonesia untuk minyak kelapa di Kanada masih tergolong rendah dan

presentase dalam 5 tahun terakhir tidak menunjukan nilai yang kompetitif.

Indonesia berada di urutan ke 7 peng-ekspor HS 151311 di Kanada.

Pada tahun 2009, Indonesia menghasilkan US$ 8,962,000 dan melipatgandakan

menjadi US$ 19,639,000 pada tahun 2010. Namun, hasil kembali turun di tahun

2011 menjadi US$ 13,698,000. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang

mengalami penurunan impor minyak kelapa kode HS 151311 - Coconut Oil Crude

ke Kanada disusul oleh negara Vietnam pada urutan ke 8. Sedangkan negara-

negara lainnya mengalami peningkatan cukup drastis, seperti Philippines (1),

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Malaysia (2), Thailand (3), Solomon Islands (4), USA (5), Mexico (6), Fiji (9) dan

Brazil (10).

3.3 Tren Pasar Minyak Kelapa di Kanada

Tren pasar 2011 minyak Kelapa Kasar di Kanada meningkat lebih dari 200% dari

tahun sebelumnya. Hal ini ditentukan dengan nilai impor yang berlipat ganda pada

tabel dibawah.

Manfaat-manfaat dari minyak kelapa ini sangat mempengaruhi budaya dan tren di

Kanada mulai dari segi kesehatan tubuh, perawatan pada kulit, makanan sampai

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pada bahan bakar biodiesel. Kesempatan ini mulai digunakan pebisinis di Kanada

untuk menjual ulang (re-ekspor) CCO ke negara lain, bahkan ke negara-negara di

Asia, setelah diolah menjadi produk jadi. Bukan hal baru untuk menemukan produk

hasil olahan minyak kelapa buatan Kanada, terutama dari minyak kelapa murni

(VCO). Negara2 importir CCO dari Kanada adalah Singapore (1), US (2), Sweden

(3), UK (4), Hong Kong (5), Romania (6), Norway (7), China (8), UAE (9), Trinidad

& Tobago (10).

Hasil Re-ekspor Produk Olahan Minyak Kelapa Kasar - HS 151311

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3.4 Saluran Distribusi

Saluran distribusi bisa dilakukan dengan dua cara.

1. Sebagai produsen, akan memerlukan pihak ke 2 sebagai perantara untuk

memudahkan jalannya proses ekspor. Bisa juga dilakukan sendiri bila produsen

cukup besar dan mempunyai fasilitas SDM untuk melakukan proses pencarian

konsumen di Kanada. Agen berperan mencari, memperkenalkan dan menjual

produk sabut kelapa di Kanada ke calon

ekspor impor terpercaya dari Indonesia di Kanada adalah

berlokasi di Vancouver BC. Apabila barang berupa b

disalurkan ke Wholesaler atau juga ke Manufacturing Company untuk diolah

menjadi barang jadi sebelum dijual kembali. Barang jadi akan bisa langsung

dijual ke Wholesaler atau juga ke Retailer.

2. Sebagai Eksportir dari Indonesia, bisa melak

dengan Wholesaler, Retailer ataupun Manufacturer dengan mengikuti prosedur

perdagangan ekspor yang diberlakukan oleh negara Kanada. Beberapa

prosedur ekspor untuk produk sabut kelapa bisa ditemukan pada lampiran 1

dilakukan dengan dua cara.

Sebagai produsen, akan memerlukan pihak ke 2 sebagai perantara untuk

memudahkan jalannya proses ekspor. Bisa juga dilakukan sendiri bila produsen

cukup besar dan mempunyai fasilitas SDM untuk melakukan proses pencarian

n di Kanada. Agen berperan mencari, memperkenalkan dan menjual

produk sabut kelapa di Kanada ke calon-calon pembeli. Salah satu agen

ekspor impor terpercaya dari Indonesia di Kanada adalah VITIC Enterprise

Vancouver BC. Apabila barang berupa bahan mentah, akan

disalurkan ke Wholesaler atau juga ke Manufacturing Company untuk diolah

menjadi barang jadi sebelum dijual kembali. Barang jadi akan bisa langsung

dijual ke Wholesaler atau juga ke Retailer.

Sebagai Eksportir dari Indonesia, bisa melakukan hubungan dagang langsung

dengan Wholesaler, Retailer ataupun Manufacturer dengan mengikuti prosedur

perdagangan ekspor yang diberlakukan oleh negara Kanada. Beberapa

untuk produk sabut kelapa bisa ditemukan pada lampiran 1


Sebagai produsen, akan memerlukan pihak ke 2 sebagai perantara untuk

memudahkan jalannya proses ekspor. Bisa juga dilakukan sendiri bila produsen

cukup besar dan mempunyai fasilitas SDM untuk melakukan proses pencarian

n di Kanada. Agen berperan mencari, memperkenalkan dan menjual

calon pembeli. Salah satu agen

VITIC Enterprise

ahan mentah, akan

disalurkan ke Wholesaler atau juga ke Manufacturing Company untuk diolah

menjadi barang jadi sebelum dijual kembali. Barang jadi akan bisa langsung

ukan hubungan dagang langsung

dengan Wholesaler, Retailer ataupun Manufacturer dengan mengikuti prosedur

perdagangan ekspor yang diberlakukan oleh negara Kanada. Beberapa

untuk produk sabut kelapa bisa ditemukan pada lampiran 1 -

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Custom Tariff, Lampiran 2 - Airport of Entry/ Commercial, Lampiran 3 -

Commercial Vessel, dan Lampiran 4 - Canada Agricultural Products Act.

3.5 Hambatan

• Kurangnya pendidikan para petani kelapa di Indonesia.

• Kurang didukungnya sarana teknologi mesin untuk menghasilkan kualitas yang


• Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang peraturan ekspor dan impor Kanada.

• Peralihan fokus produksi dan ekspor dari CCO ke CPO (Coconut Palm Oil /

Minyak kelapa sawit).

3.6 Peluang

Permintaan terhadap minyak kelapa di Kanada masih sangat prospektif dilihat dari

tabel permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat pesat. Adanya upaya yang terus

menerus untuk melakukan penelitian dalam rangka diversifikasi dan

pengembangan produk-produk minyak kelapa harus terus dilakukan.

Meningkatnya peluang pasar dapat dilihat dari segi:

• Langkanya pasokan minyak kelapa tradisional di tengah-tengah permintaan

yang semakin meningkat.

• Kecenderungan preferensi konsumen yang semakin tinggi terhadap minyak

goreng yang bebas dari bahan pengawet.

• Fungsi dari minyak kelapa yang terus berkembang dari kesehatan sampai ke

bahan bakar.

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3.7 Produk-Produk Minyak Kelapa yang Beredar di Kanada

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• Peningkatan pengelolaan permintaan (penetrasi pasar, diversifikasi produk,

pengembangan jalur distribusi, quick response kepada konsumen)

• Peningkatan produksi dan teknologi (supply chain management, manajemen

sumber daya)

• Peningkatan ketrampilan, profesionalisme dan kompetensi (pengembangan

dan perencanaan SDM)

• Strategi pemasaran melalui promosi yang intensif seperti trade-show/expo di


• Menggunakan sarana bantuan dari perwakilan Indonesia di Kanada seperti

ITPC Vancouver

• Pemasaran produk minyak kelapa murni/Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) yang

menjadi tren di dunia barat

• Promosi produk minyak kelapa di Kanada sebagai alat pengganti bahan bakar.

Permintaan pasar AS melonjak drastis dengan adanya kebutuhan tersebut


5.1 Perwakilan Kanada di Indonesia (Jakarta)

• Embassy of Canada in Jakarta

World Trade Center (6th floor)

Jl. Jendral Sudirman kav 29

Jakarta 12920, Indonesia

Ph: +62 61 2550 7800,

Fax: +62 61 2550 7812

Email: [email protected]

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• Indonesia – Canada Chamber of Commerce

c/o Canadian Education International

Wisma Metropolitan I, 11th floor

Jl. Jendral Sudirman kav 29-31

Jakarta 12920

Direct email: [email protected], email: [email protected]

Ph: +62 61 527 7890

Fax: +62 61 527 7891

5.2 Perwakilan Indonesia di Kanada

• Ottawa

Indonesian Embassy, Commercial Attache

55 Parkdale Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 1ES, Canada

Ph: +1(613) 724 1100 ext. 307

Fax: +1(613) 724 1105

Email: [email protected]


• Toronto

Consulate General of Republic Indonesia/ KJRI Toronto

129 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ontario

M5C 2H6 Canada

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Ph: +1 416 360 4020

Fax: +1 416 360 4295

Email: [email protected]


• Vancouver

o Consulate General of Republic Indonesia/ KJRI Vancouver

1630 Alberni Street

Vancouver BC, V6G 1A6, Canada

Ph: +1 604 682 8855

Fax: +1 604 662 8396

Email: [email protected]


o Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Vancouver

1300-1500 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z6, Canada

Ph: +1 604 696 6322

Fax: +1 604 685 1520

Email: [email protected]


o VITIC Enterprise

Ph: +1 778 228 7589�

Fax : +1 604 685 2411

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Email: [email protected]


5.3 Daftar Pameran Untuk Pemasaran Produk Minyak Kelapa

• SIAL Canada di Montreal dan Toronto (fokus produk makanan & minuman,


• B.C. Foodservice Expo di Vancouver (fokus produk makanan & minuman,


• Toronto Food Expo di Toronto (fokus produk makanan dan minuman, Maret)

• Eat! Vancouver di Vancouver (fokus produk makanan dan minuman, target final

konsumen, Juni)

• CHFA Quebec (fokus produk suplemen dan obat organik, Februari)

• Total Health di Toronto (fokus produk medical & healthcare, April)

• Edmonton Health & Wellness Show di Edmonton (fokus produk kesehatan ,



• Industry Canada

• Statistic Canada

• Ministry of Justice Canada

• Canada Border Services Agency

• Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

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• Lampiran 1: Trade by Products (HS Codes), Industry Canada – Total Canada

Imports in US$ 2007-2011

• Lampiran 2: Custom Tariff – Schedule Canada Border Services Agency

• Lampiran 3: Airport of Entry/ Commercial – Canada Border Services Agency

• Lampiran 4: Commercial Vessel – Marine Sites – Canada Border Services


• Lampiran 5: Daftar Importir Minyak Kelapa Kanada

• Lampiran 6: Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act

• Lampiran 7: Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulation

• Lampiran 7: Food and Drugs Act

• Lampiran 9: Canada Customs Tariff 2011

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Perusahaan Jenis Produk Kota PropinsiVITIC Enterprise Inc. Indonesian Products Vancouver British ColumbiaLie Kiu Importing Co.Ltd.

food & beverage Vancouver British Columbia

T.T. Ultimate Products nutritional health supplements

Quesnel British Columbia

Honson Pharmatech Group Ltd

oils Markham Ontario

LIQUI-FAB oils - private label St-Jerome QuebecAPC Import & Export crude/ refined oil Levis QuebecKlassic Coconut Virgin Coconut Oil Hagersville OntarioCrystal Coconut Oil Inc. Virgin Coconut Oil North York OntarioPeterMacNeil body oil treatment Toronto OntarioP&K World Inc crude oil Calgary AlbertaSMC Beauty & Sun beauty/ lotions MontrealWhistler Naturals scrubs for spa Whistler British ColumbiaNorwood Packaging Ltd.

Contract Manufacturing - oil

Surrey British Columbia

Beautie Republique Virgin Coconut Oil Toronto OntarioPurecristi Import & Export Corp.

Virgin Coconut Oil Toronto Ontario

Innov’Import Inc. oil for hair treatment Quebec MontrealAL Natural Cosmetics coconut lip balm London OntarioMelis body/ skin treatment Oshawa OntarioDynamic Sport Nutrition body supplement Ottawa OntarioWaiora facial gel Toronto OntarioBVP- Best Value Products

crude oil Toronto Ontario

Absolute Trading Company

crude oil Surrey British Columbia

EIS, Inc Virgin Coconut Oil Toronto Ontario

Daftar Importir Minyak Kelapa Kanada

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 % (+/-) 2011/2010 1ST 5 COUNTRIES

Philippines (55.03% of Total) 10,457,573 14,836,268 8,843,488 11,181,623 17,863,790 (+) 37.4%

Malaysia 3,992,449 1,508,762 3,370,625 2,499,302 7,808,794 (+) 68.0%United States 590,532 1,345,428 2,064,142 2,671,146 4,961,209 (+) 46.2%Thailand 419,315 566,327 319,970 404,144 817,397 (+) 50.6%Indonesia (0.74% of Total) 3,128,463 674,531 1,576,269 906,282 239,143 (-) 74.0%

Solomon Islands 104,412 79,973 61,451 124,606 169,734India 57,463 106,841 124,118 35,095 138,663Fiji 15,446 6,680 11,016 32,921 103,973Singapore 26,555 255,445 78,096 97,294 73,417Denmark -- -- 53,271 15,679 65,999Mexico 1,761 2,142 5,488 12,368 55,790Germany 79,184 57,820 88,924 83,381 45,779United Kingdom 31,404 14,985 37,386 15,310 34,148Sri Lanka 9,459 176,450 90,417 3,974 28,728Kenya -- -- 3 9,305 12,037Re-Imports (Canada) 7 602 3,684 1,806 8,734

Vietnam 675 14,568 16,092 13,395 6,464France 19,144 15,196 13,861 23,823 5,274Netherlands -- -- 2,826 17,257 5,044Brazil 1,901 2,763 750 -- 4,656Colombia -- -- -- 558 3,410Sweden 22 11 -- 957 2,878Bangladesh 2,605 3,353 1,542 3,023 1,875Dominica 504 370 1,280 -- 608Hong Kong -- 1,452 -- -- 357Ghana 129 -- 213 -- 311Guyana -- -- -- -- 311Haiti -- -- -- -- 273Turkey 50 -- -- -- 216Greece -- -- -- -- 68China -- -- 85 318 64Switzerland 784 112 -- -- 56Belize -- -- -- 2,307 --Taiwan -- 56 121 1,125 --Egypt -- -- -- 1,049 --Peru 20 43 -- 698 --Jamaica -- 26 43 251 --Ecuador -- -- -- 240 --United Arab Emirates -- 381 30 82 --

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Trinidad and Tobago 370 47 337 58 --

Pakistan 67 8 3,434 -- --Lebanon -- -- 862 -- --Nepal -- -- 2 -- --Norway -- -- 2 -- --Australia -- 50,789 -- -- --French Polynesia 24,131 11,106 -- -- --

Spain 2,246 2,604 -- --Dominican Republic -- 257 -- --

Bermuda -- 23 -- --Chile 989 -- -- --Belgium 669 -- -- --Japan 38 -- -- --Saudi Arabia 33 -- -- --TOTAL (ALL COUNTRIES)

18,968,400 19,735,419 16,769,828 18,159,377 32,459,200

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Section III



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Chapter 15




1. This Chapter does not cover:

(a) Pig fat or poultry fat of heading 02.09;

(b) Cocoa butter, fat or oil (heading 18.04);

(c) Edible preparations containing by weight more than 15% of the products of heading 04.05 (generally Chapter 21);

(d) Greaves (heading 23.01) or residues of headings 23.04 to 23.06;

(e) Fatty acids, prepared waxes, medicaments, paints, varnishes, soap, perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations, sulphonated oils or other goods of Section VI; or

(f) Factice derived from oils (heading 40.02).

2. Heading 15.09 does not apply to oils obtained from olives by solvent extraction (heading 15.10). 3. Heading 15.18 does not cover fats or oils or their fractions, merely denatured, which are to be classified in the heading

appropriate to the corresponding undenatured fats and oils and their fractions. 4. Soap-stocks, oil foots and dregs, stearin pitch, glycerol pitch and wool grease residues fall in heading 15.22.

Subheading Note.

1. For the purposes of subheadings 1514.11 and 1514.19, the expression "low erucic acid rape or colza oil" means the fixed oil which has an erucic acid content of less than 2% by weight.

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Issued October 1, 2012


Tariff Item

SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

15.01 Pig fat (including lard) and poultry fat, other than that of heading 02.09 or 15.03.

1501.10.00 00 -Lard KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1501.20.00 00 -Other pig fat KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1501.90.00 00 -Other KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

15.02 Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other than those of heading 15.03.

1502.10.00 -Tallow 2.5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

10 - - - - -Edible ..................................................................................................... KGM 20 - - - - -Inedible .................................................................................................. KGM

1502.90.00 00 -Other KGM 2.5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1503.00.00 00 Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not emulsified or mixed or otherwise prepared


15.04 Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish or marine mammals, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.

1504.10 -Fish-liver oils and their fractions

1504.10.10 - - -For use in the manufacture of medicaments Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

10 - - - - -Of cod .................................................................................................... KGM90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... KGM

- - -Other:

1504.10.91 00 - - - -For use in Canadian manufactures KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1504.10.99 - - - -Other 5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeGPT: 5%

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15 - 2

10 - - - - - Of cod.................................................................................................... KGM 90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... KGM

1504.20 -Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish, other than liver oils

1504.20.10 00 - - -Rough, for use in the manufacture of soaps or oils KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1504.20.90 00 - - -Other KGM 4.5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1504.30.00 00 -Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals KGM 6.5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1505.00.00 00 Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin). KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1506.00.00 00 Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.


15.07 Soya-bean oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.

1507.10.00 00 -Crude oil, whether or not degummed KGM 4.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1507.90 -Other

1507.90.10 00 - - -For use in the manufacture of paints and varnishes KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1507.90.90 00 - - -Other KGM 9.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

15.08 Ground-nut oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.

1508.10.00 00 -Crude oil KGM 4.5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1508.90.00 00 -Other KGM 9.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeGPT: 5%


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SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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15 - 3

Issued October 1, 2012

15.09 Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.

1509.10.00 -Virgin Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

- - - - -In containers of a capacity less than 18 kg:11 - - - - - -Certified organic................................................................................... KGM12 - - - - - -Not certified organic ............................................................................. KGM20 - - - - -In container sizes of 18 kg or more ........................................................ KGM

1509.90.00 -Other Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

10 - - - - -In containers of a capacity less than 18 kg ............................................ KGM20 - - - - -In container sizes of 18 kg or more ........................................................ KGM

1510.00.00 00 Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, including blends of these oils or fractions with oils or fractions of heading 15.09.


15.11 Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.

1511.10.00 00 -Crude oil KGM 6% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1511.90 -Other

1511.90.10 00 - - -Palm oil mid-fractions for use in the manufacture of cocoa butter equivalents


1511.90.20 00 - - -Palm oil and its fractions for use in the manufacture of margarine and shortening


1511.90.30 00 - - -Palm oil flakes for use in the manufacture of food products KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1511.90.90 00 - - -Other KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeGPT: 10%

15.12 Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.

-Sunflower-seed or safflower oil and fractions thereof:

1512.11.00 00 - -Crude oil KGM 4.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free


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SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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Issued October 1, 2012

15 - 4

1512.19 - -Other

1512.19.10 00 - - -Sunflower-seed oil and fractions thereof KGM 9.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1512.19.20 00 - - -Safflower oil and fractions thereof KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeAUT: 6%NZT: 6%

-Cotton-seed oil and its fractions:

1512.21.00 00 - -Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been removed KGM 4.5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1512.29.00 00 - -Other KGM 9.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeAUT: 7%NZT: 7%GPT: 5%

15.13 Coconut (copra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modifed.

-Coconut (copra) oil and its fractions:

1513.11.00 00 - -Crude oil KGM 6% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1513.19 - -Other

1513.19.10 00 - - -For use in the manufacture of animal feeds KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1513.19.90 00 - - -Other KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

-Palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof:

1513.21.00 00 - -Crude oil KGM 6% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1513.29 - -Other

1513.29.10 00 - - -Palm kernel oil and its fractions for use in the manufacture of margarine and shortening



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ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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Issued October 1, 2012

1513.29.90 00 - - -Other KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeGPT: 10%

15.14 Rape (canola), colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.

-Low erucic acid rape or colza oil and its fractions:

1514.11.00 00 - -Crude oil KGM 6% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1514.19.00 00 - -Other KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free


1514.91.00 00 - -Crude oil KGM 6% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1514.99.00 00 - -Other KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

15.15 Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.

-Linseed oil and its fractions:

1515.11.00 00 - -Crude oil KGM 4.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1515.19.00 00 - -Other KGM 8% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

-Maize (corn) oil and its fractions:

1515.21.00 00 - -Crude oil KGM 4.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1515.29.00 00 - -Other KGM 9.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1515.30.00 00 -Castor oil and its fractions KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1515.50 -Sesame oil and its fractions


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1515.50.10 00 - - -Crude oil KGM 6% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1515.50.90 00 - - -Other KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeAUT: 6%NZT: 6%

1515.90 -Other

1515.90.10 00 - - -Illipe butter, shea butter, jojoba oil, oiticica oil, cashew nut shell oil and their fractions;Tung oil and its fractions


- - -Other:

1515.90.91 - - - -Crude 6% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

20 - - - - -Hemp oil ................................................................................................. KGM90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... KGM

1515.90.99 - - - -Other 11% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeAUT: 6%NZT: 6%

30 - - - - -Hemp oil ................................................................................................. KGM90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... KGM

15.16 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinized, whether or not refined, but not further prepared.

1516.10 -Animal fats and oils and their fractions

1516.10.10 00 - - -Obtained entirely from fish or marine mammals KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1516.10.90 00 - - -Other KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1516.20 -Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions

1516.20.10 00 - - -Hydrogenated castor oil KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free


Tariff Item

SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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Issued October 1, 2012

1516.20.90 - - -Other 11% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

10 - - - - -Soya-bean oil and its fractions ............................................................... KGM30 - - - - -Rape (canola) or colza oil and their fractions......................................... KGM

40 - - - - -Other oils and their fractions .................................................................. KGM50 - - - - -Fats and their fractions........................................................................... KGM

15.17 Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of heading 15.16.

1517.10 -Margarine, excluding liquid margarine

1517.10.10 00 - - -Within access commitment KGM 7.5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1517.10.20 00 - - -Over access commitment KGM 82.28¢/kg LDCT, MT, CT, CRT, JT: Free

1517.90 -Other

1517.90.10 00 - - -Imitation lard KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

- - -Substitutes for butter:

1517.90.21 00 - - - -Within access commitment KGM 7.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, JT: FreePT: 3%COLT: 5%

1517.90.22 00 - - - -Over access commitment KGM 218% but not less than $2.47/kg

LDCT, MT, CT: Free

1517.90.30 00 - - -Palm oil and palm kernel oil, and their fractions, and blends thereof, for use in the manufacture of margarine and shortening


- - -Other:

1517.90.91 00 - - - -Shortening KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1517.90.99 00 - - - -Other KGM 11% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: FreeAUT: 6%NZT: 6%


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SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


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Issued October 1, 2012

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1518.00 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidized, dehydrated, sulphurized, blown, polymerized by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of heading 15.16; inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included.

1518.00.10 00 - - -Boiled linseed oil KGM 4.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1518.00.90 - - -Other 8% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

20 - - - - -Soya-bean oil and its fractions ............................................................... KGM40 - - - - -Other oils and their fractions................................................................... KGM90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... KGM

1520.00.00 00 Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes. KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

15.21 Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides), beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti, whether or not refined or coloured.

1521.10.00 00 -Vegetable waxes KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1521.90.00 00 -Other KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT: Free

1522.00.00 00 Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes.



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Directory of CBSA Offices

Airport of Entry/Commercial

Airport of entry solely for the processing of commercial goods arriving by air transport.

British Columbia

• Vancouver International Airport Commercial Operations

Office Name Vancouver International Airport Commercial Operations

Office Number


District Vancouver International Airport

Contact Information

113-5000 Miller Road Richmond, British Columbia V7B 1K6 Phone: Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

Opposite US Port of Entry

Not Applicable


• Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport Commercial Section

Office Name Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport Commercial Section

Office Number


District Winnipeg and Northwest Territories

Page 36: PELUANG PASAR PRODUK MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA · sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak kelapa sangat menjanjikan dan ... Manfaat Minyak Kelapa untuk kecantikan adalah hal

Contact Information

2019 Sargent Avenue Terminal II Unit 14, Room 101 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0Z7 Phone: Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

Opposite US Port of Entry

Not Applicable




Office Number 423

Reports To Office 440 - SARNIA (Blue Water Bridge)

District St. Clair

Contact Information

1750 Crumlin Road London, Ontario N5V 3B6 Phone: Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

Opposite US Port of Entry

Not Applicable

Page 37: PELUANG PASAR PRODUK MINYAK KELAPA DI KANADA · sejumlah khasiat bagi kesehatan, potensi minyak kelapa sangat menjanjikan dan ... Manfaat Minyak Kelapa untuk kecantikan adalah hal

• Ottawa Cargo Services (OCS)

Office Name Ottawa Cargo Services (OCS)

Office Number 431


District Ottawa

Contact Information

140 Thad Johnson Road Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0R4 Phone: Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

Opposite US Port of Entry

Not Applicable



Office Number 497

Reports To Office

District Greater Toronto Area - Commercial

Contact Information

2720 Britannia Road East P.O. Box 40, AMF Toronto, Ontario L4W 2P7 Phone: Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

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Opposite US Port of Entry

Not Applicable

• Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport Vista Cargo Terminal

Office Name Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport Vista Cargo Terminal

Office Number


District Greater Toronto Area - Commercial

Contact Information

6500 Silverdart Drive Core D, Room 245 Mississauga, Ontario L5P 1B1 Phone: Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

Opposite US Port of Entry

Not Applicable

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• Montreal-Mirabel International Airport

Office Name Montreal-Mirabel International Airport

Office Number 399

Reports To Office

District Airports District

Contact Information

11955 Henry Giffard Building D Office 100 Mirabel, Quebec J7N 1C9 Phone: Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

Opposite US Port of Entry

Not Applicable

• Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau: Commercial

Office Name Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau: Commercial

Office Number 396


District Airports District

Contact Information

2200 Reverchon Ave. Room 142 Dorval, Quebec H9P 2S7 Phone: Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

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Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

Opposite US Port of Entry

Not Applicable


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Directory of CBSA Offices  

Commercial Vessel

Authorized marine site where commercial vessels other than ferry boats or cruise ships report to CBSA.

British Columbia

• Aero Trading • Agricore • Alcan • Allied Shipyards • AMIX Salvage and Sales Limited • Annacis Auto Terminal • Bella Coola Fish • Berry Point • BNR Docks • Brownsville Tie Up • Burrards Products Terminal (Petro Canada) • Campbell River Coast Marina • Campbell River, Discovery Harbour Marina • Canadian Fishing Company • Canfisco • Canfisco Plant • Cape Beale • Cascadia • Centerm • Chemainus Wharves • Constance Bank Anchorage • Cowichan Bay Anchorage • Cowichan Bay Dock • Crofton Mill • Delta Marina • Deltaport • Domtar Inc. • Duke Point • English Bay Anchorages #1-17 • Esquimalt Dock • Esquimalt Harbour Anchorage • Eurocan • Fairview Terminal • Fiberco Export • Fraser Shipyards and Industrial Centre Ltd. • Fraser Surrey Dock • Fraser Wharves • Gold River

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• Granville Island Marina Foreshore Projects

• Gunderson Slough • Harbour Green Dock (Coal Harbour Marina) • Harmac • Houston Passage • Howe Sound Logs Boom Tie Up • Howe Sound Pulp and Paper • Indian Arm Anchorages • Ioco Refinery • Island Tug and Barge • JJM Group • JRI International • Kitimat Harbour • Ladysmith Harbour • Lafarge - Coquitlam • Lafarge Richmond • Lehigh Northwest Cement • Lynnterm • Lynnterm East Berth 37 (Dow Chemicals) • Mayne Bay • McTar Petroleum Co.-Salt Dock • Methanex • Nanaimo Assembly Wharves • Nanaimo Boat Basin - E Dock • Navy Bouys • Neptune Bulk Terminals • Nexan Inc. • North Sea Products • Ocean Fisheries Ltd. • Ogden Point - Pier A and B • Pacific Coast Bulk Terminals • Pacific Grain Terminals • Plumper Sound Anchorage • Point Grey Tie Ups • Port Alberni Harbour Terminals • Port Alice • Prince Rupert Harbour

Anchorages, A,B,C,D,V and E • Prince Rupert, PRG#2 • Prince Rupert-Fairview Govt. Dock • Pylades Channel • Ridley Island Terminal • Roger's Sugar • Roger's Sugar (Chatterton Petro Chemical Corp.) • Royal Fisheries • Royal Roads Anchorage • Saskatchewan Wheat Pool • Seaspan Log Barges • Senanus Island • Shellburn Terminals • Squamish Terminals • Stanovan Terminal

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• Steveston Harbour Authority • Tahsis • Telegraph Creek • Territory Seafoods • Tom-Mac Shipyards • Toquart Bay • Trans Mountain Pipelines Company Ltd, Westbridge Terminals • Trincomali Channel • Twin Creeks • Vancouver Cruise Ship Operations • Vancouver Dry Dock • Vancouver Inner Harbour • Vancouver Main Street Dock • Vancouver Shipyard • Vancouver Wharves • Vanterm (includes West Coast Reduction) • Versatile Pacific Shipyards Inc. • WATERFRONT AND WAREHOUSE OPERATIONS • Watson Island • Westminster Marine Services • Westshore Terminals Ltd. • Woodfiber Pulpmill



New Brunswick


Newfoundland and Labrador

• Abitibi Consolidated Dock • Argentia Marina • CORNER BROOK

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• Federal Government Wharf • FORTUNE • GANDER • GOOSE BAY • Harbour Grace Marina • Holyrood (beside Newfoundland Hydro) • Long Pond/Manuels • St. Anthony • ST. JOHN'S • Stephenville Marina

Northwest Territories


Nova Scotia

• Canso • Cape Sable Island • Halifax Marine and Enforcement • Liverpool Government Wharf-Brooklyn Marina • Louisbourg • Lunenburg Government Wharf • Port Bickerton • SYDNEY • West Head/Clark's Harbour • Yarmouth Ferry Terminal


• ADM-AGRI Industries • ADM-UCO Granco • Agricore • Algoma Steel Commercial Dock • BARRIE • Birch Island • Britt (C.P.R.) Bulk Fuel Only • Canada Malting • Canadian Salt • Cargill • Cargo Dockers Ltd

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• Courtright • Fisher Harbour • General Chemicals • Goderich Harbour • Great West Timber • Hamilton Harbour • Heron Bay-Lafarge • Imperial Oil • JRI • Keefer Terminal • Kingsville Dock and Coal Company • Lafarge Quarry • Lake Ontario Cement • Lanxess • Lock I Port Weller • Marathon Pulp • Meldrum Bay (Manitoulin Island) • Midland Town Dock • Omstead • Ontario Hydro Dock (Nanticoke) • Oshawa East and West Docks • Owen Sound Town Dock • Parrish and Heimbecker • Parry Sound Town Docks • Pascol Engineering • Petro Canada Dock - Bronte • Petro Canada Dock (Clarkson) • Port Colborne (Welland Canal) • Port Dover Harbour • Port Maitland Harbour • Port of Prescott

Corp. of the Township of Edwardsburg • Port Robinson (Welland Canal) • Port Weller (Welland Canal) • PRESCOTT • Prescott Town Dock • Redpaths berths 291 and 293 • Reid Aggregate • Sarnia Government Dock • Shell • St. Lawrence Cement (Cargo only) • Stelco Docks (Nanticoke) • Stone Dock • Sun Oil • Thorold (Welland Canal) • Thunder Bay Marine Services • Thunder Bay Terminals • Toronto Harbour Pier 27 • Toronto Harbour Piers 51 and 52, Queen Elizabeth Dock • Toronto Harbour-Pier 35 • UGG • Universal Terminals - Cornwall Wharf • Valley Camp

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• Viterra A, B and C • Welland (Welland Canal) • Western Grain By-Products Storage Ltd. • Wheatley Harbour Authority • Whitefish River (Cement only)

Prince Edward Island

• Georgetown • Souris


• Alcoa • Aluminerie Alouette • Bécancour • CAP-AUX-MEULES • Cargill • GASPE • Gros Cacouna Wharf • La Baie • Matane • Matane • MONTREAL MARINE AND RAIL SERVICES (Tellier) • QUEBEC • Rimouski Wharf • SOREL • TROIS-RIVIÈRES • Wabush




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Consumer  Packaging  and  Labelling  Act  

R.S.C.,  1985,  c.  C-­‐38  

An  Act  respecting  the  packaging,  labelling,  sale,  importation  and  advertising  of  prepackaged  and  certain  other  products  


1.  This  Act  may  be  cited  as  the  Consumer  Packaging  and  Labelling  Act.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  1.  



2.  (1)  In  this  Act,  


«  publicité  »  ou  «  annonce  »  

“advertise”  means  make  any  representation  to  the  public  by  any  means  whatever,  other  than  a  label,  for  the  purpose  of  promoting  directly  or  indirectly  the  sale  of  a  product;  


Version  anglaise  seulement  

“apply”  means,  in  respect  of  a  label,  to  attach  to,  imprint  on,  include  in  or  cause  to  accompany  in  any  other  way  a  product;  


«  commissaire  »  

“Commissioner”  means  the  Commissioner  of  Competition  appointed  under  the  Competition  Act;  


«  contenant  »  

“container”  means  a  receptacle,  package,  wrapper  or  confining  band  in  which  a  product  is  offered  for  sale  but  does  not  include  package  liners  or  shipping  containers  or  any  outer  wrapping  or  box  that  is  not  customarily  displayed  to  the  consumer;  


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«  fournisseur  »  

“dealer”  means  a  person  who  is  a  retailer,  manufacturer,  processor  or  producer  of  a  product,  or  a  person  who  is  engaged  in  the  business  of  importing,  packing  or  selling  any  product;  


«  inspecteur  »  

“inspector”  means  any  person  designated  as  an  inspector  

(a)  for  the  enforcement  of  this  Act  under  the  Department  of  Industry  Act,  or  

(b)  for  the  enforcement  of  this  Act  as  it  relates  to  food,  as  defined  in  section  2  of  the  Food  and  Drugs  Act,  under  the  Canadian  Food  Inspection  Agency  Act;  


Version  anglaise  seulement  

“label”  means  any  label,  mark,  sign,  device,  imprint,  stamp,  brand,  ticket  or  tag;  


«  ministre  »  

“Minister”  means  the  Minister  of  Industry  and,  for  the  enforcement  of  this  Act  as  it  relates  to  food,  as  defined  in  section  2  of  the  Food  and  Drugs  Act,  means  the  Minister  of  Agriculture  and  Agri-­‐Food;  

“prepackaged  product”  

«  produit  préemballé  »  

“prepackaged  product”  means  any  product  that  is  packaged  in  a  container  in  such  a  manner  that  it  is  ordinarily  sold  to  or  used  or  purchased  by  a  consumer  without  being  re-­‐packaged;  


Version  anglaise  seulement  

“prescribed”  means  prescribed  by  the  regulations;  


«  produit  »  

“product”  means  any  article  that  is  or  may  be  the  subject  of  trade  or  commerce  but  does  not  include  land  or  any  interest  therein;  

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«  vendre  »  

“sell”  includes  

(a)  offer  for  sale,  expose  for  sale  and  have  in  possession  for  sale,  and  

(b)  display  in  such  manner  as  to  lead  to  a  reasonable  belief  that  the  substance  or  product  so  displayed  is  intended  for  sale.  

Functions  of  Commissioner  

(2)  The  functions  of  the  Minister  of  Industry  in  relation  to  the  administration  of  this  Act  except  subsection  11(1),  and  in  relation  to  the  enforcement  of  this  Act  except  as  it  relates  to  food,  as  that  term  is  defined  in  section  2  of  the  Food  and  Drugs  Act,  may  be  exercised  by  the  Commissioner  on  behalf  of  that  Minister.  

R.S.,  1985,  c.  C-­‐38,  s.  2;  1992,  c.  1,  s.  145(F);  1995,  c.  1,  ss.  62,  63;  1997,  c.  6,  s.  40;  1999,  c.  2,  s.  44.  


Application  notwithstanding  other  Acts  

3.  (1)  Subject  to  subsection  (2)  and  any  regulations  made  under  section  18,  the  provisions  of  this  Act  that  are  applicable  to  any  product  apply  notwithstanding  any  other  Act  of  Parliament.  


(2)  This  Act  does  not  apply  to  any  product  that  is  a  device  or  drug  within  the  meaning  of  the  Food  and  Drugs  Act.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  3.  


Prohibition  respecting  labels  

4.  (1)  No  dealer  shall  sell,  import  into  Canada  or  advertise  any  prepackaged  product  unless  that  product  has  applied  to  it  a  label  containing  a  declaration  of  net  quantity  of  the  product  in  the  form  and  manner  required  by  this  Act  or  prescribed  and  in  terms  of  either  

(a)  numerical  count,  or  

(b)  a  unit  of  measurement  set  out  in  Schedule  I  to  the  Weights  and  Measures  Act,  

as  may  be  prescribed.  

Declaration  of  net  quantity  to  be  readily  distinguishable  

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(2)  A  declaration  of  net  quantity  referred  to  in  subsection  (1)  shall  be  located  on  the  principal  display  panel  of  the  label  and  shall  be  clearly  and  prominently  displayed,  easily  legible  and  in  distinct  contrast  to  any  other  information  or  representation  shown  on  the  label.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  4;  1976-­‐77,  c.  55,  s.  3.  

Prohibition  respecting  advertising  

5.  No  dealer  shall,  in  advertising  any  prepackaged  product,  make  any  representation  with  respect  to  the  net  quantity  of  the  product  except  in  accordance  with  this  Act  and  the  regulations.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  5.  

Prohibition  respecting  packaging  

6.  No  dealer  shall  sell  or  import  into  Canada  any  prepackaged  product  that  is  packaged  in  such  a  manner  that  it  does  not  meet  the  packaging  requirements  established  in  relation  to  that  product  by  regulations  made  pursuant  to  subsection  11(1).  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  6.  

Representations  relating  to  prepackaged  products  

7.  (1)  No  dealer  shall  apply  to  any  prepackaged  product  or  sell,  import  into  Canada  or  advertise  any  prepackaged  product  that  has  applied  to  it  a  label  containing  any  false  or  misleading  representation  that  relates  to  or  may  reasonably  be  regarded  as  relating  to  that  product.  

Definition  of  "false  or  misleading  representation"  

(2)  For  the  purposes  of  this  section,  “false  or  misleading  representation”  includes  

(a)  any  representation  in  which  expressions,  words,  figures,  depictions  or  symbols  are  used,  arranged  or  shown  in  a  manner  that  may  reasonably  be  regarded  as  qualifying  the  declared  net  quantity  of  a  prepackaged  product  or  as  likely  to  deceive  a  consumer  with  respect  to  the  net  quantity  of  a  prepackaged  product;  

(b)  any  expression,  word,  figure,  depiction  or  symbol  that  implies  or  may  reasonably  be  regarded  as  implying  that  a  prepackaged  product  contains  any  matter  not  contained  in  it  or  does  not  contain  any  matter  in  fact  contained  in  it;  and  

(c)  any  description  or  illustration  of  the  type,  quality,  performance,  function,  origin  or  method  of  manufacture  or  production  of  a  prepackaged  product  that  may  reasonably  be  regarded  as  likely  to  deceive  a  consumer  with  respect  to  the  matter  so  described  or  illustrated.  

Where,  within  prescribed  tolerances,  net  quantity  not  less  than  declared  

(3)  Where  a  declaration  of  net  quantity  shows  the  purported  net  quantity  of  the  prepackaged  product  to  which  it  is  applied,  that  declaration  shall  be  deemed  not  to  be  a  false  or  misleading  representation  if  the  net  quantity  of  the  prepackaged  product  is,  subject  to  the  prescribed  tolerance,  not  less  than  the  declared  net  quantity  of  the  prepackaged  product  and  the  declaration  otherwise  meets  the  requirements  of  this  Act  and  the  regulations.  

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1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  7.  

Labels  on  edible  and  potable  prepackaged  products  

8.  No  dealer  shall  apply  to  any  edible  or  potable  prepackaged  product  a  label  that  contains  any  representation  with  respect  to  the  number  of  servings  contained  in  the  container  of  the  prepackaged  product  unless  that  label  contains  a  declaration  of  net  quantity  of  each  serving  in  the  form  and  manner  prescribed  and  in  terms  of  either  

(a)  numerical  count,  or  

(b)  a  unit  of  measurement  set  out  in  Schedule  I  to  the  Weights  and  Measures  Act,  

as  may  be  prescribed.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  8;  1976-­‐77,  c.  55,  s.  3.  

Containers  of  prepackaged  products  

9.  (1)  No  dealer  shall  sell,  import  into  Canada  or  advertise  any  prepackaged  product  that  is  packaged  in  a  container  that  has  been  manufactured,  constructed  or  filled  or  is  displayed  in  such  a  manner  that  a  consumer  might  reasonably  be  misled  with  respect  to  the  quality  or  quantity  of  the  product.  

Recognized  and  accepted  production  practice,  if  necessary  for  packaging,  a  defence  

(2)  No  dealer  is  guilty  of  the  offence  of  selling,  importing  into  Canada  or  advertising  a  prepackaged  product  that  is  packaged  in  a  container  that  has  been  filled  in  such  a  manner  that  a  consumer  might  reasonably  be  misled  with  respect  to  the  quality  or  quantity  of  the  product  if  the  dealer  establishes  that  the  container  was  filled  in  accordance  with  a  recognized  and  accepted  production  practice  that  is  reasonably  necessary  for  the  purpose  of  packaging  the  product.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  9.  


Label  containing  declaration  of  net  quantity  

10.  Each  label  containing  a  declaration  of  net  quantity  of  the  prepackaged  product  to  which  it  is  applied  shall  

(a)  be  applied  to  the  prepackaged  product  in  such  form  and  manner  as  may  be  prescribed;  and  

(b)  show,  in  such  form  and  manner  and  in  such  circumstances  as  may  be  prescribed,  

(i)  the  identity  and  principal  place  of  business  of  the  person  by  or  for  whom  the  prepackaged  product  was  manufactured  or  produced  for  resale,  

(ii)  the  identity  of  the  prepackaged  product  in  terms  of  its  common  or  generic  name  or  in  terms  of  its  function,  and  

(iii)  such  information  respecting  the  nature,  quality,  age,  size,  material  content,  composition,  geographic  origin,  performance,  use  or  method  of  manufacture  or  production  of  the  prepackaged  product  as  may  be  prescribed.  

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1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  10.  


Packaging  requirements  established  by  regulation  

11.  (1)  Where  the  Governor  in  Council  is  of  the  opinion  that  there  is  an  undue  proliferation  of  sizes  or  shapes  of  containers  in  which  any  prepackaged  product  or  class  of  prepackaged  product  is  sold  and  that  the  effect  of  the  undue  proliferation  of  sizes  or  shapes  is  to  confuse  or  mislead  or  be  likely  to  confuse  or  mislead  consumers  with  respect  to  the  weight,  measure  or  numerical  count  of  a  prepackaged  product,  the  Governor  in  Council,  on  the  recommendation  of  the  Minister,  may  make  regulations  establishing  packaging  requirements  that  limit  the  sizes  and  shapes  of  containers  in  which  that  prepackaged  product  or  class  of  prepackaged  product  may  be  sold.  

Advice  for  establishing  packaging  requirements  

(2)  For  the  purpose  of  establishing  packaging  requirements  for  any  prepackaged  product  or  class  of  prepackaged  product,  the  Minister  shall  seek  the  advice  of  at  least  one  organization  in  Canada  of  consumers  and  one  organization  of  dealers  in  that  prepackaged  product  or  class  of  prepackaged  product  and  may  seek  the  advice  of  the  Standards  Council  of  Canada  or  any  organization  in  Canada  engaged  in  standards  formulation.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  11.  


Packaging  and  labelling  research  and  studies  

12.  (1)  The  Minister  may  conduct  research  and  studies  relating  or  incidental  to  the  packaging  and  labelling  of  any  prepackaged  product,  including  matters  relating  or  incidental  to  unit  price  marking,  date  and  storage  marking  and  the  shapes  and  sizes  of  containers.  


(2)  The  Minister  may,  in  conducting  any  research  or  studies  pursuant  to  subsection  (1),  consult  with  or  seek  the  advice  of  any  department  or  agency  of  any  government,  any  dealers  or  any  organization  of  dealers  or  any  organization  in  Canada  of  consumers.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  12.  


Certificate  to  be  produced  

13.  (1)  An  inspector  shall  be  furnished  with  a  certificate  of  his  designation  as  an  inspector  and  on  entering  any  place  described  in  subsection  (2)  shall,  if  so  required,  produce  the  certificate  to  the  person  in  charge  of  that  place.  

Powers  of  inspectors  

(2)  Subject  to  subsection  (2.1),  an  inspector  may  at  any  reasonable  time  enter  any  premises  of  a  dealer  or  any  other  place  in  which  the  inspector  believes  on  reasonable  grounds  there  is  any  prepackaged  product  that  is  owned  

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by  a  dealer  and  may,  where  the  inspector  believes  on  reasonable  grounds  that,  for  any  purpose  relating  to  the  enforcement  of  this  Act,  it  is  necessary  to  do  so,  

(a)  examine  any  prepackaged  product  found  therein;  

(b)  open  and  examine  any  package  found  therein  that  he  believes  on  reasonable  grounds  contains  any  prepackaged  product;  and  

(c)  examine  any  documents  or  papers,  including  books,  reports,  records,  shipping  bills  and  bills  of  lading,  or  any  data  entered  or  recorded  by  any  system  of  mechanical  or  electronic  data  processing  or  by  any  other  information  storage  device,  that  he  believes  on  reasonable  grounds  contain  any  information  relevant  to  the  enforcement  of  this  Act  and  make  copies  thereof  or  extracts  therefrom.  

Warrant  required  to  enter  dwelling-­‐house  

(2.1)  Where  any  premises  or  place  referred  to  in  subsection  (2)  is  a  dwelling-­‐house,  an  inspector  may  not  enter  that  dwelling-­‐house  without  the  consent  of  the  occupant  except  under  the  authority  of  a  warrant  issued  under  subsection  (2.2).  

Authority  to  issue  warrant  

(2.2)  Where  on  ex  parte  application  a  justice  of  the  peace  is  satisfied  by  information  on  oath  

(a)  that  the  conditions  for  entry  described  in  subsection  (2)  exist  in  relation  to  a  dwelling-­‐house,  

(b)  that  entry  to  the  dwelling-­‐house  is  necessary  for  any  purpose  relating  to  the  administration  or  enforcement  of  this  Act,  and  

(c)  that  entry  to  the  dwelling-­‐house  has  been  refused  or  that  there  are  reasonable  grounds  for  believing  that  entry  thereto  will  be  refused,  

the  justice  of  the  peace  may  issue  a  warrant  under  his  hand  authorizing  the  inspector  named  therein  to  enter  that  dwelling-­‐house  subject  to  such  conditions  as  may  be  specified  in  the  warrant.  

Use  of  force  

(2.3)  In  executing  a  warrant  issued  under  subsection  (2.2),  the  inspector  named  therein  shall  not  use  force  unless  the  inspector  is  accompanied  by  a  peace  officer  and  the  use  of  force  has  been  specifically  authorized  in  the  warrant.  

Assistance  to  inspectors  

(3)  The  owner  or  the  person  in  charge  of  a  place  entered  by  an  inspector  pursuant  to  subsection  (2)  and  every  person  employed  therein  shall  give  the  inspector  all  reasonable  assistance  to  enable  the  inspector  to  carry  out  his  duties  and  functions  under  this  Act  and  shall  furnish  the  inspector  with  any  information  he  may  reasonably  require  with  respect  to  the  administration  of  this  Act  and  the  regulations.  

R.S.,  1985,  c.  C-­‐38,  s.  13;  R.S.,  1985,  c.  31  (1st  Supp.),  s.  6.  

Obstruction  and  false  statements  

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14.  (1)  No  person  shall  obstruct  or  hinder,  or  knowingly  make  any  false  or  misleading  statements  either  orally  or  in  writing  to,  an  inspector  engaged  in  carrying  out  his  duties  and  functions  under  this  Act.  


(2)  Except  with  the  authority  of  an  inspector,  no  person  shall  remove,  alter  or  interfere  in  any  way  with  any  product  or  other  thing  seized  and  detained  by  an  inspector  pursuant  to  subsection  15(1).  

Examining  and  sampling  allowable  

(3)  An  inspector  shall,  at  the  request  of  the  person  from  whom  a  product  or  other  thing  was  seized,  allow  that  person  or  any  person  authorized  by  that  person  to  examine  the  product  or  other  thing  so  seized  and,  where  practicable,  furnish  a  sample  thereof  to  such  person.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  14.  


15.  (1)  Where  an  inspector  believes  on  reasonable  grounds  that  any  provision  of  this  Act  or  the  regulations  has  been  contravened,  the  inspector  may  seize  and  detain  any  product  or  any  labelling,  packaging  or  advertising  material  by  means  of  or  in  relation  to  which  the  inspector  believes  on  reasonable  grounds  the  contravention  was  committed.  

Seizure  limitation  

(2)  Except  to  the  extent  that  the  product  or  other  thing,  or  a  sample  thereof,  is  required  as  evidence,  an  inspector  shall  not  seize  any  product  or  other  thing  pursuant  to  subsection  (1)  where,  in  the  opinion  of  the  inspector,  the  seizure  of  the  product  or  other  thing  is  not  necessary  in  the  public  interest.  

Notice  to  person  of  provision  contravened  

(3)  Where  an  inspector  has  seized  and  detained  any  product  or  other  thing  pursuant  to  subsection  (1),  he  shall,  as  soon  as  practicable,  advise  the  person  in  whose  possession  the  product  or  other  thing  was  at  the  time  of  seizure  of  the  provision  of  this  Act  or  the  regulations  that  the  inspector  believes  has  been  contravened.  

Detention  limitation  

(4)  Any  product  or  other  thing  seized  pursuant  to  subsection  (1)  shall  not  be  detained  

(a)  after  the  provisions  of  this  Act  or  any  regulations  that  are  applicable  to  the  product  or  other  thing  have,  in  the  opinion  of  an  inspector,  been  complied  with;  

(b)  except  to  the  extent  that  the  product  or  other  thing,  or  a  sample  thereof,  is  required  as  evidence,  after  an  inspector  or  the  Minister  is,  on  application  made  by  the  owner  of  the  product  or  other  thing  or  by  the  person  in  whose  possession  the  product  or  other  thing  was  at  the  time  of  seizure,  satisfied  that  it  is  not  necessary  in  the  public  interest  to  continue  to  detain  the  product  or  other  thing;  or  

(c)  after  the  expiration  of  sixty  days  after  the  day  of  seizure,  or  if  the  seizure  is  in  respect  of  a  contravention  of  the  Act  as  it  relates  to  food  as  defined  in  section  2  of  the  Food  and  Drugs  Act,  one  hundred  and  eighty  days  after  the  day  of  seizure,  unless,  before  that  time,  

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(i)  the  product  or  other  thing  has  been  forfeited  pursuant  to  section  17,  

(ii)  proceedings  have  been  instituted  in  respect  of  the  contravention  in  relation  to  which  the  product  or  other  thing  was  seized,  in  which  event  the  product  or  other  thing  may  be  detained  until  the  proceedings  are  finally  concluded,  or  

(iii)  notice  of  an  application  for  an  order  extending  the  time  during  which  the  product  or  other  thing  may  be  detained  has  been  served  in  accordance  with  section  16.  

Storage  and  removal  

(5)  A  product  or  other  thing  seized  by  an  inspector  pursuant  to  subsection  (1)  shall  be  kept  or  stored  in  the  building  or  place  where  it  was  seized,  except  where  the  product  or  thing,  or  a  sample  thereof,  is  required  as  evidence  or  the  person  in  whose  possession  the  product  or  thing  was  at  the  time  of  seizure  or  the  person  entitled  to  possession  of  the  building  or  place  requests  that  it  be  removed  to  some  other  proper  place,  in  which  case  the  product  or  thing  or  the  sample  thereof,  as  the  case  may  be,  may  be  removed  to  and  stored  in  any  other  proper  place  at  the  direction  of  or  with  the  concurrence  of  an  inspector.  

R.S.,  1985,  c.  C-­‐38,  s.  15;  1997,  c.  6,  s.  41.  

Application  to  extend  period  of  detention  

16.  (1)  Where  proceedings  have  not  been  instituted  in  respect  of  the  contravention  in  relation  to  which  any  product  or  other  thing  was  seized  and  detained  pursuant  to  subsection  15(1),  the  Minister  may,  before  the  expiration  of  the  period  referred  to  in  paragraph  15(4)(c)  and  on  the  serving  of  prior  notice  in  accordance  with  subsection  (2)  on  the  owner  of  the  product  or  other  thing  or  on  the  person  in  whose  possession  the  product  or  other  thing  was  at  the  time  of  seizure,  apply  to  a  provincial  court  judge  within  whose  territorial  jurisdiction  the  seizure  was  made  for  an  order  extending  the  time  during  which  the  product  or  other  thing  may  be  detained.  

Notice  of  application  

(2)  The  notice  referred  to  in  subsection  (1)  shall  be  served  by  personal  service  at  least  five  clear  days  prior  to  the  day  on  which  the  application  is  to  be  made  to  the  provincial  court  judge  or  by  registered  mail  at  least  seven  clear  days  prior  to  that  day  and  shall  specify  

(a)  the  provincial  court  judge  to  whom  the  application  is  to  be  made;  

(b)  the  place  where  and  the  time  when  the  application  is  to  be  heard,  which  time  shall  be  not  later  than  ten  days  after  service  of  the  notice;  

(c)  the  product  or  other  thing  in  respect  of  which  the  application  is  to  be  made;  and  

(d)  the  evidence  on  which  the  Minister  intends  to  rely  to  show  why  the  time  during  which  the  product  or  other  thing  may  be  detained  should  be  extended.  

Order  of  extension  granted  

(3)  Where,  on  the  hearing  of  an  application  made  under  subsection  (1),  the  provincial  court  judge  is  satisfied  that  the  product  or  other  thing  seized  should  continue  to  be  detained,  the  provincial  court  judge  shall  order  that  

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(a)  the  product  or  other  thing  be  detained  for  such  additional  period  of  time  and  on  such  conditions  relating  to  the  detention  for  that  period  as  he  deems  proper,  and  

(b)  on  the  expiration  of  that  period,  the  product  or  other  thing  be  restored  to  the  person  from  whom  it  was  seized  or  to  any  other  person  entitled  to  possession  thereof,  

unless,  before  the  expiration  of  that  period,  subparagraph  15(4)(c)(i)  or  (ii)  applies.  

Order  of  extension  refused  

(4)  Where,  on  the  hearing  of  an  application  made  under  subsection  (1),  the  provincial  court  judge  is  not  satisfied  that  the  product  or  other  thing  seized  should  continue  to  be  detained,  the  provincial  court  judge  shall  order  that  the  product  or  other  thing  be  restored  to  the  person  from  whom  it  was  seized  or  to  any  other  person  entitled  to  possession  thereof  on  the  expiration  of  the  period  referred  to  in  paragraph  15(4)(c),  unless  

(a)  before  the  expiration  of  that  period  of  time,  subparagraph  15(4)(c)(i)  or  (ii)  applies;  or  

(b)  at  the  time  of  the  hearing,  that  period  has  then  expired,  in  which  event  the  provincial  court  judge  shall  order  the  restoration  thereof  forthwith  to  the  person  from  whom  it  was  seized  or  to  any  other  person  entitled  to  possession  thereof.  

R.S.,  1985,  c.  C-­‐38,  s.  16;  R.S.,  1985,  c.  27  (1st  Supp.),  s.  203;  1997,  c.  6,  s.  42.  

Forfeiture  on  consent  

17.  (1)  Where  an  inspector  has  seized  any  product  or  other  thing  pursuant  to  subsection  15(1)  and  the  owner  thereof  or  the  person  in  lawful  possession  thereof  at  the  time  of  seizure  consents  in  writing  to  the  forfeiture  of  the  product  or  other  thing,  the  product  or  other  thing  is  thereupon  forfeited  to  Her  Majesty.  

Forfeiture  or  other  disposal  on  conviction  

(2)  Where  a  person  is  convicted  of  an  offence  under  this  Act  and  any  product  or  other  thing  seized  pursuant  to  subsection  15(1)  by  means  of  which  or  in  relation  to  which  the  offence  was  committed  is  then  being  detained,  the  product  or  other  thing  

(a)  is,  on  that  conviction,  in  addition  to  any  punishment  imposed  for  the  offence,  forfeited  to  Her  Majesty  if  the  forfeiture  is  directed  by  the  court;  or  

(b)  shall,  on  the  expiration  of  the  time  for  bringing  an  appeal  from  the  conviction  or  on  the  final  conclusion  of  the  proceedings,  as  the  case  may  be,  be  restored  to  the  person  from  whom  it  was  seized  or  to  any  other  person  entitled  to  possession  thereof  on  such  conditions,  if  any,  relating  to  sale  or  advertising  as  may  be  imposed  by  order  of  the  court  and  as,  in  the  opinion  of  the  court,  are  necessary  to  avoid  the  commission  of  any  further  offence  under  this  Act.  

Articles  deemed  not  to  have  been  seized  

(3)  For  the  purposes  of  subsection  (2),  any  product  or  other  thing  released  from  detention  pursuant  to  paragraph  15(4)(a)  or  (b)  shall  be  deemed  not  to  have  been  seized  pursuant  to  section  15.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  17.  

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18.  (1)  The  Governor  in  Council  may  make  regulations  

(a)  exempting,  conditionally  or  unconditionally,  any  prepackaged  product  or  class  of  prepackaged  product  from  any  or  all  of  the  provisions  of  this  Act  or  the  regulations;  

(b)  exempting,  conditionally  or  unconditionally,  any  type  of  transaction  in  relation  to  any  prepackaged  product  or  class  of  prepackaged  product  from  the  prohibition  contained  in  section  4;  

(c)  defining  the  expression  "principal  display  panel"  for  the  purposes  of  this  Act;  

(d)  prescribing  the  information  that  shall  be  shown  on  the  container  of  a  prepackaged  product  where  any  representation  is  made  thereon  that  the  prepackaged  product  is  being  offered  for  sale  below  the  usual  retail  price;  

(e)  requiring  the  statement  on  the  container  of  a  prepackaged  product  of  any  information  or  representation  required  to  be  shown  in  a  label,  in  addition  to  or  in  place  of  the  statement  of  that  information  or  representation  in  a  label;  

(f)  prescribing  the  form  and  manner  in  which,  including  the  language  or  languages  in  which,  any  information  or  representation  required  to  be  declared  or  shown  in  any  label,  on  any  container  or  in  any  advertisement  shall  be  declared  or  shown;  

(g)  prescribing  any  expressions,  words,  figures,  depictions  or  symbols  the  use  of  which,  in  relation  to  a  prepackaged  product,  shall  be  deemed,  unless  the  contrary  is  proven,  to  constitute  a  false  or  misleading  representation;  

(h)  subject  to  any  other  Act  of  Parliament,  extending  or  applying  any  provision  of  this  Act  to  or  in  respect  of  any  product  or  class  of  product  specified  in  the  regulations  that  is  not  a  prepackaged  product  but  is  ordinarily  sold  to  or  purchased  by  a  consumer  

(i)  otherwise  than  for  resale  or  for  use  in  the  course  of  a  business,  trade  or  calling,  or  

(ii)  with  a  label  applied  thereto,  whether  or  not  that  label  contains  a  declaration  of  net  quantity;  

(i)  respecting  the  detention  of  products  and  other  things  seized  and  detained  under  section  15;  

(j)  respecting  the  disposition  of  products  and  other  things  forfeited  under  section  17;  

(k)  prescribing  any  matter  or  thing  that  by  this  Act  may  be  prescribed;  and  

(l)  generally  for  carrying  out  the  purposes  and  provisions  of  this  Act.  

Where  statement  on  container  deemed  to  be  label  

(2)  Where  any  information  or  representation  is  required  by  the  regulations  to  be  stated  on  the  container  of  a  prepackaged  product  in  place  of  the  statement  of  that  information  or  representation  in  a  label  and  is  so  stated,  that  statement  on  the  container  shall  be  deemed  to  be  a  label  and  to  be  applied  to  the  prepackaged  product.  

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1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  18.  


Publication  and  opportunity  for  representations  

19.  A  copy  of  each  regulation  or  amendment  to  a  regulation  that  the  Governor  in  Council  proposes  to  make  under  section  11  or  18  shall  be  published  in  the  Canada  Gazette  and  a  reasonable  opportunity  shall  be  afforded  to  consumers,  dealers  and  other  interested  persons  to  make  representations  with  respect  thereto.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  19.  


Contraventions  of  sections  4  to  9  

20.  (1)  Subject  to  subsection  (2.1),  every  dealer  who  contravenes  any  of  sections  4  to  9  is  guilty  of  an  offence  and  liable  

(a)  on  summary  conviction,  to  a  fine  not  exceeding  $5,000;  or  

(b)  on  conviction  on  indictment,  to  a  fine  not  exceeding  $10,000.  

Contravention  of  other  provisions  or  regulations  

(2)  Subject  to  subsection  (2.1),  every  person  who  contravenes  any  provision  of  this  Act,  other  than  any  of  sections  4  to  9,  or  any  regulation  made  under  paragraph  18(1)(d),  (e)  or  (h),  is  guilty  of  an  offence  and  liable  

(a)  on  summary  conviction,  to  a  fine  not  exceeding  $1,000  or  to  imprisonment  for  a  term  not  exceeding  six  months  or  to  both;  or  

(b)  on  conviction  on  indictment,  to  a  fine  not  exceeding  $3,000  or  to  imprisonment  for  a  term  not  exceeding  one  year  or  to  both.  

Offences  relating  to  food  

(2.1)  Every  person  who  contravenes  a  provision  referred  to  in  subsection  (1)  or  (2)  as  that  provision  relates  to  food,  as  defined  in  section  2  of  the  Food  and  Drugs  Act,  is  guilty  of  an  offence  and  liable  

(a)  on  summary  conviction,  to  a  fine  not  exceeding  $50,000  or  to  imprisonment  for  a  term  not  exceeding  six  months  or  to  both;  or  

(b)  on  conviction  on  indictment,  to  a  fine  not  exceeding  $250,000  or  to  imprisonment  for  a  term  not  exceeding  two  years  or  to  both.  

Criminal  liability  of  officers,  etc.,  of  corporations  

(3)  Where  a  corporation  commits  an  offence  under  this  Act,  any  officer,  director  or  agent  of  the  corporation  who  directed,  authorized,  assented  to,  acquiesced  in  or  participated  in  the  commission  of  the  offence  is  a  party  to  and  

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guilty  of  the  offence  and  is  liable  on  conviction  to  the  punishment  provided  for  the  offence  whether  or  not  the  corporation  has  been  prosecuted  or  convicted.  

R.S.,  1985,  c.  C-­‐38,  s.  20;  1997,  c.  6,  s.  43.  

Offence  by  employee  or  agent  

21.  (1)  In  any  prosecution  for  an  offence  under  this  Act,  it  is  sufficient  proof  of  the  offence  to  establish  that  it  was  committed  by  an  employee  or  agent  of  the  accused,  whether  or  not  the  employee  or  agent  is  identified  or  has  been  prosecuted  for  the  offence,  unless  the  accused  establishes  that  the  offence  was  committed  without  his  knowledge  or  consent  and  that  he  exercised  all  due  diligence  to  prevent  its  commission.  

Limitation  period  

(2)  Any  proceedings  by  way  of  summary  conviction  for  an  offence  referred  to  in  subsection  20(1)  or  (2)  may  be  instituted  within  but  not  later  than  twelve  months  after  the  time  when  the  subject-­‐matter  of  the  proceedings  arose.  

Limitation  period  for  offences  respecting  food  

(2.1)  Any  proceedings  by  way  of  summary  conviction  for  an  offence  referred  to  in  subsection  20(2.1)  may  be  instituted  within  two  years  after  the  time  when  the  subject-­‐matter  of  the  proceedings  becomes  known  to  the  Minister.  

Minister’s  certificate  

(2.2)  A  document  purporting  to  have  been  issued  by  the  Minister,  certifying  the  day  on  which  the  subject-­‐matter  of  any  proceedings  became  known  to  the  Minister,  is  admissible  in  evidence  without  proof  of  the  signature  or  official  character  of  the  person  appearing  to  have  signed  the  document  and  is  evidence  of  the  matters  asserted  in  it.  


(3)  A  complaint  or  an  information  in  respect  of  an  offence  under  this  Act  may  be  heard,  tried  or  determined  by  a  court  if  the  accused  is  resident  or  carrying  on  business  within  the  territorial  jurisdiction  of  that  court  although  the  matter  of  the  complaint  or  information  did  not  arise  in  that  territorial  jurisdiction.  

R.S.,  1985,  c.  C-­‐38,  s.  21;  1997,  c.  6,  s.  44.  

Identification  appearing  in  labels  

22.  (1)  In  any  prosecution  for  an  offence  under  this  Act,  evidence  that  a  label  applied  to  a  product  bore  identification  purporting  to  identify  the  person  by  or  for  whom  the  product  was  manufactured  or  produced  is,  in  the  absence  of  evidence  to  the  contrary,  proof  that  the  person  whose  identification  appeared  in  the  label  is  the  person  by  or  for  whom  the  product  was  manufactured  or  produced  and  the  person  responsible  for  the  information  and  representations  in  the  label.  

Identification  appearing  on  containers  

(2)  In  any  prosecution  for  an  offence  under  this  Act  in  relation  to  a  product  to  which  a  label  purporting  to  identify  the  person  by  or  for  whom  the  product  was  manufactured  or  produced  is  not  applied,  evidence  that  a  container  of  

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the  product  bore  identification  purporting  to  identify  the  person  by  or  for  whom  the  product  was  manufactured  or  produced  is,  in  the  absence  of  evidence  to  the  contrary,  proof  that  the  person  whose  identification  appeared  on  the  container  is  the  person  by  or  for  whom  the  product  was  manufactured  or  produced  and  the  person  responsible  for  the  information  and  representations  on  the  container.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  22.  

Articles  received  or  in  transit  before  contravened  regulation  in  force  

23.  (1)  No  person  shall  be  convicted  of  an  offence  under  this  Act  in  relation  to  the  sale,  importation  or  advertising  of  a  product  if  the  person  establishes  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  court  that  the  product  in  relation  to  which  the  offence  was  committed  was  received  by,  or  was  in  transit  to,  the  person  from  a  dealer  before  the  coming  into  force  of  the  regulation  that  created  the  requirement  with  which  the  person  has  failed  to  comply.  

Advertising  before  contravened  regulation  in  force  

(2)  No  person  shall  be  convicted  of  an  offence  under  this  Act  in  relation  to  the  advertising  of  a  product  if  the  person  establishes  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  court  that  the  advertisement  

(a)  was  published,  or  

(b)  was  authorized  in  final  form  and  despatched  for  publication,  

before  the  coming  into  force  of  the  regulation  that  created  the  requirement  with  which  the  person  has  failed  to  comply.  

1970-­‐71-­‐72,  c.  41,  s.  23.  


• —  1997,  c.  6,  s.  44(2)  


 (2)  For  greater  certainty,  the  two  year  limitation  period  provided  for  in  subsection  21(2.1)  of  the  Act,  as  amended  by  subsection  (1),  only  applies  in  respect  of  offences  committed  after  the  coming  into  force  of  that  subsection.  


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Consumer  Packaging  and  Labelling  Regulations  

C.R.C.,  c.  417  


Regulations  Respecting  Consumer  Packaging  and  Labelling  


1.  These  Regulations  may  be  cited  as  the  Consumer  Packaging  and  Labelling  Regulations.  


2.  (1)  In  these  Regulations,  

“Act”  means  the  Consumer  Packaging  and  Labelling  Act;  (Loi)  

“Canadian  unit”  means  a  unit  of  measurement  set  out  in  Schedule  II  to  the  Weights  and  Measures  Act;  (unité  canadienne)  

“declaration  of  net  quantity”  means  the  declaration  of  net  quantity  referred  to  in  section  4  of  the  Act;  (déclaration  de  quantité  nette)  

“metric  unit”  means  a  unit  of  measurement  set  out  in  Schedule  I  to  the  Weights  and  Measures  Act;  (unité  métrique)  

“nominal  volume”[Repealed,  SOR/96-­‐278,  s.  1]  

“ornamental  container”  means  a  container  that,  except  on  the  bottom,  does  not  have  any  promotional  or  advertising  material  thereon,  other  than  a  trade  mark  or  common  name  and  that,  because  of  any  design  appearing  on  its  surface  or  because  of  its  shape  or  texture,  appears  to  be  a  decorative  ornament  and  is  sold  as  a  decorative  ornament  in  addition  to  being  sold  as  the  container  of  a  product;  (emballage  décoratif)  

“principal  display  surface”  means,  

(a)  in  the  case  of  a  container  that  has  a  side  or  surface  that  is  displayed  or  visible  under  normal  or  customary  conditions  of  sale  or  use,  the  total  area  of  such  side  or  surface  excluding  the  top,  if  any,  

(b)  in  the  case  of  a  container  that  has  a  lid  that  is  the  part  of  the  container  displayed  or  visible  under  normal  or  customary  conditions  of  sale  or  use,  the  total  area  of  the  top  surface  of  the  lid,  

(c)  in  the  case  of  a  container  that  does  not  have  a  particular  side  or  surface  that  is  displayed  or  visible  under  normal  or  customary  conditions  of  sale  or  use,  any  40  per  cent  of  the  total  surface  area  of  the  container,  excluding  the  top  and  bottom,  if  any,  if  such  40  per  cent  can  be  displayed  or  visible  under  normal  or  customary  conditions  of  sale  or  use,  

(d)  in  the  case  of  a  container  that  is  a  bag  with  sides  of  equal  dimensions,  the  total  area  of  one  of  the  sides,  

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(e)  in  the  case  of  a  container  that  is  a  bag  with  sides  of  more  than  one  size,  the  total  area  of  one  of  the  largest  sides,  and  

(f)  in  the  case  of  a  container  that  is  a  wrapper  or  confining  band  that  is  so  narrow  in  relation  to  the  size  of  the  product  contained  that  it  cannot  reasonably  be  said  to  have  any  side  or  surface  that  is  displayed  or  visible  under  normal  or  customary  conditions  of  sale  or  use,  the  total  area  of  one  side  of  a  ticket  or  tag  attached  to  such  container.  (principale  surface  exposée)  

(2)  For  the  purposes  of  the  Act  and  these  Regulations,  

“principal  display  panel”  means,  

(a)  in  the  case  of  a  container  that  is  mounted  on  a  display  card,  that  part  of  the  label  applied  to  all  or  part  of  the  principal  display  surface  of  the  container  or  to  all  or  part  of  the  side  of  the  display  card  that  is  displayed  or  visible  under  normal  or  customary  conditions  of  sale  or  use  or  to  both  such  parts  of  the  container  and  the  display  card,  

(b)  in  the  case  of  an  ornamental  container,  that  part  of  the  label  applied  to  all  or  part  of  the  bottom  of  the  container  or  to  all  or  part  of  the  principal  display  surface  or  to  all  or  part  of  a  tag  that  is  attached  to  the  container,  and  

(c)  in  the  case  of  all  other  containers,  that  part  of  the  label  applied  to  all  or  part  of  the  principal  display  surface.  (espace  principal)    

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Food and Drugs Act

R.S.C., 1985, c. F-27

An Act respecting food, drugs, cosmetics and therapeutic devices


1. This Act may be cited as the Food and Drugs Act.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 1.



2. In this Act,


« publicité » ou « annonce »

“advertisement” includes any representation by any means whatever for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the sale or disposal of any food, drug, cosmetic or device;


« analyste »

“analyst” means a person designated as an analyst for the purpose of the enforcement of this Act under section 28 or under section 13 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act;

“contraceptive device”

« moyen anticonceptionnel »

“contraceptive device” means any instrument, apparatus, contrivance or substance other than a drug, that is manufactured, sold or represented for use in the prevention of conception;


« cosmétique »

“cosmetic” includes any substance or mixture of substances manufactured, sold or represented for use in cleansing, improving or altering the complexion, skin, hair or teeth, and includes deodorants and perfumes;


« ministère »

“Department” means the Department of Health;

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« instrument »

“device” means any article, instrument, apparatus or contrivance, including any component, part or accessory thereof, manufactured, sold or represented for use in

(a) the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state, or its symptoms, in human beings or animals,

(b) restoring, correcting or modifying a body function or the body structure of human beings or animals,

(c) the diagnosis of pregnancy in human beings or animals, or

(d) the care of human beings or animals during pregnancy and at and after birth of the offspring, including care of the offspring,

and includes a contraceptive device but does not include a drug;


« drogue »

“drug” includes any substance or mixture of substances manufactured, sold or represented for use in

(a) the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state, or its symptoms, in human beings or animals,

(b) restoring, correcting or modifying organic functions in human beings or animals, or

(c) disinfection in premises in which food is manufactured, prepared or kept;


« aliment »

“food” includes any article manufactured, sold or represented for use as food or drink for human beings, chewing gum, and any ingredient that may be mixed with food for any purpose whatever;


« inspecteur »

“inspector” means any person designated as an inspector for the purpose of the enforcement of this Act under subsection 22(1) or under section 13 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act;


« étiquette »

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“label” includes any legend, word or mark attached to, included in, belonging to or accompanying any food, drug, cosmetic, device or package;


« ministre »

“Minister” means the Minister of Health;


« emballage »

“package” includes any thing in which any food, drug, cosmetic or device is wholly or partly contained, placed or packed;


Version anglaise seulement

“prescribed” means prescribed by the regulations;


« vente »

“sell” includes offer for sale, expose for sale, have in possession for sale and distribute, whether or not the distribution is made for consideration;

“unsanitary conditions”

« conditions non hygiéniques »

“unsanitary conditions” means such conditions or circumstances as might contaminate with dirt or filth, or render injurious to health, a food, drug or cosmetic.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 2; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 191; 1992, c. 1, s. 145(F); 1993, c. 34, s. 71; 1994, c. 26, s. 32(F), c. 38, s. 18; 1995, c. 1, s. 63; 1996, c. 8, ss. 23.1, 32, 34; 1997, c. 6, s. 62.




Prohibited advertising

3. (1) No person shall advertise any food, drug, cosmetic or device to the general public as a treatment, preventative or cure for any of the diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states referred to in Schedule A.

Prohibited label or advertisement where sale made

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(2) No person shall sell any food, drug, cosmetic or device

(a) that is represented by label, or

(b) that the person advertises to the general public

as a treatment, preventative or cure for any of the diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states referred to in Schedule A.

Unauthorized advertising of contraceptive device prohibited

(3) Except as authorized by regulation, no person shall advertise to the general public any contraceptive device or any drug manufactured, sold or represented for use in the prevention of conception.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 3; 1993, c. 34, s. 72(F).


Prohibited sales of food

4. (1) No person shall sell an article of food that

(a) has in or on it any poisonous or harmful substance;

(b) is unfit for human consumption;

(c) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance;

(d) is adulterated; or

(e) was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under unsanitary conditions.


(2) A food is not adulterated for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d)

(a) by an agricultural chemical or its components or derivatives, if the sale of the food is subject to an interim marketing authorization issued under subsection 30.2(1) and the amount of the agricultural chemical and the components or derivatives, singly or in any combination, in or on the food does not exceed the maximum residue limit that is set out in the authorization;

(b) by a veterinary drug or its metabolites, if the sale of the food is subject to an interim marketing authorization issued under subsection 30.2(1) and the amount of the veterinary drug and the metabolites, singly or in any combination, in the food does not exceed the maximum residue limit that is set out in the authorization; and

(c) by a pest control product as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Pest Control Products Act, chapter 28 of the Statutes of Canada, 2002, or its components or derivatives, if the amount of the pest control product or the components or derivatives in or on the food being sold does not exceed the maximum residue limit specified under section 9 or 10 of that Act.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 4; 2005, c. 42, s. 1.

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Previous Version

Deception, etc., regarding food

5. (1) No person shall label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any food in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety.

Food labelled or packaged in contravention of regulations

(2) An article of food that is not labelled or packaged as required by, or is labelled or packaged contrary to, the regulations shall be deemed to be labelled or packaged contrary to subsection (1).

R.S., c. F-27, s. 5.

Importation and interprovincial movement of food

6. (1) Where a standard for a food has been prescribed, no person shall

(a) import into Canada,

(b) send, convey or receive for conveyance from one province to another, or

(c) have in possession for the purpose of sending or conveying from one province to another

any article that is intended for sale and that is likely to be mistaken for that food unless the article complies with the prescribed standard.

Not applicable to carriers

(2) Paragraphs (1)(b) and (c) do not apply to an operator of a conveyance that is used to carry an article or to a carrier of an article whose sole concern, in respect of the article, is the conveyance of the article unless the operator or carrier could, with reasonable diligence, have ascertained that the conveying or receiving for conveyance of the article or the possession of the article for the purpose of conveyance would be in contravention of subsection (1).

Labelling, etc., of food that is imported or moved interprovincially

(3) Where a standard for a food has been prescribed, no person shall label, package, sell or advertise any article that

(a) has been imported into Canada,

(b) has been sent or conveyed from one province to another, or

(c) is intended to be sent or conveyed from one province to another

in such a manner that it is likely to be mistaken for that food unless the article complies with the prescribed standard.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 6; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (3rd Supp.), s. 1.

Governor in Council may identify standard or portion thereof

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6.1 (1) The Governor in Council may, by regulation, identify a standard prescribed for a food, or any portion of the standard, as being necessary to prevent injury to the health of the consumer or purchaser of the food.

Where standard or portion thereof is identified

(2) Where a standard or any portion of a standard prescribed for a food is identified by the Governor in Council pursuant to subsection (1), no person shall label, package, sell or advertise any article in such a manner that it is likely to be mistaken for that food unless the article complies with the standard or portion of a standard so identified.

R.S., 1985, c. 27 (3rd Supp.), s. 1.

Unsanitary manufacture, etc., of food

7. No person shall manufacture, prepare, preserve, package or store for sale any food under unsanitary conditions.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 7.


Prohibited sales of drugs

8. No person shall sell any drug that

(a) was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under unsanitary conditions; or

(b) is adulterated.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 8.

Deception, etc., regarding drugs

9. (1) No person shall label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any drug in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety.

Drugs labelled or packaged in contravention of regulations

(2) A drug that is not labelled or packaged as required by, or is labelled or packaged contrary to, the regulations shall be deemed to be labelled or packaged contrary to subsection (1).

R.S., c. F-27, s. 9.

Where standard prescribed for drug

10. (1) Where a standard has been prescribed for a drug, no person shall label, package, sell or advertise any substance in such a manner that it is likely to be mistaken for that drug, unless the substance complies with the prescribed standard.

Trade standards

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(2) Where a standard has not been prescribed for a drug, but a standard for the drug is contained in any publication referred to in Schedule B, no person shall label, package, sell or advertise any substance in such a manner that it is likely to be mistaken for that drug, unless the substance complies with the standard.

Where no prescribed or trade standard

(3) Where a standard for a drug has not been prescribed and no standard for the drug is contained in any publication referred to in Schedule B, no person shall sell the drug unless

(a) it is in accordance with the professed standard under which it is sold; and

(b) it does not resemble, in a manner likely to deceive, any drug for which a standard has been prescribed or is contained in any publication referred to in Schedule B.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 10.

Unsanitary manufacture, etc., of drug

11. No person shall manufacture, prepare, preserve, package or store for sale any drug under unsanitary conditions.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 11.

Drugs not to be sold unless safe manufacture indicated

12. No person shall sell any drug described in Schedule C or D unless the Minister has, in prescribed form and manner, indicated that the premises in which the drug was manufactured and the process and conditions of manufacture therein are suitable to ensure that the drug will not be unsafe for use.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 12.

Drugs not to be sold unless safe batch indicated

13. No person shall sell any drug described in Schedule E unless the Minister has, in prescribed form and manner, indicated that the batch from which the drug was taken is not unsafe for use.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 13.


14. (1) No person shall distribute or cause to be distributed any drug as a sample.


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the distribution, under prescribed conditions, of samples of drugs to physicians, dentists, veterinary surgeons or pharmacists.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 14.

Schedule F drugs not to be sold

15. No person shall sell any drug described in Schedule F.

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R.S., c. F-27, s. 15.


Prohibited sales of cosmetics

16. No person shall sell any cosmetic that

(a) has in or on it any substance that may cause injury to the health of the user when the cosmetic is used,

(i) according to the directions on the label or accompanying the cosmetic, or

(ii) for such purposes and by such methods of use as are customary or usual therefor;

(b) consists in whole or in part of any filthy or decomposed substance or of any foreign matter; or

(c) was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under unsanitary conditions.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 16.

Where standard prescribed for cosmetic

17. Where a standard has been prescribed for a cosmetic, no person shall label, package, sell or advertise any article in such a manner that it is likely to be mistaken for that cosmetic, unless the article complies with the prescribed standard.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 17.

Unsanitary conditions

18. No person shall manufacture, prepare, preserve, package or store for sale any cosmetic under unsanitary conditions.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 18.


Prohibited sales of devices

19. No person shall sell any device that, when used according to directions or under such conditions as are customary or usual, may cause injury to the health of the purchaser or user thereof.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 19.

Deception, etc., regarding devices

20. (1) No person shall label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any device in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its design, construction, performance, intended use, quantity, character, value, composition, merit or safety.

Devices labelled or packaged in contravention of regulations

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(2) A device that is not labelled or packaged as required by, or is labelled or packaged contrary to, the regulations shall be deemed to be labelled or packaged contrary to subsection (1).

R.S., c. F-27, s. 20; 1976-77, c. 28, s. 16.

Where standard prescribed for device

21. Where a standard has been prescribed for a device, no person shall label, package, sell or advertise any article in such a manner that it is likely to be mistaken for that device, unless the article complies with the prescribed standard.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 21.



Inspection, Seizure and Forfeiture


22. (1) The Minister may designate any person as an inspector for the purpose of the enforcement of this Act.

Certificate to be produced

(2) An inspector shall be given a certificate in a form established by the Minister or the President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency attesting to the inspector’s designation and, on entering any place pursuant to subsection 23(1), an inspector shall, if so required, produce the certificate to the person in charge of that place.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 22; 1997, c. 6, s. 63.

Powers of inspectors

23. (1) Subject to subsection (1.1), an inspector may at any reasonable time enter any place where the inspector believes on reasonable grounds any article to which this Act or the regulations apply is manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored, and may

(a) examine any such article and take samples thereof, and examine anything that the inspector believes on reasonable grounds is used or capable of being used for that manufacture, preparation, preservation, packaging or storing;

(a.1) enter any conveyance that the inspector believes on reasonable grounds is used to carry any article to which section 6 or 6.1 applies and examine any such article found therein and take samples thereof;

(b) open and examine any receptacle or package that the inspector believes on reasonable grounds contains any article to which this Act or the regulations apply;

(c) examine and make copies of, or extracts from, any books, documents or other records found in any place referred to in this subsection that the inspector believes on reasonable grounds contain any information relevant to the enforcement of this Act with respect to any article to which this Act or the regulations apply; and

(d) seize and detain for such time as may be necessary any article by means of or in relation to which the inspector believes on reasonable grounds any provision of this Act or the regulations has been contravened.

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Warrant required to enter dwelling-house

(1.1) Where any place mentioned in subsection (1) is a dwelling-house, an inspector may not enter that dwelling-house without the consent of the occupant except under the authority of a warrant issued under subsection (1.2).

Authority to issue warrant

(1.2) Where on ex parte application a justice of the peace is satisfied by information on oath

(a) that the conditions for entry described in subsection (1) exist in relation to a dwelling-house,

(b) that entry to the dwelling-house is necessary for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act, and

(c) that entry to the dwelling-house has been refused or that there are reasonable grounds for believing that entry thereto will be refused,

the justice of the peace may issue a warrant under his hand authorizing the inspector named therein to enter that dwelling-house subject to such conditions as may be specified in the warrant.

Use of force

(1.3) In executing a warrant issued under subsection (1.2), the inspector named therein shall not use force unless the inspector is accompanied by a peace officer and the use of force has been specifically authorized in the warrant.

Definition of “article to which this Act or the regulations apply”

(2) In subsection (1), “article to which this Act or the regulations apply” includes

(a) any food, drug, cosmetic or device;

(b) anything used for the manufacture, preparation, preservation, packaging or storing thereof; and

(c) any labelling or advertising material.

Assistance and information to be given inspector

(3) The owner or person in charge of a place entered by an inspector pursuant to subsection (1) and every person found therein shall give the inspector all reasonable assistance and furnish the inspector with any information he may reasonably require.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 23; R.S., 1985, c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 11, c. 27 (3rd Supp.), s. 2.

Obstruction and false statements

24. (1) No person shall obstruct or hinder, or knowingly make any false or misleading statement either orally or in writing to, an inspector while the inspector is engaged in carrying out his duties or functions under this Act or the regulations.


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(2) Except with the authority of an inspector, no person shall remove, alter or interfere in any way with anything seized under this Part.

R.S., c. F-27, ss. 22, 37.

Storage and removal

25. Any article seized under this Part may, at the option of an inspector, be kept or stored in the building or place where it was seized or, at the direction of an inspector, the article may be removed to any other proper place.

R.S., c. F-27, ss. 22, 37.

Release of seized articles

26. An inspector who has seized any article under this Part shall release it when he is satisfied that all the provisions of this Act and the regulations with respect thereto have been complied with.

R.S., c. F-27, ss. 23, 37.

Destruction with consent

27. (1) Where an inspector has seized an article under this Part and its owner or the person in whose possession the article was at the time of seizure consents to its destruction, the article is thereupon forfeited to Her Majesty and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the Minister or the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food may direct.


(2) Where a person has been convicted of a contravention of this Act or the regulations, the court or judge may order that any article by means of or in relation to which the offence was committed, and any thing of a similar nature belonging to or in the possession of the person or found with the article, be forfeited. On the making of the order, the article and thing are forfeited to Her Majesty and may be disposed of as the Minister or the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food may direct.

Order for forfeiture on application of inspector

(3) Without prejudice to subsection (2), a judge of a superior court of the province in which any article is seized under this Part may, on the application of an inspector and on such notice to such persons as the judge directs, order that the article and any thing of a similar nature found with it be forfeited to Her Majesty, if the judge finds, after making such inquiry as the judge considers necessary, that the article is one by means of or in relation to which any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations have been contravened. On the making of the order, the article or thing may be disposed of as the Minister or the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food may direct.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 27; 1992, c. 1, s. 145(F); 1994, c. 38, s. 19; 1995, c. 1, s. 62; 1996, c. 8, s. 23.2; 1997, c. 6, s. 64.



28. The Minister may designate any person as an analyst for the purpose of the enforcement of this Act.

1980-81-82-83, c. 47, s. 19.

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Analysis and examination

29. (1) An inspector may submit to an analyst, for analysis or examination, any article seized by the inspector, any sample therefrom or any sample taken by the inspector.

Certificate or report

(2) An analyst who has made an analysis or examination may issue a certificate or report setting out the results of the analysis or examination.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 24.



30. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for carrying the purposes and provisions of this Act into effect, and, in particular, but without restricting the generality of the foregoing, may make regulations

(a) declaring that any food or drug or class of food or drugs is adulterated if any prescribed substance or class of substances is present therein or has been added thereto or extracted or omitted therefrom;

(b) respecting

(i) the labelling and packaging and the offering, exposing and advertising for sale of food, drugs, cosmetics and devices,

(ii) the size, dimensions, fill and other specifications of packages of food, drugs, cosmetics and devices,

(iii) the sale or the conditions of sale of any food, drug, cosmetic or device, and

(iv) the use of any substance as an ingredient in any food, drug, cosmetic or device,

to prevent the purchaser or consumer thereof from being deceived or misled in respect of the design, construction, performance, intended use, quantity, character, value, composition, merit or safety thereof, or to prevent injury to the health of the purchaser or consumer;

(c) prescribing standards of composition, strength, potency, purity, quality or other property of any article of food, drug, cosmetic or device;

(d) respecting the importation of foods, drugs, cosmetics and devices in order to ensure compliance with this Act and the regulations;

(e) respecting the method of manufacture, preparation, preserving, packing, storing and testing of any food, drug, cosmetic or device in the interest of, or for the prevention of injury to, the health of the purchaser or consumer;

(f) requiring persons who sell food, drugs, cosmetics or devices to maintain such books and records as the Governor in Council considers necessary for the proper enforcement and administration of this Act and the regulations;

(g) respecting the form and manner of the Minister’s indication under section 12, including the fees payable therefor, and prescribing what premises or what processes or conditions of manufacture, including qualifications of technical staff, shall or shall not be deemed to be suitable for the purposes of that section;

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(h) requiring manufacturers of any drugs described in Schedule E to submit test portions of any batch of those drugs and respecting the form and manner of the Minister’s indication under section 13, including the fees payable therefor;

(i) respecting the powers and duties of inspectors and analysts and the taking of samples and the seizure, detention, forfeiture and disposition of articles;

(j) exempting any food, drug, cosmetic or device from all or any of the provisions of this Act and prescribing the conditions of the exemption;

(k) prescribing forms for the purposes of this Act and the regulations;

(l) providing for the analysis of food, drugs or cosmetics other than for the purposes of this Act and prescribing a tariff of fees to be paid for that analysis;

(l.1) respecting the assessment of the effect on the environment or on human life and health of the release into the environment of any food, drug, cosmetic or device, and the measures to take before importing or selling any such food, drug, cosmetic or device;

(m) adding anything to any of the schedules, in the interest of, or for the prevention of injury to, the health of the purchaser or consumer, or deleting anything therefrom;

(n) respecting the distribution or the conditions of distribution of samples of any drug;

(o) respecting

(i) the method of manufacture, preparation, preserving, packing, labelling, storing and testing of any new drug, and

(ii) the sale or the conditions of sale of any new drug,

and defining for the purposes of this Act the expression “new drug”;

(p) authorizing the advertising to the general public of contraceptive devices and drugs manufactured, sold or represented for use in the prevention of conception and prescribing the circumstances and conditions under which, and the persons by whom, those devices and drugs may be so advertised;

(q) defining “agricultural chemical”, “food additive”, “mineral nutrient”, “veterinary drug” and “vitamin” for the purposes of this Act; and

(r) respecting interim marketing authorizations, including applications for authorizations.

Regulations respecting drugs manufactured outside Canada

(2) Without limiting or restricting the authority conferred by any other provisions of this Act or any Part thereof for carrying into effect the purposes and provisions of this Act or any Part thereof, the Governor in Council may make such regulations governing, regulating or prohibiting

(a) the importation into Canada of any drug or class of drugs manufactured outside Canada, or

(b) the distribution or sale in Canada, or the offering, exposing or having in possession for sale in Canada, of any drug or class of drugs manufactured outside Canada,

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as the Governor in Council deems necessary for the protection of the public in relation to the safety and quality of any such drug or class of drugs.

Regulations re the North American Free Trade Agreement and WTO Agreement

(3) Without limiting or restricting the authority conferred by any other provisions of this Act or any Part thereof for carrying into effect the purposes and provisions of this Act or any Part thereof, the Governor in Council may make such regulations as the Governor in Council deems necessary for the purpose of implementing, in relation to drugs, Article 1711 of the North American Free Trade Agreement or paragraph 3 of Article 39 of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights set out in Annex 1C to the WTO Agreement.


(4) In subsection (3),

“North American Free Trade Agreement”

« Accord de libre-échange nord-américain »

“North American Free Trade Agreement” has the meaning given to the word “Agreement” by subsection 2(1) of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act;

“WTO Agreement”

« Accord sur l’OMC »

“WTO Agreement” has the meaning given to the word “Agreement” by subsection 2(1) of the World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act.

Regulations to implement the General Council Decision

(5) Without limiting or restricting the authority conferred by any other provisions of this Act or any of its Parts for carrying into effect the purposes and provisions of this Act or any of its Parts, the Governor in Council may make any regulations that the Governor in Council considers necessary for the purpose of implementing the General Council Decision.


(6) The definitions in this subsection apply in this subsection and in subsection (5).

“General Council”

« Conseil général »

“General Council” means the General Council of the WTO established by paragraph 2 of Article IV of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, signed at Marrakesh on April 15, 1994.

“General Council Decision”

« décision du Conseil général »

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“General Council Decision” means the decision of the General Council of August 30, 2003 respecting Article 31 of the TRIPS Agreement, including the interpretation of that decision in the General Council Chairperson’s statement of that date.

“TRIPS Agreement”

« Accord sur les ADPIC »

“TRIPS Agreement” means the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, being Annex 1C of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, signed at Marrakesh on April 15, 1994.


« OMC »

“WTO” means the World Trade Organization established by Article I of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, signed at Marrakesh on April 15, 1994.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 30; 1993, c. 44, s. 158; 1994, c. 47, s. 117; 1999, c. 33, s. 347; 2004, c. 23, s. 2; 2005, c. 42, s. 2.

Previous Version

Interim Orders

Interim orders

30.1 (1) The Minister may make an interim order that contains any provision that may be contained in a regulation made under this Act if the Minister believes that immediate action is required to deal with a significant risk, direct or indirect, to health, safety or the environment.

Cessation of effect

(2) An interim order has effect from the time that it is made but ceases to have effect on the earliest of

(a) 14 days after it is made, unless it is approved by the Governor in Council,

(b) the day on which it is repealed,

(c) the day on which a regulation made under this Act, that has the same effect as the interim order, comes into force, and

(d) one year after the interim order is made or any shorter period that may be specified in the interim order.

Contravention of unpublished order

(3) No person shall be convicted of an offence consisting of a contravention of an interim order that, at the time of the alleged contravention, had not been published in the Canada Gazette unless it is proved that, at the time of the alleged contravention, the person had been notified of the interim order or reasonable steps had been taken to bring the purport of the interim order to the notice of those persons likely to be affected by it.

Exemption from Statutory Instruments Act

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(4) An interim order

(a) is exempt from the application of sections 3, 5 and 11 of the Statutory Instruments Act; and

(b) shall be published in the Canada Gazette within 23 days after it is made.


(5) For the purpose of any provision of this Act other than this section, any reference to regulations made under this Act is deemed to include interim orders, and any reference to a regulation made under a specified provision of this Act is deemed to include a reference to the portion of an interim order containing any provision that may be contained in a regulation made under the specified provision.

Tabling of order

(6) A copy of each interim order must be tabled in each House of Parliament within 15 days after it is made.

House not sitting

(7) In order to comply with subsection (6), the interim order may be sent to the Clerk of the House if the House is not sitting.

2004, c. 15, s. 66.

Interim Marketing Authorizations

Interim marketing authorization

30.2 (1) The Minister may issue an interim marketing authorization for a food that provides for any matter referred to in subsection (2), and may exempt the food from the application, in whole or in part, of sections 5 to 6.1 and the applicable requirements of the regulations, if the Minister determines that the food would not be harmful to the health of the purchaser or consumer.

Types of authorization

(2) An authorization may provide for any of the following that are applicable to the food:

(a) the maximum residue limit in respect of an agricultural chemical and its components or derivatives, singly or in any combination;

(b) the maximum residue limit in respect of a veterinary drug and its metabolites, singly or in any combination;

(c) the maximum level of use in respect of a food additive; and

(d) the minimum or maximum level, or both, in respect of a vitamin, a mineral nutrient or an amino acid.


(3) An authorization may provide for a maximum residue limit in respect of an agricultural chemical or veterinary drug, or a maximum level of use in respect of a food additive, only if

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(a) in the case of an agricultural chemical, the regulations allow the agricultural chemical and its components or derivatives, singly or in any combination, to be present in or on a food at or below a prescribed maximum residue limit and the authorization would allow the agricultural chemical and its components or derivatives, singly or in any combination, to be present in or on the food in an amount that exceeds that limit, or to be present in or on a different food;

(b) in the case of a veterinary drug, the regulations allow the veterinary drug and its metabolites, singly or in any combination, to be present in a food at or below a prescribed maximum residue limit and the authorization would allow the veterinary drug and its metabolites, singly or in any combination, to be present in the food in an amount that exceeds that limit, or to be present in a different food; and

(c) in the case of a food additive, the regulations allow the food additive to be present in or on a food at or below a prescribed maximum level of use and the authorization would allow it to be used in or on the food in an amount that exceeds that level of use, or would allow it to be used in or on a different food.

Terms and conditions

(4) An authorization may contain any terms and conditions specified by the Minister.

Exemption from Statutory Instruments Act

(5) An authorization and any notice cancelling the authorization

(a) are exempt from the application of sections 3, 5 and 11 of the Statutory Instruments Act; and

(b) shall be published in the Canada Gazette.

When effective

(6) An authorization has effect beginning on the day on which it is published in the Canada Gazette, and ceases to have effect on the earliest of

(a) the day on which a notice cancelling the authorization is published in the Canada Gazette,

(b) the day on which a regulation made under this Act, that has the same effect as the authorization, comes into force, and

(c) two years after the day on which the authorization is published.

2005, c. 42, s. 3.

Offences and Punishment

Contravention of Act or regulations

31. Subject to section 31.1, every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or of the regulations made under this Part is guilty of an offence and liable

(a) on summary conviction for a first offence to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to both and, for a subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both; and

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(b) on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 31; 1996, c. 19, s. 77; 1997, c. 6, ss. 65, 91.

Offences relating to food

31.1 Every person who contravenes any provision of this Act or the regulations, as it relates to food, is guilty of an offence and liable

(a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both; or

(b) on conviction by indictment, to a fine not exceeding $250,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.

1997, c. 6, s. 66.

Limitation period

32. (1) A prosecution for a summary conviction offence under this Act may be instituted at any time within two years after the time the subject-matter of the prosecution becomes known to the Minister or, in the case of a contravention of a provision of the Act that relates to food, to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food.

Minister’s certificate

(2) A document purporting to have been issued by the Minister referred to in subsection (1), certifying the day on which the subject-matter of any prosecution became known to the Minister, is admissible in evidence without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed the document and is evidence of the matters asserted in it.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 32; 1997, c. 6, s. 66.


33. A prosecution for a contravention of this Act or the regulations may be instituted, heard, tried or determined in the place in which the offence was committed or the subject-matter of the prosecution arose or in any place in which the accused is apprehended or happens to be.

R.S., c. F-27, s. 28.

Want of knowledge

34. (1) Subject to subsection (2), in a prosecution for the sale of any article in contravention of this Act, except Parts III and IV, or of the regulations made under this Part, if the accused proves to the satisfaction of the court or judge that

(a) the accused purchased the article from another person in packaged form and sold it in the same package and in the same condition the article was in at the time it was so purchased, and

(b) that the accused could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained that the sale of the article would be in contravention of this Act or the regulations,

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the accused shall be acquitted.

Notice of reliance on want of knowledge

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in any prosecution unless the accused, at least ten days before the day fixed for the trial, has given to the prosecutor notice in writing that the accused intends to avail himself of the provisions of subsection (1) and has disclosed to the prosecutor the name and address of the person from whom the accused purchased the article and the date of purchase.

R.S., c. F-27, ss. 29, 39, 46.

Certificate of analyst

35. (1) Subject to this section, in any prosecution for an offence under section 31, a certificate purporting to be signed by an analyst and stating that an article, sample or substance has been submitted to, and analysed or examined by, the analyst and stating the results of the analysis or examination is admissible in evidence and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof of the statements contained in the certificate without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed it.

Requiring attendance of analyst

(2) The party against whom a certificate of an analyst is produced pursuant to subsection (1) may, with leave of the court, require the attendance of the analyst for the purposes of cross-examination.

Notice of intention to produce certificate

(3) No certificate shall be admitted in evidence pursuant to subsection (1) unless, before the trial, the party intending to produce the certificate has given reasonable notice of that intention, together with a copy of the certificate, to the party against whom it is intended to be produced.

Proof of service

(4) For the purposes of this Act, service of any certificate referred to in subsection (1) may be proved by oral evidence given under oath by, or by the affidavit or solemn declaration of, the person claiming to have served it.

Attendance for examination

(5) Notwithstanding subsection (4), the court may require the person who appears to have signed an affidavit or solemn declaration referred to in that subsection to appear before it for examination or cross-examination in respect of the issue of proof of service.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 35; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 192; 1996, c. 19, s. 78.

Proof as to manufacturer or packager

36. (1) In a prosecution for a contravention of this Act or of the regulations made under this Part, proof that a package containing any article to which this Act or the regulations apply bore a name or address purporting to be the name or address of the person by whom it was manufactured or packaged is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, proof that the article was manufactured or packaged, as the case may be, by the person whose name or address appeared on the package.

Offence by employee or agent

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(2) In a prosecution for a contravention described in subsection (1), it is sufficient proof of the offence to establish that it was committed by an employee or agent of the accused whether or not the employee or agent is identified or has been prosecuted for the offence.

Certified copies and extracts

(3) In a prosecution for a contravention described in subsection (1), a copy of a record or an extract therefrom certified to be a true copy by the inspector who made it pursuant to paragraph 23(1)(c) is admissible in evidence and is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, proof of its contents.

Where accused had adulterating substances

(4) Where a person is prosecuted under this Part for having manufactured an adulterated food or drug for sale, and it is established that the person had in his possession or on his premises any substance the addition of which to that food or drug has been declared by regulation to cause the adulteration of the food or drug, the onus of proving that the food or drug was not adulterated by the addition of that substance lies on the accused.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 36; 1996, c. 19, s. 79.


Conditions under which exports exempt

37. (1) This Act does not apply to any packaged food, drug, cosmetic or device, not manufactured for consumption in Canada and not sold for consumption in Canada, if the package is marked in distinct overprinting with the word “Export” or “Exportation” and a certificate that the package and its contents do not contravene any known requirement of the law of the country to which it is or is about to be consigned has been issued in respect of the package and its contents in prescribed form and manner.

Exception - General Council Decision

(2) Despite subsection (1), this Act applies in respect of any drug or device to be manufactured for the purpose of being exported in accordance with the General Council Decision, as defined in subsection 30(6), and the requirements of the Act and the regulations apply to the drug or device as though it were a drug or device to be manufactured and sold for consumption in Canada, unless the regulations provide otherwise.

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, s. 37; 1993, c. 34, s. 73; 1996, c. 19, s. 80; 2004, c. 23, s. 3.

Previous Version


[Repealed, 1996, c. 19, s. 81]


(Section 3)

Acute alcoholism

Alcoolisme aigu

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Acute anxiety state

État anxieux aigu

Acute infectious respiratory syndromes

Syndromes respiratoires infectieux aigus

Acute, inflammatory and debilitating arthritis

Arthrite aiguë, inflammatoire et débilitante

Acute psychotic conditions

Troubles psychotiques aigus

Addiction (except nicotine addiction)

Dépendance (sauf la dépendance à la nicotine)









Congestive heart failure

Insuffisance cardiaque congestive






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Haematologic bleeding disorders

Affections hématologiques hémorragiques





Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy

Nausées et vomissements de la grossesse



Rheumatic fever

Rhumatisme articulaire aigu



Sexually transmitted diseases

Maladies transmises sexuellement

Strangulated hernia

Hernie étranglée

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Thrombotic and Embolic disorders

Maladies thrombotiques et embolies

Thyroid disease

Glande thyroïdienne (affections)

Ulcer of the gastro-intestinal tract

Ulcères des voies gastro-intestinales

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, Sch. A; SOR/88-252; SOR/89-503; SOR/90-655; SOR/92-198; SOR/94-287; SOR/99-413, 414; SOR/2007-289, ss. 1, 2.

Previous Version


(Section 10)

The most recent editions, including all errata, supplements, revisions and addenda, of the following standards:

Column I Column II Item Name Abbreviation 1. European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.) 2. Pharmacopée française (Ph.F.) 3. Pharmacopoeia Internationalis (Ph.I.) 4. The British Pharmacopoeia (B.P.) 5. The Canadian Formulary (C.F.) 6. The National Formulary (N.F.) 7. The Pharmaceutical Codex: Principles and Practices of Pharmaceuticals 8. The United States Pharmacopoeia (U.S.P.)

R.S., 1985, c. F-27, Sch. B; SOR/85-276; SOR/89-315; SOR/90-160; SOR/94-288; SOR/95-530, s. 2; SOR/96-96.


(Section 12)

Drugs, other than radionuclides, sold or represented for use in the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals



Produits pharmaceutiques radioactifs

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R.S., c. F-27, Sch. C; SI/72-44; SI/76-1; SOR/79-237; SOR/81-195, 332; SOR/82-769.


(Section 12)

Allergenic substances used for the treatment or diagnosis of allergic or immunological diseases


Anterior pituitary extracts

Extraits hypophysaires (lobe antérieur)



Blood and blood derivatives, except cord blood and peripheral blood that are a source of lymphohematopoietic cells for transplantation

Sang et dérivés du sang...



Drugs obtained by recombinant DNA procedures

Drogues obtenues...

Drugs, other than antibiotics, prepared from micro-organisms

Drogues, sauf...





Human plasma collected by plasmapheresis


Immunizing agents

Agents immunisants

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Monoclonal antibodies, their conjugates and derivatives

Anticorps monoclonaux et leurs dérivés et conjugués



Snake Venom

Venin de serpent



R.S., 1985, c. F-27, Sch. D; SOR/85-715, s. 1; SOR/89-177; SOR/93-64; SOR/97-560; SOR/2007-120.

Previous Version


(Section 13)

R.S., c. F-27, Sch. E; SOR/77-824; SOR/82-769.


(Section 15)

R.S., c. F-27, Sch. F; SOR/84-566.


[Repealed, 1996, c. 19, s. 82]


• — R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 208

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Writs of Assistance

208. Nothing in sections 190, 195, 199 and 200 of this Act shall be construed as rendering invalid or inadmissible in any proceedings any evidence obtained by the exercise of a writ of assistance prior to the coming into force of those sections.

• — 1997, c. 6, s. 66(2)


(2) For greater certainty, the two year limitation period provided for in subsection 32(1) of the Act, as amended by subsection (1), only applies in respect of offences committed after the coming into force of that subsection.

• — 2005, c. 42, s. 4

Deeming provision

4. A Notice of Interim Marketing Authorization that is issued under the Food and Drug Regulations before the day on which this section comes into force, in respect of any matter referred to in subsection 30.2(2) of the Food and Drugs Act, as enacted by section 3 of this Act, and that is in effect on the day on which this section comes into force, is deemed to be an interim marketing authorization issued under subsection 30.2(1) of that Act.

• — 2005, c. 42, s. 5(1)

Pest control products

5. (1) The maximum residue limit established for an agricultural chemical and its derivatives under the Food and Drug Regulations, as those regulations read immediately before the coming into force of this subsection, is deemed, if the agricultural chemical is a pest control product as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Pest Control Products Act, chapter 28 of the Statutes of Canada, 2002, to have been specified by the Minister under section 9 or 10 of that Act as the maximum residue limit for that agricultural chemical and its derivatives.