Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with...


Transcript of Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with...

Page 1: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management
Page 2: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management
Page 3: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management
Page 4: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management
Page 5: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management
Page 6: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management
Page 7: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management






al report


Good Corporate Governance

PT DSFI Tbk lebih berorientasi pada penjualan ekspor. Oleh karena itu persaingan usaha lebih terasa terjadi dilingkungan pasar regional/global. Ditingkat regional terlebih nantinya bila MEA sudah resmi diberlakukan, pesaing-pesaing handal datang dari perusahaan China, Thailand, Vietnam yang mendapat dukungan penuh dari pemerintah masing-masing. Mereka lebih menguasai dan telah memanfaatkan sebesar-besarnya tehnolo-gi perikanan, serta SDM yang relatif lebih siap/lebih professional dibandingkan di Indonesia. Namun demikian disadari sepenuhn-ya bahwa bahan baku (ikan) tersedia melimpah di perairan Indonesia. Oleh karena itu program Pemerintah tentang pember-antasan ilegal fishing dan sustainability harus didukung sepenuhnya.

Dengan demikian bila dukungan pemerintah nyata terwujud, investor DN/LN bersedia menanamkan modalnya, perseroan mampu mengembangkan profesionalisme karyawan serta tidak ketinggalan dalam memanfaatkan tehnologi perikanan, diyakini perseroan akan memiliki nilai kompetitip yang tinggi terlebih dalam menghadapi masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN yang mulai diberlakukan efektif mulai 1 Januari 2016.

Pengendalian Internal

Pengendalian internal dalam pengelolaan perseroan dilaku-kan oleh Dewan Direksi dibawah pimpinan Direktur Utama. Pengendalian ini dikerjakan dengan memanfaatkan struktur organisasi yang sudah ada.

Management Information System dikembangkan dan diaplikasikan secara berjenjang dan berlanjut. Melalui MIS inilah Dewan Direksi memperoleh data-data dan masukan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi proses pengendalian internal sekaligus sebagai sarana control.

Disamping itu melalui seksi PPIC (Planning, Program-ming, Information and Control) perseroan mampu memecahkan permasalahan yang timbul baik yang terkait dengan bidang operasional, produksi, marketing maupun administrasi umum.


Dalam mewujudkan tanggung jawab sosial Perseroan terha-dap masyarakat dan lingkungan, Perseroan telah melakukan :

1) Melaui KSO dengan para suppli- er/nelayan perseroan mem

berikan bimbingan teknis bidang perikanan, terutama yang dengan peningkatan mutu hasil tangkapan nelayan serta kepedulian terhadap lingkungan penangkapan dan lingkungan nelayan, disamping harus tetap mentaati aturan yang berlaku dibidang penangkapan ikan.

PT DSFI Tbk is more oriented to export sales. Therefore, more pronounced competition occurs within the regional market/global. On regional level, especially after AEC was officially enacted, reliable competitors came from China, Thailand, and Vietnam which received full support from their respective governments. They have more control and make the most of the fishing technology, and human resources that are relatively more prepared/more professional than in Indonesia. However, it is fully aware that the raw materials (fish) are abun-dant in Indonesian oceans. Therefore, the government program on combating illegal fishing and sustainability must be fully supported.

Thus, if the government support is materialized, domestic/-foreign investors are willing to invest, the company is able to develop the professionalism of employees and doesn’t lack behind in utilizing latest fishery technology, it is believed that the Company will be highly competitive, especially in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016.

Internal Control

Internal controls in the management of the company is held by the Board of Directors under the leadership of President Director. This control is done by utilizing the existing organiza-tional structure.

Management Information System developed continuously and applied in stages. Through this MIS, the Board of Directors obtained data and inputs which are very useful for internal control processes as well as a means of control.

Besides, through PPIC section (Planning, Programming, and Control Information) the company is able to solve problems that arise either in relation to the field of operations, production, marketing and general administration.

Corporate Social Responsibility to Public and Environment.

The company has held its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to public and environment as follow:

1. Through the joint operation with suppliers/fishermen, the company provided technical guidance in fisheries, particularly to increase in the catchment quality of the fishermen as well as environmen-tal awareness, while remain in compliance with the applicable rules in the field of fishing.

Page 8: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management
Page 9: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management
Page 10: Cover Depan - Dharma Samudera · 2018-06-28 · ASEAN Economic Community which came into force with effect from January 1st, 2016. Internal Control Internal controls in the management