World formula

Post on 14-May-2023

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Transcript of World formula



SECRETE OF LIFES-FORMULAEACH ONE – TEACH ONE.Our Aim is to communicate all the common people all over the world.DO ALL THE ACTIVITIES BY USING S-FORMULAYOUR LIFE BECOME BEAUTIFULToday we are presenting S-formula to the world. It is a type of meditation. It will cure all type of diseases. If you use this you will become physically mentally power full, use S-formula.S-formula is knowledge based training (meditation). We done 25 years research and invented S-formula.



Semen, also known as seminal fluid, is an organic fluid. Semen is the hidden treasure in man. Semen imparts strength to the

Intellect. Whenever the seminal secretions are conserved and thereby reabsorbed into

the system, it goes towards enriching the blood and strengthening the brain.

An analysis of both brain cells and semen shows great similarities. Both are very high in phosphorus, sodium, magnesium And chlorine. The sex glands and brain cells are intimately connected physiologically, but are adversaries in the sense that they are both competing for the same nutritional elements from the identical blood stream. In this sense, the brain and the sexual organs are also competitors in using bodily energy and nutrition.

There are only so many nutrients in your blood stream.Your body can only assimilate limited quantities of nutrients in a given period of time. Phosphorus, for example, is required in both the thinking and reproductiveprocesses. Still, your body can only assimilate finite or limited quantities of phosphorus from the diet to meet these demands in a twenty-four hour period.

If most nutrients in your blood are going into meeting demands of your gonads, and being ejaculated there will be little left over to meet nutritional demands of the rest of your body and brain.The energy of your body is most potent when used in one direction.


The Semen comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed inside the bones. Semen is a very precious continent of the body.

The human seed, of course, contains all essential elements necessary to create another human being when it is united with an ovum.

It contains forces capable of creating life. The vital energy, the Semen that supports your life.

In a pure and orderly life, this matter is reabsorbed. It goes back into circulation ready to form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues.

Semen is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. This vital

fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes him manly,strong, brave and heroic.

Semen can have some positive effects on the body. Semen is considered a precious material formed by the distillation of blood.

Semen is the quintessence of blood.



The loss of energy due to excessive ejaculation is a slow and subtle process that most men don’t usually notice until it’s too late. After countless episodes, a deterioration of your body sets in. As a man gets older, he may rationalize this lack of energy and loss of sexual vigour onhis age. He is only too happy to continue pumping out his semen, sometimeseven paying for the privilege and accelerating his deterioration..



The precise word for it should be ‘going,’ because everything – the erection, vital energy, millions of live sperm, hormones, nutrients, even a little of the man’s personality goes away. It is a great sacrifice for the man, spirituality, mentally, and physically.”



Semen nourishes the physical body, the heart and the intellect. Semen is amysterious secretion that is able to create a living body. Semen itself isliving substance. It is life itself. whenever the seminal secretions are conserved and thereby reabsorbed into the system, it goes towards enriching the blood and strengthening the brain.


Nature puts the most valuable ingredients in the seed in all forms of lifein order to provide for continuation of the species. And the fluid (semen)a man discharges during sexual relations contains the human seed. The

human seed, of course, contains all essential elements necessary to createanother human being when it is united with an ovum. It contains forces capable of creating life. Of course, it is very bad for health. It makes you "dry, loose, skinny, weak, and impotent" day by day.



What Important People Says The best blood in the body goes to form this element is essential to

strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect.



What Important People Says All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary,

is a direct waste of the life force.



What Important People Says

It is almost universally conceded that the choicest element of the blood enters into the composition of the spermatic secretion.


What Important People Says

One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth of energy.


What Important People Says However much semen you are able to retain, you will receive in that

proportion greater wisdom, improves action, higher spirituality and increased knowledge. Moreover, you will acquire the power to get whatever you want.


What Important People Says Semen! What a beautiful, sparkling word! When reflecting on it one's

mind is filled with grand, great, majestic, beautiful, and powerful



What Important People Says Semen loss is harmful. Seminal fluid is considered an elixir of life

in the physical and mystical sense. Its preservation guarantees health, longevity, and supernatural powers.


What Important People Says The secret of magnetic personality. Conservation of semen results in

the emergence of a charismatic power in the body, which is named ojas .


What Important People Says The science of seminal conservation allows you to conserve seminal

fluid for nourishing, improving and perfecting your body and brain when reproduction is not mutually desired.


What Important People Says The seminal fluid is a viscid, proteinaceous fluid ,It is rich in

potassium, iron, lecithin, vitamin E. protease, spermine, albumen, phosphorous, calcium and other organic minerals and vitamins.


What Important People Says Mahatma Ghandi, 1959“The strength of the body, the light of the

eyes, and the entire life of the man is slowly being lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.”




S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

The Semen comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed inside the bones.Semen is a very precious continent of the body.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

The semen gives colour and vitality to the human body and its different organs.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

The strength of the body, the light of the eyes, and the entire life of the man is slowly being lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.”(Semen).

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

You to conserve seminal fluid for nourishing, improving and perfecting your body and brain when reproduction is not mutually desired.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

The conservation of Semen is essential to strength of body, vigour of mindand keenness of intellect.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

Falling of semen brings death; preservation of semen gives life. Semen is the real vitality in men.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

The vital energy, theSemen that supports your life.Which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

In a pure and orderly life, semen is reabsorbed. It goes back into circulation ready to form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

This semen, vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

If the Semen is lost, the man becomes nervous. Then the mind also cannot work properly. The man becomes fickle-minded. There is mental weakness.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

Semen! What a beautiful, sparkling word! When reflecting on it one's mind is filled with grand, great, majestic, beautiful, and powerful emotions. The secret of magnetic personality.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth of energy.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

However much semen you are able to retain, you will receive in that proportion greater wisdom, improves action, higher spirituality and increased knowledge. Moreover, you will acquire the power to get whatever you want.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

If semen remains in the body, it is the essence of vitality, their descriptions of a body glowing with energy of semen.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

A large segment of the general public from all socio economic classes believes that semen loss is harmful. Seminal fluid is considered an elixirof life in the physical and mystical sense. Its preservation guarantees health, longevity, and super natural powers.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

Well, Semen contains other ingredients include: Fructose, sugar, Water, Ascorbic acid (a.k.a., vitamin C) Citric acidEnzymesProteinPhosphate and bicarbonate buffers (bases) Zinc. Seminal fluid contains fructose, fatty acids, and proteins to nourish the sperm&ovum.;

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

Semen is composed of over 200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc .Levels of these compounds vary depending on age, weight, and lifestyle habits like diet and exercise.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

The semen is true of your body. A man cannot think or perform his best when much of this energy and blood’s nutriments are expended in the discharge of semen.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

Not only a proper diet necessary to keep arteries clean so blood can flowfreely to all vital organs as well as your corpora cavernous penis, but also to replenish body chemistry.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

Just as bees collect honey in the honeycomb drop by drop, so also, the cells collect semen drop by drop from the blood.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

If semen wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disordered function, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other diseases and death.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

Grasp fully the importance and value of this vital essence of life, SEMEN.

SEMEN is all power. SMEN is all money. SEMEN is God. SEMEN is God in motion.

SEMEN is dynamic Will. SEMEN is Atma-Bal. SEMEN is the essence of life, thought, intelligence and consciousness.

Therefore, preserve this vital fluid very, very carefully, my dear readers.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

semen is formed out of food.The formation of semen form is very lengthy process.Out of food is formed chyle.Out OF CHYLE comes blood.Out of Blood comes flesh,Out of flesh come fat.Out of fat comes bone.Out of bone comes marrow,Out of marrow comes SEMEN.

Food is filtered seven times, so called S-formula.S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

Statement as to how semen is formed thought a seven stage proves. Only about 20 g semen is produced from the food that a man consumes in

nearly 35 days.(1) From 32,000 g food, approximately 11,153 g chyle is formed.(2) From 11,153 g chyle, approximately 3,887 g blood is formed.(3) From 3,887 g blood, approximately 1,355 g flesh is formed.(4) From 1,355 g flesh, approximately 472 g fat is formed.(5) From 472 g fat, approximately 164 g bone is formed.(6) From 164 g bone, approximately 57 g bone marrow is formed.(7) From 57 g bone marrow, approximately 20 g semen is formed.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.Magnetic personality.

The vital energy, the S-formula S-formula, which shines in your sparkling eyes, Which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. S-formula gives colour and vitality to the human body and its

different organs. If not use S-formula, it brings death; If you use S-formula gives

life.  S-formula is the real vitality in men. Develop strong mind and strong body by using S-Formula. S-Formula gives you more strength, good health, super memory, courage

Magnetic personality.What happens if we not implement S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

S-formula.If S-formula not use, it will affect your body, weak and physically debilitated & prone to sexual irritation & disordered function, a wretched nervous system,epilepsy, & various other diseases & death.


Effects on the Skull Region due to loss of semen.-----drying, loosening, weakening, and falling of hair-----mild or severe headache-----pale face with anaemia-----acne or eruptions on the face-----dark circles around the eyes-----sunken eyes-----short-sightedness-----incomplete beard


Effects on the Trunk Region due to loss of semen.-----pain in shoulders-----palpitation of the heart-----dyspnea - difficulty in breathing-----back pain-----stomach pain-----gradual degradation of kidneys


Effects on the Genital Parts due to loss of semen.-----wet dreams or nocturnal emissions-----incontinence-----discharge of semen with urine-----premature ejaculation (only 5-10 minutes instead of the normal 35-40 minutes)-----enlargement of the testicles-----pain in the testicles-----involuntary urination in sleep


Effects on the Legs Region due to loss of semen-----pain in thighs-----pain in knees-----pain in ankles-----foot pain-----palpitation of legs

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

EACH ONE – TEACH ONEEffects on the Whole Body due to loss of semen-----phthisis - wasting of tissues-----boils on the body-----early exhaustion-----physical and mental lethargy - lack of energy


Other effects due to loss of semen.-----physical, mental, and moral debility-----mental imbalance-----sudden anger-----sudden irritation-----drowsiness-----laziness-----gloominess-----loss of memory-----fickle-mindedness-----lack of thinking power-----bad dreams-----restlessness of mind-----sudden jealousy-----sudden fear-----lack of masculinity-----effiminate or womanish behaviour

Benefits of S-Formula are as follows. Whole body is glowing. Kill all diseases & weakness in the body. Rose colour to the skin. Kills the Angry. Control Growth of the body. Hairs will not turn into White colour.

Benefits of S-Formula are as follows.

Never get Eye sight problem. All joints and nerves become Strong The back bone will become very strong. He will get good health.

Benefits of S-Formula are as follows.

Eyes, Chins, will become shining & very attractive. The face will become shining and attractive.

Increases Physical power, mental power in all persons. Highly courageous and brave. Highly intelligent. He will get whatever he wants.

Benefits of S-Formula are as follows.

It increases Self-confidence. Power and energy for nourishing, improving and perfecting your body and

brain .virility in men. The essence of life, thought, intelligence and consciousness. No corruption, No criminals, No poverty, No diseases,

Benefits of S-Formula are as follows.

Rich in money, Rich in Health. Rich in Wealth Strong and Brave Physically fit mentally strong. People having good in nature. Sound mind and sound body.


All Human beings will walk on water if they not use S-Formula. All Human beings will lift the Mountain if they use S-Formula.

The growth of Human beings due to too much loss of semen.

1015 – 12 feet TO 15 feet, is the height.

1115 – 11 feet TO 14 feet , is the height.

1215 – 10 feet TO 13 feet , is the height.

1315 – 9 feet TO 12 feet , is the height.

1415 – 8feet TO 11 feet , is the height.

1515 – 7 feet TO 10 feet , is the height.

1615 – 6 feet TO 09 feet , is the height.

1715 – 5 feet TO 08 feet , is the height.

1815 – 4 feet TO 07 feet , is the height.

1915 – 3 feet TO 06 feet , is the height.

2015 – 2 feet TO 05 feet , is the height.

2115 – 1 feet TO 04 feet, is the height.

2215 – 10inch To 03 feet

2315 - 08inch to 02 feet

2415 – 06 inch to 01 feet

2515 – 04 inch to 10 inch

2616 – 02 inch to 06 inch

2715 – 01 inch to 3 inch

2815 – 1 cm – to 05 cms.

2915 – 5mm to 10 mm

All birds, ants, animals eat and entire human being will lost.

To avoid this We must implement S-formula.If we implement s-formula man height

goes upto 1000 feet and more.

Choice is yours.


The vital energy, the S-formula [strength; power; energy; courage] that supports your life. S-formula, which shines in your sparkling eyes, Which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. S-formula gives colour and vitality to the human body and its different organs. If not use S-formula, it brings death; If you use S-formula gives life. S-formula is the real vitality in men.Develop strong mind and strong body by using S-Formula. S-Formula gives you more strength, good health, super memory, courage


Good characters coming only if you store the SEMEN.









If anybody disappointed regarding marriage fixing.Do not worry, there is a easy way,You start storing the semen in your body, your body will become very attractive,shining,immediatly marriage will fix.



1) do exercise and save semen, it is good for health.

2) Students save semen and read, result is 100%.

3) All officials and teachers, save semen and do your duty, there is no corruption.

4) Store semen and practice, you will win the Game.


Benefits of S-Formula are as follows.• Whole body is glowing. • Kill all diseases & weakness in the body. • Rose colour to the skin.• Kills the Angry. • Control Growth of the body.• Hairs will not turn into White colour.• Never get Eye sight problem. • All joints and nerves become Strong• The back bone will become very strong. • He will get good health. • Eyes, Chins, will become shining & very attractive.• The face will become shining and attractive.• Increases Physical power, mental power in all persons. • Highly courageous and brave.• Highly intelligent. • He will get whatever he wants.• It increases Self-confidence.• Power and energy for nourishing, improving and perfecting your body and brain .virility in men. • The essence of life, thought, intelligence and consciousness. • No corruption, • No criminals, • No poverty, • No diseases, • Rich in money, • Rich in Health. • Rich in Wealth Strong and Brave • Physically fit mentally strong.• People having good in nature.• Sound mind and sound body.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.




If you store the semen , your body will become strong, hard, powerfull.Definitely you will win in the game.Be strong and powerfull allways.Preserve SEMEN.Thank you


Education problem for parents.Childrens will study well upto 12 years,After 12 years they will concentrate on sexual matters because the change in thebody.After 16 years age they will fully concentrate on sexual matters, they will not at all study well.When they starts loosing semen in the body, brain will become weak, all the bodybecome weak, they will not able to do hard work.Parents will not able to teach their children’s about sex control, so they must send to their children’s to learn some art like sangeetha, bharathanatya, garadimane, karate, boxing, sports, there they will automatically come to know how to controle sex.It is considered that if the body is strength and power full, they are the good character persons, If no strength, no good character.To get more strength in your body store semen.


Marrage problem boys & girlsIf male lost semen, he will not like girls,If female lost semen, she will not like boys,If male store the semen, he likes girls,If female store the semen, she likes boys,Save semen and lead good life.


Education problem for parents.Childrens will study well upto 12 years,After 12 years they will concentrate on sexual matters because the change in thebody.After 16 years age they will fully concentrate on sexual matters, they will not at all study well.When they starts loosing semen in the body, brain will become weak, all the bodybecome weak, they will not able to do hard work.Parents will not able to teach their children’s about sex control, so they must send to their children’s to learn some art like sangeetha, bharathanatya, garadimane, karate, boxing, sports, there they will automatically come to know how to controle sex.It is considered that if the body is strength and power full, they are the good character persons, If no strength, no good character.To get more strength in your body store semen.




If you store the semen , your body will become strong, hard, powerfull.Definitely you will win in the game.Be strong and powerfull allways.Preserve SEMEN.Thank you


Good charecters comming only if you store the SEMEN.


S- formula=SAVE SEMENDo you like S-formulaS-formula made for future generationPresent generation not possible to use S - formulaPlease vote S- formula



The strong bonding between husband and wife is depend upon SEMEN.More semen- more bindingLess semen - less bondingSave Semen- store semen


Husband and wifeHusband- angry,cruel,due to loss of semenWife- due to loss of semen she behave like cruel and angryDue to too much loss of semen binding between them will break,So SAVE SEMEN, LEAD HAPPY LIFE


Children's will spoil by the activities which are responsible for semen loss,Such activities keep away from child SAVE CHILD SAVE INDIASAVE SEMEN SAVE INDIA


Too much loss of semen indicates your body abnormal growth.


If your body is not shining it indicates that you are loosing semen


Semen is godSemen is body power, stamina, life.Semen is our energy.Semeen is memory power.Semen is courageSemen is mental power.Semen is auuishyaSemen is arogyaSO SAVE. SEMEN


Face is the index of mind,Sunken eye indicates too much loss of semenSunken chin and cheek indicate loss of semenBlack colour on face indicates loss of semenSo SAVE SEMEN


If a politician not save semen he is not a good politician

If a teacher not save semen he is not a good teacher


If you give more importance to loose semen, you will not become rich


If you give more importance to loss of semen you do not like marriage.


Your characterLoss of semen - behave like rakshasa(Devil)Save semen - behave like devata( God )


Good things can do only by storing semen


The real and only one method to do social service is save semen,


Angry comes only due to loss of too much semen


Choice is yoursIf you loss semen you behave like a cruel,If you save semen you behave smooth.


Save semen and increase your memory power


concept of worship is only to save semenConcept of temple is only to save semen

sampradaya, dharma, made only to save semen


Semen increases body height,semen develops bones,so save semen


Sunken eye indicates too much loss of semen,start storing semen


Semen remove fat in the body,loss of semen increases fatsave semen




All types of disease comes only by loss of semen, save semenS-formula–SAVE SEMEN.(FOR ALL)


99% of people do not know the value of semen, dare is required to say the word semen, one who say the word semen, he is a good nature


*** If you loss semen you eat more food, if you save semen you eat less food, sosolve India's food problem


*** Reason for semen loss1) sex audit2) alcohol adit3) tobacco adit4) bad food


Semen is food for brain,if you loose semen you loose your brain


Gastric comes only by loss of semen, so save semen


Basic problem of India is POVERTY.

By implementing S-formula throughout India,India will be free from poverty.POVERTY COMES FROM LOSS OF SEMEN.SAVE SEMEN-SAVE INDIAUSE S-FORMULA.


If you implement S-formula throughout India, India will become 100% free from corruption.S-formula is like a Rama bana for destroying corruption.SAVE SEMEN-SAVE COUNTRY.


Basic problem of India is POVERTY.By implementing S-formula throughout India,India will be free from poverty.POVERTY COMES FROM LOSS OF SEMEN.SAVE SEMEN-SAVE INDIAUSE S-FORMULA.


S-formula is knowledge based training. It is a type of Meditation.S-formula is afoundation for all life. S-formula is world dharma. God only now following S-formula, let every one start following S-formula.S-formula is basic for all.S-formula means SAVE SEMEN


Do not entertain the activities which are responsible for loss of semen,SAVE SEMEN & SAVE COUNTRY.If semen loss everything loss,


Improve your memory power by using S-formula.Improve your Health by using S-formula.By implementing S-formula, we can avoid 100% corruption in India.We can improve our Indian economy by implementing S-formula,India will become strong country if every one use S-formula.


According to our investigation next after 500 years height of human beings will be less than one foot. To avoid this Use S-formula


you want to become India 100% free from DIABETICS&BP, Then implement S-formula in your life. S-formula is GOD.


All the problems externally and internally if you are facing it is due to only one reason, that is loss of semen, save semen save life.


Too much loss of semen causes your body weak,Save semen you will become strong.S-formula


Too much loss of semen causes your body delicate & weak.You will become nervous, lazy.Save semen your body will become strong, you will be very active.


Save semen you will become strong. If you loose semen you will become physicallyweak, if you loose semen, you will become mentally weak.




if you loose your semen you may die at any time


Girls be careful, do not go for love marriage, register marriage, don’t agree marrage yourself without parents, why the reason is,After marrage male looses semen, female also looses semen, after losing semen they lose interest one another, Male hate female, female hate male, relationship will become danger.So traditional marriage(old method) is helps in this situation.Lot of people blessed will protect you.Marriage is not your choice, it is parents choice, please respect old marriage method, traditional method.Traditional method is made to save semen.


Protect children’s from the activities which causes lose of semenChildren’s are future citizens

Children when they become young & youth stage , keep away from all the activities which causes semen lossDo not spoil your youth by losing your semenSemen is required to survive your old age.


Do not spoil your youth by doing loss of semen.Save semen and enjoy your youth.


Child hood is a step for youth age.Youth is a step for middle age.Middle age is a step for old age.

Achievement in child hood helps you in youth age.Achievement in youth stage helps you in middle age.Achievement in middle age helps you in old age.

Good achievement good effectBad achievement bad effect.Choice is yours


Youth life is depended on child hood.Save children from all the activities which are responsible for semen loss.Middle age life is fully depended on youth life.Keep away all the youths from the activities which are responsible for semen loss.


All the mothers like their children’s to lead good life, happy life, but she will not teach their children’s value of semen.

Due to loss of semen her children’s not reach up to her expectation.Children’s do not know the value of semen; they will lose energy by semen loss,No energy, no achievement, mother sad,So save semen, use s-formula, you will get lot of energy, you will satisfy your mother expectation.


Medicines will not work if you lose semenMedicineswill give good effect,one who save semen,Semen is the real resistance of the body.


Semen increases your body resistance, Save semen.


Semen remove fat content in your body , fat formed due to loss of semen,Save semen – no fat.Do not do any other method except this method.Semen burns Fat.


All parents like their children to win in the game, butParents and teachers not teach the value of semenChildren donot know the value of semenThey will not win in the gameSo children disappoints their parents and teachers

S-formula helps youSave semen, semen increases your power and energy, you will win in the game.


Due to continuous loss of semen your brain will become weak, dry, dull,abnormal,so do not waste the semen, save semen.


Due to continuous loss of semen, bones become weak, you will suffer bone relateddiseases.

So save semen, your bone will become strong.


Due to continuous loss of semen your heart become weak, you will suffer heart related diseases. Save semen, your heart will become strong.


Due to continuous loss of semen your Kidney become weak, you will suffer kidney related diseases. Save semen, your kidney will become strong.


Due to continuous loss of semen your EYE become weak, you will suffer EYE related diseases. Save semen, your EYE will become strong.


Due to continuous loss of semen your EAR become weak, you will suffer EAR related diseases. Save semen, your EAR will become strong.


You lost your body shining due to loss of semen,save semen your body will becomeshining.


EACH ONE – TEACH ONEYou loose your courage due to loss of semen.Howmuch semen you loss, that much courage you loss.Save semen, you will get more courage


You loose your Knowledge due to loss of semen.Howmuch semen you loss, that much Knowledge you loss.Save semen, you will get more Knowledge.


Control of brain is done by semen in your body, do not loose semen, your brain will not be your control.


Loss of memory power is due to too much loss of semen


Loss of body power is due to too much loss of semen

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.Dr. Simon-Auguste-Andre-David Tissot (1728-1787).Swiss professor of medicine

He followed in the tradition of the Greek medicine when he wrote that the body is an energy system which needs constant care to maintain equilibrium.1

‘Losing one ounce of sperm is more debilitating than losing fortyounces of blood’, in Treatise on the Diseases Produced by Onanism.His tenet was that debility, disease and death are the outcome of semen loss

Tissot describes as follows the effects of sexual excess:"The debility caused by these excesses derange the functions of all organs... Digestion, perspiration and evacuation do not take place in their usual healthy manner; ... and astonishing weaknessin the back, debility of the genital organs, bloody urine, deranged appetite, headache and numerous other diseases ensue; ina word, nothing shortens life so much as the abuse of sexual pleasures... Excesses in the gratification of sexual desire not only cause the diseases of languor, but sometimes acute diseases;and they always produce irregularities in those affections which depend on other causes, and very readily render them malignant when the energies of nature are at fault."

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.Dr. Leopold Deslandes MD (1796 - 1850)French medical writer and doctor. Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Paris

Deslandes observes: "The diseases affecting the nervous system, that system which is powerfully disturbed by coition, are not theonly ones resulting from venereal excess. We shall see that all alterations of tissue, every physical disorder, may be caused by this. We may fearlessly assert that most of the inconveniences and diseases afflicting the human species arise from venereal excesses."

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.Dr. Claude-Francois LallemanFrench surgeon, (1790 - 1853)

Lallemand warned that loss of sperm could be dangerous to health.1

Lalleman traces spermatorrhea to an inflammation, congestion and hypersecretion of the mucous membranes of the urethra, primarily initiated by frequent sexual orgasms and intensified by the irritation of toxic blood resulting from wrong diet and autointoxication. Alcohol, coffee, tea and spices, by irritating the genital mucous membranes, he believes to contribute to this condition.

S-FORMULA (save semen).


One who do too much loss of semen, he will become criminal.To avoid criminals – SAVE SEMEN (s-formula)


Just like air in balloon, fill semen in our body,How much semen you save that much your life increases.


Practice good habits, it will help to save semen,Good child born – If you save semen.Bad child will born – If you loss semen.Choice is yours.



Good child born – If you save semen.Bad child will born – If you loss semen.Choice is yours.


The strength and stamina of your child is depend upon your semen storage,Store semen – your child will be HealthyLoss semen – your child suffer lot of diseases.Do not give trouble to your child by losing your semen.


Happiness in your old age is depended on your storage of semen in your life,If you store more semen, in old age your health is very good.More storage of semen in your life, gives more happiness in your life.Semen will survive our life in old age.

50 of our life body produce semen and store in our body.

Another 50% of our life , utilise this stored semen and survive.


Tobacco kills semen, do not use tobacco,

Semen is located through out the body in the form of blood.

Tobacco enters blood and kills semen.

If semen is lost, everything you lost.


Alcohol kills semen, do not use Alcohol

Semen is located through out the body in the form of blood.

Alcohol enters blood and kills semen.

If semen is lost, everything you lost.


Avoid sex thinking, sex seeing, it will cause too much loss of semen

Semen is located entire body

Semen is required in old age.

If semen is low, your body parts work abnormal.

Semen is the current for all the organs to work.



Lover means – no loss of semen – Strong bonding.

Husbend means – loss of semen – weak bonding.

Love your wife – donot waste semen.


In olden days-marrages depend upon strength of people.

Now a days – marrages depend on money.

For marrage strength is required

Strength comes only by storing semen.


Give more important to save semen,

You will become more important person in the society.


The growth of Human beings due to too much loss of semen.

1015 – 12 feet TO 15 feet, is the height.

1115 – 11 feet TO 14 feet , is the height.

1215 – 10 feet TO 13 feet , is the height.

1315 – 9 feet TO 12 feet , is the height.

1415 – 8feet TO 11 feet , is the height.

1515 – 7 feet TO 10 feet , is the height.

1615 – 6 feet TO 09 feet , is the height.

1715 – 5 feet TO 08 feet , is the height.

1815 – 4 feet TO 07 feet , is the height.

1915 – 3 feet TO 06 feet , is the height.

2015 – 2 feet TO 05 feet , is the height.

2115 – 1 feet TO 04 feet, is the height.

2215 – 10inch To 03 feet

2315 - 08inch to 02 feet

2415 – 06 inch to 01 feet

2515 – 04 inch to 10 inch

2616 – 02 inch to 06 inch

2715 – 01 inch to 3 inch

2815 – 1 cm – to 05 cms.

2915 – 5mm to 10 mm

All birds, ants, animals eat and entire human being will lost.

To avoid this We must implement S-formula.If we implement s-formula man height

goes upto 1000 feet and more.

Choice is yours.


Knowingly or unknowingly some persons achieve good and become good position.They are doing good services.They do not have ideas about the people who is facing lot of problems due to loss of semen.All the higher officers think that all are like me.But common people, poor people, due to too much loss of semen they are facing lot of trouble in our society.If anybody like me , if says use s-formula, higher officer not understand me, common people do not believe me, what to do, how to solve this problem,Peoples are become crueal, doing violence due to loss of semen,if they save semen, all are become good,No body is there in our india to help person like me,How india will improve.How to implement S-formula in india, if every citizen ofour country follows S-formula, our india will become richest country in the world. Please reply to my mail.Mail –


Semen keeps our body cool in hot regionSemen keeps our body in warm in cold regionSemen is electrical power for us.


Some people says, food is not good now a days,we can not maintaingood health,We done research on this and found that, food is not a problem, due to too much loss of semen he is facing this problem. Do not waste semen, food is very good now a days.Reply to :


DO NOT BLAME ON FOODSome peoples waste too much semen, due to loss of semen, they lost their energy,stamina, resistance,and finally tells that food is not good now a days,but it isnot their problem, they do not know it is due to loss of semen.My dear brothers and sisters, food is very good now a days, you are not saving semen, due to loss of semen you are facing lot of problem,Save semen, semen makes you strong, it increase your stamina, increases your energy.Please do not blame food once again.Reply to :


DO NOT BLAME ON DRINKING WATER.Some peoples waste too much semen, due to loss of semen, they lost their energy,stamina, resistance, and finally tells that DRINKING WATER is not good now a days, but it is not their problem, they do not know it is due to loss of semen.My dear brothers and sisters, DRINKING WATER is very good now a days, you are not saving semen, due to loss of semen you are facing lot of proble,Save semen, semen makes you strong, it increase your stamina, increases your energy.Please do not blame DRINKING WATER once again.

Reply to :


In cricket team all the members should be strong brave, perfect, honest, then only the team wins, only captain is not a responsible person,In the same wayPolitical field entire publics, political leader all should work hard,only political leader impossible,Let publics start saving semen, you will become more powerfull, then only politician do good.In each and every field the same procedure.


Our police and our soldier become very weak day by day due to loss of semen.Peoples are wasting semen too much now a days.Peoples if they wasted semen they will become weak, our country will become weak.SAVE SEMEN, - ,SAVE INDIA.


Foreign countries try to weak other countries through internet by sending sex related videos, requesting our indians,not to see that videos, if you see videos, you loss your semen, if you loss semen you will become weak, entire India will become weak.

Store semen, save semen, do not use internet bad purpose, use internet for good purposes.


If you do loss of semen, your body will become weak and delicate, your life willbecome waste, do not spoil your life by spoiling semen.

Save semen, lead a good life.


Loss of semen causes yours nerve system weak.Save semen, your nerves system will become strong.Loss of semen causes yours nerve system weak.Loss of semen causes your brain weak.Loss of semen causes your kidney weak.Loss of semen causes your heart weak.Loss of semen causes your lunghs weak.Loss of semen causes your bones weak.Loss of semen causes your sex organs weak.Do not waste semen, SAVE SEMEN.


PARALYSIS comes only due to loss of semen.DIABETIS comes only due to loss of semen.B P comes only due to loss of semen.HEART ATTACK comes only due to loss of semen.GASTRIC, ACIDITY, comes only due to loss of semen.KIDNEY FAILURE comes only due to loss of semen.LUNGHS DISEASE comes only due to loss of semen.MENTAL PROBLEMS comes only due to loss of semen, etc.



SEMEN cures all diseases.SEMEN cures GastricSEMEN cures Acidity.SEMEN cures Heart attackSEMEN cures B P SEMEN cures Diabetis.SEMEN cures kidney problemsSEMEN cures lunghs problemsSEMEN cures E N T problemsSEMEN cures Mental problemsSEMEN cures Paralysis.SEMEN cures sex problems.


FACE IS THE INDEX OF MIND.If you do loss of semen, your face shows how much semen you lost.Loss of semen shows bad characterYour eye will go inside, your chin and cheek will go inside.Lot of pimples coming on your face.Black colour around eyes.Hair turn whiteHair fallEye sightE N T problems.etc,These are all the indications of loss of semen.


FACE IS THE INDEX OF MIND.If you do loss of semen, your face shows how much semen you lost.Loss of semen shows bad characterYour eye will go inside, your chin and cheek will go inside.Lot of pimples coming on your face.

Black colour around eyes.Hair turn whiteHair fallEye sightE N T problems.etc,These are all the indications of loss of semen.


Lot of people in India do not know the value of semenLot of people involved in loss of semenLot of people facing lot of problem due to loss of their semen.Some youths spoiling our Indian cultureThey made their own rules and regulations which are helpfull to them.They involved in loss of semen and they are telling semen is a waste productYou do not belive them, they spoil the country, becareful, keep away from them.Save semen is our Indian culture.Indians respect all the activities which supports loss of semen.Use semen only once at the reproduction time.


Loss of semen causes yours nerve system weak.Loss of semen causes your brain weak.Loss of semen causes your kidney weak.Loss of semen causes your heart weak.Loss of semen causes your lunghs weak.Loss of semen causes your bones weak.Loss of semen causes your sex organs weak.Do not waste semen, SAVE SEMEN.


PARALYSIS comes only due to loss of semen.DIABETIS comes only due to loss of semen.B P comes only due to loss of semen.HEART ATTACK comes only due to loss of semen.GASTRIC, ACIDITY, comes only due to loss of semen.KIDNEY FAILURE comes only due to loss of semen.LUNGHS DISEASE comes only due to loss of semen.MENTAL PROBLEMS comes only due to loss of semen, etc.


SEMEN cures all diseases.SEMEN cures GastricSEMEN cures Acidity.SEMEN cures Heart attackSEMEN cures B P SEMEN cures Diabetis.SEMEN cures kidney problemsSEMEN cures lunghs problemsSEMEN cures E N T problemsSEMEN cures Mental problemsSEMEN cures Paralysis.SEMEN cures sex problems.


If you are doing morning walking without adopting s-formula, it will be Harm full. Do not do walking without s-formula.



If you are doing YOGA without adopting s-formula, it will be harm full. Do not do YOGA without s-formula.


If you are doing Gym without adopting s-formula, it will be harm full. Do not do Gim without s-formula.


If you are doing sports without adopting s-formula, it will be harm full. Do not do sports without s-formula.


If you are doing Education without adopting s-formula, it will be harm full. Do not do Education without s-formula.


If you are doing Jobs without adopting s-formula, it will be harm full. Do not do Jobs without s-formula.


If you are doing Business without adopting s-formula, it will be harm full. Do not do Buisiness without s-formula.


If you involve in loss of semen, that will reflects in your Old age.Do not spoil your Old age life.


If you involve in loss of semen, that will reflects in your married lifeDo not spoil your Married life.


Do not encourage the activities which causes loss of semen.It will spoil your life.


If you loss too much semen, You will become cruel.


If any body involve in too much loss of semen,They will give lot of trouble to society,


If any body involve in too much loss of semen,They will give lot of trouble to their family.


Too much loss of semen will born criminals


Angry is the symbol of too much loss of semen.Peace of mind is the symbol of storage of semen.


Falling of hairs, white hairs, is the symbol of loss of semen.Sunken eye is the symbole of loss of semenPimples if the symbol of loss of semenDull shining of skin is the symbole of loss of semenEye sight is the symbol of loss of semen, etc.


Some of the peoples are involving in doing too much loss of semen,They are spoiling the society,They are spoiling our children’s.Save semen, save children’s, save society.


Bad charecters are coming duo to too much loss of semen.Brain will not work properly if you loss semen in your body,Good charecters are coming by storing semen in your body,Brain will work properly, your brain will be healthy if you save semen.


Brain is very important organ in your body, if brain is good, every organs are good in your body, brain controls our body, Semen is food for brain, if you loss your semen, you loose your brain.


Too much loss of semen causes suicide cases more in world.Too much loss of semen give you idea itself for suicide.


Please helpHelp is required from educated peoples to our society,Common peoples, innocents, uneducated, villagers are spoiling due too much loss semen,Educate them to save semen.

Reasons for loss of semen Usage of alcohol products Usage of tobacco products Usage of bad foods Usage of sex related activities


Too much loss of semen causes FEVER.Que :- Why fever comes.Ans :- Due to loss of semen.Que.:- How semen will loss.Ans:- semen will loss due to alcohol, tobacco, sex thinking, etc.Children’s suffer fever due to their parents problem, If parents not save semen,children’s suffer fever problems,If elders suffer fever, it is their fault, not saving semen.

Fever means , you lost entire your body resistance,Fever means, you lost too much semen,Fever means, your end of semen storage,YOU WILL NEVER GET FEVER IF YOU STORE THE SEMEN.


Sperm carries semen along with it, (1% sperm+99% semen)Ovum carries semen along with it , (1% ovum+99% semen)Semen contains valuable proteins,vitamins and other 200 chemicals, it is a organic liquid, it is the power of body,ALL DISEASES COMES DUE TO LOSS OF SEMEN.


How much semen you loss that much fever comesFever is not a disease, it is the indication of too much loss of semen,If you save semen, you will not get fever in your life.


Due to too much loss of semen, peoples lost their resistance,They are not able to withstand the attack of bacteria, virus,All the parts of body is not getting semen for their survival,Now days peoples are drinking RO water, RO water not contains minerals,Use natural ground water, bore water, well water, river water, it contains rich mineralsIf your body is not withstanding by drinking natural water, it indicates that you have no resistance.


In olden days peoples are given more importance to store semen,They made so many rules for this,Now a days peoples are not giving more important to store semen,If you not store semen, your life is full of problems,Do not support any activities which effects loss of semen,if you loose semen , following problems you will face.


Loss of semen causes lot of problem in your life.Loss of semen causes lot of diseases in your life.Loss of semen makes you poor.Loss of semen cause you death shortly.Loss of semen makes you mad.Loss of semen makes you criminalLoss of semen makes you lazy, useless.Loss of semen burns your future.Loss of semen burns your family.Loss of semen makes the country weak, poor.SAVE SEMEN – LIVE HAPPY LIFE, (S-FORMULA)




What happiness you get by doing loss of semen,100 times more than that happiness you will get in storing semen.When you store the semen, you feel lot of pressure on your sex organ, 24 hours, 365 days you feel happy.Save semen, and enjoy more happiness in your life.


Lot of people making money by selling products which cause loss of semen,Do not spoil your life and do not make them rich by Sacrificing your life.


You start storing semen, lot of marriage proposals you will get.By storing semen in your body you are looking very attractive, charming,Marrying people likes only attractive and charming.Save semen and enjoy marrage.


All civilized persons developing their life by implementing s-formula, without knowing this is s-formula.But lot of uncivilized citizens suffering problems in their life without following s-formula, but they do not know what is s-formula.Please everyone try to know the value of s-formula.S-formula is equal to god.


SECRETE HOW TO QUIT THE ALCOHOL HABBITAre you alcoholicYou want quit this habit,S-formula says the secrete how to quit alcohol.Just you start storing semen in your body, when you reach the required level, automatically, you will quit this habit.When you save semen, you will get lot of will power,strong mind, your body automatically rejects alcohol.There is no other method to quit this habit,Semen only have this power. When you lost your semen, your body will become unbalance; your speed of blood reduces,If you take alcohol, it increases your blood speed , To maintain speed of blood, you will take alcohol,If you waste more semen, you will need more alcohol,If you store semen, naturally it increase your blood speed,How much semen you store that much blood speed increasesHow much blood speed increase that much alcohol you quit.This is the secrete how to quit alcoholAdopt s-formula, store semen, save semen, live a happy life.


Respect our Indian cultureOur Indian culture is save semen, store semen, adopt s-formula.Male is very important person in every family to work outside the house.Female is very important person in every family to work inside the house.If male store the semen, his sex organs become very strong,He must maintain distance from female,Due to this reason females are not allowed to work with them in india.If females work with them, male is not possible to store semen, save semen,If male lost semen, he will become waste person in his family,Automatically his family become waste in society.It is impossible to store semen, SAVE SEMEN, working with FEMALE.So respect our Indian culture, PURUSHA SAMAJA.


INDIAN GIRLSDear girls, Respect our Indian culture.You respect our Indian old marriage methods, traditional marriage methods.Why the marriage is of so long procedures,The secret is, after marriage 99% of problems you will face. how.After marriage both male and female lost semen in their body.When they loss their semen, immediately they lose interest on each other.Male rejects female.To make strong bonding between them, lot of procedures involved in marriage programme.It is impossible to reject each other,Kindly requesting you girls, do not believe male , Do not do love marriage,Do not go for register marriage,Do not go for temples,Do not waste your life,Go and respect arrange marriage, respect our Indian culture,respect our traditional marrage.Store semen and save semen, you are looking very beautiful, attractive and charming.Requesting all girls save semen, store semen.What is semen, where it is located, how to store semen, how to save semen, everythin is explained in s-formula. Read s-formula. Adot s-formula. Implement s-formula in your life.


RAJA and RANIRAJA says Rani – Do not wear skin tight dress,RANI asks Raja – Why what is the problem,RAJA – Teenagers will involve in too much loss of semen, It will effect on teen agers,RANI – It is not my problem, what happens if they loss semen for me.RAJA - If they loss semen, they will become useless, waste, they are not doing good to their parents, good to society, good to himself,RANI – why they are effected by my dress, RAJA – Teenagers having full of semen in their body, if semen is more sex organs are very strong,they should not see girls at all, this is an Indian culture.RANI - O K, I respect Indian culture, I will not wear skin tight dress, I will help Teenagers, their parents , teachers,RAJA – Thank you Rani, you also save semen, I will also save semen, this is our Indian culture.RANI – Thank you Raja, you introduced our Indian culture, save semen.RAJA - This is s-formula, save semen.


GURU and SHISHYA.SHISHYA went to his guru and asked one question, I am in teenage, why I am very lazy, useless,and not interested in my life, why like this, what is the reason,GURU listened his question and he says that it is all your mistakes, you done yourself, you are only responsible for this,SHISHYA – Gurugi , tell me , what is my fault,GURU - You done lot of semen loss, due to too much loss of semen, you are facing this problem.SHISHYA - No gurugi, I am not wasted semen, how do you says like this,GURU - Face is the index of mind, your sunken eyes, sunken chheks, black colouraround eyes,Pimples, white hair , indicates too much loss of semen.SHISHYA – What is semen, where it is located, how it will waste, please explain me,GURU – Semen comes from food, Food will be converted into liquid and mixed with blood,Liquid will converted into Blood,Blood will be converted into Flesh,Flesh will be converted into Fat,Fat will be converted into Bone,Bone will be converted into Bone marrow,Bone marrow produces semen,Semen is located in entire body, jist like air in balloon, semen in our body,Semen is stored in entire bodySemen will loss due to following reason (1) sex thinking, (2) Alcohol drinking,(3) Tabacco chewing,(4) Bad food eating,Semen and sperm they are different, sperm is not semen,1% of sperm 99% of semen in one ejaculation,Semen is full f proteins, vitamins, 200 nutritions, to creat new baby, it is thesaramsha of body.SHISHYA – Now I understood the value of semen, thank you gurugi,


S-formulaPILES disease coming only by doing loss of semen.PARALYSIS disease coming only by doing loss of semen. FEVER disease coming only by doing loss of semen.ACIDITY disease coming only by doing loss of semen.DIABITIS disease coming only by doing loss of semen.DO NOT WASTE SEMEN, DO NOT WASTE YOUR LIFE,



B P (blood pressure) disease coming only by doing loss of semen.HEART ATTACK disease coming only by doing loss of semen. KIDNEY FAIL disease coming only by doing loss of semen.BRAIN LOOSE disease coming only by doing loss of semen.MAD disease coming only by doing loss of semen.DO NOT WASTE SEMEN, DO NOT WASTE YOUR LIFE,SEMEN SURVIVES OUR BODY IN OLD AGE,SEMEN IS ENERGY REQUIRED FOR OLD AGESAVE SEMEN.


















Implement s-formula in each and every activity in your daily life. Your life will become happy.

Walking without s-formula is harmful Walking with s-formula is good result. S-formula cures all diseases. implement s-formula in your life.

S-formula is universal power, S-formula is the real power S-formula makes your life beautiful.

Make your life beautiful by implementing s-formula in your life. S-formula is anti corruption weapon,reduces 100% corruption.

To reduce corruption in any country, implement s-formula. It reduces 100% corruption in the country. S-formula is anti corruption weapon.

S-formula is the secrete of life. S-formula is the real power for life. S-formula implement in your life, your life will become beautiful.

S-formula is foundation for all

S-formula save country, S-formula save world, S-formula save you Implement s-formula S-formula is real GOD.


Loss of semen causes your life waste. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen causes your sex organs weak. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen causes your sex organs failure. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen causes your nerves weak. Do not support any activities which casesloss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen causes your brain failure. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.


Loss of semen causes heart attack, BP, sugar, diabitis. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen causes Acidity,gastric. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen reduces the life time & may die at any time Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples loss of wealth. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples loss of health. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.


Loss of semen makes peoples loss of health and wealth. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.Loss of semen makes our Indian economy weak. Do not support any activities whichcases loss of semen, internally & externally.Loss of semen makes peoples India weak. Do not support any activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples WEAK MIND, suicide mind. Do not support any

activities which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples VIOLATION MIND. Do not support any activities which

cases loss of semen, internally & externally.


Loss of semen makes peoples BAD CHARTERER. Do not support any activities which

cases loss of semen, internally

& externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples MAD. Do not support any activities which cases loss

of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples Angry. Do not support any activities which cases

loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples devils activities. Do not support any activities

which cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples corruption mind. Do not support any activities which

cases loss of semen, internally & externally.


Loss of semen makes peoples corruption mind, do not support any activities which

cases loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples Lazy, do not support any activities which cases loss

of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen makes peoples criminals, do not support any activities which cases

loss of semen, internally & externally.

Loss of semen creates corruption mind, Save semen, store semen, you will be 100%

free from corruption.


We done research on power of man, S-formula is the real power of man. Adopt and

implement s-formula

Some farmers are involved in loss of semen, Loss of semen increases sucide cases

more & more. Avoid this, save semen, lead happy life.

Adopt and implement s-formula s-formula is the power of nation S-formula is the

secrete of life.

S-formula is the only one god for the whole world.

All living beings born from S-formula

Whole world is standing on S-formula.

S-formula is the real power, S-formula is the real god

S-formula is base for earth, S-formula is foundation for world,

S-formula is the mother of all religions in the world.

youths are spoiling their life wasting lot of semen, avoid the activities which

cause loss of semen, save youths, save children's,


Modern science effecting farmers in wasting of semen, Too much loss of semen causes suicide case more, educate them to save semen,

Farmers are loosing lot of semen and they die early, educate them to save semen,

modern science effect

we done research 25 villages, farmers are dying due to wasting of lot of semen,

less semen in body create suicide mentality, save farmers,

Due to too much loss of semen, farmers are dying everyday. Educate them to save







Too much loss of semen causes suicide cases more in world. Too much loss of

semen give you idea itself for suicide.

Brain is very important organ in your body, brain controls our body, Semen is

food for brain, if you loss your semen, you loose your brain.

Good charecters are coming by storing semen in your body, Brain will work

properly, your brain will be healthy if you save semen

Bad charecters are coming duo to too much loss of semen. Brain will not work

properly if you loss semen in your body,

Some of the peoples are involving in doing too much loss of semen, They are

spoiling the society, They are spoiling our children’s.




Male must store semen throughout life.

When he store semen, his sexual power is more and more,

Male should not see female, should not touch female, should not sit with female,

until marriage,

After marriage except wife, he should not see female, should not touch female,

should not sit with female,

If you break this rule, you can not controle semen, you loose semen, if you

loose semen, your life become waste, useless,

If male waste semen, our country become weak, our family will become weak,

Every body agree this but no body is telling in public, because no courage,

Please follow our Indian culture.

Respect our Indian culture.




Dear girlsPlease help us, help our Indian people, save our country,Please do not wear skin tight dress, do not expose your skin to publics,Do not go for love marriages, do not waste your life by doing this.If you wear tight dress, male start losing semen, if he waste semen, he will become lazy, useless, his life waste, his family will be in trouble, his parentswill be under trouble, our country will be under trouble,Do not go for love marriages, when male loss his semen, he will not like you, your life will become danger, no body helps you, When male loose semen he will become mad, you please do not go for love marriage,Our Indian culture is both male and female should store semen, Semen plays very important role in our life,Respect our Indian culture.

Evidence of the Value of Semen for

Physical & Mental Health.Cladius Galen of Pergamum-Claudius

Galenus of Pergamum (131 - 201 AD)Ancient Greek physician and philosopher. His works on medicine & philosophy total 22 volumes. Hippocrates and Galen believed that semen came from all humors of the

body. 1

Involuntary loss was termed ‘gonorrhoea’: ‘it robs the body of its vital breath’; ‘losing sperm amounts to losing the vital spirits’; exhaustion, weakness, dryness of the whole body, thinness, eyes growinghollow, are the resulting symptoms2

S-FORMULA (save semen).--------------------------------------------Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.Aristotle-Aristotle (350 BC)

If you haven't heard of him you have learnt too much in sex-ed. If men start to engage in sexual activity at too early an age... this

will affect the growth of their bodies. Nourishment that would otherwise make the body grow is diverted to the production of semen. ... Aristotle is saying that at this stage the body is still growing; it is best for sexual activity to begin when its growth is 'nolonger abundant', for when the body is more or less at full height, thetransformation of nourishment into semen does not drain the body of needed material.

For Aristotle, semen is the residue derived from nourishment, that is of blood, that has been highly concocted to the optimum temperature andsubstance. This can only be emitted by the male as only the male, by nature of his very being, has the requisite heat to concoct blood into semen.

‘Sperms are the excretion of our food, or to put it more clearly, as the most perfect component of our food’

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.Democritus- Democritus (400 BC) of Abdera Thrace wascalled "The Laughing Philosopher"How he could be so happy without having a date with Rosy Palmand her five daughters is beyond me (and beyond modern medicine too).

"Coition", said Democritus, "is a kind of epilepsy." "It is", said

Haller, "an action very similar to a convulsion, and which of itself astonishingly weakens and affects the whole nervous system."1

"Democritus, an ancient physician, believed that this semen was derivedfrom the whole body "particularly the important parts such as bones, flesh and sinews."2

S-FORMULA (save semen).--------------------------------

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.Pythagoras -Of the Pythagorean theorem fame. If he was smart enough to figure out a triangle you can be sure he could figure out how to go for a few days without jerking hisgerkin.

Pythagoras advocated continence as a practice of utmost physiological value both to body and brain, for he considered the semen as 'the flower of the purest blood,'1

Pythagoras taught that there was a direct connection between the semen and the brain and that loss of semen weakens the brain, while its conservation improves brain's nutrition, since the substances thus conserved act as brain nutrients 2

S-FORMULA (save semen

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.Dr. Paul Charles Dubois (1848 - 1918)Siwss neurologist, professor, writer and pioneer of psychotherapy

Ssexual indulgence, not continence, is the cause of neurasthenia1

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.

Aguste Henri Forel (1848 - 1931)Swiss myrmecologist, neuroanatomist and psychiatrist, notable for his investigations into the brain structure of humans and ant. "Abstinence, or sexual continence, is by no means impractical for

a normal young man of average constitution, assiduous in intellectual and physical work and abstaining from artificial excitants", adding, "The idea is current among young people that abstinence is something abnormal and impossible, and yet the manywho observe it prove that chastity can be practiced without prejudice to health".1

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.

Dr. Jean Alfred Fournier(1832 - 1914)French dermatologist, professor and medical writer, Professor Alfred Fournier, a physiologist of note, ridicules the

idea of "the dangers of continence for the young man", and that during his years of medical practice, he has never come across one such case.1

S-FORMULA (save semen).----------------------------------------------

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.

Dr. Charles Marie Edouard ChassaignacFrench Surgical Pioneer, Chassaignac claims that the healthier the individual, the easier

to practice complete abstinence; it is only the diseased and neurotic person who finds it difficult to do so.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.

Professor Charles Edouard Brown Sequard(1817 - 1894)British physiologist and neurologistBrown-Sequard has shown that spermatic secretions increase nerve and brain vitality.1

Brown Sequard discovered that the voluntary supression of the ejaculation of semen strengthens a man and is conducive to long life. This is due to the semen being thus returned to the body which thus acts as a tonic for the nervous system.2

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen forPhysical & Mental Health.

Dr. Oskar LassarGerman dermatologist Sexual continence is not injurious to young men.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

The secrete of Beauty

Food will be converted into semen in your body,

Semen will store throughout your body to survive your life,

Just like air in the balloon, semen in the body,

How much semen you store in your body that much beauty is appearing in your body.

Save semen, save your beauty.

By, S-formula.

The secrete of fitness in your body

Food will be converted into semen in your body,

Semen will store throughout your body to survive your life,

Just like air in the balloon, semen in the body,

How much semen you store in your body that much Fitness increases inyour body.

Save semen, Increase your fitness.

By, S-formula.

The secrete of power, energy,

Semen is the real power

Store semen in your body, your power and energy increases,

If you loss the semen, your body power decreases, energy level decreases,

Store semen, increase your body power, live happy life.

By, S-formula.

The secrete of win in game.

1) Do exercise and save semen, it is good for health.2) Students save semen andread, result is 100%.3) All officials and teachers, save semen and do your duty, there is no corruption.4) Store semen and practice, you will win the Game.

2) DEAR SPORTS MAN, THE SECRETE HOW TO WIN, If you store the semen , your bodywill become strong, hard, powerfull.,Definitely you will win in the game. Bestrong and powerful allways.Preserve SEMEN. Thank you.

Reason for semen loss

1) Alcohol, Tobacco, Sex thinking, Bad food. – theseactivities kills semen lot.

How to increase semen,

Step (1) :- Do not waste semen, store semen right now,

Step (2) :- Production of semen increased by doing exercise(any type),

Question : -THE SECRETE, Why we have to do body building, what is thenecessity of doing body building, how fitness will come in our body, how we look handsome ,

Answer : - We do body building, gym, to increase the production of semen, by doing exercise your semen production increases, when semen volume increases in our body our body will become shaining, attractive, hard, strong,

NOTE : -, When semen level increases your sex organ become hard, strong, Keep your sex organ always hard, strong, If you loss semen, your body will become weak and useless.


Question : -THE SECRETE, Why we have to do karate, kung fu, boxing, judo, etc., what is the necessity of doing body building, how fitness will come in our body, how we look handsome ,

Answer : - We do body building, gym, to increase the production of semen, by doing exercise your semen production increases, when semen volume increases in our body our body will become shaining, attractive, hard, strong,

NOTE : -, When semen level increases your sex organ become hard, strong, Keep your sex organ always hard, strong, If you loss semen, your body will become weak and useless.-




The basic secrete of human power is S-FORMULA.

Follow s-formula, you will become more powerful,

S-formula is the real power

S-formula is knowledge based training. It is a type of Meditation.

S-formula is a foundation for all.

S-formula is world dharma.

God only now following S-formula, let every one start following S-formula.

S-formula is basic for all.

The vital energy, the S-formula [strength; power; energy; courage] that supports your life.

• S-formula, which shines in your sparkling eyes,

•S-formula which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you.

• S-formula gives colour and vitality to the human body and its different organs.

• If not use S-formula, it brings death; If you use S-formula gives life.

• S-formula is the real vitality in men.

• Develop strong mind and strong body by using S-Formula.

• S-Formula gives you more strength, good health, super memory, courage.

Implement s-formula in each and every activity in your daily life. Your life will become happy.

Walking without s-formula is harmful Walking with s-formula is good result.

S-formula cures all diseases.

implement s-formula in your life.

S-formula is universal power, S-formula is the real power

S-formula makes your life beautiful.

Make your life beautiful by implementing s-formula in your life

. S-formula is anti corruption weapon,reduces 100% corruption.To reduce corruption in any country, implement s-formula.

S-formula reduces 100% corruption in the country.

S-formula is anti corruption weapon.

S-formula is the secrete of life.

S-formula is the real power for life.

S-formula implement in your life, your life will become beautiful.

S-formula is foundation for all,

S-formula save country,

S-formula save world,

S-formula save you Implement s-formula S-formula is real GOD

















(1) Difference between love and sex

LOVE – No loss of semen,

SEX - Loss of semen,

The activity which causes loss of semen is called sex.

(2) TRUE LOVE : No touch, keep distance,

SEX : Touch

Be careful while do love.

Love is not harmful, but sex is harmful.

Make your life beautiful by implementing s-formula in your life.

All living beings born from s-formula.

S-formula is the foundation for life.

S-formula is the secrete of life.

S-FORMULA: - Semen if food for brain, if you lose semen, you lose your brain, the secrete of memory power is semen, Too much loss of semen causes brain damage,

save semen, save your brain.

Secrete of youth.(both male &female)

If you waste semen, you will reject all marriage proposals,

If you waste semen, your body loses strength, you become lazy, useless & weak.

You will not interest in marriage, but you do not know this secrete.

If you store semen, you will become more powerful; all the parts of your body become strong, hard, powerful.

You will like marriage proposals, you like one first you look,

If you store semen, it is highly impossible to live without marriage.

Save semen, save energy, save your life.

Save Childs

Children’s are future citizens

We cannot teach them s-formula,

But they follow elder’s behaviour, surrounding peoples, outside the society,

Father,mother,teacher , impossible to teach,

But there is only one way

Keep away all the activities which are responsible for loss of semen,

Keep their five organs clean (eye,ear,skin,toung,nose.)

The duty of these five organs is only loss of semen.

Save semen, save children’s .

Beauty of world

You are enjoying by seeing your front appering beauty,the nature,

Nature is following s-formula, so for others it is beautiful

But see your beauty, is it beautiful for others,

If you want to see beautiful to others, follow s-formula.

Make your life beautiful by following s-formula.


The duty of our five organs(eye,ear,nose,toung,skin) is only loss ofsemen,

The five organs always try to waste, lose the semen in your body,

By doing loss of semen, six(6) enemies (Kama,Kroda,Moha,Loba,Mada,Mathsara)will born in our body,

these six enemies duty is to kill our body,

So to save semen, keep yours five organs clean, if five organs clean, automatically six enemies will die.

If there are no enemies your life become beautiful

So save semen, make your life beautiful.

S-formula is the only one god for the whole world.

All living beings born from S-formula

Whole world is standing on S-formula.

S-formula is the real power, S-formula is the real god

S-formula is base for earth, S-formula is foundation for world,

S-formula is the mother of all religions in the world.


The duty of five organs(eye,ear,nose,toung,skin) is always bringing semen outside the body.

The duty of six enemies((Kama,Kroda,Moha,Loba,Mada,Mathsara) is always kill the body,

MANASU means loss of semen,(Name of charector)

ATMA means save semen, ,(Name of charector)

Loss of semen born six enemies.

Save semen, keep your five organs clean & neat.


If you store semen in your body you will not suffer from following diseases.Drying, loosening, weakening, and falling of hair,

If you store semen in your body you will not suffer from following diseases.Mild or severe headache,

If you store semen in your body you will not suffer from following diseases.Pale face with anaemia,


Drying, loosening, weakening, and falling of hair, can be prevented by s-formula.S-formula cures all Diseases.

Mild or severe headache, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

Pale face with anaemia, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

Acne or eruptions on the face, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

•Dark circles around the eyes, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

Sunken eyes , can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

Short-sightedness, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

pain in shoulders, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

palpitation of the heart, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

dyspnea - difficulty in breathing, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

back pain, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

stomach pain, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

gradual degradation of kidneys, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

wet dreams or nocturnal emissions,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

-incontinence, can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula

cures all Diseases. discharge of semen with urine,can be prevented by s-

formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

premature ejaculation (only 5-10 minutes instead of the normal 35-40 minutes), can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

enlargement of the testicles,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

pain in the testicles,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

involuntary urination in sleep,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

pain in thighs,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

pain in knees,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

pain in ankles,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

foot pain,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

palpitation of legs,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

physical, mental, and moral debility,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

early exhaustion,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

physical and mental lethargy - lack of energy,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

sudden anger,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

sudden irritation,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formulacures all Diseases.

drowsiness,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

laziness,can be prevented by s-formula.S-formula cures all Diseases.

gloominess,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

loss of memory,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

lack of thinking power,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.***

bad dreams,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

restlessness of mind,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

sudden fear,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

lack of masculinity,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.

effiminate or womanish behaviour,can be prevented by s-formula. S-formula cures all Diseases.***

S-formula(save semen)

If you loose semen,

The child born to you is very weak, delicate, handicapt,

The child may die at any time.

S-formula(save semen)If you loose semen,

Your body become weak, useless,

You may die at any time.

S-formula - Secrete of poverty

Poverty comes due to loss of semen,

Porr will become rich by saving semen

Semen makes you rich.

S-formula – Secrete of temple

The concept of Temple made for storing semen,

Temple says save semen.

Any comments you want share to s-formula author, share to the following e-mail.

Any questions you want to ask regarding s-formula, please send your questions to the following e-mail,


The Value of diet (slim).

The method diet to become slim is 100% wrong method.

You are forcefully going towards death,

Slim is not healthy formula, you will become nervous, your organs not get sufficient energy to work.

To burn fat diet is not at all solution, 100% wrong,

Semen is the only material which burns the Fat in our body,

The indication of fat content in your body is loss of semen,

Semen converts food into blood,

Semen converts blood into flesh,

Semen converts flesh into fat,

Semen convert fat into bone,

Semen converts bone into bone marrow,

Semen keeps your brain healthy,

Semen keeps your heart healthy,

Semen keeps your liver, kidney healthy,

Totally semen keeps all the organs in your body healthy.

Save semen , live happy life,

Make your life beautiful by following s-formula(save semen).

Basic problem of India is POVERTY.By implementing S-formula throughout India,India will be free from poverty.POVERTY COMES FROM LOSS OF SEMEN.SAVE SEMEN-SAVE INDIAUSE S-FORMULA.


Semen keeps our body cool in hot region

Semen keeps our body in warm in cold region

Semen is electrical power for us.

By, s-formula team.

Magic of brain

If you save semen your brain says how to live good life, happy life,

If you lose semen your brain says how to die,

Semen is food for brain

If you lose semen, you lose your brain, So save semen keep your brain healthy.

Follow s-formula(save semen)

Moving trees

Human beings born from sperm ovum only, there is no other way,

When you put mango seed, mango tree will comes,

When you put coconut seed, coconut tree will comes,

In the same way,

Male is a sperm tree,

Female if a ovum tree,

Sperm is searching for ovum and ovum is searching for sperm,

That is why both are attracts each other,

The final product of male is sperm

The final product of female is ovum,

But when sperm and ovum goes out of body, they take semen along with them,

Semen is very precious material for our body,

You store semen/ovum, your sperm/ovum become strong, you will give birth to good baby,

If You waste semen/ovum, your sperm/ovum become weak, you willgive birth to bad baby.

Save semen and get good healthy baby.

S-formula (each one teach one)

Choice is yours

If Male is old, female is young,

You get more male and less female children.

If female is old,male is young,

You will get more female and less male.

If you both are same age,

Male and female is depend upon semen storage,

Semen is more in male and less in female – male baby,

Semen is more in female and less in male – female baby,

Please not the child health, future, is depending upon,semenstorage,

Always produce good baby to your family.

Save semen, get good baby.

S-formula(each one teach one)

Each one teach one(s-formula)

Father and Mother-PART-01

They never teach directly s-formula,

But they teach indirectly s-formula,they keep away their children from the activities which are responsible for the loss of semen,

But childrens not understands this secrete.

Each one teach one(s-formula)

Father and Mother-PART-02

They will not say that their childrens are bad, such a hope on theirchildrens,

They are giving more and more food to their children thinking that they will become beautiful & Handsome,

But their children wasting their semen, and become lazy, useless, waste body,delicate,

Father and mother donot know this secrete of loss of semen,

They will bring more and more valuable food to feed their children,

But childrens throughing all the food outside the body in the for ofsemen,

Both the parties do not know s-formula,

Waste of food, waste of money,waste of country.

Save semen, solve our food problem in india,

One who loss semen he will eat more&more food,

One who save semen he will eat less & less food.

Choice is yours.By s-formula(save semen).

Each one teach one(s-formula)(Both male&Female)

Father and Mother-PART-03

Why are you giving trouble to your parents,

You waste your semen, and fall ill,when you become serious,

Your parents take you to hospital,doctors also not able to understand your problem,

You start eating medicines like food,

Why are you giving trouble to your father and mother,

They give birth to you, education to you, everything they sacrifice for you,

But you are sitting in dark and wasting semen, your brain , heart, liver, kidney will not work properly by doing loss of semen,

Your father and mother weeping,crying, what happened to our children,

Both of you do not know s-formula, your family facing lot of trouble,you also in danger,

No body knows this secrete loss of semen by you,

You please think this matter and try to make your parents happy.

Each one teach one(s-formula)(Both male&Female)

Father and Mother-PART-04

Your parents bring lot of marriage proposals to you, but all you reject,

Your parents facing lot of problems about this matter,

You are doing loss of semen, too much loss of semen decreases your sexual power,

You will become lazy, useless, you are not interested in your life,but this secrete your parents donot know, because you are wasting semen in dark.

Due to this reason lot of male&female is unmarried and crossing age limit,

Why are you giving trouble to the parents of others,

No body knows this problem we are facing due to loss of semen,

Please try to understand the problem and try to make your parents happy.

S-FORMULA(each one – teach one)

From today to death day is PUNARJANMA.

From birth day to today is POORVAJANMA,


Your future is today what you are doing,

Today life is what you did.

S-FORMULA(each one – teach one)

There are some parameters to measure the level of semen in our body,

They are,

To Udaya tv, kannada,

Message for you

Last time we saw the programme, in your channel,

saying that no body knows what is Manasu, where it is in our body,how it is,

but from that day we are trying to communicate you the truth, but you are not available to us,

One thing we have to bring into your notice that, we done research 25 years on manasu,

we know what is manasu, where is manasu,how is manasu, location of manasu in our body, etc,

Lot of people like me knows about Manasu,

Please help us to share our knowledge about manasu

We promise that we know about MANASU.

By - S-formula.

Email :-

TV programme to publics

Some swamijis every day say the truth to the public, how to solve your problems,

But all swamiji says correct thing but theywill not express the secrete of semen,

You follow all the methods to solve your problems with s-formula,

Then 100% good result you will find what swamijis says,

But donot follow their words without s-formula, it is harmful,

Follow their instruction with s-formula, is is good to you.

Swamiji indirectly says to save semen.



STEP-01 : Basic concept of Temple, pooja, meditation, is save semen.(s-formula).

STEP-02 : If directly says this , no one will do this,there are so many concepts are there to say this indirectly.

STEP-03 : Dharma(hindu,muslim,kritien,budda,jain,sikh,etc.......) Sampradaya,religion, shastra,blind belief, 64 arts, puranas, stories,indirectly says save semen.

STEP-04 : Keeping all the above three concepts ,without effecting your daily activity, you slowly adopt s-formula in your life.

Keeping all the above in your mind, you follow the following methods.

Method -01 :Keep your eyes clean,keep your ear clean,keep your noseclean,keep your toung clean,keep your skin clean,

You must keep all the five organs in your controle by keeping neat and clean. If one is not clean, it is impossible to adopt s-formula in your life.

Method -02 : Do meditation in your free time, use your full free time for this.

Method -03 : Involve in pooja,templevisit,worship god more and more in free time.

Method -04 Read more and more granthas, puranas, good books,

Method -05 Sit with good peoples,sing, dance, do bhajans,do yoga,exercises.

VALUE OF SEMEN(S-FORMULA)(both male&female).

Food will be converted into semen in our body.

Semen is located throughout body in the form of blood, just like air in balloon,

When semen volume increases, your body expands,you are looking charming, bright, attractive.

Semen protect body from all diseases, increases life of you,

All body parts of organs needs semen to work properly,

Semen survive our body in old age,semen needs in old age,

Semen is not sperm, both are different,

When you ejaculate sperm, the liquid is mixer of two components,

1% sperm and 99%semen is the mixer in one ejaculation,

Semen goes with sperm to create new baby, nurish sperm and ovum.

In the same way, when you ejaculate ovum, 1% of ovum and 99% semen will go out,

There are three glands working in this ejaculation process in our body,

Seminal vessel, copars gland and epidamis, these three glands combinedly work,

Sperm is in epidemis above testicle,seminal vessel and capers gland is above urinarybladder,

While your ejaculation, sperm goes from epidamis to seminal vessel,

Seminal vessel adds the semen with sperm,

Capers gland push sperm &semen out of body,

Sperm if you not ejaculate , it will reabsorbed and goes to blood,

Semen is highly valuable substance in our body both female andmale,

Both female and male store semen in your body, it is a rule,

One who store semen is called Devate(God),

One who waste semen is called rakshasa(Devil),

Save semen, save your life

By, s-formula(each one – teach one)

[1] Masculinty ------------------------> masculine appearance and behaviour, body hair, body shine[2] Growth of the body -------------> increase in height and weight[3] Maintenance of the body -----> resistance to diseases, healing power[4] Physical strength ---------------> density, stamina, tolerance[5] Mental strength ------------------> fearlessness, self-confidence, positiveness


Semen - The Foundation of a Male & Female Body""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""…Semen is the foundation of a male & female body. All other entities in a male body like bones, muscles, veins, and capillaries depend on semen for their growth, maintenance, and strength. If semen is frequently wasted, all the parts of the body are badly afffected. They become dry, loose, and weak. This is true of the genetal parts as well as of the other ones. The hormones responsible for masculinity and sexual capabilities are also present in the semen. Thus, with the loss of semen, these hormones are also lost.

Moving treesHuman beings born from sperm ovum only, there is no other way,

When you put mango seed, mango tree will comes,

When you put coconut seed, coconut tree will comes,

In the same way,

Male is a sperm tree,

Female if a ovum tree,

Sperm is searching for ovum and ovum is searching for sperm,

That is why both are attracts each other,

The final product of male is sperm

The final product of female is ovum,

But when sperm and ovum goes out of body, they take semen along with them,

Semen is very precious material for our body,

You store semen/ovum, your sperm/ovum become strong, you will give birth to good baby,

If You waste semen/ovum, your sperm/ovum become weak, you willgive birth to bad baby.

Save semen and get good healthy baby.

S-formula (each one teach one)

Choice is yours If Male is old, female is young,

You get more male and less female children.

If female is old,male is young,

You will get more female and less male.

If you both are same age,

Male and female is depend upon semen storage,

Semen is more in male and less in female – male baby,

Semen is more in female and less in male – female baby,

Please not the child health, future, is depending upon,semenstorage,

Always produce good baby to your family.

Save semen, get good baby.

S-formula(each one teach one)

Life secrete

Life of humans in not 100 years, it is more than 1000 years,2000 years , etc,

Common people not understand this statement, but it is true,

If you use s-formula, you live more than 1000 years,

There are so many examples in front of us,

Adopt and implement s-formula ,

Increase your life moretan 1000 years,


S-formula (save semen) , each one – teach one.


Lot of people doing walking, without basic knowledge,

They do not know why we want to do walking,

What happens if we do walking,

Please read this carefully,

If you do walking, production of semen increases, when semen stored in your body you will get lot of power and energy,semen keeps your body healthy,strong.Semen balance your body,

But lot of people do not store the semen,\when you walk, semen will produce more in the body,

When semen level increases, your sexual organs become more strong,

when your sexual organ become more strong, you start wasting semen by using your own methods,

but you do not know this sex power comes from walking,

if you do walking without storing semen,you r body become very weak,you suffer lot of phealth problems,

lot of people do walking buttheir health is not improve, this is thereason,

Do walking by saving semen, keep your sex organs always strong, do not waste semen,

Then walking is usefull.

Save semen, save life,


S-FORMULA(save semen) each one- teach one.

Alcohol kills semen, do not use Alcohol,Semen is located through out

the body in the form of blood.Alcohol enters blood and kills semen.If

semen is lost, everything you lost.


Are you alcoholic,You want quit this habit,S-formula says the secrete how to quit alcohol.Just you start storing semen in your body, when you reach the required level, automatically, you will quit this habit.When you save semen, you will get lot of will power,strong mind, your body automatically rejects alcohol.There is no other method to quit this habit,Semen only have this power. When you lost your semen, your body will become unbalance; your speed of blood reduces,If you take alcohol, it increases your blood speed , To maintain speed of blood, you will take alcohol,If you waste more semen, you will need more alcohol,If you store semen, naturally it increase your blood speed,How much semen you store that much blood speed increases,How much blood speed increase that much alcohol you quit.This is the secrete how to quit alcohol,Adopt s-formula, store semen, save semen, live a happy life.

Tobacco kills semen, do not use tobacco,Semen is located through out

the body in the form of blood.Tobacco enters blood and kills semen.If

semen is lost, everything you lost.

Alcohol kills semen, do not use Alcohol,Semen is located through out the body in the form of blood.Alcohol enters blood and kills semen.If

semen is lost, everything you lost.

Avoid sex thinking, sex seeing, it will cause too much loss of

semen,Semen is located entire body

Semen is required in old age.If semen is low, your body parts work

abnormal.Semen is the current for all the organs to work.SAVE SEMEN.

What Important People Says

Dr. Nicole says: “It is a medical and physiological fact that the best blood in the body goes to form the elements of reproduction in both the sexes.

What Important People Says

Dr. Dio Louis thinks that the conservation of this element is essential to strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect.

What Important People Says

Another writer, Dr. E.P. Miller, says: All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force.

It is almost universally conceded that the choicest element of the blood enters into the composition of the spermatic secretion.

What Important People Says

One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth of energy.This belief can be traced back to the Holy Scriptures (SushrutaSamhita, 1938; Charak Samhita, 1949; Gandhi, 1957; Kuma Sutra,


What Important People Says

One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth of energy.It is being propagated by the lay and pseudoscientific literature (Mishra, 1962; Chand, 1968) and has fascinated many scientific investigators..." (Malhotra and Wig, 1975: 526) “(Bottero, 1991: 306).

What Important People Says

However much semen you are able to retain, you will receive in thatproportion greater wisdom, improves action, higher spirituality andincreased knowledge. Moreover, you will acquire the power to getwhatever you want. (Yogacharya Bhagwandev 1992: 15) “[Alter, 1997:


What Important People Says

Semen! What a beautiful, sparkling word! When reflecting on it one'smind is filled with grand, great, majestic, beautiful, and powerful

emotions. [Shastri n.d.[a]:10]"[Alter, 1997: 284].

What Important People Says

A large segment of the general public from all socioeconomic classesbelieves that semen loss is harmful. Seminal fluid is considered an elixir of life in the physical and mystical sense. Its preservation guarantees health, longevity, and supernatural powers" (Malhotra andWig, 1975: 519).

What Important People Says

Natural emission, or svapna dosh (dream error), is given special consideration by all authors. Kariraj Jagannath Shastri devotes his whole book to the subject, and because of its 'involuntary' nature, calls svapna dosh the worst of all 'personal diseases‘" (Alter, 1997: 287).

What Important People Says

The secret of magnetic personality. Conservation of semen results inthe emergence of a charismatic power in the body, which is named ojas by the ancient Ayurveda physician Dhanvantrai.

What Important People Says

This new science is based upon thousands of years of study, observation, and experimentation. It has been refined and developed to a new degree, thus entitling it to the appellation “new”. The science of seminal conservation allows you to conserve seminal fluidfor nourishing, improving and perfecting your body and brain when reproduction is not mutually desired.

What Important People Says

Nature puts the most valuable ingredients in the seed in all forms of life in order to provide for continuation of the species.The fluid (semen) a man discharges during sexual relations contains the human seed.The human seed, of course, contains all essential elements necessary to create another human being when it is united with an ovum.It contains forces capable of creating life!.

What Important People Says

Doesn’t common sense decree that such a vital fluid be carefully conserved, rather than thoughtlessly squandered?How can a state of health, energy, and power be built when the most basic elements are being excessively squandered?

What Important People Says

The seminal fluid is a viscid, proteinaceous fluid composed of secretory products of the testes epididymis seminal vesicles prostate gland and Cowper’s gland.It is rich in potassium, iron, lecithin, vitamin E. protease, spermine, albumen, phosphorous, calcium and other organic minerals and vitamins.

What Important People Says

The average normal ejaculation, about two to five cubic centimetersof semen, contains 200 to 500 million sperm which are rich in

nuclear proteins, the male hormones or androgens such astestosterone, or other essential elements.The Sertoli cells in the

testes produce another hormone, Inhibin. These hormones, orandrogens, including testosterone, go directly into the blood streamif not ejaculated and are carried to every part of your body.Theystimulate your pituitary gland and creative centers of your brain.

What Important People Says

Each one of these millions of sperm carry 23 chromosomes, split chromosomes, prostaglandins, genes, bioelectricity, and all vitamins, enzymes and minerals necessary for the creation of anotherhuman being when united with an ovum.

An analysis of both brain cells and semen shows great similarities. Both are very high in phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and chlorine.Thesex glands and brain cells are intimately connected physiologically,but are adversaries in the sense that they are both competing for the same nutritional elements from the identical blood stream.In this sense, the brain and the sexual organs are also competitors in using bodily energy and nutrition.

What Important People Says

There are only so many nutrients in your blood stream.Your body can only assimilate limited quantities of nutrients in a given period oftime. Phosphorus, for example, is required in both the thinking and reproductive processes. Still, your body can only assimilate finite or limited quantities of phosphorus from the diet to meet these demands in a twenty-four hour period.

What Important People Says

If most nutrients in your blood are going into meeting demands of your gonads, and being ejaculated there will be little left over to meet nutritional demands of the rest of your body and brain.The energy of your body is most potent when used in one direction.

What Important People Says

If you were to open the spigot in your kitchen sink while all other faucets were shut, you’d have great water pressure from that faucet,you simultaneously flush your toilet, turn on your shower, water your lawn, fill your bath tub and run your washer, the water

pressure at each outlet would drop dramatically.The same is true of your body. A man cannot think or perform his best when much of this energy and blood’s nutriments are expended in the discharge of semen.

What Important People Says

Drinking water dispensary method. How much quantity of water discharged at bottom, The same quantity comes from top and filled, Afterfilling water at top remains same. The body and semen same as above.

Most sexual relationships begin with a great deal of sexual activityduring which the man ejaculates frequently.He just can’t seem to getenough. After each ejaculation he becomes more depleted and exhausted.

What Important People Says

The loss of energy due to excessive ejaculation is a slow and subtleprocess that most men don’t usually notice until it’s too late. After countless episodes, a deterioration of your body sets in. As aman gets older, he may rationalize this lack of energy and loss of sexual vigour on his age. He is only too happy to continue pumping out his semen, sometimes even paying for the privilege and accelerating his deterioration..

I want to reassert at this point that vigorous health is your best aphrodisiac. And an important factor in obtaining vigorous health isthe fuller knowledge of nutrition in meeting the demands of an active, sexual, fulfilling life.

Not only is a proper diet necessary to keep arteries clean so blood can flow freely to all vital organs as well as your corpora cavernous penis, but also to replenish body chemistry.

What Important People Says

Cooked, canned, fried, processed, irradiated, barbecued, microwaved,DE germinated, preserved, chemicalized, homogenized, pasteurized andotherwise devitalized foods are not the best materials to be converted into healthy tissues, blood and vital organs needed for

vigorous health – and certainly not to meet the demands of an activesexual life. Poor health and/or poor diet demand that a man ejaculate no more than once a month if he wants to avoid mental and physical bankruptcy.

What Important People Says

The master of Taoist philosophy, Dr. Stephen Chang wrote: “When the average male ejaculates, he loses about one tablespoon of semen.According to scientific research, the nutritional value of this amount of semen is equal to that of two pieces of New York steak, ten eggs, six oranges, and two lemons combined.That includes proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, everything… Ejaculation is often called ‘coming’.

What Important People Says

The precise word for it should be ‘going,’ because everything – the erection, vital energy, millions of live sperm, hormones, nutrients,even a little of the man’s personality goes away. It is a great sacrifice for the man, spirituality, mentally, and physically.”

What Important People Says

Edwin Flatto is a retired doctor living in Florida and has been an NHF member since the 1950s. He is a graduate of the University of Miami and the Escuela Homeopathic de Allos Estudios de Guadalajara (Medico Homeopatico).

Over the years Ed has written 16 books on health, including, "Super Potency At Any Age", "Miracle Exercise That Can Save Your Life", and"Home Birth- Step by Step Instructions”. He is currently Gold’s Gym instructor, has a son age 7, and has won four gold medals in the Senior Olympics. Order his book called "Super Potency At Any Age".

What Important People Says

In Nietzsche's NOTES (1880-1881) he writes: "The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance.

Nietzsche's did not mean reabsorption of semen by the blood thro digestion (oral sex). There is a hermit belief that by practising certain spiritual exercises one can redirect the sexual power into spiritual/intellectual/physical energy.The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits.

What Important People Says

As for this theory on reabsorption of sperm, “sperm is full of protein". Also would have thought that some mysterious component of sperm capable of enhancing the mind in any way, somebody amongst thehordes of scientists performing research in the world today would have discovered it.

What Important People Says

the effect may result in either very high intellectual/physical power OR outright lunacy if gone wrong.! Modern science may interpret this as controlling associated hormones for good/bad.

The scientists of old have put great value upon the vial fluid and they have insisted upon its strong transmutation into the highest form of energy for the befit of society.”

What Important People Says

Mahatma Ghandi, 1959“The strength of the body, the light of the eyes, and the entire life of the man is slowly being lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.”

What Important People Says

Jewish Code of LawsSec. Orach Chaim.Ch. 240; Parag. 14“The stuff of the sexual life is the stuff of art; if it is expended in one channel it is lost for the other.

What Important People Says

Havelock Ellis“I am quite willing to believe in the correctness of the regimens you recommend...and I do not doubt all of us would do better if we followed your maxims.”

What Important People Says

Eminent European medical men also support the statement of the Yogins of India.

What Important People Says

The Virya comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed insidethe bones. There are three divisions in each Dhatu. Semen nourishes

the physical body, the heart and the intellect. Semen is amysterious secretion that is able to create a living body. Semen

itself is living substance. It is life itself. Whenever the seminalsecretions are conserved and thereby reabsorbed into the system, it

goes towards enriching the blood and strengthening the brain.

Just as bees collect honey in the honeycomb drop by drop, so also, the cells of the testes collect semen drop by drop from the blood.

If wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak and physically debilitatedand prone to sexual irritation and disordered function, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other diseases and death.

What Important People Says

Nature puts the most valuable ingredients in the seed in all forms of life in order to provide for continuation of the species. And thefluid (semen) a man discharges during sexual relations contains the human seed. The human seed, of course, contains all essential elements necessary to create another human being when it is united with an ovum. It contains forces capable of creating life.

Falling of semen brings death; preservation of semen gives life. Semen is the real vitality in men.

A new thing is required for new generation.


We found that on yaga day lot of people doing yoga and discussing onthis subject whole day,

By doing long observation we come to know that lot of people do not know the difference between YOGA & YOGASANA.

Yoga and yogasana both are different meaning,

Yoga means the way of life, how to live happy life,to reach your goal in your life,etc,

Yogasana means it is one type of exercise ,which heps people to reach their goals,

Yogasana gives physical power , mental power, to our body,

There are several types of methods to live happy life,among them yogasana is one,

Yogasana is not yoga,yogasana is the one of the method to do yoga.

But if you do yogasana without knowing the basic secrete it is harmful,

Do yogasana, or any other methods to do yoga,implement s-formula(save semen), then only it gives good result, 100% result.

Do not confuse yoga and yogasana

100 of types of ways are there to do yoga,yogasana is one method,if you like yogasana you do it or you choose another method,

Yogasana is a type of education,choice is your, it is not compulsory,

Yoga is done by any other method to reach our goals, to live happy life,

This information is given by s-formula team,

We done 30 years research on this s-formula,

S-formula(save semen)Each one – Teach one.


Lot of people don’t know what is meditation, why it is required, what is the benefit,etc,

Thousands of people have thousands of ideas regarding this,

We done research on this subject 25 years and found the solution exactly what is meditation,

Here we are sharing our thoughts with you,

Meditation is made for storing the semen, saving the semen,

Semen is required to our body to keep health in good condition,mentally & physically fitness,

Directly by telling this secrete to every one , it is not possible to give training,to child, female,male combinedly,

So indirectly ,to save semen, created some stories, and make them belive in this subject, giving practice,

But if you do meditation only semen will store in your body, no other effects, no other benifits,

Meditation is a method to increase semen in your body,

Semen is required to work all your organs properly,

Semen is the power, energy of our body.

Do meditation,save semen, save your life.

By s-formula team,

S-formula(save semen)Each one – Teach one).

s-formula(save semen)each one – teach one.

Semen burns the fat,

no other medicine in this world except semen to burn fat

s-formula(save semen)each one – teach one.

Due to loss of semen, fat accumulates,

Store semen in your body,it will convert all fat into bones,

Do not go for any other method,

Save semen, it will remove your fat,

s-formula(save semen)each one – teach one.

Just like air in the balloon,

Store semen in your body,

All fat will disapper,

You will be free from fat,

Reason for loss of semen

1) If you take alcohol, your semen will loss2) If you use tobacco, your semen will loss3) If you do sex thinking, your semen will loss4) If you use bad food, your semen will loss,Do not entertain the activities, which are responsible for loss of semen.


Many teens suffer from mental health issues in response to the pressures of society and social problems they encounter. Some of the key mental health issues seen in teens are: depression, eating disorders, and drug abuse.

S-formula is the one and only way to prevent these health issues from occurring such as communicating well with a teen suffering from mental health issues. Mental health can be treated and be attentive to teens' behavior

Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.

Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age, when the eager passions of youth are cooled, and the infirmities of agenot yet begun; as we see that the shadows, which are at morning and evening so large, almost entirely disappear at midday.

What saddens me is the corruption of youth and beauty, and the loss of soul, which is only replaced by money.

Education is not a tool for development - individual, community and thenation. It is the foundation for our future. It is empowerment to make

choices and emboldens the youth to chase their dreams.

Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.Keep true to the dreams of your youth.In youth we learn; in age we understand.

Youth is the spirit of adventure and awakening. It is a time of physical emerging when the body attains the vigor and good health that may ignore the caution of temperance. Youth is a period of timelessnesswhen the horizons of age seem too distant to be noticed.

The youth is the hope of our future.

Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age.

The greatest wealth and strength of any nation is its youth. The future of a nation lies in the hands of its posterity. The quality of its youth determines the kind of future, the nation will have. Therefore, if we want to ensure a bright future for our country, we first need to strengthen and empower our youth. The youth of anynation and society are its potential energy. They are the powerhouse and storehouse of infinite energy. They are the ones who are the pride of thenation. It is the youth which brings laurels to their country. 

The best and the first and foremost way to strengthen our youth are to provide them education. Not just any kind of education, but theright kind of education which makes them

scientific, logical, open-minded, self respecting,responsible, honest and patriotic. Without these virtues being developed, our youth cannot walk in the desired way and they will remain in a deep slumber of complacency.


S-formula (save semen)

Our youths are spoiling like anything,

Nobody is teaching our youths properly,

Our government, our scientists, our doctors, our swamijis, our so many brilliant officers, are not telling the youths, to save semen,

Teenagers are spoiling like anything,

I will give you some evidences about s-formula,

Genius people talking about courage, BUT, they arenot telling the secrete how to get courage, where is that courage,

Genius peoples talking about health, BUT, they arenot telling how to get health,

In the same way lot of good characters, good things they are telling, BUT, they fail to tell the secrete how to get all these,

S-formula is the only one thing everything it gives to us,

Do not sit quite, please help rural peoples, innocents, uneducated persons this secrete,

Please help our people, help our youths, help our country,

Let us do all s-formula, and become more powerful.

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. William Acton (1813 - 1875)British doctor and medical writer. Authored Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs in Childhood, Youth, Adult Age, and Advanced Life Considered in TheirPhysiological, Social, and Moral Relations. (1894)--------------------------------

Chastity no more injures the body than the soul1

Acton says that "it is only mature individuals who can bear even infrequent acts of copulation without more or less injury. In young persons all the vital powers should be conserved for growth and development."2

In a state of health no sexual impression should ever affect a child's mind or body. All its vital energy should be

employed in building up the growing frame, in storing up external impressions, and educating the brain to receive them.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. Claude-Francois LallemanFrench surgeon, (1790 - 1853)

Lallemand warned that loss of sperm could be dangerous to health.1

Lalleman traces spermatorrhea to an inflammation, congestion and hypersecretion of the mucous membranes of the urethra, primarily initiated by frequent sexual orgasms and intensified by the irritation of toxic blood resulting from wrong diet and autointoxication. Alcohol, coffee, tea and spices, by irritating the genital mucous membranes, he believes to contribute to this condition.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. Leopold Deslandes MD (1796 - 1850)French medical writer and doctor. Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Paris

Deslandes observes: "The diseases affecting the nervous system, that system which is powerfully disturbed by coition,are not the only ones resulting from venereal excess. We shall see that all alterations of tissue, every physical disorder, may be caused by this. We may fearlessly assert that most of the inconveniences and diseases afflicting the human species arise from venereal excesses."

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. Simon-Auguste-Andre-David Tissot (1728-1787)Swiss professor of medicine

He followed in the tradition of the Greek medicine when he wrote that the body is an energy system which needs constant care to maintain equilibrium.1

‘Losing one ounce of sperm is more debilitating than losing forty ounces of blood’, in Treatise on the Diseases Produced by Onanism.His tenet was that debility, disease and death are theoutcome of semen loss

Tissot describes as follows the effects of sexual excess:"The debility caused by these excesses derange the functions of all organs... Digestion, perspiration and evacuation do not take place in their usual healthy manner; ... and astonishing weakness in the back, debility of the genital organs, bloody urine, deranged appetite, headache and numerous other diseases ensue; in a word, nothing shortens life so much as the abuse of sexual pleasures... Excesses in the gratification of sexual desire not only cause the diseases of languor, but sometimes acute diseases; and they always produce irregularities in those affections which depend on other causes, and very readily render them malignant when the energies of nature are at fault."

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Dr. Arnold LorandAustrian Doctor and author

The ancient Hindoos recommended to men sexual abstinence of long duration, thinking that by this means the internal secretion of the sexual glands would be absorbed into the system and that they would thereby reap all the benefits inherent in such a secretion. By this it seems that thousandsof years before Claude Bernard and Brown-Sequard the Hindoos already appreciated the great importance of the internal secretions.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. Leopold Lowenfeld (1857 - 1924)German gynecologist, psychiatrist and author

The gynecologist, Loewenfeld, considers it possible for asexually normal individual to live in permanent continence without any ill-effects whatsoever.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Dr. Herbert Macgolfin Shelton (1895 - 1985)Natural hygienist.

By producing enervation and by exciting the nervous system, Dr. Shelton claims that sexual excess can further the development of any disease to which the individual is subject.1

"No function is so exhausting to the whole system as this. Ifexcessively indulged in, no practice can possibly be so enervating.2

"What constitutes excess? The reply has been given: Anything is excess when procreation is not the end. Man is sexually perverted. He is the only animal that has his `social problem,' the only animal that supports prostitution, the only animal that practices self-abuse, the only animal that is demoralized by all forms of sexual perversions, the only animal whose male will attack the females, the only animal where the desire of the female is not the law, the only one that does not exercise his sexual powers in harmony with their primitive constitution."

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. Rita Sapiro Finkler (1888 - 1968)Pioneer endocrinologist, founded the department of endocrinology a the Beth Israel Hospital.

Finkler answered that sexual continence is not injurious to young men, but, on the contrary, is beneficial to bodyand mind.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Arthur Hiler RugglesPresident of the American Psychiatric Association

Ruggles writes: "Sexual abstinence is compatible with perfecthealth and tends to increase vitality through resorption of the semen."

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Max Thorek (1880 - 1960)Surgeon, writer and professor of medicine & plastic surgeryThe gonad elaborates through its internal secretions the chemical products which are taken up by the circulation and carried to the central nervous system, and there erotization results. That these substances of internal secretion have a selective action seems probable, and that such substances are stored in the central nervous system, seems, in view of recent experiments, quite certain... O'Malleey thinks that the direct action of the chemical products of the gonads through the nervous system influences the growth and increased metabolism of every tissue of the body. That there is a direct relationship between the gonads and the hypophysis is fairly well established... Since the time of Hippocrates and Aristotle, it has been believed that there was a coordination between the testicular fluid and the nervous system, brain and cord."

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Sir Robert McCarrison (1878 - 1960)British physician to the King (1928 - 1935), knighted for his medical work

McCarrison, found that atrophy of the testicles is frequentlyfound in cerebral and spinal diseases.

S-FORMULA (save semen).Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Francis Hugh Adam Marshall (1878 - 1949)Eminent English physiologist at Edinburgh University

Marshall, in his "Introduction to Sex Physiology", points outthe need for such restraint over the reproductive function and the sublimation of sex energy into higher cerebral forms of expression, as was the case with many intellectual geniuses of the past, who led continent lives.1

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Sir Frederick Walker Mott (1853 - 1926)Neurologist, author and pioneer of British biochemistry.

Tthe majority of these insane subjects studied by Mott were habitual masturbators, which practice should have a relation to their testicular degeneration, which Mott considers the primary cause of their brain involution and degeneration. Mott's observations were confirmed by Obregia, Parhon and Urechia(?) who also found degeneration of the seminiferous tubules and absence of spermatogenesis in dementia praecox. These investigators conclude that spermatozoa may have an internal function that is necessary for the normal metabolismof the brain, and that dementia praecox may be due to an alteration or deficiency of their production due to degeneration of the seminiferous tubules of auto-intoxication.1

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Mohandas K. Gandhi'The horror with which ancient literature regarded the fruitless loss of the vital fluid was not a superstition born of ignorance. . . Surely it is criminal for a man to allow hismost precious possession to run to waste.'

Talk with Margaret Sanger, 1935, Dr. Bernard. R.W., Nutritional Sex Control & Rejuvenation. Health Research: Pomeroy

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. Dr S Chidambaranathan, Homeopathic Doctor

Semen is a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin-E, sodium, magnesium, etc. So, excessive loss of semen will deprive our body of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, etc. Researchers find many similarities between cerebrospinal fluid (which nourishesthe brain and nervous system) and semen in constituents/composition.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. Charles Eucharist de Medicis Sajous (1852 - 1929)Physician, endocinologist, teacher, author, and editor.

Sajous states his conviction that the myelin of the nerves is not amere insulating material or sheath, but a phosphorus-containing substance (lecithin) which, when in contact with oxygen-laden blood, generates nerve-electricity through oxidation. The importance of sufficient lecithin to keep the myelin sheaths properly nourished is therefore apparent. ... the lecithin and lipins of the myelin sheaths have a nutritive function in relation to the nerves. ... "Lecithin, therefore, becomes the functional ground-substance of the cell- body of the neuron, just as it is in the nerve. Both in the neuron and its continuation, the nerve,

therefore, the vascular fibrils carry blood-plasma, which, by passing through their walls, maintains a continuous reaction, of which the phosphorus of the lecithin and the oxygen of the blood-plasma are main reagents, and chemical energy is the end-result."

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Dr. Edward Charles Spitzka (1852 - 1914)Brain anatomist, neurologist, and psychiatrist

Excessive venery and masturbation have from time immemorial been supposed to be the direct causes of insanity. Unquestionably they exert a deleterious influence on the nervous system, and may provoke insanity partly through theirdirect influence on the nervous centres, partly through theirweakening effect on the general nutrition. That there is a close connection between pathological nervous states and the sexual function is exemplified in the satyriasis of mania andthe early stages of paretic dementia as well as in the sexualdelusion of monomania and the abnormal genital sensations of that condition.

In his "Masturbatic Insanity," Dr. Spitzka presents a study of twelve cases of insanity, all of which he attributes to masturbation. He claims that the occurrence

of psychoses as the result of masturbation is primarily due to arrested brain nutrition. This results from the withdrawal from the circulation of brain-nourishing lecithin and other phosphorus compounds through excessiveseminal discharges. For we must remember that lecithin isa chief constituent of the myelin sheaths of nerve- cellsand essential for their activity, during which it is consumed--for it is the nerve-oil that keeps the fire of nerve and brain activity burning. Since lecithin is also a principal constituent of the semen, we can readily understand why excessive sexual activity should lead to lecithin deficiency and undernutrition of nerve and braincells.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Max von Gruber (1853 - 1927)Austrian physician, bacteriologist, and hygienist.

It is absurd to regard the semen as an injurious secretion like the urine, which requires periodic evacuation, but as vital fluid which is not only reabsorbed during sexual abstention, but this reabsorption appears to have a beneficial effect on the physiological economy, as shown by

the large number of intellectual geniuses who have led continent lives.

frequent discharges of semen lead to a "reduction of the peculiar internal secretion of the testes," which is otherwise resorbed into the blood-stream. The immediate effects of sexual excess, he states, are depression, fatigue and exhaustion. As further symptoms there is pressure in the lumbar region, nervous irritability, a feeling of pressure in the head, stupidity, insomnia, ringing in the ears, spots before the eyes, shunning of light, a feeble trembling and actual shaking, pounding ofthe heart, tendency to sweating and muscular weakness. There is also weakness of memory, neurasthenia, melancholic depression and disinclination to physical or mental effort. The digestive activity becomes less efficient and food is less well utilized. There is a deficiency in blood and a lowered resistance to infectious bacteria, the tubercle bacillus in particular,for which reason sexual excess is known to predispose to consumption aside from its tendency to drain the body of calcium. There is irritable weakness of the genitals, premature ejaculation, frequent nocturnal emissions, and increasing impotence. The more frequent nocturnal emissions that result increase the nervous irritability and exhaustion (i.e., neurasthenia). All these effects are more marked in the young and the aged; in the former,sexual excess, by its detrimental influence on metabolismand the process of growth, stunts physical and mental development, while in the aged it hastens death, often bycausing heart failure.2

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.G. Frank Lydston (1858 - 1923)Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery and Syphilology in the Medical Departmentof the University of Illinois ; Professor of Surgery, Chicago Clinical chool, Chicago, Illinois. 

"Continence per se, probably never is harmful. The non- elimination of the seminal secretion from the testes oftenis productive of great bodily and mental vigor." In his opinion, "one may be perfectly healthy and physically vigorous while leading a life of absolute continence."1

Professor Lydston mentions cases of apoplexy, paralysis and fatal cardiac conditions occurring in predisposed persons as the result of sexual excess. "From a priori considerations," he writes, "involving the immediate effects of sexual excitement and indulgence upon the brainand spinal cord, we might naturally expect insanity to be a frequent result of masturbation and excessive venery." While the majority of persons are protected against such serious affects upon the cerebrospinal functions by their natural resistance, in those in whom this resistance nervous equilibrium incidental to faulty or imperfect nerve structure, whether due to heredity, congenital defect or acquired disease, the conditions are different. Under such circumstances, repeated sexual orgasms, according to Prof. Lydston, can procure "actual structuralalterations of nerve-fibers and cells and vessals of the

brain, with coincident psychopathic phenomena," which "arenaturally to be expected as occasional results of these severe and repeated shocks to the susceptible nervous system produced by the sexual orgasms."2

According to Prof. Lydston, the results of sexual excess are similar to those of masturbation, and both result fromthe disturbance of blood chemistry and general metabolism caused by the withdrawal from the body of the substances of which the semen is composed: calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, albumen, iron, etc. Though physicalimpairment, as well as mental impairment, from sexual excess is very common, less attention, has been paid to itthan to the evil results of masturbation, in view of the current belief that, unlike masturbation, coitus is harmless under all circumstances. However it is Lydston's opinion that "sexual excess is the most prolific cause of that most civilized and most fashionable of all hydra-headed diseases, neurasthenia, adding, "Moderation in sexual intercourse is not only conducive to prolonged virility, but to longevity. It is certain that many cases of neurasthenia in both male and female are due to sexual excess."3

In an article, "Sexual Neurasthenia and the Prostate" (Medical Record, Feb., 1912), Prof. F. G. Lydston presentsevidence to prove that neurasthenia has its roots in prostatic dysfunction caused by sexual indulgence, which results in depletion and derangement of the prostatic hormone. He writes:"There is almost always some functional derangement of thesexual apparatus behind which lies a varying degree of organic disorder (in neurasthenia). My experience leads meto the conclusion that neurasthenia in the males is associated with prostatic hyperemia and hyperesthesis of the prostatic urethra more than with any other

condition.... Practically all of these subjects have been masturbators, many of them have indulged in sexual excesses, and not a few have had gonorrhea.... I doubt if it is possible for one to indulge in either masturbation or sexual excess for any length of time without producing disturbance of prostatic circulation and innervation... Practically every masturbator who has practiced the habit for any length of time may be considered as having a more or less tender and swollen prostate. My experience goes toshow that this condition underlies many of the cases of nocturnal emissions with which we meet." 4

"As might be inferred from the fact that sexual excess andmasturbation bear an important relation to locomotor ataxia, spermatorrhea is associated with that form of nervous disease more often than any other. The evil habit of masturbation, if continued, produces great irritation of the procreative organs -- especially of the seat of sexual sensibility in the prostatic urethra... Erotic dreams result, with losses of seminal secretion. This may merge into true spermatorrhea, the morbid condition finally becoming so pronounced that with little or no provocation, losses occur in the daytime."Spermatorrhea, in the majority of instances is the resultof sexual excess or masturbation, and, moreover, the effects of the venereal organs being expended upon the nervous system, it is rational to infer that the disease when fully developed essentially is a neurosis."5

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Dr. Frederick Humphreys MD (1816 - 1900)Homeopathic doctor and founder of the New York State Homeopathic Medical Society. Writer of "Manual of Homeopathic Remedies (1930) and many other works.

Nervous debility is often brought on in young persons by the habit of masturbation, which, if persisted in from time to time, is inevitably followed by consequences immediate and remote, and are of the most formidable character.1

"[Nervous debility] is almost invariably the result of some drain upon the vital forces, such as excesses of various kinds: excessive morbid indulgence, involuntary losses of vital fluids, too long and too constant excitement of the sexual system, and more especially when such indulgences are allowed in connection with mental and physical overwork. Nervous debility is often brought on in young persons by the habit of masturbation, which, if persisted in from time to time, is inevitably followed by consequences immediate and remote, and are of the most formidable character.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Dr. Oskar LassarGerman dermatologist Sexual continence is not injurious to young men.

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Professor Charles Edouard Brown Sequard(1817 - 1894)British physiologist and neurologistBrown-Sequard has shown that spermatic secretions increase nerve and brain vitality.1

Brown Sequard discovered that the voluntary supression of theejaculation of semen strengthens a man and is conducive to long life. This is due to the semen being thus returned to the body which thus acts as a tonic for the nervous system.2

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Dr. Leopold Casper (1859-1959)Highly regarded Berlin urologist. Founder of ureteral catheterisation and functional renal diagnostics. The nervous system's power of resistance, especially that of

the affected centers, is so slight that the most trivial stimulation produces the maximum of irritability, as the result of which ejaculation ensues; or, conversely, the normal tonicity of the ejaculatory duct is raised to the highest point, so that the semen flows away spontaneously or escapes upon the slightest pressure.

Thus, sexual excesses may cause this symptom, either directlyor by inducing neurasthenia. Of the sexual excesses masturbation occupies the first rank; it is immaterial whether it be physical, that is, practised by frictioning thepenis, or only psychical, an ejaculation being induced by conjuring up voluptuous fancies.

At present we do not believe in the dreadful results of masturbation described by Lallemand and Tissot, but yet it must be conceded that if the habit is persisted in for years it will impair the soundness of both body and mind, that it will result in enfecblement and hyperaesthesia of the nervoussystem. It is not so much the numerous losses of semen as it is the effect of the frequently repeated stimulation upon thenervous system which brings about this condition. The frequency with which masturbation is practised explains why abnormal pollutions result more frequently from this habit than from sexual excesses.1

Casper regarded spermatorrhea [the involuntary emission of semen without orgasm] and neurasthenia [nervous disorders] asgoing hand in hand, and that both result from excessive seminal losses through sexual excess.2


S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Dr. George Miller Beard (1839 - 1883)Yale graduate who went on to become a distinguished doctor, medical writer and researcher. Dr. Beard notes that [American] Indian boys do not masturbate

and young men remain chaste until marriage, conditions which we do not find among so-called civilized races.1

Neurasthenia has a sexual origin, the weakened condition of the nerves being intimately related to the sexual life of theindividual. He came to the conclusion that neurasthenia has its origin in abnormal functioning of the sexual organs by the observation that in patients who came to him with functional nervous diseases, examination invariably showed that there was a condition of inflammation of the prostatic urethra. He wrote: "In men, as in women, a large group of nervous symptoms, which are very common indeed, would not

exist but for morbid states in the reproductive system... A morbid state of this part of the body is both an effect and acause of nervous exhaustion."

Beard then proceeded to determine what caused this morbid condition in the reproductive organs (inflammation of the prostatic urethra), which he considered the predisposing cause of neurasthenia. A study of the symtomatology of spermatorrhea, a disease characterized by an involuntary lossof sexual secretions (in the urine, after defecation, or at other times), led him to a solution of this problem. Beard noted that spermatorrhea was a frequent symptom of all kinds of neurasthenic as well as other debilitating diseases, and that there was a direct relationship between the amount of seminal fluid discharged and the intensity of the nervous symptoms. He also found that frequent nocturnal emissions likewise led to neurasthenic symptoms."Seminal emissions," he concluded, are frequently the cause of nervous and other diseases." In spite of their universality (among civilized males, but not among animals), Beard believed that nocturnal emissions are pathological; andlike spermatorrhea, a related condition of seminal emission, they are suscepstantially cured, he stated. This, he claimed,by the conservation of nerve- nourishing seminal constituentsthat results, would markedly reduce the nervous symptoms thusproduced.

As the result of his observations, Beard came to the conclusion that neurasthenia is a direct effect of the withdrawal from the blood of certain chemical substances needed for the nutrition of nervous tissue, which results from seminal discharges; and that the loss of considerable quantities of seminal fluid, involuntarily or voluntarily, leads to undernourishment of the cells of the central nervoussystem, causing them to be weakened and exhausted. He also

pointed out that this condition is usually associated with aninflammatory state of the prostatic urethra "which is so often the source whence all these difficulties originate, andby which they are maintained." The prostatic urethra, he claimed, is the most important center of reflex irritation ofthe body, a morbid state of which is both an effect and causeof nervous exhaustion.2

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Dr. Joseph William Howe (1843 - 1890)Professor of clinical surgery at Bellevue Hospital Medical Schoo Dr. Howe, professor of clinical surgery at Bellevue Hospital

Medical School, believes that sclerosis of nerve fibers of the cerebellum may be caused by involuntary emissions of semen by night or day. He also thinks that "diseases of the brain and cord are ushered in and accompanied by frequent ejaculations of seminal fluid. Many of the cases are accompanied by impotence, others develop satyriasis and priapism. He adds:

"In one case of partial cerebral sclerosis which involved a small portion of the cerebellum, the patient suffered from frequent emissions before any symptoms of cerebral trouble manifested themselves. Coincident with manifestations of the sclerosis, the pollutions were increased in frequency, and asthe disease progressed, were of daily and nightly occurrence."Progressive locomotor ataxia was at one time supposed to arise from inordinate sexual congress and onanism.... A majority of patients suffering from locomotor ataxia have spermatorrhea of troublesome nature. In the later stages of the disease there is complete loss of virile power. In the cases which are preceded by spermatorrhea, the disease is of a more serious nature, and is more apt to run a rapid course and reach a fatal termination."Other diseases of the spinal cord, such as white softening, tumors and injuries, are all accompanied by some disarrangement of the genital functions. In some instances, they are characterized by frequent ejaculations and loss of virility; in others priapism and aspermitism are present. In injuries which produce a certain amount of irritation and inflammation, the latter conditions are more likely to be present, while in anemic conditions, or chronic softening, seminal emissions and impotence are usual. Chronic or white softening of the spinal cord may arise as a result of masturbation and sexual excess."1

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.

Dr. Charles Arthur Mercier   (1852 - 1919)English psychiatrist and author of several books on neuroscience With each reproductive act the bodily energy is diminished;

the capacity for exertion is lessened; the languor and lassitude that follow indicate the strain that has been put upon the forces of the body, the amount of energy that has been abstracted from the store at the disposal of the organism.

Now, the seat of the reservoir of energy is the nervous system, and any drain upon the energies of the body is a drain on the nervous system, whose highest regions will, on the general grounds already familiar, be the first and most affected. Hence the reproductive act has an effect on the highest regions of the nervous system which is of the nature of a stress, and tends to produce disorder.With a normally constituted organism the stress of the reproductive act is not sufficient to produce disorder, unless it is repeated with undue frequency ; on the contrary,by providing a natural and legitimate outlet for surplus activity, its influence is distinctly beneficial. But in an organism whose energies are naturally defective, the tendencyof the reproductive act will be to increase the deficiency ; and in an organism which is inherently below the normal stability, the tendency of the stress of the reproductive actwill be to produce disorder.

This tendency will be especially severe when indulgence in the sexual act is begun at too early an age.1

Hence it is in males chiefly that are exhibited the ill-consequences of excessive sexual indulgence ; and in the malesex a very large proportion of cases of dementia are either due to,or are aggravated, enhanced, and prolonged, by undue sexual indulgence.2

there are an enormous number of cases, forming together a considerable proportion of the total population, in which premature decadence of the mental powers, premature exhaustion ofthe energies, premature inability for vigorous and active exertion, result from excessive sexual indulgence in early life. The young man, full of vigour, boiling over, as it were, with energy and activity, recently let loose from the restraint of school or college, unaccustomed to control himself or to deny himself any gratification, launches out into excesses which at the time appear to be indulged in withimpunity. But sooner or later comes the day of reckoning. He has felthimself possessed of abundance of energy, and he has dissipated it lavishly, feeling that after each wasteful expenditure he had more to draw upon ; but he is in the position of a spendthrift who is living on his capital. Had he husbanded his resources and lived with moderation, the interest on his capital would have sufficed to keep him in comfort to old age ; but he has lavished his capital, has lived a few short years in great profusion, and before middlelife he is a beggar.3


S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Hippocrates- You remember hearing about the Hippocratic oath, right? So why this "Father of Medicine"didn't approve of greasing your monkey everyday to fall asleep is beyond the scope of modern medicine. We are after all, "advanced."

Hippocrates and Galen believed that semen came from all humors of the body. 1

Since the time of Hippocrates and Aristotle, it has been believed that there was a coordination between the testicular fluid and the nervous system, brain and cord. 2

The ancients note a relation between the semen and the spinal cord,and Hippocrates believed that involuntary seminal losses can cause tabes dorsalis. That they cause spinal weakness is well known. 3

Hippocrates called the disease Tabes Dorsalis. He says "it proceeds from the spinal cord, and is frequently met with among newly married people and libertines. There is no fever, the appetite is preserved, but the body falls away. If you interrogate the patients, they will tell you that they feel as if ants were crawling down the spine. If they have connection the congress is fruitless;they lose semen in bed, whether they are troubled with lascivious dreams or not. They lose on horseback or in walking. Their breathing becomes difficult; they fall into a state of feebleness, and suffer from a weight in the head and a singing in

the ears. If in this condition, they become affected with a strong fever, and die with cold extremities.4

S-FORMULA (save semen).

Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.TraditionalThis theory that semen comes from the body is an ayurvedic understanding wherein different materials of the body "distill" to form purer substances which are then extracted bythe testicles as semen. The fact that semen comes from the testicles is no big discovery. The value of semen was stressedby ancient philosophers & doctors.

The basic principles of ayurveda involve a metaphysical understanding of the elements. The bodies tissues are divided into seven:

Rasa (Plasma) Rakta (Blood) Mamsa (Muscle) Meda (Fat tissues) Asthi (Bone) Majja (Marrow) Shukra (Semen)

The semen can be extracted by the testicles or reabsorbed to strengthen the body and brain.

Here is a doubt asked to Swami Shivananda


S-FORMULA (save semen).Evidence of the Value of Semen for Physical & Mental Health.Semen is a mysterious secretion that is able to create a living body. Semen itself is living substance. It is life itself. Therefore, when it leaves man, it takes a portion of his own life. A living thing cannot be put to laboratory tests, without first killing it. The scientist has no apparatus to test it. God has provided the only test to prove its precious nature, viz., the womb. The very fact that semen is able to create life is proof enough that it is life itself.

I have thousands of letters from young men who have wasted this precious fluid and are in a miserable plight. Several young men even go to the point of committing suicide! Through reckless waste of semen, they lose all their physical, mental and intellectual faculties. Those who are perfect Brahmacharins have lustrous eyes, a healthy body and mind, anda keen, piercing intellect.

Scientists with their test tubes and balances cannot approach subtle things. No amount of dissection of the body will be able to tell you where the soul is, where life is, or where the mind is. Through the practice of Yoga, the seminal energy—not the gross physical semen— flows upwards and enriches the

mind. This has been declared by the sages. You will have to experience it yourself.

-- Swami Shivananda

S-FORMULA (save semen).



S-FORMULA (save semen).If you lose more semen, you talk more,If you store more semen, you talk


If you lose more semen, you give more trouble to others,If you store

semen, you help more people,

If you lose more semen, you like more sound and music,If you store more

semen, you like very less sound and music(noice).

If you lose more semen, lesser the growth of mind, growth of height,

If you loose more semen, you always feel unhappy,If you store more

semen,you always feel more happy,

If you loose more semen, your child born abnormal, if you store more semen,

your child born bright and healthy,more attractive,like a lion.

If you loose more semen, your married life always unhappy (hell), if you

store more semen, your married life will be in heaven,

Semen is not for sex always, semen is for nourishing our body always,

Storing of semen is a difficult job, losing of semen is easy job, it takes

so many days to prepare semen,but it take only few second to waste, Once

you ejaculate semen, it is the product of 74 days of food you taken,



Farmers are very hard workers,

Farmers must need high stamina and strength to work in field,

Farmers compulsory store semen to do better work,

Farmers made some rules and regulations in their premises to store semen,

But ,now a days , due to fast moving of science and technology, farmers are

involved in wasting of their semen,

Due to more wastage of semen , they become, weak, nervous, delicate, unable

to doany work,

Farmers are losing lot of semen now a days, they become lazy, but they do

not know this secrete,

Our government sitting by closing their eyes, no body is ready to go and

strengthen the farmers by telling this secrete, now a days lot of farmers

involved in wasting of time by alcohol drinking, tobacco chewing, sex

thinking, they like the activities which support the loss of semen.

Media peoples, IAS officers sitting by closing the eyes,

Kindly requesting to all the peoples of nation, go and help farmers by

implementing s-formula in their life,

S-formula give whatever you want in your life.

S-FORMULA (save semen).If you lose more semen your brain works obnormal,

If you lose more semen, your digestive system fail.

If you lose more semen, you may die at any time,

If you lose more semen, you will not like marrage,

If you lose more semen, your health is always in danger,

If you lose more semen, your nerves become very weak, entire nerve system

will fail.

Why are you wasting so much of semen and fall ill,(hell),

Start storing semen,save semen, have a bright future



S-FORMULA (save semen).Why people like bad habits.


Speed of blood is plays important role in our body.

If speed of blood is more in your body , you feel more happy,how much more

speed of blood in your body that much happiness in your life,

If speed of blood decreases in your body,you feel unhappy, uneasy,in your

life, how much less speed of blood in your body that much un happiness in

your life.

The secrete how to increase the speed of blood is semen,

Semen is the only substance which increases speed of blood in our body,

If you store more semen, blood speed increases, you feel happy,

When you lose your semen, your blood speed decreases, you feel unhappy,

To maintain blood speed, somebody take alcohol, somebody take tobacco,some

body use medicines etc,

(Bad habits increase your blood speed temporarily, and it kills you, and

you may die at any time.)

For every age, there is certain limit of speed of blood, but to maintain

that much of speed, they take alcohol, tobacco, medicines,etc,

If anybody quit this bad habbit, just store semen, you will automatically

leave all bad habbits,

No teacher is required for this, you yourself make your own methods and

save semen,

Your are the doctor for youself, you are the guru for yourself , in this s-



S-FORMULA (save semen).S-formula makes -POOR becomes RICH,

S-formula makes -FEAR becomes BRAVE,

S-formula makes -ILLNESS becomes HEALTHY,

S-formula makes -DEVILS becomes GODS,

S-formula makes –BAD CHRECTER becomes GOOD CHRECTER,

S-formula makes -CRUEL becomes SOFT,

S-formula makes –BAD MIND becomes GOOD MIND,

S-formula makes -BAD LIFEbecomes GOOD LIFE,

And so on..................


From TWITTER and from FACEBOOK, we learnt one beautiful thing, is as


If you do five friends first, it takes long time, so many days, once you

got five friends, you will get 1000 numbers of friends in few

hours,afterwords you will get lacks of friends in few seconds, afterthat

without knowing you get unlimited friends, THAKS TWITTER, THANKS FACEBOOK.





Basically girls do not know the secrete of life,

no body teaches in home and school about s-formula (save semen)

they do not know what is life, they live like father, brother, nibhour,or

any one,

Females fight equally with male in all fields,

But no body knows whether it is correct or not, no body knows the answer,

all are supporting female to fight equally with male in all fields,


S-FORMULA will tell you one secrete,

Females are losing lot of semen naturally in their life(monthly 3-days) &

(child birth).

Due to too much loss of semen in their body, they are physically become

weak, not fit for hard work,

Due to continuous loss of semen, female talk more, no concentration on any

subject for long time,brain is not working properly,they need lot of

support from others when they are in danger.

Due to loss of semen their bones are not fit for hard work,

Due to loss of semen their behaviour is abnormal in some circumstances,

If anybody involves female in the work itwill not success all time, because

their half of life is critical position,

In olden days lot of studies done by scientists, females are not fit for

hard works and they made rule for females some fixed works,

(This will not related to girls, females who saving semen,)

It is not females fault, it is made by nature,

Dear girls, without knowing the secrete of life your life become waste.

Now a days lot of science improved, lot of girls wasting semen before &

after marriage,

This will kill their future, becareful in your life, learn how to save

semen from your elders(female) in home.

Do not go forhard work out side, follow the seniors instruction,

Follow s-formula, keep your body in good condition, do not waste semen.


S-FORMULA (save semen).

Just like air in balloon,

Semen is in our body,

If the quantity of semen increases, our body expands, looks very


If the quantity of semen decreases, body goes down, looks delicate,dull,

If you increase the levelof semen,your health and wealth increases,



S-FORMULA (save semen).Normal speed of blood of healthy man is, when you cut his finger, blood

should jump 30 feet height.

Power of semen.



If any body says save semen, suddenly you will get angry,

Why because no body told this in your life to you,

You not asked anybody regarding power of semen,

We are informing to you regarding the value of semen, but you donot like


No body helping us in this mission,

Kindly requesting you, please try to know the power of semen in your life,

If you save semen, what happens to you,

If you loose semen, what happens to you,

Then you really understand the value of semen,

Power of semen is the power of nation.



How to implement s-formula

S-formula says you are the best teacher to teach yourself,

No third person is required to teach,

You made rules yourself and try to implement s-formula in your own method,

You do not ask anybody how to store semen,

S-formula is self knowledge trainng subject,

S-formula gives you self knowledge.

You follow your own method.


Your entire body system is working under pressure in your body,

If you waste semen, your pressure goes out of body,

When pressure goes out , your health also goes out,

Our body pressure will go out of body only with the semen, there is no

other outlet for it.

Do not lose semen, do not waste your health,

ByS-formula team.



Why blood pressure disease comes,

If you waste the semen, your entire body pressure decreased,

When body pressure decrease , your all parts of organs will not work


To maintain body pressure you will go for medicines, alcohol, tobacco, etc,

Medicines, alcohol,tobacco all increase the speed of blood,temporarily,

If you increase your blood speed by artificial methods, your resistance

decrease slowly,

For production of semen, do exercises,

You find your own way to store the semen,

Lead a good life.


s-formula team.



S-FORMULA – What is God,

We done research on God,about 30 years, and we found that there is no god

in this world as per existing stories.

We realised that semen is the god.

We given different names and different shapes to semen and named as god.

God is the science and technology which controls man from danger, control

on mind, control on body.

But lot of stories made for this and all people follows this,

But whatever the stories all tells about save semen.

Please consider , this is only our result done by research,

You follow all your systems keeping in your mind save semen.

Concept of GOD is only to store semen in your body, save semen.


S- formula Team.


It is highly imposible to teach s-formula for childrens,

But you can teach indirectly s-formula to them,

Keep them away from all the activities which are responsible for loss of

semen, when they reach teen age.

If you say them indirectly, they will ask question why,

You tell the story as your parents told to you,

You tell them your religious stories.

Save children from danger, otherwise their future become hell.


S-formula team.


The persons who you worship like god , they are all human beings,

They saved semen, so that they are called, God.

In the same way if you save semen, you will become god,

So that it is concluded that all human beings are god.

The person one who semen is called God,

The person one who waste the semen is called Devil.

Choice is yours


S-formula Team.


You follow s-formula along with your religious belief,

Your religion become very strong.


S-formula Team.


If you store semen in your body, it will not do any effects to your body.

Semen is to protect your body,develop your body,

Semen is not for sex only, but it is used only when chaild is required,

If you store semen, it will give more happiness , 100 times more happy than

wasting of semen.

By s-formula team.



Lot of youths have questions in their mind about semen,

We will clear all their doubts here,

If you store the semen, your body fills with semen, like air in balloon,

Semen will develop your body, and mind.

Semen is for protecting and nourishing the body, it is not for sex,

But if you store semen, it will try to come out of your body, but you are

controlling the semen, in this exercise your urinal part become very hard,

but keep always your urinary part hard, do not waste semen,

If you waste the semen it will not come back, but you start storing semen ,

atleast some of it you will take benifits,

Whatever the semen you wasted you will not get it back,

But you donot worry, if you start storing semen, you will get more power,

Semen moves from brain to urinary part and recirculated into brain again,

Some of people misguiding you and progressing you for loss of semen,

If you waste semen, your health and wealth both goes out,

If you waste semen you may die at any time, becareful.

But you are the best teacher , do not ask anybody how to store semen, you

do your own way,

I think you understand the power of semen.BY

S-formula Team.


Swami Vivekananda says indirectly save semen,

Whatever the speech given to youths will become real only if you store


Keeping in your mind s-formula read all his instructions, follow all his


Lot of youths knows swamy Vivekananda speech, but they do not know the

secrete save semen.

This is only for your kind information.

S-formula team.


You want money

Do not worry, we will give you beautiful sugessionSemen is money,and, money is semenYou start storing semen,automatically money stores in your pocketHow much semen you store 100times more than that money will comesThis is the secrete of warning moneyIf you loss semen,money goes outThink and actBYS-formula Team----------------------------------------Why we take alcoholSpeed of blood plays very important role in our body,Semen maintain speed of blood in our body,When you waste semen, speed of blood decreases, you feel uneasy,unhappy,To maintain speed of blood you will choose alcoholAlcohol increase speed of blood tempararily,but it kills semenHowmuch semen decreases in your body that much of alcohol taking increasedThis will cause your lifetime become less, you may die at any timeDo not go for artificial methods to increase the speed of bloodIncrease the speed of blood by storing semen naturallyBYS-formula team--------------------------------------------------------Why we take medicinesOur body is full of chemicals, more than 200 chemicals producer in our body,When you waste semen all chemicals goes out,Your body get effcted and you go to doctor,Doctor knows which chemical is less for your problemAnd he gives medicine,then your body becomes normalWhy are you waste semen, why are you go for medicine,why are you wasting money,Semen is full of chemicals, semen means chemical,Do not waste semen, do not waste chemicals in your bodyBanana is made from banana tree, same way semen is producer by our bodyonlySemen artificially not possible to produceThink twice about thisBYS-formula team------------------------------------------------

All world is in danger zone,all human beings reducing their power,energy,resistance day by day,If any one disease attacks,your body have no resistanceS-formula borned to save youFollow s-formula in your life, you will be out of danger-----------------------------------------------------S-formula is for save country,save world from danger-----------------------------------------A new baby borned in this world,to save the world, its name is S-FORMULA.---------------------------------

THE POWER OF SEMENISTHE POWER OF YOUR BODY & MIND------------------------------------THE POWER OF SEMENISTHE POWER OF YOUR FAMILY------------------------------------------------THE POWER OF SEMEN ISTHE POWER OF NATION-----------------------------------------------------Semen solve all yours personal problems----------------------------------All diseases coming due to loss of semenStart storing semen and cure all disease----------------------------------------Semen cures all your health problem, so start storing semen and save your life----------------------------Medicines will not work on your body if you waste more semen-------------------------------------------Swami Vivekananda says indirectly save semen,Whatever the speech given to youths will become real only if you store semen.Keeping in your mind s-formula read all his instructions, follow all his instructions,Lot of youths knows swamy Vivekananda speech, but they do not know the secrete save semen.

This is only for your kind information.S-formula team.-----------------------------------------If you store semen in your body, it will not do any effects to your body.Semen is to protect your body,develop your body,Semen is not for sex only, but it is used only when chaild is required,If you store semen, it will give more happiness , 100 times more happy than wasting of semen.By s-formula team.------------------------------------------------------You follow s-formula along with your religious belief,Your religion become very strong.BYS-formula Team.----------------------------------------

S-formula for both male and female.It is highly impossible to implement in any country,Because nobody knows this secrete,Nobody told them in their life,The one major problem we are facing to implement this s-formula,Nobody talks words below abdomen,Our culture saying that below abdomen parts name is worst name, if anybody use this words below abdomen, he is very bad fellow,This is created by our elders , keeping in mind, do not waste semen,But now a days lot of teens ( 99% ) wasting semen thinking that good for health,Somebody misguiding teens to do loss of semen, for their business,If you waste semen, 100 peoples get profit in their business,Please kindly requesting you, please try to understand the power of semen, speak loudly, wake up from danger, save semen, talk about this, implement s-formula, it will help future generation,Semen is produced in both male and female to survive your body.Save semen as much as possible.BY

S-formula Team.--------------------------------------------------Are you alcoholic, tobacco user, medicine audit, do not worry, How to implement the s-formula in your life,Do all your daily activities and store semen, it will give you good result,Automatically you leave all bad habits,Power of semen is 100 times more than your bad habits,Think this and create your future.BYS-formula Team.-----------------------------------------------------

NATIONAL DEVOTEESWe are requesting our national devotees for the help to save the country,We selected 25 villages for our research, and we done research 10 yearson these villages,Finally we come to know that 100% of people involved in loss of semen, too much loss of semen,These villages suffering from poverty, more illeterates, more cruels, more people die early, more people went for sucide, more people lack ofeducation,no earning of money, aleays thinking easy way of earning money, lack of good character, etc,If this will continue what about our country, what about future generation, who will help, who will stop, who will educate them,Please kindly requesting you all national devotees, Please educate the villagers near by you, within your contacts, to savesemen,Waste of semen --------------------Waste of health.Waste of semen --------------------Waste of wealth

Waste of semen --------------------Waste of KnowledgeWaste of semen --------------------Waste of Money.Waste of semen --------------------Waste of good charactersWaste of semen --------------------Waste of humanityWaste of semen --------------------Waste of powerWaste of semen --------------------Waste of energyWaste of semen --------------------Waste of memory powerWaste of semen --------------------Waste of Life.Waste of semen --------------------Waste of everything.BYS-formula team.------------------------------------------------

How semen will waste if we take alcohol, tobacco,medicines,The main function of semen in our body is to maintain health,Keep all the internal parts clean, remove all unwanted waste material out of body,

But if you take alcohol, tobacco, medicines, lot of impurities includedin this material,Those are all unwanted materials to our body,Semen remove all unwanted these waste out of body, and try to keep our internal body clean,

In this process lot of semen go out of body through urine and latrine, sweat,etc.The main function of semen is to fight with bacteria, virus, Semen removes unwanted impurities, cleaning of blood, cleaning of all body parts.In this way semen will be loss,

Alcohol, tobacco, medicines, all are 100 % rejected materials,When it enters body, our semen start removing all these dust and dirt in our body,While handling this process body , brain behaves abnormal activities.You observe your sourroundings, all other animals, plants,birds, insects, all are following s-formula, except human beings, this is shame to us.BYS-formula team.

---------------------------------Educated means whatEducated means highly brilliantEducated means highly charmingEducated means highl yattractiveEducated means never do any mistakesEducated means never say lieEducated means never give trouble to othersEducated means highly helping natureEducated means highly power fullEducated means highly energeticEducated means highly national devoteeEducated means highly healthyAnd so on .......But these qualities comes from semen,only if he store semen,Save semen, you will become great person in this world.Bys-formula.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Whatever the religious is there in this world, everyone says save semen, protect semen, store semen.

Bys-formula---------------------------------------------------If anybody says to save semen, suddenly you will get angry,Why because no body told this secrete to you in your life,But your parents, teachers, told indirectly to store semen, but you notknown this secrete,No problem, just remember what your parents and teacher says, it is allabout store semen,Semen is very important material to protect, to develop your body.Bys-formula-----------------------------------------------------Dear Brothers and sisters,mothers and fathers, friends,Please answer the following question,S-formula is very much useful for future generation,SAY - YES or NO.---------------------------------------------S-formula is the foundation for lifeSay YES or NO.-------------------------------------s-formula required or not please answer YES or NO.----------------------------------------------How to solve food problem in our countryIf you loss more semen, you eat more and more,

If you store semen, you eat less and less,

100% young,teen,middleage persons involved in too much loss of semen inour country,

Think and ink.BYS-formula.--------------------------------------------------

How to solve corruption problem in our countryIf you store the semen in your body, you will not do corruption 100 %.If you store the semen in your body , you will not like corruption,If you store the semen in your body, you will be more rich in money,BYS-formula.--------------------------------------------------------HOW TO MAKE MONEY (easy way)Eat three times daily,when you feel hungry,Drink sufficient water, when you feel thirsty,Do not eat more and more and do not drink more and more,BYS-formula-----------------------------------------------

HOW TO MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH (easy way)Eat three times daily,when you feel hungry,Drink sufficient water, when you feel thirsty,Do not eat more and more and do not drink more and more,BYS-formula-----------------------------------------WHAT TO DO TO WAKEUP EARLY IN THE MORNINGtIt is the duty of semen in your body,Semen make you wake up early in the morning,

If you lose semen more and more, you sleep more and more. & viceversa.BYS-formula ------------------------------------

More semen - more energy Less semen - less energy by, s-formula------------------------

More semen - more sexual power Less semen - less sexual power by, s-formula-------------------------More semen - good health Less semen - bad health by, s-formula---------------------------------More semen - more memory power Less semen - less memory power by, s-formula-------------------More semen - more life span Less semen - less life span by,s-formula------------------------------More semen - Good character Less semen - Bad charecter, by, s-formula.-----------------------------More semen - less money needed.Less semen - more money needed

by, s-formula.-------------------------

More semen - rich person , Less semen - poor person by, s-formula----------------------------



Whatever you do, you must know deep in that subject first, and then do all

the above.

For example doctors, engineers, etc first they study well and then they

help publics,

In the same way without knowing the basic secrete you donot doany exercise,

Lot of people who are doing exercises die early in their age,

Only by doing exercise your health will not improve,

Exercise is not at all good for health,

There is a basic secrete , life secrete , you know first.

So many expert seniors, doing exercise facing lot of problems, and they are

dying early,

The concept of doing exercise for the sack of health is wrong,

exercise is not the health secrete.




Bad political leaders – bad political parties – bad followersSome political leader tie banners all over roads, streets, public areas, before their programme, after completing their programme they will not remove banners and cutouts,This type of peoples are hate by publics, they are not good leaders forcommon peoples,They are not maintaining neatness, decipline, with publics,After their programme, their cutouts & Banners thorn by air, mud, they are falling in drain, footpath, on roads, etc.This is not decipline, if any body says this in front of them,they behave harshly,Public always like neatness, discipline,in all activities.Good people will not do any advers effect on environment around publics.YOUR MIND BEFORE FUNCTION IS NOT SAME AFTER FUNCTION,YOUR MIND BEFORE WINNING IS NOT SAME AFTER WINNING,This is our common people ambition,---------------------------------

WHY PEOPLES ARE GO FOR SUCIDE & DEATH Brain is very important organ, it controles whole body, it supplies energy

to all body parts for its function.

Semen is the electric current in our body,it is food for brain.

If you lost semen in your body,your brain lost its energy,

Your brain will not get sufficient energy, and it will not work properly,

Brain will function abnormally,

Due to insufficient energy in brain, it not able to function your body

parts properly,

Automaticall it gives signal to suicide ideas, your brain always think that

go for death dueto insufficient energy,

Lot of people who done sucide for death are only due to too much loss of


You observe sucide death persons, their eyes gone inside, means sunken

eyes, sunken cheeks,bones in thebody exposing every where,

Sunken eyes, sunken cheeks, bones visible , these are the symbols of too

much loss of semen.


We done research 25 years regarding this.

So save semen, save your life

By, s-formula.


S-formula is the technology that develops internal body resistance.

S-formula is God; S-formula is base of all dharmas. It is the base for all

Shasta’s. It is the force that surviving the whole world.

It is the secrete of health. It is the real spiritual power.

It is the real mental power.

It is the real body power.

It is the real internal power.

It is the real body resistance.

It is the real secrete of beauty & handsome.

It is the real secrete of the people sexually powerful. It controls angry.

It controls the people become mad.It controls the people become the

criminals. It controls the corruption.

It is the secrete of poor and rich.

It is courage, it is memory.

It creates good human beings.


Presently most of the people suffering from Acidity, Gastric problem.

The person who is suffering from this disease is useless to world because

he himself not good.

How he will do good things to others.

You know why this disease will attack, how it will attack,

this is because you are not following S-formula.

If you use S-formula you will be 100% free from Acidity and gastric


If you adopt S-formula in your life,

lifelong you will not get this disease.

S-formula is a universal formula, everybody know it. It is not a medicine;

it is a type of meditation.

Acidity & Gastric will kill all the interest,


weak the mind,

decrease the body resistance, etc.

If anybody wants to cure this disease permanently,

use S-formula.



use S-formula, improve your body resistance, and free from all diseases.

S-formula increases height and weight


A man will walk on water if he not used S-formula.

• A man will lift mountain if he use S-formula.


Poor will become rich if he use S-formula, and rich will become poor if he

not use S-formula


The person already suffering from major disease like sugar, BP, Acidity,

etc. should follow S-formula along with medical treatment, after some days,

it will cure permanently. After some days you need not to continue



If you do walk without S-formula, no use.

• If you do any exercise without S-formula, no use.

• If you study without S-formula, no use.

• If you do job without S-formula, no use.

• If you enjoy your life without S-formula, no use.



All happiness is based on S-formula only.

• So for everything in your life use S-formula, your life will be

bright in future.


If a boy follows S-formula, if he ready to marry, first girl, however she

may be, he like that girl, and he will marry that girl. In the same way

• If a girl follows S-formula,if she ready to marry,first boy, however

he may be, she likes that boy, and she will marry that boy.


Loss of memory power is due to loss of your body energy. Improve your body

energy by using S-formula


Brain is directly related with sex organs. Store semen in your body.

Semen improves and develop the brain. loss of semen causes loss of brain

energy and people will become mad. The secrete of brain energy is only

storing of semen in the body. Semen develops new nerves in the brain. Lot

of mad people examined and proved that only due to loss of semen they

become mad. Semen increases memory power, and keeps brain healthy.


Being a sports men your body should be very strong, energetic, charming

and healthy. If you are not strong and healthy you will not win in the

match. If you donot know how to strengthen your body very strong, you use

S-formula. It gives more strength to your body. You will win in all the



S-formula gives you energy, strength, resisting power, good stamina to your



S-project ----what is God, what is dharma, what is shastra,what is the

force that surviving the whole world, What is the secrete of health, what

is spiritual power, what is mental power, what is body power, what is

internal power, what is body resistance, what is the secrete of beauty &

handsome, why the peoples are sexually powerful, why angry comes, why the

people become mad, why is the criminals , why is the corruption ,what is

the secrete of poor and rich, what is courage, what is memory, what is

human beings.


If nobody use S-formula, all human beings will end soon.


S-formula is the secrete of Youth.


Presently nobody knows the secrete of youth power. Youth means

Charming, Attractive, Brave, Handsome, Intelligent, Honest, Good health,

good nature. But youths do not know how to get it. I will suggest all

youths who wants the above benefits knowledge. Follow S-Formula, Read S-

theory, involve in YES-PROJECT. All youths must follow S-Formula.


Person lives more than 100 years happily with good health. Person lives

like 16 year boy at the age 100 years. It gives more strength, more

interest to do any type of work. Do not allow Weakness to enter in our

body. Pimples will not come on face. Increases sexual power. The nerves of

all the sex organs will be very strong. Use S-formula.


Whole body is glowing. Kill all diseases & weakness in the body. Rose

colour to the skin. Kills the Angry. Control Growth of the body. Hairs will

not turn into White colour. Never get Eye sight problem. All joints and

nerves become Strong the back bone will become very strong. He will get

good health. Eyes, Chins, will become shining & very attractive. Use S-



The face will become shining and attractive. Increases Physical

power, mental power in all persons. Highly courageous and brave. Highly

intelligent. He will get whatever he wants. It increases Self-confidence.

Highest form of energy for the befit of society. “All waste of body

strength, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life

force. Therefore increase body strength. Use S-formula.



S-formula is a God,

• S-formula is base of all dharmas,

• It is the base for al Shasta’s,

• It is the force that surviving the whole world,

• It is the secrete of health,

• It is the real spiritual power,

• It is the real mental power,

• It is the real body power,

• It is the real internal power,

• It is the real body resistance,

• It is the real secrete of beauty & handsome,

• It is the real secrete of the people sexually powerful,

• It controls angry,

• It controls the people become mad,

• It controls the people become the criminals,

• It controls the corruption,

• It is the secrete of poor and rich,

• It is courage, it is memory,

• It creates good human beings.



You must know this. The vital energy, the semen [strength; power; energy;

courage] that supports your life. Which shines in your sparkling eyes,

which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. Falling of

semen brings death. Preservation of semen gives life. Semen is the real

vitality in men. It is the hidden treasure in man, makes him manly, strong,

brave and heroic. One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth

of energy. However much semen you are able to retain, you will receive in

that proportion greater wisdom, improves action, higher spirituality and

increased knowledge. Moreover, you will acquire the power to get whatever

you want. Semen is the last Dhatu that is formed out of food. The Semen

comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed inside the bones.


Semen is a very precious continent of the body. Semen is formed said to

take approzimateledy 30 day and 4 hours. The consumption of 32 kg of food

produces 800 gm. of blood which in turn forms only 20 gm. of semen. Seminal

fluid contains fructose, fatty acids, and proteins and over 200 separate

proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium,

chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen,

phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc .Semen is considered a

precious material formed by the distillation of blood. Semen is found in a

subtle state in all the cells of the body.



Semen is pervading the whole body. All waste of spermatic secretions,

whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force.

Semen loss is harmful. Seminal fluid is considered an elixir of life in the

physical and mystical sense. Its preservation guarantees health, longevity,

and supernatural powers". The precise word for it should be ‘going,’

because everything – the erection, vital energy, millions of live sperm,

hormones, nutrients, even a little of the man’s personality goes away. It

is a great sacrifice for the man, spirituality, mentally, and physically.

“The strength of the body, the light of the eyes, and the entire life of

the man is slowly being lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.”


The human seed, of course, contains all essential elements necessary to

create another human being when it is united with an ovum. It contains

forces capable of creating life. The vital energy, the Virya that supports

your life


Which shines in your sparkling eyes? Which beams in your shining cheeks? It

is a great treasure for you. Virya is the quintessence of blood.


You to conserve seminal fluid for nourishing, improving and perfecting your

body and brain when reproduction is not mutually desired. All waste of

spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste

of the life force. The conservation of this element is essential to

strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect. In a pure and

orderly life, this matter is reabsorbed. It goes back into circulation

ready to form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues.


Falling of semen brings death; preservation of semen gives life.

Semen is the real vitality in men. Semen is found in a subtle state in all

the cells of the body. This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused

through his system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic. the Virya

that is manufactured by the cells of the testes out of blood gives colour

and vitality to the human body and its different organs. The strength of

the body, the light of the eyes, and the entire life of the man is slowly

being lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.”



One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth of energy.

However much semen you are able to retain, you will receive in that

proportion greater wisdom, improves action, higher spirituality and

increased knowledge. Moreover, you will acquire the power to get whatever

you want.


If semen remains in the body, it is the essence of vitality, and many

writers spare no hyperbolic in their descriptions of a body glowing with

energy of semen. A large segment of the general public from all socio

economic classes believes that semen loss is harmful. Seminal fluid is

considered an elixir of life in the physical and mystical sense. Its

preservation guarantees health, longevity, and super natural powers.


The pressure that releases during ejaculation is the human power.


Semen is a current.

Semen controles body Temparature,in all seasons. Any body can use S-



Donot waste semen unnecessarily, forcefully, and unwantedly.


So semen is very precious as it contains so many valuable contents of male



All elements of male body like proteins,vitamins,enzymes etc will join with

sperm called semen to produce new baby.


The main function of semen is to produce a new baby as it contains all



In one ejaculation, whatever the liquid releases, contains 99% of semen and

1% sperm/ovum.


The liquid mixed with sperm / ovum is called SEMEN.


SEMEN means-When the sperm releases, it is mixed with liquid, which helps

to move sperm to ovum, and nurishes the sperm.


Male is a sperm producing tree.

The function of male is only to produce sperms.

The entire body parts of male is functions towards the discharge of sperms

out of the body.

The sperm is always willing to reach ovum.

The brain connected with five organs, the eyes,the ears,thenose, the

toungh, the skin are called Panchendriyas.

The main function of Panchendriyas is to discharge sperm out of body.

When sperm meets ovum directly or indirectly,the whole body will support to

dischrge sperm out of the body.

That is why male attracts femal and vice versa.

By, s-formula


The difference of 9 years between male and female give good results.


Strength of sperm and ovum is depending on age only.


If sperm is strong,ovum is less,then male will born.


Nature puts the most valuable ingredients in the seed in all forms of life

in order to provide for continuation of the species. And the fluid (semen)

a man discharges during sexual relations contains the human seed. The human

seed, of course, contains all essential elements necessary to create

another human being when it is united with an ovum. It contains forces

capable of creating life.



Havelock Ellis

“I am quite willing to believe in the correctness of the regimens you

recommend...and I do not doubt all of us would do better if we

followed your maxims.”


Jewish Code of Laws

Sec. Orach Chaim.

Ch. 240; Parag. 14

“The stuff of the sexual life is the stuff of art; if it is expended

in one channel it is lost for the other


Muhatma Ghandi, 1959

“The strength of the body, the light of the eyes, and the entire life of

the man is slowly being lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.”


“The scientists of old have put great value upon the vial fluid and they

have insisted upon its strong transmutation into the highest form of energy

for the befit of society.”


Nietzche's did not mean reabsorption of semen by the blood thro digestion

(oral sex). there is a hermit belief that by practising certain spritual

exercises one can redirect the sexual power into

spritual/intellectual/physical energy. the effect may result in either very

high intellectual/physical power OR outright lunacy if gone wrong.! modern

science may interpret this as controlling associated harmones for good/bad.


In Nietzsche's NOTES (1880-1881) he writes: "The reabsorption of semen by

the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other

factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward

the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance.

The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and

hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans)."


In Nietzsche's NOTES (1880-1881) he writes: "The reabsorption of semen by

the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other

factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward

the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance.

The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and

hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans)."

Personally I've always found Nietzsche to be a bit of a loon, as for this

theory on reabsorption of sperm, i'd say its a myth he either started or

became enamoured with. It bears an uncanny resemblance to that old "sperm

is full of protein" rubbish men used to tell women in the hope of getting

them to swallow during oral sex, and as many medical practioners have

pointed out regarding that particular claim, the amount of proteins and

nutrients in sperm is minute. I also would have thought that if some

mysterious component of sperm WAS capable of enhancing the mind in any way,

somebody amongst the hordes of scientists performing research in the world

today would have discovered it.


Edwin Flatto is a retired doctor living in Florida and has been an NHF

member since the 1950s. He is a graduate of the University of Miami and the

Escuela Homeopatic de Allos Estudios de Guadalajara (Medico Homeopatico).

Over the years Ed has written 16 books on health, including, "Super Potency

At Any Age", "Miracle Exercise That Can Save Your Life", and "Home Birth-

Step by Step Instructions”. He is currently a Gold’s Gym instructor, has a

son age 7, and has won four gold medals in the Senior Olympics.

Order his book called "Super Potency At Any Age"


The master of Taoist philosophy, Dr. Stephen Chang wrote: “When the average

male ejaculates, he loses about one tablespoon of semen. According to

scientific research, the nutritional value of this amount of semen is equal

to that of two pieces of New York steak, ten eggs, six oranges, and two

lemons combined. That includes proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids,

everything… Ejaculation is often called ‘coming’. The precise word for it

should be ‘going,’ because everything – the erection, vital energy,

millions of live sperm, hormones, nutrients, even a little of the man’s

personality goes away. It is a great sacrifice for the man, spirituality,

mentally, and physically.”


I want to reassert at this point that vigorous health is your best

aphrodisiac. And an important factor in obtaining vigorous health is the

fuller knowledge of nutrition in meeting the demands of an active, sexual,

fulfilling life. Not only is a proper diet necessary to keep arteries clean

so blood can flow freely to all vital organs as well as your corpora

cavernosa penis, but also to replenish body chemistry. Cooked, canned,

fried, processed, irradiated, barbecued, microwaved, degerminated,

preserved, chemicalized, homogenized, pasteurized and otherwise devitalized

foods are not the best materials to be converted into healthy tissues,

blood and vital organs needed for vigorous health – and certainly not to

meet the demands of an active sexual life. Poor health and/or poor diet

demand that a man ejaculate no more than once a month if he wants to avoid

mental and physical bankruptcy.


Most sexual relationships begin with a great deal of sexual activity during

which the man ejaculates frequently. He just can’t seem to get enough.

After each ejaculation he becomes more depleted and exhausted. The loss of

energy due to excessive ejaculation is a slow and subtle process that most

men don’t usually notice until it’s too late. After countless episodes, a

deterioration of your body sets in. As a man gets older, he may rationalize

this lack of energy and loss of sexual vigor on his age. He is only too

happy to continue pumping out his semen, sometimes even paying for the

privilege and accelerating his deterioration!


The energy of your body is most potent when used in one direction. An

analogy: If you were to open the spigot in your kitchen sink while all

other faucets were shut, you’d have great water pressure from that faucet,

but if you simultaneously flush your toilet, turn on your shower, water

your lawn, fill your bath tub and run your washer, the water pressure at

each outlet would drop dramatically. The same is true of your body. A man

cannot think or perform his best when much of this energy and blood’s

nutriments are expended in the discharge of semen.


There are only so many nutrients in your blood stream. Your body can only

assimilate limited quantities of nutrients in a given period of time.

Phosphorus, for example, is required in both the thinking and reproductive

processes. Still, your body can only assimilate finite or limited

quantities of phosphorus from the diet to meet these demands in a twenty-

four hour period. If most nutrients in your blood are going into meeting

demands of your gonads, and being ejaculated there will be little left over

to meet nutritional demands of the rest of your body and brain.


This new science is

based upon thousands of years of study, observation,

and experimentation.

It has been refined and developed to a new degree,

thus entitling it to the appellation “new”.

The science of seminal conservation

allows you to conserve seminal fluid

for nourishing, improving and perfecting

your body and brain

when reproduction is not mutually desired.


The secret of magnetic personality.

Conservation of semen

results in the emergence of

a charismatic power in the body,

which is named ojas

by the ancient Ayurveidc physician Dhanvantrai.


Nocturnal emission, or svapna dosh (dream error),

is given special consideration by all authors.

Kariraj Jagannath Shastri devotes his whole book to the subject,


because of its 'involuntary' nature,

calls svapna dosh

the worst of all 'personal diseases‘

" (Alter, 1997: 287).


A large segment of

the general public

from all socioeconomic classes believe that

semen loss is harmful.

Seminal fluid is considered an elixir of life in the physical and mystical


Its preservation guarantees health, longevity,

and supernatural powers" 

(Malhotra and Wig, 1975: 519).



What a beautiful,sparkling word!

When reflecting on it

one's mind is filled with

grand, great, majestic, beautiful,

and powerful emotions.

[Shastri n.d.[a]:10]"[

Alter, 1997: 284]


However much semen you are able to retain,

you will receive in that proportion

greater wisdom,

improves action,

higher spirituality and increased knowledge.


you will acquire the power to get whatever you want.

(Yogacharya Bhagwandev 1992: 15)“

 [Alter, 1997: 280]


One ejaculation of semen

will lead to wastage of

a wealth of energy.

It is being propagated by

the lay and pseudoscientific literature

(Mishra, 1962; Chand, 1968)


has fascinated many scientific investigators..

." (Malhotra and Wig, 1975: 526) “

(Bottero, 1991: 306).


One ejaculation of semen

will lead to wastage of

a wealth of energy.

This belief can be traced back to the holy scriptures

(Sushruta Samhita, 1938;

Charak Samhita, 1949;

Gandhi, 1957;

Kuma Sutra, 1967).


Another writer, Dr. E.P. Miller, says:

All waste of spermatic secretions,

whether voluntary or involuntary,

is a direct waste of the life force.


Dr. Dio Louis thinks that

The conservation of this element

is essential

to strength of body,

vigour of mind


keenness of intellect.


Dr. Nicole says:

“It is a medical and physiological fact that

the best blood in the body

goes to form

the elements of reproduction

in both the sexes.


God has provided

the only test to prove

its precious nature, viz., the womb.

The very fact that

semen is able to create life

is proof enough

that it is life itself.


A living thing cannot be put to laboratory tests,

without first killing it.

The scientist has no apparatus to test it.


Semen itself is living substance.

It is life itself.


when it leaves man,

it takes

a portion of his own life.


Semen is a

mysterious secretion

that is able to create

a living body.


The semen can be extracted by the testicles


reabsorbed to strengthen the body and brain.


Takes 74 days or about 10 weeks

for sperm to be produced and fully mature

to be ready for ejaculation. 

So any sperm

that you ejaculate today

is at least 74 days old! 



kind of combines these first two,

with the thought that

these glands reabsorb excess fluid

to some extent,

but production of new fluid is constant

at some nominal level,

with the ability to increase

production based on need. 

But the constant nominal production

may exceed the reabsorption capacity of the glands,

leading to a gradual build-up of seminal fluid,


eventual ejaculation

through a nocturnal emission (wet dream)


a spontaneous ejaculation.



the glands only produce

what is needed

to fill their storage capacities,


then stop producing

until needed again

after an ejaculation. 


Production of seminal fluids among these 3 glands

is thought to be regulated based on need,

however there does appear to be

a constant, nominal production of fluid

in these glands as well. 

In other words,

the more often ejaculation occurs,

the more fluid these glands will produce

to attempt to keep the average

volume of semen ejaculated

at about 2.5ml - 5.0ml,


about 1-2 teaspoons. 


The chemical composition of sperm

The chemical composition of sperm is as follows:

Chemical composition of sperm … … (In mg/100 ml)

Ammonia … … … … … … … … … … … 2

Ascoric Acid … … … … … … … … …… 12.8

Ash … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 9.9%

Calcium … … … … … … … … … … ……. 25

Carbon Dioxide … … … … .. … … … …. 54 ml/100 ml

Chloride … … … … … … … … … …… … 155

Cholesterol … … … … … … … … ……… 80

Citric acid … … … … … … … … ……….. 376

Creatine … … … … … … … … … ……. .. 20

Ergothioneine … … … … … … ………… Trace

Fructose … … … … … … … … … ……… 224

Glutathione … … … … … … … … …….. 30

Glycerylphorylcholine … … …. … … . 54-90

Inositol … … … … … … … … … … … … 50.57

Lactic Acid … … … … … … … … … ….. 35

Magnesium … … … … … … … … …….. 14

Nitrogen, nonprotein (total) …. … …. 913

Phosphorus, acid-soluble … ….. … …. 57

Inorganic … … … … … … … … … …….. 11

Lipids … … … … … … … … … … … … … 6

Total (lipid) … … … … … … … … … ….. 112

Phosphorylcholine … … … … … … … .. 250-380

Potassium … … … … … … … … … …… . 89

Pyruvic Acid … … … … … … … … …… . 29

Sodium … … … … … … … … … … …… .. 281

Sorbitol … … … … … … … … … … … ….. 10

Vitamin B 12 … … … … … ….. … ….. ….. 300-600 ppg

Sulphur … … … … … … … … … … … … ….. 3% (of ash)

Urea … … … … … … … … … … … … …. .. 72

Uric acid … … … … … … … … … … ….. .. 6

Zinc … … … … … … … … … … … …… … 14

Copper … … … … … … … ….. ….. .. … … 006 to .024


Virya or semen is a very precious continent of the body.

The formation of semen form is very lengthy proves.

Sir suharutahry has written.

Out of food is formed chyle.

Out comes blood.

Out of flesh come fat.

Out of fat come bone.

Out of bone comes marrow,

an out of marrow comes seems.

Every step in the trans formation of chyle into seems

takes about five days.

Thus seem is the final that is fumed form food.


The Virya comes out of

the very marrow

that lies concealed

inside the bones.


One drop of semen in manufactured

out of forty drops of blood

according to modern medical science.

According to Ayurveda,

it is elaborated

out of eighty drops of blood.


• Out of food is manufactured chyle.

• Out of chyle comes blood.

• Out of blood comes flesh.

• Out of flesh comes fat.

• Out of fat comes bone.

• Out of bone comes marrow.

• Out of marrow comes semen.

These are the Sapta Dhatus that support this life and body.


According to Ayurveda

 [Indian medicine], 

semen is the last Dhatu

that is formed out of food.


A large segment of the general public

from all socio economic classes

believe that

semen loss is harmful.

Seminal fluid is considered an elixir of life

in the physical and mystical sense.

Its preservation guarantees




super natural powers.



What a beautiful,

sparkling word!

When reflecting on it

one's mind is filled

with grand,





powerful emotion


If semen remains in the body,

it is the essence of vitality,

and many writers spare

no hyperbolic in their descriptions

of a body glowing

with energy

of semen.


However much semen you are able to retain,

you will receive in that proportion

greater wisdom,

improves action,

higher spirituality

and increased knowledge.

Moreover, you will acquire

the power to get whatever you want.



is considered

a precious material

formed by

the distillation of



One ejaculation

of semen

will lead to

wastage of a wealth of energy.



can have

some positive effects

on the body.



also known as seminal fluid,

is an organic fluid


whenever the seminal secretions are conserved

and thereby reabsorbed into the system,

it goes towards enriching

the blood and

strengthening the brain.


*This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes


manly, strong,

brave and



Falling of semen brings death.


Preservation of semen gives life.


Semen is the real vitality in men.


• There are three divisions in each Dhatu.


Semen nourishes

• the physical body,

• the heart &

• the intellect.


*The growth of human being is reducing day by day.So india is also reducing

day by day.We have to stop this.S-formula will increase the both citizen

and country growth in all respect.So use my S-formula for the development

of India.S-formula is a knowledge based training.This is invented by

S.R.Swamy(9632559162), and introducing today to the world.Indians must take

this knowledge based training for their development and country

development.Thank you


*If the Indians use S-FORMULA will get the following benefits. No

corruption No criminals No poverty No diseases Rich in Money. Rich in

Health. Rich in Wealth Strong and Brave Physically fit Mentally strong.

People having good in nature. Sound mind and sound body. to develop skill

mind is very important. 9632559162



INDIA NEEDS THE FOLLOWING( each one teach one ) All Human beings will walk

on water if they not use S-Formula. All Human beings will lift the Mountain

if they use S-Formula. S.R.SWAMY(9632559162)



S-formula,which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining

cheeks, is a great treasure for you. S.R.SWAMY(9632559162)


Develop strong mind and strong body by using S-Fomula. S-Formula gives you

more strength,good health,super memory,courage. To develop any skills in

your life you must need S-Formula as it gives all the necessary requirement

to your body. Every skill is based on s-formula. Skill without S-Formula is

useless. This formula invented by me and it took 30years hard work. But I

donot know how to share with you Regards S R SWAMY 9632559162


*My dream India free from corruption, Free from criminals, Rich in health

and wealth. So I prepared one project to develop india for next generation.

The project is YES-PROJECT. If we start this project today it takes minimum

100 years to implement. This project needs crores people to involve. This

project mainly three steps. 1) Giving seminar to the public. 2) Giving

training to public. 3) Implmentation. I took 30 years to prepare this YES-

PROJECT. Our Indian peoples are responsible to use this.


Brain is directly related with sex organs. Store semen in your body. Semen

improves and develop the brain. loss of semen causes loss of brain energy

and people will become mad. The secreate of brain energy is only storing of

semen in the body. Semen develops new nerves in the brain. Lot of mad

people examined and proved that only due to loss of semen they become mad.

Semen increases memory power, and keeps brain healthy. For more information

read S-Formula in YES-PROJECT, written by S.R.SWAMY.


 Presently no body knows the secrete of youth power. Youth means Charming,

Attractive, Brave,Handsome,Intelligent,Honest, Good health, good nature.

But youths do not know how to get it. I will suggest all youths who wants

the above benefits knowledge follow S-Formula, Read S-theory, involve in

YES-PROJECT. All youths must follow S-Formula. For more details contact

S.R.SAMY(9632559162). S.R.SWAMY is a civil engineer, he studied 30 years

about youth power secrete. He prepared S-PROJECT about this.


Namaste indians skill development depends on your physical fitness and

mental fitness.Increase your fitness by using S-formula.Fitness comes only

by using S-formula in this world.for more details contact



Namaste indian many people have their own imagination about youth

power.First try to understand what is youth power.How to get it.Every

person must be having power of 16 year old throughout life,up to 100 years

is included in youth power.If you want to know how to get youth power

throughout your life Use S-formula. for more details contact



Namaste ji If mind is clean, everything is clean.For cleaning mind use S-

fomula. S-formula is a type of meditation. It will give more power to mind.

Good things do only if mind is power full.To clean India first clean your

mind. Only S-formula has the power to clean the mind. For more details

contact S.R.SWAMY(9632559162). Thank you


My dear indians Today I am presenting S-formula to the world. It is a type

of meditation. It will give whatever you want.It will cure all type of

diseases.If you use this you will become physically&mentally power full.

You will become good asset to India. S-formula is founded by S.R.SWAMY. He

took 30 years to make this formula. For more details contact

S.R.SWAMY(9632559162). Please arrange for public seminar to introduce about

S-formula to understand public. Thank you S.R.SWAMY. 9632559162


Dear brothers&sisters I will give you permanent solution to cure Gastric

&Acidity problems. Use S-formula will cure gastric&acidity problems

permanently. S-formula is not a medicine, it is a type of meditation.For

more details cotact founder of S-formula S.R.SWAMY(9632559162). THANK YOU

S.R.SWAMY 9632559162


 Dear sir I will give you permanent solution for Diabitic sugar problem.Use

S-formula, it will cure diabetis permanently. S-formula is not a medicine

but it is a type of meditation. Take training for this with

S.R.SWAMY(9632559162).Diabetis is killing our India,you kill the diabetis

for better India.use S-formula to strong the India. Thank you.


Dear modi Gastric,Acidity,Sugar problem and BP problem to our citizens is

killing the development of India. I will give you permanent solution to

cure these diseases that is S-formula. Use of D-formula cure all diseases

permanent. S-formula is a type of meditation. I will give training how to

use S-formula. I invented this since from 30 years. Give me a chance to

develop India strongest in the world. Expecting your help,waiting. Thank

you sir S.R.SWAMY. 9632559162


Dear all , S-formula is a knowledge based training, S-formula is not a

medicine, it is not available in medical shops, you do not want to pay

money for this, It is type of meditation, but it is very hard to do.Through

proper training you will do it. The whole world is standing on S-formula.

It is the foundation for world.


Dear all, you must know this secrete, the only one thing which cures

Gastric & Acidity problem permanent, is S-formula. Use S-formula and free

from Gastric & Acidity. If not it is your fate.


S-formula is the secrete of youth power. It increases the youth power.

Development of India is depending upon Youth power only. Requesting all the

youths, follow S-formula, get more strength, more courage, more power,

which improves our India.


Dear all, (1) S-formula cures sugar problems permanently,those who

suffering from sugar problems. (2) those who are not having sugar problem,

they will never get in future sugar problem. It is my promise.


Dear all, S-formula is the only one thing which will make India free from

poverty. Free from corruption,free from criminals,free from diseases.


Dear sir, There is only one thing in this world,which improves India, which

develops India, that is S-formula---------------------------------------

Dear all, What ever the disease may be, if you want to cure permanently,the

only one thing in this world which cures all the diseases,I named that

thing as S-formula. for more details contact S.R.Swamy.


Dear all, The only one thing in this world which gives whatever you want, I

named that thing is S-formula.For more details contact S.R.Swamy


Consider looking into the following topics as well: knowing God or the

Oversoul (depending on whether you believe or want to explore the Highest

Being as personal or impersonal, etc), relationship building, emotional

balance or emotional resilience, discussion groups, discipline,

sensitivity, methods of thinking or investigation, being thankful,

leadership, wisdom, social skills, servitude or service, courage, love

(various types), personal charisma, purity, hard work, energy, doing things

the smart way, self-sacrifice, even good old-fashion karate kick-like

power, etc.


*Dear all

Presently most of the people suffering from Acidity, Gastric problem. The person who is suffering from this disease is useless toworld because he himself not good. How he will do good things to others. You know why this disease will attack, how it will attack, this is because you are not following S-formula. If you use S-formula you will be 100% free from Acidity and gastric problems. If you adopt S-formula in your life lifelong you will not get this disease. S-formula is a universal formula, everybody know it. It is not a medicine; it is a type of meditation. If you want I will help you how to follow S-formula.

Acidity & Gastric will kill all the interest, happiness, weak the mind, decrease the body resistance, etc. If anybody wants to cure this disease permanently, use S-formula.

*Dear all

First you understand how virus will attack to human body. If the body resistance is less then only it will attack, if you have more body resistance no virus will attack. By increasing the internal body resistance you will not get any type of disease. No medicine will act to cure if you have no resistance.

I done research 30 years and found one formula to increase the body resistance that is called

S-formula. So use S-formula, improve your body resistance, and free from all diseases.

*Dear all

If you study history of 4000 years, you will come to know that the height of the people reduced from 80 feet to 3 feet. Man became dwarf in every century. Person will not come to know this differencebecause he lives only 100 years. Nobody recognise this, one day people become one inch or less.

So we have to stop this. Every body should follow S-formula. S-formula increases height of a man. Again we will go to height of 80 feet or more. Choice is yours.

A man will walk on water if he not used S-formula.

A man will lift mountain if he use S-formula.

*Dear all

People who suffering from diseases always expect sudden cure & sudden relief. But if you addict for medicine you will get sudden relief, but it again repeats after some period.

But there are some methods which increases body resistance and it will not allow any diseases, but it is slow process and permanent cure. As it takes more time to cure, nobody will like this method.

S-formula is one of the methods, technology, which increases our body resistance, but it is slow process and permanent solution to all diseases.

The person already suffering from major disease like sugar, BP, Acidity, etc. should follow S-formula along with medical treatment, after some days, it will cure permanently. After some days you need not to continue medicine.

The person who do not have any diseases, if he continues his life with S-formula, he will never get any diseases in his life throughout.

*Dear all

There are lot of people in this world do not know what to do for good health. All are having little bit of knowledge about health, but they are not masters in that.

But as a master I am suggesting you, what to do for good health. UseS-formula for good health. S-formula is base for all.

If you do walk without S-formula, no use.

If you do any exercise without S-formula, no use.

If you study without S-formula, no use.

If you do job without S-formula, no use.

If you enjoy your life without S-formula, no use.

All happiness is based on S-formula only.

So for everything in your life use S-formula, your life will be bright in future.

*Dear all

By long research I am realised that why the boy or girl reject for marriage. A boy see 100 girls but he not like even a single girl to marry, why. A girl will see 100 boys but she not likes even a singleboy to marry, why.

If a boy follows S-formula, if he ready to marry, first girl, however she may be, he like that girl, and he will marry that girl. In the same way

If a girl follows S-formula,if she ready to marry,first boy, howeverhe may be, she likes that boy, and she will marry that boy.

This is the power of S-formula.

*Dear all students

Loss of memory power is due to loss of your body energy. Improve your body energy by using S-formula. But you do not know what S-formula is. It is not possible to give you training through this mail, but I can say little bit introduction about it.

Brain is directly related with sex organs. Store semen in your body.Semen improves and develop the brain. loss of semen causes loss of brain energy and people will become mad. The secrete of brain energyis only storing of semen in the body. Semen develops new nerves in the brain. Lot of mad people examined and proved that only due to loss of semen they become mad. Semen increases memory power, and

keeps brain healthy. For more information read S-Formula in YES-PROJECT, written by S.R.SWAMY.

*Dear sports men

Being a sports men your body should be very strong, energetic, charming and healthy. If you are not strong and healthy you will not win in the match. If you donot know how to strengthen your body very strong, you use S-formula. It gives more strength to your body.You will win in all the matches.

S-formula gives you energy, strength, resisting power, good stamina to your body. S-formula is not a medicine, It is easily available everywhere. You need not to pay money for this S-formula. It is a type of meditation. For more details contact me.

*My dear friends

Today all of you know about the benefits of S-formula. But nobody knows what S-formula is. I like to share with you about S-formula.

To know about S-formula you must know S-theory.

The whole consolidated meaning is the S-formula.

Any agencies, or Associations ready to arrange public seminar it is better. I am ready to give seminar, training, regarding this.

Otherwise contact me through E-mail –

My mobile no ;- 0 9632559162.

*Dear all

I prepared S-project for new generation. In my research points included is, what is God, what is dharma, what is shastra,what is the force that surviving the whole world, What is the secrete of health, what is spiritual power, what is mental power, what is body power, what is internal power, what is body resistance, what is the secrete of beauty & handsome, why the peoples are sexually powerful,why angry comes, why the people become mad, why is the criminals , why is the corruption ,what is the secrete of poor and rich, what iscourage, what is memory, what is human beings.

*Dear Friends

You know one thing that the whole world is like as it is today. All animals and other living beings as it is today. Up to millions of years. But humans are not all live no longer say up to 5000 years. It is true. According to my investigation, peoples are growing dwarfday by day, one day he will become one inch, all insects and birds will eat and the entire human beings will die. No one is available after 5000 years from today. This is how human life ends.

But it is possible to stop this situation, you know how, If you growheight day by day, after 5000 years you will become more than 100 feet height and live more than 500years. Nobody believes this, but if you believe this, this is possible 100% by using YES-formula.

I prepared YES-formula for this; I took 30 years to prepare this formula. I want more people, crores together to implement this. Fromone person it is not possible. So join me.We will implement YES-formula in this world.

*My dear sisters

If your husband is having lot of bad habits, don’t worry, adopt YES-formula immediately, he automatically become good person.

YES-formula increases body energy. It gives more health. You need not to pay any money for this. It is freely available in nature.

I will explain you how to implement. Don’t worry.


*Dear all

S-formula is the technology that develops internal body resistance. S-formulaisGod; S-formula is base of all dharmas. Itis the base for allShasta’s. It is the force that surviving the whole world. It is the secrete of health. It is the real spiritual power. It isthe realmental power. It is the real body power.It is the real internal power. It is the real body resistance. It is the real secrete of beauty & handsome.It is the real secrete of the people sexually powerful. It controls angry.It controls the people become mad.It controls the people become the criminals. It controls the corruption. Itis the secrete of poor and rich. It is courage, it is memory. It creates good human beings.

Use S-formula.

*Dear all

The growth of human being is reducing day by day. We have to stop this. It is a type of meditation. It will give whatever you want. It will cure all type of diseases. If you use this you will become physically mentally power full. You will become good asset to India.Therefore use S-formula. S-formula is knowledge based training (meditation).

*Dear all

If mind is clean, everything is clean. For cleaning mind use S-formula. S-formula is a type of meditation. It will give more power to mind. Good things do only if mind is power full. To clean India first cleans your mind. Only S-formula has the power to cleanthe mind.

*Dear all

Many people have their own imagination about youth power. First try to understand what is youth power. How to get it. Every person must be having power of 16 year old throughout life, up to 100 years is included in youth power. If you want to know how to get youth power throughout your life Use S-formula.

*Dear all

Skill development depends on your physical fitness and mental fitness. Increase your fitness by using S-formula. Fitness comes only by using S-formula in this world.

*Dear all

Presently nobody knows the secrete of youth power. Youth means Charming, Attractive, Brave, Handsome, Intelligent, Honest, Good health, good nature. But youths do not know how to get it. I will suggest all youths who wants the above benefits knowledge. Follow S-Formula, Read S-theory, involve in YES-PROJECT. All youths must follow S-Formula.

*Dear all

Person lives more than 100 years happily with good health. Person lives like 16 year boy at the age 100 years. It gives more strength,more interest to do any type of work. Do not allow Weakness to enterin our body. Pimples will not come on face. Increases sexual power. The nerves of all the sex organs will be very strong. Use S-formula.

*Dear all

Whole body is glowing. Kill all diseases & weakness in the body. Rose colour to the skin. Kills the Angry. Control Growth of the body. Hairs will not turn into White colour. Never get Eye sight problem. All joints and nerves become Strong the back bone will become very strong. He will get good health. Eyes, Chins, will become shining & very attractive. Use S-formula.

*Dear all

The face will become shining and attractive. Increases Physical power, mental power in all persons. Highly courageous and brave. Highly intelligent. He will get whatever he wants. It increases Self-confidence. Highest form of energy for the befit of society. “All waste of body strength, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force. Therefore increase body strength. Use S-formula.

*Dear all

Strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect.Power andenergy for nourishing, improving and perfecting your body and brain .virility in men.The essence of life, thought, intelligence and consciousness. Use vital energy very, very carefully effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disordered function, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other diseases and death. No corruption, No criminals, No poverty, No diseases, Rich in money, Rich in Health. Rich in Wealth Strong and Brave Physically fit mentally strong. People having good in nature. Peoples will become Sound mind and sound body. To develop skill, mind is very important. Use S-formula.

*Dear all

All Human beings will walk on water if they not use S-Formula. All Human beings will lift the Mountain if they use S-Formula. The vitalenergy, the S-formula [strength; power; energy; courage] that supports your life. S-formula, which shines in your sparkling eyes,which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. S-formula gives colour and vitality to the human body and its different organs. If not use S-formula, it brings death; if you use S-formula gives life. S-formula is the real vitality in men. Use S-formula.

*Dear all

Develop strong mind and strong body by using S-Formula. S-Formula gives you more strength, good health, super memory, courage. To develop any skills in your life you must need S-Formula as it gives the entire necessary energy required to your body. Every skill is based on s-formula. Skill without S-Formula is useless. This formulainvented by 30years hard work. Use S- formula.

Dear all S-formula is a God, S-formula is base of all dharmas,

It is the base for al Shasta’s, It is the force that surviving the whole world, It is the secrete of health, It is the real spiritual power, It is the real mental power, It is the real body power, It is the real internal power, It is the real body resistance, It is the real secrete of beauty & handsome, It is the real secrete of the people sexually powerful, It controls angry, It controls the people become mad, It controls the people become the criminals, It controls the corruption, It is the secrete of poor and rich, It is courage, it is memory, It creates good human beings.



*We done research on god about 25 years,

It is found that what is god means, and we found god,

So, we like to inform you that all religions, all communities, indirectly says save semen, store semen, in your body.

Semen is very important material in our body, it contains more than 200 chemicals, proteins, vitamins, etc. It develops our body,

In the same way in Quran also told indirectly save semen, store semen, in your body,

In free time our five organs(eye,ear,nose,toung,skin) try to put semen out of body,

So that free time you spend in the name of god, to save semen,

This is new theory invented by our s-formula team.



Father and mother of children

It is impossible to teach your child about s-formula,

So you send your child(son and daughter) to S-FORMULA HOME.

We are opening shortly the s-formula home everywhere all over the world.

We will teach your children, young, middle age, old, depending on age,we will teach s-formula.

If you educate your children about s-formula, their life become beautiful.

BY, S-formula team

E-mail :


Dear all

S-formula home will start shortly in your area.


S-formula team


*We done research on god about 25 years, we found god.

It is very easy to see god,it is not difficult to see god,

we can show you god,

but the stories regarding god is not happens, no maya, no magic,

god is a science and technology to keep your brain healthy.

The story of god is made for bring peace in the world.

concept of god is only store semen in your body.

whatever you do related to god is allfor save semen,

semen is very precious for us.

BY, s-formula team.


Poor people-innocent peopleLot of people do not know what is god,what is life, what is health,

Why we do pooja, why we do studies, why we do exercise,

Why people poor , why people rich, what is sex, why we want sex,

What is friends, what is relations, what is happy, and so on etc......

But s-formula say answer for all these question.

If you know s-formula, you never face any problems in your life.

By, s-formula team.


Without knowing the basic secrete of any activity,

Do not involve in that activities,

S-formula says the secrete of all activities.



(Idea for development of India)

Good morning sir

My name is swamy.S.R. Civil engineer. I done 30 years of research about the secrete of Living beings and human nature. For this I sacrificed my life for experiment myself. What I am going to say feeling of my experience in research.

In my research points included is, what is God, what is dharma, whatis shastra,what is the force that surviving the whole world, What isthe secrete of health, what is spiritual power, what is mental power, what is body power, what is internal power, what is body resistance, what is the secrete of beauty & handsome, why the peoples are sexually powerful, why angry comes, why the people become mad, why is the criminals , why is the corruption ,what is the secrete of poor and rich, what is courage, what is memory, what is human beings.

I regularly done research with respect to abovesubject thirty years and 100 % completed the job. After my research, the world looks different for me.I am not able to tolerate that so many wrong thingsare going on in this world. Technology developing fast, but it is

for external body, there is no development of technology for the internal body.

I found a solution for solving of problems with respect to above subjects. I named my research solution as S-formula. Today I am going to present S-formula to this world.S- formula is the base for all animals and plants in this world.S-formula is the Technology forthe development of inner body.

The growth of human being is reducing day by day. So India is also reducing day by day. We have to stop this. Today I am presenting S-formula to the world. It is a type of meditation. It will give whatever you want. It will cure all type of diseases. If you use this you will become physically mentally power full. You will becomegood asset to India. S-formula is founded by S.R.SWAMY. He took 30 years to make this formula. Therefore use S-formula.S-formula is knowledge based training (meditation).

Benefits of S-Formula are as follows.

Person lives more than 100 years happily with good health. Person live 100 years, but he is always 16 year boy strength, at all age, even at the age of 100 years. More strength, more interest to do anytype of work. Do not allow Weakness to enter in our body. Pimples will not come on face. Increases sexual power. The nerves of all thesex organs will be very strong.

Whole body is glowing. Kill all diseases & weakness in the body. Rose colour to the skin. Kills the Angry. Control Growth of the body. Hairs will not turn into White colour. Never get Eye sight problem. All joints and nerves become Strong The back bone will become very strong. He will get good health. Eyes, Chins, will become shining & very attractive.

The face will become shining and attractive. Increases Physical power, mental power in all persons. Highly courageous and brave. Highly intelligent. He will get whatever he wants. It increases Self-confidence. Highest form of energy for the befit of society. “All waste of body strength, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force. Therefore increase body strength.

Strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect. Power and energy for nourishing, improving and perfecting your body and

brain .virility in men. The essence of life, thought, intelligence and consciousness. Use vital energy very, very carefully effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disordered function, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other diseases and death. No corruption, No criminals, No poverty, No diseases, Rich in money, Rich in Health. Rich in Wealth Strong and Brave Physically fit mentally strong. People having good in nature. Peoples will become Sound mind and sound body. To develop skill, mind is very important.

All Human beings will walk on water if they not use S-Formula. All Human beings will lift the Mountain if they use S-Formula. The vitalenergy, the S-formula [strength; power; energy; courage] that supports your life. S-formula, which shines in your sparkling eyes,which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. S-formula gives colour and vitality to the human body and its different organs. If not use S-formula, it brings death; If you use S-formula gives life. S-formula is the real vitality in men.

Develop strong mind and strong body by using S-Formula. S-Formula gives you more strength, good health, super memory, courage. To develop any skills in your life you must need S-Formula as it gives the entire necessary energy required to your body. Every skill is based on s-formula. Skill without S-Formula is useless. This formulainvented by 30years hard work.

My dream: - India free from corruption, Free from criminals, Rich inhealth and wealth. So I prepared one project to develop India for next generation. The project is YES-PROJECT. If we start this project today it takes minimum 100 years to implement. This project needs crores people to involve. These project mainly three steps. Giving seminar to the public. 2) Giving training to public. 3) Implementation.

I took 30 years to prepare this YES-PROJECT. Our Indian peoples areresponsible to use this.

Presently nobody knows the secrete of youth power. Youth means Charming, Attractive, Brave, Handsome, Intelligent, Honest, Good health, good nature. But youths do not know how to get it. I will suggest all youths who wants the above benefits knowledge. Follow

S-Formula, Read S-theory, involve in YES-PROJECT. All youths must follow S-Formula.

Skill development depends on your physical fitness and mental fitness. Increase your fitness by using S-formula. Fitness comes only by using S-formula in this world.

Many people have their own imagination about youth power. First try to understand what is youth power. How to get it. Every person must be having power of 16 year old throughout life, up to 100 years is included in youth power. If you want to know how to get youth power throughout your life Use S-formula.

If mind is clean, everything is clean. For cleaning mind use S-formula. S-formula is a type of meditation. It will give more power to mind. Good things do only if mind is power full. To clean India first cleans your mind. Only S-formula has the power to cleanthe mind.


Dear all

You must know this. The vital energy, the semen [strength; power;energy; courage] that supports your life. Which shines in yoursparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a greattreasure for you. Falling of semen brings death. Preservation ofsemen gives life. Semen is the real vitality in men. It is thehidden treasure in man, makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic.One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth of energy.However much semen you are able to retain, you will receive in thatproportion greater wisdom, improves action, higher spirituality andincreased knowledge. Moreover, you will acquire the power to getwhatever you want. Semen is the last Dhatu that is formed out offood.The Semen comes out of the very marrow that lies concealedinside the bones. Semen is a very precious continent of the body.Semen is formed said to take approzimateledy 30 day and 4 hours. Theconsumption of 32 kg of food produces 800 gm. of blood which in turnforms only 20 gm. of semen.Seminal fluid contains fructose, fattyacids, and proteins and over 200 separate proteins, as well asvitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citricacid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus,potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc .Semen is considered a

precious material formed by the distillation of blood. Semen isfound in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Semen ispervading the whole body. All waste of spermatic secretions, whethervoluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force. Semenloss is harmful. Seminal fluid is considered an elixir of life inthe physical and mystical sense. Its preservation guarantees health,longevity, and supernatural powers". The precise word for it shouldbe ‘going,’ because everything – the erection, vital energy,millions of live sperm, hormones, nutrients, even a little of theman’s personality goes away. It is a great sacrifice for the man,spirituality, mentally, and physically. “The strength of the body,the light of the eyes, and the entire life of the man is slowlybeing lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.”


The chemical composition of spermThe chemical composition of sperm is as follows:Chemical compositionof sperm … … (In mg/100 ml)

Ammonia … … … … … … … … … … … 2,

Ascoric Acid … … … … … … … … …… 12.8,

Ash … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 9.9%,

Calcium … … … … … … … … … … ……. 25,

Carbon Dioxide … … … … .. … … … …. 54 ml/100 ml,

Chloride … … … … … … … … … …… … 155,

Cholesterol … … … … … … … … ……… 80,

Citric acid … … … … … … … … ……….. 376,

Creatine … … … … … … … … … ……. .. 20,

Ergothioneine … … … … … … ………… Trace,

Fructose … … … … … … … … … ……… 224,

Glutathione … … … … … … … … …….. 30

Glycerylphorylcholine … … …. … … . 54-90,

Inositol … … … … … … … … … … … … 50.57,

Lactic Acid … … … … … … … … … ….. 35,

Magnesium … … … … … … … … …….. 14,

Nitrogen, nonprotein (total) …. … …. 913,

Phosphorus, acid-soluble … ….. … …. 57,

Inorganic … … … … … … … … … …….. 11,

Lipids … … … … … … … … … … … … … 6,

Total (lipid) … … … … … … … … … ….. 112,

Phosphorylcholine … … … … … … … .. 250-380,

Potassium … … … … … … … … … …… . 89,

Pyruvic Acid … … … … … … … … …… . 29,

Sodium … … … … … … … … … … …… .. 281,

Sorbitol … … … … … … … … … … … ….. 10,

Vitamin B 12 … … … … … ….. … ….. ….. 300-600 ppg,

Sulphur … … … … … … … … … … … … ….. 3% (of ash),

Urea … … … … … … … … … … … … …. .. 72,

Uric acid … … … … … … … … … … ….. .. 6,

Zinc … … … … … … … … … … … …… … 14

Copper … … … … … … … ….. ….. .. … … 006 to .024,

The chemical composition of sperm that benefitthe body are as follows:

Calcium: -This composition is very useful for bones and teeth and even to maintain muscle and nerve function.

Citric acid - Useful to prevent blood clotting in the body

Creatine:-Useful to increase energy and formation of muscle and alsoacts as a fat burner.

Ergothioneine: - Function as protection of skin from DNA damage.

Glutathione:- This chemical composition is very useful as cancer preventive drugs,

Prevent blood clotting during surgery and increase the efficacy of chemotherapy drugs.

Inositol:- Function to prevent hair loss in hair.

Lactic Acid: - Serves as a material for burns and surgical wounds.

Lipid:- Functions as a fat burner

Pyruvic Acid:- Functioning as fertilising.

Sorbitol:- Used by pharmacists as a material to overcome constipation.

Urea:- Serves to remove excess nitrogen in the body.

Uric Acid:-Useful for the prevention of diabetes ,but most of uric acid, would be caused disease gout, etc.

Sulphur:- Useful for smoothing the skin.

Vitamin B12:- As an addition to stamina.

Fructose:- Can serve as a digestive sugar in the body .which is veryuseful for the prevention of diabetes. Most Fructose is also dangerous because it can cause the disease gout.

Zinc:- Useful as an acne drug.

All of the above substances are important substances, which is very beneficial for the body, and is used for a variety of healing medicines.


When you ejaculate sperm , it is a mixer of semen, that means 1% ofsperm and 99% of semen will release, semen contains more than 200 chemicals which proteccts our body.

• semen is formed out of food.

The formation of semen form is very lengthy process.

Out of food is formed chyle.

Out OF CHYLE comes blood.

Out of Blood comes flesh,

Out of flesh come fat.

Out of fat comes bone.

Out of bone comes marrow,

Out of marrow comes SEMEN.

• Food is filtered seven times, so called S-formula.

• Statement as to how semen is formed thought a seven stage proves.

• Only about 20 g semen is produced from the food that a man consumes in nearly 35 days.

(1) From 32,000 g food, approximately 11,153 g chyle is formed.

(2) From 11,153 g chyle, approximately 3,887 g blood is formed.

(3) From 3,887 g blood, approximately 1,355 g flesh is formed.

(4) From 1,355 g flesh, approximately 472 g fat is formed.

(5) From 472 g fat, approximately 164 g bone is formed.

(6) From 164 g bone, approximately 57 g bone marrow is formed.

(7) From 57 g bone marrow, approximately 20 g semen is formed.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• The best blood in the body goes to form this element is essential to strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• It is almost universally conceded that the choicest element ofthe blood enters into the composition of the spermatic secretion.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth of energy.•

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• However much semen you are able to retain, you will receive inthat proportion greater wisdom, improves action, higher spiritualityand increased knowledge. Moreover, you will acquire the power to getwhatever you want.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• Semen! What a beautiful, sparkling word! When reflecting on itone's mind is filled with grand, great, majestic, beautiful, and powerful emotions.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• Semen loss is harmful. Seminal fluid is considered an elixir of life in the physical and mystical sense. Its preservation guarantees health, longevity, and supernatural powers.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• The secret of magnetic personality. Conservation of semen results in the emergence of a charismatic power in the body, which is named ojas .

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• The science of seminal conservation allows you to conserve seminal fluid for nourishing, improving and perfecting your body andbrain when reproduction is not mutually desired.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• The seminal fluid is a viscid, proteinaceous fluid ,It is richin potassium, iron, lecithin, vitamin E. protease, spermine, albumen, phosphorous, calcium and other organic minerals and vitamins.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says

• Mahatma Ghandi, 1959“The strength of the body, the light of the eyes, and the entire life of the man is slowly being lost by toomuch loss of the vital fluid.”

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.


What Important People Says





S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• The Semen comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed inside the bones.Semen is a very precious continent of the body.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• The semen gives colour and vitality to the human body and its different organs.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• The strength of the body, the light of the eyes, and the entire life of the man is slowly being lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.”(Semen).

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• You to conserve seminal fluid for nourishing, improving and perfecting your body and brain when reproduction is not mutually desired.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• The conservation of Semen is essential to strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• Falling of semen brings death; preservation of semen gives life. Semen is the real vitality in men.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• The vital energy, theSemen that supports your life.Which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• In a pure and orderly life, semen is reabsorbed. It goes back into circulation ready to form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• This semen, vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• If the Semen is lost, the man becomes nervous. Then the mind also cannot work properly. The man becomes fickle-minded. There is mental weakness.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• Semen! What a beautiful, sparkling word! When reflecting on itone's mind is filled with grand, great, majestic, beautiful, and powerful emotions. The secret of magnetic personality.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• One ejaculation of semen will lead to wastage of a wealth of energy.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• However much semen you are able to retain, you will receive inthat proportion greater wisdom, improves action, higher spiritualityand increased knowledge. Moreover, you will acquire the power to getwhatever you want.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• If semen remains in the body, it is the essence of vitality, their descriptions of a body glowing with energy of semen.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• A large segment of the general public from all socio economic classes believes that semen loss is harmful. Seminal fluid is considered an elixir of life in the physical and mystical sense. Itspreservation guarantees health, longevity, and super natural powers.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• Well, Semen contains other ingredients include: Fructose, sugar, Water, Ascorbic acid (a.k.a., vitamin C) Citric acidEnzymesProteinPhosphate and bicarbonate buffers (bases) Zinc. Seminal fluid contains fructose, fatty acids, and proteins to nourish the sperm&ovum.;

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• Semen is composed of over 200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citricacid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc .Levels of these compounds vary depending on age, weight, and lifestyle habits like diet and exercise.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• The semen is true of your body. A man cannot think or performhis best when much of this energy and blood’s nutriments are expended in the discharge of semen.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• Not only a proper diet necessary to keep arteries clean so blood can flow freely to all vital organs as well as your corpora cavernous penis, but also to replenish body chemistry.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• Just as bees collect honey in the honeycomb drop by drop, so also, the cells collect semen drop by drop from the blood.

S-formula–SAVE SEMEN.

Magnetic personality.

• If semen wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disorderedfunction, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other diseases and death.


You do not know this

What is Yoga and Yogasana?

Yoga means: - The way of life, how to live happy life,

Yogasana means: - It is a physical exercise,

There are so many yogas are there

But yogasana is one

There is no relationship between yoga and yogasana

Yoga is made for one concept

Yogasana is made for one concept

First you try to understand this, otherwise

S-formula explains you.


Welcome to the new world


Use s-formula in your life for bright future.

S-formula is the secrete of life

s-formula is the way of life

s-formula is for new generation

s-formula says the power of semen.

Make your life beautiful by following s-formula.

s-formula is not a medicine, it is a type of meditation.


We done research on all human beings and we observed the following things

We saw height of human beings between 1970 – 1980 – aged above 25 years – 6 feet height.

We saw height of human beings between 1980 – 1990– aged above 25 years – 5 feet height.

We saw height of human beings between 1990– 2000 – aged above 25 years – 4 feet height.

We saw height of human beings between 2000 – 2010 – aged above 25 years – 3 feet height.

This is because of not using s-formula.

If people not follow s-formula , after next two thousand years people become one inch height.

All animals, birds, insects will eat all humans.

To avoid this please start implement s-formula throughout world,

If we start using s-formula , after five thousand years the height of human beings will be more than 80 feet.

This is for wel educateds only, ordinary people not understand.

BY, s-formula team.


No human beings on earth on 5000 AD.Four thousand years back the height of man is 80 feet.

Today the height of man is 3 feet(mixed 2 feet, 1 feet,)

This is because of not following s-formula.

If we not start following s-formula from today,

After one thousand years height of man become one inch.

Man will fly in air; man will walk on water,

All birds and insects wil eat and at 5000 AD

No human beings on earth.


S-formula Team.


Lift mountain OR walk on waterIf we use s-formula from today, after four thousand years , height of man will become 80 feet.

He will lift the mountain,

If we not use s-formula from today, after twothousand years , man height become one inch,

He will walk on water.

Do something for future generation.


S-formula team.



People will not come to know the growth of human reducing day by day,

Why because mix of all height from 5 feet to 2 feet, people will notthink this change,

Only person who study thousand years history will understand this,

Nobody lives more than 100 years to tell the difference,

We done research on this, so we are telling this truth & secrete.

Please implement s-formula as early as possible

This problem avoids.


S-formula team.



Please avoid all the activities which cause semen loss in our body.

Lot of teens, youths, are spoiling by doing loss of semen,

Childrens are spoiling due to sourrounding activities which implements loss of semen mentality,

Please save our citizens, our peoples, do not sit quite,

It is not possible from common man

Government only avoid this at the root level.

Kindly requesting the government please implement ,support , the activities which save semen.

This request is on behalf of publics,


s-formula team.


S-formula – the way of meditationFather & Mother will not teach s-formula to their children,

School teachers will not teach s-formula to their children,

Friends will not teach s-formula,

Then who will teach s-formula to common peoples,

s-formula is the basic knowledge, it is the secrete of life,

So s-formula team prepared a project to teach all ages without effecting the present environment,

S-formula has three steps (1) Publicity, (2) Training, (3) Implementation

S-formula is not a medicine; s-formula is a meditation.


S-formula team.



Here are ten alleged health benefits of seminal plasma:

1. Natural anti-depressant.2. Natural anxiety reducer.3. Improves quality of sleep.4. Increases energy.5. Improves concentration.6. Improves memory.7. Improves mental alertness.8. Assists with pregnancy maintenance.9. Increases female-initiated sexual behavior.10. Reduces pain.


Nutritious: Sperm is also known as the nature's super food. This isbecause the sperm has all the important nutrients like zinc, potassium,water, ascorbic acid, citric acid, and enzymes that you would usuallyfind in a protein shake.Calorie Rich: Sperm is rich in calories, and also has small traces offat and cholesterol. A tablespoon of contains around 20 calories.Anti-depressant: Sperm contains spermophagia which is an anti-depressant. Spermophagia promotes happiness and helps change your mood.Prevents Breast Cancer: Studies have shown that sperm has anti-cancereffects. There are reasons to believe that semen can prevent and helpfight breast cancer. So, you have more healthy reasons to make love!

Skin-Friendly: Sperm has beauty benefits as well. It containsspermidine, which protects cells from damage and slows down the ageingprocess. This is the reason sperms are found in many expensive creams.Prevents Tooth Decay: Sperm contains zinc, calcium and other mineralswhich prevents tooth decay. As it is rich in calcium, sperm benefitsthe health by maintaining muscle and nerve function.Prevents Diabetes: That's right, semen may be a cure for diabetes!Fructose and uric acid found in sperm helps digest the sugar in thebody. This prevents diabetes and keeps your blood sugar levels undercontrol.Boosts Immune System: Sperm has magnesium which boosts the immunesystem, strengthens muscles, and promotes healthy nerve function.These are few health benefits of sperms that you must know.--------------------------------------------------IMPORTANCE OF SEMEN PRESERVATION!!!!!!!!!  I have read a book named The secret of Eternal Youth. It elaborates the importance of semen preservation in human body and negative effects of wasting semen. Actually this book is based on the spiritual discourse of a reputed Indian saint Asharamji Bapu. He says in your life till now you have checked with wasting semen, you have long life please try just one year with preservingsemen then you will know the meaning of life, you will know the difference. Youwill know the reason behind the successful personality. Actually life is experiment, if you don't succeed with one way you should have to try with another way. I am going to write some important excerpts from his book. You canstudy it, think it. It is in your own hand to follow this or not, because life is yours and nobody has to do nothing with your personal life, but always it isbeneficial to make the habit of thinking from the flip side

---------------------------------------------------------------------------    VITAL ENERGY IS THE ESSENCE OF YOUR BODY PRESERVATION OF IT IS KEY TO LONGEVITY OFYOUTHFULNESS.

THE SECRET OF ETERNAL YOUTH:All worldly actions are performed through the body. If the body is weak andsickly the mind becomes similarly afflicted. To attain success in anyenterprise, it is essential that both body and the mind are healthy andfunction in harmony and synchronicity. The unbridled gratification of desiresover the years drains away mental, vital and physical energies. Even if such aperson posses a strong will power, his body would not assist him. On the otherhand, sadly, today's youth, in spite of having the physical ability to proceedon the path of success, are distracted by the objects of sense of indulgenceand fall a prey to carnal pleasures. Not appreciating the prime importance of

sexual energy, they recklessly fritter it away through sensual indulgence, afolly that would later become a matter of life-long repentance for them.

       Many young people, who are badly perturbed, come to me for guidance andhelp. They open up their hearts before me. They confess that throughuncontrolled sexual indulgence they have lost mental, vital and physicalenergies with the result that their mind becomes sluggish, will power is lostand body becomes languid and sickly. They live a miserable lie seeing no way toredemption. They lament that, for them, self-realisation will remain a distantdream and they have somehow to drag along the remaining part of the life,aimlessly.

              Throughout history, great sages, saints, and seers have stressedthe paramount importance of celibacy for leading a noble and sublime life. Aperson lacking in self.restraint and self-discipline can never make progress inany worthwhile endeavor nor can he be of any service to the society. Suchdegenerated societies disintegrate in the long run.

Lord Shiva to goddess parvati,"O Parvati! What is there on this earth which cannot be accomplished if one hascontrol over his sexual fluid?" That is, all powers reside at the divine feetof the Enlightened Urdhvareta (one who is able to sublimate his sexual energythrough the practice of yoga). In fact, Siddhis (divine powers) become hisfacile servants. Such a Sadhaka can attain Self-Realisation within a short spanof time. Even the gods (deities) have attained immortality throughBrahmacharya".-------------------------------------------------------------

PRESERVATION OF SEMEN GIVES   LIFE:                           Semen is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Just asthe buttermilk is thinned after the butter is removed, so also, semen isthinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of semen, the more the bodydeteriorates and weakens. The preservation of semen is the secret of goodhealth and longevity, and of all success in the physical, mental, intellectualand spiritual planes. He who has even a little bit of  semen preservation willtide over a crisis of any disease very easily. It is also true that one whopreserves semen striclty is usually not afflicted by any disease. 

After Dhanvantari, founder of Ayurveda (Herbal Medical Science) taught alldetails about this science, his students enquired about its keynote (essence).In the reply, master asserted," I tell you that semen is truly a preciousjewel. It is the one most effective medicine-nectar indeed-, which destroysdiseases, decay and death. For attaining peace, brightness, memory, knowledge,health and Self-realisation, one should observe the way of semen preservation,the highest Dharma, the highest knowledge, greatest strength. Saluting celibacyfirst, the cases beyond cure, I cure, Aye' celibacy can undo all -------------------------------------------------------

HOW IS SEMEN FORMED?  From the digested food chyle is formed. Out of chyle comes blood. Out of bloodcomes flesh. Out of flesh comes fat. Out of fat comes bone. Out of bone comesmarrow. Out of marrow comes semen. Conversion of Dhatu at every step takes aperiod of five days. Thus semen is the last Dhatu that is formed out of food.It takes approximately 30 days and 4 hours to complete this cycle. Scientistsbelieve that an intake of 32 kgs. Of food produces 800 Gms. of blood, which inturn forms only 20 Gms. of semen. Now, you can see how precious the semen is!-----------------------------------------------------------------

MODERN MEDICAL OPINION:         Eminent European Medical experts also support the statements of theYogis of India. Dr. Nicole says, "It is a medical and physiological fact thatthe best blood in the body goes to form the elements of reproduction in boththe sexes. In a pure and orderly life, this matter is reabsorbed. It goes backinto circulation ready to form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues.This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes himmanly, strong, brave and heroic. If wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak andphysically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disordered function,a wretched nervous system, epilepsy and various other diseases and death. Thesuspension of the use of the generative organs is attained with a notableincrease of bodily, mental and spiritual vigour."

If the spermatic secretion in man is continuous, it must either be expelled orbe reabsorbed. As a result of the most patient and preserving scientificinvestigations, it has been found that whenever the seminal secretions areconserved and thereby reabsorbed into the system, it goes towards enriching theblood and strengthening the brain.

Dr. Dio Louis thinks that the conservation of this element is essential tostrength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect. Another writer Dr.E.P. Miller says: "All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary orinvoluntary, is a direct waste of the life-force. It is almost universally

conceded that the choicest element of the blood enters into the composition ofthe spermatic secretions. If these conclusions are correct, then it followsthat celibacy in life is essential to man's ultimate well- being."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

THE CAUSE OF MAGNETIC PERSONALITY:       According to Dhanvantari, the sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas orspiritual energy by pure thoughts. It is called sex sublimation in westernpsychology. Sublimation is not a matter of suppression or repression, but apositive dynamic conversion process. It is the process of controlling the sexenergy, conserving it, then diverting it into higher channels and finallyconverting it into spiritual energy or Ojas shakti.

Ojas is the cause of attractive personality. If you see any person who isoutstanding in his works, whose speech is impressive and thrilling, haslustrous eyes and a magnetic aura on his face and awe-inspiring (charismatic)personality, be sure that he has stored up Ojas in his brain. This stored upenergy can be utilised for divine comtemplation and spiritual pursuits (Self-realisation).Assuming that an ordinary man consumes 32 kgs. Of food in 40 days, yielding 800Gms. of blood, which in turn will yield only 20 Gms. of semen over a period ofone month. A person will be able to accumulate about 15 Gms. of semen in 30days. And one-month accumulation of semen is discharged in one sexualintercourse!----------------------------------------------------------------------

SEX FOR PROGENY- A NATURAL PLAN:-                The sexual degradation that has overtaken mankind today is directly due tothe fact that people have assumed that there is a natural "sexual instinct" inhuman beings. It is not so. The natural instinct is the procreative one. TheMother Nature has bestowed the power of reproduction to all the creatures(flora and fauna) for continuation of the race. Sex is not an entertainment. Ifa man leads a life of celibacy even in householder's life and has copulationfor the sake of progeny only, he can bring forth healthy, intelligent, strong,beautiful and self-sacrificing children. Higher forms of animals do have thesex impulse, but it becomes active only during the mating season; and thus theymaintain health. Man, with his boasted intellect, has to learn lessons frombirds and animals. Even animals have more self-control than men. It is only theso-called man who has degraded himself much by indulgence. At the heat ofsexual excitement, he repeats the same ignoble act again and again. Man onlyviolates the laws of nature and consequently suffers from innumerable diseases.He has degenerated to a level far lower than that of animals in this respect.

          Food, sleep, fear and copulation are common to both animals and men.That which differentiates a man from an animal is Dharma, faculty ofdiscrimination. Viveka and Vichara Shakti can be secured by the preservation ofVirya. You had enough of sense and sex gratification in all your previousbodies of various animals. Human life is not meant for satisfaction of lowerappetites of sex and tongue. It is meant for higher purpose. If we do notcultivate discrimination and intelligence and go on gratifying sexual desireswithout restraint, how can we attain the higher goal of Self-realisation?----------------------------------------------------------------

DONT BE MISLED.         Many persons are misled by the perverse logic of the so-calledintelligent people who say that scriptures and saints have also preached tolead a natural way of life. When you desire to work, work. When you desire toplay, play. When you feel hungry, eat. When you are tired, go to sleep. Theyare advocates for uncontrolled sense pleasures. Even the Freudian psychologistsstress that repression or suppression of the sexual desires is the cause ofmany diseases. So there should be no tension or suppression. They advocate forfree sex.         In the practice of Brahmacharya, what is wanted is elimination oflust, but not suppression. Repression or suppression of the sexual desires willattack you again and again and will produce wet dreams, irritability andrestlessness of mind. Brahmacharya means control, but not suppression of thesexual desire or sex force. The mind should be rendered pure by Meditation,Japa, Kirtan and Prayer. If the mind is filled with sublime divine thoughts bymeditation, japa, prayer and study of holy scriptures, the sex desire will bedevitalized and the sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas or spiritual energy.Sublimation is not a matter of suppression or repression, but a positive,dynamic, conversion process. The material energy is converted into spiritualenergy, just as heat is changed into light and electricity. Freud had studiedthe cases of suppression or repression of sexual desire. He did not study thecases of sublimation of sexual energy into spiritual energy. Dr. Freud calleddesire as 'sexual instinct’ or 'libido'. Dr. Carl Jung refuted this theory anddescribed this desire as the 'creative energy.'           The practice of celibacy is not attended with any danger or any diredisease or undesirable result such as the various sorts of complex that arewrongly attributed to it by the western psychologists. They have no practicalknowledge of the subject on hand. They have got a wrong, ill-foundedimagination that the ungratified sex energy assumes in disguise the variousforms of complex such as touch phobia. The complex is due to some other causes.It is a morbid state of mind due to excessive jealousy, hatred, anger, worry

and depression brought about by various causes. Some people quote saint Kabir'swords,"O saints! Supreme is the natural state of Samadhi."

They misinterpret the message of Kabir and indulge in unrestrained sex. Butthey commit selfdeception. Such people fail to understand that this naturallife is meant for Enlightened (Jnani) souls. In a Self-Realized person, thesexual craving is entirely eradicated; no sexual thought will crop up in themind. They have transcended the allurements of their senses, mind and intellectand are unaffected by praise or insult, steadfastly poised in the Self, beyondthe reign of ignorance and illusion. They do not expect anything from theworld. Worldly happenings have no effect on their perennial state of bliss.Thus, if they are offered abundance of material, they can, with perfectequanimity, either use them or throw them away. What to speak of materialobjects, they have lost all attachment even to their bodies. It makes nodifference to them whether they have a body or not. They are in a continuousstate of peace and bliss.         If anyone has reached this stage, then it is all right. Otherwise beware!Under the pretext of leading a natural life, one should not make excuses andbecome the cause of one's own moral and spiritual degradation. Compare thestate of an ordinary person to that of a great saint. If an ordinary personwere insulted, he would become furious and revengeful. His mental poise isdisturbed even by trivial attacks in life. He is a slave to passion and hatred.He is dominated by the sense of I-ness and My-ness: my house, my wealth, myreputation, and my body... This is the pseudo identification yet it seems realto the ordinary person. Is it possible for him to live being detached fromthese feelings? Please think over it seriously. 

Even some saintly persons are not able to detach themselves from their bodies,what to speak of ordinary people? Many a sages and saintly persons are obsessedwith these concepts, "I am an ascetic, I don't eat sweets, I don't look atwomen, I don't touch money..." They have not been able to make their lives'natural'.

Many a people indulge in sense pleasures in the name of 'natural life'. Themouth waters at the sight of sweets. One becomes upset when one's beloved is introuble. If the business suffers a loss, owner suffers from insomnia. Onebecomes homesick if one stays away from his dear ones for a long time. Arethese the marks of a 'natural life' that the saints speak of? Certainly not!----------------------------------------------------------------

  SIGNIFICANCE OF SELF CONTROL:-     There is a great injustice being done to the youth at present time. Theyface attacks from all sides, which is sex stimulating.On one side, animalistic sexual instincts drag them to wanton sex-pleasures;the permissive society encourages them to become libertine. If these baseinstincts are supported by the scientists who assert that self-control isharmful to health and when so called Gurus also start preaching "From sex tosuper conscious”, on the basis of the science of corruption founded bymisleading psychoanalyst like Freud, then God alone can save the celibacy ofthe youth and chastity of the married couples.

Lack of self-control gives rise to diseases. The western world has sufferedmoral and ethical degradation by following the Freudian psychology. It isclearly observed in statistical data. Population of India is three times thatof U.S.A. Yet, consumption of drugs in U.S.A. is 10 times that in India. In NewYork City, a ten-year study, Mental  Health in metropolis, claimed thatapproximately 80 per cent of adults showed some symptoms of Mental illness,with one in four actually impaired.(Srole, Leo, Langer, Thomas, et al, Mental health in Metropolis, The midtownManhatton Study.)

Freudian psychoanalysts failed to give any solution to the problem ofsuppressing desires. So the people alarmed of getting mental disorders,continued to satisfy their desires even by illegal means. This in turnincreased the incidence of crimes. On an average one case of rape is recordedper six seconds and about 2 million cases of pre-marietal pregnancy arerecorded every year in U.S.A. Teenage pregnancy is a burning problem of U.S.A.Pre-marital sex is common in U.S. because they advocate free sex. As a resultof that they compare the sexual gratification after marriage with the previouspre-marital experiences and when they find it less, they ask for divorce.             About 65% of marriages result in divorce. As they have violated thenature's law of self-control, they suffer from sexually transmitted diseases.The most horrible is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), which isspreading like an epidemic. The family life is disturbed by internal conflicts,dissatisfaction and rage. The social life is full of chaos, terror, insecurityand arrogance. This is not caused by poverty or lack of materials. The U.S. has4 % of the world's population. They have made provisions for 40 % of the globalmaterial productions (like cars, TVs etc.). Yet the criminal tendency is sohigh that one case of burglary is recorded per ten seconds. There are 425prisoners per one lakh population whereas there are only 23 prisoners per one

lakh population in Indian jails. In U.S.A. 14 million cases of crime wererecorded by the police department during the year 1992. This is because thepeople under the influence of Freudian psychology try to satisfy all desires(not only sexual). The social life is degraded. Unchecked criminal tendencieslead to chaos, terror and insecurity.        Dr. Freud called desire as 'sexual instinct' or 'libido'. Dr. Jung refuted thistheory and described this desire as the creative energy'. Wide "Modern man insearch of soul" Professor Adler differed from Freud attributing less importanceto sexual factors. He broke away in 1912.               Though Freud has been severely denounced for his sexual obsession by eminentpsychologists Adler and C.G.Jung, his followers are misguiding the youth eventhis day. A few unthoughtful philosophers of India have preached the sameschool of Freudian psychology in guise of religious discourses titled, "Fromsex to superconscious", which has misled many people. Freud, being an atheist,supported his theory on study of some cases of hysteria and kindred patientsbut the socalled philosopher has misled even religious people from self-controlto unrestricted & illegal sex by extending spiritual support to licentiousnessin his discourses, "From sex to superconscious". Sex undoubtedly leads tospiritual downfall (self-destruction). Self-control is essential to attainsuperconscious. Now this principle is accepted by western psychologists. Theyhave realised the superiority of Indian psychology over the western psychology.The school of analytical psychology founded by Dr. Carl Gustav Jung must beappreciated. He disowned the materialistic view of Freud and he arrived at aview of man, which took proper account of the mystical side. Many ordinarypeople became great yogis, by following the principles of Indian psychologyfounded by sage Patahjali, many are treading this path and many will follow iteven in future to become great yogis, but we have not seen even a single personwho followed the teachings of "From sex to super conscious" and attainedSamadhi. We have seen some of them suffering from mental disorders.

Child psychiatrist Stilia Chess of New York University says, "Freud obviouslyexperienced oedipal lust. He then suffered the delusion that his abnormalitywas normal and universal."

Ernest Jones has called this single-idea-obsession, which leads Freud toextrapolate his own feelings on to all humanity in the case of the oedepaltheory.

During his self-analysis, Freud learnt of his oedepal love towards his mother,attractive Amalie. It was first aroused as a boy when he took an overnight

train trip with her from Leipzig to Vienna. "I must have had the opportunity ofseeing her nudum", he guessed. As a youth, young Freud exhibited unusualbehaviour. At the age of seven he walked into his parent’s bedroom andintentionally urinated on the floor. He felt passion and jealousy against hisfather.

Freud said, "These feelings of love for the parent of opposite sex andhostility to the parent of same sex begin at the age of three years and remainin subconscious mind throughout the life. With boys to beget a child frommother is never absent. Suppression of sex desires causes nervous diseases likeneurosis and psychological maldevelopment."

What a disgustible and ridiculous theory this is! A male child desiring sexualunion with his mother? Even birds and animals enter into sex-life afterpuberty, when their sexual organs are well developed. How can a young childhave sexual craving when he is physiologically immature and psychologicallyunaware of sexual desires? How could the innocent child come to know of thesexual involvement of parents? How can he develop hostility to his father?Freud says, "The infants first sexual feelings are stirred at his mother'sbreast...suckling of the child at the mother's breast is the model for every (sexual)relation."

If this were true, the child would never wean breast-feeding. He would continueintensifying his desire till adulthood. How could this be possible'? Adler hadcome to disbelieve Freud's sexual theories including infantile sexuality.

Now these Freud's ills are advancing towards India through multinational T.V.channels in a big way. It is time to alert us before our young generationbecomes victim of the situation.

Therefore, the people who wish to save mankind particularly the younggeneration from undergoing devilish transformation, wish the youth to possessvibrant physical health, cheerfulness of mind and sharp intelligence, want tosave the people of our nation from the dreaded disease of AIDS, and want tobuild a healthy society should come out to propagate the message Of self-Control, self-restraint, chastity and celibacy to the young people in theSociety.   ---------------------------------------------

PSYCHOANALYSIS- CREATED BY ABNORMAL FREUD:            "In 1977 'The President's Commission on Mental Health' concluded that the state of our psyche is worse than believed and that one quarter of allAmericans suffer from severe emotional stress. They warned that up to 32 million Americans are in need of professional psychiatric help."(Lyons, Richard D.)

In his book, "The psychological society", Mr. Martin Gross, a great author, editor and educator says, "The Freudian neurosis has infiltrated our psyche andour culture more deeply than we yet understand. If we recognise that much of itis a reflection of Freud himself, and we know the dimensions of that personality's distortions, it may help us to free ourselves from its pervasive influence. We might no longer have to live in the shadow of Dr. Freud."

Modern psychoanalysis, most of modern psychiatry and most of psychotherapy isthe perfect mirrors of Freud's neuroses. They are the nurturing home forFreud's murderous death wishes, calamitous sibling rivalries, unconsciousenmity against parents, bisexuality, incest drives, latent homosexuality,inverted love hate relationships, dogmatised superstition and unseen hatred ofevery description.

Freud suffered from spastic colon, near continuous depressive moods,neurasthenia, homosexual tendencies, bad temper, migraines, constipation,travel phobias, death fears, heart irregularity, money phobias, infected

sinuses, fainting spells and hostile drives of hate and murder. He had been avictim of superstition, magical numbers and childish gullibility. He was acocaine addict. Freud has impressed his own pathological childhood onto modernsociety as a typical situation, thus creating psychic chaos in thepsychological society. Freud's personality has distorted psychology andpsychiatry.Eminent psychologist Dr. C.G.Jung refuted Freud's theory. Dr. Adler alsodiffered from Freud in many respects. He rejected root and branch of the entireFreudian conception of basic masculine and feminine psychology.It is sad to note that these refuted theories founded by abnormal Freud aretaught by many psychiatrists and sexologists to the people of India. Theyadvocate for pre-marital sex (unethical), and masturbation (unnatural sex).Their teachings are published in periodicals and newspaper columns misleadingthe youth to corruption and ethical degradation. Many of them who follow theteachings of "From sex to super conscious" have become victims of incurablediseases, mental imbalance and AIDS. Freud reminded us shortly before hisdeath, my ego resembles that of the psychotic in one point or another, in agreater or lesser degree." His followers may not admit their madness but theyare followers of Freud who was psychotic. It is our humble request to them togive up madness of misguiding and corrupting the people of our nation. Theyshould read this book, if they wish the good of all.

        If sexual urge is not controlled, excessive sexual intercourse drainsthe energy enormously. Persons are physically, mentally and morally debilitatedby wasting the seminal power. You experience much exhaustion and weakness. Suchunrestrained sex-indulgence nullifies the very purpose of human life, which isspecially endowed with intelligence; wisdom, discrimination and will power toenable the soul attain Self-realization. Man wants unbridled license to indulgein sex all the 365 days of the year on the fallacious plea that, 'if it werenot good to satisfy the urge, why did God create it in the first place?' Theydo not realize that their intellect is blinded by lust and that they are vainlytrying to blame God for their errors.-----------------------------------------------------------------

SUCIDAL ARGUMENTS:-          Sometime ago, I received a letter. The gentleman had written: "YourHoliness said in a Satsang and it is also published in your books that oneshouldn't smoke cigarettes, cigars etc, and should abstain from otheraddictions, as they destroy the strength, health and intelligence of theconsumer. If it be so, why did God create tobacco?"       This gentleman is unable to abandon his addiction and he is making Godliable for it. God has created roses as well as thorns. Then why do we pick upthe roses and not the thorns? Why is a knife used to cut vegetables and not

one's own throat? God has created fire. Why do we use it to cook food and notto bum our own houses? Why don't we use poisonous plants as vegetables? Theanswer is simple. In these situations we use our discriminative intelligence(Viveka) to select beneficial and to reject harmful ones. But in case of sex-indulgence, man does not control his mind and blames God. God has createdalmonds, pistachios, milk and many other nutritious eatables too. If we arediscriminative, we would certainly choose such nourishing and energy-givingthings rather than spending our money on energy draining and health injuringaddictions. Man justifies his bad habits and addictions through hypocriticalrationalisation. This is misuse of intelligence and energy. Smoking and otheraddictions debilitate the mind and make the intelligence dull and confused.

Preservation of seminal energy is the vital subject for those who want successin material or spiritual life. It is essential for strong body and sharp brain.

      Maharisihi Patahjali has stated in his Yoga Aphorisms, "After becoming anurdhvareta (a Yogi who has accomplished perpetual sublimation of semen) throughYoga, a Yogi becomes all-powerful. That Yogi alone can realize the supremetruth. Since through celibacy the impossible becomes possible, the gain offame, wealth and other material things is assured to the celibate."------------------------------------------------------------


           One of the disciples of Socrates (a great Greek philosopher) askedhis teacher, "My Venerable Master, kindly instruct me how many times a house-

holder can have copulation with his legal wife?"Socrates replied, "Only once in his life time"The disciple said," Oh my Lord! This is absolutely impossible for worldly men.Pray, kindly prescribe an easy path."Then Socrates said, "A house-holder can have copulation once in a year."

The disciple replied, "O Venerable Sir, this is also a hard job for them. Youmust prescribe an easier course."

Socrates then replied, "Well, my dear disciple, once in a month. This issuitable. This is quite easy. I think you are satisfied now."

The disciple said, "This also is impossible, my revere master. Householders arevery fickleminded. Please prescribe an easier course."

Socrates said, "Twice in a month. But this will cause an early death."

The disciple said, "This also is impossible, for they cannot remain for asingle day without sexual intercourse."

Then Socrates said, "Well said, my dear child. Do one thing now. Dig a graveand purchase a coffin and winding sheet for the corpse before hand. Now you canspoil yourself any number of times you like. This is my final advice to you."

This last advice pierced the heart of the disciple. He thought over the matterseriously and understood the importance and glory of Brahmacharya. He took avow of strict unbroken celibacy for life. He took to spiritual Sadhana in rightearnest and attained Self-realisation. But one, who wastes his semen for sexualpleasure, finally attains despair, weakness and death. Priceless human life iswasted in sexual indulgence but sexual desires are never satiated  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  

VICTIMS OF BAD HABIT:        In the present-day world, unfortunately, many people read pornographicliterature, view sexy films on television and in theatres, view blue films inprivacy, as a result we see all around us, the number of physical, mental andmoral wrecks increasing every day.

Many a times such people indulge in unnatural sex. Masturbation or homosexualtendency lead them to wastage of seminal energy many times a weak. They may discharge seminal energy in bad dreams or wet dreams. Due to excessiveloss of semen, enlargement of testes and sometimes pain in the testes develops. The evil after-effects that follow the loss of seminal energy are dangerous. Persons are physically, mentally and morally debilitated. The body and the mind refuse to work energetically, because the semen is notused up in the body to form Ojas that give vibrant health, strong will powerand sound mind. Later on, such people develop impotency for the testices cannot produce semenwith normal sperm count. Life for him loses all zest, zeal and charm. He becomes a victim of a number of diseases like anaemia, loss of memory,gloominess, palpitation of heart, pain in the back, loins, head and joints,weak kidneys, fickle mindedness, enlargement of testes, pain in the testes,debility, nervous breakdown, restlessness of mind, lack of thinking power, etc. He goes through hellish suffering.        "By the practise of S-formula (save semen), longevity, glory, strength,vigour, knowledge, wealth, undying fame, virtues and devotion to truthincrease." 

Therefore, practice of celibacy is always commendable.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------s-formula says – you promise as follows.

   "I have abandoned the lust that wastes my seminal energy. I throw away thosesexual desires forever as they destroy my strength, intelligence and health. Iwill never become a victim of sexual desires' "-----------------------------------------------------------------------

But what happens to one who does not lead the life of celibacy. 'Atharva Veda'says,

If you not follow s-formula (save semen), It is the cause of death, fataldeath. It makes one walk with tottering steps. It causes mental debility andretardation. It destroys health, vitality and physical well being. It pollutesthe purity of mind."------------------------------------------------

WHAT IS   BRAHMACHARYA?                        Brahmacharya is an inspiring, uplifting and sanctifying word. Incommon parlance a Brahmachaari is one who is unmarried, who does not indulge insex, and who shuns the company of women. But this definition is verysuperficial and restricted. In this context only preservation of the seminalenergy is considered to be Brahmacharya. But in the true sense of the word,preservation of semen is only the means and not the final goal. The ultimategoal of human life is to attain Self-Knowledge. To get Self-realisation, Onewho is enlightened is Jivanmukta (one who is embodied yet liberated). He isabsorbed in Brahmic Bliss i.e. he lives in a state of perennial Self-Bliss. Heexpects nothing from the world. He lives, moves and has hisbeing in an infinite ocean of bliss within himself. He never depends uponobjects of sense pleasures for his happiness. He is completely liberated fromthe worldly attractions and repulsions. All his actions are performedeffortlessly and egolessly. Worldly objects and subjects cannot disturb hisperennial state of supreme bliss. He has realised the hollowness of thephenomenal dream like world of sense pleasures. It does not matter to himwhether he wears a strip of loin cloth or expensive clothes, whether he livesin a hut or a palace, whether he is a householder or a renunciate hermit. Heremains tranquil under all circumstances. Such a realised soul may externallyappear to be living in abject poverty but internally he is king of the kingsbecause all of his desires have been burnt away in the fire of Self-knowledge.For him there is no duty to be discharged for he has transcended them all. Suchan enlightened soul effortlessly lives in a state of Brahman. His celibacy iseffortless and natural. He lives in a state of Brahmic consciousness even whilebeing engaged in worldly transactions. His is in natural uninterruptedSamaadhi. Only such an enlightened, Jivanmukta is a true Brahmachcaari becausehe is always one with Brahman, ever absorbed in Brahmic Bliss. So Brahmacharyaliterally means conduct that leads to the realisation of Brahman or one's ownSelf. The technical meaning of Brahmacharya is conservation of seminal energy.In this context it is the supreme observance, the supreme penance and thesupreme Saadhanaa and the fruit of Saadhanaa is Self-knowledge, Self-realisation. It is only on attaining this ultimate goal that the fullimportance of Brahmacharya can be comprehended.

Brahmacharya is absolute freedom from sexual desires and thoughts. Even ifthere is a single impure sexual thought in the mind, one cannot be called atrue Brahmachaari. In a Self-Realised soul (Jnani) the cravings are completelydestroyed. Before attaining Self-knowledge, one is not released from theshackles of carnal desires. Conservation of seminal energy is the mostessential for eradication of desires, attaining purity of mind, healthy and

happy life, God realisation, or Supreme goal of human life, i.e. Supreme Bliss.Now we will discuss about some techniques of Brahmacharya.---------------------------------------------------------------------


(i) Simple LivingThe majority of human beings suffer under the delusion that they will gain aspecial and covetous social status if they lead a life of pomp and show. Butthis only reveals the hollowness of their perverted ego-based value system,which takes pride in vulgar exhibition of wealth and possessions. With a viewto leading a worthwhile, purposeful life one should abstain from wearing gaudy-coloured (fashionable) clothes, silks, etc. and using stimulating perfumes andscents. The more luxurious a life one leads, the more difficult it becomes forhim to preserve his seminal energy.      A cursory glance through history shows that truly great personages ledsimple, unostentatious lives. Simple living is a sign of greatness. Learn tofollow the lives of great saintly souls. Don't be impressed by the life-stylesof ostentatious egoistic people.

(ii) Moderation in diet        Don't be a glutton. Control of tongue is a sine qua non if you want tocontrol lust. If discrimination is not used as to what to eat, when to eat, howto eat, how much to eat, digestion will be impaired. Bahman, the Emperor ofIran, once asked his physician, "How much food a man should take in a day? "Physician replied, "100 dirhams (about 507 gms.)"The King said, "This much is not enough."The Physician replied, "This much is enough for nutrition of the body. If anyone takes more it is a burden on digestive system. It reduces the longevity oflife."

Generally people stuff the stomach with delicacies to enjoy taste. Stuffing thestomach is highly deleterious. In ancient times an Emperor in Europe was fondof tasteful foods. He took food, and then vomited it out. Again took food toenjoy taste and vomited out. But he died earlier due to his gluttonous habit.

Such licentious indulgence of the sense of taste will also lead to frequentdischarge of semen in dreams. Thus one will gradually become a victim ofdiseases and ruin. Food should be taken in a holy place, when the mind is inpleasant mood and peaceful state. Solid food is easily digested if it is takenwhen Surya Nadi is working dominantly i.e. when the breathing mainly takesplace through right nostril. If right nostril is closed, it should be opened

before eating. The method is given below:          Close the right hand first. Place it in the left armpit and press itwith the left arm or lie on your left side and make the right nostril work.

        Keep another important point in mind. Whenever you take any liquidfood, make sure that the left Nadi (Chandra Nadi) is dominantly working, i.e.left nostril is open. If milk, coffee, tea, water or any other liquid is drunkwhen the Surya Nadi is open, then one is sure to lose seminal energy. Beware donot take any liquid when the right nostril is open.

              Do not overload the stomach at night. Overloading is the directcause for nocturnal emission. Take easily digestible, light food at night.Don't take very hot or heavy food as they cause diseases. Things fried in oilor ghee, over cooked foods, spicy foods, chutneys, chillies, meat, fish, eggs,garlic, onion, liquor, sour articles and stale food preparations should beavoided for they stimulate the sexual organs. Hot foods and hot tea weaken theteeth and gums. They make the semen watery.

               Thoroughly chew the food. If you feel tired, take a little restbefore you take food. No strenuous work should be done immediately after meals.Water should not be taken just before meals. It is better to take it in themiddle of the meal or about 30 to 60 minutes after the meal.     '        Eating after midnight is not good for health. One should never takewarm milk at night before going to bed. It usually causes wet dreams.

       Spinach, green leafy vegetables, milk, butter, ghee, buttermilk, ripefresh fruits and white pumpkin are sattvic articles for keeping upBrahmacharya. Sattvic foods increase Sattva guna; thereby help in overcominglust, anger, attachment etc.

            Never stop the urge to answer calls of nature. When there is anyinclination for micturition at night immediately get up to empty the bladder. Aloaded bladder is the cause of wet dreams. Before retiring to bed answer thecalls of nature. If there is severe constipation and the bowels are loaded,they will press the vesiculae seminalis and consequently, there will bedischarge at night. To relieve constipation do as follows:

       Take about 50 Gms. of red alum. If you heat it on a baking pan, it is

puffed. Grind it to fine powder. Fill this powder in a glass bottle.         Soak about 15 Gms. of fennel in a glass of water. Next day morningboil it. Filter the boiled water. Mix 15 Gms. of alum powder from the bottle.Drink it. This will relieve constipation.           You may take Trifala churna or Sant Kripa Churna or Isab-gul(Plantago ovata) with water to relieve constipation. Avoid the use of so calledhot, sour, stimulating laxatives as it creates heat in the body.

            You should take recourse to occasional fasting. During fasting, theinternal organs such as the stomach, the liver and the pancreas take rest.Avoid excessive fasting. One should fast in accordance to his capacity. Fastingone day and stuffing the stomach with heavy foods (sweets, laddu) the next dayis not sensible. Over eating and excessive fasting both are detrimental tohealth.           The literal meaning of 'fasting' is to be near God. Sanskrit wordfor fasting is Upavaasa. "Upa" means near and "Vaasa" means to stay. You willhave very good meditation and contemplation during fasting, as the mind is calmand introverted. Fasting controls passion and destroys sexual excitement.---------------------------------------------

(iii) Bathing the genital organ   Soon after micturition or defecation a fine stream of cold water should bepoured on the sexual organ. It tones and soothes the nerves of the genito-urinary system and stops nocturnal discharges. It also weakens the sexualdesire.---------------------------------------------------------

(iv) Asanas and physical exercises A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. One should regularly practice selectiveyogasanas, pranayamas and exercises early in the morning. This helpsconsiderably in ones effort to check the sexual impulse. Jogging and briskwalking in early morning for 3-4 minutes also provides a good exercise to thebody. In addition, do 13 or more Suryanamaskaras at sunrise, it gives thebenefit of both asanas and exercise. 

Exercise does not mean bodybuilding. Heavy muscular exercise should be avoided.The purpose of exercise is just to provide enough exercise to the body to keepit free from diseases. Body and mind should be healthy.

Asanas are more helpful and useful to a sadhaka than exercises because asanasare not only physical, but also spiritual. They help a long way in controllingthe senses, mind and body. Asanas are very useful for integral physical growthand practice of Brahmacharya. Asanas purify the body, nerves and muscles, nadisand thereby enhance the sattvic nature. As such there are so many differentasanas for development of different organs and parts of the body.Padapaschimottanasana, Sarvangasana and Mayurasana are very useful formaintaining Brahmacharya. Among these, Padapaschimottanasana is the mostuseful. This is the personal experience of many Sadhakas who come to theAshram.            Asanas should be leant from a qualified instructor and should bedone on an empty stomach, in the open air. Asanas should be done afterevacuation of bowels and after taking a bath. Here I have given youinstructions for Padapaschimoitanasana that is the most useful for maintainingBrahmacharya. For instructions on other asanas refer to my book "Yogasana".---------------------------------------------

(v) Padapaschimottanasana

Technique: Spread a blanket on the floor and sit over it with legsextended in front. Hold both toes with the index fingers and flex the spine.Touch the forehead to your knees by bending forward from the waist. The kneesshould remain flat on the ground. In the beginning if the knees tend to bend,it does not matter. Only by repeated practice, this asana is perfected. Avoidtoo much exertion when you do this asana.

Benefits: Practice of this asana purifies nerves, prevents and curesmany diseases. Many abdominal disorders like indigestion, constipation, commoncolds, acute coryza, productive cough, backache, hiccup, leucoderma, urinarydiseases, wet dreams, seminal disorders, Appendicitis, scitica, jaundice,insomnia, asthama, hyperacidity, nervous debility, uterine disorders, menstrualdisorders, impotency, (sterility), blood disorders, stunted growth and manyother diseases can be cured by this asana.

In the beginning of the practice, do this asana for 30 seconds and thengradually and slowly increase the period up to 15 minutes. Difficulty will beexperienced in the initial few days. The asana will become easy with practice.This asana improves the built of the body. It reduces excess of fats (if any),and makes a weak body strong and well built. For those who practice

Brahmacharya, this asana is a special boon from Lord Shiva. This asana wasspecially designed by Lord Shiva and later Gorakhanatha made it popular.

         Before you take a bath, rub your body thoroughly with a coarse towel.This friction generates static electricity, which helps in prevention of anumber of diseases. Fast breathing improves peripheral blood circulation.

         During inhalations, lungs are filled with clean air, which providesoxygen to all the organs of the body through arterial blood circulation. Thevenous blood carry carbon dioxide (toxic waste) to the lungs from where it isthrown out through exhalation. Some of the impurities are removed by sweatglands in form of perspiration. Therefore, it is better to bathe after rubbingthe body because impurities are removed through perspiration. The rubbing opensup the skin pores, which gives agility to the body. Again after bathing, thebody should be thoroughly rubbed with a clean and coarse towel.--------------------------------------------

(vi) Early risingNight pollution generally occurs in the fourth quarter of the night. Thereforeget up from bed between 4 and 4.30 a.m. Those, who get up late in the morning,become spiritless. Sleep on the left side. Allow the Solar (Surya) Nadipingalaa to work throughout the night through the right nostril.------------------------------------------

(vii) Eschew intoxicantsAlcoholic drinks (liquor), tobacco (chewing), cigarettes stimulate passion.

In Quran Sherifs Allaah Pak Trikol Roshal's Sipard, it is written:"O believers,this wine and gambling, and these arrows you use for divination, are all actsof Satan, so keep away from them. You may haply prosper.

Satan only wishes to create among you enmity and hatred through wine andgambling and to divert you from the remembrance of God and prayer. Will you,therefore, not desist?" - 5th feast.

Heart and lungs are weakened by intoxicants. Immune system is jeopardized andlongevity is reduced. Scientific research conducted by American doctors provedthat the intoxicants make semen watery and infertile.------------------------------------------------

(viii) Seek Satsang or Good CompanyIf one doesn't seek good company, he will fall in bad company. Therefore alwaysseek satsang or association with the wise, saints, Yogis, Sanyasis andMahatmas, and practice their precepts in thought, speech and deed. Whenever anevil thought enters your mind, be alert. Leave that place immediately and go toa place of Satsang. The magnetic aura, the spiritual vibrations and thepowerful thought currents of saints purify the body and the mind of passionateman. If one doesn't do this, the sexual thoughts will penetrate the body. It isthe mind that really does all actions, the determination of mind will be putinto action. You will get a downfall. Lamentation after the fall is futile. Thewater has a natural tendency to flow downwards. Even so mind has a naturaltendency to go downwards to sense pleasures. The passionate mind deceives theperson and drags him to sense pleasures. It takes you into bad company, whichultimately leads to downfall. Apparently the bad company may seem attractive toyou but ...... "Don't indulge in momentary sensual gratifications, for it results ultimatelyin a number of sorrows and sufferings."

Even if you suffered a great downfall in past life, there is a chance forredemption provided you turn to satsang. The history reveals that many wickedpersons have become great persons through Satsang.

Lack of Satsang leads to downfall. Therefore, take a bath in the holy Ganges ofsatsang. It will burn all ignorance, all thoughts and Sanskaras of passion andevil actions in short time just as a single matchstick burns huge bundles ofcotton in few seconds.----------------------------------------------

"Don't indulge in momentary sensual gratifications, for it results ultimatelyin a number of sorrows and sufferings."

Even if you suffered a great downfall in past life, there is a chance forredemption provided you turn to satsang. The history reveals that many wickedpersons have become great persons through Satsang.

Lack of Satsang leads to downfall. Therefore, take a bath in the holy Ganges ofsatsang. It will burn all ignorance, all thoughts and Sanskaras of passion and

evil actions in short time just as a single matchstick burns huge bundles ofcotton in few seconds.-------------------------------------------------------------

(ix) Practise Tribandha PranayamaPractice of Pranayama along with three Bandhas (i.e. Mula Bandha, UddiyanBandha and Jalandhar Bandha) purifies the mind of all passion. Mula Bandhaenables one to conquer passions, Uddiyan Bandha brings rapid spiritual progressand Jalandhar Bandha develops intelligence. It should be learnt from any adeptin Yoga. To begin with, 12 Pranayama is enough. By this practice one becomesmaster in Pratyahara. The 'Yoga Sutras' say that to make the sense organsfollow the intellect and to withdraw them from their objects is Pratyahara. 12times Pratyahara leads to Dharana (concentration). Mystries of Nature arerevealed by the power of Dharana. Sweetness in nature, uniqueness ofintelligence and vibrant health are the marks of well-developed Dharana. 12times Dharana practised culminates into Dhyana (meditation). 12 times Dhyanapractised turns into Savikalpa Samadhi and 12 times uninterrupted

Savikalpa Samadhi leads to Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

Thus, by constant practice a Sadhaka can become and adept in Yoga (Siddha Yogi)Riddhis and Siddhis (miraculous powers) obey his commands. Even Yaksas,Gandharvas and Kinnaras seek an opportunity to serve him. Such a Holy manfulfils the desires of worldly people by merely his strong will power. Asadhaka should aspire for this goal. One who observes Brahmacharya, who leads alife of purity, can only succeed in this goal.

Friends! Be not disappointed even if you fail several times. Do not give in tofailure. When you get up early in the morning, sit for a while on your bed andmeditate:"Animal is dragged by natural tendencies to sorrows and sufferings. I am notborn to lead animalistic life. I won't destroy my life in sensual pleasures. Iwill march ahead. I will exert vigorously to control my senses and mind totranscend the nature. Hari Om... Om... Om...God's infinite power resides in my heart. Hari Om .... Om... Om...

I will not be impressed by the life style of passionate worldly people. HariOm...

Om... Om..."This practice will give miraculous benefits. You love; you pray the Almighty,Omnipresent, Omniscient Lord. At times you call him earnestly for his help. Godis our sure guide. He always helps us, gives us strength and intelligence and aSadhaka defies lowly passionate nature. God’s infinite power is ready to helpyou. Do not be disappointed. Don't be depressed. Don't give up courage and hopeto attain success even if you have failed again and again.Bravo ! be courageous. Try again. Read this book again and again. Think over itseriously. You can easily progress successfully in any field. Will you joincourage ?

Over eating, excessive sleeping, garrulousness, excessive sex indulgence andexcessive traveling destroy our innate abilities. Whereas, self-control andexertion develop our hidden abilities and thereby lead us to God-realisation.Swami Vivekananda said: "People of India suffer slavery only because they haveforgotten their will-power."

"What can we do?" such negative thinking has weakened their will power. Whereas even a British child is full of self-confidence and self-esteem, for hethinks positively, he gets success. He thinks, "I am an Englishman. Englishpeople rule over three quarters of the world. I belong to a glorious race. Whocan check my success ? Nobody can prevent me from attaining success. I am boundto succeed. What is impossible for me ? Nothing." Such positive thoughts leadhim to success.

If a British boy can enhance his will power merely by thinking about hisglorious race, why cannot you do the same ?

"I am the descendant of great sages and saints. I am born in the race of greatman of firm resolve like Bhishma. In my veins flows the blood of King Bhagirathwho landed the river Ganges from heaven. I am the descendant of great sageAgastya who drank the ocean. I am born in a country where Lord Rama and LordKrishna (incarnations of Lord Vishnu) lived and even devtas cherish a desire totake birth in it. I am Indian. How can I be poor, downtrodden? I can't remainpoor, meek, weakling. Nothing is impossible for me. How could I remain aweakling & poor guy, being a descendant of the great sages who disseminated themessage of immortality of soul, divinity of man and absolute fearlessness tothe world? I will cultivate my innate Samskaras of fearlessness. I will becomepowerful."------------------------------------------------------------------

(xi) Change the angle of vision     Ramakrishna Param Hamsa said, "Whenever you see a beautiful woman, and ifevil thoughts crop up in your mind, visualise the 'World Mother' (Jagadamba) inher. She is a manifestation of 'World Mother'. That is why she is so beautiful.She is Divine mother blessing me with her Darshana. Entertain this Bhava(attitude), evil thoughts will die. When Governor of Kalyana, Bahlol Khan wasdefeated by Major General of Shivaji's army, the latter presented a beautifulBegum to Shivaji. Strict celibate Shivaji looked at her with reverence, andsaid, "If I have to become beautiful, I will take birth through your womb,mother." Saying this he scolded his Major and ordered him to send her with fullhonour to her husband. Shivaji was a strict celibate because he was a discipleof a mighty saint Samartha Ramadasa.------------------------------------------------------

(xiii) Read good spiritual books                 As you read, so does your mind think? And as you think, so youbecome. Those, who are in a habit of reading novels and pocket books that dealwith passion and love, (pornographic literature), cannot progress in life.Novel reading fills the mind with base, lustful thoughts and excites passion.Therefore, one who reads such literature cannot preserve his seminal energy. Donot read those joumals that excite your lower instincts. Now days, under theinfluence of western culture, some people produce and distribute exciting films(blue films). They arrange private shows for children, teenagers, andadolescent people. The American government is now using television as medium towarn children against teachers and other adults who are child molesters. Thissituation has got out of control to a great extent. Such pedophiles should beseverely punished. Abuse of children must be prevented. Sometimes, when theparents are not at home, the children hire exciting videocassettes fromcassette libraries and see at home. These films destroy the character and youthof the spectators. They spoil the minds of young men by the distribution ofthese worthless & vulgar films and videocassettes. The whole atmosphere ispolluted. Severe punishment is awaiting them in the Yamaloka (terrible hell).No doubt, they will suffer the consequences of their sins but to save the younggeneration from ethical, moral and spiritual downfall is the primary duty ofthe Indian Government and the leaders of the society. Everybody should makeefforts to save children and teenagers from falling a prey to such video-film(blue film) monsters.

      Put an end to going to exciting films and seeing serials on television.Do not allow your children to see such movies. Do not see vulgar sensuousscenes wherever it may be. Do not indulge in naked pictures or bluefilms. Allthese tend to increase passion and deplete semen.

        Multinational television serials are the chains of westem civilisationto capture the victim unaware in its glittering fetters. You should strictlyavoid these and compel your children to do so.

          Children are the invaluable assets to the nation. If chidren areruined, the nation is ruined. And in order to save the nation from utter ruin,children should be saved from sex abuse. Therefore, prodigal children should beprotected from drug addiction, cheap-aphrodisiac literature, exciting films andblue films.

         In order to build the character of school-going children and collegestudents, they should be provided and encouraged to follow s-formula, so thatthey can know the glory of s-formula and by its practice, become brilliant andpromising students. This is our moral duty. It is the moral duty of thegovernment to make all efforts to propagate s-formula among all students, forchildren (students) of today are the builders of future Indian nation.

       If you read biography of any great person, you will find good literatureas the source of their inspiration. Emerson was a great American Philosopher.Thoreau's character and literature exercised a great influence on him. Thoreaupractised Brahmacharya. He wrote, "I bathe everyday in the sanctifying water of(the teachings of) 'Bhagavadgita'. Although this gem of spiritual literaturewas written many centuries ago, no other scripture (book) can compete or becompared with it." Indian spiritual lore exercised a fascinating influence onthe mind of the famous journalist and writer, Paul Brunton. That inspired himto visit India, where he was blessed with Darshan of Ramana Maharsi and othergreat saints and Yogis.

         Our great martyrs Chandrashekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh and Vir Savarkarwere inspired by patriotic literature to dedicate and sacrifice their lives forthe liberation of India. Therefore, the glory of good literature is beyondwords. There are so many great inspiring spiritual books reflecting the gloryof Indian civilization viz, 'Yoga-Vagistha Maha Ramayan', 'ShrimadBhdgavadgita', 'Upanishads', 'Daas Bodh', 'Vivek Chudamani', 'Sukhmani',publications of Shri Ramakrishna mission, books by Swami Ramatirtha, etc etc.Make study of such literatures an indispensable part of your daily routine.Books that deal with love stories exciting passion and pornographic literaturesshould be either thrown into dustbin or reduced to ashes. You should strictlyavoid these and give them not to others for reading. Reading of spiritual

literature is of immense value in observing Brahmacharya. Always read aspiritual book in the morning after taking bath (and before going to job) andat night just before retiring to bed. The pure, sublime-elevating thoughts ofthe book will displace the evil (passionate) thoughts of your mind and you willnot become a victim of sexual thoughts and fantasies.        For protecting the semen, it is essential to wear always a strip ofcloth (Langoti or Kaupin or loin cloth) over the private part, for there willbe no night emission and growth of inflammation or any other disease of thetesticles. This will help you in keeping up Brahmacharya.

                Do not witness vulgar sensuous scenes wherever it may be. Donot indulge in seeing naked pictures and advertising posters. All these tend toincrease passion. You should strictly avoid it.

           Immoral songs produce a bad, deep impression in the mind. Aspirantsshould run away from places where vicious songs, poems, vulgar film songs, popmusic or disco songs are sung or played on radio, transistor or cassetteplayer.-------------------------------------------------------

MIRACLES OF PRESERVING SEMINAL ENERGY:Semen is the vital energy, which supports your life. Each and every sperm iscapable of producing a human being (if given a chance to fertilize). The greatspiritual masters like Acharya Shankara, Saint Kabir, Guru Nanak, the greatwarriors, the ingenious scientists and fascinating writers were born throughseminal energy. Even in the future all geniuses will be born through seminalenergy. One who does not conserve his seminal energy, and wastes it formomentary sensual pleasures paves his way towards self- destruction.

Semen is such a vital sublimating force for uplifting the life. Following arethe examples of those who wasted it and incurred the great irreparable loss:

Grandsire Bhishma and the great AbhimanyuThere were two great battles, which took place during the war of Mahabharat.One is of grandsire Bhisma and the other of Abhimanyu. Bhisma was a NaisthikaBrahmachari, i.e. life long celibate. Therefore he was a man of boundlesspower. Lord Krishna had taken a vow that during the war he would not wield anyweapon. However, he was compelled to break his vow in the face of theallconquering and irresistible attack that Bhisma mounted on the army of

Pandavas. Even Arjuna armed with celestial weapons could not combat Bhisma'sonslaught and Lord Krishna was forced to take up a wheel of a chariot toprotect Arjuna from the arrows showered by Bhisma. It was through the power ofBrahmacharya (alone), that Bhisma could conquer death.

When he was pierced by sharp arrows all over the body, his survival wasimpossible. Yet (god of) death could not snatch his life. Lying on the bed ofarrows, he gave wonderful discourses on political, philosophical, religious,social and moral subjects to Yudhisthira. Bhisma waited for the beginning ofauspicious Uttarayana. Then he willingly left his body.

         The second battle was that of a charming and brilliant hero Abhimanyu.Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu fought single handed against the terrific strategy ofKauravas called Chakravyuha. Bhima, the chief of Pandava army, was left behind.Abhimanyu fought with commendable valour wielding a wheel of a chariot allalone amidst great warriors of Kauravas. But in the end he was killed becauseAbhimanyu sowed the seed of Pandava dynasty before proceeding to his lastbattle. He had passed the night before the great battle in the amorous companyof his wife Uttara. Due to this act of infringement of Brahmacharya, he couldnot conquer death, unlike grandsire Bhisma.---------------------------------------------

The cause of Prithviraj Chauhan's defeat          Prthviraj Chauhan defeated Mohammed Ghauri in sixteen battles, but inthe 17th battle, he was defeated and captured. Mohammed Ghauri blindedPrithviraj by piercing hot iron bares in his eyes. The astonishing thing is whythe sixteen times victorious hero was defeated at the 17th time? The historysays that while going to the battlefield, he was girdled by his beautiful andcharming empress Sanyukta.

These are the evil consequences of wasting seminal energy.

You might have heard about heroic feats of Mahavir Hanuman, the great devoteeof Lord Rama.

Hanuman burnt the whole Lanka and brought news of Sita to Rama. In doing this,he crossed the ocean by flying in air. In the great war between Rama and

Ravana, Hanuman killed many heroes of the Raksasa army. In that war he madeRavana unconscious by giving just a single blow of his fist on Ravana's head.He did many superhuman acts. Carrying a big mountain (to get life-giving herb,'Sanjivani' for unconscious Laksman) and other great activities were nothingfor Hanuman. It was his celibacy that made him a great hero.

Napoleon, the great conquerer said, "Impossible is not a french word." Yet hewas defeated in the battle of Waterloo. It is said that, when he fell from hiszenith, he had split his white blood before going to the battle. In the eveningpreceding the battle, he is reported to have allowed himself to be thrown intothe well of carnal pleasure.

In the Bible, Samson has been described as an ideal of courage and bravery.

"My strength is the strength of ten because my heart is pure." "I never feltthe kiss of love, nor maiden's hand in mine."But when he enjoyed the poisonous wine of a lady's eyes, all his bravery andheroism vanished in no time.---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Swami Ramatirtha's survey When Swami Ramatirtha was a professor, he had drawn a list of successful andunsuccessful students. From their inner condition and character, he had come tothe conclusion that students, who were engrossed in base pleasures, during theexamination days or just before the examination, were often unsuccessful, eventhough they were said to be good students in the class. On the other hand,those students whose hearts were pure and one pointed during examination, werealways successful.        To control the sexual desires is a herculean task. That is why Manusaid: "One should not share his seat even with one's step-mother, sister, ordaughter. The organs of senses are not easily controllable and lead to the fallof even educated people."------------------------------------------

A Word of caution to the youthI would like to tell something, especially to the youth, for the futureof world lies in their hands. In ancient India, youth worked for upliftment ofthe nation and discovered scintillating secrets of the spiritual realm. Theyouth of modern India is blinded by luxurious living and indulgence in sexualpleasure. Fashion, style, epicureanism, gluttony and luxury have occupied theirminds. The vices and bad practices are ruining their health, vitality and willpower.

       This sexual energy is a boon given by God to the youth. It is not acurse pronounced on the youth. When this sexual energy develops in adolescent(a youth), it fills him with so much vigour and self-confidence that he feelsthat he can do anything and everything in the world. But he becomes victim ofvices and bad practices.-----------------------------------------------------

EVIL EFFECTS OF MASTURBATION;             These bad practices and bad habits of masturbation or excessive sexualintercourse drain the energy enormously. There appears boils on the body, acneor eruptions on the face, blue lines around the eyes, sunken eyes, pale facewith anaemia, loss of memory, loss of eye sight, discharge of semen along withurine, enlargement of the testes, pain in the testes, debility, drowsiness,gloominess, palpitation of heart, pain in the back, loins, head and joints,weak kidneys, fickle mindedness, lack of thinking power, bad dreams, wet dreamsand restlessness of mind. In the end he suffers from sexual impotency andsterility. This happens particularly in the age group of 17 to 29 years.

        Preservation of this divine energy during this period leads to theattainment of strong will power, good behaviour, sharp intellect and spiritualexaltation.             It is my sincere appeal to the youth to realize the value of thevital fluid. You must try your level best to preserve every drop of semen. Youshould learn and follow the proven techniques of preserving seminal energy. Ithas been observed that ordinary aids to the practice of celibacy, like fasting,diet-control, etc. give temporary benefits only.------------------------------------------------------------------

An experiment done in U.S.A.A scientific experiment was carried out in an American school of science. 30students were given no food for a fixed period of time. It was observed thattheir libido subsided. But when they were given food, libido increased. Thisshows that fasting gives only a temporary benefit in observation of celibacy.

Ignorant people adopt foolish methods to kill the Indriyas in order to controlsexual desires. They think that lust can be eradicated completely by such aprocedure. They put an iron or brass-loincloth. They are known as Sikadia Baba.Many foolish aspirants amputate the organ of reproduction. They fail and repeateventually. Lust is in the mind. Lust finds expression through organ ofreproduction. A tree cannot be destroyed (completely) by cutting off itsflowers and leaves. If the mind is subdued, the tree of lust is uprooted. What

a great foolish act is committed by ignorant people not getting properguidance.-----------------------------------------------------------

Suppression or sublimation         Repression or suppression of the sexual desire will not help you much.What is wanted is transmutation of the sexual energy into Ojas (That is calledSublimation in Western psychology), which in turn should be used to attainAbsolute Bliss. One who has mastered this art is the master of all. In spite ofbeing a multi-millionaire, knowledgeable, (politically) powerful or highlyreputed (world renowned) person, one who does not know the art of sublimation,he cannot attain Selfrealisation. He is utterly disappointed at the time ofdeath.

Sage Narada was a master of this art. He transformed a robber named 'Valia'into a great sage named 'Valmiki'. Buddha was a master of this art. Hetransformed a cruel, heartless murderer Angulimaal (wearing a garland offingers) into a great monk of the Buddhist order.

Such great sages possess a yogic power, which transforms even a lustful personinto a Sadhak. Having attained the grace of Shaktipata, one does not have tofight with the lust; Brahmacharya becomes a natural way of life.

I know some people, who practised not much penance or Japa, yet they are highlyrevered. And there are some people who practice penance and japa for manyyears, yet they don't have charismatic personality. The reason is thatknowingly or unknowingly, their sexual energy is destroyed either in wakingstate or sleeping state (wet dreams).Experiences of sublimation through grace

A Sadhak whom I shall not name, confided to me, "Swamiji, earlier I was notable to stay away from my wife. I was so much obsessed with sex. But now withyour grace I do not indulge in sex for even six months as the lust does notcompel me to do so."

Another gentle man visits the ashram regularly. His wife complained thatSwamiji has cast a magic spell on my husband. Please stop my husband fromvisiting the ashram. Why should one stop somebody from visiting an ashram? But

she told its reason to the people, who told me. She said, "Previously we usedto sleep together in the same bed. Now he sleeps in a separate bed. I wish hegoes to the movies, and spend time with his former friends and behavesnormally. Earlier he paid heed to me and my needs; but now......."

     What a sign of misfortune! She seemed to say, "It does not matter if myhusband goes to perition and his life is ruined. All that matters is that heshould be under my control. He should become a puppet in my hands. That is theselfish and sordid face of worldly love. There is hardly 5% of real love in it,the rest of the 95% is lust, attachment and selfishness. Unluckily attachment,in the guise of love, leads us to downfall and degradation."        In the above case, Swamiji (myself) did not cast any magic spell on theman. That man received the yogic sakti transmitted by me during saktipata. Hissexual energy was sublimated. So he got above sexual desires and enjoyed innerjoy of meditation. After receiving nectar, who would look for sewage water?Even an idiotic fool would not hanker after disgustible, degrading sexualpleasure if he were enabled to enjoy pure inner joy of Brahmacharya.          For ordinary people, this seems like a great miracle but there isnothing miraculous in it. It is nothing for the saints versed in the science ofYoga. Science of Yoga is subtler and more powerful than the physical science.The glory of satsang or association with the enlightened saints isindescribable. Even a moment's company with saints is quite sufficient tooverhaul the old vicious Samskaras of the people. They can easily observeBrahmacharya without any personal efforts.-------------------------------------------------

HOW TO GIVE UP MASTURBATION?The man who has a bad habit of masturbation or who suffers from wet dreamsshould give up the evil habit at once. You will be entirely ruined if youcontinue the practice. Do not be worried. Forget musing over the past mistakesand think positively and with confidence about your ability to get rid of evilhabits. Give up negative thinking. Let the past not bother you. Let bygones bebygones. The disease is aggravated by getting worried about it. Let notweakening thoughts enter your mind. Do not be anxious over sexual energy youhave already wasted in past. Up to this time you were blind and ignorant. Youhad no idea of the disastrous effect of this evil practice. Wake up now andgirdle up loins to preserve seminal energy in the remaining life.

Remember, the aim is not to suppress the seminal energy but to sublimate it.You do not know how to sublimate it.. Learn the techniques of sublimation. Butbefore that you should know the meaning of sublimation of seminal energy.----------------------------------------------------------

Sublimation of sexual energy             According to yogic science, semen exists in a subtle form throughoutthe body. It is withdrawn and elaborated into a gross form in sexual organunder the influence of an electromagnetic (Bioelectric) energy. It is calledKamasakti. Sublimation of sexual energy does not mean flowing the semen fromseminal vesicles to the brain. There is no any duct of vessel through whichsemen could flow upwards towards the brain. Sublimation means diversion ofbioelectric energy from sexual organs to central nervous system. This energy isconverted into Ojas. Semen remains in the same place.

          When a man looks at a woman clad in fashionable dress, or he thinksof the body of a woman, this Kamasakti flows downwards and activates thegenital organs. It is this energy that is used up in the process of ejaculationof semen. So this is the actual loss of vital energy. The Yogi penetrates intothe subtle hidden nature of things through inner vision. The allopathic doctorsand biologists do not understand the inner Yogic secrets and mysteries.Therefore, doctors often fail to cure some serious incurable diseases. ButYogis can cure the same merely by casting a look or through his Yogic powers.

         If you may not become a Yogi who has achieved complete sublimationthrough Self-realisation, it would be helpful to learn and practice thefollowing techniques of conservation of seminal energy.----------------------------------------------------------------

Techniques for Conservation of SeminalEnergy

Technique: When the sex-centre is stimulated, ejaculation of sementakes place. This method checks it effectively. If there is a thought of sexualdesire in the mind, be alert. Concentrate your mind on genitals and contractthe genitals inwards towards the belly, just as piston is pulled outwards tofill the pump with water. This is called Yoni Mudra. Then shut your eyes.Meditate, "Now I am looking upwards from lower sex-organs to the thousandpetalled lotus (Sahasraar Chakra) in brain within my body." The seminal energyflows to whatever point (organ) the mind is focussed on. If you focus the mindon Sahasraar Chakra, the bioelectric energy, which would have otherwise, beenwasted in ejaculation through the activated Muladhar Chakra, will be sublimatedupwards to the Sahasraar Chakra and will be transmuted into Ojas. But mindwell. If your mind is still covetous of sex-pleasure, you will not succeed inpreserving seminal energy. But if you practise for a few days with

discrimination and strong will, you will get abundantly its rewards. You willdirectly experience that even though sexual desires come with a force of storm,with this technique applied, they subside within a few seconds.----------------------------------------------------------

Another technique:Whenever any strong sexual desire arises, exhale all the air from lungscompletely and retain the breath out. Then contract your belly and take yournavel back towards the spinal cord. By repeating this two-three times, thepassion is pacified and you will be saved from seminal discharge.

This technique is very simple but it is a very important Yogic manoeuvre. Airin the lungs is called Apaana Vayu. With the strengthening of Apaana Vayu thesexual organ awakens and the mind becomes troubled. By forceful expiration ofair, Apaana Vayu is weakened. So it cannot activate the sex-centre. Moreover,by contracting the belly and navel backwards, the remaining energy in the sex-centre goes towards the navel. So there is no more energy left to activate sex-centre and thus ejaculation is prevented.

This technique could be practised in any place, without spending any money.This technique should be practised regularly even when there is no sexualstimulation. It gives excellent benefits.

Herbal aid to celibacy: One can make this Ayurvedic Churna, without much costat home. Take dried Amalas (goose berries) the fruits of a tree EmblicaOfficinalis and grind them into powder. Ready-made Amala powder is available inthe market also. Mix two parts of the Amala powder with one part of powderedrock-sugar. You may get this ready-made mixture from ashram also.

Take one spoonful of the powder with water half an hour before going to bed.This powder thickens the semen. It also relieves constipation. It restores thebalance of Vata (Wind), Pitta (Bile) and Kafa (Phelgm). It is also beneficialto those who get wet dreams. Even healthy people can take it as it helps inself-control.--------------------------------------------------

Use of Gum: Soak 6 Gms. of Gum of Khair tree (Acacia catechu) in water at night. In themorning take this soaked gum on empty stomach. If this causes loss of appetite,take a few slices of ginger with lemon juice 5-10 minutes before meals.----------------------------------------------

Tulsi (ocimum sanctum) : A miraculous herb - Victor Resin, a french doctor says, "Tulsi is a wonderdrug. Tulsi is very useful in regulation of blood pressure, digestive system,erythrocytocis and mental disorders. It has anti-pyretic and anti-malarialproperties also. This has been proved by research scholars.

Tulsi (Basil) cures many diseases. Moreover, it helps in conservation ofseminal energy. It improves power of memory. Leaf of Tulsi is an excellentherbal medicine. It restores imbalance of wind, bile and phelgm and therebyhelps in cure of many ailments caused due to their imbalance. It is very usefulin cases of blood disorders, cough, worm- infestation etc. It is good forcardiac disorders also."-----------------------------------------------------

Is the woman the gateway to hell?      There are many people who object to the view of the Sanyasis that womanis the gateway to hell. Ladies should not be offended when they read suchscriptures. The saints and Sanyasis have great regards and admiration forwomen. The same scriptures and saints who censure women in one place praisethem in another. They say, "Women should be honoured. They are manifestationsof sakti or the energy of Lord. Only those who honour women can attainprosperity." Therefore 0 Women ! Try to know the heart of the scriptures andthe saints and become wise. Certainly woman is the creatrix, generatrix andnourisher of the universe. Lust is a potent force, very difficult to get ridof. That is the reason why the saint and scriptures have criticized women inorder to create dispassion and discrimination in men and wean them from lustfultendencies and aggressive attacks. Women also can keep a mental picture of thecomponent parts of the body of a male in order to create in themselves disgustfor the physical body of a male and develop dispassion (Vairagya).

        In this connection there it will be instructive to narrate a story of ayoung Sanyasi. While passing through a village street, he saw a marriageprocession. He asked the people what it was. The people said, "The man sittingon the horse is a bridegroom. He is going to get a girl as his wife andthereafter they will sleep in a bedtogether etc.." The young Sanyasi did not comprehend the implications fully.Engrossed in the thoughts of the couple, the Sanyasi walked on and stopped torest on the platform of a well. Being exhausted, he fell asleep within a shorttime. In sleep he dreamt that he and his bride were sleeping on the same bed.His wife told him to move over and he moved. The bride repeatedly asked him tomove further and the Sanyasi actually began moving in his sleep. But his body

was gradually reflecting the actions of dream by moving on the platform towardsthe well. So he fell into the well. The people passing by the road heard thesplashing sound of someone falling into the well and came running. They managedto pull Sanyasi out by a rope. The people asked him as to how he fell into thewell.

      The Sanyasi narrated them the story of his seeing the marriage processionand of his subsequent dream while sleeping on the platform of the well and thenhe said aloud, "If the momentary company of a dream-girl could throw me intothe well, God knows where the groom's real wife will throw him."                        The moral is that mere thinking of a woman with sexual feelingscauses a Sadhaka's downfall. Therefore, beware! Try to know the heart of thescriptures and saints and take its benefits by following it. Do not find faultsin their teachings. Do not blame them for criticizing women.--------------------------------------------------------

Our ExperiencesThe miracle of darsan of a saint

Earlier, I had thought the only pursuit of the life is indulgence in sex. Icould not imagine even in my wildest dream that I could live without a woman. Ihad already married twice. But when my second wife expired, when I was 51 yearold, I looked for marrying an 18-year-old girl. Fortunately, I went to havedarsan of Sri Lilasahji Bapu at Disa ashram. When I reached the ashram, he wasnot there. On opening the door of Mahrishi's hut, I saw a majestic divinefigure with radiant face. His eyes were so brilliantly sparkling with yogicpower that I could not gaze at him. I looked down at his holy feet and heardhis nectarine words, "At this age you want to marry with a bag of flesh andbones?" Pointing his finger upwards to sky, he continued, "Now I will get youmarried with Him." I was startled to hear it all. I went home. Butsurprisingly, I found that the sexual craving disappeared, the fire of passionhad been extinguished. I informed my brothers and other members of my familythat I was not going to marry. At first they thought that I was joking. Butwhen they learnt of my firm decision, they left no stone untumed to deflect mefrom my resolve. As a last resort they locked me up in a room with the 18-yearsold girl who was going to be married to me, in the hope that this might make mechange my decision.

In the normal course, when alone with a young girl, it would have been natural

for me to talk to her, to touch her. But again I was surprised. I did touch herwith the intent of arousing my sexual desire, but all in vain, as if the key tomy sexual urge was with that saint I had earlier met.

He was unknown to me. We had not met earlier. How was he able to read mythoughts? What was in that laser- sharp glance (of his) that burnt my libido? Ayoung woman and a man locked in a room all by themselves, is like keeping fireand petrol together. It was nothing less than a miracle that the sex impulse,which even the Yogis at times are not able to control, had become virtuallynonexistent (pacified) within me;an ordinary human being, just due to the power of a saint's grace-filledglance. I firmly believed he is God incarnate in human form. At that verymoment, I resolved to be always under the protective wings of his grace.

I immediately made the girl my sister, gave her some money and sent her backwith her mother, and I accepted that saint as my Gurudev. I shifted to theashram and stayed with him. I practiced sadhanas, under his guidance and I gotrid of many chronic ailments. My obesity was controlled. There was notable lossin my body weight. Later I lived in his vicinity at Sabarmati Ashram (Sant SriAsaramji Ashram) and advanced in Yoga.

After sometime, another miraculous event took place in my life. For some work,I went to Disa ashram and overstayed there. Days went by and I could not makeup my mind to return to Sabarmati Ashram, One day when I was strolling inmorning, I had a vision of Gurudev walking ahead of me. I rushed to prostratemyself at his feet but suddenly the figure vanished. I understood the messageand went to Sabarmati Ashram. Later on I learned that had he not called me backin time through his vision, I would have experienced a great downfall. I havehad a number of such miraculous experiences. I have taken a final refuge at hisfeet. That great saint, my Gurudev is Sant Sri Asaramji Maharaj. What he hasdone for me cannot be repayed even I offer him all my material wealth.

I also know of a number of other devotees who have been saved by his divinegrace. I am convinced that the miraculous feats in the lives of truly greatsaints are not mere myths. Such a saint is alive amongst us and thousands ofaspirants are being uplifted and transformed through his touch, glance andguidance.

- Mahant Sri Chandiram

Sant Sri Asaramji AshramSabarmati, AhmedabadGujarat, India.----------------------------------------------------

Experience of divine grace abroadI had gone to Japan at the invitation of a famous Organisation (C.H.E.T.O.).Being the President of "Sasmi Co-operative Society, India", I was invited. Itoured a number of places in Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore. AtBangkok, I had an amazing experience. I went to a nightclub with my friends andsaw a scene that shook me deeply. Young men and women were dancing naked forsexual satisfaction. Exposed to this horrible perversity, I began to doubtGod's grace. Those young women have to do this kind of extremely abhorrent workjust to make a living hurt me deeply. At that time, I suddenly remembered myGurudev, Sant Sri Asaramji Maharaj. Immediately I went into deep trance. MyGurudev appeared and pressed one of my nerves and talked to me. A sweet andsoothing sensation went through my whole being. My mind went into a tranquilstate. When I finally regained my consciousness, I felt that the storm wassubsided. Only peace prevailed.

I returned to Surat on 6th March, 1980. Immediately I went to have his darsan.Seeing my Guruji, I recollected the whole scene of that event that took placeat Bangkok and I broke into tears of joy and gratitude. Guruji takes care ofhis disciples even if they are thousands of miles away. Seeing me, Gurujismiled gently. Saints have mind-boggling supernormal powers, which thescientist and psychologists cannot understand or explain.

         People wonder how could Lord Krishna have imparted the lengthyteachings of the 'Bhagvadgita' on the battlefield ? I believe, I too receivedinstant guidance and succour in the hour of need in a far off country, atBangkok. Arjuna must have received answers to his questions by the grace of SriKrishna. Atheists, who call the Gita a mythology, probably, have not had thegood fortune of receiving the grace of a seer-saint like my Gurudev. Whenever Irecall the sublimating divine power of My Gurudev, I am filled with deep peaceand divine bliss.

Jayantilcil B. Vczdivi7laPresident, Sasmi Co-operative Soc.Bi7laft road, Su-rat, Gujarat (India)


How to ward off angerLust, greed, attachment, pride and anger are the inner enemies, which rob youof the treasure of Self-bliss. Among all, anger is the most dangerous anddetrimental to Sadhana. If a thief enters a house, some items (fumitures etc.)still remain untaken. But if a house catches fire, everything is reduced toashes. Nothing remains.In the same way, if thieves like greed and attachment enter us, only some ofour virtues are destroyed. But if the fire of anger overtakes, our mind, ourentire treasures of Japas, Tapas and virtues are destroyed. Therefore, bewareof anger. It is all right to act out anger, but be ever alert not to allow itto possess you.

Do not eat hurriedly. Take at least 25 minutes to eat and chew your foodproperly. If you find it difficult to ward off anger, press your tips of thefingers into your palms making a fist. Eat sattvic food. Stay away from garlic,red chillies, and fried foods.

Peace attained through Sadhana (spiritual practice) for the duration of onemonth is put to naught by a single fit of anger. Therefore, my beloved brothers! be careful. Do not waste away your priceless life.

If you want to be happy and cheerful take a mixture of following contents everymorning: 10 gms Honey, 1 glass of water, 5 to 10 basil (Tulsi) leaves and SantKripa Churna. If the churna or Tulsi are not available, honey alone will do.---------------------------------------

Some memorable statementsAnd those students who find that world of God through chastity, there is thatheavenly country; theirs in whatever world they are, is freedom."

- Chhandogya Upanisad--------------------------------------------"A wise man should avoid married life as if it were a burning pit of livecoals. From the contact comes sensation, from sensation thirst, from thirstclinging, by ceasing from that, the soul is delivered from all sinfulexistence."

- Lord Buddha

----------------------------------------------------------------"These sexual propensities, though they are at first like ripple, acquire theproportions of a sea on account of a bad company. Whenever the mental image ofa woman crops up in your mind with evil thoughts, repeat mentally "Om DurgaaDevyai Namah " and do mental prostrations."

- Swami Vivananda--------------------------------------------------------------------------"Know that in this world there is nothing that cannot be attained by one whoremains from birth to death a perfect celibate ..... In one person, knowledgeof the four Vedas, and in another, perfect celibacy- of these, the latter issuperior to the former who is wanting in celibacy."

- The Mahabharat-------------------------------------"All men and youngmen in particular, can experience the immediate benefit ofchastity. The memory is quiet and tenacious, the brain lively and fertile, thewill energetic, the whole character gains a strength of which libertines haveno conception, no prism show us our surroundings under such heavenly colours asthat of chastity, which lights up with its rays the least objects in theuniverse and transports us into the purest joys of an abiding happiness thatshows neither shadow neither decline. "

- Prof. Montagaza------------------------------------------------"This seed (semen) is marrow to your bones, food to your brains, oil to yourjoints and sweetness to your breath and if you are a man, you should neverloose a drop of it, until you are fully thirty years of age and then only forthe purpose of having a child which shall be blessed by heaven and really oneof the inmates of the kingdom of heaven by being born again."

- Dr. Molvil Keith M.D.------------------------------------------------------------------Chastity no more injures the body and the soul, self-discipline is better thanany other line of conduct.

- Sir James Pagen "It is a singularly false notion... the notion of imaginarydangers in absolute continence. Virginity is a physical, moral and intellectualsafeguard to youngmen. "

- Dr. E. Perier  ---------------------------------------------------The following is taken from HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami’s book Brahmacarya in Krishna Consciousness.Retention of semen is so essential in progressive human life that it is simply astounding how the whole endeavor of modern civilization is based on discharging it as much as possible. Semen retained in the body goes upwards to nourish the brain, rendering the body robust and the memory and intellect sharp. Determination, optimism, confidence, will-power, fixed intelligence, noble character, photographic memory, and shining good health are all fruits of conserved semen. It is said that the four Kumaras were unwilling to adopt materialistic activities because they were highly elevated dueto their semens’ flowing upwards (urdhva-retasah). (SB 3.12.4)

Scientists have analyzed semen to be amazingly rich in hormones, proteins, vitamins, minerals, ions, enzymes, trace elements, and other vital substances. By nature’s arrangement,this substance, when mixed with the ovum, is sufficient for the procreation of a new body. By nature’s arrangement also, if it is not used for procreation but is kept within, it nourishes the body and brain in a way impossible for any tonicor dietary aid to emulate. The current craze for vitamin and mineral supplements is an attempt to make up for self-imposed deficiencies. Most people don’t know that they are passing outtheir very life energy with that essential bodily fluid. If semen is lost, all bodily and sensory functions are weakened. Repeated loss of semen spoils the determination and clear, sattvika intelligence necessary for spiritual understanding. However, if semen is retained in the body, there develops whatAyurveda refers to as ojas, a vital fluid that gives strength,luster, enhanced mental abilities and immunity to diseases, and slows the aging process.

Scientists cannot prove or disprove this, but it is observablein the brightness of yogis and the dullness of those who regularly “spill their brains out.” Retention of semen, then, is ultimately meant for the evolution of the human being to

higher levels of spiritual consciousness. Simply by retaining semen in the body, one develops a tendency towards greatness.

On the other hand, those who are addicted to discharging semenbecome petty and bestially lusty. The disastrous fruits of their promiscuity await them. They will be forced to devolve into lower species of life. Even in this life, excessive seminal loss can lead to physical and mental weakness. As the body ages, vitality and the will to get things done ebb away, and perpetual tiredness sets in. The pills and intoxicants people take to artificially keep them bright and active further add to their physical and mental degeneration. As premature old age sets in, their exhausted bodies cannot resist the dozens of diseases which proceed to ravage every cell in their organism. For such persons, the all-too-common senility comes as a relief. Srila Prabhupada: “The more one enjoys in youth, the more he suffers in old age.” (SB 4.28.1)

Srila Prabhupada: “Wasting semen is also illicit sex.” (SB 7.12, Introduction) “The faculty to discharge semen is the cause of death. Therefore, yogis and transcendentalists who want to live for greater spans of life voluntarily restrain themselves from discharging semen. The more one can restrain the discharge of semen, the more one can be aloof from the problem of death. There are many yogis living up to three hundred or seven hundred years by this process, and in the Bhagavatam it is clearly stated that discharging semen is the cause of horrible death. The more one is addicted to sexual enjoyment, the more susceptible he is to a quick death.” (SB 3.26.57)

Therefore, brahmacaris are trained not to squander their semen. They must resist the temporary feeling of gratificationthat is bought at the cost of their own life energy.

Unfortunately, almost all devotees coming to Krsna consciousness never had such training—rather, the opposite. And for those who regularly discharged semen, it will be difficult to stop the downward flow. But we have to try. SrilaPrabhupada: “Everyone should be taught to be very careful not

to discharge semen unnecessarily. This is very important for all human beings.” (SB 7.11.8-12) Here are a few hints that will help.

First and foremost: don’t think of women. Lustful thoughts provoke activity in the sexual glands. If we think of sex, we shouldn’t be surprised if we suffer a nocturnal discharge.

But even a devotee seriously striving for brahmacarya may nevertheless be tormented by sex dreams. In the waking state he can control his mind with good intelligence, but in dreams low desires deeply ingrained in his subconsciousness may become manifest. The real cure for this is complete purification of consciousness by devotional service, but as this may take some time, the several physical factors that affect the retention of semen may be taken into consideration.

It is important not to excessively raise the internal heat of the body. Ayurveda describes internal heat as a condition of excess pitta (bile) that is associated with the mode of passion, experienced as heat in the body generated by a passionate mood or by eating hot rajasika food such as that with much chili powder. Ayurveda also cautions putting downward pressure on the genitals by packing the stomach with food.

Diet and eating habits, therefore, are very important. Transcendentalists should eat simply (See section on “Eating” under “Health”) and moderately. By overeating, more energy is taken into the body than it can use, which tends to make it come out in the form of seminal discharge. And an overly filled belly exerts pressure on the genitals, causing a tendency towards seminal discharge.

Avoid sleeping with a full belly—a yogi practices not eating at night. The last meal should be taken at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. The food should be light and easily digestible. Even hot milk should not be taken immediately before retiring, but about half an hour before. Rich, heavy, fried, spicy, and sweet foods heat the body, so be cautious

with them, especially at night. Sour foods (such as sour or acidic fruit and yogurt) and bitter foods should be avoided atnight, as should sweets, cheese, and thick milk preparations. Milk that has gone even slightly sour should not be taken at night.

Some vegetables contain a substance that thins the semen, making it prone to discharge. Worst among them is eggplant. The skin of eggplant is especially bad. Next worst is green chilies. Traditional Sri Vaisnavas exclude chilies, tamarind, and drumsticks (a type of vegetable) from their diet because of their sexually stimulating effect. Carrots, drumsticks, andto a lesser extent beetroot, heat the semen and therefore makeit prone to discharge. However, this effect is not very pronounced, and brahmacaris can take these vegetables in moderate quantities.

It is best to sleep no more than six hours at night and minimally or not at all during the day. If one cannot rise early, his so-called practice of brahmacarya is simply a farce. And late nights are bad for overall health as well as for seminal retention. So best is early to bed and early to rise. Sleeping during the brahma-muhurta, at dawn or dusk, or when not really tired, are also dangerous—there’s a high seminal loss risk. When a person is actually tired, his sleep will be deep, and disturbance from dreams will be less likely—another good reason for devotees to minimize sleep.

Some Ayurvedic authorities recommend sleeping on the right side as best for brahmacarya. Next best is the left side, not so good is on the back, and absolutely bad for health and dangerous for seminal discharge is sleeping on the stomach. Sleep with the back more or less straight (not curled up) and with the hands away from the genital area. If you are a light sleeper, try to rest in such a place that you won’t be disturbed. Before resting, pass all water out of the bladder, wash hands and feet with cool water, and dry them.

Constipation is a major factor behind nocturnal emission. If the bowels are not cleared daily, stool and associated toxins

accumulate in the rectum or colon. This increases the pitta (heat) in the area and also exerts pressure on the seminal sac, facilitating the excretion of semen. However, straining when passing stool should be avoided, as this also exerts pressure on the seminal sac.

Other points: Bathing with cool (not very cold) water is better than with hot. Or use warm water first to get clean then finish with cold. Bucket bath is more effective than showering to cool the body. Pouring plenty of cool water over the whole genital area may be done as a daily practice. Rinsing the penis after urination removes uric acid that can agitate the sexual gland. Fasting as completely as possible onEkadasi is supposed to help. There are several Ayurvedic medicines and yogasanas which are specifically meant to enhance brahmacarya, and although Srila Prabhupada never recommended them, that does not necessarily mean that we cannot use them—although they may not work wonders. Triphala (usually taken as Triphala Churna) is a well-known, inexpensive Ayurvedic medicine that is helpful for many conditions and is good for brahmacarya. Licorice (Sanskrit: Yasti-madhu), taken regularly, can help prevent seminal discharge. However, it is best you take raw licorice rather than in the form of commercially prepared sweets. Ayurvedic treatment may help if one can find a good doctor and follow his instructions strictly over an extended period of time; butthis should not be necessary for most devotees.

At least once, when Srila Prabhupada saw a devotee shaking hislegs while sitting cross-legged, he stopped him. Such leg-shaking is a sign of mental agitation and further agitates thegenitals.

In a Bhagavatam class in Melbourne, Srila Prabhupada said, “Ifone can just retain his semen up to age twenty-five, the brainbecomes so fertile for spiritual realization.” Then, looking around and seeing all the depressed faces, he continued, “But if you just chant Hare Krsna, everything will be alright anyway.” (Quoted by Bhurijana dasa)

It’s Kali-yuga; we’re all fallen. Many devotees have lost semen so many times in their pre-devotional lives that even though they want to, they can’t stop their bodies involuntarily discharging it now. Even serious devotees who are averse to losing semen may nevertheless inadvertently do so, due to external influences on the body and mind, such as residual contamination from pre-devotional life, physical disorders that render the body weak, bodily heat, and subtle contaminations through eating the food of sinful people.

There is no cause for excessive lamentation if loss of semen is not a result of a conscientious endeavor for or meditation on sex. Inadvertent discharge of semen may be as accidental (and undesirable) as, for instance, the loss of a tooth. Considering that the body is always producing semen, occasional spillage may be taken as natural overflow. Sastra gives rituals for physical and mental purification for such accidental emissions, although for ISKCON brahmacaris, bathingand chanting Hare Krsna is sufficient. In such cases, brahmacaris need not be blamed for breaking the principles or not practicing them properly.

Still, the less it happens the better, and brahmacaris, besides engaging in directly devotional practices, must try tocontrol seminal loss by whatever methods they can easily adopt. They should be mindful about what, when, how much and where they eat, their sleeping habits, who they talk with and listen to, their posture while sleeping and sitting, and theiroverall physical health. They may also take to physical exercises or yoga if it genuinely helps their brahmacari life.

Despite all endeavors, if a brahmacari still loses semen, he may feel disgusted, but should know that it is not a disqualification for devotional service. The real qualification of a brahmacari is that he wants to surrender his life to Krsna and thus be free of sex life forever. Such determination transcends any material conditions, for Krsna helps those who are sincere. Brahmacaris suffering from nocturnal emissions may take comfort in knowing that they are by no means alone with this problem. Let us all chant Hare

Krsna and pray for the mercy of Lord Caitanya, the savior of the fallen.

----------------------------------------------------Very excellent doctrine on purity for the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake,the Savior of the world!A lot of untaught people of the Lord though they have doctoratedegrees, are so deceivedBy Satan that they call masturbation an healthy act. When in fact itis an sexually immoralAct fulfilling the deires of the flesh not of the spirit. I believeand know that it is good to preserveYour God given seed for this without a doubt brings you into theLord’s favor. And God and HisSon will dwell in you, for They cannot dwell in an unholy temple,that is to say an unclean body.Jesus even said that those who practice chastity would indeed reapthe rewards of spiritual wisdom.GOD BLESS AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST BE WITH YOU ALL…. AMEN-----------------------------------------------------------Dear Rafael,You speak the real word of Jesus Christ. Thank you for yourinsightful blessings. I pray that you convince many more of yourGodbrothers of these portent facts. Whatever the case, I can seethat God smiles upon you. God Bless. Hare Krishna----------------------------------------------------Hare krishna prabhu,

wow, what a wonderful article. It is crystal clear to my fallen brain.I hope, I still have some fluid left in my brain.You have best compiled this article than beating around the bush.Every word, every sentence makes sense now ….I wish I had seen this page when I was 20 yrs old. Now I am almost 29 !!!!!!!!!! I hope it is not too late to follow bhramacharya…I would have had a great chance to enjoy a sharper intellect, sattvik beauty, powerful body,strength and much much more…Krishna has given every individual the chance to enjoy so much from this body than what I had thought enjoyment was…what a shame, this modern society is such a disgrace.. All tv channels, movies, music, books, magazines, newspapers, hoardings andalmost everything revolves around this bloody can I attract the opposite sex to have sex.It is just a place where everyone is taught to cut their own throat for a fleeting pleasure…

” Prabhupad’s books should be made as an mandatory subject matter inall schools and colleges”

All glories to Srila prabhupad for bringing me the message of life through his disciples…You have made my day… I will follow this article as long as I live..Ram

---------------------------------------------------------------------hare krishna! Im a yoga student and in my institute i was requiredto talk on brahmacharya…..i thought i wudnt b having so much to talkon this topic coz it jus mean abstinence from sex….but this articlehas given me so much knowledge abt the subject…i want every one toread this article…..its so necessary to educate oneself and friendson something which we thought would not have much to talkabt…….thank u very much for this important knowledge-----------------------------------------------------All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

Please accept my humble obeisances .

Thank you very much Maharaj for this life – Saving instructions .I am a 21 year old student in one of the so called top most universityof world – IIT BOMBAY , where whole culture hinges about this abominable thing. Majority of students are in great distress. Therefore, I beg for yours blessing Maharaj, so that i can seriouslyfollow these transcendental words for the benefit of myself and others. If you desire please continue enlighten me and all the others in this very emergency matter for the real benefit of whole world. In fact a series of article can be published focusing on thisvery urgent issue for the betterment of innocent students of today’sworld.Thank you very much .------------------------------------------------------------The practise of celibacy becomes a struggle in the later stages.

WHEN THE FORCE/SHAKTI OF TEJAS AND OJAS ILLUMINATE THE BODY AND MIND,THE SADHU FINDS HIMSELF RISING ABOVE THE BARBARIC CROWD.hIS INSTINCTS ARE SUBLIMATED AND THE EMOTIONS ARE MORE DIVINE.ANOTHER EXPERIENCE WHICH THE ASPIRANT MAY FACE IS TROUBLE FROM SOCIETY IN WHICH HE LIVES.Others may also try to soil the brahmacharya. By placing u in adverse conditions especially if u areunder adverse culture and governances.A spark of revolutiony and reactive instincts may be helpful in these older stages.

-----------------------------------------------------------------I can really attest to the mental benefits of retention. I have gonemany days without any discharging, but one night I shamefully did so. The following day I had to take a calculus test in which I had trouble remembering many things that I should have easily known. Even at the time of the test, I felt that the discharge of the previous night really harmed my concentration in some way. I did well on the test, but I felt the trouble remembering the material and trouble focusing extremely unusual. I don’t know if this is a good example, but it’s enough to convince me!

Hare Krishna!

----------------------------------------------------------Hari BolGlories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!I am a victim of noctoral emissions at night. My body is 17 years old. I have left pornography just 4 days ago. I have many material impressions in mind. I want to spiritualize them by hearing Bhajans,reading Scriptures but whenever I go to school, I get contaminated by non devotee association. I become overcome by passion and ignorance. Can any Prabhu ji suggest me how can I remain in goodnessand try to do Devotional service in such association?My parents give me rajasic tamasic veg foods. I can’t avoid them. I have no means to maintain body. I want help and mercy. I am very much disgusted with night falls because when we are not thinking of sex, why body makes me masturbate? It must be due to material desires to lord over matter. I have heard that a Vaishnava’s mercy gives Bhakti. Please bless me.A Fallen SoulShubham-------------------------------------------------------OUR ISLAM ALSO SAID THESE .LIKE SLEEPING TO THE RIGHT SIDE .DO OZUBEFORE SLEEPING.,AVOID SPICY FOODS, EAT WITH HALF STOMACH EMPTY.ANDMASTERBATION IS VERY SINFUL AND AVOIDABLE TO OUR RELIGION.IT’S MAKEME FEEL GREAT ABOUT MY RELIGION-----------------------------------------------------------------Respected MAHBUB HOSSAIN ji,If we carefullly read all the religions of world and just note downwhat are the common points. Then we will find except some like Oshoetc, Brahmacharya/Purity, truth, non-injury, non stealing, humility,contentment, mercy are common in all. So first we should try toacquire these common qualities. Difference comes only when we startdiscussing-How the world was created? Who created? Who is GOD? Leave

all these intellectual gymnasium and engage in sadhana-try to dowhat is common in all.------------------------------------------------Yes it is good to see you here MAHBUB HOSSAIN. There is also the lesson of zikat and helping even monetarily all fellow beings and neighbours irrespective of their religion.

Goodness is to be followed just as Nachiketa said.

We are Muslims so it is our duty to be good to ourselves and to other fellow beings.


The irony of eastern religion and it’s truth in depth of how to livea long strong life is completely being given up on by the easternworld and is rapidly being replaced with the decadence of thewestern world. Meanwhile keen individualists living in the westernworld are actually approaching eastern religion with vigor andwillpower. Slowly the western men are learning that our sexualdeviance is destroying us and some of us are waking up to promotevirtue and will into our culture. But it seems that the east isturning into the west. I see Indian men at my American mall lookingfor women. I see asian men looking for women. I hear horror storiesof Indian men being sickly porn addicts and same for asian men.These are people that come from deeply virtuous backgrounds.I justhave one thing to say to the east. Do not emulate the west, ourdecadence has destroyed our world. Virtue is no longer our realitybut is just a dream, just a ghost of past lives. Replacing ourvirtue is the beast of lust and greed. The vile tentacles of thebeast from the abyss has smothered our youth. The east must protectthe purest of virtuous religion from the grips of the false idealsof the west.--------------------------------------------Dear kukulkola Ji,It is not a wonder, it is very natural. If we read the historycarefully, it goes like this only. I also feel very sad about it. Inkumbh mela at Allahabad, I found some Indians searching for Tobaccoleaves (many comes to collect tobacco leaves from NAGA sadhus) andalso met many foreigners who were looking for some elevated soul soas to get guidance, these foreigners have heard that in India manyyogis/sadhus are there. So you can see where we are going but we arehelpless as in this way only civilization goes. We are going towardsmaterialism and westerners are going towards spirituality. HareKrsna--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In the East many pseudo yogis, babas, svamis have cheated peoplethat common men has taken religion as business and cheatingprofession. Also common men are not supposed to be spirituallyadvanced according to Gita and Bhagavatam, they do not even readscriptures, just concoct ideas. But with spread of KrsnaConsciousness, India will also progress by mercy of Vaisnavas andNitai Gaurahari.--------------------------------------------------------Very well written. For me it doesn’t matter what religion orphilosophy you belong to as long as you undersetand the essence ofBrahmacharya. There is no compromise to this but to watch your mindand thought and live upright. Retention leads to mind chastity andthe reverse. Sattvic and pure energy distributes in the body-mindmaking you have the inner light to make the right decisions, clearunderstanding and also having energy to fulfil it. Sadly it is abattle in todays society since most people live in tamasic and darkenergies making the path difficult for those who have sattvic light.Together with this vegetarian diet and regular deep breathing,meditation, reading and discussing higher matters and physicalexercise is quite important as well.-------------------------------------------------------Yes , I appreciate you Danuj . I am also a scientific person. Idon’t believe on god and other invisible spiritual things and sodoes Stephen Hawking. I don’t know why they are spreadingANDHAVISHWAAS and no actions are being taken against them.Ejaculation or ejection is natural phenomenon and if one does notpractices he becomes impotent naturally with degraded sperm qualityand less stamina.-----------------------------------------------------I have masturbated my whole post pubertal life, now I am 40, unmarried, lusty, porn addict.

After completing 40 years, I decided on semen retention, which I have maintained for 8 months.

I feel like ‘this is it’,Only if I had spiritual guidance when I was ten.I believe I would have been a much better Human.Let God almighty guide us to better methods in respecting our sexualfrustrations.

--------------------------------Hare Krishna prabhu,

Suppressing an urge doesnt kill it. Your urge for inferior things can go only when you experience a higher taste. So chant-

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareIts portable, free, no taxes and much cheaper than any lusty thing in this world yet it is the highest

-----------------------------------------Great article about the true purpose of life.--------------------------------If one has a view that god has given and we must enjoy the life andsperms are to ejacuate then you belong to the materiaistic world butonce you try saving the sperms in your body you goona find adifferent world to explore this might feel like a story but when onefaces the reality of unexplored things which is unimaginable.------------------------------------Namaste

Really intresting knowledge. In Finland, one tecnique used trditionally is saunasolmu pose witch allows you to autofellatio a.k.A swallowing your vital energy Bock to the system,not only för men. circle of life as i see it. Traditionally it was thought to youngboys at Age of Seven years as a way of not to loose energy by masturbaation( not the only reason) and was used by women allso witha straw.Anyway thanks för sharing. would BE really intresting to hear peoples opinions on this.Blessings, pohjola

-----------------------------------------------------4th Oct 2014I am a meditator myself for the past six years observing alldisciplines My first meditation begins and ends before sunrise.Meditation will not be effective unless the sexual energy of manis retained and raised upwards through the energy chakras.This energy is raised in three ways: One, through deep inhalation30 times in quick succession before beginning the first meditationearly in the morning; second, through daily physical exercise; third,through meditation.This energy, when raised, activates man`s sixth sense, or third eye,source of all knowledge and intuition, enabling him to have flow ofideas from the inner Universe!The most important aspect of retention of this energy that has noparallel in the world is that it keeps all diseases at bay. If I geta

slight cold or fever or throat infection, I repeat the following wordsfor two minutes: ” cold go away” or “fever go away” or “throatinfection go away”. Whether it is cold, or fever of throat infection,all disappear in fifteen minutes. There is no need to take medication.Also, whenever I get pain in the body, I just put my right palm onthe point where pain is there and say, “pain go away” for two minutes.Pain disappears immediately.Thiagarajan TVS

-------------------------------------------------------Assalamualaikum(peace be on you),Very informative article..But as god send virtuos sadhus to earthfor the protection of dharma and to destroy evil..(pavitrayasadhunam vinasaya ..) many sadhuvus or prophets came to the worldfor reestablishment of dharma.. later on by passage of time peopletook sadhus as gods and created their idols and started worshippingit.. As idol worship is also sin in vedas and bhagavadgita. the arein sanskrit and it is not in social use today.. finally god sentprophet muhammed(pbuh) as a guide to entire mankind and quran isrevealed to him.. so please study the quran and follow it forsalvation in this life and hereafter..---------------------------------------------God`s message to the humanity as a whole is to turntowards spirituality of Meditation. Meditation is the only survival toolnow. God`s actions so transform the world are already on as we canwitness all occurrences in the world.To be a meditator one has to be a bramhachari with attendantdisciplines. Without disciplines effective ness of meditation‘is not possible. We also need to co-relate these incidentswith Pluto transiting in Capricorn till 2023 when the worldwill be entirely different from what we see today.God spoke to number of authors more than a decade ago onearth shake-up. Of the many incidents around the world,Apocalypse snow in USA is one among. The days ahead will notbe comfortable.Believing or not believing is our choice. But the soul in each oneof us has a total control of our life. It monitors our activitiesmoment to moment for record in the cosmic computer calledsub-conscious mind.

Materialism is on its way out. Spiritual era will begin soon.It does not matter for God if there are billions or millionsHe is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient!We need to disseminate this message to one and all.

Thiagarajan TVSMeditation Guide, French Language Faculty,Writer and Speaker on Body Mind and Soul.-----------------------------------------------------------------It is such a great and important article. No one teaches about the semen and its importance in daily life. But in this kali yuga, almost every man loses semen very easily in his youth, due to several factors like sexual dreams, masturbation, indulging in illegal sexual affairs, sex before marriage, etc. Thanks for educating us with very valuable information.

Wish i read it when i am in youth stage. I practiced brahmacharya only in my childhood and my memory was very sharp like a blade then!It was not the case anymore, as i got addicted to masturbation in mycollege days and lost so much of semen. Recently i have realized thevalue of semen and trying to stay away from masturbation. But now that i am getting married soon, i have no chance to be a brahmacharieither! May Krishna bestow peace upon me in my old life. Hare Krishna!

----------------------------------------------------Just have to say that since December I had been struggling with semen retention but last month I came to some realization that chasing women is fruitless and that seeking romance does not matter.Say you find a spouse what is to say she is not thinking of other more attractive men and then when she cannot gratify her senses withyour body then she won’t move on to someone better? And the long laundry list requirements women have for men. I have had a net sum of negative experiences with women and I often felt angry in a way at Krsna for this. However, then I realize it was Krsna’s mercy all along in a disguise!

Now, I am much happier than my peers who long for female validation and such. As if they need to know a woman or women want to have sex with them to be happy. Or think they need to be a different sort of men because of how so many western women are(most of them are rakshasas haha meat-eating, intoxication, sex, etc.).

And since retening my semen now I feel much more happy inside and healthier as well. I am always afraid of falling down again as often

I have thought finally, this demonic sex drive is controlled only tofall down into maya.

In the end I do not want to bring poor unfortunate souls into this material world full of miseries. It would not be fair to them. And Ihad a four year relationship with a woman before, we were not married but after just a year of relative happiness it was all fighting, quarrelling and she comitted numerous acts of adultery then left me for a more attractive partner. Especially near the lastyear when I found KCON and she thought it was all some fairy-story.

Women(or lack thereof rather) has caused me a lot of great pain and sorrow even in my youth. Nearly drawing me to suicide. It was a longprocess but thanks to Srila Prabhupada’s books, the mahamantra and resources such as this one I have really beaten this now!

Very joyful feeling!

An estatic JAI SRI KRSNA to all of you!!!!!!

PS: Just remember would you rather take rebirth as a bunny in the next life if it meant endless sex? Would it be worth it? Not to me. All the material obsessed people in this age who are “player’s” and “ladiesmen” etc will have to answer for their uncontrolled sex drivein the next life. What sort of life is that?

“Prabhupada: Yes. In spiritual world there is everything, but only central point is Krsna. Here anxiety is “Where I shall get money? Where I shall get woman?” And there is anxiety, “How shall I get Krsna?” The anxiety is there. That is the difference.” — Srila Prabhupada, Morning Walk, Melbourne, April 26, 1976


Veerya – Semen the Vital Fluid


Veerya, the vital fluid or semen, is life. You can attain eternal bliss and peace by preserving the Veerya. Brahmacharya [celibacy] means control of the Veerya. The vital force or Veerya is preserved only by one who is established in the practice of Brahmacharya. The vital fluid or semen is lost and wasted during sexual indulgence.

From food comes juice or chyle; from chyle comes blood and flesh; from fleshcomes fat; from fat comes bones; from bones come marrow. Lastly, from marrow

comes semen. The Veerya comes out of the very marrow concealed in the bones. Itis found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Mark here how preciousthe semen is! It is the last essence of food. It is the essence of essences.

As the vital force is the most precious substance in the physical body, it should be carefully preserved. Its wastage means loss of physical and mental energy.

It is said that a drop of semen comes out of forty drops of blood. According toAyurveda it comes from eighty drops of blood.

Just a sugar pervades the entire sugarcane, and butter pervades milk, so also semen pervades the whole body. Just as buttermilk is thinned after the butter has been extracted, so also the semen is thinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of the semen, the more the physical and mental weakness.

When semen is preserved, it gets reabsorbed by the body, and stored in the brain as Ojas Shakti or spiritual power. The seminal energy is changed into spiritual energy. This is called the process of sex-sublimation. The Ojas Shakti is used for spiritual Sadhana by the Yogi.

The vital force is closely linked with the nervous system. Hence, it is vitallynecessary to preserve it carefully if one desires to have strong nerves.

The semen is the real vitality in man. It is the hidden treasure in him. It gives a glow to the face, strength to the intellect and well being to the entire system. Girls, too, suffer great loss through having unchaste thoughts and giving way to lust. Vital nervous energy is lost. There is a corresponding loss of Veerya in them as well.

The Srutis state that a man’s full life span is a hundred years. This can be achieved only if a person is established in perfect Brahmacharya. It is throughthe attainment of good conduct only that one can live to a ripe old age and be ever happy and peaceful. Even if all other qualities may be lacking, good conduct alone will ensure longevity.

You must have pure character, otherwise you will lose your vital energy or Veerya. An early death will be the result.

Another important point to remember is that the secret of long life lies in thechoice of pure food and drink, chastity, temperance, sobriety and a cheerful and optimistic outlook on life. So, gluttons, drunkards and those given to idleness and laziness, cannot hope to have long life.

According to psychological and natural laws, the length of human life, or any life, should be at least five times the period necessary to reach full growth. The horse grows for a period of about three years and lives to be about twelve

or fourteen. The camel grows for eight years and lives to be forty. Man grows for about twenty to twenty-five years. If all accidents are counted out, his normal duration of life should be not less than one hundred years.


INTRODUCTION-----------------Over three thousand years ago, the Chinese recognized that men can achieve multiple orgasms by delaying and even withholding ejaculation. This is possible because orgasm and ejaculation are two distinct physical processes, though they have long been equated in the West. Although clearlyless precise than today’s sex researchers, the ancient Chinese recorded their findings in detail for future generations of sexual and spiritual seekers.

In the West, it was not until the 1940s that pioneering sex researcher Alfred Kinsey reported similar discoveries. Yet even several decades later,after his claims have been proved repeatedly in the laboratory, most men remain unaware of their multiorgasmic potential. Without this knowledge andwithout a clear technique, men are unable to feel the difference between the crescendo of orgasm and the crash of ejaculation.

Male sexuality in the West remains incorrectly focused on the inevitably disappointing goal of ejaculation (“getting off”) instead of the orgasmic process of lovemaking. The Multi-Orgasmic Man shows men how to separate orgasm and ejaculation in their own bodies, allowing them to transform the momentary release of ejaculation into countless peaks of whole body orgasms.

In the words of one multi-orgasmic man, “In the normal, everyday sort of ejaculation my pleasure is quickly over with. Not so in multiple orgasms. The pleasure generated here stays with me throughout the day. There seems to be no final peak to this pleasure, either. This practice offers the added bonus of affording extra energy so I am just never tired. Now I can have as much sex as I wantand I can control it rather thanhave it control me. What more can a man ask for?”... 

 This may not be available in all the countries or may be out of print.

In this book he teaches few powerful exercises which require patience and sincere practice.

In general a woman is capable of experiencing multiple orgasms in a single session of love making. But a man requires a definite refractory period between two ejaculatory orgasms. In the refractory period he loses erection.

But researches proved that multiple orgasms are not the domain of woman alone! Even a man can experience them through right practice.

The key to experiencing male multiple orgasms is ejaculation control. Most men have been ejaculating when they have an orgasm for most of their life. We think that this is a package deal.

But orgasm and ejaculation are two distinct physical processes. With practice one can learn to gain control over ejaculation, so one can choose if and when to ejaculate.

Ejaculation, not orgasm, is what requires the refractory period before another erection. Hence if one can prevent ejaculation, he can enjoy orgasmic peaks and go right back into stimulation without pause. This meansthat one can stay erect longer, have longer sessions of lovemaking with thepartner and ultimately explore the possibility of male multiple orgasms.  

Here are a few highlights from this book



Grand Master Mantak Chia

He is best known for his teaching Taoist practices under the names of Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System and Qigong.

He co-authored a highly informative book 'The Multi-Orgasmic Man' which is about how a man can experience multiple orgasms and dramatically enhance his sexual relationship.


Wise men say,"Don't waste semen! Don't ejaculate! If you waste you will suffer! etc.,".

Then one may think,

How on earth can one miss sex and orgasm which are very much pleasurable and relieving?

Should one shun sex completely? Or can one ever have an orgasm without ejaculating? Is that thing

possible at all?

"yes, it's possible to have multiple orgasms without ejaculating", says Mantak Chia a Taoist Master.


Dr. Sun Ssu-mo

As Sun Ssu-mo sums up so well, "If a man squanders his semen, he will die soon. For a man,this is the most important point to remember about sex."

After all semen's ingredient sperm, is capable of creating one more life inthis world. It has such a huge potential and possibility. It's a why to waste it unnecessarily by overindulgence? Isn't it wiseto conserve and utilize the excess sexual energy to realize the higher planes of existence?



"That is why I say that human beings had their first experience of samadhi, of the no-mind or superconsciousness, in the experience of sex. But that is an experience at a high cost, at a very high cost. Secondly, that experience does not last longer than a moment; after a momentary glimpse we return again to our original position. We fall back to our original position minus a considerable amount of power and energy."

"One should go in sex, but there should be no ejaculation. If ejaculation happens, then it is ordinary sex; then it is not Tantra. If you make love and no ejaculation happens, for hours you are together with the woman and no ejaculation happens, this is Tantra. This is an attainment."

Frequent ejaculation causes a chronic drain of the vital fluids that the brain and spine require to function properly.

Furthermore, recent medical evidence indicates that with each and every ejaculation men suffer a significant loss of zinc, a rare but vital trace element. Frequent ejaculation thus results in a chronic, critical deficiency of zinc, symptoms of which include loss of memory, mental confusion, paranoia and hypersensitivity to sunlight.

The most practical advice of all on the subject of ejaculation control comes from the centenarian Chinese physician Sun Ssu-mo (Taoist doctor, 590-692), the Tang Dynasty adept who outlived three emperors by practicing what he preached. His general yardstick was twice a month, or 24 times per year. His own personal regimen, however, was only one emission per 100 copulation's. Dr. Sun lived to the age of 101.


Modern medical opinion:Eminent European medical men also support the statement of the Yogis of India.

Dr.Nicole says: “It is a medical and physiological fact that the best blood in the body goes to form the elements of reproduction in both the sexes. In a pure and orderly life, this matter is reabsorbed. It goes back into circulation ready to form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues.

This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic. If wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disordered function, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other diseases and death. The suspension of the use of the generative organs is attended with a notable increase of bodily, mental and spiritual vigour.”

If the spermatic secretion in men is continuous, it must either be expelledor be reabsorbed. As a result of the most patient and persevering scientific investigations, it has been found that whenever the seminal secretions are conserved and thereby reabsorbed into the system, it goes towards enriching the blood and strengthening the brain.

Dr.Dio Louis thinks that the conservation of this element is essential to strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect.

Another writer, Dr.E.P. Miller, says: “All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force. It is almost universally conceded that the choicest element of the blood enters into the composition of the spermatic secretion. If these conclusions are correct, then it follows that a chaste life is essential to man’s well-being.”

The preservation of semen is the secret of good health and longevity, and of all success in the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual planes.

Osho's quotes:"After sex a man laments the loss of his energy, for its wastage, because he knows that the more his energy dissipates the closer his death comes. In some species of animals, males die after one act of intercourse. A particular insect in Africa can go into sexual intercourse only once; its energy dissipates and it dies during the intercourse itself.

It has become known to man long ago that intercourse dissipates his energy, lessens his life-energy and brings death that much nearer. After each experience he regrets his indulgence, but in a short while he feels the same craving again. Certainly there is some other meaning behind this craving which must be understood."


He continues, "Semen is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Just as sugar is all-pervading in the sugar-cane, butter in milk, so also, semen is pervading the whole body. Just as the butter milk is thin after the butter is removed, so also, semen is thinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of semen the more is the weakness.

In the Yoga Sasthras it is said:

Maranam Bindu Patanat, Jivanam Bindu Rakshanat.

Meaning: Falling of semen brings death, preservation of semen gives life.?

Semen is  the real vitality in men. It is the hidden treasure in man. It imparts Brahma-Tejas to the face and strength to the intellect. "


Western medicine claims that men naturally replenish their semen supply soon after ejaculation and that the male's capacity for producing semen is virtually limitless. This is a highly misleading generalization.

The great Indian Yogi Swami Sivananda says,

"My dear brothers! The vital energy, the Veerya that supports your life, which is the Prana of Pranas, which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. Remember this point well. Veerya is the quintessence of blood. One drop of semen is manufactured out of forty drops of blood. Mark here how valuable this fluid is!"----------------------------------------------------------------The preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physicalmorality.----------------------------------------

Mental health needs a great deal of attention. 

What is meditation?

Meditation is a simple yet powerful mind-conditioning technique which effortlessly allows your mind to become calm and peaceful.

All you have to do is sit with your eyes closed for few minutes and you might experience deeper rest than the deepest sleep which you can ever have! 


According to Osho: The word ‘meditation’ and the word ‘medicine’ came from the same root.

Medicine cures your body, meditation cures your being. Meditation is the inner medicine.


-------------------------------------------------------Here is a wonderful book from Osho's discourses -'From Medication toMeditation' written in a language that is fresh, profound, entertaining andunderstandable for all those who wonder whether meditation can help themenjoy better health and a greater sense of well-being. ----------------------------

This book clearly exposes the connection between your 'state of mind' and the state of your health.

In the foreword, which is a talk by Osho given to the Medical Association in India, he paints his vision of a healthier and more whole future when hesays:

"…every hospital will have a department of meditation. It should happen. Then we will be able to treat man as a whole. The body will be taken care of by the doctors, the mind by the psychologists, and the soul by meditation.

The day the hospitals accept man as a whole, as a totality, and then treat him as such, will be a day of rejoicing for mankind. I request you to thinkin that direction so that this day will come soon."

----------------------------------------------Meditation is a step from the known into the unknown realms of existence.It is a journey from the periphery to the centre of one’s being. It is thebroadening of one’s consciousness, the awakening of one’s dormant energies.---------------------------------

This Suthra lists the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga where dhyana is meditation.

Need for meditation

In ancient days, people meditated mainly for self-realization.

But nowadays, we all need to meditate,

to overcome the stress in our day-to-day life to maintain good health to face challenges to take right decisions to become successful in our lives

 - Do you have more responsibilities in life?- Are you very busy?- Do you have many goals to achieve?- Do you want to complete your tasks within stipulated time-frames?

If you answer 'Yes' to any of the above questions then you must meditate daily !

Here is another good book from Osho's discourses - 'Meditation for Busy People' which reveals the following facts: 

Nobody needs meditation more than people who have no time to meditate. These busy people may have tried meditation but given it up, as it seems so difficult to integrate into a hectic lifestyle. 


Most traditional meditation techniques were developed thousands of years ago for people living very different lives from the lives we live today. Nowadays, very few people find it easy to just sit down and relax.

'Meditation for Busy People' is filled with methods that can easily be integrated into everyday life. A morning commute becomes a centering exercise, and the street noises outside an apartment window in the city become an aid, rather than a distraction, to find the silent space within. 


Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physicaldisabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.

~B.K.S. Iyengar

Meaning of Yoga

Yoga is a Sanskrit word coming from the root 'Yuj' which means 'union', theunion of individual self with Universal Self.

Sage Pathanjali's Yoga Suthra says, "yoga chitta vritti nirodhah", which means "Cessation / stillness of mind is Yoga".

Yoga is not merely a physical fitness / stress management program or a medical treatment routine. The ultimate goal of Yoga is 'Yuj'.


Origin of Yoga

Yoga originated from India. But in ancient days India didn't exist as one single country... people were different by their race, language, religion, Gods and political governance. It was split into smaller kingdoms which were ruled by several kings. Still the land south of Himalayas was considered as one entity and was called asBharath Varsha.

So somewhere, some sense of unity existed because of the common spiritual character people carried in them. It means, from king to common man, there was only one ultimate goal for everyone - liberation or 'Mukthi'.

Even today, the simplest farmer in India will talk about 'Mukthi'. This is because of the outstanding spiritual work done in this country. One person who is mainly responsible for this and who is of great significance in shaping up the human consciousness is Lord Shiva.

In Yogic culture, Shiva is not known as a God, but as the Aadhi Guru (first teacher). He is the Aadhi Yogi (first Yogi) and an enlightened one. Shiva expounded various forms of Yoga depending upon the

level of preparedness and capacity of the people who were in front of him.

Shiva's first teaching was to Paarvathi, his wife. And the second set of Yogic teaching was given to Saptha Rishis, the first seven sages.


These seven sages travelled to every corner of the globe, spreading the knowledge of Yoga and Eastern mysticism.

That's why if you take any religion in this world, you can find the seeds of Yoga in it. But the beauty is...Yoga is not a religion. It's pure science and a way of living !

Yoga leaves nothing untouched, it talks about all the aspects of life from the most minute to the greatest - how to sit, how to walk, how to talk, what to eat, how to eat, how to keep body & mind healthy and the ultimate - how to attain liberation or 'Mukthi'.


A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs.

      No food - a person can survive for few days.      No water - again a person can survive for few days.      No breath - ??? a person can't survive even for few minutes.

So breath is the most important thing in life. It's the life force !

Yet many of us pay little attention to our breathing. The fact is, an astonishing number of physical ailments and diseases are due to poor breathing and oxygen deficits.

Importance of breathing

Surprisingly... some of the ailments, which are not directly due to improper breathing, can also be cured/reduced by correcting the breath !

Here are the quotes (no beating around the bushes !) from experts to emphasize on the criticality of breathing:

Overcoming disease

"Breathing is the key that unlocks the whole catalog of advanced biologicalfunction and development. Is it any wonder that it is so central to every aspect of health ? Breathing is the first place, not the last, one should look when fatigue, disease, or other evidence of disordered energy presentsitself. Breathing is truly the body's most basic communication system." - Sheldon Saul Hendler, MD, PhD, author ofThe Oxygen Breakthrough.

"The simplest and most powerful technique for protecting your health is

absolutely free - and literally right under your nose." - Andrew Weil, MD, author ofSpontaneous Healing.


"Cancer cells are anaerobic, which means they cannot survive in the presence of oxygen." - Dr.Otto Warburg who received the Nobel Prize, in 1931,for proving this.

Blood pressure

"The relationship between breathing and blood pressure has been known and understood for a long time. It boils down to this: Elevated blood pressure accompanies those bodily states where rapid shallow breathing prevails. By altering breathing to a slow diaphragmatic mode, blood pressure decreases." - Robert Fried, PhD, author of The Breath Connection.


"Many healings of other physical troubles have occurred in my clients afterthey started to integrate breathing practices into their lives. There is a simple but encompassing reason that may explain this. The human body is designed to discharge 70% of its toxins through breathing. Only a small percentage of toxins are discharged through sweat, defecation and urination. If your breathing is not operating at peak efficiency, you are not ridding yourself of toxins properly." - Gay Hendricks, PhD, author of Conscious Breathing.

"Illness is the result of improper removal of toxins from the body. Oxygen is the vital factor which assists the body in removing toxins." - Ed McCabe (Oxygen Therapies, A New Way of Approaching Disease).

Heart ailments

"Coronary heart disease is due to a lack of oxygen received by the heart." - Dr.Dean Ornish, great soul, who suggested cheaper and safer therapies than invasive procedures like coronary artery bypass surgery, angioplasty and stents for cardiovascular diseases.

"Healthy breathing should be the first thing taught to a heart patient. A Dutch study conducted by a doctor named Dixhoorn, compared two groups of heart attack patients. The first group was taught simple diaphragmatic breathing, while the second group was given no training in breathing. The breathing group had no further heart attacks, while 7 of the 12 members of the second group had second heart attacks over the next 2 years." - Gay Hendricks, PhD, Conscious Breathing.

"A lack of oxygen (hypoxia) is the prime cause of 1.5 million heart attacks each year." - Dr.Richard Lippman, Renowned researcher.

Importance of oxygen

"All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level." - Dr.Arthur C. Guyton, M.D, author of Textbook of Medical Physiology.

"Oxidation is the source of life. Its lack causes impaired health or disease, its cessation, death." - Dr.F.M.Eugene Blass, PhD, author of Oxygen Therapy: Its Foundation, Aim and Results.

"Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the functioning of the immune system." - Parris M.Kidd, PhD, author of Antioxidant Adaptation: A Unified Disease Theory.

"In all serious disease states, we find a concomitant low oxygen state... Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease... Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for alldegenerative disease. Oxygen is the source of life to all cells." - Dr.Stephen Levine, renowned molecular biologist and author of Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to All Degenerative Illness.

"Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The link betweeninsufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established." - W.Spencer Way, Journal of the American Association of Physicians.


Family, nature and health all go together.

Though the 'laws of nature' apply in a bigger perspective let's see their significance related to drug free living.

Praying to God alone and taking no efforts - this won't work. Rather making all the sincere efforts and (praying / not praying) to God - this works very well !

Falling ill is good ! It's the clean-up process in the body by Mother Nature.The system is trying to throw out the accumulated toxins.It's the indication that body's immune system is working.

It's better not to take medicines which treat only the symptoms and suppress the root cause.

Rather take rest, take plenty of water, fruits & juices and give sometime for the body to recuperate. And be happy with the natural curing process.


"Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food."- Hippocrates (ancient Greek physician)

"Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food."- Hippocrates (ancient Greek physician)

Miracles are not possible for a drug free, healthy living. Things have to be built brick by brick.

We and only we are responsible for our present state. Our body has got wonderful, natural self-curative ability. Medicine

is not required in around 70% of the cases.The rest 30% being the kids, elders and emergency cases where medication might be necessary.

Every thought that arises in our mind has a corresponding impact on our physical system.

Most of the diseases are psycho-somatic. Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma). There is a mental connection to a physical disease.

Intelligence in animals is limited to some extent. But human intelligence is an ultimate one.

Every thought that arises in our mind has a corresponding impact on our physical system.

Most of the diseases are psycho-somatic. Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma). There is a mental connection to a physical disease.

Intelligence in animals is limited to some extent. But human intelligence is an ultimate one.

Naturally we have the power to CREATE our environment & circumstanceswhereas the animals are DRIVEN by circumstances.

We can determine which is good for our body & mind and we can make wise choices like what to eat, when to eat, how to eat and how much to eat, etc.

Too much food we eat - too much time we spend in toilet !

Work in a day & sleep at night. Night-shift workers...beware !You are completely reversing your biological clock and hence the circadian rhythm. Certain hormones like melatonin are secreted only in darkness.

Sedentary lifestyle is risky. Some sort of physical activity is always good.


Healthy people are those who live in healthy homes on a healthy diet. When diet is incorrect, medicine is of no use.

When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. Here let's explore the importance of dietary habits in drug free

living. We'll see few basic but important aspects like what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, how much to eat, etc.

When to eat

Eat only when you are really hungry.

Don't eat just for taste.

Don't eat for the sake of time in the clock. "No medicine is necessary for him who eats after assuring himself that what he has already eaten has been digested", says Thiruvalluvar, the great Indian-Tamil saint and poet.

He reveals a simple but an important technique by which one can have a drug free living.

How much to eat

Don't stuff food in stomach. The intelligent way of eating is...the quantity intake should be such that you are really hungry at your next meal time. 

Gluttony is a moral crime !  

On one side people suffer from various diseases due to over-eating. And at the same time people in poor countries are prone to many diseases due to starvation and malnourishment. Pity !

"We all share responsibility for the fact that populations are undernourished. Therefore it is necessary to arouse a sense of responsibility in individuals, especially among those more blessed with this

world's goods." - Pope John XXIII 

Why don't we share things with our fellow human beings ? Why don't we fill the gap ? What a beautiful place this world would be if we do so !

How to eat

Avoid watching television, reading, discussions, etc while eating. Focus on your food and enjoy it. Masticate (chew) well until the taste of the food disappears and then

swallow. Digestion should start at mouth

Few more tips

Have plenty of vegetables and greens in your food. Have atleast three servings of fruits daily.

Don't have fruits immediately after meal.Best time for fruits is one or two hours before any meal.Whole fruit is always better than its juice.

Have ample water in a day. No harm in having it a bit excess. Don't drink water in the middle of eating. Have some water after 30

minutes of your meal. Avoid stimulants like coffee and tea as they suppress your real

appetite. Don't go to bed right after dinner. Have an interval of atleast 2

hours between dinner and bed.

Let food be your medicine, and let your medicine be food."- Hippocrates who is known as the Father of western medicine, advocates drug free living this way !


To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise. 

Physical exercise or workout is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness, overall health and wellness.

In general, workout is recommended for the below reasons:

Keeping the body fit Strengthening of muscles and the cardiovascular system Enhancing athletic skills Weight management

All the above mentioned reasons/benefits definitely contribute to healthy and Drug Free Living.

Doctors and research teams, throughout the world are conducting extensive experiments on workouts and their positive impact on human physiology.

Here are the important conclusions, out of these experiments which took quite a lot of time and effort.

Health benefits of workouts:

Less risk of heart diseases Less risk of high cholesterol Less risk of high blood pressure Less risk of premature death Body weight management without any drugs Less chance for various types of cancer Less risk of developing diabetes Healthy muscles, bones and joints Increased efficiency in work and sports Less medical bill, of course !

Types of workouts:

In general workouts are classified into three types:

1. Flexibility ones such as stretching2. Aerobic ones such as doing treadmills and exer-cycles, dancing,

walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, skipping rope and rowing, focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance.

3. Anaerobic ones like weight lifting, doing dumbbells, etc., which increase muscle strength.

Aerobic exercises work more on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. Whereas anaerobic exercises use resistance so that one can build strong bones and muscles.

Combining the two appropriately yields the best health benefits to a person.

Combining the two appropriately yields the best health benefits to a person.


If you have any pain, injury or any other ailment, first consult with your physicianbefore beginning your workout program.

Workout regularly and have a Healthy Living !

Click here to know more about the mental / psychological benefits of workouts  

Interested in getting a flat tummy?

Flat-Stomach-Exercises.Com is a fantastic site that covers the myths about flat stomach, exercises for flat stomach, eating tips and much more. Its author Lisaoffers sound advice and excellent guidance on how to get a flat stomach. 


Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. 

To have a disease free and drug free life a person has to have a perfect balance of these three viz. diet, exercise and sleep.

Importance of sleep

Sleep is essential for a person’s health and well being.Yet millions of people don't get enough sleep which results in problems like daytime sleepiness, poor decision making, poor coordination and accidents.

Sleep helps the brain to store new information in memory through a process called memory consolidation.

Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels ofhormones that affect our appetite.

Serious sleep disorders are linked to hypertension, increased level of stress hormones, and irregular heartbeat.

Sleep deprivation reduces the efficiency of the immune system. Sleep isn’t just a time when your body and mind shut off. While you

sleep, your brain is busy, overseeing a wide variety of biological maintenance tasks that keep you running and prepare you for the day ahead. Without enough hours of restorative sleep, you won’t be able to function at your full potential.

Amount of sleep needed

Sleep requirement varies from person to person. In general, most healthy adults require 7-8 hours of sleep a night. However, some individuals are able to function without sleepiness after as little as six hours of sleep.

Factors that affect sleep

Stress - the number one cause of short-term sleeping difficulties Drinking alcohol or beverages containing caffeine in the afternoon or

evening Exercising close to bedtime Following an irregular morning and night time schedule Doing mentally intense activities just before bed time

Working in alternate shifts Traveling also disrupts sleep, especially jet lag and traveling

across several time zones. This can upset your biological / circadianrhythms.

Environmental factors such as a room that's too hot or cold, too noisy or too brightly lit can be a barrier to sound sleep.

A number of physical problems like pain can interfere with your ability to fall or stay asleep.

Certain medications like steroids and some medicines for high blood pressure, asthma or depression can cause sleeping difficulties as a side effect.


Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness is its poison. 

Getting as much humour as possible into our daily life is very important since it is a great way of coping up with stress and getting a break from our busy work schedule. The solution to the issue of monotonous tasks at work is to add humour and laughter which brighten up our day and give us some extra energy to work.

Humour and therefore laughter comes with a lot of benefits. First of all, when we laugh, we also make the ones around us happier. Not to mention the fact that we will be healthier, more attractive, more confident and more energetic. Nowadays, humour has become an essential part of our life because it can improve our moods and view towards life.

Osho's quotes on hum

Osho's quotes on humour and laughter

   This is worth considering. It is significant. The first thing to understand is that except for man, no animal is capable of laughter. So laughter shows a very high peak in the evolution of life.

   If people could laugh totally every day for at least one hour, without any reason, they would not need any other meditation. That would be enough, because while you are laughing you cannot think. While you are laughing you cannot be in the past, you cannot be in the future: you have to be here now. Laughter can open a door to the ultimate.


   The secret of the joke is that it brings you to a point where you are expecting, expecting, expecting that this is going to happen; then it never happens. And whathappens is so sudden... and because youwere expecting something... you were coming to a tension, and then suddenly something else happens, and the tension has come to such a climax that it explodes. You are all laughter. It is a tremendous release, it is a great meditation. If you can laugh totally, it will give you a moment of no-time, no-mind. Mind lives logically with expectations, laughter is something that comes from the beyond. Mind is always guessing what is going to happen, groping.And something happens which is absolutely contrary to its expectations, so it simply stops for a moment.

   Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter brings strength. Now, even medical science says that laughter is one of the most deep-going medicines nature has provided man with. If you can laugh when you are ill you will get your health back sooner. If you cannot laugh, even if you are healthy, sooner or later you will lose your health and you will become ill.

   Laughter is tremendously healthy. Playfulness is as sacred as any prayer or maybe more sacred than any prayer, because playfulness, laughter, singing, dancing, willrelax you. And only the truth is possible in a relaxed state of being. When you are totally relaxed, in a state of let-go, the impossible starts happening, the miraclestarts happening. Let-go is the secret of meditation.

Osho on Zen Master Hotei - Laughing Buddha

   In Japan, there lived a great mystic, Hotei, who was called as laughing Buddha. He was one of the most loved mystics in Japan, and he never uttereda single word. As he became enlightened, he started laughing, and whenever somebody would ask, Why are you laughing? he would laugh more. And he wouldmove from village to village, laughing.


A crowd would gather and he would laugh. And slowly -- his laughter was very infectious -- somebody in the crowd would start laughing, then somebody else, and then the whole crowd was laughing -- laughing because.... Why were they laughing? Everybody knows, "It is ridiculous; this man is strange, but why are we laughing?"

But everybody was laughing; and everybody was a little worried, "What will people think? There is no reason to laugh." But people would wait for Hotei, because they had never laughed in their whole life with such totality, with such intensity that after the laughter they found their every sense had become more clear. Their eyes could see better, their wholebeing had become light, as if a great burden had disappeared.

People would ask Hotei, "Come back again," and he would move, laughing, to another village. His whole life, for near about forty-five years after his enlightenment, he did only one thing and that was laughing. That was his message, his gospel, his scripture.

In a few Zen monasteries, every monk has to start his morning with laughter, and has to end his night with laughter. It will be difficult, living in a family set-up, to suddenly laugh early in the morning. But do try it; it's worth getting out of bed laughing. Yes, for no reason at all. Isn't it good to be alive?

Nowadays we have all the internet and media to watch quality text/video jokes to burst into laughter ! Isn't it a great idea to make use of technology to tickle our funny bones? 

Mullah Nasruddin  is a satirical Sufi figure whose name is used in numerous

stories to add a touch of wit and humour. His funny anecdotes make people burst into fits of laughter. Osho has told plenty of Mullah Nasruddin stories (jokes) and here are few samples for you to enjoy !

Hasya yoga

   Laughter yoga (Hasya yoga) is a practice involving prolonged voluntary laughter. Laughter yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. Laughter yoga is done in groups, with eye contact and playfulnessbetween participants. Forced laughter soon turns into real and contagious laughter.

Laughter yoga was made popular as an exercise routine developed by Indian physician Dr.Madan Kataria, who is the author of the book 'Laugh For No Reason'. He later developed 'Laughter Clubs' and now there are more than 8000 Laughter Clubs in 65 countries.

Laughter is easily stimulated in a group when combined with eye contact, childlike playfulness and laughter exercises. Fake laughter quickly becomesreal. Laughter Yoga brings more oxygen to the body and brain by incorporating yogic breathing which results in deep diaphragmatic breathing.

Clinical research, on Laughter Yoga methods, has proved that laughter lowers the level of stress hormones in the blood. It fosters a positive andhopeful attitude. It is less likely for a person to succumb to stress and feelings of depression and helplessness, if one is able to laugh away the troubles.


Sport and health are so important to a nation that they deserve to be right at the front of people'sminds.

Ill effects of inactivity

During recent decades, there has been a progressive decline in the level ofphysical activity in people's daily lives in developed countries. For a majority of people, little physical effort is involved in their work, domestic chores, transportation and leisure.

Whilst specific health risks differ between countries and regions, the factremains that physical inactivity is a major risk factor for most common non-communicable diseases. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that, chronic diseases are now the leading causes of death in the world. The WHO cites four non-communicable diseases that make the largest contribution to mortality in low and middle income countries, namely: cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes

How can sport help to reach specific health objectives and a drug free living?

Becoming involved in sports can play a major role in improving and maintaining a person's health. Playing sports can help in numerous ways. Training for most of the sports requires one to increase his/her cardiovascular fitness.

This is true no matter what the sport may be. Sports also require strength training. This may take the form of push-ups, sit-ups or weight lifting. One must train regularly when involved in sports. One of the keys to good overall health is consistent exercise. Being involved in sports means training several times a week.

The camaraderie of being part of a team often enables one to go beyond whatone may have perceived as one's fitness or endurance limit. It is for thesereasons and many more why sports can play a major role in achieving good health and drug free living.

Playing sports is an excellent way to strengthen your heart and all your other muscles while having lots of fun.

Playing a sport does not mean working towards becoming a professional. Justplaying a sport you like a few hours a week can have a profound effect on your doubt !

There is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence on the positive effects of sport and physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

People in developing countries are gradually realising and accepting the fact that sports are a necessity for health as well as an activity for leisure and entertainment.

Playing sports helps you stay in shape, teaches you how to organize your time, boosts friendships and builds relationships with your peers and adults. Through athletics, you gain skills that can best be acquired on court, track or field.

Sports can help manage stress

Exercise is often prescribed by health professionals as a stress managementtool. And the American Council on Exercise (ACE) states that one exercise session can produce a feeling of relaxation lasting between 90 and 120 minutes. Many people do not enjoy going to the gym, so they will be less inclined to go regularly. Engaging in a sport you enjoy will ensure that you keep it up, making sure your stress management is sustainable.

Sports can help you avoid disease

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), exercise may slow the effects of aging and help ward off dementia-like illnesses. 'Health Talk Now' states that exercise can also increase good cholesterol while decreasing bad cholesterol, and can help you avoid diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. High-impact, strengtheningsports such as tennis, badminton, circuit training and running can help youavoid osteoporosis.

Sports make you look and feel better

When you are able to cope up with life's stresses, maintain a healthy weight and stave off dilapidating physical conditions and diseases, you aresure to look bright and feel great. You are likely to live a long, healthy life with fewer problems than people who do not engage in sports.

The benefits of sports can be enjoyed at any stage of life, but if you haveany underlying medical condition or are elderly, consult a health professional before beginning a new regimen.

Do sports improve mental health?

Not only sports improve physical health, but they also give a boost to mental health. Several studies link mental health with outdoor sports, especially a 2008 study that was published in the British Journal of SportsMedicine. Common youth problems like bullying and adult problems like depression and stress can be taken care of with outdoor sports.

In the aforementioned study, 20,000 individuals were interviewed. Researchers compared their mental health with the daily amount of physical activity. They learnt that 33 percent of individuals who practiced sports had low mental distress.

Bullying too can reduce when kids are involved in sports. When you participate in a sport, especially a game of cricket or football, team workis important to win. Interaction reduces bullying as well as stress; you are no longer a lonely soul. You have to work with a team.

When you are on the move, the blood and oxygen circulation improves drastically. This, in turn, improves the overall functioning of your body. 

Sports represent excellent opportunities to burn calories, keep muscles fit, have fun, and greatly benefit your social life. Another great thing about sports is that there are so many to choose from, soyou are almost guaranteed to find something that is suited to you ! Grab a sport now and have a healthy and drug free living !


The groundwork of all happiness is health.

In general sex is considered as a taboo subject. But it's the fundamental life force. It can neither be neglected nor be suppressed. Rather it requires a good understanding to walk through the life smoothly. Had sex not been in this world we wouldn't have born here to discuss this topic in the first place !

Osho, in his discourse on ' From Sex to Superconsciousness ' says,"I say to you if a person can remain in the lovemaking state, can remain inthat samadhi, in that submergence for three hours, then one single act of intercourse is enough to free one from sex for the rest of one’s life. It leaves behind such contentment, such an experience of bliss, such awareness, that it lasts a lifetime. After this single act of intercourse one can attain to the stage of real celibacy. But we never attain celibacy even after a lifetime of sexual indulgence. One reaches a ripe old age, one comes to the end of one’s life,but one is never free from the lust for sex, from the passion for intercourse. Why? It is because we have not understood the art and the science of sex. No one has ever explained it to us nor we have ever thoughtabout it, reflected upon it or discussed it. In our lives no experienced ones have engaged us in a dialogue over it, in a communion over it. We are in a worse situation than animals even."


Osho continues,"One’s attainment to celibacy from birth in this life is based on the experiences of deep coital union in previous lives and on nothing else. There is no other way. If one has had a profound experience of sex in a previous life, the person will be born free of sex in this life; sex will not disturb the person, even in his imagination. On the contrary, the person will be surprised at how other people behave about sex; the person will be amazed that people are so madly after sex. Such a person will even have to make a conscious effort to distinguish, to differentiate between a man and a woman.

If someone thinks one can simply become a born celibate without any deep experience of sex, that person is wrong; one will become insane, not celibate. Those who try to impose celibacy upon themselves only go insane, they reach nowhere. Celibacy cannot be imposed; celibacy evolves out of theexperience of sex. It is the result of some profound experience – and the experience is of sex. If that experience can be had even once, the person is released from sex for the unending journey of lifetimes."

Here is one Osho's masterpiece title - 'Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness' where he demystifies sex completely.

This book - 'Sex Matters' begins by deconstructing the layers of sexual repression that the condemnation of sex has inflicted on human.

Throughout 'Sex Matters' - in response to questions about everything from jealousy to premature ejaculation, the role of intimacy and the differencesbetween men and women - Osho proposes a vision that embraces sex as a fundamental gift from nature.

We learn how orgasm offers a glimpse of timelessness, thoughtlessness, and pure awareness - biology's way of pointing toward the consciousness that helps us to understand ourselves.

Whatever people generally call as 'love/lust/sex', tends to be between man and woman because nature has created a certain attraction between man and woman. This attraction is crucial for the survival of the race.

When a man and a woman or a lion and a lioness get into the act due to physical urge...the intelligent Nature completes its job silently i.e., procreation and perpetuation of the race !

Vital information on 'Sex in Drug Free Living'

Yogis and mystics are the most sexual people. Because they work consciouslyand directly with the sex energy for their transformation, enlightenment and Mukthi (liberation). But the other people unconsciously get into the act again and again just out of compulsion / circumstances and lose the point miserably.

   Even in temples like Khajuraho explicit sexual positions were sculptured. And in few temples young ladies (Devadasis) danced in front of many people. These things attracted huge crowd because of the mad pull towards sex. But all these things were done to lure as many people as possible into temples so that atleast some of them would feel the divinity in some moment within the temple. That was the ultimate purpose.

Osho was one of the boldest men in the world who talked about sex in detail. His spontaneous discourses on a gamut of topics were compiled into around 600 volumes of books. But he became world famous mainly due to his single volume on 'From sex to superconsciousness' !That's the power of sex. Everyone is curious about sex. It's the life force.

He knew that sex is the most attractive subject through which he can catch the maximum number of people. He wanted to demystify that subject too. He suggested ways in which one can fully indulge in sex with complete awareness so that one can be free from that physical act sooner or later one day. He used it only as a platform to bring awareness and to transform the lives of many people.


   Osho, in his discourse on ' From Sex to Superconsciousness ' says,

"I have been amazed – I have come across prostitutes, but they never ask anything about sex. They inquire about the soul and about god. I also come across many ascetics, monks and holy men, and whenever we are alone they ask about nothing but sex. I have been amazed to learn that ascetics and your so-called sannyasins who are always preaching against sex, seem to be troubled and obsessed by sex in their minds. In public they sermonize aboutthe soul and about god, but inside they have the same problem as others. Itis bound to be so, it is only natural, because we have never tried to understand the problem.

We have never tried to know the fundamentals of this energy and we have never asked why there is such a great attraction to sex. There certainly lies some mystery in it and it is necessary to understand it. Perhaps then we can even go beyond it. The first thing is that attraction for sex in the very being of humans is not actually an attraction for sex. The sexual desire in the very core of humans is actually not a sexual desire. That is why after every sex act, they feel remorseful, they feel unhappy, depressed. They think about how tobe free of it, because they find nothing in it. Perhaps the attraction is of something else. And that attraction has a very religious significance toit.

The attraction is this.…In their normal life, humans are unable to reach the depths of their being except in the experience of sex. In their daily routine, they have a variety of experiences – the shop, the business, earning their living, earning fame – but only the experience of sexual intercourse takes them to the deepest in their being.

Deep down two things happen to them there.

First, in the moment of orgasm the ego vanishes. Egolessness emerges. For amoment, there is no ego; for a moment, no trace of even “I am.” Did you know that the “I” also dissolves completely in the ultimate experience of religion, that in religion the ego also dissolves into nothingness? In the sexual act the ego fades away momentarily, one forgets if one is or not, the feeling of “my-ness” disappears briefly.

The second thing that happens is that for a while there is no time there. Timelessness emerges. Jesus Christ has said of enlightenment, “There shall be time no longer.” In the experience of enlightenment, there is no time atall. It is beyond time. There is no past, no future; there is only the present. This is the second thing that happens in the experience of sex – there remains no past, no future; time also vanishes for a moment.

These two are the most important elements of religious experience: egolessness and timelessness. And these two elements are what account for humans’ mad pull toward sex. The craving is not for the body of a woman by a man or for the body of a man by a woman, not at all. The craving is for something else – for the taste of egolessness and timelessness. But why

this craving for being timeless and egoless? Because no sooner than the egodisappears, there is a glimpse of the soul; no sooner than time disappears,there is a glimpse of god. This glimpse is only for a brief moment, but manis ready to lose any amount of energy for it.

Afterwards he laments the loss of his energy, for its wastage, because he knows that the more his energy dissipates the closer his death comes. In some species of animals, males die after one act of intercourse. A particular insect in Africa can go into sexual intercourse only once; its energy dissipates and it dies during the intercourse itself. It has become known to man long ago that intercourse dissipates his energy, lessens his life-energy and brings death that much nearer. After each experience he regrets his indulgence, but in a short while he feels the same craving again. Certainly there is some other meaning behind this craving which mustbe understood.

There is a religious experience, a spiritual experience involved behind thecraving for sex. If we can become aware of that experience we can go beyondsex. If not, we will live in sex and die in sex.

Those who oppose sex blindly are never able to catch hold of that experience. They will never be able to analyze what this insatiable desire in us, this craving in us, is actually for.

I wish to emphasize that this strong and recurring pull toward sex is for experiencing the momentary state of samadhi, the no-mind, the superconsciousness it brings. And you can be free of sex only on the day when you start having the experience of samadhi, no-mind, without sex.

That is why I say that human beings had their first experience of samadhi, of the no-mind or superconsciousness, in the experience of sex. But that isan experience at a high cost, at a very high cost. Secondly, that experience does not last longer than a moment; after a momentary glimpse wereturn again to our original position. We fall back to our original position minus a considerable amount of power and energy."


From thousand years lot of persons tried to say about save semen, store semen, do not waste semen,

Lot of books available, regarding this value of semen.

But they are all in books, they are all in writing,

S-formula is not a new one, it is a continuation of old procedure, But

Till today no one is ready to come on stage and telling common people aboutthe value of semen

S-formula team is ready to come on stage and telling common people about the value of semen,

S-formula name is given to talk people easily in group, in public, on stage.

It is not possible to say directly to people save semen, But easily we can talk follow s-formula.


Common people indirectly support s-formula for implementation

But not ready to support directly for this implementation

This is because no courage, no confidence, do not know this subject more intheir mind.

Only educated people required for this implementation,

Our culture, our parents, our education is not ready to use word semen thinking that it is a bad work

People agitate to speak about sex organs in public places, if this situation continues our future generation will be in lot of trouble,

Who is thinking about future generation those only support s-formula implementation

So we know that if we start implementation of s-formula it takes minimum 500 years to implement,

So we are trying from today, we will continue upto 500 years to implement s-formula everywhere

We are very much worried about future generation, we sacrifysing our life for future generation,

If s-formula is good for future generation you support us, there is no force in this,

If you are not interested you do not worry about this matter.


Value of semen

There are more than 200 chemicals in our body.

These chemicals balance our body, develops our body.

These chemicals will go out through semen if you waste semen.

When these chemicals go out , you fall ill

Doctor will give you respective chemicals

Why are you wasting semen and why are you wasting these chemicals, and why you take artificial chemicals,

Semen means chemical contents in your body. Semen is full of chemicals.

Save semen, save your life.


In olden days there was a rule female should not be much educated, no higher studies. Why because the following reason.

Male should work outside the home

Female should work inside the home.

Female work is fully physical energy work, very hard work for body, very less mind work.

Any body more educateds will not like to work by using physical energy.

Any body less educateds will work more hard work by using physical energy.

Uneducated will always like to work more hard physically.

So for females who work inside home, physically strain work, they should not be more educated.

Educated females will not do hard work physically.


"Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself."


"For sleep, riches and health to be truly enjoyed, they must be interrupted."


Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth,every going to rest and sleep a little death.

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.

Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.

Youth is something I never wanna take for granted. I just want to smileand live life.

A good youth ought to have a fear of God, to be subject to his parents, to give honor to his elders, to preserve his purity; he ought not to despise humility, but should love forbearance and modesty. All these are an ornament to youthful years.

Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.

In youth we learn; in age we understand.

The youth is the hope of our future.

Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.

To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.

Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age, when the eager passions of youth are cooled, and the infirmities of age not yet begun; as we see that the shadows, which are at morning and evening so large, almost entirely disappear at midday.

Independence is a heady draught, and if you drink it in your youth, it can have the same effect on the brain as young wine does. It does not matter that its taste is not always appealing. It is addictive and with each drink you want more.

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.

Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.

Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude,and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful.

The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.

The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.

In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us.

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.

The youth are very important to me, they're the next generation, but I want to instill in kids, even in playing, that it's never too late and there's no right or wrong way to do anything.

Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” 

“Stories you read when you're the right age never quite leave you. You may forget who wrote them or what the story was called. Sometimes you'll forget precisely what happened, but if a story touches you it will stay with you, haunting the places in your mind that you rarely ever 

“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higheresteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” 

“Youth is wasted on the young.” 

“The human body is the best work of art.” 

“Young people don't always do what they're told, but if they can pull it off and do something wonderful, sometimes they escape punishment. ” 

“It's never too late to have a happy childhood.” 


“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:a time to be born and a time to die,a time to plant and a time to uproot,a time to kill and a time to heal,a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,a time to mourn and a time to dance,a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,a time to embrace and a time to refrain,a time to search and a time to give up,a time to keep and a time to throw away,a time to tear and a time to mend,a time to be silent and a time to speak,a time to love and a time to hate,a time for war and a time for peace.


“A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement” 

“It takes a very long time to become young.” 


Always sleeping means , you are nearer to death,

Due to loss of semen, your internal power reduces, your organs not a ability to do work properly, so that you will get sleep.

If you loss more semen, you will sleep more,

If you sleep more, you are very near to die.


Rest means what

Due to more loss of semen, your brain, heart, digestive system, nerves system become very weak,

You will become lazy and useless, so you willing to take rest.

Rest means you are very weak.



The secrete how to wake up is,

If your body is full of semen, It will not allow you sleep more, you are having more power in your body, you are very active, semen gives more power to yours body organs, it will not allow you sleep above fouro clock, It is a natural power, (observe birds and animals around you).

If you waste semen, you loose your body power, it is impossible to wakeup early in the morning,Your body parts having no power, you are unableto work according to your mind speed, you think in your mind, but not in body action, if you waste more semen, your body will not work according to your brain instruction,

If you store more semen – less sleep, more work.

If you waste more semen, - more sleep, less work.



The Value of diet (slim).The method diet to become slim is 100% wrong method.

You are forcefully going towards death,

Slim is not healthy formula, you will become nervous, your organs not get sufficient energy to work.

To burn fat diet is not at all solution, 100% wrong,

Semen is the only material which burns the Fat in our body,

The indication of fat content in your body is loss of semen,

Semen converts food into blood,

Semen converts blood into flesh,

Semen converts flesh into fat,

Semen converts fat into bone,

Semen converts bone into bone marrow,

Semen keeps your brain healthy,

Semen keeps your heart healthy,

Semen keeps your liver, kidney healthy,

Totally semen keeps all the organs in your body healthy.

Save semen, live happy life,

Make your life beautiful by following s-formula(save semen).


I hope you have realized the value of semen (S-formula).


S.R.Swamy (Author)

Karnataka - INDIA.(M-09632559162)

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