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Strategi Akomodasi Komunikasi Intercultural Romantic Relationship

(Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa Indonesia dan Mahasiswa Asing)

Awal: Perkenalan nama, usia, asal dari mana, dan sudah berapa lama menjalin hubungan.

1. Kapan kalian bertemu dan apa yang membuat kalian tertarik untuk berpacaran?

(When did you meet your girlfrend/ boyfriend and what makes you interested in


2. Selama menjalin hubungan satu sama lain, kebiasaan apa yang berbeda dalam

sehari-hari kalian? (What different custom you experience from each other?)

3. Apa yang menarik dari menjalin hubungan dengan seseorang yang berasal dari

negara yang berbeda? (What interesting about having a romantic relationship with

someone from different country?

4. Apakah ada kebiasaan atau budaya pasangan yang aneh menurut kamu aneh?

(Are there any strange habits or culture that you think is strange from your


5. Apa pernah berkonflik selama berpacaran? Dan karena apa? (Have you ever

been in a conflict with your girlfriend/ boyfriend?)

6. Apa yang kamu lakukan ketika terjadi konflik dengan pasangan? (What do you

do when you are having an argument with your partner?)

7. Apa hal yang menurut kamu berbeda saat berpacaran dengan orang asing dan

orang yang berasal dari budaya yang sama? (Based on your opinion, what is the

difference between dating foreigner and dating a person that from the same

culture/ country as yours?)

8. Apakah kalian pernah kesulitan untuk berkomunikasi? (Have you ever had

difficulty communicating?)


9. Apakah kamu pernah mengalami culture shock dengan pacarmu? Have you

ever experience culture shock from your girlfriend?)

10. Apa yang membuat kamu yakin untuk berpacaran dengan orang asing? (What

make you sure to date people from different culture than yours?)

11. Sebelum menjalani hubungan, kalian sebelumnya sudah kenal terlebih dahulu,

apakah ada persepsi yang muncul di benak kalian mengenai pasangan kalian yang

berasal dari negara dan budaya yang berbeda dengan kalian? (Before dating, you

already know your current boyfriend/ girlfriend, do you have any thought about

them coming from different country, like stereotype about them?)

12. Setelah menjalankan hubungan, stereotip seperti apa yang ternyata berbeda

dari pemikiran kalian? (After dating, what stereotype is wrong about your

girlfriend/ boyfriend?)

13. Apakah ada budaya yang berbeda antara kalian dan apakah ada budaya yang

ternyata mirip? (Is there a different culture and similar culture you experience?)

14. Apa ekspektasi kalian dalam menjalin hubungan dengan orang yang berbeda

kebangsaan? (What’s your expectation dating people from a different culture and


15. Pernah tidak salah satu dari kalian mengalah terhadap suatu masalah atau


16. Bagaimana cara kalian menyesuaikan diri dengan perbedaan masing-masing?


17. Bagaimana cara kalian memaknai budaya yang berbeda, misalnya sifat

individualisme & kebersamaan, dan lain-lainnya?

18. Apakah ada hal yang kalian masing-masing sesuaikan dengan pasangan

kalian? Komunikasi, pakaian, dan lain-lain.


19. Apakah ada dari value yang berbeda yang kalian miliki? Misalnya dari segi

agama atau value lainnya?

20. Bagaimana pola pikir kalian memengaruhi cara kalian berkomunikasi?

Apakah ada dari cara pola pikir kalian yang berbeda?

21. Apakah ada gaya hidup kalian yang berbeda? Dan apakah hal tersebut

memengaruhi kalian dalam menjalin hubungan?

22. Kalian bisanya berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan Bahasa apa?

23. Apakah salah satu dari kalian tertarik mempelajari Bahasa pasangan?

24. Sebelumnya kalian pernah berpacaran dengan orang yang berasal dari budaya

yang sama? Apakah ada gaya pacaran yang berbeda sekarang kalian berpacaran

dengan orang yang berasal dari budaya berbeda?

25. Apakah ada perihal stereotip yang mempengaruhi hubungan kalian?

26. Sebelum kalian saling berpacaran, menjalin hubungan seperti sekarang,

adakah pandangan negatif tentang satu sama lain dari segi stereotip atau budaya


27. Apakah kalian merasa satu sama lain berusaha mengakomodasi komunikasi

yang terjadi? Misalnya apakah salah satu dari kalian memasukkan kosakata

Bahasa ibu masing-masing percakapan dan lainnya?

28. Apa yang kalian lakukan ketika terjadi perbedaan pendapat?

29. Bagaimana cara komunikasi kalian dalam level non verbal? Apakah ada

gestur, intonasi, sentuhan yang kalian lakukan saat berkomunikasi?

30. Adakah Gerakan tubuh yang kalian sadari dar pasangan kalian masing-

masing? Yang menurut kalian unik atau menarik?

31. Bagaimana cara kalian menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi dalam hubungan



32. Bolehkan ceritakan saat pertama kali kalian bertemu dan belum memasuki

tahapan pacaran?

33. Apakah selama masa pdkt (pendekatan), ada tidak hal-hal yang berbeda yang

kalian rasakan?

34. Setelah pacaran, apakah ada hal yang kalian rasa berubah dari hubungan


35. Apa pandangan kalian terhadap hubungan kalian di masa depan?

36. Saat kalian berselisih atau berkonflik, apa yang kalian lakukan untuk

memperbaiki masalah tersebut?



Tanggal: Rabu, 21 April 2021 (20:03 – 22:13)

Tempat: ZOOM

Partisipan: SW dan SV

Moderator: Indakhila Vidya Putri - Transkrip sebagai IVP


- SW Mahasiswa DKV Universitas Shu Te yang berlokasi di Kaohsiung,

Taiwan. Sudah menjalani hubungan dengan SV selama 1 bulan

- SV Mahasiswa International Tourism and Hospitality di universitas I-

Shou yang berada di Kaohsiung, taiwan. Sudah menjalin hubungan dengan

SW selama 8 bulan.

Pertanyaan Jawaban

IVP: Okay, Good afternoon

everyone. Maybe before I start

interviewing both of you. I will

introduce myself first. My name is

Indakhila, you can call me Inda.

SW call me Inda.

Maybe before we started, maybe

both of you can introduce yourself

first. SW can introduce yourself in

Indonesia and SV can introduce in

English. You can strart first SW

SW: Just call her Inda

SV: Nice to meet you Inda

IVP: Nice to met you too.

SW: No, no. SV start first


SV: Hi, my name is SV. I Come From Russia

studying in Taiwan. I'm 20 almost 21 years old.

And… Yeah, ready to answer your questions. What

else?. If anything else, I can add some more

information about myself.


- Introduction

IVP: Okay, more information is better.

SV: What else?

IVP: Maybe your major, hobby, etc

SV: Well, my major is international tourism and

Hospitality in I-Shou University and well as for

hobbies, I like to do plenty of stuff Sports, hang out

with friends and of oh yeah I'm quite, quite

desperate person when it comes to the activities I'm

basically the ready.

IVP: Alright, thank you so much! Next SW

SW: Perkenalkan, nama saya SW. Kebetulan

sekarang saya tinggal Kaoshiong, bagian selatan

Taiwan. Saya jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual di

Shu Te University dan sekarang sama kayak Inda,

ada di tahun terakhir universitas. Hahaha, grogi.

IVP: it’s okay

SW: Untuk Hobi, kalua gak nonton Netflix, baca

novel. Kalau enggak ya itu, ngumpul sama temen.

IVP: Ok, thank you.

IVP: Maybe we can start from the

first question. The first question is.

Okay, for the first question maybe

SV: Well, we meet at a party, a friends gathering.

There was only SW and DS (The host) and DS

girlfriend. So of course they introduce me to SW.

I'mSV, blah blah blah and I thought it would be nice


SV can answer first. The question

is, How did you meet SW?

to get to know her better and yep. Throughout the

night, we had an opportunity to talk with each other

about different topics and different stuff and it was

so engaging and so interesting. So that we spent

maybe around like 80% of the party just talking but

like basically about our self . So, I was talking about

my life in Taiwan. She was talking about how she

was doing in Taiwan so far. Yep, it was just a nice

time talking to each other.

IVP: Okay, Thank you. Next SW, how was it from

your point of view? Kalau dari pov lu gimana?

SW: Okay, because it's a house party. So of course

we drank and I just, what is it? Like, I just got after

I got out from a relationship, from a long-term

relationship. So what I was planning to do in the

parties just to drink and then meet friends, you

know, like meeting new people and by the time we

really talked only like both of us. I remembered I

was already pretty tipsy almost drunk. Like I

remember Snippets of it but not the full of it. Yeah.

So that’s it. But, but, I remember like, it's so fun.

Like hearing hearing SV telling his stories, like his

life stories and how he decided to come to Taiwan.

IVP: Okay, maybe because we are talking about

your life ini Taiwan, maybe I will ask why did you

guys decide to study in Taiwan for your university?

SW can answer first.


SW: The reason why I came to Taiwan is because

like my parents are encouraging me to learn

Chinese as you know in that. Like you remembered,

right? Like my options are either going to National

University in Indonesia or going to Taiwan because

like I don't want to go to the private university in

Indonesia because like most of our classmates are

going to that University and yeah. And then after

I… What is it? I see like how much how much is

the total cost of living in Taiwan and also the tuition

fee, like it's not not so much different from

Indonesia, so I decided to come here to also learn


IVP: Okay, SV the same question?

SV: Well, for me, it was like all of a sudden

decision. I was just planning to, you know, go to

studying Russian University because I could study

there for free. since I've done my graduation tests

like quite well, but all of a sudden, my friend who

was studying here in Taiwan she's like a friend of a

family. And she ask me. “So, what's your plans after

school?” And like, “I don't know. Probably just go

to the Russian University have fun.” And she “how

about studying abroad?” “What, where?” she likes

“Taiwan.” Like, “where the hell is that?” and she

say “Well, yeah. It's a nice Island”. And, by the time


she told me she was doing… She was doing maybe

like, either sophomore or Junior year.

She was like, “yeah, why don't you come here after

school? Like all you need is just basically English

that's it and it's always better to study abroad rather

than in your own country” and I like “yeah, why

not” so well for about a year. I was studying

English because like, I haven't, I couldn't speak

English at all when she told me about it, and then

yeah, after one year, I applied. I-Shou university.

Yeah, they accepted me and I was like well it seems

like I'm going to Taiwan since that time.

IVP: I’m kinda curious, where do you live in Rusia.

Like where is you city, the name of it.

SV: Well I live in a city called Нижний Новгород

(Nizhny Novgorod).

IVP: Ok… hahaha

SV: It’s actually not that far from Moscow.

Something like, 400… 460 Km. Yeah so, it’s pretty

much in central Rusia.

IVP: Okay, next question. Do you

notice any difference from

nonverbal communication? For

example from the way you touch,

gesture, intonation, and

communication style, etc? Maybe

SW can answer first.

SW: hmmm, maybe because I have been studying

in Taiwan for several years before I meet him, I

kinda don’t feel any difference from him. Or maybe

I’m simply use to it. Maybe what I feel different

from people back in Indonesia is touch. I never had

romantic relationship with people from the same

background or culture from me (dari Indonesia).

But, looking at my friend, I notice most of them is


not very touchy. When I first talking with SV, he

hold my hand all the time and that was our first

meeting. After dating, we have skinship like

holding hand, hug, resting my head, and other stuff.

I notice that a lot of Indonesian is kinda shy, I

mean… they do some skinship like holding hand

and that’s it mostly. But, not only me, like most of

my friend here does a lot of skinship with their

boyfriend/girlfriend. Maybe because SV is my

second relationship, I have some experience that

makes me feel use to it. Well, at first I kinda feel

overwhelm by the amouth of touching and our

relationship progress quite fast and it just really a

new sensation for me. My ex doesn’t skinship this

much. So, this feel new and at first I kinda feel…

scared? Weird? Not use to it. It’s quite frustrating

because I like him. But, yeah I just not really use to


IVP: How about other stuff, like intonation, gesture,


SW: Hmmm, I feel like both of us have a very

similar gesture, communication style, and

intonation. What I know is SV is very playful. But,

I don’t think that have anything to do with him

growing up in Rusia. But, I do feel that he is more

likely not to beating around the bush. I mean, Asian

like Indonesia, sometimes feel bad talking to

someone about sensitive subject. But, SV is more…


more… to the point when talking. And I apprecieate

it. So yeah I think that’s it.

IVP: Please explain more about “to the point when


SW: I mean, as Asian we sometimes like to hide

talking about some subject and feel not confortable

talking about it. For example when doing some

mistake. We most likely to hide it rather than talk

about it. But, yeah SV and most of my friends that

come from Western country is more open. Not

hiding stuff.

IVP: Okay, next SV. Same question.

SV: What is the question again?

IVP: Any difference from nonverbal

communication? For example from the way you

touch, gesture, intonation, and communication style,


SV: Well I don’t really notice it from SW. I think

we do what many couple does. We hold hands,

hugging, and many other stuff. It’s normal for me

and I don’t think that is weird or unusual couple

behavour. One thing that SW tell me about

Indonesian is that sexual stuff is usually for married

couple only, where in Rusia, it’s something that

happen both in marriage couple and dating. Overall

I do think, that is something usual happen in Rusia.


IVP: How about other stuff like eye contact,

intonation, gesture, any stuff that you feel maybe

different or odd?

SV: Hmm, not really. Maybe… uhh, like she talk

more slowly than me. And I notice that she don’t

talk openly abou certain subject. Like she usually

talk abou someone or something that makes her

mad when it just both of us and when we do meet

with that person, she smile and act casual. I guess

she just doesn’t like drama.

IVP: In your relationship, does skinship occur


SV: yeah sure. We like did it many time I think.

Like sometimes I kiss her and I hug her a lot.

IVP: apakah skinship tersebut kayak mengagetkan

buat lu SW?

SW: Awalnya iya, soalnya kayak smooth banget

dia. Kayak udah biasa. Kalau gw kan gak ya. Kayak

di Indonesia itu kan budayanya gak terlalu terbuka

begitu soal pacaran. Pas pertama kali ciuman

(dengan mantan pacar) rasanya kayak nervous

banget sampai gak bisa gerak. Sekarang sih sama

SV udah biasa sih. Kayak lama-lama terbiasa.


IVP: Kayak, apa yang lu lakukan buat

menyesuaikan diri dengan skinship kayak gitu?


SW: Mungkin awalnya rasanya kaget aja ya, tapi

lama-lama kalau misalnya dia pegang tangan gw,

gw bales genggam tangannya. Terus lama-lama gw

juga yang ajak pelukan kayak buka tangan gw, terus

kayak… hahahahah (tertawa, tersipu) begitu deh…

IVP: Okay, next question. What

different custom you experience

from each other? Maybe because

you come from different culture,

Indonesia and Russia. It’s kinda

different. Maybe we can start from

SV first.

SV: I wouldn’t say there are much differences is

just like, yes, some cultural things that are more

specific for the certain for the areas where we've

come from. Like, for example, she can eat spicy

food. No, SHE LIKE spicy food. She loves to eat

spicy food. Like she put chili on everything. I’m

like Jesus Christ. Why, why would you put chili in

basically everything you consume? She's like “yeah

it's nice. I like it”. Yeah for me it's just like still a

mystery because I I myself I cannot get like spices.

It's like I cannot I don't like it, just burns my mouth.

I don't see why people doing it to themselves, you

know, and then and then also rice basically, Asian

food. Asian food for people who've come from

with, you know, Europe and like that areas, like

Asian food is just something else. You know, it's

just something we've never eaten before and yeah.

SW knows how I'm struggling every time I need to

eat because I just don't like food. This is quite.

frustating. But, as for other things like, yeah, maybe

is this about the knowledge and background we

have because I know more about like you know,

European stuff and like basically everything that

that is about like our society and stuff, she knows


more about Asian because, well, I'm not very, I

wouldn't say I know a lot about Asian culture,

history and stuff. Maybe it's just some Basics and so

is she she does she knows more about Asia like it's

Customs traditions and about some American

maybe European stuff is is that that would be, you

know, a common thing for me would be just like

well I mean and then yeah in the just basic in life,

we exchange our knowledge and Yeah, feeling each

other spaces

IVP: How about you SW?

SW: The only thing that I can. That's very different

for us is like food. This is the only main thing I

guess because someone can't really cannot it rice.

Here we go to Hot Pot, like usually on weekends

like as together with our friends here, who obeyed

hot bun. And usually as like Asians, and then there

are some like, Health Asia Grunts there. They will

be, they will give the rice but server then probably

just eat the meat with the and then cook it in the hot

pot and then he will dump a lot of my mayonnaise

and ketchup and that's basically his meal. Yeah, so

every time we go out together, we can only eat

Western Foods. I'm compromising. I’m

accommodate him. Other than that, maybe there are

some small stuff, but it’s not that big of a deal.

Some people say that I’m more polite than him. But

yeah, growing up we just teach to respect elder,

mind our manner, and stuff like that. But, I also


think in Taiwan it’s more relax. So by the time I

meet him, I’m kinda already use to some western

stuff. Because, some of my friend is from other

country like Europe.

IVP: Any specific thing that maybe you think it’s

weird or “wow that’s so different from Russia?”

SV: Maybe I think she tell me about Indonesia

medical alternative. Like making a red wound at the

back to let the “wind” outh of the body. I think it’s

very bixare. Other than that, I think yeah, mostly

it’s food that very very unusual for me.

IVP: How about belief, like is that

any difference to that?

SW: Maybe like, because I was, I was raised being

religious, so I am comparing the SV. I am more

religious than him anyway, right? Like growing up I

learn about being a Buddhist, went to Vihara every

week, and overall practice it. Because like, yeah, I

don't know, you better explain this. Like I think,

you know, it better look like this Orthodox and I

don't know.

SV: Yeah, so yeah, it's from what I know from. So I

heard from SW, like Indonesia is very religious

Place. Like most of the people their religious and

follow its like well yeah everyone can say I'm like a

Buddhism Muslim Christian and but people they're

actually follow the religion, telling them to do like

the going to church like they may be to some

praying. In Russia, like, yeah, technically, we were


Orthodox Christians, but, you know, I haven't, I

haven't met a single religious person in my life

when I was back there (Russia). I mean, yeah, some

people would say like, yeah, I'm believe in god, but

even those who just say they believe in God, it's a

30% - 20%, the others. They just, we don't care, we

don't care if this comes from. Yeah, it just comes in,

there is an explanation to that because in Soviet

Union which A big-ass country before Russian and

a bunch of other countries. So Soviet Union, the

Communists. They said like there is no God and in

the early Soviet Union they were even you know

blowing up all the churches and then they were like

religion was forbidden and of course it left a mark

this society. And yeah, even though later they were

kind of ease up religion stuff but still still

nowadays, you can like see the People are not

religious at all and so was me like yeah, how I was

also like always. I was always considering myself

like yeah, I'm an Orthodox Christian but I haven't

done a single religious thing in my life. I don't

know, any prayers? I only go to churches because

I'm curious about how they look inside and they do

look inside very beautifully, but yeah. I never went

to No. I never pray whatsoever. So yeah. And then

and my parents are like this as well. I don't go to

church. So that's why it's probably affected me that

way. Yeah. But when I come to Taiwan met SW

and then she tells me all about like, how people are


religious and for me just Well, okay, I guess. Yes,

they know better.

IVP: Do you have any problem with your different


SW: Well I don’t necessary think that non religious

person is bad and in modern society, I think it’s

becoming less and less relevant. And I think what

matter is the action not what you belief in. And SV

is a nice person so I don’t really see any problem

with it. To be honest, when we just become official,

I do feel kinda… conflicted? I mean in Indonesia

religion is important and I’m kinda conflicted about

my family and what other stuff. But, I figure rather

than thinking about it, I should give it a try.

IVP: How about you SV?

SV: Yeah, I just think it’s odd because it’s different

from Russia. But, I do believe that people can

believe what they want so yeah… why not?

IVP: What about your parents and family? What

they think about it?

SW: Well my mom is a religious person. But, I

don’t think it’s gonna be a problem… But who


SV: Well, my parents know SW and they are very

okay with everything.


IVP: Okay, next question. What is

interesting about having a romantic

relationship with someone from a

different country? Maybe we start

from Sawani first.

SW: I guess like I think it's more interesting in a

way because you learn a lot of like their culture.

They're almost like their culture and I feel like

dating People living people that are not from your

own country. I feel like they're more open-minded

in a way because both of you are not from the same

country. So you are trying… when someone when

the other one is trying to tell you, like, their life

experience or blab la bla, I think they will be more

understanding and will be more open to it than

people with then dealing with people from the same

country. I think like that.

SV: Well, first of all, like she said, it's just feels

different, you know. I've pretty much like… she had

like, relationship with Indonesian boys. I had a

relationship with Russian girls and so I can com…

We can compare and it just it just feels different. It's

just a completely different experience in terms that.

Well, sometimes this you learn like about Look to

the new culture but new country, it's it's just

different. It feels better. There are a lot of ways that

you can improve yourself in this relationship

because you can learn from each other. And there

are just a lot of things that you can teach and learn.

It is amazing.

IVP: Okay, what interesting culture do you

experience from dating each other? Maybe because

you guys already dating for how long?


SV: Since November. But, before we make it

official, we already exlusive. So aroung 8 month I


SW: yeah I think so.

IVP: So yeah what interesting about Indonesia


SW: Well, actually my first introduction to

Indonesia happened, I would say on my second day.

Cuz my first friends here were Indonesian. Ah,

yeah. Like I'm mostly in the school. I mostly hang

out with Indonesian as well. Yeah and my first

second year, like if I go somewhere like The party

in the city in the nation through do with you know

Indonesian and why I was hanging out with

Indonesian it’s just because for me like they're just

like such a like cool guy, it was like fun to working

and play with them because like some other Asian I

feel like… let's say Vietnamese or Taiwanese is

more close (private person) like I feel like they're

very close, you know. I would say Indonesian, they

do know how to have fun and for me it was just like

yeah, I was even going like, Indonesia Russia will

be one because we are alike. Boys like… we are

similar in many like views? On the same things. So

would like have some opinion and same thing, you

know, views on the same things and then, yeah,

then I meet my girlfriend and starting to learn more

about Indonesia And what can I say? Yeah, I would

really love to visit Indonesia one day because from


what I heard, yeah, I mean Indonesia do have some

nice place. Apart from like, Jakarta and stuff. The

real nice Islands how I'm sure I would like yeah.

And since I already love the people, I'm a hundred

percent sure. It's going to be an awesome trip.

IVP: How about you SW?

SW: Hmmm… What interesting about Russian

culture… What interesting about Russian culture,

let me think. It's like so many of it so because like

my boyfried is telling me about the food and that

also did music, mostly about the music. I guess it's

very interesting because he love to listen to what is

it like Russian rocks or rap? And also I guess like

Like bases from several stories while he was having

such a blast when he was still living in Russia. Like

hanging out with his friends and then like, for

example, like swimming in the middle of winter,

like how could you guys do that, like this, you guys

must be, must not be a human to be able to do that.

What else? Yeah, I think it's mostly the same with

him because like, for example, he has comparison

with other Indonesian before, but for me. I've never

been to Russia and the only Russian person I've

ever met and known is only him. So like Mostly is

like also his his own life experience, not only

Russia in general, I guess. I can't really say a lot

about Russia but it's very interesting. Like I learned

a lot about Russia after like it's very different from

other European countries, Like he always say, don't


compare Russia to other European countries

because it's not because it's very different. Yeah, it's

very interesting that way.

IVP: How about a strange habit? Do you notice any

habbit that you think it’s odd?

SW: Stange habbit… Strange habbit? Hmm I can’t

really think of anything

IVP: Kayak kebiasaan aneh yang mungkin tiba-tiba

dia lakuin gitu?

SW: Iya gw lagi mikir sih, nothing come to minds.

How about you?

SV: For me I think what strange is her chili

consumtion. Like I say before. It’s really weird how

she put chili on everything.

IVP: Okay, next question. Have

you ever been in a conflict with

each other?

SV: Actually not, I don't remember a single conflict,

you know, I mean, it's only been 8 months, but for 8

months, I know. I don't think now, we didn't have

like, a single conflict

SW: Yeah. Yeah. Most of the time we're just

exchanging, thoughts and you cannot say that it's a

conflict. Because we're not arguing

IVP: How about a different opinion? Do you guys

have different opinion abou something sometimes?

SW: Hahaha, Don’t evn start with different opinion.

IVP: Okay, I will start from Sawani first since you

clearly have something to say.


SW: He have unique opinion about certain subject.

I remember, one of the question that we talk much

is when American election. What is it? Presidental

election? And then he ask me… Who are you? Who

are you gonna vote if you live in America? And I

say of course Biden not Trump. And he say “Why

Biden, Trump is clearly better?” and I was shock

like how is Trump is better because he is racist,

basicly he is… He is not a decent human being in

my… in my point of view. And then he, he started

to explain being recist is… is… In president being

racist is… I kinda forget what he said. Basicly

Trump personality doesn’t really effect him being

the president.

SV: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

SW: Like yeah he is saying that sort of stuff that

really bizarre for me.

SV: Yeah, like basicly Trump as a president. Like

he is the only one that didn’t start any war. Like he

didn’t start any war and he do care about the

economic of American. He raise the tax in many

economic sector. Like he is strating to… Like why

he start being a racist is to stop the flow of illegal

immigrant and than the left liberal social media, just

put the image of him being a racist. So yeah now a

lot of people. Like now people just read of him

being bad, when they didn’t know about what he

done during his presidency. So yeah I ask it because

I just wondering what would she do. But then she

say “Of course Biden” and I was like “Why” and


then she say “because Trump is a racist” and we just

exchange our thought about some subject.

IVP: Any other example beside politic?

SW: We mostly talk about politic. When we are

having some sort of a debate. We mostly talk about

politc, not our personal relationship.

SV: (laughing) Personal relationship, I feel like

there is nothing to talk about.

SW: Yeah, like we don’t have anything to debate.

IVP: How about other different world topic like

environmental or anything else?

SW: hahaha, ask him. If he want to start the debate

about all of this.

IVP: Hahaha, okay, maybe SV want to answer the


SV: Well, we do talk about multiple topic and…

But. It’s usually me who started this topic and I’m


SW: Yeah, he is that friend in a group that like to

talk about that stuff.

SV: yeah, I like talking about main topic about

anything. Like we usually have completely different

view from each other. But, we are pretty open about

everything. So I have to explain to her about my

point of view. Like how is she wrong about her

oopinion. And yeah like we maybe talk about

equality and different stuff, politic as well, yeah we

talk a lot. Like because we have opposite point of


view, we just have a really open and interesting

conversation. She even call me racist sometimes.

SW: yeah, that because you are. Hahahaha.

SV: I’m not, I’m not, hahahaha.

SW: Like, he would like saying stuff like. There is

no more white supremacy. There is Black and Asian

supremacy. I feel so attack by that statement.

SV: hahahah.

SW: And he like to say stuff like there is no white

privilege. Like what? One time the aunty in the

canteen will give him like free stuff like free fried

chicken and I was like how is it not a privilege. And

he will say like, “no I was just a kind person tahta’s

why they give me a bunch of free stuff.”

SV: I am, I’m just being a nice person, that’s why

they like to give me a bunch of free stuff. It has

nothing to do with skin.

SW: no like, remember whe we went to Indonesian

restaurant and you and the other foreign student get

a discount when me, the one who bring you there

got nothing. And I was just like (exhale). And we

always just talk about stuff like that. Our conflict is

more like that, I don’t think it can called a conflict

because we just exchange our opinion.

SV: yeah so it’s like that.

IVP: So it’s like both of you have a different



SW: Yeah, but like he like to do that. For his own

amusement. Like he want to see other people


IVP: It’s quite interesting, but like there is no

conflict because of that different opinion or like one

of you got angry because of that statement?

SV: She… She will get angry sometimes about the

thing I say. But, yeah, it’s never make like a bigger

argument bacuse we know we are not serious or


SW: yeah, he just like to say that for the sake of..

SV: For the sake of entertainment.

IVP: Hahahaha.

IVP: Okay, moving on to the next

question. How is your dating


Okay, in your opinion, what is the

difference between dating a

foreigner and someone with the

same cultural background as you?

Like how is it progress, and how is

the relationship different?

SW: yeah, yeah

SV: Hmmm (Nodding)

SW: Yeha, I kinda don’t understand because I only

have one Ex and he is not from Indonesia.

(Japanese). So I can’t really say how is it different

from dating an Indoneisan. Cause I never had that

experience. But, from listening from my friend like

sometime they will confide in me.Like I notice that

a lot of Indonesian is really take it slow. Like they

will start from a text and yeah, with him I think the

progress is really fast. Like I feel like foreigner is

really active in pursuing the girl/boy. Like not only

texting, they will actually do many thing. Like,

saying “Hey you wanna hang out”. I think maybe


Indonesian is kinda shy I guess? Yeah I can only

say that.

IVP: How about you SV?

SV: Well, I do have some experience with Russian

girls. And… yeah I mean it’s just feel different from

any of my past relationship. Well I think first of all I

was dating some Russian girl when I was just really

just a different person back then. I started when I

was just 15 or 16 and it ended when I came to

Taiwan. And I’m single for the past 2 year. It was

just, it’s feel really different. From what we talk

about, to what the relationship progress, to how it

feels. It’s just really different. First of all, because I

myself is different person. Comparing to what I was

like, when I was 16, 17, 18 and I don't know, it's

just feel different. It's kind of interesting in a way

because there are more thing to learn (dating a

foreigner). I guess, maybe just actually it's hard to

say what's exactly different, like, or what is better,

what is worse? Is it's Literally dependent on the

person you're dating. You can you can date like a

perfect like girl from your country and then met a

terrible girl from a foreign country and of course

your experience would be like different and vice

versa. So so far I'm enjoying the Relationship with a

SW as a foreigner because it's just like, she's an

amazing person and we have like amazing time

together. And then, yeah. And then when I was

dating a Russian girl with was like, I was in a


completely different like life situation, I had like

school, I had a plenty of stuff like to do after school,

I didn't have that much of a free time that

relationship was more like just you know, having

fun together hanging out, but we can’t call it

something serious. I have to say that in a way dating

a people from the same culture is easier because we

are more likely to understand each other more. I’m

not saying like feeling and stuff. But more like how

we think. Like in Russia there is a certain topic that

we both know, we both understand, maybe inside

jokes and stuff. Bacuse you know, someone from

the same country can understand where somethings

is coming from. For SW we have so much

difference that it’s fun. We exchange thought, learn

more, and overall if we can be open and

understanding with each other, we can connect in a

much deeper level.

IVP: Ok, that’s very interesting.

IVP: But, let me ask you. Do you guys have any

expectation dating a foreigner?

SW: Hmmmmmmm, I guess it’s more like… For

me I kinda nervous about it because I don’t really

have any idea how it feels like. Maybe I thought it

would be more intense I guess from Indonesian?

More wild? But yeah because my ex boyfriend is

also a foreigner, I think I can adapt better with my

current Boyfriend.

IVP: Ok, how about you SV?


SV: Maybe because I know a lot of Indonesia

before dating SW, I kinda think maybe we can have

a lot of fun together. But if we are talking like Asian

in general, I kinda expect she is shy and doesn’t talk

much and very-very private. But, yeah so far SW is

really fun and nice.

IVP: OK, next question. Have you

ever had difficulty communicating

with each other? Like maybe there

is some languages barrier between

the two of you?

SW: I would say not really because he and I can

speak English pretty fluently. So there are no

languages barrier for us. Like, we have the same

joks and so we don’t really have difficulty talking

and yeah there are no any barrier between us in

terms of communicating.

IVP: How about accent? I notice when SV speak

there are some accent? And Sawani there is also a

little bit of accent, is there any difficulty with it?

SV: Well, me personaly I don’t think I have any

Russian accent.

SW: yeah, you should hear when he talk in Russian

and now his English don’t really have thick accent


SV: So what… It was on my first year in Taiwan,

my accent is still quite thick. Actually SW. Now she

doesn't have this (accent), like, I've heard worse. At

least I did understand her. And then, and I feel like

my accent. Yeah, I might have some accent from

time to time, but basically our… both of our

accents, they're just, you know, something. Pretty

much similar to… yeah. Pretty much (we)

understand each other and like… I'm like, I'm a


hundred percent sure that we have no problem and

understanding each other. Actually, when we talk

for the first time, at the party. I notice she talk quite

fast and as a result sometimes I can’t catch what is

she saying. But, other than that not really.

IVP: All right.

IVP: Okay, next question. Okay,

maybe we can talk about culture

shock. What made it would be have

already talked about it before, but

what is the what is the time when

you feel like? Wow, it's really

different, it's really shocking for

you. Okay, I'll start from SW first

SW: Us dating right now. I don't experience much

the culture shock, but from hearing your (SV)

stories, I feel like I have a culture shock. Like when

you were when you were 16, you know, what is it?

Like, I think what is it like, After like it sounds like

after like in holidays you will will partying with

your friends and that's us for Indonesia. I don't like

if it's Indonesian culture or it's just like our… how

like, our upbringing because like my family with all

my friends, I'd say we're almost the same like, how

we are raised. So we don't drink alcohol at that age,

we don't party. I think the first time I drank alcohol

was when I came here in Taiwan and I was already

like 19. That's I'm 19 years old. So yeah, yeah. And

even when we have like this 17th birthday

celebration, we don't really drink alcohol, right? It's

just like me have.

IVP: How about you SV?

SV: Well, my only culture shocks. Yeah, wouldn't

even call them shock just differences. I will say this

is spins around the food because there are some

things that Asians eat that I would never ever ever

imagine that a human could possibly eat. Yeah. And


then it's just yeah. And then also With the weather.

It's too hot in Taiwan for me. And SW told me, it's

even hoter in Indonesia. I mean this winter is nice

but like summer is just something else. Yeah then in

other things I'm pretty much. Okay, I guess

IVP: Ohhh interesting.

IVP: Okay, how about hurdles? I

mean challenge you face in your


SW: Hmmmmm…. Apa ya? Challenge? I think it’s

more like the image of our relationship. All of our

friend is very supportive. But, some of people we

know like to judge. Like “oh you don’t like

someone from the same country as you” or “wow

why would a European date an Asian?” something

like that. I mean it doesn’t effect our relationship.

But still.. Ouch?

IVP:Okay, how about you SV?

SV: Well… hmmm I don’t really notice it before?

So I can’t say anything.

SW: yeah I think it’s more like an image of

European dating an Asian, sometimes people talk.

IVP: Okay, I will move to the next

question. Let’s talk about

strereotype. Like SW you know

about Russia before meet SV and

SV you know about Indonesia

before meeting SW. So like, what

stereotype you have about each

other country before dating each

SW: With Russia. I think of Vodka and It's like

what kind of very extreme extreme climate like the

winter is really cold. Yeah, I think I only know what

that I don't know before I met somebody. I don't

really know anything about Russia. Maybe this is

not a stereotype, more like a impression. Like

Russia people is cold and unfriendly, full of

handsome and pretty people. But yeah, I kinda


other? Maybe I will start with SW


scared of him when we first met. Like he is big and

I kinda imagine him as a cold person and yeah that

makes me kinda intimidated and scared.

IVP: Okay, anything else?

SW: Yeah I think that’s about it.

IVP: Okay, let’s moving on to SV. What is you

stereotype about Indonesian? Before u date SW?

SV: Since I, my only knowledge was coming

directly from Indonesian, not from other because

when I’m I Russia, I’m not really know anything

about Indoensia. Just know that country exist. And

of course, when I come here on my first year in

Taiwan. I meet with my classmates (Indonesian)

and when I was like asking them what Indonesia are

like, “yeah, it's okay, nice place. Just get it, flood

some time now. And people think that we Only

work as domestic helpers but the rest are fine” and

like they told me. What are the stereotypes? But

yeah, I couldn't say I had any problems with

Indonesia. I just knew what the common stereotype

because they told me and that was a Okay I guess.

Like I can’t say it’s my own thinking because.

IVP: Okay, how about negative stereotype? Do you

have any negative stereotype with each other?

SV: Hmmm, I don’t know any negative stereotype.

Yeah I mean, I don’t know if this is stereotype or

no. But I do hear that they like to gossip.


SW: (Laughing) But yeah, like I told you before

before I meat SV, I don’t really know much about

Russia. So yeah, I don’t really know negative

stereotype about Russia. Maybe cold and

unfriendly, but again, I don’t think it’s like a

sterotype more like an impression.

IVP: Hahaha okay, but like with that stereotype you

have? What stereotype do you think is correct about

each othe culture or what stereotype prove to be

false? Maybe we can start from SW first.

SW: Well, after dating with SV because like I said,

he will tell me stories about Russia, and that I will

be. I will be interested in that and then I will search

in the, on the internet. And then like, of course,

people will come up with stereotypes like the

Adidas, like, Russians like to wear Addidas and it's

true. I can say it's true. Like he has this one pair of

Adidas pens and he really loved it and and then he

teared the pans and he's like, no, no. Like, Russians

love Addidas. And of course winter. Like the

coldest winter I've ever… I've ever felt when I when

I'm here, like in my four years, almost four years of

living in Taiwan, that's my that's the coldest winter

for me because it comes from, it's like 9 degrees

Celsius. And usually, it usually it's only in Taipei

that the temperature is that low, but I was very cold.

Like I even took out my winter coat that I… that

I…. that I wore when I went to Japan and then SV

was just wearing like what is? like like normal


sweater like just like that. And then when it's like 15

degrees outside, I would wear a sweater and he just

wearing a t-shirt and shorts sound like what? It's not

cold?. He is like “no this is the perfect weather. It's

like it's summer nice in Russia.” Like what in the

world is that?

SV: Hahaha

IVP: hahaha, what about you impression about cold

and unfriendly.

SW: yeah, I’m mean people are different even when

they coming from the same culture. For SV, I think

he is the most friendly person in our group of


IVP: How about you SV? I know you say you

personally doesn’t have any stereotype about

Indonesia. But from what you hear and after dating

SW. Likw what you think “oh it’s kinda true”

SV: Honestly, not really. Like I don’t really have

any stereotype and there is nothing SW done so far

that would trigger me like “such typical of

Indonesian” So… I cannot… I cannot say. I cannot

say anything

IVP: Alrighty. Moving on. Like

you have dating from around 5 and

exclusive so around 8 month. What

culture that you think it’s similar

between Russian and Indonesian?

Like ohh actually it’ similar with

what we do in Russia or in

SV: You mean like similarity between Indonesia

and Russia?

IVP: yeah, yeah! Based on your opinion.

SV: There is not much. Maybe I think that we both

like to have fun?

SW: Hahaha, maybe it’s just because we happen to

love having fun.


Indonesia. Do you have experience

about it?

SV: yeah, maybe just a certain number of people. Bt

yeah, there is some similar thing, in anywhere. But,

yeah I would say there is a lot of difference.

IVP: How about you SW?

SW: Russians are as loud as Indonesians really, you

know. Yeah, they're they're even louder than I was

saying. Yeah, yeah. Because like, if you compare

Indonesian to Taiwanese of personal relations are

very loud, like a bunch of people We're talking but

Ian Russians are louder. Well, at least the same as


IVP: Alright, moving on. How

about your lifestyle? Do you have

different lifestyle from each other?

And does it effect you relationship?

SV: I would say no. I mean like we mostly pretty

similar. Like… I like what she like and she like

what I like.

IVP: How about a simple lifestyle? Like who is the

most responsible or who is the night owl, morning

person and other stuff?

SW: I mean SV and I practically is a night owl. I

can stay awake until 3 am.

SV: Yeah, she like to make me sleep late.

SW: But! I’m still wake up early in the morning. So

I can sleep at 3 am. But wake up at 8 am.

SV: somehow.

SW: Somehow, yeah! But it’s like my resposibilty

so I do it. But yeah on weekend I will wake up

maybe around 12 pm or 1 pm. Just 12 hour of sleep.

IVP: So who are more serious about study or

anything else. Please tell me about it.


SW: Maybe because in high school I’m super

diligent and just really just studying as hard as I can

in many clases like history and other. And now I

just have like the graphic design, right? And you

don't really have to learn a lot anything. I'm not that

serious but I know that I'm I'm pretty easily get

stressed. Like I is like I can get stressed very easily

from doing the design work design projects, even

though I liked the design and then SV for example

is very chill. like for example now it's the midterm

and he is pretty chill about it. And he do everthing

in the last minute and still get a good score. Yeah. I

know like from my like 8 months that I've known

him and I've never really seen him like really

prepare for a test, you know, like he can he can just

go to class not knowing there is a test on that day

and he would like blah, blah, blah, blah blah and

you also get a very high score.

SV: It’s because I'm very smart

SW: Hmm yeah? Hahahaha. But yeah, because I get

stress easily and he is more chill, I think he really

understanding about it and never really make our

relationship sour or anything.

IVP: How about you SV? Like I feel SW is more

planning and youa re more chill. So yeah what do

you think about it?

SV: Yeah, that's true. So yeah, she's very

responsible and she, she know she helps me a lot

because I don't really because I don't speak Chinese


first of all. And she can speak Chinese. So she

helped me with many stuff and like yeah I'm

basically I would say she's definitely more

responsible and more responsible than me. I am just

thankfull for that.

SW: Your welcome babe. Hahahaha.

SV: But yeah, like she say, there is not really any

problem with that difference.

IVP: Okay. That on the educational lifestyle. How

about fun stuff? Like night lifestyle?

SW: hahaha. It’s kinda the same.

SV: yeah, after we date. Our night lifstlye is pretty

much the same.

IVP: How is it before?

SV: Maybe I have to say that I drink more and party

more. Like yeah I basicly done that in Russia and

SW like to tell me that she pretty much new in bar

or nightclub.

SW: yea that’s right. Well, when I first met him

even when I was drunk, he thought that I wasn't

drunk when I was talking to him, because I look

normal. I'm like, even before meeting several like I

think I drink sometimes, but now I think I drank

more. as now cause like now we are we on

weekends. We would also hang out with our

friends. So we will go hang out and drink, you

know? So I we at least drink once every week.

Before, maybe it’s like 2 per month. (SW also

starting to vape because of SV).


SV: What funny about her is that sometimes she can

drink a lot and not drunk and sometime she will

have one can of beer and very tipsy.

SW: yeah, I think it’s depend on my cycle

SV: But other funny things about her is like. She is

very nice person, very polite. But, whenever we go

drinking somewhere and she'll do it. She'll get tipsy

or drunk on our way home. She'll be just like so

aggressive towards everyone. We meet in our way

here. Like I remember is it's like funny stories. Like

on our way home she could rant the passing person

who just like come like beside us and then she

would like “You have a problem with me” or

something like that. I'm pretty sure the person

wasn't even looking. Yeah, are like well, we're

walking back on the road is like a car in front of us,

so we had to make it turn to pass. Through it

actually works like that. Huh? And what an idiot.

Angry… angry… comments involved like annoying

stuff but it's only when she is tipsy or drunk.

SW: because I really like when I'm sober, I will try

to restrain myself Saying that out loud. I was just

like Mumble to myself like it, if you don't, like why

is this guy Raisa like this or part like this? But then

when I'm tipsy or drawing, then there will be no

more sensors, no more censorship.

IVP: How is it SW when drunk? Is it like can make

a conflict between the two of you?


SV: no, it’s okay. She is still fine. It’s quite funny


IVP: Do you have any difference value like when

you doing you lifstlye?

SW: Maybe ya… Maybe what I feel the most is like

indualism. I mean I think Russia is more

individualist than Indonesia. So I tend to go to

places with all my friend and rarely going

somewhere alone. But him, like he really doesn’t

care about that stuff. So he can just go somewhere

alone, don’t really think about the other person. As

for me, I really like going somewhere in a group.

SV: yea, I think for me the very Asian thing of her

is that she always try to restrain herself when

talking about certain stuff. That’s why when she got

drunk, it just broke loose. And she’s more like “We

have to plan before going” and I’m pretty much go

with the flow.

IVP: Okay moving on. You both

mainly speak in English when

communicating. Does it sometimes

mix with your first languages? Like

sometime it’s hard to say the word

in English so you say it in Russian

and vice versa.

SV: Yeah, Yeah! Actaully it happen quite a lot.

Like sometime I learn about a certain Indonesian

word ans I tell her like the Russian word for it. Just

sometimes during our talking. I have to say

SW: Yups, it’s like yeah I think it would be nice if I

can speak Russian because I can communicate with

his family and so he can communicate with my



IVP: tell me what are you usually doing when

spending your time together?

SW: We usually go places, hang out, with our

friend, eat, and when we just doing nothing, we

watch Netflix together and maybe watch some

Youtube. SV like to show me like Russian


IVP: What kind of content u guys usually watch?

Like maybe you like to watch more Indonesia,

Russian, or…

SV: Well mostly we… you know watch stuff in

English like. But yeah, sometime she lke to show

me some Indonesia thing, like promotional video

and stuff. And of course I also show her some

Russian content.

IVP: Okay next question, how do

you accommodate each other when


SW: Well we basically can understand each other.

Like I think both of our English is great. Rarely,

when I want to explain him something and he

doesn’t understand, I usually use Google Translate.

Oh like maybe sometime I talk to fast and it’s just

how I speak and sometime he would kinda doesn’t

catch what am I talking about, so now I kinda speak

slower to match him. Oh and like, sometimes

because English is not our first languages and

sometime he and me tend to pronounce something

wrong. So we like to correct each other

pronounciation. Like for example I spell Vehicle

“ve hai kle” and he would correct it.


IVP: Okay, can you tell me about

your relationship before you date?

Like in your “PDKT” Bahasa

Indonesianya SW. Like what

different from that period to now


SW: owwww… Hmm it’s like a period before we

date and just like not officialy a couple. But, we do

know that we both interested in heading toward that

direction. But yeah, it doesn’t feel that different

from now because we both honest with each other

feeling like I like you and you also interested in me.

So far the communication also seems really basicly

the same. It’s just I know him better now and

maybe you can say when we “pdkt” I kinda more

worried. Like if he don’t reply my text quickly. But

yeah now because I know him better, I kinda

understand him more.

IVP: How about you SV?

SV: for me… Hmmmmmmmmm… Well to be

honest I feel really fine. Like I know we have a

good communication and we both understand each

other. And if one don’t understand we talk. But

yeah like, the difference now basicly is we putting a

label like “dating”.

IVP: Okay, how do you vision your

relationship in the future? I will

start with SV first

SV: Like, nobody knows the future, but of course,

like yeah, there are many things that might come up

Like, how long will she stay in Taiwan? How long

will I stay in Taiwan? What's our plans after we

graduate? And there's literally no, there is no will

sense planning because everything might turn up,


you know, accidentally and so I prefer just to enjoy

what do we have now. Just work with what we have

now and like, let's see how the situation develops

and I hope it will develop and like that, our no

relationship will be, you know, satisfied.

IVP: Okay, how about you SW?

SW: Yeah, I think the same with him. Like, see

what is going to happen in the future because of

course, like right now our relationship is really

amazing and I hope and I hope in the future it will

too but of course like there will be changes like

either. It's positive changes or negative changes. I

just hope that we can understand all the changes. If

there will be like, what is it like problems in future.

But, I do think we can solve the problems because I

can talk anything with him.

IVP: So it’s like you stay open and willing to talk

about anything?

SW: yeah… Yeah

SV: yeah, I will say that we both literary can talk

about anything.

IVP: So yeah, I think like you both

have a very different opinion

certain subject, but it never cause an

issue between the two of you? But

like it never make one of you feel

angry about how they think and


SW: yeah, I think it’s because we respect each other

opinions, you know, like We have our own opinions

and when we are exchanging our opinions is just

like, oh, I can learn why you have that, kind of

opinion. So I wouldn't, I wouldn't be angry when

you do when you are disagreeing with me. Because

I'm respecting your opinion, and there are reasons


why you believe in that. So there's no point of being

angry or wanting them to also agree with you, you

know, like, Agree in disagreeing.

IVP: How about you SV like how is it from your

point of view?

SV: same. Like we do discuss different topics but

it's not like they would in any way affect like My

Relations to her and so is it? Yeah, it's interesting to

know other points of view on the same topic and

that's what we do. Basically, we're just exchanging,

thoughts, debating it, discussing it and it's more

entertaining like the whole thing of the debate, it

shouldn’t cause any anger or you know, conflict. It's

just for our own little development and for the sake

of like, you know, just you know, learning more


SW: But yeah, me like the main reason is because

like, we respect each other's ears and that's that's


IVP: okay, maybe I will talk about

etnosentrism. Like do you have

those feeling and like how is it

affecting you relationship?

SW: Okay, maybe I will just give an example of it.

Like in a way we both feel proud of our country.

But yeah, I think that meeting a foreigner in a

foreign land tends to make people more open

minded. So it is not an issue for me.

SV: yeah me too. Like we understand that both our

country have positive and negative. But we do like

to tell each other about our country. Negative stuff,

positive stuf, food, and yeah many more.


SW: But yeah like sometimes his view of certain

thing is weird for me like for example like he think

that we cannot really achieve equality because like

for example like the jobs, There are works that are

that women can’t do. Like women cannot really do

any man's job. Like, for example, like, at that time I

was very triggering. I'm like, what do you mean?

Like, you know, like women also have this

qualities, blah, blah, blah. like, for example, like,

doing construction, like construction workers, like,

you rarely see women doing that kind of job like

like labor, labor jobs. Particularly women that are

not built for that kind of like woman's body are not

build that way, but of course, like Services were

like, in like office office job was, of course, women

are qualified to because because you're just using

the brings like, the matter of people smarter or not,

but when it comes to physical labor women. Yeah.

SV: Because the thing is the thing is what we boys

do in Russian is just like out of like Russian Society

is very traditional and conservative. Like I know all

this like liberal Trends pretty popular among the

modern world like Racial equality, gender, equality,

gay rights and stuff in Russia. People are just taking

it as a joke, you know? And then of course, yeah.

And since I was like, basically raised in all this

culture and like all these topics and opinions and

actually those opinions their back with like, You

know, actual proves and words and that like, since

that, that seems that I nowadays Society just wants


to forget. But yeah. And I have this background of

like explaining and knowing how to explain all my

conservative points of view. And I of course, she

like to say “Why like why like what the fuck are

you saying? Like, what is this? Oh hey, what are

you? What are you came from the cave or

something?” And then like I know why and then I'm

just explaining it to her. She's like. Yeah. That

makes sense. That makes makes sense. Yeah, and

it's always like that and then, yeah. So that's pretty

much it. Okay? I'm just, I'm just, I'm just saying. I'm

just saying, Very unpopular opinions and then I'm

baking them up with the proves and then yeah.

SW: Kinda make sense… hahahaha

IVP: Okay, moving on. Like I

rember you say that you met at a

party, a house party and what

makes you both interested with

each other? Maybe physical

appearance or the way they think

and other stuff?

SW: I don't really have. You see that some friends

has told me a lot about SV, like this Russian guy.

So, what is this Russian guy talks a lot about a lot of

things, okay? Like it's also a lot of bullshit. So that

basically what they told me, and then I'm like, oh,

okay, And then he's and then he's like, very childish

and then like my other friend also made him before,

and then like she also said, like, yeah, he's pretty

childish. And then when I met him in the house

party, and I when we talk, what I remember this

like, he's very open, like, very open-minded and

then very knowledge knowledgeable in histories

like he has common interest. With me like reading

what histories stuff, you know, when he talks with

me like he's not childish actually like the way when


he's bullshitting and being childish is just like how

he wants to see other people's reaction. So, it's like

entertainment for him again. So it's just funny. But

what makes me interested in him is because like,

he's real smart, actually, he's really smart, even

though, like most know, like, most of our friends

will also say that he's smart, even though he isn't act

like it. Even though he goes around acting like is

this dumb person but is actually smart. Yeah, that's

why I'm interested.

IVP: How about his physical appearence, So tell me

about it.

SW: Absolutely. And when we met on, in the house

party, I was kind of afraid to approach him because

because I was like kind of afraid because he is a

buff guy, you know, kind of like a big guy. Now,

when you see him in real life, I don't like Okay, like

I feel kind of intimidated, but then when I, when I,

when I introduce myself, he's very friendly and


IVP: How about you SV? What is your first

impression of SW and what makes you interested in


SV: Oh well, of course, the first like… the first and

we see just like a physical attraction, right? So I

notice that she is a very good-looking girl, and of

course, she caught my eye, she get out of, she got

on my Raider and I'm like, okay, get to know this

girl better and then yeah, then after I talk to her and


talking and it was so interesting. And then we

started chatting and like, we could talk about

different topics for hours. I was just saying I was

just like, so, you know, it was so interesting to just

spend time with her, just talking and because, you

know, sometimes like some girls, they could be

like, no matter how hot they are, like if they're like

tun tun tun (stupid), there is just like, not bad, like,

right here, that doesn't matter how they look like

they're pouring and like dumb is just like a waste of

time. And but we see why it was just You know, it

was like golden like she has a nice good looking,

she's smart. She's kind, it's. It's so interesting to

spend time with her and I was like, yeah, that's

that's where that's my stop. Told I myself.

IVP: Okay this is the last question

and I’m gonna ask her in Indonesia

because I think she can explain it

better because it’s kind of Important

question. Ok SW kayak bagaimana

sih lu memaknai hubungan u

dengan SV?

(How do you intreprete your


SW: Memaknai… Hmm kayak gimana ya. Kalau

menurut gw sih ini hubungan yang gw sama dia

sama-sama… Hmmm saling menghormati gitu deh.

Kayak hubungan yang gak pake ada saling hormat

itu… Kayak love of course juga ada. But. Kita juga

sama-sama saling menghargai gitu. Jadi kita sama-

sama built kepercayaan gitu loh. Hmm jadi kayak

gimana ya? Hahaha.

IVP: Jadi apakah ini hubungan yang ideal menurut


SW: ya menurut gw ini hubungan yang ideal sih.

Dibandingin sama hubungan lalu gw. Gw dan dia

lebih connect. Kayak experience kita sama gitu loh.

Apa yang kita alamin dari kecil itu kayak sama gitu.

Jadi kita bisa sama-sama ngomong, sama-sama…


sama dan menurut gw itu penting banget loh. Kayak

walaupun lu pacarana sama orang luar negeri tapi

misalnya cuman bisa Bahasa inggris, tapi kayak

jokesnya atau omongannya gak nyambung gitu

kayak gak konek. Kalau enggak begitu rasanya

pacarannya kayak awang-awang gitu loh. Kayak

ya… Kayak hubungan sama mantan (hahahaha).

Kayak lebih berharga.. hamm tapi gak juga sih,

kayak gw merasa lebih nyaman banget di hubungan

ini. Itu dia! Itu dia kata-katanya: NYAMAN!

IVP: Okay SV, this is the last question and like how

do you interprete you relationship with SW?

SV: How do I interpret my relationship with me?


SW: Right? It's pretty hard question.

SV: Yeah. Well I would say that this relationship is

like something that I personally never had before,

and the for me is such a nice experience now,

because I'm dating an amazing person. Everything

is fine with our relationship, like we don't have any

problems, we discuss everything and if everything

comes up, we Overcome it together. And I would

say this is just like an example of a perfect

relationship and that and that like, I am very happy

and I hope it stays this way. And I'm pretty sure it

will stay this way because I don't think anything can

change with us the way we are. And then that we

We, I'm pretty sure that we will enjoy ourselves as


much as possible. It’s like everday the relationship

keep getting better and better, it feels nice.

IVP: Okay, thank you so much. Okay, is it like aan

ideal relationship in your mind?

SV:Yeah, that that's for sure

IVP: Okay, this is the end of our

interview. Thank you very much for

all the information and I really

appreciate your time. Terima kasih!

SV & SW: Your welcome



Tanggal: Sabtu, 24 April 2021 (20:15 – 21:40)

Tempat: ZOOM

Partisipan: YYK dan DS

Moderator: Indakhila Vidya Putri - Transkrip sebagai IVP


- YYK Mahasiswa Bisnis di Universitas I-Shou yang berlokasi di

Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Sudah menjalani hubungan dengan DS selama 1


- DS Mahasiswa Bisnis di universitas I-Shou yang berada di Kaohsiung,

taiwan. Sudah menjalin hubungan dengan YYK selama 8 bulan.

Pertanyaan Jawaban

IVP: First of all, thank you so much

for agreein to this interview. Maybe

before we started ahh.. we can

strated with the introduction first.

Maybe I will start by introducing

myself first. My name is Indakhila,

I have YYK for about 7 years and

this interview is for my thesis.

Okay, before we started, maybe you

guys can introduce yourself first.

YYK boleh Bahasa Indonesia atau

Bahasa Ingris.

YYK: Okay, I will go first. My name is YYK and

I’m in Taiwan right now and I’m from Indonesia

DS: Hi! I’m Daniel and I’m from Honduras and aa….

I have been dating YYK for 1 year and a half

IVP: Okay thak you so much.


IVP: Okay. Let's go to the first

question. Okay. First of all, when

did you meet your girlfriend or

boyfriend and what makes you

interested in them? I will start with

YYK first

YYK: We (laughing) actually meet at a nightclub.

Yeah, we went to the same school but we just say hi

to each other.

DS: And then… and then we were invited to the same

party. Yeah the where we are invited on the same

time. So yeah, we met at the party

IVP: How about before the party? Like did you

already like friends before?

YYK: I’ve seen him before but I didn't really know

anything about him or even his name. I know he's a

friend of my senior. That's all I know about him.

IVP: And what makes you interested in your


YYK: Well, he is a nice guy and kind. Honest, I

respect honesty and honestly, it doesn’t took that long

for me to like in him. It was really straight from the

point, like he's interested in me. So yeah, okay.

IVP: How about you DS?

DS: No, I really enjoy the conversations that we

have. The first time we met. I was looking forward to

meeting her more. It really had a huge impact on me.

My interest in her is when I notice how calm she is,

and how happy she is. Not really easy to get angry,

very funny. That's pretty nice.


IVP: What do you guys talking about when you first

met? Like what are the topic of the conversation?

DS: it was a year and a half ago had. But, I really


YYK: I remember we're talking about. Well, what

are we were watching.

DS: Yeah, I remember that… we ended up talking

about what we're watching them. Talking abouy our

hobby's, what we do? Yeah, yeah. What you usually

do in your free time. She mention Netflix, and I had

to go on with it. So I started talking about Netflix and

what series we had in common.

IVP: Okay, next question. You

guys come from different country

and culture. What different custom

you experience from each other?

DS: Sorry what?

IVP: Different custom

DS: Different what?

YYK: Custom. Like culture?

IVP: Maybe more like “Kebiasaan”

YYK: Ohhh ok. Kalau misalnya kayak makan bersih

gitu kehitung gak?

IVP: Well apapun, boleh cerita aja.

YYK: Hmm how to say it ya?

DS: Just give me the example.

YYK: Well for me, I grew up in kinda strick

household so I have to clean every meal, clean the

house, don’t use shoe inside, and yeah things like

that. How about you?

DS: Ahh, so kinda like a tradition.

IVP: yeah sure.


DS: Hmmm, let me think about it. You can go first.

YYK: Tab water I think. He is kinda wasteful. Like

Tab water is one example. When I brush my teeth, I

always close the water. But he always continue

brushing and waste the water. Food as well, he kinda

not always clean his plate. And I think I clean the

house often and he is not. Like I say, I grew up in

kinda strict household, so this thing is not a custom

for me, more like a norm. I mean, we do share house

chore, it’s not just me who clean the house or cook.

We share it and we both do it.

DS: The reason why is I done that is because in my

country (Honduras) we don’t really have water

coming out from a tab. We usually have big container

of water and the small one and from that we brush

our teeth. In the very rare occasion, we will have

water coming out from the tab. So when we have that

occasion, we all will be happy to use it all. Because

we ne never know when it will end.

IVP: Okay, and does that different, differences ever

make you fight with each other. Like cause an

argument between the two of you?

DS: Hmm let me think.

YYK: hmmm

DS: hmm, not really because yeah we just talk about

it and she know why I did it and I understand from

her point of view. But, no we never really have any

argument about our differences.


IVP: How about like individualism and kolektivism?

DS: I think we are similar in that stuff… like we are

more like…. Ahhhh… we love to go somewhere in a

large group and also we really think more about what

we want, not what I want.

YYK: yeah that true, surprisingly, we are very

similar in that area.

IVP: Okay, next question. What is

interesting about having a romantic

relationship with someone from a

different country? Maybe I will

start from Daniel first.

DS: It is interesting how she see’s the world from her

point of view and her prespective is very different

from mine. So it is interesting. It’s very different

from what I and my in Honduras really.

IVP: Okay, How about you YYK?

YYK: I think it’s really interesting to know the

difference. Like how we were raise, the story of our

country, and many more. Like… I think it’s really

fun to know more about other country. Like hearing

how he is in highschool feels really bizarre and really

really different from me. Him in highschool is really

different, like in highschool if he doesn’t want to go

to school it’s okay. But for us school is like a must!

Like his parents is okay with him.

DS: yeah, it’s not an obligation. Like my parents give

me a lot of freedom about the decisions

YYK: Not like us (Indonesian). We have to go to

school no matter what.

IVP: Intersting, so in some sense DS is more relaxed

as a person than you? Like more chilled?

YYK: I would say so.


IVP: Okay, next question. Are there

any strange habit that you notice

from your partner? Like maybe you

saw your partner doing something

weird or yeah anything.

YYK: Hmmmm, not really I guess.

DS: Well I don’t know about her. But I do think I

have some habit like how I like to touch people hair

and stuff also this is kinda weird maybe, but we do

have habit to pull bra straps.

IVP: Ohhh okay!

DS: I also notice that she can pretty much eat spicy

food and I thought I can eat spicy, but she is on

another level.

IVP: Okay to the next question,

have you ever been in a conflict or

argument with your partner?

DS: Conflict like fist fight?

YYK: hahahaha

IVP: hahahah, no -no. More like an argument. And if

you ever puch her I will report you. Hahahaha. But

yeah like have you ever fight like have different

opinion on something and it cause an argument?

YYK: I don’t think we have like big fight over

something. But yeah in relationship there is always a

different opinion and I think it’s normal.

DS: Yeah we mostly have different opinion about

certain topic or just small thing. Like where to eat

and yeah that stuff.

IVP: Why do you think you never have a big

argument for 1 and a half year in relationship?


DS: I think it’s mostly because we both are open

minded. Like we have so much difference that we

really just open about it. Like I think because she is

come from a different country than me, have a

different upbringing, and just growing up different

from me. We just accept it and we certainly can talk

about it. So we don’t really have any argument.

IVP: How about you YYK?

YYK: Yeah same. Like I think we just talk about it.

Like why you think like this and I think like that and

there always a good reason for that. So yeah… Have

we ever fight before? (asking DS)

DS: no yeah…

YYK: yeah no, we are pretty chill with each other.

IVP: Alrighty! Moving on to the

next question. Let’s talk about past

relationship. YYK you have some

ex from Indonesia? And DS do you

have some ex from Honduras?

Okay, based on your opinion. What

is the difference between dating

someone from a different culture

than someone from the same culture

as you?

YYK: Yups

DS: yes

YYK: things that different? Gw boleh jawab pake

Bahasa Indonesia gak?

IVP: Boleh, silahkan.

YYK: Lebih clear.

IVP: Siapa yang lebih clear?

YYK: Dia (menunjuk ke DS). Kayak dulu gw pdkt

sama mantan itu lamaaaaa banget. Kalau sama dia,

gw pdkt cuman kayak dua minggu doang. Terus

kayak udah langsung jadian. Maksud gw itu yah

kayak lebih to the point gitu. Gak pake A B C D E F

G. Jadi memang gw udah tahu intention dia dari awal


gitu. Kayak dia juga bilang kalau mau pacaran ya

udah langsung. Jadi to the point gitu.

IVP: Oke, ada yang lain?

YYK: yah, sejauh ini mantan gw ada yang baik dan

yang buruk. Yah semua pasti ada yang begitu lah.

Cuman kalau soal pacarana memang semua orang

ada plus minusnya. Cuman yang menurut g woke sih

dari dia dari awal dia deketing gw memang… ehhhh.


IVP: Jadi kayak lu udah paham gitu dia maunya apa?

YYK: Iya- iya… ya ngerti gitu loh.

IVP: How about you DS?

DS: What was the question again?

IVP: the difference.

DS: difference in personality?

IVP: No, more like difference between dating

someone from your country and someone from

different country?

DS: Like in dating?

IVP: Like in your relationship?

DS: ahh, in relationship. I guess I feel it more calmer

and before (his ex) is more agresive I guess. Latin

American girl is pretty aggressive I think. Like we

would fight for anything and I would say this

relationship is more calm. Like also the difference

between the environment. Like walking in the street

on Honduras, there will be a high change of guy.. just

flirting with you girl, even though you are holding

her hand. This guy like across the street you know


will just shouting like “hey baby, would you come

with me?” like there is no respect there. So because

of that, there is always a lot of fighting. Like with her

(his ex) and the situation just not… not… not good

for a healthy relationship. And yeah, I can’t just let

someone just disrespect her like that so sometime we

can fight with that guy because of that. So yeah now

it’s very calm.

IVP: okay, maybe I will ask, DS what is your first


DS: Spanish

IVP: Ahh, Spanish.

DS: Espanyol

IVP: So English is your second languages?

DS: Yeah

IVP: Ohh okay, have you ever like

had a difficulty in communicationg

with each other?

DS: No for me no. Like she peak English very well

and yeah no…

YYK: Noo.. yeah… I understand him sometimes…

DS: hahaha, sometimes.

YYK: No, I mean (laughing) most of the times I

understand him. But, there will be some times when

he kinda confuse me. But it’s not a big deal because I

will ask him again what he mean. And he told me that

sometimes I speak to fast, so when I talk with him, I

will try to match his speed and talk slowly.

DS: But yeah, there will be times when I misspelled


YYK: Mispronouce sometimes.


DS: Like yeah, I will say the word in Spanish

because it sounds very similar to (Spanish). So yeah

my pronounce is not the best.

IVP: and how you fix that miscommunication issue?

DS: I wouldn’t say it was an issue. But, yeah one

time she got confused by what I mean and I got

confused because she didn’t understand what I mean.

So we just talk about it.

YYK: yeah I would use google translate if he can’t

understand what I mean.

IVP: How about you accent? Does it ever create

miscommunication. Maybe YYK can answer first.

YYK: Yeah, both yes and no I think. Hahahaha

(laughing). I mean his English has improve a lot from

before. But I never think his accent cause an issue.

Maybe like before, he will use like his accent and

pronounce some word wrong. But yeah, I just ask

him to repeat what he say.

DS: For me, I don’t think she has any accent. Like I

think her English is better than mine.

IVP: Have you like adjust the way you communicate

to accommodate each other?

DS: Sorry what?

IVP: Adjust the way you talk. For example talk more

slowly, or talk faster. Yeah things like that.

YYK: Ohhh! Yeah, I think I talk more calmer now,

like before I like to talk loudly. Because I think in


general Indonesian is quite noisy. But now I think I

talk calmer, slower than before.

DS: Yeah I notice many Indonesian is really loud.

But I do think we both talk slower now, just to you

know talk better. Like we are not trying to race or


IVP: hahaha

YYK: yeah, hahahaha.

IVP: Alright moving on to the next

question. Do you have any story

about culture shock in your

relationship. Like culture shock by

your partner.

YYK: Ahhh, you know that Indonesian love to use

aircon. when I'm together with him, he doesn't like to

use aircons. We use the, the fan.

IVP: Really, why?

DS: Yeah. Yes, again, (hahaha) we don't have such

technology. We're basically caveman. Yeah, I know

that most of the house, like, I would say, 80% of the

houses, we don't have air condition. You will only

find it on offices, actually.

IVP: Okay. How about food? I heard that for some

foreigner, Asian food can be quite something. How

about you guys? Have you ever experienced?

DS: Yeah, I know, some of my friend cannot eat that.

But yeah, actually I can eat anything.

YYK: He can spicy food too.

IVP: really that nice!

DS: Yeah, I'm being trained at first when I was dating

her at the beginning and I wouldn’t eat spicy food at

all. But I… But everything she cooks or she buys


something it will be spicy. So I've been getting used

to it.

IVP: Okay, what are your plan for the future? And

how do you think your relationship will progress?

DS: For now, the plan is just to stay.. for me the plan

is just to stay here in Taiwan. Hopefully in 5 or 6

year move to Canada.

YYK: yeah, for now work in Taiwan.

DS: And yeah, we are gonna stay in Taiwan and see

how it goes.

IVP: Do you ever face a challenge

in your relationship? Or a hurdles.

Like… Hambatan.

YYK: Ohh yeah. Hmmmmm maybe the future?

IVP: How so?

YYK: Like what will we do for the future? Where

will we stay? And yeah things like that. But yeah, we

rather see how things goes and enjoy what we have


IVP: How about you DS?

DS: yeah, yeah.. Me too, like we just enjoy what we

have now. But, in the future sometimes we think like

what will happen and yeah so many things.

IVP: Okay, next question. Do you

have any stereotype about each

other country? Maybe I will start

from DS frist. When you heard

about Indonesia what comes to your


DS: What comes to my mind when I heard Indonesia.

YYK: hahaha.

DS: Hmm, spiciness beyond my belief, weird mint


IVP: How about stereotype?


DS: Stereotype? Hmmmm… well loud. That was the

first thing I heard when I’m here in Taiwan. Like I

was in the canteen with my brother in my first year.

And there is a massive noise coming from a table. I

ignore it. But, my brother was like, see that table over

there? That’s Indonesian. They are so loud all the

time. And I was like. Ahh I see.

YYK: hahahaha.

IVP: Hahaha. Anything else?

DS: hmm what else. Ohh yeah! Your drama is

ubelievable. And also the gossip. Like if one person

know some news, hust give it some time and all the

other Indonesian will know.

IVP: Okay, so loud and… ahhh, drama

DS: yeah.

IVP: How about you YYK? Do you have any

stereotype about Honduras?

YYK: Honestly, I don’t even know anything about

Honduras. But. Yeah after going on with him, I

started to search more about the country and then I

find that there are so many criminal over there. At

first I kinda became warry of him. But soon, I realize

that him and his country is not the same. He is nice

and honest and very very kind.

DS: yeah, Honduras is a country with the highest

murder rate.

YYK: yeah, yeah, I heard that your… apa sih? Kayak

miss Indonesia gitu. Miss Honduras. She got killed

by her boyfriend.


IVP: Does that stereotype effect you? I will start

from YYK.

YYK: No, not really. Like I don’t even know

anything about Honduras until him. But I do got quite

shock by how violence his country. But, he is very

kind, honest, and nice, so I think it’s because I know

him before know his country. So that thing doesn’t

really effect me. Sure I got warry. But, well it doesn’t

really make me… make me… scared of him?

DS: Well for me, I know about some Indonesia

before I met her. That’s why I’m quite surprise how

calm, mature, and overall very kind person. I mean

she can get loud sometime. But, I don’t think it’s

really bother me.

IVP: how about etnosentrisme,?

DS: Not really, it’s more like I know every country

have plus and minus and with Honduras, it’s really

hard to feel… proud? I mean I sure love my country.

But, all the crime is the reason I went abroad to

study. So I know well negative thing from my


YYK: me neither. Rather, sometime I feel like my

country (Indonesia) is inferior. Like we have some

problem that other country doesn’t have. So yeah…

IVP: Okay moving on. Do you

have any difference in the way you

think? Like different belief?

YYK: Well, growing up I am a budhist and I follow

the Pancasila (Buddhism Pancasila) and growing up

he is a Christian.

DS: Yeah. But, i’m agnostic now.


Different value? For example

religion and mindset.

IVP: How about you mindset and other stuff? Like

the way you both think? Does it have any difference?

DS: actually we both have quite similar mindset. Like

we are quite alike. We are both open minded and

we… yeah I think. Maybe the only difference I see is

that how we grow up. I mean in Honduras I’m not

poor. But, I don’t have the same access like her

childhood. Honduras is kinda rough like I can’t go

after 8 PM because it’s dangerous and hearing how

her growing up, visiting this country, that country,

and so many places. I understand that she is quite

rich. But, yeah still. She is very mature and calm.

Yeah it’s nice.

YYK: yeah what he say. I mean I think our biggest

issue is that how we grow up is different and

sometimes it effect how we think. Like the case of

the aircon, tab water, and yeah some other thing. I

realize that’s how he grew up and it’s not really a

problem with me.

IVP: How about different in your believe? Is it create

any problem? I

DS: No, I don’t think so, she allowed to believe what

she believe.

IVP: Ohh, dan YYK apakah dengan perbedaan

agama yang lu miliki. Kayak tadi DS bilang dia

agnostic. Apakah itu tidak masalah buat lu?

YYK: Dia respect gw sebagai Buddhist ya gw juga

respect dia sebagai agnostic. Dan diri dia sebagai


agnostic itu bukan hal penting yang bisa menjadi

masalah buat kita. Walaupun, awalnya gw sempet

merasa khawatir juga karena kan dari dulu orang tua

ajarin keyakinan harus sama dan lain-lain. Mungkin

lebih takut apa orang tua setuju atau enggak di masa

depan dan apa yang orang lain pikirkan.

IVP: Do you interested in learning each other


DS: yeah. Actually she told me a lot of Indonesian.

Especilly swear word. So yeah I’m pretty interested

in her languages.

YYK: yeah, but we watch Netflix show money heist

and it’s in Spanish so I also want to learn it.

DS: yeah I want to learn Indonesia so I can talk to

your parents.

YYK: yeah me too. I want to talk to your family.

IVP: Okay, next I will talk about

body languages, non verbal

conversation. Is there any different

you both feel? Like maybe from

skinship, intonation, accent, and

yeah other stuff.

YYK: Well I do feel like he more like wild. I mean in

Indonesia we… ahhh… dating mean like holding

hand and yeah not really that wild I guess. Here to

put it simply like more touching and yeah (laughing)

DS: Well I just did what normal for me. Hugging,

holding hand, kissing? Yeah. She did told me it’s

kinda unsual in Indonesia. But other than toching, I

guess it’s pretty normal for both of us?

IVP: How about other stuff like intonation? Gaze?

YYK: well I do notice that his gaze is kinda strong?

Like not what I use too with my other friend.


DS: For me not really. But, I kinda remember a funny

story that when I first hug her, she kinda become

tense? And when I kiss her, she became lika stone

and her face beat red. It’s funny because she usually

pretty calm.

YYK: (laughing) hahahaha? Really?

IVP: Hahaha.

IVP: Okay, next question what is

the difference before and after you


DS: Well before I went to study in Taiwan, I’m

quite… you know that school is not mandatory for us

back in Honduras. And now I kinda become more

serious I guess? And well that still before dating her.

But yeah, I’m trying to became more relaxed and I

quit racing… and yeah overall I thing she bring a

positive change in me.

YYK: hmmm, I notice that the world is full of

different people and yeah, he is just so different from

all my ex boyfriend.

IVP: Okay last question. How do

you intreprete your relationship

kayak gimana sih cara lu memaknai

hubungan lu saat ini?

YYK: Hmm, gw sekarang kayak lebih enjoy dengan

apa yang gw punya sekarang. Gak terlalu mikir apa

yang.. kayak apa yah.. Lanjutanya. Kayak ya enjoy

aja apa yang dipunya sekarang. Like we have fun, we

enjoy each other company. Kalau misalnya tidak

lanjut lagi gak papa dan memang kita lebih pengen

nikmati apa yang ada saat ini.

IVP: How about you DS?

DS: Hmmmmmmmmm, I guess I also enjoy this

relationship… and also I want to experience it


without worry about the future. We are having fun

with each other, we are not really worry about the

future. Rather, we try to enjoy what we have and…

yeah just have fun.

IVP: Okay than, That is the last

question. Thank you very much for

all the information. And all best for


DS: Your welcome. Glad I can help.

YYK: Good luck skripsinya nda!







Nim Mahasiswa: 00000026201

Nama Mahasiswa: Indakhila Vidya Putri

Program Studi: Strategic Communication

Nama Dosen Pembimbing: Dr. Bertha Sri Eko Murtiningsih, M.Si






1 10 Februari 2021 Penjelasan mengenai skripsi. Gambaranan

umum detail bab 1 - 3. Penjelasan jenis-jenis

dan metode skripsi.

2 22 februari 2021 Perbaikan judul. Mengganti jadi studi kasus,

perbaikan Bab 1 - 3

3 2 Maret 2021

Perbaikan Bab 1 -3. Gunakan metode studi

kasus, judul diganti agar sesuai dengan studi

kasus. Perbaiki latar belakang dan tambahan

konsep di Bab 2


4 16 Maret 2021 Perbaikan kata-kata dalam latar belakang,

membaca buku Samovar untuk konsep di Bab


5 29 Maret 2021 Menambahkan teori identitas sosial,

tambahkan penjelasan konsep di Bab 2 dan

perbaiki bab 3

6 9 April 2021 Perdalam konsep dimensi budaya, menambah

argumen dengan buku rekomendasi, dan

perbaikan kata-kata. Membuat pedoman

pertanyaan lebih detail

7 19 April 2021 Mulai wawancara informan dan bab 4

8 26 Mei 2021 Perbaikan Bab 4 dan Bab 5. Memperbaiki

tulisan, menambahkan informasi lebih detail,

dan struktur Bab 4

9 30 Mei 2021 Perbaikan Bab 4 dan Bab 5. Menyelaraskan

tujuan dengan simpulan dan menyusub Bab 4

secara lebih terperinci, juga pendalaman

analisis di pembahasan Bab 4.



Minimal bimbingan Skripsi/TA adalah 8 kali, Form wajib dilampirkan di

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Tanda Tangan Pembimbing

Dr. Bertha Sri Eko Murtiningsih, M.Si