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Transcript of LAM-1873-03.pdf - Memorial Hall Library

Tl\e t(a.WTen.c'e Smeriiiku AM)

r.VKBV FniI>AY »I.)llM-\«.,



ri'Mirruui ■—*a.i ■unte i H nol In ad

Tin (.-Uvula I loll of ilir ran In tin- largi »' ■'

that of any (-liter V lislt.d In tut. city.

OaT llui.1 of Advertising sent uponapplical

ITMNE PRINTING.—Tiir. AMEDK STCAM Paormra omn is tin UMM


¥lie ©i*ily fim«Si5in. EVERT EVEN I NO,

(Sunday exempted,) U the Largest Daily In the city, with Four Time*

the circulation of any other.

•mianrataV '•» A4n«t> OIM Year, SS.00 | Six Months,

When nol paid iu advance, »>.un.

UEO. 8. MKHKILL A CO., I'm,.1! ■.


STEAM PRIHTINQ OFFICE, Is Uio largest ami must thoroughly furnished hi ' Eastern Massachusetts. Having unly mo. In y Praises, and VI Ui pomiant additions of the newest style* or Type, we an able la furnish the best quality of work, expeditiooaly, at tow price*.— Ordan by avul gltM prompt attMOIom.

UKO. 8. MEBHILL A CROCKER, __ FoatOsTacenioee,


LAWRKNCK LAWRENCE Business Directory. [Business Directory. Card* not i • x reeding Fonr Mum In length

Inserted In tola column at (It per year.

DENNING, JEWF.LKH, Watch nnd Clock Maker. Fine Watches, Cluck- Mini

I'lry. IS1 Essex street. All kinds ol Watchc*. k* anil Jewelry repaired at short notice.


HF, BARNARD, UPHOLSTERER ami • Cabinet Maker.— Repairing, Lay fur <-nr-

]H'U-*, ini.l Curtain Wi.rk. Kmn'l Patent Win- dow Screen* n|>lilleil At short notice. 21U Ease* Ml.

DYER H. HALL, Ready Made Clothliiif, HaU, Cups, tient's Kluiii-liingUdOds, etc.

One Price nothing Store, llw south aide Kssex. ronar Jackson Street.

.ml. not exceeding Fonr I.lnaa In Usasj th Inaerted In tlila column at |■ per year.

A. FISKE, PAPER HANGINGS, Wiuduw Shades, Artist*' Materials, Chan-

deliers, Lamp., Vases, StCs ST* Essex Street, Lawrence.


I1ACCO, Wholesale and Ik-tall; also Snuu* rm.1 Smoker-,' Article-. Meerschaum 1'ipcs neatly repaired. So. o l.nwrencu Street, Lawroncc.

WHITFORI) & RICE, JEWELLERS, dealer* In raver, Stationery, Taper Hang-

ing-. Window slimier, iin.l Shade Fixtures; llUuk Rook Manufacturer*. *J8 Esaex 8L, lawrence.

rp J. MCBJPHTT MANUFACTUHEH 1 ■ unri Denier iu Hoots Shoe* and Kiibtwr*, of

every dealrabla stylo ami (juallty. WH Essex 8L,

JOHN K. NORWOOD, General Insur- ance Agency, make* Insurance, in nil II*

Ijiiinrhu-, it specialty. Call In and Inspect our terms. 339 Essex Street.

1? II. KELLEY, APOTHECARY.- J§ scrinlion* carcndly comiiouuded.

[)rii|[samit'lii-iiiiiiil-, i\>in>i M<illclnea,Tofleli acriiitlona inrcl'ully

a and Clieinlcala, 1'iiU'n Fancy Artlcluh, etc. 1'ost Ofllcc Illock.

ID. DE MARS i CO., WATCHES, Am Clock", Jewelry, Slirei and l'lated Wnn-,

Kiiiirv liiiuil-, Cullorv, T..v«, *c. SOU Kaaex M. 'Repairing, (iold anil Silver 1'btillK-

O E D R I C K & CLOS8 0N,

Auctioneers, Real Eatatn Aarenta and Appralaera,

No. 381 EK«X Street, Lawrence, Man. Alwaya readv to rive Ihflr jierBonul acrvire and

aerlnua allontloii lo FCIIIIIK Itcnl and l'craonul Kt-tatu nt uucllon or oilunii.-i', ol)i;iiiiin|t Muncy an'l li'llitif tlio anme at llilr rnlea for nil i-omi'in. Hi. iM'H<'tliiliuK MorLtrnrc!) mid i'H.kinji up Title.-, KciilhiK I'ropiTlv mill mllii-tiiiK Itiiil.., etc. No 'I'iilc iKi-anl nf I'riiiiertr milena the cniiH! Ito )n>r- feet: no Monuy invented but upon the mont 1111- dnuliled nocutlty. All bualneaa iiilrutUsI to ua will IKI atti-nrled to urnniplle, ami all will hi' hi.u oralily dealth with -Pti in Inl.yriti briiiK the »nr iinp-n'Miit ilinnent of auccena in tin' Itcal Kclak- liuilneaa, prompt pavtiicnM of cai-li priH-cedn, ihul Inr In all lumor with tlio arller and owner, at tin- nil timii lonkliiff well lo the true inlercal of Uie pnri'tiaxer, that IIIH tltlca nt Rood, and that he iteln all which he la end lie. I to —Uiua aeeurinr and bidding tlint confldeni'ii of our fellow a which is only by Mrlct attention to bnainoaii, and the liijrhent type or honorable kealinft.

««- TiTinn reasonable, and according to the work and reriponalbility. Call upon u«. Real Eatate Office. 381 Easex St.

N. II.—Property for aale in many aeotlona of New RiiKland, bui lnoio eaixn-iallv In the. city of Law- rence and vicinity. No better city In Uie Union for a permanent tnreatnient.

Head Itcal Wk column In Lawrence Sentinel ami Lawrence Dully American. vMivi:i■

JTler^, rik-hera, rreaorvo anil fruit l)i«he)i. Candlestick', (.VI.TV *;in*-e>, Spoon Ilolilerx, MMII i;loWea, Hlutdea for Wax Work, Ac. Mcl« of cheap ami cut J.i .:'. J. C. Itovr St Co., IflU Eaaex XL


IIavliiBulk>ndi'd pai-tiiillv l.> liiMirftncoJoraoiiiii I* now my luk-ntion to give mv entire tiatu to pioriiiiog Fire and I.lfe I'oll.d. Ii

MUTUAL, Salem, , and othera of in

Carrier's Block, near Town Homo', win- oati bo found during hunlnc** hour*. I'r Hm■. H and caret ul dealing will iH-iuvionslant aim. Ten reasonable. Address DANIEL Cl'HltlKIl,

li'i \;\i Mettiuen, Max*.

*C *.— SlOn Jier.lay. A gen ta wan led! All <PO bO tp^U clanneaot working people, of either in, young or old, make more money r' work for ua In their apare moineiila, or all U time, tluui at anvlhlng else. Farllcubirs IVc

I CO., Portland, Maine.

rARBOX &. BRIGGS, ATTORNEYS And Counaelloraal I."w. Kaundera New lllock,

IL....iII ■ 1« and IT, Lawrence, Ma>a. J. K. TAHBOX. C. (■:. DuioUR.


• Itooms, Fruit ami Confection cry, i'i Easex Street, Near City Hall, Lawrence, Maaa. Choice bramla of Cigar* alwnya on band.

DREW'S OYSTER AND ICE Cream and Dining Saloon, Ml Eaaex Street, J, B. KENNEY, M. !>-. PHYSICIAN ami Surgeon. Office t*l Esaex 8L HoufO

Nil. 1)0 Sewbury Stroet. Particular attention lid to Cancera.

I7INK JOB PRINTING IS MADE A apoclalty at the AMI UP i^ Kteam 1'rlntlng

illlce Mow. Call and :cxnmtnoapce

S. JEWETT A CO., AUCTION AND _ Comtniarlon Merchants. Fundlure and

CariiclH. sot and sm Eniiex St., Lawrence, Masa. Sulea at olllec, Wednesday, at 2 P. ■<.



Street, Saundera lllock. May be found a va- rieil and select Flock ot Fancy liooda, to which I

ipertfully Invito attention.

rlOLBURN BRO'8,- /Chron;

. ial Eaacx Street

V..'ChromoH, EngiaTiiigH, Veriodii-als, fiuMionery, Pteturea Frameil ' Fancy Hood a.


i, etc., Sir Eaaex 81

IJMtANK C. CLARK, Millinery Goods, 1 Small Wnrea, Trimmings, Embrolitcriea, White Hoods, lluslury and tiloves, Mo. £11 Eaaex Stroet,

HP W. HEALD, Sole Airent for 81nj;cr'» 1 • Implored Sewing Machine, Ml Essex SI., .proved Sewing J

Snunder* Now IIlook. Sowing Machine Finding*.

GLIDDKN, DRUGGIST.—Pure Drugs and ChouilcaU, 1'aktfil Medicine*,

Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Sponge", tlrualM*, s.iap>, etc. Corner E»*rx and I'emberton 8t.

/Ve Dr


on the road to Lowell and Lawrence. TO HIM, on the river, lying between the river aiuPlhu road. Wood tiion^-li In hiime pui'pii.-i'n. 'j;UI apple trees. Cut* 13 tons English, and & tons meadow hay.— Cherries, grapes and small fruits. Farm long "and ■arrow, running along the river for a half mile. tioo.I pHuivirngv, good land or every variety. No troublu from freshets. One of the lineal situation* between Lowell and Lawrence. 4 1-3 milea from Lawrence; same from Lowell, liood building*, hi good eon ill lion, well fenced wltli atone wall.— A gojnl Farm, and only sold liecause the owner I* going wind. Price **500, #»KW of which can lie an imlunnlle time nt an Inleivst of 7 percent.

Cull upon PEDKICK A CLOsSUS, Lawrence, or at the premises. loct-

THOB. LEYLAND, Dry Goodi, 381 Es- L aex Street. Full Value, Fair l>eallng, "No

lllowlng,- No Trickery, One Fries. We i — what wa any.


r OK TUB 1*1.Mir l> Civil, WAIL

J. H. KIDDER, DENTAL 8UR- liKUN, No. 171 Essex Street, I.awivmc,

•ins*, lias. Chloroform, or Ether given, a* pre-

DR. Ur

TAILOItS. Chambera, 1,9 and 9 Sanndcr* Sow lllock, Eaaex Slreet. Under the immediate III|HII i .ion oi Jus. Kioou, (UOo Savage A Flood.)

HOWLAND, SURGEON DENTIST, Siiceci'or to W. W. HUM* 11.

>i I'.- i i Street, l-rairm.-. Siumi. Oxide Ua* Administered.

e American Office. I N T I N G



For Invention*, Trad* Mark*, or Detigni, 711 HtatO tit., opposite Hllliy St., Ilostou. nfter an ■xteuilre practice nf upward* of thirty yean, continue* lo awure I'uteuU in Hie United Slate*; also In lireat Hrlbilti, France, and oilier foreign couotrfc*. Caveals, HiieciHeatlona, Aaeign- mania, and al) paper* for I'nUml-, cii'iulnl mi reasonable term*, witli iliip.dib. Ki-iMirln.- nude M determine the valiilltv nnil utility of I'atenta of Invontlona, and legal ami oilier advice reiniered la all mntters lom-hiiiK the ; ame. Copica of tlio •lalms of any Patent furnished by remitting one dollar. AHsignmciil. n-covded in \VanhingUin.

auTNo Agency in Uie lulled State* posseaae* niperinr facilities for obtaining FolimUor aicer-

TE8TIHONIAI.8. " I regard Mr. Eddy a* one of the

And *uei-es*ful prnetitlonei had official MMM.

CHAKLES MASON.Commia'rof Fatenta." "I have no hesitation in assuring inventors thai

lh«T oannot employ a man aaor* eomptient ami IrusfKvrfkr. and inure eapable of putting Uielr aii plication* In a form to secure lor them an earl and favorable consideration at the Patent Office.

EDMUND Ul.'HKK, Late Cnm'r of I'aktnta. "Mr. It. It. EPI.r has made for me overTIUUTY

reooininend ALL Inventor* Ui apply to him to pro- " ir patent", a* ttwy may ho aure of having

faithful attention bestowed on their caac* latent*, as Ihev miiv

Uiftil attenlioii iH'sto- and at very reason able charrea.

Ilostnn. Jan. 1.1873.

DYER & CO., No. S37 Essex ■ Street, publlah the only good Stereoscopic View*

<t Lnwrenre. All kind* of Scope* for aalc.

Office, Poat Office lllock, is the largest and .. _ appointed, ouUidu of lloaton. In ciiltni Maiaachuaetla.

17RANK KNOX.—Boots, Shoes and Rub- 1 ■ bera of

lialrlnr dona 0)i|H)*lte Poat umcc.

MRS. J. A. KNOX, LADIES FUHNIHII- INUOood*; nlio a large at

set*. Madame Foyo'a Skirt Supiv hand. Hoop Skirt* made to ord<

SinKei.ii. Office and re*lderjre, Ml E*aox

t mice hour*, 13 till 3 and 0 till 9.

The Major la n capital fellow, Doctor," I uuld, o* we sauntered out to smoke oar clgire In tlicgarden, after auearly dinner; '•hut he iiii^lit to he more'mcrclfu! to us wretched bachelors. What with his ehar- mtttjrwtfb utid that exemplary baby, he makes It difllcult tu reupect the tenth com- mandment."

'You admin; MM. LaytonT" Admire her! ITshu were not Charlie'*

wife, I should fall head over cam Iu lore with her. I have seen fairer faces, but for dear, pretty, delicate womanly ways, I

rer met tier equal." You couldn't understand a man'it thlrat-

io* for hor blowll-* "Good gracious! A wrrtcn who co«M

touch one or hor golden hairs roughly de- serves to be crucified."

And yet for ninny days she wits In deadly peril of her life."

For her fortune V ■She Intel none." 'Don't tell me. Doctor, that an Inno-

cent creature like that could give any one cause for revenge."

No; I won't tell you anything of the sort."

I think I see. Some one was madly lu love with her?"

If you were to guess till this day out you would not llnd the cause," sold my frlcud. "Let us >lt down here, and I will explain. It's no secret; I wonder the Major has not told you."

"Down here" was on a rustic seat that the Major's pretty wife had made at Lhu end of his garden, close to where a little till, r ti M he lost In the blue Hudson, tinkled Its way through his grounds.

"During the war," begau the Doctor, "I served In the army, In the same regi- ment with au old schoolmate. Hu was a line soldier as ever drew a sword. Hale, hearty, and Bound In nitnd and body; eager to see service—and he saw plenty. I thought that lie bore a charmed life, till ono day he was carried Into the hospital tent In a bad way. A ball had entered his shoulder, glauced on the clavicle (what yon call the collar-bone), and had gone —somewhere. That was all we could tell, for there was no other orifice; tint, wheth- er It hod passed up or dowu, or taken some erratic counte rouud about, such as balls will take, we knew not, and no prob- ing could find out. Well, hu recovered, went North to regain his strength, and for nearly three years I lost sight of him. When the war was over, and I had beguu to practice as a civilian In New York, I met Mm again. But how changed! He was a living skeleton, and I saw lu a mo- ment that he had become habituated to opium. Do you kuow whatthatuicanH? Sn ? Well, throw a bucket of water Into u plaao, and then light a lire uuder it, and IU strings will not be more out of tune than an opium-smoker's nerves are out of order. Ho asked me if he might call on me at my oltlcc, and of course I assented; but it was days before he came, and when he did arrive I knew that he hod been preparing himself for a right with himself. Some foolish patients come prepared to hide the truth, some to magnify their Ills. It Is part of our business, In serious cag' es, to examines man's mind beforewc ask about his body, and hardened as t surgeon must be, I confess that the con dit inn of my poor friend frightened me. There was au expression In his eye that I bad never seen In any sane being; and what made this worse was the calm busi- ness-like manner In which he spoke. He told me that soon after he had (apparent* ly) recovered from his wound, he began to suffer from pains in his head, which In- creased in severity till they became so agoulzlng that he had recourse to opiates to alleviate thcin. "But I have not come to consult you about this, this I con bear —must bear. Would to Owl that thoy were always tearing mo! The worat Is when they ore not."

"They leavo yon very weak?" I aug' gusted.

"They leave me," he replied, quite calm- ly, "with ajninilng, all but unconquera- ble, desire to take human life."

"I am uot a nervous man, but I started and looked round me for some weapon of defence. "Don't be afraid," he continued with a sad smile, "the lit la not on now. I should not haro come if It had been. I have been nearly starved once or twice, not during to leave my room. I can r pur my madness now; the ques- tion Is, how loug I can continue to do so. I feel that It is growing upon me. I feel my power of resistance becoming waaker aud weaker—the craving fur blood get* ting stronger and stronger. I am tike a man who has slipped over a precipice, and feels the earth ana shrubs to which ho clings,

night for all I know.' " 'Come home with me; I'm not nfrald.

You won't hurt me,'I said. 'I would try very hard not to do ao— -I kuow myself, I cannot trust my-

self. Don't you trust inc.' "'I will trust you; but I'll do more.

Vini.rm- not armed, I suppose?1

No,' he replied with a shudder, 'not now.'

" '111 take care that you shall not be, aud I'll carry tny Derringer in my pocket. On the first Indication of homicidal mania I give you my word lit shoot—and I'll shoot straight.' I said this tosatlsfy him, poor fellow 1 In his weak state I could have laid him down like a child- It did satisfy him, and wc went home together. I led him to talk of our old soldiering days, and gradually got him back to his wound. I made falm describe the flrst sensations of pain In his head, and repeat all that his dlBbrcut medical advisers had s*»d. I- «*r friend

lEItand surveyor, £» Esaex Slreet. „. offics e- « '-- "•—-■— —■**■-—.


.oi rjiif, iio r.Me* vmivi. mluy, Tuiriday and Thursday

gs, .»iimnw oswue*, rwwspjnnin a St. branch Store, 13S Esaox 81

W Worka,' Yarn*, llraida, and all of Job Dyeing, in- •alablegood* re-dyed and put in marketable order.


BURNIIAH, Fine Boots, Shoes and Ituhtier* of every deacrfp-

tion. Popular Store. Boston Union Bout and shoe House. ITS Essex Street, corner Jackaon.

_ Charles 8. Woodman A Co.,) Crockory, lilas* and China Ware. Lamp Hoods, Plated Ware, Tab!* Cutlery, Wl) Eaaex Street.

NEW CROCKERY.—A large stock of French China Tea Set* In plain gold bnnd,

gilt And color; olio. Plain China in Dinner and Tea Seta and single pieces. A large variety of

--1" -,n;1 color, and plain. White


Flwo Foreign and American Watches. Hi on/e and Marble Clucks. I .miles' Acls—Cnmeo*. Ring*, Pin*, Collar and

Cuff Bnlton*. Stud*! Charms, 8*0, 'Solid and Plated Silver Ware. ts-lt'n have thl* year the Fined Holiday

Htnek-nll of it new—ever offered In Uie uily. WHITFORD it RICE,

366 Esaex St., Lawrence



I ^Chandelier*, Pendants, Brackets, Burner* and Chimney*, lilnlies, •rlmpcd <ilass, Porcelain and

ir Shades, t:»- Ntamlanl , Tubing. Lanterns ' J. John* . Ilove* Co.

Pap*i' Ilia mil Lamp

npHE AMERICAN .1 F1CE, PoatOfflue Block.

Mcii-iiiiurk Machine Shop, near M-.rrini-.ek Iron


Office, SOT Esaex Street, comer of Lawnmes. Uci-iilciiee, 103 Concord Street.


Office No. 1 Appleteil Sk-ML Office open at all hour* of night.


317 Eaaex Street. W. A. Kiinl.nll, W. r. Klmball.

W ILI.IAM RUSSELL A SON, Manufacturer* nf

BOOK, NEWS, AND MANILLA PAPERS, Canal Street, lower end.


[ST., I.IWUMCI, MASS. Over Dyer A Co'*.

with him. I have brought wretched curs ontofthe street, and killed them In my frcniY, In the hope to exhaust It ou them. It Is no use. I must have human life."

" 'Any human life?" I Inquired, "or some one In partlcnlarr

" 'Why do you ask this, Doctor?" he cried, getting suddenly excited.

" 'No matter: goon." "Sometimes," he resumed, "it scorns

that any life would do; aud sometimes —Doctor, four daya befbro I saw you I met, upon a New Jersey ferry-boat, a young girl. So pretty, so refined, and ntca 1 I followed her to' her lioine—the de vi 1 that has taken possession of me, led me. She went In, and soon came out again Into her little gardon, and tended her flowers—poor child 1 Doctor, ffl had had a pistol with me I should hare shot her. You may smile; hut some day soon I shall take a pistol on purpose, and shoot her."

It was clearly no use arguing with htm. The best way with such people la to admit their facts and try to work round them.

Then," said I, "the only thing you canduia to submit to Hie restriction of an asylum, till this feeling has passed.'

" 'It will not pass. If I were to go to a madhouse I should sham sane. Sooner oi later their vigilance over me would be re- laxed. Then I should murder my keeper, aud go straight for that Innocent girl."

" 'Then leavo the country." " 'Well, that would save her; but, Doc-

tor, one life Is as dear to Its holder as another. If I don't kill her, I shall kill some one else."

M ' My dear fellow," I replied, light a tone as I could assume, "these fancies are curable. Put yourself under skilled medical treatment. You are all to bits, physically. Get sound In body, and

'II get all right In your mind "

-happened to have a strong preparation of hasheesh by me. I gave him a dose, and

hi hi under Its influence I carefully ex- amined his head. Now the head you must know, does not fatten or waste away In proportion to other parts of the hotly. Still his had become mere Bkln and hone; aud this state perhaps, gave me an advan- tage over others who had made the same examination. At last I felt, or thought I felt, a faint twitching—a sort of abnormal pulsation—about two Inches above thu left ear. It might he merely uervous but it miyht he routed ■'.'/ f he ball.'

" l then Bet my mind to work, and thought the whole cose over steadily. In the first place was that Impulse to take

life, of which my poor friend had spuken, really uncontrollable. For exam- ple, suppose that one day he did take a pistol 'on purpose,' and go to that young laily'-. garden—would he shoot her? To suppose that the Insauc mind never chang- es Its purpose, or turns from the fell com- pletion of Its purpose, Is to say In other words thnt the Insane mind Is stronger than the sane mind. If a man with a freshly broken leg were to tell yon he was golug to run a foot race, you would not believe him, because your common sense revolts against the Idea of his running with a leg disabled. But If one with his brain disabled declares that he is going to do something dependent upon the action of his mind, common sense does not al- ways argue so welL

"hi the second place, did my poor friend, with his impaired means of judg- ment, believe tluitthc Impulse was uncon- trollable? Because If ho did the end would be the same, so far as he was con- cerned. He would sacrifice his own life in protect that of others, though lliev were In no actual danger.

In the third place, might not this story ui the Impulse be a mere pretence to excuse Ihc commission of suicide? Now there arc no forms of madness more ob- scure In their origin, more difficult to de- tect, more persistent, and more fatal than sulctdnl mania; and as there have been numerous coses in which persons who have destroyed themselves have carefully prepared evidence tending to show that their death was aceldental, why should there not be one In which the fatal act was to be (so fur as possible) justified?

"In the fonr(h.' plnce, granting that there was cither real homicidal mania or fan- clod homicidal mania tending to suicidal, or simply the latter—waa there a posslbtl- ty of cure?

"As the three first questions rested for their solution en one set of facts, and the deductions to be drawn therefrom, I con- sidered them together. A victim of sul cldal mania rarely If ever speaks of sui- cide. When a man says he la going to drown himself, you may generally direct him to the cars which will take him to the river side with the fullest couvlcilon be will not breakfast with crabs. If, In an exceptions! case, suicide is mentioned, it will either be treated lightly, of an act that Is not a crime, or the patient will be very earnest in his ussuraitces that he would never commit It. Remembering my poor friend's mauncr, I noticed that he spoke of taking his own life with much more emotion than he evinced when ho told mo of the impulse to shed the blood of otbera. His words, 'I must have hu- man life-if I hail Itad a pistol with mo I should have shot her—some day soon I shall take a pistol on purpose aud shoot her—I should murder my keeper and go straight for thnt Innocent girl,' were spoken as calmly as though he said, 'I owe five dollars—I must go and pay them,' and at the same time with a tone of deep eoiiiiui.-eiation for the predestined victims. They were to die for no limit of their own, but they were doomed to death

If he lived. When, on the other band, he spoke of saving their lives at the sscrl- iiec of his own, his manner changed.. No

afflicted with suicidal mania ever treat- ed self-destruction with the horror, the cunsciousucss of its wickedness, and the

Uglous duubU as to Its being pardonable uuder any circumstances, with which he considered it. He had never once spoken of murder as acrliue.

After s long and careful consideration I came to the following conclusions I—

lie la not laboring nnder autcldal mania.

His impulse Is real, and will have fatal results.

'Confinement In an asylum would havu no curative effect.

'Then I took down tny books bearing upon the auatoiny of the human head.

foolish. Were I In his place I shouh "My good sir, I admit mat tin* hull from which you suffered so long cannot get bock Into your brains, but I am by no means sure that the Ideas it engendered may uot return. At any rate your pres- ence near my wife la likely to make her nervous, and I appeal to yon as a gentle- man to locate yourself In some other part of the country. If you do so I shall have Uie highest respect for you; If you do not, and ever have the misfortune to pass within a mile of my house, the Interior of your skull will become more Intimately acquainted than ever with lead ID the nan. al form.' "

"Verv neatly put," said thaDoctor,"bul our friend does not think of committing sulcido now."

"Mercy, Doctor!" I cried, "you don't mean to say that the man who wanted to murder the Major's wife is—Is"—

"The Major himself. Yea sir."— TYm- rrf« .Bar.

My dear fellow If yo»j were her hus- band you'd do exactly as her husband does."

'Does ho know V None better." And doesn't care?" 'Not a bit." Then he's a brute 1" "You'd better tell him so—here he

comes." "Does she know?" "She does." "And she's uot afraid?" , "No." "One other question. Does your luter-

"Ho does. "In what State?" "This State." "Near here?" "Very near. "Then,wl -


The Newburyport Ghost.

It seems an impossible task to lay this ghost. A committee, selected from the municipal authorities, was appointed to Investigate the ghost, and a majority re- port was presented, pooh-poohing the ex- istence of his gbostship. One of the com- mittee refused to concur In the opinion of his associates on the ground that there

eating patient still lire In this cooutry?' were noises and appearances unaccounU-d for hi this reasoning. Then reporters were sent to investigate the matter, and they gave the Impression that all the ghost talk waa humbug, and the people of New-

ir buryport and all the surrounding country -1 nsrgan td beuew that the reports of Uie




Bv virtue of a license from shall sell at public auction, April'hi. IMol. ut I Li! o'clock P. M . on the muni *ua, all Uie mil estate of AsA WlHTTIklt, lute of Methuen, in the county »f Else*, and state of Mii-aehusella, deceased. Said estate t» ultuateu In tlie soutb-weitcih' part of Melhuen, near tile "Bartlett Ftmi," -o called, and cnnalsU nf n house, I..on ami shod, and thirty-one acre* of land, more or leaa.

Per* on a wishing to purcha-e n -nuilf fttrm, pleasantly located, ami neai i-eboi.l, arc im ile.l lo CM iu the proper^ ;ll :,m lime piev ■ In the „,!,.. SAM'L I). SAHUKST,

MeUiuen, Ifeb.aT, IST-V Sl'feW Administrator.


f Eaaex. deceased,

aims; inn iim »r nmi nwni *■ w»-n vice on the Tncnti ml ibij of March. April amt ten o'clock A. M., at the *lorc or tiKOKOE W. HAWVElt, lu Me'hnen., MeUiuen, kYlj. -I''; I".'.(- 3tT Ml Comllll**lolM.-r*.

SINGLE COPIES of the American can baassured at all Uio nona Blaudu.

I7 RANK RUSSELL, * PHOTlHiltAl'HER. Portraits and Lnndscniie*.


~li A U G II T O N,

H. TKBBETB A CO., Dry and Fancy l Im. I ■'. IKS Eaaex Street,

the Low Price Shire of Lawrence. „ tilvc in a call.


get in the contrary, I am oil to bits,

you say, mentally, and my body Buffers through iny rnlna. Medical treatment! I have consulted every practitioner of note here and In Europe. Some think I'm fooling them, some took wise and talk as you do about "treatment." All have failed. Doctors arc no use to mo."

Then may I ask why you have come here?*

"To ask your advice as a friend,' he answered, drawing his chair nearer to mo; 'and,' lowering his voice, 'to ask you one question as a frlond and a God-fearing man, and to which I pray you to give ine a plain yes or no.'

" 'Go


Office, Til Eiaex Street. Residence, U Oak Stoest

_ tlgo. 8. MKKRII.1. A CKOCSKS, Fine Job Printers, Post Office Block. The nioer qualities of printing a specialty.

Feeling as I fool, shall I be Justified before God In taking my own llfb? Will It be deadly sin for me to do for myself what 1 would do to a mod dog?'

"I repeat his words almost as he spoke them. I cannot give yon the fuintcat idea of lhu solemn deliberation with which ha pat this awful question. For some incnts I could not say a word. Then I ntartcd up and told him that I would not answer him yea or no—that It was not fair to ask me to take such a responsibili- ty. Then he rose too, and said that he must resolve It for himself, aud I saw plainly which way It would go, 'Glvt till to-morrow to think It out,' I said, talntsig him.

" 'To-morrow may be too late,' he re- plied. 'The At may come upon me to-'with her.

The next morning I addressed him thus :—

Before I answer you as to whether you would he Justified before God, under the Impulse you have told me off, lu taking your own life to save that of another, you must answer me several questions.'

" '(Jo on,' he said. "•When you consulted those doctors

did you tell them all what you have told ntr

" 'No. I did not dare. I said that I had horrible thoughts and cravings, but without entering into details as to what they were. Onee I went so far as to say I feared I was becoming dangerous, and' the fool smiled.'

" 'Good. Did they ever speak of search- ing for that ball?'

" 'Yes, they said It might be the cause of my BnQeriugs, supposing It had lodged near the brain, but that no one would take the responsibility of searching for It —so to speak—lu thu dark.'

"They were right—the operation might kill you, and the ball be not found after all.' ■

"He looked np, and the dull, dejected look that had become habitual passed from his face,

Ami oven If It wore found,' I went on, its extraction might cause your death all the same.'

He laid his hand on my arm, and tried to speak, but ho could not.

" 'Still It would give you n chance— Just a chance of more than life.' His grasp tightened. I could feel his heart beating. 'And submitting to such an op- eration—almost hopeless though It he- would not be quite suicide.'

He fell on his knees and sohhed like a child. 'You'll do It?' ho cried, 'God Al-

ilghty bless you! You'll do ltt'

"Well," said iny friend, lighting a fresh cigar, "to make my story short, I did It, with the ssslstntire of a young surgeon whose nerve I could trust. We found that miserable DUMB of load near where I had suspected It to be. It was Just a cusc of touch ami go. Hod my knife wavered twice the breadth of its own edgo—had the assistant been unsteady with the for- ceps—It would have been fatal. I dnnt want to appear vain of my success, so I'll say no more than this—he recovered."

"And hasn't klllid anybody?" "No, and doesn't want to." "Byjove! I wouldn't be too sure of thnt

And so the girl be wanted to murder mar- ried the Major?"

"She did." "Then If 1 were her husband I'd take

precious good care that your Interesting patient didn't come Into the same State

1 ,.[il, hue "


You question if h -r love have dopth* like mine Under the fair gold calm of what It aeetn*;

If au cijuai sun ray shine Down Hie still hidden c lob. ten of our dream*;

You question if I Sad not la her gase Kcnci of glowing fervors free* nine own—

If half tlw glad awret music of my daya From shado w-rcnlma of fancy ba not blown.

Friend, do I cavil at the rich low *tar ThAtcrown* you roseate miatlneu of sky,

Wanting It* placid orb leaa vague and far- One heum Ihc tenderer, mellower* Xot I.

Always ttaey fall who alwaya would attain. Wherefore I aak no costlier good than this:

Perfectly to aocept the joys I gala. Blind for a lifetime to the Joy* 1 mieal

-K4gat FavesM, in StrUmnU for Afore*.

VI LOVK. A fair, aweet face—a form of grace. And golden hair, of beauty rare—

■ All IhU bn , my love— And more!

Two soft, bright eyes, blue «« the skfea; Two cheeks of snow, where ro#e* blow- All thl* ha* my love—

And mure I

Aamall, white hand, with golden bond; A charming smile, which can beguile— All> luvc -

A heart—all mine—where doth combine Love, gentleness, and teli.leine--. All this ha* my tors—

DRivixa RBSS.—A Max's WAT AND A WOMAN'S War.—When a woman lias a be> to drive Into the coop she takes hold of her hoops with both hands, and shakes them quietly toward the delinquent, and says, "Shew I there." The hen takes one look at tho object to convince herself that " i woman, and then stalks majestically

Into the coop In perfect disgust of the sex. A man dout do that way. He goes out of doors and says; "It Is singular nobody In this house can drive a hen hut myself," and, picking up a stick of wood, hurls It at the otTcuding biped, and observes, "Got In there, you thief." The hen Immediate- ly loses her reason, and dashes to the op. poslto end of tho yard. The man straight- way dashes after her. She comes back again with her head down, her wings out; aud followed by an assortment of stove wood, fruit cans, and coal clinkers, with a much pulflng and very mod man In Uie rear. Then she skims up on the stoop, aud under the barn, and over a fence two, and around the house, and back again to the coop, all the while followed by tilings convenient for handling, and by a

whose coat Is on the saw-buck, and whose hat Is on tbo ground, and whose perspiration and profanity nppoar to have

limit. By this time the other bens have come out to take a hand In the debate, and help dodge the inKslles—and then tho man says every hen eon the place shall be sold In tho morning, and pats on his things and goes down street, and the

urn dons her hoops, and has every one of those hens housed and contented in tw minutes, and the only sound heard ou the premises Is tbo hammering by the oldest boy, as be mends tho broken pickets, iMnliury A'i «•».

Mourn* DoniiRitHrs.—Shakespeare's Is not the only Dogberry. You recollect in the life of Abraham Lincoln the story of tho Western lawyer, who said he ne could tell a story with embeaxlemcnts. have heard of a stout, cheerful and polite Dogberry, who had arrived at the discre- tion of fifty years, whon bis parents died. Then, in reply to some friend, he said i 1 am a poor orphanlcss man." The same person remarked of his nephew, that "he hail not decided art, but he waa prepond- erating." There was a worthy old deacon of the olden time who was repeating Watts' hymn, line for line, and read It:

Ye rancled sinners, damned into ever- lasting redemption.

When the Boston Ire was stopped nt the aew poat-ofDoo, an unfinished build- ing, a man standing near was heard to re- mark, "Well, I am glut! they bare got that tiro under headway at last." Anoth- er man said: "If a man should draw a pistol on me, do you suppose 1 would put my knife In his Jeopardy?" A venerable clergyman, when he found an Inebriated person In tho gutter, said to him : "My friend, how did you gi'L there?" The man with just a twinkle of Jest, said "not- withstanding." This (unused the clergy- man, and he went home and tried to im- part It to lhu wife of bis bosom. "He said to me 'nevertheless.'" The quality of Shakespeare's maJapropuiiQ la not strained.—Rev. Jvh* Heist. 1 «■» m • i i ■

Tho fnmo of our PsHflc Railroad has penetrated Canada, antlaCanadlanPacific Railway Company has been organlied mi a basis which seems to tnsarcthe con- struction of a railroad through the vast wilderness which lies betwmn Ontario and British Columbia. The company's charter Is extremely liberal. They have a guaranteed subsidy of thirty million dollars in money aud thirty million acres of land, besido mauy valuable concessions. The entire lino Is to be completed In ten years from July 20, 1H71-

perfbrinancea of the ghoat must have been greatly exaggerated, and Indeed, that Newburyport had no ghost at all. But greatly to the disgust of every material- ist, and the Joy of every spiritualist, and the annoyance of every person of common sense, the ghost ou Thursday and Friday put lu another appearance or appearances, and the excitement, which had been slow- ly subsiding, has now broken out afresh, and Is likely to continue until some ex- planation can be given of the supernatural manifestations of which the Newburyport school-house Is the scene. The ghost la evidently no well conducted one. It Is given to creating disturbances, and cer tnlnly comes under the denomination of Idle and disorderly, sn offence, tho penal- ty or which is thirty days in the House of Correction. What pleasure a ghoat can take In throwing about brooms—unless It Is the ghost of a married lady, who used to hold the reins of government—and standing dust-pans upon their handles— unless It is the ghost of a departed magi- cian—or showing Its hand—unless It Is the ghost of a departed gambler—Is more than wc can imagine. We are seriously Impressed with the Idea that a veritable Newburyport ghost would be a great deal more dignified. Such conduct as this Newburyport , hosi has been gnllty of would better nccome the ghost of some western township which has no character to sustain. Clearly this ghost has no self- respect. It cannot be an Intelligent ghost; It cannot have any Interest in the diffusion of knowledgu, or in the education of the young, or it weld not offer such unseem- ly Interruptions during school hours. It cannot be a benevolent ghost, or It would not endeavor to cast odium upon a teach- er who has always boeu highly esteemed. Unquestionably the Newburyport author- ities will be justified In adopting harsh measures with this ghost; it has laid no claim to forbearance ou the part of oth- ers, having been unforbeartug Itself. Why not appoint a special ghost commit- tee, with power to send for persons and papers—indeed, with power to send for the ghost Itself, and have a regular Inves- tigation. These are the days of investi- gations. Sm )t a committee we havo no doubt would be able to present a very spirited report. Something must be done before

To the inhabitants of Newburyport at present "TIM grave* stand tenantles*. and the sheeted

dead Do tqueak and gibber In the city street.."

And this ghost must be laid. Then, be- sides, auch an investigation would not be without Interest. Imagine the counsel for the ghost asking the name of tbo accused i

"Ite thmi n spirit nf heal til or goblin damned ?" And the counsel for the city Inquiring Did you say

"A tpirlt of health or goblin damned:'" And the ghost replying be didn't, or if he did he dldnt mean to.

By all means let a committee of Investi- gation be appointed and eud tho matter. The public will be Interested, and Uie poor scholars will he allowed to sit at their tasks In peace. Instead of being obliged to cry;

"The time* have been Thai when the uraln* were out tbo man woul<

die Ami there an end; but now they rise again WlUi twenty mortal murders on their orown* And push u* from our aloof*."

A gentleman was surprised, during the lato frosty weather, to ace his little daugh- ter bring home from the Sunday school a grave treatise on "lmekslMlng." "My child," ssld ho, "this Is too old for you, ynu can't make anything of it.n "I know It, papa; I thought 11 would teach me bow to slide backward*."

"Ma," said a little Watarlown urchin, peeping from the bed-rlnthea, "l am cold; I want some more rover on the bed." "Lie still, my dear." ssid the mother, 'until yonr sister comes home from church, she has got the comforter for a hustle."

An Iowa man demanded ♦♦,000 from a neighbor for slandering hint, bnt after sitting down and cmuiiiug the cost, and reckoning up the probabilities*,, concluded to compromise the suit forfsfi cosh.

Ouit BLRSBED CiviuzATiox.—If a per- son go to the police court In this city, or any other city, and watch the criminals as they arc brought np, he or she will not be long In noticing that ignorance la ono great cause of crime. But ignorance is never allowed to weigh one Jot or tittle, when tho criminal is sentenced; Indeed, it seems that the more Ignorant the criminal, the heavier the sentence. ' 'This tendency to larceny, must be cheeked; these dep- redators must be taught that Utcy cannot prey upon society." And how must they be taught? The law says, by punlslimeut, —by confinement, with hard labor In the house of correction. A poor, miserable, half-clad woman, steals a shawl, and an soon as the larceny Is discovered, half a doieii officers are on her track; she is ar- rested, brought np in the police court, the testimony against her rolls In like an Al- pine avalanche, sweeping all her denials and protestations away before It, and be- ing found guilty she Is, first, scowllngly reprimanded, and then sentenced to the house of correction, for a period, varying from one to six months. A poor Ignorant woman, whose moral sense never taught her the difference between right and wrong; whoso Ignorance was the potent reason for the Inability to provide for herself honestly. Now how is the Intelll gent criminal treated? he Is a cashier of a hank; he baa three thousand doliara a year; he is a church member,—a Sabbath school teacher; the commandments areas familiar to htm as poverty and suffering were to the. pour woman. He finds that his salary is not adequate lo his expenses, and Instead of retrenching, he plunges In- to speculation, drawing funds from the bank; makes some money, and Invests In real estate, then loses and confesses himself a defaulter. Then comes the dis- gusting part. "Ills poor with and chil- dren have always thought him the son! of honesty; he feels his disgrace deeply; could he effect a compromise?" then the defaulter turns over a portion of his real estate to the hank—makes partial restitu- tion, Is pitied by society, and regarded In the light of a victim of a cruel conspira- cy; his friends get him up a testimonial, and the edocated criminal retires upon the results of his pllfurlngs while Mary Malo- nvy, is picking oakum, or cooking meals for murderers, for the larceny of a twen- ty-three cent water-proof: and this year Is eighteen hundred and seventy-three.

Our New York Latter.

saw Yorut Fas., as, ucs. 1H:AH AMKHICAX—One week ago we bad what en and women call the "February thaw." After

thl* the wiseacre* declared we should have no more severe weather. What a mlalakel Was there ever before auch a bleak, blank, unenJoy able atmosphere this aide of Urtenlsnd'* Icy moun-

i Ine OOtlhl s land It after a "aahion If old Korea*, In hi* great haste to tuber March In with hi* usual flat, bad not, a* be generally does,

ITT HIS FOOT IS IT. Did yon ever notice tiuit the only clement ever known lo be la a hurry waa Una aame acurrylng,

■„ detestable wind? I mean the only el. a* regards the season*. Aye, but who has red the fructifying power of these aame

Who know* what lively poatlblllUes are hinted at by these piercing blunts, but.Is that keep

froni shopping, and nuke their lord* say bad words ? I have noticed that nun moat always

wear at the be*i tatsvaa, Think of balug obliged. *UCB a day as this, to se- ct roso bad* au] sprays and clusters, to poke our r.liif lingers round among boxes of grant

leaves and dltny laeee, mignonette and daialea. Think of purehAiliu,', with tho lliennomctcr among the loros, light silk*, jaconets and organdie*, which either you or your customer* nuit appear in three month* later. Hahf I'd rather wear my old clothe* than to submit lo a transaeUun so uu- sea-onablo. And yet the wholesale house- are -» arming to-day with

M1I.UKKM ABU MoiilNTM ,-„„« rllK uuirirrnr. all alter the newest and litest In styles, ap- parently Indifferent to both cold and wind; and UMaklawBlka In rrotil of Uie leading retail stores are lined with cairiagea. In which fashion- able mama* and plastic Arabcllaa have come lo -elect their hiiinnicr flxiu*. Imagination nils to conceive of the "point" or the "081001*' hair," or the silk or the velvet that would lure me from a comfortable Are, an easy lounge and a readable book to-day. These are the hours for the keenest of indoor enjoyment; Just a* Uw long summer day*, a few month* hence, will be the time for cor dial Intercourse with Mother Naiurc. when It will be a aln and a shame to lounge under one's own roof if there to a shade trass and a vacant lot with in reaching distance. Bnt II I* no use lo talk, Wll.l, UK VNKK.SO.NAItl.]; and unreasonable, and woe betide the poor forlorn quill driver who *ii|-j-e*ta that by any poailblllty •he might straighten thlnga out a hit.

This la the time, loo, for ministers a* well as milliners; for eon fere* oe* and all thai sort of thing; and from readbuj the reports of these clori 11I convention*, I am Inclined to the opinion that of the men who preach lu this ago of ontlghteu- iinin t, there I* about one to every hundred "called," a* they fell alsmit. I made up ray mind lo thl*

time ago, after hearing and reporting twe-or three hundred of the gentry, hut was afraid there might become prejudice about the ilecl-mn ; but

alter perusing account) of their behaviour while together, 111 ml that 1 am sound,

I'uylcr [Theodore] is

PITCH 1 so INTO Mil. 11 KM-men In a hlckcnlng manner In regard to 111* "dear brother'*'' bcliavlour at the Tyndall dinner, In the Irat place, II. YV. It. had no business lo up- hold a scientist; that [•'*, or D. it's agree upon. Hclenco and religion band In hand? No, Indeed. Science I* lelencc; nnd religion Is religion. Tlie first I* the devtl's pet MM, Then Mr. Ilcectter Hst, loo, thai hocliould

probably never have been a minister if It bad not have been for his lather; at least thl* I* what he fa aoeuaed of saying. Tim . Mr. Cuylcr call* weakening the work ofbla mlniatry. Cuyler ban had hla revenge. Mlnlstor* are not above their little weaknesses. In the smiley affair, when ilr. Cuyler, after having offered hla pulpit to the woman, finally

OAVK 1tr.11 TH* COU)*. Mr. rUMohrr, who afterward openly espouted bar cause, toot occasion to dull the Rev. Theodore "oowanlbr." Theodore hit* Isxek now win* "pn. •lltaolmous;" idee HUle adjective*, eh, lor one mm Inter to fling at another? Cuyler deserved the Irat, but I am free to confess that It would have been more In accordance wllh the religion which Mr. Deoc.hcr preaches, and to n great extent em bodies, if, while defending Ml** Smiley, be hai omitted Mr. * iiil.-t. ButcHfaonof Ifahepberdi will Sght, what ran be expected nt their ieeka?" Did yon see that * CBuauts UVOMHOU WAS *j*#ki> is orax COCBT the other itay, by a "bevy of grateful Udieaf'1

Kven ao. There la a movement up town, I hear, among a number of the prattle*! snd most cultured of MnnliaUau'a daughter*, to give Judge Davis* surprise party, which I* to be opened wllh kiss Ing. Won't that lie funny ?

Hut what, I aak, are the girl* of the present generation rnmlng to? Someliody lay* thl* parly I* woman'* testimonial to thu Judge** legal acu- men In the Stokes' case. If this Is the precedent to be established, what, 1 a*k, will become of Ite. O'HIIT Hrlr.kctt, the man who I* always Just and generou*? I seem to ace thl* dignified public rep- resentative suddenly surprised by the advent of fifty or a hundred, all anxious to be the flrst to

SAI.CTR uia IIONOK WITH Tliriil HOST Uftl Fancy falls utterly when I try to picture the Judge'* behavior on that occasion. It can't be )nei in eit. tfpon my word, though, I'm Inclined to think he'd luroh the party, and ladllo I hem all beautiful nuisances.

The "Funny Editor" ot the Till ■ had .1 mi remarkable dream the other night To appreciate the dream you must have a little notion of the per- aonal appearance of said editor. Ma Is tall, wllh stooping shoulder*, a slouching gate, aad a a* yellow a* the moat venerable parchment; aad his eyes are tike two black bead* in hollow* of ehamol* skin. WHi, Uiis man, whom the leader of the woman1* right*'movement wouldn't touch spiritually with a pair of tonga, actually

DRRAMXn THAT III: WAS MARHICH fi Susan D. Anthony. Tlial sleep I* getting to be a moat impertinent institution I* the candid opb Ion of Your* etc., KlMK.

CASH nr TKASKB.—Mis* Jennie Collins has re- lumed tier acknowledgemcnU for the favor* re- ceived from the operative* In the mill* of this city, In the following cant:

llumm BOWKS, all Washington HL To Ik, i:mph^rmflht ' lfilU,

Allow me. Is behalf of a largo portion of the girls of Boston who iu ff.-red by the Are, and are yet un able lo flml employment slsewbere, lo thank you for your most generou* contribution, and also to aasure you that every fraction of It shall be put In the beat uae, as the class |n whom 1 am particularly Interested hare near kindred de- pending not only for their earning bul tludr per- aonal care and attention, which renders Uwni greatly dependent. Accept their deepest graH tiide, and allow me. In their behalf, to Invlle all me operative* of the mill*, lo consider themselves welcome to the hospitalities of this esUbllsluiienl St any time they may make It convenient to visit Boston, elUior Individually or collectively, and I can assure them a cordial reception and a plea* ant entertain men I from girl* who, like themselves, have generous impulses, and appreciate a fhvor. With the very best wishes for your health and prosperity,

I remain, respectfully, JKXMK mi-uss.

*>■ ^e»«».4>» 1

Mnnadnock I~odge No. 145, I.O.O.F.

Whereas It ha* ph-osed the Supreme Being to remove from the sphere of hi* usrfulnes* our brother, J. D. Foster, tlieremra be It

Jteanh-ed That while wc mourn Ihe loss of a faithful friend, a worthy and esteemed brother, we recognise ihe hand of an overruling I'lovidence, and humbly bow In aubmlrsion to hi* infinite de

Il*tf)r#i That thl* l,ndre desires, In these reso liilion*, to express our high appreciation of b. merit, as a man, a brother, and a useful and Intel llgentcltuten, thai we shall ilicrish hi* memory and emulate hi* virtue*.

/fuo're.t Tliat our aympalhlc* are hereby ten drred to the bereaved wife, family ami friends ol our departed brother.

Jtesofrarf That theee resolution* bS published In the l.awreiirc papers, ami thai a copy |>e *ar the inm 1U of the deceased.

.1. fJ.fic S. I>. WKIiHTKB, } Committee. J. J. IKILANW, J

Lawrence, Feb. IS, ISTB.

WlSTsaVlRWS or l.vwni MI:,—The-.c-.plcn did view* whirh Mr. Mcaley, the well known photographer, baa bail some time In course of preparation have been completed, and too Col- bum Brother* have tbciu al their More. These view* were taken trum various Inlerestingpoint* In the city after the great (now *lorm, aad they are very beautiful, and, beiiihw, mark an Inter- esting epoch In the history of the winter.

ftonie G£o0y4ip. —Look out for March wind*.

—Tuesday last compacted eleven weeks of continuous sleighing in thl* city.

Plagiarism, say* the Boston Transcript, Is becoming an epidemic. We agree. This fact is forced upon us every time we -fiance at our exchanges.

—George MacDonald, the celebrated author and orator, who (peak* In thl* dry on the even- ing of the 10th hut., will return to Europe early In the moo lb of May.

Tbo ordinance of baptism was administered by Bar, A L. Hoturhton of the Free Baptist Church, Sabbath afternoon. There u quite a religious Interest at tbla church.

—There were about three hundred person* present at the dramatic entertainment Thursday evening, In aid of the Temperance Rafbctn dan. Tbo representation was passable.

We learn that Mr. Beaben Merrill, who has lately returned from Europe, where be ha* been embellishing bis musical education, lias Iran engaged to preside over the new organ In the Eliot Church.

-The music famished by the Havcrhlll Cor- net Band, during their attendance upon the Ma- sonic hodle* Sunday hist, was very superior, and received tnudi praise from the many who ll(- leiied thereto.

—Thursday afternoon Officer Stewart, from Station 9, In Boston, caino to this city had ar- rested ono John Roonoy for the larceny of clothing aad jewelry, to the value of atawt fif- ty dollar*, from a house lu Harrison Avenne, Feb. nth.

A funeral from Havcrhlll, one of the largest erer seen in our city, passed through liaverhill Street on Sunday afternoon, to one of the Catb ollc ccnicterics; It numbered ono hundred and twenty-seven sleighs, and attracted general at- tention ; we arc Informed that on darting, the number of vehicles was ono hundred and eighty ( but the condition of tho roads Induced many to return.

—Tbo ordinance establishing regulation* for hackney coache* was passed to lie enrolled In tbo common council, on Thursday evening. The ordinance establishing a Superintendent of public property, after being amended so a( tu

k'ct that officer by concurrent vote, Instead of iolut ballot, as originally designed, passed It* first reading.

—Sunday waa as delightful a day as'could 1* wished for. The atmosphere was dear and mild, and only the moist couiliiinnof ihc sircei* rendered the day front being In every wavy agree- able. A large number of peoplo walked from thl* city to Mdhucn In tlio afternoon, for the purpose of witnessing ihc Imputing funeral cer- emonies over the late Mr, l«avltt.

—The meeting of tlio Temperance Kef.inn Club at the City Hall on Sunday evening was largely attended, and the exerewe* were moat interesting, dipt. SitirTllvant of Portland dc-

■ed an Interesting address, which was atten- tively listened to. These meetings furnish an opportunity to iwoplc nut In the habit of going to diurch Sunday evening* to spend a pnifltable

—A few ragged cat* In thl( nctgblsurhood have already la-gun re hearting for their spring conceit*. We are permitted to state thai vari- ous novelties will be Introduced by them daring tbo coming season. The cats on the "plains" wilt Indulge In the usual negro minstrel norel- iias, wbiis iiiou haviru-. tin Ir residence on Ha- vcrhtl1kfJsrden,sml other street* In that vicin- ity, will giva tho U(anl o)>eratlc selections of tnew-de.

—A home car Friday waa made by its driver, who was Intoxicated, to leare Ibe street, and take the sidewalk at Stratton's comer. The bones being *omewhat frightened at finding themselves In such an unusual petition, la- came almost unmanageable, and bat for Ihc presence of mitnl of officer Sin linn, who gresjicd the animals heads, it Is almost certain that they would liave gone through the win- dows of Byron Trucll'* More. Ex-officer Moore look the driver'* place and drove Uie car up to the stable*. Beyond Ihc la-caking off of one'ol the handle* at the rear end ofiho car, there was no damage done.

—Mr. and Mr*. B. W. Burbank, residing at S00 Have-hill Street, recently celebrated Ihe twenty-tilth anniversary of thdr wedding. A large number of their friend* gathered on the occasion and presented their congratulation*. The couple were well rememltered by their friends, and many beautiful and costly presents In silver were donated on Ibeorraaton. Among (he miscellaneous presents were an elegant par- lor set of staffed chairs, aid some beautifully framed yU lines and mottoes. Rev. Mr. Fisher, who wo* present, made some felicitous remarks during the evening. The company enjoyed themselves thoroughly, and the occasion will lung lie remembered as a happy one.

—Ou Saturday night, aiiout six o'clock, a val- uable horse belonging tu Mr. 8. Q. Herscy of Melhuen, was killed at the comer of EMCX and Amcsbury streets, by colliding with another team. Ibe hurae, winch wa* attached to a sleigh, was being driven by two yuung men, Hi Mason and John Maluncy, at a pretty rapid pace, and the liorse uf Mr. Louis lliilner, also attached to a sleigh, was being driven pretty fast In an op|>o*lb) direction. The two liurse* collided with great force, and llieihsftof Mr. llciiiici's sleigh struck Mr. Hcreey'* horse In the breast with such force a* to pierce the ani- mal to thu heart, killing him Instantly. It I* hardly known which wa* to blame In Ihc af-


—Tho Newburyport ghost exrilcmcnt reached IhU city. One day hut week three of our enterprising citiaens journeyed to the haunt' eil idluis ill New l.uiji-ii 1, and Invaded the sa- cred precinct* of that notalslc adiool-bouse. I(

was too much Air iho (host, and neither Irruom or ihi"t]iaii dared to leave IK accustomed peg- The ancient arrAifecftrre ur Ihe building was carefully (canned, and the pAys-V-el condition of pupils duly examined, ami alter an hour'* un- sAtlsfactory Investigation, it was thougbl tbe at. uiosphcrc was ton/rody for a successful appeal- ante ot his ghosts-hip. But we notice an Item it the llrratd staling that upon the night of lh( above mentioned visit, that three gciitkiurn broke Into tlie school house. Ahou Ben Ad hem's progeny.

—We have seen so many parodies on Alma Ben Adhem recently that we feel no apology Is necessary In giving the following to the world 1 Mary McAdam, (may she never cease To live In love, in happiness nnd peace,) -at at the Bre one evening al her ease, And trimmed a bat unite low In Ihe crown. Which she had Utougtit loo high and liad cut down While al her work a llghl shone In her room, Which gave her cheek* a lovely rose-like bloom. She raised her eye*, and in her beat armchair She saw an aged Scribe, with long, while hair. A* Mary at this vision straight did Im.k Site saw that he was writing in a book, "What wrltest thou?" Tim Ancient gave a nod. "I write the names of those Who love their Hod!' "And I* wine there?" she breathlessly Inquired. He muttered -no," and then would have retired, But Mot i (topped Ihc Hage, right there and Ibcn "Write me a* one who Im.'. her fellow men; Tor when lo church 1 go, or concert hall, I wear a hat which you can see I* m.nll, The crown I* low, and (high crowns are the rage.) Men may look o'er my head and see the stage. At church or theatre I bit all see; Men never fret or fume because of me. I always wear my hat* low In the crown, Anil as you'll note I'm trimming thla une down.' The Ancient smiled, and gently hi* mate blew, And like a meteor up the chimney flew. Next night 11 hen Mary sat in Ine the*we, Seeing tlie looking glass held up to nature; While lovely as an bouri (here she sal, And all behind could look clear e'er ber bat. Tbe Ancient came, nnd smiling, showed hi* roll, And lo I Our Mary'* name o'ertopped Uw whole.


A day or two (dice a Hartford policeman wa* (ent to find tbe wife of a man who was locked up for drunkenness. The officer entered tbe room, which la In a bouse on Front Street, and

he woman lying In bed, apparemlv -,. The officer went up and shook Itcr, when

he wa* surprised to find that she wa* suffering from confluent iroall-ppx. Ho lost no tune lu going to a gas-bouce, where be got into a gas- uinetcr and waa fumigated. The-woman died and wa* buried the aame night.

The Montpcller Vt. Argus saya the tacts of an- other horrible murder have come lo its knowl- edge, )*ut ibe end* of justice forbid giving pub- licity to tbe detail*. The prominent character* In the drama are a "gay deceiver," a trusting and tsHrayrd rs-eullfnl voting lady, and a well- known pbydcloMj whose attempt* to hide the shame uf the others caused the death of the girl. The whole dory i* one of horror.

A Are hi New Orleans Thursday afternoon destroyed nearly six suuares, lioundcd bv Claude, Dauphin* and Washington avenues. About 200 house* and their content* were con- snmed. The w*rrity of water prevented the Ireiucn doing effective, service. A high wind prevailed. Loss ostbneled at *yiW,000; Insur- ance unknown. About 900 families are (eft home lea a.

Thursday evening, Mrs. Jonas Walworih, re- siding in whipple'* block, near Chase's mills, laiwclt, wa* found prostrate nn Ibe floor whb her head viilmicrgeo In a tnb nf water, with life uulte extinct. Whether Mr*. Walwnrth com- mitted suicide, or whether it WO* accidental, U nut known.

The Executive Committee of the Union Pacif- ic ltiillrnad ha* decided that no free no**c* over the road will hereafter he primed or Punted. They have application* fur over 3000 for this year, many or them being In the Interest of Sen- ator* and members of Cungreas aud other offi- cials.

Rising Sun, Ind., ha* an Abijab Kills aflhlr. last week, a latrrcl waa found floating in tbe river, and on being taken ashore it was found to liavo tbo l -»ly of a man lu it, with hi* bead and legs cut ml. There wo* nothing atsout hbn bv wlilch he could Iw hlentKled.

A collision I* reported in tbe harlsir of Cadis between tbe ship* Tre* Marias and Cllao*. The partlcubtrs of the disaster are not received, but It 1* Mated that ninety |*a**enger* were drowned.

The bodies of two voting women have been token from the ruins of tbe building which was burned at the corner of Hanover and Iliad. (tone Street*, lbs-ion, on Wednesday.

The wife of Avery D. Putnam, who wa* killed by Foster of New *iork,now under sentence of death, ba* written a letter to Oov. Ilia aakrng commutation of Foster'* sentence.

Tho great power* of Europe have decided to ostponc the recognition ul the S|*uil*h Hcpttb-

da, for tbo prosecution of tbe Klilvau campaign. Daa Oodfrey l( coming hack with hla ham!. Poland exhibit* Insurrrctlunsri' sympronia. Iowa hu had a heavy snow doroi- A revolution Is threatened in Peru. Vermont ho* a wood famine. Inauguration next Tuesday. London has 7000 lawyer*. Gold 11IJ.


Jim Sweeney, a thief coiiilncl in Kings Coun- ty, N. Y., Penitentiary, who has been suspected of tbo inysierkiu* murder uflYofessorPanomin, ba* confessed to tbe murder of an unknown man near Trinity church, N. Y., three compan- ion* taklnghl* monev. He knows nothing of l'aiionno, bul hi* description ui the man mur- dered agree* with that of the Ill-fated Professor.

A swindler by tlie name of A. C. FUber, waa arrested Saturday morning, for defrauding nu- merous cltUcus of Portsmouth for tbe Christian Union and other papers, representing that be would furnish cbnmio* lor them. After gci tlng>omn hamlredsuf dollar* In this way, ho left fur liollss and uther town* fa the inkrfor 01 the State, where hu operated similarly.

Tbe committee on elcdions of tho Michigan Logislaforr, hare reported a resolution granting suffrage to woman, but not raronnni-ndfiig Its passage, giving a* a reason t» iWi'lng In recom- mend It, that tbe time ha* not arrived for de- cMtu su Important a matter, and thai the pop- ular demand Is not sufficiently great for It.

Advice* from Victoria state that the steamer Oeorge H. Wright, f( supposed tn have twin lost near Capo Caution, a few day* since, with all on Umni— IK or an. Portions of the wreck have I wen picked upon the lie.i. h, 0110 of which ei ui tabled tbe name of the steamer. The cause of Ihe disaster may never be known.

Great presaura I* being Irronglit upon Gen. x, of Now York, fur Uw commutation of the

sentence of Fostnr, the iiu-book murderer. Hamilton Flsb, William M. Evarts, and tbe governor's wife mitt son are among Ihe petition- er*.

A lirother uf flic yuung Duehesse do Luynes, the announcement of whose contemplated mar- riage with the Due d'Aumalc I* making n stir hi Paris, served In the Confederate nnny under Gen. lieanrcgwid.

District Attorney Brltton, of Brooklyn, 1* charged with lirlU-ry, corruption, neglect ul duty, and nun-prosecution of ballot stunVrs.

Senator Wilson'* room nt Washington was entered un Friday night, and 111* watch, and a small sum of money stolon.

The National House of ltepresentativca, on Saturday, passed a thill Increasing the salaries of lu member*.

Some of tbe cllliens of Boston contemplate giving Onhei Ames a complimentary Uiiinei.

Tbo Legislative commit lee on Female Suffrage will report In favor of en franc his Ing women.

The Carllsts ore Increasing In numbers nnd liei inning more daring In Spain.

Gov. 1'criifim, of Maine, I* arenced of slight im; -oliiii'i;■ in his JippuiNfm ■.

The railroad* In (omo parts' of Franco are blocked with snow.

Minnesota bo* 12,000,000 bushel* of wheat awaiting shipment.

Eleven deaths occurred from small-pox in Boston last week.

Tbe public debt was reduced »1,000,000 in Felsruary.

The people- of I«ulalana are noxious for peace. *.

There wasn't a death In Pitdihtirg lust week. Tho Newburyport ghost refuse* to bo laid. Thu Berlin rab drivers are on a strike. Aiilsnn, Me., has a religious revival. Simmer'* health Is improving.


On Saturday last, two Hpaularil* entered Wlllard's store, near lloraetowu, lu Shasta county, ('ul., and shot and Instantly killed a Chinaman, knocked down n clerk wiihn revolv- er, robbed the store of money and all the ralna- bles they could carry awav, and went toward Col ton wood. On tbe roan they met a mnn named Sonm-, and rubbed him and osraped. They arc said to lie a remnant uf Hie famous Jicupiiii Muriclta'* band of highwaymen.

A singular railroad accident occurred recent- ly la Italy. The holler ol the engine hm -1. tearing Ihe locomotive to pieces, sending the forward half with the four wheels alongtbe line, and reversing and overturning tbeletidtr and. wagon* to tlie last otic. The fireman wa* slmt up Into tho nir with *tirfa Circe thnt, coming In contact with tlie telegraph wires, Ihcy slumped like threads, and the man, describing a semi- circle, fell dead.

A bricklayer In New Yurk died recently, and left a Untune varltsulr estimated at from SI'I to fJAn to his wife. Tbe brolhei> of the de- ceased who were led out In the cold now pro- pose lo mutest the will, and have Instituted pi'm 1 "bug- in a New York court to that end.

Peru Is now 011 the brink of a revolution, w bleb must seem natural to the jieo|ilc. Tbe trouble arise* from tbe shouting of iwu revolu- tionist*, and the cuti*c>|uent visit of an united mob to Congress, wllh a demand for a change of ministry.

A letter from San Domingo savs that Ibe Sa- mami Bay Company I* regarded wllh fnver. Numerous stranger* are arriving, plantation* are changing hands, and nn dr of activity per vade* the region.

Tbo newspaper lire** of tlieSotifh I* unani- mous tn ils expression* of cordial welcome lo President Grant, In hi* proposed tour through 1 he Sou them Stains.

John II. King, kec|HT of a fancy gsud* store in Worcester, committed suicide Halurdm , by taking pohson, Tin- art was Ibe result of lute in Iterance.

The question nf thsalailltloll of capital put • iiisiitiiciit will soon l>c voted oil III Switzerland.

The Sandwich Islands desire lo cil.-i i a recip- rocity treaty with Urn United Slates.

It i* reported turn Capt. Jack and hi* Modocs have agreed npon a surrender.

Hon. Henry Wilson lias recovered Ihc valua- ble watch stolen from hfm.

The women of#Switrerlaml ore moving* for suffrage.

Yesterday wa* town meeting day In Massa-

i In ii nt- Orchestra i* delighting Chk-.nw Bear steal- are Minnesota luxuries. Sum in 1 wa* In hi* seat on Monday. This I* Inauguration day. Utah ho* ■mall-pox.





Weekly ^fewtf 8fevitie^. WEDNESDAY.

Tlie new* received from the northern and northwestern provinces of Spain, UIIMIIV from (•■ii li-t sources, show* that tin- insurrection i- growing stronger every day. Tlie situation at l'.iiii|.i-liiii.i h critical. The Insurgents are rap- idly organising their increasing force* In tlie l'.-- ■!■:■■ provinces, NnvntTt, Alai 1.1. Catalonia, V.tli in 1.1 nml Arragon.

A few days ago* negro woman, living near llcltlcld, Henderson County, K\., locked her IhrM children in her cabin, while visiting. Dur- 111/ ht-r IIMM tliu cabin caught tire ami was destroyed. The Iwnicd remain* of the children wire found the next morning, near the door-sill, showing Ihitt they had endeavored to escape from a horrid death.

There 1- much excitement in Cleveland, (>., 1 ■ Uie 1 ■■■mi.. Of a letter by the Catholic Bishop, denouncing anti-Catholic marriages, anil prohibiting Catholic* from scndlm: their children to the public school*. He also Insist* U]KHI the exclusive control of all Catholic Church property, taking It nwav from tlie Board of Church Trustees.

A collision necurrvd on the HIH1M.PI Hirer Itnllnmd, at '] ivuli, Tuesdiiv mumlng, laslwecil the eight o'clock express train from New York, mil the Saratoga train, hound south. Iloth en- gine* ami a liaggagu <-ur were tanlly damaged, nml tlit tlrviii;in of the Saratoga train, named Major, w.i- killed. No one else mu Inni.

The rc-lnailgurulioii „f Presiduiit Grunt Tues- day. was a grand affair. Tlie military display wu* line of tha fini 1 ,■■,, r -,-.-n in "\\ 1 1,11,■■(■■.1. nnd the til [> nrches, display of hunting, ami crowd* of *pt, tutor*, made the 101BC one ol rare interest.

The police of Home have discovered and ar- rested the mcmlwr* of u society of thievei that ii i-l bom OfgwlMMl and disciplined hy a hld- 0OBI dwarf, who acted a* u receiver of the plun- der.

John IC.'JMII wan found frozen to death near II) ii • Park 011 Tuesday morning. He prulsshly got liewildcrcti In thu storm of Monday evening mid losing hi* way succumlted to the cold.

A 1 K MI l »■« inning to one of the Italian mo nf war capsUcd nt I.i«l*m Monday uficrmsm, short - ly after lb-cmliarkatlun of ex-King Amudcus, nml eleven person* were drowned.

A murderer WM h.uigcd hy a 111.1l> In a Utah town, the other day, and a young woman to whom he Iw-tnithed, 011 hearing It, fell

I'novrv—Patrick Fliincmn has

beeu examined, on the charge of canning

the death or hi- uncle, ami acquitted. No

other decision could be reached. There

wan uo evidence that the accused ailinlu-

lltond |M>laon to hit uncle, with the In-

tcutloii of killing him. The fact that Fln-

nentu, made strong efforts Ui get U»

property or hi- uncle Into Ml hands while

the latter watt dying, docK not prove that

he acc(impli«lncl hi - death; It only created

the Mwpiclon that he might have done no.

The examination before the police court,

on Mom lay, showed that Colonel Itcul had

left nothing undone to throw light oil the

cauxc of Tlerney's death; W> nloue wan

left unturned. The undertaken* who m

tended to the burial, the coroner, who

Maw the body after death, the persona llv

lllg iu the hofJM which Kinuerau occu

pletl, the reporter, who interviewed Hit

iienui when public opinion aci-imed bin "f

the death of Ml uncle, all CI-OKM-examined,

and the tcHtlniony of each one wan Ju»t

imiigli to show that Ticmey died by pole-

n. He mny have taken an overdone of

latmnuuni Mmwlf, to quiet his nerves, or,

the laudanum which caused hi* death mny

have been ttilmlnlsUTed hy others. No one

cmld throw light on the subject; perhaps

Tieincy"* wHe could Imve elucidated this

point. She was not examined either for

or against bin. District Attorney Sher-

man in suggesting that Vlnueruii be dis-

charged, tided wisely. Judge Steven* In

the light of the evidence adduecd, could

not do otherwise than agree. Hut the evi-

dence showed one fact, nml that Is that the

constant restraint Of Klnneran, uiitil his

moral sense Is developed by education to

such a degree a* would enable him to dl*

tlngtilsh between right and wrong, would

subserve the best interests of society.

_ develop what there U good in him. Ulvc blm ' arre»« to iK-hnnlf, and when ttr Irnvel* let him (eel Hiaoireil tlmt hh> ii. in lint ■ 111 NffMMl the treat-'

i.-iit and line he will receive. Tlie HUten lately at wiir with tlie (iriirrsl

deed. Michael Lebn or Iklllntiham, Ma«., eom-

milted mil.- by tnkliui poison 011 Monday. Trouble with in- familv.

The air waa r.i li.un with ruckets at Waxhinfc- ton, on Tuemlay nl^ht.

Tin' ol l''.ii« frauds atnounl hi S-i.HOO.Oi K).

1; 1. '. ■ WM pel under law during the elections.

1 fear roily at Klo Jn<

mwtou 1* preparing ft» n large aprlnjt trade. Cholej-ii ami MnelUpoK threaten Vienna. Texaa hi orrrMoeked »lth 1 ''■■ 1. ■ Tlu; Moilm-a have surrendered. Foster ban been respited.


T 1-1 II II S U A l ,

. ■ ■ 1 la exereWil that would not lie exercised in any ullier State un- der like clrrnin-tance>. In the di>l year of the ua*l Adiiiluitti-alHHi Us' |oopti*lUou CHHMI up for Hw Kitmu-ftioii i.r Man t« 1 ■■«-» *.- a Territory In tliel ninn. It u.i« Hot a <|iiralinii nf kav n-eking, ' it was a prnpi^lUoii ir the |xn|de or Han llo-

!MH nmt whieh I riilcrUined. I lieUeve now, s~ . .lid then, that it wu for tlie beat luteratU ofUiia i-ounln,fi>r tlie people ol nan Doiiiing" nml all i-nueerned thu I tile prupii-IUiin plnujil lie reeeivasl ntroralily. It was, however, rejected constitution- ally awl thererore the »ulijecl WHS never broughi upatralH by me.

In future, while I hold my prcM-nl olure, the subject of the ac<|iiiidlloii ol terrllnrv iiinnl hare tlie riipiHirt of the people liefore 1 will reconiiuend anv i>rtt|>ii it lookliia to such acipiitilion. I ray here, huweier, that 1 do not ahare in the appre- hension hehl tn many a* to the dantrer of thellov-

" U'li'iuiiiK wenketMat ami deptroyeit hy

cducaliou and rapid Iran-It of Ihoujchl and matter l.v teli'xrupli and nteani have rliiiiiiri-d all this, 'father do I Is-lien' Hint our tirrat Maker Is pre- parian tlu- uotld in Ills own good time to iHM-ooie one imtloii, speaklnsoue laiufuatre, ami wheu ar- mlesaad iiavieawlll ls> no 1> inner nsiulreit. My *(f»rt- In the future will be directed lo Ihe lerlora- tlnn ui III-*\ feeliiiK Isjlwern the illffrrciit

WOMAM St'KVitAOK. — This Important

subject earn year IMIM Increased al-

tenlloii and |>opu)arlty, ami at the present

time Is receiving serious discussion In the

Legislature. Ofl Wednesday occurred an

Interesting debate In the HoSJM of Heprc-

setitntlves upon this subject. The npa-

clotis hall was tilled with an Inttircatcd au-

dletieo, the galleries being crowded with

ladies and gentlemen, while the fair sex

famd n' large representation upon the floor

of the House, many members or the Sen-

ate and Council also being prcHent. The

debute was carried on in an earnest man-

ner, with in almost entire absence of the

ridicule and merriment that has character-

ised runner discussion. The debute was

continued next day, and friend* of the

measure feel confident of success in the

popular brunch Of tlie Legislature. Should

this result, those earnest and faithful la- Mr. Win. Mahay, n I'ictou mail, Ml on Snt- I ho„T« for thu (Uu*e will fed that an enrly

urday hurled to the ground, I iv thu breaking or . , ,. , , tin r-t.^in^ ..n a iwn-sinry liulldiiiKi.ii Harden-i ami ,,l,Mt important victory bus been berg Street, Providence, on w hi. h he was work- I gnincil, even should the measure receive 111K, breaking his .•hniihlcr-hhnle mid lmi'k.uiid ,.»,,,„ . ,, , . ., Injuring bis head. He was taken lu-hla home i dcfc"t '" tlie »*»«>»tc- Already has the and remained nuconseioua until Monday even- , neighboring slate of the In*

'"' Ititttlve among the New Kngluml States,

In granting the ballot to women, and It'

Ins*, when he died dren.

The LcgMatlve Committee on Federal Ucla- tlnns gnva n pulille hearing on Wednesday upon

. ..,- I..I... (1 «l?l.'—■ -- ■ ^»i.T_'«__ the pi'titliin of John 0. Whlttier and otbi expunging the resolutions or censure on Senntoa Sumner. Kx-(tovernor Clallln, (fur. Wanh- bum, the Itev. James Freeman Clarke ami oth- ers, spoke hi favor of the pciiti.-u.

The Oeneral Assembly of Virginia him ,«issed j V™*9' •pbere-ttalt Of an e.,ual snim.g

defeat now awaits the measure In thh

State, its consummation la only a matter

of time, and an eurly day Is most certain

to witness the elevation of woman to her

with the sterner ■■ Plsiluiing a joint committee to make arrangements to receive President tlront In such a milliner as shall comport with the dig- nity of the Commonwealth.

Sc.i-n hundred French troop* In Algeria are surro led by 10,000 Amlis, and In danger or capture by them. Uelulorceiuenls have Isen sent to thu troops, but It is feared they will lie loo late In reaching them.

A young woman of Qiihiev n short tiipc ngo mnrrtcd one Oliver tianlner. It Is said that the bridegnsmi has deserted Ids uewlv-tiinrrled wire, and Molcn from her -■■.". while 011 a Jour- ney In Ven 110111.

The Hark tlovnc, from Hntuvia for Falmotilh, was recently wrecked In Mouiifs Hay, mi inlet of the Atlantic 011 rhe extreme ■UUthmcft eisist ■»r Knglaiiii. Fifteen oi ite'erawwereilnnriKd.

Thu Impiest on Kosa Castello, the Cambridge school gUl, alleged to have died from a whipping lit her leather, resulted in a verdict, on YVcdnesdny, of "denth from natural RUUM."

A St. I'.ml, Minn., hnhy Is the snbjeit of u writ oftubtHi eoqms, »ucd out liy his mother, lu consciitieiiee ol his being detained as collat- eral security b.rau unpaid Isinrd hill.

I .el Valentine's dav ITiO.OOO vnleullues passed through Ihe Llverisml |sist offlcc. Till, is In ex- nuignillcunce and Interest.

HOW. WM. C. KHMUUTr, or Salem, has

been appointed by <iov. Wasliburn, all

associate juatlce oT Ihe Supreme Court or

the Commonwealth. A more satisfactory

■election could hardly have liecu made:

Mr. Kndlcott Is a lawyer of rare ability, possessing nil even, wcll-hulnnccil mind,

and his appointment will be warmly com-

mended by Ihe bar, nml mhl slrength nml

dignity to the lunch. -

Inauguration President Uranl

A V.AI.A DAY AT THK '',tI'lTOL-SKVKItK trt:.iTj/i:n-.ix litrostxa PBorttsxtos.

PBM.ilm:\IS AltfiUKRH.

a of last year ami 1

The eerutnonles attendant ■pan Ihe luauguru- tlini of Ulyisea H. (Iruul, as chief mngisirutc of Ihe nation, were conducted Tuesday, with great

The city of ar ly double the number 1 Ingtoti was crowded willi people from all |mrti

sent theyei

A euble dl»|Miteh on Saturday, conveyed the nf the foundering of un unknown • tetiocr, til tlie llnNT, near l.lverpssil, and the loM id'nil hand'.

,r arerlone. Mrs. Charles Holme*, of Hiitilstrtiiii, K. II., {sMntanttuai

dropped dead lu her house on Suturdav morn- ' Itlg, She was n WklOW W Ittl six cldldnii, MMl n un 1 -tl ile

Ihe l.ils.r 1.11 In sol Ion have SI..*) p lo 02.00.

All'ivd V.. Walk.

on the Portsmouth ami Dover struck tor higher wages; thev lav at present,mid ilcmnud#l-i-?

r, a vnuug New Haven, Ct., phv^iiimi, shot himself dead pu WedneHlay. Ihe i-naae lor the net was chronic melancholy.

John Cli.iinU'aii, n Frenchman, "as run over and killed livu-m.wplowouthe Lowell A Nash- ua Kiiilniuil.oii Weiliiesiluy.

Fears are entertained that I'lilliec will not lie nlilo to nuti.-lpntc In r wnr debt,

A movement Is living made ill London for Fenian amntsty meeting.

The Pacillc Hidlnsid has abolished tli I head" system

The C. 8, Heua'e was mil in dii

lire resolutions will probably

an Advcntul In gi«Hi itend-

■riotl yester-

Prince Ismls has lieen visiting Victoria. Chelsea (■■ iiluiost clear of aniell-pox. The Welali miners hate resinned work. The Kiel famine continues in Filmland. The Legislature has girl |mges. The Cabinet wont lie changed. New York has yellow ruver. Child llil-H. "

I It I It A V .

'1 here has lieen pent Ironhlt in New Orleans. The Mcl'.nery men Is'^an aggraialonl 011

icnclng hy llrlng

HI receive my support and such __ JUS in • ■ .us. ■■■■' as will, In, lierl

carry tbem into effact. I \tr* vour sup-

hilo the ttatni by the nollro, seipieullv the gageiii

He eight 1



The lire mil.II ■i:H,-l.


ilia. One of 1

|n.||c--tirioiiK, which was in posi mlllti.i, w:is n-eapnircd by the police this morn- ing, one man it thu militia Iking wounded l.i- lally.nud another lllghtly, The uienils-rs of Ih.: MeKneiy Leg!-tattire have been arrested. At 1 i-l a'-eiiiial" the city wns iptlct.

Rennr* Ohnutge, Spanish Minister to l-'rance has tnillil d Sen.? Ca^tehir Hint tin

1 I'.. de. i to WtlW an

their re.-pei

proclumatli vent of 1

Federal llepult I.

The freieht train going west OH the Pemisvl iiiia rnlliniid enme in eolihkMI with a locomu 1. ■tiiuiliiigon the -n track at Portage Sia ■a on lliunday. K»lh engines were Imdl ri 1 ked, and ihe engineer of Hie freight wa iliid, nml Ihe lireimiu fatally injured.

Advices from (llbrnltur slate that 2ftl cm iueers attached |o Hie Spmii-h i-;ii II-

■ en miles ithuc-

..II. ndi

rente a rising In I!

Imprisoned, dispa

..I (IN, .11 it-

A lb Oeneral of Cnlavha of na American newvpaper, the insurgent!, IH> ami mil 1 returns lo the Rpaulaji lines


President Thier- \,,v- recognUcd Hie IH-Iliger- mi rights ..f tin- Carllsls in Spain. The IIIIIHV*- ■i-m grows that Ihm ('arlos will sine 1 |ne». la'dl-hlug hlmeoirupMi the Bpanbli throne.

Itr. Morgan of San Francisco tisik isason with snieid.1l Intent, nn Wetlnemlay evening imt repenting, seal for a physician, win* aavou his lite.

Chester ls.vej.iv «vas killed while eoupllna cars at Nashua, on I Inrmlav, being enolied U-. tween the binilers. He was .'l years old.

There Is a report thai the MorqnH of Lornt nml the Princess Louise hate sepnmled lieeanM of inconipatlhlllty,

Henry O. (Jrlillih, a riiimgo Jnurnalhd for- merly of Ik...t.»ii, died Wrdnesila

of the country. Numerous present, and an unuMinlly

lurice umber of tepmwntatlva nud ..»■:. attended apou the tsreashm, The weelhei severely cold, and much MI 111 ring WM rent

lied hy the lron|>s and bodies foriuing (In grand proeciisloB, on eeoonnl thereof.

The urocefetal was formed sism after nine o'clock, and was conpoaed of twelve divisions, the llrst six embracing the various military or- ganisations, escorting Hie Pmtdcat and Vice President elect, nt the bead Of which were the West Point Cudcls, closely followed by Boston Ljuieen, while tlie remaining division* OQOtftlned the Diplomatic corps, cabinet c.rllci numcrouH eivle uml pollltcal organi/ations, t the Wnsbln-'ton lln' department The proc ■ion moved promptly, ami reached the Capitol at 11 o'clock,

lu the Senate Hie closing scenes were of much Interest. The Senate had sat iu sesskm llmiugh Ihe night, until live o'clock, when an adjunm- incut was had until nine o'clock, ul which lime they rc-nm-mhlcd, nml continued the vouilne of business. At ipinrbr In-lore eleven IttOM lor- lunale in the pOHWulon of tickets weic mhiiltled to the giUlerles. Tbeae were immediately lilled «iih a urlllkuil gulherliig. Among IbOM early to appear HpoH ihe door of the Benele rtuunlwr were Hens. Sherman nml Sheridan, ami several utUccrs of their stalls. Admiral- Ooldsboroagk, Porter, ami other navel olllecrH. Al .|unrter to twelve Henry Wilson vraa escorted lo u teat on Hie right hand of Vice Pni-ldeiit Culntx, uml was followed Ivy the Supreme Court, nml u few mtimeiits later Senators Truiulml! nml Coiikliu announced that the President had no further communication to make, alter which I'rertileni Oranl entered the hall, and took bis sent In front of the desk. Mr. Colfnx, In a lew words, pn.uoiinetd his vabdietory, ami then Senator Wilson read a well prepared address, followed by then wncemrni from Mr. Colfiut, that the present Senate was adjourned mis Hit, Mr. Wilson then took the Vice Pnsldent's chair, nmt duly administered the oath of office to the newly elected Senators.

At half-past twelve the fbrmelkm ol the pro- eeeehM to the east portlra of the eupitol look place. The President led tlie way followed by his cabinet, the Supreme judges, diplomatic corps, and Congress. As usual, a spacious platform waa erected at the front of Hie east portico. Tlie Intense Bold earned Ihe pnseed- Itigs to lie very hasty, and wiihout any ceremo- ny at nil the President advanced to Hie front mid read his message. Tlie judges, the Vice President, mid many other dignitaries took --i tits ■round the President.

For one eighth of a mile iu either direction the Iroope 1.lie,I the sipmre, mil in [heir gay uniform nml waving plumes presenkd a mng- nlllcent s|kibicle. All IIIMIUI the troop* there was a dense throng of men, women nml chil- dren. The President occupied tooNl ten luin- utes in reading Ills inaugural eddren.


'tamlnnl of values—gold—and, if possible, to par with it; In tlie i-nti-lriirtiuii nf cheap transit tlu..inrlu.ul (lie land, and Unit Ihe products of all sections limy llnd a market and have a living re numeration hi tlie producer, to the maintenance of 111. n.Ll. retallons w llh nil our n. and with illrUml nnlii n«, to thereestabllshuieiilor nurenin. uieree and a ■leu .■ in the carrying trude upon the iH-enn, to the encouragement of such manufactur- ing industries as can he economically pursued in tin ■ country, to tlie enda Ihul the. exporto of home CxIucU ami iu.lui-trles may pay lor our Imports,

nnlv sure method of returning to nml perms nentlv maintaining a i-pcrlc lm-1-, to the elevation of labor, ami by a humane courte !■■ bring tlie DII- origlnes of the country under the In-iiign inflllcncer <>f education and rlvlliinlion.

Ills .nn.-. this ora wur ofrxtt'rmlmill'in. Wars nf exlermiiialloii eugnged hy n people pursuing c.imuieirlnlaud:illlVi. pursuit-are ■ |iensl\eeii'ii agnin-t Hie weakest |ieople, and I del and wicked. Our -up.iini ih of stn-nglh nml advantage* or civilization should make us lenient towards the Imlinns. The nlreailv iiiflicU-l ii|nm Hum slmulil lie taken into Fieri,!,!,!, j.nd tlie Inline., 0, hl-eiedil. The I.ll n.-l. ..I Hie ipie-tii,n -In-Ill.i lie ei.ll-i.leieil, ami the ijuestioii asknl, " HH- Indian l«' maite a useful ami productive member ol society lo |.i..per teaching ami treatment/" If the effort i- IIKHII- in g.HHl taitli we will stand l«-forc the civ- lllirsi nations of HH> earth, and in our own con- sciences, for having made It. All iheso thing- nre mil to IK- acemuplltncil liy one Indiv iilual, but thev will ti.m

port ami encouragement. It hna lieen, and Is, my enniest desire to correct abuses Hint have gion up in tlie civil service of the eountrv. To seeur. tills re I on nation, rule* regulating the it.ell....I or appointment and promotion were established and "- ive lieen tried. My rD'nrts for siieh relonimtioii

mil lie coutlnueil to tlie best of nn Judgment; the Irll of tlw< rule* will lie maintained. I ucknowlcda-e. liefore this asiieuibbiKC, rcpre

ion ting, us it ..Iocs, every section or our country, tliei.lillgntlon I MID under In mj eountrv men for

" great liinior thev have conferred mi me hy - ulng me to tlie highest ofltre wllhiu ttielr g....

.... 1 the further obligation re-Hug on me to render them the liest service within my jiower. This I urmulse, looking forward with Hie greatest atille- iy to the ilav w lien I shall lie released frum the re- s|Hiiisllillitles Hut at times are almost overwhelm, big, and from which I have aeareelv had a respite since the eventful firing \r\nm I'ort Huiuter, In April, isni, lo tin- prenent dav. I|v services were Ihen tendered ami nceeuted under Ihe first cull for troops growing out of Hint event.

I dlil not ask for the place or (maltion, and win entirely without Influence or Hie acquaintance of persons of Influence, but was resolved to perform my part In a struggle threatening Ihe verv extst-

ice of the imUim. 1 perli.iiinsl a conscious duty llliotit asking pr tl.ui or command ami wltli-

nnt a revengeful feeling toward anv section or nnv Individual.

Notwithstanding this, throughout the war, and from mv enndidm v fur mi pre-enl ufllee, IsllS, lo Hie clnse ofthe last Presidential campaign, 1 have Invu Uie subject of abuse and slander, scarce)v ever eiiiinlcd In political bislorv, whkh tivdav I feel Hint I can affiinl I.. disri iciod in view nf vour verdict which 1 gratefully accept as my vlni'llcn

Aa the rresldent concluded his address, the builds played, and salutes wem ilr.-d from thu ■latteries stationed north and south of the capl- tol, from the arsenal, the navy yard, and the forts on the Potomac. Notwithstanding the In- tense cold, the speclaele was grand and imp..- mg.

During the evening there wns a gorgeous dla- play. or llreworks In all parts or ihe city, hut Ihe exhibition al the treasury department was daz- zling and unparalleled. Fur mill.-, around, thu city preaciiled brilliant illuminations. Tile grand Tcaturc or the night was

THK iM'i.niil mil, nmingemeni* for whieh had lieen made in extensive ami magnificent manner, never la-fore attempted. A vast temporary structure hud lieen erected for the occasion, and the Interior was decorated and lllumlnntcd in the moat beautiful and effective inmiiicr. At the south- erly i■inin.II of iho building was erected a large platform, elegantly decorated and luxuriously furnished, Tor the use or the Piv.-ldeiit ami at- tending dignitaries. Two balconies were erect- ed, one for the Annnpalb Hatid.whlch furnished the dancing music, ami one t'nr the West Point ami Marino Unnds. The kill room presented a rare 1 brilliant scene, the elegant tolleta of the Indies nud the gay uniforms of Hie visiting soldiery, displaying a pleasing eontrnst. The festivities were Interrupted alamt eleven o'clock, hy Ni- entrance of tlie presidential party, includ- ing cabinet officers, iiieinlH-rs of the Diplomatic torpf, Sherman, Sheridan, nml oilu-rs of high rank. As the party passed down the room, Ihe bunds played "Hall to the chief," tlie dancing reMCd, nml many Indies and gentlemen were presented lo the President nud party. There was a large attendance of army ami nee* offi- cers, memnen of congress, and notable person- ages. ims.1 of whom were atla liled by their ladles. During Hie evening a supper was served In a magnltleeiit style. The entire arrangements were ndmiruhly conducted.

I<0(fh.l Sffkird. ANOTHER ELOPEMENT.


COMUIHI Urea in realms above And lite i> tim. ■■>. ' w. .,.!.,•.

I.awren.e ia famous for suicides mid elnpe- in.-ui.. Hardly has the excitement attending the last elopement died away, and the iierpetralora sank behind the bars of a prteon, before we are c:ille.i upun to ehronklo anotlier. This time, how-

■tei.'ihe |iarUesare better known, and the clr. urartances are hardly less painful. The last time, lie mother of alx children went off with a single mi., this time a young husband fOM off with a

single woman. The parties are lieo. P. Brudfonl ami llalllo J. llennett tieorge wns married last Septeiulier to a very pretty and amiable young la- dy, whose pee pie reside in Mlllon, Mass., alter a brief rourUhlp. lie Is a carriage painter hy trade,

lieen employed for some Ume by Messrs. i ,-. mi ■ MI A Joyce, the well-known carriage man. mac Hirers on I'onmi on Street. He hnanled with hi* wife, at No. M Lowell Street. Hattic Is well known In this city, and luts some pretension* to beautv, Iseing a blumte, with luxuriant hair, nisy cheek's and bright blue eves.

II.mi.- I. ended at the house of Mr. Ferguson, next door to i ie.irge's Ixianllng place, and It wa* while untie was living here that the acipjahitanci was formed. Itullic was anxious Hint tlw peopli with whom shewus living should not know oflivr luHiuuey with Ueorge, M she gave notice almost two month* ago, that she could gel bonnl cheaper en one of the corporations, and acconilngly r moved to Hie Atlantic, where tieorge could ha1

an opportunity of seeing her when he wnnU'd I lieorge's wire never torn momentsuspneb-d thai

husband was unfaithful to her. nud ao matters it on. There were moonlight meetings, rlelgh-

ri.ies, etc., participated in by tieorge and lUUle, il nil weut merry as a marriage bell. Hut peo-

ple will talk. It begun to he pulsed about that ■ nl IlatUu were too nni.ii.n-. and ao on

-aiuniiiy hut the young lady left her work, set- i l/.l up her buanl bill, anil left, to go, aa abe said, to Ea*t Cambridge to work In a tailoring cslab- ll-dnuent there. Htrangely enough, Ueorge, who had sent his wife lo her mother's a short time ago for her health, gave out that he waa going lo bring her home, and left hi* boarding place on Satuntny. Ueorge,"* wife came to this city Thurs- day, and was astonhdied ou enquiring for her husband, to flu.I that he had left l-iiwreiiec to vidt her last Salunlny. When she lieanl the story the truth wa* ton-ed upon her that the husband ofa Tew months liad left her for another.

Hut this is nut the worst of it. tieorge Is com- paratlvcly unknown, and It I* feared that he mac ne.l Ids wire under an assumed name, in short. Hint llradtord Is not hi* name at al). Since his de- parture there hare been development* showing tlial lie wns not severely addicted to truUi. Ills wife has not yet an noun ceil what her course In Uie matter will lie. She will be urged by her friend! to have the pair brought hack, and we may hear of Col. Philbriek Isning put on their track shortly. Nothing lias beeu ti.-.i i. I or the eloping pair.


ration. Miss Itdlllpps has been so long a public I A collection wan then taken up, and Uie audi. favorite, her reputation 1* *• well established, and erne respomled very liberally. Thu follow ing her great vocal powers so wdl unricnilnod, that anything we might say here in favorable crtHclnn

>uld be anparioous. We cannot retrain, bow- er, from saying here thai Mis* PbUlippa' voice

seem* to improve aa *he exercise, it. It scema to that It never sounded richer, fuller, or fell upon

i ear with more delightful welcome than on Tueeday evening. To »ay that she delighted lier ludlenee Is only to repeat a hackneyed phrase

silie always doe* that. Rut on Tuesday night site sang with surh power ami ■pirit as to entrance

recalled after the Aria, ami sang a moat pathetic song, entitled "The Hose Buih," with great feeling.

The second part of the programme wa* rendered ran bciier than the tlr-t. Il Introduced the entire

einnpaiiv. Mr, Ibunmoml acuulUed himaelr well ballad entitled "Apart." which lie sang with

much feeling.

In tlie song of "The Hose Hush" Mis* 1'liiliipps I'ninid full scope for Uie exhibition of bcr imirvel- li.m power of remtering tlie pathetic; and in tlie "laughing SWmg,- In which rhe mllowed Wr. il.nun. I, -lie found opportunity for the dbiplay nf diametrically oppoaite qnalitles. Theaong was written by Ulaa Kate Field, and is Uie expression »l'a gay, light baarted glil, who la not to be de- eeiveil l>y Battery, or taken In by the prevailing masculine nonsense of Uie times. The Idea that slie might be blind to lu sincerity presents itseir In surh a ludicrous atpeet lo her Hint her cachina tnry faculties are excited, ami she Uml* relief In laughter. Thlaat fflrst come* in ripples, gently Uien In surge, and at last breaks forth In wave*, nml all the time gushing iu harmony with the mu- sic. In rendering this piece Mis* 1'hUllpps exhlb- ited great artistic skills il was difficult which wa* most pleasing, Uie singing ur Hie acting; both combined were euchanllug. She was raptunm. -

appUmled. and lielng eucnred sang "Comln' thrn' the n> ■-'" wltli charming effeeL

h . Mi.nii.i-, in tlie second pail, alU-ni].!, .1 the ig inai Led for blm In Uie Hot, ami after getting

badly tlu ..ugh one verse, gnve It up aa a hopeless task. Mis* Stetson sang "She wandered down Uie mountain side" with much feeling. This song rave her an opportunity of exhibiting *ome rare lualitle* of voice, and conllrined Uie opinion thai she wn* an artUtenf no ordinary vocal ability. Fur thi* she waa encored, and sang "Leva baa Eye»" in a manner might have convinced tlie m.wi ..-..oiii-ai kkat Wu» little god la not blind.

Madam I'rs.i played a vjnliu solo, "Nose* In Euv pl." ami lielng recalled gave a selection from Uie "Carnival hi Venice," both of which w dered e-•.|IIi-iieli. The concert . lesed duett, "I La.m a bank." by Ills* PUUlpa ami Mia* Stetson, lu whieh both ladies .harmed their lis- tener*. Thu eoneetl waa highly •uneessful, both In an artistic and pecuniary sense. When the company again vidt tide city limy ovation.


■■Hi:. . I liaveli alle

While |..le,l"in.l to I.- Ihe iiuldbig -I;

't:-eV'-'-l l|.:i''-,|'-f-:l"-M.H '""" '' L

and a iiinj !.■..-.' tl tin.t ..! , id',, , ,.|' .'

The report that Thlei untrue.

Bennior Bmnner's ho Madrid is turbulent. (Mil I I'll.


aai-d 2H

seriously III proves

ea.Iily linpmvea.

will wolenme the

eletle, written for our coluu York corres|Hindent, Hi.KVNim Hsbiil week after next; it Is With Ilealh," and "ill be |i Interest.

li.ul.-Oi men I ofai

llllled, "A Hide Hid of II.Nil,-,..


t I V II. SKSHlllX. — ItllliillsM J,

c March term of tint Superior Court, rirll sea- begun nl the Court House In this city on lay, thief Justice M. I,.I,..I,, ou the lleiich.

H ork of calling nmt ejalamhtg cases nan gone igh with, mid the Court adjourned MTUC.--

The juries an* compoi-eil as follows:

piece* were afterward* given: "IMiu't Drink," hy lie; ".Never Ih-lnk Tliat,"by HhM

l.ii/ie .-•lieriiian ; "Not Mo K:i-y,-' by UaaterEdgar "Child and 81re," by Mi- Jo*le U.

the young lady who took the part iu the sketch ao creditably: "I'll Never L'ae Tobnc-

by Henry Merriani. These were followed by a piano duett by Mis* May Sherman and Mlaa Hal- ite J. ItnlierU, very well given. "Lostand Found," by Min* Delia Heed. Then a song waa sung by Uie mlect choir. After Uils waa given "The Drunkard's Daughter," by Miss Lucy Massey, and "Charity,'* by Master Samuel Eaton.

Then came the aceue of Uie evening, the presen- tation of tlie banner, which i* a beautiful one, lieu ring Hie in script Ion, "Lawrence Hand nf Hope," and the figures of n boy and girl sustain- ing a water fountain, the ground being blue ami the letter* and figures gold. In presenting tlie banner, Mr. Dyer said he had made a promise to give tome thing to Uie Band or Hope, and In mak-

ing thW presentation promise had been re. dermed. He hoped the organisation would contin- ue lo do good. A* the young had derided to use nothing but water he hoped more pains would be taken by the citizens in the future than had been taken In Uie past to provide them with good water. The banner wa* not presented becauae a Dyerne. ceaaily existed for It, n-r had It been got by Beat. ning. Master J. C. Bowker, to whom as tlie reprc aentaUve of the organization the banner lead been

fide< I aa follow* : Pgeri being selected at Uie recipient of this noble

banner, allow me. In behalf of this "Ihtmlof Hope," and of these friend* now liefore u-, to render to you sincere ami heartfelt thank* for this brilliant ami beautiful gift. Indeed, sir, a* ww look upon It our young hearts are so Ulled wlUi Jov tlmt we cannot express to you one hntf of our thanks. But, kind sir, yon may reel assured that It will ever be a Huurceuf pride and admiral on to UH; that IU beauty and brilliancy, in glowing color* i" ' iparkllag gems will, with Ooefa help, ever in*], is to follow in the paths of Sobriety, Tempernn ami Itlglit. Again thanking you for ourselves, for our fathers and mother*, our sUuir* and bmUierr, and for all Uie good people or Lawrence, we ae. ccpt this beautiful banner as an emblem and guer- ' HI of our Hand of Hope, and that Heaven'* best

ft* may ever be vour* I* tlw earnest prayer of il* band of children. We shall never forget


After the presentation a song waa mug by the •elect choir, which waa followed by a speech from "i ild Bye." a boy ipeaklng behind a sheaf of liar- ley, who protested against being used for anything but food. Before rloaing. Mis* Minnie Ayrey and Mlaa Eva tirover were preaenled with n litUe work box each for being Uie beat fewer* lu Uie Baud of Hope Sewing licbool. Mlaa Minnie being the bc.-i under eight years of age, and Ml** Urvver lielng the beat over eight years of age. Thi- closed one i.f Uie utoat interesting meetings it has been our privilege lo attend for some time, and wu re' gret being unable to devote more spaoe to an ae- count of IL



lark, Foreman, Ijiwrence; ( Imiles K. idover; Tims. K. Bailey, lliiveihill; Unban, Henry T. tiny, Lawrence; das. Salem; J. Merrill L'nrrkr, Lawrence;

Wtuthrnp it. Kvaio, Ncwburypnrt; Thus. .1. lilt*. ford, ftnletn; HcnJ. Undsue, hnllibury; Wm. llnn- mui, Lawrence; Bdwln L. Hayes, Lynn.


W, V. .lolmsnn, y, Lynn; Jos. >'. Ingulls, i Albert II. .IciikiiM, Bradford ;t'ornclimi .linmeis, llnverhill: llexeklub JoMW, Andnver; John X. Kent, Ncwlmry; Hiram Klmbsil. Pen body; Daniel II. knight. Jr.. N'ewbiiryport; Cba-. \Y. Itanbal, Ueveriy; ■loiiuibmi (idiurn, Ann-- bmi ; H.iriiLio It. I'errv, Malem; » barles Piper, Uloueeslor.

The toll..wingenses have been tiled Urns far: L'aHBl rt. Hiiioiis.-Aii action for the recovery

of goods taken pnaaeaaion nf by the defendant, un- der n writ of iillaelimrnt. Tlie rncls of the cjtse are as follow*: Carry pnrvhneed the property from one Croulii, paying tlmretor f.O>; the prop- erty wns I. ii lu Croah)** liands, and llwi latter ow- ing debt, the property wat ettaed as stated, ami sold, bringing B4M, The plaintiff claimed tlial the pnnierty wns punliased In Ignorance of Cronln's debts, and was a legitimate busbies* trnusnctlon. The defendant chime-1 that the property had been disposed of by I r»ubi to Carey, with Intent In de- fraud the former's creditors, and Hint Ilia sale was not n In ma fide one. The Jury found fur Ihe de- fendant Miennan nml Brown for plf. D. and C. SailPdcrs for deft.

KHMIN r*. LKAHV.— This was an action for the recovery nl the balance of nn order for *i:, pin able lo the pfadttUff by the ilefemlanf; t-1-'. had been puid by deft., nml fill User p.iymcut was trfloed nn Inn ground Hint deft, had never agreed upon Die pai men! of the -mil at nil. The nclion wns for the recovery of the balance, w IUI Inlerest. Verdict fur the plr

It la worthy of mention Hint the counsel for the plf. in this case, Mr. Jl.tlevclnud, never tried n ens* before a Jury liefore, and made his maiden speech in ibe i nse, fortunately winning it, an un ii'mil thing for a iioung lawyer, lille fur deft.

I'm s< i.i r rial.i. re. IU.AMK. -Thi* was in si'. tinn for Ihe recovery of the price of a certain amount o| lumber delivered by plr. In deft. Tlie farts lire hi led) . Ur. Blake was building n house

dgot e I.ll .seott r wary, without paying. After tho bouse was built it was deemed mlvbiihlc lombl uu all This required more lumber, and Mr. Hinke nml his sou procured ii. nuliaequcnHj another atldlUon was built to Ihe house, am) more lumlmr wus required for It, mid Mr. Blake'- MMl and a partner procured It. After B While this llrm failed, nud Mr. Blake at- tempted bi avoid the pimiicut tor nny of the lum- ber, in i cpiense ofthe failure. The Jury hut I) brouglil inn verdict for the plf.. awarding ♦ M- «L lliirmi f..r |.ll.. l.ile for dell.

His highly creditable to Ijiwrence that wc are able to write, In noticing tlw Phlllipp* concert, Unit a large audience w as present on Uie occasion. Tlie city has lieen favored with many rare and choice eui' i i; -i during the season; *omu of the best leclorers tliat ever addrenscd A in eric a u ■I.I. l'< in-.- have come to tills city, and wasted their orntnry on empty benches. Been H>e Thomas orchestra, the advent of whlrh uaually *tl c inn in unity from its apathy, almost tailed to arouse any eiithuclusm; con*ei|uenlly It was as aurprl*. lug as It w us gratifying, to observe a urge and in- telligent audience pre*ent Hi bid w elcome bi Ade- laide I'billipp", lamllla I'rpo.and the otlteraenm- prising the compnny — om- of the best concert companies, wa mny say, that ever appeared in tlie city. The programme of tlw evening's enler- lu .1 nt was not lengthy, but It wns choice, In- troducing some rare musical gems, nnd dlstriliub ing very fairly the labor umong tlie company ; the principal roles of course being assigned those meralwra of tlie coni|>any most distinguished fur their ability.

Mr. Howard M. Dow, the well known ami ! iihtr pianist and conductor, appeared In birth capacities on till* occasion, and did mueh toen- luince his reputnUon as an arUst; bis manipula- tions nf Ihe Instrument, exhibiting tlmt ablllty c.unbilled with care and nttenllon, which liave reudercd him so conspicuous n* an nccompanUI. The iiiim nong on Uie progrnmmo Introilureil Mr. ti. P, Monroe, the tenor of tho company; Uie pi.e,- marked wa* a Christina* song, but In ronsc uucm-c nf !■ troubled with a bad cold, nml fearing his Inability In do Justice to a piece of music re<iuiring extraordinary skill ami a thor- ough command of the voice in it rendition, Mr. Munroe selected the second song (or whieh lie was marked, entitled Homeward. It waa evldeut during the singing of till* song, that Mr. Monm Tolee wns not In good condition; ou Uie lower and medium register thia w aa not ao observable, but alien be reached the high nutes lie could nut i-onceiil tho dlRlculty under which lie lalwred, ami It certainly must hnrc lieen an exceedingly painful task for him to attempt the iierformnnce, before nn audience wbicli, with i ■ I ■ ■ i - a Tew eveeptlnus, bad never beard him liefore, of sing. lug n-i well as if tin had not been laboring under such disadvantages. Ur. Monroe has au excel- lent voice, and we me confident, although wc never heard him liefore, that had he beeu free from Ike li ■ .-lie - peculiar to gentlemen In hi* profession laboring under slight colds, he Mould have prodiveil n most favorable impression. As It was, Uie nudlenee were satisfied, uml testified by their applause they were not Insensible to his merits,

The next piece of the programme, n cavntino— Ittl Bitffgin, by It., un. Introduced Mia* Cornelia Sb'tMin, n charming young lady, with a voice of

In rendering this imeuliurly intricate com- position, she eUilblted much ability, giving tri-

te of thorough vocal Induing, mid a perfect mnimmiil of voice; her tones nre not full and

i, but they are wonderfully sweet, and her M is without flaw. Throughout tim entire

rniige of her miles It wan raid lies-; wheUier rising the highest pitch of which ibe is capable or dy

lug nway In an exhaustion of iweotnoar, It was like iinimirreil by flaw. Mhe created a mint fn- oinble Impression, and was re called, but merely

bowed her acknowledgments. Thu next piece Introduced Uie favorite vlollulsl,

Camilla Crnu. There was much exported of her, t we believe the nudlenec hardly expected such exhibition of skill on the wunderfill liii-li iniiciit they were so fnrtuunU' as to In- flivored with.

Camilla seemed to he Inspired; she appeared lo Is- nil nerve; every touch fell not merely on the irings of the violin, but on the hearts of the audl- mee. We believe she outdid herself, and we

t'link we unu explain thu reason. When hut she played in Lawrence the city bull bud not Inwn renovated: it was a dingy place then; it was 11nil ult for urabir or musician to get up any in. ipiralhm In It. The ban', dark, cobweblail v. ■tared at them; It was dimly lighted, uml "lull- i-vi-r sound* the; might produce were ImpctfecHy heard. Camilla did nut know of Urn change; she

id not know of tin- erection of commodious gal- i-rles; of the eiibtrged and improved stage with

Its lieuuUful scenery ; of the beautiful fresco dec- uratbms, and of the brilliant effect produced wlui- in the hall liy gas-tight. All this was kept from her pur|Hise1y, and when she came liefore the audl-

nee she must have fell choraied, aud like asking Who's been here since I've been goner" The

piece announced f<>r her was Curelli's variation* iu D minor. The programme explained Uiat these viirintloiis were' composed in lillio, nml that they

regarded a* the best production* of Curelil. Camilla placed the violin to her shoulder, ami Irew the Isaw across Ibe strings, uml n.-i.i-uK prang forth tones that hiked Hie .....i to

"Silence deep as death."

lu an Instant every ear wu* strained bi catch the lelmly. And birth it streamed, as Uie water ran

i hen Aaron's rod smote the rock of Horeb. With yes closed, and ber n.-l -1■ i■ -. = - will) ex- itement, the musician stood, and tin- ravished .mllciiee drank In the melody which gushed from be instrument, into Which ihe seemed to have I in

parted some of ber life. Now Ihe rich, full tide of iiisle rolled along, swelling Into grand prims of -Jnlclug; now It halted, and the muslit changed i a wail, and wierd strains, seeming loenuu.i froi

alar, gradually approaching until they seemed I ■b, and again dying nway, until they took th i of echo, alternately swayed and delighted

Ibe IK'niers. Now one would hnvu tuncled oneself cave in IbnUnrU Monntnlns, Uiienmg mike Jn nf goblins, awed by II* wlenl tones; Uien

tlie change wouhl come, lending one into the full light or dny, with Uie*cent or flowers, Ibe rich, ulllng mugs ufblnls. And all through this ■ rellous exhibition of musical skill the little w an stood, with closed eyes,

i!{ggex' County Iteir^. ■ H o ni Mrs. Abigail I). Cook, the uldest person In

Ncwliuryport, died a few days slnec, aged nlne- iy-slx. She died In the same room where she was married, un the seventy-third anniversary of her wedding day.

Tho Newburypurt ghost is very vuuug fur teb au old city.

i Hum i -ti r U to have a new depot. There are nine eonvicta in the Newburvport

Jail. That Khoet is still troubling Kcwburyport.

"Keat, rtat, perturbed sjiirit, roat!" William Stmker, one of the victims uf the

in. Revere disaster, died at Lynn on Wednesday of lust wech. Ills spine waa In- jured, and he was compelled to inhale the steam from Ihe locomotive on that fatal night, from the effects of w hleh he never rallied.

A man ami two women were capsUed into a huge now drift near Ncwiiuryport, a few nights

So; the horse cleared himself from the sleigh, hen thu party converted it Into a roof and re-

mained under Its shelter until the next morn- ing.

The whole number of cases of bouts and hoes shipped from Lynn during the week end-

ing Feb. 21 woi 7013, against MLV, for the cor- responding period of hut year, (bowing a de- crease of 1442 cases.

Newburyport having attracted the attention of the country hy her ghost, now points with pride to a pctrlncd cat, found in a church stee- ple.

The fifth annual fair of Gen. Lander Post, O. A. It., commence! In Lynn this week.

If Gloucester gcu a city charter, the Cape Ann Advertiser can claim a large share of the honor uf having accomplished It.

The citizens of West Gloucester are evidently not In favor uf lielng under municipal rule, for they desire to lie let off aa a separate towm.

Gloucester baa been experiencing the delights of .i IKII iitiis.pie, ami now another U talked of.

U p p 1 J). ,|rl;w ,]R, t.lmllliKT m advertised

- -KM- n ,-. of alt kinds is exhibiting spring


—The Common Coi iou this evening.

—About six inches of MIOW fell during the s .ere Ktorm oi Monday.

—March came In like a lamb; hut it ihowi I good deal of the lion on Monday.

—Since Ijiwrenco was founded there has lici in winter with MI long a season of uiibrok. lelgbingad this year.

-The Board of Aldermen mil ou Monday

We regret to learn ol the serious illness of Mr. Maun, the gentlemanly clerk of Btretbm'a

ik store. Dr. Lougec is attending him.

-Mr. Jus. A. Meteulf has found a wallet con- taining a small amount of money, which the

l* given Fakir's" magic show Monday

saw the lucky gentleman loud-

MHAK. u In.i r the

hi,..' plf. IVI rdelL

ST urn rt, P» recovery of the nmn •100. The rase wn , luument ou Timi thcr allmbd 1.

Tint SII.IM this week expcrle a change in proprielnrs, though very little In actual management; Mr. John Chap senior editor, uml one of Ibe veteran Jnutmilist* of the ii mini, who has devoted a lifetime, from an apprentice In that iiirlee, has retired from the Hiiirmit, and Mr. Palfrey has ussociatid our genial friend, Kliefl N. Walton, for uiuiiy years (imnerted with the paper, and In whose energy uml good Judgment il hus lieen largely Indebted; the Hi nisi iu cannot full to merit eoullnuiil tercel h»r its new proprietors.

Tin illustrated weeklies, uml other | nl* may be found nt Strattou'i stores.


"The music breathing fniui her face,"

her nimble fingers ipilveriilg among the firings, an.l her arm tWB) big In and fro, each stn>ke mine eiilrnmlng lu Ra effect Ihnn ti.e bwt As eeuseil and modestly wllhdrew tiom the slage, Ihe audience awoke from the ecstasy Into which tan bad thrown them, ami a torrent of applause rolled forth, fully *lmwlng tbnl every heart bed lieen t..iichcd. Madame Irsoi nine liaek In answer to the repented demands for her np|iearnnce, and again let the audience wild with enUiusiasm by playing '•The Last Boa* of Summer" snexuubittc. ly H1..1 It seemed n» if Ibere was more reason for .ulllng her back Ihe second time than the Itr.I.

Ur. H. T. Hammond, IsWao, followeil Madame In... singing In a full, rich voice, Bellini's Cavali- U, Ii H.trtui. This gentleman was lu e\e.l1eut ii.<c«.*nd sang well.

A dun httrodneed Mr. Monroe nnd Mil metHM logrtber. In rendering thi* there waa nvblble improvemeiit in Monroe's voice. Me- Stttaon rung eluinulngly.

The nevl piece iuti'iluccd Miss Aiblaide I'bll llpps, who wns received wllh cnthusiastn. She sang an Aria, t'fM mrf pm-n>, In excellent taste, aud eiblbHIng her rare i|nalllles of vmca and eve-

'■'I'l.iiii i>j. ii ilnl.l in ihe way ha should gn, and when lie Is old lie will not depart from it," is one ofthe wise sayings ofthe royal philosopher Solo- inon, and it i-ecms n* Iftbe founder* of the Hand of Hope ii.ei been fully convinced nf Ihe truth of lids npliurinn In forming an organliaUmi of thi. character. The reformation of Uie fallen Is one o Uie aaMatt works a manor woman can be en gaged In, but it will be conceded i ;Mt u it U not in..11- noble, It Is nt least a more useful wurk, form good - In the young, and to in-iill Into them unh mural prinripliaa* will, iri log- thepoMibillly of tbelrialllng,alkart, under their chances of dulng so much lea*.

The Hand or llo|ie, as it now exists and fli islies in this city, 1* a most useful lustituUon. 1* entirely composed Of children of both »ei taken ii-.'in nil classes of aoriety. Its object Is to im-till into tlicm tm aversion to vice of every kind, lo bring them up hater* of stroug drink', tnbaeco, ("..ill lunguage, na.l every fnrui of immorality and IUIMI.-nnline--,nii.i in cultivated! theiryoungmlndi a luvu for cleanliness, truth,morality and religion In short, to love the good, and hate tlie bad, and In On ■ Work Ihu nrgunhtation I* accompli siting marvellous results. The circumstances Hint l.-.l to the public ui'eLiiiK on Wednesday evening, mny be briefly set forth as fallows:—

About six in..nth ■ ago Cul. 11. II. Dyer, the agent of Messrs. Morris and Ireland, safe manu- hu-turers, was In this city, on business connected wllh bis profession, and forming acquaintance wllh several teni|ieranee men, lieenme iuten-itcd In the Hand of Hope, which he saw was an organ- liatlon to do much good. He mien.led several ofthe meetings, nnd on biking his depart- nre from the city, tald lie would at some ftiture day present Ihe organization wiUi some token of the admiration he felt for tlie noble work in which It was engaged. In accordance with his promise he bad a beautiful banner prepan-d, nnd this pub- lic meeting was liad for its pmper presentation. A pmgran I of exercises had been prepared Tor the occa-lon, and Uiey were opened by the singing ofa hymn hy the four nnmrreci uml fifty ehlldren forming tho organisation. The scene at Uie hnll

the exercises opened, waa at once lulereet- id animating. The flout portluu "1 ihe low- »r waa reserved for the vhildren, ami as they

sat In their scats, mi let and orderly, they ,...■. i nt nl nn Interesting spectacle. The remaining por-

of the hall, and tlie galleries, were complete- ly filled with spectators, Including the parents and i .ien. I- of Die youthful temperance advocate*; Indeed, Hie demand for admission wa« so great Uiut many were ubllged to stand, the able* being complebd/ lilled Up- The exercises, as wc havr

■ ii.i. ..|- I i'. nl. a hymn sung by Hie children, liegllililiig us follow* I

With bautier and with badge wu come. An army tine ami strong.

To light against Uie host* of rum. Ami this shall be our aong:

We love the clear cold wnter spring", Supplied by gentle showers.

To feel tlie strength cold water bring!', Tlie victory |* ourt."

ThtlWM sung to (lie tune o| Atihl I.HiigSyne, ml Hie effect produced by the children's voices

wns delightful. Then followeil the reading of an be by Rev. C. I*. Dunning, the children ut-

brrlng the responses. An introductory recitation was given by Master

Charley Knux, which wns followed with prayer by Kev. Qeo, P. Wil-on, lute city missionary. Mr. Wilson Invited Hie cbihh-cn to repeat the l.unl's prayer with him, which was done. The ehlldren then long to Ihe uir of Vnnkoe I I!.-, as fullowi

Now don't you know Uie reason why Tlie Temperance cause la winning!'

ilur " of Hope," resolve to try The pledge when lifu's beginning.

That's Uie way to win the day, Wall n little lunger,

lirluk shall full with tyrants all When Hand* of llu|ie are slroiiger.

The way the children w ent In forUie chorus wa* refreshing; they rolled II oul with energy, strain- ing their little tli mat- to produce effect. This

followed with exercises by Ihe children : A rorltnlinn hy Mis* skills U. Ilrown, 'The Blesr- ings of Temperance." A recitation by Master

Dank*!*, a very pretty litUe boy, " A Mls- A recitation by Aluutr Conch, "The i.-.i.

I'd make." A sil.iti.iii wa* then sung by a select choir from

the Rand of Hope, Uie chorus of which was a* near ns we could catch It,

Pure cold water, Water give lo me, ur 1'ui a young anataiuer. From drinking cusbmi* free."

piece was a sketch by Miss Josle Thompson, Masters Paige, Kim il.-l.l aud Uirtwcll, ihowhig the folly and ex|>ense of smokbuti till* waa rery well remlered, Hie youug holy being e* peulally i ■■".! lu ber port. The result of It

llw boy*through' against Flunking.

The next piece introduced Uie smallest boy of the evening, Charley Dunning, a bright little fel- low, ami ofHev. Mr. Hunnlng, who proceeded t. inform the audieuee what theconleDt*of hi* pock, et were composed of, in the following Hues :-

A I.I i i I.I, i.or's imm.r. Ho you know what's in my potui? '■.,. ti a lot of treasure* in itl Listen now, while I bodln It: Such a lot of sing* It hold,

And all there Is, you *all be l..Id ; Kvery sing dal's In my pottet. And when, and when*, and how 1 dnt It.

First of all here's in my pottet A beauty shell— 1 picked It up; And here's UM handle ofa tup Thai ...luieii...I> luvs broke at tea; The shell'* a hole in it, you see. Nobody kuowi 11...11 in'.- dut it, I keep II suf* bore In my pottet.

And here's my ball too, In my pottet, And ii. i ■' ■ my pennies, one, two, free, That Aunly Mary gave tome; Tn.murmw day I'll buy a spade, When I'm nut walking with the maid, I can't pul dat here In my poltet. Hut I can use It when I've dot It.

COL. PxiLnnice Riutcui HEX <» Tmiivis

Not many days since Col. Pbllbrlck waa noti- fied that a team had been stolen from a gentle- man In Salem, Maw. lie al once advertised in ■ho Boston Ueraid, giving an accurate descrip- tion ofthe team, which waa somewhat peculiar. A week ago hut Sunday, a pious old lady lu North Wrentham, whose Sunday reading em- braced the Bible and the Herald, having proper- ly attended to the Bible first, look up the paper and at once observed Hie advertisement of ihe missing team, and was in no small degree sur. pii.-ed to find the description of the vehicle tu coincide with that of n top-sleigh which had is-en stowed awav in their bam the previous day. She called her son's attention to the mct> nnd the town Sheriff wa* at once notified of the mailer, who In turn Informed Constable l'l.ll- hrlck. Tho Colonel repaired to North Wrriitu- ani, and adroitly worked up the. case, which resulted In his finding the whole of the missing property, even to the living strap, although It was distributed In half a dozen dilferent places, and Ihe horse was a doxen mile* from the sleigh, But this was not all, for tho Colonel ferreted out an organized den of thieves, whose rendezvous was an old house olaicnrcd In the woods, and where were secreted thu accumulation* of or- ganized and extensive thieving expeditions. Harnesses were found to the numlier of twenty numerous bone and carriage trappings, and sev- eral vehicles, one a huge express wagon, and one hundred and fifty hens which had hocn transferred from the roosts in neighboring towns, The i'.'Imiel succeeded In capturing two of tho thieves, and lodged them in the Jail at Dedbam, The lady's name who saw the advertisement In the Herald is Borroughs, and Sheriff Rlley of he county within which tha den was found, ma- erlally assisted Col. Phllhriek hi clearing out the

.■iii-e. Tbc citizens of that neighborhood have long suffered from these depredations, and nat-

lly feel relieved by the auccess of Co). Phil- brick's raid. And yet snch an officer does not unite come up to the standard of ability required In the police department of this city, by the ex- acting and wonderfully brilliant Democratic city government.

Three years I* the average life of a Cape Ann •chooliuurin; they get married after that.

Newburyport rails attention to a pair of twin clam*. Next.

There is something the matter In Olouceater. The Cape Ann Advertiser a*ks: "If guardians of the public peace, or. In oilier words, police officers, get dmnk nud make pulille exhibitions uf themselves on the streets, what can be expect- ed of the people ut large r" Go nnd do like- wise, of course; a* Hans suys, "It's a ]njor rule

it don't inik dwloc." Small-pox boa entirely dlsapjienrod from

Amesbury. One lawyer lu Neuliuryport has defended

the same person lu eight lh|uor rose?, and in each instance u verdict of not guilty was ten' dcrcd.

At the Kssex Conference of Liberal churches held at Beverly, recently, one of the clergymen, Rev. C. K. Butler, road on historical sketch of the Beverly parish, which showed that the Uni- tarian church there was more Hum two centur- ies old; that two of but predecessors bait Imrne arms for their country; that two others had left the pulpit to la'conie presidents of col leg a; that Beverlv liad established the tlrst cotton factory In the •country ; had sent out tbc first privateer under the continental flag, and that eight societies owed their origin to the old mot h or church, of which the Rev. gentlemen is pas-



r influence signed a pledge

There's some mure sing* In my pntlel I Here's my pig, and here's my siring, Ami mice I hail au iron ring. Hut through a hole It lost one day , And this I* what I always say— A bole's Uie worst sing iu a poUel, Have It n;:...[. .| when you've dut II

The next piece was, "Prinking doe* not pay bv Frank Warren, and this was followed with muslea)selcrtioa,by Ha-terJ.C. llowkeramlalb Sadie M- Ilrown, who together very creditably rendered a duett on the piano. Following Ibis was a by Mlaa C. Stout, entitled "The two workers." Another skebh was given show- ing the drunkard's child, which Introduced three young girls. UI*MS Minnie Mann, KIU Sharkfbrd, aud Nellie Knox. Rev. One, V. Wilson then ail- dressed a lew feeling remark* to the spectator*, and Hie children, descriptive or Uie formation and

of tha Band of Hope

—Applications are already pouring In scats for the great MacDonald lecture, which will occur on Wednesday evening, the 19th lust. We reel a«*nrcd that the community will, in this case, show hy their patronage that ihey have n proper appreciation for the greatest tal- ent in the country.

—(hi Wednesday afternoon, as Dr. McAllister waa driving over Ihu upper bridge, he attempted to pass another team, and In turning out sleigh was upset; the horse continued on way till he reached Ihe railroad crossing, where he was met hy a train of freight cars, and be- coming frightened, turned about and dashed across Ibe bridge, and ran past the Boston & Maine railroad station, and at furious speed passed up the railway towards Anduvcr. progress was suddenly interrupt. ,1 by slipping upon the rails and breaking one of his legs. The Dr. canned tho animal, which was a very valuable one, to ha killed as soon as he discov- ered his condition.

—A hearty laugh Is lajlng enjoyed at the ex pensoofa young gentleman of somewhat ner- vous temperament, who has la-en warmly inter esteil in the management of a course of select parties in our city this season; on the evening of the latent gathering, when the arrangements luiii given him some anxiety, ho came down from hi* chamber carefully arrayed, donned hh overcoat, stepped lo a cloact for his seal cap, de lltienucly picked up a good-siicd Bible instead, and without noticing the blunder, crossed tlie room amid tho hardly suppressed mirth of the family, only recovering from his abstraction on tlie roar of laughter greeting bis evident sur prise uvcr the difficulty of ninklng this new style of cap fit his head!

—It Is stated that a livery stable keeper of ll:ii.■thill had a number of horses afflicted a disease which was thought to lie the epizootic. An examination by a skilful veterinary surgeon showed the animals to lie olHictcd with the glan- ders, and the disease bad reached a stage that rendered the Isolation of the horses necessary, so that healthy horses should not lie endangered by contamination; Indeed It was suggested that the afflicted nnlntals lie killed; hut we under- stand quite a different course was taken. The horses were mode to look as well aa possible and taken to various surrounding towns to tie sold. Such a course exposes the horses of liv- ery stable men and others to great danger, ami owners of bones cannot be too careful lu admit- ting strange horses to their stables, a* these dis- eased animals have been disposed of la and around this vicinity.

—The pound-keeper of a neighboring village recently shuffled off the coil of single bkssed- nes", and on the night of bis marriage some of the young bloods iu tho village determined to hnvu a little joke at bis expense. They secured a numlier of pigs, aud driving tbcin Into a loca- tion where their capture would lie exceedingly difficult, went to Ihu house of the newly-u husband. In response to their knocks be come out and asked what was the matter. One of the party answering, said, "In the name of Hie Commonwealth wc command you to secure and put these pigs in the pound." Tha bridegroom took In the situation at a glnnee. Hastily don- nlug tils overcoat, he came out, and looking at the young bhsals, who were preparing to go home, remarked, "In tbc name ofthe Common- wealth I command you to assist me," They don'i think tbey got ibe best of the joke,

—What was thought a " goot Icellu goak " occurred to a small parly of oar clllirns who were attending court In Salem a few days ago. Tliey were piloted to an excellent saloon for the purpose of otrtalnlng a superior article of English ale. Within the saloon was a Slate eon stable, purely disinterested hi all matters pertaining to the Bow of li.piids. Tin party had thrown askje their overcoats, and planked themselves arouud a table for a half hour's en- joyment, nnd at once called for Ihe Englhh ale. The liar keeper nimbly started for tlie beverage, but receiving a wink from some stranger In the nn uu. he sauntered Imck lo the guests, and with one eye cocked towards the thirsty look- lug Cop., tbc other lieamliig upon the party, and with thumb and Angers extending from (he na- sal organ, which sign was duly recognUcd by the Masonic guests, remark cd ; "I donnt got no English ales, hut you shall dry mine uu im. ml Hitlers, vkh Irh ■cboosl as gout, doanl ll!" Of course the " iiielncral" was tried, and oft re- pealed.

The Roekport police department costs annu ally 0140.

Lynn is discussing tho propriety of shortening the afternoon sessions of the public schools.

The Newburyport Herald says, "The ghost i Charles street chews tobacco and spite the

juice on the floor. His hablu are untidy. Tho same p;i|.er savs that a rumor of a new case of aiaoll-pox in the city was untrue.

Oeo. W. Jackiniiu, Jr., of Ncwliuryport, has S.ate to Washington to put In projiosala for

a ild ing sonic ofthe new sloops of war decided upon by the government.

The notion Transcript says, "It la hinted tlmt the new Juilge of Ihe Supreme Court, may lie taken from the Essex liar. It Is a long while since Hie eastern scalioard part or the slate has furnished a judge for our higheat ourt. Caleb Cashing, appointed In lS-52, — the last Instance.

Manchester, N. H.

Miss Charlotte McLean, whu died recently in Chicopee, Mass., was formerly a mcmlwr of the Convent of the HUters or Mercy in Manchester, and was for a long time a teacher of music lu that institution.

The Catholics of Mancheelcr will thin year dispense with a parade on St. Patrick's Day, and work as usual, their wages to lie voluntarily con- tributed tu Ihe Orphan*' Asylum and Hospital fund.

Patrick Willis, the hoy who was crushed Ii miiue machinery at Manchester recently, ha died his Injuries. .

Smyth's hull, at Manchester, U to Iw en huge, i and remodelled.

Gen. Nalt Head, declined a re-election OL cximmumler of the Amoskcag Veterans, and the honor has fallen on Mr. M. V. B. Edgerly.

Mayor Barllctt, on retiring from the ohTce, as his last official act, generously directed the pay- ment of tho amount due him on account of sal* ry as Hnvur. to thu Manchester Firemen's Re- lief Association. *i ■■*■ n


Capt. James King, another of the old Salem ilpmasters, tiled last week at the venerable age

of '.ii years. II month* and 3 days. Ho bad a incinlier of Hie Salem Hast India Marine Society for more than half a century.

Hun. John Chapman, one of the very oldest newspaper men in the country, has retired from tlie Ralem lleghtcr, a pn)*r to whieh his ener- gies have hecn almost exclusively devoted, as apprentice. cnni|iosltor, editor and proprictoi from youth to a venerable old age.


A man scventv-two yean old was,arrested in Lowell for drunkenness, on Mondny.

Lowell Is doing ftrst-nile In the marriage b.„. neas. Seventeen intentions were recorded lost week.

Police officer J. W. Sheffield, who so brulnllv boat bis wife, has lieen released from confine- ment, Prank L. Richardson lielng his surelv In the snm of 81000. He was Ulled, It U under- stood, at Ihe i ■ ■ ■ 111 ■ ■■ r of Mrs. Sheffield.


The annual exhibition given by tho Bradford High School, took place on Tuesday evealng. 4th lust, lu Uie hall of Hie high school building. The eiwrcise* occurred In Uie following order;—r' mission, "Manly Virtues," school, Soug, "Hs what mean tlu..e voicvf," M-hool. Ueehn tiun, "Virtue of tin'T..Id Wim-r Cure," L. I). ti._. ham. Deelamntl "Hon't put on Airs,''M. Bau- erort. I'lanu duett, Arthur and Altec. Johnson. Duelsinatlon, "SparHi u- to the Itnniau Knvovs," J.C. V. Itrii.llnif, "Cmlorlhe SnoV," HI*. Lewis., "IVk , -I...,.|I lug," and "Happy riwalluw>," Misses Blalsdell ""I ''■'■■■'■■ "■•■ l:">i "■ "IV.hns nl Ihe I'lih.n,"

W.Cj.T.vler. 1 hi'la ma lion. "Death bed of Bern- diet Arnold," C. li. John-oil. ftecltallnn, "The Dying Alebymlsl," Miss Rlaisdell. Dialogue, "ft hat Is Logic," Masters Poor ami MlU'hell, ami Hiss Perkins. Declamation, " Hogg's t; an ten ing.' I. 11. l.iilluin In, I.. main.n, "i In i- Untile in lie mm and Home," II. Webrlcr. Hong, "I love my Love in Ihe in lupr," school. Dialogue, "Rival I'olitluiamV'J.C. Irving and II. Bancroft. The duetts, "When morning light Is beaming," and "llaj'py Hwalluws," were rendered in flue stvlc by tlie Misses Blah-dell and (iage. The«e vuuug ladies hare pure, sweet voice*, combined with delivery ipiiui natural, which makes It a delight I listen lo Hs'in. The programme throujrli.iut n* ofa highly Interesting nature, aud reflected jtreat credit on the pupils, and also on the worthy prin- cipal, John L, Siiii.lev. After tin: exhibition a f.w Interesting experiments weru performed by the chemistry class.


At the annual town meeting, held on Mondav, March .'fcl, the following officers were duly elect- ed : Jonathan Carter id, Moderator: Wm. H. Car- ter, Town Clerk; Tho*. I*. Kvans, II. Allen Hbel-

II. B. Nlebol", Selectmen, Assessors ur; Cyru* " '

Eiars i Jonathan Carter *l, ieMM Committee for roe rears; llenl. A. Hew, sumner A. Tooth-

aker, Trustees of Vubllr Library; Warren Evans. - Vi,.I...L 1 ....._..!. Collector; tssm'l H. Nichols, Constable.

Appioprlatlous: •*.,*■) to defray annual pen>e«; 11000 tor tow n debt.; $1000 Tor common ■chooLs; eMO for select M'IHMII; f 1,-Bio for reimlri on highways, lu addition lu Uie above the lowr In-IineUil theSi leeliiieii lo pLue Uu- centre schoo hoii c in gmhl ivpair, regardless of Uie expense.


At the town imitiug Hon. Mosrs T. su-vrn* wa* cho*cn Moikrntor, nnd fiw Town Clerk and Treas- urer, Andrew DmlUi. Messrs. (has. V. Jobninn, Joseph K.Allen and J. C Cark-lou were elocied as Helectinen, Assessors, nnd llverseera of the Poor. Mams. Andrew Smith, Wm. H. Jewett ami Haniuel I'. Holt were eleclcd Cunatables. (lias. P. Mnrrlll. Jr., for Hchool Cummlltee, aud Messrs. C. F. Johnson, J. F. Allen aud J. K Carl-

chosen a* Pence Viewers. The clUsens

timi of the town debt, «IA.00U.

Georgetown. There was au animated contest at the annual

election; the billowing officer* were rboseu:- Mmleralor. .1. I'. Junes; Selectmen, U. II Carle, ton. Samuel T. Poor. ti. «. Weshm; Town Clerk. J. K. Bailey; Treasurer and Collector, W. II. Ilarrlmon; .sell on I Comniilu-i-. J. I'. Jones, J. K. llallev, Itiehnnl Tenner, Howard Novas: Con«tn- bw*. J. V. Ful«om, s. h. Jewell, liorham Jewett, OU* Thompson, J. (>. Davis- Itoad Commission, err, Jophanas Adams and J.islma Howe. The meeting was mlj.iui ned till Sntuivluy.

UoMiinii. — Town oncers chosen at annual meeting:— Moderator, John H. Cole; Town Clerk, Aueill llumuin; scled n. Assessor* and Over- seera ofthe Poor. II. I". Klllnm, Ancill imrnian, John R. Cole; Constables, D. 8. (dills. Wm. F. Marrlman; Treasurer ami Collector, Wm. K. Kit lam; Auditors, John Tcabodr, Wm. II. Wood; Hchool Committee Tor three years, Rev. Calvin K. Park. Voted to raise »1#XJ for the supimrt of nhools, and ttiHUO lo deftnv town expenses, In- cluding repair* of highway*.

..BnvKi..*Mi. The followliijf lown olDcers w ere elm-tcil:-M.sleralor, O. 11. Merrill; Town Clerk. C. II. llopkiiisnn: Heleitmen. C. II. Hopkinson, K. C. Penhoilv, Kuinli Harrimnii; Overseers ol Poor, Abel Stlekney, ( . N. Htinlv, Mark (irilfln; Treasurer,U. P. I.n.ld; Cnmmltti-e, II. S. Booth. Z. C.Wanlwnll; Constables, N. Hargent. A. Vanibin. The ordinary enjienMi* uf the town were aliout ilO.imo la*t year. The town voteil to Instruct their police to ice (hut the present liquor law be *trlcllT enforced.

■way at tin evening.

ling bis gift into a job team at the hall, il hold* its regular tee- _ morning, we presume there was no humbug

II bout ihe iilluir, n- is usually the ease.

—Patrick Fiiiueriin, charged with the murder of John Ticmey, by administering poison, was arraigned for trial on Monday, District Attor- tomey Sherman npiH-aring for the prosecution, ami W. ti. KHUN Tor the defence. In unother column will Is- found a report of the case, which resulted In nn acquittal ofthe prisoner.

—Mr. Jeaak Moulton, who attends the canal ning, uml there being no quorum, adjoiiriitd ,ft»'c ut the South Side, was severely injured

Monday evening, March 10th. | wl,ilc attending to some duty connected wllh his busine-s. One of hi* arras was caught bctireen two pulleys or gears, and badly lacerated. Ih. Btowc ut tended the wounded man, and wc be- lieve that be is in fair way for recovery.

—(hie of our |sipular roast pork and beef

_.. have bv calling upon him. See ad- I ",,,ak *rtlsW' ""* «*ee«*l "' i-.vstcrious com- . iti-.tii. nt niunicatiiiu with the city clerk Tuesday morning,

„ , , ...... itmI ..Mil lulled down names, aaes, dates, —The collection taken up for the Hand ul

Hope, at the City Hall, on Wednesday evening, iiel to #75.33, a generous response to the

appeal for aid.

—Capt. Oeo. S. Merrill has accepted an Invi- tation from Post 42, of the Grand Army, of

ell, to deliver the address in that city on next Memorial liny.

—We nre informed that more "Chronicles," l:iting to our home, political aud social af-

fairs, have been preiwred, and wc hope to pub- lish them In a few days.

The amount of travel on the south side of Essex Street on -Sunday and Sun- day evening, should add strength tuthc petition fur a sidewalk on tlmt side.

Deep religious interest fa manifested In the Sonth Ride Methodist Church. On Siii.kuh

cnlng several rose for prayers. Special meet- ings arc being held this week.

become a custom wiih married la- dies now-a-days, whose husbands cannot pro-

ide tbem with gundy enough dress, to content

themselves with a divorce t.uit.

■Tho Committee on Sewers and Drains pn id an official visit to the gon works yesterday,

iili reference to changing and improving tlie system of sewerage in that locality.

—A Lowell officer captnred two Iioya In Isiw- cll, Monday, who had stolen a team In this city, and notified Marshal Presentt. who was lu that

■ity in search of other horse thieves.

—There were nearly two thousand persons present at the Band of Hope entertainment held un Wednesday evening, showing that tbc peo- ple arc much Interested In Ibe organization.

—Mr. Kdson Is erecting a very excellent double house on Broadway, nearly oppoaite his place of business. The building is designed to give superior accommodations to four families,

— While the cases were being called and as. signed In the Superior Court, Tuesday, one law. ver, while responding for a case, cried vehemeut- ly, " I pass." The ruling passion strong In


—One uf our valned weekly exchanges in Maine apologUcs to its sulsierihcni for delaying its edition, and excuses iiaoir on the ground of having a town report to print. Questionable


—On Thursday last, a Indy lost a pair of spec tacles of special value to herself, between Com- mon and Beach Streets : the Under will !>c more p.iid ti.r the trouble, by returning them to

tills oil If e.

—1 bo rooms of the Lawrence Athletic Club oflbrd much entertainment to the nicmhcni of the Clulyind are quite extensively nscd. Efforts will lie mode when the waters arc free from Ice

to perfect a Ixiatlug orgnniiatlun

—Mr. Scliaakc, the well-known merchant Inllur, Is at present on a visit to New York, and will bring Imck with him the latest styles in gents' apparel. Spring suits will soon liegin to make their appearance on the streets.

—The Grand Army sociable, to include the lady friends of Comrades, will be given hy Post 39, on Wednesday evening of next week; ar- rangements are In progress to present an at- tractive and ciijoe.ilile entertainment.

—The Lowell Citizen states that the commdes of the G. A. K., of Uml city, are emphatic in praise of the Lawrence comrades, fur the cour- tesies extended at the recent camp fire here, and are determined to rcelprocato them.

—We trust the laudable efforts of many of our weighty citizens, during the icy walking, to reduce to Its proper level a rldgc in the Ksvex street sidewalk, by tdttlng down on it, will not he relinquished because unsuccessful on a sin-

gle trial.

—The trees on the Common, and elsewhere Thursday morning, presented some beautiful effects of eryitalization ; the twigs and branches were covered wllh glittering, Jcwel-llkc crystals, which gleamed and sparkled In the morning sunshine.

—It does not tako much to make children happy. The banner presented to the Bond of Hope, at tho City Hall un Wednesday evening, made tho little ones wild with Joy- They will feel proud in future, marching with tlmt banner In tbclr ranks.

—Mr. F. T. Lano of this city delivered his lecture on "The Bines," liefore the Literary So- ciety at Methuen on Saturday evening. The lecture was given lu the public reading rooms, and received warm commendations from all by whom it was heard.

—Miss Jennie Collins in a curd, returns her thanks for tho sulwtantial aid she has received from the operatives in the mills in this city, and assures tho donors that the money received shall be faithfully applied to the cause fbr wldiii It was given.

—There was a most Interesting gathering at the Second Baptist Church last Sablsath, upon whieh occasion the church was Joined liy the Free Baptist, nml there wu* a union in Impllsni. The church was crowded, the aisles lielng lilled with people standing.

—Tho hearing In the Ward Four Frauds case was continued un Tit.'-.l.iv cveuiug, but the evi- dence taken was of an unimportant character. The hearing stands adjourned until next Tues- day evening, when it is prolud.le Hie arguments of counsel will be mode.

—A gentleman who sat In one of tho front seats at the concert on Tuesday evening, when asked why he sat so far fin-ward, replied that be didn't want to lie dodging his head from side to side, peeping between the spaces separating la- dles' hats, to sec Ihe stage.

—In linn. i-.m1'. examination Monday morning Mr. Knox asked a physician how much lauda- num could lie purchased for twenty-five cents. The doctor rather naively replied that It would depend upon whom the apothecary was. The re- ply caused some merriment.

—There was a largo number of Masons at the fun.-rat of Mr. Ixavttt of Nrtbuen, on Sunday. Grecian Lodge, with several members of John Hancock Lodge of Methuen, numbered one hundred and five, and the Knights Templar uf this city munis 11 <l ftfty-clght.

—Our nelghliors In Methuen had a lively time at their town election Monday. The Inwn ha* been the scene of much political excitement during the past few weeks, growing out of tlie late change In Postmaster*. The result of Ihe election will be found in another column.

—Itev. Mr. Slcrrctt or I*wrenc« lectured be- fore the Enathum association ut St. John's church at Lowell on Wednesday evening, In place of Dr. Vlnlon, who was detained by the death of his brother. Mr. Sterrelt's lecture waa of much Interest. There was a good attend

—Although suffering from nn affection of the knees, necessitating bis using crutches, Mr. Ca- leb Ssuiiiler", Commander of tho Knights Tern. plar, waa present at Ihe funeral of tho late Henry T. Lcavltt of Methuen, on Sunday. Mr. Saunders rode In n sleigh, and assisted nt the services,

—When John Medina's store waa homed out In Boston, there was only one man In charge of tho premises. Ho was somewhat hurncd, hut Ids head is In au excellent stale of preservation, with tho exception or being a little smoked. The bead Is ou exhibition In Mr. Medina's store In this city,

—Assistant Marshal Sullivan arrested Timothy Corhctt, and James Haley at Lowell on Tues day, for taking a team lielmigiug to Mr. Joseph Shntluck from the South Side, on Snnday. They wore tsmughl to thia elty.and In the Police Court Wednesday they were hound over in 91000 each, to appear eight days hence.

—Mr. Frank L. Itunals, of the firm of Kumils & Hay den, has taken passage across the great pond, and will make a tour of Kuropc. Mr. Kumils will make his Journey In a leisurely manner, stopping and travelling, as suits bis pleasure, which I* a sensible way of doing Eu- rope.

■tc, upon a f.imiliar looking piece of paper. IVe presume lids may have something to do vlth the furnishing cf a residence on Garden itreet

—In an excellent discourse delivered at one of our city pulpits un Ihe Snhtiatb, the speaker arnestly condemned the use of large sums of

money Iu clcguut architecture, gorgeous car- pets, velvet cushions nml costly altars, while there was so great n want uf shelter and Gospel Instruction for the many thousands who do not tit tend church.

hi Wednesday, Mr. John Fulton, ngent of the Pacific Mills, appeared before the U-gisla-

CommitU'c in the hearing for the enactment i ten hour law, and lestilied to Ihe good

health and excellent condition of rhc operatives, and tlmt he thought no considerable portion of the working people desired the nsked-fbr-chnnge In working hours.

At the Police Court on Monday Col. Sher- man stated that Col. Beul was making trouble for a good many |>eoplc. This Is true, as evi- denced by n seizure of liquors being Illegally trans ported to Audover, Saturday evening. Pntiick Knne was driving n team of Geariu and Howard's, and from it Deal ami Rolierts seized alsiut twenty-two gallons of Java liquors, and forty-five gallons of beer.

—The sale of tickets for reserved sent* to en- tertainments held at City nnd Saunders Hall has been unusually large during the present season, and has made business brisk at "Strat- lon's corner store." The public have been ac- commodated In Hie most courteous manner hy the gentlemanly clerks ut this popular establish- ment, and doubtless duly appreciate Mr. Slrat- ton's management of nffuirs.

—The statistic* from the public library show that the institution bos got in regular working order, and the amount of business transacted each week, will average aliout the same. Dur- ing the school vacation the business was con- siderably Increased, The numlier of hooka tak- en from the library at the present lime will doubtless remain the same, until the catalogues are published, when a large Increase of business, may be expected.

—Tlip class of citizens by whom the petition to the city government has signed for a sidewalk on the south side of Ksscx street, ore such as should warrant immediate and favorable re- sponse to Hie prayer. Aa the petition staled, the sidewalk on the northerly side of the street is rendered almost iuipossublu by the crowda gathering there each plcnsnnt evening, nnd the wants ol the public tcctn to demand early at- tention lo Ihe matter.

—During one of the finest passage* In Correl- ll's variations, played by Camilla Urw.011 Tues-

day evening, and when the audience wns so Mill that the rustling of a newspaper busUo would have sounded like thunder, a man entered the gallery uml deliiK-rately walked along the aisle to Ihe extreme front, the sound of Ida thick boots drowning the exquisite strains Madame was evoking from the violin. The stranger had

■ urn. ie ill his

—Major Little, the well-known concert man, gavo one of his pleasing entertainments nt the Riverside Mission Chapel, on Saturday evening. There was a goodly audience present, and the entertainment gnvc mnch satisfaction. Tho Major, although lame, is one of the most cheer- ful of men, and carries sunshine with him wherever ho goes. He Imparts his cheerfulness to his audiences, and makes everybody happy with whom he Is brought In contact.

—Rev. W. J. Parkinson of the South Metho- dist church has consented to deliver a series of sermons before tho temperance reform club beginning 011 Sunday evening, March lClh. These discourses were prepared for delivery before his own congregation, but they have at ti net, ,| go much attention In conscqnonce or their defining] the work of reformation so clear- ly, and where it should begin, that it hm lieen deemed of Importance tu have them delivered before the reform club.

—The monthly payments for State nld, made by the City Auditor, amount to aliout nine hun- dred dollars. At one time the amount exceed- ed four thuusaml dollars'. Tho number (.1 claimants has been reduced from one thousand, to three hundred and eighty. Uott of the claimants arc widows or soldiers; children, aa they liccomc fourteen years of age, cease to draw Slate aid. Mr. Osgood is the only man In the city who is thoroughly posted itimn sol- diers' families, their history and condition.

—Yesterday forenoon, while Mr. J. Merrill Cur- rier's team was ladng driven around the corner of Ksscx and Xewhury streets, a little boy named George McLane, son of Mr. McLene, dry goods dealer on Newbury Street, was knocked down by the horse, the animal setting lu foot un the !»>•■* head, tearing away the sculp from the forehead, nml narrowly escaping crushing the brain. Tlie little fellow was taken up and Dr. Lamb called, who dressed the wound and made the boy as comfortable as poi- slblc.

—Our dealers are brushing np their slores for the spring trade. At Major E. A. Fluke's; paper hanging warehouse the show windows have lieen thoroughly renovated, and present a very attractive appoarance. I„ the eastern

window the wnll has been newly decorated, and a ft. 11 length portrait of Gen. Washington stands, out In relief. The western window has been finished lu Imitation of grained wood, and rep- resents In relief a line piscatorial scene The windows are filled wllh an attractive array of goods.

—March was really In earnest on Monday- evening; it was determined to be true tfrfej charnrler. The March wind blew; tho March snow fell, nnd every Ihiko wus a denial that winter hail gone. At night the streets were al- most entirely deserted; thu awnings flapped, swinging signs creaked, nnd ibe wind whirled around corners with ■ mournful sound. It waa a dreary night, ami tho «idety of tlie stove was cultivated t* a degree Indicative of a depressed ■tato or Ihe mercury. There was little of the lamb In the March of Mondny night.

—Tho Sherman Cadets held their ..I,:,M..|

meeting on Wednesday evening, and a moat happy gathering was had. The Company were present In full uniform, and gratified I ho visi- tors by executing company movement*, and the manual of anus In a very perfect and most ex eclient mnnner. After Hie exercises were con- cluded the Compnny nnd visitors marched to. Drew's popular dining room* nnd partook of an excellent cupper. Wc arc pleased lo slate that Capt. Decker baa l*cn prevailed upon Ic. remain with the Cadets another year.

-Col. B. n. Dyer, the well-known and popu- lar agent or Messrs. Morris & Ireland, rnfe manufacturer*, Is in this city for ;l r0¥r ^-»

filling some orders of our incrcbnnta for safea! Morrirf ft Ireland have recently published a statement showing how their safes stood the test ofthe Boston fire; out of forty safes, thirty- seven passed through tho fire with their con- tenu unharmed; the remaining three failed tu stand the test. This excellent showing should commend these safes to nil who arc obliged to leave vnlunbles where they may ISJ reached by

—Our clergymen nre otten requested to give

notices from Iheirdesks.if moral eutcrtainiiK'nt* which conic l>cfi.rc the public. By some of our divines, notices of all klmB, except 11,,,.,. «.

latlng to their own society, nro constantly de- clined, while a large numl*r nre willing to in- form their bearers of any entertainment which will tend In give instruction and literary enjoy- ment of a high order to the people. Wo under- stand, however, that our good City Mbwionary has kindly consented to read notices of tbc high- er order of moral entertainments at tho City Hall liefore his charge at tho Jail, although he frankly eMtosM that be thinks Imt lew of tho Inmates will lie Influenced lo give their attend-

ance. There was a grim humor in Ihe sending of a notice to the Jail chaplain of a missionary entertainment lo lie held In one of Ibe churchca.


Tl\e Si\tlovcr Advertiser FRIDAY MORNING. .MARCH 7, 1873.


At tlic annual town inectii last, UM following oBotn i crater, Oeorge Foster; luwt, K. Kendall Jenkins; aclectiu overseers of ihe j>oor, John II BoVuton, W. H. B. W. .11. tee ior 3 years, Rev. II. -. In ML .iwrlal Hull tor 7 years, i cotir-lulilcs, John Clark, 'ie.n i II. Chandler, Jojcuh W. l'i ■, Jr.; famTtnwi,Charles C.

g tic lil on Monday ns chosen: Mini- lerk s.nil treasurer, n, assessor* and

. I'll 111, Hi l:l.illli\ school commit-

cue; trustee of the iw«pta W. Smith; V. linker, Joshua

,'Wnma Mean, Blunt, Nathan F.

Abbott, James 11. biiiiih, auditors, John L. Smith, Jn.-Iiii:r H. Clundlcr, Samuel Kayiiumil; pound keeper, Charles U. Cummlugs; »n nin- on Spring Grove Cemetery, George Foster, Wll- li.un (1. Means, Muse* Foster, Nslbnn Frye, Edward Taylor, William S. Jenkins, K. Fran- cis Holt.

Prayer was offered by Rev. O. F. Wright.

Field driven, Robert Rolling, Unfits Hul'ey, C. W. lUyword, John W. Thompson, Joseph C. Goldsmith, U. B. Howorth, W. U. C aid- well, O. U. Hilt, J. 8. Stark, A. B. Clark, A. S. Manning, F. D. Morgan.

.Ssirvryora of Lumber, W. Tmlan, 1). Holt, 2d, W. S. Jenkins, A. 8. Clark, J. B. Jenkins, W. D. Hnsscy, Jesse Harndcn, Milton Muore, John B. Abbott, Eben. Jenkins.

Found Keeper, C. O. Cuuimlngs. Voted, that thti yard at tho town farm, be

the town )H)und for the ensuing year. Voted, to accept the provisions of the act to

provide for the election of road commissioners In chap, l.-.s ucl u\ isn.

Voted, that a committee of seven lie appointed by the chair to nominate a lMianl or road ram- mlusluncrs and report at the adjonrned meeting. Thccliuir appointed as this committee, Peter Smith, I. O. Blunt, W. F. Draper, 8. K. Johnson, J. B. Jenkins, E. Francis Holt, Sim- eon Bardweil.

Voted, Tor repairs or highways, 9(1,000.

Voted, to pay to the treasurer of the Memori- al Hall the money received from tho County Treasurer for dojf llcen see.

Voted, to raise the sum offO.jOO lor the main- tenance oftbe public schools, and 81,000 for the repairs of school houses and incidental ex- penses of the same.

Voted, to accept the rci»ort ot the auditors.

Vottd, that the recommendations of the audi- tors I «• adopted in regard to special appropria- tions, and that Samuel Raymond, chairman of the auditors, be requested to aid the treasurer In entering the amounts on tho town books In such a manner that their views may be carried

Some of our Jl entertiiiiinienl, I' time soon. Tin- -Lip- u ill *.- enlarged ui. . what remodelled, and tilted np with nil the o« veniences mutable for giving draimitii- perfon

R. Tbey have theun-clve* painted and i ranged all the scenery, and when they irel reni

my IIHIL for ft lli'i-l rlitw. i nlt-i l.iinniriil.




Four Hoikliii; Oiii.. one tow und (all

II. P. 11UI.T.

Aadover, March 1, is;:;. It


i -ui.■■■! a., «*.11 be iii session, lor bushMfi at their Room, Ml MONDAY AFTKIIXOON neW Mnrcli loth. JOHN II. FLINT,


Kileitinen of Andoier. An.liiver, March 7, 1MB. It

A S T L E C T U It E.

The ].!■■[ Lecture of the course, at the Baptist Church, by KF.v. Da. BOM WORTH, will l>e given

FRIDAY EVKN1XU, Marrh 7tli, cnminenc- at 1 peel T o'elock. Subject—Palestine, Jeru-

salem. Dead Sea, River Jordan. Ticket* 43 eta. Andover, Feb. an, 1«T3. 9t

I OS r—On iHc first J near the Mansion House, iu Andover. a llgl

Jen Mcnleh SHAWL wil sen Poi. The Uniler will be suitably reward- liv Informing Itnx No. i

Andover, Feb. **, l«7^. it the Pout ArUec*

A if A 0 O N s.

WILLIAM POOR, Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Butchar, Store, Farm and Bualneaa Wagons.

M'Uepnirlng in all its branches; and all work ■iirrimUsl us represented. Andover, March il, 1KT1. If-

rr II K 8 O B I A L.

The undersigned lias returned to his old aland, aver J, J. IIIIOWX'H store, on M u s Street, where ho will he ghul to wait on bis former customers and the public generally In all branehcu of HAIR mil **!%<.. A^-P'trlieular atteaUon paid to fatting Ladles' and (Jhn.lrtm's Hair. Uniteful for pact favors, und eousaioua of always loiprov lug the personal appearance of patrons, all arc cordially Invited to eall.

WILLIAM II. SMITH. Andover, Jan. ]|, 1873.


Uwrmcf and Andover Agmrlrs.

Tho 11'. ■ ■ • t. i - ■ i ■ are now prepared to execute all kind of work in the Ijtumlry line, in superior style, at kbort notiee mid at prices Uutt defy com- petition. The iimiirieUirs lwltl Ibenioelvett re- sponHlbln for all goods lost or mislaid, whether marked or not. SatlsDu-tlon gunraiiteed In all ruses. Pi-ice. per dozen, including tureswdarened pieces, 7.". cents. For further particulars iuqulre of our agent', K.Uiiinl M.-K;u, Jin K«*ex street, I.iiwreane, and B. H. While, oOlce at T. Henry's, ■lain street, Andover.


Voted, that under the acconnt headed "Spring (irowc Cemetery" all the debts and credits be entered from tho beginning and the balance stated In the annual report In the schedule of town property,

Voted, the following appropriations -.— Town officers, #2,000. State Aid, 82,000.

Town House, S500. Fire Department 91,000, Hay Scales 910. Atiatcmcnt of taxes, 9300. Remittance of taxes, 9300. Miscellaneous ex- penses, 9^,000. Overseers of the poor depart- ment, 9».000. County tax, 93,200- State lax, Wl 91,700. Interest ou town debt, 93,200. Dis- count on taxes, 92,"00. Removing snow, 91, 00. Printing and stationary, *«.-">. Repair* in alms-house, 9e00. Oxen and wagon, fe-'sJO.

Voltd, that the selectmen and J. Chlckcrtng/, I Francis Cogswell and O. W.W. Dove bo instruct-

ed to appear before the committee of tho legis- lature on Water Supply and Drainage, and re- monstrate against any diversion or interference with the waters of "Vine brook" In Lexington, it being ono of tho principal sources of the Shnwshin river.

I 'oted, to adjourn the meeting to two weeks from date at two o'clock P. M.

The town meeting on Monday was one of un- usual Interest. All the nominees of the eltlsens caucus on Saturday evening, were elected with two exceptions. The excitement principally cen- tered in the choice of a selectman in Bullord Vale. Two candidates were presented lioth of whom arc excellent men and either would prove nn acceptable and efficient officer. Many of our citizens were unite passlcd to know which to vote for, and If consistent with the location of Ihc candidates would hay a been glad to aid in electing Itoth of them.

Two iiiii>nt-ii»!it changes have been made in the transaction of town meeting basiness. One '.< the adoption of the law providing for the choice of three road commissioners instead of the old system of highway surveyors. A com mittee was appointed to nominate the road com mlssioncrs, and report at the adjourned meet- ing. It U hoped the new plan may have a fair trial nud by good management we hnv doubt the cltangu will prove advantageons.

The other new measure instituted is that of special appropriations which arc not to be over-

,drawn in their several departments. There can- i.i- but little doubt that Ibis system will prove beneficial and after It gets Into working order, will meet with general approval.

Rev. W. II. II. Murray of Boston, gave a lecture at the Town Hull, in tho Andover Course, on Thursday evening of lost week, sub- ject:—"My Creed." The speaker evidently does his own thinking, and does not follow in the old ruts. Ills progressive view* may some-

what startle the timid and conservative, bnt as long as ho holds fast to sound doctrine, a little ieoricssncM and independence in the utterance of advanced notions In regard to non-essentials, will do no harm. The denomination with which ho Is connected will not bo injured In the long run by having a few men like Beeclier and Mur- ray as a van-guard.

on Monday evening, Miss Emily Faithful, the celebrated English lady, gavo a lecture In the same course upon " The Best Society." It was n beautifully written, and well delivered produc- tion, and received the marked attention of an appreciative audience. At the conclusion of the lecture, the following resolution was Introduced

and passed unanimously : Rewind, That wo tender our hearty thanks

to the gentlemen who have bad charge of the course of lectures which closes this evening, fur the instruction and entertainment which tbey have afforded the cotnniunitv, and fur the liber- ality, efficiency, and good taste which they have shown in the selection and management of the

IMiKTT"* Cl>. West Amosbury, Nov. 1, 1874. ItT- \. n. Ml .::,... !■■ sent to our Laundry nt <>■■

risk, and Trt* of tjenttue, (JO.HU Intended for Laundry if left on Momlnv or Tuesday. — "- goods store *' despatch.



SAMUEL WOODMAN. In Oriek Building nest north or the Town Hall,


M.ii: «■ -■ •■ ■. LoungoK, Sofas, and I'nrlor Sets made to order, or repniie.l nuil iiphnUlercil.

Desks, Table-, and odd piece- made s« desired. riiit.iin- ii iinuiiil aud hung. Carpel* laid, and



ral Jobbing done, il baud furniture bought

>hl t und sold, i .n.'ii i t Public Auction. IM> afforded, and

e pros en ted. .... llw celchrntcd JONES' PATENT

RED, best iu v. i. Various other

(fall kinds received and _ kverytlihig sold as low its

I'l.r. kimUi.

N. B.—Mr. Woodman will render any assistance desired, in purcliaslng goods In Boston or elso-

A in Lover, Jan. 1,1871. 1-


Manufacturer of

Caakcls, sad aU kiMd* af limn Clothes.

Also dealer lit In nil klmls of Furniture. Blaok Walnut, Chestnut, nnd Pino Chamber 8ets> constantly on band. Upholstering and Repairing dono in tho neatest manner, and at reasonable prices. Picture frames, Curtains and Curtain Fixtures constantly on hand, and put up If de- sired.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

and TKItllKNCK HEN11Y, Anetlom Conmlaalon Mrnhiiil. In now prepared sell i: •«! K-lute or Personal Property si reason- able terms.

pOPriNS AND CASKKT8, HKei.rsii.i: Arfl> iti;T»ii,.

The business of tbo late Ilcnuou Abbott having ruvised into the bauds of the nub.-i;ribers, they will coiitluue to furuish

COl'FINH, OA8LKBT8, HOBKS, and other articles connected with the business, iiromptly and in Uie laterl rlyles and Unl»h.

bus nnd Caxkets fluinheil In oil, win, orcov. end with broadcloth.

The attention of the trade respectfully solicited. Prices as low and finish as good as is to be found.


THE TOWN MKETI.NO.—The principal topics ' conversation this week have been the cau-

cuses and the town meeting. The former held on Friday evening, and they assumed

an aspect which was most painful and unex- pected. The Republican caucus was called to order, nnd a town committee was chosen, and a

clerk nominated, Mr. 8. O. Sarircnt ic- ceiving the nomlnalnin, Ul votes being cast. Alter inking this action, un adjournment was suggested, to meet the Democrats, who were In

The 'ii.iii iii,in of the meeting and another oftbe (tarty, desirous of forming u oalitlim with the Democrat!-, favored this ac-

tion, and un adjournment followed. A large number of the Republicans protested against

ny compromise with tho Democrats; there was io necessity for it; the Republicans were strong nough to elect their own candidates, and there

was no Indication of a want of harmony In re- gard to the nomination. That the Republican ilrength In ibis eccentric movement was not ivorwhciming, was evident from the fact that

in the caucus composed of the Democrats and the secessionists, the united rbrrci could only cast 117 votes, whereas the Republican cau-

cnsl Ml votes, without the aid of a Democrat. The result of this cltiscus caucus must have been painfully humiliating to the Republicans, aud Intensely delightful to the Democrats, who humbugged their old opponents, and for the time, friends, out of four of the nix officers nom- naud. That arrangement, while It stamped :he secessionists with the ability to cficct a rorpj as main, showed that Ihey could not do it with profit. When tho Republicans, who were blindly led into forming this coalition, awoke to a knowledge of Ihc foolishness of which they they had been gvllty, they certainly must have felt humiliated. A great deal has 1-cen said

our eltlsens thinking and acting for themselves; the results of this town meeting has shown that they have not done so; they have allowed themselves to U- led by a few sore headed politicians, and mark the result; tbey have elected only one man of their party, while the Democrats have got fire. No one can blame the Democrats for boosting that they can lead tho Republicans, for the fact stands that they have. Tho nominations by tbo Democrats and seceding Republicans, were: moderator, Jacob Emerson; town clerk and school eom-

liitir, S. O. Sargent; constables, Frank Iu- gnlls, J. M. Doe, D. Currier; auditor, Amos L. Gale; selectmen, S. 0. Sargent, J. 0. Par- ker and Franklin Sannders.

The Republican ticket hail for selectmen, D. Pierce, D^SV. Noycs, H, N. Coburn; for con- stables, W. II. Buttrick, J. W. F. Cooper, and Norman Fuller; school committee, R. F. John- son. The result of the election was not unex- pected. The eltlsens ticket was elected by a handsome majority. The highest vote on the Republican ticket was 181, for Mr. Noyps for selectman; the lowest on the citliens tlclbat was 289, for J. O. Parker for selectman, a majority of 124. The appropriations Included 97000 for schools, 94000 for roads, 95200 for a new school house fn tho Marston District, ,st HHI for new hose for the fire department. change In tho post office- was the cause for tho break in tho party, but that did not need have broken It; the friends of Mr. Sargent could hove had him elected to all the offices In the village—the post office of course excepted— If they wanted to, without going out of the par- ty, and selling five offices Io the Democrats to accomplish it. But now it Is asked, why ail this animus against Mr. Patterson? what has ho done ? did he appoint himself ? certainly not; President Grant is tho cause of all this mischief; he alone Is to blamo; he had the appointing power, and it is well for President Grant that ho is safely inaugurated, or steps might have been taken by the friends of the late acting post- master to prevent hht taking his seat. Thb Metbucn putt office fs a tertons matter, fnvolv- Ingsomc weighty interests,and care should be taken how it Is trifled with. We have said act- ing postmaster. Mr. Sargent was nothing else. On tho tint of July last, a law came into opera- tion, taking the Methucn post office from the control ol tbo Postmaster General) and it arose to the dignity of ono requiring the appointment of a postmaster by ihc President, and confirmed by the Senate; as Mr. Sargent had not been appointed, ho was simply acting postmaster, and was not removed to moke way for any one. Methucn was without a postmaster, and the Presldont appointed one. That Is the whole matter, and those who have been griovlng ovci Mr Sargent's removal, have been grieving with out cause.


The funeral of the late Henry T. Lcavett, of

id the fading survivors of matiirer growths. One general harvest for all. Mrs. Woodbury, widow of the lute Xuke Woo.ll.nry, nnd sinter of the late Daniel Suuniler-, L-o., •>!" I.;i« n-uce, ilieil

«at the residence nf her son. Mr. H- W. W i. in tills tillage, on Keb. i'lth. aged sii years. She was the last of a family of thirteen children. Her death «»« hm-tciied by ttrnpsv, and for .evernl month* »he' has Iteeo nearly helpless. Her departure i*"* peaceful. f»tn' fell Into a ujittot

. it 10 A. «., and softly slumbered on until t r. M., when her dormant sense" sank Into the ■luuilter of death. I lev Is a safe anchorage, alter the perils of life, In the haven of rest

How full of dread, bow full of hope is inevitable li'uth ' Oue ttalli died, nnd through Him the dread


: It mingles well with the enured soil of Mother karth. Death, tjiat stem and silent usher, escorting soulu to the threshold of eternity after the trial sreue of probation, has been busy In ildst, frctiheiilug into eternal wakefnlness the

asett spirits of age ami iiitlrinilv. In season _ut of season, with sickle in hand, reaping al- ways, the grim husbandman gathers bin sheave* for the garner of immortality. Following, with


..iiili llin II- lion.I r

exult and shout: «> death, where la thy , grave, where- is thy victory! anil even thus we may go to our graves unfeaiing, knowing that the terrors are but empty shadows that flv before His ineffable presence.

Edgar tsinith of Melbuca, the class made great progress. The last evening or the school occurred

Saturday, wlien the. Methodist church was

!■!■' '> ceedingly well rendered'by Mrs. I.aura Wheel- — Mrs. Ellen Abbott, and Hiss Carloton of B*.

m nf if ulljiani . _ Iclty to them, h

Investigation may prove their falsity The Ma-..iH of Spicket Lodge held high carnival

at tho hall on XtaarMB Masjfifi Keb._!7. ""

a nlcu suppei

acquaint the great reading public. through cnrrrimondents, or their cherished and Inviolable working.

J. If. Baker of Lawrence o Methodist church on SuniL, _

tor being out of town. Mr. linker's sermons were very acceptable, and full of Interest to his appro- iative congregation. He will Join Ihe Sew llnoip hire conference at the next session. An article lu our "town warrant" will bring be-

fore the town meeting a sullied affecting llH-liiter- ~-t of every citlien. It Is the suppression of liq-

>r selling", Itnough the direct intervention of the Selectmen. Many are of the opinion that this la the only proper means to use in effecting the ueed- od.rcsiilis. We shall see to what—'"

in supplying their patrous with flesh meats.

ricbool dlslriet No. 1 held its annual meeting Moinlay evening, and chose the following officer, for the ensuing year: Moderator, Asa s. An-lin, Clerk, Nathan Q, Abbott; Prudential Committee, Jease Jkyer. Quito a lively contest arose in eon- sequence of a petition inserted In the "warrant" to relinquish the use and privileges of the "Som- orswortli Act," so called. Those speakers favor, ing a return to the ordinary system in force, ex. pressed the conviction that it bad proved undesir- able, and at coin plished far less henents than the least sanguine had hoped, while the opposite par ty claimed that it was far more efficient ami satis- factory. Considerable effort was made U> prolong the iputs tlon hy adjournment, but the motion to do away with It Anally paeaed, bv a vole of 10 for and !'J against. Immediately following this action the meeting abruptly adjourned, without date. The evening was very stormy, and not more titan half of the voters were present.

Very high winds prevailed during the storm or Monday sad the ilay following, and were It not that the snow was rather heavy, would have caused another blockade. As It was. the taow found Its way into moderate drift.-* in the more ex- posed placet. VtAToa.

—The first of Ihe second series of social par- ties inaugurated by Messrs. Morse, McKay and Beetle, came off at Sannders Hall on Monday evening. In consequence of the unusual se- verity of the weather the attendance was not so large as it would otherwise have been. There was, nevertheless, a goodly number present, and the occasion was one of much quiet enjoy- ment. The music fur the occasion was fur- nished by Arkeroyed and StcwarUon's band, and was conspicuous for its excellence. What- ever objection there tuny be to dancing, such quiet, refined parties as these cannot offer any. They utt'..1.1 nn opportunity to form and foster frtcndshl|M among those who might otherwise only meet as acquaintances. Whatever tends to draw ]IL".|II.;I|,IMT to each other, nnd to pro- mote friendliness, should receive its meed of en- couragement. At such parties as these there Is to danger of finning ui'jvorthy o equal ntiuue- l.i|'-. The company is of the most scloct char-

acter morally, and the managers of the parties deserve commendation for offering such oppor- tunities for social enjoyment.

TUB NI:« Colonnade Hotel, Philadelphia,' Pa., Is one of the largest Hotels on the Continent.


in .Lu'k*IN STREET.—All money deuoaited on or prior to April 1, a ill commence to draw inti-re.-i from that date. 1'resldeiO, Hon. Hilton Bonney : Vk (Presidents, •», H. Salisbury, Hon. D. ttaun tiers, r.VL Clarke; Directors, John It. IVrrv, W. H. Spaldlng. W. P. (Jile, II. Plnmmer, W. II. Jaqulth, S. D.-'kham, R. II. Tewksbury, H. D, Hen i.k, V. Duller, J. Sidney How, Methuen, •). A. Wiley, Nit. Andover; Treasurer, Wm. B. Hpaldhig. 1 ttaprlmhT

The Ttetv and Elt gaut


204 Essex Street, now occupied hy


Is attracting muili attention by the H.-autlful and Flegant ills play ol

NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS! no in ihe city keep a better

I'rlnts, tlinglmms, and C otlons, Itoth Illearhetl and II, from 10, II and \t\ cents per yard, up.

. Mi h M has


Wbin', Brown, Turkey Red ami Damask, at very prices; ami, in fact, everything from a Paper

. .1 Pins to aw nicest of II lark Mlka.

A Visit to bis store, in

Beach's New Block, No. 204,

T B C. T U R K.

QEO. MAO^DONALD. The Miner of HavelleU I

Tne Kmlnrut I>l» lael The Uramt I.rrtnrrrl

Karly In the season the managers of the


were fortunate iu securing an engagement for this renowned Lectnrer, lor tho evening of

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th, at the t'ity Hull, I.mirrnrr.

■■■ i nil i i or l.t i i i 1:1

ROBERT BURNS, the Scottish Bard.

aw Owing to the great expense of obtalnlns this Eminent Orator, the following prices of admission bare been used :—

te »0 ru. Adml.tleo SB eta.

Seats may be secured ono week In advance at STBATTON'S corner store, liescrved seaU wUl bo for sale In SKDOVJU and liriniw,

Dm. TOI'IUEK IT I.AWUESCK.—This eminent munlcian and high-toned Christian gentleman held a praise meeting in the Sonth-aide Methodist Church I'riilay evening last, the exercises begin- ning at Tt o'clock. A full house, as might lie ex- peeled, was In waiting when Mr. Tourjee ap- peared, and for oue hour and a half they were highly entertained and much profited by the ex- ercises of the occasion. Mr, Tourjee makes no charge forhls services personally, ftir thus going ii.mi plaru to place on this tsorthy mlaslon, but he docs It pimply to stir the |>eoplo up more gen- erally ou eimgregational singing, a thing he In always successful in doing, as he proves to all beyond Ihe pcradventures of their own doubt, lluil they can sing, by showing them the simplicity of music. He holds that all, from the youngest to the oldest, can sing, and so far as the company gathered to listen to him is concerned, be certainly proved his " holding," as there was not one but swelled the chorus, il unhand*, that wives bad never heard sing a note, burst forth into Ihe lotul- ttt. If not Hie grandest strains; wbllo children tini ;..n.ui had despaired or showed tliat they could sing. We would that more of all ages la the churches would And this out and act uiton IL

A collection for tbo Ninth Bad Mission, an In- stitution for reclaiming fldlen women, in the city of Boston, and in which Die Doctor is much inter- ested, was taken up, the people proving by weir " works" that they were glad to eacourage such an enterprise. These good, deeds which Mr. Touijse is performing, are entirely independent of his regular work at (he Couiervatory or Music la It..-I'II., with Which ho la so proralnenUy con. neeled, and ke only looks to tin- Ulver of every "food anil perfect gifT" Tor his reward. May Uod bless him, Is our prayer, and long permit him to live to carry on his glorious work.

A C A n 1> .

KDITOK I.* WREXCB Avracax: Dear Sir:—Permit me, through your columns,

as Superintendent of the " Lawrence Ualon Band of Hope," and In behalf of the members, to tender to the City Government, who so freely a i v v. us the use of the City 11 nil for our enter. iiiionient on Wednesday evening; tothcLadlos and othera who generously assisted as in arrang- ing for the entertainment, nnd to those who contributed to our funds, our sincere thanks and assurance of our appreciation of their kindness. Our thanks tire also due the city Press who grn i in: "i i l -. advertised for us in their columns.

1 ] Cms. u. Duronta.


HIII taken Ihe office recently iHteupicd by Dr. O, I,. Bradford.

Office hours till 9 A. u., I to S, and 7 to » r. H. CnlU attended today or night. tvKrosh Vaccine Vim* (from the cow) eon

slaotlvon band. iifover. Nov. 1. leJT*. tlf-

0° A r,.

The subscriber lias a supply of COAL of diffCr- fi-r.-iii sites and quality, which he will furnish

at a reasonable price and short notice. Orders limy be left at JOHN U. CHANDLER'S Store or at my residence.

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover, Sept. 0, lti73.-

Walter B. Donald last week told out his stock In trade and business to Moody U. Russell, and this week bought it back again.

The Auditor's report for the past year has been issued, and contains much of interest to tax payers. Tho following are among the Items of expenditure:

State Ui, #i''Tii U inly Ui,


1-ltolllTj; COURT. To the next of kin, and nil persons Interested in

tho estate or EDWIN V. lHNCKLKY, of An- dover, in said counlv, minor, greeting:

Whereas, Eliza Price, the guardian of said minor, tins preteuted her petition for license to sell certain ival e*Uilc therein specified, of her said ward, at private mile, to Fdwin Price and Alexan- der Price, aud for Hie - um of Torty-eight ami l.v imi dollars.

You ore herchv cited to appear at a Pndiale Court, to be liohleo al li.-ivhh, In said comity of Essex, nn Out Third!'tie-day or March next,

t nine o'clock in the ['oien.ii.n, tu show caune, If ay you have, whv ihe Minn- ■ I II mil lie granted. And said guardian In ordered Io Serve this

citation by publishing the snme once a week, for three suceonsivt' weeks, In the Lawrence Ameri- can and Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, Uielast publication to be two duyn, at least, before

kid Court Witness, Gsjofgt I". Choale, Ksipdre, Judge of

kbl Court, tills tivcittv*i\ih day of February, In tho year one thousand eight hundred suil sev-

Interest on town debt, Memorial HalL

e Cemetery, Hprlagl

s,-in...t Mouses, Town oflliiers. Fire ileparlinent, lllahways, Itriilgesand culvert-, day. Reservoir, Town Notes paid, New road aud culvert, Insurance, Priutliig, Miscellaneous expenses, Support of poor, Kapalrs of alms house, Paid for support of p<

alms houses, and at hi Total espendilures, Town dent.

Number paupers In itlmshniise during yi Foreign paupers enterUlned, Iti-mainliig iu almshouse,

inoi xi H718 ui MM M

:tlft ui 117 W

Itn7 M 1400 OU IIM tio lil i:i IMS 70 V.U 01

JflOll M so; i KI

HI 17

TJje auditor's report was thoroughly •cruti- and although a considerable amount of •bsH

cntj-three. t.: ■ ODKI.L. lteglster.

LIT TH>:W HA VK IT.—Not only is It admitted with pride by all our cltixens, but It is gencratry conceded by neighboring^ towns and cities, that the fire department of Lawrence is not excelled hy that of any city in New England, in propor- tion to Its sine. Abundant proof of tho asser- tion is the freedom from large Arcs In this city, and the efficiency ofthe department is rendered more noticeable front onr limited water supply. Tho members of Ihe lire lirlgade huvo petitioned the city government for an Increase of allow, ancc,—the pittance now received Is not worthy the name of salary—and wo hope their demands will meet a response from tho committee whom tho subject has itceit referred, that will at once confer credit upon themselves, and meet the desires of the whole community, and if this is done, the firemen will M llbernlly dealt with; the firemen in neighboring cities arc paid much morn limn onr own; lu Chelsea each memlier receives two hundred dollars, and

j in HUM i lull tlie salary is one hundred and flfty

ui.i.U- may do no harm. j dollars, Tickets, both for admission and reserved Our firemen receive but scVenty dollars, which

eeats, at the lecture of tho great Macxlonnld to amount would scarcely more than replace

Methucn, occurred on Sunday, and the services attending tho obsequies were roost solemn and Impressive. The deceased was a Mason, and also a member of Bethany Cotnmandery of Knight Templars, and Grecian nnd John Han- cock lodges of Masons, together with the Knights turned ont In foil regalia to the funeral. The services took place at tho Univer tails t hureh at Methucn, of which Kov. Mr. llny-

ward Is pastor, who conducted the regular church services usual on inch occasions. Tho remain! were conveyed from Exchange Hotel, of which tho deceased was the proprietor, to the church, which adjoins, escorted by Ihe Masonic brethren. There was a large nuulwr of specta- tors present, and the church wai Oiled to its ut- most capacity, and while tbo services were be- ing conducted, the sqoare in front of the hotel was lilted with people, and many vehicles eon* taiiilng friends of the deceased from this city. While the remains were being taken from tbo residence to the church, the Ilavcrhlll Cornet Hand, which bad been engaged for the occasion, played selections from "Peace Troubled Soul," and "Come ye Disconsolate." Tint services at the church wcro opened with an invocation hy Ui v. Mr. llayward, followed by a hymn snng by a quartette of male voices. Tills was followed by reading of scripture selections by the pastor, and a chant by the choir, after whkh Kcv. Mr. Hayward delivered the funeral address. The lien edict Ion was then pnnmmiivd, mill the Na- Fimic services Iwgan.

The face of the deceased was uncovered, and the "Cross of Steel" formed over the body, the Commander, Cnlcb Saunders, Esq., and the Prelate, ltev. C. 1'. Dunning, being at Ihc head if the citllii, and the other officers at the foot.

Tho commander ts?gan the funeral service of Knighthood, which was continued by the prel- ate, tho responses being altered by the breth- ren. This service Is very beautiful and Impres- ilve.

At tho close of the services In the church the L-oflut was conveyed to the hearse, and the pro- cession was formed In the following order ►— Constables; Havcrhill Cornet Band, 19 pieces, Rnfus Williams, leader; Grecian and Hancock lodges, Major B. A. Flake, of Lawrence, Mar- shal, ID-'i men. Bethany Commandery Knighta Templar, Col. Beal of Lawrence, Marshal, 68 men; hearse containing the remains; Knights forming guard of honor; carriage* containing relatives of deceased and others. In this order the procession proceeded to Walnut GroYa Cem- etery, where (ho remains were Interred with the usual Masonic cere it ion lei.



REV. WILLIAM K. PARK will five a Lecture at the

( KKTRA1, < HI IU It, f.\\\ nmXCE,

Wednesday Evening, March 12,


" WoRtminstor Abbey."

ill kfl freely in the pursuit of Dry Uoods, wl tinj lady. *., I'lieie Hie Uoodi shown, and without urging.

The success of Mr. McKay, In the pout Ore i-ars, Is a sufficient guarantee Io all thnl he hna el n popular M ;nit. via ■—

Selling n Lai-jre Quantity of i;...-ni. at a

Small Advance, on the First CONI.


All un. Welcome, even to Look.

204 Ewes street, Beach's N«w Block,

NBA* THK POBT Omit, :lniVmh;


I If I

it of tiii> Inleflreat u

t WrusbJ St.. UO-,K,M,

1 am offering part of my



slightly damaged by water, nt

HALF p it i c E t

Kwltebes, (It (tenner price,

Grey Nwltchea, »% " "

Friaacs, 35e, per j m-tl ; rcnarr price,

Combs and Head Ornaments,







•>•>* & 09Q KSH'X Ht I'trl, j, Mi-iiM. Ii. um i ii.nt POST Omce,

TAYLOR & BOLTON, >n.i-e- ■ ,„> to f IMI HI. I I ft'

We have receiretl

FIFTY PIECES OF BUFF LINEN. Jii-t the thing for SMHRnV Suite,

!((<■ rth ^r> ■*\.

A line of Cortttf, French ami (ienuan, at OS--

and 7.V ).,, ,mlr; wortli *l.noami , I -.'..

A case »r Bed Quilti at •17:.; worth and V'.-i.

*4\ Bargain In Shawls, suiuble for MI ] J, WEAK, at 11.75.

A case of Prints. NEW STYLES, B| Be; woilh lite.

A few dosena of our 50-cent Kid Clovet,

Forty dosens Ijirlles' Linen Htndk'f's, sllgblly damngetl, I'm tr.

HOSIERY. GLOVES, HECK TIES. ami n Riiioml lint' of Trimmings.


l-ailii— net- iniiti-'l to Inapert Otirstoek, and convince tliemselves tliat wc ■ Nil continue to sell lite ekeapest lu the city.


" I*OI'ULAil BT0RK."

228 & 230 Essex Street, Lawrence. Si.i-i.MI DOOH ritOM POST OITUT.




lii-e ta hereby given that the subscriber has lieen tluly a|iiioiiiud ailmliii*tnitor of lira oalale of

Fruneis V. Klmball, late or Melbuen, in the eountv or Ksses, intestate, ileeeanoil, and has taken upon himself Uiat U-iiht hy glviug IMIIIIIS, as tiie taw directs. All IH'moni having ileniamls upon tho ertatc of nald ileceanil am nsiiiind to t-xhihlt the same; ami nil permins imlelihd ti) sahl e-uU' are called IIIK in to make payment to WU.«.. CltliWKl.L. A.lm'r.

Salem. S. H„ Feb. K. 1B7S. mbl

".AAA AOKNTH WANTED.—RamploB '*"f\r will free by rnnil, wltli t^rnti-, toi lear

from H to S10 per rlav. Two entirely new articles, saleable as flour. Address

ItlmhTHiy K 11. WBHK, Newark, N. J.

ill cure certain cure . _ 11.50; amall txitlb-s 75e


ii*.' lM'iil.■■ given uii by physicians. The only

> for rjclntioa. Largo imttles


is a wosltlve r«re for Sciatica, Rheumatism,


SobMiy siTiinigjtii


WIlITfORDft ItirKwouldres|iecirullyInform thflse pi-moo* Mill liming Books wlileli lietonh-eil to tlielr ('ireulallng Library, thnl It In ven ilenlr. able they lie returned at once. AH books not returned within three weeks, will be chargeil to Uie persons having them in possession.

c PniNa fiTviiES

PAPER HANGINGS. I.argeat Btwck 1st Essex founty.

At prices not In lie beaten In any one. Golds, t' ■, SjithiH ami lilanks. Cnll ami see our toek before [>urili:i -MIU il-eii liere. No trouble

WHITFOlin ft RICK. to show nn.i.l .


LOVE IS F.NOIOII ; or the freeing of Phnramond A morality; by William Morris, author of The Earthly Paradise, etc. Boston: Ka»isn HaoTiir.ns. Lawrence : WuhrTonl A Hice. There need be no fear o( dUpclUng the deli-

cious recollections of the former poems of this sweetest of modern songsters, by any lack of graceful tenderness or touching beauties In this; we have like pictures of soft and Imaginative scenes, Ihc same reflnement and purity, and that charming simplicity that has won for the pre. vlous epics, so deservedly high fame. The sul>- ject of thli poem may lie briefly told In the ar iiuim-iii that precedes the poem t " This story, which is told by way of a monthly set before an Emperor and Empress newly wedded, ihowettt of a King whom nothing but Love might iatlaiy who left all to seek Love, and, having fonml ll| fonnd this also, that he had enough, though he lacked all else." There Is a wonderful beauty In Ihc sweet manner of its presentation by Mr. Morris, the whole poem having the ring of the golden time of oar llteratnrc, In lu healthiness, its freshness, its truth to nature, Its directness, and the atieence of all apiMircnt effort. While the Imagery is luxuriant, it flows naturally out oftbe snhjoct. There Is no attempt at flno lng, no |illlng up of metaphors, no profusion m cloying ii in lies, nought of ili.n emhelbjhnicnt with which It li the custom nftoo mnny of our mod- em (axis to overlay their work for the sake of showing how finely they can write, and wbtch cause II to resemble a beautiful woman decked In gaudy colors, and neutralizing her charms by the rich vulgarity of her mi ire. But It is some- thing too late to advocate Mr. Morris's title to rank among the most gifted singers of oar day. That wns long since caiahlINtied by almost unani- mous consent. This Is at once the iwecteit.most dainty, tender

and iimeitiii poem ofthe day, and will give pure delight to 111' 11 ' 11.: .

Por sate at DYaTO'fcv 8TBXTTOira ' corner [tore, and at the door.

Lecture to begin at I o'clock.- lltt*tanha*


Wonted, a Female Assistant In the Lawrence High School. For particulars, apply before the tilth lost, smtlng qualifications and ex|ieriencc, Io

U. B. HOOD, Snp't of Schools, wrencc, March li, IH73. 3tf mh7



am !:■»■ Htt-eat, Lawreavca.


- - iur.


Mend> china, Ulass, Marble, Stone, Parian Mar- ble, Lava, AUi».i.r. or any kind or Crockery

Ware; also, Paper, Cloth and vToud. IT RKCitHHRH NO HEATINO. Is sure to stick, and la so simple in Its use that even

a child can use It.

A Good Cement has tong been Needed, and the proprietors, after tuitlrnt study, present this article to Uie nubile, claiming that it will ilo IU work<]uleker,better,anil with less trouble RSI any Cement yet known.

As a Substitute for Glue. In memllug wood or pntetiitig mxi-llier rlolh ...

pa)ter, many persons find It Incoiirruicnl to go to tho trouble of preparing llhie. 1'his Ceim>ntls ilwnya ready, requires no healing, Is perfectly





THE KEY. M. MICHAL'I), French prtcat of ihi- eiiv. In |ue|iarimr, (auUted by lite

inoat bifluFUtlai saOBa ami giiilleroen of hi-con- gregation,) a grand llasar in lavorof Use Frearh new church of !<t. Anae, la I,awrejicc. We hope that all natiouulillei.M 111 ■ ..ntriliute to Uie nueitens of Uils Blur, the object of which Is so excellent, by giving all sort* of aruVies and purehacing many tiekeU.

GRAND is nviiu

CllMl-rll of SI. A,MM IHUSK.MIM;

BAZAR IV TllK I,■nit it. r, Maaa,,

April 21, and ending April 26.


LIST OF PRIZES. WO Acre* of Land In Canada, t Harmoniums,

I Clock*, i Hair Ami (hairs, I Hllrcr Watcher, ii I...I.I thiiiio, j..i Li iillniieii nii<l 1.allies, 1 Violins, ;l Fluttv. i; Ae...ii.|,.,,|i-, iiiaiiv li.vt.-e l.itin>gi-npli and I'liologrnph Vieu -, 1 e.i].ie- nl H:i|i1uielV I'lr- turns, more than too One Hooks, and a great number or PreciouH Articles.

•SIMM* Prlaea. ValMesl nt •SHOO.

Tickets will l>e fiimlnheil at the bouses of RKV. M. MICIIAI'Il, JIlSKI'll WOIIACHK. AM- BROIKE UAIMN ami CIIAH. I.ACOILI.AJ>K.

In the same time they n 111 receive money and gilU fur tlie llasnr. 1 fTufel


publlo to take n little rare In tlielr parrhasoe

whentBdul tern lion Is found in nearly every article


Beach's Washing Soap" Is a strictly Rant

,;".ii', free from adulteration, and not made up

of soda and mineral substances that are so

commonly used to make weight la soaiis. K ]

ft 0 at fc CORK.


Par Chaldrau, 9».00 naif Chaldron, S.OO ■ ■rrel, 41V

At the Works, Per Barrel, 40

Orders received at the Office of (lie LawKgxc* GAS COnPAMT, No. SKI Kssex Mreci.

Jtti.H-ii. HBO. ». CABOT, A«rnt.





Pie. 97(1 Esses Street, Lswrrm-r.


E. A. FISKE'S, '5 Baaex Klreel, I.avrrrix r, Haas.


Pnmllles who want Kwdish domealies, this n-a- son, will please give In their orders a* soon as to>sihlo, as tlie suliHerilnr, ns usual, leaves for

wedvn in March, Mining is Uu< ben time In gel Orst class servants. Dnlrrit rrerlved liv Cll AS. A. ItKlUH.I'M), Siieili-h Auenl, 11 Htanllonl fit.. (near Itevero lloimt) BOSTON, MS. litfeiniMMt

p A N A K Y

ninl Seotl and Water Cups, Ilnili ami Gravel Tubs, \Vire Kest Pramos, Cages, etc.

JOHN C. DOW A CO., 108 Ksscx Street.

uihetory fur .-■ A 1.1. at a UAItGAIN. Said stock is In perfect order, and will bear

Investigation. THls offers n lino iipportunllv for luroaiiroriLnlile



OOUOH MATURE. Sol-1 hy nil Hr,l.■!«,. nrujodHf Anil (irncpt..


FRENCH AND GERMAN. io speaks IKIIII (.'erniflu I fluently, will Inntruet -lan>es, in reading nnd

With SfVSW attention


B i i' 11\ ft. PACKABD.-In this city,

Mrs, Cbas. P. Packard. MiHilth. In iliin .-in. 3d mut., a son to Mr. A

Mrs. lieorge Moore. PKEL.-In this city, 1st last, a son to Mr. A Mrs.

-i ■ ■- in I, i'. .1

SMITH .-In this city, ttli hut, a son to Mr. « Un. John Smith.

}1 a. r i' i k g e ft.


W« «li*ll open, UOXDAY,

Twenty-Jive Dozen White Corsets

«• Th..ri.. tioo.ll an. NKW n.x.l PEltrECT, jii.t

from the UMUlkctDrer, .n.l «. abrJI ..-11 Uiom at

75 CENTS I This la un opportunity, we think, the LAD1K8

wilt APPRECIATE, to getacorded ami perfect

nttlng CORSKT at this price.


60 Pieces 01


IN8ERTINGS, front SI cents It) ihe anesl goods.


Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers,


lie given at the city halt In Lawrence, un tl tilth IniL will lie placed for sale In this town early nest week. Wc learn that many of our i-itliens are contemplating attending the lecture,

returning by the qiintcr past ten train.

At a meeting ofthe Andover Brass Handheld March 4. 187S. Ihe following resolutions wcro unanimously ad»pted :

Whereas Divine Providence ban removed by death one of onr iiiimliei, Prank Dane, be it therefore

/iVsolMrf, That wo tender our sympathy Io the family or the deceased.

ll.ii.lrnl. That wo wear a badge of mourning for utt. --ii days.

/,-. -I.'I ,..'. That we alUud llie funeral services In a body.

I;,-■;■■..). That a ropy of these resolution! be ■■resented to tlie nntii-ied lanilly, and lm published in the Lawrence American.

Per order, U. II. KlKIJMAM, S.-.-'v.

. «i ■■■ »■


n.-iMrti.i Vale Is as well as can be expected that's all.

Tlie srhonls In tin- district closed Us I Friday, for a vacation of Tour weeks.

W. II. li. Woodlln was chosen a mem her of the board of selectmen at the town meeting on Mou- slay last

new outnt of wearing apparel, liable ruined at a single Are. Our detriment is com- posed of good and experienced men, and wc hope Ihe city will wisely determine to retain their services by lllicral treatment of their In-


—A few evenings since, one of our itakl dtl- ins returned home after his spouse had retired;

he was troubled with a cold, ami Just as ho had finished dliruhing rciuemlicrcd thai bis wife had recently prepared some cough syrup, and step- ping Into the next room, he opened tho closet, took down the bottle, nnd in the dim light poured out and swallowed two or turoe table- ■pooufuls, aud in his disgust at the unpleasant flavor of the compound, retired without return- ing the bottle to the closet. In the morning, his wife, who rose first, soon returned to Ihc cham- ber, and holding up the bottle, exclaimed, "Why, Jacob, how came this Ixittle on the ta- ble ." "Well," was tho response, "I was troubled a little with my cold hut, and took a dose of your cough syrup." "Cough iyrup!" ejaculated the wife, with a hysterical eiiin i at setiotisness; "this is not the lyrnp bot- tle, bat guano teatrr for Die pUuitsl"

PERSONAL.—Dr. Goldsmith will visit Europe

tills summer, leaving hers about the last of April; hli object In going abroad Is to perfect himself In his profosilon; he intend! Io finish the spring term nt the royal college of physician! mid surgeons, at London, and visit and enjoy the privileges of the hospitals of that and other cities of Europe. He Will rtrobably visit Vienna, and make the lour of Scotland before returning.

Mr. Lucian Mitchell, who has lieen sick for a considerable time, was presented with a hand- Mime mm of money, at the town hall, on Wednesday evening, at an entertainment gotten up for bis benefit.

KsTittmiNiii-iNTM.—An entertainment will lie given at town hall on Monday evening next, the proceeds or which will be devoted to the hiring of a piano for the use of tho schools, the literary society, and other legitimate objects.

Wti ARK in.MI our cltlicni will lie remem- bered in connection with tho lectnre of Rev. Oco. Mncdonald, lie great Scottish novelist, to occur at tho (,'lly Hall, on Iho evening nf tlio 2hh in-t. Reserved seals will lie placed In this town early next week, and we learn thntqolte a number of our eillxens desire to attend.

An entertainment was given at Ihc town ball, on Tuesday evening last, by Messrs. Maynard & Hull-in, the blind musicians. The iiiclcuien. cy of the weather bad much to do In limiting the attendance. The entertainment was exceed- ngly good, and well worthy ofpntrrmage.


IR.U>LKY-JAMEp.-Iii South Iloston, Feb. 37, by Rev. Dr. Alden, Mr. J. P. Bradley of Me- thuen, and Miss Frances, only daughter of Francis James, Esq., of South Boston.

fs. Sarah K. Pennlmau of Boston. bv Methuen,

BLANCHARD— PALMKH-In Methuen, Mar. i. by ltev. Ueo. J. -ludkins, Mr. Lovl II. Ulnnubard to alias Cynthia J. Palmer, both of Melhueu.

Sl.(K:t!M-MIKH.-Al Havcrhill, West Parish, at the MpMSMS of Charles Sores, Uur. S, by Kev. Mr. Lincoln, P. W. Klortini, Esq., or Providence., It L, to Mrs. Mary tt. stud of Methuen.


Notice Is hereby given that tho suWrllier has been duly appointed ad nun If train r (with tlie will annexed) of the "—'

e ii t h. ft. BRADY—la till- city, Feb. *7th, Hol-crt, son ol

Terence aad Ann Brady, aged .1 yrs. Dt.8TIN.-In this city, March l.t, Ueorgia A.

DusUn, aged W yrs. WIIH■!■■.. In this city, Marvh 1st, F.lmer H., son

of K. W. and Frames While, aged0 vn. UOLDSUITH.-ln Andover, yarehl, Clara Idea-

son, daughter of Wm. V.. (.oldi-mlth, 7 years. DANE.—In Andover, March 3rd, of internal tu

nmr, Fr.nik Dinic, aged 17 yrs, 9 inn-. Mr. Dane was a young man well known, and his

early demise has east a Map gloom over the com muili ty. He was the ho|n- of Ids food parcnln, and much endeared to all ills ari[ualntaii<ej< Among hia RSSMlstM he was a favorite, ever I'heerful, alwavu kind, lie lian been for some time past clerk In the Piwtt titter, ami has Hcrveit ' that capacity in a manner lioili pleasant ami t

lnsjHHatlng. He wan a iiu-nilierof the newbn band, ami ttHik a liv-K lniert*t In theorKanUatini frnia Its rormiithiii. (cveral years he has ' librarian of Uie fr'rc« Cliunh HabUth He hot.]. fmia Its formiitiiiii. Knr teveralyears he has Ijrtn librarian of Uie Free Cbunh HahUth school, l-cr- forming Its nUSS hi s MOSS prompt and faltlifui

A I.AIHIB number of onr ConfrrcaBmcii, It In said, will vlult the Vienna Exposi- tion. There are prospects that the Asiat- ic cholera will visit Vienna this year, and —but no, we dare not hope.

to the Lu-1 day he was able to he fn: home. Funeral services look place at tho Fr.. Church on Wednesday afternoon, and Uie large concourse of paopls prsaaal attested Uie slm rsspect frll Tor Uie ileceased, as well an the gii al sympathy eviieiieimd for the ilceiilv tiffin t.-il -—-■ ltev. Mr. Wright, Uie » in .. the ser>


- r._itor, eondurh'd pproprhde sml linprcssiiv

■ int.-' , late si

> il-" family,...... onnerlrd with the hand, Win. ice, each wearing a badge ot

v tender and aaVi'llng. "'


tlw young men were in attendn niiiiiiiiint. were \t-r\ te audience was bathed In (em In Hi. -..Irnin side rations of the occasion. The Post I intee a as closed ilurlug tho vaded the entire community.

all persons Incklrted to said estate, are called'upon *-> make payment to nAHI'KL CUMHINIiH.

March sth, ISTS. f mh7* Athu'r.

F ° B


I'm if. (J. U. K II u -i:, wl aad Preach accuraLely am puplli, elUier singly op in i sjieaking Uiese laiiguagen.

Piano Instruction given, to tmginners. . K. can lie Ion ml nt tho P.LIOT UllAPKI,,

11- : i-i '. o'clock, ■'. M., on Wednesdays and 8at unlays. Kcft-renco i- math- to A. C. Perkins,Keq., Master of Lawrence High Bchool, ltev. U, Weaver, and Ur. Wlesner, 0 tlniou SL Inquiry mar be mailo nt AMKHICAH Otuee. iteodagtfi

used yourAdumniitloel'i \ rt»l ( euient In my busi- ness several mo ii lbs, ami for nil kinds of mending. Where a Jewoier requires Ceiiient, 1 conslderlt

niiuinliu lui.-.l. Yours, truly, UKO. II. CAI.DWKLL.

I i in .-.hill, Pel,. 7th, i-,.;. Meaars. Chos. Kmorson A Hons—Ueuts:—1 Inn..

used your Ailamantino Crystal Cement to mend a shaft to my sleigh, which wns broken off; nnd having the sleigh in dally use Tor several inoiitlm. i un t. -.--till in ii. iMn mi' i-tri'iiglh nnd Lcuai-lty.

Vourr, respectfuUy, M. L. MAUHH.

Boston, Feb. Ittfa, laTI, A i lam an tine Crystal Cement Co.—lieuts:—Wo

have used your Cement for Uie past three months, and have found It Ihe best Cement for our use tliat wc ovor used. Yours, truly,

WAHHKN A RK'IIHOKH, Manufacturing Jewelers, 7 Tremoot Row, Iloston.

Newburyport/Veb. T, ltd. Mr. tiMnuii A Sons—tienU.—I have leitit i mir

Adiiiimntine Crystal Cement, and must sav it is tlie liKsT article of the kind Uiat I hare ever known, aud will do all yon recommend. II to, having tiern thiitougblv tested by lieat aud cuhl.

lie-in-, iinlli vours, C. M. tloin.i;, Apothecnry.

It la bolter to keep tho bottle corked when not In use.

Sold by DYER * CO., and by all Druggists In Lawrence anil vicinity,

(HAS. KMKRHOX A 8ON8, iienernl Wholesale Agent", 87 Mcrrimaek street, llaverhlll, alasi


VKW I) I 8 0 6 V I li V.

HARRIS' CEMENT, tho only article In tlie world which can lie used without heat nnd ready for use.

For Mending Meerschaum, Crockery, tilnss, China, Knrthi'ii Ware, Miulile, W.MHI, 'leather, Itobljtr. Coml. Pearl, nil kinds of Precious Hloncs, ami nil kind, or iimamenlal Work, etc.

* fJsM JOHN 0. now A CO., Sole Agents,

1C» Essex Street, Lawrence.

EVKKY Ijitly Wh buying a Hlurk Mlk

onteuiplalitiK "Ilk, ltd. neason. khonld im-

prove uie |n. -fiii rnrr opportunity at A. W. Mrsra. A €'•>*■.

A W. s ll.AKNs 4; CO. are opening . \.» Kew aud Very Choke Styles of riprteg Dre»» Goods.

NEW ami Hk-tfiint Styles of Spritta Mhawls can lie tound ul *. to'..

pBOlCI Stylea and rerrOUEAP Goods V are being otieoetl by

A. H . fflearns * €w.

W (Alil'KTS Full M'HIMi.—All OIIII Ini-re. of Cai'iHi- of ativ 'Inscription

i be A. W. Miami *. t «"• lifjin. |.ll|- ti.-i. in,;.

I.^OIJ New (ioods and New Sivlcs, |ro to A. »V. Mursi st CtWt

\IX who dHtn to boy their (Jimil" wlienu, ami BSVS UHUH'V, nnd ilinnvelves

mil. I, iMiiilHe, .hool'l vit-il ami pnlrniitEC Ntcarna *• Co. iu piefen-uee to Ilosinn.


. W. Nlearns * t'o'm.


WaU MADL. from U»o BK8T QUALITY of Cloth, ami

A. W. Stearns It Co. are opening a o assortment of New Styles and epkadid Work.


Mi-ili.jinliLili-, ele..

A. \\. Mesums A. C«.

1?LANNELS of all kinds ('li.-nji. . A. W. si.. ,., * . ...


A. t\.'s>t«.-Ms a- ... ..

BEAVERS, Brood aotba, vVorstcd UoaUngs and tantatpauery, Best Stjtea,

A. SV. Niesrai A 4 •.

1JUUE SILVER Sl'l.iUNS—WmniuU-.l. A. IV. tttssarua *■ * ••


S; LEACMED AND DROWN COTTONS, Ik'itl Make. Great Iteddction.

A. W. tltearna A, to.

Best TlireBda, ami Bindings. Hiram* A. ('■>

WOOLEN YARNS, Noolles, fin-, Tapes


HOSIERY AND GLOVES—Uillev' and tieiifs. Best Variety, Besl Goods, Cbeup.

A. W. * O.

and warrantctl Best riled. . Sttsras A to.


fltU I to.*


r|'ENEMENTWANTED. 1 trnemtiit, containing modem run

_ 0 per ye Al'I'LV AT Tilts OKKIIK, or addresa

Lock Bnx 1US, Laurenrc i'm-lOIIW.

A Htiiall ng modern nlnvi uiemo.

Hill.In ihrm or four niiimles walk of Uie Post i iniee. hull not to i M't-e. i (:'j«i per year.

Job PrliiUng (irtlie.


TO PHYSICIANS. Pure fresh Cow Virus, raised hy DH. KIMIIW.I.,

of it. ...tin;-, Mass., may always be liad of

LOUIR WE II. Iiegs te tender to his frlenils and the public

generally his IhnnLa for the generous snpporthc

has received while condiicUng InulncssIn Law-

\ and also to stale Unit bis business has

Inercaatil to such nn extent as to lead him to

establish a

BRANCH STORE for tlie snle of

Gont*H Furnishing Goods

HATS, CAPS, lie.

This store if. silunted In ^Al'MH-Mis nLOCK,

Corner of Appleton and Essex St.,

and will be under Uie imiuptliaie charge of CK<>


AeV-Mr. WKlIi wlU Mill eonllnuo at his OLD

STOHJE, where, with an increased slot k, and

especially a




Uian can lie found anywhere else hi Uie rlly, ho

hopes lo merit a cnntlnunnro of Uio pnUouagi

that has been so liberally extended to hlra In Uie

PMt. I I III "II 1:1 17



Dresa <; tit ids,

■fcawls, Skirts,

t lllBkt. t

in M KVK.UVTHISi; In our Stock. We ptn|ioir to sell nl Less llui Wbaleaale l*rlrea, In order to get rcmly for new Rprlng (ioods.

All Wool Cmlniirrri, In Colors, marked down Iroin |l.tft to «1.M; »!.Vi' to ft7)e.

I*latn Woolen Itrrm (looda, In shoit lonptti , from 11.00 to Sue.

A largo lot of IMnid* 30, M, 3]| and f*c.

A good assortment of Ntrlpe isresa i^noil . fur 13), ?\ M, 371 and Mr,

In our stock of Dress Goods can be found many Bargains.

A large lot of Beoteb Ulugbama at loo yard.

Planets, Prints, Cotton* ami Craanaa at equnlly LOW PBICEB.

Whit* Table Linens and Turkey Red Damaskc

AT UBEATI.V ItKI'l i i:i> rlUf K3.

.Vapklna pV, tl.3S, 1.79, S.0H, 1.2.1, IM per Wo*., tn-rnt|'-(li-e pt-r rent, less Uinji enn Ire bought elsewhere.


we will sell at tlie lame low rate.

Onr stock or

OASIIMEItr. SHAW I ,S Is largo and tasty. In Buunre and Long, and nt

NKViCIlMCKOKE KNOWS in till- iunik< I

Woolen PIttltl and atlrlpr Nhawla fj-tsl, ■!■-'; ■ >.•'•. .'1,,-HI. I.en and 6.IMI; Hilly UKK-TIIIKI»I »s tlinn fnrmcr prices.



vKiivciiKAri...:.. ■





I'ho Hewt Haueo & Holish

Mad. In any P.rt of In. World m

l'A M II.Y

l*l»U. ... ri«u, .


*o ...I..

to. .ALI av ,ll GBOCI...



"POPULAR STORE A Entail IHsuUjr sis'

New and Elegant Dress Goods IK ALL TIIK

HEW C0L0RIH0S AND FABRICS! Adapt! tl foi thr coming Heaaon.

*■,«!■ have made Extensive Arranto-menU lo

liavc on li-iinl a full line of Uoods ilk ALI. uur

Department*. Customers can rely on hnvlnjr a

irsaii ii-H,.i«i.,. nl |u il ■ i: ..j... am

heretofore, nor prteea will lie Hie lawrat In Uie


Foulard and Plain Bilks In nil the new delicate colors and lint:.

Bl.ACrK SIT. KB, a full voriitj of nil the dincmit makes In the

PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. In Taffeta.-, I'nic Mohairs, Krenrh Delaines, All

Wool l'ttpllnr, ami i-tcrythingNew anil Km-lilon.

ulile ini|niii..| from the Freueh and BslnSfe


A large lot of Black Alpacas, I'm, Ho-

■■■Ira mid nrillUutlnr*, from -'">■' to fl.M j ,\,

BUok Silks •Ml. ■•». U«i ■ hniffnln, north .'■Of a yard more.

• » Vl .- most cordially lm lie lnapeHI«N of our



laWnre Boas nos Van ornca.

TAT LOB & mn. TON.

tSuecessors to (JAMIUKI.I. & TAILOR.

ADVK11TISKHS llml it pn.IItable to use the columns uf the AalKIElCAN.

UAI.K A AMKa having evplretl by llmkaUon, all hill* duo the Hi n-l in-Miileil within iilnelv days from date, nnd nil hilln payable by Urm will lm- aettlml linineiliiiltlv mi them at their ofllco, Lowell Mlrei't, Lawrence. KlUier party In auUioHied to sign. JOHN i.AI.I:,

tfOMKH II. AUK.s. Lawrence, Jan. 1st, IK73.

Tlie same business as herehifore will lie contin- ued by mv at Ihe nl.1 i-tand. Thanking palrniis for

invite a con tin un nee ui Um Kami'. UOHK8 II. AMI-;-.

|...,,l l,iv,


at the bonieuiend

nil tint real e-biU' belonging to Joseph How. Hiiid IniitU Will lie Mild In !-e|i;iinle |.it<, ami rnnuM of,

li.t-Tlie Hnmfhtfiiil fin in sml two nets of build-

in tl elliurn. Stl-The "1

Methuen. 4Ui-The

Mulliuei). Bth-The

Mettiiit-n. IHIi-Tho

Metliuen. 7Ui—Tlai "tiros

partly hi Methucn

t sleadow," uf about .lucres. In

MeiTlil Lot," of H acres, in

H:i, I."I," Of ulHXIl 3" mil.-, In

llantlnKs Lot," of nbuiit 111 acres, In

nor Lot," of nh nl iinrlly In Hnl.-ii ol tU> Sot

■it IU acres, N.1L

S, in Hakim,

lab-Tlie "Wnieket Mcinlnw," about a acres, in Slllllll, VII.

IOUi~Oiie.tisir tiutlividnl of Uie "O.i/ooil and Carhtton Lot," of altoiil Wacre-. in MiLbuen.

Iltli-Our-Iinlr umlivkh-d nl il I srl.-ton Lot," l-iarreu, in Methuen.

rith-One-lisIf uinllvlilnl of the "llmlwell Lot," alMiut U 1-1 Bt-rcs, In Mrlhiien.

ISUi-OnehsIf nnillvl.leil nf the "Spicket Lot," nl 1 -J iiere.. In MtlhUFli.

14th—Ont'-hnli' miillv|i|e,l nf II Howe Lot," - ilmeii. if ali. nit:» aerea, in Matin

- .1-. eiiiie.i lamb will lie sold MIU- jeil m rifiit ol tlower.

will lie sold, al Uie i-ann 'lime and place, all the IH'moual property w bi.h fhitll fonn' Into tlu- linmls of tho saslfAsas, belonging lo saw Jsossl tMsr, not exempt In law, InelmlinK two i-hurr-* In Merrl- luintk Valley llori-e Katlmnd, ninl u lot of apples In barrels.

llnUdal Lawn nee, Keli. IMh, IKT1. SlUfi-ai II. I'. liAtUS. A^iirner.

L.I'. R. Kli II \lllis, An,■[',■.


pby aivt-ii Ilia luh-dudmiiii'

Abigail I

bimself Uut ... rec.1*. loti inn .l.-nininl-uiion theeitnte of sahl deceased are to the Mine: ami all persons ln.lel.led In .aid eaUtO are called npiiu MiuaLepaMiicntto

VAHM'M CiKLIMS, Ailm'r. Methucn, r'eh. II, l«3. fr!l

C. K. A J. 1'. KLLtBtrBT,


Cotton A. Woolen Machinery An


.. . nuMle ■araSt'l aixn all kind* of KnrgliiK tlone.

UKNKItAL ,M>» WKItK and Mill repairs done promptly and falUifully.

Dealers in Manufaclurr-rs' 8up[illei.

Fortsr's Suilding, Corasr of FramVlinand Methucn ■trsati.

lylTiii- nsiiiM-i.


The underslgncl hnvmg


CARPETINGS ar ii datdan »t n




tall ninl exniuliifbtrore pnreli.i. ing elseirhfre.

P. S. .IKAVV'IT & CO. Lnwrencc, .Inn. M, ITO, .ImHiieofl


IIy virtue ol a license from 11, ■ .1, ■ I:..- ■ i i':..!..,-. . will lie ...|.| *t |.ul.It. aueliim, on MOMI.W llai-i-b Slat, tint |isret-l-nf nal t>lnlo bfrein.itli r ini.nliomd.lHlonsfKK '" UMeatsMafUtS Isle tilV t'AHl.KTii\,nl ten i.'elnek A. M., on the premi- ses, in lots lo milt Tim wood slamlhiir on alttuit Uilrtyilvf litre* of baud sltuatnl near Myslie rond. slier the nale nf the wood, the land « 111 he Mild.

At two o'rloek P. M., at the homestead nf **> eeitM'il, uUmi ui aornsttt wnwl land t-lluuted in the em-l pail uf M> linn n. near the IT all Ml Snm'l Croi-s. fnid ]»t !• w.-ll ■lluatod, covered with a fine rrowUi of woo.1 nullah cut. Immediately nlVr Ihe iale of Uie tsoi*l lid will lie sohl the h.'iiii-tt ad of saltl dot-caw* I. on slrtlna or a anotl Inn.slory tuntse, n liarn, ami atsnit (wenti-fin- ihoiihaud feel ..I land. Iiumcdl- aUdy after Hie wile of tin-nnl t-*tsli', will I* mitt tlw itert-omil pr-ipcrtv. <-on 1-linjr »r all the hou- hold fiiitiliin-.. ol mid deeeaMil, l.i(rethiT ft llli ■■ Hi e i I nUas

KIIKN'II SAWVKII, Adm'r. I'KliRK li ACt.'i'SOX, Aucfn.

Melbuen.reb.!", 1S73. *3l


We Hindi make eitonslve icrmirs before we bn> our Mining Goods.

Our Present Stock will be Closer! Out Without Regard to Cost I

Wl win


A lur,. L.t nf

GRENADINES. good slyU-s, very cheap.


SSS liesrs Mrtrl, I.avninir.

NEW on uactod

I'he eijehuited Lily nnd II u ,.■ -jr.. IH Killi.,r|.f to i-oine iliin the market lUTnin. -lm e the lire. I iniip., lllliliel-., Wwlr, Mm. I.T, Ihininel-, t.1 II.. ' i iiiuilili, Liiuliritf, n few 0 l'!ie firr, rhublK .In Ml.!, lm .VI tl-.,nl JtiHN I .HOW A I N't*

E SECLTOB'8 8AL> tatAt ESTATE c I'rnlitilc Conrl, 1 OH HATlTKItAT,

, ,M , nil ll.i |H. nn MU UESSETT. ..( / -i % and stall l.fl ■ ■I.ll. I- Mil.


'he hlilldingi. hgVe ..I'Mi', l. Hi I"! -.

I .ilv l.t Oaf 'homas H. WaUb, d u.-rleil) hj kind

..f I..'.

, nib in . the Wfi-I bv limd .■ tin1 Hinith by bind Also

the wi limy eble Ijiwiriier, and i-.iinded nil the e utU li .f mid X.jilli (Ink Mlrei t. -.I Mli-lni. I keniii'dy, Calberinc lllekev, mid 01 ul stnlif lllckry.

t'ei.oii-, de-i "I inn. li-i-iiiK. aieiinlUtl It, rvnuilnc the prolHili id an* tiim- prevhius In Hie Mile. I'ondilloti-. *-t<sit nt id- »■ ifw *lr-l l..t, and *.Vi ul ►nl" nf the; It,.. Uilawe In I. n ibiv-, H hen the d.-.t wiIllH-ili-livpirjl,

AMlfltOSK KOSMlLi:, Kv.eV. Uwrenec, Fab. T, ITO Rflhli

\MiiK E.— MyilnnghliT, Ada E. llmwii, ll hniina li'R nij hot..,', I hereby fiwlinl an; iMTsim Irunllng her ■■> a. i •iniL, *,. I t-luill pay ni.nei.r In i I.llUafli-i-['•'"'

Kelimarv 1Mb, IsTt-

i l.iil



HHCMXT RutKAaciiKi on IKBTIMCT.—A TIIKAIBLF*S MOON.—Amons; the lltu- very Interestlne; tad lastrnctlYC paper on [ slnns swept away by modern selence was Insttnrt was peart before the Section of; the pleasant fancy Hint the moon was a /oology and Hotany, at the late meeting habitable globe, like the enrth, Its surface or the British Association, bv Mr. I). A. jdiversified with setts, lakes, roiiliiuiit*, Spudding. His aim was to settle, the and Islands, and varied forms of vi-geta- ■lucsl Ion whether, as some have urged, thi supposed examples of Instinct are, after all. ooly the result or rapid learning and Imitation. The controversy on this sub- ject has been chiefly concerning the per- ceptions or distance and direction by the eye and ear. Against the Instinctive char- acter of these perceptions it has been ar-

Kfd that, aa distance means movement or ■omotlon, the very essence or the Idea

la such as cannot be taken In by the eye or ear; that what the varying sensation or sight and hearing correspond to, must be got at by moving over the ground, or by

lion. Theologians and savants gravely discussed the probabilities or Its being In- habited by a race of sentient beings, with forms and fucultles like our own, and even propounded schemes Tor opening commu- nication with them, In case they existed. One or these was to construct on the broad highland* of Asia a series or geo- metrical figures on n scale so gigantic as to be visible from our planetary neighbor, on the supposition that the moon people would recognize the object, nud Immedi- ately construct similar figures In reply! " truvagaut aud absurd as It may appear

experience. The results, however, of ex- I In the light of modem knowledge, tli pcrlinents on chlckeus were wholly in ■ tubllsliment of this Terrestrial and Lunar favor of the Instinctive nature of these signal Service Bureau was treated us a perceptions. Chickens kept In a state or feasible scheme, although practical dllll- bllndness bv various devices, from one to cultlcH, which so often keep men from three days, were placed in the light under making fools or themselves, stood in the a set or carefully prepared conditions, and way or actual experiment; but the dls- thc results or the experiments ore slated cusslon was kept up at Intervals, until It as follows,

Often, at the end or two minutes, they rollowed with their eyes the movements or crawling Insects, turning their heads with alt the precision of an old fowl. In from two to fifteen minutes they pecked at some object, showing not merely au In- stinctive perception of distance, but an original ability to measure distance with something like Infallible accuracy. If be- yond the reach of their necks they walked or ran up to the object of their pursuit, and may be said to have invariably struck It, never missing by more thun a halt's breadth; this, too, when the specks ut which they struck were no bigger than the smallest visible dot of an 1.

A chicken, at the end of six minutes after having its eyes uuvalled, followed with Its head the movements or a fly twelve Inches distant; ttt ten minutes, the fly, coining within reach or Its neck, was selxed and swallowed at the first stroke; rii the end or twenty minutes It had not attempted to walk a step. It was then placed on rough, uneven ground, within sight and call of a hen, with chickens or Its own age. After standing chirping for about a minute It went straight toward the hen, displaying as keen perception or the qualities or the outer world aw It was ever likely to possess In after life. It leaped over the smaller obstacle* that lay In Its path, and ran round the larger, reaching the mother In as nearly a straight line as the nature or the ground would penult. Thus It would seem that, prior to experience, the eye—at least the eye or the chicken—perceives the primary i|itall- tles or the external world, all arguments or the purely analytical school or psycho logy to the contrary notwithstanding.

Not less decisive were experiments on hearing. Chickens hatched and kept In the dark for a day or two, on being placed In the light, nine or ten feet from a box In which a brooding hen was concealed, after standing for a minute or two, uni- formly set oft* straight to the box In an- HWcr to the call of the hen which they had never seen and never before heard. This they did, struggling through grass and over rough ground, when not able to stand steadily on their legs. Again, chick- ens that from the tlrst had been denied Hie use or their eyes by having hoods drawn over their heads while yet In the shell, were, while thus blind, made sub- jects or experiment. These, w hen left to themselves, seldom mode n forward step; their movements were round nnd round, and backward; but when placed within five or six (feet of the hen mother, they. In answer to her call, became much more lively, began to make Little forward tour- neys, and soon rollowed her by sound alone, although or course blindly.

Another experiment consisted In ron during chickens dear fur n time, by seal ing their oars with several sheets of gun paper bdore they had escaped from tin shell. These on having their ears opened when two or three days old, and being placed within call of the mother concealed In a box or ou the other side of a uV after turning around a few times, run straight to the spot whence came the llrst sound they hud ever heard. Clearly, of these chickens, It cannot be saiil Unit sounds were to them at first but meaning- less sensations. .

One or two observations favorable to the opinion that animals have nil Instinctive knowledge of their enemies may be taken for what they are worth. When twelve days old, one of my little proteges running about beside inc. gave the chirp whereby they announce the npprnnch of danger. On looking up a sparrow hawk WM seen hovering at a great height overhead. Again, a young hawk was made to lly over a hen with her first brood of chickens, then about a week old. In the twinkling or an eyo most of the chicken* were hid among the grass and bushes. A young

turkey gave even more striking evident' When ten days old It hoard the voice of the hawk Tor the llrst time, and Just beside It. Like an arrow from tlui bow. It^ss-rted off In tho-opposite direction, and crouch Ing In a corner, remalued for ten mlnutei motionless and dumb with fear. Out of* vast number of experiments with chickens and bees, though the results were not uni- form, yet In the great majority or Instances the chickens guve evidence of liistlnctlv fours of these stlng-benring insects."

was'dlscovered that If there were peoplf in the moon they must be able to llv« without breathing, or eating, or drinking Then It ceased.

There can be no life without air. Beau- tiful to the eye or the distant observ the moon is a Hcpulchral orb—a world death and silence. No vegetation clothes its vast plulus or stony desolation, trav ersed by monstrous erevases, broken by enormous peaks that rise like gigantic tombstones Into space; no lovely forms or ctoad flout In the blackness of Its sky. There daytime Is only night lighted by a rayless sun. There is no rosy dawn In the morning, no twilight In the evening The nights ure pltch-dnrk. In ilnyllme the solar beams arc lost against the jug' god ridges, the sharp points of the rocks, or the steep shies of profound nbyssos; and the eye sees only grotesque shapes relieved ngalust fantastic shadows black as Ink, with none of that pleasant grada- tion and intrusion or light, none or the subtile blending of light and shadow, which make the charm of a terrestrial landscape. A faint conception of the hor- rors of a lunar day may be formed from an Illustration representing a landscape taken In I he moon in the centre of the moun- tainous region of Arlstnrchus. There Is no color, nothing but dead white nnd black. The rocks reflect passively the light or the sun; the craters and abysses remain wrap- ped In shade; fantastic peaks rise like phantoms in their glacial cemetery; the stars appeur like spots In the blackness or space. The moon Is a dead world i she has no atmosphere.—From "Earth and Air," by s. s. COMAKT, l" /Buyer** Maya- tint for March.

room, I lather the vine buds while ye may.

Old time is still uHying, Ami thai same fewer Hint bloonu to

To-morrow nay is; ilyl -Her


The ragged metal "f Hie arias Mil*! burn before Its surface shine; Hut, plunged wllhln Hie furnace Maim ll benils nml nielli-,-tho' Still tho -•

- flfro*

TlIM WILLIAM TILL STOUY. — l'Vw more Interesting controversies, both In n liter- nryand an historical point of vlow, have ever orison than the discussion which has recently been carried mi respecting the Authenticity ami genuineness of tho rlwlss legend In which the archery feats of Wil- liam Tell are described. The object of this brief note Is not to attempt la settle the dispute, hut merely to stale Dial the story has penetraled the antic Circle. In the metrical traditions <>r Upland nnd liusslan Kurelia, nil the leading particulars In the life or tho Swiss hero are closely re- produced—unless, indeed, the story bo of Nothern origin. In Lapland literature It Is varied, so that the son Is the active, and the father the passive, personage In the tale. The latter has boon taken cap- live by a band or Finn marauders. The former—a boy twelve years of ago ■ threatens the party with Ids bow from a position oT safely on the other side of a lake. The captors, dreading his skill, promise the father's liberty on a condition similar to that related In the Swiss legend.

" Kaise one hand and sink the other, for the water will attract the arrow," is the father's advice. The apple Is duly cloven, and the lather released. The Incident of the jump from the boat Is also recited; and the nothern locality specified as ills- tlnctlv as the Lucerne of Swiss history. The legend In this form was discovered shout thirty years ago by Mathlns Alexan- der Castren, a native of Finland. In the Finnish and Lappish metrical writings he also discovered the lending particulars of Ulysses with the Cyclops. "From what original source," says a reviewer of Cas- ren's work, " or through whnt channels these traditions hnve travelled, II Is pro- hahly In vain to Inquire or dispute; the triumph or courage over numbers, of policy over brute force, has its charm for tho rudest mil Ions, nml from Jack the Olant- Klller to William Tell the key-note or the strain Is ever tho same."—©entlemowo Magazine.

M. Patll. llr.lir.— The eminent physlolo gist, has lately performed many curious and It Is to be hoped, valiwMe experiment In ntiimnl grafting; nmoiig these was th following: Having cut the lull from i young rat, be drew hack tho skin from, the extremity and Introduced this portion Into a hole pbrced In the skin of a s uul ; rut near the nose. The edge of the wound hating then boon united by a suture, the organ not only retained Its vitality *nd physiological properties, but grow almost as rapidly ns under normal conditions. The vessels being renewed, the nerves being regenerated, and sensibility gradu- ally returning, till flnnllv rat number two arrived at the dignity of a miniature ele- phant, With a sort of trunk as really living as Its other organs. Were it not for the value of the knowledge thus obtained, such experiments might Justly call forth a protest from our numerous humane so- cieties, and yet but for the fuels thus es- tablished we would silllbe In Ignorance of one of the most valuable methods for arresting the progress of a certain class ol skln-.llsenses. or for the I perfect con- lonluiont of what would otherwise be ghastly and disfiguring wounds.

A contract was signed I tween tho din dors or tin Hallway and M. L. 1'avro ft bore yet attempted. It Is lie) under the Alps, nine mi finished In eight years, am million dollars.

TUB FIUST AMKKICAN NI'-WSI-AI-KK.— The story of the llrst American newspaper, brier as was Its lire, Is full of curious In- terest. Seventy years sfter the landing Tthe l'llgrlms on l'lymoulh Hock, and

two hundred and fifty years after the In- vention of printing, a newspaper was Is- sued In Boston. U lived one day and on- ly one copy Is known to have been pre- served. That copy was discovered by the historian or Salem, the Hev. J. It. Felt, In the Colonial State-paper Olllcc, in Lon- don, while engaged In researches relating to the history or his own city. This plo- DMI of American Journalism was publish- ed by Benjamin Harris at the London Cof- reo-house, Boston, nml was printed for him bv lllchnrd Pierce on Thursday, tho L'.lth of September, 1690, nearly two cen- turies after the discovery of the New World by Columbus. The paper was printed on throe pages of a folded sheet, leaving one page blank, with two columns to a page, aud each page about eleveu Inches by seven in size. Harris proposed to Issue his paper once a month, or often- or inhere should In- a "glut of occurren- ces." Ills llrst, nnd, as It turned out, his only number, contained several columns of home nnd foreign gossip, without a word of editorial comment. Unfortunate- ly for the success of his undertaking, he printed one or two items of local and mllllary news which set the olllclnl bnsy- bodles In a ferment of Indignation. The legislative authorities solemnly detor-

l that the paper came out contrary to law, and that It contained "reflections >fn very high nature." To prevent Mr.

Harris from Issuing a second number they forbade "any thing In print with- out license llrst obtained from those authorised by the government to grunt the some." In this way the tlrst Ameri- can newspaper came to grief; nnd but for the accidental preservation of a single copy In London its very mime would have passed luto oblivion.—From "Newspapers and Editors," by B. S, Co- nant, in 1/urprr** Magazine fur March.

HUMAN POUCH STATISTICS.—The police Of Home have just published the statistics Of their Operations during the your 1*7:.', III thilt city nnd 11- ili-irt. t. Tho -111111I..-1-

of arrests made was 4856, of which Ffl were for homicide, 493 tor wounding, 512 for theft, <;.'■ for swindling, J71 for illegal currying of arms, l,'.;ll> beggars, vagrants, etc. In Novemlioralono there wore 587 ar- rests, and In December810, nml this activ- ity of tho police, In the lust two months of the year, Is said to have caused n nota- ble diminution in the number of assassina- tions, ami to have quite stopped those ag- gressions and robberies with violence within the city which had excited a good deal of alarm. Thus, In the last three months of 18T1, 1T.I7 persons were wounded iii Itome and Us environs, nml In the last quarter of 18TSI only 17H, being n diminu- tion of fin. The murders or attempted murders wore 174,committed by 158 inalci and 10 remotes. Of these criminals I9< could neither rend nor write; seven o them minors; ;I7 were In a state of Into*I cation when they committed the crime 117 wore actuated by hatred or revenge A recent (toman paper sdys that the polio have just discovered n hum) of juvenlh robbers, 60 in number, and from 11 to ] years of ago, headed by a deformed man a (toman Fagln, who showed remarkal.l. skill in directing them. They were divide. Into brigades and distributed over 1h town, changing their bouts frequently ti avoid becoming known to the police Shoplifting and pocket-picking wcrelliei


THE VALUI or STONKS IS THE SOU..— ! The Gardeners' Chronicle, ohc of the beat I of English Journals devoted to farming and horticulture, has au interesting article

this subject, from which wo take the following paragraphs:—

Many beginners In gardening, and they ore legion nowadays, seem to consider an absence of stones to be absolutely neces- sary to the good condition of the soil. Picking and raking their llower-beds year after year, the surface of the soil becomes so fine that after heavy ruins It looks like a bed or cement, defying the admission of

r water. Warm showers, which are so essential nt some seasons of the year to the well-being or the plants, never reach their roots, but run off to the sides or the

•d. Bound up In this cold mortar In inter, the roots rot, and the plants die.

in dry weather the soil bakes aud cracks, thus literally lacerating or sturviog the roots at a time when Useful work ought to be going on In the plant. The same Idea prevails in connection with the soil for pot plants. Those who begin to grow a few things In pots first procure a sieve, and they look on every bit of material which will not go through no,unrtiTlnch mesh as unfit for their greenhouse plants. A con- tinuance of such practice Is the source of inuuy failures among those who reully love gardening and cherish their plants, but who do not consider that they are thin counteracting their own wishes,

I II many gardens the rake Has for a cen- tury past been combing oil' the surface stones, which, experience shows, serve to keep the plants in health. Should not the stones be rather burled than taken from the soil? The good result- attending the trenching or old ganlens are doubtless due to the bringing up of a fresh supply of these materials, which afterwards drain anil sweeten the dark, soursoil. Perhaps, however, It Is In the heddlng-out depart- ment that the value of this material Is greatest. The shortness of the time plants

I for this purpose occupy their posi- ts, prevent tbcin from sending down

their roots to nny depth lu search or such surfaces to coll against. A few stones or brickbats might be placed at such a depth In the soil that tho roots of the plants will soon find them. It Is here that tpilck growth and abundant flower are wauted In a short time, nnd to attain this a deep, rich soil, with plenty of stones mixed in It, Is recommended. This will not only en- courage warmth nt the roots, hut drain

11 In wet seasons, and will more- over serve to keep the roots damp lu dry ones, for In dry seasons It may be remarked that tho roots In deep soil, when In con- tact with stones, are moist.

The principle here commended has been acted on with great success In the case of

b-troplcal plants lu Battersen Park, and there seems no doubt that tho stones, especially of a somewhat porous nature (such as brickbats), are benlflclal, by ab- sorbing nnd radiating heat, by ensuring drainage and acrutlou, and In general by securing an equilibrium of heat and mois- ture to the roots, nml thus obviating the evil effects of sudden and excessive changes.

Out* Spi-ie Box.

MANIKK ron Fur n TBXBB, It Is clear that animal manures are not what is wanted for fruit trees, Including grape vines, berries, 4c. There may be a ben- efit, and usually is, nt llrst, but the ijuallty of the fruit will suffer, nml the wood itnd Toliuge are of that healthy character which Is desired. This has been noticed by Lie- big and Others. We have known prolific grupo vines to hour more fruit, hut at an expense of I'imlity, where the contents or the privy were freely used for manuring. We have always found the best success when loaves, the weedlngs of the garden, hip-manure, ami forest mold, either sin-

gly or Combined, have boon freely applied These seem to contain the different mate- rials in proper proportion, that Is, the or- ganic, the carbonaceous, and the nitroge- nous; the mineral needs to be supplied, and nothing does this so satisfactorily ns wood ashes. It supplies lurgely potash, which Is needed.

The best success—nnd 1L has been fully .achieved—which we ever attained, was by applying a coat of leaves In the fall, worked Into the 'oil In the spring, fol- lowed by weedlngs from the garden, clip- pings of the vine, with other vegetable refuse, as a mulch, sprinkled over with wood nshes, leached or uiilcuched—if the latter, more wore required- This mndc u healthy, not excessive growth, and In- creased both the i|ii:iUi\ and quantity of the fruit, It makes a sounder and better keeping fruit. This with a variety nf soils, but particularly a clay Bdll, Then; should be good drainage und exposure to air, or else, with a green mulch kept moist by the ashes, there might be loo much humidity. For grapes, this will not do. Nor will It for fruit trees If there Is u close, heavy top reaching well down, holding thus the

olsture which evaporates, and Inviting iraaUto lodgments, which will nppenr in DSSes, mildew, rusted fruit, &c. Her-

baceous material and ashes, with occa- lonal bone dust, we have found the best

application for fruit trees in general, for "lorries, nnd fur the grape. Apply yearly vhere the soil Is not rich; and In the ipflngi when the ground is dry enough,

spade It well. Use sparingly, ir nny, the strong, nitrogenous manures.

BAIT ron Faun Tnxna,—Salting n pear-trees, to prevent the blight, Is be Ing a general practice in Central New York. From 400 to 600 pounds to theacn are regularly applied each year, with sat Udactory results. A correspondent o The Small Fruit Recorder writes as fol lows on thin subject: " Last spring I put a small shovelful of the refuse material from the salt works—which Is composed, I believe, of salt, lime, and ash—a four-year-old pear tree. It has very thrifty growth, nnd Ihe leave free from blight or spot, and have a very glossy, healthy look; while others or the same lot, manured with barnyard manure, have grown but llltlc, and the foliage is spotted and dull Now, If no ill effect may be attributed to the barnyard manure, It would seem that the ilitt'emice lu those trees was owing to the salt."

rofcMorn of Draw ing.—Pou).

Ham awnbrokors prefer cuitomer*

who nro without any re- deeming* qualities,

aw* for a reply, an the cat laid when the scratched tho dog fur barking at her.

What Is the difference between a Jailor and a jeweller | One watcher- cell*, and the other sells


The fulling of a skylight In a San Franeisco church ivnke up a whole congregation, Ihe other Sunday.

A little I my In school gavo one of tho licst dcuiiillouii ever given of economy i "Paring po- ts toe* thlti,"

What Is the differ, ncc I etwecn elet trli-lty and a fool; One Is simply marvellous, the other Is marvellously simple.

An Alderman of a country town l-clng Invited to attend a centennial jubilee, replied ; "I can't attend this one. Out I'll go next time."

Why Is an oyster the greatest paradox In na- ture? Became it lias a beard without a chin, and I* pulled out of bed to lie tucked In.

An editor's pistol having been stolen, ho ad- vertisers that If tho thief will return it ho will give him the contents and no questions asked.

"Didn't you guarantee, sir, that the horso wouldn't ihy brloro tho lire of an enemy)"

"No more ho won't. Tlsn't till after tho Are that ho -Jin-."

A sailor hoy, sentenced to lie flogged, Iwgged Ihe captain to wail till he could nay his prayers. "Certainly," said the captain. "Then I'll say them on shore," said tho young tarpaulin.

A Bengal paper supplies a neat instance of conhisluti of metaphor. CritkUuig the Income tax, our contemporary hopes "tho Government will not repeat tho blunder of killing the calf which daily produces tho golden ogg."

"I wasn't so verv late,—only a quarter of twelve." "How daru yon sit there and tell mo that tic ■■ I was uwnko when you came In, and looked at my watch; it was Ihreo o'clock." "Well, Isn't three a quarter of twelve f"

Sunday School Teacher: "What! did not say yuur prayers beroro going to lied ' You naugh- ty child, were not jou afraid you would bo tak- en away In tho middle of tho night V

Naughty Child i "No, please, teacher, I sleeps In the middle."

countryman, gazing at a garden in the vicinity of Boston, In which were several marble statues, exclaimed I "Just see what a wosto!

'a no less than six scare-crows io this tcn- hsit patch, und any otic ofthcin would keep tho crows from a tlve-acro lot!"

Au Kngllsh lady asked Mrs. Cathorino M. Sedgcwick, whllo abroad, whether they had any fine old trees in America, nnd then, catching hiTxcif, added: "Oh, teg pardon! 1 forgot at

liniment that your country was so lately settled. Do oaks reully, then, grow In (lower

A political orator, speaking of a certain gen- tleman whom ho admired, Mid ho was sjway on tho field of battla where the Outlets were the thickest.

"Where was tbatr" asked ono of tho


•an I.lps, llr>nrti of Ihf Skin, Ac. *«.,

Curort stonxe by IIEGEMAS'S CAMPHOR K F


e by DBOl .JtlM . It

nil llruiRlM.. by IlihiViV A ( Xew York. ws. Hoirtbr . ■*■ Msnursrturcd only , Chrml'ls and Druggist*.

e advertisement about

Painful aOVrtinti* of tbe bladder, and urinary organs, accompanied by jrravi-lly OMOSMa of any kind; Irritation nt the neck of pie lilailder, with difficulty of holding the urine; In slrirture, In seminal wi nkiu'n-, nnd in all conditions of the parU accompanied by debility, Ji'UUs's lit- OKABTIK COMI-OIM- will be fininds nw-l itftlcn- lous remedy. Send for circular* to 11. KEITH & <>., ti Liberty Street. N. Y. For sale by drug,

gials. Price sl per boUle or « forts. n[-



CAWS. war^jifms Mmiiirai'tiin-r» "f saw*.




Mo*ton, *!■..., *Y l»>Vr.ilt,


FRUIT FARMS. 510 to #2S per acre. Fine Fruit and Garden

I. Mild, healthy climste. Oyster's sod Fish abundant. CaUil.-Ku.- frvc. 11. P. Lll AM lit Its, Federals burs, Md.

minaon, X. J- 100 acres In berries. Tbe Monarch of tho Wot is the largest and bes" roach Tires, Anjmraipirs llhubarb, Its*pberries.

Price 11 IN

|*\ O YOU



It don't stain tho cluthee. Wdl but Of ty years.

For sale at

No. 9J Marajlst Htrcct, Lawrcsc4.

Smldccil*- JAMES MTDK, Agent.


W INXllK-STKIt'.S HVl'Ol'HOSPHITK Is a chcoi- icallv |uin* iireiKii-iiii.iii »r I'MOSI'lloUlS, ,,uc <>l the SUM Important element* of the Human H.»ty,

Mime !i

and LlrKHLSTAtNlNi; element-nil be Hii|i]'li'-I - Ihe system. We guarantee it ti> be a lerlniii

HK for COVSIMI'IION, coi'ims, nil.lir-, il all 1'iilmonnrv AftVctiiifls, and attjici-inV Kern-

civ fur ScmniUi. llyt-epsin, Tandy*!", Mcmm* nml Phvalral l»i■bililv, MI.I nil Nervous Affectioun. It I" unsurpassed n» a TonK mi.I tin it-..i:Ui.r :m.i f;eneiatnr of wire and healthy Blood. For further nfonnatlon, TeaUmonlals, KcimrtH nf I'livsicinn-,

etc., send for our Treatise. Price, 11 jier bottle. Mulil bv sll HniKKlst". Address

.!. W IM Hr>Ti:i( A 1(1, aa John Htrsel. New York.

The iJuttiB in |iubli-iie.l QI'-IHTKUI.T. an cents pays for the year, which 1* not half tboenst. Those who afterward" aawl money to the amount of One Dollar or more fur .Seeds, may Mso order an eta. worth ci'tra—tile lirii'u paid for the liinuic.

Tho First Number is bciiulifid, giving plans fur making Hani Hoinra, IHMIHK Table DSMM-

rsllnm, Window Usrdrni, *o„ and B mass of iufonmUloa invaluable to the lover of flowers, lttll pages, o> Ann lint..I patsaT, some !MM» Rn-

iviugs, anal a superb t'alorrd Plate and Carer. The First Kdillon of »Oo,<HMl

fc'liLYtllJV Chroiu


is the binding slock, lifii insurance company of ihli country, ami has the largest cash capital nf any Jure in-uraiiru company uf liko kind In the world,

t Is Cms iTiiiibl.xl to riHluce il* iircinimiis largely. Indeed, I ml il charged the ordinary Mutual rates,

company Insures the pulley holders. The National luu uearly iwo dollars of assels to every one nf liabilities; nml on January 1, UTS, bad nsurplui of aus:,!SW.». It wants an agent in every local- ity where II is not now represented, and will give liberal and continuous ciiiuiiiisp.bius lu efficient and reliable iiion who will give personal attention to it- business. Address branch office, Philadel- phia, where the biisinens of the i-miiptiny la trans- acted.


$500,000 CASH PITTS. 8100,000 for only 810.

Under nulhorltv of IpaaM legislative art of March III, 1871, the trustees now nnnounce Ihe Third lirand ian Concert, for tbe bencllt of Ihe Hub- lit Library of Kentucky, to oome on* in Ll -.rsry Hall, at Louisville, Ky., on

rUESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1878, At tills Concert the best mn-lcal Uilent that can

Irlhliled by lot tc

One Urand Caah tilA, One Ii mud Cash U lit. One Urand Cash Gift, IneliriiuilCuMb liill, >ne t.'ranit Cash Girt,

One Grand Cash Gift, il Cash Gift* of «l,000 ench. ■v.i .. I. ■■■[ M» " '■.'..■ I. .. i 400 "

100 Cash Gifts nf SIM " ISO Cash GUIs nf »0 •' MSI Cash GlfU of 100 -

a.000 Cash Gifts of 10 •'

JI.'INI ■j.\uon lli.msi llu.ixi

A N D It E W 8, JJ A I L I V



.VJU l',n.'i (Sired, (Ordwuy It lock).



Vlf F. A J. 8. GLLE,

Attorneys & CounBeUors-at-Law,

Mo. Jim Eases Street. -*




43,255,740 i

11,000,000 !



Total, S10.000 Gifts, Cash, 9500,000 To urn vide menus for thin uuiguiriccnt Concert,

One Hundred Thousand Whole Tickets only will tie Issued.

Whole Ticket-., flOi Hylves •« i undQusr- lers, MdH>. KLeven WhulV Tir-keU for fllM). No itb-rounloii less ttmu $IOO orders.

The obieet nf this Third Gin Concert, like the Iwn heretofore given with such universal nil- proval, is the enhiigemeut ami endowment uf the Fnbllc Library of Kentucky, which, by tho special act authorizing the runrert for its benefit, is to I* forever free tu nil citizens of every Stale, The drawing will lie under the supervision 01 the Trustees of the Library, assisted by the most emi- nent rltlzens uf the I'nlted stales. The minor ticket* has already progressed rn far tlnii complete success is assured; and buyers are therefore notl- IW that they must nrder at once ir they desire to participate in tin? drawing.

The management of Ibis undertaking has lieen

f\ N L Y 1<) CENTS I


A plain treatise, containing sample card with 11 different actually painted shades and lint*, with iu-.tnieiii.iiB for •slorinr and interior IIuuse Decoration.

an copies, hound in cloth, fur S.V Sample cop ics, paper niter, mailed, post paid, to any address,

municatiuuH iM-rUlniug to the Gift Concert mny he addressed. It. T. IU'RKKTT. President,

W. N. HALDKMAN, Vice. I'l-esl. jnilNfl. CAIN', s.-c-v i'ubllc l.ibrarvof Ky. fAHMKRH' AMi hid 'V Kits' HANK. Treasurer.

I'ublic Library of Ky., Louisville. Ky. Orders for ticket* or applications for agencies,

circulars, information, etc., will meet with prompt attention when addressed tu me. THOS.E. mtAMI.r.TTi:, Louisville, Ky.

Agent i'ublic Library, Ky. All order* for lli-UH »ui I..- .-nl.'tr .-'..■.L b.THn-;

"lii the amunitlon wagon," responded anoth cr.

A old .:.-- tu i.'m.ii] of eighty-four having taken to the altar a jouni; damsel of sixteen, the ■ I.■ v gyman said to him i "Von will find the font at the opposite end of the church." "What do I want with the font ?" nuked tho old gentleman. "Ibag your iianltiti," said tho clerical wit; "1 thought you hud brought tliu child to l>c liristened."

Let nie kiss yuu for your nmtlier, for your sister—cousin—aunt—

Or for somebody or other Whom 1 long to kiss, but can*L

I could wish my IOTU livable me, Aa I've you beside ma now;

ltut the pleasure, is denied me, So I'll kiss you anyhow.

A Stotiington man spent three-quart era of an hour, the other evening, trying to pick up a piece of moonshine from his door-step, which ho

idly funded to bo a newspaper. Ills afflicted wife finally came out, brought him to coucious-

hy il..- aid uf a loose feneo picket, and steadied their tottering steps into tho house. Who should cast tlio voto in that family ?

■eipt post I

, by Ihe I'tibli-lur, HE.-VKY lAllKl HAIKU,

long slnco a soamstrcsi i.iklyn for pawning uloUilnp; whld

hud taken home tu make, luvestfea i sbowetl Unit she liail been mnklug rtents nt starvation |>ri. JI for twelve pairs of trowsers, fllty

for twelve pairs of drawers, tiiul nty-flvo for six shirts. Decai

not aide It) COMptcl

i Hi-

i 1,1

sho agreed to .i Ni W York

tcep icartl

in- ft In- pawi in II v \r

needs here rc ninny worm ess und eleas li ironi] ny for work d<


vAisod ti mi.- articles t. itarvlng. Hncl comment. Itu

nml absolutely

if crime.

ii who un- thought i regard to paying me lor thrtn. Many

for their dally bras ' .1 llu- money they en is nut only mijnat It

Io Withhold It; ami those who n from carelessness, ore often

t only of suSbrlng, hut

Hot HtJI, PoatOSlre, I>lill>drl}ilila. 0■ 'N'i' Uu> fiilluwlng valuable extracts from presa

"A very valuable liook, ami tm one Intending U> pnlnl should full to read it-"—S. V. Tribune.

"We did not know an much could be said on tho subject of imbuing a house until we i rail this m- ellenl book of Mr. HnlrdV'-N. V. Herald. "A want lung felt at last supplied."—Helen. Am. "Not only a uccesslly lu tbe painter, but valu-

able tu evory occupant of n dwelling,"—N.Y World. " lluy II copies of this hook, and distribute them

ting your friends. If they will hoed the mlvlc therein, yuu euuld make no more, valuable prci

,"—Clilengo Tribune. In publishing tliis book Mr. natnl has done

real servlc*.- Io tbu community."—Tubilo lllude. "We hum- tlie publisln-r will sell lUi.OW copius

of this liook during *7S."— lloston Advertiser. " We have just pointed our house us advised by

the author, ami congratulate ourselves that no dwelling In our neigiiliorhood excel* ours in ap piarancu."—Harper's Weekly.

" In selling a sample eopv fur 10 cts., Mr. Baird must feel certain au order for io ismud in cloth will follow."—""rank Leslie.

" We know the town ami country paints therein recommended, and rnn vouch fbr their value --■' Ihe excellence of the 'Harrison' bnuid of w- leml."—rhila. Ledger.


IIrnsdirsy, Nei York.

Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker,

And dealer In all kinds of

Stoves, Furnacea, and Rangree. I le pal ring neatly done.


And deuler In nil kinds of

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe, AND

Fittings for Steam, Water and Gas.

No. 4IO ESS** Mini, I.uwli'Urt. .

Ordcre solicited and promptly stUiuIcd to.


FURNITURE. Tho subscribers hnve taken rooms In Ordway

Block, SJT Essex rllreet, wliere they wi

pair und lluy and .Sell Second Hand Furniture

nnd limi aitleles. All orders protnjitly at-

tended to, and unods sebl ut auction when desired.

HILL * CO. I.:IWIT , April ID, lim. 'II -

» 11 O A D W AY HO T BL,


fsO- A'u. I II 11 O A I> WA T.

Kear floaton A Maine and I o.i. in Depot,




I>I..u.i.11 IX

Parlor, Office and Cooking Stoves. Plumbing, Tin Itooflng, and sll kinds of Jobbing

■ I promptly. -1

ll, liolttuo frTOVE NTOHE,

11 Lawrence Street, Lawrence.

LIFE. JEtna, of Hartford, 1850, »10,fH0,78e

State Mutual, Worceater, 1845, 1,270,011


Franltlln, of Peun'a, 18U3,

Royal, EriKlmul, 1845, ffold, Tlranrh,

Pennsylvania, of Pa., 182fj,

Imperial, London, 1803, gold, 11,000,000

American Hranrh, 1,00I^M1

Flremon'B, of N. Y., 1825. 340,000

Weetcheater, of N. Y„ I8U7, 540,080

German American, N. Y., 1,200,000

Qerman, ofErie, Pa., 1867, ' 237,083

Queon, of England, 1858,gold, 10,000,000

American Itraiich, V'Ji.ll*

INU TUB roixowora BOM cojiPAsntsi

lot NaUonaJ, Worcester, 1808, 104,022

Gloucester, of Gloucester, 1870. 117,850

For Information, rates, etc., call on or address


283 Essex Street, Lawrence. Poat onto- Box aa. ■


nxic sYini', KKll TOMt', KAKK 1'M.I.S,

H ill cure Pulmonary

it. eliigyiug the aeliun

Lli Mil -ollgll.

the i<


/QUALITIES WHICH ARK PECULIAR \ ' f to and recommend tho

BUM Howe Improved Family Sowing Machine.

1. Beauty and otcullenco of stiU-h alike on both sides ol tho fabric.—3. Strength, beauty and dura- bility of scum that will neither rip nor rarcl.—3. Complete control oror both thrends.—4. An en- tirely sew rotary tension for the upper thread, whloh contributes so much lo thai bruuty and uni- formity of stitch Tor which the "Howe Machine" is sn celebrated.—S. A perfect uniform tension In the shuttle which doea not vary from a lull to an empty bobbin — an objection so common to other machines.—fl. An automatic aclf-regulating take- up that pntTenU missing of stitches in crossing hoary seams.—7. Short, straight slid strung ueu- illes, not liable to break in passing orer henry seams, as do the curred nceilles uf ullier machines. S. Finer needles for the same threatl than nny other machine—0. Sewing e-iualhr well with any kind of thread.—10. Kennomr of thread Ix-yund

ist of any other machine—11. A hemmej Dial 111 make any width of "em or Fell.—14. Braid.

ing the most complicated pattern" with any width and kind nf llrsld—13. A Qulltcr that will adjust Itself lo any thickness or material—14. Tucking any fabric without injury or pucker.—19. A enrd-

— —-i true ted as to cord around rery short " Sewing the

ni coii-uiupt ion. Many lull pain in the shlf, the uul ," lime t>»> li'i'-i',

■ blade, fet-liug tnd ;it other times draw.

sv ■ the I'IMHI tliilt i- taken lie- lienvilv oil the sUim- a'cb, acvi.tiipiini.-d i»itii itciditv und belching ol Miml. TIICCMIIH.II.IU» ii-uidlv oi-igiiuite from u dihurdcreil eoii'ilidon ..I Hi. s im-li. »r n torpid ivcr. I'.l- il lie. If. I, iflhel l;lL !■ ol two .cow culds, und if the cough in these cases be ii.l.lcnlv flopped. Hie luii|!-, liver und >-l'>iiMfb log, and reiuuin torpid nud before

Uiepulient is a*iiic "f hii-»ituut ihe lungs are a man. of sores, and ulcerated, ami death Is the im-vitu!ib'result

fiehenek's I'oliii uiic Syrup is .in expectorant \i lui h .|"i - ii.-t ii'iiUiiii iio\ npiui or Muylhing r:l],.n|;,|,.,[ [,,, tire' u i-imt-ll -ll.blrnly.

ehciiek's Seimii'd Tonic diihidves tbe food, mixes with the gnstrlc Juice of the sUunach.di- Ei-sts eufllv, uoiiii-be- the Hv-iein, nml creates u

i-althy circiilnlton of the blood. Wiieli the Imw- L-IH are rui-tive, "kin sallow, nml the patient Is ol a bilious habit, >i henek's Slnmlruke rills are re-

These medicines are prepared by Dr. J. II. SCHKNI'K A St'V. Norlli-eu-t eomiTol Sixth and Arch ritreets. I'liiludelpliia, Tu. liKO. C. GOOD* WIN A CO..W Hiinove- — Henry, 8 College PhUW



<in and after Ifoskbty, Dt* ', Is7i, Trains will leuve tliu Depot* in Lawrence, ns follows :—

For Huston (from North Heiiol), at li.ii, 7.311,6.10, 10.20 A. M.i and lilS. 3.40 and ».:«! r. M.

For Ilo.-ton (from South Depot), at li.-'T, T.:ia. 'J.I.*. 1U.MA. M.; nnd I-'.IS, l.W (expre!.s),:UT,4.;i*!1 «.« (express), IO.IT r. M.

For Portland {from Smith Depot), ut MS.S.IS A. St.; 1.15,4 f. M.

For tieorgi-t'iwii and Sen bury port [frjini South Depot}, A. M.; 1.1.1. 4, ll v. u.

For Haverhill (froni South De|Kit), at 8.2ft and H.I5 A. M.; and In, 1, >• c «■; nnd from North Depot at T.10 F.M.

Trains leave lloston for Lawrence at 7, 7 JO, 8.3ft, ■■ 10.11 A.M.; 1-Jii.; li.3U, 3.1.1,3.3.1, 5 amlUi'. M.

WM.MEItltlTT, Snp'L Lawrence, Dec. 2,1872. -

i or sale by Dnutists generally.


The Safest and Bent in

tbe world.


to pay.

Send for Circular.

st«li;i, EDDT, Jr.

lieuend AgCnt

O II ay-market Square

Cor. Cliarleatown St,

3in*teotl'JallKb BOSTOX

jculo ll orders for




Ho not mibscrllie for nnv w you have seen this. Monlhlv, . Specimen enpv, 10 cts. Addrem

^Oltl.D," Ilartforil, i

II.. Turf, FlckJ ami Farm says tbosa keaplos horaoa shoalu, twice a week, throw in a ii.uui I'ni of salt nml ashes. Mix thorn iiy putting in three parts of suit to • ii f ashes, Horses relish i hi-, uml It will keep their liulr soft nml Due. It will prevent lmK colic, etc. A lltile ground sulphur mixed with suit and ashes, uml ■liven once In two or three weeks. Is ulso iieiieficjui. AU domestic animals will be thus benefited.

Lust year HUM U famous tme for corn. Never before was there so heavy it crop In the United states. The Agricultural Ke- pnrt states that Hie total amount was 1,100,000,000 bushels. The com, ulso, of unusually good quality.

A fanner says It Is safe enough for nil practical purposes n. calculate tiutt .". u: cubic feet of hay In mow will weigh a ton. Hi- recently tested tlie matter nml found the rule remarkably correct.

The Iowa State Iteglatcr nays l farmer came to town With a lotul of corn, aceooi- panled by his jr,oo<l wife, who brought two

i/..-n chickens. The chickens sold for ore itinii the corn.

There is true wisdom In theso word*

from Henry Ward Decchen

" Some go out and carry bread nud tea anil iiilfi-e nml good cheer, saying, • I like adospettbst takes tun: of the hotly j' others go out and cairy trftcja uml niiiiis ami prayers, saying, ' 1 like n (lospel Hini iuki" care of the soul;1 hut I say that both of these nre Important puns uf the true Gospel. Which shall come first you must determine wisely, ttomotlmcs one uml sometimes the other should Imv pri.iiiit Ifp

Olile, I tvltl .in

puiliy . r ( hrlst, tin shouhl 1 - ii at of per prayer i Hi row n

nit If pi or ur . ll

should 1 ii it of llltt cor, nml mi rwan Sill

i hut Hie peninsula o populstlon of. 180,01 i<< tin- British crowi

iw ii mil !■■!■■ 11 = - ■ niimlier*! ■h.iii lu> paying, m the pre $,000,000,000, annually.

■out ihe sym- mlnlstratlon ympathy mid i.-cruiln'l ami ministration

orey and suc- nicthe minis-

, the Hindoo la n ocent estimates sl lllndostan contnli uylng revc mnl :,:..••.-.... nisi | chiefs stll.jirt lo iii of this inn ooo people, s IIIF-IV illlllclllt to


■tit rule, nliiinl

The tanner can live without the favor of tho public, The crops depend upon lib

Industry uml upon the gentle ruin: dews sent from heaven.

The figures of the French census. Just omplctcd, show iii.u the total populatlo f l-'ritiice ut the present time Is 86,101,' tl.o loss of l.iir.:..lT.l since 1868. Out f tills iiiiintiiT I,6t8,388 were ceded to iertiinnv with Alsace-Lorraine. The re-

mainder, 386,088, France has lost in the live years, together with the 800,000 which should have represented ber normal In- crease during Hull I line. Tbe reluctance of the French peasant lo marry mul have children sooins to lu> Increasing, ami ihe death-rate is rapidly gaining on the blrtlis.

ii-ror uml pii : Tlie height or ten inches three :e Imperial, live r Prince Charles.

that of Prince Fred- Inch

el.[..lllll l'r

Six feet D Albrccht


About the middle of hut Novembei read with sutUfnctioii Hint the niuskrats lu the Northwest were burrowing near the surnicc, tbi-ri-iiy Indicating "amild, open winter." Since we lire all agreed How thai uul Probabilities 1ms done his worst, In tin- way uf weather, during tbe season, ii is interesting to speculate on what bus become of those muskrata.

Mother loose t as no myll . after all hut, ns M . Willis. ll I,. Stone uforiiiH us a vcrltabh itrmul me of Bos on h Hi good old days. Her name was Kllzubcth Ooosc. She ha niti •tee children. I ml, in i.Tol.l age wrol To her iiruiiilclillilrei Hit) songs Will I'll her name,

Two Kt. Louis benevolent ladles, after meditating two days as to what was best to semi to a starving woman, bestowed two biscuit smulwlclics upon her.

Mr. I'.ilwln Janus has been refused r nilmlsHlon in Hie Kngtisb bar.

Jloted ai\d Quoted. —Bouts of tbe plays which Napoleon sup-

pressed nre now running successfully In Purl*. —A young lady la Meadvllle reoonUy Hcnt an

Invitation to a young man "to attend a youker party."

—The most level-headed editor in the country belongs in Albany. The top of his sraalam is perfectly tint.

—Louisville policemen are tho licst equipped In tho country. Tlicy aro nuw provided with wheclliurrows.

—Jsmfrl Foot of rittstiurgli, for trying to foot It with two bottles of wine, belonging to Mr. Gnitcr, was footed on" to prison by Officer Slip- per.

—A Minnesota man had Ills wife arrested for assaulting him, and then had to pay tho llfty dollars line which was imposed on her by the Judge.

—"John Blancliard wilt plcaso nlop blowing his nose," requested an Iowa clergyman the other Sunday. John quit his not;c and went to blowing tliu minister.

—An officer of tho Grenadier Guards, one of Crack Con* of Ike Hrltiidi military service,

lirts bean charged with cheating nt cards, tliu greatest of social crimes.

—needier says icienco cannot bridge, the luism Ix-twccn us and the nearest world. That

is true, hut It cannot bo denied it has bridged many In this world; lias elevated man, nud

Sgnlfled the Creator. —A negro In San Antonio, Texas, had his i't no liully frozen that It beesflM necessary to

amputate them close up to the heel. However, that portion of his pedal extremities re-

mains, his locomotion will not tm Interfered with.

—Geo. Macdonald is the. preacher of a now and startling philosophy. In speaking of Hums, he -u.y ■, '"Let us bo Just to him | It Is a great dent worse to be unjust than to liu drunk!' This way uf looking nt matters should pat drunknrds nlxiTC every other class.

—A Western newspaper gives a thrilling ac- count of a steamer's perilous voyugo, describing particularly her uangeroui passage over the fulls, witli only "one Inch uf water between hrr keel nml the rocks, nnd half an inch of atmoi- phiTc between her chimneys and the bridge."

—A San Francisco young man showed his penetration when he unhesitatingly declared that he preferred death to wedding tlie buxom widow who Interviewed lilin with a pistol. Ills- -muted with his unapprceiallvenesa, she refused to waste the powder on him—and that was Just what he expected.

—Tho origin of a tiro in Auburn, N. Y., is at- tributed to the following itrsugo cause; The direct rays of the sun passing through a toilet iMittle were focused by the coneavo Isittom and thrown Upon S woolen mat, setting It on lire. rJulMcqiient experiments resulted similarly, but when 11.. -1.. ■ni- was ufod empty tho mine cf. (SCt WS4 not produced.

The San Francisco Uullctln has received a dcsjiatcli from lloston announcing that a jury

erdicted." Tho Hulletln thinks that " epi- zootic "is liad enough, nnd "suicided " a little

but " vcrdicted" is altogether beyond tho limits of human endurance. And now tho pa- por heartlessly demands, lu not much more el- gsnt Kngllsk than that complnlned of, that the

reporter using Ibis term shall l«> forthwith 1 squelched."

—Thermometers were put Into ihe I^niisvllh: High School last week for the first lime, and Taylor, the colored Janitor, exerted himself to the utmost to keep up the warmth to the de- sired rtanuard; but all bis efforts fulled and the rooms were cold. At the close of tho school In went to l-rujvtsor Chase, and snid : "Mr. Chase, I's givltio to try dem dar kiimomicks ono mo' day, an' If I can't keep dose room wa'nm, I'm ■Wine to put dc las" one in do stove nnd stick to de ole plan."

—"The lines" on "The Storm Fiend maffnmv Mitu" are very good, but we cannot harrow up Ihe (eellngl of oar subscribers and chill their blood with such frozen gore. The hardest hearted man slnul the oitoUbhmenl (the col lector in the counting-room) read those lines sml the frozen tears rattled down on the Boot off hi- face like hall. The Immortal author, J.

Bpanriaoadss Drown (domesticated under ttm namo of Jake), will excuse us. When we want original poetry of that sort wo Jiut start our biuz taw, ami cut ii few lengths off from the ugticul. turai report of our beloved country. [Colum- bus (O.) Statesman.

AHF, AMERICAN BOOKS.—85 for R. ■ B. Thomas' Alinanar, 17US; Si IW American

Alinnnuc, 1710; S3 for ITU. Hare Old American [looks wanted, viz:—Kichanl, Inerenae, Hamuel, Klcnier or Cotton Mather's Vt'orku; 1'enhnllowV |n.llBii Wars, 17JH; Johnson's IIi.U»rr or *Y. Kiir- land, l.imdnti, Trot; Ren u I no Pour RJcliard'a Al- manacs, (Ur. Kmnkun's) ur any nearer Auierlcnn Hook, Pamphlet, Coin, Imllan Arrow Uenil", Kel-

Curlimltii-H, Narratives or, In UXMNI

. ..illtloa. Also, good old, tall, s-dny llrass l.'lock. hlnlo i.rieo of each. .IAS. T. MulI.TUN.

I Cames .-tc,. i, Lynn, Masa.

k on Poultry »» |I.M per year.




Burlington and Missouri River R. R. Co. OH 10 YEASS CREDIT AT 6 PER CENT. INT.

Products will pay for the laud and improve- .seat! much within Ihe built oflliia generous cred- it. Ifclter term* are not offered, und prolinbly

i-ver will lie.

Ore ilium, giving full particulars, grails. Call rail that are. wnntod to rend nnd circulate.

Cam* West and thrive. Friends will roll..

A sri'iiimnl Map, showing the exact location of lows Lands, la sold at W cents, and of Nolirns- V i I .mi.I- at same price. For Circulars and Mnpn,

''' '"'' " ia:n, N, lltllltlN, I.mnl t'luamlitlnnir, Burl lii^tou, linm, rloJ.W. TAKLKTOS,

Uti Wasblni-toii street, lloston, Mass

sayAnd please say In wast paper Itals ailvortlse


from Cataract, or IIINKANKU

Ky* of UlSIl HTSSIUM), Kajl-!

eil into tho I toe tor".


Lately located In Lawrence,

South Side, on Uroatlway. »f BUNDNES!

Oimcllr of Cornel, ill Ml IS. S,„.- c, . « of I.. iM. I .... (Uu uli■ I « Hlm-rlml 0|ililhaliulm. Mtop|im_ti of tin. I.mli,) i.o.i Ituit, or WeeplnH Kje-, Til- in- mi:- tlie UTILE Tor IU cure. All er--- whatever character, am iwlni* trenteil »ill: ishlnn aurcoaa. All persons I'rom a dintjiiu of tlie stale, will lie reeef family during treatment.

KHV illicit l-ESS HBUi these opera I IOUH nro iioi In Bunion or Now York.

Wo nifer all who wish to know of our treatment, to a lew eases only In thin eilv. vl* -Mr, Tli»ni|t- son, InthePnclll.' Mill; i.lo. i.. Mr. Taylor, HuuHi Hide, Ilroadway, and othor* Blind with CnLirnct.

Also, sll kinds of Weak Eyes curd,

The Doctor may be ftiund at all times oi ni

Residence, opposite Tiger Engine House.

We do not, however, make the Eye a specialty, hut all kinds of NI'Rt'KRV, so that we confi- dently announce that an one no unfortunate aa to require Stri'tilCAI. AID, need «o to lloston, or out of Lawrenrc.

•lint fell Respectfully,


DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING at her it i-, aoi Ksses si., I^wrence, Mass.

StrPartlciilnr attention pniil to CC'ITIMi and riTTlSO Ijulie»p nnd Children's liltKSflKS.

Snw STTI.KH reeelvea every week. Ladles' Drosses Cut and Kitted for $1.00.

Machine Stitching and llraldinx done lo order. A liberal share of ptitroiiHao solicited, with

Hunk* for im.t favors. lyi' Jaa




No. 103 ESBBX Street, Lawrence.

Over Col., Men's and Hoys', at t'eat 1

Wo ran sell Men's ss low as an.KO,

Boys', aa.rto, as wo want lo cloae urn

wliole stock Is prepare fur Hie SjU'iug trade.

hU the ml Hie

aquare finest fnlirlc without Injury or pucker, heaviest materials with the greatest case. Compactness, almiillcity anil durability.—IS. Base of operation and mansjreinent.—is. Bei In the world for Family use.

Call am' see these Machines wnrk, with the SEW

.itl'KUVltli TI1KAM.K imwer, St llaacar'a Auru- c>-, 1UU Kaaex Mtrrrt, Lawrence.




1't.ltK.l.r MUTUAL.

■ ISStS erer - - - - #0,000,000.00

ALL ran rnoeiTS rani TI> rouer ■ouwaa. Tlio low rates nnd larp- dividends nf this old omiinuy, toKi'lIni uilli CM -client manii-cmcnl, ilrdealinit and pri.iiiplncHS in the adju-tineiit ol .ases, makeri il Ihe 1M-I I 'OUI|.:IIIV in New Knelalld i Insure in, espiiiiillv i.n Ko.loiiinciil Policies.


Agent for Lawrence, llnverhill, Atidorcr, and limy 10- Methiien.


rp H E ~~V I N K L E & L Y O N X Mnmifncturitu* Ctft

Now Sewing Maohhio* "VICTOR,"

CAN aa Bouoarr «r noci- ». W. I.Omt, -IO WBrKlii Nlrrrt,

Sole Agent for Liiwrcnie, Andover and Melhuen.


Bfo. BO I nioi. Street,


Tlila Rank has never paid less than sis per cent per annum, free of tax lo its depositors.

All deposits maila on or before tho first dny of nny mouth are then placed upon interest, nnd aliare in the neit dividend.

IMvlilenda as soon ss declared are at once added lo Ihe accounts of depositors, nnd nt once bej*li earn interest, thus giving cimi-orsu Interest.


PresIdenL Treasurer.

/■'..i-.ri/.''-. Commlttf*.

Clinton Vlles, Thomas I.. .Tenks, Harvey CariH-nter, IWniel II. Whitm-v, William lloninson. Gco. H. lh-rbv. ly^lslO


lint* and Caps, tlOe. to $1.


Tory Cheap)

BB we liavu a largo slock which must bo sold.

SVCall sail satisfy yourselves as to the truth

f our atntemcnls.






DspOS0S placed on Interest Uio First I>ay of ench month.

Interest allowed on all sums of ono dollar nnd upward*, duposiiinl uoL II-..« thun one nioutli lie. iipwariis, ou, fore the dny on w hich divideiuls .

The smallest sum rsoslvsd ■ e iii i lareil. il.-]...- ii la flvo

You cannot afford to use iH»ir mai'.hiiiery. neillicr enn yon innnufneliire prolltubly without linvlna the Ultent linproveil eooti ivniuen known. Think of it cnnilldlvl Can you? IMny no lontrerr WASH t'l-1 Write A. K. UK A11. SS tolM Sudburv Street, lloslou, for eaUiloiroe uml ■ iiviilon. remiiii- Ing all WIMII) and IKUN.WIIHKIMI MAIIIISKHV,

and order UIUUT mi' the msehhic >«

BE in a,m>ther place advertisement about ml TVebraaka Lands.

Howinff Mat'hiuo la the ins I I* THE 1VOHI.D1

kOaSTS WANTRII. Bend for circular. Address "DOMESTIC* 8KW1SG MACHINE CO., N.Y.

XTSE the Bclslngcr Susli I^clt and Kup- ) port lo

FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS 1 Ko spring lo eultltirfof soah; cheap, durable, very easily applied; holds ensb nt any place desired, and n self BMSMMT wlaia Uio snsh is down. Send -tamp Tor circular. Circular nnd sit copper-bmnscillocks seat jo any Udrssi In the l,'. »., imsipald, on receipt or WrSi. Lllaral Induce- ni.'iiU to tho'- Aaenls wanted. Ailitreas IlKISIMiKIt SAK1I I.ocK CO., No. *18 Market

I reel, I 1.1 Ii i .hin ir. I'S.

R NO HUMBUG.—By sending; .15 PHIS IP

dje: A-. QOrt penUyl Agentawnnteill All tpO LO ip£i\J classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, maka more money ai wnrk for us In their spare moments, or all the

TIOBBIBLBI- I 1 ;io years, and was en

Will il recipe, poslsgr Iter. T. J. MEAD, Dr«

I sttfTcrerl with Catarrh 'd by a slmnle remeily re. to nil -.mined. cr 1711, Syracuse, M. T.

\\TOBKINO CLASS, Male or Female. IT SOOsweek guaranteed. Itespoetable em-

plo)nientsl home, dav or etenliiK; "" caidtal re- i|idrei|; full instructions and valuable i>.ii-assent goiwls sent tint by mail. Address, with slicenl return sbimii.

M. YOl'SO A CO., 11 Corllandt slreel, S. Y.


fbr any ease nf Mind, Tlleedlng, Itching or Ulcer- ated I'lles thilt DB IHNCa PIUR-m.My falls lo cure. It 1* prepsreil e*-prcstly to cure tlie Piles, and nothing else.

Sold by all Druggists- Price $1.00. :'i.-.'


The most cflosrlou* i

IlKAllAI'llt, Nanaateui DVSPKl-au, II ■■■.!. ■, DiAitmiRA, ( ONBt M1TIOS, t,

ilieiiu- for the cure of


1'AI.HTATIOS, SPAHMS, DlZXINXSS, WHoonaa Cotton, Mi VIM, ftc, Ac.

I Is the New i:ii«l"»'l Vmnlly MedlrlHP.

KorsalBhyallDruggiats. Price SI.

lewa and FJrbraaka Lands.

Dividends will he made nf sll the profits which may have ncc rued wiiliin die juevloiis nix months, afli'rdedui'tlngni'eessary enpenses.

Interest will not lie paid on fractional parts of a dollar.

omcaWi I'rnUcnl- .Imts FALLOK, Esq.

fire I'retMrnti,

A. W. Sleams, Thonuu. Hiotl, II. C, ttaeon, . Morris Knowles, ilnmes A. Trent, J. Emerson, Jr.

7Venii(rep—Jnmea I'ayne.

Peter Smith, J. W. Smith, Peter [lollhnn, ". C. Kirk,

. M. Ayer.

. J. French, . K. I'lllsbury ,0, Pillshury,

The Hank will lie

John ■■null, F. L. Itunnls, H. W. Kulght, D.C. KlclutnUon, Jesse ti lover, I'litruk Muridiy, Jn iocs 1'ay lie, Dauiel Hardy,

ipen ever]* day from S A. M. _ _ M.. except Sulurdiiy, On Tbiirsday am

Saturday EretiiuKs, IV 7 ton, for nveiviugdo IOSIU only. JAMEfi PAYNE, Treasurer.

Lnwruuee, June lb IAS.* f


The natural tendenry of everything earthly is decay. The very stones raised ns a tribute of af- fection over tho resting -jlaers of tlio dead, and lo mark Uio snel where lie* an- laid, are subject to this law. To-day wo raise the insvldo or gnu ill* monument, (Vi'»h from tin- hand of the scul|ilor,

would remain forever lo Identify the dead i|H>ak of the itffoctlon nf the living, ltut n few years pass away, sml the polished surface of tbe marble or granite grows dim; the action of tlie element-! upon Uio stone bus left the letters scarce- ly dooyptiornble. The once elegant monument no longer attracts the eye with It* beauty, but seems to speak to us of decay as much an Ibo dead whose resting place It marks.

Hut Uiis need no longer he so. A n Tint i men- tion, by an old innrlile worker, not only gives tin power to restore uinihlu or granite tu Its oilgiunl (icnuly, but furnishes a preservative agenl which resists the offset' of erjiosiire and time. Rureli Ibis is a most useful Invention. It Is keeping pace with the progress Sf ths ago. As education is diffused and asthciic eultiire is developed, there li an Inen'ailng love fm the lieaullfiil In art. The avenue* of modern grave yards are art galleries. Here we find the highest triumphs in monumental sculpture. The modern sculptor Is not merely nblo to shape nstono snd rut an Inscription, but Is an artist, and monuments are no longer mere block* of stone marking the resting place* of tbe dead, hut works of art milking the cemetery as attractive lo tho lour of the beautiful as it Is to the melancholy and mcdltatim. Surely, then, this Invention, which not only restores the faded and timu worn marble to II-, original bcauly, but pro serves that beauty from the further ravages of lime and the element.-, must he balled by all with delight. It Is now possible to preserve the lieautv of our cemeteries; to restore the old and black- ened tombstones to their Ins! lustre, No longer

ill people rogTOl to sro the rpit.iphic ami elegyle — ■—re snd respect for the


141 Lawrence Street, near Btidne.

Bilks, Tblbeta, Alpaera* and all other

Ureas «.noils, Shaw I s, Son] ur*, Ac.,

Visa rased and Dyed.


Carpels Cleansed in a Superior Manner. Qantlenien's Clothes Gleaneed or Dyed

without rlpplna*, to (rive entiro Blltlilfitc Llun.

Having all tlie latest Improved machinery, and

keeping none but the best Dyers, we ran do our

work i ■■ 111 :i I to the best In lb* country, and hope to

be favored with a trial.

LAWMEN- K, Oct. in, is7i. This Is to certify Ihni I linre had work done In

Hm in....t KilUra'-t"i v manner by JilllN T. TllKKS tC'n. Can rts-oiiniieini said i oinpnhy to alt Umso reuuiring auylhhig in tlwlr line, tm- roosnuahlcncs- of Charges, iirionptue-" in eni nti-.n. ntol .(n;ilil\ of work. KEV. L. U WOOD.



thai such peifei lion was

lira nre Agent.

i Sits a KR, TUKI.S :-

excellence or y. Clothes. 1 hud r possible. Yours truly.


l.'v. l:i :.. I , ' i. t 13, I'.,..'. MKSSRS. J. T. TURKS A Co.:

IJHAaHiHS:—TlteeloUis aud gnrmenta placed lu Sour luimls by us, for cleansing ami coloring, ave been relurneil an "good ss new." Ws are

BSpesssIn MsSjasI with the unifoimity of voui coloring and en-elleni-y of finish, and shall taki pleasure In commending your work to other*.

ltespeclfidly, I \\ imH KLU, i.e. nowKRii.

MK8SltS.Tiir.gS:— I take pleasure In tctifilng to the excellence

of yonr Dveing and Cleansing ladle*' Dresses and Shawl*; also, the superior uiniiner in which Coals, Pants and Vesto have lioen reflnlshocl nt your e talitlsbmont Yours truly,

S. r. SHELL. Lawrence, Oet 17,1(71,

AOKNTH. H. r. ISnTKT.l,, -t 13 Mifi Slrtrl. Sfra. HH H-*F.I,T,t taa F.asea Ntrrrl. Mas. Wli;i;iV, Itroadwsy, Soutli Side. IJ. O. SDItlllrt, Metlmon. Ji HIN Hill IWN, Norlh Andover. JOEL 1IARNKH, Frye Village. 1 oclS-


244 E 88EX 8TIIEET.

n .it i|iiioni, Inspireil by love a:

..•otoil tn ttu- memory of bt-lovrd friends In per- manent preservation; and as, each Summer, the hands of love bring flowers to deck tho grave of a departed relative or friend, Ihe radtiess felt on such an occasion will not In- iiileiisltled by observ- ing tlie i li i"lie which love reared going to decay.

The Inventor of Ihis proi-orviilivo agenl, which accomplishes such grenl rcults, Is Mr. JOSHUA .SAWYEK, of Nortlirield, Vi., and tho owners of the patent are D. 1'. HATCH A CO., who are now established at Mount Aiiluini lialcs, near lloston, whgr* communications mar 1>e addressed, tinier* may lie also left sl No. ft itroitil Hlreet, HosUin; al the niiieo of the Cemctet v, at Csmbridgei al Ihe Pnal MHa nt Iteailiug, HOSMSta, Ijiweil, Newton, Waldiam, Charlestown and Wohurn.

H.-iiV. Slale ASHII^.., leanslng nnd presennliv

DB7 D . T . P 0 U T E n,


9SS i:*i-i Street, - - - Lawnart,

Nitrnua Oxide (ia*, and Klber or fliloroibnn



COLLEGE, 800 Wsahlnajton an-est,


Sow admitted lo be the





The eourae of itudy embraces tho Commercial nud Common Knglii-ti In :un lie -. mid is so directed M to iptallfy atudeiiU of either aex to dlsehurge llie dutios of a bu.ineHs lile convcUy and lutelll gently.

Application for admission must lie mado la oil sue*) and student* may enter al any time when

For catalogue containing Information, terms, ■tc, address tho Principal,

UwTHhtOKb- If. E. 11IBBA1II).


I bare Just made larHc additions to my


MARKED EVERYTHING DOWN! The prices I hnve set upon my Goods are

unpni'edi-iib'dly low.

KVKHV VAHIKTV OF GOODS for i . ■. ■ 11 ■ wear.

In Millinery I bars everything Uiat Ladlra rs (jlllre, and in prices I

Defy Competition. My stork of Ladles' Woollen Under W

been largi Iv nil.led to. Prices low. Children' and Halilc„''Woollen Cnder Wear, Jacket*, etc.

ply Ijuliea wIUi




ADVANCE COOK STOVE Ms-rss's New Portable Range.

i the advance, and to



No. 3HO i :» ■ Street. i,m» uu. •■-


Jt'KT ()l'KN>1ll AT

No. 6, Lawrence Street Whete will lie sept a first.Inns slock of

Cigai'H, Tobaooo, Snuff' Mccnthsuui, Dryer and t'ley Pipes



iviioi.r.sAi.r. AMD in Ttii..

A share of public pntronngo I* solicited at lha




I) I A M 0 N I) IF10TAOL18 1-rJIHI.Fs " melteil togi'ther. nnd are called DIAMOND on account of their hardnea* and brllllaiiCT.

It i* well known that spectacle* cut from Hm illlan or Hcnteh puhble* are very Injurious lo the eye, liecsuae of Ihoir polarlilng ligbL

Daring lieen test-'d with Ihe nolarlseniie, Ihe di- amond lenses hsru IKHSI found to admit llibin per cenL lea* healed rays than any other pebble.

They are ground with great scientific arcurncy, are free from chromatic. Bl-orrnlloii", and produce a hrightnes* and dlstlnctnos* of vision nol before olit.'une.i In speetaele*.

Mniiufs.-tnvsil by the

Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co, BUT YORK.

For tale by llospnnelble Agents throughout Ibo Union.


Jewellers and Opticians, are Hole Agenla for I renee, Mass., from whom they enn only hi __ Inlnoil. No IVdillors employed.

The groat demand for these speelarles has n- duced unscrupulous dealers lo palm off an Inferior nud iinirfniia artlrlo for the ,/l>iamond." (iit-at care snniild be taken lo see that tho trade mark tt> (which la protected by American Letters Pa- lent), ia stamped on everr l>alr. I * [ 1]cl*t-


of all kinds. I am making this a specialty and can funiiidiaU kinds nl'piiltcniH ie,|iiiml.

In other dipaiItiiL-iit* my stock of gooils cannot bu ■ li I | :i ■ ■ . I.

H A I 11 G O O I> S, ' Itcal ami imlLnlion. All kluds ufliressTrimmliigs.

Real Laces, Hamburg Kdglngs, fashes, ami Sash Ilihlien^, .lemln, I'eil e-r hulled Liulic n ill ilinl ei.ij thing Ihe- need ul my ►tore.

HUiniping for Lndirolilery. -1

19« ESSEX STREET. 196.


Attached to Ibene pal<■nte.l tipccuiclea Sro two seienlilhMllv eini-liiirleil ilalviinie llidtcrles-un. seen when worn—delivering ilnoiigli Uio nerves ol the head a

Soft ami t'oullnuoni Nlrrsui of Elasticity,

Tilullsing and giving healthy action to tlie entire iH-nutiliiV system of loose parts ABMOLUTKI.V anddCI'TAINLYCmtlN't.

Partial Paralyala of (lie Oplle \rrtr,

Weak or lllaeaai .1 t l-lon,

Neural-rla oflhe Head or Face.

Am T" III lies In the

Hnaeles of the Face,

Holaea lu the Head.

I.o»n of Hrutal Kntrgy.

nnd a hot.1 of Nervntis Diseases, arising from de- pression of the nervous energy of Ihe syr-tem, con- tributing, In n BSD*! Astonishing degree,

Life and Vigor and Health. by Uio means of Uic aolt flowing ■mini of Klrr- lriiil>, giving

Ilrlf[htucaa to the Eye,

UoL I. in MM to the Ear,

I'.iini,) to the Hi -ul ii.

Tliey nre set with lennes of Ihe finest mnniifac- lure, to nilt nil sight-, and wllb glasseu for Uius* not needing uperUo I.- tu read uith, but desiring the benefit* In he derived from wearing the lint- teilos; ami to lie hud lu this city only of

DUUfnilBY UOOAB, Wutcunialcor, Joweller and Oritlolan.


No. 2S6 Essex Street, Lawrence. Dealer in Wale lies, OteeltS, Jewelrj', r'ancy

JV. B. Aim Agent fur l.i m-n if Unrri*' Per-

fected Spcctiictei UIIW IJBS QlaJISS, ISO BESTin the

World. Hivia-



LOWELL, Oat ll, wn.

e..i "i ii■ ■ SIMiKU was awarded tho FIRST Pag.

nun nt N. F-- Fair In 1H7I, as being the HKHT

Family Sewing Machine; nnd also tlie present

yonr the awards were Silver Medals.

(Signed) F..T. KOWF.LL,

Asa'l Hor-reta-T N- *'■ Fair.

Tho SIM. !' I; was given the FIUST inrmru si

It. II. Mule Fair, held at Dover. Itu HIU'F.RI-

OKITY over all nUiers hs* got It In Ihe hahltor

doing *o.

Sold for 16 per month, or for


aa« Eases Ktreel, - - - - Ha.u-„i,r* Dlech.

Machine Blltrhlng, aunnplng and nraldlng hi onlcr. JH-



Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AND


Offlrr, H30 l-,u-i atrcet, l,«vviriiic.

Hours, 1 to 3 and 7 to 11'. M. H|SeplS

pou BALK.

On F-aalrrly ,\,\,. ne nigh Blreet, between fimvn and 1'latt Htreeu, a one and n hnlf alory, doiiblc icnement house, six rooms in each U-nement, willi

.'?,rn T.'1 w,'"• "" nn « ni»' '"* "t '""d Kfl feel on High Street and no fret deep. Itnom on lot to erect cotuge house to renL Xsjd premise* rent now for e ghl and a hnlf per renL on twenty-two hundred dollar*. 1'rlre S!3*n.

Also a splemlid building 'ol for gcntlcinen's re*. Iilence on I nlnn Street, Soulh Hide.

Also a grand ehnner ror giiuleinen'* reakleneea In lot* toiiiit, we-t of Clover Hill.

•■■"' lliri11 " I'"' in-iN'1-tlon of said property apply lollAI.DWIN CIHlDlMiK, Civil F.ngin«-r and Heal K.utto Agent, Mb H-MX btroet, Uw- renee, Mass.

omee nights r Monday, Tuesday ami Thunulay. *Ttntcrs- *

Tin, Shoet Iron nnd Copper Wore. Tin, I .i *•■!, Tin Lined nml S em IK las tie. l'lpe.

LIFT ARU null I, I'll ItfV H

fbr ham) or |>ower nse.

•*y Mowing Msehlnea, Scales nnd Wringing Machine* llcpuited. Plurabliisr, Tin Booflng- and QoneralJob-

blng- doiio at short notice tffldecIT-



SLATE AND METAL ROOFER. onlco and Yard at



Leakv ICoof* made Tight nlshorl noliee. Ulymv 17


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of nearly all vhrleilea, as

Cornel*. Alloi, Hm Hours, Uasaea, Inii- trshaur*, Orvheiitra linndu of

Ili-nnn or tienuan Silver; riston or Rotary Ynlvcs;

Drums, Cymlials, Flules, Piccolo*. Fifes, Flaren lelf, t liirionel-, French nnd Ciennnii Aeconii'-

ons.ViidliiH ,*. i;oiiTirs,Violone,.|los, Double Basses,! erlinns, I'lnllnn*, Ilariao-

uieas, lliiuioK, Mii.ii Holes, Violin ami iluluir strings, nnd nil

II a "ir id Muretunidl-e, Is the well known store of IjHap^lIb

jonai c. II A v v M * co.,

SS Court BL, (opposite Court llouae), ■

'WKaMSa^BBB- fsaamma


Yhe I<awfende SmefiiSan.

rVRLUUBD i.\i:m n;iii',t VIIHIM.M..

<ii-;o. s. MKnnn.i ,&<<>. I'UST OFFICE Hi.m K,


-tlUMIlll'TIO^c-fV.OO pel-year, lu ■•!- suiter t If not lit .-.I mm r, *. J.Xi>.

II.. . )■ i ulnilini i.l Hi. UWfMM Am. i i- (•II I- lltr li"«'-l «r ««> imper 111 lllr Ciioty, mill man limn t'utir Time* ttinl of nuy othrr HrfLlj Paper pub- lished In till* city.

«»- KATCS of Adveitialllg sent U]K>n application.

EANTEKN MASS >i 111 si i J -.

'*> '•-• , f • »>

iMERICiUf ¥^c ©iily Smeritikn.

I VERY EVENING, (Sunday exoepW.)

1* the l-*J-fo*t Dally fa the city, with row Tine* the clrrnla lion of any uther.

NIBMHIITIOt, In 44v*U*n>ei

One Year, or..oo | fn Months, si.oo When not paid iu advance, OA.00.

i.i:i» fi, V l.mill.I. A CO., Prop-re.


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, I* the Largest aad moat Uioroughly furnished in Eastern N***a<-huM-U*. liming only modern Preeeee, and with constant addition* of the newe* t styles of Type, we are able to rurniah the beat quality of work, expedllJomly. at low price*.- Orders by mall given prompt iHaathw.

0B0. 8. MEBBILL A CBOCKER, Poet Oftce Block.



Business Directory. Business Directory. in- Lines In length i ii ii at •» per year. I

■rdi not r irreillnf Four I.Ine* In length luirilnl Id this rolum u at *S per fear.

1? A. F18.CS, PAPER HANGINGS, U» Window Shades, ArtisU* MaloriaLi.Cliaii

llellcr*, L*UlpS, \ ice., etc. ITA !■: ■...'! Street, Lawrence,

nn. DENNETT, CIGARS AND TO- • mini, Wholesale and Retail; also Snuff

mid smoker*' Article*. Meerschaum Pipe* nually i .'i<:in. ■]: No. U I.IIMIIIHY Street, Lawrence.

VlTHlTFURD A SICK, JEWELLERS, V V den lorn In I'aper, Stationery, Paper llnng-

inrs, Window Sliades anil Sluule Flitiu-es; Itlank Hook Manufacturer*. *Jo K*mi ML, Lawrence.

'S WILLIAMS, Manufacturer of.'p J. MURPHY, MANUFACTURER i, Door* nml nlhi<li>, Win ' 1 e ami liealer In Hoot* Slioe* and Rubber*, of

All klnda House Piul.h. every desirable. Stylo and Quality. «• kUeex ML, Lawrence.




T1 _-__, A »«■-!—11-iTy-tan.T Anu l"pn—there's mother, A state cer- 1 Mhj-r\MlliKlL'AN. tlflcatc and the prospective princlpalship

| of a good city school will make her no j comfortable— dear,, darling mother! 1

PATTY DREE. wonder what she In doing now?" and Pat- ■ ty took from her bottom a little golden

A COUUTRY SCHOOL, AS'fi locket, and gated at and kissed her moth- uon'lT WAS KKhKKMKD. cr'a linage, with a sigh of regret and re-

1 nifiiili

Clock Maker, Jewelry- l'-S* E--e\ Clock, mid Jewelry

Watch anil tine Wiiti-her, Clocks and

rtnet All kind-, of Watches, I i'|i;ill 111 Ill i-liiirt notice.

I It. It. I'n■ ■ i u :•■ r Depot. {

II. K. UARNARD, I'l'HDLHTERKR and Cubim-t llakur.— Itepalrfna;, Liiylnjc Cn

peL", nud Curtiiln W.ik. M:i\lu-w'a PnU-nl Wd dow Screepii applied ill hliort mitlie. SKI HW H

rpABBOX 1 and CpunM-lla

ItmmK 11 and IT, I^iwrence, Ma... J. K. 'l'il:ini\. C.

DYKR 8. HALL, Ready Made Clothing, |>KDRICK A CLOSKON, VURNITURK HnU. Cape, Uenf.- r-|il-iiMtliw lloo-U, eti-. 1_ CnrpcU, . 'rockery ami Calliry, lupUier wlUi

l»ne Price CloUilnK Store. IM ■OtttE niilo &-», """-'WtgHi*""± fi,'"l"r"i'j!L..Tl,U fo*t m**mt'

anco Ajrini'T, miken In.iirance, in all It. brani-liex, a cpw-Ialty. Cull in in A lu.peet our terniK. 3W ESBCX Street.

tfOoodj jjcm-nilly. Tti city. Ml F.*»f x sirccl.

o " 1). CROWELL, OYSTER A DINING H. Itoohu, Fruit and Confbetloorry. ITS Kmiei Mrcet, Near City Hall, ljiwrence, Haul. Cboloe brandH of Cl|-are alway. on hand.

Fancy Arliclcr, etc


i'1-iiLiiiK. '

[•—Pro T D. DREWS OYSTER AND ICE il." Pure i <I • Cremn and niiiing SaliK.n. mi Kmiex Street,


M ' paid


It. KENNKY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN • ami Surgeon. I mice Ml Eiwi tit. HOUM IU Newbury ntreeL Partieiilar attention

.pc.-i.Hv at the AMUIHAM Steam Printing i mice, Puat (Juice lilock. Call aud.examine >ptc

Auctioneers, Real Estate Affents and | iu,l'»!-

NO. 33. gM.fE8L.w;.n„. M.„. j F t. JOTraCTyco^ygwoH AMP

Alwuy. to gin Or MKOMu -ervice nnd ' • ' ■gJl'LJtegg wSSSST^ eerion/attcutmn £ Mlllug Itenl aud Per-oaal « «\*"-0j& w«l„1Jda^ at i V « KHtaki at imcti,.ii I.L .ali.-.Ki-r, nMulniiiK S cv »mc-at ..race, » «lne*day,_ats rji.

' ■ for nil i ..i i.■■■!!■. iimt l.lliiiit Hie Mime nt lair niU-B for nil nmrviii- ill, ncfrotiiitliiK MortKNC" and looking up Title*, Hiiilm^ 1'riipeity mid collecting Kent-, ell1. No

i ..r n cm'ily.

ItcnliiiK I'liijuilv nml i-.illectlug I_. Title pnnseil of l'n.|n-vlv unl:^~ the mini' 1H' |iet feet; nn Money invented but upon the UKMI |- ■biubtcd ■■ ■ in HI. AU I.II-LM. inlr I to will he attended i<> pi-nmpth, and nil will l»i Ii i.nililc d.';iltli with — utrtt't mtejfritv

[...rtiiut element of .iieeenii In llie lteal K.Ute . -!■■■- - -. I -1

in* ill nil 11 il si TIU HI., prolil|il|iiu in.nt. of ca-h proiM*il», deal'

in nil hontw «iili the neller and owner, it Uui iu-ill ii I) liHikiiiK well in the true InU'reet ol

luni'lm er-r Ihi! Ill:, lilies nre K'""'. "»il Holll begcln .id whi.;h lie [. antltleil In —UUM >eeiirliig and lull.lint Uiat conftMeiu-u ol our lellnwn wliieli i« i.nit i>M;dHed by etrlrr nttentlon to liiHinesp, nml [in- liik-lii'-t tyM nf houi.rnlilc keallug.

Sat-Tunn. reiiHiimilde, and according W Uui wort and r**p.m.dbt!lty. Call uiion u«. ' Heal Estate'Office. 381 Essex St.

N. It.—Property for unle In many neellona of New

, 431, 433, 433 ESSEX

Block. May In: found a va- ried and Helect i-tock of Fancy tioodx, to which I would renpertlully Invite atteuklon.

DAILY PAPERS, ChroinoH, Kngravingn, Perioillcale, SUilloncrj,

Fancy (IflodH. l*leture. rranied at. abort uoaic. ' Wl Eesex StTMt.

C1QLBUSN BHO'S ■ i 'in inn

r (In

^PHILLIPS, Hand-knit Worsted HH • t CanuenU, Sklrtx, i a permanent InVc-chncnt. lU-nd Kcal F-tale coluiiin in l.awrunee Sentinel

and Lawrence Daily American. UniylU-

GLA8SWARE, GOltLETS, TUMU- ier*, PiUlieet, Preserve and Fruit Dl.lMi,

('lill'llcSlickri, li-li'M iilnHxI-.i, SJHMUI ll'ildciv, i I :dl Ulobe-, ShtuW for ft'n\ Work, Ac. twU of cheap .iml cut gluiu. I. C. Dow * <-o., Kin KHKOX SI .

INSURANCE A HKAI, ESTATE AGENT '.ii.iini.'., ii,-.-..

Having attended partially to Innuranco for come vaafit, It I. now' my intention to give inv i-nLiie iiinii to |irr«'url»g >*lr*J and Life Policies in .■ I1I--.II hi--< uiiiininiL- , rnin !i ;i- llie III i[.\ OK I. Ml'TUAL, Biilem, Jlami.. ami othrrn id' riinihir hlnmling. Al-o, pi act an lteal Kutate Ap-ii', lluv- ing nnd Helling 1'ropci tv, Iteming and ColUiling Itents, Aeeounls, Kir.-cliiiK MiH'twigi'e, etc, I have taken an (Mlco will. WM. M. ftoiiKKH, Koq., In 4'urrlrc'a Block, near Town House, where I ■an he round during huxiii amicai-erulde.iling u ill 1H>

work for us in "their .pare mm lie nis, or all the time, tliim at miMhilig else, l'niliculnra flee, A.lilrcH. (1. STIN?*i IN A ('< L, Portlmul, Maine.

Ulyniovinniy- ^^


•>n Hie rnad to Lowell and ljiwrence. 70 aereii, nn tin- river, Iving between the river iind"ili.i road. WIHHI i-noiiKli l.r li'.nii pnrpiu.eH.aiu apple tree.. Cut. 13 tons KnglMi, nnd 5 Luis meadow hay.— Cherries, gra|ie. nnd aiuall fruits. Farm long and narrow, running nlmig the river for n luitr mile. III.IHI pastiimge, good bind i.r every variety. No trouble from IVislit-ts. I hie of the llnest sltuaUon. hctwoeu Lowell and ljiwrence. 4 1-3 mile, from Lawrence; name from Lowell, (iood buildings, In good condition, well fenced with Ftuno walk—

' "~ m, an ' Prh

rndemiite time ill Vnli UI«HI PEHHICK * CLdr-SON, Lawrence,

or at the pruml.e.. t Toet-

M~ KliC AN "T! LE P HI NT1NO at the American Ouicc.



For Invanfiom. Trad* Mark*, or Detigni. 711 Bltat« Ml., oppaalta Kllbj- Ht., Bail... after an cxten-lve practice of upwanb. of thirty years, ...iitiiiue. 10 neclin: 1'lit.iiLs In Die I MM State; also in Urenl llribiln, France, aii.l oilier foreign countrics. Caveats, si.eelocation*, Avrigii- IIIPIIIS iind all paper, flu- Patents, exeeutnl on IIM.I Me leniif.aillidbipiitcli. Itesearche. made !,. dil.inline lli.- liilidiu mid inilil> "I' Patents of Li-.niii.ii-. and legal and iithedfai.lvlee rend. I. d ,„ all mailers touching «»■ i-nuif. Coplei. at the ,l:iim. of iinv 1'atenl linni .In d In lennlltng one, ilullnr. A--ij;iio.eiil> rei-onlid in Wnshliigtuu.

••TNU Agency in Hie I'nilc.l SUU-a poseeMca .■iiperlor facilities for obtaining 1'ntenU or aeeer- tabling the pnlcnl:ibililj ><( Uiceiillons,

All neeeaeity of a hmrnev to Wnslilngton topvo- •uru u Patenl, and llm great delay there, are here .aveU luveiitor..

TESTIMONIALS. '• I regard Mr. kiddy as one of tlte tnitxt eapnble

and •ueeeHafui practitioner. wlUi whom 1 have had tiolll Inlorcourse.

CIIAltl.KS MASON, Commla'r of Putcnta." " I have no be.ltnli.m In nsniirlug InvonloM that

thev cannot employ a mini emc* and frwifirarrtg. mid mine e:i|iiible ot jmlling their np- plicaUon. In a lonn to HCCUI-C fitr theta nu early and fnvornlile i:on»iderntlon at the l'alent lllll.e.

KI»MUNI> 11CKKK, IJUI' t^iwn-r of Paienu.- "Mr. K-II.KpliV luu nuule for me over TlllItTV

:Mi|>lie;iti<>ii" I'm Patents, ImlnK been nii-ccssl'iil In gtfamt every ease. Much limn in taka hie proof ,.r Kn>al tnloiit and ability on hit pad, lead, mo lo re.'imiiiicnd A I.l. imviilm, Mjtpidy to him Ui pro- cure thtdr patent-, a;, thev may be "tire of having

it faithful nU.'iitlnii lawUiwoton Uielr

1/ltANK C. CLARK, Millinery Goodi, I Small Warun, Trimming., Kuibroidcr ■■,

White Cood-, llo.lery and Ulove., No. HI It. ex Street.

corner K*aex aad Lawrence SL—Tnutei, irtera, Shoulder I trace*, Perfumery, etc

full iiiuurtmciit of all articles In our Hue.

W. HEAL1), Sole Agent for Singer'* • Improved Sewing Mai'* ~

.__iider. New Block. Sewing Machine Finding*.

Vlt. GL1DDEN, DRUGGIST.—Pure • lirugs and Chemical., Patent Medicines,

Toilet Articles, Perfamcry, Sitviurea, Rruahea, Soap*, etc. Coiner Eiwex and Pemberton St.

_ eex Street. Full Value, Fair l>e«llng, ' ltlowlng," No Trickery, Uuu Prloo. Wo u: what we lay.

JOSEPH FLOOD A CO., MKKCHANT TAILOitS. Chaoabera, 1,9 am) • Saunder*

New Block, Street 11 inter taw Immediate lupervlalon of JIM. FUKIII, (late Savage t Flood.)

SURGEON _ ..'. W. Uulaell. Nltroui (Hide lie*

All kind* of Scope, fur tale.

'THE AMERICAN STEAM PRINTING 1 Office, Pn.l ■ mice Block, I* ihe Urgent and

iii'-t appointed, outrnde of Uoclon, in eaitem Maf*acliurett>.

I7RANK KNOX.—BooU, Shoes and Rub- ber* of all kind* .nil cheap for cash. Ite-

palrlDg done at pbort notlee. 'Ill Kmn Street, HIi|in.»ite Pont < mice.

MRS. J. A. KNOX, LADIES FURNISH- i\(. (.nniis; nlso a large aasortment of Cor Madame Foye'» Skirt Supnortem alway* on

hand. Huop Skirt* IB

DR. J. D. YOUNG, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office and resilience, 151 F.**ex

Street. Office honre, IS till 1 and S nil B.

BALDWIN COOLIDGE, CIVIL KNGI- NKKlt aud Surveyor, US Esaea Street.

At office on Mondny, Tuenlay and Thunday iteulnga,

I in , Jan. 1. 1*73. JOHN fAOOAJtr."


r AMI'S. Kerosene nnd Gas Fixtures, JCtmndellns, Pendants, Brackets, Hume

113 lAU St liram-h Store, ISS Ki.n St

Job Dyeing,

WIII1TRKDGE A lURNUAH, Pine Boot*, Shoe* and Itubhcr* of every iteecrlp-

tlon. Popular Store. Huston t'ulon Boot and Shoe Hou*e. 1TH E.iex Street, corner Jaekaon.

(From the Overland Muntlily.) Patty stood on the platform at the de-

pot, the solitary piuHjitiger dropped from the cars as they went rattling by; nobody came to meet her. School Director Pen- ny wan taking a quiet game of euchre at Wllson'g aaloon; Whapny was "tendln' a burryen," for be was also coroner and undertaker, and Sharp was dead drunk at his office in the village. It was a sultry September afternoon, toward the com- mencement of the autumn term; and the young teacher, endowed with a second- grade certificate, and a good degree of pluck, had travelled 140 miles to her des- tination. The yellow dust lay on the un- planked sidewalk tike a sift of Indian meal, and the parched leaves threw their skeleton sha'dows over It, hopeless of moisture; the wry air seemed to come In pilottnting grasps over the Inhospitable looking brown hills, and n wretched sense of inactivity pervaded, benumbing alike to soul and body.

Patty roused herself from its Influence. Is there no conveyance into the village?"

queried she of the lantern-Jawed mau, who stood watching her small trunk with an air of appropriation.

"O, yeH'm—a bus." The instincts of proprietorship in this ark of refuge awoke In his soul at once. "Here, you heft up this ycre trunk; now, git to Bunkum, and tell em the new scbool-niarnYs come." This was addressed to an overgrown boy, whose (lust'covcred feet suggested buck- skin li-i.n■.. '

You bet, I ain't a-goln' there," waa the Instant rejoinder, accompanied with a twirl of his thumb to his nose,

Jehu looked at Patty, and said, with a chuckle: "He's one of your scholars. Ills folks raises garden-aass for the hull neigh- borhood, an' he peddles It raound."

Patty smiled. She began to think sass was cheap iu Uluc-nose' Canon. Rut she felt like crying.

"Lots more out o' the same bale," said the driver, encouraged to loquacity by the smllo. "You'll be a ruipercr school-marm than we've had yet, ef you can get along with them youug varmints. We've tried men, an' we've tried gals—married wom- en) nn" old maids, but they lialu't nono of 'cm conquered, specially the boys. They're a towerln* set; and the gals alu't much better. Ef you ever broke a colt, you'll know how 'tis yourself."

A faint, little "Ah, Indeed!" checked further remark. The coach—a sepulchral looking concern, driven at a hcarsc-llke pace, and smelling like a comu—contained bealde herself two other passengers. One of them volunteered the observation that "this here teom was fetched across the plains In '49, and was Just as good as uew yet." The other, she mentally character, lied In one word, "Pike," as the driver, shutting the door', to keck out the stifling dust, said, "Them's the store-keeper an' the ditch superintendent. Gents, make your manners to the lady."

"Pleasant day, miss," ventured Pike. "Warm tho," the storekeeper supple-

mented, "going to the hotel?" queried the first. "Wilson's the best," chimed in the oth-

er. "Fleas at Wilson's and —and bugs.'

Pike brought this out with a triumphant Intonation which made the vexed little teacher crawl all over, aud convinced her that he had an iutcrcst in the opposition hotel.

"That's nothing," said Cheep, the store- keeper-: "have "em at the doctor's too an' you'll allow she's a housc-keeper."

An animated discussion ensued between the two regarding the doctor's wife, to which Patty listened In slleuce.

The hotel was soon reached. It was a dingy monstrosity, which, for economy' sake, had been whitewashed at an earlier day, and now was shedding Iu 'skin In crisp little flakes, which, falling, left bare spots here and there aud exposed a slck- looklng frout, suggestive of an eruptive disease. Over the doorway hung a tat- nii'il wreath, which had beeu nsed as a decoration during the preceding Christ* mas; but which now brought the unpleas- ant idea to Patty of the holidays having scabbed over, the dry circlet being saved to vaccinate the next seasou of festivity. The windows were occupied by women and children, attracted by the arrival of "great forty-niner"—the name bestowed by Its proud owner upon the "bus and painted In glaring letters upon Its aloe.

A group of men with hands In their pocket*, lounged round the entrance, with an air of nothlng-to-do-ncss not at all cal- culated to Impress a strauger with the ad- vantage of Dlue-nose Canon as a place of business. Patty had the satisfaction of hearing Cheep Inform oue that "you'd And that'un a stuck-upper; sec If you didn't."

'Turned up her nose at both of us," ad- ded like.

"There ain't much of it to turn up," said Hob Ludlow—a six foot loafer, loung- ing out of the hotel bar-room, and Joining the group.

How hot and Irritated, and uncomforta- ble, Patty felt! Outwardly she was serene; as the landlord—a one-eyed man, with a bald head and salmon-colored whiskers- advanced to meet her, and with a crush- lug grusp, shook her little hand till It ach- ed ; and with his eye kept single to the main chance, gushed over with a IKIISUT- ous, "You'uus Is welcome; hope you're peart and hearty, marra."

Usheriug her up a flight of long stairs, at the bead of which stood a dingy table tilled with candlesticks, yet smirched with

Mci'liiiiiicnl Draughts'

o C. BANCROFT, D. M. D , DENTIST. ij« Office 4IT street. Dr. Bancroft will be at the ELM HOI**, In An.lover, WKUSKSD* T id' ciidi week until further notice.

I^imn* repaired.

C. K. A J.

libiHs, Porcelain and inn:: I- 'id "i n '. now *k Co,

DECKER A WHITTIEH, GROCERS. Crot-kery and tile** Ware. SlrloUv pure

('..(Teen, Spleen andeholec.t Tea*. Tlie but dalrtc* IUCIMIN and tile** Ware. Spleen and choicest Tea*. '

Of lliithir nnd Chcene. SB Ainoibury Street



MACHINISTS. (Succeaaon to Wetutcr, lno-iin A Co.)


Cotton A Woolen Machinery aim


* I"KN'E"HAL itiB'wOlik M4 Will repair* done promptly anil faithfully.

Deulcr* in Manufacturer.-' Supplies.

Foiter't Building, Corner of Franklin and Methuen



By vlrtuo of a license from the Prnlmte Court, I .hall Hell at public auothm, on WKHNKSDAV, April M, 1.17:1, »l I l-'J o'clock P. 11., on the i.veiiil KCH, all the rei.l entitle of ASA WHtTTIKil. Inte <d Methuen, iii ihe county of Kswx and chile of HH-.a.-hn-ell-, deceased. Said entlitu I. Hftulllcd In the *outh-ivenlerly part of Melhucn, near the "llmUnit Farm," no culled, and consist, of a Imuse, barn nnd nhed, and* ol Luu), more or lean.

Pcraone winning to purclmne s •mall farm, |d,a-aiilly located, and near s.-l I, ace im iled to evu 'the pro|K'itv ill any lime prcvlmi- M Ihe Kale. SAM'I. *.. SAlttJENT,

Methuen, Feb.ST. IS73. SHirciS Admlnlatrator.


We, tlte Mib*cribem, having been duly appointed CommUnloners lo receive and examine tint el of the t rudllorn m Die elate ortluy Carle ton. of Methuen, In the eonniy nf r7**ex, deceased, represented in,,. I veal, heiel.y give notice tliat nix MI..alii-> id 1 .Inimry iiulalit, are allowed nai.l creditor, to bring In nnd prove their ehiims; nml Hint we shall attendUo that,*er- vlc i the Tivculv-second day of March, April ;iud .lutv. at h-ii ..■cluck A.M., at the »lore of l.EiiKl.K W. SAWVKll. in Mftliuen.


Melhucn, Feb. HI, 1B7I- MflleM OogMBMHMfl.

SIMILE COPIES of the American can be secured at all the news minds.

K. Office, 307 Ksi*x Street, comer of ljiwrence.

Residence, l«l Coneonl Street.

Office open at all hour* of night


SIT E»*ex Street. W. A. Klniball, W. r. Xlwball.

ILLIAM RUSSELL A SON, Manufacturer* of

1HHIK, NEWS, ASH MANILLA PAP Kits, Canal Street, lower end.



Over Dyer A Co'*.


niiu.', he said, with an energetic glee, qulU in cbntrast with the lassitude of the loung. era below stairs: "Hcd a party last night,

the boys ain't got all cleaned up.yet. vas a buster, you bet—sheet an' pillow-

case ; Didn't never tend one of 'em did •e? Kinder windlu'-sheety they are; but

iota of fun. Here's the parlor. Second or third-floor room, miss?"

Either," replied Patty. "I am partli ular about the room being airy and clean only."

"As If they wcru't nil that, In my house, observed he with stunning emphasis o the persoual pronoun.

It was a very small room, at tho end of a long entry ou the second floor, ucrtnea- atcd with dining room smells, the predom- inating odor at present being that of cod- flsh balls. Patty distinctly heard the six ale of their frying. "I never can endure this," thought she; "and that man with one eye Is dreadful. Its expression Is di- abolical. But, oh dear I I wonder where wo 'uus will And water In this inland Sa- hara?" She looked round for a bell-pull. That convenience was lacking; but a small hand-bell stood on the table, which served for wash-stand, also. Patty rang It re- peatedly, before a 12-year boy aunounced himself by opening the door, without knocking. Momentary astonishment at the intrusion gave wiy to Indignation, as ho said ;—

"I*ook a-here, stranger 1 don't you lie ringlu' that bell fur ine all the time. I ken Jlst toll you, It won't fetch inc. I dou't get 'nuf salary here to come at cvrybody's beck 'an call."

"Whore Is the bath-house?" peremptor- ily demanded Patty.

"Hain't got none. There's foot-tubs, an* wash-bowls, an' pitchers o' water. The tank's Just down to the foot o' llieni stairs, an' you're welcome to help your- self. Towels Is served at 4 p. M.| there's yourn a-hanglng on that hook." And the Imp shut the door, and went down stairs, whistling—

"Sol for Jimeph, If he know* It— Not for Jo 1"

"Of all the Impudence I over hcsrtl!" soinoqulted Patty. "That little wretch must belong to the sass-petldlliig family. Woudcr how many more of them there are? Well, I mustBUcceed here; and 'conquer-

rHE AMERICAN Steam Printing Office, ing those varmlnU' will be a toll feather U»o. 8. Mknsn.1. A CROTHKR, Fine Job in ,ny ,_.„_ Besides, the excitement of

SwEUts^sSr1^ The skerqualities | ^ 'contiM wiu |,c worth something.

;i.u ENSEX ST., LawkuUuTB.

Ru ii r. ii T H A U G II T O N STOVES, Ft UNACES £ llANUkS,

H. TEHBET8 A CO., Dry and Fancy Good*. HW Essex Street.

The Low Price Store of Lawrence. Ulve ui a call.





Aurllimeer*, and HUH In Heal Haute. Oflk* JU3 E-sci Street, •


Office, Its Enex Street. Keeldenee. U Oak sweet.

Before she had completed her toilet, the doctor's wife was announce.1; and "Just let ine come right up where you are," was followed by her unceremonious entry Into her chamber. The young girl blushed with vexation. This Intrusion upon her personal reticence, Patty felt to be 111- bred and presuming; and she encountered the keen and Inquisitive glance of Mrs. Randal with a dignity bordering on hau- teur. The little woman waa not at all confused by it.

"lfayther taken aback, air you, Slater Dree, by not beln' quite ready to see me? Rut It's no matter. You needn't apologize. I don't mind—Just go on with jour urea- MIII' and I'll look over these things In your trunk." We haven't had the fall fashions up here yet, and it will be quite a treat."

Patty regarded her with open-eyed as- tonishment, as she deliberately proceeded to uufold her best dress, carefully laid on top of those more worn.

Now that's right pretty," said she shaking It out. "Ruffles seem to be going out—I see you've got this made with folds. The material's nice too. How much was It a yard? More'n four bits, I reckon. ' Talu't much worth while to bring good clothes up here this time o' year, when the dust Is so deep. Who made It for you? We haven't got a flrst-class dress maker here; and shell lie glad of the chance lo see your things. If I may be so bold, what do they charge for such a dress In "Frisco?"

The voluble visitor took breath, wait- ing a reply to her questions, meanwhile miming her band down to the bottom of the trunk, and bringing up a photograph In a morocco case. "Ah! who is here! Have we a beau dowu to the 'Bay?" she playfully said, with a sinister wink of her wicked gray eyes, proceeding to unclasp the case.

Patty sprang, and snatched it from her. Pardou me, luodame! You take liber-

ties." Fatal, error I The poor child did not

know that to avoid the odium of'stuck- up," she must lay bare to prying eyes the whole of her worldly eflccts. She did not know that she would be "talked about," If she was supposed to have even the likeness of a yong man who was not an acknowledged lover. "And of course It was her beau," said Mrs. llandal, expatiat- ing ou the Indignity of having been re- quested to wait in the parlor till tho minx had finished dressing, when she would be ready to receive calls.

' 'Such hoity-toity high aud mightinesses from a schoohuann!" said exasperated Mrs. Randall, relating her visit at the sewing-circle, that evening.

"She'll be clearly unpopular—that's what she will," chimed In Sister Silver- thorn.

"I hearshchos beeu tuk to Driscol's to board—a great come-down for Mrs. Driscol, for she's one of your high-flyers, too."

"I'm Just dying to sec that organdy," said Mrs. Newton—the acknowledged leader of fashion lu the village—"for I want patterns; and I'm bound to sec how her dresses are trimmed.

"She hasn't got many, I can tell you, then," retorted Sister Randal, with a sneer. . The entrance of Mrs. Driscol prevented further remark, for she was one of the women whose presence repressed gossip, and whose subjects of conversation nev- er degenerated Into ungenerous i»«*wonal- ltles.

Perhaps some excuse was to be msde Tor Mrs. Randal, lu the fact that she was nn early Callfl <raian. There Is an assump- tion about certain of this class which Is simply ridiculous. They appropriated whole towns as family lots, because in early times they were the first-comers. They pry Into the history of each subse- quent arrival with the pertinacity of re- lationship, and with not a tithe of the for- bearance exercised toward those of kin- dred blood. They remember with accu- racy the time that Mrs. Croesua, now roll- ing lu money, took in waBhtng. They were Intimately acquatuted with the hon- orable member of the Legislature from "our couutry" when he was unblessed with a second shirt. They can give the records of lamllies who came over the plains, or across the Isthmus, la '49, now affluent, who had then precious little to do with. They will regale you with experi- ences of their own, Incident to all pioneer civilization, with the relish and gusto of Individual approprlatlvcneas of all the hardships encountered on the Pacific slope —that being tho wholesale term tor every little mining town In the country. The 'aclflc slope Is hurled at every stranger .ho comes, as If It was a chunk of solid

gold. All Its frulta are applea from the gardens of Hesperides. lta honey IB sweeter than that of Mount Hybla. The native wines of the Pacific slope, sir, are fit fermentations for the gods; and lta grain-corps will store the granaries of the world. The crystals or California out- vie In splendor the diamonds of Golconda, and tho bark of the big trees has been heard all over creation. The golden waters of Shllon's river are not to be compared to the muddy depths of the Sacramento, aud the "narrow" gauge leading to the pearl gnten of the Eternal city Is a mere myth to tho wonderful real- ities of the Iron highway termination on the Pacific slope. "Let me tell you, sir," Mrs. Sllverthnni's husband was wont to say, "that God put the flnlshlu' touch on this ycre great plan o* creation o' Hls'n when He made Callforny. Ef ever you're favored to git to Yose-mite and the Gey- sers, you'll find the Btunendlousness ol the flust only equaled by the brilcanest or the t'other. Wo don't lack for nothln', 'thout It's calainns-root; an', as for fires, why, we've Phoenixed-out o' three o' them an' made lye o' tho ashes. Tell ye, slrkng- cr, this yore's a great country."

There is another class, not simply deal- ing iu laughable rhodomontade, but given to the drearier and darker task of resuscit- ating from tho past errors which have been amended, slus which have been re- pented off. They will board up secrets and spring them at Inopportune seasons upon those who have, in aU sincerity, long since eschewed the short-comings of those lawless days. They will hint of peccadillos Indulged In quite at variance with the staid respectability of husbands and fathers of families. They will hunt up preposterous accusations, and poison witn wicked menace those who have well- nigh lived down the results of some sud- den temptation. If success has crowned hard years of toll and struggle, they are ungenerous in their memory of the parsl- raouy which poverty compelled, and sneer at the exhibition of refined tastes and higher culture, cither Ignorant or forget- ful of the fact that it Is Iniimsslblo to In- dulge aesthetic longings In the midst of scant pecuniary resources, and so Mrs. Randal, feeling herself snubbed by Miss Putty Dree, was hard on tho young teach- er. A touch of gall was added to her bit- terness, also, from the fact thatsho had— after many years of small speculations and rigid stinginess—with a fatal blunder worthy of a man, Invested her savings In wild-cat stocks and lost; since when she seemed harder and sharper than ever.

The sewing -circle had been vapid of late; but this evening Patty's ears must have burned, If Bhe had not, In happy un- consciousness, been resting hcrweariness In Mrs. Driscol's neat, little spare room, where between the lavcudencented sheets, she reposed—a perfect picture, with her [iretty, plump arms and swelling bosom ■air hidden by the auburn hair tressed

over them, and her eyes closed in serene sleep i a healthful and lovely imuge of mat.

to leave the school-housc key with Miss Dree, In order that she might make some re-arrange me ut in chairs and benches, preparatory to Its opening, taking occa- sion to present a few luscious pears and a pretty boquet, which Patty received with smiles and blushes.

I don't know how you' will succeed,' he said. "There has always batn trouble In

r district. The boys, especially, are unruly. I am uot on the committee this year,bu t shall be glad to offer you any as- sistance. My library la quite at your dis- posal.' Said library consisted of a dic- tionary, two cook books, some Methodist hymn-books, and several bound volumes or "The Ladles Repository." .

'Has the school a library?' fucstiouud Patty, at the same time thanking hltn cor- dially. '

Whapay was announced before Doctor Randal answered. 'How do, Doc? How air you, Miss Dree?—queer name, that o' yourn. Reckon you'll change It one o' these daya. Our teachers ifxMt always gits married. I told Sharp he oughtar a gone and met you. But Sharp ain't strong; he waa a lyin' down; hauksun- stroke or anthln'—leastways, he warn't

cry well. I hain't fetched no flowers, like Randal, there. He's got a garden, and ken do them things. But Jtere's somcthln' '11 come handy'—and he handed her a bundle of thin manzaulta brunches, knotty and uneven. You'd better put one o' them In soak for Hazen Sims; he's the worst boy lu thla town; you can't manage him nohow. Why, the last teacher we had licked him about every day.'

'The unfeeling brute!' said Patty, with kindling eye and flushed cheeks. 'Keep your switches, Mr. Whapsy; I shall never use them on one of the children.'

Whapsy burst into a coarse laugh. That's a good one,' said he. 'Children!

why Haxeu Sims aud half a doxen more o' them boys Is a'most growu men.*

'Then certainly 1 should not attempt to whip them.'

■Well, not exactly, mebbe; but jlat crack their knuckles, or hit 'em a rap on ihe cars.'

Patty, utterly disgusted, and wondering whether the other directors were aa Illit- erate and unfeeling, was about asking to be excused, when a bang at the door was followed by the entrance of the Imp or the hotel, carrying her forgotten satchel. 'Gosh! but aint i be fellows at Barnutn's had fun over them curls,' he exclalned^ts ho swung the bag toward her. 'I Jlat snatched 'ein an' run, an' I want two bits fur my trouble. Here they be,' he added, holding Patty's unfortunate "front locks," which had been nicely crbnped In San Francisco, In his hand; 'but yon don't git 'cm, you bet, till you fork over.'

A sense of the ludicrous overcame the rising temper of the lm \v teacher, and she burst into a tremulous laugh Just verging Into tears.

Take that fur your Impudence;" and Whapsy's heavy palm rang In red beat ou the brown cheek of the boy, who retreat- ed In haste, screaming, "you darned old Methodist corpse-washer! I'll git even with you yet; see if I don't."

Down to the hotel he started forthwith, the tingling smart on his cheek addiug to the rage In his heart. He met NedBurris, a shock-headed youngster, ripe for any mischief, and Swan Peak, a weak eyed and weaker-brained scamp, whoae thiev- ish propensities had gained him the title of "Magpie," In the village.

"Look a-bcre, fellows I I'll tell you what -that damed old eekoot muna1* n ma-

lar stunner, an' ef we git the whip-hand o' her, Its time *r* liegua. I've bin sUpped fur her a'ready, an' blame ef I'm going to put up with lichens frum any of "em."

"Why, did she cuff yer?" questioned Ned. ''Seems to ine, she's too small to Aght like that."

"No, she didn't you bet! but old Jim WhapBy, he pitched Inter me, jlat fur tuklii' her satchel back, an' wantin' two bits. Wish I'd kep' her old carls."

The boys meant mischief. They Intend- ed to try tho very soul or the new teach- er with Insubordination; and when, on the following Monday, school opened, and she came smiling In, her tidy white wrap- per knotted with a pretty blue ribbon, and a sweet-brier rose shielding lta fragrance over, those very curls, there was an omi- nous lull—the forerunner of a storm.

'atty was keenly Intuitive; the r.-'t the moral atmosphere charged with electricity, and knew that she muat strike first, or all would be lost. She advanced with dignity to the raised platform, where, atandlng at the teacher's desk, her eyes could com- niiind the whole school. It was a large room, over-crowded with pupils. Hard work for one woman to manage, with un- common executive ability; laborious drudgery for the novitiate, unused to the duties and responsibilities of teaching. How la It that our country schools are so Illy regulated? Do the members of the board of education bestow their attention

schools within city limits only, that they Ignore the pressing needs of those In the unliving counties all over the state? How Is it that men llko Whapsy and Pen- ny, Ignorant of even rudimentary educa- tion, are Intrusted with the oversight of teachers, and are considered competent to criticise their methods, when they have not the first Ideaele of men tary Instruct eon?

Patty Dree had those peculiarly expres- sive gray eyes which could overwhelm one with shame at a glance of reproof, or melt Into that gracious and generous forgive- ness of offenses which made one her friend for life. Hut she withheld either, and fronting the rising Insubordination with steady determination, holding It In check for a season. Then tho storm broke. s pi i - balls were hurled from desk to desk; rulers played tattoo on slates; wet sponges were flung from one to another; feet were scraped on i be floor, and shrUl whistling mingled Its treble with the dying chicken agonies of the Infernal squeedunk.

"Boys!"—the voice was commanding, the Intonation liquid and sweet—"If you please, I will commence school by telling you a story."

Those rude natures were prepared for threats, entreaties, commands; nat they were taken unawares by this gracious efflorescence of good humor.

"The young gentleman will please be seated; the young ladles will close their books."

Young ladles and gentlemen I It waa a •w era In Blue-nose Canon, when they

were addressed by such respectful titles. Young vartulnls—barluuians—hoydens— were familiar enough to them. But never before had a teacher, In the best of times, called them anything but tioya and girls; more frequently, clodhoppers and dunces,

And such a story I It bore no direct re- ference i bat every child there knew It for a sermon of reproof—knew it for a sham- ing of Ignorance and cowardice—knew It for a triumphant vindication or ii leather's authority, and an earnest appeal to the manliness and honor of pupils. And when it was finished, and Patty said, " We will now commence a review or studies, that I may claaa you properly," all Indications of rebellion had disappeared; and the morn- ing's work went quietly on, till tho noon- bell allowed freedom for comment, and time lo renew hostilities; for the unsub- dued dement* of mischief Mill prepond- erated ; IImen Sims leading the malcon- tents, aud the other boys clustering about lu knots, discussing the situation. Even the smallest children In school seemed aware that something out of the dally rou- tine was going on; for they forsook their play-houses under the trees, eschewed their bits of broken china, and wedged themselves Into any little open spaces left In the various closely clustering groups scattered over the plnv-groasxl, In the old-time fashion of little pitchers with very large ears.

" Ned Burrls says Hnxcn Slats is goin, to bust up this school," said little Tony Belcher, a chub-flsted youngster, whose unpleasant sniffle seemed to have been contagious, aa several little girls in the vicinity of his bench were likewise afflict- ed. Holly, Katy, and Nelly Babcock, trio of triplets, having twin brothers, eagerly caught at the information, and

ommunlcatcd It to other, with a pre-

undentood "something was up." Ray Berlon, a quiet, slim boy, stood

apart, and; remarked to one or other pass- lug by, that he thought that was a beaatl- fol story Miss Dree had read them; and how kind she had been not to notice their rudeness. A few of the girls listened, but the majority sought the condescending

hce. Blood sported from his lips on the dainty dress of the teacher, who lifted her hands before him In an attitude both of appeal and defence.

"Do not strike him, Mr. Whapsy. I can manage my own school."

But both antagonists were swayed by fierce passion. The hot blood of uncon-

notlce of Sims, and, without any active I trolled boyhood opposed Itself to a temper participation as yet, were ready for' which years of Indulgence had rendered allegiance to him. fcniful. Whapsy was but an enraged anl-

" She needn't thluk she's goiu' to come | ■>•!■ He threw away his little switch, It over us boys with her old stories," said and, with a double-list of Iron, beat tho he. " I shan't obey her for one: she alu't boy, and baffled his returning blows, till nothln' but a school girl herself." Miss Dree, In agony of fear and feeling,

The uproar of the morning seemed not threw her arms about Hazen, and shouted to have had any effect on Miss Dree, It was "Murder" at the top of her voice. resolved that the first act of downright, "Help—Help Mm boys! every one of disobedience was to be inaugurated by yon. I command It. He wUl be killed'' Sims; " and then, if she's goln' to hit us —"" a blow, aimed over her head, hit Kims

Doctor Randal—whose specialty was kindness to strangers, kept in perpetual check, however, by the old woman, as he Irreverently called his wife—stopped on llmlnary "If you won't tell, I will tell you hla way down town, a few mornings after, 'something," till It seemed to be generally

over the head, like Miss Grimes did, I, for one, won't stand It—who says they will?" Not a word from any one; the girls were all afraid Sims would take vengeance ou their brothers, and the smaller children itood In awe of bis overpowering

strength. Unwise Whapsy t Aaron's rod blossomed

not more speedily than that bundle of manzaulta twigs. It bad been caught Bight of by the boy at the hotel; and he had heard " the boys"—aa all grown loaf- ers arc called in couutry towus—laughing and making game, and punning on switch- es, in a mysterious way, till his young soul was fired with the glory of a strategic movement against the enemy; and he had taken Sims In as an ally, well knowing he would, by Inherent force or character, as- •dim.' leadership-

One gentle female teacher had flogged the children unmercifully, aud had evcu called In Whapsy to Inflict corporal punish- ment on the larger buys. It waa under her regime the school had obtained Its unenviable reputation. She had been fol- lowed by a aucccseion of schoolmairas, In- capable and exasperating, sndless tolerant to the pupils than tho overbearing male tormentors they had experieued. Igno- rance and discontent bad ripened i and a new school mann was the signal for*open defiance.

The bell rang. The pupils trooped In, hot, flushed, and dusty. Patty had sprinkled the room with fresh water, and hung a few bright blossoms over maps and pictures. The green shutters were drawn together, excluding the glaring sun- light and shading and cooling the room. The subdued light seemed to add to the subdued Influence of her own quiet dig- nity. Nothing occurred of a disorderly character until after the ii o'clock signal for the dlsmlsaal of the primary pupils. It seemed hard to nitric the sweat demea- nor of the young girl, who was ao courte- ous and polite, or to break in upon the order which seemed to evolve itself from her skillful arrangement of classes and lessons.

The boy from the hotel whispered to Swan Peak, "Guess Hazen's gin out a klckln' up a rumpus; an' I wouldn't keer, only I'd like to see old Whapsy paid fur that slap be gin me."

"I say, Bwany, air you on Hazen's side?" I hain't on nobody's side. I go fur

plunder. Kf there's any to be had, me an' Ned's In; otherwise, I'm not".

The hour hand had reached 3 on the dial of the Yankee clock hanging over the desk. Its audible click was distinctly heard in the Intervals of examinations, as,

by ono, the names of the pupils were written in their order. The first class alono remained to bequestloned; nud Miss Dree, with an apprehensive sense of Its hitherto unmanageable character, had left it to the last! Hazen Sims waa the hesd boy, for, with unconquerable energy, lie maintained the first place In every depart- ment or Niuti.-. «H well as .In every con- ceivable plan or mischief. He was born to bo a leader, cither for good or evil, and Miss Dree felt that to-day might possibly be the turning point of his life. She had heard much of him which she wished she had not, for she liked him In spite of bis defiant manner; and all that had been said of him revealed no mean or sordid trait. Of his private lifo nobody seemed to know much. The death of his mother lm;l left him the sole care of one little sister; and many a boy bore a black eye for teazlng little Susie, many another was lu high fa- vor with this despotic Mogul for sundry kindnesses bestowed on the little three- year old toddler—left for safe-keeping with an old colored woman during the boy's absence at school. Aunt Rachel stood up resolutely for Hazen. " Call him the wust boy in town?" she said indignantly. " Kf he Is, honey, he's ben made so by be- In' the wust treated. Ills mammy could tell o' many a meal did without that yen- chile, all on account o' her an' Susie. An' when myoleman ink sick wt' the rheuma- tls that crctur Jlat toted every pall o' water an' stick o" wood for me In the rainy season. I hope to massy, that gal won't go to take his character on hearsay. I tell yer, honey, that Whapsy used to be a overseer when I lived down lu Georgy, an' he Jlst bankers to flog Massa Hazen. Don't yon believe nothiu' he snvs *bout him."

It is probable no more trouble would have fallen to the lot of Miss Dree, In her management, than Is usual In ungraded and mixed schools, but for the interfer- ence1 of Whapsy, who had all the vigilance, but none of the skill, of a detective. By some means he had received an Intimation that the boys were going to make Blue Canon too hot to hold another woman teacher; and bo resolved to be present at to-day's examination In order to strike terror Into the souls of the children, who cordially detested him. Ills peculiar forte of exposing their weaknesses before strangers, had won for him various sobri- quets of ridicule and contempt. "Spy Whapsy," "Old Pap Whapsy," and the like, had Anally merged Into "Doady Whapsy," In allusion to his business which he pursued with no other sympathy or sense of feeling than the "defuncts"—us he called tbein—for whom he performed the last offices.

"First class for examination." The boys and girls, about cquaf In number, filed post flic teacher, and took their pla- ces, watched by the cruel eyes of Whapsy, who held a small rattan threatlngly In his hand. Instead or commencing at the head, Patty selected the middle boy of the class to answer the first question In alge- bra, passing thence downward with a diffi- cult sum In equations, which she felt well assured the three remaining boys could not solve; and hoping the pride of suc- cess would ward off any intention there might be on the part of Sims to show con- tempt of her authority.

But ho was not to be thus rolled. He meant to measure bis strength with that Miss Dree. She waa only a - girl anyhow —younger by a whole year than her re- fractory pupil; and Penny and Whapsy might go to grass, settlu' up girls over blm.

Master Sims will answer the question,' said Patty repeating It slowly aud distinct- ly.

For a moment the boy wavered; a bright flush or gratified pride ahot across his face at the respectful manner of the young teacher. Hut the IHIVB expected fun, and the girls were ready to titter, and be knew the fate of a braggart; be- sides, he really wautrd to test the author- ity of the new school inarm.

While he tk-liberalcrt, his opportunity was lost.

"PasAU," fell from Patty's lips; and the next Txry—a lusty young butcher, with a fist like a sledge hammer—went tip head.

"You'd no right lo pass It; 1 knew il," Kim said.

"You must retrieve your mistake hy re- plying more promptly next time," was tie gentle rejoinder.

"Darn If I will. You let him cheat." "Master Sims will ukeliltstMt, please,"

Patty knew now the crisis had come. The sooner Itwas over the better.

A defiant "I won't," Impetuously uttered, hissed throngh the room, and hurt poor Patty like a shot.

But the attention of the school wasrlv- <J eied on Whapsy, as he sprung toward the

belligerent boy, and, without warning, hit bim a sharp cut with a ratten over the

on the temple and felled him to the ground, The purple rage of Whapsy knew no him mis. He bated the boy and would

kicked him dead; but the older boys bad responded to the teacher's call, and resolutely held him back.

Doctor Randal, who happened to be removing an old stove from an empty house In the vicinity of the school, with a view of appropriation, heard Patty's scream and the uproar and hurried In. As he entered the teacher stood over the prostrate form at the boy like a python- ess of fate, and, pointing to Whapsy, in a voice totally unlike her usually sweet tones, said, "Arrest that murderer."

He beat Sims, He's killed Hazen; he's fetched blood. Hazen didn't do nothln,' did he, Miss Dree?" Tho girls crying; the boys eager to vindicate Rims. Fright- ened at hla pale face ami death-like In-

nslblllty, Patty ran for water:"On Doc- ■r! something for the poor boy; dont

let that man escape." "No'm—no'm;" and the great boys clus-

tered around the wretch, and held nlui as in a vise while the boy from the hotel ran for an officer.'

That day was never forgotten In Bine- nose Canon. They will teU you yet of the slowly returning consciousness of Sims, and his first question of "Where's little Susie?" They will tell you of the long days of hopeless fever, and the un- tiring watch of of the gentle little teach- er's mother, who catne all the way from San Francisco to nurse him. The whole town rang with the affair, and, before night, parents from the neighboring vil- lages came flocking In, who bad heard the details from their own boys and girls. Intensifying their excitement. Tar and feathers, and lynching, were freely spok- en, as none too good for the miscreant; aud only Miss Dree's persuasions to the contrary saved them. He was given an hoar to leave the place, on the one condi- tion of never returning. The horrible

Ero posit ton of nailing him up In one of hi owu coffins and burying him alive,

emanated from the little "sass" peddler. The Idea was put Into execution, BO far aa carrying him to the cars In this ghastly style. A mock funeral procession fol- lowed, with caricatures of the "great de- funct," In various places ofhls career as trustee and committee-man. Tootlng- horns. tin-pans, and squedunks blended their discordance with the unearthly moanlngs of the attending crowd, and the dismal Jubilee ended by dumping the de- tested Whapsy, box and all, Into the bag- gage-car, with derisive epithets, shouts, and simulated tears. The Blae-nose, on the great rock-face overhanging the can-

seemed to sniffle sympathy. Before the cars wore an hour on their way, the village subsided Into lta accustoinco mon- otone.

For many days thereafter, Sims was an Invalid. But with the cooling rains of the bright November thtjw, hla atreiurth re-

ived, and leaving little Susie to the ten- :.-r i-are of.Mrs. Dree, he sought a wider

sphere of activity—educating hlmseir with the proceeds or his own labor, and, from time to time sending small remittances for this little darling of his heart.

The school progressed. Disorderly and unmanageable aa It had been, listless and Incapable as the pupils had seemed here- tofore, they were electrified Into new life under tho wise and firm control of this re-

rkablc little Patty Dree. 'The best model school wo have In our

mountains, I assure you, sir," said Mr. siheri bom. "Why, sir, you jest oughter a-seen that gal a-wleldln' them boys an' gals 'thout no corporeal punishment. Tell yer what; there ain't nowherea, 'cept on the Pacific slope, slch Institutions o' lar- nlu'as our public schools. Yes, slr'ee; they Jest cram them young 'uns chock full o' everything—clpbcrin' the main stan'by, every child's bound to be either a qnack or a boss on verbs an' adjectives, pro- nouns, an' all tbem klndofthlnga. We've got a boy down to 'Friscc, graduated here 'II be president vlt. Maybe yon hain't never met him In that village. He's uamed Sims—ole man Slma'a boy, as waa lolf an orphan by his mar, though, i r>r woman! she couldn't help It. He's In the bank now—the trustcdest, and honordest, ami exemplaryest young man you'll see anywhere. Sister Randall, she was down to the Ray, t'other day, and she met him. He was a-lookln' so spry, she wonldn' never a-knowed him. An' he's gotu to be married, too!'Maybe don't know the par- ty? No. Well, puttln' this an' that to- gether, an' Mrs. Driscol a-keepln' so close about what tuk Mrs. Dree an' little Susie to the Bay, Slater Randall's Jlst ferreted It all out; an'who do yon think Is a goln' to bo the bride? Can't guess? Well, sir 'i won't be long afore Patty Dree, school innriii, 'II be MTS, HSZCM Sims I an'allkell- er couple you won't find on the Pacific slope.

TIII: TEST or tors. Whether 1 love thee? How that quo*thin a*k?

Or how could any word* that doubt remove:' My life alone to thee my love ran provr, iid words are all unequal to the tank.

Whether my love will hut? I pity her To whom an oath could aueli aaeursitne give. i i.ah . are but oatfcn, werewunln, like leave* they

live, While auimncr'a breath may vital power confer,

iloweanit lliou, luuijrhty man thus try my bem I - What could 1 mean, but that I winhed to hear

Thy lip* declare my joy, thou croM,aweet love I" Thou holiest, purft, from the choir* alsive.

Yet mine! my pet, my •Irengtb, my cheer. My being's all, my love, my life, thou artt

Mcrr Bellachlno, who la to Berlin what Blitz Is all along shore In this country, has been astonishing the Berilners by his slelght-of-hand tricks, playing nightly to crow did houses ; and, In connection with bis art, a good story Is told. Herr B. had a great desire to become magician to the court, and In order to accomplish his wish sought an Interview with Kaiser Wllhelm. Admitted Into the Emperor's presence, he staled the object or hla visit. The Km- peror told him his desire should be grant- ed il he could do anything at ull unusual. Thereupon he requested the Emperor to take a pen and write what he wished him to do. Kaiser Wllhelm tumid to his writing-desk, took up bis customary pen, dipped It into the Ink, and esssyed to write; but with all his force and power the |>cn could not be made to form a letter. He laid It down, and tried a second with no better effect. Her Bellachlno then aald, "Try a third, your majesty, and write, Bellachlno Is appointed court magician." The Emperor tried a third pen, and It In- stantly wrote as freely as usual; laughing, he threw It down, and assured the magi- cian tils wish was granted.

Our Now York Letter.

NEW Yonx M a a. fi, i UTS. M v DEAE AMnniCAE.—"The winter Is over sad

gone. The thruab whistles," etc We baveu'l •eon the tsnishss yet, but I luppoee they are there "oa the ■pray;" of course they siu*t beac cord lug to the poet. Bat I do ess aaow lake* deaceudlng Joillly, and aeoref of ■uarruw* hop- ping round trying to t>ick up lometblng to All


with, somebody says that Ihi* I* tlte thirty •eventh «now»Uimi thi* winter; and the asms wlae somebody prophesies that the coming i mer will be the hottest ever experienced thla aide ot* the) "coral *tra»d-" Indeed, last July aad Auguet, aeeordlng to sold knowledgeable biped, I ye*, |f* s man; ao woman would care to commit her*elf *n Irrevocably,] will be found to be ao. when to the Uierrnmneterle acale. The aecoml word hack la coined, I believe; but It cane glibly from the tip of my pen Out 1 was hal ell nml 10 believe




il In ;afi topic, you know, when c talk about. IT you warn to reallae this to Its full eat e a tent, reoelve call* New Year'*. Open yenr doora aad *preed a big table, aad drew yourself up for your dear five hundred, and ae many more as your friend* may see St to invite to accompany them, nnd then for fun'* asks note Ihe opening

peecbee of your vieltori. Dont do It. though, unle** you are proof agalnat all kind* of nausea; for If you beam to observe, It will be twpoeaible

leave the *tudy until the but man ha* bowed himself out ir you are a monomaniac after Uiat on the mbject of the cm re national ability or de- bility Of the average American gentlemen, don't blame me. Of course ttaey suppose, ami perhap* Justly, that such food Is beet suite.) to the Intellect of the


A gentleman hut New Tear's called open the friend of an Intimate friend, a lady whom he bad every reason to suppose was poeeessed of more than ordinary uleUlgenoe. she paaaed hla some mottoes; one verse cootahned a Joke about Dar-

in. He Immediately eelaed the opportunity, like sensible fellow, to make a sensible, and perhaps

oclentlne remark. She did not understand blm; her fare was vacancy itself; he modified It a little. suit no response. A lady at her left whslpered to her. Held she: "Oh, Darwin? Yes;, I bad really got hi* name mixed Up with Bergh'i somehow ; they are both so fond of animals, [ vuppose it'* no wonder." Now I stood up for my sex, aad de- clared to Ihi* man that It waa my Arm conviction


that time, and that the above was a splendid joke. This Idea wa* indignantly scouted.

if yon had seen bar when she said it," be an- swered, " you could never think that-" .

But what In the world has pg—tti mete go back to la.t winter* Wt It spring, and dont I know that March wind* will soon blow themselves out, siid the grass and the dailies, loo? And when- fore then, put oneaelf out to return to lee and tern. peat sad Mow Tsar** rail*? The pew hi Just a* reeponslldi! for this as for the eotnage above re-

d to. It trill set on the wrong track lorec- i In spite of all IU bolder can do. How do

you like U. II'* defence of the Credit Mobile*- fraud*? Frauds In Ull* connection, la a proper noon, lit person, plural number. "Cheeky," may be slang; but It's the only word la the whole vo- cabulary Uiat will In the very ktaat express the feeling* of your correspondent In regard to thi*


Haven't I heard something somewhere about Ihe cradle of Liberty? And who was It *Md down lu Waahlngton that " honor waa th* soul of man- hood?*' Was II llrlgham, or was II llinrrg, your Massachusetts Henery, in a lecture before the

■R Men's Christian Association? Hot what's use? It le easier to preach than to practice, lime, for Instance, take some of the virtue* ai.oau, >I-|I<KI| tmrini MSB] Ibals tn-mul ami

liberal notion* in regard to the eduoaUon of the j the rip*'* o/cA*taV*M, etc., and then near them acold and *nub tivrj little one that come* within hailing dlsUnce; hut fsrjr are nervous.

THAT*! WHAT'S THE KA1TEB wltli others whose lecture* on honesty are so far ahead of their principle*. Why auy they sot be

Ml* too* speaking of cradle*, a florist sent the other day a cradle, rorhera, canopy, and all, composed of niosl eiuuulte Bowers, Into the Block Exchange. It waa ao charmingly unique that the broker* were quite iivcrw helmed with ad- miration,and about three hundred of them drew

round the beauUftd affair, and aung, "Hock me > sleep, Mother.*' Funny, eh I to think of a body <f driving, Impetuous men stopping from Ihelr la- earelMgenough to be senUmentsl? If I im cor-

rectly Informed, though. Iheydfdn't gush long, for •if them started the old familiar sontr nt

"Bait, bad tlrandnia, I don'I love you,"

etc., and the Impromptu meeting adjourned. Up lo date tlev. Dlx hasn't been heard from in retard In Foster, Opinion* differ aa to hie Interference. 1 suppose he know* why II takes blm so long to make up hi* mind, bul It doe* seem to me truly horrible lo keep half a doaen relative* of Use nn- fortunate man, lo say nothing of the criminal him.

■If, in thi* dreadful iliU of suspense. To know that ■ pardoning oflelal la so divided between yea and no as to takes month to decide which to ut- ter I* certainly no Joke. I wl*h lie would hurry,

hew, >cm"know, I am In every way oppo**d to capital punishment, and that may account for

I assure yon It la no "maudlin ■enlUncntal- Ism," for If ever there was a


the killing of A very D, Putnam was one. Mr. Ueo. Fraud* Train still remains In the

Tomb*. Not because be cannot obtain ball, bat because he Is determined to stay and be tried, A friend of thla gen Uema .a lawyer ef anew note, M. F. KIIIT, Kaij., called upon him a while ago and offered hi* legal services. These, Mr. Train very politely declined, and a few day* after Mr. Eller reeelved the following poem. This I* the entire document;

Epigram written In the Tomb* for M. V. Eller, fa*

PASS in d' sn fill: HAT. The churches were magnificently dec..rated

Christina*. //rrwld.

Three death* from starvation In Dexter rtreek PMA

i.od I* after money, All agree to that!

Isn't II very funny? I'a ,1 t)H' Il

AUSTRIAN IMMIOIIANTS.—A certain hope- ful foreigner, now domiciled In this coun- try, Anton Houtag by name, has Just pe- titioned Congress for aid to establish a line or steamers between New York and some available point on the Black Sea, to bring to this t-ountrv a colony of fig,0O0 Austrian subjects. In his circular he states that "all speak the Routh Hla vie language, are beautiful, strong built, and live to the age or seventy-five or eighty years." He adds that they work fourteen hours a day, that they arc anxious to be- come American citizens, and that he Is willing to bring them out here In commu- nities of five thousand each, if necessary expenses are paid.

r rear her* idwaya praying, iieiin.n's growing nil

A**e* ever braying I I'as* round tls) lial I

Churches dressed with holly, Charity iMlndae a ball

Msiving ami freeiing I* Jolly I Pa** round Ine bat!

Hangman, give u* a rope, Already 1 eaiell a rat t

Eaith I* my ouly hope) I'as* round the hall

O'ro. Frit net* Train, The coming dictator.

1 have kmrd l.vo. Eram Is called rra*y ! If he Is, then there .Is method In his madness sure enough. Hmt men would have to 1s> pretty well aihllisi to remain In the Tomb* long if there wa* hancc of getting ouL llecelred In this light, by

the aide of "mo*t men." Mr. Train U excepUotutl In Intellect. He cannot be rbused with the In. aaae because he pursue* the minister* aad dea- con* so rrlrnUessly. Thai has become quite com- mmi. The good ones will stand (heir ground, and the false or IncMrlcnt wilt after a while And other field* nf labor, -onion bed*, potato patches, pig Myes, etc. tiod speed the day.


—There I* a crafty rnmsellcr, whom we do in.I [.io|si.e Iii advertise, who has Issued a rani announcing his place and IsiMnesa on one side, while upon the othrr »ldc, under (he caption of ""Id Testament" Is quoted the sixth and sevcntti verae* ot the thirty-first chapter of Proverlp*. and under the head or "New Testament" ap- pears the twenty-third verse of the fifth chapter id Timothy. Tbi* Is rather flghtlnu temperance with Its own weapon,—the Illlile.

—By observing the following rule, any one who dtnlre* may have a well fitting glove. Take a tape measure and take the ilu of your band around tho knuckle*. The number of 'ache* and quarter Indies your band measures la ex- actly the site you need; that l«, If your band

af, inches you aeed a glove *r|.

Weekly Jsfewtf 81. evitietf. SATURDAY

The Committee on Federal Relation*, bv Messrs. Tomy and Lawrence of the Senate, and Gilbert and Spark* of the House, reported leave to withdraw ou Ihe petitions of John G. w hlitler and other*, fur the annulling of the Sunnier re*olutkin», and Messr*. Smith, Taylor and Holmes of the House dleaentlng, rfjport a reaolulioii to rescind. Mn*t probable a further beaxlag on the petition of Wendell Phillip* and other*, for expunging, will be had.

Thursday evening, while workmen wen en- ■^■*,."B0!' *■* roof •*,b* ^t*?** ** m fc*** oil mills> baksaghuj to Barney Taylor * Co., at Toledo, 0„ the scnJToktlng gave way, preclistat- ■«*wi»*»" to-berwafrf

fit-on**, both hditf hvstantly kikV

nWhcn Lotu* Wagner, the ■orderer of the two German girt* at Smutty None Island, waa taken to Porumouth by the police on Friday, there wa* an attempt made to lynch him, and It be- come necessary to call out the C. 8. Marines to keep the crowd from rarrylBg out their pur- pose.

Jautes Ennl*, who lieal and kicked bis wife to death at West Farm*, New York, recently, was yesterday found guilty of maaabtnghtcr and sentenced to fourteen year*' Imprisonment.

Mrs- Mary Shannon, a lady about 00 yean old, died very •uddenlv, and under mysterious circumstance*, at Providence, R. I., on Thurs- day ; her death la to bo investigated.

Kir William Armstrong reckons Ihe present price of coal in England ai a fine of forty-foui

■■— poandi per an the country.

Mrs. President Grant i ' a West Point cadet i

congestive chill on inauguration dav, near ihe executive mansion.

It Is contradicted that the great powers Of En- rope have refused to continue diplomatic rein - tion* with Spain, should a Federal Hcpubllc he proclaimed.

A fine little Lad about five years old died at F-aalport, Me., recently, from the effect* of a copper cent that he swallowed a rear or two ago.

Two adroit robber* stole fM.fJOO worth or se- curities from the Trade«metr* National Bank of New York, on Friday.

A fire at Wo)mm centre, on Thursday even- ing, destroyed property valued at f 10,000.

There were only three deaths from small-pox In BoMou, last week.

Pennsylvania baa a "local option'' liquor law. The ■ulcide mania prevail* In New York. Lome and Louise have not separated. Cincinnati has a newsboys' unhwi. The Plgean* are on the war path. New Orleans u qalet. Gold 11ft |.


Wagner, the Isles of Shoals murderer, wa< ofronted with Mr*. Hunt vet ou Saturday, and

denied the crime. He has been taken to Maine for trial, the Jurisdiction of Smutty Noec Island having been decided to belong to that state. While on hi* way to the car* in Portsmouth the villain narrowly escaped death at the hand* or an Infuriated mob.

It appear* that on the very moment when the English for the abcdlkm of slavery In

»landed Irons Her Majesty'* ship Enchant- .the slave market of /aaxlbar was In rail

activity, a slave trader, with a foil cargo, having arrived from Aden a few hours licforr.

Six or seven horse thieves were caught In (•..!■ tiuiville Tex., and during a tight with Die ell I ten* killed John Stark. The thieve* weaned, except one, named John H In too.

Liiile Gammon, who shot at McDcnuoit, the slock liroker, at San Francisco, recenily, wa* released Saturday on 9-W00 Isall-ex-Mayor Me Copoln being ono of her sureties.

The English Attorney General propose* lo re- duce the number of Jurymen, In all except capi- tal case*, to seven, and to render valid Ihe ver- dict of a majority of their.

AI Butter Creek, AinadorCountv, rallfornla, ,.,i Saturday, two men were IiisUttrlv killed In the falling of a backet In a mining tdmft. An- other was severely hurt,

Capt, John Cunningham, fstlier-ln-Uw of Sen- ator Logan, died SalnnUv morning at Prow, aged seventy. He served with distinction tn the Mexican war.

Capt. Jack and hi* Modoe* have la-en made to understood that thev must surrender Imme- diately or fight. It I* thought thev will surrrn

IT. The French Government ha* guaranteed the

remainder of the war Indemnity to Prussia, and the German troops will soon evacuate France.

llasrv White, aged fourteen years, of Ports- mouth, N. II., accidentally shot hi* brother Al- bert, aared sixteen years, Sunday morning.

There are only seventy small-pox patient* in the hospital* in Boston, ljut week there Were but seventeen new case* and rive deaths.

Two Iranian were arrested while attemnifng ' rob the Corn Exchange bank of Philadelphia i Sunday morning. A terrilne expiration In a cartridge fai-torv near

Paris, Saturday, Injured one hundred ircople, twelve fatally.

Petrified oyster* an a Nevada production. Bellew has made hi* mark In America. Vermont has 18,000 drunkard*. Small-pox la raging In Africa. Madrid continues nnquict. Thlers Is ssrioasly III. Gold 115 M.


It 1* reported from Phila.leh.1iia that Uio car- pet trade is very leriouiiv affected. Manufac- turer* an unable to effect sale*, or procure ad- vances on New York consignments, and many firms contemplate suspending. A general weav- ers' strike then la apprahended. other labor orgaiiltathMi* have been recently holding secret mretrnp, sod It I* expected thai llicy will strike also at an early date.

Illiel against Frederick K. Winston. He Is u hie to procure the ftO.000 hall. He complain* In a published letter of the injustice, and sake for a change of Ihe law, *o that s person cannot thus be Imprisoned twforc proved guilty of rrline and on rr part* evidence.

A dispatch from Bayoone, says that the Car- list* In the Spanish province of Guhiuutoa, have cut Ihe railway, and burned several stations lie iween San Sebastian and Iran. Travel between those towns Is entirely suspended. A band of Insurgent* 1* threatening Irun, and It w feared tiiat the town wilt fall Into their hand*.

A boy 14 year* old, named Aubrey, while at tempting to get upon s moving train on the Bos- ton and Maine Extension, at Old Orchard sta- tion, on Sunday, fell under the car*, and hail hi* leg so ladly crushed that amputation was necessary.

Hon. G. F. Hoar, a member of Congrcu front the Worccicr District, has given to the Wor- cester County Free Institute of Industrial Sci I'tiee, the additional salary due him on account or i in- recent tut of CungreM.

The evidence sgalmt Wagner, the alleged murderer of Ihe two German girls, at Smutty Nose Island, accuumlatci. The «hlrt which be wore on Ihe night of the murder, has been fbuud stained with blood. .

The Hon. Wm. C. Kiidtcott, recently apnotnl- ed Associate Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, took the oath of oAtce on Saturday, and will take hi* teat on the bench to-day.

A bill has been Introduced Into the N. Y. tegf*- lalurc, making s two thirds vote of a Jury sulli clent lo convict a criminal of murder or auy heavy offence.

(le... W. Hall, of Nashua, broke through the Ice In the Mi-rrlinack, on Monday, and was chilled lo death tstfbru he was taken out.

Two children of Janves Wilson, of Near, ark, N. J., wen burned to death on Sumhi', by their clothe* taking fire from a stove.

The holler of a saw mill at ditioconork, Om. exploded on Saturday, killing three men nnd a boy, and seriously Injuring two oihers.

Martha Ilk hard son, a maiden lady, residing lu Tuftisiboro, N- H , OB Hied suicide on Fritlay night, by hanging herself.

The Loulivlllr Courier Journal, the organ of Ihe Soulhem Democracy, defends Coil's v.

The Jury In the Scannell rase, Mood six for guilty and six for not guilty.

There an strong hope* thai the eollier* strike in Wales will toon he ended.

Cardinal Cullcn denounce* the Irish I'ulver- ■hy Mil.


n 5 n m

i i i si




Weekly Jttmji Btevitie^. WKDNESDAY

The Sandu-h h Island* advices r«port the new king at the moat popular man ou the Islands. He wu elected by an almost unanimous vote of the peoplu. While there It no especial desire for annexation there U a -irmij.* wish for a reci- procity ireatv with the f'nlted .Stated, anil ax a rec omt,icnsc for such * treaty It Is proposed and urtrt-il that the King and the imple shall ml.- tu the lulled State* the pearl river harlmr nml the surrounding Mud*, being a large nml thoroughly enclosed hay ten inilea rrorn Ilonoluln.

A serious accident tacnrred on the Vermont Central Railroad yesterday afternoon, nrar Ihw- seti, VI. A journal of a ear attached to the af- ternoon freight broke jo*t u the train »» enter- ing a covered liridge, throwing eleven tan from the traek and entirely demolishing the fracture. The bridge is a total wreck, and the rani and their content- «ill prove a total los*. The cart were loaded with leather, marble, corn, keroaene wit and Twenty-live thousand dollar* Will not cover the lews.

A bill has lieon Introduced In the Indiana legislature givlrflftn in later* fees of from live, to ton dollar* nwfMcwM f'mernl sermons, and more If the citato exceed* 8 lllo,0(10, the mime to tie a lien OD the estate of tin- deceased.

The K]ianl*h Aaacatlily hu approved the amendment to the liill providing for the ccwvo- ration of the constituent Porte*, iiiillinrlziug the (ioveniment to IK the date for the clevtl'in of Deputies from the Island of Culia,

II ia now charged that Mr*. Avcrv 1). Put- nam wan paid 515,1100 by a rieh relative of Fos- ter, hiT hu*liand'* murderer, to wrile the letter to Oov. Dix praying for the commutation of r'os- ter'* sentence,

A petition I* being; extensively signed In New Yor* asking the Oovemor to Ignore all petition* and letter*, and decide Foster's fate only on point* of taw and evidence.

The old Honsc of He luge, wed recently a* a *l)k factory, fell yesterday, and It la supposed three hoy* were bumed In the rulna.

ficn. Dank* addressed the meeting of colored i Ill/in- In Washington Monday evening. In fa- vor of free Cuba.

Chief Justice Bellows of New Hampshire, waa found dead in hi* bed at Concord, on Tucs- day mom i tig.

t.inj. Downing, tlie celebrated roarhhiillder of Concord, N. 11., died on Monday evening, aged 81.

Forudr*, a communist, ba* been sentenced to deatli by a court martini at Vcniaillc*.

The epizootic lia* reached Ltw Angclus, Cnl, Gold 115}


The Spanish Assembly no Tuesday detlnltely sanctioned the bill, introduced by ihc (icivertr merit, suspending Kitting* and convoking a con stilucnt Curtcatbo Ut of May. Ncnor Murto* l*re*ldcnt of the Assembly, and Ncnor Isiptv Secretary, have rciigncd. Hciuir Mario*, in tendering hi* resignation, made tbo Niatement thai the art MUM mused solely by 111 health. Debate on the Porto HU n iilsdllion f.ljl lias la-en resumed In the Assembly.

Dispatches from tin' Mumpieliumiii river rc- port that there ha* lieen no damage from Ihc freshet. At Port Deposit the river ha* risen two lect; it i- culling channels through the Ire gorge and wearing it away. Kverythlng 1* now favor- able. At Wllllainnport the river ho» ri*eu live fret, AI Harrhdiurg the lee broke up Tursduv, passing ofT without damage. At Columbia the lee gorge i* Mill unmoved.

Patrick Tnlby, la-longing in Wlckford, 11. I., started Tuesday evening lo walk to thill place from Kaat IJrecnwlih, but bad proceeded only a short distance when he wu* run over by the car* and Instantly killed. HI* *on wuonlr o few rod* la-hind him at the lime. Tolhv owned firopcrty in Wlckford, and leave* a largo liim- 'r. The Ocrmuu Parliament wu* convened on

Wednesday. Kaiser William opened the Us* *km In person. In til* ipeech the Kmperor snld that he lielieved the negotiation* now In prog- reaa wonld mutt In the entire evacuation ol France*iy the f Jerman troop*, at an earlier day than hail been expected.

The English miul*try have been uY the Irish I'uivrrsltv Hill. ()lnd*toiu- tendered hi* resignation, ami it Is probable that the Queen will Intrust tho work of forming u new mln.stry to Mr. niaraell.

The Mo*KachiiHctt* Legislature ho* refused t. |>a»* the reaolve granting sutTrngo to women l'herc Is not enough of Intelligence in the 1-cgls lature to mure the right hi tho aex.

A brother of Putnam, murdered br Poster, i" ini a letter demanding, in Die. name of the blood relative* of the murdered man, tbitt the law I..- allowed lo take Its course.

Phillip GftlUvu, a burglar, WUM raplurcd In Npriugltchl, Weilnesdiiv morning, by the neigh- iMir*, after a tussle, In which the rotilier nhot 1), M. Chupln through the build.

rlumner'd congrutuliitkiii to Itoutwcll on hi* cliHtlon: "1 coograltihitc the country, I congrat- ulate the Stati', and I eongrutulute inyseir upon having you as my rollmgnii "

Mm. Putnam detlarv* that alio never received any money for writing a letter to Uov. l>lx, a*k. Ing a eonimuUtion or Pouter, her IniHlaMid' limrdeiir'h Minleuee.

The Kngllsh comiwny which h hi lay a tele graph cable from Plymouth, P.nglniid, to Rye lleacb, N. II., ha* just iaiucd its ptuwpeelu*.

Wagner wa* examined vc*tenlnv on the charge of murdering the two German girls ut .Smutty y .■■,■ Island, and held for trial.

The ICodOCa full to surrender as per agree- ment, and the troop* aru |>n>lmiily nntwlttid by tho wily Cnpt. Juek.

Uy a elerlcid blunilcr, 975,000 were upuropri- atcd for the Pre»lileut's salary ibis year; lie nil) only draw •^0,000.

The New York Senate ha* |ui**cd a bill giv- ing the Court |MiWer tu decide the , ut'jnror*.

I .i(i) rcliiru* of the New Hampshire election Indicate that 0or. Straw wu raolocted by the |Hople.

August M.i ■ i. >.|, .' s.i.'iiii.ii miner, commit- ted *idei>Ie INCH hiy by Jumping dou II a 100 feet ■baft,

Gladstone ha* been burned in i Ihgy by the MudciilsofTrlnliy College, Dublin.

Suuator ('arpenler ha* been elected president, pro trm., of Hie V. H. Henate.

'I'tie Cuvii-n have gaiueik a victory over Hie Government tnMi|Nt.

McKlhaney will prolmbly have u iu*w trial. The cpiiootic bus rencheil Nevada, Fast Day occur* April .'id. Hyaciulhe Is at Geneva. I ■■ iiipilet. Gold II6J.


The Groat Fraude.

Wc present to-day, at length, the ar-

gumcuta In the catc of the nlledgt-d frauda

In Hie election lit Ward Four, an made on

Tueadaye veiling,Amtqrc the Committee of

the Board of Aldermen; the arguments

were token down In abort hand by a

ipt-clal reporter, and we give that of Mr.

Sauutlvnt word for word, an made, and a

ill tryilopaU or Ihoao of MCSM--.

Wright and Hurley. We hope the length

of dice documents will not deter our

readers from a careful ]K-ruanl thereof;

the i-ii-e i- mpiartdy presented, and no mini

can fairly review It, without the convic-

tion that Ihc evidence of great fraud ia

complete and beyond question, and wc

cannot doubt Hint the committee will MO

report. ^—♦*»


aurt'!* for MaMMachuaetta the high repula-

tloll -h" b-<~ -<i long lilHinlainei I In ii nv the

country for nbility and incorrupt I Id lily in

her Senatorial repreaentatlon. One

the ablest legislature the State ban ever

had, winning reputation, alike a« Governor,

Itepreaentatlve, and Secretary, he ha* es-

tablished himself as a sound statesman,

wise llmincler and thoroughly honest, pure

With Charles Huinner and Ueo. K.

Boutwcll In the Senate, there will rest no

taint or suspicion upon our Senators, of

irruption, bribery, or Jobs. The cveui

one graudly complimentary to Mr.

Houtwell, oud equally an honor to the

slate, and nation.

I The "Ward Four Frauds. CLOSlSfi HQt'RS ny THK ISVF.XTIQA-




V"le* therein deposited; ll wa* a poor iletenee TCstlxaUnc the farl wh for (Item t" come ui> *nd *av, Mr. A. whose Iwllot not, 1 at 8r^t derlined. I BU.le, only took his meal- i« Wan! four. Mr. II, whose ballot I stole, only fb'i'l in Ward Kour; all Uiese men liad Hie righl lo vole; their namei were eliecked, ami Uial i'ael uis<le the vnUng legi.l To pay that some one wu- imilti of abstraetbiH UMI vote* wa* not u ttlun [he proi iite« of OM eom mlltea; to *ay that vote* had been whatthev were rti|iiinil lodo; Uieyannott Wb* eomiakttfd a rrau.1, but thai n traad had I—llttiT If Mi. Barley says any Of the wjt- n«*se. railed have i*r}ore.| tin i.o-elve*, lie lacks the g.»»l jmhraaeiil 1 liave always given him! mr. If Is- »ay» thev a>»y hnv.' U-en mUliiken. lh>> deaiierate esigenele* of the CBM may well excuse him ailopling aui'h a line of -lefenea.

I.. '.'X

I'm VOTKH of Bcuntor Harmon lit the

Ttlon of lulted States Senator, cause

general surprise amonshls edbstItoents,

and In the light of very recent expres-

sions, seem quite unexplaluablo. A

representative U under no legal obli-

gation* to be aure, to carry out the

wishes or those electing htm; but the

question of n successor to Vice President

Wilson, was fully before the people dur-

ing the fall election, and the inclinations

of the republicans or this city and dis-

trict, most assuredly WWN not In tho di-

rection of the vote of these gentlemen,

but, its to-day, overwhelmingly iu oppo-

sition to such candidacy, and their votes

were In clearest disregard of a republican

sentiment approaching unnnlnlty. ■«.■■«» m

It is HAitnt.Y CitF.niTAiiT.K to the Intel-

legence of our city, that the vote of the

three representatives to the General

Court, should be recorded on Wednesday,

in opposition to the Woman Suffrage

Dire Mr. Bacon's, was, perhaps to be

expected, but the republican party of the

Htate, by a vote nearly unanimous, has

made this proposition a pnrt of Its pint-

form, nntl we arc sorry that obligations

thus assumed, are not In good faith carried

out by IU members. Hut the world moves

and these gentlemen are more than likely

to live to see the Commonwealth take the

position now lost by their votes.


The mi. .-J i that Hie evlilence had lieen rinsed in tl»- hearing upon Hie route*ted seals M Messrs. I lodge ami Carney, ami thai HIT nrjru meals of UMt counsel would lie made on Tuesday evening, brought together n large and Intelligent audience. The hearing .-■ urre.1 hi Hie Common round) room. Messrs. Lamprey ami Melvbi, ol the committee, occupied seat- ui"m the platform, and the cuuusel occupied .cats at a table lumiedt- atety In front. The liearing rU P. (Vright K«|., one ol the rmm-el for Hie eontesl nuts, oOrkOM argumenlT. we give the following synopal* :-

Address of Ex-Mayor Wright. ii-. alatlng Uui whether the ue

HeiHiblleans. The •> n ..I In I a price to

IOW elevateil, ami Hliiiartvblas shuuld lw laid aside when any imesl- ion arose Involving the imritvl Hie ballot hoi; it waa a very .erloua matter Ihat the eoromitlee hefore. wlsmi dm petitioners luol brought their complaint liadk-nt l- i nn-i'le. : ni.yUih.g in the ua- tiireoftam|H'r»'K"l"'il«'l«illi.tIs.x wa* a yu\>- Mpfil It was not a mditieal party which ilemamled tts- liivesllgalimi Into HH' WgularUic* COSBMM *'ith Hie nH-ttusl nf coiiihieiing affairs In Ward Four; all good ami true men were deilr- ous of mitm* right and iusti.e triumph; it wa* not lo serve the Interest* of Mr. A. Umt the mventl. aatlon luullMH-iilieiniii; ltwa« not to aerye Mr. Ii.. hutltwa* to aerve the entire community, it wa* to .how thai all (mod cittieu* or whatever po- lilieal Ida* were anxious lo aland right MAM the world In dlaeomiteaanelnx *uch proceeiling*. i in. • i..\>o..|i i;sa:s or TOtrHUWi WITH THE

IS t

A rrau'i hail been riimniitte.1 wltimut doubt, ami that It wa* ]HFriN>irah-l hy the pnHies upon whom charged, there muM l»' no in

■ might susiieet, and Uie of certain pinlii■- luol I'd men to imspect. Tts- counsel saht, Uie fact nf Mr. Coleord and Mr. Clarke going to Hie ward mom wlnn Hie eommit- H-wrtl- Ulen-. nod hriligimf Hn-ir old ballot box along with tliem, was a fail il-clf •usuici< wl tla'v prwetHHlml lo areouut for llie el loUby> liiigeniiuiljer

__ JiH safe to say thlni Hie guilty party, but m-"i !'■ onjilii

helher there wa* fraud nr (terwanl, when these nn of substance, aud

... rompclled lo *ay I be- lieved it wa* the iliilv c.| eiers inna not to refuse bis assutamc in investigating a mailer of this klud, and if mv service* were desired they were ul the command if those pnrtiea who a*kedllieru.


came here (■■ assist ill this lnvestlgBtlnu; to . . ng nut simply llie flirt*; and I wa* In hoiivs,— liuoestly in hoiH'", —wlien I ciimmeuced this inves- tigation, that! slioul.t be able to say to you, when

vote* there, but he knew that noi only there knew that some of Uiese put in the closet, ami he comes up anil tells you that a part of the small votes were keukin the closet; thai, instead of being passed out, thev were put Into that i toeet, andlie I'll- you—

MS. i i MM; ' i ■■. i i, M .i. i ■ COLCOIIU. (Mark thl*, gentleman,—for ever}'one of Hiose

gentlemen say they did not see thl* very public thing done there. Mr. Coleord MI ears to \ oil If It hud been dune be should have urn it, and thai no votei were |HM*ed out of lhat room after the bid tat comaienred.) Mr. Clark swears that In about

hour alter BtbaBotiMS eoaanicneeil he paswl


illonera were Ileroorrat* < .luOliig of Uie ballot box was

i".-HI..ii r- -

.. i-a i-erious matter to tamper with the liallnt box; The evil* attendant on such pracuccw do not end with tlie eimuul**lon of such a crime; Ihey follow after; where frauds of this kind are prac- HMSI every evil Uiat afflict* humaaliy springs up; it Is a system sapping Uie *er> tuinidation of our instltuHons; it enUir* distru.t; there I* a want or

eurily to property, a want or security In life; II ...'stroys all Dial goe* to make up good manhood; It .lestroy* all that goes to make us a good home; 11 destroy* all that goes to make up n good people. It Is like thi' opening of Pandorn's Ism, letting oul

■*■— ■■•milnHnir Iln'in nbrond until II that is

II the evil* existing scattering tliem abroad until .hey hang over a people erushli if I ami beautiful in them.

i Mi: WABD mi u 11: M I'- Sow what are the laets, askeil the eouusel, In

i.tinecHou with Ward Four; 1 do not intend to ramleraway: If I did ant believe that tin- parties In. gave testimony In thl* ease, spoke Hie ti ulli,

1 would not appear In llu'ir behalf; there have appeared S3I witnesses In this ease, and 1 am sure that you do mil liellev* that sheriff Hen-lek nml his MIII, Mr. Ilradstrect llie kaeper of the Jail, and others, line given false testimony; we have these men who have sworn Umt thev voted the Iteiuibll- can ticket, XM lew* 7 (Mr. Wright named the seven whose testimony was lacking;) ami each one voted fur Davis for Mayor; not a runnel them wu* compelled tm-u up mid give his tes- timony; he gave It lieelv and without coercion; :til i.-ien less 7 niioilid volo for the petitioner*, ami wliat do the oncer* of Ward Kour give us? 331 vole*; where are Hie rest? we liave p*lined nff upon ua W votes, almost one hundred le*s than the te»U«onygive*us; m.w, gentlemen, how can you account for this jibsenee oiiniMols; Mr. Im- vis is not U petitioner hen-; lie ehdins milliitig in this Investigntlo,,; lint the fuel that 3-17 men come lUlaleiHIiatthey viHhtl Tor him Itake--

miserable failure to explain. UM-ST in teresfaHl partle. liail lieen more than *uspl- clous. The lesHmonvor Mr. Coleord, iu connec- tion with McAllister, was, tluit he bad a distinct rerolhi-Uun of seeing a different man vote on the name from the one who gave the testimony, but hi regard to tuiw another man voted be liad uo rei-ol- lecllon. I tadl von gei"lemeii ..f the eoinmltte.-, when Mr. Coleord gave Mirhevidence ke ltnl rigAI Ikrrt upon Ik* riant, ami wild himself CIHIIIHT Ihua ever a man did hefore; sold himsrlr, Uie stake being the election of a man lo the oMce of ulilerman. In regard to the le.liimmy of thu wit- nesses Tor the peliouers, Mr. Wright said It could mil be aeceplod as otlu-r Hum fact, thai Mr. Hell wa* entitled to the seat of Carney, Ins-amu the evidence of these witnesses hud given him a majority, ami thai Mr. MISMTS wa* enliHed lo Uie seat of Mr. Dodge becauseUierc was reason *-

eve that be had a majority hi fact.

Argument ai Mr. Burley. Mr. Hurley commenced hi* remark* by pleas-

antly alluding to Uie nrrumcut of Mr. Wright, sUting that 1m liad lieen dlsap|MiinU-d, ■omewbal, in the entertainment he had expecU^l. lucre were two petitions brought liefore Hie committee In the present ease, one Irom Mr. Mooers. claim- ing to he entlUed to the uhlermaiilc seat from Ward One, and the nlher from Mr. Bell, claiming a seat from Ward Kour. Able, and a*tule counsel had been procured to prosecute Uie raae, exhaus- tive evidence had lieen heard, and by their own count Mr. Mooers was defeated by Iwelve votes,— and must no 1« found by the committee, unless the ease waa determined upon Issues outside the evidence. The only iiuesUuu Uica was, " Has Mr. Hell sustained the allegation that he is entitled to the seat now occupied by Mr. Carney?" This must be decided upon the character of Ihe evi- dence placed before the committee. Kiri-rybody was inn-rested In Ihe niiritv of the ballot box, and none desired any unfainies* In Uie result* of our elections. Hut who were Hie parties pressing this mailer? 1* It Messrs. Hell or Mooers? No; but an ahlo and astute counsel backed hy a beavy suhscriptlon list In the hiind* of Ihe Ih-puhllcan City Cominitteel There hail lieen no one Imuctcd for Uil* alleged fraud, ami IU prosecution was only made for partisan spite. >ol only liad Mr. Wright (one of the ablest and most discreet Inw- yers at tho Essex bar) been employed lo conduct Uie case, hut Mr. Saundrrs liad been dragged into It, lliere Mr. Maunder* objected lo this expression] and It wa* |—- and strategy. -- r.umniitlee would so conduct die rasa that those who had entertained such Ideas would nils* Uieir

ltd have given me greater plcasm _. . Ilemeu, I was rompelkil, when thl* Investigation

closed, to suv Uiat it hit upoa my —'

brother Wrhrht and mj brother Hurley. Iiiropo to apeak upon tin-^i■■» inl prim iples which should apply to Uie evidence aa you have beard II.

T11E JUHtTMKKT OV < KIUIKAIJTT. My brother Hurley elosetl with the Brgiinient

Imost Invariably adilreased lo a Jury who are eiupaunelleil \i< In erinilnals, Uie argumeul which I* addressed In ihe eoun.-cl of those persons who

harged wlili crime; and that ix thi.; "tienlle- althougli there may be a very strong appear-

ance here of guilt, altlwugh Uie evidence tviul* iu Uiat dlreeUon, vet US' Inw Is so humntielt re<|Uires

vote* out over the Iwllot , Mr. ( iilcortl, ami m>t another

right Ii Ward o

Mr. <, ami not anollmr Ward Now If Mr. Clark could !■**» out a package of voles Ihere, beroro Mr. Coleord, In Hie presence of every Ward oilher without anv one seeing ft, how easy it would be to pan* into Uie ballot box im votes and bike out luuotlmr votes without any - liody seeing It.

MI v i fACKARK or vorca.

nut limply, In eriiuimil case*, a predouderaurc of testlnumy, hut Ii 'there in any reasonable doubt in vour nitnd, Ju-liee and charity reijuire Uiat you should give the aeeuseil the benefit of thai doubt, and say Hull Ihe charge is not proven." I was a little surprised ihat my brother took Dial position, for I think Unit Ibis in one of those cases which nlMMild be Investigated fairly and I nines liy, and ileckled a* the lesliiuony leaves conviction upon the mind of the hearer. Ha propose* to doelde thi* upon men' inimical grounds. 1 ask you lo

in the brond grounds of simple ... ipoctlveofanv tcchniral-

ire that you shall give expres- sion lo your report precisely as Uiu evhleuee ba* convinced your minds. 1 propose fur a single moment, and hut a moment, to refer to Uie tesU- imnn la gross, as put in by the petitioners. My brother says Uiis is

AN l'M'U»'F.UEXTKI>CAIK; that Ihere is no ease like it. Well, gentlemen, there bus liern no ■ .1-1' III thl* ellv like IU There were, lo begin wllh, in the first instance, the alH- davlta<of a verv lurge numls-r of citizen* who nulls oath before a magistrate a* to how and In what way thev voted. I wa* not satlsflud Uiat that evldearc idone slmuld lie pnxluceil before you; 1 dealrcillhul vou should see all Hie witness- es before you, nml should Judge of Ihem your- selves, and I said to Us* eonimlllee, who called upon me to engage my services, that If I was to lie used In the mailer I should desire In *ee every man whom Ihev could produce liefore Uie commit- tee. I wan lei I to hear his story, ami I wanted you lo bear IL There wa* no way m which we could

prime/oats evidence ol fraud; If yon tielleve Hull lids man or Unit mini mnv hsive been mi-Ukeii in

itlng his vote; how are von U< account fn "


day, rcsulteil In tbo re-election of the

tleuioemllc cnni'rcHSinen, nml a failure to

choose a governor by the people; the leg-

Islnture will be largely republican mul

Gov. Strnw will be n-ekftcd; the vote

was very llRbt.

EX-MAYOU KArNiii'.ns, a life loiif{deino-

init, ami one of the Icaillng men in that

parly, expnrsses lu bis plea, Riven else-

where, his opinion of tbo frauds of the

Democratic oinntiis of Ward Four.

W« AUK GI-AII to record the abaogetn

thu vote of representlve Davis, In the

Senatorial election, on Wednesday; nntl

which will aflbrd mudi HUsfltction to bis



The jacket Island uinnli and which w

irti liv H'ligucr, the Smuttv Nos, r, on the night ol the murders missing, has baan found mid h

coveren won uhssl slalus, and is considered 1 la-tter link of evidence, even, than Ids bloodi -hiit. which was t.'iiii'i in the vault .it Johnaoti i housu In Portsmouth.

Mr. Koduiuu, n unlive Japanese, who studied l:lls ill U'.l-liili::liill. h;l- Isill elei-ti.l deac.,l|-

order* by the Haiti more Methodist Confereiicc and adtuiltcd to lull couneelluu. He will soon return to Jupnu.

Kev. W. A. Johnson, rvctor of the I'.phcopul Church ut Nalisbury, Cunii., was siruck by a parly of coasters, one day hist week, ami 're- ceived injuries which will proliahly prove latal.

Mr. Houtwell MIIS in ihe Bsnsts chaimner to- day, ami returned the <iingralulaii.uui of Iu friend*. He was not sworn n* scmitnr however.

Theleiidershlpi.f ihe opposition hi Ihc Do- mliilon I'arliamcut has been conferred on Mr. McKcuzic, Mr BfaUts having declined the honor.

Four men rcccnlly gut adrift on a cake of Ice, ten miles lu ciretuulcn-nce, in Isike Superior, and weru nimble to reucb ihe hind for sis day*.

The shingle mill of the Messrs. Kemlull, at Mount Vermin, Me., was destroyed bynreon the Hh last Lost - ami iio'iiiHuriinee.

Win. II. Todtt, 11 millionulre m Washington and native of Newbtiryimrt, died suddenly of apoplexy, ul hi* residence, yesUTilav,

A resolution i«s*«d the Assembly at Albuuv lo-day, that the Krlc Hallway lnvestlgiiliii" Committee sit with Opea' door*.

The Kcpublleiin Stale Association iiuuimucc a grand Uill. In the limugimiliou Hull building, on Ihc -.Mill in 1.

The lion'* slmre in Ihe iillolmcut of umtt in the Vienna Exhibition, has Ucu assigned to France.

Tbo Prohibitory suite Convention of hMuxls Island is in lie held in I'rovldeiice next Mon- day.

Four tuns of rhlmscro*, ull In one nnlmnl, nr- rlved nt New York on Tuesday. Iniiu Bttroue.

Wsgner, the lalei of Shunls munhrer, has been taken to the I'urtlsnd juil For nltj seeping.

A Waahbifton ipecwl sari the session uf the Senate Is sure lo end early next week.

The queen ha* been Ibnnnlly notified of ihe rvnignutiou of Ihe British Ministry.

The Republicans of II In sic Island have tmnil. uatcd Henry Unwind for Governor.

The German Geographical Boel; ly is HIHMII t. Ill out tin African expedition.

The carpel weavers of Phtladelphls bavt foiled in their strike.

Tnscora, III., has lutfered from a SlOOiXIO tire.

Serious ttooua are feared In Ihc Mi.Idle Stales. Kluaiiciiil matters agitate culm. Mexico bus Ihe epiiootir. Gold ll.i 1-tt.

THK SCIIINO TH.HU: IS opening, «i,-c cusiom- rr» niakljui tin ir purchase* early ircshest nml most varied stocks, the hurry of Inter weeks; the t

preparing lor the lesson, ami already n nninbt nnnounee, In ihe column* of the Aiumn \s their Indnrcmentl i» buyers; ir is always suf lo purclmse of Ihe irader who advertises hi good* ; Ids large subs, more complete stork urn increased custom Insures better I sir pains ntu lower price*; our renders will ulnudy liml else where a nninhrr ■■(' spring niimnimcinciiis, mu* are prcpariiiK their notices.

Station t>r Coo. s; Houtwell. Tin; RI:MATOIIIM. KI.ECTIIIX, to 1111 Vice I'resi-

lent Wilson's v.leant chair, wa* the llr»t sharp eOOtoti in our slaru since tho tint! election of Mr. Sunnier in Htil, when the strum/le covered a period nf a*— »hr».> muuihs. on Tuesday, in accordance with the pmvlsions of the present law, the two brunches uf the legbtlatttra procecd-

iballot (btSenator; the Hist ballot In the

Semite resulted:— ' Henry 1.. Dawrs 11 (Ico.S. Houtwell Kl Gci, II. Isiring !' Win. WhliiiiK -1 B. It. llmir 4

Senator Harmon, of this dhttrlct, voted for Mr, Dayrcs; a thlnl Udlot gave Houtwell, 10; U; lsiring, H, and .'■ scattering.

In the Hoti*e, Hie ttrst killot resulted : —

Whole Number 287 rinigii—Ijf fur n ehoii-e 119

UoonjeB. Houtwell 110 Henry I.. Dawcs M Ueorae H. Luring Id N. I', bank* » William Whiting II K, Itockwootl Hour 7 John K. '■ ini'.ml I JolmO. Wblttkr 1 John K. Tarfaos 1

Kcprcseuliitlve Davis voteil for Danes, Ilacon fur Banks, and Fuss of Mcthucn for Bontwell; Mr. Berry of North Andover tor Lormg. The vote for Mr. Turlsix was by Laughlln, of Low ell.

(hi a second, Mr. Baron changed to Dawee, nml Berry the same; Mr. Infill* gilded a vole lo Mr Tarbttx; the resnlt was :—

Whole nnmlwr of votes rail

large number who »wenr Ihat Ihey east their votes for lmvls. There I* no material difference lie- Iwecn the number of vole* sworn to have been cast and the check list; It cannot be claimed thai tin- voles cast were hist.

ootrn or mo. 'ii,:- evidence ndduccd In the investigation

shows thai the whuteimmlier lestilylng wa*%K>; Albert V. Hugbee testilled to »eelng one man vote, tlui Kepulilieau ticket, and four were nd- admllteil hy Hie committee, making 531: whole numlier voling for Ilavl* K7; whole nmulier vo- ting for Hell ;«n: and for Unoers MO, The return orWatiirourglvesl>odKe."l; and Uooer*'JUt the dlfferenceiietween ia and S30 I* 87. The Ward Kour returns ftlve Carney .Wand Hell M3; the diOerciica Iwtweeii ilii and :MU In HI. Dodge's Mini vole I* lldJ, less s7 makes It Is-iS; Mooers' l..Uil vote Is 17.11 and ^7 mlihil maker it MS a ilif- ference of 10 in favor of Hodge. Carney'* tohd voU'waslWI; less Wi nukes fi ITtW, Hell's total vote wa* 1712; and si) added makes it l&* rercme of.10 lu hivor of Uell,

WKUK i in i ■ ■ i i i- u i vni ',', J i ■'

These, gentlemen, are Uie fuel-. It may be ■ I i Unit Hie voters were mistaken; Ihat Uierc Is some d'liibi a. to how Ihey voted; Ihat these men, cxercltdng th" rii-tomarv care which voter* exercise at tlw polls, were deceived; that there were laign* liekel-i in liieidall'in, and Hull they were deneiveil into voting Ihem. Hut Hum it Is shown tluit there were no Imgus tickets In circula- tion; thai Uie onlvilerlallon from the regular tick el wns that made by the brother of UIIIUH-W Car- ney, who dlstrlbutnl HekeH wllh hi* brother's luiuiepasUd over that of another Alderman. Wa* it posHlilc thai the voter* were deceived hy such a rase! Were thee aittei- lu ill-lrust what llie voUr* themselves had nut distrusted ? They used the caution Ihat tn-rsiins tirdlnnrlly use when vot- ing; were they deceived? Can ymi say that Ussy ■lid not role mr the men for whum thev intended to voU'? Is lliere anything Lu show lhat they were deceived? Mr. Wright Uien proceeded to define llie difference between criminal ami civil Law.

cniiimlltcc were askeil lo brand an criminal* every -i ill lie live ward ulllrri'* of llie said ward, who I'O ever borne an irrepieaebiible character. I

grant that ballot bog stuffing ran Is- accomplished; lut before those llvo men are thu* branded, llie eonimlllee slmuld look carefully lo Uie evlilence

deasui'i'i'.-iti.'ii. „„Ard to the lllllller,

flint Sheriff l)rlgg<i (formerly warden of Ward Two) aud Id* associate ward officers wcrocluirpced

ith fraud* In clcellon rutui us. The partii-ai ould be, "Away With ML II eliarge-; HUM-

have bee* held U high e-tlmntioii; they ar such us would cm ii ttiese deeds." And tlie ...,,[■. v.'.iil.) .Mm Hint theirs was the party of momliiy, anil that Witnesses who might leslily lo sui-h a fraud must bo a baud of adventurer*. Thf cause or this inveatigaUnn wa* to start a sensn

and there bad lieen a continuous harking uf

represents but tlie opinion of one man, and wa* after Uie opinion of a man nf but little i „.. seuuence. The newspnjier* had said that the eii»e had been unnecessarily continued and drugged, and this, too, even before imy evidence had been taken in Uie I liad attempted, by son-

hearing In favor nr frauds. Hut this cane wai to lie decided upon HMI evidence of witnesses who were men swum to tell Die truth. I And here the speaker asserted, in e.nui.idi tiaetiun to the view* Ken by Mr. Wright that Ci.ieurd was a liar, ami

I perjureit hlmseif hy his evidence lhat there could be no perjury Iu a tribunal or thi* kind, alien tho eta nil nation wns not legal.] Many of the witnesses were not known to Um counsel, committee, or anyone else, and Ihe larger numlier of them should ho considered a mere crowd nf adventurers. Ho agreed that ihere were Ml wit- nesses, but Hie delimit ul iiualiiv, and not Quan- tity, should lie considered by the committee.— I'ulilicul Oiilh wa* changeable nuw-a-day*. and often a man wu* c[inverted, re-cmiverUiI, ami con. verted again between hi- domicile ami Ihe Imllot box. These unknown witnesses could not he re- lied on. Not a man mining those witnesses would i,r I i. .lii. ■ I to Uie amount of live dollars, nml should ilvo well known men be convicted upon the evidence of men « Im eonbl mil be trusted to the extent of live dollars? The speaker alluded

It wa* must publii h ai uneed here, by Die respondent* In thi* ca*e, that lliere was no way ynu could com|icl a man In come here. The object undoubtedly was that If any person wa* so <ti>|Hised they miicht slay awnv. Hut nolwlth- stunilliig lliey were assureil here by the counsel of HH- rcHpoiuleiils Umt Ihev were under Im obliga- tion lo a|>pear before was publicly told them Unit no subpoena could bring Ihem'here, these men voluntarily, with no uiijiareut motive In the world, except to tell you the plain, simple truth, have come hen- and have testilled, and, I sin, gentlemen, notwithstanding the assertion of my brother Hurley, Uiat if Lhe-e men have come here and lied they have committed wilful audde- lllierate i»rjury. But, gentlemen, there was one thing thai surprised me. I wa* surprised w hen I llsteneil tutlH) evidence of tlie respondents,—no' tlie res pi indents, hul those im'U whom my broUie. Burley places hi llm position of respondents,—tire Ward uitleersl I was a good deal astonished nt their testimony, hut tluit astonishment lui* been somewhat lessened by listening to my broUier Hurley's argument.

Hit. Ill Itl.KV'H AHV1CE TO 111- CUENTB. My brother Hurley represents the Ward officers.

You have seen how closely be hns been closeted with Ihem from lime to time, nml ha* had IIHIII at his elbow prompting him, and from time lo time of course taking from him advice aud counsel; and he savs hi those men, "Vou may come here and lay want ynu please; you mav swear here as vou please, mid then' 1* im law iii this Coinmon- weiillh Unit will convict vou of perjurv, aud you ilo not commit perjury when you lake an oath here, although you swear to things lhat are not

ue!" 1 am bound to believe when it i* claimed ire as a proposlUon uf law,that It has been made noun to his clients. It is a proposition which p lavs down lu vou to Invalidate tlie testimony of icse' witnesses, to induce ihe committee lo think

tlial they have come here and told a lie, and liavo come and told a lletiecause Ihev were not commit- ting perjury when they told Hint lie. If hi* client* hujl thai snino Mea in mind, it may account very tor their story.

■i 111. WITNESS** AMI TUKin I l«l lUnNV. These men who come here and testify are called adventurers," men whose word you would not

lake for a live dollar bill, without knowing tliem; men nut known; men whiwc testimony Is not to he received ls-cau*e you happen nut to know them. I a*k ion lu point oul to me a single motive for one of these men Income here nml falsify. Is it llie tove of party? Is It tbedesireto lieiiefllpartv? 1* this the motive i* If my brother lake* Uiat ground as the motive that Induces Uiem lo come here and He, would not Ihnl motive carry Ihem twice ■ the bidlil box to di'iHisit a republican

fact ihat somebody dhl see ami would swear to,— at Uie liiun Ihev were ccmnting and sorting these ballot* a package of vote* was taken from ihe table and placed upon tlie settee, aud he saw them lying upon Ua- settee. That Im himself saw ; not another ward ofMcer saw anyUilng or that kind: every other ward officer ««y» nothing of Umt kind was done; aud yet Mr. Coleord *av* he saw l!n- package of tickets on Uiat box liefine the sorting and counting was conrluik-d, and thai, geiillemeii, 1 think, Is Ihe package which we claim was put in there lo replace the republican vole* taken out. If he could see Umt, ami no other man tu the wnrd room could see It, is ll not proof positive Uiat Us* thing could la-dime without Ihe know ledge of Uie other*. They liave all iwom here Hint the thing


They have swum lo fact* which show Umt eluslvely, and Is there am tiling to show ll could not be done? Here waa a package of tickets taken from the table. Wliat Ihey were we do not know. A package two or Uireu inches In bight, taken from Uie table while the) were sorting and counting,—with no apparent reason or moUve wlmtever, and put down upon the settee where, those votes could not be seen. Now if they were taken Uie table and put down Ihere, liere was thi* ballot box down there by the side of them; here were these ballots placed there hv Uie ii'-iiiuiiin of three per»on* who saw it clone. When put down upon the settee Uie votes could not Is) seen. How easy at that lime to put In a package of vote* which had mil been cast, and to put tlie otlHirs In Um pockets of any gentlemen In Uiat room: and who eoiild liave lieen tlie wiser or who could have seen it? Vou know ll could lie done wlUiout any trouble hv any one of those partle* If they desired to do IL

MR. OOfcOOOD Ull'l.-i TUB TAW.E, We have. In addition to Uiis, that at one time

while these voters were lieing counted and sorted, Mr. Coleord went to Uie front of Uie table, put bis hand* Into his sack coat pocket* and aiu—' '

I<oi5al &ffiuf£ City Government.

BOAMOBT AI.HKUHK: Mombiy, Kve'g, Murch HI.

The Hoard met ut Ti r. it., the Mayor h eaalr. Absent AUlermeu Melvin and saunders.

Frlilioiu— Uf llrigg tley.fora Jnnk dealer's II- ceii-c, reftrrnd to Cominillee on Ideeuses; of A. Itossller and others, for a well nml pump nt Ihe corner of Blmrt nnd Oak streets, n ferrcl to Conn mil' ■ on Street.-; or Laura A. Vealon, fur abate- ment of sewer assessment, referred to Cuiumlttee <m sewer* and Drains; of Robert II. Smith nnd others, for the continuance of Allen street to Hroadwuy. referred to Committee on Street-; of the Hoard of Kngineers, Tor BB additional are Shun box at Hie corner of Valley ami Hampshire tlrcclc, referred In Couimiltee on Fire Alarm Tel- egraph; of .lames T, Melting, for abntmnenl of sewer assessment, referred to Cummlttee On .Sen - ers and Drains; of Cornelius Headline, for abate

mitUe; of KliznUlh Cockmll. for nbalemeut of sewer as-cssmeiil, referred lo same Committee; of K. H. i " .'-. f. for the eunktrucUun uf a sewer through Melvin street, and for Ihe establishment of the grade of said Melvin street.

('o in m ii ii i en tin II—From John Ford, asking the (It) (internment lo review tho procession ou SL Patrick's i i;i ■■ , aceepU'd and placed on llie.

Ilrporlt—Of Uie Committee on Sewer* and Hrulns, on the petition of V Sims, fur nhulcment of sewer assessment, aluitlng said assessment $33; of Ihe same Committee, ou Ihc pelition of Win. W. Ilnleh, for abatement uf sewer assessment, grant- ed; ul id.' same Committee, nn the jietitiim of llie First Presbylerlan Society, Tor abatement of sew- er assessment, granted; of Hie same Cominillee, on the petition of Jubii Leo, for nluilement of sew- er :i i - in- HI. :ilinli 'I.

Xwnklsfmwfi Tlstl Mayor, Aldermen Lamprey id i. HOT- i HI were appointed a committee to liave

charge of purchasing edges tone* for tlie city; Mi iliael Murphy, Thomas Hanlaere, J. P. Hkelley, Michael Qulnn, I'ulrtek O'lteiltCy nml Daniel C. O'Sulllvau were a]ipoiuUtl special police oflicer*.

Tho appohitiuunt ofs|icchil policeuUccr Wilson J. Moore was revoked.

Adjourned one week.

whole table so nobody could see what wa* going omit thr table. That was proved by witnesses who saw It, and then they claimed hen- lhat people behind, could look through Coleord and sec what wa* go- lug ou at Uiat table.

Why, gentlemen, ynu know as far as Uiat Is rnn- cemeil lliere was abundance uf opportunity, and *o far as motive waa concerned, unless these part- ies were governed ami controlled by tho ftronr est principle* of morality iu politics, there was ni'' i"i' their cheating.

Now in regard to these men. They say that thoi men are respectable men; that they have 1st known la Uie community a great while. 1 mule take to say Uiat then- is not a man upon Uiat lioard whose respectability stands auv higher than Uiat

1 of Uie ueti- olt tinners.

Is. I di

tignllon. Thnonl. .,... i-r a fraud liad lieen i^retrateii. If tho prepon- ileranee of evidence showed that lliere was fraud then the committee must find that Ihere was fraud;

men, going In tlie |mlh nnd voting, as tliey Ihought, the Itepuhllcaii ticket, nod -uiweipiently coming uii *ml swearing Hint they did sfl, surely furnished strong ei lileiiee lliat Ihey voteil no olli. ■r way. And what wns going to weigh against heir testimony?

THI in MAN MIMI aMO ITS aooBSTaicrrras Tim action of the human mind, rontmucd Uie

•ouiuel, I* curious uncertain nml unaccountable. leiiiemlier a thing thai nnuili. i -v. ill

■ 'lig so ' ory. while

■s tlie mind »n sligl lime idler it.- isciirrence it i- Im

Ami Iher

choice . Vin 1>I 98

tweniy-hvn votes seatrerbig< ed lhat Ocorfrn H. Hoiltwell I wa* elceled on Hie jwrt of

The Speaker d. majority,

the J louse. The Hi-lisle making uo choice, on Wednesday

us the law provides, Ihe [>vo houses met In eon

edition, anil prorecded to alnllot, m-nliing;- Dnntwetl, I.V2; Dawes, 113) Lorlng, WblDiig

rarboi, Qreon, 'J each, and Doutwell wai elect Ell.

IIiuiiiiiii i: MIUIIKII.—A horrible mnnhrwn: perpclrBlnl ul Smutty None I l.n-.l. twelve miles Irom ports th, K. II., on Thnrsday Ilif;, the i letlms being two young tJermnn girls, mulled Cornelia Chrlseulon nml An net til IAW

t«m, who were shipping al the 1 10 of Mr It untie**, Ihe only one mi thu Island. Tin murderer wa* also a German, mimed Lcwii Wagner. The murderer Iclt Portsntosth about nldnlgbl vTmlnesdayniohl In n lsuit.ani tn the Island, there ts-injr ut the lime boose only Mrs. Huntress and the two girls mentioned- The women were awakened by Wagners presence lu the bouse, ami the hitter, seeing be wu* discovered, proceeded In kill ihem, using a ban-hot. While hewn* killing Ihc girls Mrs. Huntress rcconni/ed him, and snhl, "Lewis, don't kill me." He wn:i Homewlmt disconcerted on being reoognlied, and Mrs. HuntrCSi, Inking advantage of this, escaped from the house. Alter killing Ihe girls, Wag- ner left, and Mrs. Huntress ret timed to tin bouse. She bad remained so long exposed to the cold thai her feet were badly Irosen, nml she is hi a sad condition. When her husband returned In Ihe forenoon he was made aware of tho tragedy tluit hud lieen enacted during his absence, ami Immediate measures were taken for the arrest of llie murderer. He wu* caii- tuveil In Huston on Thursday night, whHhsr he had gone lu escape the olllcers. The mur- ders were committed lor plunder, slid all lhat

he murderer got WU llltecn ibillu

somewhat sarcasUcally Ui the false swearing re- eenUy exhibited al Washington among notable men, and If Uie truth enuhl m>t lie got from such men, it was not improbable Hist nil*statement* might and would Is- made by lliese adventurer*.


All of those v. iim-'-r-i- ■ had been drilled, ns tn their testimony, from Uio Iwglnnlng, nnd each light of tlie ini-esLUistion a hcvge nuuilK-r of wit OHIO* have been present wllh u view of preparing heir testimony lW tho succeeding night. That

the statement* uf Uiese wiUiesses could lint Im re- lieil u|son, was cTidenl from the fast that while hut sixteen testified lo having voted nlured or split tickets, there were found by the couimiltee and cnunneJ thirty-three such tickets. Thcr- must

seventeen others: who ba.i ...^.i such tickets, I .teiilrtl Uie inn. 1 Hey could not have forgot-

„.. bow they voted, fur men who cut or altered their tlekel* were geiiinilly men uf iiiilepcudence nnd Intelligence ami JudgmenL

HOW THK PABTV WAS BOI.U.(?) It In claimed lhat tin- 1* a fraud upon the voters

nf Wan) Four, and you would suppose Hint Uiosu preferring such I Bnarn ■ WUd ennie tuyou with

I'.irgel; n hllle thills,- "Oiiii'liiue. impresses il-ell' - chile an even' ~*

mi sosllirl..... . gotten; It , then of it, until u

impr.'ssiv lli, iiiiuil MI slightlc alter It* occuiTence It !• Ii " iiHiiy. nilhnul am mile being is ris'idhil. Tim very fart of I IT L

... ilng circumstance*, may drive from llie I lie in nry all that it had m-asund previoosly, The speaker iristaueed the hoy at school, wlm liad bis Usk well learned, and who, on rising to rem-al ll

ami MiMiers.and mid that ihe nimplu met of know Ing a man l'rc|ueully lived a thing In one's im-iii.i. ii , il. Hi. ■!!. a man \\< nl In tlie |MIII~ and Voted fnt Mr. llnoer* nml Mr. Hell, ami believed that he did so, whore, in Heaven's name, wns Ihe evidence lo be got lo show thai ho didn't? When', iu Uie name of common seii-e, wns the ciiu mi ft lee to gel Ihe authority lo say lhat thai man WH mistaken?

1'I.AIS SAII.IMI. The testimony of the wlbtSHSSiS rcganllo their

otlug for Mr. Iiavls wns ipiltc plain. In Hill omieellon there coukl lw mi ini-tuke. There Is a ■are possibility that some aged ami Inllnu Midi iilmil might is- dccclvnl; si toothless, suuer-

iiiunled voter, wlm gra-|>ed a ticket from what.

silence| hut then lhi~ i- hnidli JHISSIIIIO In Uie aiisence of imgus tickets; Ihere I* no such Ihhifr in Urn Held; tin ll tiling appinnehlng In It Is till' fact tiwl Came) '■■ hiuiln-i lnul Kepublicau tickets nilh MnUiieiv t'arney's name pasted over si oilier, and « ns It possible thai anj one shout, dei-elciil hy Uiese?

IMSOCKRCC, Oil, IN'MSENTKl Mr. Coleord, who Is so aiivhuis nlsml the purltv

oftlm hcdlol; wlm Is so do*irou* that every thing

bund fid of Imlloi-. ami put tln-iu in tlmrlusrt; we Ibid in their siorj iiiithiuglmt Hw purest nf actions, the IJ u res I of motives. Tlui voters who liave linn, e.-l llitentliills, may lu1 deeeivnl, hut thev euniiol !*■; 11, no! ihey can tell a nice slor> ; Ihev conduct- ed every III ing righl aiuls.pmr,-, amltlley knew 1' but llu | ihluileil voters ,b.l mil kii.n'i n helln Uley w ere doing right or nroug.

iHoan NAuitoiv sULLors, Accoi-ilmg to Ihe testimony 11 wa* shown that the tnlls bad not In-ell open more than an hour ami a

all' belorc there Has a dt in.iml I'm I ii inn eintle bulbil.-. nf nniillier side Were -up (lied, but what Jiccnme of Uie narrow ladlots. V'heie did lhevgutii> Wei.thei nil used up? One

WlUMMI I, n.l' ■! thai In- got whle hsllols ami pill them nver his narrow ones and gave out I tic wide

. la-I . Hie uliie iplieif "

-ll glv... hut iu counting Ihe

.1 llir-i .... supplied.

ballot.- II seemed as If there narrow ballots than were accounted fur in Ihetei Uinimv of the witnesses. Aye, Imlecsl there were many thai were uncreased and unspotted. 1" * when llie t'omnilruv went lo exioiiine the Wi _ . room, Mr. Coleord and Mr. I larke, Uio innocent and interested parties in this transaction, were there Wllh an old litliol box lo show how Us) voles were cast, ami in explanation of Uiese uusuiled, nncrensed hallnls, Mr. I olcord sins liu.lelinugh lo say Unit a remarkably large numlier of ballots

' east straight, ami Hits m Ihe lace of tlui evl •, Mr. (/olcord had given thai f "

■ouuted until the close of Uie

i lean hand*. Ilut how I* It With Mr. Poor, u mbliran party's Imllot illstrihulor? Now mn '— key note to Uii* transacUon. Col. I'nrsons,

iv Ith store of Mr. Carney, Is'fon'

JTI with esI. Voor in his walsleoiit pocket, wenl to Uiu

" Mr. Cnrncv, liefore the election, Jliiil Mr. give nn sallsfketiiry reason for this visIL

c ul lluise

Mr. Mooers semis tu Manchester for a M: ctt, who come* to Uiis city to vote, ami upon going to llie wnrd room ho receives two ballot* from Poor, and I* nbout tn deposit one of them, when ho discovers Ui*rbiiUiln'iir the name of Mr. Car- ney i'"-i.ii over Mr. Hell. At Coan'* store a Kiillar tran-nilnni oeeiu red, wherein selling out

party was charged, and knowingly denied. This sale of the pnrtv you must believe, nnd the itepuhllcaii was slabbed by II* own friends. These met* should he befoul ynu. showing that tho eeeu*er* do mu r ..uie tu vou wllh clean hands. lwa* noticed onh In Mr \t i Iglil that Hs- IH-mo- ratio tlekete in Uio ballot box, at the recent

exiuil Ilia lion, Were uniisipillv clean u lid smooth, but they were no more *n lluin many or the Ite- I.uiiiii-iui ticket*, and could tho siienker's own iekot be pnidiucil, it would Is? found tolma*

clean as when ll Iclt the hand* of Uio printer. All the tickets In the ln>\ gave evidence of use, and of course the HsuuH-ratle tickets at Hie bottom would be pressed smooth hv the weight of tlekel* resting upon Uiem. Hul a lawyer could sec black

white for money. There was nothing suspicious ... changing Ihc sl/r nf Imlbit- on election day, a* Umt could hare bean done before, n« the pnrty kiuiw the uniform siioof the Itepubiicau tickets

IUIIISHI1ILK TO I'EUPFTKATK VUAI'D. If there wa* any fraud iM-r|ietruteil, It musl have

lieen in the presence of live men who were sta- tioned there to prevent il, namely:— Mr. Hatch, captain uf tbo watch; oDteur* Seat and Carroll, and Messrs. Wad.worth ami Hugboc. Think of the audacity of lbe-e a aid idlleers In attempting such a fraud while under tho surveillance of live men watching Uaim. To Impute Mr. Gen. Couch sltli dishonesty, was most unjust; aud yet, if any fraud existed, ll must have fjcen done h> all live of the wanl ofllccr*. Them was mi motive for ciinimlltlng any fraud, lor In-fore the ballut* were eiimited everybody had given up UMI rllv as going for Mr. Turbox, nml his board of aldermen, by a huge majority. II was Immaterial to these oflleers whether the nisjorll) wn* ten or Ore hundred.

navtnmra THK •.•■ HUM i-. Here the evidence was rev lei] m deUil, and

ciinimcnteil u]ioti by Mr. Hurley, wlm hmk ocen- sion to deal verv -liai)ih u ith Me-sr*. J. ('.White, jironoom-lng hhn lit for a slave driver, and lhat it wa* Impossible fur ouu of his emplnyes lo vote contrary lo his views and retain his situation; J. V. Wallace, a elcrgviunn, whom he charged wllh deliberate lying; S. W. Harmon, aim gave loo much testimony, wlm i onl'i, led different times, and who was suna-lii allv alluded loas a slates- IIISII ; A. V. Hngliec, a* the deteellve; Thoma* Muse, as mil la-lug truthrul. If Ihere had been

iu announcing Uio result at llie clone of the pulls, Mr. Hugbee and friends nr hi. parti would then have charged the ward oflleers with the 11 J 11. i

tiling the avoiding

—There wa* n gel houses of worship mi t ing tlie blustering Mai

■ iitln ue at (hi nil 11 sin n it

As Iscinnvri The friends of M

plcie arrangement* yc*l the result ol the eleclliu en Senator. A dispatch in the blinds uf a buy w Comer of Turk and Tie

. Kit Houtwell lllilile the I

* yesterday to Inlbt iv which be as written ami placed i was Motioned at the out streets. Jim ,|js.

patch read; "Bontwell ejected on the Oral Mb lot." A n. in was stationed on ihc Imlcony of Ihe Stale House wltti ft tl»lf, the dropping ol which was hi lie the signal for ihe |Miy ul the Park Street Church to start with the dispatch Tor ihc Western liilon iVIe-rupb olll.e iu Siule Strut. As soon a* Ihe result of Ihe balloting wa* determined a man rushed out of Ihc Reprc- scnlattvti Hull ami pivc a olarnctl in the man ■ m the iMlrony, who drnppcil hH ling. The Irny Ihcnspcil awny to Ihc telegraph office,and »l a ■inarter or one, Washington time, the Intulll- gence was received at the Treasury licjiurt- W'll.—fftWnM JimrmiK

ib.ii Uio bos wns so mil that Ibcy hud crushed down. Increased bnllots) "Ifa Suing lu He," eonl d the cuuusel, "I like to see

Im lie like n man, I vi mild not have him be it Hut nml a /im/.' [Sensation.] "According lo his owi testimony, gcnUimmu »| Hie e.uiimlltei-," conlin mil Mr. Wright, "Uie Uallut Imx was so full Ihe luilM* bud to IH' crammed down, mid vet heev tlained Ihe clean and uncreased nppcnraliee or HI

usl mie hundred Isdlol- hv -;n Ing tlmia remnrk- alily large IIUIIIIHT were cast straight.


It has been claimed by the parties in (hi* da. I. in .' Ihnl .1 niiml'i i- .'I llu iul,-,s .me In timiilalcl thai tlici dmed mil vole tin- ticket they deslreil lo ln'.:Mi-e of a danger .d h.-ing their situ. atlon. Would t» liist that a sense nf hi* own mail Inn«I and Ihe remembrance of ihe solemn oath he bad taken lu discharge hit duties to Id. hllmi ,-iH/,-,,-, had ii i-liilnl Mi. ( huk.h.luiv In'**' seen uith Unit lunullc uf hallnls in Im- liiilul which he n ui'ived Hum Ihe table tu (he set. lee. I sensation. I TI «»• ihe time Ihnl Ihe i bundled ballots nf the liberal ticket Here substi- tuted for those uh-tnu ted of the Kcpublleiin tick-

In regard to the Icslinionv of witnesses, Mr. WrighlsLiledlhal il ii as ilillli nil t>> get testimony ; 11 was II ii|.... - a 1. ]. - t.. In ing every witness wanted; the law ,|.»- im! u'lie llie lighl lu hiing witnesses In such a ease, *ml all Umt Id la- depended ii|sin iu iiriHiiring Uieir uas their ouu desire In Keejii-Uee d.uie iulhi- matter. The tes- timony furnished plain proof ibal one hundred Im Holt hail been nli-liaeteil, and nil hundred oil,. ers suh-litulcd I u> eien liullut Liken counb'd IH", Ihlsruu ui - I llie ,,1111 rs, It diminished the i 1 •.( the present holders of Ihc Aldermmiie sent-. In leg,ml to remembering tho names on the lu k. I. il nise) said ft might !«■ illlllciilt to ncnllci t Um mdiiidual n.i.irauts, but all Ihe Witne-CH kneu how Ihey voted; Ihey knew how thev Intended to vole, am) ll was uii. -uid In siippu-e Ihnl Ihe) rnuld |H> deceived; Ilo- absciiev nf liu^us tickets was -Uiing prmif Uiat Ihei lid nnl have v.Ued nlhei n i-e than a- the) intended; the utteiupt m prove ihat some of those n ho hud voted wen- not entitled to do so lu the Maid, ealiie with a very bad grace from llloie who hail slnhn Ihe voles. Ir some of Ihe parties had nn right to vole, the right of the ward nftVer* l. steal the votes was mil made plainer; thai did m.t evcu-e the nurd olllcers pulling Uieir nasty hands into Ihe ballot h..\, ami robCh - "

Wright. Fifteen more should come from thi* numlier, nnd then Mr. ( ai nei it mild lie elected by two majority. The sneaker bad perfect conll- denee In Ibc result »f tills InvesUgalfon, and enru- r-lly urged Uie coinmlllee not to relv im the Iruthfulnes-i of these adventurer* lu llu Ir testi- 1IU1I1J-. To decide In favor of thr claimant* would lie establishing a very dangerous precedent, ami would consign the ward officers ef Ward Four to luipencluuenl ami-infamy. Cliaril ' leudcd t..\i.e I'rcsidciit-, Miiali.e nun, ami the euiiiiiiiltee shuuhl exercise like eharili towards llw (ocus.^l iu Uie present ease.

Mr. Hurley occupied two and threc-o,uarter* hours in the dell verv of his argument, nml covered ovcrv nvallntilo polul 111 the case, which ho ha* conducted In an enthusiastic manner.

Address uf Ex-Mayor Siiumlors,

Otmthmtm n/lht CnmmUtrti I cougraliilale yuu iiuon *n close nu nppronch

to Um teruihiiitluii uf this verv hnig investigation, and I cannot hul lhank vou for llie patience nml consideration which you have given to ll; show. lug most eouclusiii Iv tluit mu intend, so ISr a* loll nru con wi, Ihe rviuiimiliini shall Is. hilthrul, accurate and close, that your dcllliera- li'Mls -ball Is. eiiliniiinl''. liml Ihe ie. lilt which mu shall cniiic lu shall be warranted by vour cunviilimi, mid umr consciences, and that mu will eume lu a e -lu-iini in aerunlam e w ith the sentiment nl'llie great iiiajmitv of the |icoiile ul |hi- eili,iri,.„i„,, liv,. m iiaiti. I |H-lieve thill ibis win be

Ml HERK WIIITE-w AW111MJ RKPOKI Hint it iv ill hB a report which shall be n report of Ihe fuels,—faets naiiauled l>v tin' cvltleiic«: (acts uhlohhavc'

wlm luivc ."iiir here nnd ii'-i.i|vl ; :t cannot find aovivlmre any motive ro» „i men to ull vuii a falsclusal.

Mv brother goes a little further in Ibis matter, and'put* It enliieli upon tei linienl gruumls, lhat we are to satisfy ynu thai every < of Uiese men who voteil upon that occasion were I'litlUcd to

my brother has liirgntten one Uiing, I think,

mi? Lime ui VUSIHIH umi iitK-s, HUH nnrii )iiu nun ii man's name upon the check list Uie law will pre- stime, until Ihe routrary I* shown, Umt be Is a le- gal vulcr, anil nnv innn who undertake* toehal- leuge i ii ii man's vole, or show 11....1 Im I* not a le- gal viitei',1* boiiml lo show il hv proof, 11 is mil for the hundreds nluoe mimes me on Ihe cheek list

to show that they are legal voters; the lea*I pre- sumption bore i* Hint these men are legal voters until my brother Hurley brings evidence Uiat Uiey nru not; It Is for him lo show lhat they are nut voters, ami not for me to show tluit they are.

THK STATIN or 1 in; TOfxm In regard lo tlie statute, I sav, so far as I have heard Ihe testimony, Uierels hot * single witness who doe* mil cunie wiUiin il. Some of those wit- nesses luivo hiken tlHdr meal* In isie place and liHlged hi another; thev have Ihe right id"election to say where they will consider llielr ploeo of ShOOB fur Um purpose ol voting. II uinvhe where they lodge or where lliei cut, and If Ihey eat in one ward mid lodge In another, they may vote hi cither. The mere lodging does not determine habitation any mure Hum ft-oillng. Now 1 want to know by whut authority IMI calls these witnesses who come up hem and swear liefore you, a mere li:!ii'i "i ii-K'i.iii',. 1 ■:- l*n large majority or tho voting population or one or our wards to be called adventurers la'caiec tliey presume In comet here nnd tell us how Uiey voteil? We havo lliese wit assess; we have their swum testimony, and to contradict Umt testimony you have simply the as.

■■lli I llie men, and mil nl lln.-i live nr— —

no evidence to show Umt Mooers wa* elm-ted, 1 claim there Is, ami It is evlilence which, I say, Liken In eimneclinu wilh [he letiuiony offered, Is -1 ne on I end Ie hi I ami entiilcd in calm, thorough and are fid consideration, and that Is

TIIKTLSTlMDNVOr-MR. lirullKK, who Blood by tllcne PSttS for'Uie purimse or ascer- t. 4 li'.ii ilie-eiei) uiiii intiil; he ha* shown

ou Uie hunk ill u hleh ho kepi a rwoi il of Uiu otes; ho SIIMMI there tallying every man'* vote.

My brother says, In Uieevcllenienl of Uie election, he could not have seen how every man voted; Im wa* nluiitling beside Use bulbil box: there wa* nothing lo prevent bis seeing any more than there ■ n.o, prevent Mr. Colconl* seeing when a man

up to vote; Ids name lias lo bo called and chocked laTorv he votes, and while be Is standing there and his nnine In being found nml called ' llu' tellers, and answered and checked, there .. ample time lo notice how Im vole*. Mr. Huglme says lu- nolioed every vote, ami Is'lloved he could tell you how every man v«ted on Unit occasion. Ills tally plinlners Hi vules; wc have shown ynu hy UMI swum .Lu vutes. We showed vim nt the last hearing that there were others whom we could not mnersj wo desired you should issue a priH'es* by which you could bring them liel'nro vou. Taking n nmro,-8 nrd of whom wo knew pcrsi sia I ly,—taking M inure wlmmighl mnkes Just Uie tally of Sir. Iluglice, ;il.'. There he stoOil. pall"' Iv and calmly, throughout that dav, counting tallying ttsi>c iiites, aud he swears Ilwre were __. Republican voles cast Iu Unit wanl upon ihat election, ami, I say, to contradict that we havo nothing Tint the Icsllmunv of MOM want officers,— the testimony or every one of ihem nmlrndletiug Uio testimony of tho other*. Now, gentlemen, tak- ing Uiat loHtluiiiiiv and taking Ihe sworn testimony

, mid robbing II of tho

H III llliue'l ", ll" iiiiliini. 10 n proved untiiblakalily hf the 1

we all have heard, in the last .. great deal or cirrnptii


far from U*; I'm limn N> " Kuglaiul; must uf ill iu the southern stale-, 11 lure men for their o... purpose* have taken advantage of the Ignorance ul the newtv enfranchised ami Ignorant populit. li.m fur !)„■ fillip., i- nl aee |>lishi>!g Hull mi u |iui|io-e- nf pnrilinn ami gienl. When I Ih-I luaiil orUs'se rumor- 1 11 glit Ihey were simply the elmlitioii ol the feelings of di-np|iolnled pojill. elans; thai men « Im hud Iniii di-up|Hiinteil In Um result of the cleelinii had given lent to llielr sus. nleiuns hie'

«. mill


i»l me 1 ii-ei in n«|..-i, ivui in 11,1-11 susi . iii . haige.nfli.iud, v. hi. li ii| inve-iig.-i, ould lu I'.' men Ii -.u-ptehni nml

Is ii'ori , ninny Is. Without knowing how these men were going lo testify, knowing nuUilug alsiul What a uiau would come ami swear hi, ho hikes hi* tally nnd make* 3IJ votes, and we bring Bj wltnesse* and Uiey swear Ihev so voted, nnd It nnlyni|ulrc* H more to make Mr. Hugbco's UUy shsolutely cor-

t.aeli verify llie nlher. You could UOl have

ui niiieuiiiiQis, mu nj nn.- lesiiiiinuj ,11 * man whom brother Hurley is obliged to acknowledge nu upright and honest man. There Is where we

■1. i"l His* U not satisfy your mind? What more could you have? 1 propose In leave It then.1, Just tlui-, 1 =, Mul parl of the case.

THE W*U1I tlKFtl Ell'B TIJCrmoMT. Now I come for a few minute* to discuss the te«-

liinoiiy uf, nm Ihe res(Himlents, hut the client* or my brother Hurley, ami I *av the testimony or each 0110 ur those partle* Will satisfy you thai this fraud might have been |icr|ielrnted easily, Im cause each one nf them leIN ynu lhat there were certain HUM;* when he did mil know exactly what the nlher Win doing. Nml there ia something a little remarkable in thi- lestinmuv. Kisud Is liov. er proved by dlrvrt, im-ilive evidence of the actu- al fraud r"iinclined, i-'rnuds Invariably proved by circumstantial evidence, by little matters which shun Ihe iiiteuliun ul the parties. I liad occasion totr; ilayi snhl, In regard lo the ipiesllun or^frsud.-ii was a i|iie>l|on of •alc'.-"ll'y<uitlnda parly, making ir.inidiiiioi iv.itiu.i ■ [.1 appear hones' " " -i,yu it right to suspocl Hint Ihere Is some Inteatlou of fraud underneath. When you And M imikbia e\U aurdimii. • \ei thai- In *|.|M-*I honest you mil) ri'iisonnhtveipectlhat Uiey have a dishonest mo- rn.- behind."

nn. mu tnasT TO SC'KNT nutno. Now Mr. ("Icon I eomsisal nnd *ay*:"Iwa*

xhiii*l)tat Uieie slmuld mil lie Uie slighted " In ihis cleellun. I did not want

d I was very carotid, ell til en rule* In thai

Ward room,—last parlv to which 1 be king—stowed aivuy In Umrloset, I Ihuiighl n|uni this occ-anion, as there might i-i-.ihi Is- -"ine charges nr IV*lid

nvbody losusmM't fraud, 11 libi-ugli wo hail belure so


iiumiiilslciv after Hie election, I iKeiiihal ihere "

id.1 have it iu«ph-liin of fraud,

and I took panic 11 la I ''are to see that every vol- wus-ouliif UR. room l» inn-the bnllnlcommenced, He swore that he ordered all the vote* out, and he JIH Ihem nil oul, thai (hero were no vote* put In J I... chisel, oranvthin: »f U"' kind. Kverj'otlwr Ward nlUcor who. nine mi said Us?) did not tot)

any vnte* after the b.illnl wan oiiened, in that Wanl room,—every single man with one excep- tion. When Mr. 1 |urk came upon Ihe stand be

e I.aid il eSlnynr

them . thai same 1 1 MULL lead tlirin to tho ballot box to deposit their ballots? Where is the motive:' My Isruther ask*, where I*

THEH(iTlVEO!( TIIK Well, gentlemen, all Ihnl I can say In regard to

Uiat is, II il I* party feeling, there Is certainly as niiii'h up.ui thul side as has lieen slmwii u;"in Ihis j„ «iiiiug side, and It' I have been enrieilh informed, one nf 11,, i.jud liii these offlcers, Mr. I'oloonl, who I* charged wlUi having something to do with these frauds, wa* very desirous, to say Uie bast, thai Um l-arty wilh whom he asMs-lalcd should be successful 111 this election, lieonuse if the parlv wns successful, he was to be a very prominent cam I kbits ror Us* place nr City Treasurer. I uiuh-rslnud Uiat lo be tho fact, nnd I umten-taiul another one was n Bromment candidate for the ufHee of City Marshal; ■VIM USe I -Josv't b»w. It I* rumoreil upou

UsM street that the-enieii were eiiinlidstosforomee. Whellu'r IhSf w.iuhl !«■ a (liltleleiit muUvo nr not

<|uesUim; Imtln regard tothese two or I l|i:l I lllMniii' UM, in \

know all Um witnesses; 1 great many of tliem. but 1 Judge o

' ' ■ appearance. And, go ..ter la ' wing

THE HOTIVH or Mil. 1 1 ,11 n-1. tier, nnd thai Is in regard to Mr. Mr At

1111 saw him upun Ihe stand, and his tes- timony lia* Is'on i-omnieiileil u|inn fur a consider- able length of time hv mv brother this evening, lie was a swllt witness, lie wasawitue** whose memory retained date* wlUi nn degree of accu- racy and crrtalnlv, and when closeb pressed by my brother hi cross-examination he could not give yuu thu exact dales, but when be opened to Ills memorandum lunik to see w lieu he enme and took hoard at a certain place, he wns able to say eatne and look hoard in Nov., and was here all wo week* before, llewus ennbled bvhisni iraiiduui book, tn ,|,, :l.. ,in,.!ii,, man by hi* mi

oraaduni book ha* lieen enabled to, certify lo fuels. Me testilled as ho did . mv brother Ihmight'lic lull"

hilkeli him upon Umt iiuertinn lhat he via. : fair subject ror attack, and what does llr. Coleord do? He comes on here fur Hie purpose of dlacrod. itlng this witness and wllh Uio hope In discrediting Uil* man, or discrediting a gmsl many others, mid Im swears Ui you Unit the Punic! McAllister who voteil at that election was not the man who cumc 1 -=-1 n ■ 1 - - you nnd *wore lie did vote, but it was another man whom ho very well knew,—a*ii

ami voteil and whose name was checked upon that lint wa* Us* carpenter wlm formerly workcil " hhn upon his honse and n man who voted Hied N^raHe ticket. _Xow, gentlemen, each one of ynu

■sate. II wa* proved to you to bo a falsehood. Mr.

McAllister comes here and brings tuyou a lav bill. Tlui City Treasurer comes here lo say that I* Uie oulv lax hill that ha* been Issued from bis office In any man hy the name or Hnniel McAllister. Dan- iel McAllister comes before you and he iuys he came to the Mayor and Alder men's room Just Isj- fore Uloclcctiuii lo have his mime put upon the

" a* put upon Hm li-l nfter it wns printed, - ll was Uie Ills ttlnie he had voted hen-.

_ lax to be enabled lo vote; lie eauie to and Aldermen lo get his name on the

list that he might vole, and lie . wears to you Umt ■ ii]' nnd mird mi lint ihiv; iniii "il there lib — **■ wa* another Daniel McAllister, a carpenter,

thl* town who voteil 011 that dav 11 democratic vi Mr, Coleord and his attorney would hav" " sackoil Heaven and earth In Hud that inn would have put him on the slaiid, hul with all Uio research uf mv brother Hurley sail Mr. Coleord Cl together tl'iev csnmrt nml any trnrnof Hint man

Uie last Miiee year* since he left Mr. Coleord'*

nnw fiii.ii.un i-11.111 ii i>. We i..]|.iH nl It down to tlie canienter who liad

charge of Mr. t'olcurd's house, nnd he never heart! if such a man, and when I put It tn Mr. Coleord, "Is that man's nanu< upon your liook* as one ul' workmen"? He said, flrsl, la-lhoughlil was;

lereupon 1 ash, .1 j, he wrndd innduee llie Imoks; he said "I will If It Is <,,, du. laioks." I said, "Will you produce lln-111, wheUier It Is or nol'r" nnd he replied, "I don't think ll Is on llrnm." 1 askeil, "have you inquired for him?" "Oh, yes, hut can't Unit him." Do vou believe inatuinn lias disappeared so that 110 trace can be round or him? Wu put on Mr. Hrlggs, who went Uu-ough Us- lown and hundred of every boas carpenter and limy said ihev never heard nfsiieh a man- ami therefore 1 say you will believe Uiat Mr. Coleord wa* in , 1.1 in-; Mi.o up out of w hole cloth.

I ul.1 ■Dill) Mil TO UK IlKl.lhVKIi. Audwlien you And a man who will make up

such a story out of whole cloth, for the purpose iifciintriillug llie testimony nt a single man. 1 say you liave a right not only to question that man's irulli nnd veracity, but you have a right to believe he would not lies I lute lo eommit such a fraud when tic had nnv motive ur object in view, and 1

•'■■-. •fTtlu,urvr'll ponitlm, would tempt tbecu-

■ iiiini:' It stand* upun ' have committed fraud 'hey say, here gen Uenien,

TS been eoui- ■Si; Uiat they raatmnhar u«*

' I will

CiiawiN I'otMii., Thursday Kv'g, March 13, UtU,

Idcnt in Mu- chair; absent ('nuncllmen Dane, Uilmartln, Noonnn, llussell, Ilanrnhuu.

Records or previous meeting read and approved. All pupeni from snpsr beard were concurred In. 1'etiUonnfcitltens for eimUiiiiancc of Alden street, rererreil tu rommitiee on streets, l'etltlon for abatemenl of sewer assessment of EHiabelh Cock- rnft. rererreil to committee on sewer* and drains. Of .1. T. Mellhig for abatement of sewer aasesa-

reforred toconiniltfeeon sewers and drain*, (ir engineers for aiblltioiiul lire alarm box, rerurred lo committee on flro ulnrm telegraph. Dnllnaneo relating to liaekney enaches, passed In be or- dained. Report of committee on Ore department; Councilman Whitney moved nn amend men t to make salaries of ilremou a* follows ,■—Knghieman, Bremen and steward, I MO each; ussistant engine, men, #173; stewanl ol book ami ladder, SITS; rorenwn, |17.1; clerk of company, $171; all other Ibeineii, |15U, Keport accepted as amended, Hy Councilman Moore, a petition fur laying out llodwcll street a* a public f tree I, referred to com- in 111. 1 ■ on street*, Hy same, a petition for damages sustained in use ul' land for test wells, from M. Doyle, referred lo committee on claim*.

An in citation for the city government lor.view pi-.i.-e 11 on 81, Patrick's day, nc.ccpled.

The ordinance rcUlltig lo superintendent ol public, properly was taken Trum the lulih-, and again laid on the table fur one week.


I'MVKIISALIST TK.i-fAMTv.—There was a large attendance at this gath-ring Wednesday evening, and n pleasant lime wa* liad. During the early portion or the evening ex cell out music was given hy the choir, nml those prc*cnt enjoyed thorn- solves In social intercourse. l.nteV n supper wn* provided, the uunlity and quantity nf which met ihc high approval of all who partook Unroof. The feature or the even I up wa* a gift to Uie pas- ter, Rev. Mr. Weaver, from the llerean class of Uio Sabbath Sclmol, over which tlie pastor pre- sided. Thi-, consisted or the class, photographed In a group, nml elegantly framed. The picture wa* presented to the pastor by Mr. Lieu. A. Whit- ney, a* follows:

in ML i'i ■!■■:: \n-. I., the Ruinviatiniateiu- siieiatinns ut Uiese pleasant rear* of vour paste.. rale, so soon to be regretfully severed,' there Is one circle bi whom Uie separaUnn comes a* a double bereavement, wlm,e Ins-, is m.t nuly that of a faith- ful pastor and kind friend, but uf a warm hour ted SnhbnUl School teacher nnd guide; with constant iM-al, unmindful of tin weariness of the neeu 11 laleil dulie-iiif ihe Mai, mu have unlulded lo Ihe treasures or the divine wool, nml sought Impress U|KUI nnr homi-. flic obligation* and ... ■-activeness or a lite aeconllng llierewltli. And

we near Uie hour a Ism the cull id duty lends iu Into other Meld-, mu- Imart-.-iuInt the parlinr

vet overflow with the niemnrles of nil Uiese BaL baths of gohlru InsUui Lion and wise counsel; and while these bright recollection* will ever prove 11- ;i- a M|keiii',.r,tui, 1, im ling llie years lift yet untold future m Uiis glid period of ourynut... wo cannot psrsaM It* pnrting, without offering you some litUe memento or our respect, admlralion and love; nnd fn behalf nf the Hires 11 Class I a*k

acceptance of this group,—in bo nimte.

Home C( o ji ji i p. —Croup im '.nl- to a considerable extent

among children.

[ —Tho arguments lu Ihe election frnud*. merit tj,c : the careful perusal of every voter.

I. I —The Grand Army Sociable on Wednesday evening, wa* a decidedly attractive aflair.

—A large amount of new rails will lie lai.l on the Bo«ton & Maine railway the present month.

—('apt. A. 1.. Hamilton ha* for some time lieen confined to bis bed wilh a serious lung eJif- flcnlly.

—Messrs. Taylor A Boltou have added to the attract!venr** of their front by a new ami taste- ful swinging sign.

—In the case of Stoddnrd vs. I'eunlman, tried liefore Ihe Superior Court on Friday, the jury' returned a verdict for the defendant.

—We are glad to learn lhat Caleb Saundere, Esq., is gradually recovering the use of his limb, Ihe aiTected knee being much better.

—During Oeo. Macdonald'a stay In this city, he will lie the guest of Kev. T, T. Munger; the wife of Ur. Mardonald accompanies him.

—Next week wc shall present a th rilling origi- nal story, by Eleanor Kirk, written for the American, and which will prove an attractive feature.

— Hes.idc.ii being able, Mr. Wright's argument, before the committee on elections on Tuesday evening, was fearless. It was admired for both qualities.

—A new slock lire Insurance company is HIH,ut organizing In our city; the right men have it In hand, and the subscriptions already reach 9123,000.

—In his sermon, one of onr city clergymen staled on Sunday, that the flrat Home Mission Society in the United State* wu formed by An- dover student*, In 1810,

On Monday next, Ihe Boston & Maine com- mence running through trains to Portland, over their extension, and a change in the time table will take effect on that date.

—A numlier of our wide-awake traders are already making their announcements In Ihe Am iniiN ut spring goods, and thus securing the earliest trade of Ihe season,

—At Mr. Cbas. H. Llttlcflcld's office may be seen a plan for extending Essex street, some- what differing from a former plan, which has been before the city government.

—Mayor Tarbox mode the handsomest gab of any of tho candidates during the Senatorial balloting on Tuesday, Just doubling his rrorn the flrsl ballot to the second.

-The little McLane boy, whose bead was so severely cut hy tiefng run over by one of Cur- rier's teams, is now in a fair way or recovery, we learn from his physician, Dr. Lamb.

the presumption that thev have committed frai In Ihlselecllmi. Why? Tliey sav.heregei '" i nu u ill lie -at Is fled chat frauds liavo boi

for it. and theyaak V'I did Ihey go fnr? and they ones tin ued

' the MOO; ami thev claim I

111 slgiiiriVnnflv, What y questioned Sir. "

..... .beyolalin here, indlr that Mr. Poor ami Mr. Pamon* were bribed in u 1

Mr. Carney In client voter* upon thu election day so n* tn secure hi* election. Now I say If they lake Hint position Ihev are taking thu position that tin i 1 1 lei liml uas brought abuul by one spocies of fraud, bribery ami corrupt I ou, andiftlmy '" bring It about In that way, will they hcsltai bring It about lu any.

TIIK ri: nn AtiMITTEH. Tliey lake the ground that fraud has lieen r milted by their procurement In getting [bete

- limy claimed Ihey voted, r ' take that position if they ehc Uiey take It It I* hut a single step to stuflliig the ballot box with frnuduleut vote*. I say, genlh). men, you liave Just lid* testimony before yuu; you liave the facts, some by Mr. Boghou Mhn stood al duct Imllot Imv nml counted these votes; hu says there wore Mi Hepuhllran vote*. Ynu have tbesame U'stl ny before you of :ut iutll- vlduals—lacking four, which nru admitted, that tliey voted thai dav the republican ticket. Von have only lo add to that (twins, and we, I think satisfied you by our endeavor* to get you to Issue a process, we must have satisfied you thai there were parties we desired lo bring In and could imi bring la. Yon have only to add K to verify Mr. Hugliee'H count; Mr. Ilugbec's count verifle* the tifUmony of every 0110 ofUieso uilne*ses, and Uio aggregate of these witnesses verities Mr. Hug bee; therefore I sav you have testimony lioyoml all question, which i* not eonl ra die lei 1 in any shape or inauuer ekeeiii by the totiinmiy lit these parties that the) did mil put lu any voles, and Hi. lestlinonv nf three or four of ihem was simply to the effect thai tliey did not sen it dono. It only rcuuired onetodu It: one could do 11 without tlm oilier* seeing it, and but oue pack wa* taken out a* It I* claimed here; ir that p age lhat was taken rrorn the table and placed .... on Uie settee w as fraudulently abstracted, ll al-n verifies Mr. Uughou'* muni.

IN I..-.III-.|I.'..

1.1 nil in'11, i ike thl* rase ami decide It a* you would deride In ordinary onsen In matter* of IIUH- Inea*; act upon It aa yuu would upoa any mailer of huiHirtame where you are called upon to ael It I* a matter of Importance, a 11111 tier of the high eslhu|Hirtnnce. It Is a mailer which a Sec I* not only yuu hut atect* ever) man In this clly. If von say lu wanl offlocrs, "You may jicrpctrale Uiese frauds, aud unless they bring tho men who yuu do II, you sliall go unharmed," II Is not pnrtv alone that 1» Injured, but every part), ever* holiest man In the connaunitv has no ..... Utinly Uiat Id* vote a* he cast It will be counted or liavo Its effect iu Ihe political nlfuirsorthe 1' 1 stand here lo speak lo ynu, not merely fur _.„ Interests of ene party or the other; I stand here and speak for every honest aiau iu this commonI- S. Task yuu m Imlge uf ibin testimony honestly,

Irly and carefullv. giving to the evidence the same weight which yuu would give IT you were silting II|MIII a Jury lo determine a case between man and man, where #l«0 only wa* involved, Ing to It Hie same cam and consideration ought to lie given to a matter of thin kind, ami I liave no doubt where your conclusion* wilt bring yuu, and I have 1111 doubt a* I said In the lies;In- ning, thai your conclusion will la-in accordance with your own consciences ami Uio sentiment 1111'. 1111,, 1111111 i 11. _

MR. KIIITOH.—I wish through the column* of vour paper to sav Just a word to the cltlicu* uf Lawrence, In regard lo the unjust and uncullcd for language uttered by Mr. Hurh-y. on Tuesday evening last, against .1. «'. While, In hi* plea fur Ihe defense In Ihe ease nr fraud* In Wanl Vour.

Ur, Hurley *nhl hi subsume, If not the exact words, thru Mr. White had ant the men under him soeomplelelv inllini'liili'il Mini they dare not acl i-niilrary told* wishes, nr in other wnrd*, they 1 la re imtvote rontnny to tint view* of Mr. W'lUlc, for fear uflielng discharged or severely censured.

Now till* charge is false In every particular, so far a* mv knowledge extends, and 1 think if II was true I shuuhl have known il as soon aa any one, for I have been personally a111unlnU.1l wilh Mr. While Tortile Usiinur nan, and have been thrown iu contact wllh him nlniu-l dnilv during this time.

Mr. While has never during Ihl* lime made Um least slwdow of an effort to influence his men to vote contrary lo Uieir wishes, MM on ono able urlhe otlier, and allhoiurh three fourths of ihem are ilenmcrats, and voted that ticket Ml Uio last ell) election. Uiere I* not one of them In Ihowtmie lot thai can come forward and »■) that Mr. While ever tried lo Influence them In any way, or lu any ■urm whatever, to vote the roiiulr"""

.1 1 'Hlli'1' lit Hill I Uf lIliH, I dollar* In Hie liumls of Uio editor nf Uil* paper, lo !-■ rnrivltod M me, and Ihe same [ public library nr Lawrence, umvli. uiau can be found who ba. worked ror Mr. White

name paid over to in in I'll 'I Hint 11 sir

worked tor Mr. Wl.._ HH- last .three years, Uiat will enme forward . M years, that ho was rver Influenced directly ...

imllri-clly by him to vnte anj otlier than tho way hi* rniiBcknce dictated tohbii he should vote.

n| 111'-- i- to

<t affection* you will ever "pusses*, and whoso heartfelt u Mies will be fur your enjoy ment of many, many bright years or sunshine und use- fulness in life, ami tlie hope of nglorious reunion above, and

Thuugh time, which steals nur year* away. Breaks mien mil n i.nil liips.'tuo,

The memory of the past will slay Ami half our juy* renow.

The pastor responded, in accepting tho gift, hi Ihe most reeling manner. It was unite lato when Uie party separated, and an evening or profit, a■ well as 0/enjoyment, will lung be remembered by pastor and people. ■ —«j «■» *.

FIRE AT THR SOUTH SIDE.—Alwut hair-past ten o'clock Tnecduy the services of the fire department were called upon at the South Side. A Arc broke out in a large wooden tenement building, owned by the Mecsr*. Saundcrs, and situated adjoining and south uf the Webster Honsc. Before the department arrived, the lire, which caught iu. a tenement occupied hy Mr. Bean, wns under considerable headway, and when tho engines arrived Ibc scarcity of water added to thu delay. There were five tenants in the building, comprising Mess. Bean, Howe, Honiolt, Hav. ge, and tbo widow lleagnn. The tenants in the southerly portion of the houM got ont but little or their furniture, but time in the northerly'side were more success- ful. As soon as the Arc waa discovered, Mr. Samuel Hoglc of the Webster House, remem- bering that Mr. Charles II. Savage, one of Ihc tenants, was confined to bis bed wilh rheuma- tism, Immediately went to his rescue and brought hitn Into the Webster House, and then look out bis furniture and a stock of Iroots and shoes which Mr. Savage had on hand. Soon after the firemen got fairly nt work, the flumes were under control, but t!.e instdo of the build- ing was pretty thorongly cleaned out. At the time a strong wind Was blowing, and very for- Innately Ihe flame* were driven just past Ihe front of the Webeler House. Thu building was owned by the Nnundera estate, and was Insured by the Bungor Insurance Co. for 91,600. LUSH

a'',,NI 92000 to the building, and several hun- dred to furniture.

THE OKANII AUMY SOCIAL on Wednesday evening, was largely attended hy Ihe members and lady friends of Ihc Post, and the entertain- ment provided was varied and full of attrac- tions. The excellent band nndcr leadership of Mr. Sanderson, was again iu attendance and provided Mi., rally towards tho programme; a quartette, led by Mr. H. 1'. Farsona, aud con- slsllng, with himself, of Messrs. Smith. Richer and Palmer, with Mr. Ellis at tho organ, wns sung witli great acceptance, and good taste. Mist Joale Thompson contributed two recita- tions, with her D aal discrimination, and won hearty and deserved applause. The Jolly Weth- eilicc gave a number of his comical dlttio*, awaking roan of laughter, and Sborey and Hennessey cajiltal double clog dunces. M1M

1 recited "Cover them over," and that touching appeal of tho soldier's orphan for (lowers for "Puna's Grave," and waa very warmly applaupcd for the excellence of their presentation. Mr. Unskay manipulated Uie bones wllh much spirit. - Jcaso O. Oonld gave a reading, and wllh line effect, and Col. Sherman contributed a short ornlkm. There was nun h Jollity and evident thorough enjoyment, and all united in voting Iho occasion onu demanding early repetition.

DEATH OF MM. ItonRiiT MASN.—Mr. Robert Muiin, of whose illness wc have previously made mention, died on Sunday afternoon, about three o'clock. A week ago lut Tuesday Mr. Matin wax taken down with a severe bcadachc, which developed Into a softening or tho hraln, resulting fatally, as stated. Tlie deceased had long been connected with the hook store of Mr. Slrattnn, having Iniii in that gentleman'* employ for a period covering eight years. Mr. Mann wot much respected by all who were brought In eon* tact with hi md hi* death causes regret among a large circle of friends, -*i **— »

AM UNKNOWN MAN K I I.I.I U.—AS the 10.16 train from Boston wns appnatefalng this city, yester- day, It rnn over and killed an unknown man, who was walking on the track. The only clow to Ids Identity I* a letter found In bin pocket, bearing dale at "Andover, Oct. 7, 72," which Minis to IM a letter from his son, nnd Iwara thi signature of Win. H. Scalloy. Dr. fjtowe held Inquest at the North Depot, at 3 o'clock In the afternoon, which was continued until to-tlsy.

—It J* a difficult matter for a man lo swear when he 1* mad,'and avoid grammatical errors,

Dr. Stowc, while driving a few days ago was violently thrown from his sleigh, receiving bruises upon his left leg, bnt no serious injury. The Doctor walks sbont with much difficulty.

—The admirable stenographic reports of the arguments In the election fraud hearing, were made for the AMERICAN, hy Mr. James H. Made, from the office of J. M. W. Yenington,

Mr. Chas. E. Wilson, of the Boston Jour- nal of Commerce, hat visited oar city this week, collecting stall*tics of our manufarturing estab- lishments, for the column* of Ibat enterprising Journal.

In tho Joint convention of House and Sen- on Wednesday, on Ihe vote for Senator

Mr. Davis changed bis vote from Dawes to Bonlwcll, white Messrs, Bacon sad Harmon voted again for Dswct.

-Thu condition of the sidewalks on some of the streets, and especially Haverhlll street, wwt of 1 iv.ii'ii"- street, Is execrable; on one side of tho street named there Is excellent sledlng, and on the other excellent wading.

In the Superior Conrt on Monday the case of Whalen vs. Perkins waa concluded, Ihe Jury returning a verdict for the plaintiff awarding 81>0 as the price of the horse, with Interest, which aniuunts to n considerable sum.

—As wc predicted, the tickets for the Mcdon- ulil lecture are being rapidly taken, and we fur- ther predict that liefore the evening of the lec- ture every seat will be sold, and more demand- ed. The tickets are at Stratton's corner store.

-The feeblest little echo of Oen, Butler's onslaught upon the prow, wa* heard from Counselor Hurley, In hia defence of the Ward Four frauds on Tuesday evening; tho local papers, *o far as wc have heard, survive the shock.

—Judge Slovens, In the Police Court Saturday, while commenting on the tendency of families living close to each other to dissgrcc about triv- ial matters, remarked that "they should dwell in pence, and keep the star of Hope forever bo- ore them,"

—Tho nno residence being erected hy Mr. Emerson, the architect, at ibc corner of Garden and Newbuiy streets, is rapidly approaching completion, lu Its exterior. The structure will tie a model of convenience, aud an ornament to Ihc locality.

—The dress party closing the pleasant scries of Messrs. McKay, Morse and Beetle, will bo given at Saundcrs Hall, on Wednesday evening of next week, not Monday aa previoiisly stated, -and It will doubtless prove oue of the most

enjoyable of Ihc present season.

—Tho action or tho Father Matthew Total Abstinence Society, of Ibis city, in regard to the parade on St. Patrick's day. Is being Imitated by other societies in other elites. Tho Father Mathew society are to lie complimented for Ini- tiating a movement which meets with snefa gen.

■.I.-.! commendation.

—The select assembly at Sannders Hall, Mon- day evening, was a happy affair. The mniic was excellent, the management good, and the evening was happily passed away. This series will close on Wednesday evening, when a grand iire^ party will take place, that the assemblies may close in an auspicious manner.

—Wo have lieen Indebted on several occasion* Tor information on matters connected with the transaction of business in the Proltatc Court to A. C. GoodcH, Ksc|.', the genial and courteous clerk of the court, and take this opportunity to express our wannest thanks and the ai ance that his kindness la duly appreciated.

—Tbo extensive and .Increasing business of tho Hundley portable Engine company, has made it necessary to obtain more room for their office business, and they have secured the spa- cious office of Messrs. Harmon and Partridge, located immediately In the rear of their present series ol rooms. An office has hearn secured In Saundcrs Block for the nseol the vacating party

—Tho Aldertnanic committee on elections needed no small degree of patience, on Tuesday evening, the arguments In the Ward Four frauds occupying Uieir attention until considerably past midnight. Mr. Wright occupied over aa hour In opening; Mr. Burley exhausted nearly three In bis defence, Mr. Saundcrs concluding la almut fifty minutes, closing at twenty minutes lielbre one.

—We think that was a clover feat in loss journalism, hy which we gave Iho readers of the DSILT AnsaicAa/m Wednesday afternoon, nearly live close column* of report on the fraud hearing, which closed after midnight, preced- ing. Onr report contain.*! nearly heWr* tMoui- and inn-ii.i, and the only other pretence of a re- port published that day, bad lc» than fifteen hundred words.

—Tho proposlUon for a new mule for the ex- tension of Essex Street, la exciting an active In* iciest among the citlseni of the western portion of the city. We learn Ibat Mr. Melvin, who lives upon the route formerly laid out, bitterly opposes tho now proposition, while Mr. I'edrlck, also living on the former route, warmly endorses tho new project, thinking It for the host Interests of the community.

—A large gang of workmen have been put on tho horse railroad track, at the upper end, for Ihe purpose o«* removing the ice and snow there- from. Tho community will hardly find huh with this action at the present time. While having a perfect right to keep their track cleai through tbo winter, they have refrained from so doing for Iho purpose of accommodating the riding public, ranch to I heir own Inconvenience.

—The friends and employes of Mr. J. 0, White, arc. very Indignant at Ibe abusive re- marks of Mr. Burley upon Tuesday evening, Mr. White Is a kind hearted men, and highly esteemed hy hia help. Mr, Burley, ilnrlng bis argument, took occasion to abuse every witness who would not submit to his Impudence on witness stand, nnd every prominent person who chorged fraud* npon the democracy. His state- ment that a lawyer " could Me black or white for money " came wllh bad grace Irom ■ newly fledged devotee of the great party of fronds, or the party of great fraud*, as yo« choose.

JamrK O'Brien of Andover visited Mr. Pcr- storc in Bradford, Saturday, and ohialne.-l

crcdil for n small amount of goods, repiv-i Ming that he lived near the railroad. BuBttiri ms e- ing afterward* aroused, he was watched n'd found to have a horse and sleigh. He wo* ,1-

■d to Andover, wl ere he was arrested by Sl-te Oonstabhi Robert* of this city, and taken to IIsi.i ill fw trlu! on charge of obtaining goods umhr lube pretence*, for which he was convicted and sentenced to the House of Cor- rection tor sixty days. Officer Roberts and Col. Beal are distinguishing themselves for their promptitude hi bringing to Justice violator* of

law. •

The other day one of our well known business men, who belou?* to ■ popular club, thought he would show the room* In hi* wife, who bad a suspiilnv ul! ■■ hi*r lii'sh' lumsertnlniW

wore not. ,MII juat a* th... should In', hu Mi. went up to the rooms, and removing all

trace* of ptpts und toliecco, he placed a large Bible upon the centre table. In a short time be returned with hi* wire, opened the door, and grandly ushered her into the apartment; but what was his surprise and chagrin to find that some one had entered the room since he had been there, and removed the Bible, and placed the table a euchre deck of cards. That evening Mr. was compelled to remain at


—The sharp, driving wind* of Tuesday morning were hard npon the firemen, who worked hard

and efficiently nt the fire npon the South Shlc- Could our City Government have been present, and witnessed the lalwrious duties of the men, performed while being drenched with freering water, we think tho petition of tlie department for more pay would find a speedy snd gener- ous response. The insignificant allowance of seventy dollars a year, illy compensates a fire- man for the loss of a day's pay, the damage to clothing, and the risk o» health, Our firemen should, at least, receive one hundred and fifty dollars per year, and the wishes of tax (Myers will lie considered If tlie firemen are granted

thslr petition.

—Harry Lawrence came up to the police court Monday, for the purpose of watching pro- ceedings, snd wu doubtless very much Interest- ed ; but If Harry had been wise he would not havo ventured Into tho court room this morning, for while he stood there. Assistant Marshal Snl- livan got bit eye upon him, and Harry having on one or two occasions commuted violations of the law, and eluded the vlgflence or the oflleers, so good an opportunity for securing blm was not allowed to pass, and he was gently and kindly escorted from the auditorium to a cell below, where be was provided with shelter from the prevailing snow'stonn. Harry U wanted In connection with the robbery of Mr. Wiley's store, and some other offences.

—On Sunday but. Dr. Sargent drove Rev Mr. Hsydon, who had exchanged with Rev. Mr. Clifford, to No. Andover, and while there called to see some members of the family of Mr. Louis Well, who were Indbiposed, leaving his horse at tho door of the Litter's residence, with a weight attached. The horse by some means got the strap to which the weight wu attached, entan- gled around hi* forelegs, and this frightening him, the animal began to rear, snd plnnge, and kick, smuhlng the duhcr of the sleigh, and finishing up by tripping himself. As soon u they could the Dr. and Mr. Well released the animal from his predicament and raised him. Beyond being a little lame tbo horse did not teem to have received any serious Injury, but 11 It a wonder bo did not Iweak hit leg.

—Col. Beal makes very little ceremony in en- tering the house* of strangers, not so much as saying "by your leave." Complaint had been made to blm of a Sunday nuisance existing at No. 91 Margin Street, canted by the regular gathering of a crowd of violators of Ibc Sunday laws. Sunday evening, alwut eight o'clock, tho Colonel and officer Rolwrts wandered to this re- gion, and having discovered a party playing csrds, concludtd to make their pretence known

which they accomplished by marvellously going through the door, the holts and fastenings there- of yielding to tbo pressure of circu in stances. Tbe psrty, tlx in numlier, promised to appear In Court this morning, and four of them did to, paying their fines. Tbe other two failed In put

uppcarancc, bnt arc well known to tho


■ In the Police Court Tuesday there was a little flutter of excitement, and a large number of young, dashing and attractive femalei were gathered, all connected with a case fn which

lioarding house marm" Mrs. Mary Dcnnehy, alia* Sounders, wu charged with committing a fierce and unprovoked usaitlt on one of bcr boarders, a pretty and amiable young lady, MU* Honora Bell. The case wu called, when to the surprise of every body, the proprietor of ihe hash mannfoctory pleaded guilty, and announced her willingness to pay JJ.i and costs.' Tlie circum- stances connected with the case show that tho young lady wu justified In making a complaint. On Saturday evening she wu Ironing, and hap- pened to*tinge the article of dress on which rdiu wu engaged. This so exupcrsted Mr*. Itnn- nehy that she went lor Honora there and then, snd inflicted some serious Injuries upon her.

Kin 1 in: in- THK AUBUCSK:—We, the under- signed, 1 leninii ntu and Republicans, employed In tlie repair shop of tho Print Works, Paelle Mill-, under Ihe hnnicdlnl. lupeilntemleaceof llr, J. I'. White, beg to express, through your paper, our feeling* with regard to a statement made by lawyer Hm k), In hi* defence nf the Ward Four oMi-lals, Ue Is reported a* laying that "It wu Impossible for ono nr hi* employes lo vote contrary tn his (llr. Wldte'*1) view* nnd retain hi* iltuatluu." Against thl* statement we feel bound to protest, injustice to our Superintendent and In delenie or ourselves; for we never knew him totttempt to Intimidate or influence any man in Ihe matter or voting. We exercise the right sad privilege, not knowing or earing how Mr. White votes. We claim lo have u much manliness and indepen- dence u Lawyer Burley thinks ha possesses, aud vote M we think proper: tieorge Mnrrh. . Thoct. H. Dreurv, r 8. D. Tatar, r J. K, Watts, d John Hannon, d Wm. Redd, r Wm. Qnealey, r AI licit Long r .lames Chamley.r Patrick Hlilllran, d Patrick Hi 1 ne, il

M. Hart, d James Cornelia, d John Koblnson, r Orlando I.awrvm-e, d Henry fVHrlen, d Johns. Collins, r Wm. H. I'lemmiag, d Michael Jimrph Frceve, I Mirliael Ihinn, it Alphon-o StiHtilard, r

Hiram r. Lord, r. NOTE.—It ror republican, I) for democrat and L

for liberal.

Tits WHETCH who murdered hit parents and then whimpered for public trmpsthy because he wu a "poor orphan," hu now found an imi- tator on a tmall—very small—scale hi the week- ly (spell lhat u yon please) whine or tbe Sen- tinel over tome alleged Injustice, or lack of crecflt to tbo present police force hi our local record. A set of public ofilciali, by dictation or Inclination,—with always honorable exception*, Illustrate their manliness and freedom from partisan bias, by combining to prevent s public Journal thai hu tho audacity to criticise any of their arts, from obtaining knowledge of the do- ing! In their departuent, return surly answers to civil questions, and throw every possible olmto. cle In the way of a search after the exact men, while their organ weeps for sympathy hecauto such Information, picked up a* It therefore must be, from the next best sources, Is not just what these obstructionists would have It; there Is an Impudence In the wail that almost dignifies It.

Tas lasTtTiTioif son JCTZXILB OrrKxnsaa There wu a meeting of dlisent interested In the esubrhhmciit of some school of this nature, at the court hou*e on Tuesday evening; Cspt. 11. O. Herrick wu called to the chair, and Dr. Csrleton chosen Secretary. Rev. Ur, Packard and Superintendent Hood, reported the resnlt ol their observatloni during a visit to the Plummcr Institution, Salem, and the truant school, Low- all , remarks were made by Revs. Barrows and Fisher, by Dr. French, H. M. Whitney and others, and a resolution wu adopted in favor of the Immediate establishment of such an Intlilu Uon by the city. Cant. Herrick, Dn. Cnrieton" and French were appointed a sub-committee to confer with like committees of the school commit. tee and city government.

ST. PsTUica't DAY—Tbe anniversary of Ire- land's Patron Saint will be celebrated with Im- posing ceremonies and due respect at St. Pat- ricks Chnrch, South Lawrence, on Monday, March 17th, on which occasion the Rev. Pastor' Father Junes Murphy, will be assisted by Rev. Father Hlerdon, O. M. I., of Lowell, and Rev. Father Oallsgan of the Church of the Immacu- late Conception, of this city. High Hats will commence at 9 A. M., tbe evening services la-gin - nlng at 7g v. w„ with the choir singing the grand music*I vesper* by Eat., followed by a •ermon by Father Rleroon, after which Bene- diction of the most holy sacrament will be giv- en. Borne of the best musical talent of Ihe city have signified their intention of giving their tcr- vlcc* on Ibis occasion.

There will be a collection taken up tt both Iho morning and evening servlcet, to assist the pas- tor In liquidating the debt of the church.

Calamity Is man's true tonch-stonc—

—» ^a«js^*aa*Stantr-


¥l\e 8i\dovei' &tlvertijtef FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, l«7!t.




Siimmir T. i-iii will MMMMf TBITRSDAT. March iOlh, 1R7:I. For further information,

■\ih l.i Mis* I'HILdKNA McKEEN, Principal.

The Band of HOIK-will meet this (Friday) evening, at the Baptist Church.

The annual meeting of the W«l Parish soci- ety was held on the Cth inst. The following of- ficers were chosen : Moderator, Henry Boynton ; Clerk, E. Francis Holt; Ayscssors, j. H. Chan- dler, C. M. Abbott, Henry Boynton ; Treasurer, B. Boynton ; Sexton, Daniel L. Trow.

The establishment of a post office at Five Village is agitated.

There is considerable religious excitement in town, which commenced during Ihc week of prayer.

The late residence of Dr. Stephen Tracy, de- ceased, on Main Street, has been sold to Win. Whiting of Blllerka, a former resident of this town. Possession is to be, given the nrsi of May.

At the annual meeting of the South Finish so- ciety, held on the Gth insL., the following officers were chosen: Moderator, Nathan U. A I; Clerk, Edward Taylor; Collector, J. Towle; Assessors, C. C. Blant, Edwin Barnard, II. B. AM,,,ti; Committee on music, Geo. Kipley, J. W. Foster, J. H. Dean; Sexton, G. N. Pasho.

The Andovcr brass hand serennded the rcsl- dences of several of our citizens on Friday even- ing and discoursed very good music considering the short time they have hod to practice. A large crowd of persons followed ihem, and seemed very much elated that we have a baud of our own, and much pleasure is anlicipalcd from them in the future.

The town meeting stands adjourned to next Monday, at 2 r. w.

Dr. Bosworth's course of lectures at the I1B]>-

tist Church closed on Friday evening. Consid- ering the unfavorable weather and travelling since they commenced, the attendance has been good. The net proceeds for the society will he nearly or quite 0100.

W. P. Draper has tickets and reserved seats tor the M&cdonald lecture In Lawrence City Hall, on Wednesday evening next.

The house of Daniel P. Abbott had a narow escape from Arc on Thursday or but week. It was occasioned by the burning or defect of the chimney. Fortunately the damage was slight.

All the public and private schools in town are now having a abort vacation. The Abbott Academy will commence Its spring term ou Thursday next, March 20th.

The Jubilee Singers from Nashville, Tcnn., who so much delighted our people a year ago with their charming voices and plaintive songs, are in New England giving concerts. This town would again give them a full house if an ap- pointment were made for them after the schools are resumed.

A horse bclouging to Samuul Coggswoll, in the Scotland District, was stolen front his lu-rn on Tuesday night.

George Bumhatn of this town has bought the "Richard How" milk route to Lawrence.

Thomas D. Black intends to build awheel. Wright's shop this spring, if bo can obtain a ecu. tral location for It.

A hen belonging to James 0. Clieever has pro- duced an egg measuring Hj by 6] Inches, and weighing four ounces.

Rev. Mr. Ames of Boston will speak at the Baptist Church next Sabbath morning.

At the annual town meeting In Manchester, Mass., on Monday hut, John Lee was chosen Town Clerk, Selectman, Overseer of the Poor, Assessor, Constable and Road Commissioner for three years. That's putting It on rather thick.

The band was out again on Monday evening, and their music Interested the people so much that a subscription paper Is In circulation, to provide new Instruments for the members. It Is a deserving object, and we hope the neccssary amonnt may be obtained.

Rev. Mr. Ames, Secretary of the North End Mission, Boston, will present that cause tit the Free Church next Sabbath afternoon.

Mr. James Glllln, who Is alwut to remove West, advertises his real estate for sale. It ts n snng little place, mid will make a very comfort- able house for a small family. It Is located but a mile from the depot.

At the town meeting held in Towksbury, on Monday last, Mrs. C. C. Flemmlngs was chosen a memtier of the School Committee for three years, Mrs. Flemmlngs Is a native of Andover, was educated at the. Abbott Academy, and pre- vious to her marriage taught school in this town. She Is every way <|iin!l(lcd for the office, and will no doubt make a very useful and effi- cient member or the School Committee.

The Eastern Convocation of this Diocese will oo held In Christ Chnrch, Andover, Monday and Tuesday, March I7tti and 18th. Essayists: Rev. Prof. A. V. O. Allen and Rev. Thomas F. Fales. Order of services: Monday, 3o'clock, i'. it., business meeting! 7tj '"■ w-. public, mis- sionary meeting; preacher, Rev. Charles I,. Hutchlns or Rev. Phillips Brooks. Thursday, 9A. M. Holy Communion; preacher, Rev H. V In too, D. D.; 4 p. u., Evening Prayer.

Bradford, Vi. For catalogue Tiaasiim. Andovcr, Mass.

Andover, March It, Uff.

.apply to S. SWIFT,

IV of the condition of "The Kettonnl Hank," at Andover, in the

still MilsMII'llllsetl.-, si tin* close „l bllsiui'sK I'll Uie ioth day of February. I*"3-

Resources. s mi.l discount*, aiuO.iHi Go bond* M secure cfrruhitimi. 'JOO.OOti oo IKHMIS cm baud, tf.UUO UO

Due from ri'dcetntliK nnd reserve agents, \ii,.V\\ 00

Ii.uii.iiiK h»tl*e, 5,(100 tsl Lush Hems—checks. l.iSl 11 Hill- of National Hank*, «HI 00 Ki-;ieti..nidei;ircnrv, ;inchiding nickel") Kit «1

g£lfl T.*i ties. I.'» uo

Llabilitl**. inui slock paid i», ^■_•>,.i... oo

Nnrplua hinds, 4MM N I'rollt and loss, 13..W 1* National Hank circulation outstanding. 171,730 00 Dividend* unpaid, lAS 00 Individual deposit*, IMW M

• Mi**! K4 I, Muses Foster, ('ashler of "The Andover Na-

tional Hunk," do solemnly swear lluit the above statement lit true, to tile heal of inv know k-dgr mid U'llef. MUSKS FusiTKlt, Lusliier.

Correct— Attest, NATHAN FRYE, > JOS.W. HMITH, j Directors. NATH'L SWIFT,)

State ul Massachusetts, county of Essex. Sub. scribed mid sworn to before me this twaUthday of March, 1H73. JOHN F. KIMTUI.L,

Justice of the Peace.


PROBATE COt'RT. To the bcirs-at-law, next of kin, and nil oilier

iwrsmis lutereated inthe estate ofCOKNKLI IS '' KAY, late of North Andover, In said county,

lo Is. Whereas, a certain iiistriu ■iintent, purporting ■i itiji nt of saUl


of nduiliiisLraUon (with the will issued to him, no executor lieing therein uiimcil in said will.

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to be held at Salem, la said county of E*sea, on the First Tuesday of April next, at nine o'clock in Uie forenoon, to show cause, If

have, agninst the same. _ said petitioner Is hereby directed to

„_ . public untie* thereor, by publishing this cltn- lion once a week, for three successive weeks,In toe newspaper called the Lawrence American and Amlover Advertiser, printed nt I.nwrence, tlie last publication to be two days, at least, before said


mOBATK rofKT. To the devisees, legatees, creditors, and nil other

C'rsnns Interested in ihe estate of JOHKI'll L. Uff, Into of Andover, in said county, yeoman,

deceased, testate, greeting: Whereas, a petition lias been presented to said

Court lo grant a letter of administration {with the will annexed) on the estate of in id deceased, not already administered, to Ueorge Foster, of Ando- ver, In the county of Essex,

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court, to bo held at Halusn, in said county of Essex, on the First Tuesday of April next, nt nine oYlock before noon, to show cause, IT any jn— have, nKninst granting the same. And said (jeorgv, Fouler Is hcrebv directed to gi

public notice thereof, by publishing lids citati .. one* a week, for three successive weeks, in the newspaiier called the Lawrence American and Amlover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, Uie last publication to be two days, at least, before said

Witness, George F. Chaste, Esquire, Judge of ■aid Court, this eleventh day of March, In the ,__ one thousand eight hundred ami seven!v thrce. mhli A. C. t.OODKLL, ltegister.


The subsrrilter offers for sale Ills Land and Buildings, situated between Frye Village and the West Parish Church. II consists of a house newly shingled and painted, with ive rooms, having a iliv cellar nnd a « ell of excellent water; a bam 17 by*!, Cnder ami adjuinliig the buildings are a bunt three acres of bind, embracing a fine orahard of peach, pear and apple trees, and surrounded by a substantial stone wall. It produced fll barrels of fruit last year. TIK- property will be sold cheap, and conditions of payment made easy, as iIn1 miner is about to remove west. Apply mi the premises. JAMES lilLI.IN.

Andover, March 14,1B73. tf


C or t e {4 ji o i\ tl e i) d e. SALEM, N. H.

Alter a s t Uie poll,.

leisurely review the memorable struggb _ result ws- grslil'i im: M l.'.th polities, coliriderlug the inlsgtvliiKs thm cmb i-nu i i.iim-d of the Bruit ciiiinl. We w ill not give in detail Uie progress of U|c voting, but puss to tlie more momentous dec. larations of the Moderator. The list ot low n olU. eers elected lor the cn-iiliiK s esr is as follows :— Motleralor, Mnllh. w II. Tin lor, rep. lie presto- tatlves, IlcnJ. K. Wilder, lt|cb:ml Taylor, rep. Town Clerk, Itaw sou Coburii. dem. Selectmen, l.ivi W. Tuibir, ilriu; l.evi I 11LIT. lico. II. Tu\ lor, rep. Auditors, A. II. Merrill. Harvey Ilirrfs, ■",, C. '.i.t-liio, rep. t oiistshles. li. T. Itutrick, A.

Austin, It. A. Till.MI, A. Vttdi-lcr, ivp. IIM.|. ;er of FiMir, Win. II. Klnibidl, rep. There was o choice of siilH-iiiiteiiillni! .Sclimil CoiDUlllU-e

upon the llrsl balloting, ami the mutter was passed over. On Uu- -tiilc ticket straw received l*i; Weston 171); Hlaekiuer ID; Mason a votes' this was about the average throughout tin- ticket. The town voted to raise #l.vsi to meet current ex. penscs. and **"st fur ivpairs on highways, brldg. es and buildings. Several ailiclcs hi the warrant Here passetl over.

The auditors re|Mirt for ls7i was aceepled und lopted, as was thnt of the Bupenateadwit of

Schools. A brief eompsrUou of the town vote of lust vear, shows (laklux the vote on

■ as a test) Ihm the rtrnigbt Ucpubllcan ticket gained two votes, hut as the gain In Pro- hibitory voles Ibis vear draws upon the partv,

paltry gam becomes in reality a loss. With Ihc opposing jiarlv Influence Ihc Kcnithlicaus I to flglit with. Ilict w.iiilil huve siirel* elected

a clean ticket, if inliii' unuiiiiiiilv on iiomiuee* hsil prcvallt-d. It Is time now to see how matters might liase been eundiu'teil lo ensure success, so that Ihc future nine not w'Moots like results from like obstiuacy.

Mr. John J, Merrill, while ohomdM in Die woods on Wednesday morning, received an ualy Wish from a glnm-ing axe, upon Uie lusiile of his left foot He had to walk a mile before reaching home. Dr. Howard dressed the wound and left hbu In a comparatively comfortable condition.

A French Canadian known as Billy (irnv, was lunik luiitiil ulii.iii tlie heiul and face with a hatchet, during a drunken melee at the house or Dudley Jones on Momlnv evening last. We are Informed that Uie Injured man made an assault upon a woman living at the house, who speedily became the aggressive party with the result above slated. No arrests have been made. Hilly is able to be out, and seems to lie recovering his

letl health, and so apoll* the horrible rumors thut nt ftrst were clrcubdcd about the affair.

Mrs. Ann Klmball died u few days since at tlie age of nlnetv-one years, six mouths, and was the oldest person In town, with one exception. Mr.

Pettluglll of the same neighborhood, has passed away, aged ninety years, eleven months.

Mr. John M. Oraham, blacksmith at tlie depot, has moved to Methuen, where be will resume business. Mr, John Pntlce will commence busi- ness at Mr. (Jraham's late stand, ami has secured the, service., of Mr. Wm. 11. Stolt. VlATou.

« — s» A 'Word In Defence of the Methuen


EmTon AjnuOQAK: The men 1 rise to defend are those who bolted from Ihc aeUon of Uie Me- thuen Republican Caucus. Iitdd on the evening of Friday, Feb.'Mtli, IfTl- And in rising lo their de- fense l wish it ninl.r i I thm rhe one point 1 am lo defend is their right to toil, ami tliat oniv. I am nol going to discuss (either with approval or dis- approval) Uie monililv nf tbcii political action in general. Whether, for Instance, their lioltlng was forgooil reasons tlie result of hnnorshlenniTeon. sc.Ieiitlous, or of schismatic and partisan motives, I will express no opinion oq Unit point. Or, again.

It was honest for Ihem torlreulate, as the

tlie work of certain uiimithorixi-d iuilividunli and which ran n candiilste in opposition to the Kcpuhllrnn candidate.—on that <|uestlon, also, 1 do not express any opinion.

The thing tliat 1 defend in these men isUint they nssuiued the right to vote for men other than those

" d by their uortv caw On this point I do tsticaliyliitheirdr-

_ igalnst all comers maintaining Uielr rijtht to vote as Independent freemen contrary to tlie decisions of a party cau- cus Iftlicysec lit, —In short their "divine rig'bt of" bolting. These citizen* did maintain tliat rlghL. They did bolt. They stood right nobly by their privilege. We need to know the facts to appre- ciate how completely UM'V showed llieirhidr|ieml- enec of caucus rule. There bus been nothing like It In Uils town lielbre. Home of us, indeed, in a ijuli'i aud miHiest vort of way, have "seratehed" a name or two which our Judgments did not ap- prove, and have gone to the ballot box voting by conscience an.l inanlnsnl rather Uiun caucus die. Mtlon, heretofore. We singly dared to bolt. But thin was a wholesale organized bolt, a del I Iterate and planned ileclaratlim of independence of party decisions. There Is nothing doubtful about this action. It was a square bolt from a fair, full, em- plialic caucus. If ever caucus was binding this one was. It was duly called by the right" ' - thorlty. It was lullvn'otiilcd thi OUKI il

"of the i

St. Pat rich's Day Celebration.

The soeletlca of this city liitendlug to parade St. Patrick's day arc live In number: The

Knights of St. Patrick, Iho Ancient Order of Hibernians, Lodges; 1 and 2, the Irish Benevo- lent Society, and the Church Temperance Soci- ety, or Association of Prayer. The societies will meet at their respective halls on the morn- ing of the day in question, und preceded by their res|iectlve bauds, march to church, attend- ing divine service in a body. Following the service they will have their annual parade.

The Orand Marshal and his aids huvc laid out the following route of procession :

The procession will form precisely at eleven .lock, ou Lawrence Street, right resting on

Common, and countermarch up Lawrence St., aud thanes) through streets as iiamcd, in the fol- lowing order: Elm, Pine, Chcstuut, Lawrence, Maple, White, Il&vcrhlll. Amcsbary, Valley, Broadway, Durham, S. S.r Newton, Crosby, Broadway, Canal, Union, Spring, Newlmxy, East Elm, Jackson, Chestnut, Short, Elm, Jack- son, Oak, Cross, Franklin, Essex, Newbury, Common, to City Ilall, to be reviewed by the City Government, and then proceed through Common, Hampshire, Concord, White, Ilaver- hlll, to St. Mary's Church, where there will be a Ircss parade, and the societies dismissed.

Friends on the line of march arc respectfully Invited to decorate.

The marshals of the various societies and their aids arc requested to uieet at the hall of the I. B. Society, corner of Essex and Jackson streets, Thursday evening. March 13th, 1873, at 8 o'clock.

JOHN FOKD, Chirf Marihat.


Jl'IKiK I in) '■. i . . •

N° I and V,.


0T1CE OF DISSOLUTION r.u;T\i.n-inr.

Notice aUting _..

..LIKI-, (under the Arm name of NASH A KAWLIFK) at North Andover, Mass., was dissolved on the thirteenth day or March, A. D. 1HT3, by mutual

K A. Nosh Is authorised to settle all debts due - u»d by the companv.

*...i.i.. V. A. NASH, UEOEUE W. 11ADCLIFF.


i-itou til: COITBT. To the ni'Vl of kin, and all person* Interested In

tlie estate of EDWIN 1*. IlINCKI.EY, of An- dover, in said county, minor, greeting:

Whereas, Elixa Price, Uie guardian of said Ition for license to peel fled, of her said

ivum, ai private side, to Kdwlu Trice and Aiexan- let I'rl.c, and lor the HIIIII of forty-eight and 15-100

You 'are hcrebv cited to appear at a Probate Court, lo 1«- hohlcn at Ipswich, ill said c.uiutj of Ks»ex, on the Tliird Tu.-dni of Miinb ii.vl, at nine o'clock In the t'orenmni, tti show c.mse, il any you have, why Uie same sltoukl be granted.

And said guardian Is ordcicd to serve ibis ellnlloii bv pulili.-liinK tin- siiine one n week, for iluce suc.t-s-ive weeks, In tlie Ijtwrenre Ameri- can and Andover Advertiser, printed al ljtwrenre, Uie last publleaUoii to be two days, at least, before said Court. _

Witness, (Ieorge ¥. ChonL', Esquire, Judge of snid Com I. Ibis in cnti -i\lb diiv of h'elomuy, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sev unlj -three, feii A. C. (JtJOUELL, "

Uie town. it was a large caucus. The will of the. caucus wan vary ileclnlve and emphatic. The strongest onjto siUon rote was only t-l to 1st, not one In three. The nomination for one ofllee was unanimous. The caucus decided, with only one dissenting voice, to and make il- limber nomination lua joint of oltiicns Independent of partv. Yet

these Independent men ignored theso derisions of tlds caucus. The unanimous no ail nation for school committee Uiev rejected, and, as they had n right to do, thee iimde another nomination, and printed It on a ticket, anil voted It, and tried him I to get other people lo vote 1L In so doing they showed that in their view no caucus shonhi bind Uie citizen If it- iiotnioiiliou n ineil In him UtiHL In this I maintain they were right. They declared Uiat their rights and duties as elllzens were of higher im|iorUncc liian tin- rule of party. Hall free and inde|iendcnt voters 1 I welcome vou as an accession to the number who dare to vote their >wn opinions! You linvo cast the yoke of pur- :y from your necks wiUi a noble deflanee, I trust jiirever, aud derlarol itefore the assembled town that as for you no Republican caucus shall blud

free wills as responsible citizens, nor over, you In you duties at Uie I MI Hot box. Hereto-

fore it has liecn much liislstcd on by partv whip- pers-lu that every decision of caucus was binding upon every meialier of the party,—doublv so upon those who were present at tlw caucus, ill eourse the better citizens, who have correct ideas of the responsibilities of Uie ballot, accept no such doc- trine, but recognize ilns a device to give power to demagogue* aud make honest voters the pawns In their bands. What a noble accession our town has made to the ranks of the Independent men! No whlmwr-iii shall lash these men like hounds to the polls.

Hut the half has not been told. That same night they attended another caucus,—a caucus of cltl- ci'nn independent of partv,—a great caucus,—town hall crowded,—the town Itself in caucus,—a meet- lug of.)likens trulv representative of tin) town, as - as shown bv Ibcindorseiinoi it received

„ Register.

DEATH O* UET. DH. BAIIOTU.—Ilcv. Milton Badger, D. D„ formerly pastor of lliu South Church In this town, died on Saturday last, March l,at Madison, Conn., where for eoino time past he has been In feeble health. Dr. Badger was bom in Coventry, Conn., May 6, 1800, united with tho church In Andover, Conn., Sept. 1, 1H16, graduated at Yale College in 1823; During 1IF23-84 ho was principal of the Acade- my In New Canaan, Conn. The three succeed- ing years he spent mostly in Andovcr Theologi- cal Seminary, with the class which graduated in 1827. He wai tutor in Yale College in 1826- 'XI. Ho wot licensed to preach by the New Ha- ven East Association, In August 1827. On Nov. 2, 1B27, the South Church unanimously invited him to become their pastor, In which the parish also unanimously concurred, nnd be was or- dained Jan. 3, 1828. He resigned his pastorate In 1*1-"), and was dismissed with much reluc- tance, Oct. 4, in order that he might accept the' appointment of Secretary of tho Homo Mission Society in New York, which odlcc he held with great acceptance and signal activity until his death, although for tlie past year he baa not been able to discharge hit dnllea in lull. " Hi- ministry," says Ilcv. Mr. Mont, in his Histori- cal Manual, " was a continuous revival. Dur- ing the seven and abalf years of 1U continuance 990 persons were added to tho Church, nearly all of whom Joined by profession. The memo- ries of the pastor under whom these results were reached are still fresh and very precious In many families."



WILLIAM POOR, Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and mielnosa Wagons.

as ill pnli i»g hi nit Its bronchos; and all work warranted as represented.

Andovcr. March 14, Ufil. tf-

Mondav following. Tluwe independent men were lire set it at that caucus also. They did not approve of Its action, 'i'bev would not lie bound by It.

Well done, untrammelled braves I Two In onenlghl! No man can fling the taunt at you tliat the caucus ring is In jour noses, and yi IIH' slices nfpnrlv. Vou have d ■ a |">'I

■A fine selection of choice stylci uist opened by Bvaox TBIRLLh Co.


Wastes], a Female Assistant la the loiwrenre High School. For particulars, apply belbre the Still Inst, stating quallncations and experience, to

U. iv. HOOD, sup-t of hclmols. 1 jwrence, March 5, IITS. HVmh*

p 0 A L .

Tlie subscriber has a supply of COAL of illffer- ferent sizes and quality, which lie will furnish customers nt a reasonable price and sliort notice. Orders may be left at JOHN II. CHANDLER'S Perlct't'Jil Store or at my residence.

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover, left, o, 1871.-




f^OFFINH, CA8KKTS, BOBEB, and other articles connected with the business,

innutly and in Uie latest styles and Ihilsh. Collins and Caskets finished in oil, wax, or cov- ed viilli broadcloth. The attention of I he trade resitectfullv solicited.

Prices as low and finish as good as is lo be found.

WOODMAN AND CRABTREE, Next North ofTown Hall,

Andovcr, Oct. 3S, 1879. -T

uy jour isiei IOTSI, me iiitr fi.icc ciiii.-os dicljiti t li-llijrt*iit* ■■ dead in this town. Like euuugh the attempt will be mode.

Perhaps those ltepubllenns who did not bolt nuinleny that these men are straight Republicans, and refuse Ihem a voice in flit HIT counsels. Ami this brings me to the Jlst of ibis letter—the exact reason for which 1 write. 1 plead for these men, and beseech tlie unlmlting ltepuhllcaus not to ex- clude them from future caucuses of the party. Next full there will lie a Republican caucus to ap- point delegates lo plate convention to nominate a candidate for liovcrnor. They say It. F. Duller wants again to lie candidate. These gentlemen of course will wish to express their opinion ou that question. It Is tlielr right M du so. Now, If the unbolting Republicans shall refuse lluni voice In tliat caucus, 1 maintain II will lie an e ercise of shameful partv detpotu-in, lftheymust

tlie iwrty becar — "-

The usual session or the Probate Court was held to-day, when Uie following business was transact- ed :

AOBOtratl AI.UIWKI>.—Of John Klmball of Salisbury, exr., $I7,M0.SS; Nathaniel Hilsbee of Salem, trustee for Mary C. Sparks, 9108,731.81. The same for benefit of Mrs. ft, C. Saltonatall, •w,Klu.QB; Francis P. R. True, Ex'r, •

WILLS AllMITTEl) m rumn It-.-The wilit of: Asa Harvey, of Methuen, Mehitable Dearborn, e\r\.; of Aoiiii Upton; of Abigail Peabody of An- dover, Charles A. Peabody, exr.; of John D. Fos- ter, ticorgle II. Foster, exr.

aJUKan AHitiiHTxn.—Mary Elisabeth and Margaret Kennark aiiat Hemrlch, alia* Krneraleh, Margaret Kelley of Lynn, guardian; Byron J. Kennon, minor, Jennie II. Keuiion, guardian; Car- illne E-, Etnma.)., Anna P., Samuel W. ami Cbas. $, True, minors, Salisbury, Allied M.True, guar* ban.

Al I lll.H t IS or KOTICI <>r Al-I'OISTMKST.- ■ Asa M. Bodwell. adm'r of estate of Olive BodwelL late of Lawrence; George K. Carltun.eir. of Al- mlra E. Carltoo of North Andover. ej as— ft ,

DKATII or Mits. Hit. STASLEV.—After a long and painful Illness of many months, Mrs. Stanley

■seil oway at S o'clock on Wednesday after- m. Hue was predisposed to consumption from

her youth, and something more than four years ago it Isoname evident tliat this dreadrul dlseaso had marked her for Its victim. She was given up to die by all of her physicians, when she heard of Ihe new system known as the "Scientific prac- tice," nnd like most persons in that extremity, she

willing to try the experiment, and, to the sur prise of all, she wosqnirkly restored to lier usual health. Her husband, who was then in trade In Lynn, left his business and studied the practice, and came lo Lawrence nearly three years ago and

■i up business as a practicing physician. Previous to her death Mrs. Stanley often re-

murkod, that whatever good her husband may ilone to others, she believed he bad studied

Ids practice in order to take care of her In her last Illness. For, whenever everything else failed her his treatment always seemed to revive her.

Although of delicate health during her residence in Lawrence, she was a very active woman in her domestic duties nt home; In the church nf which

a member, and In religious work goner, ally, for which she had a special fondness, some- thing over six months ago, however, It became ev- ident that she was again sinking under the same fatal disease, and altltougfa slie rallied so aa to vis- It her home , In anntlier part of Uie State, at Thanksgiving time, she returned soon after lo take her bod, where she lingered, nn Indefinite sufferer until she painfully fell asleep In death on Wednes.

Opportunity will be given to her Lawrence friends to view tier remains at Ihe house, W3 Com

Street, nt ■ o'clock Thursday evening, when there will be brief services. Her funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon, the 10th insL, at the residence of her futher, Capt Ocorge K. Tuttle, at South Lancaster.


Adolphns Parker, a French Canadian, ar- rested for drunkenness, attempted suicide In hU cell at the Lowell police station Sunday night by choking himself with a twit taken iroin his body. Ills condition was discovered in season to save his life, and he afterwards made a second at- tempt by lieating his head against the wall and -door of his cell Indicting wounds from wbleh h« bled profusely.

Spinal meningitis p«"»H» 1" Ah" city among horses.

Wm. F. Lawrence, a resident of Lowell for 80 years, died uu Friday. Ho Was sixty-four years or age.

Tlie Lowell Mechanic Phalanx are agitating tho subject of procuring a new uniform.

A live in iv wooden building ou Market Street, owned by Thomas Ilehiny, and occupied as a variety store by W. II. Courser, on Sunday, In- [ltdcd iliiniiigc estimated at 81000; insured for 81,300 in a Now York company.

At the conclusion of tho afternoon session of ie Appleton Street Congregational Society, on

Suudnv, resolutions of respect to the memory of llev. Dr. Cleaveland, for some years putor of the chnrch, who died recently at Ncwburvport, were iiiiiiiiiiiu.iislj passed, and a delegation or members were appointed to attend the funeral.

Tlie preparations for the oliservancc of St. Patrick s ilnv in Lowell are about completed, nnd give promise of an Imposing pageant. Six societies ore to lie accompanied by six bands of inuiic.

-elved, from Spring Importations, a

BLACK SILKS, we Invite BBMselsd attention 10 our "CUINET" celebrated make, which, for purity of SUk and brilliancy of Ulack, cannot be excelled.

The Price will be the tarn* at Boston and New York market,

-•2.00, MS, i.!», f.7» anil S-aa-per yard,

e have also a lot from 11.Si to of other

New Styles Tycoon Reps. &c. &c.

dependent at thop.dl-, then It will Ix established tliat In Methuen a man cannot art as an Intelligent and freecltlzeii, sndat the sainetiniebea straight


■ las takcu tlie oOce rocenUy oecupiod by Dr. O.

| It lr. M. L. Hi .el I ■

Olfice hours till a X. M-, I to t, I Culls aUendeil lo day or night- •ar-Frosh Vaccine Virus (from the cow) co

ktaitlh mi hand. - i.wn, «tr-

ed thronghout the i chosen Moderator. The following

. Samuel L. Allen ; School Committee, to serve three years, Mrs. C. C. Flemmlngs; Auditors,

■ I'oirgiii, !■:. M. UeL1d,.lo-!mi. Clark; Survey- ™ W. Burl, A. W. Hears, John

Clark i . dull, 11 ii am L

DM Cojfgin. 1 i of llighwn irk til, i;...i>

/i. ». Hears, svnn l'bclps, A. M. Ken.

orations of Keuta at work for film cutting tim- ber, tho great-grandson being big enough throw the great-grand father, or vice versa.

STOLEN—From the barn of the nul>- CTOI.KN- irscrlber, oat __ . HOUSE, welghtag about IKW lbs., with white hind feet, a white spot under the saddle, and aim

o night «f Ihe llth inst., a BLACK ag about IKK) lbs., with white hind

_ -pot under tlie saddle, and a large switch tall. The horse Is old, but sound and kind; and whoever will return lilui to tho owner, or ai'.. Infurmatloa where be sssv lie found, will be suit- ably rewarded. KAMUF.L COGSWELL

Andover, March 11, 1BTS. St

_„.e. and wood and wash rooms. _ _ _ cellar, a furnace, and a never falling well of. bid i»;ilcr. A garden spot is connected with the residence, which is situated near tlie Ablmlt Academy, and not far from the oilier set Is und the churches in I with Ihe house. Apply to

Andover, March II. 1073.



ul'. ".i


e party liecause tliey were in ' , then It will beestabl' '--'

, I'uiuiol iii r us an Intel ■tl _

LawaaxcR sUnaai IUXK,COSM;U.IFT>SH

AHD JaotaoK BTnam-T.—All money deposited on or prior lo April 1, will commence to draw Interest from that dale. President, lion. Milton Bonney; Vice Presidents, W. II. Salisbury, Hon. I), lafja ders, r. E. Clarke; Directors, John B. l'crrv, W, IL HpahUng, W. F. tide. II. Flummer, W. II. Jauulth. a, Dockuam, K. II. Tewkebury, IL Q, ll.-rrick, F. Butler, J. Sidney How, Methuen, J. A. Wiley, No. Andover; Treasurer, Win. It Spalding. V t taprl niliT

MRS. JOBX Booear, Jersey City, Y J., Iioiight a too Wheeler A- Wilson Machine, and earned enough to nay for ft iu five weeks, stitching linen coat*.



every week; ami, having the Instate traeh, we can show you New Qoods as soon as they appear in New York and Boston.

Call and See us, and Eiamino our Qoods.

We will show them with pleasure to all.


Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers,


KaV your Hands Sort aud smooth this March weather, by using Oat Meal and

Ulrccrine ftau, which combines all the rcqul- Jites for a Perfect Winter Soap, made verr mild by the addition of I*

■* In a healihv co JOHN C. lK)W A CO. lW Essex sL

npm ORKAT MACDONALD, Scotia's A gifted son, at the Lily Hall WKIiMisii.W

MACDONALI), the author of those fa- mous works, '-Kobert Falconer" and "David

Elgiabrod." at the City Hall Wednesday Kvenlng,

GKO. MACDONALI), the King of the Lyceum, speaks at City llnll We

Evening, the IWli insL

C PBINO 18 7 8.

The Meiv and Elegant

DRY GOODS STORK, 204 Essex Street,

now oeciiplesl by


; mix li attention li and KJeganl display c

the Il'suliful


"POPULAR STORE' A Us-taut DlewUy of

New and Elegant Dress Goods IX ALL TMX

#flV COLORINGS AMD FABRICS! A<U»t*sl fsnr Use snnafK gssaastM.


NEW SPRING DRESS QOODS! Sune In the city keep a liette:

Prints, lilnghams, and Cottons, ItoUi llleachod and llrowu, tVoiii in. 1] and \:\ , ,-nt- ,„., j aid, np.

Mr. VcKAY has


White, Brown, Turkey Ked and, at very ).■>«■ I-II. e-; and, In fRcl, everything from a Paper or rin- lo the nicest of Itlack Silks.

A visit lo his -fore, In

Beach's New Block, No. 204,

In the pursuit of Dry Ooods, will wall repay any lady. ear-There the lioods will lie freely shown, and without urging.

The success of Mr. MCKAY, In the past live years, is a sufficient guarantee to all that he has

ir want, via :—

«» Wc have made Extensive Arrangements

tie on hand a full line of Coods lu ALL o

epartments. Customers can rely on having a

rand assortment to choose from, and, as

rtmetit of heretofore, our prtswa will be the leweet in Uie


Selling n Large Quantity of Ooods at a

Small Advauce on the Flint Tout.

tiivg lira A CALL.

All aro Welcome, even to Look.

204 Eisai street, Beach's New Block,

Mm Tin POST OITK'K, SmlmhT



Tho undersigned would take occasion to return the thanks of himself and family to their friends In Methuen, Haverblll, and other places, for their very generous contributions made In tlie Town Ilall on Wednesday evening, March MIL For this substantial token of their regard, and interest in our welfare, we shall ever bold them In gratefrit remembrance. LUCIEN B. MITCHELL.

Methuen, March 11,1KI3. It

I^OR SALK—The Stock and Furniture . of a First Class Itoardlua House, located

on Essex street Lmis; esUbiisheft, and doing a

Mc, and I'll do yo OR. LANQLEY'S



doubt, the very best leg, ami all kindred diseases

— " Livertl plaint. Piles, Hen. Urustlon. Cos. 111 >c lie. II r:il I

.....i. Salt KM, iguur. Laxlness, Debility, Jaundice, FUtulenrv,

: I - - r i,. , -; " llv the timely use of this medicine. Ihe blood Is

purl fled. The appetite is restoreil. Tlie system Is strengthened. Tlie liter is Invigorated. The breath Is sweetened. The complexion Is lieautl- Hed. The general healtli Is

HlSSTOltKjj* The best, Hirln and Harks enter lato the

romoositiun of this ltenietlv. niskiug it a simple and safe, as well as an unfailing cure fur all dis- eases of tho blood. tiKO. C. letVomVIN A CO., Ho.t,,n. Forsaleby all I>mggiht«. tmfnihlltb

been duly appointed administrator orthe-cslate of Joshua T. l>ay,

late of Roxford. in Hie county of Essex, yeoman, deceased, and has taken npon him- self that trust by giving bonds, as the law directs. All persons having demands upon the en lute ol said deceased are required to exhibit the same: ami all persons Indebted to said estate are called upon to make payment to

NATHANIEL IIAGE, Adm'r. Itoxford, March 11, J*;.i. sag 11


To Uie heirs at law, and others interested In the estate of ToniAS (', HILL, late of Ijiwrenee, In said conn"- "

Wborcos, Alai stale of said i

ance the account of her estate of said deceased,

You are hereby cited to npiienr at a Probate Court, to be held at naleiu, In said county of Essex, on the First Tuesday of April next,

I stratum U|M>

at nine o'clock belbre noon, to shuw r

NEXT WEDNF.SDAV Evening will be the only opportunity to see ami hesr Uie great

Macoosutkl, lA. i*t-u at authors and politic


Tho ltoiiowncd Author I Tho Eminent Divino! Tho Giftod Orntorl


itnass, Uaorge F. Chonte, Esquire, Judge or said Court, this eleven lb day of March, In the year one tlmii^and rlaht hundred and seventy wu-ne, Imhll A. C. OOODELL, Uesrister.


Notice Is hereby given that the subscribers have been duly appointed loluiloihtiaiors of Uie estate of

Jolm M. Uluhuitts, late of Lawrence, in tlie county uf Essex, trader, deceased, and have taken upon tliein- selves Uiat trust by givlnit bunds, as Uie Is adirects. -'ons havingdcuiau' ~

il are reiiiiiicd to |tersons Initebled to said deceased nrv Itersons Initei make payment lo








Republican, Hut such a conclusion Is I plead against it

In conclusion let mo agiil . — citizens not to undurslaiiii that in defending these

nllciiien 1 defend their opinions, or think they ul any Just reason to bolt; but I sliaplv malu-

In. in their behalf, ihnt they had a right to hold Independent opinions, ami maintain them at tlie polls, whcUicr col reel ur not, without being ex- communicated, or put under party censure fbr thnt reason- M

NtUlTii IfEADIMi.—At Uio annual (own m.-elmg at North lteadhig, held on Uie Ird InsL, it was voted to raise fffloo for ordinary BaVefMH of the town; to raise ai.'sui for —•= repairs nf bigbwavs. \\.,keiie|.|, i-mitihefo tants ol the town nf N Hint, nf Wakclleld, as an expression of my regard lor the town of MorUi Heading, promts* M give to said town tlie library known as IIH-'-Flint Library of North Rending"; also the Italnuce of the money which I have deposited with Ihe treasurer of nahl library, amounting lu five hundred dollars and up- wards: wbiib sum I would have esiiended In a careful mid Judicious manner for the Itcnclit of said library. I aim propose toestebllsh an en- dowment fund of two iluiusnnd dollars, to lie held in trust by the treasurer of said town of North

A voting man well known In this city Is se- verely harrasacd by his friends, in a Joking way, at a Inch of horsemanship displayed by him on Wednesday. He took a young lady on a sleigh riding excursion, and wishing to torn the team nroaud on the Chclmsford road, unharnessed

Mr. t.i'ii. Bleknell from Nova Bcotla, In the employ or Wm, O. Howe, in removing an em- bankment of earth, comer of Pond and Law- rence streets, was fatally Injured by tbo caving In of the same Saturday afternoon. Both legs

broken, also several ribs, and his body was rwlso bruised, resnlttng in death on Hun-

day morning,

Tlie undersigned has returned to his old stand, veer J. J. lilt' IW V« a|orc, on MAIN Street, where ■ will be glad to wait on his former customers

and Uio public generally in nil branches id 11.11 It uuiXNinii. ae-l'iiiticuhv attention paid to

tt lug Ladies' and Children's I lair. Orateful past favors, and conscious of always Improv-

ing tho personal appearance of patrons, all are trdially Invited to calL

WILLIAM II. SHITII. Andover, Jan. It, 1S7S.

lie.I mill

eepunee by the town of these proposed rills, tills fund shall lie dc-tunsled and ever alter known as the Flint Memorial Fond. In aid nf the riint libra- ry of North Reading. Tlie town voted lo accept the offer, and passe*I Uie following resolutions of.

Charles I". Flint our grateful . the warm liitereubFlia has taken In the of our town, the culture of iU cltUcns


Lnwrenee and Amlover Agsneses.

The subset-then are now prepared to execute all kind of wink In the Laundry line. In superior style, at short notice and at prtoes that defy com- petition. The proprietors liold themselves re- sponsible fbr aA goods lost or mislaid, whether uiarked or not. 1-stisfaetion guaranteed In all eases. Price lier dosen, Including three starched piece-. ',-■- . .ul-. For loillicr |.m tieolni - iiejllil e of our agents, Edward McKay, *H Essex street, Uiwrenee, and B. » White, oMee at T. Henry ». Main street, Andnver.

A share nl puhlic pntrnnage n'siiectfully solicit- ed Tl >YV SIsKM I, IlLOLHi i.VV A CO.

West Amesbun', Nov. 1, !««. »tf- N. II. All goods sent to our Laundry al our

risk, aud Yrn »f exiitme. llotsls Intended mr Ihc Ijtumiry lrlellon Monday or Tuesday, at the di goo*ls store of E. McKay, will be atUndeil lo wl dea|iatoh-

xjire__ ._ ■rfotlmnf aosperltv nd Uie ed.

B i i t h. &

]tf ii i' r i k i e ft, t mtk- Mi lHH.s In this elty, lath InsL, by

Kev. Wm. E. Park, Mr. Charles'Cook of Grove- land to Phebe Nichols of Lawrenee.

A \ i■ it f I. I. w 11 .i i \ M-I IN. in Methuen, March hUh, by H. tl. Hargent, Esq.; namuel J. Averill or Haleiu, N. IL, und si Us LhrlsUna Williamson of Methuea.

CHANDLER-BODWELL.-At the residence of lol ( . V M ■,, in Hincrliill. "1! Ihc Dili inst., by lt.'V. Willnr.1 Hpaulding of I Incliinati, nnclr of the bride, Ms, Henry V. Chandler of IJIW. renre, and Miss Mary Augusta Bodwell of II,i vcrhlll. No cards.

i I.I;MH:MS - l.liiliv in this city, Feb. Mb, byltev. L..L.WT ■ '

-111 Ulis cilj , rnu. PHI, David Clemlenln and

and Miss Esther A. Llbhy, both of Lawrence. WEUKTEU-LAM.LEV.—Enlhis elty, Feb. loth,

by Kev. L. L. Wood, Mr. Chas. A. Webste. Miss Clara 11. Lanjtlry, both of l^wrenoe.


Manufacturer of

C**aae, CaskeU, and all hinds ef OISH

Clsrthea. Also dealer In in all kinds of Furniture. Black

Walnut, Chestnut, aud Pino Chamber Sets, constantly »n hand. I'phiilsterlng and Uepiilrlng done In the neatest iiiamier, and at raa m ■ prices. Picture IV; t. Curtains and Curtain Fixtures ronslunllv on liand, and put up If de- elred.

Opposite memorial Hall, Ajidover.

1 KI1KF.M K HENRY, Ai.ctlonerr and CumiD In Ion Merchant, is now prepared lo sell Usal Estate or Personal Property at reason- able terras.



SAMTJBL WOODMAN. In Brick Building next north of the Towu Ilall,


Where may be found a good assortment of Furni- ture, consisting or Kitchen, Chamber.and Parlor Furniture, Matrasses, Heus, Bedding, Window Similes, Ac., Ac

Matreeses, Lounges, Unfits, and Parlor Sets made to order, or repaired and upholstered.

Desks, Tables, and odd pieces made as desired. Curtains trimmed nnd hung, Carpets laid, ""'' Uen

Flint our hearty thanks for her gift of (We hundred dollars in our school fund the past year, and for her offer nf a like sum for the rimiing vear.

Bt-ilenl, That wc also gratettillv recognise her Interest In our welfare, as shown by her noble 3eneroslty in the original gift of one thousand

ullarstoestahlUha 11 lira rv here, nnd In adding; to tliat gin nf two thousand dollar, as a periselual fund, to lie known as lite "Mint Memorial > und," the Interest of wbleh is to be yearly expended In adding to Uie Flint library.

HtMolrai, That Ihe town clerk lie Instructed to forward a copy ni" these i-cuhiiiims to Mrs. Charles F. Flint

totrtl. The town do most cheerfully accept the above resolution*. ,_

.-a messes ts METH TJ EN.

Si iirmsi; VISIT.—On Thursday evening Mr. Thomas McLccs, formerly of I-owcll. received a visit iVoin some thirty members of the First Presbyterian Church of that city, of which be has king Wen au elder; the parly came In sleighs, were warmly received, and spent a moat pleasant evening; the laid condition of the road made the trip a tedious one, the party reaching homo only aliont two hours before sunrise next



. I all kinds Everything wan-anlcd ■

1.1.,I,I,i,IK dm nd band furniture bough

received and sold nilturc bought snd sold. Ooods

...Ived and sold at Public Auction. ■LI as low as can be afforded, nnd

KI'ltlNIi Hi i'. kinds on ham..

N. B.-Mr. Woodman will render any assistance desired, hi purchasing goods in Boston ur clue- where.

Andover, Jan. 1, 1BTJ. "~

There waa a masquerade lad) at Haverhlll am Friday evening, and tho Publisher speaks of it as u brilliant and successful ulhtlr, at which cv- rrything went "merry as a marriage bell,

John G. Ijingdon was prostrated by paraly. sis while at his work In a boi factory on Fleet Street, on Friday. It Is thought he will recover ami that he will not lie permanently disabled.

Tho Publisher, speaking of the recent success- ful meeting of the Band of Hope la Lawrence, urges Ihc fumiuliou of a similar urganUaikm hi tliat city.

On Wednesday of lust week Mr. O. W. ten had his left hand i-aught in a splitting-ma- chine, and tho second ringer torn oif at the flm joint.

I'EARODY-COFFIN.-ln this city, Mar t, by Rev. V. K. Fisher, Mr. William Y. Peabody ol Htonebain, and Miss Henrietta T. Coffln of Do-

Mis* Mary E. DaklnofLawi

111 s-.hT.L- W A HI). -1 o this iliv, Feb. It, by Rev. L. P. Cushman, Charles H. Russell ami Mary E. Wood, both of L.

BW1FT—HAM8ELL.—Feb. 17, by the same, Wl... gwlR and Mary E. Hamtell, both of North An-

PERRV-KLLls.-Man-h ad, by tlie same, El- of Lawrence, and Busan Ellis


B O B B It T H II 11 N 8.

KOBEKT FALCONER—The author of tlds celebrated novel will speak at City "

Bjssj Wednesday Evening.

RUBEUT BURNS— tllsj Life and Poem* reviewed by Ueo. Macdonald on Wodne

Evening neat, at City Hall, Lawrence.

rPHE POET BURNS—*n Poetry and Ko- Xclety.and al the Plow. Uo to City Hall Wed-

nuHday I ■ i i-nintj inn

REV. GKO. MACIIONALI) at the City Hall on Wednesday Evening nest, la Id's

famous Uurns Lecture.'

bridge U- Perry u i.i 11.11.1 in il. lias

RritEBT-CHAlTEBTON.~Ma.rel. 10, by the same, Alvln D. Hubert and Ann E. CbaUcrton, boUi of Lawrence.

WAW.'OTT-P'ARHEB.-March 10, by the same, Frank Walcett and Margaret Parker, both of Lawrenee. ■

LANti-Mi Dl'M-'KL -At the parsonage, Bos. eawen, N. IL, March S.hv Be V. Cor ban Curtis, WIU P. Lang id Tillon, N. IL, to Clara A., eld- est daughter of Jacob Mi'llnffee, Ks.|., of IJIW- renre, Mass. No cards.

i)\ KAWi l.lin; lu this city, March Uth, Adtbiiile

Howard, aged i* years, only daughter m Law- rence and Aune liaw i-linv.

II VI i Hld.lH'.K lo West It.Mlmi i. Mnnh Tlh, Mr. Cbas. C. lluObehler, of tlie Hrm of HatcheL tier Bros., of Boston, and brother of Mrs. Kev. C. D, Duuuiugitf Uds city, of paralysis, sgeii *,

HANN.-ln Ulis elty, March nth, Hubert C. Hauu, aged 30 yrs, 7 mos.

Bi:»«ELL.-lnUiis cltv. March 10, of consump vion, Lauretta Russell, aged it yrs.

vt HI I IM- In Andover, March 7, E.l»anl 8., ■on of J. E. and Addle a. WhIUng, 1 yr, 7 mos, 17 dys.

FLAUtL-ln North ChrhnsAtrd, March T.Tinio- thy Flagg. son or the late Timothy Flagg uf An- dover, « years.

f*JEW CROCKERY—We have luat un 1* packed some dosen crates of New Crockery, enabling us to give customers Full Hets, uniform. The celebrated Lily and Havre arc beginning i<. ■tome Into the market again, situ* the Are. Lamps, Burners, Wlefcs, Mhades, Chlnmeys, of ""- quality, lanterns, a few from ihe fli ilaniagetl.ftir SO cts., at JOHN Hi'j Essex HtreeL

\\t a

exhlhl _ estate are railed IMO ItLMii II. I1AKTON, JOHN It, RICHARDS,

Lawrence, March 11,1X73. nihll Adra'n


Notice Is hereby given that the subscriber has been duly appointed executrix of the will of

Asa Harvey, late or Methuen, in the county of Essex, yeoman, deceased, testate, and has taken upon her

poo to make uayment to MEHITABLE DEARBORN,

Methuen, March IS. IsTi. UniliU Executrix



Pnor. O. O. KnatiaB, who speaka both (Jci man aad French accurately and nuenUy, will loabruet pupils, either singly or hi classes, in reading and ipcaktng these languages.

Piano in*traction given, with special attention paid to beginners.

Mr. K. can be found at the ELIOT CHAPEL. from 4 to 5 o'clock, r. at., on Wednesdays and Bat onlays. Reference Is made to A. C. Perktaa,Eeq., Master of Lawrence High School, Rev. G. g. Weaver, and Mr. Wleaner, S Union AL Inquiry atay he made at AjreaiCaN Orace. f leodagtS

Foulard and Plain Silks la all ihe new delicate rotors ami tints.

II I. \ < ■ K S I I, K S. a full variety of all Uie different makes ID the

PLAIH AMD FAUCI DRESS OOODS. In Taffetas, Pure Mohairs, French Delaines, AU

Wool Poplins, snd everything Xrs and Fashion

able imported from the French and British


A Urge lot of Blank Alpacas, Pan If ss-

aualre and Mrllllanllnes, from fftc to tLDO yd.

Black SMkitl 12. l.*>, LSti; a bargain, worth 00c a yard more.

ae-We most cordially im iU' Inspection of our stock.


BaoonD Doom rmont Poor Omcx.


Huceessors to CAttratu, A TAYLOR.


ttn account of the late Ire at my

•WM tti» WsiHltiitBton St., H'lHton.

I am offering part nf my



slightly damaged by water, at


•1 I farmer price. SH.

Orer Mwltekea, a i •< al *.

Filxiri, aitr. per yar*l| farmer prlrr, ftOe.

Combs and Head Ornaments,




FAYING li 1' S 1 N K s s

is •■0ii. 11 to ei

wants to make from *M to »;,'. a week. We nnnt

such sgenU, local and travelling. In every city end

town In New Rnglnnd. rVr ,>«• ti. ..Ou--, —n «■

or address sw*uihlteodlmrlKh

W. F. STKTSi l\ A CO.,

Huston, M.-i■ . Once, over •! i llarkeL

_._iloryfornAI.KataBAItUAJN. fiaid stock Is In perfect order, and will bear

investlgalion. This offers a One oppnrtaultv for any tine with a small capital to secure a pmfltahle M business. HatlsfaefTy resuuins given fov selliug. Apply at 111 Kstst\ Slmi Liwri'iiw.

lf» Mem

A DULTE RATION. It l« well r.,r tin-

public to take a little care In their purchases

when adulteration Is found In nearly every article


"Beach's Washing Soap" la a strictly rumi

Soap, free from adulteration, and not made up

of soda and mineral substances that are s

commonly used to make weight la soaps. * |

Ore, rligiiUy OvVAOO'rf,


The undersigned having


CARPETINBS of a .ie;. iff. at a



Call and examine before

F. S. JEiVETT-A CO. Lawrence, Jan. 1H, ID* a«ldeet

SPECIAL It A I { (i A 1 N s AT no:


SJS48 & 380 ESHOX sti-cot, SKUMI DOOB riniM I'oai OrFicv.,


We have received

FIFTY PIECES OF BUFF UHEM. .in-1 the thing for Hummer Mults,

at lflo,, w.irtli 45<-. it yiir-a.

A line of Corsets, French and- Herman, at Goc and Tic per pair; worth ai.OOaikl gl.iS.

A rM,t* uf Bad Qullta at UU) worth *I.M

and ♦.1-1".

• • A Bargain la Shawlt, suitable for M 11.1 - WKAH, atgl.Ta.

A ease of Printi, NKW J-.TV 1.1--, nt :*■; worth

A few dotens of our 50-cent Kid Glovet.

rattf dosens i-adie,' Llnan HandkTi, slightly danutgetl, t'ni M'.

HOSIERY, GLOVES. NECK TIES. and a general line of Trimmings.


l.-idie- are Inrlted to convince iheiiiselves Uiat sell tlie cheapest In the elty



228 d 230 Essex Street, Lawrence.

flr-Logn DOOR raoM P«HIT QfMtm.

T A V I.<> It A IIOI/I'ON.




SSI Kaaea Utrcet, Lawrsars.

"«. la plain got. I hi n China In Dinner

. , "ea. A large variety of Mugs in alii, gilt and color, ami plain. White Urenite Toilet h.-ts, iilnio and decorated. JOHN' C. DOW A CO., loa 6att Strati, Uwrence.

Cand color: Scu and I Inulc


been duly appoh Franria F. Klmball,

late of MrUiuen, la Hie county of L'ssex, intestate, tleceaae.1, and has taken upon himself thai trust by giving bonds, as the law direct*. *" having deiaanilr

Salem,' S. IL, Feb. *7, lff».


Is n positive fare for KrlaUca, Ilheumatlsm, Neuralgia, f«pinsl loniidslut, LniitratUxl Lords, Lame Bark, rSprainy, efc-. Fror - - will euro eti-i- • glveu ui> by pi certain cure for Bciatlc SI.Vi; small boUles 75e. "



"PAPER HANGINGS. Largest RtSJCk 1st Kaaea (ounlr.

At prices not in be beaten by any one. Holds, Broiiies, Hatina and Blanks. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Nn trouble to show goods. WHITr I)HD A KH >..

The Amvrlcau



loiaei LVKinilUNii inouiM-H-L. We propose lo sell at Leaa than IVhalnalr Prta ra, in order to get ready for new Spring Hoods.

All Wesal Caenaaeree, la Colon, marked down I mm ai.'il to SM»; *\.Vi\ to «:(,-.

Plain Wetolew. Dreaa Oaesla, In short lengths, from gi.wtoMr.

A large lot of PUlAs JO, 13, J7| aud 50c,

A good assortment of aHrlpe Dreaa (snaeui for 1*1.», W, 3't aad He.

In our atook of Dreaa Qooda can be found many Bargains.

A large lot of Scotch Qlngnasae at 19c yard.

Flannrls, Prints, Oesttoaa and CraahM at equally LOW PHIL KB.

Whit* Table Linens and Turkey Red Damasks .


Uie, ILK, 178, S.00, J.SS, I.M per dor.; tweartr-ave per cans, leas than can be bought elsewhere.

BLACK ALPACAS » BRILLIANTINES we will sell at Uie same low rate.

Oar slock of

CASHMERE SHAWLS if large and tasty, la Square and Long, and al prices KKVKft UKFORK KMOWM la this market,

•«bs Ftahfl and Hirlpe gftVawla *2.on, ».so, ■.Ol, LAO, LOD and B.00; fully ONE-TIIIKP lees than forwter prices.



VERT CHEAP to close out


We shall make extensive repair* ha oar store before we buy our nprlng UoOds.

Our Present Stock will be Closed Out Without Regard to Cottl



A brK. lot of


i !!■:<>. D. ARMSTRONG A CO.,

•O Ksaex Street, Istwrsass,



March list, tlie parrels nf real estate hereinafter uieiithiniil, belonging to the rotate of the late til' V CAItl.KTi.lN, at ten o'clock A. M., on the preul- -*., ■- '-■ ■- ---'tpnmhaeaaiTial ilP'iil standing on nlsnil iliiiivtlie tieres ..f land -lluaHil near M vatic Fond. Inimediiitelv after the sale of Ihe M I, the land will lie sold.

'clock P. II., at the hontestead of de-

Haro'l Cross. Said wnod lot la well situated, and •iivcred with a fine growlh of wmal suitable to ul. Immediately after Ihe sale of the wooil lot vill be sold the hmnealcad of said deceased, eon- ilsiiiig nf a good iwo...torr house, a barn, and

nUiul twentv-llve thousand fret of land. Immedi- ately after the side of Uie real estate, will lie sold

II re-pi oof safe. KI1KVB lAWTam, Adm'r. l'KOItlL'K A CLOHoON, Auel'n

Mi-thiirn, Feb. 3a, 1H73. f H

K ^HTATK OF CATHERINE A. PAGE. KoMoa Is lierehv given thnt the suhsrrilier has

been duly ipp<dnLe,l adnilnlstrstor <wlUi Uie will annexed) of ihe eslab- of

i iiiin-i ine A. Page, lute of Methnen, lu the county of Essex, widow, deceased, and has taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds, as the Inw directs. All persons having demand* U|HIII the estate of said






1X18T OFflCI DLOCK Job l'i Inllnn Ofaee.


TO PHYSICIANS, I' fresh Cow Virus, rab-rd by Du himiiir.,

of Iteadlng, Mass., may always W had nf in.-i.' TAl.rtOT HHO'H,

IJIW renre, Mass.


NOTICE to all whom it may cniicuru. I, I --:i. lr-'i Kenyoti, hereby give my son,

its time, ninl tiiiiiitbls dab' I

u i i< i. u> all whom U _ . I, i ..■ ti- ■ Joseph K. Keny shall chilli none 01 m of his eoNtractiag. V/Ituess—Tlios. A. FABB<I>S.

Lawrence, March 10, iu;a. Srttahlt*




No. 103 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Over loin, M.i

Vf« can sell Men',

Boys', ••■(HI, as w

Wllule -|." k lu plI'pM I

Matliia al SO cents Hati

n and Hoy*', at Cast t

as low aa •••BO, and

want Ui float out the

lor the .Spring trails.

and c-p«, Me. tn ai.


as we liavc a large Itaab which must be sold.

4* i Nil and saliofy yourselves aa to the truth

nf »ur statements.



ADVERTISERS find tt pn the columns of Ihc AMFK1



Mends Mii'in. Ournr, Marble, " Farian Mar- ble, Lava, Alabaster, or an v kind -'f IWkti'v

Ware; also, I'aper, ( (nth and Woml. IT BKOlIIBBari No HEATING, l- sure In itick, and Is so simple In Us use thai evea

a child can use IL

A Good Cement has long been Needed, proprietors, after patient lie to "--

_. nub-kit,.. any ( eiioni yet kn.

Al a Substitute for Clue, In mending wnod nr patching together doth >

paper, laanv tierKinis flml It Inconvenient lo r ' The trouble ol |


A. W. ttlearna SV t'e. would announce to the i.ruileuit-n nf ijnareneu and vlrinilv tliat Ibev lia\ e -e< ured the nervier* of a First Class frfsfc AHIat, from "few York, Ma. L. S. lMTONT, and will lie prepared Moixiav, March 17th, to take orihrs for Kpring Mults—Over i.oats, l*ants. Vests,

VKff CARPETS KOlt hi'HIM, 1*17.1.

A. W. Btesursse * «'•, are opening their r'ul Ansuruueut of Sew Patterns for Parlors and

LadlCft WIM too late, should see

t(s.( AXLUNTItlBlTL New Drett Goods.

\?\ BB1 Ijitly who la eontttuplatliiK VJ Imylng a. Black Hllk. Ihi. aeasnn, sluiuid im prove the present rare o)iportnally at

A. W. Saasuraaa * f.'s.

AW. STEARNS A CO. aro openItiK a New ami Very Choice Styles or Spring

lire.- tiiMHls.

VEYV and Elcnnt Stvlea of Sprlnx il sim» |. ran be t.mnd at Stearna sV I'o'a.

1J*0R New Goodi and New Styloa, go to J A.W. •lae.reaa_sk1ci'..

ALL who desire to irnv their Goods cktaa, and save money, and themselves

em. li ii'.iilile, ahould visit and patronise HUarna st to. In preTerenee to Boston.

LADIES* UNDER GARMENTS-Msde u.1-.(w,n.1 the UEST Qt'ALlTY of Cloth, aad " r.l.L MAlle,.

A< W. 8t earn » A Co. are opening a complete assortment of ||iw gtylei and Splendid Work.


UetrupoliUns, etc., can La- found at

FLANNELS of Ul klnda Cheap. A ■ «'. MicBrns A €"e.

FOR LONG AND SQUARE PLAID 8HAWL8, Best Variety of New Patterns,

A. »v. so.,,, * to'..


PURK SILVER SPOONS-Warrantcl. A. W. Htrarna * Cat.

BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS, all of our Best Makes. Great Reduction.

A. W. Ntrarni SV Co.

F", tt NEW DRESS BUTTONS, Trim- minis and Laces,

A. W. ■tearms aV t o's.

TJ OSIEHY AND GLOVES—1*1 lea' and BestUoods, Cheap.

. Mteama * to.

"HEARS AND SCISSORS—AH aUea, ? and warranted Bert SteeL

A. W. Mnrsi *, Cn,


LOUIB WEIL to tender to his friends and Uie public

generally bin thanks fbr the generous support lie

received while rondueUng bu'lneea In Law- rence, and also to state that his bwt&ces baa

Increased to each an extent as to lead him to

establish a

BRANCH STORE for the sale of

Gent'sa Furnishing CIooti«


This store Is sltuatclln aAUXUKILS Ttl.OCR,

Corner of Appleton nnd Basex St,

and will be under the Immediate charge of LiKO.


•sr-Mr. WKIL will sllll Continue al bis OLD

9TOHR, where, wlUi an Increascl stock, aad enpeeMil!, a




than ran be found anywhere else In the city, lie

hones to merit a continuance of Ihe paUonnits

(hat has been so liberally extended to htm In li.e

pasL llinfiflsn



Per rlmldron, till... naif Clmldran, ;l <ul Barrel, «W

At the lVorks, Per Bart el, to

Orders reeelved at the (Mtlee of Ute I.IHIII.MV

Qaa OoHrAxr, No, Ul Kesca fttreeL

IIUectM- UVM. D. CABOT, ARcatt.





Flo. STH Kates tttr< rt, Lswrnnr.


E. A. FISKE'S, BTS Kasai Rtreet, Iawrfarr, MTnae.


M At n F.I.t.' n GKhK li RATEIA, X KVKIl FA1I.IXO

COUGH MIXTURE. Hold bv all llrstclnas Druggist* and (Irorers. Trvlt, and yon will be convinced nf llu wonder

Ul cherts. Bait I.H'.I

preparlug I This lemeiitl trouble' i

siearTI and Is so simple tlml a mere eniM enulil use u. Km Fnaallg can A Word te> be wlthnnt It.

I'lIliT. M L'KWTB.

Haverhlll, Unas., Jan. U, ls;i. Messrs. Chas. bmerson A Hum—ttents:— I hare

used your Adamantine Cn ,-inl < . incut In my bind nets several nmnths, snd nw sll kinds of mending. Where a -Irwrh-r miuirm dement, I ronsldcr II the bent article ever manufactured.

Yours, Huh, i .LU. II. CM.HWM.I . HaverUIl, i ■ '■ 7th. 1*71.

Messrs. t'has. Kmersmi A slim*—(lent* :—I have used your AdamanUneCrvstal t'emenl lo nu nd a shaft to nn ilelgh, which was broken an*| ami baring tlie sleigh in daih use lot several mouths,

ll... (..... Feb. Itth. UCI. AdanianUiie Crystal t^matlt i ... i.,ei~ H .

have useil your I tfteat for the iwst ihrv* iiiimlb*, and have toiuid II Ihe In'fl leiueiil I..1 nur IIM Dial

er naX tafikj, truly,

Mr. Kmerson A Sana— Uenla:—I havr trl«l ynur Adamantine Crystal f'eenenl, and must say it is Ihe nraT arthle or the kind that I have ever known, snd all! d'. nil ion fMomltieiiil II bi, lulling lava Ihnrouahls Leslcd l,j heal and cold.

lb's|M-ctrulli lours, C. M. 111 J is.. 1-. Aimthecnry.

•old by DYER * CO., and by all Druggist* in I-awrence am

I HAH. KMKWwlN A U Agents, S7 BMllaHlll I


'PIIE REV.M.Mlt-HAI'li, Frencli nrlrgt I of this city. Is preparing, {asstitrd by tlie

most Influential ladles and gentlemen Off his con- gregaihsn,) a grand llasar In faror of Ute fhnV h new church of Kl. Anne, la Lawrence. Wa lm(ie that all iiiitloiishtle- is ill < ontilliute to Die lUceesn of this Ilsxar, llieolijert or «hle)i I. 110 cirHlelil, by giving all sorts of articles nnd purchasing many tickets.


Chmswks nf hi, Ami*, Lmrtscf, Mass., OOMMKKC1KO

April 21, and ending April 26.


LIST OP PRIZES. WO Acres nf Und in Canada, i Harmoniums,

t Clocks, t llsir Arm Chairs, t miter Watches, tl Uold Clutlna for and Ladle*. 1 Violins. S Flute*, U A en ii-. lei ins, many large I.IUi»gia|ih and I'liotograuli View ., 1 eople* ol Raphael's Pic- tures, more than *»> fine Hooks, and n great numlssr of I'ree.lous Article*.

•OtKl PrhM. Vnlnrd al tllMMI.

Tlekels will tat ftiml-hed at the houses of Rgv. H.MIt IIAII), .ll^hl'll MultAt IIh. AM IIROICK IJADIN and CHAM. I.ACOILl,ADK.

In On" same lima they will recclra money and gilts for the llasar, * I Tu fet

N K W II 1 « I: II V K II V .


K..r Mending Meei-.hJiuiii. (i.«kir), 1.1.1- China, Karlhiii Ware, Mnrlih', W.«id, Linllie UuldM-r.t'iirnl, I'earl. all kind* »fl'' and all kinds nl Ornamental Work, i-lc

% Jfi-Dt .IIIHN V. HOW A CO., Hole Agents,

IfiB lam Street, Ijwn'iire.

sent tni- by i ll-'MI * . I.. *i"i>< I '

■' Bk flour. N. II. WIIITK. Newark, N.J.

0 Hint tiesal and Water Caps, Hath asal tiravel Tubs, Wire Kcsl Frames, Images, etc.

JOHN <'. DOW 4 to., 100 Kssea NreeL


WIIITKOHI) A UKm would rcsiH^triily Man) those uer-ona slill havftig Books a hi. h uehun] l.i Utclr Clrcuhding Library thnt II Is »eiy de*lr- able they lie rriarned at oner. All bonk* nut in HI in d within Una an ks, a III >■■ > I. >.>:■. d L. the |n»rson* liavlng lln-m In BaagnWMki

M ! '

Modern "Crillciem." . and eaplratlona that alone dignify hla ex- 1 * — latenre,—howeeer nicknamed practical,—

Tbc Toledo Blade tbua revela In the la really ihe practicality of the man who realm of modern "criticism." The eflbrt cuU down the tree, the more conveulentlj Illustrate! the admirable adaptation of I to gather the fruit. Belter any perils of thin noble art to elucidating productions J shipwreck, than no eight of the sea -. better of the humblest character. Rcadeni who any strain and peril lu the ascent, that no carefully follow this mauler in his analy- HIM of "Jack and i Jill" will readily perceive what a wonderful thing modem "criti- cism" la:

"Jack and GUI won! up ihe hill. To ml a pall of water;

.lark Ml down ami broke hi* crown, And <.HI came tumbling altar."

In conducting a criticism of this beauti- ful poem we shall Aral attend to what may be called the rythmlcal and dynamical qualities of the verse. Observe the per- fect measure—

-Jack—and tiill—went up the hill." The first part of the first foot la lacking,

but i liiif is fully compensated In the next verse, which Is bypercatalcctlc—

"To net—a pall—of wat—er." The er, Is this Instance, would exactly

till the (incomplete foot of the flrst verse, thus producing a grand Iambic .dimeter, and leaving the second verse a delightful trlpody.

The next two verses display the Hame wonderful poetic structure—

Jack-fell down-and broke—hla crown. Alifl 11 ill .-anii' lumh—ling nil •■■.

Observe the pleasing and highly musical effect produced by the addition of the fractional foot, er—

Ami i i ill ';uiii' timilt 11IIK an- er.

!.. i us now turn our attention to what are really the esseutlal elements of poetry —the nature of the thought and the quali- ty of the sentiment. First, the thought. All true |...cirv Is highly Imaginative. This Is highly imaginative. Jack and GUI went up the hill to get a pall of water. The poet Imagined they did, and in this consists, very largely. Its poetry. Again, Jack didn't fall down and break his crown, and <illl didn't come tumbling after. The poet simply Imagined all this, arid banco It Is all the more poetic. Again, this is an upward flight of Imagination ; Jack and (.ill went w/i the hill. They also went up to get water, which makes the conception still more striking. It would linve been commonplace and malter-of-fic; to go down the hill for water.

Notice that In the next line It Is not the Imagination that falls but Jack—Jack fell down. Notice, too, the result, lie did not break the connection of the story ; he did not even break the flight of the poet's fancy; he simply broke his crown. We may suppose It was afterward repaired. We have as good right to suppose this as Hie poet hud to Imagine It at ull. And now the final catastrophe—

"And * * 111 came tunili line after." This Is perfectly harmonious. We

should naturally have expected It. We may suppose that dill was leaning on Jack, and that, therefore, when Jack fell, (till, by necessity, went tumbling after; or we may suppose that (ifll loved Jack more than we can tell, and that, when she saw him fall and break Ids crown. In n fit of sheer desperation she threw herself aft- er hliu. Hither hypothesis would fully account for the facts, but I am Inclined to accept the latter, It being the more poetic mid more thoroughly consonant with the pathetic nature of the scene.

I jwtl) . let us study the sentiment- - ".luck, ami (iltl went up the hill."

Here, we sec that Jack and dill v industrious. It requires an eflbrt to go up hill. This was probably a long, Itfl hill. At any rule we may suppose 11 was. If It was, It would require all Hie more " fort to go up It. We have no evldc that Jack iin.l Hill repined. It Is not said that they went up the hill under pro* lest. They appear lo have gone up cheer fully; and what a lesson of cheerful In- dustry Is here taught us i The objl their going up the hill was to get a pull of water. What they wanted to do with wa- ter Is a matter of mere conjecture. 1 have sometimes thought that they wuuted It to drink, and have again supposed thut they were getting It for a sick companion

Kltlier purpose would have been praise* worthy. It is not stated what became of the water when they fell down. Perhaps It Is not known. I'osslbly, In the general overturn, It was spilled—hut lids would detract nothing from the honor due to them for going after It.

The misfortune which overtook Jack and i.ill Is singularly impressive. It shown the uncertainly of all things earth- ly. Quietly returning down the hill, bear Ing the pall of water nnd suspecting no evil, suddenly they fell. It Is not even stated that a serpent tempted them. It Is not even stated that they slipped. The record is simply that they fell; we can only Imagine the cause and say lo our own hearts, What a (kill

Symptoms of Mndnaaa In Dogs.

Farm and Garden.

mouutalu-vlews and no mountains. It is the life or the soul, the vision of God, the communion of salnta, the draught from Im- mortal fountains, the lifting of great lug winds of inspiration, the commotion of oceanic thoughts and Infinite feelings, that we faint and starve and perish for the want of. Nobody that purposea to pave and fence the path to heaven, or carry us with an engine, warranted not to smoke, at three miles an hour, through a tunnel, under and across Life's great metropolis,

■nlcr to escape the possible delays, contusions, and collisions of the busy streets and beneath the open aky, will And much sympathy from Macdonald. He believes In freedom, variety, conflict, and strain. Han In his eyes is no less than archangel ruined, even Id hia worst es- tate, and but little lower than the angels in his best. His theology, if it is vague, is full of great shadows and glorious lights, that show how rich and various and com- plex he feels life to be. But in truth, re- ligion and life are one and the same thing to him. All his week-days arc Sundays, and his Sabbaths working-days.

Macdonald Is a full-fledged poet, of strong pinion, who can face the snn, and then descend and brood over the humblest wants and sorrows of men with a dove's bosom. He has the greatest delicacy of fancy with the greatest vigor of Imagii tlon. He is a dramatist, too, who can give the most vivid individuality to char- acters conceived with rare originality. Hut ull his powers of mind and heart arc concent rated to the service of humanity. Ills soul Is ever hearing the still, sad mu- sic of human sorrow and shut. The sea and the shore, and the hum and roar of the city, talk only one language; and It Is man's claim on niau as the children of the holy, loving, all-blessed and all-blessing Cod. To save man from his own Igno-

. blindness, exposure, and folly: make him enter Into his rich herltagt life and peace and gladness,—this Is the task all his writings seem to have proposed to him. And he carries forward this great religious purpose '•> such a fresh, unconventional wuy, so wholly without clerical pretension, priestly arrogance, or pulpit phraseology, that his readers do not i.uspect Hint they are being schooled by a solemn teacher, or visited by a sharp In julsttor, or pierced by a prophet's tongue. He is so and free aud fearless, that the widest minds and hearts find his hori- zon stretching beyond them. Now simple and plain, now complex and rich with Ideas and Illustrations, master of the speech of the peasant and of the poet and and sage, learned and painstaking, profuse and off-hand, mystic and weird, direct and transparent, his genius has but one permanent quality,—spiritual elevation and religious Insight and Influence. A bahy-soug, a fairy-tale, David Klglnbrod's prayer, Robert Falconer's struggles,—ull varied and unlike in a thousand charms,— are one in their deep piety, ami sense of the dlvlne-hmnun In God, and the celestlal- tcrrcslral in man's present state.—tier. Bent-, Bittern, It. D., in " Old md .W."

Ki'MBKn OK Eons THAT A HK>J CAN LAV.—We copy the following Item, which has been, for a long time, going the rounds of the agricultural prcas, showing how little scientific attention haa been ordina- rily beatowed upon the subject of poultry- keeping :

It Haa been ascertained (hat the overturn ofa fowl t* composcd'of wai ovule* or eggs; therefore alien, during the whole of her llf«\ cannot po**l. bly lav ttfore than son ejor*. which, in the natural course, are distributed <>v«r nine year-, in the fol

h HI tn » nil to l»i

Third do. HI to 1M Fourth do. 100 to IW Fifth .1"- "itoao Mixth d». ™:v"£ ■mala 4a, :«to*n Klghth do. Utog Ninth do.

II fi.lh.n- Ihiil il WOOl lien* after their fourth y not l>av for their keeping, except ofa valuable and scarce breed.

To begin with, we may doubt the pos. itlity of making any accurate count ol

the number of ovlsacs In Ihe ovaries, or of affirming that no new ones make their appearance out of minute genus or cell lu the course of the life of the hen.

In the next place, such a limitation must have reference to the actual consti- tution of the foul, and this either in Ita wlltlortainecondltlon. Iftothe former, the number of ovlsacs, even If definitely ascertained, can have no connection what- ever with the real habit of the hen, since she lays In a wild state only as many eggs

The Ilrltfsh Mcdleut Journal calls atten- tion to (be mcu.iurcs recommended by the Council of Hygiene of Bordeaux, for the belter protection of people against the dangers of hydroptioblu. It Is well known that the madness or dogs has a period which Is premonitory und harmless. If these periods were generally known, Ihe ■ logs could be put out of the way before they become dangerous. On this suhjeil the Council of Hygiene has issued the fol fowlng Instructions:—

"A short lime, sometimes two days, af- ter mildness has seised a dog. It creates symptom! lu the anlmiil which It Is Indis- pensable to recogulxe.

"I. There is agitation and restless- ness, aud the dog turns himself continual- ly in his kennel, if he lie at liberty, he goes and comes, and seems lobe seeking something; then he remains motlonh as If waiting; then starts, bites the nlr, as If lie would catch a fly, and dnslics himself howling unil burking against the i " The voice of his master dissipates l hallucinations ; the dog obeys, but sin with hesitation, M If with regret.

"if. He does not try to bite; he la lie, even afn-ctlonatc, and he eats drinks, but gnaws his Utter, the end curtains, the padding of cushions, tin- erlids of the beds, carpets, etc,

■■:!. liy the movement of his paws about tiie sides of hut open mouth, one mlghl think lie waa trying to free hla throat oft lione.

"t. Ills voice undergoes such a change Unit It Is impossible not to be struck hy It.

■'.'.. The dog begins to light with other dogs; this Is a decidedly characteristic sign. If Hie dog be generally peaceful

'The three symptoms last mentioned in dlcato an advanced period of the disi and that the dog may become aangefona in any moment, If Immediate measures not taken. It is beat to chain him iqi once, or, better still, to kill him."

The Boetop .Medical and Surgical Jour- nal suggests that this advice be Insi at least once a year lu the public papers. It would also sci'iii particularly desirable and practicable that these rules should be printed on the buck of the notices ami receipts for dog-lnxes. These excellent

■ measures ought to be generally adopted.

t.i'o. Macdonald as a Novelist.

e profitable lo keep i their produce will

alien they are

0ui' Bpitie Box. cllar under-ground.-

tradesman. A defunct


happy love! where love like thin i ■ found; < I heartfelt raptures' MM beyond OMBparl. ro pared murh thla wean-, mortal round, Ami -HK

1' eapeilaaaa bid* this dealer*,

li ii. MI .■ ■' 11.1 it.; lii of heavenly pleasure span cordial In till* melancholy vale,

Tla when a youthful, Lunt, modi-nt pair In other's anna hrenlhe out Ihe tender lain taeath the milk white thorn that Mental lb

•vanleagale. - rotten Saturtlay Sight.

PUU si: UK. Pleasure* an.- like popple* spread, Vim ml to the flower, Its bloom li idled, Dr. like a *miw foil In the river, A moment white, then null- forever; Or like the borealia race, That flit.-' i !■ ;. i m can point their place • • )r like the rainbow's lovely form, kuiiiiidiiiu; amid the storm.

Tata (fShuntrr.

_ . If to the tame foul, It I- strange to And so definite a rule laid down for an animal that is, in the highest di grce, of an artificial character, and whose nature Is, In so many points, constantly being remade—Tea Poultry Worhl.

SAVK Yorii MASirna.—A correspondent of the Cincinnati Times and Chronicle writes: "I am an okl man. Was born In a laud where schools: were few and furbe- tween, so 1 was not brought up ut the feet of Gamaliel, neither have I read Urcelcy's books on Agriculture. What I have learned I have studied from the field of Nature. Young men, I write to you. Take It for what It Is worth.

First, all lands produce their own manures If farmed right. The best of luud may lie made worthless by bad farm- ing, and any laud can be Improved every year. The sol) Is made or decayed mat- ter, and this it Is necessary to renew. Some men object to stable manure lie- cause It brings weeds. I don't care If they are up to your horse's back; turn them under with a heavy plow, and a good crop oT grain may be looked for, as the land will be Improved. You may turn under some decayed matter. Turn It deep—the deeper tho better. The drouth will not hurt your crops, for the ground will hold moisture. My father made, us wait - month for dry weather In the spring bnni off the ground for the plow, but the fact was the grouud Itself was burned,

burn anything you can plow under. Had use Is made of a Are on a farm. Don't bum a grub, fodder straw, weeds, nor any vegetable matter. Haul it all to some Rlitcc on your farm. Let It rot there, and

i a few years it will be aa good land as you have got. My farm has been funned for Torly or llfly years, and it Is good to- lay as when first settled. If I was to live a thousand years my farm would Im- prove, aud I never need to buy fine pound of manure."

i ileallng tea lie called a crime when II la only ka/-tnklng.

i.—When Is a milkman like a fiddle? When beta a Cremo- na (cream owner).

Men of Color—i'alntcr*.

A Cincinnati editor aaka: "Arc we lire-proof •"

We hop! he l».

A Western jury returned a verdict of "death by hanging: round a rum shop."

Ladles do not make so much fuaa al*»ui the bad walktiM as men, tail then the Indies are duck a.

What require* more philosophy than taking tilings as they come ? Parting wit" thing* »* I they go.

California housewives describe soda a* "that 'ere -tint which you put In biscuits to make em get up and Orecian bend themselvei."

Jones thinks that hi* kitchen clock mind keep "the time that trice men's souU." lie never know. when dinner I* going to lie ready.

A Western editor triumphantly exclaims: "Man shall not live hy bread alone," and then acknowledges the receipt of a Jug or "old JJour-

Agashiz says that any full grown man can live fur ten days by chewing at a pair of la arts,

id yet there are men who will growl if they don't have mince pie every meal.

A negro was put upon the stand as a witness, and the Judge Inquired if he understood the

of an oath. "For celling, boas," said the ottteea; "If I swear to a lie, I must stick to


■•re Up*. Ilrjarii nl I Iir ftkim, ti., i


uttyougetl Onlvttrcui » His II,.


with GLYCERINE. II keep- tin- hand* soft in all weather. MM thai von gel HKIiKMAV*. Sold by all Druggist*. Onlv 41 iiiiali Manufactured only by ilRoKMAS ft Co., Chemist* and Inuagisis,

SEE lu another place advertisement about I..« ■ and Nebraska Land*.






" "FITH8, RIFF of saw


Jhfa, Sri'KRIOll Til ALL oTHUl:


a. I,muni. l>isciii'NTa..a* •4-Trlce 1.1-t* ami ('in-nlars free.

W KJ. C H A- (ill I P KIT H H. K...I011, n * Detroit, Mlek.

\ f A It Y L A N 1>

FRUIT FARMS. #H to e±3 per acre. Fine Ki ml uinli.ui.lin ■il. Mil.I, lienltM . I it--. ' tv.ter.i uml 1'i-li

abundant. Catalogue* free. il. P. CHAMBERS, t'edurulsburs;, lid.

I'I . .1.1 ' .1111.: | ■.. ■ ..|"ln

i nn heal the wound He gave, tan paint tin- brimful, irrief worn To net-lies lieyond the (fraif,

-Lint* It

Mill o'er ilii'-u Hceiten uiy memory waken, And fondly broods wHU miter care; Tims i.ut ibe inii I..ii .l.-i'[..■!■ make*, AH I their ■ I. = ■. I ■ ■ i■ - t- ■ wear.

— To Mitry I* Uaiitn

Ah! itenlle dn«>»«. It wmrm """ a"i'i To think bow monle cnunncl* sweet. How in. .in.- i.-ii,: iiicn. -I, sago advlaea, Till* hUlbaWl frse the wlfu dlapltes.

-Dm fftOmmtfr.


WINCHEsTKK'.S 1IY I'lU'IIOSI'HITK ia a chrm- ieally pare preparation of 1'HOflI'HtJHCS, one of the most Important elementa of the Iruman Body, and the only means Lv whieh this I.IKK iJIVIN'i; and LIFE SISTAlMNti element ran be aupplle.1 '" Hie ayalem. We gvaranlee It to be a rwrtain

ma for cox8L'Ml*rio.\, ciH'UHfc, rui.ns, and all I'uhuonary AaetUona, and a SpaeUo Heav edv for fierofula, llyn]«psla, 1'aralvnla, Nervous and I'hyairal Ih-bility.aii.l all Affertion.. It la UMurpaaaed as a Tonic and InTiKorator and nenerator of pure ami healthy lllond. For rurther information, TeaUmon is la, Hf port* of 1'hysli'Uuis, *le., aead tot our Treatise, l'riee, #1 per botUc. SoM l.v all Imiggiata. Address

J. WINUHKHTER ft Co., SO JaliSI Hftrt. Haw Vmk.


Pninful affections of the Madder, and urinary organs, accompanied by grave)11 .1, j,..-u- .,f im kind. IrHUtinn at the neck of the bladder, with diAieuIiy of holding the urine; la stricture, lo seminal weakness, and in all conditions of the parts accompanied by debility, JL'LIHN'S MI OKASTIN CoMFOUHO will be found a moat rflra- eloua remedy. Send for ctreuUra to 11. KEITH A CO., 41 Liberty Street, If. Y. For sale by drug. gi-ls. 1-rlre ai perbotlle orSfor ai. "I



lonareh of tlia West la Uie largest and beat. 'each Trees, Aspnnigu-. ttlinbiirli, Ita-pln-rries. Scud for catalogue.

Ttfln party (to street urchin). "Uoy, what do you aappote that don is (bUowIng pielbel" The youngster easts a knowloK look at him and readily replies: " Ouess be takes vou for a1


The ls>y who rocomnicnded a Tew ilmps of panefryrle on sugar for the child of dbuiuli'fudc, has his mntih hi another who, after succe«f<iully

spelling "fhlrniicry," dclhied It to IK1 n'-l.u; .■

eoop to raise chickens."

A poet asks: "Where arc the dead, the van- ished dead, who trod the earth that now we tread ?" If wo were to make a random jrues" we should say the most of them arc buried— though this may not lie the right answer.

An Eastern Journal, never known to cxaggcr ate, osaerta that a rural visitor to Augusta, Maine, who read the sign, "LiKik out for the locomotive," at a railroad crossing fur the Drat time, climbed to the top of the pole, and gazing up the track, anxiously wanted to know where

The (it'll* la published orMtTKitl.V. SO cents pays for Ihe year, which is not half the coat Those who afterwards send niinn-i in the amount of Oat Dollar or more Mgfced*, < ;l1-" »rder aScli. worth exlrs—Un> MM BaU (be Uie liiion.

The First Number Is Umiiiful. giving plaiw for making llural llaaoi, IIIUIIIK Table llecti- rmilniis, tviudovr Uaracai, fte., and a man of Information Invaluable lo the lover of fiowera. ItIO |Mge«, on Hue tinted pnlier, some fHMI Kn- gntvliigs, and a Saperb t'olurrd Plate nnd (Iir II Corn. The First ..I JOO.IHHI hint printed in Kngli-ib and Herman.

JAMfcM VI* M, Rochester, If. Y,



With most of us the value of the apple as an article of food Is ureatly underrated. Besides containing a large amount of su- gar, mucilage, and other nutritive matter, apples contain vegetable acids, aromatic i|!i:iiin. ■■. etc.. which act powerfully In the capacity of refrigerants, tonics, anti- septics; and, freely used at the season of mellow ripeness, they prevent deldlity, Indigestion, and avert, without doubt, many of the "Ills which flesh la heir to." The operatives of Cornwall consider ripe apples nearly as nourishing as bread, aud far more BO than potatoes. In the year 1801—which was a year of much scarcity —apples, Instead of being converted into cider, were sold to the poor; und the la- borers asserted that they could "stand their work" on baked applea without meat; whereas potato diet rcqul meat or other substantial nutriment. 'The French and Oennana use apples exten- sively. The laborers depend upon them as an article of food, and frequently make a dinner of sliced apples und bread. There Is no food cooked In so many dif- ferent ways lu our country as apples; nor Is there any fruit the value of which an article of nutriment. Is as great nnd little upprcchitcd.

llfcSKVOI.KM'g. .oiis are brother's in distress, . relieve, how cxi|iil*IU' the Mi- .

-A IflHlrr'* A ioht.

MSAI'I I'si laid schemes o' mice and BMW

(Jang aft agley, ,-ate us naught but grlot and pulii

For promised Joy. — 7b <i Ms

Then at Ihe balance l"f ■ be mute, Wenevcrcanailjiiitlt;

Whafs done we partly may compute, Itut know mil what'* resisted.

-AiUlrttt to thf Vttr.i fjui.l.

And man, whose heav'n erected nVH The Millies of love adorn,

Man's Inhumanity In man Makes cutiiillcsa thousand* inonrii.

—JAia "HI l/'n/i (.- .l/oifi'ii.

niMUTT. Her look was like Ihe morning's eye.

Her air like nature's vernal smile, Perfection whispered, passing by,

lleli.ild the laai 0' llalloctmiyle. —Tktkuto' tUlll.H-kmylf.

narr. Then In i me nurd all lake oT their MV'ral way

The yiiiiiigling eotbigcr* retire lo real: The psreni pair tlielr secret homsgu pay,

And proffer up lo Heav'n the wiinn mpu*>t, That He wh.i sijIN tin' rsveu'a rlnm'rous lie.I.

And decks the lily lair in flow'ry pride, Would, in Uie way Ills wisdom sec* Ihe heal

Fur them, und for the little ones provide, Itut chiefly, lu tlielr hearts, with grace till lite pie

tide. —Wiifrrt1 eWarasia Siyht

AxOTIHtn BOTTIJI Stniiv.—An Alalinma exchange says thai ti sealed bottle was picked up, a short time since In lirdnt's hiss, on the coast of that state, which, when opened proved to contain a memo- randum, dated off the const or Alaska, June HO, 1870, on hoard Ihe ship James, and lu the Russian language, announcing that the ship hail foundered and broken lu pieces. This bottle must have drifted through til-- North and South raclflc oceans, doubled the Horn and, lu lls voy- age through the Atlantic, fullen in the great equatorial current, and been swept by It Into the Caribbean sea, when' the Cull" stream caught il and carried It round the circuit of the (iuir. landing It, utter Its voyage or two and a half years, In the pass where It was (bund.

<>r Miitdonald there Is no much to be said, as one of the llucst of all the llluslra tlous of novelists taking up the fund loin of the religious teacher, id..i we dare begin with the theme, teat it ahonli utterly thwart the original purpose ofthl paper. The beauty ami Ihe success or hi novels He lu the lame, initeilinleal, ant deeply-practical reeling and presciitatloi of religion which hi' makes, l.lfe Is to lilm a deeply spiritual sphere; Its whole meaning nnd purport are the knowledge ami love, the service and enjoyment, or find. Hut these words mean nothing inns. ly, ccclcsiustlcat, or saliliallcat; nothing belongs to priests and clergymen, or relates to rites and forme. They tone' the Common, every-day siihslauces of lift and appertain to the familiar and universal experiences and cares strings of David.* harp—long twanged with a devout mannerism, until they sounded like the notenof a cracked spine to which Ihe inimi. i movements of Cci tnln painted ancestors bad danced, In which neither encouraged nor inatche with any possible movement of to-day- The hill has already pawed the lion, Macdonald haa smitten with a free, hold «.r Kepreaentntlvea of Ohio, prohibiting hand, as being juet as tuneful and just us lotteries and gift cntcrpri timclynn instrument as ever, full of music description. An. amendment to exempt We nc.d, and only waiting to be freshly churches, newspapers, and public llhmrli and freely evoked to become as Inspiring from its operations was voted don lu our dally lives, ami nhoiil our actual clslvely, the legislators or Ohio not be business, as lu the days of I'urltuu and llevlng that theendjuetltfe* the means. Covenanter, of Huguenot, Walileitseam, j ,— < ■■■ „ or Crusader. Hut Mncdomdd haa tiol low-1 \ Pennsylvania, youth, on receiving , end, vulgarised, and disenchanted rellg- ] severe oowhhtlnf from u young wnmui

' ' ml jilted, rather

Mr. Beeeber says: '-There Were more lbs told In the last campaign than there arc mosijultoes In all the dismal swamps or Ihe country; three or four of the big mosquitoes ure caught, aud all the others are holding up their hand! in horror and erring, 'Oh I oh I ohf What right have

been stretching. Tor the sake I ency?" etc. Tills la exactly Hi Ingle which "moaoultoei would be glml to Impres tlms all over the country

.'Xprill- kind ol

big and little, pon their vlc-

h(! ii . r.ii.

lobodv tn spiritmi

I It. which he

' Hie |


rlk-t i Insisted. Thei

i lltlsul'e. ml - lualght or oiitcoim', us religionist. Chll- drcu picking up chips to hunt the ntmlly IIVCII. and ui.HI:; at lln Idler timt muses In the forest, and listens to Ihe solemn sweep of the murmuring pines, are quite as wise US Ihe prosaic utilitarians who babble noisily and emptily about practical relig- ion, meaning "the serving or tables" us The whole or man's fulfil ami worship. Any view or religion which diminishes man's horizon, or dwarfs his being, or lakes out of lire the vast passions, desires,

igratnlat.'il It limn otherwise, remarking that If

she treated him so when they were not married, It wus Impossible to tell what he would have raftered ut her hands alter marriage.

A young Irish girl in Jacksonville, 111,, has refused sion for her hair. It reaches Ihe floor when she stands creel.

A woman lu I.a Crosse, Wls., paid the line Imposed on her husband for flogging

Dr. Newman advis-ate* the legalir.atloi

CtlKAP POIM.TBY-YAIHI.—Bat poals linn- ly In the ground, six feet high, eight feet apart. Take No. :l Wire, and Stretch from post to post inilsiile, fastening with sta pies made of wire driven luto noeta Place three wlmu one Inch apart, one foot from the ground; another three at three reel ten Inches from the ground; another three at top of posts. Take common laths and weave In, leaving three Inches space between sides or each. This makes the fence four feet high. Then take oth- er laths, picket one end, and chamfer the other like a chisel blade, and Intcrwenve among Ihe lop wires; then shove chamfered edge down beside the top or the bottom lath, lapping under wires two Inches. This makes a cheap, durable, pretty fence, that Is seven feet and ten Inches high, and fowl-tight. Wires should be left somewhat slack, us Interweaving the laths will take It up.—/. II'. IA*9 thf Ptndtru World.

Cons Ki'in'it:.—Persons who condemn corn fodder us " Innutritions," are Invited by I'aschall Morris to consider the way oi'u prominent dairyman, whose butter It excelled by no other In the 1'hlladelphii market," and who "pretty much sustulned fltty-cight cows on sowed com from the middle of lust .Inly to the middle of Octo- ber, and that, too, from tin' produce ol three acres." lie estimates thai he look ninety tons of this "Innutrltlous" ■.fun ■■ from the space Indicated, ami he knows that his cows did not rail oil' Ii their milk during these months or drought hut that some Increased the flow, and that the butter wns fuily up to the Htnndard. There Is nothing belter for wintering cattle or young horses, anil especially milch cows, tli.ui :;n..:l. bright com fodder, and where forage is scarce. It Is of great value to the former.

SALT AS A KKHTII.UKII.—Wlllnrd, or lln well known nursery ''mi at Geneva, Now York, Informs us they have found v. grant advantage from the application salt to their nursery grounds as well us to farm crops. Twenty bushels to the acre Is their usual quantity, and they me about TOO bushels per umiilui. Their fa- cility or access lo Home of the salt-works in that Stale, gives them a chuiice I'm u full supply, ul low rules—about 25 cents per bushel—at which they consider It u cheap manure, ll has also proved with them a very Valuable application to pear trees, at the rate of about lour hunilfuis to each tree, apread about. It seem give a vigorous and healthy growth, and they are tery nirvly troubled with blight. Scoring the trunk ofu tree with the pen- knife, 11- the ground to the forks of the branches. Is also practised with good suc ccss. Where the growth Is rapid, both these processes are highly recommended

Study your Interests,fanners,more close- ly. Strive lo know more about your pro- resslou, study and pursue It sclculllleally l>o your best, to make your sous like tin work on the farm; give ttietn a chance to rise and endeavor lo keep lliein al home, In a word, make your work pleasant agreeable and remunerative, and niaki your home attractive, bright and picas uut.

Mr. Doreey, the lulled States Senator from Arkansas, is only thirty-two yean of age, and will be Hie youngest ineinlici of that body, He Is a native of Vermont, a graduate of Oberlln, served in the war and went to Arkansas only two years ago to take the presidency ofa railroad Com- pany. He Is a man "('character and abil Hy.

Tn RKVIVH WILTKH (VTTINIIM.—Mil three or four drops of spirits of ciimphoi with an ounce of wait r, and keep their stems In this fluid lor India day or in In a dark place, till they have quite covered.

A Boston paper says i "A party of rutiltaliritri

at ilartrord have bought Uwen MutuuMi'a grove of young oaks, and will toon employ u large Area or men upon 11, making the material into Charter Oak relies. Those who hove seen the wood pronounce It superior to any that lm* yet been used for that purpose."

A km!, cashier lu Hartford, Conn., gave wretched beggar some small change, and did it .hn',.,1,",'.'; so kindly that the Impecunlun* wretch dug out " or his capacious pockets tenor twelve dollars in scrip, :'ii-1 asked the cashier lo exchange It: >■ lor bills, remarking that "when n feller's pock-, fa Is full of scrip be la liable to lose a big |>art

of It."

Ir. President," exelalim-d a member or a debating society, "our country's: fate loami darkling before us, without a star above the ho- rizon on which the patriotic mariner may hang a scintillation of hope, but with ominous fea- tures of fust-coming doom, gloomy nnd rayiess

tho eyes ofa tree-toad perched upon the top- most bough of a barren poplar, enveloped In an impenetrable fog."

New Orleans, recently, a city lady and a country gentleman paid a visit to the skating rink. After teeing the ladles and gentlemen Hy- ing around Tore while, tho lady asked the gen- tleman what he thought of tho exhibition. "O," he replied, "It Is pretty good, but not near as good as tho blondes." "You Juit wait a mo- ment until you see some of the ladles tumble, and you will think it Is Dfty times better," salt! bi-j companion.

The ilartrord horse-cars In the winter present ridiculous appearance with their canvas cov-

ers, that once were white but now are of an In- definable color, that the following dialogue seems very natural i Passenger who wants to get nlNiiiril. "Niuth, atop your ark." Noah probably felt a little indignant, and did not ■top. Again he hailed i "Nisili, atop your ark." Finally Noah held irp with the answer: "C«ne, hurry up, ihcummuls are all In except Ihe jack-

'■Well. Harry.'' asked a father or hi* lit- tle boy on returning from church one Sui day, 'how did you like the sermon?"

"Not very weir, wan the quick reply j "the minister spoke so loud Unit I conic not bear him I"

I'arcnt.* may mil realise how complete!) young ears may be confused by the rhet erica) addresses that come from tin- pul pit.

Tiie example of the Herald Is proving contagious. The London Dally Telegraph has engaged Ihe services of Mr. lie. Smith, or the llrltlsh Museum, Tor a new expedition lo explore Assyria. The gov eminent pays his salary, nnd gets all the collection! he itiakes daring his cxploi

K< M 1' L (I VMK]


$500,000 CASH GIFTS, HOb.OOO for only »10.

Under authority of nnecial legislative act of March Hi. ISTI, the tru.U-eN now suuiiunee the Third l.rniid (Jlfl t'unrart, IV.r Uie benefit nr the Pab- lle Library of Krattackr, tu cum* off In Li- brary Hull, at Louisville, K... on

KSDAY, APRIL Hlli, 1878. .__ Ibis Concert the beat musical talent mat can

la- procured from all parts or the country will ail.t n|ailiiiv lo Uie entertainment, anil Taa> Thaac ■ad Cash <slfu, agfresating a vait total of Half m MlUlem Dallara currency will be ,li»- H'lbtiteil by lot Ui the ticket holders a* follows One t-raii.l Cuk GUI, i 100,000 One ' I Cash (Jilt, !U),O0u One i. i ..n.I Cash tillt, . Ift,u00 One tirand Cash <: I it. -JH.IMHI One (irand Caah tiirt, lu,0OU One i ■ ■ .i ■:■ i ' .-ii <.!h. .-..IMI

II Cash i. m - or ei.OOO each, 21,000 301'nun Gifts of SOD •> *'),'»«' Gills l.l 400 " .'LJ.lSMl

11X1 Cash Gift* or OOU " ::II.IM»I 1M Cash Gifts or 300 " 30,000 WO Cash Gins or 100 " SU.000 ,000 Cash Uifta of 10 "

I, IS72, Traina will M follow a :—


On and after HoniUy, Dee. leave the Depots In l.awronee,

Tor Boston (from North l>eiiot), at fl.2n, T.; an-l It. la, 3.40 ami a.M f. n.

For Boalou (from Houth Depot), at O.iT, T.:H, 9.18, l.» A. M.; and 11.1s, 1.43 («x[ireas), .1.47, S.W, 0.47

(e{iireas), 10.17 r. ». For PortJaml (fiiim .vmili Deixit), at S.'J\ '.<.):■ n.; i.i:,,ir.n.

For lieorRetnwn and Newhiir) port (from South Depot), at s.i3 a. v ; 1.13, (, 0 r. H.

Fur llai.'iliill li-.iin >..n|i| l»i.|...i , .it tit and 13 A. II.; and 1.13, 4, Si'. «.; and from North

Depot at 7.10 f. M.

Traina leave Hoalon for l.awicnee at 7, T. in. S..-W, 10.15 A.M.; 111.; li..10, S.IJ, X», land Be. M.

WM. MKItltITT, Bant. wrciice, Doe. I, i-..'. -

1 > A I I. i; V & AKUUEWS,


PA1 N'l'KHS.

an* Esses Htreet, (Orilnsy llloek}


U mini,


, DiHttriitr

LIFE. IIMOH MUTUAL mmolHTOM.aia. »lftS40,78S LIFB INSURANCE CO., State Mutual, Worcester, 184ft, l,3TO,811


Franklin, of Penn'a, 1030,

Royal, England, 1846, void,

American Drnncli,

t'nnnsylvanlft, ofPn., 182ft,

•3,366,740 i *■•**■ U.OO0.000 I *'■'•»

Tin ' 1^132,000 ,„,!,.,.,


lit' MAI E.


IIOSTl X. I't Ul.l.V HI


..ii. v uouutna.

ImperlaJ, London, 1803,Kold, 11,000,000 ;


Y.. LA

Firemen'o, of N. Y„ 1625. 340,000

Wootchoater, of N. Y., 1837, 040,086

Oorninn American, N. Y., 1,200,000

Oerman, of Erie, Pa., 1867, 337,083

Quean, of England, 1858,sold. 10,000,000

American Hranch, 752,113

iHI: roixowata noim ooMrAiimi


Ut National, Worcester, 1868,

Gloucester, of Olouceater, 1870,



Fure Insurance mm puny of like kind In Uie world. I Is Uiua ciiulili-d I" reduce ita iin-iuiums largely.

Indeed, hint Ii rhiirxi'd the ordinary Mutual rates, during lln- l:i-l Unit - mid il hull'vt-jrs, Il would liav* rect'ived from it- |.:itimi« # I,.'.'-'.ISSJ more tlian was iiaid It. lt\ Ihe mutual lf«fia the uollcy holdi-rs Innuri' llw i'oiii|iniiv. lty the sim-k system the coui|iany iiiHiirc- Hi- liolicv Imldcrs. The National IUIH ueurly two dollars of a»set.« to evcrv mio of llahililles; and on .fanusry 1, IM7H, luula'surulus of *l,137,Ulsj.\V It want, an agent in every local- itv where It Is not now re|iresented, ami will give UiH'rnl and conliiuions i'oiniui>hlnnn to enlclenl aud reliable men a ho will Rive iwrsmuil attcnlliai t-> Its Imslners. AildresM branch onlrc, I'lilludel- |.iiia, n*nere the inisinan of nw eeaanani u trans- ai-ted.

K.A.ROLI.ISs, 1'res.; JA Y OH1KK,Chairman Finance CommitUc; .1. M. in TI . i. i.\ Sucretarv.


ffo t e d a \\ il Quoted. —Nova Srtitla MlMi a millli.n Inniof coa

rViiin her itiincs annually.

—Michigan has a lamb with two lashes and i ii-dn ivn», the stumpf, ami Mlnuisuia has a chli-kcn euvm-d will) hair instead of rent hers.

—The heart ofa murdered woman was exhib- ited tti the Jury in St. Louis, on a recent trial, Ui show how the dagKur «r tho hnehnnd had pierced il.

—That ivaa a remarkably clenr-heniled tem- licrnine advocate, who, at a recent Hcmm-raiic f'onitrcHBional Convention diittrlliuted teni|ier- nncu tracts.

—Chicago proposes a grand memorial irnliiK- trlnl exhlbilinn in October next, the second an- niversary of the great lire, when It is predicted, the city will practically i« rebuilt.

—A lurmcr's^vlfc in Dakota thanghtleuly need a bundle of old letters to Ktoff up IIIQ enieks or their cabin, and i In farmer la now In search of the writer or them witli a shot giin.

—The Ml official returns of the election fur king of ihe Sandwich Inlands, on the lut or January, show IL.II LuialDo had 12J5S0 votee, and Hint there were tlity-one rrattfilng,

—They tell ol a woman In llalllmorc who has provided herself with two hundred pair* or ■tocklaga, woolen and cotton. She la evidently Intending to orgnnue a hose company some- where.

—People who believe the stories about Intellt tenl tlogs will read with pleasure that n lout dog in Norfolk, having MM lilt master's udver- tlaeiiietit in one of the local pa|a?rs, promptly went home,

—A Virginian, en route to Texas, lost his i . l..i i :■ on the curs before reaching New Orleans, and wus consequently prevented from taking a iteamer, whlofa was burned nt sea, nearly all on isianl )>erlshlng.

—A very old iuhaliitunt of France perifhctl htat autu nt rhantilly. This was an exceed- ingly ancient carp, a perfect patriarch among Aaaea, his age behig no lens than a'.j years. lln was a young nth in Uie nrign of Francu I.

—The eltliens or Texas arc ls;eomiug more orderly nnd law abiding that ever before. One of the Indieuti'iiis that eivObntlM has reaclied there, lx, that lliey do not now hang their mur- derers, but nllow counsel lo move tor a new trial, when a murderer hue been convicted hy a jury.

—I.llchlield, Conn., claims among its resi- dents a centenarian Hint wan at one time In more reunions, with George Washing- ton than any of Ihe numerous nUHM aud Isaly ■errant! who have been dying off Tor the last mn yean. It layaihat It haa ihe Identieal lad- ling which ilepl with Ihe (ieneral When he ttbp- lad there over night.

—It I-- iiMonlahlng how mutii wisdom there Is In Uie jMju'i -. Here ia a Miuueaota joinuul that, with a gravity that Is characteristic or it at all times, dcarrttna the old Hag which the First Minnesota Volunteers carried to Itiitl linn, and says, "Itlwars the laacription, 'May Ood defend lite right," tho regiment having been on the right during that isttlle."

—A story is being told or a fasbloualde tailor. One ol his arlatociatic customers, thinking to annoy him, went up hi him as lie was walking •m the Parade at Brighton at the mosi fashion, able hour of the day, and said to him, "See liow badly this coat fits." The great Kartor was fully equal to the occasion, Taking up a piece ofa chalky tnbftanca at the side of the mad he marked sundry hieroglyphics over the Iwek, and then, turning him adrift, said, "There, my lord, you go und ■bewyooreclf "> my people, and tiny will soon put you rigid."

—Daniel Ptatt, "the Great Harmonious Mental Medium or the American Oovernment," lias "dropped Rib) poetry," His last last lea I circu- lar contains this sublime passage:

"Iron Malm- to Oregon great Pratt, t>t 1'mtuill.', takes hla wuy; And .|ni i. us lightning gives a hop TntheHocky Mountains' highest top; Ami hbrii no there where hilt o'er hill. sets Ilka a rmw upon a mill; Where the white blue jay insetting on a (wig, And the great bald cagla is making a Wig."


A plain treat IM'. ..uitulninR sample card with ti -ii-tiuilly imiiileil shades ami lint-, with

uon-i lor i-vb-rlor ami interior House itlnn. ople.-, bound in cloth, for $.">. Snuiple ni|i- |n-r cover, nmiled, post imld, t.i any address, •i|H of l» ernts, fir the I'lihll-her,

IIl:\HV lAltKV IIAlltll, ... MN I. I'.isl tltlt. c. I'Klladrlolila.

•J-SIT-' the following valuable extracts from |irvsa not ice a :—

■erv valunblc lumk; and no one Intending to palnl should fail tn nail iL"-N. V. Tribune.

"We did nol know wo much could I* said on the subject of iiuiiitini: a house until we read this ex- cellent Itook of Mr ll;iinlV"-N. V. Herald.

A want long felt at last sup], lied." Mien. Am. Not iinlra ueei'ssily to tlw painter, but vslu-

alactoeverv <K-cu|wnt .da dwelling,"—S.Y Worhl. " Iltiy tH co|iies ut this lHHik, and ili-tribute them

■ in-: your i. i.'H'l ■ If Ihcy will heed tla- adviee therein, you could make no more vuliialilu pres-

,"—Cntnnao Tribune. In publishing this book Mr. llalrrl has done, a

real service to the eummuulty."—Toledo lllade. "We hone the (oibllsber will sell 100,uuu eoniea

or this liooV dnrliiK TJ."— Boston Advertiser. "' We have just |.;iiiited our bouse aa adviacd by

the author, and ongratuUle ourselves that nu dwelling in our u.-igiiliorhood excels ours ID up pearance."—llurper's Weekly.

" In selling a ~:.tii)>h' copy lor ID cts., Mr. Halrd must feel cerLiln au onlcr for a hound in cloth «ill"w."-Knmk Leslie.

" We know Uie town anil country paints therein recominemlcd, and can vouch for Ihelr value and the excellence of the aIIarrlMin' brand id white lend."—t'hlla. Ledger.

t'll.l lO (l.V'IS.

Total, »10,000 Gifts, Cash, »500,000 To nrovlde means for this nuuniiflccnt Concert,

One llnndrrd Thnuiiud ft lll>li Tickets only will be laaued. i

Whole Tickets, glOi Halves, fill and IJuar tcrs, na.BO. Kleven Whole Tickets for «100. No discount nn leaa tluin wlOO orders.

The obleet of this Tktrd Ullt CosMterl, like the two heretofore given with such universal ap- proval. Is the enlargement and endowment or tfio I'Mbllc IJararr nt Ke-jt-jchy. which, l.v Hie H|teclul ail aillhoriilng Uie concert for its bV'ueflt, Is to lie forever free lo all lituein of eveir >Uili The drawing will be under the supervision of the Trusties of the Library, assisted by the most eml-

■'"Tenj of Uut tailed HUtcs. The aale of

neat that they must order at nurthnpale In the drawing.

Tint 'management of llil* undertaking lias been committed by the Lrlisb-es to Hon. TllOS. V.. IlKAM- I.rrrK, late Governor of Kentucky, to whimi com- iiiuiilcations iiertalning to the Hilt Concert may lie addressed. R. T. IiritRKTr, I'rr.ldcni.

W. N. HA1.HKMAN, Vice I're.'L

I'ul.lic t.ibrarv ol Ky„ Louisville, Jiy, .. Die time for Uie Concert is close al ha ml, (April

Mb) parties wanting tickets should send in their orders immediately If they would avoid the rush uml delay absolutely unavoidable in the few days I'II-I ediiiK the drawing. All orders and •ppUog' dons for agencies, circulars and in formation, will meet with prompt attention. TllOS. K. 1IKAM. LETTK, Agent PuMm Library or Kentucky, • .ulavllle, Ky. - finhT

Almnnni', i .:■■., -i Hi II.k i wanted. vU. ... KIcuer or fun™ Mints.-, wmki., 1'eHkallow' In,Him Win--. 17.11; .1 sou's History ol N. F.„, l-iid. I.oti i. h-.t i;«..oi.,.. i',„,rfll.h«r.l,s A

- ay scarce American Arrow Heads, Kel-

Imanaes, In

• I for mt llure Old American Kh-lianl, Increase, Hanu

f.iilinlli. ry of N. Rng- nirhanl's Al-

■i! '.ii I'..111 ri ■, lill

■a.'. (Iir. Krnnklin's, ,„ lb«ik. r.iini.liM, loin, Imlhiii Arrow lea, Curioallies, Narmtives oe Almanacs, In'good lolliblo'll. Also, go, Ml old, tall, S.ltnv lira., (TlH'k. outte iiriee of each. JAS. T. »(<>('LTON,

4 Camea street, Lynn, Mass.


Ho not mliHcribe Tor any Sou have seer "■'

l.i-cilM.-ll COp VfOftLP,H llu'rllurd, Conn.



Burlington and Missouri River R. R. Co. ON 10 YEARS CREDIT AT 6 PEH CENT. INT. l'rotlurls will pay for the html and improve-

ment* mil. h >\ ill lie loin! ol' llii* gi-ieroii. ercd It. IlilliT terms are not oiTereil, unit probably never will la-.

Circular*, giving full |mruVulnrs, gratis. <:nll for all that are wanted lo read and circulate.

Come treat nail thrive. Krieuda will follow A Meellonnl Mnp, showing die exact loeati.

ka Lands nl same price, apply to

BaWs II Alt It IM, I.II oil I oio oiU.loli. i , llintlagteUi Ion a, loJ. W.TAKLKTON,

' nu Washington street, Deatou, Mass. * i Vii.l plense My in what paper this advertise

mil «

N" ! NO! NO!

You cniinol nffonl lo use poor machinery, nelthei can vou mniiiilin line |ii ntllulih wlthoul hnvlnf tho latest Improve.I contrivances known. Tlilnl of It cam lii II i 1 Can VOU* fielay no louircr WAKK I-I'I Write A.s. (.KAIt.JHlhiMSmlbun atreel, llo>ton, lor catidogiie mul circulars regard ing ull WIHII. and IUDN-WOKKIMI Uaclllskltr and order UliillT Off the machine ynu need si

Ci;i n i

la lite 111 SI 1A Till-: WOHI.ll I AoMrrs WAuran. ■ t for elreular. Address "IMIMKSTft'" NKWINH MACHINK CO.N.V.

I [HK the ItclahigiT Hush Lock nnd Hup-

f7sTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No spring to break, no cutting of sash; cheap durable, very easily applied; holds sash ulauy place di-sircd, ami a sclfrnsuiier when the sash fa down. Send stninp lor clniilnr. elreular—'-1

— I*eka

the trade. AgeuH RtiaiNUER l*A8H LOCK I street, llanlsbuig, 1'a.

I'll is is NO miMitiu eta., with age, height,

Hy seiidliiir US ior of ryes slid hair, lure of your flilun

■'■in.'Ill :i I mill

1) uws and A. Iirn.ku I .units.


cftlcacion. medicine for Ihe cure of IlKUm'lli:. NklllAHiH, lnarKI'SU, tin nn[«BI DIAUUISA, eiiNsrui'Tin

LlvKii COMPLAINT, CllNSIII-ATUIN, ijwutir ArraTin, l*r.MAI.K WKAKMKasKS, I'UNTIMi Kris, l'AI.I'ITATION, ■ran IIIX/IM Will II

U, Ac., nil,

II Is the Mew 1 n«lanil Family Mcdlrlne

For side by nil Druggists. Trice SI.

I IOK.llim.Ki—I siilurid with Catarrh ml Wha cured III a simple remedy.

Will send recliH'. po-lnge IVec. I" all aftllclrd. iicv. T. .i. MKAII, prawer IT", hyraense, K.T.

Qr; *-rt BOAparUayl Agents wanted! All $0 TJO tpZU elansc ol working [wople, of either sex, young or old, make moro money at work for us In their spare moments, or all Uie time, llian nt iniMliingel-e. dmsU.STlNSONACO. Pi

UKWAKD: $1000 fur any can* of lllin-1. nieedlng, Ifa-hhig or lTirPr. abil Piles thai UK IllNti's I'M.- H -.1, :.,,i.. to cure. It ia prepared espresily to cure the riles, and imiiilng else.

Sold liyall Hrugirlsta. Price gl.Otk 1 ureT

W'tlllKINO CLASS, Male or Keinnle. \l #tUlawe>'k Ktiaiiuif.'l- Ite-IM^tableem-

ployi il ul home, dav or e\.■IIIUK; «■• enpibtl re- oulreil; full Instrucilou- nod valuable package ol goods' sent free by mail. Address, with sia-ceat

Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker.

And dealer in all kinds of

Stoves, Furnaces, and Ranges. Impairing neatly done.


And dealer in all kiud. of

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe, AND

Fittings for Steam. Water and Gas.

II*. 410 Eases Hlreel, Lawrtart.

Urdura aolielled and promptly attended to.


FURNITURE. The lubiaribera have taken rooms In Ordwaj

Block, H3T Kss.-i sti < < t. where they will Ke- pair and Buy and Sell Second Hand I'uralture and bousehold article*. All orders promptly at- tended tu, and goods said at auction when desired.

1111,1. A CO. Lawrence, April 10, 1872. etf-



A'o. I B RO A It IF A Y.

,\e«r Huston * Main* .n,l i:.stri u llrpot,





Parlor, OtBce and Cooking Stoves. Plumbing, Tin Roofing, and all kinds of Joubhuj

done prompUy. -1

KI. imtitixi HTOVK swill:,

11 Lawrence Street, Lawrence.

for infi.i inaiii in. rates, ale, call on or addreaa

JOHN EDWARDS 283 Essex Street, Lawrence.

i-«.t oaiee BO. an. i-


rp ||" KINK I. K & 1. V O 1. ataounveturiay (.Va

Now Sewing Machine, "VICTOR."

CAM nn nuiOHt <*• v"ct' n. \V. LORD, m Margin Htreet,

Sole Agent for Lawrence. Andover BMl Methuen.



HI^ANK' BOOKS o order in any ahape.



Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, I ...Mot. Tla Lined and Semi-K las tie Pine.


for linn'I or power uae.

asT Movvintf Machine*, Scale* and Wrlnflnf Uaehlue* Repaired. PlumblaB;, Tin Roofing and Oenerai Job-

bing- done at abort notice. ' iTSdecM-


I V. V.

E."- Sl'UAUl'K,


Lately located In Lawreaee,

South Side, on Broadway. All .'ii...-. of BLINDNESS fruin Cataract,

Opacity of On-lit--., all find* or HIMKAMF.O KVF.K, Naira ETH of LONII HTASHIMi. Karp- tlmi anil < alar, hal Opblhalmla, HtappiifJC i)f the l.arhr> nial llutl, 01 WotiiiluK KyeK, in triHluelna; the .STILB fur ita euro. Allcaaea, of whatever character, am tielna; treated with aatou- lafttg ■ueceai. All perauna from a dlnlancr, uut of UM atnte, will be received Into the Doctor'a nuniljr durlnft trealmonL

Furttier, we tierfonn all kind* of Operation* on tlw i:\KS, an t'BtBraet, Nlrnbtraini, etc.. lor VEXr MI (it LMI than Uieae ow-ratioin, are done >n Boatoa or New York.

»r i. r, , _n s, [.„ „^i, tl, kiniivof our treatment, M a frw caaeii only in n,i^ c|t- v|, _iir. Tbomu- -on, In tlia Paclhv Mill; ul ... to Mr Tavlnr, South Hide, Ilrnadway, and uthera Illind with Cataract.

Ah.., all kind* nr Weak Eyes cured. The 1 incit.r mar be found at all time* at hi*

Residence, opposite Tiger Engine House.

We do not, however, make the Eye a HIM* laity, but all kiuila of Nt KUKUV, ,„ that we lonti- .lentlv announce that no one *o unfurlimate a* to

tiirii Bl'KtitCAI. All), need go to Uoaton, or ul of Lawn

3inirfcll Ui"'|i>Ttl'iilh. K. II. M'll.ltilK, U. D.




Iufri ■ ■■■ f allowed on all auma of one dollar and upward*, drpoidled not Icxa than one month be- fore HIP day on which dividend* are declared.

The inuiUci-t mill received on depotlt U flve

Dividend* will be made of all the priiflta which may have accrued within tla- prei Ioua all month*, alterde.luciiiiKniicHBary eapnemaa.

I will nut be paal oa fractional part* ofa dollar.


I'rettdnit—Jonn, Kag. fkt ITttkltnt*.

A. W, Stearna, Thnmaa Seotl, II. 11. It. t. klorrla KuiiHb-a, .lino.- ■ A. Treat, .1. Emeraun, Jr.

TrtatHrtr—Jame* l'ayne.

l'etir Smith, J. W. .Smith, i'.ii i ii-.iiin.n, 1'. C, Kirk, Ii. M. Aycr, A. J. Kreucb, ('. K. rill i.nii. 1*. ti. flllabury,

.lohn Smith, >'. L. a i -, I. W. Kniiiit, I). V. Itlehanlaon, .it---1- Idover, I'ntrick Mni|.liv, JauiCH I'avnc, Daniel Hardy.

rdny KvenliiKH, IViim 7 to », for i-ocrlvina de- bt only. JAMKH I'AVMS, Trea.urer. wrence. Juno It, MS',4- 1


The natural tendency of everything earthly I* decay. The very Itunea ralaetl a* a tribute of af- fection over tiie refiling [.lacca of the dead, and to mark the aimt when- they are laid, are aubject to Ull* law. Today we rafau ttui marble or granite inimumr»l,rrei>li from the hand of the Heulptor, its poll.hcd lurfara pre-i'iillng u ln-autiful aupear. nice, ami tlm chiver cut letter. aetmilnK a* if they would remain Torever to identify the dead and ipeak of the affection of tin- living, lluta*—

to Hiieak to u* or dm-ay a* much aa the dead whose re nil ii*; place It mark*.

Hut thl* need nu longer be «... A recent inven- tion, by an old marble w..iker, not only give* the

Eiwer lo reature marble or granite to It* original lauly, but fundibea a preservative agent Wlileh

mtlrl* tlai enVcliof ei|>o*ureand llmu. Murelj thl* 1* a meat iiiteful Uireutloa. It I* kia-plng pai;e with Uie progmn* of Uie age. A* education la .lifrnntil ami anllietle culture I* develoued, there ia an Increasing love for the beautiful In art. The avenue* or mmlern grave vanl* are art gallrrle*. Here we Und the hlghci-t triumph* In monumental •i-ulplure. The imalum *rulutor I* not merely able to ahape a done and cut an InarripUon, but la an arUat, ami inonunxtnta are no longer mere block* of atone marking the reating place* of Uie dead, but work* of art making the cemetery a* attractive to the lover of tho beautiful *• It U In the mctaneholv and meditative. Surely, then, thl* Invention, which not only restore* tlwr faded and time worn marble to Ita original beauty, but pre ■trtei that beauty from the further ravage* of lime nnd the elrment>, mmd be hailed by all with delight. It ia now popi-ihlc to preserve the U«uly

will iieople regret lo -ee II pitaidile and elrgylc inai-ilptlona, lm.plrm| bv love and re*per.I for the

ereeteil to the memory of tieluvfl frlendi" in per- manent preservation; and ar, each Hummer, the hand* of love bring flower* In deck Ihe grave ofa departed relaUve or nieii.l. tho ■adaeM felt nn >uch an iH-cai-ioa will not lie iiilensifleil by olwcrv- Ing Ihe tumbatone which lovo reun-d going to decay.

The inventor of thia prer-crvnlive agent, which nceoinplhlieK Mich irrral results, i« Ur. J Oil It A HAWVKII, or Noilhaeld, Vt-and the nwnrra of the patent are i > P. HATCH A «'!>., wht> are now eflabll-in->I at Mount Auburn tiute*. near lion ton, where ci.mmuiileationn may la' adilre**ed. (Inter*

iy Ire alio letl at No. S Hroari ailrrrl, Rntton; the (»Rlce of Uie Cemetery, at Cambridge; at

Ihe 1'orl Ohlcc* at Itaadlng, Stoneham, Lowell, ton, Walihnai, Charledown and Wnburn.

.... Jacaatw,Slate Aiaayer, hlgtily recommend* thl* a* a cleaning and preservative agent. iHfi-W



unit Raaea Street, - - .I.awr'Hce.

i, and kiiier or Chloroform

MISS II. It, FIELDING wishes to in- fona Ihe I.adien of Law renco and vicinity

tliat Klie luia just r.i-elve.l all the Lnlent FALL k WINTER Htvlea from New York, and l» now read, to execute all urdera for

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING at her KOUIIIH, a«l Kaacx Ut., Lawrence, Maaa.

atarParticular attention puiil to CCTTISli and F1TTIM; Ladle.' and Chihln-n'* IIHESSKS.

KUW Srv t>.n ie.eive.1 every Week. LadleV Cut and Eltted fur $1.00.

Machine stitching and llralding done to onler. A liberal aliara of patronage *oIlelted, wltti

thank* for paat favor*. lyfl |aS


141 Lawrence Street, near Bridge.

■Ilka, Thibet., Alparra* and all oilier Urea a Good a, Nhnwlt, Haeqwaa, «V«.,

«' lea litril and l>> eil.


Carpets Cleansed in a Superior Manner. Oentlemen'e Clothee Cleansed or Dyed

without ripping', to give entire Hani faction.

Having all the lateat Improved mac hi nery, and keeping none but Uie bed Dyer*, we ran do our work equal to ttie !■.■■,t In Ihe country, ami lio|ie to be favored with a trial.

1. ', IVI;I M !■ , Oct. 10, !■■,'.: Thi* I* to i-rriifv that I have bad work done in

tlw mu>t Knti.riM.-IJ.ry manner by JOHN T. TREK* Jt Co. Can rocoinmeiiil said ('ompany to all Uioae requiring auj Uiing in tlielr line, for reaaoiiableuea* of chargeH, promptuer.N in e i ecu lion, and quality of work. UKV. L. L. WOUI).

l.iwiiKM'i:, tiej, 14, 1WTJ. Maaana. TKKFJI —

I have great jileanire in testifying to the excellence of your Dyeing and Cleaning Old Clothe*. 1 liad no Idea Hint aucli perfection waa poaaible. Yonra truly,

JOHN EDWARDS, inturanee Agent.

L* w iitMi:, OL IS, ltd. MKaaaa. J. T. Tn>:ta A Co.:

DKAII KIHB :— TliecloUi* and garmenU ]ilareil In vour hamla by ua. for cleansing ami coloring, have been returned aa "good a* new." Wi are especially pleaded with Uie uniformity nr your coloring and excellency of flriUli, mid ahall tak " pleasure In commending vour work to others.

Ueapeel/ully," F. W. How kKit, J. C. HOWKER.

1 lake pleaHure in tentlfving lo the excellence of your Dicing and Cleansing Indie shawl*; alu- "-- Panta and \ en tablishment.

B. Y: SNKl.l.. Lawrence, OcL IT, i-.'.'.

AGENTS. H. F. N1ELL, SIS IUM. Nlml. Mr*. BI('HHI-:i,I„ 1113 K*MI Htreet. Mua. WKiiJIN, Itriiadwav. >onth Side. I..O. MIKItIS, MeUmen. JOHN ItROWV, Nortli Andover. JOEL IIAONES, Erye Village. Houia-

J01IN T. TREES A 00.

/".UALITIES WHICH ARE PECULIAR ' / to and recommend Uie ■UM Howe Improved Family Sowing

Machine. _. Beauty and excellence of tti ten alike on both

side* of thu fabric—J. Strength, beauty and dura- bility of ■cam that will neither rip nor ravel.-X Complete control over both thread*.—i. An en- Urely new rotary tension for Uie upper Uiread, -hleh contribute* so much to that beauty and mil-

miiity of aUteh for which the "llowo Machine" ia _ i celebrated.—4. A perfect uniform tension In the .liuulc which doe* not vary rrom a full to mi

ipty bobbin — aa objeeliun so common to oilier ....ichhie-.—a. Au auUimalie sili-n-gulallug take up tliat provenlx uiisaing of slllcbes In crossing heavy seam*.—T. Short, straight and «Iron a nea- illi'n, not liable lo break In passing over heavy

ma, as do Uie curved needle* of oUier machines. _ Finer needle* Tor Uie same Uiread than auy other machine.—S. aewing equally well with any kind of thread. —10. Economy of Uiread beyond tliat or any other niaohlne—11. A bemmcj Uial will make any width of Hem or*Ml.-M. Rrmld- Ing Ihe most complicated paiteru* wiUi any width and kind or llrald.-IX A Quitter Uial will adjust itself to any thickne** of material.-14. Tucking any fabric without Injury or pucker.—IS. A cold- er to conitrucbMl a* to cord around very short curve*, even to aqnare comers.—HI. Sewing the Burst fabric without injury or pucker, and Uie heaviest material* wiUi Uie greatest ease.—IT. Compactness, simplicity ami durability.—1H. Ease of operation and management. — lu. Best Machine In ihe « orld for Family uae.

Call am' eee these Machine.* work, with the MfW IMcmivtn TUKAH1.K power, at nagar'i *■•■- ry, IW Kaaei Hlreel, l.aH i.-nee. f-

FINE PUINTINO A SPECIALTY The American Steam PrlnUug OlUee, I'oal

OfBee ill...■ i.. i :. -.-1.-.-11■.■.





[,enkv Hoof* made Tight at abort notice, tlvan 17


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AND

COLLECTOR. ONUa, as* K»«ex Street, Lawr«ae>.

Hour*, 1 to.1 and 7 to H I'. U. ". tSepli


i 'i MI i i'.-ei. , nn ur Ull January 17, l*7:i.

Notice la hereby given Uial the undersigned ha* been appointed ln*peetor or Milk for the city or Lawreucc, and all perauus selling Milk within i lu- city are hereby requested pi cqnfonu to all Uie rcquireineula of the law and City Ordinance* relaUug to the aame.

All person* will observe tliat Uie bw rcquli tliat dealer* in milk, al wholesale or retail, from wagou*. cellar*, itores, *bop* nr market place* within the limit* of the city or Lawrence requested lo register Uieir name* with the ]ii-|u'iti..-. All person* aware of any viol of »in.I law and onllnauee, are Invited to report laenavi tn it i >. pector,at

UHH « lonttnon Btoetevt, An Act to amend "An Act In relation Ui the Sale

and Inspection at Milk." Be 11 enacted, etc., aa fnllowa :— SBCT. L—Whoever aella or exchange*, or ha* In

hla pe*te**lon with intent to sell or exchange, offer* for tale or exchange, adulterated milk, milk tu which water or any foreign substance ha* been added, knowing the lame to be ailuIterate'I or to contain water ur any foreign inbatanee, ahall for Ihe jh>t olTeusa 1"- punished by a lino or hundred dollar*, and for any RUhaequent violation a One of not less Hum one hundred dollar*, exceeding Uiree hundred dollar*, ami linprl men! la the HOUHO of Correction not less than Uilrty nor mere than ninety dnya. ■Mt.I.—The pemdUcH provided la the preced-

ing sectlot], and those provhled in the act to which this I* in addiUon, may IHJ recovereil on cotnf befure any court of competent JurisdleUoni and .oie hull of the amount of Hue imposed shall go to Uie coinplaiuanl or inl'oi un-i, aud tlau remaimler Ui the Treasurer of Ihu city or town where offense wan committed.

•nOT. t—It shall be tlio duty of every Inapei or Milk to Institute compmint on Um informal of any person who may lay before him aatlalkehiry evidence on which to sustain the same; at ahall be entitleil to receive one-half the amount of any penally recovered therefor, i be ahall pay over the ninin lo the person who haa lint gi' Uie Information on which the complaint wa* made. [Approved May S7. IH1H.}

J tim WM. C. MY RICK, Inspector of Milk.


Tbe Dally American, a live local pa|>er, give* all the Home Incidents, Knots ,,nU Item*, rubllstml every evening at Peel OlN Dl*k, by flt"


re Just made large addition* lo my



Tlw price* 1 have set UIHIII my Goods are unprecedented Iy low,

KVEItY VAHIKTY OF <it>*)l>S for IJidle-' wear.

In Millinery I have everything Uial Ladies re quire, and In prices I

Defy Competition. My stock of IJtdhV Wnojlen 1 ud.

or all kinds. 1 am making Ibis a specially and can fumlxhall kinds of pau.-i us n nilireil.

lu other department* my stock of nooda cannot a surpassed.

H A I It GOODS, leal and imitation. All kind* of Diva-Triminings.

Real Laces, Hamburg Kdgingv, Km-he*, aud » Jewclrt', 1'erliimeH, Indeed Ladies w tiling ifiei need al my store.

Hlamping for Embroidery. -H

196 ESSEX STREET. 196.



No. 80 fiiloit Street,


Thi* Bank lias never paid tee* than ill per cent per annum, free of tax to It* depositor*.

AH ■ 11 I" ■■■ i i ■ made on or bemre the flrst day of any month are then placed upon interest, and atutr* In Uie next illvfatend.

Dividend* aaaoon a* declared are at once added to the account* of depositors, and at rove begin tn earn Interest, thu* givingOOaVOOlrll uiWre*L IL.illl.U I llABSB, UBU. C. Tltl'MIU-LL,

PresldenL Kxicutirt Ciimmittrt.

Clinton Vile*, Thomas Lj Jenk*, ilarYey Carpenter, Daulel H. Whitney, Wilium Kobinson, lieo. S. Derby, lvlla

i C II O 0 I..





A H i: it I « \ .

Tiie course of ttudy embrace* Ihe Commercial and Common Englli-h branches, and is so directed a* to qualify iludeiit* of either sex to discharge the ilntie. of a buslnea* lite correctly and iutelli

ApplIcaUon Ibr admi**ion muat be made In ad- vance; and stinleiiu may enter at any time when Uie re are vacancies.

For catalogue containing information, terms, etc., addreaa the Principal,

liwHilrwtb- i II. B. HIBBARD.

i Ihese patented S|>ecta.*uw are two construchil Ualvunlc llultertcs-uu- >rn—delivering through tiie nerves of

the head a

Molt aud Contluuon* Stream of Cla.l i. II) .

vltalliliig ami giving henltliv action to Uu> etitlr* beauUful svrtem ortbm-o purls, AUSOLC I'KI.V and CKKT'AINLY ClIIMSO

Parllal I'maly.U of the Opt la IV* fa-c, Weak or Ulaeaaeal Vision,

IVI in al ula of the 11 rail or Far*. Nsrvon* Tn Itches In the

MiiM'ltiufthrl'irc A ol., . lu lb* Head.

Loss ofHaxttal Eutrgy.

and a hurt of Xervous lliana»e*, :n i-mg n .on .le- presrh I the nervous enel({y of Uie syrlelli, con- tiilnitiiix. lu a mo, I a>tonlslilng degree.

Life and Vigor and Health. by the mean* or the soft flowing stream or BlM- lr icily, giving Brlglitiin. to tke !■;>-*,

t|Mlnk lies, to i Ii, Iir, i:ni i'K>- lo the Hi■*in.

They are act with lenses of Uie flne-t maiiulae-


Watchmaker, Jewellar and OpUctan.

t I;MI:Ai. in.i»t K.

No. 230 Essex Street, Lawrenee. Dealer In Wni.-lii-, Clocks, Jewelry, Knury

If, B. Alto Agrnt for iMtatjtM if Uurrii' Per.

fKttd SptcUteU* and Eft Utaua, tkt RESTin tht

WorUL HlvlP-



nr nearly all varieties, aa

Cornet*, Altos, Itarllonei, Baaaaa, Can- trabaaaea, ll.rliritin Cor act* i or

It...... or Herman silver; Piston or Kotary Valves;

Drums, Cymbals, flute*, Piccolos, Fife*, Flagee late, ClariuncL., French aad tienuan AeconhV

oil*.Violin* ft (iuiUrs.V loloi„.el|..s, 1 i,„il,]u Bassos, Concertinas, Flulinaa, Harmo-

nica-. Itanjos, Music Boxes, Vlolla and liuitar String*, and all

Musical Merchandise, I* Ihe well known store of lyfauttl'k-

JOHH C. ti A1 NI:N *. CO.,

SS Court Mt., (opposite Court HouM), Boston.

pR SALE. On Kaaterly side of High Hlreel. between Drove

and Platt Street., a one and a half (lory, double tenement house, six room* In each tenement, with bam and well, all on a line lot of tend MS feel High "treet ami I'ill feel deep. Boom ou lot erect cottage houao lo rent Said prendaea i now for eight and a hair iier cent, ou twenty-two hundred dollar*. Price »**».

Also a splendid building lot Tor gentlemen', ideuce on Union MHe* "outh Side.

Also a gran.I chance for geulleman's resiliences in lots to suit, west of Clover Hill.

For information ami inspection of said property apply lo BALDWIN < uiiVllitlK, Civil Engineer and UV*I K-Ute Agent, tin K*«ex Street. Ijiw. re nee, Mass.

Office nights: Momlay, Tuesilay and ThumUv. •HAleee- '



■end for ClrcuUr.


Ueneral Agent,

• 11 > y «a rk a I MHM a r*

Cor. Cliarles low n St.,

-Imleofltjaiiib BotToa




The Beat Banco & Relish

Made In any Part of the World




II fin.I every




Tjiiwreiico Street >e kept a Hi -l . l;is-. -to. i. „f

Toboeoo, simir.

No. 0, Where H ill

Cigaiw, Merrai.haum, llryrrand 4 la) I'lpes



tVHOl.tHAI.F. AM1> ni;TAii..

A ihare of pubMr. pati-nnagc Is solleited at the



tltfn-JI - raWltgKCE, H taa. /•f'/l/l/.A-.s-melte.l together, and era calleil tHA.VOXB on account oj tuuir hanlnea* ami brlllianry.

Ill* well known that spectacles cut from nra- Inlurlouatn Uut lUlanor booteli ueblile* are v

.V .i.viiuiu mm ii HIH-I iciLioio., nuit produce brightness an.I di-ilniuiess of vlslitp nol Imbue

obtained la spectacle*. Manufactured by the

Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co. NEW YORK.

For sale by Responsible Agent* throughout Die Union.


Jewellera and Opticians, are Sole Agent* for Law rvrncc. Mass., from whom lliey can only bv ob- tained. No Peddler* employed.

The great demand for the*e Spectacle* ha* n- diieeil unaerupidmis dealers ti. palm off an inferior auj tpurbm* article for BM Vlbaiiioiul." li caraahould lie la ken to see that the *V (which |* protei-te.1 by American Letter* Pa- tent), I* -lamped ou every pair. )y I f JeB-


[orriciAL.) I.OWKLL, IVt II, lew.

a*rTheBIN<JKK was awanlcl UM FIHST PBK-

Miua at H. K. Fair In lnTI. aa being the nKUT Family Sewing Machiuc; and abo Uie present year the award* were Hllver M.dnls.

(olgne.1) K.T. BOWKLL, A»*'t Korretary N. R. Fair.

The UVQttt wa* gtven the unar t timnu m N. H. Mute Fair, held at Hover. It* SUPER!- ORJTT OTer all other* baa got It In tlw doing «...

Bold for CO per month, or Tor


•44 EM*I Htreet, - - - - Na*i.«>r* nioek.

H'Ut*** ***** Uei-alre.1, Eicbanged and

HackiM atllrhlng, BteAipliur gad Braiding to order. j,.

*?*_5••t,l ■TRUT. LaWHaWCI.

EXJR^-yiNK^ >*KINTmd_Amerkan Job CsaW


X.VDoVtfli KSVlWflWft I Tlll.tSIIIilt

Kvi'.iiv ruiii-iv MOH*I\«.,

POTT orrit'K m.ocK, I. A \V It K X C E . MASS.

la l)i.' large*) nf mi)' pi _.iiitj-, i.n.l more limn R

that Of any other Wrrkly I'aprr uuli- llsliecl lii thl■» city.

■ J IUTLS (if Adit


VOL. Will, WO 36.

¥^c D^ily ^eritfir..

EVERT EVENING, (Sunday excepted,) ■

I. the Largest Dally in the city, with four Time* (ho circulation of any other.

ni-BM BIPTIOJf, l»Ad»v.i

On* Tear, hfl.00 | SLxMoath*, #1.00 When not paid In advance, W.M.

QUO. «. MKUULL * Co., Proton.


STEAM PRMiNQ OFFIGB, I* the largest and most thoroughly fumUhed In Ka.Urn llMUchiuetU. Having only modern Pre****, ud with constant of the newest style* of Tyi>e, we am *bl* to furnish the beet quality of work, expediuously, at low price*. Order* by null given prompt aueuUon.

UBO. S. MEUtTLL A CROCKER. Poet Offlee Block.


LAWRENCE LAWRENCE Business Directory. jBusiness Directory. (unli n. il exeaedliig Four In length

lust ttiil lu till* («1 mini at (If per year.

It. CHAHi, I'ATTKItN and MODEL MAKER, K. In',i" ft BOK'i lu,)'. Vot'snnr,

Lawiessm, W

w f. g, .1. H. fitLK, • ATTtllt.SKV* mill Cor KMKI.Lt I US AT I.AW,

'J.IU M-.f\ ::l|-l'i-|- IT All V I'l'HMC.

JDF.NNINU, JKWKLKH, Wtilch Hint e Clonk Maker. Kino Wati-lies, Clock* iin.l

Jewelry. I'M K^cxslrit-t. AIL Lin.l-i .if Watches, Clock* mill Jewelry repaired nt short notice.

II , F. BAKNAR1), UPIIOLSTEKKR and Le Cabinet Maker.-lie-airing, I.nvlnr Car i. snd Curlnln Work. SIii) hen 'H Patent W

THEAMERICAN. [Written fur ihc AmtrUan.]


tho hotel, I was not long in selecting have nothing to do but enjoy herself. My Hairy'-., UD one could ever m intake Pan | father lives with my oluwMrtalster, so there

E. A. VISKB, PAPBB HANGINGS, Window Shade*. Artists' Material*, Chnu-

ileller*, l.:ini[n, Vane*, etc. *75 Kssel Street, Lawn no*.

I1ACCO. Whole-ale and lb-tall: Slss Snuff and Smokers' Article*. Meerschaum Pipe* neatly repaired. Mo. U Lawrence Street, Lawrence.

\\MJITFOIU) 4. KICK, JEWELLKHS, v T dealer* In Pnner, SUilinucrv, Paper Hung- „. ...n. ......... iff^ar «caj;

p J. MURPHY, MANUFACTURER 1 • and Denier hi Boot* Shoe* anil Rubber*, or

iviry dtmlrnbio Stylo and Quality. SUB Essex SL,

P - •low HrMU applied

DYER S. HALL, Bate, Cans, Us

shortnotice. -2w Essex St.

TARROX A RRIQQS, ATTORNEYS and Counsellor* at Law, Hnundor* New Block,

Room* Ifl and 17, l^twrence, Ma**> J. K. TAIIIKIX. OI K. Baiooa.

EDRICK & 0LO88OM, FURNITURE, Ready Mndcdothliig, PK1

I'd Kiiriii-tiiiiirtiniHU et*- l Cypata, CriH'.kery anil (uUi'rv, logetlier wiUi

'£Zi%!&zr- '"""""""°"""'■ "StoK".^:'^;vz'A-,?*""*""•""■ IIIIKK. HOBWOOl), Ocncr.1 In.ur- ki )>• CWWBM■■"oVSTKll t IWISa

.11.0 A,™,T, m.k.v Inxn In nil IK £iftSK'JMrffi5»SS?5!^fii2

,u«. 330 K.V.-X tsnwt. l,ra,,,,B of cl»arB "'war, on hwiu.

J X? IL KELLEY, APOTHECARY—Pr*- -IJ« »e.rli>tlon* inrpl'ully I'oniiH'Uiidi'il. Pure l>rilK*aililClienili'Hl^, I'nt.-nl M.-. ti. in.-. 1-.,LI.( jin.J Faawj Article, ate. font umee Dtoek.

1). 1)K MARS A CO., WATCHES, _>• CIO***, Ji-welrv, Slivci and 1'lnte.l Ware, k'aney UJHHU, Cutlery, Toyn, Ac. 2Uo Elites *" " mirintr, t:..l.l nml Si|—-"

L. Kt'imiriiiK, i tid Silver Wilting. "


Auotionsera, Real Batata Ag-enta and Appralaore,

No. 381 EHH Street, Lawrence, Man. AlwayK reatlr tnaire their nervlee ami

-,'iinii« attt'iiliiiii tu m'lliiiK Iti-ul ami Perwinal KHtate at auction ur nllierwi-e, oliMitilnic Monee and li'ltinjf tho nmo ut rnlr rate* fornll

D. DREWS OYSTER AND ICE Cream nnd Dining SAIIHIU, Ml Euu Street,

..■nee. lee Cream. Jellies. Wedding- Cake, Coufectioiicry, Ac. Meal* at all hour*.

B. EENNEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN ■ and Surgeon. Ofllre L!*l K»sex St, HOUM

So. 110 Newbury Strvet. Particular attention paid to OMatn.

1>INK JOB PRINTING 18 HADE A I Klieclnlty at the AMRUII A« Stenni I'rlDling

Offlee, r.,.-i Olhce llloek. Call aad.eiBmlna tpeo

negotiating Mortgage* rinl looking u|i Title*, ■iciiting Pro(H'it) ami ■ nlleeiiiig IU'ULH, etc. No Title imMweil of I'ni|iert.v unle-t- Hie *nme lie )ier. me*, mi otiiliey ll. . _ . ilmiliti-il w.-uritr. All lm.-ine.-~ intrusUnl to will 1H> allcml.'.l In |,i |>lh . mi't nil will lie hnn- ..rnl.lj .letillh with - . trirt mlegritT li<'in« the one iui|i:ii'l.iut ili'iiH'iit oi' huecemt In the It en I K'tnle l"i -in,"-, {ii, mi | .1 |i;iv merit - of e:i-h orij.eeil", deiil- in* in ill lioinir uiili Hi" M'II.T mid mrner, jt tin aanietlino lo'iking well to the true intei-e-t <H tin- 1 Ii:i-i-r, lliit lii- utle-amg.i.^l, anil that hegeU all Hhl.-li he is entitled to —tliim neeiiring nnd holillils that emillilrmn or our fellow* which In onlr olitainuil liy flrlel nlti'itlinn to buxlnu**, and tlie luijji.vt tv|ie ut 1 Lilile kenllng.

•a^-Tenn- reasonable, and according to tho work and re*|ioii-tilil|ity. Cull upon u*.

Real Estato Office. 361 Essex St. N. B.—Property fur rale in many K<vtinn*uf New

Kiigltiud, hut e-iici inllv in the citv of Law. and viHnitv. No tietter citv In the Union for a iicnnnnent Investment.

Head Real K-tate column lu Lawrence Seulinel and l..-n. ii'in'i' M;iil-. American. Imylli-

•CJ LASSWARE, GOULETS, TUUB- VJIern, ritehan, PmHrva and Krult lH*he*, CaiulloSticks, Celerv i ;in-e-, siioon lloldern, Flub UIOIMS, ghndta tor Wnx Work, Ac SeU of cheap and cut glad*. J. 4'. Mow .v Co., 1U9 RaMI St.*


Having attenile-l jmrtinlly to Insurance for dome year*, it I* now mv intention to give HIT entire . ...emr ....

H.'uviug I lit anil folielei . . JaaaCoiiiiiiiitii' -, r-urtm-lhe IIHLYOivr.

Ml'TUAL,, Ma**., ami other* of similar

In |irn.'U

lie ut , Account:, KfTtftitiK Mortirugi's, etc. 1 have taken an OlttVe with \V». U. ItiHiKU*. E*t|., in Cnrrlcr'a Block, near Town House, wlMtre I ean lie IMunil during liu-ines,, hours. I'lomjitnex* nnd careful ilenllriK" 111 !«• mv constant alni. Term* ie;iiiu:il,|.'. Aildre*. UAMKI. CCRKlKK,

tt'ii;i:i Methuen, Maei.

<ftK f« CiOr\ I'erdav. Agents wanted 1 Ml (0i~f UU tPaU el.t—e* oi working people, of either »ex, young nr old, make Man money at work Tor IH In their |HM moment*, or all tho time, than at nnvthing Bias, Particular* free. A.ldreta G. STINsON A Co., Portland, Maine.

H lyniovlftmy-


W. 0. HOWK, 431, 433, 435 ESSEX Street, Lawrence, Ma**., Wholesale

Manufat-turer* of Chamber rurnlture, Bent and Silting Room Chain, etc.

MISS LIZZIE CARLETON, 2C0 ESSEX Street, Saundera Block. May lie found a va-

ried and select slock of Fancy Uoodj, to which I would rcitpectfully invilo attention.

C10LDURN BRO'S,— DAILY PAPERS, .'i 'hrniiio*, KngraTlng*, PeriwllcaU, Stationery,

Fancy Hoods. Picture! Fratuwl at abort noMoa. No. > 1 EMOI Street.

1,'liANK C. CLARK, Millinery Goods, Small Ware*, Trimmings, Embroider *.,

While linnil., llu.ic. uml IJIure*. No. tl] K» ci MM

HM. WHITNEY A CO., Apothecaries, • comer Baaez and Lawrence SU—Truatee,

Shoulder llraerii, Perfumery, ete. A -' -' all artlcloi, In our Una.

(. GLIDDEN, DRUGGIST.—Pure Drug* anil Chemical*,^Patent alrdleinen,

W. IIEALD, Sole Agent for Singer's • Improved Sewing Mac Idler* New Block.

Sewing Machine Finding*.

A. Toilet Article*, Perfumery, Soon ecu, flrus Son pi, etc. Corner Baacz and Pemberton St.

nCHOS. LEYLANI), Dry Goods, SSI Ks- I i-cv Street Full Value, Fair Dealing, "No

mowing," No Trickery, One Price. Wa what wa lay.

m II. KIDDER, DENTAL SUR- UEON, No, sTI Eaaex Street, Lawrence,

Mans. tia*. Chlorofonn, or Ether given, a* pre

JOSEPH FLOUD A CO., MERCHANT TAILORS. Chamber*, 1,1 and S 8aunder*

New Block, E*aex Street. I'ntler the Immediate i vision til'Jim. FI.IMHI, (late Savage A Flood.)


on the roatl to Lowell nnd Lawrence. 71) acres, on the river, Ivlng between the river nnd'thu road. Wood ennngli l,r home i>ur|io*p*, tM a|iple tree*. Cut* l-'i tons, an<l .1 ton* meat low hay.— Cherrle*. grape* ami t"mall riulls. Farm long ami narrow, running along the river for a half mile. liotnl pit*turagc, K ' laml ■'' every variety. No trouble from freshet*. One of the ilnesl ■Ituntlnun between Lowell ami Lawrence. 4 1-1 miles fnun Lawrence; fame from l...i,i II. i I buildings, In gtKnl cnndiliiin, well fcucnl with stonewall.— A good Fnrm, and onlv Mb) lieenuse llM> owner 1* goiiig WUBL Pi-Ire »f*>l, *I000 of whiehcan Lean Inilenriilo time nl an tntere-tof; per cent.

Call upon PKDBI0K A CI.OsSON, I^iwrenee, nr at i lie prcmisea. floc*-



R. H. EDDV, so 1.1 err I'll OF PATENTS

For Invantioni. Trade Mark*, or Oeiigni, TO Mtatr St., "|i|in«He IIII liy St., llo.toi,. iiiici- an evieii'.ii.' practice of upwards of tlilrty Sear*, continue* to feeure Patent* in the United

tatee; al»o In (JreaI Britain, France, and other foreign countries. Caveats, specification*, An*,gn- nn'iil'i, Aii-l all piper* for iTtUnit*, excciiteil on reaaonable terms, »jihili-piiieh. Researohe*made

*3 In all matter* buiehlng the same. Copleaol the elalitu of any Patent fumishetl liv remitting —- dollar. AssignnvnU ITCUHICII in Wnshingltm.

a#"No Agency in Hie Unltetl state* pos*e**c» superior facilities for obtaining Patent* or aeeer- lalnlng tho pnlenUihililv nf inventions.

til ,.rm 1.,..*,.*^ I.. \V..^l,i,.i.t.,i, t„ »,nl-

here aaved inventor*.

M."l'l II. I'-. I \ I.-. " I regard Mr. Eddy a* one of the most capabh

and mtoMMtd prartitionori- with whom I have lind ulll. iiil inl.Ti-iiiir.-i-.

CHARLES MASON, Conimis'r of PatenU. " I have nu henltatiou in assuring Inventor* that

they cannot employ a man nuir* tompftnit ami ir-HifunirtAg, anil more i-apahle of putting their no plication* III a form to aeeure I'm them :m curl' and thvorable consideration at the Patent OlBce.

KDMUND lll'UKE. I.ntc I oni'r of Patent*." "Mr. It. II. EmiV ha* made for me over THIHTV

applioatlon* Tor Patents, having been *ucces.*ful la almo*t every ea*e. Such uninlslakabhi proof of great talent and ahility on hi* part, lend* mo to recommend Al.l. inventor* to apiitv to him to pro- cufa their [intents, a* tltey ntav be *ure of having the ,nmtt (a it li ful attention tH'stowetl on their caaea, «ud at very reasonable charge*.

JOHN TAUOART." Boston. Jan. 1. IDTa. IrlHb


ROWLAND, SURGEON DENTIST, Suce«**or to W. W. Huacell.

1X1 l;«sei Street, t.awrenee. Mtrou* Oxide Uaa Administered. the only good St*rvo.ropie View* of Lawrence.

All kind* of Scope* for *ale.

'"PUB AMERICAN STEAM PRINTING X on-lee, Post Offlee Block, I* th* largest anil

' of Bor lor ton, In eastern

17RANK KNOX.— Boots, Shoes and Rub- bers of all kind* sold cheap for rash. Re-

pairing done at short notice. 133 Essex Street, i .|.|.o ■ lie Pott Offlee.

MHS.J. A. KNOX, LADIES FURNISH- iMiiinods; alao a Urge assortment of Cor-

t Supporter* always on IT) ICssex St.

in 1.1.1 *MJlI KIKK.

D. YOUNG, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Offlee and residence, »1 Essex

Street Offlee hours, 13 till S and r, till s.

DH. Si

EKKand Surveyor, til Essex Street. At office on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday


T STIIATTON, BOOKSELLER and 1 v. Stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.— Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Newspapers, ete. 1U E.aex si. Branch Store, Itt Essex St.

W Work* Yarn*, Braids, and all kind* of Job Dyeh salable good*-- J"

STUART A CO., Essex Dye ieC

dyed and put In marketable order.

Work*, Vine Street. Dyers of Plee* tioods.

n, Shoe* and Rubber* of every descrlp

JOHN C. DOW A CO,, (successors to Charles S. Woodman A Co.,) Crockery, Ola**

and China Ware, Lamp (iootls, Plated Ware, Table t utlcrv, Kin Essex Street

Merrimnck Machine Shop, near Marrimack Iron


MACHINISTS. (ftnoceaaor* to Webster, Inisiin * Co.)

Manufacturer* of

Cotton A Woolen Machinery A*D


Jack Screws r made to order;

also all kind* of Forging done. UENERA1, JOB WttltK and Mill repair* done

liromptly and faltliiully. Dvaler* i'.i Manumcturera' Supplies.

Foit«r'i Building, Comer of Franklin and M*lhu*r '•traat*.

lyflsp LAWBKNCB.


Notice is hereby given that the luhscriber ban lieen duly appofnt^l ailmlniitrator (with the will annexed) of the estate of

Catherine A. Pnge, Inte of Methuen, In tho county of Essex, widow, ,|eee*-eil, nnd has Uiken upon himself that trust In giving bond*, a* Ihu law directs. All persons having iVnmnil* n|ion the estate of said deceased, are ictiuln-d lo exhibit the nnine; and all persons indebted to said estnle, are railed upon tornakcpnvmciilli. HAMCEL < I MM1NUS, ilth, is;.t. VMM* Adm'r.


Notice la hereby given that tho subscriber ha* Ueen duly nil li-lraUir Of tho estate of

Francl* F. Klmhnll, late of Mcthnen, in the county of Essex, intestate, llltlSaiSn. anil ha* taken upon himself that tru»l by giving bond*, a* the law direct*. All person- having demand* uiMin the estate of salt! deceased are reipiireil In i-vhiim ihe same; and all person* Indebted to said e*tate arc railed u|«in to make paymenllo WM. U. CROWKLL, Arlm'r.

Salem, N. II., Feb. 37, laTS. mhT

DECKER A WHITTIER, Cruitery and Olsss Wai

GROCERS. Strietlv pure

Coffees, Spices'and choicest Teas. The liest tlalrie* of Butter and Cheese. M Ameabury Street

, PHYSICIAN and K. I. YATES, - _ Surgeon. Offlee, ;k)7 Essex Street, corner af LawraacS-

Resldeuce, 10(1 Coueonl Street


117 Eases Street. Vf. A. Kimhnll. W. F. KlmUll-


i that the siibsrrilier lias i duly appointed executrix nf the will of

A*n Harvey, late of Methuen, in the county of Essex, yeoman, deceased, testate, and Ims taken U|xm lur seir Ihat trust by jrivlng bonds, ui the law directs. All pentona haVlag tleiuund* upon the estate of

.■'.li'-.i ■ald'iiecensml arc reipiiretl to exhibit tho ant) all person* Indebted to said estate

•^WBB*B!af&M DEARBORN, Methuen, March u. 1S7S. 'inbl t K.xerulrl


3M ESSEX ST., LSWUKCK, MASS. Over Dyer A Co'*.



(3 H.TEBBET8 ACO, DrvaodFancy T* tioods. 1MB Essex Street




Offlee, 118 Essex Street. Residence, II Oak SWeat

rpHfl AMERICAN Steam Printing Offlee. L UEO. S. MKUMILL A CatM^asa, Pine Job

Printer*, Post OMoe Block. The nicer qualities of printing a specially.

A sleigh ride, a dance, urn I a supper! The nicest and ihc liHiidsomest aiau In the whole world hy my side I a pair of loving hearts kct-plDg time to lite music of the hells: Tho great wide snow clod lields stretched out before us, and the full moon

rhcad. What if It was cold, fearfully coldr what was that to Harry, my Harry, and my Harry's Nell, which means me? Hadn't the dear fellow plenty of buflilo robes ami warm blankets? and hadn't mother kept the oveu fuU of bricks ever since the morning* Fie upon Jack Frost: He couldn't hurt us; and this song I kept humming over to poor lit lie mother all day. I was too happy to talk i so every time I passed hcrehalr*! stooped down aud chanted the little comforting rcfralu right into her very ear; but It hadn't the effect intended; she would worry iu spite of all I could do. Once I thought I would give op the excursion, and send word to Harry that mother was so nervous about It that I dared not go; but when I sug- gested this, her face brightened for a mo- ment ; but only for a moment.

"No:" she said, "I can't bear to have you do that; Harry will be HO disappoint- ed."

I think mother loved Hurry tjulte ns well asshedfd me; and sometimes If she had ieit 1 oTU my mother I should have been desperately Jealous.

One would have supposed from the fuss made about this ride, that my maternal parent was getting mc ready for a ride to Grcenlauds ley mountains. Such extcn* slvc preparations; a dosen or two Of bricks, a tlask of brandy, and I verily be- lieve that every flannel petticoat there was In the house was produced and toast- ed for mc to wear on that occasion."

How in the world mother, do you ex- pect me to dance with all this rigging on?" I cried In despair, as the Unishlng touch was put to my evening toilet. I am not very tall, not so tall Indeed as I should like to be; but an Harry always Insisted that I suited him to a dot I tried to be satlsned with my limited numlicrof Inch- es; but In this rig, layer on layer of un- derclothing, oh; horror of horrors, I looked like an animated churn. "But mother, I am really not comfortable with all these clothes," I Insisted. Mother was Inexo- rable. In rain I argued that all the girls would be tastefully attired for the dance. "You can leave some of these things in the dressing room," she replied. '-In- deed that will be much the best plan: then there will bo no danger ofyour tak- Ink cold when you go out again,"

Harry roared with langhter at the flgnre I cut, and mother forgot her fears for a moment and Joined lii in.

"Yea," he answered to her eager Inquir • ten about the weather.

"It Is cold, very cold; and the stillest night wo have had this winter) but It Is pleasant, and I foe) quite euro with all the fixings you have provided for our com* fort, that we shall be as warm as two bogs In a rug- It Is only eleveu miles to Meads!" [Meads was the country tav- ern where our sapper was ordered, and we were booked to dance for three or four houra.] "There we can rohnat our bricks, and Fan, you know, [Fan was Harry's big white marc] travels a mile in three minutes easy, aud' shall dlspotui of the distance in short order comlug back."

"Take good care of each other," said mother, as she saw us out of the door.

"Go to bed, aud go to sleep little moth- er, and don't fret about us," replied Har- ry, kissing her good bye, while I threw back a saucy answer that Harry mustn't expect much attention from mc, as It would take most of my lliuo to look out for my dry goods.

Harry tucked me hi, and cuddled me up so carefully, that it would have been Im- possible for the most acute observer to have distinguished mo from a bundle of shawls, or a firkin of butter. Fan started off at a brisk trot. The other cutters came Into line, and away wc flew over the crisp snow like a flock of birds getting ready for the summers housekeeping. I vowed that I was never so happy lu the whole course of my life. Harry declared that was his case exactly. As I peeped up at him once In a while from my fur fortress, he looked In his shaggy cap and overcoat like a big grizxly watching his opportunity to spring upon Fan's back and hug the life out of her. Wc laughed, and shouted, and sung, and before we hardly knew where wc were. Meads lights danced before our eyes, and wo had arrived at our destination.

1 was quite putzled to account for the change in Harry's manner that occurred immediately after we entered the house. As he led mc out for the first Lancers, I saw that he was pale, and apparently III at ease. In all our acquaintance I had never noticed him like this before questionings were of no avail.

"I am not sick Nell;" he cried; "enjoy yourself please, and don't take any notice of my mood; I shall get on well cuough."

"Enjoy myself with you miserable;" answered, "as If I could."

"Sidney Hart is here, I see without any lady;" he continued to take no notice of my remark. Sidney Hart had once paid mo some attention, but I never bad cared for blm, and when one evening, be drew out a plain gold ring and asked me to marry him, I was quite as much mortified as surprised. After that we had seen very little of each other, and it was a mystery to me what difference to Harry's pleasure Sidney Hart's coming could pos- sibly make. I tried to forget the grave looks of my companion, and succeeded at last in dispelling tho cloud my lover had throwu about roc, and became tho gayest of the gay.

"How many dances shall I save you?" I inquired of my companion, aa he led me to a scat.

"One more," he replied, "any where you please; so that It Isn't the last one. I shall have to look after our rigging then, and see to Fan. She'll be uneasy as soon as she is harnessed again; so if I don't come up for you, wrap yonrsolf up care- fully and come down and jump aboard."

I knew that Harry did not want me to dance with Sidney Hart, and I knew too, that he was fur too noble to "make any auch request, so I said in a whisper, pulling his curly head down to my level.

"Dear, if S. 11. asks me for s quadrille, and my card la not full, I suppose I shall have to dance with him, but you know of course that It will be no pleasure to me."

"I hope I know that," replied Harry gravely; "don't be silly, child."

The stupid coxcomb came as I expected he would, and In such scaaon that hi could make his own selection, and wi danced together coldly and decorously enough, I thought, to satisfy the moat ex- acting lover lu Christendom. Harry did not come for his quadrille nntil the acts had all formed, aud there was no room for us, then mode a hasty apology, and took mc out with him to the supnerroom. During the progress of this meal he was gloomy and abstracted, with difficulty controlling himself sufflclently to ward off observation and comment; I was too proud to ask any more questions; there was a cause for his depression, and that cause he wished to keep a secret; so he might for all me, and with this determina- tion, I grew again gay nnd unreserved. Not that I did not care, hut I was too con- scions of mv own rights lo beg for iny honest dues, and too exhilarated with my ride, and subsequent music and dancing to feel very much depressed about any- thing. The festive scene came to an end at last, and a troop or merry, laughing girls prepared to attire themselves for their homeward trip. Harry sent me up a little card by a servant, on which was wrltton in pencil, "It has grown Intensely cold; be very careful that you put on all your wrapping*; I have the bricks all right. Hurry down."

I made all tho speed possible and was the first one ready. As I looked out on the long line of cutters reined up before

for any other Animal; and there sat Harry reins in hand, looking more like a bear '" in ever.

'I'll be as jolly as possible," I decided as I made my way to my scat, and tacked the heavy robes about mu, "he shan't see that I am annoyed at all at his behavior. I heard a voice say somewhere, it did not si-i-m to come from our sleigh, aa*I re- membered afterwards, "Jump In," but I was so muffled up about the ears, that of course It wasn't to be wondered at if I did not hear straight.-

"Let mc drive," cried I, "please, my hands are so weR protected In these fur gloves, that I shall not feel the cold, and

will be such fun." I could not help minding that Harry did

not tack me in, or appear tJie least anxious about my comfort; and It was so cold, so calmly, piercingly, deathly cold, bat I re- membered his strange mood of the even- ing, aud set him down as abstracted aud anxious, aud let it go at that. I took the reins from Iris hands, and off we went, the big white horse pricked up her ears, threw back her head defiantly, and struck lnto her very best trotting gait.

Fan is in for It now, Harry;" I remark- ed fjnily. "Why In the world didn't I drive coming up; it Is jolly."

No answer. "Harry darling, you are not vexed with

me for anything, arc you?" I asked, quite forgetful of my resolve not to question my companion on this subject, no ans-

\ I commenced to sing, -'High diddle diddle Thei-af* In the fiddle, The cow Jumped over the moon.',

Look at that big white cloud Harry- right close to the moon I It looks exactly tike a cow, and there are the boms too, as plain as boms can be. Is this the road dear?" I continued, as two long white lines stretched before mc. No answer. The horse turned to the right.

'Why don't you put your arm around my waist, you horrible old bear? Don't you sec that I am growing cold every minute?" No answer.

Well, you shall hug me, whether you waut to or not: hold up Fan, "whoa I" and the animal came to a halt. Now Sir I If you please; uubend from your stately dig- nity, aud embrace the mistress of your heart. If you do not, I will immediately get out of the sleigh, and ask shelter at the first farm house I come to." Not a word. I threw down the buffalo robe, seized tho left arm of my companion, and attempted to move it. It was aa firm and rigid as a slab of marble.

llarryl" I screamed, beginning to be alarmed, and then ashamed of my foolish- ness. The horse had started again at a furious pace; and a suddeu jolt sent the form beside me, with a hard bouud for- ward almost on the dasher; as the sleigh righted itself again, the form bounded back to Its scat. Then I know that the man be- side me was dead. The terror, agony, Indescribable heartache of that moment, seemed past all endurance; and yet I held on to the reins believing that the horse knew her wny home and was taking us there as speedily as horse flesh could accomplish it. Dead! Harry, dead! How could It be? I grew afraid or the rigid figure beside me; my teeth chattered, and my head swam. Another lurch of the sleigh, another horrible bound and re- bound Of the corpse at my right hand, aud Hun I knew no more until I opened my eyes in the dressing room at Meads; with Harry bending over me alive and welt. - rhgrmel i I had jumped Into the wrong sleigh; aud the dead man I had so unex- pectedly taken a rido with, t..-... a -™* ui be a neighbor how must have fallen asleep after having been overcome with the cold, and in that manner met his death. The horse had stopped at the hotel, probably conscious that something was the matter; and at the turn of the road had selected the one which would bring him straight home again,

"lean never forgive myself for this evening's foolishness," almost sobbed poor Harry, as he kissed me again and again.

"Ifl had not been so surly, and wicked, you would never have made such a mis- take."

One thing let me remark In closing. When I next started for home, there was an arm round my waist, every inch of tho way; aud I did not have to beg for ft cither.

n that I mi

musllnsin which I first tew her. But, j to see herbeautlfully dressed. Inorderto darling, my wlfo has a social position to insure this ho gave her a liberal allowance maintain, must move In noclety, receive for material and dressmaker's bill. Now, and return calls, go to concerts, parties this wicked little woman having a knack and operas, and must dress In a style be- - for sewing, took it Into her head that fitting her beauty and my wealth. Now, dressmakers aud mllllucrs were not uec- Ettlv dou't look so terrified. You shall I eaaary to aid her in making a fashionable not go home for two' months, and before ; appearance, and secretly, while her hos- tbat time the dry goods SMrcnants, dress- I baud was away during the day, she learned makers and milliners afaltt transform you to make her own dresses and lints. Cblld-

r«-MC*UDeto Mess her, and thegeueroos allowance was Increased, while still time

found for embroideries and dainty stitching for the little ones. In all this time the little woman kept a lnemoradum of the cost saved upon each dress and by way of preparing an umbrella for a rainy day, commenced a little hoard of money, that grew year by year, till—do you not guoss how my story Is to end? I have more than enough saved to help you now. Yon have been so generous that I have saved over a thousand every year, and now you will not have to borrow money to meet your embarrassments, for It Is here in the house, all your own."

And nobody knew or guessed that Mor- ford A Giles owed their continued pros- perity and credit to the economy and in- dustry of Arnold's wife.

is no real home for my fair bride. But now I am coming to the point that may wound you—your dreaaea."

" I thought you liked all my dresses," said the little bride, thinking of the many hours she had spi-nt>w1th her mother stitching on her modest trousseau.

"I do. If only my tatte were consulted I would never want to see my little Illy- of-t he-valley In any drees but the' pretty

not ask any questions till It Is finished?" It Is too late for stories to-night?:' "Please let mo tell you." "Well!" "Once upon a time, there was a little

country girl who married a rich merchant. She had been a poor girl all her life, and Indastry had become a necessity to her. After her marriage she found herself con- demned to a life of almost entire Idleness. Her husband was fond of her aud proud of her, and one of his prides was always



It had caused a commotion In aristo- cratic circles whon It was known Hint Arnold Morford had married a nobody.

"My dear," said Mrs. Dnimo to her friend and confident, the stylish Mrs. Cleaveland, "she is really nobody. Ho picked her up In some out-of-the-way place where he was spending the summer, fishing. His sisters are perfectly wretch- ed about It."

" I should think they might be," was the sympathising reply. " A young, handsome man, with his wealth, and position, and connectlous—why, he might have married In our very first circle;" and Mrs. Cleaveland thought of ber daugh- ter Arabella's thin shoulders aud twenty- six summers, and noted the news upon her mental tablets as " one more chance gone."

It was not likely that so Important a Kerson aa the only son of Morford, of

lorford A Giles, Junior partner of that important firm, nephew of Giles, a bach- elor, who would probably leave him ail his money, eould marry without creating some atir In bis own social circle; but when', as Mrs. Cleaveland expressed It,

he sneaked off to some obscure town to marry a raw country girl he was probably ashamed of," society was really In a flutter.

It was understood by sympathizing friends that Lucy Clifford and Leonora Maxwell, the slaters of the bridegroom,

i completely poalrated by their broth- Infatuatlou and obstinacy, although

the old gentleman declared he "did not see why the hoy should not marry aa he pleased. . There was money enough to start him in life, If bis wife had not two dreaaea to wear."

In the meantime the young bridegroom, happy and hopeful, was yet not entirely obvious of the probable commotion amongst his friends, and keenly alive to the anger of his fashionable sisters. He had won his little bride—hit wood-violet, as he called her—when boarding with ber widowed mother during a summer vaca- tion. He loved her fondly, and ho trusted In her love, as she had yet to learn that ho waa wealthy. Yet, deeply In love as he waa, Arnold Morford was slightly troubled. He had taken his bride to New York, established her In a fashionable hotel, and after a week of quiet happiness, ventured upon the delicate ground that caused his perplexity. Seating himself upon the sofa, he drew his wife down be- side him, and commenced ;—

" I want to say something to you Etllc, darling, that may hurt your feelings a little. Will you believe that 1 have a mo- tive for doing so, and forgive mc before I speakf"

"You know I will," she said, softly, lifting htr blue eyes lovingly to his face. Bho was very pretty; a little fairy-like blonde, with ax-omplcxlon like amluattire painting, a wealth of golden curls, foci and hands like TltanhVa and a mouth like a cleft rosebud.

" It Is about our future, love. You married mc believing wc should live In a tiny house, where you should have to pre- pare the meals, keep the rooms In order, and look upon a silk dress as a luxury to be Indulged In but once In a lifetime. Did you not?"

She onlv looked at him with wondering eyes. " Well, Etllc, love In a collugc is not to be our lot, sweet though it Is. My father Is a man who counts his money In hundreds of thousands, my sisters are the wives of men of large wcallh, and I am nn only "son, and Junior partner In the tlnuof which my father and mother's brothers are the heads. I do not want my li" le wife to be worried with the cares of house- keeping, so 1 have taken a suite of rooms In a large boarding-house, where she will

yon uivan that'I must wear such dresses aa the ladles we see at the table?"

Exactly." And bats and cloaks such as we sec

on Broadway?", Yea." And—tho—the money?" Don't fret about that."

'I think I understand you, Arnold. You will go with me, just at flrat, will you not?"

She was a sensible little woman, and ahe let no foolish pique influence her wlille yet her great modesty was untouched by the idea of finery and fashion.

Society had calmed down somewhat after the flutter occasioned by Arnold Morfbrd's marriage, wheu again it was agitated by the Invitation issued by Mrs. Lucy Clifford for an evening party to In- troduce Mrs. Arnold Morford to her circle of friends.

Ladies who had secretly hoped to be tho bride introduced, shrugged their shoulders, and wondered If the "gawky country girl" knew how to behave herself, but prepared for the occasion, while the sisters-tn-law, In private council, agreed that " they were agrccnbly surprised at Arnold's choice." '

"Really, my dear," said Mrs. Clifford, "her trousseau Is in exqulste taste."

" And Arnold has given ber perfect jewelry."

" She la so shy and graceful, and so very pretty, that society will readily overlook any little ffaMcnerts."

" But she really has none. She Is a lady, If she was country born aud bred. Did you hear her play ?"

" Don't tell anybody; she was educated at a musical school for a music teacher, but nobody need know that."

" She never taught?" "No; Arnold found her when she was

only at homo a few weeka from school. Between you and mc, Arnold has made a better choice than any of the silly girls would havu been who Lave been trying to catch him for the past ten years."

" I was afraid he would be an old bach- elor, like I'm le Giles. By the way, Ettle 'must be years younger than he Is."

"She Is seventeen." " And he thlrty^ne. Well, the dif-

ference Is on the right side. "Did you venture upon any hint about

her dress on Wednesday evening?" "Not I. Trust Arnold for that. With

her taste, and bis waeotrfairt you may be sure sue win DO appropriately dressed. I might have hinted at her wedding dress, but F am terribly afraid it was a shilling calico." .

Mentally, the ladtea con*rooeo tut they were riftttL to trust to Arnold and RtaU when the bride entered Mrs. Clifford's drawing-room. The pore blonde beauty of the winning little lady, bore wellthedresa of exquisite lace over rose-tinted white silk, while the golden hair, in soft curls, caught here and there by pearl sprays. Pearl Jewels adorned the round white arms ami throat, and caught up the costly lace bertha on the shoulders. From the tip of the white satin slipper to the snowy gloves there was no fault to And, and the favora- ble Impression awakened by the fair, shy face and beautiful dreas was increased by the graceful manner, the evident cultiva- tion of mind, and the artistic musical cult- ure of the little bride.

It was not long before the shy little •uiiiry beauty found herself fairly launch-

ed In the cream of fashionable society, and Arnold could, with a sigh of content, feel t hui. she had under her shy manner the t net of a lady, and the earnest desire to do honor to the position as a wife,

Ten yesrs passed over Ettle Morford's head before any event of more than usual interest occurred, to break upon that rare combination, a perfectly happy married


life. Two children graced her home, for Ar-

nold had long ago yielded to her desire to keep house, though he insisted upon a housekeeper; itml her sunny life had left but a few Hues of age or care upon her lovely face. The girlish contour waa gone, the shy drooping of the eyelids was long conquered 1 but the enobllng expres- sion of maternity had replaced tbeae, and the dignity of the young matron well be- came the young figure.

It has long been conceded that If Mrs. Morford was not especially well versed In small talk, scandal and flirting, that she was more than usually read, and could converse easily and gracefully with men whose society was- esteemed an honor from their Intellectual acquirements oi scientific standing.

She was no pendant, and made no pre- tensions to UU-rary attainments beyond the nsual acquirements of her sex; but she read and studied intelligently, and where she found the conversation soaring beyond her compreneuHlon, could listen, and gain Information.

She was entirely happy. How many can truly say that?

Hut a blow was to come to her that was sudden and unexpected.

She was seated lu a deep window-seal, hidden by the heavy curtain*, when two gentlemen standing near, commenced a conversation that made her heart seem to atanrl at III.

"They say," said one, "that Morford and Giles will have to suspend payment."

"They suffered severely by the failure of Wlllets A Co."

"And I suspect that they suffer some from the extravagance of Arnold's wife. That woman's dreas must cost a small fortune, and the children are alwaya a mass of embroidery and finery."

" Her Jewelry would support a family." The voices dlfd away, but Ettle had

heard enough. Waa this really true? Her conscience was clear, for she knew Arnold alone wawto blame for her own and her children's expensive wardrobes. Her jewelry was always a Christmas or a birthday present from her husband, and ho knew If no others did, that It was to please htm she wore expensive toilets, when she would willingly have returned to the simple muslins snd calicoes of her girlhood.

There was a glad smile on her lips as she parted the cartnlns, and stepped Into the room.

An hour later she was In her own room with her husband, nnd throwing aside her wrappings, she made him ait beside her by a pleading—" I am not tired, and I want to talk to you."

Not looking him In hi" face she repeated the conversation she had heard, and asked i

"Is It true, Arnold?" "Thatyour extravagance has embar-

rassed us? We are in difficulties, great difficulties, but we hope to weather the storm. W lllola 1 < onipany's failure was a great blow lo us, ami wo unfortunately made aome losing Investments In the full. If I could now have ten thousand dollars to meet present emergencies, we could sec our way clear. 1 hope to borrow that.

"Rot If you borrow it, you must pay It back."

"Certainly, but we gain time." " Ntlll if you could have It without bor-

rowing?" "That would Indeed relieve us. But

that Is impoi "Arnold will you lhteu to a story, and

11* banging there upon the wall, A weapon both stout and strong;

I watch the filekerlng arelight fall On Its barrel heavy and long.

No fancy thing of graceful liner, Cunning In execution;

Twa* fashioned In "ye ancient lime," Before the "Revolution."*

The itout, »teel anting of It* mated lock Wa* not made for puny hand*;

There's strength Re* In It* rude old stock. And strength In It* Iron bauds.

Carved on the breech of that old gun. Are twa name* that tell of slaughter,

Tell too of glorious victories won,— They are York town and HtlUwater.

When tn -1 throughout our bind wa* felt The pulse, for freedom Iseatlng,

When yeomen buckled ou the belt. To give the "red coat*" greeting;

When rroni the south and from the north, Sprang the brave to muster in,

And sturdy feel went marching forth, In a holy cause lo win;

Aa nut the band* or heroes sped To battle for their dear land.

One marched with blessinga on hi* head, Aud that inuskcl in his hand.

Through day* of darkness, doubt, and fears, In the battles lost or won.

Through oH that weary length of year* He carried that good old gun.

Anil when tin- long, bard strife wa* o'er. And fought were the battle* all,

II* tn-„11a-M Hi" musket home .nice mure. To lu old place on the wall. I

Anil ever since, with rust embrowned. Ha* k huug Uwre. uualalaad odd;

We would not wish to take* It down. No use for it uow, thank riod.

And yet BIMUM —.a»0n vex the land, For which we are their -o-.-. -,-

A* they of old, well take our stand, With newer gana and better.

Then quench tlie patriot Ore who M 111; in our vein* the same blood runs,

Aud the -pint ..I the Fiiibei-.-. (ill I* living in their aoa*.

That holy flame ihall ne'er burn In* | What, though the days seem dark.

The work of ten year* past nil I show There's yet some little spark

Which nerd* but treason's faintest luciiUi, To kindle auch a lame]

As bum* the falthlpH* unto death, Destroying e'en their name.

With thoughts like these my soul grew caln All cloud* of doubt were breaking;

It almost seemed that rusty arm, Some rueering word wa* Rpcaklng.

1 turned the gun h> look upon, With fancies all awakened,

And a* I gazed, old *hnpo* leemeil gone, And (hirer one* were taken.

I saw the soft, ivlcrd firelight fall On tlie musket worn and old.

Till stock and barrel, band* aa1 all seemed turned lo shining gold.

U. H. MOB*i\


About two liiimln.l years ago, a man, bearing the title of the Marquis of Worces- ter, waa sitting, on a cold night, In a amsll mean room, before a blazing lire. This waa tn Ireland, aud the man was a prisoner. A kettle of boiling water was on tho Are, aud he sat watching the steam, as It lifted the ltd of the kettle aud rushed ont of the nose.

He thought of the power of the steam, and wondered what would he the cftect If he were to fasten down the lid and atop up tho nose. He concluded thsl the effect would be to burst the kettle. "I much power, then," tbourjibt ho, "there must be lu steam!"

As soon aa he was let out of prison bo tried an experiment. "I have taken," he

rites, "a cannon, nnd filled It three quarters full of water, stopping firmly up both the touch-hole and the mouth, nnd, having made a good fire under It, within twenty-four hours It burst and made a great crack." After this, the marquis, contrived a rude machine, which, by the power of steam, drove up water to the height of forty feet.

About one hundred years after this, a little boy, whose name was Jsmcs Walt, and who lived iu Scotland, sst one day looking at a kettle of boiling water, and holding a spoon before the steam that rushed out of the nose. Ills aunt thought he waa Idle, and aald, "Is It not a shame for you to waste your time so?" But James was not Idle; he was thinking oi the power of steam In moving the spoon.

James grew to he a good snd gieat man, and contrived those wonderful Im- provements In the steam-engine which have made it so useful In our day.

What will not the steam-engine do! it propclls, it elevates, It lowers, It pumps, It drains, It pulls, |t drives, it blasts, It digs, It cuts, it saws, It plsnes, It bores, It blows, It forges, It hammers, It nles, |i poRabes, It rivets. It cards, It spins, It winds. It weaves, it coins, it prints; aud It does more things than I can think of.

If It could speak it might eay, ••I blow the bellows. I forge the steel;

I manage ilie mill and the mint, I hammer the ore, and turn the wheel,

And the news that you read I print." III the year 1K07, Robert Fulton,

American, put tlie first steamboat on the Hudson River, and In IHiKI a locomotive steam carriage went over a railroad It England.

And this is the story of some hot water. From so small a beginning as the steam ofa tea kettle resulted ihc steam-engine, the steam-boat, and the locomotive en* glne, by which Ihc trains or cars are moved with such speed on our railro

Learn what the power of thought do. How many men had looked at ket- tles of boiling witter, but how fow thought of the force of tlie sUnm, and the good uses to which It might be turned.

. General Sickles has furnished the State Department with the figures of the Cuban census, from which It appear* that the total population of the ever-faithful isle Is 1,B*)9,811. Of these, 768,171 are whiles, MMf free colored, Mt.SM slaves, and 34,410 Asiatics. The census show* an apparent decrease since 1867 of 14,700.


Tlie day celebrated In honor of Ireland'* patron saint waa uahered in With n clear atmosphere sad bright sun, and tlto dlaeomfurl* of a keen March

graciously submitted lo, iu view of the clear eky abovo. Indeed had tie- weather t>een mild, our street*, bad enough at the best would have bean almost impaasablc. The various or- ganisation*, alx Iu number, repaired to their halls at an early hour, and t nine o'clock each headed by music, marched directly to the new Bt Mary'* church, where religtou* service* were held, and a

applicable to the day, waa ilaMiSMil by Bay. Father Bray. Those aervloea conclude-., tho ioclcties returned to their respective ball*, and pre) strati ou* were made for the procession, which waa Hat fasts** of th* day'* celebration.

Al eleven nVl.iek began the formation of the lines, upon Lawrence nlrerl. llie right of the line resting al Common street Tlie various organize-

they arrived were conducted to their al- l.itled potlUons by the aaslstant marabal*, the whole liiniiiiilnii being under the charge of Chief Marshal John Ford. The Ibllowhig was the order of

Chief Marabal, John Ford.

1 iimi.-l F. li. .liii. i. Matthew Carney. John P. Kane, Cenrgc Ilogan,

Andrew Corrlgan. Platoon of Police, commanded hy Cant A. U.

Lawrence Idght Infantry, Sti men, Lieut. Mulllvan. Lawrence Cornet Band, T. Kane, leader.

I.awien.-elrihh llenev.ileiit S.u-iete. logmen. Marshall, Michael O'Brien; aids, Jfleliael

Quinii. Patrick tiiiBUi. IlaverhlllComet Band, B. w niimn-. leader.

Ancient Order Hibernians, Lodge Xo. I, !il men. Marshal, Jeffrey Kellry.

Awelent Order Hibernian*, Lodge No. s, W men. The Association of Prayer.

Marshal, Jame* Brandy; aid,Henry Farrel. Kulgiit* of M. Patrick, 31 men.

Commander, James W. Joyce; Henior Vice Commander, John II. Brown; Junior Vice Com- mander, Win. Hannahan.

The pro.■c--.iiin countermarched up I,JIwn-nee treet, thence through Kim, Pine, Chestnut, Law- inee, Maple. While. Ilaverhlll, Awetbiirr, Val-

ley, Broadway, liuriuuu, H. H-, Newton, Crosby, Broadway, Canal, Union, Spring, Nowbury, East Elm, Jackron, Chestnut Khort, Kim, Jnrksnn, Oak, Cross. Kr.-mklln, Kssej, Ncvrhiiry, Common, to the City Hall, when the procession waa re- viewed by Mayor Tsrboi, and the city govern-

, The tine* were then formed br c!o*e col- and Chief Marabal Ford made the following

addreaa I Mr. Afogor, ami Urnilrmm oftke (1tg Oartm- eai,—Penult me the umlerservetl honor of pre-

senting to you the Irish Catholic societies of your enterprising anil prosperous rltv on this, the na- tional festival of our Irish patron si. Patrick, nnd lu the name of these societies 1 do louder our Klcful acknowledgment not only of the many

duesse* by you ever manifested toward* us, but for that which we believe actuate* you all In conferring upon u* the honor of your presence here to-day, a favor that render* plalulv evident tlie Interest yon lake lu your t nth..lii -Irish fellow citizen*. And to vuu, gentlemen, who have so recently celebrated tire birthday of the father of your country, a celebration lu which-we all BO heartily Join, In cominemoralion of him whom we shall always consider one of our mo*t revered benefactors, ami vou whose ear* still ring iviib Un- just praise that each successive year bestows anew on hi* well rememliercit virtues, and to bring the thing sUII nearer to you whose heart*

""■*- dav af March bring* HCllil-W-d

\ou, gentlemen, with all these metnswtea fresh In your mind', eau understand In some snseaare (he enlhuslHsnt and affet linn with which we ii l-h- •see, though flu- from oar native load, grew* thl* dav, sacred to the UM-morv of Ireland s patron saint, anal ucrhap* mrardlug him a* the civilllur of an almost barbarous Intnl. an aptwlle to the most remote corner of the then known world, and a benefactor to so many thousand* of tlie human race, you eaa enter a little Into toe spirit of tlie occasion, ami share In our Joy*.

It 1* true tills 1* not km™ u to lie the anniversary or our MainC* birth, but it It. Udlevod to couiiuem orate what wa* to him ami tn all falUiful servant* to i-ml a greater Joy, hi* luippwtlealh and en trance into that glory which is the reward or hi* piim* la- bor*. HI nee Ilia t time more than fourteen eenti, rice hav* elapsed,king* and kingdom* baverrum- l.led into dniteartlilv heroes hare been forgotten, and the land of his fore and foelrring rare Ira* *uffered many grievances, but the memory of st. Patrick still lives In the heart nf hi* exiled rhtl. ■irvii, and la whatever land their lot* may lie east hi* name become* a household word, and hi-ehtt. dren rise up and call him Ideaied.

Nor I* it with tin- religion of our country alone thai St. Patrick Is united; we And him Identified in almost every portion of her history. Why, the very flag of our country reminds us of him. That SagwhtMe harp and shamrock waved side bv side with the star* and slrlpes in Ute glorious battle Sold of this, our adopted country, and which we liave borne side by side to-dav, a* represenUng

tfeetkin, the laud of lite by side object* of r.

i, vou will not wonder at the wfi- ll we ball, and the Joy with which I* time-honored festival, nor doubt

Irth and (lag we cannot gasa without rriiu-inlieriug our glorious Patron, whose virtue* and Christian her- olsm wa* one of the moat Inspiring themes nf ber melodious harp, and whose revered touch ami beautiful metaphor liallowed the chosen leaf of bard and chief, old Krln's native shamrock.

Believing us actuated with such senIImeat* a* tbeae, geatleruen, rome with which we celebrate, this the slnrerltv ofour graUtude hi those who show an appreciation of our motives, and trust you will br convinced that they who are true to a suffering native land, aud can only reward their devoted. ne*» with the memory of her past jrlnrlo*, will be

u-'-Td of Ihelr adoption,Ml.ii-1.

"lm™ruo teachings ol St.'Patrick cannot be otherwise

titan observant of these dutlc. to Uod and coun- try-

Accept then, gentlemen, our sincere thank* for tlie pleasure your presence affords us on Uiis oc- casion, as well a* ourmo*t earnevt assurance that we shall never db grace our Patron nor our coun- try wlUi an act unworthy a son of Ml. Patrick.

To which Mayor Tarboi re*ponded,iubstantlal- lyaa follow*:

Mr. Commander nari fltnllrmrit. — I rtmgratulate you upon Uie bright skies thai to-'lay smile duwn benediction upon your Isadges. 1 congratulate

vou make, whldi Is wor- -Vliraif, and of the peo-

you upon tin- ol the pie who unite to observe it

A* chief magistrate or this cllv, 1 congratulate you on the order anil decorum uhleh has marked the observance id Uiis Bnnlversarv thus far, and . I have no doubt will fbiseof Ihc ft Hiitties.

The senlintetil which Inspire* the celebration nf Kt P*trick'*d*v I e ntwhirl, lot] all ought to be proud. It 1* one which ought to lie cherished wherever lite standard of eiviliiallon I* raised In the winds nf heaven, ll l-thr sentiment that leads American- to observe Uie natal anniversary ofUie Father of hi* Country. It is lite sentiment of pal- rlotism, al whose altar men lay their loveantl their honor.

No America brating Mt I'ratriek's day, . . would be (calou-, of the principle which makes Uie

upon for bin loyal- adopted citizen to lie depend' ty tn American Institution*.

In conclusion the Mayor the soci- eties on the cheering au-plees marking their relr- bratloo, and wished them speed.

Ai the il'"-.- of these courtesies, ilu line of prnccMina wa* reformed, paailng through Com- mon, llampahirr, Concord, White, Ilaverhlll, lo St Mar)'* Church, where waa held a grand dress parade, after which the organization- were di- nii-'e.l, and repaired lo Unit respective hall*.

' The Utmost order prevailed during the day, and the entire procession presented an unusually line appearance.

The music by the Lawrence and llavertiill hand* wa* excellent

Saaiota— While three young men were at work on Friday momlug laat, palnllng upon the uutshlc of the honcc of Mr. John Nouns, No. D Beach Street, the ladder upon which thev were Handing broke In tho centre, uiuf tin- painters were precipitated to the ground. They were conveyed to their homes, and medical attendance summoned, Mr. Francis Mtevcns, residing at Ihc IVIflc House, had one uf hi* legs broken, and the in- jured limb wa* set by Dm. Young and Sargent, and the man la now quite comfurtalsla. Two of Mr. Timothy Barne*' sons were Injured,— Mr. Bracket Ilarne* internally, ami hi* brother be- ing stunned and plights? bruised by the fall.

ANOTHER llwiu-.n- AciiinrsT.—While Mr. Edward A. Webb, nu employe of the Botton A Maine Railroad, was engaged In "hackling car* at Wilmington Juiitiiuu, Tburtday, by some meant hi* arm was caugln Iwiween the ears and badly crushed. He was laxougbt to this city, where he resided, ami Dra. Young and Slowc were called, wlm decided that the arm should 1*3 amputated. Dr. Dana wa* after- ward* eonsnlied, and iu the evening the physl elan* made the amputation. The acMdeut oc- curred on conductor poor'* freight train, and the injured nun attache* no blame except lo hiniM'f.

Glided tombs do worms unfold.—,VA<i*-»- PeflrY.

Home QOyi^ij).

—Hon. Wm. Grey, of the Atlantic Mills, tea titled strongly In favor ofa ten-hour law.

—Dr. A. J. French has started on a trip to Washington, and thence South, to occupy some weeks.

—Pay-day at the Pombcrton Mill* will here- after occur on the third Thursday after the last Saturday of each month, Instead or Wednesday aa heretofore.

—Bopt. Currier ol the Ore alarm, claims "Box One" as his own special Intertet, snd does not wish nervous people to reel alarmed, bow- ever often he may strike it.

—The Catholic church edifice, at the corner orKtaexaadTJnkMttraa^toiwptdlyapatjoefh- kmg completion, and will be quite aa lmprove- meat apon the aaalghtly locality as It was for-

—The tardily approaching mild weather per- ceptibly dlmlnlahe* the circumference of the Jack Frost monument In the Common pond, but hi* towering altitude sturdily defies the ray* of the sun.

—The Public Library are in receipt of sixty volumci of the illustrated report*, weekly and monthly, of the Patent Offlee, from July 1871 to November 1672, containing all tho apeclficationa snd drawings of patent* Issued.

—The Trustee* or the Public Library have aken steps for the arrest and prosecution of a

boy who dUfigure3 oac of the books by making Indecent picture* therein; the punishment by the statute I* both fine and imprisonment.

—The horse cart were placed upon the track s-unlay. The rounding surface of mow and lei. between the rails makes II quite difficult for two hones to get along, and until the snow la gone the one-horse cars will have' the advan- tage. t

—"New cloth awnings bare been added to stratum and Croat' * ton's; these ornamental thadea ought to pat lo ihame and drive from the street those awkward wooden abominatlont whiah have disfigured to many Imlldlngt in our eJty.

—What Blakellnlt toihe street department to Triekey is to the bone railroad. Both of these men believe In example at well at precept. Saturday we observed Trlckey, with a shovel, lively clearing away the snow from the rail- ways.

— On Wednesday next, Ihe Committee of the Legislature will give a hearing on the pel Hi.HI of A. J. Pei kin- and other* of thl* city, In relation to the removal of the tracks of the Boston and Maine railway, to tome | oint altovc the dam.

—Bev. Mr. Houghton wat absent from the city on Sunday, snd hi* desk was supplied by an Andover student. The theological institution at this neighboring town are quite a convenience to our city clergy who have occasion for alr- ■ eiuv from tbclr pulpftt.

—I* there no law, state or local, to put an end (o inch nuisances at the brawling, itinerant humbugs, who blockade our itrrcti and tide walk*, and make the evening.-, hideout under the windows of people who prefer quiet, with their rough longucN and natal eric* i

—The French Catholic people, under the di- rection of liuv. Father Midland, will hold a fair and bazaar, from the 21(1 to the Lllth of April, for the N'licflt of the Church of fit. Anne. The great feature of the fair will be the distribution of tome two thousand priic* lo Ihe holder* of tickets.

—llev. Mr. I'mkhisiin, In hit temperance ad- drctt Sunday evening, ttatcd that all men had an appetite for niimulanU,—not for drink—but thai drink seemed to satisfy thl* demand, and that when the nursing child wat quieted by (be Soothing Simp, that wat Ihe beginning of a foundation of thl* detlre for Htlmalantt.

—Juat after twelve o'clock Sunday, the high wind* caused the heavy canvas covering the wlndowt ou the front of tho New Pacific mill, to which an additional story U being added, to In- torn from 111 fastening", dragging down Ihe Staging with n crash that called a large nnm- i sr of people from the street* to the tcenc. No serious damage wat done.

—The new arrangement of tram* on the Boa- .on A Maine railroad, took place on Monday laat; Ihc two mid-forenoon train* ll Boston are put together, starling at 9.3ft at formerly, the evening trains are at 8.40 and 7.10 from the South Side. From Boston, the only change of Importance Is that the mid-afternoon train* leave Boston at 11 and .'l.:Ml, Instead of3.1ft and 3.3ft at before

—The I ..iiv,ii Conrlcr reports tlie narrow ct- cspe from drowning, lu that city, on Thursday, of Annie Smith, a lady formerly a resident of that eff y, but for aome year* living In Lawrence; the fell through the railroad bridge ef the North- ern mail, near the Middlesex Street depot, be Ing under Ihe influence of liquor at the tune. Her erics were heard by an officer, who rescued her from drowning, after I icing pretty thorough- ly chilled through and brought to a condition of comparative tobrlvly.

- —Rev. Mr. Parkinson has prepared a scries of discourses, upon popular and practical subject*, for delivery la-fore iho Tcni|H rnme Reform stin.lin evening gathering*, and will, we nnder- sttiinl. commence the courae on the 30th mil. Rev. < ii u. s. Weaver hat been Invited to tpeak next Sunday evening, and douhtlc** there will tie an unusually large gathering present, aa this will protaUily le the laat occasion the general puiilli will have to listen to the popular clergy- man, whose pastorate in I his city cloaca Ihe first of April.

—Quite an intercut hat been excited among tho portion of our people who dally past the Court House at an early hour, by the warbling* of a unrulier of I'.ngllsh sparrows, who have made their home* among the tree* In the court yard. The pretence of these birdi at this place I* quite unusual, and we are tarry to state that there it a dltpoalilon on ihe part or tome to dis- turb them, and even capture and remove them. The authorities have given special officer Holt Instructions to promptly arrest any person, hoy or man, who In any manner Interfere! with thctc bird*, and at Mr. Hull has a personal Interest and pride In tbclr present location, depredator* may feel oaiuretl ol trouble to the foil extent of the law, irdiscovered In any attempt upon tin- Peace or capture nf the pet songster*.

—There wa* a nm-l disgraceful disturbance al ihe Teni]ieram-c Reform meeting, at Ihe city hall, Sunday evening, ranted hy the ..til.■ - door-keeper, whoee teal for order far ex- ceeded his discretion at an official. About nine o'clock, ayuung man, well known and'of good report, attempted In a quiet manner, to leave Ihe hall, and npon arriving at the door he was told by the door-keeper that he must wait until the meeting waa cloacd, and aa he ttlll persisted In In- attempt* to pas* through the door, he wot seized, and In a violent manner thrown lawk Into the hall, the scene causing much conimotluu among the audience. Of cournc such action was tun for the boy*, and immediately nearly n hundred young men and hoys rushed out of Ihe hall, making much dU- iiirlsincc, ami stopping fhc speaker. In a few moment* order *«i restored, and the meeting wat no further Interrupted. We doubt not thai tbeae gathering* are sorely perplexed by nitle- iies- and m.i-e of hoys, tail when a person wish- es to leave a hall, and makes no dlsturlrance BISJUI il, It in a mutter of nn onc'a concern hut hi* own, and If the managen of these excellent gnthcringi wish for no one to leave (he hall nn- til ihe service* are closed, It should be dlttlndly slaled, nnd made one of (he regulation*, thai (luae who cannot remain until Ibo close, slum hi understand (be mailer, and not attend the meet- ings at all. We doubt not the good Intention* of l he door-keeper, but by hut lack ol Judgment be was Ihe side cause of Ihe dlttnrbance.




Weekly Jtawtf 8r/evitie*i SATURDAY

Tim executive ram ml I tecs of Boston A Maine anil Lowell A Andover railroad* have met ami made ninieable and complete arrangements for the building and leasing of the proposed road*. The parchaae of building, in Lowell by 11M com- pany I* now tie lug made, snd a* soon at practi- cable the building of the road will be com- menced.

The following prominent executive nomina- tion! have been made: Tho*. A. Spenser, As-

Oen'l, P. O. Detriment, W*l ..... e—_ :rs. s_.CA

.Fw- ; J. A.

A block of balWings m tnitenbanr, Wstt Virginia, were destroyed by fire, Thnrtdav night, canting a loot of •00,000. The same nlfhtC-^ aad W

Oeo. Driver, the wife murderer In I'd lea waa hung yesterday. While on the traftold warned Ihoac preterit to alMlaln from the us* uf liquor, stating that whiskey brought blm to the gal low*.

Three English detective* have arrived in New York, for the purpose of arresting a man an a coming vessel, who It tupposed to have been connected In tho Bank of Kngiond frauds.

The stockholder* have voted to sell Ihe Marl- boro and Tauntou railroad to the Old Colotiv and Newport curporatloii, the transaction to da(e from March 1st, 73. '

The rltv couurilof Portsmouth have declared Thomas F.. U. Marvin elected Mayor of that city, hi* opponent, F. W. Miller, receiving (KM against 99, for Marvin.

A London dispatch state* that tbouUl Parlia- ment lie dissolved, John Bright would retire. In consequence of continued poor health, from the H.oa*e of Common*.

Oaburn, the Tennessee murderer, although confessing the murder, and desiring to tee hi* vlctim'i huihand, laughed and Jetted all Ihc way to the scaffold.

Oeo. Francis Train bat been examined by a medical commission, to ascertain hi* mental condition.

Oov. Dix ha* refuted to commute the tentence of cm -hiHik Foster, and ho will be bung next Friday.

The loot to the Fall* City, (Ky.,) Toimcco Bank, by the recent robbery will reach 98110,000.

A dispatch announces the death or Bishop McUlvalnc of Cincinnati, at Florence, Italy.

It U rumored that Secretary Robraon will succeed Mr. Bancroft a* Minister to Berlin.

St. Patrick's day will be generally oli*en-ril through the larger cities.

The Cuban Insurgents have acquired new snd Important vlctortri.

It it bcllavcd that Mr. Gladstone will resume Ihe Premiership.

Oov.Boutwell did not appear in the Senate yesterday.

They are trylag to prove McKlhancy Insane. Ooldllftl.


The approaching season promise* to lag lb* hen for years for the Iron ore trade of Lake Su- perior. 1 he mine* opened butt year, and which are now readv to work, wilt el*ml double the producing capacity of the district. In anticipa- tion of such an increase of builnc**, the rail- way* are doubling their imparity In car* and lo- comotives, and II will tie safe to depend upon an Increase or fifty per cent., If not more, over the shipment* of [lit season.

Pardons were on Saturday Ittited by the Pretldent lu behalf of John C. Roldnton, of Ktmth Carolina, and Win. C. Doprtrs, or North Carolina, both convicted ol Ku-Klux crime*, and sentenced to (wo years' Imprisonment in

Oeorge Francis Train said to the expert* tetl- ltig hi* sanity, on Friday i *' Oovernmcnt ho* got an elephant on lu hands; It don't knov/ what to do with me. They Oare not try me, and as I am determined not lo go front thin prison except a* an acquitted man, thev are try- ing lo force mo into an asylum."

The Woman's Temperance Association, of

liar lo that now operating in Ohio, which allow* aggrieved persons to prosecute the acllor* of In- toxicating liquor* damage*.

The Portugese paper* arc com men ling shrewd- ly on the tardiness of the Kitgllsh government In rccognlifng the Spanish rcpnMle, a* com- pared with lit promptiic*» lu recognizing the French republic of lnol.

Unless a reprieve It granted In the Interim, MrKlhaney will lie hanged on Friday. The Supreme Court ban refused the motion lor a new trial In hi* case.

An organized gang of thieve* arc robbing tlie street letter Isoxe* of New York. The I'oetmas- ter General ha* offered a large reward for their arrest.

A Are In a carpet warehouse at Philadelphia, on Saturday, caused damage lo the amount of •10,000.

Foster, tbe car hook murderer, ha* been offi- cially notified that he will lie hanged on Friday ncxl.

Perc llyocinlhc Is preaching bi large rortgrr- gstlont, and with much effect, in Genoa.

Bt. Patrick'! day wo* very generally cele- brated throughout the country to-day.

Senator Boutwel! had tbe oath of office ad- ministered to him to-day.

Brooklyn, N. Y„ ha*the small Bag epidemic. Amaden* hat resumed citizenship in Italy. Bishop McIIaliU! died latt week In Italy. James Gordon Bennett, Jr., hi in F.gypt. New York bad six suicides lost week. The laat mania I* "bank robbing." Gold lift.

TUESDAY. A fire at Ogdetiihurg, N. Y., on Sunday,

burned buildings extending from Ford tu Wa- ter •treeta,and from Catherine to Hlvcr meet. The principal sufferer* are J. II. Morgan, W. II. Allan A Sou*, stcllugg A Co., ami Pope'* susli snd blind manul«clorv. Loss, fiat,UOU, with an insurance of gllsioiK).

Tbe Grace Irving, a tteaut propeller owned by Hon. James Ftiiehie of Boston, George Browne, Israel P. Parson* and Bcnjamfii


Luwdeu uf New Bedford, foundered off Dux- bury on Saturday morning, and It is feared that all on lioard were drowned. Hon. James Ritchie wa* among those on board.

eat one sixth of the Income or •100,01 Increased as the other legatee* die.

A lady In Clinton, Ma**., recently gave birth lo three children. A council or three Clinton phytlelant and one prominent doctor from Worcester, decided a few day* Iwfore the affair, that she bad tho dropsy.

In tbe Slate Senate on Monday a Mil was re- ported allowing the governor and council to ap- point three commissioner* to report the liest

thud uf eoiiMi-iieliug fire proof building*. A man named Smalts, while engaged In *

game nf cards ill Syracuse, N. V., on Saturday evening, with three others, wo* (tabbed In a quarrel which cntaed over the game.

The jury In the ease or Charles Mortimer, on trial In Hacramentu, Cal., for Ihe killing of Kara Gibson, brought ins verdict or guilty of mur- der lu the tint degree.

It Is thought that the inqiendlng atrlke of the Now York workmen will lie averted, the rm- imyeei being willing to acquiesce In the right 1'iitr law.

On Ihe Nashua and Acton, eleven mile* of track It In.l, the rolling Mock bought, and the eomtiany hope to cnniineiiee running hi May.

The Mann llrothers' Manufacturing Compa- ny's work* at Two Rivers, WI*,, were hunted Wednesday night. Lo*«, fOtiflOO.

M.l Ihtttiv Ibo Koxbury wife murderer, feels ? deeply Ihc refusal lo grant him a new trial,

tremblingly awaits his fate. A ton of In il Douglas ha* liccu recently ap-

pointed a deputy I'. S. Marshal for Ninth far ullna.

Satan It. Anthony voted again li* the second time, at the Rochester illy election last Tues- day.

Portland will erect a monument to Father Dr- Riac, a well known deceased Catholic clergy- man.

St Patrick's tlay wo* started with consider abls enthusiasm all ovef tbe country ou Mon- day.

Pour unfinished bulldlngt were blown down by the gale in New York on Sunday night.

Tbe Presideul ha* nominated Jndgc Rlchard- tn for the vacant *ecrel*ryihlp. " BOM Tweed" I* gradually tlldlng Into hi*

old and awociatkmi. Collkx 1* skk at bb home in South Bead,





Weekly Jsfewj* 8rcvitie£ WEDNESDAY.

On Monday nn'arTraj occurred In a SBIIHID lu New Viptk, can- ■! by the refusal of Uirec Irish- men to pav the Herman proprietor fur their <IHnk>. In'the affray, the wife or the OuraW, Mm. Schmidt, and n Mr. Young, were fatally wounded. Mr. Schmidt wu badly Iwatcn, but may recover. The hruul villains sursscnucntly stubbed a Mr. Luby, who will perbap* recover.

The Hi-Hi.■i rat ■ of Khodc Island held their convention ou Tucadav, and nominated tor Governor, Chu*. It. Cutler of Warren; for Lieut. (Inventor, S.i I II. Wales of Provi- dence; for Secretarv of State, William J. Mil- UT of li. i t..|; for Attorney Oenernl, George N. Hllsaof Katt Providence; lordcncrul Treasurer, Win, P. Cougdou uf Newport.

A cable dispatch Male* Unit three shabbily dressed men, who from their accent arc be- lieved to be American!, were arrested In Cork Tuesdav morning, while attempting to deposit gl'i.fiOO In a bank in that city. They arc sup- l«j-i .1 t'i lie the parties who recently committed the fronds 011 the Bank of F.ngland.

Mr*. I-.II/:IK-I1I Stafford, of I'awtucket, It. I. died on Friday, from inortltlcatkm canoed b* running u needle into her thumb two ur Hire weeks previous. Nothing wa* thoui{ht uf • slights wound nt the lime, but Inlla 11 mutton wa ■ 1...11 developed, mortification - 1 in, and drat ensued hi a short time

Ballot Robbery at a Premium. BT. Patrol*. iuv.-Ti.oro is no day . ! so dear to the Irish heart as St. Patrick »

Tltu report of the Aldermanlc Commit-1 Day, other aimlvernation come aud gojxhe Ward F.

tee In relation to the Ward Four frauds it ] without much comment or observance, a most extraordinary compound ofndmls- knt st Patrick's Day is, throughout the

slon and evasion, of weakness., duplicity wi,0ie world, celebrated by Ireland's sons,

and cunning- Although the Committee 1 M ft ^ 0r rejoicing. And this Is not

are compelled, by the overpowering 1 strange. It wu St. Patrick who first In* weightof the teatimouy, to admit their troduced the light or the Gospel Into that

belief that a package of Itepubllcan bal- LcoUntry,---h« who llrst preached the glad

lots were abstracted from the ballot box, j tidings which have been hailed with Joy and Democratic tickets substituted, and 1 (nBO mnny i„nds. Many nations clnlm

that tills could only have been done by the j tuc honor of St. Patrick's nativity. By ward otllcers, they resort to the tactics of j BO|lie writers he Is sold to hav

11 police court tieUiiViggcr, affect to dli

iredlt a few witnesses, disfranchise a I'e

I<o<Sal Sffiiii^. Is Consum-

B Committee

Others, and declare still others mistaken,

—with most suspicious care omitting U>

specif)- a single case,—utiil upon such as- sumed technicalities, lend their virtual

endorsement to the fraud by giving the

petitioners "leave to withdraw." The

conclusion of the report Is a deliberate stultification or Its previous admission,

and Its adoption Is alike disgraceful to the

been born In Little llrltulu, but most authori-

ties agree In locating his birthplace near the site orKilpatrlck at the mouth of the

Clyde In Scotland. He was pious from

bis youth upwards, and at an early age

gave evidence of thedevotli of Crlstlanlty which distinguished his

•fter life. When ho w

mated - - Report of tti

on Elections.

TJBI' in: roar ntAVih >\t r IIEFI *E TO I\K TIIK ftZTJlAl DKD TltEJIl


hUdki Tin-ii' nai considerable the 1 n.. i-idhHt* of the Board of AUlemu Monday evening, it baring bee" satdefatrtd the report of the. committee OS) electti presented to the Board. Alderman Baundere was absent, iiisjseu,minltf the Hoard o tloB ramslstsfl of the Mayor, Aldenncn Carney mi.) Hodge, l»« members whose rcata were pcli Honed i"i. tlic niniiialll'y 1111 BtoeUone, Alderman Lamprcv and Strlviii.and oMdhuaitnwted Alder.


Lectures as • rule do not pay well in Law- retice, and lecture committee* are sot to he tdapied If they belittle. ulwmt twinging tha best talent to the city. No matter how anxious

nine people may be to hear a lecture of high ■■: 1 it ;■ -ii. and to have others hear him, they

do not care to loan money by engaging the ser- vice* of MII-II. It was doubtless the notorious apathy of our fltiieni in rcfrard to flood lec- ture*, when It Is necessary to pay something to hew them, that canted the managers of the Church Course to hesitate before engaging the services" of Oeorge Maedonald. As a conec- qtience of this hesitation, Maedonald was se- cured by other Lyceums, who ran lees risk of losing money by the venture, and when the Church Coarse determined to bring Maulon-

..ieli'lt Aldernuvn Emersou. During ">" I aid here, it was found thut he could not I* cn- inoi-i,. tinu of Hie ordinary l"iiii"'-"""'h,J ^""'i I gn^ed for any evening earlier than the nine-

11 t.. nth uf March, and Inf that evening he was engaged.

During the present Season every lecture en- terprise (except the White Fund, which always

tlir.-|ieclut.> numlwr», maiilfctcd but little Inlerest^biit whe

,..., i!.i bnshMas was Qnlshed, mid Urn Mayor, with

about sixteen iul rtearillf Ws throat preparatory t years old he retired one evening tw a ' r,1(,tmg, piek.-l up a pile of Mss; there wa* a j nays) proved disastrous. Some of the very ■ecluded place to prnv. «g was discovered j bllI/ rf ezpeetansn, K\- Mayor Wright, who wa- ■ best lecturers In the country were brought to by nhandof Irlshplratrawhocarrledhlni hnlfrerifnlngonono nftiw lounge.,.truigbUnedlthc city, end the lecture committees

Hoard, and in the direct interest of parti- awuy captive to Ireland. He spent some

inn fraud and rabbet*. The report is a wicked effort to gloss

over and excuse the crime or the ballot

stealera lu the Interest of the Democratic

party; from beginning to end there Is not

_. 1. C. C. Eetv, lus presented the tacreaei one hearty. Indignant won! of rebuke for

Irlrt, to the State Nonual School at Framing ham, to lie held bv the principal as a fund for the aid of the ptiplh of that Institution.

A warrant was Issued, Monday, from the Treasury Department, payable to the order of John A. Dlx, Governor of the stale of New York, for £107,000, due that State on account of expenses incurred In raising troojis during the war.

torney declines to assume the responsibility of sending htm to a hospital, and Judge Daly U to decide what shall be done with him.

The new city government of Concord, wan In- augurated on Monday. In his Innugunil ad- dress the Mayor recommend* the Increase of the library appropriate

More than twenty persons were Injured, some of them severely, by a runawav team, at Can bridge, on St. Patrick's day, while the pnNO lion was in motion,

tnltlee, Hay naasj have atolcn the rotes)

eu after this forced admission,nearly ev-

y sentence Is hedged around with "Ifs,"

In order to avoid the possible chance or a manly condemnation of the acts or thone

partisan thieves by whose actH Democrat-

ic ascendancy was secured. The evidence was overwhelming aud

complete; not only was fraud established,

as admitted by the report, but to a suffi- cient extent to more than entitle Mr. Bell

to his sent. To prevent this result, and

auve their partizan associate his sent, the Committee weakly pretend to discredit a

few of the witnesses,—1 hey do not, be-

cause they dare not, name a slngl

himseir and lieearoe attentive; sheriff Brlggl put 'obliged to bear the expense, which in some twnd to his ear, and Hie rending begun. A" I ou,ci was very large. After the experience

itespeaeed, Mr. Elihu w. Goteerd crept from j ^^ 0r Bo,lcfj who delivered one of the most

1 '*'>■' ,l'tUV "' U"', M:,-V"r"",,""1"1'''";' 1;':"'," * ! fasdnntlngserles of lecture- ever given In this

against u» .toor. put nM bend u> hi. .... ^J^U-,c^ .mutagets began to fear

."' -^„ , ... .. I and upon this flimsy excuse Mr. Carney A Isiy named Ames family stabbed another ,,

named Farron, at Philadelphia, on Momlay, in a ~ * i|unrre

There have been three incendiary (Ires within a week at I minium-, Iowa, involving considera- ble loss.

The annual budget shows that the llnnnces of France are lu a favorable condition.

Boston complains of the quality of Its pis. Minnesota hasn't a single female convict. Small-pox Is spreading at Suit Luke City. The Oregon Indians are on the war path. Cincinnati has utsillshed street cleaning. Worcester Is to have a new daile paper, Portugal and Brazil are at loggerheads. No hops for McF.lhany or ■ "■ ■ -- r. - •,-. The Carlisls are active as ever. Cuba continues turbulent. (Jold lint,


Many of the horses In Boston and vicinity are afflicted with n very twlni'nl nml OhoHlUUa Mini of *cratches, and the veterinary doctors tin.I them extrcmelv difficult to deal with. In some ■tables horses hove been laid up n month with them, and their feet are often a miming son-.

Joe Smith, the lewler of the antl-polygumy Mormons, and son of their founder, is reported to have recently purchased the m -i Mormon temple in Kirtbinil. ()., aud it is supposed that the Mormons now living In Illinois menu to re- tnrn to their early settlement at Klrtlnrxl.

While the auctioneer at nn auction sale mar Sheffield, Kng., was In I lie act of snyltig, •■(io- Ing, going, gone," the floor gave way,'and nboot thirty |wopl« were-precipitated Isdow into the kitchen. Nine of the thirty were injured, nml removed to their homes in carts.

Scarcity of wood is now lielng experienced in Hill, N. II., such as ho* not Is-cn known for n long time. People" arc borrowing of nelghlsirs, hoping thnt wurmcr weather may Istlh lessen their neeils ami render it ttOaWlbtfl togelalioui with teams.

Peter K. Wheeler, a brakemnn 011 the I'licit, Cheuaiigo nod Sui-(|iietninua Valley railroad, wo* killed while uncoupling cars near Bing- hamnton, on Saturdav evening. Ills body was horrible crushed, ami Us head rut Into three piece*.

Hon. Alexander II. ltlee having for private reasons declined the upisiintuient of Commis- sioner of Massachusetts to the Vienna Kxposl- tluu, OCT. W;I-hi.11111 lias selected Mr. Cluirles Francis Adams, Jr., for the office.

The. village of WestHetd, Wli„ has tseen so mfli, I.-,I with in i.l i"--. during the post two months that the stores, schools and churches have all Ix-eu closed, and the locsl papers ap- peared In nioundng for the dead.

A Moody riot occurreil at U'nlvrrhampton, Eng., 12 mile- from Birmingham, <>n luesday. Deodlv weapons were Ireelv used, nml inuih bliMslshed resulted. The light was Kuglish v. Irish, and 3000 were engaged.

The religious excitement In Ocneva, caused by thu excitement of Father Hyacinth, is in- creasing. The Reverend gentleman Is meeting with great success. The I'ltramontnines are much excited.

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue stales that during the last veur the importation of cof- fee Into the United States has been V>,0On,0iN) pounds less than in the previous year.

A colored woman of Newport, U, L, named Mary Ann Brown, died suddenly Wednesday night, after just returning home front her work.

Murderous assaults, mhlirrlcs nml the like lead the New York Tribune to say that "lun Is absolutely mi-ne mi public conveyances,"

ttotiert Williams, recently innrrhd, took laudanum, and died at Baltimore Tuesday. Iliim wu the cause.

Commodore Vamlrrhtlt bus given l.alf a mil- lion dollar* to establish a university in, Tcmus-

The MossorbuseltH legislature has refused ti; rescind the Suraner rcNiilutJous.

The nuthoriiles of Naples have Interdicted an ' opera entitled "Jons Christ."

blasphemer was recently lined #vs> in u Bel- tituore (

Minncsotu has 1170 school houses. Now it Is Peru that is turbulent, Nmail-pox prevails in Si. Urns. Darwin is a bachelor. Gold ll&i

FRIDAY. The news from the Modoc sent of war Is

Important, Alsiut IMlO troops arc in the Held at the present time waiting orders, ficti. Cai plan seems to be to sorrotiud the lava hodl starve the Mmhs's. l'or that purpose Tour posts wllllH'estalilished on the outskirts id the hit sections and on the shore of Lake Tule. Troo have been ordered from San Franclieo.

Mrs. Ilonttet, the survivor of the recent Isle of Rhoals tragedy, has nearly recovered fn the effects Of the terrible scenes through Which she 1 ■. 1—.-■ l on ilie night of March 6. It is said that grent efforts will he made In clear Wagner, hut the chain Of circumstantial evidence is ti«i strung and poffleet to lie broken.

A Mrs. Watson, a confidence woman, has recently victimised hotel keepers lu New York and Boston of several thousand dollars, was arrested and held for trial Wednesday. Her husband, Judge Watson ••( Sun Fram, died recently of grief at his wife's wickedness.

The orelitnlnary Inquiry into the case 01 Marshal BaSfJM has been conclude.I. Notb. Ing was decided u)>ou touching the manner ami Silace of trial or coni|io*ltion of the tribunal be- iuc which the ease will be heard. The friends

of the Marshal are now allowed to visit him. The riot at Wolverhamjiton,Fiigland,<H'ciiiTcd

between F.nglb-lmicn nm( Diitelnuan, cmnloved In the emit mines near that city. The I.ugllsli employes threalen to strike| the Irish cmiilov- cs are*not discharged. Due hundred uf Ihc ri- oters have been arrested.

The entire sophomore class was mi'spcnded from D.irtmoulh College, Tiiursilay, for disor- derly conduct in the chapel, 11 lie re upon the members hired u big team and ns>k a sleigli- rlde, cvldentlv regarding the. affair as a gissl Joke.

The ling wns formed fur a prise tight near Pawtuckel, It. I., on Wednesday, ami IM prin- cipals were alsiut to engage, nhru one of them received a ili.-]uiich iuiormiiu liiui Hull lu mother was dead. The light diln't iiime off.

A mun named f'hiimller was run over and killed by a train of cars nt Sandusky, a small station on the Vermont Central Hullniad, on Friday last. •

It Is rumored that Shute, the Exeter, H. II,, h ink defaulter, lion liccn arrested at Louli " Ky. lie wa* travelling Rndrr an assumed

Fosh the for

retains his scot. A more barefaced out-

rage wa» never attempted by partisan*, and the Infamy of the act will attach to Us

perpetrators so long as an Indignant peo- ple have memories. The fraud committed

was one of the most flagrant cltnrncter; It Imperils the dearest rights of a fTecmnn ;

It Involves the liberty of every voter; the' Aldermntilc Committee admitted the rob-

bery of the ballot box, mid that the ward offlccra must have done It.but such n fraud

was not ■afflelent to invalidate or throw

doubt Upon the goto of the ward, and the

villainy Is endorsed by keeping In their \

scatH the men who profited by the outrage.

I The result Is a sad commentary upon

Democratic fairness and honesty, but the live men who have become res|>oiislblc for

the premium thus offered to ballot -lolling

and robbery, who,—whether from inhe-

rent sympathy with the fraud, or Insutll- iency of backbone to vote their honest

convictions In spite of partisan clamor, matt accept, before their fellow citizens,

lie opprobrium or their act, and or their

Irtual apology for the crime.


It Is not mnny days since our neighbor

over Hit* way, severely rebuked 11s for

characterizing such " re spec table" citizens

ns the democratic ward officer*. In Ward

Four its ballot robbers, and boldly denied that there was, the slightest evidence

agniust [ts pure and honest partisans In

that preclnt. At last the investigation has closed, and

here Is the exact language of a eoinmllt of Democrats, ami endorsed by a Hoard

of Democratic Aldermen 1

"The inn 1 I of v* Itni s-o - 1 whose tea*

llmmiy wi- ■ iiiimit ilimlit, l. niflb-ll ill I)

large to show plainly that A I.IIMJI:


■iiiinIK I of MiliKKm who voted for the

li.Iill.iMi i -. and the i,nml,. i or ballots

iiiiio.i lu the iii.iiiii bus, Isaartjssj Use

Minn, H of Hi. prtltloners,"

"They sirti HUM 111 Ing to hellrvo that

large « nnmber a* Ihl- illsrrrpancy

rWS, would rtrlllirratrly riioinilt pcr-

Jnry, which mast be the rase If* thr

ballot* iiiiioil In the imi are thos* ca*t

by the voters." ur eoiuinlltrr rait scrnaut for thi*

psui j lu uo other way than that a

(|>autlty or ballot*, bearlnp; the nanir*

or the prtltlnnrrs, ivas Hbstrartrd, and a like onantlty of ballot*, bearing; the

namra «r ' the slltlug iiirmb •ulistltulrd."

"And If ~.i.o I* the. ease. It »l is l

BAT*", "i iv imvi: nv TIIK "iVAllls brncKstsi*1

The "discrepancy" exists; the petl

tinners are mit perjurers; If not, ballots

must have been stolen; and if stolen, Till-:


Now who Is It, please, that Rtlgmatlaea Ciilc.nii & Co, as "roubera?"

time In that comitry In servitude, and making hh ettenpe returned to his native land. Entering again Into the solitude of a religious life, the condition or the Irish people fretjuently preyed upon his mind. He had seen them with civiliza- tion flourishing nnntng them; the arts and sciences cultivated. They had their schools of medicine and philosophy, but they had no rhrlHtlanlty. Carried off a second time, and again escaping, he formed the resolution of becoming a mis- sionary to carry the Gospel into Ireland. He began a course of preparation, and in due time was ordained, consecrated Bish- op, and commissioned by the Pope, and set sail for Ireland. He preached the gospel with such power and effectiveness that the people came to hear him from every quarter, and hearing, believed Is supposed that It was an Incident lu preaching or St.. Patrick that led to the t SXPTne^rttsSSreonifinel adoption or the Shamrock as the national ! Iwnevsai Mi.n il efewge so ",'r',;i,r,;",;7„,-X~"'r",h" 1 ... I «ell timii'li'i' nil*-'""••' ""'■ '"'b me. right* or UK

inblemor Ireland. He was explaining I "Vlth-nem and the loo-grity m the wanl ..m.-.-r,, - ——' — pity as u niunic.i-


and lii-lencd also. When tlie reading el.'sed, ex M ijor Wrigid, with a peculiar smile on Ids face, nnd without lookinit to the right or the lell, dc- liarted; others quickly followed, and in a fcw mo iiieiits Hie Board was left id one In deal with the report. Mayor Tarliox explained that the Board could ask for o report OB one*, pSUUOn .eparately, but a* lioth jielitions Involved Uss same issue, the Hoard would not probably ask that such lie done.

The iiuesthm then arose on tho adoption of taw reisirt, and in HM Mayor** language, it was adopt- ed "unanimously,*' the following voting in the af- firmative. MesFrs. Carney and Dodge, the silling members, Messrs. l-amproy and Melvlu, the coiu- asjttee, and Mr. Kmerson, the disinterested Alder-

TlIK UKl-OHT. Tto (*< ffmioro'dr l*c -fnycsr <"»« Iht Hour4 of AU

,':■!„■ H i'/lhe City 0/ iMtrrenet • liKNTLKMKSi-Your eiimmittee to y, i win

r1.ft.,-rcdlliei-oimiiii'i''"iH1,» ■1'1'1 petitxmJ "| '■«■ |lh M. M T- i.iel \V,llium Hell, ee.-liveliM'li, jnviiiu itlieiided I" H»' 'b,Ll U"~igm|l Ihini, siili-

Is supposed that It was an Incident In the luit ,fH. roilowiug m-vi. \'i'im i«'iiti«ns, which liavc nlreii'lv mipciiivd In the ,\inei lean, were "**. .BJS;""*__TK.U „..«.I ui ■ your c.mtmlttee

hi lu nature (if

OaWOheM -..-.. „ut the neltivre lin-1 til ■;»■ pality and Uu- right.- ..f all tin; < «'«.». >■»««!{ upon Uie duties oi this mv«riig»li»ii with a. full detcrndruuliin of a tliorough and impartial exam-

"your committee'tieing desirous of obtaining all thu evidence mul eircom-uoiee-. Is-arlog upon the ■■"«.■. IUIM not i*rhaps In its rulina* allempUil til all I hues to be gov.'rne.l hy strictly legal technl- ealltics; and ha- idlow.-d a wi.le laiilurta for the [,Hr...lii.-li..iiof.'wdeiiei-:nidll- mtri-luctlon.

A hearing luir l« ■ n loot at »hleh Hie ,s_l Uoners nml silting ineml.ers were tepre.-ented by

' eluelent counsel, i-mbraHiig eighteen ses- . extending over a isurlod of more than eight

the mystery of the Trinity, and to Illus-

trate his meaning, plucked n shamrock aud exhibited It to his audience, showing

the three leaves united in one. His march through the country was a

triumphant one. Everywhere be was re-

eelved with kindness, aud churches and monasteries sprang up In his footsteps#

He baptized the Kings of Dublin and Mun-

stcr, and the Hcvcn sons of the King of Connaught, together with the greater part

of their subjects, and indeed before his

death the entire Islnnd, through hUflto-

quent preaching, was Christianized. There is a popular legend which ascribes to him the banishment from the country or all ;> returned bv the Mm■-■■

- I ill tin- ine eiiei' nl tie H-' l nil'' reptiles and venomous things by means oi „,.■„., r. „t w.'ird r'.mr, ili:n the mnu:.. . . i his staff or crozler. The intelligent of the ,,,,., -•;;■;;■ i-;:;";',;.^:"^!> «^\ ^ It Irish people are disposed to look upon j llllllllM.r „, nao'u-s check.- i the cheeUi-t

this legend in the light or an exaggerated ^J^^^^Tl,,":1'' "' account or somfi exploit, In which the; The .-ounsel fur the dele

And vour committee has llsteneil to the examln- nlinnamlcriiss-exiiimnsti t ;W) witnesses, and r.Tcive.1 reliable el ideoee of Jour nlhei> uili"- ,1 , I l.i il,, I...-I ■, all -1 II" m si K llml they' the last municipal

return of votes made by the ward omYers iinl Kirtir, mive Khjali >1 M •■'■' il1"1 " "' i-,-. i..-.- live I v 24.1 vote-, nnd a reeouul ..1 the - '-turned bv Ihe mli' n-. bv the ...numllee,

Saint gained a victory over some of the

reptile tribe. There Is, however, among

the lower classes, it strong MUl still ex-

isting ihnt Nt. Patrick bnolahed all the "sarplnts." The following lines from an

old Irish song give the substance of the


tlie want, rung or I

I in iinv way



j iiuuibcr of ballots

I iulrmlneeil some whom wen- nil Ihe I nil swearing that performed or at.

legend : mile in Ireland's Isle

When* noxious varmint musters; Where'er he put his dear fore Unit

tin murdered them in clusters; The frogs went hop, the loads went pop

slop hnstc into the water, Ami Ihc hn*tcs committed suicide

TII sate themselves from slaughter. ThM success to bold Hi- I'alrick's n-1, He was a Saint so clever, lie gave the snakes and load* a twist And linnl.lie.l Ihem forever."

It is aald that Nt. Patrick, after this

period, established his metropolitan Bee at Armagh, and appointed bishops anil

other authorities for the eontinunnre of

the work of Christianity, which he hud been so successful in Inaugurating, thw securing Its perpetuation. St. Patrick wns undoubtedly a good man, a grent

preacher, nnd In honoring him ns they do Irish people honor themselves.

,., Uu- witnesses w]„i l.-iiilcd before your coin- iniltec, iwo, nnd prolinbly lloi-. as is shown by lheehccklir.1 used on tlie dnv ol ele.tli.n, ('id »»( ,„IV in Ward; a few te-llfi dial they did not vote fiir Us' iieliliioicrr, and a tew oilier- are una- ble to swear for whom th.'j vufd, and a !e« cvl- dentlv had no h-jc.l r.-l.le.iec in tin- wnr-l- llllt the liilliilier whore li-tliiinnv We eannol ilolllil Is

' i sAoic ji/.o'ii'y umilently large to sA.oc j./.o.i/y tlix.t ,t Utrjtr tli*. .■,-,.■«(«.■,/ uM. between the hel ■■( «ltlie-,i. whov.ii.-d in) thepui iei-, nml Hie n -er ,-t lillllols fiimiil io the ball..l-lm.\, bearing the mimes ,,1'tlii- ii.-iiiiiniers.

Wliiluyour. onto.-iictirieitmi tlie U-sUmonv or some of the ivilm.--e.-i should 1"' nccepU-d With ,-Hiiti ini'l thi.l lb- iifpiirti/an poll- tie bins nr.' entitled to m> Weight as evidence, sad Ihi.l il i.- p..--ihle for of Ihe » ilne.M-* t., IH- inlrtakcn io reanrd to tin- bnllut-i cast, they are uu- willing in believe Umt so large a numln'r as tins iliserepaucv shows, would dclilHaaUdy.c'.iiuull iM-i-Jurv, wbi.h must In- ihc ease it the 1H.11.HS [..nml hi the Imlli.t IHII are the ImlhUs east by the voter-, Ami eiiti e mitl.-e n count lor tins dlM'ITpnoev Ii*i Mi iiTltl'.ll WAV Ihun that it DMOSS titurfbatUtiitraringtlu namf "/ Ms petitieiirr* , i,l.,tnulfi, ...iU a lit,' ■/■•HHtilH •■/ lx<ll..i> t"<tr. in./ Ike II.HH.M •"!>■■ ■•itlimi .,.r.,.l..r- «-'is Mil.-tttut. «/, and If stall is the ease IT Ml ST II.WK BKE« mist: in -IIMI: of niF WVIIII nut' I It-. Who m-e

, limn I lliful ,li~eh:ir«e of tlieir .1 -, iiud '1 io whom the pol.h. iiriKliI hi look lori „■

...ol-.-iiouotthe di.ll..i l...\ from ti .ml, ini'l w (■» ',„lild co-.c-s -it l-ii-lli -iinleielll iiiiioiuit ..riu- giilv, hi prevent, if possible, mind s.. reprehen-

i'lw evidence lu'supp'-rt of this theory is wtu.lly i <-.'■'uisiautla I. ,


NKW KAII.UIIAO PnuJlTT,—A new rail-

road scheme Is agitating the people 01 some of tlie towns contiguous to Ixiwell

which. If consummated, may in'erferi

somewhat with the proposed new plan Into tbla city, Surveys have been made,

aud a profile prepared, of a railway from

I.owi-11 to Wlndhnm, to unite ut that point with ilie Manchester & Lawrence, and tho

Nashua ■ Rochester. The proposed road would lessen ihe distance from Lowell

north, by four miles over the Nashua route, and form uc loctlng link in a ne

llnc tu I'.irtliiml, by way of Hoclioator an Lowell. As ihls latter purpose wns on

of Ihe desired ends in the contemplate

brunch from the Lowell mad to this city,

and then north, making the same connec- tion, the >uccessof one will very likely

involve the defeat of tho Other plan.

TIIK ttri'oiii' met action of the Alder- men on tin- Ward Four frauds gives satis-

faction to nobody; to squarely admit u gross fraud,—"a large discrepancy," that

Hie committee call account tor In no pds-

sible way lint the robbery of the box by

llte want officers', ami then refuse tho pe-

titioner* all redress, by resorting to petty xcuses ami contemptible evasions, is a

moot -luuuc ful uu Hi. el '.f disposing of a

grave i|Ucation involving tin* purity of elections nnd the honesty of a ballot.

<'<■*,. Sin AW did a graceful thing on

friday; to nil the vacancy occasioned by

the death of Chief Justice Uellows, Asso- ciate Justice Surgent was promoted, and lo this vacancy I'ov. Straw appointed

Hon. K. A. Illbbard, the democratic Con grcssuien, and three days before defeat

• d for re-election j Mr. iTlbbord is a law yer of ability, a lending democrat, nnd lib

selection, at this time, was a plcusnu

i- I''IHK.MI-:.\S PAY.—We think

-t in slating that no net of our CltJ liovernmeiit, during the present

r, has met with warmer approval than

that of the Common Council on Thursday

nlug last, which, by an amendment, placed the salaries of our tire depertment

upon a fair basis. The Bremen lost year received 870 for their services, and upon a petition for mere pay, llieConimiltee on

Fire Department recommended I hat. the

salary be Increased to |100, wllh propor- tionate advance lu the salaries of engine-

men, stewards, tic, Their report was re-

ferred tO the popular branch or the <lov- ernment, ami there the report was so

amended tut to make ihe Following the list

or the salaries: Lnglncmen, SMO Firemen and Slcwsrds (one person), "iJ» Assistant Lngluemcn, 17o Steward of Hook and Ladder, 174 Foremen, 17.i Clerks of companies, 170 Another Firemen, 150 Uy all, these proportionate rates were

deemed equitable, ami the amendment of

the report was sanctioned by Ihe Commit-

tee, and upon a vote, received hut a sin-

gle dissent. Such a general expression

from both parties in the Council, shows

an appreciation of Ihe lire department, and Is representative of the wishes of our

citizens. No argument can be advanced against this increase, and we presume the

upper branch or the City Council will

heartily endorse the action of the lower

branch. (lor tin-men tire composed of an

excellent and honorable of nun, and

every eflbrt should be made I" retain their

services. That they have not been fairly

leult with in regard to salaries Is evident lo all, and we should be surprised to loan

of any considerable number of its

her* whofalled'to expend an equal amount

wilh their present .-alary, for clothingac tually spoiled in service at Ores.' It should

evidently for Ihe port f detection, tf'"\"'?

" TnlUit-. Would have -■■ d. t-ele.l. If iieriormM, undif soviiurci.iiiinlllcc i-nimblcl-v thnevldence losnv liv'alioui or wh.ll it was

I ,,,,!, the h -inn-in-. I" fore tin' unittee it no m-iirs that »n the uiorniiin "I the elecllou narrow Uh.ts, lieaih'd -Liberal li'ek.'t," were distributed nnd nt the same timewidei h.ill.-l . In ole.l "!;.'- publican tiekel," were also distributed, nnd that between ten ami eleven o'clock a diiri-renl lol of

l.ihend tickets,*' resembling in width and size u-"lEepulilican lickets,"»as received mid dis- Ihiited by the vole dish LI.UI.M-, show mil n !"■•■

ihllil/i that some voli-rs mlghl la- deceived in the ,];■■! ,.,-i. To Uds, however, vour coninillUi'

MK.1I fn) bub' imporlanec it is also limb

n .pemlilv

Ohsdstoneeuu ded no change will Is- ma

id to remain in olth e in tlie cabinet.

An ettort is lielng i for Judge Bernard.

Advices from Bnul raging I here.

Gold ll.'i 1-2.

laile to


secure n i

the yellow

_— -^ ••»■*— Tin: Nfw llAMPal HI. KLBCTtOX,—Co

returns give ihc folio ving resi Its:

Westun, lllacknoir (prohtb.)

-'.loin. .(I.'IMI


the iipiolmcut oceupi.'.! by the wsni nffi. which bus IH-CII the i ustoni lor year., past.

\\ |.,|.. ir i- io.1 .i|.|..u. el tli-.i uriitl u was nceotnplished or ililended with llm-e lui wns iiccninp il \- :ii.|.;iieiit to miir romnnttee Ihnt to -u-pieionof wrong ii would be better took tin in- [lie practice,

■mug klllot-.

.id llll

lii ttn- -MI nti'-ii of Ihe ballots fu liullot Isix fniin Ward Four, two kinds of hnllols were found, one headed "Liberal ticket," li oiher headed "lt.piihli'iLii ticket." Of tin tor kind there were «*J straight aud M wld.h were ullerctl bv culling, pasting or ern-lng Ihc nioneiif the candidate for Mayor or some of the .■;ui.|i.|:iies lor Aldermen.

In this esjimiiiaio.n ..| ludlot" "•' found togelti- er slxivone narrow liallots, whi. h hy their CKSUV ncss ami etnooUmcsi- cn-iicl :i suspicion Hint Ihey were not depuslU-d singly, nml il hnlloU were lib- •Uaeted and others substituted, undouhiedly

were tho ones nuhslilnted.

thut their chances of being able to bring Mae- donald here withoutJosing money, were small,

id it seemed to them thut B was hardly fair tliif! they shoo Id be obliged to pay a large Of money to enable a few intelligent persons to hear MacifHmald. As the lecturer had ban en- gaged, however, It was deemed l*est to bring him here, and two gentlemen belonging to the AMKUIIAH eiUlillshnieiit, undertook the re- •ponslbility.thc managers of the Church Course generously aiding them with their Intluenee, and lu every way working to promote the success

of the enterprise. This explanation is given Iwffliiec there have

been so many tauairles as to who brought Mae- donald here.

Thu audience was large, and represented the intelligence of the city. The lecture than will'.rl, : ■ lie many opinions alsmt. Oeo. Mae- donald Il no orator, as thnt word Is understood. He has neither the bewltchjry of a rich voice, nor the fascination of graceful gesture; but he

omlerftil man. Few lecturers are more eilcetivc. It i* Iruo that few lecturers have such

inject. We imagine the mau who fails to be eloquent when "peaking of die genius of Burns must lie an exception to his race. But there Is something about Maedonald which few lectur- ers possess, and that Is thorough sincerity. He does not speak an Idle word. He will break up a sentence, retrace his steps, and think until be is right r UMT than speak what hu does not mean, and what he does nut liclicve to lie true. Perhaps it Is In this Intense earnestness: that his power lies. He does not speak for effect, and consequently his language is effective. What-

r opinions bis audience may cherish in re- gard to his Eiibject, they cannot fall to realize that he Is tillering his own honest opinions, and in tills age it is delightful to listen to suel

It It customary for lecturers to speak please audience*. George Mocdunnld speaks what he Ulleves to be the truth. It would be strange Indeed if such a lecturer did not please,

r people an fond of variety. Those who expected to see an ontesyhil eye in line frensy rolling," ranting about the plat-

form, were disappointed. Maedonald didn't da any such thing. He told tlie story of thu life of Burns; lolilof his wonderful genius; of his triumphs; of liftr'struggles; and in a wonder- fully attractive muuner. Of the lecture itself il Is not necessary to make a report. Those who heard It do not need hi have It rehearsed to them again. Those who did not hear It are unfortunate, Ueause they missed something that was truly worth hearing. He was very happy In his selections from Burns, tptoting from some of the most tieantil'ul of his poems. We have often heard the same passages read much better than they were given by Mae- donald. He recited •• My Nannie's uwu," better than anything else. The power requisite for the proper reading of " Scots wha hue nie Wal- lace bled," Mr. Maedonald does not possess.

The same want of power was exhibited In the reading of " a Man's a Man for a'that." Mr. Mordonuld's furl.- is more In the lino of the pa- thetic than the grand, to which class both the poems mentioned tola**. "u wasahl have rendered the " Apostrophe to a Daisy" exquis- itely. But the reading of these poetM was sim- ply Incidental to the lecture, and did not dc tract fn any way from the merit of tho latter. What Mr. Mncdotudd had to say m«™» ihn haractcr of Burns was what every true man

and woman has long thought about him. He urged epos those who were uncharitable *in their estimate of Burns to lie just. It is a great deal worse lo lie unjust than to ho drunk, he said. The conclusion of his lecture was a pa- thetic plea for justice to the gifted but nufortu- nutu'haril. The remorse of burns, said he, was latter; good and evil fought in him, and made his life unhappy. I think God let him die at thirty-seven—he was not thirty-eight— liecause he saw that he was lighting on, and could not do better, and so took him away. What came after we will leave to Hltu. A man is to lie judged by his heart; fall worst docs not perpetuate itself, for It is death; wc arc sent into the world to make the liest of our- selves. Burns, grand, proud, noble minded, full of the sense of human dignity, did that of which he was ashamed, that which he despised, and died liecause too great to live without dwelling with God and having God In Him, Is a type of all of us. We cannot reach our beM; .■annul take one foot out of the mlrf look up. As Samuel Daniel a British poet, lias said, " unless eliove hlmsell he can erect hint self how |ioor a thing Is man."

dressed the audience [in sepulchral tones, and twenty-one years old, seemed to have

a vacant stare, and almost idiotic appearance. Indeed, the woman said to the audience that the young man had no more power or discre- tion over himself than a boy of five years, that ■he was compelled by the spirits to uso lifm for the " good of the order," and that tho spir- it- would eontlnnally keep htm in a trance If not so used. At the clone of the show the boy lighted his cigar and, with newly made friends, sauntered up the'streets. If wc were that toy

houhl demonstrate to mamma that wc were of flgc. W-j pitied the youth,—yes, and ihe

.liter too!

UO DEATH OK * KoliMEIlItESIUKNT.—WeropJ' from the Sushoa Trl-ympk tlie follnw Ing partlcu lars of the accidental death of Mr. Geo. IL Holt, son of Mr. Nathan, nml brolliur lo X. A. Holt, of our city; In* was horn In Andover, but came b this city early with Ills father; lea rued the trade ■if a ninchluist in the Lawrence Machine shop and is pleasantly rcmeTubcrcd by many of the old residents; he moved lu Nashua, fourteen y ago.

tin Ku u dnv eve a big, Mr. lieorge II. Holt, the II known foreman of A. II. Snumlcrs* machine

. ..HI, and a friend and ncighlmr named Mei'liu- loek, vi-iOsl Hudson hy a wuv of Taylor's Fall* bridge, tiiilhsdr return Mr. Ilolt sujrnesti-1 that it would In nearer to cross the river nt the point where Uw piles have rcceullv tsren driven fur thu nbutinents of Ih.- N:.-lion .1Winchester itoilrond. Mr. MeCllutock did not think It was *afe and ex- postulated with Mr. Holt lint could not persnaile lilia lo change his miml. The former then start- ed fur tlie bridge and the latter to cross on the ice. Mr. MeCHntoek had not gone far when his attention wns attracted by the erics of Mr. Ilolt lor help. He ran In his nssisianee nnd found that he had fallen Ihruujrh a hole nml that tlie current had thawed the lee about il so that II wa* unsafe. He laid down n piece of foist and endeavored^"

E^ffex County Itcn,s. ly the i ,i-t

pteted, at

of locomotives. » of West Seivbnry b. 98

"y and active, and able

Tlo. ill o l\ o s s i p. Then- were 111 deaths in Bev

year, 198 birth* and 90 marriages. item Railroad has just

being utcr is for the suppli Mrs. Tristram Rogt ..

. curs old, and is sprightly to wait upon herself.

The Ashing boat Gariladdl of Ijinesville went ashore on Ipswich liur In the snow sun all of Tuesday. Oeorge Morgan and l-evl Morgan. owners of the tioat, were aiwnrd of her nt the time, and clung to the wreck until eight o'clock Wednesday morning, when they were rescued by the lighthouse keeper,

A bud of trailing arbutus was found in full tlower In Essex this week.

Thomas t'ntnios was severely bruised In New- bnryport on Monday, lielng thrown from n wag- on by a runaway horse.

The high wind on Monday, overturned the stage between llaverhill and Amesbury; none of the passengers were injured, and tto driver but slightly.

There has twen considerable petty thieving of jate, in various parts of the county.

Mr. Caleb Hersey, an aged citizen, formerly editor uf the Gazette, and at one period postmas- ter, died on Monday; ho' wa* employed as a printer In Andover, nearly sixty years ago.

GloucesliT has increased ihe salary of Its school teacher*.

The residence of K. A. Kason, High Street. Georgetown, wni burned on Sundav evening.

■ ' nearly all the rumiturc; insured for 8IIHM). ie Gloucester Ushlng schooner, Thurwold is missing, on her retnrn from ™"

—Who wrote the repur

"Consnnimatc rascal* crcy."

-Mac!-1) lid's

( in the

I must n IIowv,


committee examined file found the ballot IHIHI- returned from the several w ... Uie result of which wns nol.aulelent lo strongly . .-mi ■ di-p.-l ihe suspicion. A-sumhigtliatlinlloi-.|Marlngltonaine*oflhe|>e.

titi'inera were ab-tniciedioul II like number bear. OIK llo- n,one- ..I Ihe Mltln,' imi ■!■■ Here -nl.-li luted, ami ls-lii-viuK a-we do that it should re- oulre iwilirr rritlmrr tit an exchange of ballo- hiinicii'iiliv large t» change the the precedent of unsealing -

An Evening with Ihe Spirits.

. ndTto wtabltsb member otherwise

' In this

Ihe law of eleeli.oi- that the officially declared re tult of an election shall mil lie overthrown, unless fraud to shown lo Oil cvtenl suMciciil to change Hit' result, and tolicvnlg also Mint whatever fraud, if an* was practiced In 1'iis eleeli.m, it was not enough to chauav Ihe result, mul that the MHHIU uieiiil«-rs received a eteor iiuijoritv of the li-gut votes east, wc there- fore iccuoiiur'iul thnt the petitioner* have

l.KAVK To W ITUl>rtAW,

II is ut'doubicdly true thai the :(l nltered Ilepult- lieau ballots were cas' bv the wltnesM-s who o-s tine.l iK-roreu*. vi-loulv la ofllH'in admitted eo*l- mg altered toliol-, forcing ymir commllbe I., the ,-oiiclio-lon lb"I- 'piitc a i.iiiol.' i willfully ur by nil-lake leslilb-.l wrongfullv.

ill I In uiie.'itainli ..I tin-. ■ ti-- "I I' -timony we have iiidorseim-iit in I lie le«islntive ito'ision m the .a ..■ ol III . fl.-lieh, . 1.1. I "I the -e«t IKCU- I l.v Mr L.iinii. Ih'' -linn-' meoil.. i uu- run

., .„I..II mi..- ,i,T,,u„„ ih.i »iKKx::^,sl,i.l:',.'s.":';.s'x^^s" l;ir::e nniouiit of time is lost by liremeu in atlcitilance ut tires, ami that not the hast

consideration to be regarded la their gen- eral exposure, and peril ol' lire aiid limb. As before stated, our citizens and tax payers will willingly endorse the proposed Increase of salaries.

Ma- ll] i.:- Gov. Straw Is re-elected by a clear majority

of 2~'l. l'or Congress, Small, republican, has :uxi nudortty hi the Oral district* Pike, republi- can, 19 majority in the second; and Parker, democrat, a'toot "ssi majority in the third. Af- er tile vacancies are tilled ley the Is-glshiture the Itepublicans will have foiirofthc H*eCoun- cillors, nine of the twelve Senators, and illsnit «2maJ rlty In the House over the Democrat* and Liberals.

Till'. BIIMTIINA M IM: have won thellrsl

point In the conlesl wllh the Maine (Vn-

Irnl; on Tuesday, .1 nlgc Virgin or the Su-

preiiie Coutfl of Mi iie, issue.1 an Injiinc-

Iimi, renlralnluR \U Cenlral from pnaalng llo- depot of the II. i M. without an Inter-

rliange of pasKeuge a and freight. will be hi nn to-day, ever) effort

tu save bis lire hav iK proved of no avail.

Me has taken leav •>r his ngeil mother,

Ids wife, atidothei relative, anil every

preparation has in ti iitude to launch hltu

Into eternity.

Itii: Lvii'i DKNCKt>KFtiarpIMcuallcngcd tnalcli ihe llligal ami In mil ting net yf

Dodge ami Carney lu rotltlg, on Monday

I evening, npou the report In relation tu

1 their own right to seals lu Ihe li I

A 1'i.w Piii.iTtcw. Ci usrs AMI. Ctivaors.— PajUson curses, like chickens, come home lo most at times. The eager pcrtiinuily with which such polltlosl saints us Fernando Wood, Senator < 'asserly uu.I others, having been throw- ing amd ut ptcpabHcans, and aammlly caused an cn.pilry Into the purity with which Ihey have managed their sucrcs-lnl aspirations. Senator Cassertyc sin for a full share of the recent overhauling of records. The fact-is recalled, ami to his disadvantage, thai grave charges, backed, it it Is claimed, by a score of wilnesses, have been made In relation to the corrupt means by which he was elected to the Senate, uu.I ta corporate agencies—such as the New Lira, the Bank or California, the I'uellfc Mail Steamship Company ami others, which rallied to his support Mr. l-ent..n seems likely to come in i'or a share of this overhauling. The new Missouri Senator, Mr. Bogy, is eiitch his hbari', espceiallv as to his connection j'| with the <piesH.inalilr Indian con tracts when he \ in was commissioner of In.Man atlairs under John- ; Jpj sou. Mr. Norwood is not likely to Iimi his at-1 tempt lo arraign Governor Clayton »f Arkati- jj sas ns easy a tusk IIS he imagines, us there will ■ „, Is- a striking contrast presented in die shape of ^ an indictment of his colleague's (Gen. Gordon) ! tj election, through Ihe sue cs-ful ...ti-umnialion ^J of the organised *. kdenee, eulmlnatmg in mnr- i„ per at Mneon, umt in Ihe destruction of u free "'

election. In the , possible that cnipiiry ocratle BenaMn are here as servants of grent corporations, and do tbeft* bi.blllig on Ihe Sen. nte llisir. The records of North Carolina's


illmawr Tf ihe ssenwho ssmte tia'y VOUMI (> on' eunt.-hilil IH'CII neeepted a- -ali-faelory pro. Ilie eutite.laiil-'el'-elioii, livn deci.l.'.l mujorii. would have lu-en e.tiibllshi-l.

In |l„. iniigoi.-ol ,.l III.- I.e^i-hllore, evidile- this nalare I- of too doubtful character lu justify so urine ti procedure us the reversal of an election

That Ihe time and labor spent in this investO-a lion inav ool U' lo-l, your < oiiiuiiltec eiiaool lor hear tuliereexpre-- some of the lessons lenri.ed an-l i lo-hin- ili'ili I In Hit- inve-ligntloll.

II Is evident ihnt the puliilnd integrity of ward puliilciuus I- unworthy of much cuuudenco ur

■ ■■-■' " nap metil '.I miiiii'il'iil litlcians lends lu dellnirnlltu. I.i im-'tnpnloii- p.,hli. inti- lin.1- lo den

lion, iimi weaken- Ihe pmilv or a 1 -""•' whether In local, -tale or nntiomil IIITBIIS.

The i i .pie involved in Ihi- inve-Haiilcn ■ml Ihe oiie-tion whellier one pulilieid party or another shall control Ih" ieipal iiltnirs o| our city, but a prini'iph- Unless well guarded saps Ilie .>r.-■ II instilllliolis.

Vour committee, li.-li.-i inii Ihnt ihe voice of the I pie should lie UN law.ol Uie ■and, nml thai ev- ery cLli/cn should have Ilie right, without teal or illUinidatioli Irum nnv one, lo v.-U' us his cijn- -ek-nccdielj.les, and that the liiir.IV of the ballot lio* slniuld IH- ma I claim-. I, to the cud Hint Mw true esprMslon of lb.- -Imll U- known, nml »•■ lievina I hill ..II leitisen. aii'ib-ooi'-ol Ihls ncciHiipllshmelil, invite- tlsin t.. unite In seeurloj; n representation uf ts.lli iHililb-al parties in the Hoard of ward olh.-er-, in Ifiun other met hud can he devised ur menu- emplov.d. eilla-r by iiimnei- pnlur Legl.lativ.iiulhoruv. whereby uureiil/eiis -hull lie tee fr.Mii suspicion uod our eilv l»'lice from ltd* disgrace ol le.-led clecliun cases, would ns-uiiiuieii.1 that ftep* Is-Liken tor il- B0* "oiiipli-huH-ul.

from Ihe IKS)illloiiy of some of Ilie witnesses '" It isiiii|uoci>l Hull il v. In prnclfci-d In entering t


Held game of attack It is m that other Dem- i

rnilronil operntloi Sotiih Carolina.

, ili:ii mt of Ihe one from ! the Home tinanliu

number- did. at an cnrlv ,ii.n H.ih,haw. and there- .•-.I .-nil hi tlm remaining

Betfutlj -i.hliillle.l. .\. A, LA writer, N. IMI. Mints.

Coiiimillee oil elections.

;i.K,wou Kins, our New Vork oorrespond- hns eompleted a serial for the column* of

Boston, to l>e coniinriui'd mn n year.

Tuesday evening closed ihe seances given by Ti. Stishlartl, the spiritualist, assisted by hei m, who Is also a medium. All the perform-

ances of the lady ami her ton, although sub- jected SO the severest scrutiny, were curried oul In a manner that left no doubt npou the minds

f the audience as to deception, have where the wonderful revelations were charged to "spir-

The first performance consisted of tying the hoy securely to a chair, his hands, feel, limbs, ami head lielng secured by strong ro|a-*, Dr. Porter nnd Mr. Hyde, two well known par- ties, petliiiinid Ihe tying, and the doctor told the audience that ho thought It would roqilln loll fifteen minutes for him to untie the hoy The cabinet was closed, ami In a lew moments again opened ami the ro|>c* were found lying .HI ih. il"a-. The committee again hound the hoy, and lieiug again closVd In the cabinet, bells were rung, and familiar tune* were played npou the harmonica. Just us the la-lls ceased ring- ing, the doors were thrown Open and a liell fell from the side of the cabinet to the floor. The Committee upon examination lound the Isiy se- curely rnrnnU wnl .)■ * ■>- shay )■ •> him. A close wire netting wan then drawn over hh head and shoulders, his head lielng tied bach ami similar netting over his hands and arms. they Uing tied down to ihe rounds of the chair, u ring was 'Missed itirouih the wires and ph in his mouth. Agnlu Hit doors were closed,and a.few moment! Opened, when the wire nettings were found removed, and the Isiy untied. The last b'st was the most severe, and convincing tu Ihc audience. The commttcc produced a strong cord, writ e.-i-.i .1. and recurely ami tightly I*aiml the young man's frists; Marshall Hall .i.lni-r,-.! a |iair of patent handcuffs, and then his hands, !.. hind Ihc body, were fastened to the chair; two rings were placed In ids month, ihe doors closed, Instantly o|Hncd, when the rings were found upon out of hh lingers. TI doors again closed, opened, and one ring w lodged in the left ear, the other "" t,lv cn,l "{

Lis nose. To prove that the lad did not tt< hands or have anything,—outside of his ' jumshlp,"—to aid him, the committee removed the handcuffs, ami then Ihe waxed cord nulled off, showing the adhering traces of the wax on the flesh, ami the utter impossibility of (he cord having been removed. While enclosed lu Ihe cabinet the " spirits" tied a ro'iu around the hoy a baud In ni secure a manner that the committee had the iitmusl difficulty lu reniov ing the rope.

We are free to assert that no deception wns practiced during the evening, and all the mys- lerious feats were pi rformcd, not by the physi- cal efforts nt either th' woman or boy, ml by some agency under-<'•*><I by none, but claimed by Ihc itiaiiagcmenl to I"' work of unseen spii Its. The wonls magnetism ami electrieily |, the story, hut are fur from explaining It. W doiihl not the lady's sincerity lu believing it tl work of " spirits." While ihc reals were being performed the lady placed her bands upon the cabinet, aud appear, il under thr cams Influence as one taking an electric shock, Ihe hand* and entire body r*rhvhlng ut a convulsed manner, most painful, yet coiidcol, for Ilie audience to IMIIOIIL During these pcilunnunccs she ad-

get hi.chilled and drowning friend ont but aid □tit succeed. He then arrangnl the Joist so that Mr. II.dl -.lid li iuId k.s-p tii- head above. Wilier uulll help could be obtained. The neighborhood was aroused ami everv iMMslblo effort wa* made to rescue Ihe unfortunate man liefore life was ei- Cinet, hut witlkiut avail. It»ties and straps were thrown over hlni, and after one or two unsuccess- ful attempts he was taken fnmi the wnter but not until lie was iiujte dead. The Ixnty was taken to his residence nod plu -leitins w ere summoned hut could do nothing to revive hhu, though there was no water in his stomach, nnd he died from sheer exhaustion. He was a quiet, good citizen, and wns much c*U-cined by his ncijrhhorH and friends. Ho ha* held numerous unices of trust in Ward S, where be wa* on tho Hoard of selectmen and n cnndldabj for re-election. He leaves a wife, ■laughter of Mr. S. K. I'l.elps, and two children, who will have the sviupnthy of the public Ills age was SI years. The funeral will IH-under the dTrectlon of Ancient York 1-odge, P. and A. M., of which Ihe deceased was a member.

THK I'rm.ic LWUABY is Increasing grandly, and the demand for Iswks, even from the small list already prepared for use, indicates the pro- portions the institution is likely to assume, with the opening of all the departments on the com- pletion of tlie catalogue. The monthly report of the librarian, made to the Trustees on Thurs- day evening, shows a registration, March 1st, of 3381 names, an Increase of 340 during Fcbrua- ry ; the nuinlier of liooks taken from the library during the month, was 10,82-5, a daily average of 443; the largest number drawn in a single day was 772; the smallest, 300. During the month 280 books were kept over time, all hut three of which were returned upon notification by mail; the fine paid for delinquency am minted to y.i.w. -

During the month, 903 volumes have liccn ad ded, which, with the Tauehniti collection,—709 volumes,—imported, and arrived time March 1st, make the number now in the library, 11,000, ot which 1100 are duplicates. Nearly «0,000 ho* been expended for books, being in addition to the volumes included In the Franklin library. The first sheets of the catalogue, which will make nearly 600 pages, have tieen placed in the printers bands, and as fast as the pages are printed, the books included therein, will be placed on tho shelves for use, without waiting ihc completion of the entire catalogue. Com- plaint Is made of a gaining practice ol marking ami writing in the liooks, and the chairman was Instructed to prosecute, under tlie slat nte, any person so offending. ■« ■■» »

TUI: Da«M PAUTT nt Rauutlers Hall, on Wednesday evening, was the success of the season, and closed with ijxce*rtional brilliancy tho enjoyable series under management of Messrs. Morse, beetle, and McKay, who are deserving much credit for the excellent and satisfactory arrangements throughout. The ex, (■ceding pleasantness of these parties hat1

awakened more than ordinary interest in the dress t>eeas ion'with which they were tu conclude, culminating in the gayest and most attractive gathering of Ihe winter. Choice floral decora- tion* dllfused their fragrance in the air, while

of merry warblers, from their little prisons suspended above the ll^r, added their loudest notes of welcome as the festivities tiegnn. The party was a large and most pleasant one. and the -kill nml good taste of the ladle* wa* never more advantageously displayed thun in

Ml im «IJ rial.noo* of their toilets, con- spicuous not only for individual elegance and elnlxiratcncsH,. hut uniform attractiveness and beauty. Dancing commenced soon after eight, and the scene (rom the tudeonits, which were filled with enthusiastic, spectators, was one of

brightness and merriment. With the good music, complete arrangements and pleas- ant company, the hours sped swiftly, and the I im: came regretfully, to all present.

■Oralltliatdldcliance.'lwerea long tain W lell. Of the dances and dresses, and who was Ihe belle; Hut each wu* so happy, and all w ei e so fillr, Thai night stole away, and the mum caught them

i- Bvaaan Finn luntrtMitoa COMCANV.— This Is the name adopted by the new insurance stock company which is alsmt to commence op- erations. Those interested in the enterprise met in the Common Council room on Wednesday evening, nt which time preliminary steps w taken towards affecting an organization. ! James IL Baton was called upon to preside over the deliberations, nnd Mr. F. E. Clark acted as Secretary. A code of by-laws for the manage-

mt of the company were presented and adopt ed, and articles of association were approved, The only remaining business to lie transacted

the choice of Directors, and the following well-known gentlemen were selected: Fred. B. Clark, John I'allon, James IL F.aton, A. A. Lamprey, Joseph W. .Smith, Andover; Moses T, Stevens, North Andover; Wm. 1'. Clark, A. W. Steams, F.. F. Childs, W. A. Kussell, Moses Itralcy, ilaverhill.

The meeting was then adjourned, nnd the Board of Directors will further Organise, and inaugurate business at an early day.

Marblcheinl has only one case of small-'m The Lynn Jlcpiutcr defends John B. Alley West N'ewburv, a town of two thousand in-

habitants, Wealthy nnd prosperous, with O factories and shoe factories, has never had a engine. It has an insurance company, but no extinguisher. We doubt If another such case can he found In the state.

The Newbtirynort factories arc now doing excellent business, their machinery; being run on rull time.

The new city railroad nf Kewburyiiort is stlm, ulutiug many branches of business, and has al ready justified the high expectations of iis pro jcetors.


City Marshal Knyniond has been presented with a gold itadgc.

The subscriptions towards the fund of 830,000, on condition of raising which Hon. H. J. W. Haleotfcred to present another 830,000 and a lot of land, for a public librarv, now reach 811,- />00, Dr. J. K. Nidi..!., heading the list wilh 82,- 500.

The 0. A. K, will present another drama in April.

A young man named Junes Fluunigan was killed, on Thnrsdav, while attempting to climb upon a freight ear, by falling between the hun- ter*.

On Saturday forenoon, Capt. D. H. Johnson was thrown from bis carriage ou Washington street, and severely injured.

The small pox hospital Is deserted, the last ease known in the city, having recovcrcr1

The sons and daughters of Maine recently had a grand reunion in this city, and now the sons and daughters of New Hampshire contem- plate a similar gathering.

Haverhlll finds it neeessnrv to display the fol- lowing in the "Post Otis": "Smoking strictly forbidden in this room." "No room for loafers; they are requested to leave nnd make room for others who have business at thu office."

The Bulletin announces that the early arrival of the Ncwburyport ghost is expected, and that his glm-tship will pl.iv an engagement nt the City Hall.

Ilaverhill citUcns are puzzling themselves over this conundrum i Shall wc have a new ho- tel or a new bridge first r

On Monday evening, a large circle of Uio friends or Itev. J. C. Binary called in nn Infor- mal manner, and alter nn interchange of gri-ci- ing* presented thnt gentleman with aliout 81:10 and other sulaiUntial tokens of their good will

The forty-fourth birthday of Mr. John P Brenuing, was made the occasion of a friendly call by many of his friends, who left generon* evidence* ot their esteem.

A seventy-thousand dollar high school build- ing is proposed.

Iron or wood Is still the agitating question In connection w 1th the new bridge.


The I»well Rt Andover Railroad have offered the First t'nlversalist Church, Lowell, 820,000 for the church lot and edillee.

Mr. and Sirs. KphralmS. Moors, were given a surprise visit, on Thursday evening.

The ljiwreni-c Company are to build nn ad- dition ulsiul 72 feet by 10(1, tu otieuf their mills, to lie livu stories in height.

The Merrimaek Company are to build uji ad- dition of 2-i feet to their mill.

The Courier reports one Alfred K. Jacobs, a hitherto res|iectable young man In this city, be- came enamored recently of Elisabeth JL Har- dy, whose good character few seem willing to vouch for, ami the two were married on Thurs- InT. Properly i-mhcz»tcd from bis father, he ilevoted to making her charms more attractive. It becoming known to the couple next day that i warrant had liccn Issued for their arrest, the iride having « husliaud, Frank 1'. Pluiumcr, re Iding in Ilennikcr, N. IL, thev rode to Wes

Chelmsfurd iu shock, at n cost of 810, and sik the evening train for New York. On Monday afternoon, Samuel Winchester

wns knocked down in his blacksmith shop bv a rough named Kdward Slavin, who bad watched his opjMirtnnlty, and then robbed him of his pocket hook containing 83o. The thief was ar- rested next n■ in-.


HivKiisihK MISSION Ciui*Ki--Salunlay, March 1Mb, wna a day Of unusual interest at llus llivrr side Caapeli Her. <•- P. Wilson Ihe Missionary, bap- lislng several Infants, and idtlmuirli Uie alter noon was so stormy, the chapel wns comfortably llllcd, and iwetily-ime children were presented for liap- tisiu, Imlh fathers and mother* being present wilh them; Uie sight wits a grand one. thu like Of which was never seen in Lawrence before. The service* were brief but Impressive and appropri- ate, closing with an earnest and kindly address to tin- parents, and a fervent prayer for the parent* and children; the day will not soon lie forgotten at Itiversltlc. "(iodides* Hie children." In tlie evening of the same day the annual lea party was held in the rhnpel; Uie room was sadly loo small to hold rmnforUihly all who came; about .'"■'i-.ii -i-.» » *-. i~u Tha party was a decided *urceas; the provisions were all given by friends and neighbors, so Hint the school net* anile a nice sum, which lit very acceptable.

The committee tender their thanks to nil friends for the help given them on the nccnslon.

TIIK KATE HI.IONOI.HS TIIOITI, heralded as " select artists from Philadelphia," inspire for thai goodly cily a sentiment very similar to that of the Vcrmonter, who after struggling with the sawdnsty compound of sponge cake and cream, sold at railway stations under the name of the father of his Country, declared that lie hod a great res'icrt for the memory of Washington, but " confound his pies I" Phila- delphia I* u very nice city, but it is sad that the tastes or her people, permit these " select ar- tists" to seek tortuue uud fame beyond her bor- der*. It is i.. ■ i ■ ■ I - ■ that Kate Ilelgnolds can ■nbrd to give the strength of her name to such a combination, but she will speedily possess only her personal reputation as an actress,

IMIIKASU ur BANK CAIITAI.. During his visit this week, to Washington, Bx-||ayor A. J. French, hns succeeded in ohlniiiing authority for Incn using the capital of. ihc I^wrcnce Na- tional Hunk, of this city, nf which lute Presi- dent, by the addition of 8100,000, which, con- sidering the many obstacles In the way of en- larging the Imuk capital of New England, is no small accomplishment. Tills bank has thus far met with unexpected success, timl this uddidon tu the iNittkiug capital of our city, will be wcl-

KE-Ari'oinTiiKHTH,—Among the re-nppoiut mutts where commissions bad expired, made by tho President on Monday, were those of four excellent Kssex county Postmasters, Oen. Oeo. H. PlerfOU at Salem, Capt. K. V. Martin at Muihlrhcnd, Illchard I'luiuincr at Ncwbury-

port, and John Iliitchelder at Lynn; tbey have proved faithful officers, and deserved reU-n- lloii. J- T. Clarkson was nominated for i'o.t- mastcr nt Anipshitry, nnd <'h. H. Odell, as col. lector at Snicm.

The niiuuul town niei-Uug occurred Mondav, March 17th. Mr. J. It. Tewkshury was chosen Moderator. The tollovi iinr town ■•Hirers were elected: Town f'lerk, Ntilh'l Hatch; Treasurer and t'ollrrtor, liiirvrv M.TuwIe; Selectmen and Overseer* of the I'mn, Win. tog-well, Uciij. L. 1'ciTV, and Ju-lio K. Iliii.l-tin-t, Assessors, Wal- ter Ordway, Harrison William* and Hiram Hay; School ('oamiitlee, Wm. t'ugswcll, three rears; Health UBJcers, li.-o. ('.nr-wcl], J. 11. Tewkiburv, and tiro. W. Liehl. t mi-inM.-, loir.hi.'i ... Kini- tial I, Warren I'erl.v, linnlel W. Poor, Jr.. John F. Mills, Horatio Reynold.-, Justin K. Ilrad-treel.

The foil"wing umiriiurintitmit were made: For poor, ilOUl; highuav, SVusi; school*, *II.ISK); reduction of town debt, $.\tm; interest uu tin- same, 1*1,001); cxpciuhiioc-, #.'.i«si; incidentals, rwoo.

II wns voted to Issue town Itonils to Ihc union ill ol |«i,uoo, to cover their part of the expense lu building Uie new bridge, It was nl-,. voted to construct a sewer from Bradford Aeademv. through Main, to the Men Imack Hirer, lit a cii-1 of from a.'*«Ni UiStism, Ilra.lford Academy of. fering lo pay f-J,*iiS) of the expense of the same.

This wa* the most important meeting ever held lu the town, and the artimi thereat prove* conclu- sively that a IIUUIIHT of ilw citizen* have given up their old fogy ideas and gone in for progression nnd Improvement.


The Naumkoog Bank has removed to the Post Office building.

On Tuesday forenoon Mr. Israel Lee wns driving u loaded team from the northern still Ion when his horse took fright at a train ol ears uud became unmanageable. Mr. Lei was thrown beneath Ihe wheels, whieh passed over his stom- ach, inflicting injuries from which he dictl in about an hour after lielng taken to his home.

St. Patrick's day was celebrated with unusual enthusiasm.

Mrs. Cheever, a lady of 90 years, fell on the lee on Monday, breaking her hhi lionc;lt was the tint time she had la-en out of the house this win

A three year old daughter of Mr. John Qrli wold was severely scalded on Monday, by the uiwetling of a boiler of hot water.

The Common Council, by n vote of 8 to 13, decline authorizing a fire alarm telegraph.

I'ov. Woahburn has issued the fallowing precis million :

Two hundred and Ulty years ago i in season Ihe authorities ol our iiifttnl loiamoiiweultli llr*t set upnrt a.lay of lasting mid prnver, to the end thul public recognition inijihl be nin.le of (jcnl's over- ruling |Miwcr, and die historians of Uie time record that signal hh-slngs followed the oh. servauee of tha day. Conformably to Ihe custom tin floating. I ropiest the people of Ma*sa

husetts thus lnol>.ine Thursday, Ilie thirddav .r i ....n ..... i v i.- I.L. .1... 0...1 A.... a. ...*

—Gems of Ihonghl Wednesday evening.

—The only feature of small-F a light case of varioloi.].

—The llrst sheets of the catalogue of the Pub- lic Library have liccn placed in Ike printer's


—The hooks taken from the Public Library during the month of February reached 10,033 ' jjj ,

in number i tu.i —A bill has been reported In the legislature, J ,„„

refunding this city fff\4M, money paid for the j _ support of a state pauper. . | |-lhl

—Members of the home club are reminded I („(, mat the annual meeting of the association oc- curs on the evening of Fust Pay.

—The re'iort raising the salaries of firemen as laid on the table for one week, at the meet-

ing of the Aldermen Monday night.

—Among the good things said by George Maedonald on Wednesday evening, was "that, that imitation Indicates a want of faith.

We are pleased to team that Mr. Timothy Kane, the gentlemanly Ipatler of the Cornet Band, Is recovering, though quite slowly.

—The "moral reflections," near Ihe close of the Aldcnnaiilc report,—especially In the light of tlieir paternity,—rich beyond romiwirison.

—The weak and Impotent conclusions of the Aldcnnaiilc Committee are the topic of general comment, and almost unanimously disapproved.

*Mseorga HacuonaU said on Wednesday evening, " a man can't lie a poet and love mon- ey," which remark fully accounts for the scarc- ity of noets.

—Friday evening of next week occurs the nn- iunl ball of the Pacilic Steamer company, nnd lie tickets for the same are now ready, and in

the hands of the committee.

No party ever received a greater blow from wn friends than hns liccn dealt at the Dem-

ocratic party by the committee on elections in their report of leave to withdraw.

—The saloon and dining rooms of S. D. Crow- ell have been entirely renovated, and the newly printed and papered walls add much to the at- tractiveness of this popular resort.

—Tiic select gathering at Saunders Hull on Wednesday evening, was a happy nffair, and its management are receiving the praise its excel- lent arrangements so richly deserve.

—Mr. Jesse Moid ton, the canal gate tender nt the south side, who was recently injured by having his arm caught in some machinery, has so far recovered as to be able to lie out again.

—We learn of an engagement tietwoen two of our well known and happy young people. We may now look for a discount In wooden nnd tin weddings, and expect one productive of hard-

ware. —The Charlotte Custiman snlsicrlption list

bears the names of iuh*crihcr« for alsiut forty tickets. We fear it will lie a long time baton the requiem) number, five hundred, will 1* reached.

—At the Eliot church, on Tuesday evening, there was gathered n Jnrgc and most select audience to hear Miss Brlttnn, who spoke for an hour anil a half, on the subject of mission

work in India.

The rostrum of our City Hall never pre- sented a liner re presentation of the literati of Lawrence than upon the occasion of the Mnc- douald lecture on Wednesday evening, while the nudience wns com'ioscd of our moat refined

id intelligent citUcns.

—The subscription list recently opened at Strattou's store for tho purpose of bringing Charlotte Cushman to this city for one night, Is recclvlna a large number of signatures. It will not lie long liefore the J^WO necessary to bring her here, will be guaranteed.

—On Wedncs-dny evening, as Snm'l II. Clark as passing down Broadway, ho had a Qt, and

fell upon thu ice, breaking Ills leg and spraining his left wrist badly. He wa» taken to his home

Oak Street, ami Dr. Boynton sent Tor, who properly set the broken hones.

—Mr. Charles Itau, a driver for Abbott's Ex- press Company, while attemp'ing to remove a turret of : pit it- from the wagon to the drug store of Dr. Ordway, fell upon the sidewalk and dislocated his shoulder. Dr. Yntcs was called ami attended to the Injured man.

—Well may Aldermen Kelvin nnd Ijimprey lie dubbed the ''bow white wns hers." The lnek- lest Alderman Is Mr. Saunders, who adroitly managed to evade the responsibilities of the Committee, and who, by Illness, was alttcnt at the recepllon of the Committee report.

—The approach of Memorial Dny Is exciting interest In the Orand Army, in relation to tltc services of tho anniversary ; the committee of arrangements will make a preliminary report at the meeting of the Post next Wednesday even- ing, when every comrade should lie present.

-The new stock company, organized for in ■ ie in.--, has selected as iis name,

the Everett," nnd chosen a Isinnl of direc- tors, with Fred E. Clarke nt tho bend. Wc also notice the name of E. F. Child*, a promi- nent insurance innii, among the list of dircc-

■The work of clearing tho track of the street i ,iil« ay from Ice was found to l« uo sinnll tusk ; it is three months since sleighs were substituted for curs, and on Essex Street, opposite tho I'oat Office, the workmen were obliged to pick through a solid lee bed twenty inches In thlck-

■Pcrsons driving teams through Essex Street and Broadway should be very careful In crois- i'i." the horse railroad tracks, which have just been dug oat, for In some places the depth of the track lie-low the surface of the snow reach one and n half fect>nnd nearly u foot in width.

—Sheriff Herrickof ihls city wns before the Lcglslalive Committee on Prisons, Friday mom im.', and spoke in opposition to the new schemi for placing the prison system under Slate or dis- trict jurisdiction, instead of tho county. The Sheriff Is n member of the Prison Commission of the State.

—There were not more than a dozen persons present at the reading of the report of the Com- mittee on the Ward Four frauds, last evening. Among those present was Ellhti, who waited at the outer door for the verdict—of the Coinmll- tee, that of Hie whole public having been giv many dny* ago.

—Mr. ¥. W. Schnake, the tailor, Is having extensive udditlou made to his tailoring cham- bers. The space over thu stairway Is being made into a room for cutting purposes, to com- municate with the sulcsroum, now very spa- cious, by a large arch. This addition will be a great Improvement.

—" Rom" says he would feel grateful If some kind hearted people would send to the court house some tenement houses for tho English sparrow,, which almond there, and make glad the hearts of alt In that vicinity hy their cheer- ful chirruping. At present the little things an houseless and homeless.

—Si.i-.u." tli'iks thai the report ol nut-., . :; n- in the Ward Four Ira

mttj :■ ..-I- I tip us follows: The wiim

pcrjurv. ;...■:! 'Ivc*— Il:c perjure t!. tu»el -■-. l he ofll stole l,r. ' .-—II . offlrer* ol ■teal snv brdkiu Weil, we i

Unease* didn't rs of ward four

-aril four didn't

. I'te li.: on: v

d with Capt. Wm. painter and furiiii...


■ suspect, more lik. i to form it lilt

'. milict iliul Street Cetiimissi.'ii. r lllukc- ill coiitiniuslo discharge his duties with

le-ulartty and abiiiiy which have charac- terised their performance during bis term Of ofllre. Under hi* Hnperinteniknet the woik of clearing the slrcelsol the accumulations ol ice

and snow, progresses rapidly, and we hope soon to see the tlioroitgIt fares nitre more in

then* summer condition. —Sptii'ipies attended the seance luesday

evening, and witnessed Hie vurious spiritual manifestation*. Returning home Iw possessed himself of some " spirits," and attempted to imitate the tying feat nnd wire cage business by binding his wife lo the liedpost.and drawing a pillow over her bead. The spirit* that per- lorined the feat were Unable to undo the work, nml from the ap|iearaiice of|nes' left eye, it is painfully evident that he is no " mejrum!"

Alsmt seven hundred persons attended the Macdonnltl lecture, Wednesday evening, over four hundred reserved scats bang taken, which,

think, was the largest sale of reserved sit- tings ever made at nn entertainment in this city,

perhaps, nt Ihe Dlack Crook show, llow- as in competition lietwcen the devil and

the clergy, we think the latter made a u**D*t ad- mirable exhibit, though it little o'ertopped hy the dcil. We think our community gradually im-

proving. —Yes, II pays! One of oar popular dry

goods houses gave an advertising agent an ex- tensive spring advertisement a day or two ago, a copy of which was thrown into said agent's house. Hi* tatter half read the announcement, put on her things, immediately went to that ■tore and traded a large bill, much to the great delight (?) Of that advertising agent, who failed

the profit ot his advertising scheme, er, those dry goods men relished the

joke, and doubtless the agent will find his prof- it hi more extended business.

At the Coroner's Inmicst held nt the rail- way station, Friday, Conductor Mason stated thnt it'wos often the case that malicious per- sons wnlked upon the railroad track, ls-fore an approaching train, and heedless of the tooting of the whistle would remain until "duwu breaks" were t-otindcd, and the train neatly stopped, when they would sicpoffand allow the train to pnss them. By thes freipictit occurren- ces enginemen could not tell whether a man oa the track wu* deaf, or wished to annoy Hie enginemnn. However, he did not think Hie present was such a ease, lint suggested that Hi man killed must have liccn confused by Ihc two passing trains. If the laws ngnim-t walking up on railroad tracks were enforced, nuiny lives

oul.I tie saved.


... . ..... -,...-. - inn,,,,.,- Miht-ilultigon thai day front, Until jl— s and pleasure, and ass

of April

liling In tlieir r unit.-dlv implore our Heavenly r'utber-

To spare u* during Uie current year from Arc, pestilence and fnuilne;

To bless us abundantly in our industries, nnd in our efforts tor the pro lion ..1 order and sobrie- ty;

To Inspire ns with a bronder nnd more thought rut itharllv, and keep our hearts from tho sins or .-in v mid malice;

To uphold us In all himoraiile and virtuous pur- poses, and pros'HT out en-rv endeavor for the diminution of vice, and crime;

To rlvo us n dcrticr rev.-rence for law. a nobler


'1*1 Hurtle* nnd ohlu/alions, and n

■r uppteeiatiouol i'<lueI1li..naii.i,iti/.,n„hip, ,1 to enliven us with sinh a MIISC uf re-pon.i.

In Ihe divine eoiLiiiumdiio-nl-, lied wit mm uprightly before i.od.und mon- „nd inoiv

fest the spirit which was lu MUM.

A man named Torpey, who murdered a Mr*. Nicholson ul Monterey, Cat., recently, was on Moiidnv til,, u fall bv an armed mob, and hanged, ami his Imdy riddled wilh pistol bu|. lets while it was suspended.

The bones of a great uiusti*lon, Intely ex- humed near Uikcton, WaUudi county, .Intl., are now on exhibition at Peru. They show the animal to have Incn some forty feet In length by eighteen feet In height.

Southern Colorado, east of Ihe Becky moun- tains, by which is meant all that iMirtio'n of the territory drained by Ihc waters Of the Arkansas and Hlotiramle, embrace* uliout .'..IKMI njuare miles Of grazing land.

Mr, Augustus Raymond, suffering from rheumatic lever, at the Perry IMIUSC, Portland, was given laudanum instead ot puiugorlc, and the result was ratal. The druggist made ihc mistake.

A water spoilt hurst near Dakcrsfleld, Cal- ifornia, on aaOUday, forming a chasm sixlv feet hi width, and fifteen reel deep. A iwrty of men narrowly e sen paddeath.

"Hood blood-will show itself," aald the old ariy with ihe red nose,

The calm that succeeds the storm is ours. One would hardly have thought a fortnight ago that peace would ever again spread Its brooding wings over our much loved town. The Span- ish Throm.—pardon,—tho Mcthueu Post Office la still In existence, and wo have lieen inforui.-d that the mulls come and go with a regularity equal to thai of other day -. Wo say we have lieen in funned. We do not pretend to give this statement on our own responsibility, although we would be glad to Iw convinced of its truth. It can hardly lie possible, however, Hint In an establishment of this nature,or such magnitude, and requiring so much Intelligence and skill In its management, one entirely unused to the du- ties should bring to their discharge tho knowl- edge and ability necessary. Nevertheless therc urc mnny In this town who nre of opinion thut the country will not suffer in any way by ihe manner in which the new official Is discharging his duties, and It is a comfort to know that the belief ts general that no unpleasant complica- tions are likely to arise between the United States and other powers In consilience nf the little unpleasantness that occurred here; so

neb fur that. The ladles connected with the Methodist

church and society, gave nn entertainment on Wednesday evening, in the vestry of their church, consisting of singing, select readings, declamations, and reading of a paper edited by members of the society. Tho exercises were highly Interesting, and reflected credit on nil thut took pan. After Ihc first port of the pro- gramme was finished, the friends present were Invited to patronize the table, which wus laden with useful nnd highly prized articles, which the ladies of the society always offer to their many patrons, at a price thut always has the value to them, and all that purchase arc highly pleased and grntiflcd. The lost but nig ihc least was the supper provided by tho Indies; it wns perfect in all respects, and highly enjoyed by all present. The tpiallty of the chowder wns never excelled in town liefore, and the reputa- tion of Mr. I). C. Rollins for preparing it will

him a lasting name, nnd an invitation to always get up a chowder for the ladies and friends of the society. The entertainment was

flnnncinl success exceeding the expectation Of the Indies. Aliout seventy-live dollnrs was re- ceived. •

Street commissioners hnvu lieen appointed for the ensuing yearns follows :—8. D. Chase,Oeo. 0. Marsh, Geo. N. Carltan.

The Exchange Hotel Is closed, but there is a strong desire thnt it should lie opened again, and It Is not unlikely that some enterprising lu - dividual in oar own village will throw open Its doors soon.

Rev. Lyman Chase the popnlar pastor of the Baptist Church is enjoying a vacation; hu has gone on a western trip.

Tie Joseph Howe farm was sold ou Tuesday to Joseph S. Howe forgllJoO.

The Public Library project is lielng pushed forward, nnd tlie following gentlemen hnve been appointed to manage the enterprise: Rev. Ly- man Chase, D. W. Laney and Chns. E. Trow.

Quite a largo number of our citizens attendrd the lecture given by Oeo." Maedonald nt I-uw- rence, on Wednesday evening, aud were htghly pleased with the gentleman. It is worth going to Lawrence to see a real live author wnosc work* arc in almost every household which has an Intelligent member. QCILI..

NOIITH AXOOVEK—The Knew Mutton steamer hall, take* place, tills r'ridny evening, at Mtovcn* ■ Hall, and those who hnvr formerly attended these gathering* will hardly fall to lie presentupon thl* ore oil on.

In noticing the accident that occurred lo the horse oflir. Sargent, while Uie hitter wns visiting at Mr. Louis Weil's, an error waa made In regard to Dr. Hargeut calling at Ur. Weil's professionally; Dr. Sargent was only making a friendly call.

—Alderman Saunders was absent from the meeting of tho Hoard Monday evening. Two of the five members present were contcstnrrts for the seats upon which a report was made, am

others ■■■■HI I the Committee making ih report, leaving lint one disinterested Alderman and yet the report was accepted uuaniiuowily.

—The Eben button steam nre engine compa- ny will glvenn niiuuul 1mlI ou the evening Df Friday, tho 31st instant. This is the excellent company in North Andover over which Capt, lbtfhrsucy presides, and their reptttntlon for puUiug things through In an acceptable manner

dl known and appreciated hy their many 'rations.

Mr. O. i ■> ,■< i I, or this city, has received a patent for a rotary cutler head, for matching, Dr. J. IL Kidder has lieen awarded a patent for anew ink-well, and Dr. Klddcr and Supt. Hood, a patent for uu Improved inkstand, The interests or these latter gentlemen would lead its to suppose their Inventions were for tho use of the public schools.

—A woman named Mary A. Hughes, residing m Mctlmen.was before the police court Wednci day morning, charged with maintaining a liqnor nuisance within the precincts of that staid vil- lage. A lengthy examiiiallon wns had In the case, which resuliid |n her lielng laiunil over in the sum of B300, to present herself for trial at the next term uf tho superior court.

—Tho Washington Steamer Company are mak- ing active prepnratloni torn ball, to occur on the evening of Friday, the 28th inst. Those who have Isteu present at their former gath Ings will unite In asserting that they have lieen brilliant successes. It only remains for thli cumpany to announce their aascmhly, and happy and desirable throng is assured.

THK STOHH of yesterday increased during the aftenioon, liei-otning of groat severity dur- ing the evening, when the snow gradually turned to hall and rain; travel was almost en- tirely suspendod, and the streets were deso- late at nine o'clock; the horse enrs experienced great difficulty, suspending their trips nt this hour, after expending two hours In getting from North Andover; the streets will lie lu fearful condition to-day.

—Father Coggshalt, the eloquent preacher from the Church or tho Advent, Boston, will officiate in St. John's Church on Sunday next. There will lie a full choral service by the boy choir.

NEVKH nKi-mtK jria such powerful and pert-Intent effort mode to save the life of a condemned criminal an line been, and now is, being made In the Interest of Foster, tlie enr-hook murderer of New York. Af- ter all the strenuous efforts that position nnd wealth could bring to bear, hint cul- minated in A denial by (iov. Dlx to Inter- fere in the due course or law ami Justice. It now uppenrn that seven or the Jurors, who adjudged Foster guilty, have appealed to the Oovcrnor to spare the crlmlnngl'** lire, slating that had not they supposed tlieir recommendation to incrcy would have been considered nnd acted upon as a port of their verdict, aald venllct would not have lieen rendered. It Is suitl tho Governor will give the question careful consideration, but whatever his decision may be It must be given quickly, fbr Fos- ter is respited orily till Friday or tho pres- ent week.

FRIDAY MOliN'?N«, MARCH 21, 1H7I!.


Tin- friends of Mr. I'.lij.ili W. Donald in An- dorcr, will bo grotiflcd to tarn that he I* itlll pursuing his studies hi the Union Theological Seminar?, New- York, and hia (or nearly a year been an assistant to Dr. John Cotton Smith, Hector of Ascension Church, the largest ami wealth but BnUcopo] Church In the city of New York. We an Informed by a member of thin chorcb that IK- filla the position moat acceptably jo Dr. Suiiili and Ui» l.irgc rungreguhoti.

The meeting of Die Hand of Hono at tho Hup" tisi church on Friday evening, irai largely a:- tended. Tin exercises, consisting of rcid- mga, redtatJoni and singing, wen participaled in liy many ol the members. The organization han lieen constantly iiu-reaHlng In number* ami Interest from the start, and most now have more ili-iii a humlrcd m-cmlicr*. Much credit '■■ doe Mr. Tomb] In of the mwlniirj. who orlgbuUed and has superintended affairs mi | u ece ss fully.

Rev. J. A. Amen, Ncmtary oftlic North End Mission in Boston, spoke at the Uaptist Church lust Sabbath, la the morning, the Hiibtwth school of the Soutli Church at noun ami the Free Church in the afternoon. He gave an ac- count of tho work in which iii.- i.;;;■■■:■HI Id en- gaged, and relateil several thrilling cases (if deg-

radation and Milireitui-ntriliirinutjon, which hail come under hisoliscnntton in pursuance of his missionary Lii.ii>. Collections were token fur the object in the congregations, and the South Siititnuli school voted 9-30 lor Mrs. CiisWcll, whose bciievulcut work among tho Portuguese In intimately connected with this mialttrTI Sev- eral ladlei In town have lor some mouths taken a lively Interest In Mrs. Caswcll's iil"ui;.- in be- half of the uni'i nutiiiti'.

Thp I■• '■!li meeting of tho Eastern Convoca- tion of Massachusetts (formerly styled the East- em UUtrlet Nlselonnry Aisoelntion of Mass.,)

win bcld In Christ Church, Andover, on Mon- day and Tuesday, the 17th and 18th Insts.

On Monday at 3 P. M., a business meeting wan bcld. In the evening of the same day at 7.30, a public missionary meeting took place. Evening prayer WAS snld by tho ltev. Metsr*. HoberU of Lowell, Jcnks of Nowton Comer, and Fulls of North Cambridge-. A very Itistruo Hve and scholiirllkc discourse was preached by the Kcv. Charles L. Ilutcliins of Medford, on the Ufo and character of Sulnt mtricb, the Irish saint (who wan a Scotchman nevrrtbe- lc**,); it will lie ) .liirmi.n,,! that it was Saint 27. Patrick** day.

On the morning of Tuesday, at 9 A. M., the Holy Communion was celebrated by tho Itcv. Nicholas Moppln, I).'D., of Cambridge, assisted by the venerable and beloved Rector of St. Ste- phen's, Huston, the lie v. K. M. P. Well*, 0. D. ii- EpUtoler. This aged 1'rk-st spoke a few ho- ly words from the Sacrarium, in place of a ser- mon,—words of such itmpllcity, solemnity and beauty, as will long l» remembered by those who heard them.

In the course of the forenoon, an c"'ny of very great ability, on the Hibjcct of tho different schools In the Anglican community, was read

by the Rev. Professor A. V. O. Allen of tho Cambridge Divinity School. The learned essay- ist received the hearty mi.I unanimous compli- ments of tho Rev. Brethren present. This was a very pleasant meeting, and many hours were- most agreeably spent at Christ Chnrch Rectory.

The other day Charles C. llhint barely es- caped severe injury by having a load of wood lintel Upon him. He was injured to some ex- tent alum! (be bead and eyes.

Two blind musician.* from the Pefttoa Insti- tution in Beeton, gave a concert at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Although the otidl- i-ucc was not lurgc, probably in rrmSSffnntrri of insufficient notion, those who were peennl cx« preaacd much gratification with the perfbrm- ancci. They had previously given Iwoaunllar concerts a# Smith's Ha!!, in Frye Village, which were well attended.

Rev. E. S. Williams is on his nay from Min- nesota to the east, and will toon eWI his nu- merous friends in this town and vicinity.

We are indebted to liur. J. P. Lane, formerly pastor of the Free Church In this town, and now pastor of the Pint Church in Bristol, ll. 1., for a neat volume of 126 |wi:es, just Issued by him. It contains historical sketches of the church over which ho is settled, and embraces much matter of Interest to his own people espe- cially, while It will be iwruscd with profit by the general reader. It is prefaced with some ac- count of the aborigines who inhabited the re- gion before the first settlements, and of Hie cur- ly history of the town. Mr. IJIIIC is peculiarly well adapted to getting up a work of this sori, and no doubt n »i have a wide circulation.

In giving sketches of the old people m town, a few weeks since, tho following were over- looked, or not then residents :

Michael 1'iUgernld Is 88 years of age, and was i.:M. in County Limerick, Ireland. He is the father of seven children, three of whom only uro living, and has been in this country 21 years.

Widow Loronah Swell, mother of Mrs. Jus. llo'llngswurtli, Is 08 years of age. She is a na- tive of Portland, Me., and has been the mother

often children, three ol whom arc living. Iloth of these aged persons are at present residing in Uallard Vale.

Everybody remembers "Russell," the Boston Traveller's "Round the. World Correspondent," and his friend "Lem," who shared his up* and downs In China land. "L-JOI" was nnf'irttiuatc, boosted to tho natives bo could walk a certain slippery log; tried and failed. Whereon Chi- nee retorted : "He much talkrt not wtwrn tcnlk- iv." Now it- no necessary disparagement of Col. Russell II. Council'* fame as travelling correspondent when wo refer to the marked popular favor lie stowed on his "Talks" or Le^- t ii ITS. Tbe Colonel's lecture, "The Fall of Bah ylon and China," which has been very highly spoken of, will be delivered at the Baptist Church, Andovcr, next Tuesday evening, Mar.

The subscribers hereby tender their sincere thank* to the numerous friends Who have ■■"

milii/ed with limn in their severe affliction. HKNKY HANK,

ALICE A. DASE. Andiiver, Manhil, I'd. It

. V.. AHINITT'S SCHOOL for HtKN will reopen HONDAY. March r RBHDRveg, earner of Main and .•t. Teniis, per matter, Karen II, W73, «

lire in hereby given licit ihe MiWrilKr ho* been dnlv appointed BXeuUtOf <>l the Will of

Aruo Elbs, Ut.Mil' Sin ill Aiiiluvi-r, in tic i ..ii,in ..[ l.--..\, ie.i. Iluui.dccoaseil.te-tiile, and h;i~ [liken uimn Isluiull' Unit li-iu-t b<- giving biiinln, Uf Uie law illreeis. .Ml liornuiiit liavliig lii-uiniiil- II|N,H tin- otnte ol sii>il ■lei-i-UM'il are lr<|iiin .1 In exhibit I he Hiinr; mi.I sit liei'Hons iiiib'bUil 11 Midi ei-lnle are eiilleil upmi to

""I i-r ■: :■■ Hi H: i II. ; II. KI.I.IS, EVCV. rtli Amlovrr, March I, IMT3. .Itrmhil"

Ballard Vale.

The adjounied town meeting was held on Monday afternoon,

Voted, To reconsider the vote Whereby the town voted to accept the act to provide for tho election of ltoad Comissloners Chap. 1M Act uf 1871.

Cuoec the following highway surveyors: dis- trict No. I, Plato Eamcs; no 2, vacancy; no. 3, II. ll. Hayward; no. 4, S. U. Abbott; no. 5, W. Huekert; no 6, Henry lirownell; no 7, H. E.Oould; no.8,8. Ollcrcaat; no. 9, W. H. Tucker; no. 10, James II. Smith; no 11; W. 0, Donald; no. 12, Moody B. Abbott; no. 1.1, O. W. Cbiuidlcr; no. 14, J. Tuck, 2nd j no 15, II. BatTOn] ■, no. lO, J. Follansbce; no. 17, S. BardwoB; no 18, F. C. Piieips; no 10, Alfred Hardy; no. 20, Rufui Bailey; no 21, Moses B. Abbott; no. 22, George F. Baker; no. 23, W. Raynor; no. 21, 8. II. Boutwdl; no. 25, C.C.BIunt; no. 26, J. II. Cpcbran; no. 27, John J. Brown; no. 28, W. Allen.

Voted, That the selectmen bo authorized to Oil any vacancies which may occur In the list of high* way surveyors chosen.

Voted, Th;ii Hi.' imi n ii.-jt-iii-i'i- be authorised to hire money for the use of tho town when nrr. r -.■■mi, with the advice of tho selectmen.

Voted, That the treasurer bo tlm collector of taxes, and be allowed ono per cent, as lieretofore.

Voted, TO pay the urcmen fifty cents per hour while on duty, nml that the eiiglncei with some person oi persons suitable to i •tenmer.

Voted, To appropriate tho sum of ilSO fray the expenses of decorating the soldiers

Voted, Tliat each member of the lire depart- ment eonuceteil with tho ateam Are engine, and such other persona as the selectmen may deter- mine, not lets than three, living near tho engine house, be provided with keys to the cnglmjhouso. That tho schictmen prepare cards cimtalning the nuiues of the engineers, nnd all other persons having keys to the engine house, and post the cards In public places, and distribute them to all citizens applying forthem. And that any citizen In the absence or an engineer, with the consent of the k.T] »'f of a key, be authorised to enter the en- gine house iiir the purpose of giving1 an alarm of

Voted, That J. W. roster. E. C. Kmythe, Wil- liam Jenkins, W. 8. Jenkins and W. f. Draper be a committee to lake into eonslderatinn the whole matter of Ktrcct lanterns embraced In the twentb etli article In Che warrant, and report at Uio next town meeting.

Voted] To appropriate the gBBi of |100 fur the use of the Hprlng tjrove Cemetery.

Voted, To appropriate a sum not exceeding $130 for the purchase of land under ami adjoining the centre fS. P.) school house, belonging to II. W. French.

Voted, That Francis Cogswell, William Chlek- erlng, W. 8. Jenkins, J. H. Flint, B. Rtiynton, and W. II. li. Woodlln tie a committee to collect the facts In relation le the matter of the cxtensh School street, so called, nml resort at the town meeting a statement thereof, together with their views of what ought to bo done In tho prem- ises.

Voted, To accept the li I of Jurors, prepared nml [!■ i ■!I-II by the selectmen.

Voted, That'Ueorgelt. Poor, W. ll Kimbail, -ii. Boutwell, J.ll. Abbott, and W. F. Drapei

b ; a committee u rorisc the by laws of tho town, nml also to Investigate the condition of all trust funds belonging to the town, mid report to tho next meeting.

Voted, That a rum not exceeding $300 be ap- propriated for the purpose of remodeling, and otherwise improving the lock-up of tbe abaf-

The Methodist society received so much encour- agement laxt veal in the mutter .if raising funds fur the old or Hie ehun-h nml Hie support or preaching, that the- committee resolved upon ■ I up ting a similar plan this venr, and the story of

at Is for each one t" put their hunils n little decp- . .Into their pockets, and contribute n linger sum, it 'possible, than, miller than undergo the labor and bustle of lioldiiig n festival. The (itin of#:Ul has been lianded U> Uic treasurer, the amount of which will IH- n[i|iroprlutiil for the IKMI- etlt ofthesoeicty. The itiiuiieeeoniiidtlee wish to express their sincere thank" toull wlw so gener- ously subscribed toward the fund, nml to those who were active In gatlierlng in the harvest, Ihey loel especially grateful. liter. Ueo. «. Weaver of Lnwrenre has kindly consented tu deliver uimtlicr lecture In Uiis village before going West. The lecture will be S[ven in llradlee Hull, Wcdne-dav evening, Mar.


Several of the band members give an entertain nicnt this Friday evening, hi llradlco Hall. Con- siderahlnoutliiv has U-eii mane In fitting up the ball, anil an encouraging hand should he extend- ed to help them nut. .The programme will be va- ried and pleasing; It will contain selections of vo eal mid instrumental music, buiien|ue speaking, shadow pantomime Ac.


Wesi Parish Chunh. It consists of a house newly shingled and painted, with five '- cellar ami a well of exoellei .. _yil. Under and adjoining L. lib.nit three acres of laud, embracing a One orchard of peach, pear and apple trees, and surrounded by a substantial stone wall. It prmlueedsi barrel* of fruit Last year. The property will be sold 'heap, and conditions of payment made easv, n» he owner Is about to remove west. Apptv on the

premises. JAWKH 19 * ■ I.|..M i. >l-.,il, ll. !-. :.

JA1IKS i/lf.l.lN.

CT v Jiarjhar. < IIOItSK, w

A C A it 1) .

MISS can



The subsciilier offers lor rale his real estate, mar Hi,- We-I l'«i Uh ( liur. I.. II ...n-isis

it a comfortnIdi- two-sliuv llunse witliunl„n Barn nearly new, willi cellar, and about .'MI acres of mowing, tillage, peal, pasture ami wood land. Upon the premises are n|.ple trees, besides (war and |>e.ich trees and gra|>e vines. The place is siluuleil less than three miles Irom Lawrence City Hatl, and about one mile from llui Andovcr depot JAMKS MKItltllX.

Andovrr, March 21, 187.1. fat*


The Spring Term will romrucucc as follows: — Soutli Centru School, Uaruh 31. Village » " Phillips Fry* II -,„,■ i ■■ ■■ Central (irammnr " April 7. Scotland " " Holt Abbott North Bailey ■■ '• West Centra " * Vale » April e. By order or the Committee.

ItTmbll 6. H. liOlTWELL. Secretary.

T E C T U K E .


Cou BCSSKLL II. t OS WELL, the well known Itound Hie World Correspondent" of tbe Boston Traveller," will repent the Lecture recently

delivered by him in 'tn-i ,u, (pronounced "his best,") entitled

FALL OF BABYLON AND CHINA," at the li >.i i i ■-1 fin in II, AMXJVElt, Thursday llvenltiK, .tlareh tlTth, at» o'clock.

Tickets, i* ceiits, at DRAPER'S.

March Ib'lUt, It

C" A L.

The subscriber lias a supply of COAL of diner- forent sixes and quality, which he will furnish customers at a reasonable price and short notice. Order* may be left at JOHN II. CIIANDLElt'S I Yrii v t*.,[ Slora or at ray residence.

JOHN CIIANIH.EH. Anriovvr, Sept. 0,18T1.-


Ilns taken tho nfllcc reeintly oceuiiied by Dr. O. L. ltradrurd.

OOJcc hours till U A. li., I to 2, nml 7 to 0 r> u. Culls ultcmled to dav or night. «*-Fresh Vneeiue Virus (IVom the cow) con

stiinih mi hand. Audover, Nov. 1. I8?i. f lf-

ry 0 N S O II I A L .

The undersigned has returned to his old stand, over J, J.BllOWVH store, on MAIN Street, whore ha will be glad to wait on his former customers ami Hi.' public generally In nil branches of HAIR I»ILI:KM.\*:. «*-Particular attention paid to CMUIBSJ Ladies' and Children's Hair. Orateful for past favors, and conscious of always Improv- ing the personal appearance of patrons, all are cordially invited to call.

WILLIAM II. SMITH. Andovcr, Jan. 21, 1K73.


Manufacturer of

Comas, Caskets, unit all kind* ef Grara Clothe*.

denier In In all kinds of Furniture. Black

feet, i. .._ switch tall. The horse is old, but sound and kin. . and whoever will return him to the owner, or glvo Information where ho mnv ho found, will lie suit- ably rewarded. SAMUEL COGSWELL.

Andover, March 11, loTJ. at


done in the neatest .... prices. I'lcture frame *"■ 'urea constantly


existing between _. CLIFF, (under the firm name of XASII ft HAPCMFt-) at North Andovcr, Mass., was dissolved on the thirteenth day of March, A. D. 1873, by mutual consent.

F. A. Nash Is adtlmrixcd tu rettlc all debts due to and by the company.

StVmhlt* V. A. NASH, (JKORUK W. KADCLirr.

nn ollle nml wooil and wash n cellar, n furnace, and a never fs .. lent water. A ganlcn spot Is connected with the residence, widen is situated near the Abliott Acudemv, ami not fhr from the other schools and the churches In town. The furniture will lie let with the hdusc. Apply to UEOlttiE FOSTER.

Audover, March U, 1H7J.



City Government.

JlnAllti OP Al.DKHUKN, ( Monday EviiV. Mnn-h 17,1K7H. j

Tbe Boanl met at 7), the Major In lliepliair. Ii>-ent, Alilermnu Saun.lers. Pi Mtfoas-Of Hutu* Iteed ft Co.. for leave to en

tar the sener In M< Ivin c tret t, to drain tbeiri>rem- Mfemd toeommlttec on sewers and driilns;

nf the trustees of the Cuitarian society for nlstte- in nt of rower assestment, referred to lumecom- nfttm; of J. IK Edson and other* for the jot va- lient of Broadway, from Es^ex to Itnteihlll treet, referred to rommltteo on street-; of O.

llin. hi liffe for nlmteinent "f fewer ii--e--ine!it, i'1'ene.l In enuiiuittee on sewers aud drains; of leu. Smith and others for the grnding id" the alley itneeu Bases and Common streets, between

Kniuprhln' und Franklin Mnets; of J. ii. MeAl- - lor dnniuges for injuries done to hi* >lrigh

by n defect I" Broadway, rclerrctl to committee hilms; of Cluu IM McL'urty for leave to keep a

fruit ttaad, rafcarad tu couimitti e on Heem-oH. Notii-e ol concurrent aetlon on various papers,

ante up (TOW the Common Counell. The ordinance relating to hackney conches was

ussed tobeonlalneil. The report rilullng to the increase of pay of

iicmbcrs of the lire depai line lit, as amended by the Common Council, w iis on niniion of Alderman

prey, laid on the bible lor one week. ■ io in in it tec on elections on the petition* ol E.

II. Mooen And William Bell, for the scat* occu- pied by .Marcus C. Dodge and Matthew Carney, reported leave to withdraw. The report wa* ac- epted.

On motion of Ahtennan Emenun a vtite of Ihnuks was [.:,■ -.-.I to the committee on election* for the care given by them to the rase, during the lime ll had lieen before Hum.

CVstor— Tlmt tbe committee on printing bo and he it- by are authorised to procure the prlullng of one thousand copies uf the School Report for IMTi, to he used in preparing the city document containing tbe Mayor's address and report* of the several department* of the city for thu year lO, nnd the . . . . .. , thereof to lie charged to the in- -iilenbil deparlmeiiL

Tlio order was adopted. Adjourned one week.

i.tiuii.M i. SAVINUB BANK, COHKEU((K KaaKx ani facntn STUEKT.—All money >Icpo*ltedon

prior to April 1, will commence to draw Interest from that date. Preoldenl, Hon. Milsun Bouncy; Vice I'reshlents, W. II. Ballsbury, Hon. D. Saun dor*. F. E. Clarke; Directors, John IL Ferry, W. H. Spalding, W. F. Gile, H. Pluminer, W. H. Jaiiullli, S. Dorkham, It- II. Tcwkabury, 11. ii. Hcrrii-k, F. Butler, J. Sidney How, Methuen. J. A. Wiley, No. Andover; treasurer, Wm. It. Spalding. 1 1 taprl mh~

Tho Council met at 7--H, Uio 1'resldcnt in the chair. Ab*eut Councilmen Dane, Whitney, Oil- martin, Joyce, Hnnrnhan nnd Stoddard.

I'apcrs received from tho upper Board were

A petition of Jas. Haroeks et. nl.. for tlie ac- ceptance of Itailroad Street was referred to DIP

Committee on Street*. The r,i 11inain i- establishing the ofllce of Super-

intendent of Public Pro|tcrly wa» taken from the table nnd laid on the tabin.

Ailjiiin n.ii two weeks.

Our Neiv York Letter.

. and at ri-nsomiblo s. Curtains anil Curtain hand, and put up IT de-

Votcd, Thatthosuniorawohenddetltothenp prnprlatlou for Uie removal of snow.

Voted, To raise by taxation nn additional sun of twenty-two thousand and sivlj -live dollars for tho several approprhitlous mndu by tho town.

Voted, That Francis Cogswell, Edward Taylor nnd V. H. Johnson ho a committee to examine the' Soldiers Record Hook, prepared liy Mr, Raymond, and report nt ft future meeting concerning the In mk and the com pen nation due to Mr. Raymond for his service*.

Voted, That the selectmen and John Chandler he a committee to evamluo Into nnd report to the next meeting what In their opinion Is the best method for the town to adopt to provide them- selves with sultabli) material* for repairing the highways.

Voted, That tha selectmen and town clerk be a committee to examine ami report at thorn1 it meet- ing their views In regard to removing* portion if the town library now In tho vault In tho town house, to the Memorlnl Hall fur use there.

The selectmen have mado tho following ap-

pointment* : POI.ICK OmcEiw.—C. O. dimming*, 0. \V,

Chandler, I. O. Blunt, A. Clemonr, T. O. Vca- ■h), J. A. Sytuonds, A. B. Walker, W. D. llni- *cy, S. Bnrdwcll, O. Jenkins, H. Dane, ft. M. Ahlmtt, T. Smith, C. C. Blunt, IL Jonei. WEianr.«a.—Q. ILBeaiijLO. Ulunt, Albert Abbott, John Cornell.

St-nvBYona OP WOOD.—O, II. Bean, I. O. lilunl, A. Abbott, J. Cornell, 0. W. Chandler, IL C. Hlgglni, II. Brownell, T. Ablwtt, O. Bar- nard, J. Bamcs, W. 1>. Hnssoy, N. 0. Abbott, \\ . Hardy, A. B. Clarke, J. B. Abbott.

Si:n.i;it or WEIOHT* AMU MBAIVUW.— T.


Mr. James Merrill offers hli form In the West rarish for sale. It li located only atwnt a mllo from the depot, and 1* to be sold on account of the 111 health of the owner. The lan«] la good, house comfortable, and the barn In excellent

repair, having a good cellar.

As Hon. N. W. HaJaWI wHI attempting to get Into his sleigh In front of the hank building on Wednesday, his hursv fudilcnly started and threw him down, bruising his face and bead, but it i- n...ii-in not seriously hijuilug blm.

Tho spring term of I'hillips Academy will commence on Wednesday, and that of tho The- ological Seminary on Thursday of next week.


I.HWrrnrti aud Andover Agrurln.

The snbsrrlltCTs are nAv prepared to execute ill kind of work In the Laundry line, in superior

M\ le, lit blunt ni.tlee I :it prices Hull defy com- lietltlon. Tbe proprlct.n-s h..l.l tlicniselve* re- sponslble for nil g<H«ls lost or mislaid, uln-lli.'i marked or not- Sallsfnctiun guanoiteed in nil ases. Price per d.uen, in. hi.hug tlueo starched ilenee, 7S cent*. For further lutrtlctilars ini[ulre if our agents, Edward MeKnv, ^"t Essex street, l.!i\i i-.-nec, and B. S. White, ofllce at T. lli-mi'.-, Mala street, Andover.

A share of public patronage resjiecinilly sulleit- Cd. TiWjJsKMl, Ill.ODC-ETTiCO.

West Amesbury, Nov. 1,1871. Itf- N. B.—All goods sent A our Laundry at our

risk, anil frrt of fxprntf. tioods Intended for the Laundry-u h'ft on Monday or Tuesilny, at the diy goods storu of K. McKay, will bo attended to with despatch. ,


1 tri: corivr. To tho heirs-at-lnw, next of kin, and all other

personaintorclclinl talenrCDItNELH'S (iRAV, late of Ninth Audover, In snld county, veomau, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, a certain In-trinmiit, purnnrllng to Is? the last Will and testament or snld de- ceased, has lieen presented to said Court, for pro- Itate, by Henry J. Urav, wlui pray* that letters of administration (with'tlic w ill .inncvcd) mni In- Issueil to him, no c\eeul..i- licing therein unmiil in said Will, _ „ ,

You are herebv cited In appear nt a Probate ('..nit to lie held ill Sole n -ni.l .'• ty nf Essex, on the First Tuesday of April next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, to rtiow caui-e, ir any you liave, against the i-uiue.

And said petitioner is hereby dlrecteil to Sve public notice ihcrcu, 1,1 i/nlilo-hing this clU-

in once a week, for three successive weeks,In tho newspaper railed the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, printed nl Lawrence, the last publication to he two days, at least, before snld

Witness, George F. Clu.nte, Ksqnlre, Judge of ■aid Court, this seventh day of March, li- the venrone tli.m nml eiijhi Inm.linl sail seventy Hue,.. mini A.l . (,i«H"El.l., Iteglster.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TERREXCE HENRY, A*tctloneer and ( iimiiilnlnii Meretiant, Is now prepared to

•11I Estate or I' - «.>nul Property at reason- able terms.


IH ALL ITS lilt AM'ltr.s, VI

SAMUEL WOODMAN. In Brick Building nest north of the Town Hall,


tVhere may be found a good assortment of Furni- ture, consisting of Kitchen, Chnmlx-r aud Parlor Furniture, Mnlressos, Ileus, ttcddiug, Window Shades, Ac, Ac.

Mntresses, Lounges, Sofas, and Pnrhir Bet* made to order, or repaired nml upholstered.

Desks, Tables, and o-ld innde as desired. Curtains trimmed and hung, Carpels laid, and t ieiiei 11I Jobbing done.

Second hand Aimiture Imught and sold. Goods cf nil kinds recelrod and sold at Public Auction. Even-thing sold as low warranted*

Sl'ltlNU BEUrhcit'hl'nwrkut' Various other kinds on hand.

N. 11 Hi. Woodman will render any assistance dmdred, In purchasing goods In Boston or else-

Andover, Jan, L H..'. v_


1.1 M il. I .Hi.-.: ■ 1 1 \ 1 ■■ ■■



PHOHATH COITRT, To Uic devisees, legatees, cie.lll.irs, find all other

persons Interested tu the estate nf JOSEPH L. LOW, late of Andover, In said county, yeoman, decease.1, testate, greeting : ..

Whereas, n petition has been presented to said Court to grant a letter of administration (with the will annexed) on the estate of snld deceased, not alreadv administered, UHieorge r.mter, of Andn- ver, in the eoaaty or Essex,

Essex, on Ihe Klrs't Tuc.-.lin ol April'next, at nine o'clock before noon, to show cause, If any you have, against granting the same.

Aud said tieorge r'osler is lierebv directed to give public notice thereof, by puhllshliig this eltallmi once a week, for three successive weeks. In the uewspsisT eiilliil tlie UWTtBfal American and Aiidnvcr Advertiser, printed ill l.nwreiiee, the InM nuhlirntion to lie two days, at least, liefore said

Witiiess, (ieorgc V. Clio ate, Esquire, Judge of said Court, Ibis el v; nib diiy of March. In thi

eight hundred and seventy


WILLIAM POOR, Manufacturer of

■xpreaa, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Bualneaa Wacyona.

ae-ltepairing In alt It* branches; and all work warranted as represented.

i ...!.....» II,.,.,.I, 41 IHT1 IC-

MOXI'AT. The attendance at court was large this murnlng ml Ihe audience as usual, of that class which ha

a morbid curiosity for witnessing punishment In. nicteil for crime. When the convention was

lied to order it was found that the business lie- re It was the 'i 1 !•-■ 11 ■■' six drunks, nnd two

other crimes. Tire drunks were disposed of in the usiiul manner, t'J *nd costs, with the exception of

■, u Iii' li are worthy of special mention. Ann Clarke Is one of a trio uf Ann Clark*, who liave a habit of coming up to tills court clutrged witti drunkenness, ;.i,.l ,,1 this Is alwny unfortunate fur the last one, as ll Is seldom re memliered that there are three nf Hum, and Uie

of all are very liable to be saddled upn the last comer. Therefore, In-fore his Honor pro- ceeded to Indict neiitenco Ibis morning, Ann ipicsted to he heard, and humbly stated thut she hod not been before the court lor eleven months, but hail boon housekeeping In Methuen, let oft* with a nominal fine und tho cost*, Or thirty days, but, subsequently, the mittimus wa* stayed

hour, to give her a chance to cross the Sptck- et to Methuen.

Ann Euley, another female In the linblt of visit- ing the court, was given thirty days, hut 011 her rep- resentation that she had come iron 1 Salem only three days ago, and would return ngnlu linmedi ntely II' pemiltlod ta do so, was given till an* o'clock to leave Uie rlty.

A young man, for creating n disturbance, was asked lo pay the costs; lie refused, ami was held tu answer at the Superior Court In tiisi.


There wa* In tho court to-ilay, a young aud re. spec-table looking man, named Daniel Erye, barged with adultery. Ho pleaded not guilty-,

and the government not being ready to go on with the case, he was held to answer to-morrow morn- ing In aMO. Mr. A. ll.Siiiilminnp|icnrcd lor Eiye. and sisied that his client was the victim ofa most malicious persecution, growing out or a desire on the pin 1 of the husband of the woman with whom hi* clieiii was el,.11 ;;eil wiUi having Intimacy, to procure n divorce; amlUiat his client was entirely innocent of the charge.

There has bean cons Idem hi a talk about Uils ase for some time, and last week it wa*

tliat the said Erye had elojicd, the wonisn 111 the case being Mrs. Horace L. Howe, Win of Mr. Horace L. Howe, In the furniture business ■ox street. While these rumor* we re In r tion a reporter of the1 AMKIIIIAX called up. Howe, and asked If there was any truth in Mr. Howe - uid he did not know, but hi* wife and Mr. Erye were intimate enough to Justify any iuch rumor concerning them. Following up lib enquiries, the reporter ascertained that Mr. Frye and Mrs. Howe had men seen in a saloon sex street, and » bile there the lady was beard lo say:

NhW 1-IIIK MM!, f, W.i.

MY US us \ -I I I; J< \N :—From the bottom of my heart I ho|ie tliat tbe widow of Avery I). Putnam hns received ! ■ Of course I don't mean that I hope she was "bribed" to write that letter to liov. Dlx, but vary glad If the relatives of the mur- derer thought it worth that. "Mr. Allen" seems toilgurejustnowns


I have an Idea that boUl Mr*. Putnam and liov. Dlx will lie considerably relleveit when Foster 1* disposed of. There never was such a brutal and unprovoked murder, and If hanging is the law, this criminal should suffer the extreme penalty; but oh dear! As I have on several occasions aired my notions on capital punishment In the ml. umns of the AMKRKAN, for the sake of your nerves I forbear; but Ifevoraccrlain person I am slight. ly .1 ■ j .1.11111 ■■ 1 with ha* a vote, she'll do something then. I thought a week or two ago Uist your Massachusetts womeu were really to be fran- ehlsed, and had serious Ui<>ughl.-i of moving to Boston; but—well—there'* nn MM talking about it, as my Bay State sisters are still out In (he cold. New Vork aecuis to be qnlte :i- good a place le. live In as Massachusetts. Miss AnUiony is re- reported as not In Um least discouraged; and if tills 1* tho enso why should one so far back In tho ranks as your correapondent lose her splrl Ute decision of a "few poky men:-" For almost twenty-five years

HAS m BAN rouuiiT Tina OOOD vim IT

of fgith, and Ita my opinion that she'll live to m under round ballot boxes to her lienrt's content

I see tha't a certain Mr. Morgan has been Iwoked to lecture last evening, at Cooper Institute, "Why men don't marry." If Uie wind hadn't have blown so tein|iestuourly I should have proceeded to the arOrosaid building and endeavored to have followed tbe gentleman through a discourse, which, from Ute UUe, we have every reaso suppose um -1 have been a unlijue 1 1 ui-Uon. I

laboring under Uie Impression that innst did marry. A lawyer told me tho other day that he had been "averaging" Uio number of women who applied to him for InstrucUon* in regard divorce, In other words, were anxious to be

in 1 wII tho


le really thought himself Justified in slnUng tills average at twenty .(Ku weekly, nml as mis genUi

never tried a divorce case In his life, It Is fair to -up]" 1 i- that Uie offlce-* of those who do must be literally beaeiged. I suppose these women married men. Then, again, I hapjicn to be per. sonnlly acquainted wlUt quite a number of'Uie male sex [perhaps you are efpiafly fortunate] who have nice little or big wives, and happy homes,

really seem tocnJorboUt; and then I know several women who speak very well of their other halve?, nnd when I have been out shopping with them always soenicd lo liuvo plenty of spending money. Is this marrying 6r is It not?

ere nro a good mauy of us, I have no doubt, who could tell why come men and

BOUK WIIMKS HAVE KO nt'emia" TO V tHID , il ns main more who could hoiiesUy declare

Uiut Uicy wished lliey never liad married; so what under tbe sun Uie n.i. Mr. W'hat-you-cnll-hlm can

icn n by announcing such a lecture as Uio one referred to, Is a conundrum which 1 leave •r you to solve. Speaking of wires, reminds me of one of Sotlh ra's practical Jokus. You may have heard tin. 1

this world-renowned I-onl Dundreary Is especial, ly happy at thi» description of amusement. A few ulgiiU ago SoiHei n abstracted n handkerchief from Florence's pocket; he had It nicely washed, Ironed ■ml prepared, and Uien sent, wlUi a little note written in an extremely delicate hand, to its own- er, which the Jitkert took good earn should reach Mrs. instead of Mr, Florence. The note ran thus:

DKAH WILUE:—After you hilt, Uie other even- ing, I found the ciu'ln.-cd on my dressing euse.

Bu^ti\e^^ Xoti^e#- Byron Truell A A buying your black silks of

11. Guouiirr.'M BIITKUB—We are glad to perceive that the proprietor* of this popnlar medicine, Messrs. Flint & Goldthwuit, have commenced to put fort., their healing I mini tu Ihe public in earnest this season, ns 111.1 v lie seen by rending tbe advertisement of .Old Dr. (ioodhue'rt Bitter* In another colnmn, This medicine ha* stood the test of lime, and ii> pop- ularity Is dally hicrcoslui'. It Is really an in- valuable medicine, and It* curative powers in

iscs uf Spring and Summer comtilalnts, and Impurities or tbe blood are loo well-known to require any comments from us. Sold by Drug* gists nnd Dealer* In medicines generally.

53 i r 11» fL JACKSON.-In this city, March 111, a son to Mr. J

Mrs. loo. Russell Jackson. JtniS8OX.—Jn this city, March IWh, a son to Mr

A Mrs. John W. Johnson.

YOL'N'U.—In this city, on IhettHh hist, adaughtei Mr. A Mrs. Wm, Young.

Ill TTKRWOItTH.-In thlacily. on the 15th Inst, a daughter to Mr. ft Mr*. Samuel HuUerworth.

}i a 1' i' i k g c >i. I'ETZOUl—SHKRIU.-Ir,

|i a belter assortment of I'rlnt-, (iiiighams.und ( ottou*, luith Illcarhcil and Orowu, from 10, 11 and I?' c,-uls |H.T yard, up.

Mr. MCKAY has


White, Hi. ".in. Turkey Red and Dama*k, at very t/iw prices; and. In flict, eierylbhiK ftimi n Piper if 1' i n - to Uic nice* t nf klUek Kills*.

Beach's New Block, No. 204,

S. li. Sargent, KHI., Mr. Max 1'el Augusta Sherlg, nil of Methuen.

MOltsS- l-INKHAM.—In North Andover, March Ulh, -by Rev. Itufus C. Flagg, Mr. (ieo. V, Moms, or North Andover, to Miss Valarn J. l'lnkbam, of 1 en.e.

IXI.Vti—DALEY.-March In, by Bov. John 1*. liilmore, John I^iug to Margaret Dalev, both of LawreiH-e,

.MI 1.1.nit i'n|'p.-M;i,ei, 1.1, by Ueo. U. Howe, K-ii., J. 1'., August Miller to Hnrliara I'opp, IHIUI of Lawrence. -

JI.IJI I:VIO\ MIIIITIA. j,. North Aml< ■ "ev. Mr. Fl _.__ s.i.ih A.


e ii t b. a-. VALFEY'.-In Boston, Manh I Ith, t-.ll.-ii F., wife

of Ueorge II. Valpet, of Andover, aged W yrs. KIS«.-ln this city, March ath, little K.. daugh-

of John and Jane nCTTERWOBTH.-March IS, Sarah A., infant

daughter of Samuel ami i.lien Buttcrworth. GABDY'.—March 16, Adella (ianly, aged 3<I yrs. KBEFE—March 13, Catlierioo Keefc, 01 yrs. IlKltHV.—In Telham. N. II., March l.lUi, Mr*.

Dora, wife of ltev. Augustus Berry.

C T 17 It E F H A 11 K H

at all deacrlptlon* and price*. Pteture Cord. Also, a stock of CHROMOS, Kngraviugs, LlUiogrnphs, 1'hote.graplis, Brackets, etc.

Parties desiring their engravings Framed, can rely upon having Iheiu In Uie beat style, at the lowest 11 vlug rate*.

Mr. E. It. MORSE has cbargo of Uie Picture and Framing department at 969 Esiei street, sign of Picture Frame Manufactory. Vmtril


KGOH FOR HATOHINO from all Ure beA breed* of Poultry.

1'OWIH for HIIIO in th^ii- ijeraaSKWI tVlillc l.c^horn. a aractAi.TY.

K. WOODS, No. t Broadwny, Kouth Lawrence.

15" manufactured to order. Family Bibles, Small Print*; also, a lot of Juvculle Books, Picture*, Clirouios, LIUiographs, a large stock on linn.I.

Picture Frames of all sizes, and Framing done at short notice.

HEKRMAN'S, 567 Ettax itraet, TOTS, FASCV fJ»K)l*S, etc. Umlrll

At the Webster House, uce, an Industrious, temperate

MAN and his WIFE; the one to act aa hostler, and Uie other as cook. lni|Ulre at Uie premises.


Futures, Cord, Tassels, Mirrors, etc. Pictures Framed at short notice. ' nil.J I HEKBHAN'S B«b m , »«7 E..«. ,t.

I7LOWER I-OT BRACKETS, DoUlsw from one to four M; Hanging Baskets and

Shelves, which will bold uai- also, a large lot of Flower

Tbe Xt* sad Klrgsui


204 Essex Street. j<-i'u|.l.->l t,y



11 the pursuit of Dry l.ooils, > ill well ,,sasjrf tny ladv. #*-Ttn?re Ihe line- s Will bt freely shown, and without unt'og.

Tin- SUCIH'SS of Mr. M<KAV, lu Uie past live years. Is a sufficient guaranlei to all thai be has net a popular uant, rut :—


"I-OPILAU STORE," 008 A 1230 ESHOX street,

Sn iisn Doott FROM POST Orricn,, .

TAT10S & BOLT ON \ Bheniiinii to CAMPIIKLI. A TAVM>K.

We hnve recelvt^l

FIFTY PIECES OF BUFF LINEN, Just the thing fur Summer -i.ii-.

M lll<-.. irorth ftBo. » ymd.

A line of Cortetl, French nn.l Uerman, atCU.- and75c per |ialr; worth »LU0and *

. ri-c of Bed Quilts nl »1.;i; worth ai.M ami as,no.

*#A nargabiin Shawls, suitable ror MJJ, I, WEAK, at •!■■•!>■ iasa of PHntS, NKWMTYI.E8, at Be; worth bajh.

■w doien* of our 50-cent Kid Gloves.

ly down- ladlei" Linen HandkTl, sllghUy ihinmged, ClIKAl'.

HOSIERY. GLOVES. NECK TIES. ami a ffon.rul liur «f Trlitimlngl.




have NAUHEb DOWN their WHUI.K t>TucK

artist, friiM New Voih. MB. I.. H. IIL'FOKT, and will u*i preimreil Momlay, Mar * onlera for Spring Suits—Over "

Ladles are incited fa lawprel convince Ihemselves that sell the rhupr.t In the ell;

Sldllllg ;i I.:■!■.",,■ ( >il:uKi;i ()f <! ,.,t|-. JI| ■; Small Atlvnuce (in the First Cont.

(live HIM A CAM.

Ul ore Welcome, even to Look.

204 Essen street, Beach's New Block,

Kan 1 in: PONT Umui, 3mtmhT


rpHB REV. M. MICH.U'D,-French prleat 1. of this city. Is prcparlns;, (asslsU-d VJ the must influential In.lie- 1111.1 men ul Id,, nm- allon.) a ajraiid Bazar in favor of I lie French

church of St. Anne, In Lnwreoee. We ho|ie that all nationalities will cnnttiliute In the nieces, of this Bsiur, the uhjnri of wlilch I* so excel lent, Ly jrivliia; all sorts of articles nnd pun lm-inn many Uchcts.


Cavauwh of HI. Aauae, I,*Hxtarf, M«»„ OOMMBHCIKU

AprU 21, and ending* April 26.


LIST OF PRIZES. SuO Acre* of Ijuid In Canada, S Harmoniums, Clocks, 3 llulr Ann Chairs, I Silver Watches, U :.ili| ChniiiH for CentIcmen nml I.mlies, i Vl.diim,

;l I-lute., i; Aeeonleous, ninny Isrue Lithncraidi ami I'linliisrapli Views, ■• c,i(iles n|-ltoph«ert. I'lr. tares, inure than eun flne Hooks, ami a srre.-it numlier of rreciou* Articles.

SOUU 1*1 lies. Valsicd at f^niio.

Tickets will lie furnished nt the houses of liKV. \1. Mil il \1 ll, .l.iMJ'H MOIIACIIK, AM 1IROI8K (iADIN and CHAS. 1.ACOILLAI1K.

In the same timo they v* ill receive money am! Kins for the llasar. f : Tu i.'■ i

"POPULAR STORE" A f.mud Display of

New and Elegant Drets Goods IX AIX THK

#flV COLORINGS AND FABRICS! Adapted fitr the ennilns; Heaaom,

t,) ll. liave mode Kvtensive Ammi'emeulH t»

baic'on liaml a full line of Qoofll hi ALLOW

Departments. Customers can rely on having n

ft mi ul assort) i< nt I.. .-I;- ».!-.■ fiinn, anil, as

lieretomre, nur priee* will lie the lowest In Uic


Foulard and Plain Silka In all Ute new dtllcnte colors and linl ■.

II I, \ f K full vnrlety of nil tlie

S 1 1, K S.

dtlferent mnkeH h


An euUre New Stock of ftPHISU 9TWI.KH In every variety, nnd as LA&UK a* la to he fuuml In Ksaox County. WHITFOKI1 A KICK.

s h.t iiiiilj,. Now If Mrs. Florence liad made it one rule of her

lite never to open her husband's correspondence, Mr. ■■■■I iiei ii would have lieen most ducldedly aud i KIII miini. .le li .iii-.-Lniuii-ii. but she rend Uial note nnd ofcuune there was a row, nnd of course the domes tie disturber's little game ended enaclly to his mind.

Mr. lleecher has returned from his Western trip and looks linppler and brighter Uian ever. I'lj - are all dellRhteri. Mr. Cuyler keeps on emptying his vials of dirty wrath, and 11. W. It. keep* on smiling. i-.i i i-..m Mm..

TKWKNHi'iiv.-The store of |>ostmasUir II. F_ Preston at Te«k»hun , was entered mi Friday Slit. An unsuccessful nil. to blow up Uie

■- was 111...I1 . All Uie letters were opened nnd destroyed.

', March Si. I



Tlie buslnei* of lite late Ilermon Abbott havlnsr passoil Into the hands or Ihe sulMcriber*, they will continue to furnish

COFFINS, OA8KKTS, ROBES, and other articles connected with the huslnc**, promptly and In Die Intest slvles and finish.

Colons and Caskets finished in nil, wax, or cov. ereil »Ith hniaileloUi.

The attention of tlie trade respectfully sollelled Price* a* low and finish as goods* Is to he found.


Neat North of Town Hall, Andovcr, Oct *, I97i, *1


'I'm: Kiiititowts OK Ciiii.intKN.—Hearth and Hoiiit- ttdla a ntory of u little boy c. ii< -.. i'i . 11 n:'-. were hurt to the laat decree by n .-.ii-' l. ■■■ Imputation of (Italioneaty, and takes occaxlon to t;ead one of ltrs cha- iiii-tcrlsiii- leaaons:

We know, or think we know, that cliihli -li aorrows are flhort-llved. We inmaiii'' thai they futle nml are readily ah-

rfiid into the nnnhtnfWg ll*j%Mi»astvd' ■MI or younsr «xlatenee. Hui the very

liiipidiio- iifavcraci' ohildhrrod IH ii.self a reanon for the exceeding poiKnaiicy of childUli grk-fH. The apcctncle of life and the (fravu liaa lan^ht the mature man that pleatture Is but an Incideut In life. To a man in 111 luck the reflection that after all It will mukc iii ih- dlfl'crcncc a hundred yearn licncc la an aid lo n-alpiBtlon If not c.intent. But to children, Uie In all flow-

and pleaaure, and a happy to-morrow. For, even If we exatrgernte the actual hitpplncHH of children, there in 110 question that tbey regard happlucaa to be the whole cutl und lnihlncMh or life. To little pentonn with >inli a, phlloMophy, how unexpected, iiiir.iiM.iinii!.-, nnd calamitous must ap- pear a mlKfbrtune! 1 ——*■ r

A lady or l'Utalleltl, recently received by on expruHHinati n t>ox containing n set of coally furs. Hupposdti", Uicy wen- aent by some dealer for examination, she de- clined to receive them, Haying the had u MiuiL.i ML AN the tttory gocf, ■■!<> dreamed thut nlnlit that her own fur» hud been «h)l«i. Investigation proved that her fun were really goue. Khe sent to the exprewt office, ohtolncd the box, und recogoiaed her own property. Thla HenH to be a ease of conscience.

Having reoelved, from Spring Importations, a line of

BLACK SILKS. Invite 'i>ci lnl attention to our "GUINET"

ccici.i aicl make, which, for purity of Silk and l.i-illiniiey of Black, i,e excelled.

Tha Price will be the same as Boston and New York market,

via h-tMt J.JB, a.iW, S-Tfl and 8.00 per yard.

\M of .it in -

An elegant assortment of French Print*

at S-1 eenU.

Hew Styles Tycoon Reps. &c. &c.

We arc now opening


every week; and, having the laslde track, we emi show you New Oood* n* soon ns they appear in New York and Boston.

Call and Ste us, and Examine our Goods.

Wa will show than) with pleasure to nil.


Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers, 249 a 295 ESSEX ITHIET, LAWRENCE.

PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, In Tnlfclns, l'ure Mnhairs, French Delaines, All

Wool I'opllns, and ever; Uilog New and Knshlnii

ahlu i 1 ■ 11 ■ ■. 1 i.l from Un» Frcuch and Britisli


A largo lot of Blank Alpsueas, l'ure Mo*

hair* and Iti llll«utlii<-a, from SA.1 1,1 ■ l.:si yd.

Black Sllkf 91-lt. It", I -'-". ■ lmrgaiu, worth Mr a yard more.

rVt'e most cordial!} invite Inspri 11on of oil



8v:co\i> Dooit KIIOM Van OKKIOK.


Suceessor* to CAHI-IIKI,I, A TAVMIII.


puhlle to take a little care in their purchases

a hen adulteration I* found In nearly ever}- artlelo


"Beach's Washing Soap" I* s strictly ri'KU

Soap, five from adulteration, and not made up

of soda and mineral sulmtnneca that are *<>

commonly use! to make weight In soaps, f t

Mil) .

ONE P Ii I O K 'J' O A I- I. AT Tim


228 & 230 Essex Street,'Lawrence. Istjsn Dot in I'HOH POST Ornea.

rxyiion & Koi,TON.



.in a.-.' ul Uic late Hi 1 u. my

1 Washington Hi.. Bo



P It I c: E !

Nwltehe*, •■ 1 former price,

<■■.),.., a 1 H ••

r'sisse*, aitr. per ymril t former price.

Combs and Head Ornaments,







Mends China, tilnss, Marhlr, MIonc, fa Han II111- hle, Lava, Ahilwi-ter, or tin 1 Liu.I ol (.'rockery

War,-; Una, Caper, Cloth and WIHHI.

IT UEQI'IHKH NO HEA'I'INO. Is nuie to sites., HII.I if so -itiilde In it- use Uial even

n rhfld can use It

A Good Cement has long been Needed, and the liroprieliirs, afU-r liatlenl study, present article to Uie |.iilili< . . Liiiiilng that It will do Its Work quicker, liettel. 1111.I w itli less tnmhte thau any Cenwut yet known.

As a Substituto for Gluo. In mending WOIMI or patching tiigellier cloth or

Bn|«r, ninny IKTMHU. lin.l ii in. onvenlent lo go U» le trouhle of preparing til lie. This CeiiHut la

always readv, rri|ulres no nesting, is perfectly eWn.niul will ineiul as finingn» anv ti'hiekunwn, ami Is so simple that 0 mere ehihl could um it. \n I'nitill)- can AftTont to In « III1011I It.

i'i: i' 1 -tr, I c ■. 1 ■■

Haverhlll. Mass., .Ian. U, 1*7:1. Messrs. ('has. Kmerson A Sons—(jenls:—I haw

used ymir Adamantine CiVfiul I'e nt in my liusl-

llu. best urtiele ever lunnuhclnii'd. Yours, truly, um II. C'AI

"llaverhill, reh. Till, (ML Messrs. ('hns. Kinerson 4 HOIIK—tient»:—I ham

ns«l your Adanuiiilliie Crv-tiil Cemenl torn rhalt to my sleigli, which was lirnkeii off; litiviou Ihe rleiijli in 'hilli in-e seieiiil Inoullw, can lexlltV lo lt» extreme i-ti-cutflh nml leimellv.

Yours, n-siKstnilly, M. L. Manait. Uosloii, Keh. r.Tli, IsTrl.

Aitnmantinc t;rvstnl Cement fit. tlBSaati TTI have 11-id i.on t'eiiu-ul for the |iin-t three uuintla-, anil have fuuml II the he^l ( eiiu-nt for our use tlsil we «rer useil. Y'onrs, timly,

WAIIKKN A IIK-IIMOMI, Mnmil.i 111 n 1 it Jewelers, T Tiiiuunl How. lloaUMi.

Newhuryport, Keli. 7, I-.'.). ', .mi A Sons—(ienls :—1 have Irieil JOUI

Adnmnntlne C'rv-lnl Cement, ami must snv It l> Itieurisinrtli'li-iil ItH. kind that I have ever known, und will d« all \.iii lee.iiiniieii.l II I", liavliig la-ra thoroughly tested liy lu-nt and cold.

ItespcctruVly je—-

In fact KYEIIYTHIMi In onr Stock. We propoM ID sell at I-ess than WnoleaaUa PrltM, In order to get ready for new Spring Good*.

All YY*»I dkntrri, la Colon, -asarkad down irom ll.i'i to$l.Ui; ai.|-»l t.iHTle. .

Plaits IVoolrs DHH ti—Aa, la short lengtaw, (Vointl.OOtoHo.

A Urge lot of II-Ms -0, V, 371 and BOe.

A gooil assortment of rltripe I>re*s (eaan* for 111, ^30,37, and Ooe.

In our dtook of Drees Oooda can be found many Barg-ains.

A large lot of «c*>t«h «UnKluun* at ISO yard.

Flannels, Print*. Co (tana and -Cmaki** equally LOW PIUCB8.

White Table Linens and Turkey Red Damasks


Napkin* tSC, ai-SS, 1.7S, 160, J.Sfi, S.W per do*. , Ismlj-tit par cent, loss than can Is

I HI ugh l e I new Itere.


we will sell allha same low rate.


1* large and tasty. In Square and Long, and at price* NKV Lit IIKPOBE KNOWN In this nuu

Woolen Plaid and "trip* rthawls S4.00, ISO, 8.00, ;, t.00 and S-00; fully t»NK THllll> less than former prioa*.



' VKIIY CHEAP to close oat.


We shall male extenalve repairs la oar atora liefoi-u we liny our tiprtng Uood*.

Our Present Stock will bt Closed Out Without Regard to Cost!


A Urge lot of

GRENADINES. good styles, TSfT csaaip.


M» Keaea Street, Iawr inee.



WINDOW .SHADES Just received hy

n 11 it r mil' A men.

|?OB SALE—The Htwk nml Furniture

4 NN 1ST A NT IN II li ill 8CI10OL.

natal, a Female A H. i-lant In the I ;i« rviiee High Hchool. for |«rtirular*, apply liefora the flth lust,, slating iiSHllflcntions ami eaperienee, to

0. E. in )i Hi, Sup't of Hchools. Lawrence, \ IKT:I. ItlmhT

Do you love mo well enough to run oiT with rne, Danny?"

•-11I0, (-addle. I>o you love mn well enough lo run off with mef" was tho InlcrT'igiilurv reply of

Hhe said she did, ninl tlint setOeil the business. This.hoa i-vor, wa* only one aide of the nf*ulr,and before puhlinhlng anytlilng the reporter deter- mlueil to hear tlie othir, anil knowing tlmt it is always hesl to get fheLi at the fountain head, he proceeded to S'rye'* house. That gentleman wa* not In, but Mrs. Kryc granted tlie reporter nn In- n-rview. airs. b'rv.. denied Uiat her liimhnnd hud run away; denied that there was any lm- pro|icr Intimacy eshtlng between hint and Mr*. Howe, and staled tliat sue had MM her husband ,iiiit very morning. Uf course Hint Kettlwl the ■natter, aud m.Uiiiig wa* said about il. Hut the fact that Frye la now awaiting trial sbo-fl tliat there wa* at least something In tlie rumor-

Tin- (inn c council that was railed upon to decide tin to Hie enormity of Uie oftnao ul 11 ck-roIIMII In Norwich, Yi., In rn- gnglii"; hi 11 game of lillud-mau'M huh", hav- ing'lolly rniihldcnd tlie matter, have rec- ommended that the church do not mccpt his roinuuii.iii. nml that, IgnprhiK iooh trifles. It devote Itttelf hereafter more nilly to the Impnivenicnt of Us opporliinltlcH

II .i iiinn ■■-.

]■■.-. itreel ..I business.

■o*t Oflce.

J ot Room Paper* In-fore |iunhaalng.

A clorfD'iiinn In Missouri, > ■ 1 ■«■ 1' ■ Ui't recently lie w"M <-ullc<l ujiou by a man to attend the fiinernl of bin child; that Die next tiny this man was thrown from his homo and killed; that the next tiny the widow cuiiit- und asked Iiliu to pf*ach the fuuertU -.inn HI for tier huMhund and child; and that the next morning -In- won finally stabbed by nnother woman.




Tho Boett Saiioo 6c Relist

Mads In any Part of tha World

l'OR '

}\\ M I I.Y URI:',.

Pint*, SO eent*

n-ir Pint*, - - • SO •■. in.


I.ASH WARE.—Plfklr Jn i, with phiteit Hiui.l", m

.1 i ul :niil Kugmvedtkihl Water Plieltera various slvle

an In line cut.

iihleti-.CuiTiiinl)- t* slrlep, Cut nn.l

kugrared Halt Hhakem, silver pluteil I.>I- . All there articles IneheniM-r innkc-, a* well n> !»aui-.- IHsltes, taiulc Jai>, 1.I11-- >lni.le>, nn.l u large lot.

SOW A CO., Ifltt Balfeli *t-


T llll.lV .Ii JilIlS




s'r:: riH'K&PlXTimKN ofa CANDY Man- HALKatallAHUAIK.

Haid sbMk I* in iierleet order, anil will brai InvestlgaUon- rill* oBersallno i)ppurl:inilv 1-1 any one wllh n ttnatl eaiiltnl to seeure a protftablr cash biisliiei.1-. sntlsfaehiry reniums given ro selling. A|i|ik nl HI Knnl.X Mint, l,n« i. ore

tfH fteH


.iv vimrr, 0, M. HllIHIK, \| . Hi.-. ;n i .

It la batter to keep tho bottle oorksd when not In us*.

Sold by DYEH t> CO., and by all Oniggtsts In Ijiwrenee and virlnlly.

CHAS. KI1KRSON A HUMS, <«-iierni Whoh-sul Ageiile, 37 lierrlmaek htieet, llaverhill, Mas*.

I to* in 117



begs to lender to U-

rally his thank* f

March I'.ih, to take rt .»t-, Psnu, V.,i.,

from an Astortiaent citual lo any in


. us «V Co. s

nation of our Kk-gant ist>le. ami t heap (ioud*.

I/vllKi l.n.U who I* conttuiplatiuK I ^ baying a llbck BUk, Uih

prove tin- pre re til rsrr op|Kir1 A. W.

AW. STEARNS A CO. ire opeulni; _ a Sew and Very Cltolee rllyle* of Hprlng

17UK New (ioodn and New Slylcr., gtt to I A. W. *t«r>. «V Co'.-

LONG AND BQl'ARE CASHMERE HIIAW l.s. Ittaukiuarters at

A. W. Ktrarns <•> Co'*.

LADIES' UNDER GARMENTS—Made from the IIEHT gi'ALITV of Ckith, and

WKU. MAIIK. A. W. Stearns It Co, are opening a comph le

flsiortmciit of Nsw Stjlss aud Hpkndld Work.

a*TA Complete Amm(ment of all Uie New Ml'KlNti I'nlteni* tor tJi.ller-, Ul.res ami Ihijn , UetroiHiliUB*, etc., can lie found at

* Co'*.

V^ANNElJl of all kinds Cbeap.

A. W. Htcortts A to'*

BLEAGUED AND BROWN COTTONS, all of our Be»i slake*, tireal itrdti. turn.

A. W. Nlrarn* A Co.

IpOR NEW DRESS BUTTONS, Trim- ming* and Lace*,

A. IV. snaeurms A, Co'*.

HOSIERY AND GLOVES—Ladle*' anil Uent'*. Beet Variety, llest Unm|», Clieap.

A. W. Utoaa-MB * Co.

S HEARS AND SCISSORS—All alien, and warranted Beat MtorL

A. W. Kteorns * Co.


Bird Seed and Water Caps, Hath and Orarel Tubs, Wire Nret Fr*me., Cages, ete.

JOHN 0. DOW A CO., IM K*sex HtrceL



Pstor. O. Q. KRAiiaa, who *i>eak* both Uertuati aad French accurately and OuetiUy, wUl Instmel pupil*, either alngly or In clause-, iu readlag and

given, with Special aUnntiua paid to beginner*.

Mr. K. ean be found at the K1.1' >T CH A I'KI , frow t to I o'clock, r. at., on Wednesday* and Hat unlay*. Id'fen nee 1* made to A, C. Psttjgsfcllsii.. ataster of l^wrenoe High School, Her. Q. K. Weaver, and Mr. Wlesner, 0 Union HI. laqatry aaajr be rsaoo nt AMSSICIS Ofltxu


141 Lawrence Street, nasv Bridgro.

nas, Thibet*, Alpacra* nnsl all other Drees Uoed,*, aUtnwle, atneejaie*, Ac,

ClennaeA and "red.


Carpets Cleansed in a Superior Manner. (lenUomen'B Clothe* Cleansed or Dyed

without ripping-, to a-lve entire) satisfaction. >

Hating all the latest improved machinery, and keeplag none hut tlie best Dyer*, we ean do onr

k equal to Um lieit In tlie country, and nope lo be favored wllh a trial.

Thi* (SU „. the mast saUsluiUiry manner by JOHN T. THSKS A Co. Can ni-nrnmend sahl Company to all tlmae i. -|i - -i — or eharguH,

I-AWBKSCS, On- It, IK*- Mi:snu». Ttiiis

I have great jileasare in te*tlr>lng to ilie pxcellemii of your O.rHng and Cleaning Old Chillies, I hud no Men Hint such perfection tun possible. Your* truly.

;III\ iliniK In llielr line, for rensiaiablene** :», iiroioptnois in esnullon, and quality

llEV. L. L. WoQBk

JOHN KliW Alt ', 1 o-ui auee A gent.

I.A WBK-rt'K, Oct IB, 1ST1. UMsna. J. T. TKKES A Co.:

I>K.t it rJllta r—TIN' cloUi* ami unrmenls placed In r hand* by us, lor rleanalng and eoloring,

invi- been rrturncd a* "good I new." Ws are

frlcmla and the nabUs

Ihe generous ru|ipe*l ho

ha* ie,.iv..l while conducting bin-lnc*s In IJIW.

re nee, and also Lo state that bis business line

Incroascd l» such an eatent a* lo lead haw

establish a

BRANCH STORE) fur the sale of

Gent*H FuiTUBiiiiiK C*ood«

HATS, CAPS, lie.

This store I* situated in UIIXDattPj lll.tKK,

Corner of Appleton and En»ex Bt.,

and Will be under the Immediate charga of GKO,


•aTHr. WKII, will mill continue at hi*

ftTOHK, wheie, wltli an Increased stock, and




pleai-urc in i^Hsasaendhig your work to others. Respeetnillt, T. W. BOW 11 If,

J. C. BOWKKH. I take pleasure la testifying In the eacellenee

nf your Ifyelng ami Clianniug Indie*' l>re*M* and Mhawln;ali>o, Ihe BnassrW ninnncr In which Coat*, I'niiu, and Vrola hnre been renni*hnd at your ca- i r-l. in... „■. Yours truly,

H. K. BNBLL. Lawrence, Oct. IT, MTt.

AGKNTH. N. F. nTJfTnCX, •!• K**r« Ntreet. Mr*. Hit HINF.I.I., taa K**rl Mtrret. Una. WliilJIN, llroadway, ftouth Hide. ].. O. Mill IMS, Methuen. JOHN HHOWS, North Andover. JOK1, IIAKNKN, Frye Village- IscW-





No. 103 Essex Street, Lawrence,

«"i Coat*, Men's and Boy*', St (nil t

We ean sell Hen's s* low as •*-•©, am

Hoys', »J..10, s« wa want to eloee wait Use

whole stock te prepare fur Uie Spring trade.

Nlilrta at HO rent*.

Hala and Caps, BOe. to •■


a* wo have a large slock which rauit be told.

M-Cnll and i>ntl*fy yonrtelve* a* to tbe truth

than ran lie fin HARRIS' CEMENT. the only article In Ihe world which ran (leased L. . , ,_

—I.L .. . r . that ban hong r wlllioul beat and nml) tot use.

For Mending Meer-'hniiin, Crocker v. Uln**, Chliin, Km I hen Win.. Mioble, Wood, Leather, Hubla-r, Corn!, I'enrl. nil kiiiiln of I'reehiii- Stones, and all kinds of <)nii ■nWl Work, ete.

1 tMH JOHN C. DOW A CO., -..le Agents,

]!'■:< r.-M \ Street, Lawrtnre.


TII'ISK All.. II 'I'll uiMMIIM.'K 1IIIIM: KKKI'IMi, siKiri.n VI-IT I.CV * HKOTII- Kits' (iHKAT t HOt KKK-k >T< i«K, UU AHITt TO Til KM HHt A 1.1-T OK U0Ot>{

No*. St A 34 ItlliHiUM >TltKKT, BOITON. lw*mlrlleiMltniblw.l>



anyw here else In Uie city, Ik*

..nllniiaiirn nf the patronage

IH rally ctUmdcl to him In the

tint trtr InlT

n o K E. r o K K.

COKE DELIVERED. Prr Chaldron, IS.OO Half Chaldron, S.tHI ssorrel, dfl

AMI.. Uorka, Pss llarrrl, So

Orders n-eclrednl Ihe OatoS of tho I.HM'IMS

OAH CoMI'AKr, Ko. Va Knfei Mini.

I Jfltiu.-Ji- UEO. D.CABOT, A Kent.

,^?MsjV!a1i; I OUST OFFtCS BLOCK—Tn* Anifrkan r Job Printing Offl.c Mp


la ottered to every energetic ninn nr woman who

went* to make from S*0 to »73 a week. We want

such agent*, l-nal nnd travelllBg, Iu every city and

town in New England. For partimdar*, call on

or address tw "liiihlli oiljiu-i i>

W. r. tci KTM IS * CO.,

Boston, Mnn,. Offlee, over Qnhtcy Market.



Ml a-tanaa Mreet,


TO PHYSICIANS. Pure task Cow Virus, raised by lm. KIUDAM.,

of IseeiUa*, Ma**., nay always be had of linlfi* TALBOT BRO'H,

Lawrence, Mass.

KF.EP yoot Hands Soft and smooth thin March weather, h* using Ont Mral ami

4.1, rrrlne Hoop, whleh e.Muhlnns all Uie r«i|Ul- ■IteV Tor a Porteet Winter Hoon, ntsile veiy mild by tin- addition of Pure Olyi-erine, and keei.- thu i-kl.i Inn health] romliilon in all entremerfor weather. JOHN C. 1 HI W A CO. »«*«it


Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker. And dealer In all kinds of

Stoves, Fiu-naoes, and Ranflreet. llqHtirkg aeaUy done.

PLUMBER A GAS FITTER. And dealer ID all kind* of

Lead, Iron and Brut Pipe, AND

Fittings for Steam. Water and Gas. Ifo. die Ksaes •treat, Lawr*nr«.

Orders solicited aad promptly attended lo.


Ktaez, H. a lielra at law, ami BShSgS inUirn>teil in the

ofTOBlASC. Ill It,. 1 ih-of IJiWrt-llee,


estale or *aid dereased, Vou are hereby elte.1 to appear at a Pndmie

Court, to he behl at Halew, In *aid count) »f KSM-S, on Uie First Tuesday of April uexi, at nine n'eloek In-fore noon, to show cause. If any you have, why the same shsisa nol I* slloweil.

Anil tlie -ahl ailminl-Uatrix U olileml lo serve llu. .-ihili.,11 in hiihlohiug Ihe pnin.. nnee H W(N-k, In the Ijtwrenee Aiui-rlean ami Andovcr Advei- tlner, a iirir.paiier prllitoil at l.nwrriire, Ihnt. weeks «uree>niveh , Ihe l;i-l | li,*liiHi to lie In o day*, si least, before .aid Tuw.lay. #

Witness, Uenrge P. Choete, Kniuire, Judge ol ■aid Court, thin eleventh day of MnrMi, in tlie

one Umi year one tnnu*an.l right hundred and srvrnli Uiree. Tlinhll A. C. tiintllKLI,, Itesi.U-r.

78TATK OF JOHN M. RICHABOS. E* Notice i* hereby given Hist tlie cub-crlber* hare

been dull aoixilnlfd adinlnistralorn ol the estale "I John M. Richard*,

tale of Lawrence, In the rounty »f a*»s*'X. trader, ileceaMil, and liare la ken u|i"ii then. . - ttist tnml hv giving •SfJOS, a* the law dlrn-l-. All tN-rwtna having di-rnandsuponllifealale of said deeussetl an- miulreil hi enhllilt the NOW- : ami *il urrHun* linkliti'd to wii.i r-Uli nte railed iiiiou I" rnakriuivnientlo MKSHV 11. HAKTtl*i.

' ' JOHN M. IllCIIAItlo.. Ijiwrenee, March II, IKS. mid I Adm'r-.


frion «.i to •H'per"dav.*Tiro entirely new'article, ■sleiihle as Hotir. - Aililreaa ♦tf niliTrmy N. II. WII1TK, Newark, N. J.

\iUU\ AUKNTS WANTKD- • ""1' -mi ftwe hy t

ofo - --I ■ii.iM.-.ii






Ifo. JTD K**ea eireet. Lawrence.


E. A. FISKE'8,

ttri i;**»i *Jtr**t, Lswrsan, Mass.



COUGH MTXTURB. Hold by all flrsl class OruggliU and Urocers. Try It, and yon will be

ful eleets.

i Good." Ht'Y Mi*, and III do jo DR. LANCLEY'S NT) HKKII HII IP Is, Without tin' |i.-i-

iM-st known for nilnil ilisea-e-.:- IniligesUon. C".. CHUiilaum Pile-, llea.un IH-, llemt la, ipfMlness.Menirul*.*«*ll Idwuiii.

R(K)T AND HKHH HITIKHS. TW. medh-lne l», without Uie imsslhHHT of » tlie very lient known for ttie r.illow ing, and all kindred il' ilvencs". Liver C '' Burn, liysnepals, lAnguor, Lailnrs-, Dcbilll; ..tsnndlre, nsliilcin■> l.,li|s|,„on..!l. -te.

By the timely use of Ihl* inedlelne, Itw lioo.1 i- purlflwl. Tlie airmail* l« rei-toreil. The aysb-m i* sln-iigtlieund. The liver l» IIH Igwstcd. The breath l* «weeiened. The nnnplrahin I* Itrtiuti- Hi-.l. The general health is

HKH'I'OHKD! Ttie I..- i Hoots, llrrlw and BarkH enfer Into ll e

wllion or Uli* llcua-ili. making itnslmji!" sKa* well a- an uniailing eun- Ho nil -li of the blood. i,MI l ».<>al>WINAC<i,

llo-lon. Por sale by alt IHnggl*!*. tmltiihURh


Notli-e I* hereby given that tlw subscriber h»* lieen duly apimlnteil aihnlnlslralor ol the iu>UI" ol

Joshua T. I»ay, l*te of Bosnird, in the eonnty of Ksnet, yeoman, ilarenaed, and has taken upon hlm sell that trust by giving bonds, a* the law dire* t-. All iwrson* tuning ileuiaud* UIHIO tlw estate ol said deceased are r«|niriil to exhlhrt Ihe im*; aad all persons Indebted to snbl estale are relied upon to make pa) sand, lo

X'OTK'E to nil whom It mar com-ern. i^l I, Iwarher Kenyon, hereby give my son, Joseph C Kenyon, his lime; ami Irom this dat.- I shall rlaiin none "I hi- '-"""liigs nor ps. am del.i- of hi-eontimrllng. _ IMNArliKlt KL?*UI\.

I > ISINE88 TAKDH, In the latent aljlea, I > at Mai AktMICAX Job Printing OM<v, !'"-»


I ij

IctCLKri -h Idea are a pretty paradox, formed In tin' procen* of frcetlng In sun- shine hot enough to melt snow, Mister thr human nkln, and even when concentrated, tn bum up the human body Itaelf. Icicles it-nilt fruin the fuel that air I.i all but ii'Mi'ly transparent to the heat rays emitted hy the nun—that la, such ray* pa*» through tlienlr without warming It. lluly the scanty fraction of raya to which air la not transparent expend their Torre In rail Inn. the temperature. The wurni nutT* of the Summer breexe art* not heated dlrvftly by the nun Itself, but by the earth ami (be obJeetM on It which theaun ha* previously warmed. The truth of tltla la acnalbly felt on cuter! iijr a town after sunset, from tin- open country. In aiinahlny weather. The same, difference of temperature I* never fi-lt at the clnae of a cloudy day. Thin cause Is one of 1 tic reaaoiia why the air on a mountain top U colder that at its foot. The air on high mountain* muy be Intciine- ly i-nl.l. while a burning sun U overhead. The solar raya which, striking on the hu- man skin are almost Intolerable, are Incom- petent to heat the air sensibly, and we have only to withdraw Into perfect shade to feel the chill of the atmosphere. Snow Is one of the mauy objects which absorb ami are warmed by the solar heat. On n siuiuy day yuu muy see the summit* of the high Alps* glistening with the water Of liquefaction, while the air above ami arouml the mountains may be many &*» graea below the freexlug pollit. The same thing happens to the snow upon your house roof. The sun plays upon It and melts It. The water trickles to the caves nml hnngs lit a drop. If the caves are In thc»htulc, or In declining sunshine, or the air Intensely cold with a brilliant sun. the limp. Instead of falling, congeal*. An in- fant Icicle Is formed. Other drop* ami driblets succeed, which both thicken It ttt the root and lengthen It. The draluagc from the snow, after sunshine la gone, continues to produce lelclcs, until the flow of witter is stoppud by the frost. In the Alps, Or. Tymiall tells us, when the li'ru l.i- i lou is copious and the cold in tense, Icicles grow to all euortnoua slxe. Over the edge* (mostly the Southern edges) of the chasm, hunga a cuplng of snow, aitd from this depend, like stalac- tite*, rows of transparent icicle*, ten, twenty, thirty feet long, constituting one of the moat beautiful features of the high eat crevaaaes. Hut alt hide would be In- eomprchcnallile If we did not know that the solar beam may pass through the air, and still leave It nl any temperature.—JBr.



At the lmiue*.l held by Cunmir J..I111 Sean

Farm, Garden and Household.

ItAiaixn POTATO**.—Hood ground and good seed an- re<iulsltes Tor a good crop of potatoes, but both rvsiulre some dla- eretloii to produce the best results. Some- times a good yield is obtained, with no

the north depot. It wan learned, llinmgli the other gotnl qualities : and again, the crop son of the deceased, the blrntltvortbe M who I Is of the highest ex. clbnce dry 1sweet was struck by SammM train, which left Hoatun i »»>< ''v*ry "^ .^l™^- W hyhU dJT-

' _ ' fi'Tciicc ui .111:1 tv. «f nave nil learned .1 10.1.1 ft. », Thursday. Thr man pr-ietM to ^^^...^ncelhat the target! potatoes to Mr. Ml senile, who retldr* in UavtvUU, nre proditced from the largest stalks, and where he had a wife and lour children, liesidr* . wv,g.,.vcr tends to litcrcnae the slxe of the a ton at Amlover. We publish the testimony 1 atnlks Is of the tlrst Importnuce. When IHIOW, irutn which it appear* that Mr. Scully potatoes are allowed to sprout an Inch or waswalkhix upon the track IVom Andover to two In the bin before removing In the .1,1. eity.aml In getting out of the way of a | »prln». *» "ror Is coinmltted that no af.

rrelghl train. stepped in front nf the pMHOgW train, by which he was (truck and almoM in-

stantly killed. The Jury was cuuiimsed of Messrs. McFurlln, reman, McAllister, llucll, WtntlngtOfl, Ken- ■y and Rich. The tin! witness was

K.». 1'iwter, -wuni. CsnVS from Ho. Urn in the ID. i:. train. Saaon. conductor. After | was lug An a»rer station, heard viblslle, und noticed train

r*Mta|! the liaiii, ami ulic fiiinul a nuiu dead

lite right order of engineer, helped put lilm in Hie he wn* l-rotlglll to l.awrrnre. I do lint know him.

.l..lm Kwart, swum. Was on UHI H.U train mini Boston. Attei passing Amlover, hrsnl ilsn- i-t -iMiinl. tin.t kliruairor l.nihi" , (imi iniincliiilc ty Hi. stgual tu bnek up train, «ut af truiu

Our ^f ice Box.

»r(k. how e HtfOIIR ? • red," said |[h carroty

_. . .-ui! lire can Those slender, colorIcaa spnmts will

prodttM only a second class of stalks, and If broken off, and a new set forced from the seed, they arc still weaker than the llr-t, mid although fair crops ure railed frxim such seeds, they furnish DO evidence that the crops would not have been great- er had the seed been properly cared for. To prepare the seed, remove the potatoes;

.ull„..Uln. on track behind , , ^ s , „^ r,iul , n near cm.u,h. fUt 0. an. ^^ ft ^ w„ ..,»■ btfhnkm »n,l his .knll ! lUJ\{ Mslllk., mia ent,h eJt., i„ iBhi .hie. behind OH-ear. ll.v M.nM ^ a lol,B f^-ble sproi

1 killed: 1..iiii-l leu lirokcn, Mini b,n.| lii.ssiiun liaillv. ('omliiet'ir Of eiurims-r «• .!■ -.. 11 In in nut nn the train snd limuicht h) in. relief; I .. i i--.| in itolng '■■ " p nut know him.

Win. frjra, Amhtver, iwotm. Went M UK An .b.vrr Klsliiiii. srmut IS.«l BU* iimminjt: »sw a man mi the BToaaiMt, wnlklnK»n the iim.u.1 Irnck tnwanl LSWITHC. In n fi'w minute* KBW Ihe I'MI H 1.1 I 1. .1111 eWHtag mi HUM Irark. nml mitluiol Ihe niiin auly p* "ff UM Utah to aaaaoa totaMl esenpeheiiiKrimiiicr. licit An.lover for l--.ii raiier la JbgMrt trnln, in. ta lr«ni BottW in Aiidmer frmnlwenly |0 twenlvHvenitniiU»s |>ni>t It. Ileptr* |w»«ln« the |«H.r Ismi, not B|«lfU i k",.',.p „p UK, yield, mid to some extent tin train, awl then heard danger »hl-tlc-. and imine ,lllnHlV.but the second nml third crops

l> whb,lle for break-. Itan out nn platlnnn. j s(.|,[))m luw«ess the excellence of the tlrst. and «** tls' man ban li in< .hwl. n-iiiiiK down | p)ajlt*d the Karly ROM nml Karly Shaw

th.- luiiil, «r .mnt-wherc nn.' on Is tin- for u,e third crop In succession, and ob- iraek. Train slopped; whl.lle to break up, ami tallied 11 large yield of Watery, worthlc

U |0 net Id I of anil examine him. rnund jiolatoes. 1.mi dead; niuml him iuidly rut. and U-g hroken. t remarked to a neighbor who was hue A.rKltHl Input lilm mi Hie car to lie bnnurbt to I.IIH rencc. Thin man lyiiiR dend i- UH--inm-limn.

ill strike Instead of

ling out a long feeble" sprout, will form close to the potnloc, n large, dark- colored bud, that, when plnuted, come: up a large, wide, thrifty stalk. Ami when Midi bud* arc distributed, with the right number In each hill, there Is an assurance or u uniform, thrifty growth or plants, obtainable, probably, in no other way.

llutwheiiwe can understanding))- pre- pare Tor n good yield of potatoes, our work Is but half done—the qaeatloB of <|tiallty comes next—and unless we secure a crop possessing all the imiilltles nec- essary for table use. It Is or no value. 1 have learned (ton experience that since our clay lands have lost their original fer- tility, I cannot raise potatoes cook dry and mealy, and possess a very sweet uiilty flavor, more than two years In suc-

ion 011 the best of land. Manure will

tivenlorsof Matches.—Adam and Kvc.

1 a .prained ankln a Umo excuse for

not dancing

f levtn ib many day. till Btoki

'm the |)*s>' dial ihf l»y in imttoi


The Controller Oencral—I'npid.

Woman's Mission—«11 tun is. ion. Likely !

The Crow that baa So Voice.—The scare-

When they make an oyster bad do ihcy use a

wa-wceil mattress ?

•'(loud blood will ihuw luelf,"s*id Hie old

buly with the red nose.

To a Young Lady.—Why are you Ilka ft po- lar bear? Ik-cause you're a nice creature

To keep warm on a cold day the women double the Cape, and the men double the Hum.

It l» reported that a son of Drlgham Young i* going tu marry a newly established female sem-


Bar* Lip*, llijuc. 1.1 the Hklu, A

Ciire.lalon.el.THF.(;KMAN'S t'AMl'IIOIt ICK Hill. lil.UKItlSr.. K L.-vi.- li"' M'H in alt weallier. Si-s Uiat you Rcl llEiiKMAN'M. Sold by aliPrliKflhtH. Ihdv f.eent r.v llii.nin A Co., Ihe .Nun york.


irm.'ut al.nnt

QAWS. 8AIVR. SAWS. SAWS. '~ i l.-.i^ lrtito.1

w t L'AtTt 'GRIFFITHS, Maniliaelurer* nf SaW^.



trl'rice l.i*^ an.U in-nlat- free. WKI.CH <t <■ it 1 i;i'Vi',IH'

llnnlou. Mo*"-, * tletroll, Mich.

WIM'IIKsTKirs HVrnpiKisl'lllTKI.nelieni icnlly pure or 1'llOM'lii Htl -, <>uc .,j ths riiojl important eli-nicnti" nf the limnnii, and theotilv means hv - hlcli tiiin'K 1.IVIS1. nn.l I.IKK slSTAIMMi eh-nunt cuu be .upplied In the ny.tem. VfV vnsranhH- U to tn1 a certain

nn for LONKtMITIOS, (OlCHiS, COI.DK, .1 alt IVilmonnrv Affection.*, anit a SfHsriBc Krni-

FIIT for s.-rofiiln, Ilvspeii^ia, rsralrnl*. Nervou* anil Physical iH'iiilili.aii.t ail Nervous AflTeeUono. II 1. unMirnnn.cO aa • Tonic and In vibrator and !;eneintor of pure and health 1 llloo,l. >'nr further nfonuatlon. rerU:,»,ninh. It. p..: I* of PhvllcUn*, eli'.. -cii.i for our Treati*r. Vrtre, 11 ju-r bottle *..!■! hv all DnurglFts. A.1.1.1 •>

J. W1SCIIK9TKH A IO.. S« John Hit-ret, \e» York.




LIFE. astna, of Hartford, 1850, «16.040,780 Stato Mutual, Worcoater, 1B4G, 1,270,011


r the. «, I Frnnklin, of Ponu'fl, 1020, mnnary [ BoyBJ> Gugland, 1345, gold,



Painful affection- of the bladder, and urinary organ-*, aeoonnanled by ftaTalhr dapoalta nf any kind; irrlLitlon si the neck of ihe bladder, with •lifDculiy nf hoMlnn the urins; in stricture, in neminal weaknes', and In all condition* uf tli.> paitn aeeoni|ianltsl hv ilrbllitv, Jti.lllN'A H\- UIL.STIS CoMl-ol NO will be found a must efflca- ciou* rwmeiiv. Semi tor cireubir. to 11. KKITII A CO., 41 Liberty Mtrtvt, N. Y. For *ak hv .lm..

Price ftl our bottle or H ft

"I'M ny Men"—Men who fancy themselves. -There are a pretty lot of those utsjut

i' man I snw at the stn

ill) to *■.'.■'■ tier acre. Fine Fruit and Garden ..,(. Mill, hcullln cliilililc I'v-tcru nn.l Ki-li hini.limt. fata log ucn IV»-e cdemlaburg. Md.


h of tiM VYeiil f« the lantost and best. Peach Trees, Aspsra^ii-. ttbubnrb, ItasplH-rrles.

Send fur catalogue. (N. B.- Juitnow.)

Why is chloroform like Mendclifuhu ? Bo* use it it one of the greatest composers of mod.

n times.

On a lot •ummtr's iiioniinjr birds are much depressed. It Is .ai.l, in conse-meuee or their lit-

tle "hills" bcliiK all overifcic.

t'rtalu country squire, conceiving that the word "vlause" was In the plural unmlier, would

ten Ulk of a "claw" In au net of Congress.

Which la (be oldest, Mlsa Antiquity, old Amity DttUTbjn, MUa Ann Terlor, Miss An*tt- . m Q fi matMl qi

tor, Miss AnnT. Mundane, or MUi Ann T. Ce- i ,,■!>. lor the year.wliieh i- notlialf UieeoBt. Those

dent ?

A Uauhury man who was disappointed in

Two Pictures.

An old farm hmiiie with meadows wid And sweet with rimer mi each (Ut j A bright -eywl IKIV « ho laoka from out Tlir door with WDOdWoi wreatheil al« Ami WIHIH'S, hi* one tatnigbt all day ■■nil' iricouhlhiilayawsy From this dull •put, the world <o see.

II..n liappy. happy, liai'py, How happy I nliould lie!"

Aiul.1 the city's eonsunt din, A man who round Ihe tratd ha* tn^n. Who, --UM.! the tumult ami Ihe HwOtaf. U thinking, thinking, all day long "Oh! eoutil t only tread onee more Tin- m-lil-paih to tbu tanii-housv door, Thl obi. green meadow could I mer.

Mow happy, happy, happy, How happy lekMktber

Mutk TWAIN's HICST.—After rvadlnB the l>< tlii.nis flir the pardon of Foster, the car hook assassin. Mark Twain jflvcs vent to his feeling* In the following strain :

The lawyers' opinions do tint disturb me, because I know that those same gen- tlemen could mnke as able an argument In favor of Judas lscarlot, which Is a great deal to say, for 1 never can think of Judas lscarlot without losing my temper. To my mlm! Jiitlas lscarlot was uothlng but n low. mean, premature Congressman. The attitude nf the Jury does not unsettle a body, I must admit; and It seems plain that* they would have modified their ver- dict to murder In the second degree if the Judge's charge had ncnnltteil It. But when 1 come to the petition of Foster's friends ami find out Foster's true character, the generous tears will flow—I cannot help It. How easy It Is to get n wrong impression of a man. I pornlrfl that from ehlhlhood up this one h.t- been a swwt, docile thing, rtill or pretty ways am) geutle Impulses, Ihe charm of the ilre- side, the a.liiilratlou of society, the Idol or the Sunday school. 1 recognise In him the dUlnest nature that ever glorillcd any mere human bring. I perceive that the sentiment wUh which he regarded teuipe i nml- was a thing that amounted to fYnntti adoration. 1 freely confess thai It wm the most natural thing In the world for sueh an organism as this to get driiuk and Insult a stranger, ami then boml his brains out with a ear-hook In-eause he did no MOM to admire It. Such Is Foster. An to think that we HUM so near losing lilm How do Me know hut that he i* rticSccmn Advent? And yet, alter all. ir the Jury had uot bOU hampered In their chob a verdict, I think I eotihl consent to lose him.

The humorist who Invented trial hy jury played n colossal, pnctlcftl joke upon Ihe world, but since we have ihe system, we ought to try to respect It. A thing which Is uot thoroughly easy lo do. when we re fleet that by coin mo mi or the law a crimi- nal Jurv-ruai. must lie au Intellectual vacuum, altached to a melting heart and iierfcclly innearonlan Uiweht or compas- sion.

I have had no experience In making laws or amending Ihein. but still i eiiuuol dsimaaul why, when It take twelve men to IntHel the death penalty. It should take anv lea* than twelve more to undo their work. If I were a legislature, and bad fust bees eleeteil. and had not had lime 10 sell out. 1 would put the portioning and commuting power Into the hands of twelve able men of dumping so huge a burden upon the shoulders of one poor mdltlon-pcrseeiUcdjiullvlilual.

log Ills llfth crop In succession [-,-.-ui-i patch, that 1 could not ralae good, sweet potatoes more than two years In succession, ami alter a moment's reflection he answered that he wna not certain Hint he could, for he had raised four crops on that ground, and had not had a potato lit to eat for two years, but

r hM>ked at It In that light be-

Itocognlie him llO mitlng on the track ; donl know him.

Usntel Na-on, ■« A in rnmlurtor Tor Itos ton A Maine railroail |<«*»enger train. Left Be» ton in.i:. a, ■,; alter l.numi Amluver lieanl loot lug of wblnlle by engineer. Indicating some one te Ki'l out of the way. ami limned lately alter -h u i- he had Whistle m break up; train -t..|.|.i-.l ami beaked ! Tore. up. and found die Issly of a man lying lie.ide tlie | irthe failure lies in the successive crop- trnek; ).ut thr IHHK in Ihe Imggsge oar. and | plllg, U Is evident that It exhausts frtllll brotigiu li to Lawrence, delivering m the station the soli some element that U really nec- agent; 1 did not know him; it area very nearly | essnry for the DortecUoa of the tuber. twentv il,e minute- |>a.t eleven yeMrnho la-r.we "here the soil Still contains Other elements nunn of rertiiitv nuHetont to pnx»)e« a large

CtMrie. Dew, -Hon.. An, bsitgsae .mi.t.r on »h'ld Of tubers, hut deficient lit quality. iiai.aain lulu m ., train ve.ter.lsmhen the WUh me the best results arc obtained on man *a, kille-l hv |ft i.% Irain IVom lh«ton. Flr.t ami gnmtl.l, with mnnlin- plowed under If

necessary; and can-Ail rotation or crops always product's the best quality potnloc: —.tiMrricitfi fVrrm Journal.

raUing uuough money to gi> to Waalilngti week, took what be had and visited our Stato


A dreadful Ohio paper Inquires how the mem- ber or the legislature got along with the Ice- eream be stowed away in hi* a recent


The Omaha Bee doesn't mean anything per- sonal, but opines that If the Omaha postmaster would resign, "man/ persons would reel less

iiious about tin ir iiiuney letlen."

The gentleman so often spoken of at novels, ho riveted people with his gwe. lias obtained npkiyinent in a boiler manufaeUiry, with extra ty on account ol his peculiar faculty.

Our valetudinarian being told by hU medical Mat* that be must wear thicker boot*, replies

that when a fellow luu to walk through m water, pumps would be more approprtai

IIKIUIIK Hural llowiaa, IMnliif; Tahlr

or !-.,i. iso page*, «ravliiK>-. ■■

|u*tprhtte4ln KnglUh JI'IIMIIH, lloili-.l.i. \. V.

of any trouble iv.n when engii 4ii ins- signal; after the trnln liackml up r eel linn Into the car. nml Mr. Porter had chargi him lotat ranee; did not know hint. ClUHCOAL VOU I'm i.titv.—Tin

Mrlvin Lewd sworn. Am brakemnn on lt.»-inn which fowls derive from eating charcoal A Maine railroad pMaaagW trntn; wa» on ihe ; \„t \ believe, acknowledged. The method irnin »tien the mini was killed yesterday ; heard of putting It before them is. however, not

How tctify, and Ike ***** te.tiniony It mule- well undcrstiKid. l'otindcil charcoal Is, rbtlly true, and nil that I know about it. not In the shape In which fowls usually

MUHU I- Wehaten iwern. Am enxine BUM

or lln.ton A Maine railroad; run up the engine ■ the M.UJ A. M. train. March 13, isn. Alnml WM mile out from Andover toward l.awn'iice.

■ liter pii- in.; a in it lit train,

Ihelr food, ami consequently Is TV enticing to them. I have round that corn burnt on the cob,

id the refuse—which consist* almost em llrely of the grains reduced to charconl

whittled ror him and still retaining their perfect shape—

wards send money to the amouiitol <r more for Seed/, niav nlau order H3el Lni—llie uric* paid for the til.'IDK.


$500,000 CASH _H IFTS.

tlOO.OOO for only SlO. t'ndernutliorlty of Hpt-cUd Irgii-liiUvvaet of March

Id, 1871, til* trti!.tei-> now anuoiiiice Ihe Third 4.ralid <ilft tuacril, lor the lienellt of the Hab- ile Library or Hmlntk), tu e.iuie off in l.i- bmry Hall, at Louisville, Kv., ou TDESOAY, APItll, Hth, 1H".:>.

At UiU Concert the bent musical laicnl that can be prueureil from nil paru of the eoiiutrv will adi! iih-asure to the, ntcilniiini. nt. nml Ttu Thous- and rails «in«, nggngnting a vu-l tola! ni Hair • Mllllow IXillar* currency will be dls ti .1 by lot to the ticket holder* u> follow- :— »»r I.mud (aih l.llt, 1>I). I .! h I. ill,

Oneiirand I's-h ■■lit, line 111 .uM i ■ l. (.lit, line lirand t'aah (iill. Ml,,- I .,;,,„! I .l-ll I, III,

■:l I all i. in-. ..| gl.OUOrai tkOCnuht.ilUof 100 li (JOCaafa tiitls of II.-' "

l.»M .i-li ■■ .-I 3UU ' ileOeahaUtoef aeu ■ Mil I :i h l.iM- ■■! I'n '

UvtMM Cash lillU or 10 '

Smuetiiue* medicine- that « ill 'top a rourh often iNxai-ion Hi" dentil nt :i patienl. It lock- up the liver, stops Uic circubtinn of the id-oil, hem orrhagu folhiwi-, and, in fncl, < logitinp the act:or of the very organ ihntcnu-edtneiouKh.

Liver compt-iint and .iy-i-cp-ia fire the cause* ; American lirancn, of livn-tlilnlr. o! Ihrrn*e< nl i-.n-i.iu|.| ion. M.inv are now cmi:pl-i innj.. m (.fin i:i tin- i-idc ito* Firemen a, OfN. \., IB.H.I- r..iu..tiii:.-i n>ii-c, t, chanter of N Y 1837. I, .Titrue c.Mt. .1. |.;.in II) Hie l:,n.l.|.r 1,1:1 le, ficlillK , U MtCbeatCr, UIN. T., ItWI. •i.iactiim - verv rcslleo., and al otin>r limes dr»W- i - -. . the lo.»l lien i- Liken lie- h.-.nily nn the sloni- -eh. ai-coiup-iuied wllh aiidltr and iM.lchiiiK ol find. There-vnililoiii- u-u.ill.■ m-i^iiale IVnina .Uordcreil roii'diti ' the -t.mia. h, or a torpid iver. 1'rrsoli* M. ntfnUil, it Ih, v Lite niie or two raw cold", and if Hie cough in HICKC case* lur udd'eiilv >to('|>ed, Ule lung*, liver and ttoiuneh log, anil remain lorpld and biaelive, and ls-1'ore he patient i- aware of his -ilualion the lung- are

.: i.i. i Koret, and ulr-erstcd, and dcaUl U Uie ii., vii ililc result,

Sehenek'* 1'ulmonic Svrup i* an expectorant which ilner nm contain anv opium, nor anything calculated to check n cough nnl.lenly.

Hchenek's Seaweed Tonic dissolve* the food, iiiiXFiiwilh the pi-lric Juice of His stomach, di- Cts easllv, nmiri-lie» the sv-ieiu, and rrente« u

lthy circulation of tin- bl I. When the bow.

i nee tinted ynm, * — mrb i olsrrd _ _


miiii.miii .in..--, ■AVlsm ■jn.i.xi Hi.i-.m ft.000

■Jl.noo '„■;,.i s-i 31,000 :lo,uon .;'■..■»'

1 Pennsylvania, of Ptv. 1036,

'. IruperUl, Loiidon, IS03, gold, 11,000,000

Herman Amoiioan, N. Y.,

Gorman, of 2rie, Pa.. 1807, Queen, of England, UiOU.B-old, 10,000,000

America,, Hmnrb. ■«.«»


."kin sallow, and the patient In ol t bilious IKII.II,-.'In-n.-k-s Mandrake PilUarere- iiuired. ...

These medicine* are prepared by I»r. J. 11. 8C1IESCK A sil\. NoriliiM-t corner or Sixth and Arch streets. I'hiludelplila. I'n. liKO. L'. tiiKMi- WIN A CO., 3S Hanover Mini. ftn>lon, John r.

CoDagB PUoe, New York. Wholesale mis.

For nnle by Onifgluts genernllv. it tag**.

1st National, Worceater, 1868, 104,022 Oloiicoater, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,850


- OLD ■)■->


!:. ,., Kur iiironnation. ,..,.:•, t'lr.,..,

JOHN EDWARDS 283 Essex Street, Lawrence.

PHI oil... no, 38. 1-


E M P I. O V M E N T .

The ... L'uiled Stale* "f America, cluutered by Coiiare*". i* tin-1 calling stoi L.llfe Insurance c»ui|iaiiv ofUiin countrv.aml h^- tim buifest each caplLil of any rure hinuniuce cinpany of like kind hi the world.

I is Uiu* enabled loreiluceiU pn'tuinmn lnr|rely- liuliTd, had il clLirxed ihe uriUnary Mutual ralen. duriiiK the Wt tour and aliall yearn, it would have received from it- p:itron* Jl.iSi.uuu more than wan liaid It. Bv the mutual ayolein tl»- pot lev bolder* Insure the ruuipnny. Hy the Mock -\ -i.-ni the company Insures in.- poliev II,.1.|.TS. 'Hie National luu uearlr Iwu dollar* of aumts to every onf of liabllltlrn,' and on Jannary I, ii*~l. had a nir|du- or #l,l.%7.-"" Vi. II want* an airnit In every local- ity wlH-re it In md now rcpn'renuil, and will (tire liberal and eonliuuou* commUsion* to etUctuul

■liable men who will fivv peneMl attention i i , |',„„. Wl*„ Sirl lias tivun turncil out to lU tni*lne«. Addn** branrli ofllce. 1'hi lad el Al..lloiMf,iiii.,llin "J ,,|,ia. »li.-i.■ Uir Ini-ine-ol the ,-om|ianv I* Inm*-

of boaat and homo fitf rul>blu« her chwka . ga airahlut her *l*ter'a hu»l*nd'. lieard when she j K. A.KOU.INS.Pr**.; JAY ('tHlKK,! Iialrman

, . ^ .,LA . „L-r..r«l-.ll fumin. I uinniiii.e; J. li. HUTI-KU, Mocrelary. wlitied to gel up a healthful ({low for a bell. j

People who lielieve the »torle* alwut iutelll- ! / \ N L V 1() CENTS !

■rut don* will read with pleasure that * hwt dog ; * 11VF.MY MAS iii.i OHTf PAI31TF.K i In, havinn »een hi* mauler's advertl*o- Or, PAINTS-HOW TO SELECT AND USE THEM,

MM In one of the local pepet», promptly went ^JJ^^SLX home. j in»trueliou* for

A lady alnml toinarryw** wameil that her JJ^Jda*, iH.und In rln4k,terM, sample cop- Intended, although a gixnl man, waa very ee- i..,, paper CUT. mailed. peatatM to any adtlrv**.

eentrle. "Well." .he .aid. "if hC I* very unlike ,«» ""iei 'i^;^-^^ BA.R», other men. he I* more likelv to be a RO-KI hu»- no, |H i. l>o*t K, rtalladelphla.

, „ ' . ii-ntv ilu- |,ill.iwini( valuable extiwets from pre** ■amd. inn,.-.-- :—

"i: and nn one intending I'1

IL"-N. V. Trllnii

. i-onlaininK .nniple rani With t. Iiaintial sliaih-s and liuU. wiili exterior and inUri.



iandna ThoanB* ft'holc Ticket*

and in,..' Tor MOO.

Total, $10,000 Gifts, Cash, To provide ineuns for thl* nuijr_iiifli

On* linn only will IH- isaiieo.

Whole Tickets, BIO I llulviv, t>< ter.. M-nO- Klfven Wbolo Tlckc

lunt ou lens Hum tlOOordem. ... .!.).■■ i or thl* -ritii-d *-in i Iii.

tbu two Wretofore Kiveii with such universal np- irof al, i* Hie enlargement and endowment or Ihe I'uhllr l.llirar> mt Ktnlufkj, which, by the peci*l ait aulhorUing Uienmcert for 1U ln>ni>rll,

.* to l«' forever frin- to all citiien* ur every StaU-. Tbu drawing: will lie undci the -npervlsion or the Trtistiv* of UH< l.ibrarv. asui.tiil bv Ihe ino.i emi- nent citUen* of Ihe 1'nited SUU-*. The sale of tiekuU ha.* alreadv progre»«eil so far tluit eompleU- »uere>ia i* assunil; anil buicrs are therefore noti- fled that Ihey mui-t onler at once if lliey de»ir* lo l>ailicip:iU- III the drawlnv.

The nuinanenn-nt of dm undertaking ha* bivn rommittnl bv the trustee, to lion. Tito*. K. IlHAll- LfiTTtC laU' Governor of Kentucky, lo r. Iioni com inunlcnllom iHTt-viiilng lo Uie liilt lomcrt may be ad.lressvil. It. T. IH lillK'iT. I'n^idtnL

W. N. MALUKU AN, Viee I'rwX JOHN *. CAIN. Hec'» I'ublic l.ibrarv of Ky. t'AUUKKs' AM> Ultin I it-' It VNh. Trea*urer.

Public Library of Kv.. Louisville, Ky. As the time Tor the Concert in clnce at hand, (April

itth) parties wantin* tickets should rend in their order* InimcdlaUlv if thev woukl avoid Hie rush and dclnv iili-oliil.-lv in Ihe few days preceding the drawing. All nnlenaml appllea tions for agencies, circular* am! infm Ion, */H] mot with prompl alteiition. THOS. K. IIUAM- LKTTK. Aavnt Public Library of Kentucky, Loiil«vllle, Ky. * tmhT


t>n and after Mon.liiv, Mar. IT, Ml. Train- will leave UIL. licpol- in tan reiiee, as follow* :—

For BOftoe (from North Depot), at «-£"•. ".*'. MB A.M.; and I2.I4, a.lOand 5.;lll I-. XI.

For llo-ton (from South lici-ol), ;it 6.37, 7.A ".«. A.H.; and li.l.H, I.U (iispn!**), i-17, US, li.W. (express), Pl.t; p, it.

Tor I'orLliilid (friiin South l>epot), atU.JS A. M.; 1.13,1 f. X. '

■enrgetown anil Ncwburviiort trroni South Depot), at S.S5 A. v..; 1.80,1, « P. M.

ror Hiiverldllllrom SouUi licimt), at B.85 and is A. M.; mid its, 4, u !■■ »■; wed Iron Nortli

DeiH^atT.lUIMl. ■ Train* leave lloslnnfor LawVenceat 7, 7.30, S.90,

10. IS A. -.; 18 M. ; 18.10, 3*0, SJO, 5 and 0 P. M. VTM. UKItKITT, stiip'L.


r going l

k ou iiliich I wa* iiiiiuii git of Ihe track, but be did •I I uht-llcd to break up, and rercr-i M>; could nut stop before I came u|i w Die COH -catcher strike him ou the

he was llirowii luick ou Ihe euicltic, nftc few rod* lie rolhsl off ou the riidil lumd loon as I could -t.i|i. did so, Ihen l-.o-kcd up. and I'onductnr lind the man put In the car. and we hmttghl him to Lawrence, it was alnml twenty- lite uiliiutes p:i-I eleven I. U.. shniild Jildgi' lilm lo ha«B be** lereM live or thirty i. .I ■ from me wlira 1 i!.-i saw MM; cold not poatlbly have ItaSiaeJ In tlmt distance under *ni citTiimslances ;

Kiiinir troiii IhiniUve to forty miles an hour. tin- Krude is n hllle de-cendlng. and Ihink it

would IK' Impossible lo liave slo|i|ieil short from tn elgbly rmls. WIH-II 1 tlr-l saw him

ih,' freight train was pMaUg me, toward A and 1 Ihink tluit »a. Ih.' reason he did u tlie «i histlc in season in gel out of the «ay ; I did not know him.

Jobn A. Ha>imind. swoiu. I am llreiuan lor Mr. WrU-u-r: was ou the engine wlicn ihe man was kilhil yestcrdai . I was flrimi when 1 llr-t heard the whistle, ami aheii 1 first irot night of the in.MI. tkouhl jwlgeuewer U more ilian iwo roil> from In.... I saw him but a i nent: ne\t I saw or him was alter the train WO* bin kid ii|. looked out „f Hie window and saw I In in put bin nit-, the car. I itUI not know huu.

Wiu. H. Seulley, -worn, t am 17 years old have seen llm man lying ileml ■■ Mr. Porter's, m sln*t. iti- my OMhar; his name Is Johl Seulley; hi* h<-»ie is I have a moil, er, two liiMtln-ni, and two sister- Ml living ii Havrrhill. I live in Audoi.r. ami work for fc H., mi rath.T loft Mr. Abbott"a yestenla; fore noon Tor honw, on fiml; liave in •love until I saw him to-.lay dead. 1 Ml child , the younger! Is between itir .In not know of hi* being hard of h.-.n-iiu.

After a few moment'* ilelllaratloii the jury rendered the folkiwiug verdict; Thai said

John Srully came to hi* death at about tweuly- ,.„;„,,„-. A ^action, „ H |8 ceiled, _ live niimiie* |4tM eleven o'clock, v. u.. March g)ow af wamtth that ■ Mlowa 13, 187S, by bring struck hy au engine of the |, a direct draft uixm the aystciu to meet BeafHM k Maine llaiiruad, he U'iiig el the time ;t ouddeti Ion uf > Itallty, and Is hy uo walking upon the track or aakl road, ami in mean* so beneflcUU as thtnirctlcall front of the engine. And ihe juvon do furtlur a«lned. A tepid Iwth niak.

«y that m. one in Ik* employ of «hl rellrued ^J^1*,^?*^', aI"


phniil he fore them, Is jircwllly eaten hy them, with a marked Improvement in ihelr heuiih. as is shown by UM brighter color or their tombs, mid their sooner nroduclii"; a greater average or egga lo the Mock than befbfe.—S. Itufu* Mam* in (Ac fAiMifri/ irorf.f.

(1K*IX VOB 1'iiri.TitT.— There la no other iiralu thai Is relished so well hy I'oivls as Indian eont. It inunt alwnjseon- tliitie to he. us now, the American poul- terer's in.tin reliance, for. although too rattening to use In certain cases. It poa- senses more nutriment Tor the price than auy'otlier gniln. and is always to be ob- tained. Torn can he given ground and ungroiind. raw and cooked. Hats we pre- fer ground Hue. as olherwish Hie hulls ure loo harsh mid bulky. Wllh whi-at-hntn and middlings, wheat lu the kernel, liar- ley and buckwheat, there ueed 1M- no dif- ficulty in avoiding monotony. live though the poorest grain ol' all. may he given occasionally, and brewers' grains. If convenient.—li* I\-utirp RerW,

Kettles may he el caused uf onion and other odors by dissolving a teitspoourulu marbvih or aalcratus lu water ami wash- ing them.

(,'iM.n VVATKB DATUM.—Nothing Is more common than a custom or many persons to have A cold water bath Immediately on leaving their beds, as n daily habit. Del- icately organised ladies not anrrequeotly, have "established the same course, con- sidering ii conducive to health. There ii

in" the-ml an itupr-sslon that It invigorates the In- r and fsae-i | dividual, hanlens* the musiles and st rength*

cus the const I tut in n. The sudden ,il>- straetlon or calorie or vital warmth In that way. has not only injured hut des- troyed more than wen- every bencilted

uf hi* i.innu-. regretted that they were styled O'si replied the

u lunger ■ "We did n ..uhi lie said nn the


I think neepteoegfal to 0* lykody,

Vm-ommoiily Intelligent are tho coroner' rle* In Mi**i»ippl. Twelve men in Warren County, In that (tatc, returted a verdict that

■di.T.t-cd died by the will ot Ood, or ■owe othe annum unknown to tho jury.

A Denbnvy family which i* seatalnsd by char ity almost perished rroui hunger on Fridi night. The little girl who dally make* round* lu truest or food wa* prevented from go- lug out, that inomlntc, by loalng one of her ear- ring*.

A wit nets recently stated, In uniwrr tu a mag- intrate. thai he wa* n pennutn. The magistrate, puiih-d at the answer, which did not exactly corre*i>ond with Ih* witness's appearance, atked In what claa* i.r literature h« wk-lded bl* pen, when he replied that he pennod »becp in the eal- iln mark it

At a California fair several honk* of Strained honey were cxhll'iteil. when a man put id ..i-i.ii- ml with the real. Several old |n*H» umpted li, with the .«ine reeuU. ™ opinion

uf all who tried it — '"»' *■ •" who ,aa'10 ■ fraail. One old Udy .said that even the

B*M had get to cheating now-a-dey*.

Una i* a little bay. I donl know him, but e his picture*, he'* well fed. HU principal istumc I* wing*, lie attack* the Young, and

curls them up like *h*vlng»; they like it. II*'* the name lo boy* ami girt* as the di*teinpcr U to J dog*. If ha wa* my child Id put him in pant* , * and send him to nchtwi. K I don't tell you any IV r¥ ■

about I/ive, U'* taM.»u*e you'll And out j toit avua in TUB

much a* you awe u> know ft* yourselves .mc, Burlington and Missouri River ft. ft. Co,

bo Boston and M,ii no Extension

The extension or the Boston A Maine milwu .mi South llerwlek fun la-en MbatatttiaJly rum

plctiil, giving t!i> rocid a coutlnuuus tine nt' it ,iwn unit! Boston to I'ortUml. and on Satiinla the :ii-; ]-.i--. train ran over the new line, preparatory to the retnlar bualncM from

The iKHin irain from Bnatou, in haqx of t'onductor smith, cunrt*n«g of tin"

if the rl._-.irii a

TUI Citiwriox MISKU.— lluffalo lays .linn to the champion miser, ami we think the claim will be promptly admitted, on rcmllug the accomu giveu by a report- er or Ihe Commercial. The story reveals a fearful picture of the wrdlit and despic- able side of human uaturc. Ihe individu- al In .motion Is worth at least two hun- dred thousand dollars, and yet he never buvs an ounce of food, a particle of fuel, 0T«Stitch or clothing, but begs every- thing. He lives lu a tiimble-iiown. story and a half frame house ou Michigan street, with UVMHT and windows shattered, nearly Ihe entire front portlouo|>rn tn Ihe street. and all his surroundinc* characterised by the most abject want and desolation llic two r i- he iH-eupies are ill the fllth- icst coii.iiti.iii iinagiuahlc. and uot rit for a dog to live In. The plaster in railing from the walls, the windows are out, and the cohl wind sweeps through the place in which iherv has not been a UTV in ftmr- teenvcar- His bevlmoni is ftltcxl with obi hnrrrls. oyster cans and other trash. and his bed Is merely a heap of straw and rugs in the rruirv uf the n-un Thes*- s.|ualiil surroundings an- pnet- iy lu keeping with the appearance or the man. who cvrtaluiy look* worse than the ma- jority of vagrant*. Hi* (**» wa> pale, bis eye cvdd ausl sharp, auvl his whole oe- mt-auxr rvpulsiv e and shabby lu tbe ex- treme. Aillrrd lu l.stvilv-wtting. torn autl. shabby gnnuv-nt*. with a dirty btack \*»*P" »« «* wood.and .k.n the r... neck cloth, ami *u ohl Mite red bat upviu | "'vr a bi^tmay the bridges en t>f iron, and all his hood, he looked the Ukal pauper. Ami j are of mlieieai w*lth to permit a doutde track, yet thl* man, who beg* from itoor u»doa*r! s.^mttisUBdin^ ihe*ev«re wawec tbe mud ror hU lUily pittance or food, and fare- , ^^ („aa \ tl, >,.- ba neetWnl ^-siditioe. and ibe harder than tbe *»«t miserable «'f cltj I k^,, ^loj ,u.w/with wiwdcrful ««*e. Leavtaa paupens mi^ht purclia*e Ihe-ftaeet man- ^ thf , dUy^|r ,,„„, (W

• ion iu lluifalo, ami hv e lu it like a lord, if ' .li.'s, . al.i.v


>iic In ill-- employ of -.- i r

death of the said John Seull;

such iil- berefore, is uot

Injurious or perilous for those of a frail triicitire

Sntr FOB HIIRSK*.—Joseph Harris re kite* the rollowtu(r In the Agriculturalist

■This summer my horse* ifot badly run down. We fed them liberally, hut' they did not (jet well. They had no appetite, no digestion, and no atn-ngth and spirit. They came home at noun and tiijtht lagged out.'ami their night* rest did not refresh them. I sawed a barrel in two. and

■™! plans! the ends on the platform of the pump. These are for watering the horses.

i one of I hem we put a pailful Of com- Jam< mixed It with the water. The

_ Ionic fell .it Li-l *ui)|iheil."-S.-h-n. Am. "Nnl onlv a msessilv to Un' painter, hill T»lu-

il.h'loevciyoecutnnlofadwellinir."— N.\ Wmld. ""in i-icoiiie* oflld- l«K><. Iln'iii

S'your friends. It thev will heed UH- a-lvice i, you could make no muiv valuahle |irt-«-

it."~-t'nlcajro Tribune. "In puldi-hinu Ihis iHxik Mr. Boird ha* dona a

real nervb-e lo tin. mrmiiiinilv."- T..lcdo Iliad*. "H'e hoise the pulili-lier st ill -ill lon.i.m coide.

ot lhi« IBMIV during "70."—H0.I011 AilvertiM-r. "We havejii-t iminleil our house a* ailvbei] b]

_ tli* author, and rnnpmitlilalo onr-iWes ttiat nu .... dwelling lu our neitthburhmat eicrl. our* in *p

1 tu* ;pearance.'-IUn*r'» Weekly. 1 "In *elllli,-.i :ilil]ilc copv for Hl.'l- . Mi ltnit.1 inu-t reel ei-iWin an order Tor ii bound In cloth mil foil,,w."-l'rank Lc*lie,

"We know the town and country paial« Ihereii 1 rerommni.led. and can touch for Iheir raluc and

llir evcill.nic ..f Uie ■Harrison' brand of v ' lead."—Pbtt*. l-citjter.

l.\] \ IO I IMN.

l>Alti: AMERICAN IHHiKS.—«& for R. 1\ It Thomas' AluKOwe. l,:1; tl fr-r American ^atanac. 1T»T ti for ITii. lUre Obi American llosiks wanteil, vii -Kblianl, Increase, .Samuel. KlcueT or t.Ut.41 Mather's Works; 1'entiallow's Indian Wars. 17*1: Johimou's History of S. Kna- Innil, 1—n-t"— •"*«. iteiiiii"' l'—ir Riclvanl's Al-

laittlc ' luaiiai-. (I>r. Kraiikliu's) or any ss-an-c American 1 »"*; l-an.idd. 1. 1 .-in, Indian Arrow llcaiis. U-|. ics.Curi'wiiie*. Narrative, or Almanacs, In root I condition. Abo. _.,..,| old. lall. s-,lav Bras* flock. »Ut*prieeor ea>h. JA-S. T,MOVLTOX,

1 fame- atrssti I.ynu, Ma**.




l'.-l 1!- placed on ini,-i.--i Uvu rv>1 I>ay of each month.

lawnst allowwl Sn all Mini* nf on* dollar . upward*. de|HisiUs1 not hv* Hum one month be- fore the ibiy on which dividend* an- dis iareil.

The laudkMt *um recciveil on .!■■;■.. n i* live

Dividends will be made of all Ihe profit ■ which mav have ,T-. 1 o. .1 within the previous Fix month*, iiii.-r de.iii. inn, neesssaty sntaaweei

Interest will not l« paid on fractional part* of a dollar.

OrYKKgn: nsshteef Tmo fstMHt. ■**>

rtta iV**WaHai ■ams, ThtiDuu Scott.

.. , 1'on, llorri* Know lea, Jauie* A. Treat, J. Emerson, Jr.

7V«i#iirer—.lame* Payne. IVeaanSi

John Sniilli. g. 1- llniuil-. S. W. km-lil, 1>. 0. ltichardson. Jestc <.k>rer, Patrick .Moiptiv.

. klareh r

1S8 11. B. KIKI.DISG Wishea to in- form Ihe I.adlo of l.iiwreiicc ami vicinity

that *1w haajust received all the l,al**t FALL* W1XTKH. Si vie.* rmm New York, ami 1* now ready to cieculc nil order* ror

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING at her Kooni-, SIOI 1 --- ■ HI., Lawtenee, Mass.

aa-PartieuLir attention paid to I TTTIMJ and FirriSI. Ladies' 1111.ll tiil.iicn's UilESSIiS.

Saw STTUtS reeeivtsl stery week. Ladlea' ITrinT Cut and Fitted for tl.00.

Marhlnu stiU'liiiiK and llnddinji don* to order. A liberal share or patronn^ "ollriWd, wllh

thank* for past favor*. ly' IBS

1^ H. BPEA0UE,

PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0K, LaU'ly located in iJiwreuce,

South Sitlo, on Ht-oadway. I'roin rsUimt, ,.f IIIM-'lSl-.M

STASUINO. I'.K) |i- l.rrlial Ophthalmia. Utappagc

of Ihe I-webrynial l»wet, or Weenhw Kyes, nV triHliiciiitr the HriLti for its cure. All eases, Whatever charaeU-r, are 1nini{ treatcl with SSta UUan ■ueasas. All tawaeas from a distance, n of Hi,- *bib-, will be receivol Into tlw D*eton funiily durlnn treatment.

Further, we perfoim all kind* nf Operation* on the EYKS, a* t'alarari. f*trab«r»»»n*, eU-., lor VEKV nrilt i.KS* than lhe*i-operation* are done in ibiston or New York.

We refer all who wish to know of our treatment. Ion ii'W . :i-i- mill 11. I hi- .ilv, vi( -Mr. Tlioiup- -on, in Ihe I'milb' Mill ■ :il-.., 1,, Mr. Taylor, south Side. Uroailway. nml other* Mind with Cataract.

AUo, all kinds or Weak Eyes euruiL The Doctor may bv found nl all time* at hi*

Residence, opposite Tiger Engine House.

\c> ,|o not. however, make the Eve a «pcclaltr. nt all kinds or st II*.I HY, . •■ that weconh- mllv annolime that no OB* so unfortunate US SB quire SCBUICAX AID. need go W Boa ton, or

lit or Lawrence.. IrnSftll HisperlfUlly,

E. It. STItAUCF., M D.

iJlliS K V

Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AMD

COLLECTOR. Oilier, -J31I lisiri Mirrt't, Lawrence.

Hour*, a toS and 7 to 8 P. SI. *[Scpl3


FURNITURE. TIiu uuuscrllier* luive taken rooms in Ordwiy

Block, «»7 Bases Htreet, where they will He- pair and Buy and ■■• Il Beeaud llaml Furniture

ichoid at tides. All orders l.!..iM1.;,;, at- tciuled to, and gu<nU »«ld at auction when desired.

1111.1. A CO. Lawrenre, April IS, I8J1 W

UUA 1) W AY HO T B L ,


fcB- A'i). t a 110 Alt WAY.

Wear llosloii at Matna and ■ :«ilo » I>*pot,





»!»* l.iui (tlr.rt, (Ordw«y Block).

[awanson. W ll|SV!K 11 11 I 11

the Mo-Hi, -1 in

Till- prcpnriiih Kxtrncl- in ti hi«hb '- llcrhsiiiid lliirk —ainoi Yellow Holt. Unndell. tlraiUte, Mnndinki. An iimkiiiK a One Tonic, Medicine, which neve

■/'iiu'ii'iii ri i:ii'ii it, HAVE N«» Etjr.M--

i^'u^-l'd'conibllnnofthe r, lloiicl-oi Ki.itn-ye purely Veeetabl l.-ihiiii;-,-

if Hoof. chare Siirninarllhi, nl in 11, Wild Cherry, nluer llerries, eh-.— itive. :iud Laxative

. disc III l;s ItlTTElW

FI.IV ■nli.'l

nil 1'c



nmncToirs OFFICE, a: covar STKKF.T, lltlSTOX.

M itt.t-v uvrvAU tint* o«r - - - - te,iw>»,ooo.oo

AM. Tun rnoftrs TO iin.KT ROUMtas. The low lute* and lorRii dividend* of till* eld ,,.,„, [OU-I-IIUT vi llli excellent munaicilui nl,

il.'"dhic 'md oromptne-s in the adjii-tinenl o ,.-, .nnk.'-itthu'

Insure lii, csiiecl (.. B.'I.AWKE\(H.

A«ent for ijwrenejr, llavertilll, Andre



s iith*lM-H nni|*iiy In New Knalnnd o|.iidiillv rnr Endnwincnt I'ohelc*.


\% ESSKX ST11EET. 1 m;

All asset <>r BLINDNESS f OuartlV of Corn", nil kinds 1 EYKN.Kor*. l-'.ye* ol I.oNU ST.

L Y 0 N THE FINKLK M :illlll':i. I in in - Cll'l

Ne\v Searing Machine, "VICTOR,"

CAN nn noruiiT OK . "oci- D. IV. I.OH li, 40 Margin Street,

Sole Ajsat ror Isswreaeti Andarar ami ucthuen.


SLATE AMD METAL ROOFER 1 idle,, and Tard at



tstake Roof* nunle Tlfht at *bort not Ire. 11vmr I


■te Ju-t made larB« addition* U> my dy



The priee* 1 lujro *et UtfiM my OOStw are. an|iniedeliU'dlj low*.

EVEHY VAltHVl'Y Ol-' OOOI>8 Tor Ladhn' wear-

In Milliner)' I hB»e everything Dial IJidie. re <[iiirc, ami in UI ices 1

Defy Competition, sir stock or LsdhW Woepea inderWei

id in 10. Prices biw. t'lilUIre

IdTs'Woollen Inder Wear, Jacket*,-etc. IcaniiUiiily I.ndii'» with

p A P K It P A T T B It H S

\. tv.

J. W. tsniilh, I'CUT llolilian, P. C. Kirk, l>. M. Ayer, ... J. I'rrneh.. C, K. I'illsliury. F.U. IMIsburv,

r fan



Poultry nil


. ._ I nuhscrilie for any work n 1 have seen this. Monlhlv. #1.

Sliec1mcn co|>v, ID rH. Addre** : WOKI-li." t-onn.



ni these day*. When hut ■ reiui intier !

ear* from flic sh«H»* of tbe hursca at ftrsl did not like It. and would nunpaaj in ibis city, inppUed wHh the Miller |i|*ifonu and the air brake. There were (rueful d.-!m.ii«ir.iti.MIS n/aallMhftWU hy the )>ci'|'lc «lu>

fumed out iu vrvttl iiumlcn akHijC the new line. Mie extension ba* tven ino-t sulvfantially .•■::■ strucfid.and 1* very -tiuictn. *ith mi heavy cra>li's ur shaii. curve*: the cMcti-km rue.- ,il,.ui rixut men ntue* nearer the roasi than the them drink the milky water. IVirtUud. S*oi.and lSirtunouth. and <trik<* ihe "lhave uo doubt that It Is a* good for i.rfnein.1 pl*.\-.. InHndhut Sao, Md LHihMfard, Uresa as a plate of JEVKHI MOS i- for a tired

si the centre*. » here, *s the other run:

drink a little when very thirst; After they drank what thee would they were allowed iiurc water, in a few days howrvrr, they drank this enrn-iucal soul with a rrli*h, and la less than a weel then was adecMed chantre ror the bettei in the appearance of all the hones. We it. not let ihetn cat the meal, hut merely id -;1

Sh« would be? ■ Mason.

The lunuHMI r*0tjr I ever be«nl, The runniest Ihirut that ever oecutml. Is the story of Mr*. Mehiialde Rynle.

Who wantcl to be a Matoa.

Her hushand. Tom Rynle. 1* a )Ia»ou true. As food a 'I s- 11 a* say at you. He 1« Tiler of I.<s.ltre lerub-an Rlue, And Ule* aad ilelirer* the lumanii due. And shr warned lo 1* a MSSSU I—j

This Hdk-ulou* Mr*. Rynle.

Shr follow,d him round, thl* imiuUilite wife. And nahU-d him and tca«e.l him half nut or hit his*. s.1. to terminate Ihi* unhalb>weil *lxire.

II* consented at la*t lo admit her. And first, lo di-iui-e her fW>m Umnei ami -boon.. Thi« rUlenlaua l*-ly re»c4ved 10 out oa Ills breech— ab: forrive we—I meant i aii^l--ii-.

Ami miraculoutly did tliey St ber.

The I -Ire »as at work in the Master'. I>Cj(iee. Tm- light wa* ahlaie on tbe letier *;, Itirfh .ouril the i>iliar- J. and It The olleer» rat like Rain—, wue. The brimstone burned amid biwriil erie*. Tlie (rial ruaraeil wildly through the niom. The candidate beffed Va» M Urt him «o bonier And tbe .tevil hioiselr *(-io.| up lu Ihe cavil

Of*. IO VE*RS CREDIT*! S PEH CEMT. INT, Prsdwrl* will |s»v ror the land and imj>eov

tents much wilhin Ihi' l;niilof this avncruu* ere L. II. 11.- term- are not olfervsl, and protiab ever mil be.

« Irewlar*. pirtnr fiill particular*, a-rati*. Ci or all that an- warned l« read and cinulate. fmar IVrtt and thrive. Friend- will l"ll-w. A fsVrrllanal Man, ahewhnj (tie exs.l location

ot Iowa I .-111.1-. is *otd at >i ■ cnl-. and of Veins' k>|« al *arae price, for ChiialSIS and Man*,

r to J.H'.TAItl.KTuN. •■• Washiniton 'treet, Roslon. Man*.

«*' \IL1 please >ay in « li*! | JI»I iln- .vlnrli't-


A. 8.

Koi NO: NO:

cannot afford to use peot machinery, neitbcv can vuu manurartore pn.St.itly wilhuul bsiiai tbe latest ini|m>re-l contrivances kmiwn. Thuvk of it! Can v..u? tselay Bo bmaer! W*aa rr! \vriu- A. <. i.KAK. 16 «•» «* rtu-lbory i-treet. ITn-ton. for • aul"scue and circular* reaanl- inr all VViaui an.1 laxi%-wu*KlMt JI*cHt>sar, and onler UIOIIT Ot* tbe machine you need *o

KF. in another place advertisement shout

Bhnlj -i ilnr frutii S A. M. 'thi Thnmlay and

Sacurdav KveiiinK-. from Tlol'.fiir recrlvrrur de- posiis onlv. 4AMr> I'AV Nt:. Treasurer.

Lawrence. June 14. l^T' - 1

V I' 8 E Ft'L 1 S V K N T 1 O N

The natural tendency of everyUunr eartldy i- ilecay. The very stone raiMtl a. a tribute of af- fection over Uie re-stilir place* of tbe dead, ami to mark Ihe nuot where they are laid, arc subh-el tu this law. To-.lav we rai*e tbe uuirtlo or itranlte fresh* fruin the hand of the sculptor, It* polisheil surface pn'sentint,' a beautiful ap|H>ar anee, and Uie clever cut letters m-eming a, if tliey rould remain forever v> identify tbe dead ami peak of tbe affection or the liviiur. Bui a few

rear* pa*» away, and Uie polished surface or tbe butrbk' at granite rrowsdim; tbeacti.«iof Uie element* upon the *kme ba* left the l.-u.i-- - arc, ■

ilervpheraldi.. Tbe onee elennl monument no . _ger' attracts the eye with it* beauty, but seetu* toniwak to us of dn ay a* much a* tbe dead SfhSSS ti-stn!(t place it mark*.

nut thi* need no lotuyer 1* 10. A m linn, bv an . dd marble worker, not out m miwer' ID restore marble or granite t>> it* original beauty, but rumishe* n preservative aavnt which resists the efleet* or iti-.siire and time. Surely thi* I* a toast u*eful Invention. It i* keeping pace with tbe pn>trre** of the a«v. A* e<luratiou is ditTiiM'd and astbetic culture is devclope,!, Ibere i* an in, 1. s-inr love for tbe beautiful in art. The avenue* of modern rrave treads are art galleries. Here we And the highest triumph* in nionuiueata] -. idpditc. The modern *cult>tor I* not merely able lo ■h.ipe a »lone and cut an inscription. Inn I* an artist, and moannient* are no longer mere block* of marking Ihe resting places of the dead, bul work* nf art nuking the cemetery a* illt.i l.w to Ihe lover of Ihe beautiful a* il U to the mclanrholv and meditatire. Sun I.. then, this invention, which not only restore* the ia.1, .1 and time worn marble lo it* original beauty, serve* that beanlv from the further n time and the clemenf, must be haded hi — delight. II i< re-w possible to pre*cn-c Uie beauty or our eenK-terir*: to restore the obi and black ■ ncl to Utelr lost luftre. No longer will uesitileregretb. *ee tbe epiuphic and elegy ic .n-.'iipti"n«, m-inrisi bv love ami re* pec t tor the dead, becoming unreadable by eipo*ure. Thi* invention will enable all to keep the |a*»h*t**e* ereeleit to tbe mewory of bebivol friends in per

{ uea" andwash Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper "Ware.

Tin, land, Tin Lined and Scull-EM*tic Pipe.


for hand or power use.

tar Mowing Uacliinea, Scale* and Wriax-mg Uachine* Ki-palred.

Plumblco;, Tin Ronflng- and General Job- bing: done at short notice.



Parlor, Office and Cookinff Stoves. riuraUng, Tin Roofing, and all kind* or Jobbing

KL mill A l.o bTOVK STIIIti:,

II La»-r*nce Street, Lawrence.

Q' Ella*


SEE in. Iwwi I ,rhl«.l.. L*a«t.

.1 a fe*H. e Mr*, li 1 r

>'\, h-wrible *,iund' oh. horrible tight: ami hiiiu:ry man iK-fure dinner. It BC«BBJ | iu u be thai kta*oa* take ilrtiawt to sUassdafar the appetite and aid digc*.- [ iD .pen.iin« tbu* in* hour* of Bight • lion. I Ah ■ finU their wivea ami daughter* kn..*r

"It Is a ea|iit*I thlni: fur cow* a> well j Tbe unutterable tkiag* tbey **y ami do. Kg horse*, hut il IS not SO •*»« a matter tO ; Their feminine bearu would burst wilh war; give II to the COW*. ,. \\\.■>■ soon leam t^, nut Ihi* i* not all ray *tor>- -.tick their head* in the water almost up! >- their horn- to J.-vt the meal thai settles ! ror ia*n* Ma*ou, >nne.l in a h*.te,»*. rmg.

ihe bottom. ltUaeceeaarvio h»r»-a I Tk* eamtbtate hki

,ilrA»d" Tbeuverhead larm- trouzh with a faHc hoitfim."

u*e *kk, a givi-* tbe IV*ton and Maine vracti- cat vvntroi of Ihe k>c*l travel of these town*. Hs-fisTc reaclii!i,t HKI.I.'I'.'CI tin riv;il'om- vernv. and fi* al»4i( two and a half miles run parallel. Tbe station* *1-MIJ the rv*.larv of uui- s|j tvsTm My k- and are nest and orrunuttttal. cran- to uv* *i vrvdi are avoided, all bi|rh*ay* n*»ins at cither under or u

' *bore. and frvau that point follows ckjavly tbe

MTdeath thev The candidate'* aanw waa More*

It uMf not b« geuerallf known that the j ■• Hi-o.1 to drink aad bone* to crack, oleander, which l< * favorite plant. Is '. skulls to .mash ami live* t*> take. LVtrvaielv ;«.|-->n. ol-- Ins; stiee- are ifiv • '• Heart* to crush and soul* to burn . .11 in medical work* .if children who had eaten small fratfuicuts which had hcen dipped from tan olenjadtr. and the rcult was very nearly fatal. When handled in a tfloee n»>m a certain Iwiiumhins enVct U .ften experienced. The I'Dltotl Stai.

Hewinff Ms'tehine la the itr-r lit Tin WeSLDl

: AolNT* WOTElv j-emt roc circular. Addre** j "IHlMFvni ~ SEWING MAftlOE CO., S. V.

j I * SK the Iteislnger Sa>h Lock and Sup-

FA8TEM YOUR WINDOWS! ' So siuing lo cutting of *»«h; cheap,

durable, verc easily apidW: hsdds >a-halanv place de-ired. and a -.if fa-ts ner wben the »a*h I* .Iowa, -s-tvl stamp for rirruUr. t Ircalar and *i» copper 1 iron*e»l kwks «ent Ui apv mhlress in tbe I*. *.. po«I paM. on receipt N*3* els. 1.ineral induce

We hwalnaaa Uoeh on Maiu street, hdiect- , 1"M' •» ,h-' ,,u*»"- ***"■< ">« ia*j»it*-eni t)W iHspean-ltory state*that Ihe French pea*. and hveel*. and 4Utr? ,iw) the powdeml bark or the ole- I -*•■' *e*re*ly aoUeed.

Trembling with horror stood Mr*. Hyrvle,. tnable bi -|**k a -iagic wont; -rie siagjrere.1. ami fell ia the aeareM eaair.

•a the hrA of the Junior W if ten there.

That Ihe rhair wa* made of human booe*.

— •-■ •■ urkuswn boae-' On griaaiag ikidls - Shirley l»arv" ha* been on a elall to Tbai fhastlv throaeof boertw roll*.

Mr* Harriet Preeeott Spofford at her ThlM, »kuu".. the skull* that Morgan bore- home iu Newhuryport. where ihe hoo*es ■ Thiw, bone*, the borne* that Morgan wore all look dusty and mossy ami vine-covered „14 H.a,l, ,rr,^» ,„, »,, w«* Snag- aalfthe people were too busy and having : Mui ^^^ arouml the araa* were vtmog- tv>o jrootl times Inside to care whether the ^lu „, ,u r-.niam-e were kac

waa hrifht out. Mn. SpohVird> ' sorau-esaaaAt

Ina; his rent* with panctnalitr. ansl Is saw I Drchnnl ibaach. l*twe«i the tbe pfoiprlctor of two lar»e rsrtns in Mich- j aff-rdinj .me of the grandest mean nr»i to be athler ±s a ptvtsoa ft»r rata. ijtan. Uie revenue from which yiel.U him a : twi (row any rail"ay line on the const; the handsome amount annually summer travel cannot fail of being very heavy. " m mmm ■ ' 1 A* a pa**cagerstattoa in CortUnd.tbe Hostou

Btvsxtu, av A Mirroa-Tbc follow asj wd Miir(. tt±t ukft| WTjwkrt u,4el..>n Com. siuaruUr incident which occurrwl on the &_L. , nlnht of the l.tth ofhkM Sovemlx-r. when , "^^' *«««• ^^ >W'te the PvwtUinJ. the meteor* of the November period were Seen and l\nWs*e**n sratum. It make* a very doe. la narrated In a tetter from Mr. Koh- .t«f>rtalvk and pleasant station, ihe kiwer .to- ___ In Allen. Ses-rrtary to the forporalioo of ry beutar nicety fined up roc W-AUIOJ rooms, and house is lance, old fashioned, siawlins; Ihe lAvrKhiu Trinity House, to the l*rvsi- - tQ< Uisper stixies arrwnge.1 ftir the oflVcc- of the clone to the street, with low. wide room*. dent of Ihe Koval Society of (.real Brit-1 ttl-1WM|T -JT^ however. » hut a tcmuoran Inokhhf a* If people Ueedla them. Style

''amttge'menr. tH< company haviag Kancht a «" f- -« ■««*' w****- ^0*2 , . . , .■ , ,,, „,„.„.., ^■lupliincnt thit can be paid any woman,

^rpr met s-f and en » alnut and t ontnwrvtal gj— .^ ^ -Be ^^ t(u| rM „„,

Mvppostte Brown* mar refiner*. The ^ lfct^te,. lf JO- uraw vour breath. 1 tnsck u bein<i\icBsiedtbcri.' hy cVUny tbrongti «;„* tj a frantic woman, with soft dark

the levhre, and it i* iatvTided to erect • a*e -ta- hair, worn In a earvles* curl or two at ihe aide, and kind, sensible, dark eyes. What nvwt pleases in her conversation Is

l>iiv.**.\t or Boos.*, t*loii.nng loth* a matter-of-fact goodness, and «oo«l sense, pttMw Ubtnre. be nfttmg and marking ibervu,. and her menial presence Is one of tbe h*. Iwctn-e'akts^.stiyfreo.-eatof htte.andin healthiest In tho world

,-baraetrr IOACV thaa aapien>anl. rUcor m 1 Us Soane time ail" the curate ot St. ot the sute./asia.- wvere pr**ttiea of fae aad rhnrrh. Nonhampton. EnxUnd.

luiprvxiiRKi't to ths.' otteaee of making 1-. marks in. o* other ikucenKal ■' injnry t* t»»)k,« f-elOBgwg to any pntdw iri.-tilota*. an- hrt ihe pgweeettan of tbe library, the trs>t.-t<

rctded tu ttffcUy ensutvn ti * - j case or a rkifvaiii eharactee u u V [-rsie^caut ' at 1*1 ce.

11 I"iid Use groans.

(mnf I., ihe ~ A rents wanted A<Mre*a snnr*trw*tnai t>\**% TJTWK I M., IWU -n-i.-t 1 emu. Itarrlsbwrg. !**■

' OE1' in another place silvcnisci 4^ Isni and JUtmaka l.-tstt*.

'rnWt* IS M> HI MBit.. — By sending « 1 aS*., with age, heigbl. color of eye* ami hair.

10a wfli reeeiva • rorrerl pietnre of vottr future Vn-i*mi or wife, wllh name »ml .late of raai riage.

I fid P. (). imwattl, raltoailU* NT.


' ami as, eaeh Summer, tl ..■crs t,. dirk tbe 1

i,-|.irlr.| rrlaUve or friend, the ***nW* such an occasion will n>d In- inbn-ilb d by observ- ing Ihe tombstone whuh love reared going to .lecay.

The inventor of thl* preservative agenl. Wttkh .v ■e.-mpli-m- sueh great remits, is Mr. JUSHIA -iAWVEItof Nonharbl, Vi., and the onnersof Ihe patent are P P. HATCH 4 CO., who are now established at Moonl Auburn C.ates. near Boston, where ruramuaicaliott* may lie aiblreereil. IMvlerr inai be also lefl at H*. B Brmatt Street. Ror ton . al "the 0«.-e of Ihe Cemeteri, at Cambiidge: *i the Po-t Ofllees at Heading, Stoneham. Lowell, N.WI.KI. WalJum, t bartestown ami Wobura.

|>r. JtCRjutM. Slate Assayer. highly reeonimemU tin- as a ihan-in* anil preservatite agvnL • ifii-



Mirtti New Portable Ranf*.

bought befor* Ihe advance, ami lo .V *UT*l-


. is* Kaaea Street. UwnMt.

[orriciAU] LOWKLU urt 11. in.

•ell..- USOEK was awardeil die 1'iasT I'KI

mm al X. K. fair In ttTL, a* being the BKsT Family Isewing Mm-hine; ami al-* the preset year Ike award* were Silver Motels.

(bunted' H.T.HOWKLU A'-i Secretar N. *'■. Fair.

The SIMiKK wa* *i»en tbe FiasT 1 r.kttn n al S. II. State ralr, bebl at Hover, lu Sl'PERI ' iKITV over all other* ba* got il In the habit of doing »o.

Sold for 16 i«r month, or for

T. w. 11r.Ai.11 AottxT. J11 Kaaea Mreet, t*aa«*n ktls«eh.

AD kind* Machine* Iti-paire.1. EaehaagjeJ am] U> Let.

Machine Mitrhing. Stamping and Btaiding tn onker. f"-



I'ALITIES WHICH AKE PECl'IJAR to and it-e,>ii 1 incml tbe

as Howe Improved Family Sewlnn; Hacbine.

I. ltrauty and exeellenre of rtitch alike on both tides of the labrii'—". strength, beiiuly and dura- bility of seam that will neither rip nor ravel.—3. Complete control over both threads.— I. An en- tinlv new rotary ten*iuo for the upper thread. which contribute* MI nineti to liial be»iity and um furruHj ofstibli tor Which Uie ••Howe Machine" U so 1 cl.-br:il,-,l J. A pcHt-el iiiiiforni U'lision in the ■huttle which doe* not vary from a full In an emptr bobbin — an objection »o common to oUier mac hi 11 is.—K. Au auhnuatie self-rr^u luting t*Lc up that prevents missing of stilrhe* in crossing beavr teams.—7. Short, straight and strong ne«i- dles, nut liable lo break in passing over beary ■earns, as do the curved needli'sofotlier machines. •I. Finer neeille* Tor the same ihread Uuin any olher machine.-O. rt<.wiii(; .-^ually well with any kind or threa.1.—IU. KVonoiuy ol threail beyond thai or any ulher ma chine. —II. A hemmci tliat will make anv width of Hem or Fill -li. llrai.l- ■ iiK Hi.' i.]..-l"coin( licaUsl patterns wiUianv wklth and kind or Hrald.-ll. A guilier Uial will adjust it-clr to anv thieknesa of, material.—II. Tuekinr anv fahrr- without injury IT pinker.—13. A cord cr'so ronstructed a* lo cowl around very abort

even to sonars comer*.—1C. Sewing the Bnesl fabric without injury or pucker, ami heaviest material* wllh the gn-ale-l asSS CilWIlS I ISMIII. shafillnl and •luraliility.—li*. >U*e or operation and raanagvmcnL—19. lle*t Machine

, the world for t'amilv use. Call am1 see these Machines work, with the >KW n-Hlivtli TKEAlil-K power, at linear-a Ana- (-, It** F.a.ri Htreet, l^wrence. T-


Ho. at» radon Mrrrt,


This Bank has never paid lea* than *li per cent. B annum, free of las lo M ileposttor*. All depoeit* n.adc on or before the nr*t day ot

anv month are then rlarcil upon interest, and *hare in ill.- n.-\i dill'lend.

Dividends as soon a* declared are at onee added to the acrount* of deiiosllnr*, and at onee begin to rarn intert-t, tlin- giving COMtrOt'XIi inlerist. Bownt MIUMI, Uw>.C.Tainnrix,

rre.-ideiit. Treatnrer. Frtfutirr f-mmitttt.

ainlon Vne*, Thoraaa L. Jenka, llarvev Cartienter. I**niel II. Whltner. WlllUra KoMntun, <■•-■■ A. llerbr. Ij" mio

CROCKERY, FfVnch ami English China, White 1.ramie. Cream Colored, Itockingbam,

■tans ami Wedgwood Ware. Sob.1 by Jska C. Www at t... ies

c tail*, aluleai

"Vto-'koVK-ds ranaw

It G O <> 1> 8," on. Al) kinds ol liixssTriniii:irKi

Real Laces, urg Wxingr, t-aslies, and sasli llil.l.inr

Jenelrv. Pel limns, in.In'.I 1 Jidica M ill fail t tci) tiling tfiev need nl my -lore.

alalNping for Kmhioiilfry. -1



Attached to tiie-e j-..i. iibsi "■]-. i-..i, - are two teientiIh-iilIv eoti-triieb-sl linlvank" Kalterk'*—un- seen when worn—ilcllveriliK through Ihe HIT*ea ol the bead a Hon and i 0111 Iiiiiuii "Hi • ■ami of I In.I j .

vitalizing and giving hcalthv action Ui the enlire beatiUful svsb-m of II part.-, AltMll.t'TKl.V and CKKTXlM.Y ci'KISC.

I'-nl.l l'.n nl) si. of the Optic KsSWw, ITealror ItUeaaeal Vlalon,

Henralgrtn of the Head 01 Fnrr. Xri'viiua Twltehea lu the

Sluiele* of tile I'arr, ZVolse* lu the Ilrnil.

I.os. •rSfemaal F.arrfjjr.

1 boat or Nervous Ihseases, ansing riom de- pression oftbe nervous energy nfthesytieni, rim- tributing, in a BaWrl .i-n>idsliin|r d.-gree.

Life and Vigor and Health. the means or Ihe solVwuwinf; ilrcaiu of ha**- ■ity. fivlnc ^J»-

Hrlghliit.s to the Eye, 'jiii. kai s. to the I :«r,

I iirro (a the Itrnln.

Tbey are set with lenses of the line.I mauufac- ture, tu suit all fight-, and wllh glassc* for lliore not neeillng si«s,-tarles to MM with, but desiring the benenU lo lie derived rroni wearing the Ital- li'iie-, ami to lie hail In Ibis city only of

III'MrilRKY MOOAR, Watcnmnker, Jeweller and Optician.


No. 235 Essex Street, L&wrence.

JIT. B. Aim Agtnl fbr Lasanu ,f J/orriV trr-

ftcttd Spectacle* ami Aye Glatfet, Ihi DF.STin far

WcrU. tlrlS-


W. t*t>I P. O. lira*


: The most <*Bcac>o** mewiriae fae the cure of


Hill"' ur MlLlH.II, I'lOII'll 111! HU IMS*. iHUtHFI, (.■omnins, t, < .11 ..11*,

aiu, which appears in the rs,*t munK the rrvKs-evliuav*- The letter ran tltu/ am directed to nc>(u*ini y.vti thai ou the 13th o( November last. *t j A. M . a me- teor bur.! atraiust the Set en Stooen ligrht eeaset. Scion*ing? lo Ihks ('.in-'rjii"ii and nwHsrv-d aliout i» 1-1 miles K. by N. "f twti the Scillr Islands: and that it has N-eti reps>rtevl" that the watch were struck lean- le*» ft>r* ahort period, sceinx n.dhius U- fl«rr the shsw-k. but that on Neoeere, balls offlrv. like lame 'tan. werv laltinx In the nater line aplendtd fire works, and that tbe deeka were csnered with rintleta. which crushed UIHUT the sailor's *cel a* thev walked. I' appeared the nun said. *» if sonicihintt **» pa*"iu»t swiftly and met with the ishstrsK-tKin of the ves- sel ansl bunt. The sups-natendeot re- ports thai the men say there wa* a decid- ed asset! of brlinatane. '>«". a«i*l* 'hat ACT

•lid not meiiu.-u that uctil he asked There I* rea«ou to fear that the werv all waahevl on* the leek* hy the rain and s,a VriTc .Ltyii^ht. and it happened ■fatu unfortunately thai the met think lo olNMrrve Ihe romCest****-*

Tbe r>ri*n>4o*e ilare-l la land Saase. Just like a place we will not n*a*e. G**d angel«. that la^ainag raise ¥r*>m biis'fnl conrtf, lo-skeit up with thai

Ate 1 tearful aw lane holy.

Agata tbey daaee. bat twiee a* bod They jump ami uog tike .lemoa* mad—

Tbe tarn* it Buahey porey - - Wood to dnnk," *c . *c.

Then came a pause— a pair "f V*' iiftbe KenrliedUircugft the So-r. uprfc.

Ami grab the unhappy ran-mlanr H-'w a» ■ without br*r*. relate

I, ,s', T>el»' aad nnae.1 Mocey'* fate?

retired "h* •*■ **■ **** ™ • *"' ho1"

II ta the !!•*> 1

ror rale hi


1 Will feml reripe. poet.'gc Ttev.T. J. SIIIAI'. iVn

I.i»11 1 I'vriuir, 1 i,v*iirtTi<>K. I --•..i iiiiiiti-, ln,ir«ri.M-.«t* r.i>Tisi. FITS, I'll : .1 ill.'v. srasws. Inniioi, WUIHSTIMI loton. v| 1 .-11 «. tr„ Ac.> raaally Mestielaie.

1 Prusgist*. Price #1.

Sercd with Catarrh .red hv a siMplemaedv.

,. free, to all awtcted. rawer ITS, Syracuse, S. T

ac i_ nynri i'*'F •i-w ' Agent* wantrsl' All 9O tO sVstwU cLi-eiof woralag people, or

week lor u* ia their thaw, than 31 Banning. treMti. *Tl\<st>Na<

* oaeke.1 eon 'aiding an I" ■

.-ome into Use market again. Burner*. Wick*. «hmJe*. Chimneyr.. of 1 ■lualilT. lantern*, a few froan U*e Sre. .taaaagcl. for S» et*.. at JDUN C. 1K>W IS* E**r 1 Street.

tbe Sre. Lamps, - "W nest

is a mnatllv. Neuralgia. .- Umsnuk.

. manurartarad ftoas "ill- WTK CtrSTAL PMBMMrmnmmmi lotrether, and are railed niAMOXD oa aeeooast of thru hantneM ami hnlliam ;.

It ia well known thai tpertacle* cut rruaa Bra or ■*■■■! h pebbles are very injnriinu to Ihe eye. because or their polarising light.

Having been Icted with the potartsrove. tbe di aasoasi lenses hare been fonnd t» admit tftrea per cenLlea* Inwted rav- lhan any other pebble.

Thev are ground with great *e*™ti*e nernraev, are free from rhenatatir aberration*, am* pmlace

aad di-tinetac** of tiston not before peetacle*.

Mannfhetured by the



89€1 Wimliington Street,


Now admitted t<> be the





Tbe eoorsw of itifly evbiaees the Commrrcial ml I onunon Kagllah braoehrs. and i* ao dlmlr.1 ^ in qualify stwVrnt* of either set to dueharne be ddliea of a buslnes* lite corrertly ami inlrlli.

|>]!sH«il> BOt'Un I.1MMENT

tee rsn for ftrialica. Itheumalisi... s-pinai compiaiBi. c.mtrwrte,! c.^rt.. 8p«,ncer Optical Manii&ctuririar Co.

. sprains, ete. Irom 1 to S large bottles , s#es given up bv phvsirian*. The only < NEW TORK.

enrtnin cure r.«- Sclnttcn. I* raw bottle- j T ^ b Bespoostble UM tbroogbont the #1JS; small bottle-:v. soil by aU l>vwggb,ts. \nSm\

I) row* ma; lib

No. JVST otasKn *T

0, L-awrenco Street I flr-t■.!*•* sloek af


WHTTPORD &, RICE, NEW CIGAK AND TOBACCO STORE Jew#lkf, ^ Optkhtn*.are *«*e Age.t, fo, l^w

L I renee. Ma**., from whoa* they can only ba ob- ; lained S* Pel.Her* employed.

The great demand for these Snertarkra ha* r- dueeil unscrupalsms dealer* louilm aafSwhrnV er

vii,-™ .ill h. v.«> > inLrlau stoch *r an4 *pur,ou* artiek for the "Ihamond.- Cr-at Where will he kept a arst-ruma .to-a w : f-w r^,w b, taken baas* that Um ymle nurk

Cigiiii*, Tobfwoo, MaermrhiwwM*. Hi J •■ awn I Uf Pipe*





b.-ar«l turn acream. "My *oul' my Wtui. reor* of Srmtish laiurhbrT o»ll

-DihMltD drvnk.'

frs.uu actit e dun on the prroond of iU-hettlth. He went to reehie at Melton Mowhra/, su-l a few d*v» Sal" &»' *"-" fou,Kt ""iD« before a Bibk opened *t the chapter in which the \vrse. " It thj riant ha n<l offend ^ ,-tircio*. woman «*U .u*dm»n-«e. thee" oeettr*. With bi« ritttl hand simost shefala*rdamt Wl on the eheckerfl Soor. «CTrred rr»ai the *rot at the wrtst. His Midrt all th» diaoolteal ro*r. ixht eye wu al*.i f.-arfnllT ininrvtl. a- |


hare of public patronage U *olieitcd al tan

», u,«s w BWW. i»«™.i*".; W!f cieAR t JOBACCO STOH DC liiM.'-s hi, n,»„j, :,..

.pretwly to <ure tne; H. J DENNETT,

•T I

<B*I be made ia ad

alnl I'lbs*

Pile*, am) i Ssklbv*

t prepa-'

t 1** |_*ORKINC <I. VSS

a week grianni ploy men t f " - w

■ltd not

AtBieeion* riartfr the aonl. — t/*nr/e* I

iss.ire-^»rnr>T Tbe brat bud schemes o' ms-v ami mea

t.sag aft a giet. Ami Wave a* naught b*l grtet ami pan

Fur promhixl »■'

th-ioaili be stietanamd W prohe it from the . Wbat then. y™. ask at*, -UI befall F^U '.'ZL?'* *' m

socket Th, Kn»rti-hpaper*»ay. however. MeJumbi. Bycte' w.Va^*m!'i a. ww» IWW A tv that by careful trealujent he n»ajf recovei

tiind » imn*ode*ty.—/*re-

the Ma*.».'. Wl

Keafton shouhl direvt, appetite ol a»y.- I I- 1 .^tUmtl -treet, N T

HE 1.AR0EST Print Inn EaUMUhment 1 Awaaii v* Haasi


t*t/*il- uwnuiri, MIM




gently. Apptieatiun for admission aas-e. and stu.lrnla aaay en

Tor catalogue cntaiaiaa; isfssrmatioa, term*. ' 'rtncipai,



MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of nearly all earietie*. aa

< •rmeta, Alias. Barltonr*. Baiui, Cast- mane*, ilrrkfilrs t or.nets , of Bras* or t.cnoan -ilver. Piston

a,faWs**BStS**, I>nubw rrtioAs. Flutinas, Harmo-

nicas. IUB^. Mafic Boies,Vmtia ami i.miar >t.-ng«. aad all

MU-LMI is the well known Mr* at lySaastSrb

JOB*; r. niTiEt * co., OCmrrt Sc, npposite Cosrrt tlocse). laaton

1* and Sinking seawation

ami Lo.. bottte*.

I^UIIH**, |.,.» nplri eared at onee.

I^apliaa*, I'iu tie* oTthe 14. — 1. bursting Uwiitigh the ■ otherwise, ewred rrmliiy bj futlun ing the dim aWH on the boule.

Fntr HMlwer, Blmlder and I riaarv •leiawge ment* it has n.- etjaSl; one bvHtle will convime the most skeptirsl.

' 1; SALE.

On Kav'tcrlT side ft High <treet. betwi and Phut -imt. a one ami a half ttsw-v. .Ionhi* b-nrms-nt house. .11 roosmt in eaeb tonems-nt. n ith ham and well. a|i so a tw b* of I High .-treet anal IS* Stsst ,Vse« I

Vdkr ereet .-..ttigr h-inee ID is m*w (Sir eight ami a bsvif

Akxi • grmtst -ktari for geatVmen'* m.ln.'n bit* to sKM. wot rfOtw OiO.

and Seal Estate Agent, SB) Ke«a Street. Law mo-.Sts*.

OSkre Bights

rUeai one Is-tUe has eure.1 the moel dlMcuIl ise when all Kher reranlir* railed. 1*vvaai niaaemlilea. Neuralgia, Hendacbe. r., rased Immetlialely.

. **«"»«*u»m, Swelled Joints, and nil Scroiii- lar Anh-bon. n-movrd or (rrenlly relieved by thl* invaluable meilielae. '

Bronchitis, latarrh, t'onvul-ioa* and lly»- tenc* cures) or um. li nlievral.

S'SnfjS1 »"*thli»B, Pain In the Lung*, Bide ansl tliest al t cured In taking a few bottle*, of the viuaker IIliters. "

»*■■'' lli*ncMltUa, rn iirevilmit among Amernnn ladies ,1,1,1 readll, lo 11,1. l.irnlual.le nteilirine. Ihe t/naLr r llittw *

miii.ii., Rcmltuiii and Intsrmllb.iii Emm, in prevalent in nmni | nit. of ..ur .'.niuln, 1 idelel, eradicated li) Ilu use ,.f llie (Junker lllller*.

' **»•! fl'i.liiilli, Ulinkri llillci. last tbe pd ..r iu QS - ■ • I I llil.l . lie, I

* |*s.age down Uie plane Inclined.

article Iboj- »tand bi ...... year*. It ndlckcn. tbe 1.|...H| N1„| , tuvr- tbe mlm and pave* the iiassage dimn Uie plane I ,..1.

•*• •»• r»n remain long unwell (iiiileM aMici *■! n ith an liiciir.ilili'di..carf| alU'r taking ■ lew bottles cf the Ouaker Ititiei •.

For talc hy all Pru|tj-i>l* and ghjnhjnj in hledhine*.




i.A nrn E N CB, MASS.

»PB«OHtVTI<Ua I— per year, In arl- vuilrei If not 1.1 advance, BS.&O.

The circulation of tin Lnurrurr Ameri- can l« II ir l.iii;'.! uf •)>)'puptr lulhf County, miri imirr HKII Kinii' Time* (hat of uii) otlirr Weekly Paper pul.- llalinl In city.

li ■ linn of Advertising sent uponnppllcutlnn.

KtSTKUN M.tsn.ll'lll'BKTTS.

The Daily SmcritJkn. IIHIJIlKU


i. tin- Largest Dafly In Iha eKy, with FW Thtie* UNI rirc ulaliou of u; other.

H nnt itiITIo.v. ■■ AlniM ■ UneYemr, S'l.uo | Six Moatae, »i.u»

Whoa act paid in advance, O.wi.

GEO. 8. UKUItU.I. *(«!., I'ruii'r,.


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. I* the Lai gi i and uiofl thoroughly furnished ii< Eastern MssMchuaclU. Having only modem Presses, and w Ufa constant additions of Iha KWHI ■lylM Of Ti pc, wa are aUa to furnUh Uw beat quality of work, expcdiiioiuly, at tow prices. Order* by nail given prompt attention.

GEO. B. 11 Kltltll.I. A CROCKED. Poet Ottos Block.


LAWBKNCE Business Directory.

lABDY.l'nrringc.Sinfi A Ornamental Pointer. Carriages painted at from J."i in $M. Num> but the very l,,,-i stork used, and nil mirk warranted.


at E. Hun ,v SON'* luox r'ol'NIHiV, fiimimtn

W.£ A J. 8. GILK, ATTORXKVS nnd ford

ii-j ton street. T A tt Y I' 1 I; 1. 1 r .

Jlil'.NXINi;. JEWELER, Watch and a Cluck Maker. Kino Watches, Clock* and

.liveelrj. IWK-acxatreet. AH kin.t- „l Wnlchd, Clock* ami Jewelry reiaxirrd al abort nutlet'.

/1YKUS WILLIAMS, Manufacturer of V7 ami dealer in Hash, Doors nnd Itllndi, Whi- tlow and Door Frame*. All kineU llouae Finish. Opposite Iloatou A Maine It. It. Passenger

HF. BARNARD, UPHOLSTERER and • Cabinet Maker.— Itmiairing, Laving Car-

int.-, nml Curtain Work. Mnyhcu's Potent Win- dow Screens aiiidletl nt short notice. SJO Essex HI.

YElt S. HALL, Ready Made Clothing, lloU, CIIUK, tient'a furnishing Goods, etc.

Price I'Lulling Store. V.'l south Hide Essex, 1'r.lai'kaon Klrc-el


Business Directory. Carda not eierrdlug Four * In lattfjl Ii

lu H rleil In thl. col uni n at CB par year.

E. A. FISKE, TAPER HANGINGS, _ _ Window Shade*, Artlata' Moteriola, Chan.

tlt'lien, Lump., Vaaea, etc. 1~.S Eaiex Strevl, fif irjimii

II. 11. UKNNETT, CIGARS AND TO- **.. BACCO, Wholesale end lletail; nlio Snuff mil SmuLera' Artie lea. Meerschaum 1'luea neatly ii'|p;iii i-.l. No. U Lawrenco Utrcet, Lawrence.

\\fHlTFORD A RICE, JEWELLERS, ¥ f dealer* In Paper, Stationery, l'nper Hunt-

liikTH, Window siiadca ami Hluule Flzturea; Blaiik llixik Munufiifturera. WH Kaaec Ht, Lawrertca.

_ _ and lleaer In BooU Mhoea ami Itubbera, nf every dealrable Htyla and Quality. *iv Eaoex St., Lawrence.

rpARUOX A BKIGGS, ATTORNEYS 1 and Connjrliora at Law, Maunderi Sew llloek,

Kooma 1ft and 17, Lawrence, Maaa. J. K T.uiiuji. C. E. Bliiaai.


I'OIIN K. NORWOOD, Gfiierul Iimur- *t unco Axuney, makea Inanrniice, bi all lta Iti'uncliff, n >-|>celalty. Uall in uinl iiiMiicet our tcinif. :■;■< I. .■. Street.

I? II. KELLEY, Al'OTIlECARY.—Pre- J J• m-Hi.tiima careAiUy ronipountleil. Pure DruganndChciiiiutl', l':iti-iil Mcdli-iiii-ti,Toiletind

-.-i i j-iIL>II - I'nrenilly eoinj . .„* nml Clicmliiil-, Pnb-nt Mml Kuncy Articlua, elf. Post Offloe Block.

L D. DK MARS A CO., WATCHES, • Clock*, Jewelry, Sllvci nnd l'latos) Ware, y litHMl-, Cutlorv, Toyp, 4c. *JU EaaeK »L ilrhig, Uuld ami Silver Plating.

1 > l-: DRICK A CLOSS0N,

Aactlonoura. Real Estate Ajrenta and Appraluern,

No. 381 Cut! Street. Lawrence, Matt. Alwny* remly to give their ncrsoiul i-crvlcc and

M-riouM itttenlfoii to (telling Itenl ami l'eraonat EitlJibi nt auction or oilier wine, nliluining Money ami letting the name at lair rales for nil coniern- ed, negotiating Mortg:igi<a and looking up Tltlea, lt"iiting 1'roiKTty and colbitiiig Bunbi, ffa, No Title )i i--e.| nt !'nr|K'|-|v unleta the varae lie per- feet: no Money Invented but u|Hin ttw moat un- doillttcd aecuritv. All bualucaa Intruatetl to ua will tie nltcmlctl to |>roni]illv, nml nil will lie hon- orably tl.-iiltli with —Btrlct liitegrilv lieing ttw one i:o.'"i i.uit i l.'tiieiit of auecena in tho Ih-nl Kstate butlnoari, prompt |inviiienta of eittth proroeria, deal- ing In nil boiior wllh the aellyr and owner, at tbe xniiie liinu lookliig well to tin-true inU'nwt nt the ].urihn.-er, tlint hit title* are good, and tliat he geta all which he la entitled to —thua aocurlng and hohliug tlwt conflilence of our fellow* which la only obtained liv atrlcl ntlention to bualneaa, and the III-III--1 lv|ic*tif homiruhle kenling.

«a>-Terina reaaonalile, ami n work nml reMpoiirilhility. Cull tiu

Real Estate Office. 381 Essex St. V. It.—Pro|ierty for anlolniiinny noctinna of Now

Eiigljind, but more C*IHH-1II1IV in the rllv of Law- leiien nnd vieiuitv. S'» liettcr city In 'the Union for a permanent investment.

Itend Itenl E'tnte column In Lawrence Sentinel anil i. I.N.'I ■ t J 111■. American. Ktnyllt-

iii-<-<inlinn i" Ine

XTBW CROCKERY.—A UrjB stock of 11 Prene-h China Tea Seta In plain goM band,

gilt nml color; ul-o, Plain J'lilnn In Pinner ami Tea .sell ami Mingle piece*. A large variety of

_ Of Plain .i 1111... in Iihinrr and riiii-i. A large varlrly

color, and )ilaln. Whl 'iiilet Sou, plitlii and decorated. JOHN

Mil:: ■ in Kilt,,' C. l>OW A CO., Ui!i Eaaex Street, Law

Ing ftttemleil purtinlly i It la now luy biUintion to givo my •our* to lirocuilng i-'i■■•■ uinl Life Follrlet In llrht.liiaaC'.niiiiiiiie-.surli in. the HOL YOKE

i procuring rat elan* OOMMMI .

Mi;TUAl„ Salem, Mnaa., nnd^otber* of

Itt'litJ, Accuunta, KlToctiiix '■'■'* i ■■■■'■■:' '■" ■ Uinvr taken nn ORice with Wn. ». ItiNiKtia, |Kh In furrier"* Block, near Town llouae, where I

be found during hu*l!ie*a faoiiri.. Prouiiitnoaa """"einy coii-tantnlm. Tenna

DANIKI. t t If ill lit, and i-un-ndtlealing will lie I -■. ■ ■■-.!-. ■ I ■ I . . A 'I'll '■ ■

tfiW Metbuen. Maaa.

T>EDRICK A CLOSSON, FURNITURE, J. CnrpeU, Crockery ami t^yta^Jogfther with

gen _ CarpeU, Crockery and <'i^.rt«tv. tttgPt lliiu-i'kee(ibM QOOU generally. Wiu bea in the city. Ml Kate* Street.

_ Kotiin*. Fruit ami Confectionery, S7J Eaaox Street, Near City Halt, Lnwrenre, Mnoa. Choice bramla of Clgart al way a on hand.

i)7T)HKWS OYSTER AND ICE Cream and I>lnlng SahHin, .til Eaoex Street,

Lawrence. Ice Cream, Jellies, Wedding Cake, Con feet louery, Ac. MeaU at all bum s.

M. F';

KKNNEY. M. D., PHYSICIAN Surgeon. Offlre SHS Eaaex St. Houto

110 Newbury StreeL Particular attention paid to ' ■ 11■■■ i


e Block. Call aHd.examine a pec

S. JKWETT A CO., AUCTION AND > Coromisxlon Merchants. Furniture and

Caniet". *H ami W4 Essex St., Lawrence, Mats. .Sji lex at offtce, Weilneaday, nt 3 r. M.

WO. HOWE, 481, 483, 435 ESSEX • Street, Lawrence, Maaa., Wholesale

Manufacturers of Chamber Furniture, Bent and Sitting Boom Chain, ate. ^^^^

Street, Sauudera Block. Way lie found a va- rled and aeteet stock of Fancy tiooda, to which I would respectfully Invite attention.

THEAMERICAN. A Fair Exchange no Robbery1. L

"So you ant going to stay with me u whole mouth, you durllng?" und MmUl; ■ FlctchtT gave her friend a rapturous hng:' after the manner of young ladles but re- cently emerged from hoarding school.

"A whole mouth," replied the darling, returning the embrace with cquul fervor.

"Oh, how jolly it Is that you arc going to stay with ine a month."

"So it is, Bpletitlld; but I thought 1 never should get off. First, Kitty needs be nick for two whole weeks; i Inn. Just an I was going to write and set the day, Uncle Jacob arrived, and mamma; could not spare me. It talcca the whole! fnmlly to entertain Uncle Jacob, and It la) hard work, too, but he gave ine twenty dotlars when he went away, so I won't say anything.''

"Twenty dollars!" exclaimed Maddy, why lie's worth millions, Isn't he?" "Yes, I suppose so," answered Elile,

shrugging her shoulders; "however, if I found my clothes growlug on bushes as you do, I could afford to UeHpisc twenty dollars; as it is, I am only too thankful to get It. . It bought niy travelling dress," rihu added! glancing down complacently on her pretty gray popiiu, "and 1 could not iutvc come without It."

Well, no mutter about that, so you are here, I mean you "hall have a good time. What do you think of a sociable next Thursday night—Ht. Valentine's day, yon know. Junt a little dunce—three or Tour steps, perhaps. Ever so muuy of the girls are in town, aud my cousin Tom Is coming, and George Archer, lly the way, did you henr that Fanny Archer Is engag- ed?" and the girls instantly dropped Into a delightful school-girl gossip, only In- terrupted by the ringing of the dinner- bell.

The tirst few days of Elite Rrand's visit passed away pleasantly, and she wrote home glowing letters to her mother and sister, who had unselfishly deprived them- selves of many a luxury, that the hard- worked little scliool-nilstrcsH might have the full enjoyment of her vacation. Yes, she was a country school-mistress, though she had left school herself less than six months before.

COLBURN BRO'S,—DAILY PAPERS, Chromoe, Engravings, Periodic*!*, stationery,

Fumy Uooda. Picture* Framed at abort notice. No. IS] Eaoex Street

tiarnirnl«, skirt*, Curtcta. Collars, Under Sleerer, Hosiery, tllove*. Head Dresses, I .aces, Embroideries. White Uoods, etc., am Easex st.

FRANK C. CLARK, Millinery Goods, Small Wares, Trimmings, Embroider es,

WhiU) Goods, Hosiery and Glovet, No. S31 K« ex Street.

II. it of all articles In our line.

TW. HEALD, Sole Agent for Slugcr'i • Improved Sewing Machine, Sit Essex St.

Saunders New Block. Sewing Machine Finding!.

R. GLIDDEN, DRUGGIST.—Pure s Drug* and Chemicals, Patent Medicines,

Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Sponges, Brusbee, Soaps, etc. Corner Essex aud Pemberton St.

T1IOS. LEYLAND, Dry Goods, 881 Es- -L HI fltroab Full Value, » air treating, -Ml Sowing,- No Trickery, One Price. W« mean what we say.

Unas. <;*., Chloroform, or Ether given, as pre-

JOSEPH FLOOD A CO., MERCHANT TA1LOK.S. Chambers, 1,1 and S Saunders

New Block, Essex Street, t'nderlhe Immediate auperrbloii of Jos. FLOOD, (late Savage A Flood.)

cither M"I, young or old, mnko more money nt work for us In their spare moments, or all the time, tlinn nt anything else. Particulars free, Address U. KTINSON A O >.. Poillund, Maine.

1il>riiovl5liiy- <


on the ronil to Lowell nnd Lnwrenee. TO aeret, on the river, lying between tho river aud'UiM road. Wood enough I »r hntiit: joiroor'es, i:MI aj>)ile trees. Cull Id torn. EuglUh, ami a ton* meadow hay — i h.-rrii'-, gi«|"'H uinl mall liulls. Fanu l»ng and narrow, I'liuniiiK "I"";; the river I0r ri hall mile. li.HHl imstumg', good tuiiil or every variety. No trouhlufromlieMheiH. tine ofiho finest ailuntioni bflwenn Low fill ami Lnwrenee. 4 1-3 miles from Lawrence; same Hum Lowell. Coml liull.llngs, In good condition, well feneeii with Mono wall.— A aiHwi Farm, ami milv Mill h.-i ausc the owner Is Kihig wosL Price *l.lf«, •luotl or whlchean lie an

.lertnile I inie at all interest of 7 (K'r cent Call upon PEIHtlCK & II.tJ-SON, Lnwrenee,

or at lite premise*. *oo4-

HOWLAND, rWBCOtON DENTIST, Successor to W. W. Buatell.

ta Essex Street, Lawrence. Nitron* Oxide Uas AtlininihU'reil.

DR. Dl

e American Oftlci PRINTING

( \ LASS WARE, GOBLETS, TUMB- VjTlere, Pltciwrs, Preserve


tl cut gluaa. J- *'• Daw A Co., 1U9 ESHOX St


DYER A CO., No. 337 Essex Street, publish the only good Stereoscopic Views

beet appointed, ouUid* of Boston, in eastern Mas*achuaeUa.

n|i]"i-,itc Post OAlce. ibxi Essex Street

MRS. J. A. KNOX, LADIES FURNISH INGUooda; also a largo assortment nf Coi


N KKIt and Surveyor, 33S Essex Street At offlea on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday



For Inventions. Trad! Mark*, or Of ligns, ?e) St»t<- St., appoalte Hllliy Ht., lio.ton, after an oxtenalve practice of upwards or thirty years, continue* to secure PntcnU in tliellnllod MtaU-s; also in Great Britain, France, and other lorciin countries. Cavciil'. Siiceillenlloiis, Assign, menla, nnd all papers for Patent*, executed on reasonable term-, nitli di-iuit-'li- ile^carehea made la determine the tulMiH ami utility of Polenta of Invention^, ami leKal ami oilier advice '

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Paper Hangings, Wimbiw Shades, Newspapers, ate. IIS Essex St Branch Store, 1*0 Essex St

m'riii'maUcrs^om'hlnglhesnnie. Coplmof the elalma of any Patent by reuiittlni dollar. Aisii;imii'ui ■ WaOWled lu Hasliuigtoi -._ , _T 1^. ,hn * '"*

WM. STUART A CO,, Essex Dye Works, Vine street liyera of Piece Goods,

Yarns, Braids, and nil kinds of Job Dyeing. Un- salable goods rely ed and put In marketable order.

limit-. Shoes and Itublienof every desrrlp

" *HrNo Agency in the Culled state* possesses suoerlor faciliiic i.n .ilitainliiK PiiieiiU or nsoer. mining Uw patciiliihlllty t.l inveiillons.

All iiceoaslty nt a Jmirncy hi Washington to jiro- ■ore a Patent, and tlio usualgreul diby there,are here saved iuvuntor*.

TESTIMONIALS. ■' I regard Mr. m one nf the most capable

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G'HAltLES M As. IN, (-oniinH'r of Patent*. '■ 1 have no hesitation in assuring Inventor* that

they cannot employ a man MM comp*t*t and f ruificoriag. ami more capable oi putting their *P- vticatlou* In a innn to soimre for thenIMI early ami fiivomblr ciin-ldrratlun at the Putt'iit OITice.

KIIHUSI> BCKKE. I.atet.nn'r of Patent*. "Mr. K. H. Emir hua made forme over THlBTi

upllejtSaM Tor Patent*, having Ijeen, successful In iilmii.t every case. Such unnilstakalileprmif .if great talent and ahlllty on his iiart, leads me to iccoinmeml A I.I. invenbira lu apply lo lum kg pea cure Iheir paU'iil'. as they may lie sure of having the most faithful nlteiillnn lvestowcd on their cases, .ml nt very reasonable mufcju f ^^.

Boston. Jnn. L 1873. Ivf M

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and China Wnre, Mmptiood*. l'lat.-.l Ware,Table rutlery, 111!) Essex Street

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MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Pulleys, Clearing and Shafting, Jack Screw*. All kinds of Bolts on band, or mailu loonier;

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w? 11.1,1AM RUSSELL A SON, Manufacturers of .___

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d administrators of Iheoalale of John M. Bhhanls,

liln of Lawreiiee, in the couuly of K**ex, trader, decease.!, nnd have taken upon theni- sclvea that tru-t by giving Imnds, as the law direct*.

^ amis upon tlie estate of —'-' ..., M exhibit the same; an o aald eaUte are called uiiotl to


Lawrence, March 11, 1S7S. mhl* Adm*ro.

beeu duly appobil

_ by giving bom' All persons having dcninmls iij di-censeil arc riiiuire persons Indebted to make pay me ill to



3311 EsaBX BT., LAWlaWCB, M*«. Over Dyer A Go's.


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Good*, ins Essex street. Low Price Store or Jjwrenct!.

Give ns a call.


been duly nppohiicd exis-utrix of the will of Asa Harvey,

late of Methuen, in the county ol Kssex. yeoman, .1,.censed, testate, and lias Wkon upou lujr- •telf thai trust by k'i»i"r! ul-. aMhe law dirj-t-ts. All (R'rson-s hni.ui: ile.namln i,|,un the estate of aald deceased are rasaMI (0 exhibit the same and all persons iu.khled to said tsStt are eaRnd upon to umke JHIgg-j^^.. nKABR0BN,

Methuon, March 13, l»7l WBUl Exoculrlx.


OMce, 118 Easax Street - UOak I

I-'HE AMERICAN Steam Printing Ofllce. . S. MtBJUi.L A nODsm Fine Jot

The nteer quaint**

said Maddy one morning several days fore that eventful Thursday appointed for the party. "What are you going to wear?"

"Having seen me four or five times al- ready In my one party drens," replied Elite, smiling, "I am convinced you know ns well as I."

"Now, Elllc, dear, that pearl-colored silk Is really very pretty, but you have worn It so many times. I f you could only afford a new oni.—a simple tarletou, or something equally inexpensive,'' suggest- ed Miss Fletcher doubtfully.

"Can't be done, Maddy," responded Elllc, stoutly; "I have thought it over, aud A ucw evctilug dress would run away with not only my gloves and boots, which I positively must have, but with mamma'tt waterproof cloak which I have set my heart on carrying home to her."

"Well, 1 suppose you know best," re- plied Maddy, relinquishing tbc Idea with a sigh, "but I do want you to look your prettiest, especially ns couslnTnm will be here."

"1 iillllll Ut lOUK «v ,.. ti' I- .', llnrufcll X dou't suppose Mr. Fletcher will be par- ticularly uffected by my prcttlncss," an- swered Elllc, with alight lnugh, though the color mouutcd to her forehead as she gpoke. "Unless he i- more observing In matters of dress than most gentlemen, there Is no telling but he might even pre- fer mo In this bluck alpaca."

"I am not sure but he really would," Maddy thought, us she uotlced the slight form set off to advantage by the close fit- ting plain dress, and the Hushed cheeks Just shaded by the brown curls which In the evening would be "put up" in an elab- orate chignon. "You look nice cuough In anything, Elbe," she said putting her thoughts into words; "but now I have an Idea. You have a white muslin dress, haven't ytiu?"

"Yes. I brouglst It for somo utterly unknown reason; but that is useless, for it has only one Bktrt."

"I know that, my dear; hut you reinci ber my pink silk? It Is fearfully soiled, but I am almost sure that from the two skirts you can get out enough to make a good, clean under skirt, and with your white muslin as an overdress, It will be as pret- ty a costume as you could wish."

"Capital," cried Kllle, warming at once into enthusiasm; "and furbishing up an old thing is so much more In my line than making up new material. Now, Maddy, you will sec what an amount of genius I will put Into this dress;" and the two girls Immediately plunged Into the mys- teries of ripping, cutting and planning, which had been hitherto unknown to Maddy, at least.

"A letter for you, Miss Brand," an- nounced Maddy, rushing Into the sewing- room the next morning, where Kllle sat surrounded by shreds or silk and patches of muslin. "Frdni somo loving youth, I should Imagine from the hand-writing," she added, Inspecting It closely.

"Give it to me, you teasing girl," said Elllc, snatching it from her; "It Is from mainmn, and she is belter than any loving youth," and she eagerly commenced read- ing it. But as she did so her counten- ance full.

"What Is It dear?" oaked Maddy anx- iously. "She doesn't want you to come home, docs she?"

"What shall I do, Maddy?" exclaimed Elllc, In distress. "I am nearly wild. iThey have taken my school away from me, and how are we to live?"

"It Is a burning shame 1" cried Maddy with Indignant' sympathy. "Why did they do It?"

"They said I was too young," answered tbe poor little school-mis tress, bursting luto a fit of weeping which was so un- usual as to alarm her friend.

I am glad of It," said Maddy, decided- ly ; "you ore too young to be working In that stylo. You ought to be having a real good time instead."

"I don't mind the working a bit," sob- bed Ellle; "But If I can't work, and mam- ma feeble, and Kitty so young and still at school, what arc we to do?" aud the sobs broke out afresh.

"Get married," answered Maddy briefly. Ellle smiled through her tears. "If I

could only marry you, you dear little com- forter !" she answered hugging her friend warmly, with her cheerfulness already re- turning. "Well, I am not going to let this spoil my visit or the party. Mamma says so, and that she only wrote me of It so that I need not hurry back for the be- ginning of the term. Something will he sure to turn up before long."

"What a sunbeam you are, Elllc Brand I" remarked Maddy, affectionately; but there was an anxious pucker In her frcltid's usually smooth brow, and a care-worn look inthc clear brown eyes that limtle her uneasy.

An the days passed, and nothing did turn up, the poor child's anxiety by no means dlsmlnlshcd; but, true to her nature she went bravely on, concealing the ci that wore upon her, lest tho happiness or tbc fondly who where so kind to her should bo disturbed.

What a dear, industrious little girl, Miss Brandts!" remarked Mrs. Fletcher

day to her daughter. It Is a perfect shame site Is nhllgod to

work and slave so," replied the latter In- dignantly. "She Is always doing some- thing for her mother, and never com- plaining of her own troubles. I wish she would marry some rich man."

"Sho would make a capital wire for Tom," remarked Mrs. Fletcher, thought- fully.-

"Tom I" exclaimed Madeline, contempt- uously. "Ho will never marry any girl unless she offers herself to him. Ellle Is a thousand times too good for hit

For all the protest, Miss Maddy hod her own secret hopes of the meeting bctweeu her Mend and her cousin, of whom,

though she constantly quarrelled with him, she was very fond and very proud.

"What on earth shall I do. Ellle?" said Madeline, breaking Into her friend's room tn the afternoon, lust as she had com- menced a letter to her mother: "my sash does not match my trimming by at ieast three shades. It will Just do In the day- light, but It ts hideous by gaslight."

"How could you have made such a mis- take?" asked Ellle sympathetically.

"lam sure I don't know," answered Miss Fletcher. "The truth Is, George Archer was talking to me, and I did not give my mind to it. The only way Is to buy another, but every one is busy, and I can't go myself. Just look at my hair!"

Maddy's hair would Indeed have been a spectacle of horror on the public street-, being a conglomeration of crimping pins and minute braids destined to flow forth In rippling, shining mass a few hours later, but now presenting a truly bristling and formidable surface.

"Let me go for you," said Elite, quietly putting aside her writing materials.

"Hut your letter," faintly objected Mad- dy.

"Can wait Just as well until to-morrow," replied her friend, always roady to help those in need or assistance. "Besides, my dear, I should really like to call for my picture, to-day, and there are one or two more little things which I can buy Just as well while I ara out."

"nt dear gtr], what a comfort you said Madeline, kissing her grace-

fully. "You take a load off my mind;'* t.nd so with Innumerable directions, whteh Increased to quite a considerable length her list of commissions, Ellle Issued into the already fust darkeniug streets. She was still child enough, and as she would have added, "a country girl,"to thorough- ly enjoy the shop windows; and at lost her various errands being accomplished, she paused to gaze in at one which was filled with lovely hot-house flowers and floral decorations, lu the midst of which a little fountain gracefully rose, and fell, sparkling in brilliant gaslight.

"Ami to think that this perishing love- liness would pay one whole month's rent for us!" Bhe thought, bitterly; and as the reflection stung her, she turned away and moved hastily homo ward. But as she did

In came violently In contact with a young lady who was hurrying In the op- posite direction, and they both suffered an Ignominious fall. Mutual apologies fol- lowed,and amid the smothered amusement of tho passers-by, Elite's dispersed par- cels were collected, restored to her, aud

once more started at a moderate pace. The incident, however, had served to turn h T mcdltlatlons Into a more cheerful strain, and she hastened back with merri- ment for the time uppermost.

It so happened that while Elite stood gazing In at the florist's window, Mr. Tom Fletcher stood on the florist's door- iteps gazing at her. Now, don't Imagine

that It was at all a case of love at Drat sight. On the contrary, he could not see the young lady's face; and If he thought of her at all, It was only to wonder "why girls should make guys of themselves with those shapeless waterproofs." No, the truth Is that he gazed nt her abstntct- itlly wldle hi' was making up his mind ihetlii r to go to bis aunt's house at once ir wait until evening. He had Just been

buying a huquet for his cousin, aud a box of choice flowers containing also a cord bearing the simple Inscription, "Valen- tine." which latter offering was designed ior a young muy with wnOiu ne nau "Amu on flirting terms for the last two years or

He stood with his purchases In his hand debating the Important question. Ho had just come to the decision to defer his visit nntll evening, when he witnessed the above collision, and rush*"1 *° tUe

assistance of the dlntiesscd fair ones, and he was of the amused but polite by- standers who, collecting poor Elite's scat- tered bundles, gout her rejoicing on lior way, while he sauntered slowly home to his hotel. Arriving at his own room, he turned up the gas and proceeded to ex- amlue his offerings, while awaiting the ar- rival or the messenger to whom he pro- posed to eatrunt them.

"DoarBHle Maddy," lie soliloquized; I quite long to hear ber pert speeches

again. She la worth all the other girls or my acquaintance. And now for my val- entine," he contluucd, untying the box. "If these dou't soften Miss Julia's obdur- ate heart—" Here he removed the cover, and a long whistle of astonishment Inter- rupted the current of his thought. In- stead of creamy roses, sweet-scented vio- lets, starry jessamines, stately camellas and vivid carnations, which he had seen deposited In a soft bud of moist cotton, only an hour before, there looked fear- lessly up at hi in the fresh sweet face of a young girl, with sunny brown hair wav- ing over a bread, white forehead, and brown eyes, In which dwelt Innocence and lore, all sci forth In the soft tints or a photograph on porcelain. Elite's face looked a revelation of truth and beauty to the young man somewhat wearied of the conventional type seen among the so- called "society girls."

"Have wo n magician among us?" re- marked Tom Fletcher to him self, after vainly rucking his brain to account for the astonishing transformation of a box of hot-house lit.wen Into the picture of a pretty young girl. "By Jove, I have U '." he exclaimed aloud at last. "How those two girts did go down, to bo sure 1 Well, I think I have certainly made something by the transaction, but Miss Julia must go without her valentine;" and he rose to prepare himself for evening, not by any means forgetting the picture, which he placed In a convenient position for refer- ence on his dressing-table.

Meantime, consternation pervaded the hearts or the two girls. Fifty times did they wonder as to the how, when and where of the inystcrions transformation; and when at last those pclnts were settled there arose the more dlltlcult questions how the picture was to be recovered.

"Dou't worry, Ellle; we must just ad- vertise, and It will be sure lo come," said Maddy at length, consoling*?.

"Yes, but the flowers will fade;" re- plied Kllle, with her characteristic con- sideration for others.

"There is no help for that,'* philosophi- cally returned Madeline; " and, since the young woman has lost her valentine, yon may as well reap the bencflt .ii'if. That pink camclla la just the thing for your hair."

Ho It came to pass that an hour or two later, when Tom Fletcher entered hut aunt's drawing-room, the first person up- on whom his uyes rested was the original or tho picture which had so curiously come Into his possession, nml. as he stood under the groat chandelier, lta light brought out warmly the vivid hues or the flowers Intended fur his own holiday offer- ing to Miss Julia Maylii'.

"Who Is that damsel, with thccamolla?' he Inquired of his cousin, as they stood chatting together, after the first greetings had been exchanged.

That is my dearest friend, Elilc Brand! and she Is Just as good as site Is pretty," answered Madeline, warmly.

If I did not know my cousin's geese are all swans, iny henrt might be In somo danger, from that description," laughed Tom.

"I wish I thought It was soft enough to be in any such danger," retorted Mad- dy; "it would be the luckiest thing in tbe world for you. But come and 1M intro- duced to my paragon."

"Your friend shows excellent taste In her ornaments," be remarked, as lliey made their wny toward her. "Nothing could be more becoming than these flow

clety the hours seemed literally to fly AN AFTERNOON AT NORTH away. What that gentleman thought of ANSOVER Ellle, his cousin, by the briskest flrtj or cross-quesllons, was usable to ascertain. He would not even admit that she was pretty, coolly Inquiring after one of Made- Hue's rapsodies, If she did not really think Miss Brand's eyes had A slight cast. One thing is certain; he left the houso at a late hour that night, an amused smile playing about his lips, and a very wilted rose-bud In his hand, which circumstan- ces seemed to point to the fact or his hav Ing begged and obtained the gift of one of his own flowers.

The lost picture was duly advertised but. nothing was ever heard of It; .and al- though Mr. Fletcher came almost dally to see his cousin and her Mead, he did not mention it. His visits, sawaoUme, had be- come very pleasant to ElUe. She did not like to thlukhowpleaaanUJba-al reason to Imagine that Maddy's cousin had ever thought of her except as Maddy's friend. Even Maddy herself, anxleus as she had been about the meeting, could but confess herself disappointed with the re- sult, as cousin Tom, though be came constantly to tho house, did so no more than was usual to him when In town, and seemed quite as well satisfied to And her alone, or even her mother, as when Elllc was present. In reality, however, this was only In appearance, for cousin Tom was more Interested In the modest little maiden than he was at first willing to ad- mit. The perrcct simplicity and truth or her character displayed themselves In every change of her expressive face, and now he began to think It would be by no means an easy matter for him to resign the long-cherished picture, as.he had always intended to do at her departure. The time was now rapidly approaching. Already her vl-.ii had been prolonged a fortnight beyond its first limit, and now the last day had come. Ellle Brand was sitting alone in tho little morning-room, thinking of the harpy visit now spent—a visit so much happier than at the time she had imagined possible. She thought, too, of the long, lonely journey on the morrow, and the lira of toil and anxiety before her, and no wonder that tbe contrast between tbe com- fort she was leaving and tho drudgery to which she was going forced Itself upon her. But more powerful than all were the thoughts of Maddy's cousin Tom, who for a few weeks had made her lira so bright, and to whom, after to-morrow, she would bo only a passing memory.

"lam ashamed of you, Ellle Brand," she thought nt last, "It's too ungrateful. With so many kind friends, nnd the dear- est mother and slater In the world, it is very wrong In you to be moping and fret- ting for a man whose very name you had not beard two months sgo."

Nevertheless the tears were standing in her eyes, when the door opened, and the object of her meditations stood before her. .

Maddy and Mrs. Fletcher are both out," she begin), when she paused in astonish- ment, her eyes riveted upon the long lost picture, which he held In hi- hand.

Yes, Miss Brand, this a case of con- science," he began, sealing himself at her

I am the guilty person who has had this picture III possession for so long a time, and I have liecoinc BO much at- tached to it, that I am reluctant to part with It. You and my flowers." At this point Kllle flushed scarlet. "Cannot I persuade you that this would be a fair ex-

°!^a»Tfc-«—— «Mf,,~ she replied, in a low voice, with her eyes ii led upou tbe lire.

"Then, dear Kllle," said Tom, drawing nearer and taking her unresisting hand, "u-iii jou not give me the sweet little original In exchange for—a wedding ring F"

Half an hour later, when Maddy came In from her shopping excursion, Ellle was nowhere to be seen, ami cousin Tom, with a grave face, requested live minutes' private conversation.

see, Madeline," he continued when they were alone, "I fee] that It Is high time I was married, and—well, the fact Is, I have been engaged for some time past."

"It Is lucky I never put any notions In- to Elite's head," thought his cousin with some asperity. "Well, I congratulate you at least on your good sense and energy. I know you ought to be married, but I always thought you would be too lazy to do any courting."

Your good opinion was not wholly un- deserved," he replied, stroking his mous- tache, "for, the truth Is, this matter was rather thrust upon me in the first place. You see the young lady sent me her pic- ture before I ever saw her,"

I wonder at you, Tom," cried his cou- sin, indignantly; "I would not have believed you would enter Into so foolish a trick."

"The worst or It Is that now she declares the picture Is yours, and insists upon my begging It from you," lie continued, smil- ing mischievously, and holding the dis- puted likeness before her face.

"Why didn't yon tell me you had it? And the valentine, too! Oh, tell me, Tom, who was it for?" and Maddy looked up coaxlngly.

"So long as Elbe hasn't asked ine that question, you need not think I wilt grat- ify your curiosity. Miss Eve," replied her cousin; "andnow tell me, what tlo you think of the engagement ? "

Maddy gave him an enthusiastic hug. "Oh, Tom, you are perfectly lovely!"

was her somewhat Irrelevant reply.

A Kr noiits Aiiosi: TBK FAIIMKII*

It may be thought that the worst time of the year to visit a farm Is the winter) it may be to the visitor, but It Is not to the farmer. The lat- ter has always more lime at hli disposal during the winter than at any other seaons, and the seeker of Information regarding the science of agriculture will always find a better opportunity lor obtaining it when the labor* of the farmer are light, when the crops do not command his care, and when his mind Ii free from the anxie- ties peculiar to the seasons of seed-time and harvest It was not this consideration, however, that led an aUarhr of tin? AKKIMCAN to visit North Andorer recently, to make some observa- tions, on farm Improvements, but an Invitation front Mr. Qtorgo E. Brown, the superintendent of tbe farm of W. A. Russell, Esq., who on learning of the existence of a curiosity to see the slock for which this farm Ii distinguished, promptly extended a cordial Invitation to do so, which was accepted. Although entirely Igno- rant of the mysteries of soil cultivation, pro- duction and stock raising, tho writer during his visit was so much interested, and saw so much that was really worth seeing, and gleaned so much valuable information that his ntwervations are deemed worthy of publication.

On leaving the horse cart at North Andorer, the writer found Mr. Brown wafting for him, and he soon found himself In a sleigh behind a ■pan of colts raised on Mr. Russell's farm, which give promise of being a pair of fast and graceful trotters. Notwithstanding tho Istd condition of the roads tho ground was speedily (ravelled ever by the impatient colu, which from the manner In which they tossed their heads and pranced, seemed vexed that they were not al- lowed te travel nutter.

TUK PHILLIrS PAIIK. The first place visited was tho farm or Mr.

Wlllard P. Phillips, of Salem, which Ii altuated In the North Parish. The object of visiting this (arm was to M a new bam that Mr. Phillips has recently bad erected. It is a batiilsoine and eoiuiiiiMiioiiH structure, and is furnished with every modern convenience. In the cellar, which Is dry, and, on ono side of tho barn, no lower than the ground love), there ore a number of compartments which are variously used for a piggery, tool-bouse, and root-cellar, the Utter supplied with various bins for the different kinds of roots; here Is also the funime room, cider press and bull pen. On the main floor, which is reached by stairs on tho north side of the barn, and from the row yard on the south, the arrangements at once strike tbe eyo as being very convenient At tbe west end Is a range of stalls fur hones, and al tbe cast end a pen for cows when about to drop their calves. Run- ning down the centre from the stalls to the cow pen Is the "Tie Up," and between the tide of the hern and tho "Tie Up," liehind the cows, are a number of small pen-, for calves. This is a very convenient arrangement, as the calves are kept near the mother while suckling, and their tying up is unnecessary. It ha* one disadvantage, however, and that Is, the visitor l* unable to examine the animal* critically In the "Tic Up," the view being olietmcted by the pens. The stock here i* "Jersey grade" and include* somo fine animals. There was one row In the pen ■,«.B >ui <i>it su nuuiv, itaisy, mm n lias enriched her owner with four calves In five years. There Is a flno view from tho cupola of the bam, extending many miles In ever)' direc- tion. The day bring cold und raw, nnd tho view bleak Anil chawlua In every dli-ix-tlnn, not much time was s[>eiit in the look out. The water nec- essary for alt purposes Is supplied from the roof, a large tank iielug employed fur the pur- pose; hose is connected with the tank, carrying tbe water Into every part of the Imlldlng. Should this supply fall, the liquid in ample quan- tity can he obtained from a cistern. The luirn is not entirely completed yet; Mr. Phillips In- tends to umke furtlicr Improvement* in It dur- ing the coming summer. Mr. Eneas I-. Un- mans, the superintendent of the farm, lieing en- gaged while the visit was made, the writer and Mr. Brown were shown over the premises by Mr. Patrick Donavan, who did the honors with the grace anil heartiness for which his country- men aro distinguished, nud for which he Is ex- tended warm thanks.

than in winter, for daring the short stay In tho rupula one could have fancied oneself In tho Arctic regions. The wind seemed as if It came " From Greenland's icy mountains." But what gorgeous beauties must meet the view from such n place, when tbe earth has donned her livery of green, when the trees have put on their leaves, the rivers Iiecn n'leased from their


"Nalure** eliarm* the hill* and woods. The sweeping vale* and foaming flood*

spread themselves under tbe eye of the U-hold- [ the wrong ofllce. Such a place would Indeed lw well worth

bit then.

ft o rri e Q Q $$ t p. —There are favorable indications of a lively

spring trade.

—Blue nnd Grey Is soon to be presented by the Grand Army of Newburyport.

—Methuon beets this city In some things, boasts of having had a visit from a robin.

—Tho Sentinel speaks of "a crawling syco- phant," and ''malignant liar," but locates him tn

False hair Is to bo tabooed hereafter. This „ . .t ». . will eauw great rejoicing among ladles—who

The stock kept at this fitrm U all of the Hoi- ^ ^ 0^ir^

True to Life,


Yes, Eddie, you can play Pipe, And 1 will be Mama; and Huos

(l)un't bark so, old fellow I) Is galy. And the dollies—poor things—oust h* ns.

Now, Eddie, Just lake up the paper, And seov< I at IL No t Hi*t slat right;

Hold It up closer and higher, And pucker your forehand op tight.

Aud Eddie, don't laugh when tke children (The dollies, you know.) save their fun,

But stick your teeth light lo each other And tell me that "T.iphefa begun."

And then when I ruslle their dresses. Just slam down your ast on the ailL

And say, "There's no rest for the weary," And—"Why can't those young ones be stillT'

Then 'twill be my turn I but Mama 1 ton'! say much, yon know, so 111 sigh,

And take 'em up stairs out of heariag, Though I would like to slop and tell why

We—I mean Uu*/—can't be quit*. Bui Massa don't answer, you see,

For Papa goes on with bis reeding. And you must do that way WMh inr.

And then we'll have dinner; bat Eddie, You mustn't say dinner taste* good,

Nor ask for some more of tbe pudding; That ain't the way genUemee should,—

But up a face at Use gravy, And say that "It's stuck to the pan,"

And ti II me if Kate can't get dinner, I'd better get some one that can.

And then I'll any softly, "Bui Edward,"— An l you must break In—'Us sueh fkul

And lift up the meat fnun the plain r, Ard say "I>o you call that well done?"

I no ■■■■-• I'll cry then, nml you grumble, Hny "Women don't have any sense,"

And you'll "get along to the club-hnase," And—well I now it's time In i

She has no dear cousin Tom to pro vide her wllh boqucts," replied Maddy smiling up at him gratefully, "but she was so fortunate aw to have a valentine this afternoon;" which words Ellle over- hearing, as Madeline intended she should, blushed so becomingly that Tom thought, as he made his bow, it was the first flaw he had ever seen a porcelalntype which did not flatter its subjects.

Kllle thought Mr. Fletcher the hand- somest and most agreeable man she had ever met, and In the enjoyment of his so-

AGHBKFORR BEAI'TY.—It IsjastpoS' slhle, that In this present rage for the an- tique, we may forget the ugliness or many of our prizes In our satisfaction with their age. With the best friends of social art aro ever reaching oat in ell di- rections for Ideas, old or new, of artistic, truth and beauty, we shall indeed have cause for regret ir (be ancient monstrosi- ties which are dally paraded before us as "old" and "rare" and real" shall be al- lowed to Influence the growth of popular taste. Let us esteem ugliness if we please,—because It i» curious, valuable, unique, historically interesting, or for whatever rcasou then' Is ground,—but do not let ua try to make people think that it can take the place of beauty, even of that beauty which Is modern, ami not at ail rare.—ScHbner'i for April.

The next place visited was tho farm of Mr. J. D. W. French, which ii situated to tho east of tho Button estate, and comprises 130 ncrcs. The principal business of tills fanu is stock raising. The place is under tbe management of

F. Gardner, who received, his visitors cordially and courteously showed tbem over the cMntiii.hii; ut. Tbe bam, devoted to stock pur- poses, has not been built as much for show as for convenience, and in its construction it fully meets the latter requirement. One side of the entire length of the ground floor I* devoted to the "Tie Up," wiUi Hie exception of a space oc- cupied by a pen at tho end into which cows are turned when about to drop their calves. Tbe other ■Ide of the floor I* devoted to the storage of food. Tbe main body of the cellar is used for manure storage, and a portion Is partitioned on* fur a receptlcle for routs; tho upper floor Is devoted en- tirely to the storage of fodder.

The stock raised hero is all of tho Ayrcshlrc grade, and most of tho animals are valuable tbe majority of them being prolific and ex. (.■li.ui milkers. Mr. Gardner first called atteic tton to a cow '• Moss Rose," which took a pre- mium in her class at the late New England Fair, a fine looking animal whoso appearance jestified her reputation. Atbrco year old ani- mal was shown," Roxanna," which I* giving 16 quarts of milk per day. " Old Dolly," a daughter of " Jean Armour" gives W quarts of milk par day; her mot her used to give 82; " Primrose," another fine looking animal, gives 18 quart* per day; " Betty Burke," a large and fine looking cow was shown, whlcb, after drop- ping twin*, gave in a yet r &J00 quarts of milk. Tbe system of feedings* explained by Mr. Gardner Is for cows giving milk, per day, 2 quarts of cob meal, 1 peck of cat roots, good bay night and morning, and 1 baiting of poor fodder at noon. For animals not giving milk- young cattle—roots and liny. Tbe feed hi given with tbe utmost regularity, Mr. Gardner giving as bis opinion that B Is Impossible to have healthy and productive cattle unless the most strict attention Is given to them, and their food

.pplied regularly to the minute. The famous bull" Flti James" a descendant of " Old Tar- bolton," is kept here. He took tho first premi- um in hli* class st the New England Fairs of 1871 and 72. Adjoining the barn are the tool house, cart sheds and Itables. Everything ni*,ni the place gives evidence of prosperity.

T1IK lit Stl'll I'MIH.

Leaving this place and going further cast crossing " Silver Lake" on 11„. ice, the colti showing a nne |»ce, the Russell farm wni reached. The laud of which this farm is com- prised Is elevated, and of the finest character. It Include* a bcnulifut grove on the verge of the lake, which in summer must bea most attrac- tive and romantic spot, and, one would Imng- lue,Just tho place for a picnic, where one might fancy oneself at the lieach. From the margin of tbe lake, on tho western Imundary of the farm, the bind gradually rises until is reached tbc highest point of el e vat km of the farm where the buildings are situated. The baru which was Imlll by Mr. Rnsscll is the largest in the vicinity, la ing 120 rcct In length, and tO feet In width. The entire length of the east side Is occupied by lbs " Tie-tip" nnd the oilier Mile by horse stalls and pens. The upper portion of the bam I* devoted to storage. The structure is surmounted by a rnjKjla from which a most extended view la hail, tbc Monad nock mountain range In New Hampshire, lieing plainly visible from tho look out. Tbe view is interrupted In no direction the land being sc high in this region. It must, however, un doubtedly be a more attractive place In summer

■Hen grade, Mr. Russell's <oUoction Including thirty head. They are remarkably fine

looking cattle,—bbtck with white stripes and There are some full blood*, among ' Lady Oldenburg," Imported, " Mld-

would 4th," bred by W. W. Cheney, and "Mld- ould ■•Mi." " Lady Andorer," " Tbe Belle of

Essex," and two bolfer col res bred by Mr. Rus- sell. Tbe three first only have been In milk. Mldwould 4th, lia< a record of 28 qls. Of the grado cattle "Duchess" and "Emma" were New England Fair with a record of 20 and 23 qts. respectively. Emma took tbo first premi- um In her tin--, " Purcell" and " Sophy" give 20 nti. each. Sovoral other very (Ine cows giving from 10 to 12 qts after bring In milk a year, one of tbe characteristics of the cattle lie- ing that they hold put well. The bulls kept on the farm are " Zuydor Zee 3rd," 4 years old, weighing 2300 lbs, and " Zuyder Zoo flth," 3 years old, weighing 2000 11M. The former took tbe premium at the N. E. Fair last year. The sire of this stock " Zuyder Zee 2nd" weighed 2800 lbs. Tho cattle are allowed a variety In feeding, consisting of hay, straw, men), liran, and roots. They are not fed high, as forcing Is regarded as Injudicious, Icing detrimental to the cattle if continue.! for any length of time. The animals are fed twice a day, and watered once with strict regularity. Tbe milking hours In winter, are 5.15 A. M„ and 5.30 p. tt., and In summer 5 A. M. and 6 r. M.

The horse stock consists of 9 bead, including tho colts previously spoken of, which are Gen- eral Knox colts, " Frank" 3 years old Mall Ion,

Kitty" 4 years old. Besides these there Is to " Ethan Allen," nnd ono " Harahletonlan"

colt. The others are farm horses, nud have no specuil points requiring mention. The bulls re- ferred to are very large, fierce looking animals, with all the ponderosity of elephants, and the shagglncss of huflaloo*.

The class of cattle to which the stock of Mr. Russell Itching* is noted for yielding excellent beef, and abundance of milk, tho latter making excellent cheese, Indeed tbo milk of Hie cows of thl* class makes the very best cheese. Thl* is due, as Mr. Brown explained, to a quality tho milk possesses of refusing to give up its

The milk of other kind* of cow* yields rich cream, but when tbl* I* taken oil It Is found that the milk 1* fur from possessing that richnosa til' qiiallly which distinguishes the milk of HoUtcIti cattlo after It luis been ikimmcd of It* crenm. True tbc latter docs not

yield such rich cream, but that Is Irccause tbe milk refuses lo give it up. It will thus bo seen that fur family use thl* quality of milk pos- sesses an advantage of other qualities; fur when milk producer* scud their mint to mar- ■-- *. *.«,*W.I> U—t.fc^vMeV •■*■- ■■"•— •»*»» through Which It must pas* before reaching tile consumer, it Is skimmed of it* cream which I* ■old lo those who can afford it, nnd poorer cus-

■t with the milk niter It ha* been deprived of its most delicious ele- ment, to say nothing of tho additions that aro made to It lo Increase It* quantity, If not to Im- prove its quality. Unless diluted to a painful ilegrec, the milk of tbo llolstein cattlo must lw for superior to tho other kiuds, as It retains the strength and the delirious flavor of which the cream yielding milk has Ix-cn duprived. After lowing the stock, a descent was made to the

cellar where somo flno looking hog* of tho Chester White breed were shown. An Invita- tion to take ten wllh Mr. Brown and his excel- lent wife was accepted, and an opportunlly was afforded or testing tbc quality of tho milk, which was delicate in flavor and most refresh- ing. After * pleasant afternuon spent In the manner dcscrllrcd, the writer was conveyed to the city by Mr. Drown, well pleased wllh what be had seen and heard, and almost prepared lo write a ltook on " What be knows about Farm-

ing'" ____^^^___^^_^__



TUB i i i in M i i. Vt.RS. In .. valley, centuries sgo,

Urew a little 1cm leaf, green an.I slrndcr, Vt-lnlng delicate, snd (Ibres lender,—

Waving when the wind crept down so low ; Hindis* tall,nnd grass, and mo*« grew round II; Play fill: u -i m • darted In and found It. But no foot of man e'er came that way; Earth was young and kcepine holiday.

1 -i-l .- i...-r.' There esma a thoughtful man, Searching nalure'* secret* far and deep. Prom a Ossure In a rocky steep,

He witlidrcw a stone, o'er which there ran Fairy pencilling*, a quaint design,— leafage, vetnlng, flowers, clear ami tine, And Use fern's life lay in every line. So, I think, God hides some live* away. Sweetly to surprise u*. tlw last day.

THK CaxnmoK or Grantor FHASCIS TIIAIX_

It having Ircciiiuc reported that tbo physicians who were commissioned by District Attorney Phelps to Inquire into the mental condition of George Fraud* Train, had formally declared tbe great "Dictator" to be of unsound mind, a reporter viilted Dr. Hammond but evening, to oi -lain positive Information on the subject. The do. tor gave the desired Information with some reluctance. Tbe Cimiml**tim found Mr. Train to be, as they Mated tn tbo report, a man of good education, of lirllllant Intellect, but undoubtedly of mi'oiimi mind. When, however, tbo usual form of commitment was presented for the sig- natures, Dr. Hammond refused to sign It, as be

not lielleve Train can bo considered a per- son dangerous or likely to do bodily harm, eith- er to himself or any body else. It 1* lielleved that tbe only thing tbey can do Is to "turn 1dm loose." He is of unsound mind, therefore Irre- He i* not dangcrons, the ufcual com- mitment will not tie signed, and of course he cannot l« transferred to an asylum. Ills latest assertion I* that In thirty days not one stone lu the buttle shall be left standing upon another, and that the streets of New York are to run with blood.

A Onti. ScAtpEii SY MAcinsasv.—On last Wednesday Julia Dunlcavy, a girl aged twelve year*, employed in the Dan bury. Conn., shirt factory, dropped a spool of thread liehind her bench, and reached down to pick It up. Her linir, which hung loosely down her hark, accord- ing to the prevailing fashion, caught on a set screw to the shaft which run* Ihe machine a, and immediately commenced to coil up. The shaft was making 120 revolutions a minute at the

An elfurt was made to slop Ihe machlu- cry, but was nut luewirsl, snd had It not been fur tho presence of mind of another girl, Lhute Drown, the neck of the unfortunate girl would have lic.-n broken. Mb* Brown caught the head o! the victim mid held It, while Ihe shaft mercilessly colled up the liuir and tore It, with a good share of Ihe scalp, from the bead of the -creaming girl.

STMIMITCVU BsUtt Pox DKCINIOX.—The Biqicrmr court, at Hprlngtleld, on Wednesday, concluded a case In which Eire Miner, sued J. II. Hharon, to recover damage* for himself and* fdinlly, in consequence of having taken tho .-m.dl pox fruin n house rented of Bbaron, and which the hiitcr knew bi lw infected. Tho jury brought In a verdict In favor of tho pUlnltir*, na follows: Eira Miner, fSttl K*ro Miner, Jr., *»!«; Agnca Miner, BI10. Tbe award to ihe girl was heavier than the others, a* she bear* evident trace* of the disease, and her health, tt I* said, I* " pcruiannilly wrecked" thereby, The case will go lo tie Supreme Court on ex. ceptfons.

—There are several flno residences in process of .const ruction at the South Bide. This portion Of the city Is rapidly growing.

—The pastor of Central Church will preach on the next Babbatn forenoon, a discourse upon tbc "History of the different translations or the Bi- ble.

—"Sum" is pussting himself over the conun- drum, Shall the county or city be charged with tho support of the sparrows when they are housed?

—Mrs. J. C. Bowker of this city, Past O. W. V, T„ lias been appointed by the Order In this State a delegate to tbo Grand Lodge iu London, England.

—Bparques viggests that the party which an- nually parades on horselstck May rooming, now engage sleighs for their equestrian exercise at that time.

—Tho third annual ball of the Knight* or Py- thias, which, from )MUU successes, Is sure to be an enjoyable affair, occurs at Saunders Hall Wednesday evening, April 2d.

—Wo are pained to learn that Mr. P, 0.1'llN- bury, cashier of the Lawrence National Bank, is again stricken down with quite serious Illness, and fear* arc entertained of his recovery. Mr. Plllsbury has the earnest sympathy of tbe en- tire community.

-The Boston and Maine car shops present some of the finest specimens of ornamental painting and lettering, to be seen In thl* country. Why Is it that our l>''si sign painters can not produce such lettering an I* almost always seen upon railway cars r

■There Is a young man in thl* city anxious to become an author. He has devoted bis leis- ure hours for tbe past flvo year* to writing sto-

lle writes on tho largest kind of fools- cap, and bis sister wears the largest bustles or any girl hi the citv.

The next session of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars of Mas** chit set ti will be held in this city In September next. A session lias „■■ Just been closed at Worcester, at which there were present from this city sisters Bowker and Llston. and brother Hatch.

—As wanner days approach the Interest In the military organlxatkniR freshen*, and larger numbers attend tho regular meetings. By the time of tbo annual May Parade, which occurs on tbe hut Woduosday of tho month, our mili- tia will be In better condition than ever before.

—Tho Auditor'* annual report ha*, just been completed, from the press of Gee. S. Merrill A Crocker, and Is now In the hnnds of the hinder, ,*-_,.. i»_tu i»—. «., n,..*uf*« -torn, ii u a

valuable document, an*t its ayetenuuattscd ar- rangement reflects great credit uptui the city auditor, Klbridge B. Osgood.

rrwtay everong, r™/, Krwiae <iVBrered a German lecture st the hall In Hallsrllle,

mental Improvement, before a large audience. The suhjee t was Illustrated by reference* to Sir Isaac Newton, Sir William Herschel and James Watt. The lecture, which was cnriielllsticd with extracts from German poets, appropriate to the theme, gave groat satisfaction.

Will f hut committee, lo whom was referred tbc petition of honest and respectable traders, ever report against those travelling peddlers who make a conlimioiis pandemonium by their eternal howling and blatberskltlng at tbo street

These muddle headed peanut fellows are composed nf the scum of tbo earth, and why U it they are allowed lo swindle our people with their hutnhiiggery, and enrage those within fifty rods «f them by their caterwauling, It'a worse tlmn aeiivus In the country every day in the year.

A young woman before the poUoe court for drunkenness. Hat unlay, when sentenced to the House of Correction for 30 days, legged tbe Judge to let her off. Ills Honor reflected a mo- ment, and then MI id : " Well, I tblnk you ought to be glad of the privilege of going to jail for i hlity days. That will carry you well Into April, when iho *un will be shining, and the flowers blooming; you'll get rid of tho nasty .lush which makes walking so bad, and all the inconvenience* of the present uncertain weatb or. Yes, yes, thirty days, my dear."

-The morbid cariosity'of people was shown In the great demand on Friday evening for the Boston papers, for the purpose uf securing a full account of the hanging of McKlbaney of Bos- ton, and Foster of New York. Tho editions were exhausted as soon as received, and during the" entire evening large numliers called for the coveted dallies. Tbc desire oven spread among Ihe hoys, and wo noticed a dirty laced urchin ask " Have yo* a paper about tho fellers wot hang 1" But on this quiot evening there was no call fur /ion'- Herald or the Churchman.

—A special meeting of the Reform Club was held at the rooms of tbe organisation on Fri- day evening, to consider what further efforts could Is) used In the work or reform, and the best means tn promote the welfare of Iho club,

•ral committees made progressive reports. Tbs club have in consldemtlon the propriety of keeping the reading room, and dliposing of tho recreation rooms, tbc expense of tbc whole lie- ing too great for Ihe resources of the society, The members are still earnest in the work of reform, and their efforts to reclaim men from drunken hablli will not tw relaxed.

—One of our merchants who Is contemplating taking a partner Into hi* business In tbo person of a charming young lady living In a suburban town, got Into a horse car last night for the pur- 1-t-c of visiting her, as is his wont two or three limes a week. On the way tbc car got stuck, the condition of tho road being so bad. Defy- ing the storm which was raging at the time, and tbo snow which lay deep and damp on tbc path, our lover got out, and without umbrella or any protection save an overcoat and a heart thml*- lilng with affection, txildly footed it lo lib desti- nation. The ytmng lady must feel proud In having Inspired affection hi s man strong enough bi lend him to brave such a storm a* that of Thumlay evening.

—Rev. W. J. Parkinson, always alive to the issues of iho day, preached an excellent dis- course on Ihe Sabbath, with Capitol Punish- ment ns It* llienic, fhe same lieing suggested by the recent hanging of FoMcr and MrEIbancy. The early life and surrounding influences and drcumstancc* of these two nuinrlouM criminals were alluded to, after which Iho ancient Mosaic taw was discussed. To tho enquiry whether liangfng. Of Imprisonment ior life, should W the punisliiiieut of murderer*, tho revcrcud gentleman bs>k Ihe ground that banging wa* the surer method of meeting tho demand* of Justice, ss by Imprisonment for life, too often was it tht! case Unit Influence would thwart the end* of justice by freeing the criminal from Ixmds. A high tribute was paid to tho sterling qualities of Oov. Dtl, who, sun-nunded by the I'if.ttcst pressure ever brought In DssV upon an executive for clemency, unflinchingly per- funned hi* duty. The speaker closed hla re in.irk- by Impresilug upon hi* hearer* the Di- vine Injunction, " obey the law,"— bolb In It* human and Divine aspoel*,—end advocated * cheerful Christkurky and early religious train. lug In the homes of all fumlllc*.

Weekly Jitwfl ^l'evitiet*. SATIHDAY

Letters from parties In London express ranch concern In regard to the management of mining property in I. tali owned bv them. It Is stated that the English capitalists are losing einill- ilemv, imt lu the intrinsic value of tbe mines. but on account of tbo sharp speculative prac- tice* of the parties Interested in this territory.

A train of cars whlcb left St. John, N. B., ou the 3d inst. fur Halifax, returned to that city on tbc 8th, alter live days spent in an meOMaal attempt to reach Halifax, on account of the depth of snow and the sevrrlty of Ihe weather. The snow along tbc line ranged from two to fif- teen (bet.

_ B. Cooke, founder or Ihe Wetcrbury, Conn., American, aud tbc oldest editor lathe State, celebrated his eightieth birthday Tues- day. He has been actively engaged In krarnsl- Uni for sixty year*, and is still a contributor to tbo American, which he founded In 1M4.

Charles Goodrich, a wealthy and much re- ipccted lumber merchant, was most mysterious- ly murdered at his residence m Brooklyn, be- tween Wednesday afternoon aud Thursdav morning. Ills body was found with several wounds In It.

On the 11th of March the Apaches murdered Augustus Kwaln and James McDonald, near Wickeiiburg, Arisona. The bodies were horri- bly mutilated. Swain was one or the first set- tiers and for a long time Government guide.

Mr. Phillip 1 Ineffer, a wealthy brewer of Ma- rietta, Pa., i* retained to have died literally of grief over ihe agitation uf the profiosed temper- ance law, his only utterance during hi* brief illness being Iho word* " local option."

A one-armed peddler named Richard Moore entered on Thursday evening the house of Mrs. Catherine Knight, Kent avenue, Brooklyn, and

Tbe liarque Jens Lessen went ashore on Thursday at Indian River Inlet on tbo Dela- ware coast, and the captain's wife and daugh- ter, the first and second mates, and two sea- men were drowned.

Mr. llcrgh'i crucltv to animal* bill ha* Iwon killed In the New York assembly.


McElhaney died repentant but Anu. Footer'* deportment was the reverie.

The Tennessee IiegUUture Is discussing a bill to discourage Immigration.

The Bank of England forger* arc lieing ar- rested rapidly.

The Apache* under Cochlse are raiding In Arisona.

Portland had a thunderstorm on Thursdav night.

Sixty death* a day from yellow fever In Bra-

Dorlln has eighty American physician*. Tho cpililpple bo* reached Arisona. Spurgcon objects to "Rev." Nast has gone lo Vienna. Gold 115 5-8.


As tbe eastern liound train on the J'ortlsnd and Ogdcnsbiirg Railroad approached fhe bridge ovrr Mouse River, half a mile from St. Johnsbury, Vt,, on Saturday evening, the bag- gage and passenger car* were thrown from the track. The train passed tbo whole Iciigth of the bridge, smashing tie* and completely de- molishing the track. Tho passenger car was dstUMurssi and had It gonu Hire* feet farther

rauKSed *in^ WltrirfttWu VrWaTva. ttnvf found lodgment ecros* the hacks uf Hie seat*. Fortunately three was no ono seriously Injured. The engine passed safely and proceeded wllh malls nnd pusMcngvrs.

Com mod ore VanderMK has given another MMM f„r the purpose of erwtfng a large sem- inary for female* on the ground* of tbe Mora- vian Church at New Dorp, Btatcn Island, to he built on tbe plat ol Ihe seminary at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, also endowed by the Commo- dore.

Michael Anderson, thlrtv-two years old, of Three Hirers, Mass., and an emplnve of the Northern Kailroa.l, «a* put in the lock-up, at Norwich, Ct., Saturday night, for drunkenness. Sunday night lie wa* found dead lit his cell- probably trom apoplexy.

Tbe man McDonald, arrested in New York n >w days since on suspicion of having la-en Im-

plicated in Iho Bank of England forgeries, Its* Wen identified as a well known .windier by In *|x'c(or Webb, of tbe police, wliu has arrived at New York.

James Henry Stewart, aged twrnfy-tbrrc years, was killed Hunday afternoon In hi* own room, In Providence, It. I., probably by tbe oc- cidental discharge of a gun while he was exam- ining ihe barrel. Tbe top of bis head was blown off.

Twelve thousand dollars' worth of millinery KKMIS were seised by Custom House officials on

■an) tho steamship Culm at New York on Nut urday, on suspicion that an attempt was mak- ing to smugglo them luto the country.

California has the opfftootic, and Utah tbo (mall pox.

The Impeachment of the Governor of Florida I* threatened.

New York is attempting to suppres* gam tiling.

The Brooklyn murder still remains a tin ■- tery.

Cholera rage* in various |>orts of South Amer- ica.

Barnum has got another menagerie together. Spain lias abolished slavery in Porto Rico. Kentucky boa valuable mineral deposit*. Washington is to have an opera house. Bethany, Ct., hoi an elgbt-legged pig. Bellow will again read in Boston. Caldwcll will probably resign. Gold llAj.


Mr. Cochrauc, of Compton, Canada,a breeder of rare stork, has recently sold to the Earl of Dumuorc, lu England, one bull, six cows and three calves, for die snug little sum of ten thou- sand pound.- sterling. He vend of these animals have carried off many prises, at agricultural exhibition* on. this side of tbe line, as well as in Canada.

The lwdy of Mr. Samuel Appleton, uf Valley Falls, K. I., was found In the water at tbat place Sunday. Ho wot seventy years uf age, and bad beeu missing since last Tuesday night, when be went to lanisdale to visit some rela- tives. His death wa* no doutH occidental. He leaves a wife and five children.

According to tbe last *tall*tlcs, the aggregate number* of failures during 1H72 throughout the United States was 4000, Involving liabilities amounting lo B12l,a'sl,000. The failures in INTl aggregated WU. with liabilities amounting lo %W.'i,-2.VJ,(t0ll, while for 1K70 they were :IV>\, with 988,212,000 of liabilities.

Tbo steamship City of HoustOP, from (ials i ■■■ ton to Now York, report, tbat un the l.'i ti hist, she saw a large snip on lire, burned nearly i.- the water's edge, bn name was to Is; Ken. Had an Iron tank amidships.

Tbc Jury tn tbo ease of Daniel N. Bulllvnn, whose trial tor the killing of Mr. Towle bus I., en in mvgroM at Fall lllvrr for several days, rendered a verdict of guilty, with H recommend:)

mn to mercy. A Washington dispatch states that General

James !■■ Blouiit, lias been smiled on charge of defrauding Ihe Government lu connect ion wllh transm-llons with the North Carolina Cher- okeei.

John Trnndy, a well-known clliien of Pnrv- outh, N. II., died vcaterdsv. aged seveittj-

tbree years. Ho was a skillful mi-chanli', and many years superintendent of Iho gss com-

pany. Tbe Illinois Legislature has passed, and Iho

(loveruor approve.] a law punishing any vio- lence or in In inn on the i or strikers will) a heavy line.

The Christian Wnmen'* Association of Wash- ington, wants the M. 0.1 who do nnl desire to accept their liack i«y to donate it to Hie Associ- ation.

I.iciitciiatil Governor Petit, of Wisconsin, AM nt his resilience at Krnosha, Win., Hunday, af- ter a brief but severe Illness.

A bed of oysters, comprising 800 square mile*, has beM discovered on ihe west cmst of England.

Poiueroy will proUbly W appointed Senator from Kansas, Csidwrll having resigned.

The emancipated slaves of Porto It loo are to enjoy ell the rights of Spanish tillxrn*.

John Ilavl* murdered his wife lu Brooklyn wllh an axe, on Sunday inurnlug.

Six death* occurred in Boston 1*M week from ■mall pox.

Prince Napoleon propose* to start a dally pa- per iu Paris.

Tbe evidence agalu*t Wagner U acniroulallng. The Spanish Cortes has Iwcn dlisolved.



Weekly jfewa' Brevities'.


The jStMiarl, which from Oral lo lut, |»

his sneered At iho tavCTtlgmlon Into the

comlnot oflu rrkmls In ward four, ■"•*

lta ..mortal column, luta week with > leader baaed upon the following alate

meets:— The committee are or the opinion Iroin

the evidence .uhmlltnl: &'«, «»' lb«re

a fraudulent Mili.tltntlon of voles

LI, si mi". !«■ ioiiccnli.1, Lilt «.l U.< ir .ll.'H' 'i'"' lo'Iil,^,; BOSTON * MAINE CAB . S'11',™;*,,, ^u ,., ,„„,„! „f ,h,l, ta. child.

Tlie Brooklyn Mystery.

9cx County Ite mi re

11|S. Ho ii| e

„,„„ lta e»r.e.v of Itr. D..U C. Kiel,- .ta, to™, he inlj 8ui»rlr.lend™i of the InAmatl.-ai In kt I



The Now York Aosemfa

I or when or how „ .. specimen of ui.Mushlnfl, iutentlon-

npacttcl to dn HW W*g SKSMT al BolsMcalton, OttnWBd us to the above, eh have heretofore lieen thrown In the way *" »«'■"

ntriy ^•rJayii.wd^ ^ # fc tmp!*3k w Net k» truem

conviction '■!" i>T..r.hi»1'mal tbicveo, burglars pick pot -kefs. The bill Is nn Important one, [a expected to dn away ¥ which have heretofore lieen wrown mine wny i ■ „ni,i-r Is irfjiuilwrn the New York Court*. In uuother column ol U» MUM W" JJ

A iwnt ordinance of the Tcrre Haute, Ind., the rcp(irt of the committee, rroiii WUeB Cttf dirndl intnM the cloning Of tutrlicr-

■ IM aWUtUJ I-ast .Sunday, half a dimcn ' rnored the ordinance, e x pectin a" 10

being ■doptcd by this corporation.

numtHT of

proprietors ignored the onilnam-i', rBHB| IO U Ti.-c.nie3, when they will make war M the cigar-dealers, milkmen, newspaper public lit rs, •ud others.

A daughter of Samuel Faulkner, of Purts- month, aged aliout 17 years, was badly, and perhaps ftully.jnjureil Momlay^yriiihi£by 1

Ml IngTe^KhV'.ii' ihoJ machinery of the Rr*rsnge

ill* winding Kf scarf about her neck in ouch i manner as almost to produce strangulation


The Vienna exhibition will coat nearly »V fiOO.OOO. To make it pay It will bo nec.-aeary t.,i- v'niido.uorjtif visitors to patrunite the ex- hibition. This large numtter la confidently ex- pected t.y the director general, who In said to be enthusiastic over the proapect of oocceee.

A Mississippi sheriff raakea an uncommon de- mand niton public credulity, MauiUi| that no"' lie and hi* wile were chloroformed by burglars, «iul #7,)al0 ewrlwl on* from hi* Honte. 1 he uion- ev was public mud*, of courae.

A Madrid letter slates that the fipanb-h au- thorltlcn arc rather indignant at the- coiinte of thel.'iiltcd Statei In encouraging the NbtJUOB in Cuba, and aeeuio tJecrctary FUli or IIUMJ- leuce and duplicity.

AUnit Via Cldnutucn, who km been »t work on pJoBMtfOH and lev.-es In the South, recently uas'tcd through fit. l-«uln on their way back to California lo work In the mined.

Matthew Kerrigan and Edward WcOlotie, who puahed Clntrlen Muhan down titalht a few nlghU ilnce in Boalon, cau»lng bin death, have been held for murder.

TtrnoM <>> «UI*OT»] IHTIIK


WAIM> tiKKlCEItS !„©*

Ami the nfw«pnper tlmt HUII- uttdU-

turbed tedtfvram to Uic absolute expo«-

urc In almost the next column, of the fraud

It ntU'inpUt, b»l the cool Impudence to

prate oftho " oB-baml lyliiK" of Itl neigh-

bors. _ .

,MII»WIIIII aliar»iini HUKIM■•!•■■. ■■» ;»crn -day I .leeail. «»'. "' I* hebeve.1 that it* murder. .1 htah ^ .;,,'',,! W,

udanu the genttaaanly 8ui»erlr.tenUcn. o. .oe aw, _ „m J^ ['.^....v .cream, wera tartbyll* ne.BhtK.r. « Lu*us and' A Maine rallrotwl ear ilufi in lui. etty

we were .ho.n OboU, .hoc cxten.1- -orkj, *££?££-% *&&<•<*

ftndwi.ue..ed.even,l import,nt lia>MM SXSMS^SS^


riXLOB i:Aka itoor In vblilng booth and W tot ■"' ' . ' \t d f , ■ in'■ i" ... ,| the r.-^.n L.,,,,,,, llllllLti;t ,)uit imnte during ,wn the main line in ..■o-U for nu-nta of thhcharacter. At l.i.ta ■■">' ">"1'";:.>";| M1 ^uo.l.,*'. W.«ld In relntkui U. U,c dlflk-uli) ..( ;

ca'u travel of .be f ummer wart., : Uiey called a. houK- No. 12 Avevy un et. «^ - *.■ i:;;;:-;/^:^:^-';;.^ he^vm.l... be | The Xev.bnry,.,. Ci, l.icaauru , ... tlu|,ri.a. all h,, gcrt-Hllo kept l.y a woman unmcl Fnnn.c . ^ hlJl|U_ Hc mtAy

r:,:;::C-nfe."»f tie! ,»r,or „„. F,,„,,^, ,,itc«, being aouicwliat the olllccrs thai ibo wno ready and U>»

the Wagner cor».

nun.'mid a wuman of RIHH! ►IXI*. Hu^|3r(A

12?rira|| in her rcaturer, » I.VM.TI ail.l. te In form, and ulH.uiiwciily-lhreci.r '»'"">-'Vllr >"ar" 0

t''-^' ^T"7^" V._ -T .nl. ■. i '..!.: .1 tn I.I

->'«« Tbtu^do,^.

—t'gbl Big■|Knr

—Toe otnoteur the.

—The jialne guou

—»TV onplcuod »n;,rovii tf health.

tbe Heutlliel pretends to quote), and here,— rta,.,

clipped front Its own ItMr- -Imt ^j^^S,, and

Uioy dW MT ■- fu'rui.1,,.1 in the roo-l luxuriant nmn.ui, with » »wHir0TIOn[A nuWMUHT «»* gj m(Mi mlrn.r,, Ac. Artde from IbeM

sK.irMlSTi "2, ,^'he.. there wilt oe ropjplctcj and

pUced upon the road eighteen elegant p ■urs, liovltig nil the modeni Um-rovei

her home, and thai olio had been h> iced tocnier Ibal IIOUKC by r.nolher young girl

who wai Uairding there. She left the booM In charge of (inker I't.Ubrick, and Wednesday nioinlng returned to her home In ll.l* city, »-

_fa» ftlxeet, be.* i-t-ii jTIUi ,„d sixth atenne-; 1 liT.'-l wSBp a IAII»B»V thrjm ,.l bih .l« Hliiift, » I..v lie ki-|.l bit ulllce. )»r i»K ' .wunimvr « nttrnthm wo- »r-t drown to him.

Tl by IhU row Of houwe, I

thH connection the utatcmmt nf Ofllccro Watcrn and Koy« may be added, to the eBVct that

1 other houses of like eh

can'were taken fton,** aclerln Ho-.oo, ...... Kc.u.l. K...I.

.„uT,.r.,.B.,.»n,wl,.n^l..e.v .111 « F*— a umbn ..1 .»""« ** » '» ".«. ■«« ™« • M.Ml B»n». and PoBUM. Inn.alc. of <ucl, pUee I.J .he wlk> of l.e pro-

IlluuHd for .".fflafiC , and flnUlird In pood

TIIK Mll-ITl.*.—We are glad lo wltnesH

Indications looking to .he Improvement of

the military jyateui of .he evinced

by ihe anticipated report of the commit-

tee on ndliury aBhlrs to the Legislature,

which we pobUah In another column. Al-

though II U our boast that .he volunteer

military orgiiulaatlou of Ihls Stale Is ex-

celled by no other In .he Union, yet we

gladly welcome any move that will tend

to render our militia more effective In dl»- lly the clpllne or attractive ill jwwonnel.

MnTr»genoll,. milliner In «p«u. Wl... to 11.U1 lobe reported all men tteUon of rharja.! will. Iia.lni; |».l«.ned lo l.u.l«nd."» lolnlng Ihe militia will he required to en-

'"" ' roll thennelvea for a lenn of ll.rce or Iv.

am, and absence from duty will be only

ui'.'ii the One of the*e cam wna nnd cxi>rei» purpoocrt ntvk; the other wao a

OOWSBni CAH, SVMBK11KI* lWi, nnd Its .legnnee In deMgn, andexe-elkm rangement*, demand more llvnnn i.a-"lng ob-

oorvatlon. The enr la of the monitor paWrt, with the mterior flnbh of oval dcrign, veneered In mahogony and burl oob, and tMOftag g"t mouldings, all uniting In producing an elegant nnd loosing ctlect. The tilum.lugs irt Of bro.ue. eboato in deign, from the well-known tinnor Unwell & Erwiu. The ear is suppled with Howard Brotbera' patent veu.iUlor, which among nlmoM innumerable paknta, lo allowed

to Ukc precedence, while the patent '>ronxc taopi are from the manufactory of Williams ft

Wtiocwl prtK-iircoi", worn are

brncw vlcHnw.

OH on the ulcrt

A ut> *wAt accident occurred ou Wodneo- ilny evening, which narrowly cscui-cd being at- tended with aeriotui eonaofinevtec'1. -k pair of homo Ulonging to Mr. |hy nl* Di.»ey. ot-

hed to a carringo In which WOfO Cu>t. Tbw thv Deacey and another gentleman, ran away at'the North Depot. They ran straight down

street tit a tremendous puce. Capl. Dcn-

eey and the other gentlemen Jumped on. before

Ibey hod g<>

icnlly » n 81,000 life whoae life >be had Insurance policy.

Frank Hwol«oda and Leo Charrot, two young flrrmam., while duck ihootlng on I'corU Lake, III., ou Hunday, were drowned by the, opuettlng of their boat.

A ftro at rhomlx Village, 11, I., »l>out ten miles 1'rovlilemT, early Tuesday III.-MIIM;- tl.-iroved eight buildings, Involving a loos of 9130,000.

A deonttOll from PfOMOtt, Arl/ono, otatoi that CoofcoM with 1,000 of l.i- bOOdof Indiana

excused by disability. The good results

or BUcli ennetmctit will bo reollml by a

large decrease of "aulmtitutea," who gen-

crally discredit an orannlzallon, and often

are no better thau loafers. To this end a

mustering olllcer will be appointed. A

Judge Advocate Is to be appointed, by

to biveri lime!, aitn.'lie.i '-" ' '"' vr. \Vb."n 1 Wi-nl bif e I rtmarl.e.1 « 1

Law to nil »ir*»nntllaiwiM'.l nt uliai 1 ei.nal.lercd a t*i°Idea <-f emirtinit. 1 thui.uht tluit the pnk ..,I,H- tip ..nil «at -ii the ht....p «fii Imme .»

fe'*Crss3 StT"i".«"' K "K "■,.i„, , when UH-V .a. m nlnn. tls-y rtUnn

,,1 1, .null liw man w^* Mr. ...asirieli U,l. '" „ , " ll,."^w™il.lM la i..d.;~ »lll; Jto.

■ 'menroer iml,ll h»„... "" l*r nay to my

,. ,..! I "'llr. I....l7i.l.. Ie.».e. ami «a. l\; ri„U».Vrl^eraiar.ler...ilere.|l.y.w.imaa

*~.\L n,l. Imiiw. ,\lv tod. (Head .minted nnd i,"t Vr,-ily ..'„.l..l! in-»lo Ih. •!....« in. 1, .1 "ill. ar' at ti.r. nirnln.l Ua.

ntain-t theil'".". wwin,;,l n. if .nnMlsslj

•>sles lh.1 ,!„.„, i, I ..."'Si'"*/- BAhec lied !„■ two

".U"1 '"' ly f,,r a; laorun

I ley the l —Boi i« ,„M„j, la.1 IS'! oiler NnMn,,,,.,,,,

il,,*. Iiiiieratit inuaiciiin- M|;Jiiy more th.n. '"" — r,ic !«.•,« t rcm« mluutea In front of any block. tr.r„* HUi.i.'tidverti,

e death oecuned iu Marblehoad frorr. .-n.iil _..,,_ ^.^.^.^ nox last week. ., ■ . _ ,

ThoshoehoaWnln ItorbleUOBd U piw|..r- " nrj, 1140 .won o m|>i —The Knighto <

Tbore were elchtv-nine person* eommltted to , v. imir..,.., ivdiii-

the Wean jull Us. inouUi. —Wlu'tr has a ThOcalvcrtaof the re-vcru In Sntem are un- i.utMekili

-rated, and n U.y was In imminent danger of . I'^'l, bli " _ '. i...,/..„„ .1... nOi..r il,al* intn which Vicing drawn into one, tlv other day, into whlen __o„,. ,,f our

Hio water wiwrusbiiiK with great v, h.eity lie " mother, jiift In the nick ol \ "l,Ld im


i imd doeurkton of Ohio- i _n.,.,v—out i bog outanur, is eontcin-, ^ Ma wwk>l

, far. the former receiving Injuries. The affrighted animal* dashed on milTe(. ml[ i(1

.,* ...„ ...H,M n.»<ncr. and barely escaping n IKOIM-. Mie I.

..urn rcveouic.1, ''What do you want lo ,b ' lb. v.mwai.t liiiiiili 1'" v«ii want to till me:-" Mi 1 ul> mend «|.pro-elu,i

ll.ed.Mr. Bui ,re-..-n'.l;Ui>.i..i-.-c.M-e,l. rw«l in be Mi., eame ml a

d.'.wn the street. noMlng, and lawely escaping collision with the Atlanlic rteamer, which was returning from a fire. While passing Saundera

atfa't MM have l*en placed wltbln block, at furious speed, with the polo swinging S-..5S. uptlHtep- Of the Ime give, a luoBP. Btld the harne.sea broken -ta-|«

and beauty rarely excelled, the Isiek- hom! to be a full length ahead of then er

fig covered with plush and the seat, witht*. Mr. n.irge Ada,., spra.v tem l^jgj*

Z, both of beautiful design. Upon either Ld mMgut the ™itl^ ™\ "'^LL. '— card tables, tbe bringing them to a halt while close to KeUjJR

have arrived on their reservation at Salisbury ^jjjjj- ^ mlnurj. .ilspute will be settled

aud Adjutants are to M senior Cap- tains, or brevet Majors. This latter rtc

Hprings, There wno a lerious collision on the Oraud

Trunk ltailway at Uvthcl, Me.,on Tueedny. A numlier of peraona were Injured.

The Brooklyn deteetlvei are applying to the reporters for information to ekiir up the myste- rious murder of Uoodrieh.

A Naples despatch re|>ort* revolts In two towns In Italy against the collection of taxco.

The militia of Maine arc to Iw uniformed by the Btate with the regular army uniform.

The Unlk-d States has crmgratuuitod Spain on the abuliilon of slavery In Porto ltleo,

A »7",0QQ irregularity ha* hecu discovered In a county poor house in Missouri

sldu of the car nrc placed three ci tops leelngomstructed of highly polished burled

■ah, presenting a beautiful appearance; upon the side of each table lo a small marble tablet, and upon one end of it the words "For Tally." This latter convenient arrangement will cause

the tendency to mark noon tho table tops to Ctaoe. In one end of the ear has been placed nu elcgaut Ice-water tank, supported upon a

mud and then ..... tl have aUU-d. 1 naitHied li'ward* Mr- '"""I; ,i the l ..■.!■: ■ turned offi all U» rtill. '['bo fiillowiiir" dny a

.BollM-dahnwaaerateh aero-o Mr. >..-, and aal.1 *> h

int.. jlnldwn

Ul 11 v owl au.I ■,hV ii.-u-c. 1 foe iu dark nnd pi

,;.,,, I,i,t,, ifl'Vni'-. ■■ "I do

sldcratum is moat essential, as the pecu-

liar dullcs of nu adjutant-through whom

all orders must Issue to a command—ren-

der It almost necessary that this nluclnl

shonld outrank olllcora of the Hue to whom

orders uro Issued. The arduous aud Im-

portant duties of an adjutant, alone con

Bldcred, should entitle him to higher runk More commodloua armorlrs, and inrgi

inlmals, and succeeded in , luilt while close In Kelt's

drug store, wlioso large windows Iu another In- stant would doubtless have been eonvtrtcd law a stable, will, nuaa.ltlcs of window glass, tol- lies, and precious liquid, for bedding. o>n inspection It was found that the damage dene was canned lo a smashed dnor of the hack,

broken pole nnd harnc. We never witnessed a or more daring leal ol eatiliing run-

ndard and alia, bed lo a conduclor lor «MU I ,„ay born. the ibm and considering — 'he I ihe Icy cnndllinn ol Ihe Hreet II was wonderful

not killed. If he docs not

Rsld Mr. in,,,in.", n.-iv,,„-,.,-. ■••■<• . k„„„ anyllilng .■«■». If I •«« ja.,U«. when 1 went down ■■* ■

.Vtliat she atn

lionilrieliV li.'iisi' I imti.'c.t r broken, -^ow, my theory Un bl-'tckninl! him, " '

Tho New Mlllli;i Law.

rescued by Ms time.

Arcuuion<iftliei ccstcr, ilurin;, tho i plated.

Onlv one additional ea:;o of small-|Mix i.a.s """ •'" been reisirted at (iloncester during the week, i —There are

The Cam Ann Advertiser cays, many of tho j tJ _ftVe intnate. votiths ..I Gloucester luve negro udnnreUy on i Uon ,„ ,llig (.it

'the brain, and their recovery U exceediogly j iloubiiul. j —The appn

(ilonccater will vote ou accepting a city char- j ,|V Ul(> ,,.,nm, ter some time hi April. duced by the

A low duva si: , an old gcnlleiiun In Esae\, while si«.-a"king of Soloinuti. said If any man ■"*■ now d.iva kept seven hundred wives and ll.rce —lV.iplc r hundred ;.o.v«j.MM, he would not be eom-ld- I ^ ^ ^ ered any great shakes.

Now it is Sattgtts that lina a haunted house, but ll is not a echool house.

The aspect of the Isxit and shoe trade In Es- sex County is encouraging.

The Gloucester flshenuan had poor luck early in the season, but nre doing tiettcr now, and sell- ing their fares at high prices.

Lynn has five street bands of music, and this, the reporter thinks, mikes that city nt some "note.'

Daniel Webster has boon held OP a charge of arson, committed in Lynn.

Pr. Holies is fascinating the cltlacuN of l.ynn by Ids lectures on the nrtCJOoOOpoi M drawi l,,i:i- inidlejices,

llttilding ll 1'rlr.k in Swnmptcott. Only fonr eases of sniall-i«.N have proved fa .

G o M 111- ■Fast.

: EUgbumlHig!

.^ica! fever is Rnboldlog.

Id '.«: "The Spouts or the

tut are coming on tbe even-

to Kant of -Mr. rilisbury'a!

nftrt alarms offlrc thau ant':

A—die tMoving Utuiocr.itic

y fiirliar.l times,—judlclotif


n of (Mith-e officer Davl.l C. .TCplcd.

f Pythias' IKIII occurs on the Fast, Vcdncriday next.

rtrongcr spine than was sttp- cs not appear to be broken yet.

IHfik-ellcri the other il.iy re- fr.ini a rural enstoin.T fur a

..1 liim*."


ccllcnl olUclol • Inc ■■

■ -iutlng t« ■-the summer months,

-Vinnie, the adopted daughter of Dr. French, j Colic.

about nine year- old, met with a serious dent ou Saturday morning. She irw cutting the Cusktai House. an<l sonic food tor a pet gnat, and by some meant shown by J.iil„'.' ltit>» g,.t her hand into the cutter, cutting off a nor- proceed to Ivrilaml h

Hon of the thuinh-aud first linger or the right j iteauublp as it arrive hand. She wu ottende.l by Dr. Cbaubcrlaln, thence reinlr,' ' ■ win. dres-cl tho wound, and the child is doing , »*.:

| well. i -stningera con.log to LwrWOOd ore awne- j ilinaj deceived In the oize of Ihe city. A gentle- i-^ ■.. . -' in7,u7Jll#ll. mini who came to visit u friend at Hallsvillc, the , .y. ... ,-.,.,,.,,., „f ti„. P.s.r. other day, got out ofthecanat the soulh depot |i„.|,l, ,,r. I >:f.ii-t«b

and after two boon walk reached friends house. He was surprised to hear Unit the I>cp- uliittoii was only lwlwccn thirty nnd forty thou- sand. He said he Imagined It muol not lie less than 200,000.

—The ice mountain at the fountain on the Omnium, has how photographed by Mr. M. W. Mealey, mid a moat cxipilsltc picture baa boon made of It. The ICC Li so natural in appearuueo that it makes one cold to look at It. The Col- bum Ilrjs., at whoae store the picture It on ex- hibition, intend 10 have some of them framed and hung up la their store iu summer to keep

the place cool.

i —The many Mends of Mr. William Smith, the well known engineer on tho Boston and

Ire department. An alarm each \ y.,],,,, roilromd, will Iw pleased to learn that ho ud two alarms for Wednesday . lliw bean advanced by Superintendent Purber to

renty dollars 0 year! I the exclusive charge of locomotives, engineers

"r. Davis hi- [-roved an iil.i entrance upon duty at ■l well merits t!ie favw

;i. The inspector w|lt by tall, and meet each

vend, to the port of trips each week dur-

!.,■ » i the

to .TI all. load io one

hctlt.roi: ■■] hick :itu.i I Pooh! Hot's not mitehl Ti : !

Uetbnen, whlclt HOptres to la? the t vf ward of this dty, hai anofflclal who IjoWs «" U«' ■bOVO .-lllces, and besides Is School Ci:.;; Iltec-

Town Clerk, Administrator of Kstates and M. This genlleman aspires to Hie Boneral

Court for next fall, aud his present o>;perience will make him a valuable meaolssr.

—One JoLu Murphy ll well-known by many people In the city as a very hard boy, nnd about a year ago John was sent to t..e Ee form ■School nt Woatboro, whence, a tow weeks linos, he es- caped, but not Ircforc he had thrariicd one of the keepers of said institution. Col. Fhilbrlck was (tossing down Kasex street Monday evening, and lighting u|ion John he escorted him to the

station house .and Tuesday carried him to Bridge- ne hundred and thlr-1 and firemen of the Boston and Maine road. wulcr. The boy teemed pleased that Fhllbrick

icy ■bin

Col. Be gnllunt' »t I / McCart'iy, o at'icniM.n.

—Tho leg this etty Wc of liispectlot . corporation

—The Te steps look 11 measures I

; work ol rt

it prese in the Jail and house of c

y—an unusually large numt-cr.

priotlou made early In tbe year ■c committee, were munewhat ro- bourj ol aldermen Tuesday even-

re hunting up summer t.teruiuuic- W hnt,J, «il!i a view to selling them, ( there will lie no use lor either Ihls

d made a febtnn. of about twenty more from too place of Jeremiah t Broadway, South Side, Hondo;

B- Win. Smith has Iwen In the service of the road and is i-

lalative eomniittcc i ditcsdny, and made i .ofHie Pacific Mills

t hilior visited thorough t.iiir

in.I other large

water, which Mr. Richardson should hnv credit of deigning. Attaehe.1 to the ear are the Miller Flallonn and Westlnghnus brake. The ear is painted In light colors, relieved with bril- liant darker shades. Upon each side, and in the centre, beneath the windows, is an oval, ticar- ing. in silver laid letters, shaded with carmine and black, the words "100, Smoking Car, along the lop of the car arc the words, In same style of lettering, "Boston h Maine Smoking Car." The lettering Is of the ltucst, and the

oting Adams w— - receive a vote of thanks,! si I lasted with BOOMpW, from the owners of the establishment, mistaken it. human nature, Mr. Adams is an architect, and Is studying nt the office ol M


-The leg-

It is expected that hi about two weeks 11 leaislativiiCniiiiiiiii.voii Military Allans wi report the new bill making important ehaiigc- ^ |n ■Nolv>lll!-v,M„t .luring Iho epidemic. in the militia law., '1 he ai;|».iui■;;•;>««;!_ a^njt^- j Th(> ^^ rf QU „ot in .^ ^„ , nga]at K,

aipemni-e Refum flub are taking g to re organ i /at ion end to perfecting jr the renewed prosecution of the

i he appointment of a

fiMflS ^^^SXllemm,"'''^ I eondlllonr A Ud, »nk In die mud, .Jew day. , „ Ids rank will be that of t recovered,

■mr OIO.W, .he Sna.,1.1. Mlnls.e. .o approprlatlona arc to be recommended. I^UK. highly pleasing aud alsoaunlformllyof dress, allowing, |n -„,,,,,.,,„ „„,„,„„„, „„d el

t pending In the France, has reslgucd.

Twenty-two divorce District of Columbia.

The eplnoot has penetrated the Sutro tunnel and -t.-i'i'i .1 work.

Fnilelch, Ihe Hyractisc murderer, is lo lie hnnged on Friday.

The belief b) gaining that Ooodrieh eommlted suicide.

Mrs. Stowe's Florida home Is advertised for sale.

Bx-Qov. llolttnan hao rctireil from politics. A gang of desperadoes Infetts Tennessee, There Is trouble In the Spanish nrnty. Chicago Is overrun with pick |>ock its. Colorado has a religion* revival. Train is pronounced a lunatic New Bedford ha* a ghost.


tn compliance with a recent act of Congrcsi |1* Comptroller of the Currency has lamed a circular notify ing persons, compntdes or corpo- ration* doing the business of bankers brokers or savings institutions without authority undo* Ihe currency act or ft special net of Congress, expunge the word " national froiii their llr.

Brldwt MeShcnan, who was fomul dead In a l.n.-Eiieiil bouse Friday, on Sea.i.mel street, New York, proves lo have Ut'll murdered l.y .vn.iilic. ui.uiiin mimed McNanicc, In a bniial dninkeu brawl, the latter fracturing the for- mer's skull with a bottle. A child was burned, (jyJf.U. In the ■mma - men. h.

N.A. Creagerot Haiti more, a deputy Mar- ihal, nltcmpteil to arrest John Wallace ut Ihir- tnn Md.. ou Tuesday, on a chargo of counter- I, inn- uluti Wiillioviiiiwle u ik»|-r.ili' rrnsl- anre, beating (hi; officer soverelv with a niatol, aud Iheti escaped to the moiutlains.

Julius Rode and wife of Jamacln, I.. I., ««'■ lui; to utter imvcrtv, o|H'ite.l veins in each oth- er's legs and arms, on Tuesday, pre'erritiK death to Physicians succeeded in htaviiiifihu How of bhMM),btit lioth will prolai- bly" die.

A dispatch from Madrid says that Bmor (as- lelar. Minister of Foreign Affairs, and i.eiicrnl Acata. Minister of War, will pnihuhly retire from the H|au.lsh Cabinet. It Is ulso stu'" that a general ministerial crisis is imminent.

Benjamin F. Wudc write* a letter denying that be ever said that " Colfax had bom doing

wearing on the stand," but

_ , The painting, highly ornamental and chaste in however, nn orgMtlintlon to have an m i ^ ii1TO.,r,hoUt, reflects great credit upon the dependent Uniform. Allowances Tor cloth-1 rtt[l|S)lt ,hc ij.wrcucocar ibopt, "

Ing, autlhlent to enable the procurement

of a new unirorui once In three years, and un Increase of pay for tbe entire mllltla,

cannot full of tbe best results. These nre a few of the Important

cliangcB proposed, and the eoinmltteo UV tend to nmke Ihe laws on perfect os lliey

piisslbly can. The geitllenien coinprlsluK

the coinniiltce have all seen OOXTlce, und

conse-iueiitly uinleraUiud the ren,ulrcnK'Uts

ifayooximltllla furcc. An an extension

of time to April lOlh haa been granUd the

committee In which to report, the new

low will not be presented for at least two



Monday aflernoon Mr. Clmi*. H. (liles.well

known as the fyrcman of Kssex Hti

and engngi-d in the trucking business, met

with an nccldrnt at the Boston & Maine

depot which narrowly escaped proving fil-

ial. Mr. (Jiles had been assisting In push-

ing hack an empty wagon, near the freight

TinBooTon ano Maim- DnmoE. Islative eotumlltee on bridges granted a hearing Weduesd.iv, nt tho State House. Mr. Andrew Jackson Peckin* appeared In behalf of the pe- titioners, and staling Ihe dangers attending the crossing, asked to have the railroad corporation build another bridge above the dam. Several

, tcstlned to said crossing betas «-*** Kerens, a fact which everybody ■dmlti.even the management of the Boston and Maine. Slorrow submitted n pliin. he thought mtlte feasible, tn raise the grade or the railroad, nnd

i bridge over Broadway, and this would remedy,

re now being placed upon different trains of In a great measure, the complaints of the petl-

U s L and »tboruugh teat of the meriu of uoners. Several persons from ^«^"?"* ZwiU L ma-le in a few days, wta. the tied that If this were done the larger part of the

1 cmeaeloa. will 1, at once >«^H»"^tSSU These brakes are operated from the locomotive, pcarcd fur the It. a u at. Maine by .he englneman.aud each, In its working, is pany, In opposition to the PC opposite to the other, the Westlnghaus I • -

•u»t~, Charles Copps has charge. Railroad men | *™--^-^J^ *™h

bavevlslled the works sinco the car has iveen In course of building, pronounce H one of

most elegant nnd convenient smoking

ics to IKJ found In tho country. TWO pAtmn AH. nn

. Clioate np-

ml Maine Eallway com

ma raiiK win in-H" -■ • ... i ...,, „.,, her i-i.iv n:i-leu >i\ HTU IBUKIUI,

"dJrlh.irni.ii .u,!,:,e.d.o ea« Iheir ariuorl... Inrany imrpore whatever u. i" k up Ihe dellci. lal. .h« .|.|.mprtalk«i and lie sum which U pnid for die use ol an arm HJ. Uniformity In the .1. If of .ulliniry dres. »III K nrovldeil fur, inn "..-.ui/.ttinu^ niny procure nn Cdejendew. u.ilf.rm If they dr.h. U. do so. 1'Vo.i.lnn will Is: inail. whereby ix.mmlssloncd ollleers ol tbe line will receive as much II no ™. iter .■oiupen. » 'han lunwoiiuui»si"iwd '.'tall"ollleer-, •'■' r Ihe pr...enl l...,ure en- iii|,,t i„u l.irger.'ni.i 0,1 diem n 'i

II ■ ,-, belli. . Tbel.»«illl.-.oa,u,i,nle, a, lo provide 11... ,r.l|..n.cnt. ilinll be made f,f ihreenr live venrsi.n.l the men shall be swoni

"ihe- "ervli-e and held M » .trie, neconniabII- v lor any vl.,l..i,,n of lite law A «e"er.U..dg.

edvoealo will 1« rec .ended, who .. II be ll.' nrblter In nil cases ul court marllal ur investlsa-

""Tbe pay of Hie militia U con.idercd a. present, and ll.ercf..rea ree.n.iinendaton will ii made Hint IU" Is- ladlcT rcn.nnerntr.1 linn «l nrc™ 1 ind a pnn I -I.e. will ah. Is' arg.d fir a

,!';i„.in'ei,... ".for 'I «.-"! ki'nt It uinainim provide a new „nil;.....e-eiV three veil-, nnd 1 "Ve a small l.alatne tn be med in ui.tlngnny lliat may la- >""™<\; Kverv man tnn-i |.erl,.rm duty when Ihe, inllltl.i Rorilered out. and male will !«' miles h?vi,n"a,re.'.rli«.aie. showing thai tl.ev arc inal.le to do dnlv. The law a. |.ro|»»e,l, will hold some one ..'rally aeeonnuble for the pron-


frelglit olllce when tlirec or four cars were

run in Without warning. The cars were

going- so fast that before Mr. (iiles had lltue to Jump one wi.) or another he WU»

knocked down by the first car, and but

for tho presence of inlnd of one of the em

ploycs ho would have been crushed le

death. When Mr. (Hies was knocked down he fell lengthwise on the rail, and

the wheels would have passed over 1dm

from his feet lo his head hut for tho em-

ploye referred lo, who grasped Mr. dies

and dragged him out. As it was the

wheel passed over his foot, crushing It se-

verely, llr. ..'hnttibcrlaln was called nnd

iiie I attended to tho injury, it wna found Hint

brake Mug thrown ou by a prc.nre of air, while tl.o Vacuum, a. IU mime Indicates, acting from an cxbau.tkm of air. II Is tliouglil the action ofthc latter the mo.t simple and direct, though «« regard. Ii« results, II would I"' uniatr

to judge until tbe test has l*en made. 1HII WISTISOIIAIS,

sir pre.snre brake, Is operated by * pump placed on Hie side or the Is.iler, wbleli, im- mense power, force, the air into pipes through Hie honor

tbe entire length of the imln, and wl.l.b. — In making up a train, niny l« coupled almost Inshinilv In Ihe centre, beneath each car. Is

-*.'.. lltlle mure Hum a Ibo. In diaincleri eyllnder Is a pUtou or plunger, nnd the ulr, us d pa,.e.ll.rougl.ll.epl|«<,r.a.'e"i''c nUtOO «-■ ..,,1, ...d by -.«an ro.1-. i,,...n.lj ..» «••

brake, mam everv wheel of .be train. A. soon as Hie union of the pum,, st llie locomotive a large spiral spring near encli cylinder

es tsick the piston lo Us former po.ltiou, nnd

,111, ngnlii ready for ".loan brakes." i: VACI i s»,

r otb-

bridge, hat he did not the change or grade If Iho enmmlllee though! II Imperatl

Hint it should IK- lunilc.

Tail Dr/rr-CTIn*. as recorded In our Police Court items, of one of Hie operatives of Hie ra- Dtflfl Mills In n system of thieving from Hie cor. ponillnn, wns from iiifonnallon given by a fel- low workmen, who was loo honest to allow Ids employees lo la- thus dclmuelc.l. And it Is on

d good raid, of these operatives .lint

. .on.onilii.ns man unduly depend for securl- from petty theft; they cannot inaliiLnn K

large a detective force as would be necessary to „a..-i. .»,„....,..Iv for r,u-m,r\\but the lulcerili of the great mass of Hie work people mn*t W largely their relluiico against the designs ol tlW dlHlioiie.t few. And the uperutlvcs tlienoelves have n eunimon Interest with Hie mill., In [»*■ venllng H»' success ol stealing by one or Iwo Iroin which susplekm ll rasl ui»n Ihe good

uniiie ol nil.

crtyufthcslnte, audtlie liilcrnnl civil orpuii ration (if a company must Iw approved by the enn nulling .J !■.... the regimen, or bultahou mwlllel, It I. nil e la .1. A- Hie law now Shui.l.- adjnbints hold Hie rank ol n first llenteinnl, an ., -ollieflllesoeellisill.t captains ol COIIipull I do no. olsw will, aiaeiity.lie..rder. issue. .

lirlng It up. I —Hhou There are employed at the works of the Cape , through

Ann iiialiite Company, at Bay \ tew, ••>'"»'^- \ that our I iu',-VI hammerers, Mime -M hlaekMidths, he- twt'eiiOluiid Ti) paving cutlers, and some 100 now pro! miarrytncn. —The

l-'tttcx ha:, nine niembers npon Its lionrd of ,„ ,uo f

M-hool committee (Im-hidlug one lady), and em- m

ploys a stuierlntendent of schts.l.. | * • Two life saving nations will hc-Joenkd on lormow

Capc Ann. \ —Joi Ipr-wlch USver is frown, nnd the Ice presents I |ltul ten

no signs of lirenking up. Depot- There are only live men living who have hern , te

moderators of annual town meetings In Olou- f ccstcr. —"

The petition of the town of Manchester for ■ adulb leave to construct and maintain a iMineway, wna 1)c, presenksi In the House of Ueprerentiittvcs on j * Thurrday.

The Ncwlmrvport police have *rJ per ilay. I — Hwutiipscotl approprintes B^fiOO for town l Port

MpWHO, and bOpM k. Intro-lnee water iroin Jcai

Lynn. • 1 gjVi Salisbury has nlno paupers. | %

Ncwlairyport has 820 doge lld'tt: Twcnir-four lnarrlages nnd fe

In Newliiirypo arc coming.

Cotton unit corn comes to NewbmTport nil

ary'lie (Wade) ulleves Colmx's testimony the smaller ImtU's of the Trout part or thi lugbt to satlofy all candid men. _______ _ foot| n11ll tll). tt,.st, and muscles w.


j, nnld to iw Implicated In tin-(Joodriih murder, has U-en lo the chief of pt.lice of llrooklvu and (.roved herself lo 1<e n lespeelahle working womali.who did snuie work l..r ihe munlered man.

Hon. Henry P. Deane of 1'ortUnd, a well known in. inU i of me Cumlnrland County liar, died at ihe Revere House In Boston, Ti .lav morning, lie was a gradual. College class of 1811.

A letter from the tfodoc region says it costs $,*00 per day to feed the cavalry hon-es, beside the cost of freight.

A new mitrailleuse discharging one llmusand idiots IMT minute, was trleil at New York on Tuesday.

The garrison at Itarceloiia. Spain, Is in muti- ny.

The Carttott are committing many excesses. Btutaloa is to be released from prtioi The President's health Is Improving. Now It Is Spain thai has a " crisis." Halifax, N. S., has small \»<x. Hugo is flnhthlttg a new novel.

Gold llll. Tuesdav night a mm name d I.lnd was Lrit-

tallv murdered ul North Bloomtleld, Nevada County, Cal., by some person unknown. A man named l-'rauels Blair has been arrested on .uspielon of Islng the murderer. In the same cuuntv, thirty hours lie tore the murder of Und, t'oiilln Smilh was murdered by (.corgu hll-

A daughter anil son of a fanner named Short- gen, and asonoi a neighbor named Warded, were tmmed to death near Read s Landing, Minn.. March It. They were encircled by i, prairie tire and perished liefore they could

^muni-ion nf 1101.1- c.ipt.iln or iirevei iu, MO thai tin v m-iv iiutriuik the line ohlcers. I* Hie prucilcu lu the l'.nglWi nrnty. Ihcctli nf taking snlislitntes Into a company for t

ly cnuhed, but not io bad as to apparent- ly need anipiltalloii. The llr. Is not yet certain whether amputation will be in- sary or not. At present ho hopes to nave (he foot.

r. When found thelrclothes were all liurnt und their Hell was falling from their bonoo.

The following are the latest items of iiilelll- nence from Spain: Thelmparcliil announces that Don Corks, has aUlleoic.t his claims to the throne In favor of bin son, under a rctrency of Don Atpbonoo. Oen. Calresa has laen appoint- ed to the Supreme command of the CarllM forces.

tint of one family of six children In South Bralutree, Mass,, live hove tiled wlthui four dnvs from a disease supposed to I* -.corlel v, r and tbe otxth child Is sl"k. 'I here are h.-.- cral other cases of sickness IVom the same ills ease.

The inemlsrsof tho "Old Sixth KcLdiiieiif will hive n reunion, parade and dinner nt Stoiie- the mil or Aprll-the anniversary-of Ihe brutal auull upon tie regimen, by Balti- more mill.Hi' ■

The mutilated l>odv «if John Moron, a railroad laborer, was found on the track of the Worccs- ter Railroad, near Whllln's ftatlon, ll. I., on Wednesday morning. It Is not known bow he was killed.

The Massachusetts Senate yesterday accepted lite retiort of the committee. Ic- on the petlth ■ lo rescind the Sumner.

William Bride, a newspaper cjirrespondent, was expelled from the Delaware House or Kep- n-senUllvcs, onTbursilny, for criticising oome tneasares liefore It.

A building on Camp Street, New Orleans, containing two skirts nnd the rcMdcncc of Mrs. It. W. Jennings, was burned yesterday. ls»», (fifl.OOO.

A LaWllKNCf! Pill.ICKM.lS Altttr.SI Kh .Tilt

[it'LTKtiv.—Thia forenoon Col. Heal of

the State Police arrested Ocorgc W. Mnt-

iwe, one or our special policemen, upon

harge of adultery, and Is now held It)

tho Station House for trial, which will

probably occur Wednesday morning. !

ttecins that Matthews is too ranch mar-

ried for a cillacn and an Official, and per- haps his appointment upon our police

force was Hindu from the theory thai "It

takes A rogue to catch « rogue." Mrs.

Matthews No. 1 was married to George in

Worcester, oome alz or seven yoi

but now resides In Webster. The pair

dwelt together for about two years, when

the lord of the household cleared himself

from bond! obnoxious, us he docs nay.

About a year ago he wooed ami won one

Annie Haley, nnd has since lived ou Cheat -

nut Street, near the Bplcket. Last Satur-

day Nu. 1 came to this city for ihe pur-

pose of taking measures to procure a di-

vorce, when It was ascertained that a di-

vorce must be preceded by n prosecution

for adultery, and accordingly a warrant

was placed In Col. Heals hands, with the

above result.

exhaiift sir brake, requires no pump, machinery liable to get out or order. At-

tached to the bolkr-heiul Is a pipe connecting With a small chamber, through which steam may lie allowed to escape. Also attached to this chnmlrcr, and lulow the pipe mniiecllng with the Imiler-head, Is another pipe, which puses under the entire train. Under each oar, iMteed or the Westlngbaui Iron cylinder. Is n rubber cylinder, with Iron head-, which may hotter be deserilied by cCdirpsHng it to a concer- tina or Chinese lantern; these nre tilled with

Ir, In their natural condition,! L-iiienian allows Meant lo escape through the | .,„„-,,•,

,!,„. int.. the chamber, ucmro alluded to, a draft j the Ho r suction is created, end the air Is drawn from

the pipes [and cylinder-, with immense force, Mid as the cy linden draw together, (u would a concertina,) the brakes are drawn with snt h force as to Instantly Mop every wheel from re- volving, and whatever progress is afterwards

made, I- by Ihe wheels sliding npon the rails. Tfali pattern of brake may now he seen upon Conductor Smail's train, which arrives iu this

v at the Boutu Side, at half past seven

toek each morning. Ve ate Informed Ihat it

pivc* excellent satisfaction.

Too nt m—One of me principal otneen m one ,,,'tlie l.i.l.-erioltiood Templars in is av rl y.ungn.!.n,!.-a.leci.iediastetor "hepni-nons ".,;.. Happc, dug to be It. I lave -

ill'one evening last wed:, he decided todrop and see Id- br. Hoc mm ot our ha ges^met that night. A« lurk would have it, the rcg.i-

,„, inside guard was itloeiit that evening..and a new Initiate, a .-on ol the " green i.-Ie, «as n]>- Mmteum«ead. The visiting omeer presented

1 . the Inner dour and gave the password

the gentleman fnu pass-word to ir■■'■

" -fee, ilr.l i Did I not give you the right

To tell Tel the truth, slr-r, an' shame th. onld Prtt,»vca ih. I* bavin' the right ,, oraColidTemilav. Iniindy j but by w|y Vaixdn, an' the blessed Saint Pather-

lek, yei are got the u-n.»,j Kkmetl" lWhftJpnthtano«lnotcad■^•■',■

el.—UaterhiU OatttU. .etnMeiulot'hi- earthrougt

Tlds Mnry Is almost ns old as the local Item the Close lie. We read it more than ten yeai

Ibroluiions adopted by South Lodge I. O. O. T., ou the death of Slater Annie

Wallace: Whereas It haapkoofl Uod ia

inexplicable p

him or show due rcMicet to the ottleer, 1!. pwposed f. remedy by giving k; ndjuUnt, h «>,lon of senior contain (C€ bw«* m-yor


duty"wili i« iiroh'.iiited.

TIIVNKM I/US—HOW IT Piiooitrssis.—UC- ferrlug to the s.ittein.nt made ii. tl.c«! despi.teh- e* Home days Mnccot the Mowuc.-s with «hhh tho new loan is lKlug taken, the seercUry ex-

•asou as followB: llie "call ».is ......hi i'-r tin: (IrM ^|(H),blK),iKKI, and

io not ol'nlgctt-brii.Ve Sly .*XKV» f^^afffih til that date, yet lliey have already asked lor thirteen millions to till sulisc rip lions made by national honksi b« no rwwwt has yet been matle for Iwtids to (ill a i-ingle l-uroijean sub- 0, ilptinn. The ma,s ..f the people in fins e-m.u trv prefer the feemities of the h.M loan put up- on the market, and the result Is that the great bulk or that now being it. gutlaie. will go tohn- uland, Holland and tiemc.tiy During tlie tlrs week in April, Mr. J. P. Uigelow, tbe chid of the |,-,T-.sli,n..iil intl.eolll.iol llic;..iivlaiv..1 (lie Treasury, Hill sail for l-ngland with a detaeh- metit of clerks, and will eMal.lUh whal lnlglit IH: called ft bruiit-h of the Ti.iu-m'v Dipurluicnt In London. In lb7t, Judge Kichard. on the nreseritrctTetai'v.ietaldirlKdhiri ollk-eln Urn* don, aud Mr. Illgelow tuts then with him as an utsistant. In the present .ransiictun. Mr. B. will occupy llie Mime olllcl.dpoHtloii be did then there being now m. iic.-c.-.-iiy for a supcriiir olll- cial, the fjiulieaie Inningntuatty made the nc- IZarv contract. In the former rmnoacthn tbirtv-'-ieveil treasury clei ks were detailed to the London olllce, when one hundred millions were delivered in the market. The present amount lo IH- handled being in the nciidiborhis.d ot wo hundred ami sevwity-livemillloiis, llaiewi "'

|ltiivdlV..!ii tidv t..ninety .-IcrU, t.'ho »ill I..- 'cut for from three months to three years. wu found, or actual count, in 1*71 to tx- a

hirgcr saving In cspeiiso m the government to Itctdarurtvoftru'ty .-ferks In charge of be bomls to lie dellvcn-d, than to send them by the .i-.linn'v mtili<«ls L.nniitsiK.rtmg valuable:! and ueeiiritlrs cMiiclidlv as Ihesc fame parties ol clerk" tmlk .large \.i and gimrtled the return of Hie ohl Imnd- re . ived in exehaugv. Ihls hiime i.Inn will be out in dcMvering the Feciirl- ilcs of the new loan, nnd iu this way, the actual „i,i„l*T..rclerks who will Is- enabled lo take the oprortunitv of vlKliing Ktuope will K-atiout

the ncldi that produce them, by ears, «iiliout trnnshliuneiit.

Salldmry uses a ballot box Imported from up the Mcliteiraiiean.

Sa.isus voted to raise, by taxation, the sum ofsj.-'oii00, and appropriate, for school, *iU0U, hUj|,«:,vSV'tt.dl.;,-1!1gu.^belHdl-1Slu;iilW pj U \.U„ for decoration expenses, ijl.g).

A few doySBbtee a little son of Mr. Patrick Muridiv, of" H.SCX, u^'d eighteen mouths, got reahled badlv l.v pulliug a leapol full of tea upon him; he will recover.

The number of woes of boots and ohoe-, oWpned from Lynn dining last week was/f-S , acalnrf R>lt for the corresponding perital or i->t •car, showing an Increase nf lira oasts.

The 'Kewluryrot-t ghort hao Stain ipiieted down.

Sunday afternoon a largo bsrtt. «rned KM

, and six tons of Ic.iy—win totally tie- otroyod, the total value of the property being £l7i>0. The Kcwburyimrt oehool committee have voted

tninsier Mi.-s Pcrkiti-. lioui the haunted school tlic Urwuiu-ld pi'iui.ov, cud put in hcrpl-iee

Miss Susie 11. LoWeti. The eiliiens of the school dbtrlet In Xewbury

port in whii-h the "haunted schoolbuunc" l« lo ivited, arc cirrulatiii;: a pvtition n-klng the coir tnitteo to reinstate MUS Perkins ns leaehc



what the Committee on Elections,—both democrats,—say In relation to the ballot robbing In Ward Four:

• Mlf-T HAVK II It I'. X HONK 11V THK i uvrtCERS." 1 here Is what the Sentinel, Ihe apol-

ogist ami defender of these thieving ward

H now recognized the world over, ns the 1-cst IU. ifeM platform yet Invented, and by Its use ly Is there led danger of trains In-coming

illMoniiccied, more platform room,and lest chances or danger between ears, but trains are

itarted ami otopped without the sudden motion hlch sometimes sends one over the I sick of

Ihe scut In front of him, to barn what novel Ids neighbor may be reading, which is a very kind proceeding. This platform and coupler am now beingpuccd upon all the passenger ears of Hie road, and before the dose of anoth- er season ihe public may expect to sec the Itoi- ton and Maine railroad thoroughly equipped iu omanner not excelled by any road In the country. With the new extension, the addition of par- lor and passenger coat lies, and the ndoptlonof the many recent improvement*, seeming safety Hitd convenience, the route will holda pn.ltlon

enviable by eon tempera lit bid to compel it oro.

ul,-in■<■!.. nmiivi iter, Annie Wallace, tin

,,„l,..l That rterei-nniitf-ein lliif die i.uucrol iiii..M-in.iili« Pi'' ■'-'" bow 111 liunibie tiiiliutlesloii

..mule I ,nli. , , tlM'Inti 'itml m the -.idm "■- und -- .

...... -.,|,aided "1 "-in' "'"» ii»"<; iwiniiliiK from the Msotar



IW. II. for n


icen II 11-

i upon, i

. iaee Hits action has lieen de tleras who are employed In suj

turner wlitch tarings them tot contact with the secretary, Und it n.-cess-ury <o »k his ui.lnlo.t.... Mii.iv M Meets ..I' routiiie matters, that have

tt.,!i'ie lem rapidiv di-js^dnf wIlll.Hillbe nete's tvolHi.'h reference. Whether this has anything to do with the i-clectlm. of_ the parlie" to IK' " sent with s. reuiuiuski be »

ilillhlll i.e. lie JetilMi

l;„,-u,.l That WOdomoot hemtily svmpnlhlie with IhenmieU-d 1'nimly uf the deieoM-.t In llie flll|.[. UL' kll.l. I tl.'- H'l.l ''" '"' to Ibetii U- (hi lilt tiler aud sbk r, mid wu (iiiiuueil'l tin-in I" this HT. at beie.ven.enl to llmi win. doelh oil llibiK-

o.klliie III-

,i n coiiv of tbene re sol id Ion» tie i,.rnmllvo.' I..." .I.'.en-t-.i. and that they

lie iiulillfltetl In tlie I. wuBxim Aaunucsot.

Tin-l-'u.i-voiT Moaaufc—Ho one seems to havu a good word for the model* for a statue to "arra''t.t "in-e the tJongr.-^iottal t'omndttee I iliiin all, and a correspondent of the lew York Ti^nne cuts the pin this merci-

less foshlon. indeb for the I-'ai'ragut i-tntuc, -, without except ion, the ludl- of unhtSi'd-of otone cutters, .1 Turlnl illustrates Ids enpnei- uil which I-a pleariint coinbl- n'.l -i Pcckriiill; and another

Sum. lltS b. mil ...n

„.uSS sentls throngh t'npU ™*2UMK\"UW™*™^ BnH|„,p.yinaatsrsttheIhwlnelou^ „,,,- his glass gingerly logacknowletlgnieiit - „„,«,., to hi- wul-t with one h;md, and ap|..iii's to lie

U..KHNS.11..W..U, l,m1,mlllll1il,.rli.,uMf.,ll-. the t.itu.e , ro-pe. - ■ I all oilier rii.i-.ti.ins. C. L. OMner presents a

IU ut Viiinsiis: I lliui'k vol. m iK'WI -I he ,i | ,, „.,,., rclaoikiaiher than.luj.itj.mi- ill, sriicrims offerltiz .il'v "ue hard enrned nione), m4yilven.l..'."i' lt"-:»' "' inking earn uimem-

. *.....i .i... ,..„.ii. ..i. ■...■.ii linK on liieltl, '" " tttOOS. .Am

i. occurred iil'ore eight ,n Jackson


Wednesday evening, ids ill ipnirlir

o'clock, at Ids place of residence Rtreet, In this city. For the past live or Mx weeks the deceased hn frred from an In- ternal disorder, which hasballle.l llie skill ol nhi slchMiS, both tit home and abroad, und to . ..._ii,...„.i 'ia.,.

„„:■.,. ' I I'' .« "'"Si'a,™ ii,,eii,„i....l... l,.i ... ■ -I..I".' 11

1|"""""\|i°.'",; « insi..,-xi*,,ii ....'»ii-'!.„<:!>,,;* .Ml ■■ '.■ ". ..,-",

»i'-:K';;;.sa.K» ............ .._ ..1.....I1... w itii illUloii > ihe eh*, en hoolnsai

man. Ihankii ami tin. Iiei-l wlc ontllioppliieos,lrenHdo_


TUB ESSBS UOCMTV TIAOUSSS' AeopciATion will hold its fortlelb annual meeting St Normal llnll, Snlem.oii Friday and Saturday, April 3d and 4th. The exercises will lie ns follows ;—

n*v:-At HJ o-elock, A. M., business

Ululraw, ,f .1. (J. Wblttler and others,

Milutions of censure on Senator

officers, protends to Its reader! that t^ I wMcb. bio ijc«tb la nttrlbatcdi. Tlie Innerol ob- mmllleesnld: | oe.|iiU-o will tsko piece nt bll late rerWcncc, Ol ■That It is Impossible lo tell by whom ,in,f.|Wt o Vloek m, all. .act was perpetrated.-' Mr. All*rt Marshall came to this .-..y In . - 1^. ,„ ()V|ut.k|.. Uw|,i,;' by O. 11. Mer-

Vnd It seems never to have occurred to earliest days, having formerly resided in Lowell, i ^ Nl,„ |lurv,Bhr,; 11 uVl.ak, " Corollaries," by r neighbor that this attempted falslllca- and had -baroe of the old Hay Male , • ^ ^.^^ „,.„„„.„. 2 ,,. M„ " Astro....-

UM Of an ollleial report Is the surest con- shop, a position he retained OnlU he nanslo , -. ^ Q (.((UUmith( Amluver,:, o'clock . „, r ,,,.,,. Hlll. weakness silon «f that .... urn d, si iiuu { _ Qf UI||l __ u rt:qulI.t.(1 n our fesslot, of gull. Hudjvuikius^. : ^ oon|w_tei liii]m,|nii m_ , , ^s,,,^^.. ny John W. I'erkins. 6akm

TllFV RBSJUNl'-Tho Boanl »r Al-1 buslr^an with Mr Albert 111 KMI, at wli,-lr bnsb ; ^ ^_k |rfct|in,, ]iy WrilorBnil,|t n„st .-

all del rcrnti

the report of their Investigating coinmlt- tee declaring that the robbery or the linl- lot box In ward four, "must have been done by the ward olllciTs." Now will these follows, upon whom their own part-

John Vi.rrell of live, N. II., was thrown from U(|)|S |)I1V, ,«,t the brand of tl a "high yer.1er.htv, and badlv injured, lulling hlri spine hurt and several rilw broken.

Convalescent hospitals for the Item-tit id* pa- tients who are re. ..vering.iire In be Ootahlbhrd iu the rural di-ti'iets of Ki.gland.

The greater portion of the town of Csmpje

, resign

their places, and let the people select lion- at men to haT« the custody of their bal-

., Taylor County, Ky on Tuesday night.

William Ii. Hirhardsou was a dcr in the tirst degree, nt Xeiila, day.

destroy ci

caused much

meet leu t died

■ of the winter has ■uflcring snwng Ihe Maine Ismbei

V.\ V. 8. Senator l)l\on of Col at llnriford, on Thursday.

Oarlbaldi declares tbe only salvation of Itsl; Is a republic.

Tweed is now poor, having only »J,»on 000, Coal has gone up $1 per ton in 'Wtou. California expects big crepe Ihls year.

Turbans are lo he labooed In Turkey. The Connleso Ouledoll is dead.

Gold 116 3-8.

lota? Let us have a dp* al el.-.-tliin In that

ward, and see whethertho men who have

■worn Ihnt tiny voted the republican llck-

ot, are a "mob of adventurers." Pare

the democratic apologists lor the thieves,

rl--k an election In that wardf

I, |,|s j all will prepare to take part in the disc ! these pai-crs. The Usual railroad faeii 1 In-extended to those attending the Bsi ,1.11 iol he remoliied a short lime, ibon dissolving i ■* ^^ Bmineu Meeting; 10 o'clock, tlieeoneeni by unwtwlug of his inlerest lo Mr., ^ |im[ Ki.1|(M, of ,n Kdueationltl Journal;' lllcsid. He held an important posi- , i( ^^ „ ,,„w KhnoU Ku^b Literature 1*

tlouln the Whippie Hie>, »y"* ! ,,H1|,.ut ;•• Ellwln j,. Sargent, l.ynn. lllshoped lardvale, and afterwards part-luued Ihe M;'., I .ll will nrcoarelo take part In the discussion of Miu farm, in Meihi.cii, to which I'll r...ullv.I.ercmove.l,a..dre-i.ledalH.ut,.:thlyei

During the early rawttoll of la-t snmmer Marshall exchanged hU etrtuto iu Uctliuen .--. ( p[, ^ RM Bt0IITBATM

the Music Hall I liirinerly Uwrenee Hall 1 prop- I .^ (.(1|1,,„,„,,. „„ ,no Judiciary '-' "" """^ , the corner of Amesbury and ( oi.iinou j ,1|1¥i, I11U(U. W1|U0 tnirndnicnto In the drafts t.f Mreets, lothc care ol which he has since dciol- I h_)(|l(M y^^ ,„ lhcM eolnmns a few

ed his attention. 'I he diseased was will-kiionn , ki( h(nffi T|1(,m.lllH It now stands cov 1""1 "",l " T :"""H'i: the causesof pa-sent co.indah..,

'"""!"""-"", J*' '''^i jail,improve the system of r,

all oilier rini>ti pMeltal down which two dolphins "W^. ---; '- -hosenaoa otmmsnFat Boy in -tin. act ol Oo»dng. tbiiheiop viaudsaiKai.iHaisandlr- rasclble l'arragut ol the tine old iradlllonary M,rt, who Is app-imdly shouiing strong la.i- ituaite "' the noisy Fat Boy. J. Krishk-r, an- other unknown, brings a thing whose most rtriklng wilnt is a Brow, and which may be tru- ly said to be a tcrtoi to its iocs.

Mr-r-iskMlllssiialsallgureor.. Usm.; and muscnliir iH.lif.iium standing In a park Icticc „„.i „i,..-r.,ile l.iln-lle.l "larnit'iu, lor lids e--

Aiiother Mills grinds out a chub- by and eiiernbie i feature, « ho grasps his iwor.l and - nits inlo ll..- dhtance u the extremely In- a e Vi-hion which It Is well known all naval commanders adopt on Important ooossmno.

e uodefs of Hogers and Maetlnual.t-lsith laohed to the mist-are rail., r lieller than lite others, having suincibiug ot t-pliitcd and cnl.iu- a'l,' union, kut thev have not, inuoug other acts, the dignity that anything larger than a statuette rc-iuli*-. A Mr. I rekh Ms re,rri■sent- ed bv a'work; which looks ss much like an un- hapiiy l'eeje* as it duel like Farragnt. "■■■■ Beam's wa.H ll.. only largo model pre-

olilv siislaliis the rcputiilioii ol .he llr'Hgure of a rc.-pectnble old mi- ni much life, soul, nerve, spirit

■boo." him as n toimcc.mist. Any plasterer ■■a hiindml of him in a year, and

It i* a conoolaUon to know thi i, th.nmh neciine hot one eorry vote tognlu tl,c caSi.ii.MI-* Keain did lose it, with the re f the linage venders. That she came with- hi one vote of getting it is ■ suilielenl comment upon the practical taste of Ompesouuu.

The joint special committee on the petition llciirv Emery of Lowell for nn Investhnu Into 'the .ittleial conduct of State Co.ietul Morse and l'inder, and certain trial Justices, iioitcd that tbe allegiiliniis weie entirely un tailud.and Hint the pctflloiirr have leav wllhdmw. This will probablv lluhh the between Emery end the State Constables.

ltcv. Win. Q. llaskell, kite of Miuncsob received a unanimous call to the pas tort the Second Unlvcrsallst Society of I. Kev. Mr. Hiirkcll luis nupplled the pulp!' nnmhrrof Sabbaths, and will protnbry the call.

The Lowell carpenters are to have a hi the Courier is auxloeo to know iviietlu will appear In plane ilrtss.

Citpt. Joseph V.ML-lgsof Lowell bail iH.iiili'd bv the Piv-ideiit to intend the ,.v:,i:„(i„n. The Courier says: ('apt. , ;t praiiiea! arllwin ol much iibility, am pointmcnt is one cuiincntly tit to he mi

The Temperance lleform Club u fl. ind doing much good.

St. Anne's Church nt Lowell liiu-la uM nOMCMlon of thtec beautiful ttn vlndows, ihe gifts of parishioners in r deceased relatives. 'Ihe third nnd lac fill window was placed on tho casl Sunday, hi memorv ot ... 11. Carltoi warden of Kt. Anne's. Ii npresenlii elation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.O ward! ofa thousand dollars.

Mary Messenger, nlsiut eighty y< i-aid to lie iho tallest woman hi I over six feet high, was taken to the house ntTcwkshury on Frhlav. f In care of the city or I/iwell foi years.

On Simdav morning of last w ¥ll R(V. C. C. Hiisscy of Billerlca, near l«v t.\\i annonnted from his pulpit that owing to a severe cold he I, It ttncipial to tlie task of col .,lut-ting Iho ser- vices, und must call upon tin. ther to aid htm. Alter the opening hymn, rend )ng am\ .,mycr by the put-tor, hi.-.laiii-litercuteP Cl\ the pulpit and read the seennd hymn and o ,t „r Coilyei-s ser mnns.and the clodng hymi ,,|n n very effective manner, and to the entire laiiometlon of tho congregation.

On n tolerably ncciirat' , estimate, nl-out 120 acres of llisirlng are eon' kilned in the iiiilln iu Ixiwell. This area woul> | MIMICC for a onu-stnrv building of not ipiitohal ta mile squaa-.

Thus far this month • |,„ lotlgers at the Urwi ell DoUce itatlon have averaged over nine per day.

The directors of ll e Lowell & Andover road had a meeting l-'rid' ,v, and voted to assess ten per cent in the cap1 oil stock.

Bitdiop II. Nod jy of Ualao (BpbrCopall ad- ministered ihe ai tihtulic rite of coullnnation in St. AniuVs ('hurt i. Sunday afternoon, to thirty- four re.-lplciits,' uirt toalsmt Ihe like number'in Ht, .ln'iii' ■ Cliu- eh in Ihe evening.

J. Harvey P.ryant, overseer oftho yard oftho AppVetun Coiiipniiv nt Lowell.tiled on Salnrdiiv .<! / ■ ici'ii! prostrntioii. He was eltonl 117 venrs old - n native of U'.Mslsloek, Vt.,nud had lived In L.iWL-lt 4' years.


cly come ni'd-glnsn iciniirr nf ot ltcauti- slde, hist

t, a foiuicr he Arm.iu id cost up-

urs of ago, OWCJJ, lieing State Alms- he has been a uuinher of

nights of I'ytfilas, at the close uf their sion, Monday evening, snt down to a ad at Crow-ell's dining rooms, and on

socially enjoyed.

Id alarms of lire continue active .he year, as thus far, no one doubts remcuwlll cam double the amount

osed to grant them.

imard of aldermen hove mcorporated ppi'iipi'i;iti<i!ir. Iol the yeiir an item of

for the construction of a House of He- 'ii for juvenile offenders.

,'ph T. Clarkson, Ksip, of Amesbury, Mired Sherilt' llerrick Ills resignation ns Sheriff of this county, having l>cen np-

I postmaster In that (own.

. the rase of Daniel N. T'rye, charged with ry, a nnlh' prntnf.ii was entered, in the

i court Tnesday, there not being sufficient nee to MStstn the allegation.

I'here I, no tnith in tlie story that K. sr, tho undertaker, was engaged to cart off

1 bodies, after the bloody theatrical show n by Buff, mil Monday evening.

Ir. Morrow has proposedS plan, quite raSS* \ that Will settle the Broadway crosclng .lenity, which Is hi raise the grade of the itroad, and bridge over Broadway.

—Bev. nni, Kellcy, pastor of the Olive Bap- ot Church in this city, arrived home un Satur- ay, after nu extended tour of some months

uiiong the colored people of the south.

—In the Superior Court, last l-'rlday, Stevens Dockhnm h Son, contractors, and plaintiffs iu

the case, wero successful, being awarded some- thing more than two thousand dollars:.

—During the whiter months our city con- sumes between 200,000 and 300,000 cubic feet of gas dally. The gas company have a storing ca- pacity of aJJOUl half a million cubic leet.

—Memorial Hall will be formally dedicated by the citizens of Andover, on Decoration Day and It is suggested that Tost 3D or this city may tie invited to participate hi tho ceremonies.

l\*t Otnce, have been changed to moot the spring ran way time tables, und cards with the new schedule nre now ready Tor delivery at the .lliey.

—The Temperance Reform Club wai ad- dressed by ltcv. (Jco. S. Wearer on Sunday

There wai a large attendance, and tho remarks of iho Reverend gentlemen were most Interesting.

■The new, largo size Street collection boxes, are being put up to-day; they will be distribu- ted over the city, to a c com in. id n to all sections, and tho postmaster hopes to secure nn addi- tional number soon,

—Oeorge Coupe- of this ctty.haa potohasod of John Wilson a lot of land with hiiildings on both sides of the 1 ■ 11111 leading from 1 ii» mectlng-l.ouse In Dracut to Methucn, und another lot tn the

te of^same town for S-MOO.

—Should a tire ever occur Iu Mr. Melvin's premises, wu iu.11p.luc wo would hear that gen- tleman saying to the lire department, "lloldou. Don't turn abuse on to that (Ire; I can get It done cheaper than you will do it for."

—The man whose ideas rise to no higher lei el, than I constant search of other peoples conduct, to discover some menu motive for their nets, is himself 11 fair feidijcet for suspicion; by his own standard ho weighs Ills neighbors.

—An ordinance was introduced at the meet- ing of the upper:......i of the city government, Tuesday evening, In relation to tho proposed water works, and regulating the work of tho commission. A synopsis may be found in the report of the city government.

■ ■^parqnss wai at a party the other evening, ami when It broke up ho oil ered his escort home to an unattended lady; she smiled us she an- swered, "I thank you Mr. Si-anmcs, I'm a mar- ried lady, und so used to going unattended that the attentions of a gentleman would tie Irksome."

—Decoration Day will lie observed In thi-. city hi .1' manner, and with little ostenta- tious display. A larger number of llowcrs will lie procured than heretofore, and after the dec- oration of graves, the comrades Will rcttirn to the city hull, where some couimdo will deliver au address.

77,. .Venlinel Is at Us old tricks; ivhen-

ver It titiils any political argument dllll- nlt in answer, or one of Its partisans gets Ho a tlylit corner, It Invariably resorts to ersonnl blackguardism concerning Its*; well, .very one to his taste.

—Among Iho items of c hut year, was 9*1:2

iiililure by the city , In view of this

heap as dirt" lose* Its potab

igretted. Mr. Marshall was 1 of age, and leaves a wife, ha-iiig tiuneuin

Ire:., « Ihe wife of Ml. Charles ll. Mai

1 win motet'. fetation. The

well-known iu the buolncoi of Ihe

Tin Loot Bwrronan.—Home two months ago ,i pretty young eh-i. 13 years nl age, h-ft her home in tills rlly, unbeknown lo her pare.Hs, who are i-cnplc in g.iodcircumstances, nnd went to Boston. The .mMons nsronU si mtcolnNl- tute.l a search for their daughter, and with the assistance .if officers visited every resort In thai city, where there was any nowlWIIty she might

clause providing that whoever voted upon any

oilier name .hall Is- Imprtooncd hi the House of c rroction for not less than sixty days nor mure than si* months, I-retained. There Is id lie nn

count of votes during the day, but the registrars and Inspectors are to make the count immedi-

ately noon tbe close of the polle, and the resnlf will not, therefore, be p.iblbhed till Ihe follow

ing day. Tills Is an Innovation U|«n long es- tablished custoin, but It has much to commend

-The Auditor1! lU-port is now ready.

A nnm» is ri-uai. Amiss.— In circles here al all likely to know anything i|t Cuban matters, there Is a ...niiet ;..i, (omide.l, apparently, on information .ar.lully kept Iron, tl,,. nubile, that n Milons und hivorablc i-hangr u takimr ph'ce In tbe relaiionsot llie rcpnbllro:

, the lulled Stales und Spain. Get.tie- who have hccalh- Mi.idlio! Iiiiiubot die

mis have, within a lew days, been assured that llie revolution needs..11K to give prtsirol active vitality foreihM'l time longer to 1* able lo v.''. Ivc ti'.'-'t uii|ort:iiit nid fi'inn the exterior. These nssuranees hnve e.m.e dired rroin p.r- foiis known to la-In Intimate iMIhlke President. The character if such proMS-rtire aid is not slated, hut all surmises iiatui.dly had to some dipliinnitk'solution. aiiaiiKed hilwcti. the UnKsd BtSoSJ nnd Spain. In IM whlle, the Ciibnni oreiiilvi-ed on nil lu.nib to ■■pooh things." This Ihey nre vigorously dn- init. l'.xi«Mllthins ore under way tnnn various directions, tho emit ml nnd tiiiuisgetiant of which rest, ll Is wbonx'iYd, In the hand- of one of the most ciiropetciit of the cx-Ctiloli-niie gmenits, now resWing In New Orleaiis, who Is tin most friendly terms with the FrvtldMt.


Tho Register taVI: Miss ltclgnohls desires ui to coy, as she has never yet (li<an|r»[ntcil an nn- dlrnre in hrr professional career, that tsith the .-■ ... ■■v.n.nil of her In Haleiu, and of any future app-anitice there under llio ini.u- a,:enicnt of Messrs. Wlboii A t'Wrk, was tiiniti tl.ori/cd bv her, this linn hai ing failed to com- ply wiih the M.le cniliiioii 011 which she should play with Ihcm, vi/., prrpuymmi for her oer- vlces.

One of tlie Salcin dealers makes the following e.-tlmate of Ihe tanning and currvlng bushiest for 1»7'J: Niimher of hides tanned, I,l'J0,(MX): ntimlicr of sides of leather curried, itlfiOU; numlier of pieces of splits curried, '; nuiiilx'i-of cords ol' bark 11-cil, 10,000; value of lentber aniUpliis, 97,020,000.

e of Balcn. T from that

port, died suddcnl] at Kllzolietb|ajrt, N. J., Sloiiiluy lust, In I.I, 71th }ear.

k Saturday night, 1 Mr. T. Wclell !•> ..hitlug In

',...,;. n,], ,, .111 ie came In

COIM'-IOIII ,n another wag.m- 1 general imosh

ivel by a iiinii Ing tlie re-

■nit. Mr \V lei. was throun < (ll 111 .11 nmddrr-

elite hrnli (1 boot the face.

Terrell, of Sal. 111 fl II lown >lnlra

■t n lining at her n id broke her coll fS

it a Mr. U.,

eras liniki 1. i to early on Sun.i IV 111 a iiing, uud

■bum «W wu rib i.f goods stoh 1 1I11 til Olll, 1 procured a net of i?'i,.'i.)(l. It I

Sll nan

in lire cu- .l liief'lty

Ii was snlncetcd In

and gave great sati-lnetlon.

—A second alarm of lire was given from Box 21, ou Wciliiei-day, iiUiut half past seven o'clock, nnd was promptly rcspondctl to by the llruiin'u. This wits caused by the burning' cJtmmey of a house ou Valley street, 1 Broadway. There was- no need or calling the Bremen.

—In the Superior court Wednesday the ease of Eastman & Bueli vs. A. J. Perkins, wns decid- ed, the jury returning a verdict for the defend' ant. The action was for coi n pen sat ion—thi plaintiffs claiming #iofl,—tor damages In 11 tele it Bpott U stable occupied by the defendant, y. Kuox, Ks.i., for deft., Ivcs for plfo,

—The s.Klal party or iho Second Baptist Church wan largely attended, and the exenirit-i of the evening were of the most plenKUiit aeter. A substantial supper was served, ami during tho evening remarks wore made by Judge Stevens, Kev. A. IH Huiighton and oth ers. Between {;75 nnd $100 were rcalUcd.

—Miss Jennie Collhti has received In addition to the sums previously acknowledged, for her kitchen school for girls, #81,71 from the em- ployes in llie l'aclile Mills, Lawrence, through tliu agouti Juhn i'allon, and a handsome sum IVom iho Lawrence Woolen Company's opera- tives, Ihruual. ihe puymaster, A. J. rjhovc.

—The dancing community should not forget the minimi Imll, lo lie given at the city hall, on Friday evening, bv the ineinlicro of the Wash- it.gtou Steamer Company, No. 0. This will he recollected as the old Pacific organization, hy whum was given some of the finest Terns ■ chorea n entertainments ever witnessed In this city.

—An extensive milk producer in a neighbor- ing town stat. 1 that lite milk vender In our city win, fails In the watery extension or tho lacteal fluid, is a rare execution, and thinks that whci such nu one It found, Is-lng fully prepared, lie h walled to Ihe realms of denial bliss, to enjoy the reward of the righteous, and dwell in Abr.i- hum's IKIMIIU.

—An alarm of Are was given from Box 13 alsiut ten o'clock *. M. Monday, which proved, lo have been cuiiM-d by Ihe burning of a chimney on Valley KlrtM-t. (If courso tho services of the lire department were not called upon, though they were promptly ou hand. We n.ucet!on tho propriety of calling out Ihe department on such

trivial occasions.

for more than a ipiartcr century, and faithful engineer.

—On Sunday evening Dr. B. K. Pierce, editor of Zlou's Herald, formerly Superintendent of the Girls' Industrial School at Lancaster, nnd many years Chaplain of tho House of Ucfugc, Randall's Island, New York, will speak In the City Hall upon the topic In which our citlicns are just now so much Interested, a puhlic insti- tution for juvenile offender!; It is hoped there will be a largo attendance.

—There was keen satire lu tho remark of Mayor Tarl-ox, Tuesday evening, in reply to Aldenmiu Melvin's assertion that he never spoiled any clothes while belonging to the (Ire department. "Perhaps you never got near enough to a fire!" said his Honor,who doubtless had in mind tho fact that the alderman's service In the department was confined to a clerkship

In tho hook and ladder company.

—Monday evening, as Mrs. William Malley was standing near a furnace in tho Iinkery °n

Essex Street, her drcts was drawn under tho ftrate by the strong draft, and took flro. Imme- diately the flames rose over her head, hut for- tunately help wns near, and the flames were ex- tinguished by Mr. Joseph Melsop. Though her clothing was badly burned, Mrs. Malley wns not Injured beyond a slight scorching of her face.

The alarm of lire from Box 21, about half- past five, ou Wednesday afternoon, was caused

Are iu the flock room of tho Pacific Mills. The damage done to the stock wa* very Blight, and with the excellent resources of the corpo- ration it was hardly necessary to have called out the city flic department, although the agent, Mr. Fallen, who highly appreciates our flro de- partment, (dated he wns highly pleased try their

prompt appearance.

—When Col. Deal arrested Edmund Demars, 011 Tuesday, for selling liquor "contrary to the form of the etatulc In this rase made and pro- vided," ho conveyed him to tho station, *nd while engaged in going through him, found that he had secreted aliout his person four bot- tles of epirituom liquors. Tho CoL placed another charge agaltet him, vi*., "Keeping 11- tuior with Intent to sell." Mr. Demars wns a regular walking bar.

—To accommodate our dtlncns, N. O. White Esq., has given orders to have a special train run botwoon this city and Boston on Foot Day. As this holiday is generally observed, an oppor- tunity will thus bo afforded many to visit Bos- ton who otherwise would havo to leave a day's work to do »o. The fare for tho round trip will lie only 81, which Is very reasonable. No doubt tunny will take advantage of the occasion to visit tho metropolis.

—Two little, boyi were Hopped Tuesday, be- tween this city and Methucn. One carried an old pistol, and Ihe other had four table kniveo stuck iu a belt r.mnud his waist. When asked where they were going and what they were do- ing with the weapom, they sold they were go- ing west to light the Indians, and become acouts Of tho prairie. They had been to see Buffalo Bill on Monday cvcnlnir. They wero conveyed to their homes whore each received a dose of Buffalo leather for himself.

—The committee which had In charge the arrangements or the Bums' celebration In this

ity met on Wednesday evening, when a final report was made by the treasurer, showing that the receipts or tho occasion wero eqnal to the cxiiendltures. After tho transaction or busi- ness, supper wna served, which was followed by songs aud readings by tho company. M. McCubbm, Taylor, Christie, and Fleming gave some gems of Scottish song. Dr. Hasenehiver presided nt the piano. A pleasant evening was passed.

—The well known clothier, J. at. Fatrficld, who has been In the rendy-mndo clothing trade nearly a quarter or a century, haa sold out his entire stock aud good-will to Messrs. J. A. and C. U. Cross, who will continue hnolneoa at the old stand, 2W Essex street. Mr. Charles O. Cross, tho Junior partner of the firm, hao been in the employment of Mr. Fairficld for the past six years, and Is a competent salesman and bur;. mess man. Mr. Pair Held will devote hla timo to his real estate buslncis; ho Is abont to erect another largo brick block on Essex street.

—In the Legislature, on Tncitlny, petltliir.e were presented rrom John II. Bean and 81 other cltlzcno of Andover, of John It. Welhuan and GO other cititens of l-awreuco, and of 3. <J. Hor- sey mid 100 other cltiiens of Methucn, In aid of tho petition of Andrew J. Perkins and others, relative to a change In the location oftho bridge or the Boston & Maiuc Iluilroad across the Mer- 11..i< i; Hlvcr, in this city. Possibly somebody may lie ublu to explain tho precise influence res- idents oi' Niirih Andover should have In tho lo- cation or railroad tracks and depot! In Ibis city.

—Tho gigantic drnnin or "The Scouts" baa come nnd gone, and Ned Uuntllno and hla crowd lun e carried aliout a thousand dollars rrom the city. Wo are free to any that the whole r-how, ao we prejudged, was a otopendoui farce. We question the judgment or the City Government in allowing ouch nu entertainment to lie placed liefore our eiliiens, especially the young people, who, In a great measure, formed tho audience on Mondsy evening. The features of this low show wore bowlings and whoopings or tddcoiirily painted and dressed men, nnd botched attempt., at stage murder and scalp-

.ughl Mm, and stated that one or the city po- lice had INM-U looking for him since he had Uen in Lawrence, but had not seen him, although he had lieen a spectator at the police court every- day, and seen the officer. Murphy is a hard boy, and probably will Hud masters nt Bridge- water who are quite nblc to take care of him.

—It Is understood that Rev. L. L. Wood, closes his labor* with the Second Baptlsl church

hi this city, the first Fabbeth in April, much to the regret of tho church nnd congregation, and his many friends throughout this vicinity. Dur-

ing his pastorate here a large number bate been added to tho church, and tlie meetings have been characterized by a deep religious In- terest. There have lieen additions to the church nearly every month during the tno-und-a hair- vcors or hla labor with tills people. The Inter- est remains good; tho first Sabbath in the present month eight wore baptized, and four- teen received the hand of church fellowship. Ho assumes tho pastoral charge of Harvard street Baptist church, Boston, immediately nt tho eloso or his lalwrs here. The host wishes of the Second church and congregation, as well

all lovers or every good caiiso follow Kev. L.

L. Wood, troui Lawrence.

■There Is a thoroughfare In the eastern part

of the city, popularly known by the feline sobri- quet or "Cat Alley." It la never In very good condition, and In winter no man who values hla neck will traverse it. Tho other day, Dr. Sey- ffarth, wishing to save n few minutes walk, at- tempted the downward passage of Cat Alley. After he had got aliout half way through he wanted to go back, but conldn't. While ho was ruuiinntiugon the posMblc chanecs of breaking his leg or neck, he suddenly sat down, his ranc fell from his hand, aud he went down tho alley precisely like a vessel launched, only a good deal faster than ever vessel left the Blip; and the alley wasn't greaacd cither, although the Dr. wished it hod tiecu; tho paitagu would have ban easier. When tho Dr. got to tho bottom and recovered his seuies, ho found that he had left his ranc where he sat down, his departure having iwen so audden. The Dr. recovered the cane, bat he swears ho will never go through

"Cat Alley" again.

—"When young ladies, meandering through the laby linihicul walk* of Iho matrimonial mar- ket, desire to practice deception upon their true loves, they should 1* exceedingly careful in placing their little deceits upon paper, and more so in addressing their epistles, as will be seen iu tho two following effusions, written by a young lady to her mother and lover, in this :lty, and enclosed In the wrong envelopes. The

lover, whoso name by the way is John, received the following:—

in:u; M>. 1111.11. ir.11.1 u-e i',.i- you to urge me have John, beciittr-c I wont; lie'* mil u.y ttvle,

and 1 like Ch.11 Li- iiiiieli li.ticf; hi' iaw 11. c home from tho parly Tuesday night, nnd I think he's perfectly splendid, and l.e U coining to 000 mc next Sunday night, CM.

The mother received Ihe following: OKAII Jon*:—I escorted rose kind loajaer.

Dear .I0I111, you cWt know bow mueb I hi. e you, but Pin afraid you und I will never be mar- ried, roe mother is nwHilly oanhnt it- Don't e.riiie to sen MSt Sunday iit|*ht. Tor mother will he here, and I don't waul her lu rue joti, Itv,

An exchange or letters WHO made by Ihe lover and mother. John didn't call on that Sunday night, nor docs ho think he. will ever call thoro again.

—One of our well known buslneis men, and a genial relative or mankind, ia pas* io ante ly fond of rooat turkey. A day or two ulnce there laid in nn Essex itrcet rcihiuraut window a finely cooked, twolvo pound bird, and as onr friend passed that way, eagerly did his even feast upon the savory fowl, and stepping iu he Bald, " two and a half tor that turkey, Mrs, ." " No llr," replied the sprightly lady, " not a cent loss than three dollars," and after much 1-antcrlng tho gentleman went away. During tho day three or four dinucrs were sold from the turkey, taking away onu h.ih, and the remaining hair, untouched, was Laid Lark lu the

ladow, and from an outside view the bird ap- peared whole. After closing lmslners that even- ing our friend again passed tho saloon, aud ob-

■rving the turkey still lying In state, ho opened the door, and pointing his thumb towards the window he said, " two and a hair— hist chance," to which Mra. ■ ■ ■ replied, ■' well, seeing It Is eo late, and that It i. yoa, you may have it for two and and a hair!" nnd wrapping a nap- kin around the remains, accepting Iho "f2.oU, oho delivered tho half-turkey, anil humanity's uncle walked off chuckling about hist bargain. Bat he hae concluded ilnce that ho will exam- ine Itolh Mill- of a.turkey before be again pur. chases. Wc believe this la the lint tln.o that gentleman has been belated on a bargain.

—Tho alarm of lire from Box 12, oil Tues- day, was caused by tire spoiling ut u dinner, In a houso rear of 'JOS Oak street. The dinner was being cooked upon tbe otove hn a kettle, and tbe water having boon absorbed by tho heat, the corn beef liegan to burn, and sulieequcntly tu blaxc. It did no damage however, and when Ihe reporter left, tho firemen were engaged In extinguishing the smell. The qucation waa raised whether tho lire waa enuacd by the wo- man's corned beer, or tho corned woman'a beef, but not satisfactorily derided; tho smell how- ever indicated that tomcfhln g was or had lieen

—Tho umateur theatricals presented a short time since for Ihe bcuclit of Phumieian Lodge or Masons, was so entirely satisrnctory ao to elicit from a number or our leading citizens a very complimentary letter, to Messrs. Bogle, i..-> l.ini! and AixTcrombic, expressing warm approval, and a desire for a repetition; tho re- quest haa lieen favorably considered, and on Mandny evening, April 14th, In tho City Hall, tho Morchantof Venice, and Bomhaetcs Purloao, will have n aocond presentation, and wo may safely nntlelputo a full bouae, and a moat enjoy- able evening; the correapondence appcara tn another column.

—Not many daya ago n man claiming to tie agent for a Arm of munufaeturero ol thermome- ters, who were desirous of placing a row or their InitrumeiiU iu public places, as advert laem en ta, eallod ii|.uii ii nmiiii. i- ut onr traden, soliciting their 1 ■ii.-inr ■■ curds, to lie printed around the thermometers, and then framed. The price the trifle of fifty cents to a dollar, and each ad- vertiser waa to have one of the thermometers In his place or husincaa; tho aubacriptlona were collected In advance, and Iho contributors are still walling for their thermometer•; when they arrive wo will mako a note of It. Several of tbe neight-orlug town* and fitfea bate been T.dlnv j/. .1 by the fellow.

—Mr. James L. Dnvle of this city, for tome lime post Inspector at the Cuatom HOUM In lio-ton, haa been aoolgned by the Collector to the position of Inspector on the line or ■team- si. Ipo between St. Johns, Portland end Boston, in place or Capt. C. II. Odelt, lately sppotated

City Government.. UOAltltur ALflCBMXX, I

Tueudny Kvn'tr,. March S3, Un, ( The Board met at 7 1-1 r, H., the Mayor in the

elialr. Abneiit, Aid. 1s.111n.lers. /'. t.f 1 .■ .11 -Lu..... A. 8tiircr mr an auction-

eers, referred to cominlltee 011 license*;, or 1'. II. nil,, -II and 1.11..-.. for I;.I:; 1..,..-, aeroes Broadway, on the ih .Ida or Kinguan otreel, referred to committee on ttreets.

Notice eameu|i rrom llie other Doord of con- en 1 i-eiii. action, on the petltiona of J. D. Edson, ct al., i.e.n «•■ smilh, ct, ol., the I'altarlan Socie- ty. OoergS Illnchcliir, J.U. McAllister, aud Win. Sharroeli, and on tho order fur prlatiuf onu thou- saudeopieM or the Hheol report.

The : ■ ■ .1 .- !■ ,, of David C. Henry an police of. fleer, wan received aud accepted.

A euiuniunlcatiun wan received from KmexS. 1*. B, Co. Nu. 4, ti-.'..ihi„, H.U11K Ki, luoil Wocwkk Ibr engineer of the company, and Luther I^idd as one of tlie engineers of Bat Are de|>a. tinent. The romuiunioation wan placed on file.

The h'int •porial ei.miiillWlo whom **fl rS> in 11.1 ro much of Hie Uoyor'i addreoa as relates In Iho Introduction of water into the city, 111 ...u.-.l in 1.11. :■ i-> regulate the [.,...-, .-. ii,,-;. of Uu. water eommissfoners. Tlie ordinance, provide* that Uic ..•iiinoB-iinii'i. ahall be named "tlie Law. iv 111.' H nl.'i c i.- r.imi. f .," Ilii r |l| 1. (Hiy . |,..'| be f-jot) per annum, until otherwise e. 1:1 by the city council, that they ohall Iw sonjeet to aueh .. 1. ii ii.. 1 „■<■ - an the elty may ordain.

They shall determine upon tho plan mnst feasi- ble for aupplylug tho .ity Witii water, and Istiin i'i.' work or BOMlroMJlloM having full authority t,, purchace hinds, water right*, lo mako con'-raul*,*, Ac; tlielr personal and careful ■upcrlidcndrfnce i* enjoined. They ohall from lime to tlmu auinnlt esUmatea of tho cost of the w«th ftoiiig on; Utoy shall keep a ref.. ord of oil Ihelr Iraniaetlon', Onanelol and other- wise, and make a written report qiurrterly In the oovcrument or to n curopeb'iit committee. Ail bills nhnll lie certified by the 1 ,,L .,.. ■..ui.' of tho connnlsalonere thall he allowed lo havo a private intercut In any coutraot connected with the work-, nor receive commission, discount, Imiiii-, reward or gift. The ordhuuioe waa read twice, and paoeod to he enrolled.

The report enercaalng the pay of the member*! or the Are department woa taken from Ute table. Hie nucation being on concurring In the amend- ment made In tbe council. The .iineii.lmcni cre- ated 1 mi1.' .Ii- ■ u ■ lun, lleaira. Melrln and tarn- prey taking a decided itand against concurrent action. Tho Hoard refused la concur, the vote being a* follows: For concurrence Aldennan Kmeriirin; again nt It, I,nmprpy. Dodge and Carney didn't vote. The report was laid on the table for one week.

The resolution for the annual approprlatlona was taken up, and amended aa follows: FireDa- |i:ii-|nii'iil. *IV"i, iio-lciiil nf tl.l.lSK-. street lie- partnicnt, SW.QOO, Instead of Sio.OOu; Sewer De- partment, SHUM, Instead of 010,000, ami were waa added to the approprlatlona $3,000 for a House or Reformation. Tho State and County tu git,. OOO was stricken out of the appropriation. Thin tnakea tlie amount S3M,000 Instead of *.*.y,ii<*i.

The resolution waa th. 11 paeoed. [Adjourned to one week from Friday evening.

Go to Htratton't.^ criodlcal and book store for all the weekly and monthly papen,

Tl\e -Ai\ilovcr Sdvettbiei' FBIDAY UORNINO, MARCH 28,1*7.1.



uT. iril»r i l.i-

Hcrihner** Monthly for April has imulu it* np- licurance and ojictis with " An hour union;; the OrecnlMCki," mid continues with " Moscow I Southern RnWfat," uAn Smpcror'i vacation at Vichy,*'a continuation nf the serial of Arthur IlonuUaMlc, and other articles of interest.

Kx-f'ov, X. H. Kerry of Worcester, has Imm in town ft day or two risce, and his former ac- quaintance! gave him a atrdbfj greeting. While ii nshlcnt In Amlover, he made many ivnrin friend- liy his unllorm kindness, eminent social and Christian iiualille*.

Morris Holt, ion of Samuel 1). Holt, cnt his foot very severely on Saturday. He was chop- ping wood lu front ofhll father's residence, und his axe. ■nl. in the limb of a tree,, which caused the BcdJent.

In a t laurel), not in this neighborhood, sever- til different ministers hnd l>een heard for a num- boi of years. On a Sabbath one of the caiidi- liatoa was u&cbuinjr, and n gold riiif,' was seen Upon Ul finger. A lady In the coiijrrei*ulk>u ■ok) to another, "Do you suppose, Mr*. W., that that man tan ever nay nnythlng that will do mo Kood ? No, never."

A lilierul subscription of over »J.J00 has l>ecn mad* to tin' new brass bund, for the pin;. u ■ ■ of supplying its members with en entire Dew instruments.

A ehurch in Wilmington, X. C, haa drawn fellowship from one of its memlxn on account of "general worth IcssnesB."

The Andover Xutionai Bank bus declared a semi-annual dividend of five per cent., payable on and after April 1ft.

Mr. James H. Murray has taken charge of t* music at the South Church.

The sermon of Kcv. Mr. Wilbur, at the Bap- tist church, next Sabbath uftoajgoon, will have reference to the late Don- Oourgc T. Sbatt tck, d eic a «ed.

The funeral services of the late Dea. Ocorge ' T. Shttttuck were observed at the Baptist church,

with which he was connected, on Tuesday af- ternoon, the pastor, Ilev. Mr. Wilbur, officiat- ing. Set. Ehnttuck was a man of mild disposi- tion, unobtrusive manners, and exemplary re- ligious life. Although for several years past he has been gradually wasting away with con- sumption, during his Increasing feebleness nl* ChriNtlnn virtues have shone with unwonted lustre. He was patient under affliction, anil submissive to his Heavenly Father's will in all things. He hoi gone, but his righteous exam- ple remains for our emulation.

Union her vices will be held on Fust Day at the South Church, commencing at 10£ Sermon by Rev. John L. Taylor, D. 1).

Mr. C. It. Seymour of the Middle Class In the Seminary is supplying the pulpit of the church at Alton, N. 11.

Rev. S. 1.. B. Speare of Haverhlll, a former graduate of the Seminary In this town, has been appointed chaplain of the Massachusetts State Priam.

The In,iv li.uul have purchased a splendid new set of instruments, the price of which was 9700. Tin"!' instruments run be seen at the ■ton of Oeo. H. Porker to-morrow (Saturday) where they will be on exhibition. Tho cummu nlty should fl-cl that this is our band, and eon. tlnue to extend to its memhera kindly sympa- thies, for which, no doubt, large dividends will hereafter Iw received. The organization, at present, numbers twenty-two members.

A friend residing in Ellington, Dodge Co., southeastern Minnesota, bos beon visiting the writer for a few dayit, and in reply to interroga- tories furnishes the following: Ho has resided there six years, and at first bought eighty acres of Und to which he has slneo added eighty more. The soil is black and rich, vnrying In from two to six feet In depth. His mm) is lo- cated six miles from a railroad, and about for- ty milts from Iowa. He has kept nix caws, two horses and a pair of oxen. His tax on hind, building* and farm stock Is 815-00 per year. Laud in tho vicinity U $3.00 per aero. The niuount of fruit is Increasing. Their school*! are good, churches numerous, climate healthy, and tho water excellent. Much machinery Is used hi planting and harvesting. Tho prices of some articles It will lie seen are extremely low. Beef by tho quarter 3 cents per lb, pork by the hog, 2 J i-ni , butter, 12 cants, cheese, U cents, chicken*, 10 cents, fresh fish from tho lakes 6 cent*. Flour, $1.00 per barrel. Oats per bush- el, 23 cents, com, 40 cents, barley, 2-3 cents, wheat, 80 cent*. Wild hay, fJt.OO per ton. I',.';-- per dozen, 10 cunt.-. Best plue lumber, 915.00 per M. Wood «2.M to »3.50 per cord. Cows, $23, horses, »7.i, oxen, £130. Carpen< tors get t-J.-Vi per day, common lalwrcrs ordl< narlly 91.50, and In harvesting from f>i..*J tu 9>.0O with board. Railroad fares, groceries and dry goods ore a little higher there than here. Any one with a few thousand dollar* can live Independently. The rate of Interest with the bent of security Is twelve per cent. Land on the line of the railroad, even miles from a dc|>ot is higher tliau at the same dis- tance In unothcr direction.

Itev, E. 8. Williams hasarrlvcd In town from the West, and will preach at tho Free church next Sal lb at 11 morning.

Col. K. II. Conwcll of Boston gave a very i uterus ting lecture nt tho Baptist church on Thursday evening, upon tho subject of " Baby- lon and China." The speaker has a remarka- bly pleasant and Interesting stylo of comuiuul rating Information rmuiectiug tho countries and ]>eoptcs ho icis visited. His descriptions arc graphic and eloquent, and secure tho close at- tention of hk audience, who ore both pleased and prolited.

■ar the VT . ....(nimble twu-,1 ..rv Houw witli an 1„ »

Ham m-arlv neiv, v :i!i, und about 'M wren of mowing,'liMaisc, peat. |.rwurc nnd wood land. I'pon tile pri'tul.c- AII- -JiKl Ui'plc tree", Ink-Ides - irauil peach trees ami grape vmw. The place

id tun ted let-s tliau three mill's lunii Lawrence City Ifutl, timt alien! nee mile from the Ainhiver depot. JAM1> MKKIMLL.

Awlovei, Uarchfti, IsT.i. lit*

(jOA''- The snbaeribrr ha* n supply of CO.t I. of differ,

rercnl alaea ami quality, wlii.h he will rurnlab eostouier* at a reasonable pi ice uml rhurt notice, Ovdara may 1K> Itttt tit JOHN II. CHAMU.Lk'.i Perb*<,t*.sl store or at mj realdence,

.miiN ciiASni.Lii. Andover, Sept. 8. l«7^.-



m Inli 1 term of th ur Nine


school closed evening Utt through tho extra couri

The exerrireaflf the ■ting, character,

—In the schedule of city property given In the ■ I > Auditor's report, there are, fit the Gitv Furai, 1 -■■' .

Ruth Amlovrr High I ,„w iMar „ml nftv ccuL>. ^ o( ^^ unJ «ATrili>AV, April l»ll., coLnm.mel-,; at bil'tl-m on Tuesday (lJlc citv Mllf property of the name value In « o'clock F.

holars bavins I»"»"l u«.-. Tim Utter item hieludes , icriLvud diplomuf. milfM u{,ho 1,,,,;^,^, . , , . vM.ingwMe ft an In- _]Wy liititfT a,ggtb^, ftSm« the Church of Utlns nl oration^, c^- y Advent, ttolum, wllloltloiuto nt M. John's

siijf, and n-lef.1 rcodln^r, nter-pcBied vtth \o- 5,, ■ 1 t y ■■' . :'" ■ 1 I(N>- , ,, , . ..' __ • , Cliurch on Sunddy ^icxt. . - . :',, nil aud lurtriiiiieiriiliiiiiMc, and (he manner in 1—TTV ... . ...j bid. the Mudcnts thfiuuoivf*'wu 1 -The city ftalrri^wrcnrBh valued at etgh-

liishly crcilit.ililc to tlu-mwlvea, antl >tm their | 'y-fo'"1 dollaw. w_.^>|' „.„','. , teachers. T,.c diplomas .ere presented by i^e^iu htm*^ma»W*fi*»m*ii

'ttie. Mfldtots :.i tho. AuH* t^/L^jthf CUADHB. liouul tliuivh. .-..'iiitu-.i by Kcv. LI.nk \ .iil.'i.

\V. P. SHEl'Alil), M. 1>.. HCM050PATH18T,

BM Ink en Hie nflhe twcntly oouipled by Ilr. t

1 to 9. and J toir. ». night

L. llraiimnl. Dill., -bours till y*. fall- !itl.<u<l.-l Andover. Sot, 1, IS1 Utf-

<) It I rY 0 The yndershjned lin* returned tn Ids eld stand,

oTerJ. J.liittitVN's store,on MAIN street,where he win he ■i.'.'i to waitOBbistormareaaioaMra and the poblUi generally i;i all broaches nrisAllt DaaBaWUia. JJarPartlenlar attention paid to r,111 in - Ladlat' mid ciiiiiireir. Hair. Urateful Tor past favors, tod conscious of always Improv- ing the |„ 1 -i,t,;:i H|ipearnnce of pntnmi, nil are cordially Invited to cull.

WILLIAM H. SMITH. Andnver, Jan. tblttTl.

T E It It E N C E II E N It Y ,

M ^ si 11 :.■!■■ r in ,1 of

CofDns, Caskota, nttit all kinds of <;rnvr Clolbaa.

A) ■'■ denliT In in sll kinils of Furniture. Iliact Wulniit, t'hi'i-inut, and Plue Cluimber Ret*, com-tuntly on hand. I'pbol«Wring ami Itepnbing ilonu hi the nrttti-rt inniiniT, nml at rcnr-oimlile hriecs. l'lcture frames, t UrtalUI nml Ciirtshi Fixtures coiiBtantly on hand, ami put up If tie-

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TERKKSCE I1KNUY, Asrtlantcr and Cor'iiiilnalnii »iin tmni. Iii now prepared to

■11 1: -;ii H-i.-ite or '' ■ ■-onnl 1'roperty at reoson- 1,1,1.- (■■ii.,-.


is ALL ITS uiaaVriiKH, r.r

SAMUEL ■WOODMAN. In Brick Ituilillng next north of tbo Town Hall,

ANDOVER, 1IA8S., Where may Iw found ft good nx'ortinent of Furnl.

ra KUBII M-ll at AUctiui.. to the liighef.1 biddt-r, •ttlWll" r.tHIH. iH-rtiitifUlly rftur*—T ■

uortli 'ble of UHJ ILiverliill Kuad

eanat and one and a hull 'mile bom pott

oiljun church, linil as p"'»l rchools as Iherf- arc in Urn stMB. nn-t only Uirre miles from l^wrenee Wiitur. The farm . 1,i1-i,u,.(Kt>oul»»iu-aY#»rtli« l«,t oX- lan.I, 1.1 psiture ami Ii tallasrt*, uu.lcr tlie hfanaet suiu- pfjaoMsatlon, aiwi im« bMt sjr

- "^Bthl

ny !»' found ft good a» _ turp. con.-ihling or Kitchen, t'number anil Parlor I'ni-iiitiiri', MiiUWKB.*, llciir, Ilcildiug, Window Shades, Ac., Ac.

Main-- ■■('■■, Lounger, Riifus, sn.l 1'urlnr Hcls made to order, or repaired nml uiiliolrti'reil.

I>cski, Tables, and odd iilecen made an desired. Curtains trimmed mid hung, Carpets laid, and lieneral Jobbing done.

.Second bnml t'uniilure tmuKlit and sold. Li nods cf all kimls rcielvcrt and sold nt Public Auction. Evervthlng suld as low as can be afforded, and warranted s» represented.

Aaents for the cHattrnteil JONES' PATENT si'UIMi IIEir, iH'-t in market. Various oUier kinds on hand.

N. B.—Mr. Woodman will render any asslstanro doslred, in purchasing goods In Boston or else- Tfhi-re.

Andover. Jan. 1. 1871. »-

•\. Mr. ruiiuftbe Medioillst otinrch, mc of s school committee, whi IIIOIIJ an address wt appropriate to the ocv-uiwi. Xhcavluul in 11 satisfactory HMdiHaUt and prosporlBJf ider the rtBclent manofmnent of Mr. P. J.

Pnrrls und of Ubs h. P. Uood, both of whuu excellent icuehcr/. The following are the

names of the t-tiidcnis rceeivhui diulotiuui Nathan C. Sbwdly; Oeo. Klttretlge; Oeo. H. Fhelpsi John W. Boltmi Horace K. Foster; IfortaC, Hodge*] Hantinh Ante; Marj- K. llualy; Clara I,. Koye.

Tins Auditor's Hcpon of the town or North Andover fives the vital statistics of that town

ic past year as follows ;— Number of births, 81;. males 17, females, 31;

bom of American purcnts ut; frith, fig Bttf llsh, 12; Oeruiau,^; others fathctti and moth- ers ofdiircrent niitirjAlltiex. Number Of dMAfea.

males, 21, females, 'JJ. Uf Amerl^ut blrtlis 31, foreign, 12. Under ten years 11. Botwecn 10 and 30 years 8] hotwoen 33 ami £> years 8; between W and UJ years 13 ( over d0 years 3; oldest per.-,HI, 97 years, i months, 23 days.

Number ol marriages, 2D; oldest couple, groom, 7), bride, 71. Youngest couple, groom, 2J, bride, IS, Five grooms and two brides bad bass married before. Cost of the new school house at the centre, 912,33* K.'i. l'rc-scnt town debt, *r2e,001 30.

At the meeting of tho TrhiiUriuitCongrega- tional Society, held on Monday, March 21th, Ocorge L. Davis was chjson Moderator,.N. I'- Frye, Clerk, Joseph M. Stone, John F. Klmbnll and Andrew Smith, Executive Committee; Jo- seph 11. 6tDB«. Treasurer; John t'herhurne, Collector; BcnJ. P, Hnundcrs aiuT Joseph S. Sanborn, Auditors. The Auditors' report shows the receipts the past year to have lwc-11 $2,741-- 57, and the expenses 92,520.19. At this point Hon. George L. Davis presented to tho .Society a very neat and commodious liouse, to be used

parsonage. This was very gratefully ac- cepted, and the following resolve passed:

Rrtohrd, That we tender to the Hon. George I,. Davis our most hearty thanks for his coutiu- ued llhernilty, this licingoneof the many mu- nlllcent gifts for which he has so often laid us under great obligation*. We therefore do, and ever shall, cherish toward him groat respect and thankfulness, which his prnlseworthv acts so richly merit. ,


vice begin.' at lilt 1

jd a rria j^e,y<. j . ltAlK,I.IK|r_ltM¥»[».~ln t:,|H citv, March Mil.

by IttV. Win. K. l'u-k,'Alr.i»iarli'-« "■ KsdcltsT, <>t N.iiili Andover, to lllss Nsncy T. Blood ol' lAWreiKS.

KI.^WOltTH—IHXON.-ln tl.i- litv, Mdrrh U{1». hyKsv. C. K. KMier. Mr. William Kl-worih of tVeb-tcr, Me., and Miss LUIS': H. Dlxnn nf Lawrence. *

WCM>DSIIiK-r.KHTtY.-tn (hi* citv. March (5th, by Iter. <-. K. M-lu;!;, Mr. I liarlcije.-Woodslde

W-nce. ilMiss Nellie K.' I

COLLINS- LISTKH.-li tills cl!»', Mnt.-Jt SScli,- liy Ilev. L. 1*. i'u«limni. Mr. .)ii|m II, Uollhik nml Mi,.■id 1). Lhrtns, U1II1 of lawreucc.



ill reopen MONDAY, March at her ItESIDXNCK, comer of Main and

ins street. Terms, uer fiuartcr. Andover, March 21, ltfTU. 3t

STOLKN—From tho barn of the sub- scriber, oa the niglit of the Dili iust., a IILAC'K

HOIUE, weighing altout issi lbs., with white hind leet, n white »i»it under the snddlc. and a largn switch tail. The lion-u is ohl, but sound and kind and whoever will return him to the owner, or gin bifomistlon where he mnv he round, will bo suit- ably rewarded. MAlll'KL CtMiHWELL.

A'ndpver, March II, isTs. Ut


Notice Is hereby given tliatthe partnership lately exbting between f, A. NASH and I!. V». HAH- OU>T, {under tlu- firm natiw of SASH A RAVCUM) at Nnrtli Andovic, Mais., wss dissuiveil on the tliivn ii-.ih day of March, A. D. W73, by mutual

I*, A. Nash Is authorized t 1 and by the romtianv.


settle nil debts duo

SARUENT.-ln Mcthucn, Moreli 2, Mi™ Lmlicy T., ibnei.UT.if KdLiuiul and ItftteyJ.Sargent, igcdUyr*. Sum,

iUtsn.-In nsherrilhe,N.ll.. ■March Wtlu.Wn U-i-li, fumreriv ot Mallard Yalu, aard » Vr... Ills 1 criuiiiH were UkSn to Ajidovsr lor later.

JONICS.-In this citv, March Mf, Mrs. Marv Jones, ngerbttjT*. . HJ ... 1 .'

MAKON.-InWinchrstcr. March Mb, Martha f wlTeolKranciH 11. Maion, huiiicilv of Audovci aged 3D yrr-

8UATTLCK.-ln And.ivir. Manh 3M, of 'eon siimiitinn, Dea. UeorfeT. nluitUirk, aged .IS j i>, 10 miM.

IIOWLAND.—At Saratoga Springs, K. Y., Manli *t,Mx--Tni-e Wanh.cll Km. land, wife of .»— L. fl.'lt»wUnd, nged 37 yrs, 11 in..-. Her remain* were taken tn Ipswich, Mass., for

Interment. Mrs. Rowland before marriage, was a teacher in the Abtiott Academy, Anriover. M.VU-JHALL.-lit this city, March *;tii, Mr. Al-

I..-H Miir.haU, JKfcrlMyn. '

Kunural at his btte rsshleuce, 50 Jackson St., ai l.W r. M., sjeiWrday. Friombf inrited without rlirther notice. ■ •■■ v • DALKY.—la this city, Mftreh 'tTtlr, Minnie A.,

daughter of Andrew Haley, aged U yrs, 7

B i 1111\ fi.

Ii:«:i dry ground huuse Is if"1

' kited; lu „ 111, wiHxUh.d, etc.,and one of tho be*t vtate- ila cellars, lloinie pnluU'U am) blinded; sits

sugb froni Uiu road; sunny, dry location, from thkh Is obtained a beautiful vkswof Cockle*wk-k Isike, one or the finest sheets of water in the stab-. which afford* safe and pleasant boating, fishing, — ,and only a few minutes walk from Uiu form.

■ b> one of ths ver* bsst Imisllon* Tor SUMBMT rders. Situated in a flu* old town, where there Is good society. 0 healthy atmosphere, the best of school advantage*, nixl n high tuuwl morel aud social clement lierv ad log the entire community.

After the ml ■ or the aliove, wo sliall sell a DTTAUK IIOISK, newly slungksl; Bam, iiocmakor's Hi 10p, ami 3-t of an aero of I-sml

covered with choice lienrlng Ault trees. Thi» place woubl make a pk<*iant and comfortable. none for anyone in moderate el re tons leases. The lonalioa i" gond.ou the corner of the Hafrrbai and the Licorgclomn Bond, cbmo'byth? akoa* fkrm, and Henri"*-1,

rpctQOvn E >'iy*04i>*M

BalO I'uarnvn, April'llMK,earnissj*>:ing at 3 i P.M., giving tlmetotaite all fflo retumtrniaj. ;&■■

PBDBICK t.*vi/mox, . Auctl»"ci'r» nml Soil lMla*».A£euti.

The Manure, IHook mul T..eis wdl"U Wkl« yu purchaser of Ms inn 1 at svctta»j«r^ tflii Hhnuldwam. ■' 4t«uuW 'u. ;, .^.»iit—-,-,- ■. TESTATE OP ibilX CfyVbtiLX.

Notice Is hereby givan that tlie sub*cismer 1st- been duly uppofuitif mmuob'trirfor of die ustjitoflt

John 1 "in II-, v late of Lawrence, In the county of Essex, laborer, riooeased, am) has taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds, a* the law direct-.. All persons having demands u)Hin the estate of said deceased, are required t" exhibit the same; and all parsons Indebted to said s> to make payment to W. Tl

Lawrence, March tl, 1873. IB

ryw: BEST 8TIX-K OF ,

PAPHit IlAKUITtua) lu Ksses ConsMtjr, ■ 'y W'iUTFORD A RICK.



Tl-.r Am anil IJeRa*><

I aoons sToiiu 204 Essex Street,

!■:, McKAY.

Is aJtraetmg miteb attrntt. u l,y il»' It.-nullrtit and Klrenni iMsp'sT t.l

W SPRING DRESS 000DS! u< lity keep a l»iu:r a.'><>rUueut of

l'ii:ii-, liingliamx, and lotion., I.. <ih lUiwhed and ib'n« u, ivtiui 10,11 nud lit cents per yard, up.

Mr. McKAY hits


Wlilte, Brown, Tu; U f Bad and panuudt, ol very powprlae*;!mid,In mft.eTcrytWnjrtiom a f^^rwr "f 1'iiM l.lliini'C <■■, ■ Hfi.,-1, s-ttk.. T-

A rfif. to his store, in

Boach'B Now Elook. No. 304, rsult of Dry C0O1I-, will Well rrpny

•nxitdy. «a-Thcre the tiooils will lie frerty alioarrl. and wlUnml urging.

rVlie ruci-ee* of Mr. MI-KAT. IN the past fir* s a siilllcK'iit KTuai aulie to all that he has jpiilar want, vis :—

l Tjfjro Quantity of Good* nt n

Snml! Advance on the F)m r.isi.

Offl HIM A C*I.I„

faro Wolcomo, ovon to Lools.

S-MMfi-A h H A H ft.A-4-IMt— AT mt

"IOITLAH sTom;,'' HUB A 330 E-TM03C street,

MII'MJ Dool; I sosi Posl OtrtCt,

T AY L OR & IiOL'fOX, locce'ior.' to Cuiivr.t.!. ft

■ JJ*R«"BOWN, CLHAHINOOUt WUil J^A^I1K.-V Alll.K sriU-N <^IVAI^>m?

.nuuW aim' apil \..iiilt cTaTlrstCU 1IH.L. •*. i>i


have received

fim PIECES Or BUFF LINEN, J>i.i the thing for tnm:i;r S"lt>,

til'Uln., -vvi.rt!) ■(.">»•. n y.n-.l.

A line of Corsets* I'.'L'nch an 1 Uerwin. ut CJc piHlTor |M>r)uiir; worth «!.»nud *t.%

A ajsja a| ge(j Qulits «t (UK worUi *i.rsi au.l *;, t-i.

CTA liargainin Bhnwla, aullahle (Of Ml I.I. \VKA1{, atel.W.

A case of Print*.^i^-STi'.ES.ntfc-: WOTlh

L'l-. A few down* of our 30-cent Kid Qloves. Forty dozens Ijulic." L(n«n HandhTj, slightly

i',niiui;ti'1, I'IIKAI'.

Rt-sHKLl,.- and MVs. C

n to Mr.

rO LET—A two-story House, pnlutcd and blinded, with twelve airy rooms besides attic, and ivo»d nml v. n.-h nmins. It lias - ' lar, a fun

lent wuttr.

A end i'my, ami nut fur from the other schouU and the churches In town. The furniture will be let with the houve. to ULOItllE FOSTKIt.

Andover, March II, 1873.




I.aiviciirr) and Andover Afreneles

The subscribers are nnw prepared to c«ecute all kind of work In Uiu Laundry line, In supcrlr- style. at short notice ami nt HM| that defy coi petition. The proprietors bold themselves r suonslbla for all gomls lost or mislaid, whether marked c

Ballard Vale.

On Monday crening last, at the house of out vi'iieruble and worthy fellow citixen, llea. Asa II. Ilrown, a scene was enacted, which will be re- meinhered with pleasure by all who were prey- eat. Uwasonu of HMI.1! O< i-a.-lons of rcjolclnti which give to the L-ellngs a kind and tone, aud brings to society a cheerful

of ki.ully feeling and respect to


id lit, r 3 on b family who

. pi-jci' per ili/cn, iTii'ln.liuclIiriestarclied 1, "a rents. For further particulars Inmtire r ageuts, Kdwnrd McKay, -Jilt Essex street,

Lawrence, and II. H. WafM ««»■ "t *■ l'«™ry'' Main street, Andover.

A share ul'publir pnlunin^c re-pcclAillv rnllclt- ,|. ^IOWSSKM), III.DIILJETTA CO. West Atnesbury, Nor. 1, IBM. Ktf- N. 11.—All gooils scut b> our Laundry* at •*-

laki and fret 0/ sMw, Goods intended for the Laundry if left on Monday "r TiiCHilny. nt ths ill

Mr. Tattcrson con tern plates some Ifhprave- ments in tho FOel Office, and will add 10,1 boxes on tho llrst of April, an accoutmodutlon for rhich he will receive the public thanks. The store occupied by the lato Onv CArletou,

will soon bo opened by partlc»from New Hamp- shire, who will carry un tho souic business.

Mr. Hnywnnl delivered a temperance lecture In the town hall, on Sunday night last. The lecture was very interesting, end the inter- est In the cause continues unabated.

Mr. Oranville E. Fuss, our representative, has sold out his Interest in the Old Line meat market. It |* well understood, however, Mr. Foes docs not Intend to leave town.

Mr. Varnum Corliss is ntfding extensively to his stock of harnesses, looking to nn active trade.

Mr. A. J. l'crkius was In tan this week, en- deavoring to create an enthusiasm In favor of his scheme fur changing the location of the rall- road bridge ncross the Merrhuack, but failed to excite the degree of feeling expected.

The appointment of Mr. H. D.Chnsc, us street corauiir^bncr, glrcs general satisfaction ; a few sore hcadsrccl a little nettled over the appoint- ment, hut it is expected they will cool off. Mr. Chase has held the position fur the past two years, and tho manner In which he lias dis- charged the duties entrusted tu him led to his re-appolutmcnt. The clean sweep of officials anticipated has not taken place. All the old officers have Iwen appointed, with the exception of Mr. Giklirist, and it Is probable that he will yet be upiMiintcd; .1 i>ctUiun will he circulated having that object In view.

At the last meeting of tho literary association the topic was discussed, "Hesolvcd tlutt hard study la not Injurious to Uiu studonL" lloy. Mr. Hayward, fi. a. K.irgcut. J. (1. fwrkai, Chns. !■:. Trow and others partici|iatcd In the discustlou. The subject for discussion at tho next meeting will be, "Hesolvcd, That horse trotting ought not to'tie allowed at agricultural fairs."

Tho Brennam, who are lightly spoken of as artists, will grra nu entertainment ut the town hull this evening. They will doubtless' hare a good house. QIILL.

InthUrlty.MarcbtfHl'.n (ieo. W. Ibi'-M 11.

lH-:i'< IM-K Ar.- In this rlty, March tttb, a sun to Mr A Mrs. 1'hilip Dcfon-cnn.

»iinl:n«. i„ this city, March Serb, a snn tn MrTa Mrs. 1'. Waldren.

BTEVEKSOX.-In thif citv, MarchSTth. s .laugh. ter t* Mr. A M rs. Thomas Stevenson.


Gilt Paper Hangings and Borders, . /ast openeil by WHITFOltD A RICK.

M '0 V l> " L

s 346 and 347 Common street.

N'lW 8TOCK Of .*


Herds Grass, Red Top, Clover end Orchard Grass. of ftABDHN SKF.IXS.

I'liosplinli of I.lmr.

204 r*ssen street, Beach's New Block,

M:\11 1111. i'n-c i>i-|-!i r, RBIUBIIIT



'■POPULAR STORE" A Urastsl nisplay or

New and Elegant Dress Goods la 41 j. TIII:

NEW COLORINGS AN0 FABRICS! Adapted far tin- coining Nrasmi.


as reiioved her Dress Making mums t-

Jtlnmffmlrltt A. ft M. ATK1SSOVH, tBlO Kascz street, I.AltlifM'i:.

npVjfeDAY, AI'HIL 1st, lft73.

I BYRON TRUELL & CO. Ift'i- nu slrg«ut aiMirtmriit ..f DRESS

GOODS, Just pnrehaKcl in the NEW TtlW

markeli, comprising ninny naTrltlrs.


CLAdE POPLINS In the ehnicest New Shade-.


s!i AtVLN in New M;.!■■-. never befon-hiuiwn.

i I i Jitpum »i TABCN MalltHKs, wide, fine

goods, Bt n Very IAW price.

(1..-.11 nisi, add to our already large 1 tock of

CARPETIf/GS, many picw fttytcs In I'.in.. ,■!., i.ip. r Extrni selecloil with grent cure, and BSI .ui.iiT aft to tlie It*at Rebill Trmle.

t .-. Iso, a ii'u- l»i of \ .■!■.. I, atrtiiaels, nml Taiw ry ill <:s„

Olt CLOTHS fmm the widest sheet to the narniitcsl made.


K. I'mnk Tar1


t nit.>i

uuhi ajui'.un iMMi'fnJty fbot Uwt


Best Quality and Lowest Price, , , - -WABHANTK17. 1 '.';



Wiiiviiiitfd nut to tire the eve, nml to be M Itrst Blass in the market. '" ; ■

iVlllTHllll. A IIIUK, AaeaU.


of all descriptions anil prices. Pietara Cord. Also, a slock of'CHROMOS, Engrarings, I.lthogxa|ihs, Photographs, Ilrackets, etc.

Parties desiring their ciigrsviiif. Framed, can rely noon having them in the hot Ftyle.atthe lowest, llrtug rates.

MJ-„ E. If. MOUSE has charge nf tho ]'i.-turc and Framing department at 369 Essex street, algn 0/Picture Frame Manu'ractorj-. ' tmhJl

iiliV .hare made£xl<i»*lvcArrangvm«nUb> hare nn hand a full line nf tjoods in ai.t. our I>eiuirtincnts. Custmuers can rely on having a graaid ■■••rtmnit to rhooss from, and, a* heretofore, bWF arkri wHI lie th,- la-reeal In the mnrkeb

1 Foulard and Plain Bilks In nil the uew delicate colors nml (hit*.

m/ACK Sri; K s, a 1 i|li vnrkl} of nil the dlffsrcut uuikes In Ihe


PLAIN AND FANCt DRESS GOODS. In Tanelne, Pure Mohairs, l'n n,'li licliiiui-i<. All Wool Poplins, and ererythlng New and Fa»hlon- able Importttl from the I Frenrlr aasl Tlritlsb marten.

A Inrgi' hit of lllaelt Atpsta>, fiirr SIo- katrs and UrlUUutlAea, from Sk to * L.'.J yd.

Black Silks WO. l* ''-W; a istrgain, worth S0r a ynnl more. ...:,.

a. -v» ,■ most ronllnlly Irirlie hk*r>erll*N* of am- stock. ■ ... ... :- .■


RnrroNh Duiiu vno« POST Orncv..


nuecessors to t ji'iim 11. .'. Iiiwu.

HOSIERY, GLOVES. NECK TIES, ami a general Hue nf TrimmtnE*.


1 ..nlI.-- uro invited V lsupeel nur stock, and convince themselves that we Still continue to sell the ekeapest In tin- rite.

O N F. P H T <' K T O A I. I, AT THK


228 d 230 Essex Street, Lawrence. ■acorn limiu pnoif pust OFFICE.

TXYi.on * nor.TON,


L1 ' r R K I

(In account nf I In ■ late gre nt aiy

St«uo ..ii\Vr.Nl.inirtM.i St.. liusit»n,

1 aiu ■>ii.-mi;, pnrt nf my



H U MA N HAIR slightly il-iui*.gril by renter, si

H A r. r VM 1 0 K !




io fad K^*>:itVTIllMi hi our gloc.k. We \-^\- to sell al I.«*a ihau WhoIaaaJc rrtce*, iiiler to gel ready for new Spring Uotxls.

All tVonl C.ihpifrfi, In Colors, marketl down Horn f i.i.l to tl.Ofl; f 1.181 to eTIe.

Plain Vt'nulrn Urn* Gasrds, in short length a, rro>x|tl.00tO9Uc.

A Isisy lot uf 20, l\ 374and .lik.

A good nssortmeut of MHpe Draaa lioosls fur l*i,it. so, ;i:i ami fsw.

In our stock of Dress Goods can be found many Barflrsins.

A large lot of Scolds Ginghams at 1 - yard. sTlsuastelB, Prints, Cotton* and Crwabcs at

equally I.t>W 1'ltlt ICS.

White TabU Linens and Turkey Rod Damasks


XBSSUSM uae, »I.-JI, i,;;,, 2.on, 3.33, LU per doa.; tH»ni)-»T« per c*wt\. teas than oaa be bought elsewhere.

BLACK ALPACAS ft BRILLIANTINES we will sell at the same low rate.

Our stock of

CASHMERE SHAWI.S 1* largo ami tasty. In Sqaara and Long, and at prices NKVKK UEFOHK KNOWN lu this market. Woolen PInla and Stri|M Ihawli F-J.OO, 1.H,

I.00,8.M, 4.00and6.(10; ftOly OSE THIHT* lass thnn former prlcar.



VERY CnR.VP to dm* out.


We shall make extensive repairs InMirtlor* before we buy our spring flood*.

Our Present Stock will be Closod Out Without Regard to Cost I

A.W. Slcsirwsi**;*. « i.< riilcnicn nf Lawrence.ov__., have ..fur.ti Uiescrvkc.iTsnr.tCla.*rr.SMli Aitl-t, limn Sew York, lift. L s. DIPOhT, and will bo pillared Moadsy, Jlnirk 17th, tH take ufden t r spnug MitU-o>,i L,o«H,l'au<*,VeSt*, e»r., etc (roui nu Asaoruuwit rytutl I" Btrjf In New j.... 1..1 i.i.


MW-llchea, St t tonurr price. $9.

4ire)-Switches, Ii

FHXEPS, nttc, |n 1 j in ii

8 A. \\. Staarssa A fa. am upeumi. their >'ui

A.-i.riimct of New Pattern*, for rarlor* uu-i Kaurral Ib.u-t t'lunlfhlnir purposes, ami innbt bivitf Ihc l.mlit- nn.l nil lulere.tnl w*n *»nial mithm nf nur Klctnint P>lyhs nml I iHHp-i.aodr.

VKW AMI LLF-t.AKT. — Lutlii-s wlf l\ tlfl Mil wish bi KEIfcM ti.n laic, -l.i.111.t Uf what A.W.Mteanis* 4o.r.\N < OXTItnilTK - Uich mlornmcMln Now Dress Goods.

J7VBBI 1-nlv wlm la c.miriu|iiatiiiK J bin inp a Blael. sjMk. Ibis season, shoalil ii<.-

prove II..' pi 1 flit IHII iip|it>! innii \ at A, IS'. Staarsta A Ce's.

AW. bTKABKS ft CO. tre usfiolAg a Sew ami v«rj tholce Wylen of uprlhg

N'KVY fLtitl Elesnnt Stflea <tf Hjulnn hlwtl-c-in I.,, Mesu-ns st, To'*.

1.'01l Nr-W OosHla'nml New ttlvk-a. ffu-U> A. IV. Kte*ma * <;*■«.


W* Witt

lft,m.e,,r,oc.|5f/:/l ANY SUMMER GOODS


ALL who dealrc in buy their lininU , .' \ ehras, nuil save amury, nml llwiusi'

much li.iulilt', "111.1.1,1 vlnit mu| |[,:iti<>nLe Htei (o Boston.

LONG AND Syt'AHK CA81IMEK) ollAWl-(*. Uraofltiartcrs at

A. W. Slssrui o» f«'s.

cliravi nml 1 Iriiuhle, sbiii

, I'm. in prclcrcni

LADTBH' UNDEH QAKM£NTS—Made from the litoT Ut'ALlTl' of cintli, awl

\\ Kl.l, NLUH . A, W. Stoarns ft Co, are mcnlnna cowplct*

assortment of New Styltsand Spb n.lid Woil.


ilvtrupolltans, etc., ran lie time it at NUarsu A fa's. .

FLANNKL8 or nil klmlx riic.ij). . , ;.A-fr. St*.riu A Co. "t

Iron LONG AX1> SOrAWE PTAI1> . SI1AW1.S, BCFI Variety of K«w Patterns,

FOIt STYLISH Dlt'KSS, ASp SUIT M \KIM.. A. w. Steania A <•■«.

liuiiE SILVKH'RPOOIfH—Warwtnfwl,

I?QR NEW DRISSfl BUTTOKFS, Trim A miliff* ami I.oc-n°,

.... A. W. Htrasns A to',.

UOBIEftV AND GLOVKS- XX Gent's. Hfst Varlelv,, Jtcst rrooJs.^Clii

LIUIU'K' ai.,1 (y. Jie^trto«v)s,'nif*p. i\. Mnnnttts.

IIKA1IS AND WTSNGHH—All fiKea, .Icllltrt Sl,-1.

A, W. Hteants A Co.


VIEWS OF LAWRENCE at * 111,111'KN RBO'tl,

SSI Kaaex Street, UwrsatSt

Kl.l' your Hands Son nml Kmnoth Ihla K i.i).

.Hareh weather, by using Oat Mral ami Jrrriluf. Sosy, tthiili CI.HIIIIIUM all the requi-

sites for a l'erft-rt IS'lntrr floap, marie wry mil:I by tin-mlitltiii" of Pure (.(vcorine, anil ksfiw tlie hk'ln iu n heslttiy oomltU»n in all eatrmnps »l

- " IMJ- -

innii i il , mlsstor Ifrimtch.

of K. M.Kay, will ho attcml ■, ill till tltv



Notice Is hereby jgiTt becu tl.i:. tippuiutvU am

Ana Kills, latoof North Ami,ivci, lu tin- cmuiiy or ESSOT, yen-

. ijuiiniinL IlisSSSM. infl has taken upon hltnaelf iriifl by (illins: bomls, ns the iliieitit. All

iH-rsons linvluK ilemniHl.- ii|"'» Hi ■ cMiitc nl HIHI lei'co*eilsrcrv,[ulii',| t.ic\fiibit :1m same; and all iH'i>mis iiiilcbtctl to Miiil oi-tale arc nilhri uiwai 10 tuako payment 1.1 HultATin It. Kl.LIH, Kxec'r.

North Autlover, Manh I, IH7S. otSmbJl*



On the Wing-

Krr 1 Kt;t.i.'s HrnTthnsj, N. C. WaiT-h *), IM7A

Kl'IT'iit OK 1 in: AIJKKII AN .-—Among Uiu relic* of the old nl .hivcrv Uiere are mauy Illilld-i to : 1,^.1'.-t (In [fl-ftl.ll ■!■■ lili/llU,'cnVrlt. ,.l !!,.■ -,1,1111111 in.-1iHKi.iii. M.--1 tiflli.'liiiv IV.illl Wa-hluKtnii nic sSta IJU 1 ouiu-.-- anil desatB*Joaj notliillK tn •t'liii■ i<l 1.111: "I tlif enterprise and thrift ,.] |!,.- ni.iUii'i'li -late.-, liichit I MM ill- nl""l»' - tlull, nml amitt of the white hulie* on tho ttreeU still wear the lull ciu-luinc "I iiiourtilng fur their tienr lieparkil eunfederacy. it wns tiullu nuvil for me to Mi-p Intt. tlie J-« jp-Liture affiH Virginia, which in now In cession. The iniijnrity element Is ciuicm-vslive, asyuu am aware, nUhouKh In the house of dslejtiili's «c mw mine ilosvn colored members, wlifcli In intellect ItHikctl fully njusl to •"io white mcmlH'r-. The speaker tliil not pretend

1 keep (Iriler. .lulilieiiu^, elieu ui(; tulmcco, sinok. Wot

ile to Tiill the roll to see it u ipmruiii tvus prcHeui, which mm rcpcnteil nvernl tunes bcinru tbo reijulrod iiuiulMir was t'nunil. The ays* and nn* WITU cuilud

[cf.lulli.ti from (lie hcnale, ankiiix t'mtKTes* debt of Virginia. Itw"

.. ...s have won lor them the ecteem ami eonft- il-ncit til'tilt* community. In tho early part of tlie ttvening thu company came out from their ro- tieiit, ami by an advaiun movement, virtually t.iok possession of the house; the family,ofcource, bad nu alternative but to surrender.

The programme wns further carried out by presenting to Mr. Ilrown a package containing an niiniiint nl " legal temler-," ncenmpanieil by B few remark* suited to the occasion. The spoaaer cli nnl to know sumething of tire cordial I'cellng 11. 11 ,-i 1. .1, unit that but one motive nml 01: iii!|ii.l-p|isil prompted (hem tomnku tlii.

it lu cementing an ■, If possible, those frieml

which were thu lire and health of arery community. Ila felt that be cnuM but feebly exprcis tlw sentiment* which were ontertnimul Inward their lumt, for tlie Integ- rity nml honesty of chsracU'r nn<| nl purpose fur wliich he luid always IMIOII held by thu F — tlii * village. The spanker said, we are t. -tifv t<i your axamplo a* a cill*en, worthy of mil- deepest regard, a* n constant and reliabh- frii'iul, aklmiand sympathising neighbor, and a ilemut and earnest Christian. Our peraonal ac- ipiulntiitico with your fnrallv evtends to a period

mil 1'ipeil It woulil SniB iii ,TI ,i-iitlng and bind- ing more tlmily together. If per-" ly tics ami relations, w hleb

veiiinun, deceased, greeting: Wlierens, accrtitiii in-mum m. purporting to lie

the last will and testament of said de- ceased, ha* been presented tc said Court, fur pro- bate, by Henry J. Omy, who prays that letters of n.lmlnblrntlon (with the will annexed) mnv be Ifsucd to him, 110 executor Iwitig therein named in said will, . „ . _

You are herebv cite-l tn spiicar nt n Probate Court to bo held ut *»l m raid county or "■"SBCK, nn tlie Fir»t Tucs-day of April next,

nine o'clock In the fi-nnnnn, to show cause, it IJ- you luive, against the snme. ... And snld petitioner is herebv dlrecb-il Ic ,ve iiublli' not iff IhereiU, h> |.nlli lung tin-cil.i-

imnunceaweek.l'ir ilnev »ueee-five weeks.ln the newspaper called the Ijtwrrneo American nml Andover Advertiser, printed st Lawrence, Ihe last publication to bo two days, at least, before said

Witness, George F. Ohoata, Esquire, Judga of said Ctiuit, tills seventh tiny of March, in tho year one tluuitiuid eight liiimlri»\I and sevei-'. ■ tlmw. mbl I A. C. LilKHIKl.l., Itoglfte


The sulwcrllK-r offers fur sale his Land und nulhlhigf, fltunu.l 1« tin in Frye Village nml Uiu West 1'arittli Chiin-h. It eim-ift. of a house newly shingled ami painted, « ith five nxmis, hnvlnga .try cellar and n well nf excellent wtiU;r; a linrn ITbyW- Under au.l ailjiiiiiing the bulMing* arc about Hire*! sercii nl In n.l, .-m l-i 11. Liiff n nnciil'ehanl

peach, pear ami apple tree, nml nurmiiml.-il by ► iibsbuithil i.luiie wall. 11 prmliicedSi lairrpf*

nf fruit Inct venr. The property will Iw sold cheap, ami condition:- ot piiit.ient made easy, as the owner is about to reimne wed. Appl; on the ZmSm. .IAMBS

Andover, March II. IbTX tf

ebecn performed. Through wlntsr anil sunn uer for many years, a kind providence has guardB your foDtfb'ps, am' it is the earnest wish ami praver of these frieinli tlutt you may lie spared to enjoy this quiet and peiieefulbome; tliat happiness ami prosperity mnv Murround you and yimr family, and when at EC. the Master ihallc

Jnnr family, and wh you li-uiic. you m:i;

they revenuu



ifMiluiioii', hfltl enough tn say that hrlj.iiiK lliegeneiiilgincinineiil !IJ p«) nig 1 il ns^ null lair that tlie nth imrlhiin fhoiiM help pay the debt eonlrui te.1 in uiicnte of being plunged in thu vrtir; willing to yield their dear state'* right ft.iercignly now they have a ticbt fur thegoiwrnl garsniaient to r' Stllingo Ineiiiisblfii.-i tlu^, but liioy lire |..n.i, und it does seem to me BH though It would lie iiBpi>.-.-lli!rt lor them to ever mnn- up tn their loiint-r sbmdaid. It ran unty be -I by 11M stroiat arm ot the colored race, ami that I unsure yim Will lak« a long time.

Thel.eglfl.iliireboMn its -ci-eiii' directly untler the hull where .al the conlitleinlc Cimgri-'cs with Jeff Davis at it- head. The speaker rib- iu a chair presented by King tieurgu the Thb.i, and Is a most iiuifslve piece of ruin lime. Hut the ayes anil mis were called Ihe second time, wlwn the speaker n»e to hi* feet ami declared it out ol order bicall fur them the sueoiid limn on the same irucillon, hiill then upon took up a code or pnrlia- msnlnrv rules, and read a rub- siinlshiing hi* dc i UI0I1, and toll them he hopt <l Mini would answer fur all time, nml nut to btuiier hint any more with the tiiolfclimi ol the rules. It is a very suggestive i.ld alscc; .leff llnrls'it resilience, l.iliby rilsoa,

--'' sliivu pen with its niictlou .... .-i.ii>- House. Hut let us

tu ocean tonally |min!u lesson) help icciipcruU' them. Money

vary soiree here; Islnir Is rery asMtt/ iwld. gin'eer* who run ihe locuuinliii-i. -illy get till r Imiadi; trat k«nien HI |»r tiny, am) 1 -

us un ivuly < nil. :. mean bnslnass.

*#-fiur Ifflcei shall ho 03 tMr ni the Invest

quotnt on-,; tutting quality Into con si iteration.


Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers, a*» ft 30fi ESSEX STREET. LAWRENCE.

Ainatenr Tbeati-trals.

Tjtwreiice, March lilts. 1BT3. Mi.sski. Doci.K, I.EVI.AN11 * AinsBCiiiisiBir::

i.eiillenifii — Tho performance jour ex-ellenl Amnteur Company gave, n lew wet** ago, of tl.;; "Mirtilumt of Venini'" ami -l llonilioslesj rnrloso, for Ink benefit of I'mrnlclan 1/vlge V. and A. M., wns StnilcrCil hi such §■ nblcnml art.-tle style, thiil mnnv of thoie wlio liail the plcasme of wit- niwtiiLt it' think that many who were not llierc, a* Well ftfTthose «ho wore; would bo phased to Imvc j .11 rtPfJal tW'sKflM at some early day, If you 1 an • ganlze your comimny for that pui-p"**- J. W. Hmitli, Aadnver, J. Fallon, l^awrence, J.K.farbv«. Lawrence, Jaiuej1'nyne, " C A. llriiffP, Jas. Walton, Metlmcn. V C. Kirk. " J.tValworth, I^wrem A.F.Haa, " t>.r.H.;l.lnSo,,. •• .lona.lCm.ven, •• S9-W "t;.fUb

bLHJbi. , II, -UHldard,

MKKS IS. SMITH. l~aLU>a, Taliwii, 1'AVX

old alscc; Jeff Dnvb's resiil ■bill isie.iimi thu 0I.1 sbn 1,1.1.1, all iii sight of the Otntt lot's.'*! till' pssI(ouly toili'CJtsl ami il" all wu can b)help reel is vsrv scarce here; Islior Kiigin'eer* who run the loco per 1.1,.nlli ; ti,e L-ioeii SO It nn. ilnm ulialtl II will be h Ici-pllite In Ihln iliitTtioii, u« 1 . finplie tike- it- wiry.

killi.ll'- springs, iiilitwiiv Irt'twcen the Atlantic tlccin anil llliic MouiiUiin- ol Snith Carolina, is a vcrjfplctureM|iie pl;u e fur the south. Il Is situated on high Uihl.-Linils, tpiite lulb, fn-c from all the miinnmsul Hie U.iv liilnb, smt 11 gcueiul place «f summer resort li.r hmiilicr u Im euumit live on the low cotton nml rice plantation* during Ihe sum-

nonths. The 1 Ifinatc here Is ol most saluhrl- haractcr; the whole rrftss* Irciiig covered

t'li! visit, ami for the nnd respect he hail ree,

lUiv. Sir. tireeno offered a fbw words of cheer

heart of man to con eel re. Mr. Ilrown warmly thanked the company for

' 'I, and for the many token" of kindness wt he hail received from their hands.

words of cli iver. Herrosh- to all present.

Thu Comet Hand tendered their compliments In s serenade, which enlivened tlie scone very much. The company were entertained by the tilinir singing a nuinlicr of those well known " old folks" hymns and tunes. Later on the party ujapSXMa much pleased with the reception given

Hall — nnne* weio somow hut varicil In eharneler,created an 11 luiu,l;i 11 -e of fun, and were much enjoyed by the amllencc. , _ .

The closing leeliire of the course given In llrml- |M llmll this wesson, wns dclivcreil on Weilnes- lay evening, by the Ilev. tJeo, H. Weaver of IJIW-

rence. Tho lecture wns full of interest, bearing forcibly upon those great truths wherein were tu be found tluvl wealth of material which forever pointed upward to n mom useful aud perfect manhood, and which If followed after ami kept In View, would lend 1 mill;' men to that sutnripolnt of nobleness an-t virtue more to lie valued than diamonds or gold. At the close of the lecture a aartfll of resolutions were unanimously adopted, roinptimenlni-y to the speaker for hi* very able discourse; to sir. William Harrison as presiding nlUi'crihi the hand for their excellent music, and

-■" i|>eriiit«]ident hbuw

Chnncellor L. Dnrlranr of Wlllimantlc, (t., was struck by an engine on the New London Northern It. lL.tienr that place Wednesday, and instantly killed. He was walking on Ihc track.

10MMO\WKALTII OF .M A--M III .-,!. Kaarx, HH.

I'ltnlUli: COIinT. To tho devisee, , legnlees, creditors, and nil other

persons lnter.-le,l in Ihc e, int.r nf JLISKI'H L. I,OW, late of Andover, in snld county, yeoman, deceased, t,-t:.le. greeting I .,.'■■

Whereas, a petition hns la-en prcucntwl to said Court to grant a hi in ,,l inliuini-lrntlon (with the Will annexed) on thu estate of said ilecense.l, no already administered, in ticorgc 1'ntU-r, ol Autlo ver, In tlie county of Ksses, ___ , ,

You nre herebv cited to appear ol a rroliute Court, to be hell nt Sulcm, In snld county of Essex, on the First Tuesday of April next, al nh™ o'clock before noon, to show cause, If any yt hnvc, against granting the same. Anilsai

pill,lie II

It Is gratifying to know tliat our ■a lui*c merited your comnirmlalion.

Weslutirbe liappy to") »ith your request.


BOOB FOH *IA^,<ItI-M:WCr IrOm all tlie best nrasis'of Pnuttry.

oveflsi ft>i* stnlo in daartv «* Mhltc I,t|horai a ai*xciALTY.'

jFerJ 4 Broadway, riomh Lnwreucc.

hiannfixeturod to nrder. Family Bibles, Small t'rtnts; also, n lot of Juronllo Books, l'lctun*. Chrotnos, lithographs, a large stock on hand.

Picture Frame* of allsiscs, and Framing dnno nt short notice.

HKKKUAVB, S67 Essex street, Tovk WtMOt Ooona, cle, Umltil

MAN and his WIFE; tlie one tonrt as uud Us.- otlu-r as cook. Itniulre at ths prrmines.

ItH mb-il

1LASS WAHK.—Hcklo JHIN In line rut Tains*, with plate*! *t

good line of Cut ami Kngra ttp,-* em) WSIIT rturmr* 1

Gii_ rulnss, with plutcd ftmulr. n nii.iiute. \ llineofCutinul 1,11^1.1.e,H.i.l.l-i . I iilTiinib.

1>A1'ER HANGINGS, Wlmlow Slitidce FiMui-cs, Curd, Tnsssls, Mirror*, etc.

l'i, inn'-' Frameil at short notice. - fmtn*l IlEEltUAVS Hook Store, 567 Essei St.

1?L0\VER POT EKACKETflj, holding frOiu one to four pots; llnuglngThisksts liud

Hook*.; Kxtomdon MstTtS, which wHI hold nar- row or wide pot*; also, a Urge lot of HoWer Pota iii varhfuM styles.

- llOHS C. HOW k CO., 1H0 Essex street.

jTV ' OV ' LAr^'ttrBttCtV

mu* ssyle ,_.jd Halt HhakiTx, silver plntwl tops. All

these arUKlea, In cheapof maker, u* wull n»Snucu llanos, .Inc. Sbiss sim.l^, a.ul n large lot of§ejts. JltllN 0. HOW & CO., Itlll BM« st.

l^ T H I N (1 V A T T E K N S





LAWRSKCfi. 3m*f.-H


I other* _ Jt is aya

efl'oit to ph-iiseluisumeriUilyour "-" '—ipy lo comply wit,.

His piorcs naine.1 on the eve ; -""II.

jsjusLJaVllTlii Iff *fii **Sr - lil-rnl uio| tobephtced

-1,-icnt Citv Mis-ion:,!y. LhUwhigV '~

nliedii'itt riivatits, JAMHS ItOCILK, THOMAS I.I-.VI IM>, tin-. .Mi I. iu ii, 1 null .

nml .ill rriwat U»s piuces named un llH:evrniti[i uf Kaster Monday. April Mill, In the City Half II -et-.b ,,| t nl. itnuiinclittSfty^OSaBCt; ing laid


1 cesssry J purpoaes, ut tin .ti.posalur

"Vcitre, gcnlleinen,

PKS made to order. Any "ine. color puttcrn. WUITFOHH A KICK

|,I,-,,T to nt 1 nway Hum tin' re verity of Mai st llS.linii.tei.iid Ihcllieli fVs tlngl;

muiilly 1'

lu,hii> i

south a vast deal ol good.

Jly ipiici sssarhu-

Kn gland cn- tcrpliscs, which Is aniiiiiilly destroying tun many of oar business men. Lotus haven little mixture of tin roolhliig ami luilmv innurncc* or tho lory sotifli, and ear northern grit will lust much longer sntlTlo the,

A French tsiv named Henry Lnrisnn, killed u, II;.' 1-.1l 1 ■ "'

l.n> is,"I, ii.i.i

spinning rooiu In No. 3 mil), at tie print works In Mum hcrkr, on Thursday ; while he was sweeping in the roiim between tl jaekiiin.lthocaiTiafre.hew ■CMH the chest, lie He was twelve years m* nge.

wee"k, totorWim^ii'iviifc'iii7** | IJMI town or Essex employs it superinttiident newspaiser called tin- Lawrence American and of lahoohi. Andover Advertiser, printed ill Lawrence, the last publication to be two days, at least, before snld

Witness, tieorgc F. Ornate, Esuulre, Judge of ■aid Court, this eleventh dnv ufaiarrh. In the rear one thousand eight hundred and seventy fairee. A "c. (JOOHELI,, ltegister.

-yjLT A G O N S.

WILLIAM POOR, stun 11 tie tor. 1 Of

flxpreaa, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Business Wesjone.

••rHcpalring In all Its branches; and all work warrmiUi! as represented.

Andover, March il, IHT1. tf-


11. P. HOLT.

Andover, Mareh Sf, ISTS. It

Bu7ii\e^ jvTotitJes'. (,Kr liinttAt-t-'H llAUAM for Coughs, Cultls,

Hoarseness. No cure, no pny. Sold by PnifgMS, ImVaihSB*



wiioi.iiisAi.i: Aim HiiTtii,.

COFFINtt. CABKBTS, ROliEH, ami utlier articles rnnnccttMl « ith the business, lirnniptly ami lu the hib-st sti les ami llulsli.

Colflnsiind Cu-ki'U thiishcd in oil, wax, or cov- creil with

The attention of thu trade restieelfullv solicited. Prices as low and finish as good as la to be found.


l.uviii.Mi Miisi.s BANK, CUBNKKor Hi S» JACMSOX 8TKKKT-All money deposited

or prior to April 1, will commence hi draw interest from that dote. President. Hon. Milton Bouncy; Vlco President*, W. II. Salisbury, Pom. H.Haun dors, F. K. Clarke; Dim;tors, John It. Purry, W. IL Hpalding, W. K. Ulle, H. Pluniiner, W, 11. Jaquith, i. Dockbam, IL II. ttwaabary, H. u. Ilenick, V. Butler, J. Sidney How, Methucn, J. A. Wiley, No. Andover; Treasurer. rHsp Hpnldlng.

NOTK^E to all whom It may conceni. I, Issncher Kenyoo, hereby give my son,

.lose b E. Krnyon. hie lime; and Initu tlii. .lnt« 1

M ::r." n?$S'&wwu Wil.i ..—Tin... A. S..MIKM.

I.. , renc. Jl.,.1. », ,««. alnhW"





Tbo Best Banoe & ltnlish

j Mad. In »ry Part ol th. World



rin,., .... so

nur Pi.u, - - - - 8* «..t..


*mtm DR. OOOPHIE-S B'«itBH.-T\tHWs—lj»

nf these bitters Is 11 jfuaniiilce of Itclr etlllty, and the appreciation of the public ftir Ik. Urn en :i-ft ti'stimmiy fur their virtusn by dealers in incdkities ,-eiu uiily.

BPKCUL NOTICE.—We shall open, Aptfli a ttorr full of new (ttioils, eotnprUlasj Jj™ fhawls, dress guwl*, fancy gofJds, Ac, direct front New York, when has beM for the i«st week making 1 Bee advertisement.

BvHoot Tmt'Mt-AOo.'


FRENCH AND GERMAN. nun', Q. Q, limihi., who speaks tsnth (jermnn

nnd »'n in b aceorati-ly and fluently, "ill instrucl puplU, either singly or lu classes, In reading nml speaking-these languaa-ca.

Piano iiiittructlon given, with special atlontion pahs to beginners.

Mr. K. ran be found at the KI.1UT CHAPKI., from I to S o'clock, r. " . on Wednesdays and unlay*. Hefcrcnco Is made to A. C. Perkins,!-:ftp, Master of Lawrence Illah tsabool, ltev. t Weaver, sn,l Air. Wlesnor, 6 Union 8L Impihy may Us math- at tumn'iK OtBoa. Ileoriaxtt

Be iti ontalned by the Oily Cottnan of the Cily »f Lawrences*thllows, faasrlt:—

trirr. 1.-The Mayor nml Ahlennt n may, from. time ,l.i tluic, tlie-tr iU-«r«tlon, granl licenses uponisuch terms, and to such persons, as they may ulcein expedient to set nn. employ, *>r use lliuUiiy Carriages, or other vchlclrs, for il.e eo*jvTyance of persnns. Tor hire, from place In place within tlw limits of OH city; and n record of »urh licenses shall IK' kept by the Cily Clerk.

"SECT. J.—NO person or persons shnll set up, emplfrv, or n*e any hackney,oyother rehloic . for thu cuuveyance nf passengers, for hlre.jfroia place to place within toe malts of tlie eky, [without a llwnso from lae Wayne and

near. S.—Every carrisRo Ueensril as aforesaid, i-hiill, bo eoii-,|iiein.ii-iy marked wllh she number assifSned to it by the Mayor und Aldermen, In natalh- flirures, not less tliun one nnd a half Inches IniitJnnd tho nn nn- of the owner um| driver, aad

lumber of tho carriage, together with the Of fare duly established, sliall be ronsplcu-

euslj posted on a printed canl In ctary surih red earrlaga. T. *.—No license f hall he snld, tisn-ferrnl, signed, without the consent nf the Mayor and j-nii-n , nnd un carriage shall be driven by a

niinifr under the age of eighteen years, iain>ss he be - JIT iulh I ieeii c,l by tlie Mayor aad A IS,

sit 1. a.—livery person Ilrcnted aeconling to tbe |i, ■ \ ■ of this chapter, shall gl*a boad, wllh sultuVleut surety or sureties, to be approved by. thahlayor aud Aldermen, In such auntaathey 1,1:1;. order, conditioned for the safe eonleyatir>e of plssonfrer* and their hagirnKc, according to the i.i ■. ^ 1 1 .,. of this chapter.

SAT. 0.—No license grunted as afun-faid, shall appb b> nny earring*, ur uwncr or driver, cscopt tlio[partlrulnr one designated therein by lu nuirkier, or otherwise made certain.

Rlji-T. 7—Tlw Mayor nnd Aldermen may oslab- li.-tt.iiie fare for tlie conTeyancc of |>assengr-rs in any! swh harknoy carriage licrnred aeconling to Ihu'provisions ut this chapter, aad revise or ihaige the same at pleasure; and every saeb Ii., » .■ shall expire on the Hi 1 day of April next ti,t the dale tticrsof, mlesi prcvlonsly revoked. Kii-r. c, ■- s.i owner, driver, or oilier perwm

linvjng charge of any hackney carriage, for the feyenre Of passongcrr, licensed M aToreraltl,

1 demand or receive 11 blither rate of fare Hum established by lite Mayor mid Aldermen,

Kt-tT. 9.—Any person' rtolatiBj the prorlslonfi if (hi* chapter, shall huvc hi" lioense farcin Ith i-veked, and shall forfeit and pny for each oir«u> t

1 mu nnt exceeding twenty duller".

A.DULTERATION.-H I. wellibrthe

pnblle to take a little rare In their purchases

when sdulisratlnn Is found in nearly etery article


"Beach's Washing boap" I* a strictly HI

Boap, free from adiillctutinn, nntl not made up

of soda mid mineral lubsUnnm that Bis

eekunoidv used tn nisee wclghl In soaps. T

Combs and Head Ornaments,

VttltV- OHF-AI'. .






Mm hie, I

Ware; also, l'n|>sr, (I0U1 and Wootl, I ItKt^IIItKS NO UKATINii.

i nt.c tn 1 tick, nml l< so pimple In Its u*e that even 11 thil.l tsn UM- it.

A Good Cement his long been Needed, and the proprietors, aftw patient study, present thh crliilc lo Hie puhlie, •'hilmiincthntil will do il- work 4111, kei.lietler. Mnl 1, illi I,-- lit.ul.le tliun any Cement yet known.

As a Substitute for Cluo. Iu mending wood or pntchiiu," tiiguUier clothor

I in per, Uinnj |«i.-i.n- lliid it in, onicnielit lu go to lie trouble ot preparing nine. This teiniiitt-

ulwiivi. rendv. iciiulrea 110 luvtiug, if pi-tfeilly ilenii, :iud "ill im-inl 11- 1 II on- n- nut I due known, and t* sn simple that n lucre i-hild could use II. I\'o I'r.i.illy (nn Agford In lie wlthont It.

THICK as QVtt,

ll.iverhlll, Mass., Jan. M, IKS. McsM'f. t'linf. Kinertton A Hulls—ticnts:~1 hare

u.-eil j our Adamantine t n -t:,l t Vmviit hi my bust- in-.. M-ventl mnnth-, nnd for sll kinds of im-mlh.g. Where it .Fi-wcler ref[Hires < rmeiit, I i-ti:i»hlcr it Ihe he-I nrtlele ever manufactured.

Vourc, trulv, tiico. 11. Csi.DWKLtv llarerhlll, Pch. Ttlt, 1S73.

Messrs. flhae Emoraoa k -sons—Uents;—I havi liM-tl voile Adnliiniitinc tlrjf lull Vint'iitlo mend r fbnll 'to mv riebth, which wns broken off; ami having the rieigh iu daily use tor hi-vernl mouths, can le.rllfv tn It" extreme strength snd K-nacltv,

Yours, respectfully, M. L. atSKHif. Boston. Feb. l!tb, IHTS.

Adstnnntlne Crystal Ccineut Co.—ticnts >-Wt luive used your < emint for Ilia i<Bft three inonlhf. and have found 11 the l.e.t Cement Tor our use that MC erer used. Voiirs, truly,

\v annex A ntpfunwri, Manufncturlng Jewelers, T Trt'inotil How, lloston.

\ewbiiryport, Tcb. T, MM. Mr. Emerson A Honn-tJent* :-l have tried your

Aibtmanthiu Ci-vftnl Oment, and must say III* Ihc 11SST article of the kind that 1 hare r-rer known.

A IsrRo lot of

GRENADINES. good styles, rery cheap.


Sllf> I'eaea l-tr*rf, Iritwrtni*.


Ml Lr-wvaaoo ntroet, r.emr Bitdee. ■Ilka, Tlitln l., Alpni L*A aud all other

nreas tjoods, Stiawla, faesBqwas, ate., Cteejssed and l» yart.

Carpets Cleansed in a Superior Manner. Crontlomen'u Clothen <"i UUIM.U! or Dyed

wlMiout rlpptntj, to farlve eotlre entioiAcUi :i.

Having nil the latest Improved machinery, ami keeping none but the best Hyere, Ut cnnilr work canal tn the IICBI in the roiinlry, snd hope to tn favored with a trial.

This Isbi thn most enu>iacu-tv numm i l.v JuiiN T. Tirr.ts

" Uti. Cnnrcenmiuend t-abl Company to all Uiose ijuiring anvlhlng tn their line, Im-rcai tiii-ililencfr ' rliargvs, prompluer" lu exi--utioii, nml tiuslilj w»rL. i:i:v. 1.. L. WOOlb

i.Aw*KM-it,o<n. it, itcs. Mrssita. Tntts:—

I have great pleaMire in taaUfjIng to llu excellence of jour Dyeing ami Cleaning ««■ CloUics. I hnd im Idea UMI rii-b perfection WB possible. Yours truly,

■"'"' "-"MVAItfis:, Insurance Agent,

mil I bv the inldlli'tn ,'f l'nrv Ulveorins, Slid ksr|is Ihc hk'ln iu a ht-slUiy oondltloii in all eatresMw • ' wcatlu'l. JOll.Nt'.btiW A tt). IMlKiievt.

O'OBTITT-' n A u OII'T O N/\

Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker, An<| denter in all klatls of .,,.,.

Stoves, Furnaces, and Ranffos. llfpnlrina; neatly donev

PLUMBER A GAS FrTTBR. Ami dealer In all Linda pi

Lead, Iron and Brest Pipe, AND .

Fittings for Steam. Water and Qus. Ho. 410 Eaee* Street, I.SM >. nre-

Orders sollcltod and promplly aKtndod b>.

C10MMONWKAL1I1 Of MAKBA^Hl-^Ta J Ksttox, a».

To tlie luili-s at taw, nnd eUicrslnlcrcstailui tbo 1111.1.. law of Uwnncc.


LAWKBKL'B, ih-t. 16,1*71 Mr.aatts. A. T. Turns ft U*>.:

DKAH huts :~Tlte 110U1* ami ininnent* pl.n-cd In biindH by Uf, fir clcinii-liiir nud cdiulnc Ins-ii rciurned n« "(rood ns new." Wa arc

plrSHIIl'C 1 . Kill lo other-. ► . IV. IIOWKKIt, .1. C. l«itM,

Mr.nans. TIIKKB. I bike plenfinr In lerllfylnK to the ciccllence

(ifvnnr livelncand Clennslnn Imllo*' Ilic#ses and ohanls; also,tlie superl'irnuinuerin wlikhtJiuip-, Pants and Vents luive been rvflnhOied al your es- tablishment.

rpd rrnirv TOT woatp.


the --I'liii^ ,.|.en-, l'n- in.,1-1.1.■ ■ wijuhhaie been imprisoned jn the hl^al over Winl-r art? 1I110M11 to .the , uitiief, lii-ilfri ;jr the .kin with I'lmplt'f, iioili, etc.. nnd MlViW illforilr,- lathe any of ItheumatiHin, Ketirnljfla, and niscascsof the Liver and Kidneys. Gl.rDinW" Ceneea* train! Nyni|i af Narsaparllla, w ith ladMa 01 i*oU-.lui.i. Is the ith T 'si.fK.ii i-t IIIFII 11 Incidence. It acts as a aSjdM Alterative, tlrivlag ill foul mnllcra into their proper excretory cbati- ml', htreiiatheniuajdlaifntloii.juulisnpartina bliiciii to the dieek, softness tu tlie skin, llrmuesslollw

■M-p. and cheeiti:iiu>> 10tin- mind. For ItoilsIt|* an Infallible Cum, and to Ithcuiimtb'iu It affords areol relief.

Pries* 1 n..liii per battle. Hi botllss mr Five Hollars.

I i'repqretl and bm aaja bf arutl tmh'JJ

A. R. OLIDDBN, Drufrprlet, Cor, * PrnaheriaN el., I.awisnc-s.

■ II. H l'lNLO W, ■

WHEELWRIGHT AND CARRIAGE Maimfaeiurer, ho* mtHOVSii (Vum Liilhrnp't shop, on Common street, to the fslmp niijoliilnit Ihe Illnll'ir lllt'>-g stove wsre bou-c.

Ur. opinion » " <niTy on the botUjeH hi nil Its hranebes. ImTlmhif

and will tlnsll von rieouiiiiendlllo, ItsvlnKlH' thot-tiuKbh tciU-d bv heat and cold.

Itefpcctfullv jours, C. M. IlomiK, A|M,t!u-eiiiy.

It is better to keep the botUo corked whan not In ut*«.

Sold by DYER ft CO., ami by all Dnnnrlsts in Lawrence nnd vicinity.

t'lLAS. KMRHrtOV ft SONS, fiensral Wheb-sals Asn-nls, :i7 Merrimsck first I, lbiverl»ill. Mass.

. ltsiHrahl

-jldll AUKNTK WASTED.—Hamplea .)1(AIV^ nrnt free by mail, with terras, to clear ft s.i to SIB|>erilav. Two entirely new articles, lalertutp as Hour. Addrrta

!■'■ nih:i'n> K. II. IVniTK, .Vewurli, X. J.


l^iwrence, Ocl. 1^ aHa.




a positive • . 11-.,1:1.1. mini fjiiiie iinck, Spmini

fur Retallce, ftlieitninllsm, ilusl Complaint, tWiutrnctcd Cords pralns, eta, KH.IU S to tl lnr<rr lioitles

ill cure rases alv<-n mi by physician.'- Tlie only jflt'taln Our*, lor Bcilltlco. I.-iric hitltlss S1JHJ; small liotilc. ::■.-. Nibl ii) sll niuRIfleb.



].. O. MlltHIn, Mclhues. MUX MOWN North Anunver, JUI-.I. IIARNF.s, Frye Vilhjic Toclf-


m MM cute dmhibuuii.

c-tale of said

nre herebv cited to appear at a frnhnte Court, to lie held nt Ksbun, In said county of Kssex, on Uio f'ir/t Tiiestlnv of Ajtril ntxl, nl nine oVImk before noon, to chow cuusc, If anj vmi lisve, why the same should not he allowed.

Ami the -■l.latlinhilHtcali-K is ordered to serve j|» citation hy publ)-hia«-the sate* onoc a week,

in the Ijiwrcnce Ann-iiciin und Andover Adrer- tlscr, u newspnper prlntfrl nt Lawrence, three weeks surcesiovety, (he tiift puWIratlon I* be two thyy*. nl least, befor* said Tuesday.

VYiincsf, utwrRu P. Choaic, l'.«m|re, Judae of :i!,l Court, l|il- eleventh Any ut March. In the

rear one lhni»nril cialil Inintlreil and ssrenlr- Ihrec. * miiil A.I . uiti'i-KI.I., Jt./i:t-i.

»il>i:V .ML and I'll ilVyoti Coorl." I> OR. LANQLEY'S

ROOT AND UEHB RITTKRsH. This medicine Is, tvlt'.nnt the purrihlllty of n

dniibt, the vt-iy bent reirtcdr inowti fin theWlow. ins:, mill nil kindred dbca.iw.'.-ludir'Slspu.C"'- llvene-f, l.ivett oinphtinl, I'llec, liuattin-lic, lleiil t Hiiru.Ityeju-pshi. Hi/vine,:,-■ rolnhi, ^nltltb.imi, l,aiicuor,Yiaaiiie*s1nidtliiiv,Janndli«',Ksanileitry, Foul >liinseh, etc.

Hy Uie tin,. |, ,,.,. ■■( Uiis mi'dlcloe, Uiehiuod is iiurliled. This'appetite is rt-ebirtd. 'llu-f).|.m U slrenutlien.d. The liver !■' e.l. Tic hit nth It swiTtcued. The rompUvttoi. is bean'J- ■ i.i. Tlw) . i ■H'i ;i I h'Mllh Is

ltl',H'l'<>llKl>! Tlie best Roots, llorbs and Darks *ut*r Into Uie iio-l f llti.i lt.nii.ll, liillklllK ni..i Kiie.ns well as on imfnllbisrcme f'rrallSllf- casea of the blond. uYAh C. tJOOHWIM * Cfb, lUsjIIIII For sale by nil lints;*; I his. I iu3iuhlir.h

Issued to bo nrdnlneil.

•MuonCotiKciL, March Utli, latpj,

lAlltiUNT, Presideal. IN liiiAi:i>i>r AUIKIUIIS,

March 17th, w:a. I'ussed to be ordalnetl.

JOHN K TAItDOX, Mayor. A true copy—Attest,

ItVt OKO. It. li'»»'E,CUyClork.

c O A L . ' 0 AL. (Ml A L.

LACKA WANNA COAL Troin the Ik-la wan' au.l

general satisfaction.

l-erson* wlshlnK a su carry them UII-OUKII tlie what Ihey want.

Also, lit A Ml 1 I\ t

.LOUIS WEIL bt-|H U lender to Id* fi lends ami Ihe public.

;■■• i illy his thanks lor Ihe ginerons support he

I.i. received while conotirUng burineas In I .aw.

renne, and n'so to stale Hist hi* business has

increase*) lo such an extent as to lead him lo

nshihtlnh a •

BRANCH STORE for lite sale of

CiOT»t*H J''nrniH]iiiiK fioodn'

HATS, CAPS, ftc.

This rhirelsslUiabtlin BAl'SIJKRS lll.nriC,

Corner of Apploton and BBBOX St.,

the ■MM , ,;..,i. eharire of UKO.

II tmantity of Cuul ti ,iriii|(, will And Ulisjus

I., kens

SANBORN 6 TUCKER. Office- 473 ttasjl St. Vnnl We,

KlmmbJH JSw liihttt

NARY C Illrd Seed and Water tups Hath and Oravel Tubs, Wire Nest.Frnme-, Case*, etc.

JOHN C. DOW A L'ti., IR» EfflaSf Street.

OOK at wiirrroHii "t mck'S siock IOOK ait 1 4tg Haata als-flllf |,lin liSstillS.

nml will i.e to.-.-



STORE, Where,

esprelnlly a


111 still continue nt hla OLD vith nn Increased stock, and


than can l« found anywhere eh.e In tbe city, be

hope* to merit a continuance of Use patronage

that ha* been so liberally rxbnded to him In the

past. 11 m ilf la IT




No. 103 BSBOX Street, Isawronco

Our Cants, McnV aud lint>', at Cost I

Wc . nn sell Hen's as low as *."..r.o, and

lifiVk*., an we want to «■!••• ami the

whole -I nl. ts pi, p» i e for t '„- Spring li,, ■ le.

hlili i- at HO rents. nets -»d Caps, Ittir. in ft.


as we hare a utntc atosh which met be sold. .•arCfl.11 and Igttsfy ynurselres as to Uie IrtiUi f our stn Iran ruts.



fpIIH HKV. M. MltHAI'Il, Frnncli rtrtoBt J of Uils citj. I* prcpi'rina-, (assisted by Ihe mott Influimlial In,lie. ntul ir.nlhiiien nf his nan-

cgalion,) a grand lbi/ar in Invor of Ihe Inncli W ehunh t.l M., in I.K«iem c. We Imps

,_ul all nailnti:i|lt|, - n ill ,,-nli I huh- to the success or this llsssr, the nidi" t of which l» so excellent, hy itirinft nil suit* of article* ami purrbn*uig nii.ii. tWtets.

GRAND BAZAR i\ lAvon nt' i in

t'linreh nT f»». Anmr, l-awrrntt, Mass.,

April 21, and ending April 26.


nae.HK the |,in i Im-. i

LIST OF PRIZES. BOO Acre* of I.nnd in Canada, I H.irmnnlitms,

ICICMIIS, Slbiir Arint hiilrs, 4 Hllrer Watches, fl I,,.1.1 riuihitt I'oi l,i till, nu H nml IJSillc*, S Vlelins, S lint**, II Aeciinicti.., ninny Urpe Lithograph nml rholiifrriiph \'icw>, i eople- of ItaphnelV Tic tuns, more thnn J1*1 mie llooks, and a great number of "rcclou* Articles.

S3000 Prlass. Valwrd at .SAM.


I* nfiereil to snajry energetic man or woman whe

want* to make from »W to »75 n week. We want

such agents, local and traTelling, in every city and

town In Hew England. Tor jiai-tifiilars, call on

or address *wf mhlteodtiufliib


Botton, Mars, omre, over (Jnlmr Market.

L'TIK'K * PrXTI'KEH of „ TANDY Matt- k3 iiArtory for BALK nt«llAUUALN.

Baiil stock Is in perfect order, and will brnr un, Hellion. Till" offei-it ft line oppm lliiiltv h..' ,-ini one vi ith nuioill capital l« seriiie n prnIItable ca>h bushiess. laSlMlaliitaaj I reasons glfrn for selling. Apply al 111 Knsiig tttrwI. Ijswrence- •

lfH t


T1IOJ-K A lit il r Til fiiMMLMI' IHU »E- M.UIMi, Ml'lt l.ll \I~IT l.rv ft (HIMTII lit- I.HLAT i um hi.nv sttiiii-.tii: Hitni: IM mi il MMl A I.^T 0¥ (.tittle.

Nns. Al A U JlKlJl'lKli !-'l'HKI.T, III) ,TON'. lw-iulc.'!niMiiyb ■

Vf E W U 1 8 (-■ 0 V K 1! Y .

HARRIS" CEMENT, , Die only artieln In the world a hlrli can l* need ,

lihout ti, ..t ami i, .nh M uf«.

For Mending Wecrschnnm. i Jiliia, 1V.IV, Malhle. lluhlier, fjuinl. IVarl, all kind* of IM nil kinds of 'irmitm nuil Wmk, ets,

T |MH .IfillN 0. DtrW A Oft, ttols Agent",

1(18 Esncx Rtrwt, Lawntiri1.


MTV, IHfi , Ml, i.i-nUut,


COKE DrLIVERED. Per I h«ldr*M, MI.i.e. Half Chaldron, null It-■.. I. '*•

At (lie Works, Per Barrel, •(•

Orders rseekcl at thn (.Mice oi Uie LA sm •' I Uit CoupAsr, No. SU Bssex nu.-.-i.




Tickets will If furiii-lud nt the houso ot Itn. M.MM MAt l>. .in-*} I'll MtlllACIIK.Asl UltOHK UAIlIS ami CHAM. LACOILLADE.

In the same time Ihey will receive money anil gifts for lbs Itasar. S I To fet





If*. UTS Eases Hirer!, I^wrrnrr.


E. A. FISKE'S, ■TH Keaea (llrert, fjiwrener, Man

f IT.

M At li i: I.I-1 - UMBRA TKD, KKVF.R FA 11.1 XO

OOUCrH MIXTTJRE Bold by all BrstelsssPraggii Tryll,

oi mm It, and yon wffl he couvlnre-1 of It* »r«"'''-r

~ - .'■ a


" The Watch-Dog of the Treasury." Gems of Thought.

Very probably he Is occupied In con- structing specimens of that mysterious slKnsture wlilch ornaments ill our paper money, sn<l Is to most men a rliltlle more unsolvahlo tban any that the Sphinx ever propounded. Translated, It I* !■'. K. Hpln- ner. We observe that the pen with which It Is written Is of peculiar COM traction, ami has throe points, and that the Ink used has the thickness and eunaistency of mud and the blackness of Kjcyptlan dark- ness, and Is "piled up" on the paper to a height of which we would be Incredulous \ ollT toDgU had we never seen It, nnd which, having seen, renders us more incrcduluus still. This delightful quality In the Ink, the messenger Informs us, I*produced by long exposure to the atmosphere in an man vessel; to be accurate, In nil old pitcher with a broken nose. It Is nstonhliing, we are further iold, to note the number of people, priuclpally from the country dis- trict, who stray Into the Treasurer's room during the course of a year for the purpose of shaking hands with "the mau who makes that funny signature," and oflook- ing wonderlDgly on to see how he makes It. We are uulte sure to In- affably re- ceived, unless some clrcumstauce of an unusually disturbing nature has occurred, for "the General," as he Is familiarly called, notwithstanding his reputation for the use of strong words, Is really a man ofun- I'liinniori good-nature. Kven when pro- voked to one of his ebullitions of righte- ous wrath, his bark Is proverbially worse than his bite, and the goodness of his heart usually leads him to make reparti- tion for violence of language by lenity of action. 80 it happens that applicants for favors at his hands arc sometimes told by their friends, who know the old gentle- man's peculiarities, that It Is a favorable circumstance that on the first presentation of their cases they have been roundly scolded, since the chances are, that aftei the ilrst heat of temper has cooled, penl- tenco for undue harshness will lead him on second consideration to grant their re- quests. Not even the General's most ardent admirers—ami no man has more- will claim that he Is a handsome mnn. And ''vin should tbey have the hardihood to do so, the vignette on certain llfty-cent notes, of which there are many still In cir- culation, would furnish a complete refuta- tion of their assertion. But, to be fair, the shin-plasters do not do 1dm justice. There Is an expression of honesty and opeuness of nature about his homely features, and atwlnklu of humor In the eye, which the artist has failed to repro- duce, and which render the face, like Lin- coln's, kind and genial and fur from im- pressing, A grizzly mustarhe, cut unrea- sonably short at the comers of the mouth, docs not help to supply the lack of beauty In the features. The wide, determined mouth, and the square, heavy chin, suggest the Irreverent Idea that personal appear- ancc, no less than watchful care, of the nation's treasure may hove led to the bs> stowal oftlien.'/ri'/tiri of "Watch-dog of tho Treasury," by which the faithful Treasurer is so well known.

Tho room is of moderate size and plnln- ly furnished, and gives evidence that of the vast amount of money which has passed through his office, but little has been used to minister to the Treasurer's comfort. A door opens into a still small- er apartment In which the Treasurer

■sponslblllty of the safe-

way 1 Au old dog cannot site barking.

Wise sayings often fall to the ground ; kind wonts never do.

Kvery undertaking is Involved In Its faultJ, as thi-- tin.- in Its smoke.

Humility La eldest burn of virtue, mid claims the birthright at tlw throne, of heaven.

1 know of two beautiful thing*—the sttirrv heavens above my brad and the sense of duty in my heart.

The old foundation should be honored, hut the right to relay It should never be rellnipu-hed.—Goethe,

greatest friend of truth la time; her greatest enemy Is prejudice ; anil her constuut Companion la humility.—Cotton.

Nothing Is more dangerous than an Im- prudent friend ; better Is It to have to deal with a prudent enemy.—La Fontainr.

Education Is a better safeguard to lib- erty than a standing army. If we re- trench the Wages Of the schoolmaster, we must raise those of the recruiting ser- geant.

Whltller being asked for au autograph, at once compiled by penning:

■'The aeaM l' iiui the inanow which tra lad, Tmi often larger tiinn the BUM behind." When a book raises your spirit, and in-

spires you with noble ami courageous feelings, seek for no other rule to Judge the work by: It Is good and made by a good workman, finis****.

An eminent physician, renowned alike for his wit and professional wisdom, he has said I "l'hysle should.only lie given to dying nun ; iilne-t'iiths of Hie sick men only need a rush of blood to lite boots."

The ripple that the boy's oar starts on the western shore of the Atlantic goes quivering ami rolling clear across the ocean, and breaks on the further shore. So the waves or ripples of Influence which our lives start here will not be stilled or stayed till they have broken upon tin eternal shores. No man's work will hi finished till all the results or life have been gathered up 1u limit consummation.

Ilasi-lial bw finely said 1 "1 do not ad- mire In u mnn the extreme of one virtue, as of valor. If I do not see nt the same lime the extreme of the opposite virtue, as hi Kpamluoiiilas, who had the extreme of valor and the extreme of gentleness. For otherwise this character would not rise, but fall, by the excess of the one side. A man shows true greatness, not by touching one extreme, but by touching both nt once, and Oiling up the Interval."

To live Is not merely to breath; It Is to act. It Is to make use of our organs, senses, faculties, of all those parts of ourselves which give us the feeling or ex- istence. The mail who has lived the long- est Is not the man who has counted moat yenrs, but he who has enjoyed life most. Such n one was burled a hundred rears old, but be was dead from his birth. He would have gained hv dying young; at least he would have lived till Ibat time — JfauMMH.

Another Mysterious Murder in New York.

« York i* excited over another niyslerlo is murder. The saine day that saw Fo-tcr expl- 01*hi*rrtnuon tho pillow In New York, de- veloped tin.' nutUnl.irr of a burrible niordcrin Brooklyn. The vktiui of the last trajredy U lb. Cbarlti Qoodricb, n wealthy lumber mer-

chant of New York city. li Menu that tin- ueceased wai tin* owner of a

row of 1hret.--1.tury Invwti-sitJiie house- in IJmok- Ivn. About three Weeks ago lie left New York, nii-l dsik up hi* residence in t The boo f wan elegantly fund-bed hi- intention looecuny It

liable tenant. No; having a mu or 11111017, ami being n man of secluded habits he lived

f, not hating even a housekeeper to attend

i< of them. . and it was 11 in hi obtain

r iainlly.

■deli* vd him *

Oui' 0pi<5e Sox. alt-Cellar—A grocer, ide Show—An earring, tock-in' Trade—Hosiery. nfety Hatches—Patent Incnba-


omcthliif! Ibat doe* not mind Pinching—Snuff.

ante nil the


e I.III.. Uryuraa of Hi* ftklu, *.*., *r.,

.1 at once by HE1.EMAVS CAMPHOR ICE Ul.YCKHlNK. It keen- the hand* mill hi nil

;htT. see Hint rou *>■> llw.KMAVfl. Sold by nil DruKKixto- Only *

Sen- Yn'i

SEE In another place advert luii.i "i-l JVebraak* l.iie

erllsi'iiient about

How * Hnmn IAVMS.—Tho New Hi ford Standard says thai one ball' 1 be pco of that town are Ignorant of tho mode

sleeps. The keeping of hundreds of millions Is too great to he devolved upon others, ami the | ||vlug of one at least hi tin General therefore rests where be can In a which there Is no possible chance ft moment assure himself that the public doubt. treasure In his keeping Is sure. Once, fo the unfinished loft of a small si before he began sleeping nt the Treasury, house hi Ibc very center of I he city I he was awakened hi the night by a strong alone a bachelor or sixly-ilve Siimti Impression that something was wrong at tnm| there ho has mode Ids abode for the Department, lie lay for a long time tossing umadly on bW bed, ami trying to close bis eyes and convince himself Unit, it was a lucre freak of nn over-taxed brain; hut It would not be driven away. At last, about twt> o'clock In the morning, 111 order to assure himself that his Impression was at fault, be arose, hastily dressed, ami set out for the Treasury. On his way bo met a watehmnn from the Department, hasten- ing to arouse htm with the Information that the door of one of the vaults had Just been found standing wide open. A care- less clerk, whose tlnlv It was to close anil lock tho door, hat) failed to perform his duty that night, mid the watchman on go- ing his rounds had discovered the neglect. Since that night the Treasurer has Inspect- ed the doors and locks of the vaults him- self, and has Satisfied himself, h« attempt- ing to turn the handles, that tbey arc se- curely locked. The Inspection is made twice every evening—once soon after the departure of the clerks, and ugalu before retiring to rest. There aro few public olllcers whose sense or duly nnd respon- sibility constrains lliem to thus sacrifice their own time and comfort In the Interest of the government. The moneyed respon- i the pail to prevent settln siblllty is Indeed tremendous, and such, These coals bold lire We Venture to assert, as never tell on Hie . frequently radiating ben shoulder, of 00* man before. That We do o'clock hi the iii»rni not exaggerate Is evidenced by the fact | The hermit has a that the notes, bonds, and securities In the ] turn of mind, rjuoU vaults of tho Treasurer's ufllce amount on I and Is ever ready t nn average to eight hundred million dot* j affairs; believes In I lars.—From "4" W"»r Among the Oreen- Japrlnkllnj barb ■" fierilmcr'i for AfffU.

Iinnors connected "lib hi-, pr»|frtv. Thursday iuun.ii*. at a.s...t thtbl J.VI.wk. Mr. W. W*. Oootlrlch drove around t.i his brolher 1* residence for the purpi"*-' "f rniisulliiig lilui on some butl- asia imitler. He knocked loudly at ilie hall basement door, but receiving no resiioiisc went awav, stipposlni; that his brother bad lift at an early hour, or hint not returned lioine on the preoMlinR nlgbt.

Friday morning lie drove round tn the house, „.id onec more fulling Jo gain admission In the usual way be becume alarmed ami determined to effect an entranc hi some manner. He passed through the adjoining house to die roof, and 1.-."]■■!.MI;- ihcscnlth and breaking in u dtiorlcodlug therein, succeeded In entering his brother'"- rc-idemc. Ik proceeded at one* down Hairs, esamlnliig the roomi on each noor. On reaching the nssii on IheSSOondj Hour, where his brother wii* in the habit of i-leeping, be fuiind everything in perfect order, the Isd not having Iwcn dwtnrbeu, ami bin liruther'n IssikM ami pa- pers in their! |>l.ieef. The jwrlur llm>r was in I lie "nine coiiiliiimi as ibot-e alsive, everything being neat and tidy. He Ihe'n deneended to the base-nest, the only part of tha boo** remabthu iinexamiaed. on iiiu-uipiing to ojK-n the door loading (row ihe hallway to the front basement room, he found that Urn door was locked from the In-ide. He therefore |u-:-.-.| through the hack kitchen, the buck ilisir leading from wlilch into the bascuu'iil was also eloseil. It was mil liH-ked, however, m that he hail only to turn tin handle t" eflbct an entrance. On opening tl« iloora upeeliule -llllleleut to freeM the blissl with horror presented Itself. The lilele of his brother lay on the floor, the buck of tils bead resting en the legs of In. boots, hi- -trctt-hcil by his sides In uu easy iminuer, uhd ln-fi.le his right hand an Kthan Allen seven- Khooter, with three of the chambers empty. The Isstv lav Hat ajsin the back, the legs

itched at roll length, and >.|||>pers Mill 011 bin . Mr thsHlrleh made a harried e\amlna-

1 of the Isslv, during which he found a nul, as if inllii-ted by a sharp instrument, r the rlirht eye, and a pistol shot wound over

■ he ear. He then lacked the door and hastened rum ihe bouse, proceeding at once to the t'oro- it-r'soillcc and [sdlee lieadipiiirters, where he e|iirted the dlseoverv.

On the arrival ofCoronorWhllehltl, who ttsik barge of the remains, a more rigid examination if (he IHHIV WHS made. The onlv twn wounds niin.l are those atrcadv referred to. The Ilrst ¥.(■ it deep cut over the right eye, and the sec-

ond tbepfstol shut wound on the left ilue of the hem I. The first, allbough serious, would not

realised death. In view of the fait there 'faience of robbery having been perpetrated, |HH-ket-lssik iiinl watch of the deceased lie- iiiissiug, ami Ibat the fatal Wound was on lelt side ol the bead, together with nil the iiimditig eircuai-tanee.-,' sialeelv seems ,■ tin-slightest griimids lor tme detective' TV that the .leeea-ed coiiniilttcil mileldt niost popabu-theory,hi rtewofsll theud

-tojied at the latest Writing, i- that fjMi ilrieh wan assaulted ami murdered on the i't, and that his I.HIV was taken In nil !.<>mc there'klllfully lai.i out In the JKIMIIOII as id, fnrlbe purpose of irealuig the impress ioa lie bad cominitteil sulejde.

The Kligli.-ll Hoi

Sunday In the strongrM 'lay, rest arc week days.

Home people who ml up for being, funny fW- low* bad mtieb belter tit down again.

The gardener who grafted a chestnut 10 a Isei

tree, found It only produced targe trunks.

The Persian* sny o( nolny, mireanonalitc talk "I hear Ihe sound of the millstone, but I see no


Heacaplulm*i-bould l« good naturcd : it would not IK., nafe to have a can i-utiehor-us man to eouiiDund a «blp.

AVIicn distance lent eucbautmeiit to the view, wus it with an understanding that he was to have It tuu'k again ':

"You exhaust my patience," cried a doctor who was engaged In a quarrel with bis wife. "Ten extiaiift your patients worse than I do," was the retort.

TbeUtka Herald says there are 303 fool lull

little Isiyi In L'tiea, whleh would seem In Indi- cate Ihut Jurymen will not Is; scarce in that burgh iua few years.

Swift .-aiiI the reason a certain university was a learned place was that most persons tisjk some learning there, ami few brought any nway with them; no It accumulated.

In one of Ibc suburban ichooh) a school in- ■Sector gave out the word "paalle" to a chi's lor spelling. It was a poser to nil till it reached the foot of the class, when a curly-headed little fcl- low spelled It correctly, bat being asked lode- fins It, he shouted out "More Mil."

A clergyman who left a notice in his pulpit to he read hy the preacher who exchanged with him, neglected to denote carefully a private postscript, and the congregation were astounded to bear the stranger wind up by saying: "You will please come to dine with me at the psnon-

>~ CE*rtObli»l WELCH I <


SAWS. SAWS. AWS. .1 Irt;li i.l RIFFITHS,


WlM.'HEi-TKit's nvPiiPJIDSpiiiTEIsarhem- leallv pure prepm ali..11 <-f l*lloM'lHiKt.'»,one of the ui'wt iini.i.riant elements •>{ the Human Body, and the onlv im-im- In i.luehttii, I.IKK u'lVINU ami I.IKK S'f.-.,|-A|SIM; element mil l.esuppliist to the irsteni. We guarantee it l(i lie a certain CtllK for IONM IIPTKIN, IMflillS, l'l)IJ)S, am! alt Pull »i > Aff.-e is, and a Sps-dllr Bern. for Sei-nfula, Hn-|H-ii.-la. rnrnl>sis, Nervous ;,it;i rin v.,1 [>el.iliH',tinil all Ni ii ■■n- Airectiniif. It Is unsurpSs-eO ain'l'imic ami lm i«"rsti>r and

ml be.ilthv ItliHMl. >'or further ii.innl-. Ke|..>ll- Ml I'l^-ieiiOl-.. Trestlkr. rnee, fl per buttle.

Sold l.v lilt Dnij-Klsl". A«lilrc»» J. WIVLHKSTKH A ('(!..

30 John ritrrrl. K*« l'ork. sl'PKKUHt TH ALL OTIIKHS.


r. .;■!.MiK'; M |1|MIIC\TS..SS Ssl'rlce Lists and t ir.-ulnrs nw.

\\ I", l.t'll A t. It I nTHis, llo-lou, Ma**., A. n. l."H • >11. 11.

"Jlf A BY LA N I>


• Ill to i:.- I-.T aei sml. Mild, h.-iiltliv tbiudsat tatalotrui r'.-h lal-lmnt, lid.

». Kino Fruit ftiuMiarden limate. UynU-ra and Klsh .mi), H. 1*. CHAWUKBS,

\\7M. I'AKRY, Pomona Nursery, China T v ini 11-,HI. N. .1. ton sores in bemesi lb of the West is tin- largest and hesl Ceaeti Trees. Anparntriii, Ithuliarli, Itasplicrries.

Bond for catalogue.

•OR M/ITI I7(»R and

[.■■I ion. I lniif(.-i'i- Sew V.ri

LIFE. ^tno, of Hartford, 1850, 410,040,780

State Mutual, Worcester, 1845, 1,270,011


Frunkiin, of Punna, 1820,

Royal, Ensrlaiid, 1045, gold,


I'cnii6ji viiniu, of Pa., 1820,

' Imperial, London, 1803, gold, 11,000,000


1'ioiil'ul affi-eli.iii- "I" the hhiddei-. and urinary IIUMII.-, 111 ipinueil In «i:n<-lli .lepoj-itf of any kind; irrilali.ui at Hie iie.-k of the bladder, with difMciiltj- of hiililinn tlw urine; in slrieturc, In -eminal woaknes-,* nml In nil enmliliona «t Ihe part" neeuinpanled l»v dehllilv, ,ll l.tllN'S llv- nlnmiN I MM or MI uill he ti.iiml a umi-t efliea ehius remiHlv. Send l-r eiv<-ular- to It. KK1TII 2 III,, 41 i.ilierlv St.eet, N, Y. hnr sale hv .liutt- Kiris. friee el per bottl* or » for *a. "il-


$500,000 C A S>1 _C1 Il'TS.

8100,000 for only $10. pcclnMcKisluli

IIKN IK'a PULMOSIC SYltt'I* 11 KN K-> SKAWKED TUNIC, II KN K's .\l VMHtAKK PII.U nlv m • tiiines ttmt Hill CUT* I'll)

." Uuilwill slnpJ Ul of a patient,

c circulation nt the irrlinitt- followa, and. hi fact, eli«Bina

" Rh

of two'lhlrtls nt the of" coiisumpt inn. Many

of the ven .irn;oi Unit e.iu.-e.l Ihenougl Liver cuinpluiiit and ilvr-pepnia are the causei


The lillliK is pulil:-hcl l.u'VUTKHI.V. IIB rents ;n- lor lite I ear, H hi. 1) i- IIML hull'the.-o.-l. Tl

Hhoaai-nvardsreml luoaev It. the mn.iulit i.r One 1'nllar or more fur See.U, iniiy nl.-.i tinier aOet-l, worth ejttra—lho iiriee paid for tho ''-"

■nt » lit.l.... t of Information invitluable In the lover ISO pet**. AH nm- in;!. i| paper, i

-'■ * olnm

I'li.l.-iault hi, 1871. Hi t.i-inlt.ltl I in., irl.l !-lliel.. in lit lie l.llirarr of Hrnturk)', In nn b-iiry Hall, at Louisville, Ky., uu TUESDAY, Al'Itll, Htl

best inred ritiin nil p

re to iln- ml.'Hi

Jalf a HIlHou I trihuied l>y lot to the tinsel One (.i-iinil (a-th uii>, lueOrnml Cash Ulft, (lie l.lllliil I a- li toil, in,' I .tun,I I 'n-h llill. liiel.raml I ti-lil.iu, NM lliaml i .■■ !i liilt,

£(Cu-IMiilia ■■!' *l,WNleii MCaahOUtaef u*> ■ Ntti-asliiiilbof 0*1 '

IMCath Gifts of ;n*i '

act of March e the Third : of the lib- rae «ST In Li-

s presented lav ielpa- call ti Inn Hr.

,\ Mi, i It cinl

iiilii-i All tl the


An Aberdeen gentleman, talking t» an Ame an tourist, and growing worm In hi* praise i

Mi- hospitalities and loclabllltbM of Scntlani amidst other iBStanee* referred to one of their pooch bowls, which, mi the christening y.niii:: imiri[iiis, trni built M bwge tliut a small Imai was actually set aailbig upon It, in which a Ixiy sat, who ladled cut the li.iutir. "I KUCM,"

■aid tin- American tourist, "I've seen a Isiwl (bated beat that to eternal smash; for at my brother** christening the Itowl was so deep that when we yomng nns BSM it warnt «weet ei gb father sent a man down in a diving hell t< up the sugar at the lmitiim."

"Veil, now, I vltl tell ichuil bow it vus," ■ ..i-l a thiik-beiitleil Dutch witness in Camilla, re- cently, for the twentieth time, after receiving «* imuiy reprimand* from the Judge for telling what bis win told him Instead of whai be saw. He gave the ptntemcjit very concisely, but to the constcrnstton of the Court; in reply to the op- posing damsel's iptestioii us to bow lie know it all, came the old answer, "My vile told me." Losing all patience, the Judge mated out, "Suppone your wife should let! ytnl the heavens bad fallen, what would you tblnlt i" Wltbonl tliu slightest hesitation the witness replied;

"Veil, I Ihouhl link dey vns dawn!"


prinUil in Km-'lii-hund tie ■■■IKNVUH, I

M P 1, II V M K N T .

tuiied Htaiex in UieK-ailiiiK

MM) Kit- li.i.- ami

-..•o. 1,111111

rr, W.T.

1 Liii- huurance CM il Anierb a, t-haitered . , to. L.lir'e liihurau.-e < ipanvol Ibis ias Hit) lantest rn.h enpiti.i of any

pure iururanii H ;in> ol like kind in the world. II lit thus emilili .1 I'i vedneeii- premiums largely. Iitileisl, liinI it .-'i.if.,-i'il Hi 'linai v Mulutil tales, iluriiiK the l.-ut uiidiitinll'jears, itwiiulilliuvc received fiiiiii it- i-iinil- *l,i"in,nii i ■!■ lluni was paid it- ISv the niniiiitl -v-lem the policy holders ill-tl r is the'eoillpiinv. Ilv the sloek -i-ti'tn the

Wlpuny lll.ure- lliejioliey Imldeis. The Vattl '

teen yearn Iiui three , 11 IS lie- Uevctl, bo* (be COWP

Idea himself rated rtmitii

have t ei\ 1 ,e price hi

pays b s tenement ja .'.ii IsprobaM double thai ..full bis other c\-

ItllllllCll. II mak •a a (i break (hat from hard bread ami coil'ce. Koriliiiiii-r lorclUlicnri dflahl itl potatoes, taklng Hi.- ll-h In b ml nn 1 Ibe point. Ill the oil cr, iin.l c.,]. vs a picked up"

lie ft.i-in •rlv paulWI mill for Hi'- teiieinciil i-occiiples, 1 lit the mofbi-cniiit St) Icnkv tl at he preval III oil li- to n-iliici- id.' r. in. this iK'lllg bis prefer. once nub r Hum l<> 1 c covering

To keep dry Ills 1 •tl.rlolbing, he Iht-ll III ported nt

Itar.iofov. be coiiit-is

It. 11,i >V (III

» belitjf Wip-

ami l<> kec . from frec/i Ig of old nights, lias linanli .HUM, ifbumhles, leaving as -ace In froi t'nough i.> crawl In n and after b U III, this npnei Is closed h ^ a strip oft in tin- lit- tic bed-rti. in HUH form tl Is a shelf tit Hit back side, .vlicre, In on Icep warm In cold IVI nlier, be pla en a tall of IIvi coals, nah s helttirkfpl In ih.

111 ,i,l oil hill-iil, was fair to iee— n kiss, fair maid," « a K'n," taid .he.

BO I ll.ll "A Kin within a i The pur** Is In a pm'k:

The pack In keeping lleth -aft1, I'u my nm i.l charicer's liaek.

■• And my good charger rorncih nn While on the bill I roam;

llelielhiu his stall, I Wot- Uj charger I* at in,me."

'■ And yet thou'dst have a kiss. (,'.« Mr lips iT.oibt giro It Ihw,

Hut they are bcketl full fa-t, K-..'.1

Sly mother Inn the key ;

" And my good mother it not her.' While on the hill I roam;

.lu»l an your trusty llood, good nlr My mother is at home."

,|..liars of ii.--.-l. to eve.voaeot 'ii .Ian,in, t 1. IM7:l, bad a sinplm

of •l.m.Uia.M. ll wants liti atfent in ev.-iv ]IH-JI1 a now ri'pn-enieil, mi.l « ill ;m ills eounoi-Moli- In ellhieii i.tnmill Kile |M.| A.tdrcs 1'hHadel

,ie led. UNIIIOSS of the eoniiHiny i- tiaus

,m-.; JAY CM IKK,Chairman FlannrcConintil .-*■; .1. M. llfTI.KIt. ■s.iereUiry.

<) c. I; N T s

*l,00U I L..--K .-..llt.l

._.. now t*uni|iluiiiiiiK »t .hill pain in the side, the bowels mult-time't ustiee uiul ■ntnetlmcs too I.Mise, tongue eoult-d. pain In Uie shoulder blade, feeling sometimes verv restless, and at other limeii drow- SY ; the lootl Mint i^ lak.n li.-- lieavil. tin the •turn- a'eh. a.e.imiianled wllli a.-l.lilv and belching ol

I, Tin-si1 svuiptiinis nsiiallv oiiglnato from a rdeifd eonilitmn nt ihe stoma. h, or a torpid ■. Per.-ons -o affeenil, It the> take one or two, ami If tlif eoiijjli in Ihese cases be I'euli i-to|ipetl, tlio lungs, liver and hlomii.ti . ami lemaln ti.rpM and inn. lire, and la't'orc uilient is aware of his hitu.ilion tho lungs are i.-sol' sores, ami uleerutctl, and tlealli Is the iliihle re-ult. lunik's I'uluiniiiu .Syrup i« nn evpeetttrant

wliieh .loeit not eonlnln any opium, nor anything eali-ulalcd i" . he. k a enugh hiuldrnly.

Schenck'- Seiiwe.-.l T.iule di-solves the footl, niUes with the gastrin hiien of thai Htomach, ill- S;i-sts cn-lly, main -he. the svstem. ami create", a lealthy cireidali.m .it Hie hlnnil. When Uie liow-

els are costive, -kin i-all.nv, and the n bilious haliit, >iclieai k'„ Mamliake I'illit nrv re- uuired.

These medi. lues are prei'iired by dr. ,1. II. .SCIIUM'K A St IN, S.ul!i . .1 I iinnei-ofSiilh nnil Aril,, l'hil;,.lel|,l,ia, I'a. CEO. C. (iOOIl- \\ IN ,\ ( .', :- 11 i,r -ii,.i. Ii.i-ton, John K.

- "■)ik. Wliule-al.-

i.-,iic iin- 1. fit«H asUtiinst.f UN

Firoraen-B, of N. Y., 1B25.

Westcheater, of N. Y., 1B37,

Gorman Atnorican, N. Y.,

Uormuii, of Erie, Pa., 18U7,

Queen, of England, lase.golU, 10.000,000

American Branch, B*.«J

D Till VOLLOWnifl IIOMK flilll'lMKs:

tat National, Worconter, 1808,

Gloucester, of Gloucester, 1870,

ggf Polkle* for all the above Companies, written IX MY OmCE, ami LOgBBfl ADJUSTED.

Kor hiformatlon, rat**, ele., t-Bli on or addn-as

JOHN EDWARDS 283 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Ton outre noi as. *'-

Agent-. For-ale I11 I)ruj[Ki-ts




n tiiir»-

'1 In- I'reiuiei's st teii'iipted by appb luie; eiinlinui.l at the

-incut was 'freipieiilly in- ; xr- * t r\ J 1 e, whleh «as wann nnd j\ 0 tC ll il1( tl U 11 0 I C ll.

unrkably Scripture > to nn no i.-i.ii .

1 the nib 1 ithllc thai

would pi-oh- 11> nlgbl in Parliament. A llotlM bad IH-1-II -II.':-, -1. ,1,

KIltlnR nn Uie opi-adtitm • lib mis had a dilllculty in

TltK l"f»F ay Words.—Had Word* arc 11s Influential ns the plague ami Uu, pcstl* lenee. Tbey have wronshl more cell than battle, niiinler tuid NVHIIICII death. They , creep Uiniiurli the ear Into the heart, tall up nil Hi bail passions, nnd tempt to break Qod'S coiiiniutitlmi'iils. A few bad words got Into the car of the mother of mankind and led heron to eat the forbidden frilli, nnd tliu* to bring death Into the world.

TOM may tninc the wild beast) tin* con- flagration of tho American (brest will eesse when all the Umber ami the dry wood is consumed; but yon canuot nrrest the progress of Ibat cruel word whleh yon uttered en re lea sly, ycstcnlny or this timrti-

1"K- Good Wonhl do more llumjiaril speech-

es, nt tbt! sunbeams, without any noloe, will make the traveler cast off bis cloak, which ail ihe hliuitoriiig winds could not do, but only make 1,1m hind It closer to bi tn.

If you do not wish a man to do a thliur, yon bail better get him to talk nhoiit ll; for tbn more men talk, the more likely tbey arc to do nothing else.

O, bow L'lorlniis to make everything nleiLsant, to throw sunslilnc upon every ClOUd, sweeten life by smiles anil kllldj words ami to make joy to spring lu your path, ami love to -[low on every lace.

I hate anything Ibat occupies morel spneo than It Is world. Ihstoto .sec a j load of bandboxes go ahum Ibc street, ami I hate in net! n parcel of big words with- out anything in thorn.

Words are tblngs,and a small drop of ink railing like dew down ii|iou a thouiiht, produces that which makes thousands, |nTbai>s millions think.

There nre word* which can separate, hearts quicker than hlinrp worda; there are words whose itlng can remain In the heart through life.

I inn HO b»t In lexicography n* to for- get that word* arc the daughters oft-nrth, aiitl that tblugs are Ibc sons ol heaven.

Hani wonls arc like ballstonca In sum- mer, boating down and destroying wlmi tbey would nourish were 11 icy melted luto drops.

irt 1 u the] could a

li. uliv III .and It

, 1111,1 be sn>s be hO

-ia ditib-iil- lenialioiuil


same lime. . bis prayers ha that when be I barrow loath,I

- A Connecticut woman smokes, chew*, inuflh and drinks, uitl yet cue is not happy.

—A Oeorgbi colored woman cnptiorl.s her former inbHrsar.

—Wild sjeeao approfrbile rafts from tlieir niiHirln^'N out In Indiana, ami take frc<i rides ilown the Wahaah.

—An Indiana grand Jury bo* indleioil twenty- one ministers fur failure to return marriage II- eenn-s with the proper eerlllieates.

—Kansas baa Increased Ihe annual appruprl- aiioii for Ihe Penitentiary, ami cut down Ihow for literary Inilltution* correspondingly.

—CIICIIIIIIMTS nnd ulraivlicriies are getlillg to he quite common, the (brmer at tme dollar each and Ihe utter at about iwenly-flvo cents each.

—Three brother-, by.tbcuame of Riulth,whn*e npnroxltnato age* amonntcd In 2IU year*, died daring the mine week In Ixiekporl, N. V., re-


■■tinivhcs; Ihe H|uently grncci

dnn (obis feelings. Ills

people talklui; In lltlcssaml neat lie lo these hints, t soul's, salvation h



bould be as c f our actions, ami

ng III- t), many a shall, at ra miitk the nrehei And ui.tny a word at 1 May tooth*, or uouni

■ are like leaves, a fruit 11I .en.e IH-U

•ofUl .ft ill I- ords

t.iiilt 1 ed I, i 1. ■

was hull.lliig. ibc hearth ami anolli other parln nre .0" In layers of brick* are across in like manner, 1 cooking upiiaralus. 1'

■ illspe For Wn -Id:

itl colleclei

HKIIKHY IN Tin-: TSA-POT.- 111- notes on the subject of were sent us hy a bitty ivl house f|)r forty-flvn years, n onvly .1 ami practised making good tea ami coffee. Ions may be considered here consider it certain thst she ki make good ten: —

I'be follow- ' tea-making , bas kept :

KKHKI-I. WKIHIIM . —A ,-ht- a n willing look |il iceln t 111 rtlnv, reaeinbltiig ,11 It Rl nice of weddings 11 high til'.-

—Aii c7;change informs us that headless man Is making hlniHolfo rllMillg people over the piabit s.






journal 1

l.f IK.H 1,1.1!, ill

"I op, ise the so often vaunli which dl eet us to pill our teal Ibc pot, ml. alter pouring bolll over tliel 1, to pour the tea lull Into Ibc ups. This practice way in Chins ir Hussla, where Ihuy but the llnest qualities of tens might 1 UMlbly have answered country i eforo Uie art ofniliiiu-n undent.. Ml no well. The Idea

"The ATM lard of Spring n ttomp hill" Hut ere be had sounded a mil..,

Me fell from the bml.-a dead bird n;i The Riuair had fri/. in his throat."

— A St. I'uul jury has brought in 1 Hint a husband ami bis wife have each cruet anil inhuman treatment at Ihe li the other, and thai eonseiplently ea.b Is to a divorce.

—One of our exchange* BUeetlonntely liiates ttie writer of a ronli " bladder or putty." It Is doubtful If long survive such au allusion to bis heaviness aa.l adhcelrcnca*.

—This id Indeed I tuning Hie tables with a vengeance. None hut Heady and sipwre will* ky-drlnkcn are allowetl la lire in I'luche, Cal. Habitual water drinkers are ordered to leave hy

a Vigilance Committee. —An Oregon youth is accused of dressing up

a straw woman and giving It a sleigh ride through the town, after bis bashful approaelies had la-en rebuffed by Ihe genuine artletei among his female netpiaIntoni-ee.

—All Ohio girl, who was jilted by her lover, spoiled bbjhcaaty by taking her little ami sboothig bis nns* offj and now that young man ihiuks be know* why his nose is mil a safe gnlib) to liilloiv when there is 11 female ahead.

—A Hlooiningltm, III., woman celebrated her tin wedding the other tlay, ami "lit 11 the neigh. lairs eume ill to sec what the noise was idmut tbey found that she. bud quite s|Hiiled the lea- kettle that ihe was appl; lug lo the outihle 01

her hnslnuid'* head. —William Shakespeare is attracting tho alien

Monof London musical circles, lie is tie

scribed s* having already won high honors n Ihe Royal Academy, and at a late Crystal Pal- ace concert he produced on overture In tivi inurement* which i« favorably spoken of by tin

critic*. —A commercial traveller who was receiving

a salary of £1000 a year, ami nil allowance of 1 guinea per day as expense*, was recently sen tenrcd to two ndu'Imprisonment with ban lulsir, for having stolen nil Ulster coat ami a, umbrella from Ihe walling room of 11 railwa; si.II inn in laiu.ltiu.

—The local editor on a Wilmington (N- C. paper went away, and his substitute a Into* went nm.I trying to hunt up news,. He wa happy Ral last, when lids suggested Itself [1 him: " Just nineteen hundred ami scvi-nlcci vears t,i-dav since llriitiisgai e bis friend .In

Iin 1 t ■' ■ nd'-r the ifth rib vitll

, break-; enough |,

; p.nin-tl ,,", prl-ios I "swl""1 "'

he following note was 1 e lamdon Tillies; '■ Ml in 1701, during the reign ife In I71N. My olhe

-t.-ntly add, g1-.111.lfal her

,,f William

graiithimll died in IH.',;,. 1 am 11

el health; so, judging b> isissible 1 may somctln

. y.-t SI, a antecedent*

e lie able 1.


A plain I rent i -.-, r, ml:, in in 1; Miuiple card with t > lilVereiit II.IIKIIIV imiiil.-il -ba.le-. anil lial-. Ullb Instructions I-T exterior ami Interior House

ait eupie'., hoaiel in t bill,, for fl. Sample mtp- le*. piiher cover, maile.l, p.i>t pn Id. to nnv address, nn reeeipL nl III cent-, hv the I'uldisher,

niMti CSJtKV uvmn, iioi lO'JI. I'liHtOIUrr, i-i.ili,.,. l|il.h..

"We did nol know so much could be said on the ubjeel of iiiiinliiiL' a hnn-e until we rend this ex- ellent book nl Mr. Ilalrd's."—S. Y. lleriild. "A waul bnig fell at last supplied."—.Heien. Am. " .mil .1 in-' ■ -ilv t" tli" p.-iinl. r, but tnlii-

l.i,Moevi.|-<-oecii|,,"-X.Y.World. ■• lluv 'i'i eopii" of thl 1 book, itail .ll-lrlbule them

, during ';:(."—I In-toll Aill'i nave ju l painted our house as mlvl-eil l.v

,hor, ami cinigratubitc ouri.elves that no g In our iii'igliliorhonil i-n'i-l> ours in ait .■i.."-lIar|iei'sWeektv. celling a sample copy 10 .-!■., Mr. Ilalnl

'Harrison' bran.l nl whitt

10 CEJffT*.

AN BOOKS.—*fl forR, ;; *■'for America.

7a.; *:( lor 17:1.1. Itiire nid Ainerii

Total, 810,000 Gift*, Cosh, S300.000 To provide menus l<n this iiniMiiilleciil I'oneci_

ne II u it tli. .1 Thuuultil YYIiolc 'll, Ir aly will lie issued. Whole Ticket*, SIO 1 Ilnlves, if» 1 and (Jul rs, Klev.-ii IVh.ile Tickets fur flO>

> .li-ciiuiit nil le.s than »IOO orders, The ohleci „f this Third UM i'oucert. like

the two fieretorore given w ilh sllrll universal «p- provnl, is Ihe enhirgeiueut ami endowment of the Public 1.ii..... ( of iioiiiHij, wliieh, by the -pecud net oiilhoi i/iie; Ihe ciaiiii t Tor its lielictll, In to IH. forever free lo all citizens of every Suite. Thu drawiliK will he umler the Mipervistoli ot the Trustee* of till- l.lhlnli , nsi-i-lcil bv Ihe most ei iirul citl-en* of the tuiU-.l Stales. Tlie sale

they must order at mire if they de.i 1.:L 1 lici|uile iii ihe itrawhiB.

The niamigement or this tuitli rtakin^ ha- lieen committed by the truslces to llon.Tnos. 10. Itit.iM- I.KTTK, bite u( Kentuekv, lo whom eolil- mlllileallons peiUiiiiini.'I" the Uill loneerl tuny lie :i.|iIvc ..el. It T HI KltKTT, I're-i.l.i.t.

W. S. HA 1,1 IK MAN, Vim I'res'L JOHNS. CAIN, Sec'v I'nhlic l.lhiarv of Kv. t'AltMKKS' AMililmi■Kits.' HANK, Treasurer.

I'nblie Lilu-mv ol Ky.. Kouimillc, Ky. As Die time Tor the t.'.incei I i- elo-eal hand, (April

sill) parlies wttntiiiji lid. I- I-II.IIII.I send In lln-ir orders tin ii Ih.-i w.mid avoid the rush and dt-lay nb-nhih It uiian.idnhlc in Ihe few days pieeeding the ilraiving. All ortlers nnd R|iplieie litnts I" 1 11-1 -ii.-ii ■-, 1 ireiil.ii'.- ninl, will

ilh pn.iapt atti ntion. TIKIS. K. ItltAM- I.KTTK. Agent l'tibiic I.ihraiv .-f Kenlnckv,

■, Ky. 11 fomhl



lleposlts placed on interest the First liny ol •cb mouth. interest allowed on nil nimi of one dollar and

pwaliW, deposltetl not less than 0110 month he- >ie the day on which dividends am declared. Tho smallest sum received on deposit Is five

Dividends will la' made of nil Ibe profits which may have necrue.l «ilbin tho [uevious six mouths, utter ileilueliiig neees-ary expenses.

t Will lint be pni.l on fraotlOltal parts Of I dollar.

orricEtttS: PresUeitl—JoitM PALLOS, KSO>

IVf I'rtiiiletiti 1

RARE AMK1UC, II. Thom.i.' Aim

r CiiUcni srntbei's Works; IT*i; Johnson's . USI; tienuini

i.llln.ii' '.VI .'.. ::'!.'.i ,'n I. I.'ill. - ,lav llrass'i'ioeSt. tn pr) 1 ,.,. i,. .1 \^. -f. ifOPLTON,

' II K P ll 1' I.T II V \V 0 III, D.

lo not MJIMI Ms- for nnv work on Poultry till 1 have i.ei-11 this. M.-u'tblv, 1JI..M per year.

, reinien c.-pv, HI ets. Aibfross " l*f H'l.TllY \l'ciltl.l>," llnill.iril.l'.iuii.


BOSTON AND MAIeTB RAILROAD, Spring Ariiiiig.Hieut.

On and after Mombiv, Mar. IT, IBIS, Trains will leave the Depots in l.tiwrem-e, as ft-lhrw* :-

Kor Itostoii (from North Depot), nt CSl, 7.S0, ti.:» s. 11.;>P.lL

For Itoston (froin South Depol), nl fi.27, ;.:-■, 0. In. *. «.; and, l.« (e-.[u-e-), :I.17, S.S3,, (express), 7.1U1-.M.

Kor fortland (fruiti South Depot), nt U.M A. M. ; 1.1.1, 4 1'. H.

for lieorgelown nnd Newbnryport (from Soutli Depot), at s.-ij A. n.; l.-Ju, 4, 0 P. it,

Knr HSTSrhUl (frOUI South Depot), nt P..23 and 1.13 A. X.; end l.l.VI, 8P. »<■; and from North Depot at 7.10 e.S.

Trains leave Beaton for Lawrence at 7, 7.J0, »-*», 10.1.1 A.M.; liM.; 1-J.3H, :l.oa, ;l.:lo, 5 nnd 0 r.M.

JAKES T. KlItltKll, Sup't Lnwrenee, March 17,1873.

If 11. SPRAOt'E,

PHYSICIAN AM) SUUGKON, Lately located ia La

SoutH Side, on Hro.'uhv;iy. All eases of BLINDNESS fr»m C'ntorse pn.l.y .1 Coriir.7iiirfn..l- of DIMUM81

-A'KK, Here F.yra ol' ILIMI Sr.lMUMI, Kft>'P- tikii nml l-itnti I111I Oplillinlinln. Ntoppaue or the, I.nchryinn] lioel, or WccpW Kyes, Vn- tnitlueinK Ihe srn.K for it* cure. All case-, of whatever ebarat Icr. ai-e li.-in^ treated with asl

hlmt n e«. All persons from a distance, mil r lln- slate, will l.e received into the Doctor's

latnlly during treatment, Further, we lieiform till kinds of Operations on ie KVKS, as C-.ti-.rart, Straiten -

WINTER Slvles from New York, and Is now ready loexeeuu.ufl orders tor

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING nt hor Itooms, JOI K*M* Si., l-nwremc Mass.

S-rl'artieidar atteiili.m pai.l to I't.'TTIM. ami riTTIMi Ladle.-' ami fliililn n's DUESSES.

SKW Srri.KS received everj week. IdiilleM* Drsssei Cut and Kitted for 81.00.

Machine Stitching- nnd Until ling done to order. A liberal thnro of palronn«e MOIICIIJII, with

tluinks tor past favors. iyK ja3

1) AIliHV 1 AN 1M1KW8,



SSn i:«.n Street, (Oiitivi.y Itlork).



\. W. Si earns, II.C. lln.-oti, James .'.. Treat,

Thomas Scolt, Uorril Know! J. Kmersoli, J

TYriont re—.tames I'nyne.

Peter Smith, 1. W. Smith, IVU-rlloliha,., P.CKIrt, 1). M. Aver,

John Smith, K. 1.. Itumils, s. W. KniKhl, U. C. Itlehanl

uh, l-atri.-k Ml, A. J. Fi _ C. K. I'ill-lnnv P.O. PlUsbury, li:

The Hank will he open cv to 1 P. If., eseept Suturtlay Sntijrtlav Kveuiiiv's. Iloni 7 toll, for pn-iis only. JAHia PAY SB,

Lawrence, June II, \»T1.- *



Burlington aiui Missouri River R. R. Co. Oft 10 YEARS CREDIT AT 6 PER CENT. INT. I'roilorts 11 ill pay BW the land and Improve-

ifllt-. much Wilhiii Die limit nl lllis Ke -.ins ered- , Heller leilnt are mil ollercd, and prolialily


N° ! NO! NO!

iiilher 1:1. in- 'j'iiinL

Muchiiio v Tin-:

ItflRST*! wivri-.ii. Send for circular. Atldress "IHIMI-Tll " BKWINO MAIIHM-: LO., N.V.

IJ8E the llelslntfor Bash Ixickantl 8up- J port to

FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! So iprliiK lo break, no eulliiiffof sash; cheap, luriihle, very eusilv applicl; liolds sash at nnv liiieinr it hen II.. -n-l, Is

ORB In another plnec O lawaawIBIetirMl




A U S E F i: L

The natural tenilene

I X V R N T I 0 N

... , uf everythlnirenrlhlvls tleeny, »i,t ,„;,:» mi-cd a- a tribute of nf. lection over the resting pla. , ^ u, lit-- dead, and to murk the spot where Ihev are In id, are subject lo Ibis law. Tu-dav we raise the marble or frrnnllc laoimJiient, l're-h IV.uii Ihe haiul nl the

.. . -tiinin forever to identify Ihe dead speak nf the affection of the living. llutafeW years puss awav, ami tin- pnli-On-d surface of the marble or granile KIOWS iliiu; ilu- neliou of the elements II]HW the -tone has lelt the I.-tiers scan ly iliM-vpheralile. The once elegant monument longer ultra.!- Ihe eve wilb its benutv, but see, to speaL tons of decaj- us much an thu" dead whose resting place ll marks.

Hut this need no longer lie so. A recent ii lion, by nn old marble worker, nut only give power lo re-l« re marlih. or granile tolls original fa'auty, but fund-lies a prccrvalive ngelit which re.-i.-lit the efleets or eipu-nre and time. Surely this Is 11 inu-l useful Invention, ll is keeping p with the progress of the age. As etlueiitioi. .. iliffu-eil ninl a-th. lie culture i-i|vtel,i|iei|, llnrc Is nn Increasing love for Ihe iH-nutiful in art. The avenues of liunh-rn ginveyaids nre nrt galleries. Here we Ibid ihe liijdie.-t ti funiiihs In inonunientnl sculpture. The mod.-iu scult.tor is not merely alilo to shape n stone and .tit no inscription, but

b|..rL ■ of ,i.',n,' niitiLiiii: tlic it-hliiic i.lac". of the deail, bill works of art making the cemetery as attractive lo the lover of tin- beautiful as ll is tc ihc ami m. ilitalivc. Surelv, then, thii invention, u Inch iml only re-lores the fulfil am. lime worn nimble to it- original beauty, hut pre -in,. 1 li :L* In culv liniii ihe further ravage* nf lime and the el. meat.. must be hailed hv nil with ■ It lathi 1 « |..i-: il.le to pre-ei ve ifie benutj ol our ..iii.l. n.-. tn restore the old nnd black

will people regie, lo nee the epltn|ihie and elegylc insetiptlons, inspired by love and respwt for the dead, beeouilng litircii,bible bv esponiire. This Invention will enable nit lo kesp the tombstones 1 nil,-,I |o the 111.11101 r of la-love.t friends III |M'r maneiit nnd as, eneh Summer, ths hum1.4 of hue hunt (lowers lo de.k the grove of a .lepaitcl lelallve or friend, the snduess felt or -ueh an oe.-a-ioi, « ill in,I W iuU nsille.l by nbserv iug H..- tomb-lone which lov* rcnretl going to

Tho Inventor of lids preservative ngent, which lpll-hes sneh great

.'■.•« ..r Noithnehl. ,L.,n,,., e 11. I*. HATCH A CO..

Mount Auburn Usteoi nrnr llnsln iciiliiiin. nint be itililressril. (Irde

I ,il v,. ~. ■■..,_.■ >.>..., it,..,,.

1'Juiii"..!1!.' BV be also It'll lit No. ft Hrnnrl Mlrcet, Huston

; the Olllee of Die I Yitielerv, at t ninbrblgi'; a ie I'ost (Ifllees ul llei.dbig; stom-ham, Lowell, Wahlii < and Wnburti. Dr-.flfKSiiN, Stale A ssnyer, highly

. Ctll-L't


Notice Is hereby riven tlial tho subscriber has been iluly apuointeil ail mini-trntor of the estate

Joshua T. DBV, Into or lltiifunl. In Ihe e.uiuty of Ksse ycom.-iii, deceased, ami has taken upon blc. self thai trust by giving bonds, ns the law illreets All persons hhvlng it. ininnl- upon the estate ol siild deei-nse.l nre reipiired lo eihllilt Ihe sntne ami all persons imlclile.l to said estate are enllet upon to make navmeul lo

-NATIIAMKI. (JAliK, Adm'r. Hoxford. March 11, IS7J. mlill

M THICK k It I C K E R ,

in,..a in.I Men!

1 iiiiiiiiin.i::-1 I I HI rears, nn.t wa, Will -Cleileeil.e, l,.,-l:

Itev.T..!. UK AD,

$5 to $20!l either sex. yorng or work in, „• in their . li , lliiin :.t nnilliin;: i|-,

IlKASLKS, Ae., Ac.

• ml Family Mollrln

mggi-t*. I'rieotl.

siitl'.-ri'd with Catan



Its tpMulliyi that bru nol bad Tors lltlH uiajcil but i

Uten1 sbnv iMilllllif, I' Hi for us tat ,i- ml (ih

tlvMtamt Sixktg; X-rU.nrr-*for Apr /. own. A 11

-»-*—»- lor. behind Main peraniui, besble* Imyi ami niriii'tl. K

college RtutlentH, use Ihe (ibroae, "11. brick," wlthuul tli ■ least Itleil thai Il Is ai-veral lion Mipp-iscl to be of i-hustk orlKlll. the hrhh'ttn said ibat Kitm Aj-ollans. In-lit}- tukt In the imnil an erobsssatlur (hnu Kolrns whr ib,v bad Ibc bride In mi walls ft.r Spnrla. replied. "Well vc." rljiht 1.1 sun l'.diitltifc* to his uiarshaletl army, lie aid, any other. "There are Ibe walls i>i Spartu! 1 very man you ieo Is a brick." S,ii]j_'u.- ,n I


'■ lenrlns up tin- it into place.

•idcjtri: ivfus.-d lo! —A Danger, llulm j |;II up lo Ihe altar because Ibe bride had adopt- ' til Ihe new weakness of parting her hair on one side. A sharp War of words follniied, whleh resulted In a declaration mi the part of Ibe angry youth that he bad token n linn stand and that Ihe bail must Is- re-drcs-edor be

I wind I never look upon It npilii. To this the , nirl replied thai he mljtht leave ns soon 11s be

[ilt-oscd, and lcare»lie did, much tn the dlsguat ■ of the people who caiue to partake ol the wed-

ilinj! siipiier.

rd; full Instrurl Is seat five lit 1 rn -lamp,


liiiR.ItelibiforlTleer. l'llr Itriiirtl)' fails

Male or Fciiuil.-.

.ain«; no ci|,ii',| r.- .l l:llil:li.lop;icUni-ol l.ldlts., «ith.U-cenl

i.iilanilt street, N.V,

Tin, Shoot Iron ftnd Copper "Ware. Tin, Lead, Tin Lined nnd 8entI-Kls*Ua I'ipe.

LIFT Ann lonci: PUMPS

for hand or power use.

tr..' Ilowlnf Mnehines, oeaici ami Wringing Machines Repaired.

Plumbing, Tin Roofing and QeneralJob- bin,' dona at atiort notice.


A ■ '■ I N (i T 0 N K A N (1 K.


Parlor, Office and Cooking- Stoves, Plumbing, Tin lloellng, ami all kliuli of JobWoj

done iironiplly. -H

1:1. DOIM DO STOVI: sToiti-:,

11 Lawrunco fltreet, I,tiwronco.

•pilK ri.Ari: Tn ITKCIIAKK


rnili, Altos, Ilnrllours, llnssrs, fnn. null Oii'lii'.iin Coil.rl-i of

lira.1. ..r licrnuin silver; l'l-lon or llolary Vulves;

nn-, Cymbals, rlnles, I'leeolos, Kif... Haaso. It, llari.iuets, trench uiul l.eriiian A. cunle- .,ii.,Vi.ilinsAi;uitar-.\i..! ell..-, Ilouhl.)

[lass.-, Ciiiieerllnns, r'liillnnH, Harmo- nicas, llanlos. Music limes. Violin

ami liiillar Slilnj.'s, and all Miiri.-nl islhi-

WCll known Hore of ly'lnpiul-li

JOmi 0. linns ,v CO., IC I St., (opposite Court House), lloslon.


le-l for unite Ihnn .".li jrnrs, i" ijied the must reliable M rdlclne Tor

Hie relief of Nervous Cotiiplninls. tVeaktuss of Ihe nml ll,,H eh, ol \|i|ielile, loushs,

. Heart lluni, Ililious Allarks, Colle, nip in Ihe siomaeli, I ii//iiic-!- ami Hull

ness of Uie Hen.I, cr rouiphiints, filer. I'iniplt-s, Iti-il-. Mini- St.inincb, Constl-

luti.iiittl Weakness. Ileatla.-he, Low lle.-s of Spirit-, Costiveuem.,

IndlEC-tion, Dyspepsia, id all couipliiiils arisiuti from an 1111110re stntem the lllotitl. nr Ihe ilei anto-l c.iiidillon of the

St.inineh, Liver, Itowels or Kidneys. This preparation I* purelv Veirrtnlile, conUbdn-{

..vtrncls in a liiylil. ■■. ■ntrittetl form of Knots, Herhs 1111.1 llarl.-aiii.oif; which are Hnrssnarillo, Vellow I'.H'l.. I .eiitian. W ibl Cherry. Ilriiiiifii, Mil in I nt We. Anie, -litni|,er lit-rrles, elc.— mnkiiiK a Due Tonic, Alterative, ami Ijutatlve Medic me, which never falls lo give tone and slreninli 1" the M stem dchililiilcil l.v disease. As n Itl.tHll) I'flilr-IKi:, (iinililtrfc'S BITTEKS HAVK SO KOt'AL.

M.INT.ttitll.[iTH\VAIT. l'rtiprletors, nilc'l No. -.'I St. 1'eiei- slreet, -Sub Slaw. Sold lit- alt Dealers In Meill.-lues (rcnurully.


ALt 1 The I


I'lttHl-V MITl-.ll. ■ - . - - -i.l.I,111.,(.till.oil

tiflTS tun TO POUCT HOLOKBS. r rates and larar dlvldemlH of this old

-lb-tit 1 l.iir .Vi.liiii; ami proinplnrss in the atljiislment of losses, makes II Uie IM-I Com pan V in New Knslsml lo Insure In, especially f,,r Kiulo'wiutnt rollelet.

B. E. LAWBBSCE, Agent for Lnwienre, Haverhlll, Audover, and


L T 0 N rp H E FINK L K I Manilfnelurini! CO*

New Sewing Machine, "VICTOR," HE BOUGHT OF •Joel- i>. IV. itiiia, in Sl«rnln Street*

Mole AgflUt for I.nivrenee, Andovcr nnd Mettmen

ll..,l Uliot

The lloclni


who ivi-h to know of our treatment, . null- In lids rltv, viz :-Mr. Tholnp- .ill.'Mill; al-.i, io Mr. Ta\ lor, South ay, and Other* Wind with Cataract. or Weak Eye* cured, may be found at all times at bis

op polite Tiger Engine Houte.

We do not, however, make ihe Be* a siM't-ialty 1ml all kinds uf NIKI.KHV, so that we conll lenllv announce ib.-tl in. .me 1-0 unfortunate as t. reoulre Sl'ltlilt'AL AID, Deed )jo to Itoston, o

aill'i fell

l)1 I) . T . V 0 ]{ T E 11,


SSS I'.iitt Ntr-et,- - - T.nvvrrnre.

Nitrous Oxide 0**, and Ether or Chloroform




inn NTHKKT, I..HVIti:"«CK.

fpROCKEKY, French and Bngilshciilna, V 'While (iranit... Ciciou Colored. It.tekiuKlumi, Stone anil Weiltrwood Ware. Sold l.v

Joiiu c. i»i.iv JL Co.,'u;o i:-' cr at.


FURNITURE. Theaubooriber* hard Liken ronuui In Ordwsjr

Block, rill? i:»«n Street, where they will lie pair and liny nml Sell Second Hand Furniture and household article 1. All orders promptly at- tended lo, and |D0dt lelil .it. auction ivhcndcnlrcd.

HILL ft CO. Lawrence, April in, IBM. Itf-


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts

CO L L E C T O R, e, 2SO >:»... Street,

Hours, ilu Sand 7 to I


ADVANCE (.OOK STOVE Magee's New Portable Range.


Ellas Howe Improved Family Sawing Machine.

1. Beauty and aaeepawo* -sTMUoh alike on both des of the fabric.—".. Strength, lien uly and dura,

liility of Beam thai will neither rip nor rave].—3. Complete control over liolh Ihi-csds.—4. An en lively new rotnrv lin.-iini for the upper thread, Whleh eoiitrihnles ,11 much to that heauty nml uni fortuity of Stitch I'm « Inch tin- "Howe Maciiinc" it o eelebiated.~5. A perfect uniform tenlinu in the buttle, whleh does not vary Iroui n full, to an inpty bohbln — an ohj.clinii M. common toother

.uactiines.—0. An automatic fell-i-egulatln| take- up that pievcnls IIIUSIIIK or In musing benvy seams.—7. Short, stniU'hi nml strntiK nee- II ot lliilili: 1.1 break in ]ia-lor over heavy earns, »s do Ihe curved mm lies of other nuu-hines. . Finer lieedle* for the sniue ilnvail than any llier uuiehine.—U. Sewhis et|iiallv well with any

Jnd of llireiul.—Hi. Keonoiny oftlireatl IM'.VOIIII tliat of any other niaehins.—II. A hemiuej that will make any witlth or Hem or Fell.—ti. ltmi.l- bill the mosle.uni'li, 11l.1l |cillciii- with nay width nml kind of Hri.hl.-I3. A yiiiller that will a.ljust itself to nnv tbicliiie— ol material.—14. Turk)ne- atly fnlirle without Injury or pucker.—IS. A e.nnl-

■ - eon-trucUit a.- to cord around very short i, even to stpiare corners.—11. Sew ine the

fabric without injurv or pucker, ami the henvie,.! inaU'rlals with the Krentest ease.—17. Coiiipnclncss, siui|ilicili :ii»l ilmnliility.— IK. Ease i operation nnd maiiairement. —ID. ltd .Machine 11 Ihe worlil for Fninlly ll-e. Call am' see tlie-e Min-hii work, with the SKW

.lil.E power, at llaaar>N Aacu-

A largo stock bought li.-fore Ihe n bo sold Law hT



No. Where wll


0, Lawrence Street

Tobacco, Snuff, im. It 1 j ri uiul 1 1,1) l>l|i,a



ivilnl.isin: tin ItKTAIt.

A abnro of public pulronnip' is rolielted at U10


pilfnil- UTrntSCE, HASH.


These ppei-laeles are manufactured from "MI- SI lt:ri:r*TAI. rilUlI.l.s- mi-llci toaether, ,111.1 nru called IHAMOXt) ou account of their linrilncs and Inilbaliey.

ll Is well known Unit spec Lie lei cut from Ilra- lillnn or Scotch iielit.le- ars verv Injurious to the nt, hectu-e of Ihelr |,.,|:iri; in^ liKhl.

Havlmt lieen tested w Ilh the polar Ise ope, the di- aniun.l lenses have IM-CII found to admit tlfts^n per cinl. less rays tlianany olher pcbhlo.

They arc jrrouinl willi fcreai ..eieiitifio accuracy, e free from chromatic sliemitii

. i.inrliiiii ,1 in >|M

n,|, 01M ,',;, l before

Ma 1111 fat-lured by tho

Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co, NEW YOUR".

sale by EtopOMfblt Agent* lhioiii,-bout the Caion.

WHITFORD & RICE, 1 -ll.-i-j. and Opticians, arc Sole Agents f. e, Mais., from Whom they ■d. No I'etldlers employed.

ili.iuld he takt n In which is protected


ly be oh-

I sperlneles has rs In imlni urr n„ inri-rtor the '-liianioiul." Uriat

stt- that the trademark iiy American I.eliers Va ■ pair. lyJUJelJ-


The Salest and Ho thu woild.


lo pay.

Head for Circular,

K A 111 l:l. Ill I) V, Jr.

General Agent,


Cor. L'lutrlestown St.,

.im' i".i:i.,111.1, II.^MIN-


OF 0O0D8, already

LARGE STOCK and have


The prices I have set upon my (teed* are

KYKUY VAK1KTY OF GOODS for Ladle*' wear.

In Sllllineiy I have cveiythhu; that Ladle* re iiui re, ami in print* 1

Defy Competition. Sly of Ladle.' Woollen Toiler Wear has

lieen lartvclv ad.l.-d to. 1'rices low. Children's ninl ll,il.ici.'"Wo.i]leii t'mter Wear, .Inekets. ele.

1 can supply Lathes wllli

I* A P E R PAT T K li N S

x sii'i'i'l, La ej, ISUKai


A,1. SO t nloii Street,


This Hank tuts never 1*1.1 less than six per cent, per annum, free of tax to its depositors.

All deposits made on or before Ibc first day of any month are then i.l.-ic ,1 n|.,ni inlcrest,and share In Ihe next dividend.

Dividends as soon a* declared are at once added to the accounts ot depositors, mid ,-tt mice lit'Khi lo eiirn interest, thus givinc COM it 1IM1 interest. Itonr.UT Minor, (iKO. V. TiiiMiiii.I.,

1-resitlenL Treasurer. /.■.-'.'/,., f '. ,.,;-!,.(/. .-.

Clinton Vile*, Tholnns L. .leaks, llsrvey Carpenter, linniel II. Wliituev, William Kof.inson, tieo. S. Uerbv. Ii^l|al0

ESSEX 8 T It E E T. 244


LOWKI.L, Oofc 11, 18T3.

S«y-Tbc RIXCKU was awarded Ihe Flitter l'KK- HiL'H at N. K. Fair in JKTI. as itciug tbu BEST Family Sewing Machine: nnd also thu prcse year the awards were Silver Medals.

(signed) E.T. ItOWELL, A*»'t Sccivtar N. E. fair.

The MNI.I-.U v. ;i. given the viuivr IttSMIVH nt K. II. suie r*Jr, bebl at Dover, lu BVPEU OK1TY over all othun luis ,.■ 1 it in the baliitoi doing so.

Bold for 96 per month, or for

T. W. IIEAM), AOEKT. J I I Il.s. , Street, .... Sounders Itlo.L

All kinds Machine- Itepaired, Ktenanted am to Let.

Unehiue fiUtenlruji SUmnbig and llraldini,- It order. jn_


C II 0 0 L .



BOO WaNliinnton Sireel,

1103TUN. *

Now admitted to b* tha



11 ipinlify sin. liuti,"- nt J h

i«l itu.leiits nf cither sen to disrhnrK<

Ihe duties uf a business liln correctly ami lulclll


0 R 8 A I. E .

On Knslerly side of Hicji snect, I*tn-pen Orovo and Phut Streets, n tme and a hall story, double ten. ut house, ill rooms in each leneiii'cnt, tt ilh bam and well, nil uu a line lot of In ml NS feet on IllKh Mreet and lit! feet ilcep. Hoot 1 lot to erect eoUntre house to rent, (said rent

for elKht and n luilf per r In-tl dollar*. Price *!ttlin.

1 Mlrcet, ft Al-iinwaod chance for Keiilleui

* —slofCltiier Hill.


M " :i ■ (il.-niliil l.iiil'liin; li,| f.ii- 1',-nil, 1 lenee ou 1'nion Hlreet, ftimth Side. Abo nut '

ill lots to SI

i, Uas*. ■ . nif l.l- JUOI


Agent, MH ESM-X .Street, Law

ilny, Tuesday and Thursday

of nil kind*. 1 nm making this a specialty nnd ran lit 1 nir hull I im I- 1.1'pattern.- re.pilreil.

lu utber ile].111 Inn nt- mv stock of ^nods ennnol IH- surpas-ed.

H A I H C* O O I") s, Itealantliuiitatioii. All kinds of 1 Ires* Trim mi n|r?-

Real Laces, llamliiiic BrtoiM*, Sashes, ami Sush Kihltons. Jewelrv, l*eirumcs, Imlet-d I.ntlies will nnd every thin-tfiii al mv store.

Klninphig for Kmbroldery. -11

196 ESSEX STREET. 196.



AI (ail it'.! to these patented Spectacles nro two sclentlllciillv eon ITII. |.-.| l.iilvnnle llatti-rles—un- seen when worn—ih livt-i ing through the nerves of Uie head a

thttt mill i o 111 i 1111011. Mrnoii of 1 l.-l lelt j .

il CKUTAIM.V Cl'ltlMl

Partial I'm ,1 ■, l> of the Optic *Verve, tl . o i. or Diseased Vision,

ArumlRla of the llenrf or Fare. tVrrrous Tn ll. lie lu the

Viiisi 1. n of Die Fnee, Noises lu the

Loss of Hi iitul I'm rj|[J-.

on.l a lio-t or Serious Pue**B*. nnshix nom fie- pres-lomiflhe neivoii. enerifv ot the sltte -un- L-ibulin?, In 11 mint nsPmishiuK tletrrce,

Life and Vigor and Health. hy the menus of tin) sort tloK'hiu stream of Elec- tricity, Klvlntt inIRIIIness to the lij -,

Qulcknea* to the l".nr, 1.111 enj to the It, KIII.

They arc set with lenses of Uie USSSl lnnnufac- lurc, lo hull all si^-lii-. nml v, ilh Klnsses for lliot-u nol needing spe.-lnt les to read «lib, but desirbiK the Itenellts to In- ileriviil 1 1 wcarlnE Ihe IUI- terles; ami to lie had in this city only of

HUMPHREY MOOAIt, Wntchrcalcor, Jeweller and Optician.


No. 235 Essex Street, Lawrence.

JV. II. Alto Aimit for Laxaru* 4 Aforri*' Per-

Jrttttl Sptctaett* nnd Eyt Qlantt, Ihe BEST in tkt

World. fllvlfl-



nots and ll"j-' which nluio- 1 inm following complainU :—

»yspepsla. Heart Hum, Lures Complaint* "■- of Appetite cured Hy taking a few


I.•••llndc, Li cured at once.

- S|iiril. nnd Sinklnit Sensation

mlill by following lb* dirt ithurwlse, cured 1 thins on the bottlo.

For it 1.1.1,-.v. RlnddeT nn I.I- It has no ..,.1.11. 1 tie most skeplieiil.

Wnrmi expelled from the synlem without tho least difficulty; a few bottles me mfllcleul for tho most ohslinato cn*e.

Piles 1 one boltle ban cured Ihe most difacult enso when all other remedies failed.

A'rrvon* IHiSewltle., Neuralgia, llendnehe, etc, easetl Inuiie.IiaUily. Swi lied Joints, nml all Sernfu- Inr Aullt-lhins rsmovt d or j*re«tly relieved hy Uil* invaluulile uieitblne.

Illfllriilt lli.i.lliliiK, pnln In Ihe I.IUIRS, Si.le and Chest alin.i 1 iiniuinhlv .111-1 d by takings lew bottles of tho Quaker miters.

Female mm. mil,,, fo prevalent among Vinciicin, hnli-s-vield reailllv (.. this Invaluable

medicine, the tjunfcer IlllUT*. llll ltetnittent and Intermillent Fevers, so

prevalent in mam | mil. of our country, completely ersdlcatcil hy tbu mm of ihe Quaker IlUteri.

The *..•;.-.1 Ami In tho Quaker Hitters Ju*t the article they stand In nei-.l of In tlielr deellnine years. It ipil.-kens tlir blond nnd cheers.Hie mind, ami paves the passage down Ibe plane inclined.

Ho One can remain long unwell (unlCM nftliet- ed with nn Incurable disease) alter taking n few bottles of the Quaker linn 1 .

For sale hy all DrusgtaH Medicines-.

and Ttenlem In

least* ami 1 ■ 1.1 ii by CttAS. CLARKE, Agent for LAWIIKKCX.
