Catalogue of the books in the circulating library [microform]

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Transcript of Catalogue of the books in the circulating library [microform]




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1 d









800IS IS 111 CIRIlillif. liSMII




- 1889 -^



'•^ATeek" Office, 5 Jordati Street.









R. A. PYNE, M.D.











i> a



HE present Catalogue of the Circulating Library, which is the third which

has been issued, comprises all the titles contained in the first and second

catalogues with their various supplements, and also the new books received

while the catalogue was being prepared.

• The number of book, in the Central Circulating Library is about 22,000,

represented in this catalogue by nearly 50,000 entries.

The Author's Catalogue, occupying the first section, pages 1-193, consists

of an alphabetical arrangement of the Authors, and a further alphabetical list of

their works under the name of each auShor.

Works of Fiction are further catalogued under the title of the book.

Anonymous books appear under their respective titles.

In the case of books pui)lished under a pseudonym, cross-references are given,

far as possible, to the correct name of the author.

Authors' names printed between brackets, thus [Preston], indicate that the

ok was published anonymously.

In the second section, pages 195-342, the titles are arranged under subjects,

key to the arrangement of which will be found on page 5.

All biographies appear under the names of the persons of whom they are

le subject. Thus, " Boswell's life of Johnson " will be found under Johnson.

November ist, 1889.



CONXENTS.I. Ali'Iiabetical Author's Catalogue.

II. Subject Catalogue.

NATURAL SCIENCESGeneral treatises 196

Anthropology and ethnology 196

Evolution 197

Biology and physiology 197

Zoology 197

Manimalia .... 198

Domestic animals .... 198

.Otnithology 198

Entomology 198

Invertebrates, etc 198

Conchology 199

Botany i99

AND MATHEMATICS.Geology and palaeontology 199

Meials and mineralogy 200

Cosmology 200

Physical geography 200

Astronomy 200

Meteorology 201

Chemistry 201

Electricity and magnetism 201

Microscope and telescope 201

C'ptics and acoustics 202

Physics 202

Mathematics 202


Metaphysics and ethics 203

Education 204

Logic 205

Home life and home instruction 205

Didactic letters and counsel to youth 205

Temperance 206

Women 206

Government 206

Jurisprudence 207

Trials 207

Political economy 208

Social science 208

Slavery 209

Commsrce and trade 209

Finance and banking 209

Medicine, nursing, etc 209

Hearing and seeing 210

Mental diseases 210

Dietetics 210

Hygiene 210

Phrenology, mesmerism, etc. 211

RELIGIOUS LITERATURE.The Bible, commentaries;- , 211

Christology 212

Scripture history 212

Scripture biography 212

Jews 212

Ecclesiastical history 213

BJblo antiquities, manners, and customs 214

Natural theology 215

Evidences 215

Religion and science 215

jlogy , doctrinal and polemical 215

Uletics and pastoral theology 216

Devotional and practical 216

Collected works 217

Sermons 217

Prophecy 218

Missions 218

Lost tribes 218

Spiritualism and the unseen world 218

Scepticism, rationalism, and transcendent-

alism 219

Various religions 219

Religious and theological dictionaries 219

Miscellaneous 219

Contents of Subject Cotalogue.


C;enf!ral treatises 220

Technology 221

Machinery and inventions 222

Engineering, surveying, etc 222

Mecnanical drawing 223

Architectlue and building 223

Steam and the steam-engine, fuel, etc 224

Metallurgy and minerals 224

Applied electricity 224

Hydraulics 225

Photography 225

Agriculture 225

Horticulture and arboriculture 225

Poultry and aviary 226

Bee culture 226

Agricultu-al products 226

Riding and driving 226

Sporting 226

Taxidermy 227

Fish and fishing 227

Boats and boat building.



Home and homo life . . .


Domestic economy




Needlework , . .




Games and amusements .

Decorative and fine arts.




Engraving and etching .





Historical and general treatises 232

Bibliography 233

Grammar and philology 233

Criticism and £ESthetics 234

Collected writings 235

Essays 238

Latin and Greek classics and translations. . .



Ancient classics for English readers 240

Foreign classics for English readers 240

Chinese classics 240

Rural life and scenery 240

Social life


Diaries and correspondence

Speeches, lectures, and addresses .


Rhetoric and readings

Selections and quotations

Table talk, anecdotes, and proverbs

Romances of the middle ages














General travel 245

Europe 246

England 247

Scotland 247

Ireland 248

France 248

Norway, Sweden, and Denmark 248

Iceland 248

Holland and Belgium 249

Germany 249

Switzerland 249

Spain and Portugal


Corsica and the Mediterranean.

Austria and HungaryRussia


Turkey and the Balkan States .


Atlantic Islands



Syria ....,...,













Contents of Subject Catalogue.

ibia 35:

rsia 251

intrnl Asia 232

lid and Burmah 2yi

\m 252

ilay and ICastern Archipelago 252

ina, Corea, and Manchuria 253

Jap'in 253

Morocco and Algeria 253

typtand the Soudan 253

yssinia 254

ntral Africa 254

^uth Africa 254

Western Africa 355Madagascar and Mauritius 255North America 255Canada 255Newfoundland 256United States 256

Mexico and Central America. . . 258West Indies 258South America 358Australia and New Zealand 259Polynesia 259Arctic seas and regions 259

HISTORY AND ITS Allied Subjects.













Ineral and philosophical 260

le-historic 260

picient 261

Irsia 261

feece 261

bme 2G1

vs 261

Sddle ages . . 261

jrope 262

]E|igland 262

'Popular county histories 264

|Historic towns 264

|01d English chronicles 264

^otland 264

ifeland 264

I&ance 265

Norway and Sweden 265

Netherlands 265

$pain 266

Germany 266

Switzerland 266

Xtaly 266

Austria-Hungary 266

Story of the nations 266

Russia and Poland 266

Turkey and Bulgaria 267

Modern Greece and Servia 267

India 267Afghanistan and Central Asia 267China and Japan 267Africa 267Egypt 268Sandwich Islands 268America 268

Canada 268United States ^ggMexico 270Peru 270Australia 270North American Indians 270Colonies and colonization 270Crusades 270Saracens 270Gypsies 270Military records 270Folk lore, etc 271

Searching 271Antiquities 271Mythology 271Heraldry 271Numismatics 271Sagas 271Chivalry 271


Eollective 271 | Individual274

I wmm. K'immnmim' SB

8 Contents of Subject Catalof^uc.





Drama 292






V m








< •» ^^ «« » —


Auonymotfs hook's np/tvar 11tide t' their t>tles, tunl arc pri'/t/cd in '/iotn<ni

fypt', ffms;Adventures of Kobiiison Playfellow. ... M r)<;4

Work's 0/ /''t'c/iof/ arc ritfrrrd itndrr both thrir mifhors' anairs and /t'/frs

0/ ffte fjooA:s.

Abbey—Ada ins.

Abbi^y murder, The. Hatton, 3 copies. . L 6479-81

Abbot of Aberbrothock. Adnmson L 2265

Abbott, The. Scott, 1 vols., 2 copies,

L ^183-4, 7148-0

third copy L 3788

o'-th'-Yate's dictionary E 171

Abbott (Benjamin). Judge and jury .. .B 133

Abbott (OarlesC). Primitive industry,



[pland and meadow A 674Wasteland wanderings A 450

Abbott (Jacob). Alexander the great. H 977Charles the first 1 718

larles the second (i 704^rus the great C) 824

irius the great G 771History of Pyrrhus G 593Hfubert M 259

Jl|lno and Georgie M 257

Ijlino on a journey M 256Margaret of .\njou G 825llary Osborne M 2580ueen Elizabeth G 811

3|ainbow and lucky M 755gfcience for the young : Force M 363Heat M ggoLight M 361Water and land M 362

Summer in Scotland F 778William the conqueror G 717Xerxes the great G 826

Abbott (J. S. C). Empire of Austria. . .G 695History of Hernando Cortez G 827

Abbott (S.) Ardenmohr among the hills. F 1386Abdallah. Lefi'ire-Lahoulaye E 294ASeckett. Comic Blackstone E 1779

Abercromby (//('«. K.). Seas and skies in

many latitudes F 1505

Weather : a popular exposition A 701

Abernethy (J.). Memoirs, Macilwain.Vl 905

Abington (Mrs ). Life IF 1493

Ablett. .Vrboriculture for amateurs ... I) 434About (Edmond). Fellah O 6

Germaine O 7

Grece contemporaine O 4

Greece and modern Greeks G 616

Madelon O 3

Roi des montagnes O 2

Roman d'un brave homme O 8

Social economy, 2 copies B 416, 490Story of an honest man F. 4774Tolla o 9Trente et quarante O 10

Turco o 5\'acances de la comtesse O r

Accomplished gentleman. Sturgis, 2 copies.

L 1869, 4ioG

Acton. Our colonial empire E 293Adam (G. M.). Canadian North-West. .G 850Handbook of commercial union 13 818

Adam and Wetherald. Algonquin maiden,3 copies L 5768-70

Adam (H. C). l^erils in the Transvaal. M iiiS

Adam Bede. truss, 2 vols. , 2 copies . E 444-5, 3462- j

Third and fourth copies L 2188, 6914Adam Blair. Lockhart L 170O

Adam Brown the merchant. Smith, H.. I, 4750Adam Grainger. Wood. Mrs. //., 2 copies,

L 1492, 4637Adams (A.). Naturalist in Japan and

Manchuria F 1321

Adams (A. L.). P'ield and forest rambles. A 653

: t

lO Adams—Agassiz.

Adams (B.). Emancipation of Massa-chusetts O

Adams (Chas. Follen). Dialect ballads . . I

Adams (Sir F.), and Cunningham (C. D.)

Swiss confederation GAdams (H. C ). Public debts B

Adams (Rev H. C). Cha'iie Lucken at

school MMMMMM

Ch'ef of the sctiool ....

Colle.tje days at Oxford

For James and George.

Indian boy

John Hartley









,123 I


122 I
















Lost rifle MTales of the civil wars MTravellers' tales LWho was Philip ? M

Adams (H. G.). Beautiful butterflies. .A

Beautiful shells AHi'mmiPf,' birds A

Adams (John), Life of. Adams, J . Q. &•

C. F.. 2 vols HAdams (JohnQuincy). Mcrse, 2 copies. H 50O, 1160

Adams (1. W.). Bible, astronomy, and the

pyramid F

Sewers and drains DAdams (N.). Sable cloud: asouthern tale.L

Adams (T ). Three divine sisters, etc . . C

Adams (W.H.D.). Primeval animal life MEnglish party -leaders, 2 vols HFamous regiments of British army. . .Ci

Famous ships of British navv GForest, jungle, and prairie, 2 copies. .M 7J6, 830

Good Samaritan H 82G

Great civil war, 2 copies Cj 288, 764

Great English churchmen H 635

Land of the Nile F 941

Lives of noble women H ioi8

Pompeii and Herculaneum, 2 copi'is. .F 103,943

Quips and quiddities E 328

Red roses and white, 2 copies M 287-8

ijhore and sea MWellington's victories GWoman's work and worth BWomen of fashion, 2 vols HWonders of the physical world M

Adams (W. D.). Comic poets I

Famous books ELatter day lyrics EModern anecdotes K

Adams (W.J. L.)


Adams (W. T.). All adrift MAll taut ; or, rigging the boat MLightning express MMoney makers L

Photographic instruc-










1 77







Ready about ; or, sailing the boat . . . . M lajc

Snug harbour,

M 7)y,j

Square and compasses M 79;

St."m to stern M-^(f

Adamson. Abbot of Aberbrothock . . . . L 220;

Adela Cathcart. Macdonald L e^fn,

Adc'le. Kavnnafrh, 3 vols., 2 copies. L 668-70, 4557 f.

Addison. Sir Fioger de Coverley L 484

Works, with notes by fi/>. Hitrd, 6 vols.E 61 1•

\'ol. I.— I'oeiiis and ilialoj^iies.

\'ol. II.—'I'lic Tatler—llic Spectator

\'()1. III.—'I'lic Spcct.itor.

\'i)I. 1\'. —TliL- Spectator—the (niarilian— thelover- tlie |)resint .state of the ivar—thetrial ami coiuiction of court tariff— theWhit;- K.xaniincr-the l'"ieehokler.

\'ol. v.—Tlie Kreeholiler—oil the Chri.stianrelijjioii—the nriiinnier—discourse on an-cient and modern learninif—letters.

Vol. \'I.—Letters — miscellanies — transla-tions of Latin poems— l^atin prose—on •

triennialj)arl laments—official documents


Addison. Court,'' orpc H ,s«,

^^delheid.J It is the fashion L 41C.

Admirable lady Biddy Fane. Barrett,

5 copies L 6833-

Adventures i.n the far west. Kingston. . L km:

Adventures ofan aide-de-camp. Grant, y.L 2.S1.

Adventures of Mick Callighin. Ancketill.L jj^;

Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. Siiith, A.,

3 copies . . L i8ii, 274G, 493

Adventuresof Verdant Green. Bradley . .L. 39;

Adventures of Philip. Thackeray, Win M.,2 vols

, 4 copies L 1303-4, 3839-40, 7051 .

Fifth and sixth copiec L ^'.870, 30^

Adventures of Rob Roy. Grant, J ,

2 copies L 2677, M yj.

Adventures of Robinson Playfellow. . . ,M 69.

iEschylus. By bishop of Colombo E 54:

Translated by Buckley E i u:

Translated by Swanwick E 1 1 j;

Affinities. Campbell-Praed, 5 copies... L 5224

Afghan knife. Sterndale L iSu

Afloat ana ashore. Cooper, y.F.,^ copies.

L 1756, 2 1 15, 224.

Afloat in the forest. Reid, Capt. M.,3 copies L '2682, 2699, 28:

Afte. dark, f^ollins, W., 3 copies. , L 291, 1731. 321

After his kind. Coventry L 526.

Alter life. Seivell, 2 vols L 1250

Afraja; life and love in Norway. Mujrge.]^ 231

Africa, past and present, by a resident. . F *<-.

Against the stream. Charles L jo;.

Agapida. Conquest of Granada G 5S

Agassiz (Louis). Journey in Brazil . . .F b\\

Geological sketches, first series AGeological sketches, second series .... AMethods of study, natural his»ory .... A

Agassiz (Louis), life and correspf-.dence.Agassiz, E. C, 2 vols H 12O5-I





it....M ic.

MM 7,

M 7,

k . . . . L 2-!'

L 6,1


L 668-70, 4557

L 4S4

6 vols.



ilian—thewar—theiiriff— tile


Christianso on an-rs.

— transla-prose—onciinients

H .s>

L .,".


L 685.1•

rstOll..L nil

(nit,y.L j.Si.

'.cketill.L 233!

mith, A.,

, 181 1, 2746, 495:

idley . . L 397

Win M.,

3839-40, 705 1-.

. . , L ?.870, 30b:

]^nt. J .

.L 2677, M 7 J.

w . . . . M 69.

|y E 54:

...E lu:

. . . E 111k

)ies...L 5224-'

3 copies.

1756, 2115, 224:

ipt. M..2682. 2699, 28.'

L291, 1731. 321

. . . . L yS

L 1250

tll^r^re.L 2(;

deiU..F i<y

L lU'

G 3

zil...F ('

Aes . . . . Ay....A

.dence.H I2(h


_ ^

gassiz and Gould. Comparative physi-

ology A 336

Ag.itha's husband. Cruik, Mrs., 4 copies.

L 34'. ^070. 3275. 4469

j^incourt. y<imcs, G. P. R., ?copies. . L 613, 2713

il^nrs. Olip'iant, Mrs.. 2 voly., 2 copias.

L 1038-9, 3708-9

Agra. Poems and ballads for penny rer.d-

. ings I 67

Agi'ippa (Henry Cornelius), Life of,

.Uyr/(?;', H, 2 vols H 223-4

il^uilar. Days of Bruce L 2094

v'Koiiie influence. 2 vols L 1-2

Second and third copies L 2093, 2763

Home scenes and heart studies, 2 copies.

L 2097, 2481

Mdther's recompense, 2 vols L 3-4

/ Second copy 1 2096

'Vale of cedars L 2092

fWoMian's friendship L 2091

"rVomen of Israel L 2095

e. Carr of Carrlyon, ? vols L 5-6

Introduced to society, 3 copies . . . . L 4400-4402

Warstons, 2 vols L 7-8

orals and mysteries L 9

ine days' v/onder L 12

enr'iddocke, 2 vols L lo-i i

out and peer, 2 vols L 1 3-4

S'hat state of life, 2 copies L 15S1, 4138

MKin. Memoirsof the court of James I .G 888

^OTin and Barbauld. Evenings at home.M 133

Aifnard. Pearl of the Andes L 24^4

iUllsworth (VV, F".). Personal narrative of

the Euphrates expedition, 2 vols... F 1484-5

Afcsworth (W. H.). Beatrice Tyldesley,

>| 2 vols L 63-4

»eau Nash, 2 vols L 65-6

jposcobel ; or, the royal oak, _ vols . . . L 47-8

Girdinal Pole, 2 vois L 29-30

Chetwynd Calverley, 2 vols L 57-8

•j^onstable de Bourbon, 2 vols L 35-6

Second copy, 3 vols L 4208-10

onstahle of the tower L 26

ail of Somerset, 2 vols L G1-2

flitch of bacon L 21

^•'Goldsmith's wife, 2 vols L 53 4ood old times, 2 vols L 49-50ilary St. Ives, 2 vols L 43-4

^ohn Law, 2 vols L 31-2

"ILancashire witches, 2 vols L 17-8

jLeaguer of Lathom, 2 vols L 59-60Xord mayor of London, 2 vols L 27-8$AeTTy England, 2 vols L 51-2Alervyn Clitheroe, 2 %'ols L 23-4#Iyddleton Pom fret, 2 vols L 39-40h\d Court, 3 vols L 2455-7

^ Second copy, 2 vols L 37-8

—Alden. II.

Ovingdean grange L 25

i'reston fight, 2 vols L 55-6

Rookwood ; L 1834


Saint lames's : the court of QueenAnne L 16

iSouth-Sea b'lbble, 2 vols L 41-2

Spanish match, 2 vols L 33-


Spendthrift L 22

Stanley Brereton, 2 vols L 67-8

Star chamber, 2 vols . L 19-20

Talbot Harland L 45Tower Hill L 4?-

Windsor castle L 15

Air and sky, half hours in M 162

Airy (S/V George B.) On sound V 114

Airy (O.). English restoration and LouisXIV G 1280

Aitken Guns, nails, locks, etc D 509

Akenside. Poetical works I 247

Albany {Countess of) Lee H 1 171

Albert Lunei. Brougham L 4799Albert (Prince Consort), Early years of.

C'rey H S65

Albrechtsbergfer. Thorou,:jh-bass, har-mony, and composition D 787

Alcestis L 4983Alchemist; or, the houseofClaes. Bdlzuc.X. 2378

Alcock [Sir K). Art and art industriesin Japan D 42

Three years in Japan, 2 vols F 519-20

Aicott 'A. Bronson). Coi.cord days. .. E 1632

Alcott (Louisa M ). .-V garland for girls,

2 copies. .... M 1085, 121)4

Hospital sketches and camp stones. .M 478

Jo's boys, 6 copies M 930-2, 102 1-3

Little m^ L 77Little women M 76Second copy, 2 vols L 75-6

Little women and little wives M 72

Little wives M 71

Lulu's library, vol. i M 808

Lulu's library, vol. 2 M 1092

Moods M 75Old fashioned girl L 389Kose in bloom M 489Silver jiitchers and independe'ice. . . .M 629

Under the lilacs M 591

Alcott (W. A.). Gift book for young men. B 438Pills and powders B 402

Alden (I. M). (See also " Pansy. ") MissPriscilla Hunter L 191Q

My daughter Susan M 513

Alden (W. L ). Adventures of JimmyBrown M 993

Cruise of the cano-> club M 990Domestic explosives L 5030

Moral pirates M 989New Robinson Crusoe, 2 copies M 1223-4

\i A Idcrsvdc—A Isacian.

Aldersyde, Swuii L 4707

Aldrich Marjorie Daw, 2 copies I- 73. -7-2'

Prudence Palfrey, 3 copies . . .L 4083, 4214, 4957Stillwater tr .gedy L 74

Story of a bad boy M 1 40

Alec Forbes of Howglen. MacdonaUl.2 vols., 2 copies \. 805-6, ^528-9

Alexander (A, \V.). CJrant as a soldier . H 1586

Alexander (>S/;' J as. E.). Hush fighting. F iiii

Alexander(J. W.). The man of business. H 543

Alexander (Mrs.) A false scent, 4 copies. L 7287-90

A life interest, 2 vols., 3 copies L G632-7

Fourth, fifth and sixth copies I^ 6j43-5

Beaton's bargain L 5431

By woman's wit, 4 copies L 5860-3

Heritage of Langdale L 7000

Look before you leap L 4966

Maid, wife, or widow ? 2 copies. . . . L 2334, 4974Mona's choice, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6258-67

Second life, 3 vols, 4 copies. . L 5084-89, 5093-98

Alexander ^P. P.). Moral causation ...B 49

Alexander (S. A ) Ready reference for

locomotive engineers D 985

Alexander (William). Johnny Ciibb ofOushetnei'k L 5257

Life among my ain folk I^ 525^''

Rural life in the i8th century L 5259

Alexander the great. History of. Abbott,

Jacob H 997

The same, edited by Lyman Abbott, 3copies H 1 174-6

Alford. How to study the New Testament :

Ci'^spels and Acts C 9

F^lpistlf"'-, first section C 10

Epistles, second section C 11

Meditations C 476

The yueen's English E 1478

Aliieri. Tragedies, 2 vols K. 617-8

Vol. I. — Philip - I'olynices — Antij^ono —\'irgiiiia — Afrainciiinon — Orestes— Ilos-

iiiuiuhi — Octavia — Tiiiioleon — Meropc

Mary Stuart.

Voi. II. — Con.spiracy of llic Pa/.zi — Don(jarcla— Saul — Aj^is —Soi)hoiii.sba— Thefirst Brutus—^Iyrrha—The second Brutus—Antony and Cleopatra—Ah'. 1—AlcestisII.

Alfred the great. History of. Hughes..



Hislifeand Anglo-Saxonworks. Paitli.G 562

Alger (Horatio). Errand boy, The. . . . M 1274

Bob Burton, the young ran- hman M 1288

Joe's luck in California M 1273

Store boy. The M 1096

Tom Temple's career M 1 27


Tom Thatcher's fortune M 1272

Alger (W. R.). Doctrine of a future life. C 545

Algonquin maiden. Adam and Wetherald,

3 copies L 5768-70

Alhambra. Irving, 2 copies L 1795, E 1012

Alice. Lyttoii, 3 copies L 222, 2903, 3482

Alice IBrand. Riddle L 22fiol

AHce Dugdale. Trollopc, A., 2 copies. L 1678, 38431

Alice Lorraine. lilackmore, 2 voh L 3i3f).

Alice [Princess). Letters and memoir.Princess Christian, 2 vols H 1227-s

Alicia Tennant. Peard, 5 copies L 5586-9:8

Alide : episode of Goethe'5 life. Lazarus. \^ 2^7

Alison. History of Europe, 6 vols G 89U

Second copy, 20 vols G 1198-r.ii;

MiscellaneouTj essays E i vj.

Alkahest. Balzac L 5jn,

All but. Thompson, Sir Henry L 54!;

All for greed. De linry L i UzA

All in the wrong. Hook, T., 2 copies. . L 1830, 407-]

All sorts and conditions of men. Bcsant,

3 copies L 5722, 7204All the year round, vols 1-20, 1859-68. . K 401 iiil

The same ; new series, vols. 1-45, 1868-89K 346-85, 421 -J;


Allan Quatermain. Haggard, 5 copies,

L 5797-5S00. 5^'>'

Allardyce. Scotland in the i8th century,2 vols E 1799-ife^

AUdridge. By love and law, 2 vols. . . . L 69-7(

Lizzie Clare M 5ot


World she awoke in, 2 vols L 71-;

Allen (F. M.). Anchor-watch yarns,2 copies L 7181-;

Andy Merrigan's discovery, etc.,

2 copies L 6233-4^

Allen (Cirant). Anglo-Saxon Britain. . .(i 471

Babylon L 5671^

Beckoning hand. The, 5 copies. . L 6326, 6807-icl

Biographies of working-men K 133.

Colours of flowers A 21;

Common sense science A 45:

Devil's die, The, 4 copies L 6493-1

In all shades, 5 copies L 6084, 6608-11

Phihstia L 57.;;,

Physiological aesthetics . B (r

Strange stories L 572;]

This mortal coil, 3 copies L /271-

Voyage of the ark, 2 copies L 7019 ji!u|

White man's foot. ., M i39;j

Allen (J.). Battles of British navy, 2 vols.E 953-

AUen (J. H.). Hebrew men and times. C 45;

Allen (P.). Black witch of Honeycritch.M 11,,

Allen(W. B). Kelp M iMAillie Gilroy. Chambers L 487;|

AUinson and Penrose. I'hiladelphia,

168.-1S87 G <)(>}

A. L. O. E. See Tucker, Miss.

Aloys. Auerbach L 4g7t|

Alpine climbing M731I

Alroy. Beaconsfield, 2 copies L 393, 241J

Alsacian schoolmaster. Erckmann-Chat-rian L 2483!

A Ithoiigk—A nderson. >3

|thwuj,'h he was a lord, etc. Vor esler,

4 copies L 5141-4

Itiora Peto. Oliphant, L., 2 vols,

J copies L 1089-go, 3710-3

Ito'n Locke. Kingslcy, C, 3 copies,

E looG, L 700, 3389

|tou Thorpe, yanncy L 4104

lateur mechanic's workshop D 807

lateur work illustrated, vols 1-5 D G62-6

[Tlie same, vol. 6 D 677

iTiie same, vol. 7 D 1053

lazon, The. Dingehtcdt L 4917

lazon and its wonders . M 720

lerica, poetry of. Selections from 100

poets from 1776-1876 E 834

lerican. The. James, H ., jr., 2\o\s..'L 627-8

lerican annual of photography 1887 . . D 653

jThe same, 1888 D 713

iThe sar.-iC, 1889 D 105-!

lencan Arbitration League. Report,1886 B 727

lerican authors, stories by, 10 vols.

Vol. I.—Wl o was she? Bayard Taylor—The ddcumorits in the case, Mattheirs amiliniDifr—Onv. (if the thirty pieces, W. //.

/;A7/,i/—Halacdii JJrotlicrs, R. If. Davis—An operation in money, A. Wfhster....l^ 4^35

\'ol, II.—TIk' transferred f^^liost, Stnrklnii—\ ni irtyr to .science, .)/. /'. "racohi—Mrs.Kiiollys, J, S. of Dale—A ainner-parly,Kiidv—The nKuint of [sorrow, Sfioffoni—Sister Silvia, Tinckcr T^ 4'i3^'

\'ol. HI.— The spider's eye, O'Brien— .\

story of the Latin cjuarter, F. Jl. Jhiriirlt—Two pf.rse-companions, G. P. Lat/irop— I'oor OKla-Mojfa, Lloyd —^A menior-ahle murder, Tliaxler— Venetian glass,Matthews 1, 4-37

\'()1. I\'.—Miss Grief, Woolson—\^o\ii in oldcloathes, Bitnner—Two buckets in a well,Willis—Kriend Barton's concern, Foote—An inspired lobbyist, De Forest—Lost in

the io\i, /Iroo&ji. L 27S0

\'(il. v.—A liijht man, James—Ynfd, Millet—The end of Xew '.'orU. lieiijamin—WhyThomas was discharged, Arnold—The'I'acliypomp, Mitchell. L 2790

\'nl. \-I._The villauo convict, White~X\\e.Oenver express, Jfayes—The misfortunesof l-!ro' Thomas Wheatley, /v/;;;/<M—Theheartbreak cameo, Cha m/i/iey —Miati I'.u-

nice'sfflove, H'<i''.'./»';-—lJrother Sebastian'sfriendship, Frederic L J7i(i

\i)\. VII.—The bishop's vaifabond, Thaiiet—Lost, F. Jiellamy—Kirby's coals of tire,

L. Stoelitoii— l';,ssa(fes from the journal ofa social wreck, Floyd SinW-.i (jrayland,.1/('A"(/)'—The imajje of San Donato, yohii-son....'. I, 279..

^'ol. X'lII. — The briy^ade commander, DeForest — Split /ephvr, lieers — ZerviahHope, /V/^//.v—The life-maijnet, Adee-<>S4;ood's predicament, .sy«i/c/ii.''</ L ^S''>^

\'ol. I.\.—Marse chan, Faire—ls\v. Bixby'sChristmas visitor, Gatre — Eli, Whit,—Vouufr Strontr of "The Clarion," .Shinii—How old Wi)fifins won; ship. Coffin—" —Mas has come," Kip L 348,5

Vol. X.—Panclia, 'Janvier—'Y\\<i ablest manin the world, Mitchell — Vounif Moll'speevy. .S'A'///(-«.v—Manmat'ha, De Fay-A darinjT tiction, Hoyesen—Vhc storv oftwo lives, Schayer........ ;...L 34S4

srican baron. Mille L 4298

American journal of medical sciences, vuln.

69-74, 1875-77 K 3217-22

The same, vols. 9298, 1886-89 K 3240-fi

American notes. Dickens, 3 copies.

L 3098, 3312, 4676

American politician. CrnJi'/'wn/, 5 copies. L 4412-6

A'.nerican health association, essays B 741

C'o«/,'«/,v.- I'/H.;'-//!!;/— Healthy homes andfoods for the workinjj classes. Lincoln —Sanitary conditions and necessities of

school -houses and school-life, .'^ternheri.r

— Disinfection and individual prophylaxisaijainst infectious diseases. Ireland—I'reventable causes of disease, injury, anddeath in .\merican manufactories andworkshops.

American senator. TroUope, A., 3 vols.

2 copies [^ 1388-90, 3844-6

Third copy L 2259

Amherst. History of Catholic emanci-pation, 1771-1820, 2 vols C 783-4

Ammer.. Civil war, Atlantic coast G 481

Ammianus Marcellinus. See Marcellinus.

Amongst machines . . . D 27

Among the hills. Poynter, 2 copies . . \. 1 170, 7007

Among the pines. Kirkc L 493

Amory (R.). Electrolysis In disease. . .B 72-

Amory (Thomas r.). Transfer of Erin.



Amos (A.). Great oyer of poisoning B 331

Amos (S.). English constitution andgovernment B 12

Remedies for war. B 123

Amphibion's voyage. Gilmorc, Parker. .¥ 1286

Amy Herbert. Sewell, 2 vols L 1240-1

Second copy L 4912

Anastasius. Hope, T., 2 vols L 1764-5

Anchor-watch yarns. Allen, 2 copies ..L 7181-2

Ancient regime, jfamei, G. P. R L 4177

Ancketill. Adventures of Mick Calli-

ghin, M. P L 2338

Anderdon (W. K.). Afternoons with thesaints C 520

Bracton : a tale of 181 2 G 273

Catholic Crusoe L 1989

Christian /Esop C 525

Andersen (Hans) Legends and fairy

tales E 2132

I inprovisatore L 5077

Only a fiddler L 5076

Sand-hills of Jutland M 599

Story of my life H 460

Story of my life in Sweden H 922

Anderson (A. A.). Twenty-five years in awaggon, 2 vols F 1432-3

Anderson (E, L.). Vice in the horse. . .D 635

Anderson (Sir ]. 1).). Strength of ma-terials D 170

Anderson (J.). Mandalay to Momien..F 417

Anderson (J. Wallace). Medical nursing.B 14

Anderson (J. W.). Prospectors' hand-book D oio

u A nderson—A rj^les.

[Anderson (O. S. L.)] . American girl . . M 562

Anderson (R. H,). Handbook for charcoalourners D 38

Anderson (Capt. K. P.) Siege of Luck-now CI 698

Anderson (T.). History of shorthand.. K 117

Anderson (W.) Conversion of heat into

\vork D 753

Anderson (W.). Tales of discovery . . . . M 585

Andersson. Lion and the elephant . . . . F 242

Okavango river F 864

Travels in South Africa F 437Travel in South-western Africa F 130

Andre (G. G.). Draughtsman's hand-book D 837

Andre (R). The king's bell tower, 2

copies M 1 334-5

The outpost M 777Andres (K.). Varnishes, lacquers, etc.. .D 533

Andrews (Capt. W. D). Swimming andlife-saving, 3 copies D 1063-5

Andrews (Ci. H). Agricultural engineer-ing, 3 vols D 590-2

Andrews (Jane). Only a year and whatIt brought M 1089

Ten boys who lived on the road fromlong ago to now, 2 copies M 806, 1070

Andromeda, /"'/cmjh^, 2 vols., 5 copies. L 5380-9

Andy Merrigan's great discovery. Allen,

F. A/., 2 copies L 6233-4

Anecdotes of popular authors E 1390

Anecdotes of the electric telegraph D 371

Anecdotes of youth and enterprize E 1718

Aneroid barometer : its construction anduse A 288

Angerstein ;Ed.). Home gymnastics for

well and sick B 775



Anglers' evenings, first series DSecond series D

Anglo-Irish By the O'Hara family, 3vols L 5064-6

A'Vngus. Handbook of English tongue. .E 1907

Anna Karenina. Tolstoi, Count, 3 copipo

L 5334. 7269-70

Annals of a quiet neighbourhood, Mtic-donnld, 2 vols., 2 copies L 807-8, 3530-1

Third copy L 2356

Annals of a sportsman, rurghiieff L 5281

Annals of the parish. Gait L 16S8

Annan water. Buchanan L 5702

Anne. Wood, Mrs. H ., 2 copies L 1499, 4601

Anne Hereford. IVood, Mrs. H., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1473-4, 4586-7

Anne Severin. Craven L 4158

Anne of Geierstein. Scott, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2171-2, 2422-3, 7166-7

Fourth copy L 3789

Annette, the Metis spy. Collins, Edmund. L 5439

Anne Warwick. Craik, G. M., 2 copies. L 373, 4729

Anson. Constitution of Great Britain.



Law and custom of parliament B ^c;

Ansted (D. T). In search of minerals..



Physical geography A .\i

Anstey. A fallen idol, 5 copies. . . . L 5476, 5510

(iiant's robe, 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 3100-1, 3104-:

Vice versa : a lesson to fathers, 2 copiesL 2330, 411

Anstie. Wines in health and disease. B ly.

Anteros. Lawrence, 2 vols I^ 550-:

Antiquary. Sf<;/^ 2 vols.. 2 copies. L 2151-2, 7134-;

Third copy L 371/

Antisell. Manufacture of hydrocarbonoils D ;i4'

Antoinette de Mirecourt. Lcphrohun ..L 41-,

Antonina. Collins, Wilkie, 2 vols , 2 copiesL 303-4. 3241

Antoninus (M. Aurelius). SeeAurelius.

Antony Brade. Loivell L .|h

Apperley. Nimrod's hunting tour F 4'^"

Appleton (D). Guide to Mexico F 11-

Hand-book of American travel F 21

Appleton (John H). Chemistry, 3 copies.



Apuleius. Works, translated E 11

Arabella Stuart. James, G. P.R., 2 copies

L 2547, 40-

Arabian nights entertainments. Siigden.M 31

Arago (F.). Biographies of distinguishedscientific men H in

History of my youth E 4^:

Lectures on astronomy A 5^

Arbuthnot. Persian portraits E 202

Arbuthnott. The Henwife D 50:

Archenholz. Geschichte des siebenjah-rigen Krieges in Deutschland N jr

Archer (Andrew). History of Canada. G ')i[

Archer (T.). Miss Grantley's girls. ... M ^\

Archer (T. A.) Crusade of Richard I. (i i.':

Archer (T. C). Manufacture of paper I) 50.

Wool, and its applications D 51.

Archibald Malmaison. Hatclhornc, y,, L 48S'

Archie Lovell. Edwardes, A. E., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 407-8, 3357-'

Architectural director ; pocket Vignola.D y.

Argfles (Mrs.). A mental struggle, 2 vols.,

4 copies L 5616-21, 5624-

Fifth copy L 341

Doris, 2 vols,, 4 copies L 4323-8. 4331

Duchess, 3 copies L 6 1 5<j '

Green pleasure and grey grief, 2 vols., t

5 copies L 5350-

Her week's amusement, etc., 5 copies.L 5667-71

Hon. Mrs. Vereker, 5 copies L 6953-;

Lady Branksmere, 2 vols., 5 copies ..L 5986-9;

Lady Valworth's diamonds, 5 copies .L 6138-4'

Loys, Lord Berresford, etc L 11;^

Maiden all forlorn, 4 copies .. ..L 5169-71, 517)

A rgles—A rtlinr. 15


Marvel, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6622-31

Sixth, seventh, and eighth copies ... L 6340-2

Modern Circe, 2 vols., 5 copies I. 6278-87

Molly Bawn, 2 vols L 995-6

Mrs. Geoffrey, 2 vols I. 997-8

Passive crime, 5 copies L 5204-8

Portia, 2 vols L 1001-2

Rossmoyne, 2 vols., 2 copies.. .1^ 2552-3, 3704-5

Argonauts of north Liberty. Bret Harlc,

3 copies L 6506-8

Lrgasy, vols. 1-32, 1866-81 K 1-32

Argyll (Duke of). Scotland as it was andis, 2 vols G I073--4

Unity of nature A 643

iriadne. CrJvil/e L 4989

^riosto. Orlando Furioso, 2 vols E 955-6

Tales from M 569

Aristophanes, by Collins E 548

Translated by Hickic, 2 vols E 1 125-6

Aristotle, by Grant E 559Ethics, translated by Browne E 1127

Hist, of animals, trans, by Cresswell .E 1130

Metaphysics, translated by hVMahon.V. 11 29Organon ; or logical treatises, 2 vols. . E 1131-2

Politics and economics, trans, by Wal-ford E 1 1 28

Rhetoric and poetics .,E 11 33

riot. Guide for coach painters D 528

(itmadale. Collins, Wj7A/«, 3 vols L 3243-5Second copy L 1 730

Lrmistead. Select miscellanies, 6 vols.E 273-8

Armitage. Education and employmentof the blind B 728

irmourer's prentices. Yonge, 2 vols, 4

copies L 4315-22

Armstrong (Capt.) Two midshipmen . . E 2748Young commanders L 2749War hawk, 2 copies L 2750, 3005

Armstrong{H. E.). Organic chemistry. .A 19

^Armstrong (R. A). Latter day teachers.. 13 22

Armstrong (Robert). Steam boilers. . . D 324Armytage (Hon. Mrs.). Wars of Queen

Victoria's reign G 1031

- Old court customs G 353Arnauld. CEuvies philosophiques O 11

Arne. Bjornson L i88g

=Arnold(A.). Through Persia by caravan.


1039Arnold (A.). Count of Talavera. Ltf««s/.'jL 1884Arnold (Benedict), Life. Arnold, I.N..H 1546

Arnold (Sir Edwin). India revisited. . . F 1279i-ight of .\sia I 103Lotus and Jewel I 419

•" With Sa'di in the garden I 574Arnold (Rev. F.). Turning-points in life,

2 vols H 606-7Second copy E 1264

Arnold (Matthew). Church and religion.



Continental schools B 274

Culture and anarchy E 1594

Essays in criticism, 2 vols E 1871 2

Co/i/fii/w—Kuiictioii of criticism iit the

present time -I.itcrary intliieiice of aciid-

uinies— Maurice de Guirin— Kuijenie de(jiierin — lleinrich Heine — I'anaii Hiid

nicdi.tval relijifioiis sentiment— .V Persianpassion plaj—Joubert—Spino/a— MarcusAurelius

— 'On translafinfr Homer—


French Kton.

Second and third copies E 167,1301

Essays in criticism, 2nd series E 1992

Contents.—The study of poetry— Milton

Gray — Keats — Wordsworth — Byron—Shellcv—Tolstoi—Amiel.

Irish essays E 168

Isaiah of Jerusalem C 387

Lectures on Homer E 500

Literature and dogma E 229

Poems I 177

Arnold (T.). Christian life, 2 copies. .. .C 443,463Misc2llaneous works E 129G


Modern history, 2 copies G 146,831

f Arnold (Thomas), Life and correspond-


ence. Stanley, 2 vols H 565-6

Arnot (Fred S.). Garenganze : or missionwork in Central Africa C 797

Arnott. Elements of physics .\ 594

Arnoux. Manufacture of pottery D 507

Around a spring. Droz L 4754

Arrah Neil. James, G. P. R., 2 copies. L 612, 4049

Arrowsmith. Paperhangers' companion.



Art and mystery of curing meats, etc.D 311

Art of speaking E 151


Art of tea blending D 204

Art of ticket writing D 886

Art studies from nature as applied to

design D 836

Artemus Ward. See Browne, C. F.

Artful Vicar Murray, E. C. G., 2 vols. . L 1015-6

Arthur (T. S,). Choice ta! js M 713

Debtor and creditor L 2266

Making haste to be rich L 248S

Ten nights in a bar-room L 2605

Three nights with the Washingtonians. L 260?)

Three years in a man trap, 2 copies. L 1871, 2587

Words for the wise L 4220

Arthur (W.). God without religion : deismand Sir James Stephen C 723

Italy in trinsition F 738

People's day, The C 622

Religion without God : positivism andagnosticism , C 722

Arthur Blane. Grant, J L 3038

.\rthur Bonnicastle. Holland L 1918

Arthur O'Leary. Lever, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 734-5- 3403-4

Third, fourth, and fifth copies. L 2206, z'jig.'ji'jb

i6 A rtiste—Ayalas.

Artiste. Grant. Miss, 2 vols 1. 541-2

Artistic amusements D 436

Artman(i«(/ Hall Beauties and achieve-ments of th(! blind, 2 copies H 755, 1014

Artsemployed in production of clothing. D 315

Arundell (Lord) and Ryley. Scientific

value of tradition C 181

As in a looking glass. Philips, 5 copies. L 5834-8

As he comes up the stair. Mathers ... .L. 951

Ascanio. Dumas, 2 copies L 2819, 4694

Ascher. Voices from the haarth, 2 copies I 1 47, 332

Ashenhurst. Design in textile fabrics. D 167

Asheton. .\ modern Cressida L 4752

Ashley (W. J). Edward 111. and his

wars, 1327-1360 G 1225

English economic history and theory

Middle ages 13 823

Ashton (J.). Humour, wit, and satire of

the 17th century E 1870

Men, maidens, and manners a hundredyears ago E 204


Romances of chivalry E 2012

Social life in Queen Anne's reign . . . . E 1869

Ashworth (H.). Cobden and the league. H 441

Ashwrorth (T.). Str nge tales from hum-ble life L 4887

Askaros Kassis. Leon, 2 copies L 4194, 4862

Aspern papers. James, H., jr L 6817

Asphodel. Brnddon, 3 vols., 3 copies.

L 2523-5, 3143-5. 4500-2

Fourth copy L 4844

At any cost. Garrett L 5494

At Capri. Bauer L 4245

At her mercy. Payn, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1127-8, 3C30-1

At last. Kingsley, C, 2 vols L 3390-1

At odds. Tautplioeus, 2 vo\s L 1277-8

At the councillor's. Marlitt L 2357

At the eleventh hour. Edwardes, A. E .1. 4226

At the sign of the silver flagon. Farjeon . L 4794Atalanta, parts 1-2, 1887-8 K 3475-6

Atcherley, Boiirland F 233

Atelier du Lys. Roberts, 2 vols L 853-4

Second copy L 1926

Athelings, The. Oliphant, Mrs L 4782

Athenaeus. Translated by FoHg-f, 3 vols.



Atkinson (E.). Distribution of products. B 827Coiittiitx.—Wliat make.'; the rate of wagu.s?—What is a bank? — The railway, thefarmer, and tlie public.

Atkinson (J.).Expedition into Afghani-

stan F 973

Atkinson (J. B.). Art tour to northerncapitals F 423

Atkinson (K^w. J. C). Lost M 756

Atkinson (P.) Elements of electric light-

ing D 916

Atkinson (T. W.). Oriental and westernSiberia F 610

.\tlantic monthly, vols. 1-64, 1857-89 ...K iii2-;i

Atonement of Leam Dundas, 2 vols.

Linton L 783 ^

.Attache in Madrid !•' 811

Attache, The. Haliburton L 27(4

Attila. James, G. P. R L 401^1

Attwell. The Italian (nasters D 875

Aubertin. A fight with distances, 2 copies.



Flight to Mexico F 375

Aubrey. Marsh, 2 vols L 9345

Audubon, Life of. Audubon, J.J H 310

Auerbach. Aloys L 497n

Black I'orest L 4874

Brigitta L 15.SJ

Foresters L 4703

Landolin L 4(171

Lorley and Reinard L 4:j7;

On the heights, 3 vols L 1585-7

Poet and merchant L 4977

Romane, 1 2 vols N 1 8-23

f,V)«/i'«/,v—Vols 1-2.—.Spinoza.\'o!s. ,;-.(.— Xeiies I.elnn.\'ol.>i. 5-S.—Auf tier Iliihe.

\'ols. 9-12.—Das I.aiulliaus am Ilheiii,

Spinoza, 2 vols L 301 -:

Second copy L 49G9

Augustine (Sister). Memoir H 40^

Auld licht idylls. Barrie L 6921

Aunt Rachel. Murray, D. C, 2 copies. L 5475, 5974

Aunt Serena. Howard L 591

Aurelius (Marcus). Thoughts. Trans-lated by Long, 2 copies B 539, E 1 1 j

Translated by Jeremy Collier E 1955

Aurora Floyd. Braddon, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 3149-50, 5104-5

Austen. Emma, 3 copies L 8r, 1S52, 2723

Mansfield park, 3 copies L 79, 1846, 2725

Northanger abbey, 3 copies.. .L 1845, 2727, 3iof

Pride and prejudice, 3 copies. . ,I. So, 1851, 272'

Sense and senpibdity, 3 copies.. L 78, 1770, 2724

Austin (Alfred). Soliloquies in song. .. .1 112

Austin (Caroline) Dorothy's dilemma. M 1074

Hugh Herbert's inheritance, 2 copies. M 1431 -

Austin Elliot. Kingsley, H L 703

Author's daughter. Hoivitt L 474H

Autobiography of an Indian army sur-

geon L 4246

Autobiography of a slander. Bayly,

2 copies L 6057 ''

Avon. How I became a sportsman. . . .F 175

Awde. Jubilee, patriotic, and other

poems I 406

Axel and Anna. Bremer E C25

Axon (Wm. E.). Mechanic's friend. . .D 771

Axon(W. E. A.). Lancashire gleanings.



Ayala's angel. TroUope, A., 3 vols., 2 copies

L 1403-5, 3850-2

Ayres—Bail. 17

rj . . .K u i2-7i


I' 7S3^

....F 811

L 2;^^

L 401C.

....1) 875

)pies.F 1420-1

F 375

L 934-5

....H 310


f^ 4«74

... .L 15.S:

L 4703

f' 4971

L 4:^7:

I^ 15S5-;

I- 497;

....N 18-23


L 301 -:

L 4969

H 40!;

L 6921

es.L 5475.5974

. . L 591

Trans-.B 539, E IIJ3

E 1953


3149-50, 5104 3

^ 81, 1S52, 2723

-. 79, 1846, 2723

845, 2727, 3iof

. So, 1851, 27Jl

78, 1770, 2724


ma.M 107:

lies.M 1431 ^

• • L 70;

..L 47.1"

Y sur-

..L 42 |i


...L 6057 -^

...F 175

other.... I 40('i

. . . E 623

i...D 7:

ngs.G 1



'403-S. 3850

yres (Alfrofl). Essentials of elocution. E 1719

( )rthnepist V. 533

\'erbalist E 534

yres (Cieorge li). How to paint D 437

ytoun (W. E.). Bon Gaultier ballads. I 54

Lays of the Scottish cavaliers I 50

Norman Sinclair, 3 vols L 1952-4

.jrtoun (VV. E.), Memoir of. Martin . . . .H 40O

zarias. Development of English litera-

ture V. 1428

(A. K. H.) SeeBojrf.

>abbage (C.). Economy of manufac-tures B 281

Exposition of 1851 D 347

Passages from the life of a philosopher.H 1009

abcock. Household hints D 48

abylon. Allen, Grant L 5<J76

aby's grandmother. IFrtZ/bri/, 2 copies. L 6252-3

lach (A. B). Musical education andvocal culture D 131

Principles of singing D 647

ch (Sebastian). Poole H 140

lachelder. Popular resorts F 887

lachelor of the Albany. Savage L 2463

achelor's blunder. Norris, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 6006-15

achelor's book of life L 4159

>ackhouse. Australian colonies F 868

lacon (Lord). Essays, etc., 2 copies.. E 620, 1396

Novum Organum B 251

con (Lord). Dean Church (English menof letters series) H 816

" Dean Church E 1943" Personal history of. Dixon,

3 copies H 8, 575. 912" " Fowler H 79

" His life and philosophy.Nichol, 2 vols H 1 590-


con (H.). Parisian art and artists . .D 799dcock. Vignettes trom invisible life.


374deau. Aristocracy in England E 1689

den-Powell. Creationand its records. A 733B'.^ernreither. English associations of

working men B 767

g of diamonds. Fenn, 2 copies L 6166-7

gehot. Biographical studies H 1 114

conomic studies B 1S2

fLombrird street B 64

gneris. Elements of sylviculture . .D 268

iley(J. M.). England from a back win-dow, 2 copies F 379, 793

rlr. Miggs of Danbury L 4063ey (L. W.). Elementary natural his-tory A. 398ley (P. J.). Festus, a poem I 171

••:^ystic, and other poems I 161

Bliley (W. W.). Botanical collector'shandbook A 64

Bailey-Denton. Handbook of house sani-

tation I> 811

Baillie. A P'araguayan treasure L 645S

BaiJT. Our own birds, a f.imiliar natural

history of the birds of United .]tates..\ 784

Bain. Mental science B 249

On teaching English E 1757

Practical essays B 523

Rhetoric and composition, parts i and 1.

E 1760, 1 76


Study of character B 180

Baines (E.). Vaudcis of Piedmont ... .E 418

Baines(T.) Explorationsin S. -W.Africa.



Gold reg'ons of south-eastern Africa .F 464

Buird. Rise of the Huguenots, 2 vols. . .G 518-9

The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre,2 vols G 1 340 I

Modern Greece K 708

Baird(K.H.). American cotton spinner.



Bairns, The. Robertson L 2771

Baker (J. O.). Levelling: barometric,trigonometric, and spirit D 969

Baker (James). Turkey F 875

Baker (John F.). Federal constitution.



Baker (Sir S. W.). Albert N'yanzn,

3 copies F 204, S72, 93


Cast up by the sea, 2 copies M 298, 553

Ismailia, 2 copies F 202, 649

Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, 2 copies.F 203 871

Rifle and hound in Ceylon F 341

True tales for my grandsons M 450

Wanderings in Ceylon F 799

Baker (T.). Elements of mechanism. .D 386

Baker (William M.). New Timothy . . . L 2407

Bakewell. Great facts D 251

Balboa, Co*tes, and Pizarro, Lives of. H 770

Baldine, and other tales, translated byEarl of Lytton. Edler L 5793

Baldwin (G.C.). Representative women



Baldwin (James). The book-lover


a guide to best reading E 1720

Story of the golden age , . M 1 269

School management B 216

Elementary psychology and education.



Baldwin (John D). Ancient America. .F 1028

Pre-historic nations (j 117

Baldwin (M.). Gurnet's garden and the

new boy at Southcott L 7247

Baldwin (W. J.). Steam heating for

buildings I) 541

Balfour (Clara L,). Job Tufton L 2591

Retribution L 3028

Troubled waters L 2603

Working women of this century H 1070

Ball (J.). Notes ot a naturalist in SouthAmerica F 1 301

Ball (S<V R. S ). Acoustics E 593

Applied mechanics D 187

i I8 Ball—Balzac,

Elements of astronomy A 13

Experimental mechanics A 579

Mechanics A H16

Short account of the history of mathe-matics A 790

Ballantine. One hundred son^s and mel-odies I 337

Poems I 217

Ballantyne(K. M.). battery and boiler. M H90

Bif? Otter M 1000

Black ivory M 879

Blue lights ; or, hot work in the Soudan,2 copies M 1 361 -2

Coral island M 690

Deep down M 887

Dog Crusoe M 689

Dusty diamonds cut and polished . . . M 886

ErlinR the bold M 885

Fighting the flames M 888

Floating light of the Goodwin sands . V[ 878

P'reaks on the fells M 697

Fugitives, The M 1147

Gascoyne, the sandalwood trader... M 881

Giant of the north M- 873

Golden dream M 869

Gorilla hunters M 688

Hudson Bay M 417In the track of the troops M 875Iron horse M 870

Island Queen M 917Life boat M 884

Life in the red brigade M 207

Lighthouse M 883

Lively Poll M 781

Lonely island M 877Man of the ocean M 640Middy and the Moors, 2 copies M 1351-2

Norsemen in the west M 889

Pirate city M 874Post haste, 2 copies M 892, L 2303

Prairie chief M 1059Rivers of ice M 880

Rover of the Andes M 882

Settler and the savage M 876Shifting winds, 2 copies M 891, L 2271

Six months at the Cape F 791

Under the waves M 872

Ungava M 687

Wild man of the west M 141

World of ice, 2 copies . M 602, 686

Young fur traders M 691

Young trawler M 871

Red Rooney ; or, the last of the crewM 1061

Ballantyne (Sergeant). Experiences of abarrister's life H 693

Ballantyne (Thomas). Essays in Mosaic.



Balloon ascents E 58j|

Ballou. History of Cuba F 784!

Ballroom repentance. Edunrdes, A. E ,

2 vols., 2 copies L 419-20, 3359-60!

Balmes. Letters to a sceptic C 273I

Balzac. Alchemist ; or, the house of

Claes. Translated L 237SI

Alkahest. Translated L 5281)1

Argow le Pirate O mBeatrix O 2j|

Bureaucracy. Translated L 52Q;|

Cat and battledore, etc. Translated. .L 486<r

Catharine de Medicis O jij

Celibataires, 2 vols O fij-J

Centenaire O5;

Cesar Birotteau. Translated L 528J

Cesar Birotteau C^ 14!

Chouans ; ou, la Bretagne en 1799...O jA

Comedie humaine. Translated L 158;

Contes drolatiques, 3 vols O 58-60!

Country doctor. Translated L 528J

Cousin Bette. Translated L 529J

Cousine Bette 6 2(1

Cousin Pons. Translated L 528(1

Cousin Pons O 3J

Contrat de Mariage O i;'

Cure de village O p

Depute d'Arcis O ly

Derniere fee O 2J

De' niere incarnation de Vautrin O 5;

Duchessede Langeais, etc. Translated.



Enfant Maudit O 1

Envers de I'histoire contemporaine . .O i

Eugenie Grandet. Translated L 52^^

Eugenie Grandet (J r

Excommunie O 4

Femme de trente ans O 4

Heritiere de Birague O 4

Histoire des Treize O 4;

Honorine OIllusions Perdues, 2 vol- O 56

Jane la Pale OJean-Louis OLIsraelite O 4

Louis Lambert. Translated L 321:


Louis Lambert OLys dans la vallee O ;

Magic skin. The. 2 copies. Translated.



Maison du chat-qui-pelote OMaison Nucingen Q ;

Marana OMedecin de Campagne O 4

Memoires de deux jeunes mariees, . . .O

Modest Mignon. Translated L 520

Modeste Mignon O ;

Paix du Menage O

Bahac—Barr. 19


20 Barr—Bayiic.


1 098-9



J. Ill V'etldcr's wife L 5332

Master of liis fate, 2 copim L 6510-1


\ I'aiil and Christina I. rii7o

1 l<onu;ml)i,r the Alamo, 2 copies \, ^1797.8

ijl The siiiiire of Sandal-side, 2 copies . . . L 5786-7

I B«rr(NV'M ) Migh pressure steam boilers.


Br.rras. India and tijjer-huntinK, 2 vols.I''

Jt.uiiii honour. Lnwrence LBarrett (I"). Admirable lady Hiddy

Fane, 5 copies. .

."" LLieutenant Barnabas, 3 copies LKt'coiling venneanc((, 3 copies L 6799-O801

Barrett (VV. A.). Kn^lish church com-[Kjsers H 143

barrie. Auld licht idylls L G921

When a man's single L 7179

Harriers burned away. /?t><', 3 copies.M 33, 151, 17.S

I^arrinnton. Lcvir, 2 vols, 2 copies. L 765-6, 3405-6

Third and fourth copies L 2209, 737^5

Barrington (.S/> J.) Rise and fall of theIrish nation G

Barrow (Sir John). Mutiny of the"Bounty." G

Voyages to the Arctic regions F

Barrow (John). Tour on the continent. EBarrows {S.J. and I. C). The Shaybacks

in camp L

Barrows (W.). Indian'ssideof the Indianquestion G

Oregon FUnited States of yesterday and of to-

morrow GBarry {Rev. A.). Masters in English the-

ology C

Barry (J. VV.). Railway appliances. ... I)

Barry (William). Sporting rambles. . .D\'enezuela F

Barry Lyndon. Thackeray, Win. M.,

4 copies L 286S, 3079, 7079-80

Barthelemy. Travels of Anacharsis in

Cireece, 7 vols F

Bartolommeo Scott, Leader . . . HBartlett (George B.). New games DBartlett (J. H.). Manufacture and con-

sumption of iron, steel, ..nd coal in

Canada DBartlett (S. C).


Bartley. Toys DBarton. Battle of the Swash and the

capture of Canada L 6838

Bascom(Jno). Comparative psychology.



English literature E 214

Ethics B 135

Philosophy of religion C 287

Psychology B 136

From Egypt to Pales-







1 192







922 8






Bashful Irishman. Neole L 4'>S4|

Basil Collins, Wilkie, \ copies. . L 297, 2348, 324fi|

Basil. Commoner diuuases, and accidentsto life and limb B •ju\

Lasil ( Jodfrey's caprice, /'(ir/-, 2 vols. . . L logi-j

Bassett. Persia, the land of the Imams.



Bastian. Brain as an organ o( mind,2 copies A 95, M3|

Bastiat. Cobden et la liguo O i>i\

('orrespondaiice et melanges O 67

Essais, cbauches, correspondance . . . . O 73

Harmonies cconomiques O 08]

Libre echange O 7J

Petits pamphlets, 2 vols () 70 1

Bastonnais. Lcsperance L 2375

Bateman (Charles S. L.). F'irst a.scent

ot the K^sai V 1 508

Battershall. Food adulteration and its

d<n(^ction D 821

Bates (Arlo). I'hilistines, The L 6835

Bates (H. W.) Naturalist on the Ama-zons F 121.'

Bates (L.) Gabled house. The; or, self

sacrifice M 573

Battle of Life. Dickens, 2 copies L 3313, 467


Battle of the Swash and the capture of

Canada. Barton L 6838

Batty (I. H.). How to hunt and trap. . D 759

I'ractical taxidermy D 757

Bauer (Clara). At Capri L 4245

Bauer (Karoline), Memoirs H 11S9

Bauerman (H.). Metallurgy of iron D 5

Systematic mineralogy \ 2

Bautain. P^xtempore speaking, 2 copies. E 163, 137(1

Bax (Crt/><. B, W.). Eastern seas F 181

Bax (E. B.). History of philosophy .. .B 6O7

Baxter (Richard). Reformed pastor. . .C 409

Saints' rest C 226

Baxter (Richard). Boyle H 189

Baxter (Ho;/. W. E). Winter in India.



Bav-path of a New England colonial life.' Hollani L 6236

Bayard (C//<j'rt//tT). Story of. Wal/ord.H 269

Bayles. House drainage and water ser-

vice D 561

Bayley. Pocket-book for chemists. .. .A 531

Bayly {Edna Lyall). Autobiography of

a slander, 2 copies L 6057 8

Donovan, 3 copies L 6069, 6382, 6535

In golden days, 2 copies L 6066, 6537

Knight errant, 2 copies L 6067, 633"<

We two, 2 copies L 6068, 653(1

Won by waiting, 2 copies L 6070, 6539

Bayne (P ). Biography and criticism,

first and second series, 2 vols E 165-fi

Christian life, social and individual. .C 422

Lessons from my masters E 164

Bayne— Begg. 2\


22 In'gg—lierlios,

m^ « t.

Begg; ami Nursey. Tt-n yoarH in VVinni.

P<K I" f)i3

Hihiiid blue glassL's. HackUinder L 4180

Ikihind clused doors. Green I, 6802

Hchiiid the counter. Ilacklitiiiter I 1616

Behrent. Text-book of Kencral l)otany. A 712

HeltMKUored city Ol'phnnt, Mrs u 5000

Hclfast magazine, 1H25 K ujyj

lU-lford UcKis Mil/urii. Xf. K I, 178^

HflKravia, vols. 1-53, 1H67 H.j K U)z 2.\^

The same, vols 54-70, 1884-89 K 2564-80

I'x'linda. linuifj^hton, 2 vols, } copies.

- '59.1 4. JiJ^-5

Belisarius. Life of Slnnhope U mxBelknap and Hubbard. American bio-

graphies, < vols . . 11 1222-4

Bell (Alex. M.). English lint! writing., li 1767

I'lssays and postscripts on elocution . . K 1742

Sounds and their relations K 1772

Standard elocutionist K 504

University lectures on phonetics IC 1784

V'ii ible speech reader K 1766

World-English K 1802

Bell (A.). History of Canada, 2 vols .

.(", 772-3

Bell (S/>C.). Anatomy of expression. . I) 282

( )n the hand A j 58

Bell (Catherine 1).). Aunt Ailie M (>o

I'Mn and Marian M 87

firahaiTis, 2 copies M 92, yo

Home sunshine M g}Hope Campbell M 89

1 loracf and May M 88

Huguenot famdy M 95Kenneth and Hugh M 98

Lily Got ,!on M 86

Mary Elliot M 85

Margaret Cecil M 91

Rosa's wish M 94

Sydney Stuart M 97

Bell (l^ev. C. D.). A winter on the Nile,

in Egypt, and in Nubia F 1546

Gleanings from a tour in Palestine andthe east F 1 397

Bell (H. G.). Phenomena of nature. . .E 1107

Bell (M. M ). Admiral's will M 99

Bell (It.). Ballads of the peasantry of

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Wayside pictures F 983

Bell (W. A ). New tracks in NorthAmerica F 945

Bell (W. E.). Carpentry made easy.. .D 826

Bella Donna. Fitzgerald L 5688

Bellairs {Lady). Gossips with girls andmaidens li 943

Bellamy (C. J.).Breton mills L 2403

Bellamy (E.). Dr. Heidenhoffs process. L ' 2491

Looking backward, 2 copies L 6548-9




1 04 J (I



Bellew. Races of Afxhanistan F

Bellinghain. Social aspect of (^1tholicism and I'rotestantism C

Bellows (A. J.). Philosophy of eating. .D

Bellowj (H. W.). Old world in its newface 2 vols I'

Hells and wringers. Smart.,.. L

Belt. Naturalist in Nicaragua FHelton estate. TroUope, A., 2 vols,

: copies L i357-«. 3«55 '

Hen Brace. Chamier, Citpt., 2 copies. L 1841, 275)

Hen-Hur. Wallace, 2 vols., ^ copies. . . . L 6330 5

Fourth, fifth, and sixth copies. . . . L 3030, 578 ^ |

lien Milner's wooing. Parr, Miss, 3 copies,

L iio->, M 546, 571

Hen Owen : a Lancashire story. Perrett. II 104(1

Bender. Literary sheaves ; or, la littera-

aire au'C.mada I'rancais !•;

Benedict (EC.) Run through Europe. F

Benedict (Frank L,). St, Simon's niece. I-

Benedikt. (Chemistry of coal-tar colours. .\

Benham (G C'.) Year of wreck I,

Benjamin (P.). Age of electricity fromamber-soul to telephone D

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2 copies F 467, 60J

Bennet(J. H ). Nutrition in health and







Bennett (W. C).land.

HBallad history of Eng-







Songs of a song writer 1

Sea songs I

Bennett and Murray. Hand-book to

cryptogamic b ,tany A 754j

Benny. Criminal code of the Jews., . .3 157

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Benson (William). Manual of colour..



Bent. Cienoa G 499


Bentinck {Lord George) : a political bio-

graphy. Beacon sfield H 610


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Benton (S). Home nursing, and how to

help in cases of accident B 532

Benton (Thomas H.), Life of. Roosevelt .H 1342

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Beranger, Songs from. Trans, by /it'«s.I 500

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Bergesio (Margaret) "Asaint in Algeria."

Herbert H 68i|

Berkeley. Fraser H looj

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Bfriioz-^Big, 23

Jerlio* (H«!Ctor). I.ife and letters. Dun-stun. 1 vols H 3^5"''

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lernard. Retrospections of America,

i7'(7 '•'<' '' '-"^7

lernays. Food (Health manuals) M 518

^rnstein. I'i ve souses of man A H7

2rt. I'irst year of scientific knowledtje. A S^o

jrtin. Lin;^uages of the cuneiform in-

scriptiois K i(/)H

lertratn. Harvest of the sea F 1 1 j

(^rtram family. Charles, a vols I^ 28.1-4

Second copy L 19S6

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I- IJ37 ». .?«57-8

lertz. Tht! I-'rench prisoners M 1)4.'

iesant. All sorts and conditions of men,

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Children of (iibeon, 2 vols., 4 copies.

I' 577-^-5. 577« -«'

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Revolt of man L 93

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World went very well then, 2 vols.,

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Sixth and seventh copies L 5982-3

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; vols F 335-6

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Bird (Isabella L.). Gulden Chersonese..



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ymrs of .Minnesota F 697

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Second copy L 2496

Sunrise, 2 vols., 2 copies L 115-6, 3128 y

Three feathers, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 104-5, 3'30-!

White heather, 2 vols, 4 copies. L 5405-8, 541 1-4

White wings, 2 vols., 2 copies. . .L 113-4, 3134-5

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Black but comely Melville, G.J. W. , 2 vols.

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Second copy L 2386


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Third copy L 3791


Black—Blackwood. 25

5. .L 2078, 4102

•I' 1773. 4057

L 1880

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ies..L 1892

L 181J0'

'^ i«95

I' 1893;

sy---i 57S

I^ i«94

Ci jio

SOK..H 13J4

D G12

peach, . . . . D 901


. , . .L 117, 3111


! vols.,

L iii-j, 3114-5

\. 6go6-io


1- 7317-22

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iies..L 29738

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L 106, 31 ly

Li:65-6, 3132-3

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L 103, 312.'

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L loo-i, 3124-5

L 6088-97

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es . .L 6572-4

2 vols.

L 98-9

. . L 249C

^ 115-6, 3128 9

L 104-5, 3130-1

5405-8, 541 '-4

L 1 13-4. 31.^4-5

L- 4860


;g, 5100, 5102 3

\rdc. L 7.' I-


5575-7. ^'J^'"^ 1

2 vols.

L 357^ "

L 2.VV'


2430-1, 7 13^ -J

....L 3791

Ilack oagle. yaines, G. P. R. L /1047

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lack ice. TonrgJc L 6428

lack Jack : temperance stories VI 1172

lack I'rince : book for bovo, ^ copies. , M 564, 579

Lack robe. Collins, Wilkie, 2 wq\s.. . A. 328-9

lack sheep. Yates, 2 vols L 1509-10

Second copy L 2627

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lack tulip. Dumas L 2813

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lackburn. Art in the mountains : the

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IPyrenees V 934

lacket. Lost histories of America . . .G 4 16

ickie (John Stuart). Greek and Eng-lish dialogues E 575

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ickley. Thrift and independence. . .B 65i

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ickmore. Alice Lorraine, 2 vols .. .L 3136-7

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jickstone. Commentaries on the laws ofEngland, 4 vols B 302-5

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Vol. IX.

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cific ^

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Boetliius—Bourinot. 27

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onar (Rev. \. M). History of the Christ-

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anner Like unto like L 4745

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anney. .\lpine regions F 411

jnnie Lesley, Martin, 2 copies M 399, 465

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)nvalot. Through the heart ot Asia,

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rassey (Lady). In the trades, thetropics, and the roaring forties, 2 vols,

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I'lhird copy F 1228

[Last voyage of, 1886-7,3 copies F 1509-11

Sunshine and storm in the east, 2 vols.,

3 copies F 67, 154, 878

Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 2 vols. . . .F 4-5

Second copy F 153

Brassey (T.). Foreign work and Englishwages B 273

On work and wages D 229

Brassey (T.). Life and labour of. //f//»5.H 880

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Socoiid copy L 20C9

Bravo. Cooper, J. F., 2 copies.

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Bray (A. E). Borders of ;he Tainar andTavy, 2 vols , 2 copies F 3''.'--j, 407-8

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De Foix : manners and customs of

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Fitz 01 Fitz-ford : a legend of Devon . L 6421

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Prote^.tant.The: a tale of Mary's reign. L 6420

Revolt in the Cevennes G 331

Silver linings M 378

Talba, The ; or, Moor of Portugal . , . L 6422

Trelawny of Trelawne L 6424

Trials of the heart L 6425

Warleigh ; or, the fatal oak L 6423

White hoods: an historical romance .L 6418

Bread upon the waters. Craik, Mrs.D. M., 3 copies L 347, 3276, 4457

Bread-winners, The, 3 copies L 4238-9, 3228

Breakenridge. The crusades, and otherpoems I 442

Breaking a butterfly. Lawrence, 2 voIs.L 548-9

Breck(S.). Recollections of. Seudder. .11 5^5

Bree. Fallacies of Darwinism \ 118

Breen. .\nghcan jurisdiction C 526

Bremer (Fredrika). Dalecarlia, parson-age of Mora, midnight sun, Hfamily L 4788

Diary of H family, etc E 625

Four sisters L 2773

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Home, and strife, and peace E 622

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Neighbours, and other tales E 624

President's daughters E 623

Bressant : a novel. Hatvthorne, J.,2 copies L 2289, 2392

Bret Harte. Argonauts of North Liberty,

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Crusade of the Excelsior, 5 copies. . . . L 6365-9

Drift from two shores, 2 crpies L 576, 3214

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Flip, 2 copies L 580, 3215

Gabriel Conroy, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 572-3, 3216-7


I30 Bre^ Harte—Brooke.

Heiress of Red Dog, 2 copies L 577, 3218

Idyls of the Joothills L 32 nj

Jeff Brigg's love story, 2 copies L 579, 3220

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On the frontier, 5 copies L 4383-7

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Story of a mine, 2 copies L 1618, 3223

Thankful blossom, 2 copies I. 575, 3224

Twins of Table mountain L 578

Two men of Sandy Bar, 2 copies. . . . L 57 ,, 3226

Breton I'^ills. Bellamy, C. J L 2403

Brewer. Scientific knowledge A 587

Brewster (S»> David). Kaleidoscope. .A 149

Letters on natural magic D 233

Martyrs of science H 58()

Brewster {Sir David). Home life of.

Gordon H 874

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Briar and palm. Swan L 7291

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Brickwood. Boat racing ; or, the arts

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Bride of Lammermoor. Scott. 2 vols.,

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Bride's Pass. Tytler, Sarah L 5691

Bridge. French literature E 106

Bridgeman. Daughters of China B 429

Bridger. The demon of dyspepsia . . . . B 713

Bridges Round the world in six months.



Bridgett [Rev. T. E.). Discipline of

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Our lady's dowry C 70

Ritual of the New Testament C 68

Brigadier Frederick. Erckmann-ChatrianL, 4807

Brigand. James, G. P. R L 4048

Briggs. Biblical study C 247

Briggs and Maverick. Story of the tele-

graph D 472

Brigham Guate nala, the land of the

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Bright (H. A.). English flower garden.



Year in a Laucashire garden D 215

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Bright (John). Lifeand times. Robertson. H. 600

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Brightweli. Heroes of the laboratory

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Brigitta. A uerhoch L 138.J

Brimley. Essays, miscellaneous E 131


Brisbin. Trees and tree-planting D »-

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Britten. Watches and clocks D 5oi|

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913-4IBroken stirrup-leather, Granville,

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{rooks (E ). Story of the AmericanIndian H 1

1 31J

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^rown (A.M.). Wintering at Menton.Firown (C. B.). Canoe and-camp life in

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^rown (G. W.). Baltimore and the 19th

April, 1861 GIrown (Glenn). Water-closets I)

Irown (II. A.). A winter in Albania. . F^rown (Hugh Stowell). Autobiography.

Edited by Ctiinc H 134S

Brown (John).


Eife and letters. Sail-













554 C'

2 II -2











1 108




I 2^13

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papers E 395

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vest H 7 1


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Brown(J.B.). Our morals and manners. B 340

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Modern forest economy I



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Mrowiie - .Muiiioir, ftc. I'M-uiloiloxiii

ICpiilciiiicii. Hooks I. to 1\'.

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Browning (John). Our eyes li 707

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Browning (Robert). Dramatis per-sona;. I 266

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Lyrics, c'ramas, and romances, 5 copies.

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Poetical works, 2 vols I 220 i

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I 299, 301, 303, 305, 307

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llistury of civilization in England,2 vols B J73 4

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fuller (J.). New Zealand, past andpresent F 395

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punbury. History of ancient geography,I vols F 1472-3

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|ungener (E.). France before the revo-lution. 2 vols (i 618-9


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iinkley. Testimony of an escapednovice E 1 468

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unyan (John). His life, times, andwork. Brown ...H 1314

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lonarroti (Michel Angeli). Black . . . H 1238




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lirbidge (F. VV.). Cultivated plants:Iheir propagation and improvement.


549hardens of the sun F 282

krch. Heroines of Haarlem, 2 copies. M 1425-6

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Button's—Camoem. 5S

JiittDn's inn. Tourgi'e L fiaCt.\

)uxton {Afrs. B. II.) I'rom the wings,

J vols L .{(>().


(irtMt (Jrenfell K.irdens, 2 vols L ^02-j

Jonnio of tiie Princes, 2 vols L 25H-<j

Nell, on and off the stage, 2 vols L 204-5

Won, 2 vols \- 2'x)-


iy ;i way she knew not. Robirtson,

2 copies L 7177 rf

}y ("clia's arbour. Besant and /</Vc,

2 copies L 47^7. '«Joj

ky love and law. Alldridge, 2 vols I, 69-70

^v moad and stream. 0« ibuii L 5706

^y order of the Kin^. Hnno L 5313

ky proxy. Payn,i\o\?, L 3O34-5

ly shore and sedge, lirit Hnrtc. 5 copies.

L 51^2-5, 5125

|y still waters. Garrett I- 501


py the gate of the sea. Afuriay, I). C . .L 3751

ky woman's wit. AUxandir, .j copies.. I. 5860-3

lye-words. Yonge, 2 copies L 2337, M 627

lyles. Sophisms of free trade H 45

lyme (.IM. W.). Cosas at lispaiia,

vols F 1070-1

1 )e omnibus rebus E 1 780

iyrott {Lord). Poetical works I 328

lyron (Lord). The real Lord Byron.Jeaffresun, 3 vols. . . H 28-30

" History of the Byroncontroversy. Stowe.}i "jGz

" Last days of. Tn'lawiiy.H i)b6

" Letters and journals. . . E 1949

Nichol H 830" Recollections of. Tre-

lawny H 947

lystander, 2 vols., 1880- 1 K 11J93-4

iballero. Elia ; or, Spain fifty yearsago L 41 13

abinet-maker, practical, by a workingman D 520

tible. Bonaventure, 2 copies L 6450-1

[Old Creole days L 4174idell. Ida Craven M 519idman. Christian unity of capital and

l^bor C 735Bsar. Commentaries on the Gallic andCivil wars E 1 138

sar. .\ sketch. Fronde H 1049

The commentaries. Trollopc.E 538Life. Williams H 462

)iged lion. Yonge, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1552-3, 3923-4"bird, fourth, and fifth copies. . L 2014, 2274, 2367lun. Adventures of Captain Mago.M 1210

Jlue banner, The M 1 209

kine (Hall). Deemster, 3 copies L 6337-95onofHagar L 6474

Calne (VV, S.). A trip rrund the worldill 1KS7-8 V 147H

Cairnes. The slave power B 549

Cairns. Unbelief in the iSth century..



Calderon (I'edro). \iy Ha sell E 258

Life'sadream. Translated by Tri-ZK/iH 721

Calderwood (H). Moral philosophy .. .B 121

On teachiiiv; B nScience and religion C 2O


Calderwood ( hrs.), of F'olton. Letters

and journals, 1756 I[ 1322

Caidicott (Uandolpli). Ivarly career.

Blackburn H 1315

Caleb Williams. Godivin L 1763

Calhoun (.\. U ) Lost in the canon... M 1278

Calhoun (John C). Life of. Von Holst.Vl 508" " Jenkins H 72S

Calkins (.\.) Opium and the opiumappetite B 9H

Calkins (X. A ). Primary object les-

«o"« rj 374Callan. Wanderings on w'.eel and on

foot through Europe F 1407

Called back. /''rtr^'Mi, 3 copies L 3612-4

Called to account. Thomas, 2 vols I^ 1317-8

Callingham. Painters' and grainers'handbook D 289

Callis. Cutlery D 50


('allista. Newman, Cardinal L 1021

Callwell. Squire's grandson M 1 144

Calthrop. Myrtle and cypress L 4161

Calverley. Literary remains E 1753

Poetical remains E 1753

Calvert. Social science B 313

Cameron (O. F. ). Lyrics on freedom,love, and death I 446

Cameron {.\frs. H. L.). A dead past,

4 copies L 6582-5

In a grass country L 5273

Cameron (H. P.). History of the EnglishBible C 591

Cameron (Comn.ander V. L.). Across.-Vfrica, 2 vols F i r-2

.\dventures of Herbert Massey in P^ast-

ern Africa M 1123

.Amoiij; the Turks, 2 copies M 13534Cruise of the " Black Prince " M 1055

Harry Raymond M 957History of Arthur Penreath, 2 copies. M 131 1-2

In savage Africa M 1 107

Jack Hooper, a tale of South Africa,

2 copies M 970, 1 009

Cameronians. Grant, J . . . L 3039

Camiola. 1 cCarfhy L 5674

Camoens. His life and his lusiads,

2 vols I 49


Lusiad. Translated by Mickle E 643Lyrics. Trans, by Burton, 2 vols I 497-S

3^> Camp—Carey.


Camp. Democracy B 195

Camp notes, lioyle L 5694

Campaij^n of I-Vcdericksburg, by a line

officer, iHf)^ (1 1 1 1


("ampaner Thai. Riclttcr L 4976

Campbel. (A.). I'aptain Mactlonald's(launhter L 6231

Campbell (Duncan). Nova Scotia F 949

Campbell (f leor^e). On miracles C 227

I'liilosophy of rhetoric K 1367

Campbell (Helen). His grandmothers ; a

tale, 2 copies I. 41 iH, 4853

Mrs. Herndon's income L 5279

Prisoners of poverty B 694

Prisoners of poverty abroad B 852

KoRer Berkeley's probation, 2 copies .L 6541-2

Under i,'reon apple boughs L 2620

Campbell (Hugh). Treatise on nervousexhaustion B 855

Campbell (J. F.). My circular notes.. .F 1022

Campbell (J. I-). Chief justices of Eng-land, 3 vols H 1 141-3

Lives of the lord chancellors, 7 vols. . H 1293-9

Campbell (Mary H). Sundays in Yoho.C 572

Campbell (K ). History of St. Gabriel-

street church, Montreal C 662

Campbell (Tiiomas). Poetical works. .. I 372

Campbell-Praed. Affinities, 5 copies. . L 52248Head station, 2 vols., 5 copies L 5524-33

Zero, 3 copies L 3781.3

Campbell-Walker. The correct card ;

or, how to play at whist D 717

Campin (F.). Details of machinery... .D 41

Materials and construction D 216

Mechanical engineering D 487

Campion. On the frontier F 1324

Can you forgive her? Trollope, A., 3 vols.L 3859-61

Canadian Bee Journal, vols. 1.5, 1885-9. .K 2830-4

Canadian lawyer B 685

Canadian leaves : a series of papers readbefore the Canadian Club, N.Y.. . .F. 1801

Content/:.— Collins— Ftituio of the noinlnionof C'aiiaila. .S"/«(V//—The in tht.

Anj, ' iiiNoii race. Knhstnii—(jreaiCan-adiiii. North west. Hemi^oui^h — Thehiiinoroii-. .sidi' of Canadian history. Le-.\foinf—The heroines of \e\v France..S'/cjyi//'/— I.iteratnre in C'lnaihi. Jtohi-rts-

Kchoes from old Acadia. Jiitttfnvortli

—Conunercial nnion between Canada andthe United States. .)/c/>(W.i<-rt//—Mineralresonrces of Canada. Fraxi-r— .\n artist's

experience in the Canadian Kockies. Grant—Canada first. fViman—Advantaires ofcommercial nnion to Canada and the UnitedStates. J'ltin lull/ -'l'\\c Canadian club

Canadian cltih officers, 1S.S7.

Canadian Methodist magazine, vols. 23-30,

1886-89, K 2930-7

Canadian Monthly, vols. 1-24, 1872-82,

K 1996-2019

Candlish. Two great commandments.. C 405

Canning (Rt. Hon. Geo.). Poetical works.I 409

Cunning {Rt. 11,111 Geo.) Life of. Ilill.]l .)oi|

Hill. [Fnglishworthies] . . H i.

" " Memoir of.. F ioi/|

Canning; iHon. A, S. G.). Religious strife

ill British history C iHM

Canning; (Lvnl 'Stratford de KedclifTe).

Life. Lant-Puole. 2 vols H 154H

Canoe and saddle. Wnithrop L 26oi)|

Canon's Ward. Pnyii, 2 vols, 3 copies.

L 2561-2, 363G-7, 3638 f|

CannifT. History of the Province of On-tario U.C G (;oo|

Canterbury tales, /.f-f, .S. and //., 2 vols.L 1856;

Cape Cod, and all along shore stories.

Nordhoff. ' copies F 1 153, L ) iWl

Capel girls. Garrelt L 575'|

Capes (W. VV). Roman history, earlyempire G 2


Roman history, second century G ly.t

Stoicism C 34

Capper. Three presidencies of India.. G 751

Captain Blake. Maxjvcll, 2 copies. . L 1784, 406J

Captain Fracasse. Gantier L 41)701

Captain Jim's friend. Bret Hi-tc,

5 copies L 730J

" Captain Mac." Canada from the At-lantic to the Pacific F 240]

Captain Macdonald's daughter. Campbell.L


Captain Mansana, and other stories.

I'ljornson L i8i};|

Captain Nelson. Drake L 4751:1

Captain O'SuUivan. Maxwell L 40,if|

Captain of the Guard. Grant, J , 2 copies.

L 2683, 3034I

Captain Paul. Dumas L 280" Captain Tom." Briny deep M 8i/|

Captain's room, licsant L 57JI

Captain's wife. Neale L 40i;|

Captivity and exile. Episodes of M 24>|

Cara Roma. Grunt, Miss, 2 vols,

4 copies L 5151-

Caris Sima. Mission of love, and otherpoems I 3211

Card drawing, etc. Griffin L 171.1

Cardan (Jerome). Life of. Morlcy.2 vols H 219-

Cardinal Pole. Ainsworth, z vols L 29-301

Carew (Bamfylde-Moore). Adventuresof H 48;!

Carey (Alice). Clovernook L 489!!

Carey (Henry C). Principles of social

science, 3 vols B 537

Carey (Henry C). Memoir of. Ehler.ll looj

Carey (M.). Fairy legends of the Frenchprovinces M log;!

Carey (M. R.). Isabel's difficulties. . .M 40o|

Carey (i?<;i;. William). Life of. CtUross.H 18

Ciircy— Casscll 's. 37


3« Cassell's—Chambers .

'(! Cassell's Magazine, vols. 1-9 K 2526-38

Cassidy. Age of creation A 45Castaways. Yata, 1 vols L 1519-20

Castelar. Old Rome and new Italy.. .F 540

Castellamonte. An Itali. - autobiog-raphy of 1831, 2 vols H 696-7

Castellane. Military life in Algeria,

2 vols F S46-7

Castellani. Gems D 207

C;astelneau. ymius (i.P.R L 404^Castle Avon. Marsh, 2 vols L 9.32-3

Castle Daly. Keary, 2 vols L 686-7

Castle Hohenwald. Strcck/uss L 4249

Castle Richmond. Tn>U >pc. A., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1342-3, 38623Castle of Ehrenstein. James, G. P. R.,

2 copies L 2548, 2715

Castlemon (Ha> ry , See Fosdick.

Castles in the air. Gore L 522

Cat and battledore, etc Bahac L 4868

Catherine. Thackeray, Wm. M., 4 copies.

L 1306, 2875, 3074, 3S12

Catherine 11. (Empress). Memoirs, byherself H 331

Catherine Blum. Dumas L 2H21

Catholic crusoe, Anderdun, W. H L 1989

Catholic World. Vols. 42-50, 1885-9.... K 2980-8

Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius. Bcesty.H 593

Catlin. Lifted and subsided rocks of

America A 248

Travels and residence in Europe, 2 vols.

F 1 166-7

Cattermole |(i.). Evenings at HaddonHall E 964

Catullus. Poems of. Martin I 107

Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius ByDavics E 557

Catuilus and Tibullus. Translated byKelly E 1139

Caunter. India G 53

Cavalier, The. James, G. P. R L 4271

Cavaliers of fortune. Grant, J L 2854

Cavalry life in barracks and out. Winter.A^ ftTi^

Cavendish. Ncalc L 2738•' Cavendish " Card essays and Clays

decisions ... I) 117

Caxton. Hartwell farm M 598

Caxtons. Lytton, 2 vols., 2 copies. . L 234-5, 34^7-^

Third copy L 2896

Cayley. Las Alforjas F 552

Cazenove. St. Miliary of Poitiers ....€ 381

Cazin (Achille). Heat E 595

Cecil. Notes of my journey round the

world. F 1 5 1


Cecil. See Tonirue, Cornelius.

Cecil ; or, the adventures of a coxcomb L 1847

Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop L 2612

Cecilia ; or, the memoirs of an heiress.

Buriiey, 2 vols L 2516-7

Cecil's Payn L 3^Cecy's recollections. Hramston L .)ifn|

Celiere. Startling exploits of Dr. J. B.Quits L 55o-|

Cellini (Benvenuto). Memoirs. Trans-lated by Symoiids, 2 vols.H 1495-'

Translated by Roscoe E6.J-J

Celtic Magazine, 1877-9, vols 3-4 K 1879-1

Century magazine, vols 1-31, 1870-86...



The same, vols. 32-38, 1886-89 K 307g-(}|

Cerise. Melville, G. J. II'., 2 vols,

2 copies J^ 965-6. 358^-;

Cervantes. Don Quixote, 3 copies. L 2098, 2299, 25S',|

Fourth copy, 4 vols L 6iS5.;|

Fifth copy, 2 vols E 645.';

Don Quixote for boys M figil

lixemplary novels. . E bA

Galatea E64I

Persiles and Sigismunda L igScI

Cervantes. Story of. Edwards H jocI

Oliphant.Mrs E 26I

Cesar Birotteau. Balzac L 52SJ

Cesarine Dietrich. Sand L 474:1

Chadwick (E. ) The health of nations.

Edited by B. \V. Richardson, 2 vols...B 73o-i|

Chadwick (\V. J.). Magic-lantern mai.-

ual D 6o;j

Chain bearer. Cooper, J. F L 223:1

Challice Secret history of the court ofFrance, 2 vols G 670-;!

Chalmers (J. ). Pioneering in New Guinea.F liO]

Chalmers (M. D.). Local government. .B iii

Chalmers (Rev. Thos.) Christian re-

velation in connection with astronomy.A 551

Commercial discourse;: B 44;

Miscellanies K lyy.i

Moral and mental philosophy I? 54:

Power, wisdom, and goodness of God.



Chalmers 'A't'z'. Thomas). Life. Fraser.H 184I

Selections fromhis correspondence E i :y-t

Chalmers and Gill. New Guinea ¥ 44;!

Chamberlain (B. H.). Japanese classical

poetry I 1 1'


Romanised Japanese reader E 1(15;


Simplified grammar of the Japaneselanguage E lyji'p

Chambers (A C). Away on the moor-land M 9401

Chambers (G. F.). Descriptive astronomy.A .5991

Chambers (R.). Domestic annals of Scot-

land, abridged edition G 986!

Essays, first and second series E 85-6

Hehellions in Scotland, 1638-60, 2 vols.E 1073 41

1689-1/15 . . . .E 10731

1745-6, 2 vols. E 1070-

Chambers—Chancer. 39

Solids of Scotland I 53

Traditions of Kdinburt^h G 118

Vestiges of creation V 634

thambers iR.)- Memoirs. C\uimbers,W t^ 856

Chambers (T, K.). Diet in health anddisease, 2 copies B 94. 705

Chambers (William). Ailie Oilroy . . . .L 4877

( )ld friinilies H 53

Remarkable persons H 52

Sketches L 1 590

Something of Italy F 7(19

Things as they are in America, 2 copies

F 709, 993

Tour in Holland in 1838 F 88c

Chambers (W. and R.) Italian literature.



Chambers (W. and R.). Memoirs. Cham-bers. W H 37

^hambers-Ketchum. Botany for acade-

mies and colleges A 783

phambers' Journal, 1833-85 K 799-8=;S

The same, 1886-9 .1. 3112-27

Chambers' Miscellany. 10 vols E 490-9

Papers for the people, 6 vols . . . E 190-5

Pocket miscellany, 12 vols E 302-13

^hamier (Ca(>t.). Ben Brace, 2 copies. L 1841, 2754

Tom Bowling L 3053

IJfe of a sailor, 2 copies 1^ 1839, 3052

^hamissc. Werke, 2 vols N 6.7

'hamplin. Chronicle of the coach, Char-iiif; Cross to Ilfracombe F 1293

ihampness. Insurance dictionary .... B 41

^hampney. Bubbling tea pot M 1 153

hance acquaintance. Hojiwlls L 592

"haney. F. Grant and Co L 402

Tom : a home story M 5' )7

ihanning(\V.Ii.). Life. By his nephew,Channhii;, W . H K 1003

Memoirs, ^ vols H 387-8

fhannings. Wood, Mrs. H., 2 vols,,

1 copies L 1447-8, 4610 I

'liaplain of the fleet, liesant and Rice,

1 copies L 57 16, 6900

"hapletof pearls. Yuiige, 2 vols.. 2 copies.

L 1549-50, 39^3-6Third copy L 2017

Jhaplin. Riches of Bunyan C 436

phapman (E.J.). Minerals and geology

of central Canada, 3rd edition A 735Jhapman (George). Plays I 75

j.hapman (J). Travels in South Africa,

- ' >ls F 1 174-5

Jharlemagne. Cutts H 637Jharles I. Historical notices. By Wall-

iii^ton, A'., 2 vols , 2 copies G 3201, 324-5

DharlesXII. H -story of. By yoltair. .G 44fcharles XH. Times of, Topcliiis, Z. . .L 3977pharles. .\gainst the stream l^ 507^I'ertram family, 2 vols L 283-4Second copy L 1980

Chronicles of the Schonberg Cottafamily, 2 vols L 272-3

Conquering and to conipier E 285

Cottage by the catheilral L 280

Diary of Mrs. Kitty Tn.vylyan, 2 copies.

L 278, M 600

Draytons and Davenants, 2 copies. L 5073, M 628

Third copy, 2 vols L 274-5

Lapsed, but no^ lost L 286

Martyrs and saints o. the first twelvecenturies C 726

On both sides of the .sea, 2 vols L 276-7

Ravens and the angels L 1987

Three wakings, with hymns and songs.I 154

Victory ot the vanquished, 3 copies.

L 279, 1988, 2387

Winifred Bertram, 2 copies L 1985, M 587

Women of Christendom H 1045

Charles Oidhekl : ihe autobiography of astaff officer L 2470

Charles O'Malley. Lever, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 1639-41, 340*)- 1


Third copy, 2 vols L 2195-6

Charles Tyrrell. James. G. P. R L 4017

Charles the Great, History of. Mombert.ll 1545

Charlesworth. England's yeomen L 2480

' )liver of the mill, 2 copies L 1597, 4891

Charley (W.). Flax and its products in

Ireland jGr.

Charley (W.T.). F"lax and linen D 512

Charmes. Cairo and lower Egypt F 1 142

Charney. .Vncient cities in the newworld F 1 37


Chase, The. Lcrmina L 1887

Chasles. Anglo-.\merican literature andmanners E 1527

Chatep'ib; :.,ad. Autobiography H 483

Chatham (Lorrf). Speeches B 4G8

Chatterton (G.). Dering...H 630

Chatterton (T). Poetical works, 2 \ols.I 369-70

Chattertoti ^1'.). .\ biographical study.IF'/vri/i H 7O1

Chattock. Practical notes on etchint'..D 428

Chaucer ((ieoffrey). Man of Lawe's tale,

e:c E 352

Prioresse's tale, etc E 351

Works of, 4 vols E 651-4

Vol. I.— Preliminary essay, by Rev. \V. II'.

6"/jMt—Memoir— Iiitrodiictiori — The Can-terbury tales.

Vol.11.— I'he Canterbury tales continued

The assembly of Foules—Chauceres A. B.C.—The boke of the Duchesse—Ot QueenAnelyila and talse Arcyte — The house ot


Vol. II.—Troyhis and Cryseyde—The com-playnt ot Mars and Venus —^ The legendeof (}ix)de women— Minor pcems.

Vol IV. — The Romannt ot the rose—Theoourt ol Love—The cuckow and the nii'iit-

inyale—The flower and the leal, ei

Chaucer (Geoffrey). Life. Ward H 828

40 Chaumont— Cliorlev.

Chaumont. Habitation in relation to

health B 521

Chauveau. L'lnstruction publique, auCanada 13 372

Chauvenet. Spherical and practical

astronomy, 2 vols A G62-3

Cheever (O. B.). American common-place book of poetry I 411

Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress . . . H gog

Poets of America I 242

Cheever (H. T.). Island world of thePacific F 558

Cheever and Headley. Among Alpinescenery ¥ 1148

Chefs-d'd'uvre des auteurs comiques,8 vols I 58->'i5

Vol. I.—Jodelet — Don Japhet d' Armenie,Scarrou— La femiiie juge et partie— I.a fille

capitaine, Mviilf.rury - - l.e Florentin, LaFonlaine—he niiircure galant, lioursaiilt—L'homiiie a bonnes lortunes, liaron.

Vol. II. "Le chevalier a la mode, Le niari

retrouvc, Les l.ois coasines. Le galant

iJH jardinier, Daiuotirt — Les bourgeoises dequalile, L'esprit de contradiction, Ledouble veuvaKe, La coquette de village, Lemariage fait et ronipu, Dii/nsny.

Vol, III.— Le yrondeur, L'avocat patelin,lirueys and /'../a/i»(7/—Crispin rival de son

il' maitre, Turcaret, Lc Sage - L'ecole dubourgeois, D'Allai'ival — Le prejuge a la

mode, L'ecole des meres, Lachaiissee.

Vol. IV.—Le pliilosophe marie. Le Klorienx,Le dissipateut, Les fausses agnes, l)es-

toiichfi—La pupille, Les originaux, Fagaii—Les dehors tro.jipeurs, tioissy.

Vo'. V.—Le legs, Les fausses contidences, Lejeu de I'amour et du liasard, Marivaux—La mctromauie, Piron—Le mechanf , Cresset

—Nanine, Voltairv—he devin du village,

J. J. Houssaiu.

Vol VI. — L'impertinent, Desmahis — Lacoquette corrigee, /JWrtiioHf — Les mteursdu temps, S'lurin- Les trois Sultanes, Lachercheuse d'esprit, Annette et Lubin,Ninette a lacour, Les reveries renouveleesdes Grecs, f"at'(ic<— Les lausses intideliics,

Ilarthf—Le cercle, Poinsiitet de Sivry.

Vol. VII.

Lp philosophe sans le savoir. Lagageure imprevue, Sciiaiiiv— L' ami de la

maison, Mannontil- -La. partie de chasse deHenri IV , Colle—L'amant bourni, MoiivelLes etourdis, Le manteau ; ou, le reve duman, Anaximandre, Aitdricux—Le tartufe

des mcEurs, Clwron.

Vol. VIIL—Les chateaux en E^spagne, Levieux celibataire, Collin d' Harleville—LeI'hilinte de Molierc, L'inlrigue epistolaire,Fahre </' Fi^lantii-.e- \.e sourd, Dvs/ornes—I'lauie, Pimo, Lemercicr.

Chellis. Clarence Vane L 2596

Out of the fire L 2588

Cherbuliez. A stroke of diplomacy . . . . L 4943

Jean Teterol's idea L 4997Prosper L 4981

Samuel Brohl and company L 4988

Cherry ripe. Mathers, 1 vols L 94C>-7

Cherubim. Treatise on counterpoint andfugue I) 789

Chesebro. Children of light L 4950

Cheshire. Bees and bee-keeping, 2 vols.

Vol. 1, scientific ; vol. 2, practical.. D S88-9

Chesneau. liducation of the artist . . . . D 639

English school of painting D 4901

Chesney. The dilemma L 4785

Chesterfield. Letters and maxims, with acritical essay by Saiitti; Bviive L 301


Chesterfield {Li ni). Life and character.Hdyii'ard E 428 1

Chetwynd. Life in a German village. .F 86)

Chetwynd Calverley. Ainsworth, 2\o\%.L. 57-8

Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Dumas,2 copies L 2823, 470:


Cheyne. Book of Isaiah C 55

Chicot the jester. Dumas, 2 copies. . . L 2658, 4695

Child of nature. Buchanan L 5G99

Child of Stafferton. Knox-Littlc L 6852

Child of the sacred heart C 521

Child wife. Rcid, 2 copies L 68go-i

Childe-Pemberton. Fairy tales of everyday . . M 1 190


Childhood, boyhood, youth. Tolstui,

Count L 5456


Children of Clibeon. Bcsant, 2 vols.,

4 copies L 577^-5. 5778-^1


Children of nature. Dcsart L ;i50|

Children of licht. Chescburo 'joj

Chillingworth. Religion of Protestants.



Chiltern. Messengers of truth L 2585j

China : pictorial, descriptive, and his-

torical, with an account of the Bur-mese, etc., 3 copies K g6i, F 571, 76;!

(!)hinese classics translated into I*:nglish byJames I-cggc


—Life and teachings of Confucius E 1937!

Life and works of Mencius E igjf'l

The She King ; or, book of ancientpoetry L 19351

Chinese Gordon. See Gordon, Gdueral.

Chisholm. Storiesof Arctic adventure.



Choate (Rufus). Life. Brown H 162;!

" Recollections of. Whipple.


Choice readings for public and privateentertainment E 133.

Cholmondeley - Pennell. Modern im-provements in fishing tackle D 7431

Chomet. Influenceof music on life, etc.. D igjj

Chopin (Frederic). Life. Liszt H 660!

Chorley (H. F.). Modern German music,2 vols , D 1 27 !!

National music of the world D 771:

Recent art and society D 2gj|

Chorley (Henry F.). Planche and Young.Reminiscences H Cjsj

Chris. Norris, 4 copies L 6^X^-t

Christian classics C 3^

Christian physiologist. Griffin L i7i;|

Christian's mistake. Craik, Mrs. D. M,5 copies L 346, 2o6r, 2308, 3277, 44511

Christie Johnstone. Riade, 3 copies.

L 1 188, 24G2, 36S1]

Christlieb—Cla rk. 41








IChristlieb. Modern aoubt and Christianbelief C

[Christmas {Rev. H.). Emigrant church-man in Canada F

IChristmas books. Dickens, 4 copiesL 3095. 4873, 7118-g

IChristmas books of Mr. Titmar;^ h. Ti.ack-

ffay, Win. M., 3 copies L 2452, 2876, 3075

Fourth and fifth copies, 2 vols I^ 7067-70

IChristmas carol. Dickens, 2 copies. . . L 3318, 4678

IChristmas stories. Dickens, 5 copies.

L 30'J2, 3319, 46S1, 7098 9|(;hristmis wreck, and other stories.

Stockton, 2 copies LIChristopher, and other stories. Bai-r . . LIciiristopher Tadpole. Smith, A LIChristcphers. Hymn writers and their

hymns 1

New Methodist hymn book and its

writers [i

|(,"hristjwell. li'.ackmore, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 124-5, 3138-9

Christy. Joints made and used by build-ers D 7

jChristy Carew. Laffan. 2 copies L 2295-6

jChronicles of Carlingford. Oliphant, Mrs.,

i copies L 2497, 2498, 4800

iChronicles of Glenbuckie. Johnston, H.L, 2436

"hronicles of no-man's land. Boyle . . . . L'hronicles of Stratheden, a highland

parish of to-day F:^hronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family.

Charles, 2 vols L^huich (Arthur H.). .\cids, alkalies,

soap, etc DColour

: an elementary manual for

students AChurch (Rev. \. ].). Chantry Priest of

liarnet MCount of the Saxon shore M'. i>t days of Jerusalem C" r n iijs from Homer

, . Ei

; s from Livy G.1' of I he east from Herodotus. . .G

Su '. - of the magicians MStory of the Persian war from Hero-dotus G

Three Greek children, 2 copies MTo the lions MTraveller's true tale ETwo thousand years ago MWith the King at Oxford M

.hurch (Dean). Beginning of the middleayes G

iJ.inte, and other essays EMiscellaneous essays E





















1939f V)«/,v//,v—E.ssays of MonUi^iic— Ilrittiiiiy

—Cassiodorus— I.,etlcrs,of Pope Grcj^oryI.—The early Ottomans.

Church (Ella R.). Home garden DI loine needle D



How to furnish a home D 43

Money making for ladies D 22G

Church and Oilman. Story of Carthage.



Church rambles and scrambles C 56

Church Quarterly Review, vols. 20-29,

1885-89 K 2676-85

Churchill (Charles), Forster, John E 427

Churchill (Lida A.) My girls L 6602

Churchman's I'"amily Magazine, vols, t-8,

1863-6 K 1 104-1


Churchward. Blackbirding in the SouthPacific F 1470

My consulate in Samoa F 1383

Churton. Early English church C 190

Cicero. Academics, De Finibus, andTusculan Disputations E 1 145

Orations Translated by Yonge,

3 vols E 1 140-3

Oratory and orators. Translated byWatson E 1


Nature of the gods, etc. Translated byWatson E 11 44

Three dialogues on the orator. Trans-lated by Guthrie B 409

Cicero. Collins E 543

Life of. Trollope, 2 vols H 198-9

Circuit rider. Egglcston L 4067

Circumnavigation of the globe F 960

Cist. C'vil war, army of the Cumber-land G 485

City of Sarras. Taylor L 6313

Clans of Scotland, Sketches of the Byclansmen Cx 946

Clara Vaughan. Blackinore L 6470

Clare (Austin). Carved cartoon M 1169

Clare (John). Life. Martin H 720

Clare and Bebe L 4909

Clarence Vane. Chellis L 2596

Clarendon (Earl of). History of the re-

bellion and civil war in England,

7 vols G 238-44

Clarionet, Dead Boxer, and Barney Bran-agan. Curleton L 5082

Clark(C. H.) Ma.x Adder (^senA). Elbowroom L 5763

Out of the hurly-burly, 2 copies L 5006-7

Clark (D. K,). Fuel : its combustion andeconomy D 19

Railways and tramways D 503

Clark (E. W.). Life and n Iventure in

Japan F 266

Clark (G.). (;ifts, nick knacks, and pretty

trifles, and how to make them D 990

Wool and paper flowers, and how to

make them D 991

Clark (L. Gaylord). Knick-knacks. . ..E 1634

Clark (S. W.). Easy lessons in lan-

guage E 1744

Clark (T.). Student's handbook of com-parative grammar E 1965

42 Clark—Cobden.


Clark (W.). Witnesses to Christ, (Bald-win lectures, 1888) C 716

Clarke (C. C). Tales from Chaucer..



Clarke (C. and M. C). Recollections of

writers H 725

Clarke (E. H.). Sex in education ; ora fair chance for girls B 644

Clarke (James F.). Ten great religions.

Part II ..,.C 248

Clarke (J. G.). Lights and shadows ofsailor life F 1034

Clarke (Kit). Where the trout hide ..D 971

Clarke (R. F.), S. J. Logic. (Manuals ofCatholic philosophy) B 853

Clarke (William). Pompeii, 2 vols F 250-1

[Clarke, William.] Three courses and adessert E 963

Classic preachers, English Church, ist

series C 83

The same, 2nd series C 272

Classic tales, containing Rasselas, Vicarof Wakefield, Gulliver's travels, andSentimental journey E 650

Claude-le-Lorrain. Dullea H 1431

Claudius. Asmvs omnia sua secvm por-tans, Oder, Sammtliche Werke desWandsbecker Boten, 2 vols N 83-4

Claverhouse. Morris H 1280

Clay (Alice), (Ed.) Agony column of theTimes E 332

Ciay (Henry). Life of, Carl Schiirz,

2 vols H 1359-60

Clayton (E. C). English fpmale artists,

2 vols H 444-5

Clajrton (J.). Sketches in biography . .H 737Clarissa. Richardson, S., 4 vols L 2541-4

Claverings. TroUope, A., 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1363-4. 3864-5Third copy L 1727

Cleaveland and Backus. Village and farmcottages D 461

Cleland. Inchbracken L 2140

Clemens. La Plata countries of South.Vmerica F" 1 280

Clemens (Samuel). See " MarkTjvain."

Clement. Painters' and sculptors' hand-book D 105

Legendary art D 104Painting for beginners D 309

Clements. Eagle and dove : a tale of theFranco-Prussian war, 2 copies M 1363-4

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. History of.

Abbott H 702Clerk (Dueald). Gas engine D 680Clerk (Mrs. G.). Ilam-en-Nas L 1905Clerk of Portwick. Feitn L 468-9Clerke. History of astronomy during

the XIX. cei.lnry A 659Cleveland. Voyages of a merchant navi-

gator H 1326

Clever woman of the family. Yonge,

2 vols L 1 544-i

Second copy, 2 vols L 3927-i

Third copy L 201I

Clews (Henry). Twenty-eight years in

Wall street G 1 34J

Cliff climbers Reid, M., 2 copies.... L 2704, 281;

Clifford. Anyhow stories M 83.

Clifford (Rev. J.).Theodosia Ernest..



Clifford (W, K.). Common sense of theexact sciences A 43,1

Elements of dynamic A i2;|

Lectures and essays B (i':M

Seeing and thinking A 211

Clifton tales. Joe Baker, etc L isoj

Winifride Jones L i86i|

Clifton tracts, christian doctrine C ij

English and foreign reformation C i:|

Cline. Henry Courtland ; or, what afarmer can do L 422I

Clinton (De Witt). Life. Rcnwick H i22:l

Clinton (H.R.). Peninsular war, 1814-15,2 copies G 249, 46:

Clive (Lord). Life. Gleig, 2 copies.. H 475, i03;|

Clive (Mrs Archer). Paul Ferroll L iiiil

Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife L iG;;!

Year after year L 1 11


Clodd (Edward). Childhood of religions.C

Childhood of the world GCloister and the hearth. Reade, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1 178-9, 3682

Clough (Arthur Hugh). Poems I 391

Prose remains . . . E I'm

Clough (.\rthur Hugh). A monograph.Waddington H i

Cloven foot. Braddon, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 3151-3. 4514

Clovernook. Carey LClowes. Outlines of Swedenborg's doc-

trines CCoal and coal pits. ... ECoals of fire. Murray, D. C LCobb (B. F.). Silk (British manufac-

tures) DCobb (J . F. ) . Stories of success MCobb 2 (Frances P.). Broken lights C

Duties of women BEssays on the pursuits of women. . ..B

Modern rack : vivisection BRe-echoes EReligious duty CStudies, new and old CWork and play B

Cobbett. Grammar of the English lan-guage H

Rural rides, 2 vols FCobbett. A biography. Sw»M, 2vols.H

Waters HCobden (Richard). Speeches E








Cobden— Collins. 43

Cobden (Richard). Life. Morley . . . . H" Political career. .Ut-

Gilchrist HRecollections. Ash-

worth . . HCochin. Results of slavery BCochran. Pen and pencil in Asia Minor.


Cochrane (\. B.). Francis the First, 2

vols GCochrane (J.

D.sia, 2 vols. .

Journey through Rus-¥.


Cockburn (Lord). Circuit journeys .. .F

Memorials of his own time HI

Cockburn (S.). Laws of nature and lawsof God „ C


Cockin. Gentleman Dick o' the Greys,and other poem;; I


Cockton. Valentine Vox, 2 copies. . . L 2753. 2789












[Coke {Hon.U.].].Mountains . . .

Stanley Thorn L


Codman (John). Round trip FWinter sketches from the saddle F

I Ccflebs in search of a wife. More L


C(('ruleans, The. Cunningham LCoffin (C. C). Story of liberty MCoffin (/l(/w;'m/S«> Isaac). Life. Aniory.H

Coffin (Levi). Reminiscences H[Coffin (W. F.). 1812, the war and its

moral G|Coignet. A gentleman of the olden time,

2 vols GA ride over the Rocky

FICoke (Rev. Thomas). Life. Etheridgc.H

[Colby. Parliamentary government in

Canada Bole. The brig " Audacious," 2 copies.


[Coleman (John). Players and playwrights1 have known, 2 vols H

[Coleridge and Southey. Reminiscences,by Cottle H

[Coleridge (C R.). .\n English Squire,-' vols., 5 copies L 2929-38

Reuben Everett ; or, when old thingswere new, 2 copies M

[Coleridge (H.J.). Life of our life, 2 vols.


I'risoners of the king CPublic life of Our Lord, 5 vols CSermon on the mount, 3 vols C

i^oleridge(S T.). Biographia literaria.E

Iriend, The: series of essays on morals,politics, and religion E

Lectures on Shakspere EPoetical and dramatic works I

Works, miscellaneous, 6 vols E''<«//.•«/,«.— Vol. I.—Aids to ifHcction— States-

man's manual.Vol. II.-TIie Fritiul.Vi'l. III.— Hiojfrapliia lituraria.^ 'il. IV.— Lectures upon Shakspere and

iitlier dramatists.N'li!. v.— Literary remains.Vi)l. VI,—On the constitution of church and











1 174-5















141 1-6

Coleridge (ST.) Life. Cauj.' H 1633

" " Reminiscences. Cti/</<'.H 706

Reminiscences. r^rt/i'/.H 1161

Coligny (Gaspard de). Besant, 2 copies. H 91, 730

Collegi3"<^ Griffin L 1710

Collier (R.L). English home life B C16

Collier (VV. F.). History of English liter-

ature E 1839

Old English life L 1996

Pictures of the periods L 2410

Collignon. Greek archrrology D 638

Collingwood (Lord). Life. Davics. . H 364

Collingwood (C). Rambles of a natur-

alist F 1012

Collingwood (Harry). Congo I^overs .. M 913

Log of the " Flying-Fish " M 9G2

Missing merchantman, 2 copies M 1414-5

Rover's secret M 11 37

Secret of the sands M 1360

Under the meteor flag M 1 102

Voyage of the " Aurora " M 1131

Collins (C. A)). Cruise upon wheels,

2 vols V 1 3-4

Second copy L 23H9

Collins (C. J.) Dick Diminy L 2368

Collins (Edmund) Annette, the Metisspy L 5439

Canada under the administration of

Lord I^orne G 785

Collins (F. C). Chess problems D 852

Collins (J ). Gutta-percha and India-

rubber D 504

Hides and leather D 504

Collins (J. C). Bolingbroke and Voltairein England G 1008

Collins (M.). Fight with fortune, 2 vols, L 289-90

Pen sketches, 2 vols E 459-60

Sweet Anne Page L 5734

Sweet and twenty, 2 vols L 287-8

Vivian romance L 4772

Collins (P. McD.). Voyage clown theAmoor F 679

Collins (Wilkie). After dark, 3 copies.

L 291, 1731, 3240

Antonina, 2 vols., ? copies . . . , L 303-4, 3241-2

Armadale, 3 vol L 3243-5

Second copy L 1730

Basil, 3 copies L 297, 23<,8, 3246

Black robe, 2 vols L 328-9

Dead alive, 2 copies L 2391, 5046

Dream-woman L 5078

Evil genius, 2 vols., 3 copies L 5820-5

Fallen leaves, 2 vols., 2 copies. . L 324-5, 3247-8

Frozen deep, 2 copies L 3249, 5078

Guilty river and ghost's touch, 4 copies,

L 5879-81, 5883

Haunted hotel, 2 copies L 323, 3250

T iiiifti.'-ifWWirtJaWIMTil

44 Collins— Conscience.


Heart and science, 2 vols., 2 copies,

I, 330-1. 3251-2

Hide and seek, 2 vols,, 2 copies, L 2^2-3, 3253-4

I say No, 2 vols., 5 copies L 2939-48

Jezebel's daugiiter, 2 vols,, 2 copies,

L 326-7, 3255-6

Law and the lady, 2 copies, 2 vols. L 319-20, 3270-1

Legacy of Cain, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6958-67

Man and wife, 3 vols., 2 copies. .L 310-2, 3257-9

Miss or Mrs.? and other stories, 3 copies.

L 315, 2279, 3260

Moonstone, 2 vols., 2 copies.. ..L 308 9, 3261-2

Third copy L 2321

My lady's money, 2 copies L 322, 3263

New Magdalen, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 316-7, 3264-5

Third and fourth copies L 2280, 4288

No name, 3 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 298-300, 3266-8

Third copy L 1732

Percy and the prophet, etc E 1302

Plot in private life L 3269

Poor Miss Finch, 2 vols L 313-4

Rambles beyond railways V 781

Two destinies, 2 copies L 321, 3272

Woman in white, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 295-6, 3273-4

Collins (W.). Poetical works and memoir. I 184

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Colman (H.). European life and manners,2 vols B 443-4

Colomb (J. C. R.). Defence of Great andGreater Britain (i 504

Slave catching in the Indian ocean . . F 238

Colomb (A/arfrt(««). True as steel M ' 414

LIncle Cht.sterton's heir L 2593

Colonel Dacre. Jolly, 2 vols L 657-8

Colonel ^tnderby's wife. Malet, 2 vols.,

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Colonel ^uaritch, <3. C. Haggard, 2 vo\s.,

5 copies L 698G-95

Colonel Torloch O'Brien : a tale of the

wars of King James L 2719

Colonial facts and fictions. Kershaw. \^ 5739

Colquhoun. Across Chryse, 2 vols.... F 1453-4

Colton. Three years in California . . . . F 766

Columbus (Christopher). Life. Helps..


552" "

I^ife and voyages.Irving, 3 vols.,

2 copies. . H 707-9, 856-8

Third copy . ..E 731" " and Americus

Vespucius.Lives of. . . .H 751

Colomb (Christophe). Histoire de . . ..O 377

Colvile. Ride in petticoats and slippers. F" 285

Colwell. Ways and means of payment.


457Colymbia F 355

Combe (A.) Digestion and dietetics .,B 239

Principles of physiology B 461

Combe (G.). Lectures on phrenology. . B (<

Comber (Thomas J . ). Missionary pioneerto the Congo. Life and work. Myers. H 13-

Comedie humaine. Balzac L i5\

Cometh up as a flower. lironglitoii . . . . L 2c

Coming race. Lytton, 4 copies.

L 250, 2904, 3489, 4iy

Commentary. By various authors. OldTestament :

Pentateuch C j,v

Historical books C 3S1

Poetical books C jf^

Prophetical books C 31)1

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New Testament : Four gospels C39]

Acts, F2pistles, and Revelations C 391

Commentary, The portable. Old testa-

ment—(jenesis— Esther, by Rev. R.Jamieson; Job— Malachi, by Rev. A.R. Fausset, vol. i C 44.

New testament—Matthew—Romans, Rtv.D. Brown; i Corinthians— Revela-tions, Rev. A. R. Fausset, vol. 2. . . .C 4

Commines (Philip de). Memoirs, 2 vols. E 835

Common sense. Newhy, 2 vols L 10 nj-

Companions for the devout life C i

Comte. General view of positivism . . . , B i:?

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Con Cregan. Liver, 2 vols., 2 copies.

I^ 2572-3, 3412-

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Conant. Foot prints of vanished races in

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Conde (J. \.). Dominion of the Arabs in

Spain, 3 vols E 658-6(

Conde (Louis, Prince of). Life. EarlStanhope fl loif

Conder (C. R.). Altaic hieroglyphs andHittite in.scriptions G i ijcl

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Conder (F. R. and C. R.). Handbook to

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Condren (Charles de). Lear H 26]'

Cone and Gilder. Pen-portraits of liter-

ary women, 2 vols H 14O1-:

Confessions of a clarionet player. Erek-niann-Chatrian L 24:!

Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. Marryat,F., 2 vols L 8S21

Confidence, yantes, H.,Jr., 2 copies . . L 635, 2j!c

Confidential agent. Payn, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 147-8, 3641-;

Congreve. Dramatic works. Edited byA. C. Ewald I 334

Coningsby. Beaconsfield L 394

Conjurer's daughter. Sherer L 1971

Conn. Cow-boys and colonels, 2 copies.



Conquering and to conquer. Charles... L, 28)

Conscience. Conscript L 210!

Conscience— Cooper. 45

I ('ount Hugo, etc., z copies L 2106-7

Curse of the village L 2104

Demon of gold L 2100

Lion of Flanders L 2101

Miser L 2102

Poor gentleman L 2 105

Ricketicketack L 2iog

Veva ; or, the war of the peasants . . L 2103

tonscript. Conscience L 2108

fonscript, The: story of the French warofiSi3. Erckmann-Chatrian L 7J49

Eonspiraiors. Dumas, 2 copies L 2667, 4691

Lonstable (John.). Bruck-Amolii H 115

bonstable and Gillies. Reminiscences.



Jonstablede Bourbon. Ainswurth,2\o\s.'L 35-6

Second copy, 3 vols L 4208-10

tonstable of Franc. Grant, jf., 3 copies.

L 2C85, 3031, 4196

lonstable of the tower. Ains-worth L 26

fonstance, andCalbot'srival. Hawthorne,y . , 3 copies L 7266-8

tonstance of Acadia L 5275

lonstance Sherwood. Fullcrton , 2 \'o\s.L 494-5

tonstantia Carew. Marshall L 2046

tonstantine the Great. Union of the

stateand churchCutts H 638

" " Life. Fletcher.



fonstantine. Pra' deal ventilation andwarming D 812

lontarini Fleming. Deaconsfield, 2 copies,

L 2399, 2521

Jontemporary Review, 1884-89, vols.

45-56 K 2372-83

lontment, The, 1883-4, vols. 5-6 K 2474-5

|ontraband. Melville, G. J. IV., 2 copies,

L 972, 3584lontradictions. Peard. 2 vols L 1 164-5

lontributions to natural history, chiefly

in relation to the food of the people,

by a Rural D.D A 52

3nvict. James, G. P. R., 2 copies.. L 623-4, 4°-3

Jonway (C. L.). Life's promise to pay. L 2282

fonway (D.). Norway, Sweden, andDenmark E 104


[Switzerland, France, and the Pyrenees,in 1830, 2 vols E 1039-40

Jonway (Hugh). See Fargus.

Dnway(M.D.). Earthward pilgrimage.C 124

Idols and ideals C 126

[Omitted chapters of history disclosed in

the life and papers of Edmund Ran-dolph G 1318

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onwell. Why and how the Chineseemigrate V 974

Cook (A. J .). The bee-keeper's guide . . D 457

Cook (Dutton). Art in England D 230

Doubleday's children L 4126

Book of the play, 2 vols E 243-4

Hours with the players, 2 vols E 245-6

Nights at the play, 2 vols E 241-2

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Paul Foster's daughter . . " L 5689

Cook (Eliza). I'oetical Works I 361

Cook (J.). Boston Monday lectun.

3 vols 228-30I'lniliiilx.— Vol. I.—Biolo^v—Orthmloxy

Coiiscienco — Tr.inscciufentiilism—Mar-ri:i)jc— Htri-ility.

Vol. II.— I.iihour—Miracles—Socialism— PrL-hules.

Vol. III.—Advanced tliouj^ht in Europe,Asia, Australia, etc. - Sketch of theauthor by Rtv. II. Heard.

Boston Monday lectures. Current re-

ligious perils C 785Boston Monday lectures, Heredity. ..E 1260

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Porter H 715

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Prof. Pressensee, materialist and in-

ventor E 1303

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Virginia Bohemians . . L 4778Stories of the Old Dominion M 639

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Freaks and marvels of plant life A 177

Fungi : their nature, influences anduses A 80

Microscope, One thousand objects for

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Cooley, Michigan F 1208

Coolidge (Susan). Clover M 1293

Little country girl M 807

What Katy did M 31

What Katy did at school M 30

What Katy did next M 1067

[Coombe (W.)]. Dr. Syntax's tours ...I 49Cooper (I'^). History of America G 43Cooper (H. S.). Coral !ands, 2 vols. ..F 475-6


F.). Afloat and ashore,

3 copies L 1756, 2115, 2243

Borderers, 2 copies L 1753, 2112

Bravo, 4 copies L 1801, 2133, 2233, 2412

Chain bearer L 2232

Crater, 2 copies L 2247, 4181

Deerslayer, 4 copies. .L 1775, 2117, 2238,428


40 Cooper— Cosson.


Eve Effingham L 21 16

Headsman, 7 copies.. . L 1754, 2120, 2229, 2310,

4'30. 4134. 4178

Heidenmauer, 6 copies.. L 1762, 2136, 2244, 4133,

4175. 4225

History of United States navy, 2 %-ols.G 594-5

Homeward bound, 3 copies. . . I^ 1757, 21 19, 2230

Jack O'Lantern, 3 copies L 334, 1778, 2131

Jack Tier, 2 copies L 2240, M 54


Last of the Mohicans, 3 copies, L 1804, 2135, 224G

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Miles Wallingford, 2 copies L 2130, 2242Monikins, 2 copies L 2258, 4304Ned Myers L 2129

Oak openings, 3 copies L 2124, 2239, 4193Pathfinder, 4 copies . . L 1774, ^123, 2254, M 612

Pilot. 3 copies L 1802, 2128, 2252Pioneers, 3 copies L 1798, 21 14, 2253Prairie, 3 copies L 1800, 2121, 2241

Precaution, 4 copies. . . . L 1829, 2122, 2257, 4127Red Rover, 3 copies L 1828, 2125, 2236Redskins, 2 copies L 2237, 4125Satanstoe, 3 copies L2132, 2251, 4129Sea lions, 3 copies L 21 18, 2248, 4122

The spy, 4 copies L 332, 1755, 21 13, 2250Two admirals, 5 copies. , L 333, 1803, 2111, 2231,


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Wept of Wish-ton-Wish L 2228

Wing-and-wing L 2227

Wyandotte, 3 copies L 1799, 2126, 2245

Cooper (J. Fenimore). Life. Loitnsbiiry.H 295

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Cooper (S.). Animal life in sea and land.



Cooper (Thomas). Life. By himself. .H 1631

Cooper'(T.). Parliamentary shorthand. D 256

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bury O 2^4

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\'<)l. I.— Melili'—Clitandrc— L-,i vciivf— I.;i

ifiilurk' (III palais— l,;i suiviiiiti'— I.:i I'laCc

loyitlc—Mcdec—I. 'illusion.

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\'<>1. I\'.—I^ii con((uete du la toison d'or

Sfrtorliis— Soplionisbe—Otiion—Ai{6silas—Attila—Tite et Berenice.

Vol. \'.—Psychfi— I'ulclicrie— Sureiia- Dis-cour.s, I.,ttlre.s—(Kiivrcs clioi.sit;.-. dc Tli.


Vol. VI.—fKiivies de Til. Coriitille : I.'

imitation de Jesus-Christ—L'officc de la

Saiiilf X'icr^u.

Vol. Vll. - <Kuvres du Th. CorneiUi; :

I'oesifs diverses.

Corneille and his times. Giiizot H 791

Corneille and Racine, by Trollope E 26j

Cornelius Nepos. Translated by Wat-son E 116)

Corner cupboard, a family repository . . D 861

Corney Grain. Reminiscences, 2 copies. H 1735-6

Cornhill Magazine. Vols. 1-47, 1860-83 K 445 91

The same. New series. Vols. 1-13,

1883-9 K 492-504

Cornhill to Cairo. Thackeray, Win. M.,2 copies L 2S71, 307.1

Corning (C.R.). Aalesund to Tetuan. .F 1544

Corning (J.L.). Brain-rest ..B 620

Cornwall. Twice rescued; or, the story

of little Tino, 2 copies M 1344-5

Correggio. Heaton H no

Corson (H.). Introduction to study ofBrowning's poetry E 173,5

Corson (J.). Family living on 8500 ayear D 721

Practical Americi^n cookery D 64!)

Corson (Rev. R.). j-iie and Gospel la-

bours. Carroll H 1047

Cort. Siam ; or, the heart of fartherIndia F 1315

Cortes (Hernan). Tme/Hi Y. Cosiu.. ..K iioi

Life. Helps, 2 vols. H 354-5

Cory. Guide to modern English history,

2 vols G 515-6

[Cosel, C. von]. It is the fashion ....L 4162

Cossa. Guide to the study of political

economy, with preface by jfevons. . .B 42

Cossacks, The. Tolstoi L 622b

Cosson [Major E. A. de). Cradle of theBlue Nile, 2 vols p" 20S-9

Days and nights of service at Suakim F 1273



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Coston—Cox. 47

. . . . M


48 Cox—Craven.

Orient sunbeams F 217

Search for winter sunbeams F 984

Why we laugh B 537

Coxe. House of Austria, 4 vols E 672-5

Second copy, j vols G 719-21

Coxwell. My life and balloon experiences,

2 copies H 1058, 1732

Cozzens (I'rederic). Acadia V 1350

Cozzens (S. W.) Marvellous country . .F 8G7

Cozzens (F.S.), and others. Yachts andyachting . .. . .D 660

Cracroft. Essays, political and miscel-

laneous, 2 vols E 5G3-4

Track county. Kcnnard, 4 copies L 6803 6

Craddock. See Murfrce.

Cradled in a storm. Sharp, 3 copies... L 6500-2

(Tradock Nowell : a tale of the New Forest.

Dlnckmorc L 6469

Crafts. Sabbath for man C 653

Craig (fi.). Half length portraits, 2 copies.

E 89, H 466

Craig (T.). Motion of a solid in a fluid . A 302

Craik (Dinah Maria). Agatha's husband,

4 copies L 341 , 20/0, 3275, 4469

Brave lady, 2 vols L 4463-4

Second copy L 2069

Bread upon waters, 3 copies. . .L 347, 3276, 4457Christian's mistake, 5 copies.

L 346, 2061, 2308, 3277, 4459

Domestic stories, 3 copies L 343, 3278, 4462

Fair France, 3 copies F 15, 1080, 1137

F'airy book L 2064

Hannah, 2 vols, 3 copies.L 353-4, 3280-1, 4449-50

Fourth copy L 2075

Head of the family, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 3282-3, 337-8, 4444-5

Fourth copy L 2058

Hero L 2065

His little mother, 4 copies.L 360, 2056, 3284, 4458

John Halifax, ge .tleman, 2 vols., 3 copiesL 335-6, 3285-6, 4455-6

Fourth copy L 2055

King Arthur : not a love story, 4 copies.

L 5535-38

Laurel bush. 5 copies.L 357, 2072, 3287 -'.12,4454

Life for a life, 2 vols, 3 copies.

L 339-40. 3290-1, 4446-7

Fourth copy L 207


Little lame prince, 3 copies . . . . L 356, 3292, 4453Lord FIrlistoun, 3 copies L 345, 3293, 4460

Miss Tommy, 6 copies L 2924-8, 4470

Mistress and maid, 4 copies.

L 2057, 2532, 3294, 4474My mother and I, 4 copi'^s.

L 355, 2067, 3295, 4448

Noble life, 4 copies L 348, 2077, 3296, 4465

Ogilvies, 3 copies L 344. 3297. 447^

Olive, 2 vols., 3 copies. . L 2533-4, 3298-9. 4481-2

Our year M ^<^>o

Plain speaking, 4 copies. E 10, 1540, 1577, L adhPoems, 4 copies I 25, 284, 310, 570

Romantic tales, 3 copies L 342, 3302, 44f)S

Sermons out of church, 5 copies.

B 418, E II, 154T, 1576, L 20^^.0

Studies from life, 5 copies.

f: 9, 1561, 1578, L 2059, 4267

Twenty years ago M 613

Two marriages, 2 copies L 2076, 4461

Unkind word, 2 vols, 2 copies.

L 351-2, 3305-6, 4466-7

Third copy L 20^.3

Woman's kingdom, 2 vols, 3 copies,

L 349-50, 3307-8. 4472 J

I'ourth copy L 2073

Woman's thoughts about women,3 copies B 400, E 1542, 1575

Young Mrs. Jardine, 2 vols, 2 copies.

L 3310-11, 4451-2

Third copy L 2415

A legacy, 2 vols, 3 copies.H 6-7. 1081-2, 11 79 80

F'ourth copy H 743

Craik (C. L.). English causes celebres;

or, reports of remarkable trials B 630

English of Shakespeare E 132

Manual of English literature, 2 vols. . E 73-4

Pursuit of knowledge E 919

Romance of the peerage, 4 vols L 4096 9

Craik (Oeorgiana M.). ,\nne Warwick,2 copies L 373, 4729

Cousin from India M 483

Cousin Trix L 1598

Dorcas, 2 vols L 376-7

Esther Hill's secret, 2 vols L 365 6

Leslie Tyrrell L 362

Lost and won L 3O1

Mildred L 364

Miss Moore M 523

Only a butterfly L 370

Sylvia's choice, 2 vols L 371 2

Two tales of married life, 2 vols L 374 5

Two women, 2 vols L 378-9

Without kith or kin, 2 vols L 368-9

Craik (Henry). State and education . .B 575

Cramp. Baptist history C 407

Crane (L.). Art and the formation of

taste E 1721

Crane (W. J. E.). Smithy and forge. . .D 20

Crane and Moses. Politics B 304

Cranford. Gaskell, Mrs L 519

Cranmer (Archbishop). Life. Lc Bas,2 vols H 484-5

Crater. Cooper, J.F., 2 copies L 2247, 4181

"Craven." Young sportsman's manual. E 962

Craven (M>'i. A.). Annie Severin L 4158

Eliane, 2 vols L 380-1

Second copy L 41G5

Cra'u/ord—Crouch. 49

jawford (I'. Marion). American poll-

ticiHn, 4 copies L 1413-6

Dr. Claudius. . L 383

Grcifenstein, 2 vols., 5 copies L 512-21

Sixth and seventh copies L 7.?03-4

Marzio's crucifix, 7 copies L 6181-2, 6200-4

Mr. Isaacs L 382

I'aul I'atoff, 2 vols.. 5 copies. L 6218-23, 6288-91

Roman singer, 5 copies ..I- 2765-6, 3300-1, 3303

Saracinesca, 2 vols., 4 copies L 3934-41

Fifth and sixth copies L 5075-6

Tale of a lonely parish, 2 vols I. 5560-1

Second copy L 5321

To leeward, 3 copies L 2540, 3288-9

With the immortals, 6 copies .... L6593, 6681-5

Zoroaster, 5 copies L 5136-40

rawford (J. K.). Travels in New Zea-land and Australia, 2 copies F 246, 438

rawford (John M.). The Kalevala, trans-

lated, 2 vols V. 2021-2

rawford (I. V.). Old Spookse"s pass,

Malcolm s Katie, etc I 259

rawfurd (J.). Embassy to Siam andCochin China, 2 vols F 629-30

rawfurd (O.) Beyond the seas L 6071

I'ortugal, old and new F 206

Sylvia Arden L 6771

rawford (K.). Reminiscences of foreign

travel F 1425

Crawley (Kawdon)." Billiard book.


355rawley (W. J. C). Handbook of com-

petitive examinations B 686

reasy (S/> E.). English constitution.


302History of the Ottoman Turks G 81

reighton (L.). Social history of Eng-land G 931

reighton (M.). Age of Elizabeth. .. ,G 214

History of the papacy during the refor-mation, vols. 1-2 G 406-7

The same, vols. 3-4 G 1080-1

ressy. Bret-Harte, 5 copies 7502-6

reswell. Hand-railingandstair-casing.D 186

richton (A.) Converts from infidelity,

2 vols E 1046-7

ricket across the sea ; or, wanderingsand matches of gentlemen of Canada.F 1409

rieff: its traditions and characters ...G 947rime and punishment. Dostoieffsky . .'L 6054ripps the carrier. Blackmore L 6471ristabel Kingscote. Marshall L 2043ritical essays of a country parson E 1488

roal. Book about travelling F 748rocker. Adventures in New Guinea. M 121


toffut. A midsummer lark L 6998rofts. How to make a dynamo D 939Toil. Missionary problem C 67roker (Mrs. J.) Diana Barrington,

3 copies L 6579-81

Croker (Rt Hon. John W). Correspon-

dence and diaries. Edited by Jen-

ninfjs, 2 vols H n jo-


Croker (T. C). Irish fairy legends. . .. \. 1943

Croll. Discussions on climate and cos-

mology A ^^73

Stellar evolution A 793

Cromb. The highland brigade G 676

Cromwell (O.). Life. Cornish H 258

A vindication. D'AuMfrn^,

2 copies G 304, H 767

Life. Giiizut H 929

Harrison H 1476

Life and times, Hood..\\ 235

Life. Russell, 2 \oU...V. 10378

Wilson H 1017

Crooked places. Garrett L 4253

Crookes (William). I)yeing and tissue

printing r) 33

Crookes (William). Spiritualism B 265

Crookshank. Introduction to practical

bacteriology A 65S

Croppy, The. O'Hara family, 3 vols. . .L 5067-9

Crosland. IMth : essays and sketches, .h 230

Cross (.Urs). (George Eliot pseuii).

Adam Bede, 2 vols., 2 copies ..L 444-5, 3462-3

Third copy ^ 2188

Daniel Deronda, 4 vols., 2 copies. L 453-6, 3465-7

Third copy L 2186

Essays, 4 copies E 1307, 1439, 1545-6

Felix Holt, 2 vols., 2 copies L 451-2, 3468-9

Third and fourth copies L 2192, 6919

Impressions of Theophrastus Such,

2 copies E 12, 1547

Legend of Jubal, and other poems .... I 246

Lifted veil, and brother Jacob, 2 copies,

f- 457. 3470

Middlemarch L 2185

Mill on the floss, 2 vols, 2 copies. L 446-7, 3471-2

Third and fourth copies L 2187, 6916

Romola, 2 vols L 449-50

Second and third copies L 2190, 6915

Scenes in clerical liic, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 442-3 3473-4

Third and fourth copies L 2189, 6918

Silas Marner, 5 copies Blind 8

L448, 2191, 3475, 6917

Cross (.U^J.). Life. Blind H 151

Lifeand writings. Cooke.Vi 377Life. Cross, 3 vols.,

2 copies H 115 1 -6

Cross and Bevan. Textbook of paper-making D 910

Cross above the crescent. Soitfhgate. . .L 2379

Cross lights E 1995

Cross purposes. Leon L 4183

Croston. On foot through the Peak. . .F 1601

Crouch (A. P.). Glimpses of Feverland . F 1557

so Crouch—Cutts.

On a surf-bound coast F i.joi

Crow. Hy order of Queen Maud M 114.2

("rowdud out, and other sketches liar-riion L 5785

Crowe (C). Linny Lockwood L ,\nr>A

NiK'ht side of nature I^ 4065Susan Hopley L 406C

Crowe (ll.K.). History of France, 2 vols.

Ci 267-8

Second copy, j vols G 729-31

Crowest (Frederick). Great tone poets.



Musical anecdotes, 2 vols D 82-3

Crowfield. House and home papers ..D 584

(iiiwii of shamo. ^lA/^-ryn/, /'"., 4 copiesL 7235-8

Crowninshield. Mural paintinj; D 643

Cruden's Concordance. Edited by yolinI'.tidic C 515

Cruger. How she did it; or, comfort on• 150 a year L O829

Cruikshank ((leor^e). Punch and Judy .F 604

Cruikshank ((ieorgo). Life. Jerruld,2 vols H 380-


Cruise of Her Majesty'sship "Bacchdnte,"1879-82, 2 vols F' 137O-7

Ouise of the " Midf{e." Scott, M.,2 copies L 1701, 2742

Cruise upon wheels. Colli. -s, C. A L 2389Crusade of the " Excelsior.' Bn-t Harte,

5 copies L 6365-ij

Crust and cake. Garrett L 5012

Cruttwell. History of Roman literature.E 390

Specimens of Roman literature, 2 vols. HI 391-2

Culley (J.L.). Theory of the constructionof helicoidal oblique arches D 960

Culley (R. S.). Handbook of practical

telef;raphy D 401

Cumberland ('5.). Northern lakes ot

Canada F 1268

Cumberland (S.). A thought reader'sthoughts H 1006

Queen's highway from ocean to ocean.F"


Cumberland (S. C ). The Rabbi's spell.


5430Cumming (C. F. G.). Fire fountains : the

kingdom of Hawaii, 2 vols F 1347-8

Granite crags of California F 1243

Hebrides to Himalayas, 2 vols F 435-G

Wanderings in China, 2 vols F 1389-90

Cumming (G.). Wild men and v.ild

beasts F' 426

Cumming (Rev. J.). Baptismal font andcommunion table C 480

Moses right and Colenso wrong C 420

Cummihgs. Lion hunting in SouthAfrica F 89

Cummins. El Fureidis L 386

Haunted hearts . . . . L 387

Lamplighter, 2 copies L 384, 2580

Mabel Vaughan, 2 copies L 385, 2592

Cunningham \.]. Lives of eminentBritish painters, 3 vols E 676 H

Cunningham (FL S.) The CuTuleans. L fli;')

Cunningham Ij. W.). Sancho ; or, theproverbialist L 4217

Cunynghame (.Sir Arthur T.) Travels in

the Eastern Caucasus F \\\

Cupplea ((i). Green hand, 2 copies .L 2583, 27 cj

Two frigates L 401.)

Curate in charge. Oliphaiit, A/rs., 2 copies,

L 1066, 37 1

Curate's home. Giberne L ^i\

Curate of Orsieres, Roqiutte L 41S0

Cure Manqu6, Le ; or, social and religious

customs in France. De Courcillon ,L 42.;S

Cureton. Perseverance wins L I'ji

Curiosities of the search-room: a collec-

tion of wills E 17.V)

Curley. Nebraska, its advantages, etc .F 414

Curran. Speeches. Edited by Davis,

J copies E 219, 1865

Curry. Constitutional government in

Spain G 93(1

Curse of the village. Conscience L 2104

Curteis (.\. M.). Rise of the Macedonianempire G 229

Curteis (fi. H.). Dissent and th "hurchof England ..C 100

Curtis (f». T.). Creation or ev ..A 700

Curtis ((ieorge W.). Howadji 111 ayria.F 171

Lotus eating F 169

Nile notes, 2 copies F 168, 777

Potiphar papers F' 170

Prue and I L 4838

Curtis (Joseph). Memoir H 7S,S

Curtis (W. ¥..). The capitals of Spanish.\merica !•" 1461

Curwen(H.). History of booksellers...



Curwen (John). Tonic sol-fa D 4S3

Curwen (J. S.). Worship music D 133

Curzon {Hon. liohert). .Vrmenia F" i.i4

\'isit to monasteries in the Levant . . . F 745

Curzon (S .\.). Laura Secord, the hero-ine of 18x2 1 170

Cusack (F. C). The nun of Kenmare


an autobiography H 91S

Cusack (M. F'.). Irish history G 372

Cust. Indian life F" 179

Custer (E. B.). Boots and saddles . . . . F" 561

Tenting on the plains F G05

Custine (Marquis de). Russia E 416

Cut by the county. Braddon, 5 copies. . L 5864-S

Cutbush. Health of soldiers and sailors. B 3G1

Cuthbert Bede. See Bradley.

Cutts (Rev. E. L.). Colchester (Historic

towns) G 1093

St. Augustine C 37S

St. J erome C 3S4

. vril Tho


Cyrus the

zar, Th.poleoi


D. (F.•

.; cop


lia Capo.

Dacre (Lchapi

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Daniel E


Cyril—Dashwood, 51


w5 »

52 D'A ssier—Dawson.

D'Assier. Posthumous humanity. Trans-lated by H. S. Olcott C 713

D'Aubigne (J. H. M.). Germany,

land, and Scotland, 2 copies F 513, 554

History of the reformation (1 753

Daudet (A.). Tartarin on the Alps . . . . K 1339

Dciudet (A.). Recollections 01 a literary

man H 1803

Thirty years of Paris and of my literary

life H 1492

Daughter of P'ife. Barr L 5333

Daughter of Heth. Black, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L94-5, 3112-3

Daughter of the tropics. Marryat, F..

2 vols., 5 copies L 6380-9

Daunt. Crag, glacier, and avalanche,2 copies M 1435-4

Frank Redcliffe M 651

Land of the moose, bear, and beaver. M 590

Three trappers M 650

Davenport (F.). Elements of harmonyand counterpoint D G90

Davenport (R. A.). History of the13astile G 152

Davenport (Samuel). Engraving D 502

Davenport Dunn. Lever. 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 758-60, 3418-20

Third copy, 2 vols L 2213-4

David. Le heros de Chateaoguay O 380

Dav'd Copperfield. Dickens. 3 vols.,

2 copies L 3320-2, 4644-6

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols.,

L 4010-1, 7108-9

David Elginbrod. . lacdnnald. 2 vols..

2 copies L 8og-io, 3532-3

David, King of Israel, Krnmmacher. . . . H 225" " Life Taylor.. . .H 397

Davids. Buddhism C 339Davidson (E. A.). Building construction

D 179Drawing for bricklayers D 182

" cabinetmakers D 183

" carpenters and joiners.. D 184

" " machinists and engineers

D 181

" " metal plate workers. . ..D 176" " stonemasons D 178

Gothic stonework D 177

House-painting D 21

House-painting, graining, marbling, andsign-writing D 768

Linear drawing D 175

Linear drawing and projection D 188

Model drawing D 180

Practical perspective D 173

Pretty arts for leisure hours r» 137

Projection D 1 74Davidson (H. C). Entrees and table

dainties , D 952

Davidson ( James W.). Florida of to-day. F 1607

Davidson (John). Practical calculator. .B 464

Practical calculator, supplement B 4G5

Davidson (J. M.). Flminent English

Liberals H nog

Davidson (J.Thain). Sure to succeed.

2 copies C 739, 74 2

Davidson (Rfv. S.). Canon of the Bible.



Polity of the New Testament C 1.3

Dav'.dson (Thomas). Prolegomena to " In

memoriam " E 2134

Davidson (Thomas). Life : with poemsand letters. Brown H 378

Davies (Clement). Modern whist D 611

Davies (/-rtrfvC). Recollections of society,

2 vols.'. El 84-5

Davies (Charles M.). Fun, ancient andmodern, 2 vols E 215-G

Heterodox London, 2 vols .C 243-4

Mystic London F 674

Orthodox London C 213

Unorthodox London C 212

Davies (D. C). Minerals and mining..



Davies (G. T.). {Ed.) Homilies, ancientand modern, 4 vols C 252-5

Cniitent.i.— \'ol. I.—Spcciiil oc-casioris.

Vol. II.—ScTinons of C/iarliS Wolje.

\'i)l. III.— " Edvard Coop,;-.

Vol. IV.- " E. BliHcovj,-.

Papers on preaching C 281

Davies (P. J.). Practical plumbing .. .D 571

Davin (N. F.). Eos: an epic ot the dawn,and other jx)ems I 533

Irishman in Canada G 6G4

Davis (.'..J ). Death and the after life.B 536

Davis (G. B.). Outlines of international

law B 723

Davis (F. F.). China and its inhabitants,

2 vols G 863-4

Davis (J. R. A.). Text-oook of biology..



Davis (L. Clarke). Stranded ship L 4920

Davis (N.). Carthage and her remains. F 647

Numidian and Carthaginian ruinedcities Y 1007

Davis (S. M H.). Norway nights andRussian days F 130S

Davis (T.). National ballads and songs. . I 37

Davis (VV. \V. H). El Gringo ; or. NewMexico and her people F 7S8

Davy (Sir H.). Bakerian lectures, etc . . A 636

Consolations in travel F 333

Dawson {Rev. /Eneas). Dominion I>ay,

and other poems I 3S6

Dawson (G.). Biographii .1 lectures. . .E 1G70

Every-day counsels C 741

Dawson(Hy. B.). (Erf.). The Foederalist G 3(11

Dawson (.Sir J. W). Acadian Geology. A 522

Dawn of life A 3'ji

Dawson—Democratic. 53


54 Demon—Diana,

Demon of gold. Conscience L 21CO

Demosthenes, iui^iic, private, and mis-

cellaneous orations. Translated byKennedy, 5 vols E 1 148-52

Coii/rii/x.--Vo'.. I.—Olvntliiacs, Philippic;,


Vol. II.—On the crown and embassy.

Vol. III. — Against Leptines, Midias,Androtion, and Aristocratts.

Vol. IV.—Private, and other orations.

\'ol. v.—Miscellaneous orations.

Demosthenes by Bro Iribh , E 558

Dempsey. Dra'n.ige of districts andlands D 593

Drainage of towns and buildings. . ..D 375

Iron girder bridges D 585

Dempsey and Clark. Drainage of lands,

towns, and buildings D 744

Dempster (C.L.H.). Bl ue roses, 2 vols.. L 1417-8

Essays E 531

Hotel du Petit St. Jean L 1416

Maritime Alps, and their seaboard,2 vols., 3 copies F 1199-1204

Ninette: an idyll of Provence. 5 copies.L 6701-5

Vera 1^ 1415

Within sound of the sea, 2 vols L 1419-20

Dendy. Be.iutiful islets of Britaine . .F 397

Dene Hollow. Wood. Urs. H., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1 48 1 -2, 4624-5

Denis Duval. Thackeray, Wni. M.,6 copies L 1305, 2875, 3074, 3813, 7049-50

Denise. Roberts LDenison (F. C). Historical record of the

Governor-General's Body Guard. .G

Denison (G.T.). History of cavalry... GDennett. Seven years among the Fjort. . FDennis (John). Heroes of literature:

English poets H






Dennis Donne. Thomas, 2 vols L 1309-10




Denny (William). Life. Bruce HDenovan. Was Moses wrong ? CDent (H. C). A year in Brazil FDent (J. C). Gerrard street mystery, and

other tales, 3 copies L 7187-g

Dental Cosmos, vol. 30, 1888 K 3641

Denton (S. F.). Incidents of a collector's

rambles in Australia, etc F 1559

Denton (Rcv.\N.). England in the fifteenth

century G 1 296

Denton (Rev. W.). (Ed.). Serbian folk-

lore : popular tale.) selected and trans-

lated by Mine. C. Mijatovies G 354

De Quincey. Theological essays, andother papers, 2 vols E 1252-3

Works, 15 vols E 1447-59, 1461-2

CV)///f «/.«.— Vol. I.—Confessions of an-Eng-lish opium eater .E 1447

Vol. II.— Recollections of the I.,!ikes andthe Lake poets E 144S

Vol. III.—Spanish Nun—Kant, etc E 1449

Vol. IV.—Murder as a fine art—Englishmail coach, etc £ 1450

Vol. v.—Shelley— Dr. Parr—Goldsmith -

Wordsworth—Keats— Homer E i|::

V-1I. VI.— Benlley—Cicero—Secret .socie-

ties—Milton, etc E n;.

Vol. VII.— Protestantism, etc., etc E 14;;

Vol. \'III.— Leaders in literature E 14;,

Vol. IX.—The Ca'sars, Kssenes, and otherpapers K 14;;

Vol. X.—Style and rhetoric, and otherpapers K i.(y

Vol. XI.—Coleridge and opium eating,and other writings E 14;'

Vol. XII. — Speculations, literary andphilosophical E 14V

\'ol. XIII.—Logic of Political Economy,and other papers E 145

Vol. XI\'.—Shakespeare—Pope—Goethe—Schiller, etc E 146

Vol. .W'.—Suspiria, etc E 146,

De Quincey. .\utobiographic sketches E 146^

"Life. Masson H 814

Memorials and other pa-pers, 2 vols E 1228

" Recollections. Finlay.H 135c

Derrecagaix. Modern war, 2 parts;part i,

strategy; part 2, atlas D 1060-:

[Derrick (Francis)]. Family pride L 276^

Descartes. Mahaffy H9;

D'Esterre-Keeling. Laughing philo-

sopher, 5 copies L 5545i|Professor's wooing, 5 copies L 604O-50I

De Saulcy. Journey in Syria and roundthe Dead Sea, 2 vols F 632

Desart (Earl of). Children of nature. . L 41501

Destiny. Ferrier. 3 copies... L 1833, 2759, 4i2c|

Deutsch. Literary remains E v\

De Vere (Aubrey). Essays, chiefly onpoetry, 2 vols E igq-;!

Contents.— Vol. I.—Criticisms on ortain poets.

Vol. 2—Essays, literary and etiiical.

De Vere (Scheie). Studies in English . . EDevereux. Lytton, 3 copies . . . . L 224, 2913, 34)(|

Devey. Logic ; or, the science ot infer-

ence BDevil's chain, jfenkins, 2 copies. .. .i. 4204, 4211

Devil's die. Allen, 4 copies L 6493-


43.1" Devonia." Honiton lace book T*

De Witt. French country family. .. .M



Marie Derville MParisian family M

Dewart. Living epistles ; or, Christ's

witnesses in the world C 55

Dewey. Psychology B 6;

Dewing. Beauty in the household. . , .D 21.

Dexter (S.). Co-operative savings analoan associations B bj

D'Haussez (Baron). Great Britain in

1833, 2 vols F 7-23-^1

D'Herisson. The black cabinet G ii;'

Diamond cut diamond. Trollope, T. A,

2 copies L 2322, 503

Diana Barrington. Croker, 3 copies. . . . L 6579-!^

Diana, Lady Lyle. Dixon, \V. H.,2vols.L 404-;|

1 1! "


E;t socio-

Kc K

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Diana—Dilemma. 55


L 5545^1

L 6046-50!

I roundF 632

lire. . L 41501

833. 2759, 41^

E 52CI

ifly onE igq-;!

;ain jjoets.


ish . . E 2o;j

224, 2913, 34^1

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4204, 42It|

. . L 6493-'



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tain in


, r./i,. . .L 2322,503:

!S L 6579-81

vols.L 404-5




Diana of the Crossways. Meredith . . . . L 5792 ^

Diane. Macquuid, 2 vols L 842-3 '

Second copy L 482S|

Diaries of a lady of quality, 1797-1844. j

edited hy A. Hayjvard E 1970 i

Diary and notes. Templcton L 1673 :

Diary of a late physician. IV'rt/'/'^H, 2 vols.L 1431-2

Second and third copies L 2001, 2002

Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Charles,

Mrs., 2 copies L 278, M 600

Diary, the H— family, Axel and Anna, etc.

Bremer, Fredrika E 625

Dicey (A. V.). England's case against

home rule B 684

Law of the constitution B 596

The privy council B 698

Dicey (Edward). Rome in i860 F 518

Dick (Robert), Geologist and botanist.

.Sm/Z^^s, 2 copies H 723, 1417

Dick (Thomas). Sidereal heavens .\ 502

Dick Diminy._

Co//(';n, C. 7 L 2368

DickNetherby. Walfurd, L. B L 4967

Dick Rodney. Grant, y M 136

Dickens. American notes, 3 copies.

L 3098, 3312, 4676

Barnaby Rudge, 2 vols L 3082-3

Second, third, and fourth copies. L 4813, 7126-7

Battle of life, 2 copies L 3313, 4672

Bleak house, 4 vols., 2 copies.. L 3314-7, 4664-7

Third copy, 2 vols L 3096-7

Fourth and fifth copies L 71 20-1

Child's history of England, 2 vols. ...M 624-5

Second, third, and fourth copies. L4009, 7118-9

Christmas books, 4 copies.. L 3095, 4873, 7118-9

Christmas carol, 2 copies L 3318, 4678

Third copy Blind 7

Christmas stories, 5 copies.

L 3092, 3319, 4681, 7098-9

David Coppjrfield, 3 vols., 2 copies,

L 3320-2, 4644-6

Third copy, 2 vols L 4010-1

Fourth and fifth copies L 7108-g

Doctor Marigold's prescriptions L 4674

Dntnbey and son, 3 vols., 2 copies,

L 3323-5. 4G6S-70

Third copy, 2 vols L 3086-7

Fourth and fifth copies L 7100-1

Kdwin Drood, 3 copies L 3094, 7116-7

Fourth and fifth copies, 2 vols. L 3340-1, 4651-2

(ireat expectations, 2 vols L 3326-7

Second, third, fourth, and fifth copies,

L3093. 4655, 7102-3

Hard times, 5 copies, L 2345, 3083, 4683, 7126-7

Hunted down, 2 copies L 3329, 4673

Little Dorrit, 4 vols. , 2 copies. . L 3330-3, 4658-61

Third copy, 2 vols L 3088-9

Fourth and fifth copies L 7110-11

Martin Chuzzlewit, 2 vols., 3 copiesL 3099-4000, 3334-5, 4642-3

Fourth and fifth copies L 7106-7

Master Humphrey's clock, 3 vols.,

2 copies L 3336-8, 4655-7

Mudfog papers, etc., 3 copies.. L3339, 4675 4980

Nicholas Ni.kleby, 2 vols , 2 copies

L 4005-6, 4647-8

Third, fourth, and fifth copies .L 6153, 7104-5

No thoroughfare, 2 copies L 3342, 4677

Old curiosity shop, 2 vols L 3090-1

Second ccpy, 3 vols .Blind 4-6

Third and fourth copies L 7124-5

Oliver Twist, 5 copies. . L 3343, 4002, 4680,7112-3

Our mutual friend, 4 vols., 2 copies.

L 3344-7. 4684-7

Third copy, 2 vols L 3084 -5

Fourth and filth copies L 71 14-5

Pickwick club, 2 vols, 2 copies. . L 3348-9, 4662-3

Pickwick papers, 2 vols L 4003-4

Second and third copies L 7122-3

Pictures from Italy, 4 copies.

L 2345, 3098, 3350, 4r7i

Sketches by " Boz," 6 copies.

L 3351, 4001, 4268, 4682, 7102-3

Somebody's luggage, 2 copies L 3352, 4679Speeches, literary and social K 331

Speeches, letters, and sayings L 4744

Tale of two cities, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 3353-4. 4<J49-5o

Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth copies.

L 2492, 4007, 71 16-7

Uncommercial traveller, 3 copies. L 4008, 7098-9

Dickens. Life. Forsfer,6 vols H 15-20

Second copy, 2 vols H 76-7

Third copy, 3 vols H 892-4" Life. Marzials H 1638" Life. Ward H 808

Story of his reading tour.

Dulby H 1 165

Dickinson (Anna E.). Ragged register. .F 530

Dickinson (E. E). New light on Mor-mon ism C 619

Dick's wanderings. Sturgis, 3 copies.

L 5980, 6162-3

Dickson (A.). Husbandry of the an-

cients, 2 vols .. L> 419-20

Dickson (J ). Camping in Muskoka,2 copies F 1266-7

Dickson (W. E.). Organ building D 165

Dickson (W. G.). Gleanings from Japan G 1346

Did she love him? Grant, y., 2 copies. L 2688, 3041

Diderot and the Ency paedists. Mor-Uy, John, 2 vols H 1328-9

Didron. Christian iconography, 2 vols. E 9689Digby. Broad stone of honour. Morus.G 11 15

Digby Grand. Melville, 2 copies L 958, 3585

Dilemma, The. Chesuey L 4785



w56 Di/^e—Donaldson.

Dilke [Hir C. VV.). Greater Britain T 157

Dilke (/v(i(/j). Art in the modern state. I) 848

The shrine of death, and other stories L 5.409

Dillwyn. Jill and Jack L 6178

Dingelstedt. The Amazon L 4917

Diogenes Laertius. Lives of the philoso-

phers. Translated by Yonge E 1153

Dircks. Nature-study as applicable to the

purposes of poetry and eloquence . . A 36

Disappeared. Tytler L 7183

Disarmed. Betham-Edwards, 3 copies.L44i, 3371-2

Discipline. Brnntoii L 1750

Discovery, Episodes of M 244

Discussion between Pope and Maguire. .C 505

Disowned. Lytton, 3 copies . . . . L 220, 2906, 3491

Disraeli. See Bcocomjield.

Disraeli (I.). Amenities of literature,

z vols E 401-2

Calamities and quarrels of authors. . . E 400

Curiosities of literature, 3 vols V. 403-5

Literary character of men of genius..



Disturbing element. Yonp;e M 520

Dita. Miijendie, 2 copies L 4973, M 577




1 169



Ditson. Circassia F

1 )ivorce. Lee, Margaret L

Dix. Winter in Madeira V

Dixie. Land of misfortune F

Dixon (Charles). Rural bird life .\

Dixon (Rev.E.S.). Dovecote and aviary.


Dixon (H.H.). Post and paddock. 2 copies,

L 1948, 4140

Saddle and sirloin L 1951

Scott and Seabright L 1949

Silk and scarlet L 1950

Dixon (W. H.). Diana, Lady Lyle.

2 vols L 404-5

Free Russia, 2 vols F 20-1

Her Majesty's tower, 4 vols G 3-G

Second copy G 697

History of two queens— I. Catharine of

Aragon ; H. Anne Boleyn, 6 vols. .H 9-14

Holy Land, 2 vols F 16-17

London prisons B 449

New America, 2 vols F 18-19

Spiritual wives, 2 vols B 1-2

White conquest, 2 vols F 22-3

Dobbs family in America F 357

Dobell. Poems I 485

Dobson (E.). Foundations and concreteworks D 467

Manufacture of bricks and tiles I) 312 i

Masonry and stonecutting D 392 j

Dobson (W. T). Classic poets E 383]

Literary frivolities and fancies E 337

Political ingenuities and eccentricities. E 567

Doctor Austin's guests. Gilbert L 2294

Doctor Basilius. Dumas, 2 copies 2815, 4696

Doctor CuplJ. Bruughton, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 5839-42. 5«45-

Doctor Glennie's daughter. Farjeon,3 copies I, 6563-;^

Doctor Marigold's prescriptions. Dickens.

Doctor Thome. Trollope, A., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1335-6, 3866-;!

Doctor's wife. Braddon, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 167-8, 3158-!

Dodd (Anna Bowman). Cathedral days :

a tour through Southern England. .F i^^A

Dodd (George). British manufactures,3 vols D ir,4-/|

Days at the factories D 4i;|

Dodd family abroad. Lever, 3 vols L342j-:ISecond and third copies, 2 vols., L 747-8, 2210-11I

Doddridge (Philip), Life. Stanford..



Dodds (S. J. v.). Stories from Englishliterature jv ,-|

Dodge (M. M.]. Hans Brinker, 2 copies.

M 549.rheophilus and others M

Dodge (Richard L). Our wild Indians.GHunting grounds of the great west . . . F

Dodge (T..\ ). Bird's-eye view of our civilwar Q

Patroclus and Penelope DDodge (W.E.). Memorials. Dodge, D.S.HDods (J.B.). Philosophy of mesmerism.


Dods (Matilda L.). Art of cooking DDog fiend, Marryat. Capt., 3 copies.

L 1S42, 2652,

Doherty. Saunters in social by-ways. . FDoing and dreaming. Garrett LDollinger (John L). P'irst age of the

church, 2 vols c 119-

Dolly. McCarthy, 4 copies L 725S-(:I

Dolly, the young widder up to Felder's.Sheppard, 2 copies E 48 11-

Dombey and Son. Dickens, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 3323-5. 466b -

Third copy, 2 vols L 30M' I

Fourth and fifth copies L 7100-:

Domestic chemist .\

Domestic e.xplosives. Alden LDomestic medicine, hand-book of BDomestic stories. Craik, Mrs. D. M.,

3 copies L 343, 3278, 44fc|

Don John. Ligelow, 2 vdIs L 608^,

Don cjuixote. Cervantes, 3 copies.

L 2098, 2299, 2p\Fourth copy, 2 vols E 645-^' I

P'lfth copy, 4 vols L 61S5-

Donald Grant. Macdonald L 6243]

Donald. Wontiers of architecture EDonaldson (J.). Drawing for marine en-

gineers DDonaldson (J.W.). Theatre of the Greeks.








Donatcllo—Drayson. 57

Donatello. Scott H 107

Ponna (Juixote. McCarthy, 2 vols L S03-4

Donne (A.), Change of air and scene. .F 675

5onne (J.).Poetical works and memoir.



Jtonnel Dhii. Carleton L .y)^y

Jonnelly. Kagnarok, 2 copies .\ 152,153

Atlantis, 1 copies A 154, F 114

.)onovan. The man hunter : stories fromthe note book of a detective, 4 copies. L 7194-7

Jonovan. Bayly, 2 copies L O535, 6832

)oomof Mamelons. Murray , \V. H. H ..L. 6449

jora. Kavttttiigh, 2 vols., 2 copies. . L 6G6-7, 4571-2

Jora. (Sister). A biofjraphy. Lonsdale,.' copies H 41, 473

tinra's boy. Ross, Mrs. E L 4910

)oran (J). .Vnnals of the English stage,

J \ols K 1475-6

In and about Drury Lane, 2 vols F 400-


Knishts and their days H 910

M' lories of our great towns F 468

.Nt A pictures and old panels G 82

Oueens of England (house of Hanover),i vols., 2 copies H O18-9, 962-3

Table traits E 1637

j)orcas. Craik, .Ifrs. G. M ,, 2 vols L 376-7

^ore (Gustave). Life and reminiscences.

Roosevelt H 1 310

Boric (H.). Life. Ahb^ Baiidry H 1024

Doris. Argles, 2 vols., 4 copies .,L 4323-8, 4331-2

former {Hon. H. E.). Biographical me-moir H 486

Dorothy : a country story in elegiac verse.



Dorothy Fjrster. /it'sd/i/, 2 vols., 5Copies.L 4388-97

Jorothy Fox. Parr, H., 2 copies . . . I^ 1108, 4872

korothy's daughter. Marshall L 2030

^orr. Bermuda : an idyl of the Summerislands F 1 102

Dostoieffsky. Crime and punishment.



I'riend of the family L 6056

t(".ambler L O056

I'liot L 6085

[Injury and insult L 6053

Prison life in Siberia H 144C

Bty. Prompt aid to the injured B 849

oubleday. Civil war : Chancellorsvilleand (Gettysburg G 283

Dubleday's children. Cook, D L 4126

Budney. Michaelmas Daisy, 2 copies.M 395, 466iMiss Willowburn's offer M[Nothing but leaves L|L' nder false colours M

icar of Kedcross, 2 copies Mauglas |C.H.). Searches for summer.


Buglas iHobert K). China F'nfucianism and Taouism , . C

puglas (W.). Duelling days i:) thearmy G

1 160








Horse-shoeing as it is and should be .D 762

Douglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine,2 vols., 1845 K 3473-4

Dove in the eagle's nest. Yunge, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1 546-7, 3932-3

Third copy L 2005

Dowden (E.). Shakespeare's sonnets . .1 ti8

Studies in literature, 1789-1877 E 512

Transcripts and studies ¥. 1934

Dowling (Richard). Ignorant essays. . E 1528

Miracle gold, 3 copies L 6503-5

Down the ravine. Mnrfrcc L 471


Downey. A house of tears, 3 copies. . . L 6303-5

Downing (.\. J.). Cottage residences. . D 805

Landscape gardening, 2 copies D 334, 400

Doyle (A. C\. Passages in the early life

of Micah Clarke, 2 copies L 7299-7300

Doyle {Sir F. H.). Lectures, miscellan-eous E 362

Doyle (Sir F. H.). Reminiscences andopinions H 1313

Doyle (J. B.). Tour in Ulster F 1143

Doyle (J.P). Old Ireland improved. .G 340

Dr. .\ntonio, Ruffini L 1218

Dr. fJreen's practice. Howells, W . D ,

3 copies L 3615-7

Dr. Claudius. Cr:nvford, F. Marion . . . . L 383

Dr. Heidenhoff's process. Bellamy, E .L 2491

Dr. Jacob. Bctham-Hdwards, 6 copies.

L 2268, 2984-8

Dr. Jekylland Mr. Hyde. Stevenson, R.L.,

3 copies I^ 5416-7, 5419Dr . Pertwee's poor patients L 4278

Dr. Wainwright's patient. yri/<s, 2 vols.



Second copy L 262S

Dr. Wilmer's love. Lee, M., 2 copies. L 4157, 4176Dr. Wortle's school. Trollope, A.. 2 copies.

L 1402, 386S

Drake (S. .\ ). Burgoyne's invasion of

1777 Cr 937Captain Nelson L 4756Book of New England legends and folk

lore G 1252

Making of New England G ionMaking of the great west, 1512-1883..G 455

Drake and Anson. Voyage round theworld M 232

Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. I-ives

and V(3yages H 771Drane. Christian schools and scholars

. . B 302

Draper. Future civil policy of America. B 4C9Intellectual development of Europe,

2 vols B 257-SSecond copy B 359

Scientific memoirs A 24


Drayson. The earths past history A 786White chief of the Caffres M 1062

58 Draytons—Dumas .


Draytons and the Davenants. Clinrhs,

2 copies L 5073, M 628









I 2 £2

Third copy. 2 vols LDream life. Mitchell L

Dream numbers. Trollopr, T. A LDreams and dream stories. Kingsford. A^

Dred. Stowc, 2 vols L

Dresser. Carpets DPrinciples of decorative design D

Drew (K). Speech studies, with fresh

readinj^'s, sketches, etc li

Drew (1\). Northern barrier of India. . F

Drewry. Common sense management of

the stomach li

Drift from two shores. Bret Hartc, 2 copies,

I- 576. 3-14

Drinkwater. History of Gibraltar. . . .(1 938

Driven back to Eden. Roc, j copies.. .M 751 3

Driven to bay. Marryat, F., 2 vols.,

5 copies L 6031 40

Droz. .\round a spring L 4754

"Druid," The See Dixuii, H. II.

Drummond (H). Natural law in the

spiritual world, 2 copies C 364,623

Tropical Africa, 2 copies F 676, 1416

Drummond (James). Philo Judaeus : orthe

Jewish-Alexandrian philosophy . C

Drummond (Thomas). F.ife and letters.

O'Brien, R. B H



Drummond {Hun. W. H). Large gameof South Africa A 499

Dryden (John). Poetical works, 4 vols. . I 253-6

/'rill, //•a/ (;,>ii<,'ii/.-.— Vn\. I.— Life of Dry-den— Mi.-icelLiiieous noems— Astr;i';i Re-<Uix— Aiiinis Miralnli.i— Ah.saloin iiiul

Achitoplu-l. I'ai-t f.

Vol. II.—Absalom ami Acliitophel, Fart II.

—The himl ami the panther —Kpistles

Kk'f^ies and epitaphs.

Vol. III.—Songs, odes, ete.— Proloffnes andepiloj^ues—Translations.

Vol. I\'.—Translations.

Seccmd copy I 409

Dryden (John). Life. Siuntsbury.. . Ai 823

Du Bose. The dragon, image, and de-

mon C 652

Du Chaillu. Explorations and adventures

in Africa . . F 648

Journey to .\shango-land F" 611

Land of the midn'ght sun, 2 vols.. ..F' 1217-8

Ducoudray. History of ancient civiliza-

tion. Edited by Verschoyle C, 1416

Du Moncel. F:iectro-magnets D 444

Telephone, microphone, and phono-graph, 2 copies D 3 'J. 3^4

Du Moncel and Geraldy. Electricity as

a motive power D 773

Dublin Review. Vols. 15- 23, 1886-89 .K 3029-39

Duchesne (Mo</if>'). Life. B(iuii(jni..H 368

Duchess. Arglcs, 3 copies L 6159-61

Diichesse de f^angeais, etc.


Balzac, trans-


Duentzer. Lessings Leben XDuerer (Albrecht). Life. Heatli II

Lifeand works. Tluius-

ing, 2 vols HDuff (.Vlexander). Memoir. Smith.. HDuff (.\L E. G.). Studies in European

politics (i

Duff (P.). Book-keeping by single andtlonble entry B

Dufferin (Marquis). Letters from highlatitudes F'

Duffield. Don Quixote : his critics andcommentators Fl

Duffy {Sir C. G.).

landBallad poetry of Ire-

Dianas—East. 59

Isabel of Bavaria \, 2824

Joseph Balsamo.memoiresd'unmedecin,5 vols O 3^4-8

Marguerite de Valois. Translated. . . L 2664

Memoirs of a Maitre d' Amies K 433Memoirs of a physician ; or, Joseph

Balsamo L 2656

Second copy, 2 vols L 468H-9

Nanon, 2 copies L 2810, 4701

Page of the Duke of Savoy, 2 copies. L 2814, 4699

F'auline L 28 1


Quarante cinq, 4 vols O 343-5

Queen's necklace, 2 copies L 2657, 4693

Regent's daughter, 2 copies L 2396, 2660

Reine Margot, 2 vols O 335-6

Russian gipsy L 2812

Sketches in France F 1 177

Taking the Bastille L 2661

Second copy, 2 vols L 4703-4

Three Musketeers, 2 copies L 2659, 4698

Second copy, 2 vols L 6864-5

Travel in the south o P'rance F 844

Trois Mousquetaires, 2 vols O 356-7

Twenty years after, 2 copies L 2666, 4700

Third copy, 2 vols L 6866-7

Twin captains, 2 copies L 4218, 4697

Two Dianas L 2822

Vicomte de Bragelonne, 6 vols () 348-53

Vingt ans apres, 3 vols O 368-70

Viscount de Bragelonne, 2 vols L 2654-5

Second copy, 6 vols L 6868-73

Watchmaker L 2816

)umbleton common. Eden L 4936

)umont. Life sketches L 4823

)un. American farming and food F 503

Landlords and tenants in Ireland . . . . B 71

)uncan (John). Life. Jolly M 609

)uncan (Jonathan). History of Russia,G 326

)uncan (J. M.). Travels through part ofthe United States and Canada in

i8iH-9 F 528

)uncan (P. M.). Botanists, zoologists,

and geologists H 679)uncan and Greenwood. Sacred philoso-

phy of the seasons, 4 vols A 405-8

)uncan Campbell. Dcfoc K 1434

)undonald [Admiral, Earl of). Auto-biography of a seaman, 2 copies. . . H 289, 1356

" Life. Allen.. Yi 304^"nellan manse. Patterson L 4924Punlop. History of prose fiction, 2 vols.F" 1984-5

punman. Talks about science A 242

hna (H. Percy). Infant health B 711

|imn (}. P.). Indiana, a redemptionfrom slavery G 728

I Massacres of the mountains G 958anne. Calcutta to Pekin F 736

Dunning. Tobacco I > 504

Dunphie and King. IVee lance L 2033

Dunvarlich ; or, round about the bush.Macrae L 2602

Oupin. Mathematics applied to the use-

ful and fine arts D 406

Duplessis. Wonders of engraving . . . . E 6oj

Dupuy. The country neighbourhood. . L 4751

Durand (/•."(/.). New materials for the his-

tory of the .American Revolution ..G 1417

Diirer (Albert.). See Ducrer, Albrecht.

Durham. Sketch of F 139S

Durrieu. Present state of Morocco.. . K 421

Dusaiiles, The. Stockton, z copies L 6429-30

Dutt. Bengaliann E 517

Dutton. History of the crusades C 266

Duval. .Vrtistic anatomy D 492

Duvar. De Roberval : a drama I 43O

Dwyer. Church, parsonage, and schoolarchitecture D 458

Economic cottage builder I) 545

Dwight (B. W.), Modern philology, ist

and 2nd series E 212, 213

Dwight (H.O.). Turkish life in war time.



Dwight (!'.). History of (Connecticut,

2 copies G 622, 638

Dye. Hot water supply : a practical

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Dyer. British popular customs G 537Domestic folk-lore }i 279

English folk-lore G 128

Dymond. Accordancy of war with Chris-tianity li 72G

Principles of morality B 155

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Third copy L 201


E. (M.C.) The valley mill; or, truth will

out M 1 173

Each for himself. Gerstdcker L 4051

" Eadg^h." The snow fort and thefrozen lake M 935

Earle. Anglo-Saxon literature E 1464

Book for a beginner in Anglo-Saxon. . E 354

Philology of the English tongue E 1909

Earl's promise. Riddell, 2 vols L 1209-10

Early English voyagers. Drake, Caven-dish, and Dampier M 959

Early influences. Wyndham, Miss B 8

Earp (Erf). History of the Baltic cam-paign of 1854 (i 980

Earth trembled. Roe, 3 copies L 6074-O

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East Lynne. Wood, Mrs. H., 3 vols.,

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Plp- MBI

60 Eastern—Edivards.

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Easton (George). Autobiography. .. .H 663

ICasy lessons in reasoning B 634

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Moinbert H 175

Ebers. A question, an idyl L 4201

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Sisters, 2 vols L 1601-2

Second py L 4200

Uarda, 2 vols L 1605-6

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" iCclipse of faith," a defence of : a re-

joinder to Prof. Newman's " Reply,"2 copies C 44, 488

Eclipse of faith ; or, a visit to a religious

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Eden (C. H). Africa seen through its

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Rdtn ( Hon. K.). Dumbleton Common. .L 4936

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World before the flood C 250

Edersheim (E. W.). Laws and polity of

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Boy princes: the story of their lives.



Boyhood of great men M 702

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F'rank, Rosamond, etc M 113

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Parents' assistant, 2 copies L 2586, M >,u

Patronage L 22(1^

Popular tales M 316

Edgeworth (Maria). Biography. Zini-

mem H i if);

Edina. Wood, Mrs. H., 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1493-4, 4595-6

Edinburgh Review, vols. 159-173, 1884-9.

K 2219-2233

Edis. Decoration and furniture of townhouses D 15S

Edith Murray. Mathews, jf. H L .\2~-i

Editor's tales. Trollope, A., ^ copies.

L 2297, 4142, 4191

Edl°r. I'aldine, and other tales. Trans-lated by Earl of Lytton L 57f)j

Edmonston and Saxby. The home of anaturalist \ 7S;

••EdnaLyall." See Bayly.

Educational system of Ontario B 751

Edward, the Black Prince. Life. Creigh-

ton H 2G1

" " " Life "ifames,

2 Vv>.-.. .H 458-9

Edward (Thos.). Life. .S'w//t'y, 2 copies. H 69,931

Edwardes (A.), .\rchie Lovell, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 407-8, 3357-!:

.-Vt the eleventh hour L 4226

Ballroom repentance, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 419-20, 335i)-'Jo

Blue stocking, 2 copies L 416, 3361

Girton girl, 2 vols., 5 copies L 5390-9

Jet, her face or her fortune L 33C2

Leah, a woman of fashion, 2 vols., 2 copies.

I- 414-5. 3363-4

Ordeal for wives L 4264

Ought we to visit her ? 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 41 1-2. 33C5-6

Playwright's daughter, 4 copies L 5826-9

Steven Lawrence, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 409-10, 3368-9

Susan Fielding L 2505

Vagabond heroine, 3 copies. . . .L 413, 2361, 336;

Vivian the beauty L 41S

Edwardes (C). Rides and studies in theCanary Islands F 1504

Edwards (A. B.). Barbara's history,

2 vols L 421-2

Debenham's vow, 2 vols L 428-9

Half a million of money, 2 vols L 426-7

Hand and glove L 425

In the days of my youth, 2 vols L 430-1

Second copy L 4855

Edzuards—Eliis. 6l

Lord Brackenbury, 2 vols L 434-5

Miss Carew, 2 vols L 423-4

Modern poets I 17

Monsieur Maurice L 432

NiKht on the borders of the BlackForest L 433

Poetry book, elder poets I 16

Thousand miles up the Nile, 2 vols. . .F 25-6

Untrodden peaks F 24

lEdwards (C. A.). Organs and organbuilding D 772

lEdwards (E.). Practical steam engineer's\^\\\Ae D 252

(Edwards (H.S.). Lyrical drama ; essayson subjects, composers, and execut-ants of modern opera, 2 vols I 1 14-5

Russians at home G 359

Russians at home and abroad, 2 vols.F' 358-9

idwards (Jonathan). Revival of religion

in New England, 1740 C 417

idwards (Rev. Justin). Life. HallockH 795

idwards (L.). Doctrine of the atone-ment C 630

idwards (R. O.). Minor pets: their

general management, . .0 719

id ward's wife. Marshall L 2032

idwin Brothertoft. Winthrop L 2610

idwin Drood. Dickens, 3 copies.. .L3094, 71 16-7

Fourth and fifth copies, 2 vols.,L 3340-1, 4651-2

iflie Ogilvie, 0///>/(rt«/, A/;'5., 2 copies. . L 5467-8

iggleston (E.) Circuit rider L 4067

End of the world L 5017

Graysons, 3 copies L 6861-3

Hoosier school-boy M 1220

Mystery cf Metropolisville, 2 copies. L 4259, 5018

Oueer stories M 266

Roxy, 2 copies L 4247, 5016

Iggleston and Seelye. Brant and RedJacket M 635

Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico,2 copies M 444, 638

Pocahon'as M 634Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet,

- copies M 443, 637

jtggleston (G. C). Red Eagle M 636

^ggleston (N. H.). Home and its sur-

roundings ; or, villages and village life,

2 copies B 1 46, E 1274

Igoist, The. Meredith, George L 6322

Igyptian princess. Ebers, 2 vols L 1603-4

Ihlert. Letters on music, 2 copies.... D 72,114light bells : a tale of the sea. Nisbet, H . . L 2397light months on duty, from the F"rench of

Kogcr dc M F 562

jighty-seven. Alden, Mrs L 6447iioart. Boy with an idea L 1971

EErnie Elton M 137

JYoung squire M 284

Eissler. Metallurgy of gold, 2 copies. .D 896, 918

fclkkehard : a tale of the loth century.

Scheffel, 2 vols L 1666-7

El F'ureidis. Cummins L 386

Elam. Physician's problems B 353

Elbon. Bethesda, 2 vols., 3 copies L 3373-8

Elbow room. Clark, (Max Adder) ,...L 5763

Elder. (Questions of the day : economicand social B 455

Eleanor's victory. liraddon, 2 vols ,

3 copies L 161-2, 3160-1, 4512-3

Elect lady. Macdonald, 3 copies L 67.68-70

Elephant, The, in a wild state and in

domestication A 428

Eli Perkins: his sayings and doings.

Landon, M. D L 4198

Elia; or Spain, fifty years ago. Caballero.L 4113

Eliane. Craven, 2 vols L 380-1

Second copy L 4165

Elijah the Prophet. Story of. Taylor.



Eliot (S/r John). A biography. Forsler,

2 vols H 327-8

Elizabeth {Queen). Youtii of. Wiesencr,

2 vols H 498-9

Ella. Musical sketches abroad and at

home, 2 copies D 91,415

Ellen Clinton ; or, the influence of a loving

spirit M 594

Ellen Middleton. Fullerton L 487

Ellen Montgomery's bookshelf Wether-ell, E., 3 copies M 37, 113, 674

Elliot (Hon. A). State and church. .. .B 118

Elliot (F.). Diary of an idle woman in

Italy, 2 vols .F 27-8

Second copy F 657

Diary of an idle woman in Sicily F 29

Diary of an idle woman in Spain, 2 vols,

4 copies F 1125-32

Italians, 2 vols L 460-1

Second copy L 2405

Old court life in F'rance, 2 vols.,

2 copies H 557-8, L 458-9

Pictures of old Rome, 2 copies F 30, 265

Red cardinal, 5 copies L 2949-53

Elliott (C ). Inspiration of the HolyScriptures C 223

Elliott (H. W). Our Arctic province,Alaska and the Seal Islands F 1238

Elliott (Hon. W. ). Carolina sports byland and water F 772

Ellis (A. B.). Tshi-speaking peoples of

the gold coast of Africa B 460

Ellis (A. J.). Speech in song D 477

Ellis (E. S.). Camp-fire and wigwam,2 copies M 798, 858

Camp in the mountains M 1095

Down the Mississippi M 949

Footprints in the forest M 996

Hunters of the Ozark M 1093


fp62 Eilis—Erckvianu-Cliatrian.



Last war trail M 1094

Lost in the wilds M 950Lost trail, i copies M 799, 859

Ned in the block-house M 863

Ned in the woods M 864

Ned on the river M 865

Up the Tapajos M 951

Wyoming M 1 283

Young heio ; or, (ighting to win M 1277

Ellis (G.). Karly English metricalromances G 542

Ellis (G, E). The Puritan age in Massa-chusetts, if)29-i685 G 1 152

Ellis (W/. Wo«. H). Embassy to China. I' 1176

Ellis (A/ri). Education H 513

Somerville hall L ^489

Ellis (R). Sources of the Etruscan andBascjue languages K 1735

Ellis (T. (.). Sketching from nature ..1) 60

Ellis (VVm.). Memoir. Ellis. E. li.. . .11 1698

Ellis {Rev. Wm.). Martyr church: Chris-tianity in Madagascar C 185

Madagascar revisited F 860

Three visits to Madagascar F 998

Elphinstone {Hon. M.). Account of thekingdom of Caubul, 2 vols . F 1479-80

Elsie Venner. Holmes L 272^

Elster's folly. Wood, Mrs. H., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1465-6, 4619-20

Elwes {.\.). Perils afloat and brigandsashore M 973

Elwes (R.). Sketcher's tour round theworld F 892

Ely. I'rench and Cierman socialism. . .B 18

Labour movement in America B 829

Taxation in American states and cities.



Etnerson (P.H.). Naturalistic photo-graphy D 937

Emerson (R W.). Representative men.


793Poems I 481

Select writings E 1954

Society and solitude, 2 copies E 1327, 1622

Emerson (R.W.). Genius and character.Edited hy Sanborn.H 1623

Life. Garnett H 1639" " Life, genius, and writ-

ings. Ireland ... .H 64" " Memoir. Ca6o^2 vols.


1408-9" " Philosopher and poet.

Guernsey H 281

Holmes H 1163

Emerson in Concord. Emerson, E.W..H 1769

Emerson (W. A.). Wood engraving ..D 198

Emerton. Animal life on the sea shore. A 189

Spiders : their habits, 2 copies A 62, 367

Emigrants. Carlcton L fnSi

Emilia Wyndham. Marsh,2\o\3 L 930-1

Emin Pasha. Letters and journals fromAfrica F 1460

Emma. i-li«/iH, 3 copies L81, 1852,27^3

Emperor. Ebers, 2 vols L 4229 30

Enault. Captain's dog M ujo

Enchanted moccasins. Mathews, C . .L. I'jjj

F\nd of the world. Efrf;leston L 501;

Endymion. lieaconsfield, 3 copies.

L 4184, 4205, .(Si-

Engelhardt. TJeauties of nature com-bined with art E 163S

England ;iiul her colonies. I'ive essays onimperial federation B ihj;

Englanrl as seen by an American banker.


1 251J

England's yeomen. Charlesworth L j.|So

English engineers, recollections of, by acivil engineer D 352

English Illustrated Magazine, 1883-89..K 2596-2610

English pottery and porcelain D 43J

ICnglish, Scotch, and Irish coins D 430

Englisii songs, i6th to 19th century I 130

English squire. Coleridge, 2 vols., 5 copies.

L 2929- jS

Englishman of the Rue Cain. Wood,7 copies L 7254-7, 7263 5

Englishwoman in Russia F .Sjo

Englishwoman's Review, vols. 18-20,

1887-89 .K 2427-0

Itnquire within upon everything D 850

Entail, The. Gait L \(»)\

Epictetus. Translated by Gc(>/'^''^L(.l/;^^E 1154

Translated by Higginsoii, based on thetranslation of E. Carter E 1325

Episode of Fiddletown. Bret Harte . . . . L 4286

Equal .0 the occasion. Garrett L^ 11229

Erck nann-Chairlan. Alsace O lo^

Alsacian schoolmaster L 2483

Ami Fritz O 99

Banni O loi

Blockade of Phalsburg, 2 copies. . . . L 5002, 7350

Blocus, 2 copies O 1 10, 302

Brigadier Frederic O 105

Translated L 4S07

Brothers Rantzau L 4999

Confessions of a clarionet player L 2476

Conscrit de 1813, Histoire d'un, 2 copies.

O 97, 301

Conscript, The : a .story of the Frenchwar of 181 3 L 7349

Contes de la montagne O 109

Contes des bords du Rhin O 100

Contes populaires O 113

Forest House and Catherine's lovers.



Friend Fritz L 4998

Grand-pere Lebigre O 106

Guerre O 303

Histoire d'un homme du peuple O 93

Histoire d'un paysan, 1789 O 94

1792 O 95

1794-1815 O 96

Si, 1852, 27.'j

. . .L 422y 30




184, 4205, .,Si^

com-,...E iTjss



. . . . Lbv a

, . ; . D


9..K 2596-2(110

....D 43J

....D 430

1 130


L 2929- jS

Vood,7254-7. 7263-5

. . . . F 8.'n


. ..K 2427-)

, . . . D 856

. ...L 1691

w;/^r.E 1 1 54

)n the

linfonaun-Cluxtrian—Expiated. 63

lllustrK Doctuiir Matheus O 115

Illustrious Dr. Matheiis 1. 3001

Invasion of I"'rance in 1S14 \. 7351

MndanifiThercse () 114

Translated, 2 copies.

L2311, 734S

Maisoii I'orestiere C) 107

Maitre Daniel Hock O 101

Maitre Gasparcl I"ix (



l'li-l)iscite, Mistoire flu t) 98

I'ltbiscite; or, a miller's story of the

war, 2 copies \. 5000, 7353

Story of a peasant, 1789 \. 5004

1792 I- 3005

Tales and romances I- 5003

Vieux de la vieille O 112

Waterloo: suite du "Conscrit," 2 copias.

loS, joo

Waterloo; a sequel to " The Conscript,''

X copies L 2320, 7352

Hreina ; or, my father's sin. lilnckmorc

Erman. Travels in Siberia, 2 vols...,


1 183-4

|l!rnrst Maltravers. Lytton, 3 copies.

L 221, 2898, 3492

L 6143 7


904 /iK




Eye for an eye. Trollope, A . i copies, L 1394, 3847

lvyresac<iuittal. Malhtn, 2 vols., 5 copies.

I, J<M4--i3

Eys (\V J, van). Outlines of Uas(|iie

j^raininar E 124

I' < irant and Co. Chaiuv L 4902

Faber. All for Jesus C 78

Uethlehem C 160

(rreator and creature C 77Spiritual conferences C 76

I'abiola. VViicmnn, Cardinal L 1630

l"ace iliuniined. Rue L 2087

Facing deatli. litnly L 1947

Facinf< the footlights, Marryat, /•'., 2 vols.L 926-7

Fair god. Wallace, L., 2 copies L 4865, 5508

!• air-haired Alda. Marryat, /•'., 2 vols. .L 1646-7

Fair maid of iVrth. Scutt. j copies,

L 2141-2, 2428-9, 7158-9

Fourth copy L 3793

Fair puritan, Herbert L .)S7o

Fairbairn (.V/> VVm.). Life. Pole ....11 1105

Fairchild family, etc. Shenvood, Mrs...\. 3055

Fairer th.m a fairy. Grant, J L 2678

Fairholt. Rambles of an artist D 144

Tobacco: its history and asfsociations.E 417

Fairy book. Craik, Mrs. I). M L 2064

F'aithful lover. Macquoid, 2 vols L 846-7

Faiths of the world C 270

Falcon family. Savage L 4939l'"alconberg. lioycsen L 4821

Falconer. I'oetical works I i86

Falkner Lyle. 2 vols L 726-7

F'all of Somerset. Ainsworth, 2 vols. . . . L 61-2

fallen fortimes. Pay 11, 2 vols , 2 copies.

L 1 135 6,3643-4

Fallen idol. Anstev, 5 co[)ies 1.5476,5510-13

Fallen leaves. Collins, Wilkie. 2 vols,,

2 copies L 324-5, 3-'47-8

Fallen minister. A/asson , L 2601

Falloon. History of Ireland G 46

False heir, jfanics, G.P.R . 2 copies.. .L 610, 4039F"alse scent. Alexander, Mrs . 4 copies. L 7287-go

False start. Smart, 2 copies L 6346-7

F'"amily affair. Fargus, 2 vols., 4 copies. L 5128-35

Fifth and si.xth copies L 4717-8

Family Herald. Vols, 1-63, 1843-89. .. .K 859-923

F'amily pride. [Derrick, F.] L 2764

Fan Kwae at Canton before treaty days.F 393

Fancourt. History of Yucatan F 235

Fanning. Treatise on hydraulic andwater-supply engineering D 842

Fantine. Hugo L 4763Far above rubies. Riddell. 2 vols L 1207-8

Far east, in the M 723

Far east, The, half hours in M 166

Far from the madding crowd. Hardy. T.

2 vols L

Far north, I'he, half hours in MFar south, 'I'he half hours in MFaraday (M.). Chemical history of a

candle, with a lecture on platinum.!)

f-ectures on the physical forces MFaraday (M.). Life. Gladstone, y.H..\\

" Life and letters. Jone^,




1 10 11


2 vols H" Asa discoverer. Tyndall,

2 copies H 429, fio

A family affair, 2 vols, 4 copies.


Fifth and sixth copies. LHound together. 2 vols., 5 copies LCalled back, 3 copies LCarriston's gift, 2 copies LDark days, 5 copies LLiving or dead, 2 vols., 3 copies L

I'ourth and fifth copies LPine and palm L

Farina (Salvatore). Signor I L

Farini (O. A.). Through the Kalaharidesert F

Farjeon. .\t the sign of the silver flagon. LI )r. (Jlennies daughter, 3 copies LKing of no-land LLove's victory LNine of hearts, 3 copies LPeril of Kichard Pardon, 3 copies.... LSecret inheritance, 3 copies LShadows on the snow LToilers of Habylon. 5 copies L

Farjeon (B. L.) and others. In Australianwilds, 2 copies L

Farm in the Karoo. Carey-Hoison . . . . L

Farnham. California FFarrar (.\. S.). History of free thought.

2 copies CFarrar (Archdeacon). Eric M

Essays on a liberal education EEveryday Christian life CFamilies of speech, 2 copies EHistoi^ of interpretation (Bampton

lectures, 1885) CJulian Home, 2 copies MLives of the fathers, 2 vols CMessages of the books CSt. Winifred's MSeekers after God : Seneca—Epictetus—Marcus Aurelius C

Sermons and addresses in America,. .C

Witness of the history of Christ CFarrar (John). Treatise on optics \Farrar (Mrs. J.). Recollections of seventy

years H




36 1.'.4

4713 •'

4407- lu









5969 71








286, 508





297. yio









Farrcr— Field, 65

r. r.

66 Field—Fleiniug.

(iibraltar FHistory of the Atlantic telegraph Dlush confederates, Irish rebellion.. ..GOUl Spain and new Spain \-

Field (M. H.). Memoriesof many men.


Field and Davidson. Cirainmar of colour-ing D

Fielding (Henry). Dohzon HLife. Lawrence .. .W

Fields (J.T.j. Yesterdays with authors.


Underbrush p:

Fields (J T.). Memoir and correspon-denci. H

Fiery circle. Vaufrhan I,

Fife-Cookson. Tiger-shooting in theDoon and Ulwar p

I-"ifteen years. Robinson LI'ight for life. Thomas, Moy Light with fortune. Collins, A/., 2 vols. I.

ighting the air. Marryat. I-., 2 vols . . LF' Tuier. Ocean world A

Reptiles and birds AVegetable world A

Fin-Bee. Cupboard papers EFinch-Hatton. .\dvancc .Vustralia !. . .FFinck (H.T.). Chopin, and other musi-

cal essays FRomantic love and personal beauty . . K

I'inger post to public business HFinley. Signing the contract, and what

it cost LI'irst love and last love. Grant, J LI'irst person singular. Murray, D. C. . . L1 "irsi violin. Fotherf^ill, 2 vols LFirth (I.e.). Our kin across the sea. . . .F

Firth {Mrs. J. F. B.), Kind hearts,2 copies L 2315,

Fish (D. T). Bulb«^ and bulb culture.2 vols D

Fish (O. T.). Guide to the conduct ofmeetings B

Fishbourne. Impression.s of China. ..F

Fisher (G. P.). Grounds of theistic a.'^.d

Christian belief CFish«r (S/s/ffc,') John). Life. Stewart.


Fisher (S.W.). Three great temptations.E

Fisher (Wal'-^r). Californians FI'isher maide.i. Bjiirnsou LFisherman's daughter. Montgomery,

5 copies LFisk. Memorial of the Holy Lai'd FFiske (John). American political ideas. _.

Beginnings of New Elngland GCritical period of American history,

i7S.Vi7»9 GDarwinism, and other essays A(J nseen world C

Fitch. Lectures on teacliing, 2 copies..








I iig



fix 2




















M 396














My44, 284

Fitt. Covert-side sketches D 54M

P'itz of PitE-ford a legend of Devon.Brav, A. E L 6421

Fitz-boodle papers. 'I hackeray, Wm. A/..

2 copies L 7073-4

Fitzgerald (C. C. P.). Boat sailing andr.'icing D jO'j

Fitzgerald (I'ercy). Bella Donna L 5688

Book fancier F 1700

Chronicles of Bow street police-office,

„ vols E 200g-io

Lady of Brantome L 5723

Never forgotten L 5684

Polly L 5':87

Proverbs and comediettas I 71

Recreations of a literary man, 2 vols.l'L -36-7

Romance of the English stage, 2 vols.l\ 7345Second Mrs. Tillotson L 568O

Seventy. fi\e Brooke-street L 5685

Fitzgerald (W.). Boston machinist . . . . D 200

Fitzgibbon. Trip to Manitoba F 296

Fitz Patrick. The great Conde, 2 vols. .G 322-3

Five hundred dollars, and other stories.

W; C. H L G240

Five-o'clock tea D 710

Five old friends. Thackeray, Miss L 132S

Five-pound note : an autobiographv.

Webb L 4293

Five talents of woman E 1983

Fixed period. Trollopc, A., 2 copies.. L 1406, 3872

Flack. Hunter's experience in the South-

ern States, 2 copies F no, 32S

Flag of distress. Reid, Captain Mayne.. I. 5496

Flagg (W.). Ciood investment L 4793

Flagg (W.). Year with the birds A C06

Flammarion. Marvels of the heavens,

2 copies A 42, E 586

Flandrin (Hippolyte). Life. Farrer.

H. L ' H 382

Flaubert. Salammbo, translated bySheldon L 5336

Flavel. Christ kiiocking at the door,. .C G08

Fountain of life C 437

Method of grace C 398

Flaxtran. Lectures on sculpture D 284

Fleay. Shakespeare manual E 109

Fleetwood. Godwin L 1848

"Fleming (Geo.)." Andromeda, 2 vols.,

5 copier, L 5380-9

Kismet : a Nile novel, 4 copies. L 2827,2829-30,2999

Fleming ((i.). Travels on horseback in

Mantchu Tartary F 244

Fleming (J .1. Temperature of the seasons.

A 584

Fleming (J. M.). Old violins and their

makers D 676

Fleming (Sandford). England and Can-ada : a summer tour between Old andNew We!stminster, 2 copies. ...... .F 965 6


68 Formby—Fox,

Formby. Visit to the east F 565

Forrest (Edwin). Barntt, Lawrence ..H 416

Forrester (Mrs). Although he was a lord,

etc., 4 copies L 5141-4

Corisande, etc , 5 copies • . . . L 514^^-50

I have lived and loved, 2 vols L 478-9

June, 2 vols,, 3 copies L 470-1, 3379-82

My hero L 4272

My lord and my lady, 2 vols L 476-7

Omnia vanitas, 5 copies L 2954-8

Once again, 2 vols., 4 copies ..L 5869-72, 5875-8

Roy and Viola, 2 vols L 474-5

Viva, 2 vols L 472-3

Forster (John). Arrest of the five mem-bers Ci 1 70

Charles Churchill E 427

Danie! Defoe E 427

Grand remonstrance G 171

Statesmen of England H 11 59

Forster (W. E.). Life. Rcid, 2 vola. . .H 1540-1

Forsyth {Sir Douglas). Autobiographyand reminiscences H 1532

Forsyth (W.). Culture and managementof trees A 511

Forsyth (W.). Essays, critical and nar-

rative E 271

History of trial by jury B 329

Novels and novelists E 610

Fortescue. Stag-hunting on Exmoor.,D 832

Fortnightly Keview. Vols. 34-46. 1883-9,

K 2320-32

Fortune's wheel. Vircsalingaiii. Trans-lated by y. K. HncliinsoH L 0315

Fortunes of Glencore. Lever, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 733-4, 3426-7

Third copy L 2220

Fortunes of Hassan, being the stran^ie

storv of a Turkish refugee M 938

F'ortunes of Nigel. Scott, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 2169-70, 7152-3

Second copy L 3794

F'ortunes of I'hilippa F'airfax. Burnett,

3 copies L 6519-21

Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas L 2665

Forum. Vols 5-S, 1888-9 K 3508-1


Fosdick, Guy Harris, the runaway ,.M 1218

Joe Wayring at home M 929

Steel horse M 1 287

Young wild fowlers M 797

Foss. Judges of P^ngland, with sketches

of their lives, 4 vols H 778-81

Foster (H.F.) Double entry elucidated.



Foster (David). Scientific angler D 250

Foster (E,). Heroes of the Indian Em-pire . M 1006

Foster (F. H). The seminary method of

original study in the historical

sciences B 831

Foster (John). Biographical essays. . .H 747

Critical essays, 2 vols E 684-3

Essays, miscellaneous E 137


Essays on decision of character E 6vS6

Essays on popular ignorance E 6S7

Lecturesat Broadmead Chapel, 2 vols. E 682 3

Foster (John). Life and correspondence,2 vols. Edited by Rylniul E 680-


Literary remains C 331

Foster (M.). Physiology A 61S

Foster (P. Le Neve). Photography. . . .D 50J

Foster and Langley. Elementary prac-tical physiology A (>.S9

Foster brother. Edited by Leigh Hunt.L, 4771

Fosteriana. Thoughts, reflections, andcriticisms of John Foster E 0^S

Fothergill (Jessie). Borderland, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 5894-590


First violin, 2 vols L 480-1

From Moor isles, 3 copies L 7013-3

Healey L 7010

Kith and Kin, 2 vols L 485-0

Second copy L 4961

Lasses of Leverhouse, 2 copies L 6595-''

Made or marred, 2 copies L 484, 7012

One of three L 7012

Peril, 2 vols., 5 copies L 4417-26

Sixth copy L 2826

Probation, 2 vols L 482-3

Second copy L 4287

Fothergill (J. M.). Diseases of sedentaryand advanced life D 634

Indigestion and biliousness B 70S

Maintenance of health E 169

\V ill power : its range in action B 832

Fothergill and Wood. Food for theinvalid B 221

Foucaud. Illustrious mechanics H 1219

Foul play. Readc and Boucicault L 5682

Found dead. Payn, 2 copies L 1116, 3647

Found out. Afatliers, 5 copies L 5199-520J

Found yet lost. Roe, 3 copies L 6482-4

Fouque (Baron de la Motte). Minstrel

love, 2 copies L 4213, M 20^

Romantic fiction L 1675

Thiodolf, the Icelander L 25SJ

Undine L 1611

Wild love M 252

Four sisters. Bremer. Fredrika L 2773

Fowle. The poor law B 116

Fownes. Elementary chemistry B 398

Rudimentary chemistry B 321

Fox(B.). Studiesof Christiancharacter.E 1289

Fox(C.). Memoriesofold friends, 2 vols.H 23-4

Fox (Chas. Jas.). Life and times of.

Russell, Lord yno.

2 vols H 248 9


..<, -t'»-'j,iiii.i -|i n^^M^wiyipipinipi

70 French—Ficilerton.

French (fi. H.). Butterflies of the easternI'nited States A 782

French (R. v.). History of toasting.. .D 287

French home life, from Blackwood'sMtif^iiziiie V. 1265

French Janet. Tyth-r, 5 copies L 7220-4

French pictures in Enghsh chalk. Murray,E. C. G., 2 vols., ist series L loio-ii

Second series, 2 %'ols I, 1012-3

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Frere (Mary). Old Deccan days L 1883

Freshfield. Italian Alps F 150

Freytag. Die .\hnen. 6 vols X 107-12

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Dramatische W'erke, 2 vols X 1 13-4

Geschichte, Bilder aus der deutschenV'ergangenheit, 5 vols N 31S-22

Soil und haben, 2 vols N 325-6

Friend Fritz. Enkmann-Chatrian i, 4998Friend of the family. Dostoicffsky ....L 6056

Friendly hands and kindly words M 584i'rieiuls and acquaintances. {Ro7c,R^.h 4826

Friswell. About in the world E 95English writers, 2 copies E 03, 1599

Gentle life, first and second series. . . . E 87-8

Man's thoughts, A E 91

Other people's windows E 150S

Silent hour F 94

Frith (Henry), .\board the " Atalanta ".M 1167

Escaped from Siberia M 910

For queen and king M 857

In the brave days of old M 911

Search for the talisman M 916

The " Saucy May ": or, the adventures

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Under Bayard's banner M 963Wrecking of the " Samphire " M 778

Frith (\V. I'.). ?.Iy autobiography andreminiscenoes, 2 vols H 1424-5

Second f opy H 1466

Further reminiscences H 1659

Frobisher (.Martin). Life, jfones H 47a

Froebel (I'rederick). Education of man.



Froebel (Frederick). Reminiscences.A/(i rciiliv!z-Blilow H i J70

Froissart. Memoirs. Dc la Ciirnc de St.

Palnyc. Translated by yohnes, . . .H 882

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From exile. Pay it, 2 vols. 2 copies.

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From generation to generation. NoeL.L 1026

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Fromberg. Tainting on glass D 58G

Frost(J.). .Vncient history of the world.


7 (.0

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Pictorial history of middle ages G 822

Frost (Thomas). Forty years' recollec-

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Secret societies of the European revo-lution, 2 vols G 400-


Frost (T). Circus life and celebrities. H 1150

Frothingham fO. B). Religion ofhumanity C 259

Transcendentalism in Xew England.. B 154

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Froude (J. A.). English in Ireland, in the1 8th century, 3 vols G 687-9

English in the West Indies, 2 copies.



History of England from the fall ofWolsey to the defeat of the SpanishArmada, 12 vols G 379-90

Oceana ; or, England and her colonies,

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Short studies on great subjects, 2 series.

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Two chiefs of Dunboy, 6 copies L 7354-9

Frozen deep. Collins, Wilkie,2 copies.L3249. 507S

Frozen pirate. Russell,^ copies L 6174-6

Fry (Elizabeth). Pitman, Mrs. E, R...H 116.)

Fulhain lawn. Thackeray, A/iss L 1331

Fuller (Andrew). Fuller. A. G H 180

" Memoir. Fuller, T.E.C 332

Fuller (A. S.). Propagation of plants. .D 726

Small fruit culturist D 905

Fuller (H. W). Trials of French im-posters and adventurers E 220

Fuller (Margaret). See Ossoli.

Fuller (T.). Church history of Britain,

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Pisgah sight of Palestine C 201

Fuller (T). Life and genius of. R(if;;ers.E 426

Fuller and England. Roman chancery.



Fulierton {Lady G). Constance Sher-wood, 2 vols L 49^-5

Ellen Middleton L 487

Grantley manor, 2 vols L 488 9

Lady-bird, 2 vols L 490-


Laurentia L 1612

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Mrs Gerald's niece, 2 vols L 498-9

Notary's daughter L 500

Rose Leblanc, 2 copies L 503, 2599

Seven stories L 504

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Too strange not to I ; true, 2 vols . . . . L 492-3

Will and a w ay , 2 vols L 505-6

Fullerton—Gantier. ft


^2 Gautier— Gibb.



Spirite. Translated L 4991

Vacances du lundi o '33

Voyage en Espagne O 124

Italic O 123

Kussie O 122

Wanderings in Spain F 779

Gay (John). Poetical works, 2 vols I 187-8

Coiilriits.— Vol. I. - Dr. Johnson's life ofOiiy— l"";il>k-s — Kunil sports — Trivia ; or,

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Gayworthys. Whitney, A. D.T L 5042

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Lake regions of Central Africa, 2 copies.

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Russian empire G 356

Geddie (John). Life. Patterson H 1051

Gee. Goldsmith's handbook, 2 copies. .D 17,510

Hall-marking of jewellery D 11

Silversmith's handbook D 12

Geibel. Gesammelte Werke, 4 vols. . . . N 87-90

Cr./iiriits. — Vol. I, - Jimendgcdiclite, Zeil-stiininen—Sonelte.

\'ol. II. — Xeue (jediehtc und Gedenk-blatter.

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\'(>1. I\'.—Sophonishe, Meister Andrea,etc.

Geikie (Archibald). Geological sketches.



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Text-book of geology A 655

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Entering on life E 233

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Geldart. Grammar of modern Greek. .E 122

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New girl, 2 copies M 397, 468

Stephen the schoolmaster, 2 copies ..M 386, C14

Gemini : a tale L 4139

Generation of judges H 1609

Generous friendship M 920

Genesis, new commentary on. Delitzsch.C 799Genesis, translated by Lenormant C 585

Gentianella. Randolph L 2377Gentle belle. Reid, C L 4805

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Protection or free trade B 601

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"George Sand." Caro HGeorgia scenes FGerard. Land beyond the forest, 2 vols.F

Gerhard. Sanitary drainageof buildings.


Sanitary house inspection DGerman evenings. Lowdell LGerman home life BGerman literature EGerman cookery for English kitchens. . DGtrome. Le vrai socialisme OGerrard-street mystery, and other tales.

Dent, 3 copies LGerrard's marriage. Thciiriet LGerstaecker. Each for himself LFeathered arrow LFrank Wildman's adventures MGesammelte Schriften, 21 vols.

r.V>/;/,..vA..-\-ol. I. (;okl NVol. II.—Alls dem Matrosenlehcn. HlaiiWasser \

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Get thee behind me, Satan. Logan. . . . LGhiberti. Scott HGhost of a dog. Phillips, J. A LGhost of Charlotte Cray. Marryat, F. . LGhost-seer. Schiller. 2 vols LGiannetto. Mojendie LGiant's robe. Anstey, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 3100-1,

Gibb. Gudrun, Beowulf, and Roland.




Gibbon—Gihnore. 7%

3 288

-8, 4638-9


74 Gilniorc—Goethe.


Gilmore (I'.). Travel, war, and ship-

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Gilpin. Mission of North Americanpeople F 433

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Gipsy. James, G. P. R , 2 copies L 619, 4036

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Girardin. Adventures of Johnny Iron-

sides M 693

Doctor's family M 292

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Glass. Story of tin: psalters C 375

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48S '

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Second series, 5 copies L 6133-7

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P'aust. Translated by Juhn Anstcr,


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Taust. Translated by Bayard Taylor.l 39c

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Coiilents. — Vol. 1. — I.ehensbe.schreilning,


Lieiler, utc, etc.

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Gold ;














4 \









ood it

^ood fi

2 V



1^ Gospel—Grant.


Gospel of St. John, with preface. CanliinilAfdiinin/^r ...,("

Gosse (li). I'roni Shakespeare to l'i;pe. EIviK'liteenth cuiUury literature E

Gosse (I*. H). livenings at the micro-bcope A

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Gosselin. Histoiredel'egliseduCanada.G

Gotthelf. Wealth and welfare LGouffe. l^ook of preserves T)

Gouger. Two yearsHurmah

imprisonment in

FGough (John H.).














Orations on temper-ance E 116


I 4 JO

" " Autobiography .... II

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Goulding. Adventures among the Indians.

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Rome LGraham (S.). Science of human life . .B

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Grant (A. C ). Bush life in Queensland,2 vols F

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Grant (J.).Adventures of an aide-de-

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Cameronians L 3030

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Royal regiment L 2855

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Six years ago, 2 copies L 2686, 3048

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Verc of " Ours " L 3043

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Superstition, demonology,witchcraft B 610

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life in the Sandwich Islands F 15.^0

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Prince Hugo, 2 vols L 543-4

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Victor Lescar, 2 vols L 535-6

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. ..

I - 30 J')

. I. ir.«3, joji

. . . L 285.)

*5. 3031. 4'Of^'

. L 2O84, J03J

..M 130

. L 2G88, jo.p



. .L

. .L

. .L

. .L









L 2680, M 521








. .L



. .L

. .L

, . L..L








. L


Grant (Robert), Physical astronomy..


Gratit (Robert). Jack in the bush MGrant (U.S.). Tour around the world. I"

I'crso-ia! memoirs, 2 vols MGrant (Wm.).


, .L 3044, 4160

,..,L 2853 '

)8g, 2860, 3040








53 '5-6





. L 2687, 3042

. L 2686. 3048

L 3037


















3050 f










Scottish anecdotes andK



1 178





Ci.intley manor. Fiilh'rtun, 2 vols I

Granville (C). A broken stirrup-leather,

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Gray (.\.). Absolute measurements in

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( copies 1


740 1-7

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Green (Jno. R). Conquest of England.



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Griffith Gaunt. Readc L 5680

Griffiths (A.). Memorials of Millbank,2 vols F 482-3

Lola : a tale of Gibraltar L 2385

The wrong road, 4 copies L 6439-42

Griffiths (T.). Chemistry of the seasons.A 416

Grigor. Arboriculture A 390

Grimaldi. Memoirs. Edited by CharlesDickens H 1 192

Grimble. Deer-stalking D 681

Grimm. Fiinfzehn Essays, Erste andNeue Folge, 2 vols N 337-8

Gammor Grethel E 97 5

Household stories, 2 copies M 406, 670

Third copy, 2 vols M 749-50

Grimshaw. Saw-filing D 714

Grindon. Life : its nature, varieties,

and plu^nomena A 730

Griscom. Animal mechanism and physi-ology A 427

Grohman (W. A. H.). Camjis in theRockies F 595

I'yrol and Tyrolese V 31

Gronlund. <'a Ira I or, Danton in theIVench revcjlution G 1 17S

Gronow. Camp, court, and the clubs. .H 1205

Groome. In gypsy tents F 308

Short Border history G 1173

Grossi. Marco Visconti L 2514

Grossmith. A society clown, 2 copies. H 1737-8

Grosvenor. Model yachts and boats ..D 432

Grote (George). History of Greece,1 2 vols G 69-80

Grote (George). Life. Grote, Mrs. . ..H iioj

Grot^ (Mrs.), A sketch. Eastlake H 332

Groth. Quickborn N 72

Grove (I". C.). I'rosty Caucasus F iho

Grove, Helmholtz, and others. Correla-tion and conservation of forces A 585

Groves (J. Percy). Anchor and laurel:

a tale of the Royal Marines, 2 copies.



Charmouth grange M iioo

Reefer and rifleman M 982

Soldier born M 903

War of the axe M 1 1 14

Grundy, i'ictures of the past F 173

Guardian angel. Holmes L 4931

(Juenn : a wave on the Breton coast.

Uoiiuird, 2 vols., 3 copies . . . . L 2574-5, 3626-(j

Guerilla chief. Keid, Capt. M., 2 copies.

L 2696, 2844

Gucrin (Eugenie de). Journal. Editedby Trchitticn, G. S H 924

Guernsey. Lady Betty's governess .. .M 547

Lady Rosamond's book M 551

Winifred ; or, after many days L 2293

Guest. Lectures on history of England.G 92

Guettier. Metallic alloys D 531

Guillemin (Amedee). The moon E 601

The sun E 590

Guillemard (F. H. H.). Cruise of the'

' Marchesa, " 2 vols F 1 244-5

Guilty or not guilty. Smythies L 4890

Guilty river, and ghost's touch. Collins,

4 copies L 5879-81 ,58S3

Guinness. Approaching end of the age.C 511

Divine programme of the world'shistory C 502

Guizot. English revolution of 1640.. . .E 710

History of civilization, 3 vols E 711-3


,So Kale— Haitunond,




i -


Hale (L P.). Fagots for the firesidu. aollection of games, 2 copies . . .D 928, M 1279

Hak usan). Story of Mexico G 1363

Ha»r a miilii.n of money. Edwards, A. B.2 vob L 426-7

Half bluod. Reid, dipt. M., 2 copii,s. . L 2692, 2841

Half brothers. Dumas L 4068

Half hours with foreign novelists. Ziin-

iiwrii, 2 vols L 1929- jo

Half hours with modern scientists, avols. A 252-3

Halfpenny. Useful architecture D 3G1

Haliburton ( H.). For puir aukl Scotland'ssake E 1980

Haliburton (Thopia.s C). Attache L 2734

r,etter-bag of the Cireat Weytern L 2732

Sam Slick the clockmaker L 2733

Rule and misrule of the English in

America, 2 copies B 305, 439

Season ticket L 1870

Hall (Pasil). Ciiili, Peru, and Mexico.



Voyage to Loo-Choo, 3 vols E 1055-7

Voyages and ti'avels, 2 vok F 953-4

Winter in Lower Styria F 535

Hall (c;.). Lady's life, farm in Manitoba. F 950

Hall (C. FA. With the Esquimaux F 118S

Hall (E. H.). Britibh North America for

health, sport, and profit F 523

Ha.ll (Florence H.). Social customs ..D 781

Hall (H. li). Bric-a-brac hunter ! 381

Hall {Rev. N.). Land of the Forum andVatican F 1074

Liverpool to St. Louis F 1 149

Hall (Rtv. II.). Miscellaneous works,2 copies E 720, 12S6

" A memoir of iiis life.

(iregory, Olinthtts,

2 copies E 720, 128G" " Critical totimate of. Fos-

tei, Juhn, 2 copies . . E 720, 1286

Hood, Rev. E. Pd.vlun.H 186

Hall (A/rs.S.C.;. Boon^ and blessings. .L 1946

Bncjaneer L 1866

Dailv governess M 80

Grace Huntley M 81

Lucky penny, etc L 4953

Marian, 2 vols L 1619-20





Merchant's daughter MOutlaw LPrivate purse MWhisperer M

Hall (VV. W.). Bronchitis and kindreddiseases B 826

How to live long , B 317

Hall, Kingston, mid others. Holidaystones M 229

Hallahan {.Mother Margaret H.). Life, byher religious children H 440

Hallam. Constitutional history of Eng-land, 2 vols G iig-20

iiecond and third copies G 49,742Europe during the middle ages, 2 vols.G 121-2

Second copy G 749Literary history of Europe, 2 vols. . . .G 123-4

Halleck (Fitz-CJreene). Poetical works.


336" '• r.ifeand letters. VKtViow.H 701

Haller. Kence and Franz L 4994

Hallett. Parish lending libraries E 1S91

Halliday. ICveryday papers K 203

Hallig. B'urnatzki L 4833

Hallock. Fishing tourist I' 403

Hallowell. < /n the church steps L 4752

Hals (Frans). Head H 131

Halves. Payn, 2 vols., 2 copies.. . Li 133-4, 3653-4

Ham. Manual training B 630

Hamerton (P. (i.). Chapters on animais.



Etchers' handbook D 500

Human intercourse. E 1582

Intellectual life E 1498

Marmorne, 2 copies L867, 4251

Modern IVenchmen H 4S2

I'ainter's camp, 2 copies F 81, 655

Portfolio papers E 1987

Round my house E 1308

Saone F 1442

Thoughts about art I) S59

Unknown river F yj

Wenderholme, 2 copies L 1972, 4827

Hamilton (Alexander). Life. Rcmvick.H 750

" " Lodge H 50j

Hamilton (A. M.). Modern treatment of

headaches B 820

Hamilton (E.J.). Human mind B Kjh

Hamilton (Ciail). Country living andthinking E 1O27

Gala days E 1510

New atmosphere B 547

Red-letter days M 758

Skirmishes and sketches E 1303

Stumbling blocks C 555

Summer rest E 1429

Twelve miles from a lemon E 1273

Hamilton (Janet). Poems, sketches, andessays I 3,Sh

Hamilton (J. C). Prairie province. . . . F 1007

Hamilton (Thomas). Cyril Thornton. . L lOSC

Hamilton (Sir \Vm.). Philosophv andliterature li 392

Hamilton (.S/> Wm.). Monck H Si

Veitch H loi

Hatnik.)iis, Gore L 1809

Hamley. Lady Lee's widowlujod 1^ Knju

llaninier and anvil. SpicUiagen L 6759

Hammond (James). Poetical works, .. .1 409



82 Harland—Haioksview.

Loilerings in pleasant paths F 747

Harness (Wm). Reminiscences, 2 copies.H 658, 923

Haiold. Lytfon, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 232-3, 34<)6-7

Third copy L 2912

Haroun Alraschid. Palmer H 84

Harper's Magazine, vols. 1-7J, 1H50-89..K 929-1015

Harper's Young People, 1884, 2 copies. .K 922-3

The same, 1887 K 926

Harris (G. F.). Granites and our graniteindustries D 893

Harris (John). Mammon ; or, covetous-ness the smof tVe C.'iiristian Church .C 416

Man primeval 562

Pre-Adamite earth 403

Harris (J. C). Free Joe, and otherGeorgian sketches L 6239

Uncle Remus G 576

Harris (Mrs.). Louie Atterbury at St.

Mary's.. M 841

Harris (W. S.). Treatise on electricity.!) 322

Harrison (A.) Martin's vineyard L 568

Harrison (C. C). Wom.^n's handiwork.



Harrison (F.). The choice of books, etc. E 1580

Harrison (F.B.). Masaniello M 979

Harrison (Jas. A.). Story of Greece. ..G 990

Harrison (Joanna). A northern lily ..L 5469

Harrison (John). The Scot in Ulster..



Harrison (J.H). A good copy etc. ... M 1171

Harrison (Mrs.). Crowded out, etc L 5785

Harrison (Mrs. B.). Ear harbour days.L 5807

Harrison (W. H.). Waldemar L 4938

Harrison (W. J.). Photography for all :

an elementary text-book D 989

IJarry Ileathcote of Gangoil. Trollope,A.,

2 copies L 1379, 3877

Harry Joscelyii. OUphant, Mrs , 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1085-6, 3721-2

Harry Lorrequer. Lever, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 736-7. 3428-9

Third and fourth copies L 2193, 4290

Harry Ogilvie. Grant, y L 2864

Harry Richmond. Meredith L 6319

Hart (G. E.). Fall of New France, 1755-

1 7G0 G 640

Hart (James M.). German universities. B 209

Hart (Rt't;. V. C). Western China F 489

Harteiius. Home gymnastics D 550

Hartland forest, lirny, A. E L 191


Hartmann (Robert). Anthropoid apes.A 670

Hartley (David) . Bower K 82

.iartley (VV. N). Water and air disin-

fectants B 519

Hartwig. The aerial world A 654

Harvest of a (juiet eye E 1465

Harvest of w ild oats. Maryatt, F., 2 vols. I^ 906-7

Harvey. 1 'aper money B 301

Harveys. Kiiigsley,H L 5048

Hanvood. Serf sisters L 4942

Haslope. Repousse work for amateurs. I> 657

Hasluck. Lathe work D 26

Metal turners handbook D 161

Metal turner's handy book D 691

Watch jobber's handy book D 741

Wood turner's handy book D 742

Haskoll. Land and marine surveying. D 633

Hassall. San Remo and Western Ri-

viera F 338

Hassard. Flor?l decorations for thedwelling house U 233

Hastings (Warren). Essay 01. Macau-lay H 975

Hatfield. American house carpenter. .D 801

Hatton (I'rank). North Borneo F 1223

Hatton (Joseph), .\bbey murder, 3 copies. L 6479-81

Captured by cannibals, 2 copies M 13934Henry Irving's impressions of .\merica.F 962

Three recruits and the girls they left

behind them L 6462

Hatton (Joseph). Printing 1) 502

Hatton and Harvey. Newfoundland . .F 597

Hauff. Tales, translated by Mendel . , . . L 5501

Three tales L 1621

Werke ; Prosaische und Poetische,

2 vols N 8-9

Haultain. War in the Soudan G 897

Haunted hearts. Cummins L 387

Haunted hotel. Collins, Wilkie, 2 copies. L 323,3250

Hauser. Fabulous gods denounced in

the Bible C 263

Havard. Dead cities of the Zuyder Zee,

2 copies F 106, 658

Havelock {Sir Henry). Biographicalsketch. Brock, 2 copies H SS.91O

Haven of rest L 4278

Havergal(F. R). Poetical works, 2 vols..


333 4

Streamlets of song for the young.. ..I 412

Under the surface I 152

Havergal (Maria V.G.). Autobiography.



Haweis (Mrs. H. R.). Art of decoration. D 23

Art of dress D 255

Haweis (Rev. H. R.). American humor-ists

,H 6o<S

Conquering cross C 650

Current coin E 507

Music and morals E 1932

Picture of Jesus (the Master) C 648

Picture of Paul C 649

Story of the four Evangelists C 647

Hawkie. The autobiography of a gangrel,

edited by Tod, 2 copies H 1426-7

Hawkins (E.). .\nnals of the diocese of

'i'oron to C 1.(

Hawks. Monuments of Egypt F 996

Hawksview, Pai-r, Miss L 5025





84 Hcathcr—hfcnry.

Heather (H.E.). Cards and card tricks.D 429

Heather (J.V .). Descriptive geometry,

2 copies D 320, 46S

I leather belles. Si<rin<i, 2 copies L 6813-4

Heatley. Every man his own Vet 1) 682

llorse-owner's safef»uar(l D 126

Heaton (Mrs. C). Concise history of

painting D 923

Heaton (I'-llen M.). Octagon club L 4923

Heavysege. Advocate J^ 4808

Saul ; a drama I 252

Hebel. .\lemannischeCiedichte. Editedby Giitzin^cr N 327

Heckford. Lady trader in tlie Trans-vaal F 283

I leckingloii. Gore, 2 vols L 533-4

Hector [Mrs. A. P.). ':iee Alexander, Mrs.

Hector O'flalloran. Maxwell, 2 copies. L 177O, 4055

Hedged in. Phelps L 5052

I Icdiii;;ton Manor. Bremer M 49

Heermans. Storic^s of thi; far west . . . . I^ 60O3

Hegel. I'hilosophy of history B 254

Hegel. Caird, Edward H 96

Heidelberg. James, G. P R., 2 copies. L 618. 4022

Heidenmauer. Cooper, 6 copies,

L 1762, 2136, 2244, 4133, 4175, 4225

Heights and valle s. A/arshall L 2041

Heighway. I'hotographic terms D 252

Heilprin. (ieographiral and geological

distribution of animals A 44.S

Heine. Allemands et Franc^ais C) 139

Correspondance, 3 vols C) 145-7

Drames et I'antaisies O 138

France () 134

L'AUemagne, 2 vols O 140-


LWngleterre O 142

1 ,utcce O 1 36

I'ictures of travel F 751

l\)ems, translated by Bowriiii; E 1470

Pocmes et legendes O 137

Reisebilder, 2 vols O 143-4

Siimmtliche Werke, vols N 61-O

Coiileiils. Vol. I. -Pii' Ihir/.riisi.', .Noiilei-

ncy, ftc.

V^)l. II. -(ie.schichtc ilcr Riligioii uiul

I'hilosopliif ill neulsclilaiiil, tlr.

Vol. III.— I''riiiiZ(isis''lic Zusta"di', rte.

\'ol. IV. — Xovollistiscln; ! rii^imitii,.:,

I.ikIw!}^ Hon V-.

\ol \'. l>ac!i lUv l.icilii.

\'ii!, \' !. — Rom iiiccrii uiul l(.t/.U; (>L(liclite.

Satires et Portraits () 133

Travel oicturesand rc'^''ntic sclioo!. . E 1747

Heine. .M'mcirs. Evans . . . H 1065

Heir of /.in;,i;. P.uliaiiaii, 4 copies ... L 6522-5

Heir of' Ivedclyffe. )'u!ii^e. 2 vols., 2 copies,

I' 15.^01. .Wi8-9

i iuiil ct pi- I. 2orc

J 5





Heir of the ages. Payn, 2 vols., 3 copies.

I' 5591-2, 5595-0, 5599-5600

Heir presumptive. Afarryat, /•'., 2 vols.,

^ copies L 53405, 5348-9

Heiress of Bruges. Grattan L 1800

Heiress of Haughton. Afarsh, 2 vols. . .L 936-7

Heiress of Red I )og. Bret Harte, 2 copies.

L577. 3218

Heldmann. Mutiny on the "Leander".M 1104

Helen. Edfifen'urt/i, 2 copies L 1853, M 438

Helen's babies. Ilabherton, 2 copies . .\. 554, 227.'

Helen's diary. Afarshall 1 . 2033

Helen Whitney's wedding, etc., Wiod,A/rs. H , 5 copies [^ 5236-40

Heliodorus. Translated by Smith.. . .E 11 ,rt

Hellyer. Sanitary plumbing 1 )

Helm (Clementine). Child and woman , MHelmholtz (H ). Scientific lectures, ist

anrl 2nd series ASensations of tone A

Helper. Impending crisis of tiie South.


Helps (Sir .Vrthiir). lirevia ECasimir Maremma, 2 copies L 1982, 202S

Companions of my solitude I' 356

Essays, 2 copies E357, 2080

Friends in council, 2 vols E iS-nj

Second copy, ist and 2nd series 4vols E 35S-O1

Ivan de Hiron, 2 vols L 584-5

Kealmah, 3 copies L 1922, 2390, 4832

Spanish conquest m America, 3 vols.G 672-4

Thoughts upon government li

War and culture BHemans. Meditcval Christianity and sa-

cred art in Italy CHenderson (Howard). Camping !•

Henderson (Isaac). The prelate LHenderson (A/rs.). Practical cooking .1)

Henderson (P.). Cardening for pleasure.!)

(lardening for profit DHenderson (T. !•'.). The casket letters

and Mary, Queen of Scots GHenderson (William). Folk lore of the

Northern counties GHendrick (Hans), the Arctic traveller.

Memoirs of, by himself. Trrnslatedby Rink H

1 lenrietta Temple. Bearonsfcld LHenry (Mntthew) On the Psalms CHenry (Kev.U.C). Cro.'^sand the dragon.


l^ing-nam ;or, interior views of soiitli-

ern China F

Henry (Patrick). Tyler ....'«


" Life ,u.



cha. .CP'


















Henry t'ourtland

do. C'/i/.'i ..

>•!' > ( I!)

Henry de P'-i-rc /. Eray, A. E.


64 .'6


86 Heyivood—Hocking.

Heywood. Dramatic works I 550

Hiawatha, etc. Matthews, C L 1014

Hibbard. I'alestini! : its Kt^ot^raphy andHiblc liistory C 415

Hibberd. Rustic adornments D 159

St;a weed collector A O3

Hickey. William and Mary L 4708

Hicks. Wanderings by the lochs andstreams of Assynt F 770

Hid in the Cevennes L 2769

Hide and seek. Collins, Wilkic, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 292-3, 3253-4

Higgtns. The earth A 22

Hi{;ginson(S J.). Aprincessof Java. . L 6080

Higginson (T. W. ). Atlantic essays .... E 321

Book of American explorers M 1267

Common sense about women B 568

English statesmen H igi

Out-door papers E 1535

Travellers and outlaws G 1405

Higgs. Fugue D 475

High mills. Saunders, K., 2 vois....L 1237-8

H\^\\ school reader E 1723

High spirits. P(i>'«, 2 copies. ...... L 1145,3055

Second series, 2 copies L 1 146, 3656

High water mark Jerome L 421^

Highatn. ("loverly M 436

Higher law : a romance. [A/ailland, £.]. L 4276

Highland widow. Scott, 2 vols L 2177-8

Se ond and third copies L 3791, 4840

Highton. Electric telegraph D 365

Hilary St. Ives. Ainsworth, 2 vols L 43-4

Hildreth. Japan as it was and is G 828

Hill (Adams S.). Our Elnglish E 2078

Hill (Ale.x. S. ). From home to home.. . .



Hill (Ci. B.). Hoswells correspondenceand tour to Corsica ._ F 214

Wit and wisdom of Samuel Johnson . . E 1931

Hill (G. C). Daniel Boone, the pioneer

of Kentucky M 500

Hill (K.). Tom the ready M 1275

Hill {Sir Rowland). Life, etc., 2 vols


Hill, G. B. . .H 1099-1100" " Life /yrcowf . . . . E 287

Hill (S. S.). Travels in Siberia, 2 vols. . I-" 835-G

Hillard. Six months in Italy, 2 vols ,. F 842-3

Hillebrand (Karl). History of Germanthought E 461

Hillern. The hour will come, 2 vols . L 1627-8

Vulture maiden L 1626

Hills of the Shatemuc. Wetlierell, E.,

2 vols L 39G7-8

Hillyars and the Burtons. KingSicy, H.,^ vols L 3394-5

Hilts. Experience of a backwoodspreacher H 1345


7 'J




Hincks (.S'jV F.). Reminiscences of his

public life, 2 copies HHind (John). Elements I algebra A

Hind (J . R.). The comei A

Introduction to astronomy AHindoo tales, yticoh L

Hine. Identification of the British nationwith the lost tribes, 2 copies C 306, 605

Hines. ( )regon F 70O

Hinsdale. The old North-West G 130^

Hinton (1. T.). History of baptism. . . .C 333

Hinton (James). Art of thinking . . .^ . .B 204

Life in nature A 44

Man and his dwelling-place B 4G

Thoughts on health B 214

Hinton (J. H.). Test of experience; or,

the voluntary principle in the UnitedStates B 5G0

Hinton (R.J.).

English Radical leaders.



Hints for home reading E 170

Hints on advocacy B 144

Hints on the culture of character, fromvarious eminent divines C 438

Hiorns. Practical metallurgy and assay-

ing D 920

Hippocrates. Genuine works of. Editedby Francis A,iains, 2 vols B 719-20

Hiroi. Plate-girder construction D 970

His grandmothers : a tale. Campbell,

Helen, 2 copies L 41 18, 4853

His little mother. Craik, Mrs, DM.,4 copies L 360, 205G, 3284, 445S

His Majesty, myself, 2 copies L 2270, 2406

His sombre rivals. Roe, 3 copies. L2084, 4100, M 58

Hislop (Stephen). Pioneer missionary andnaturalist in Central India. SmitA.H 1681

Hissey. Drive through England F 1225

History, episodes of M 246

History of a crime, f/ugo L 4761

History of a ship M 427

History of a week. Walford, L. />' L 5264

History of England. D/c^f«5, 2 copies.



History of Nicolas Muss. Bois-Melly.X. 6594

History of St. Giles and St. James. Jer-raid, D., 2 vols L 653-4

History of silk, cotton, linen, and wooL.D 402

Hitch :ock. Religion of geology A 544

Hitchman. Eighteenth century studies.E 519

Hithersea Mere. Noel, 2 vols., 5 copies L G390-9

Hoare (Edward N.). A brave fight .. .M 11S8

Hoare {Rev. G. T.), Choice readings E 16^4

A turbulent town M 1 196

Paths in the great waters M 94C

Perils of the deep M 954

Hobart {Pasha). Sketches from my life,

5 copies H 1334, 1361 4

Hobbes. Robertson H 1 240

Hockiny, Alec Green, 2 copies M 175, 4)1


88 Holmes— Horace.






f'ootiral works I ^Si

Professor at \.\w. breakfast laMc, s copies.

V. lojo, 1554-5

1 50


I So,)










SoiiiidinKs (rom the Atlaiilic V.

Holmes (<). W.). I'net, litterateur, sciiMi-

tist. Kennedy i I

Holmes (T.R.K.). I'onr famous soldiers. HCoiiliiiln. Sir C'li;iilrs \:i|)i(r I IimNdii, ofIIimNoh's— Sir W illi:irn Niipicr —Sir IIirliiMt IvdwariU's,

Ildlmby house. M.lvilhJ) . J . IT. , 2 vols.,

-' copies I, 95()-7, 358H 9

Holme Lee. See Parr, AHss.

Hoist (fl. von). Constitutional and po-litical history of the United States,

1750-1833 G1828-1846 O1846-1850 G

Constitutional law of the United States HHolt (A.). Fancy dresses described. . . DHolt (i:. S ). Out in tlie forty-five.. . \I

Holtzapffel. rurniu}^ and mechanicalmanipulation, 4 vols I)

Holub. Seven years in South Africa-^ vols 1,-

Holy war. li linyan i^

Holyoake. Co operation in Ivngland . . Ji

Home ;it,'ain. Miuilunnlil J^

Home and social philosophy (from House-hold Words), 2 copies ij ^43, 401

Home, and strife, and peace. Iireinrr..E 622Home and the world [^ 2 ^42

Home influence. Ai^iiiliir, 2 vols . . . . L 1-2

Second and third copies L 2093, 2763Home scenes and heart studies. Ai^nilnr,

2 copies I, 2og7, 24S1

Homer. Iliad. Translated by Buckley,2copies, I'l'iiDt, I 13G

" " Chapman ... I 142

Coitiper.. . .E 667

" f'ope, ^copies,K 1212, I 45, 55

( -dyssey. Translated by Buckley I 136" Chapman .... I 1^2

Cowpcr H 668

Pfi'c. 3 copies,

K 912. I 40. 55Homer liiad. Colims k 535Odysse^v Collins E S36

H<»fneri( ballatis. Mtirr-in E 477Hwni^uajrfJ boniwi Couptr 3copie»-Lr757 2119,2230

Hon-'tical and pa.storal iertures, \M(h np-.-tace by £i/..(/^<. , ,,(

Homo wJiTi. EIh'\ 2 vmU, , I

St'( iiiitl « o|\\, I

Hontui. V'ersutial ilflventuros l.i lialy..!*"

H'M\\'j\lh\ W^k^t ^'')- Church work in













Honourable Mrs Vereker. Argles,

5 copies E

Hood fl'a.xton). Romance of biography . HOld luiKland C,

Scottish characteristics V.

Self formation EWorld of anecdotes E

Hood (Thomas) Poems I

Tylney liall LUp the Rhine, 2 copies F 582, 1 154

Whims and oddities \i ioi.(

(Hook (James)]. Pen Owen '.. . . E 1692

Hook (Fheodore). All in the wrong,z copies L 1830, 4077

Cousin Geoffry L 4072

Cousin William E 4076

I'athers and sons, 2 copies E 2762, 4073C'ilbert CJurney E 1822

Gurnev married E 4071

fack Brag E 1805

Maxwell, 2 copies E 1862, 4078

Merton E 4079

Parson's daughter, 2 copies E 1759, 4070

Passion and (principle E 4074

Peregrine Bunce E 4080

Widow and the Marquess, 2 copies. . L 1791, 4073

Hook (Theodore). Eife and remains.Biirliani H

Hoole. .Science and art of training. . . . DHooper (George) Campaign oi" Sedan GHooper (W. H.). Ten months among the

Tusk EHoopes. Book of evergreens DHope (A. R.). Hermit's apprentice. . .MHeroes of young America HMen of the backwoods MPampas L

Seven wise scholars MStories of old renown, 2 copies M 430

Hope (Geo.). Memoir. By his daughter.


Hope (I.). Brittany and the chase EHope (Mark). Dark and light stories. . E

Hope (S.). A new Godiva E

Hope (Thos). .^nastatius, 2 vols LHopes and fears. Yonge, 2 vols., 2 copies.

i^ 1538-9. 3940-1

Third copy E 2004

Hope's little hand. Wethcrcil, E M 180

Hope Meredith. Tabor E 47)'!

Hopkins (Rev. E.), Exposition of \\\p tejl

cotiiuianilnients CHopkins (J. II I Ifiilnry nf ihe confes-

siuiiiil ,("

Hoppus. ' ireat treason . . , .f,

Horace. Odes and epode? of. 'ttttp3

I tit III by Lytliiii, 2 vols,, j copies..! 14-f, i/// 2

riilrd I'dflfii a i. ,,,,,,, I, .i>4 '.55



1 1 35












1764 5




Horace— Hoi^'itt. 89

.1. fif)53-7

yo Howitt- Watts—IJumboldt,


1 I

Howitt-Watts. Art-student in Munich,2 vols F 176-7

Sf^cond copy I'" 102\

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Howley. Ecclesiastical history of New-

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Howorth. The mammoth and the flood. A 727

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Companions of St. Paul C 129

Metaphors of St. I'aul C 131

Hozier. Seven weeks' war, 2 vols fi 645-6

Hubbard (Bela). Memorials of a half-

ceiitury H 1436

Hubbard (I'. H.). Opium habit andalc(jh()lism B 97

Hubner. Kamble rounl the world, 187 i.F 200

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Hue {L'Abht'}. Chinese empire, 2 vols. . F <)12 3

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Huckleberry I' inn. A/ark Ttvain, 2 vols.,

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Third copy I. 4299

Huddleston. Bluebell, 2 copies L 2298, 4273

Hueffer (Francis). Half a century of

music in England, 1837-87- D 1067

Huet. The land of Kubens F 493

Hughes (S.). Treatise on waterworks..



Hughes (Thomas). Tom Brown's schooldays, 3 copies L 600, 3980, 5802

Fourth copy, 2 vols Blind n, 33

Hughes (Wm.). Australi in colonies. . .E 424

Hugo (Victor). Bug-Jargal O 261

By order of the king L 5313

Chansons des rues et des bois O 276

Chatiments O 275

Contemplations, 2 vols O 257-8

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Fantine LHan d'Jslande, 2 vols OHistory of a crime L





Hunchback of Notre Dame, 2 copies.L 1835, 2751






! 'i

L'Ane OL'Annee terrible OL'Art d'etre grand-pere OLegende des siecles. Premiere seric.O

Nouvelle serie,

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Second copy L 2752

L'homme qui rit, 2 vols () 259-60

Man who laughs, 2 vols L 6874-5

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Notre-Dame de Paris, 2 vols O 231-2

" " Translated, 2 vols L 6876-7

Odes et ballades O 25*1

Orientales O 253

Pape 273

yuatre vents de I'esprit, 2 vols O 247-S

Rhin, 3 vols O 262 -.1

Rhine F i35()

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Selections, chiefly lyrical I 340

Theatre, ( vols. . _ O 268-271

(-'()«/»«/.».— V'll. l.~Croinwi;ll.

Vol. II.— Ill riiiini—Marion <lr l.oniir— I.c

roi s'amu>.c.

Vol. III.—Lucr^ce Borjri:i Marit- TiKlDf—Anjfflo.

\'ol. I\'.— I.a Ksmeralda— Riiy Bias— I.cs

n 11 rjjraves.

Things seen H 1253

Toilers of the sea L 5312

Second copy, 2 vols L 6883-


Travailleurs de la mer, 2 vols O 245 6

Voix interieures O 249

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Huguenot, yames. G.P.R L 4037

Huguenot family. Tytler L 1992

Huish. Japan and its art D 9 53

Hull. liuilding stones D 508

Hullah. Method of teaching singing .. n i|j

M usic in the house D 6S

Speaking voice E 353

Hultne. Art instruction in England. . .D 228

Humble romance, and other stories.

Wilkins L 5805

Humboldt (Alex, von) Aspect.sof nature.A 564

Cosmos, 6 vols A 354-8

Travels to the equinoctial regions ofAmerica, 3 vols., 2 copies. . . A 359-61, F" 584-6

Views of nature A 362

Humboldt (Alex. von). Life and achieve-ments. Schwar-zenberfT H 7)

Life and travels.



Humboldt (Alex.). A biographical monu-ment. Klcncke H 861

Humboldt (\V. von). Sphere and dutiesof government B 159

Humboldt (W. von). Life. Schlcsicr. . H 861

Humboldt library of popular science liter-

ature, 7 vols A 743-9

Contents.—Vol. l-Proctor—L,ieht sciencefor leisure hours. Tyndalf—Vorm^ ofwater. Basre/iol—Vhyaics and politics.

Hu.\It>v—Man's place ni nature. Spfncer—Kducation. Kins^sley— Town jfeolojfy.Balfour Stevjnrt—Conservation of en-ergy, .'/or/rf/—Study of lanjfuages.Spencer—Data of ethics. Blnserna—Theory of sound and music. Bates—The naturalist on the river Amazon.













37 J


262 •)




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or, the brother Crusoes M 894

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Tom Finch's monkey, and other tales.



White squall ; a tale of the Sargassosea M 976

Hutchinson (Horace (i.). Record of ahuman soul, 2 copies O 886-7

Hutchinson {Col. John^. Memoirs andsiege cf Latham house E 725

Hutchinson (Thomas J.). Parana F 466

Two years in Peru, 2 vols F 247-8

Hutton (Barbara). Fiery cross M 323

Tales of the white cockade M 340

Hutton (1-.). Literary landmarks of Lon-don F 1 26


Hutton (Richard Holt). Essays, 2 vols.E 1981-2

Coiiteiils— Vol t. — Moral siffiiificanci' of:.thi;— Athei.stic cxplaniition of ix-li-

jfion—Scii'Mci-antl thl•i^ in—Popular—What is revelation r—Chri.stiaii

evidences, popular and criical -- His-torical iirobleii'S of the fourth ffospel

Incarnation and principles of evidence

M. Kenan's " Christ "—M.Kenan's "St.Paul''—Tlie hard c'uirch —Romanism,Protestantism, and Amilicanisni.

\'ol. 2.

(ioetlie and his inthience—(icniusof Wordsworth—Sliellev and bis poetry— Mr. Hrowninj;- Poetry of the OldTestament — Arthur Iluffh Clon^rh —Poetry of Matthew .\rnold—Tennyson—Nathaniel Hawthorne

Modern guides of Engl'sh thought in

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Hutton (\V. S ). Practical engineer's

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Huxley (T. H.). .American addresses. .E 603

Crayfish, The A 94

Notes upon the human remains of

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Origin of species . A 196

Physiography .\ 48

Huxley and Martin. Biology A 49

Hypatia. Kiitf^sley, C, 2 vols , 2 copies.

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Third and fourth copies E 1003, L 4279

I have liveci and loved. /''(;/'/-f.s7<T, 2 vols.L 478-9

1 say ' No.' Collins, W., 2 vols., 5 copies L 2939-48

Ice cream and cakes. "An American" .D 495Iceland fisherman. Loti L 6082

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Idiot. Dostiiejfsky L 6085

Idyls of the foothills. Bret Hartc L 3219

If, yes, and perhaps. Huh L 2332

Ihne. Early Rome G 235

"Ik Marvel." See Mitchell, D. GIlam-en-Nas. Clerk - L 1905

Illustrious Dr. Matthews. Erckniann-Chatrian L 5001

lone. Linton, i vols., 3 copies.. L 2518-9, 3478-81

Imison. Science and art, 2 vols D 423-4

Immermann. Miinchhausen N 37

Impending sword. Yate^, 2 vols L 1525-6

Second copy '..... L 2623

Importance of literature to men of busi-

ness E 1514

Improvisatore. Andersen, 2 copies. ..L 1793, 5077

Imrie. Sacred songs, sonnets, and mis-

cellaneous poems I 362

In a glass darkly. Le Fanu L 5339

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2 copies L 6756-7

In change unchanged. Villari. L 4927

In Colston's days. Marshall L 2622

In exchange for a soul. A ins/;///, 4 copies. L 7250-3

Ir e.\itu Israel. Baring-Gould, 2 vols..L 2051 2

In extremis: a novelette. Greenctigh. . .h 4254

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Sixth, seventh, and eighth copies, 2 vols.

L 7317-22

In four reigns. Marshall, s copies L 5923-7

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L 143, 3171, 454J

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In love and war. Gibbon L 5711

in mischief again, 2 copies M 452 837

In palace and faubourg. CCj., 2 copies.

L 6892-3

In partnership. Matthews and Btinner.L 5434

In pastures green. Gibbon L 5707

In pursuit of happiness. Tolstoi' L 6073

In silk attire. Black, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 96-7, 31 16-7

in the Camargue. Bojcles L 4300

In the east country Marshall, 5 co'^'.es.L 5194-8

In the city of flowers, yl/a^s//rt//, 5 copies. L 7312-6

In the days of my youth. Edwards, A.B.,

2 vols L 430-1

Second copy L 4855

In the heart of a hill. Payn, 2 copies. L '126, 3657

In the middle watch. Russell, W. Clark.h 5498

In the olden time. Roberts, 2 vols L 1664-5

In the Polar regions M 716

In the Schillingscourt. Marlitt, 2 copies.

L 2261, 2363

In the temperate regions M 715

In the Tennessee mountains. Murfree.L, 4711

In the tropical regions M 71-1

In the year '13. Reut/tr I. 165^

. .G






t8-9, 3478-81

..D 423-4








. ..E 1514

. L 1793, 5077

mis-....I 36^

...L 5339

. , . L 5273

6084, 660R-11



. ..L











. . .L 6906-10


L 7317-^'!

...L 5923-7

L 6066, 6537


43. 3I71. 4543

..L 57'^

,..L 5711

..M 452 8^7









L 96-7, 3116-7










.L '1 26, 3657

irk. I. 5498

. . L 1664-5

.M 716


L 2261, 2363


rec .L,



In the wrong Paradise, and other stories.

Lang L 5/82

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L 1087-8, 3734-5

Inchbald. A simple story L '.859

Inchbracken. CUland L 2i'<o

Independent minister. Autobiography.H 324

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cal, 2 copies K 935, G 830

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Induction coils A 306

Infants' progress, etc. Sherzvuod, Mrs. .L 3058

Inge. Society in Rome under the Caesars.

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Ingelow. A sister's bye-hours M 1338

Don John, 2 vols L 608-9

Fated to be free, 2 vols L 604-5

Mopsa, .he fairy M 446

Off the Skelligs, 3 vols L 601-3

I'oems, 2 vols I 26-7

Second copy I 44

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Ingcrsoll. Birds'-nesting, 2 copies.... A 127,157

Ingham (1. A.). City slums- a political

thesis" B

. . . . L.




Ingham papers. Hale.

Inglis (Hou. James).



Our Australian

cousms F 1319

Tent life in tigerland, 2 copies .F 1471, 1491

Inglis (John). In the New Hebrides. .1' 12.^9

Inglis (Rev. Walter). Memoirs and re-

mains. Cochrane.. H 1354

Ingraham. Fillai of fire, 2 copies....M 64, 299

Prince of the house of David, 3 copies.

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Throne of David M 66

Ingram (J. K.). History of political

economy B 755

Ingram (T. B.;i. History of .'ihe legislative

union G 1131

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Ingulph'schronicle. Translated by /^//cy.Ci 547Inheritance. Ferrier, 2 copies L 1861, 3024

Initials. Tautphoens, 2 vols L 1273-4

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L862, 3551.4436

Inside the bar. Melville, G.J. W L 4179

Interpreter. Melville, G. y. W., 2 vols.,

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Invaders, and other stories. Tolstoi. . . . L 6072

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Invasion of France in 1814. Erckmann-Chatrian L 7351

Ireland. The blot upon the brain B 597

Ireland, histjry of G 251

Irish fairy legends. Croker L 1943

Irish pleasantry and fun. O'Hea L 4297

Irish sketch book. Thackeray, Wui. M.,

4 ccpies L 2871, 3070, 7059-60

Irving (lidward). Miscellanies E 1330

Irving (lidward). Life. Oliphant, Mrs .H 170

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Irving (Theodore). Conquest of Florida.



Irving (Washington), Adventures of Capt.Bonneville E 756

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Biographies and miscellanies E 755

Book of the Hudson F 1 146

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Conquest of Granada and Spain E 730

History of New York E 1366

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Salmagundi and Knickerbocker E 726

Sketch book E 1 384

Tales of a traveller, 2 copies E 729, 102


Wolfert's roost E 756

Irving (Washington). Life and letters.

Irving, P. M. , 2 vols ¥. 761 2

Second copy, 3 vols H 5202

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Isham. The fishery question G 1157

Ishmael. Braddon, 3 vols., 6 copies. L3982-g7, 45457

Island, The. IVhiteing, 5 copies L 6638-42

Ismay's children. Laffan, 2 copies . . . . L 6172-3

Israel Mort, overman. Sannders, J.,2 vols L 1231-2

It is the fashion. {Cosel, Charlotte von^.V. 4162

It was a lover and his lass. Oliphant,

Mrs, 3 vols., 2 copies L 1067-9, 3736-8

Italians. Elliot, 2 vols L 460-1

Second copy L 2405

Ivan de Biron. Helps, Sir A., 2 vols . . . L 584-5

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ir~94 Ivanhoc—James.




Ivanhoe. Scott, 2 vols., j copies.

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Ivanoff. Russian grammar E 2007

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Jack Chnloner. Grant. J L 2668

Jack Hinton. Lever, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 741-2,3430-


Third copy L 2194

Jack Manly. Grant, J., 2 copies... . L 268c, M 521

Jack O' Lantern. Cooper, J. F., 3 copies.

1^ 334. 1778. 2131

Jack Stanley. Marryut, E M 282

lack Tier. Cooper, 2 copies L 2240, M 541

Jack's courtship. Russell I. 6460

Jackson (Lady). Court of the Tuileries,from the Restoration to the flight ofLouis Philippe, 2 vols (i 1105 6

The last of the Valois, 2 vols G 1 147-8

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[Jackson, Helen]. Between whiles.... L 6062

Bits of t avel at home F 507

Century of dishonour G 363

Glimpses of three coasts F 1294

Ramona. 2 vols., 5 copies L 5159-6S

Jackson (J. R./. Minerals and their

uses D 359

Jackson (Lowis d' A.). Aid to sur%'ey-

practice D 941

Hydraulic manual D 778

Jackson (Stonewall). A military bio-

graphy. Cooke H 599

Jacob. Hindoo tales L 1907

Jacob Faithful. Marryat, Copt., 5 copies,

L868, 1816, 2644, 2881, 3563

Jacobi. Printers' hand book of traderecipes D 864

Jacox. Sidelights on scripture texts. .C 163

Secular annotations on Scripture texts,

ist and 2nd series C 102-3

Jacqueline of Holland. Grattan L 174S

Jacquerie, yaiiies, G. P. R., 2 copies. L 2717, 4040

Jaeschke (H. A.1. Tibetan grammar. .E 120

Jagor. Travels in the Philippines F 1326

"Jak." Giant dwarf M 1086

Man of the family M 1087

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Who saved the ship ? M 1087

Jbmes I. Life. Chainders, R., 2 vols...E 1078-9

James (F. L.). Unknown horn of Africa.F 1481

Wild tribes of the Soudan F 1467

James (G. P. R.). Ancient regime L 4177

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Arrah Neil, 2 copies L 612, 4049Attila L 4016

Beauchamp, 2 copies L 617, 4021

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Convict, 2 vols L ^23-4

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Darnley, 3 copies L-620, 1789, 4033Delaware L 4030

De rOrme, 2 copies L 1769, 4044

False heir, 2 copies L 610, 4039Forest days : a romance of old times,

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Forgery. . L 4029

Gentleman of the old school L 2709

Gipsy, 2 copies L 619,4036

Gowrie L 4026

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Henry Masterton, 2 copies L 1779, 4019

Henry of Guise L 4025

Huguenot L 4037

Jacquerie, 2 copies L 2717, 4040

John Marston Hall L 4020

King's highway L 2714

Leonora d'Orco, 2 copies L 2718, 4041

Lord Montagu's page L 2262

Man-at-arms, 3 copies L 1786, 2331, 2712

Margaret Graham L 4032

Mary of Burgundy L 4024

Memoirs of celebrated women M 349

Memoirs of great commanders H 322

Morley Ernstein, 2 copies L 1629, 4045

My aunt Pontypool, 2 copies. L 2487, 4031

Old dominion L 5679

One in a thousand L 4015

Philip Augustus, 2 copies L 1840, 4027

Robber L 404 2

Rose d'Albret, 2 copies L 61 r, 4035

Russell , 2 vols L 6212

Second copy L 2708

Sir Theodore Broughton, 2 vols L 625 6

Second copy L 4034

Smuggler, 3 copies L 614, 1768, 4046

Step-mother, 2 vols L 615-6

Second copy L 271


Whim L 2710

Woodman L 2716

James (H.). Secret of Swedenborg. . . .C 234

James (H. jr.). American, 2 vok L 627-S

Aspern papers L 681


Bostonians, 2 copies L 5325 6

Confidence, 2 copies L 635, 2380

Daisy Miller L 630

Eugene Pickering L 634

1 !I i.'

, L 617, 4021

• L 4047

. . L 4048

. . L 4043

L 2548, 2715

. .L 4271

. .L 4017

. .L t23-4

. . L 40:23

o, 1789, 4033

. . L 4030

L 1769, 4044

. I. 610, 4039


L 2546, 4038

. . L 4029

. . L 2709

. .L 619,4036

. . L 4026

, . L 618, 4022

L 1779, 4019

..L 4025

. . L 4037

L 2717, 4040

. . L 4020

...L 2714

, L 2718, 4041

, . . L 2262

56, 2331, 2712







L 1629, 4045

L 2487, 4031

L 5679

L 4015

L 1840, 4027

. L 40<i 2

L 61 [, 4035

.L 621 2

. L 27(18

.L 6236

. L 4034

14, 1768, 40.(6









5325 ^'

L 635, 2380

. L C.fO

. L C.H

.. .L






Javies—Jenkins. 95

Kuropean L 629

Foreign parts F 61

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Little tour in France, 2 copies F 1206 7

London life L 2319

Madonna of the future I- 633

Partial portraits E 1313

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Portraits of places, 4 copies V 1 105-8

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Second copy L 5054

Watch and ward L 5019

James (H. F^.). The long white mountain;

or, a journey in Manchuria F" 1446

James (John Angell). Life. DaU....\\ 852

James (M.). Ethel; or, the double error.



James (W ). Naval history, epitomisedby 0'Byrne CI 675

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Vcitch, 2 copies L 6248-9

Jameson (Anna). Commonplace book of

tiiougiits, memories, and fancies. . . .?- 1345

Diary of an ennuyee F' 1518

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Sacred and legendary art, 1 vols....!) 156-7

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Sketches of art, literature, and char-

acter E 1 283

Jameson (Anna). Macpherson, 2 copies.


433, 645

Jameson (R. G.). Australia and her gold

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Jamieson (Jane H.). Laird's secret...



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460japhet in search of a father. Marryat,

dipt., 5 copies. . .L 870, 1817, 2643, 288^_ 3364Japp. German life and literature F: 523

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Second series F 750Sandwich islands G 419

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Jay(VV. M.L.). Holden with the cords.



Shiloh M 384

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Woman in spite of herself, 2 vols....L 641-2

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p'ield and hedgerow F> 21 18

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Jeffrey {Lord). Life. C( ckbiirn H 200

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96 Jenkins— Joiin.

it '1


1 i'

! f

Jenkins (K. C.) Canterbury (Diocesanhistories) C 345

Jennie ol the prince's, /J/a-Zo;;, 2 vols. . L 258-9

Jennings and Johnstone. Half honrs withGreek and Latin authors E \^o()

Jennings (Geor^'e H,). Anecdotal historyof IJritish parliament G 208

Jennings (H. J.). Curiosities of criticism.

E 327

Jennings (L. J.). Field paths and greenlanes E 1104

Republican (government in the UnitedStates G 802

Jennings (S.). Gold fields in S. E. VVy-naad F 462

Jephson. Roll of the drum M 701

With the colours M 274

Jephson and Elmhirst. Our life in Japan.



Jerome. High-water-niark L 4211

Jerrold (Blanchard). A day with Dis-raeli E i6go

At home in Paris, 2 vols F 404-5

Specimen of Douglas Jerrold's wit.. .E 1333

Jerrold (Douglas). Barber's chair, etc. .L 5034History of St. Giles and St. James,

2 vols L 653-4

Men of character, 2 vols L 655-6

Punch's letters to his son, etc L 5035

Jerrold (Douglas). Life, Jerrold,B..W 768

Jerrold (S.). English and foreign copy-right B 27

Jerrmann. Pictures from St. Petersburg.



Jervis [Kcv. W. H.). Galilean churchand the revolution C 803

History of the Church of France,2 vols C 801-2

Jess. Haggard, 4 copies L 5958-61

Fifth, sixth, and seventh copies, 2 vols. L 5928-33

Jesse (I-dward). Anecdotes of dogs. . ..E 931

Natural history A 326

Scenes and occupations of country life.E loio

Jesse (jOhn H,), Memoirs of the pre-

tenders and thoir adherents G 446Reign of the Stuarts, 3 vols G 443-5

Jessop (A,). Arcady, for better, for worse :

a study of rural life in lingland. . . . E 1852

Coming of the friars G 1393

Jesuits, the, in conflict : or historic facts.



Jessup. Women of the Arabs C 550

Jet : her face or her fortune. Edwardes,A.E L 3362

Jevons (F. B). History of Greek liter-

ature E 1751

Jevons (VV. Stanley). Money and themechanism of exchange B 13

Principles of the science of logic...



State in relation to labour B 120

Studies in deductive logic B 152

Jevons (\V. Stanley),


Letters and jour-

H 1310





Jewell. Among our sailors B

Jewett (Sarah O.). Gld friends ard new.L

Story of the Normans GWhite heron, and other stories L

Jewitt( Llewellyn), l^nglish antiquities..


Jewitt (Llewellyn). Life and deathGuss. W. H H 1815

Jewry. Everyday cooking D 109

Jezebel's daughter, Collins, Wilkie, 2\o\s.,

2 copies L 326-7, 3255-6

Jill and jack. Dillwyn L 617H

Jilt. Reade L 5681

Joachim von Kamern. Nathnsiiis L 1653

Joan. Brougiituii, 2 vols L 211-2

Joan Merryweather, and other tales.

Saiindi'ys, K L 1235

Joan of Arc. See D'Arc (yeaiuie).

Joanna's inheritance. Marshall L 2037

Job, book of. Translated, with notes, etc.

Medley, yoliii. Bishop of Frcdericton.C 269

Job Singleton's heirs. Marshall L 2034

Job Tufton. Balfour L 2591

Joe Baker or, the one church. Clifton

tales L 1 867

Jogues (/"n</ic>' Isaac). Life. Martin. .H 1267

Johannes Olaf, VVille L 2351

John. Oliphant, Mrs L 1694

John-adreams. Sturgis M 504

John Bodevvin's testimony. Footc ....L 5471

John Brent. Winthrop L 261


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John Caldigate, Trollope, A., 3 vols.,

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John Dorrien. Kavanagh, 3 vols,,

2 copies L 683-5, -^579-^'

John Eax. Tonrg^c L 50.SJ

John Francis : a literary chronicle of

half a centur]', 2 vols E 1996-7

John Godfrey's fortunes. Taylor, B . . . .L 195S

John Halifax, gentleman. Craik, Mrs.D. M.. 2 vols., 3 copies. .1- 335-6,3285-6,4455-6

Fourth copy L 2055

John Herring. Baring-Gould, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 3385-8, 3559-60

John Holdsworth, chief mate. Russell, h 6467

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Second copy L .^^o'-,

John Law. Ainsworth, 2 vols L 31--!

John Marchmont's legacy. Braddon,2 vols, 3 copies L 163-4, 3172-3, 4526-7

John Marston Hall, yames, G. P. R...L 4020

John Martin. Sherwood, Mrs L 3069

John Rintoul, and other tales L 4951

John Ward, preacher. Deland, 6 copies,

L 6527, 7497-7501

John—Judas. 97


T98 Judd—Keightley.

\ \

Judd (D. W). Profits in poultry D 906

Judd (John VV). Volcanoes A loi

Judd (I.. F.). Honolulu : life in theHawaiian islands, i8i!H-i8rji G 1421

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J copies L 2973-8

Judson (Elmily). Kathayan slave C 470Tales for all seasons L 4928

Judson {Rev. Adoniram). Incidents in thelife of H 7O0

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Memoir. Way-land, 2 vols.H 870-1

Jukes. Letters, addresses, and occasionalwritings H 413

J uiius, and other tales. Furnea L 4824June. Forrester, 2 vols., 3 copies. I, 470-1, 3379-82

J unior clerk. Hodder I, 4944

Junius's letters, with notes and index.Edited by Wade, 2 vols E 768-g

Jupiter's daughter. Jenkin, 2 copies. . L 650, 2359

Jusserand (J. J.). English wayfaring life

in the middle ages G 1359

Just as I am. Braddon, 2 vols., 3 copies,I' 2529-30, 3176-7, 4522-3

Justin. Translated by Watson E 1 164

Juvenal. Wal/ord E 547

Juvenal, Persius, etc. Translated byEvans E 1 165

Kaines. Last words of eminent persons.E 1631

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Kaloolah. Mayo M 291

Kane (E. K.). Arctic exploration, 2 vols.,

2 copies F 916-9

Kane(H.H.). Opium-smoking B 232

Kane (P.). Wanderings of an artist in

North America F 870

Kane (W. F. de V.). European butter-flies A 694

Kane and Draper. Elements of chem-istry B 330

Kant. Critique of pure reason. ByMciklcjohn B 255

Prolegomena. Translated, with a bio-graphy, by E. B. Bax B 256

Selections from. Translated by Wat-son B 51O

Text-book to. Stirling, J.H B 763

Kapp. Electric transmission of energy.



Karr. The American horsewoman .... D 642

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Katerfelto. Melville, G. J. W., 3 copies.

L 3593-4. 4850

Katharine Uegina. Besant, 6 copies.

L 6205-7, 6356-8

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Kathleen Mavourneen. Bnrnett L 247S

Katia. Tolstoi L 5985

Kaufmann. Socialism and communism.



Kavan.-igh. Longfellow L 5071

Kavanagh (ii. and J.), pearl fountain. L 1632

Kavanagh ([ulia). Addle, 3 vols.,

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Bessie, 2 vols., 2 copies L 681-2, 4560-1

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E;nglish women of letters, 2 copies.. ..H 34, 1178

I'orget-rne-nots, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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French women of letters, 2 copies.. . .H 33, .177

Grace Lee, 2 vols., 2 copies L 663-4, 4555-'^

John Dorrien, 3 vols., 2 copies . L 683-5, 4579-'*^'

Madeleine : a tale M 502

Nathalie, 2 vols., 2 copies L 659-60, 4575-G

Queen Mab, 2 vols., 2 copios. .. ,L 673-4, 4551-2

Rachel Gray, 2 copies L 665, 4562

Seven years, 2 vols., 2 copies . . . L 671-2, 4563-4

Silvia, 2 vols., 2 copies L 679-80, 4553-4

Sybil's second love, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 677-8. 4577-8

Two lilies, 2 copies L 2323, 4567-8

Two Sicilies F 1138-9

Kay (David). Austria-Hungary F 79

Memory : what it is and how to improve it B 710

Kay (Joseph). Social condition of Englishpeople, 2 copies B 130, 142

Kaye (John W.). Christianity in '.ndia.C 55C

Essays of an optimist E 1430

Kean (Chas.). Life and theatrical times.

Cole, 2 vols H 121 1-2

Kean, Booth, and their contemporaries.H 1.^45

Keane. Journey to Medinah F 419

Six months in Mecca F' 229

Kearny. Sketch of American finances,

1789-1835 B 701

Keary (Annie). Castle Daly, 2 vols. . . .L 68C-7

Oldbury , 2 vols L 688-9

Keary (C. F.). Primitive belief G 507

(Ed.). Dawn of history.



Keats (John). Poetical works I 373

Keats (John). Calvin H 1443

Life. Rossetti H 1644

Keenan. Trajan L 2000

Keene. Fly fishing and fly-making. . ..D 688

Fishing tackle D 689

Keep. Homeric dictionary E 221

Keightley. Classical mythology E ni5

Fairy mythology G 548



100 Kinglake—Kingston.

Invasion of the Crimea, vol* i-io....(; \i-i\" " vols. I i-i;;, 5copit's.(J Ii56-<i5" " vols. 13-14, 5 copies. r, 1266-75

Inv;.sionofth(! Crimea, vols. 5-6. Hlack-wood s edition (1 755-6

Invasion of the Crimea, vols. 5-6. Harp-er's edition f; 1 185-6

Kind's highway, yanns. G. P. R I. .4714

KinK'K own. AJurryat, dtp/., 4 copies.

1,877 -!f')«. ^««o. 3565Kind's own Borderers. Gnmt.y 1, .£838

Kingsford (A. H ). Dreams ami dream'tories L 7206

Kingsford (W.). Canadian archaiology li 1679History ol ('aii.ula, 2 vols. ... C, 1085-6

Kingsley (Charles). .Vlton LocKe,"^

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Third, fourth, and fifth copies.

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Good news of CJod E 991Gospel of the Pentateuch and David..


900Hereward the wake, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Third and fourth copies E 1003, L 4279Literary and general essays E 986Madam how and Lady why E looi

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Prose idylls E 981

Roman and the Teuton E 998Sanitary and social lectures E 984Scientific lectures and essays E 985Sermons for the times E 879True words for brave men E 82Two years ago, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 696-7, 3398-9Third copy -p. 996

Village, town, aid country sermons . E 994Water babies, 2 copies £ ^97, M 742Water of life e 9S9Westminster sermons E 988Westward ho ! 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 694-5, 3400-1Third copy E 1005

Yeast, 3 copies E 1008, L 693, 3402

Kingsley (Charles). Letters and memoriesof. 2 vols H 36-7

Kingsley (H.). Austin Elliot L 705

(ieoffry Hamlyn, i vols L 706 •

(iranKe K^rden, 2 vols I.. 71 j-


Marveys L 504S

Hillyars and the Iturtons. 2 vols L 3394-1

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kavunshoL', 2 vols L 703 (

Kiginald Hetherege, 2 vols.. . .^ 1> 711-.'

Valentin L 701)

Kingsman. < )ver volcanoes F 290

Kmgston. Adventures in India, 2 copies.

M 203, 68i

.Adventures in the far west, 2 copies. L 1931, M 20


Afar in the forest, 2 copies M 403, 810

Arctic adventures, 2 copies L 1932. M 407

Captain Mugford ; or, our salt and fresh

water tutors M 121.'

Dick Cheveley M ii.ij

Digby Heathcote, 2 copies M 121, 34


First voyage to the southern seas. . . , M 231

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Great African travellers, 2 copies. F loCo, M 692

Heir ot Kiltinnan M 1133

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In New Granada, 2 c ipies M 402, 81H

In the Rocky Mountains M 817

[ohn Dean M 335

Linnett's trial M 4O7

Lost in the backwoods M 401

Manco the Peruvian chief M 33!'

Mark Seaworth M 329j

Missing .ihip M 334

Old Jack M 416

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Peter Trawl M 424

Pirate's treasure M 1113

Powder monkey to admiral M 210

Rocky Mountains M 40.1

Salt water M 3^^

Saved from the sea M j?'^

Seven champions of Christendom,2 copies M 312, 671

Shipwrecks and disasters at sea M 563

Snowshoes and canoes M i loS

South sea whaler M 375

Three admirals M 331

Three commanders M si^

Three lieutenants M 3jg

Three midshipme.a M 337

Twice lost M 410

Two supercargoes M j 134

Wanderers M 371

Washed ashore , . M 835

Western world M 501


. ..L







. ..I.


. . . F

706 7







703 I

711 •




M 20J, 08 (

Li(j3i, M 2o\

. ..M 40J, 810

L 1932, M 407


...M I-!!.'

. ..M it^i

...M 121. 34J

. ..M 231

I. ..M 338. 479

F loCo, M 69,!

. . . M 11 33

. . ,M 223, 372

...M 22.)

.M 402, 818

Kifis^ston—Knight, 10?













m,.M 312



















334 I










1 108











VViltis of Florida M 374

Will Woatherhelm M 333

With axe and rifle M 1 130

VoiinR I.lanero M 411

Yinin^; K.ijah M 213

Kinloy Hollow. Hollistrr ... I- 4i/>3

Kinnear. Principles of civil government. H 696

Kinsley. Self instruct )r on lumber sur-

veying I> 301

Kip (Leonard). N<;9tlenook L 4206

Under the bells L 4136

Kip {Rev. W, J.). Harly conflicts of

Christianity C 544

Karly Jesuit missions C 856

Historical scenes from old Jesuit mis-

sions, 2 copies C 567, G 1 391

Kirby (ti. H.) ^ ears of experience.. ..H 1340

Kirby {Rev. \V.) Introduction to entom-ology A 530

On the power, wisdom, and goodness of

Cod as manifested in the creation of

animals, and in their history, habits

and instincts, 2 vols A 339-40

Second copy A 527

Kirby (W. F.). Hlvolution and natural

theology C 566

Kirk (Edward). Founding of metals .. .D 809

Kirk (Eleanor). Information for authors. K 1099

Kirke (lulmund). See Gilmorc, J. R,

Kirke. Maml book of physiology A 614

Kirkland. The McVeys L 6815

Kirkman. Lessons in geometry, algebra,

etc B 442

F'ocket logarithms A 318

Kirkton From deacon to churchwarden.



Kirkup. Inquiry into socialism B 507

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German war G 577Kismet : a Nile novel. "Fleming," 5 copies.

L 2827, 2829-30, 2999

issing the rod. Yates L 2633

iKit : a memory. Payn, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 1 55-6, 3658-9

itchen. The diaphragm and its func-

tions B 851

itchin iD. B.). Introduction to the studyof Provencal E 1918

itchin (G. W.). History of France,3 vols . . . G 1033-5

Vol. I. -B.C. 5«-A.D. 1453.

Vol. II.— 1453-1624.

Vol. III.— 1624-1793.

ith and kin. Fothergill, 2 vols L 485-6

Second copy. , , , L 4961

itto. Bible history of the holy land . . C 535Daily Bible illustrations, AntediluviansC 85

Daily Bible Illustrations, Moses anrl

Judges C 83"

Saniiifl. Saul,

and David.



" " Solomon .ind

Kings C SH" " Job and poetical

books C S9" Isaiah and

prophets... .C go

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our Lord C ()i

" Apostles and the

early church .C 92

Lust senses, deafness, and !)lin(lness B 436Scripture lands I



Klein ( E ). Microorganismsand disease A 681

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or, before and after the battle ofWorth G 338

Kleist, Werke, 2 vols N 1-2

\'<)1, I.— Dio taiiiilif Sclirofftiistiiii, I'cii

thcsijc-.'i, Hriiiz Kricdrirli vim Ilnmlnir);,etc.

\'ol. H.—Kathchen von Ihillurmii, W-r-iiiisclitc Schi ifti'ii.

Klemm. Chips from a teacher's work-shop B 643

Klopstock. I'oetische Werke, 3 vols. .N 3-5

Klunzinger. Upper FIgypt F 631

[Knapp, J. I-.l. Journal of a natur-alist A 166

Knight(A. L.). Cruiseof the Theseus."M 898

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Half hours with the best letter-writers

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Half hours, English history, 4 vols.. .G 62-5

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Once upon a time, 2 copies E 1534, M 182

Shadows of the old booksellers H 1121

Passages from my life H 3G9

Knight (Cornelia) and Raikes. Reminis-cences H 656

Knight (E. F.). The "Falcon" on theBaltic F 1564

Knight (M. R.). Poems of ten years,

1877-86 1 417

Knight (William). (Ed). Memorials of

Coleorton 2 vols E 1912-13

Contents— 'LctXer^ from Coleriiljje, Word.s-wortli iind his sister, Sonthey and SirWalter Scott to Sir George and LadyHcaumont.

Wordsworthiana ; papers read to theWordsworth Society E 2131

Knight errant. Bayly, 2 copies L 6067, 6538


. <i

1 02




Kninht of Gwynne. Lever. i^woX^ L 73i-j

Second copy, 2 vols \. 343^ 3

Third copy L 2204

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I. ioHij, M 5^

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Tropical sketches, 2 vols FKnittirs in the sun. Ihanel i.

KnoUys. Sketches of life in Japan !•'

Knorring. Peasant and his landlord. . . L

K'lowles. Klocntionist K

Knox (|nhn). F^ssay on the portraits of.

Ctirlyle (i

Knox (John). Life AtcCric HKnox (Koborti. On race H

Knox (T. W ). Hoy travellers in Austral-

asia . MIV!cisive battles since Waterloo V,

Knox-Linle. Child of Stafferton L

Koch (<" \V.). History of the revolutionsin I'liirope from the subversion of the

Roman empire in the west, till the

abdication of Bonaparte, 3 vols. . . . K

Koerner (Theodor). Gedichte und Dra-men, 2 vols N

Kohlrausch. History of Germany C

Kohn. ( ;,ibriol L

Koldewey, German Arctic expedition.F"

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Korolenko. 1 he vagrant I^

Krapf. Travels, researches, and mission-

ary labours in Flast Africa F"

Krilof and his fables. Ralston HKropotkine (Prince). In Russian and

F'ronch prisons HKruminacher. Cornelius the centurion,


I'ar.iblcs FKunhardt. Steam yachts and launchesD

Kuropatkin. Kashgaria and East Turke-stan G 198

Kurtz. Bible and astroromy A 581
























L'.Vrrabiata. Hcysc LLa Beata. Trollopc, T. A L

La Bruyire. Caracteres OLa F'austin. Dj Gove/urt LLa Fontaine. F'Mes. Translated by

E. [Vriglit ELa Fontaine. Cot 5 li

La Mere ISauche, tc. Trollope, A.,

2 copies L 1677, 3888

Labaume. Campaign in Russia G 812

Laboulaye. Histoire des Etats-unis,

3 vols O 422-4

Labour^ (Catharine). Life and visions.

Fullerton H 457







Lacey. Through storm to sunshine. . . M io()o

Lacordaire (Henri D.). A biographicalstudy. /^<-rt,«-,H 945

Inner life.

Chotarne. .,11 7 jS

Lacouperie. Languages of China beforethe Chinese Fl i78,j

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3 t-np'''** t 2549 51, 3741 6

Lady Adelaide's oath. Wood, Mrs. //.,

2 vols., 2 copies L 1467-8, 4632 -j

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2 copies L 1377-8. 3889-90Second copy J^ 22,S-'

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2 copies L 3178-9, 45367Lady Beauty. Afmr L 492:

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Lady Bluebeard. By the author of • Zitand Zoe," 5 copies L 72259

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5 copies I, 59S6-95

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Lady or the tiger. Stockton L 5435

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5 copies L 6138 42

Lady VVedderburn's wish. Grant, y...L 3045

Lady's mile. Bra.ldon, 2 vols., 3 copies,

L 173-4, 3i«o-i, 4529-30

Laffa. Christie Carew, 2 copies ....L 2295-6

Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor..



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Laing (S) Notes of a traveller, socialand political B 355

Pre-historic remains of Caithness. . . .G .'oi

Residence in Norway E 414

Laird of Norlaw. OUphant, Mrs L 50O3

Laird's secret, yamicson L 5490

Lake shore. Souvestre L 4849

Lamartine (A. de). French revolutionof 1848 E 778

History of th' irondists, 3 vols E 775-7

Lectures poui tous o 1 49

Past, present, and future of the republic.

B 342

Raphael L 4825

Lamartint'—Larkiit. 103

Kestoration of monarchy in France,

\ vols., .• copies li 771-4, (» O81-4

Tiirkej , 3 vols fl 601 -j

SOyage ci orient, 4 vols O 296-9

Lamartine (A. de), .md his friends.

rttelle H 718" " Conrul Mitial disclosures. IC 1244

Life. Lady Danivi'e. . .U 640

Lamb (Ch.irles). Dr.imatic poets of thetime of lilizabeth li 780

Ivssays of Elia and l^liana, j copies,

K 23, 77.J, 1015

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/ltnc;f, 2 vols E 1944 5

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Lamb, and others. I'ersonal recollec-

tions H 655

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Lamb (?vLiry). Gilchrist H 150

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Lamont. Seasons with the sea horses. F 8S2

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Landels. Woman : her position andpower E 1 224

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-andrin. Treatise on steel D 602

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1 26

Lftne (E. W.). Arabian society, middleages I'- 1 2 1


Lane ( I .aura M ). A I )resden romance. M 11^4

Heroes of every-day life, 2 copies. . . , M 140Q 10

M y sister's keeper M 3S8

Lane-Ponle. Egypt F 74

Story of the Moors in Spain U 907

Story of Turkey Ci 1005

Studies in a mos(iue E 522

Lanfrey. Histoire deNapoU'on L,5 vols.O 150-4

History of Napoleon L, 4 vols C! 1027 30

Lang (Andrew). Cu tom and myth. X\ 875

(irass of 1 'arnassus etc I 503

in the wrong paradise L 5782

Letters on literature 1'- I9<J4

Letters to dead authors E 1649

Library, The D 59

Lost leaders E 2123

Mark of Cain, 2 copies L 5329-30

Myth, ritual, and religion, 2 vols G 1171-2

Lang^ (A.) and Sylvester (P.). DeadLeman L 24 11

Langdon (Mary). Ida May L 3527

Langdon (W. E). Application of elec-

tricity to railway working D 160

Langstroth. On the honey bee A 6ig

Langton (Stephen). Mauria- H 543

Lanier. Hoy's King Arthur M 351

English novel E 162

F'lorida : its scenery, climate, andhistory V 698

Poems I 353Science of English verse E 161

Lankester (E.). Our food I



Lankester (E. Ray) Comparative lon-

ger iiy A 126

Degeneration A 219

Lanman (Charles). Adventures in thewilds of North America E 423

Japanese in America G 160

Haphazardpersonalities,chiefly of notedAmericans H 1624

Lanman (j. H.). History of Michigan. (/ C36

Lanoye. Egypt 3 300 years ago E 589

Sublime in nature E 584

Lansdell. Through Central Asia F 1439

Through Siberia I' 11 15

Lanzi. History of painting, 3 vols E 781-3

Laodicean. Hardy, T., 2 vols L 564-5

Second copy L 4968

Lappenburg. Anglo-Saxon kings, 2 vols.E 784-5

Lapsed, but not lost. Charles L 286

Lardner. Lectures on science and art.



Outlines of history G 615

Treatise on the steam engine, 2 copies.


323, 377

Larkin (F.). Ancient man in America.




104 Larkin—Le Contc.


Larkin (Jas ). Br^;:s and '-on founder.



Larwood. Clerical anecdotes E 325

Forensic anecdotes E 324

Story of the l-ondon parks F 115

Theatrical anecdotes F. 320

Larwood and Hotten. History of sign-

hoards H T605

Lascine. {Yimugman, IV. £.] L 4197

Lasco, John A. Life and labours.

/Ja//,m, //. C 779

Lasses cf Leverhouse. Fotheri;ill. 2 copies L 6595-6

Last chronicle of Barset. Trollope, A.,

3 vols., 2 copies L 1360-2, 3891-3

Last coup, iimart, H., 4 copies L 7449-52

Last days of Pompeii. Lyttoti, 3 conies.

L?i9. 1858,3518

Last meeting. Matthaca. H L 5327

Last of the barons. Lyiton. 2 vols.,

2 copies L 228-9, 3502-3

Third copy L 2910

Last of the Dacres. Evcritt-Grci-n L 547°

Last of the Haddons. Acwman, Mrs. . .L 4776

Last of the Mohicans. Cxyper, J. F.,

3 copies L 1804, 2135. 2246

Last of the Mortimers. Oliphnnt, Mrs.,

2 vols., 2 copies L 1036-7, 3747-8

Late Mrs Null. SAfJ^fon, 2 cov'^es L 5322-3

Latham. On the action of examinations B 673

Lathe and its uses D 151

Lathrop (G. P.). Somebody eloe L 3021

Latrobe. Rambler in Mexico F 1078

L,a.ud {A rc/iiis/i.'p). A study. Be>ison..H 867

Lauder. Evergreen leaves, 3 copies. F 553, 1214-5

LegendsoftheKarzmountains,2copiesL 5277-8

Laugel England, political and social.G 452

Laughing philosopher. D'Estet re-Keeling,

5 copies L 5545-9

Laug;hton. Studies in naval history. ..G 61 t

Laura Everingham. Grant, J , . . L 3049

Laurentia. FuUerton L 1612

Laurel bush. Craik, Mrs. D. M., 5 copies.

L 357, 2072, 3287, ;ii2, 4454

Laurie {Rev. Thos.). Grant and the

mountain Nestonans C 430

Laurie (S. S.). Rise and early constitu-

ti^'^ns of universities: B 649

Laurie {Col. W. F. B ). Sketches of dis

tinguished Anglo-Indians H 3450

Lavengro : the scholar, the gipsy, the

priest. B"rro7v, 2 copies E 1687, L 4796Lavinia. Duffim, 2 vols. . . L 1216-7

Law (A). S J. Notes in remembrance.



Law(Hen-y). Civil engineering D 391

Constructing and repairing roads. . . . D 307

Rudimentary treatise on logarithms. .A 541

Law and Clark. Roads and streets . . . . D 14

Law (AVf. William). Serious call C 47Law and the lady. Collins, lVilkii\ 2 vols.,

2 copies L 319-20, 3270-1








Lawless {Hun. Emily) Hurrish, 5 copies. L 6746-50

Major Lawrence, F. L. S., 3 copies ..L

Story of Ireland GLawrence (Eugene). Itnglish literature,

classical period EHistorical studies C

Lawrence (G. A ). Anteros, 2 vols LBarren honour LBorder and Bastille FBreaking a butterfly, 2 vols LGuy Livingstone, 2 copies L 1638, 2284

Hagarene, 2 vols L 552-3

Maurice Dering, 2 copies L 547, 4804

Sword and gown L 545

Lawrence (/.yn/). Tcmp'e, Sir Richard.R 1704

Lawrence (.S(> Thomas), Gowcr H 120

Lawrie. Training of teachers B .jo

I awrie Todd, Gnl/ 3 vols L 1939-41

Lawson. Remarkableconspiracies, 2 vols.

ELayard {Mrs. G.). Through the West

Indies F




Layard {Sir Henry). Early adventuresin Persia, Susiara, and Babylonia,2 vols H

Nineveh and its remains, 2 vols FSecond copy F

"Layman, A." Geological cosmogony . ALazarus. ,\lide : an episode of Goethe's

life LLazy man's work. Sparfuiwk LLea. History of the inquisition of the

middle ages, 3 vols GLeaden casket. Hunt LLeaguer of Latham. Ainsicorth, 2 vols. . . i,

Leali : a woman of fashion. Edwards,A. E., 2 vols., 2 copies L 414-5, 3363-4

Leahy. Art of swimming DLear. Revival of priestly life in the seven-

teenth century in France HLeared. Imperfect digestion BLeathes (Edmund). Actor abroad . . ..F

Leathes (Rcv.S.). Religion of theChrist.C

Structure of the old testament CLeavitt. Boher. ian society BLebon and Pelet. France as it is FLe Brun. Qiiivres choisies OLecky. History of England in the

eighteenth century, 6 vols GHistory of European morals, 2 vols.,

2 copies B 75-6, 484-5

Leaders of public opinion in Ireland,2 copies H 539,1120

Rationalism in Europe, 2 vols B 199-200

Le Conte. Elements of Geology A 656

Evolution' and its relation to religious

thought C 729

Relipion and science C 280






1 153-5













Le Conte—Leslie. LQ5

es. L 6746-50

I ..L

. ..O


. . . E


.. L

. ..L









, L 1638, 2284

. .L 552-3

..L 547.4804

. . . . L




. . . . L2 vols.





ony . Apethe's



of the



)ls. . .i-



















1 153-5

















nII 23-8




. ..C







B 75-6. 484-5]

eland,H 539.i'20j

.B 199-200

.A 656J


..C 7'9|

. . C 280

Sight A 99

Lectures on the results of the exhibition

of 1851 D 369

Les (D.K.). Master builder L 4866

Lee(F.G.). (Ed.) More glimpses of the

world unseen C 288

Lee (Holme). Set; Fnrr, Miss.

Lee (S. and H.). Canterbury tales, 2 vols.

L 1856-7

Lee (Katharine). Alsatian mountains..



Lee (Ma-garet). Divorce L 5972

Dr. Wilmer's 'ovc, 3 copies. . . L 4157,4176, 4836

Lee (M. and C ). Goldhanger \vood..M 1152

.Mrs. Dimsdale's grandchildren, 2 copiesM 1371-2

Oak staircase, 2 copies L 2364,4242, M 380

Rosamond Fane M 379

Lee (General Robert E.). Life. Cooke. H 855

Lee (Mrs. '<.). African wanderers. .. .M 327

Lee (Vernon). See Paget, Violet.

Lee (Y.P.). When I was a boy M loio

Lees. Liquor traffic . B 390

Lees and Clutterbuck. B. C. 1887:ramble in British Columbia F 713

Le Fanu. Guy Deverell, 2 vols L 720-1

House by the churchyard, 2 copies. L 4854, 5338

In a glass darkly L 5339

Tenants of Malory L 4765

Uncle Silas, 2 vols L 718-9

Second copy L 5337

I Lefargue. New judgment of Paris . . . . L 6087

ILefebure. Embroidery and lace, their

manufacture and history D 846

iLefehvre-Laboulaye. Abdallah E 294

Leffiiiifwell. Wild fowl shooting D 834


Legacv of Cain. Collins, 2 vols., 5 copies.L 6958-67

Lef;al profession, romantic stories of the.L 1936

Legard. Colorado F 581

JLeyend of the holy stone. Ross, Mrs. A.. 1^ 3971

• Legendary fictions of the Irish celts.

KeniUiiv, P- E 501

[Legendary history of the Cross : a series of

wood-cuts. Introduction by //j-/t<(;«..C 657

^egends and tales of the Harz mountains.Lauder, 2 copies L 5277-8

i-egend of Montrose. Scotl, 2 vols L 7138-9

-egends of the library at Lilies. {Greu-ville, 6'.] L 2301

egtnds of the Province house. Ha^v-thoine, N L 2614

--eg°nds of the Rhine. Grattan L 1760

-eifchild. Higher ministry of nature..



-eigh. Carols of Cockayne E J70Jeux d'esprit E 569

-P.ighton (.\.). Mysterious legends ofEdinburgh L 5305

-eighton (C. C). Life at Puget Sound.


1599-eighton court. Kingsley,H. L 708

Leila; or, the siege of Grenada. I.ytlon.L. 2305

Leisure Hour, 1852-89 K 603-48

Leitch. Practical educationists B 29

L. (L E.) Romance and reality L 1815

Leland. Algonijuin legends of NewEngland G 868

Gj psies E 526

Minor arts D 58

Poetry and mystery of dreams I 245

Le Moine. Chasse et peche au Canada.



Quebec, past and present F moLemon (Mark). Falkner Lyle, 2 vols. . .L 726-7

Golden fetters, 2 vols L 1599- 1600

Legends of Number Nip M 531

Leyton hall, 2 vols L 728-9

Loved at last, 2 vols L 724-5

Wait for the end, 2 vols L 722-3

Lenaus. Gedichte, 2 vols N 105-6

Lenaep (1. van). See Arnold, A.

Lennox. (Lord). Coaching F 448

Plays, players, and playhouses, 2 vols.E 247-8

.Sport at home and abroad, 2 vols F 833-4

My recollections from 1806-1873 ....H T129

Lenoir. Artists in Egypt F 800

Lenormant. Beginnings of hi.story C 549

Leo. Cook, Button L 5690

Leo X. Life. Rjscoj, 2 vols E 849-50

Leo XIIL Life and acts. Keller H 1419

Leon (Edwin de). Askaros Kassis the

Copt, 2 copies L 4194, 4862

Khedive's Egypt F 288

Leon (T. C. de). Cross purposes L 4183

Leon Roch. Galdds, 2 vols L 6051-2

Leonardo da Vinci. Ruhter H 116

Leonora d'Orco 'james, G.P.R., 2 copies.

L 2718, 4041

Leonowens. English governess at the

Siamese court F 718

Leopardi. Essays and dialogues E 748

Leopold L Memoirs, jfiisle H 844

Le Pileur. Wonders of the humanbod y E 579

Leprohon. Antoinette de Mirecourt. . .L 4152

Lepsius(R.). Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sinai.



Lepsius (R.) A biogiaphy. Ebers. . . . H 1460

Lermina (Jules). The chase L 1H87

Le Row. English as she is taught E 1657

Le Sage. Gil Bias O 155

Gil Bias. Translated, 3 copies.E 972 L1879, 2099

Lesbazeilles. Marvels of the I'olar

world, 2 copies F 276, 940

Leslie (C. R.). Handbook for youngpainters D 439

Leslie (C. R.). Autobiographical recol-

lections H 573

Leslie (Eliza). Pencil sketches L 4261

Leslie (Emma). Gytha's message M 923





i !

Leslie (Madeline). Household angel in

disguise L 2327

Leslie Tyrrell, Craik, Mrs. G. M L 362

Les Miserables. Hugo, 5 vols L G878-82

Second copy L 2752

Lesperance. Bastonnais L 2375

Less black than we're painted. Payn.2 vols., 2 copies L1141-2, 3G60-1

Lesseps (Ferdinand de). Recollectionsof forty years H 1530

Lessing. Dramatic works, 2 vols E 786-7

Nathan the wise, and Emilia Galotti,

2 copies I 28, 250

Prose works E 788

Werke, 13 vols N 40-52

Contenls.— \'o\. i.—Gedichte uiul F"iibeli),


Vol. 2,—Der junge Gelehrte, Die Juden,etc.

Vol. 3.—llamlmrgische Dniinaturgie.

Vol. 4.—Das Xeueste aus dem Reiclie desWitzes, etc.

Vol. J.—Kleinere Schriften ziir drainatis-chen Poesie. Part I.

Vol. 6.—Kleinere Schriften znr Fabel.Part II.

Vol. 7.— Zur Modernen Literatur undSprachc.

Vol. S.—Classische Literatur.

Vol. 9.—Theolog-ische Schriften. Part I.

Vol. 10.—Theologische Schriften. Partll.

Vol. II.—Zur Geschichte und Gelehrten-gcschichte, Verinischtes, Xachtriige,etc.

Vol, 12.—Hriefe von Lessing^. Part I.

Vol. 13.—IJriefc an Les.sing. Part II.

Lessons in cookery D noLessons of middle ages E 1311

Lester. Atlantic to the Pacific . . F 83

L'Estrange(A.G.). The village of palaces,

2 vols F 480-1

L'Estrange (W.D.). Under fourteen

flags : the life and adventure of

General Maclver , H 1487

Letheby. On food B 386

Letter-bag of the Great Western. Hali-burton L 2732

Letter-wr'ter of modern society D 245

Letters from an emigrant lady in MuskokaF 292

Letters from heaven C 711

Letty Hyde's lovers. Grant, jf L 2861

Lever. Arthur O'Leary, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 734-5. 3403-4

Third, fourth, and fifth copies,

L 2206, 2729, 7376

Barrington, 2 vols., 2 copies L 765-6, 3405-6

Third and fourth copies L ?2o9, 7375Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 773-4, 3407-8

Third and fourth copies L 2215, 7381

Charles O'Malley, 3 vols., 2 copies,

L 1639-41, 3409-11

Third copy, 2 vols L 2195-6

Con Cregan, 2 vols., 2 copies... L 2572-3,3412-3

Third and fourth copies L 2197, 27^0

Cornelius O'Dowd L 2384

The same, 3 series E 471-3

Daltons, 4 vols., 2 copies L 743-6,3414-7

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols.,

L 2202-3, 7384 5

Davenport Dunn. 3 vols, 2 copies,,

.L 758-60, 3418-J0

Third copy, 2 vols L 2213-4

Day's ride, 2 vols., 2 copies L 767-8, 3421-2

Third copy L 22J3

Dodd family abroid, 3 vols L 3423 ;

Second and third copies, 2 V0IS.L747-8, 2210-1

Fortunes of Glencore, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 753-4. 3426-

Third copy • L 2220

Harry Lorrequer, 2 vols., 2 copiss,

L 73*^-7. 3428-9

Third and fourth copies L 2193, 4290

Horace Templeton, 3 copies,, L 2226, 2354, 2731

Jack Hinton, 2 vols., 2 copies., L 741-2, ,^30-'

Third copy L 2194

Knight of Gwynne, 3 vols L 731-"

Second and third copies, 2 vols.,

L 2204-5, 3432-;

Lord Kilgobbin, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 778-9,3435 '

Third and fourth copies L 2216, 737^

Luttrell of Arran, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 769-70, 3437

Third and fourth copies L 2212, 738c

Martins of Cro' Martin, 3 vols. , 2 copies,

L 750-2, 3439-4'

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols.


L 2217-8, 738C-;

Maurice Tiernay, 2 vols., 2 copiesL 2570-1, 3442-3

O'Donoghue, 3 copies L 730, 2198, 3444

One of them, 2 vols., 2 copies. , , , L 761-2 3445-f

Third and fourth copies L 2201, 7379

Rent in a cloud, 3 copies L 775, 3447, 414^

Roland Cashel, 3 vols., 2 copies. L 755-7, 344ii-5C

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols.,

L 2207-8, 7382-;

St. Patrick's eve, 2 copies L 777, 341;

Sir Brooke Fossbrooke, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 771-2, 3451-

Third copy L zn

That boy of Norcott's, 4 copies,

L 776. 2219, 3456, 737:


Tom Burke of " Ours," 3 vols., 2 copies,

L 738-40, 3457-ci

Third copy, 2 vols L 2199-220*

Tony Butler, 2 vols., 2 copies,. L 2568-9, 34C0-;

Third copy L 2224I

Leveimore, Republic of New Haven . . G 9^1

Levi. International law A 47<'|

[Levison, H. A.] . Forest and field. . . . F 67^1

Lcvison—L inton. 107


,L 2197. 2730

, ..L 2384

...E 471-3



202-3, 7384-5



...L 2213-4 I767-8, 3421-2 I

, ..L 2223 A. ..L 3423-5 ^-747-8, 2210-1


.753-4. 3426-:

_ _ . .L 2220


- 73t'-7. 3428-0

..L 2193, 429c

226, 2354, 2731

^ 741-2, 3430-1

...L -iiO-

L 731-;


i 2204-5, 3432-

L 778-9,3435 •

. ..L 2216, 737^


, 7G9-70, 34 37 'J

. ..L 2212, 738c


750-2, 3439-4''



2217-8, 738''^-:


2570-1. 344--;

730, 2198, 344-

L 761-2 3445'

..L 2201, 73,'

775. 3447. 4'4'

755-7. 344S-:^


2207-8, 73^;--

...L777. 34.=:


iL 771-2, 3451 •

..L -y-]


2219, 345f'' 73"


738-40, 345:

. . . L 2199 -'^•

2568-9, 34'^'

L 22:4

ben . . G #'

...A 4:

II....F 67^'|

Levison (]. I. ) Mental culture B 586

Levy (Amy). Keuben Sachs; a study.. L 2081

Lewald. Stella, 2 vols., 5 copies L 4358-67





















Lewes (G.H.). Actors and art of acting.E

Hiographicpi history of philosophy . . .B

Physiology of common life, 2 vols BProblems of life and mind, 2 vols BKanthorpe LStudies in animal life .V

Lewins. Her Majesty's mails B

Lewis (A. H ) Critical history of Sun-

day legislation B

Lewis (A. J.).Conjurer Dick M

Lewis (David). Drink problem BLewis (Dio). New gymnastics for men,

women, and children DLewis (E. N.). Manual for magistrates

and others BLewis (Sir G. C). Best form of govern-

ment GLewis (T.H.). Holy places of Jerusalem.


Lexington, and other poems I

Leyland. The Bronte family, 2 vols...


Lichtenberger. History of German theol-

ogy in the 19th century C

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comings of our Lord, 2 vols C

% Forty sermons on various subjects, ist,

i 2nd, 3rd, and 4th series C

I Lieber. Great events, 2 copies G 725, 804

1 Political ethics, 2 vols B 195-6

^? Liebig. Chemical analysis of organic

^1bodicjs B

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Liefde (John de). Beggars ; or, the found-

ers of the Dutch republic MBrave resolve MMaid of Stralsund LRomance of charity E

Liesching. Through peril to fortune. .MLietze. Modern heliographic processes.


Lieutenant Barnabas. Barrett, 3 copies. LLife among my ain folk. Alexander, H^m.L

Life and adventures of Major Roger Sher-man Potter. Trusedale L

Life for a life. Ctaii; Mrs. D. M., 2 vols.,

3 copies L 339-40, 3290-1, 444^-7

I'ourth copy L 2071

Life in a parsonage. IVithrmv L 5331

Life interest, ///^jrrtw./^'r, 2 vols., 3Copies.L 6632-7

Fourth, fifth, and sixth copies L 6343-5

Life of a sailor. Chamier, Capt., 2 copies.

L 1839, 3052

Life on the Mississippi. " Mark Twain,"2 vols., 3 copies L 1651-2, 3552-3, 4433-4

Life sketches. Dumont L 4823












Life's aftermath. Marshall, i copies. , L 1645, :,.050

Life's atonement. Murrav, D. C L 5747Life's lessons. Gore. 2 vols L 529-30

Life's promise to pay. Fargus L 2282

Life's secret. IVooJ, Mis. //., 2 copies. L 1470, .t636

Lifted veil. Crost, 2 copie.s L 457, 3470

Liggins. Value and success of foreign

missions C 762

Lightfoot (Bishop). Supernatural reli-

gion C 805

Lighthall (W. D.). (AV.). Songs of thegreat Dominion, 2 copies I 597-8

Thoughts, moods, and ideals I 445Young seigneur ; or, n?tion-making,

3 copies L 6784-6

Lightly lost. Smart, ^ copies L 7363-6

Ligne (Princess de). Memoirs. Editedby Lucien Perey, 2 vols H 1524-5

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L 6190-9

Like father, like son. Payn, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1 1 18-9, 3662-3

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Kempis, 2 copies C 419, E 92

Like unto like. Bonner L 4745I ilies of the valley. Fullerton L 501

Lillie (Pev. A.). Canada : physical,economic, and social, 2 copies F 569, 692

Lillie (Lucy C). Colonel's money. ...M loii

Household of Glen Holly, 2 copies... M 1 261-2

Jo's opportunity M 1013

My mother's enemy M 1 284

Rolf house M 925

Lilly (Wm.). Introduction to astrology.

Edited by Zadkiel A 364

Lilly (VV. S.). Chapters in Europeanhistory. 2 vols G 1087-8

Lily among thorns. Marshall L 2036

Lily and the bee. IVarren, 2 copies.. L 1437, 4233

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Lindau. Gordon Baldwin, etc., 2 copies,

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Linderfelt. Volapiik, prepared for Eng-lish speaking public E 18S3

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Linton (P2. Lynn). Atonement of LeamDundas, 2 vols L 783-4


108 Linton—Loftie.

I \



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Misericordia L 4185My love, 2 vols L 790-1

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The same, vols. 33-6, 1884-5 K 139-42

The same, vols. 37-44, 1886-0 K 2779-86

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Third copy, 2 vols L 3088-9

Fourth and fitth copies L 7110-11

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ivood, Mti L 3056

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Little men. Alcott L 77Little Mrs. Murray Philips, 5 copies..



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Livelies, The, and other stories. K'ellogg.L. 4791

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Last years of H 97


" " I'ersonallife.i9/rt//t/VH 163

Livonian tales, h'i^/iy, E. (L,uly Eaitlake)\. 2025

Livy. Works. Translated by Spillan andothers, 4 vols E 1 166-9


' Collins E 555

Liza ; or, a ntst of nobles. Tur^Snieff. . L 4979Lizzie Leigh. Gaskell, Mrs., 2 copies. . L 51 1, M 441

Lloyd (li. M.). Vauban, Montalembert,Carnot

: engineer studies H 1432

Lloyd (J.). North fVfrican church C 361

Lloyd (L.). Scandinavian adventures,2 vols F 906-7

Lloyd {Mrs. W. R.). Flower of Christianchivalry C 54

Lock. Tobacco growing, curing, andmanufacturing D gn

Locke i;D. R). Morals of Abou BenAdhem L 4893

Locke (John). Education, 2 copies. . . .B loi, 495

Essay on human understanding B 466

Philosophical works, 2 vols E 789-jo

Locke (John) . Life. Fowler H 804

Locker. London lyrics I 31

Lockhart (A. J.). The masque of min-strels I 5S0

Lockhart (J. G.). Adam Blair L 1706

Ancient Spanish ballads I 16;

Reginakl Dalton L 170;

Valerius L 1703 JLockhart (L. W. M.). Mine is thine,

2 vols L 792-1

Lockhart (W.). Communion of saints.



Non possumus C 5:

Lockhart-Gordon(yl/'-.f.C,). Totheend.M 143;

Lockwood. Animal memoirs. Birds.



Animal memoirs. Mammals A 475!

Lockyer (J. N.;. Chemistry of the sun.



Movements of the earth A 4641

Science primer ol astronomy Blind i-

Star gazing, past and present A 23:

Studies in the spectrum analysis A ^ =

Lodge (tL C.) Elnglish colonies of

America G SnJ

Lodge (R). History of modern Europe.



Loeher. Cyprus : historical and descrip-

tive F 63:1

Loftie (/l//*x.). The dining-room, .. . ..D ^\

Loftie (W. J.). Art in the house D mIn and out of London M 93'

London. (Historic towns) G lO'^l

Loftie—Loved. 109

Windsor castle F 971

Logan (O.). Get thee behind me, Satan !.L 4834

Logan (Wm.). Early heroes of the tem-perance reformation H 102 1

Logan (.ViVWm. E.). Life. Harringlon.W 649

Logic town. Tythr, 4 copies L 6776-9

Lois the witch. Gaskell, Mrs L 512

Lola : a tale of Gibraltar. Griffiths L 2385

Lombard. The new Honduras F 1429

Lommel. Nature of light A 84

London characters and humorous side ofLondon life E 1285

London in ancient and modern times. ..F 594London life. James, Henry, jr L 2319

London romance. Ross, C. H.,2 vols.. . L 12 14-5

London Society. Vols. 1-49. 1862-86.



The same. Vols. 50-56. 18S6-9 K 3341-5

Long (C. C ). Central Africa F 1002

Long (Cieorge). Civil wars of Rome,^ vols G 433-4

Decline of the Roman republic, 5 vols..G 1354-8

Long (J. H.). Slips of tongue and pen.



Long exile, and other stories. Tolstoi. . L 6432

Long odds. Smart, 4 copies L 7243-6

Long search. Roc, Mary A L 5764

Longfellow (H.W.). Courtship of MilesStandish, etc I 280

Ivvangeline, and other poems . . . .Blind 13

Golden Legend I 244

Kavanagh L 507


Outre-Mer L 5070

Poetical works I 329

Prose works E 937Selections from poems Blind 30

Song of Hiawatha I 234

Tales of a wayside inn I 270

Three books of song I 151

Ultima Thule I 173

Longfellow (H.W ). Final memorials of.

Longfellow, S . . H 1403" " Life. Longfellow, S.

2 vols tl 1301-2

" " Life. Robertson. H 1636

Longman (F.W.). Frederick the Great.



Longman (Win.), Three cathedrals dedi-cated to St. Paul in Loiidon D 8ig

Longman's Magazine. Vols. 115, 1882-9.

K 729-43

iLongus. Translated by Smith E 1 158

: Look before you leap. Alexander, Mrs..


4966[Looking backward. Bellamy, 2 copies. .L 6548-9iLoomis (E.). Practical astronomy ...A 660

|Loomis (S.L.). Modern cities and theirreligious problems C 721

Lord. Home in the wilderness F 254jLord Bantam. Jenkins, 2 vols L 651-2

Second and third copies L 4143, 4153

Lord Brackenbury, Edwards, A.B.,2 vols,

I' 434-5Lord Erlistoun. Craik, Mrs. D. M.,

3 copies L 345, 3293, 4460Lord Hermitage. Grant, J L 3033

Lord Kilgobbin, Lever, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 778-9. 3435-(>

Third and fourth copies L 2216, 7378Lord Mayor of London. Ainsworth, 2 vols.

L 27-8

Lord Montagu's page. Janus, G. P. R..L 2262

Lord Oakburn's daughters. Wood, Mrs. H.,2 vols,, 2 copies L 1457-8, 4593-4

I-ords and ladies. Ma*sh, Mrs L 4740Lord Strahan. tVildrick L 4880

Lorenzo Benoni. Ruffini L 1219

Lorley and Keinhard. A ticrbach L 4975Lorna Doone. Blackmore L 5506

Lorne (il/((n/«/5 of). Guido and Lita. . .1 281

Imperial federation B 422

Lossing. History of the fine arts D 350Seventeen hundred and seventy-six; or,

the war of Independence G 899

Lost and saved. Norton, z vols L 1029-30

Lost and won. Craik, Mrs. G. M L 361

Lost for love. Braddon, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 189-90, 3182-3, 4483-4

Lest in the post. Wood, Mrs. H.,2 copies.

L 1497, 4582

Lost Lenore. Reid, Capt. M.. 2 copies.

L 2695, 2842

Lost ship. Nealc L 4069

Lost Sir Massingbred. Payn L 4281

Lothair. Beacons/ield, 2 vols L 400-


Second copy L 2309

Loti. .Vn Iceland fisherman L 6082

From lands of exile F 652

Lott. Harem life in Egypt and Con-stantinople F 1065

Lotta Schmidt, and other stories. Trol-

lope, A L 4280

Loubat. Yachtsman's scrap-book. . . .D 668

Loudon {General). Mallcson H 1173

Loudon (.U/'s.). Entertaining naturalist.



Loudon (J. C). Encyclop<-rdia of agri-

culture D 403

Louis XIV. Life and times of. James,2 vols E 763-4

Louis Lambert. Balzac L 5294

Louisiana. Burnett L 4269

Love and life. Yonge, 3 copies. .L 1684, 2006, 3943

Love and luck. Roosevelt L 54'^o

Love me forever. Biulianan L 5700

Love me little, love me long. Reade,2 copies L 1 177, 3687

Love story. Southey E 433Love, the avenger. [De Bury], 2 vols..L 390-1

Loved I not honour more. Rothwell,2 copies L 5788-9

no Lovel—Lnttrell.

\ !)

! I

Lovel the w.jower. Thackeray, Wm. M.,4 copies L 2875, 3074, 7077-8

Lovell. Edible moliusks of Greatiiritain A 534

Lovels of Arden. /in ddon, 2 vols,

3 copies L 181-2, 3184-5,4498-9

Lover (Samuel). Handy Andy , 2 copies. L 2756, 2787I 'oetical works I 396Kory (J'More, 3 copies L 1745, 2755, 2786

Lover (Samuel). Life. Syinington .. . .H 255Love's conflict. Marryat, F., 2 vo\s L 878-9

Love's victory. Farjeon LLovett (Ed.). Drake and the Dons,

2 copies MLoving a dream. Gibbon LLow (C. R.). Capt. Cook's voyages. . . MGreat battles of the British navy EJoshua Hawsepipe MLand of the sun FLetter of marque MTales of the ocean M

Low (David). Domesticated animals ofthe British Isles A

Low (J. L.). Durham. (Diocesanhistories C

Lowdell. German evenings LLowder (Charles). Biography of HLowell (James R.). Biglow papers.. . .EDemocracy, and other addresses E

Contents—Democnicv—CiarticUl — Str.nley—FieUliiiK'— L'olcriilifc—Hooks aiul libraries—VVoriRworth — Don (Juixote—Harvardanniversary.

Heartsease and rue I 435My study windows E 1948

Poems, 2 vols I 278-9

Second copy Blind 14

Political essays, 2 copies E 1975-6

C"();;/c«/,v—American tract society— Electionin November—K pluribusimum— Pickens-antl-.Stealin's rebellion—General McClel-lan's report— The rebellion, its causes andconsequences—McClellan or Lincoln .'

Reconstruction—Scotcli the snake, or kill

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Lowell (Hercival). Choson, the land of

the morning calm F 1476

Lowell (Robert). Antony Brade L 4871

Lowig. Organic and physiological

chemistry A 640

Lowndes. Ethel Fortescue M 981

New honours M 844

Loyau. Representative men of SouthAustralia H 326

Loyalty George. Parr, 2 vols.,5 copies.. L 6646-55

Loys, Lord Berresford, etc. Argles.,..'L 1174

Lubbock [Sir John). Ants, bees, andwasps, 2 copies A 106, 402

British wild flowers in relation to in-

sects, 2 copies A 217, 682


















1 170

Origin and metamorphoses of insects. A 216

Pleasures of life, 2 vols E 1768-9

Colli, iits V'ul. I.--Duty of happiness— Hap-piness of duly—A soni; of nooks—Choiceof books - Mlessinjr of frien<ls — Value oftime— I'leasures of travel— i'leasures ofhome— Science— lid iication.

Vol. II.— Ambition — Wealth — Health —Love — Art — Poetry — Music — lleautie.s

of nature—Troubles of life— Labour andrest — Religion — Hope of projjress —Destiny of man. '

Senses, instincts, and intelligence of

animals \

Luca Delia Robbia. Scott II

Lucan. Pharsalia. Translated by /?/7^)'.E

Lucas (('. P.). Historical geography of

the British colonies F 1413

Lucas (J). Pleasuresot a pigeon fancier.D 759

Lucian. Collins E 552

Comedies. Translated by Maoinn. , .E 477

Lucius Davoren. Braddon, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 183-5, 3186-8, 4548-50

Luck is everything. Maxzvell L 4061

Luck of the Darrells. Payn, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 5420-9

Lucky disappointment. Marryat, F


. . . L 901

Lucky penny, etc. Hall L 4953

Lucky young woman. Philips, 5 copies. L 6400-4

Lucretia. Lytton, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 230-1, 3504-5

Third copy L 2900

Lucretius. Mallock E 561" Translated by Watson and by

Good E 1 171

Lucy. Diary of Disraeli parliament,

1874-80 G 941

Diary of Gladstone parliament, 1880-85.

G 961

Lucy Arden. Grant, J L 3046

Lucy Crofton. Oliphant, L M 54S

Lucy Hardinge. Cooper L 175S

Ludlow. American war of independence G 227

Lukin. Picture frame making for ama-teurs D 43S

Toy making for amateurs D 535

Lumby. History of the creed= C 182

Lupton. St. John of Damascus C 377

l^usignan (Princess A., ds). Twelve yearsreign of Abdul Hamid II., Sultan of

Turkey G 1419

Luttullah Autobiography. Eastwick,2 copies H 50, 94

Luther (Martin). (Ed.) Vagabonds andbeggars H 675

Luther (Martin) and the reformation,anecdotes of H loig

Life, /^a-s^/in, 2 copies.H 611, 667

" " Trcadwell H 85

Luttrell of Arran. Lever, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 769-70, 3437-8

Third and fourth copies L 2212, 73H0

Ltitwidge—Macaiday. !II


T 112 Macaulay—McElligott.

t \


Frederick the Great EGoldsmith, Oliver EHallani's " Constitutional history ".EHastings, Warren EHastings, Warren (in type for the

blind) Blind

Temple, Sir William EHistory of England, 5 vols GSecond copy, 3 vols G

Lays of ancient Rome (in type for theblind) Blind










Pitt, William, 2 copies E 430, 1304

Poems E 2121

Re<idmfes from (Italy) E 1648

Selections from Trcvflyan, 2 vols E 33-4

Speeches, 2 vols B 424-5

Speeches on parliamentary reform. . . E 431

Macbeth. Might and mirth of literature,

2 copies E 1324, 1836

MacCarthy (Denis F.). Irish ballads. . I 34

McCarthy (Justin). Camiola L 5674Dear Lady Disdain, 2 vols L 799-800Dolly, 4 copies L 7258-61

Donna Quixote, 2 vols L 803-4

Epoch of reform G 226

History of our own times, 2 vols.,

4 copies G 685-C, 7G1-2, 837-8, 8423Fifth copy, 4 vols G 349-52

Sixth copy, 3 vols G 24-6

History of the four Georges, first

volume, 3 copies G 908, 912, 916

Irish history G 333Miss Misanthrope, 2 vols L 801-2

Second copy L 4784Paul Massie L 4145Waterdale neighbours, 2 vols L 797-8

McCarthy and Campbell-Praed. Theladies' gallery, 4 copies L 702G-9

The Right Honourable, 2 copies L 6183-4

McCausland. Adam and the Adamite. A 58

McClure. Discovery of a north-westpassage F 726

McColl (Evan). Clarsach nam beann.I 352English poetical works I 339

McCook. The gospel in nature C 732

McCormick. Visit to the camp beforeSevastopol F 700

McCosh. First and fundamental truths.B 845

McCosh and others. Problems of Ameri-can civilization C 761

McCrea. Lost amid the fogs F 576McCrie. Reformation in Italy G 102

Reformation in Spain G 103

McCulloch. Men and measures of half acentury G 1317

McDanield and Taylor. The comingempire ; or, two thousand miles in

Texas on horseback F 287

MacDiarmid. Lives of British states-

men H 643

Macdonald (Alex). Too late for Gordonand Khartoum G 1195

Macdonald (Donald). Gum boughs andwattle bloom F 1417

Macdonald (A'm. Duff), .\fricana, 2 vols.F 431-^

McDonald (Flora). Life. By her grand-daughter H 695

Macdonald (George). Adela Cathcart..L C4C4Alec Forbes of Howglen, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 8056, 35289Annals of a quiet neighbourhood,

2 vols., 2 copies L 807-8, 3530-1

Third copy L 235C

David Elginbrod, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 809-10. 3532-3

Donald Grant L 6243

Elect lady, 3 copies L 6768-70

England's antiphon C 457

Gifts of the child Christ, 2 copies. . . . L 823, 3534

Gutta Percha Willie M 1 165

Home again L 6312

Malcolm, 2 vols., 2 copies L 813-4, ^535-6

Third and fourth copies L 2507-8

Marquis of Lossie, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 817 8, 3537-8

Third copy L 2504 :

Mary Marston, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 821-2, 3539-40

Paul Faber, surgeon , . . . . L 4797

Phantasies : a faerie romance, 2 vols L 5651-2

Poems, 3 vols I 383-5

Portent, 2 copies L 5308, 5O53

Princess and Curdie, 3 copies. L 8.4, 3541, M 1164

Princess and the goblin M 1 149

Ranald Bannerman's boyhood M 734

Robert Falconer M 570

St. George and St. Michael, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 815-6, 3544-3I

Third copy L 4831

Sir Gibbie, 2 vols,, 2 copies.. ..L 819-20, 3542-3

Stephen Archer, and other tales L 6463

Stories, 3 vols L 5654-6

Thomas Wingfold, curate, 3 copies,

L 2374, 2398, 2440

Vicar's daughter, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 811-2,3546-7

What's mine's mine L 5796

Within and without I 382

Macdonald (James). Food from the far

west D 455

Macdonald (.V/> John A.). Life. Collins K 650

Macdonald (John). Business success,2 copies B 319, 324

McDougall (George M.). Pioneer, patriot,

and missionary. McDougall H 734

McDougall (H). Sketches of life atSarawak M 943

Mace. Servants of the stomach A 422

McElligott. American debater E 1531

Maceticn—Maclcod. 113



114 Macleod—Mahan



Macleod (Norman). Old liuiitenant andhis son, i. copies I. 832, 4839

Eastward : travels in I-Kvpt. etc F 6C8

Macleod of Uare. liliuk, z vols., • copies.

L 165 6, 3132-3

Maclise (David). Memoir. O'Driscall.H 21O

Maclochlin. Education U 183

McMaster. History of the people of theUnited States, vols. 1-2 (/ 10GG-7

Macmillan (Daniel). Memoir. Hitfrhes.W 147

Macmi.lan (Hugh). Bible teachings in

nature C 59

First forms of vegetation C 57Holidays on high lands C 62

Marria>.'e in Cana C 63

Ministry of nature C Co

Olive leaf C 627

Roman mosaics V 1600

Sabbath of the fields C 61

Two worlds are ours C 58

Macmilian's Magazine, vols. 1-60, 1859-89.K 1421-81

MacMullen. History of Canada from its

lirst discovery, 2 copies (j 189, 1333

McMurdo. History of Portugal G 1295

Macmurray Legend of Delaware valley. I 326

McNab. Outlines of morphology andphysiology of plants A 675

MacNevin. State trials in Ireland, 1794-1798 B 190

Volunteers of 1782 (i 41

Macnish (Robert). Anatomy of drunken-ness B 580

Modern Pythagorean : tales, essays, andsketches E 1885

Philosophy of sleep B 406

Macnish (Robert). Life. Moir E 1884

Macoun and Spotton. Structural botanyA 617

McQueen. Orators' touchstone E 1520

Macquoid (G.S.). (Ed.) Jacobite songsand ballads I 482

The same, with additional notes I 441

Macquoid (Katharine S.). Beside theriver, 2 vols L 844-5

Dia-^'e, 2 vols L 842-3

Second copy L 4828

Evil eye L 4906

Faithful lover, 2 vols L 846-7

Mere Suzanne M 1 177Miriam's marriage, 2 vols L 835-6

My story, 2 vols L 840-1

Patty, 2 vols. L S33-4

Pictures ac' the channel, 2 vols,. . .L 837-8

Too soon L 839Macrae. Dunvarlich L 2602

Macready (Wm. Chas.). Reminiscences.

Pollock H 236

Macready, Forest, and their coniem-porarii^s II 1 2 )f^>

McVeys. Kirkland L 6815

Mad Dumarescj, Marryat, /•'., 2 vols L 893-4

Madam. Oliphant, Mrs L 7018

Madame do Presnel. Poynter, E. /'".,

3 copies L 3214-H

Madame I'ontt'uoy. Koherti, 2 copies.L 851, M 32

Madame Oosselin, UUmch L 499o

Madame Thcrese. Erckmann-Chatrian,2 copies L 231 1, 734S

Madame's grand-daughter. Peard,$ copies.

L 6148-52

Madan. Kiiingani; or, story and history

from Central Africa O 1170

Madcap Violet. Black. 2 vols L 3120-1

Madden. Health resoits of Europe andAfrica F 453

Maddon. Phantasmata, 2 vols B 193-4

.Maddoxes. .Widdlcmass, 4 copies L 7190-3

Made or marreil. Fothergill L 484

.Madeline. Kavanagh M 502

Mademoiselle Mori. Roberts, 2 vols. , . . L 848-0

Madison (James). Gay H 1097

Mad(jnna Mary Oliphant, Mrs., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1040-1, 3749-50

Madonna of the future. James H.,jr. . , L 633

Madrigal, and other stones. PtarJ.....L. 1656

Madox-Brown. Gabriel Denver L 4896

Maetzner. English grammar, 3 vols...



Magendie. Human physiology A 596

Magic skin. lialzu, 2 copies L 5291-2

Maginn. Homeric ballads E 477

Fraserian papers E 478

Lucian's comedies E 477

O'Doherty papers, 2 vols E 474-5

Shakespeare papers E 476

Magnhild. Bjornson L 1893

Magnum bonum. Vonge, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 1564-5. 3944-5

Third copy L 20.'.


Magnus (/.(?/>/). About the Jews G 127

Jewish portraits E 2125

Magnus (S/V Philip). Industrial edu-cation B 833

Magoon. Living orators in America. . II 900

Mahaffy (J. P.). Art of conversation ..E 1880

Greek life and thought G 1180

History of classical Greek literature,

2 vols E 1 37-8

Old Greek education B 36

Rambles and studies in Greece F io.ii

Social life in Greece G 100

Mahaffy and Rogers. Sketches from atour through Holland and Germany.!' 1550

Mahan. Navy in the civil war,—Gulf andinland waters G 48^


n Ii6 Mansfield—Marm ier.

If : «


ii i


Mansfield. Lok of the " Water Lily " onthe Khine, Neckar, and Danube L 855

Mansfiehl park. Austt.>, s copies. I. 79, i84f), 2725Mannie Wauch, tie Dalkfnth tailor.

f.l/xV, /> .1/.], i copies I. ^707, i8(j6

Mantegfna. C<iriwnt>ht M r 1


Mant. Midshipman M i,\()

Mantell. Fossils of the Britinh museum A 382

(Jooionical excursions .\ 38


Manual for mechanics' institutions H 347Manual of heraldry ....G 723

Manuel (Don I uan). C'ount Lucanor, . K 2005

M.iny lauds, Half hours in M 168

Manzoni. Motrothed, 2 copies L 1H60, 4018

Mapleson (|. II). Mapleson memoirs,iH.|.S 18.SH, 2 vols H 1676 7

Marahuna. IVatson \. C853

Marcella and Esfira, 2 copies L 2485, 4257

Marcellinus (Ammianus). Translated byVoiii;e \i 1 1 22

March. Walk into Spain V H03

Marchioness of Jirinvilliers. Smith, A.,

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Marco Visconti. Grossi L 2514

Marcy. Border reminiscences I^ 2482

Tliirty years' army life on the border. I"" 1018

Mardi and a voyage thither. Melville, //.,

i vols L 42312

Marey. .Animal mechanism A 77

Margaret Denzil's history. [Greenwood, F.]L 4803

Margaret Graham, James, G. P. R L 4032

Margaret Maitland. Oliphant, Airs.,

J copies L 1035, 3751

Margaret of Angouleme, Queen of Na-varre. Robinson H 1336

Margaret Roper. Stewart, A L 1925

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Margetts. Charlie .Ash ford ; or, fouryears in the Canadian Dominion. ..F 492

Marguerite de Valois. Dumas L 2664

Marian. Hall, 2 \o\s L 1619-20

Maria Teresa (j1/o//;c>-). IJfe. Hiilst..H 375

Marie Antoinette. History. Abbott.. H 976" " Private life. Cam-

pun H 1352•' " Yonfre H 169

Marie de la Providence. Life. Fullerton.H 471

Marie (Sa'iir). Life H 1022

Mariner (W.). Tonga Islands, 2 vols..E 1084-5

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Marion and Co. Practical guide to pho-tography D C04

Marion Fay. Trollope, A., 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Third copy L 4299

Innocents abroad, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Innocent.* at home, 3 copies.. .L 862, 3551, 44.?''

Library of humour, 3 copies E 1962 4

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Prince and the pauper, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Roughing it, 3 copies L 861, 3556, 4435

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Sketches, 3 copies L 866, 3557, 4432

Stolen white elephant, 3 copies. L 865, 3558, 4429

Ton^ Sawyer, 3 copies L 856, 3559, 4439

Tramp abroad, 2 vols., 3 copies.

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Mark of Cain. Lang, 2 copies L 5329 jo

Mark Rutherford's autobiography anddeliverance L 6844

Market Harboroiigh. Melville.G .J.W l. 4179

Markham (A. H.). Northward ho!2 copies F 127, 516

Whaling cruise to Baffin's bay, 2 copies.

F 125, ioo6

Markham ((M<.). Abyssinian expedition.P"


Bogles' mission to Thibet I' 452

Peru F 72

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Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald, 2 vols.,

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Third copy L 2504\

Marlborough (7)//*^ of). Life. Crc/^/z/ow II .156

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Marlitt. At the councillo: 's L 235;

In the Shillingscourt, 2 copies L 2261, 2363

Princess of the moor, 2 vols L 1649-50

Second wife L 4863

Marlowe. Dramatic works. Edited byCunningham I 14'

Dramatic works. Edited by Zi///s I 55'

Faustus E 3^4


Poems E 90-

Marmaduke Herbert. Blessington, 2 vols.

L 130-1

Marmier. Les Etats-unis et le Canada.



Marmonu—Marshall. 117

Miuiiiorno. Hamcvton, V. ()., 1 copies. L H07, 4251

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I. H70, 1817, 2O43, 2884, 3564

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Midshipman Easy, 5 copies.

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Newton Forster, 3 copies . . ..L 1831, 2646, 2891

< )ila I 'odrida, 5 copies L 2650, 2882, 3004

I'.icha of many tales, 2 copies L 2639, 2889

I'crcival Keene, 5 copies.

L 1813. 2567, 2638, ?887, 3569

I'eltr Simple, 5 copies.

L 869, 1865, 2653, 2877, 3570

Phantom ship, 3 copies I. 1814, 2883, 3000

I'irate and three cutters, 4 copies.

E 943, L 2651, 3001, M 271

Poacher, 3 copies L 1819, 2642, 2886

Poor Jack. 3 copies ....... K 94G, L 2645, M 26H

Privateersman, 4 '.ipies.

E947, L873, 3571, M 272

Kattlin the reefer, 3 copies... .L 1855, 2649, 2890

Settlers in Canada, 4 copies.

K 944, L 872, 3572, M 273

Valerie, 4 copies L 875, 2885, 3003, 3573

Marryat {Capt.). Life. Marryat, Flor-

ence HMarryat (E). Jack Stanley MMarryat (Florence). Broken blossom,

1 vols LConfessions of Gerald Estcourt, 2 vols.L

('rown of shame, 4 copies LDaughter of the tropics, 2 vols., 5 copies LDriven to bay, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6031-40

Facing the footlights, 2 vols L 926-7

Fair-haired Alda, 2 vols LFighting the aii , 2 vols LI'or ever and ever. 2 vols LGentleman and courtier, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 6686-95

Ghost of Charlotte Cray L :48

Harvest of wild oats, 2 vols L 906-7

Heart of Jane Warner, 2 vols., 4 copies.L 5186-93Heir presumptive, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 5340-5. 5348-9Her father's name, 2 vols L 904-5










Her loril .md master, 3 vols \. 8<k> i

Her world agamst a lie, 2 vols I. 911-a

How they loved him, 2 vols I. 924-3

Little stepson L <)o8

Love's conflict, 2 vols I., 8789Lucky disappointment L 901

Mad I)umart:s(|, 2 vols L 893-4

Master passion, 2 vols , 5 copies L 5576 85

Moment of madness I 919

My own child, .• vols L 902-3

My sister till! actress, a vols L 920-1

Nellie Hrooke, 2 vols, L 884-5

No intf.-ntior.s, 2 vols I., 895 6

On circumstantial evidence, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 7422-ji

Peeress and player, 2 vols., 3 copies.

"L J57C-7. 3374-7I'etronel, 2 vols L 888-9

Fhyllida, 2 vols L 922-3

Foison of asps. L 900

Hoot of all evil, 2 vols L 915-6

Spiders of society, 2 vols., 5 copies... .L 3884-93

Star and a heart L 899

Tom Tiddler's ground F 1441

Under the lilies and roses, 2 vols.,

4 copies L 4348-55

Veronique, 2 vols L 886-7

With Cupid's eyes, 2 vols L 917-8

Written in fire, 2 vols L 919-10

Second copy L 4132

Marryat (Frank). Mountains and molelulls F 720

Marsh (George P.). The earth A 240

Marsh (George P.). Life and letters,

vol. I H 1535

Marsh (John li.). Robin Hood, 2 copies.

M 3n, 672

Marsh {Mn.). Aubrey, 2 vols L 934-5

Castle Avon, 2 vols L 932-3

Emilia VVyndham, 2 vols L 930-1

Evelyn Marston, 2 vols L 938-9

Heiress of Haughton, 2 vols L 936-7

Lords and ladies L 474°

Kavenscliffe, 2 vols L 928-9

Rose of Ashurst. 2 vols L 940-1

Two old men's tales L 4895

Valley of a hundred fires L 4260

Marshall (E.). Benvenuta, 2 copies.. L 943, 2044

Bishop's Cranworth M 1422

Bristol diamonds M 1 350

Brothers and sisters L 2047

Christabel Kingscote L 2043

Constantia Carew L 2046

Court and cottage M 392

Dayspring L 945

Dorothj s daughter L 2030

Dulcibel's daydreams M 1282

I t-

Edward's wife L 2032

Heights and valleys L 204


Helen's diary L 2033

History of France G 46c

Houses on wheels M 1383

In Colstfin's days L 2622

In four reigns, 5 copies L 5923-7

In the city of flowers, 6 copies. .1 7312-6, M 1408

In the east country. 5 copies L 5194-8

Joanna's inheritance L 2037

Job Singleton's heirs L 2034

Lady Alice, j copies L 944, 2040

Life's aftermath, 2 copies L 1645, 2050

Lily among thorns L 2036

Millicent Legh L 2042

Mistress Matchett's mistake M 1 163

Virs. Mainwaring's journal 2 copies.. L 942, 2045

No. XIII., 5 copies L 5400-4

Nnw-a-days L 2048

Old gateway L 2049

On the banks of the Ouse, 5 copies. . . L 6375-9Pochemonts L 2035

Troublous times L 2029

Violet Douglas L 20ji

Marshall {Rev. E.). Oxford (Diocesanhistories) C 349

Marshall (P.). International vanities..



Marshall (\Vm.). Past, present, andfuture of England's language.. ...E 224

Marshall (\V. E.). Travels among theTodas F 1221

Marshall an^" Hurst. Junior course ofpractical zoology A 446

Marshman. Carey, Marshman, and Ward.C 334

Marston (E.). Frank's ranche F 969

Marston (P. B.). For a song's sake, etc.L 6226

Marston (W.). L.amatic and poetical

works, 2 vols 1 432-3

Our recent actors H 1618

Mar.stons. AM, 2 vols L " 7-8

Marten (John), llistory, Skcrwood H 921

Martha Brown, Paul L 1 259

Martial. Epigrams, translated, 2 copies.

E 1172, 1360

Martin (A. P.). Australia and the empire.



Martin (B. E.). Old Chelsea F 1556

Martin (t;. G.). Whom God hath joined. I, 5432

Martin (G.). Marguerite, and otherpoems I J87

Martin (G.A.). {Ed.). Fences, gates, andbridges D 760

Martin (H. N.). Human body A 121

Martin (John). Life and remams, Craik,

Mrs. D. M., 2 vols., 3 copies.

H 6-7, 1081-2, 1179-80

Fourth copy. H 743



Martin (John H.). Microscopic objects


figured and described A!Martin {Lady). Our Maoris F


Martin (Lflrfj). Shakepeare's female char-


acters EMartin {Mrs.). Bonnie Leslie, 2 copies.


399, 465

For a dream's sake M 30"

Martin (William). Noble boys M 303]

Martin (W. A. P.). Chinese : their edu-cation, philosophy and letters F 112

Martin Chuzzlewit, Dickens, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 3099-4000, 3334-5. 4642-3

Fourth and fifth copies L 710C-7

Martin Pole, Saunders, J .... L 4768

Martineau (Harriett. Biographicalsketches H 203

Deerbrook L 1739j

Feats on the F ord L 2490

Hampdens M 348j

History of England, 1800-15 E 793

History of the thirty years' peace,

1816-46, 4 vols E 794-7

Hour and the ma.i L 2740

Household education B 24

Martineau (Harriet). Life. Miller...



Martineau (James). Essays, 2 vols. .. .C 214-5

Study of religion, 2 vols C 678-9

Study of Spinoza E 183

Types of ethical theory, 2 vols B 599-600|

Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever, 3 vols.,

2 copies L 750-2, 3439-4'

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols. .L2217-8, 7386-7

Martin's Vineyard. Harrison, A L 56S


Martyn (Henry). Bell H 18

Martyrs of the coliseum. O'lieHly, A J ..h, 19131

Maruja. Bi el //arle, 5 copies L 5375-9!

Marvel. Arg/es, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6622-31j

Sixth, seventh, and eighth copies L 6340-2


Marvell (Andrew). Poetical works andmemoir I :921



Marvin. Region of the eternal fire FKussiansatthegatesof Herat, 3copies G

Marx (A.B.). General musical instruc-

tion D 791!

Marx (Karl). Capital B ]']i

Mary Anerley. Blnckmo/e, i vols.,

2 copies L 121-3, 3140:

Third and fourth copies L 2312-j

Mary Barton. Gaskdl, Mrs L 507, 172;

Mary Gresley. Trollofe, A., 2 copies..L 4142, 4191

Mary Jane's memoirs. Sims L 5C7J

Mary Marston. MacJonald, 2 vols,2 copies L 821-2, 3539-4°

Mary of Burgundy. James G. P. A' L 4024

Mary of Lorraine. Grant, J., 2 copies.

L J044,^i(>o

Mary—Maurice. 119

Mary Stnart, Queen of Scots. Life, Bell.

2 vols.. .E 1050-1" " Lamarline . .Vi 476" " and her latest

English his-

torian. A/e-

line H 704" Life. S/'ici-

land, 2 vols.

G 441-2

Mary, the queen of the house of David.

ll^alsh, 2 copies L 6437-8

Marzio's crucifix. Crawford, 7 copies.

L 6i8i-2, 6200-4

Masollam. Oliphani, L., 2 vols., scopies.L 5657-66

Mason(E.T.). {Ed). American humor-ous masterpieces, 3 vols E 1694-6

Mason (G.H.). Zulus of Natal E 420

Maspero. Egyptian archaeology ....•• G 663

Massey. Poems and ballads I 236

Massillon. Giuvres choisies O 156

Massinger. Dramatic works. Edited byCunningham I 140

" Dramatic works. Edited b"Symom, 2 vols I 544-5

MasEon (C). Narrative of journeys in

Belochistan, Afghanistan, etc.,

4 vols F 638-41

Masson (D.;. British novelists and their

styles E 1232

Masson (Gustave), France. (Early chroni-clers of Europe) G 466

Huguenots.. E 286

Story of mediaeval France G 1361

Masson {Rev. John). Fallen minister.



Masson (Michel). Celebrated children.



Master builder. Let, D. K L 4866

Master Humphrey's clock. Dickens,

3 vols , 2 copies L 3336-8, 4655-7

Master of Greylands. Woody Mrs. H.,- vols., 2 copies L 1486-7, 4628-9

[Master of his fate. .5rt>-r, 2 copies L 6510-11

Maste • of the ceremonies. Fenn L 6061

Master of the mme. Buchanan L 5677

[Master passion. Marry at, F., 2 vols.,

5 copies L 557^-85

[Masury. House painMng D 517Houso painting, carriage painting, andgraming D 518

IMatch of the season. Fraser, 4 copies. . L 7239-42

JMatchmaker. Reynolds L 2283

iMateaux. In letters of flame M 1065

|Mateer. Native life in Travancore. . . .F 1323lather (E.

J.). Nor'ard of the Dogger.


717lather (Increase). Remarkable provi-

dences C 769lathers. As he comes up the stair . . . . L 951Cherry ripe, 2 vols L 946-7Eyre's acquittal, 2 vols., 5 copies L 2914-23

Fashion of this world, 5 copies . . . . L 5626-30

Found out, 5 copies L 5199, 5203

Land o' the leal L 948

Murder or manslaughter, 5 copies. . . . L 5360-4

My lady green sleeves, 2 vols L 949-50

Sam's sweetheart, 2 vols L 952-3

Mathers (a. L. M). Kaobalah unveiled. C 669

Mathews (Jehu). A colonist on the colon-

ial question, 2 copies B 338, 512

Mathews (J. A.). Bessie Harrington'sventure, 3 copies M 79, 435, 550

Mathews (}. H). Edith Murray L 4275Uncle Rutherford's attio M 1084

Mathews (M.H.). Dr. Gilbert's daughters.M 558

Mathews (Wm.). Getting on in theworld B 423

Great conversers, etc E 1479

Literary style E noMen, places, and things E 1851

Matthew of Westminster's chronicle,

2 vols G 552-3

Matthevr Paris's chronicle, 3 vols..G 554-9

Matthews and Bunner. In partnership.



Matthews and Hutton. Actors andactresses of the present day H 1247

Matthews (Brander). (Ed.). Balladsof books I 389

French dramatists of the i9thLC.aury.I 132

Last meeting , L 532/

Secret of the sea L 5484

Theatres of Paris F 269

Venetian gl^^ss L 4327

Matthews (C). Enchanted moccasins.



Hiawatha, etc L 1914

Matthews (J. W.). Incwadi Yami F 1459

Maudsley (Henry). Body and mind. . .B 706

Natural causes and supernatural seem-ings B 688

Physiology and pathology of the mind.B 377

Maupns. Story of the coup d' etat,

2 vols G 1 107-8

Maurice (C. E.). The revolutionary move-ment of 1848-49 in Italy, Austria-

Hungary, and Germany G 1293

Maurice (C. E.). Tyler, Ball, and Old-castle H 1542

Maurice (Col.). Balance of military powerin Europe, 5 copies G 1245-9

Maurice (Frederick D). Conscience . .C 128

Philosophy , ancient B 246Philosophy, first six centuries B 247Philosophy, medi.ncval B 248Philosophy, modern B 245Representation and education of the

people B 458Sermons on the Lord's prayer C 16

Maurice (Frederick D). Life. Maurice,y. F., 2 vols H 799-800


120 Maurice—Melville.


Maurice Dering. Lawrence, 2 copies. .L 547, 4804

Maurice Tiernay. Lever, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2570-1, 3442-3

Mauris. French men of letters H 711

Maury (/I /jW). Principles of eloquence. E 1284

Maury (M. F.) Physical geography of

the sea F 334

Mawe. Linnaean system of conchology. A 726

" Max Adeler." See Clarke, C. H.

" Max O'Rell." See Blouett.

Maxton. Engineering drawing D i

Maxwell (E.H.). Griffin ahoy ! F 1452

With the Connaught Rangers V 1387

Maxwell (J.Clerk). Electricity A 752

Matter and motion A 289

Theory of heat A 7

Maxwell (J. S,). Czar, his court, andpeople F" 704

Maxwell (P.)- [Ed.]. Perils and captivity

of the Picard family, 1816. From the

hrench of Mmc. Dard E 1086

Maxwell (W. H.). Bivouac, 2 copies. L 1773, 4057

Captain Blake, 2 copies L 1784, 4062

Captain O'Sullivan L 4056

Flood and neld, 2 copies L 2394, 4060

Hector O'Halloran, 2 copies L 1776, 4055

Luck is everything L 4061

Peninsular sketches L 4059

Stories of Waterloo L 1761

Victories of Wellington E 949

Wild sports of the west L 4058

Maxwell. Hook, T., 2 copies L 18C2, 4078

Maxwell Drewitt. Riddcll, 2 vols L i J03-4

May(E.J.). Louis' school days M 130

May (G.). Ballooning D 752

May (T E.). Democracy in Europe,2vols B 333--,

May. Oliphaiit, Mrs., 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1055-6, 3752-3

Second copy . . L 2502

Mayer. Light A 2^.4

Sound A 214

Mayeux. Manual of decorative compo-sition D 847

Mayhew (Henry). Criminal prisons of

London, and scenes uf prison life..F G50

London characters E 1495

l,ondon labour and the London poor,

3 vols F II 20-2

Peasant boy philosopher M 370

Wonders of science, 2 copies M 610, 644

Maynard. Manual of taxidermy A G09

Naturalist's guide A O08

Mayne (F.). (Ed.). Voyages in the Arctic

regions E 418

Mayne (K. C). British Columbia andVancouver's Island F 877

Mayo (/irtWofi. Sport in Abyssinia. . ..F 182

Mayo (H.). Philosophy of livin^; B 583

Popular superstitions B 459

Mayo (W. S.). (£rf.). Kaloolah M 291

Mayor. Ancient philosophy B 579

Mayor of Casterbridge. Hardy, 2 copies.


5271 2

Mazarin. Masson H 1249

Mazzini (Joseph). Select essays E 1956

Coiitfiits.— Faith and the future— Lanicnnais,Hvroii, ami (ioethe--(Jeniu.sarul tendencyof the writiiif^s of IMioinas Carlyle —Carlyle's history of the French revolu-tion—Minor worlt: of Dante—From thePope to ihj council— Kiirope : its con-dition and prospects— M. Kenan andFrance.

Mazzini (Joseph). Life. Gurrison.. . .K 953

Mead (Henry). Sepoy revolt G 754

Mead(T.H.). Horsemanship for women.



Meade. A band of three M 11 13

Lady of the forest, 2 copies M 1299, 1300

World of girls M 9.S0

Mechanic's friend B 52

Mechanic'.s workshop, amateur D 547

Mediation of Ralph Hardelot, Minto.

3 copies . . L 6911-j

Medici (Lorenzo de). Life. Roseoe . . .E 851

Medhurst. Foreigner in far Cathay . . . F i ijj-i

Meech. Quince culture D 8go

Meehan. Earls of Tyrone and Tyrcon-nel G 904

Mehalah. Baring-Gould L 954

Meignan. Paris to Pekin F 1224

Meiklejohn. The English language. . .E i75>

Meinhold (W.). (Ed.) Schweidler, theamber witch L 257^

Meissonier. Mollett H 109

Melancthon (Philip). Life. Lcddirhosc. .H S63

Melbourne house. WcthireU,E ,2 copies.M 38, 669J

Meldrum. Gertrude Ellerslie L5495J

Meliboeus in London. Payn L 4236]

Melincourt. Peacock, T . L L 4941

Meliora, vols, i-q, 1859-66 K 2020-;

Melville (.Vnd rew). Life. McCric....\l176J

Melville (G.J. W.) Black bui ^omely,2 vols L 357'V'I

Second copy L 23St|

Brookes of Bridlemere, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 963-4. 35*^0-

Cerise, 2 vols, 2 copies L 965-6, 3582-31

Contraband, 2 copies L 972, 35S||

Digby (irand, 2 copies L 958, 35J

Gladiators, 2 vols., 2 copies L 961-2, 2793-<|

Good for nothing, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 959-60, 3586-

Holmby house, 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 956-7, 3588-1I

Inside the bar L 41;

Interpreter, 2 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 967-8, 3590''|

Kate Coventry, 2 copies L 955, 3.W

Katerfelto, 3 copies L 3593-4, 4^3''

M. or N., 2 copies L 971, 3595'Tfll.UU (1

Melville—Meteyard. 121

Market Harborough I. 4 179

Queen's Maries, 2 vols , 2 copies. . . . L 3506-7

Ridiin( recoller'ions, 2 .opies D 488, L 981

Roslne, 2 copies L 976, 3600

Roy's wife, 2 vols., 2 copies L 977-8, 3601-2

Sarchedon, 2 vols L 3603-4

Sister Louise, 2 copies L 975, 3605

Uncle John, 2 vols., 2 copies.. ..L 973~4. 3606-7

Third and fourth copies L 2267, 2393

White Rose, 2 vols., 2 copies. .. L 969-70, 3608-9

Second copy L 2290

[Melville (G VV.). In the T,ena Delta.

Cifeely relief expedition F 1 156

IMelville (Herman). Battle-pieces I 257

Mardi and a voyage thither, 2 vols. . . L 4231-2

Onioo: adventures in the South Seas.F 823

Piazza tales M 622'»'

' y Dick L 4308

Pierre ; or, the ambiguities L 2316

Redburn : his first voyage, 2 copies. .M 538, 597

Refugee L 4307

Typee : or, four months in the, 2 copies F 543, 768

iMember for Paris. Murray, E. C. G,

2 vols r, 1003-4

Second copy L 249^

iMemes. Sculpture, painting, and archi-tecture K 1098

Memoir c*" a inaitre d'armes. Diiinns . . . E 433Memoirs r>{ a cavalier. Defoe K 1433Memoirs of a femme de chambre. Bles-

siiigtun L 1 29Memoirs of a month among the Mere Irish.

Fhredice L 5500Memoirs of a physician. Dumas L 2656

Second copy, 2 vols L 4688-9Memoirs of C. J. Yellow, plush. Thack-

eray, Win. M ., 2 copies L 2872, 3071Memori 's of Sto.iyhurst college B 266

Men of charac^er. Jcrrold, D., 2 \-o\s. A. 6556Men of history H 104

lenault. Intelligence of animals ....E 594lendelssohn. Letters to I. and C.

Moschcles H 1651

Life Gage. . . H 351lendenhall. Century of electricity. . .D 712len.t. i'ractical hints on teaching.. .B 228

Jental struggle. Armies, Mrs., 2 vols.,

4 copies L 5616-21, 5624-5^•''f'hcopy L 5433

lenzel. History of Germany, 3 vols. . E 798-800

lenzies. Political women, 2 vols H 588-9

flyrceilcs of Castile. Cooper L 2256

lercer (H. (^•. The Lenape stone d 851rcer (John). Life and labours Par-"'•'i H 133.'

(Itahaiu of Berlin. MithUiacli L 48.S3

Mercier. Only a girl's life M 82

Mere child. Wal/ord L 7001

Meredith (George). Ballads and poems. . I 424Beauchamp's career, 2 vols L 984-5

Second copv L 632


Diana of the crossways L 5792Egoist L 6322

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Ordeal of Richard Feverel L 6324

Second copy, 2 vols L 982-3

Poems and lyrics I 423Reading of earth I 531

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Meredith. Blessington L 1 26

Merimee (Prosper). Carmen O 165

Colomba O 1 59

Cosaques d'autrefois O 164

Demetrius, the impostor G 382

Dernitres nouvelles O 166

Episode de I'histoire de Russie O 1 58

Etudes sur I'histoire Romaine O 161

Etudes sur les arts au moyen age . . .O 163

Lettres a une autre inconnue O 160

Melanges historiques et litteraires. . .O 162

Mosaique O 168

Portraits historiques et litteraires. . . .O 167

Theatre de Clara Gazul O 169

Merivale. Continental Teutons C 342

Early church history C 200

History of the Romans under the em-pire, 8 vols G 523-30

Roman triumvirates G 233

Meriwether (Lee). Tramp at home. . . . F 1566

Tramp trip F 1 298

Merrie England intheolden time. Daitiel.L 4884

Merriman (H. S). Phantom future.

3 copies L 7231-3

Merritt (W. H,). Biography of. Merritt.H 648

Merry England. Ainsworth, 2 vols L 51-2

Merry men. Stevenson, 2 copies L 5790-1

Merryfield (C. \V.). Arithmetic and men-suration A 8

Merryfield (F.). Molly's story, 3 copies.



Merton. Hook, T L 4079Mervyii Clitherne. Ainsworth, 2 vols..L 23-4

Messengers of truth. Chiltern L 2585

Meta's faith fTahor, Miss] L 4781

Meter \{e (LonI). Life, /v'.ijv, j vols. . H 8578Meteyaru. Doctors little daughter. . . M 695

122 Mctternich—MWon.I





Milton—Motr. 123

Paradise regained E 942

Prose works, 5 vols E 810-14

Selections from prosr works C 327

Todd's verbal index to poetical vvorks.E 942

Milton (John). l.ife in his own words.( i raham H 307

Pattison, Mark H 820

Stream of life on ourA 151










Milton (J. 1.

globe . .

Milton and Cheadle. North-west passageby la n I F

1 Mine is thine. Lockhart, L. W. M., 2 vols.

L[Mingled yarn. Miickarness, 2 vols L[Minister's wife. Olipliant, Mrs., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1042-^

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luigland Al^linstrel love. FoiiqnJ, 2 copies. . . . L 4213, M 208

|Mint0 (W.). English prose literature. .E 744Mediation of Ralph Hardelot, 3 copies. L 691 1-3

iMinton. Capita! and wages B 769

Miracle gold. Dutvling, 3 copies L 6503-5

Miriam's marriage. Macqtioid, 2 vols..L S35-6

lirza schaffy. Lieder X 71

Miscellanies. Thackeray, Win. M.,S vols.,

2 copies L 1285-92, 3S15-22

Miser. Conscioiice LMiscricordia. Linton LMiseries of human life EMiss or Mrs ? and other stories. Collins,

Wilkie, 3 copies L 315, 2279, 3260

liss Angel. Thackeray, A/iss, 2 copies. L 1329, 4773Miss Bayle's romance, 2 vols, 5 copies. L 6098-6107

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Third copy L 1695

liss Margaret's stories M 728|

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l«p<\ A.,2i copies L 1676, 3896-7distress and Maid. Craik, Mrs. D. M.,

t '^"P'es L 2057, 2532, 3204, 4474










Misunderstood. Montgomery L 987

Mitchel (John). Life. D/7/ow, 2 vols. . H 1674-5

Mitchel (O. M.). Popular astronomy..



Orbs of heaven A 612

Mitchel (O.M.). Astronomer and general.

Biographical narrative. .Mitchel. F. II 1457

Mitchell (David W.). Human nature. .E 81

[Mitchell (D. G.)]. Dream life L 4212

Seven stories, with basement and attic. L 4842

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H 409

Mitchell (John). History of Ireland,

2 vols Ci 3.17-8

Mitchell (S. VV.). Wear and tear ; or,

hints for the overworked B 690

Mitchell (Wm.). Rescue the children. . R 668

Mitchinson. Expiring continent E 237

Mitford (A. B.). Tales of old Japan. ..L 2307

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Mitford (Wm.). History of Greece,10 vols C} 1 i()o-9

Mivart (St. George). Common fr(ig....\ 213

Contemporary evolution \ 116

Man and apes .\ 171

Genesis of species .\ 51

On truth : a systematic inquiry B 773

Moberly. The early Tudors G 930

Moby Dick. Melville, H L .1308

Model father, .l/urray, D.C . . . . L 5746

Modern Circe. Arglcs, 2 vols., 4 copies. L 6280-7

Modern classics ; stories from the Atlantic

Monthly L 4151

Modern Cressida. Ashcton L 4752

Modern fishers of men L 4004

Modern instance. Howclls, 2 vols L 593 6

Modern minister, 2 vols L 4789-90

Modern symposium C 456

Modern women and what is said of them.From the Saturday Review, 2 copies.

B 393, E ].;23

Modest Mignon. Balzac L 529a

Moffat (J C). Comparative history of

religions :

Ancient scriptures C' 107

Later scripture C 1 .8

Moffat (R ). Missionary labours in

Southern .\frica C jOg

Moffat (Robert and Mary). Lives.

A/offat, y.S H 1 ^62

Moffalt (John M.). Boy's own book. . . D (06

"Mjhammed Pasha " Pasha papers. . . E 1 --63.

Mohl (Madame), her salon and friends.

O'Meara H 12.0

Mohr. The grape vine D 449

Moir (D. M.). Mansie Wauch, the Dal-

keith tailor, 2 copies L 1707, 1896

124 Moir—Moore.


Poetical works, 2 vols I 69-70

Sketches of poetical literature ........ I 68

Moir C^; ). and Spalding^. Poetry, modernromance, and rhetoric K 1383

Moiri'r.). History, antiquity, and science.

G 859

Molesworth (yl/ri.). A charge fulfilled.



Boys and I M 704

Four Winds farm M 934Ho.)(Jie M 671

Silvjrthorns M 1181

Summer stories for boys and girls... M 838

Third Miss St. (Juentin L 7180" Us "

; an old-ff.shioned story M 785

Molesworth (W. N.). History of Eng-l.iiul from 1830-74, 3 vols (j 133-5

Moiiire Dramatic works. Translatedby /K.^/, 3 vols E 805-7

(Euvres, 3 vols O 170-2

Plays from Moliere by English drama-tists, edited by Henry MoHey E 387t'oiili-iils.—sir Miirtin Man all, DiyJeii—

riio mistaku, Vanbrtiifh— The |)lain

dealer, Wyclii-rliy—liXwi mock doctor,

I'loliUiiff —'V\\K miser, Fieldiiii;' — Thenonjuror, Cibber.

Piccieiisos ridicules, edited by ^4. Lang.O 285

Molii-re. OUphant, Mrs. and Tarver . . .E 255

Molloy (Gerald). Gleanings in science. A 792

\lolly IJawn. Arglcs, 2 vols L 995-6

Molly's story. Merryfield, 3 copies.... L 6512-4

Moltke (Count). Notes of travel ; extractsfrom j jurnal F 64

Mombert. English versions of the Bible. C 356

Mom.iit of madness, etc. Marryat, F..L 919

Mommsen. History of Rome, 4 vols..G 395-8

Provinces of the Roman empire, 2 vols.G 1037-8

Mona's choice. Alexander, 2 vols., 5 copies.

L 6258-67

Monastery. Scott, 2 vols. , 2 copies. L 2143-4, 7146-7

Second copy L 3800

Moncreiff. Wit and wisdom of the benchand bar E 289

Monielet Elementary and practicaleducation B 456

Money makers. Adams, W. T L 2897

Mongredi«n. Free trade movement in

England, 2 copies B 615, E 281

Monier-Williams (M.). Buddhism andits contrast with Christianity C 796

Moiikins, Cooper, 2 copies L 2258, 4304Monk of Cimie5, etc. Sherwood, Mrs. . . I 3067!<"<> d{S of Thelemn Besant and Rice,

-• copicK L 2269, 6905

Mj.:mouth {Duke of. Life, Roberts,-' \'ols H 422-3

M innler. Wonders of Pompeii E 585

Monroe (J.). The people the sovereigns.G 300

Monro: (J.). Glinm H 507

Monroe (L. B ). Public and parlour read-

ings E 1492

Monsieur Maurice. Edwards, A. B ... .h 432

Monsieur Motte. Kin/f, 2 copies L 6529-30

Monsieur Sylvestre. Sand L 2376

Monsieur Violet. Marryat, Capt,. 4 copies.

L 871, 2647, 2878, 3568

Montagu (Lord). Recent events, and a

clue to their solution C 664

Sower and the virgin C 60j

Montagu (I.). Wanderings of a warartist I' 1 521

Montagu (Lady M W.). Letters andworks, 2 vols E 1916-7

Montaigne. Works. Edited by //(i/';?^A/.E 1410

Collins E 256

Montalembert {Count de). Memoir.OUphant, Mrs., 2 vols., 2 copies. H 42-3, 1083-4

Monteiro. Angola and river Congo,2 vols F 195-6

I Monteith. French, German, Spanish,Latin, and Italian languages, withouta master E 147;

Montelius. Civilization of Sweden in

heathen times G 1 337

Montesquieu. Grandeur and decadenceof the Romans G f)(j

Pensees diverses O 210j

Spirit oi laws, 2 vols E 808-9

Montesquieu. Sorel, 2 copies H 1497, 1502

Montfort (Simon de). Creighton H 259j

Montgomery (F.). Blue veil, 3 copies.

L 2531, 3610-r

P'isherman's daughter, 7 copies.

L 6981-5, M 1357-5j

Misunderstood L 987

Seaforth, 2 vols L 992-3

Thrown together, 2 vols L 9S8-9

Thwarted, 2 copies L 990, M 515

Transformed, 5 copies L 5611-5j

Wild Mike L 991j

Montgomery (James). Life. Knight...



" " Memoirs. Hollandand Everitt,

7 vc's H 937-431

Montigny. Le Nord O 306-

Montrose [Marquis of). Grevllle H 1250

Moodie. Flora Lyndsay L 616^!

Roughing it in the bush, 2 vols F 151--I

Moonstone. Collins, Wilkie, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 308-9, i^n-i I

Third copy L ^J^' |

Moore (A. L). Science and the faith. .C 7(':

Moore (P'ratik). Songs and ballads ofthe Southern people, 1861-5 I j-4|

Moore (F.F.). Fate of the "Black Swan "

M 941


" Great Oiion." M nS6|

Mutiny on the • Albatross" M 94'

Moore—Morshcad. 125


..K 1492

..L 432

. L 6529-30

..L 237C


7, 2878, 3308

id a



war. . .




. ..E








\ 42-3, 108J-4


. . . . F




en in









808-9 i

..H 1497. '50;

. . . . H 23.}


L2531. 3G10 !

|8i-5, M 1357-S

...L 987

. . . L 992-3

...L 988-91

, . L 990, M 515

.L 561 1-5

.L 991

\a..M 87J



....H 937-43

O 3o('

....H 12501


F 151-



. 308-9, 3-t>'--







126 Mortimer—Muller.

Mortimer. Pyrotechnist's companion.



Mortomley's estate. Riddell, 2 voU L 1211-2

Morton. Heroes of science, astronomers.H 676

Mosby. War reminiscences and Stuart's

cavalry campaigns G 1 1 17

Moscheles. Recent musicand musicians.H 902

Moseley. Illustrations of mechanics. .D 349

Moses the Lawg;iver. Taylor H 396

Mosheim. Ecclesiastical history C 579

Mosses from an old manse. Hawthorne,N L 2616

Mossman. Japan F 73

New japan, 2 copies F 425, 603

Mother Molly. Ptv//'f,4 copies. Li 163,2513,3909,4147

Mothers and daughtei::. Gore, Mrs ... .L 17H3

Mother's recompense. A<rHilnr,2vo\s.,l.. 3-4

Secor ,1 copy L 2096

Motheiwell. Minstrelsy, ancient andmodern, 2 vols I 534-5

Poetical works and memoir I 224

Motley (John Lothrop). Barneveld, John,Lite and death of, 2 vols H 318-g

Correspondence. Edited by Curtis,

2 vols E 2035-C

Rise of the Dutch republic, 2 vols. . . .G 520-2

Second copy, 3 vols {) 648-50

United Netherlands, 4 vols G 274-7

Second copy, 4 vols G 402-5

Third copy, 4 vols G 6O5-8

Motley (John Lothrop). Memoir. HolmesH 72

Moulton (C.W.). (Ed.) Queries with an-swers in literature, art, science, etc


ist series E 2033

2nd series E 1897

Moulton (L. C.). Ourselves and ourneighbors E 1875

Some women's hearts L 4907Mount Royal. liraddon, 2 vols

, 3 copies.

L 157-8. 3189-90, 4503-4Mount Sinai, Petra, and the desert F 944

Mountains and mountain-climbing F 129

Mountford Thorpe L 4876

Moxly. West Indian sanitorium, Bar-badoes F 1283

Mozart. G.hring H 142" Life and correspondence,

Holmes H 448Life. Nohl H 580

Mozley. Essays, historical and theologi-cal, 2 vols C 241-2

Mr. Absalom Billingslea and other Georgiafolks. Johnston L 7017

Mr. Barnes of New York. Gnnter,

7 copies L 6250-1



Mr. Fortescue. Westall, 5 copies L 6824-8

Mr. Isaacs. Crawford L 382

Mr. Mecson's will. Haf;f;<jrd, 11 copies,

L 6555-O2, 6968-70

Mr. Miggs of Danbury. Ba/ley L 4063

Mr. Peter Crewiit L 4914

Mr. Pisistratus Brown, M.P. Black.

2 copies L 118. 312 J

Mr. Potter of Texas. Gnnter, 2 copies. L 6335 6

Mr. Smith. Watford, L. B., 2 \o\s L 1421-2

Mr. Tangier's vacations. Hale, 2 copies.


6543 4

Mrs. Arthur. Oliphant, Mrs., 2 vols. ..L 1070-1

Mrs. Brown on the Tichborne case.

akctchley L 4959

Mrs. Denys of Cote. Parr, Mis.i, 2 wo\^.L. 1105-6

Mrs. Dymond. Thackeray, .Wiss, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 5631-40

Mrs. Geoffrey. Argles, 2 vols L 997-8

Second copy L 4822

Mrs. Gerald's niece. Fullcrton, 2 vols. . L 498-9

Mrs. Halliburton's troubles. Wood, Mrs. \. 1449-50

Mrs. Herndon's income. Campbell, H. L 5279

Mrs. Mainwaring's journal. Marshall.2 copies L 942, 2045

Mudfog papers. Dickens, 3 copies.

I- 333y. 4675. 4980


Mudie. Air, The A 644


British birds, 2 vols E 940-1


Second and third copies A 536, 6j;

Earth, The .\ 645

Lessons in astronomy M 503

Observation of nature, 2 copies. . .A ^^ ,6, E 1072

Mugge. Afraja ; or, life and love :n

Norway L 23431

Muhlbach. Merchant nf Berlin L 4885

Story of a millionaire L 2286I

Muir (.\lan). Lady Beauty L 492;|

Muir (M. M. P.). Heroes of sciei.ce.

chemists H 677J

Muir (W.). Annals of the early Caliphate.

G 5o3|

Coran C jmMahomet and Islam C 4CJ|

Muir and Slater. Elementary chemistry.A 4^' I

MulhoUand. Giannetta, 2 copies M i4i6-;j

Late Miss HoUingford M io;.'|

MuUer (E.) Grammar of the Pali lan-

guage E i53i

Muller (F. Max). Biographical essays. H in6|

Biographies of words and the home ofthe Aryas E i93.'F

Chips from a German workshop E 1675 ^

Co»ifiit,i.—\'o\. 1. on llie scienceof religion.

Vol. 2. Essays on mythology, traditions,and customs.

German classics from the 4th to the19th century, 2 vols N 3'''4"3|

Introduction to the science of religion.


7' I

Muller—Murrey. 127




-62, f)9f)8-7o



.L 118, 312J

*. L 6335 6

..L 1421-2


1070 I




..L 4959




Vs . LH. L



..L 5631-40

, . . L QQ?-*)





•MIL. L 942, 2045


i39. 4675. 4980


... A 644


...E 94"-'!

A 536,62;

A 645


. . .M 503

Af^,6, E 1072














128 Mursdl—Ncal.



Mursell. Sunday arlclreKseH C 283

MuHical tales, ist and 2nd series. PoUoA. 1961-2

My aunt I'ontypool. James, G. P. R.,

2 copies 1. 24S7, 4031

My cousin Nicholas, liarhtim L 17H0

Mv frieiuJ Jiin. Nurris, 4 copies.. .L 5485, 5H31-J

My frienels and I. Stiirgis L 7005

My Kirls. Churchill L 0fx)2

My heart's in the Highlands. Gnuit,Miss, 2 vols L 5J9 -40

My hero. Forrester 1 , 4272

My husband and I. Tulstui L 6083

My lady green-sleeves. Mathers, 2 vols.L 949-50

My lady's money. Collins, Wilkie,

2 copies L 322, 3263My little girl, licsant <ind Rice, 2 copies.

L 5717, 6902

My little lady. Poynter, E. F., 2 vols. ..L 1166 7

My lord and my lady. Forrester, 2 vols. L 47O-7

My love. Linton, 2 vols I^ 790-1

My microscope, etc A 819

My mother and I. Craik, Mrs. D. M.,•» copies L 355, 2067, 3295, 4448

My novel. I.ytton, 4 vols., 2 copies. L 236-9, 3506-9

My own child. A/arryat, F., 2 vo\s L 902-3

My parish and what happened in it. Paiill.,

2 copies L 1991, 2597

My queen. Godfrey L 5968

My sister Jeannie. Sand L 2383

My sister the actress. Marryat, F., 2 vols.L 920-1

My story. Macquoid, 2 vols L 840-1

My telescope, etc .\ 818

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2 copies L 1 560- 1, 3946-7

Third and fourth copies L 2009, 2381

Myddleton Pomfret. Ainsivorth, 2 vols.L 39-40

Myers (E.M.). Thejews: theircnstomsand services C 513 i

Myers (P. V. N.). Ancient history. .. .G 116 i

Remains of lost empires F 615j

Myrand. Uiie fete de Noel sous JacquesCartier O 307 1

Myrtle and cypress. Calthorp L 4161 ^

Mysterious legends of Edinburgh. Leigh-ton L 5305

Mystery of Jessy Page. Wood, Mrs. H .,

5 copies L 5241-5

Mystery of Metropolisville. Eggleston,2 copies L 4259, 5018

Mystery of Mirbridge. Payn, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 6666-75

Mystery of the locks. Howe L 5318

Mytton (John). Life. Apperly H 1033

Naegeli and Schwendener. The micro-scope A 732

Nairne (Baroness). Life and songs.

Rogers H 661

Nancy. /iroitgh/on, 2 vo\h L 209 10

Nanette. Gwynne L 4915

Nanon. Dumas, 2 copies L 2810, 4701

Napier (("has. () (i.). Lakes and rivers A 685

Napier (Sir C. j ). Defects of the Indian

government H 471

Napier (James). Electrometallurgy . IJ 770

Manufacturing arts in ancient times. . I) 765

Napier iWm.). Peninsula war, 4 vols. .('.74.S 8

Second copy, 5 vols (1 775 <J

Napier (Wm). Life. Bruce, 2 vols. ..H 239-40

Napoleon Bonaparte, and his detractors.

A apoleon. Prince.G 1151

" Confidential corres-

Eor.dence with his

rother Joseph,2 vols., 2 copies.

E 1873-4, H 868-9

" " Lastdaysof. Anlom-marchi H 1


" Life. Hazlitt, i\oh.H 53^5

" " Life. MacfarlancH joi

" " Memoirs. Buur-rienne, 3 vols...E io6.'-4

Second copy,

4 vols H 1727- JO

" Short history of.

Seeley H 13J3

Napoleon IIL and his times ; memoir of

the i3onaparte family,

etc. De Ptiy H <jjj

Public and private history

of. Smucker h 1 19J

Nares. Religious discourses C .ioj

Narjoux. Notes and sketches of an archi-

tect D 645

Narka, the nihilist. O'AIeara L (My.

Narrow escape. r//ti;//(tj, 2 vols L 1321-J

Nash. Oregon in 1877 F 34^

Nasmyth (James). Autobiography.Smiles H i j6i)

Nathalie. Kavanagh, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 659-60, 4575-6

Nathusius. Diary of a poor young lady.

J- iC'SJ1

Joachim von Kamern L 1653

Natural wonders of New Zealand F 345j

Nature, short studies from. By variousauthors A 671

Nature's nobleman L 474J

Naval and military heroes of GreatBritain E 9"

Naval surgeon. Scale L i'llj

Nave. Collector's hand-book of Algae,

etc A 3-5]

Navery. John Canada; or, New France.L 65781

Neaira : a tale of ancient Rome. Graham. L. (nSo

Neat. History of the Puritans, from1517-1688, 2 vols G 963-4

Neale—Nicholas, t39

.. L 2oy 10[

S9S B»30 Nichols—Norton.

r^ !


Nichols (J.-imes K.). Science at home. . H 392

Nicholson (II. A.). Ancient life-historyof tliu earth A 190

riassification of the animal kingdom. A 387Manual of zoology A 613Natural history : its rise atid progress

in ( Jrea* Britain A «)93

Nicholson (H. W). I'rom sword to shareK 366

Nicholson(J. H.). Art of hool<binding..n 777

Nicholson (John) Airedale in ancienttimes, and other poems 1 .|iS

Nicholson (P.). Mechanics' companion!) 404Nil k of tlie woods. Hird L 2728

Nicclay. Civil war, outbreak of thend)ellion {» 483

Nicolini. History of the Jesuits E 910

Nicoll. Great movements, and those whoacliiev(Ml them H 393

Nicols (.Arthur). Physical history of theearth A 50

Wild life and adventure in the Australianbush, 2 vols F 804-5

Zoological notes \ 160

Nicolson (Wm.). Disruption, and otherstudies E 249

Niebuhr. Roman history, 3 vols G 457-9

Night and morning. Lytton, 3 copies.

L 227, 2901, 3510

Night on the borders of the Black Forest,Etiwards, A. B L 433

Night side of nature. Crowe L 4065

Nightingale. Notes on nuising B 208

"Nimrod." Chace, turf, and road D 124

Nina Balatka. TroUope, A., 2 copies. L 1359, 3898

Ninde. We two alone in Europe F 1262

Nine days' wonder. AidJ L 12

Nine men's morrice. Pollock, 2 copies, L 2066, 7262

Nine of hearts. Fa rjeon, 2 copies L 5969-71

Nineteenth Centi'; , , vols. 5-26. 187989 K 1822-43

Ninette. /)f»;/>s/,,i. 5 copies L 6701-5

Ninety three. Ih^^o, 2 copies L 5311, 6885

Nisbet (Hume). Eight bells L 2397

No. XIII.; or, the story of the lost vestal.

Marshall, 5 copies L 5400-4

No alternative. Thomas M 544

No church. Robinson, 2 vols L 1022-3

No fiction. Reed L 4888

No intentions. Marryat, F., 2 vols... L 895-6

No name. Collins, Wilkie, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 298-300, 3266-8

Third copy L 1732

No new thing. Norris L 7008

No .quarter. i?W(/, 2 copies L 6886-7

No relations. Malot L 2027

No saint. Sergeant L 7003

No thoroughfare. Dickons, 2 copies. L 3342, 4677

Nobile. Miscellaneous poems translated

into English prose E 1499

Noble (A. L.) Uncle Jack's executors. . L 4916

Noble (I-. I.). After icebergs with a

painter I'" lo^^i

Noble life, Craik, Afrs. D. A/., 4 copies.

L 348, 2077, 3296, 44(15

Noble wife, Saunders, J ., 2 vols., 3 copies.

E ^535-(J. 37**4-7

Noble words and noble ileeds M 1213 oblige. Tytter L 1937

Nobody's fortune. Yates, 2 \o\n I.. 1517'*

Noel {Lady A.). From generation to

generation I- 102C,

flithersea Mere, 2 vols., 5 copies ...L 6390 >)

Nolan . Telescope A 304

Nolte. I'ifty )'ears in both hemispheres. F 54 j

Nordenskioeld. Voyage of the " Vega ".I" ii*'o

NordhofT. Cape Cod and all along shorestories, 2 copies F 1 153. 1- 41*

Communistic societies of the UnitedStates B 378

Peninsular California I" 14^15

Norman (B.M.). Kambles in Yucatan. .F 6.;;

Norman (C. B.). Colonial France G 102(1

Corsairs of France G 1141

Norman Sinclair. /4j/t»H//, 3 vols L 1952^

Norris (C. M.). Hugh's sacrifice M ijiJ

Norris (E. M.). Alda Graham M 31)1

Early start in life M 326

Theodora M 390

Norris (P. VV.). Calumet of the Coteau. I 113

Norris (T). American angler's book, . . D 333

Norris (W. E.). A bachelor's blunder,2 vols., 5 copies L 600C 15

Chris., 4 copies L 6483^

Heaps of money E 496^|

Major and minor, 2 vols., 5 copies... .L 626.S-7;

My friend Jim, 4 copies L 5485, 5831-3

No new thing L 700S

The rogue, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6971-80|

Fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighthcopies L G.S20-J


Norsema I's pilgrimage. Boycsen L 4S73


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L 510, 172;]

North Pole ; or, Charlie Wilson's adven-tures M 3-1


Northanger abbey. Austen, 3 copies.

L 1845, 2727,310(1

Northcott. Steam-engine D 13'' I

Theory and action of steam-engine. . . D 4^3

Northern Lily. Harrison L S4fNJ

Northrup. Camps in the Adirondacks, andgrayling fishing in Michigan F 2(>>\

Norton (C. E.), Church-building in the

middle ages,Venice, Siena, Florence.



Norton (Mrs.). Old Sir Douglas, 2 vols.L 1031-2


Stuart of Dunleath, 2 vols L 1027-ii

Lost and saved, 2 vols L 1029-30

49 1



h a..K


7. 3296. 44f'5


>i5'(^. 37»4-7



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1 15.5. 1



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eau. I



. . L 6006 15

..I. 6483^

..I- 49^1-

. . L 62G8-7;

I^ 5485. 5831-3


I 'J .17

1517 H

63(30 t)






1952 4






.L 7008

. . . L 697 1 -SoI

ghth. . . L 6820-3

...L 4«r3


L 510, 17^;


.M 3-41

845, 2727, 3'0^




ts, and..F

in the:nce.D













Notion—OHphant. I3»

Norton .nul Habberton. Canoeinf; in

Kaniickia, 2 copies F 695. 754Not easily jealous. Unnty, I., 2 vols. ..I, 1033-4

Not wisely, but too well. Hroiifrltlon.ivnlH.l.

Not wooed but won. P<iyn. 2 vols.,

2 copies L I r 20-


Notary's daughter. FiilUrton I.,

Nothing but leaves. Dotidiwy LNotre- Divme. Hugo, 2 vols LNovellenschatz des Auslandes, 14 vols..N

Novellenschatz, Deutscher, 6 vols N/ weite Serie, 6 vols NDr.tte Serie, 6 vols NVierte Serie, 6 vols N

Now-a-days. Marshall LNow and then. /K(I//-«'m, 4 copies. L 1436,1999,2464

Noyes (fl. F.). Bivouac and the battle-

Held FNoyes (F. H.). History of American

socialisms BNugent. Country house charades DNun, etc. Sherwood, Mrs LNun's curse. Riddell, 3 copies LNutt. Dorothy M






131 6

137 4i!










NiUtic's father. I'o;;/,^, 2 vols., 5 copies. . I.. 5641-50

Oakopenings. Cwo/'tr, 3 copies. . L 2124, 2239,4193Oak staircase. Lee, M. and C, 3 copies.

L 2364, 4242, M 380

Oakey (.\. F.). Building a home D 44Home grounds D 46

Oakey (.U/ss). Beauty in dress D 225

Obiter dicta. [Birrell, A.], First series,

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Second series E 1828

Occupations of a retired life. Garrett ..L 501


Ocean waifs. Reid, Capt. M.. 2 copies.L 2693, 2845

Ockley. History of the Saracens V. 831

O'Connell (Daniel). Memoir on Ireland.


77Select speeches, 2 vols E 1 859-60

Speeches and letters, 2 vols K 732-3

O'Connell (Daniel). Correspondence.Edited by Fitzpat-

rick, 2 vols HLife. Hamilton . . H

" Life and times. Cti-

sack, 2 vols H 243-4

" Personal recollec-

tions. Daunt,2 vols H 241-2

O'Rourke H 266

The Parnell move-ment. Vol. I G 948

O'Conor (W. A.). History of the Irish

people, 2 vols G 360-1

The same, vol. 2 G 1082

Octagon club. H.,E.M L 4923

O'Douof/hue. Lever, 3 copies.. .L 730, 2198, 34443'Donovan. Story of Merv F 105



O'Connor (T. P.).

Ozrsted. Soul in nature A 554

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O'Grady. History of Ireland. 2 vols. ..G jiy 31

S<!ron<l copy G 517

O'Hagan (Thos.). A gate of flowers, andotiier poems I 325

O'Hea. Irish pleasantry and fun L 4297

Ohnet. Serge I'anine L 2080

O'Keeffe, Kelly, ami Taylor. Personal

reminiscences, 2 co(.u!S. II 657. 915

"Old Angler." American isii 1) 462

OKI Hla/.er's li(!ro. Murray, 4 c^^jum-.A. 65158" Old Boomerang." In the depths if the

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Old countess, //lifer L 4848

Old court. AinsKiorlA, 2 voh L 2455-7

Second copy, 2 vols L 37-8

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Old curiosity shop. Dickens, 2 vols. . . . L 3090-1

Second and third copies L 7124-5

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Old Dominion. James, O. P. R L 5679

Old English life. Collier . . L 1996

(Jldfashioned girl. Akutt L 389

Old Fort Duquesne. McKnif;ht,z vols .L 825-6

Old friends and new. Jewctt L 4219

Old gateway. Marshall L 2049

Old helmet. Wetherell, E., 2 copies. . .M 39, 346

Old Kennington. Thackeray, Miss,

2 vols L 1325-6

Old lieutenant and his son. A/acLeod,2 copies L 832, 4859

Old London. Stoufrhton L 4839

Old man's love. Trollope, A., 3 copies.

L2545, 3848-9

Old Margaret. Kinsley, H L 5049

Old Mortality. Scott, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2149-50, 7132-3. 734(J-7

Fourth copy L 3S01

Old Sir Douglas. Norton L 103 1-2

Old stories retold. T/tornbury L 1584

Old story of my farming days. Renter,

3 vols L 1659-61

Old tales for the young, 2 copies M 289, 317

Oldbury. Keary, 2 vols L 688-9

Oldtown fireside stories. Stowe L 4103

Oldtown folks. Stowe, 2\o\s L 1268-9

Second copy L 2598

Oliti. College life, its theory andpractice B 326

Oliphant (Lawrence). Lucy Crofton..



Altiora Peto, 2 vols., 3 copies.. L 1089-90, 3710-3

Earl of Elgin's mission to China andJapan F 645


132 Olipliant—On.






I If

Episodes in a life of adventure H 1439

Haifa; or, life in modern Palestine..!'" 1341

Mas 11am, i vols, 5 copies L 5657-66

Piccidilly p 329Russian shores of the IJlack Sea F 716Scientific religion C 791

Trans-(,"aucasian campaign (i 805

Oliphant (i^/rs.). Athelings L 4782

Agnes, 2 vols. , 2 copies L 1038-9, 3708-9

Carita, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1072-3, 37^4-5Heleaguered city L 5060

Chronicles of Carlingford, 3 copies.

L 2497, 2498, 4800Country gentleman, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 5603-4, 5607-10Cousin Mary, 2 copies M 1386-7

Curate in charge, 2 copies L 1066, 3716Days of my life L 5059Dress D 66

Eflfie Ogilvie, 2 copies L 5467 8

For love and life, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1059-G0, 3717-8

Greatest heiress in England, 2 vols,

2 copies L 1081-2, 3719-20Harry Joscelyn, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1085 6, 3721-2

He that will not when he may, 2 vols..^ copies L 1083 4, 3723-4

Hester, 3 vols., 3 copies L 3725-33Historical sketchesof the reign of Georgen G 362

House on the moor L 5062

In trust, 2 'ols,, 2 copies L 1087-8, 3734-5Innocent, 2 vols

, 2 copies . . . . L 1057-8, 3739 40Third copy L 2324

It was a lover and his lass, 3 vols,

2 copies L 1067-9, 3736-8

John L 1694

Joyce L 6571

Ladies Lindores, 3 vols., 3 copies.

L 2549-51, 3741-6

Laird of Norlaw L 50G3

Land of darkness, 2 copies L 7248-9

Last of the Mortimers, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1036 7, 3747-8

Literary history of England, 3 vols.. .E 481-3

Madam L 7018

Madonna Mary, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1040-1, 3749-50

Makers of Florence H 1013

Makers of Venice G 1 1 88

Margaret Maitland, 2 copies L 1035, 3751

May, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1055-6, 3752-3

Third copy L 2502

Minister's wife, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1042-3, 3754-5

Miss Majoribanks, 2 vols , 2 copies.

L 1049 50, 3756-7

Third copy L 1695

Mrs. .\rthur, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1070 i, 3758 )

Neighbours on the green, 7 copies.

L 7360-1,7461 T

Ombra, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1051-2, 3760-1

Perpetual cur.ite, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1047-8, 3762 3

Third copy L i6yC

Phoebe, junior, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1053-4, 37^4 5

Third copy L 4786

Primrose path, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1076-7, 3766 7

Rector, and the doctor's family, 3 copies.

L 1044, 1693, 3768

Rose in June, 3 copies L 1061, 2352, 3769

Salem chapel, 2 vols., 2 copies, L 1045-6, 3770 i

Third and fourth copies L 1697, 5038

Self-sacrifice L 2328

Son of the soil L 2494

Squire .\rden L 4789

Stories of the seen and unseen, i copies.

L 91 2

Valentine and his brother, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1062 3, 3772 j

Third copy L 5062

Whiteladies, 2 vols., 2 copies ..L 1064-5, 3774 5

Third copy M 5 ,9

Within the precincts, 3 vols. , 2 copies.

L 1078-80, 377C S

Wizard's son, 3 vols., 5 copies L 4333-47

Si.\th copy L 3981

Young Musgrave, 2 vols., 2 copies.

I., 1074-;, 3779-f>o

Oliphant (T. L K.). New English, 2 vols. E 17489

Old and middle English E 190S

Olive. Craik, Mrs. D. M., 2 vols, 3 copies.

L 2533-4, 329« 9. 44^'-^

Oliver (J..\. W.). .\stronomy for amateurs.A 46')

Oliver (S. P.). On and off duty F 1392

Oliver Ellis. Grant, 3 copies . . L 2689, 2860, 3040

Oliver of the mill. Charlesivorth, 2 copies.

L 1597, 4S91

Oliver Oldboy. See Blanchard.

Oliver Optic. See Adams, W. T.

Oliver Twist. Dickens, 5 copiesL 3343, 4002, 46.^0, 711 2-j

OUa Podrida. Marryat, Capt., 3 copies,

L 2650, 2882, J004

Olmsted. Journey in the back country F 792

Olympia. Francillon L 5729

Oman (John C). Indian life, religious

and social C 7S0

Ombra. Oliphant. Mr:,., 2 vols , 2 copies.

L 1051-2, 3760 I

O'Meara. Narka, the nihilist L 62^2

Omnia vanitas. Forrester, 5 copies . . . . L 2954-8

On both sides of the sea. Charles, 2 vols.L 276-7

On guard. r/»o»«rt5, 2 vols L 1311-2

On the banks of the Ouse. Marshall,

5 copies L 6375-9

o-i. 3758 9


)0-i, 7461-5

,1-2, 3760-1

J7-8, 3762 3

.L i6y6

53-4. 3764 5

. L 4786

76-7. 3766 7


, 1693. 3768

I. 2352, 3769

45-6, 3770 '

L 1697, 5058

..L 232S

. . L 2494

. L 4789


I. 91 -


362 3, 3772 3

. . L 506^

364-5. 3774 5

. . M 5j9


78-80, 3776 s

. . . L 4333-47

. . . L 3981


74-"^. 377<3-«o

)\s.V. 1748-9

K 1908


298 9, 4481-J


A 46*^

.F 139^

89, 2860, 3040


L 1597. 4891

On—Onsclcy. 133

, 46.^0,


134 Onseley—" Pansy."

1; \

'S i

5- -


Ouseley (Gideon). Life. Arthur H 1075

Out of court. Ho<T^', 2 vols I- 5^89Out of the fire. Chcllis L 2388

Out of the hurly-burly. Clark, C. //.,

2 copies L 5006 7

Out of the world. Thackcrny, Miss ....L ijjo

Outcasts : being passages in the life of a

clergyman L 7472-6

Outlaw. Hull L 1837

Outram (James). A biography. Guldsinid,

2 vols H 621-2

Outre-mer. Lonjrfelloto I^ 5070

Overbeck. Atkinson H 1 14

Overland Monthly, vols. 3-14. 1887-89.



Overman. Manufacture of steel D 603

Moulder's and founder's pocket guide. D 776

Overton. Evangelical revival in the i8th

century C 683

Ovid. Fasti, Tristia, Epistles, etc., trans-

lated by Riley E 1 173

Metamorphoses E 1174

Ovid. Cliurch E 556

Ovingdean Grange. Ainsworth L 25

Owen (A. C). Art schools of mcdia;val

ciiristendom D 895

Owen (Catherine). Choice cookery .. .D 993

I'rogressive housekeeping. D 992

Ten dollars enough D 755

Owen (John). Forgiveness of sin C 395

Owen (Mrs. O. F.). Heroines of lioniestic

life M 310

Heroines of history M 309

Owen (liobert). Sarga,it H 434

Owen (K. D.). Debatab'c land betweenthis world and the next C 411

Footfalls on the boundary of anotherworld E 1 536

Threading my way H 376

Owl's nest. Marlitt L 6S58

Oxenford. liook of French songs I 48

P. (G. \V.). Whist universal 1) 745

Pacha of many tales. Marryat, dipt.,

2 copies L 2639, 2889

Packard (A. S., jr.). Entomology for

beginners A 384

Our common insects A 170

Zoology A 120

Packard (T.F.). Stanley and the Congo.



Paddock. Fate of Madame la Tour. . .L 1979

Page (D.). Advanced text-book of geol-

ogy A 35

Chips and chapters A 175

Geological terms A 34

Geology for general readers A 167

Physical geography A 615

Page (H. .v.). Golden lives M 305

Noble workers M 304




» » >






Page of the Duke of Savoy. Dumas,2 copies L 2814, 4699

Paget (J.). Hungary and Transylvania,2 vols F

Paget (Violet). Juvenilia; a second

series of essays on rcsthetical sub-jects E

I'hantom lover: a phantastic story.. L

Paijkull. Summer in Iceland FPaine. Institutes of medicine BPainter. History of education BPainter, gilder and varnisher DPair of blue eyes. Hardy, T., 2 vols


5 copies L 2989-98

Paladin of finance. jfcnA-ins, 2 copios.L 4203, 4913

Palestine, early travels in G 561

Palestine Exploration Fund. Twenty-oneyears' work in the holy land F

Palfrey. Civil war, Antietam and Fred-ericksburg G

Palgrave (K. F. D.). Chairman's hand-book B

House of C "--to GPalgrave (Francis 1). Essayson art.D

Palgrave (Mary E.). A promise kept . . MUnder the blue flag M

Palgrave (W. G ). Central and easternArabia F

Dutch Guiana FHermann Agha LUlysses ; or, scenes and studies, in many

lands FPalissy (Bernard). Life. .Uo^-Z^v, 2 vols.H

Palliser. Brittany and its by-ways. . . .F

Palmer (A. S). Word-hunter's notebook E

Palmer (E. IL). Desert of the Exodus. Ftirammar of Hindostani, , ^ian, and

Arabic EPalmer (E. H.). Life and -ments.

Bisaiit HPalmer (G.). Kidnapping in Sou, . -'eas.F

Migration from Sbinar FPalmer (H. S.). Sinai GPalmer (\Vm.). Visit to Russian church,

I S40- 1 CPalmerston (Lord). Life. Biihuer, H.,

3 vols H" Sanders H" Trollope H

Palmyra. Ware, Win LPapers from the Qaarleily i^fvinv E•• Pansy." See also Aldcn, I. M.

Eighty-seven LJudge Burnham's daughters LLittle fishers and their nets MMiss Priscilla Hunter LMy daughter Susan M




ss ].i.i iiiiiiiiiiipmn

n^ Pattison—Payu.

Pattison (Mark). Essays. Edited by H.Mittleship, 2 vols E 2149-50

Pattison (Mark). Memoirs H 875

Pattison (Mrs. Mark). (See also Dilke,

Lady.) Renaissance of art in France,2 vols D 1 34-y.

Patton. Concise history of the Americanpeople, 2 vols G 608-


Patty. Macquoid, 2 vols I. 833 4

Pater (Walter). History of the Renais-sance E 208

Imaginary portraits E 1825

Marius, the epicurean L 5328

Paterculus (Velleius). Translated byWat^ion E 1 195

Pathfinder. Cooper, 4 copies,

L 1774, 2123, 2254, M 612

Patience of hope C 496

Patmore. My friends and acquaintances,

3 vols H 1 138-40

Paton, Down the islands F 1430

Patricia Kemball. L/'m/o«, 2 vols L 781-2

Second copy L 2409

Patronage. Edgeworth L 2264

Patronage is power B 666

Pauer. Elements of the beaatiful in

music D 478

Musical forms D 479

Paul (Alex ). History of reform B 529

Paul (H. B.). Englefield grange M 48

Leyton Auberry's daughters, 2 copies,

M 47. 51

Owners of broad lands M 900

Straight paths and crooked ways. . .M 50

Paul (Mrs.). Maiden sisters L 1258

Martha Brown L 1 259

Still waters L 1254

Vanessa L 1 260

Paul and Christina. Barr L ()i70

Paul and Virginia. St. Pierre E 1022

Paul Clifford. Lytton, 3 copies. .L 217, 1864, 3515

Paul Faber, surgeon. MuciionalU E 4797

Paul Ferroll. Clivt L 1 1 14

Paul Foster's daughter. Cook, Duttun . .\^ 5689

Paul Massie. McCarthy L 4145

Paul Patoff. Crawford, 2 vols., 5 copies,

L 6218-23, 6288-91

Paul the missionary. Taylor H 398

Paulding (J. K). A book of vagaries. .E 1989

Slavery in the United States B 562

Tales of the good woman E 1990

Paulding ij. K.). Literary life. PauUm.;,W J H 1626

Pauli. Pictures of old England G 766

Pauline. Dumas L 281


PauliiK!. IVal/ord, /.. B., 2 vols E 1423-4 1

Paull ( I//>-. l\. H. B.). Eva Grant'sescapi; M 1057 1

Paull (M. A). Benjamin Holbeck M 824

My mistress the Queen M 924

My parish, and what happened in it,

2 copies L 1991, 2597

.Sought and saved L 2590

Stories of the mountain and the forest,

2 copies M 648, Skj

Tim's troubles ; or, tried and true ..M O85

Vermont hall L 717G

Pausanias. Lytton, 4 copies,

L 255, 3516, 4109, 5080

Payer. New lands within the Arcticcircle, 2 vols F 471 -

Payn (James). At her mercy, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1 127 -8, 36301

Best of husbands, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1129-30, 3632-3

By proxy, 2 vols L 363.1-5

Canon's ward, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2561-2, 3636-9

Cecil's tryst L 3C40

Confidential agent, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 147-8, 3641-:

Fallen fortunes, 2 vols., 2 copies

L 1135-G, 3C'43-4

Family scapegrace M 542

For cash only, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1 153-4, 3^45-f^

Found dead , 2 copies L 1 1 16, 7647

From exile, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1149-50,3648-9

Glow worm tales, first series, 5 copies. L 6026-30

Second series, 5 copies L 61 33-;

Grape from a thorn, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1151-2, 36 so-!

Gwendoline's harvejt, 2 copies.... L 11 17, 363:

Halves, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1133-4, 36534

Heir of the ages, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 5591-2, 5595-C, 5599-5600

High spirits, 2 copies L 1 145, 3635

Second series, 2 copies L 1 146, 3656

Holiday tasks, 4 copies E 1660-3j

In peril and nrivation M S67

In the heart of a hill, 2 copies L 1126, 3f)3;

Kit: a memory, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 11 55-6, 365S-9j

Less black than we're painted, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1 141- 2, 3660-1

Like father, like son, 2 vols , 2 copies.

L iii8-g, 3662-31

Lost Sir Massingbred L 42S1

Luck of the Darrells, 2 vols., 5 copies. L 5420-9

Melibcuus in London L 4256

Murphy's master, 2 copies L 1125,3664

Mystery of Mirbridge, 2 vols., 5 copies. L 6666-73

Not wooed but won, 2 vols,, 2 copies.

L 1 1 20- 1, 3665-6!

People, places, and things L 4404

Perfect treasure L 41^3


Prince of the blood, 3 copies I, 6297-')


I'oiirtli, fifth, and >ixth copii-s, j vols.L 6339-i'4

Payn—Peoples. 137

5516, 4109, 5080

: vols.L f'^?'! ''H

Some private views, 3 copies. . .E 26, 1444, 155G

Talk of the town, 5 copies L 5219-23

Under one roof, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1 143-4, 3667-8

Walter's word, 2 vols., " "—j-'as.

L 1131-2, 3669-70

What he cost her, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 137-8, 3671-2

Woman's vengeance, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 123-4, 3673-4

Payn (James). Some literary recollec-

tions, 6 copies H 1098, 1 145-9

Payne (E. J.). [Ed.). Voyages of Eliza-

bethan seamen to America F 300

Payne (W. H.). Science of education. B 621

Payson. The law of equivalents B 759

Payton. Round about New Zealand.. F 1547

Peabody (A. P.). Harvard reminiscences.H 1428

Peabody (George). Brother help B 350

Peabody (George). Life. Hana/urd,.H 1226

Peacock (T. L.). Headlong hall, andnightmare abbey, etc L 1794

Melincourt ; or, Sir Oran-Haut-ton. .L 4941

Peake. Naval architecture, 2 copies.. D 382, 383

[Pearce (Rev. T.)J. The dog D 298

Peard. .\licia Tennant, 5 copies L 5586-90

.Vshledon schoolroom M 678

Cartouche L 1 162

Country cousin, 5 copies L 7370-4

Contradictions, 2 vols L 1 164-5

Jeanette L 2595

Madame's grand-daughter, 5 copies.. L 6148-52

Madrigal, and other stories L 1656

Mother Molly, 4 copies. . L 1163, 2513, 3969, 4147Near neighbours, 5 copies L 5209-13

One year, 2 vols L 11 57-8

I'rentice Hugh M 1122

Rose-garden, 2 copies L 2538, 4190Scapegrace Dick M 1 1 26

Schloss and town, 2 vols L 1654-5

Thorpe Regis, 2 copies L 1160, 4192To horse and away, 2 copies M 1365-6

Unawares, 2 copies L 1139, 4897Winter story L 1161

Pearl fountain. Kavanagh, B. and y . .L 1632

Pearl of the At. ^es. A imnrd L 2484Pearla. Bctham-Edwards, 5 copies.... L 2979-83Pears. Tall of Constantinople G 578Pearson (C. H). Cabin on the prairie. M 576Pearson (John). On the creed C 321

Pearson (Thomas). Infidelity C 414Peasant and his landlord, /Cnorring...L 2370[Peasant life in Glenaldie, first serieo,

2 copies E 134, L5306Second series L 5307

Peek. Social wreckage B 79

Peel. (Sir Robert). Memoirs :

I'.irt I.—The Uoinan Catholic quustion,iSiS-Q, i copies II 105.5, 1056

Part II. — The new governmeiil, 1^5.^-5,

- ciip'es II 105 ), 1057

I'art III.—Repeal of the Corn Laws, iS45-6,i copies .".H 105.), 1057

Peel (Sir Robert). An historical sketch.

Biilwft, H G 192

Smith H 194" " Life. Mont(ifriii\. .H 1568" "

F^ife and character.Peel, Sir L H 1213

Peep o' day. Baniin L 4081

Peerage and the peasantry. Dacrc ....L 1788

Peeress and player. Marryat, F., 2 vols.,

3 copies L 2576 --, 3574-7

Peerless wife. Mackarncss, 2 vols L 828-9

Pecchio (Count). An Italian's Englishobservations E 1246

Peck. How to make candy D 988

Peg Woffington. Reade, 2 copies. . . . L 1187, 3690

Pegler. Book of the goat A 576

Peile. Lawn tennis D 609

Pelham. Lytton. 3 copies L 1592, 2899, 3517

Pelleschi. Eight months on the GranChaco of the Argentine republic. . . . F 1345

Pen Oliver. See Thompson, Sir Henry.

Pen Owen. Hook, Dean L 1692

Pencil sketches. Leslie, Miss L 4261

I'endennis. Thackeray, Wm. M, 3 vols.,

2 copies L 1 282-4 , 3829-3


Third and fourth copies L 2866, 3077

I'ifth and sixth copies, 2 vols L 7039-42

Pendleton (John). Derbyshire G 1040

Peninsular scenes. Hardman L 1698

Peninsular sketches. Maxwell L 4059

Penn (Arthur). Home library D 53

Penn (G.). Conversations on geology . .A 552

Penn (Wilbam). An historical biography.Dixon H 666

" Slonghton H 405

Pennell (H. C). Book of the pike D 74

Fishing : salmon and trout D 619

Fishing : pike and other coarse fish . . D 620

Muses of Mayfair, 2 copies I 74, E 571

Puck on Pegasus E 572

Pennell (J. and E. R.). Our sentimentaljourney through France and Italy. .F 141


Two pilgrims' progress : a tricycle jour-

ney from Florence to Rome F 1296

Penny. Ten years in Melanesia F 1396

Penruddocke. AidJ, 2 vols L 10- 11

Pension Beaurepas. James, H.,jr L 637

People I have met. Murray. E. C. G . . .L, 1018

People, places, and things. Payn L 440-1

People's Mag.izine, vols, i-io, 1868-72..



People's martyr: a legend of Canterbury.L 1924

138 Pepper—Philips.


Pepper (J. H.). Chemistry A 593

Cyclopedic science simplified M 359

Electricity D 410

Magnetism D 358

Playbook of metals M 645

T'laybook of science M 646

Pepys (Samuel). Diary from 1659-69. .E 891

Percival Keene. Marryat, Capt., 5 copies.

L 1813, 2567, 2^38, 2887, 3569

Percy (S.). Tales of kings and queens of

England G 289

Percy (Thomas). Reliques of ancient

English poetry, 2 vols E 832-3

Percy and the prophet, etc. Collins,

Wilkie, 3 copies E 1 302, L 322, 3263

Percy anecdotes. By Reuben and SIipI/o

Percy, 4 vols., 2 copies E 466-9, 892-5

Pere Goriot. Balzac L 5282

Third copy, 18 vols E 1701-18

Peregrine Bunce. Hook, T L 4080

Pereira. On polarized light A 28

Perelaer. Kan away from the Dutch..



Perfect treasure. Puyn L 4123

Pericles and Aspasia. l.andor,i vols...L 4309-10

Peril. Fathers^ill, 2 vols., 5 copies L 4417-26

Sixth copy L 2826

Peril of Richard Pardon. farjeon,

3 copies L 7 200-2

Perilous secret. NcaJe L 3972

Perkins (E. E.). Gas and ventilation..



Perkins (F. B.). Best reading: hints onthe selection of books E 1297

Perkins (J. B). France under Richelieuand Mazarin, 2 vols G 1322-3

Perpetual curate. Oliphaut, Mrs., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1047-8, 3762-3

Third copy L 1696

Perrault (J, P.), Historic scenes in thelife of. Bende' H 694

Perrett, Ben Owen : a Lancashire story H 1046

Perry (Alice). Esther Pennefather . . . .L 4760

Perry (G.G.). English church history,

596-1509 C 65

English church history, 1509-1717. . . .C 66

English church history, i7i7-ir)84 ...C 728

Reformation in England C 684

Perry (John). Practical mechanics.. . .D 190

Perry (Nora). Youngest Miss Lorton. .M 1280

Perry (T. S.). English literature, i8th

century E 486

Perseverance wins. Cureton L 192

Persiles and Sigismunda. Cervantes.. . L 1980

Persis. Tayler L 1906

Persius. Translated by Evens E 1 165

Personal adventure, episodes of M 247

Perthes. Life. Perthes, C. T., 2 vols. U 838-6

Peschel. Races of man A 187

Peter Simple. Marryat, Capt., 5 copies.

L 869, 1865, 2653. 2877, 3570

Peter the Apostle. Taylor HPeter the Great. Life. Barroiv, 2 copies.

HPeterborough (Earl of).

Russell, 2 vols

A memoir.H





Peters. Modern American methods ofcopper smelting D

Petherick. Upper Egypt and CentralAfrica F 465

Peto. Resources and prospects ofAmerica B 3C0

Petrarch. Sonnets. Campbell E 1213

Sonnets and Stanzas. Cnyley I loi

Petrarch- Beeve E 253

Life. Campbell, Thos E 1213

Petrie. Pyramids and temples of Gizeh G 962

Petronel. Marrvat, F., 2 vols L 888-9

Pettigrew Animal locomotion .\ 73

Peveril of the peak. Scott, 2 vols,

5 copies. L 2147-8, 2426-7, 3802-3, 4166-7, 7156-7

Pfeiffer. Her story and travels in manylands M 730

Lady's voyage round the world E 424

Lady's second voyage round the world F 806

Visit to Iceland F 744

Phalaris. Epistles, dissertations on.

Bentley E 1 137

Phantastes. Macdonald, Geo., 2 vols. . . . L 5651-2

Phantom fortune. Braddon, 3 vols.,

3 copies L 195-7. 3193-5. 44^7-9

Phantom future. Merriman, 3 copies. . . L 7231-3

Phantom lover, a fantastic story. Paget. L, 5440

Phantom regiment. Grant, y L 2O72

Phaiitom ship. Marryat, Capt., 3 copies.

L 1814, 2883, 3000

Phelps (A.V Men and books, 2 copies.E 742, 1445

Phelps (E. S.). Gates between L 60S1

Gypsy Breynton M 154

Gypsy's cousin Joy M 153

Gypsy's sowing and reaping M 155

Hedged in L 5052

Sealed orders L 5051

Silent partner L 5050j

Story of Avis L 231S|

Philbrick. Beams and girders : formulasfor their resistance D 966


Philip Augustus. James, G. P. Ii.,2 copies.

L 1840, 402;

Philip Nolan's friends, Hale L 5039

Philip Quarll, adventures of L 1742

Philip RoUo. Grant, J L 2675

Philips (F. C). As in a looking-glass,

5 copies L 5834-8

Dean and his daughter, 5 copies L 5942-6

Jack and three Jills, 5 copies L 6943-7

Little Mrs. Murray, 5 copies L 7307-"

Philips—Piatt, 139

Lucky young woman, 5 copies L 6400-4

Strange adventures of Lucy Smith,

5 copies L 6128-32

Philips (F. C). and Wills (C J.). Fatal

1 iiryne. 5 copies L 7532-6

Philipson. Jew in F-nglish fiction ....E 2139

Philistia. Allen, Gr.,.it L 5725

i'liilistines. Hales L 6855

PhiUipps-WoUey. A sportsman's Eden,2 copies F 1486-7

Trottincs of a tenderfoot F 1306

Phillips (B). A struggle. 2 copies. . . L 2281, 2472

Phillips (C). Curran and his contem-poraries H 337

Phillips (John). Life on the earth A 535

Phillips (J. A.). Copper smelting D 510

Phillips (J. A,), Ghost of a dog L 5263

Phillips (W.). Speeches, lectures, etc.



Phillips (\Vm.). British discomycetes.. A 469

Philo Judaeus Works, translated byYonge, 4 vols C 3 1


Phineas Fmn. Trollope, A., 3 vols. 2 copies,

L 1365-7, 3902-4

Phipps. Playground games for boys . .M 128

Sword of De Bardwell M 832

Phipson (C. B.). Redemption of labour. B 753

Phipson (T. L ). Celebrated violinists H 178

Mysteries of nature .\ 53

Phisterer. Statistical record of the Ameri-can civil war G 490

[Phd'be, junior. Oliphanl, Mrs., 2 conies,

L . :3-4. 3764-5

Third copy I- 4786

ll'hyllida. Marryat, F., 2 vols L 922-3

jpliyllis. A-'gles, 2 vols., 3 copies, L 1172-3, 3675-8

Piassetsky. Russian travellers in Mon-(,'olia and China, 2 vols F 967-8

[Piatt. In primrose time I 351

jpinzza tales. Melville, H. M 622

jPicciola, Saiutine M 437

iPicciotto. Anglo-Jewish history G 193

iPickering. Races of man, 2 copies.. A 562, E 916

JPickwick papers. Dickens, 2 vols., 3 copies,

L 334*^-9. 4003-4, 4662-3

Fourth and fifth copies L 7122-3

iPicton. Mystery of matter B 87

IPictorial book of ballads, traditional andromantic, 2 vols I 449-50

IPictorial hand-book of modern geographyE 913

'ictures across the channel. MacquoiJ,2 vols L 837-8

i'ictures and painters, anecdotes of, etc.E 1391

Pictures from Italy. Dickens, 4 copies,

L 2345, 3098, 3350, 4671

r'ictures of heroes G 84

^'ictures of society. Willis L 4945Pictures of the periods. Collier L 2410


Pidgeon. Engineers' holiday V 364

Pierre; or, the ambiguities. Mehille, H .\^ 2316

Pierson (A. T. ). Crisis of missions. ., .C 708

Piers on (H. W.). In the brush F 352

Pike 'G. H). Beneath the blue sky :

pleaching in the open air C 757

Pike (L. O.). The English and their

origin E 272

P"'-e (Nicolas). Sub-tropical rambles. .F 874

P.i^ ns of New England. t*V/;A L 2474

Pilgrims of the Rhine. Lytton, 3 copies,

L 223, 3494

Pilkington. Artists' guide and mechanics'(jwn book D 390

Pillar of fire. Ingrahain, 2 copies M 64, 299

Pillars of the house. Yongc, 5 vols,

2 copies L 1554-8, 3948-52

Pilot. Cooper, 3 copies L 1802, 2128, 2252

Pirn. Shipbuilding D 503

Pindar. Translated by Turner E 1175

Translated by yJ/oori- E 1175'

' Morice E 562

Pine and palm. Fargns L 6999

F'ine needles, ll'ellwrell, E M 43

Pinto. How I crossed Africa, 2 vols. ..F 477-8

Pioneers. Cooper, 3 copies ....L 1798, 2114, 2253

Piper, Poultry D 206

Pirate. Scott, 2 vols., 2 copies... L 2167-S. 7150-1

Third copy L 3804

Pirate and three cutters. M.irrvat, Ca/>t.,

3 copies L 2651, 3001, \I 271

"Piscator." How to swim D 718

Pitman. Florence Godfrey's faith.... L 2619

Profit and loss L 2770

Piton. China painting in America D 199

Pitt (Sarah). Cost of a mistake M 745

Pitt (William). Seri^cnitl H 196

Pittman. European breezes F 104


Pius the Ninth. Life. Trollope, 2 vols.



Pixley. .Vuditors : their duties, etc.D 1056

Pizarro. Helps H 311

Planche (J. R ), British costume D 285

The conqueror and his companions,2 vols G 51 1-2

Planche (J. R.). Pe'-ional reminiscences.



Platen. Gesammelte Werke, 2 vols...



Platina. Lives of the Popes C 731

Plato. Summary and analysis. Day..E 1182

Works, translated E 1 176-81

Plato. Collins E 553

Piatt. Business B 53

Economy B 54

Life C 261

Money B 56

Morality C 262

Progress B ^j

'! ;L


140 P/a /I fits—Porter.


Plautus. Comedies, translated by Riley,

2 vols li 1 183-4

Plautus anfl Terence. Collins E 550

Played out. Thomas. 2 vols L 1315-6

Playfair (Lyon). Subjects of social wel-

fare 13 859

Playfair (K. I> ). ScourRe of Christen-

dom G 1 1 37

I'layhours and half holidays. Atkinson.M 275

Playwright's daughter. Edwardcs, Mrs.,

4 copies L 5826-9

Plebiscite, Erckmann-Chatrian, 2 copies.

L 5000, 7353

Pledged eleven. Fenrn L 1993

Pliny. Letters. Translated by il/(.7«(o<//.E 1191

Letters. Church and Btodribb E 545

Natural history. Translated by Bostockand Riley, 6 vols E 1 185-90

Plot in private life. Collins, Wilkie.. ..L 3269

Plummer. ("hurch of the early fathers.



Plumptre. Heathen world and St. Paul.<- 335

Spirits in prison, and other studies of

life after death C 635

Plunket (Lord). Speeches E 1864

Plunkettl.Wrs. H. M.). Women, plumbers,and doctors D 535

Plu-ri-bustah I 229

Plutarch. Lives. Edited by Lattghome,2 vols H 836-7

Second copy, 4 vols H 1182-5

Long and Stewart, 4 vols E 837-40

Morals. Translated by King, C. W.,2 copies B 841, E 1192

Morals. Translated by Shillcto B 842

Poacher. Martyat, Capt., 3 copies.

L 1819, 2642, 2886

Pocock. Tales of western life, 4 copies.



Poe (Edgar Allan). Criticisms, etc.. . .E 270

Poems and essays, 4 copies. . . E 269, I 258, 294-5

Poetical works I 488

Tales, 3 copies L 2537, 3679-80

Fourth copy, 2 vols L 267-8

Poe (Edgar Allan). Woodbcrry W 1 164

Poems, French and Italian. Translatedinto English prose. Nobile E 1499

Poet and merchant. Auerbach L 4977

Poet and peer. A'idS, 2 vols L 13-4

Poganuc people. Stowe, 3 copies. L 5009-10, M 518

Point of view. James, H.,jr., 3 copies.

L 2556, 3383-4

Poison of asps. Marryat, F L 900

Polano. The Talmud C 277

Polar regions. In the M 716

Polar seas and regions F 589

Polar seas, Recent expedition to eastern.



Pole (Cardinal), An historical sketch.

Lee H 1418

" " Life. Stewart H 316

Pole (Wm ). Philosophy of whist D 5151

Theory of whist D 71O

Political portraits (from the Daily News).B 383


Polko. Musical tales, first and secondseries L 1961-2


Pollard. Aunt H<;tty 's will M 385

Pollen. Furniture and vvocnlwork D 507

Pollock (^".). Jurisprudence and ethics. B 192

Land laws B 283

Pollock (F.). Personal remembrances,2 vols H 1464-j


Pollock (W. H). Amateur theatricals.



N ine men's morrice, 2 copies L 2066, 7262

Polly. Fitzgerald L 5687

Polo (Marco). Travels in the east ... .G 551J

Pomeroy abbey. Wood, Mrs. H., 2 copies.

L i.f95-6. 4622-3


Pond. Civil war, Shenandoah valley in

1864 G 4S8J

Pontalis. John de Witt, 2 vols G 1063-4


Pool. Tenting at stony beach L 6851

Poole v.). Queen Charlotte Islands. . .F 1013

Poole (G. A.). Peterborough (Diocesanhistories) C 3501

Poole (M. E.). Cottage life west of Eng-land L


Poole (R. L.). Huguenots of the disper-sion G 8(}l

Poole (R. S.). Cities of Egypt F 34;j

(Ed.). Genesis of the earth and man. A iScj

Poole (R.S) and others, Lectures on art.



Poole (Rev. W. H.). Anglo-Israel ; or,

the Saxon race C 79J

Pooley. Brewing and distilling D sotj

Poor gentleman. Conscience L 210;!

Poor Jack. Marryat, Capt., 3 copiesE 946, L 2645, M 2&!|

Poor Miss Finch. Collins, Wilkie, 2 vols.

L J13-J

Poor Nelly M 43;

Poor squire. Parr, Miss L uo'l

Poore. Rise and fall of Louis Philippe.



Pope (Alexander). Essay on man, andother poerr.3 Blind li

Poetical works, 2 vols E 917-I

Pope (Alexander). Life. Carriithers E 9i;j

Stepnen H 8i:j

Pope (Frank L.). Electric telegraph ..



Port Admiral. Neale L 3051

Portent. Macdonald, 2 copies L 5308, 56i;|

Porter (Anna). Hungarian brothers. . .L iSjc]

Porter (A. E.). Cousin Polly's gold mine.L 4!«|

Porter (C. T.). Richard's steam-engineindicator D 4i«

Porter (Jane). Pastor's fireside, 2 vols. L 1843-1

Scottish chiefs L 26M

Thaddeus of Warsaw, 2 copies L 1792, 26JJ

Porter—Privtrose. 141

Porter (J. !-)• Five years in Damascus F 671

f iiant cities of Bashan C 275

I'orda. /lr/,'/<s, 2 vols 1. 1001-2

Portrait of a laly. yames, H.,jr., 2 vols.L 638-.40

Posnett. Comparative literature A 67G

1 'list and pai'idock. Dixon, H. II I. 1948

Potter (A.). Discourses on science andliterature E 1285

Political economy 13 296

Science applied to the arts D 362

Potter (Cora U.). My recitations K 1741

Potter (1*'. S ). A wild-goose chase. . . . M 1 170

Potter and Emerson. School and school-master B 585

I'ottleton legacy. Smith, A L 2745

Pouchet. The universe A 231

I 'overty corner : a city story. Fenn . . . . L 5461

Powell (Rev. B.) The order of nature.



Powell (K. P.). Our heredity from God.C 712

Powell (Harry J,). Glass making D 32

Powell (T.). Living authors of Britain.



Powell (VV.). Wanderings in a wildcountry F 1250

Powell (Walter) Life. Gregory H 722

Power, Field, and Bristowe. Manage-ment of the eye, ear, and throat . . . B 671

Powles. Land of the pink pearl F 1458

Poynter (E. F.). Among the hills, 2 copies.

L 1 170, 7007

Ersilia, 2 vols. . . . L 1 168-9

Second copy ]^ 4121

Madame de I'resnel, 5 copies L 5214-8

My little lady, 2 vols L 1 166-7

Poynter (E,J.)

and Head (P. K.). Classic

ami Italian painting D 95

Practical mechanics for amateurs,i copies D 22, 782

Practical upholstery D 540

Praed. Poems, 2 vols I 159-60

Pragay. Hungarian struggle for freedom.G 587

Prairie. Crofter, 3 copies L 1800, 2121, 2241

Prairie bird. Murray, C. A., 3 copies,

L 1767, 4013, M 422

Preacher and the King. liiiiigener C 264

Precaution. Cooper, 4 copies.L 1829, 2122, 2257, 4127

Preece and Maier. The telephone. . . . D 930

Prejevalsky. From Kulja across the TianShan to Lob-Nor F 1495

Prelate. Henderson \. 5324Premiums paid to experience. Garrett, h 501 j

Prentice. Fen Burton, the slate pickerM 1276

Prentiss. Aunt Jane's hero, 2 copies..


61,505Flower of the family M 60

Stepping heavenward, 2 copies . . . . L 1171 M 63

Toward heaven M 62

Prescott (G. B.). Electric telegraph. . .D 372

Electricity and electric telegraph . . . . D 337

Prescott (I 'eter). Moral education. ... B 224

Prescott (W. H.). Conquest of Mexico,J vols G 708-9

Conquest of Peru, 2 vols., 2 copies. G 22-3, 651-2

Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols G 612-4

Biographical and critical miscellanies H 1060

Prescott (W. M.). Life. Tickuor ....H 790

Prescotts of I'amphiilon. Parr, H ., 2 vols.

L 1 1 09 I


I'lesident'sdaughters. Bremer, i'redrika.V. 623

Press and public service B 395

Preston (lulward). Unclaimed money :

a handbook for heirs-at-law B 640

[Preston (Miss W. H.)]. Is that all?

2 copies L 1904, 4987

Preston fight. Ainsivorth, 2 vols L 55-^

Preston tower. Saxby L 5492

Prestwich (A.). Young man's assistant

to cotton spinning D 764

[Prestwich (A/rs.)]. Harbour bar L 2401

Pretty Miss Bellew. Gift L 701


Pretty Polly Pemberton. Burnett L 5023

Pretty sister of Jose. Burnett, F. H.,

4 copies L 7408-1


Pretty widow. Ross, C. H L 1213

Preyer. Development of the intellect. . B 654

Senses and the will B 653

Pressense (E. de). /Vncient world andChristianity C 674

Apostolic age C 98

Contemporary portraits H 154

Heresy and Christian doctrine C 96

Jesus Christ, His life, times, and vvork.C 94

Life and practice in the early church.



Martyrs and apologists C 97

Price (B.). Currency and banking B 440

Practical political economy B 104

Price (1*-.). Norway and its scenery. . . . F 537

Price (L. L. F. R.). Industrial peace.. .B 743

Price of fame. Yoiiatt L 2461

Prichard. Eastern origin of the Celtic

n,itions G 1319

Pride and prejudice. Austen, 3 copies.

L So, 1S51, 2736

Pride of the paddock. Smart. 4 copies. L 6612-5

Prideaux. Economy of fuel D 318

Prime (li. D. G.). .\round the world. .!•" 223

Prime (S. I.). Alhambra and the Krem-lin F 1443

Under the trees K 1502

Prime (W. C). Boat life in Egypt F 163

I go a-fishing F 270

Tent life in holy land, 2 copies. . . , . .F 162, 707

Prime minister. Trollope, A., ^ vols.,

2 copies L 1 384-7, 3905-8

Third and fourth copies I. 2306, 2438

Primrose path. Oliphant, Mrs., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1076-7, 3766-7


142 Prinw—PyroU . liny.

Prince and the pauper. "Mark Twain,"2 vols., 3 copies L 863-4. 3554-5, 44.^0-


Prince and the page. Yun/fe, 3 copies.

I- 1548. 3931. 5055

Prince Consort. Speeches and ad-dresses E 27

Prince Eugene of Savoy. Mallcsun . . . . H 1599

Prince Hugo. Grunt, Miss, 2 vols L 543 4

F'rinco of the blood. Pdv". J copies. .. .L 6297-9

Fourth, fifth, and sixth copies, 2 vols. . L 6359-64

Prince of the house of David. Iiiffrnltam,

3 copies L 4250, M 65, 300

Prince of Wales. Speeches and ad-dresses, 1863 88 E 2023

Princess and Curdie. MacdonaUi, 2 copies.

L 824, 3541

Princess of Java. Higf^inson L 6080

Princess of the moor. Murlilt, 2 vols.. .L 1649-50

Princess of Thule. Black, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L loo-i, 3124-5

Printing Machine, or companion to thelibrary, vols. 1-2, 1834 K 1909-10

Prior. Poetical works, 2 vols I 194-5

Prior ot Avenham L 1923

Pritf.hard (H. B ). Photographic studiesof Europe D 253

Pritchard (W. T.). Polynesian remi-niscences F 1444

Private theatricals. By an old stager. .D 212

Privateersman. Marryat, Capt., 4 copies.

E 947, L 873, 3571, M 272

Probation. Fothcrfrill, 2 vols L 482-3

Second copy L 4287

Problematic characters. SpicUtagcn,2 copies L 5040, 6761

Procter (.\delaide A.). Poems I 251

Procter (Francis). History of the book of

common prayer C 539

Procter (G.). History of Italy G 898

Procter (W. C). Round the globe,

through Greater Britain M moProctor (Richard A.). Borderland of

science A 140

Chance and luck A 410

Easy star lessons A 250

Expanse of heaven, 2 copies A 148, 391

Familiar science studies A 133

Flowers of the sky A 251

Great pyramid A 147

Leisure readings A 137

Light science for leisure hours, ist series,

2 copies A 142, 557

2nd series A 143

3rd series A 144

Moon , The, 2 copies .\ 249, 393

Mysteries of time and space A 136

Myths and marvels of astronomy ... .A 131

Nature studies A 138

Orbs around us A 146

Other suns than ours A 650

Our place among the inhnitius A 135

Pleasant ways in science, 2 copies. . . . A 132, 580

Poetry of astronomy A 139

Rough w ay s made smooth A 1 34

Science byways A 141

Sun, The A 145

Wages and wants of science-workers..



Whist D 489

Production of food, arts employed in. . .D 314

Prof. Pressensee, materialist and inventor.Covke, J. E E 1 303

Professor. Hruntc, C, 2 copies L 90, 171S

I'rofessor Conant. H/iiitinfrton, 2 copies.



Professor's wooing. D Estcrre-Keeling,

5 copies L 6046-50

Profit and loss. Pitman L 2770

Progress and prejudice. Gon\ 2 vols ..I^ 525-O

Prophet of the great smoky mountains.Miirfrcc L 52S0

Prose and poetry. Bret Hartc, 2 vols,

2 copies L 569-70, 3221 2

Prosper. Cherbiilicz L 4981

Protestant, The: a tale of the reign ofyueen Mary. Bray, A. E L 6420

Prout (E.). Instrumentation D 47G

Prout {Father). Final reli<iues. i.jfl

Reliipies. Yurke E 971

Provost. Gait, 2 copies L 1689, 4«J32

Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich, 3 copies.

L 4083, 4212, 4957

Prue and L Curtis L 4838

Psyche of to-day. Jenkin L 4285

Public schools—Winchester, Westminster,Shrewsbury, Harrow, and Rugby,2 copies B 496, F 8:

Pulszky (F.). Tricolor on the Atlas. . .F 971J

Pulszky (T. and v.). Memoirs of anHungarian lady H 1208

White, red, black, 2 vols F 164-5

Punch's letters to his son, etc. Jcrrold-.L. 5035

Punshon (W. Morley). Lectures C 74

Sermons C 421

Punshon (W. Morley). 'Lxin. Macdonald.H 1410

" " Johnson and Mac-donald H 1 60S

Purcell ( Henry). Ctiinmings H 139

Purdy. City life H 153

London banking life B 131

Purves. English circumnavigators . . . .F 985

Put yourself in his place. Reade, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1 183-4, 361)!-:

Pycroft Twenty years in the church.



Pyle (Howard). Rose of Paradise L 02.!5

Pyle (M. C). Gavroche : the gamin of

Paris (from " Les Miserables ") . . .M 609

Pyne. Reminiscences of colonial life ..F 122

Pyrotechny: theart of making fireworks.



Q.—Randolph. J43


144 Rtinke—Ktif.



Ranke. l)<!iUsclu; (leschichtc im Zeitalter(lt!r Reformation, 6 vols N 344-9

Ferdinand I. md Maximilian II K 426History of the Latin and Teutonic

nations, 1494-1514 Ci 1110

History of tlu." Popes, } vols E 841-3Servia and the Servian revolution . . ,E 844Universal history, fJreece. Kgypt, and

Assyria {; 87^

Ranken (OeorKe). Canada and thnCrimea \' -^-j-,

Ranken (W, \\. I,.) Dominion of Aus-tralia K 1027

Rankine. Manual of the steam engine. D 863

KaiUhorpe. Lewis L 794Raphael. Life and works. Crotvc and

CavalcascUe, 2 vols H 1555-6Ijfe and works. Diippa and DeQiiincy E 938

D'Anvers..H 118

Raphael. Lumartinc L 4825

Raphall. Post biblical history of the Jews.^ vols C 204-5

Rapids of Niagara. Wctherell, E M 626Rare good luck. Fiancillon L 4795Rasselas. Johitson, Samuel E 650Rattlin, the reefer. Marryat, Capt, 3 copies.

L 1855, 2649, 2890Rattray. Vancouver Island and liritish

r(jlumbia F 743

Raven (R.), (lolden dreams and leadenrealilies H 1203

Ravens and the angels. Cluirks L 1987Ravensclifif. Marsh, 2 %ols L 928-9Ravenshoe. Kingslcy, //., 2 vols L 703-4

Ravenstein and HuUey. Handbook ofgymn.:stics and athletics D Soo

Rawlinson. JJampton lectures, 1859. .C 225Five great monarchies of the ancient

eastern world, 3 vols G G53-5

Historical illustrationr. of the old testa-

ment C 441Religions of the ancient world C 358Story of ancient Egypt G 1000

Story of Phcenicia G 1364

Ray. Mental hygiene B 426

Raye. Ambulance hand-book B 619Rays fro' th' loominary : a selection of

comic Lancashire tales. Slaton....L 6831

Read (D. B.). Lives of the judges ofUpper Canada and Ontario from 1791to the present time, 2 copies H 1685-6

Read ( 1/rj-. R. H.). Silver mill M 915Reade (A. A.) (luL). Study and stimulants

B 91

Reade (Charles). Bible characters. . . .C 760Christie Johnstone, 3 copies.. L 1188, 2462, 3681

Cloister and hearth, 2 vols , 2 copies.

L 1 178-9, 3682-3

Course of true love never did runsmooth L 5683

(ioud stories, 2 copies L 2774-5

Griffith Gaunt L 5680

Hard cash, 3 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 1 180-2, 3684-6

Jilt L 56«i

Love me little, love me long, 2 copies.

L 1 177, 36X7

Never too late to mend, 2 vols., 2 cop. 's.

L 1 175-6, 368H-9

Peg VVoffington, 2 copies L 11 87, 3690

Perilous secret L 3972

Put yourself in his place, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1 183-4, 3^01 -2

Readiana, 2 copies E 28, 1557

Simpleton, 2 vols., 2 copies.. .L 1189-90, 3603-4

Single heart and double face, 5 copies.

i- 3997-9. 43' 1-2

Terrible temptation, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 185-6, 3695-6

Wandering heir, 2 copies L 1191, 3697

Woman hater, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1 192-3, 369.S-1J

Reade (Charles). Memoir. Edited byC. L. and C. Reade H 1358

Reade (C.) and Boucicault. Fnulplay.L 5682

P»ade (John). The prophecy of Merlin..! szi

lings from Knglish history Blind iS

• money Mortiboy. Besaut andRice, 2 vols. 3 copies L 3107-10, 2563 .;

Fourth copy I^ f")0.|

Real queen. FninciHun L 57.!S

Realmah. Helps, 3 copies L 1922, 2390, 4832

Reason why, (Natural his ory) A 415

Rebel army, thirteen months in the F 510

Reber. History of ancient art D 818

History of medi£rval art D 634

Recent Polar voyages F 259

Recent travel and adventure M 985

Reclus. Earth, The A 512

History of a mountain F 3S6

Recoiling vengeance. Barrett, 3 copies.

L 6799-6801

Recollections of a chaperon. Dacre, Lady.L 1 7/


Recommended to mercy. [Houston, Mrs.],

2 vols L I KJ4-5

Records of the past, .Assyrian and Egypt-ian texts, 12 vols G 306-1;

Rector and the L")r.'s family. Oliphaiit,

Mrs., 3 copies L 1044, 1693, 376S

Red as a rose is she. Broughton, 2 vols. L 206-7

Red cardinal. Elliott, 5 copies L 2949-53

Red cloud. Butler, Capt. W. F L .|iS;

Red Court farm. Wood, Mrs. H., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1471-2,4599-Coo

Third copy L 4 107

Red Eagle, liggleston H 972

Red hose. Scott, VVm L 1909

Red— A'fsi(/iH(i', •45;(!

run. . . L 5<J«3

...L 2774-5

. . . L 5f'«o

180--!, 3f)«4 ')

..I. 3f>'^'


L 1177, M>^]

jp. ^s.

1173-6, 3f)8M-<)

. L ii«7, 3600

.. . . L 3972


1183-4. 3C91-2

E 28, 1557

180-90, 3603-4


3097-9. 43' 1-2


1185-6, 3695-6

..L 1191. 3*^")7

1 192-3. 369^ '3

ed by. ...H 1358





rlin.. I


t and^107-10, 2563-4

L <»io.(

....L 5728

922, 2390, 4''^3-








. . .











L 6799-6S0!


L 17/'

..L 1 194-5

Nypt-G 306-1;

I044, 1693, 3768

Ivols . L 20O-J

L 2949-53

L -(is;


[471-2, 4599-6<»

....L 4107

, . . . H 972

L i^M

Ked Kover. Cooprr, 3 copies.. .L 1828, 2125, 2236

Kcd KyviiiKton. IVrstatl L 4714Kedskins. Cooptr, 2 copies L 2237, 4125

Ked Spider, fiaring CoulJ L 6473

Redding'. On wines K 924

|Redhouse {J. W.). CJraminar of the( )ttomanTiirkish lanKU-i^u IC 1472

JRedford. Ancient sculpture I) 98

iKeilK.uintiet. Scott, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 2173-4, 7164-5

Tliliil copy I, .|if)3

iRedhsad. French revolutions, j vols. .G 736-8

ledwood. I'etroleum : its production.111(1 use D 967

[eed (.\ndiesv). No fiction L 4888

[eed (Talbot B.). Follow my leader. .M 8ji

leed (Thos.). Engineers' handbook. . D 1062

Iced, Simpson, and Kelly. Modernsliipsotwir D 825

:ces. Diversions of a book-worm K 1745I'loasures of a book-worm E 1651

[eeves (John). The KothschiUls M 1438

leeves (R. H.). Bad drains I) 601

leeves (Sims), Lite and recollections. H 1673:ffuriners, by miii ers of the United

Presbyterian ("luirch C 426X'fugee. Melville, il L 4307!eg(Mit's daughter. Dumas, 2 copies. L 2396, 2660

lenimental legends. Winter, 3 copies.

I- 1443. 3965-6[eKJnald Dalton. Loci-hart, J.G I. 170-.'.

[t'f,'inalil Hetherege. Kinfrsley,H., 2 vols.L 711-2

leid(( hristian). Gentle belle L 4805Heart of steel L 7234Land of the sky L 2503Miss Churchill 1, C053

Question of honour L 7207j.Roslyn's fortune L 7208

leid (1). H.). Ventilation in Americanduellings B 271

leid (H. G.). Past and present in thenorth G 83

[eid(Mayne). Afloat in the forest,^ copies.

L 2682, 2699, 2835, M 661

Boy hunters M 659Boy slaves, 3 copies L 2694, 2849, M 663Boy M 658Bruin

;or, the grand bear hunt M 6O5

Bush boys M 657[Castaways M 649Child wife, 2 copies L 6890-1

Cliff climbers, 3 copies L 2704, 2832, M 655[Death shot I^ 5497I'atal cord, 2 copies L 2838, 2691[Flag of distress L 5496'ree lances, 2 copies L 6888-9

[Caspar, the gaucho M 656

Giraffe hunterB, 4 copies.

L 2702, 283O, M 556, 660

Guerilla chief, 2 copies L 2696, 2844

Half-blood, 2 copies L 2692, 2841

Headless horseman, 2 copies L 2706, 2831

Hunter's feast, j copies L 2705, 2847, 4115

Land of fire M 933

Lost Lenore, 2 copies L 2095, 2842

Maroon, 2 copies I. 2697, 2837

No quarter, 2 copies L 6886-7

Ocean waifs, 4 copies..!- 2693, 2845, M 545,652

Odd people, 2 copies M 150, 301

Plant hunters M 654

(Juadroon, 3 copies I- 26(jo, 2833, 4710

Ran away to sea M 653

Rifle rangers I., 2843

Scalp hunters, 2 copies 1- 2703, 2850

Tiger hunter, 2 copies I- 2707, 284S

Vee-Boers, 2 copies M 918-9

War trail, 2 copies I- 2700, 2857

White chief E 2840

White .gauntlet, 2 copies L 2839, 3026

White squaw, 2 copies E 2701, 2846

Wild huntress, 2 copies E 2852, 3025

Wood rangers, 2 copies E 2698, 2834

Young voyageurs M 662

Young yiigers M 6O4

Reid (T. \\.). Cabinet portraits, 2 copies

H 500, 1052

Politicians of to-day H 308

Reid (Willian-.;. Our national vice . . . . B 282

Religious and educational aspects of tem-perance, by various authors li 280

Rembrandt A/Mtt H 133

Remember the .\laino. />'«;•»-, 2 copies. . E 6797-8

Remorse. Bentznn E 4995

Remsen. Theoretical chemistry \ 688

Reiiee and Franz. Haller E 4994

Rennie (IX 1'.). Hhotan and tlie Dooarwar F 284

Peking and the Pekingese;, 2 vols....F 278-9

Rennie (fames). Insect architecture,

2 copies A 572, E 923

I^ent in a cloud. Lever, 3 copies. . L 775, 3447, 4 48

Renwick Applications of mechanics to

practical purposes I) 399

Repplier. ISooks and men E 1496

Representative essays li 1846

Co«/c///.v.~Miitat'ility of liUnitiiic, Irvtiii^

—Imperfect syiiipatliics, /,«;«/> -Com it-

satio:;, Df S^titiicey --Vi'>\\\\ii^^\^.\\\m\,

Cmi-rsoii —MsvvUwsf. and litrlit, Ariio/J— I'opalar culture, MorUy—Coiulcscension in foreigners, /.owe//— History,Crt;/)'/f—History, J/i;rnK/«t'—i^cienceof history, /"/»«</<•— Itace ami lanuiiafje,Freeman— VJiW l)e\oiul sea, (1/nitxlniie.

Reproach of Annesley. Gm;', 4 copies. E 7404-7

Republican text-book, 1888 13 75S

Residence at Sierra Eeone. By a lady..



146 Rctribnticu—Riddell.


Retribution. Balfour L 3028Return of the native. Hardy, T., 2 vols.L 560-1

Return of the princess. Vincent L 2477Reuben Sachs : a study. Levy

, . L 2081

Reuter. In the year '13 L 1658

Old stoiy of my famiing days, 3 vols..L 1659-61

Sammtliche \veri<e, 15 vols N 386-393C'««/,.v/Av— Vol.>i. I., II.— Lauschen iiii Riiiiels.

Vol. III.—Do Hcif nah Helliir.;n.

Vols. IV., v., VIII., IX., .\., .\II., XIII.-Ollc Kaniclkii,

Vol. \'l.— Schiiri-.Murr.

Vol. VII.— llaniie lliitc.

Vol. .XI.— Kfiii Iliisunjj.

Vols. .\IV., .\V.— XachnfolassciH' Schiif-Icii.

Rev. Dr. Willoughby and his wine.Walker L 3027

Reverend idol L 4303Revoil. Shooting and fishing in North

.Vnienca, 2 vols F "^62-3

Revolt of man. liesant, 2 copies L 93. 4964Revolution in Tanner's lane. Rutheiford.L. 6079Revue des Deux Mondes, vols. 61-96,

1 88.^-89 K 2064-99

Reybaud. Thorough Bohemienne L 4182

Reynardson. Sjrorts and anecdotes . . . F 1248

Reynolds (Beatrice). Matchmaker L 2283

Reynolds (E. \V.). Barons of the south



Reynolds (.SV> Joshua). Literary works,with memoir, 2 vols li 845-6

Reynolds {Sir Joshua). Pulling H 128

Rheinhardt. \Vhi';t scores and card-tabletalk D 614

Rhind. Vegetable kingdom ,\ 592Rhoda Fleming. Mereailh L 6318Rhys. Celtic Britain G 477Ribot. English psychology B 175

( If'rman psychology of to-day .13 603Ricci. The fisheries dispute and annexa-

tion of Canada G 1222

Richard III. Gairdncr H 334Richard Cable, Baring-Gould, 2 copiesL 6256-7Richard Coeur-de-Lion. yanus, 2 765-6Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de

Vinsauf. Chroniclesof thecrusades.G 536Richard Savage. Whitehead I. 1825

Richards (A, B.), So very human, 3 vols.

L II 98- 1 200

Richards(J. W). Aluminum D 679

Richards (Maria T. ). Life in Israel . . . C 471Richardson (Benjamin W.). Alcohol..


229Commonwealth B 693Dialogues on drink B 287D'seases of modern life, 2 copies B 243, 511

Fiture of sanitary science B 213

Guild of good life B 660

Health and occupation B 520

Hygeia B 212

Ministry of health B 2031

Researches on alcohol, 2 copies B 267, 5031

Son of a star L7201I

Richardson (C. F"). American literature,

1607-1885, 2 vols E 2013-J

Richardson (D. L.). Sonnets and mis-cellaneous poems I qo,|

Richardson (I/. N.). .\ girdle round theearth F i^i;!

Richardson (F. ). Iliad of the east selec-

tions from the Ramayana E ly;"!

Richardson (H). Everyday doings. . .M O^;!

Richardson (Major John). Movementsof the Bntisli Legion G 59:1

Wacousta; or, the prophecy, 2 vols. . L 526o-:|

Richardson [Sir John). Arctic expeditionin searcti of Sir John Franklin. .. .F 56;!

Richardson (S(> John). Life. McIlraiih.H 4-;j

Richardson (Robert). Adventurous boatvoyages M S4i|

Ralph's year in Russia, 2 copies M 680, 8:

Richardson (Samuel). Clarissa Harlowe,4 vols L 2541-J

Sir Charles Grandison L 240.1

Richardson (W. L.). Duties and conductof nurses in private nursing B Cj;]

Richelieu (Cardinal). Robson, 3 copies.

H 297. 891, Mjfvl

Richmond (Rev. Legh). Memoir. Grini-

•ihatve H Oil

Richmond (W. D.). Grammar of litho-

graphy D .V.1

Richter (Albert). Deutsche Heldensagendes Mittelalters, 2 vols N 33;-;

Deutsche Sagen N 3.!^

Richter (E. F.). Manual of harmony..


Treatise on counterpoint, translated b>

Taylor DRichter (Jean Paul F.). Campaner Thal.L 49"]

Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1662-3, 4i;S4-j

Third copy ELevana, 2 copies E 226, SiJ

Quintus Fixlein, etc L 49;^

Werke, 7 vols N 11-

Conteiits.— \'ol, I.—Die iinsichtb.irc I^ogc,()\iiiitus Klxliln, etc.

Vol. II. — .\iiswalil alls ilcs TculelsPapiercii, etc.

Vol. .II. —IIospciMS.Vol. IV.— Bluiiien-, Krucht , unil Dornc


Vol. v.—TiUn.Vol. VI.—Koinisclicr Aiiliaiig /.iini Titan.

Vol. \'II - Dr. Katzcnberger's Badcreise,etc.

Richter (Jean Paul F.). Autobiography.


Rickaby. Moral philosophy B »'

Kicketicketack. Conscience L ''1

Riddell (Mrs.). Far above rubies, 2 vols.L i^oj-

Earl s promise, 2 vols L iw}-'!

R iddell—Robertsou , u;

George Geith of Fen Court, 2 vols. . . . L 1 201-2

Maxwell Drewitt, 2 vols L 1203-4

Mortoniley's estate, 2 vols L 121 1-2 of wealth, 2 vols L 1205-6

[Riddel! (/J//-5. ]. H.). Nun'scurse, 3 copies.

L 6332-4

Alici; Brand L 2260

Middle (A. G.). The Tory's daughter : aromanceof the North-West, 1812-13.L 7199

<iddle (George). Readings 1£ 320

iideinp- (W. H ). A-saddle in the wildwest F 855

Boyhood of living authors M 1091

lidge. Nonalcoholic home treatment ofdisease B 95

?idner. Artists' chromat-: handbook..



?iel (Louis). Story of. Collins H 1241

iieiui. Lytton, 3 copies L 226, 2905, 3519

iifle rangers. Re'ui, dipt. M L 2843

iirte, rod, and gun in California. Vanl^yke L 5335

Rifleman. Rafter L 2761

^ifts in the veil F 488

Rigby (/,(i(/y Eastlake). Livonian tales. L 2025

jtiglit Honourable. McCarthy andCiimpbcll-Praed, 2 copies L 6183-4

jlinhtetl \^rong. Yates L 262G

[liley (A ). Athos; or, the mountains ofthe monks F 1466

liley (B. F.). .\labama as it is F 1374

limbault. Musical instruments D 501

ling o' ' ells. Sims L 5754link. Danish Greenland G 269

[Tales and traditions of the Eskimo... G 371

^fi. [Father). Thirteen years' residenceat the court of I'eking F 1359

Spa [iathci-). Memoirs H 1 198

Bpley (George). Frothingham H 294|ise of Silas Lapham. Howclls, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 5570-5Sstori (A.K Studies and memoirs. . . . H 1491

JRita." See Booth, Mrs. Otto.

ftch. History, resources, and attractionsof New Mexico F 1333

Itchie(J. E). Days and nights in

London F 305[Modern statesmen B 417[To Canada with emigrants F 1346[tchie (L.). Romance history of France.

G 55IWearyfoot coramon, 2 copies M 28, 34Itchie (William). Scripture wines. . . .C 519Itson. (I'w/.) Ancient songs and ballads.


145pibin Hood: a collection of songs and

liallads M 712ter. Music in America D 80Music in England D 79listory of music, ist and 2nd editions.

B 99, D 274

Rival doctors. Lapo' Ue, 2 copies..!. 1888, 2285

Rivals. Griffin L 1709

Rive's. The witness of the sun, 4 copies. .L 7283-6

Road, by the whistling commercial.. . .E 107

Rob Roy. Seoft, 2 vols,, 4 copies.

L 2157-S, 2467-8, 7136-7, 7340-1

Fifth copy L 3806

Robber. James, G. P. R L 4042

Robbery under arms. Bulderwood, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 7323-32Robert Elsm»'-e. Ward, 3 vols., 5 copies.L 6731-45

Sixth and seventh copies L 6591-2

F.obert Falconer. Macdonald M 570

Roberts (C. G. D.). In divers tones...! 402

Orion, and other poems ! 365

(Ed.). !'oems of wild life ! 504

Roberts (E). Santa Barbara and aroundthere V j-jo

Shobhone and other western wonders. F 1537

With the invader !•"1 145

Roberts (Ellis H). I'lanting and growthof New York, 2 vols G 1 1



Roberts (AZ/ss). ."vtelier du Lys, 2 vols.. !^ i<53-4

Second copy L 1926

Denise , L 850

I'rance V 76

In the olden time, 2 vols L 1664-5

Little s'ep-daughter M 1121

Madame I-'ontenoy, 2 copies L 851, M 32

Mademoiselle Mori, 2 ve'= L 848-9

On the edge of the storm L 852

Under a cloud M 1306

Roberts (Morley). Western Avernus. .F 1368

Roberts (O. VV). Narrative of voyagesm Centra! America E 107


Roberts (R. H.). Silver trout, and otherstories L 6457

Roberts (liobert). Christendom astray. C 564

The trial. Did Christ rise ? C 284

Roberts (William). Earlier history ofiuiglish bookselling E 2128

Robertson (C. G). Three campaignsunder General Roberts, 2 copies.. G 278, 1424

Robertson (E. S.). [Ed.]. Children ofthe poets I 486

Robertson (F. W.). Lectures and ad-dresses E 1358

Sermons on Corinthians C 464

Sermons, 4 vols C 4-7

Robertson (J.). Scenes in foreign lands.



Robertson (M. M.). Bairns L 2771

By a way she knew not, 2 copies.. ..L 7177-8

David P'leming's forgiveness M 833

Fredenca and her guardians M 415

Robertson (Wm.). .\ncients' knowledgeof India G 583

Discovery and conquest of America, .G 624

History of Charles V., 3 vols G 641-3

"'' "*" im.'M

148 Robertson—Rollwyn.

Rolpli—Rousseau. 149

. L 6791-6

iO, M 54. 744

L 2088, M 57

. .L 4719-21

,.M 15^

L 2085, 4302

33. M 55, 619

L 2783, 2785

. . L 57<^4


...E 17*^3

hhdU. ..L 6541-2

. . . G 5fi5-'J

ols.G 5'"-'3-4

les in

...H 753

G 1071-2

le..E 132'

;els.A 283

of the

C 22!


ry ..G 133:

nd.B 735

G 9;|

G 114.2"!l

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.H 180M

den . . HS....H 14^1


..K 1

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. . . L 5::

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...H '-

s mines,l- >.v


E 755-7. 344»-:

L 2207-8, 73*''

ictical.F 'i'

2 vols.,



.... A

..L 2506, 4:


Rolph. West Indies and a tour throughthe United States F 890

Roman singer. Crawford, 5 copies,

L 2765-6, 3300-1, 3303

Romance and reality. L. E. L L 1815

Romanceof student lifeabroad. Kimball.



Romance of the canoness. Hcysc L 6859

Romance of the forum. Burke, 2 copies.

L 1963, 2304

Romance of the peerage. Craik, G. L.,

4 vols L 4096-0

Romance of Toronto. Savipfny L 6830

Romance of two worlds. Corelli, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 6933 -42

Romance cf war. Grant, jf L 2673

Romances of real life. Hunt L 6531

Romances of the east. Gobineau L 4992

Romanes, Animal intelligence A 107

Evidences of organic evolution A 220

Jelly fish and star fish A 430

Mental evolution in man B 771

Romanoff. Historical narratives fromthe Russian G 461

Romantic fiction. FonquJ L 1675

Romantic stories of the legal profession. L 1936

Romantic tales. Craik, Mrs. D. M.,

3 copies L 342, 3302, 4468

Romany Rye. Borrow, 2 copies. ..E 1688, L 4726

Rome and the early Christians. Ware. . L 2579

[Rome in the nineteenth century, 2 vols.E 920-1

Rome, its edifices and its people G 835

Romilly. The Western Pacific and NewGuinea F 1275

iRomola. Cross, 2 vols L 449-50Second and third copies L 2190, 6915

Romney (George). Guwer H 12c

Ronald McFarlane. Simpson L 4958[Rood. Modern chromatics, 2 copies. .A 93, D 387

[Roose. Gout, and its relation to diseasesof the liver and kidneys B 629

lookwood. Ainsivorth L 1834

[Roosevelt (R. B.). Love and luck E 5480Superior fishing D 448

[Roosevelt (Theodore). Hunting trips ofa ranchman F 1234

Naval war of 1812-1813 G 191

Winning of the west, 2 vols G 1352-3

toot. The A. B. C. of bee culture.. ..D 557loot of all evil. Marryat, F., 2 wo\s. ..L 915-6

*opes. Civil war, army under Pope. .G 281

tory O'More. Lover, 3 copies, L 1745, 2755, 27.S'.

tosalind and Felicia L 174 ,

loscoe (Thomas). German novelists. .E 896Italian novelists E 898

Spanish novelists E 897

toscoe (W.). Life and pontificate ofLeo X., 2 vols E 849-50

tose (Ceorge). See Sketchley, A


Rose(G. M.). {Ed.). Recitations and dia-

logues. Fart II li 1 43


Rose (H. J.).Among Spanish people,

2 vols F 219-20

Rose (J.). Key to engines and engir.e

running D 704Rose d'Albret. James, G.P.R., 2 copies. L 611, 4035Rose-garden. Peard, 2 copies L 2538, 4190Rose in June. Oliphant, Mrs., 3 copies.

L 1061, 2352, 3769Rose Leblanc. Fullertou, 2 copies. . . . L 503, 2599Rose of Ashurst. Marsh, 2 vols L 940-1

Rose of Paradise. Pyle L 6225

Rosenkranz. Philosophy of education.



Rosenthal. Physiology of muscles andnerves A 98

Roseville seminary. Simpson L 4837Rosine. Melville, G. J, W., 2 copies. . L 976, 3600

Roslyn's fortune. Riid L 7208

Ross (Mrs. A.). [Ed.). Legend of the holystone L 3971

Ross (Alexander M.). Birds of Canada.


417Butterflies and moths of Canada A 368

Ross (C. H.). Pretty widow L 1213London romance, 2 vols L 12 14-5

Ross (J/yj. E.). Dora's boy L 4910Ross(5/>J.). Navigation by steam... D 425Ross (Janet). Italian sketches F 1402

Land of Manfred F 1 565

Ross(J. D.). Scottish poets in America. I 451

Ross (Peter). Saint Andrew, the disciple,

missionary, patron saint G loio

Rossetti (D. C..). Ballads and sonnets..


19Poems I 18

Rossetti (D. G.). Life. Knight H 1634' " Recollections of.

Caine H 560Rossetti (M. F.). Shadow of Dante..



Rossetti (William M.). F'ine art D 596Lives of famous poets H 70

Rosshire Buffs. Grant, J L 2670RoGsmoyne. Argles, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2552-3, 3704-5Rossini and his school. Edwards H 138

Li^'e. Edwards H 1 104

Rothwell. Loved 1 not honour more,2 copies L 5788-9

Rough diamonds. Hollingshead L 4921Roughing it. Mark Twain, 3 copies.

L 861, 3556, 4435Round the galley fire. Russell W. Clark.


5733Roundabout papers. Thackeray, Wni. M.,

2 copies L 7065 -6

Rouquette. Curate of Orsieres L 4180Rousseau (Edmond). Chateau de Beau-

manoi'. o 292

Rousseaii (J. B.). Poesies lyriques. ..O 157Rousseau (J. J). Confessions O 211

£mile; ou, de I'education O 213

r 150 Rousseau—Russell.



Nouvelle Heloise O 212

Petits chefs-d'oeuvre O 214

Rousseau (J. J.) • Graham E 266

Morlt'y,2 \o\s H 1 330-1

Rousselet. Drummer boy M 1206

King of the tigers M 1208

Son of the constable of France M 1 1 29

Routh. Overwork and premature mentaldecay B 670

Routledge. Marvels of the Polar world. F 276

Popular history of science A 376

(Ed.). Science in sport M 647

Roux. Meditations of a parish priest. .C 587

Row (K.). Friends and acquaintances. L 4826

Rowland. English constitution B 308

Rowley [Rev. Henry). Twenty years in

Central Africa C 764

Rowley (Wo«. Hugh). Puniana E 343

More Puniana E 336

Rowney. Wild tribes of India F 370

Rowsell. Pedlar and his dog M 850

Roxy. Effgleston, 2 copies L 5016, C247

Roy. History of Canada G 923

Royal Highlanders. Gm;;/, y., 2 copies.



Royal regiment. Grant, y L 2855

Roy and Viola. Forrester, 7. vols L 474-5

Royce. California G 927

Feud of Oakfield creek L 5979

Roy's repentance. Sergeant L 7002

Roy's wife. Melville, G. J. W., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 977-8, 3601-2

Rubens. Kelt H 132

Ruckert. Poetische Werke, 12 vols. . .N 92-101

Rudder Grange. Stocktun L 4173

Rudolph (Prince). Travels in the east. .F 1384

Ruete. Memoirs of an Arabian Prin-

cess H 1254

Rufiini. Carlino, and other stories.... L 1224

Dr. Antonio L 1218

Lavinia, 2 vols.... L 1216-7

Lorenzo Benoni L 1219

Paragreens' visit to Paris L 1223

Quiet nook L 1222

Vincenzo, 2 vols L 1 220-1

Ruhainah : a story of Afghan life. Stan-ton L 5481

Rule (P. M.). The cat : varieties, manage-ment, and treatment A 455

Rule (W. H.). Karaite Jews G 168

Oriental records (monumental) C 268

Rules, orders, and proceedings of the legis^

lative assembly of Ontario B 635

Rumbold. Great Silver river F 1352

Run to earth. Braddon, 2 vols L 4475-6

Runciman. Grace Balmaign's sweet-iifart L 5741

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Skippers and shellbacks L 5742

Running the gauntlet. Yates, 2 copies, L 2624, 4301

Rupert Godwin. Braddon L 4485

Ruschenberger. Anatomy and physiology.

A 425

Conchology M 510

Elements of geology A 41j

Entomology M 509

Mammalogy M 511

Ornithology M 50S


Ruskin. Aratra Pentelici E 446

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Crown of wild olive E 456

Eagle's nest F, 443

Elements of drawing, 2 copies D 342, E 441

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Flors clavigera E 439

Hortus inclusus E 185S |

Lectures on architr ureand painting. .E 43S

Modern painters, 5 vols., 2 copies.

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Notes on the construction of sheepfoldsE 446


Painting D 164

Poetry of architecture E 44:

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Pra?terita, 2 vols E 1 856-

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Selections from (Italy), 2 copies E 1646-;

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Seven lamps of architecture, 2 copies.E 438, 20:;

Stones of Venice, 3 vols., 2 copies.

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Two paths E 43;!

Unto this last E 44i:|

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Recollections and sug-

gestions, 1813-73. .. .H lOjil

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Russell (Charles). (Trans.). Wonders of

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tables E i9:*|

Russell (John). Tour in Germany, 2 vols.



Russell (John F.). The ancient knight.



Russell (Rfv. Michael). Barbary states.



Connection of sacred and profanehistory, 2 vols C jf'f-J

Russell (R). North America, Canada,and Cuba F 4"|

Russell (Wm.). Eccentric personages.



Extraordinary men H j"'!

Extraordinary men and women M 3^1

Russell (Wm.), Vocal culture D

Russell— St. Jerome, 151

. L 5742

^ 2624, 4301





















D 342, E 441
















...E 44;

152 5/. John—Saunders,


; i



St. John (B.). Adventures in the Libyandesert F

Purple tints of Paris, z vols FVillage life in Egypt, 2 vols F

St. John (H. C), Wild coasts of Nipon.F

St. John (J. A). Residence in Normandy.E


1 140-




moagain in search of

L 5074-5
















There and backbeauty, 2 vols.

St. John (M.). Sea of mountains, 2 vols.F

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republic F

St. Johnston. Camping among cannibals.

In (juest of gold MSaint Leger. Kimball LSt. Leon. Goihuin L

Saint Louis, King of France. Sire de

Joiitvillc HSaint Margaret. Tircbuck, 1 copies. . . . L

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St. Nicholas, vol. 7 KThe same, vol. 9 KThe same, %'ols. 12-18 K

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K 1518-31

St. Pierre. Paul and Virginia E 1022

St. Ronan's well. Scoit, Sir. W.. 2 vols.,

3 copies L 2155-6, 2434-5, 7162-3

Saint Simon. Colliits E 259

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Sampson. History of advertismg E lyio

Sam's sweetheart. Mathers L 952-3

Samuel. Jewish life in the east C 2;^

Samuel Brohl and company. Cherbuliez .L, 49^?

Samuels (E. A.). Birdsof New England.



Samuels (S.). From the forecastle to thecabin H 1351

Sancho ; or, the proverbialist. Cnnning-liam L .):i-|

Sand (George). Cesarine Dietrich. .. .L 474:

Marquis de Villemer L 47"

Miller of Angibault L 4131,;

Monsieur Sylvestre L 23;:

My sister Jeannie L 2351

Rolling stone, 2 copies L 2506, 476t

Sand (George). Thomas H u

Sanby. Mesmerism and its opponents.



Sanders. Horse-breeding D go;

Sandham. Montreal, past and present.!" -f

Sanitary economy, its principles andpractice B 3.I

Sandra Belloni, Meredith L 631]

Sands. Philosophy of teaching B jo:

Sanford. Estimatesof the English kings.G 2^

Sangster. The St. Lawrence and the

Saguenay , and other poems I 40;

Sankey. Spartan and Theban suprem-acies G

Sansons. Memoirs of. Sanson, H. (Ed.)H in.

Saphir. Schriften, 13 vols N 394-41

Saracinesca. Cr ivford, 2 vols., 4 copies.L 5934-j'

Fifth and sixth copies L 5975-

Sarah de Berenger. Ingelow, 2 \o\s..L be)-

Second copy M f

Saratoga : an Indian tale of frontier life. L 4^1

Sarchedon. Melville, G. J. W., 2 vols.L 360J

Sarto. Scott H 1

Satanstoe. Cooper, 3 copies, . . . L 2132, 2251, 4'

[Saunders (F.)]. Salad for the solitary. F, '«!

Story of some famous books E i

Saunders (John). Israel Mort, 3 vols.. L 123'

Martin Pole L 4^

Noble wife, 2 vols, 3 copies . . .L 2535-6, J7!>1

Shipowner's daughter, 2 vols L 123

Tempter behind L '!




cenes of

2 cop it

Third an

!chafif. (-,





Prau A\'(-

cheli. (),





Snundcrs—Scliopcn finner. 153 m

Saunders (K. ), Oideon's rock, 2 copies.

I^ 1236, 24(10




High Mills 2 vols I,

Joan Merry weather, anrl other tales. . L

.Sebastian L

Saunders (W.V Insects injurious to truits,


Sauzay. Glass-making M

Savage (J.).Living representtitivt; men.


Savage (M. N). Bachelor of the .Mhanv.L

Falcon family L

Savage life. Boyle LSavarin. CJastronomy as a fine art. . . .V.

Handbook of dining DSavigny. A heart song of to-day I.

Kdinance of Toronto L

Savile (B. W). Apparitions HHow India was won by England ....(!

Savonarola. Life and times. Vif/ari.

z vols HSavory (C. H.). I'aper hanger, painter,

grainer, and decorator's assistant . . 1


Savory (W. S.). On life and death 1!

S.iy and seal. WcthcriV, E MSecond copy, 2 vols L

Sayce (A. II.) .\ssyria CIJabylonian literature KHittites. the story of a forgotten empire.










1660 I




1440 t










j(i;(/.). Records of the past, N.S., vol. i.(i

Saxby. Preston tower LSaxe. Poems ..1

ISaxe Holm (pseud). Stories, 2nd series. LSa.xonhurst school days M

[Scadding. Toronto o( old (i

IScilp h'uiters. Rciii, Capt. A/., 2 copies.

I- 270JiScarJL't letter. Hawthoriu\ N., 3 copies.

IC 722, L 581, 4207IScarscliff rocks. Maine, 2 vols L 1643-4

jScarth. Roman Britain G 478|Scatti?rgood family. Smith, A., 2 copies.

L 1S07, 4053Scenes of clerical life. Cross, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 442-3. 3473-4Third and fourth copies L 21S9, 6918

Schaff. Companion to Greek testament.



Hi.storyof the Christian church, 2 vols.C 576

Scheffel. Gaudeamus ! NHkkehard NSecond copy, 2 vols L

Frail Aventiure Nichell. Operations of the first army . .Gschellen. Spectrum analysis ASchenkendorf. Gedichte Ncherer. History of German literature,

- '•ols E










Scherr. History of English literature.



Schiefner and Ralston Tibetan tales

derived from Indian sources Cj 1325

Schiller. Correspondence with Goethe,2 vols E 707-H

Essays, ;rsthetical and philosophical . . E 858

Historical dramas, 3 vols.

Cltlttl'llts.~W^\. I.

\\';illeiisttiii -Willulni\\\\ K S55

\'ol. II, — Don Carlo' — Marv Stuart

.Maid of ( Irlcaiis— Bridu of Vfcssiiia . . K Sgfi

\'ol. 11. — Tlu: robbers — I'ii'sco— I.ovciiiiil intriiruf - Di'iiu'triu'i — 'Tbt,' jfhost

seer—Sport of (icstiny IC \;7

Poems. Translated by Lytton, 3 copies,

I 7, 219, 293

Revolt of the Netherlands, 2 vols E 854-5

Second and third copies G 617, 703

Thirty years' war, 3 copies. . . .V. 854, G 703. 705

Fourth copy, 2 vols. E 1090-1

Werke, 8 vols X 24-31

Contents.— \'it\. I.— (u'dicbli'.

Vol. 11.— Dif Ilaubcr, !''ii.'sko, tic.

\'ol. III. -WalUiistcin, .Maria Stuart, etc.

\'ol, IV. Willulm IVII, SiMiu4o, Mac-beth, etc.

\'ol. v.—Abfalls (111- Nii'.krlan.le.

\'(;!. \'I.— KleiiHre prosaistMio Solirifliii,

Part I.

\'ol. \'II. -Kliiiun- nrosaisc'he Schrifteii,

I'art U.

\'()1. \III. Dramatisibr liiiluii fi'.

Schiller. Sime 1-; 260

Life. Dniitzer H 456

Lite and works. Fal.'eske,

2 vols E 1 600-


Schimmer. Sieges of Vienna by the

Turks G 389

Schlegel (Caroline) and her friends. Sidfr-

ivick H 1 805

Schlegel (.\. W.). Dramatic art andliterature E 861

Schlegel (F.). .li^sthetic and miscellan-

eous works E 862

History of literature E 859

Modern history V, 863

Philosophy of history E 860

I'hilosophy of language E 864

Philosophy of life E 864

Schloss and town. Peurd, 1 vols L 1654-5

Schmidt. Descent and Darwinism. ... .\ 78

The mammalia in their relation to prim-eval times .\ 679

Schmitz. History cf Greece Blind 20

History of Rome Blind 19

Schoedler. Book of nature A 633

School girls all over the world M 675

School of the prophets. Carroll C 548

Schopenhauer. Two essays B 840C'i»//,)it.\.—(}n the foiirfolil root of the priii-

eiple of sutliricnt reason —On the willin nature.


•54 Schopenhauer—Scott.

Schopenhauer. Life and philosophy.Zhnmern H 312

Schiippner. Hansschatz der Lander uiid

V'olkerkunde. (ieof^raphische Bilderalls der gesammten neueren Reiseli-

teratnr, 2. vols N 365-6

Schreiner. Story of an African farm. . L 5978

Schroeder. Maxims of Washington. . H 315

Schubert Vrt st H 1 37

I'on Ht'/Zborii, 2 vols H 430-1

Schumacher. Across the Jordan F 1274

Schumann (l\). Heating and ventilation.!) 163

Schumann (K.) Music and musicians .1) 81

Schumann (K.) Life and works. Keiss-

Diann H 1330

Schurman. Kthical import of Darwin-ism 1 > 702

Schwartz. Man ot Im b ^nd the womanof the people, 3 vo.'s .... L 4222-4

Schwartz. Murray, I). C L 2317

Schwatka. Along Alaska's great river, l' 123G

Nimrod in the north M 953

Schweidler (Mary), the amber witch.

A/iinhuld, \V. Ed L 2578

Schweinfurth. The heart o^' Africa.

.• vols F 1299-1300

Scidmore. Alaska, its southern coast andSitkan archipelago F 1278

Scoones. Fnglish letters E 739

Scoresby. Voyage to Australia F 1009

Scots brigade. Grant, J L. 3035

Scott (C). Lay? of a Londoner 1 117

Scott (C. W.) (/•.). The stage door. . L 5304

Scott (J. Vt.\ -Jurma, as it was, as it is,

and as 1 . will be F" 1277

The Burman ; his life and notions,

2 vols F 31 5-6

Scott (Leader). Nook in the Apen-nines F 63

Scott (Lt. -Gen.). Memoirs, 2 vols. ... H 772-3

Scott (Michael). Cruise of the " Midge,"2 copies L 1701, 2742

Tom Cringes log, 2 copies L 1700, 2741

Scott (R ). '.'ractical cotton spinner. . .D S14

Scott (R. H.). Elementary meteorology.



Scott {Rev. Thos.). Theological works.



Scott [Sir W). .Abbot, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 2183-4, 7148-9

Third copy L 3788

Anne ot Cieierstein, 2 vols., 3 copies.

\. 2171-2, 2422-3, 7166-7

Fourth copy L 3789

Antiquary, 2 vols , 2 copies . . . . L 2151-2, 7134-5

Third copy L 3790 I

Betrothed, 2 vols., 2 copies. .. .L 2177-8, 7:70-1

Black dwarf, etc., 2 vols L 2145-6

Second, thir '

, and fourth copies, !

L 2418, 3791, 7138 I

Bride of Lammerinoor, 3 vols., 3 copies.

L 2165-6, 2430-1, 7142-3

Fourth copy F., 379^

Castle danf;erous, 2 vols., 3 copies,

L 2179-80, 2424 5, 7174 3

Count Robert of Paris, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2181-2, 7172i

Eminent novelists and dramatists. . . . H 56

Essays on chivalry E .(of.

Fair maid of Perth, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2141-2, 2428-9, 7i.5>S 9

F'ourth copy L \']i)\

Fortunes of Nigel, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2169-70, 7152-j

Third copy L 3794

fiuy Mannering, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 2161-2, 2416-7, 7130-1, 7338 (J

Fifth copy L 3795

Heart of Mid Lothian, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 2163-4, 3796-7. 7 '40-'. 73.^'' ;

Highland widow, 2 vols L 2i77->

Second copy L 484(1

Ivanhoe, 2 vols, 3 copies.L 2175-6, 7144-5, 7344 3

Fourth copy L 371)*

KeniKvorth, 2 vols., 2 copies . . . L 2420-1, 4405-(i

Third copy L jygcj

Lay of the last minstrel and other poems.Blind 21

Legend of Montrose, 2 vols., 2 copies,

1. 2418-9, 7138-9

Letters on demonology and witchcraft.C 643

Monastery, 2 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 2143-4, 7146-;

Third copy L 3S00

Old mortality, 2 vols, 3 copies.

L 2149-50, 7132-3. 734<'-:

Fourth copy L 3801

Peveril of the peak, 2 vols., 5 copies.

L 2147-8, 2426-7, 3802-3, 4166-7, 7156-;

Pirate, 2 vols., 2 copies L 2x67-8, 7150-1

Third copy L 3X01

Poetical works, 2 vols I 296-;

Second copy I 3jo

Ouentin Durward L 380;

Second copy, 2 vols L 7154-:

Redgauntlet, 2 vols., 2 copies . .L 2173-4, 7164-;

Third copy L 416)

Rob Roy, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 2157-8, 2467-8, 7136-7, 7340-1

Fifth copy L p-

St. Ronan's well, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2155-6, 2434-5, 7i6.'-ij

Surgeon's daughter, 3 copies. . L 2179, 2424, 7i'([

Tales of a grandfather, 6 vols G 570-:

Second and third copies G 901, MmTalisman, 2 vols L 716!*^!

Waverley, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 2153-4, 2432-3, 7128-9, 734M

Fourth copy L mWoodstock, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 2159-60, 71M

Third and fourth copies L 3«o8, 41111



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30-1, 7i4-:-.i

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428-9. 7'.5^9

. . . L .<793


; 69-70, 7'5'-;i|

L .^794I









7 140- 1,


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L 379M

,2420-1, 4405-M

L 37*'I

poems.Hlind 2


, 2418-9, 713^1

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2143-4. 7'4'J-I

. . . . L 3S"«|




Life. HulloH..,.HLife. /,(;<7'/;(/r/,9 vols.

HHours with St. I'auLC

Ked hose L

Scott {Sir Walter)

Scott (William).

Scott (William),

Scott ( W. H.). Fine and ornamental arts.

DLittle masters of (lermany H

Scott and Sebright. Dixon, H. II L

Scottish cavalier. Grant, J L










Srottish chiefs. Porti-r. J., 2 ccpies..L 18 8, 2636

Scratchley (Arthur). I'riendly societies.



Scratchley (Sir Peter), .\ustralian dts

((Mices and New Guinea !•' i3',4

Scribner. F^ngineers' and mechanics'companion I) 338

Scrit)ner's MagaEine, vols. 1-6, 1887 9.

•< 339G 3406" Scrutator." Horses ;ind hounds. . . .A

Scudder (H L ). (/!</.'. Men and man-ners in .\merica II










1,4166-7. 7156-;!

2167-8, 7i5o-'|

L P>\

1 2cfe-\

I mL mL 7i54-;|

|l 2173-4. 7164-:!

,L 4i6i|

Is, 7136-7. 7340-'l


|6, 2434-5. 7J0-i


Scudder(M. L.,jr.), I'ongested prices. 13

l.ahur-value fallacy H


SciilpMire and the plastic art 1)

Sea, episodes of the MSea, half hours at MSea lions. Cooper, 3 copies .... L 21 18, 2248, 4122

ISea ([ueen. A'ltsscll, > vols., 3 copies.

1' ^554 5

ISeafield. Dreams I-:

Literature and curiosities of dreams. . KISeaforth. Miintf;omerY, 2 vols L[Sealed orders Phelps LISeamy side. Bcsant and Rice \.

[Search for the Oral. CiodU<ird LISeason-ticket. Halibnrton L



1 3 '9









.G 901.

. ...L

[Seasons of the year .\

Jeaton. From cadet to colonel MSeaward (Sir Edward). Narrative of his

shipwreck, 2 copies E 432, M 425

Sebastian. Saunders, K L 1 239

Sebastian Strome. Hawthorne, J L 4758Sebastopol Tolstoi L 5984Second Mrs Tillotson. Fitzgerald L 36S6

pecond thoughts. Brou<:;hton, 2 \o\v.. . . A^ 213-14

Second copy f. 5047Becond to n )ne. Grant, J L 2862

pecond life. Alexander, Mrs., 3 vols.,

4 copies L 5084-9, 5093-S








2159-60, 7'^|

. . . L 3S08,m

Pecond wife. Marlitt Lecret inheritance Farjeon. 3 copies..


fecret of the sea. Matthews Lfecret of two lives. Jenkins Lfeddon (T ). Memoir and letters Hedgwick (C. M.). Letters from abroad.


I'oor rich man, and the rich poor man.Mj

Tales and sketches L

6 156 -8







Sedewick (Catherine M.). Life andTotters. Deivey H 727

Sedgwick and Wilson. Cieneral biology,

p.irt I, introductory A 729

Seebohm. I'rotestant revolution G 225

Seeley. Expansion of England, 4 copies,

C, 130, 763. 839, 840

Seely. A ranchman's stories L 57O5

Seemann. Voyage of H.M.S, " Herald"

in search of Sir John F'ranklin,

2 vols !• 9 1 o-


Seg^uin. Black I'orest F 289

Seller, Voice in singing ..D 273

Voice in speaking I) 1 hj

Seiss (Joseph A.). Children of silence;or, the story of tha deaf M 733

Tho great pyramid G i6b

Self control. Hrnnton L 1751

Self-sacrifice, Oliphant, Afrs L 232S

Selkirk. Ethics and asthetics of modernpoetry V. 207

Sellar (Robert). Gleaner tales, vol, I .. L 5442History of the county ol Huntington.



Selss. Literature of Germany V. 231

Selwyn (Bishop). Life and work. Cur-teis, (1. H H 1700

" Life and times. Hav-ward L 4 28

Semper. Naturalconditionsofexistence..\ 97Seneca. Selections from his prose,... !; 1^52

Senior (N. \V.). Essays, historical andphilosophical, 2 vols K 200-1

Journal kept in Turkey and Cireece..!" 557Journals in Ireland, 2 vols F 271-2

Senior (W,). By stream and sea 1" 669

Sense and sensibility, Ansteil, 3 copies.

L 78, 1770 2724

Sentimental journey. Sterne 1^ 650

"Seranus." See Harrison, Mrs.

Seraphita. lialzae L =1.90

Seret. Grammar of Volapiik L 1830

Serf sisters. liarwood L 4942Serge I'anine. Ohnct I. 2080

Sergeant (.Vdeline). Beyond recall..!. 7004

No saint L 7003Roy's reoentanc L 7002

Sergeant (Lewis). eece F 75Sergeant's legacy. Venahles L i,S86

Servlss. Astronomy with an opera-glass..\ 73(3

Seth. F'rom Kant to Hegel ('235

Seth and Haldane. (Eds.) Itssays in

philosophical criticism B 268

Seton-Karr (H. VV). Ten years' wildsports in foreign lands F 1520

Seven sons of mammon. Sala, 2 vols..L 1229-30

Seven stories. Fullertou L 504Seven stories, with basement and attic.

Mitchell L 4842

156 Seven—S/iarpe.


Seven years. Kitvainifrli, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L671-2,Sevonoaks. llollautl LScveniy-fivc Urookt; Street, l-'itz/rcrnlti . LSeverne. Chums MSt^vigni- (Mddiime de). Lettres, 6 vols.O

" " lioissirr HThackeray, Mns.V.

Sewell (!•:. M.). After life, 2 vols LAmy Herbert, 2 vols L

Second copy I


Kxperience of life, 2 vols I.

rdinipse of tlu; world, 2 vols LJournal of a home lite, 2 noIs LJournal of a summer tour I'

Ursula, 2 vols I


Sewell (K. M.). Life and letters. Bayly. \\

Sexton. Pocket book for boiler makers.!)

Seybert (.'ommission : preliminary reporton spiritualism B

Seymour. Competitors MSforzosi. C'ompendious history of Italy.


Shabby genteel stor\-. Tliackcniy, W.MA.Shadow of .Vshlydyat. Womi. Mrs. H.,

J ^'ols . . . . L .

Shadow of the sword. Ilinh.iiian \^

Shadows on the snow. Fayji'on I,

Shaftesbury (ist Earl of). Traill II

Shaftesbury (3rd Ed/-/ of). Fuwhr ....fl

Shaftesbury (7th Earlnf). Life and work.Hudil.-r . . H

Shah Nameh of the Persian poet, l-irdausi.

Translated by Atkinson, J IC

Shairp (J.C). Poetic interpretations of

nature .' KSketches in history and poetry G

Shairp (]. C.) and his friends. Knifrht . . HShairp (Thomas). Up in the north.. . .F

Shakespeare. Hamlet Blind.

Julius Cajsar Blind.

King Lear Blind.

Macbeth Blind.

Shakespeare. Works. Edited by HenryN. Hudson :

—All's well that ends well. Much adoabout nothing I

Antony and Cleopaira. Troi'us andCressida I

As you like it. Twelfth night I

Comedy of errors. Two gentlemen ofVerona. (And life of Shakespeare.). I

Cymbeline. Coriolanus I

Henry IV., p^rts I. -II I

Henry V. and VIII I

Henry VI,parts I. -II I

King John. Richard II T

King Lear. Timon of Athens I






1250 I

1 240-











1 3 10






'274 i





















Julius Casar. Hamlet I n.,

Love's labour's lost. TamiuK of theshrew I


.Macbeth. Othello I .,.

Merry wives of Windsor. Measure for

measure 1 s.

Midsummer nights dream. Merchantof Venice 1


Pericles. Two noble kinsmen. Venusand Adonis I i,j 1

Poems: Lucreece, sonnets. Index I93

Kichard III. Henry VI i't. ni....I sjI

Tempest. Winter's tale I v^i

Titus Andronicus. Komeo and Juliet.



Shakespeare Works c-dited by Richard(irair While, 12 vols I =5X3 »

(Olllillt.'i. - \()l,l. I.ifl, fSSllVS.illHl pillllls.

\'i)l. II.— The Uiiipes' Two i^eiilluim ii

of \'cniiia -.MiTiv wi is of Wiinl.sor.

\'ol. III. -.Measure for iiuasiiir -I'oiiR'ilyof error.s— .Miuli ado alioul iiolliiiiif-—Love's labour's lost.

\'<>l. I\'.~A Miiilsumuier uijjlifs dreaui

.Merchant of N'euice- .\s vou like it -

Tainini- of the slirew.

\'(>l. \'. All's well thai ends well


Twelflli iii)r|it : or, what v<ui w ill— I'hewinter's tale.

\ip|. \'l. -Kinsijolm Kijiy Hichard II.—KiiiK Menry I\'., I'ts. I. anil II.

\'ol. \II.-Kintf llenrv \'. -Kiny llenrv\ I., I'ts. 1. and II.

\'ol. \III. Kinu Meiuv \'I. I'art III.--Kiny Kieliard III.— Kirii; llenrv \'III.

Vol. I.\.— Troilns and t're.ssida— Corio-lanus—Titus .Vndronicus.

\'iil. X.—Romeo and Juliet—Tinioii of.\lliens—Julius Casar-.VIaelieth.

\'ol. XL—Hamlet— Kinij 1-ear—Othello.

\'ol. XII. -.\ntonv and Cleopatra- CvniInline I'erieles.

Shakespeare. Portrayed by himself.Waters K ly;!

Shakespeare on temperance. Shcloik.B r-:\

Shakespeare and his friends. Williams.L fijiil

Shall I win her } Grant, J., 2 copies.L 2687,304;!

Shaller. Kentucky F inf

Shand. Half a century ; or, changes in

men and manners E i"!

Shandon bells Black, 2 vols L 109-iJ

Shanks (Henry). Peasant poets of Scot-land I jti|

Shanks (T. ).). (Ed.). A college of collegesled by D. L. Moody C

Shanks (W. F. G.). Recollections of dis-

tinguished generals HSharp (Peter). Flax, tow, and jute spin

ning DSharp (T. A). Cradled in a storm,

3 copies L 6joo-l

Sharp (William). (Ed.). Sonnets of this

century I \^

Sharp (jWrs. William). (Ed.). Sea-music. I 4%

Sharpe (C. K). Letters to and from,edited by /I. /l//rir</)'(Y, 2 vols. ...H 133"']

Sfinrf*c—Shorthouse, I"??

A... I !^')


... I 7;

... I V-

L« for

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....I :

.'en us....I 'M

....I 93

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storm,L 63i»:

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d from

Is. ...H 153^

Sharpe (SHmtiei). History of I'-Rypi.

J vols I''. <)jH

Historic notes on the Hihie. C 2oj

New TestarniMit Transl.ilecl (' -'51

Sharpe (Samuel). Chiyiien F^ 3.18

Sharpe (Wm.). Cause of colour ainoni;

races H 3.( I

Sharpe (Wm.). Concjueror's dream. ... I iS."

Sha\ ing of Shagpat. Meredith, z copies.

L .jiS-l. 6316

Shaw(t!athariiie). Prison bars, j copies.


1 jjfi 7

Shaw((".\V.). London market gardens. I



Shaw (Flora L.). Sea change M So.j

Shaw((i. .V ). Madagascar and I'Vance.l-" <)<3

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She. lla^jrarii, 2 vols, 7 copies I. 5()04-i7

liightli, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth,

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Sheehan. {Ed.). Bentley ballads I <}<)

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Shell (K. L ). Speeches, with memoir.MiicNi'viu, 2 copies. B.J I 1, 1'", iSdi

Memoir. McCnllnifli,

.:\()ls |[ .(31-2

Shelley ((" I'). Workshop appliances. I



Shelley (1*. H.). Foems, selected I 30S

Poetical works, edited by R.H.Shepherd.S vols I 571 J

'rose works, edited by R. II Shepherd,i vols F i<jc)8-<j

Shelley (P. B). .\necdote biography..Stoddard II .(.Sc,

Life. Dowdeii, 2 \'o\s.]\ 1328-9

Masioit n 171

Life. Sharp H 1G4.'

The real Shelley, 'jfeaf-

freson, 2 vols H 1033-4

Recollections of the last

days of. Trelawney.Yl (j6()

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[Shelley (Mrs.). Frankenstein L 1S26

Shepard. Authors and authorship. ... K 76

[Shepherd. North-west peninsula of Ice-

land F 88

[Sheppard (E. E.). Dolly, the young wid-der up to I-'elder's, 2 copies L 4S1 1-2

[Sheppard (N.) Before an audience..



Shut up in Paris G ^i

iherer. Conjurer's daughter L 1973

iheridan (R. B.). Dramatic works E 865flays E 389

Sheridan(Rn ) Memoirs -Wf/fir*-, 2 vols.H 14.14 5

0/iphaiit, .Mrs II 8|.'

Sheridans, Lives of the. Fitsfjeruld,

I'erey, 2 vols IF 1S24 3

Sheridan (Go/ I'. H.) Personal memoirsH if>7H-<)

Sherlock. Illustrious abstainers H 31H)

Sherwood (.1/rs.) I'airchild f.imily, andthe latter days I- 3055

r.overness, the little Momiere, Pere la

Chaist?, etc 1. ^059

Henry Milner, parts i iii L 3034

Henry Mtlner, part iv., and Sabbaths onthe Continent L 3068

Indian pilgrim, broken hyacinth, etc,

2 copies L 1944, 3037

Infants' progress, Howcrs of the forest,

(!tc L 3058

John Martin, a sequel to " Henry Mil-

ner " L 3069

Lady of the manor, 4 vols L 3062 5

Little Henry and his bearer, Lucy andher dhaye, etc L 303'J

Mail coach, my three uncles, old lady's

complaint, etc L 3o()()

Monks of Cimies L 3067

Nun, intimate friends, my aunt Kate,

etc L 3060

Social tales L 2.139

Victoria, Ar/oomund, the birthday pre-

sent, etc 1. 3or)i

Sherwood (Mrs. ].). M.mners and social

ciistonis I



Shields ((L <> )• Cnusings in the Cas-

c;utes 1'' 1322

Shields (Robert). Life and character.

(hote H 789

Shillito. Womanhood H 63

Shipowner's daughter. Saunders, y . . . . L 1233-4

Shippen (E.). Thirty years at sea ....I" 1052

Shipton. Cairnforth and Sons M 1 168

Si.\ months' friend M 948

Shipwrecks and disasters at sea, 2 vols.E 1048-9

Shirley (James). Dramatic works, edited

by fi . Gusste .1 350

Shirley (Penn). Little Miss Weezy ... M 1291

Little Miss Weezy's brother M 1292

Shirley. Bronte, C, 2 copies L 86, 1717

Shirley hall asylum. Gilbert L 4133

Shirreff and others. Kindergarten ...J! 233

Shore (.\. ). Dante for beginners E 1733

Shore (H. N.). Flight of the " Lap-wing " V 429

ShorthouSB. Countess Fvf, 2 copies . . L 7024 3

John Inglesant, 2 vols L 1 252-3

Second copy L 4305

Sir Percival L 6077

Teacher of the violin L 6528

158 Sftoiifers—Sir Hector.

' 1

Shower*. A missing chapter of theleidiaii rmitiny C, ujO

Shumway. Day in ancient Koint; .... I' 1180

Shrini; of death, etc. I)iik,\ Lmiy . . . A. 349<»

Shway Yoe. Tlie Hiirman, ;i sols I" U5 <>

iSibbald (CVi/i/d/H); . I<«;miniscences ..fl iigo

Sibyl, licaconsfielii I, 2522

Siddons (jl/rv.). Kiniiunt It 1433

Sidney (/i((;7ufCiod()lphin). Life. Elliot.

H ir)rto

Sidney (Aluernon). I'nii Sniilvoonl . . .H 751

Sidney (Philip). I'lx-ms, 3 vols i 1-7 ./

" " Symoiids H 1 335

Life and times II o-7

Siege of London. James. //., jr., 3 copies,

L 2S5C>. 33S3 4

Siemens (William). Life. Pole H 155^

Sifjhts and insij^hts. Whitney, j vols. . . L .i453-t

" Sigma " Heather belles, 2 copies . . . L 6813 4

Si^ninn the contract. Fiiiley L 2350

Signor 1. I'nrina L ('856

Sigourney (Mrs. L. II ). Letters of life.

H i)oi

Select poems I 180

Signs before death ; record of stran>,'e ap-paritions, etc K 1322

Sigrid ; an Icelandic love story. Thorudd-scn L 6242

Sikes. Hritish goblins E 525

One poor K'fl L (851

Silas Marner. Cross, 4 copies.

L448, 2191, 3475, b^j'.-;

Silence of Dean Maitland. Gray, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 5996-6005

"Silent Member." Sketches in the Houseof Commons B 493

Silent partner. Pliclf>s L 5050

Silent shore, or the mystery of St. James'I'ark. Bloundelle-Burton, 3 copies.



Silent witness. Yates L ^634

Silk and scarlet. Di.xon, H. H L 1950

Silliman. Tour between Hartford and( )uebec in 1819 I" 808

Visit to Europe, 2 vols F 840-1

Silos for British fodder crL^j.-, 1) 130

Silver cord. Brooks, S., 3 vols L 199-201

Silver linings. Bray, Mrs M 378

Silver trout, and other stories. Roberts. . L 6437

Silvia. Kavanngh, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 679-80, 4553 4

Silwood (Cieorge). Memoir and letters. H 703

Simcox. Early church history ("174

Simkins (J.).The pansy; how to grow

and show it D 950

Simmonds (P. L.). Commercial products

of the sea B 491

Curiosities of food D 339

Fibres and cordage D 504





Sir John l-'ranklin and the Arctic ex-pedition V

Waste; products and undeveloped sub-stances D

Simon, (iovemment of M. Thiers, a vols.H

Simple story. Inchhald LSimpleton, h'eade. 2. vols , 2 copies,

L 1 1 89 90, 3(»j(

Simpson (A. L ). Sir David Wilkie...M

Simpson ( E. H ). Dogs of other days. . E

Simpson ((i) Overland journey roundthe world F

Simpson (Jas ). Parisafier Waterloo.. (i

Simpson (L.). Manual of lubrication. .D

Simpson (L. F.). Handbook of dining.D

Literature of Italy ESimpson (M.) Noted ter ! ranee ad-

\i)cates BKonalil McFarlane LK(ise\ille seminary L

Simpson (W.). Meeting the sun : ajouriie)' all round the world 1'

Simpson (W. fi.). Art of golf DSirnrock. (ledichte, Walther von der

V'ogelweide Nlleldenbuch, Oudrun Nileldenbuch, N'ibelungenlied N

Simift ((led. k ). Mary Jane's memoirs LKing o' bells LRogues and vagabonds L

Sims (T.). Dyeing and bleaching DSimson (.\.). Travels in the wilds of

I'lciiador FSimson (K.). Elementsof conic sections.


Simson ( W.). History of the gipsies , .Ci

Sinclair (C). Scotland and the Scotch.L"

Shetland and the Shetlanders 1'

Sinclair (J.). t)ld times and distantplaces Ci

Sinclair (J. D.). .\utumn in Italy ESinger (Ignatius). Oratnmar of the

Hungar an language ESingle heart and double face. Readc.

5 copi js L 3997-9

Singleton 7onteaoy, K. N. Hannay.. . . \.

Sinnett. Vhe jccult world BSir Andrew vVylie. Gait LSir Brooke P'ossbrooke. Lever, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 771 2, qii


Third copy L -'.'.':

Sir Charles Grandison. Richardson, S. . L J4W

Sir Frizzle Pumpkin, and nights at themess. lVliite,Rev.J J, lOS;

Sir Gibbie. Macd^nald, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 8ig-2o, i34-'3

Sir Harry Hotspur. Trollope, A., 2 copies.

L 137.S. 38M

Sir Hector's watch. Granville L 6185






















Sir Jasper—Smith, '59



lOo Sf// ith—Socrates.





Smith (Alb^irt). Adventures of Mr. Led-bury, i copies L 1811, 2746, 4955

Christopher Tadpole L 2747

Marchioness of IJriiuilliers, }, copies.

1, iiSi2, 24S6, 4052

Mont l;ilanc V 702

Month at Constantinople F 487

I'ottleton legacy L 2745

Scnttergood family, 2 copies L 1807, 4053

Smith (A, MJ. Si.hjective political

economy H 68

Smith (Augustus W.), Treatise onmechanics, statics, and dynamics..!") },>,>

Smith (.Agnes). Glimpses of Greek life

and scenery F 1456

Smith (C). Klegiac sonncfi and otherpoems I 409

;Smith (Mrs. Castle)]. Uncle Steveslocker , M 1389

Smith (D. M.). Tales of chivalry andromance M jo6

Smith (1). McL). Manual of engineerscalculations D 675

Smiih (Fdmond R.). Araucanians . . . , l' 147

Smith (ICdward; English jacobins... K 290

I'~oreign visitors in Euji.'-land K 1904

Smith (I'".). Workshop management ..O 345

Smith (F. 1 1. 1. A white umlirella in

Mexico ]•'I zGq

Smith (G). Canal adventures by moon-light F 37S

Gypsy life V. 179

Smith ((i. li.). I'oets and novelists. ...!•; 19G

Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria ..}[ 1308

Smith (George). Assyrip Ci 475Babylonia G 470

Assyrian discoveries 1" G18

Chaldean account of (ienesis, etc C 432

Smith (George .\.). Hook of Isaiah.

Vol. I C 781

Smith (Gerrit). .'\ biography. Ffcfliini--

liain H 450

Smith C'oldwin). Civil war in .\merica.G 279

li mpire, The G 857

Lectures and essays !•; 1254

Lectures on the study of history G 846

Political destiny of Canada P. 509

Three linglish statesmen, j copies.

H 384, 387. H i4()

Lichism in the .^ nglo-S.ixon race G 1 132

r p to England F 672

[Smitii (Horace)]. Adam Brown, themerchant L 4750

Smith (H. J.). History of education . . .E i^ji

Smith (H. and J.). Rejected addresses. I 2G3

Smith (LC). Ethic:, of Aristotle C 588

Worcester. (Diocesan histories) C 352

Smith (Ca/i^. John). Ashton H 670

Smith (John). Fruits and farinacea, the

proper food of man D (j34

Smith (J. Pye). Scripture and geological

science A 553

Smith (J. V. C.). Scientific tracts A (163

Smith (L. A). The music of the waters.I 43.1

Smith (•\L S.). Virginia cookery book. D 27r)

Smith (P.). Ecclesiastical hist "-y, Part L30-1380, A. F^ C (4

ICcclesiatical history, Pa ,middle

ages C .>4(|

Smith (P. If). Acadia: a lost chapter in

.\mcriran history G 1 1.|6

Smith (K. P).). Moh.ntnmed and Moham-medanism G 1 20

Rome and Carthage Ci 230

Smith (R. H.). Cutting tools T) igs

Smith (R T.). Church in Roman Gaul.C 363

St. j^asil the C]reat C 3.SC1

Smith (S.). Philosophy of health, 2 vols.B 6.7

Smith (Sydney). ICssays, miscellaneous.



Miscellaneous works E 131:

Selections from writings E 429

Smith (Sydney). Life and times. Reid.H ii.'!>

Smith ('i\ R.). .Architecture, classic andearly Christian . D i/j

Architecture, (lOthic and renaissance. I) 100

Smith (W. A). Henderloch : or, notesfrom the West Highlands 1" in

Smith (W. Robertson). Old testamentin Jewisli church C u>

I 'ropliets of Israel C iSo

Smith (William Wye). Poems I 4J6

Smoke a Russian novel. Tiinreitii/f . . L 2347

Smollett (Tobias (;.). Life. H<iiiiuiy .. .11 1C41

Smuggler. Bdiiiiii L 4709

Smuggler. Janus, G. P. K., 3 copies.

1, 614, 17GS, 40)1

Smyth (Piazzi). Our inheritance in thev;rcat pyramid G 4**

Smyth (W.) I'Vench revolution, 2 vols.E 86i)-7o

Lectures on modern history, 2 vols. . . E 871 .'

Smjrth (W. W.). Metallic mining andcolleries D 50>

Smythe. Medical heresies B ^i^

Snow bound at Eagle's and Devil's ford.

Brtt Harte, 5 copies L y)i^---

Snow image, etc. Haivthoruc, N., 2 copies.

E 72 r, I. joi^

So very human. Richards, 3 vols Li lyS-uou

Social etiquette of New York B df'o

Social tales. Slur^vood, Mrs. . . ; L 2431.1

Society in London: by a foreign residentE i-Wi

Society small talk D -4'

Socrates. Day in Athens with : trans-

lations from Plato B 6;i'

Talks about life with: translations fromPlato B 67:

Socra ti's—Spielliagen . 161


fn 162 Spielhagen—Stearns.



I'roblematic characters, 2 copies. ..L 50^0, 6761

(Hiisisana L 5041

Through night to light I. 6758

Spiers. Architectural drawing 1 > 823

Spilsbury. Lincoln's Inn and its library.!'". i27<)

Sp'.noza Works translated by Klwcs..

2 vols H 524-5

Spinoza. Ctxird H 1 257

.Spinoza. Ancrhac/i, 2 vols I> .iOi-2

Second copy 1



Spirit of Chambers' Journal K 1200

Spirit of the nation I 35

Spirite. (hiutiir L 4991

Splinters ; or. a grist of giggles !•- 1724

Spofford. Thief in the night L 4S52

Spon's household manual : a treasury of

domestic receipts 1) S27

Spottiswoode. Polarisation of light ... .V 223

Spragge. From Ontario to the Pacific

by the C.l'.R F i.^Oo

Sprague. European celebrities. H 919

Sprig of heather. Butt, Beatrice M L 4258

Spring. Kansas V 1 209

Springer. Forest life and trees D 271

Useful and ornamental planting I) 405

Springhaven. Blnckwurc, 7 copies. L 5952-7, 5981

Spry. Cruise of the " Challenger " .... 1" 596

Spurgeon (C. H ). Commenting andcommentaries C 2j8

Lectures to my students, 1st and _>nd

series C 236-7

Spurgeon (C. H,). Life and work . . . . H 237

Pike H 1349

Spurzheim. Education B 396

SpN'. Cooper, 4 copies L 332, 1755, 2113, 2250

Squier. Central America F 964

Incidents of travel in Peru F loi i

Squire Arden. 0/iphniit, Mrs L 4789

Squire of Sandal-side, /id^r, 2 copies. . L 5786-7

Squire Paul. Warriufr L 4180

Stables. Horn to wander M 1099

("ruise of theland yacht " Wanderer."F 1241

I'Vom squire to squatter M 138.8

Harry Melvaine M 1 191

Jack Locke, 2 copies M 1330 i

Practical kennel guide D 299

Wild adventures round the Pole . . ..M 218

Wild life in the land of the giants,

2 copies M 1 39 1-2

Stacl (Mddnme de). Allemagne () 221

Corinne O in('orinne (translated), 2 copies. . . . E 1847, L 1854

Delphine O 223

Stael [Mme. de). Life. Duffy H 1456" " Her friends and influ-

ence. Lady Blcnner-hassetl, 3 vols H 1694-6

Stafford. History of music E riii

Stage door. Scott, C.W. {Ed.) L 5304

Stained pages. /•>««, 3 copies L 62457

Staley and Pierson. Separate system of

sewerage I^ 473

Stainer. Composition I) 481

Harmony D 482

Music of the Bible D 211

Stallo. Theories of modern physics . . . A loS

Stanhope (/id//). HistoricTJ essays...



H istorical essays G 493

History of England, 1713-1783, 7 vols.G 32-,S

Miscellanies, ist and 2nd series G 462-3

Reign of Queen Anne, 2 vols Ct 39-40

Spain under Charles II G 370

The " Forty-Five " d 494

Stanley (/)((!/;). Historical memorials of

Canterbury G 14J3

Historical memorials of WestminsterAbbey, 3 vols F 1541-3

History of the Jewish church, 3 vols. .C 654-6|

Scripture portraits H 28;

Sermons preached before the Prince of

Wales, 1862 C 39:

Sinai and Palestine 1"1370


Stanley (H. M.). Finding of Dr. Living-

stone F 54;

In the wilds of Africa F r loi


Stanley (W. P.). Our week afloat M no;

Stanley Brereton. Ainsworth, 2 vo\s. . .L 6]-^\

Stanley Thorn. Cockton L 2788!

Stansfield-Hicks. Yachts boats, andcanoes D 67;


Stanton (Evan). Ruhainah : a story of

.Afghan life L 34811

Stanton (H. B.). Reforms and reformersE 1281


Random recollections H 1440]

Stanton (T). (Ed.). Woman .question

in Europe B i'"|

Stapfer. Shakespeare and classical an-tiquity E y,

Star and a heart. Marryat, F L !v>)|

Star chamber. Ainsworth, 2 vols L i9-.'u|

Starcke (C. N.). Primitive family in its

origin and development A 4S.i|

Starling. Noble deeds of women E '^i^f

Startling exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies.Celi^re L 550|

Staton. Rays fro' th' loominary : a selec-

tion of comic Lancashire tales . . ..L CSjil

Staunton (H.) Chess player's companion.



Stead (R.). Lads of little Clayton M io;ij

Stead (W. T). Truth about Russia. ..F i.i".i|

Steam-heating problems from the " Sani-tary Engineer." D Ml

Stearns (Winfrid A.). Labrador F" Ti"!

New England bird life, 2 vols A 194-:

Wrecked on Labrador M "i^l

Siebbhig—Stil/. 163

. . E 1 1 11

. . L 5.504

..L 6245:

m of

..D 473

. . D 481

. . D 4«-

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. . . fT 464

. . . G 40J

ols.G V-!^

...r, 4623

...G 39-4''

...G .570

G Wals of

G 14^3


....F 154' 3

0IS..C 654-6

. . . . H 28:

nee of

....c 30:

V 13?^

Jving-V 34;

1'"I lOi

I M I -iQ-

,1s. . . L C7-S

. . L 278S

p, and.D 0-;

;ory of

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rmersE 12S1


leal an-

. . . E 3^:

. . . L S9)

. . . L 10--"

V in its

....A 4S5

. . . . E 9^^


. . . . L 530"

a selec-

S L 65Ji




n M 10:

sia...E '51


. . . D 64*

. . . . F 7'1

.... A 194-J

Stebbing (Henry). Chivalry and thecrusades, 2 vols V. 1069 70

Stebbing (Win.). Analysis of Mill's

logic B 2 j6

Some verdicts of history reviewed. . . .G 10630«//'«/.v —The iMijliU'cnth ceiUmv -iVnthoiivAshley Cooper — Cowley iiml I'rior -

Henry St. John iiuil Pnltenev— l''ranklin

anil Colibett—New iMigl md anil N'irniiiia.

Stebbins. Delsarte system of expression, l". 2034

Stedman. Victorian poets E 1 793

Steel hammer. Ulhacli, 2 copies 1- (<^(>q 70

Steel, and Lyttelton. Cricket (Hadmin-lon Library) D h2j

Steele (E- K.). Sovereigns o( the Bible.



Steele (G. M.). Political economy,2 copies B 390 ' I

Steele (J. D.). Fourteen weeks in as-

tronomy .\ I jo

Steele (J. D. and E. B.). Brief history of

Koine, z copies (i 920-


Steele (Richard). Dohson H 1278

Steele and Addison. l*-ssays E 193


Steere {Bishop). Memoir. Heanley. . .H 15S3

Stein. Life and times. SeY'/tv, 4 vols. .G 27-_-o

Stella. Iviwald, 2 vols., 5 copies L 4.<5S-(>7

Stenhouse {Mrs). Englishwoman in

Utaii. H 9HStephen (James Fitzjames). Lilierty,

cn.iality, and fraternity E 204

Nuncomar and Impey, 2 vols G S35 4

Stephen (L.). Hours in a library E 1490

Stephen Archer, and other tales. Mac-doiiald L ''463

Stephens (G.). Old Norse fairy tales.. M 21:3

Stephens (H.M.). History of the Frenchlevolulion, vol. i (J 1014

Stephens (J. L.). Egypt, Arabia Petraea,

and the Holy Land, 2 vols F 1043 6

Travel in C Ural America, Chiapas,and Yucatan, 2 vols I'' 920 -i

Stephens (W. P.). Canoe and boatbuild-ing. Vol. L—Text 1) 576

Vol 1 1. -Plates D 377

jSophens (W. R. VV). Chichester (Dio-

cesan histories) C 346

Christianity and Islam C 602

Hildebrand and his times C 690

lepmother. James.G. P. R., 2 vols.,.



Second copy L 271


Stepniak." Russia under the Tzars. F 816

"lie Russian peasantry G 1230

stepping heavenward. Prentiss L 1171

iterling(J.). Onyx ring L 4899

iterling (M. C). Two tales of marriedlife, 2 vols L 374-5

itemdall. Afghan knife L 1899

ittme (Lawrence). Sentimental jour-rey E 650

iterne ( Lawrence.) Traill H 806

Sterne (Simon). Constitutional history of

the United States G 301

Steuart. Self-exiled : a story of the high

.seas and East .\frica, 2 copies.... M 1381 2

Steven Lawrence. Eiitcardcs, A. E.,

1 vols., 2 copies L 409-10, 33O8-9

Stevens (.Vbel). Methodism, 3 vols. .. .C 609-11

Stevens ([ohn). House painting \) 202

Stevens (Thomas). Around the world ona birvcle, 2 vols I" 1362-3

Stevenson (.Man). Lighthouses D 471

Stevenson (K L.). Black arrow, 8 copies

I' 6575-7, 6928 ii

Dr. Jekyil and Mr. Hyde, etc, 3 copies.

L 5416 7. 5419

I'.dinburgh F 572

Familiar studies of men and jooks..H 5S2

1 nland voyage F 63

Kidnapped, 5 copies M 926-7, i032-.j

Memories and portraits E 1373

Merry men, 2 copies L 3790-1

New Arabian Nights L 5740

Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes . F 62

Treasure Island, 3 copies L 3809-11

Underwoods I 341

Virginibus puerisque E 457

Stevenson (L ) and Osbourne. The wrongli()>^ 1' 7433

Steward. Twenty-two years a slave andforty a freeman H 133;

Stewart (.\.). Our temperaments. .. .B 716

Stewart (Alexander). Nether Lochaber.I"


'Twixt Ben Nevis and (ilencoe E 1824

Stewart(.\. M). l^iographical readings. H 336

.M garet Roper L 1923

Yorkshire plot 1, 1897

Stewart (B.) Conservation of energy..



Stewart (C. S). Brazil and La Plata, l" 1039

Sandwich Islands I-" So

Visit to the South Seas, 2 vols F 794 5

Stewart (Dug.ild). Human miiirl H 332

Stewart (E). Oswin, the Saxon 11 330

Stewart (George ). Canada under the

administration of Earl Dufferin...F 643

Stewart(H.). Redcoats and bluejackets. Ci 702

Stewart (John). Stable economy D 201J

Stewart ( F). Wave and the battlefield . M 699

Stewart (Phi'ips). Poems I 404

Stewart (W. R. H ). Epitome of diseasesand injuries of the sar B 870

Stewart and Gee. Electricity and mag-netism A 434

Elementary practical physics A O87

Stewart and Tait. Paradoxical philosophy , a sequel to the unseen universe.



The unseen universe C 628

Stickney. True republic G 163

till waters. Paull, M. A L 1254

164 Stille—Strachan



V i




Stille. Cholera— its orifjin, history, caus£i-

tion, treatment, etc BStillwater tra},'e(ly. Aldr'uh L

Stimson. History of the separation ol

church arifi state in Canada GStinde. Huchholz family, part 1 I.

liiK'hholz family, ])art II LFrail Wilhelmine LWoodland tales L

Stirling (EdwardIz vols

Old Drury F^ane,

HStirling (James). Memoir. WaUacf...W

Stobart. Islam and its founder ('

Stock. Shoriiif! and underpinning ...|)

Stockmar (Huron I. Memoirs, 2 vols...H

Stockton (I'".). Hee-man of Orn I


C^liristmas wreck and. other stories,

2 copies I.

Dusantes, z copies

Great war syndicate, 3 copies. ...

i 1 undredth man













Storer WildBritain . .



L 6429-30

1. 7274-8

i. 6238

Jolly fellowship, 4 copies . . L 6922-3, M 516, 793






Lady or the tif^er L

Late Mrs. Null, 2 copies LRudder (irange I>

Stoddard (Charles W.). Mashallah ! . .1'

Summer cruising in the South Seas . . V

Stoddard (K. IL). Thackeray ,ind

1 Mckens .11 949

Stoddard (K. 11. and I''.) Readings andrecitations V. 1668

Stoddard (\V. ().). Heart of it L 4.S92

Red beauty ^T 995

Saltillo hoys M 522

Two arrows M 774

Winter fun M S05

Stokes (A. C). Microscopy for beginners.

A 452

Stokes (G. (i.). On light as a means of

inv(!stigation A 698

Stokes (G. T.). Ireland and the Celtic

church C 629

Stokes (J .) . Cabinet-maker and upholster-er's companion I) 524

Stokes (M.). Karly Christian art in Ire-

land D S20

Stolen white elephant. Mark Twain,3 copies L 865, 3558, 4429

Stolz {Mmc, de). House on wheels.. . .L 4'!92

Stone (J. S,). Heart of merrie England.



Stone (O. C). Few months in New(iuinea F 396

Stone (O. M.). Tenerifeand its satellites,

2 vols FStone (W. H.). Scientific basis of music.P

Stormy life. Fullertoii, 2 vols LStormy waters. Buchanan LStonehenge. See Walsh, J. H.






















4477 ^

white cattle of GreatA

Stories. Macdunahi, Gcur^e, 3 vols L

Stories. Saxc Holm, .second series L

-Stories by an archaeologist and his friends.

Hit iihhreys, H.N LStt)ries in precious stones. Zimmcni . . . LStories of the seen and unseen. Oliphant

2 copies LStories of Wasa and Menzikoff MStories of Waterloo. Maxwell L

Storrs. Constitution of the human soul.C

Story (W. W.). Castle of St. Angelo . .G

X'allombrosa FStory of a country town. Huicv LStory of a millionaire. Miihlbach LStory of a mine. Bret Hartc, 2 copies.

L 1618

Story of a peasant, 1789. Eickmann-Chatrian L

Story of a peasant, 1792. Erckniann-Chatrian L

Story of an African farm. Schreiner . . . LStory of an honest man. About LStory of Avis. Phelps, K. S LStory of Barbara. Braddon, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 153-4, 3-^01

Story of Dorothy Grape. Wood, Mrs. H.,

4 copies 1, 5230-j

Story of Elizabeth. Thackeray, Miss. . . L 1 jjj

Story of Keedon bluffs. Mitrfree L OoSIj

Story of Kennet. Taylor, />' LStory of ten thousand homes. O'Keilly.

Mrs. R LStory of the Spanish Armada MStoughton. Ecclesiastical history of Eng-

land, 2 vols COld London LOur English Bible CI'alace of glass: a book for the ex-

hibition, 1851 DSpiritual heroes C

Stowe. Dred, 2 vols LFlowers and fruit ELittle foxes BMinister's wooing LOldtown folks, 2 vols LSecond copy L 259!'

Oldtown hreside stories L 410J

Poganuc people, 3 copies L 5009-10, .M 51S

Uncle Tom's Cabin, 4 copies.

L 1981, M 29, 112, 2h)

P'ifth copy, 2 vols L 1261-'

Key to Uncle Tom's cabin, 2 vols L 1 263-4

Stowe and others. Six of one and half

a dozen of the other : a novel L

Strachan. Explorations and adventuresin New Guinea F



1 071


574 .1





1 2O5-6








1 66 Sumner— Taine.




Sumner (W. G.). Protection in the UnitedStates B 202

I'rotoctionism H 433Sun maid. Granl, Miss, 2 vols L 537-S

Sunbeam stories. Aifack/irness I. 827

Sunbeams in the cottage. Bnu'sti'i-


. . . L 4858

Sunday afternoons at the parish churchof a university city. Ruyd C 478

Sunday at Home, 1854-Sy K 549-S.H

Sunday Magazine, 1865-71 K 1535-41

The same, 1872-H1 K 2029-38

Sunrise, lihuk, 1 vols., 2 copies..!- 115-6, 3128-g

Supplice d'une femme () 295j

Surgeon's daughter. Scott, Sir l!'.,

.< copies L 2179, 2424, 7174j

Surprising adventures of (iooroo Simple. L 2079|

Surrey (/^i(/r/ of|. Poetical works I 209j

Surrey (/vi//-/ of). Memoir I 209,

Surtees. Jorrock's jaunts and jollities. L 2760

Susan Fielding. Edwards, A. ]l L 2305j

Susan Hopley. Crowe i> 40GG|

Sussex stories. O'Rrilly, Mrs. R L 1908

Sutherland. Knights of Malta, 2 vols. . i; 1044-5|

Sutro. Sutro tunnel company 1-" 1309

Sutter. American notes, 1S81 I' 309

Sutton. Practical pathology 15 GGq

Swaine. Keligious revolution in the six-

teenth century E 291

Swan (A. S.). Aldersyde I, 4707

Briar and palm L 7291

Freedom's sword : a tale of the days of

Wallace and Bruce M 974

Hazell and sons, brewers, 3 copies.

L 107, M 1348-g

St. Veda's L 108

Ursula Vivian, the sister mother . , . . M 825

Sw:denborg (Kmanuel). Life. White.



Sweeney. Catholic faith and practice,

3 vols C 23-5

Sweet (Henry). Anglo-Saxon primer . I', 34S

History of English sounds E 201


Phonetics E 355

Sweet and Knox. On a Mexican mus-tang through Texas ]•" 1528

Sweet and twenty. Collins, M , 2 vols. .E 287 8

Sweet Anne Page. Collins, M L 3734.Sweet Cicely ; or, Josiah Allen as a poli-

tician, /follcy L 4810

Sweet Mace. I'enn L 4713

Sweet Nellie. Besaiit and Rice L 4289

Swift (Jonathan). (iuUiver s trivels,

4 copies E 650, L 1 270, M 4 18, 677

Prose writings (selected) E 1930

Works. PLdited by Henry Morley . . . E 2037

Swift (Jonathan), jfejf'rcy. Lord E 427

Stephen H 807

Swinburne (A. C). Locrine : a tragedy..! 420

Mary Stuart : a tragedy I 331

Miscellaneous essays . E 1654

Coiilfnlx.— Eni{ ^)oets— Knclish noetrv—Coiiffrcve - CdIIihs. Woruswoi tli, aiul

Uyron — Kumb iind Witlicr - l.andnr —Keats, 'IVnnyson and Musstt — KmilvHroiite — C'liarU's Ufadc - Vac<nieri('•Vlary, (lui'fii i)f Scots.

Poems and ballads, 3rd series F 536

Study of Shakespeare E 15S5

Swinton (Wm ). Outlines of history,

3 vols lilinrl .'5 ;•

Rambles among words E i jjf.

Switzerland, from B.C. no to A. 1>. 1830. Cx Sqi

Sword and gjwn. Ldtvrence L 54;

Svbil's second love. Ktivanafrh, 2 vols.,

2 copies 1^ f"??-^. 4577 *<

Sylvestres. Hethani-Edwnrds, 2 copies. L 436, 2501

Sylvia .\rden. Crawfttrd E ii;;!

Sylvia's choice. Craik, Mrs. (1. /J/., 2 vols.

I- 371 :

Sylvia's lovers. Gaskell. Mrs., 2 vols ..L 513 4

Second copy L 17J-

Syme. Representative government of

England B 4.s,|

Symes. Binnese empire, 2 vols !•; roy4 i

Symington. The king's command ... .M f/.)

Symonds. Oreek poets I \>\

Italian sketches, 3 copies 1'937, loS^-f.

Sketches in Italy. !•'4;

Sketches in Italy and Greece !•'94^

Symons (.Vrthnr). Introduction to thestudy of Browning IC 1731

Symons (J.). Battle of (jueenstonHeight's ' G iijd

Synesius of Cyrene. Gardner.... C p,

Synnove Solbakken. B/iirnson I, 1S04

Tabor. Hope Meredith E 4741

Meta's faith L 47^

Table talk. John Selden E i ji;

Table talk. Leigh Hunt I^ loc

Table talk. Martin Liitlur I', 701

Table talk and opinions of Napoleon /. . E 271

Table talk of Samuel Rogers and Por-soniana E li-w

Table talk or selections from the Ana. . .E iioi

Tache (Archbish />). Sablons et I'ile

Saint-Barnabe O 373

Trois legendes de mon pavs, 2 copies. O 381, 4:3

Tache (Archbishop). David, L.O O 37',i

Tacitus. The Oxford translation, 2 vols. E 1201 2

Ci»iteiit.'<.— \'i)l. I. — .\nnals.

\'ol. 2. History, Gcnnaiiia, .\j;ric()la, lic.

Tacitus. Donne E .i.ii

Tai-Ping-Wang, chief of the Chineseinsurrection. Mackie H i.f:i

Taine. Essai sur Tite Live () 221)|

Essais de critique et d'histoire O 23;

F"rench revolution, 2 vols G 364-3

Intelligence, 2 vols O 230-1


1 68 Tasso— Temple.

- n

Tasso Hasill E 265

Life. .Uilnian, 2 vols H 1070-80

Taswell-Lang^mead. I'.nglish ronstitii-

tional history from tlu; 'I'eiilonic

conquest CI I J J


Tate. I'.xerrises on mechanics 1) 470Mechanical philosophy I


(() <

Tatius (Achilles). Translated by >Sw/7/(.K 1158

Tautphoeus. At odds, 2 vols \. 1277-H

("yrilla, .? vols I, 1271 2

Initials, 2 vols L 1273-4

(>iiits, 2 vols L 1275-6

Tayler ('"harles H.). I'ersis L 1006

Tayler (William). Thirty-eight years in

India, 2 vols H i (i t^, fi

Taylor (A. M"A.). Poems, songs, andodes I 2r I

Taylor (Bayard). At home anrl abroad,I St and 2nd series I" iSc) (jo

Jieauty and the beast I, i95f)

liy-ways of Europe I" 185

Diversions of the echo club K roi8

Egypt and Iceland in 1S74 !•" 186

Eldorado, 2 vols 1' 7(3^ -4

Second copv E 187

German literature E 532

Greece and Russia V 188

Hannah Thurston L 1957

1 1 oine pastorals 1 jCmj

India, China, a-ul Japan 1" nji

Japan in our day E 1062

John Godfrey's fortunes I, 11)58

Joseph and his friend L i059

Journey to Central .\frica, j copies.!•" 184, 580, 731

Lands of the Saracens, 2 copies E 102, 804

Northern travel I'' 193

Story of Kennett L i<)6o

Tales of home L 1 956

Travels in Arabia 1" 659

Travels in Central Asia I" r)87

Views a-foot V i<)4

Taylor (B. E.). Mission ridge and Look-out mountain !• looi

Taylor (C. C). Queen's jubilee andToronto called back G 1

1 34

Taylor (Elizabeth). Braemar Highlands.



Taylor (F.), Are legislatures parliaments ?

2 copies B 48, 320

Taylor(G. H). Swedish movement cure.



Taylor (Henry). Notes from life H 564

Philip Van Artevelde, 2 copies I 163, 172

Taylor (Henry). Autobiography, 2 vols.


964-5" " Correspondence, edited

by ^\ DonnlfH E 1469

Taylor (Henry). System of creation . .A 399

Taylor (Hugh). Morality of nations . .B 289

Taylor (Isaac). Fanaticism C 477Leaves from an not'^-book. . I' 495

Natural history of enthusiasm C H)

Process of historical proof exemplifiedand (;.\plained G Hi\

Saturday evening C >^|

Transmission of ancient books E lo;

World of mind B i)^

Taylor (J. E.). P'lowers A i>i

I'laytime naturalist A 7.11

Taylor (lames). Curling I) Sjj

Scottish covenanters E ,;,\,

Taylor (Jeremy). Holy living and dying.



Selections from his works. Patterson. (Z 5tyi

Taylor ( Lucy). Marching orders, 2 copies.

M 13J1-

Taylor (Meadows). Story of my life. .H 63

Tara : a Mahratta talc, 3 vols L 1670-.'

Tippoo Sultaun L .| 1 ii

Taylor (K ) Destruction and recon-struction Ci n;


Taylor (R. v.). Yorkshire anecdotes. . H j.

Taylor (Reynell). A oiography. Puny.H \-^\:

Taylor (U. .\ ). The city of Sarras. . . . L O31

Taylor (W. C). Civil wars in Ireland,

2 vols I'" 103S,

Modern British Plutarch H 7.1

Taylor [Rtv. William). Seven years'

street preaching in San l""rancisco. .C ^-^

Taylor (Winnifred). Rupert Rochester,the banker's son M '<\-

Tchernuishevsky. .\ vital (juestion . . . L 540;

Teacher of the violin, and other tales.

Slior/honsf L Oi;^

Teacher's manual (advanced), art cf teach-

ing B ;:

Teacher's manual, .science and art of

teaching 1


Teale (T. P.). Dangers to health D ,^^-

Teale (W. H). Eminent hhiglishmen H ju'

Tefft. Hungary and Kossuth H ;vi

Telfer Crimea and Transcaucasia. . ..1"


Temperance Progress. Facts and figures

for temperance wo- kers B 741

Temperate regions, in the M 71.1

Temple (Rfv. Fredeuck). Relationsbetween religion and science C 5;o

Temple (G.). Britta : a story of life in

Shetland M no-

Temple (Sir R ). Journals kept in Hy-derabad, Kashmir, .Sikkim, and Ne-pal, 2 vols F i4.)f'-:

Men and events of my time in India. G n'^

Oriental experience F lij'

Coiitfuts.—(jcognipliy in .\.siii 111111111; tlio

last tiftv ye ir.s—Coiitral platrau of Asia— Political k'ssons of Chinese Iiistor\ -

Local SL'lf-^ovi'iiiiiiriit ill Iliitisli liulia

— lleliijioiis missions in tlic l*-ast— Uiilvof Urilish luMipk- towards India -I'olili-

cal econoinv of the Iiuliaii Kiiipiic— In-

dian forestry— I'an Islatni>iii— Maliiallaiiationalitv— Principles of liritisli policvill Ktjypt—Aspect of I'alestine in |S.S,J -

Social -.cieiici' in llie nrili<li Kmpircabroad.



Idyls of

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4 copi

(Hieen '\',



Tenting at

Terence ar

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2 copic



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Village 01





^SimSSmimgmim t 1 1 iMWiiiAwiiiJ /li'^fi'iiiiJi

170 T/iat— Thomson,

That boy of Norcott's. Lever, 4 copies.

\.Tl(\ JJKj, 34 5^'. 7377

That l''rt!nc (hnifir, 4 copies. ... L 74i(j-y

That lasso' Lowric's. liiinielt,. \ cu\ni'.s.\, z\H>s, M 84

That state of life, Ai'dd, -• copies L 1581, 4138

Thatcher. Indian HioKraphy, 2 vols. ..H 990-1

Thayer. Benjamin Franklin, the printerhoy M 512

Theatre Fran(,-ais, 5 vols I 38-4.;

Theatre Fran(;ais. (Comeclies), S vols. .1 58 G5

Theal. History of South Africa, 1486-

1691 (1 1294

History of South Africa, 1691-1795 ..G 14O7

History of South Africa, 1854-1872 . .G 1468

History of the Boers in South Africa. .G 11 30

Thebaud. Irish race G 78G

Their pilgrimage. Warner L 5803

Their wedding journey. Huwells, 4 copies.

L 597, 3620--1, 5020

Thelma. Corelli, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6208-17

Theobald. (Ed.). Dethroning Shakes-peare E 1938

Theocritus, Bion, Moschus.etc. Trans-lated by Hanks and by ChapnianV. 1 204

" " Translatedby Andrew i -ig K 2047

Theodora Cameron. McKeen L 2767

Theodoret and Evagrius Ecclesiastical

histories C 3"7




Theodosia Ernest. Clifford L

Theognis. Translated by Hunks EThere and back again in search of beauty,

St. John, 2 vols L

Therry. New South Wales and Victoria.


Theuriet. Cierard's marriage LYoung Maugars L

They two; or, phases of life in EasternCanada fifty years ago L

Thief in the night. Spojford LThielmann. Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey,

2 vols FThierry. Conquest of Enj^land by the

Normans, 2 vols., 2 copies . . .E 881-2, G 768-9

Historical essays G 817

Thiers. French revolution, 2 vols G 815-16

Thiodolf the Icelander. Fonque. LThird Miss St. Quentin Molcsivo>th..l.

Thirteen stories of the far west. Hcer-nians L

This mortal coil. Allen, Grant, 3 copies.L 7271-3

This son of Vulcan. Bcsant and Rice,

1 copies L 5715, 6901

Thomas (Annie). Called to account,2 vols L 1317-8

Dennis Donne, 2 vols L 1309-10

Narrow escape, 2 vols L 132 1-2

No alternative : a novel M 544

On guard, 2 vols L 1311-2

5074 5










Only herself, 2 vols I, 13111-20

Flayed out, 2 vols I- 131.1 •'

Walter Goring, 2 vols I. ifi 4

Thomas (B). Slmrters' guide D .(64

Thomas (J). Cannibals and convicts.. F' 1242

Thomas (J. J.).American fruit cultunst.D 490

Thomas (I"hn). Elpis Israel C 642

Thomac (Moy). Fight for life L 5752

Thomas (K). Remarkable shipwrecks.F 104^

Thomas a Kempis. Imitation of Christ,

2 copies C H, 20

Thomas VVingfold, curate. Macdonald,

3 copies L 2374, 2398, 2440

Thoriti. Structural and physiological

botany A 15

Thompson (.\. B). Victoria history of

I'Lnglaiid G 245

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Thompson (D. G.). Social progress... .B 774

Thompson (Emily) Kingswood M 741

Thompson (H. 1„). \V.d.). Readings andrecitations E 13;;

Thompson {Sir Henry). All but L 54;;

Food and feeding D 24;

Modern cremation B 'iji

Thompson (J. T.). Some glimpses into

life in the far east F n6i

Thompson (M.). A banker of Bankers-ville E 57^''

By-ways and bird notes E iqj!

Witchery of archery H '.

Thompson (P.). Politics of labor B 4''

Thompson (R W.). Papacy and the civil

power G 950

Thompson (Samuel). Reminiscences of

a Canadian pioneer H 6\;

Thomson (A. I'.). Milestones of life. . M ;;

Thomson (A. S.). Story of New Zealand,

2 vols F 330-40

Thomson (D.). Fruit culture under glass.

D Ji'i

Thomson (John). Hat-making and felt-

ing D 7^c

Thomson (Joseph). Through Masai Land


a narrative (f the Royal GeographicalSociety's e.xpedition to Eastern .\frica,

1883-4 F iif^i

Travels in the Atlas and SouthernMorocco, 2 copies I" i s'^'-'

Thomson (J. H.). Martyr graves of

Scotland F 4.^^

Thomson (J J.). Application of dynamicsto physics and chemistry A 475

Thomson (James). City of dreadful night

1 bV-

Essays and phantasies E 2130

Thomson (James). Life. Salt,H.S..H i^'.»

Thomson (James). Poetical works I-'"

The seasons I 4"^

Thomson— Tinibs, 171

Thomson {Afrs). M«'moirsof thejacohiles

..I lyi.sjS. \ vols H S.(i \

Thomson (K). Kritish history, j vols. !•; loSo i

Thomson (S ). The humlilcr poots .... I vi i

Thomson ('I'homas). 1 ravels in westernIliinalava and Tibet I-" 1 164

Thomson (W. M ) Land and the book,.: vols C f)Oo-i

Thomson (VVm.) (Ahp.). Word, work, andwill r loi

Thomson (\Vm.). Cirape culture A 237

Thomson and Tait. Natural philosophy.A 7o<j

Thoreau (Henry 1).). Cape Cod E 2004

Letters to various persons E 2000

Maine woods \', 2002

WaUlei. ; or, life in the wood E iTiHo

Week on the Concord and Merrimackrivers E 200 j

Winter \i 1.S55

Yankee in Canada, with anti-slavery

and reform papers E 2001

Thoreau (Henry D). The poet-naturalist.

ChiinniHfi H 13G9

Life and aims. Pd^e.

H 28j" Sanborn H 291

"Thormanby." The horse and his rider.



Thorn lodge ; or, the wheel of life. . . . . L 2f>oo

Thornbury. Old stories retold, 2 copies,

E 1466, L 1584

Tales for the marines L 5737

Turkish life and character. . , F 987

I Thornicroft's model. /i(((«;//ii/i^ 2 vols. I^ 82-3


Thornton (Edward). History of theBritish empire in India, G vols G 1326-31


Thornton ([•{.). St. Ambrose C 382

Thornton (J. y.) Oregon and California,

in 1848, 2 vols F 119-20

[Thornton (R. J.). Elements of botany.. A 509

[Thoroddsen. Sigrid : an Icelandic lovestory L C242

jThorough Bohemienne Reyband L 4182

iThorpe (B.). Yule tide stories G 569

[Thorpe (T. E.). Quantitative chemicalanalysis A i6

jThorpe and Muir. Qualitative chemicalanalysis A 17

IThorpe. Mountford L 487G

iTliorpe Regis. Peard, 2 copies L 1 160, 4192IThoth, 5 copies L 6G96-6700

iThoiights on the love of Christ C 490IThraldoni Sturgis, 2 copies L G330-1

|Thrasher. Hunter and trapper I) 758Three brides. Yongc, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1562-3, 3955-6Third copy L 2019

Three feathers. Black, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 104-5, 3130 I

Three hundred Bible stories M 743

Three musketeers. /)»»/ 's, 2 copies. . L 2650. .^CK)f^

Third ropy, 2 vols I, f>Hft\ 5

Three nights with the VVashingtonians.Arthur L 2606

Three recruits and the girls they left be-

hind them, llatton L 6462

Three sisters. lyRiterre-Keeling, 5 copies.

L 4378-82

Three tales. Ilaii(f L 162


Thrt;e years in a man trap. Arthur, 2

copies I« 1871, 2587

Throne of David. Ingraham M G6

Throstleth waite. Morley M 533Through fire and water. Talliot, /•" L 47t)9

Through night to light. Giitzkou' L 1613

Through night to light. SpieUtagcn L 675S

Through one administration. liiirnett, 2

vols., 3 copies L 268-g, 3236-9

Through Spain to the Sahara F 952

Thrown together. Montgomery, 2 xo\v.. A. 988-9

Thrupp. History of coaches D 132

Thurber. Coffee from plantation to cup,



Thurston. Manual of steam boilers . . .D 828

Steatn bmler explosions. .. . D 722

Thucydides. Analysis and summary,Wheeler E 1 1 19

Translated by Dale, 2 vols E 1205-6

Thucydides. Collins K 560

Thwaites. Historic waterways F 539

Thwarted. Montgoinerv, 2 copies. . ..L 990, M 515

Ticknor (C). I'hilosopiiy of living ... .B 327

Ticknor (George). Life and letters. . .H 541

Tidman. Gold and silver money B 230

Tidy. Treatment of sewage D 9G5

Tiger hunter. Reid, Capt. W., 2 copies.L

2707, 2848

Tipfhe. Develop: ment of the Roman con-stitution B 624

Tilden. Chemical philosophy A 14

Tillotson. Adventures in the ice V 681

Tim Bunker papers. Bunker L 2408

Timbs. .\necdote biography H 469Century of anecdote, 2 copies E 407, 1481

Clubs and club life in London, 2 copies.

E 1280, 191


Curiosities of history E 374Curiosities of science, 2 vols E 372-3

Doctors and patients E 1905

Garland for the year E 378

Historic ninepins ; G 112

Industry, science, and art of the age. .D 3S8

Knowledge for the people B 405Knowledge for the time E 379Lives of statesmen H 156

Mysteries of life, death, and futurity.



Notable things explained . , E 37

172 Tittibs— Topelius.

Notabilia , or, niriotis anrl nmuHinKfacts I<: i«6K

I' rrrors. li J75

I'redictions rt.'ali/.(!(l li j8i

Romance of London (Historic) G 51

Romance of I^ondon (Supernaturalstories) (1 52

School days of eminent men M 24.^

Stories of inventors and discoverers. . 1



Stories of painters H 1 57

Thinf^s not generally known, ist and2nd series K 370-


Things to be remeuibered E 377

Wits and humorists, 2 vols H «5>^ 9Wits and humorists, later, 2 vols H 1^)0 i

Times and days ; being essays in ro-

mance and history K 2071^

Times of alchemy. Topelius L 3974

Times of battle and of rest. Topelius . . .L 3975" Timothy Titcomb." (See also Holland,

J. (i.). Lessons in life, 2nd copy. .B 545

Tintoretto. OsLr H 136

Tiny world, Half hours in the M i()4

" Tiphys." Practical canoeing I) 795

Tippou Sultaun. Taylor, M L 41 id

Tirebuck. Saint Margaret, 2 copies . . . L G8n-i2

Tissot. Russians and Germans F 13S5

Unknown Hungary F 1290

Titcomb {liishop). Short chapters onBuddhism C 586

Titian. Heath H 117

Life and Times. Crowe andCnvaleaselle. 2 vols H 1646-7

To call her mine. Bcsant, 2 copies . . . .L 6164-5

To-day in New York. Kimball L 692

To leeward. Craivford, j copies ..L 2540, 3288-9

Tocque. Newfoundland F 351

Tocqueville. Old regimeand revolution.



Tod. Andrew Gillon : a tale of the Scot-

tish covenanters, 2 copies M i .^42-3

Bits about America F 1399

Bits from Blinkbonny, 2 copies . . . . L 2078, 4102

More bits from Blinkbonny L 4706

Todd (Rev. John). California and its

wonders M 734

Students' manual B 798

Story of his life, as told by himself. .H 247

Todhunters' at Loanin' Head. Linton.. L 1642

Toilers of Babylon. Farjeon, 5 copies. . L 7215-19

Toilers of the sea. Hugo L 5312

Second copy, 2 vols L 6883-4

Told in the twilight. Wood, Mrs. H..2 vols., 2 copies L 1490-1,4612-3

Tolstoi. Anna Karenina, 3 copies . . L 5334, 7269-70

Childhood, boyhood, youth L 5466

Cossacks L 6228

In pursuit of happiness L 6073

Invaders, and other stories L 6072

Ivan llyitch , and other stories L sSo)

Katia ; or, my iHisb.iiul ami I, 2 copies.

L 5985, (loSi

Life <




Long exile, and other stories L (.4 ;.

My confession ('('m 1

My religion C 645


Napoleon and the Russian ('ampaign.C} luy,

Tower and liberty, 2 copies B 307, 844!

Russian proprietor, and other stories. L (m\\

Sebastopol L 51^^!|

War and peace. Before Tilsit, 1805-7,

2 vols L 5263^1

War and peace. The invasion, 1807-12,

2 vols I- 32O7

War and peace. Borodino, 1812-20,

2 vols L 54/) "I

What to do? C r„

Tom Bowling. Chaniier, Capt L )i

Tom Brown at Oxford L jSi.l

Tom Ikown's school days. Hughes,2 copies , . L 600, y/i.

Tom Burke of "Ours." Lever, 3 vols.,

2 copies L 738-40, 3457i I

Third copy, 2 vols. L 2199-2:00


Tom Cringle's log. Srotl, A/., 2 copies.

L 1700, 2741

Tom Sawyer. .Mark Tivain, 3 copies.

L S5O, 3550, 443'|

Tomes. My college days M 53;

Tomlinson. Pneumatics for beginners. I) \::\

Rain-cloud and snow-storm A j":|

The sonnet I i"

Tommy Upmore, 2 vols., 5 copies L 205cj-(>'j

Sixth and seventh copies L 2778-1I

Tomson. (lid.). Ballads of the north

countrie I

Border ballads I 4":|

Tone (T. Wolfe). Memoirs, Fermoy..H 4:1

Tongue. Records of the chase D ^i'\

Tony Butler. Lever, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2568-9, 34C0-:

Third copy L 2j;|

Tony the maid. Howard, 6 copies. , L 6230, 675i-;|

Too curious. Go. (/»/a;i, 5 copies L r}4io-i[

Too soon. Macqnoid L

Too strange not to be true. Fullerton,

2 vols L 49--;|

Toofie. See Lauder.

Toole (J. L.). Reminiscences, chronicled

by Hattm, 2 vols H tCiyi-l

Topelius (/.). Battle and rest L j9:|

Charles XII L .W"

Frederick I L 39^'

Gustaf Adolf L 39;

Linnaeus L Ji'J

Times of alchemy L 35^1

Torccami— Trolhpc t73


Torceanu (K.). flrammar of the 1.111^11.1^0 K km

Ti)ry'» (l.iufihtor a roni.'iiice of the North-West, iHi2-ij Riddli L '/itj'j

Tojrgie. An appo-tl to C.i'sar U 571

Hi.ick icf L 6428

Mriikn without straw L 2/77

liiitton's inn L 0064

John I'Lax L 3083

M.imelon L 5083

Vt^turan and his pipe K 3itj

Tour of H.K H. the I'rince of Waleslhr()U).',h British America F (^(>

I'owi-r Mill. Ainswurth L 46

Towle. Drake, the sea-king of Devon,^copies M 234, 241

Magellan, or first voyage round the

world, 2 copies M m8, 240

Marco I'olo, his travels and adven-

tures M 2J7

I'izarro, his adventures and conquests.M 235

|{aleij;h, exploitsand voyages, 2 copies.M 2 jO, 242

Vasco da Ciama, voyages and adven-

tures, 2 copies M 233, 239


Townsend (O H.). Kveryday hook ofinndorp literature, 2 vols E 3'jfJ 7


Townsend (L,. T.). The art of speech :

^tiulies in poetry and prose, 3 copies.



jTownsend (V. F.). Hollands M 572

One woman's two lovers L 4X29


Townsend (William C). Lives of twelvei.iiuneiit judges, 2 vols H 1067 8

iTownshend (Charles). Fitzgerald ... .H 442

JTownshend (F. T ). Cruise in Greekwaters F fiiT)

iTozer. Church and the eastern empire.



Geography of Greece F 87

Highlands of Turkey, 2 vols K 388-9


Tracts for priests and people C 484

Tracy's ambition. Griffin L 1709

Tragedy of success I 282

Tragic comedians. Meredith L 986

Trail (Florence). Studies in criticism.. E 1979

Traill (11. D.). Centralgoverninent. . . .H 117

Traill (K. T.). Family gymnasium.. . .D 389

[Traill (Mrs.). In the forest, 2 copies.. M 401, 732Lost in the backwoods M 815

[Traits and stories of Irish peasantry.CiirLtvn : L 1995

I rajaii. Keciian L 2000

[Tramp abroad. Murk Tivain, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 859-60, 3560-1, 4437-8

[Transformation. Haivtiiurne, N., 2vols.L 582-3

Seconil and third copies E 723, L 1738

[Transfiirmcd. Moutgonury. 5 copies ..L 5611-15

{Travellers' tales. Adam L 2584[Travels and adventure F 1076

Travels in Greece, Turkey, Ruttsia andPoland, 2 vols F S55-6

Travis. Constitutional powers of parlia-

ment under the H. N. A H 737

Treasure island. Stevenson. 3 copies .. L 3809- 11

Treherne's temptation. Curr, 2 vols. . .L 270-1

Treitschke. Historische und I'olitische

.\ufsat/e, 3 vols N 350-2

Deutsche Geschichte im NeunzehntenJahrluindert, 3 vols N 357-9

Trelawny of Trelawne. liray L 6424

Tremenheere. Noteson the United States

,-ind Canada U 294

Principles of government U 47

Trench (Archbishop), ("alderon's " Life's

a dream " L 4721

English, past and present E 1895

Notes on the miracles C 733

Notes on the parables of our Lord. . .C 557

On the study of words E 1896

i'oems I 223

Proverbs ana their lessons .....C 885

St. Augustine and the sermon on themount C 787

Synonyms of the New Testament ,..C 788

Westminster and other sermons C 734

Trench [Archbishop). Letters and memo-rials, 2 vols H 1543-4

Trevelyan (S(>(ieorge O.). Cawnpore.G 983

Competition Wallah F 121

Trevithick(K.). Life. Tnvithick, F H 231

Trevlyn Hold. Wood, Mrs. II., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1680- 1



Trevor. Uome from the fall of the West-ern Empire G 399

Trial. Yoiigc, 2 vols., 2 copies. . . L 1542-3, 3953-4

Third copy L 2012

Trials of the heart. Bray, A. E L 6425

Trimmer Geology and mineralogy . . . . .\ 591

Tristram. Land of Moab F 1072

Troliope (Anthony). Alice Dugdale,2 copies L 1678, 3843

American senator, 3 vols., 2 copies.

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Second copy L 2259

Australia and New Zealand, 3 vols.,

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Ayala's angel, 3 vols.. 2 copies. L 1403-5, 3850-2

Barchester towers, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Belton estate, 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 1357-8, 3855-6

Bertrams, 2 vols., 2 copies ....L 1337-8, 3857-8

Can you forgive her ? 3 vols L 3859-61

Castle Richmond, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Claverings, 2 vols., 2 copies., .L 1363-4, 3864 5

Third copy L 1727

Cousin Henry L 1398

Doctor Thorne, 2 vols , 2 copies. L 1335-O, 3866-7


i;4 Trollopc— Tuckerliiail.


Dr. Wortle s schuol, 2 copies L 1402, 3868

Duke's children, 3 vols,, 2 c>ipies.

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Kditor's tales, 3 copies, L .'207,4142,4191

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l*"ixed period, 2 copies L 1406, 3872

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I- '-H4 J. 3873-4

Third copy L 1729

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Golden lion of tiranpere, 3 copies.

I. 1376, 3876, 4265

Harry Heathcote of Gangoil, 2 copies

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Hunting sketches I) 454

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Second copy L 2287

Last chronicle of liarset, 3 vols L ' 360-2

Second copy, 2 vols L 3891-2

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Third and fourth copies F 567, 734

Old man's love, 3 copies L 2545, 3848, 3849

Orley farm, 3 vols., 2 copies. L 1346 -48, 3899-901

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Third and fourth copies L 2306, 2438

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Secnd copy L 2493

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Small house at AUington, 3 vols.,

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Third copy L 1728

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South Australia and Western Australia.



Vicar of Hnllhampton, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Warden, 3 ';opies L 1339, 4110, 3918

Way we live now, 4 voir., 2 copies.

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West I ndies, 2 copies I' 46, 1095

TroUope (Anthony). Autobiography,

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TroUope (F. H. and T. A.). Home andhaunts of Italian poets, 2 vols ....H 577-'>

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Second copy L 4753

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Third copy, 2 vols L 1427 >

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Little master M 999

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Satin- \.c)()d box M 785

Start in life : a story of the Geneseecountry, 2 copies M 1289-90

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Tschudi. Travels in Peru F 730

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176 Tytier—Usill.

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Uarda. Translated. 2 vols 1. 1605-6

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Ugly girl papers D 221

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Second copy 1^ 5337

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Fifth copy, 2 vols U 1261-2

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Under currents. Kimball LUnder green apple In )ughs. Campbell, E.LUnder one roof. Payn, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1143 4, 3667-N

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Under the bells. l,ip,L L 4136

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bration, 1884 GUnited kingdom, local government and

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Third copy L 20t)j

Unknown tu history. Yonye, 2 vhIh, ... 1, 3959-60

Second and third copies L 2022, \ov

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Unseen universe. Tail and Stewart . . ..('

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Upham (Thomas C). IniiMnfect andand disordered mental at (ion B

Upton iKo>;er D ). (ileanings from thede.scii of .Arabia F

the descent of













Newmarket uul .\rabia

racers and coursers .

Upton ((ieorge I") Sliind/ilM ujicras


their plots, uiMsic, and c<jinpoHers,

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Urbino {Duke o(). Memoirs Dennis-

tonn, 3 vols HUrbino {Mrs. S. K.). American woman

in Fnropc F"

Ure. Cotton manufacture of (ireat

Britain, 2 vols \

New system of geology AI'hilosophy and manufactures j)

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Urquhart (J. W.j. Elertro-plating , . DUrquhart (T.). Heat, a mode of cure. . J!

Ursula. Se7(iell. 2 vols I.

Useful arts and nianiijai Illl'tJN ol GnKilBritain, ist and 2nd pitrU I)

Usill. Practical surveying , . . 1'

i.M i

Vagabond— Viriie. 177

. .L

1/8 Verne— Virion.




1 002







Flight to France, 6 copies M 1214-7, 1400-1

Floating city, and the blockade runners,

3 copies r, 2795, M 105, 193

I'"rom the earth to the moon, 3 copies,

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Fur country, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 2799-800, M 108-9

Third copy M 1 84Hector Servadac M 188

Journey to the centre of the earth . . . . L 2805

Lottery ticket MMartin Paz . . . MMichael Strogoff MMysterious island. Dropped from the

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On the track LRound the world in eighty days,

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Three Russians and three Englishmen '

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Tour du monde I. .(296

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Third copy MVarnished diamond MVingt mille lieues sous les mers L

Voyage round the world . . Australia . . L

Voyage round the world . . New Zealand,2 copies L 2801 , M 1 1


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Wreck of the " Chancellor," 3 c<3{)ies.

L4137, M 474, 560

Verner's pride. Wood, Mrs. H., 3 vols.,

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Vernet (lIoraLC!. Rimtz A'ees HVerney. Chess eccentricities 1)

Vernon (1'^. J.). Guide to the Anglo-Saxon tongue E

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"Vernon Lee." See Page/, Violet.

Viiron. ICsthetics E

Vcroniiiuc. A/iwrynt, F . 2 vols I^

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Veva ; or, the war of th ? peasants.

Ci.iiscii.ncc L

Vezina, Hiographie de HViardot. European an 1".

1 tali.ui art KSculpture 1

Vicai of rullhaii'pton, Tiollofic, A., 2 vol ;.,

2 copies '. 71 2, 3J16-7 I

Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith li 650 I











13 '1

if '


Vicar of Wrexhill. Trollope, Mrs L 18:4

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Vicar's daughter. Macdcnald, 2 vols.,

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Vicary. Saga time G n irj

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Second copy L 4119

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Second copy, 2 vols [, 265} 3

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" Life. Sniitli . . . .11 ij;>

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Ball H 14.9

Story of her life.

Tn/hnh, W. W H 145;

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Village on the cliff. Tlioch-yny, Miss. .L i^:^\

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Villari (L.). In change unchanged L 49J;

Villettf. Bronte, C, 2 vols L S,^j


Second copy L 17.:

Viiliers (C. P.). Free trade speeches .. B 3:;

Vincent (F.). Land of the white elephant.



Norsk, Lapp, and Finn, 2 copies . . . ,F 137, 41;


Through and through the Trnnics F (1:0 1

Vincent (Mrs. H.). Forty milesover land and water, 2 vols F i.'jO

; j

Vincent (J.). Return of the princess. . L .'4;:

Vincent (J. H.). Chautauqua movement. 13 6ji

Vincenzo. Rnffini, 2 vols L u.'o-i)

Vinci (L. da). on painting. ., .D .'Sl

Vines (S. H ). Physiology of plants., .A

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Vioi( «;>;.- Due. .\nnals of a fortress. . I) Mil

I' iLkptio s of man in all ages 1) Mjl

Ho'.v' t^i wii. d a house I) \\^\

i*ir.^a inp,t.--',ir . l'\)rtun(;'s wheel, trans-ia* <i by J . lliiichiusoi; L ^.iijl

Vnrg-ii.. X^orks, translated by Drydcn,A . 'i«es 1 17. 1^',




Virgil— Walh. 179

...L 1S24

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=ilI-2, 3546-7

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broad....I. H41

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H M-i'j

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....II 145-

L 306:

L 234.


279, 1088, ^3*':

F 690


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.0 ^44

//SS..L 13-4

opies L 75*^7''-

I . . . . L 49-:

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cess . . L 24"

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1 17. .'>:

Virgil Translated by Davidsou F, 1207

Collins E 53<j

Virgin soil. Turg^nicff L 2333

Virginia, a Roman sketch, 2 copies.

E 1J05, L 1974

Virginia lio'.iemians. Cooke, J. E L 4778

Virgmians. Thackeray, Win. M.. 4 vols.,

J copies L 1 299-1 302, 3H35-8

Third and fourth copies L 2869, 3080

I'iftli and sixth copies, 2 vols L 7055-8

Vital question ; or, what is to be done ?

Tchernnislievsky L 54C5

Vittoria. Meredith L ^320

Vitzthum (Count). St. Petersburg andLondon, 18521864, 2 vols (1 1463-4

Viva. Forrester, 2 vols L 472-3

Vivian Grey. licaconsficld L 4270

Vivian romance. Collins, M L 4772

Vivian the beauty. Edioardes. A. E.. . A. 418

Vixen. Braddon, 3 vols., 3 copies.

L 147-9,3210-2, 4538-40

Vizetelly. Berlin under the Empire,.; vols G 505 -0

Story of the diamond necklace G 1 32

Vogel. Chemistry of light and photo-graphy A 81

Vogt. Lectures on man A 386

Voice of science on temperance B 28

Voice of the pulpit on temperance C 40

Vulsunga saga : the story of the Volsungsand Niblungs, translated by Magnics-siiii and Morris E 1953

[Voltaire. History of Charles XII G 44.\Ierope. Edited by Saintsbury () 288

Siicle de Louis XIV O 241

|Voltaire and his Times. Hiingener. . .H 511

A/orley H 1327

Hani ley E 251

[Vose (G L.). Graphic method for solv-

ing certain Algebraic problems .... A 269

.Manual for railroad engineers D 6G7

OSS. I'oetische Werke, 2 vols N 35-f>

oyage of the ark. Allen, 2 copies . . . . L 7019-20

oyage of the " Fleetwing." JVcwe/l . . . L 6431

'•yage up the Nile. I3y an American. . I" 815

V'yagi;s round the world F 392

'iilture maiden. HU'ern L 162G

"yvian 'I'hu Baron's head . . , . , M 944

('" 11.). Five huiulrcd doU.irs, andother stories L 6240

hci and Burliheim. i'lrst principles.of the Kefonnation C 8o.(

•icoi!st;i; 01 , the prophei y, Richardson,W.n.jr, 2 vols L 5260 1

P'ade ;jolin). History and plii!

iwup'iy of the middle and working^^^i •. ...B ^57

Waddington (Ed.). Sonnets of Europe, I 493

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Wagner (K.), Art life and theories. . . . D 89

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Hueffer H 493

Wahl Practical guide for the gold andsilver electroplater D 802

Wait for the end. Lt//(o«, 2 vols L 722-3

Waite (A. E. ). Lives of alchemysticalphilosophers H 1883

Waiting race. Yates, 2 vols L 1521-2

Second copy L 2G32

Wake. Evolution of morality, 2 vols. .B 77-8

Great pyramid F 327

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Wakeman (H. O.), The church and thePuritans, 1 570-1660 C 686

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Coiiii'iit.'.'.—The curly I'^iif^lisli coiistiliitioii—Keiulali.sin — Aiif^lo- N'()r;naii ;iiul Amh;c-vin administrative svstiiii --l';irliunienl

—CoiLstitu/ioiial kiiif;.shii) — liilluencu ofthe C'luircl. upon the (leveh>|)nieiil of tlie


Ware (W.). European capitals F 801

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Walford (Edward). Holidays in homecounties, 2 copies F 205, 274

Pilgrim at home M 1 176

Pleasant days in pleasant places F 99

Londoniana, 2 vols F 484-5

Tales of our great families, secondseries, 2 vols H 525-6

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Cousins, 2 copies L 6254-5

Third copy, 2 vols L 1425-6

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History of a week L 5264

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Third copy, 2 vols L 1427-8

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Walker (Win.). Handbook of drawing,



Walker (.J/rs.) UntrodchMi paths in

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Walks and wanderings in the world of

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Warner— Wchn-. i8i

In till' wilderness F 1 117

Mummies and Moslems i'" lo^i

My siiiiiiner in a j^arden \i iMjfi

On liorsehack : a ti)ur in Virginia, NorthCarolina, and Tennessee 1" 159S

Their pilj,'rimage L 5.S0J

Warner (Francis). Physical expression A 431

Warren (H. W.). Recreations in astron-

omy A -1 1


Warren (Samuel). Diary of a late physi-

cian, 2 vols L 1431 2

Second and third copies I^ 2001 , 1001

Pnties of attorneys and solicitors .... 13 3.(9

Intellectual and moral development of

the age, 2 copies L 1999, 2464

Lily and the bee, 4 copies. L 1437, 1999, 2464, 4233

Miscellanies, 2 copies I^ 607 s

N'ow and then, 4 copies L 1436, 1999, 24r)4

Ten thousand a year, 3 vols., 2 copies,

L 1433 5, 5031 3

Third and fourth copies I> 2003, 1935

Warren (\V. F.). I'aradise found ....G 760

Warring (Hans). Squire Paul L 41 So

Was in Scotland, tales of the, 4 vols. . . i. 1900 3

Was he successful ? Kimball L (»)!

Washburn. Early English literature. . K 136

Washington (George). Life. Everett .H g6i" Life. Irvini;,

4 vols.E 757 Cio

Lodge, H. C,2 \'ols, . . . , . H i77'^>-7

" Thayer H 340

Washington Square, etc., 2 vols. James,II Jr L 636-7

Second copy L 5054

iWasson. Essays: religious, social, and

political E 2 11



Wasted life, by a middle-aged man . . . . L 3029


Watch and ward. James H., jr L 5019

Watchmaker. Dumas L 2816

Water Lily on the Danube F 560

Water witch. Cooper, 3 copies.. L 1752, 2127, 2235

[Waterd.ile neighbours. McCarthy, 2 vols.

L 797-«

[Waterlo.) a sequel to The conscript of

1H13 Erckmann-Chatrian , 2 copies. L 2320, 7352

[Waters (IVank). The water lily anI II iiiital fairy tale F 397

iWaterton (Charles). Wanderings in

; uth America I" 198

[Waterton (Charles). fliH home, habit.s,

aiui handiwork. Hohson II i \.\i

[Watkin (E. \V.). Canada and the States,

recollections. 1851 to i8ho Ii f i (5

jWittersoB il'il) Oddities in southerniifc anf< th^^K/ h-r K <iH

iWatson (.\.). AM^ff^m htnmi(Hrd«i\.D j6u

|Watson (B. A,) '^poiOfHn'a jpmtmitse,or the lake laftdft of Ca/iad«, /-. ..F 1431

Watson (E. 1'.). Manual of the handlathe I) 525

Watson (Rev. I'.}. Di^fenders ol the

faith C s^i

Watson (H. B. M ). Marahuna L 6853

Watson (IL W). Plane and solid geo-

metry A 10

Watson (K). .Vpology for Christianity. E 1293

Exposition C 304

Institutes, 4 vols C 300 3

Miscellaneous works, 2 vols C 297-8

Sermons, 4 vols C 293-5, ^99

Watson (/^f 7'. Richard). Memoirs.... C 292

Watson (S. J). Powers of Canadianparliaments B 699

Watson (W.). Cactus culture for ama-teurs D 936

Watson (\Vm.). i,ife in the confederatearmy G 1 1 S3

Watson (W. H.). Science teachings .. .A 183

Watt (.Vlexander). Electro-deposition of

gold, silver, copper, nickel, etc D 640

Electro metallurgy D 4

Watt (James). Life. Muirluad If 371

Watteau. Mollett H 108

Watts (Alaric). Life. Watts, 1 \-o\v.. Ai 1627-8

Watts (Isaac). Hone lynca^ and divinesongs I 233

Watts (Isaac). Memoir. Soiithey ...A 233

Watts (Isaac). Cotton D 512

Watts (J. G.). Martin Noble M 285

Watts (R.). The reign of causality ...C 727

Waugh. Rambles in the lake country .F' 307

Wauters. Flemish school of painting.



Waverley . Seott, Sir W., 2 vols., 4 copies.

I. 2133-4, 2432-3. 7128-9, 7342-3

F'ifth copy L 3807

Way of the world. Murray, I). C L 3743

Way we live now. Trollope, A., 4 vols.,

2 copies L 1380-3, 3919 22

Wayland. Principles of the Baptists . .C \22

\\ a\ s of the hour. Coofyer, > rnpies. .L 2249, 41 31

We two. liayly. 2 copies L 6068, 6536

Weaker vessel. Murray, 5 copies L721014Wealth and welfaie. Gotllielf L 4882

Wearyfoot common. Ritchie, 2 copies. .M -'8,34

Weaver (G. S.). Hopes and helps for theyoung, 2 copies M 517, 746

Weaver Stephen . odds and evens in Eng-lish religion. Parker, Rev. T L 4809

Weavers and weft. liraddoii, 3 copies.

L 142, 3213, 4544Webb. I'ive pound note an autobio-

graphy L 4293Pilgrims of New England L 2474

Webber (C W.). Romance of sporting!' 1322

Weber (A.). Old house in the square. M 681


l82 Wcbcr— Wetlicrell.


Weber (Alhrecht) History of Indianiil(T;ttur(; K ^006

Weber (C [.)• nomokritos, odur hintcr-

lassL'ne I'apicrt! eines iachentk'n I'hilo-

soplitMi, 12 vols N 77 }i

Weber (("arl Maria von). Uened'tci


. ..H 145

Weber (CI.), Theory of musical composi-tion, 2 vols 1) 41 1- 12

Webster (Daniel). Private life. /.(/;i»»p/.H 8G4

" LodfTc FI 504

Webster (Noah). Scmhlei H 293

Webster (W.), Masque legends and lan-

guage G 1012

Spain U O7

Webster and Tourneur, Dramatic works,e(liti;d by J. A. Syiiujiuls I 552

Week away from time L (>Cioi

Weil. Biblical legends of the Mussul-mans C 4G6

Weir (.v.). Fleurs de Lys, anrl other

poems i 323

Weir (Marion E.). Kockbourne I, 4929

Weird tales. American L 7031

English I. 7033

German L 7030

Irish L 7032

Scottish L 7034

Weismann (.'Vugust). Essays uponheredity A 757

Weiss (Bernhard). Manual of introduc-

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Weiss (Charles). History of French Pro-testant refugees, 2 vols., 2 copies.G iC)3-4, 692-3

Weiss (J). Wit, humor, and Shake-speare E 1 497

Weisse. Originof the English language. E 1777

Weld (Charles R.). Vacation tour:

Canada and United States F 92

Weld (M. C). The Percheron horse in

,\merica D 907

Weldon. ''radical fancy dress D G6g

Weiford and Sturmey. Handbook to the

optical lantern D 1055

Wellcome. Story of Metlakahtla . . (; 1120

Wellesley '•^/•"'(//(/i). Life. MalU'son.H 1570

Wellington I.''" Af of). Notes of conver-sations with, byPhilip Hi'niy,jtli

Earl Stiinhopf..H 928" Three years with

the, by an rx-

Aide-de-Cnmp .H r2i4

" " Memoir I''. 423" "

lloiipii, G,

2 copies . . . . H 1///15, ijHt

" " Aftii/ai'Idiir . . H 302

" " IViiilc H ^57

Wells(Dnvld A ), Vrnrtkal mitltltjmsli jyfl

rhiuRs not BiuiDraily known, i t//|/N t'l /^f /501


Wells (H. P.). .American salmon fisher-

man DI

I'My-rods and fly-tackle DWells (K G.). Miss Curtis L

Wells (Robert). Bread and biscuit baker's


and sugar-boiler's assistant, 2 copies.

D 894


Welsh (A. 11), Development of Englishliterature and language E 13s,

I''nglish masterpiece course E iS^n

IWenderholme. Hamerton, 2 copies.. L 1972, 48.';^


Wept of Wish-ton-wish. Cuupcr L jjj'-

Werne. ,\fricnn wanderings EWerner (J. R). Visit to Stanley's rear-

gu ird on the Aruhwimi FWesley (John). Green E


" " Life. Sotithey ESecond copy, 2 vols.H

I" " and Methodism. Trtv/orH

Life. Tilford H[

" " Lifeand times. Tyerinan,

1 3 vols H1

" " Watson C


" " Wcdgeuwod Hj

Wesley (Susanna) . Clark H' Wessex tales. Hardy L











Westall(Wm.). Birch Dene, 5 copies.L 739S 740:

Mr. P'ortescue, 5 copies L 'iS.-^ >I

Queer race M 03-'

Red Ryvington L .1714


Captain Trafalgar M ]m-

Westbury (H.). Frederick Hazzleden..L (>\"\

Westbury (/.«;•(/). Life. iVds/;, 2 vols.H 1O3;

Westcott(B. F.), Christusconsummator.C' lu-

History of the English Bible C 43,=

Revelation of the Father C y-

Westgarth (Wm,). Half a century of.\ustralian progress G 134;

Westminster Review. Vols. 121-131 ..K216S-'

Weston (A, H). Rifle club and range. D j-

Westward ho! Kingsley, C, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 694-5 3400 :

Third copy E i*'

Wetherell (E.). Daisy, 2 copies M 44, pI )aisy in the field M i-

Ellen Montgomery's book shelf, 3 copies.

M 37, 1 13 f'i

Cilen laina family L -.?:

Hills of the Shatoinuc, 2 vdlN L 11"

Hopi'H lilllc llllllll I l^l'l

l.lltle I am|i on I'.iimIi' Mill .. ft

Mfillioiirne Iioush, 2 copies M |H, i''»i|

' iffi Mmpt 2 ettphit , IH ')

/';/)(. mtuWha , , ,,,/;. M M

yuoet/»j^ , , . , , H>: n I .... W 3ij

Second copy, 1 vols f /.<f* y|

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Wethertil— Whitcladies. I S3


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iS6 IViison— Wisseji.

Wilson (n.). Healthy life ami dwellings U 17

Wilson (Cieorge). Electricity and the

telegraph li 435

Five gateways of knowledge H 561

Inorganic chemistry li 530

Religio chemici B zij

Wilson (H.) and Caulfield Wonderfulcharacters II 353

Wilson (J.).Ti-eatise on punctuation . .

!•"1 1


Wilson (Juhn). Health and health

resorts 13 31

Wilson (John). ("Christopher North,"psciid). Noctes ainbrosianaj E 1474

Wilson (John). " ("hnstcpher North,"Memoir. Gorrlon H 726

Wilson (J. H). China, with a glance at

J^iP'i" i" IJ51

Wilson (J. M.). Essays and addresses C 593

WilsC-i (Kobt.). Steam boilers D 166

Wilson (R. A.). Mexico and its religion,

etc F 746

Wilson [Mrs. K. F.). The Christianbrothers, their origiii and woith . .. .C 71S

[Wilson, Miij. T. F.] . Defence of

Lucknow G 861

Wilson (T. P.). Amos Huntingdon ,..M 811

F"rank Oldfield, z copies M 377, 707

True to his colours M hio

Wilson (W. S.) Ocean as a health

resort 13 574

Wilson (Rev. Willian. u Heroines of the

household M 350

W^ilson (Woodrow). Congressionrd government : a study in Americanpolitics C, 1251

Wilson, Warren, and others Recoveryof Jerusalem !•" 614

Wilson'stalesof the borders, vols. 1-24..L 4084-95

Wilton (J. H,). Sceneu in a soldier's life. H io6g

Winchell. Sketches of creation A 433

Science and religion . . . , C 260

Walks and talks in the geological field. .V G41

Wi.'d of destiny, f/f/rt/j, i copies ....L 5463-4

Windsor Castle. Ainsnwrth L 15

vVindt (H. de). From Fekin to Calais

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Wing-and-wing. Coupcr L 2227

Wingfield (Hon. L. ). Wanderings of aglobe trotter in the far East, 2 vols.F" 1514-5

Winifred Bertram. Charles, 2 copies.

L 1985, M 5.S7

Winifred ; or, after many days. Giienncyl. 2293

Winks. Eivesof illustriousshoemakers.H 2og

Winkworth. Christian singers of CJer-

many H 352

Winnipeg country ; or, roughing it with

an eclipse party, by a Rochesterfellow F 1 281

Winslow (C. F. ). Force and nature ..A 602

Winter (J. S ). Beautiful Jim, 4 copies L 65X6-*,

Bootle's children, 4 copies L 6597 f/.oo

Cavalry life in barracks and out ....L 57

Confessions of a publ'sher E 1939

Little fool, 4 copies L 7457-60

\Regimental legends, 3 copies . . . . L 1443, 3(/i5 (>

I Winter (William). English rambles .. H ),).;

' Trip to England F ^i


i Shakespeare's I'"iigland V 1 j.j.

' Winter at the Italian lakes F ir-^h

Winter story. Pian/ L 1161

Winter-Wood. Chess souvenirs D m ^

Winthrop. Canoe and saddle, 3 copies,

F 546, 705, L jOod

Cecil Drc^ime E zuxi

Edwin Hrothertoft i. 2610

John Brent L jdii

Wilfrid : a story with a happy ending. M 534

Wise (A. T. W ). Wiesen as a healthresort in early phthisis F 14!

Wise women of Inverness. Bluck. 4 copies,

L 5o<j9, 5100, 5102 3

Wiseman (Cardinal). Catholic Church.



Fabiola L i' ^'

Holy week C i]\

Recollections of last four popes H !'>;

Wissen (Das) der Gegenwart, 37 vols.

Afrika, Pt. I X r:

Afrika, Pt H N i.j

Afrika, Pt. HI N ir

Afrika, Pt. IV. . , N joj

.\merika, Pt. I N i .J

Amerika, Pts. II., HI N --04

Australien, Pi. 1 N 174

Ausiralien, Pt. H .N r"

Australien, Pt. HI N iji

Australien, Pt. IV N iN

Dreissigjahrigen Krieges, Pt. I N i'


Dreissigjiihrigen Krieges, Pt. II N ri

Dreissigjahrigen Krieges, Pt. HI. ...N 173

p:iek.rizitat (Die) N I'^i

Erde (Die) und der Mond N 1'

Europa. Pt. I N r

Europa, Pt. II N i.i'l

Fixsterne(Die) >) 'nI

Geld (Das) N i"i

Geschichte c er Vereinigten Staaten,

Pt. I N '»j

Geschichte des Kunstgewerbes, Pt. I.N ".'-!

Pt. II. .N :<4

P.. HI.N MInsekten ^' '

Kometen und Meteore N "J

Kunst und Kunstgeschichte, Pt. I. . . . N '"

Pt II. ..N "^

2 V(.i


ies L 65.^6 <)

. 1 ' 05<)7-00oo

...I. 573S

...E 1959

. . . L 7457-'J'>

1 443. 3'J''5/r.-(>









1 161


IVisscn— Wood. 187


54f>. 705. I- ^^"^'-










4 copies,

099, 5100, 3102 5

hurch.C 7-






.. ..N


. . .NNNNN

I. ...N


!'.". ...•»



l>t. I.N

ll't. II. -N

llV. IH.N
















t. I.



II. ..N

I eben untl Sitten der Homer, Pt. I...X 183

rt. II. .X 185

Modernen Dramas ( Des) X 177

Kiissland, Pt. I X iqi

Sonne (Die) and die Planeten N 17K

Verwandlungeii der Tiere X 175

Wiirme und t.icht N 1 80

Wetterungskunde N 170

Wisser. Modern gun cotton D 968

Witcli of the hills. IFdct/cH, 4 cop'es. . . L 6845-8

Witch stories. Linton L 1589

Wiich'shead. //(/^'^'(j/'rf, 2 vols., 5 copies.L 6118-27

With a silken thread. Linton, 2copies..L 789, 2465

With ("lipid's eyes. Mnrryat, F , 2 vols.L 917-8

With harp and crown. Bcsant and Rice,

2 copies L 5718, 6897

With the immortals. Crawford. G copies.

L 6593, 6681-5

Withcrow (Thomas). Derry and Enn's-killen in the year 1689 G 691

Form of the Christian ten-.ple C 792Witiiin an ace jfcnkiii L 649Within sound of the sea. Dempster,

2 vols L 1419-20

Within the maze. Wood, Mrs. H., 2 vols.,

i copies . L 1484-5, 4640 -I

Within the precincts. Oiphant, Mrs.

i vols., 2 copies L 107.S-80, 3776-8

Without a home. /?o(7, 3 copies. L 2083, M 55, 619

Witliout kith or kin. Cruik, Mrs. (}. M.,-• vols L 368-g

Withrow (\V. H.). History of Canada.


690Life m a parsonage L 5331

Withrow and Adam. Canadian history.111(1 liter,"M re G 11 77

Witness of the sun. Rives, 4 copies. . . . L 7283-6Wives and daughters. Gaskcll. Mrs.,

,1 vols L 516-8

S. cond copy L 1724Wizard of the mountain. Gilhert, 2 vols.L 2443-4Wizard's son. Olipluuit, Mrs., 3 vols.,

5 copies L 4333-47Sixth copy L 3981

Woh'j (Ccmni/ Jas,). Life. Wright.. Vl 232

Wolff (Joseph). Mission to Bokhara. ..F 1119

Wolfert s roost. Irving E 756Wolley. ScePhillipps-Wolley. {Addenda).F 1168

Wollsio.necraft (Mary). Letters to'iiilay H 65

•Vollstonecraft (Mary). Memoir. Paiil.H 65[Wclsey (C,(n/(;(,//). Life. Stewart... hi 317Woman an enigma. .Uclntosh L 5027hVomaii hater. Reade, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 192-3, 3698-9IWoman in spite of herself, jfeaffreson,

2 vols L 641-2IWoinaii in white. Collim, Wilkie L 295

Second copy, 2 vols L 3273-4

Womankind. Vongc, 2 vol"-., 2 copies.. 1^35-6,1.3961-2

Third, fourth, and fifth copies. B 290, 430, L 2020

Woman's face. W'^rden, 3 copies L 6497-g

Woman's friendship. Agnilur L 2091

Woman's kingdom. Craik, Mrs D. M.,2 vols

, 3 copies L 349-50, 3307- 8, 4472 3

Fourth copy L 2073

Woman's reason. H wells, 2 vols.,

i copif-s L 2565-6, 3622-5

Woman's vengeance. Payii, 2 vol.s.,

2 copies L 1 1 23-4, 3673-4

Women are strange. Robinson L 5730

Women of history II

Woman 1 loved. lilagden L

Women of Israel. .Iguil<f LWorr.en's hearts. M.iiilton LVVori. li:ix'on, 2 vols L.Von by waiting. Bayly LWonderful London, its lights and

shado'As F

Wood (C. F.).








Yachting cruise in SouthF 422

Wood (C. W.). In the Black forest,

2 cc^pies F 286, 326

Round about Xorway F 1 170

Wood (De v.). Luminifetous aether. ...D 962

Wood (I^. J). Curiosities of clocks andwatches E i865

Wedding day in all ages and countries.



Wood (F. H). Sweden and Norway.. F 69

Wood (G.). Future life L 4864

Wood, ( Urs. Henry). Adam Grainger,2 copies L 1492, 4637

Anne, 2 copies L 1499, 4601

Anne Hereford, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1473-4,4586-7

Bessy Rane, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1479-8.0,4584-5

Channings, 2 vols., 2 copies . . . . L 1447-8, 4610-1

Court Netherleigh, 2 vols., 2 opies.L 1500-1, 4630-1

Danesbury house L 1984

Dene hollow, 2 vols , 2 copies. . L 14S1 2 4624-5

East Lynne, 3 voir.., 2 copies. L 1444-6, 4614-6

Edina, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1493-4, 4595-6

Elster's folly, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1465-6, 4619-20

Foggy night at Offord, 2 copies. . . . L 1483, 4621

(Jeorge Canterbury's will, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 1477-8, 4638-9, 523 } 5

Helen Whitney s wedding, etc, 5 copies. L 5236-40

Johnny Ludlow, 2 vols., 2 copies. L i.(8.S-9, 4604 5

Lady .\delaide's oath, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1467-8, 4632-3.

Life's secrei., 2 copies L 1470. 4636

Lord Oakburn"s daughters, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1457-8, 45^3-4

Los; m the post, etc., 2 copies . . . . L 1497, 4582

Master of (ireylands, 2 vols,. 2 copies.

L 1486-7, 4628-9


i88 IVood— Wortabet.



Mildred Arkell, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1461-2, 4626-7

Mrs. llaliljurton's troubles, 2 voIs...L 1449-50

Mystery of J'issy Page, 5 copies L 5241-5

Orvilie college, 2 copies L 1469, 4609

Oswald Cray, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1459-60, 4602-3

Pomeroy abbey, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1495-6, 4622-3

Red Court farm, 2 vols., z copies.

L 1 47 1 -2, 4599-^600

Third copy L 4 107

Roland Yorke, 2 vols., 2 copies.!. 1475-6, 4617 8

St. Martin's eve, 2 vols, 2 copies.

L 1463-4, 4591-2

Shadow of Ashlydyat, 3 vols L 4588-go

Story of Dorothv Grape, 4 copies . . . . L 5230-3

Tale of sin L 149H

Told in the twilight, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1490-1, 4612-3

Trevlyn Hold, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1680-1, 4634-5

Verner's pride, 3 vols.. 2 copies. L 1451-3, 4606-8

William Allair L 1682

Within the maze, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1484-5, 4640-


Wood (H. F.). Englishma 1 of the RueCain, 7 copies L 7254-7, 7263-5

Passenger from .Scotland Yard, 7 copies.

L 6434-6, 6455, 6643-5

Wood(H.T.). Hookbinding D 502

Modern methods of illustrating books. E 1746

Wood (John). Source of the Oxus, .. .F 455

Wood (/?£'v. J. G.). Bible animals. ...A CmBoy's own book of natural history . . . M 679

Common British beetles A. 30

Field naturalist's handbook A 239

(ilimpses into Petland M 459Half hours with a naturalist M 1003

Homes without hands A 528

Horse and man D 570

Man and his handiwork A 722

Nature's teaching A 657

Our domestic pets D 443Romance of animal life M 1 106

Sketches of animal life, 2 copies. .A 623, M 204

Woods (M.L.). A vdlage tragedy, 5 copies. L 7507-11

Wood (N.). Treatise on railroads. ... D 459

Wood (Samuel). Hulb garden D 27^

I'^orcing garden D 949Guide to good gardening D 266

Tree planter and plant propagator 1) 8

Wood(T.). Nature and her servants. .A 705

Our insect allies A 69


Wood (Wm.). Physical exercise B 215

Wood (/:^<;;». W.Page). (Baron Hatherley).

Memoir. Stephens, 2 vols, H 1 186-7

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Wood and othjrs. Boy'sown treasury ,M 286

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Wood-rangers. Reid, Capt. M., 2 copies. L 2698, 2S3,)

Woods and wi.Js, half- hours in M i5(j

Woodberry. History of wood-engraving.



Woodgate. Boating (Badminton Library).

Woodhouse Military religious ordeis ofthe middle ages G 479

Woodland tales. Sfinde E 579^

Woodleighsof Amscote. Collins, Mrs., andCotton L IIJ75

Woodman. James, G. P. R E 2716

Woodman (.\. J). Picturesque Alaska. 1" i33n

Woodstock. Scott, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2159-60, 7 1 60-


Second and third copies I. -(808, 4101

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school B 750

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Woolhouse. Differential calculus A 44:

Woolsey. Divorce and legislation B S3

Woolson (C. F). East angels L 5274

Rodman, the keeper, 2 copies L 2276, 290-

Woolnough. Marbling paper, etc D i)•

Wooton. Ciuide to medical profession.



Worboise. Father Fabian L 42(1.

Sissie L 4>30|

Words for the wise. Arthur L 42^'

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Wordsworth (Bishop Christopher). St.

Hippolytus and thel >. church ofRome , C l^

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Wordsworth (Wm.), Complete poeticalworks I 3;,

SelTt poetical works, 2 vols I 21 ;

Wordsworth (Win.). Biography. Hovd.H 73:

Myers II So-

" " Biographicalsketch. .Syming-

ton, 2 vols H 25J-4|

Workman (G. C). The text of Jeiemiah.C j'\

World she awoke in. AlUiridge, 2 vols..L 71-

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2 vols., 5 copies L 6oi0-25|

Sixth and seventh copies L 598--3

Worsaae. Pre-history of the north, trans-

lated by H. F. M. Simpson G n-^^l

Worsley. .Vmencan Indians G "".Ul

Worst boy in town M 1*31

Worst foe. Strong L '•o'i

Wort. Ebers N 49'j

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190 Year— Youtig,

Year after year. C live I - 1115

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Yellow flag. YaUs, 2 voh L 1523-4

Second copy L ^635

Yellow frigate. Grant, J L 2669

Yellowplush papers, etc. Thackeray,

4 copies L 2871 , 3071 , 7083-4

Yeo. Manual of physiology k 383

Yesterday L 4965

Yonge (Charles D.). France under theJiourbons, i58()-i830, 4 vols G 7H0-3

History of English revolution of 1688. (j 305

Seven heroines of ("hristendom H 329

Yonge (Charlotte M ). Armourer'sprentices, 2 vols

, 4 copies L 4315-22

Beechcroft L 5056

Book of worthies C 435

Bye-words, 2 copies. . . L 2337, M 627

Caged lion, 2 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 1552-3, 3923-4

Third, fourth, and fifth copies,

L 2014, 2274, 2367

Cbaplet of pearls, 2 %'ols., 2 copies

L 1549-50, 3925-6

Third copy L 2017

Christians and Moors of Spain G 42

Clever woman of the family, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1544-5, 3927-8

Third copy L 2016

Daisy chain, 2 vols , 2 copies. . L 1534-5. 3929-30

Third copy L 201


Dan vers papers, etc., 2 copies L 1548, 3931

Disturbing element M 520

Dove in the eag'e's nest, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 154C-7, 3932-3

Third copy I^ 2005

Dynevor Terrace, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L I J 36 -7. 3934-5

Third copy L 2018

Golden deeds M 488

Heartsease, 2 vols., 2 copies.. . . \. 1532-3, 393b-7

Third copy , L 2023

Heir of Redely ffe, 2 vols., 2 copiesL I5JO-I, 3938-9

Third copy E 2010

Hopes and fears, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1538-9- 3940-1

Third copy E 2004

Lady Hester, 5 copies.

E 1559, 2013, 3942, 4146, M 575

Love and life, 3 copies E 1684, 2006, 3943

Magnum bonum, 2 vols., 2 copies.E 1564-5, 3944-5

Third copy L 2021

My \oung .Mcides, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1560-1. 39JO-7

Third and fourth copies E 2009, 2 jSi

Nuttie's father, 2 vols., 5 copies E 5^)41 30

Our new mistress, 2 copies M 1369 70

Pillars of the house, 5 vols., 2 copies.

I- 1554-8, yn'^-y.

Third copy 2 vols E 2oo7-,s

I'rince and the p.'.ge, 3 copies.. E 1548, 3931, 51155

Stray pearls, 2 vols., 2 copies.. E 1568-9, 3937.S

Three brides, 2 vols., 2 copies... E 1562-3, 3953-6

Third opy E joiy

Trial, 2 vols., 2 copies E 1542-3, 39.53-.^

Third copy E 2012

Two guardians, 2 copies I^ '55'. 3970

Twosidesof the shield, 2 vols., 5 copies.E 524O i;3

Unknowr. to history, 2 vols L 3959-60

Second and third copies E 2022, 5057

Victorian half century (i 836

Womankind, 2 vols., 2 copies.. E 35-6, L 3961-2

Third, fourth, and fifth copies. 8290,430, E 2020

Young step-mother, 2 \ols., 2 copies.

E 1 540- 1. 3963-4

Third copy . . E 2011

Yorkshire plot Steivari, A I^ 1897

Youatt (E.). Price of fame L 24^1

Youmans(E. A.). F'irst book of Botany. .\ <'iO

Youmans (E. E.). {Ed). Culture deman-ded by modern life. By variousauthors B 223

Household science D 42;

Young (A. fi.). Story of active servicein foreign lands F i4i'j

Young (C. A.). The sun A 105

Young (Chas. ^E). Memoir. Youii'r^'J.C.W cj2o

Voung (Iv). Poetical works, 2 vols I 212-i

Young (E. D.). Nyassa a journal of

adventures F 'i;i

Young(I.C) Personal reminiscences H 659

Young (lennie J.). Ceramic art D 143

Young (J. \<). Key to the RudimentaryArithmetic 15 vi;

Method of instructing the deaf anddumb D If

Young Brown. Murray, E. C. G.,

2 vols ' E 1005-6

Second copy I^ 4783

Young commander, ^riiistruiig L 27411

Young Duke. Hcaronsficl.i E '-W

\oung girl's 'vooing. Ruf, 2 copies. .. E 27S3, 27S5

Young lady's book, 2 copies D 236, 453

Young lady's mentor E i^j'

Young Maugars. Theuriet L 41^''

Young mechanic D 4*^^':

Young mechanic M j.i-

y 'omii^—Zii rchcr. I'JI


. 1560- 1, 39J'J-7

. . . L J009, 2j8i

I- .i'JJ' 50

M I /"J 70


1=554-^. 394'^- 5^

I- 20U7-S

154S, 393'. 5«55

:. i56«-9, 3057-s

L 2019

I- 1542-3. 3933-4

L 2012

L 1551. 3')7o

copies. L 5240-55

L 3959 60

. . .L 2022, 5057

(J '-^36

E 35-^. L 39^1-2

3290,430, Liiojo


L 1 540- 1. 391^' i-4


Voiinx Mrs lard' .i. Crn'ik, Mrs. D. M.,1 sols., i copies 1, 3310 11, 4451 2

Third copy L 2415

Vuiing .M usj,'rave. Oliphant, Mrs., 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1074-5, 3779-80VouiiK Sei^^neur, The ; or, nation-m<ikinK.

Li/rhtliall, 3 copies L 6784-G

Young Singleton. Gwytinc L 4266

Young step mother. Yoiifrr, 2 vols.,

.; copies I, 1540-1, 3963-4Third copy L 201


Yoiing woman's book.. D 292

Youngman, W. K.]. Laacine L 4 197

Yule (H ). Geography of the Oxus^'•il'ey V 455

Yule (j. C). Poems of the heart andhome I 366

Yvan. Si.\ months among the Malays. .F 856

/;im>ni. Lyftoii. 2 copies L 218, 3526




: deman-various







iirnal of

.... I''

cnces H,. .1'


af and





















. .L

. .L

. ..L

. L 27S3

. .D 236,453

. ..E 123''

...L 4'^^

...D 4*^5

. . M 35-

Zehden (Carl). Commercial geography. I> 040

Zeisberg^er (David). Life. Siluviinitz.U (>i-j

Zenotiia, (,)ueen of Palmyra. \Viire,\Vm.^\ 114

Zero. CiViiplir-ll-Praed, 3 copies L 3781-3

Ziegler. Pathology. lart I .\ 713

Zimmern (H.). Stories in preciousatones L 1K72

Zimmern (H. and .\.). Half-hours withforeign novelists, 2 vols L 1929-30

Zoes brand. Huitstonu. 2 vols I, 1 196-7

Zogbaiim Horse, loot, and dragoons. .E 1782

Zohrah, the hostage. Mo'ier, y L 1820

Zoroaster. Cniiv/'onl, 5 copies L 5136 40

Zouaves. Reminiscences of an officer of, H 1204

Zschokke (H.). Novellen, 5 vols N 379-83

Zschokke (H. and K.). History of

Switzerland G 808

Ziircher and Margolle- Meteors, atmos-pheric plicnoinena, etc E 600

Volcanoes and earthquakes A 128



A. (M). Co-operat on in land tillage . . HAbbott. Days out of doors AAbout. H ind-book of social economy. BAckworth. Railways of lingland OAdams. ']'he healing an, 2 vols E.\iiiroiKlack tales. .Murray, W. H. H. , . L.\dvocate. Hiavyscfre LA?nes Gray. Brmite. A I^

Alexander. A crooked path, 4 copies..


Alisop. Electric bell fitting DAini.i

: the story of a little music mistressMarshall, 5 copies L

Amiel. Journal. Translated by Mrs. H.Ward E

.\n exile's romance. Keyscr, 3 copies . . LArmies. Mrs Geoffrey I.

Troublesome girl, 4 copies LUiuler-currcnts, 2 vols., 5 copies L

Argyll (Duke of). lona FWhat is truth ? B

Anus the Libyan LAshe. Two kings of Ugaida, 2 copies. . FAusten, Jane. Maiden, Mrs. C H


Babeau. La vie rurale dans I'ancienne1 ranee O

tillage sous I'ancien regime Oj

Babelon. Manual of Oriental antiquities.














7586 8












Baddeley. Travel-tide F 1517

Bain. I'-dncation as a science .\ 91

Mind and body A 70

Baker. War with crime B 776

Balfour. Waifs and strays from the fat

east E 2153

Baltet. Grafting and budding D 999

Balzac. Se.aphita L 5296

Banister. Musical analysis, 2nd edition.



if^arneval. Legendary history of Ireland.(i 253

Barrett. L'nder a strange mask, .j copies.



Barrie. Window in thrums , . L 7578

Baughan. Inthience of the stars B 778

Bayly (.IZ/.s). Derrick Vaughan, 4 copies L 7453-6

Beaumont {Clicvalii-r D'Eon de), Strangecareer of h 1816

Benjamin. Story of Persia G 999

Bevan. Industrial statistics, 2 vols. ... D 513-4Birch Dene. W^stall, W., 5 copies . . L 7398-7402

Bodmer. Hydraulic motors D 944Boismont, ( )n hallucinations B 862

Boyesen (H. IL). Vagabond tales .. . .L 7335Bradley {Dean). Lectures on the Book

of Job C 770Bramley-Moore. Six sisters of the

valleys L 4255Bret Harte. Cressy, 5 copies L 7502-6

Breuil. Culture of fruit trees D 1000




192 Bmver—Hamlcy.


Brewer. Mltmentary engineering ....I> <J95

Bronte. (A.) Agnes (irey L 1719

Bront('(A. and K). Memoir. Iirouti/,C..l. 1719

Buck. Study of man, and the way to

health li 777Burdett. I'rince, piincess, and people. (i IJ48

Burke. l-ife, \vritin,i;s, and times.

Koberlst 11 H 1 775Burroughs. Indoor studies H 2081

Burton. lUruscan Hologna : a study.. I-' 1529

Bussell. Digest of returns and tabularstatements U 664

Indexing and precis- writing li 663

Cachemaille. Daniel's prophecies nowIx'ing fulfilled C 7C8

Calvert. Missionary labours among thecannibals I" 1064

Carr (Mrs. C). Margaret Maliphant,

5 copies L 7618-22

Cartheny. The wandering knight ....C 771

"Cavendish." Laws and principles ofwhist D 996

Champlain. Laverdiere O 384

Chapin. From Japan to Granada F 1560

Cholmondeley-Pennell. See Pcnnell.

" Christopher North." See Wilson, John.

Churchill [Lord Randolph). Speeches,1880-8. Edited by yfH;(j«;^5, 2 vols. H 181 1-2

Cicero. Three books of offices, etc.

Translated by Edmonds E 11 47

Clare. A lldridge M 506

Clarke. Plumbing practice D 1069

Cleopatra. Hagtrard, H. Rider, locopies.L, 7439-48

Cohn. Englische Eisenbahnpolitik. . . .N 572

Cole. Fifty years of public work, 2 vols.



Coleridge (S. T.). Method B 206

Collins (Charles M.). Celtic Irish songsand song writers I 599

Colomb. Colonial defence and colonial

opinion G 1425

Colyer. Public institutions : their sani-

tary and other appliances D 1071

Water supply, drainage, etc D 945Comba. Waldenses of Italy C 806

Corbett. Kophetua the thirteenth , 2 copies,

L 119-20

County, The. A story of social life,

5 copies L 7613-7

Craik (Mrs. G. M.). Hard to bear L 374

Crawford. Sant' Ilario, 2 copies L 7368-9

Crooked path. Alexander, Mrs., i^copies.h 7574-7

Curran and his contemporaries. Phillips,

C H 337Czartoryski (Prince Adam). Memoirs.

Edited by A. Gielgud, 2 vols H 1820-1

Daughters of Belgravia. /'Vrtsc/-, 4 copies.



Dawson (G. M.). Mineral wealth of

British Columbia .... A 756

De Gaspe, Le chercheur de tresors . .O 385

D'Esterre-Keeling. Three sisters,

5 copies L 437.S Sj

Donaldson. Transmission of power bylliiid pressun- : air and water D \o-]\

Dore. Old Bibles E J141

Downing. Hints to persons about build-

ing in the country D 7<) j

Dream of the North Sea. Rimciman ..L 7581

Drumont. La France Juive, 2 vols O 2115-4

Duchess of Rosemary lane. Farjcon,

4 copies L 7589-oj

Duncan. English in Spain : or, story of

the war of succession . . . .G 14G;

Ebers. Werke, 18 vols. (See also underGiriitan literature) N 477-94

Ellenborough (Lord). A political diary,

1228-30, 2 vols H 183a I

EUwangCi'. The garden's si ry D V97

Ernest II. [Duke of Saxe-("oburg-Gotha).

Memoirs, 1818-1850, 2 vols H 1822 j

Eves. The West Indies F 1572

Fagniez. Etudes sur Tindustrie O 300

Fatal I'hryne. Philips, F. C. and Wells,

C, J., 5 copies L TSi'-'

Faucher de Saint-Maurice. Deux ansau Mexique O 387

Farjeon. Duchess of Rosemary Lane, 4copies L 75f<9-9-

Fitzgerald. Letters and literary remains,edited by Wright, 3 vols E 2082-4

Forster Gun cotton for military use. .D 968

Foye. Chemical problems A y.i

Fraser. Daughters of Belgravia, 4 copies.



Garsonnet. Histoire des locations per-

petuelles O 310

Geering. Handel und Industrie der StadtBasel N 375

Geffcken. The British F2mpire G 1426

Genesis. New Commentary on. DelitzsJi,

vol.2 C '^00

Goethe. Faust, translated in the original

rhyme and metre, by A. H. Hiith ..E 2142

" Gowan Lea." See Morgan, Mary.

Grattan (Henry). Life. Dunlop H 1571

Grattan (T. C). Legends of the Rhine.L i/W

Graves. Blarney ballads I 454

Gray. Reproach of Annesley, 2 vols., 3copies L 74O6-71

[Greenwell]. Patience of hope C 49^

Gutzkow. Bauberer von Rom, 4 vols..N 438-4'

Dramatische Werke, 4 vols N 495-^

Ritter vom Geiste, 2 vols N 499-50°

Hacklander. Behind blue glasses L \^^

Hall. Society in the Elizabethan age..



Hallowell. On the church steps L 475-

Hamley (Lieut. -General Sir Edward).National defence E 2155

Shakespeare's funeral and other papers.




Hard— Wrong, ^93

. . . L 437^ '^•

r 1)V

...I' i"7f

...K i\\\


...D 7'M

..L 75^'


L 75H'i-0-:

)ry of

. ...O i-t*^:

underN 477-04

diary,H 1S30 1

D ')o;


....H 18223

....F 1572

O 300


L 753^-f'

ux ans....o 387

.ane, 4L 75H9-92


E 2082-4

ise . . D y6S

A 3^^

jpies.L 7435-8

IS per-

.0 310

r Stadt, . N 375


. . C ^00


(//( ..E 214-


..H >57'

hine.L 17'"^

...I 454

vols., 3. ,L 7466-71

..C 49^

ols..N 438-4'

. . N 495-^

..N 499-5«

...L 41^"^

:ige . . G 14*)^

. . . . L 475-

ward).E •!i55

ipers.E 2143

tlanl to liear. Craik. Mn. . M L 37.)

Hargreaves. Literary workers. K 2154

Harrison. M-Miiorable I.omion houses. I" 1609

Hedges. Central-stationelectricliKhtinK I) 047

Henty (G, A.), liravest of the brave. . M 975

HerrieslJ. t'). Memoirs of his public life.

Ilirrii's, E., 2 vols H 1818-9

Hertzberg, Libeil of HriRlishe policye.E 2144

Hume <l(Jctorinf,' B ()(>

Howard. Theopendoor, 2vols.,5copies.L 7542-51

Jefferies, Wild life in a southern country. K 1057

Johnstone. Historical families of l)um-(riessiiire H 1783

Keyser. An exile's romance, 3 copies. .L 7586-8

Kainlits of the Lion L 7579-80

Kossuth (Louis). Memoir K 724

Lacasse (Zach). Une mine produisantloret 'ardent () 386

Langley or Langland (Vm.). Piers theploughman. VAlWed hy iikcal E 350

jLapointe. Rival doctors, 2 copies. . .L 18S8, 2285

Lodge. Modern views of electricity . . A 797

jLubbock. Pleasures of life, 2nd series,

3 copies E 2044-6

jLiither (Martin). Theses and primaryworks. Edited by lyaceandBwcAAf/wC 80.1

iMacdonald. Unspoken sermons, 3rdscries C 772

|Magner. Training and educating thehorse D 844

|Mahaffy a:id Gilman. Story of Alex-ander's empire G looi

lahony (Rev. Francis). See Pruitt,


ilargaret Maliphant. Corr, Mrs. C,5 copies L 7618-22

arlitt. Owl's nest L 6858

arociiu'd. /i/<sj^//, 4 copies L 7593-6

larshall. Alma : the story of a little

music mistress, 5 copies L 7537 41

lartinicre (H. M. P. dela). Morocco. .F 1567

emorials of the late war, 1806-15,2 vols E 1 103-4

eyer. Water-waste prevention D 1070

iill (John Stuart). Social and political

dependence of woman H 269

oyen (Abb^j. Botanique et flore duCanada A 734

liller (F. Max). Natural religion (Gif-ford lectures, 1888) C <S5i

llystery of the "Ocean Star." Russell,

3 copies F 1 534-6

ew race ; a romance Raimimd, G . . . . L 2288

'ewnham (H.). The All-Father C 773licol. Political life of our tim.e, 2 vols.G 1469-70

pen door. Howard, 2 vols., 5 copies. . L 7542-51

Page. Dartmoor and its anti(iuities. ,. F \f,f>^

Pauli. Drei volkswirthschaftliche I)enk-

schriften aus de Ztit Meinriths VIII

von ICnglaiul N .171

Percival. L.u d of the dra«on F \^^\

Phillipps-WoUey. Sport in the Crimeaand (".uiiMsiis V 1 "'8

Poole. Wycliffe and movements for

reform C 69.1

Precious pearl of hoyjc in the mercy ofGod.C 4S

Purcell. Suburb of Yedo F 1569

Quin(Chas. N.). (Ed.). Garden receipts.



Keproach of Annesley. Gruy, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 7466-7


Retcliffe. Werke, 35 vols. (Sec itlso under(iirnuin lilirdture) N 5°' -35

Reynier. The Voltaic accumulator. ... D 1072

Rival doctors Lapoinlc, 2 copies. . . . L 1888, 22S3

Robinson. Heuch and bar H 1834

Rcgers. Reminiscencos of a workhousemedical officer. Edited by TItoruld

Rof^rcr.s H 1782

Homilly. IVom my verandah in NewGuinea .' F 1523

Roscher. System der Volkswirthschaft.N 371

Runciman. Dream of the North Sea ..L 7581

Russell. Marooned, 4 copies L 7593-6

St. Bouaventure. Life. Translated byL. C. Shy H 1739

St. Patrick (.\postle of Ireland), writings

of, translated by C. H. H. Wrifrlit..C 890

Sant' Ilario. Cniw/urd, 2 copies L 7368 9

Schaefer. Nationalokonomie N 372

Schiiffle. Gesammelte .Vufsiitze, 2 vols.N 373-4

Schanz. Deutschen f Jesellen-Verbande.N 376

Schmoller. Strassburger Tucher-und\V(.'berzanft N 570

Sergeant. Seventy times seven, 4 copies.



Sergent-Marceau. Reminiscences of a

regicide G 1471

Seventy times seven. vSf/'^(<(«/, 4 copies.



Some women's hearts. Muultun L 4907

Stevenson (R L.) and Osbourne (L). Thewrong box L 7434

Stirling (M. C.). True man L 375

Thornbury. Old stories re- told, 2 copies.

E 1466, L 1584

Through love to life. Vase, 5 copies. . .L 7609-12

True man. Stirling, M. C L 375

Turner. Commerce and banking B 864

Vase. Through love to life, 5 copies . L 7609 12

Vyvian. Baron's head M 1183

Wells. Pastry cook and confectioner's

guide D 946

Window in thrums. liarrie L 7578

Wrong box. Stjvenson And Oikournc ..L 7434


"""^-ksh Ul^toi-FJi^-"^-^'^



GENERAL TREATISES.lAbbott. Days out of doors A yyG

Iplaiul and injailow A 674

Wasteland wanderings A 450

lAgassiz. Methods of study in naturaliistory A 24

lAllen (Grant). Common sense science. A 431

kgyW [Duke of). Unity of nature A 'l)5

Aristotle. History of animals translated

)y Cresswell K 1 1 jo

Beauj^rand. Tin; wa.ks abroad of twoyiiim^,' naturalists A 740

Becker. Scientilic London, 2 copies.A 150, B 293

Belldl (i) {Ed) I'henonuMiaof nature.



Bert, .''irst year of scientilic knowledi^e.A 820

Brewer. Scientific knowledge A 5.S7

Brewster. Letters on natural magic. .1) 235

Buckley. Fairy land of science A 180

l.ile and her c'uldren .\ 369

Short history of natural science ,\ 178

Winners in life's race A 179

parpenter (W B.). .\ature and man


essays, scientific and philosophical. A 785

parpenter (\V. L). I-^nergy in nature..A 117

lainbers' . V'estiges of creation,

i copies A 589, 634

fomte. Philosophy of the sciences byLeh'fs B 252

parwin. ICmotions in man and animals.A 392

lurmation of vegetable mould A 610


Variation of animals and plants underdomustication, 2 vols A 538-9

Voyage of the " Beagle," 2 copies ... .A 426, 630

?ivy (Humphry). Baker lan lectures. A 63G

pawson (.S(>J. W.) Facts and fancies.



Modern science in Bible lands .\ 789

Praper. Scientific m.emoirs A 241

puncan ind Greenwood. I'hilosopliy ofthe seas )ns, 4 vols A 405-8

Jjunman. Talks about science A 342

Idmonston and Saxby. The home of anaturalist A

food. Hook of nature A787


Gore. Scientific basis of national pro-

gress B

Scientific discovery AGosse. Romance of natural history. . ..V

Grindon. Life : its nature varietie;;, andphenomena A

Ha:ckel. FVeedom in science and teach-

ing BHalf- Hours with modern scientists,

Uii.vlfy, etc .V

Wdlliicr, etc AHelmholtz. Scientific lectures, ist and

2nd series A

Herschel. Lectures on scientific subjects.A

Hinton. Life in nature A

Housman. Story of our museum A

Houghton, ('ountry walks of a natural-

ist with his children .\

Howitt. ('ouutry year book \

Humboldt. Aspects of nature .\

Views of nature AHumboldt library of popular science liter-

ature, 7 vols .-\.

Coiiliiits.—\'o\. I. I.iitlii sciuMce for Ifisiiri'

li()iir>, /'/i>r/<);—l'()niis of water, Tyii

lA/// -Physics ami pi>Mii-s, Hdifrhot

Man's place in nature. Iliix/ry—VAww-tion, Sf<riii;r I'own ;;e(>l()i;y, A'li/i,'''-

/»•)'— Conservation of ener^fy, /iii//oi:r

.SV<TV(ir/—Studv i)f lanifna'.;es, Murnl.—Data i)f etlius, .S/.'Wrv/-— rlieory of

souiul .indnmsic, lilusri-ii 1 — V\\v: iiat\ir-

alist on the river .\nia/.i>ii, /intis.

Vol, II. Mind and body, /•((///-Won-ders of tlie heavens, i'ltimmnrinn—Loiiijevity, (iordiiii—Oritfin of species,

Iflix/iy l'rof;ress, SpriK i-r -lilectric-

ity, TyiiJiil/ ~ l-'aniiliar e.ssavs on scien-

tific sulijects, Proi tor — Itoniance ofastronoiuv, .l/;//<-/-— I'hvsical oflife, lliixhy — Seeing anil thinUinif,

difforj — Scientific sophisms, Wain-v.'riirlit — Popular s-ienti(ic lectures,

HtlmhoHi.Vol. III. Orii;:iii of nations, Hmvlhisoii—KvoUitionist at larije, -!//<•«- Land


holdinif in Kniflaiid, /•y.v//<r— I'"ashion

in defoniiitv, Flovje)—Manners andfashion, .S'/,«(,/-— Facts and fictions of

zoolotfv, Wilson — Study of words,rriv/c//— Hereditary traits, Prortor—Vijfnettes from nature, A,7r)i—Philoso-phy of style, Sftfiuer—Moiher tonjfue,/?(/;'//—Oriental reiijfions, C(f»r(/—Kvo-lution and hiolo^fy, Jiiixhy.

















t.!I, » :!



196 Anthropolof^y and Ethnology.


\'i)l. I\'. UkIiI. 7'»'«i/t>//-rii'(>liit(inil

skiiilu"», (liHir <)r(f;iiii(' rvoliiticiii.

Hum nil,'' Di' ^-ioiis in sii<!ni-, M'il

/iiims Sciniri 01 pDlitics, I'olliuli -

I);irwiii iind I liiiiilxildt, lluxhv nnjAtfdssit Diiwn nf llislijiv. h'ldiy —Di.Hcases nf iiu'imirv, liihnl -C'liiUllxind

i>f rrhi{i(iii-, Clmlii I.ifi' in natnrc,lliiiloii.

\'<il. \'. 'I'lio sun, Ciiir Mnmy. "y'tTi'iis

-DiscMscs iif tlif will, Hihol -lt>'iiivs,

///m7.')' -(iiowtli nf niylli, CloUii -\'.*-

siiys, fV/^c/'i/ lllnsidMs, .V«//(' -()ri){in(if species, Piirvhi.

Vol. \'l. Ihil.ll.od.l (.f tin wc.rlcl, fA-,('.l'

IChsuvs, I'rix/or -UeliKiiins of the Aneient wiiild, liin'>/iiiM>ii — I'roi^rfSKivetiiiir;ililv, /V)??'/!/- -Dislriliiilio I of an.-mills, \\'ii//iiir mill /')'.»• VIenliil ile

velo|irmiit, f '//V/n/-!/ leellMieal cdneii-lion, //;/i7.|' - The liliick death, llckrr— 'I'liree essays, .S/<«c./- - Ketichisni,Selinllii- — ICssays, Sf<f>iti'i\

Vol. \'1I. Aiithr<)|)olin;y, Wihon -Arch-aoloiry, 7V/'"' -I'aifiim mania of theI'llddle ayes, /Irikrr— Kxoliitiiiii in

history, lanuna^;e and scieiiee— Descentof man, /><;;•?(/// -Distriliiitioii i.l landin ICnifland, AV/XVvcX- -S--|entilic aspectof some familiar lliiijj.-., W'H/iiims—Charles Darwin, A/lfii.

Hunt. \ 'oetry of science. A

Imison Science and art, 2 vols I)

Jeffries. Nature near [.ondon A

Jones. The naturalist in Bermuda. .. .A

K'-mp (T. L.). Indications of instinct. .ENatural history of creation E

Kidd. Adaptation of external nature. . . A

Kingsley. Madam how and Lady why.F

Lanoye. Sublime in nature K

Lardner Lectures on science and art. A

Leifchild. Higher ministry of nature. .A

Lubbock (>S/>J()hii). On the senses, in-

stincts, and intelligence ot animals.. ., A

Macmillan. Holidays on high lands. . .C

Ministry of nature C

Manchester science lectures, 1866-71 \Manchester science lectures, 1871-73. ...A

Manchester science lectures, 1873-74 .\

Manchester science lectures, 1875-76 .\

Manchester science lectures, 1877-79 ... AMenault. Intelligence of animals EMilner. ( iallery of nature AMilton .Stream of life on our globe AMolloy. Gleanings in science AMudie. Observation of nature, 2 copies.

A 646,

Nature, short studies from jy variousauthors A

Naturalist's guide ANatural history of Creation ... ANichols. Science at home BNicholson. Natural history : its rise and

progress in Great Britain AOersted. Soul in nature APhipson. Mysteries of nature A























E 1072








Pliny Natural history, translated byIhntwick and RiUy. 6 vols E i iH<; ,,,

Proctor. Leisure readings A 1 p

Ligiit science for leisure hours, ist

series, 2 copies A i.\i. 35-

2nd and 3rd series A m ;

.Nauire studies A \y

I'leasant ways in science. 2 copies. ... A isi, 58c

Kough ways m.uie smooth \ mScience byways A 1 )i

R(Mson why, natural history A 41:

Rolleston. Scientific papers and ad-

'Ircsscs, 2 vols A 7511-.'

Routledge. I'opular history ot science.



Schoedleraiid Medlock. Book of nature. A (](;

Seasons of the yiMr A Vi

Semper. Natural conditions of existence.



Sloane. Home experiments in science. A 4-;

Smith (J.y. C,). Scientific tracts . . ..A (Hr,

Spencer. Discussions in science B ifi>

Stewart and Tait. Paradoxical philoso-

phy ; a seijuel to The unseen universe. H s<

Stuart. Cliapter f)f science ; or, what is a

law of nature ? A hji

Taylor. Playtime naturalist A 7,:

Timbs. Curiosities of science, 2 vols.,E )7Jj

Tyndall. Fragments of science, 2 copies.

A 197, B 40>

Floating matter of the air A 20;

Wallace (A. Russell). Isla d life ... .A

Watacn. Science teachings A inj

Wheelwright Hush wanderings of a

naturalist \ 4

Whewell. Inductive sciences, 2 vols..



White (Gilbert). Natural history of

Selborne, j copies . A 165, 550, K 11

Wilson (Andrew). Leaves from a natu-

ralist's note book ALeisure time studies A i'

Studies in life and sense A 7:

Winchel!. Sketches of creation A 4.,t|

Winslow. Force and nature A *<j;|

Wood (Re7>. J.G. ). Bible animals A 6;:

Nature's teachings .\''."

Wood (T.). Nature and her servants. ..\ "oil

Wright. Philosophical discussions. .. .A '<


Bernstein. Five senses of man .\'

Brace. Races of the old world A 4'

Brooks. The law of heredity . . ...A ;'

Dawson (.Si> J. W ). F"ossil men A ''^^

Ellis. Tshi-speaking peoples of the GoldCoast of Africa A 4"

Fontaine. How the world was peopled.







Foster .11


Evolution—lUolo^y and Physiology—Zoology. '97

I r

ted bvk 11H3



A i-l-^. v^

A m .

A '3'

5S.. . .A I <2, 58c


nd ad-A





ienca. A

s ....A


i verse. H

what is a


vols . . E








37- i

2 copies.

A 197, B 40

A 20J

Je A


Rs of a


igH Mammalia—Ornithology—Invertebratts, etc.

Nicholson, riassification of the aiiiinal

kinKi'.om A. 387

Manual of zoology A 613

Oswald, /ooloj^ical sketches .\ 205

Packard. Zoolo^;/ A 120

Robinson. Noah's ark A 607

iJniKT the sun V .103

Romanes. .Vnimal intelligence .\ 107

Spallai.zani (Alibe). Natural history,

1 vols A 41^-9

V/ilson. Zoolo!,'y -V 666

Wood. Field naturalist's hand-l)ook. ..\ 239

Homes without hands A 528

Sketches of animal life .\ 623

MAMMALIA.Drummond. Largegameof South Africa. a 499 '

Eden. Wolverene and beaver .\ 23

Kleph int in a wild state and in domestica- 1

tion \ 428

Flower, Osteology of the mammalia . ..\ 457

Hartmann. Anthropoid apes A G70

Holder. The Ivory King—a popular his-

tory of the el'-'pliant and its allien . . .\ 629

Lockwood. .Vnimal inenio'rs. Mammals. .\ 479

Rodwell. The rat. 2 copies A 371, 5^9

Schmidt. The mammalia in their relation

to primeval times A 679

Storer. Wild white cattle of fireat

Britai--' A 38.J

DOMESTIC ANIMALS.Anderson. Vice i; t'^i-j horse 1) 635

Dalziel British dogs .V 210

Diseases of dogs B .199

Fox terrier D 1052

Greyhound D 655

St. Bernard D 84.1

Gleapon. Morse book D 636

\'iciou'= horses, witti hints on dogs . ..D 904

Hammond. Practical dog-training. ... D 606

Hays. I'ercheron norse in France . . . .D 907

"Idstone." Th-; dog D 298

Jesse, .\necdotes of dogs K 93


Low. DDinesticated aniniuls of the 15rit-

ish Isles .\ (332

Magner. Training and educating the

horse D 844

Morrell. American shepherd A 62S

Pegler. Hook of the goat A 576

Rule. The cat : varieties, management,and treatment A 455

Sanders Horse-breeding I) 905

"Scrutator." Horses and honnds A 370

Simpson Dogs of other days E 315

Walsh. On the dog A 234

Weld Ferchtron horse in .\merica. . .D 907

Wood. Our doinest c pets D 443

ORNITHOLOGY.Ad-ims. Hummingbirds A (,

Baily. Onr own lairds : a familiar naturalliistorv of tite United States A 7-,

Bechstein. Cage and chamber birds.. F 95-

Brown. \necdotes of birds, fishes, andinsects A 6.'-


Buckland, Martin, and Kidd. Birds andbird life .\ .|i

Dixon. Rural bird life .\ 541

FJguier. Kepiilesand birds .\ -\s

Flagg. Year with the birds A d,/.


Ingersoll. Binls'-nesting. 2 copies. . .A 127, p-

Lockwood. .Vnimal memoirs. Birds. a. 4Vi

Mcllwraith. Birds of Ontario A ;i;

Miller {O. T.). See page 122.

Minot. Land and game birds in NewI'jigland A 2:.

Mudie. Britis!- birds, 2 vols E 940-11

Second anil third copies A 536, (nA

Ross. Birds of Canad I A .(:

Samuels, Birds of New England A 7^

Stearns. New England bird life, 2 vols.A 194-51

Trumbull. Names and portraits of birds.



Wilson. .'Vmerican ornithology, 4 vols. E 1063-

ENTOMOLOGY.Adams. Beautiful biittertlies ABrown. Butterflies, sphinxes, and moths,

2 vols E 10JJ-4I

Emerton. Spiders. 2 copies .\ 62,3*1;


French. liutterflies of the eastern U.S. .A

Houghton. British insects .V

Kane. European butterllies .V f

Kirby .md Spence. Introduction to ento-

mology .\ 3 JLubbock. .-Vnt.', bees, and wasps

2 copies .-V lot), 40J


British wild flowers in relation to in-

sects. 2 copies .V 217, '^)'

Origin and metamorphoses of insects. A :!'

Ormerod. Injurious insects A ;

Ppckard. Entomology for beginners.. A J"(|

Our common insects .\

Rennie. Inse.-t architecture V 572, E'i.:jj

Ross. Butterflies and moths of Can-ada A 3'^

Saunders. Insects injurious to fruit. . . .\ -':

Wood(J.Ci.). (?animon British beetles. .V ,«

Wood (T ). Our inseit allies \ '.i'


Cooke. Ponds and ditches V ' Nj

Crookshank. Practical bacteriology . ..V '.'Sj

Dana. i"or?ls and coral islands A :-4|

Emertou. Life on the sea shore .V '!"P

Holder. Living lights A 4:

Huxley. Thecrayfi«h, 2 c^pies A <J4..<''*l

Conchuhgy— Botany—Geology and Palceontology. 199

Kingsley Glaucus ; or, the wonders of

the shore 2 copies A 421, KKlein Micro organisms and disease. . . ALovell. Kdihle moUusks of Great Brit-

1111 A

Napier- I.akes and rivers A

Romanes, lelly fish and star fish A

Sowerby. History of tiie aciuarniin ... A

T''Ouessart. Microbes, ferments, andniDiilds .-\

Van Beneden. .\nimal parasites .\

Woodward. Manual of the mollusca ...V

CONCHOLOGYAdams. Beautiful shells A

Mawe. l^innacan systeniof conchoiogy.A

Williams. Shell-collector's hanabook..A

BOTANY.Allen (Grant). Colours of flowers .\

Bailey. I Jotanical collector's hand book..\

Beck. Hijtany of northern United States. .\

Behrens. Textbook of general botany. .\

Bennett and Murray. Cryptoganiic bot-

any ABessey. Botany ABower and Vines. Course of practical

mstruction in Botany, part i ACarpenter. Vegetable physioLigy . . . . .V

Chambers-Ketchum. liotany for acade-mies and colleges ... A

Cooke, iiritish fungi .\

FroaKs and marvels of plant life .V

Fungi, their nature, influences, etc. . ,.\

Darlington, .\merican weeds and useful

plants .\

Darwin. Insectivorous plants .\

OcCandolle. Origin of cultivated plants. .\

Figuier. Vegetable world AFlint, (irasses and forage plants .\

Gray, iioiany o{ Northern States andCanatid A

i'iekl, forest, and garden botany .... Al.f-ssons in botany A

Henslo\v. Origin of floral structures. . .\

Hervey. Sea mosses . .\

Hibberd. Sea-weed collector .\

Macmillan. First forms of vegetation.


McUab. Hotany AMacoun and Spotton. Elementary

botany AMoyen. ('ours elementaire de botanique

et dure du Canada \Nave. Collector's hand-book of algae, etc.A

I'hillips. British discomycetes ARhind. Vegetable kingdom ARobinson. Ferns in their homes and

ours A




4 JO













347 :


699 I



611 !


642 '

54 '-^





184 !










Strasburger. Microscopic botany, trans-

lated i.y A. li. Hcrvc\ A 731

Taylor. Flowers .A 181

Thome- Structural botany A 15

fThornton.' Elements of botany .V 509

Underwcorl. Our native ferns .V 377

Vines. Lectures on physiology of plants.A 711

Youmanc I'irst book ol botany A 616

GEOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY.Agassiz. fteological sketches, 1st and

2nd series A 25, 26

Buckland. Geology and mineralogy. . ..V 343Second copy, 2 vols A 600-1

Catlin. Lifted and subsided rocks of

.Vmerica .\ 248

Chapman. Minerals and geology of cen-

tral Canada, 3rd edition A 735

Dana. Corals and coral islands A 724

Manual of geology A 505

Darwin Structure and distribution of

coral reefs .\ 795

Dawson (C, M.) Mineral wep.lth of

British Columbia \ 756

Da^vson (J.\V.). .'\cadian geology .... .\ 522

Dawn of life A 394

Geological history of plants .\ 473De la Berhe. Geological observer. . ...\ 508

Drayson. Thirty thousand years of thee.irth's past history A 786

Galloway. Science and geology in rela-

tion to the universal deluge A 742

Geikie. (}e(jlogical sketches A 23G

Text-b'>ok of geology A 655Scenery of SLOtland viewed in connec-

tion with its physical geology A 380

Herrick. The earth in past ages A 823

Howorth. The mammoth and the flood. .\ 727

Layman. Geological cosmogony A 429

Le Conte. Elements of geology A 656

Lyell 1-lementary geology A 506

Mantell Fossilsof the British museum. .\ 382(Geological excursions A 381

Miller. Cruise of ihe " Betsey " A 434F'ootprints of the Creator A 546Cieology of the Bass rock .\ 573Testimony of the rocks, 2 copies . .

'. \ 518, 543Murchison. Siluria A 507

Nicholson. .Ancient life-history of theearth A 190

Page. Advanced text-book of geology. A 35Chips and chapters for geologists . . . , A 175

Geological terms A 34Geology for general readers A 167

Penn. Conversations on geology A 552

Phillips. Life on the earth A 533

Ruschenberger. (Ed.) Elements of geo-

loRy A 413



i '

200 Metals and Mineralogy—Cosmology—Physical Geography, etc.


.; \




Rutley. Study of rocks ATrimmer. G> ol()f,'y and mineralojjy . . . AUre. New system of j^eclojiy A

Winchell. Walks and talks in the ^eo-

lo^ical field AWright. Ice age in North America . . . A

METALS AND MINERALOGY.Anderson. The prospector's hand-book,])

Ansted. In search of minerals A

Bauerman. Systematic mineralogy ...A

Billing. Science of U'-nis, etc .\

Bloxham and Huntingdon. Metals . . .A

Chapman. Minerals of Central CanadaA

Dana. Text book of mineralo^jy A

Davies, Karthy and other minerals andminmj; A

Hunt. Mineral physiology and physio-

graphy, 2 -d series A

King. Precious stones and metals . . . . E

Moore. Ancient mineralogy DVarley Mineralogy A

COSMOLOGY.Cassidy. Age of creation .\

Dawson. Origin of the world A

Donnelly. Ragnarok, 2 copies A

.\tlantis, 2 copies .V 154,

Humboldt. Cosmos, 6 vols A

Nicols. Physical theory of the earth .. A

Poole. Genesis of earth and mm . . . . .\

Pouchet. The universe AReclus. History of a mountain F

Taylor. Creation of planets and sun. . . .\

Warren. Paradise found G

PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY.Ansted. Physical geography A

Figuier. Ocean world A

Forbes. Theory of glaciers .\

Gosse. The ocean .A

Higgins. The earth A

Huxley. Physiography AJudd . Volcanoes A

Maury. Physical geography of the sea.I'

Somerville. Physical geography FTandon. World of the sea ALockyer. Volcanoes and earthquakes . AMarsh. The eai th AMichelet. The sea, 2 copies A 545,

Milne. Earthquakes AMudie. The earth APage. Physical geography A" Parallax." Earth not a glohe ,\

Pictorial hand-book of modern geographyE

Reclus. The earth ASonrel. Pottom of the sea E




















F 114



















M 221









.1 1










ASTRONOMY.Adam. Bible, astronomy, and the

pyramid 1'"

Arago. Lectures on astionomy A

Ball. Elements of astrc;r;omy .\

Blake Astronomical myths AChambers Descriptive astronomy . . . . .\

Chauvenet. Sph Tical and practical as-

tronomy, 2 vols A i\(M

Clerke, Ilisttny of astronomy during theXlXth century A (j

CroU. Stellar evolution in relation to

geological time ADick. Sidereal heavens .\

Flammarion. Marvels of the heavens,2 copies A 42, K

Forbes. Transit of Venus .\

Gore EManetary and stellar studies ..A

Grant History of physical astronomy. AGuillemin The moon EThe sun E

Hind. The comets AIntroduction to astronomy A

Kirkwood. Comets and meteors \Meteoric astronomy A

Lilly. Introduction to astrology, byZadkiei A

Lockyer. Chemistry of the sun .-V

Movements of the earth \

Star gazing, past and present ALoomis. Practical astronomy ALynn. Celestial motions A s"\

Mitchell Orbs of heaven .\ 61:

Popular astronomy A .).;^

My telescope and some objects which it

shows me ANewcomb. Popular astronomy ANewcomb and Holden. Astronomy for

high schools and colleges .\

Nichol Planetary system AOliver. Astronomy for amateurs AOrmathwaite. Astronomy and geology

compared AParkes. Unfiiiished worlds: a study in

astronomv A \^\

Proctor. Borderland of science A uJ

Easy star lessons AE.xpanse of heaven, 2 copies .A 148, \f\

Faruiliar science studies A '.v

Flowers of the sky . A ':'

Moon, 2 copies A 249, 31:

Mysteries of time and space \Myths and marvels of astronomy A("Jrbs around us .\

Other suns than ours AOur place am.cmg the infinities S.

Poetry of astronomy ASun A



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Meteorology—Chemistry—Electricity—Microscope, etc. 201



202 Optics and Acoustics—Physics—Mathematics.



OPTICS AND ACOUSTICSAiry. (Jn sonii'l A 114

Ball. Acoustics PI 593

Blaserna. Theory of sound in relation to

music A 88

Brewster. Kaleidoscope A i-j<j

Church. Colour ; an elementary manualfor students A 4fx)

Farrar Trentise on optics A 595

Glazebrook. Physical optics A 4

Helmholtz. Sensations of tone A 728

Le Conte. Sight A 99

Lockyer. Studies m spectrum analysis.



Lommel. Nature of light A 84

Mayer. Sound A 214

Mayer and Barnard. Light A 224

Marion. Wonders of optics E 596

Pereira. Lectures on light .\ 28

Rood. Modern chromatics \ gj

Schellen. Spectrum analysis A 500

Spottiswoode. Polarisation of light . .A 223

Stokes. Light as a means of investiga-

tion A C9S

Tyndall. On light, 2 copies .\ 201, 424

Light and electricity A 198

Sound A 202

Vogel. Chemical effects of light A 81

Welford and Sturmey. Handbook to theoptical lantern D 1055

Wright. Light A 115


Aneroid barometer, its -nnstruction anduse .^ 288

Arnott. Elements of physics A 594

Ball. Experimental mechanics. A 570Mechanics A 816

Carpenter. Mechanical philosophy, etc.



Cazin (.\chille). Heat E 595

Glazebrook and Shaw. Practical phy-sics A 27

Grove and others. Correlation of forces. A 585

Hogg. E.xperimental and natural philo-

sophy A 352

Jones. E.xamples in physics, 2 copies.. A 400, 822

Maxwell. Matter and motion A 289

Theory of heat A 7

Somerville. Physical sciences, 2 copies.A 152, 563

Stewart. Conservation of energy .... A 72

Stewart and Gee. Elementary practical

physics A 687

Stallo. Theories of modern physics. . . A 108

Thomson Applications of dynamics to

physics and chemistry A 475

Thomson and Tait. Elements of naturalphilosophy .\ 70.,

Tomlinson. Pneumatics for beginners.



Tyndall. Forms of water A j-

Heat as a mode of motion A joo

Wood. Luminiferous iEther I) 4,,_

Wright. Sound, light, and heat A .(6;

MATHEMATICS.Ball. History of mathematics A -^p

Clifford. Common sense of the exactsciences A 4 ^j

Elements of dynamic A u

Cox. Integral calculus A 440

Craig. Motion of a solid in a fluid. . . . A ju.

Davidson. Practical calculator 13 41,.

Sufiplement to ditto B 463


Eddy. Thermodynamics A lo^A

Ferguson. Lectures on mechanics, hy-drostatics, etc A 0;;


Flynn. Hydraulic tables A 3J0


Gregory. Mathematics ] j y^,

Griffin Algebra and trigonometry .... A ;

Haddon. .\lgebra .-\. 4^1


I )ifferential calculus B 56)

Hann. Analytical geometry and conicsections D 31


Integral calculus ..\. 43^1

Spherical trigonometry I) ^c

Hardy. Imaginary quantities, from theFrench of Argand A jo;|

Heather. Descriptive geometry, 2 copies.

D 320, 4C;j

Hind. Elements of algebra A •\\

Kempe. How to draw a straight line. ..\

Kirkman. Geometry, algebra, etc B 44;!

Pocket logarithms A 3i!|

Law. Rudimentary treatise on logari-thms A

Merryfield .\rithmetic and mensuratiou A

Proctor. Chance and luck .\ 4!)|

Robinson. Mathematical recreations. .1!

Simson. Elements of conic sections. . .D }fi\

Smith. Treatise on mechanics, statics,

and dynamics D JJfl

Tait. On quaternions .\ ',A

Tyson. Key to Bonnycastles mensura-

tion 1) j;o|

Vose. (iraphic method for solving certainalgebraic problems A

Walton. Treatise on difl"erential;calculus, H''^•lutarch

Watson. Elements of geometry .\ "fl .; copi,

Woolhouse. Differential calculus .....\ 44jTransl;it

Young. Key to the Rudimentary arith- Bogers«

metic B 39^Bomanes.

General Treatises—Metaphysics and Et/iics. ao3



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mp:ntal, social, andGENERAL TREATISES.

Adams. The healing art E 2151-2

Antoninus (Emperor). Thoughts. Trans-lated by Luii/r, 2 copies B53CJ, E1123

Aristotle. Rhetoric and poetics E 11 33

Bacon. Novum organum, etc B 251

Bain. I'ractical essays B 523

Blackwood's philosophical classics :

Berkeley, by Fraser II 100

iUitlur, by Cullins H 99

Descartes, by Mahaffy H 97

["ichte, by Adanison H 98

Hamilton, by Vc'ttch H loi

Hegel, by Edward Caird H 96

Kant, by Wallace H 95

Vico, by Flint H 1064

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Brougham. Historical and political dis-

sertations B 517Burton. .Vnatomy of melancholy, 3 vols.



Cicero, .\cadeinic questions ; De finibus ;

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Coleridge (S. T.). Method B 206

Draper. Intellectual development of

liurope, 2 vols B 257 -8

Second copy B 359

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inger post to public business B 546

reg. Knigmas of life B 322

rolitical problems B 187

illebrand (Karl). History of (lermanth(Hif,'lit E 461

umeand Evans Learned societies andprimiiv.; clubs in Great Britain . . . .B 310

ewes. Biographical history of phil-

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ocke (John). Philosophical works,i veils E 789-90

ytton. ICngland and the English B 445

acintosh. Miscellaneous Wo^ks B 350

artineau (fames). Study of Spinoza.



ill Utilitarianism B 299

uller. Science of thought B 613

Wgrave. The chairman's handbook .B 32

B 162, E 1 102

lutarch Morals. Translated by King,i copies B 841


E 1 192

Translated by Shilleto B 842

ogers Cobden and political opinion. .B 526

omanes. Mental evolution in man ..B 771

MEDICAL SCIENCES.Schroeder. Maxims of Washington. . .B 315

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Crito, etc., of I'lato B 675

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Alexander. Moral causation B 49

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Bain. Mental and moral science B 249

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Bascom. Comparative pyschology. . ..B 134

Ethics B 133

Psychology B 136

Bax History of philosophy B 667

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Calderwood. Moral philosophy B 121

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Cou.sin. Modern philosophy, 2 vols.,

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Cox (E.). Mechanism of man, 2 vols..B 160-1

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Craik (Mrs. D. M.). Sermons out ofchurch B 418

Dewey. Psychology B 674

204 Education.



















Dymond. Accordancy of war with Chris-tianity B

Principles of morality B

Fothergill. The will power : its range in

action BHamilton (E. J). Human mind B

Hamilton (Si*' W.). Philosophy and lit-

erature B

Hinton. Art of thinkinf; BMan and his dwelling-place B

Kant. Critique of pure reason, by Meikle-joliH B

Prolegomena, by Bnx BSelections from, translated by Prof.

Watsun BText book to, by J. H. Stirling B

Lecky. History ot European morals, 2

vols., 2 copies B 75-(j, 484-5

Levison. Mental culture BLieber. Political ethics, 2 vols B

Liefde. Romance of chanty ELocke. Essay on the human understand-

ing B

McCosh. First and fundamental truths.B

Mansel. Metaphysics B

Martineau. Types of ethical theory,

2 vols B 599-Goo

Maudsley. Body and mind B 70G

Maurice. Philosophy, ancient B 246

Philosophy, first six centuries B 247

Philosophy, mediaeval B 248

Philosophy, modern B 245

Mayor. Ancient philosophy B 579

Mill. Sir Wm. Hamilton's philosophy,2 vols B 344-5

Miller. Metaphysics B 770

Mivart. On truth : a systematic enquiry, B 773

Moore. Man and his motives B 446

Morell. Philosophy of Europe B 554

Payson. The law of equivalents ...... B 759

Piatt. Life C 261

Morality C 262

Plutarcii. Morals, translated by C. W.King, 2 copies B 841, E 1192

Translated hy A. R. Shilleto B 842

Prescott. Moral education B 224

Ribot. English psychology B 175

German psychology of to-day B 603

Rickaby. Moral philosophy ; or, ethics

and natural law B 839

Schopenhauer. Two essays B 840

1. On the fourfold root of the principle

of sufficient reason.

2. On the will in nature.

Schurman. Ethical import of Darwin-ism B 702

Seth. From Kant to Hegel C 235

Seth and Haldane (Eds.). Essays in

philosophical criticism, with prefaceby E. Caird B .'6S

Smiles. Character, 2 copies E iss 9

Duty B (j^

Self-help E isi,

Thrift, 2 copies B 414, V. its-

Smith. Ethics of Aristotle C 58.^

Smith. Theory of moral sentiments.

2 copies 13 4GJ, V. ,yi>

Spencer. Data of ethics B ifi-

Psychology, 2 vols B 1(13 r,

Spinoza. Works of, translated by Elwcs,2 vols B 3 J4-;

Stewart (A.). Our temperaments B 711

Stewart (Dugald). Human mind ....B 55:

Taylor (Hugh), Morality of nations ..B i>.;

Taylor (Isaac). World of mind B 34>

Tennemann. History of philosophy. . .B jOj

Tolstoi. [Count), Power and liberty.. 13 jo-

Veitch. Knowing and being 13 so;

Wake. Evolution of morality, 2 vols. .B 77-n

Wallace. Epicureanism C J41

Whewell. Elements of morality, 2 vols.



Wight. Philosophy of Sir William Ham-ilton B 7)1')

EDUCATION.Armilage. Education and employment

ol the blind B ;:-

Arnold. Continental schools B 274

Bain. Education as a science A 0:

Baldwin. Elementary psychology andeducation B 651

School management B 216

Barlow. Normal phonography B C26

Browning. Educational theories B 3;

Bryant and Stratton. Counting-housebook-keeping B On

Bussell. Digest of returns and tabularstatements B 6w

Indexing and precis-writing B Ct'3

Calderwood. On teaching B V

Calkins Primary object lessons D l'\

Chauveau. LTnstruction publique auCanada 13 3;;

Clarke. Sex in education ; or, a fair

chance for girls B Cqi

Cooper. Parliamentary shorthand. . . .D '^-'

Craik (Henry). State and education.. . '3jjj]

Crawley Handbook of competitive e.\-

aminations B f'b^

Drane. Christian schools and scholars.B J"-]

Duff. Book-keeping by single and doubleentry 15 73^

Educational system of Ontario B 75'l

Ellis [Mrs.). Education B y

Everett (E). Practical education K '37

Logic—Home Life—Didactic Letters, etc. 205

^s in


. . . B 2OS

...E 1SS9

. . . . B vsE if(0

..B 414. K 187


. B 463, E Sfe

. . . . B 167

B 163-6

Elwcs,B 5^4-3

B 7"^'

. . . . B 55-

ns . . B 2Sg

H 34!^

tiy...B 26J

Brty..B 30:

B 863

k?ols..B 77-s

C 341

2 vols.B 291-;

m Ham-B 73''

loyment, . B :2^

. . B 274

..A 9'

gy andB 631

B -:i'J

B 6;';

B r

g-houseH 6n

tabularB 614

B 6^3

B 5i

D i?

ique auB 3"

a fair

. . . . B C04i

lnd....I) -.^^

tion...B 5:31

itive CN-

B f'^

holars.B 3M

d doubleB 73^

B -S'l

B 5'

n K 13:

Everett (W.). University life at Cam-l>ridge B 535

Farrar. Essays on a liberal education. E 1300

Fearon. School inspection B 66

Fitch. Lectures en teaching, 2 copies. B 44, 284

Foster. Double entry elucidated B 477

Tlu! seminary method of original studyin the historical sciences B 831

Froebel. Education of man B 652

Geikie. Teaching of geography B 745

Ham. Manual trainmg B 630

Hart, fierman universities B 209

Hodgson. Education of girls B 218

Hunter. Indexing and precis of corres-

pondence B 681

Jones. Book keeping and accountant-ship B 612

Joyce. School management B ig

Kay. Memory : what it is and how to

improve it B 710

Klemm. Chips from s teacher's workshop B 643

Landon. School management B 38

Latham. On the action of examinations.B 673

Laurie. Rise and early constitutions of

universities U 649

Lawrie. Training of teachers B 40

Leitch. Practical educationist B 29

Locke (lohn). Education, 2 copies.. ..B loi, 495Lyschinska. Kindergarten principle. .B 270

Maclochlin. Education B 183

Magnus (Sir Philip). Industrial educa-tion B 833

Mahaffy. Old Greek education B 36

Mimial for mechanics' institutions B 347Memorials of Stonyhurst college B 266

Menet. Practical hints on teaching. . .B 228

Milton. Tractate on education E 812

Mitchell. Rescue the children B 668

Mondelet. Elementary and practical edu-cation B 456

Olin. College life, its theory and prac-tice B 326

Our public schools B 65

Painter. History of education B 647Parker. How to study geography B 655

Pascoe. Schools for girls B 145

Payne. Science of education B 621

Potter and Emerson. School and school-master B 585

Preyer. Development of the intellect. . B 654The senses and the will B 653

ubiic schools : Winchester, Westminster,Shrewsbury, Harrow, and Rugby,2 copies B 496, F 82

•andall. First principles popular edu-cation B 584

ichter(J. P. F.). Levana, 2 copies. . , E 226, 847

Rosenkranz. Philosophy of education.



Rousseau (J. J.), ftmile; ou, ^e I'^duca-

ti(m O 213

Ryerson. Report on elementary instruc-

tion for Upper Canada B 467

Sands. Philosophy of teaching B 201

Shirreff and others. Kindergarten .... B 233

Smith. Education E 1301

Spencer. Education B 59

Spurzheim. Education B 396

Strachey. Lectures on geography B 819

Teacher'' Manual, science and art of

teaching B 16

Teacher's Manual (advanced), art of

teaching B 15

Vincent. Chautauqua movement B 691

Wiebe. Paradise of childhood A 742

Woodward. Manual training school. . A 750

Young. Method of instructing the deafand dumb D 336

Zehden. Commercial geography D 940


Aristotle. Organon, or logical treatises,

2 vols E 1131-2

Clarke. Logic. (Manuals ot Catholicphilosophy) B 853

Devey. Logic B 253

Easy lessons in reasoning B 634

Jevons. Science of logic B 153

Studies in deductive logic B 152

Mill. System of logic B 351

Stebbing. Analysis of Mill's logic B 236

Whateley. Elements of logic, 3 copies.


B 206, 389, 462I

HOME LIFE & HOME INSTRUCTION.German home life B 533

Granville. Youth, its care and culture,

2 copies B 497, 504

Martineau. Household education B 24

Studley. What our girls ought to know.B 100

Weaver. Hopes and helps, 2 copies . .M 517, 746

[Wyndham (Atiss)]. Early influences,

with a preface by Mrs. Gladstoiif . ..K 8


Alcott. Gift book for young men B 438

Arnold. Turning points in life, 2 vols.H 606-7

Second copy E 1264

Bellairs (Lady). Gossips with girls andmaidens E 943

Blackie. Self-culture B 9

Chesterfield (Lord). Letters and max-ims E 301

iCraik, Plain speaking, 4 copies,


E 10, 1540, 1577, L 206


206 Temperance— Wouicu—Government.




Geikie. Knteringon life E 233

Holland (J.H). (" Timothy Titcomb").

Lessons in life, 2 copies H 545, E 1877

Hood. Self-formation E 1288

Landels. Youn^j man in battle of life. . E 284

Purdy. City life H 153

Smiles (Samuel). Seepage 159.

Thomcon. Milestones of life M 74

Younf( lady's mentor V. 1236

Young woman's book D 292

TEMPERANCE.Beddoe. The temperance era B 636

Bridgett. Discipline of drink B 5

Burns. Christendom and the drmk curse.B 276

Calkins. Opium and the opium appetite.



Cooke. Seven sisters of sli'ep B 428

Couling. History of the temperancemovement B 74

Gustafson. Foundation of death B 572

Guthrie. Temperance physiology B 502

I landbook of temperance history B 30

Hubbard. Opium habit and alcoholism.



Kane. Opium-smoking B 232

Lees. Li(Tuor traffic B 390

Lewis. ' ink problem B 242

Mailman. Tee^otalism B 752

Miller. Alcohol: its power and place. .B 88

Nephalism the true temperance, 2 copies.

B 7A 336

Oswald. The poison problem B 679

Reade. (Ed.). Study and stimulants. .B 91

Reid. Our national vice B 282

Religious and educational aspects of tem-perance, by various authors B 280

Richardson. Alcohol B 229

Dialogues on drink B 287

Researches on alcohol, 2 copies B 267, 503

Ridge. Non-alcoholic home treatmentof disease B 95

Ritchie. Scripture wines C 519

Shakespeare on temperance. Sherlock.



Sxmpson. Noted temperance advocates.



Temperance progress. Facts and figures

for temperance workers B 749Voice of science on temperance B 28

Voice of the pulp'.t on temperanc(,' C 40

Whyte. Alcohol controversy B 60

"~ WOMEN.Adams. Woman's work and worth... B 434

Bridgman. Daughters of China B 429Bushnell. Women's suffrage B 225

Butler. Woman's work and culture . . .B 356

Cobbe. Duties of women B 61

Essays on pursuits of women B 138

Craik(yi/rs. D. M.). .Sermonsuut of church,

5 copies ...... H .}iH, !•: 11, 1541, I57r), L .:o(*,

Woman's thoughts about women,3 copies B 400, E 1542, E

Dixon. Spiritual wives, 2 vols BEssays in defence of women EFemale life in prison, by a prison matron. BGreenwell (Dora). (Jur single women,

etc EHamilton. A new atmosphere BHerbert. Wives, mothers, and sisters in

the olden time, 2 vols EHigginson. Common sense about women.

BJessup. Women of the Arabs C

Jameson. Characteristics of women,2 copies E 767, pfi;

Landels. Woman ; her position andpowc^r E

Mcintosh. Woman in America BMill (J. S.). Social and political depend-

ence of women H j'-i

Modern women and what is said of them,2 copies B 393, E 1223






1 12-31




Shillito. Womanhood BStanton. (Ed.). Woman question in

luirope B

Starling. Noble deeds of women EStudley. What our girls ought to know. B

Yonge. Womankind, 2 vols ESecond, third, and fourth copies.

B 290, 430,

GOVERNMENT.Amos. English constitution and govern-

ment BRemedies for war B

Anson Law and custom of the consti-

tution—Parliament BAristotle. Politics and economics.

Translated by WalfonI E

Baker. The federal constitution B

Beecher. Fr^jedom and war 1-5

Brougham. British constitution BCamp. Democracy B

Chalmers. Local government B

Colby. Parliamentary government in

Canada B

Cotton and Payne. Colonies and depen-dencies B

Crane and Moses. Politics BDean. Political rights of British people.


De Lolme. Constitution of England,

4 copies B 435, E 679, ()

Dicey. England's case againr>t homerule B

Law of the constitution B

The privy council B

Elliot. State and church H




. 20;;





Jurisprudence— Trials. 207

KnKl.iiul and Ikt colonies: five essays on1 mperial federation B 697

Fiske. American political ideas B 625

Fonblanque. How we are governed . . . D 240

Gladstone The Irish question, 2 copies.



Giiffin (Watson). The Provinces and the.States B 63


Guizot Representative government. ..E 709

Hare. Representation R 124

Helps. Thoughts upon government .... 15 188

War and culture B 80

Howland) The Irish problem B 637

Humboldt. Sphere and duties of govern-iiu'iit B 1 59

Kinnear. I'rinciplesof civil government.



Lamartine. Past, present, and future ofthe republic B 342

Lewis. Best form of government G 36H

Lome (yl/iin////.?). Impeiial federation .B 422

Maine. Earl}- history of institutions ..B 303

Karly law and custom B 186

Popular government B 594

Mathews. Colonial question, 2 copies. . B 338, 512

Maurice Kepresentatio'i and educationof the people B 458

May Democracy in Europe, 2 vols.. .B 333-4

Mill < )n liberty B 300

Representative government B 286

I Montesquieu. Spirit of laws, 2 vols. . . . K 808-9

Morley (John). On compromise B G28


Napier. Defects of the Indian govern-ment B 471


O'Neil. American electoral system . . . . B 692

lO'Sullivan. Government in Canada. . .B 735Manual of government in Canada. . . . B 407

[Patronage is power B 666

(Peel. The new government, 1834-5,; copies H 1054, 1057

iPlato. Laws. Translated by Bwrjo^f5. .E 1180

Republic. Translated by DriD/s E 1177

jPress and the public service li 395

|Rogers(J. E. Thorold). The British

citizen, his rights and privileges . . . B 662

iRowland. English constitution B 308

IRuies, orders, and proceedings of the legis-

lative assembly, Ontario B 635

|Russell [Earl). English government andconstitution Ci 250

Smith (Goldwin). Political destiny ofCanada B 309

Stephen (James Fitzjames). Liberty,equality, and fraternity E 204

Byrne. Representative government ofEngland B 489

Taylor. Are legislatures parliaments ?

2 copies B 48, 320

'ighe. Development of the Roman con-stitution B 624

TourgL-e- An appeal to Ca?sar B 571

Travis. Cnnstitutional powers of pariia-

iiuiit under the li. N. A B 737

Tremenheere. Principles of government B 47

Traill. Central government B 117

United Kingdom, local governm.ent andtaxation in H 528

Von Hoist. Constitutional law of theI initt'd States B 746

Walpole. lUectorate and legislature..



I'oreign relations B 114

Watson. Powers of Canadian parlia-

ments B 699

JURISPRUDENCE.Abbott. Judge and jury B 133

Benny. Oiminal code of the Jews . . . . B 157

Blackstone. Commentaries on the lawsof I'.ngland, 4 vols B 362-5

Canadian lawyer B 685

Carson. Capital punishment B 632

Davis. Outlines of international law . . B 723

Forsyth. History of trial by jury B 329

Gibbons. Law of contracts B 588

Hints on advocacy B 144

Jerrold. English and foreign copy-right B 27

Levi. International law A 470

Lewis (A. H.). Critical history of Sun-day legislation B 709

Lewis (E N.). Manual for magistratesand others B 740

Mackenzie [Lord). Studies in Romanlaw B 756

Maine. International law B 766

Pollock. Jurisprudence and ethics.... B 192

Land laws B 283

Warren. Duties of attorneys and solici-

tors B 349

Williams (A.). About going to law. ... B 385

Williams (S.). Forensic facts and fal-

lacies B 582I

Woolsey. Divorce and legislation . . . . B 83

Wrongs and rights of a traveller, by abarrister of Osgoode Hall B 739


Amos. Great oyer of poisoning B 331

Benson. Remarkable trials B 39

Browne. Narratives of state trials in thenineteenth century, 2 vols B 747-8

Craik (G. L.). Iilnglish causes celebres,

or reports of remarkable trials B 639

Fuller. Trials of French imposters andadventurers E 220

MacNevin. State trials in Ireland, 1794-

1798 P 190

Spirer. Judicial dramas B 191

'11208 Political Ecottomy—Social Science.

- ill

POLITICAL ECONOMY.Adam. ((i. M.). Handbook of commer-

cial union H Si8

Adams. I'ubllc debts H 724

Ashley. I-^nKlish economic history andtheory -Middle ages B 823

Ash worth. Cobden and the league H 441

Atkinson. Distribution of products, threeessays H 8.27

Bagehot. Economic studies H 182

Bolles. Financial history of the UnitedStates, vol. i, 1789-1860 U 760

Political economy 13 217

Bowker. (Ed.). Economic fact book. .B 598Brassey. Foreign work and English

wages Ji 273Byles. .Sophisms of free trade B 45Conway. Kepublican superstitions.. . .B 837Cossa. Guide to the study of political

economy B 42

Danson (J.T.). Wealth of households, .B 665

De Laveleye. Elements of political econ-omy B 368

Democratic te.\t book, 18S8 B 757De Quincey. Political economy E 1459Elder. (Questions of the day B 455Ely. Taxation in .Vmerican states and

cities B 381

Farrer. Free trade versus fair trade. . . B G14

Fawcett (Henry). Free trade and pro-tection B 103

Political economy B 85

Fawcett (Millicent). Political economyfor beginners B 10

Fish, (iuide to the conduct of meetings.



George (H.). Progress and poverty ..B 125

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Hawley. Capital and population B 73Ingram. History of political economvB 755Jamieson. Political economy B 57Macleod. Economics for beginners. . .B 33Elements of economics, 2 vols B 105-6

Mill. Political economy, 2 vols B 481-2

Milnes. Problems in political economy.



Minton. Capital and wages E 769

Mongredien. Free trade movement in

England, 2 copies B 615, E 281

Newman. Political economy B 129

Piatt. Progress B 55Potter. Political economy B 296

Price. Practical political economy B 104

Republican text book, 1888 B 758

Rogers. Political economy B 26

Ruskin. Political economy of art B 388

Scratchley. Friendly societies B 6;.i7

Scudder (M. L., jr.). Congested prices B 569Labour-value fallacy B 570

Smith (Adam). The wealth of nations. B

Smith (.Arthur). Subjective political

economy B

Steele. Outline study of political econ-

omy, 2 copies B

Stuart. Free trade in Tuscany B

Sumner. Protection in the United States.B

1 'rotectionism B

Tidman. Gold and silver money B

Villiers, I'ree trade speeches of B

Wallace. Land nationalization BHad times B

Wells. Practical economics BWraxall. Naval and military resources

ot European nations B


A (-M). Co-operation in land tilling. ..B

About. Social economy , 2 copies B 4

Bearnreither. English associations of

working men ii

Baker. War with crime B

Barnard Co-operation as a business. . ii

Barnett (S A. and H. O.). Practicable









1 6, 490

socialism ,B


8 J


Big wages and how to earn them, by a

foreman BBlackley Thrift and independence. . .13

Blaikie Better days for working people.B

I leads and hands B

Brassey. (Jn work and wages I)

Calvert. Social science H

Campbell. Prisoners of poverty UPrisoners of poverty abroad B

Carey. Social science, 3 vols B

Comte. General view of positivism . . . . B

Dixon. London prisons B

Dun. Landlords and tenants in Ireland.


Ely. French and German socialism . . . B

Labour movement in America B

Fowle. The poor law B

Garvey. Silent revolution B

George (Henry). Social problems ....B

Gibbons. Tenure and toil BGill. Free trade under protection B

Gilman. Profit sharing between employerand employee B

Greg. Mistaken aims and attainable

ideals b

Gregory. Are we better than our fathers? B

Hazard. Economics and politics B

Hollingshead. Ragged London in i86i.Ii

Holyoake. Co-operation in England. ..B

Ingham. City slums : a political thesis.B

Jevons. State in relation to labour . . . . B

Jewell. Among our sailors B


re I

Slavery—Commerce and Trade—Finance and Bankini;, etc. 2091



IT 310 Hcarin}:; and Siring—Mental Diseases— OittetUs—Hygient.




Combe- l'rinci(ilt's ot [ihysioloKy li 4^)1

Corning. Hrain rest W Uio

|)i)ni(tstit; tnciliciiu!, Ii.'ind book of \\ 30"

Doty I'rMiDpt ;ii(l ti) llio injiir(3cl \\ 8,(i>

Dujardin-Beaumctz. Diseases of thesi()in;i( h anil intcstiix's . . . H yii

Dunn. Infant healtii li 711

Elam. Physicians' problems H 35 j

Fothergill. Diseases of sedentary andadvamed life 1) 634

1 ndi>{estion and hdiousnoss li 708

Maintonanrc of lu^-iltli E ifiij

Granville. While the boy waiis li 222

Hall, bronchitis and kindred diseases. B H2O

Hamilton. Modern treatment of head-acht!s H 820

Hand book for hospitals H 1^0

Hand book of nursinf; H 203

Hewer. Antiseptics: hand book fornursesU 645

Hippocrates, (lennine works of, edited

by l-'rancis Adams, 2 vols li 7t()-20

Holmes. Currents and counter currents

ui medical science li 473

Home doctorinj;, by a M.K.C.S H i)(>

Hospital transports: a memoir, the sum-mer of isn." H 318

Le Pileur. The human body H 579

Lindsay. Climatic treatment of consump-tion H 695

Macaulay. I'rize essays on vivisection. H 189

Mackenzie. Diphtheria H 729

Maclagan. Rheumatism H 71H

Macnish. Anatomy of drunkenness ... 1! 5H0

I'hilosonhy of sleep B 40f)

Mitchell. Wear and tear ; or, hints for

the overworked H 090

Morris {Ed.). Hook of health I) 146

Management of the skin and hair. . . . li G72

Nightingale Notes on nursing li 208

O'Neill and Barnett. Our nurses and the

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Paine. Institutes of medicine P. ;,32

Power, Field, and Bristowe. Manage-ment of the eye, ear, and throat. . . H '')7i

Raye. Ambulance hand book H 619

Richardson (B. W.). Diseases of modernlife, 2 copies 6243,511

Ministry of health li 205

Richardsoi; (VV. L). Duties and conductof nurses !n private nursing B 638

Roose. Gout, and its relation to diseases

of the liver and kidneys B 629

Routh. Overwork and premature mentaldecay B 670

Savory. On life and death B 285

Smjrthe Medical heresies,

B 220

Stewart. Diseases and inj uries of the ear. B 870

Stille. Cholera— its origin, history, andtreatment, etc B 550

Sutton. Practical pathology || (fyj

Taylor Swedish movement cure li 312

Urquhart. Heat, a mode of cure B 311

Wilson. I'lve gafcw.iys of knowledges. B 561

Wootonand Winslow. C.uide to medicalprofession B Xq

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Carter. Defects of vision H 703

Kyesight, good and bad, 2 copies . . ..B 93, 704

Kitto. Lost senses, deafness, and blind-

ness B 4j6

Seiss. Children of silence; or, the storyof the df.if B 733

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^copies.. A 95, 193

Guy. I'actors of the unsounil mind. . .B 231

Hammond. On certain conditions ofnervous d<'raiigement B 828

Ireland The bolt ujion the brain B 597

Luys. Brain and its functions A 103

Maudsley Physiology and pathology of

tlu! mind B 377

Ray Mental hygiene , . . . B 4^6

Tuke Insanity and it; prt^vention . . . . B 244

Upham Imperfect and disordered men-tal action B 589


Anstie. Winer -n health and disease ..B 234

Bellows. Phdos-jphy of eating D 562

Bennett. Nutrition in healthanddisease.B 272

Bernays. Food B 51S

Carrick. Koumiss D 92

Chambers. Diet in health and d sease,

2 copies B 94, 705

Combe. Digestion and dietetics B 239

Drewry, Common ser,se management of

the stomach B 531

Fothergill and Wood. Food for the

invalid B 221

Lankester. Our food D 34

Letheby. On food B 3S('

Smith Fruits and farinacea the propermod of man D 93;

Thompson. Food and feeding D 242

Williams. P.thics of diet P 275

HYGIENE.American public health association, Lomb

prize essays B 74'

Angerstein and Eckler (£ds.). Homegymnastics for the well and the sick B 775

Billings. Animal diseases and public

health B 366

Brown (G. P.) Sewer gas, 2 copies B 210, 577

Brown(J.). Health B 44»

Phreuology^ Mesmerism, etc.— The Bible Commentaries, eh. I I


rmmMm ii'UlMI

212 Christology—Scripture History—Scripture Biography—Jeivs.


% h

Genesis, the book of, translated by /•'.

Lfiwnnant . C 585Gospel of St. John, with preface by Car-

dinal Manniitjr C 532Gospel of St. Mark in ^othic, Wulfila's

translation, by Rev. W. W. Skeatt. .li 347Hackett. Acts of the Apostles, 2 vols. .C 325-6

Henry (Mattheu). On the Psalms . . . .C 309Hov/son. Metaphors of St. I'aul C 131

Jacox. Side-lights on scripture texts C 163

Secular annotation on do., ist and 2ndseries (j 102-3

Leathes Structure of the old testament.



Medley (johnj. Translation of the bookof Job C 269

Mombert. English, versions of the Bible C 356Morris. Book of (Genesis ..C 81

Book of Exodus C 211

New testament, (ii_c!; (Griesbach's text),

w-'h readings of Mill and Schulz..E 11 16

Ramage. Bible echoes in ancient classics.

C 49Rogers Superhuman origin of theBible.C 222

Ryle. Expository thoughts on Matthew.



Mark C 165" " Luke, 2 voIs.C 166-7

John, 3 vols.C 168-70

Schaff. Companion to Greek testamen*'"


Sharpe. Historic notes on the Bible. .C 203

New testament translated C 251

Smith. Book of Isaiah, Vol. I C 781

Spurgeon. Commenting and commen-taries C 238

Stoughton. Our English Bible C 537Trench. Notes on the miracles C 733Notes on the parables C 557Synonyms of the new testament C 788

Weiss. Manual of introduction to theold testament C 673

Westcott. History of the English Bible.'^"

453Whedon. Commentary on the new testa-

ment, 5 vols C 109-13

Wieseler. On the four gospels, translatedby VcHubles C 308

Workman. Text of Jeremiah C 795Wright. Zechariah and his propheciesC 2.;_,

Wuifilaor Ulphilas. See Gospel of St. Mark.

Wyclifiite version of Job, Psalms. Proverbs,etc E 349

CHRISTOLOGY.Bhint. History of Our Lord C 495Bushnell. Character of Jesus, 3 copies.


597-9Vicarious sacrifice C 483

Coleridge. Life of our life, 2 vols . . . .C 155-6

Public life of Our Lord, 5 vols C 150-4

Sermon on the mount, 3 vols C 157-9

Ecce Deus ; Essays on the life and doc-trines of Jesus Christ C 494

rEcce Homo C


Farrar. Witness of hi.story to Christ ..C 50

Geikie. Short life of Christ C 755

hanna. Earlier years of Our Lord's life.



Ministry in Galilee C ^y

Close of the ministry C 28

Passion week C 29

Our Lord's passion C 30

Our fiord's resurrection C 31

Haweis. Pictures of Jesus, the Master.



Kitto. Life and death of Our Lord. . C 91

Leathes. Religion of Christ C 116

Macmillan Marriage in Cana ("63

Neander. 1 .ife of Christ E 830

P.'"essense. Ji.sus Christ, his times, life,

and work C 94

Roberts. The trial. Did Christ rise?.



Westcott. Christus consummator ....C 625

Williams. World's witness to JesusChrist C 240

SCRIPTURE HISTORY.Bramston. Judea and her rulers C 362

Budge. i)wellers on the Nile C 617

Dawson. Egypt and Syria C 615

Edersheim. World before he flood . . .C 250

Millington. Signs and wonders in the

land of Ham C 2S5

Plumptre. Heathen world and St. Paul.C 335

Raivlinson. Historical illustrations ofthe Old Testament C 441

Russell. Connection of sacred and pro-

fane history, 2 vols C 3^)6-7

Sayce. Assyria C 616

Wilkins. Phoenicia and Israel C 173


Brace. Scripture portraits C 429

Haweis. Picture of Paul C 649

Story of the four Evangelists C 647

Howson. Chaiacter of St. Paul C 130

{ ompanions of St. Paul C i-9

Kellogg. Abraham, Joseph, and Mosesin I'^gypt C Cfio

Krummacher. Cornelius the centut ion.



Reade. Bible characters C 7C0

Robinson.. Pharaohs of the bondage andthe exodus C 715

Steele. Sovereigns of the Bible C 4.?4

Tyng. Captive orphan : Esther, the

yueen of Persia C 4'3'

JEWS.Allen. Hebrew men and times C 45J

Edersheim (A.). History of the Jewishnation C J'W

The temple C 5'

Ecclesiastical History. 213


214 Bible Antiquities^ Manners, and Customs.


Hurst. Short history of the reformation,

j copies C 594-6

Jervis Gallican churcli and the revo-

lution C S03

History of the cliiirch of France,

3 vols (.'. Soi-2

Jesuits in conflict H 496

Kennedy. Early days of Mormonism..C 724

King. The gnostics and dieir remains.



Lawrence. Historical studies C 514

Lloyd. North African church C 3G1

McCrie. Reformation in Italy G 10?

Reformation in Spain G 103

Maclear. Conversion of the west : Celts.



English C 344" Northmen C 354

Masson (Gustave). Huguenots K 286

Merivale. Continental Teutons C 342

Early church history (' 200

Miall. l-'ootsteps of our forefathers. ...(" 492

Milman (/Jm;f). History of Christianity,|

2 vols C 749-50 I

History of Latin Christianity, 4 vols ..C 751-4

History of the Jews, 2 vols C 747-8 \

Milner. History of the church of rhrist.

5 vols C 448-52

Molesworth. History of the church of

I'liigland fi 167

Mosheim. Ecclesiastical nistory C 579

Neal. History of the I'uritans, from1517-1688, 2 vols G 9G3-4

Neander Christian life in early andmiddle ages E 829 !

Church history, 10 vols E 815-24

P'irst planting of Christianitv, etc.,

2 vols ; E 827-8

Newmian (Cardinal). Arians of the fourth

century C 736

Select treatif 3s of St Athanasius,j

2 vols C 737-8 ;

NiccHni. History of the Jesuits E 910

Ordericus VitaUs. Ecclesiastical historyj

of England and Normandy, 4 vols. .G 557-60

Perry. English church history, 596- ,

1509 ^- 65

English church history, 1509-1717 .. .C 661

English church history, 1717 1884 .. .C 728}

Reformation in England C 684

Platina. Lives of the Topes C 731

Pressense. Anci'.-nt world and Chris

tianity .. C 674,

Apostolic age C 98

Heresy and christian doctrine C 96

Life and practice in early church .. ..C 95j

Martyrs and apologists C 97

Ranke. History of the Popes, 3 vols. . . E 841-3

Roscoe. Life and pontificate of Leo X.,

2 vols E 849-50

Saint Patrick (Apostle of Ireland), Writ-ings of C S90

Saints ana miracles, medipcval andmodern C 173

Schaff. History of the church, 2 vols. .C 576-7

Seebohm. Protestant revolution G 2^5

Simcox. Early church history C 174

Smedley. Reformed religion in France,

i vols G 66-8

Smith (P.). ICcclesiastical history, part I.,

30-1 3S0, A.D -(.'. f^

Ecclesiastical history, part H., themiddle ages ('


Smith (R.). Church in Roman Gaul ..C 3G3

Socrates. Ecclesiastical history C 510

Sozomen. Ecclesiastical history C 311

Stanley (Dean). History of the Jewishchurch, 3 vols C 654-0

Stevens. Methodism, 3 vols C G09-11

Stoughton. Ecclesiastical history of Gang-

land, 2 vols C 574-5

Spiritual heroes C 475

Swaine. Religious revolution in the six-

teenth century E M)1

Taylor. Scottish covenanters E 2S0

Theodoret and Evagrius. Ecclesiasticalhistories C 307

Trollope. Paul the pope and Paul thefriar E 102

Vaughan. .\ge and Christianity <



Whitcombe Short history of the Churchof England C 639

Wiiberforce Church and the empires.



Wilson. The Christian brothers : their

origin and worth C 71b

Wordsworth (Charles). Scottish Churchhistory C 290

Wordsworth (Christopher). St. Hippo-lytus and the 1 "' urch of Rome . . . .C iSy


Burder. Oriental customs C 503

Fuller. Pisgah sight of Palestine C 201

Hibbard Palestine, its geography andi^ible history C 415

Keil. Manual of biblical arch£Eology . .C 667

Kttto. Bible history of the Holy Land.C 535

Dailv Bible illustrations: Antediluvians,

C 85

Daily Bible illustrations : Mosss andJudges C 86

Daily Bible illustrations : Samuel, Saul,

and David C 87

Daily Bible illustrations : Solomon andKings C 88

Daily Bible illustrations: Job, andpoetical books C 89

Daily Bible illustrations : Isaiah andprophets C 9"

Evidences—Religion and Science— Theology, etc. 215

Wnt-. . . C 81JU

and...C .7J

ls..C 576-7

. . .G 225

....C 174

ance,, . . . G 66-8

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[ewish( 654-0

....C G09-11

f p:ng-— c 574-5

C 475

he six-

E ^ji

E 2S0


C 307

I'll theli lOJ

(-'- 43'.i

Church.C 639

pires.C 171


...C 7ih

hurch. . C -;9o

Hippo-C 189




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Daily Bible illustrations: Life anideath of our Lord C y 1

Daily Bible illustrations: Apostles 'ndthe early church C y^

Porter. Giant cities of Bashan C 275

Rule. Oriental records (monumental) .C 2O8

Smith. Chaldean account of Cienesis ..C 432

Thomson. Land and the book, 2 vols. .C 600-1

NATURAL THEOLOGY.Bushnell. Moral uses of dark things ..C 93

Kirby. Evolution and natural theologyC 566

Ligttfoot. Supernatural religion C 8oj

Macml'.lan. Bible teachings in nature. .C 59

Two worlds are ours C 5S

MuUer. Natural religion (Gifford Lec-tures, 1888) C 851

Powell. The order of nature C 606

EVIDENCES.Apoloijy for Christianity E 1293

Barnes. Evidencesof Christian religion.



Blunt. Scriptural coincidences C 1B7

Butler. Analogy of religion, 2 copies, C 40G, E 638

Campbell. On miracles C 227

Chalmers. Christian revelation in con-

ncction with astronomy A 553

Clark. Witnesses to Christ (Baldwin

lectures, 18S8) C 716

Cumming. Moses right and Colenso

wrong C 420j

Landaff {Bhhofi of). Apology for the!

the Bible E 1293|

Newman. Essays on miracles C 145 i

Ottley. Modern Egypt, its witness to;

Christ, 2 copies C 590, F 955j

Roberts. The trial. Did Christ rise ?.C 284

Tullidge. Triumphs of the Bible C 401 I

Wrangham. ijPleiad ; or, the evidences

of Christianity E 1097 '

RELIGION AND SCIENCE.i*'"^ur. God without religion: deism

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Religion without God : positivism anda;,'nosticism C 722

Badtn-Powell. Creation and its records A 733

Bridgewater Treatises :

Bell. The;hand A 338

Buckland Geology and mineralogy. A 343

Sfcond copy, 2 vols A 600-1

Chalmers. External nature and the

moral constitution of man A 342

Kidd. External nature and the physical

condition of man A 341

Kirby. History, habits, and instincts of

nniiiials A 527

Second copy, 2 vols 'V- 335~40

Whewell. Astronomy and general

physics A 409

Calderwood. Science and religion. .. .C 265

Cockburn. Laws of nature and laws of("j()d C 709

Drummond. Natural law in the spiritual

world, 2 copies C 364, G23

Giles. True and false theory of evolu-tion C 374

Hitchcock. Religion of geology A 544

Kurtz Hible and astronomy .\ 581

Le Conte. Evolution and its relation to

religious thought C 729Religion and science C' 280

Leifchild. Higher ministry of natureand modern science : an aid to Chris-tian philosophy A 124

McCook. The gospel in nature C 732

Martineau. Study of religion, 2 vols. . .C 678-9

Moore. Science and the faith (' 767

Oliphant. Scientific religion C 791

Smith. Scripture and geological .science.A 555Stewart and Tait. The unseen uni-

verse, 2 copies C 551, 628

Temple. Relations between religion andscience C 570

Watts. The reign of causality C 727

Winchell. Science and religion C 260


Barclay. .Vpology for true Christiandivinity C 46

Barry. Masters in English theology. . .C 84

Bascom. I'hilosophy of religion C 287

Beattie. Methods of theism C 640

Bible vindicated against modern theol-

ogy C 504

Blakeley. Theology of inventions . . . . D 379

Blakeney. Handbook of the liturgy ofthe church of England C 624

Bowne. I'hilosophy of theism C 666

Studies in theism C 104

Bruce. .Miraculous element in the gos-pels C 626

Bushnell. Nature and the supernatural.



N'icarious suffering C 4*33

Candlish. Two great commandments.. C 405

Clowes. Outlines of Swedenborg's doc-trines C 121

Cumming. Baptismal font and commun-ion table C 480

Denovan. Was Moses wrong ? C 707

Edwards. Doctrine of the atonemeiU .C 630

Elliott Inspiration of the Holy Scrip-tures C 223

Farrar. History of interpretation (Bam-pton lectures, 1885) C 404

Fisher. Grounds of theistic and Chris-tian belief C ^S


2l6 Hoiniletics and Pastoral Theology—Devotional and Practical.

Gre(?ory. Evidences, doctrines, andtluties of the Christian religion,

2 copies C 423 E 900

Hardwick. History of the thirty-nine

articles C 31C

Harris. Man primeval C 5C2

I're-Adainite earth C 403

Hinton. History of liaptism C J33

iHopkins. Exposition of the ten com-

1' ? inandments C 425

James. Secret of Svvedenborg C 234

Lichtenberger History of German the-

oliifiy ill the nineteenth century . . . .C 793

Lockhart. ('omnuinion of saints C 36

Lumby. History of the creeds C 182

Luther (Martin). Theses and primary

works, edited by Wuce and BiiclihciinC 804

Mannin|2f (C irdinal). Fourfold sover-eignty of God C 122

Grounds of faith C 524

Office of the Holy Ghost C 527

Sin and its consequences C 133

Maurice. Conscience C 128

Moffatt. Comparative history of religions


Ancient scripture C 107

Later scripture C 108

Neander History of Christian dogmas,J vols E 825-6

Owen. Forgiveness of sin C 395

Pearson. On the creed C 321

Procter. History of the book of commonprayer C 539

Roberts Christendom astray C 564

Sturm On the being and attributes ofGod, 2 vols C 612-13

Thomas P^lpis Israel : an exposition ofthe kingdom C 642

Tolstoi. My confession C 644

My religion C 645

What to do ? C 646

Tulloch. Theism C 487

Wayland. Principles of the baptists ..C 322

Westcott. Revelation of the P'ather . .C 305

Wheatley. Book of common prayer . . E 889

Witherow. Formof theChristian templeC 792


Baring-Gould. Post mediaeval preach-ers C 208

Baxter. Reformed pastor C 409

Blaikie. Preachers of -Scotland from the6th to the 19th century C 794

Blunt. Parish priest C 188

Bowes. Information and illustratio'- ..C 357

Burns. Sketches and plans of sermons.



Classic preachers, English church, ist

and and series C 83, 272

Dale. Lectures on preaching CDavies. Homilies, ancient and modern,

4 vols CPapers on preaci ing C

Hannam. Pulpit assistant, 4 vols C

Haweis. The conquering cross CHoniiletical and pastoral lectures de-

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Th(jughts for he \rt and life CLiddon. .\dvent in St. Paul's : sermons

on the two comings of our Lord,2 vols C

Mackey. One thousand new illustra-

tions CMurray. Preachers and preaching. . . .C

Ramsay. Pulpit table talk CScott. Hours with St. Paul CVinet. Pastoral theology C














DEVOTIONAL .ND PRACTICALAlford, Meditations C 476

Arnold. C^hristian life, 2 copies C 443, 463

Arthur. The people s day C 622

Baxter. Saints' rest C 226

Bayne. Christian life, social andindividual C 422

l?rother help B 3^0

Bunyan. Pilgrim's progress, 2 cOt^)ies.C i. M 31.'^

Cadman. Christian unity of capital andlabour C

Child of the sacred heart C

Cobte. Relif/'ous duty C

Coleridge. Prisoners of the king CCompanion for the devout life C

Cook. Current religious perils C

Crafts. Sabbath for man C

Dawson. Every-day counsels C

Davidson. Sure to succeed, 2 copies . .C 739, 742

Dewart. Living epistles; or, Christ's

witnesses in the world C

Faber. All for Jesus CBethlehem CCreator and creature CSpiritual conference C

Farrar. Everyday Christian life . . . .C

Messages of the books CSeekers after God C

Fisher. Three great temptations E

Flavel. Christ knocking at the door ..C

Fountain of life CMethod of grace C

Gladden. Parish problems C

[Greenwell (Dora)]. Patience of hope..C

Hamilton. Stumbling blocks C

Hare. Mission of the Comforter C























al. Collected Work's—Sermons. 217


2l8 Prophecy—Missions—L ost Tribes—Spiritualism, etc.

! S



Haggitt. Sermons to country conRreRa-tioiis C 51^

Kingsley. Discipline E (jy2

(iood news of God K (JQi

Ciospel of the I'entateuch and David , K ijyo

National sermons K 993

Sermons for the times K 987

Village, town, and country sermons, .K 994

Water of life E 989

Westminster sermons E 988

Liddon. Sermons on the two comings of

our Lord, 2 vols ("74 J 4

Forty sermons on various subjects, ist,

2nd, 3rd, and 4th series C 631-4

Ma^donald. Unspoken sermons C 772

Manning. Sermons, 3 vols C" 135-7

Maurice. Sermons on the Lord's prayer.



Mursell. Sunday addresses C 283

Nares. Religious discourses C 509

Newnham. The All-Father C 773Pike. Beneath the blue sky ; preaching

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Punshon. Lectures C 74

Sermons C. 421

Robertson. Sermons on Corinthians. .C 464

Sermons, 4 vols C 4-7

Spurgeon. Lectures to my students,

1st and 2nd series C 236-7

Stanley. Sermons preached before thethe Prince of V/ales, 1862 C 397

Trench. Westminster and other sermons C 734

Wild. Talks for the time, vol. i C 638

Wilson. Essays and addresses C 593

PROPHECYBunsen. Signs of the times C 300

Burgh. Exposition of Revelation C 467

Cachemaille- Daniel's prophecies nowbeing fulfilled C 768

Guinness. Approaching end of the age.



Divine programme of the world's hif

tory C 502

Keith. Evidence of prophecy, 2 copies. C 162, 454


Arnot. Garenganze ; or, mission workin Central Africa C 797

Borrow. Bibe in Spain E 1685

Croil. Missit nary problem C 67

Ellis. Martyr church C 185

Gilmour. ivmong the Mongols C 766

Honolulu (Bishop of). Church work in

Hawaii C 274

Hue. Christianity in China, Tartary,and Thibet, 3 vols C 497-9

Johnston. (Ed). Report of the centenaryconference on Protestant missions of

the world. 1888. 2 vols C 789-90


Judson Kathayan slave CKaye. Christianity in India CKennedy. Life and work in iienares

and Kumaon. 1839 77 CKip. Early conflicts of Christianity ..C

Historical scenes from old Jesuit mis-sions, 2 copies C 567,

Liggins. Great value and success offoreign missions C

Mather. Nor'ard of the Dogger CMoffat Missionary labours in Southern

Africa CMurray. Bible in the Pacific C

Mission work in Polynesia, etc VOman. Indian life, religious and social.


Patterson, Missions : a prize essay. . .C

Pierson. Crisis of missions CRowley Twenty years in Central

Africa CTaylor. Seven years' street preaching

in San Fi ancisco CThompson. Moravian missions CWilliams (ycj/j;(). Missionary enterprises.


Wilson Missionary work among theOjebway Indians C



C< 130:











LOST TRIBESDanvers. The covenant CGlover. England theremnanc of Judah.C

Grant. Nestorians ; or, the lost tribes. .C

Hine. Identification of the British nationwith the lost tribes, 2 copies C 306, 60

Laurie, (irant and the mountain Nes-torians C

Poole. Anglo-Israel ; or, the Saxonrace C 7'jS

Stokes. Ireland and the Celtic church. C 6:}

Wild. Ten lost tribes and 1882 C 63;


Alger. Doctrine of a future life C 54.-

Blavatsky. Isis unveiled, 2 vols. B 764-

Crookes. Spiritualism B 26;

D'Assier. Posthumous humanify, trans-

lated by H S. Olcott C yij

Davis. Death and the after life B 53^

Fiske. Unseen world C 26;

Grant. Superstition, demonology, andwitchcraft B f'^'

Gurney, Myers, and Podmore. Phantasmsof the living, 2 vols B 714-:

Howitt. History of the supernatural. .F. i5--

Lee. [lid ). More glimpses of the worldunseen C '''

Maudsley. Natural causes and super-

natural seenungs B ^'^*

Owen, Debatable land betv.een this

world and the next C 4"




ity ..C

it inis-

. ..C 567, C 1391

:ess of




I social.


ssay . . . CC





7 Ho



Scepticism, Rationalism, etc.—Miscellaneous. 219



ong the




c p.

fJudah.C ij

t tribes..C 41/

ish nationC 30O, 60

tain Nes-C











Ltural. .E

the worldX

d super-

een this












I'ootfalls on the boundary of another 1

world E 1 53O

Plumptre. Spirits in prison, and other

studies on life after death C 635|

Savile. Apparitions H 235

Scott. Letters on demonology and witch-

craft C 643

Seybert Commission ; preliminary report

on spiritualism B 725

Signs before death, record of strange ap-\

paritions, etc I'- 1322j

Sinnett. The occult world B 540|

Stewart and Tait. Unseen universe, .

1 copies C 551,628j

Street. Hidden way across the threshold,


663 I

Tuttle. Arcana of spiritualism C 553 I


Arnold. Church and religion C 79

Balmes. Letters to a sceptic C 273\

Blavatsky. Isis unveiled, 2 vols B 764-5

Bowne. Philosophy of theism C 666

Cairns. Unbelief in the i8th century. .C 219

Christlieb. Modern doubt and christian

belief C 501

Clodd. Childhood of religions C 53

Cobbe. Broken lights C 402

Kt.'liijious duty C 462

Conway. Earthward pilgrimage C 124

Idols and ideals C 126

Eclipse of faith ; or, a visit to a religious

sceptic C 198

Eclipse of faith, defence of, 2 copies. . . .C 44, 488

Farrar. Lectures upon history of free

thought in reference to christian re-

ligion, 2 copies C 286, 508

Frothingham. Keligion of humanity . .C 259

Transcendentalism in New England..



Greg(W. R.). Creed of Christendom..



Lecky. Rationalism in Europe, 2 vols. B 199-200

Morata. New Koran C 127

Nelson. Cause and cure of inficielity. .C 424

Pearson. Infidelity C 414

Softley. Modern universalism and ma-terialism C 271

Testimony of the unseen C 888

Walker. Philosophy of scepticism andiillraism C 542

VARIOUS RELIGIONS.Beal. Romantic legend of Buddhy . . .C 276

Blunt (Wilfred S.). Future of Islam. . .G 335

Clarke. Ten great religions, part II. ..C 248

Davids. Buddhism C 339

Dickinson. New light on Mormonism..C 619

Douglas, ('onfucianismand Taouism. .C 337

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Monier-Williams. Buddhism and its

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Poole. Studies in a mosque K 522

Rawlinson. Religions of the ancientworld C 358

Sale. The Koran C 580

Smith (R. 15.). Mohammed and Moham-medanism G 126

Stephens. Christianity and Islam ... .C 602

Stobart Islam and its founder C 546

Titcomb. Short chapters on 586

Wilkins. Modern Hinduism C 058

Williams. Hinduism C 338

Wortabet. Religions of Syria C 485

DICTIONARIES.Brown. Dictionary of the Bible C 413

Cruden's Concordance, edited by JohnEddie C 515

G. (E. .\.). Saints and their symbols . .C 355

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I ' I


220 General Treatises.


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Curteis. Dissent in relation to thechurch of Kn^Iand C 100

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iii«? (' 44-

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Ward The counter-reformation C Gyj

Weil. Biblical legends of the Mussul-mans C 4O6

Whateley. Good and evil angels C 560

Thoughts and apophthegms C 6oj

Wilson. ReUgio chemici B n]

Wiseman. Catholic church C 7:

Holy week C 233

Wordsworth (Charles.) Shakespeare'sknowledge and use of the Bible. . . .C 6j»


" t


Amateur mechanic's workshop D 807

Amateur Work, illustrated, vols. 1-5... .D 662-6

The same, vol. 6 D 677

The same, vol. 7 D 1053

Anderson. Prospector's handbook I) 610

Arts employed in the production of cloth-

ing I) 315

Axon. Mechanic's friend D 771

Babbage. Economy of manufactures. .B 281

Exposition of 1851 D 347

Bakewell. Great facts 251

Balloon ascents E

Benjamin. Wrinkles and recipes D

Bevan. Industrial classes and statistics ;

Mining, metals, chemicals, ceramics,

glass, and paper DTextiles and clothing, food, sundry

industries DBurn. Self aid cyclopaeaia DDerrecagaix. Modern war, 2 parts

Pt. I, Strategy. Ft. 2, Atlas DDodd. British manufactures, 3 vols.. .D

Days at the factories DEnquire within upon everything D





!:4,.__ «— .-.

Technology, 221

Fyfe Invention and discovery DGreat industries of Great Britain, i vols.D

Hardingham. Trade marks I)

History of silk, cotton, linen, and W00I..D

Imison. Science and art, 2 vols DJacobi. IVinter's handbook of trade

recipes DLectures on the results of the exhibition

ot 1851 1)

Napier. Manufacturing arts in ancienttimes n

New facts upon all subjects I)

Potter. Science applied to the arts. . .1)

['ractical mechanics for amateurs, 2 copies.


Siramonds. Waste products and unde-veloped substances D

Stoughton. f'alace of glass : a book for

the exhibition, 1851 1)

Tate. Exercises on mechanics DTimbs. Industry, science, and art of the

age I)

Ure. Ftiilosophy and manufactures. . .DUseful arts and manufactures of Great

Britain, ist and 2nd parts DWynter. Subtlebrainsand lissom fingers.


Wraxall. Naval and military resourcesluiropean nations B

TECHNOLOGY.Aitken. Guns, nails, locks, etc DAnderson. Handbook for charcoal burners

DAndres. Varnishes, lacquers, siccatives,

and sealing waxes DAntisell. Manufacture of hydro-carbon

oils DArchei Paper DWool and its applications D

Adot. Complete guide for coach painters. PArrowsmith. Paper-hangers' companion.


Art and mystery of curing meats, etc. . .DArt of ticket writing DAshenhurst. Designs in textile fabrics.


Baird. American cotton spinner.... DBarff. Glass and silicates DBailley. Toys I


Beckett. Clocks, watches, and bells . . DBell. Carpentry made easy I^

Black, (ias fitting DBlagrove. Marble decoration DBlinn. Tin, shee^ iron, and copper plate

worker DBooth. Clock and watchmakers' manual.


[Tram). Marble-workers' manual . . . DBritten. Watches and clocks D^"atiinet maker, practical, by a working

man D


356 7









2.1, 782






384. 395



509 I

38 '



346 i



















Callingham. Painters' and grainers' handbook D 289

Callis Cutlery D 301

Charley (W.) Flax and its products in

Ireland D 766

Charley (VV. T.) Flax and linen D 512

Church, .\cids, alkalies, soap, etc D 50,5

Cobb. Silk D 51;.

Collins. Gutta-percha and india-rubber. I) 504

1 1 ifles and leather D 304

Crookes. Dyeing and tissue printing. . D 33

Cross and Bevan. Text-book of paper-making D yio

Davidson. House painting D 21

House painting, graining, marbling, andsign writing D 768

Dobson. Manufacture of bricks and tiles.D 512

Douglas. Horseshoeing as it is andshould be D 762

Dresser. Carpets D 511

Dye. Hot water supply: a practical

treatise upon the fitting of hot water.'ipparatus D 871

Felkin. Hosiery and lace D 511

Foley. Cotton manufacturers' assistant.



Fiirster (Max von). Compressed "nncotton for military use D 968

Gardner. The painters encyclopaedia. D 913

( ias consumers' guide D 316

Gee. Hall marking of jewellery D 11

Goldsmith's handbook, 2 copies D 17, 516

Silversmith's handbook D 12

Gill. Sugar refining D 506

Grimshaw. Saw-filing D 714

Haslope. Repousse work for amateurs.



Hasluck. I.athe work D j6

Metal turner's handbook D 161

Metal turners' handy book D 691

Watch jobbers' handy book D 741

Wood turners' handy book I) 742

Hatfield. .Vmerican house carpenter. . I) 801

Hatton. Printing D 502

Hay. Harmonious colouring I) 368

Hazen. Popular technology, 2 vols. . . . D 594-3

Holly. .\rt of saw-filing D 715

Carpenter's and joiner's handbook.. .D 201

Jones. Handrailing by the square cut.

Part I D 786

Part H D 785

Kemlo. Watch repairer's handbook . . D 529

Kentish. Pyrotechnist's treasury D 774

Kinsley. Self instructor on lumbersurveying D 301

Lindsey. Pens, papier-mache, amuni-tion, percussion caps, etc D 509

Lock. Tobacco growing, curing, andmanufacturing D 912

222 Machiiievy and Inventions— Enj^inecringy Surveying, etc.


Lukin I'icture frame making D 438Toy making f"i amateurs 1) 535

Manly. Salt, preservation of food,

bread and Itiscuits 1) 506

Masury. House painting, plain anddecorative \i 517

House paintinf,', carria>;e painting, andgraining D 518

Miles Treatise on horse-shoeing D H49

Millib. Metal-plate work I) 870

Mortimer. l'yr<jtechnist's companion. D 300

MuUin. Modern moulding and patternmaking I ) 597

Nicholson. Art of bookbinding D 777

Overman. Moulder's and founder'spocket guide D 77O

I'ainter, gilder, and varnisher I) 532

Patterson. Gas and lighting D 503

Pollen. I'urniture and .vooil work D 507

Pooley. Brewing and distilling I) 506

Powell. Glass-making 1) 32

Practical upholstery 1) 540

Prestwich. Young man's assistant to

cotton spinning I



r)rotechny : the art of making fire-

works D 208

Redding. On wines K 924

Richmond. Grammar of lithography . .1) 523

Sauzay. Glass-making E 578

Savory. Paper hanger, painter, grainer,and decorator's assistant D 924

Scott. Practical cotton spinner D 814

Sharp. Flax, tow, and jute spinning. . D 7G3

Simmonds F'ibres and cordage I) 504

Simpson. Manual of lubrication I) 725

Sims. Dyeing and bleaching D 511

Slater. Colours and dye wares, 2 copies.D 544, 775

Southward. Practical printing, 2 vols.D 881-2

Stevens. House painting D 202

Stokes. Cabinet maker and upholster-er's companion D 524

Thomson. Hat-making and felting ... I) 780

Thrupp. History of coaches iJ 132

Wallis. Jewellery I) 501

Warn- Sheet and metal worker's in-

structor 1



Watts (I). Cotton I) 312

Williams. Explosive compounds I) 508

Oils and candles 1



Wisser. Modern gun cotton D 968

Wood. Bookbinding D 502

Woolnough. Whole art of marbling. . D 135


Baker. Elements of mechanism D 386

Ball. Applied mechanics D 187

Bcckinann. Hist(jry of inventions,

2 vols, DBodmer. Hydraulic motors DBraidwood. Construction of fire engines. 1)

Burn. Mechanical arts I )

Campin. Details of machinery DClerk. The gas engine DCrane Smith\ and forge DFitzgerald. Boston machinist 1)

Glynn. Construction of cranes DHasluck. Lathe work DHoltzapfTel Turning and mechanical

* manipulation, 4 vols i)

Kennedy Mechanics of machinery..


Latin; and its uses I)

Mechanics' friend BMoseley. IllnstratioriS of mechanics..!)

Nicholson Mechanics' companion. .. .1)

Perry. Practical mechanics DPilkington. Artists' guide and mechanics'

own book D;Practical mechanics for amateurs,

2 copies 1)

Renwick Science of mechanics DRose. Key to enginesand engine-running D

Pattern makers' assistant DShelley. Workshop appliances DSmith (F). Workshop management...!.)

Smith (R). Cutting tools !)

Templeton. Workshop companion ...!)

'I'lirner's companion DUnwin. Elements of machine design . . !


Watson. Manual of the hand lathe. . .!>

Wilson. Typographic printing ma-chines and machine printing D

Wrightson. .Agricultural machinery..



Young meclianif I>













I go

22, 7S.!










jAcworth. Railways of ICngland D unii'

, Alexander. Ready reference (or locomo-tive engineers I^ i)S;

!Anderson. Strength of materials D \y

' Andre The diaughtsman's handbook of

plan and map drawing D Sj;

Andrews. Agricultural engineering,

3 vols D 590-:

Baker. I^evelling: barometric, trigono-

metric, and spirit D 9^

Barnard. Analysis of rotary motion as

applied to the gyro-scope D g.W1

Barry. I^ailway appliances I) 17'

Boulton. Preservation of timber by the

use of antiseptics I) 9-i'

' Brewer. Elementary engineering : a


manual for young marine engineers. D 9'^3

ICampin. Mechanical engineering . . . . D ^^1

I Carhart. Treatise on plane surveying. D ^^9

Mechanical Draivini^— Architecture, etc. 223

Carpenter, (leonraphical surveying. ., A z<>o

Clark Railways and tramways D 503

Culley. Th(!ory of the construction ol)li<|iio arches I) (jGo

Dempsey. Iron girder bridges D 585

Gibson. Treatise on land surveying .,1) 344Gillespie. Levelling, topography, and

higher surveying D 1051J

Gillmore Compressive resistance of free-

stone, brick piers, etc D 830

Roads, streets, and pavements D 7G

Haskoll. Land and marine surveying.



Hiroi. I'late-girder construction D 970

Jackson. Aid to survey-practice I) 941

Johnson. Theory and practice of survey-ing I) 649

Law. Civil engineering I) 391

Rudimentary art of constructing andrepairing roads 1) 307

Law uid Clark. Koads and streets. .. D 14

Murray. Manual of land surveying . . . . D 931

Philbrick. Beams and girders : formulasfor their resistance I) yGO

Reed. Engineer's hand-book I) 1062

Scribner. Kngineers' and mechanics'companion D 338

Shaw. Mechanical integrators D 958

Stock. Shoring and underpinning....!) 831

Usill I'ractical surveying D 92


Vose Manual for railroad engineers. . I) O67

White. Ordnance survey of the UnitedKmgdom A O95

Wiggins. Kmbanking lands from thesea I) 588

Wood. Treatise on radroads D 459

MECHANICAL DRAWING.Andri'. The draughtsman's handbook. I) 837

Davidson. Drawing for bricklayers. . .D 182

l>r,uvmg for cabinet-makers I) 183

I 'rawing for carpenters and joiners . . D 184

Drawing for machinists and engineers .1") 181

Drawing for metal plate workers ....I) i/5

Drawing for stonemasons 1) 17S

i.inear drawing D 175

Limiar drawing and projection I) 188

Model drawing D 180

Practical perspective D 173

Projection D 174

Donaldson. Drawing for marine engin-eers D 661

Maxton. Engineering drawing D i

Ryan. Systematic drawing and shad-ing D 185

Shaw Mechanical integrators D 958

ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING.Architectural director, or pocket VignolaD 329

Beckett. Book on building D 3

Bloxam ('ompanion to CJothic architect-ture D 31

(lothic ecclesiastical architecture,-: vols D 29 30

Bullock. American cottage builder. ... |) 804

Burnell. Limes, cements, and mortars I) 317Campin Materials and construction .1) i\U

Christy Joints made and used by build-ers I) 7

Cleaveland aiul Backus. Village andfarm cottages 1) 461

Creswell Hand railingand stair-casing D 186

D'Anvers. Flandbook of elementary art,

.'irchitecture 1



Davidson. Gothic stonework D 177

Building construction I) 171)

Dobson. P'oundation.s and concreteworks I



Masonry and stonecutting D 392

Donald. Wonders of architecture ....E 5(>i

Downing. Cottage residences 1



Hints to persons about to build in theccrantry D 793

Dwyer. Church, parsonage, and schoolarchitecture D 438

Economic cottage builder D 345

Fergusson Nineveh and I'ersepolis. .C, 744Garbett. Architecture D 583

Halfpenny. Useful architecture D 361

Hull, r.iiilding stones D 50S

Kerr. The consulting arr.nitect D 656

Longman. Three cathedrals dedicated to

St. Paul in London D 819

Martin. Fences, gates, and bridges ..D 700

Morri.son. Ventilation and warming ofschool buildings B 630

Narjoux. Notes and sketches of an archi-tect D 645

Norton. Church-building in the middleages, Venice, Siena, Florence D 8:6

Oakey. Building a home D 44

Ruskin. Seven lamps of architecture. .E 2027

Stones of Venice, 3 vols E 2024-6

Sloan. Homestead architecture D 803

Smeaton. Building, surveying, and archi-tecture I) 385

Smith. Architecture, classic D 99

Architecture, gothic, and renaissance.



Spiers. Architectural drawing D 823

Stevenson. Lighthouses D 471

Tarn. Science of building D 28

Tyrwhitt (Ireek and Gothic architec-

ture D 838

Viollet-le-Duc. Annals of a fortress .. D 813

Habitations of man in all ages D 813

How to build a house D 148

Wicks. Log cabins : how to build them D 1068

334 Steam and the Steam Engine—Metallurgy—Electricity, etc.


Anderson. Conversionof heat intowork.D 753Armstrong^. Steam boilers I) 524

Baiow^iii. Steam heating for buildings. I) 541

Barr. High pressure steam boilers. . . . D Si


Bourne. (Catechism of steam-engine. . . D n)-]

Kecent improvitrntnls in steam-en^jine.l



Clark. Fuel I) im

Cotterill. Steam engine as a heat engine I ) (H4

Edwards. Practical steam engineer'sguide I) it^i.

Galietly. Coal O 508

Holtnes. The steam-engine .\ 445Button. Practical engineer's hand-book. I) ^58

Jamieson. Text-book on steam and steam-engines I) yyi-j

Lardner. Treatise on the steam engine,-! copies 1) 3^j, J77

Macgreg^or. Clas engines 1) 754Munro. Steam boilers ; their defects,

management, and construction . . , . D H65

Northcott. Steam-engine D 136

Theory and action of steam-engine. . .1) 485

Otwajr. Klementary treatise on steam.


343Porter. Treatise on Richard's steam en-

gine indicator I) 486

Prideaux. ICconomy of fuel 1) <i8

Rankine. Manual of the steam engine. D 863Rose Key to engines and engine running.

D 704Ross. Navigation by steam f) 425Sexton. Pocket book for boiler makers. D 711

Smith. Manual of engineer's calculations.

1) 675Thurston. Manual of steam boilers...!) 828

Steam boiler explosions D 722

METALLURGY AND MINERALS.Bartlett. Manufacture and consumr^f 1 m

of iron, steel, and coal in Car ui j .D 575Bauerman. Metallurgy of iron I) 5

Blai, ^.i.A.). Chemical analysis of iron. A 736Boutell Ciold working 1) 50:

Brannt. Metallic alloys I) 914Coal and coal pits K 434Davies. Minerals and mining A 651

Eissler. Metallurgy of gold, 2 copies ..D 896, 918

Foye. Hand-book of mineralogy D 961

Graham Brass founding D 510

Guettier. Metallic alloys D 531Harris. Granites and our granite indus-

tries D 893Hiorns. Practical metallurgy and assay-

ing D 920

Jackson. Minerals and their uses . . . . D 359Jones. Asbestos, its production and use.D 887

Kirk. Founding of metals D 809

Landrin Treatise on steel I > 'jci:

Larkin Mrass and iron founder I) 543

Overman. M.-iiuifactiire of st«;«'l I) fo)

Peters Modern American methods of

copper smelting D N^i

Phillips ')pper smelting I) ^,i(i

Redwood. Petroleum, its production anduse I ) ()(r

Richards. Aluminum I) O;.,

Smyth. Metallic mining and collieries. I) 'juS

Williams. Iron and steel I



Wilson. Steam boilers 1 ) ur

APPLIED ELECTRICITY.AUsop. Llectric bell lilting I



Aiift(ii)tes of the electric telegraph I) );i

Atkinson. Elements of electric lighting. I > 911

Benjamin. 'The of electricity from'imber-soul to felephono I > 317

Bottone. Electric bells and all aboutthem I) I).!:

Briggs and Maverick. Story of the tele-

graph n i:-

Crofts. How to make a dynamo D ijj^

CuUey 1 landbook of practical telegraphy.

I) 401

Du Moncel. Electro-magnets I) 444

Telephone, microphone, and phono-graph, 2 ccjpies D 39, 304

Du Moncel and Geraldy. Klectricity as

a motive power I ) 77 i

Esson. Magneto and dynamo-electricmachines 1) 74'j

Field. History of the Atlantic telegraph.]) 451

Fontaine. Electrolysis D 574

Francis. I'^ectrical experiments I) \»)

Hammond. Electric light in our homes. I) 351

Hedges, ("entralstationelectric lighting.n 1J47

Highton. Electric telegraph I) ^'5

Hospitaller. Domestic electricity D 573

Kapp. i'-lectric transmission of energy. I) 751

Langdon. Application of electricity to

railway working T) i6c

Maier. Arc and glow lamps D 75c

Mendenhall. Century of electricity .. .1) 71-

Munro. Electricity and its uses H >'7'

Napier. Manual of electro-metallurgy. 1) 77'

Pope. Flectric telegraph 1) 354

Preece and Maier. The telephone. . . . D ijjc

Prescott. Electric telegraph D 37-

Electricity and electric telegraph ....]) 33;

Reynier. The voltaic accumulator . . . . D 107;

Sabine. Telegraphy D 50;

Salomons. Management of accumulators.D 7^0

Urquhart. Electro-plating D ^7)

Wahl. Practical guide for the gold andsilver electroplater D So;

Hydraulics—Photofirapliy—A^ncnltitr*' Hortiinltiirt-, etc. 221

D (m


I> ^-oj

1i()(1h of

IJ H41

1) vo

tion andli '/'7

D 679

ieries.D 'joii

D 51U

1) iW


" 5f'7

11 aboutI) 92J

the tele-

L> 47^

' 1^ 'JJ9


t> (44

phono-15 30, 3"4











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jr . . . . D hi:-

D so;


I) 7^0

D n


Wfttt I'.lectro-ileposition of K^^ld. nitver,

( (ipper, nickel, etc D 640

KUiCtro-metallurny 1) 4

Wilson (I" J. F ). Stereotypinx andilcctrotypinK 1) 322

Wilson ((leorxe). Kleclricity and the

t'l««raph V. 4J5

HYDRAULICS.Browne. Water meters \ 44


Donaldson. Transmission of power byfluid pressure I) 1073

Faiininp". Treatise on hydraulic andwater-supply en^jineering I) M4J

Flynn. Mow of water in open channels.!) ()(><

Glynn. I'ower of water T) ^(,<.)

Haghes. Treatise on waterworks. . . .1) 70O

Jackson. Hydraulic manual I) 778Meyer. Water- waste prevention D 1070

Parry. Water : its composition, collec-tion, and distribmion U ^.\U

Slagg. Water enfjineerinn I) 801

PHOTOGRAPHY.Adams. I'hotographic instructor I) 8jjAmerican Annual of I'hotoj;raphy, 1H87.D 653The same. 1888 D 713The same, 1889 D 1034

Burbank. Photographic printing methodsD 673

Burton. Practical guide to photographic.111(1 photo-mechanical printing . . . . D 87.;

Emerson. Naturalistic photography .. I) 937Foster, Photography I) 502

Harrison. Photography for all : an ele-

mentary text-book D (j8(>

Heighway. Photographic terms D 252

Hepworth. Photography for amateurs. D 616

Hunt. Photography D jio

Lietze. Modern heliographic processes. 13 1058

Marion. Practicalguide to photography.!) 604

Pritchard. Photographic studios ofiuirope I) 233

Roche. How to make photographs. . . . D r>83

Wallace. Amateur photographer D 542

AGRICULTURE.Dickson. Husbandry of the ancients,

- vols D 4 ifj-20

Evans. Agriculture in Canada D 407Loudon. Encyclopandia of agriculture. D 403Ryerson. First lessons in agriculture. . D 366Silos for British fodder crops D 130


Ablett. Arboriculture for amateurs . . .D 434Bagneres. Elements of sylviculture . . D 268

Baltet. Art of grafting and budding. . . D 999

Black. Ciiltivatiun of the peach, pear,

i|iiiute, etc I) ')oi

Breuil and Glenny. Siitniific and protit-

.ilile culture ot fruit trees . . I) io<><>

Brig^ht. Ivnglish Hower g.irdiMi D i4<)

Year in :i l.arcishirt! g.irden D -m s

Bush and Son and Meissncr. (irapegrowers m.inual D 1037

Brisbin. Trees and tree j)lantiiig I) 879

Britten and Gower. < )rchids for amateursn .33H

Brown. Iinland its forests and forest

management I



l-'orestsand forestry of Northern Russia1) 7 ,-

Forests in Poland, Lithuania, and the

Baltic i'rovinces D 73


l"'orestry in Norway 1 > 736

I'orestry in the Ural Mountains 1) 735

Modern forest economy I) 737

Pine plantations on the sand-wastes of

France D 7(>i

Keboisement in I'rance D (17'^

School of forest engineers in Spain, . . D 740

Schools of forestry in Ciermany I) 733

Buckton. Town and window gardening I



Burbidge. ("ultivited plants, their pro-

pagation and improvement D 349

Church. Home garden D 43

Downing^. I -andscape gardening, 2 copies

D 334, 400

EDwanger. The garden's story D 997

Fish. Bulbs and bull) culture, 2 vols. . I) 33<>-7

I'orestry in Kurope: reports from UnitedStates consuls D 824

Forsyth. Culture and management of

trees .\ 511

Eraser. Handy book of the conifera^. , A .^i

Fuller. Propagation of plants D 726

Small fruit culturist D 905

Grigor. .\rboriculture A 390

Hassard. I'ioral decorations for dwelling

houses I



Henderson, hardening for pleasure. .. I) 686

( iardcning for profit D f'85

Hibberd. Rustic adornments D i59

Hole. About roses D 581

Hoopes. Book of evergreens . D 264

Hough. Elements of forestry D 263

How I managed my estate D 613

Hussman. American grape growing andwine making D 687

drape culture and wine making in Cali-

fornia D 866

Johns. I'orest trees of Britain, 2 vols... A 435-6

Markham. Peruvian bark D 943

Meech. yuince culturist D 890

Mohr. The grape vine D 449Neill. C/ardeners' companion D 363


226 Poultry—Bee—Agricultural Products—Ridiug—Sporting, etc.


\':\ t

Oakey. Home grounds I) 46

Parsons. Propagation, culture, and his-

tory of the rose D 8<j8

Quin (/•:</.), Garden rec pts D 998Rand. HiiTds D 270

Popular flowers and how to cultivatethem D 008

Rhododendron and American plants.



Robinson, fiod's acre beautiful 1) 1 52

i lardy flowers D 259

Roe- The home acre D 935

Shaw London market gardens D 267

Simkins. The pansy : how to grow andshow it H 950

Springer. Forest life and trees D 271

Useful and rnamental planting IJ 405

Strong. Fruit culture 1) 578

Thomas. American fruit culturist. .. .D 496

Thomson (D). Fruitcultureunderglass.D 269

Thomson (W.). Grape culture A 237

Vick. Flower and vegetable garden . . . D 843

Watson (.\). American home garden.



Watson (W). Cactus culture for ama-teurs D 936

Williams. (Ed.). Window gardening. .D 414

Wood. Hulb garden I) 272

P'orcing garden D 949Good „-ardening D 266

Tree planter and plant propagator . . . D 8

POULTRY AND AVIARY.Arbuthnot. The henwife D 300

Dixon. Dovecote and aviary D 442

Edwards. Minor pets : their generalmanagement D 719

Felch. Poultry culture I) 456 \

Greene. .Vmateur's aviary of foreignbirds I) 431

Judd. Profits in poultry D 90O

Lucas. Pleasures ot a pigeon-fancier. . D 759

Piper. Poultry D 206

Wright. Brahma fowl D 293

Practical pigeon-keeper I) 257Poultry I) 568

BEE CULTURE.Cheshire, i Sees and bee-keeping, 2 vols. D 888-9

Cook. The bee-keeper's guide 1



Langstroth On the honey bee A 619

Quinby. Hee-keeping ... I) 551

Root. The A B C of bee culture 1) 357


Evans, ii utter and cheese D 506

Fairholt. Tobacco: its history and asso-

ciations K 417

Macdonald. Food from the far west..]) 455Production of food, arts employed in the. I) 314

RIDING AND DRIVING.Beaufort (Duke of). Driving DBeaufort (/.>»Ar(' <;/") and Morris. Hunting

DBurnand About buying a horse DCoventry and Watson. Steeple-chasing

(Badminton Library), 2 copies D6Dodge. I'atroclus and Penelope D*' Free Lance." Horses and road DGleason. Horse book DHow to handle vicious horses D

Hayes. Illustrated horse-breaking....!)

l^iding DVeterinary notes D

Heatley. Every man his own Vet DHorseowner's safeguard D

Karr. The American horsewoman DMead. Horsemanship for women DMelville (G. J. W.). Riding recollec-

tions, 2 copies D 488

Neville. Horses and riding DStewart. Stable economy DSuffolk [Earl of) and Craven. Racing

2 copies D 6

" Thormanby " Horse and his ridi r . . DUpton. Ne\s market and Arabia DWood. Horse and man D

SPORTING.Apperley. Nimrod's hunting tour. . . . FAvon. How I became a sportsman . . . . FBalloon ascents EBarker and Danforth. Hunting and trap-

ing FBarry Sporting rambles DBatty. How to hunt and trap DBury [Viscount) and Hillier. Cycling..


" Craven." \oung sportsman's manual. EDcGraff. Hodines F

Fitt. Covert-side sketches I)

Fortescue Stag-hunting on Exmoor..DGibson. Camp-life in the woods DGrimble Deer-stalking PHammond. Practical dog training....!)

Hand-book of modern training ; or, athletic

condition DHenderson. Camping F

Hoole. Science and art of training . . . DHunters' hand-book DJeffries, -\mateur poaching I)

Leffingwell. Wild fowl shooting I)

Lord. Home in the wilderness I"

"Marksman." Dead shot; or, sports-

man's complete guide DMay. liallooning DMurphy. American game bird shooting.!)

Newhouse. The trapper's guide D"Nim-od." Chace, turf, and road ....D




1>S, 6^j








1 20


L 081


18, 623






























Taxidermy—Fish—Boats— Volunteering— Gymnastics—Home, etc. 227

Stables. Practical keni.^1 guide D 299

Stretton. Sport and sportsmen I" O44

Thomas. Shooters' guide D 464

Thompson. Witchery of archery D "


Thrasher, fiunter and trapper D 758

Tongue. Kecords of the chase D 447

TroHope. Hunting sketches ...I) 454

Van Dyk. Still hunter F 311

Ward. Sportsman's hand-book A 1 2<j

"Wild Fowler." Shooting and fishing

trip D 134

TAXIDERMY.Batty. Practical taxidermy D 757

Browne. Practical taxidermy U 748

Maynard. Manual of taxidermy A 609

N.'.turalist's guide A 608

Ward. Sportsman's hand book A 129

FISH AND xlSHING.\nKlers' evenings, ist and 2nd series. . .D 138-9

Bertram. Harvest of the sea F 113

Bickerdyke Angling for game fish ...D 929

Buckland. Fish hatching D 426

Cholmondely-PenneU I^ookofthepike.D 74

Fishing : salmon and trout I) Cig

P'ishing : pike and other coarse fish . . D 620

Modern improvements in fishing tackle.

D 743

Clarke, Where the trout hide D 971

Foster. Scientific angler D 250

Francis. Fish culture D 118

Hallock. Fishing tourist F 403

Henshall. I3ook of the black bass D 121

More about the black bass D 932

Keene. Fly-fishi.ig and (ly-making. . . . 1) 688

Fishing tackle D 689

Norris American anglers' book ... , . . I) 333

"Old Angler." .\merican fish 1) 462

Orvis and Cheney. Fishing with the fly. I> 498

Prime. I go a-fisiiing !•" 270

Roosevelt. Superior fishing I) 448

Salmon fishing in Canada, by a resident,

- copies I) 325, 335

Walsingham {Lord) and Payne-Gallwey.Shooting : field and forest D 621

Shooting ; moor and marsh D 622

Walton and Cotton Complete angler,1 copies E 899, 980

Wells. American salmon fisherman. .. D 641

Fly-rods and dy-tackh; D 30S


Brickwood. Hoat racing , or, the arts ofio\vin:< and training I) 703

Bushell. The rigger's guide and seaman'sassistant n 708

fCoope.'.] Yacht sailor D 796Yarns for green hands I) 705

Cozzens .md others. Yachts and yacht-ing I ) 6f)o

Fitzgerald. Boat sailing and racing .. D 709

Fraser Practical boat sailing I) 197

GrosvC.nor. Model yachts and boats . . I) ^32

Kemp. Practicp' lioat-building and sailing.

1) 729

,Kunhardt. Steam yachts and launches.!) 674

Loubat. Yachtsman's scrap-book 1) 668


Nelson. Practical boat building forI amateurs I ) 534

Peake. Naval architecture, 2 copies ..1) 382 3

,Pirn. Shipbuilding j) 503


Qualtrough. Boat sailor's manual .... I) 608

:Reed. Simnson, and Kelley Modern

1sliips of war I) S25

' Stansfield-Hicks. Yachts, boats, andi

canoes !



Stephens. Canoe and boat building.Vol. I.—Text i) 576

Vol. II.— Plates 1) 377''Tiphys." Practical canoeing 1) 795

Woodgate. Boating I) 626

VOLUNTEERING.Busk. Kifle volunteers D 432

Weston. Kifle club and range I) 302

GYMNASTICS.Andrews. Swimming and life saving,

3 copies I) 10O3 5

Beecher. Physiology and calisthenics.!) 327

Blaikie. How to get strong I) 191

Farrow. Military system of gymnasticexercises D 850

Goodman. Fen skating D 77Hartelius. Home gymnastics I) 550

Leahy. Art of swimming I) 71

Lewis. New gymnastics for men, women,and children J


494Maclaren. System of physical education. I* 767

Oswald. Physical education H 147

Ravenstein and Hulley. Handbook ofgymnastics and athletics 1) 800

Russell. (7V((»/s.). Wonders of bodilystrength and skill K 388

Traill. Family gymnisium I) 389

Walker. Manly exercises 1', 950Wood. Physical exercise I! 215


Barker. Hedroom and boudoir I) 67

Beecher. .VU around the Iv '• D 373

Brown. The home H 150

Church. How to furnish a home D 43

Money in.iking for ladies I) 226

228 Domestic Economy—Cookery—Sanitary.

Dewing. Beauty in the household. ... I) 224

Edis. Decoration and furniture of townhouses I) 1 58

Gardner. Ilhistratcd homes I) i\o

Garrett. House decoration I) 63

Haweis. Art of decoration D 23

Lang. The; library I) 59

Loftie (A/j-i.). The dining-room D fiy

Loftie (W. J.). .\rt in the house I) 64

Murphy. Our homes D 145

Crrin-Smith. I rawing-room I) 61

Penn. Home library I) 53

Ruutz-Rees. Home decoration D 49Home occupation D 52

S. (K. VV.) .Amenities of home D 47Ugly girl papers ]) 221

Valentine. Amenities of home D 239

Williams. Beautiful homes I) 416

Young lady's book, 2 copies I) 236, 453Young woman's book I) 292

DOMESTIC ECONOMY.Babcock. 1-lousehold hints D 4b

Bazar book of the household D 220

Best of everything, by the authjr of" Enquire Within." D 291

Clark. Gifts, knick-knacks, and prettytrifles, and now to make them . . . .D 990

Wool and paper flowers, and how to makethem D 99 r

Corner cupboard, a family repository . . I) 861

Corson. Family living on S500 a year.D 721

Crowfield. House and home papers . . D 384

Frederick. Hints to housewives D 440

Gardner. The house that Jill built. .. .D 917

Harland. Common sense in the house-hold I) 108

Harrison. Woman's handiwork in mod-ern homes f) 902

Kettrier. Book of the table I> 838

Owen. Ten dollars enough D 735

Panton, From kitchen to garret D 880

1 'arty giving on every scale I ) 244

Spon. Household manual : a treasury ofdomestic receipts I) 827

White. Housekeepers ,-in d home-makers.1



Youmans, Household science I) 421


Browno. A year's cookery L) 106

Corson. Practical American cookery .. D 648

Davidson Entices and table dainties. . D 952

Dods. .Vrt of cooking D 441

I'i veo'clock tea D ; lo

Francatelli. Koyal confectioner D 860

German national cookery for English

kitchens D iir

Gill. Bread, cake, and cracker baker. .D 913

Complete practical confectioner D 911

Gouffe. Book of preserves I) 130

Henderson. Practical cooking I) ro;

Hou.iihan. Art of bread, cracker, cake.

and pastry baking D 986

Secrets of the bakers and confection-

ers' trade D ijSy

Ice cream and cakes. By an American.



Jewry. Everyday cooking D loy

Lessons in cookery !>1 10

Lincoln. Boston school kitchen text-

book I) Sgy

Major L. iireakfasts, luncheons, andball suppers D 659

Mu'^rey. Cookery for invalids D 956

Fifty salads D 055

1 'ractical carving D 953

Puddings and dainty desserts D 954

Owen, ("hoice cookery P 993

Progressive housekeeping ... . 992

Parloa. New conk book D 493

[Peck]. How to make candy D 988

Quick cooking: a book of culinary

heresies D 994

Smith. Virginia cooking book D 276

Warne. Model cookery D 123

Wells, liread and biscuit baker's andsugar-boiler's assistant, 2 copies . . .D 894. <)25

Pastrycook and confectioner's guide. . D 940

Whitehead. (Chicago Hcrani cooking-

school D 651

(.'ooking for profit D 650

Hotel cook-book of breads and cakes. D '151


Adam. Sewers and drains D , ;

Bailey-Denton. Handbook of house sani-

tation D Ml

Bayles. House-drainage and water

service D 3'''

Billings. Principles of ventilation andheating D ^44

Browne (G. P.). Sewer gas, 2 copies . .B 210. 577

Brown ((ilenn). Water-closets D .579

Buchan Plumping and house-drainage. D 6

Clarke. Plumbing practice D 1069

Colyer. Public institutions: their engin-

eering, sanitary, and other appli-

ances n :tiM

Water supply, drainage, etc D 'M.i

Constantine. Practical ventilation andwarming D '^12

Davies. Plumbing D 57'

Dempsey. of districts andlands D 5<)3

Drainage of towns and buildings D ,17.^





Dress—Needlework—Gastronomy—Riiquette—Games, etc. 229


....D MI

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....1) 130

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D 9S6


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..D 651

. . D 630

ikes.D I '3



le sani-


230 Decorative and Fine Arts—Painting.


Verney. Chess eccentricities D 553

Wilks .111(1 Pardon. Mow to play solo

whist D 723

Williams and Frost. Evening amuse-ments 1) 417

Winter-Wood. Chess souvenirs I) 615

DECORATIVE AND FlNE ARTS.Alcock. Art and art industries in Japan.!) .(2

Art studies from nature as applied to

design I)

.\rtistic amusements I)

Attwell. The Italian masters L)

Bacon. I'arisian art and artists DCarr. Essays on art DCastellani. Ciems DChesneau. Edncation of the artist . . . . DChorley. Recent art and society DConway. Travels in South Kensington.


Cook. .\rt ill England DCrane. Art and the formation of taste. ECrowninshield. Mural painting DD'Anvers. Elementary history of Art,

architecture, sculpture, and painting.


Davidson. Pretty arts DDay. Anatomy of pattern DEvery day .rt DI'lannmg of ornament D

Dilke (Ltidy). Art in the modern state.


Dresser, t rinciples of decorative design.DDupin. Mathematics applied to the iise-

tiil and fine arts DFairholt. Rambles of an artist DHamerton. Thoughts about art DHandbook of young artists and amateurs

in oil painting DHaziitt. Essays on the fine arts DHeaton. Concise history of painting . . . DHuish. Japan and its art DHulme. Art instruction in England . . DHunt. Talks about art, 2 copies D 116, 381

Jameson. Sacred and legendary art,

2 vols D 156-7

Jarves. Art hints D 125

King. Gems and semi-precious stones.


933Handbook of engraved gems E 934

Leland. Minor arts D 58

Lossing;. History of the fine arts ....D 350Mayeux. Decorative composition ....D 847Munti,. Short history of tapestry D 637

Owen. Art schools of medi;cval Chris-

tendom D 895

Palgrave. Essays on art D 15

Pattison. Renaissance of art in France,^ vols D 154-5

Poole ana others. Lectures on art ... . D 87

RadclifTe. Schools of painting D 840

Reber. History of ancient art D 818

1 1 istory of mediaeval art I) 654


























Rood Modern chromatics, 2 copies.. A 93, I) 3K;

Rossetti. Fine art DScott. Fine and ornamental arts ... . D

Sparkes. Manual of artistic anatomy ,D

Stokes Early Christian art in Ireland.


Taine. Lectures 01 art, ist and 2ndseries D

Wilkinson. On colour DWood carving D

Wyatt Fine art: its history and applica-

tion to industry I)


Ayres. How to paint 1)

Bell. Anatomy of expression DBenson. Manual of colour DBuxton and Koehler. English .ind Amer-

ican painting DBuxton and Poynter. Clerman,,

and Dutch painters DChesneau. English school of painting.


Clement. Legendary art DI'aiuiers and sculptors' handbook . . . . DPainting for beginners D

D'Anvers. Painting—old masters DPainting— modern masters D

Duval. Artistic anatomy DEastlake. Brera gallery at Milan ... DEllis. Sketching from nature DField. Rudiments of the painter's art.D

Field and Davidson. C,rammar of

colouring DFromberg. Painting on glass DGardner. Everybody's paint bock. .. .D

Painters' encyclopedia DGessert. I'ainting on glass DGullick and Timbs. Painting popularly

explained DHoward (F.). .Sketcher's manual DHoward (H). Lectures on painting DKempt. I'encil and palette ELanzi. History of painting, 3 vols ELeonardo da Vinci. Treatise on paint-

ing DLeslie. Hand-book for young painters.


Poynter and Head. Classic and Italian

painting DRidner. Artists' chromatic handbook..


Rollin. Studio, field, and gallery DRuskin. Painting DModern painters, 5 vols., 2 copies.

K 451-5.

Tyrwhitt. Our sketching club DViardot. European art E

It.ilian art EWauters. Mcmish school of painting .D

Wilmot-Buxton. See Buxton.












































Sculpture—Draxvitig—Engraving, etc.—Ceramics—Music. 2\\


D'Anvers. Sculpture 1)

Flaxman. Lectures on sculpture DMemes. Sculpture, painting, and archi-

tecture ERedford. Ancient sculpture DSculpture and plastic art UTyrwhitt. Greek and Gothic arts . . . ,D

Vago. Modelling in clay DViardot. Sculpture K









DRAWING.Ruskin. ElerrentsofiIrawing2 copies.D 342, E 441

Klements of perspective D 360

Walker. Handbook of drawing D 10


Chattock. Practical notes on etching.



Davenport. Engraving D 502

Duplessis. Wonders of engraving . . . . E 602

Emerson. Wood engraving D 198

Hamerton. Etchers' handbook D 500

Woodberry. History of wood engraving. D 835


Arnoux. Manufa ;ture of pottery D 507

Blake. Ceramic art D 149|

Bohn. Pottery and porcelain E 976 |

luis^lish pottery and porcelain D 433 1

Janvier. Practical keramics for students.



Piton. China painting in America .. .D 199

Sparks. Pottery painting E 1306

Young. Ceramic art D 143


Albrechtsberger. Thorough bass, har-

mony, and composition D 787

Bach. Musical education and vocal cul-

ture D 131

Principles of singing D 647

Banister. Lectures on musical analysis. D 747The same, 2nd edition D 942

Baron. Scudamore organs D 810

Berlioz. Modern instrumentation anc'

cuchestration i) 788

Blaserna. Theory of sound in relation

to music A 88

Browne and Behnke. Voice, song, andspeech D 867

Cherubini. Counterpoint and fugue. . .D 789

Chomet. Influence of music on life, etc.



Chorley. Modem German imisic, 2 vols.D

National music of the world I)

Crowest Musical anecdotes, 2 vols...!)

C-.wen (John). Tonic sol-fa I)

Curwen (John S.). Worship music. . . 1)

D'Anvers. Elementary history of music.


Davenport. Harmony and counterpoint. DDickson. Organ building DEdwards. Organs and organ building DEhlert. Letters on music, 2 copies .... I)








72, 114

Ella Musical sketches, 2 copies D 91,415Ellis. Speech in song DFetis. Music explained to the world . . I)

Finck. Chopin and other musical essays. EFleming. Old violins and their makersDHiggs. Fugue DHogarth. Memoirs of the opera, 2 vols..D

Musical history, 2 vols I)

Horner. Voice production DHueffer. Half a century of music in Eng-

land, 1837-87 1)

Hullah. Method of teaching singing . . DMusic in the house D

Mackenzie. H ygiene of the vocal organs. \\

Marx. General musical instruction . . . DOuseley. Musical form and general com-

position J )

Pauer, Elements of the beautiful in

music ]j

Musical forms DProut. Instrumentation I)

Richter. Manual of harmony DTreatise on counterpoint D

Rimbault. Musical instruments DHitter. Music in .America DMusic in England DHistory of music, island 2nd editions. B 99, D 274

Russell. Vocal culture DSchumann. Music and musicians ....DSeiler. Voice in singing I)

Stafford. History of music EStainer. (-otnposition DHarmony DMusic of Kie Bible D

Stone. Scientific basis of music DUpton. Stand," rd operas : their plots,

music, and composers, 2 copies. . D 497, E 1692

Wagner. Art life and theories of D 89

Weber. Musical composition, 2 vols...D 41 1-2

Wicks. Organ building for amateurs ..I) 885

Wigram <"hange-ringing D 102






























23: Historical and General Treatises.



HISTORICAL & GENERAL TREATISESAnderson. History of shorthand V. wjAzarias. Development of Enj^'lish litera-

ture K 1428

Badeau Ansiocracy in England V. 16S9

Bascom. English literature V. J14

Beers. Sketch of Itnglish literature. . .E 1652

Blakey. History of political literature,

2. vols B 370-1

Bombaugh. Literature of kissing E 1503

Borrow. Lavenf<ro, the scholar, the gipsy,

the priest, 2 copies E 1687, L 479G

Romany Rye, 2 copies E! 1688, L 4726

Bouterwek Spanish literature E 1443

Bridg,"e. I'rench literature E 106

Buckland. Story of I'-nglish literature. E 159

Burn. Roman literature in relation to

Roman art E 2008

Burroughs. Signs and seasons E 1681

Chamberlain. Romanized Japanesereader.K 1655

Ch^- "lers. Italian literature E 1519

Chasles. Anglo American literature andmanners E 1527

Christophers. Hymn writers and their

hymns E 485

New Methodist hymn book E 125

Collier. History of English literature. .E 1839

Cra'k l^Mrs. D. M.). Sermons out of

church, 5 copies, H .^18, V. i\, 1541, 1576, L 2060

Studier. from life, 3 copies,

E 9, 1561, 1578, L 2059, 4267

Craik (G. L.). Manual of English litera-

ture, 2 vols E 73-4

Crane. .\rt and the formation of taste,E 172 1

Cruttwell. History of Roman literature E 390

Specimens of Roman literature, 2 vols. E 391-2

Dircks. Nature-study, as applicable to the

purposes of poetrv and eloquence . . A 36

Dodds. Stories from English literature.



Dowden. Studies in literature E 512 !

Dunlop. History of prose fiction, 2 vols.



Earle. Anglo-Saxon literature E 1464

Ellis. Sources of the lUruscan and Basquelanguages E 1735

Evelyn. Diary and correspondence, 4 vols.

: copies G 448-51, 954-7

(jerman literature, historical, biographi-cal and critical E 1247

Gosse. History of eighteenth centurvliterature, 1660-1780 IC 2129

Grant. Scottish anecdotes and tales. ..E 1693

Hailatn. Literary history of luirope,? vols G 1 23-4

Handbook of bYcnch literature, historical,

biographical and critical E 1221

Harrison The choice of books, etc. ... E 1580

Hazlitt Elizabethan literature E 71G

Herford. Literary relations of I'lngland

and (iermany in the ifnh century. .E 184S

Hertzberg. Libell of Englis e policye.E 2144

High school reader E 1723

How to be happy though married I) 605

James. French poets and novelists,

3 copies E 75, 1543-4

Japp. German life and literature E 523

Jerrold(B.). A day with Disraeli .,..E 1690

Jevons History of Greek literature. .. E 1751

Kingsford. Canadian arch,x>ology . . . .V. 1679

Lawrence. English literature, classical

period E 1 303

Leavitt. Bohemian society B 3^)6

Lowell. Democracy, and other addressesE \()'.j•^

Macbeth. Might and mirth of literature,

2 copies E 1324, 1H36

McGee. Iri-rh writers E 78

Mahaify. History of classical Greek liter-

aturd, 2 vols E 137-8

Mason. .American humorous master-pieces, 3 vols E 1694-6

Miller. Bird ways E 1691

Minto. English prose literature E 744

Moriill Slavonic literature E 1030

Morley (Henry). English literature in

the rei^n of Queen Victoria E 25

English writers, 6 vols E 1803-H

Morley (John). Critical miscellanies,

3 vcjIs K 1725-7

Morrison. .Vrt gallery of the Englishlanguage E 1682

Moulton (C. VV.). Queries with answers in

literature, art, scienc , series.



The same, 2nd series E 1S97

M idler (Max). Chips from a Germanworkshop, 2 vols E 1O75-6

Oliphant (Mrs.). Literary history of Eng-land, 3 vols E 481-3

Pascoe. Dramatic notes, 1879 1) 559

Dramatic notes, 1879-82 D 352

Payn. come private views, 3 copies,

E 26, 1444. 135''

Perry. English literature, eighteenthcentury V. 486

Philipson. Jew in English fiction E 2139

Posnett. Comparative literature .\ 676

Richardson (C. F.). American literature,

1007-1885, 2 vols E .^013-4

Richardson (F.). Iliad of the east E 17-'*'

/Uh/i(\i^rap/iy— Giuxmmar ami /^/li/o/oi^y. -33


K Mil

tc . . . .


1 580

K 710

Englandtury..K 184.S

olicye.l-l 2144

. . .H 1723

1) 605


....E 75, 1543-4

K 52j

i ....E 169(1

lire. ..K 1751

:y E ib-]')


E 1305

B .i^^'^

ddressesE i(J(jH


.. . .E 1324, i^f^

E 78

gek liter-

E i37-«

master-E 1694-6

E 1691

¥. 744

E 1030

iture in

, . . E 25

..E iHo.v«


...K 1723-7

English. . . E 1682




...E i«97

jerman. . .



)f Eng-...E 4«>-3

. . .1



... 1) 55^


I-: 26, 1441. 155"

hteenth. . . E 4^'''

...E 3139


. . . E 2013-4

E 17^**

Saintsbury I'lizabethan litfiature . . . . ESpt'cinions of luiglish piose \i

Sayce. Mabylonian littTnturt; EScherer. History of (JcTniau liter. itnn;,

J vols EScherr. History of English literature.


Schlegel. History of literature ESeafield. [literature and curiosities of

ilreams .... E

Seiss I-iteratiire of Germany ESheppard. J3efore an audience EShore. 1 )ante for beginners ESimpson. Literature of Italy ESismondi. Literature of the south of

iairope, 2 vols ESpan..' literature: historical, biogr.iph-

i'-al, and critical. Chnmbcrs ESplniters ; or, a grist of giggles EStael (Mine. de). Corinne ; or, Italy,

2 copies E 1847,

Stedman. Victorian poets . ESwinburne. Miscellaneous essays ....E

Symons. Introduction to the study of

Browning ETaylor (B.). (".erman literature ETaylor (I.). Transmission of ancient

books li

Ten-Bn^k. ICarly English literature . .E

Thoreau. WaUlen ; or, life in the wood.E

Tuckerman. English prose fiction . . . . ETurner. Russian literature ETyler, .\merican literature, 2 vols. . ..E

Washburn. Early English literature. .E

Weber. History of Intlian literature. . EWebster. Basque legends and literature. (}

Welsh. Development of English litera-

ture and language EWheatley. Samuel I'epys and the world

lie lived in EWhipple- .Vmerican literature and other

papers EWilde, .\ncient legend?, mystic charms,

uid superstitions of Ireland, 2 vols.E

Wilkinson. Classic French course in

I'.nglish li

Wd^ht. Caricature and grotesque in liter-

ature and art E

BIBLIOGRAPHY.Adams. Eamous books EAngus. Handbook of the Elnglish tongue. EBaldwin. The book lover EBirch. Domesday book EBlades. The enemies of books EBooks for a reference library EHooks that have helped me EBooks which have influenced me EBouchot The printed book E







I 519






L 1854





























Dore Old bibles 1-:

The book fancier !•:Fitzg^eral



Hazlitt. (Ueaningsin old garden litera-

l.iteratiire of local iiistitiuions.E

Parish lending libraries EThe choice of boi.ks E

ture. E







1 73-!

I 70



/ '.T

Old cookery books and ancient cuisine.


Hints for home reading EKirk. Information for authors EPerkins. (/•-</.). Best reading, acopies.E 1276,

Rees. I^iversions of a book-worm . . . . E i

Pleasures of a book-worm E 163


Roberts. ICarlier history of English book-selling E 2128

Russell (.\. I*). Library notes K 228

Russell (W. C ). Book of authors E 3<iS

Saunders Story of some famous books. E 181)0

Spilsbury. Lincoln's Inn and its library.



Wheatley. Dedication c,f books V. 18S1

How to form a library K 1630

Wood. Modern methods of illustrating

books I'" 17 ('>

GRAMMAR AND PHILOLOG'Ab-o' th'-Yate's dictionary E

Alford. The (Jueen's Lnglish li

Ayers. Orthoepist EVerbalist E

Bain. English composition and rhetoric,

pi- s I and 2 EOn teaching English E

Bell. English line writing ESounds and their relations EUniversit)- lectures on phonetics EVisible speech reader EWorld-English . . E

Bertin. Languages of the cuneiform in-

scriptions EBigelow. Mistakes in writing English. E

Chamberlain. Simplified grammar of the

Japanese language E

Clark(S. W.). liasy lessons in language.


Clark (T.). Student's handbook of com-parative grammar . . E

Cobbett. Grammar of the English Ian

Knage HCraik. English of Shakespeare EDeldruch. i'tudy of language EDe Vere. Studies in ICnglish I^

Dwight. Modern philology, ist and 2ndseries E

Earle. Hook for a beginner in .Vnglo-

Saxon EPhilology of the English tongue E

Farrar. I'amilies of speech, 2 copies. E


Fellows. First steps in English gram-


mar on the catechetical plan E





17G0 I



















234 Criticism and Esthetics.

Gibbons. Pennsylvania Dutch, etc. .. .E 218

Gibson. Folk speech of Cumberland. . . E 316

Grammaire Albanaise E 1843

Hill. Our Itnglish E 2078

Hodgson. Errors in the use of English,2 copies E 160, 1867

Hovelacque. Science of language E 210

Ivanoff Hussian grammar El 2007

Johnson. Treatise on language E 1299

Keep. Homeric dictionary E 221

Kitchin. Introduction to the study of

Proveiiyal E 191


Lacouperie. Languages of China beforethe Chinese E 1789

Le Row. English as she is taught . . . . E 1657

Linderfelt. Volapiik E 1883

Long. Slips of tongue and pen E 1888

Maetzner. English grammar, 3 vols. .. E 745-7

Malcolm The American slangist E 1314

Marshall. England's language E 224

Meiklejohn. The English language ..E 1758

Monteith. French, German, Spanish,Latin, and Italian languages, withouta master E 1477

Morfill The Serbian language E 1842

Miiller. Biographies of words and thehome of the Aryas E 1933

Science of thought B 613

Neaves. Comparative philology E 130

Oliphant. New English, 2 vols E 1748-9

Old and middle English E 1908

Palmer. Word-hunter's note book,...E 182

Roemer. Origins of the English peopleand language E 1783

Roget. Introduction to old French... .E 1919

Seret. Orammar of Volapiik E 1830

Sweet. Anglo-Saxon primer E 348

History of English sounds E 201


Phonetics E 355

Swinton. Rambles among words E 1226

Trench. English, past and present. .. .E 1895

On the study of words E 1896

Triibner's simplified grammars :

Basque, by Van Kys E 124

Danish, Vjy Ott^ E 1473

Hindustani, Persian, and Arabic, by

Palmer E 119

Hungarian, by Singer E 118

Malagasy, by Parker E 123

Modern Greek, by Gcldart E 122

Ottoman-Turkish, by Redhouse E 1472

Pali language, by E. Miiller E 1538

Roumanian, by Torccanu E 121

Tibetan, by jfdschke E 120

Vernon. Guide to the Anglo-Saxon tongue.

E 190G

Weisse. Origin of the English language.E 1777

White. Words and their uses E 254

Whitney. Language and its study . . . .B Hi

Wilkinson College Greek course in

English, 3 copies E 15H8-90

Preparatory, 3 vols E 1591-3

College Latin cour.-^e, 2 copies E 1666-7

Preparatory, 2 copies E Z664-5

Wilson. Treatise on punctuatit n E mCRITICISM AND /ESTHETICS.

Arnold (Matthew) Culture and anarchy.



Essays in criticism, 2 vols E 1871-2

Second ,ind third copies E 167, 1361

Essays in criticism, 2nd series E 191)2

Lectures on Homer E 500

Literature and dogma E io)

Bayne. Biography and criticism, ist and2nd series E 165-11

Lessons from my masters E 164

Bender. Literary slieaves ; or, la littera-

ture au Canada Frangais E i.Sj5

[Birrell.] Obiter dicta, is.' series,

2 copies E33S, 1S29

Second series E 1H28

Blackie. Scottish song E 2\>i

Botta. Introduction to the study of Dante.E 1740

Browning. An introduction to the poetryof, by IF. y . Ale.xiuiihr ... E 2Uj

Church (Dd' ;/.;). Dante, and other essays.



Coleridge Bio^raphia literana li 6,5

Corson. Introiluction to stuily of Brown-ing's poetry 10 1 739

Coupland. Spirit of (ioethe's Faust. . .E 1752

Courtney. Studies, new and old E 1961

Cross lights E 1993

Dallas. Gay science, 2 vols B 297-8

Davidson. Prolegomena to In Memoriam.E 2134

De Vere. Essays, chiefly on poetry,

2 v<j1s E 191 (~,i

Dowden. Transcripts and studies E 1934

Duffield. Don Quixote, his critics andcomm';ntators i^' ^^z

Englehavdt. Beauties of nature combinedwitli art E iGsii

Fleay. Shakespeare manual E 'og

Fletcher. Character studies in Macbeth.



Forsyth. Novels and novelists E (to

Giles. Human life in Shakespeare . . . . E ij'jj

Illustration of genius, 2 copies E 173, i5'3

Gladstone. Juventus mundi E

Gosse. From Shakespeare to Pope . . . E

Greg. Literary and social judgments. .B

Guizot. Shakespeare and his times . . . EHamley. Shakespeare's funeral, and other

papers EHannay. Characters and criticisms. . . E

Satire and satirists E






Collected Writings. 235

. . . K 234

...H Si

ie in

...E l5«8-go

...E 1501 -3

, . . . E 1666-7

, . . .



, . . .



ETKS.chy.E 1394

....E \^i\-i

. . .E 167, 1361

E \mi-

.... I*- 5""

E 11'^

[st andE 165-ij

E ifM


. ...E 1H.55


E33S, 1829

E i«2S

E 2122

Dante.E 174"

3 poetry

. . . . E 211.)

issays.E 194"

. E 0S5

IJrown-..E 1739

.ist...E 175^

..E i<j6i

..E 1905

. . 13 297-S


E 2134


..E 1914-5

s ....E 1934

ics and.K -/


. . . E i05!i

. . . E -09

cbeth.E 2135

. . . E <'"^

e....E irJ4

E 173. 1515

E 15^3

pe . . . E itiyj

ents. . B '3«

es . . . E 74°

lid otherE 2143

ims...E 14^4

....E i5^>

Hitchman. Eighteenth century studies.



Howells. Modern ,ioets E i«33

Hunt Stories from the Italian poets.. E 1369

Hutton. Modern guides of English

thought in matters of faith ........ E 1921

Jameson. Shakespeare's heroines,

2 copies E 767, 967

Jebb. Homer : an introduction to the

Iliid and Odyssey. .E 1986

Jennings Curiosities of criticism E 327

K^nt. Charles Dickens as a reader .. .E 225

Landor. The Pentameron E 1520

Lang. I^etters on literature E 1994

L''tters to dead authors E 1649

Lanier. English novel E 162

Lubbock. Pleasures of life. 2 vols E 1768-9

Scrond, third, and fourth copies .. ..E 2044-6

Macbeth. Might and mirth of literature,

2 copies E 1324, 1836

Martin, Some of Shakespeare's female

(•haracters E 2038

Masson. British novelists and their

St vies E 1232

Mp.thews. Literary style E noMiller (Hugh). Macaulay on Scotland;

a critique E 1387

Miller (W. H.). Culture of pleasure . .E 464

Morgan Shakespeare in fact and in

criticism E 1793

Poe Criticisms, etc , E 270

Richardson. American literature, 2 vols.



Rossetti. Shadow of Dante E 13S2

Schlegel. /Esthetic and miscellaneousworks E 862

Selkirk Ethics and aesthetics of modernpoetry E 207

Shairp. Poetic interpretations of nature.



Shakespeare, portrayed by himself, byir(;/(7-s E 1978

Smith. Poets and novelists E 196

Stapfer. Shakespeare and classical

anliipnty E 527

Swinburne. Study of Shakespeare. . . . E 1585

Theobald. (Ed.). Dethroning Shake-ipeare E 1938

Townsend. The art of speech : studies

ill poetry an^' prose, 3 copies E 1572-4

[Trail. Studies in criticism E 1979

jTuckerman. The Criterion E 1506

[Ulrici. Shakespeare's dramatic art, trans-

lated by Schinilz, 2 vols E 878-9

iVeitch Feeling for nature in Scottish

poetry , 2 vols E 1 233-4

|Veron. .-Esthetics E 211

'elsh. English masterpiece course. . . E 1850

hippie. Outlooks on society, literature,

and politics E 1794

'hite. Shakespeare's scholar E 1294

Studies in Shakespeare E 1669

Willmott. Pleasures, objects, and advant-ages of literature E 1 389

Wilson (Daniel). Caliban, the missinglink E I 3'ii

COLLECTED WRITINGS.Addison. Works, with notes by Wnhop

llurd, 6 vols E 6ii-<)

Alcott. Concord days E 1632

Armistead Select miscellanies, 6 vols. P2 27.3- .S

Arnold (T.). Miscellaneous works .... [: 1296

Axon. Lancashire gleanings (1 i.j <

Bancroft. Literary and historical miscel-lanies ]•: 130,)

Beecher Eyes and ears E 1 249Star papers ; or, experiences of art and

nature E 1237

Blackie. Greek and English dialogues.


575Wise men of Greece E 506

Bourne English newspapers : chaptersin the history of journalism, 2 vols.p: 1787-8

Bowles. Flotsam and Jetsam \i 23S

Boyd ( A. K. H. B,pseud.) Best last E 1988

Every-day philosopher in town andcountry B 421

Leisure hours in town E i62()

Lessons of middle age E 131


Recreations of a country parson,

3 copies '.

. ..\i 1 218, 1357, 1628

British prose writers E 1626

Brougham. Rhetorical and literary dis-

sertations E 1 463

Brown. Locke and Sydenham, and otherPapers '. E 3<j5

Marjorie Fleming, John Leech, etc. . .V. 394

Browne (M.). Views and opinions. . . . E 1374

Brown; (.So' T.). Works, 3 vols E 626-8

Buchanan. A look round liter.iture . . M 1759

Bunce. Fairy tales, their origin andmeaning E 314

Burke. Works, 6 vols E 629-34

Works and memoirs, j vols E 1407-9

Burritt. Thoughts and things at homeand abroad E 1526

Byrne l^e omnibus rebus E 1780

Calverley. Literary remains E 1753

Canadian leaves : a series of papers readbefore the ('anadian club, N Y....E 1801

Carlyle. Latter day pamphlets V. 1339

Past and present. Chartism, and Sartorresartus E 1324

Chambers' miscellany, 10 vols E 490-9

Papers for the people, 6 vols E 190-5

Pocket miscellany, 12 vols E 302-13

" Christopher North." See Wilson. John.

Clark. Knick-knacks E 1C34

Clough. Prose remains E 1969

Cobbe. Re echoes V. 7

Work and play B 420



2 36 Collected Writings.

Coleridge- Works, iiiisct,'ll;iiu)i)iis, 6 vols. K 141 1 '1

Collins. Ten sketcht:s, z sols K .|5<j-f)o

Craik (/IM. D. M.). Studies from lif'j,

T copies K <j, 1561, i57f<, L J059, .(^'7

Cruttwell. Specimens oj Roman litera-

lure, I vols K ,<<)! J

Cnriosit'cs of the search-room; a col-

lection of wills !•,1 78')

Curtis. I'otiphar papers I" lyu

Defoe. Ilihtory ot the |)laj,'ue in Louiluii

in ii)()5, i. copies V, 1207, i.[33

De Gasparin. Hy the sea shore I" 5Ji>

De Quincey. Works, 16 vols K 1.(47-0.'

Memorials and other papers, 2 v(j1s.. . 1^ 12J.S ij

Theolof^ical essays, 2 vols E 1 252-.^

Oeutsch. Literary remains K 520

Disraeli. Amenities of literature, 2 vols.



Calamities and ipiarrel.-; of authors. . . K 400

Curiosities (jf literature, j vols K 40J-5Literary character of men of genius. . V. jijy

Doran. New pictures and old panels..



Dutt Hen«aliana K .517

Emerson. Select writings K 1954

Society and solitude, 2 copies E 1327, 1G22

Fields. Underbrush E 1298

Fitzgerald. Recreations of a literary

mail, 2 vols 1'- 2 j(J-7

Forbes. Glimpses through cannon smoke.E 1 29

Soldiering and scribbling, 2 copies. . .E 13, 1352

Foster. Literary remains C 331

Franklin (Benjamin). Posthumous andother writings, 2 vols 1'', 2016-7

Frisweil. .\.bout in the world E 95

Gentle life, ist and 2nd series E 87-8

Man's thoughts E 91

Silent hour I*^ 94

Froude. Short studies on great subjects,

2 '-opies E 1397, 1G04

Gilfillan. Sketches, literary and theo-

logical E 524

Gladstone. Gleanings of past years :

Ecclesiastical, 2 vols E 1569-70

I'oreign E. 1 568

Historical and speculative E 1567

Miscellaneous V. i^yi

Personal and literary E 1 56G

The throne. Prince Consort, cabinet andconstitution E 1565

Goethe. Works, 1 1 vols E 696-706

Goldsmith. Miscellaneous works, 4 vols.E 1418-20

Select works and poems E 17

Green. Stray studies E 738

Greenwood. Records of five years. . ..E 1635

Haliburton. For puir auld Scotland s

sake E 1980

Hall. Miscellaneous works, 2 copies.. E 720, 1286

Halliday. Everyday papers E 203

I -Jo

1 VM






'K I

Hamerton. Portfolio i)apers EHamilton, (iala days !•:

Skirmishes and sketches ETwelve miles from a lemon E

Haweis. Current coin I'.

Music and morals 1^

Hay. Castilian days, 2 copies E 1243

Hazlitt (W,). Plain speaker 1".

Round table, 2 co[)ies I'". ^01 >, 71s

Heine Pic tu res of travel I" -1

Travel pictures, together with theromantic school !•:

Helps. Previa Et-'ompanions of my solitude I",

Friends in council, 2 vols 1',

Second copy, ist and 2nd series,

4 vols EHolbein's dance of death. Doiui- KHolland I'^veryday topics I<:

< lolil-foil hammered from popular pro-verbs !•;

Lessons in life, 2 copies B 545, 1'^ iS;

Plain talks on tamiliar subjects, 2 copies.

E 150(5, i,S7(

Titcomb's letters to young people,

2 copies B 545, !: i>;

HoUingshead. Stories and essays, 3 vols.

E 1309- 1 .)u

Holmes. Autocrat of the breakfast table,

2 copies !•; M, \\\

Poet at the breakfast table, 3 copies.

E 1438, I5SJ :

Professor at the breakfast table,

4 copies E I02", 1437, 1554 i

Soundings from the .Vtlantic IC i vn I

Hunt. Day by the fire, etc 1^ idvij

Imagination and fancy E i;

Jar of honey 1{ ini

Men, women, and books, 2 vols E ij^^-'jl

Second copy E ')h\

Seer, 2 vols E 1640-1j

Jameson {Mrs.). Commonplace book of

thoughts, memories, and fancies. . .E 154

Sketches of art, literature, and character.

E 12^

Janus ; or, the Edinburgh Literary Alman-ack, edited by Luckliai t and Wilson. . E I'/i

Jenkin. Papers, literary, scientific, etc.E 171)7-^

Jennings and Johnstone. Greek andLatin authors E :oj

Johnson. Works, 2 vols IC 1402-;

"Junius." Letters, with notes and index,

edited by Wade, 2 vols E 7'''S-i

Ker. Scottish nationality, and other

papers V. 1S54

Kingsley- Plays and puritans E 9-'

Prose idylls E 9"^'

Knight. Once upon a time, 2 copies,

E 1534. ^I'^l

Collected Writings. fl7

H >.S7

!•: 1,1.)

v. I I'M

K 1^7 i

'•• 5"7

1^ lO.l-'

1-: \2..\s, 1^77

y- v:!•. .}>«), 71^

I'" 731

h till!

!- '7-1:

K iiofi

y- (5''

K is I'l

(1 series,

K .<5S 61

•<• I- 071

!•! ijio

)ul;ir pro-

p: 18711

....B 545. !•- '^r^

i, i. copies.

E 1500, 1 87.



....H545. H i>7:

lys, 3 vols.

ifast table,

V. -•(), .iij

3 copies.

K 1438, 1 53 J-i


102. >, 1437, I55-I 3

!•; 15111

K i(>.Vi

K '17

!•: 'H

s 1': ij-i^->)

v. ')"

E 1640-1

book of

cies...H 134'

character.V. 12^,

ry .\lman-

Wlhon. . E I'J'}'

ific, etc.E 1797-*

reek andE 20)

!: 1402-!

and index

i other


. .E i!>54|

. E 9«|

2 copies,

E 1534. ^"l

Lamb. Miscellaneous works K 1393

Landor. Imaginary conversations, first

series, i copies E 14.25, I4>S7

Second series E 141JI

Lang. Eost leaders E 2123

Lessing. Prose works !•" 788

Lever. Cornelius (J'Dowd E 23H4

The same, ist, 2nd, and 3rd series . . . E 471 3

Longfellow. 1 'rcjse works E 937Lowell. My study windows K 1948

Lytton. Caxtoniana, 2 copies E 131H, 15H6

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols.. .. E 1-2, 1563-4

Miscellaneous prose works, .( vols.,

J copies !•: 3-6, 1548 -51

I'lmplilets and sketches E 1268

Machiavelli. The prince, and otherpieces !•: 386

Mackenzie. Miscellaneous works E 1331

Macnish. Mofleru rythaKoreau ; tales,

fssays, and sketches ['. 1885

Maginn. Homeric ballads E 477I'r.iseriau papers !: 478

ODoherty papers, 2 vols !•: 474-5Sli.ikespeare papers E 476

Mathews. Men, places, and things . ..E 1851

Miller. Leading .rticles on various sub-jects 1^ 1507

Milton. Prose works, 5 vols E 810 4

Selections from prose works C 327

"Mohammed Pasha " Pasha papers .. !•: 1263

Osgood. American leaves : notes of

thonght and life E 1493

O'Shea. Le ives fruiu the life of a special

correspondent, 2 vols I'" 1840-1

Military mosaics l-^ 14 17

Ossoli. Literature and art E 1262

Paget. Juvenilia, .second series I'^ 1853

P.apers from the Quarterly Revieio E 1516

Parkinson. Old church clock E 202

Pater. Imaginary portraits E 1825

Patience of hope C 496Payn Holiday tasks, 4 copies E 1660-3

Reade. Keadiana, 2 copies E 28, 1 357Repplier. Books and men E 1496

Reynolds Literary works, 2 vols E 845-6

Richter. Elower, fruit, and thorn pieces,

2. vols., 2 copies L 1662-3, 4984-5

Third copy E 848

Ltvana and autobiography, 2 copies. .E 226, 847

Rifts in the veil E 4H8

Runciman. Schools and scholars V. 1762

Ruskin. Ariadne Florentina E 444Crown of wild olive E 456Kagle's nest E 443Fors clavigera E 439Hortus inclusus E 1858

I'oetry of architecture E 442

Pre-r.ipliaclitism E .(46

Sesame ind lilies V. 447Seven lamps of arcliiteclun-, 2 copies. E 438, 2027

Stones of Venice, 3 vols. 2 copies. E 4.(8-50, 2024-6

Time and tide E 445Two paths E 437I ! iiti) this last E .(40

Russell ((;.). l'"ragments from manytables E 1(158

Russell (W. C). Book for a hammock. I'. 1S45

Sala. Papers, humorous and pathetic. E 1636

Sampson History of advertising ....E njio

Schiller. Life and works, 2 vols E i()oo-i

Shand. Half ;i century; or, changes in

men and ;nanners E 1778

Shelley. P-.ose works, 2 vols 1'^ 1998-g

Shipwrecks and disasters at sea, 2 vols. .E 1048-9

Sir Roger de I'overley. Erom the Spcc-tdtur, 2 copies E 433, L 4846

Smith (A.). Dreamthorp E 1356

1 -ast leaves E 1 483

Smith (Sydney). Miscellaneous works. E 1312

Selections from writings V. 429Sons of temperance offering for 1850 . . .E 1467

Southey The doctor E 1 587

Souvestre. Attic philosopher in Paris,

3 copies E 108, 432, 1633

Spectator (The), with introduction, byMorlcy, etc. , 3 vols E 1 257-9

Spirit of Cluiniht-rs' Journal V. 1290

Stephen. Hours in a library E 1490

Stevenson. Familiar studies of men andbooks H 582

Memories and portraits E 1375

Swift. Prose writings (selected) V. 1950

Works. I'.dited by H. Morley E 2037

Talfourd. Literary sketches E 1602

Taylor. Notes from life B 564

Thackeray l'"nglish humourists, 7 copies.

E 29, roi, 2042-3, H 735, 1089, L 2874

Four Georges, 6 copies.

E 30, 103, 1560, 2042-3, L 2874

Thoreau. (\ape Cod V. 2004

Maine woods ]•: 2002

Winter E 1S55

Yankee in Canada, with anti-slaveryand reform papers I^ 2001

Thornbury. Old stories retold, 2 copies,

1'^ 1466, l^ 1584

Timbs. Clubs and club life in London,2 copies E 1 280, 1 1


Doctors and patients l^ 1905

Xotabilia; or, curious and amusingfacts !•: 18O8

" Timothy Titcomb." See Holland, J. G.

Tourgee. The veteran and his pipe. . . !•; 319

Tuckerman. The collector E 1930

Warren. Miscellanies, 2 copies E 607-8




"Whistling Commercial." The road.KWhitman. NovciTihcr tiinijjhs K

S|i(( inicii (l.iys iti Aiiicrica V.

Whitney. Oriental and iinnuistic stuiiies,

1st SCI ;, I.;

Tile saiiH', sfTond series V.

Whittier. I 'rose works, 3 vols V. 2

Willis. Outdoors at Idlewild, 2 copies

K 1248

Wilson (John). Noctes ambrosian<T. . . IC

Wood Curiosities of clocks and watches.!•:

Wynter. Curiosities of civdization . . . l".

Curiosities of toil K( )ur social bees K






«' .) 7




ESSAYS.Alison. Miscellaneous essays V. 1394

Arnold. Kssays in criticism, 2 copies..E 167, 1361

Third copy, 2 vols K 1H71-2

I'lssays in criticism, 2nd series K 1992

Irish essays E iCH

Bacon, l^ssays, etc., 2 copies E 620, 1396

Ballantyne. ICssays in mosaic E 297


Obiter dicta, ist series, 2 copies,

E 3J«, 1829

Second series E 1828

Boyd (A. K. H. W., pseud). Critical essays(if a country parson I'^ 1488

Brimley. l^ssays, miscellaneous V. 1316

Carlyle. Miscellaneous essays, 7 vols.. K 363-9

Chambers. I'"ss.iys, ist and 2nd series.



Church. Miscellaneous essays I'". '939

Coleridge The Friend : series of essaysen morals, politics, and religion. . . . E 656

Cow' ey [assays E 295

Cracioft. Essays, political and miscel-l.'."c()us, 2 vols I'l 563-4

Crosland. Pith : essays and sketches.. E 230

Cross {George EUo(, pseud), l-^ssays, mis-cellaneous, 4 copies K 1307. 1439, 1545-6

Dempster. Essays E 531

Dowling. Ignorant essays E 1528

Essays from the London Times, ist and2nd series E1339, 1365

Essays from the North Amerienn Review,edited by A . T. Rice E 1427

Essays on social subjects, from the Satur-day Review E 1219

Forster. (liarles Churchill E 427

Uaniel Defoe E 427

Forsyth. Essays, critical and narrative. P- 271

Foster. Biographical essays H 747

Critical essays, 2 vols K 684-5

Essays, miscellaneous E 1371

Essays on decision of character E 686

Essays on popular ignorance E 687

Friswell. Essays on l.nglish writers,

2 copies E 93 , I SO',

Other people's windows E 150.S

Greg. Essays, miscellaneous E jS:

Hamerton. Hound my house E 130))

Hayward. Lord Chesterlield E 4JS

Cieorge Selwyn, his life and times. . . . E .(.^

Selected essays, 2 vols E 114-3

Hazlitt. Sketches and essays E 71.,

Head Descriptive essays, 2 vols E 52(>-)i

Helps. I'-ssays written in the intervals of

business, 2 copies E 357, JOcSi

Higginson. Atlantic essays E jji

Hodgson Outcast essays E 4!:c

Hunt. I'.ssays, 2 copies I^ 1024, 163S

Hutton. Essays, 2 vols E igHi .

Jeffrey. Jonathan Swift E 4^;

Samuel Richardson E 42;

Kaye ICssays of an optimist E 1431*

Kingsley. Historical lectures and es-

says E i/,i

Literary and general essays E i)^<'

Knight (Zi</.). Wordsworthiana I. 2131

Lamb. Essays of Elia, and Eliana,

3 copies E ii, 779, 1013

Leopardi. Essays an(' ''alogues E 74M

Lowell. Political es 'copies E 1975''

Macaulay ICssays: ,n E 4ji

Uyron E 4ji

Clive, 2 copies E 430, 130U

(Aimic dramatists of the restoration. . li 43'

Critical antl historical E 137:

Critical an 1 historical, 3 vols E 2iiij~ji

C'ritical and historical, 4 vols E 11J71-4

D' Arblay, Madame E 13c''

Erederick the Cii eat E 431

Coldsinith, Oliver E ijcX

Hallam's " Constitutional History " 431

Hastings, Warren E 430

Temple, Sir William E 1304

Matthews. The great conversers, andother essays E 1470

Mazzini. Select essays E 1956

Montaigne. Essays, miscellaneous, ... li 1410

Pattison. Essays, 2 vols E 21 49 50

Representative essays E i^.\(>

Scott. Essays on chivalry E 406

Senior. Essays, historical and philoso-

phical, 2 vols E ^u"-i

Smith (CJoldvvin). Lectures and essajs.E 1^54

Smith (Sydney). Essays, miscellaneous.



Steele and Addison. Essays E 1051

Talfourd. Critical and miscellaneous

essays E i J9^

Tartt. Modern works, essays upon, 2 vols.

H 337-^

Thomson. I'-ssays and phantasies ... fc; 213^










K yj, 1 50',

E 1508

E 3»*'

E I JO*"

!•: 42*^

les. . . . K 4iH

K 114-5

E 710

I E 520- v>

ervals of

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E io«i

H 4^:

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E 14311

and es-

!•: 9^3

E <i%

K i'3i


...1'^ 23, 779. 1015

s E 74S

es E KJ75 <-

E 43'

E 431

E 430, 13011

Laiin ami Greek Classics and Translations. 239


Uion . . I'"




. .H






ers, andV.

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neons. E




1, 2 vols.

Hss . . . E



















95' I




TiiiiLs and days : beinx essays in romanceand hiitory E 2070

Vaugfhan. Essays, miscellaneous, 2 vols. K 1350-1

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£schy^ IS. Translated liy /i/«*/<'; E 1121

i'laiislatcd by fih'tniii'iik I'" 1 120

Anunianus Marcellinus. Translated byVi'///,'<' K 1122

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()rf;anon , or, logical treatises. Trans-lati'd by Oien-ii, 2 vols I'" 1 i jt- 2

riiiitics and economics. Translated byWiilfonI I- II2«

Kluitoric and poetics. Translated li\

HiiikliY 1'^ 1 133

Athenaeus. Translated by Vox^'t, 3 vols. E 1134-6

Caesar, (."ommentaries on the Gallic andcivil w.irs I'" 1 138

Catullus, TibuUus, and Propertius.Translated by KvUy E 1 139

Cicero. Academics, Dc Finibus, and1 iiHculan disputations E 1 145

Orations. Translated by l'(*;(/^c 4 vols.E 1 140-3

Oratory and orators. Translated byWatMil E 1 146

Nature of the gods. Translated byWd/iolt E I 144

Tlirei' books of offices. Translated bvluliiKiiids E 1 147

Tlirei! dialogues on the orator, by(luthric B 40f)

Demosthenes. Orations. Translated byK iiiicdy, 5 vols E 1 148-52

Diogenes Laertius. lives of the philoso-

phers. Translated by Yoiisrc E 1153

Epictetus. Translated by I.oiif; I'- 1 154

TiMiislated by Hi<r<^iiisoii E 1325

Euripides. Translated by Buckley, 2 vols.E 1 155-6

Ge.sta Rom.^norum, 2 copies G 544, L 1990

'ireek anthology. Translated by Z?«;'ir'-t'5.1'- 1157

Oreek romances of Heliodorus, Longus,and Achilles Tatius. Translated bvSmith E 1 158

Herodotus. Translated by Carey E 1159

Analysis and summary of, by Wheeler. ¥^ it 18

Hesiod. Callimachus and Theognis.Franslated by Banks V. 1 160

Homer. Iliad. Translat<d by liuckUy,

2 copies . E 1 161, I i3>>

Chapman .... I 142

Cou'pcr E 667" " Pope, 3 copies.

I". 121 2. I 45, 55

Odyssey. Translated by /i«i7r//v • I i3('

" Chapman .... 1 142

Cvtvpcr E <'6f.

Pope, < copies,

E 912. I 46, 55

Horace. Translated by Smart, 2 copies.

V. 1163, I5«i

Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius.Transl.itcd by Watson K 1 164

Juvenal, Persius, etc. Translated byEvans E 1 165

Livy. Works. Translated by Spiltaii

ar d others, 4 vols E Ii66-<j

Lucan. I'harsalia. Translated by /</7cy. E 1170

Lucretius. Translatid by Watson ....E 1171

Martial Mpigrams Translated, 2 copies,

E 1172, i3*io

Ovid I'"asti, Tristia, Epistles, etc. Trans-lated by /v'//<')', 2 vols I''. 1 173-


Phalaris. I'^pistles, dissertations upon,by Bentley i- 113?

Pindar. In prose and verse. Translatedby Turner and by Moore E 1 175

Pliny. Letters. Translated by A/i7wo///. I' 1191

Natural history. Translated by Bostock

and Ailfy, 6 vols E 1 185-go

Plato. Summary and analysis. Trans-lated by Day .' E 1 182

Works. Translated by Vary and others,

6 vols E 1176-81

Plautus. Comedies, Translated by Riley,

> vols E 1 183-^

Plutarch. Lives. Translated by Lanf;-

home, 2 vols H S36-7

Second copy. 4 vols H 1 182-5

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4 vols E S37-40

Morals Translated by C. W. Kini,',

2 copies J> 841, V, 1 192

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Quintilian. Institutes. Translated byWatson, 2 vols I'". ir93-4

Sallust, Florus, and Velleius Paterculus.Translated by Watwn E 1195

Seneca. Selections from his prose . . . . E 1952

Sophocles. Dindorf s text E 1645

Translated by Buckley E 1196

Translated by Plmnptrc, 2 vols I 240-1

Strabo. Works. Translated by Falconer

and Hamilton, 3 vols E r 197-9

Suetonius Translated by Thomson ...It 1200

Tacitus. Works. Translated, 2 vols. . E 1201-2

Terence and Phaedrus, Tran.slated byRiley E 1 203

240 Ancient, Foreign, and Chinese Classics—Rural Life, etc.


Theocritus. Bion, Moschus, etc. Tr^ns-IfitiKl by Ddii/cs and by Ciiapmaii ....!- 1204

Translated by Andreic Lon^ 1^ 2047

Thucydides. .Vnalysis and summary of,

by W/uili'i- 1'- 1119

Translated by DitU, 1 vols E 1205-6

Turner. Notes on Herodotus V. 1 1 17

Vii'gil. Translated by Dtwidson I-". 1207

Xenophon. Anabasis, Translated bySpcliiKiii K i8j7

Anabasis arid Memorabilia. Translatedby Watsuii I'- i .'09

(."yrop;edia and Hellenics, Translatedby Wclson and Dalt- !•". 120IS

I,ibri Socratici, Schenkl's text K 1562

Memoirs of Socrates. Translations fromthe Memorabilia, ^cvitvi H 270

Minor v.orks. Translated E 12 10


iEschylus, by the Bishop of Colombo . . .E 541

Aristophanes, by Collins F 548

Aristotle, by Grant E 559

Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius byDdvics E 557

Caesar, by Trollops E 538

Cicero, by Collins E 543

Demosthenes, by Brodribb E 558

Euripides, by Donne E 546

(ireek anthology, by Lord Neaves E 554

Herodoti'.s, by Srcayne E 537

Hesiod and Theognis, by Davis E 549

Homer's, by Collins E 535

Homer's Odyssey, by Collins E 536

Horace, by Martin E 540

Juvenal, by Wal/ord E 547

Livy, by Coll, ,is E 555

Lucian, by Collins E 552

Lucretius, by Mallock E 561

Ovid, by Chnnh !•: 556

Pindar, by Moriic V. 562

Plato, by Collins 1'^ 553

Plautus and Terence, liy Collins E 550

Pliny, by Church and Brodribb E 545

Sophocles, by Collins E 344

Tacitus, by Donne E 551

Thucydides, by Collins E 5G0

Virgil , by Collins E 339Xenophon, by Orant E 542


Calderon, l)y Ilascli E 258

Cervantes, by Mrs. OUphant E 261

Corneille and Racine, by TroUope E; 262

Dante^ by Mrs. OUphant E 250

Goethe, by Haymard E >^^

La Fontaine, liy Collins K 264

Moli'.Te, by Mrs OUphant E 255

Montaigne, by Collins E 256

Pascal, by Tnlloch !•: 252

Petrarch, by Reeve !•:253

Rabelais, by Besant V. z-^-j

Rousseau, by Graham E 260

Saint Simon, by Collins E. 259

Schiller, by Simc !•: 2G0

Stvigne (Madame de), by Thackeray . . . E 263

Tasso, by Huscll E 265

Voltaire, by Ilamley E 251


Chinese classics translated into Englishby jfamcs Lcggc :

—Confucius, life and teachings of K 11J3;

Mencius, life and works o'' V, 193G

The She King, or book of ancient poetry.

RURAL LIFE AND SCENERYAbbott (Charles C). Upland and mea-

dow A 674

Wasteland wanderings A 450

Alexander. Rural life in iSth century.



Burroughs. Birds and poets E 1026

Indoor studies K 2081

Locusts and wild honey V. 1027

Fepacton E lo.'j

Wake robin E \oi>.

Winter sunshine E iojq

Egleston. Home and its surroundings


or, villages and village life, 2 copies.

B 146, E 1274

Garden, woods, and fields E 966

Hamilton. Country living and thinking.!'" 1627

Summer rest E 14-y

Higginson. Out-door papers V. 1535

Howitt. 1 'ictorial calendar of the seasons.1"^ 975

Jefferies (Kichard . .\mateur poaching.]) 278

Field and hedgt;ro'v E 21 18

Nature near London t\_ 174

Round about a great estate I'- ij*^

Wild life in a southern county 1" 1057

Wood magic ; a fable M 5.57

Jesse. Scenes and occupations of countrylife E loio

"Miller (O. T.)." In nesting time E 14S2

Milner Country pleasures E 121G

Mitford. Our village, 2 vols E 80J-4

Mudie. Observation of nature, 2 copies.

A 646, K 107.

Prime. Under the trees E 13'^-'

Stewart Twi.xt Ben Nevis and Glen-coe E iS24

li ^55

K .5r,

5^ o^1^ ^53

H .5;

.... v. 2G-

K- ^5^

!•: .60

ny . . . E -r,3

E .65

K -iji



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B 146, E 1274

E 9(^(1

king.E 1627

K 1429

]'- 1533


!•; 975

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. . . M 557

untryE loio

....E 1482

..,.E 121(5

. . . . E «03-4


A 64C), E :o7-

E 150^

Glen-..E 1824

Social /, ife—MiscelUmeous. 241

Tnompson. liv-ways and bird notes. . .E 192 5

Thoreau ( Henry \).). Cape ("od E 2004

Maine woods V. 2.001

Waklen ; or, life in the wood I^ 1680

Week on the Concord and Merrimackrivers ..J^" 2003

Winter E 1S35

Vernon. Harvest of a quiet :!ye E 1465

Warner. My summer in a garden E 1826

Willis. Out doors at Idlewild, 2 copies.

E 124S, 1G08

Willmotl Summer time in the country.



SOCIAL LIFE.Allardyce .Scotland and Scotsmen in

the eighteenth century, 2 vols. ..E 1799-1800

Arbuthnot. Persian portraits E 20 o

Ashton. Men, maidens, and manners a

hundred years ago E 2041

(cial life in the reign of yueen Anne.E 18G9

Bellairs [Lady). Gossips with girls andmaidens E 943

Blouutt (Max iTRell, pseud}. FriendMacdonald E 1539

|ohn Hull and his island, 2 copies.,.. F 473-4

|ohn Hull, junior E 1887

Badges. Uncle Sam at home E 1889

Clarke. Lights and shadows of sailor

life F 1034

Collier (R. L.). luiglish home life 13 616

Collier (W. F,). Old English life L 1996

'ictnres of the periods L 2410

Colymbia F 355

Craik (.l/rs D M.). Studies fror.i life,

5 copies E 9, 1 561, 1578, L 2059, 4267

Das. Sketches of Hindoo life EDoherty. Saunters in social by-way:. .F

Fitrgerald. Chronicles of Bow street

police-office, 2 vols EFive talents of woman EFrench home life, from Blackwood's Mag-

azine EGilmour Reminiscences of the Pen folk,

I'.iisley weavers of other days KGreenwood. In strange company E

iisontiniental journeys EGreg, .\cross the Zodiac, 2 vols FHale. Sybaris and other homes FHamley. .National defence EHogan Australian in London and Am-

erica EHome and social philosophy (from Hoii-e-

hold Words), 2 copies B 343. 401













21 55


Howells. Subiirlian sk(;tches FHunt. The Eameson. Diary of an ennuyee E 151S

Sisters of charity E 1533

bsop. .\rcady for better, for worse. . P. 1852

^'liii iUiU's neighbour in her true light

hy a " Brutal Sa.xon " V ux/i

Lane, .\rabian society, middle ages . . E t>ii

Leavitt. Bohemian socit^ty B 5^6

Liefde. Romance of charity E 1278

Lubbock. Pleasures of life, 5 copies.

E 1768-9, 2044-6

Magnus Jewish portraits .E 2125

Mahaffy. Art of conversation I^ 1880

Social life in Greece G 100

Maistre. Journey round my room.... 61 3.11

MayhcTW. London characters E 1 495

Moulton. Ourselves and our neighbr;rs.lC 1873

Murdoch. The stage ; or, recollections

of actors E 1966

Murray. Side-lights on English society. E 1792

Lnder the lens: social photographs,2 vols E 1 790-


Oliphant [Lau'rencc). Piccadilly 1" 329

Ritchie Days and nights in London. .

1" 305

Robinson. I'emale life in prison K i<)67

Sabine. Duels and duelling I". 1227

Sala. Twice round the clock I" 332

Smith. I'oreign visitors in England.. M 1904

Society in London, by a foreign residential 1266

Timbs. Clubs and club life in London.2 copies E 1 280, 1911

Ward. English items E 1 379

Wood. The wedding day in all ages andcountries E 197

Wynter. Our social bees V., 1530

Yeats. Fairy and folk tales of the Irish

peasantry E 2077

Zogbaum Horse, foot, and dragoons. .E 1782

MISCELLANEOUS.Balfour Waifs and strays from the far

east I'" 2153

[Boy(?] . Lessons of middle age ...... E 1311

British Controversialist and LiteraryMagazine, 1866, 2 vols E 1337, 1380

" " 1870, 2 vols £1336,1381

1871, 2 vols E 1338, 1353

Burton. Anatomy of melancholy E 329

Second copy, 3 vols B ,178-80

Craik (G. L.). Pursuit of knowledge ..E 919

Cross [Georf^e Eliot, />seiid). Impressionsof Theophrastus Such, 2 copies . . . E 12, 1547

Dobson. Literary frivolities and fancies. E 337

Finck. Romantic love and perscjnal

beauty E 1 832

Francis. Hot pot : or, miscellaneouspiip'-rs E 1593

Giles Illustrations of genius, 2 copies. E 173, 1315

Gilfilian. Literature and literary men .E 172

Gilmore. Storm warriors, 2 copies .E 470, M 462

Hamerton. 1 luman intercourse E 1382

Intellectual life E 1498

Hargreaves Literary workers E 2154


242 Diaries and Correspondence—Speeches, Lectures, and Addresses.


Hazlitt. Fairy mythology of Shake-sp are E 80

Hole. History and management of liter-

ary, scientific, and mechanics' insti-

tutions K 151


Importance of literature to men of busi-"t's« K 1514

Jeaffreson Uook about doctors, 2 vols.


21 2

Kiagsley. Miscellanies F. 1326

Larwood and Hotten. History of sign-boards E 1605

Letter-wr ter of modern society D 245

Luther (/w/. J. Vagabondsand beggars.II 075Mansel. Letters, lectures, and reviews. E 516

Mitchell. Human nature E 81

Moir and Spalding. Poetry, modernromance, and rlietoric E 1 383

Murray [A'ovinn; luti^'lishmau, psi^ud).

Embassies and foreign courts E 1630

Payn. Some private views, 3 copies.

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Phelps Men and books, 2 copies . . . . E 742, T445

Salamanca. Philosophy of hand-writingE 344

Shepard. .Authors and authorship. . ..]•'. 76

Stevenson. V'irginibus puerisque ....E 457

Souvestre. Attic philosopher in Paris,

3 copies E 108, 432, 1633

Confessions of a working man E 432

Taylor. Diversions of the echo club . . E 1018

Turkey and Christendom E 426

Vasey. Philosophy of laughter E 470Walks and wandtinngs in the world of

literature, 2 vols E 1346-7

"Whistling Commercial." The road. F". 107

Wynter. Fruit between the leaves.. ..E 239


Bonaparte (Napoleon). (Confidential cor-

respondence with his brother Joseph2 vols, 2 copies E 1873 -4, H 868-9

Burns (Robert). Letters. . E 1947

Byron {Lord). Letters and journals . . . E 1949

Carlyle. Larly letters I*" 1 765

Carlyle and Goethe, Correspondence between E 1 764

Chalmers. Selections from his corres-

pondence K 1 245

Chesterfield. Letters and ina.xims . . . . E 301

Cowper. Memoir and correspondence.

4 vols E 661-4

Diaries of a lady of quality, 1797-1844..E 1970

Evelyn. L~)iary and correspondence,

.) vols., 2 copies G 448-51, 95 (-7

Fenn. Paston letters E 1031

Fitzgerald. Letters and literary remains,

3 vols I'' 2082-4

Foster. Life and correspondence, 2 vols.E 680-1

Franklin (Benjamin). Private corres-

pondence 2 vols E 2018-9

Goethe. Correspondence with a child. EGreyson. Selections from letters EHolcome. Literature in letters E

Jukes. Letters, addresses, and occasional

writings H ,):

Knight (hd.). Memorials of Coleorton,

2 vols I'". 191 2-1

Lamb (("harles). Letters, 2 vols V. 1944-!

Montagu [Lady). Letters and works,2 \ ols V. ifji6-;

Moore Suppressed letters E \in

Motley. Correspondence, 2 vols E 2033-1

Pascal. Provincial Ittters E loi]

Pepys. Diary from 1659-69 V. \i

Schiller. Correspondence with Goethe,

2 vols E 70;-:

Philosophical letters, etc E S;;

Scoones (Ed.) luiglisli letters ETaylor (Henry). Correspondence ....!! hm

Thackeray. A collection of letters of. . E I7^

Thoreau. Letters to various persons. . I". jo«


Armstrong. Latter day teachers li 1

Bcf^cher. Lectures to young men E 151

Bright Speeches E \:

Speeches on the .American question.. B j'

Brougham. Social and political speeches,

1 vols B 31 i

Burke. On Warren Hastings, and letters,

with index, 2 vols E 6)3-

Speeches, 2 copies B 468, V. iSi)





Burritt. Lectures anr', speeches E

Carlisle. Lectures and addresses E

Carlyle. Heroes and hero-worship. .. .E

Chatham. Speeches B

Cobden. Speeches I'C

Coleridge. Lectures on Shakespeare. . E

Cook. i)oston Monday lectures, 7 vols.

C 228-30, 568, 785, E i2fio. I'S

Curra -. Speeches, 2 copies E 210, iSi

Dawson. Biographical lectures K "''

Dickens. Speeches, literary and social.\l i

speeches, letters, and sayings I. i?

Doyle. Lectures, miscellaneous l^ ^^

Erskine. Speeches, 2 copies B 46S, \: 17S

Exeter Hall lectures, 1845-65, 20 vols.. ..1'. i /i-

Foster. Lectures at Broadmead Chapel,

vols. V.

.EGladstone. lieform speeches, 1866

Gough. Orations on temperance I'^

Grattan. Speeches I-

Huxley. American addresses H

Kingsley. Sanitary and social lectures. E

Scientific lectures and essays H

True woi ds for brave men I-




I St,




Ii a child.



ters E 1:3

rs P: 151

1 occasional

" f1

Coleorton,I-", iiju-:

ols v. 1944-

nd works,i".


Rhetoric and Readings—Selections nnd Quotations. J43








Eitli Goethe,


s !•:

lence . . . . M

etters of. . V.

persons . . V.


hers Bmen E 15

E 1

question.. B ;

•,'il speeches,



and letters,

B 468, E 1S6











sses E3rship. . . .V.


espeare . .


, 7 vols.

785, E I2*.0, IJM

E 210, i"^'

res !•. !''

d social . I'". j;

I- 17^

lis E jtj

B .j6S, I' irSJ

vols....!'. 1/1

iad Chapel,,E



ice I'-



lectures. E







Macaulay. .Speeches, 2 vols B 4-4-5

.Spcoches on parliamentary reform. . .E 431

O'Connell. Select speeches, 2 vols. ... E 1859-60

Speeches arid letters, 2 vols E 732-3

Phillips. Speeches, lectures, and letters.



Piunket. Speeches EPotter. Discourses on science and liter-

ature EPrinre Consort. Speeches and addresses. EPrince of Wales. Speeches and addresses,

iS(i3-SS ERobertson. Lectures and addresses, . .E

Russell. Speech before the Parnell com-mission E

Shell. Speeches, 2 copies B 411, E 1862

Smith (Goldwin). Lectures and essays. E 1254

x'ctures on the s'udy of history ... .(i S46

Sumner. Speeches and addresses. ... E 1603

Thackeray. English humorists, 7 copies.

E 2y, loi, 2042-3, H 735, 10S9, L 2874Four Georges, 6 copies.

E 30, 103, 1560, 2042-3, L 2874



Ayres. The essentials of elocution. . . .E 1719

Bain. Rhetoric and composition, partsI and 2 !•:

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Barber. Elements of elocution E 1579

Bautain. E.xtempore speaking, 2 copies. E 163, 137O

Bell. i".i:says and postscripts on elocution. E 1742

Standard elocutionist E 504

Blair. Lectures on rhetoric and belles

lettres E 1398

Brandram. Speaker E 514

Campbell. Philosophy of rhetoric .... E 1367

Carpenter. Fenny readings in prose andverse, 3 copies E 1292, 1334, 1623

ihoice readings for pulilic and privateLiiturtainment E 1 332

Cicero. Oratory and orators, trans, byW'atsoi K 11(6

Delsarte. System of oratory V. jia.j

Drew. Speech studies, with fresh read-mijs, sketches, etc \l 1993

Fletcher Advanced readings and recit-

ations E 175

Guttmann. Ciymnastics of the voice,. E 2126

Hervey. Rhetoric of conversation. ... Ii 1489

Hoare Choice readings V. 1624

Howard (Anna K.). Canadian elocution-ist. 2 copies E 1730, 1831

Hullah. Speaking voice I-; 353Kitchen. The diaphragm ami its func-

tions BKnowles. IClocutionist IC

McElligott. American debater EMcQueen. Orators' touchstone E

|Mair(/;J.). Scottish readings E 1623



1 531


Maury. Principles of eloquence E- 1284

Millard. Gr.iinmar of elocution E 120

Monroe. Public and parlour readings. E 1492

Morgan. .•\n hour with Delsarte E 2039

MuiJoch. ,\nalytic elocution E 1977

Popular elocutionist and reciter V. 131

Potter. My recitations I'^ 1 74


Quintilian. Institutes of oratory, trans.

l)y ll'(;/>i();i, 2 vols E 1 193 4

Randall Diehl. Elocutionary s^tudies andnew recitations E 1437

Riddle. Readings V. 320

Rose. Recitations and dialogues, part II.



Seller. Voice in speaking D 119

Stebbins. Delsarte system of expression.



Stoddard (K. 11. and E.). Readings andrecitations 1'- i'>'''8

Thompson. Readings and recitations .E 1353

Whately I'.lements of rhetoric, 3 copies.

B 206, [: 1335, 1368

SELECTIONS AND QUOTATIONS.Besant. Readings from Rabelais E 1722

Bussey. Newspaper reader f7 84

("arlyle anthology E 1240

Clay. Agony cohunii of the Tiiuts E 332

l-lveryday book ot modern literature,

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Fosteriana E ()88

Howard. Beauties of literature, 13 vols, E 1609-21

Hunt. Book for a corner E 1235

Kaines Last words of eminent persons,



Knight. Half hours, best authors, 4 vols,



Half hours with the letter-writers.



Landor. Selections from his wiitmgs. . Iv 1239

Macaulay. Headings from (Italy) E 1(148

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Ruskin. Selections from (Italy). 2 copies. E 1646-7

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Smith iSydne) ). Selections from !". 429

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Southgate. What men have said aboutwoman E 1606

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Timbs. (larland t> r th(' year E 378

Knowledge for the time E 379

Things not generally knovvii , ist aad 2ndseries h. 370-


Things to be remenil ered ......... E 377

Townshend. Everyday book of modernliteraturv.\ 2 vols E 396-7



24 \. Table Talk, etc.—Rouianccs of the Middle Ages—Facetice—Fables.

Turner. T. Leaves !•; 34*^


! \



Wells. Tliinj,'s not f^enerajly known,^ topics V. 133. 1504


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Beecher. Proverbs from Plymouth pulpit.

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Doran. Table traits !•: 1637

Hood. Scottish characteristics 1^ 528

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Moncreiff. Wit and wisdom of the benchand bar E 289 1

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]•'. 427

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Table talk, Leigh Hunt E 100

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Table talk ; or. selections from the .\na.E 1106

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Weiss. Wit, humor, and Shakespeare. !•! 1497


Ashton. Romances of chivalry E 2012

Bourdillon. .\ucassin and Nicolette. . .E 1922

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Head. Viga-Gl urn's Saga !•;

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Anecdotes of youth and enterprise E

Ashton. Humour, wit, and satire of the

1 7th century I{

Burnand. Happy thoughts E

More happy thoughts V.

New history of Sandford and Merton.l

Round about my garden I


iClaike, William]. Three courses and a

dessert E

Collier. Punch and Jndy E

Davies. I'un, ancient and modern, 2 vols.E

Fenn. Wit and humour E

Hill. Wit and wisdom of Samuel Johnson.


Hood. Whims and rxldities E

Irving. History of \ew York E

Jerrold. Specimens of Douglas Jerrold's

wit !•:

McAnally. Irish wonders E

"Mark Twain." Library of humour,3 copies E

Selections from American humour,3 copies E

Miseries of human life E

Paulding. A book of vagaries F.

Tales of the good woman EPlu-ri-bustah I

Rowley. Puniana EMore puniana I'-

Taylor. Diversions of the echo club. . .E

Watterson (Ed.). Oddities in southern

life and character 1*^

Winter. Confessions of a publisher. . .E


Krilof and his fables, by Ralston II

Krummacher. Parables 1'.

La Fontaine. Fables, translated E






40 1 s






I'/'- -1























Bell. \^









a spc


3 vol





r.- Nit c

Caine. A


Cecil >



GcograpJiy—General. 245

i (jiiJ



History of ancient jjeographyiBunburyJ vols

iHodgins. fieography amllntish America


history of1"


iLucas. Hibtcjrical geograpliy of the

liritish colonies V



246 Europe.


; \



Rudolph (PW«ctf) Travels in the east.. F 1384

Russell Mystery of the "Ocean Star,"

5 copies I'" i534-^>

Sala. A journey due south I*" 149G

Under the sun F 1276

Seaward (.S(V Edward). Narrative of his

shipwreck, 2 copies E 432, M 425

Senior. By stream and sea F 669

Seton-Karr. Ten years' wild sports in

foreif^n l.mds F 1 52(j

Shipwrecks and disasters at sea, 2 vols..IC 1048-9

Simpson (<".). Overland journey roundworld F 693

Simpson (W ). Meeting the sun : a jour-

ney round the world F 619

Smiles (Rd). Boy's voyage round the

world, 2 copies F 95, 1020

Spry. Cruise of the " ("hallenger '...

1' 596

Stafford {Muyclitoness of). How I spent

my twentieth year : record of a tour

round the world, 1S8G-7 F 15G3

Stevens. Round the world on a bicycle,

2 vols F 1 362-3

Taylor. At home and abroad, ist and2nd series F 189-go

Thielmann. ('aucasus, Persia, and Tur-key, 2 vols F 1 56-7

Thomas. Remarkable shipwrecks F 1044

Vincent. Forty thousand miles over land

and water, 2 vols F 1256-7

Voyages round the world F 592

Wight. People and countries visited ; or,

a windinfijonrney around the world. .F 1506

Wilkes. United States exploring expedi-

tion F 729 I

Willis. The convalescent : his rambles i

and adventures F 548 |

Windt. From Fekin to Calais by land.F 1518

Wingfield. Wanderingsof a globe trotter,

in the fareast, 2 v(j1s F 1514-5;

Young. Story of active service in foreign

lands F 1419,


Barrow. Tour on the continent li 413

Bellows. Old world in its new face,]

2 vols F 1042-3 i

Benedict. Run through Europe I^' 566 \

Bouton. Roundabout to Moscow F 1349

Buffum. Sights and sensations in FVance,^

( Germany, and Switzerland F 515

Callan. Wanderings on wheel and on foot

through Europe F 1407

Catlin. Travels and residence in Europe,2 vols F 1 166-7

Conway. Switzerland, France, andI'y rentes, in 1830, 2 vols F 1039-40

Corning. .Valesund to Tetuan F 1544

Cox. Isles of the princes F 1400

Orient sunbeams F 217

Search for winter sunbeams F 984

Darley. Sketches abroad F ,1..

D'Aubigne. Germany, England, andScotland, 2 copies ^' 5'?. 5i4

Davis. Norway nights and Russian days.F 130s

Donne. Change of air and scene l-"

Douglas. Searches for summer KField. From the lakes of Killarney to the

Golden Horn FFox. Pleasure paths of travel 1"

Glisan. Two years in luirope. 1"

Green. Studies from England and Italy,

2 copies F 385, ySd

Griffi hs. Memorials of Millbank andchapters in prison history, 2 vols. . .F

Hall(H B ). Bric-a-brac hunter F

Harland. Loiterings in pleasant paths .F"

Holmes. Our hundred days in Europe FHuntly {Maripiis of). Travels, sport, and

politics F

James. Portraits of places, 4 copies. ..1"

Journal of a nobleman from Moscow to

Vienna, 2 vols F

Laing. Notes of a traveller, social andpolitical B

Louder. Evergreen leaves, 3 cop'es.F 553, iJi.(

L'Estrange. The village of palaces,2 vols V

Macgregor. Thousand miles in the " RobRoy ' canoe !"

Mansfield. Log of the " Water Lily " onihe Rhine, Neckar, and Danube . .L

Meriwether. A tramp trip F

Moltke (Count). Notes of travel FMurray (E,. C. G.). Pictures from the

battle fields 1-"

Murray {Rev. N.). Men and things as I

saw them in Europe FNinde. We two alone in ICurope F

Pennell. Our sentimental journey throughFrance and Italy 1"

Two pilgrims' progress FPittman. European breezes F

Prime. The .\lhambraaiid the ICremlin.F

Reynardson. Sports and anecdotes...'-"

Riley. Athos; or, the mountains of th-!

monks F

Sedgwick. Letters from abroad . . . FSewell. Journal of a summer tour. . . I'

Silliman. Visit to Europe, 2 vols F

Stables. Cruise of the land-yacht " Wan-derer " F

Taylor. By-ways of Europe F

Views a foot F

Tissot. Russians and Germans F

Travels in Greece, Turkey, Russia, andPoland, 2 vols F

Urbino. American woman in Europe. .F

Walworth. An old world, as seen throughyoung eyes F






.(80 I







1 2961












).13 -')|


England—Scotland. 247

' 4H

1, and1*" 513. 554

.ndays.F 130S

J I'




ey to the

ind Italy,


lank andV0IS...F


t paths FEurope F

sport, and

^pies. . .





3«5, y8o






Vare. Sketches of European capitals. .F' 801

Water Lily " (The), on the Danube.. F 560

Vilkie. Sketches bevond the sea, 3 copies.

F 302, 673, 785

Wght]. Dore F 5.»i

E-NGLAND.ISailey. Enfjland from a back window,

1 copies F" 37y, 79.3

[Borrow. Wild Wales: its people, language,

ami scenery E 1086

iBray. Morders of the Tamar and Tavey,2 vols, 2 copies . F 3O2-3, 407-8

iBurritt. Walk from London to JohnO'Gront's, 2 copies F 536, 551

Walk from London to Land's End . . . . F

Walks in the black country F

Carnegie. American four-in-hand in



locial andB

jp'es.F 553. I-;'



the '

' KobF

Lily " onnube . . L



80 1



248 Ireland— Franci'—!Von<.'(ty, Sxvt'<iiii, and Diiiniark— [celaiui.


I'orcst sketches and ( I i!(;r stalking' in the

I lif^hlands I'" .jju

Gorrie. Suminers and winters ni iIk-

( )rkneys I'" 7S0

Hamerton. Painter's camp, ^ copies .,1<" 81,0(15

Hicks. Waiiderinfjs hy tin; lochs andstrcN'uns of Assynt V 770

Hunter. Woods, forests, and estates of

i 't rthshiri! 1-".(58

Millar. Clyde from its source to the sea.



Queen Victoria Leaves froai the journalof (jiir iili; in the Hij^hlands, 5 copies,

I' 51^. O,?'"^. </'!, IoSl-2

More leaves, s copies V yjij, loSj-.).

Russell. Reminiscences of Yarrow. ... 1"1555

Sinclair. Scotland and the Scotch . . . .


Shetland and the Shetlaiulers F 10^5

Smith (A). Siinimcr in Skye, 1 copies.1-'

94, 701

Smith 'W. A.). lienderloch; or, iioie;.

f. in the West lliKlil.'inds V ..t

Stevenson. I'.dinhurgh F 57^

Stewart. Nether Lochaber .



'Twixt Ben Nevis and fllencoe V. 1824

Taylor. Hraemar Highlands F 651

Thomson. Martyr graves of Scotland. F 459


Burke. South isles of Aran, Co. Cialway. V

Coulter. West of Ireland C,

Doyle. Tour in Ulster F

Houston. I weiity years in the wild west.F

Macaulay. 'rruth about Ireland 1"

McGrath. I'lctures from Ireland \

Senior. Journals in Ireland, 2 vols . .. F

Thackeray. Irish sketch book, 2 vo' ,. .F

Second, tliird, antl fourth copie: .

L 2871, J070, 7050 -Go



(J I I






FRANCE.Betham-Edwards. Holidays in eastern

France, 2 copies F 230, 424

Blackburn. Pyrenees F 934

Browne. Ice caves of France and Switzer-land I'' 1003

Collins. Cruise upon wheels, 2 vol. . . . F 13-4

Second copy L 2389

Craik. I'air l-"rance, 3 copies....!" 13, 1080, 1137

Dumas. Sketches in France F 1 177

Travel in the South of h'rance F 844

Kight months on duty F 562

Hake. Paris originals F 306

Hamerton. The Saone Y 1442

Unknown river F 93

Hare. Days near Paris, 2 vols V 1312 13

Paris, 2 vols !• 1310-11

Hope. Brittany and the chase E 418

James. I-ittle tour in France, 2 copies. F 1206-7

Il,i.Holla>id, etc,—Germany—Sivitzcrland—Spain, Portugal—Italy. 249


uch pnn-!•




is I'" 15

vols. . . V ><p-


1; ^i/ays....l" v.]


of Paris.!•'



rinanfly.l'. ii

rancc and1


livenues. I'"

• I"




I Denmark.!: lu

Inight sun,

.I' i-r

ly 1-:i

avia . . . . F i.Sj'

rway .... I" i'

h to f.ap



es, 2 vols. I" 'joi




F Ir

the AuroraF M7i

F 53

In, 2 copies,

F 137. 4'

lith a knap-I- M'

I Norway. I" "7

,'oi\vay .1'

Isummer m1" 12/'

I' .;

F V.

|in Iceland.V. \

1- i

F 7

Ilia of Ice-


li874...l^ '

HOLLAND AND BELGIUM.Chambers. Tour in Holland in 1838 ..F 880

De Amicis. Holland and its ]ieople ,, .1"" 140

Havard. Dead cities of the Ziiyder Zee,

2 copies F 106, 658

Huet. Tiie land of Rubens F 493

Mahaffy ami Rogers. Sketches from atorr through Holland and Germany.



GERMANY.Baring-Gould. Germany I' 77

Chitwynd. Life in a German village. .F 86

Hawthorne. Saxon studies F 1054

Hood. Up the Rhine, 2 copies F 582, 1154

Howitt-Watts. Art-student in Munich,i vols F 1 7G-7

Second copy V 1024

Hugo. The Rhine I' 1359

Lee. .\isatian mountains i-" 1171

Russell. Tour in Ciermany, 2 vols .... IC 1060-1

Seguin. Black I'orest F 289

Whitling. Pictures of Nuremburg, 2 vols.

F 391-2

Wood. In the Black forest, 2 copies.. . F' 286, 326

SWITZERLANDBonney. Alpine regions V 41


Butler. .Vlps and sanctuaries of Piedmontand the Canton Ticino ¥ 1497

Cheever and Headley. Among .\lpine

scenery F 1 148

Daudet. Tartarin on the Alps F 1339

Edwards. U ntrodden peaks I" 24

Ferguson. Swiss men and mountains.. E 412

Smith. .Mont Blanc F 702

Tyndall. Glaciers of the .\lps, 2 copies.!' 461, 749

Hours of exercise in the Alps, 2 copies.

A 199 F 663

Umlauft. The Alps F 1507

White. .Mont Blanc and back again. . .F 1077

Wise. Wiesenasan Alpine health resort F 141

SPAIN AND PORTUGAL.Aitache m Madrid FBsTne. Cosas De Espafia, 2 vols FCarnarvon. Portugal ar.d Galicia F"

[Cayley. Las .-Vlforjas Vfawfurd. I'ortugal, old and new Filiott. Diary of an idle woman in Spain.

2 vols, 4 copies F'

ieid. CHbraltar F"Id Spain and new Spain Fautier Wanderings in Spain Vare. Wanderings in Spain Fving. Alhainbra, 2 copies E 1012, 1795

ngsman. Over volcanoes F" 290

arch. Walk into Spain I' 803

Six i










Rose. Among Spanish people, 2 vols..!' 219-20

Sketches and adventures in Madeira,Portugal, etc F 733

Through Spain to the Sahara V 592

Wallis. Spain : her institutions, politics,

and public men I"' 514

Webster .Spain 1' 67


^dams. Pompeii and Herculaneum,i copies F 103, 943

Blessington Idler in Italy, 2 vols F" 838-g

Brown. Wintering at Menton F" 399Burton. Etruscan Hologna : a study. ..F 1529

Carr. North Italian folk F 26*-

Castelar. Old Rome and new Italy. . ..F' 540

Chambers. Something of Italy F 769

Clarke. Pompeii, 2 vols 1" 250-1

Cox. Jubilee-tide in Rome I" 1492

D. (M. I. M.), Art and nature under anItalian sky V 857

Dempster. Maritime Alps, and their sea-

board, 2 vols., 3 copies F 1 199-1204

Elliott. Diary of an idle woman in Italy,

2 vols F 27-8

Second copy I" 657

Diary of an idle woman in Sicily . . . . F' 29

Pictures of old Rome, 2 copies F 30, 265

Forbes. Rambles in Rome F 253

Freeman. Subject and neighbour landsof Venice F' 932

Freshfield. Italian .Alps F 150

Hall. Land of the F'orum and Vatican.!' 1074

Hare. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily.



Florence F" iioi

Venice F' rioo

Walks in Rome F' 664

Hassall. San Remo and Western Riviera.

F 33S

Headley. Letters from Italy F" 725

Hillard. Six months in Italy, 2 vols. ..F 842-3

Honan. Personal adventures in Italy. ,F 1029

Howells. Italian journeys, 2 copie;. . .F" 36,810

Venetian life F 35

Kavanagh. Two Sicilies F 1138-9

Macmillan. Roman mosaics Y 600

Monnier. Wonders of Pompeii E 585

Rolfe. Pompeii, popular and practical F 1422

liome in the nineteenth century, 2 vols.E 920-1

Rome, Its edifices and its people G 835

Ross. Italian sketches F" 1402

Land of Manfred F" 1565

Rydburg. Roman days E 749

Scott. Nook in the .\ppcnines F' 63

Shumway. Day in ancient Rome F" 1180

Sinclair. Autumn in Italy E 1105

2SO Corsica—A iistria, Hungary—Russia—Siberia— Turkey, etc.


Story. ( astle of St. Ant,'elo CI 357

Vallomhrosa F 143

Sytnonds. Itnli.-ui sketches, 3 copies.!' 93/, 1085-6

Skctclios in Italy F 45

Sketches in Italy and Greece F 948

Taine. Italy: I'lorence and Venice ..F 225

Rome and Naples, j copies F 224, 712

Winter at the Italian lakes F 656


Brassey. Sunshine and storm in the east,

2 vols F 6-7

Second and third copies F 154, 878

Curzon. Visits to monasteries in the

Levant I" 745

Field. Gibraltar F 1499

Gregorovius. Corsica, 2 copies .. ..E 413, F 5C.S

Hill. HosueU's correspondence and tour.



LiJher {Von). Cyprus, historical and des-

criptive F G37

Urquhart. The pillars of Hercules, 2 vols.

F 1357-8

Warner. In the Levant, 2 copies F 295, 667

Willis. Summer cruise in the Mediter-ranean F 1073

AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY.Gerard. Land beyond the forest, 2 vols.F 1448-g

Grohman. Tyrol and Tyrolese F 31

Hall. Winter in Lower Styria F 535

Kay. Austria-Hungary F 9

Mackenzie and Irby. Travels in the

Slavonic Provmces F loio

Paget. Hungary and Transylvania,2 vols F 1 123-4

Patterson. Magyars and their country,2 vols F 298-9

Rae. Austrian health resorts F 1427

Tissot. Unknown Hungary F 1290

White. Holidays in Tyrol, etc F 57


Boulton. Russian empire E 282

Buckley. The midnight sun, the Tsar,and the Nihilist F 1240

Cochrane. Journey through Russia,

2 vols E 1042-3

Cunynghame. Travels in the EasternCaucasus F 443

Custine. Russia E 416

Ditson. Circassia F 727

Dixon. Free Russia, 2 vols F 20-1

Edwards. Russians at home G 359

Russians at home and abroad, 2 "c!j. .F 358-9

Englishwoman in Russia F 820

Grove. Frosty Caucasus F 180

Hare. Studies in Russia F 1210









Jerrmann. Pictures from St. Peters-burg F

Knight. " I'alcon" on the Baltic FMcCormick. Visit to the camp before

Sinastopol F

Marvin. Region of the eternal fire . . . FMaxwell Czar, his court and people. FMo.fill. Russia FMimro-Butler-Johnstone. Up the Volga. I'

Murray. Russians of to-day, 2 copies. . F .\\

Oliphant (Lawrence). Russian shores ofthe Hlack Sea F

Phillipps-Wolley. Sport in the Crimeaand Caucasus F

Ranken. Canada and the (Crimea FRussia: its gejgraphy, history, and topo-

graphy F 713

Sala. Journey due north F iir

Spencer. Turkey, Russia, Black Sea,and ('ircassia F 71


Stead. Truth about Russia F 1503

'* Stepniak." Russia and the Tzars . . . F Sio

Telfer. Crimea and Transcaucasia. . . . F 2.15

Wagner. Schamyl and Circassia F 5.13

Wallace. Russia, 3 vols F 58-110

Second copy F 6jj


Atkinson. Oriental and Western Siberia.



Collins. Voyage down the Amoor 1"07^

Eden. Frozen Asia 1"31!)

Erman. Siberia, 2 vols l' 11^3 4

Hill. Tiavels in Siberia, 2 vols 1"^y:,-^^

Kennan. Tent life in Siberia V 13.S

Lansdell. Through Siberia F 1115

Meignan. Paris to Pekin, over Siberiansnows .... F iJ


Baker. Turkey F S75

Brown. A winter in Albania F 1605

Carlisle. Diary in Turkish and Greekwaters F 79!^

Curzon. Armenia F 1^4

De Amicis. Constantinople F 13J

Gautier. Constantinople F 753

Hornby. In and around Stamboul.. . .F 6qo

Macfarlane. Turkey and its destiny,

2 vols F 94C

Murray. Turkey : being sketches fromlife I'" 5<>

Senior. Journal kept in Turkey andGreece F 5j

[Skene]. Anadol : the last home of the

faithful, 2 vols F 620, 62

Smith (Albert). Month at Constanti-nople F

Thornbury. Turkish life and character. F




) beforeI'

•e . . . I'

eople . FF


)]iies. . F

hores of



!a F

nd topo-


ick Sea,



;ars . . . F

isia. . . . F

ia FFF

(jret'ce—Asia—Palestine—Syria—Arabia— Persia, ete. 251


or F1'





I .(OS

1 36)






















Tozer. Highlands of 'rurkcy, 2 vols..F 388-9

Walker. IJnlruddcnpatlisin Koumania.



Wardrop. The kingdom of Cleorgia..F 1490

GREECE.Baird. Modern f Ireece 1" 708

Barthelemy. Travels of Anacharsis in

( ireece, 7 vols 1'' 922-8

Jebb. Modern CJreece F 107

Mahaffy, Rambles antl studies in (ireece.F 1021

Miller. Condition of Greece in 1827-28.



Sergeant. Greece F 75

Smith (Agnes). Glimpses of Greek life

and scenery F I45(J

Talbot. Greece and the Greeks F 148

Taylor. Greece and Russia F 188

Townshend. Cruise in Greek waters. .F 616

Tuckerman. Greeks of to-day F 174

ATLANTIC ISLANDS.Benjamin. Atlantic islands, 2 copies..


467, 604









Ihes from!•







BuUar. Winter in the Azores, 2 vols. ..F

Dix. Winter in Madeira FDorr. Bermuda ; an idyl of the summer

islands FEdwardes. Rides and studies in the

Canary Islands FPowles. Land of the pink pearl F

Stone. Teneriffe and its six satellites,

1 vols F


Bax. Eastern seas FCochran. Pen and pencil in Asia Minor.


Field, ligypt to Japan FForbes. Empires and cities of Asia...F

Low. Land of the sun FTaylor. India, China, and Japan FTemple, Oriental experience FThompson. Some glimpses into the far

east .F














key andF

m252 Central Asia—India ami Burmalt—Siam, etc.

CENTRAL ASIAAinsworth. Personal narrative of the

lui|>liratcs <;xpe<lition, 2 vols !•'

Atkinson. Ilxix-dition into Afghanistan.!'

Bellew. Ivaces of Afghanistan 1<'

Blunt Bedouins of the Ivupiirates . . . . I-'

Bonvalot. 'I'hrouKli thi; hi-art of Asia,

A vols I'"

Burnaby. Hide to Khiva VElphinston?. Account of the kingdom of

("auhnl, 2 vols. . F 1479-80

Fleming^. Travels on horseback in

MaiUchu Tartary I"

Hue. [ourney throu>,'h Tartarv andThiiwt !•;

Lansdel]. Through Central Asia FMacGahan Cainpaif,'ninK on theOxus.I"

Markham Ho(,'les' mission to Thihet.. h'

Masson. Journeys in rJeloochistan, Af-^^haiiistan, etc., 4 vols I' 63H-41

O'Donovan. Story of Merv 1"

Prejevalsky. I'roin Kulja across the Tian... FYarkand, and

K'ashgar I"

Taylor. Travels in Central Asia I"

Vambtry. Travels in Central .\sia. ... I'

Wolff. Mission to Hokh.-ira . . , V

Wood. Source of the river Oxus FYate. Northern .\f>,'hanistan F

Sli.ui to Loh .Nor.

Shaw. Fligh Tartary,



1500 -I















INDIA AND BURMAH.Anderson. Mandalay to Momien ... F

Arnold (lulwin). India re-visited FBaker. Kitle and ho\ind in Cuylon . . J'"

Wanderings in Ceylon VBarras. India and tiger-hunting, 2 vols.


Baxter. Winter in India FBock. Temples and elephants 1'

Burton. An Indian olio FReminiscences of sport in India I"

Cast. 1 ndian life VDrew. Northern barrier of India F"

Dunne. Calcutta to I'ekin p"

Ferguson. Ceylon in 1883 VFife-Cookson. Tiger-shooting in the

Doon and Dlwar P"

Forbes. Wild life in Canara and Ganjam.1'

Fytche. Uurina, past and present, 1 vols FGay. Prince of Wales in India !•

(lolden Dagon ; or, up and down the Irrawaddi F

Gouger. Two years'

i5urniahimprisonment m

. . FGuthrie. Year in an Indian fort, 2 vols.F

India—Pictorial, descriptive, and histor-ical, 2 copies F 935, g 830
















I 2 19- JO

1 05





Inglia. Tent life in tiger-land, 2 copies. F 1471, i4()i

Jennings. Ciold fields in S I^. Wynaad.F (f.^

Knighton. I'orest life in Ceylon, 2 vols K Sjf)-

rro|) sketches, 2 vols I'" Sji _

Mackenzie. Komantic land of Hind . .


Malccm Travels in the Hnrman I-'mpire.1"


Markham. Shooting in the Himalayas. !•"


Mateer. Native life in Travancore. . . . I-" 1 j.^

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Moore The (,)ueen's Kmpire I-" risi

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Robinson. Under tin; Punkah I'" ijji

Rowney. Wild tribes of India I" 370

Scott (Shiiuiy Vor, psciiil). Hurma, as it

was, as It is, and as it will be F m--

The Hurman, 2 vols I' ti5-f

Sleeman Journey through Oude, 2 vols. I" 821) ^o

Strachey (Jolin). India F 1 (Si

Temple. Journals kept in Hyderabad,Kashmir, Sikkim, and Nepal, 2 vols.l'" 1.) jO


Tennent. Ceylon, 2 vols I' ()i.| 5

Thomson. Travels in western Himalayaand Tibet I' i [f>.|

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Through and through the Tropics. . . . F (>~(!

Wakefield. Happy valley— K.ishinir . .

1' 4l^

Ward India and the Hindoos 1'"


Williams Modern India F 155

Wilson, .\bode of snow, 2 copies F 134, iw


Cort. Siam ; or, the heart ol farther

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Crawfurd. Embassy to Siam and ('ochin

China, 2 vols F Cijij-^o

Leonowens. English governess at the

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Baddeley. Travel tide F 1317

Bickmore. East Indian Archipelxgo . .F 612

Bird. (Golden Chersonese F IJ16

Bowring. Philip[)ine Islands F S60

Brook (Kcjtih). Journals in lion.eo ,indCelebes, 2 vols F 13-8-9

Burbidge. Ciardens of the sun F ^Sj

Chalmers. Pioneering in New Guinea.



Chalmers and Gill. New Guinea F 44-

CoUingwood. Rambles of a naturalist.



Colomb. Slave catching, Indian ocean.



Colquhoun. .\cross Chryse, 2 vols ....F 1453-4

Forbes(H. O.). Naturalist's|wanderings.F 1173

Forbes (iUrs.). Insulinde: experiencesota naturalist's wife F 86:


China, Corea, etc.—Japmi— Morocco, Algeria—Egypt, Soiuian. 253

69. F 147 I


J 254 Abyssinia—Central Africa—South Africa.


I' i'



Lenoir. Artists in Egypt F 800

Leon. Khedive's Egypt F 288

Lindsay. Letters on Egypt, Edom, ?.nd

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Lott. Harem life in ICgypt and Constan-tinople F 10C5

Ottiey. Modern Egypt : its witness to

Christ, J copies C 590, F 955

Petherick. Upper Egypt and Central,\frica . F 4G5

Poole. Cities of I",gypt F 342

Prime. J^oat life in Egypt F 1G3

St. John. Village life in Egypt, 2 vols.F 387-8

Solymos. Desert life F 449

Stephens. Egypt, Arabia Petraja, and theHoly Land, 2 vols F 1045--''"

Stoddard. Mashallah! F 859

Taylor(H.). Egypt and Iceland in 1874.



Taylor (Isaac). Leaves from an Egyptiannote-book F 495

Voyage up the Nile. By an American. .F S15

Wake. Great pyramid F 327

Warburton. Crescent and the Cross,

2 vols F 55-6

Second and third copies F 414, 825

Warner. Mummies and Moslems F 1031

Whately. Ragged life in Egypt F 1075


Baker. Nile tributaries of Abyssinia,2 copies F 203, 871

Cosson. Cradle of the Blue Nile, 2 vols.F 208-9

Gobat. Three years in Abyssinia F 1023

Markham. Abyssinian expedition . . . . F 876

Mayo. Sport in Abyssinia F 182


Africa past and present F 654

Ashe. Two Kings of Uganda, 2 copies.



Baker. Albert N'yanza, 3 copies.. F 204, 872, 931

Bateman. First ascent of the KasaV. ..F 1508

Burton. Gold coast for <?old, 2 vols. .. .F 348-9

Lake regions of Centra' Africa F 626

Cameron. Across Africa, 2 vols F 11-2

Dennett. Seven years among the Fjort.F 1305

Drummond. Tropical Africa, 2 copies.F 676, 1416

Du Chaillu. Explorations and adventuresin Afr'ca F 648

Journey to .\shaiigo land F 611

Emin Pasha. Letf.^rs pnd journals fromAfrica F

Geddie. Lake regions of Central Afi ica,

2 copies F 942

Hore. To Lake Tanganyika in a bathchair F

Johnstone. The Kilima-njaro expedition.


Kerr. The far interior : travel in SouthAfrica, 2 vols F


M 428




Kingston. Great African travellers,

2 copies F 1060, M 692

Krapf. Travels, researches, and mission-

ary labours in Fast .\frica F G62

Livingstone. Zambesi and its tributaries.

F looS

Long. Central Africa. . , F 1002

Macdonald. Africana, 2 vols F 431-2

r.litchinson. Expiring continent l-' 23'

Monteiro. Angola and river Congo, 2 vols.

F 195-6

Packard. Stanley and the Congo F 131O

Park. Life and travels 3 ^opies.

F 310, H 102, M 408

Pinto. How I crossed Africa, 2 vols. ..F 477-8

Residence at Sierra Leone. '3y a lady . . F 6S3

St. John. Adventures in the Libyandesert F 1066

Schweinfurth. The heart of Africa, 2 vols.

F 1299-1300

Speke. Discovery of the source of theNile F 1005

Stanley. Finding of Dr. Livingstone..



In the wilds of Africa F 1109

Taylor. Journey to Central Africa,

3 copies F 184, 589, 731

Thomson. Through Masai Land F 1163

Werne, African wanderings E 421

Werner. Visit to Stanley's rear guardon the Aruhwimi F" 1519

Young. Nyassa: a journal of adventures.




Anderson. Twenty-five years in a wag-gon, 2 vols F 1432-3

Andersson. Lion and the elephant. . . .F 2.(2

Okovango river F 864

South-western Africa F 130

Travels in South Africa F 437

Atcherley. Boerland F 233

Haines. Explorations in South-westAfrica F 1330

Gold regions of South-eastern Africa. .F 464

Ballantyne. Six months at the Cape . .F 791

Barker. Year's housekeeping in SouthAfrica, 2 copies F 3, C66

Bisset. Fighting and hunting in Africa.



Chapman. Travels in South Africa,

2 vols F 1 174-5

Camming. Wild men and wild beasts.



Cumniings. L'on hunting in South Africa.

F S9

Dixie. Land of misfortune. F irCg

Farina. Through the Kalahari desert..



Galton. Narrative of an explorer in SouthAfrica F 1055

Gillmore. Days and nights in the desert F M^^-

Great thirst land F 895

The hunter's Arcadia F i337

Western Africa—Madagascar, etc.—North America—Canada. 255


. .F loGo, M G(j2


F 662


F 1008

F 1002

F 431-2

V 23-

D, 2 vols.

F 195-6

) F 1316


10, H 102, M 408

vols. . . F 477-8

lady..F C83

Libyan. . F 1066

a, 2 vols.

F 1 299- 1300

e of theF 1005

itone..F 547

F 1109


..F 184, 589,731

1 F 1163

E 421

Lf guardF 1519

ntures.F 951


p a \A'ag-

...F 1432-3

nt F 242

...F 864

. . . F 130

. . . F 437

...F 233


...F 1330

^frica..!'" 4C4

ipe..F 791

1 South, . . . F 3, C65

frica.F nC


F 1 174-5

easts. F 4-''


F Sg

F 1169

sert. F 1237

1 SouthF lO.i.i

esert F 14^-

F 895

F IJ37


Heckford. Lady trader in the Transvaal.



Holub. Seven yeaid in South Africa,2 vols F 958-9

Kennedy at the Cape, 2 copies F 821, 1258

Kermode. Natal F 347Livingstone. Travels in So>.;th Africa.



Mackenzie. Austral Africa, losing it orruling it, 2 vols F 1381-2

Day dawn in dark places F 456Mason. Zulus ot Natal E 420

Matthews. Incvadi Yami ; or, twentyyears' personal experience in SouthAfrica F 1459

Oswald. Days and nights in the tropics.



Roche. On trek in the Transvaal .. ..F loig

Trollope. South .\frica, 2 vols., 2 copies,

F 53-4, 1093-4

Walmsley. Zulu 1 ind F 84

Ward. Cape and the Kaffirs F 505

Wilmot. Zulu war F 215


Burton. Mission to King of Dahome,2 vols F r 288-9

Crouch. Glimpses of F'everland ¥ 1557

On a surf-bound coast F 1401


Ellis. Madagascar revisite ! F 8G6

Three visits to Madagascar F 998

Pike Sub-tropical rambles F 874

Shaw. Madagascar and France F 933

NORrH AMERICA.Bard. Waikna F 1032

Becher. Landfall of Columbus F 625

Boddam-Whetham. Western wander-ings F 1325

Campion. On the frontier F 1324

Chambers. Things as they are in Amer-ica, 2 copies F 709, 993

Dale. Impressions of America B 451

Dobhs family in America F 357

Duncan. Travels through part of the

United States and Canada in 1818-9. F 528

Franchere. Voyage to the N. W. coast of

America F 689

Fremont. Year of .\merican travel E 1302

Gurowski. America and Europe G 800

Hatton, Henry Irving's impressions of

America F 962

Jackson. Hits of travel at home F 507

Johnston. Notes on North America, 2 vols.

F 850-1

Jones. Handbook of American travel..



Lanman. Japanese in America G 160

Wilds of North America E 423

Lyell. Travels in North America F 11 50

Macaulay. Across the ferry : first im-pressions of America and its people.



Mackay. Western world, 2 vols F 761-2

Marryat. Diary in America F 773

Meriwether. The tramp at home F 1566

Moorman. Mineral springs of North.\merica F 291

Payne. Voyages of Elizabethan seamento America F 300

Revoil. Shooting and fishing in NorthAmerica, 2 vols F 2G2-3

Russell. North America, Canada, andCuba F 428

Stuart. Three years in North America.



Sutter. American notes, 1 88 1 F 309

Travel and adventure F 1076

Trollope. North America, 3 vols., 2 copies,

F 47-9, 1090-2

Third and fourth copies F 567, 734Walton. Mineral springs of the United

States and Canada V 574

CANADA.Barneby. Life and labour in the far

west F 1 172

Beers. Over the snow; or, the Montrealcarnival F 1372

Begg. " Dot it down," life in the north-west F 1056

Begg and Nursey. Ten years in Winni-peg F 613

Bryce. Holiday rambles between Winni-peg and Victoria F 1393

Manitoba : its infancy, growth, andpresent condition F 542

Butler. Great lone land F 899

The wild north land F 1394

"Captain Mac." Canada from the At-lantic to the Pacific F 240

Christmas. Emigrant churchman in Can-ada F 1 189

Cozzens. Acadia F 1350

Cumberland (B.). Northern lakes of

Canada F 1268

Cumberland (S.). The Queen's highwayfrom ocean to ocean F 1365

Dashwood. Chiploquorgan ; or, life bythe camp fire F 776

Day. English America, 2 vols F 367-8

Dickson. Camping in Muskoka, 2 copies.

F 1 266-7

Fitzgibbon. Trip to Manitoba F 296

Fleming. England and Canada : summertour between Old and New West-minster, 2 copies F 965-6

Fraser. Shanty, forest, and river life..F 536

Three months among the moose F 735

Gordon. Mountain and prairie F" 260

Grant. Ocean to ocean F 1047

Haight. Country life in Canada H 881

Newfoundland— United States.

Hall (C). Lady's life, farm in Manitoba.!"

Hall (E. H.), British North America,for health, sport, and profit F

Hamilton. Prairie province FHazlitt. British Columbia and Van-

couv'ir Island FHill. F"rom home to home FHolley. P'alls of Nia,','ara FHoretzky. Canadp on the I'acific . . . .F

Hough. Thousr.nd Islands of the river

St. Lawrence F

Kane. Wanderings of an artist in NorthAmerica F

Lees and Clutterbuck. B. C. 1887 : aramble in British Columbia V

Le Moine. yuebec, past and present. . FLetters from an emigrant lady in Muskoka.


Lillie. Canada : physical, economic, andsocial, 2 copies V

Margetts. Charlie Ashford ; or, fouryears in the Canadian Dominion . . F"

Mayne. British Columbia and Van-couver's Island F

Milton and Cheadle. North-west passageby land F

Moodie. Roughing it in the bush, 2 vols.F

Morris. Letters sent home FMurray. Daylight land, 1 copies F""

Norton and Habberton. Canoeing in

ivannckia, 2 copies F'

Parkman. Northern tour F

Phillipps Wolley A sportsman's F2den,

2 copies F"

Trottings of a tenderfoot F"

Poole. Queen Charlotte Islands FRae. Newfoundland to Manitoba FRanken. Canada and the Crimea F

Rattray. Vancouver Island and BritishColumbia F"

Ritchie. To Canada with emigrants. . . FRoberts. The western Avernus F

Robinson. Great fur land, 2 copies .. .F

Roland. Algonia west : its mines, scenery,and resources F

Russell. Canada: its defences, condition,and resources, 2 copies F"

St. John. Sea of mountains, 2 vols. . . . F"

Sandham. Montreal, past and pre.sent.F

Spragge. F'rom Ontario to the Pacific

by theC.P.I^ FStearns. Labrador F

Tod (John Strathesk). Bits about AmericaF

Tour of U.K. II. the Prince of Walesthrough liritish America F

Watson. Sportsman's paradise; or, thelake lands of Canada F"

Weld. Vacation tour: Canada and UnitedStates F"







10 5G






5G9, 692







695. 754










132, 337


7S2, 992








1 43 1


NEWFOUNDLAND.Hatton and Harvey. Newfoundland, the

oldest British colony F51J7

Kennedy. Sport, travel, and adventurein Ntnvfoundland and the West Indies.

McCrea. Lost amid jfogs F 57C

Tocque. Newfoundland F 331

UNITED STATESAppleton. Handbook of American travel,

Southern States F 293

Aubertin. A light with distances, 2 copies. F 1420-1

Bachelder. Popular resorts F' 8S7

Barbour. Florida for tourists and inva-

lids F 304

Barrows. Oregon F 102

Bell. New tracks in North America...F"


Bernard. Retrospections of America,1797-1811 F 1297

Bird. Lady's life in the Rocky Moun-tains, 2 copies F" 131, 159

Bishop (H. E.). Floral home; or, first

years of Minnesota F 607

Bishop (N. H.). Voyage of the papercanoe 1" 628

Six months in a sneak box F 711

Blouet. Jonathan and his continent,

3 copies F 1551-3

Bowles. Across the continent . F" 797

Browne. Adventures in the Apachecountry F' 144

Maryland F 1 103

Burton. City of the saints F S117

Carter. Summer cruise on the coast of

New England F" 5uO

Codman. Winter sketches from the

saddle F 160S

Coke. .\ ride over the Rocky Mountains.



Colton. Three years in California . . . F 76(1

Conn Cow-boys and colonels, 2 copies.



Cozzens. Marvellous country F 867

Cumming. (iranite crags of California. F 1243

Curley. Nebraska F" 4J4

Curtis. Lotus eating V 169

Custer (E. B ). Boots and saddles . . . . F 561

Tenting on the plains F fios

Davidson. Florida of to-day F 1607

Dickinson Ragged register F 5.10

Dixon. New America, 2 vols F 1S-9

White coiKiuest, 2 vols F n-i

Dodge. Hunting grounds of the great

west F' 1114

Dun. American farming and food F .i'^J

Ebbutt. Emigrant life in Kansas F 12^2

Elliott (H. W.). Our Arctic province,.Vlaska and the Seal Islands F 123!^

Elliott (W.). Carolina sports, by landand water F" 77-

United States. 257


nd, the

F 3'J7


F IJ26

F .S/C

F 3j,


\ travel,

F 293

lopies.F 1420-1

F 8S;

id inva-

F 304

F 102

ica . . . F 945


F 1207

Moun-F 131, 159

or, first

!'• 607

e paper, F 628

F 711


F 1551-3

F 797

Apache..F 144

. . F 1 103

..F 897

coast of

. . F 506

iMii the

. .



itains.F 802

la . . . F 766

opies.F 1602-3

. . F 867

ornia.F 1243

F 4J4

, . . . F 169

. . . . F 5<ii

. . . . F fiof

. . . .



. . . . F 530

. . . . F 18-9

F 22-3


F 1114

F 303

,...F i^'^-


....F 123S

y land

. . . F 77^

Farriham. California F 752

Farrow. Mountain scouting F 390

Featherstonhaugh. Canoe voyage up theMinnay Sotor, 2 vols F 1129-30

Firth, Our kin across the sea F 494

Fisher. Californians F 320

Flack. Hunter's experience, SouthernStates, 2 copies F no, 328

France. Mountain trails and parks in

(Colorado F 155Francis. Saddle and moccasin F 1367

Fremont. Exploring,' expedition to the

Rocky Mountains, etc V 819

ueor'.'ia scenes F 534

Gilraore Lone life, 2 vols F 108-9

Second copy . F 350

i'rairie and forest F i'>7

Prairie farm and folk, 2 vols F 409-10

Gladstone. Englishman in Kansas .... F 737

Grohman. Camps in the Kockies F 595

H (l'^. M.). Ranch life in California...?" 1307

Hall Liverpool to St. Louis F 1149

Hardy (D.). Through cities and prairie

lands F 997

Hardy (I. D.). Between two oceans ; or,

sketches of American travel F 1455

Headley. Adirondack ; or, life in thewoods

, F 294

Hovey. Celebrated Vinerican caverns. T" 623

Irving (John T.). Indian sketches F 583

Irving (VV.). Adventures of Capt. Bonne-ville E 7'iG

.\storia : an enterprise beyond the RockyMountains, 2 copies E 753, F CS5

Book of the J-f udson V 1 14G

[emble. Residence on a Georgian plan-

tation F 69


ting (C). Mountaineering in ,^ Tra•Xevada F 896

Eing (T. S.), Tim white hills: their

legends, landsca| and poetry . . . . F

lanier. Florida: its sc ery and climate. F

Lawrence. Border aiu IJastille V

Leifhton Lifeatl'uge: Sound F

;ster. Atlantic to the I'acilic . . . .F






indley and Widney. California of thesouth F

jell. Travels in the United States,

2 vols F

ScDaniel and Taylor. Texas, the comingtiinpire F

'ackinnon. .Vtlantic and transatlantic.F"

'arcy Thirty years' army life on thebonier V

arryat (F.). Tom Tiddler's ground . . F

larryat (F'rank). Mountains and molehills F

larston. Frank's ranch F









Morris (M. n'c). KambU's in RockyMuiiiuains F 236

Morris (Win ). Letters sent home . . . . F" 160

Murphy, Sporting adventurts in far west,

1 copies F 384, 677

Murray. Letters from the United States,

Cuba, and Canada F' 970

Nash. Oregon in 1877 F 344

Nordhoff. I'eninsular California F 1465

Northrup. Camps in the Adirondacks .F 268

Noyes. Uivou.ic and the battlefield . . . F' 1063

Olmsted. Journey in the back country.



Pierson. I n the brush F 352

Pulszky. White, red, bl.ick, 2 vols . ..F 164-5

Rae. Westward by rail F" 42

Rebel army, thirteen months in the . . . . F' 510

Rideing. A saddle in the wild west ... I H55

Riley. Alabama as it is F 1 374

Roberts. Santa Barbara and aroundthere F' 570

Shoshone and other western wonders. F" 1537

Robinson. Sinners and saints E 206

Roosevelt. Hunting tripsofaranchman.F" 1234

Russell My diary north and south,

2 copies F 719, 929

Ruxton. Life in the far west L 1704

Schwatka. .\long Alaska's great river. F 1236

Scidmore. Alaska, its southern coast andSitkan archipelago F" 1 278

Shea. Discovery and exploration of the

Mississippi valley F" 600

Shields. Cruisings in the Cascades. . . . F' 1522

Sillimati. Tour between Hartford andQuebec in 1819 F' 808

Spring. Kansas F" 1 209

Strickland. Ok! Mackinaw F 1 152

Sutro. Sutro tunnel company F' 1309

Sweet and Knox. On a Me:;ican mustangthrough Te.\as F 1 528

Taylor (B.). Eldorado, 2 vols F 763-4

Second copy F' 1 87

Taylor (B. V .). .Mission ridge and Look-out mountain F looi

Thoreau. A week oa the Concord ami.Merrimack rivers V. 2003

Thornton. Oregon and California in 1848,

2 vols F 119-20

Thwaites. I iisloric waterways F 539

Todd, ("alifornia and its woiuhjrs . . . . M 734

Tremenheere. Notes on the United States

and Canada U 294

Van Dyke. Southern California F" 1270

Viele. 1- ollowing tlie drum F" 6go

Wardman. Trip to .\laska F' 1 144

Warner. In the wilderness F' 1 147

On horseback : a tour in Virginia, NorthCaiolina, and Tennessee F 1.59'*^

Webber. Romance of sporting I' 1322

258 Mexico and Central America— West Indies—South America.

Whymper. Travels and adventures in

Alaska, 2 copies F 994, 1361

Williams. Territory of Florida F 861

Winnipe},' country; or, roughing it with

an eclipse party, by a Rochesterfellow F i2Sr

Winthrop. Canoe and saddle, 3 copies.

F 546, 705, L 2609

Woodman. Picturesque .\laska F 1 558

Wright. Oil regions of Pennsylvania,2 copies F 172, 526

MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA.Appleton's jjuide to Mexico F 11 79

Aubertin. ^""light to Mexico ¥ 375

Becher. Trip to Mexico F 818

Belt. Naturalist in Nicaragua F" 1532

Bishop. Old Mexico F 183

Brighara. Guatemala, the land of the

quetzal F 1428

Carpenter. Travels and adventures in

Mexico F 1058

Charney. Ancient cities in the new world.

F 1371

Davis. El Gringo ; or. New Mexico andher people F 788

Fancourt. History of Yucatan F 235

Gibbs. British Honduras F 128

Gooch. Face to face with the Mexicans.



Griffin Mexico of to-day F 1294

Latrobe. Rambler in Mexico F 1078

Lombard. The new Honduras F 1429

Morelet. Central America F 394

Norman. Rambles in Yucatan F 627

Otis. Isthmus of Panama F 1053

Ritch. History, resources, and attractions

of New Mexico F 1333

Roberts. With the invader F 1145

Smith. A white umbrella in Mexico. . .F 1260

Squier. Central America F 964

Stephens. Travel in Central America,Chiapas and Yucatan, 2 vols F 920-1

Wilson. Mexico and its religion, etc. . . F 746


Ballou. History of Cuba F 784

Brassey. In the trades, the tropics andthe roaring forties, 2 vols., 2 copies. F 1 193-6

Third copy F" 1228

Carleton. Our artist in Cuba D 367

Dorr. Bermuda F 1 102

Eden. West Indies F 71

Eves. The West Indies F 1572

Froude. English in the West Indies,

2 copies F 1405-6

Goodman. Pearl of the Antilles F 402

Hazard. Santo Domingo F 207

Hurlbut. Pictures of Cuba F, 422

Kennedy. Sport, travel, and adventure,ir Newfoundland and the West Indies.

F 1239

Kingsley. At last, 3 copies . . .E 1002, F 527, GsJ

Fourth and fifth copies, 2 vols . p' 39-40, L 3390-a

Layard Through the West Indies. . , .F

Moxly. .Vccount of a West Indian sani-

torium, Barbadoes FPaton Down the islands F

Powles. Land of the pink pearl FRolph. West Indies and a tour through

the United States FSt. John. Hayti ; or, the black republic.


1 40J



Trollope. West Indies, 2 copies .F ^(\ w]i

SOUTH AMERICA.Agassiz. Journey in P>razil FBall. Notes of a naturalist in South

America F

Barry. Venezuela FBates. Naturalist on the river Amazons.


Beerbohm. Wanderings in Patagonia.


Bigg-Wither. Pioneering in Brazil,

2 vols , . F

Boddam-Whetham. Roraima and British

Guiana F

Brown. Canoe and camp life in British

Guiana F

Brown and Lidstone. Fifteen thousandmiles on the Amazon F

Carpenter. Round about Rio F

Clemens. La Plata countries of SouthAmerica F

Curtis. The capitals of Spanish .\merica.F

Dent. A year in Brazil F

Edgcumbe Zephyrus: a holiday in

Brazil and on the river Plate F

Ewbank. Life in Brazil F

Hall. Chili, Peru, and Mexico F

Humboldt. Travels to the equinoctialregions of America, 3 vols., 2 copies.

A 359-61,

Hutchinson. Parana F

Two years in Peru, 2 vols F

Kidder. Brazil and the Brazilians . . . . F"

Markham. Peru F

Orton. Andes and the Amazon F

Palgrave. Dutch Guiana F

Pelleschi. Eight months on the GranChaco of the Argentine republic . . . F

Rumbold. Great Silver river F

Simson. Travels in the wilds of Ecuador.F

Smith. Araucanians F

Squier. Incidents of travel in Peru . . . . F

Stewart. Brazil and La Plata F

Tschu( '1. Travels in Peru F

Waterton. Wanderings in South America.F

Wilberforce. Brazil E


























I oil




;st Indies.

F I22(

E IO02, F 527, 68^

,F 39-40, L 3390-1

:lies. . . .F 140,

dian sani-


, F

1 F

r throughF




s ..... F 46, 109;


in South








F 335

ind British


in British




of SouthF









oliday in

..F 139


..F 89


2 copies.

A 359-61. F584-

, . . F 46

, . . F 247-

ans .... F 81

. . . . F

F io*J

. . . . F Ci

the Graniblic ...F I].

. F I J:



'cru F





Australia, Nezv Zealand—Polynesia—Arctic Seas and Regions. 259

AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND.Alexander. Bush fighting F

Backhouse. Australian colonies F

Barker [Lady). Station amusements in

New Zealand, 2 copies F

Station life in New Zealand F

Barlow. Kaipara ; or, experiences of a

settler in North New Zealand F

Bonwick. Curious facts of old colonial

days F

First twenty years of Australia FBooth. Another England F

Boyd. Old colonials V

Bradshaw. New Zealand as it is F.New Zealand of to-day 1884-1887 . . .F

Butler. New Zealand, past and present.


Cowie. Our last year in New Zealand,1S87 F

Crawford. Travels in New Zealand and.\ustralia, 2 copies F 246, 438

Dale. Impressions of Australia F 1573

Daly. Digging, squatting, and pioneeringife in South Australia F

Denton. Incidents of a collector's ramblesin .Vustralia, etc F

Finch-Hatton. Advance Australia! ...F

Freeman. Lights and shadows of Mel-bourne life F

Froude. Oceana; or, England and her

colonies, 2 copies FGrant. Bush life in Queensland, 2 vols.F"

Green. High Alps of New Zealand . . . . FGrundy. Pictures of the past Flarcus [Ed.). South Australia Flowitt. Land, labor, and gold, 2 vols.F

Hughes. Australian colonies Ehglis. Our Australian cousins ¥Jiraeson. Australia and her gold regions.


Kennedy. Colonial travel FMacdonald. Gum boughs and wattle

l)loom FMartin. Our Maoris ¥^atu^al wonders of New Zealand ¥Nichols. Wild life and adventure in the

.Vustralian bush, 2 vols ¥Otter. Winters abroad K

Payton. Round about New Zealand ..F

Pyne. Reminiscences of colonial life . . FQueen of the colonies, Queensland FRanken. Dominion of Australia FScoresby. Voyage to Australia FScratchley. Australian defences and New

r. uinea FTherry. New South Wales and Victoria Fihomas. Cannibals and convicts FThomson. Story of New Zealand, 2 vols.F" 339-40

Trollope. Australia and New Zealand,3 vols. 2 copies F 50-2, F 1087-9

II n868






































New South Wales and Queensland . . . F

South and Western Australia l*"

Victoria and Tasmania F




POLYNESIA.Bird. Sandwich Islands F 199

Boddam-Whetham. Pearlsof the Pacific,


447Browne. Cru.soe's Island, 2 copies.. F 146, M 588

Calvert. Missionary labours among thecannibals I' 1064

Cheever. Island world of the Pacific . . I'' 5^8

Churchward. Blackbirding in the SouthPacific I" 1470

My consulate in Samoa F 1383

Cooper. Coral lands, 2 vols F 475-6

Cumming. F'ire fountains : the kingdomof Hawaii, 2 vols V 1347-8

Grant. Scenes in Hawaii ; or, life in the

Sandwich Islands F 1540

Guppy. The Solomon Islands F 1380

Haole. Sandwich Island notes ¥ 544

Inglis. In the New Hebrides F 1249

Mariner. Tonga Islands, 2 vols E 108.^-5

Melville. Omoo : adventures in the SouthSeas F 823

Typee ; or, four months in the Mar-quesas, 2 copies P 543, 768

Murray. Mission work in Polynesia. ..F 218

Palmer. Kidnapping in South Seas . . .F 249

Penny, Ten years in Melanesia F 1396

Powell. Wanderings in a wild country.!" 1250

Pritchard. Polynesian reminiscences. .F 1444

St. Johnston, Camping among cannibals.F 317

South Sea bubbles. By the Earl and theDoctor F 37

Stewart. Sandwich Islands F 80

Visit to the South Seas, 2 vols F 794-5

Stoddard. Summer cruising in the SouthSeas F 957

Strachan. Explorations and adventuresin New Ciuinea F

Williams Fiji and the Fijians FWood. Yachting cruise in South Seas.F




ARCTIC SEAS AND REGIONS.Barrow. Voyages to the Arctic regions.



Beechey. Voyage to the North Pole ..F 869

De Long. Voyage of the "Jeannette,"2 vols F 1493-4

Hall. With the Esiuimaux F 1188

Hayes Open Polar seas F 894

Hooper. Ten months among the Tuski.F 1016

Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe IslandsG 865

Kane. Arctic exploration, 2 vols. 2 copies.

F 916-9

Koldewey German Arctic expedition.F 1161

26o History, General and Pliilosophical—Pre-historic.


Lamont. Seasons with the sea horses. F 882Yrichting in the Arctic seas K 243

Lesbazeilles. Marvels of I'olar world,- t'.pics p 276, g.,o

Markham. Northward ho ! 2 copies.. . F 127, 516Whaling to IJaffin's bay, 2 copies.

F 125, 1006McClure. Discovery of a north-west

P'l^'^^iRe \! 726Mayne Voyages in the Arctic regions. E 418Melville. In the Lena Delta and Greely

relief expedition F 115GNoble. After icebergs with a painter . . F ioj8

Nordenskidld. Voyage of the '• Vega ". F 1160Osborn. Stray leaves from an .Vrctic

journal p 733

Payer. New lands within the Arcticcircle, 2 vols F

I'olar seas and regions FKect'nt I' voyages F

Richardson. Arctic expedition, in searchof Sir John Franklin V

Rink. Danish OreenLmd V,

Routledge. Marvels of the Polar world. 1'

Seemann, Voyageof H.M.S. "Herald" in

search of Sir John Franklin, 2 vols. I"

Simmonds. Sir John Franklin and theArctic expedition I"

Tillotson. Adventures in the ice 1'

Tytler. Northern coasts of America . I'

Wrangell. Expedition to the Polar sca.F







GENERAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL.Armytage. Old court customs CI 353Bisset. Historical truth, 2 copies... E 521, G 200Blackie. What does history teach ?.. .G 926Douglas. Duelling days in the army. .G 1158Duff. Studies in European politics G 1313Ewald. Stories from state papers, 2 copies.

Cj ioi, 113

581Freeman. Four Oxford lectures G.Methods of historical study G

Great sieges of history GGuizot. History of civilization, 3 voIs.EHegel. Philosophy of history V,

Kingsley. Historical lectures and essays EKnox. Decisive battles since Waterloo.GLardner. Outlines of history GLaughton. Studies in naval history. . .GLieber. Great events, :i copies G 725, 804Mackenzie. The lyth century : a history. G 985Malleson. .Vmbushes and surprises. . .(i

Maurice (C. E.). The revolutionary move-ment of 184S-9 in Italy, Au.stria-Hun-gary, and Germany G

Maurice [Col). Balance of military powerin Europe, 5 copies

Miller. History philosophically illus-

trated, 4 vols HMoir. History, antiquity, and science.


Monroe. The people the sovereigns ..(}

Nicol. Political life of our time, 2 vols. c; 1469-70Prichard. E:astern origin of the Celtic

u.itions GRogers. The economic interpretation of

history g 1335

Schlegel. Philosophy of history E 860

Shairp. Sketches in history and poetry.

















Smith (Goklwin). Lectures on the studyof history G

Stanhope [Earl). Historical essays,1st and 2nd series G 464, 49

Stebbing. Some verdicts of history re-

\ iewed GStubbs. On the study of medieval and

modern history GTaylor. Process of historical proof ex-

eni[)lified and explained GThierry. Historical essays GThompson. Papacy and the civil

Timbs Curiosities of history . . EHistoric ninepins G

Tuttle. Encyclopjcdia of universal history

;iiui useful knowledge, 2 vols GTytler. Univer.sal history, 2 vols (r

[Whately ] Historic d>>ubts, 2 copies.


Wheeler. Course of empire GWhite. Eighteen Christian centuries. .C if-i]

Williams. Erasandcharactersinhistory.G \2\

PRE-HISTORIC.Baldwin. Ancient .America F io;!i

Pre historic nations V, \\\

Clodd. Childhood of the world (J 41

Conant. Foot-prints of vanished races

in the Mississippi valley (i \y\

Farrer. Primitive manners and customs.



Frazer. Totemism G 1 1"

Keary (/w/.). Dawn of history (i ^iJ

Larkin. Ancient man in America G S;

Linton. Colossal vestiges ofoldernations G 13

Morris. The Aryan race G i;

Myers. Remains of lost empires F" til

Worsaae. Pre-history of the north .. .G nN







I !2

09 5'


A ncicnt—Persia— Greece—Rome—Jews—Mtddle Ages. 261


262 Europe—England.




Pater. History of the Renaissance. . ..E 208

Pears. Fall of Constantinople G 578

Trevor. Kumo, from the fall of thewestern empire Ci 399

EUROPE.Alison. History of I'^urope, C vols (x S90-5

Second copy, 20 vols (i 1 198-1217

Arnold. Modern history, 2 copies G 146, 831

Bradley. Story of the Goths G 1004

Cotton. A voice from Waterloo (i 639

Freeman. Chief periods of Europeanhistory G 1025

Frost. Secret societies of the Europeanrevolution, 2 vols G 400-1

Fyffe. History of modern Europe,1792- 184S, 2 vols G 1075-6

Johnstone. Historical abstracts of the

less known states of Europe G 774Koch. Revolutions in Europe, 3 vols..



Lawson. Remarkable conspiracies, 2 vols,

E 1092-3

Lilly. Chapters in European history,

2 vols G 1087-8

Lodge. History of modern Europe ,.G 883

Michelet. Modern history Cr 634

Muller. Political history of recent times.



Ranke. i 1 istory of the Latin and Teutonicnations, 1494-1514 G iiio

Robertson. History of Charles V G G41-3

Schlegel. Modern history E 8G3

Smyth. Lectures on modern history,

2 vols E 871-2

True stories from modern history G 699

ENGLAND.Abbott. Charles the First G 718

Charles the Second G 704

Queen Elizabeth G 811

William the Conqueror G 717

Adams. F'amous ships of British navy.G 291

Great civil war, 2 copies G 288, 764

Wellington's victories G 292

Aikin, Memoirsof the court of James L.G 888

Airy. English restoration and Louis XIV.G 1280

Allen. Anglo-Saxon Britain G 476

Allen. Battlesof the British navy, 2 vols.E 953-4

Anson. Constitution of Great Britain .B 60S

Armytage. Wars of Queen Victoria's

reign G 1034

Ashley. Edward HL and his wars, 1327-

1360 G 1225

Besant. Fifty years ago G 1312

Bisset. Commonwealth of England,2 vols G 40S-9

History of the English Parliament . . .G 492

Blaauw. Barons' war G 510

Bowryer. English constitution G 318

Bright. History of England Period IV',

(irowth of democracy, 1837-1880 ....Ci

Browning. I'lngland and Napoleon in

1803 GModern England, 1820-74 K

Buckle. History of civilization in Eng-land, 2 vols 13

Burdett. Prince, princess, and people. .G

Burrows. Imperial England GCarlyle. Cromwell's letters and speeches,

5 vols GClarendon. Ci\il war in England, 7 vols.G

Collins Bolingbroke and Voltaire in

iMigland GColomb. D'ifence of Great and Greater

Britain GCoote. Neglected fact in English history.


Cordery aii'. Phillpots. King and com-monwealth G

Cory, (iuide to modern English history,

2 vols GCreasy. English constitution GCreighton (L.), Social history of Eng-

land GCreighton (M.). Age of Elizabeth ...G

De Lolme. Constitution of England,

4 copies B 435, E G79, Ci

Denton. linglandinthefifteenthcentury.G

Dickens. Child's history of England,

3 copies L 4009,

i'ourth copy, 2 vols MDixon. Her Majesty's tower, 4 vols. . .G

Second copy GEdgar. Wars of the Roses , GForster. Arrest of the five members ,.G

Grand remonstrance GFroude. History of England, 12 vols..G

Gairdner. England (Early chroniclers of

Europe) GHouses of Lancaster and York G

Gairdner and Spedding. Studies in Eng-lish history G

Gardiner. First two Stuarts, 1603-1660.G

History of I'lngland, 1603-1642, 10 vols.G

Geffcken. The British Empire GGneist. The FInglish Parliament GGreat battles of the British army GGreen. Conquest of lingland G

History of the English people, 4 vols.G

Second copy GGuest. Lectures on history of England.


Guizot. English revolution of 1640 . . .li

Richard Cromwell and the restoration

of the Stuarts, 2 vols GHale. F'all of the Stuarts, 1678-1697 . .G

Hall. Society in the Elizabethan age..G

Hallam. Constitutional history of Eng-land, 2 vols GSecond and third copies G

'eriod IV.880 G3olL'on in


) in En^-13

people. .G



:i,7 vols.G

alt.Tire in

Gd G renter



and com-(i

ih history,


y of Eng-G

.eth . . . GEngland,

5, E 679, Gcentury.G


. . . . L 4009,

M. vols. ..G


Gnbers . . G

G2 vols. .G

)n iciers of

GH< GIS in Ent;-



10 vols.G





640 . . .



1697 . .G

n age. .G

of Eng-GG













49, ;»:



















1 19-1

49. 74:

England. 263

Hardwick. Ancient battle-fields in Lan-lashire G

Herbert {Lord). History of England,inder Henry VHI G

Hewlett. I'ost-Norman Britain GHodgetts. Older England GHood. Old ICngland GHume. Chronicle of King Henry VHI.

of England GHutton. Misrnlcof Henry HI., 1236-4S.G

Simon de Montfort, 1251-1266 Ghderwick. Side-lights on the Stuarts.G

James. Naval history, epitomised byLTByrne Vi

[ardine. Gunpowder plot Gennings. Anecdotal history of J3ritish

parliament Gesse. Reign of the Stuarts, 3 vols. . .G

essop. Coming of the friars GJohnson. Normans in Europe GKnight. Half hours, English history,

4 vols GLappenburg. Anglo-Saxon kings, 2 vols.E

Laugel. England, political and social.


Lecky. History of England in the eigh-

teenth century, 6 vols GLittle. Tercentenary of I'^ngland's great

victory over Spain and the Armada.


Lucy. Diary of Disraeli parliament,1874-80 G

Diary of Gladstone parliament,1880-85 G

Lysons. Our British ancestors GLyte. History of the university of Ox-

ford to 1 530 GLytton. England and the English,

2 copies B 445

Hacaulay. History of England, 5 vols.G

Second copy, 3 vo's GMcCarthy. Epoch of reform GHistoryof our own times,2 vols., 4 copies.

G 685-6, 761-2, 837-8

Fifth copy, 4 vols GSixth copy, 3 vols G

History of the four Georges, vol I.,

3 copies G go8, 9

Mackintosh. History of England, 10 vols.G

Mahon [Lord). See Stanhope {Earl).

Martineau. History of England from1800-15 E

History of the peace from 1S16-46, 4 vols.E

Maxwell. Victories of Wellington EMiller. History of the Anglo-Saxons. .E

Moberly. The early Tudors GMolesworth. History of England from

1830-74, 3 vols . . GMorris. Age of Queen Anne GThe early Hanoverians G



















1 123-8






G 877







12, 916










Muliinger Cambridge in the seventeenthcentury G 367

Neele. Romance history of England. .G 54

Oliphant. Historical sketches of theruign of George H t) 31)2

Palgrave. House of Commons G 495

Paul. Historyof reform B 529

Pauli. Pictures of old England G 76O

Percy. Tales of kings and queens of

England (



Planchc. The conqueror and his com-panions, 2 vols (i 51 1-2

Rhys. Celtic Britain G 477Rogers. Historical gleanings (i 94Second series, 2 copies G 114, 272

Rowland. ICnglish constitution B 308

Russell. Ent^lish government and con-stitution Ct 250

Sanford. Estimates of the luiglishkings.G 29O

Scarth. Roman Britain G 478

Seeley. Expansion of England, 4 copies.

G 130, 7O3, 839, S40" Silent Member." Sketches in th'i House

of Commons B 493Skene. With Lord Stratford G 896

Skottowe. Our Hanoverian kings....G 799Short history of parlianient G 1032

Smiles. Huguenots in England .".nd Ire-

land G 149Smith (E.). English Jacobins E 290Smith (Goldwin). Tho schism in the

Anglo-Saxon race G 11 32

Stanhope (Earl) History of England,17' 3-83. 7 vols

, ..G 32-8Reign of Queen Anne, 2 vols G 39-40The ' Forty-Eive " G 494

Stanley (Dean). Historical memorials ofCanterbury G 1423

Stewart. Redcoats and bluejackets, . .G 702

Stubbs. Early Plantagenets G 213

Tait. Analysis of English history G 95Tancock. England during the American

and European wars, 1765-1820. .. .E 1302

Taswell-Langmead. English consti-tutional history from the Teutoniccon(iaest G 1321

Thierry. Conquest of England by theNormans, 2 vols., 2 copies.. E 881-2, G 768-9

Thompson. \'ictoria history of England,



'^homson. British history, 2 vols E 1080-1

Timbs. Romanceof London (Historic)..G 51

Romance of London (Supernatural). .G 52

Valentine. Half hours of English his-

tory, from James I. to Victoria, 2 vols.

G 64-5

Vau^han Revolutions in English his-

tory , vol. 1 G 580

Wakeman and Hassall. (Eds.). Essaysintroductory to the study of Englishconstitutional history B 682



»64 Englisk ChronicUs—Scotland—Ireland.

Wallington. Ilistorical notices of

<"li,-irl(is I., 2 vols., 2 copies . . . .fi 3^0- 1, 32.1-5

Warburton. Kdw.-ud Ilf O 2i\

Wheeler. Sketches from IuikUsIi history. (i 1000

Wyon. History of Great Uritain in theioit,'ii of (.huvMi An IK!, 2 vols G 407-S

Yeatman. Marly i'jit,'lisli history G 34


Yon^e (' I"). History of luiKlish rt-vo-

lution <), ifi.SS (i 30')

Yonge (''. M.)' Victorian li.ilf century. G, 836


POPULAR COUNTY HISTORIES.Norfolk. \V<\\lfr Rye G lo.ji

Dcv.onshire. R. A'. Worth (J 1039

Derbyshire John Pfinlliton G 1040

Berkshire. Coopn- Ki^if,' (i 1042

HISIORIC TOWNS.Bristol. Willidiii lliiiil G logr

Cinque Ports, liunoiv.^ G loy.)

Colchester. Cutts G 1093

Ext-ter Eiln'iutl A . Ftiuman G 1090

London. W.J.LoJtic G loSy

Oxford. />()iisf G 1092

OLD ENGLISH CHRONICLES.Florence of Worcester'schronicle. . . .G 543

Giraldus Cambreiisis f'l 545

Henry of Huntingdon's chronicle . .G 546

Ingulph's chronicle (i 347Matthew of Westminster's diroiiiclc,

2 vols G 552-3

Matthew Paris's clir.)iuclc, 3 vols G 554-6

Roger de Hoveden's iinnais, 2 vq1s....G 565-6

Roger of Wendover's ciironicle, 2 vols.G 563-4

Si.\ old l';iv.;lish clironiclcs, _; conies . .,G 567, 701

William of Malmesbury's Englishciironicle G 5OS

SCOTLANL'.Argyle. Scotland as it was and is, 2 vols.G 1073-4

Burns. Scottish war of independence,2 vols G 501-2

Chambers. Domestic annals of Scotland,al)n(l^,'ed C} 986

Rebellions in Scotland, 1638-1660, 2 vols.

E 1073-4

Rebellions in Scotland, 1689-1715 . . . . E 1075

Rebellions in Scotland, 1745-1746, 2 vols.

E 107O-7

Clans of Scotland, sketches of the. Byclansmen G 946

Crieff: its traditions and characters ...G 947

Fraser. Manuscript of. liditeii bv |

luri^iissun, 2 vols G 1409-10[

Gilfillan, Martyrs and heroes, Scottish

Go\ cnanters 2 copies C256, G 710

Glasgow Gallant. Saint Mungo's bellsG 178

Groome. Short Border history G 1173

Henderson. The casket letters and Mary( )ui n of Scots G 1420

Mackay. .\n old Scot's brigade GMackenzie Macdonalds of Glen^'arry.f,

Reid. Past and present in tht; mirth ..G

Rogers. Social life in Scotland, 2 vols.G

Scott. Tales of a >,'randfatlier, 6 vols..G

Second and third copies G 901, M M,f]HBesit')

Tytler History of Scotland, 2 vols. ...G




IRELAND.Amory. Transfer of Krin ('•

Barnard. Stron^'bow's conquest of Invland, 1166-1188 G

Barrington. Rise and fall of the Irish

nation (i

Bryant. Celtic Ireland. GBryce Uui). Two centuries of Irish history,

1691-1870 (i

Burke, nn Irish affairs (i

Cusack. Irish history (]

Dicey, luigland'scaseagainst homeruli'.H

Doyle. (Jld Irc.'land improved GDuffy. Bird s-eye view of Irish history.


Four years of Irish history GFalloon. History of Ireland GField. Irish confederates, Irish rebellion. Ci

Froude. ICnglish in Ireland, 3 vols....(i

Gladstone. The Irish question, 2 copies.


Harrison. The Scot in Ulster GHurlbert. Iri'land under coercion, 2 \-ols.I'"

Ingram. History of the le^'islati\e union.


T\\(j chapters (( Irish history GIreland, history of GLawless. Story of lr(;l;ind GMcCarthy. Irish history GMcGee. History of Ireland, 2 vols.,

2 co[)ies G 297-8

MacNevin. Volunteers of 1782 GMeehan. I'ate and fortunes of the Earls

of Tyrone and Tyrconnel GMitchell. History of Irela ;d, 2 vols. ..G

Moore. History of Ireland, 4 vols . . ..G

Murphy. Cromwell in Ireland GO'Connell. Memoir on Ireland E

O'Connor. The I'arnell movement. .. .(i

O'Conor (W. A ). History of the Irish

people, 2 vols GThe same, vol. 2 G

O'Flanagan. Munster circuit GO'Grady. History of Ireland, 2 vols.. .G

Second copy GSullivan. New Ireland (i

Taylor. Civil wars in Ireland, 2 vols. .E

Thcbaud. 1 rish race G

Walpole. History of Ireland GWilliams. Irish parliament, 1782-1S00.G

Witherow. Derry and Enniskillen in the

y e.i r i O89 G

1 10- 1












.' I'}











France—Non*.'ny and Siueden—Nct/wr/antis. 265



266 Spain—Switzerland—Austria-Hungary—Russia, Poland, etc.



Schiller Revolt of the Netherlands,2 vols G 834-5

Second and third copies Ci 617, 703

Thirty years' war, j copies . . . li 854, (1 70J, 705

Fourth copy, 2 vols K 1090-1

SPAIN.Abbott. History of nernaiido Cortez.ri 827

Agapida. Confjuost of (Jranada .. .. fl 588

Clinton. I'e...nsularwar, 1814-15,2 copies.

Ct 249, 469

Conde. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain,

3 vols !•; 658-Go

Curry. Constitutional government in

Spain < i 936

Drinlcwater. History of C.ibraltar.. ..G 938

Duncan. English in Spain ; or, story of

the war of succession G 1465

Gibraltar and its sieges M 729

Irving. Conquest of Granada andSpain K 730

McMurdo. History of I'ortugal G 1295

Memori.ds of the war, 1806-15, 2 vols. ..E 1 103-4

Napier. History of the war in the Pen-insula, 4 vols G 745-8

Second copy, 5 vols E 775-9

Parnell. War of the succession in Spain.



Prescott. History of the reign of Ferdi-

nand ami IsabellatlieCatholic,3 vols.G C12-4

Richardson. Movements of the British

1 -egion G 592

Stanhope (ErtW). Spain under Charles H.G 370

Trueba. Romance history of Spain.. G 56

Vane. Story of tlio Peninsular war. . .G 590

Yonge. Christians and Moors of Spain.



GERMANY.Fay. Three Germanys : glimpses into

their history, 2 vols Ci 1350-1

Gardiner. Thirty years' war, 1618-4S..G 224

Gindely. Thirty years' war, 2 vols. . . .Ci 943-4

Hozier. .Seven weeks' war, 2 vols G 645-f>

Klein. Pastor's narrative G 338

Kohlrausch. History of Germany ... .G 743

Longman. Frederick the Great G 212

Malleson. liattlelields of (iermany..G 1083

Menzel. History of Germany, 3 vols..E 798-800

Schell. (J[)(jrations of the first army . .G 500

Schiller. Thirty years' war, 3 copies.

E 854, G 703, 705

Fourth copy, 2 vols E 1090-


Tattle. History of Prussia, 1740-50,2 vols.G 11S9-90

Vizetelly. Herlin lunler the Empire,2 vols G 505-G

SWITZERLAND.Adams and Cunningham. The Swiss

Confederation G 1344

Switzerland from B.C. no to .\.D. 1830.



Zschokke. History of Switzerland G 808


Arthur Italy in tninsition FBaines. V'ludois of Piedmont V.

Balzani. Italy (early chroniclers of

l^urope) ( ; |,|

Bent. ( lenoa GDicey. Rome in 1860 FGreene History of Italy (;

Macfarlane. Romance history of Italy.


Machiavelli. History of Florence. ... IC

Oliphant. Makers of IMorcnce II

Makers of Venice GProcter. History of Italy GSpalding. Italy and the Italian Islands,

3 vols., 2 copies G 628-30, Gji-

AUSTRIA-HUNGARYAbbott. Empire of Austria GCoxe. of .'Vustria, 4 vols E 67


Seconfl copy, 3 vols Ct 7i-J -

Pragay. Hungarian struggle for freedom.


Ranke. Ferdinand Land Maximilian II.


S(l'". O.). Hungary, with memoir of

Kossuth V.

Tefft. Hungary and Kossuth H

THE STORY OF THE NATIONSBaring-Gould. Story of Germany GBenjamin. Story of Persia GBoyesen. Story of Norway GChurch and Gilman. Story of Carthage.


Oilman. Story of Rome GStory of the Saracens G

Hale (E. E. and S.). Story of Spain GHale (S.) . Story of Me.xico GHarrison. Story of Greece GHosmer. Story of the Jews GJewett. Stcjry of the Normans GLane-Poole. Story of the Moors in

Spain GStory of Turkey G

Mahaffy and Gilman. Story of Alexan-der's empire G

Ragozin. Story of Assyria GStory of Chaldea GStory of Media, Babylon, and Persia. .G

Rawlinson. Story of ancient Egypt.. (i

Story of Phrenicia G

Rogers. Story of Holland G

Vambtry. Story of Hungary G

Zimmern. Story of the Hansa towns. .G

RUSSIA AND POLAND.Boulton. Russian empire K

Duncan. History of Russia GEarp (Ed.). History of the Raltic cam-

paign of 1854 G












I i

etc. Turkey'—Muderti Greece—India—Afghanistau—China—Africa, etc. 267



iclers of






of Italy. ('.

ence. . . .11

H lui

(', iiSl

(• -\

in Islands,

. . .CI 628-30, 631


ols V. f>7.'




inilian II. E

nenioir of!•:



many. . . .G






ipain. . . .G





Edwards. Russians at home V, 359

Fletcher. History of Poland G 637

Ceddie Russian nmpir« G 356

Gilson and Bouvet. The Czar and theSultan \\ 766

Greene. .\rmy life in Russia .G 145

Gurowski Russia as it is G 597

Kelley. History of Russia, 2 vols K 852-3

Kinglak;. Invasion of the C,'rimc.-\,

\()ls. i-io G 12-21

Invasion of the Griinea, vols. 11-12,

5 copies G 1256-65

Invasion of the Grimea, vols. 12-13,

5 copies G 1 26G-75

Invasion of the Crime.-:, vols. 5-6, Black-wood's edition G 755-6

Invasion of the ("rimea, vols. 5-6, Har-per's edition Ci 1 185-6

Labaume. Campaifjn in Russia G 812

Lagny. Knout and the Russians G 715

Oliphant Trans-Caucasian campaign.



Romanoff. Historical narratives G 461

Russell. Review of Todleben's history ot

the defence of Sebastopol, 1854-5..



Shearwood. Short history of Russia..


12 18

Spencer. VixW of the Crimea G 862

Stepniak. The Russian peasantry . . . .G 1250

Vitzthum. St. Petersburg and London,iS52-()4, 2 vols G 1463-4



of Alexan-(i


GPersia . . G

Egypt., (i



towns.. G












laltic cam-G


Creasy History of the Ottoman Turks.


Dwight. Turkish life in war time ....G

dladstone I?ul),'arian horrors ELamartine. Turkey, 3 vols Glusignan. Twelve years reign of H. I. M.

.\l)dul Hamid II Gichimmer. Sieges of Vienna by the

Turks GJpham. Ottoman empire, 2 vols EVilliatns. The .\rmenian campaign ..G

MODERN GREECE AND SERVAbout. Greece and modern Greeks. . . .GGladstone. Hellenic factor in the east-

ern problem KHowe. Cireek revolution (i

Keightley, The war in Greece, 2 vols.E

Ranke. Servia and the Servian Revo-ution E


Andersen. Siege of Lucknow GCapper. Three presidencies of India. .G

Caunter. India GCox. History of the Bombay presidency.


Hough. British military exploits in





















Hunter. History of the Indian people.



India : pictorial, descriptive, and his-

torical, 2 copies E <J35, (» 830

Keightley. India G 669

Macfarlane British India G 820

( )iir Indi.m empire, 2 vols G 726-7

Malleson. History of the French in

India Cr 1310

History of the Indian mutiny, 3 vols.G 538-40

Native States of India C' 1309

Malleson and Kaye. History of the

Indian mutiny, (> vols G 1395-1400

Mead. Sepoy revolt G 734

Mill. History of British India, 6 vols..



Robertson. Ancients' knowledge of

India G 583

Savile Mow India was won by Eng-land G 85

Showers. A missing chapter of the

Indian mutiny G 1156

Stephen. Nuncomar and Impey, 2 vois.G 853-4

Symes. Birmeso empire, 2 vols E 1094-5

Temple. Men and events of my time in

india f' 1084

Thornton History of the British empirein hulia, 6vols G 1326-31

Trevelyan. Cawnpore G 983

Wheeler. Tales from Indian history ..G 254

Wilson. Defence of Lucknow G 861


Gleig. Sale's brigade in Afghanistan. .G 85s

Hunt. Outram and Havelock's Persian

campaign G 770

Kuropatkin. Kashgaria and East Turke-stan G 198

Marvin. Russians at Herat, 3 copies. .G 53J-5

Robertson. Three campaigns under Gen-eral Roberts, 2 copies G 278, 1424

Vambery. Coming struggle for India. G 852


Davis. China and its inhabitants, 2 vols.G 863-4

Dickson. Gleanings from Japan G 1346

Eden. China, historical and descriptive.



Giles. Historic China G 141

Hildreth. Japan as it was and is G 828

Lanman. Japanese in America G 160


Brackenbury. Ashanti war, 2 %'ols. .. .G 656-7

Butler. Campaign of the cataracts. .. .G 1129

Foote. Africa and the American flag..



Macdonald. Too late for Ciordon andKhartoum G 1 195

Madan. Kiungani ; or, story and history

from Central Africa G 1 170

268 Egypt—Sandwich Islands—A inerica— Canada.


Playfair. Scourge of Christendom G 1137

Russell. History of the Barbary States.



Theal. History of v'iouth Africa, 148O-

i6r)i G 1294

H-story of Soutli Africa, 1691-1795. . .G 1467

History of South Africa, 1S54-1872 ..G 14GS

History of the lioers in South Africa,.


11 30

EGYPT.Birch. Egypt G 47 j

Bonwick. Pyramid facts and fancies. .G 15S

Haultain. \Var in the Soudan G S97

Kingf. 15y-paths of Bible knowledge —Cleopatra's 'leedle G 45G

Lanoyo. Egypt 3,300 years ago E 589

Lepsius. Egypt, Ethiojaa, and Sinai.. G 549

Seiss. The great pyramid G iGG

Sharpe. History of Er;ypt, 2 vols E 928-9

Smyth. Great pyramid JJ 468


Jarves, Sindssich islands G 419

Juad. Honolulu : sketches of life in theHawaiian islands, 182S-61 G 1421

AMERICA.Blacke*. Eost histories of America . . .G 416

Bowen. \meiica discovered by theWelsh, \.D. 1170 G 432

Cooper. History of .America G 43

Fiost. Pictorial history oi" America. . .f", 207

Gilpin. Mission of North Anuricpnpeople [


Grahame. History of North .\nierica,

.; vols (i G20-1

Helps. Spanish conquest in .\nierica.

3 vols Ci G72-4

Lodge. iMiglish colonies of America .G 889

Neill. English colonization of America.



Robertson. History of the discovery andconquest of America (i 624

CANADA.Adam. The Canadian Xorth-West. .. .(i !^5o

Archer. History ot Canada G 925

Begg. Creation of Manitoba (i 677Bell. History of Canada, 2 vols G 772-3

Bolton. Confederation of British NorthAmerica G 366

Borthwick. History of Montreal prison,

1784-1S8G G 982

Boulton. Keminiscerices of th< North-West rebellions, 3 copies G 951-3

Bourinot. Local government in Canada.



Manual of the constitutional history ofCanada B 817

Bryce. short history of the Canadianpeople G 1 1 14

Campbell. Nova Scotia F 949












Canniff. History of the province of On-tario .' G

Coffin. 1812, the war and its moral. ..G

Colby. Parliamentary government in

Canada B

Collins. Canada under the administra-tion of Lord Lome G

Davin Irishman in Canada GGossenn. llistoire del'eglisedu Canada.


Gray. Confederation ; or, history of

Canada, 18C4-71 GHannay. History of Acadia GHart. Fall of New France, 1755-60. . . .G

Hodgins. School history of Canada. ..G

isham. The fishery question GJeffers. History of Canada GKing. The other side of the story . . . . HKingsford. History ot Canada, 2 vols..G

Kip. Historical scenes from old Jesuitmissions, 2 copies C 567 (J 139

Lindsey. Rome in Canada, 2nd edition.G \^

MacMuUen. History of Canada from its

first discovery, 2 copies G 189, i^\

Miles. Canada under French regime..


Morris. Nova Britannia GTreaties of Canada with the Indians of

the North-West B

Murray. History of British America,2 vols G

Parkman (Francis).

Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 vols., 2 copies.

G 1S7-8, i,jSS

France and England in North America


Put I.- I'ioiieers of l""ranoe in the NewWoilil, i copies ti iSi, 13

r.irt II.—jtsuits in Noi tli Aiiiciicu, 3 copies. ^G iS), I.;.), iv^wnway,I'art III.— La Salic and the discovery of the

yreat west, 3 copies K (xi^, ( i i

Part IV.—Old rcjjinie in Canada, \ copies.^'' i'^5. .55^. ""-'


Part \'.— I'lontenac ; or, New France underLouis XIV., i copies V> l'^I. 13'

Part V'll.—Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols.,

3 copies ( j S(«^ 72, I


Ricci. The fisheries dispute and annexation of Canada G

Roy. History of Canada GRyerson. Loyalists of America, 2 vols.G

Scaddiiig. Toronto of old GSellar. History of the county of Hunting

ton Cj

Small. Chronicles of Canada i\

Smith. Acadia: a lost chapter in Ameri-can history G

Stewart Canada under the administra-tion of Earl Dufferin . . . . l"

Stimson. History of the separation of

( liurcli ;ind State in Canada (!

Symons. Battle of Queenston Heights Ci

Taylor. Queen's jubilee and Torontocalled back G










I (38



' '^ftancrof

9 vo









Si, 2




Eryce. A(ampaign

tarr. Mtist. Civi



Cooke (J.

(ooke (F




2 vols

Cox. Ci

March t



Dodge. I


ind (i

irake. 1




'unn. 1



iirand (-


Dwight 1

270 Mexico—Australia—Colonies—Saracens— Military Records, etc.

I !


Ludlow. American war of independence.G 227

McCulloch. Men and measures of half

a century G 13 1?

McGee (D'Arcyj. History of the Irish

settlers in North America. G 8S0

Mackenzie. America ; a history G 984

McMaster. History of the people of theUnited States, vols. 12 G 100C-7

Mahan. Civil war, Gulf and inland waters.

G 482

Milburn. I'ioneers, preachers and peopleof t K. Mississippi valley G 855

Mosby. War rcminiscenct 'id Stuart'scavalry G 11 17

Nicolay. Outbreak of the rebellion . . . . G 483

Palfrey. Civil war, Antietam and Freder-icksburg G 282

Patton. Concise history of the Ameri-can people, i vols G 60S 9

Phisterer. Statistical record of the Amer-ican civil vvat G 490

Pond. Sher aidoah valley in 1864 ....G 488

Roberts. New York, the planting andgrowth of, 2 vols. . t; III- -3

Roosevelt. Naval war of 1 Si 2-1 3 G 191

Winning of the west, 2 vols G 1352-3

Ropes. Civil war, army under I'ope ..G 281

Royce. California G 927Shaller. Kentucky F 1135

Smith (Goldwin). Civil war in America.



Soley. Civil war, blockade and thecruisers G 480

Sterne. Constitutional history of theUnit(>d States G 301

Stickncy. True republic G 165

Taylor Destruction and reconstruction.



United States, history of, ? vols G 265-6

Walker. History of the New Hampshireconvention G 141


Watson. Life in the confederate army.G 1183

Williams. History of the negro troops in

the war, 1861-65 G 1184

Wilson. Congressional government : astudy in American politics G 1251

MEXICO.Biart. The Aztecs, iheir history, manners,

;in(l customs G 1024

McHatton-Ripley. From flag to .. G 1401

Prescott Conquest of Mexico, 2 vols.. (j 708-g

PERU.Presrott. Conquest of I'eru, 2 vols.,

2 copies (j 22-3, 651-2

Trueba. Conquest of Peru E 1 102


Gisborne. Colony of New Zealand ...G 1413

Hogan. Irish in Australia G 1140



Martin. Australia and the empire . . . . GWestg^arth. Half a century of Austra-

lasian progress G

NORTH AMERICAN INDIANSDodge. Our wild Indians CJackson. Century of dishonour GMcLean. The Indians : their manners

and customs GWorsley. American Indians G

COLONIES AND COLONIZATION.Acton. Our colonial empire EColomb (J.

C. R.). Colonial defence andcolonial opinion .Vl

Freeman, (ireater tireece and greater

Britain GNorman. Colonial France (


Smith (Goldwin). Tne empire (.i

CRUSADES.Archer (Ed.). Crusade of Richard I. . .G

Cox. Crusades, 2 copies Ci

Dutton. History of th'» crusades CMichaud. History of the crusades, 3 vols.G

Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey DpVinsauf. Chioiiicles of the crusades ( 1

Stebbing. Chivalry and the crusades,2 vols I'i 1069-


Sutherland. Knignts of Malta, 2 vols. , E io.||

SARACENS.Freeman. History and conquests of the

Saracens (J 11

Gibbon and Ockley. History of theSaracens (j 51

Hollway-Calthrop. I'aladin anil s.iracen.

!: -.1

Irving. Mahomet and his successors,

2 copies HMuir. Annals of the early Caliphate , .G

Ockley. History of the Saracens !


Borrow. Gypsies of Spain ii

Groome. In gypsy tents F

Leiand. Gypsies . . I*;

Simson. History of the gipsies GSmith. Gypsy life E

MILITARY RECORDS.Adams. Famous regiments of the British

army c;

Cromb. The Highland brigade GDenison {£'". C). Historical record of the

Governor-General's Body Guard ..G

Denison (G. T.). History of cavalry ..G

Sturdee. Historical records of the 62ndSt. John Fusiliers G

Woodhouse. Military religious orders.



Biography, Collective, 271


iBarnnval. Legendary history of Ire-

land GIChambers. I raditions of P^dinburgh . . GDascnt. Popular tales from the Norse.


Tale.s from the fjeld GiDencon. "Serbian folk-lore GiDrake. Hook of New England legends

and folk-lore. G|Dyer. Domestic folk-lore E

lliifjlish folk-lore GIComme. Primitive folk-moots (;

JHarland. Lancashire folk-lore GiHarris. L' ncle Remus (;

lenderson. I'olk lore of the North coun-tries G

iJones. Negro msihs from the Georgiaroast E

Leiand. .\lgonqum legend-; of New Eng-land Ci

IR. (A. H.K Folk lore of Ireland (;

IRink. Tales and tralitionsof the Eskimo,c;

|Roby Trailitions of Lancashire, 2 vols 11

>it;i^ from the far east E|$c^liefner and Ralston Tibetan tales

licriveil from Indian sources GISikes Hritish goblins EIrhorpe. Vulo tide stories GI'Vebster. I > isque legends and language.


SEARCHINCt.[Rye ''eci>rds and record searching. . .G

ANTIQUITIES.ibbott. Primitive industry G


kbelon Manual of oriental antiquities,


3rand. 1 .ipular antiquities, 3 vols. . . . EuoliitjMon. Greek archaeology D





























Conder. Altaic hieroglyphs and Ilittite

inscriptions G 1 15<)

Syrian stone-lore G 1 109

Dyer. British popular customs G 537

Jewitt. English antiquities G 99

Laing. Pre-historic remains of CaithnessG 201

Mallet Northern antiquities d 550

Maspero. Egyptian archaeology G O63

Mercer, The Lena fie stone G 851

Petrie. Pyramids and temples of Gizeh.G 962

Stuart and Revett. Antiquitiesof.\thens.E 925

MYTHOLOGY.Bulfinch. Age ol l.ible E 1317

Cox. Manual of mythology G 922

Keary. Primitive belief G 507

Keightley. Classical mythology E 11 15

Fairy mythology G 548

Kingsley Heroes, 2 copies E 995, M 484

Lang. Custom and myth G 875

Myth, ntual, and religion, 2 vols U71-2

Vignoli. Myth and science .\ 104

HERALDRY.Boutell. Arms and armiim E 598

English heraldry, 1 copies 1) 340 G 337

Demmin. .\.nns and armour I' 283 of heraldry (! 723

Marshall. International vanities E 741

Worthy Practical heraldry G 1418

NUMISMATICSEnglish, Scotch and Irish coins I



SAGAS.Vicary. Saga time G 1119

CHIVALRY.Digby. Broad stone of honour. Moras (] 11 15

Russell. The ancient knight G 933



[Adams. English [)arty leaders, 2 vols.H

(juud Samaritan HOreat English churchmen II

Lives of noble women ,11

Women of fashion, 2 voLs, ,....,,,.11|Allen (Grant) ItiogiMpliies of working-

men , H|Arago. Biogrnpliies of distinguished

s> ii'ntilir men. ... H'ililliait iiiid Hill MeaiitieH find HchieNt^

I'K'iil.H of Hit- lihiMJ, i copies. ti 77«

[Baftehot Hlographica studies H

iM» 5







1 114



Balboa, Cortes, .ml Pizarro. Lives of.H

Baldwiit Representative women \\

Ballour. Working women of this century.

HBarham, Harness, and Hodder. Personal

reani-.isiences 2 ct 'iies \\ 658, 923

Baring-Gould. Yorkshire oddities . . . . H 601

Barrett, l-'-nglish church composers ..FI 143

Bayne. Six Christian biographies ....II 1447

Two great I-.nglishwomen 11 71

Becker. Adventurous lives, 2 vols H 672-3

Belknap and Hubbard American bio-

graphics, 3 vols 11 1222-4


272 Bicgraphy, Collective.


Besant. French humorists H 1000

liiof,'raphy and criticism, from the T'lmes.^A 9.S6

Bloomfield. J<eminisccnces of court,

2 vols H 1-2

Bloss. Heroines of the Crusades H 999

Bolton. Famous American authors . . .H 1459

Bonar. Last days of eminent Christians.



BoutwoU. The lawyer, the statesman,and the soldier H 1463

Bremer. HomcK of the new world, 2 vols.

H 1038-9

Brewster. Martyrs of science H 5.S6

Brightwell. Heroes of the laboratoryand workshop, 2 copies H y88, 1020

Lives of labour H 888

British cabinet in 1853 H 1073

]?ritish seamen E 1 109

Brougham. Men of letters of time of

(ieorge HI., 2 copies H 914, 1041

Philosophers of time of George HL . , . . H 1040

Statesmen of time of (xeorge HL, 3 vols.

H 1042-4

Bullock. England's royal home H 674

Our bishops and clergy H 359

Burgon. Lives of twelve good men, 2 vols.

H 1553-4

Burke. Reminiscences, ancestral andanecdotal H 5S7

Vicissitudes of families, 2 vols H 590-1

Burnet. Lives, characters, etc H 1201

Campbell. Chief justices of England,

3 vols H 114 1 -3

Lives of the lord chancellors, 7 vols. .H 1293-9

Carroll (H.). Twelve Americans H 545

Carroll (J.). Case and his contemporaries,

5 vols H 1028-32

Chambers. Old families H 53

Remarkable persons H 52

Charles. Women ot Christendom ....H 1045

Chofj'ey, Planche, and Young. Reminis-cences H 659

Clarke. Recollections of writers H 725

Clayton (E. C .). Knf^lish female artists,

2 vols H 444-5

Clayton (J.).Sketches in biography .. H 737

Coleman (John). Players and playwrightsI have known, 1 vols H 1662-3

Cone and Gilder. Pen portraits of literary

wcinen, 2 vols H 1461-2

Constpble and Gillies. RcminiscencesofH 653

Cottle. Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge

and Robert Southey H 706

(!^0usin. Scoiet history of ihe Frenchcuur; H 742

Cox (G. W.). Cjreek statesmen, first

series H 286

Second series H 1 239

Craig Half lenj^th portraits, 2 cnpies. F. S9, H 466

Crowesl. G'-eat tone poets H 148

Cunningham. Lives of eminent British

painters, 3 vols ECurwen. History of booksellers HDavidson. Eminent English Liberals. HDean. China mission, with sketches of

deceased missionaries HDe Bonnechose. Reformers before the

reformation HDennis. English poets HDiogenes Laertius. Lives of the philoHii

[)hc'rs. Translated by Yont^e EDixon. History of two queens, 6 vols . HDoran. Knights and their ihiys H









I 21.)

Queens of England (house of Hanover),2 vols., 2 copies H 61H -fj, 962 1

Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. Livesand voyages H 771

Duncan. Botanists, zoologists, and geolo-

gists H 679

Emerson. Representative mtm H 793

English engineers, recollections of, by acivil engineer IJ 352

Evans. Early English Baptists, 2 vols.C 328-9

Ferris. Great singers, Mordoni to Sontag.H J74

Second series, Malibran to Titiens...H 275

Violinists and pianists H .^^

Fields. Yesterdays with authors H 474

Fontaine. Huguenot family H 404

Forbes. Souvenirs of some continents,



Forster. Statesmen of England H 1 159

Foss. Judges of England, with sketches

of their lives, 4 vols HFoster. Biographical essays HFoucaud, Illustrious mechanics HFox. Memories of old friends, 2 voIs..H

Francis, Orators of the age, 2 copies.H 461, 1072

Frost, Circus life and celebrities H 1150

Fuller. Imposters and adventurers EGarnett. Heroes of science, physicists. H 1:48

Generation of judges H 1609

Gilder. Authors at home H 163:

Gilallan. Bards of the Bible HLiterary portraits H 513

Godwin. Lives of the necromancers. . E loii

Grant British heroes in foreign wars .H 51

Great German composers H i'

Greville. loumals of the reigns of GeorgeIV. and William IV. lidiled by Reeve,

2 vols H 22S-9

The same, edited by Stoddard H 95'-"

Journal of the reign of Queen Victoria,

1837-52. 2 vols., 2 conies H LisS-fii

The same, 1S52-60 2.-i',Lii's H M43-

'lametton, IMoacn. -'ri'iiuhiTi;. ; H 4!^'

Haweis. Ar" t .r^n ' i ..-r st'-, ... H fo?

Hayv/ar , . unfit ,. t 'ne . ind rit-

:;rs, 2 vc "s H OO.v-

H'c •'.>;>.: Captr.ins of the o ' irld . . . H i-'«l





















Kavan:2 (













Living f





















:)erals. Hitches of

Hjfore the


: philosii

E5 vols ,H


. . H Ciik <j, ifii (

r, LivesH

tid geolo-


of, by a

D2 VoIs.C


lens.. .H

H3 H




2 vols..H

pics.H 461, 1072


ers Ecists.






icors. . Ew ars . H



















1 159



I ji


1 130







HGeorgey Necve,


. . . HVictoria,

...H i.:58-f''

... IT


. H



1 ^43







.H I.'CW'

Biography, Collective. 27i

Higffinson. English statesmen H igi

Hinton. English Radical leaders H 192

Holland. I'ureign remininiscences. . . . H 738

Holmes. Four famous soldiers H 1804

Hood. Romance of biography H 384

Hope. Heroes of young America H 75

Hunt. Old court suburb G 115

Hutchinson. Memoirs and siege of LathamIfouse E 725

Irving. Diographies and miscellanies. .E 755( liumhiis and companions E 752

James. Memoirs of celebrated women.


349.Memoirs of great commanders H 322

Jameson Memuiis of celebrated femalesovereigns H 321

Jenkins. Heroines of history H 849

Jesse. Memoirs of the pretenders andtheir adherents G 446

Johnson. Lives of English poets, 2 vols.H 31-2

Second and third copies E 1403, H O71

Johnstone. Historical families of Dum-friesshire H 1783

Kavanagh. English women of letters,

2 copies H 34, 1 178

French women ot letters, 2 copies. . . . H 33, 1177

Knight. Shadows of the old booksellers.H 1121

Knight and Raikes. Reminiscences . .H 656

Lamb, Hazlitt, and others. Recollections

H 655

Lanman (Charles). Haphazard person-alities, chiefly of noted Americans. H 1624

Laurie. Sketchesof distinguished Anglo-Indians H 1450

Lear. Revival of priestly life in theseventeenth century H 2G3

Lecky. I^eaders of public opinion in Ire-

land, 2 copies H 539, 1120

Leyland. The Bronte family, 2 vols. . ,H 1606-7

Living female writers of the South H S45

Lloyd Vauban, Montalembert, Garnet.



Loean (W.). Early heroes of the tem-perance reformation H 1021

Loyau (E.). Representative men of South.Vnstralia H 326

Lytton (Hjnry B.) Historical charac-ters H 335Second copy, 2 vols (t r-2

MacDiarmid. Lives of British statesmen.

H 643

Maceuen. Celebrities of the past andpresent H 739

Mackay. Founders of the American Re-public H 1171

Mackenna. Brave men in action G 179

Magoon. Living oratorr: in America H 900

Marshman. Caiy, Marshman, and Ward,C 3.34

Marston. Our recent actors H 1618

Marlineau. Biographical sketches.. . .H 203

Matthews and Hutton. Actors andactresses of the present day H 1147

Garrick and his contemporaries H 1243

Kean, Booth, and their contemporaries.H 1245

Kemi)les and their contemporaries. . . H 1244

Macready, I'"orrest and their contem-poraries H 1 246

Maurice. Tyler, Ball, and Oldcastle. .H 542

Mauris. French men of letters H 711

Men of history H 104

Menzies Political women, 2 vols H 588-g

Mitchell. Eminent soldiers II 409

Moore and Jerdan. Reminiscences. . .H 654

Morgan. Sketches of celebrated Cana-dians IT 1 1 06

Morton. Heroes of science, astronomers.H 676

Moscheles. Recent music and musicians H 902

Muir. Heroes of science, chemists ...H 677

Miiiler. Biographical essays H 11 26

Naval and military heroes of Great Bri-

tain E 911

Nicoll. Great movements H 393

O'Keefe, Kelly, and Tay'or. Personalreminiscences, 2 copies H 657, 915

Parkes. Vignettes H 712

Parry. Studies of great composers. . ..H 1434

Parton. Noted princes, authors, andstatesmen H i547

Pascoe. Our actors and actresses H 983

Phillips. Curran and his contemporaries.H 337

Phipson. Celebrated violinists H 178

Pictures of heroes G 84

Plutarch. Lives. Edited by Langhorw.2 vols H 836-7

" " Second copy, 4 vols. H 1182-5

" " Loiii;; and Stewart,

4 vols. E 837-40

Political portraits, from the Dailv Ncws.H 383

Powell. Living auth(5rs of Britain. ... H 987

Prescott. Biographical and critical mis-cellanies IT 1060

Pressense. Contemporary portraits ..H 154

Rae. Wilkes, Sheridan, and F'ox It 495

Read, f^ives of the judgtjs of Upper(Canada and Ontario from 1791 to t!ie

present time, 2 copies H 1685-6

Reid. Cabinet portraits, 2 copies.... H 500, 1052

Politicians of *o clay H 308

Reynolds. Barons of the south .....H 1181

Ritchie. Modern statesmen B 417

Rogers. Christian heroes in army andnavy IT 753

Rossetti. i^ives of famous poets H 70

Russell (Wm.). Eccentric personages.



Extraordinary men H 305

Extraordinary men and women M 368


274 Biography, Collective—Individual.


Ryle. Christian leaders of the last

century H 1034

Sainte Beuve. I'ortraits of celebratedwomuii H 889

Savage, l.iving representative men .. H 1077

Scott (.S/r \V.). Eminent novelists. . . . H 5G

Scott (W. li.). Little masters of German V.

Scudder. Men and manners in America,- vols H 490

Shaftesbury ami Hutcheson, by t'rofcssor H 78

Shairp {Principal) and his friends. Knif^ht.

H 1682

Shanks. Recollections of distinguishedgenerals II .;



Sherlock. Illustrious abstainers H 309

Sinclair. Old times and distant places.



Smiles, lioulton and Watt, 2 copies ..H 345, 774Brindley and early engineers H 343Metcalfe and Telford H 344Snieaton and K nnie H 342Stephenson, George and Robert H 853

Industrial biography, iron workers andtool makers H 757

Men of invention and industry H 1 162

Smith ((i. B.). Prime Ministers of OueenVictoria H 130S

Smith (Goldwin). Three Lnglish states-

men, 3 copies 1) 3S4, 387, H 14G

Southey. Lives of the British admirals,5 vols H

Sprague. Luropean celebrities MStanley. Scripture portraits HStanton. Sketches of reforms and re-

formers LStewart. JSiographical readings HStoddard. Thackeray and Dickens ... 1


Strickland Lives of the (Jueens of I^ng-

land, G vols G .(35-^0

Lives of the yueens of Scotland andEnglish princesses, 8 vols H 1557-64

Princesses of the house of Stuart . . . . H 4^3Tudor and Stuart princesses H 1600

Suetonius. Lives of the Ca?sars E 1200

Taylor. Modern British Plutarch . . . . IJ 740

Teale. Eminent Englishmen. ....... fl 30'

Thackeray (Wm. M.). English humor-ists, 7 copies. E 29, 2042-3, H 735, 1089, L 2874

Four Georges, 6 copies,

E 30, 103, 1560, --042-3, L 2S74

Thackeray (Miss). Book of sibyls,

3 copies H 10H7-S, L 1674

Thatcher. Indian biography, 2 vols. ..H 990-1

Thomson. Memoirs of the Jacobites of

1715-45. 3 vols H H41-3

Timbs. Anecdote biography H 4O9

Stories of inventors and discoverers . . H 000

Stories of painters H 1 57


Biography, Individual. 275

H 156

H I ss-(j

s H U)o-i


H 1067-8


H 577-8

2 copies,

H KJ3. 745

>' C. E.

H 542

H 5'J

H Co

n 5S

H 361-J

5 vols.,

E 883-7, H 895-9


H ^^ll

ison . . E JS5

H 57O

H 40J

H .(02

It men. II 131J

modernH 1217

h sacredH 664-5

ters . . H sil

e house-. . M 3.=iO


kers.H J09{

f Ger-. . H 35^

tst four


. . . . H 3-v)

... C .»35

iivain.W 'i'3

Alfred the Great. History of. Hii!:hes..Ci 694

Lifoand works. /\(«//.(i 5O2

Alice (Princess). Letters and memoir.Princess Christian, 2 vols II 1227-8

Andersen (H. C). Story of my life ... II 460

Story of my life in Sweden II 922

AragO (Francis). History of my youth. E 428

Arnold (ISenedict). Life. Arnold, I.N..H 1546

Arnold (Thomas). Life and correspon-dence. Stanley, 2 vols H 565-6

Audubon. Lif-. Andnbun, J . J H 310

Augustine (Sister). Memoir H 408

Austen. Maiden, Mrs. C H 1780

Aytoun (W. E.). Memoir. A/artin...H 406

Babbage (Charles). Passages from helife of a philosoplier H 1009

Bach (Sebastian). Poole H 140

Bacon (Lord). Church, 2 copies. . . . E 1943, H 816" Personal history, Di.xun,

3 copies H 8, 575, 91


Fowler H

Q. and...H


I 590-






)pies.H 50(1, • '•'0

. . . H f^-C'

rrespon-....II i-'j3~6

Mvr-...II .;-4-4

....H 1171

ears of



H ):


..H ii74-»

" Life and philosophy. A'('-

chol, 2 vols HBallantyne (Ser<,reant). E,\periences of a

liarrister's life II

Balzac. Memoir and letters, 2 vols. . . HBancroft (Mr. and Mrs.). On and off the

stage, 2 vols HBarnes (William). Poet and philologist.

Ba.vter HBarneveld (John). Lifeand death. Motley,

1 vols H 318-9

Barnum. Life of, by himself, 3 copies. H 1470-2

Struggles anil triumphs H 464

Bartolommeo. Scott H 106

Bauer (Karoline). Memoirs II 1189

Baxter (Richard), lioyle tl 189

Bayard (C//tz'(f//(T). Story of. Walford.W 269

Beaconsfield (£."(()-/). Life. Kebbel . . . .11 1565

A biography. O'Con-nor H 467

Life. Toitile H 276

Political adventures,2 copies B 427, 450

Beatty-Kingston. Monarchs I have met,' \()ls H 61 J .(

Beaumarchais and his Times DeLoiiiJnie H <}o-j

Beaumont (C//ti'<i//<Td'Eon de). Strangecareer of. Telfer, J II H i8i6

Beckford (\V:n.|. .^lemoirs, 2 vols. . . . H 1124-5

Beecher. \ biography, Heechet andScdville H 1690

Beethoven. Nohl H b^^i

\Vai,nier ,H 523

Belisarius. Life. Stanhi f>e , . ff iiiH

Bentinck {Lord (leorge). Political b«/'

yraphy. Beacons/ield tl ftin

Bentley (Richard). Jcbb H 8ji

Benton( 1 homasH.). I-ifeof. Roosevelt.W 1342

Bergcsio (-Margaret A.). Herbert H O81

Berlioz (Hector). Life and letters.

Dunstan, 2 vols H 385-6

Selections from letters and writings.

Aplho>p H 572

Bethune (Alexander) Memoirs andremains. M'Combic H 985

Beust (I'riedrich r., Count von). Memoirs.Uaron 11. De Worms, 2 vols H 1655-6

Bewick. (William). Life and letters.

Landseer. 2 vols H 213-4

Birkbeck (Cleorge). Memoir and review.

Cto./ard H 1027

Bismarck. In the Franco-Cierman war,

1870-71. linsch, 2 copies!! 717, 859

Our Chancellor. Busch . II 798

" Biographical sketch, (lorlach.

H 49" Political and private life.

Hesekiel M 776

Loivc, 2. \-o\^ H 1306-7

Black (.Vdam). Memoirs. Nicholson..



B\3i\i^ (Admiral). Hannay H 1275

Boehme (Jacob). His life and teaching.

Martenscn H i^o

Bolingbroke(K/i(y/n(/). Life, //assail A.



Bonneval (Countess de). Life and letters.

I'ldlerton, 2 copies H 6.S2, L 502

Booths (The). Clarke H 415

Bossuet (Bishop). Life. Lear, 2 copies. I! 210, 264

Boys(lMl.). Captivity and adventures.. II 1218

Bradlaugh (Charles). A biography.

Headini:;ley H 407

Bradshaw (Henry). Memoir. /'rothero.H 1683

Brant (Captain Joseph). Life. Stone,

2 vols H 1001-2

Memoir. Palmer H 1242

Brassey (Thomas). Life and labour.

Helps H 880

Breck(Samuel). Recollections. ScuddcrH 585

Brewster (Sir David). Heme life of

(ill) don H 874

Bright (John). I^ife and times. RobertsonII tlOO

Broadfoot (Major George) Career of.

lhoadfoot,W H 1669

Bronte (A. and E.). Memoir. Bronte, Ci. 1719

Bronte (I harlotte). Life. Birrell H 1645

Life, (iaskell, 2 vols,

1 1 26-7

" '• Reld 11 207

Bront' (I'f'ilv) Life. Robinson H 152

Brougham [t.„rd). His life and times,

< vols H 554-6

Brown (George) Life and speeches

Mackenzie H 1 108

Brown (Hugh Stcwell). AutobiographyLi\\te(\ \>y CiUHf H 134^

276 Bio^ rap/iy, Individual.


Brown (John). Life and letters. S.inborii,

HBrown (John). Sixty years' gleanings

from life's harvest HBrown (John). Von Hu'st, II 1


Browning (i;iizabeth 13arrett). Iiifrmm.H

Brownlow. Keminiscencesof a septuagen-arian H

Brun (Vigee le). Souvenirs, 2 vols . . . , HSecond copy H

Brunei (.S'/> M. I.). Memoir BcamhhMBruno (Giordano). Life. Frith HBrute (Simon W. C). First IMshop of

Vincennes. Life HBryant (VVm. Cullen). SYmiiigtun HBuckland (PVank). Life. Boinpas HBuckle. Hiography and essays HBuddha. Life. Lillh' HBunkley(J. M.). Testimony of an escaped

novice EBunyan (John). His life and work. Brown.





















" Fromh HBuonarroti (Michel Angelo). Black . . .H


Burke (Edmund). An historical study,Morley, 4 copies.

H592, 749, 833, 1256

Life. Prior K 637" " Life, writings, and

times. Robertson.y-B H 1775

Burnett (Peter H.). Recollections of anold pioneer H 1012

Burns (James). Beggar boy : an auto-biography '. H 389

Burns (Robert). Life and works. Cliatn-

hcrs, 4 vols H 567-70

Life. Lockhart E 1087

Shairp H 810

BurrittfE.). Life and labors. Northend.VL 165

Burton Fficha-d V.). His early, private,and pinblit life. Hitchinnn, 2 vols. .11 1533-4

Butier (Basliop). Collins . H 99

Apron {Liird). The real Lord Byron.Jcajfreson, 3 vols. . . H 28-30

History "f the Myron con-trovert . .V we ... .^ 762

:^-ast days. :if. Tnlawny.W 966

L..«tters and journals . . E 1949

,VwAo/ H 830

Uocnllurtioilti Tt*'

/••"'•U' U 947

rM>«Ar. A Hl(otol\. Ffouile 11 1049 II'/7//ii»M , H 4Gi

,iO\l4 (Afz-s.), of I'olton. Lettors

linurnals, J75fi II ijai

Caldicott (Randolph). His early art

career. Blackburn 11 1^15

Calhoun (John C). l^ife Jenkins ...H -j'S

" Life. Von Hoist .H 508

Canning (/\V.//o«. Geo.). Life. Bcll..H oo;

Hill H ijj.j

Memoir E lotfi

Canning (l-ord Stratford de Redcliffe).

Life. /.(ine-Poole, 2 vols H 154*^-9

Cardan (Jerome). Life. A/or/t;_v, 2 vols. ..H 219-20

Carew (Bamfylde Moore). History of, H 487

Carey (H. C). Memoir. Elder H looS

Carey (William). Life. Culross H 182

" " Life. Smith H 152G

Carlyle (Kcj^. D;-. A). Autobiography.



Carlyle (Jane Welsh). Letters and memo-rial's H 39.1

Carlyle (T.). Life. Garnett H 164J" Early Letters. Edited by

Norton , C. E E 1765

" " First forty years. Froudc.H 339" " Life in London, 1834-81,

Fronde, 2 copies H 1095-6

Reminiscences. Froude.H 390

" " Reminiscences. Norton.



Wylie H 61

Carpenter (Mary). Life and work. Car-penter, J. E H 205

Carpenter (P. P.). Memoirs. Carpenter.

R. L., 2 copies H 517, 5S4

Carre. Border memories H 602

Carroll (Wfz;. John). My boy life H 1046

Carstares (William). A character andcareer. Story H 615

Carteret (Lord). Political biography.Ballantyne H 1413

Cartwright {Hon. T^ichard). Life andletters. Carttvrifrht, C. E H 62

Carvajal (Luisa de). Life. Fullerton . .H 25

Casas (Las). Life. Helps H 553

Castellamonte An Italian autobiographyof I S3 1 , 2 vols H 696-7

Catherine IL {Empress). Memoirs, byherself H 331

Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius. Beesly.H 593

Cellini (Benvenuto). Translated by 7?f«-

coe E C47

" " Translated by Sy-nionds, 2 vols. . H 1 195-6

Cervantes. Story of. Edwar,is H 300

Chalmers (D/-. Thomas). Eraser ..... .\\ iH|

Chambers (Robert). Miiiiuilra ('/dim

ben. W il B51.

Channlili/W I') Mfe Hv lils nephew,

MetnoifB. i y(7|s . . // ««/

Charlemagne Cults 11 '

Chstkn thv (JTuiii, ||(«tory of, Mom-ImHniiiii ,,., ,.,....



irly art

H ..,15

IIS . . .H 72S

lolst .H soS

Ucll . . H CJ03

H 1279

E 1 01/)


H 154*^-9

/ols. ..H 219-20

)ry of.H 487

H 1008

H 182

H 152G

aphy.H 1164

i memo-II 394

H 1643

dited byK 'yf^j

^rondc.ll 339

1834-81,H 1095-C

roude.H 390

forton.H 1437

H 61

•k. Car-H 205


H 517,5^4

II 602

. . H 104G

ter and...H 615

)graphy...H 1413

ife and..H 62

rton . . H 25

..H 553

Dgraphy. . H 6<j6-7

nrs, by..H 331




by Ros-E C.,7

by Sv-ols. . H 1 1'lS-f^

H 3'i"

.,,.11 iH|


....11 "i-y

pphnw,// (I



, . H 1545

Biogr(x/>hy, fmiividual. 277

Chateaubriand. Aiit()bio>,'raphy \\

Chatterton (('). Memoirs. Dcr'mfr...\\

Chatterton ('I' ). A bio>;;raphical study.

WiUon, I) I[

Chaucer (Ceoffry). \V»rd II

Choate (Hufus). Life. Ihuivn II

" " Recollections. Whipple.E







OGoChopin (Frederic). Life. Lint HClmrchill {Lo<d Randolph). Speeches,

1880 8, 2 vols HCicero. Life. Trollope, 2 vols II

Clare (John). Life. A/tirtiit HClaude-le-Lorrain. Dullea II

Claverhouse. Morris HClay (Henry). Life. Scluirz,2 vols. , .H 1359-60

Cleopatra, Oueen of Egypt. History of.

Abbott II

Cleveland. Voyages of a merchant navi-

gator HClinton (De Witt). Life. Keiucick . . .H

181 1-2








Clive (Lord). Life. GUig, 2 copies.. H 475, 1035

Clough. A monograph. Wadtiiiifitun.H

Cobbett. A biography. Smith, 2 vols.H" A biography. Waters H

Cobden (Richard). Life. Murky . . . . H" " Political career.

McGilchrist II

" Recollections. Ash-U'or'.h H

Cockburn (Lord). Memorials of his owntime H

Coffin (.Admiral Sir Isaac). Life. Ainory.ll

Coffin (Levi). Reminiscences HCoignet. A gentleman of the olden time,

2 vols GCoke (Rev. Thomas). Life. Etheridgcll

Cole. Fifty years of public work, 2 vols.H

Coleridge (S. T.). Life. Caiite H" " Remii.iscences. Cottle.

H" Reminiscences. Traill

HColigny (Gaspard de). Hesant, 2 copies. H

Collingwood (Lort/). Life

Columbis (Christopher). Life. Hclps.W

" Life and voyages.

iiviliu, i vols,

i i.wyWs . , . H itif <\

TIiIilI copy . . E" rtlM AmericMB Ves

bllclUa. t.lvL'

Cumber. Life rt ml work- Vn", T lH(Cofnmine«(l'lilllf''l'-| Memoirs. > viils.E

L'liii: 11 fiuis. I'r.iuf ol). ) III- lUnlSliihlliJJie . . / ; . . .H

Condren (' ii<n f^s (!<»), Lcnr I i

Constataie (John). Brock Arnvhl H








1 309


1 174-5






91. 730



85fi .S




11 -

Cooper. Life. By himself H 1631

Constantine the great. Cutts H ()3.S

Life. Fletcher.



Cooke (Rev. Henry). Life and times,I'orter M 715

Cooper (J. I'enimore). Life. Lounsbiiry.H 2()5

Corneille and his times. Gnizot H --ji

" Corney Grain." Reminiscenn's,2 copies H 1735-6

Correggio. Heaton H noCorson (Rev. R.). Life and gospel

labours. Carroll K 1047

Cortes (Hernan). Life, //<//>i-, 2 vuls.H 334-5Tritiha, Y.Cosio ..H iioi

Coston. A signal success : ,111 autobio-graphy 11 1 34


Cousin (Victor). Biography. Simon. II 1500

Cowper (Wiiiiain). Life. Smith, Gohhfiii,

2 copies H 710, S21

" Memoirs and corie-spondence. Editedby Sonthty, 4 vols 1^ GGi -4

Cox (David). Biography. Hall. ...II 439Cox (fJ. v.). Recollections of 0.\ford. H 370Coxwell. My life and balloon experi-

ences, parts I. and II 11 1058, 1732

Craik (Mrs. D. M.), A legacy, 2 vol.s.,

3 copies II G-7, 1081-2, 1179-S0

Fourth copy H 743Cranmer. Life. Le Has, 2 vols II .,84-5

Croker (John W.). Correspondence anddiaries, 2 vols II 1130-1

Cromwell (O ). Life. Cornish H 258" " A vindication. /XAit/'ignt',

2 copies ( i 30. (, H 7G7

" " Life, (iiiizut H 929" " Harrison II 147G" " Life and times. Hood. II 23.S

" " Life. R'(sse/1, 2 ytjh. .. li 1037-8" " Wilson H 1017

Cross (George Eliot, /'iv//*/). Life, /i //«</. H 151" " Lite. Cross,

3 vols., 2

cf)pies . . H 1 131-6" " Lift and writ-

ings. CookeH 377

Cruikshank (George). Life. Jirrold.Vols H 380- I

Cumberland. A thought reader's thoughts.

H 1006

CuitHU'llti|lMat;<>iite|u(inraries. /'A(7/(^'i |( s\i

FnitlB ij" 'Htl- M"t""l' 1' 7^^

CusacU. 'liie nun of K(Miin;|(ii, |t \HH

byillilllUiUUnll. lllHluh i)| Mvi. \\ \\\U Ah) Lyman Ahhvtt 1111)111^ || ll7|-(>

dotioiVBllI {Vmue Adnitil. Mtittloltft,

•! \lllM. .,,, ,H i.M I| I'^^-iu t

D'AIIih^HIkIIIIIM) llfM. I'reer 11 K-ti

278 Biography, Indivuiual.



Dampier (William). RhsscIU \V . C. . . .\\ 1706

Daniel the Beloved. Taylor H 400

D'Arblay. Diary .uul letters, 7 vols. II 1395-i.joi

D'Arc (le.-inne). Life and death. Pixrr.W 7G9

Story of. Tuckiy II 88

D-rwin (Charles). Life and work. All n.W 1272

Life. Bitliiny II 1637" Life and letters, 2 vols.,

2 copies. I)(ir7i'iii.\\ 1(52-5

Darwin (Krasmtis). Life. Kraiisi'. . . .\l 538

Dasent. .\nnals of an eventful life .... II 1206

Daudet. Recollections ol a literary man. II 1803

Thirty years of Paris and of my literary

life II 1492

David, King of Israel. Knimiinichir. , .11 225" " Life. Taylor . . II 397

Davidson (S.). Life: with poems andletters. Bro7i<n H 378

Davics. Recollections of society, 2 vols.



Davis (R.). Recollections of Mississippi

and Mississippians VI 1802

De Bacourt. 12G4

Defoe (Daniel). Forster E 427

Minto II 802

Delaroche (I'aul). Rinttz-Rccs H 130

Denny (William). Life. Bruce H 1664

De Quincey (Thomas). Autobiography,



" A/asson H 814" " Recollections of.

Finliiy H 1350

Dick (Robert). Geologist and BotanistSniiirs, i copies II 723, 1417

Dickens (Charles). Life, /''orv/tr, 6 vols.II 15-20

" " Second copy, 2 vols. M 7G-7

" Third copy, 3 vols.. II 892-4

Life. Mtii-zinls. . . .\\ 1638

Life. Ward H 808•' Story of his reading

tour. Dulhy II 1 165

Diderot arid the Encyclopiedists. Morley,

John, 2 vols il 1328 9

Doddridge (I'hilip). Life. Stanford. .11 188

Dodge (William E.). Memorials. Dodi^r,

D.S II 639

Donatello. Scott H 107

Dora (Sister). A biography. Lonsdale,

i copies 11 41, 473

Dorii. lAfeandTeminiscencefi. Roosevelt.



Dorie (Henry). Life. Baidlry II 1024

Dormer. Biographical memoir H 486

Dostoieffsky. l'ris(m life in Siberia .. H 1446

Doyle. Reminiscences and opinions . ,H 1313

Drummond. Life and letters. O'Brien,

R. B H 1697

Dryden (John) Saintsbury H S23

Duchesne (Mother). Life. Baunard . . H 368

Dudevant (A. L. A.). See " Gevr<^e Sand."

Duff (.\le.\ander). Memoir. Smith II iSi

Duncan (John) Life.

Dundonald (Admiral.

Diirer (.\lbrecht).

I ife and works.

So, I,i5(,

Biography, liuUi 'idnai. 279





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^"^ . mJ'

280 Biography^ Individual.

Greeley (Horace). Recollectionsof a busylife II 1007

Greene (Nathaniel). Life. Greene, G.W.,j vols ....II 782-4

Grellet (Stephen). Guest H 185

Greville (C. C. F). Journal of the regnof yiieen Victoria, 1837-52, 2 vols.,

2 copies H 1 258-61

The same, 1852-60, 2 copies H 13^3-4

Griffin (Gerald). Life. Griffin L 1714

Grimaldi. Memoirs. Edited by CharlesDiekens H 1 192

Gronow. Camp, court, and the clubs. H 1205

Grossmith. A society clown, 2 copies.



Grote (George). Life. Grute, Mi's. . . .VI 1103

Grote [Mrs.). A sketch. Ea<.tlake. . . .\i 332

Guiirin viiugenie de). Journal II 924

Gurney. Memoirs. Brai/hwaitc, 2 vo\s.H. 876-7

Gustavus Adolphus, and the thirty years'

war. Chupnian H ' 1 15" History of. Stevens, y. L ..H 1832

Gustavus Vasa, and his times. Albcrg,

2 copies G 144, H 290

Hall [Rev. II.). Critical estimate of.

Foster, 2 copies. ..E 720. 1286

Houd, E. P H 186" " Memoir of his life.

Gregory, 2 copiei'.E 720, 1286

Hallahan (Mother Margaret IL). Life, byher religious children H 440

Halleck (Fitz-Greene). Life and letters.

Wilson ... H 701

Hals iFran.). Head H 131

Hamilton (Alexander). Lodge H 505" " Life. Renwick.H 750

Hamilton (Sir William). Monck H 81

Veiteh H loi

Hampden (John). Memorials of himself,

his party, and his times. Nugent,2 copies G 447 , H 787

Handel (George Friedrich). Marshall.H

Hannibal, the Carthaginian. Abbott ..G

Hannin^ton (Bishop). Life and work.

l! II

Diiwson HHare. Memorials of a quiet life, 2 vols.H

Haroun Alraschid. Palmer HHartley (David). Boiver HHastings (Warren), Essay on. Maeau/ayH

Havelock (Sir Henry). Biographicalsketch. Brock, 2 copies . , H

Havergal (M.V.G.). Autobiography ..H

^'!:,wkie. The autobiography of a gan-grel. Edited by Tod, 2 copies . . . . H

Hawthorne (Nathaniel). James HHawthorne (N.) his wife. A bio-

graphy. Hawthorne, J., 2 vols. . . HHaydn (Franz Joseph). Nohl HHaydon. Life and letters Stoldart. . H















Hayward (Abraham). Correspondencefrom 1834-84, 2 vols H 1346-7

Heine (Heinrich). Memoirs. Evans..



Hendnck(Haiis). The Arctic traveller.



Henry II. Green, Mrs ) 1 1477

Henry V. Life. Church H 1701

Henry VIII. Tytler M 733

Henry (Patrick). Tyler H 1449

Life and character.I't^'X n 775

Henty (Richmond). Australiana; or, my-jarly days H 1338

Herrieb(J. C). Memoir of his public life.

Herrics, /"., 2 vols H 1818-9

Herschel (Sir Wm.). Life and works.Holden II 34 j

Hill (Sir Rowland) Life. HiU, G. B.,

2 vols H 1099-1100" " Life. Broome ... .VL 287

Hihs. Experience of a backwoodspreacher H 1345

Hincks (Sir F.) Reminiscences of his

public life, 2 copies II 1132-3

Hislop (Stephen). I'ioneer missionary andnaturalist in Central India. Smith.H 1681

Hobart (Pasha). Sketches from my life,

5 copies H1334, IJ61-4

Hobbes. Robertson H 1 240

Hodge (Charles and A. A.). With class

and table talk of Hodge the youngei.Salmond H 1620

Hodson. Soldier's life in India H 1197

Hogarth (William). Dohson H 129

" " Essays on the man,etc. Sala H 862

Hogg (James). The Eltrick shepherd.Memorials, by his daughter H 1137

Holbein (Hans). Woltwann H 135

Holcroft (Thomas). An autobiography.E 428

Holland (Sir H.). Recollections of past

life H 969

Holmes (Oliver Wendell). Kennedy ..H 421

Hook (Theodore). Life and remains.Barham H 333

Hope (Geo.), Memoir. By his daughter.H 350

Hoste (Sir William). Service afloat ; or,

his raval career H 806

Howard (John), and the prison world of

Europe. Dixon H 1074

Hubbard. Memorials of a half-century.H 1436

Hugo (Victor), and his time. BarlhU,

i copies H 230, 79-

Things seen H 1253

Humboldt (Alexander von). Life andachievements. Schivar-zenberg H 73

" Life and travels M 74*^"

Humboldt (.Alexander and William von).

Kiencke a.n(l Schlcsicr H 861




I Hut





Biography, Individual. 281


282 Biography, Individual.



iill li




t! i«i

Lignfc {Princesse de). Memoirs. Editedby Lucii'H Percy, 2 vols H 1524-5

Lincoln! Abraham). Life. L^/rt/u/, 2 copies.

H go. 736

Livingstone (David). Hughes H 1703" Last years of H 971

" " Life and explorations.

Roberts H 763" " Personal life. BlaikicH 163

Locke (John). Life. Powler H 804

Logan (.S'i> Wm. E.). Life. Harrington.H C49

Longfellow (H. VV.). Final memorials of

Longfellow, S H 1403" Liffi. Longfellow, S.,

2 vols H 1301-2

" " Life. Robertson H 1636

Loudon (Gt'»r/-<i/). Mal/eson H 1173

Louis XiV. Life and times. James,2 vols E 763-4

Lover (Samuel). Life. Symington .. .¥L 255

Lowder (Charles). Biography II 285

Luca della Robbia. Scott H 105

Lutfullah. Autobiography. Eastwick,2 copies , H 50, 94

Luther (Martin) and the reformation,anecdotes of H 1019

" " Life. Kcestlin, 2 copies..


611, 667

Treadwell H 85

Lyndhurst (/-.orrf). Life. Martin ....H 1817

Lytton (Rosina, Lady). Life. Dcvey .H 1652

Lytton (Sir E. Bulwer). Life. By his

son H 641

Macaulay (Lorrf). Essayist and historian.

Canning H 516" " Lif.T and writings. JonesH 282

" " Morison H 809" " Life and letters. Trevel-

yan, 4 vols H 45-8

McDonald (Flora) Life. By her grand-daughter H 695

Macdonald (i'/V John A.). Life. Collins.H 650

McDougall ((>eorge M.). Pioneer, patriot,

and missionary. McDougall ....H 734

MacGregor (Sir Charles). Life andopinions, edited by Lady MacGregor,2 vols H 1667-8

MacKay. Through the long day ; or,

memorials of a literary life, 2 vols.H 1771-2

Mackenzie (Wm. Lyon). Life. Lindsey.H 1116

McLaren (Duncan). Life and work.Mackie, JB., 2 vols H 1692-3

Maclise (David). Memoir. O'Driscoll.H 216

Macmilla'i (Daniel). Memoir. Hughes. H 147

Macnish (Robert). Life. Moir E 1884

Macready. Reminiscences, Pollock.,



Madison (}ames). Gay H 1097

Mahomet. Life. Irving, 3 copies.E 754.


298, 973

Mahony {Rev. Francis). ?,eeProut, Father.

Maimon (Solomon). An autobiography.Murray H 1587

Making a start in Canada: letters fromtwo young emi';rants H

Malmesbury (Earl of). Memoirs, 3 vols.H

Second copy H"Man of Kent" Autobiography II

Mantegna. Cartivright HMaplesoniJ. H.) Mapleson memoirs, 1848-

1S88, 2 vols HMarcy Border reminiscences LMargaret of Angouleme, Queen of

Navarre. Robiiiso:i HMaria Teresa (Mo/// »•). Life. Hulst.H

Marie Antoinette. History. Abbott..


" " Private life. Campan. . .H" " Yonge H

Marie de la Providence. Life. Fulierton.H

Marie (Suiur) . Life HMarlborough (Duke of). lAie. Creighton.H

Memoirs. Coxc,

3 vols., 2 copies,

E 669-7 1


" " Saintsbury HMarryat(Ca/>/.). Life. Marryat, Florence.


Marsh (George Perkins). Life and letters,

vol, I HMartin (John). Life and remains. Craik,

2 vols., 3 copies H 6-7, 1081-2,

Fourth copy HMartineau (Harriet). Life. Miller...


Martyn (Henry). Bell HMary Stuart, Queen of Scotts. Life. Bell,

2 vols. . IC

" " Lamartine . . .H" " and her latest

English histar-

ian. Meliw.HLife. Strickland2 vols G

Maurice (Frederick D.). Life. Maurice,

J. F., 2 vols HMazarin. Masson HMazzini (Joseph). Life. Garrison. .. .1:1

Medici (Lorenzo de). Life. Roscoe-..^.

Meissonier. Mollett HMelancthon (Philip). Life. LedderhoscH

Melville (Andrew). Life. McCrie....n

Mendelssohn (Felix). Letters to I. & C.Moscheles . . . H

" Life. Gage ...H

Mercer (John). Life and labours. Parnell.

HMerritt(W.H. ). Biography. Merritt, y.P.H

Metcalfe (Lon/). Life. A'ajc, 2 vols . . HMetternich (Prince). Memoirs, 2 vols.H

Michel Angelo. See Buonarotti.

Military sketch-book by an officer, 2 vols.H

Mill (James). Biography. Bain H" " Bower ...H













H 885-7



























































Biography, Individual.



jtters fromH

s, 3 vols, HH

phy ....H

Hnoirs, 1848-

H5 Lyueen of




ampiin. . .HH



rs. Coxe,

>., 2 copies,

E 6b9-7i,

lury HFlorence.


and letters,

Hns. Crnik,

3-7, 1081-2,


HLife. Bell,

2 vols. . E(irtinc . . . Hher latest

lish histor-



dIs GMaurice,


tson. . . .Hloscoe. . ,E


Crie . . . . Hto I. &C.heles . . . H'age . . . Hs. Parnell.


2 vols. . H2 vols.H


r,2 vols.H

« HH

Mill (John Staart). A critici'.-..n. Bain.H 527" Autobios^raphy . . .H 1300

IMiller (Hugh), Life and letters. Bayne.

2 vols H 1406-7" " Life anc^ times. Broivn.H 948" " My schools and school-

masters H 952

Milnor (James). Liff. Stone H 1076

Milton (John). Life, in his owu words.(rraham H 307

" " Pattison H 820

Mitchel (fohn). Life. D/Z/o/j, 2 vols. .H 1674-5

Mitchel (O.M.). Astronomerand general H 1457

Moffat (Robert and Marv). Lives.

Moffatt, y.S .' H 12G2

Mohl (Madame), her salon and friends.

OMeara H 1220

Monk. Corbett, y H 1707

Monmouth (Duke of), L'fe. Roberts,

z vols H 422-3

Monroe (James). Gilinan H 507

Montalembert (CoM«<de). Memoir. OH-pliant, 2 vols., 2 copies H 42-3, 1083-4

Montesquieu, Sorel, 2 copies H 1497, 1502

Montfort (Simon de). Crcighton H 259

Montgomery (James). Life, Knight.


872" " Memoirs. Holland and

Everett, 7 vols. , . . H 937-43

Montrose (Marquis of). Grcville H 1 250

1^7 Moore (Thomas). Life. Symii:gton . .H 251

More (Hannah), Yonge, Charlotte M..H. 1490^°5C-i

.. .. Memoir. Knight... H 944More (Sir Thomas). Life and letters.

Stewart H 314

Morgan (Lady). Memoirs, 3 vols II 38-40

Morley (Samuel). Life. Hodder H 1531

Morris (Gouvemvur). Diary and letters.

Edited by Morris,^.C.,2 vols.,.H 1687-8

" " Roosevelt H 1255

Morrison. Life and work Toivnsend,w. y H 1371

Moses, the Lawgiver. Taylor H 396

Motley (John Lothrop). Memoir.Holmes H 72

Mozart. Gt hring H 142" Life and correspondence.

Holmes H 448

Life. Nohl H 580

MiiUer (George). The Lord's dealingswith, 3 vols H 365-7

Second copy H 719Munro [Surgeon-General). Reminiscences

i)f military service H 1414

Munro (Sir Thomas). Life. Gleig H 1200

Murchison (R.). Life. GW/vV, 2 vols . . H 446-7

Murillo. Minor H 123

Mytton (JamesU Life. Appcrley H 1033

Nairne(B(in;;«fSi). Life and songs. Rogers H 661













H 885-7
























Napier (S/r Wm.). Life. i3r«tY, 2 vols.H 239-40

Napoleon Bonaparte, and his detractors.

Napoleon, Prince G 1 151" " Confidential corresDc 1-

dence with his brother

J oseph, 2 vols. , 2 copies,

E 1873-4, H 868-9" '' Last days of. Antom-

marchi H 1 136" " Life. Hazlitt, ^\o\s..H 533-5" " Life. Macfarlane . . ,W 301

Memoirs. Bourrieune.

3 vols E 1062-4" " Second copy, 4 vols


H 1727-30" " Short history of. See-

Ity H 1323

Napoleon III. and his times; memoir of

^he Itonaparte family, etc.,

De Puy H 933" Public and private history

of. Smucker H 1 193

Nasm3rth (James). Autobiography.Smiles H 1269

Neilson (Lillian Adelaide). De Leine. .H 549Nelson (Lord). Life. Allen, 2 copies. . H 303, 946

" Life. Son/hey, 3 copies,

K 9^7. H 55, M 132

Newman (F. W.). Reminiscences of twoexiles and two wars „ H 951

Newton (S;> Isaac). Life. Brezvster. .H 738

O'Connell (Daniel). Correspondence.Edited by Fitz/^atrick,

2 vols H 1665-6" " Life. Hamilton H 1567

Life and times, Cusack,2 vols H 243-4

i-'ersonal recollections.

Daunt, 2 vols H 241-2

O'Rourke ..,H 266

O'Flanagan. Irish bar H 392

Oliphant (Lawrence). Episodes in a life

of adventure H 1439

O'Neill (Aodh). Life and times. A//7f/(tf/.H 267

Ossoli (Marchesa). Memoirs, 2 vols. .. H 1215-6

Hoive H 1 168

Our Sovereign lady H 1 368

0;:seiey (Gideon). Life. A thur . . . .H 1075

Outram (S/> James). A biography. Gold-smid, 2 vols H 621-2

Overbeck. Atkinson H 114

Owen (Robert) Sargant H 434Owen (Robert Dale). Threadmgmy way.H 376

Palissy (Hernard). Life. Morley,2 vo\s.\l 221-2

Palmer (E. H.). Life and achievements.BesnnI H 548

Palmerston (Lord). Life. Bulwer, H.,

3 vols H 3-5" " Life. Sanders... \i 1566

Life. irol/ot>e.. .11 195

284 Biography, Individual.

Paracelsus and his teachings. Hartmann.H 1320

Park (Mungo). Life and travels, 3 copies.

F 310, H 102, M 408

Parsons. Nelsonian reminiscences ... H 1O25

Pasteur (Louis). Life labours. Radot.H 494Patmore. My friends and acquaintances,

3 vols H II 38-40

Pattison (Mark). Memoirs H 875

Paul the Missionary. Tay/or H 398

Paulding (James K.). Literary life. Panhl-iiifr, W. y H 1626

Payn. Some literary recollections,

6 copies H 1098, 1 145-9

Peabody (A. V.). Harvard reminis-

cences H 1428

Peabody (George). Life. Hanafird . . . . H 1 226

Peel (Sir Robert). Memoir- :

I'nrt I.—The Roman Catholic question,1S2S-9, i copies II lOS.l, 1056

Part II.—Tlie new government, 1S34-5,

2 copies II 105(, 1057I'art III.— Itepeal of the Corn Laws, 1845-6,

2 copies II 1051, 1057

" An Historical sketch. Biilwcr, H . .G 192

" Smith H 194

" Life. M.mlngue H 1568

" Life and character. Peel, Sir 1213

Penn (William). An historical biography,Dixon H 666

" " Life. StoHghton H 405

Pepys (Samuel). Diary from 1659-69. .E 891

Perrault (Joseph Francois). Bender..



Perthes (F.). Life. Pt'r///(:,s, C. r.,2vol3.H 838-9

Peter the Apostle. Taylor H 399

Peter the Great. Life. Brtr/o?*;, 2 copies



Peterborough (/irt*-/ of;. Memoir. Russell,

2 vols H 1404-5

Petrarch. Life. Campbell E 1213

Pitt (William). Sergeant H 196

Pius the Ninth. Life. Trollope, 2 vols. . H 233-4

Pizarro. Helfs H 311

Poe (Ldgar Allan). Woodberry H 1164

Pole (Cardinal). An historical sketch. Lee.

H 1418

" " Steivart H 316

Pollock (Sir Frederick). Personal re-

membrances, 2 vols H 1464-5

Pope (Alexander). Life. Carruthers. .F. 915

Stct>hen H 818

Powell (Walter). Life. Gregory H 722

Prescott (William iL). Lite. Tickno'-..\l 790

Prince Eugene of Savoy. Malleson.. .W 1599

Pulszky (T. and F.). Memoirs of an

Hunt;arian lady H 1208

Punshon (W. M.). Life. Macdonald. .11 1410

jfohnst.n and ],'acdonald . . . .11 160S

Purcell (Henry). Cummings H 139

Pycroft. Twenty years in the church . . H 1078

Quakerism ; or, the story of my life. . . . H 746

Quin, comedian. Life H 1092

Rachel. Kennard H 1289

Memoirs. Madame de /i . . . . H iiij6

Raleigh (.S/V Walter), life. Creighton..H 260

" Life. Gosse H 1276

Life, 1552-1618. St. John, J. A.,

2 vols H 1 77.S-9

Randolph (John). Adams H 510

Raphael. Life and works. Crowe andCavalcaselle, 2 vols H 1555-6

" Life and works Duppa and DeQu/ney E 938

" D'An-.'ers H 118

Raven (P.). fJolden dreams and leadenrealities H 1203

Reade (Charles) Memoir. Edited byC. L. h'eade and C. Reade H 1358

Red Eagle. Eggleston H 972

Reeves (John). The Rothschilds, thefinancial rulers of nations H 1438

Reeves (Sims). Life and recollections.



Rembrandt. Mollett H 133

Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Pulling H 128

Richard III. Gairdner H 334

Richard Coeur de Leon. James, 2 vols.E 765-6

Richardson (.S"/> John), Life. McUraitli.H 472

Richelieu (Cardinal). Robson, 3 copies,

H 297, 891, M 369

Richmond (Rev. Legh). Memoir. Grim-sliawc H 954

Richter. Autobiography E 847

Riel (Louis). Story of. Collins H 1241

R*pa (Father) . Memoirs H 1 19S

Ripley (George). Fiothinghani H 294

Ristori (Adelaide). Studiesand memoirs H 1491

Robertson (W. B). Life B'own....n 436

Robinson (Henry C). Diary and remi-niscences, 2 vols H 1036-7

Robinson (Sergeant). Bench and bar. .H 1834

Rochejaquelein (Marc///owi'S5). Memoirs.E iioo

Rogers (Joseph). Reminiscences of aworkhouse medical officer. Editedby Thoro/d Rogers H 1782

Rogers (Samuel), and his contemporaries.Clayden, P. W., 2 vols..H 1806-7

" Early life. Cavden H 878

Rogers (William). Reminiscences. .. .H 1494

RoXanA (Madame). Abbott H 1071

Blind H 1291

Romney (George). Gotver H i -o

Rossetti (D. G.). Life. Knight.. .. H 1031

" " Recollections of. Caine.H i*^

Rossini and his school. Edwauls H i}^

Life. Edwards H 1104

Rousseau. Graham E 2''^

Murley. 2 vols H 1 33°-'

Rubens. Kelt H ly-

Ruete. Memoirs oi'an Arabian princess.H 1234















Biography, Individual. 285


286 Biography, fndiindual.


Stael (Mtiie. del, her friends and influ-

ence. Blemierhassct, 3 vols H 1694-G

Life. Duffy H 1456

Stanton. Random recollections H 1440

Steele (r<ichard). Dobson H 1278

Steere (/i(.s//«/). Memoir. Hcanley ..Vi 1585

Stein. Life and times. .Sw/ry, 4 vols.G 27-30

Stenhouse (Mrs.). Englishwoman in

Utah H 934

Sterne (Lawrence). Trail H 80G

Stewaid. Twenty-two years a slave andforty a freeman H 1357

Stirling (Edward). Old Drury Lane,2 vols H 21 1-2

Stirling (James). Memoir. IVallacc.H 595

Stockmar (Banm). Memoirs, 2 vols. .,H 427-8

Strauss (David F.). Zi-llcr t. 524

Strickland (Agnes). Life. By her sister.



Sully {D:ikc of). Memoirs, 4 vols E 874-7

Summerfield. Life and ministry. Hol-liinil H 74


Sumner (Chas.). Memoir. P/Vn-c, 2 vols.



Swedenborg. Life White H 917

Swift (Jonathan). Stephen H 807

Tai-Ping-Wang, chief of ;he Chineseinsurrection. Mackie H 1355

Tait (Catharine and Crawfurd). Memoir.Bcn/iam, 2 copies H 206,925

Talleyrand. Life. McHarg H 930Tasso. Life. Miliiian, 2 vols H 1079-80

Tayler. Thirty-eight years in India,

2 vols H 1415-6

Taylo:; (Henry). Autobiography, 2 vols.H 964-5Taylor (Col. Meadows). Story of my

life H 63

Taylor (Key nell). A biography. Parry.H 1542

Temple. Letters from Dorothy Osborne,1652-4 H 1630

Thackeray (Wm. M.). Trollope H 835Thompson (Samuel). Reminiscences of

a Canadian pioneer H 683

Thomson (James). Life. Salt, H. S..H 1699

Thoreau( Henry D.). The poet-naturalist,

Chaiiniiiff H 1369" " Life and aims. rnge....H 283" " Sanborn H 291

Ticknor ((ieorge). Life and letters. .. H 541

Tintoretto. Osier , H 136

Titian. Life and times. Croiae andCnvalcaselle, 2 vols H 1646-7

Heath H 117

Todd. Story of his life, as told by him-self H 247

Tone. Memoirs. Fermoy .H 410

Toole (J. L.). Reminiscences, chronicledby Hatton, 2 vols H 1671-2

Townshend (Charles). Fitzgerald ... .W 442

Trevithick (Richard). Life. Trevithick.F.H 231

Trollope (Anthony). Autobingrapiiy,

4 copies fl 51, 177

Trollope (T, A.). What I remember,2 vols H

Tulloch (Prineipal). Life. Oliphant,Mrs.\l

Tapper. My life as an author HTurgot. .Say HTurner. Monkhoiise HTyndale (Wm.). A biography. Dematis HTytler (Patrick F.). Memoir. Burf^on.Yi

Urbino (Duke of). Memoirs. Dennis-tuun, 3 vols H

Van Arteveld (James and Y'\\'\\\Y>).Ashley.Y[



Van Buren (Martin). Shepard HVan Dyck. Head HVan Hare. Fifty years of a showman's

life HVane (Young S(> Henry). Life. HosmerHVaughan (Clare). Lovat, Lady HVelasquez. Stoive HVcnard (J. Theophane). Herbert HVerdi. An anecdotic history of his life.

Pougin HVere (Sir Francis). Life. Markhain . . HVere (6" /> Horace). Life. Markhain . .HVerestchagin (A.). .At home and in war,

1853-81 : reminiscences HVeicstchagin (V.). Painter, soldier,

traveller, 2 vols HSecond copy H

Vernet (Horace). Ruutz-Rees HVezina, biograph iede HVicars [Capt. Hedley). Memorials . .HVictor Emmanuel. Dicey HVictoria (H. M. Queen) : her girlhood and

womanhood. Greemvood.H

Life. Smith H" " Life and reign. Ba>l..\l

Story of her life. Ttil-

loeh, \V. W HVignoles (C. B.). Life. Vi_i;noles.O. y.HVoltaire and his times. Biingener H

" " Afarley HWagner (Richard). Hneffer HWallace (Sir Wm.). Life. Carrick,

2 vols EWallack (Lester). Memories of fifty

years HWallett, the Queen's jester. Luntley . . HWard (William G.), and the O.xford

movement. Ward, Wi/frid HWardlaw (Ralph). Life Alexander..


Washington (George). Life. Everett.


" " .Life. Irving, 4 vols.E

" Lodge, H.C.,2vo\s.\\" Thayer H

Waterton. His home, habits, and handi-work. Hobson H

, 1090 I





















































•Kraphy,H 5'. 177. lOQo I


It, Mrs.



>cma us Hiurf^oii.H


HAsh ley.





fosmer HHHH

his life.

Hham . . Hham . . H1 in,





. .H

...Hood andniiuod.H






.. Hrrick,


bf fifty

...Hley . . HOxford...H






14JI :





846- ii




































Poetry, Individual. 287

Watkin. Canada and the United States,

recollections, 1851 to i88(3 HWatson {Rev. Richard). Memoir CIVatt (James). Life. Muirhead HIVatteau. Mollett HIVatts(Alaric). Ijfe. IVo^i, .4. 4., 2 vols.


IVeber. Benedict HWebster (Daniel). Private life. Lanman.W

" " Lodge HIVebster (Noah) Scndder HWellesley (.Ua>-(/Mi5.). Life. A/alleson.H

Wellington (Duke of). Notes of conversa-

tions with, by EarlStanhope H

" " Three years with the, byan ex-Aide-de-Camp .H

" " Memoir E












425" Hooper, G.,2 copies.H 1705, 1781

"' Mticfarlane H 302

" Watte H 257

Wesley (John). Green li 288

" Life. Southey E 888

Second copy, 2 vols.H 967-8

and Methodism. Toy lor.



" Life. Telford H 141


" Life and times. Tyerman,

3 vols H 1061-3

" Watson C 296

" Wedgewood H 374

Wesley (Susanna). Clark H 1286

Westbury (/.on/). Life. Nash. 2. vols.H 1657-8

Whitfield. Anecdotes. Wakeley H 744

Whitman (Walt ). Bucke, 2 copies.E 2130, H 1621

Whittington [Sir Richard). Besant andh'ice H 86

Wiclifs place in history. Burrows . . . . H 197

Wilberforce (Wm). Stoughton H 183

Wilberforce (Wm.). Life. Wilberforce, R.I. and S., 2 vt)ls.H 959-60

Wilder ( NL F'.). People I'vesmiled >vith.FI 1785

Wilhelmine (Margravine of Haireuth).Memoirs. Princess Christian H 1252

Wilkes (Henry). Memoir Wood. . . .H 1485

Wilkes (John). Life and times. Fitz-genild, P., 2 vols H 1S28 9

Wilkie (David). A/ollett II 124

William I . and the German empire. Smith 1


777William of Germany. Forbes H i486

William the Conqueror. Freeman . . . . H 1473" " Roscoe H 363

William III. Traill H 1475

Williams (Rowland). Life and letters,

2 vols H 41 1-2

Wilson (fi/s//ti/>). Life. Ba/fwm/i, 2 vols. H 1 157-8

Wilson (John) (Christopher North. />sfH(/).

Memoir. Gordon H 726

Wilton(J. H.). Scenes in a soldier's life. H 1069

Wolfe (Ge/icra/). Life. Wrif>ht H 232

WoUstonecraft (Mary), Memoir. Paul.H 65

Wolsey (Cardinal). Creighton H 1474" Life. Steuart. . .}{ 317

Wood (W. P.). Memoir. Stephens, 2 vols.H 1186-7

Wordsworth (C). Overtcn and Words-worth H 1670

Wordsworth (Wni.). Biography. Hovd.H 731

Myers H 805" " Bioj^raphical sketch.

Sj»;/(«/,'-/6iH, 2 vols.H 253-4

Yates (Edmund). Fifty years of Londonlife H 1 1 27

" " Recollections and experi-

ences, 2 vols., 2 copies. H 1234-7

Young (A.). Biographical sketch. Bctham-Edtvards p 1030

Young (C has. M.). Memoir. Young^J.C.H 920

Zeisberger (David). Life. Schweinitz H 627Zouaves, reminiscences of an officer of..H 1204


.tenside. Poetical works I

Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, 2 vols EArnold (Edwin). Light of Asia I

Lotus and Jewel I

With Sa'di in the garden I

Arnold (Matthew). Poems I

Ascher. Voices from the hearth, 2 copies.


Austin. Soliloquies in song I

Awde. Jubilee, patriotic, and otherpoems I

Aytoun. Bon Gaultier ballads I

Lays of the Scottish cavaliers I







147. 332





Bailey (P. J .). Festus : a poem I

Mystic, and other poems I

Ballantine. Poems I

Songs and melodies I

[Barham]. Ingoldsby legends I

Ingoldsby lyrics I

Barnaval (Louis). Love poems I

Barnes. Poems in t'ae Dorset dialect. . .


Bet.tnett. Ballad history of England. . .ESo.'igs of a song writer I

Sea songs I

Beranger. Songs from, edited by Betts.l












288 Poetry, Individual.

Bickerateth. Yesterday, to-day, and for-

ever I 438

Blackie. Lays and legends of ancient(Ireece I 72

Blake. Poetical works I 371

Blanchard. Poetical works I 346

Bloomfield. Farmer's boy I 409

Breakenridge. The crusades, and otherpoems I 442

Brooks. Wit and humour I 29

Browne. Bugle echoes I 350

Browninfi: (K. H). Aurora Leigh I 2

Selcciions from her poetry I i

Browning (Robert). Dramatic persona?.



Inn album I 232

Lyrics, dramas, and romances, 5 copies.

I 298, 300, 302, 304, 306

Men and women I 232

Parleyings W\\.\\ certain people I 367

Poetical works, 2 vols I 220-1

Poetical works, 2 vols I 3-4

King and the book, 2 vols I 225-6

Second and third copies I 301, 303

Selections I 299, 301, 303, 305, 307Sordello, Strafford, Christmas-eve, and

Easter day 1 267

Bruce. Old homestead poems I 444

Bryant. Poems, 2 vols I 238-9

Thirty poems I 157

Buchanan. Undertones I 228

Burns. Poetical works I 309

Butler (S.). Hudibras, 2 vols E 958-9

Butler (W. A.). Two millions I 410

Byron. Poetical works 1 32S

Calverley. Poetical remains E 1753

Cameron. Lyrics on freedom, love, anddeath I 446

Camoens. His life and hislusiads, 2 vols.I 495-6

Lusiad, translated by Mickle E 643

Lyrics, translated by Burton, 2 vols. . .1 497-8

Campbell (T.). Poetical works I 372

Campbell (VV. W.). Lake lyrics, andother poems I 537

Canning^ (George). Poetical works I 409

Caris Sima. Mission of love, and otherpoems I 321

Carleton. Farm ballads, 2 copies I 52, 169

Farm festivals I 51

Carpenter. Handbook of poetry I 439Catullus. Poems, Martin I 107

Charles. Three wakings, with hymnsand songs I 154

Chatterton. Poetical works, 2 vols I 369-70

Chaucer. Man of Lawe's tale E 352Prioresse's tale E 351

Works, 4 vols E 651-4

Cheever. American common-place bookof poetry ,....! 411

Clough. Poems I 394

Cockin. Gentleman Dick o' the Greys,and other poems

Coleridge. Poetical and dramatic works

Collins. Poetical works and memoir..,

Cook (iniza). Poetical works

Coombe. Dr. Syntax's tours

Cotterill. Introduction to study opoetry

Cowper. Poetical works, 2 vols ECraik [Mrs. D. M.). Poems, 4 copies.

I 25, 284,

Crawford. Old Spookse's pass, Malcolm'sK:itie, etc I

Cioss Legend of Jubal, and other poems.


Curzon. Laura Secord, the heroine of

1812 1

Dante. Inferno. Translated by Cdr/y/f.E

Inferno. Translated by Ford I



New life.








Davin. Eos .

Longfellow . . I

Wright.. . .E

Norton I

Cary EFord I

Lougfellow . . I

Wright EDugdalc


. . . EFord I

Longfellow . . I

an epic of the dawn, andother poems I

Dawson (Rev. ./Eneas). Dominion Day,and other poems I

Dawson(S.E.). Study of "The Princess.'T

DeKay. Hesperus I

Dobell. Poems I

Dobson. Poetical ingenuities and eccen-tricities E

Donne. Poetical works and memoir. . .1

Dorotiiy : a country story in elegiac verse.


Dowden. Shakespeare's sonnets I

Doyle. Lectures on poetry EDryden. Poetical works, 4 vols I

Second copy I

Emerson. Poems I

Falconer. Poetical works I

Ferguson. Lays of the Western Gael,and other poems I

Firdausi. Shah Nameh EFrechette. Fleurs boreales I

Legcnde d' un p^iiple I

Freiligrath. Poems I

Gay. Poetical works, 2 vols I

Gifford. Haviad and Mseviad I

Gilbert. Bab ballads I

Gilfillan. Poems and songs I

Goldsmith. Select works and poems . .EGordon. Poems I

Gordon and Page. Befo' de war I








310, 570




II u179




































Poetry, Individual. 289

•I V7-II


I 49



310, 570



I 171)











I 533

I 386


I 26S

I 485






. I 253-6

.1 409

.1 4S1

. I loCi


E 1697

.1 407

.1 447

.1 23

.1 187-8

. I 40*)

.1 no

.1 I5«

E i;

.1 36«

.1 437

Gowan Le* " Sec Morgan, Mary.

Graves Ularney ballads I 454Tlie Rreen above the red I 453

Gray. Poetical works I 149

Greene, Marlowe, ami Jonson. Poems.E 902

Greenwood. I'oems I 248

Griffin. I'oems and plays I 30

Cunnyon. Scottish life and history in

sonf,' I 122

Halleck. Poetical works I 336

Hamilton (Janet). Poems, skeiches, andessays I 388

Hi.mmond. Poetical works I 409

Havergal Poetical works, 2 vols I 333-4

Streamlets of song for the young I 412

Under the surface I 152

Heine. Poems, translated by lioivriiig.E, 1470

Herbert. Poetical works I 189

Herrick. Hesperides, 2 vols I 190-1

Holland. Hitter-sweet I 416

Kathrina : a poem I 415

Mistress of the manse I 166

Holley(Josiah Allen's wife, />«;<(/). Poems. I 434

Holmes. Before the curfew, etc I 479

Iron gate, and other poems I 164

Poetical works I 381

Homeric ballads. A/aginn E 477

Homer. Iliad. Trans, by i'?HcA/f_v, 2 copies

E 1161, I 136'• " " Chapman 1 142

" " " Cowper E bGj" " " Pope, 3 copies.

E I2T2, I 45,55Odyssey. Trans, hy Buck'ey I 136

" " Chapman I 142" " Coivpcr E 668" " Pt)/>c, 3Copies.E 912, I46, 55

Hood. Poems I 130

Horace. Odes and epodes. Translatedby Lytton , 2 vols., 2 copies [ 14-5, 291-2

Third copy I 155

Translated hy De Vcre I 491

Home Orion I 109

^wgo (Victor). Selections, chiefly lyrical.



Hunt (Leigh). Poetical works I 305

Husk. Songs of the nativity I 144

Imrie. Sacred songs, sonnets, and mis-cellaneous poems I 362

Ingelow. Poems, 2 vols I 26-7

Second copy I 44

Jonson . Poems E 902

Keats. Poetical works I 373

Kemble. Poems I 237

Kingsley. Poems E 1007

Knight. Poems of ten years, 1877-86. . I 417

Lamb. Poems and essays I 135

Lampman. Among the millet, and otherpoems I 612

Lang. ( Irass of Parna.ssus, etc I

Langland, or Langley. I'iers the plough-

man "

Lanier (Sioney). Poems

Science ef English verse

Leig^h Carols of Cockayne

J(!ux d'esprit

Leland. Poetry and mystery of dreams.

I-exiiigton, and other poems

Lighthall. Thoughts, moods, andideals

Locker. Lont jn lyrics

Lockhart. Mascjue of minstrels

Longfellow. Courtshipof Miles Standish

Golden legend

Poetical works

Song of Hiawatha

Tales of a wayside inn

Three books of song

Ultima Thule

Lome (Marquis of). Guide and Lita. .


Lover. Poetical works

Lowell. Higlow papers

Heartsease and rue

Poems, 2 vols

Lyttleton (Lord). Poetical works ....

Lytton (Earl of). Fables in song



Wanderer, and other poems

Lytton ('S/> E. H.) King Arthur, 2 vols

Second and third copies

Lost tales of Miletus, 3 copies I i

New Timon, 3 copies J ic

Poems and ballads of Schiller

Siamese twins

McCarthy. Irish ballads

McColl. Clarsach nam beann

English poetical works

Macdonald (Cieorge). Poems, 3 vols. .


Within and without

Mackay (Charles). Lump of gold, another poems

Poetical works

Poetry and humour of Scottish song.


Selected poems and songs

Voices from the mountains

Mackay (Eric). Love letters of a violinis

and other poems

McLachlan Poems and songs

Maclean. Coming of the princess

Macmurray. Legend of Delaware valley.

Manners. Pasco : a Cuban tale

Marlowe. Poems E

Marston. Dramatic and poetical works2 vols

Martin. Marguerite, and other poems































1 58, 289

158, 290





















290 Poetry, Individual.

Marvell. I'oetical works ind memoir..

Massey. IVjems and jballads

Melville. H;ittle-piecos

Meredith (Ciiiornc). Hallads and poems.

Modern love, and poems of'the Knglishruadsido

i'oeinsaiid lyrics of earth

Miller (Joaquin). Songs of the Mexicanseas

Sinif^s of the Sierras

Milton. Paradise lost EI'aradisc! regained E

Moir. I'oetical literature

i 'oetical works, 2 vols

Moore (S.). Poems

Moore (Thomas). Poetical works ..


Morgfan (Mary) (Gowan Lea, pseud.)

I'1 )enis and translation-

Morris (Lewis). Ei ic of HadesSongs of Britain

Morris (Win ). I'-arthly paradise, 5 vols.


Life and death of Jason

Motherwell. Poetical works and memoir.

Moultrie. Poems, 2 vols

Newell. The times, and other poems .


Nicholson. Airedale in ancient timesand other poems

Nobile. Miscellaneous poems translated

into English prose ENorris. Calumet of the Coteau

O'Hagan. A gate of flowers, and otherpoems

Parke. Lays of the saintly

Parnell. Poetical works































Pennell. Muses of Mayfair, 2 copies. .E 571, I 74

Puck on Pegasus E 572

Percy. Keliques of ancient English poetry,

2 vols E 832-3

Petrarch. Sonnets. Campbell E 1213

Sonnets and stanzas. Cay ley I loi

Piatt. In primrose time: a new Irish

garland I 351

Plu-ri-bustah I 229

Poe. Poems and essays, 4 copies.E 269, 1 258, 294-5

Poetical works I 48H

Pope Poetical works, 2 vols E 917-8

Praed. Poems, 2 vol? I 159-60

Prior. Poetical wor. , 2 vols I 1Q4-5

Procter. Poems I 251

" Prout {Fatlur)." Reliques E 971

I'lnal reliques. Jerruld E 198

Ramsay (Allan). Poemb I 492

Ramsay (J. R.). Win-on-ah, and otherpoems I 344

Reade (John). The prophecy of Merlin.




Richardson. Sonnaty and miscellaneoupoems

Roberta In divers tones

Orion, and other poems

Rogers. Italy : a poemI 'oetical works

Rossetti, Hallads and sonnets


Rowley. Puniana

More puniana

Saadi. The Gulistan, or rose garden .


Saint Abe and his seven wives, 2 copieI .;

Sangster. The St. Lawrence and th

Sagiienay, and other poems

Saxe. Poems

Schiller. Poems. Lytton, 3 copies ..I 7

Scott (('.). I-ays of a Londoner

Scott (Sir VV.). Poetical works, 2 vols..

Second copy

Sharpe. Con(iueror's dream, and othe;


Shelley (P. B). Poems, selecteu .

Poetical works. Edited by R. H. Shepherd, 3 vols

Sidney. Poems, 3 vols

Sigourney. Select poems

Skelton. Poetical works, 3 vols

Sladen. Edward the Black Princeepic poem

Smith (A.). City poems, 2 copies

Edwin of Deira

Smith (C ). Elegiac sonnets and othc


Smith (H. and J.). Rejected addresses.

Smith (L. A,). Music of the waters2 copies

Smith (William Wye). Poems

Southey. Chro. cle of the Cid I

Poetical works and memoir, 10 vols. .


Spenser. Poetical works, 5 vols

Spirit of the nation

Stevenson. Underwoods

Stewart (Phillips). Poems

Surrey [Earl of). Poetical works ant


Swinburne. Poems and ballads, 3rd series

Symonds. Greek poets

Talbot. Enchiridion of Epictetus

Tasso. Jerusalem delivered. Siiiitli . .

Jerusalem delivered. Wiffin I

Taylor (A. M'A.). Poems, songs, an(


Taylor (B.). Home pastorals

Tennyson. Idyls of the king, 2 copies.


Last tournament

Locksley Hall sixty years after, thepromise of May, etc., \ copies I







9. L -I'JI'J


219, 2t)i


2')h 7









150, 272




452, 455















104, 218


































































irden . . I

2 copies.

I -49. L 4940

and the

I -(O.i

I -^v

)ies . .1 7, zuj, 2HI,





, 2 vols..



,nd otherI

u I

H. Shcp-I





J 1)6;







Poetry, Si'lirtioNs. 291

ince : anI 5-9

5S I 150, 27J

I -1

[id otherI 409

resses .




I 45^. 455

I 426

K 385

vols. . .1 199-208





rks andI



s I

miiith . . I

Egs, and


.... 1










spies. .1 104, 21S

I 274

er, theI 398-^01

M.ind, and other pot'rns I

lircsias, and oUut po'^tns 1

Works 1

rhackeray. Hallads, 3 copies. . . . I 501-2,

riiomson (J.). City of dreadful ni|.!ht . . I

rhomson (James). Poetical works .... I

riie seasons

romlinson. The sonnet I

Irench. I'oems I

[upper. Proverbial philosophy W7aughan. Sacred poems I

Virgil. Works translated by Drydcn,2 copies I

Waters. The water lily : an orientalfairy tale I

Watts. Hora; lyrica? and divine sonj^s. I

Weir. Fleurs de Lys, and other poems. I

Whitman (Walt.). Poems I

Whittier. In war time, and otherpoems I

Poetical works, 4 vols I

Willis. Poetical works I

Wilson. Spring wild flowers I

Wordsworth. Complete poetical works.!

Select poetical works, 2 vols I

Wyatt. I^oencal works and memoir . . .1

ITouag. Poetical works, 2 vols I

Ifule. Poems of the heart and home ... I

SELECTIONS.ldams(C. F.). Dialect balla' s I

.Warns (W. D.). Comic poets. I

Latter day lyrics F2

Igra. Poems and ballads for penny read-ings I

Imcrica, poetry of. Selections from 100poets from 1776-1876 E

Jeaumont and Fletcher. Selections from,by Leigh Hunt E

Bell IJallads of the peasantry in Eng-land E

British poets, 4 vols EBryant. .Selections from the .\merican

poets I

3ullen. England's Helicon I

Lyrics of the Elizabethan age I

More lyrics of the Elizabethan at;e.. .1

Chamberlain. Japanese classical poetry.


Chambers. Songs of Scotland I

Collins. Celtic Irish sonj.s and song-writers I

Davis. National ballads and songs. ... I

Dobson. Classic poets EDuffy. Ballad poetry of Ireland I

Dulcken. German songs I

Edwards Poetry book, elder poets... I

Poetry book, modern poets I




I' 3074








47^ 41^9




1 83






2 1 2-3

















2 7






Ellis. Marly English metrical romances.



i;nj.!lish songs I Ijo

Graves Irish songs and ballads 1 124

Harland. Pallads and songs of l-an-

( Mshire I 66

Hayes. Hallads of Ireland, 2 vols I 105-6

Haziitt. English poets and comicwriters E 715

Hunt. Stories from the Italian poets.. E 1369

Lighthall. Songs of the fl real Dominion,2 copies 1 597-S

Linton. Eare poems of the 16' h and17th centuries I 440

Linton and Stoddard English verse,

5 vols I 355-9

Living I'jiglish poets, 1882 E 515

Lockhart. Ancient Spanish ballads. ... 1 167

McLennan. Songs of old Canada I 314

Macquoid (Ed.). Jacobite songs and bal-

lads I 482

The s.inu,', with additional notes I 441

Main English sonnets I 1.(3

Matthews (/•:</.). Hallads of books ..I 389

Fitncli dramatists of the 19th century! 132

Moore (!'"rank). Songs and ballads of

Southern people, 1861-5 I 324

Motherwell. Minstrelsy, ancient andmodern, 2 vols I 534-5

Poetical works and memoir I 224

Murray. Hallads and songs of Scot-

land E 609

Oxenford. liook of French songs I 48

Pictorial book of ballads, traditioijui andromantic, 2 vols ! 449-50

Randolph. F'ifty years of English song,

4 vols I 428-31

Ritson. Ancient songs and ballads....! 145

Roberts. Poems of wild life I 504

Robertson (/t(/.). Children of the poets,! 486

Robinson (Phil). Poets, birds I 125

Ross. Scottish poets in America I 451

Shanks. Peasant poets of Scotland .... I 360

Sharp (Wm.). Sonnets of this century. I 489

Sharp [Mrs William). (Ed.). Sea-music I 483

Sheehan (Ed.). Bentley ballads I 99

Sladen. Australian and rhymes.! 490

Sparling. Irish minstrelsy I 480

Tomson. Hallads of the north countrie.



Border ballads I 484

Thomson (S). The humbler poets ... .1 343

Veitch. History and poetry of the Scot-tish border E 1231

Waddington. Sonnets of Europe I 493

Ward (Ed). English poets, 4 vols E 1596-9

White (Ed.). Ballades and rondeaus ..I 478

Whitelaw. Book of Scottish ballads. . I 231

292 Drama.






Alfiert. '''rag*dies, 2 vols EBeaumont and Fletcher. Dramatic works,

2 vols I

Bjornson Sigurc! Slembe I

Blackburn. Art in the; mountains : thestory oi the passion play D

Browning. See page 2,'^.

Burton. Glance at the passion play . . . ECalderon. Life's a dream, translated by

Trench, 2 copies H 721, L ^yzi

Chapman. Plays I 75

Coleridge. Poetical and dramatic works.! 22


Congreve. Dramatic works I 554

Cook. Book of the play, 2 vols fc- 243-4

Hours with the players, 2 vols. E 245-6

Nights at the play, 2 vols E 241-2

Dekker. Dramatic works I 555

Donaldson. Theatre of the Greeks. . . . E 1113

Doran. Annals of the English stage,

2 vols E 1475-6

Duvar. De Rcberval : a drama I 436

Edwards. Lyrical drama, 2 vols 1 114-5

Fitzgerald. Proverbs and comediettas.



Romr.nce of the English stage, 2 vols. E 734-5

Ford Dramatic works I 557

'Jilbert. Eight original operas I 178

Original plays, lat and 2nd series . . . . E 573-4

Goethe. Dramatic works E 704

Faust. Translated by yohn Anstcr,

2 copies E 384, I 2


F?ust. Translated by //«</» E 2142

Faust. Translated by T. Martin,2 vols I 379-80

Faust. Translated by Miss Swan-wick E 698

Faust Translated by Bayard Taylor.



Griffin. Poems and plays I 30

Heavysege. Saul: a drama I 252

Heywood Dramatic works I 559

Hugo. Dramatic works. Translated..! 421

Jonson. Dramatic works, 3 vols I 137-9

Lamb. Dramatic poets of the time of

Elizabeth E 7S0

Lennox, Plays and playhouses, 2 vols.E 247-8

Lessing. Dramatic works, 2 vols E 786-7

Emilia Galotti, translated, 2 copies ... I 28, 250

Nathan the wise, translated, 2 copies..! 28, 250

Lewes Actors and art of acting E 24

Lytton. Dramatic works, 2 vols., 2 copies,

I 1 1-2, 285-6

Mair. Tecumseh .... I

Marlowe Dramatic works. Edited byCiinninnham I

Diamatic works. Edited by H. Ellis..


I'austus EMarston. Dramatic works, 2 vols !

Massinger. Dramatic works. Edited byCtinniiighani I

Dramatic works, edited by A. Symons,2 vols !

Matthews. French dramatists, 19thcentury I

Theatres of Paris FMiddleton i:)ram.atic works I

MoMre. Dramatic works, translated,

3 vols EPlays from, by Eni^lish dramatists. . . E

Morgan. Dramatic scenes !

Morley. Journal of a London play-goer E

Morshvad. House oi Atreus !

Nero and other plays !

Otway. Dramatic works .1

Pascoe. Dramatic notes, 1879 DDramatic notes, 1879-82 D

Schiller. Historical dramas, 3 vols ESchlegel. Dramatic art and litera-

ture EShakespeare. Works, edited by Henry

N. Hudson, 20 vols I

Works, edited by Richard Grant White,1 2 vols. I 585-9(3

Sheridan. Dramatic worki. E 865

Plays E 3&

Shirley. Dramatic works I 551

Smith (A.). Life drama I 26^ Tragedies. Plnmptre, 2 vols. I 240-1

Swinburne. Locrint: a tragedy I y.o

?tlary Stuart : a tragedy ! 331

Tay'or. IMiilip Van Artevelde, 2 copies.! 163, 172

Tennyson. Cup, 4 copies ! 134, 311-j

F'alcon, 4 copies I 134, 31 1-3

Harold : a drama I 153

Queen Mary ! 27G

Tragedy of success ! 2S

Vandenhoff. .Vctor's note book E 152^

Webster and Tourneur. Dramaticworl ! 55:^

V/ycherley. Drama ic works ! j:)i






















111 the


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"anad I








'el tic ^


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a V







Periodicals. 293


. Symons,I

s, 19th













55 i

















86 1|






4 20






E.... ..I

.... I

2 vols.




2 copies. I 163, 17

. ..I 134. 311-3

...I 134, 311-3

I 153

I 27O

I 28

F 152,



I j:1

,11 the Year Round, vols. 1-20, 1859-68.K 401-20

The same ; new series, vols. 1-43,

1868-89 K 346-85, 421-3

Thesame; third series, vols. 1-2, i88g.K 424-3

'.imerican journal of Medical Sciences,

voIf. 69-74, 1875- ' K 3217-22

The same, vols. 92-98, 1888-9 . . ..... K 3240-6

|lrgosy, vols. 1-32, 1866-81 K 1-32

\talanta, parts 1-2, 1887-8 K 3 47 '1-6

'.\tlantic Monthly, vols. 1-64, 1857-89 ..K 11 12-75

Hanrer of Israel, vols. 11-12, 1887-8..K 1912, 3674

Beeton's Boy's Annual, vols, i, 6-1 1. ..K 33, 38-43

Belfast Magazine, 1S25 K 1995

Eelgravia, vols. 1-53, ir'"7-84 K 192- 244

The same, vols. 54-70, 1884-90 K 2564-80

Bentleys Miscellany, vols. 1-64, 1837-68.K 1542-1605

Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 45-146,1839-89 K 1683-1784

iiritish Quarterly Review, vols. 79-86,1884-6 K

iystander, 2 vols. 1880-1 K."anadian Bee Journal, vols. 1-5, 18S5-9.K

Canadian Methodist Magazine, vols. 23-30,1886-9 K

Canadian Monthly, vols. 1-24, 1S72-S2.K 1996-2019

;asseirs Family Magazine, 1873 -8q. . . . K 658-678

Wassail's Magazine, vols. 1-19 K 2526-38

"atholic World, vols. 42-50, 1885-90. . . K 2980-8

Celtic Magazine, vols. 3-4, 1877-9 K 1879-80

"ertury Magazine, vols. 1-31, 1870-86.. K 517-48

The same, vols. 32-38, 1886-9 K 3079-91

Chambers' Journal, 1833-85 K 799-858

The same, r886-9 K 3112-27

.'hurch Quarterly Review, vols. 20-29,1885-90 K 2676-85

Churchman's Family Magazine, vols, t-8,

1863-6 K 1104-11

Contemporary Review, vols. 45-56, 1884-9.K 2372-83

Continent, The, vols. 5-6, 18S3-4 J^ 2474-5

Cornhill Magazine, vols. 1-47, 1860-83..



Thesame; new series, vols. 1-13, 1883-g.

K 492-504Day of Rest, edited by H. Strctton K 694

Dental Cosmos, vol. 30, 1888 K 3641

Djuglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine,2 vois. , 1845 K 3473-4

Dulilin Review, vols 15-20, 1886-90 K 30:^9-39

Edinburgh Review, vols. 159-173, 1884-90,1^2219-33

English Illustrated Magazine, 1S83-9.K 2596-2610

Englishwoman's Review, vols. 18-20,

1887-9 K 2427-9

Every Boy's Annual, 1885-8 K 1853-6

I'amily Herald, vols. 1-61, 1843-8 K &59-921

The same, vols. 62- j, 1888-9 K 3575-6

Fortnightly Review, vols. 34-46, 1883-9. K 2320-32

Forum, vols. 5-8, 1888-90 K 3508-1 r

Fraser's Magazine, vols. 3 7, 1871-3. ...K 1919-23

The same, vols. 9-26, 1874 82 K 1925-42

Good Words, 1863-89 K 6^-97

Harper's Magazine, vols. 1-83, 1850-90, K 929-1017

Harper's Young People, 1884, 2 copies.. K 922-3

The same, 1887 K 9 i6

Homiletic Quarterly, 8 vols., 1877-82. . .K io.('j-53

Household Words, vols. 5-19, 1852-9. ...K 3S6-400

I^eisure Hour, 1352 89 K 603-48

Lippincott's Magazine, vols. 1-6, 1868-70 K 107-12

The same, vols. 33-36, 18845 K 139-42

The same, vols. 37-44, 188G-9 K 2779-86

.Littell's Living .^ge, vols. 1-183, i844-89.K 12131395London Society, vols. 1-49,1862-80 K 143-191

The same, vols. 50-56, 1886-9 ^^ 3341-5

Longman's Magazine, vols '-15, 1882-9 • ''»' 729-43

Macmillan's Magazine, vols, i -6 1, 1859-89.K 1421-81

Manhattan Magazine, vol. 3, 18S4 K 2473

Meliora, vols. 1-9, 1859 66 K 2020-8

Murray's Magazine, vols. i-6, 18S7-9. . . K 3422-7

New Princeton Review, vols. 1-8, i886-g.K 2880-7

Nineteenth Century, vols. 5--z6, 1879 89. K 1822-43

Once a Week, vols 1-19,1858-68 K 44-62

Overland Monthly, vols. 9-14, 1887-9. .K 1943-8

People's Magazine, vols, i-io, I068-72..K 2647-56

Printing Machine ; or, companion to thelibrary, 1-2, 1834 K 1909-10

Quarterly Review, vols. 157-172,1884-9.1%. 2270-85

Quiver, 1879 89 K 770-84

Revue des Deu:; Mondes, vols. 61-96,

1884-9 K 2064-99

St. Nicholas Magazine, vol. 7 K 701

The same, vol, 9 K 703

The same, vols. i2-i8 K 706-18

St. Paul's Magazine, vols. 1-14, 1868-74.

K 1518-31

Scribner's Magazine, vols. 1-6, 1887-9. K 3396-340G

Sunday at Home, 1854-89 K 549-88

Sunday Magazine, 1865-71 K 1535-4'-

The same, 1872-81 K 2029-38

Temp'e Bar, vols, i 87, 1861-89 K 245-331

Unitarian Review, vol. 31, 1889 K 3777

Westminst ;r Review, vols. 121-132,

1884-9 K 2168-79

Whitaker's Journal K 79S

Young England : a magazine for youngpeople K iqii


294 Fiction.


FICTION.About. Story of an honest man L 4774

Adam and Wetherald. An Algonquinmaiden, 3 copies L 5768-70

Adams (H. C). Travellers' tales L

Adams (N.). Sablecloud: a southern tale.









Adams (W. T.), The money makers . L

Adamson. Abbot of Aberbrothock. . . . LAddison. Sir Roger de Coverley LAguilar. Days of Bruce LHome influence, 2 vols LSecond and third copies L 2093, 2763

Home scenes and heirt studies, 2 copies,

L 2097, 2481

Nother's recompense, 2 vols L 5-4

Second copy L 2096

Vale of cedars L 2092

Woman's friendship L 2091

Women of Israel L 2095

Aide. Carr of Carrlyon, 2 vols L 5-6

Introduced to cociety, 3 copies L 4400-2

Marstons, 2 vols L 7-8

Morals and mysteries L 9

Nine days' wonder L 12

Penruddocke, 2 vols L lo-i i

Poet and peer, 2 vols L 13-4

That state of life, 2 copies L 1531, 4138

Aimard. Pearl of the Andes L 2484

Ainsworth (W. H.). Beatrice Tyldesley,

2 vols L 63-4

Beau Nash, 2 vols L 65-6

Bos-.obel ; or, the royal oak, 2 vols. . .L 47-8

Cardinal Pole, 2 vols L 29-30

Chetwynd Calverley, 2 vols L 57-8

Constable de Bourbon, 2 vols L 35-6

Second copy, 3 vols L ,;2o8-io

Constable of the tower L 26

Fall of Somerset, 2 vols L 61-2

Flitch of bacon L 21

Goldsmith's wife, 2 vols L 53-4

Good old time's, 2 vols L 49-50

Hilary St. Ives, 2 vols L 43-4

John Law, 2 vols L 31-?

Lancashire witches, 2 vols L 17-8

Leaguer of Lathom, 2 vols L 59-60

Lord mayor of London 2 vols L 27-8

Merry England, 2 vols L 51-2

Mervyn Clitheroe, 2 vols L 23-4

Myddleton Pomfret, 2 vols .... L 39-40

Old Court, 5 vols L 2455-7

Second copy, 2 vols L 37-8

Ovingdean grange L 25

55 G|





















Preston fight, 2 vols LRookwood LSaint James's: thecourtofQueen Anne.L

South-sea bubble, 2 vols LSpanish match, 2 vols LSpendthrift LStanley Brereton, 2 vols LStar chamber, 2 vols LTalbot Harland LTower Hill LWindsor castle L

Alcestis LAlcott. Little men L

Little women, 2 vols LSecond copy M

Old fashioned girl LAlden, (I. M.). Eighty-seven LJudge Burnham's daughters LLittle fishers and their nets MMiss Priscilla Hunter LMy daughter Susan M

Alden (W.L.). Domestic explosives ...L

Aidrich. Marjorie Daw, 2 copies L 73^ 2721

Prudence Palfrey, 3 copies. . .L 4083, 4214, 4937

Stillwater tragedy LAlexander (Wm.). Johnny Gibb of

Gushetneuk LLife among my ain folk LRural life in the i8th century L

Alexander {Mrs). Beaton s bargain ..L

By woman's wit, 4 copies LCrooked path, 4 copies L

Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninthcopies, i vols L 7691-7700

False scent, 4 copies L 72.S7-()0

Heritage of Langdale . . . L 7000

Life interest, 2 vols., 3 copies L 663

Fourth, fifth, and sixth copies L 6343-^5

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Maid, wife, or widow ? 2 copies. . . .L 2334, 4974

Mona's choice, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6258-67

Second life, 3 vols., 4 copies . . L 5084-9, 509j-8

Alldridge. By love and law, 2 vols. , ..L 69-70

Clare MWorld she awoke in, 2 vols L

Allen (F. M). Anchor-watch yarns,2 copies L

Andy Merrigan's great discovery, andother Irish tales, 2 copies L

Voyage of the ark, 2 copies L 7019-20

Allen (Grant). Babylon L 5676

Jjeckoning hand, 5 copies L 6326, 6807-10












In I




















In d






























Fiction. 295


2n Anne.L



es. .


















55 -C
















Devil's die, 4 copies L 6493-6

In all shades, 5 copies L 6084, 6608- 1


i'hilistia L 5725

Strange stories L 5724

This mortal coil, 3 copies L 7271-3

Xmerican authors, stories by, 10 vols.

L 2780. 2790-2, 3483-4. 4235-7. 4403

.yicketill. Adventures of Mick Callighin,M. P L 2338









L 4083, 4214, 4937

Ltibb of




gain . . L... L....L

and ninth

. . . L 7691-7700

L 7287-90

L 7000

L 6632-7

es L 6343

L 4966

L2334, 4974

L 6258-67

L 5084-9,5093-8

'ols. .L


yarns," L'ery, and

L 6233-4

L 7019-20

L 567»

I. 6326, 6807-10

inderdon (W. H.). Bracton : a tale of

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'^J ''' Andersen. Improvisatore, 2 copies.. L 1793,5077

Only a fiddler L 5076

Anglo-Irish. By the O'Hara family, 3 %'ols.L 5064-6

Anstey. Fallen idol, 5 copies.... L 5476, 5510-3

Giant's robe, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 3100-1, 3104 5

Vice versi : a lesson to fathers, 2 copies,

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Argles. Doris, 2 vols., 4 copies .L 4323 8, 4331-2

Duchess, 3 copies L 6159-61

Treen pleasure and grey grief, 2 vols.,

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Her week's amusement, etc, 5 copies.L 5667-71

Hon. Mrs. Vereker, 5 copies I, 6953-7

In durance vile, 5 copies. L 7562-6

Lady Branksmere, 2 vols., 5 copies. . .L 5986-95

Lady Valworth's diamonds, 5 copies. L 6138-42

Loys, Lord Ber'-esford, etc L 1174

Maiden all forlorn, 4 copies. ... L 5169-71,5173

Marvel, 2 vols, 5 copies L 6622-31

Six'di, seventh, and eighth copies.. L 6340-2

Mental struggle, z vols., 4 copies,

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Fifth copy L 5433

Moderr Circe, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6278-87

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Mrs. Geoffrey, 2 vols L 997-8

Second copy L 4802

Passive crime, 5 copies 1> 5204 8

Portia, 2 vols , L 1001-2

Rossmoyne. 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 2552-3, 3704-5

Troublesome girl, 9 copies, . . L 7428-31 7567-71

Under-currents, 2 vols., 5 copies L 7477-86

.\rius, the Libyan L 7367

Armstrong. Two midshipmen L 2748

Young commanders L c?749

War hawk. 2 copies L 2750, 3005

Arnold. Count of Talavera L 1884

Arthur. Debtor and creditor L 2266

Making haste to be rich L 2488

Ten nights in a bar-room L 2605

Three nights with the Washingtonians.L 2606

Three years in a man trap, 2 copies.L 1871, 2587

Words for the wise L .; 220

Asheton. A modern Cressida L 4752





Ashworth. Strange tales from humblelife L 4887

Auerbach. Aloys L 4978

Black Forest L 4874

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Foresters L 4705

Landolin L 4971

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Spinoza, 2 vols L 301-2

Second copy L 4969

Austen. Emma, 3 copies L 81, '852, 2723

Mansfield park, 3 copies L 79, 1846, 2725

Northanger abbey, 3 copies. . . L 1845. 2727, 3106

Pride and prejudice, 3 copies.. .1, 80, 1851, 2726

Sense and sensibility, 3 copies. .L 78, 1770, 2724

Aytoun. Norman Sinclair, 3 vols L 1952-4

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Pere Goriot L 5282

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Banim. Peep o' day L 4081

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Bow of orange ribbon L 5767

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Feet of clay, 2 copies L 7572-3

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Master of his fate, 2 copies L 6510-1


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Barrett. Admirable lady Biddy Fane,

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liecoiling vengeance, 3 copies L 6799-6801

Under a strange mask, 4 copies L 7424-7

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Window in thrums L 7578

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Barton. Battle of the Swash and the

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Bauer. At Capri L 4245

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In golden days, 2 copies L 6066, 6537

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Wt two, 2 copies L 6068, 6536

Won by waiting, 2 copies L 6070, 6539

BeaconsBeld. Alroy, 2 copies L 393, 2414

Coning.sby L 394

Contanni Fleming, 2 copies L 2399, 2521

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Lothair, 2 vols L 400-1

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Third copy. 2 vols L 3355-6

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Young Duke L 2344

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Children of Gibeon, 2 vols., 4 copiesL 5772-5. 5778-81

Dorothy Foster, 2 vols., 5 copies L 4388-9

For faith and freedom, 5 copies L 738S 9

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Sixth and seventh copies L 598

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Second copy, 2 vols L 155-6

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Second, third, and fourth copies,

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Disarmed, 3 copies L 441, 3371-2

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Exchange no robbery L ^oFelicia, 2 vols L 437-8

Forestalled L 439

Next of kin wanted, 5 copies L 6041-j

Parting of the ways, 5 copies L 6716-20

Pearla, 5 copies L 2979-83

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Better times, by the author of the storyof Margaret Kent J . 6S60

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Bird. Nick of the woods I, 2728

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Bridal march L 1 891

Captain Mansana, and other stories. . L 1892

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Black. Beautiful wretch, 2 copies ... L 117, 31H

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L 94-5. 3ii-!-i

Green pastures and Piccadilly, 2 vols.,

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In h










































2 \

Fiction. 297

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Sixth, seventh, and eighth copies,

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In silk attire, 2 vols., 2 copies . ..L 96-7, 31 16-7

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Macleod of Dare, 2 vols., 2copies.L 165-6, 3132-3

Madcap Violet, 2 vols L 3120-1

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Mr. Pisistratus Brown. M.P., 2 copies.

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Princess of Thule, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Sixth, seventh, and eighth copies. L 6572-/1

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Second copy , L 2496

Sunrise, 2 vols., 2 copies L 115-6, 3128-9

Three feathers, 2 vols, 2 copies. L 104-5, 3130-1

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Memoirs of a femme de chambre .... 1^ 129

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Strathern, 2 vols L 1 27-8

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Golden calf, 2 vols., 3 copies.

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298 Fiction.

One thing needful, 2 vols., 4 copies. . . L 5849-56

Only a clod, 2 vols., 3 copies.. L 3191-2, 4519-20

Open verdict, 3 vols., 3 copies,

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Under the red flag, 4 copies,L 2528, 3208-9, 4521

Vixen, 3 vols., 3 copies.L 147-9, 3210-2, 4538-40

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De Foix ; or, sketches of the mannersandcustoms of the fourteenth century . . L 6419

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Silver linings M 378

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Trelawny of Trelawne, or the prophecy.



Trials of the heart L 6425

Warleigh ; or, the fatal oak L 6423

White hoods : an historical romance.



Bread winners, 3 copies L 3228, 4238-9

Bremer (Fredrika). Dalecarlia, parson-age of Mora, midnight sun, Hfamily L 4788

Diary, the H family, etc E 625

Four sisters L 2773

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Neighbours, and other tales E 624

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Bret Harte. Argonauts of North Liberty,

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Cressy, 5 copies L 7502-6

Crusade of the Excelsior, 5 copies. . . .L 6365-9

Drift from two shores, 2 copies.... L 576, 3214

Episode of Fiddletown L 4^81

Flip, 2 copies L 580, 32^Gabriel Conroy, 2 vols., 2 copies.

I- 572-3. 3216-5

Heiress of Red Dog, 2 copies L 577, 321

Idyls of the foothills L 321

Jeff Brigg's love story, 2 copies L 579, 322

Maruja, 5 copies L 5375-<

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On the frontier, 5 copies L 4385-;

Prose and poetry, 2 vols., 2 copies.

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Story of a mine, 2 copies L 1618, 322

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Twins of Table mountain L 57I

Two men of Sandy Bar, 2 copies.. .L 574, 322!

Brewster. Sunbeams in the cottage.. L 485

Bronte (A.). Agnes Grey L 171

Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 2 copies.. L 1720, 234(

Bronte (C). Jane Eyre, 2 vols L 84

Second copy L lyic

Professor, 2 copies L 90, lyii

Shirley, 2 copies L 86, 171

Villette, 2 vols L 88-(

Second copy L 1721

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Third copy, 2 vols LBrooks (H.). Fool of quality LBrooks (S.). Silver cord, 3 vols L 199-20;

Sooner or later, 3 vols L 20

Brougham. Albert Lunel LBroughton. Belinda, 2 vols., 3 copies.

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Cometh up as a flower L 20

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Joan, 2 vols L 211-

Nancy, 2 vols L 209-i(

Not wisely but too well, 2 vols. L 1595-'

Red as a rose is she, 2 vols LSecond thoughts, 2 vols LSecond copy L

Tales for Christmas eve LTwilight stories L

Brown (J.).Rab and his friends,

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Bryan. Manch L

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M 62:































































CameIn a


L 4^8

L 580, 321


I- 572-3. 3216-5

s L 577, 321

L 321

ies L579, 322

L 5375-

eady, etc.,.* L 6370-,

L 4383-,

2 copies.

L 569-70, 3221-

i Devil's

L 5918-2

L 1618, 322

L 575, 322.

L 57i

opies...L 574, 322(

cottage.. L 485!

L lyij

opies. .L 1720, 234!

s L 84-;

L i7i(

L go, 171!

L 86, 171;

L 88-(

L 1721

ts, 2 copies,

. . .L 1719, M 62:

L 3230-

L 193,

ols L igg-io



3 copies.

L 1593-4.






s.L 5839-^2, 5845-i

21 1-;









E 393, L21

id). Com-L 045a

L 1751]


L 484!









ite in NewL 650

Buchanan (Robert). Annan water L 5702

Child of nature L 5699

Foxglove manor L 5697

(Jod and the man L 5701

Heir of Linne, 4 copies L 6522-5

Love me for ever L 5700

Master of the mine L 5677

Shadow of the sword L 5698

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Bungener. Preacher and the king....C 264

Bunker. Tim Bunker papers L 2408

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Buried alive L 256

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Miss Crespigny L 5022

Pretty Polly Pemberton L 5023

F^retty sister of Jose, 4 copies L 7408-11

Quiet life M 606

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Burney. Cecilia ; or, the memoirs of anheiress, 2 vols L 2516-7

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3utler (W. F.). Red cloud, 2 copies, L 4187, M 1103

Butt ^Beatrice M.). Delicia : a tale,

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(Ireat Grenfell gardens, 2 vols L 262-3

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Xell, on and off the stage, 2 vols L 264-5

Won, 2 vols L 260-1

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Campbell (A.). Captain Macdonald'sdaughter L 6231

Campbell (Lndy Colin). Darell Blake,

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Zero, 3 copies L 3781-3

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Jane Sinclair, Neal Malone, etc L 4215

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Carr. Margaret Maliphant, 5 copies. . . L 7618-22

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Exemplary novels E 649

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Life of a sailor, 2 copies L 1839, 3052

Chaney. F. Grant and Co L 4902

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Bertram family, 2 vols L 283-4

Second copy L 1986

Chronicles of the Schonberg Cottafamily, 2 vols L 272-3

Conquering and to conquer L 285

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Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan, 2 copies.

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Third copy, 2 vols L 274-5

Lapsed, but not lost L 286

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Chellis. Ckrence Vane L 2596

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Prosper L 4981

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Cleland, Inchbracken L 2140

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t lifton tales. Joe Baker, etc L 1867

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Coleridge. An English Squire, 2 vols.,

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Collier. Old English life L 1996

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Guilty river and ghost's touch, 4 copies.

L 5879-81, 588: Ch;

Haunted hotel, 2 copies L 323, 325(

Heart and science, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 330-1, 3251-

Hide and seek, 2 "ols., 2 copies, L 292-3, 3253 ,

I say No, 2 vols., 5 copies L 2939-4I

Jezebel's daughter, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 326-7, 3255-1

Law and the lady, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 319-20, 3270-

Legacy of Cain, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6958-6

Man and wife, 3 vols., 2 copies.. L 310-2, 3257-(

Miss or Mrs? and other stories, 3 copies.

L 315, 2279, 32f'<

Moonstone, 2 vols., 2 copies . . . . L 308-9, 3261-

Third copy L 232

My lady's money, 2 copies L 322, 326

New Magdalen, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 316-7, 3264

Third and fourth copies L 2280, 428!

No name, 3 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 298-300, 3266

Third copy L 17

Percy and the prophet, etc., 3 copies.

E 1302, L 322, 326

Plot in private life L 3261

Poor Miss Finch, 2 vols L 313-,

Two destinies, 2 copies L 321, 327;

Woman in white, 2 vols L 3273-,

Second copy L 29,

Collins {Mrs.) and Cotton. Woodleighsof Amscote . . . L 197,

Colomb. True as steel M 41

Uncle Chesterton's heir L 259

Colonel Torloch O'Brien, a tale of thewars of King James L 271

Conscience. Conscript L 210

Count Hugo, etc., 2 copies L 210C

Curse of the village L 210

Demon of gold L 2io<

Lion of Flanders L 210

Miser L 210

Poor gentleman L no

Ricketicketack L 2101

Tales of Flanders L 210

Veva ; or, the war of the peasants. , ..L 210

Constance of Acadia L 527

Convyay (C. L.). Life's promise to pay.



Conwray (Hugh). See Fargtis.

Cook (D.). Doubleday's children L 412

Leo L 569

Paul Foster's daughter L 56^

Cooke (J. E.). Her Majesty the Queen.



Prof. Pressensee, materialist and in-

ventor E 130

Virginia Bohemians L 47;





































2 (










Cox (



I- 5«io^

IS..L 324-S, 3247-

L 3249, 507

1, 4 copies.

L 5879-81, 58S

L 323, 325,


L 330-1, 3251-

es, L 292-3, 3253

L 2939-4;


L 326-7, 3255


L 319-20, 3270-

Dies L 695.S

es..L 310-2, 3257

2s, 3 copies.

L 315, 2279, 326

L 308-9, 3261-

L 232

L322, 32C:

jies.L 316-7, 3264-

L 2280, 42^ii

. . L 298-300, 3266-I

L 173

;., 3 copies.

E 1302, L 322, 326

L 326

L 313-,

L 321, 327

L 3273-,

L 29

WoodleighsL 197

M 41

L 259

tale of the

L 271

,' L 210

L 2106

L 210

L 2!0(

, L 210

L 210

L !I0

L 210

L 210

,sants....L 210

L 527

se to pay.L 228

iren LLL

le Queen.


st and in-




Cooper (J . F ). Afloat and ashore, 3 copies.

L 1756, 2115, 2243

Borderers, 2 copies L 1753, 2112

Bravo, 4 copies L 1801, 2133, 2233, 2412

Chain bearer L 2232

Crater, 2 copies L 2247, 4181

Deerslayer, 4 copies L 1775, 21 17, 2238, 428

Eve Effingham L 21 16

Headsman, 7 copies.. , .L 1754, 2120, 2229, 2310,

4130, 4134, 4178

Heidenmauer, 6 copies. L 1762, 2136, 2244, 4133,

4175, 4225

Homeward bound, 3 copies ..L 1757, 21 19, 2230

Jack O' Lantern, 3 copies L 334, 1778, 2131

Jack Tier, 2 copies L 224. , M 541

Last of the Mohicans, 3 copies. L 1804, 2135, 2246

Lionel Lincoln, 3 copies L 1777, 2134, 2234

Lucy Hardinge L 1758

Mark's reef L 21 10

Mercedes of Castile L 2256

Miles Wallingford, 2 copies L 2130, 2242

Monikins, 2 copies L 2258, 4304Ned Myers L 2129

Oak openings, 3 copies L 2124, 2239, 4193Pathfinder, 4 copies . .L 1774, 2123, 2254, M 612

Pilot, 3 copies L 1802, 2128, 2252

Pioneers, 3 copies L 1798, 2114, 2253

Prairie, 3 copies L 1800, 2121, 2241

Precaution, 4 copies. . . .L 1829, 2122, 2257, 4127

Red Rover, 3 copies L 1828, 2125, 2236

Redskins, 2 copies L 2237, 4125

Satanstoe, 3 copies L 2132, 2251, 4129Sea lions, 3 copies L 2118, 2248, 4122

The spy, 4 copies L 332, 1755, 21 13, 2250

Two admirals, 5 copies.

L 333, 1803, 2111, 2231, 2314

Water witch, 3 copies L 1752, 2127, 2255

Ways of the hour, 2 copies L 2249, 4131

Wept ot Wish-ton-Wish L 2228

Wing-and-wing L 2227

Wyandotte, 3 copies L 1799, 2126,-2245

Cooper (Mrs.). Heart salvage L 5675

Corbett. Kophetua the thirteenth,

2 copies L 1 19-20

Corelli. "Ardath": the story of a deadself, 3 vols., 5 copies L 7676-90

Romance of two worlds, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 6933-42

Thelma, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6208-17

Vendetta, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6108-17

,j2 [Cosel]. It is the fashion L 4162

c(5() County, The : a story of social life,

5 copies L 7613-7

Coventry. After his kind L 5262

Cox (Rev. G. W.). Tales of ancient

130 Greece L 1978

477 Craddock. See Murfree.

Craik (Dinah Maria). Agatha's husband,

4 copies L 34 1 , 2070, 3275, 4469

Brave lady, 2 vols L 4463-4

Second copy L 2069

Bread upon waters, 3 copies. . .L 347, 3276, 4457

Christian's mistake, 5 copies.

L 346, 2061, 2308,3277, 4459

Domestic stories, 3 copies L 343, 3278, 4462

Fairy book, L 20C4

Hannah, 2 vols., 3 copies.L 353-4, 3280-1, 4449-50

Fourth copy L 2075

Head of the family, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 337-8, 3282-3, 4444-5

I-"ourth copy L 2058

Hero L 2065

His little mother, 4 copies.L 360, 2056, 3284,4458

John Halifax, gentleman, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 335 6, 3285-6, 4455-6

Fourth copy L 2055

King Arthur : not a love story, 4 copies.

I^ 5535-8

Laurel bush, 5 copies.L 357, 2072, 3287, 4112,4454

Life for a life, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 339-40, 3290-1, 4446-7

Fourth copy L 2071

Little lame prince, 3 copies. . .L 356, 3292, 4453

Lord Erlistoun, 3 copies L 345, 3293, 4460

Miss Tommy, 6 copies L 2924-8, 4^70

Mistress and maid, 4 copies.

L 2057, 2532, 3294, 4474

My mother and I, 4 copies.

L 355, 2067, 3295, 4448

Noble life, 4 copies L 348, 2077, 3296, 4465

Ogilvies, 3 copies L 344, 3297, 4471

Olive, 2 vols., 3 copies.L 2533-4, 3298-9, 4481-2

Our year M 460

Plain speaking, 4 copies.E 10, 1540, 1577, L 2068

Romantic tales, 3 copies L 342,3302,4468

Sermons out of church, 5 copies.

B 418, E II, 1541, 1576, L 2060

Studies from life, 5 copies.

E 9 1561, 1578, L 2059, 4267

Twenty years ago M 613

Two marriages, 2 copies L 2076, 4461

Unkind word, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 351-2, 3305-6, 4466-7

Third copy L 2063

Woman's kingdom, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 349-50, 3307-8, 4472-3

Fourth copy L 2073

Young Mrs. Jardine, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 3310-11, 4451-2

Third copy L 2415

Craik (G. L.). Romance of the peerage,

4 vols L 4096-9

Craik (Georgiana M.). Anne Warwick.2 copies L 373, 4729

Cousin from India M 483

302 Fiction.

Cousin Trix L 1598

Dorcas, 2 vols L 376-7

Esther Hill's secret, 2 vols L 365-6

Hard to bear L 374Leslie Tyrrell L 362

Lost and won L 361

Mildred L 364

M'ss Moore M 523

Only a butterfly L 370Sylvia's choice, 2 vols L 371-2

Two women, 2 vols L 378-9

Without kith or kin, 2 vols L 368-9

Craven. Anne Severin L 4158

Eliane, 2 vols L 380-1

Second copy L 41G5

Crawford (F. Marion). American poli-

tician, 4 copies L 4413-6

Dr. Claudius L 383

Greifenscein, 2 vols., 5 copies L 7512-21

Sixth and seventh copies L 7293-4

Marzio'scrucifi.x, 7 copies L 6181-2,6200-4

Mr. Isaacs L 382

Paul Patoff, 2 vols., 5 copies. .L 6218-23, 6288-91

Roman singer, 5 copies.. L 2765-6, 3300-1, 3303Sant' Ilario, 2 vols., 5 copies L 7701-10

Sixth and seventh copies L 7368-9

Saracinesca, 2 vols., 4 copies L 5934-41

Fifth and sixth copies L 5975-6

Tale of a lonely parish, 2 vols L 5560-1

Second copy L 5321

To leeward, 3 copies L 2540, 3288-g

With the immortals, 6 copies.... L 6593,6681-5

Zoroaster, 5 copies L 5136-40

ri.v furd (O.). Beyond the seas L 6071

Sylvia Arden L 6771

Croffut. A midsummer lark L 6998

Croker [Mrs. ].). Diana Barrington,

3 copies L 6579-81

Croker (T. C.) Irish fairy legends.... L 1943

Croppy, The. By the O'Hara family,

3 vols L 5067-9

Cross (Mrs.) (George Eliot, pseud.). AdamBede, 2 volb. 2 copies L 444-5, 3462-3

Third copy , .L 2188

Daniel Deronda, 4 vols., 2 copies.L 453-6, 3465-7

Third copy L 2186

Felix Holt, 2 vols., 2 copies.... L 451-2, 3468-9

Third and fourth copies L 2192, 6919

Lifted veil, and Brother Jacob, 2 copies.

L 457. 3470

Middlemarch L 2185

Mill on the floss, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 446-7, 3471-2

Third and fourth copies L ::i87, 6916

Romola, 2 vols L 449-50

Second and third copies L 2190, 6915

Scenes in clerical life, 2 vols., 2 copies

L 442-3. 3473^Third and fourth copies L 2189, 6918

Silas Marner, 4 copies . .L 448, 2191, 3475, 61117

Crowe. Linny Lockwood L 400^

Night side of nature L .joo,

Susan Hoply L 406O

Cruger. How she did it ; or, comfort on#1 50 a year L GS.'i;

Cumberland. The Rabbi's spell L 5430

Cummins. El Fureidis L 3X6

Haunted hearts L 587

Lamplighter, 2 copies L 384, 2^So

Mabel Vaughan, 2 copies L 385, 259.;

Cunningham (H. S.). The cccruleans. .L 6179

Cunningham (J. W.). Sancho L 4217

Cupples. Green hand, 2 copies L 2583, 27)9

Two frigates L 4014

Cureton. Perseverance wins L U)i

Curtis. I'rue and I L 483S

Cuthbert Bede. Sed Bradley.

Dacre. Recollections of a chaperon. . .L

Tales of the peerage and peasantry . . LDagonet, the jester LDaniel. Merrie England in the olden

time L

Davis. Stranded ship LDays of Knox : a tale of the i6th century.


Debans. A sheep in wolf's clothing.. ..L

De Bury. All for greed LLove, the avenger, 2 vols L

De Courcillon. Le cure manque LDefoe. Duncan Campbell EGreat plague, and lire of London,

2 copies E 1267, 1435

Memoirs of a cavalier E 1433

Robinson Crusoe, 6 copies.

E 922, 1436, L 388, M 147, 413, 419

De Goncourt. See Goncoiirt.

De Kay. The Bohemian E 490S

Deland. John Ward, preacher, 6 copies.

L 6527, 7497-7501

Delver. Street children L 193S

Democracy L 392

Dempster. Blue roses, 2 vols L 14 17-8

Hotel du petit St. Jean L 1416

Ninette : an idyll of Provence, 5 copies.



Vera L 1415

Within sound of the sea, 2 vols L 1419-20

Dent. Gerrard-street mystery, and othertales, 3 copies L 7187-9

[Derrick (Francis)]. Family pride L 2764

Desart. Children of nature L 4150

D'Esterre-Keeling. Laughing philoso-pher, 5 copies L 5545-9

Professor's wooing, 5 copies L 6046 -50

Three sisters, 5 copies L 4378-82















L 442-3. 3473-4

. . ..L 2189, 6918

. 2191. 3475.6917

L 4064

L 4065

L 40(16

mfort onL 68j9

L 54 jo

L 3H6

L 387

L 384, .iiSo

I- 3«5. ^59.;

ileans. .L G1713

L 4217

. . . . L 2583, 2730

, L 4014


L 4«3»

!ron...L 1771

itry ..L 1788

l' 5477

le oldenL 4884

, L 4Q20

entury.L 2466

ing....L 1885

,L 1624

L 39&-1

L 42?S

....E 1434

London,. .E 1267, 1435

....E 1433

i, M 147, 413, 4'9

E 4908

5 copies.

6527. 7497-7501

Fiction. 303







id other....L





14 17-8









L 6046 50

L 4378-82

Dickens. American notes, 3 copies.

L 3098, 33", 4676

liarnahy UiuIro, 2 vols L 3082-3

Second, third, and fourth copies.L 4H13, 7126-7

Battle of life, 2 cupi''S L 3313, 4672

Bleak house, 4 vols., 2 copies . .L 3314-7, 4664-7Third copy, 2 vols L 3096-7

Fourth and fifth copies L 71 20-1

Child's history of England, 2 vols. . . . M 624-5

Second, third, and fourth copies.L 4000, 18-9

Christmas books, 4 copies.. L 3095, 4873, 71 18-9

Christmas carol, 2 copies L 3318, 4678

Christmas stories, 5 copies.

E 3092, 3319. 4681, 7098-g

David Copperfield, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 3320-2, 4644-6Third copy, 2 vols L 4010-


Fourth and fifth copies L 7108-9

Doctor Marigold's prescriptions L 4674

Dombey and son, 3 vols., 2 copies.

i- 3323-5. 4668-70

Third copy, 2 vols L 3086-7

Fourth and fifth copies L 7100-1

Edwin Drood, 3 copies L 3094, 71 16-7

Fourth and fifth copies, 2 vols.L 3340-1, 4651-2

Great expectations, 2 vols. L 3326

Second, third, fourth, and fifth copies.

L 3093. 4653. 7102-3

Hard times, 5 copies . . L 2345, 3083, 4683, 7126-7

Hunted down, 2 copies L 3329, 4673Little Dorrit, 4 vols., 2 copies. .L 3330-3, 4658-61

Third copy, 2 vols.. ,, L 3088-9

Fourth and fifth copies L 7110-11

Martin Chuzzlewit, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 3099-4000, 3334-5. 4642-3

Fourth and fifth copies L 7106-7

Master Humphrey's clock, 3 vols.,

2 copies L 3336-8, 4655-7

Mudfog papers, etc., 3 copies. . L 3339, 4675, 4980

Nicholas Nickleby, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 4005-6, 4647-8

Third, fourth, and fifth copies. .L 6153, 7104-5

No thoroughfare, 2 copies L 3342, 4677

Old curiosity shop, 2 vols L 3090-1

Second and third copies L 7124-5

Oliver Twist, 5 copies. .L 3343, 4002, 4680, 7112-3

Our mutual friend, 4 vols., 2 copies.

E 3344-7. 4684-7

Third copy, 2 vols L 3084-5

Fourth and fifth copies L 7114-5

Pickwick club, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 3348-9. 4003-4. 4662-3

Fourth and fifth copies L 7122-3

Pictures from Italy, 4 copies.

L 2345, 3098, 3350, 4671

Sketches by " Boz," 6 copies.

L 3351, 4001, 4268, 4682, 7102-3

Somebody's luggage, 2 copies L 3352, 4679

Speeches, letters, and sayings L 4744

Tale of two cities, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 3353-4. 4649-50

Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth copies.

L 2492, 4007, 71 16-7

Uncommercial traveller, 3 copies. L 4008, 7098-9

Dilke (Lady). The shrine of death, andother stories L 5499

Dillwyn. Jill and Jack L 617^

Ding[elstedt. The Amazon L 4917

Disraeli. See Beacomficld.

Dixon (H.H.). (The XtrnnX, fseud.). Post

and paddock, 2 copies I^ 1948, 4140

Saddle and sirloin L 1951

Scott and Seabright L 1949

Silk and scarlet L 1950

Dixon (W. H.). Diana, Lady Lyle,

2 vols L 404-5

Donovan. Man-hunter : stories from the

note book of a detective, 4 copies . . L 7194-7

Dostoieffsky. Crime and punishment. L 6054

F'riend of the family L 6056

Gambler L 6056

Idiot L 6085

Injury and insult L 6055

Doudney. Nothing but leaves L 2772

Dowling. Miracle gold, 3 copies L 6503-5

Downey. A house of tears, 3 copies. . .L 6303-5

Doyle. Passages in the early life )f MicahClarke, 2 copies L 7299-7300

Dr. Pertwee's poor patients L 4278

Drake. Captain Nelson L 4756

Droz. Around a spring L 4754

Druid, The. See Dixon, H. H.

Dumas. Ascanio, 2 copies L 2819, 4694

Beau Tancrede, 2 copies L 2817

Black tulip L 2813

Captain Paul, 2 copies L 2818, 4692

Catherine Blum L 2821

Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, 2 copies.L 2823, 4702

Chicot the Jester, 2 copies L 2658, 4695

Conspirators, 2 copies L 2667, 4691

Count of Monte-Cristo L 2662

Countess de Charney, 2 copies L 2663, 4690

Doctor Basilius, 2 copies L 2815, 4696

Forty-five guardsmen L 2665

Half brothers L 4068

Ingenue L 2820

Isabel of Bavaria L 2824

Marguerite de Valois L 2664

Memoir of a raaitre d'armes E 433

Memoirs of a physician; or, JosephBalsamo L 2656

Second copy, 2 vols. L 4688-9

Nanon, 2 copies L 2810, 4701

Page of the Duke of Savoy, 2 copies.L 2814, 4699

Pauline L 2811

304 Futiov.



Queen's necklace, 2 copies L 2637, 4693

Regent's daughter, 2 copies L 2396, 2660

Russian gipsy L 2813

Takin;,' the U.istille L 2661

Second copy, 2 vols L 4703-4

Three Musketeers, 2 copies L 2659, 4698

Third copy, 2 vols L 6864-5

Twenty years after, 2 copies L 2666, 4700

Third copy, 2 vols L 68C6-7

Twin captains, 2 copies L 4218, 4697

Two Dianas L 2822

Viscount de Kragelonne, 2 vols L 2654-5

Second copy, 6 vols L 6868-73

Watchmaker L 2816

Dumont. Life sketches L 4823

Dunphie and King. Free lance L 2053

Dupuy. The country neighbourhood. .L 4751

Earnest trifler L 4883

Ebers. A question : an idyl L 4201

Bride of the Nile, 2 vols L 5445-6

Burgomaster's wife L 5029

Egyptian princess, 2 vols L 1603-4

Emperor, 2 vols L 4229-30

Homo sum, 2 vols L 1607-8

Second copy L 5028

Margery : a tale ot Old Nuremberg,2 vols L 7085-6

Sisters, 2 vols L 1601-2

Second copy L 4200

Uarda, 2 vols L 1605-6

Eden. Dumbleton Common L 4936

Edgeworth. Helen, 2 copies L 1853, M 438

Parent's assistant, 2 copies L 2586, M 314

Patronage L 2264

Edler. Baldine, and other tales. Tran-slated by Earl of Lytton L 5793

Edna Lyall. See Bayly.

Edwardes (A.). Archie Lovell, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 407-8, 3357-8

At the eleventh hour L 4226

Ballroom repentance, 2 vols., 2 copies.

I, 419-20, 3359-60

Blue stocking, 2 copies L 416, 3361

Girton girl, 2 vols., 5 copies L 53:^0-9

Jet, her face or her fortune L 3362

Leah, a woman of fashion, 2 vols.,

^ copies L 414-5, 3363-4Ordeal for wives L 4264

Ought we to visit her ? 2 vols., 2 copies.

L411-2, 3365-6

Playwright's daughter, 4 copies L 5826-g

Steven Lawrence, 2 vols,, 2 copies.

L 409.10 3368-9

Susan Fielding L 2505

Vagabond heroine, 3 copies. . . . L 413, 2361, 3367Vivian the beauty L 418

Edwards (A. B.). Barbara's history,

2 vols L 4212Debenham's vow,'2 vols L 478^9

Half a million of money, 2 vols L 426-7

Hand and glove L 4.25

In the days of n^y youth, 2 vols L 430-1

Second copy L 4855

Lord Brackenbury, 2 vols L 434-5

Miss ('arew, 2 vols L 423-4

Monsieur Maurice L 432

Night on the borders of the BlackForest L 433

Eggleston (E,). Circuit rider L 40G7

End of the world L 5017

Graysons, 3 copies L 6861-5

Mystery of Metropolisville, 2 copies.L 4259, 5oi,H

Roxy, 2 copies L 4247, 5016

Eiloart. Boy with an idea l. k)?'

Elbon. Bethesda, 2 vols., 3 copies . . . .L 3373-8

Elliot. Italians, 2 vols L 460-1

Second copy L 2405

Old court life in France, 2 vols.,

2 copies H 557-8. L 45H-9

Red cardinal, 5 copies L 2949-53

Ellis (yl/r.s.). Somerville hall L 2489

Erckmann-Chatrian. Alsacian school-

master L 2.(83

Blockade of Phalsburg, 2 copies. . . .L 5002, 7)50

Brigadier Frederick L 4K07

Brothers Rantzau L 4'j'jo

Confessions of a clarionet player L 2476

Conscript : story of the French war01 1813 L 7349

Forest house and Catharine's lovers . . M 568

Friend Fritz L 499S

Illustrious Dr. Matheus L 5001

Invasion of France, in 1814 L 7351

Madame Therise ; or, the volunteersof '92, 2 f.opies L 231 1, 7348

Plebiscite • or, a miller's story of the

war, 2 copies L 5000, 7353

Story of a peasant, 1789 L 5004

Story of a peasant, 1792 L 5005

Tales and romances L 5003

Waterloo : a sequel to the conscriptof 1813, 2 copies ^^ 2320, 7352

ErroU. An ugly duckling, 5 copies . . . .L 6143-7

Erskine. Wyncote L 4926

Estelle Russell, 2 vols L 462-3

Everett-Green. Last of the Dacres . . .L 5470

Ewald. Waldemar Krone's youth . . . . L 4845

Ewing. Jan of the windmill L 4903

Expiated, 2 vols L 464-5

Fargus. Round together, 2 vols., 5 copiesL 4368-77

Called back, 3 copies L 3612-14

Carriston's gift, 2 copies L 4715-6

Dark days, 5 copies L 4407-10

I's history,

L 421-2

L 478 9

'ols L 426-7

L 425

'ols L 430-1

L 4855

L 434-5

!• 42.HL M2

the BlackL 433

'X L 4067

L 5017

L 6861-3

2 copies.L 4259, 5018

L 4247, 5016

I' 1071

jpies . . . . L 3373-8

L 4C0 I

L 2405

, 2 vols.,

...H557-8, L458 9

L 2949-53

L 2489

ian school-

L 2483

Dies. . . .L 5C02, 7350

L 4807

L 4099

ayer L 2476

rench warL 7349

lovers . .M 568

L 4998

L 5001

L 7351

volunteersL2311, 7348

cry of the

L 5000, 7353

L 5004

L 5005

L 5003


- 2320, 7352

pies . . . .L 614.^-7

L 4926

L 462-3

icres . . . L S-jyo

Duth . . . . L 4S45

L 4903

L 4C4-5

ScopiesL 4368-77

L 3612-14

L 4715-6

L 4407-10

Fiction. 305

Family affair, 2 vols., 4 copies L 5128-33

Fifth and sixth ropiev L 4717-8

Living or dead, a vols, 3 copies L 5539-44F'ourth and fifth copies L 5269-70

rine and palm L 6999

Farina. Signor I L 6856

Farjeon. At the sign of the silver flagon. L 4794

Doctor Glennio's (i.Tiighter, 3 copies .L 6563-5

I)uche:isof Rosemary Lane, 4 copies. L 7589-92

King of no-land L 4802

Love's victory L 4775

Nine of hearts, 3 copies L 5969-71

Peril of Richard Pardon, 3 copies. . . . L 7200-2

Secret inheritance, 3 copies L 6156-8

Shadows on the snow L 4741

Toilers of Babylon, 5 copies L 7215-Q

Farjeonand others. In Australian wilds,

2 copies L 6756-7

Fawcctt (F.), A man's will .L 6920

Fawcett (M. Ci.). Janet Doncaster. . . .L 4900

Fearn. Fledged eleven L 1993

Fenn. Bag of diamonds, 2 copies L 6166-7

Clerk of Port wick, 2 vols L 468-9

Master of the ceremonies L 6061

One maid's mischief, 3 copies L 6309-1


Parson O'Dumford, 2 vols L 466-7

Poverty Corner : a city story L 5461

Stained pages : the story of AnthonyCirace, 3 copies L 6245-7

Sweet Mace L 4713

Farrier. Destiny, 3 copies L 1833, 2759, 4120

Inheritance, 2 copies L t86i, 3024

Marriage L 1832

FerroU family, and other tales of domesticlife M 561

Finley. Signing the contract, and what it

cost L 2350

Firth. Kind hearts, 2 copies L 2315, M 396

Fitzgerald. Bella Donna L 5688

Lady of Brantome L 5723

Never forgotten L 5684

Polly L - 5687

Second Mrs. Tillotson L 5686

Seventy-five Brooke-street L 5685

^^^KZ- Good investment L 4793Flaubert. Salammbo : translated by

Sheldon L 5336

Fletcher (Julia). Andromeda, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 57,80-9

Kismet, a Nile novel, 4 copies.

L 2827, 2829-30, 2999

Fleming (Geo.). See Fletcher, yulia.

Floredice. Memories of a month amongthe Mere Irish L 5500

Flower {Mrs.). Wyville court M 739

Foote. John Bodewin's testimony ... .L 5471

Forde. Black and white mission stories.L 7292

Forrester (A/m). Although he was a lord,

etc., 4 copies L 514 1-4

Corisande, etc., 5 copies L 514'! 50

I have lived and loved, 2 vols L 478-9

June, 2 vols., 3 copies L 470-'. 337^-^^

My hero .L 4272

My lord and my lady, 2 "ols L 47^-7

Omnia vanitas, 5 copies L 2954-8

Once again, 2 vols., 4 copies. . L 5869-72, 5875-S

Roy and Viola, 3 vols L 474 -3

Viva, 2 vols L 472-3

Fothergill (C). Diana Wentworth,5 copies L 7633-7

Fothergill (Jessie). Borderland, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 5S94--590J

First violin, 2 vols L <|Sa-i

From Moor isles, 3 copies L 7013-5

Healey L 7016

Kith and kin, 2 vols L 485-6

Second copy L 4961

Lasses of Leverhouse, 2 copies L 6595-6

Made or marred, 2 copies L ,84, 7012

One of three L 7012

Peril, 2 vols., 5 copies L 4417-26

Sixth copy . . . . L 2826

Probation, 2 vols L 482-3

Second copy L 4287

Fouque. Minstrel love, 2 copies. . ..L 4213 M 208

Romantic fiction L 1675

Thiodolf, the Icelander L 2582

Undine L 1611

Wild love M 252

Francillon. King or knave ? 4 copies. . \. 6443-6

Olympia L 5729

One by one L 5727

Queen Cophetua, 2 copies L 4819, 5726

Rare good luck L 4795

Real queen L 5728

Under slieve-ban L 6997

Francis. Mosquito : a tale of the Mexicanfrontier L 6154

Franzes. For the right, with preface byG. Macdona'd, 2 copies L 6452-3

Fraser. Daughtersof Belgravia, 4 copies.L 7435-8

Match of the season, 4 copies L 7239-42

Fraternity : a romance, 2 copies L 68i8-g

Frere. Old Deccan days L, 1 883

From Mayfair to Marathon L 4169

Froude. TwochiefsofDunboy, 6 copies.L 7354-g

Fullert*»n. Constance Sherwood, 2 vols.



Ellen Middleton L 487

Grantley Manor, 2 vols L 488-9

Lady-bird, 2 vols.... L 490-1

Laurentia L 1612

Lilies of the valley L 501

Mrs. Gerald's niece, 2 vols L 498-6

3o6 Fiction.

Notary's daughter L 500

Rose Leblanc, 2 copies L 503, 2599Seven stories L 504

Stormy life, 2 vols L 496-^Too strange not to be true, 2 vols L 492-3

Will and a way, 2 vols L 505-6

Furncss. Julius, and other tales L 1824

G. (C. ].). In palace and Faubourg,2 copies L 6892-3

Galdos. I-eon Koch, 2 vols L 6051-2

Gait. Annals of the parish L 1688

Entail L 1691

Lawrie Todd, 3 vols L 1939-41

Provost, 2 copies L 1689, 4932Sir Andrew Wylie L 1690

Garrett. At any cost, 2 copies . . , . ,L 5494 ^x 829

By still waters L 5014

Cape' gills L 5756

Crocked places L 4253

Crust and cake .L 5012

Doing and dreaming L 5013

Equal to the occasion L 6219

Gold and dross L 2340

House by the works L 4124

John Winter L 6854

Occupations of a retired life L 501


Premiums paid to exper: ,1^,0 L 5015

Gaskell (A.). Widow of Windsor L 4933

Gaskell (M>'s.). Cousin Phillis, etc. ..L 520

Craniord L 519

Dark night's work L 515

Grey woman, and other tales L 4857

Lizzie Leigh, 2 copies L 511 M 441

Lois the witch L 512

Mary Barton, 2 copies L 307, 1723

North and south, 2 copies L 510, 1722















Ruth, 2 vols LSecond copy L

Sylvia's lovers, 2 vols LSecond copy L

Wives and daughters, 3 vols LSecond copy L

Gautier. Captain Fracasse LSpirite L

Gemini : a tale L

Gerstacker. Each for himself LFeathered arrow LHow a bride was won LTwo convicts LWife to order , L

Gesta Romanorum, 2 copies G 544, L 1990

Gibbon (C). Beyond compare, 4 copies. L 6550-3

Braes of Yarrow L 5703

By mead and stream L 5706

Flower of the forest L 5713

For lack of gold L 5709

For the king L 4779

Golden shrft L 5704

Heart's problem L 5714

In honour bound .. .L 5712

In love and v;ar L 5711

In pastures green L 5707

Loving a dream L 5672

One of his inventions L 5672

Queen of the meadow L 57 10

Robin Gray L 5708

What will the world say ? L 5705

Giberne. Curate's home L 521

St. Austin's lodge L 5310

Gift. Maid EUice L 4935

Pretty Miss Bellew L 7011

Gilbert. Dr. Austin's guests L 2294

Shirley hall asylum L 4155

Wizard of the mountain, 2 vols L 2443-4

Gillmore (P.). The " Amphibion's " voy-

age F 1286

Gilmore (J. R.). Among the pines L 4934

Gissing. Demos : a story of English

socialism, 2 vols., 3 copies.. L 5552-3, 5556-9

Nether world, 5 copies L 7393-7

Gleig. Country curate L 1746

Hussar L 4937

Subaltern L 1705

Glimpses of real life L 2607

Gobineau. Romances of the east....L 4992

Goddard. Search for the Gral L 4949

Godfrey. My queen L 5968

Godwin. Caleb Williams L 1763

Fleetwood L 1848

St. Leon L 1810

Goethe. Wilhelm Meister's apprentice-

ship, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1613-4, 3485-6

Gogol. Taras Bulba L 5478

Golden fetters, 2 vols L 1599-1600

Goncourt. La Faustin L 2400

Goodman. Too curious, 5 copies L 6410-4

Gooroo Simple, surprising adventures of.L 2079

GoT^ {Mrs.). Castles in the air L 5:.:

Dean's daughters, 2 vols L 523-4

Hamiltons, 2 vc Is L 1809

Heckington, 2 vols ^ 533-4

Inundation M 49^

Life's Wesson, 2 vols L 529-30

Mammon, 2 vols L 527-**

Man of capital L 4946

Mothers and daughters.... L 1783

Progress and prejudice, 2 vols L 525-6

Soldier of Lyons L 1743

Two aristocracies, 2 vols L SS'-^

Gotthelf. Wealth and welfare L 4882

Graham. Neaera: a tale of ancient Rome.



L 477g

• L 5704

L 5714

...L 5712

L 5711

L 5707

L 5672

L 5672

L 5710

L 5708

L 5705

L 5.1

L 5310

L 4935

L 7011

L 2294

L 4155

)ls L 2443-4

Dn's " voy-F 1286

nes L 4934

English••L 5552-3. 5556-9

L 7393-7

L 1746

L 4937

L 1705

L 2607

east . . . . L 4992

L 4949

L 5968

L 1763

L 1848

L 1810


,.L 1613-4, 3485-6

L 547S

. . , . . .L 1559-1600

L 240G

ies L 6410-4

nturesof.L 2079

L 5^2

L 523-4

L 1S09

^ 533-4

M 49S

L 529-30

L 527-«

L 4946

L 1783

3ls L 525-6

L 1743

L 531-2

L 4882

lit Rome.



Fiction. mGrant (J.). Adventures of an aide-de-

camp L 2860

Adventures of Rob Roy, 2 copies.L 2677, M 724Arth"- Diane L 3038

Black Watch L 2679

Bothwell L 2857

Cameroni^; ns L 3039

Captain of the guard, 2 copies L 2683, 3034Cavaliers of fortune L 2854

Constable of France, 3 copies.L 2685, 3031, 4196Dead tryst, 2 copies L 2684, 3032

Dick Rodney M 136

Did she love him ? 2 copi?s L 2688, 3041Duke of Albany's own Highlanders.


Fairer than a fairy LFirst love and last love LFrank Hilton LGirl he married LHarry Ogil vie LJack Chaloner L








Jack Manly, 2 copies \. 2680, M 521

Jane Seton L 267


King's own Borderers L 2858

Lady Wsdderburn's wish L 3045Laura Everingham L 3049Letty Hyde's lovers L 2861

Lord Hermitage L 3033Lucy Arden L 3046Mary of Lorraine, 2 copies L 3044, 4160

Miss Cheyne of Essilmont L 2853

Oliver Ellis, 3 copies L 2689, 2860, 3040One of the six hundred L 2676

Only an ensign L 2863

Phantom regiment L 2672

Philip Rollo L 2675

Queen's cadet, and other tales L 41 14Romance ol war L 2673

Ross-shire Puffs L 2670

Royal Highlanders, 2 copies L 5315-6

Royal regiment L 2855

Scots brigade L 3035

Scottish cavalier L 2681

Second to none ^ L 2862

Shall I win her ? 2 copies L 2687, 3042

Six years ago, 2 copies L 2686, 3048

Under the red dragon L 3037Vere of " Ours " L 3043

Violet Jermyn L 2674

White cockade L 3050

Yellow frigate L 2669

Grant (Miss). Artiste, 2 vols L 541-2

Cara Roma, 2 vols., 4 copies L 5151-8

My heart's in the Highlands 2 vols. . . L 539-40Prince Hugo, 2 vols L 543-4

Sun maid, 2 vols L 537-8

Victor Lescar, 2 vols L 535-6

Grpjiville. A broken siirrup-leather,

2 copies L 7022-3

Sir Hector's watch L 6189

Grattan. Heiress of Bruges L 1800

Jacqueline of Holland L 1748

Legends of the Rhine L 1760

Gray (Maxwell), {i'scud). Reproach of

Annesley, 4 copies L 7404-7

Fifth, sixth, and seventh copies, 2 vols.L 7466-71

Silence of Dean Maitland, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 5996-6005

Great match and other matches L 2366

Green (A. K.). Behind closed doo.s.. .L 6802

Strange disappearance L 4986

Green (M. A.). Bitterwood L 4202

Greenough. In extremis : a novelette. .L 4254

GreenwOv>d (F.). Margaret Denzil's his-

tory L 4803

[Grenville (G.).] Legends of the library

at Lilies L 2301

Greville. Ariadne L 4989

Sonia, a Russian story L 2336

Grey. Jacob's letter, and other stories..



GrifSn (G,). Card drawing, etc L 1715

Christian physiologist L 1712

Collegians L 1710

Duke of Monmouth L 174


Holland tide L 171


Invasion L 1713

Monster festivals L 5008

Rivals, and Tracy's amb'tion L 1709

Tales of the jury room L 1740

Griffin (W.). Twok, 2 copies L 6059-60

Griffith. Victory Deane L 2349

Griffiths. Lola : a tale of Gibraltar L 2385

Wrong road by hook or crook, 4 copies.

L 6439-42

Grossi. Marco Visconti L 2514

Guernsey. Winnifred L 2293

Gunter. Mr. Barnes of New York,

7 copies L 6250-1 , 6405-9

Mr. Fetter of Texas, 2 copies L 6335-6

That Frenchman, 4 copies L 7416-9

Gutzkow. Through night to light L 1615

Gwynne. Nanette L 4915Young Singleton L 4266

Habberton. Bowsham puzzle L 555Helen's babies, 2 copies L 554, 2272

Hacklander. Behind blue glasses L 4180

Behind the counter L 1616

Haggard. Allan Quatermain, 5 copies.

L 5797-5800, 5808

Cleopatra, 10 copies L 7439-48

Colonel Quaritch, ^.(JD., 2 vols., 5 copies.

L 6986-95

Jess, 4 copies „ L 5958-61

Fifth, sixth, and seventh copies, 2 vols.

L 5928-33

3o8 Fiction.


King Solomon's mines, 8 copies.M 769-73, 860-2

Maiwa's revenge, 10 copies. .L 6617-21, 6676-80

Mr. Meeson's will, 11 copies. L 6555-62, 6968-70

She, 2 vols., 7 copies L 5904-17Eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth,

and thirteenth copies L 5962-7

The witch's head, 2 vols., 5 copies. . ..L 6118-27

Hale. If, yes, and perhaps L 2332

Ingham papers L 5038

Mr. Tangier's vacations, 2 copies . . . . L 6543-4

Philip Nolan's friends L 5039

Ten times one is ten L 4879

Haliburton. Attache L 2734

Leiter-bag of the Great Western .... L 2732

Sam Slick, the clockmaker L 2733

Season ticket L 1870

Hall {Mrs. S. C). Boons and blessings.L 1946

Buccaneer L 1866

Lucky penny, etc L 4953

Marian, 2 vols L 1619-20

Outlaw L 1837

Haller. Renee and Franz L 4994

Hallowell. On the church steps L 4752

Hamerton. Marmorne, 2 copies.... L 867, 4251

Wenderholme, 2 copies L 1972, 4827

Hamilton Cyril Thornton L 1686

Hamley. Lady Lee's widowhood L 1699

Hannay. Singleton Fontenoy, R.N...L 4792

Hardman. Peninsular scenes L 1698

Hardy (A. S.). But yet a woman L 2608

Passe Rose L 2360

Wind of destiny, 2 copies L 5463-4

[Hardy (I.)]. Not easily jealous, 2 vols.L 1033-4

Hardy (R. F.). Glenairlie L 5491

Hardy (T. ). Far from the maddingcrowd, 2 vols L 558-9

Hai d of Ethelberta, 2 vols L 556-7

Laodicean, 2 vols L 564-5

Second copy L 4968Mayor of Casterbridge, 2 copies....



Pair of blue eyes, 2 vols., 5 copies, . . . L 2989-98

Return of the native, 2 vols L 360-1

Trumpet Major, 2 vols L 562-3

Two in a tower, 2 vols L 566-7

Wessex tales L 6554" Harland (Marion)." See Hawe, M. V.

Harris. Free Joe, etc L 6239

Harrison (-*.). Martin's vineyard. . ..L 568

Harrison (il/rs. B.). Bar Harbour days.L 5807

Hariison (Mrs. J. W. F'.). Crowded out,

etc L 5785

Harrison {Mrs. W.). (Lucas MaXet, pseud.).

Colonel Enderby's wife, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 5174-83

Counsel of perfection, 2 copies L 6766-7

Hsrrison (J.). A northern lily L 5469

Harrison (W. H.). Waldemar L 4938

Harwood. Serf sisters L 4942

Hatton. Abbey murder, 3 copies. .. .L 6479-81

Three recruits and the girls they left

behind them L 6462

Hauff. Tales, translated by Mendel. . . . L 5501

Three tales L 1621

Haven of rest L 4278

Hawe (M. v.). Eve's daughters, 2 copies. L 2038-9

Handicapped L 4835

Hawthorne (J.) Archibald Maln.aison.L 488G

Bressant, a novel, 2 copies L 2289, 2392

Constance and Calbot's rival, 3 copies.L 7265-8

Garth, 2 copies L 4755, 475>j

Sebastian Strome L 4758

H.iwthorne (N.). Blithedale romance,2 copies E 723, L 4283

Houseof the seven gables, 2 copies.. E 722, L2617Legends of the province house L 2614

Mosses from an old manse L '616

New Adam and Eve L 2615

Scarlet letter, 3 copies E 722, L 581, 4207

Snow image, etc., 2 copies E 721, L 2618

Tanglewood tales L 1880

Transformation, 2 copies E 723, L 1738

Third copy, 2 vols L 582-3

Twice-told tales, 3 copies. . . .E 721, L 2278, 2G1 j

Heaton. Octagon club L 4923

Heaven (L. P.). Chata and Chinita. . . L 2825

Heavysege. The advocate L 4808

Hector (Mrs. A. F.). See Alexander, Mrs.

Heermans. Thirteen stories of the far

west L 6063

Helps. Casimir Maremma, 2 copies. . L 1982, 2028

Ivan de Biron, 2 vols L 584-5

Realmah, 3 copies L 1922, 2390, 4832

Henderson. The prelate L 5324

Henty. Bravest of the brave M 975

Facing death L 1947

Hentz. Courtship and marriage L 2300

Herbert. Fair puritan L 4870

Hermit s dell L -382

Hetty's strange history L 4901

Heyse. Barbarossa L 1625

Dead lake L 1622

L Arrabiata L 1623

Romance of the Canoness L 6859

Tales from the German L 4996

Hickey. William and Mary L 4708

Hid in the Cevennes L 2769

Higginson. A princess of Java L 6080

Hillem. The hour will come, 2 vols. . .L 1627-8

Vulture maiden L 1626

His majesty, myself, 2 copies. . . . . . . .L 2270, 2406

Hodder. Junior clerk L 4944

Hoey. Golden sorrow, 2 vols L 586-7

Out of court, 2 vols L 58S-9

Hofer. The old countess L 484S











































Fiction. 309

L 4942

pies. . . .L 6479-81

they left

L 6462

tdel...,L, 5501

L 1621

L 4278

2 copies. L 2038-9

L 4835

In.aison.L 4886

L 2289, 2392

3 copies.L 7265-8

' L4755, 475,j

r^ 4758

romance,....E 723, L4283

pies. .E 722, L 2617

; L 2G14

L -616

L 2615

E 722, L 581, 4207

. . . .E 721, L 2618

L 1880

....E 723, L 1738

1' 582-3

2 721, L 2278, 2613

L 4923

inita...L 2825

L 4808

iider, Mrs.

f the far

L 6063

pies..L 1982,2028

L 584-5

L 1922, 2390, 4832

L 5324

. . . . M 975

L 1947

e L 2300

L 4870

L .382

L 4901

1. 1625

L lf)22

L 1C23

L 68j9

L 4.:)06

L 4708

L 2769

L f)o«o

vols...L i6.:7-8

L 1626

,. .L 2270, 2406

L 4944

L 586-7

....L 5SS-9

L 4848

Hofiand. Decision L 2473

Hogg. Tales and sketches, '' "ols, . . .L 1873-8

Holland. Arthur Bonnicastle L 1918

Bay-path : a tale of a New Englandcolonial life L 6236

Miss Gilbert's career : an Americanstory L 6235

Nicholas Minturn L 2292

Sevenoaks L 5^56

HoUey (Josiah Allen's Wife, pseud.).

Sweet Cicely ; or, Josiah Allen as apolitician L 4810

Hollingshead. Rough diamonds L 4521

HollistRr. Kinley Hollow L 4963

"Holme Lee." i^ee Parr, Miss.

Holmes (O.W.). Elsie Venner L 2722

Guardian ang^.l , L 4931

Home and the world L 2342

Hood. Tylney hall L 1790

[Hook {Dean)]. Pen Owen| L 1692

Hook (Theodore). All in the wrong,2 copies , . ,L 1830, 4077

Cousin Geoffry L 4072

Cousin William L 4076

Fathers and sons, 2 copies L 2762, 4073

Gilbert Gurney L 1822

Gurney married L 4071

Jack Brag L 1805

Maxwell, 2 copies , . L 1862, 4078

Merton L 4079

Parson's daughter, 2 copies L 1759, 4070

Passion and principle L 4074

Peregrine Bunce L 4080

Widow and the Marquess, 2 copies.L 1791, 4075

Hope (A. R.). Pampas L 1997

Hope (M.). Dark and light stories. . . .L 1898

Hope (S.). A new Godiva L 4847

Hope (T.). Anastatius, 2 vols L 1764-5

Hoppus. Great treason L 262


Houston. Recommended to mercy,2 vols L 1 194-5

Zoe's brand, 2 vols L 1 196-7

Howard (Blanche W.). Aunt Serena. .L 591

Guenn, 2 vols., 3 copies L 2574-5, 3626-9

One summer, 3 copies L 500, 2137, 5474Open door, 2 vols,, 5 copies L 7542-51

Sixth copy L 7230

Tony, the maid, 6 copies L 6230, 6751-5

Howe. A man story L 6816

Mystery of the locks L 5318

Story of a country town L 5319

Howells. Chance acquaintance L 592

Dr. Breen's practice, 3 copies L 3615-7

Fearful responsibility, 3 copies.. L 599, 3618-g

Foregone conclusion, 2 copies L 593, 2355

Lady of the Aroostook, 3 copies.L 594, 2437, M620Modern instance, 2 vols L 595-6

Rise of Silas Lapham, 2 vols., 3 copies L 5570-5

Their wedding journey, 4 copies.

L 597. 3620^-1, 5020

Undiscovered country, 3 copies.L 598,4111,4820

Woman's reason, 2 vols., 3 copies.L 2565-6, 36225liowitt. The author's daughter L 4746

Huddleston Bluebell, 2 copies L 2298, 4273Hughes. Tom Brown's school days,

3 copies L 600, 3980, 5802

Hugo. By order of the King L 313Cosette L 4764

Fantine L 4763

History of a crime L 4761

Hunchback of Notre Dame, 2 copies.L 1835,2751

Les miserables, 5 vols L 6878-82

Second copy L 2752

Man who laughs, 2 vols L 6874-5

Ninety-three, 2 copies L 531 1, 68S5

Nctre Dame, 2 vols L 6876-7Samt Denis L 4762

Toilers of the sea, 2 vols L 6883-4

Second copy L 5312

Hume. Girl from Malta, 4 copies L 7420-3

[Humphreys]. Stories, by an archseologistand his friends L 1977

Hunt (Mrs. A. W.). Leaden casket.. . .L 7010

Hunt (Leigh), Foster-brother L 4771

Romances of real life L 6531

Sir Ralph Esher L 1838

Huntington. Professor Conant, 2 copies.L 2510-1

"IkMarvell." See Mitchell, D. G.

Inchbald. A simple story L 1859

Indian army .surgeon, autobiography.. L 4246

Ingelow. Don John, 2 vols. . , L 608-9

Fated to be free, 2 vols L 604-5

Oft the Skelligs, 3 vols L 601-3

Sarah de Berenger, 2 vols L 606-7

Second copy M 580

Ingraham. Pillar of fire, 2 copies. . . . M 64, 299Prince of the House of David, 3 copies.

L 4250, M 65, 300

Throne of David M 66

Irving. Alhambra, 2 copies E 1012, L 1795Bracebridge hall, etc E 728

Salmagundi and Knickerbocker E 726

Sketch book E 1 384

Tales of a traveller, 2 copies E 729, 1021

Wolfert's Roost E 756

[Jackson (H.)]. Between whiles L 6062

Ramona, 2 vols., 5 copies L 5159-68

Jacob. Hindoo tales L 1907

James (G. P. R.). Ancient regime L 4177

Agincourt, 2 copies L 613, 2713

Arabella Stuart, 2 copies L 2547, 4028

Arrah Neil, 2 copies, L 612, 4049Attila L 4016

3IO Fiction.



Beauchamp, 2 copies L 617, 4021

Black eagle L 4047

Brigand L 4048

Castelneau L 4043

Castle of Ehrenstein, 2 copies L 2548, 2715

Cavalier L 4271

Charles Tyrrell L 4017

Convict, 2 vols L 623-4

Second copy , . . L 4023

Darnley, 3 copies L 620, 1789, 4033

Delaware L 4030

De I'Orme, 2 copies L 1769, 4044

Fal?!e heir, 2 copies L 610, 4039

Forest days, ? ;opies L 2546, 4038

Forgery L 4029

Gentleman of the old school L 2709

Gipsy, 2 copies L 619, 4036

Gowrie L 4026

Heidelberg, 2 copies L 618, 4022

Henry Masterton, 2 copies L 1779, 4019

Henry of Guise L 4025

Huguenot L 4037

Jacquerie, 2 copies L 2717, 4040

John Marston Hall L 4020

King's highway L 2714

Leonora d'Orco, 2 copies L 2718, 4041

Lord Montagu's page L 2262

Man-at-arms, 3 copies L 1786,2331,2712

Margaret Graham L 4032

Mary of Burgundy L 4024

Morley Ernstein, 2 copies L 1629, 4045

My aunt Pontypool, 2 copies L 2487, 4031

Old dominion L 5679

One in a thousand L 4015

Philip Augustus, 2 copies L 1840, 4027

Robber L 4042

Rose d'Albret, 2 copies L 611, 4035

Russell, 2 vols L 621-2

Second copy L 2708

Sir Theodore Broughton, 2 vols L 625-6

Second copy L 4034

Smuggler, 3 copies L 614, 1768, 4046

Step-mother, 2 vols L 615-6

Second copy L 271


Whim L 2710

Woodman L 2716

James (H. jr.). American, 2 vols L 627-8

Aspern papers L 6817

Bostonians, 2 copies L 5325-6

Confidence, 2 copies L 635, 2380

Daisy Miller L 630

Eugene Pickering L 634

European L 629

London life, etc L 2319

Madonna of the future L 633

Portrait of a lady, 3 vols. . . , L 638-40

Roderick Hudson, 2 vols L 631-2

Siege of London, and point of view,

3 copies L 2556, 3383-4Washington square, 2 vols L 636-7

Second copy L 5054Watch and ward L 5019

James(M.). Ethel ; or, the double error.



Jamieson. The laird's secret L 5490

Janney. Alton Thorpe L 4104

Jay (Harriet). Dark Colleen L 5735

Queen of Connaught L 5736

Jeaffreson. Woman in spite of herself,

2 vols L 641-2

Jenkin. Jupiter's daughter, 2 copies.. L 650, 2359






Once and again, 2 vols LPsyche of to-day LSkirmishing LTwo French marriages, 2 vols LWho brcc \ pays LWithin an ace L

Jenkins. De- il's chain, 2 copies.. . .L 4204, 4216

Ginx's baby L 651

Lord Bantam, 2 copies L 4143, 4153

Third copy, 2 vols L 651-2

Paladin of finance, 2 copies L 4203, 40^3

Secret of two lives L 5562

Jerome. Kigh-water m?rk L 4211

Jerrold (D.). Barber's chair, etc L 5034

History of St. Giles and St. James,2 vols L 653-4

Men of character, 2 vols L 655-6

Punch's letters to his son, etc L 5035

Jewett. Old friends and nev/ L 4219

White heron, and other stories L 5438

Joe Baker. Clifton tales L iSty

John Rintoul,. and other tales L 4954

Johnson (Mrs.). (Saxe Holme, pseud.).

Saxonhurst schooldays M 487

Stories, 2 nd series L 2329

Johnston (H.). Chronicles of Glenbuckie.L 2436

Johnston^iR.M). Mr. Absalom Billings-

lea and other Georgia folk L 7017

Ogeechee cross firings, 5 copies L 7623-7

Johnston (W.). Under which king ?.. .L 2341

Jolly. Colonel Dacre, 2 vols L 657-8

Safely married L 4801

Judson. Tales for all seasons L 4928

Kavanagh. Adele, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 668-70, 4557-9

Beatrice, 2 vols., 2 copies L 675-6, 4573-4

Bessie, 2 vols., 2 copies L 68r-2, 4560-1

Daisy Burns, 2 vols., 2 copies.. .L 661-2, 4565-6

Dora, 2 vols., 2 copies L 666-7, 457'"-

Forget-me-nots, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 2557-8, 4569-70

Grace Lee, 2 vols., 2 copies L 663-4, 4555-6

John Dorrien, 3 vols., 2 copies. L 683-5, 4579-81

Madeleine, a tale M 502

L 631-2

of view,

. . . L 2556, 3383-4

L 636-7



)le error. LLLLL

)f herself,











Fiction. 311













. .L 4204, 4216

....L 651


L 651-2

, .L 4203, 40^3





tc Lt. James,




















; copies.

L 668-70, 4557-9

..L 675-6, 4573-4

. .L 68r-2, 4560-1

. .L 661-2, 4565-6

..L 666-7, 457 '-2


L 2557-8, 4569-70

..L 663-4. 4555-6

i.L 683-5, 4579-81

M 502


1 Billings-

L!S Ling?. .L




Nathalie, 2 vols., 2 copies L 659-60, 4575-6

Queen Mab, 2 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 673-4, 4551-2

Rachel Gray, 2 copies . L 665, 4562

Seven years, 2 vols., 2 copies. . .L 671-2, 4563-i

Silvia, 2 vols., 2 copies L 679-80, 4553-4

Sybil's second love, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 677-8, 4577-^

Two lilies L 2323

Second copy, 2 vols L 4567-8

Kavanagh (B. and J.).Pearl fountain. L 1632

Keary. Castle Daly, '. vols L 686-7

Oldbury, 2 vols L 688-9

Keenun. Trajan L 2000

Kellogg^. The Livelies, and other stories. L 4791

Kennard. Crack county, 4 copies ....L 6803-6

Girl in the brown habit, 4 copies.. .. L 6772-5

filorions gallop, 4 copies L 6489-92

Killed in the open, 4 copies L 6780-3

Landing a prize, 4 copies L 7295-8

Matron or maid, 4 copies L 7664-7

Real good thing, 4 copies L 6475-8

Straight as a die, 4 copies L 6762-5

Kennedy (G.). Dunallan, 2 copies.. L 2768, M 69

Father Clement, 2 copies L 2768, M 70

Kennedy (P.). Legendary fictions of Irish

Celts E 501

Kershaw. Colonial facts and fictions. . L 5739

Keyser(A.). Anexile'sromince, 3copies.L 7586-8

Kimball. Romance of student life

abroad L 690

Saint Leger L 1633

To-day in New York L 692

Undercurrents L 1634

Was he successful ? L 691

King. Monsieur Motte, 2 copies L 6529-30

King and the cloister L 1945

Kingsford. Dreams and dream stories.L 7206

Kingsley (Charles). Alton Locke.

3 copies E 1006, L 700, 3389

At last, 2 vols., 2 copies F 39-40, L 3390-1

Third, fourth, and fifth copies.E 1002, F 527, 684

Hereward the Wake, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 701-2, 3392-3

Third copy E 999

Hypatia, 2 vols. , 2 copies L 698-9, 3396-7

Third and fourth copies E 1003, L 4279

M;;dam how and Lady why E looi

Two years ago, 2 vols., 2 copies . , L 696-7, 3398-g

Third copyj E 996

Water babies, 2 copies E 997, M 742

Westward ho ! 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 694-5, 3400-1

Third copy E 1005

Yeast, 3 copies E 1008, L 693, 3402

Kingsley (H.). Austin Elliot L 705

Geoffry Hamlyn, 2 vols L 706-7

Grange garden, 2 vols L 713-4

Harveys L 5048

Hillyars and the Burtons, 2 vols L 3394-5Hornby mills, and other stories M 581

Leighton court L 708Old Margaret L 5049Ravenshoe, 2 vols L 703-4

Reginalc' Hetherege, 2 vols L 71 1-2

Valentin L 709Kingston. Adventures in the far west.

2 copies L 1931, M 205

Kip. NesMenook L 4206Under the bells L 4136

Kirke. (See also Gilmore, J. R., page 73.)

Among the pines L 4934Kirkland. The McVeys L 6815

Kirkton. From deacon to churchwarden.



Knights of the lion ; a romance of thethirteenth century, 2 copies L 7579-80

Knorring. Peasant and his landlord. .L 2370

Knox-Little. Child of Stafferton L 6852

Kohn. Gabriel L 1635Korolenko. The vagrant L 6244L. (L. E.). Romance and reality L 1815Lady Bluebeard, 5 copies L 7225-9LafTan. Christy Carew : a novel, 2 copies.


2295-6Flitters, Tatters, and the counsellor. .L 715Hogan, M. P L 4306Ismay's children, 2 copies L 6172-3

Lamartine. Raphael L 4825Landor (M. D.). Eli Perkins, his sayings

and doings L 4198Landor (W. S.). Pericles and Aspasia,

2 vols L 4309-10Lang. In the wrong Paradise, and other

stories L 5782Mark of Cain, 2 copies L 5329-30

Lang and Sylvester. The dead Leman.L 2411

Langdon. Ida May L 3527

Lapointe. Rival doctors, 2 copies.. L 1888, 2185Lathrop. Somebody else )« 5021

Lauder. Legends and tales of the HartzMountains, 2 copies L 5277-8

Lawless (//oH. Emily). Hurrish,5copies.L 6746-50

Major Lawrence, F.L.S., 3 copies. L 7009, 7185-6

Lawrence. Anteros, 2 vols L 550-1

Barren honour L 546Breaking a butterfly, 2 vols L 548-9Guy Livingstone, 2 copies L 1638, 2284Hagarene, 2 vols L 552-3

Maurice Dering, 2 copies L 547, 4804Sword and gown L 545

Lazarus. Alide, an episode of Goethe'slife, L 2371

Lee(D. K.). Master-builder L 4866

Lee (H. and S.). Canterbury tales,

2 vols L 1856-7

Lee (Margaret). Divorce L 5972

Dr. Wilmer's love, 3 copies.. ,L 4157, 4176, 4836


am ""^-^^

312 Fiction.

Lee (M. andC). Oak staircase, 3 copies,

L 23G4, 424?, M 380

Le Fanu. Guy Deverell. 2 vols L 720-1

House by the churchyard, 2 copies. J. 4854, 5338

In a glass darkly L 5339

Tenants of Malory L 4765

Uncle Silas, 2 vols L 718-9

Second copy L 5337

Lefargfue. New judgment of Paris.. L 6087

Lefebvre-Laboulaye. Abdallah E 294

Legal profession, romantic stories of the.L 1936

Leighton. Mysterious legends of Edin-burgh L 5305

Lemon (Mark). Falkner Lyle, 2 vols. .L 726-7

Golden fetters, 2 vols L 1599-1600

Legends of Number Nip M 531

Leyton hall, 2 vols L 728-9

Loved at last, 2 vols L 724-5

Wait for the end, 2 vols L 722-3

Leon (lidwin de). Askaros Kassis, the

Copt, 2 copies L 4194, 4862

Leon (T. C. de). Cross purposes L 4183

Leprohon. Antoinette de Mirecourt..L 4152

Lermina (Jules). The chase L 1887

Le Sage. Gil Bias, 3 copies. .E 972, L 1879, 2099

Leslie {Mhs). Pencil sketches L 4261

Leslie i^Mrs. M). Household angel in dis-

guise L 2327

Lesperance. Bastonnais L 2375

Lever. Arthur O'Leary, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 734-5. 3403-4

Third, fourth, and fifth copies.

L 2206, 2729, 7376

Harrington, 2 vols., 2 copies. . , . L 765-6, 3405-6

Third and fourth copies L 2209, 7375

Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 773-4. 3407-8

Third and fourth copies L 2215, 7381

Charles O'Malley, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L .639-41, 3409-11

Third copy, 2 vols L 2195-6

Con Cregan, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 2572-3, 3412-3

Third and fourth copies L 2197, 2730

Cornelius O'Dow J L 2384

The same, 3 series E 47J-3

Dal*ons, 4 vols., 2 copies L 743-6, 3414-7

T hird and fourth copies, 2 vols.

L 2202-3, 7384-5

Davenport Dunn, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 758-60, 3418-20

Third copy, 2 vols L 2213-4

Day's ride, 2 vols., 2 copies L 767-8, 3421-2

Third copy L 2223

Dodd family abroad, 3 vols L 3423-5

Second and third copies, 2 vols.L 747-8, 2210-1

Fortunes of Glencore, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 753-4. 34^'>-7

Third copy L 2220

Harry Lorrequer, 2 vols,, 2 copies.

L 736-7, 3428Third and fourth copies L 2193, 4290

Horace Templeton, 3 copies.. L 2226, 2354, 2731

Jack Hinton, 2 vols., 2 copies. . .L 741-2, 3430-1

Third copy L 2194

Knight of Gwynne, 3 vols L 731-3

Second and third copies, 2 vols,

L 2204-5, 3432-3

Lord Kilgobbin, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 778-9, 3435-G

Third and fourth copies L 2216, 7378

Luttrell of Arran, 2 vols. , 2 copies.L 769-70, 3437-8

Third and fourth copies L 2212, 73S0

Martins of Cro' Martin, 3 vols. , 2 copies.

L 750-2, 3439-41

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols.

L 2217-8, 7386-7

Maurice Tiernay, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2570-1, 3442-3

O'Donoghue, 3 copies L 730, 2198, 3444

One of them, 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 761-2, 3445-6

Third and fourth copies L 2201, 7379

Rent in a cloud, 3 copies L 775, 3447, 414S

Roland Cashel,3 vols., 2 copies. L 755-7, 3448-50

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols.

L 2207-8, 7382 3

St. Patrick's eve, 2 copies L 777, 3455

Sir Brooke Fossbrooke, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 771-2, 3451-2

Third copy L 2225

That boy of Norcott's, 4 copies.

L 776, 2219, 3456, 7377

Tom Burke of " Ours," 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 738-40, 3457-9

Third copy, 2 vols L 2199-2200

Tony Butler, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 2568-9, 3460-1

Third copy L 2224

Levy. Reuben Sachs : a st idy L 2081

Lewald, Stella, 2 vols., 5 copies L 4358-67

Lewes. Ranthorpe L 794

Liefde. Maid of Stralsund L 4240

Lighthall (Chateauclair, pseud.). Theyoung seigneur; or, nation-making,3 copies L 6784-6

Lindau. Gordon Baldwin, etc., 2 copies.

L 2471, 4221

Linskill. In exchange for a soul, 4 copies.L 7250-3

Linton (E. Lynn). .Atonement of LeamDundas, 2 vols L 783-4

Girl of the period, 3 copies L 2520, 3476-7

lone, 2 vols., 3 copies L 2518-g, 3478-81

Joshua Davidson L 780

Misericordia L 4185

My love, 2 vols L 790-1

Paston Carew L 6472

Patricia Kemball, 2 vols L 781-2

Second copy L 2409

Todhunters' at Loanin' Head, etc.. ..L 1642











































Wha2 c


Fiction. 313


L 736-7. 3428 9

L 2193, 4290

L 2226, 2354, 27JI

• L 741-2. 3430-1 BLocke. Morals of Abou Ben Adhem . . L.ockhart (J. C). Adam Blair LReginald Dalton L

Valerius L

ockhart (L. VV. M.). Mine is thine,

z vols L





L 2204-5, 3432 .3

ies.L 778-9, 3435-G

L 2216, 7378 ,ogan. Get thee behind me, jatan Les.L 769-70, 3437-8

L 2212, 7380

, 2 copies.

L 750-2, 3439-41


L 2217-8, 7386-7


L 2570-1, 3442-3

L 730, 2198, 3444

. .L 761-2, 3445-6

L 2201, 7379

.L775. 3447. 4148

iS.L 755-7. 344«-5o


L 2207-8, 7382 3

L 777, 3455

,, 2 copies.

L 771-2. 34ii-2

L 2225


^, 2219, 3456, 7377

2 copies.

L 738-40. 3457-9

L 2199-2200

. L 2568-9, 34O0-1

L 2224

L 2081

L 4358-67

Under which lord ? 2 vols L 787-8

Witch stories L 1589

With a silken thread, 2 copies L 789, 2465

World well lo .t, 2 vols L 785-6





Longfellow. Kavanagh LOutre-mer L

Lot!. An Iceland fisherman L

Lover. Handy Andy, 2 copies I, 2756, 2787

Rory O'More, 3 copies L 1745, 2755, 2786






Lowdell. German evenings L

Lowell. Antony Brade L

Lytton [Earl of). Baldine, and other

tales L

Lytton (E






d.). Then-making,



,L 6784-6


2 copies.

L 2471, 4221

4 copies.L 7250-3

of LearnL 783-4

. . . L 2520, 3476-7

L 2518-g, 3478-81

3H Fiction.


MacLeod. Old lieutenant and his son,

1 copies L 832, 4859Macquoid. Beside the river, 2 vols..,], 844-5

Diane, 2 vols I, 842-3 '

Second copy L 4828

Evil eye L 4906Faithful lover, 2 vols L 846-7


Miriam's marriage, 2 vols L 835-6

My story, 2 vols L 840-1

Tatty, 2 vols L 833-4

Pictures across the channel, 2 vols. . .L 837-8

Too soon L 839

Macrae. Dnnvarlich ; or, round aboutthe biisli L 2602

Madox-Brown [O. ). Gabriel Denver . . L 4896

Maine. Scarcliff rocks, 2 vols L 1643-4

[Maitland, E.] . Higher law : a romance.L 4270

Majendie. Ditr., 2 copies L 4973, M fj77

Giannetto , L 4972

Malet (Lucas). See Harrison, Mrs. IV.

Mallock. New Paul and Virginia L 1583

New republic, 2 copies E 335, L 2395

Malot. No relations L 2027

Man's a man for a' that : a novel L 4168

Mansfield. Log of the " Water Lily" onthe Rhine, Neckar, and Danube... L 855

Manzoni. Betrothed, 2 copies L i860, 4018

Marcy. Border reminiscences L 2482

Margaret's engagement L 4739

Mark Rutherford's autobiography anddeliverance L C844

" Mark Twain." Huckleberry Finn,2 vols., 2 copies L 4440-3

Third copy L 4299

Innocents abroad, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 857-8, 4427-8

Innocents at home, 3 copies. . . , L 862, 3551, 4436Life on the Mississippi, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 3552-3. 4433-4Prince and the pauper, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 863-4, 4430-1

Roughing it, 3 copies L 861, 3556, 4435Sketches, 3 copies L886, 3557, 4432Stolen white elephant, 3 copies. . L865, 3558, 4429Tom Sawyer, 3 copies L 856, 3559, 4439Tramp abroad, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 859-60, 3560-1, 4437-8

Marlitt. At the councillor's L 2357

In the Shillingscourt, 2 copies L 2261, 2363

Owl's nest L 6858

Princess of the moor, 2 vols L 1649-50

Second wife L 4863

Mai'ryat (Capt.). Children of the newforest, 3 copies L 874, 3562, M 267

Diary in America F 773Dog fiend, 3 copies L 1842, 2652, 3002

Frank Mildmay, 2 copies L 2641, 2892

Jacob Faithful, 5 copies.

L 868, 1816, 2644, 2881, 3563

Japhet in search of a father, 5 copies,

L 870, 1817, 2643, 2884, 3564King's own, 4 copies ., ..L 877, 2648, 2880, 3565Masterman Ready, 2 copies E 945, M 269

Midshipman Easy, 5 copies.

L 876, 1781, 2640, 2888, 3566Mission ; or, scenes in Africa, 5 copies.

E 948, L 3567, M 10, 270, 526

Monsieur Violet, 4 copies.L 871, 2647, 2878, 3568

Newton Forster, 3 copies ....L 1831, 2646, 2S91

Olla podrida, 3 copies L 2650, 2882, 3004

Pacha of many tales, 2 copies L 2639, 2889

Percival Keene, 5 copies.

L 1813, 2567, 2638, 2887, 35G9

Peter Simple, 5 copies.

L869, 1865, 2653, 2877, 3570

Phantom ship, 3 copies L 1814, 28S3, 3000

Pirate and three cutters, 3 copies.

J- 2651, 3001, M 271

Poacher, 3 copies L 1819, 2642, 2886

Poor Jack, 3 copies E 946, L 2645, M 268

Privateersman, 4 copies.

E 947, L 873, 3571, M 272

Rattlin the reefer, 3 copies . . . L 1855, 2649, 2891

Settlers in Canada, 4 copies.

E 944, L 872, 3572, M 27

Valerie, 4 copies L 875, 2885, 3003, 357^

Marryat (Florence). Broken blossom,2 vols L 913-4

Confessions of Gerald Estcourt, 2 vols. L 882-3

Crown of shame, 4 copies L 7235-!

Daughter of the tropics, 2 vols, 5 copies.

L 638o-(

Driven to bay, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6031-41







Facing the footlights. 2 vols LP'air-haired Alda, 2 vols LFighting the air, 2 vols LFor ever and ever, 2 vols LGentleman and courtier, 2 vols

, 5 copies.

L 6686-95

Ghost of Charlotte Cray LHarvest of wild oats, 2 vols LHeart of jane Warner, 2 vols., 4 copies.L 5186-93

Heir presumptive, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 5340-5. 5348-9

Her father's name, 2 vols L 904-5

Her lord and master, 2 vols L 890-t

Her world against a lie, 2 vols L 91 1-2

How they loved him, 2 vols LLittle stepson LLove's conflict, 2 vols LLucky disappointment LMad Dumaresq, 2 vols LMaster passion, 2 vols., 5 copies . . . . L 5576-85

Moment of madness L 91!

My own child, 2 vols L 90

My sister the actress, 2 vols L 920-1

















































Fiction. 315r;

5. 2644, 2881, 3563I


7, 2643, 2884, 3564

7, 2648, 2880, 3505

. . ..E 945, M 2O9

I, 2640, 2888, 35C6

5 copies.

i67, M ID, 270, 526

'1,2647, 2878, 3568

L 1831, 2646, 2891

L 2650, 2882, 3004

L 2639, 2S89

>7, 2638, 2887, 3565

55, 2653, 2877, 3570

. L 1814, 28S3, 3000


^ 2651, 3001, M 271

. L 1819, 2642, 2886

946, L 2645, M 26S

L873, 3571, M 272I

.L 1855, 2649, 2890

L 872, 3572. M 273

75. 2885, 3003, 3573

I blossom,


L2 vols.L



5 copies.















, 5 copies.


4 copies.



L 5340-5i
















..L 5576-85

,.L 91!

. . L 90-

. .L 920-

Nellie Brooke, 2 vols L 884-5

No intentions, 2 vols L 895-6

On circumstantial evidence, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 7522-31

Peeress and player, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2576-7. 3574-7

Petronel, 2 vols L 888-9

Phyllida, 3 vols L 922-3

Poison of asps L 900

Root of all evil, 2 vols L 915-6

Spiders of society, 2 vols., 5 copies. . . L 5884-93

Star and a heart L 899

Under the lilies and roses, 2 vols.,

4 copies L 4348-55

Veronique, 2 vols L 886-7

With Cupid's eyes, 2 vols L 917-8

Written in fire, 2 vols L 909-10

Second copy L 4132

Marsh (AM.). Aubrey, 2 vols L 934-5

Castle Avon, 2 vols L 932-3

Emilia Wyndham, 2 vols L 930-1

Evelyn Marston, 2 vols L 938-9

Heiress of Haughton, 2 vols L 936-7

Lords and ladies L 474'^

Ravenscliffe, 2 vols L 928-9

Rose of Ashurst, 2 vols L 940-1

Two old men's tales L 4895

Valley of a hundred fires L 4260

Marshall. Alma, 5 copies L 7537-4


Henvenuta, 2 copies L 943, 2044

Brothers and sisters L 2047

Christabel Kingscote L 2043

Constantia Carew L 2046

Court and cottage M 392

Dayspring L 945

Dorothy's daughter L 2030

Edward's wife L 2032

Heights and valleys L 2041

Helen's diary L 2033

In Colston's days L 2622

In four reigns, 5 copies L 5923-7

In the city of flowers, 6 copies.L 7312-6, M 1408

In the east country, 5 copies L 5194-8

Joanna's inheritance L - 2037

Job Singleton's heirs L 2034

Lady Alice, 2 copies L 944, 2040

Life's aftermath, 2 copies L 1645, 2050

Lily among thorns L 2036

Millicent Legh L 2024

Mrs. Mainwaring's journal, 2 copies. L 942, 2045

No. XIII. ; or, the story of the lost vestal,

5 copies L 5400-4

Now-a-days L 204.

Old gateway L 2049

On the banks of the Ouse, 5 copies. . .L 6375-9

Rochemonts L 2035

Troublous times L 2029

Violet Douglas L 2031

Marston. For a song's sake, and otherstories L 6226

Martin (E. G.). Whom God hath joined. L 5432

Martin (A/ri.). Bonnie Leslie, 2 copies.M 399, 465

For a dream's sake M 398

Martineau. Deerbrook L 1739

Feats on the Fiord L 2490

Hampdens M 348

Hour and the man L 2740

Masson. Fallen minister L 2601

Mathers. As he comes up the stair . . . L 951

Cherry ripe, 2 vols L 946-7

Eyre's acquittal, 2 vols., f copies , , . . L 2914-23

Fashion of this world, 5 copies L 5626-30

Found out, 5 copies L 5199-5203

Land o' the leal L 948

Murder or manslaughter, 5 copies.. L 5360-4

My lady Green Sleeves, 2 vols L 949-50

Sam's sweetheart, 2 vols L 952-3

Mathews (J. H.) Edith Murray, a story. L 4275

Matthews (B.). Last meeting L 5327

Secret of the sea L 5484

Venetian glass .* L 4327

Matthews and Bunner. In partnership. L 5434

Matthews (C). Enchanted moccasins. L 1933

Hiawatha, etc L 1914

Max Adeler. See Clarke, C. H.

Max O'Rell See Bloilet.

Maxwell (W. H.). Bivouac, 2 copies. L 1773, 4057Captain Blake, 2 copies L 1784, 4062

Captain O'SuUivan L 4056

Flood and field, 2 copies L 2394, 4060

Hector O'Halloran, 2 copies L 1776, 4055

Luck is everything L 4061

Peninsular sketches L 4059

Stories of Waterloo L 1761

Wild sports of the west L 4058

Mayo. Kaloolah M 291

Meinhold (W.). [Ed.). Mary Schweidler,the amber witch ... L 2578

Meldrum. Gertrude EUerslie L 5495

Melville (G. J. W.). Black but comely,2 vols L 3578-9

Seeond copy L 2386

Brookes of Bridlemere, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 963-4,3580-1

Cerise, 2 vols. , 2 copies L 965-6, 3582-3

Contraband, 2 copies L 972, 3584

Digby Grand, 2 copies L 958, 3585

Gladiators, 2 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 961-2, 2793-4

Good for nothing, 2 vols. , 2 copies.

L 959-60, 3586-7

Holmby house, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 956-7, 3588-9

Inside the bar L 4179

3i6 Fiction,

r. ':i

Interpreter, 2 vols., 2 copies.... L 967-8, 3590-1

Kate Coventry, 2 copies L 955, 3592Katerfelto, 3 copies L 3593 4, 4850M. or N., 2 copies L 971, 3595Market Harborou'^h L 4179

Queen's Maries, 2 vols., 2 copies L 3596-7

Killing recollections, 2 copies D 488, L 981

Rosine, 2 copies L 976, 3600Roy's wife, 2 vols., 2 copies L 977-8, 3601-2

Sarchedon, 2 vols L 3603-4

Sister Louise, 2 copies L 975, 3605

Uncle John, 2 vols., 2 copies...!. 973-4, 36;i6-7

Third and fourth copies L 2267, 2393White Rose, 2 vols., 2 copies... L 969-70, 3608-9

Second copy, L 2290

Melville (H.). Mardianda voyage thither,

2 vols L 4231-2

Moby Dick L 4308Piazza tales M 622

Pierre; or, the ambiguities L 2316

Refugee L 4307Meredith (George). Beauchamp's career,

2 vols L 984-5

Second copy L 6321

Diana of the crossways L 5792

Egoist L 6322

Evan Harrington L 6323

Harry Richmond L 6319

Ordeal of Richard Feverel L 6324

Second copy, 2 vols L 982-3

Rhoda Fleming L 6318

Sandra Belloni L 6317

Shaving of Shagpat, 2 copies L 4154, 6316

Tragic comedians L 986

Vittoria L 6320

Merriman. Phantom future, 3 copies. .L 7231-3

Merryfield. Molly's story, 3 copies. .. .L 6512-4

Middlemass. The Maddoxes, 4 copies. L 7190-3

Mille. American baron L 4298

Miller (H.). Tales and sketches L 4277Miller (S.). Coventrys L 2604

Milly's hero, 3 vols L 2458-60

Minto. Mediation of Ralph Hardelot,

3 copies L 691 1-3

Miss Hitchcock's wedding dress L 4925

Mitchell (D. G.). (Ik Marvel, /.s«<d.).

Dream life L 4212

Seven stories, with basement and attic.



Mitchell (S. W.). Far in the forest L 2784

Mitford (A B.). Tales of old Japan. .L 2307

Mitford (M. R.). Belford Regis L 1782

Modern classics : stories from the Atlantic

Monthly L 4151

Modern fishers of men L 4904

Modern minister, 2 vols L 4789-90

Moir. Mansie Wauch, the Dalkeithtailor, 2 copies L 1707,1896

Molesworth. Third Miss St. Quentin. . L 71S0

Montgomery. Blue veil, 3 copies.. L 2531, 3610-1

1" isherman's daughter, 7 copies.L 6981-5,M 1357-8

Misunderstood L 987

Seaforth, 2 vols L 992-3

Thrown together, 2 vols L 9H8-9

Thwarted, 2 copies L 990, M 515

Transformed ; or, three days in a life-

time, 5 copies L 5611-15

Wild Mike L 991

Moodie. Flora Lyndsay .L 61G8

More. Coilebs in search of a wife L 2325

Morenos. What will the world say?..L 4881

Morier. Hajji Baba in England L 1 .S50

Zohrah the hostage L 1820

Morley. Throstlethwaite M 533

Moulton. Some women's hearts I. 4907

Mountford. Thorpe I, 487O

Mr. I'ctcr Crewitt L 4914

Mugge. Afraja; or, life and love in

Norway L 2343

Muhlbach. Merchant of Berlin L 4X85

Story of a millionaire L 22SC

Muir. Lady Beauty L 4922

Mulock (Miss). See Craik, Mrs. D. M.

Mundy. The buccaneer L 1869

Munroe. Golden days of '49 L 4724

Murfree. (Charles Egbert Craddock,pseud). Down the ravine L 4712

In the Tennessee mount tins L 47 11

Prophet of the great smoky mountains.L 5280

Story of Keedon Bluffs L 60S6

Murray (C. A.). Prairie bird, 3 copies,

L 1767, 4013, M 4J2

Murray (D.C.). Aunt Rachel, 2 copies.L 5475, 5971

Bit of human nature L 5750

By the gate ot the sea L 5751

Coals of fire L 5744

First person singular L 5C73

Hearts L 5749

Joseph's coat L 5745

Second copy, 3 vols L 6924-6

Life's atonement L 5747

" Lively Fanny " L 5750

Model father L 5746

Old Blazer's he~o, 4 copies L 6515-8

Rainbow gold, 2 vols., 5 copies L 5365-74

Schwartz L 2317

Val Strange L 5748

Way of the world L 5743

Weaker vessel, 5 copies L 7210-4

Murray (D. C.) and Herman. One tra-

veller returns, 3 copies L 6294-6

Murray (E. C. G.). Artful vicar, 2 vols.L 1015-6

Boudoir cabal, 3 vols L 1007-9

French pictures in English chalk, ist

series, 2 vols L loio-i























New /






















;ntin..L 7180

I. .L 2531, 3610-1

.698i-5,M 1357.8

L 987

L 992-3

L 988-9

. ..L 990, M 515

n a life-

I> 5G11-15

I' 091

.1. 6if)8

fe L 2325

iay?..L 4881

L 1850

L 1820

' M 533

' I' 4907

L 4876

L 4914

love in

L 2343

L 4885

L 2286

L 4922

D. M.

L 1869

r. 4724


I- -1712

L 4711

itains.L 5280

I. G0S6


767, 4013, M 422

pies.L 5475, 5974

L 5750

L 5751

L 5744

L 5CJ73

L 5749

L 5745

I. 6924-6

L 5747

L 5750

L 5746

L 6515-8

L 5365-74

L 2317

L 5748

L 5743

L 7210-4

Dne tra-

L 6294-6

2 vols.L 1015-6

L 1007-9

lalk, ist

L loio-i

'^'ction. 317

French pictures in English chalk, 2ndseries, 2 vols L 1012-3

Seconi! copy L 4195

Member for Faris, 2 vols L 1003-4

Second copy L 2499

People I have met L 1018

Queer stories from " Truth," 3 series..






















Six months in the ranks LStranj^e stories LYoung Brown, 2 vols LSecond copy L

Murray (\V. H. H.). Adirondack tales LThe doom ot Mamelons L

Nathusius. Diary of a poor younglady L

Joachim von Kamern LNature's nobleman LNavery. John Canada ; or. New France. L

Neale. Bashful Irishman LCaptain's wife LCavendish LFlying Dutchman LLost Ship LNaval surgeon LPort Admiral LWill Watch L

New Antigone LNewby. Common sense, 2 vols L 1019-20

Newell (C. M.). Voyage of the " Fleet-wing," 2 copies L 6431, M 1083

Newman {Cardinal). Callista L 102


Newman (Mrs.). Last of the Haddons.L 4776

Nisbet. Eight bells : a tale of the sea. . LNoble. Uncle Jack's executors LNoel. From generation to generation . . LHithersea Mere, 2 vols., 5 copies L

NordhoiT. Cape Cod and all along shorestories, 2 copies F 1 153, L 4186

Norris (W. E.). A bachelor's blunder,2 vols., 5 copies r_ 6006-15

Chris., 4 copies L 6485-8

Heaps of money L 4962

Major and minor, 2 vols,, 5 copies.. ..L 6260-77

My friend Jim, 4 copies L 5485, 5831-3No new thing L 7008The rogue, 2 vols., 5 copies L 6971-80

Fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighthcopies L 6820-3

Norton. Old Sir Douglas, 2 vols L 1031-2

Stuart of Dunleath, 2 vols L 1027-8

Lost and saved, 2 vols L 1029-30

O'Hea. Irish pleasantry and fun L 4297

Ohnet. Serge Panine L 2080

Oliphant (L.). Altiora Peto, 2 vols.,

3 copies L 1089-90, 3710-3Masollam, 2 vols, 5 copies L 5657-66





Oliphaii*- (^^'''^•)- Athelings L 4782

Agnes, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1038-9, 3708-g

Carita, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1072-3, 3714-5

Beleaguered city L 5060

Chronicles of Carlingford, 3 copies.

L 2497-8, 4800Country gentleman, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 5603-4, 5607-10Cousin Mary, 2 copies M 1386-7

Curate in charge, 2 copies L io66, 3716Days of my life L 5059

Effie Ogilvie, 2 copies L 5467-8

For love and life, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1059-60, 3717-8Greatest heiress in England, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1081-2, 3719-20

Harry Joscelyn, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1085-6, 3721-2

He that will not when he may, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1083-4, 3723-4Hester, 3 vols., 3 copies L 3725-33House on the moor L 5062

In trust, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1087-8, 3734-5Innocent, 2 vols., 2 copies . . . . L 1057-8. 3739-40Third copy L 2324

It was a lover and his lass, 3 vols.,

2 copies L 1067-9, 3736-8

John L 1694

Joyce L 6571

Ladies Lindorrs, 3 vols., 3 copies.

L 2549-51, 3741-6

Lady Car : the sequel of a life, 5 copies.L 7628-32

Laird of Norlaw L 5063

Land of darkness, 2 copies L 7248-9

Last of the Mortimers, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1036-7, 3747-8Lucy Crofton M 548Madam L 7018

Madonna Mary, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1040-1, 3749-50Margaret Maitland, 2 copies L 1035, 3751May, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1055-6, 3752-3Third copy L 2502

Minister's wife, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1042-3, 3754-5Miss Majori banks, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1049-50, 3756-7Third copy L 1695

Mrs. Arthur, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1070-1, 3758-9Neighbours on the green, 7 copies.

L 7360-r, 7461-5

Ombra, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1051-2, 3760-1

Perpetual curate, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1047-S, 3762-3Third copy L 1696

Phcebe, junior, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1053-4, 37^4-5Third copy L 4786

Primrose path, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1076-7, 3766-7

Rector, and the doctors family, 3 copies.

L 1044, 1693, 3768




3'« Fiction.

Rose in June, 3 copies L 1061, 2;j52, 3769Salem cliapoi, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1045-6, 3770-1

Third and fourth copies L 1697, 5058

Self s.icrifice L 2328

Son of the soil F. 2.}04

Sijuire Arden L 4789

Stories of the seen ai.d unseen, 2 copies.

L 91-2

Valentine and his brother, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1062 -3, 3772-3

Third copy L 5062

V/hiteladies, 2 vols., 2 copies ..L 1064-5, 3774-5

Third copy M 539Within the precincts, 3 vols., 2 copies

L 1078-80, 3776-8

Wizard's son, 3 vols., 5 copies L 4333-47Sixth copy L 498


Young MusRrave, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1074-5, 3779-80

O'Meara. Narka, the nihilist L 6232

0'ReiUy(A.J.). Martyrsofthecoliseuin.L 1913

O'Reilly (iUz-i. R.). Sussex stories L 1908

The story of ten thousand homes . . . . L 4135

[Osborne] . Spell of Ashtaroth L 6526

Outcasts ; being passages in the life of

a clergyman, 5 copies L 7472-6

Paddock. Fate of Madame la TL'ir..L 1979

Paget (Violet). (Vernon Lee, pscml ).

Phantom lover: a fantastic story L 5440

Palgrave. Hermann Agha L J369

Parker (Rev. ].). Weaver Stephen—oddsand evens in English religion L 4809

Parr (H). Dorothy Fox, 2 copies .. .L 1108, 4872

Gosau smithy L iiii

Loyalty George, 2 vols., 5 copies L 664G-55

Prescotts cf Pamphillon, 2 vols L 1 109-10

Robin, 2 vols L 11 12-3

Parr (Miss). Basil Godfrey's caprice,

2 vols L 1091-2

Beautiful Miss Barringtop .; vols....L 1095-6

Ben Milner's wooing, 3Cupi,is.L 1102, M 546, 571

KesKie Fairfax, 2 vols L i loo-i

Echoes of a famous year L 1098

For richer, for [loorer, 2 vols L 1093-4

Gilbert Messenger L 5024

Hawksview L 5025

Her title of honour L 1097

Katherine's trial L 1099

Mrs. Denys of Cote, 2 vols L 1 105-6

Poor squire L 1 107

Straiglitiorward. 2 vols L 1 103-4

Pater. Marius the Epicurean L 5328

Patterson. Dunellan manse L 4924

Paul (Mrs.). Maiden sisters L 1258

Martha Brown L 1259

Still waters L 1254

Vanessa L 1260

Paull. My parish, and what happened in

It, 2 copies L 1991, 2507

Sought and saved L 251J0

Vermont hall L 7176

Payn (James). At her mercy, 2 vols.,

\ copies L 1 1 27-8, 3630-1

Best of husbands, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L ll2q-30, 3632-3

By proxy, 2 vols L 3634 5

Canon's ward, 2 vols., 3 copies. .L 2561-2, 3C36-9

C'ecil's tryst L 3640

Confidential agent, 2 vols,, 2 copies,

L 1 147-8, 3641-2

Fallen fortunes, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L ii35-(', 3643-4

For cash only, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1153-4, :t645-r)

Found dead, 2 copies L ni6, 3647

From exile, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1149-50, 3648-9

filow worm tales, first series, 5 copies.L 6026-30

Second series, 5 copies L 6131 7

Grape from a thorn, 2 vols , 2 copies.

L 1151-2, 3650-1

Gwendoline's harvest, 2 copies. ...L 1117, 3652

Halves. }. vols.. 2 copies L 1133-4, 3G53-.(

Heir of the ages, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 5591-2, 5595-6, 5599 5600

High spirits, 2 copies L 1145, 3655

Second series, 2 copies L 1 146, 3G56

In the heart of a hill, 2 copies.... L 1126, 3657

Kit: a memory, 2 vols,, 2 copies.L 11556, 3658-9

Less black than we're painted, 2 vols ,

2 copies L 1141-2, 3G60-1

Like father, like son, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 1 18-9, 3GG.;-3

Lost Sir Massingbred L 42S1

Luck of the Darrells, 2 vols., 5 copies.L 5420-9

Melibceus in London L 4256

Murphy's master, 2 copies I^ 1 1 25, 3G64

Mystery ot Mirbridge, 2 vols., 5 copies.L 6G66-75

Not wooed but won. 2 vols , 2 copiies.

L ii2o-i, 3G63-''>

People, places, and things L 4.(04

Perfect treasure L 4123

Prince of the blood, 3 copies L G207-1J

p-ourth, fifth, and sixth copies, 2 vols.L 6359-64

Talk of the town, 5 copies L 5219-23

Under one roof, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1 143-4, 3667-8

Walter's word, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1131-2,3669-70

What he cost her, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 137-8, 3671-2

Woman's vengeance, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1123-4, 3673-4

Peacock Headlong hall and nightmareabbey L 1794

Melincourt ; or. Sir Oran-Haut-ton. .L 4941

Peard. Alicia Tennant, 5 copies L 5586-00

Cartouche L 1162

pened in

L 1991. 2507

L a5<jo

L 717G

2 vols.,

,L 1127-8.3630-1


, IX2q-30. 3632-3

I- 3634?• L 2561-2, 3636.9

L 3O40


L 1 147-8, 3641-.;


L ii35-'J. 3643-4

•I- 1153-4. 1^64 5-6

L 1 116, 3647

L 1149-50, 364 8-9

copies. L 6026-30

I- (>iii7


L 1151-2, 3650-1

I. . . . L 1 1 17, 3652

I' 1 133-4. 3(^33-4


5595-6. 5599 5C00

L 1145, 3655

L 1 146, 3656

i L 1 126, 3657

.L 1 1 55-6, 3r,58-9

, 2 vols.,

L 1141-2, 3660-1

2 copies.

L 1 1 18-9, 3662-3

L 42S1

copies.L 5420-9

L 4256

I- 1 125, 3664

copies. L 6666-75


L 11 20- 1, 3^165-6

I- 4404

I' 41^3

L 6207-9

I, 2 vols.L 6359-64

L 5219-23

3.L 1 143-4, 3667-8


L 1131-2, 3669-70


L 1 137-8, 3671-2


L 1 123-4, 3673-4

ightmareL 1794

t-ton. .L 4941

L 5586-90

L 11C2

Fiction. 3«9

Country cousin, 5 copies L 7370-4

Contradictions, a vols L 1164-3

Jeanette L 2593

Madame's Krund-daughtcr, 5 copies.. L 6148-52

Madrigal, and other stories L 1656

Mother Molly, 4 cop' 'S.L 1163, 2513, 3969, 4147Near neixhljours, 5 copies L 52o<j-i3

One year, 2 vols L u 57-8

Ros j-^arden, 2 copies \^ 253H, 4190

Schloss and town, 2 vols \. 1654 5

Thorpe Kepis, 7 copies L 1160, 4192

Unawares, 2 cjpies L 1159, 4897

Winter story L 1 161

Peasant life in Glenaldie, first series,

2 copies E 134, L 5306

Second series L 5307

Pen Oliver. See Thompson, Sir Henry.

People's martyr, a legend of Canterbury.



Perrett. Hen Owen H 1046

Perry. I'^sther Pennefather L 4760

Phelps, (jates between L 6081

1 lodged in L 5052

Sealed orders L 5051

Silent partner L 5050

Story of Avis L 2318

Philip Quarll, life and adventures of ..L 1742

Philips. As in a looking glass, 5 copies..



Dean and his daughter, 5 copies L 5942-6

Jack and three Jills, 5 copies L 6943-7

Little Mrs. Murray, 5 copies L 7307-11

Lucky young woman. 5 copies L 6400-4

Strange adventures of Lucy Smith,

5 copies L 6128-32

Philips and Wills. Fatal Phryne,5 copies . L 7532-6

Phillips (H.). A struggle, 2 copies... L 2281, 2472

Phillips (J. A ). The ghost of a dog. ..L 5263

Pitman. Florence Godfrey's faith L 2619

Profit and loss L 2779

Pocock. Tales of western life, 4 copies. L 4S14-7

Poe. Tales, 3 copies L 2537, 3679-80

Fourth copy, 2 vols L 267-8

Polko. Musical tales, first and secondseries L 1961-2

Pollock. Nine men's morrice, 2 copies. L 2066, 7262

Pool. Tenting at Stony beach L 6851

Poole. Cottage life west of England.. L 2 24

Poor Nellie, by the author of My trivial

life and misfortunes L- 2512

Porter (A.). Hungarian brothers L 1840

Porter (A. E.). Cousin Polly's gold mine.L 4806

Porter (J.).Pastor's fireside, 2 vols. . ..L 1843-4

Scottish chiefs, 2 copies L 1818, 2636

Thaddeus of Warsaw, 2 copies. . . . L 1792, 2637

Poynter(E. F.). Among the hills,2 copies.

L 1 1 70, 7007

Krsilia, a vols L 1 168-9

Second copy L 412^

Madame dc Presnel, 5 copies L 5214-8

My tittle lady, 2 vols L 1166-7

Prentiss. Stepping heavenward, 2 copies.

L 1 171, M 63

[Preston]. Is that all ? 2 copies L 1904, 4987

[Prestwich, Mrs.]. I larbour bar L 2401

Priory of Avenham L 1923

Pyle. Kose of Paradise 1. 6225

Q, Astonishing history of Troy town,2 copies 1., 6849-50

Queen money, by the author of The story

of Margaret Kent L 6433

Rae. Miss Hayle s romance, 2 vol;.

5 copies L V. "8 ''107

Rafter. Rid man I. 2761

Raimund. A new race L 2288

Randolph. Gentianella L 2377

Reade ((-harles). Christie Johnstone,

3 copies L 1 188, 2.,6a, 3681

Cloister and hearth, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1178-9, 3682-3

Course of true love never did runsmooth L 5683

Good stories, 2 copies L 2774-5

Griffith Gaunt L 5680

Hard cash, 3 vols., 2 copies. . . .L 1180-2, 3684 6

Jilt L 5681

Love me little, love me long, 2 copies,

L 1 177, 3687

Never too late to mend, 2 vols. 2 copies.

L 1175-6, 36^8-9

Peg Woffington, 2 copies L 1 187, 3690

Perilous secret L 3972

Put yourself in his place, 2 vols. , 2 copies.

L 1 183-4, 3691-2

Simpleton, 2 vols., 2 copies. . .L 1189-90, 3693-4

Single heart and double face, 5 copies.

L 3997-9, 4311-2

Terrible temptation, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 185-6, 3695-6

Wandering heir, 2 copies L 1191, 3697

Woman hater, 2 vols L 1 192-3

Reade and Boucicault. Foul play L 5682

Reed. No fiction L 4888

Reid (C). Gentle belle L 4805

Heart of steel L 7234

Land of the sky L 2503

Miss Churchill L 6053

Question of honour L 7207

Roslyn's fortune L 7208

Reid (Mayne). ,\.float in the forest, 4 copies.

L 2682, 2699, 2835, M 661

Boy slaves, 3 copies L 2694, 2849, M 663

Child wife, 2 copies h 6890-1

Cliff climbers, 3 copies L 2704, 2832, M 655

Death shot L 5497

320 Fiction.

Fatal cord. 2 copies L 2838, 2C91

Flag of distress L 5496

Free lances, 2 copies L 6888-9

Giiaffe hunterb, 4 copies. L 2702, 2836, M 556, 660

Guerilla chief, 2 copies L 2696, 2844Half-blood, 2 copies L 2692, 2841

Headless horseman, 2 copies L 2706, 2831

Hunter's feast, 3 copies L 2705. 2847, 41 15Lost Lenore, 2 copies L 2695, 2842

Marooii, 2 copies L 2697, 2837No quarter, 2 copies L 6886-7

Ocean waifs, 4 copies.. L 2693, 2845, M 545, 652

Quadroon, 3 copies . . . . L 2690, 2833, 4710Rifle rangers L 2843

Sc p hunter^, 2 copies L 2703, 2850

TiKi^r hunter, 2 copies L 2707, 2848

War trail, 2 copies L 2700, 2857White chief L 2840

White gauntlet, 2 copies L 2839, 3026White squaw, 2 copies L 2701 , 2846

Wild huntress, 2 copies L 2852, 3025Wood /angers, 2 copies L 2698, 2834

Reuter. In the year '13 L 1658

Old story of my farming days, 3 vols..L 1659-61

Reverend idol L 4303

Reybaud. Thorough Bohemienne L 4182

Ueynolds. Matchmaker L 2283

Richards. So very human, 3 vols. . L 1198-1200

Richardson (B. W.)) Son of a star ...L 7203

Richardson (Major John). Wacousta,2 vols L 5260-1

Richardson (S.). Clarissa Ha'-lowe, 4 vols.

L 2541-4

Sir Charles Grandison L 2402

Richter. Campaner Thai L 4976Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1662-3, 4984-5

Riddell (M>-s.). Far above rubies, 2 vols.



Earl's promise, 2 vols L 1209-10

George Geith of Fen Court, 2 vols. . . . L 120 1-2

Maxwell Drewitt, 2 vols L 1203-4

Mortomley's estate, 2 vols L 121 1-2

Race for wealth, 2 vols, L 1205-6

Riddell {Mrs. '}. H.). Alice Brand . . . . L 226c

Nun's curse, 3 copies L 6332-4

Riddle. Tory's daughter L 7199

Rigby (Lody Eastlakej. Livcnian talej.L 2025

"Rita." See Booth, Mrs. Otto.

Ritchie. Wearyfoot common, 2 copies.M 28, 3^

Rives. Witness of the bun, 4 copies ..L 7283-6

Roberts (.Ifiss). Atelier de I.ys, 2 vols.L 853-4Second copy . L 1926

Denise I., 850

In the olden time, 2 vols L 1664-5

Madame Fontenoy, 2 copies L 851, M 32

Mademoiselle Mori, ^ vols L 848-9

On the edge of the storm L 852

Roberts (Sir R. H.). Silver trout, andocher stories L 6457

Robertson. Bairns L 2771

By a way she knew not, 2 copies L 7177-8

Robinson (F. W.). Black speck M 265

Hands of justice L 5731

No church, 2 vols L 1022-3

Women are strange L 5730

Robinson (R. E.). Sam Lovel's camps:a sequel to Uncle Lisha's shop . . . . L 7798

Uncle Lisha's shop L 6-!37

Robinson (il^Ks. T.). (Talvi, psciid.). Fif-

teen years L 4170

Roe (E. P.). Barrisrs buined away,3 copies M 53, 151, 178

Day of fate L 2090

Driven back to Eden, 3 copies M 751-3

Earth trembled, 3 copies L 6074-6

Face illumined L 2087

Found yet lost, 3 copies L 6482-4

From jest to earnest, 2 copies M 59, 177

He fell in love with his wife L 5487

His sombre rivals, 3 copies. .L 2084, 4100, M 58

Knight of the 19th century. 2 copies. L 2089, M 56

Miss Lou, 6 copies L 6791-6

Near to nature's heart, 3 copies. L 2086, M 54, 744

Opening of a chesnut burr, 2 copies. L 2088, M 57

Original belle, 3 copies L 4719-21

Taken alive, and other stories 3 copies. L 7605-7

Unexpected result M 152

Whai can she do ? 2 copies L 2085, 4302

Without a home, 3 copies . . . . L 2083, M 55, 619

Young girl's wooing, 2 copi s L 2783, 2785

Roe (Mary A.). A long search L 57G4

Romantic stories of the legal profession. L 1936

Roosevelt. Love and luck L 5480

Roquette. Curate of Orsieres L 4180

Rosalind and Felicia L 1744

Ross (A/r5. A.). Legcndof the holy stone.L 3971

Ross (C. H.). London romance, 2 vols.L 1214 5

Pretty widow L 1.313

Ross (Mrs. E.). Dora's boy L 4910

Rothwell. Loved I not honour more,2 copies L 578S-9

[Row(R.)l. Friends and acquaintances.!. 4826

Royce. Feud of Oakfield creek L 5979

Ruffini. Carlino, and other stories . . .L 1224

Dr. Antonio L 1218

Lavinia, 2 vols L 121C-7

Lorenzo Benoni L 1219

Paragraens' visit to Paris L 1223

Quiet nook L 1222

Vincenzo, 2 vols L 1 220-1

Runciman. Dream of the North Sea. .L 7581

Grace Balmaign's sweetheart L 5741

Skippers and shellbacks L 5742





In t















St. Joof

St. Pi




"SamJ Mar




















out, andLL


i camps


)p LL

rf.). Fif-

Ld awav,...M 53, 151



2084, 4100, M 58

pies. L 2089, M 56

L 6791-6

L 2086, M 54, 744

pies.L 2088, M57L 4719-21

copies. L 7605-7

M 152

















59. 177


Fiction. 321


.I> 2085, 4302 -Salvage

V 2083, M 55, 619

. . L 2783, 2785




stone.L2 vols.L


Lr more,































1 220-1




Russell (W. Cla-k). Flying Dutchman.4 copies L 6787-90

Frozen pirate, 3 copies L 6174-6

Golden hope, 4 copies L 5812-5

In the middle watch L 5498

Jack's courtship L 6460

John Holdsworth, chief mate L 6467

Little Loo L 6466

Marooned, 4 copies L 7393-6

My watch below L 6459Mystery of the " Ocean Star," 3 copies.



On the fo'k'sle head L 5732Round the galley fire L 5733Sail jr's sweetheart, 2 vols L 1225-6Sea queen. 2 vols., 3 copies. . . . L 2554-5, 3700-3

Strange voyage L 6465

Wreck of the " Grosvenor " L 6^61

Wreck of the " Lady Maud," -z V0I5. .L, 1227-8

Rutherford. The rp-slution in Tanner'slane L 6079

Saint Abe and his seven wives, 2 copies.

I 249, L 4940

Saintine. Picciola M 437The solitary of Juan Fernandez L 4141

St. John. There and 'oacU again in searchof beauty, 2 vols L 5074-5

St. Pierre. Paul and Virginia E 1022

Sala. Gaslight and daylight L 5755Make your game L 4948Seven sons of Mammon, 2 vols L 1229-30







"Sand (George"). Cesarme Dietrich.


Marquis de Villemer LMiller of Angibault LMonsieur Sylvestre LMy sister Jeannie LRolling stone, 2 copies L 2506, 4766

Saratoga, an Indian tale of frontier life.L 4243

baunders (F.) . Salad for the solitary.E 1683

ijSaunders (J.). Israel Mort, 2 vols L 1231-2

Martin Pole L 4768

Noble wife, 2 vols., 3 copies. ..L 2535-6, 3784-7

Shipowner's daughter, 2 vols L 1233-4

Tempter behind L 1921

Saunders (K.). Gideon's rock, 2 copies.L 1236, 2469

High Mills, 2 vols L x 237-8

Joan Merry weather, and other tales. .L

Sebastian LSavage. Bachelor of the Albany LFalcon family L

Savigny. A heart song of to-day LRomance of Toronto L

Saxby. Preston Tower L" Saxe Holme." ^G^ychmon,Mrs. Alma


Scheffel. Ekkehard, 2 vols L 1666-7








Schiller. Ghost seer, 2 vols L 1826-7

Schreiner. Stcry of an African farm . . L 5978

Schwartz. Man of birth, and the womanof the people, 3 vols L 4222-4

Scott (C.W.). {Ed.) The stage door.



Scott (M.). Cruise of the " Miage,"'

2 copies L 1701, 2742

Tom Cringle's log, 2 copies L 1700, 2741

Scott (^ / W.). Abbot, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 2183-4, 7148-9

Third copy L 3788

Anne of Geierstein, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L'171-2, 2422-3, 7166-7

Fourth copy L 3789

Antiquary, 2 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 2151-2, 7134-5

Third copy L 3790

Betrothed. 2 vols., 2 copies.... L 2177-S, 7170-1

Black dwarf, etc., 2 vols L 2145-6

Second, third, and fourth copies,

L 2418, 3791, 7138

E—'de of Lammermoor, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2165-6, 2430-1, 7142-3

Fourth copy L 3792

Castle dangerous, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2179-80, 2>),2.\-5, 7174-5

Count Robert of Paris, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2i8i-2, 7172-3

Fair maid of Perth, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2141-2, 2428-9, 7158-9

Fourth copy L 3793

Fortunes of Nigel, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2169-70, 7152-3

Third copy L 3794

Guy Mannering, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 2161-2, 2416-7, 7130-1, 7338-9

Fifth copy L 3795

Heart of Mid Lothian, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 2163-4. 3796-7. 7140-1. 7336-7

Highland widow, 2 vols L 2177-8

Second copy L 4840

Ivanhoe, 2 vols., 3 copies.L 2175-6, 71445, 7344-5

Fourth copy L 3798

Kenilworth, 2 vols., 2 copies.. .L 2420-1, 4405-6

Third copy L 3799

Legend of Montrose, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 2418-g, 7138-9

Monastery, 2 vols., 2 copies. . . . L 2143-4, 7146-7

Third copy L 3800

Old mortality, 2 vols., 3 copies.

L 2149-50, 7132-3. 7346-7

Fourth copy L 3801

Peveri'i of the peak, 2 vols., 5 copies.

L 2147-8, 2426-7, 3802-3, 4166-7, 7156-7

Pirate, 2 vols., 2 copies L 216.7-8, 7150-1

Third copy L 3804

.y^uentin Durward L 3805

Second copy, 2 L 7154-5

Redgauntlet, 2 vols., 2 copies ..L 2173-4, 7164-5

Third copy L 4163

322 Fiction.


Rob Roy, 2 vols., 4 copies.

L 2157-8, 2467-8, 7136-7, 7340-1Fifth copy L 3806

St. Ronan's well, 2 vols., 3 copies,

L 2155-6, 2434-5, 7162-3

Surgeon's daughter, 3 copies. L 2179, 2424, 7174Tales of a grandfather, 6 vols G 570-'-.

Second and third copies G 901, M 666

Talisman, 2 vols L 7168-9

VVaverley, 2 vols.. 4 copies.

I. 2153-4, 2432-3, 7128-9, 7342-3Fourth copy L 3807

Woodstock, 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 2159-60, 7160-1

Third and fourth copies L 3808, 4101









1 2 50-


I 240-





T 246-7




Scott (Wm.). Red hose LSedgwick. Tales and sketches LSeely. A ranchman's stories LSellar. Gleaner tales, vol. i LSeranus. See Rai-rison, Mrs. J. W . F.

Sergeant. Beyond recall LNo saint LRoy's repentance LSeventy times seven, 4 copies L

Sewell. After life, 2 vols LAmy Herbert, 2 vols LSecond copy L

Experience of life, 2 vols LGlimpse of the world, 2 vols LJournal of a home life, 2 vols LUrsula, 2 vols L

Sharp. Cradled in a storm, 3 copies..


Shelley (Mrs.). Frankenstein LSheppard. Dolly, the young widd-^r up

to Felders, 2 copies L 4811-12

Sherer. Conjuror's daughter L 1793

Sherwood {Mrs.). Fairchild family, andthe latter days L 3055

Governess, the little Momiere, Pere la

Chaise, etc L 3059

Henry Milner, parts i.-iii L 3054

Henry Milner, part iv., and Sabbathson the C'ontinent L 3068

Indian pilgrim, broken hyacinth, etc.,

2 copies L 1944, 3057Infants' progress, flowers of the forest,

etc L 3058

John Marten, a sequel to " HenryMilner," 2 cop"'es L 3069, 6415

Lady of the manor, 4 vols L 3062-5

Little Henry and his bearer, Lucy andher dhaye, etc L 3056

Mail coach, my three uncles, old lady'scomplaint, etc L 30O6

Monks of Cimie L 3067

Nun, intimate friends, my aunt Kate,etc L 3060

Social tales L 2439

Victoria, Arzoomund, the birthday pre-

sent, etc L 3061 Countess Eve, 2 copies . . LJohn Inglesant, 2 vols L

Second copy LSir Percival LTeacher of the violin, and other tales.


" Sigma." Heather belles, 2 copies . . . LSikes. One poor girl LSimpson. Ronald McFarlane L

Roseville seminary LSims. Mary Jane's memoirs LRing o' bells LRogues and vagabonds L

Skene. Strange inheritance L"Sketchley." Mrs. Brown on the Tici?

borne case LSlip in the fens MSmart. Belles and wringers L

False start, 2 copies L



















Last coup, 4 copies L 7449-52

Lightly lost, 4 copies L 7363-6

Long odds, 4 copies L 7243-6

Pride of the paddock. : •</ L 6612-5

Race for a wife L 474S

Saddle and sabre, 3 copies L 6300 2

Smedley. Frank Fairlegh, 2 vols L 1668-9

Smith (A..). Adventures of Mr. Ledbury,3 copies L 181 1, 2746, 4955

Christopher Tadpole L2747J

Marchioness of Brinvilliers, 3 copies.

L 1812, 2486. 4032

Pottleton legacy L 27.15

Scattergood family, 2 copies L 1S07, 4053

[Smith (H.;]. Adam Brown, the mer-chant L 47io

Southey. Love story E 433

Southgate. Cross above the crescent.. L 237^

Souvestre. Brittany and La Vendee 48(3

Lake shore > 4849

Sparhawk. A lazy man's work.. . . ":o6

Spielhagen. Hammer and anvil 1, y]S9

Hohensteins L ' 7P0

Problematic characters, 2 copies,. .L 5040, 671

Quisisana L 50}!

Through night to light L 6758

Spofford. Thief in the night L 485

Stael {Mine. de). Corinne, 2 copies.E 1847, L i8-,4

Stannard. {]. S. Winter, pseud.). Beauti-ful

Jim, 4 copies L 6586-9

Bootle's children, 4 copies L 6597-6600

Cavalry life m barracks and out . , . . L 573S

Little fool, 4 copies . . L 7457 -6u

Regimental legends, 3 copies . . . . L 1443, 3965-6

Stanton. Ruhainah : a story of Afghanlife L 5481

Staton. Rays fro' th' loominary L 6831

Sterling (J.).Cnyx ring L 4899

Sterndall. Afghan knife L 1899












































Fiction. 323

;opies . . L 7024-5

L 1252-3

L 4305

L 6077ler tales.



)pies . . .L 6813-4

L 4851

L 4958

L 4837:

L 5678

L S754J

L 5753

L 5973

the Tici)

L 49591

M 565

L 4861

I> 6346-7

L 7449-52

L 7363-6

L 7243-6

L 6612-5

L 4748

L 6300-2

jIs L 1668-9

Ledbury,, L 181 1, 2746, 4955

L 2747

3 copies.

L 1812, 2486. 4o;,2

L 27.S

L 1807, 4033

the mer-L 475

E 433

-escent..L 237^

^endee :. 48(3

' 4849

< ":o6

n\ L, ,7.^9

L ' 761)

)ies. . .L 5040, 671

L 5041

L 6758

L 4S52

ipies.E 1847, L 1854

). Beauti-L 65S6-9

.... . L G597-6fioo

>ut ,L 5738

L 7457-6.J

. . . . L 1443, 3965-6

of AfghanL 54S1

y L 6831

L 4899

L 1899

Stevenson (R. L.). Black arrow, 8 copies,

L 6575-7, 6928-32

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and An inlandvoyage, 3 copies L 5416-7, 5419

Master of BalLintrae, 5 copies L 7655-9

Merry men, 2 copies L 5790-1

New Arabian Nights L 5740

Treasure Island, 3 copies L 3809-1


tevenson and Osboume. The wrongbox, 2 copies L 7433-4

Stewart (A. M.). Margaret Roper. ..L 1925

Yorkshire plot L 1897

Stewart (E.). Oswin, the Saxon H 330

Stinde. Buchholz family, part I L 5771

Buchholz family, part IJ L 5795

Frau Wilhelmine L 6227

Woodland tales L 5794

rtirling (M. C). True man L 375

Stockton (F.). Bee-man of Orn L 6078

Christmas wreck, and other stories,

2 copies L 5482-3

Dusantes, 2 copies L 6429-30

Great war syndicate, 5 copies L 7274-8

Hundredth man L 6238

Jolly fellowship, 4 copies . . L 6922-3, M 516, 793Lady or the tiger L 5435

Late Mrs. Null, 2 copies L 5322-3

Rudder Grange L 4173

Stoddard. The heart of it L 4892

Stolz ( i/"u'. de). House on wheels. . . .L 4292

Stoughton. Old London L 4839

Stowe. Dred, 2 vols L 1265-6

Minister's wooing L 1267

Oldtown folks, 2 vols L 1 268-9

Second copy L 2598

Oldtown fireside stories L 4103

Poganuc people, 3 copies L 5009- ro, M 518

Uncle Tom's cabin, 4 copies.

L 1981, M 29, 112, 219

Fifth copy, 2 vols L 1 261-2

Key to Uncle Tom's cabin, 2 vols. . . . L 1263-4

Stowe and others. Six of one and half

a dozen of the other : a novel L 2263

Strange manuscript found in a coppercylinder, 3 copies , . L 6532-4

Streckfuss. Castle Hohenwald L 4249

Strong. The worst foe L 6065

Sturgis. Accomplished gentleman,2 copies L 1869, 4106

Dick's wanderings, 3 copies L 5980, 6162-3

John-a-dreams M 504

My friend and I L 7005

Thraldom, 2 copies L 6330-1

Surtees. Jorrock's jaunts and jollities. L 2760

Swan A'.dersyde L 4707

Briar and palm L 7291

Hazell and Sons, brewers, 3 copies.

L 107, M 1348-9

St. Veda's L loS

Ursula Vivian, the sister mother . . . .M 825

Swift (Jonathan), Gulliver's travels,

4 copies E 650, L 1270, M 418, 677

Tabor. Hope Meredith L 4749Meta's faith L 4781

Talbot (F.). Through fire and water..



Tales from Chambers' Journal, 4 vols. . .L 5502-5

Tales from many sources L 5757-62

Tales of the borders. See Wilson, J. M.

Tales of the Christian festivals C 534Tales of the Genii E 1214

Talvi. See Robinson, Mrs. T.

"Tasma." Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill,

2 vols, 5 copies L 7487-96

Tautphoeus. A* odds, 2 vols L 1277-8

Cyrilla, 2 vols L 1271-2

Initials, 2 vols L 1273-4

Quits, 2 vols L 1275-6

Tayler. Persis L igo6

Taylor (B.). Beauty and the beast. . . .L 1956

Hannah Thurston L 1957

John Godfrey's fortunes L 195S

Joseph and his frien 1 L 1959

Story of Kennet L i960

Taylor (M.). Tara,3 vols L 1670-2

Tippoo Sultaun L 41 16

Taylor (U. A). The city of Sarras. . . .L 6313

Tchernuishevsky. A vital question . . . . L 5465

Templeton. Diary and notes L 1673

Thackeray (A/ j'si). Blue Beard's keys.



Book of sibyls, 3 copies H 1087-8, L 1674

Da capo L 1333

Five old friends I, 1328

From an island L 1332

Fulham lawn L 1331

Miss Angel, 2 copies L 1329, 4773

Mrs. Dymond, 2 vols., 5 copies L 5631-40

Old Kensington, 2 vols L 1325-6

Out of the world L 1330

Story of Elizabeth L 1323

Village on the cliff L 1324

Thackeray (William. M.). Adventures of

Philip, 2 vols., 4 copies.L 1303-4, 3839-40, 7051-4

Fifth and sixth copies L 2870, 3081

Barry Lyndon, 4 copies. , .L 2868, 3079 7079-80

Book of snobs, 4 copies . . . . L 2873, 3072, 7047-8

Catherine, 4 copies L 1306, 2875, 3812, 7084

Christmas books, 2 vols., 2 copies. ..L 7067-70

Third, fourth, and fifth copies,

L 2452, 2876, 3075

Cornhill to Cairo, 2 copies L 2871, 3070

Denis Duval, 6 copies.

L 1305, 2H75, 3074, 3813, 7049-50

English humorists, 7 copies.

E 29, 101, 2042-3, H 735, 1089, L 2874


324 Fiction.

Fitz-Boodle papers, 2 copies L 7073-4

Four Georges, 6 copiesE 30, 103, 1560, 2042-3, L 2874

Henry Esmond, 2 vols., 2copies.L 1293-4, 3841-2

Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth copies.

L 28G8, 3079, 7061-2

Hoggarty diamond, 4 copies. L 2872, 3071,7063-4

Irish sketch book, 4 copies.L 2871, 3070, 7059-60

Third copy, 2 vols F 43-4

Lovel the widower, 5 copies.

E 30, L 2875, 3074, 7077-8

Major Gahagan, etc. , 2 copies L 7071-2

Miscellanies, 8 vols., 2 copies. .L 1285-92, 3815-22

Newcomes, 4 vols., 2 copies ..L 1295-8, 3823-6

Third and fourth copies L 2867, 3078

Fifth and sixth copies, 2 vols L 7043-6

Paris sketch book, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1307-8, 3827-8

Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth copies.

L 2871, 3070, 7075-6

Pendennis, 3 voir.. % copies... L 1282-4, 3829-31

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols. . . . L 7039-42

F'ifth and sixth copies L 2866, 3077

Roundabout papers, 2 vols., 2 copies.

E 31-2, 1858-9

Third, fourth, and fifth copies .L 2S74, 7065-6

Shabby genteel story, 2 copies L 2870, 3081

Sketches and travels, etc., 2 copies.. .L 7081-2

Vanity fair, 3 vols., 2 copies'. .L 1279-81, 3832-4

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols. . . . L 7035-8

Fifth and sixth copies L 2865, 3076

Virginians, 4 vols., 2 copies. L 1299-1302, 3835-8

Third and fourth copies, 2 vols L 7055-8

Fifth and sixth copies L 2869, 3080

Yellowplush papers, etc., 4 copies.

L 2872, 3071, 7083-4

Thanet. Knitters in the sun .L 6171

Theuriet. Gerard's marriage L 4993

Young Maugars L 418&

They two ; or, phases of life in EasternCanada fifty years ago L 7209

Thomas (.\.). Called to account, 2 vols.



Dennis Donne, 2 vols L 1309-10

Narrow escape, 2 vols L 1321-2

No alternative, a novel VI 544

On guard, 2 vols L 131 1-2

Only herself, 2 vols L 1319-20

Played out, 2 vols L 1315-6

Walter Goring, 2 vols 1, 1313-4

Thomas (Moy). Fight for life L 5752

Thompson (SiV Henry). All but L 5473

Thompson (M.). A banker of Bankers-ville L 5766

Thorn Lodge ; or, the wheel of life L 2600

Thorubury. Old stories retold, 2 copies.

E 1466, L 1584Tales for the marines L 5737

Thoroddsen. Sigrid L G242

Thoth, 5 copies L 6696-670:

Tirebuck. Saint Margaret, 2 copies. . . L 6811-12

Tod (Strathesk, pseud.). Bits from Blink-

bonny 2 copies L 2078, 410a

More bit ; liom Blinkbonny L 470(1

Tolstoi. Anna Kariinina, 3 copies. L 5334, 7269-yc^Childhood, boyhood, youth L 5466B jjg

Cossacks L 622

In pursuit of happiness, etc L C073

Invaders, and other stories L 6072

Ivan Ilyitch, and other stories L 5804

Katia : or, my husband and I, 2 copies.

L 598s 6083

Long exile, and other stories L 6432

Russian proprietor, and other stories. L 6241

Sebastopol L 5984

War and peace. Before Tilsit, 1805-7,

2 vols L 5265-6

War and peace. The invasion, 1807-12,

2 vols L 5267-8

War and peace. Borodino, 1S12-20,

2 vols L 5436-7

Topelius (Z.). Battle and rest . . L 3975

Charles XII L 3977

Frederick I L 3976

Gustav Adolf L 3978

Linnaeus L 3979

Times of alchemy L 3974

Tourgee. Black ice L 642S

Bricks without straw L 2277

Button's inn L 6064

John Eax L 5083

Mamelon L 50S3

Townsend. One woman's two lovers. .L 4829

Trollope (A.). Alice Dugdale, 2 copies.

L 1678, 3843

American senator, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 1388-90, 3844-6

Third copy L 2259

Ayala's angel, 3 vols., 2 cop._s .L 1403-5, 3850-2

Barchester towers, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1340-1. 3853-4

Belton estate, 2 vols., 2 copies..L 1357-8, 3855-6

Bertrams, 2 vols., 2 copies . . .L 1337-8, 3857-S

Can you forgive her ? 3 vols L 3859-61

Castle Richmond, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1342-3. 3862-3

Claverings, 2 vols., 2 copies . . . L 1363-4, 3864-5

Third copy L 1727

Cousin Henry L 1398

Doctor Thorne. 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1335-6, 3866-7

Dr. Wortle's school, 2 copies L 1402, 3868

Duke's children, 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 1399-1401, 3869-71

Editor's tales, 3 copies L 2297, 4142, 4191

Eye for an eye, 2 copies L 1394, 3847

Fixed period, 2 copies L 1406, 3872

L 6242

L 6696-670

opies. ..L 681 1- 1


oin Blink-L 2078, 4102

L 470Q

ies.L5334, 7269-7,










, 2 copies.

L 598s 6083

L 6432

stories. L 6241

L 5984

it, 1805-7,L 5265-6

1, 1807-12,

L 5267


L 5436-7

L 3975

L 3977

L 3976

L 3978

L 3979

L 3974

, L 6428

. L 2277

. L 6064

. L 5083

. L 5083

, L 4829

546a He knew he was right, 3 vols., 2 copies.


2 copies.

L 1678, 3843


L 1388-90, 3844

L 2259

.L 1403-S, 3850-2


L 1 340- 1, 3853-4

•L 1357-8. 3855-6

• L 1337-8. 3857-8

L 3859-61


L 1342-3, 3862-3

.L 1363-4, 3864-5

L 1727

L 1398

s.L 1335-6.3866-7

L 1402, 3868


1399-1401, 3869-71

L 2297, 4142, 4191

L 1394, 3847

L 1406, 3872

Fiction. 325

Framley parsonage, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1344-5. 3873-4

Third copy L 1729

Frau Frohmann, 2 copies L 1410, 3875

Golden lion of Granpere, 3 copies.

L 1376, 3876, 4265

Harry Heathcote of Gangoil, 2 copies.

L 1379. 3877

L 1368-70, 3878-80

Is he Popinjoy ? 3 vols., 2 copies.

L 1391-3. 3881-3

JohnCaldigate, 3 vols., 2 copies. .L 1395-7, 3884-6

Kept in the dark, 2 copies L 1409, 3887

La Mere Bauche, etc., 2 copies.... L 1677, 3888

Lidy Anna, 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 1377-8,3889-90

Third copy L 2287

Last Chronicle of Barset, 3 vols L 1360-2

Second copy, 2 vols L 3891-2

Lotta Schmidt, and other stories L 42S0

Marion Fay, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1407-8, 3894-5

Mary Gresley, 2 copies L 4142, 4191

Mistletoe bough, 3 copies L 1676, 3896-7

Nina Balatka, 2 copies L 1359, 3898

Old man's love, 3 copies L 2545, 3848, 3849

Orley farm, 3 vols., 2 copies. . L 1346-8, 3899-901

Phineas F'inn, 3 vols., 2 copies. .L 1365-7, 3902-4

Prime rrinister, 4 vols., 2 copies. L 1384-7, 3905-8

Third and fourth copies L 2306, 2438

Rachel Ray, 2 vols,, 2 copies. L 1349-50, 3909-10

Ralph the heir 2 vols L 391 1-2

Second copy L 2493

Sir Harry Hotspur, 2 copies L 1373, 3814

Small house at Allington. 3 vols.,

2 copies L 1351-3. 3913-15

Third copy L 1728

Vicar of Bullhampton, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 1371-2. 391*5-7

Warden, 3 copies L 1339, 3918, 4110

Way we live now, 4 vols., 2 copies

L 1380-3, 3919-22

TroUope (T. .\.). Diamond cut diamon 1,

2 copies L 2322, 5037

Dream numbers L 5036

Garstangsof Garstang Grange, 2 vols.L 141 1-2

La Beata LSiren, 2 vols LSecond copy L

Trollope (Mrj-.). Vicar of Wrexhill...L

Widow Barnaby L

Trusedale (P. van). Life and adventuresof Major Roger Sherman Potter,. ..L

Turgenieff. Annals of a sportsman . . . . LFathers and sons LLiza ; or, a nest of nobles LSmoke : a Russian novel LUnfortunate one LVirgin soil L

Turnerelli. A Russian princess and aRussian ghost story L 7184

Tultle. Border tales L 1976

Two Cosmos : a tale of fifty years ago. .L 1631

Two Russian idyls— Marcella, Esfira,

2 copies L 2485, 4257

Tytler (Sarah). lieauty and the beast,

2 copies L 53x4, 5460

Bride's pass L 5691

Buried diamonds L 5977Days of yore, 2 vols L 2441-2

Dis.'ippeared L 7183

French Janet, 5 copies L 7220-4

Hero of a hundred fights L 2026

Huguenot family L 1092

Logie town, 4 copies L 6776-9

Noblesse oblige L I937

Saint Mungo's city L 5692

Summer snow L 4951

What she came through L 5693

Ulbach. For fifteen years, 2 copies. . . . L 6603-4

Madame Gosselin L 4990

Steel hammer, 2 copies L 6569-70

Valentine. Eastern tales L 1882

Van Dyke. Flirtation camp ; or, rifle,

rod, and gun in California L 5335

Vase. Through love to life, 5 copies. . . L 7609-12

Vaughan. Fiery circle L 2 1 39

Veitch. Dean's daughter, 4 copies . . . . L 7660-3

James Hepburn, free church minister,

2 copies L 6248-9

Venables. Sergeant's legacy L 1886

Vernon Lee (W.). See Paget, Violet.

Very genteel, 2 copies M 389, 470













Very young couple LVictor la Tourette LVillari. In change unchanged L

I Vincent. Return of the princess L

Viresalingham Fortune's wheel ...... LVirginia, 2 copies E 1305,

W. (C. H.). Five hundred dollars, andother stories L

Walford (E.)

? vols

Walford (L. B.).

2 copies

Cousins, 2 copies LThird copy, 2 vols L

Dick Netherby LHistory of a week LMere child LMr. Smith, 2 vols LPauline, 2 vols LTroublesome daughters, 2 copies.... LThird copy, 2 vols L

Walker. Rev Dr. Willoughby and his

wine L

Tales of our great families,

HBaby's grandmother,







L 1974












1427 -8


326 Fiction.

Wallace (Rev. A.). Sketches of life andcharacter L 2138

Wallace (Lew). BenI-Iur,2vol3.,3copies.L 6350-5

Fourth, fifth, and sixth copies.. L 3030, 5783-4

P'air (iod, 2 copies L 4865, 5508

Walmsley. Branksome Dene L 491


Walsh. Mary, the queen of the house of

David, 2 copies L 6437-8

Warbjrton. Darien, 2 vols L 1429-30

Ward [Mrs. Humphrey). Robert Elsmere,

3 vols., 5 copies L 673 1-45

Sixth and seventh copies L 6591-2

Warden (Florence). Fog princes, 4 copies. L 7412-5

St. Cuthbert's tower, 4 copies L 7279-82

Witch of the hills, 4 copies L 6845-8

Woman's face, 3 copies L 6497-9

Ware (Wm.). Palmyra L 2509

Rome and the early Christians L 2579

Zenobia, queen of Palmyra M 114

Warneford. Tales of the coast guard.. L 2743

Tales of the slave squadron L 2744

Warner. ]iacklog studies L 2475

Their pilgrimage L 5803

Warren. Diary of a late physician, 2 vols. L 1431-2

Second and third copies L 2001, 2002

Lily and the bee, 4 copies.

L 1437. 1999. 2464, 4233

Now and then, 3 copies L 1436, 1999, 2464

Ten thousand a year, 3 vols., 2 copies,

L 1433-5. 5031-i

Third and fourth copies L 1935, 2003

Warring. Squire Paul L 4180

Wars in Scotland, tales of the, 4 vols..L 1900-3

Wasted life, by a middle-aged man....L 3029

Watson. Marahuna L 6853

Webb. Five pound note : an autobio-

graphy L 4293

Pilgrims of New England L 2474

Week away from time ., L 6601

Weir. Rockbourne L 4929

Weird tales. American L 7031

English L 7033

German L 7030

Irish L 7032

Scottish L 7034

Wells. Miss Curtis L 6857

WestaU. Birch Dene, 5 copies L 7398-7402

Mr. Fortescue, 5 copies L 6824-8

Red Ryvington L 4714

Westbury. Frederick Hazzleden L 6177

Wetherell (E.). Glen Luna family L 2581

Hills of the Shatemuc, 2 vols L 3967-8

Queechy M 35

Second copy, 2 vols L 1438-9

Say and seal M 41

Second copy, 2 vols L 1440-1

Wide, wide world, 3 copies. L 1683, 1916, M 347

Whitcher. Widow Bedott papers L t,:)(x

[White [Rev J.)]. Sir Frizzle Pumpkin,and nights at the mess L 1G87

White (K. Grant). Fate of MansfieldHumphreys L 5.(7;

Whitehead. Richard Savage ......... L i,S2

Whiteing. The island, 5 copies L 6638-.)







Whitney. Bonnyborough LGayworthys LSights and insights, 2 vols LSummer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. .L

Whyte-Melville. See Melville, G.J. W.Wichert. Green gate LWildrick. Lord Scrahan LWilkins. A humble romance, and other

stories LWille. Johannes Olaf LWilliams (R. F.). Shakespeare and his

friends LWilliams (T. M.). I..and of my fathers.L

Willis. Pictures of society LWills. The wife's evidence LWinifride Jones. Clifton tales LWinter (J. S.). See Stannard.

Winthrop. Canoe and saddle, 3 copies.

F 546, 705, I

Cecil Dreeme LEdwin Hrothertoft LJohn Brent L

Wiseman (Cardinal). Fabiola LWithrow. Life in a parsonage LWood (G.). Future life LWood (Afrs. Henry). Adam Grainger,

2 copies L 1492, 4637

.\nne, 2 copies L 1499, 4601

Anne Hereford, 2 vols. , 2 copies. L 1473-4, 45S6-'

Bessy Rane, 2 vols , 2 copies..L 1479-80, 4584-

Channings, 2 vols., 2 copies . . .L 1447-8, 4610-1

Court Netherleigh, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1 500-1, 4630

Danesbury house L 1984

Dene hollow, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1481-2, 4624-5

East Lynne, 3 vols., 2 copies . .L 1444-6, 4614-6

Edina, 2 vols. , 2 copies L 1493-4, 4505-6

Elster's folly, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1465-6, 4619

Foggy night at Offord, 2 copies . . . . L 1483, 4G21

George Canterbury's will, 2 vols.

3 copies L 1477-8, 4638-9, 5234-5

Helen Whitney's wedding, etc., 5 copies.

L 5236-40

Johnny Ludlow, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1488-9, 4604-5

Lady Adelaide's oath, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1467-8, 4632-3

Life's secret, 2 copies L .T470, 4636

Lord Oakburn's daughters, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1457-8, 4593-4

Lost in the post, etc., 2 copies L 1497, 4582























St. I
































s L'umpkin,



s life. . LG. y. W.


nd otherLL

and his






1 68









Fiction. 327







3 copies.

P 546, 705, L 26og

L 261









. . . . L 1492, 463

. . . .L 1499, 4601

L 1473-4. 4586

L 1479-80, 4584-5

.L 1447-8, 4610-1


L 1 500-1, 4630-1

L 1984

.L 148 [-2, 4624-

.L 1444-6, 4614-6

.L 1493-4. 45''i5-6

L 1465-6, 4619-20

. . ..L 1483, 4621


-8, 4638-9, 5234-5

5 copies.

L 5236-40

s.L 1488-9, 4604-5

2 copies.

L 1467-8, 4632-3

L .1470, 4636


.L 1457-8. 4593-4

L 1497,4582

Master of Greylands, 2 vols , 2 copies.

L 1486-7, 4628-9Mildred Arkell, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1461-2, 4626-7

Mrs. Halliburton's troubles, 2 vols. . .L 1449-50

Mystery of Jessy Page, 5 copies L 5241-5

Orville college, 2 copies L 1469, 4609

Oswald Cray, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1459-60, 4602-3

I'omeroy abbey, 2 vols., 2 copies.L 1495-6, 4622-3

Red Court farm, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1471-2, 4599-4600

Third copy L 4107

Roland Yorke, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1475-6, 4617-8

St. Martin's eve, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1463-4. 4591-2

Shadow of Ashlydyat, 3 vols L 4588-90

Story of Dorothy Grape, 4 copies . . . . L 5230-3

Tale of sin L 1498

Told in the twilight, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1490-1, 4612-3

Trevelyn Hold, 2 vols., 2 copies. L 1680-1, 4634-5

Verner's pride, 3 vols., 2 copies. L 1451-3, 4606-8

William Allair L 1682

Within the maze, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1484-5, 4640-1

Wood (H. F ). Englishman of the RueCain, 7 copies L 7254-7, 7263-5

Passenger from Scotland Yard, 7 copies.

L 6434-6, 6455, 6643-5

Woods. A village tragedy, 5 copies. . .L 7507-11

Woolson. East angels L 5274

Rodman, the keeper, 2 copies L 2276, 2907

Worboise. Father Fabian L 4262

Sissie L 4830

Wraxall. Wildcats L 1502

Wynn. Sisteis of Glencoe, 2 copies . . M 227, 426

Vates. Black sheep, 2 vols L 1509-10

Second copy L 2627

Broken to harness, 2 vols L 1505-6

Business of pleasure L 2630

Castaways, 2 vols L 1519-20

Dr. Wainwright's patient, 2 vols L 1515-6

Second copy L 2628

Forlorn hope, 2 vols L 1507-8

Impending sword, 2 vols L 1525-6

Second copy L 2623

Kissing the rod L 2633

Land at last, 2 vols L 1503-4

Nobody's fortune, 2 vols L 1517-8

Righted wrong L 2626

Rock ahead, 2 vols L 1511-2

Second copy L 2625

Running the gauntlet, 2 copies L 2624, 4301

Silent witness L 2634

Two by tricks, 2 copies L 1527, 2629

Waiting race, 2 vols L 1521-2

Second copy L 2632

Wrecked in port, 2 vols L 1513-4

Second copy L 2631

Yellow flag, 2, vols L 1523-4

Second copy L 2635

Yesterday L 4965

Yonge (Charlotte ^..). Armourer'sprentices, 2 vols., 4 copies L 4315-22

Beechcroft L 5056

Beechcroft at 'ockstone, 2 vols.,

5 copies L 7552-61

Byewords, 2 copies L 2337, M 627

Caged lion, 2 vols., 2 copies.. ..L 1552-3,3923-4

Third, fourth, and fifth copies.

L 2014, 2274. 2367

Chaplet of pearls, 2 vols., 2 copies.

1. 1549-50, 39'^5-6

Third copy L 2017

Clever woman of the family, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1544-5. 3927-8

Third copy L 2016

Daisy chain, 2 vols., 2 copies. .L 1534-5, 3929-30

Third copy L 2015

Danvers papers, etc, 2 copies L 1548, 3931

Disturbing element M 520

Dove in the eagle's nest, 2 vols.,

2 copies L 1546-7, 3932-3

Third copy • L 2005

Dynevor Terrace, 2 vols., 2 copies.

I- 153(3-7. 3934-5

Third copy L 2018

Heartsease, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1532-3, 3936-7

Third copy L 2023

Heir of Redely ffe, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1530-1, 3938-9

Third copy L 2010

Hopes and fears, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1538-9. 3940-1

Third copy L 2004

Lady Hester, 5 copies.

L 1559. 2013, 3942. 4146. M 575

Love and life, 3 copies L 1684, 2006, 3943

Magnum bonum, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1564-5, 3944-5

Third copy L 202


My young Alcides, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1560-1, 3946-7

Third and fourth copies L 2009, 2381

Nuttie's father, 2 vols., 5 copies. ..L 5641-50

Pillars of the house, 5 vols., 2 copies.

L 1554-8. 3948-52

Third copy, 2 vols L 2007-8

Prince and the page, j copies. L 1548, 3931, 5055

Stray pearls, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1568-9, 3957-8

Three brides, 2 vols., 2 copies.. L 1562-3, 3955-6

Third copy L 2019

Trial, 2 vols., 2 copies L 1542-3, 3953-4

rhird copy L 2012

I Two guardians, 2 copies L 1551, 397°

328 Juveniles.

Two sides of the shield, 2 vols., 5 copies.

Under a storm M 1120

Unknown to history, 2 vols L 3959-Go

Second and third copies L 2022, 5057

Womankind, 2 vols., 2 copies. .E 35-6, L 3961-2

Third, fourth, and fifth copies.

B 290, 430, L 2020

Young step-mother, 2 vols., 2 copies.

L 1540-1, 3963-4

Third copy L 201


Youatt. I'rice of fame L 2461

[Youngman]. Lascine L 4197

Ziramern(H.). Stories in precious stones. I, 187J

Zimmern (II. and A.). Half-hours withforeign novelists. 2 vols L 1929-30

I ...3. .< .

JUVEA.L.O.E. See Tucker, Miss.

Abbott. Hubert M 259

J uno and Georfjie M 257

Juno on a journey M 256

Mary Osborne M 258

Rainbow and lucky M 755Science for the young : Force M 363

Heat M 590

Light M 361

Water and land M 362

Summijr m Scotland F 778

Adams (H. C). Charlie Lucken at school,'i,;;j"and college M 955Chief of the school M 125

College days at Oxford M 320

For James and (-eorge M 896

Indian boy M 123

John Hartley M 124

Lost rifle M 122

Perils in the Transvaal M 11 18

Tales of the civil wars M 276

Travellers' tales L 2584

Who was Philip ? M 902

Adams (W. H. D.). Animal life in the

primeval world M 836

Forest, jungle, and prairie, 2 copies. . M 726, 830

Red rose and the white, 2 copies M 287-8

Shore and sea M 222

VVonders of the physical world M 409

Adams (W. T.). All adrift M 791

All taut; or, rigging the boat M 997Lightning express ; or, the rival

academies M 611

Ready about M logo

Snug harbour M 789

Square and compasses M 792

Stem to stern M 790

Adventures of Robinson Playfellow ..M 694

.^sop's fables M 120

Aikinand Barbauld. Evenings at home.M 133

Air and sky, half hours in M 162

Alcott. A garland for girls, 2 copies.M 1085, 1264

Hospital sketches, and camp and fire-

side stories M 478


Jo's boys, 6 copies M 930-2,

Little men LLittle women MSecond copy, 2 vols L

Little women and little wives . MLittle wives " MLulu's library, vol. i MLulu's library, vol. ii MMoods MOld fashioned girl LRose in bloom MSilver pitchers and independence.. . .MUnder the lilacs M

Alden (I. M.). Little fishers and their

nets MMy daughter Susan M

Alden (W. L. ). Adventures of JimmyBrown M

Cruise of the canoe club MMoral pirates MNew Robinson Crusoe, 2 copies M

Aldrich. Story of a bad boy MAlger. Errand boy MBob Burton, the young ranchman . . . MJoe's luck in California MStore boy MTom Temple's career MCom Thatcher's fortune M

Alldridge. Lizzie Clare MAllen (Grant). The white man's foot. .


jUlen (P.). Black witch of Honeycritch.M

Allen (W. B.). Kelp MAlpine climbing MAmazon and its wonders MAndersen (Hans Christian). Danish

legends and fairy tales ESand hills of Jutland M

Andersen (O. S. L.K American girl andher four years in a boy's college. . . M

Anderson (Wm.). Tales of discovery,enterprise, etc M

Andre. The King's bell tower, 2 copies.


The outpost M














































1 1 UK







Blue2 (















In tn



Life 1

Life i







Post 1


Red I








.% 1;

Juveniles. 329


' 1 540-1. 30G3-4






L 1929-30

M 930-2,



Mid their


Andrews (J.).Only a year and what it

brought M 1089

Ten boys who lived on the road fromlong ago till now, 2 copies M 806, 1070

. .M





in . . . VT


.. M




"oot . . Mritch M....M











































Archer. Miss (Irantley's girls ,

Ariosto, tales from

Arthur. Choice .ales

Atkinson. Lost










Playhours a d half holidays MAustin. Dorothy's dilemma MHugh Herbert's inheritance, 2 copies M

Baker. Cast up by the sea, 2 copies. .M 298, 553

True tales for my grandsons M 450

Baldwin. Story of the golden age . . . . M 1269

Ballantyne. Battery and the boiler. . .M 890

Big Otter M looo

Black ivory M 879

Blue lights ; or, hot work in the Soudan,2 copies M 1 361-2

Coral island M 690

Deep down M 887

nog Crusoe M 689

Dusty diamonds cut and polished . . M 886~

Erling the bold M 885

Fighting the flames M 888

Floating light of the Goodwin Sands.



Freaks on the fells M 697

Fugitives M 1147

Gascoyne, the sandalwood trader . ..M 881

Giant of the north M 873

Golden dream M 869

Gorilla hunters M 688

Hudson Bay M 417

In tue track of the troops M 875

Iron horse M 870

Island Queen M 917

Life boat M 884

Life in the Red Brigade M 207

Lighthouse M 883

Lively Poll M 781

Lonely island M 877

Man of the ocean M 640

Middy and the Moors, 2 copies M 1351-2

Norsemen in the west M 889

Pirate city M 874

Post haste, 2 copies M 892, L 2303

Prairie chief M 1059

Red Rooney ; or, the last of the crew.M 1061

Rivers of ice M 880

Rover of the Andes M 882

Settler and the savage M 876

Shifting winds, 2 copies M 891, L 2271

Under the waves M 872

Ungava , . . . . M 687

Wild man of the west M 141

World of ice, 2 copies M 602, 686

Young fur traders M 691

Young trawler M 871

Barker (Lady). Coward or hero ? . . . . M 302

Letters to Guy, etc., 3 copies M 761-3

Ribbon stories M 117

Stories about :— , 2 copies M i, 116

Sybil's book M 365

Barker (Mfs. Sale). Only a little child.


735With a stout heart M T83

Bates Gabled house ; or, self-sacrifice.


573Beach. Waifs of the world M 281

Beale. Gladys, the reaper, 2 copies...


382, 574I'ennant family M 899

Simplicity and fascination M 381

Beard. The American boy's handy book.



Bell (C. D.). Aunt Ailie M 90

Ella and Marian M 87

Grahams, 2 copies M 92, 96

Homo sunshine M 93

Hope Campbell M 89

Horace and May ivt 88

Huguenot family M 95

Kenneth and Hugh M yS

Lily Gordon M 86

Mary Elliot M 85

Margaret Cecil M 91

Rosa's wish M 94Sydney Stuart M 97

Bell (M. M.). Admiral's will M 99Bertz. The French prisoners M 942

Bethell. Millicent and her cousins. ..M 387

Beverley. Romantic tales M 307

Biart. Involuntary voyage, 2 copies . .M 228, 429

Black Jack, and other temperance stories.

M 1172

Black Prince: book for boys, 2 copies. .M 564, 579

Blake. Expelled M 775

Blanchard. George Bailey, 2 copies. .M 445, 1222

Blanche. Master of his fate M 852

Blind Rosa, and other tales M 737

Bohn. Hand-book of games M 1281

Bourne. Famous London merchants..



Romance of trade M 826

Boussenard. Crusoes of Guiana M 1204

Gold seekers : a sequel to the Crusoesof Guiana M 1207

Bowman. Among Tartar tents M 283

Boy voyagers, 2 copies M 126, 659

Charade dramas M 632

Esperanza M 667

Kangaroo hunters M 345

Rector's daughter M 725

Tom and the crocodiles M 696

Travels of Rolando, 2 copies M 566, 745

Young exiles M 700

330 Juveniles.

Young Nile voyagers M 254

Young yachtsman M 255

Boyesen. The modern Vikings M 10S2

Bradbourne F"riends and foes from fairy-

land M 783

Bradley. Culm Rock M 839

Bramston. Hlue bell M 601

Heroine of a basket van M 1151

Missy and master M 1 173

Silver star valley, 2 copies M 1367-8

Uncle Ivan M 11 39

Woman of business M 1 174

Bray. Silver linings M 378

Bremer. Hedington Manor M 49

Brooks (E. S). Boys of Fairport M 831

Chivalric days M 1 154

Storied holidays, 2 copies M 1297-8

Brooks (Noah). Boy emigrants M 794

Brown. Jack's yarn M 1359

Bunce. Fairy tales: their origin.... E 314

Burch. Heroines of Haarlem, 2 copies.



Burleigh. Owen'i hobby M 641

Burnett. Little Lord Fauntleroy, 6 copies.

M 1006, 1024-8

Sarah Crewe and Editha's burglar,6 copies M 1029-31, 1202, 1225-6

Burnley. Romance of invention M 960

Butler. Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux,2 copies L 4187, M 1103

Butt. Delicia, 2 copies L 4982, M 543

Eugenie M 582

Cadell. Ida Craven M 519

Cahun. Adventures of Captain Mago.M 1210

Blue banner M 1209

Calhoun. Lost in the canon M 1278

Callwell. Squire's i?randson M 1144

Cameron {Commander). Adventures of

Herbert Massey in Eastern Africa.


11 23

Among the Turks, 2 copies M 1353-4

Cruise of the " Black Prince " M 1055

Harry Raymond M 957History of Arthur Penreath, 2 copies.M 131 1-2

In savage Africa M 1107

Jack Hooper : a t. of South Africa,

2 copies M 970, loog

"Captain Tom." Briny deep M 897

Captivity and exile, episodes of M 248

Carey (M.). {Ed). Fairy legends of the

French provmces M 1097

Carey (M. R.). Isabel's difficulties M 400

Carr. Left alone M 393

Castlemon (Harry). See Fosdick.

Caxton. Hartwell farm M 598

Cervantes. Don Quixote for boys....M 698

Chambers. Away on the moorland. ..M 940

Champney. Bubbling teapot M 11 53

Chaney. Tom : a home story M 567

Childe-Pemberton. Fairy tales of every-

day M 1 190

Chisholm. Stories of Arctic adventure.



Church. Chantry priest of Barnet.,.M o^J

Count of the Saxon shore M loSi

Last days of Jerusalem C iqi

Storie.s from Homer E i jSS

Stories of the Magicians M looi

Three Greek children, 2 copies M 1405 (>

Traveller's true tale E O05

To the lions M 1436

Two thousand years ago M (joG

With the king at Oxford M 904

Clare. Carved cartoon M t iGg

Clarke. Tales from Chaucer M 251

Clements. Eagle and dove, a story of

the Franco-Prussian war, 2 copies. .M 1363-4

CliiTord. Anyhow stories M 834

Cobb. Stories of success M 1 179

Coffin. Story of liberty M 52S

Cole. The brig " Audacious," 2 copies..



Coleridge. Reuben Everett, 2 copies..



CoUingwood Congo rovers M 913

Log of the " Flying-Fish " M 962

Missing merchantman, 2 copies M 1414-5

Rover's secret M 1137

Secret of the sands M 13G0

Under the meteor flag M 110.'

Voyage of the "Aurora " M 1131

Colomb True as steel M 414

Cooke. Stories of the Old Dominion .M G39

Coolidge. Clover M 1293

Little country girl M 807

What Katy did M 31

What Katy did at school M 30

What Katy did next M 10G7

Corbet. Holiday camp, 2 copies.... M 135,727

Corkran. Bessie Lang vi 607

Down the snow stairs M 9S4

Margery Merton's girlhood M 1 146

Meg's friend, 2 copies M 1429-30

Cornwall Twice rescued, 2 copies...



"Cousin Alice." Nothing venture,

nothing have M 630

Cowrper. Caedwalla ; or, the Saxons in

the Isle of Wight M 1117

Captain of the "Wight," 2 copies.. .M 1396-7

Craik {Mrs. D. M.). Our year M 460

Twenty years ago M 613

Craik (G.M). Cousin from India M 483

Miss Moore M 5^3

Crocker. Adventures in New Guinea :

the narrative of Louis Tregance, a

French sailor M 1211

Crow. By order of Queen Maude M 1142

Czar, The : a tale of the time of the first

Napoleon M 225

D. (A

D (K





















E. (Mwi











Boy I







Pop I





Mon2 c


of every-M IIQO

jnture.M jO.)

:net...M 983

M io«i

C 191

E 1JS8

M looi

M 1405(1

E 605

M i.t^r,

M 90O

M ijo^

M 1 1 6y

M 251

story of

:opies..M i3'''.vi

. . . . M Sj4

M 1179

M 52b

:opies..M 1326-7

;opies,.M 1355-6

M 913

M 962

5 M 1414-5

M 1137

M 1360

M 1 102

M 113'

....M 414

linion .M 639

....M 1293

M Soy

M 3r

M 30

M 10G7

les M 135, 727

VI 607

,. ..M 9S4

M 1 146

M 1429-30

pies...M 1344-5


M 630

5axons in

. M 1117

pies...M 1396-7

M 460

... .M 613

dia M 483

M 5^3

Juifeniles, 331

ince, aM

ide Mf the first



1 142


0. (A, C). Sylvia and Janet M 433

D (K.A. B.), f'incherton farm, 2 copies.M 13756

Dale. Helen's secret M 67

Dana Two years before the mast,2 copies F b6, M 1 34

Daunt, (raf^, glacier, and avalanche,2 copies M 1433-4

Frank Kodcliffe M 651

Land of the moose, bear, and beaver.



Three trappers M 650

Di-ep, half hours on the M iGo

Defoe. Kobinson Crusoe, G copiesV. 922, 143G, L 388, M 147. 413, 419

De Witt. French country family.... M 477Marie Derville M 475Parisian family M 476

Dickens. Child's history of England,2 vols M 624-5

Second, third, and fourth copies, L 4009,7118-9

Discovery, episodes of M 244

Dodge. Hans Brinker, 2 copies M 549, 795

Theophilus and others M 319

Doudney. Michaelmas Daisy, 2 copies.M 395, 466

Miss Willowburn's offer M iiGo

Under false colours M 1413

Vicar o. Redcross, 2 copies M 1313-4

Drake and Anson. Voyage round the

world M 232

Drayson While chief of the Caffres.M 1062

E. (M. (".). The valley mill ; or, truth

will out M 1 175" Eadgyth." The snow fort and the frozen

laktj M 935Early English voyagers. Drake, Caven-

itisli, and Dumpier M 959

Eden. Africa seen through its explorers.


945Australia's heroes M 1 189

fortunes of the Fletchers M 936

Queer chums M 1197

Wolverene and beaver, 2 copies.... A 23, M 353

Edgar. Boy crusaders M 583

Boy princes: the story of their lives.



Boyhood of great men M 702

Cavaliers and Koundheads M 279

Footprints of famous men M 176

Sea kings and naval heroes M 485

Edgeworth. Early lessons, Frank, Rosamond, etc M 115

Helen, 2 copies L 1853, ^ 43^

Moral tales M 315

Popular tales M 316

Eggleston (E ). Hoosier school-boy..



yueer stories M 266

Eggleston and Seelye. Brant and RedJacket M 635

Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico,2 copies M 444, 638

Pocahontas M 634

Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet,2 copies M 443,637

Eggleston ((J). Red Eagle M 636

Eiloarc. Boy with an idea L 197


ICrnie Elton M 137

Young sipiire M 284

Ellen Clinton ; or, the intluence of aloving spirit M 594

Ellis, ('amp-fire and wigwam, 2 copies.M 798, 858

Camp in the mountains M 1-^95

Down the Mississippi M 949

Footprints in the forest ....M 996

Hunters of the Ozark M 1093

Last wai trail M 1094


Lost in the wilds M 950


Lost trail, 2 copies M 799, 859


Ned in the block-house M 8G3


Ned in the woods M 864


Ned on the river M 865

Up the Tapajos M 95'

Wyoming M 1283

Young hero M 1277

Elwes. Perils afloat and brigands ashore.M 973

Enault. Captain's dog M 1270

Euphrates and the Tigris M 719

Everard. Sir Walter's ward : a tale of

the crusad'S M 1148

Everett-Green. I^ittle lady Clare,

2 copies M 1301-2

Ewart. Heroes and martyrs of science.M 1077

CZd.) Leaders upward and on ward.M iiii

Ewing. Jackanapes, 5 copies M 7G4-8

Far east, in the M 723

Far east, half hours in the M 1G6

Far north, half hours in the M 1G3

Far south, half hours in the M 165

Faraday. Lectures on the physical

forces M 448

FaxrSiT (Archdeacon). Eric M 295

Julian Home, 2 copies M 297, 596

St Winifred's M 296

Fenn. Commodore Junk, 2 copies M 141 1-2

Devon boys: a tale of the North shore.



Dick o' the fens M 1125

Mother Carey's chickens M 1138

Nat, the naturalist M 373

Off to the wilds M 1136

Patience wins M 909

Quicksilver M 1402

Silver Caiion M iioi

Terrible coward M 847

Yussuf the guide M 978

Field. Bryda : a story of the Irdianmutiny M 1407

Flower. Tom AUardyce M 738

Wy ville court M 739Foreign life and manners, episodes of. .M 249

332 Juveniles,

Fortunes of Hassan : being the strangestory of a Turkish refugee M 938

Fosdick. (Harry Castleinon, />5«rMd.). GuyHarris, the runaway M 1218

Joe Wayriiig at home M 929

Steel horse M 1287

Young wild fowlers M 797

Foster. Heroes of the Indian Empire.M 106O

Fouque. Minstrel love, 2 copies. ,.L 4213, M 208

Wild love M 252

Frazar. I'orseverance island M 968

Krionflly hands and kindly words M 584

Frith. Aboard the "Atalanta" M 1167

Escaped from Siberia M 910

For queen and king M 857

From the equator to the pole M 1076

In the brave days of old M 911

" Saucy May." 2 copies M 1346-7

Search for the talisman M 916

Under Bayard's banner M 963

Wrecking of the " Samphire " M 778

Garrett At any cost, 2 copies . . . . L 5494, M 829

Gaussen. World's birthday M 58G

Geddie. Beyond the Himalayas, 3 copies.

M 179, 711, 814

Lake I'jgionsof Central Africa, 2 copies.

V 942, M 428

Geikie. Adventures in Canada, 2 copies.M 457, 481

Gellie. Fearless Frank M 92


New girl, 2 copies M 397, 4C8

Stephen the schoolmaster, 2 copies. ..M 386, 614

Generous friendship M 920

GTStiicker. Frank Wildman's adven-tures M 709

Young gold digger M 131

Gibb. (ludrun, Beowu'if, and Roland. .M 822

Giberne. Earls of the village M 1323

Ralph Hardcastle's will M 1307

Gibraltar and its sieges M 729

Gibson, (ireat waterfalls, cataracts, andgeysers M 1 105

Science gleanings in many fields M 784

Gilkes- Boys and masters M 1014

Gilliat. Forest outlaws M 965

John Standish, 2 copies M 1398-9

Gilmore (Rev. J.). Storm warriors,

2 copies E 470, M 462

Gilmore (P.). Travel,war,and shipwreck.



Girardin. Adventures of Johnny Iron-

sides M 693

Doctor's family M 292

Cordon. Captain-General : story of the

attempt to colonize New Holland,

2 copies M 1384-5

King's Thane M 776

Treasure-finder : a tale of a lost galleon,

2 copies M 1332-3

Under the avalanche M 779

Gore. The inundation. ,M

Goulding^. Adventures among the Indians.













1379 80


Boy life among the Indians MBoy life on the water MCousin Aleck MMarooner's island MRobert and Harold MVoiiiig marooners M

Graham (I.. )• Cuckoo clock : a tale ..M

Graham ((i.). "Thos. :" a simple Can-adian story . . . . M

Grant. Jack in the bush MGray (A.). Drayton hall M

Nettie's mission MGreat historic events MGreen. The Eversley secrets MGreene (H.). Burnham Breaker, 2 copies.

MGreene (Mrs.), Hound by a spell . . . , MGreer. My mother's diamonds, 2 copies.M 394, 4G9

Grimm. Gammer Grethel E 973

Household stories, 2 copies M 406, (yjo

Third copy, 2 vols M 749-50

Groves. Anch-^r and laurel, 2 copies. .M i3of>-9

Charmouth nge MReefer anc an MSoldier born MWar of the axe M

Guernsey Lady Betty's governess . . .MLady Rosamond's book .M

Gustafsson. Tea-time tales MHack. Adventures by land and sea. . . MGrecian stories JI

Land and ice deserts MTravels in hot and cold lands MWinter evenings M

Haggard. King Solomon's mines,8 copies M 769-73, 860-2

II 00












Hale (E. E.). Crusoe in New York . . .MHow to do it MStories of adventure MStories of invention MStories of war MStories of the sea M

Hale (L. P.). Fagots for the fireside,

2 copies D 928, M 1 279

Hall. Daily governess MGrace Huntley MMerchant's daughter MPrivate purse MThe whisperer M

Hall, Kingston, and others. Holidaystories M

Hamilton. Red-letter days MHanley. Caliphs and Sultans M

































In t
















Hill (]











Juveniles. 333

M: Indians.


.. . MM

tale ..M

iple Can-. . . . M


, Mpies.











2 copies.

M 1379-80

11 M 855

copies.M 394, 469

E 973

M 406, 070

M 749-50

lopies. .M 130K-9

M 1 100

M 982

M 9C13

M 1114

less . . .



..M 551

. . JI 8^0

sea . . . ^I 1 56

..M 703

...U 15S

...M 157

,.,M iSi


M 769-73, 860-2

'ork . . . M 507

M 524

M 802

M 800

M 803

M 801


..D 928, M 1279

M 80

M 81

M '


M 495

M 535





Hanion. Days of Kin^ Arthur M 367

Old Greek stories M 366

Harris. F^ouiu Atterhnry at St. Mary's.



Harrison (!'. H.). Masanieilo, a ninedays' wonder M 979

Harrison (J. U.). A good copy, and otherstories M 1 171

'iatton. Captured by cannibals, 2 copies.

M 1393-4

Hawthorne (N.). True stories from historyand bit)>,'raphy M 555

Hays. Adventures of Prince Lazybones,and other stories M 1263

Princess Idleways M 525

Heldmann. Mutiny on board the" I-tMuder " M 1104

Helm. Child and woman M 605

Henty. Bonnie Prince Charlie M 1160

Uravest of the brave M 975Captain Bayley's heir M 1404

Cat of Hnljastes : a tale of ancient Egypt,2 copies M 1420-1

Dragon and the raven M 908

Final reckoning M 969For the temple : a tale of th' fall of

Jerusalen-. M 1 161

In the reign of terror M 1 162

Jack Archer : a tale of the Crimea. . .M 1132

Lion of St. Mark ; a tale of Venice . M 1403

Lion of the north M 905Out on the pampas M 322

Sturdy and strong M 1 145Through the fray M 912

Winning his spurs : a tale of theCrusader.s M 1 205

With Wolfe in Canada M 967Yarns on the beach M 846

Young Carthagenian M 961

Young Franc-Tireurs M 321

Higginson. Book of American explorers.M 1267

Higham. Cloverly M 436Hill (G. C). Daniel Boone, the pioneer

of Kentucky M 500

Hill (R ). Tom the ready.. M 1275

History, episodes of M 246

History of a ship M 427

Hoare (E. N.). A brave fight M 1188

Hoare(G. T.). Paths in the great waters.


946Perils of the deep M 954Turbulent town ; or, the story of the

Arteveldts M 1196

Hocking. Alec Green, 2 copies M 175, 434Her Benny M 173

His father M 171

Ivy M 174

Real grit M 1069

Sea waif M 172

Hodder. Kphraim and Helah M 294

Tom Horiot M 456

Hodgetts. Champion of Odin M 833

Edwin, the boy outlaw M liia

Harold, the boy earl, 2 copies M 1427-8

Hofland. Moderation M 499Son of a genius M 527

Holmes. Through a refiner's fire . . . . M 914

Wet.k in Arcadia M 1 305

Holt. Out in the forty-five M 1390

Hope. Hermit's apprentice M 1078

Men of the backwoods M 215

Pampas L 1997

.Seven wise scholars M 1 192

Stories of old renown, 2 copies M 430, 1 159

Hornibrook. Transito ; a story of Brazil M 1098

Howitt (M ). Boyhood of Feli.x Law.. M 496

Little coin, much care M 760

Tales for all seasons M 355

Tales of English life M 211

Which is the wiser ? M 494Work and wages M 493

Howitt (W.). Adventures in the wilds of

Australia M 710

Boys' own country book M 682

Country book M 733

Humboldt. Life and travels M 740

Hunt. Aunt Tabitha's waifs M 451

Little hinges M 442

Through trial to triumph M 1064

Hunter and trapper in many lands,

2 copies M 72 1 , 828

Hutchcson. Fritz and Eric M 894

On board the " PIsmeralda " M 866

Tom Finch's monkey, and other tales.M 848

The white squall M 976

Hutton. Fiery cross M 323

Tales cf the white cockade M 340

In mischief again, 2 copies M 452, 837

In the polar regions M 716

In the temperate regions M 715

In the tropical regions M 714

Ingelow. Mopsa, the fairy M 446

Sister's bye hours M 1338

Studies for stories from girls' lives. . . M 1339

Ingraham. Pillar of fire, 2 copies M 64, 299Prince of the house of David, 3 copies.

L 4250, M 65, 300

Throne of David M 66

Jak. Giant dwarf M 1086

Man of the family M 1087

Professor Johnny M 1007

Who saved the ship ? M 1087

Janet Cameron ; or, the lighthouse .. . .M 618

Jay. Holden with the cords M 383Shiloh M 384Without and within, 2 copies M 78, 439

334 Juveniles.

Jefferies (Richard). Wood magic ....M 557

Jephson. Roll of the drum M 701

With the colours M 374

Johnson (j.) Self effort M 230

Johnson (R.)- Photon Rogers M 796

Johnstone. Mountain kingdom, 2 copies.M 1303-4

Jones (M.). Black Prince, 2 copies . . .M 564, 579

Jones (T. R.). Animal creation M 357

Mammalia M 356

Natural history of birds M 358

Jones (W.). Broad, broad ocean M 212

Treasures of the earth M 354

Jordan and its valley, and the Dead Sea.M 718

Kcddie (Henrietta). See Tytler, Sarah.

Kennedy. Dunallan, 2 copies L 2768, M 69

Father Clement, 2 copies L, 2768, M 70

Kenney. Mrs. Morse's girls, 2 copies.M 1324-5

Ker. Boy slave in Bokhara M 540

Into unknown seas M 928

Lost among white Africans M 972

Kingslcy (C). Heroes, 2 copies. . . .E 995, M 484

Water babies, 2 copies E 997; M 74 2

Kingsley (H.). Hornby mills, etc M 581

Kingston. Adventures in India, 2 copies.M 203, 683

Adventures in the far west, 2 copies.L 1931, M 205

Afar in the forest, 2 copies M 403, 816

Arctic adventures, 2 copies L 1932, M 407

Captain Mugford M 1212

Dick Cheveley M 1133

Digby Heathcote, 2 copies M 121, 343

1 irst voyage to southern seas M 231

Fred Markham in Russia, 2 copies. ..M 338, 479

Great African travellers, 2 copies. .F ic6", .M 692

Heir of Kilfinnan M 1 135

Hendricks, the hunter, 2 copies M 233, 372

Hurricane Hurry M 224

In New Granada, 2 copies M 402, 818

In the Rocky Mountains, 2 copies. . .M 404, ^ij

John Dean M 335

Linnett's trial M 467

Lost in the backwoods , M 401

Manco, the Peruvian chief M 336

Mark Seaworth M 329

Missing ship M 334

Old Jack M 416

Peter the whaler M 330

Peter Trawl M 424

Pirate's treasure M 1115

Powder monkey to admiral M 210

Salt water M 328

Saved ii -^m the sea M 376

Seven champions of Christendom,2 copies M 312, 673

Shipwrecks and disasters at sea . . . . M 563

Snowsnoes and canoes M 1 108

South Sea whaler M 375


















Three admirals MThree commanders MThree lieutenants MThree midshipmen MTw ice lost MTwo supercargoes MWanderers MWashed ashore MWestern world MWilds of Florida MWill Weatherhelm MWith a::e and rifle MYoung Llanero MYoung Rajah M

Knight (A.). Cruise of the " Theseus ".M

Gunroom heroes MRonald Hallifax M

Knight (C). Once upon a time, 2 copies,

E 1534, M 182

Knox. 1 he boy travellers in Australasia.M 1227

Lacey. Through storm to sunshine.. .1^1 io6o

Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare, acopies.M 250, 722

Lane A Dresden romance M 11S4

Heroes of every-day life, 2 copies....M 1409-10

My sister's keeper M 3S8

Lanier. Boy's King Arthur M 351

Lee (M. and C). Goldhanger wood..M 1152

Mrs. Dimsdale's grandchildren, 2 copies.

M 1371-2

Oak staircase, 3 copies.... L 2364, 4242, M 380

Rosamond Fane MLee (Y. P ). When I was a boy MLee [Mrs.]. African wanderers MLemon. Legends of Number Nip....M

Leslie. Gytha's message MLewis. Conjurer Dick MLiefc'^e. Beggars : founders of the Dutch

Republic MBrave resolve M

Liesching. Through peril to fortune. . MLillie. Colonel's money MHousehold of Glen Holly, 2 copies.. MJo's opportunity MMy mother's enemy MRolf house M

Lockhart-Gordon. To the end MLoftie. In and out of London MLovett. {Ed.). Drake and the Dons,

2 copies MLow. Captain Cook's voyages MJoshua Hawsepipe MLetter of marque MTales of the ocean M

Lowndes. Ethel Fortescue MNew honours M
























Juvetiiles. 335


eseus ".M












1 130






:, 2 copies,

E 1534, M 182

ralasia.M 1227

hine...j^l 1060

2 copies.M 250, 722

M 1 184

)ies. . ..M 1409-10

M 3S8

M 351

\vood..M 1 152

1,2 copies.

M 1371-2

2364, 4242, M 380




the DutchMM

rtune. .M

M;opies . . M


























[Lutwidgel. Alice's adventures in Won-derland M 440

Through the looking-glass M 440

Lysaght. Jasper's conquest, 2 copies. M 1315-6

Our general : a story for girls M 1141

Lyster. Alone in crowds M 11 85

Two old maids M 1193

Macaulay. All true M 616

Grey hawk, 2 copies. . . M 216, 220

Stirring stories of peace and war . . . . M 895

Thrilling tales of enterprise, adven-ture, and heroism M 958

Wonderful stories M 1 157

Macdonald. Gutta Percha Willie M 1165

Princess and Curdie, 3 copies,

L 824, 7-;4i, M 1 164

Princess and the goblin M 1149

Ranald Bannerman's boyhood M 754

McDougall. Sketches of our life at

Sarawak M 943

MacEwen, Rough diamonds M 264

Mcintosh. Donaldson manor M 492

Mackarness. Cloud with a silver lining.



Dream chintz M 260

Minnie's love M 262

Old saws new set M 529

Sunbeam stories L 827

Trap to catch a sunbeam M 261

McKeen. Theodora Cameron, 2 copies.

L 2767, M 214

McKenna. Plucky fellows M 490

Macleod. Half hours in the holy land.M 1140

Macquoid Mere Suzanne M 1177

Major. Up the Nile M 1075

Malan. Ernest Fairfield, 2 copies . . . . M 1328-9

Mant Midshipman M 149

Many lands, half hours in M ^68

Marryat. Children of the new forest,

3 copies L 874, 3562,M 267

Masterman Ready, 2 copies E 945, M 269

Mission ; or, scenes in South Africa,

5 copies E 948, L 3567, M 10, 270, 526

Settlers in Canada, 4 ccpiej.

E 944, L872, 3572, M 273

Marsh. Robin Hood , 2 copies M 311,672

Marshall. Bishop's Cranworth M 1422

Bristol diamonds M 1350

Court and cottage M 392

Dulcibel's day-dreams M 1282

Houses on wheels M 1383

In the city of flowers, 6 copies.L 7312-6, M 1408

Mistress Matchett's mistake M 1163

Martin (A/r5.). Bonnie Leslie, 2 copies.M 399, 465

For a dream's sake M 398

Martin (William). Noble boys M 303

Masson. Celebrated children M 226

Mateaux. In letters of flame M 1065

Mathews (J. A.). Bessie Harrington'sventure, 3 copies !*? 79, 435, 550

Mathews (J. H.). Uncle Rutherford'sattic M 1084

Mathews (M. H.). Dr. Gilbert's

daughters M 558

May {Mrs.). See Craik, G. V.

May (E. J.). Louis' schooldays M 130

Maybew. Peasant boy philosopher. . . M 370

Wonders of science ; or, young Hum-phrey Davy, 2 copies M 610, 644

Meade. A band of three M 1113

Lady of the forest, 2 copies M 1299-1300

World of girls M 980

Melville (Herman). Piazza tales ....M 622

Redburn : his first voyage, 2 copies. .M 538, 597

Mercier. Only a girl's life M 82

Meteyard. Doctor's little daugnter. . .M 695

Miller (O. T.). (Psciui.). Queer pets..



Miller (T. J.). Boys' own country book.M 206

Millington Through fire and throughwater, 2 copies M 1423-4

Miss Margaret's stories M 728

Molesworth. A charge fulfilled M 1182

Boys and I M 704

Four Winds farm M 934

Hoodie M 671

Silverthorns M 1181

Summer stories for boys and girls . . . M 838

" Us :" an old-fashioned story M 785

Montgomery. Fisherman's daughter,

7 copies L 6981-5, M 1357-8

Moore. Fate of the " Black Swan ". ..M 941

"Great Orion" M 1186

Mutiny on the " Albatross " M 947

Tre, Pol, and Pen M 1 194

Under hatches, 2 copies M 1418-9

Will's voyages M 1201

Mudie. Lessons in astronomy M 503

Mulholland. Giannetta, 2 copies M 1416-7

Late Miss Hollingford MMunro. A blundering boy MMunroe. Derrick Sterling, 2 copies. . .MWakulla : a story of adventure in

Florida MSearch for the mountain of




1012 M

Newell. Voyage of the " Fleetwing,"2 copies L 6431, M 1083

Newman. Her will and her way....M 1180

Noble words and noble deeds MNorris (C. M.). Hugh's sacrifice MNorris (E. M.). Alda Graham MEarly start in life M

iTheodora M

i North Pole ; or, Charlie Wilson's adven-

Itures M 324







336 Juveniles.


Nutt. Dorothy M 83" Old Boomerang." In the depths of the

sea M 901

Old ta'es for the young, 2 copies M 289, 317

Oliphant. Cousin Mary, 2 copies M 1386-7

Oliver Oldboy See Blanchard.

Oliver Optic. See Adams, IV. T.

Oswald. Dragon of the north M 11 16

Otis. Left behind ; or ten days a news-boy M 994

Mr. Stubbs's brother : a sequel to TobyTyler M 988

Raising the " Pearl " M 992Tim and Tip M 991

Toby Tyler; or, ten weeks with a cir-

ijjli!|' cus M 987

Owen (J. A.). Candalaria : a heroine ofthe wild west M 1443

Owen [Mrs. O. !'.). Heroines of domesticlife M 310

Heroines of history M 309

Pagfe. Golden lives M 305

Noble workers M 304

Palgrave. A promise kept M 1 128

Under the blue flag M 939

Pansy. See Alden, I. M.

Parkes-Belloc. Peoples of the world.



Pascoe. Everyday life at Eton, Harrow,and R ugby M 420

Paul (H. H. B.). Englefield grange ..M 48

Eva Grant's escape M 1057

Leyton Auberry's daughters, 2 copies.


47, 51

Owners of Broadlands M 900

Straight paths and crooked ways.. ..M 50

Paull (M. A.). I, Benjamin Holbeck..M 824

My mistress the Queen M 924

Stories of the mountain and the forest,

2 copies M 648, 819

Tim's troubles M 685

Payn. Family scapegrace M 542

In peril and privation M 867

Peard. Ashledon schoolroom M 678

'Prentice Hugh M 1122

Scapegrace Dick M 11 26

To horse and away, 2 copies M 1365-6

Pearson. Cabin on the prairie M 576

Pepper. Cyclopaedic science simplified. M 359Playbook of metals M 645Playbook of science M 646

Perelaer. Ran away from the Dutch . . M 209

Perry. The youngest Miss Lorton, andother stories M 1 280

Personal adventure, episodes of M 247

Phelps. Gypsy Breynton M 154Gypsy's cousin Joy M 153

Gypsy's sowing and reaping M 155

Phipps. Playground games for boys . . M 128

Sword of De Bardwell M 832


Pitt. Cost of a mistake MPolar regions in the MPolar seas, recent expeditions to eastern.


Pollard. Aunt Hetty's will MPoor Nelly MPotter. A wild-goose chase MPrentice. J^en Burton, the slate picker.


Prentiss. Aunt Jane's hero, 2 copies.. M 61, 505

Flower of the family M 60

Stepping heavenward, 2 copies . . . .L 1171, M 63

Toward heaven M 62

Proctor. Round the globe, throughGreater Britain M mo

Pyle. Gavroche, the gamin of Pans.. M 609

Q. Dead man's rock M 748

R. (L. N.). See Ranyard, Ellen M 559

Raju. Tales of the sixty Mandarins. ..M 977

Ralston. Krilof and his fables, 2 copies,

H 360, M 412

Rand. Fighting the sea M 1158

Making the best of it, 2 copies ...... M 1437-8

Ranyard (Ellen). ^L. N. R.,/>st'Mrf.). Bookand its story .VI 559

Read. Silver mill M 915

Recent travel and adventure M 985

Reed. Follow my leader M 854

Reid (Mayne). Afloat in the forest,

4 copies L 2682, 2699, 2835, M 661

Boy hunters M 659

Boy slaves, 3 copies L 2694, 2849, M 663

Boy tar M 658

Bruin ; or, the grand bear hunt M 665

Bush boys M 657

Castaways M 649

Child wife, 2 copies L 6890-1

Cliff climbers, 3 copies L 2704, 2832, M 655

Death shot L 5497

Fatal cord, 2 copies L 2691, 2838

Flag of distress L 549O

Free lances, 2 copies L 6888-9

Caspar, the gaucho M 65G

Giraffe hunters, 4 copies.L 2702, 2836, M 556, 660

Guerilla chief, 2 copies L 2696, 2844

Half-blood, 2 copies L 2692, 2841

Headless horseman, 2 copies. . . . .L 2706, 2831

Hunter's feast, 3 copies L 2795, 2847, 41 15

Land of fire M 933

Lost Lenore, 2 copies L 2695, 2842

Maroon, 2 copies L 2697, 2837

No quarter, 2 copies L 6886-7

Ocean waifs, 4 copies ..L 2693, 2845, M 545, 652

Odd people, 2 copies M 150, 301

Plant hunters M 654

Quadroon, 3 copies L 2690, 2833, 4710

Rati away to sea M 653

Rifle rangers L 2843


Juveniles. 337

M 745

M 71G

itern.M 717

M 385

M 454

M 1 170

icker.M 1276

lies. .M 61, 505

M 60

. . .L 1171, M 63

M 62

oughM mo

.ris..M 609

M 748

M 559

ns...M 977


H 360, M 412

M 1158

M 1437-8

I. Book>! 559

M 915

M 985

M 854


399, 2835, M 661

, . . M 659

)94, 2849, M 663

,..M C58

, . .M 665

, . . M 657

. . . M 649

...L 6890-1

'04, 2832, M 655

...L 5497

. L 2691, 2838

. . . L 5496

. . . L 6888-9

. . M 656

1836, M 556, 660

, . L 2696, 2844

..L 2692, 2841

. .L 2706, 2831

2795, 2847, 4115

M 933

. . .L 2695, 2842

. . .L 2697, 2837

L 6886-7

845. M 545, 652

. . . .M 150, 301

....M 654

2690, 2833. 4710

,..M 653

. . . L 2843

Scalp hunters, 2 copies L 2703, 2850

Tiger hunter, 2 copies L 2707, 2848

Vee-Boers, 2 copies M 918-9

War trail, 2 copies L 2700, 2857

White chief L 284.

White gauntlet, 2 copies L 2839, 3026

White squaw, 2 copies L 2701, 2846

Wild huntress, 2 copies L 2852, 3025

Wood rangers, 2 copies L 2698, 2834

Young voyageurs M 662

Young yagers M 664

Richardson (H.). Everyday doings. ..M 642

Richardson (R.). Adventurous boat voy-ages M 840

Ralph's year in Russia, 2 copies M 680, 823

Ridein^. Boyhood of living authors. .M 1091

Roberts. A little step-daughter M 1121

Under a cloud M 1306

Robertson. David Fleming's forgiveness.

M 833

Frederica and her guardians M 415

Rousselet. Drummer boy : a story of

the days of Washington M 1206

King of the tigers M 1208

Son of the constable of France M 1 1 29

Rou '.ledge. [Ed.). Science in sport..



Rowsell. Pedlar and his dog M 850

Ruschenberger. Conchology M 510

Entomology M 509

Mammalogy M 511

Ornithology M 508

Sadler. Good ship " Barbara " M 1199

Slavers and cruisers IVl 1200

St. Johnston. In quest of gold M 856

School days at Saxonhurst M 487

School girls all over the world M 675

Schwatka. Nimrod in the north M 953

Scott. Tales of a grandfather, 6 vols..



Second and third copies G 901, M 666

Sea, episodes of the M 245

Sea, half hours at M i6i

Seaton. From cadet to colonel M 705

Seaward. Narrative of his shipwreck,2 copies E 432, M 425

Sedgwick. Poor rich man, and the rich

poor man M 497

Severne. Chums M 341

Seymour. Competitors M 1310

Shaw. (C). Prison bars, 2 copies . . . . M 1336-7

Shaw (F. L.). Sea change M 804

Shipton. Cairnforth and sons M 1168

Six months' friend M 948

Shirley. Little Miss Weezy M 1291

Little Miss Weezy's brother M 1292

Simpson. Sir David Wilkie M 842

Skertchly. Melinda the Caboceer.. . .M 536

Skinner. That loon o' Baxter's M 464

Small beginnings ; or, the way to get on.M 530

Smith (A.). Miss Oona McQuarrie ..M 595

[Smith (Mrs. C.)]. Uncle Steve's locker.



Smith (D. M.). Chivalry and romance.M 306

Sola. See Anderson, O. S. L.

Somerton. Layton Croft M 170

Torn llible, 2 copies M 77, 169

Spanish Armada, stories of M 1079

Stables. Born to wauder M T099

From squire to squatter M 1388

Harry Melvaine M 1 191

Jack Locke, 2 copies M 1 330-1

Wild adventures round the Pole . . . .M 218

Wild life in the land of the giants,

2 copies M 1391-2

Stanley. Our week afloat M 1295

Stead. Lads of Little Clayton M 1071

Stearns. Wrecked on Labrador M 1 1 19

Stephens. Old Norse fairy tales M 293

Steuart. Self-exiled : a story of the high

seas and East Africa, 2 copies M 1381-2

Stevenson. Kidnapped, 5 copies. . M 926-7, 1032-4

Stewart. Wave and the battle-field...



Stockton, Jolly fellowship, 4 copies.

L 6922-3, M 516, 793

Personally conducted M 1230

Stoddard. Red Beauty M 995

Saltillo boys , M 522

Two arrows M 774

Winter fun M 805

Stories of Wasa and Menz'koff M 1151

Story of the Spanish Armada M 1079

Stowe. Little foxes B 391

Poganuc people, 3 copies L 5009-10, M 518

Uncle Tom's cabin, 4 copies.

L xgSi, M 29, 112, 219

Fifth copy, 2 vols L 1261-2

Strathesk. See Todd.

Stretton. Carola M 827

Cobwebs and cables M 471

In prison and out M 472

Nelly's dark days M 736

Thorny path M 589

Through a needle's eye M 473

Strickland. .\ncient history, stories

from M 812

Modern history, stories from M 813

Stuart Carried off, 2 copies M 1377-8

For . .f a crown M 1127

Last hope M 1 195

Prisoner's daughter M 1 198

Vanda : a story... M 1187

Studies for stories M 458

Sugden. Arabian nigh *sentertainments.M 313

Sullivan. Day of wonders M 623


338 Juveniles.

Swan. Freedom's sword : a tale of thedays of Wallace and Bruce M 974

Hazell & Sons, brewers, 3 copies.L 107, M 1348-9

Ursula Vivian, the sister mother. .. .M 825

Swift. Gulliver's travels, 4 copies.

E 650, L 1270, M 418, 677

Symington The king's command . . . . MTales for all seasons MTales of captivity and exile MTaylor (L.). Marching orders, 2 copies.


Taylor (VV.). Rupert Rochester, thebanker's son M

Temperate regions, in the MTemple. Britta : a story of life in Shet-

land MThayer. Benjamin Franklin, the printer

boy MThompson (E.). Kingswood MThomson (A. F.). Milestones of life . . MThree hundred Bible stories MTimbs. School days of eminent men.MTiny world, half hours in the MTod. (Strathesk, />5f;(rf.). Andrew Gillon:

a tale of 'he Scottish covenanters,2 copies M

Tomes. My college days MToofie. See Lauder.

Towle. Drake, the sea-king of Devon,2 copies M

Magellan ; or, the first voyage roundthe world, 2 copies M 238. 240

Marco Polo, his travels and adven-tures M 237

Pizarro, his adventures and conquests.



Raleigh, exploits and voyages, 2 copies.M 236, 242

Vasco da'Gama, voyages and adventures,2 copies M 233, 239

Townshend. The Hollands M 572

Traill. In the forest, 2 copies M 401, 732







1 109









234, 241

Lost in the backwoods

Tropical regions, in the

Trowbridge. Biding his time.

Chance for himself

His one fault

His own master

Little master







999Peter Budstone, 2 copies M 1088, 1221

• MM.M.M.M.M,M

Phil and his friends. .


Satin-wood box

Start in life : a story

country, 2 copies. . ,


of the



Tmkham brothers' tide-mill MWho won at last ? M

Tucker. (K.l^. O.^.^psetid.). Shepherdof Bethlehem M

War and peace MTuttle. Boy's book .ibout Indians. . . . MTwo fourpenny bits M










Tytler (Sarah). (Pseud.). Girl neigh-bours M 1 1 24

Heroines in obscurity, 2 copies M 118, 449In the fort M 105G

Papers for thoughtful girls M 344

Sweet counsel M 432

Vashti savage, 2 copies M 1340-1

Valentine. Heroism and adventure.. .M 278

On honour's roll M 868

Peril and adventure by land and sea. M 843

Sea fights and land battles M 277

Valour and enterprise M 345

Van Sommer. By uphill paths, 2 copies.


684, 809

Lionel Franklin's victory M 643

Verne. Adventures in Southern Africa.



Adventures 01 a Chinaman in China. .M 1219

Archipelago on fire M 1156

Begum's fortune M 201

Child of the ccvern M 199

Demon of Cr/.v npoor M 198

Dick Sands, 2 vols M 1439-40

Dr. Ox, and other stories L 4294

English at the North Pole, 2 copies,

L 2809, M 100

Exploration of the world, 2 copies. . .F 885, 1014

Field of ice, 2 copies L 2796, M loi

Five weeks in a balloon, 3 copies,

L 2807, M 102, 190

Flight to France, 6 copies M 1214-7, 1400-1

Floating city, and the blockade runners,

3 copies L 2795, M 105, 193

From the earth to the moon, 3 copies,

L 2808, M 107, 186

Fur country, 2 vols., 2 copies,

L 2799-2800, M 108-9

Third copy M 184

Hector Servadac M 188

Journey to the centre of the earth . . . . L 2805

Lottery ticket M 1002

Martin Paz M 104

Michael Strogoff M 187

Mysterious island. Dropped from the

clouds M 195

Mysterious island. Abandoned ....M 196

Mysterious island. Secret of theisland.M 197

On the track L 4282

Round theworld in eighty days, 4 copies,

L 2806, M no, 192, 537

Survivors of the " Chancellor " M 194

Three Russians and three Englishmenin Southern Africa, 2 copies M 106, igi

Tigers and traitors M 200

Tribulations of a Chinaman, 2 copies.M 202, 463

Twenty thousand leagues under the sea,

2 vols., 2 copies L 2797-8, M 1441-2

Third and fourth copies M 103, 185

Varnished diamond M 1155

Voyage round the world, Australia . .L 2803

German Literature. 339

rl neigh-M


ture.. .MM

id sea.M



118, 449




1 340-1






copies.M 684, 809








MAfrica.L;hina. .M

MMMMM 1439-40

L 4294


L 2809, M 100

pies. . .F 885, 1014

. . . .L 2796, M loi

copies,'^ 2807, M 102, 190

. M izi^-y, 1400-1

2 runners,'^ 2795, M 105, 193

3 copies,'^ 2808, M 107, 186


799-2800, M 108-9











from the

Md ....M

; island.







;, 4 copies,

)6, M no, 192, 537" M 194

nglishmenM 106, 191

M 200

copies.M 202, 463

sr the sea,

- 2797-8, M 1441-2

M 103, 185 5M 1155

ralia ..L 2S03

Voyage round the world. New Zealand,2 copies L 2801 , M in

Voyage round the world. South America,L 2802

Wreck of the " Chancellor," 3 copies,

L4137, \I 474, 5f3

Vyvian. Baron's head, 2 copies M 944, 1183

Walford. The pilgrim at home M 1176

Walton. Hawthorns M 1073

Our Frank, and other stories M 1080

P'air of clogs, and other stories M 1143

Warnor (A. B.). Cross corners M 1285

Warner (C. D.). Being a boy, 2 copies.M 139, 604

Wfisa and Menzikoff, stories of M 1151

Watts. Martin Noble M 285

Weaver. Hopes and helps for the young,2 copies M 517, 746

Weber. Old house in the square M 681

Westall. Captain Trafalgar M 1008

Queer race M 952

Wheaton. Six sinners M 491

Whitney. Faith Gartney's girlhood . .M 633

Patience Strong M 290

Wide west, half-hours in M 167

Willard. Winthrop family M 461

Willett. Search for the star M 1203

Wilson. Amos Huntingdon M 811

Frank Oldfield, 2 copies M 377, 707

True to his colours M 810

Winthrop. Wilfred M 554

Wood. Boy's own book of natural his-

tory M 679

Glimpses into Petland M 459

Half-hours with a naturalist M 1003

Romance of animal life M 1106

Sketches of animal life, 2 copies. . .A 623, M 204

Wood and others. Boy's own treasury.



Woods and wilds, half-hours in M 159

Worst boy in town M 603

Wray. Will it lift ? the story of a Londonfog, 2 copies M 1319-20

Wrecked on a reef, 2 copies M 405, 821

Wyatt. Lionel Harcourt, 2 copies.. . .M 1373-4

Wynn. Sisters of Glencoe, 2 copies ..M 227, 426

Wynne. Strong to suffer ; a story of the

Jews M 1036

Wyss (Von). Swiss family Robinson.



Yonge. Golden deeds M 488

Our new mistress, 2 copies M 1369-70

Under the storm M 1120

Young mechanic M 352

GERMAN LITERATURE.Archenholz. Geschichte des siebenjah-

rigen Krieges in Deutschland N 317

Auerbach. Romane, 12 vols, in 6. (Seepage 16) N 18-23

Biedermann. Deutschland im achtzehn-ten Jahrhundert, 4 vols N 353-6

Dreissig Jahre deutscher Geschichte,2 vols N 315-6

Borne. Gesammelte Schriften, 3 vols,.N 32-4

Burckhardt. Cultur der Renaissance in

Italien, 2 vols N 335-6

Burger. Sammtliche Gedichte N 10

Chamisso. Werke, 2 vols N 6-7

Claudius. Werke, 2 vols N 83-4

Cohn. Englische Eisenbahnpolftik . . .N 572

Diintzer. Lessings Leben N 328

Ebers. Aegyptische Konigstochter, 3 vols.

N 483-5

Frau Burgemeisterin N 482

Greg, 2 vols N 477-8

Homo sum N 493

Kaiser, 2 vols N 489-90

Nilbraut, 3 vols N 479-81

Schweltern N 494

Serapis N 492

Uarda, 3 vols N 486-8

Wort N 491

Fontane. Deutsche Krieg von 1866,

2 vols NKrieg gegen Frankreich, 1S70-1. 2 vols.N

Schleswig-Holsteinsche Krieg, von, 1864N

Freiligrath. Dichtungen, 3 vols NNeue Gedichte N

Freytag. Ahnen, 6 vols NBilder aus e'er Deutschen Vergangen-

heit, 5 vols NDramatische Werke 2 vols NSoil and Haben, 2 vols NVerlorene Handschrift, 2 vols N

Geering. Handel und Industrie de StadtBasel N

Geibel. Gesammelte Werke, 4 vols. (See

P"g^' 72) NGerstiicker. Gesammelte Schriften,

21 vols. (See page 72) NGoethe. Sammtliche Werke, 15 vols.

(See page 74) NGotzinger. Hebels Alemannische

Gedichte NGrimm. Fiinfzehn Essays, 2 vols NGroth. Quickborn NGutzkow. Bauberer von Rom, 4 vols,.N

Dramatische Werke, 4 vols NRitter vom Geiste, 2 vols N







1 1 3-4













340 German and French Literature.

Hacklander. Ausgewahlte werke, 20 vols.

in 10. {^ce fxi/re 79) N 428-437

HaufT. Werke, 2 vols N 8-9

Hausser. Deutsche Geschichte, 4 vols.N 339-42

Geschlchte des Zeitalters der Refor-mation, 1517-1648 N 343

Hebel, See Gotz'ngcr.

Heine. Sammtliche Werke, 6 vols.

(See paoe 84) N 61-6

Herder. Ausgew.ihlte werke, 4 vols.,

(See pasre 85) N 367-70

Heyse. Werke, 16 vols. (SVc /ia^g-c 85)..



Immermann. Miinchhausen N 37

Kleist. Werke, 2 vols. (See page ioi)..N 1-2

Klopstock. Poetische Werke, 3 vols..N 3-5

Korner. Gedichte und Dramen, 2 vols.N 38-9

Lenaus. Gedichte, 2 vols N 105-6

Lessing. Werke, 13 vols. (See page loe).!^^ 40-52

Mirza-schaify. Lieder N 71

Miillerand Lichtenstein. German classicsfrom the 4th to the 19th century,2 vols N 384-5

Novellenschatz des Auslandes, 14 vols. .N 155-68

Novellenschatz deutscher, 6 vols N 131-6

Zweite Serie, 6 vols N 137-42

Dritte Serie, 6 vols N 143-8

Vierte Serie, 6 vols N 149-54

Pauli. Drei volkswirthschaftliche Denk-schriften N 571

Platen. Gesammelte Werke, 2 vols. . .N 85-6

Ranke. Deutsche Geschichte, 6 vols. .N 344-9

Retcliffe. Biarritz, 8 vols N 512-9

Magenta und Solferino, 4 vols N 527-30Nena Sahib, 3 vols N 520-2

Puebla, 3 vols N 509-1


Sebastopol, 4 vols N 523-6

Um die Weltherrschaft, 5 vols N 531-5Villafranca, 4 vols N 501-4

Zehn Yahre, 4 vols N 505-8

Renter. Sammtliche Werke, 15 vols.

(See page 146) N 386-393

Richter (A.). Deutsche Heldensagen des

Mittelalters, 2 vois N 332-3

Deutsche Sagen, etc N 334

Richter (Jean P. F). Werke, 7 vols.

(See page 146) N 11-17

Roscher. System der Volkswirthschaft.N 371

Riickert. Poetische Werke, 12 vols.. .N 92-101

Saphir. Schiiften Gesammt Ausgabe,26 vols, in 13 N 394-406

Schaefer. Nationalokonomie N 372

Schiiffle. Gesammelte Aufsiitze N 373-4

Schanz. Deutschen Gesellen-Ver-bande N 376

Scheffel. Gaudeamus ! N 67

Ekkfjhard N 68

Frau Aventiure N 69

Schenkendorf (M. von). Gedichte. .. .N 70

Schiller. Werke, 8 vols. [See page 153I.

N 24-31

Schmoller. Strassburger Tucher- undWeberzunft N 570

Schoppner. Hauschatz der Lander- undVolkerkunde, 2 vols N 365-6

Simrock. Gedichte N 73

Heldenbuch-Gudrun N 329

Heldenbuch-Nibelungenlied N 330

Treitschke Deutsche Geschichte,

3 vols , N 357-9

Historische und Politische Aufsatze,

3 vols N 350-2

Uhland. Gedichte and Dramen N 53

Voss. Poetische Werke, 2 vols N 35-6

Weber. Demokritos, 12 vols, in 6.. ..N 77-82

Wieland. Werke, 7 vols (See page 18^).

N 54-60

Wissen (Das) der Gegenwart, 37 vols.

(See page 186) N 169-204

Zschokke. Novellen, 5 vols N 379-83

FRENCH LITERATURE.About. Giuvres, ro vols. (See page g).0 i-io

Arnauld QSuvres philosophiques O 11

Babeau. Vie rurale dans I'ancienneFrance O 427

Village sous I'ancienne regime O 426

Balzac CEuvres, 55 vols. (See page 18),



Beaumarchais. Barbierde Seville. Editedby DobsoH O 287

Theatre O 74

Boileau CEuvres poetiques, 2 vols.. ..O 75-6

Bonnechose. Histoire da France, 2 vols.O 77-8

Bossuet. Discours sur I'histoire univer-

selle OOraisons funebres OSermons, 4 vols O

Bourassa. Jacques et Marie O

Casgrain (L'AbbJ.). Opuscules OChamplain. Luverdihe (UAbbS) OColomb (Christophe), Histoire de OCorneille. Horace. Edited by Saintsbury.

OCEuvres completes, 7 vols. (Seepage 46)0











French Literature. 341


. ..N 386-303

342 Embossed Books for the Blind.


Brooke. History of English literature.. i

Bryant. Poems 2

Burns. Selections from poems 3

Cross (A/rs.). (George Eliot, pseud.).

Silas Marner 8

Dickens. Old curiosity shop, vols. Mil. 4-6

Christmas carol, with extracts fromPickwick 7

Freeman. History of Europe 6

Goldsmith. Vicar of Wakefield 10

Hughes. Tom Brown's school days at

RuK'by II

L ckyer. Science primer of astronoiu.'. 12

Longfellow. Evangeline, and other poen;s. 13

Lowell. Poems 14

Milton Paradise lost 15

Macaulay. Clive, and lays of ancient

Rome 16

Pope. Essay on man, and other poems.. 17


Readings from English history

Schmitz. Hi-story of RomeHistory of Greece

Scott. Lay of the last minstrel, andother poems

Shakespeare. Hamlet and Julius Ca;sar.


King Lear

Swinton. Outlines of history,

vols. I-HI 25-27

Tennyson. In memoriam, and otherpoems 28

Whittier. Poems 2c,


Longfellow. Selections from poems. ..




Warren Hastings.

Idyls of the king-Elaine, and Guinevere











