Answers - Wolsey Hall login page

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Complete English as a Second Language for Cambridge IGCSE® Writing and Grammar Practice BookMark Scheme1 Science and technologypage 5

1. 2001

2. Underline b and c.

3. Any two of the following:

Cradle of Designers; Information Era; World of Robots; Space Navigation.

4. It offers four special purpose theatres. Or: 10 000 films are shown each year.

5. Your own answer. Example answer:

Yes, it has been successful as it is still open after 15 years and there is so much going on.

6. Your own answer.

page 6

1. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. and b. so

c. but d. as

2. That morning, Peter decided to go to work by bus rather than take his usual train because it was early so he wanted to go to the shop and buy his mother some flowers for her birthday and maybe see the owner again. He knew she was a musician as she always put her guitar in the corner of the shop during the day before going to concerts in the evenings. He loved playing the guitar too and planned to talk about his favourite guitar music if she was there that day.

3. Peter decided he wanted to go to a museum so he called his friend Zak who also enjoyed science. They then decided to go to the science centre, which had only opened the previous weekend. As well as Peter and Zak, there were several of their friends there and they all had a good look round together. Soon after they had finished, they went for some lunch before going home.


2 Answers

pages 6–7

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. David enjoys going to museums so much so that he goes with people he doesn’t even know.

b. Duncan and Mohammed go to the City Science Museum on Saturdays and they always have lunch together before they go in.

c. Jan loves technology so she goes to the new Technology Centre after her session at the gym nearby.

d. Sara has technology lessons at her school and as a result has invented some new things.

page 7

5. Your own answers. Example answers:

b. James is studying space at school. Since a play about space is being performed in his local theatre, James decides to go and see the space play at the theatre.

c. Ika goes to see Max at the weekends but Max lives far away from Ika so Ika uses a modern computer to talk to Max during the week.

d. Hee Mok and Stephen want to learn how to drive a car because they like watching cars on television and they have been having lessons for three months.

e. Mandy and Karen go to a shop each week to buy items they can use in science experiments. Mandy likes mixing things while Karen takes the role of observing and writing down what happens.

page 8

1. a. more robust

b. more efficient

c. more magnificent

2. Your own answer. Underline all of the comparatives you have used. If you can, ask your teacher to check your writing.

page 9

3. a. the smallest

b. the best

c. the most famous

4. a. – ii b. – iii

c. – i d. – iv

5. Your own answer. Underline all of the superlatives you have used. If you can, ask your teacher to check your writing.

page 10

1. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. travel, commute, go

b. likes, wants, needs (Note that here you need to add -s to the verb.)

c. has (Note that this is the only possible answer.)

d. attend, have, take, love, hate

e. is (Note that this is the only possible answer.)




2. a. check b. makes

c. go d. see

e. have

page 11

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Once a month, we (verb) explore a new (noun) theory in our science lessons.

b. Annually, there is a (noun) science fair and I (verb) present it.

c. My local (noun) town has a technology park that seems (verb) to expand all the time.

d. On a Wednesday, I (verb) meet with my friends and we (verb) build our (noun) space rocket.

4. In 2020 we now have a hover-board that allows us to move over the pavements instead of walking on them. The hover-board is made of carbon fibre and uses air to propel it upwards. It also contains electromagnets to force it away from the gravitational pull of the earth. While the prototype board hovers over land the second planned board functions over water.

allows is made uses it also contains hovers functions

page 12

1. a. Now is the time to buy the number one microscope on the market. It’s Clear Vision.

b. Have to know all about the latest gadgets? Then you need to buy Inventing Today!

c. You won’t want to miss reading this month’s edition of The Night Sky – it tells you exactly where to see Jupiter, and at its brightest on June 23rd.

d. Need to pass a maths exam soon? Go and buy The Easy Way to Maths before you go home tonight to ensure success.

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. It was on offer/on sale/reduced in price

b. It is the latest/most up-to-date version

c. It’s meant to be the best in its category

d. It had good customer reviews

page 13

3. a. – 5 b. – 1

c. – 2 d. – 4

e. – 3

(Note: Sentence b is the most effective because it uses the superlative the best and the word definitely adds emphasis.)

4. a. Your own answers. Underline the persuasive language you have used. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

b. Underline the adjectives you used in 4. a. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

c. Your own answers. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.


4 Answers

page 14

1. a. Your own answer. Make sure it is something that can realistically appear in a museum.

b. Tick all except Stephen Hawking, Jupiter and gravity.

2. Your own answer.

page 15

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

●● what the highlight of the day was

●● whether anything about the visit should be changed if it is done again

●● whether you would recommend the visit; why and why not.

(Note: Whichever you tick remember that for each of them you are going to write one paragraph only.)

4. Tick c as it is the closest to the style of writing needed. The first is too informal and the second is too formal, partly because it uses scientific terms. When you are writing think about your audience carefully as this will indicate the register of writing needed.

5. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 16

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote that summarises your learning about science or technology.

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. I enjoy my computer lessons although my favourite subject is science.

b. I have been to my local science museum recently and consequently I read about science much more in my free time.

3. Tick c.

4. a. – iii

b. – i

c. – ii

5. Your own answers. Example answers:

I scoot to school every day with Jake. He enjoys going to physics classes and talks a lot about inventing. Hannah yearns for a brand new phone and wants to play games on it.

page 17

6. Tick b as it is the most positive sentence of the three and includes a personal opinion.

7. Your own answers. Example answers:

just wonderful 3 first class 2 not ideal but 6 definitely the best 1

quite average 5 I’ve seen better 7 isn’t it lovely? 4 I’ve seen worse 8

8. Your own answers. Example answers:

A map of the museum – as many museums are big and arranged over several floors, perhaps the best thing to take into a museum would be a map of the museum site, so you don’t get lost, or worse, locked in overnight!



9. Your own answers. Example answers:

Science: complex, ground-breaking

Technology: modern, innovative

Information: clear, useful

Nuclear: dangerous, powerful

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next.

c. Your own answer. Example answer:

Question: When would it be a good idea to use comparatives?

Answer: It would be a good idea:

●● when describing a scene, e.g. a desert scene, just as it is

●● when describing how the desert scene is different from a snow scene.

●● when stating how the desert scene is better than another geographical landmark.

2 Food and fitnesspage 19

1. Underline b.

2. Underline a.

3. The contestant who is the worst baker is eliminated.

4. Your own answer. Example answer:

It is more exciting because it adds pressure for the contestants and this may cause them to make mistakes.

5. Any two of the following:

Great British; experienced bakers; the worst performers; detailed recipes; the most relaxed cooks.

6. Your own answer. Example answer:

If I were on this show, I would bake a chocolate sponge. It is quite easy to bake and I made one last week for my brother’s birthday.

page 20

1. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Screen-printed shirt

b. Freshly picked flowers

c. Desktop computer

d. Finely knitted sweater

2. Tear-resistant jacket

fully contoured trainers

high-energy snack

16GB watch


6 Answers

page 21

3. Your own answer. Example answer:

When I have my birthday, I always update my fitness wardrobe. This year, I have bought some multi-coloured trainers and a windproof jacket, as well as a solar-powered watch. I take a fat-free snack to my fitness class, which I eat afterwards.

4. Today we are reviewing the latest in running shoes. These ones use the latest cutting edge technology and lightweight materials. We like the in-built mini-computer that tracks your every movement as well as the self-tie laces which come in some cool colours. The off the scale price is not great though, so I think we will be buying a cheaper pair than this one.

page 22

1. Tick: fluffy, creamy, moist.

(All three suggest succulent cake whereas underdone means it has not been cooked, and crispy suggests it is burnt.)

2. Your own answers. Example answers:


savoury homemade

tasty sugar-free

warm seedless

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. For the competition, I made my Grandma’s special apple/cherry/cinnamon and pear/apricot and pecan pie.

Other possible adjectives include: well-baked/homemade/award-winning/old-fashioned.

b. It has a secret mix of spices to add flavour to the filling and uses delicious apples from her garden.

Other possible adjectives include: freshly-grated cinnamon/home-grown apricots/crunchy pecans/juicy red Kent cherries.

c. The crust has to be golden brown, so I brushed it with egg yolk before cooking it.

Other possible adjectives include: baked in a traditional earthenware dish/topped with a crunchy almond crumble/cooked in individual ramekins to be served later with some thick cream or custard.

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Sue’s apples were fresh from her garden, but she didn’t know a worm had eaten some of it and was still inside!

b. The apples Sue used were ripe but unfortunately she didn’t use enough for a deep filling in her pie.

c. Sue’s pie was not cooked properly and so it was soggy.

d. My friend did not win because the judge got a big mouthful of apple and worm pie that day!

page 23

5. Your own answers. Example answers:

I keep fit by…

a. exercising regularly

b. eating healthy food

c. getting a good night’s sleep



I think it’s important to stay fit because it:

d. helps you get strong

e. gives you energy

f. helps you fight illness.

6. energetic healthy motivating muscular beneficial enjoyable












7. a. energetic

b. healthy (beneficial would also work, but does not flow smoothly because of follow)

c. motivating (enjoyable and beneficial also work)

d. muscular (energetic also works)

e. enjoyable (energetic also works)

f. beneficial (healthy and motivating also work)

page 24

1. Your own answers. Example answers:

I went to the stadium and saw the match. We booked the tickets online before the game. Afterwards, we took some photos of the players. I uploaded the photos onto my social media page. Hundreds of people have now liked my photos.

pages 24–25

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. I baked (regular) a cake and entered (regular) it into a competition last week.

b. I finally watched (regular) the television sports programme my friend recommended (regular) to me a few weeks ago.

c. Yesterday I tried (regular) the fitness gadget you bought (irregular).

d. Juan took (irregular) his brother to a football match last Sunday for his birthday.

e. Last month Stephanie attempted (regular) to walk 5 kilometres a day to get fitter, but she failed (regular).

page 25

3. Josh went to school and saw his friends. They swam in the school swimming pool before they ate some lunch together. After school, they made a kite together which they then flew in the park opposite the school.


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page 26

1. Hi Gareth,

Tonight, that is after this afternoon is over, I will pick you up at 8 p.m., that’s eight o clock. Can you make sure please that you bring the coat I left at your apartment last week? I’ll wait outside in the car so that we can be on time. If I come in, we’ll be late! So I need that coat. I will be in the car. Then we can drive to the restaurant. I will park the car when we get there. We can both get out of the car. We can leave the car in the car park. We can walk then to the door of the restaurant. We can open that door. We can sit down. We can then eat. I’m really looking forward to seeing you again.

2. Your own answer. Example answer:

I went to the stadium and saw a football match there with my friends and we had a good time, chatting and laughing. The match was good, so we might go and see another one next week.

page 27

3. I will take Bob and Fred with me next time. Bob and Fred are my friends. Bob and Fred love football. Bob and Fred like the same football team as me. After the match, I will take Bob and Fred to the new café at the stadium and in the café I will buy them a cup of coffee and a slice of cake.

4. Your own answer. Example answer:

I will take my friends Bob and Fred with me next time because we all love the same football team. After the match, we will all go to the new café at the stadium where I will buy them a cup of coffee and a slice of cake.

5. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 28

1. Your own answer.

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

b. Bicycles, for the spin classes

c. Tennis courts inside and outside

d. Lockers and showers in the changing rooms

e. Treadmills, to run on

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

It is useful to go with a friend because then I can practise with someone I like.

When we travel together it means we can talk about school and our plans for the weekend.

The best thing about playing sport with a friend is that it is more fun and makes you both go each week and get fit.

4. Your own answers.

page 29

5. The best thing about going together is that we will pay less than going on our own. The first person pays full price and the second person pays half the full price. I think that is really great and I think we need to go together, so we will pay less.

6. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.



page 30

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote that summarises what you have learned about food and fitness.

2. a. Long-grain rice

b. Freshly peeled orange/lemon/carrot/potato/apple

c. Thinly cut cucumber/tomatoes/salmon/bread/onion

d. Newly ground coffee (nuts can also be ground)

e. Ready-made sauce/meal/sandwich/dessert/drink

3. a. – iii b. – i c. – ii d. – v e. – iv

4. Tick b as it suggests some softness in the cake.

5. Your own answers. Example answers:

Last week, I (went/ran/walked/travelled/drove/went on the bus/cycled) to the gym where I (saw/attended/joined/watched/heard about) a new fitness class. It (was/felt/seemed) really fun and so I (paid/advanced) the money for next week’s class before I (travelled/went/drove/cycled) home.

page 31

6. I have a younger brother. My younger brother’s name is Daniel. Daniel likes to go swimming every week. Daniel has a certificate for his swimming. Daniel has put his swimming certificate on the wall of his bedroom. Daniel likes to look at the swimming certificate in his bedroom before he goes to sleep each night.

Example of the rewritten passage:

I have a younger brother, Daniel, who likes to go swimming every week. Daniel has put his swimming certificate on the wall of his bedroom and he likes to look at it before he goes to sleep.

7. a. – 3 b. – 1 c. – 2 d. – 4

8. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. locker money/membership card

b. towel/shower gel/hair band

9. I love going to the gym. When I go to the gym I often try out new equipment. The new equipment I tried out last time I went was a new sauna. It was very relaxing.

Example of the rewritten passage:

I love going to the gym and often try out new equipment. Last time I went I tried the new sauna, which was very relaxing.

(Note: We are combining short sentences using the linking words and, which.)

10. There are no correct answers to the two parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next.

b. Your question could be about using a particular collocation and what it might fit with, or it might be a more general question about when to use collocations. Either would be fine.

3 Communitiespage 33

1. Minus 30 degrees Celsius.

2. Tick b and d.


10 Answers


3. Your own answers. Example answers: icy landscapes; snowdrifts; the Arctic Ocean; polar storms; polar bears; fish; hunters; other sleds pulled by dogs; mountains; icebergs; seals; Arctic foxes.

4. The ice has become thinner, so it is more dangerous to run dog sleds over it and more difficult to traverse the landscape and hunt.

5. Example answers: mistrust among different ethnic groups, language difficulties, difficulty in communicating over large distances, different groups having opposed opinions.

6. Your own answer.

page 34

1. Your own answers. Example answers:

People: team; class; colony; tribe; jury; gang; city

Animals: set (of badgers); team (of working dogs); colony (of penguins); litter (of puppies); tribe (of monkeys)

Places: city; colony; chain (of shops); constellation (of stars)

Things: set (of maths equipment, in tennis games); fleet (of ships); chain (of command); litter (rubbish).

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

Team fits into people (e.g. football, cricket, management) and animals (e.g. huskies pulling a sled)

Class fits into people (e.g. in school, society), animals (e.g. biological classification) and things (e.g. types of car, railway engine, ship)

Colony fits into people and animals (e.g. group creating a settlement, ants)

Chain fits into places (e.g. shops) and things (e.g. command)

Set fits into animals (e.g. badger set) and things (e.g. maths equipment, tennis games)

page 35

3. a. crew b. team c. pod d. party

4. The class of children watched with excitement as the fleet of fishing trawlers slowly exited the harbour in search of the shoal of fish that would be their catch. They talked with loud voices about what the fishermen might encounter on their voyage. Would there be a herd of reindeer, a flock of Canada geese, a colony of gulls or maybe even a pod of killer whales? They crowded around their teacher like a swarm of bees in eager anticipation of her thoughts in response to their questions.

5. a. A herd of reindeer runs when it is threatened.

b. A flock of geese flies to its feeding grounds.

c. The Inuit tribe hunts in the Arctic as it is its tradition to do so.

d. Uummannaq’s council votes to decide its policies at its meetings.

page 36

1. Subject: Inuit elders

Active verb: teach

Object: their young

2. a. share b. cooperate c. sail



3. a. Hunters provide food.

b. Tourists appreciate Arctic wildlife.

c. 13 million people live in the Arctic Circle.

d. Whales roam the Arctic waters.

e. Fishing trawlers navigate dangerous seas.

page 37

4. a. Satellites are used by Arctic communities to predict the weather.

b. The fish are prepared by Inuit women.

c. Diverse cultures are enjoyed by Arctic communities.

d. Many ex-fishermen are employed by the tourist industry.

e. Hundreds of miles are travelled by Uummannaq trawlers to catch fish.

page 38

1. b. older

c. stronger

d. brighter

2. a. more powerful b. more resilient

c. more frightening d. more constant

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

b. Wolves are more aggressive than domestic animals. Or: Wolves are wilder than domestic animals.

c. Blizzards are more hazardous than rain showers. Or: Blizzards are heavier than rain showers.

page 39

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Mount Fuji is high, but Mount Everest is the highest peak.

b. The Parana River is long, but the Amazon is the longest river in South America.

c. The ice in the harbour was weak, but the ice near the open ocean was the weakest in the Arctic Circle.

d. Winter nights in the Arctic are very dark, but the night of the winter equinox is the darkest.

5. Example answers: wildest, tightest, shortest, closest, nearest, furthest, fastest, slowest, wettest, driest, youngest, oldest, newest, saddest, happiest.

6. It snows most densely near the North Pole when the winds are at their most ferocious and visibility is at its most limited. Any journey is at its most hazardous in these the most treacherous conditions man can encounter. The most knowledgeable inhabitants shut their doors and stay inside.

7. Comparative Superlative

bad weather worse weather worst weather

good conditions better conditions best conditions


12 Answers

page 40

1. Your own answers. Example answers:

Do: Do not:

consider the purpose of the summary – what is it doing?

consider the target audience

use an appropriate register

keep to any given word limit

make every word count

paraphrase key ideas

sequence points logically in the same order as the original text

use accurate spelling and sentence construction

write in carefully constructed paragraphs

use connecting words/phrases to create a natural flow

exceed any given word limit

copy from the text

change the original meaning

try to cover everything in the text

use unnecessary details or statistics

repeat ideas and points

use quotations from the text

use lists of points that do not flow naturally

write an introduction that wastes words and has little purpose

2. Tick c as it states the facts in formal register without opinion. Sentence a contains an opinion and is informal, while b contains two opinions.

page 41

3. 1st. = a 2nd. = d 3rd. = f 4th. = g 5th. = b 6th. = e 7th. = c.

4. a. yet (however also works)

b. while

c. as opposed to

d. because/resulting in

e. however (yet also works)

page 42

1. Tick b, d, e.

2. Tick all five statements. (Note: A summary is a list of points that doesn’t flow naturally so you will need to reword the text and add more connectives.)

page 43

3. Tick b as it succinctly introduces the idea of a problem and then explains it successfully using which are as a connecting phrase. This phrase is grammatically correct and also maintains the natural flow of the sentence.

4. Underline c as it is the most effective. A further issue adds variety whereas another problem doesn’t. While is an effective connective that acts as a comparative between those who go and those who stay. The use of those as an alternative to the repeated use of people also adds variety as the identity of the collective noun has already been established in the sentence. Both sentences a and b are grammatically correct.

5. The following points are relevant:

The problems now facing Arctic communities are more challenging than previously.

Thin ice caused by warmer temperatures has affected the hunters’ ability to hunt.



The hunters can’t find enough food to feed their families during the winter.

Example answer (original 118 words now reduced to 39 words):

The problems now facing communities in the Arctic are more challenging than previously. Thin ice caused by warmer temperatures has affected the hunters’ ability to hunt, resulting in them not being able to feed their families during the winter.

page 44

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote that summarises why you think a sense of community is important.

2. a. – iv b. – v c. – ii d. – i e. – iii

3. a. A: The subject comes before the verb and is doing the action while the object comes after the verb and is receiving the action.

b. P: The crew is now the subject, but it is the captain who is doing the action. The crew are passively receiving the action.

4. Tick b. (Note that adjectives ending in y normally substitute the y for the letter i and then add the suffix.)

5. a. oldest b. tallest

page 45

6. Tick b.

7. Circle: however, yet, as opposed to, in comparison, because

(Note: and is also a connective, but as your writing becomes more mature you may wish to use a wider range of appropriate connectives.)

8. Knowing the audience will allow you to use an appropriate tone and register. Remember that a summary is a formal piece of writing normally written in the third person narrative.

9. Your own answer. Example answer:

Arctic towns are small, quiet communities where fishing is very important.

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next.

4 Animals and uspage 47

1. Search and rescue

2. Tick a and c.

3. Your own answers. Example answers should relate to:

●● a dog’s excellent sense of smell

●● a dog’s ability to find survivors

●● the speed at which the dog works

●● a dog’s dependability.

4. Your own answer. Example answer:

It is imperative to work quickly among the debris because there is only a certain amount of time a human can survive in those kinds of conditions.


14 Answers

5. More research needs to be done because scientists still do not fully understand the process by which the dogs can smell survivors among all the debris and other smells.

6. Your own answer. Your advice may involve safety tips, such as being aware of falling debris, and reminders about working as quickly as possible.

page 48

1. a. a laser beam b. an arrow c. a baby d. a gymnast

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

b. The tumbling of the buildings was like a waterfall crashing into the river below.

c. The silence after the event was like space – inhuman, vast and empty.

d. Like a fearless hunter stalking its prey through the dense forest, the rescue dog moved among the debris in the search for survivors.

e. The dust that rose from the debris every time a rescuer began digging was like a Saharan sandstorm rampaging across the desert.

page 49

3a. a. – i

b. – iv

c. – v

d. – iii

e. – vi

f. – ii

3 b. Your own answers. Example answers:

b. The rescuers worked tirelessly, an army of badgers digging as if their lives depended on it.

c. Relentlessly the strongest of the rescuers continued to remove large pieces of debris; a bear of a man pawing at the rubble.

d. All was silent as they listened for any sign of life, a nest of human bats straining to hear the inaudible.

e. A mongoose twisting and turning at impossible angles was how one rescuer was described when searching beneath the collapsed building.

f. Slowly but surely they hauled the survivor from the collapsed building; oxen at work stubbornly refusing to admit defeat.

page 50

1. Tick a, c and d. Sentences b and e are in the present tense.

(Note: Not all sentences including shall or will are written in the future tense.)

2. a. I will enjoy going to the animal park tomorrow.

b. Whenever it snows we will watch the penguins skating on the ice.

c. I will laugh when I see the baby giraffe trying to walk when we visit the zoo.

page 51

3. Note: Only a and d are grammatically correct and without adding will both are written in the present tense. The other two sentences are only correct when you add will after the subject.

a. You will love the movie about bears in Canada.

b. He will travel to see the big cats in the wild at last.

c. She will appreciate the chance to take some photographs on the safari.

d. They will understand how important it is to protect endangered species.



4. a. search b. stop c. bark; stand

5. Today/Tomorrow/Next week I will watch a really fascinating programme about how search and rescue dogs are trained. I shall never take them for granted and I will remember how unselfish they are. When they go to disaster areas I shall worry whether they will survive the terrible conditions.

page 52

1. Your own answer. Example answer:

Max is a 5-year-old male Alsatian who usually works with his handler on rescue missions in mountainous regions. When off duty Max eagerly waits for the chance to show off his skills. He normally trains for up to four hours a day, but sometimes for longer so he is always ready for action. He is completely loyal to his handler. When in action Max has been trained to climb gracefully over rocky terrain, but when the conditions are really bad even he occasionally encounters difficulties in successfully tracking lost mountaineers.

2. Your own answers. To check whether your choice of adverbs is correct, answer this question for each of your examples: Does the adverb I have chosen modify my choice of verb? If your answer is yes then your response is fine.

Example answer:

I frequently walk along the river bank. (Here frequently is the adverb modifying the verb walk.)

page 53

3. Time – when it happens Place – where it happens Manner – how it happens

in a while

after some time

for a moment

across the road

along the walkway

into empty space

in an angry tone

without slowing down

in silence

4. Note: As long as the phrase modifies the verb by giving more information about it then your sentence is correct.

Your own answers. Example answers:

After some time the tiger appeared out of the forest.

The mongoose hesitated for a moment before striking at the snake.

The deer raced across the road.

The snake slithered along the walkway.

The eagle disappeared into empty space.

The elephant trumpeted in an angry tone.

Without slowing down the lion grabbed the wildebeest.

The wolves stood in silence around their prey.

5. Your own answer.

page 54

1. Tick c, d and e as the way each question is worded makes it difficult to disagree with the opinion expressed.

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Animals are happy in zoos because they breed often, they live longer and they are fed regularly.

b. Animals don’t belong in zoos because they are wild and should be free and are independent in nature.


16 Answers

page 55

3. a. Who says zoos are bad? (The writer wants you to say that zoos are good.)

b. The rule of three appears as: the enormous size, raw power and overwhelming presence/the musky smell of the habitat, the trumpeting sound of its call or the sheer grace of its movement

c. Each word has an emotional effect on the reader to show how the writer’s experience of being near live elephants was so special and awesome.

d. Example words and phrases: raw, overwhelming, sensory experience, musky smell, trumpeting sound, sheer grace, truly, personal.

4. a. The rule of three appears as: confined, limited and depressingly small; by locking them in paddocks, forcing them to breed at our will and constantly watching their every move

b. Will any sane elephant choose to live in an area where it cannot roam free?

c. Your own answer. Example answer:

The concluding sentence – They deserve to be free. – is a definite statement that is not open to argument, which makes it effective. In this way it is rhetorical as the writer believes there is no other viewpoint that should be considered.

page 56

1. Put an F (For zoos) next to the following:

Zoos work together to breed endangered species.

A Species Survival Plan in zoos is preserving the black lemur from extinction.

Worldwide over 700 million people visit zoos each year.

Only 45 Amur leopards survive in the wild, but there are 220 in zoos.

Put an A (Against zoos) next to the following:

In UK zoos, 75 per cent of elephants are overweight.

Tigers in zoos have 1/18 000th of the room to roam that they have to in the wild.

African elephants live three times longer in the wild.

Some zoos train animals to perform tricks to attract visitors.

2. Circle b as it is the most effective introduction. (It uses statistic to back up the point and addresses both sides of the argument.)

Finish with your own answer.

page 57

3. a. The conclusion is poor for these reasons:

●● The text is asking you to reach a conclusion based on your own evidence.

●● It is indecisive and weak.

●● It doesn’t relate closely enough to the task.

b. Your own answer. Example answers:

Zoos remain very popular with visitors but the cost to the animals is too great for society in the 21st century to accept, so zoos are no longer necessary.

Or: Despite the concerns of some, without zoos many species would now be extinct so zoos are still necessary in the 21st century.



4. Your own answers.

5. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 58

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote that summarises what you have learned about animals.

2. a. like

b. Your own answer. Example answer:

Bravely the mother stood her ground, a lioness defending her cubs.

3. They can be in any order. Suggested groupings:

a. headteacher wise (like an) owl

b. ballet dancer (as) graceful (as a) swan

4. Example answer:

Next week I shall walk to school on two days. Each day I shall see the same snake fast asleep in the middle of the path. It is a viper so I will cross the road and quickly run to avoid disturbing it. By the time I shall reach school I will be very frightened and shall keep looking over my shoulder to make sure the snake is not following.

5. a. After a while; gracefully

b. Purposefully; soundlessly; intensely

6. b – 1, c – 2, a – 3

(Note: Option b is the most balanced because it explains the sleeping habits of both animals, gives a reason why and doesn’t judge.)

page 59

7. Tick b. (Note: In option a, I want to be a zoo keeper is a statement of intent not a third example.)

8. a. The positive word and phrase are cooperate and thought to be in danger. (You may also have many and worldwide to show how big the effort is.)

b. The negative word and phrase are conspire (suggesting they work together for bad reasons) and only those species (suggesting selfish reasons for choosing which species survive).

9. Your own answer. Example answer:

Everything about zoos amazes and excites me. They’re safe places where innocent animals can live in safety for their whole lives. I love walking around these places, watching animals happily play and move around their safe enclosures that are easily big enough for them. If some species become extinct in the wild at least zoos have saved them from being lost forever!

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next.

5 Working lifepage 61

1. Studying at school or college for all the working week.

2. Underline a, b and d.

3. Any sensible responses suggesting it is a big decision are acceptable.


18 Answers

4. It is very necessary because knowing all the facts will make the decision easier.

5. The Internet makes research easier so students can: find out about the career; talk to others who may already have chosen it; be fully prepared for the choice.

6. Your own answer. You should involve sensible suggestions and positive advice based on your chosen friend’s strengths, interests and skills.

page 62

1. a. butter b. kettle c. kitchen d. wine

2. b. miles c. city

d. walls e. street

f. town hall

page 63

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. hit: The train driver slowed his train as he didn’t want to hit the barrier.

b. leg: The footballer stretched out his leg to tackle the opponent.

c. sky: The weather girl stared at the sky to see if her prediction was correct.

d. they: They all gathered to hear who had been given the new job.

4. b. Australian English

c. Arabic

d. Hindi

e. Japanese

f. Spanish

g. Italian

h. American Indian languages

5. Earlier this year I went on holiday to Paris. My journey took three hours. On my first morning I had breakfast in a café then I took a tour of the city. In the afternoon I explored the West Bank on my own. In the evening I went to a theatre to watch a dance show. It was about a hero fighting a terrible fire-breathing dragon. As a science teacher I do not really believe in such animals but I was happy to pay for a ticket to watch the dancers perform such a good show. They were all excellent.

page 64

1. a. processor b. database c. software d. malware e. spam

2. DVD – Digital Versatile Disc

RAM – Random Access Memory

CPU – Central Processing Unit

HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface

USB – Universal Serial Bus

page 65

3. Example answers:

b. A mouse only used to be a little furry mammal, but now it is also a device used to move the cursor around a computer screen.

c. The verb to burn only used to mean to damage something by fire or heat, but now it also means to create a CD or DVD using computer software.



d. The verb to crash only used to mean to have a violent accident or to fail suddenly, but now in computing it also means a program has failed or the computer has stopped working.

e. The word bug had several meanings already: an insect; a secret microphone; a virus or a passion for something, but in computing terms it now also means there is an error in a program that is causing problems.

page 66

1. a. his

b. her

c. Your/My

d. its

e. my

f. my/her/my/his

Or: your/her/your/his

2. a. our

b. their

c. Our/our/our

Or: my/my/my

Or: Your/your/your

d. Our/their/their

page 67

3. b. his

c. yours

d. hers

e. Ours/Theirs/ours

4. Example answer:

I work in a hotel. Its rooms are the best in the city. There are many places to stay, but all who work here agree none are better than ours. My wife and I both have jobs in the hotel. Hers is in reception and mine is in the restaurant. The people we meet lead such very busy lives compared to ours. Theirs are full of travelling and meetings, but ours are happy. We work long hours because we love being at the hotel. Its atmosphere is really friendly.

pages 68–9

1. The key ideas are:

A good range of skills

Professional qualities

Flexible approach to work

(Note: The other choices in the list are all part of the job, but they are the details and not the key ideas.)

page 69

2. Example points to include:

Qualifications – list grades and levels – English, Maths

Member of debating team

Worked on school newspaper as reporter


20 Answers

Gave presentations in school – give a specific example

Addressed school assemblies – give a specific example

Use of computers – give a specific example

3. Your own answer. Use the following questions to check your success:

●● Have you used all these points?

●● Have you written in full sentences with correct grammar and punctuation?

●● Have you used specific details as examples?

●● Have you shown how your communication skills are good?

●● How many words did you use?

4. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 70

1. I think introduction a is the most suitable because it is written in a formal style, includes no contractions and concisely lays out the important information about the application.

(Note: Introduction b is too informal because it begins with an informal greeting, includes contractions and a phrasal verb and is not specific. Although introduction c starts in a more formal manner than b, it still includes too many contractions and both great person and brilliant are too informal for an application.)

2. a. My qualifications and achievements at school/college

b. My personal skills and why I am good with people

page 71

3. Your own answer. If you have written a good plan with strong topic sentences then writing the application will be straightforward. Did you use the suggested introduction as your opening paragraph? Can you write 50 words about each of your three topic sentences? How will you end the application?

4. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 72

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote that sums up how you feel about choosing a career.

2. These are borrowed words. These are any words that have entered the English language from another language and are now in common use.

3. I use the Internet every day to look at interesting webpages, read blogs and receive emails though I really hate all the spam and am scared of hackers.

4. My brother and I have always wanted to work with cars. His dream is to own a Ferrari. Its appearance and power fascinate him. Our sister thinks we are mad. Together with her friend she dreams of being a movie star. All their spare time is spent watching old movies, so they know how to act and walk. Now who’s crazy?

5. a. Her dream job is okay, but ours is great. Hers will never happen.

b. Some mechanics I know claim theirs is the best job ever, but I believe mine is better.

c. I must admit Sam is lucky to work as a reporter for The Times. Its stories are always the most accurate but mine are mostly made up.

d. I don’t want to do what my brother does so can I choose the same career as you? Yours looks so interesting but his is boring.

6. Tick both b and d because notes should be brief and based on the main ideas.



page 73

7. Your own answers.

8. Underline I possess excellent written and verbal communication skills. (Note: The topic sentence is always the first in a paragraph and introduces what the rest of the paragraph will be about.)

9. Your own answer. Example answer:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply to be a nurse. I have always wanted to be a nurse as it would be my dream job. I am confident, I am capable and would put all my effort into succeeding. I am excellent when dealing with people which I see as an important skill for a nurse. I am available for interview at your convenience.

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next.

6 Travel and transportpage 75

1. Thesiger inspired Alistair (and Leon). They have both read his book and have been inspired by him.

2. Alistair wanted to make a film/Leon had film-making experience; Alistair wanted Leon to make a film of the journey. (Any of these options is fine.)

3. The wheels were the wrong size/Alistair and Leon ordered parts that were the wrong size. (Either of these two answers is fine.)

4. It was hot/It was a long way; they had to pull their luggage for over a thousand miles. (Either of these answers is fine.)

5. Example answer:

People like to do challenges like this because it can make them feel stronger mentally and give them a good sense of achievement at the end of it.

6. Your own answer. (Note: Don’t just give a reason; you need to also explain the reason in order to help inform the reader fully.) Example answer:

I would have liked to join Alistair on his journey because it would be a huge achievement to finish it and I would like to see all that is in a desert, during the day and at night.

page 76

1. a. was riding (Note: When the verb ends in e, we take it off before adding –ing.)

b. was writing

c. was sitting (Note: When the verb ends in a vowel (aeiou) and then a consonant you need to double the last letter before adding the –ing.)

d. were packing

e. were flying

2. (Note: Whatever verb you use you do need to check that you have used the singular and plural correctly and that you have omitted e or doubled a letter where needed.)

a. was washing

b. was cooking

c. were running

d. were planning

e. was trying


22 Answers

page 77

3. Last week we were walking through the forest. We were trying to go very quietly because we didn’t want to frighten any of the animals. Everything was going well when suddenly…

4. a. Amy was playing tennis with her friends when her telephone rang.

b. The pedestrian light had turned green when Mo crossed the road.

c. Ivy was watering her garden when it started to rain.

d. Costas had studied every evening to prepare for the exam at the weekend.

e. Esther had baked a new cake because her children were eating the first one she made.

5. Your own answer. Example answer:

… a deer was standing in front of us. It was looking at us and we did not move. Then it turned and we were watching as it ran across the fields away from us.

6. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. We were going on a camping trip for the first time.

b. We were also going geocaching while we were away. (Geocaching is an outdoor hunt using navigation to find caches, or boxes, sometimes with a reward inside.)

c. We were talking about what we thought it would be like.

d. We were thinking of ways to find north without a compass.

e. We were still talking about it when the coach came.

page 78

1. a. bicycle/that

b. green fields/where

c. Australia/where

d. geography teacher/who

2. a – ii b – i c – iv d – iii

3. a. whose

b. who

c. where

d. that

page 79

4. a. I love my uncle so I bought him a present.

b. Max was running away from him, so Stefan kept running.

c. The train had already left when he got there, so he missed it.

5. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 80

1. a. may (It is quite likely Aunt Polly will visit.)

b. might (It is not that likely you will go to the Galapagos Islands.)

c. won’t (The speaker gives a firm opinion that people can’t live on Mars.)



d. can (This uses can to suggest something is possible.)

e. must (This uses must for a rule or law to be obeyed.)

page 81

2. a. L (The word may is quite likely.)

b. P (The word can is used to gain permission.)

c. N (Rules use must and are necessary to be followed at all times.)

d. L (The word will is used when an event is absolutely certain to occur.)

e. L (The word might is used when there is a small possibility an event will occur.)

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. You may buy a souvenir after the visit.

b. You must talk quietly if you want to ask a question.

c. You will be given a map of the museum when we arrive.

d. You won’t be able to eat once we are inside the museum.

e. You mustn’t take any photographs inside the museum.

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Could you fill in your answers to this questionnaire please?

b. Will you make sure you have collected your bags from the cloakroom please?

c. Can you please tell all your friends about the museum and tell them to come and visit?

5. Your own answers. Example answers:

Next time, I will make sure we all meet in the green room. We won’t meet in the foyer because it is too busy. I might ask James to print a discount voucher to use in the shop so I can give that to the tourists as well. I might charge them extra if they want to visit the temporary exhibitions on the first floor. I should update the link to the tour on the museum webpage but I probably won’t have time before the next tourist visit tomorrow.

page 82

1. Your own answers. Example answer:

I was standing in the middle of a large room. I couldn’t see anyone, but there was an armchair in the corner. There was a noise coming from the same area and I think the noise was coming from a mouse. Then all of a sudden, the noise stopped.

2. Your own answers. Example answer:

I could hear the leaves rustling in the trees then suddenly they all stopped and there was silence. Clouds had appeared and a few seconds later it was raining, the drops falling noisily on the ground.

3. Your own answers. Example answer:

Peter could feel the cold, hard stones underfoot and was trying to move without making a sound. It had been raining all day, so his walking boots were soaking wet and he was careful not to slip. However, he did fall and when he hit the ground his hands felt a jolting pain.

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

When Desmond got there, the street was empty. The only things moving were a few old paper cups. He could hear some dogs barking but he couldn’t see any. The road felt slippery under his feet and he could


24 Answers

smell the dust as it had been raining that morning. He took a few steps, and heard the mud squelch underfoot. In the distance, he saw the buffalo and after a few seconds realised they were coming closer. Desmond needed somewhere to hide. He heard an angry voice call out. He turned and ran towards the open door, slamming it shut just in time.

page 83

5. Your own answer. If you can, ask a teacher to check your work.

page 84

1. Your own answers. Example answers:

I am in the USA, in New York, travelling very fast in an elevator heading straight to the top of the Empire State Building. The speed of the elevator is making me feel dizzy.

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

I am extremely high up now and I can no longer smell the car fumes I could on the streets below, a few seconds ago. Now I can breathe deeply and fill my lungs with clean air.

3. Your own answers. To fill the middle section think about these questions: What did I see when I was up there? How did it feel? Was it cold? What were the other people doing? Was it noisy or quiet?

page 85

4. Your own answer. You could end this travelogue by saying how you felt that night as you fell asleep in your hotel room.

5. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 86

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote about the benefit of travel.

2. I was walking to the travel agent when I saw a big advert telling me to visit Greece. I was looking when my friend Charlie walked past. “Why don’t we go?” said Charlie. “That was what I was thinking” I said. We decided to book the holiday and the following week we were in Greece.

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

You must wear trainers on deck.

You must make sure there is a lifeboat.

You must wear a lifejacket at all times.

You must not run on the deck.

You must always do what the captain tells you.

You must tell someone if you feel seasick.

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

I must use the past continuous in my writing.

I must make sure I use the right relative pronoun for the nouns I am using.

I need to use more modal verbs in my writing.

I would like to use antecedents accurately.

I need to proofread all my writing.



5. a. Alan is a train driver who showed me how a steam train works.

b. The steam train is amazing and it is extremely powerful.

(Note: For a it should be who because Alan is a person and the relative pronoun we use for people is who, but you could also have written and he.)

6. Tick b. (Note: Option a might come from a science book, while option c probably comes from a recipe book.)

page 87

7. Your own answers. Example answers:

The writer might feel: excited; happy; nervous; tired; exhausted; puzzled; surprised; alone.

8. Your own answer. Example answer:

I can see a boat on the horizon, a tiny dot travelling along the line between the sky and the sea.

9. Your own answers. Example answers:

On the train, you might be able to hear the following: the wheels of the train on the track; the noise of the engine; people chatting; someone typing a message on a phone; traffic on the road next to the railway line; an airplane going overheard; noisy wind when the train goes through a tunnel.

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next. When writing your own question make sure you have an appropriate answer ready.

7 Leisure and entertainmentpage 89

1. Any of these is correct: In England; in Cornwall; in the south-west of England; at the end of Rowena Cade’s garden.

2. It was built so the local theatre group could put on a production of The Tempest.

3. Concrete is easier to shape into seats and steps than granite, but it is still strong.

4. The theatre has brought many people to the area: actors to perform the plays; theatre-goers to watch the productions; tourists who come and admire the theatre even when it is not in use.

5. It was a good choice because The Tempest is set near the sea and is based on a shipwreck after a storm.

6. Your own answers. Example answers:

I would like to visit the Minack Theatre because it is unusual as a theatre. It is remarkable that it was built by just a few people. Also, the location looks very pretty.

page 90

1. a. Example answers: multitalented; multifaceted; multicultural; multinational; multi-layered

2. a. megastar b. unhappy c. polyglot

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. The actress was a megastar.

b. I was unhappy not to have seen him in Hamlet.

c. The television actor did not have to be dubbed as he was a polyglot and said the new dialogue himself.


26 Answers

page 91

4. The words formed are: Internet; superstar; minibus; multi-talented; telephone

a. telephone

b. Internet

c. minibus

d. superstar

e. multi-talented

5. I love art and I love colour, so it is only natural that my latest painting is multi-coloured. I drew a mini-sketch first and then painted the larger one later. I have sold a couple of paintings after they appeared on the television and when I am older, I hope to sell to an international market.

6. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. When I write my letters, I usually remember something to write as a postscript after I have signed my name.

b. One of the interesting things about Paris is that it is an international city.

page 92

1. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. At the end of the play, he took a bow as the audience applauded.

b. The programme cost nine dollars, so I got some change from my ten-dollar note.

c. At the end of the play, we all rose from our seats to applaud.

2. a. watch

b. light

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. I saw the actor wearing a watch although the action took place in 1422.

b. There was a small light in the wings to help the actors see clearly.

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. The cast applauded when the lead actor returned with his leg in a cast.

b. For some reason, he has a picture of a club as the logo of his fan club.

page 93

1. a. eight. b. raise. c. whether.

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. I ate some popcorn when I watched a film at the cinema.

b. There were paper rays coming from the painted sun at the back of the stage.

c. The weather outside the theatre was stormy.

3. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. He’ll be the lead actor for the first time tonight.

b. He hurt his heel on stage so he saw a doctor.

c. The injury will take a long time to heal.

4. a. be/bee b. saw/sore c. time/thyme



page 94

1. Dear Augusta,

I would love to come to your party. I will bring the balloons, sweets and a football. Did you hear Danny? He said, “I love football parties”, and he doesn’t know, does he?

See you soon


pages 94–95

2. a. I like going to the theatre to see a pantomime each year; but only before Christmas.

b. We are taking: two large red rucksacks; two canvas hammocks; and two spare pairs of trainers.

c. I don’t know what the weather will be like next month; but we will go to the party anyway.

page 95

3. Each evening, I like to go to the sports centre; with my best friend of course! We do running, swimming and lifting weights; but the best part is the sauna afterwards.

4. a. I got your letter – wow that is really exciting!

b. Violet went first – hooray!

5. a. I will tell her, Jia and Liang – don’t forget to bring the candles!

b. That’s great – now we just need the bread, butter and apples.

page 96

1. Main characters, scenery, what happens in the play, playwright, recommendation.

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

impressive; realistic; appropriate; imaginative; minimalist; majestic

3. Your own answers.

page 97

4. You should have ticked:

name of play; actors; name of playwright; setting; main characters; music; rating

5. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. One of the highlights was the dance the girls in the cast performed.

b. The scenery, on the other hand, was poorly made and not in keeping with the period the play was set in.

page 98

1. Tick b because the reader will want to know what the secret is.

2. Your own answers.

page 99

3. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 100

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote about the theatre.

2. The prefix post means after. For example, post-war means after the war.


28 Answers

3. When he was younger, he was only known in his country, but when he was older, the actor’s fame was international.

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. He fell over and had a big wound on his leg.

b. She carefully wound the thread onto the cotton reel.

5. The playwright said he needed a good idea, some paper and a pen to write with; and a fresh cup of coffee.

6. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. A play/an opera

b. A television show/a radio show

c. A concert, pop or classical

7. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. The actors/the director

b. The lighting/the scenery

c. The music/the script

page 100

8. Example answers:

The lead actor, Amrish Kumar, gave a marvellous performance and the other lead, Romesh Rampal, was excellent. The writing was subtle and the director was clearly very competent. Overall, the play was highly effective.

9. Example answers:

The play is set in 1875, but the scenery makes it look like 2025. The costumes are inventive and most of them are made of plastic. The costumes look comfortable for the actors to wear.

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next. When writing your own question make sure you have an appropriate answer ready.

8 Hobbies and interestspage 103

1. A complex model is a reproduction, smaller than the original, made up of many parts.

2. Underline a and c. (Statements b and d suggest model making is simple and can be done quickly.)

3. Your own answers. You may focus on:

●● being prepared is always best

●● knowing what to do before starting will mean a more successful outcome.

4. Your own answers. Your response should consider that each part fits together in a certain way, so knowing what they are helps you to visualise where they go.

5. Your own answer. Example answer:

Idioms are word pictures that do not have a literal meaning, so the writer and reader have to share a certain understanding for them to work (see Chapter 8, pages 104–105). This is also true of abbreviations. The



article is written in second person narrative which also gives it an informal style. Using this style means the advice given is more personal and, therefore, more likely to be accepted by the reader.

6. Your own answers. Your advice should involve sensible suggestions and positive advice based on your chosen friend’s personality and interests.

page 104

1. b. enjoy so much it goes quickly

c. full of riches

d. become excited

e. eagerly explore

f. really happy

g. lazy inactive person

2. a. don’t sit on the fence, which means make a decision and choose a side

b. choose your poison, which means decide which one you like best

page 105

3. (Note: A euphemism will always contain a clue to the meaning.) Tick the following:

a. being sacked from a job

b. too short

c. they are very nice and trustworthy

4. (Note: For your euphemism to be successfully it must suggest the original idea’s meaning.) Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Someone playing a violin badly could be said to be screeching like an angry cat because of the terrible noise being created.

b. Having made a bad decision you could use you only live once as an excuse for it not being that bad.

c. Telling a friend he or she is wrong about something could be phrased as you crashed on that one to add some humour and lessen the criticism.

page 106

1. (Note: Hyperbole works figuratively not literally, so the exaggeration is unrealistic.)

b. Skateboarding is much better than cycling.

c. The cricketer hit the ball a long way.

d. These shoes are hurting me a lot.

e. I was really thirsty and drank a lot of water after completing the marathon.

2. (Note: The exaggeration is intended to create an effect. In this passage it is used to show the mixture of fear and excitement felt during the bungee jump.) Underline the following:

faster than the speed of light

the crowd at a pop concert

heart racing at a thousand beats to the second

Miles below

raging torrents

heavy as an elephant yet light as a feather

cotton thread attached to my ankle


30 Answers

petrified as an ancient forest

happier than anyone on the planet

page 107

3. There are many verbs you can use in place of went, so these are just suggestions. Your ideas will be just as good as long as they are verbs that suggest movement.

a. We all rode on our favourite ride at the theme park yesterday.

b. Jared travelled to the scuba diving centre as it was a Saturday afternoon.

c. They all rushed to the cinema to watch the latest movie.

d. I love taking pictures so I hurried to the photography exhibition at my school.

4. Example answers:

b. The apple was rotten so I threw it away.

c. I thought the art exhibition was breathtaking.

d. The flower display was very colourful.

e. The instructions for building the model ship were logical and easy to follow.

f. A crowd of five hundred fans assembled to hear the band play.

page 108

1. b. Yes c. No d. No

2. Circle the following:

a. No, no, no b. ever, ever, ever c. how horrible, how horrible

page 109

3. Underline the following:

a. Classical music/classical music/classical music

b. When I paint I/when I paint I/when I paint I

c. I remember/I remember/I remember

4. (Note: The entire paragraph is an example of antithesis.)

b. it was the age of wisdom contrasts with it was the age of foolishness

c. it was the epoch of belief contrasts with it was the epoch of incredulity

d. it was the season of Light contrasts with it was the season of Darkness

e. it was the spring of hope contrasts with it was the winter of despair

f. we had everything before us contrasts with we had nothing before us

g. we were all going direct to Heaven contrasts with we were all going direct the other way

page 110

1. b. Against c. For d. For e. Against f. For

page 111

2. Your own answers. Make sure your response to a is positive about your hobby and your response to b is negative. (Note: Your choice of vocabulary and your tone are very important in creating bias.)



3. a. Without doubt this is the best hobby in the world!

(You could use: I am sure you will agree, I firmly believe, Everybody knows that, As you can clearly see, Obviously, Most definitely.)

b. You must try this hobby. It is the most fun you will have in your spare time.

c. Everything about this hobby is wonderful. It is superior in every way to anything else you can choose.

d. Obviously you won’t find a more interesting hobby to try.

(You could use: I am sure you will agree, I firmly believe, Everybody knows that, As you can clearly see, Without doubt, Most definitely.)

e. I definitely recommend this hobby to you as who wouldn’t want to try such an exciting and thrilling activity?

page 112

1. Your own answers. Make sure your five points are strong reasons to enjoy your hobby.

2. Your own answers. The order is up to you to decide, but each separate point should follow on logically to give one full answer to the task set.

3. I believe b is the most effective because… Example answer:

Using “you” creates a connection with the audience on a personal level. Anaphora, hyperbole and a rhetorical question are all used to good effect. The use of a variety of sentence types adds interest, as does the movement and mix of emotions described. The overall impression leaves the audience thinking this is an exciting and satisfying hobby.

(Note: Paragraph a is informative and explains an interest in the hobby, but it is rather dull and lacks any excitement. The simple sentences are repetitive and the use of “I” means there is no connection with the audience.)

page 113

4. (Note: Your last statement in a talk needs to be memorable to leave the audience in no doubt as to what your viewpoint is.)

Your own answers. Example answers:

a. This ending clearly states your viewpoint and leaves the audience knowing what you think, but it is lacking in enthusiasm and doesn’t appeal to the audience’s emotions. It is dull and won’t leave a lasting impression on the audience, so it isn’t likely to be persuasive either.

b. This ending is much more engaging. It uses comic references to superhero qualities and challenges the audience to travel with you into an exciting new world of unlimited possibilities. It is memorable and lively, so it will be persuasive.

5. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 114

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote that sums up how you feel about your hobby or interest.

2. Tick “Euphemism” as it means “you have worked hard on this but it is incorrect”.

3. Underline the following:

a. make an attempt

b. become too scared to carry on


32 Answers

4. (Note: Hyperbole is exaggerating an idea to stress a point.)

Underline a and c.

5. (Note: Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.)

I am sure you will agree that my hobby is the most important. I am sure you will come to believe that collecting stamps is much more important than playing video games. I am sure you will accept that what I do is combine geography and history to learn valuable lessons about our world. What you do is spend endless hours glued to a screen fighting pointless wars. What you do is waste endless hours achieving nothing. What you do is pointless.

6. This is the suggested order: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b

(Note: Statement c is most effective because it uses rhetorical devices and appeals on an emotional level. Statement a is effective in that it suggests the hobby will be exciting without stating why. Statement b is the least effective because it is without emotion and doesn’t challenge the audience to think deeply about the truth.)

page 115

7. Tick c because it offers an opinion but leaves the decision up to the reader. (Note: Statement a is biased for collecting figures by describing the hobby as being exciting. Statement b is biased against the hobby saying that collecting toy figures, is childish for a teenager.)

8. Underline the following:

a. fascinating (Note: Fascinating indicates a strong liking for the subject whereas quite good and okay suggest less enthusiasm.)

b. I find it really hard to believe you haven’t tried

c. beyond question/be life changing (Note: Beyond question suggests there is no doubt and life changing is far more important than just doing something or using up spare time.)

9. Your own answers. You can do this in different ways, but the most important point to remember is that the more positive and passionate you are about your subject the more likely the audience will be persuaded to agree with you.

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next. When writing your own question make sure you have an appropriate answer ready.

9 Customs and culturespage 117

1. Ahohako

2. Underline b and c.

(Note: Statement d may well be true but is not covered in the passage. Statement a describes Honolulu today.)

3. Your own answers. Accept any sensible responses suggesting Rick cares about his people’s culture and customs and doesn’t want them to be forgotten.

4. Example answer:

A paradise is a perfect place to live.

5. Example answer:

His Polynesian language is the original language of his ancestors and to speak it would be to connect with them.

6. Your own answers. Make sure your suggestions are sensible.



page 118

1. Underline the following:

a. implied

b. implication

c. implying

d. imply

e. implies

2. Circle the following:

a. Yes (implied)

b. No

c. No

d. No

e. Yes (implied)

page 119

3. Underline the following:

a. infer

b. inferring

c. inference

d. inferred

4. a. Our lives in the past were better.

b. We must make sure our old ways and customs survive.

c. Polynesian is not being spoken enough by the majority of our people.

d. The younger generation must not forget our customs as young people are the future.

e. We must make sure our language is taught to the young.

page 120

1. Underline the following:

a. bitter/sweet

b. days/nights and hot /cold

c. brave/cowardly and skilful/unskilled

d. successful/unsuccessful and strong/weak

2. Circle the following:

a. Yes

b. No – invaluable means extremely valuable

c. No – you can be frightened but still brave

d. Yes

e. Yes

page 121

3. a. I really did not enjoy the day I spent at the heritage centre in Honolulu.

b. I will not be excited when it’s my turn to try steering the outrigger.

c. I can believe how powerful Hawaiian chieftains were in the past.

d. I shall not remember my time at the Hawaiian village and the skills that were on show.


34 Answers

4. Example answers:

A luau, a traditional Hawaiian evening of food and entertainment is not everybody’s favourite way to spend a night on Oahu. It is not full of high-quality performers and is a tourist trap. An evening spent under the stars will not give lasting memories and will not show you much about the Polynesian culture on the island.

page 122

1. The use of so many positive words makes King Kamehameha seem a great king.

King Kamehameha is generally considered to be Hawaii’s greatest king. He was a brave and talented warrior, strong and resourceful in battle and wise and honourable when ruling the islands. He united the islands and made them rich, peaceful and prosperous. He was a good diplomat and cared greatly for his people.

2. Your own answer. Have you used at least five of the words in the list? Read your response to someone. Does hearing it make the person feel happy?

page 123

3. Underline the following:

King Kamehameha was a ruthless warrior who killed hundreds of his enemies in blood-soaked battles. He was heartless in his selfish desire to force all the islanders to kneel fearfully beneath his iron will.

(Note that in other contexts kneel, hundreds and beneath would not be considered negative, but they are here because of how they’ve been used.)

4. Example answers:

b. The dirty, untidy school bus was crammed with miserable children dreading their visit to the boring museum.

c. The reluctant school children hardly listened to the dull lesson about their country’s outdated and uninteresting customs.

d. The awful lunch provided by the thoughtless museum staff was the worst the children had ever been unfortunate enough to suffer on a school trip.

page 124

1. Tick c because it is the more neutral sentence as it describes Hawaiian life using only facts. Statement a uses the word limited which is a negative judgement on the quality of life. Statement b is more positive but still offers an opinion by stating the people were at one which suggests they were happy and contented.

page 125

2. Example answer:

Tree climbing has been a tradition in Hawaii for centuries. People climb bare-footed with a rope tied around their ankles to support them. The object is to retrieve the coconuts that grow at the top of the trees. Tree climbing is considered a brave and skilful activity.

3. Example answers:

b. Many people go to watch the annual professional tree-climbing competition on Oahu.

c. Coconuts have long been a staple food on the island, but living near a tree that drops heavy fruits from a great height at regular intervals can be dangerous.

d. It takes a lot of effort to pick and open a coconut before you reach the part you can eat.



page 126

1. Circle the following:

a. No b. Yes

c. Yes d. No

e. Yes

2. Your own answer. To be carefully crafted, your sentence must be neutral. Example answer:

Of the main inhabited islands that form the state of Hawaii, Oahu is the most populated and Lanai is the smallest. Molokai is known as “The Friendly Isle” and Kauai as “The Garden Isle” while Big Island has an active volcano.

pages 126–127

3. Your own answers. What examples you choose are your own and will be correct as long as each one supports your point in a carefully crafted way that shows tolerance and understanding. You will probably have your own general points that may include some of the four points given or may be entirely different.

page 127

4. Your own answer. Here is a checklist of points to consider for your paragraph:

●● Does it have a good general point?

●● Have you used an appropriate specific example to support your point?

●● Does it read as a balanced response using language that does not offend?

5. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 128

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote that sums up what you feel about the importance of understanding others’ customs and cultures.

2. An implication will always come before an inference, but both can be made separately.

3. (Note: Inferences are educated guesses based on the evidence to hand.)

Tick a and b.

4. (Note: Antonyms are opposites.)

a. undecided

b. backwards

c. fast

5. (Note: The context in which they are used can make some words positive.)

Underline the following:

a. Magnificent/sparkling/clear blue/dream

b. no greater/more honoured

c. expertly crafted handmade/strong, quick/unsinkable.

6. Tick b, c and d. These all apply because using neutral words creates a more measured tone with more balance, but implications can still be made. Statement a doesn’t apply because strong opinions suggest a less measured approach.


36 Answers

page 129

7. (Note: The implied meaning is hinted at in the sentence.)

Example answers:.

a. The majority of people who live in Hawaii are not Hawaiians.

b. Honolulu is a crowded city, but the rest of the islands are less populated and quieter.

8. Tick b. Sentence a offers an opinion only.

9. (Note: The most important point is that you have changed the tone by using more neutral words and deleting the unnecessary opinions.) Example answers:

The language of the Hawaiian people has twelve letters in its alphabet which is the fewest in any language in the world. This accounts for the many words with repeated sounds. A word such as “aloha” can have three different meanings. Few people still speak the language and it is in danger of dying out.

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next. When writing your own question make sure you have an appropriate answer ready.

10 The past and the futurepage 131

1. Sending a man to the moon would have been considered impossible.

2. Computer science. (“Computer studies” or “computing” would also be correct.)

3. To explain new ideas we all need to be able to understand what is being talked about, so new words and terms, or old words and terms with new meanings, help us to do this.

4. Example answer:

They will view it as outdated technology, no longer used. Think about how we view technology from the 20th century (e.g. black and white televisions, four-stroke engines, ships and trains powered by steam, monologue recordings, typewriters).

5. Your own answers. This response is up to you to imagine – dream big!

6. Your own answer. Example answer:

To imagine what is not yet possible but could be; to not be held back by conventional thinking; to dream; to have a vision of what might be.

page 132

1. (Note: The past perfect tense is used when an event happened before another one in the past or it happened before a certain point in time.) Tick a, c and e. Sentence b is the simple past tense. Sentence d is in the present tense.

page 133

2. (Note: You use the past perfect tense to show how long an action had been happening before the event in the past being described.) Circle the following:

a. caught/had done

b. seen/studied

c. completed/passed

d. watched/went

e. felt/met



3. b. I wanted to go to the cinema but my friend did not.

c. Before we landed on the moon many engineers worked on the project.

d. Great events happened in the past before records were kept.

e. Many businessmen saw the advantages of the Internet long before it first appeared.

page 134

1. Your own answers. Make sure the comes before each of the nouns and the noun phrase: the caveman, the president, the gold medallist. Also, make sure the sentences are between 12 and 20 words.

2. (Note: The indefinite article is a or an depending on what letter the noun begins with.) Circle the following:

a. an injured dinosaur

b. a herd

c. a peaceful dinosaur protect itself from a predator

page 135

3. (Note: The determiner is always placed before the noun as in this paragraph.) Underline the following words:

My friend Onkay is very interested in her history. She is fascinated by those moments when her family made life-changing decisions. These choices shaped who she is today and remind her of that period in time when life was very hard. Her friend James also likes his history, but its charm is in all the battles fought by his ancestors. Our opinions are very different, but I can see their point about history being important. That idea we all agree on.

4. a. these b. This c. those d. that

5. People will be transported to Mars in huge spaceships. As it will be a one-way trip, none will return to Earth. Both the journey and settling in a new home on a new planet will not be easy. Neither should be taken lightly.

page 136

1. Link the following contractions and words:

isn’t – is not you’d – you would

that’ll – that will shouldn’t – should not

how’re – how are o’clock – of the clock

could’ve – could have I’ll – I will

might’ve – might have I’ve – I have

page 137

2. (Note: You only use an apostrophe if is becomes ’s. Plurals don’t have an apostrophe except where possession is being stated.) Don’t cross out the following:

a. Time’s (This is a contracted version of: Time is on our side for once.)

b. times (Here times is plural so has no apostrophe.)

c. Who’s (This is a contracted version of: Who is interested ...)

d. flights (Here flights is plural so has no apostrophe.)


38 Answers

3. (Note: Decide whether it is singular or plural. If it’s singular the apostrophe goes before the s but if it’s plural the apostrophe goes after the s.)

a. spaceship’s (singular)

b. planet’s (singular)

c. moons’ (plural)

d. captains’ (plural)

e. ship’s (singular)

4. (Note: Speech marks are only used to show direct speech. They are placed outside of the words being spoken. This includes any punctuation attached to the words.) Add speech marks to a, b and d. Below you will see where to add them:

a. Sara’s teacher asked, “Sara, do you think cars will fly in the future?”

b. “I’m not sure but I hope so because a flying car would be really cool,” replied Sara.

d. Sara laughed and said, “Come on Lily, it would be such fun to drive a flying car.”

e. No speech marks needed.

page 138

1. a. Draw connecting lines as shown below:

Computers will be more powerful – We will rely on computers too much

Robots will do lots of manual jobs – People will be unemployed

Travel will be easier – Carbon dioxide levels will increase

Everyone will live in modern cities – No countryside will be left

These ideas might be useful when you come to plan your article.

b. Your own answers. What you have chosen will be up to you as long as the pros and cons show the two sides of each point. For example:

Computers will drive buses and trains instead of humans BUT will they be able to react quickly enough if a problem arises?

page 139

2. (Note: A balanced statement will consider both sides but a biased one will give an opinion that favours one side only.)

Put a cross next to a. This statement is biased because only one side is given, which is the con.

Tick b. This statement is balanced because both pros and cons are considered.

Put a cross next to c. This statement is biased because the pro is given as an opinion but no con is considered.

Tick d. This statement is balanced because both sides are considered equally.

3. (Note: Phrasal verbs sometimes have more than one meaning so always take care when using them.)

b. wake up (awake)

c. turn down (refuse)

d. sort out (organise)

e. put it together (assemble)



4. Match:

add up to to equal

figure out to understand

find out to discover

go in to enter

look into to investigate

point out to indicate

page 140

1. (Note: You can use the second person and contractions in the semi-formal style. Look at the style as compared to the formal sentences.) Example answers:

b. Don’t expect a robot to act like a human.

c. You have to think about several things when buying a robot house servant.

d. It is up to the owner to programme his or her robot.

2. Your own answers. The order is up to you. What you are doing is creating a plan to set for your article. You probably only need three or four main ideas for an article of 150–200 words, so you need to choose which ones you are going to use.

page 141

3. Tick c because it is the best developed and balanced response. Statements a and b are not balanced and only offer one side. Although a is developed more than b, it still isn’t balanced.

4. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 142

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote about your feelings for the future.

2. The writer never liked history in the past before a visit to a museum, also in the past.

3. (Note: The definite article is the word the.)

How we view the future depends on the trust we have in technology.

4. (Note: The indefinite articles are a or an depending on whether the noun or noun phrase begins with a consonant or vowel.) Circle the words that are underlined below:

I am not a/an scientist or a/an engineer but I am a/an fan of technology. Give me a/an new piece of technology and I am a/an child in a/an toy shop. I will play with it for a/an long time and never be bored. What a/an amazing thing the future will be if we give it a/an chance!

5. (Note: An apostrophe is used to show a letter or letters have been left out. It is also used to show possession.)

a. isn’t

b. don’t

c. museum’s

d. pupils’

e. shan’t

6. (Note: Phrasal verbs work in exactly the same way as regular verbs.) Underline the following:

a. shop around b. put up with c. keep doing


40 Answers

7. Your own answers. Yours will be correct as long as the con you’ve added is opposite to the given pro. Example answers:

a. the oceans will be polluted and marine life will be destroyed.

b. they must have lots more leisure activities to fill the extra time or they will still be bored.

c. they will never be able to visit Earth and see their grandparents.

page 143

8. Tick c because it is the most balanced point as it considers both viewpoints and doesn’t offer an opinion or take sides. It is also a more developed piece of writing.

Sentence a is biased and the least balanced of the three.

Sentence b is balanced but is based on opinion not facts and isn’t developed.

9. Your own answers. The most important question to consider is: Have you given more relevant information about the point so the reader has a better understanding of the idea? Example answers:

While there will be many who find the idea of travelling through space exciting, scientists believe the journeys will be dangerous with no guarantee of success. The thrill of travelling across millions of miles of empty space to start a new life on a distant planet is impossible to dismiss, but such a journey is also open to many possible dangers like engine failure, life support problems or going off course and being lost.

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next. When writing your own question make sure you have an appropriate answer ready.

11 Communicationpage 145

1. Greece

2. Lysander wound the code around a baton.

3. Your own answers. Make sure you include a reason for your choice.

4. Your own answers. Example answer:

I think the best code is the baton code as you would have to have the right size of baton to read the message.

5. Example answers:

The receiver might not be able to decipher the code or might decipher it wrongly.

6. Your own answers. Make sure you have answered both parts of the question.

page 146

1. Phone – I – telephone

Note – I – letter

Conversation – F – chat

Meeting – F – meet-up/get-together

2. a. Message B is formal.

b. This message is formal because: use of formal vocabulary; use of Dear Mr Green; use of Yours sincerely; use of both names to sign the letter.



page 147

3. Dear Mr Malik,

I am writing to request some assistance as I have a project for school and I need to research how computers have changed the way we communicate. I know you are knowledgeable in this area, so can I arrange to meet you to discuss it? I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Lola Yuan

page 148

1. Tick a and c as they are more concise than the other sentences.

2. a – iii b – i c – ii

page 149

3. Raz has always been interested in other languages but his favourite hobby is cracking codes. He thinks it is similar to translating from one language to another but unfortunately the hardest part for him is not knowing the language the code has been written in. Raz has cracked codes ever since he first heard about them. He has always found them fun to do and he has thought that being able to crack codes has helped his own language learning.

page 150

1. a/b. Message a has been sent some time ago. Message b was sent before something else in the past happened.

c/d. The writer of c had worked in Shanghai at some point before the call was made, but had probably left Shanghai at the time of the call. The writer of d was in Shanghai working at the time the call was made.

page 151

2. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. I played the piano as a child. Present effect – I can still play the piano today.

b. I ate two slices of chocolate cake at lunch yesterday. Present effect – I still prefer the fruit cake normally on offer.

c. I used to run 5 kilometres every day. Present effect – I can still run for a bus without getting out of breath.

d. I decided to be a vegetarian when I was child. Present effect – I still don’t eat meat.

e. Yesterday, I picked some apples from the tree. Present – I have lots of apples to eat.

3. Example answers:

Paula: I am going to Paris this summer. I am looking forward to it. Sophia: You must go to the Louvre. It is a wonderful museum. Paula: Have you been to the Louvre? Sophia: Yes, I went to Paris when I was 12. I learned some French when I was there. Paula: Did you learn to speak fluently? Sophia: Not when I was there but I came back and had lessons for several years.

4. I was walking to school last week when I saw something amazing. In the field near to where I live, a big pink circus tent had appeared overnight. It was huge and looked very exciting.


●● It can’t be walked because we use the past continuous for an action which was interrupted and the walk was interrupted by the sight of the circus tent.


42 Answers

●● It can’t be was seeing because it is describing the action that did the interrupting and to describe this we need the past simple.

●● It can’t be appeared because the writer is describing something that happened before another event: the tent was put up before the person walked past.

●● It can’t be is because, although the tent might still be there, the passage is describing something that happened in the past so we use the past simple.

●● It can’t be looks for the same reason as the first example in this sentence: the description is set in the past.

page 152

1. Your own answers. Example answer:

The last time I used a formal register was when I had to write a letter to the head of our school to ask if my class could organise the school charity football match next month. I had to use formal register because I was writing to the head of the school.

2. b. Report or article

c. Letter to your boss or letter of complaint

d. Email to someone in a senior role in a company or another organisation, or to someone you haven’t contacted before.

3. a. It is not there.

b. We will meet you at 6.

c. They do not use Morse code anymore.

d. I have seen an advertisement for a code maker.

pages 152–153

4. a. Report

b. Letter to your boss

c. Work email

d. Letter of complaint

e. Application letter

page 153

5. Your own answers. Example answer:

The words which helped me match the types of writing were as follows. I thought that “recommend” and “implement” would probably appear in a formal report. I knew “I hope to hear from you” would be in a letter or an email and “I am very grateful to you for considering my position” sounds like a phrase from a formal letter. The word “asset” referring to a person might be found in an application letter. Also, “send it to me” sounds like a work email, perhaps from the boss. You would be likely to write “considering my position” in a letter to the boss and “hope to hear from you” could be in a letter of complaint, since you would like the company to respond.

6. One of the earliest codes was invented by the Romans and named after Julius Caesar, who is well known as a Roman Emperor. The Romans wanted to find out what their enemies were saying so they could decide what action to take in order to defeat them.



page 154

1. Tick a and e. (Note: Headings, such as City Centre, only appear in reports).

2. Your own answers. Tick three words or phrases. Once you have finished your writing, check that you have used them.

page 155

3. Historic codes:

Used ribbons and wood to hide codes

One method named after a Roman emperor

Codebreaking today:

Mostly done on computers

Sometimes using methods that have been used for centuries

Codes in the future:

Done entirely by robots

Some might even be unbreakable

4. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 156

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote about communication.

2. Tick c and d.

3. Example answer:

The codebreakers decided to use the frequency method because it would work well with their longer text.

4. Example answer:

In the first sentence, the writer has read the whole message and then called Tony. In the second sentence, the person is in the middle of reading the message as he or she calls Tony.

5. Tick b.

page 157

6. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Communication in the past

b. The best way to communicate

c. Sending messages in the future

7. Your own answers. Example answers:

secret agenda/interception/modelled on/success rate/innovative

8. Your own answers. Example answer:

In many everyday situations, the best form of communication is face-to-face speech because it is instant and any misunderstandings about what has been said can be immediately discussed.

9. Formal register gives more gravitas to a piece of writing and makes the reader respond to it in a serious way. Example answer:

Each morning I will ensure I have checked and responded to all my emails before I commence work.


44 Answers

This is formal because each word has been written in full and the vocabulary is formal (ensure/responded/commence).

10. There are no correct answers to the two parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next. When writing your own question make sure you have an appropriate answer ready.

12 Global issuespage 159

1. 2003

2. Disposing of waste was an increasing problem in their village.

3. Burning waste releases toxins that affect people’s health.

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

praiseworthy; difficult

5. Your own answers. Example answer:

I would feel positive as the whole community would be working together for the same goal.

6. Your own answers.

page 160

1. Your own answer. Example answer:

In my community, there is more work to be done to improve recycling facilities as I cannot currently recycle all types of plastic.

2. Your own answers. Example answer:

Will the town leaders be building a bigger recycling plant to process a wider range of products to be recycled?

3. Your own answers. Example answer:

Should you be throwing that paper on the floor?

page 161

4. Your own answer. Example answer:

Angus, don’t throw that wrapper on the floor!

5. Your own answer. Example answer:

It’s incredible that Johann will only buy fruit that comes with no packaging!

6. I want my classmates to be more careful about separating their litter.

7. Question and command.

a. Question: Liesel, would you please take your glass bottles to the recycling centre?

b. Command: Liesel, take your glass bottles to the recycling centre!

page 162

1. Underline the following:

a. who drew the plans for the new houses in the town

b. which is needed to cut down the trees



c. which decided to do a litter pick

d. which is good news

e. where we live

2. a – ii b – iv c – i d – iii

page 163

3. a. that

b. who

c. whose

d. where

e. which

4. Your own answers. Example answer:

a. works in Green’s Booksellers

b. is in the garden

c. the school once stood

5. Your own answers. Example answer:

a. which is not very big

b. is at the front door

c. we used to live

6. Tick b.

page 164

1. a – ii b – iii c – i

page 165

2. a. Drowning in waste means there was an excessive amount of rubbish.

b. Mountains of waste means there was a lot of waste.

c. Wrestle with something means struggle to think of a solution.

d. Smelling success means be successful.

page 166

1. Your own answers. Example answer:

I would write about a global issue that will affect us all – not enough drinking water. It is important to teach people to conserve water and not waste it.

2. Tick a and c.

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3. Example answer:

Well, it has been a week since my last post and I can’t believe what a busy week it has been. I went to school as normal and the whole site looked completely different. There were several men in hi-vis jackets who were walking around the school measuring it up. I asked them what they were doing. They told me they were going to build solar panels on the school football field. What a disaster! We aren’t going to let them do that, are we?


46 Answers

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1. Your own answer.

2. a – c. Your own answers.

page 169

3. Your own answer.

4. Your own answers. Example answers:

Why don’t we all make a start on this …

We need to educate others on this issue …

Let’s all take a stand on this …

Why don’t you come and join me …?

Together we can make a difference …

Are you ready to take part …?

5. Your own answer.

6. Your own answer. If you can, ask your teacher to check your work.

page 170

1. Your own answer. Make sure you have written a quote about a global issue you are concerned about and try to offer solutions.

2. a – ii b – iii c – i d – iv

3. Tick a.

4. Your own answer. Example answer:

who was a systems analyst

5. The figurative phrase being weighed down here means that there is a lot of paperwork and red tape which the company has to deal with.

6. Your own answers. Example answer:

It can be any global issue, examples being the environment, pollution, global warming, population increases, housing shortages, the impact of humans on nature.

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7. Your own answers. Example answers:

a. Informal language

b. Relative clauses

8. They might have written a lot – maybe 50 or 100 – but probably not thousands. They are using figurative language to exaggerate the number of blogs they have written.

9. Your own answers. Example answer:

I would like to learn more about recycling in my town and whether my town can also become a zero waste town like Kamikatsu.

10. There are no correct answers to the three parts of this question, but if your assessment is honest and accurate then you know what to do next. When writing your own question make sure you have an appropriate answer ready.