Analysis of the Urban Planning System in Iran

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Analysis of the Urban Planning System in Iran

Ali, Sanaei


1 Department of urban management, University of Nourtouba, Tehran, Iran,

Abstract The administration and organization of urban planning Relationship management in various cities of

the country is concentrated in a single organization. Plans approves of our bodies are different and

sometimes quite diverse. The study analyzes the structure of urban system in the country, and

identifies the different aspects influencing the performance of the urban system in the country. In this

study the method is objective in nature, is analytical and descriptive. Based on the results of the

research findings, we evaluated the problems of the urban and the result was that the inefficiency of

the current situation nicely explains Urbanism.

Keywords: theories of urban planning, comprehensive planning, strategic planning, participatory


In General, if you want the structure of the urban system in Iran we can analyze fitted some

issues and problems facing Iran's planning system and urban planning accordingly in order to

learn about the review as follows. The Executive system and urban planning organization in

the country due to its dependence on city management to the Ministry of Interior is not

concentrated in a single organization. In addition to the Ministry of housing and urban

Development Department of the Interior as well as its traditional position due to protect in the

urban plan, the plan continues, the conductor is responsible for small towns. Various

municipal authorities approved the plan, and sometimes entirely different from each other

they are. The same criterion was not among these terms and me rajah fitted that caused the

output of the urban plan, con is not harmony. Most of the urban design, in large cities, due to

the relative independence of the forklift is merely a municipality Council has to align with

policy, and in some cases, be seen that among the rules and regulations of the Ministry of

Housing and Urban Development with the municipality, there is a lack of vitamins. Including

the sale of physical impairment of the density cities and with none of the conditions of

housing and urban development has no compatibility but to one of the main sources of

income of the municipality, the most lift and its consequences has become a closed their

notice municipal circuit rotary lift is fitted. Due to the variety of references and pass the

referral decision, stuck in urban design, and the incidence of urban development for policy

dissonance and forklift plan Executive undertaking to be ahead of the nose. The Executive

system and urban planning organization, in addition to the involvement of various

organizations working in parallel, as well as of the difficulties of urban development

Executive, because that is not the plan, scope and field of activity, region, city, major

oilfields, skeletal, and many other similar designs not defined properly, and sometimes

parallel to the Organization, their recognition of the forklift project that can be fitted.

The purpose of the present review investigation and analysis of the structure of the urban

system in Iran, and identify the various aspects of an effective urban planning system in the

performance of the country.

Research methodology in this study, as well as in terms of the purpose of the and the کاربدری

nature of the analytical and descriptive, is not.

Theoretical foundations of the research

Contemporary urban planning system of the country can be found in three different cycles for

this add-on. The first period corresponds to the Qajar period, the second period of the

Pahlavi period corresponds to the first and second, and the third period of the

Islamic revolution is officially until the present. Most of the focus of this chapter on

the identification and analysis of the structure of the urban system of the Islamic

revolution, from the beginning until the present is.

The Qajar period some urban measures

"You must select a qajareha capital for turning contact lenses on urban development and

urban development '. Several reasons aghamahmdkhan Qajar political, military, economic,

and geopolitical in 9911 it. (9811 m). Your choice of capital Tehran and tried

out with at least of towers and Farman by Shah tahmasp baruha Safavid period the city to

prepare for a new operation. Qajar Fath Ali Shah aqdamahat period of time, to

build a mansion and Pavilion and the Palace was large and small, mainly in this connection,

the Government was preparing the spaces. His successor Mohammad Shah

Qajar Khan together with the construction of a water transmission water Creek to Tehran,

Karaj and its (Al-dawlah, 9911-9918, p. 615) some new neighborhooddevelopment area in

the city to provide "(tips, Shah Hosseini, 9111: 11).

"With the same emphasis on traditional features, namely the pivot, the first capital of the

developments in the field of urban development took place in the period of the Shah Naser ad-

Din. During his trips to Europe, he is strongly influenced by the modernism of all Europeans

in the field, including urban development took place. Comparison of European towns and the

capital Tehran and other Iranian cities with him in the new conflict. He also dreams of

reaching the Western civilization was, and on the other hand knew the existence of the

Kingdom like he will not be possible in practice, such circumstances. On this basis, with

doubt chose ' solutions to traditional authority lest he harm reach. Despite the desire or

pretending their modernity and modernism, Qajar failed from new opportunities for

modernization of the traditional society and global developments to use process to align with,

because of the social origin of the Qajar origin of Eilat and Saint spirit worship, Vogue,

superstition, poverty, low level of political awareness, science and extreme conservatism in

many of the Qajar period was among the men who so often that even the presence and activity

of Amir Kabir's radical interests did not endure, and Amir Kabir's murder A conflict between

tradition and the beginning of the incidence of contact lenses innovation was in the midst of

the ruling Board of the Qajar period. The signing of the Constitutional Decree clipping in the

year 9916. (9195 m.) by Muzaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar which was on the verge of ruling a few

years later with the third coup March 9911 Ah. Were practical. And so, in the tradition of his

Qajar was the necessity of understanding the ingrown time and align with the trend of world

developments and the inevitable unaware of the power of the scene was deleted. Without

being able to take action should the need of society, including in the field of urban

development and urbanization do "(the same: 69-11).

Some first and second Pahlavi period urban planning measures

Investigation and analysis of the actions of the Pahlavi period of the

year 9191 to 9168e. t. of the book "of the flux to the city» is based

on Dr. m. Habibi below is quote that looks exactly.

If scientific urban planning between ¬ ¬ and we must say that not only the technical

constitutional revolution and its implications for urban development decisions, and

driven more than anything else has the effect (the same: 69).

Although a rule for action as well as in connection with the provision and the rights

and interests of the urban social and economic status, their promotion was as follows:

9. The Suppression of tribal areas and major cities, as tribes threaten security and the

establishment of ways to follow their suppression (spring, 9119, pp 989-981).

9. Living up to some of the migration in order to ease of control.

1. construction of roads and bridges and the development of civil society organizations for the

purpose of preparing for the development of economic, social and political relations in the


1. The development of a new system of archaic and organize it to communicate directly

with the Central Government and the separation of its duties-are from each other (the

same: 66).

"Contrary to the country's urban tradition not out and beyond the walls, but also from the

inside about the transformation and physical changes can actually be fitted. The reason is

that unlike the last lift for a comprehensive map of the city, are not considered to

be fitted. The first map of the transformation of Tehran in the year 9191(e) No. (9119 m), the

title of "the forklift" street map to them. The map prepared for the city of

Hamadan on 9199 e. No. (9119 CE) is also the same as on itself. Sweden passed a law in the

year 9191 (e) No. (9119 m), a vehicle suitable for heavy interventions in the context of the

ancient city, from the traditional fitted andinefficient operations. That this legal act with the

approval of the receptacle and Sweden in the year 9915 e. t. (9198 m.) provide the

Executive power, but had come up to the actions

of Sweden (municipalities) of notes that in 9191 e. t., to be added to it "(Habibi, 9118: 959).

Create a street as a symbol of modernity, the first echoes of urban development is a species of

Housman, fitted with modern psychological theory and processing of 9199 between ¬ ¬ in

Europe on international aspects and in Iran have fitted. Pass the law and informational

passages and widening the street lift» in 9199 e. t. (9111 m.) on an answer to this of any

urban development is. This law as the main urban actions in the receptacle for the later, as of

today, over and over again about the revision of the Executive Branch, and it actually fitted to

be added. The idea of creating an extensive and wide streets, with the demolition of the old

walls of Tehran in 9199 e. t. (9119 m.) it is fitted, the realization that in Hamadan, 9199 e. t.

(9119 CE) had been raised. Map of 9195 e. t. (9118 m.) was the first urban map of the

Pahlavi State provision for the expansion and development of the city of Tehran. Maps that

are entirely alien concept made with completely different historical background of the city

and it is conceived and fitted the image. Been influenced by designs to 9195 movement of

modern architecture and urbanism» between the lift and separation is checkered, urban

functions according to the kind of packaging, more or less nominate area, creating spaces and

public squares and. .. The basic concepts of a layout are fitted.

In the years 9119-9199, trying several new definition for well fitted for the

country's space agency if he accepts. The major change in the way we did, and for the

production and circulation of commodities and capital slowed in the city caused by

the Second World War caused the city to be fitted at a distance this year in view of

thedemographic change forklift lift a major suspension lift. Urban development and

physical growth in this period based on the growth

of rural immigration impact istraditionally and historically there is also fitted.

In the second Pahlavi era while the physical expansion of urbanization and growth of town-

space and are the Pahlavi State in the parliamentary sense, this year once again fitted forklift

that town also in the framework of Western democracy because the people investigated

patterns of operations. Passage of the law in the absence of an association Deputy City» in the

year 9196 e. t. (9115 m) and pass the Bill for the formation of the municipality and town of

association rule in the year 9191 e. t. (9115 m.) the obvious emphasis on an effort that it was

up to the new concept of the city, a concept upon which the town was selected by

management fitted to be citizens. Excellent planning and organization of the program in the

year 9198 Ah ... No. (9111 m.) is the first move in the field of socio-economic planning of

the country. Preparation and approval of the first nation socio-economic development plan

(the first seven-year program) for the years 9111-9198 e. t. (9166-9111 m.This is a reflection

of the move). Polarized politics up activity and the development of the main axis of the pole

formation program, the capital as the main pole of activity of the forklift, construction

activities for private institutions and Governments focused on the fitted her. The results of this

program are clear: accelerating capital growth, the growth of some cities in the State, slowed

the growth of cities in the middle and a kind of development of the region, eventually,

dispersed and no single policy.

In the year 9119 e. t. (9169 m). «The legal registration of land uncultivated lands Bill

Tehran approval fitted took part. Pursuant to the Bill part of the lot of land around Tehran to

expand in the future for the city and the State, be seized. The Bank was established in the

building of other actions that take place in this era, if fitted. Nonphysical space-planning and

specifies no clear economic and social planning, the bank assigned to the housing fitted to

extend the plan of action and implementation of Tehran, residential areas properly.

The country's second Government program date of seven years-9111 e. t. (9159-9166m.) it

is fitted to. According to the program of economic development by relying onthe use

of existing resources will be prone areas. The general population and housing

census programmed, in the year 9116 Ah. No. (9165 CE) and the preparation of the

program and the urban plan of specific cities,

The findings of the research

In this topic, the following elements are reviews and analysis

-Review and analyze the laws, legislation, regulations, letter by letter, forklift, forklift,

forklift operating instructions and practices of e-books

-Review and analysis of the structure of the system of preparation, approval and

implementation of the urban development bearing in Iran

Investigation and analysis

of legislation, legislation, regulations, letter by letter, forklift,forklift, forklift operating

instructions and practices of e-books

"After the Islamic revolution, even though the formal changes in the political and

social structures of the country took place, but according to different causes,

fundamental changes in the structure of the country's urban development planning and the

existence of a common pattern did and comprehensive planning and detaileddesign of

comprehensive care-persists" (19 :9118 ,پیرزاده).

"Zagat law and urban planning regulations adopted by the Iranian-Islamic architecture,

91819186, paragraph 9, of this law," on the basis of continuous study about cities and the

Islamic architecture of Iran's past and present and the world in order to gain access to the

governing principles and values, its structure and the implementation of these new principles

of human knowledge and achieve value and new architectural and urban design principles to

be done. In front of this clause of the law, not be said because in the era after the Safavid era

of Islam, especially in the particular style of architecture and urban development is not used,

be claimed that to search for values and principles governing it must return to the past and

forklift it should be human knowledge with new matching up to new design principles based

on the value of lift achieved. This new law is the most جنبة جنبة of scientific culture. Islam

means surrender to God's commands. Islam is not the next time and place so fitted not be

claimed that the use of a particular style of architecture and Urbanism in different periods,

especially after Islam the same Safavid period, is Iranian-Islamic style. Our Lord created man

to lift each of the diverse human attaining our forklift rated thinking, behaviors, interests and

even voice and face lift are different. We cannot afford to live with a template, we're humans

crave variety forklift; دیروزمان amrozman is not the same with the urban development of

science is not constant urban development based on the needs of each community, in different

places and time of any later period there comes to fitted and it is up to the end time will

continue after the creation of any kind of follow the pattern of the unit, the Chimera is not

over. We cannot afford to make a science of science, humanities, and the other the Islamic

Science of command. All of the other is whatever is in the heavens and the Earth for him.

Islamic Science, rather than to have to follow Islamic index for indexes, that are not changed

until the end of the universe, such as the right to justice. we explore ¬ way reach forklift is the

index. We've discovered that urban citizens ' public interest is closer to social justice.

Following that in participatory planning and democratic planning was formed. Or on the basis

of paragraph 1 of the same law, "due to the special role of the basic element of the mosque as

a symbol of the Islamic City and location of Muslims, the mosque is essential as a turning

point in central cities, regions and localities of all land-use plans, including comprehensive

care, detailed plan, in order to be ready for deployment, and conductor". The basic symbol of

the Islamic City, its appearance is not impacted. A symbol of the Islamic City, the existence

of social justice, morality, science and is to be fitted in the form of a mosque. In order to

achieve Islamic City is not only the backend should be Islamic City of its appearance. To

achieve this, there needs to be a democratic and participatory-planning program in order to

ensure the public interest is essential to achieve this is the existence of social economic

infrastructure-based on social justice, it is crucial to have taken shape.

"Zuabat law prevent the increased range of cities," according to the law, any increase in the

range of approved comprehensive plans for urban villages and gross population density until

the city (i.e. the ratio of population to the level of the Act) in the current scope of the plan

(i.e., the range of possible changes to the approved plan, all legal and added the next act up to

this date) based on approved for the realization of the plan did not find shall be prohibited.

For example, if an industrial center on the basis of a comprehensive plan, in advance, the nose

part of the range or the city of privacy may be people who are working here, it is due to being

away travelling, near the industrial region started building informal housing and at the same

time, there are also inhabitable in a very short period of time, the margins of the urbanization

in the place of it. The purpose of this policy review, in fact the lack of advance of the nose

which is correct for the comprehensive plan-was fitted with the correct nose falls off and

maybe the real dominant lift planning as to the severity of the errors of law on the part of the

same caste; in the book of the Supreme Council of urban development and architecture of the

city's population has come true: "the horizon comprehensive plan-or conductors or in the

population figure of earlier periods of the nose for it in the foregoing for forklift At the same

time, a significant difference, with sections of less is more. "on the basis of these

considerations, it can be concluded that the comprehensive approach for as long as the State

did not lose their focus of optimal performance, cannot have to have planning tool and do not

lift on the reality of the city to prevent the increased range.

"The law granting incentive density in the urban texture of the worn out, Act 9911115".On the

basis of paragraph 9 of this law, basic density of cities, all that worn out tissues-

tissue فرسودة have approved, 9991 of the set can be fitted. According to paragraph 9 of this

law, in the field of the construction of basic density according to the texture of

the worn bearing, cities that have at least the minimum separation at the forklift have

been met, only for a 59 per cent rate-time (in a way that does not exceed the ceiling of

the detailed density) increased of continues. In conjunction with the texture of the worn out a

few of the questions raised is: first that of

worn bearingtissue in what part of the city of a refined? Secondly, the functional tissue, have r

efinedwhat? Third at sat

Investigation and analysis of the structure of the system of preparation, approval and

implementation of the urban development bearing in Iran

This part of the research, from the book "management reform is the development of a

strategic approach based on" urban Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, urban

planning and architecture, Department of architecture and urban design Office has

been drawn under that looks exactly fitted quote.

Urban development management process in Iran, according to the task and the role of the

Organization and institutions available to the following classification scheme is:

9. The policy of investment

9-Guide and tips


1-monitoring plan

6. Review and approval of the


8. Monitoring the implementation of the

1. Revision and amendment

The policy of investment

The policy of investment in urban development management system fitted to the general part

of the law system of investment in the country is that the rules in the legislature and of the

letter and in accordance with the rules adopted by the Executive for policy in the case

of Executive examination and approval can be fitted. Accordingly, investment policy in

General in the duties of the Board of Ministers and each of its subsidiaries, part of

the organization these tasks are responsible for:

(A). The Supreme Council of urban development and architecture of Iran

The Supreme Council established in accordance with the law, the Council's tasks in the field

of enterprise policy, as follows:

-Check the necessary proposals on the overall plan for urban development policy atthe Board

of Ministers

-Commenting towards urban planning and regulations, bills and proposals relating to

comprehensive care plan

-Adoption of standards and zuabat and rituals of urban planning for letter

(B) the Department of housing and urban development

The task of the Department of Housing and Urban

Development, urban developmentinvestment policy background dose generally consists

of applying the policy to determine the optimal balance between the population and the

creation of centers of population and urban area in the country with the aim of tohah to lift the

country’s economic and social development requirements. This general policy in the form

of an Executive for the following policy track fitted:

-Locate the towns and population centers of the future

-Determine the scope of development and capacity of the current and future cities

-Preparation and the lift line of the Executive for policy and conditions necessary for

the guidance and control of urbanization

-Specify the towns and settlements of the lift in terms of activities, the relevant

departments after the opinion of the

C. development of the province and Planning Council

Filed under politics, investment and development planning Council in the task of

investigation and development of Space Agency verification (axes and major

development centers in the province) to the other side and is responsible for compliance

with the policy, adopted by the Supreme Council of architecture and urban development to

review and approve the development plan of the

citydevelopment plan and other deals for fitted conductor, of the province's PlanningCouncil t

o form the High Council for policy enforcement and urban development is.

(D) Ministry of the Interior.

The policy of the Ministry in the field of investment planning urban development within the

framework of defined tasks in urban management. Ministry of the Interior in determining

the investment policy, as every town management (legal and privacy as the city), and to

determine the side effects of a decisive role in the development of urban planning.

Pursuant to article 99 of law Supreme Council of urban development and architecture,

preparation of the ritual of the letter of the law are Supreme Council Executive to the Ministry

of the Interior and the Ministry of HDH housing and urban development, which is after

the approval of the Board of Ministers operates in terms of the fitted look, the Interior

Ministry, the role of the decision maker, the law on investment, policy, Supreme Council

of urban development is responsible for the architecture.

C the Organization of management and planning of the country

The most important role in the politics of an investment management

organizationand planning in urban development planning system in national land document in

which the eyes of the country's long term space development, landscape, urban and

rural settlement pattern and system of the country and so is able to be fitted.

Although article 6 pursuant

to Decree No. 9969 a/d clipping dated 91199189Administrative Council, the task

of the skeletal and physical (physical design)comprehensive plan of the land to

the Department of housing and urban development, the HDH but in practice the

final compilation document managementand planning organization HDH country.

(C) effective for the Organization in the development of the country and

civil(administrative part of machine)

Effective for organizations in the development and construction for the city such as:

the Department of environment, cultural heritage, tourism, agriculture, the Ministry of

industry and mines. In their legal duties to investment policy, such that, fitted is a

serious influences on urban development planning system is:

-Conditions and criteria for settlement and industry service centers (EPA, Tehran, 9189)

To determine the set of buildings, forklift, forklift and Hill area of the registered

historical and specific criteria for its lift (article 99 of the Statute of the cultural heritage of the


The conclusion

In this

section investigate urban system structure elements of the country study andanalytical overvie

w on them took place. Results of measurements of this kind, in fact, part of the problems and

issues of the country's system of governing the city evaluated and results obtained, the lack

of efficiency of the current system governing the conditions of urban

development does stating the fitted. The approach focused on the structure of the

system, problems and issues such as, unable to correct a nose ahead, ¬, lack of attention

to how the financing and the reflection of the physical factors of an effective economic

plan, the lack of realization of the project of urban planning for non-

rigid and, indeed, of attention to the role of the people and of the lift in the

form of making designs has created hope to revise this approach fitted

range of between and using a new approach to ¬ The kind of planning system at the

national level, the local area, and a fitted form.


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