An Absolute Monarch?!

Post on 17-Jan-2023

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An Absolute Monarch?!

Which concept best reflects the belief that European monarchs were representatives of God on Earth?

A: Mandate of Heaven B: Theocracy

D: Filial Piety C: Divine Right

Which concept best reflects the belief that European monarchs were representatives of God on Earth?

A: Mandate of Heaven

C: Divine Right

B: Theocracy

D: Filial Piety

A: Decreasing the gap between the rich and poor

B: Heavy debt brought about by expanding the Palace of Versailles

D: Eliminating religious turmoil

One legacy left behind by Louis XIV for France was

C: State support for Enlightenment philosophy

One legacy left behind by Louis XIV for France was

A: Decreasing the gap between the rich and the poor

C: State support for Enlightenment philosophy

B: Heavy debt brought about by expanding the Palace of Versailles

D: Eliminating religious turmoil

A: Russia B: France

D: Prussia

Catherine the Great participated in several partitions of Poland to expand the borders of

C: Austria

Catherine the Great participated in several partitions of Poland to expand the borders of

A: Russia

C: Austria

B: France

D: Prussia

A: Peter put down a revolt by army officers in 1698

B: Russia won warm-water ports on the Baltic and Black Seas

D: Peter sent Russians to western European countries to study.

Which of the following is the best example to show how Peter the Great worked to modernize Russia?

C: Academies, factories, hospitals, and new capital city were built

Which of the following is the best example to show how Peter the Great worked to modernize Russia?

C: Academies, factories, hospitals, and a new capital city were built

A: Peter put down a revolt by army officers in 1698.

B: Russia won warm-water ports on the Baltic and Black Seas

D: Peter sent Russians to western European countries to study.

A: Charles V B: Ferdinand II

D: Philip II

Who defeated the Ottomans at Lepanto but lost their entire armada against the English?

C: Peter I

A: Charles V

C: Peter I

Who defeated the Ottomans at Lepanto but lost his entire armada against the English?

B: Ferdinand II

D: Philip II

A: The last revolution in Europe for two centuries B: Bloodless

D: A global conflict

The 1688 Glorious Revolution was notable for being

C: The final overthrow of the monarchy

The 1688 Glorious Revolution was notable for being

A: The last revolution in Europe for two centuries

C: The final overthrow of the monarchy

B: Bloodless

D: A global conflict

A: Belief that the monarch is a representative of God

B: Seizing of noble lands by a king

D: Protections given to property and free speech

Divine right is most accurately defined as the

C: Centralizing of power within a two-house legislature

Divine right is most accurately defined as the

A: Belief that the monarch is a representative of God

C: Centralizing of power within a two-house legilature

B: Seizing of noble lands by a king

D: Protections given to property and free speech

A: War of Austrian Succession B: War of Spanish Succession

D: Thirty Years’ War

Religion and the Peace of Westphalia were associated with which war?

C: Seven Years’ War

A: War of Austrian Succession

C: Seven Years’ War

Religion and the Peace of Westphalia were associated with which war?

B: War of Spanish Succession

D: Thirty Years’ War

A: Abolishing all social class distinctions B: Introducing western ideas and customs

D: Preventing wars with neighboring nations

Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by

C: Becoming constitutional monarchs

Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by

A: Abolished all social class distinctions

C: Becoming constitutional monarchs

B: Introducing western ideas and customs

D: Preventing wars with neighboring nations

A: Spain B: Great Britain

D: Sweden

Which nation became the most powerful in Europe as a result of the Thirty Years’ War?

C: France

Which nation became the most powerful in Europe as a result of the Thirty Years’ War?

C: France

A: Spain

B: Great Britain

D: Sweden

A: Building the Palace of Versailles B: Theory of divine right of kings

D: Cooperation with the Estates General

Louis XIV supported all of the following EXCEPT

C: Art and culture

A: Building the Palace of Versailles

C: Art and culture

Louis XIV supported all of the following EXCEPT

B: Theory of divine right of kings

D: Cooperation with the Estates General

A: It restored the Puritans to office B: It established a democracy

D: King gained even more power

Which was a result of the Glorious Revolution of 1689?

C: It restored Parliamentary power

Which was a result of the Glorious Revolution of 1689?

C: It restored the power of Parliament

A: It restored Puritans to office B: It established a democracy

D: King gained even more power

A: Extend the voting privileges of commoners B: Abolish the government’s role in levying taxes

D: Support the theory of the divine right of kings

The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights both served to

C: Limit the power of the monarchy

The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights both served to

C: Limit the power of the monarchy

A: Extend the voting privileges of commoners B: Abolish the government’s role in levying taxes

D: Support the theory of the divine right of kings

A: Centralized governmental authority B: Increased political rights for peasants and serfs

D: A system of checks and balances

What was a key characteristic of an absolute monarchy in the 16th and 17th centuries?

C: Freedom of religion

What was a key characteristic of an absolute monarchy in the 16th and 17th centuries?

A: Centralized governmental authority

C: Freedom of religion

B: Increased political rights for peasants and serfs

D: A system of checks and balances

Final Question…

Take out a piece of loose-leaf and work with your group to answer

the following question: Analyze how the Age of

Absolutism impacted England.