Expressing agreement and disagreement

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Expressing agreement and disagreement

Name : Mariana Sudirinanti

Class : XI MM 1


Expressing Agreement and Disagreement (ungkapan tentang setuju dan tidak setuju) adalah cara kita meminta persetujuan dan pertidaksetujuan atau dengan kata lain kita

mengekpresikannya dalam bahsa inggris.

Ada banyak kalimat yangdapat kita gunakan untuk menyatakan setuju atau tidak

setuju,berikut contoh dari agreement dan disagreement :

Ungkapan setuju

• I agree = saya setuju

• I agree with you = saya setuju dengan Anda • I couldn’t agree with you more = saya sangat setuju dengan Anda • That’s so sure = Benar sekali

• Abesolutely! = Benar sekali! • You’re absolutely right! = Anda benar sekali!

• That’s exactly what I think = Hal itu tepat seperti yang saya pikirkan • Exactly! = Tepat sekali! • I’m afraid I agree with him = Saya rasa saya setuju dengan dia

• I have to side with you on this one = Saya harus berpihak pada Anda untuk yang satu ini • No doubt about it = Tidak ada keraguan mengenai hal itu • Tell me about it! (Bahasa Slang, bermakna setuju)

• I guess so, I suppose so = Saya kira begitu (Setuju tapi tidak terlalu yakin) • I was going to say that = Saya tadi ingin bilang begitu

• I am with you = Saya sependapat dengan Anda

Ungkapan tidak setuju

• I don’t think so = Saya rasa tidak… • No way! = Tidak setuju! (Ungkapan tidak setuju yang kuat)

• I’m afraid I disagree with that = Saya rasa saya tidak setuju dengan hal itu • I totally disagree = Saya sangat tidak setuju • I beg to differ = Saya ingin berpendapat berbeda

• I’d say the exact opposite = Saya ingin berpendapat sebaliknya (Ungkapan tidak setuju yang kuat)

• That’s not always true = Itu tak selalu benar • Not necessarily = Itu tidak penting • That’s not always the case = itu bukan selalu masalahnya

• No, I’m not sure about that = Tidak, saya tidak yakin dengan hal itu

Example :

Farah : our earth is getting hotter. It’s because of a lot of illegal logging, green house effect,air

Pollution by carbon dioxide, and much more.

Risma : I agree with you. Then, what should we do? Any idea?

Farah : Hmmm…. I think we must do prohibition to use the vehicles or stop factory activities that

damage the river for a while.

Risma : Umm…I’m not sure I can agree. Your ideas are too excessive. It’s impossible. I think we

must do reforestation along way and cooperate with many people to make it happen.

Farah : Ah that’s right, I agree completely. But, we have a problem here,

Risma : What’s that?

Farah : where we can get the plants?

Risma : don’t worry. My uncle sells a lot of plant. So, we can buy it.

Farah : that’s a good idea.


(Meminta dan Memberikan Pendapat)

Opinion is including the words of opinion and argument/ reasons. Opinion dialogue is a dialog consists of two persons or more who have opinion each others. It

can use the expressions, such as in my opinion, in my view, I think etc. Argument dialogue is a dialog that states the arguments or reasons. It can use the words such as first, second etc for arranging arguments.

Asking opinion :

Formal Situation Informal Situation

Asking opinion Have you got any comments on Do you have any idea?

Do you have any opinion on . . . Would you give me your

opinion on…….? What is your reaction to … What is your opinion about….?

What are you feeling about….? What are your views on…….?

Please give me your frank opinion ?

Asking Opinion What do you think of…….? What do you think about…?

What is your opinion? Why do they behave like that?

Do you think it’s going? How do you like? How was the trip?

How do you think of Rina’s idea ?

How do you feel about this dicition ?

Giving opinion I personally believe ….. I personally consider ….

I personally think /feel …. I hold the opinion ….

My own view of the matter is ... Well, personally ……. If I had my view, I would …..

Giving opinion I think I like it. I don’t think I care for it.

I think it’s good/nice/terrific.. I think that awful/not

nice/terrible…… I don’t think much of it. I think that……..

In my opinion, I would rather… In my case …..

What I’m more concerned with ….

What I have in my mind is…

The way I see is that…… No everyone will agree with me,

but …. To my mind ….. From my point of view …

If you aks me, I feel … Absolutely ………

Look the at the sentence structure to express opinions

Subject Verb Object

I Agree With what you are saying

We Believe This is not the right way to handle things

I Reckon This could be right considering the reasons you have provided

I Agree That I didn’t look at it from this perspective

I Doubt That this is possible

We Assume You are blassed on this issue

I Don’t agree With you

I Think You are mistaken

I Think So too


Agreeing Disagreeing

Yes, I agree with John. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with John.

Yes, I think that's a good point.

I think you may have missed the point there ...

I'll go along with that. Sorry, I can't go along with that.


Note : Informal Expressions are used in a situation where you are talking between friends or close

friends. The expressions usually respond to something that you discuss in an informal situation. Formal Expressions are used in a situation where you are talking in a formal situation, such

as in the office or school between the teacher and students Think about is used when a person is occupied with something or somebody

Example : I can’t stop thinking about her think of is used to imagine something. You can actually replace the word think of with the

word imagine.

Dialog Examples:

Mr. Zoe : What do you think of my new house?

Shane : It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many novels in your new house.

Mr. Zoe : Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.

Shane : How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels ?

Mr. Zoe : I feel they are great novels.

Shane : Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.

Mr. Zoe : I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.

Shane : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going to rain. OK Mr. Zoe see you.