Analisis Top Down input Output Runtunan · PDF fileAnalisis Top Down input & Output Runtunan...

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Analisis Top Downinput & Output


Pertemuan 3

IF-UTAMA Ver/Rev : 1/0 III - 2


o Deskripsi

o Tujuan Instruksional

o Referensi

o Overview Library Header

o Analisa Top Down

o Input & Output

o Runtunan

IF-UTAMA Ver/Rev : 1/0 III - 3


Pada pertemuan ini akan dipelajari mengenaiAnalisa Top Down, input & Output dalam Bahasa

C/C++, serta runtunan


IF-UTAMA Ver/Rev : 1/0 III - 4

Tujuan Instruksional

Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :

o Menjelaskan analisis Top-Down

o Menjelaskan proses input dan output, serta cara

penulisannya dalam program

o Membedakan proses input dan output

o Menjelaskan proses runtunan/sequence

o Menggunakan analisis Top-Down

o Menggunakan proses input dan output

o Menggunakan proses runtunan/sequence

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1. Deitel, H.M. and Deitel, P.J., “C++ How to Program, 2nd Edition”, Prentice Hall, 1994 (Bab 3

dan 12)

2. Deitel, H.M. and Deitel, P.J., “C How to Program,

4nd Edition”, Prentice Hall, 2004 (bab 5,8,9 dan21)

3. Herianto,“Presentasi Pemrograman


Header File


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Header Files

Common Usages:

o Creates an informal module interface (No relation to Java interfaces)

o Provides documentation

o Each module usually has a header file

o Often include the following:� function prototypes� struct and class declarations� typedefs� global variable declarations� Lots of (high-level) comments

o Abstracts code for optimization (less common)

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Preprocessor Overview

The preprocessor is a lexical macro engine

run before the compiler sees the code

o Performs lexical transforms of text

� It does not understand C/C++� There is no concept of types

o Transforms are based on lexical substitution

� Think Search and Replace

o Preprocess directives (commands) start with ‘#’

� Each directive goes on its own line

� The # must be the first character on a line.

o No semicolons!!!!!!!!!!!!

� Newlines end a preprocessor directive, no a ‘;’.

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o #define Tag Substitution

� Replaces all following occurrences of Tag with Substitution

� The Substitution may be the empty string� Does not replace Tag if it is inside quotation marks

o #define Tag(x,y,z) Substitution

� Creates a Function-like macro Tag

� The Substitution may refer to the parameters x, y, or z

� Only items of the form Tag(x,y,z) will be replaced (Just plain Tag will be ignored)

#define MAX_SIZE 80

#define GET_FIELD(a,b) a->b

int ar[MAX_SIZE];

GET_FIELD(point, xCoord);

GET_FIELD(“lalala", f03j?);

int ar[80];




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The #if, and its variants

o #if constant-expression

Include the following block of text if constant-expression is non-zero

o #ifdef Tag

Include the following block if Tag is currently defined (via an earlier #define)

o #ifndef Tag

Include the following block if Tag is currently not defined (via an earlier #define)

o #else

Used to delimit the else clause in a preprocessor if statement

o #elif constant-expression

Used to create an else-if clause in a preprocessor if statement

o #endif

Delimits the end of a preprocessor if statement. There should be exactly one of these for each #if, #ifdef, and #ifndef.

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#if examples


# define DPRINT(msg) \

fprintf(stderr, “DBG: %s”, msg);


# define DPRINT(msg)


#ifdef WIN32

# define open _open

# define close _close


The DPRINT macro when INCLUDE_DEBUG_PRINT is defined, evaluates to printing code. Otherwise, it evaluates to the empty string.

Windows calls the open and close functions, _open, and _close respectively. This is annoying, so let’s fix it with preprocessor macros.

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#include essentially copies and pastes the given file into the current line

o There are two forms of #include

o They differ in the order in which directories are search for thegiven file

o The search order is implementation defined

o Here is the general pattern for different compilers:

#include <filename>

�Searches the “include path,” then the current directory

#include “filename”

�Searches the current directory, then the “include path”


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#undef, #error, #warning

o #undef Tag

Removes definition of a Tag. (undoes a #define)

o #error message

Causes compilation to stop at this line with the given error message. Often this is used with #if blocks to indicate an invalid set of #define macros.

o #warning message

Causes the compiler to output an warning at this line with the given message. Can be used as strong reminders that a file needs work.

o #pragma option

Used to pass an option to the compiler. Almost all #pragma commands are compiler-dependent.

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#pragma, #line

o #line number

Used to change what line number that the compiler thinks it is on.

This is often seen in:

�Computer Generated Code (from like flex, bison, or something)

�Code outputed by the preprocessor

#line to allows programs to make the compiler’s error messages to correspond to the original source file’s line numbers rather than the generated source file’s line numbers.

Analisis Top Down


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Sub Masalah A Sub Masalah B Sub Masalah C

Masalah Besar

Sub Masalah A1 Sub Masalah A2





Strategi umum dalampenyelesaian masalah besar; kompleks; rumit

Top Down

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Contoh Top Down

Mahasiswa Dosen Perkuliahan

Sistem Informasi Akademis

Entry data

Hapus data

Laporan data

Entry data

Hapus data

Laporan data

Entry data

Hapus data

Laporan data

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Implementasi : Metode Modular


Call A


Call B


Call C



Call A1


Call A2















Bagian Utama

Dapat diterapkan secara :

- Internal : sub program, procedure, function

- Eksternal : file unit, header, modul



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Simple Sequence

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o Instruksi dikerjakan secara berurutan.

� dari atas ke bawah

Print harga3

harga ← jmlBrg x hrgSat2

input jmlBrg, hrgSat1



IF-UTAMA Ver/Rev : 1/0 III - 22

Contoh Sequence (1)

o Program akan dikerjakan dengan input:

� 2, 1500

Print harga3

harga ← jmlBrg x hrgSat2

input jmlBrg, hrgSat1




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Contoh Sequence (2)

o Mulai dengan langkah-1:

� input 2, 1500

Print harga3

harga ← jmlBrg x hrgSat2

input jmlBrg, hrgSat1





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Contoh Sequence (3)

o Langkah-2:

� Hitung perkalian, simpan hasilnya di variabel


Print harga3

harga ← jmlBrg x hrgSat2

input jmlBrg, hrgSat1







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Contoh Sequence (4)

o Langkah-3:

� Tampilkan isi variabel harga

Print harga3

harga ← jmlBrg x hrgSat2

input jmlBrg, hrgSat1







Input & Output

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C-style IO is an acquired taste. Learn to like it.

I/O C-style

Basic functions:

o printf, scanf, fprintf, fscanf, sprintf, sscanf, etc.

o gets, puts, getc, putc, getchar

o read, write, fread, fwrite

We will cover the basics of the “formated” family of

functions (printf, scanf, etc).


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printf(char *format_string, ...);

fprintf(FILE*, char *format_string, ...);

snprintf(char* buf, size_t n, char *format_string, ...);


o In C, all devices are treated like files

o Three standard files are:

� stdin Often the keyboard

� stdout Often the text console

� stderr Often the text console

o printf(....) is fprintf(stdout, ....)

o The format string is a pattern for the output; it describes how to display the arguments to printf.

o Snprintf write to the string “buf”. The variable n specifies the size of the buffer.

o printf returns the number of characters written

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format string

o Format strings are normal strings with embedded “conversion specifications” which are placeholders for arguments

o Conversion specifications are a ‘%’ and a letter with an optional set of arguments in between the ‘%’ and letter.

o To print a ‘%’, you need to write ‘%%’


printf(“Here is a number: %d\n”, 10);

%d is the conversion specification for signed integers.

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Conversion Specifications

Conversion Specifications:

o %d, %i -- signed integer

o %u -- unsigned integer

o %f -- floating point number

o %c -- character

o %s -- string

o %x -- hexadecimal value

o %p -- pointer

Converion specifications tell how to translate

a data value into a string


o l -- long (32-bit value)

o ll -- long long (64-bit value)

o n -- field width of n digits

o .n -- precision of n digits

o 0 -- fill unused field with 0s

There are many more! Read man pages, or Google it.


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printf quiz!

Figure out the output of the following:

o printf(“%.3f rounded to 2 decimals is %.2f\n”, 2.325, 2.325);

o printf(“%d in hex is: %04x\n”, 24, 24);

o printf(“Quizzes are fun, ja?\n”);

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scanf(char *format_string, ...);

fscanf(FILE*, char *format_string, ...);

sscanf(char*, char *format_string, ...);


o scanf(....) is fscanf(stdin, ....)

o All arguments ot scanf must be pointers (or arrays)

o scanf does almost no size checks. It is easy to get a buffer overflow here. Make sure you use a field length specifier with the %s conversion specifer!!!

o scanf returns the number of items read.

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scanf Examples

int items_read;

Read a number:

int num;

items_read = scanf(“%d”, &num);

Read a character:

char ch;

items_read = scanf(“%c”, &ch);

Read a string of max length, 79 chars:

char buf[80];

buf[79]=‘\0’; // Ensure a terminating NULL.

items_read = scanf(“%79s”, buf);

Read number after pattern of “a:<num>”:

int num;

items_read = scanf(“a:%d”, &num);

always check the return value of



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C++-style IO is easier for simple stuff

I/O C++-style

Basic classes:

o iostream (cout, cin, cerr)

o ostringstream, istringstream

cout << “Hello World!” << endll;

cout << “Boo! “ << 10 << ‘c’ << endl;

cerr << “Here’s the error stream” << endl;

int n;

cin >> n;

char ch;

cin >> ch;

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...but harder for complex stuff

I/O C++-style continued...

printf(“%.3f rounded to 2 decimals is %.2f\n”, 2.325, 2.325);


cout << setprecision(3) << 2.325

<< “ rounded to 2 decimals is “

<< setprecision(2) << 2.3.25

<< endl;

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C and C++ I/O compared

C-style I/O:

• No type safety. What happens with printf(“%d”, ‘c’);?

• Conversion specifications have a high learning curve.

• Almost all the state of the I/O is contained in the function call.

C++ style I/O:

• Manipulators are very verbose/annoying

• Global state gets changed. When you do “cout << 2.4555”, what precision are you set at? You don’t know. It’s worse with threads.

• You get more customizability since C++ I/O is classed based.

NEVER mix C and C++ I/O...until you know what ios::sync_with_stdio() does.