Download - MinIdent - A Data Base for Minerals and a FORTRAN 77 Program for Their Identification - A Reference Manual



A Data Base for Minerals and a FORTRAN 77 Program for Their Identifcation


D. G. W. Smith D. P. Leibovitz

(manual version February 12, 1987)

Department of Geology University of Alberta


Printed at the University of Alberta

© 1987, D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith


Minldent is an interactive mineral identification and mineral data base management program written in FORTRAN 77. The data base contains compositional, optical and other parameters describing more than 3700 minerals. The data base management aspect of the program will not be used by the general user. It contains facilities to modify the data base through additions, deletions, etc. The normal usage consists of the following steps:

1 . entering data for a mineral to be identified (the unknown) or entering search criteria.

2. identifying the mineral, or matching minerals meeting the search criteria.

3. displaying data for specified, identified or matched minerals.

This manual assumes the reader is already familiar to some extent with Minldent. It contains all the terms that may be explained via the ? / HELP / EXPLAIN commands.

Minldent - iii

Tabte of Contents

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... iii

1 . commands ........................................................................................................................... 1

1 . 1 I symbol ................................................................................................................ 2

1.2 $ command ............................................................................................................ 2

1.3 * command ............................................................................................................ 2

1.4 - symbol ................................................................................................................ 2

1.5 ? - synonym for help .............................................................................................. 3

1.6 : symbol ................................................................................................................ 3

1.7 # symbol ................................................................................................................ 3

1.8 @ symbol ............................................................................................................... 3

1.9 a parameter ............................................................................................................ 4

1 . 10 add command t parameter of modify section / permit command .................................. .4

1 . 1 1 all parameter .......................................................................................................... 5

1 . 12 alpha parameter ...................................................................................................... 5

1.13 angles parameter .................................................................................................... 6

1.14 attention key I command .......................................................................................... 6

1.15 average parameter ............................................. : .................................................... 6

1.16 b parameter ........................................................................................................... 6

1 . 1 7 batch command ...................................................................................................... 7

1 . 1 8 batchprint variable .................................................................................................. 7

1 . 19 beta parameter ....................................................................................................... 7

1.20 birefringence ......................................................................................................... 8

1.21 blank parameter ............................................................................... '" .................... 8

1.22 break - synonym for attention .................................................................................. 8

1.23 c parameter ........................................................................................................... 8

1.24 c(alpha) - synonym for colour(alpha) .......................................................................... 9


1.25 c(beta) - synonym for colour(beta) ............................................................................ 9

1.26 c(epsilon) - synonym for cOlour(epsilon) .................................................................... 9

1.27 c(gamma) - synonym for colour(gamma) .................................................................... 9

1.28 c(omega) - synonym for colour(omega) ..................................................................... 9

1.29 calpha - synonym for colour(alpha) ........................................................................... 9

1.30 case variable .......................................................................................................... 9

1.31 cbeta - synonym for colour(beta) ............................................................................. 9

1.32 cepsilon - synonym for colour(epsilon) ..................................................................... 9

1.33 cgamma - synonym for colour(gamma) ...................................................................... 9

1.34 characters-per-line parameter .................................................................................. 9

1.35 classify parameter ................................................................................................ 10

1.36 cm parameter ....................................................................................................... 11

1.37 color - synonym for colour ................................................................................... 12

1 .38 color(alpha) - synonym for colour(alpha) .................................................................. 12

1.39 color(beta) - synonym for colour(beta) .................................................................... 12

1 .40 color(epsilon) - synonym for colour(epsilon) ............................................................ 12

1 .41 color(gamma) - synonym for colour(gamma) ............................................................ 12

1 .42 color(omega) - synonym for colour(omega) ............................................................. 12

1 .43 colors - synonym for colours ................................................................................ 1 2

1 .44 colour parameter .................................................................................................. 12

1 .45 colours parameter .......................................... : ..................................................... 1 2

1 .46 colour(alpha) parameter ......................................................................................... 1 3

1 .47 colour(beta) parameter .......................................................................................... 13

1.48 colour(epsilon) parameter ...................................................................................... 13

1.49 colour(gamma) parameter ...................................................................................... 14

1.50 colour(omega) parameter ....................................................................................... 14

1.51 comega - synonym for colour(omega) .................................................................... 15


1.52 compile command of modify section ...................................................................... 15

1.53 continue command ................................................................................................ 15

1 .54 coordination parameter ......................................................................................... 16

1.55 CPL - synonym for eharacters-per-line ................................................................... 16

1 .56 erd - synonym for eoordination ............................................................................. 16

1.57 eutoff variable ..................................................................................................... 16

1.58 d-value parameter ................................................................................................. 16

1.59 data parameter ..................................................................................................... 17

1.60 date parameter ..................................................................................................... 17

1.61 default parameter ................................................................................................. 17

1 .62 delete eommand / parameter of modify section / permit ............................................ 18

1 .63 density parameter ................................................................................................. 18

1 .64 destroy - synonym for delete ................................................................................ 18

1.65 diehroism parameter ............................................................................................. 18

1.66 dimensions parameter ........................................................................................... 19

1 .67 dinitials variable .................................................................................................... 19

1 .68 discredited parameter ........................................................................................... 19

1 .69 dispersion parameter ............................................................................................ 19

1.70 display eommand of ident seetion .......................................................................... 20

1 .7 1 divisions parameter ............................................................................................... 2 1

1 .72 dsouree parameter ............................................................................................... 22

1 .73 dvalues - synonym for d-values ............................................................................. 22

1.74 EDATA2 command ................................................................................................ 22

1.75 edges parameter .................................................................................................. 22

1.76 edit command / parameter of modify section / permit ................................................ 22

1.77 elist eommand ...................................................................................................... 23

1.78 epsilon - synonym for n(epsilon) ............................................................................ 23





























exit - synonym for stop ........................................................................................ 23

explain - synonym for help .................................................................................... 23

formula parameter ................................................................................................ 23

gamma parameter ................................................................................................. 25

generals parameter ............................................................................................... 25

grecords command ............................................................................................... 25

help command ...................................................................................................... 25

id command ......................................................................................................... 26

identifier parameter .............................................................................................. 26

identify command of ident section ......................................................................... 26

IM parameter ........................................................................................................ 27

indices parameter ................................................................................................. 27

initials parameter .................................................................................................. 27

JCPDS parameter ................................................................................................. 28

Icutoff variable ..................................................................................................... 28

length parameter .................................................................................................. 28

level .................................................................................................................... 29

list command ........................................................................................................ 29

locality parameter ................................................................................................. 29

location - synonym for locality ............................................................................... 30

match command of ident section ........................................................................... 30

maximum parameter .............................................................................................. 30

merge command of modify section ........................................................................ 31

minimum parameter ............................................................................................. .". 31

missmatch command ............................................................................................. 31

mlocality parameter .............................................................................................. 31

moccurrence parameter ........................................................................................ 32


1.106 mohs parameter ................................................................................................... 32

1.107 move command .................................................................................................... 33

1.108 mremarks parameter ............................................................................................. 33

1 . 109 msource parameter ............................................................................................... 34

1.110 n parameter ......................................................................................................... 34

1 . 1 1 1 n(alpha) parameter ................................................................................................. 34

1 . 1 1 2 n(beta) parameter .................................................................................................. 34

1 . 1 1 3 n(epsilon) parameter .............................................................................................. 35

1.114 n(gamma) parameter .............................................................................................. 35

1.115 n(omega) parameter .............................................................................................. 36

1 . 1 16 nalpha - synonym for n(alpha) ................................................................................. 36

1 . 1 17 name parameter .................................................................................................... 36

1 . 1 1 8 nbeta - synonym for n(beta) ................................................................................... 36

1.119 nepsilon - synonym for n(epsilon) ........................................................................... 36

1.120 newmineral variable ............................................................................................... 36

1.121 ngamma - synonym for n(gamma) ........................................................................... 37

1.122 nomega - synonym for n(omega) ............................................................................ 37

1.123 none parameter .................................................................................................... 37

1.124 null value .............................................................................................................. 37

1.125 number parameter ................................................................................................ 37

1.126 OAP parameter .................................................................. : .................................. 37

1.127 occurrence parameter ........................................................................................... 38

1.128 of parameter of table ........................................................................................... 38

1.129 omega - synonym for n(omega) .............................................................................. 39

1.130 OPM parameter of table ........................................................................................ 39

1.131 output variable ..................................................................................................... 39

1.132 oxides parameter .................................................................................................. 39





























password command of the ident section ................................................................ 39

pbase - synonym for proportion-basis ................................................................... .40

pbasis - synonym for proportion-basis ................................................................... 40

permit command I parameter of the modify section I permit ..................................... .40

permit parameter .................................................................................................. 40

pleochroism parameter ......................................................................................... 40

polymorphs parameter .......................................................................................... 40

proportion-basis parameter ................................................................................... 41

proportion-sum parameter ..................................................................................... 41

psum - synonym for proportion-sum ...................................................................... 42

psw - synonym for password ................................................................................ 42

quit - synonym for stop ........................................................................................ 42

r(470) - synonym for reflectance(470nm) ............................................................... 42

r(546) - synonym for reflectance(446nm) .............................................................. .42

r(589) - synonym for reflectance(589nm) .............................................................. .42

r(650) - synonym for reflectance(650nm) ............................................................... 42

record parameter I command .................................................................................. 42

reflectance parameter ........................................................................................... 42

reflectance(470nm) parameter ............................................................................... 43

reflectance(546nm) parameter ............................................................................... 43

reflectance(589nm) parameter ............................................................................... 43

reflectance(650nm) parameter .............................................................................. .44

refraction parameter ............................................................................................. 44

remarks parameter ............................................................................................... 45

request variable .................................................................................................... 45

restriet command ................................................................................................. 45

rfl - synonym for reflectances .............................................................................. .45



1. 161


























rfr - synonym for refractions ................................................................................ 45

r470nm - synonym for reflectance(470nm) ........................................................... .46

r546nm - synonym for refleetanee(546nm) ........................................................... .46

r589nm - synonym for refleetanee(589nm) ........................................................... .46

r650nm - synonym for refleetanee(650nm) ........................................................... .46

sampies parameter ................................................................................................ 46

save eommand ..................................................................................................... 46

sglist command .................................................................................................... 47

show command .................................................................................................... 47

shownull variable .................................................................................................. 47

sign parameter ..................................................................................................... 48

sort eommand ...................................................................................................... 48

souree parameter ................................................................................................. 48

spaee-group parameter ......................................................................................... 49

spcgrp - synonym for space-group ........................................................................ 50

srecords eommand ............................................................................................... 50

status eommand ................................................................................................... 50

stop command ..................................................................................................... 50

subset eommand .................................................................................................. 50

sum parameter ..................................................................................................... 5 1

symmetry parameter ............................................................................................. 5 1

synonym parameter .............................................................................................. 52

table - synonym for tabulate .................................................................................. 52

tabulate command of the ident section ................................................................... 52

test variable ......................................................................................................... 54

time - synonym for date ........................................................................................ 55

tlist command ....................................................................................................... 55























tm parameter ....................................................................................................... 55

tree command ...................................................................................................... 55

type parameter ..................................................................................................... 56

undisplay parameter .............................................................................................. 56

unknown command of ident section ....................................................................... 56

unload variable ..................................................................................................... 56

VHN parameter ..................................................................................................... 56

weight parameters ................................................................................................ 57

width variable ....................................................................................................... 58

year-first-described parameter .............................................................................. 58

yfd - synonym for year-first-described .................................................................. 58

yrecords command ............................................................................................... 58

zero variable ........................................................................................................ 58

2V- : synonym for 2V(alpha) ................................................................................... 59

2V(alpha) parameter .............................................................................................. 59

2V(gamma) parameter ........................................................................................... 59

2V+ - synonym for 2V(gamma) .............................................................................. 60

2Valpha - synonym for 2V(alpha) ............................................................................ 60

2Vgamma - synonym for 2V(gamma) ...................................................................... 60

2VX - synonym for 2V(alpha) ................................................................................. 60

2VZ - synonym for 2V(gamma) .............................................................................. 60

2. definitions: ........................................................................................................................ 61

2.1 angle entry ........................................................................................................... 61

2.2 batch file ............................................................................................................. 61

2.3 bd.min ................................................................................................................. 61

2.4 collection numbers ............................................................................................... 61

2.5 colour entry ......................................................................................................... 61


2.6 command ............................................................................................................. 63

2.7 compiled data ....................................................................................................... 63

2.8 continuation of long lines ...................................................................................... 63

2.9 data sources ........................................................................................................ 63

2.10 defaults ............................................................................................................... 64

2.11 development charges ............................................................................................ 64

2.12 disclaimer ............................................................................................................ 65

2.13 editing data .......................................................................................................... 65

2. 14 errors in data base ................................................................................................ 65

2.15 general data ......................................................................................................... 65

2.16 ident section ........................................................................................................ 66

2.17 ignored minerals ................................................................................................... 67

2.18 mineral ................................................................................................................ 67

2.19 mineral data .......................................................................................................... 67

2.20 Minldent ............................................................................................................... 67

2.21 modify section ..................................................................................................... 68

2.22 MTS .................................................................................................................... 68

2.23 precision ............................................................................................................. 68

2.24 range ................................................................................................................... 68

2.25 requests .............................................................................................................. 69

2.26 restoring and saving data on tape ........................................................................... 69

2.27 sampie data .......................................................................................................... 69

2.28 set.min file ........................................................................................................... 71

2.29 symbols ............................................................................................................... 71

2.30 synonym data ....................................................................................................... 71

2.31 unknown data ....................................................................................................... 71

2.32 variables .............................................................................................................. 73


·3 .. ,.<,sample sessions ................................................................................................................. 76

3.1 add command sampie session ................................................................................ 76

3.2 compile command sampie session .......................................................................... 78

3.3 display command sampie session ........................................................................... 79

3.4 edit command sampie session ................................................................................ 87

3.5 identify command sampie session .......................................................................... 88

3.6 match command sampie session ............................................................................. 90

3.6.1 match d-values sampie session ............................................................... 91

3.6.2 match to find Be bearing minerals ........................................................... 93

3.7 table command ...................................................................................................... 95

3.8 unknown command - request=on ........................................................................... 97

4. Practical Procedures for Use of Minldent ........................................................................... 100

5. system dependent features ............................................................................................... 102

5.1 ATN function and subroutine ................................................................................ 102

5.2 ATNON subroutine .............................................................................................. 102

5.3 ATNOFF subroutine ............................................................................................. 102

5.4 BEEP subroutine ................................................................................................. 102

5.5 CMDNOE subroutine ........................................................................................... 102

5.6 COST function .................................................................................................... 102

5.7 DATA statements ................................................................................................ 102

5.8 DATE subroutine ................................................................................................. 103

5.9 EDIT subroutine .................................................................................................. 103

5.10 GUID subroutine ................................................................................................. 103

5.11 GUINFO subroutine ............................................................................................. 103

5.12 INTEGER*2 pro gram variables .............................................................................. 103

5.13 LOCK subroutine ................................................................................................. 103

5. 14 PKEY subroutine ................................................................................................. 103


5.15 READ subroutine ................................................................................................ 104

5. 16 ROY All subroutine .............................................................................................. 104

5. 1 7 ROY ALU subroutine ............................................................................................. 1 04

5. 1 8 TIME subroutine .................................................................................................. 104

5. 19 WRITE subroutine ............................................................................................... 1 04

references ............................................................................................................................. 1 05

Index ........................................ , ............................................................................................ 106


Minldent - 1

1. commands

This part of the manuallists all symbols or words that command Minldent to perform certain actions. Following are the conventions used in command syntax and in synonyms:

1. The minimum abbreviations, if allowed, are shown in upper case. For example: DENsity

can be entered in upper, lower or mixed case in any of the following forms: den dens densi densit density

2. n (braces) enclose terms that should be replaced appropriately. For example: SRECords={mineralJ

could mean the entry of: srec=calcite

3. 0 (parentheses) enclose optional material. For example: Identify (And)

could be entered as either of the following: i i and

4. ... (ellipsis) denotes that multiple entries are allowed. For example: Table {parameter} ...

would permit the entry of: table {parameter 1} {parameter2} {parameter3}

5. Where {range} is specified, see range in the "Definitions" section.

In text, terms described in this manual will appear in boldface.

Minldent - 2

1.1 I symbol





{a commandJHanother commandJ

The vertical bar symbol is equivalent to a carriage return . It is used to enter multiple commands on one input line. Minldent will place a "I:" be fore the next command(s) being read in from such a line.

The following: unknownlmoh=9-1 Olsavelmatchltabulate moh name

is equivalent to: unknown . moh=9-10 save ... match tabulate moh name.

and will cause an output similar to:

. . unknown data can now be entered entry of Mohs' hardness for unknown

. data entry for unknown is complete find minerals with 9>=moh>= 1 0

. . . . . table of matched minerals

I: moh=9-1 Olsavelmatchltabulate moh name I: savelmatchltabulate moh name I: matchltabulate moh name I: tabulate moh name

The sequential presentation above is made so that the user is aware of which statement is being processed. This is important if one of the statements contains an error. All commands on the same input line following a command which is in error will be ignored and the message "Multiple commands ignored" will be printed.

1.2 $ command




S {MTS commandJ

The dollar sign prefixes MTS commands and is therefore system dependent.

S copy -p .min Sempty -p.min Smes Sf ..... .

display contents of file "-p.min" delete contents of file "-p.min"

enter the MTS message system . . . . . . . list the user' s files

1.3 * command





An asterisk symbol at the start of a line will cause that input line to be ignored. This is useful as a "print" statement in a batch file.

*This "command" will be ignored.I*So will this *This is also ignoredlbut this isn't

1.4 • symbol





{start of a commandl -{middle of a commandl -{end of a commandl

Minldent - 3

The dash symbol informs Minldent that the next line entered is part of the previous line. This may be needed where long lines are entered (such as for remarks) because some systems will truncate them.

remarks=This mineral has not been found to occur as -discrete crystals but only intergrown with related -species in the form of polycrystals.

A dash should not split up a word as the dash is replaced by aspace.

1.5 ? - synonym for help

1.6 : symbol

Syntax: 1 . 2. fparameterl=:

Synonym: EDIT


1.7 # symbol





1 . 2.

edits the current request using the MTS editor. edits the contents of the parameter.

#{Minldent commandl

The # symbol informs Minldent that the input is not a response to arequest, but a command to be executed. After the command is executed, the request is made again.

This symbol is redundant when the request variable is off because all inputs are assumed to be commands.

)N(alpha)""? 1.504. . . . . . )N(beta)""? #n(alpha) = 1.405 . )N(beta)""? 1 .435 . . . . . . . )N(gamma)""?

incorrect value entered . . . correction made

. correct value entered

Minldent - 4

1.8 @ symbol





1 . 2.

1 . 2.

@{Iinel tparameterl=@{linel

appends the line to the present value of a requested parameter. appends the line to the present value of the parameter.

If the remarks parameter already contains: Mineral is metallic

Then the entry of: 1 . @It is also brittle. 2. remarks=@lt is also brittle. would both cause the remarks parameter to contain:

Mineral is metallic. It is also brittle.

Aspace is inserted between the default and appended value.

1 .9 a parameter




1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

A A=trangeJ tabulate A

displays the general, sampie or unknown unit cell edge a. assigns it. tabulates it.

0.0 - 150.0 angstroms (Al

Minldent - 5

1.10 add command I parameter of modify section I permit command





1 . Add Any {mineral} 2. Add General {mineral} 3. Add Sampie {mineral} 4. Add Mineral {mineral} 5. Add SYnonym {synonym} 6. permit lid} Add

1. adds general, mineral, and/or sampie data to the data base. Minldent will then go into the "General/mineral / sampie input" request loop. Since general parameters have the same name as sampie parameters, they must be prefixed with a "G" to distinguish the two, i.e., sampie density would be entered as

den=3.4 while general density would be entered as

gden=3.4 Note: Forms 2)' 3) and 4) are less costly then 1).

2. adds general and mineral data to the data base. Minldent will then go into the "General/mineral input" request loop.

3. adds mineral and sampie data to the data base. Minldent will then go into the "Sampie / mineral input" request loop.

4. adds only mineral data to the data base. Minldent will then then go into the "Mineral input" request loop.

5. adds synonym data to the data base. Minldent will then go into the "Synonym input" request loop.

6. permits the user specified by the ID to add data to the data base.

The save command must be issued to complete the addition of data. To add unknown data, use the unknown command of the ident section.

add any gold add mineral hornblende add sampie calcite add general biotite add synonym absite

1.11 all parameter

Syntax: tabulate (parameters) ... ALL (parameters) ...

Semantics: tabulates the parameters for all minerals in the data base (in alphabetical order).

Example: tabulate name formula all

Minldent - 6

1.12 alpha parameter

Syntax: 1. ALPha 2. ALPha={range} 3. tabulate ALPha

Semantics: 1. displays the general, sampie or unknown unit cell angle a. 2. assigns it. See angle entry 3. tabulates it.

Units: 0.0 - 180.0 degrees

1.13 angles parameter

Syntax: tabulate ANGles

Semantics: tabulates the a, ß and 'Y unit cell angles.

1. 14 attention key I command







Causes the same effect as hitting the attention (or break) key. Hitting the attention (or break) key will cause a "Ioop" to end. For example, if this key is hit when Minldent is printing a list of values, it will cause the listing to end prematurely. If hit when Minldent is "looping" around arequest, the previous request loop will be re-entered. Hitting this key when processing a batch file is equivalent to entering BATCH PAUSE.

If hit in the first request loop Minldent, the program will end (as if stop had been entered). If hit when adding or editing general, mineral or sampie data the data will be lost.

1.15 average parameter

Syntax: tabulate (parameters) ... AVErage (parameters) ...

Semantics: Tabulates the average compiled data for the parameters (the default).

Example: tabulate name average density

Minldent - 7

1.16 b parameter




1 . 2. 3.

1 . 2. 3.

B B={range} tabulate B

displays the general, sampie or unknown unit cell edge b. assigns it. tabulates it.

0.0 - 150.0 angstroms (Al.

1.17 batch command





1. 2. 3.

1 .



BATCH {batch file} BATCH Pause BATCH Stop

directs Minldent to take input from the "batch file" rather than from the user. However, when an error is encountered, input will revert back to the user. Input will resume from the batch file when the continue command is entered. causes input to revert back to the user when it is encountered within a batch file. Input will resume from the batch file when the continue command is entered. ends input from the batch file.

batch dpl1 :bd.min

The above command will cause input to be taken from the file "dpl1 :bd.min". The "dpI1" file prefix is an MTS csid.

1.18 batchprint variable




1 . BA TCHPrint 2. BA TCHPrint All 3. BATCHPrint Line 4. BA TCHPrint Off

1. displays the way batch lines will be printed. 2. causes batch lines and line numbers to be printed. 3. causes batch lines to be printed. When an error occurrs, the number of the last

line read will be printed. 4. causes the line numbers of batch lines causing errors to be printed.


Minldent - 8

1.19 beta parameter




1 . 2. 3.

1 . 2. 3.

BETa BETa={range} tabulate BETa

displays the general, sampie or unknown unit cell angle ß. assigns it. See angle entry. tabulates it.

0.0 - 180.0 degrees.

1.20 biretringence



1 . BIRefringence 2. BIRefringence={range} 3. tabulate BIRefringence

1. displays the general, sampie or unknown maximum difference between the refractive indices.

2. assigns it (for unknowns only). 3. tabulates it (for general, compiled and sampie data too).

Units: 0.0 - 10.0

Note: This parameter is the maximum birefringence and is calculated as the difference between the maximum and minimum refractive indices in the compiled data base. Because these maximum and minimum could come from different sampies, the parameter calculated may be larger than the actual maximum birefringence for any given sampie. For this reason and for others concerned with the actual measurement of birefringence in thin sections, generous upward limits should be specified when using this parameter.

1.21 blank parameter




tabulate (LENgth {Ien} BLAnk

minimum= 1, default=7, maximum= 130

tabulates an empty (blank) column with the specified length. Useful for leaving room for corrections in a table.

1.22 break - synonym tor attention

Minldent - 9

1.23 e parameter

Syntax: 1. C 2. C=frangeJ 3. tabulate C

Semantics: 1. displays the general, sampie or unknown unit cell edge c. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.

Units: 0.0 - 150.0 angstroms (A)

1.24 e(alpha) - synonym tor eOlour(alpha)

1 .25 e(beta)· synonym tor eolour(beta)

1.26 e(epsilon)· synonym tor eolour(epsilon)

1.27 e(gamma) - synonym tor eolour(gamma)

1.28 e(omega)· synonym tor eolour(omega)

1.29 ealpha· synonym tor eolour(alpha)

1.30 ease variable

Syntax: 1. CA SE 2. CA SE Single 3. CASE Mixed

Semantics: 1. displays the case in which formulae may be entered. 2. specifies that formulae may be entered in one case. In this form, each element

in a formula must be separated from another. For example, "si 1 02" or "S11 02" may be entered but not "SI02" which could be interpreted as consisting of sulphur, iodine and oxygen rather than silicon and oxygen.



3. specifies that formulae must be entered in mixed case. For For example, "Si02" or "Si 1 02" should be entered but not "S11 02".


This variable affects only the processing of the formulae that are entered for the formula parameter of mineral data, the weight parameters for sampie and unknown data and the weight parameters of the tabulate command.

1.31 ebeta - synonym tor eolour(beta)

1.32 eepsilon· synonym tor eolour(epsilon)

1.33 egamma· synonym tor eolour(gamma)

Minldent - 1 0

1.34 characters-per-line parameter

Syntax: tabulate CHAracters-per-line {CPL}

Synonym: CPL

Semantics: tabulates with a maximum of {cpIJ characters per line.

Units: 20 - 500 " (7~?t

Minldent - 1 1

1.35 classify parameter






1. CLAssify 2. CLAssify (AS) {level} (OF) {division} ({divisionll

1. displays the classification system of a mineral or unknown. 2. classifies the modified mineral or unknown as a classification level within a

mineral division. For example, peristerite is classified as a variety of albite. Note: The level and second division are not used for unknowns.

TOp, Mineral, TYpe, Class, Family, SUPer-group, Group, SUB-Group, SEries, End-member, SPecies, SUB-Species, Polytypes, Variety.

To tabulate this parameter, see the level and division parameters. The usefulness of specifying a division for the unknown is that matehing will be limited to that division rather than the entire data base, i.e., if the unknown was classified as belonging to the albite division, then only albite, cleavelandite and peristerite will be scanned by the match procedure.

For the following partial classification scheme:

MINERALS top / I \







The divisions are: minerals, oxides, albite, cleavelandite, etc.


cleavelandite variety of albite albite species of plagioclase alkali-feldspars plagioclase group of feldspars

Minldent - 1 2

1.36 cm parameter



tabulate CM

The compositional matching (CMl index will be tabulated. This index indicates how weil an unknown matches a mineral on the basis of the concentrations of elements present. This is the most important index for Minldent.

1.37 color - synonym for colour

1.38 cOlor(alpha) - synonym for colour(alpha)

1.39 color(beta) - synonym for colour(beta)

1.40 cOlor(epsilon) - synonym for colour(epsilon)

1.41 cOlor(gamma) - synonym for colour(gamma)

1.42 cOlor(omega) - synonym for colour(omega)

1.43 colors - synonym for colours

1.44 colour parameter





1 . 2. 3. 4.

COlOur COlOur=({colourJ) COlOur=({colourJ), ... repeated up to 6 times tabulate COlOur

See the colour entry rules.

1 . displays the general, sampie or unknown colour in thin section of a mineral which is not dichroic or pleochroic.

2. assigns it for sampies. 3. assigns it for generals and unknowns. 4. tabulates it in the c(alphal column of the table.


1.45 colours parameter




tabulate COlOURS

COlORS, DIChroisms, PlEochroisms

The colour, dichroic and pleochroic schemes will be tabulated. The column headings will be C(alph), C(beta) and C(gamm). For dichroic schemes, colour w will appear in the C(alph) column while colour € will appear in the C(beta) column. For colour scheme, colour will appear in the C(alph) column.

Minldent - 1 3

1.46 colour(alpha) parameter

Syntax: 1 . COLOUR(Alpha) 2. COLOUR(Alpha))=({ colour J) 3. COLOUR(ALpha)=({colourJ), ... repeated up to 6 times. 4. tabulate COLOUR(Alpha)

{colour}: See the colour entry rules.

Synonyms: C(Alpha), CALpha, COLOR(Alpha)

Semanties: 1 . displays the general, sampie or unknown colour in thin section corresponding to the X vibration direction.

2. assigns it for sampies, 3. assigns it for generals and unknowns, 4. tabulates it.

Example: c(alpha)=red

1.47 colour(beta) parameter

Syntax: 1 . COLOUR(Beta) 2. COLOUR(Beta)=({colour}) 3. COLOUR(Beta)=({colour}), ... repeated up to 6 times 4. tabulate COLOUR(Beta)

{colour}: See the colour entry rules.

Synonyms: COLOR(Beta), C(Beta)' CBEta

Semanties: 1 . displays the general, sampie or unknown colour in thin section corresponding to the Y vibration direction.

2. assigns it for sampies. 3. assigns it for generals and unknowns. 4. tabulates it.

Example: c(beta)=dark blue

Minldent - 1 4

1.48 cOlour(epsilon) parameter

Syntax: 1 . COLOUR(Epsilon) 2. COLOUR(Epsilon)=({colour}) 3. COLOUR(Epsilon)=({colour}), ... repeated up to 6 times. 4. tabulate COLOUR(Epsilon)

{colourl: See the colour entry rules.

Synonyms: COLOR(Epsilon), C(Epsilon), CEPsilon

Semanties: 1 . displays the general, sampie or unknown colour in thin section corresponding to the extraordinary vibration direction.

2. assigns it for sampies. 3. assigns it for generals and unknowns. 4. tabulates it under the c(beta) column of the table.

Example: c(epsilon)=light blue

1.49 cOlour(gamma) parameter

Syntax: 1 . COLOUR(Gamma) 2. COLOUR(Gamma)={colour} 3. COLOUR(Gamma)=({colour}), ... repeated up to 6 times 4. tabulate COLOUR(Gamma)

{colour}: See the colour entry rules.

Synonyms: COLOR(Gamma), C(Gamma), CGAmma

Semanties: 1. displays the general, sampie or unknown colour in thin section corresponding to the Z vibration direction.

2. assigns it for sampies. 3. assigns it for generals and unknowns. 4. tabulates it.

Example: c(gamma)=pale yellow, orange

Minldent - 1 5

1.50 colour(omega) parameter






1 . COLOUR(Omega) 2. COLOUR(Omega)={colour} 3. COLOUR(Omega)=({colour}), ... repeated up to 6 times. 4. tabulate COLOUR(Omega)

See the colour entry rules.

COLOR(Omega), C(Omega), COMega

1 .

2. 3. 4.

displays the general, sampie or unknown colour in thin section corresponding to the ordinary vibration direction. assigns it for sampies. assigns it for generals and unknowns. tabulates it under the c(alpha) column of the table.


1.51 co mega - synonym for cOlour(omega)

1.52 compile command of modify section

Compiling a mineral means finding the minima, maxima, averages and, for weight parameters, the standard deviations of all data for a mineral from its sampies and generals. If weight parameters are unavailable, they are calculated from the formula of the mineral. Every mineral must be compiled or recompiled if any general, mineral or sampie data have been added or modified, because it is the compiled data that is used for matching and identification. Syntax: 1. Compile Uncompiled (All)




2. Compile {mineral}

1 .


compiles all modified minerals. When "ALL" is specified then then divisions containing more than 10 minerals will also be compiled. compiles a specific mineral.

compile biotite

The compile command only compiles data to the COMPILED DATA file. Minldent also uses the INVERTED COMPILED file to make matches faster and cheaper (approximately 100 times). To update this file after each major compile, run the pro gram "DPL 1 :INVERT.OBJ".

1.53 continue command




When processing from the batch file has been suspended due to an error, because the batch pause command has been encountered or because the attention key has been hit, then the continue command will cause processing to resume from the batch file.

Minldent - 16

1.54 eoordination parameter

Syntax: 1 . 2. 3. 4.

eOOrdination eOOrdination {element} eOOrdination {element}={value 1 L Hvalue2ll tabulate eOOrdination {element}

Synonym: eRD



1 . lists the coordinations of all elements of the mineral. 2. lists it for an element. 3. assigns it for an element. "{value 1]" is the coordination of the first occurrence

of "{element]" in the formula, "{value2}" is for the second. 4. tabulates it for an element.

coord coord Si coord AI=4 coo Fe=4,6 tab coo Fe

1.55 CPL - synonym tor eharaeters-per-line

1.56 erd - synonym tor eoordination

1.57 eutott variable





1. 2.

1 .


eUTOFF eUTOFF={range]

display the weight percentage for which elements with a lower value will be ignored (i.e., not used) in the match procedure, assigns it.

0.0 - 5.0%

cutoff = 1.0%

Minldent - 1 7

1.58 d-value parameter







1. D-Values 2. D-Values={rangel, ... repeated up to 5 times 3. D-Values={rangeL ... repeated up to 15 times 4. tabulate D-Values

1. displays the mineral or unknown d-values. 2. assigns them for minerals. 3. assigns them for unknowns. 4. tabulates them (only the first five).


The 15 (or less) most intense diffraction lines must be entered in order of decreasing intensity. For identification purposes, as many as 15 lines may be used, but for matching, only the first 5.

0.0 - 100.0 angstroms (A)

d-v=2.93, 4.32, 9.35, 5.02, 3.87

1.59 data parameter

Syntax: tabulate (parameters) ... DA T A (parameters) ...

Semanties: tabulate the type of data making up each row of the table. This can be one of: CA VE . average compiled data (the default) CMAX maximum compiled data CMIN . minimum compiled data GMAX minimum general data GMIN . . maximum general data SAMP ....... sampie data UMAX maximum unknown data UMIN . minimum unknown data

1.60 date parameter

Syntax: 1 . DATe 2. tabulate DATe

Synonym: TIMe

Semanties: 1 . displays the date that general, mineral, sampie or unknown data was last modified.

2. tabulates it.

Minldent - 1 8

1.61 default parameter




tabulate DEFauit

The default parameter is equivalent to inserting: name, unknown, tm, (other parameters entered for unknown) and formula. For example, if a value for density has been entered into the unknown then

tabulate default is equivalent to entering

tabulate name unknown tm density formula

If no parameters have been specified, default is assumed.

1.62 delete command/parameter of modify section/permit





1. Delete General {record numberl 2. Delete Sampie {record numberl 3. Delete Mineral {mineral} 4. Delete SYnonym {synonyml 5. permit lid} Delete

1 . deletes a specific general. The grecords command can be used to find the general record nu mb er .

2. deletes a specific sampie. The srecords command can be used to find the sampie record number.

3. deletes a mineral (its compiled, general, mineral and sampie data). 4. deletes a synonym. 5. grants the user specified by the id access rights to delete data from the data



The sampie and general data base are usually stored on tape and cannot be deleted. One needs delete access to use this command.

1.63 density parameter

Syntax: 1. DENsity 2. DENsity={rangel 3. tabulate DENsity

Semanties: 1. displays the general, sampie or unknown density. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.

Units: 0.0 - 25.0 gl ce

1.64 destroy· synonym for delete

Minldent - 19

1.65 dichroism parameter

The phenomenon whereby a mineral transmits different colours for light vibrating parallel to the extraordinary and ordinary vibration directions. Dichroism is entered via the colour(epsilon) and colour(omega) commands. It is treated by the program as equivalent to the colours parameter.

1.66 dimensions parameter

Syntax: tabulate DIMensions

Semantics: tabulates the a, b, c, a, ß and 'Y unit cell dimensions.

1.67 dinitials variable





1 . 2.



DINitials DINitials={default initialsJ

displays the default initials used for the initials parameter of general and sampie data. assigns it.

1 - 4 characters


1.68 discredited parameter






1 . 2.

DIScredited DIScredited={valuel

True, False

1 . 2.

displays the value of the discredited synonym parameter. assigns it


Whenever a discredited mineral is referenced, a message to that effect will be printed. Data cannot be added to discredited minerals if the do not exist in the data base.

Minldent - 20

1.69 dispersion parameter






1. 2. 3.

DISpersion DISpersion=({ dispersion}), ({dispersion}) tabulate DISpersion

RED>Violet, R>Violet VIOLET>Red, V>Red Either

1. 2. 3.

displays the general, sampie or unknown dispersion. assigns it. tabulate it.

disp=r>v disp=r>v, v>r disp=e

The last two examples are equivalent.

Minldent - 2 1

1.70 display command of ident section

This command causes all data for particular minerals, sampies, generals and / or compiled records to be displayed, each on a separate page. Syntax: 1. Display Compiled (Generals) (Sampies) {mineral} ...




2. Display General {record number} 3. Display Sampie {record number} 4. Display All (Compiled) (General) (Sampie) 5. Display Matched 6. Display Unknown 7. Display UNDisplayed (Compiled) (Generals) (Sampies)

1 .




displays compiled and possibly all general and / or all sampie data for the mineral(s) specified. displays data for one general. The grecords command can be used to find the general record number. displays data for one sampie. The srecords command can be used to find the sampie record number. displays all compiled and / or all general and / or all sampie sampie data in the data base.

5. displays the compiled data for all matched or identified minerals. 6. displays the data for the unknown. 7. displays all compiled and / or general and / or sampie data for those minerals that

have never been displayed using this form, e.g., any new or modified data. One needs UNDISPLA Y access rights to use this form. This variation of the display command is used to make printed updates.

General and sampie data will not be displayed if they are stored on tape or if the user does not have GENERAL! SAMPLE access rights. Mineral data will also be displayed with general and sampie data. For compiled data, the minimum, average, and maximum value of the parameters will be shown. The standard deviations of compositions will be shown only when more than five analyses have been used. For general data, the minimum and maximum value of the parameters will be shown.

See sampie sessions.

1.71 divisions parameter





tabulate (LENgth {len}) DIVisions

minimum=8, defualt=20, maximum=81

tabulates the divisions in which a mineral belongs with the length specified. For example, cleavelandite belongs to the albite division which belongs to the plagioclase and alkali-feldspars divisions which both belong to the feldspars division which belong to the tectosilicates ...

The tree command will also show divisions of minerals. The classify command assigns them.

Minldent - 22

1.72 dsource parameter





1 . 2.

1 .

DSOuree DSOuree={default souree}

displays the default souree used if no general, mineral, sampie or synonym souree has been entered. See the souree eommand.

2. assigns it.

o - 160 eharaeters

dsouree=Ameriean Mineralogist, vol 70 p 214.

1.73 dvalues - synonym for d-values

1.74 EDATA2 eommand




The elemental eompositional (weight) data from the output of the Eo,AT A2 program (Smith & Gold, 1979) will be read in for the unknown. See sampie sessf~ns.

edges parameter " /J -._---_.--.....


Syntax: tabulate EDGes

Semanties: tabulates the a, band e unit eell edges.

Minldent - 23

1.76 edit command I parameter ot modity section/permit





1 . 2. 3. 4.

1 .

Edit General {record number} Edit Mineral {mineral} Edit Sampie {record number} permit {id} Edit

edits general I mineral. The grecords command can be used to find the general record number.

2. edits mineral data. This command is equivalent to the add mineral command when the mineral already exists.

3. edits sample/mineral data. The srecords command can be used to find the sampie record number.

4. permits the user specified by the id access rights to edit data in the data base.

The save command must be used to complete the edit command. To edit unknown data, use the unknown edit command. One must have edit access rights to edit general, mineral or sampie data. Usually sampie and general data are stored on tape and cannot be edited unless they are first restored.

edit mineral biotite edit sampie 34 edit general 543 edit synonym alaskaite permit dpl1 edit

1.77 elist command




lists the elements and their atomic weights. Hitting the attention key will stop the listing.

1.78 epsilon - synonym tor n(epsilon)

1.79 exit - synonym tor stop

1.80 explain - synonym tor help

1.81 tormula parameter




1. FORmula 2. FORmula={formula} 3. FORmula=n/ a 4. tabulate (LENgth {len}) FORmula

minimum=7, default=33, maximum= 1 00

1 . 2. 3. 4.

displays the mineral formula. assigns it. assigns it the value of not! available. A formula or NI A must be specified. tabulates it with the length specified.

Minldent - 24




o - 100 characters


The formula for a mineral must be entered according to the following convention since certain symbols are not available on most terminals. Although detailed explanations are given, entry of formulae requires little modification from most printed forms. What little must be changed, is usually obvious. 1. If CASE=Single (see ease variable), then elements may not follow one another

directly, i.e., "ZrSi04" would be entered as "ZR1SI104". This is done so that Minldent may know that the elements in zircon are "Zr", "Si" and "0" rather than






"Zr", "S", "I" and "0". Formulae consist of: a. Elements: H, He, Li .. , b. Radicals: [P04L <S04>, OH, c. Groups:([S04LP04), (O,OH), (K,<Na>,Ca), ... d. Compound groups: 2A1203:2Si02 Note: The order of the above is important, i.e., compound groups can consist of groups but not vice versa; groups can consist of radicals but not vice versa; radicals can consist of elements but not vice versa. From the above examples, it can be seen that "<>" can be substituted by "[l" to enclose radicals. This was done because some terminals do not have square brackets. Also, a colon must be used to separate distinct structural groups (compound groups) rather than a raised dot. For example, the formula for mullite which is sometimes written as 3A1 20 3e2Si02, should be entered as 3AI203:2Si02. Elements in one structural site are enclosed in parentheses "0", e.g., hyalophane could be entered as (Ba,K,Na)(Si,AI)408. Elements may be suffixed as folIows: a. Fe. one iron b. Fe2 .... two irons c. Fe3+ one ferrous iron d. Fe3+2 two ferrous irons Compound groups may be preceded by a range while radicals and groups may be followed by a range. A range may be a. b. 3. c. ? d. 2-1 e. ?-3 . Note: a "?" is meant to specify usually an "n" or an "x" as in:

nH20 or Fe2-x

· . . . . . . equivalent to 1 · .......... obvious equivalent to 0-1 0 and ? - ?

· ..... equivalent to 1-2 equivalent to 0-3, 3-0 and 3-?

an unknown amount. In actual formulae it is

It is desirable that, whenever possible, the actual minimum and maximum of the range be specified rather than specifying a "?".


It may be tempting to enter: Fe2+3-4 or even Fe3-4

but this is not allowed. The correct entry would be: [Fe2+13-4 or even [Fe13-4

Minldent - 25

1.82 gamma parameter

Syntax: 1. GAMma 2. GAMma={range} 3. tabulate GAMma

Semanties: 1. displays the general, sampie or unknown unit cell angle 1. 2. assigns it. See angle entry. 3. tabulates it.

Units: 0.0 - 180.0 degrees.

1.83 generals parameter



1. tabulate (parameter) ... GENerals (parameter) ... 2. permit {id} Generals 3. GENerals

1. tabulates general data for the specified parameters. Note: one needs general access to use this parameter. When general data is stored on tape, this parameter is unavailable.

2. permits the user specified by the id access to general (and sampie) data. 3. displays the number of generals and record numbers of the first and last

general for amineral.

1.84 grecords command





GRECords {mineral}

lists the record number and source of all general data for a mineral. This command may be useful prior to the edit general, delete general and display general commands which require a general record number.

grec biotite

General data cannot be accessed without GENERAL access rights or if general data is stored on tape.

1.85 help command





1. 2.

1 . 2.

HELp HELp {term}

causes the current request to be explained. causes {term} to be explained.

7, EXPLain

The list command can be used to list all terms that may be explained via the help command.

Minldent - 26

1.86 idcommand





1 . 2. 3. 4.

ID ID=NONE ID={idl permit Iidl {access rightsl. ..

up to 8 characters.

1. displays the user's Minldent id. This id is used to locate the user's access rights and variable settings.

2. assigns it the value NONE. This is the initial value for Minldent users. With this id, a user is prevented from modifying the data base, accessing general/ sampie data and from issuing certain commands. The variable settings will take on their default values (or the values stored in the file SET.MIN).

3. assigns it. The first four characters will be replaced by the user's MTS CSID. If more than four characters long, Minldent will then request a password to make sure the user is allowed to have the new access rights.

4. See the permit command. The access rights are permitted. A change in access rights will normally require the permission of the owners of the software.


1.87 identifier parameter







1 . 2. 3.

IDEntifier IDEntifier={identifierl tabulate (LENgth {Ien}) IDEntifier

minimum=4, default=20, maximum=40


1 . displays the identifier - the ''name'' assigned to an unknown by an investigator which distinguishes it from other unknowns.

2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it in the NAME column of the table.

o - 1 30 characters (40 for name)

iden=analysis 123, possibly hornblende

Minldent - 27

1.88 identify command of ident section





1. 2.

1 .


Identify Identify And

finds the 20 most likely identities of the unknown by comparing it to all minerals in the data base. However, if a mineral subset has been loaded by using the sub set command, then the unknown will be compared only with the subset. finds the 20 most likely identities of the unknown by comparing it only with the previously matched or identified minerals. Because identification is much more expensive and time consuming per sampie than matching, this form is very useful after a match has narrowed down the possibilities.

The table command with the indices parameter can be used to list the identities and can also show how weil a particular mineral matches the unknown. The display command can list all information about identified minerals. The differences between the match and identify commands is that match will reject all minerals that lie outside the range specified for the unknown (e.g., den=3.0 - 4.0). while identify does not reject any minerals, although it will likely assign lower mate hing indices for such minerals. Also, matching is much quicker and less expensive than identification.

see sampie sessions

1.89 IM parameter



tabulate IM

The Information matching (IM) index will be tabulated. This index reflects the percentage of the properties entered for the unknown that were available in the data base. As the Minldent data base becomes more complete, so the significance of this matching index will decline.

1.90 indices parameter

Syntax: tabulate INDices

Synonyms: INDex, MATching

Semanties: The TM, CM, OPM and IM indices will be tabulated.

Minldent - 28

1.91 initials parameter





1. INitials 2. INltials={initialsJ 3. tabulate INitials

1 . displays the general or sampie initials of the person who entered the data. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.

1 - 4 characters

Before a general or sampie re cord can be saved, it must contain data in this field. However, if not entered, then the default initials are used. See dinitials.

1.92 JCPDS parameter

Syntax: 1. JCPds 2. JCPds={JCPDS numberJ 3. tabulate JCPds

Synonym: PDF




1 . displays the mineral JCPDS number - the reference number (PDF number) for the mineral in the files of the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards.

2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.

01-0001 to 50-1500

jcpds= 13-458

1.93 leutoff variable





1. LCUTOFF 2. LCUTOFF={level}

TOp, Mineral, TYpe, CLass, Family, SUPer-group, Group, SUB-Group, SEries, End-member, SPecies, Polytypes, Variety, NULL

1. displays the value of the Level CUTOFF variable. 2. assigns it. All minerals of levels higher than or equal to to this level will be

ignored in identifications and matches.


Minldent - 29

1.94 length parameter




1.95 level



tabulate LENgth {Iength} {parameter}

tabulates the parameter following the length specification with This parameter affects only the column widths for the following parameters (with minimum, default and maximum lengths shown):

Parameters minimum default maximum blank 1 7 130 divisions 8 20 81 formula 7 33 100 locations 9 53 130 name 4 20 40 occurrence 10 53 130 polymorphs 10 26 80 proportion-basis 5 10 40 remarks 7 53 130 source 6 53 130

tabulate length 60 formula

tabulate LEVel

tabulates the classification level of a mineral (division). The tree command will also display the level of a mineral. The classify command assigns them.

1.96 list command




lists all the terms that may be explained via the help command. The listing may be stopped by hitting the attention key.

Minldent - 30

1.97 locality parameter







1. LOCality 2. LOCality={loeality} 3. tabulate (LENgth {len}) LOCality

minimum=9, default=53, maximum= 130


1 . displays the general and sampie plaees or geographie regions where sampies used in the data base are found.

2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it with the length speeified.

o - 160 eharacters

loc=Nevada, USA,­Brazil

1.98 location - synonym for locality

1.99 match command of ident section





1. Match 2. Mateh And

1 . finds all the minerals in the data base that match the data for the unknown within the limits entered. However, if a mineral sub set has been loaded by using the subset command, then the subset will be scanned rather than the entire data base. If a mineral division was specified for the unknown with the classify eommand, then only minerals in that division will be scanned.

2. matehed but consider only the previously matehed or identified minerals.

The tabulate command can list specified information for the matched minerals, while the display command will list all information about them. The difference between the match and the identify command is that match will reject all minerals that lie outside the range specified for the unknown (e.g., den=3.0-4.0) while identify does not reject any mineral although it will likely assign lower matching indices for such minerals. Also, matching is much quicker and less expensive than identification. It is usually used to narrow down the list of identities before using identify.

See sampie sessions

Minldent - 3 1

1.100 maximum parameter

Syntax: tabulate (parameter) ... MAXimum (parameter) ...

Semantics: tabulates the maximum compiled data values for the parameters specified.

Example: tabulate maximum density

Note: The default is the average compiled data values.

1.101 merge command of modify section

Syntax: Merge {mineral} {synonym}



All data for 'synonym' will be moved to 'mineral'. The entry for 'synonym' will then be deleted. The synonym should be added to the list of synonyms by the add synonym command.

ADD and DELETE access rights must be obtained prior to using this command. Also, mineral data for the merged minerals must be the same. Usually sampie and general data are saved on tape making this command unavailable unless the data is restored (and then saved). This command is useful in construct;ng the data base when information on varieties is amalgamated to form the data for a species.

1.102 minimum parameter

Syntax: tabulate (parameter) ... MINimum (parameter) ...

Semanties: tabulates the minimum compiled parameter values.

Example: tabulate minimum density

Note: The default is the average compiled parameter value.

1.103 missmatch command

Syntax: MIssmatch



matches all minerals in the data base that have NULL values for the parameters specified in the unknown.

To find all minerals in the data base which have no density values entered, enter: unknown density=5 (any value will do) save missmatch tabulate

Minldent - 32

1.104 mlocality parameter





1 . 2. 3. 4.

MLOcality MLOcality={mineral localitiesJ MLOcality EDIT tabulate (LENgth {len}) MLOCaiity

minimum=9, default=53, maximum= 130


1 .


3. 4.

displays the mineral localities. The 'M' prefix distinguishes mineral localities from general and sampie localities. assigns them. They should be manually compiled from general and sampie localities. edits them using the MTS editor. tabulates them in the locality column of the table with the length specified.

Units: 0 - 500 characters

1.105 moccurrence parameter





1 . 2. 3. 4.

MOCcurrences MOCcurrences={mineral occurrences} MOCcurrences EDIT tabulate (LENgth {len}) OCCurrences

minimum= 1 0, default=53, maximum= 130



displays the mineral occurrences. The 'M' prefix distinguishes mineral localities from general and sampie localities. assigns them. They should be manually compiled from general and sampie occurrences.

3. edits them using the MTS editor. 4. tabulates them in the occurrence column of the table with the length specified.

o - 500 characters

-"" Minldent - \ 33 '1

1.106 mohs parameter




1. MOHs 2. MOHs={rangeJ 3. tabulate MOHs

1. displays the general, sampie or unknown Mohs' hardness. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.

0.0 - 10.0, a nearly logarithmic scale where:

1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 =

Talc Gypsum Calcite Fluorite Apatite

6 = Orthoclase 7 = Quartz

.. 8 = Topaz I )' 9 = Corundom I 10 = Diamond \ v

Example: moh=4.5-5.0

1.107 move command





1 . 2.

1 . 2.

MOve Sampie {recordl {mineral} MOve General {recordl {mineral}

moves a sampie record to a mineral. moves a general record to amineral.

move s 7 hornblende

If the general/ sampie data base are stored on tape or if no EDIT access rights are present, this command is unavailable.

1.108 mremarks parameter





1 . 2. 3. 4.

MREmarks MREmarks={mineral remarksl MREmarks EDIT tabulate (LENgth {Jen}) REMarks

minimum=7, default=53, maximum= 130

1. displays the mineral remarks. The 'M' prefix distinguishes mineral remarks from general and sampie remarks.

2. assigns them. They should be manually compiled from general and sampie remarks.

3. edits them using the MTS editor. 4. tabulates them in the remarks column of the table with the length specified.

o - 500 characters

Minldent - 34

1.109 msource parameter




1 . 2. 3. 4.

MSOuree MSOuree={mineral sourees} MSOuree EDIT tabulate (LENgth {lenJ) SOUrces

minimum=6, default=53, maximum= 130



displays the mineral sourees. The 'M' prefix distinguishes between mineral sources and general and sampie sourees. assigns them. They should be manually compiled from general and sampie sourees.

3. edits them using the MTS editor. 4. tabulates them in the souree column of the table with the length speeified.

Units: 0 - 160 eharaeters

1. 11 0 n parameter





1 . 2. 3.

1 . 2. 3.

N N={rangel tabulate N

displays the general, sampie or unknown index of refraetion. assigns it. tabulates it in the n(alpha) eolumn of the table.


n= 1.594

1.111 n(alpha) parameter






1. 2. 3.

N(Alpha) N(Alpha)={rangel tabulate N(Alpha)


1 . displays the general, sampie or unknown na index of refraetion corresponding to the X vibration direction in abiaxial mineral.

2. assigns it. Minldent automatically ensures that na <= nß <= n'Y. 3. tabulates it.


n(alphal= 1 .72-1.75

Minldent - 35

1.112 n(beta) parameter






1 . 2. 3.

N(Beta) N(Beta)={rangeJ tabulate N(Beta)


1. displays the general, sampie or unknown nß index of refraction corresponding to the Y vibration direction of abiaxial mineral.

2. assigns it. Minldent automatically ensures that na <= nß <= n1. 3. tabulates it.


n(beta)= 1 .495

1.113 n(epsilon) parameter






1 . 2. 3.

N(Epsilon) N(Epsilon)={rangeJ tabulate N(Epsilon)

NEPsilon, EPSilon

1 .

2. 3.

displays the general, sampie or unknown nE index of refraction corresponding to the extraordinary vibration direction of a uniaxial mineral. assigns it. tabulates it in the n(beta) column of the table.

1.3 - 10.0

n(epsilon)= 1.65

1.114 n(gamma) parameter






1 . 2. 3.

N(Gamma) N(Gamma)={rangeJ tabulate N(Gamma)


1 . displays the general, sampie or unknown n1 index of refraction corresponding to the Z vibration direction of abiaxial mineral.

2. assigns it. Minldent automatically ensures that na <= nß <= n1· 3. tabulates it.

1.3 - 10.0

n(gamma)= 1 .62-1 .67

Minldent - 36

1.115 n(omega) parameter






,. N(Omega) 2. N(Omega)={range} 3. tabulate N(Omega)

NOMega, OMEga


2. 3.

displays the general, sampie or unknown nw index of re fr action corresponding to the ordinary vibration direction of a uniaxial mineral. assigns it. tabulates it in the n(alpha) column of the table.

, .3 - 10.0

n(omega)= , .59

1.116 nalpha - synonym for n(alpha)

1.117 name parameter


lien} :





1. 2. 3.

NAMe NAMe={mineral} tabulate (LENgth lien}) NAMe

minimum=4, default=20, maximum=40

1 . 2. 3.

displays the mineral name, unknown identifier or accepted name for a synonym. assigns it. tabulates it with the length specified.

o - 40 characters ('30 for identifier)


This is the only way to re name a mineral (the new name cannot already exists, if it does, then use the merge command). This facility can be used in the event that a mineral name had previously been spelied incorrectly. Any blanks in a name are converted to hyphens Co') and the entire name is translated to upper case. A name such as "UM-' 03" may appear. This designates an unnamed mineral.

1.118 nbeta - synonym for n(beta)

1.119 nepsilon· synonym for n(epsilon)

1.120 newmineral variable



1 . 2. 3.

NEWMINeral NEWMINeral Continue NEWMINeral Pause

displays the value of the newmineral variable. continues batch processing when a new mineral is encountered.

Minldent - 37

1. 2. 3. pauses batch processing when a new mineral is encountered. This is useful in

preventing misspelled minerals (in the batch file) to be added to the data base as new minerals.

Default: newmineral=pause

1.121 ngamma· synonym for n(gamma)

1.122 nomega· synonym for n(omega)

1.123 none parameter

Syntax: permit {idJ None

Semanties: revokes special access rights granted to the user specified by the id.

1.124 null value





{parameter }=NULL

erases the value of a parameter or variable.

density=null d-values= , , ,null,null

The example demonstrates how the fourth and fifth d-values can be erased while leaving the first three unchanged.

1.125 number parameter

Syntax: tabulate NUMber

Semanties: numbers the rows in the table.

Minldent - 38

1.126 OAP parameter





1 . 2. 3. 4.

OAP OAP={oap} OAP=({oap}), ({oap}), ({oap}) tabulate OAP

I 1(0 1 0) or (0 1 0) . . . . . parallel to (0 1 0) perpendicular to (0 1 0) +(010) ...... .

1 .

2. 3.


displays the general, sampie or unknown Miller indices of the orientation of the optic axial plane in monoclinic minerals. assigns it for sampies. assigns it for generals and unknowns. Note: multiple values are allowed for unknowns to match minerals having any of the orientations. tabulates it.

oap= / / (100)' +(010)

1.127 occurrence parameter


{len} :





1. 2. 3. 4.

OCCurrence OCCurrence EDIT OCCurrence={occurrence} tabulate (LENgth {len}) OCCurrence

minimum= 1 0, default=53, maximum= 130

1 .

2. 3. 4.

displays the general or sampie occurrence - the geological and / or mineralogical environment in which sampies used in the data base have been found. edits it using the MTS editor. assigns it. tabulates it and the moccurrence parameter with the length specified.

o - 160 characters

occ=in pegmatites associated with lithium-bearing minerals.

The occurrence should be compiled (edited) manually into moccurrence.

1.128 of parameter of table





Tabulate (parameters) ... OF {minerals!. ..

tabulates the parameters for the specified minerals.

'OF' must be the last tabulate parameter. If it is not specified, then the parameters will be tabulated for all matched or identified minerals.

tabulate density formula of biotite hornblende

1.129 omega - synonym for n(omega)

Minldent - 39

1.130 aPM parameter of table



tabulate OPM

T abulate the other properties matching (OPM) index. This index indicates how weil an unknown matches a mineral based on properties other than composition: density, dispersion, d-values, Mohs' hardness, OAP, pleochroism, reflectance, indices of refraction, symmetry, unit cell dimensions and angles, VHN and 2Vr.

1.131 output variable




1 . 2. 3.

1 . 2. 3.


displays where output will be sent. sends output from the tabulate and display commands to the terminal (user). sends output from the tabulate and display to the file "-p.min". This is useful if a hard copy of the output is desired. In MTS, for example, enter:

$coPY -p.min *print* to produce the hard copy.


1.132 oxides parameter

Syntax: weight OXides

Semantics: lists the general, sampie or unknown compositions in oxide form.

1.133 password command of the ident section










changes the password assigned to a user's ID.

1 - 1 2 characters

)ldent command""? psw )Old password''''? **** blanl<ed *** )New password""? **** blanl<ed *** )New password (to confirm)""? **** blanl<ed ***

The old password is requested so that someone else cannot change the password while the user is briefly absent from a terminal. The new password must be confirmed to prevent typographical errors which would not otherwise be apparent because the entry is blanked (not printed).

Users with the 10 of "NONE" do not have any passwords to change. "NONE" is the default 10 for users without special access rights. Use the stat command to view your access rights.

Minldent - 40

1.134 pbase - synonym tor proportion-basis

1.135 pbasis - synonym tor proportion-basis

1.136 permit command I parameter ot the modity section I permit





1. Permit 2. Permit {l0} {rightsl. .. 3. permit {id} Permit

1 . displays the access rights granted to the user. The status command mayaiso be used to display the access rights of the user.

2. grants a user (specified by the 10) certain access rights to Minldent. Note: the access rights are controlled by the owners of the software.

3. permits the user specified by the id to grant access rights to other users.

This is an 8 character identification for the Minldent user. In MTS, the first four characters will be replaced by the actual CSIO as logged onto MTS. The default 10 is "NONE" with no special access rights. This is the 10 of a user which has not requested special access rights by the use of the id command.

Add .. Oelete Edit .. Generals None .. Permit . Sampies Undisplay.

. . . The user may add data to the data base. The user may delete data trom the data base. ........ The user may edit the data base.

The user may access general (and sampie) data. . Any special access rights granted to the user are revoked.

· ....... The user may grant access to other 105. · . . . . The user my access sampie (and general) data. · The user may issue the display undisplay command.

1.137 permit parameter

Syntax: permit lid} permit

Semantics: The user may grant access to other 105.

Minldent - 41

1.138 pleochroism parameter

Pleochroism is the phenomenon whereby a mineral shows different colours for light vibrating parallel to the X, Y or Z vibration directions. Pleochroism is entered via the cOlour(alphal. colour(beta) and colour(gamma) commands. This parameter is treated as equivalent to the colours parameter of the tabulate command.

1.139 polymorphs parameter

Syntax: 1 . POL ymorphs 2. POLymorphs EDIT 3. POLymorphs={polymorphs} 4. tabulate (LENgth {Jen}) POLymorphs

{Jen} : minimum= 1 0, default=26 maximum=80

Semantics: 1. displays the mineral polymorphs. 2. edits them using the MTS editor. 3. assigns them. 4. tabulates them with the length specified.

Units: o - 80 characters

Example: poly=diamond, graphite

1.140 proportion-basis parameter


{Jen} :





1 . PROPORTION-Basis 2. PROPORTION-Basis={element} ... 3. tabulate (LENgth {Jen}) PROPORTION-Basis

minimum=5, default= 1 0, maximum=40

PBAse, PBAsis

1. displays the elements on which the calculation of atomic proportions are based. This is mineral data.

2. assigns them. Note: the case in which elements appear is irrelevant. Proportion-sum should also be assigned.

3. tabulates them with the length specified.

pbasis=o h f ca pbasis=o,h, f ,ca

The elements on which the proportions are based will be indicated with an "*"

(asterisk) in the proportion basis column produced by the display command.

Minldent - 42

1.141 proportion-sum parameter






1 . 2.



1 . 2.

displays the proportion sumo assigns them. The atomic proportions of the elements will be calculated on the basis of the sum of the elements specified with the proportion-basis parameter.

psum= 12

The sum of the atomic proportions of all the elements of a mineral will be shown on the bottom of the "Atomic Proportions" column in the sampie and compiled outputs produced by the display command.

1.142 psum - synonym tor proportion-sum

1.143 psw - synonym tor password

1.144 quit - synonym tor stop

1.145 r(470} - synonym tor retlectance(470nm}

1.146 r(546} - synonym tor retlectance(446nm}

1.147 r(589} - synonym tor reflectance(589nm)

1.148 r(650} - synonym tor reflectance(650nm)

1.149 record parameter/command




1 . 2.

1 .

tabulate RECord RECords {prefix}

tabulates the record numbers of the compiled, generals, minerals and / or sampies tabulated. Note: compiled data have the same record numbers as mineral data.

2. lists the record numbers, number of sampies and number of generals of all mineral names starting with {prefix}. Hitting the attention key will cause the listing to stop. Note: {prefix} may be substituted by a mineral name for which the above information is desired.

rec para

Minldent - 43

1.150 reflectance parameter

Syntax: tabulate REFlectance

Synonym: RFL

Semanties: tabulates the reflectances at 470nm, 546nm, 589nm and 650nm.

1.151 reflectance(470nm) parameter






1 . REFLECT ANCE(4 70nm) 2. REFLECT ANCE(4 70nm)={range} 3. tabulate REFLECT ANCE(4 70nm)

R(470), R470nm

1. displays the general, sampie or unknown reflectance measured at a wavelength of 470 nanometers preferably using the procedures outlined by the commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association (Bowie & Simpson, 1978).

2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them.

0.0 - 100.0 percent (in air)


1.152 reflectance(546nm) parameter






1 . REFLECT ANCE(546nm) 2. REFLECT ANCE(546nm)={range} 3. tabulate REFLECT ANCE(546nm)

R(546)' R546nm

1 . displays the general, sampie or unknown reflectance measured at a wavelength of 546 nanometers preferably using the procedures outlined by the commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association (Bowie & Simpson, 1978).

2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them.

0.0 - 100.0 percent (in air)


Minldent - 44

1.153 reflectance(589nm) parameter











1 . REFLECT ANCE(589nm) 2. REFLECT ANCE(589nm)={range} 3. tabulate REFLECT ANCE(589nm)

R(589)' R589nm

1. displays the general, sampie or unknown reflectance measured for a wavelength of 589 nanometers preferably using the procedures outlined by the commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association (Sowie & Simpson, 1978).

2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them.

0.0 - 'l00.0 per cent (in air) /'"-" \


1 . REFLECT ANCE(650nm) 2. REFLECTANCE(650nm)={range} 3. tabulate REFLECTANCE(650nm)

R(650), R650nm

1 . displays the general, sampie or unknown reflectance measured for a wavelength of 650 nanometers preferably using the procedures outlined by the commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association (Sowie & Simpson, 1978).

2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.

0.0 - 100.0 percent (in air)


1.155 refraction parameter





tabulate REFraction


tabulates the indices of refraction.

This column of the table is headed by N(ALPH), N(SETA) and N(GAMM). For uniaxial minerals, nw will appear in the N(ALPH) column while n€ will appear in the N(SETA) column. For cubic minerals, n will appear in the N(ALPH) column.

Minldent - 45

1.156 remarks parameter


{len} :





1. 2. 3. 4.

REMarks REMarks EDIT REMarks={remarks} tabulate (LENgth {len}) REMarks

minimum=7, default=53, maximum= 130

1 . 2. 3. 4.

displays the general, sampie, synonym or unknown remarks. edits them using the MTS editor. assigns them. tabulates them and mremarks.

rem=mineral belongs to the amphibole group

general and sampie remarks should be manually compiled (edited) into mremarks. Synonym remarks will be displayed whenever the synonym is referenced.

o - 240 characters for general remarks. o - 160 characters for sampie remarks. o - 500 characters for synonym remarks and mremarks.

Minldent - 46

1.157 request variable




1 . 2.


True, Yes, ON False, No, OFf

1. 2.

displays the value of the request variable. assigns it. If request is "on" then Minldent will make requests for unknown parameters. Since input is assumed to satisfy arequest, in order to issue commands, prefix the normal commands with a '#'. If it is "off" then unknown parameters can be entered only by commands.

1.158 restriet command



1. 2.

1 . 2.

REStrict REStrict {idJ

lists the restricted set of minerals that the current user may add or edit. makes the current mineral subset the restricted list of minerals for the user specified by the id. One needs permit access rights to use this form. Note: if the mineral sub set is empty, the user is allowed access to ALL minerals.

1.159 rfl· synonym for reflectances

1.160 rfr· synonym for refractions

1.161 r470nm· synonym for reflectance(470nm)

1.162 r546nm· synonym for reflectance(546nm)

1.163 r589nm· synonym for reflectance(589nm)

1.164 r650nm· synonym for reflectance(650nm)

1.165 sampies parameter



1. tabulate (parameter) ... SAMpies (parameter) ... 2. permit lid} Sampies 3. SAMpies

1. tabulates sampie data for the specified minerals. Note: one needs sampie access to use this parameter. When sampie data is stored on tape, this parameter is unavailable.

2. permits the user specified by the id access to sampie (and general) data. 3. displays the number of sampies and the record numbers of the first and last

sampies for the modified (added or edited) mineral.

1.166 save command

Syntax: SAVE



Minldent - 47

saves the data entered for a general, mineral, sampie, synonym and / or unknown and will then return to the previous request loop.

Every add, edit or unknown command is followed by data modification commands such as density=3.4, but in order for this data to be entered into the data base, the save command must be issued. Hitting the attention key or entering the attention command will make the program return to the previous request loop WITHOUT UPDATING THE DATA BASE.

1.167 sglist command




lists the space groups. Hitting the attention key will stop the listing. The space groups listed are from the Hermann-Mauguin system as modified in the International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography (Henry & Lonsdale, 1952) and from the International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A Space-Group Symmetry (Hahn, 1983).

1.168 show command




1. Show Compiled (Generals) (Sampies) {minerall ... 2. Show General {record number} 3. Show Sampie {record number} 4. Show Matched 5. Show Unknown

1 . lists all compiled and possibly all general and / or all sampie data for the mineral(s) specified.

2. lists all data for the specified general. The grecords command can be used to find the general record number.

3. lists all data for the specified sampie. The srecords command can be used to find the sampie record number.

4. lists all compiled data for the matched or identified minerals. 5. lists all unknown data.

The data listed depends on the value of the shownull variable. General data has minimum and maximum values, while compiled data has minimum, maximum and average values. Sampie and general data are unaccessible without general/ sampie access rights or if that data is stored on tape.

Minldent - 48

1.169 shownull variable




1. SHOWNull 2. SHOWNull=Also 3. SHOWNull=Only 4. SHOWNull=Never

1 . displays the value of the shownull variable that controls what is listed via the show command.

2. parameters with null values will also be listed with parameters containing values. 3. only parameters with null values will be listed. 4. parameters with null values will not be listed. Only parameters containing values

will be listed.


1.170 sign parameter




1. 2. 3.

SIGn SIGn={signl tabulate SIGn

plus, positive or + minus or negative

1. 2. 3.

displays the unknown optical sign. assigns it. tabulates it.

Note: The optical sign is calculated from 2V(gamma) for compiled, general and sampie data. Also "minus" must be entered rather than "-" which is the line continuation character.

1.171 sort command

Syntax: SORT

Semanties: Sorts the matched or identified minerals in alphabetical order.

Minldent - 49

1.172 source parameter







1 . 2. 3. 4.

SOUree SOUree EDIT SOUree={soureel tabulate (LENgth {lenJ) souree

minimum=6, default=53, maximum= 130

1 . 2. 3.


displays the general, sampie or synonym souree of data. edits it using the MTS editor. Assigns it. The souree of information should inelude the page nümber, volume and year of the report, artiele, book, ete. Sampie and general sourees should be manually eompiled (edited) into msource. tabulates it with the length speeified.

o - 160 eharaeters

sou=American Mineralogist, volume 20, pp 565-571

This parameter ean be listed by using the record, srecord and grecord eommands. If a souree for general data is not entered, the default souree (dsource will be used. Data eannot be saved without speeifying its origin (souree). General and sampie sourees should be manually eompiled into msource.

1.173 space-group parameter

Syntax: 1 . SPAee-group 2. SPAce-group={spaee groupJ 3. tabulate SPAee-group

Synonyms: SPCgrp

{spaee groupJ When available, enter the spaee group of a mineral by the following eonventions:




1. Subseripts are written as numbers enclosed within parentheses "0", e.g., P4(1)=P41

2. Bars are indieated by a negative sign preeeding the number, e.g., P-4=P4 3. Slashes are as written, e.g., C2 / m. Eaeh spaee group is translated to its standard form. Due to spaee and other limitations, some forms may not be reeognizable by the program. Refer to tables sueh as those of Henry and Lonsdale (1952) or Hahn (1983) in sueh eases and enter an alternative form.

1 . 2. 3.

displays the mineral spaee group. assigns it. Use the sglist eommand to list valid assignments. tabulates it.

spegrp=C2/ m

Minldent will deduee the symmetry of the mineral from the spaee gr oup. If this is in eonfliet with a previously entered symmetry value, then an error will be reported. In sueh eases, the symmetry must be ehanged (nulled) prior to entering the spaee group.

Minldent - 50

1.174 spcgrp - synonym for space-group

1.175 srecords command

Syntax: SRECords {mineral}




lists the record numbers and sources of ail sampie data for a mineral. Hitting the attention key will stop the listing. This command can be useful prior to the delete sampie, display sampie and edit sampie commands which require the sampie record numbers.

srec calcite

When the sampie and general data base are stored on tape, this command is unavailable unless and until the data is restored (and subsequently resaved). One must have sampie access rights to use this command.

1.176 status command

Syntax: STATus

Semantics: This command prints out the following information about the state of the data base and the user: 1. number of mineral, sampie and general records in the data base 2. number of users given special access rights to Minldent 3. number of sampie, general and compiled records that need to be displayed 4. wh ether the general and sampie data are presently available or unavailable

(stored on tape) 5. access rights of the current user 6. values of the user variables batchprint, case, cutoff, Icutoff, newmineral

output, request, shownull, test, unload and width.

1.177 stop command

Syntax: STOP




terminates the program. In MTS the program can be "continued" by entering "SSTart" or "SREStart" and will behave as if the stop command was not issued. In other systems, the program may not be continued.


If the unload variable is "on", then the program cannot be continued. If the program cannot be continued, and was stopped in the middle of modifying (adding / editing) general, mineral, sampie, synonym or unknown data, then the DATA WILL BE LOST, i.e., save before stop.

Minldent - 5 1

1.178 subset command

Syntax: 1. SUB SET 2. SUBSET Load {file} 3. SUBSET Off 4. SUBSET Read {file} 5. SUBSET Save {file} 6. SUBSET Transfer 7. SUBSET Write {file} 8. tabulate (parameter) ... SUBset (parameter) ...

Semantics: 1 . displays the number of minerals in the subset. 2. loads pointers to the minerals in the subset (cheap). 3. empties the subset, use the entire data base. 4. reads the names of the minerals in the sub set (expensive). 5. saves the pointers to the minerals from the sub set (cheap). 6. transfers the matched / identified minerals to the subset. 7. writes the n~mes of the minerals of the sub set (expensive). 8. tabulates the parameters of the minerals in the subset.

Note: Subsets have been created so that restricted groups of minerals can be examined. This may be useful for teaching purposes or when it is known that only a restricted number of minerals need be considered in a particular application. For example, subsets of "ore" minerals and meteoritic minerals could be created. Use of such sub sets can cut the processing time and costs dramatically. A sub set is normally created by reading it in. It is then saved to a file. Whenever it is needed, it is loaded from the file rather than being read in (because load is much cheaper than readl.

1 .179 sum parameter

Syntax: 1 . tabulate SUM 2. weight SUM

Semantics: 1. tabulates the sum of the concentrations for all elements in a composition. 2. displays the general, sampie or unknown composition sumo

Minldent - 52

1.180 symmetry parameter






1. SYMmetry 2. SYMmetry={symmetry} ... 3. tabulate SYMmetry

Cubic (=Isometricl, TETragonal, TRIGonal, Hexagonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, TRIClinic

1 . displays the mineral or unknown symmetries. 2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them.

sym=tetragonal, trigonal,hexagonal

Could be used to list all minerals having any of these symmetries, i.e., all optically uniaxial minerals. A mineral's symmetry will be deduced from the space group and this is not allowed to conflict with the symmetry entered. If aspace group has been entered, then the the only way to erase the symmetries is to erase the space group first (by using the null command. If a mineral can have more than one symmetry, "multiple" will be shown as the symmetry in the display or tabulation.

1.181 synonym parameter




1. SYNonym 2. SYNonym={synonym} 3. add SYNonym {synonym} 4. edit SYNonym {synonym} 5. delete SYNonym {synonym}

1. displays the synonym (from a synonym record). 2. assigns it. 3. adds a synonym record. 4. edits a synonym record. 5. deletes a synonym record.

When a mineral is read by Minldent, its checks the synonym record. If it is found, the fact is reported and the name changed to the accepted one. Synonym records need not contain synonyms! They may just contain remarks, sources or discredited marks. They likewise, will all be reported when a 'synonym' is read in.

1.182 table· synonym tor tabulate

1.183 tabulate command ot the ident section

Syntax: 1. Tabulate 2. Tabulate ({parameters}) ... 3. Tabulate ({parameters}) OF {minerals) ... 4. Tabulate SUBset ({parameters}) ... 5. Tabulate ALL ({parameters}) ...

Synonyms: Table

Minldent - 53

Semantics: 1. tabulates parameters entered for the unknown for matched or identified minerals.

2. tabulates the parameters for matched or identified minerals. 3. tabulates the parameters for the specified minerals. 4. tabulates the parameters for the minerals in the subset. 5. tabulates the parameters for all minerals.

{parameters}: A . . . . . . . . . . . . . unit cell edge a ALL . tabulate data for all minerals in data base ALPha ANGles AVErage B .... BETa .. BIRefringence BLAnk C ... . CM .. . COLour . COLOURS COLOUR(Alpha) COLOUR(Beta) . COLOUR(Epsilon) . COLOUR(Gamma) COLOUR(Omega) COOrdination CPL ... D-Value DATa. DATE .. DEFauit . DENsity DiMensions DISpersion DIVision EDGes . FORmula GAMma GENerals IM INDices. INitials . JCPds LENgth {len} LEVel ... LOCality . MAXimum MINimum MOH .. N .... N(Alpha) N(Beta) . N(Epsilon) N(Gamma)

· . . . . . . . . . . . . . unit cell angle a · . . . . . . . . . unit cell angles a, ß, 'Y · tabulate average compiled data (default)

unit cell edge b · . unit cell angle ß · . maximum value empty white space · . unit cell edge c

compositional matching index colour scheme tabulated under c(alpha)

· colour a' colour ß' colour'Y · pleochroism in X direction · pleochroism in Y direction · . . tabulated under c(beta) · pleochroism in Z direction

· tabulated under c(alpha) ...... of cations

· . . characters per !ine · . . interplanar spacings

compiled, general, sampie or unknown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . last modified

name tm {specified in unknown} formula . ................... g/cc

unit cell edges a, b, c and angles a, ß and 'Y · red>violet or violet>red · . in mineral classification · unit cell edges a, band c

.idealized or simplified · . . . . . unit cell angle 'Y · . . tabulate general data

· information matching index tm, cm, opm and im indices · .. of data entry personnel · . Powder data file number

.of tabulated name, formula, etc. · . . . . . in mineral classification

geographical locations where mineral found · tabulate maximum compiled data · tabulate minimum compiled data position on Mohs' hardness scale · . . . . . . . index of refraction index of refraction in X direction index of refraction in Y direction · . . . . . tabulated under n(beta) index of refraction in Z direction

Minldent - 54



N(Omega) . NAMe NUMber . OAP OCCurrence OF {minerals} OPM .... POLymorphs PBAse ... PSUm REFlectance R470nm R546nm R589nm R650nm RECord . REFraction REMarks SAMpies SIGn .. SOUrce SPCgrp. SUBset . SUM .. SYMmetry TM ... . TYPe .. . UNKnown VHN Weight {FeO} YFD .... 2V(Alpha) 2V(gamma)

. . . . . . . . . . . . tabulated under n(alpha)

.IMA accepted name and unknown identifier . . . . . . . . . row numbers of table . . . . . . . . . . . . . optic axial plane paragenesis or geological environment

· . tabulate parameters for minerals · . other properties matehing index · known to exist for the eompound · . . . . . . . . . proportion basis · . . . . . . . . . . proportion sum

r470nm, r546nm, r589nm and r650nm · reflectance at 470nm .reflectance at 546nm · reflectanee at 589nm · reflectance at 650nm

. ...... number · .... na, nß and nr · . relevant comments

· tabulate parameters for sampie data · . optieal sign (+ or -)

· . . . . . . . souree of information · . . . . . . . . . . . . . space group

tabulate parameters for mineral subset sum of element weights

· . . . . . . . . crystal system · . . . . . total mate hing index · silicate, oxide, arsenide, ete.

tabulate parameters for unknown · . Viekers hardness number · ... composition {of FeOJ year mineral first deseribed · . . . tabulated under 2Vr

· angle between optie axes (across r)

1 . tabulate name density w Si02 w AI203 2. tabulate w K w Ca formula of biotite hornblende plagioclase 3. tabulate

1 . The names, densities and weights of SiOl and AIl0 3 of all matched or identified minerals will be tabulated.

2. The formulae and the weights for K and Ca in biotite, hornblende and plagioclase in the compiled data base will be tabulated

3. Default parameters for identified or matched minerals will be tabulated.

1.184 test variable

Syntax: test={valueJ

{valueJ: True, False

Semanties: If test is true, extraneous material useful only to programmers will be printed.

Default: test=false

Minldent - 55

1.185 time - synonym for date

1.186 tlist command




lists the mineral types. See the type command. Hitting the attention key will stop the listing.

1.187 tm parameter

Syntax: tabulate TM

Semantics: tabulates the total matching (TM) index. This index is calculated from the weighted average of the other indices (CM, IM, OPM). This index is used to order the top 20 minerals for identification purposes. The weighting given to each index may be changed from time to time to improve discrimination between minerals.

1.188 tree command





A species F variety

TREE {mineral} (FulI) (Alternate)

A "tree" is drawn for a mineral showing its position in the classification system. Trees normally have the following form:

(D is abnormal being) (within 2 divisions)

A B /1\ / \

/ C D E / / /1


- SPECIES level



Minldent prints trees sideways. A path from the mineral to the top of the tree is shown. A few minerals, such as 0 above, have two possible paths upwards. For such minerals, which will be postscripted by an "*", only one path will be traced. To trace the other path, specify "alternate". Also, all the minerals one level lower will be shown. To see the minerals more than one level lower, specify "fulI". Note: F is considered one level lower than A.


A species F variety


A species


B species

C sub-species D sub-species

C sub-species G variety

D sub-species * H variety

D sub-species * H variety


D sub-species H variety I variety

tree albite

Minldent - 56

1.189 type parameter




l. 2. 3.

1 . 2. 3.

TYPe TYPe=ltypeJ tabulate TYPe

displays the mineral or unknown type (e.g., oxides, silicates, etc.), assigns it. The tlist command can be used to list the allowable types. tabulates it.


1.190 undisplay parameter

Syntax: permit {idJ Undisplay

Semantics: permits the user specified by the id access to the display undisplay command.

1.191 unknown command of ident section




1 . 2. 3.

1 . 2. 3.

Unknown Unknown Edit tabulate (parameters) ... UNKnown (parameters) ...

Data for the unknown (mineral to be identified or matched) can now be added. Data for the unknown can now be edited. tabulates the specified parameters for the unknown as a header for each page in the table. Note: most unknown parameters have minimum and maximum values tabulated.

Minldent will enter the "Unknown input" request loop if request=off, or will request all the unknown parameters if request=on.

1.192 unload variable





1. 2.


True, Yes, ON False, No, OFf

1 . 2.

displays the value of the unload variable. If unload is on, then Minldent will be unloaded after a stop command (and cannot be restarted). If off, then stop command will return to MTS, and a START or RESTART MTS command will cause execution of Minldent to resume.


Minldent - 57

1.193 VHN parameter




1. VHN 2. VHN=frangeJ 3. tabulate VHN

1. displays the general, sampie or unknown Vicker's hardness number (VHN) measured using a 100g load.

2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.

0- 10000

1.194 weight parameters




1. Weight 2. Weight OXides 3. Weight NULL 4. Weight SCALE 5. Weight SUM 6. Weight Fe203 7. Weight Fe203={rangeJ 8. Weight Fe203=TRACE 9. Weight Fe203=MINOR 10. Weight Fe203=MAJOR 11. Weight Fe203=NULL 12. Weight F l-={rangeJ 13. Weight Mn=75ppm-80ppm 14. tabulate Weight Fe203 Weight Mn Weight F 1-

1 . displays the weights of all elements in elemental form 2. displays the weights of all elements in oxide form 3. erases the weights of all elements 4. scales the weights to sum to 100.0% 5. displays the sum of the weights 6. displays the weight of Fe20 3

7. ADDS the weight to Fe20 3

8. ADDS 0.0 to min and 1.0 to max weight% of Fe20 3

9. ADDS 0.1 to min and 5.0 to max weight% of Fe20 3

10. ADDS 3.0 to min and 100 to max weight% of Fe20 3

11. erases the weights of Fe and O. This could have undesirable consequences because oxygen associated with all elements will be deleted. It is better to use form 2) and then re-enter the weights. This form may safely be used when weights entered in elemental form, i.e., w Fe=4lw Fe null is harmless.

12. ADDS the weight to Fand subtracts the oxygen equivalent from 0 13. is equivalent to Mn=0.0075-0.0080 14. tabulates the weight% of Fe 203, Mn and Fl-

Unlike other parameters, weight assignments are ADDED to previous values rather than REPLACING them. This is done so that a composition of FeO=5 and Fe20 3=7 could be entered. Otherwise, the amount of Fe corresponding to Fe20 3=7 would replace the previous amount. The value of the case variable affects the processing of formulae. Weights are always in percentages, not as weight fractions and the

Minldent - 58

percent symbol ("%") is omitted. Weights are displayed in elemental form.

1.195 width variable

Syntax: 1. width 2. width={width}

Semanties: 1. displays the width of the terminal. 2. assigns it. Used by the show command.

Units: 20 - 200

Default: width=79

1.196 year-first-described parameter

Syntax: 1. 2. 3.

YEAr-first-described YEAr-first-described={year first described} tabulate YEAr-first-described

Synonyms: YFD

Semanties: 1. displays the year the mineral was first described. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.

Example: yfd= 1932

1.197 yfd - synonym for year-first-described

1.198 yrecords command

Syntax: YRECords {prefixl

Semanties: Similar to records command. Will list all the synonyms that start with the prefix.

Note: Hitting the attention key will stop the listing.

Minldent - 59

1.199 zero variable





1 . 2.

ZERO ZERO={valuel

True, Yes, ON False, No, OFf

1. 2.

displays the contents off the zero variable. assigns it. When zero is true, elements without compositional data will be assigned a value of zero by the match procedure. When false, these elements are considered to have a value between 0.0% and MAW%. MAW is the Maximum Available Weight that can be assigned to any such element. It equals 100.0% minus the sum of the minimum weights of elements with assigned or calculated compositions.

When zero is true, the number of matched minerals will be considerably smaller. However, minerals with incomplete compositions may be ignored.

1.200 2V-: synonym tor 2V(alpha)

1.201 2V(alpha) parameter






1 . 2. 3.

2V(Alpha) 2V(Alpha)={range} tabulate 2V(Alpha)

2VAlpha, 2V-, 2VX

1 .



dispiays the general, sampie or unknown 2Va - the optic axial angle measured across the X vibration direction in amineral. assigns it. It will automatically be converted to 2V-y by Minldent. See angle entry. tabulates it in the 2V(gamma) column of the table. Note: 2Va = 180 degrees -2V-y

0.0 - 180.0 degrees


Minldent - 60

1.202 2V{gamma) parameter






1 . 2V(Gamma) 2. 2V(gamma)={range} 3. tabulate 2V(gamma)

2Vgamma, 2V+, 2VZ

1. displays the general, sampie or unknown 2V'Y - the optic axial angle measured across the Z vibration direction.

2. assigns it. See angle entry. 3. tabulates it.

0.0 - 180.0 degrees


1.203 2V+· synonym for 2V{gamma)

1.204 2Valpha· synonym for 2V(alpha)

1.205 2Vgamma· synonym for 2V{gamma)

1.206 2VX· synonym for 2V{alpha)

1.207 2VZ - synonym for 2V{gamma)

2.1 angle entry

Examples: 12 12.5 . 12:30 12:34.5 12:34:30 12:34:56.7.

2. definitions:

Note: Used in a, ß, 'Y, 2Va and 2V'Y entry.

Minldent - 61

....... 12 degrees 12 degrees, 30 minutes 12 degrees, 30 minutes

. 12 degrees, 34 minutes, 30 seconds

. 12 degrees, 34 minutes, 30 seconds . 12 degrees, 34 minutes, 56.7 seconds

Minldent - 62

2.2 batch fi le

Input to Minldent may come either from the user at a keyboard or from a batch file. Input from the batch file is treated as if it came from the user, except that if an error occurs, batch pause read in or if the attention key is hit then the user regains control. At this point the user can correct the mistake and then issue the continue command to have input resume from the batch file. The batch command directs Minldent to take input from the batch file while the batchprint variable controls how lines in the batch file are displayed. The batch feature allows users to prepare data in advance using the cheap system file editor. An instructor could also place messages to his students and initialization commands in a batch file. See the file "dpl1 :bd.min" for an example.

2.3 bd.min

a sampie batch file. See batch command.

2.4 collection numbers

Minldent provides space in the Compiled / Mineral Display to enter the collection numbers of the minerals in the user's collection (museum, storage, etc.).

2.5 colour entry

Colours entered for pleochroic, dichroic and colour schemes should be as folIows: Syntax: ({shade}) {colourl Hcolour})





Dark, Deep, D PAle, Light, l

BlAck, BK BlUe, BlUish, BU BRownish, BR Colourless, Colorless, Cl GREEnish, GN GREYish, GY IR . . . . .. . ........ . Lllac, II OPaque,OP Orange,OR Plnkish, PK PUrpie, PUrplish, PP Redish, RD Violet, VT White, WT Yellowish, Yl


pale green bluish green light bluish green

. . . . . . . . . . opaque with Interna I Reflections

Blue green is a different colour from green blue. Also, the use of the "ish" ending has no effect, i.e., green and greenish are equivalent. For shades, the last single letter abbreviation, and for colours, the last two letter abbreviations are the ones used in

Minldent - 63

displays and tabulations.

2.6 command

Any statement that can be recognized by Minldent is considered a command. For example, den=3.45

commands Minldent to set the value of the density parameter of a mineral sampie to 3.45.

Multiple commands can appear on the same input line if they are separated by the "I" symbol. Commands can be continued onto more input lines by appending a hyphen ("-") to the line to be continued. The following are all equivalent examples:

1. density=3.4 symmetry=monoclinic

2. density=3.4lsymmetry=monoclinic 3. density=-


4. density=-13.4lsymmetry=-lmonoclinic

2.7 compiled data

Compiled data are similar to general data, but for the following reasons are more useful for identification purposes.

1 . Compiled data are not entered but calculated by Minldent from sampie and general data present in the data base.

2. Minima, maxima and averages are found. Moreover, standard deviations are calculated for compositional data.

3. If insufficient compositional data are made available, Minldent will calculate minimum and maximum weight percentages for the elements from the formula.

Minldent - 64

2.8 continuation of long lines

Consider the following input to Minldent: remarks=This mineral has not been found to occur as remarks=discrete crystals but only intergrown with related remarks=species in the form of polycrystals.

It will not achieve what was desired because each line will erase the previous entry for remarks which will thus contain only "species in the form of polycrystals.". Now consider the following input:

remarks=This mineral has not been found to occur as discrete crystals but only intergrown ... This mayaiso not achieve the desired effect because most systems cannot handle such long lines. They usually truncate them and only the beginning or end portion will be placed in the parameter remarks. To solve this problem, append a dash ("-") to any incomplete line and continue with the input on the next line. The correct solution would be:

remarks=This mineral has not been found to occur as­discrete crystals but only intergrown with related­species in the form of polycrystals.

Note: a dash should not be used here to split up a word as it would be replaced by aspace.

2.9 data sources

Many different sources have been used to obtain the information that has been incorporated into the data base. In particular, Deer et a/. (1962, 1978, 1982), Dietrich (1969)' Embrey & Fuller (1980)' Fleischer (1983)' Fleischer et a/. (1984), Henry (1977)' Hey (1962, 1963), Pierrot (1979)' Roberts et a/. (1974) and Uytenbogaardt & Burke (1971) have been particularly important sources. All new minerals reported in the American Mineralogist since 1966 have been incorporated and Mineralogical Abstracts has been used extensively to track down additional information for many minerals. Certain mineral groups (e.g., the clay minerals) have been covered in greater detail than others because specialized data bases intended originally for other specific uses, have been incorporated into Minldent.

The powder diffraction data that have been included are based on those in the mineral section of the JCPDS manual for 1984. Where data are not given there, whenever possible, data have been obtained from elsewhere in the literature. Optical properties have been based largely on those given by Tröger (1979)' Winchell (1956), Winchell & Winchell (1951), Roberts et a/. (1974), Dietrich (1969)' with reflectances and microindentation hardness coming mainly from Henry (1977).

2.10 defaults

If a blank line (carriage return) is entered, Minldent will assume that the default shown was meant to be entered. See requests. Defaults inform Minldent notto change values. For numeric values, empty spaces (before commas) denote defaults. For example, to change the fourth d-value to 5.3 and leave the first, second, third and fifth unchanged one could enter:

d-values= , , ,5.3

Minldent - 65

2.11 development charges

To pay for the further refinement of the Minldent program and for the entry of additional data into the data base, a development charge of some fraction of the MTS "soft" costs, will levied. This rate, where applicable, will be printed out when the program is run.

2.12 disclaimer

This manual is issued to describe our current services correctly. However, the information may be made obsolete by future developments. Changes to the Minldent program and documentation will be announced through a message when the Minldent program is run.

Minldent has been tested and is believed to be correct and accurately documented. However, in a program of this size, it is highly likely that errors remain. Therefore, neither the owners, the Department of Geology nor the University of Alberta assume any responsibility for any errors, omissions, malfunctions or difficulties that may arise in its use.

2.13 editing data

Normally, data is added to the data base. For example: density = 3.456

However, if data has been incorrectly entered, then it must be edited. If the correct density value is 3.546 then, to replace the old value with the new, enter:

density = 3.546 To edit unknown data, see the unknown command. To edit general, mineral, sampie or synonym data, see the edit command.

2.14 errors in data base

Although great care has been taken in compiling the data base, some errors will undoubtedly have passed undetected. The owners would appreciate being advised of any such errors that are found, and receiving corrected data for incorporation in later vers ions of Minldent. Any correspondence should be addressed to:

D. G. W. Smith Department of Geology University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2E3.

Alternatively, messages can be sent to Minldent on the MTS message system by entering "Smes" (and then "send"). The message system has its own extensive help/ explain facility. Your comments and suggestions will be a valuable aid to the improvement of the Minldent program and documentation.

2.15 general data

In many instances, literature sources used in building this data base present only the minimum and maximum values for mineral pa~ameters determined from many sampies. Whenever such sampie data are presented with no SINGLE sampie specified, then they are called general data. In Minldent, "general data" will means such general sampie data. These data are not necessarily the most useful; however, they are often the only data presented. Note: each mineral may have general data from each source. The following are general parameters: A .. ALPha B

unit cell dimension . . unit cell angle a unit cell dimension

Minldent - 66

BETa C COLOUR COLOUR(Alpha) COLOUR(Beta) COLOUR(Epsilon) COLOUR(Gamma) COLOUR(Omega) DENsity .. DISpersion GAMma LOCality INitials. MOH N ... N(Alpha) N(Beta) N(Epsilon) N(Gamma) N(Omega) OAP ... OCCurrenee RE Marks R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) SAVE . SOUree TIMe VHN .. Weight {Fe} . 2V(Alpha) . 2V(Gamma) .

2.16 ident section

. . unit eell angle ß unit cell dimension . . . in thin seetion

· pleochroism in X direction · pleochroism in Y direetion

. dichroism in extraordinary direetion · . . pleochroism in Z direetion · dichroism in ordinary direction · .............. g/cc red>violet, violet>red or either · . . . . . . . . unit cell angle 1

geographical locations where aetual sampies found . . . . . . . . . of data proeessors

· ......... position on Mohs' hardness scale · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . index of refraction

index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to X direction . index of refraetion for light vibrating parallel to Y direction

. index of refraetion for light vibrating parallel to extraordinary direction . . . . . index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to Z direction . index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to ordinary direction

.optic axial plane / / or + to (100)' (010)' (001) paragenesis or geologieal environment

· relevant comments on data · refleetanee at 470nm · reflectance at 546nm · reflectance at 589nm · reflectance at 650nm

· transfer general data to data base if data modified · the souree of the information

· .... data last modified · Vickers hardness number · . . . . . . . composition · .... converted to 2V1

angle between the optic axes (aeross 1)

Most users of the Minldent paekage will be attempting to identify minerals and to display results. The section of the package whieh allows the user to do this is called the ident seetion. To use this seetion in MTS enter:

$run dpl1 :Minldent.objl and Minldent will enter the following request loop:

)Ident command""? The commands or "procedures" applicable to this section are:

display ................. display all information about minerals. identify . . . ......... find the 20 most likely identities of the unknown. match . . . . find all minerals matching specifications entered for the unknown. password . . . change your password if applicable. show . . . .... list all information about minerals. tabulate . . list specified information about minerals. unknown . . . . . . . enter data about the unknown

Isystem dependent

Minldent - 67

2.17 ignored minerals

The minerals that are ignored by match and identify are those that have no data present (in the data base) for all the parameters specified for the unknown.

2.18 mineral

A mineral has been defined as a naturally occurring solid, element or compound with a characteristic internal (atomic) structure and a chemical composition which is either fixed or which varies within certain definite limits. In deciding what materials to include in the data base, this definition has been used. Thus, materials such as amber or coal, palagonite, leucoxene, etc., will be excluded.

2.19 mineral data

Mineral data consist of data which are common to all sampies of amineral. The following are mineral parameters: CLAssify ... COOrdinations. D-Values .. DSOurce .. EXPressions FORmula GENerals . JCPDS MLOcation MOCcurrence MREmarks MSOurce .. NAMe .... POLymorphs PBAse .. PSUm .. SAMpies SAVE .. SPCgrp . SYMmetry TIMe TYPe YFD

2.20 Minldent

. as level of division in classification scheme . ..... of cations

· . . interplanar spacings · . . . . . default source NOT YET IMPLEMENTED · .idealized or simplified

. data about generals of the mineral . Powder Data File number from Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards

. . . geographical locations where mineral found paragenisis or geological environment of mineral

.relevant comments for mineral · . . . . . . . . . . . source of data · . . . . . . . . . IMA accepted name · known to exists for this compound

. proportion basis used in calculating atomic proportions proportion sum used in calculating atomic proportions

. . . . . . . data about sampies of the mineral transfer mineral data to data base if modified

. . . . . space group · . . . . . . . . crystal system · . . . . . of last modification · silicate, oxide, arsenide, etc. · . . . . . year first described

Minldent is an interactive mineral identification and mineral data base management program written in FORTRAN 77. The data base contains compositional, optical and other parameters describing over 3700 minerals. The data base management aspect of the program will not be used by the general user. It contains facilities to modify the data base through additions, deletions, etc. The normal usage consists of the following steps:

1. entering data for a mineral to be identified (the unknown) or entering search criteria. 2. identifying the mineral or matching minerals meeting the search criteria. 3. displaying data of the identified or matched minerals. All these steps can be executed from within the ident section of the Minldent package. The modify section is used to add or edit data in the data base, to compile data and to change the access rights

Minldent - 68

of individuals.

2.21 modify section

The modify section is used to modify Minldent' s data base and can only be used by the owners of the software. To use this section in MTS enter:

$run dpll :modify.obp and Minldent will enter the following request loop:

)Modify command""? The commands or "procedures" applicable to this section are:

add . . . .... add general, mineral or sampie data to data base. compile .. compile general and sampie data into a compact form. delete . delete general, mineral or sampie data from the data base. edit . . edit general, mineral or sampie data in the data base. merge merge data of synonymous minerals. permit ........... grant users special access rights.

2.22 MTS

The Michigan Terminal System is the operating system on which Minldent was developed. To run this program on other systems will require changes to system dependent code and to the syntax of the run command.

2.23 precision

Minldent does not keep track of the number of digits entered for a value. As a result 12, 12., 12.0, 12.00, 12.000, 12.0000, etc.

are all equivalent. On output, Minldent rounds off numbers to an arbitrary three digits after the decimal point. However, trailing zeros, unless directly following a decimal point, are deleted for purely aesthetic reasons. For example, "12.3456" would be displayed as "12.346", "12.3000" as "12.3" and "12.0000" as "12.0".

2.24 range

For general parameters, a "{ranger can be replaced as folIows: press enter key . leave min and max values unchanged NULL . . . . . . . erase min and max values 1 0 ....... . . .assign 1 0 as min and max values 10-20 ..... . assign 10 as min and 20 as max values

For sampie and mineral parameters, a "{ranger can be replaced as folIows: press enter key . leave value unchanged

. . . . . . erase value

. . assign 1 0 as value NULL . 10 ...... . 10-20 .... . . assign average of 15 as value

For unknown parameters, a "{ranger can be replaced as folIows: press enter key . NULL . 10 10-20

. lsystem dependent

leave min and max values unchanged · . . . . . . . erase min and max values · . assign 1 O± 1 % as min and max values · assign 10 as min and 20 as max values

Minldent - 69

2.25 requests

All requests made by Minldent take the following form: )request"default"?

The ")" denotes output from Minldent. The "re quest" is the request for input made by Minldent. The double quotes enciose the default that Minldent will assume if nothing is entered. The "?" indicates that Minldent is waiting for input. Note: in cases where two quotation marks follow one another, there is no default response as in:

)Minldent command""?

Minldent - 70

2.26 restoring and saving data on tape

Ordinarily, general and sampie data are not used, and so they are stored on tape to decrease costs. Any command which accesses these data will become unavailable. In order to access such data, enter:

$ sour ce dpll :tape tape_Minldent .......................... to restore data from tape to Minldent Minldent_tape .......................... to save data from Minldent onto Tape

Note: When saving data onto tape, one may run out of tape. In such cases, a new tape must be used and the above "macros" must be changed. When restoring data, one may run out of disk space in which case the space must be made available (by requesting it from Computing Services for example) and the restore operation must be tried again.

2.27 sampie data

Sampie data consist of data for one sampie of a mineral. Such data may be included for many sampies of the mineral. The following are sampie parameters: A .. ALPha B BETa C COLIection COLOur .. COLOUR(Alpha) COLOUR(Beta) COLOUR(Epsilon) COLOUR(Gamma) COLOUR(Omega) DENsity .. DISpersion GAMma INitials. LOCaiity MOH N N(Alpha) N(Beta) N(Epsilon) N(Gamma) N(Omega) OAP ... OCCurrence REMarks R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) SAVE . SOUrce VHN .. Weight 2V(Alpha) 2V(Gamma)

unit cell dimension · . unit cell angle a unit cell dimension · . unit cell angle ß unit cell dimension · collection number · . . in thin section

. pleochroism in X direction

. pleochroism in Y direction . dichroism in extraordinary direction

. . . pleochroism in Z direction

. dichroism in ordinary direction · .......... g/cc red>violet or violet>red · . . . . unit cell angle r · . . .of data processor

geographical locations where sampie found ...... position on Mohs' hardness scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . index of refraction

index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to X direction . index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to Y direction

. index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to extraordinary direction ..... index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to Z direction . index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to ordinary direction

.optic axial plane / / or + to (100)' (010)' (001) paragenesis or geological environment

. . relevant comments

.reflectance at 470nm

.reflectance at 546nm

. reflectance at 589nm

.reflectance at 650nm transfer sampie data to data base if modified

the sour ce of the information . Vickers hardness number

.......... composition

....... converted to 2Vr angle between the optic axes (across r)

Minldent - 7 1

2.28 set.min file

This file eontains the values of the user's variables for users with the default id of "NONE". If it does not ex ist, default values for the variables will be used. To ereate it enter: Sereate set.min

2.29 symbols

The following is a list of symbol eommands Minldent reeognizes:

:~~~~~~I~~~;~i~~-~~-~~;;~~~~-;~;~;;-----------$ prefixes MTS commands * prefixes comments

line continuation ? synonym of explain and help commands

enters the MTS editor # prefixes commands in request mode @ prefixes appended lines

2.30 synonym data

Synonym data ineludes synonyms and other data that should be eheeked when a mineral is refereneed. Commands applieable to synonym reeords are: DISeredited DSOurce NAMe .. REMarks SAVE .. SOUree . SYNonym

2.31 unknown data

· . . . TRUE if the mineral is discredited · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . default souree · aeeepted or preferred name of mineral

. . . . . . . useful remarks ends entry of synonym da ta

. . souree of information . the name of the synonym

To identify amineral, Minldent needs to be supplied with some information about it. The term unknown is used to refer to the mineral being identified, and the term unknown data will refer to the data entered by the user for the unknown. Unknown data are not stored in the data base, but in a buffer. These data contain the minimum and maximum values for the parameters of the unknown. For identification or matching purposes, the minimum and maximum of a mineral parameter should reflect the limits of measurement accuraey, e.g., if density was measured as 3.0± 1 0.0%, then it would be entered as:

density=2.7-3.3 If

density=3.0 is entered, then Minldent will would assume an aeeuracy of ± 1.0%, which would make the above equivalent to

density=2.97-3.03 Warning: for the match and identify proeedures to funetion suecessfully, it is important that inaecuraeies in measurement are not underestimated. Preeise specifieation of data whieh was really determined with an aeeuraey poorer than that implied, may result in a failure to match or identify the unknown.

Minldent - 72

These minima and maxima mayaiso be used to list all minerals that have parameters that fall within the bounds specified by the user, i.e., to list all minerals with a density between 5.0 and 6.0, one would enter:

unknown .... density=5.0-6.0 save match ..... . tabulate .... .

To enter unknown data:

unknown data can now be entered . . . entry of density for unknown data entry for unknown completed

find minerals with 5.0<=density<=6.0 . . . . . . . tabulate matched minerals

1. enter the ident section (if not al ready in) . $run dpl1 :Minldent.objl . to add unknown data . to edit unknown data

2. unknown ................ . 3. unknown edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. add or edit the unknown data using the following commands: A ALPha B BETa BIRefringence C CLAssify .. . COLour ... . COLOUR(Alpha) COLOUR(Beta) COLOUR(Epsilon) COLOUR(Gamma) COLOUR(Omega) D-Values . DENsity .. DISpersion EDATA2 GAMma . IDEntifier MOH N ... N(Alpha) N(Beta) N(Epsilon) N(Gamma) N(Omega) OAP ... REMarks R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) SAVE . SIGn .. SYMmetry TYPe VHN .. Weight

1 system dependent

unit cell dimension .. unit cell angle a unit cell dimension . . unit cell angle ß

. max difference between the refractive indices · . . . . . . . unit cell dimension · division in classification scheme

. . . . . . . . in thin section · . . . pleochroism in X direction · . . . pleochroism in Y direction

· dichroism in extraordinary direction · . . . . . pleochroism in Z direction · . . . dichroism in ordinary direction

up to 15 ordered in decreasing intensities · ................. g/cc · . . red>violet, violet>red or either · read output from EDA T A2 program · . . . . . . . . . . . unit cell angle 'Y · working ''name'' or title of unknown · . position on Mohs' hardness scale · . . . . . . . . . index of refraction

index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to X direction . index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to Y direction

. index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to extraordinary direction . . . . . index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to Z direction . index of refraetion for light vibrating parallel to ordinary direetion

.optie axial plane / / or + to (100)' (010)' (001) · . relevant eomments .refleetanee at 470nm · refleetanee at 546nm .refleetanee at 589nm · refleetanee at 650nm

. entry of unknown data completed

. . . . . . . . . optieal sign (+ or -) .monoelinie, trigonal, hexagonal, etc.

silicates, oxides, arsenides, ete . Vickers hardness number

. . . . . . . . . . . eomposition

2V(Alpha) . 2V(Gamma)

2.32 variables

Minldent - 73

. . . . . . . . . . . . . converted to 2 V'Y angle between the optic axes (across 'Y)

All users have access to several variables that affect the Minldent procedures. They are: batchprint, case, cutoff, Icutoff, output, newmineral, shownull, test, width, unload and zero. The status command will display the user's va lues for them. For users with the default id of "NONE", these variables will be stored in the "set.min" file if it exists.

User's notes - 74

User's notes - 75

Minldent - 76

3. sampie sessions

The following are sample sessions of all MinIdent procedures. In all cases, boldface will represent user entry.

3.1 add command sampie session

#$run dp11:modify.obj #Execution begins 15:53:41

}Modify command""? id=dpll }Password""? **** blanked *** }***************************************************************** }*** M I N I DEN T (modify section) *** }***************************************************************** }(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. }

*To prevent this example from affecting other data for hornblende *already in the data base, the name of the mineral is prefixed *with a "*".

}Modify command""? add general *hornblende }NOTE: mineral "*HORNBLENDE" is NEW to the data base. }General/mineral input""? for=(Ca,Na,K}2(Mg,Fe,AI,Ti,Mn}5 }-""? (Si,AI}8022(OH,F}2 }General/mineral input""? type=silicates }General/mineral input""? sym=monoclinic }General/mineral input""? n(alpha}=1.615-1.705 }General/mineral input""? n(beta}=1.618-1.714 }General/mineral input""? n(gamma}=1.632-1.730 }General/mineral input""? 2V(alpha}=95-27 }General/mineral input""? oap=//(010) }General/mineral input""? dispersion=r>v,v>r }General/mineral input""? den=3.02-3.45 }General/mineral input""? moh=5-6 }General/mineral input""? colour(alpha}=colourless,­}-""? yellowish green,pale yellow,pale yellow brown;­}-""? greenish brown }General/mineral input""? colour(beta}=pale yellow green,­}-""? pale brown green,yellowish green,light green,-}-""? pale brown,pale yellow }General/mineral input""? colour(gamma}=pale green,bluish green,­}-""? light blue green,brown,yellow brown,red brown }General/mineral input""? a=9.9 }General/mineral input""? b=18 }General/mineral input""? c=5.3 }General/mineral input""? beta=105 }General/mineral input""? spa~e-group=c2/m }General/mineral input""? jcpds=29-1258 }General/mineral input""? d-values=8.52,3.16,2.73,3.41,2.61 }General/mineral input""? source=Rock Forming Minerals v 2. -}-""? Deer, Howie and Zussman. p263 }General/mineral input""? remarks=Insoluble in HCL.­}-""? A group name for certain of the calcic amphiboles. }General/mineral input""? save

)A general of *HORNBLENDE was saved at record: 28. )Mineral "*HORNBLENDE" saved at record: 7. )Modify command""? add sarnple *hornblende )Mineral/sample input""? w 5i02=54.27 )Mineral/sample input""? w Al203=4.92 )Mineral/sample input""? w FeO=O.22 )Mineral/sample input""? w MnO=O.18 )Mineral/sample input""? w MgO=25.42 )Mineral/sample input""? w CaO=11.31 )Mineral/sample input""? w Na20=1.20 )Mineral/sample input""? w H20=1.94 )Mineral/sample input""? w H20=O.26

*Last H20 was H20-, first was H20+ )Mineral/sample input""? w surn )The sum of all the weight percentages is 99.720

*sum is not correct, try to find error )Mineral/sample input""? w oxides )H20 = 2.200 )0 = 46.887 )Na20 = 1.200 )MgO = 25.420 )Al203 = 4.920 )5i02 = 54.270 )CaO = 11.310 )MnO = 0.180 )FeO = 0.220 )Mineral/sample input""? w K20=O.31 )Mineral/sample input""? w Cr203=O.03 )Mineral/sample input""? w surn )The sum of all the weight percentages 15 100.060

*5um is now correct. )Mineral/sample input""? alpha=1.615 )Mineral/sample input""? beta=1.618 )Mineral/sample input""? garnrna=1.634 )Mineral/sample input""? 2V(alpha)=81 )Mineral/sample input""? density=3.14 )Mineral/sample input""? psum=24 )Mineral/sample input""? pbasis=O,H,F,Cl )Mineral/sample input""? occur=Metarnorphosed limestone. )Mineral/sample input""? Loc=Celledizzo, Italy )Mineral/sample input""? sou=Deer, Howie & Zussrnan.­)-""? Rock Forrning Minerals. v2, p274 )Mineral/sample input""? save )A sample of *HORNBLENDE was saved at record: 11861. )Mineral "*HORNBLENDE" saved at record: 7. )Modify command""? stop

Minldent - 77


)Enter $REStart to return to Minldent.

Minldent - 78

3.2 compile command sampIe session

#$run dp11:modify.obj #Execution begins 16:45:59

)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (modify section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. ) )Modify command""? stat )Status of MINIDENT's data base on 14:01:25DEC 24, 1985 )There are 3743 mineral, 10521 sampIe )and 5190 general records in the data base. )There are 0 sampIe, 0 general )and 3742 compiled records needing to be displayed. )There are 1 uncompiled minerals.

)Modify command""? compile uncompiled )Modify command""? stat )Status of MINIDENT's data base on 14:01:35DEC 24, 1985 )There are 3743 mineral, 10521 sampIe )and 5190 general records in the data base. )There are 12 users with special access rights. )There are 0 sampIe, 0 general )and 3743 compiled records needing to be displayed. )There are 0 uncompiled minerals. )Modify command""? stop )*****************************************************************

Minldent - 79

3.3 display command sample session

*Note: output produced by this run is found * at the end of this section. # $run unsp:MinIdent #17:19:32

)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. ) )Ident command""? srec kaersutite ) ----------------------------------------------------------------) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

#IRec# ISource --+-----+-------------------------------------------------------

1 1397 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 2 1398 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 3 1399 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 4 1400 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 5 1401 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 6 1402 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 7 1403 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 8 1404 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 9 1405 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5

10 1406 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------)Ident command""? display sample 1397 )Displayed data placed in file "-p.min". )Use "$copy -p.min" to see the data. )Ident command''''? grec kaersutite ) ----------------------------------------------------------------) #IRec# ISource ) --+-----+-------------------------------------------------------) 1 I 10581EnCYClOpedia of Minerals. W. L. Roberts, et. al. (1974) ) 2 2409 Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------)Ident command""? display general 1058 )Displayed data placed in file "-p.min". )Use "$copy -p.min" to see the data. )Ident command""? display compiled samples *hornblende )Displayed data placed in file "-p.min". )Use "$copy -p.min" to see the data. )Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? w Si02=39.01 )Unknown input""? w null )Unknown input""? w Si02=41.46 )Unknown input""? w Ti02=5.7 )Unknown input""? w Al203=14.24 )Unknown input""? w Fe203=3.32 )Unknown input""? w FeO=5.7 )Unknown input""? w MnO=0.08 )Unknown input""? w MgO=13.68

Minldent - 80

)Unknown input""? w CaO=11.62 )Unknown input""? w Na20=2.29 )Unknown input""? w K20=1.72 )Unknown input""? w H20=O.12 )Unknown input""? w Fl-=O.42 )The oxygen equivalent is 0.175 )The oxygen equivalent is 0.179

*the first oxygen equivalent is for the concentration *of (F1-)xO.99, the second of (F1-)x1.01

)Unknown input""? w sum )The sum of all the weight percentages is 96.545-101.118

*there is a range in the sum because all the concentrations *were taken as ±1.0%

)Unknown input""? n(alpha)=1.670 )Unknown input""? n(beta)=1.692 )Unknown input""? n(gamma)=1.701 )Unknown input""? 2v(alpha)=81 )Unknown input""? identifier=kaersutite )Unknown input""? rem=kaersutite da ta taken from­)-""? Deer et al. (1962) to check display command. )Unknown input""? den=3.215 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match )3787 minerals were examined. ) 0 were ignored for lack of information in the data base. )3786 did not meet the qualifications. )This leaves 1 that match.

)Ident command""? display unknown )Displayed data placed in file "-p.min". )Use "$copy -p.min" to see the data. )Ident command""? display matched )Ident command""? stop


)Enter $REStart to return to Minldent.

output produced by command: display sample 1397 , ..... ::::1-.

1397TN~~;f: "'KAERSUTITE- -, -E:'-' Record: I Formula: NaCa2(MQ Fe)4TiSi6Al2022[OH]2 Date: 17: 16:08AUG 7 19851 Symmet~: Monoclinic ISeace Groue: B2/m I.JCPDS: 17-04781 Type: SILICATES jYear First Deseribed: 1884 Disp~rsion: i EllWeight IAt Prop ICoord a b e Alpha Beta Ganvna 0 43.086 23.805* 90.0 90.0 Si 19.380 6.099 4 n(alph) n(beta) n(gamm) Density VHN MOH Ca 8.305 1.832 8 1.670 1.692 1.701 3.215 Mg 8.250 3.000 6 R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) 2V(gam) OAP Al 7.537 2.469 4 6 99.0 Fe 6.753 1.069 6 8 C(alph) C(beta) C(ganvn) Ti 3.417 0.631 6 Na 1.699 0.653 12 8 d-vals. K 1.428 0.323 12 2.69 F 0.420 0.195* 3.11 Mn 0.062 0.010 6 8.38 H 0.013 0.118 6 3.36


100.35 40.203 Colleetion number: Souree: Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5, ~1962} Polymorl2hs : Remarks:

Oeeurrenee: Oceurs in a eamptonite.

Loeation: Boulder Dam, Arizona.

Output produced by command:: display general 1058 /Mineral Oata OiSDl • -i:I .

1058TN;~;; KAERSUTITE c:; -,

IOate: Record: 17:25:24AUG 7, 19851 Formula: NaCa2(Ma Fe)4TiSi6A12022[OH]2 Symmetry: Monoclinic ISoace Grouo: B2/m 1 "'CPOS: 17-047810isoersion: R>V I TYDe: SILICATES lYear First Oescribed: 18841

a b c Alpha Beta Gamma In<alPhl1In(beta) In(gamm) loensitYI VHN


MOH 1 . 67 1 . 69 1 . 7

9.9 18.21 5.4 90.0 106.0 90.0 1.689 1.741 1.772 3.28 6.0 R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) 2V(gam)

114.0 C(alph) C(beta) C(gamm) d-yals. OAP Br Yl Rd o Rd Br 2.69 L Yl Br Rd Br Gn Br 3.11

8.38 3.36 2.548

Source: Enc~cloeedia of Minerals. W. L. ROberts, et. al. (19742 Pol~morehs: Remarks: Amphibole group (titanian hornblende).

Occurrence: In volcanic rocks especially in camptonites.


output produced by command: display compiled samples *hornblende ...... :::1-.

. 7TN~~~~-~HORNBLENÖE'- -.-~.-, Record: IDate: 16:46: 18AUG 21, 19851 Formu 1 a: (Ca Na K) 2 (Mq Fe Al Ti Mn) 5 (S i Al) 8022 (OH F) 2 Symmetry: Monoclinic ISpace Group: B2/m IJCPDS: 29-1258IDispersion: R>V V>RI Type: SILICATES IVear First Described: 1789 Samples: 1lGenerals: 11Total SalllPles: Ellwt Min IWt Ave IWt Max IStd DevlAt Prop lCoord a b c Alpha Beta 0 36.136 46.949 49.908 21.290* 1.618 Si 0.000 25.368 28.872 6.553 4 9.9 18.0 5.3 90.0 1.618 Mg 0.000 15.331 15.799 4.575 6 105.0 Ti 0.000 13.495 26.991 2.044 6 n(alph) n(beta) n(gamm) Density VHN Ca 0.000 8.083 9.975 1.463 8 1.615 1.618 1.632 3.02 Al 0.000 2.604 44.812 0.700 6 4 1.66 1.666 1.681 3.14 F 0.000 2.457 4.913 0.938* 1.705 1.714 1. 73 3.45 Na 0.000 0.890 5.976 0.281 12 R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) 2V(gam) K 0.000 0.257 9.756 0.048 12 85.0 H 0.000 0.246 0.262 1.772* 99.0 Fe 0.000 0.171 30.120 0.022 6 153.0 Mn 0.000 0.139 29.776 0.018 6 C(alph) C(beta) C(gamm) d-vals. Cr 0.000 0.021 0.041 0.003 6 Cl L Vl Gn L Gn 8.52

Vl Gn L Br Gn Bu Gn 3.16 L Vl Vl Gn L Bu Gn 2.73 L Vl Br L Gn Br 3.41 Gn Br L Br Vl Br 2.61

L Vl Rd Br

116.012 39.708 Collection number(s):

Polymorl2hs : Remarks: Insoluble in HCL. A group name for certain of the calcic amphiboles.

Occurrence: Metamorphosed limestone.

Location(s) : Celledizzo, Italy

1 Gamma


MOH 5.0 5.5 6.0 OAP


There are no standard deviations because there are less than six analyses for each element. -> heading -> minimum -> average -> maximum

Most minimax weights are calculated

The "*" prefix to hornblende distinguishes this from other data for this mineral

part 2 of output produced by command: display compiled sampIes *hornblende

R;~o~d: 11ä61TN;~~': "~HORNBLENDE ._,.. ._, I Formula: (Ca Na K)2(MQ Fe Al Ti Mn)S(Si Al )8022(OH F)2 Date: 16:21:52AUG 21 19851 Symmetry: Monoclinic ISpace Group: B2/m IJCPDS: 29-12581 Type: SILICATES IVear First Described: Dispersion: 1 EllWeiQht IAt Prop ICoord abc Alpha Beta Gamma o 46.949 22.156* 90.0 1.618 90.0 Si 25.368 6.82 n(alph) n(beta) n(gamm) Density VHN MOH Mg 15.331 4.761 3.14 Ca 8.083 1.523 R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) 2V(gam) OAP Al 2.604 0.729 99.0 Na 0.89 0.292 C(alph) C(beta) C(gamm) K 0.257 0.05 H 0.246 1.844* d-vals. Fe 0.171 0.023 8.52 Mn 0.139 0.019 3.16 Cr 0.021 0.003 2.73

3.41 2.61

100.06 38.219 Collection number: Source: Deer. Howie & Zussman. Rock Forming Minerals. v2, p274 Polymorphs: Remarks:

Qccurrence: Metamorphosed limestone.

Location: Cel1edizzo, Italy

Output produced by command: display unknown Unknown Oata Display Identifier: kaersutite Date: 17 : 36: 15AUG 21 19851 E1IWt min IWt max H 0.013 0.014 0 41.895 43.325 F 0.416 0.424 Na 1.682 1.716 Mg 8.168 8.333 Al 7.461 7.612 Si 19.186 19.574 K 1.414 1.442 Ca 8.222 8.388 Ti 3.383 3.451 Mn 0.061 0.063 Fe 4.644 6.776

96.545 101. 118 Type: I Svmmetr : IDispersion:

a b c Alpha Beta Gamma

n(alph) n(beta) n(gamm) Density VHN MOH 1.653 1.675 1.684 3.183 1.687 1.709 1.718 3.247

R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) 2V(gam) 98.19 99.81

C(alph) C(beta) C(gamm) d-values OAP

Remarks: kaersutite analysis taken from Deer, Howie & Zussman to check display command.


output produced by command: display matched ,-c;;a::::J-'

1076TN~~~7~KÄERSUTiTE~~~ -'-~'~l Record: IDate: 16:21:19AUG 2, 19851 Formula: NaCa2JM~ Fe14TiSi6A12022fOH12 Symmetry: Monoclinic lSpace Groyp: B2/m !JCPOS: 17-0478lDisDersion: R>V I Type: SI LICATES !Year First Described: 1884 Samples: 10!Generals: 2lTotal SaJll)les: 10 E1IWt Min IWt Ave IWt Max IStd DevlAt Prop ICoord a b c Alpha Beta Gamma 0 42.417 42.836 43.261 0.281 23.913* Si 17.903 18.579 19.380 0.443 5.908 4 9.900 18.210 5.400 90.000 106.000 90.000 Fe 6.753 8.977 10.992 1.425 1.436 6 8 Ca 7.433 8.175 9.205 0.620 1.822 8 n(alph) n(beta) n(gamm) Density VHN MOH Al 5.621 7.062 9.061 0.946 2.338 4 6 1.600 1.690 1.700 3.153 5.0 Mg 6.007 6.972 8.250 0.656 2.561 6 1.682 1.706 1.721 3.223 5.5 Ti 2.710 4.057 6.193 1.041 0.757 6 1.689 1.741 1.772 3.28 6.0 Na 1. 291 2.108 2.834 0.454 0.819 12 8 R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) 2V(gam) OAP K 0.490 ,. 144 2.324 0.499 0.261 12 98.0 //(010) F 0.000 0.185 0.420 0.189 0.087* 101.643 Mn 0.062 0.125 0.263 0.060 0.020 6 114.0 H 0.013 0.105 0.246 0.072 0.934 6 C(alph) C(beta) C(gamm) d-vals. Ba 0.000 0.027 0.054 0.002 12 Br Yl Rd D Rd Br 2.69 Ni 0.000 0.024 0.047 0.004 6 L Yl Br Rd Br Gn Br 3.11 P 0.000 0.013 0.026 0.004 Yl D Br 8.38

L Yl 3.36 2.548

100.39 40.865 Collection number(s):

Polymoq~hs: Remarks: Amphibole group (titanian hornblende).

Occurrence: In volcanic rocks especially in camptonites. In hornblende monchiquites, as phenocrysts in a scoria, in basaltic dykes, in trachybaslts, in cognate xenoliths in trachyte. In melanocratic camptonites, in monzonites.

Loca t i on ( s ) : Boulder Dam, Arizona. Kaersut, Greenland. Wart Holm, Copinshay, Orkneys. Takenotsoj i , Japan. Tikaisi, Dogo, Oki islands, Japan. Dunedin, New Zealand. West of Kakujo-san, Gonoura-machi, Ja·pan. Skaergaard, east Greenland. Yohodo, Korea. Tyaki, Morotu, Sakhalin, U.S.S.R.

3.4 edit command sampIe session

No sampIe session available yet.

Minldent - 87

MinIdent - 88

3.5 identify comm~nd sampIe session

#$run unsp:Minldent #14:56:42

)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (Ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. ) )Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? w 0=43 )Unknown input""? w Si=18 )Unknown input""? w Fe=9 )Unknown input""? w Ca=8 )Unknown input""? w AI=7 )Unknown input""? w Mg=7 )Unknown input""? w Ti=5 )Unknown input""? w Na=3 )Unknown input""? w K=O.5 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? identify )3742 minerals examined, 0 ignored, top 20 identified. )Ident command""? tabulate name tm formula Page: 1 of Table



I TM IFormula

99.6 NaCa2(Mg,Fe)4TiSi6A12022[OH]2 95.8 Ca2(Na,K)0.5-1(Mg,Fe2+)3-4(Fe3+,A 94.5 NaCa2(Fe2+,Mg)4TiSi6A12022 93.7 NaCa2(Fe2+,Mg)4AlSi6A12022[OH]2 90.8 Ca2(Fe2+,Mg)3Fe3+2Si6A12022[OH]2 89.7 Na(Mg,Fe2+)6AlSi6A12022[OH]2 88.2 Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)3A12Si6A12022[OH]2 86.9 NaCa2(Fe2+,Mg)4Fe3+Si6A12022[OH]2 85.6 Ca2(Fe2+,Mg)4AlSi7Al022(OH,F)2 85.6 Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)4AlSi7Al022(OH,F)2 85.0 Na2CaMg4(Fe3+,Al)Si7Al022(OH,F)2 84.9 Ca2(Fe2+,Fe3+,Mg,Ti)6(Si,Al)6020 84.8 (Ca,Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+,Ti,Al)2(Si,Al)20 84.1 (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)206 82.7 (Ca,Na,K)2-3(Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+,Al)5(Si 81.5 Ca(Mg,Fe3+,Al)(Si,Al)206 80.6 (Na,Ca)Al(Al,Si)Si208 80.6 (Ca,Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al)03 80.3 Ca2(Fe2+,Mg)4AlSi7Al022(OH,F)2 79.9 NaCa2(Mg,Fe2+)4AlSi6A12022[OH]2

)Ident dommand""? unknown )Unknown input""? d-values=2.7, 3.1, 8.4 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? identify ) 20 minerals examined, )Ident command""? tabulate

and 8 ignored, top 12 identified. name tm d-values

MinIdent - 89

Page: 1 of Table

IName I TM d-values ---------------------------------------------------------KAERSUTITE 90.3 2.69 3. 11 8.38 3.36 2.548 FERRO-PARGASITE 89.3 8.5 3. 15 2.72 2.61 2.57 HASTINGSITE 85.5 8.43 3. 13 2. 71 3.39 3.28 TSCHERMAKITE 84.9 2.7 3.09 3.38 HORNBLENDE 84.6 8.52 3. 16 2.73 3.41 2.61 MAGNESIO-HORNBLENDE 82.4 8.4 3. 1 3.26 2.7 2.79 BARKEVIKITE 79.8 2.7 3.09 3.38 3.29 2.59 PARGASITE 77.0 3. 12 8.43 3.27 2.93 2.7 FASSAlTE 66.0 3.0 2.54 2.58 2.97 2.56 AUGITE 65.8 2.96 6.45 3.0 3.23 1. 62 RHONITE 62.2 2.95 2.55 2.69 2.09 1.5 OMPHACITE 52.4 2.98 1.4 2. 13 2. 12 2.02

)Ident command""? stop


Minldent - 90

3.6 match command sampIe session

#$run unsp:Minldent #Execution begins 12:44:44

)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. ) )Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? moh=9-10 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match )3658 minerals examined, 623 ignored, 3030 not matched, 5 matched. )Ident command""? tabulate name moh density formula Page: 1 Table of matched data.

IName MOH IDensitylFormula


9.0 9.0

10.0 9.0 9.5

3.017 3.941 3.514 4.87 3.218

)Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? weight 0=5-100 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and

BeO Al203 C V203 SiC

)5 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 2 not matched, 3 matched. )Ident command""? table name w Be w Al w V w 0 w Fe203 symmetry Page: 1 Table of matched data.





lAI Iv

51.502 0.0 67.976

10 63.968 46.757 32.024

IFe203 ISymmetry I

Hexagonal 0.932 Trigonal


)Ident command""? stop )*****************************************************************

MinIdent - 91

3.6.1 match d-value~ sampl~ session

#$run unsp:Minldent #Execution begins 13:53:20

)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. )

*match to find the minerals with the following d-values: * 3.55, 6.15, 2.51, 2.03, 2.325

)Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? d-values=3.5-3.6 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match )3787 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 3360 not matched, 427 matched. )Ident command""? unknown edit )Unknown input""? d-values=,6.1-6.2 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and )427 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 415 not matched, 12 matched. )Ident command""? output terminal )Ident command""? tabulate name d-values Page: 1 Table for matched/identified minerals

IName d-values ------------------------------------------------------------ALUMINOCOPIAPITE 9.2 18 • 1 5.58 6. 17 3.58 COPIAPITE 9.2 18. 1 5.58 6. 17 3.58 HOELITE 3.52 7.69 3.36 6. 16 3.84 MAGNESIOCOPIAPITE 9.2 18. 1 5.58 6. 17 3.58 PARALSTONITE 3.55 2.51 2.05 6. 15 1. 94 PARTHEITE 10.79 8. 12 6. 1 3.74 3.6 ROGGIANITE 13.08 9.27 6. 13 3.6 3.41 TUGTUPITE 3.52 6. 13 3.57 2.5 2.02 UM-123 19.5 9.3 6. 14 5.63 3.52 UM-259 7.3 11.6 6. 19 3.5 2.77 URANOSILITE 11 .58 7.3 6. 19 3.5 2.77 ZINCOCOPIAPITE 9.25 6.2 5.57 3.55 3.49

Minldent - 92

)Ident command""? unknown edit )Unknown input""? d-values=,,2.46-2.56 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and )12 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 10 not matched, 2 matched. )Ident command""? tabulate name d-values Page: 1 Table for matched/identified minerals

\Name d-values


3.55 3.52

)Ident command""? unknown edit

2.51 6. 13

)Unknown input""? d-values=",2.98-2.08 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and

2.05 3.57

6. 15 2.5

1. 94 ! 2.02

)2 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 0 not matched, 2 matched. )Ident command""? unknown edit )Unknown input""? d-values=",,2.275-2.375 )Unknown input""? d-values )Contains: 3.5-3.6,6.1-6.2,2.46-2.56,2.08-2.98,2.275-2.375 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and )2 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 2 not matched, 0 matched.

*because the analyst missed a d-value and included an extra one *not in the data base, both possibilities were rejected. If all 5 *d-values are used, IDENTIFY will normally be a much safer procedure *to use than match - but also much more expensive!

)Ident command""? stop


MinIdent - 93

3.6.2 match to find Be bearing minerals

#$run unsp:MinIdent #17:58:12

)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** ) (C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. ) )Ident command""? unknown

*find all Be silicate minerals )Unknown input""? w Be=O.5-100 )Unknown input""? w Si=5.0-100 )Note: the sum of the weights is a large 200.000%.

*200% comes from adding the maximum values *for the above concentrations

)Unknown input""? w sum )The sum of all the weight percentages lS 5.500-200.000 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match )3787 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 3735 not matched, 52 matched.

*in the following table, the weight of BeO is the average compiled *weight. A number of minerals are listed below which are not *Be-Si-minerals in the sense that Be and Si are incidental rather *than essential components. Hence, Be or Si does not appear in the *tabulated formulae for such minerals (e.g., allanite, idocrase).

)Ident command""? tabulate name BeO formula Page: 1 Table for matched/identified minerals




1 • 3 1 4.277 6.2 2.3

15.89 6. 1 11

13.8 41.407 12.525 40.0

2.28 4.972 7.675 9.3

12.67 13.407 11.088 18.82 10.751 9. 155 8.83

12.785 9. 19


(Ce,Ca,Y)2(Al,Fe)3[Si04]30H Ca2(Be,Al)Si2070H:H20 Ca2(Be,Al)Si2070H:H20 Ca3(Ti,Sn)As6Si2Be2020 BaBe2Si207 Ca4Be2A12Si9026[OH]2 Be3(Sc,Al)2Si6018 Be4Si207[OH]2 Be3A12Si6018 Be3Si04[OH]2:H20 (Ca,Mg,Fe2+,Ba)(Li,Na,K)0.25(Al,Fe3+ CaLiA12A1BeSi2010[OH]2 CaLiA12A1BeSi2010[OH]2 CaMnBe2Si5013[OH]2:2H20 Na2BeSi206 Fe4Be3Si3012S NaBeSi2070H BeA1Si040H· NaBeSi3070H Y2Fe2+Be2Si2010 (Ce,La,Nd,Y)2Fe2+Be2Si2010 (Zn,Fe,Mn)8Be6Si6024S2 (Ca,Na)2Be(Si,Al)2(O,OH,F)7

Minldent - 94


)Ident command""? stop

19.732 1 1 . 37 34. 16 1 3 .41 13.197 13.01 10.5 10.767 16.04 0.75 0.727 5.769 2.58 3.8

10.978 25.47 6.9

10.447 5.249

43.86 8.25 7.725

45.2 4.361

17.08 5.35

41.012 11.2 4.0

Ca6(Mn,Mg)Be4Si6(O,OH)24 Ca6(Mn,Mg)Be4Si6(O,OH)24 (Be,Ca)4(Si,Al)207[OH]2:3H20 (Mn,Fe,Zn)8Be6Si6024S2 Mn4Be3[Si04]3S Mn4Be3[Si04]3S (Y,Yb)BeSi040H (Yb,Y)BeSi040H Ca3Li2Be3[Si04]3F2 (Ba,Pb,Ca,K)6(B,Si,Al)2(Si,Be)10028( Ca10Mg2A14[Si04]5[Si207]2[OH]4 (Ca,Pb)(Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+)5Si6Be2022[OH]2 Na2(Be,Zn,Mg)A12Si6016[OH]2 (Na,H30)2(Si,Al,Be,B)7(O,OH,F)14 (Ca,Na)2BeSi2(O,F,OH)7 Li2BeSi04 (Na,K,Ca)4(Be,Al)2Si6016:4H20 (Ca,Na)2Be(Si,Al)2(O,OH,F)7 K2Ca4A12Be4Si24060:H20 Be2Si04 (Ca,Ce,La,Na)10-12(Fe,Mn)(Si,Be)20(O Na4SnBe2Si6016[OH]4 Be5(Si,Al,Fe3+)207[OH]4 (Mg,Fe2+)3A14BeSi3016 (Ca,Mn)BeSi04 Na4BeAlSi4012Cl Be:?Si02 Be3A12Si6018 Ca2Mg4Fe3+02Si4Be2018


MinIdent - 95

3.7 table command

#$run unsp:Minldent #Execution begins 17:03:03

)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. ) )Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? density=16-25 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match )3766 minerals examined, 790 ignored, 2967 not matched, 9 matched. )Ident command""? tabulate name density formula Page: 1 Table for matched/identified minerals




16.3 16.969 22.66 19.29 21.0 21.0 22.58 20.0 19.107

Au4Cu(Te,Pb) Au Ir (I r , Os) (I r , Os) (Ir,Os) [Os]0.8-1[Ir]0-0.2 (I r , Pt) (Os,Ir)

)Ident command""? t name moh for gold iridium platiniridium Page: 1 Table for specified minerals




3.0 6.5 7.0

)Ident command""? t w FeO w Fe203 w A1203 w Si02 w F of hornblende Page: 1 Table for specified minerals

IFeO IFe203 IAl203 15i02 IF ---------------------------------------

1 14.5851 16.2091 8.5041 46.7251 0.18 7 1

MinIdent - 96

)Ident command""? table name formula all Page: 1 Table for all minerals



)Ident command""? )Ident command""?


C31H32N4Ni KU02As04:4H20 (U,Ca,Y,Ce)(Ti,Fe)206 Ag2S CH3CONH2 FeSe NaFe3+Si206 Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8022[OH]2 Zn2As040H CaMgAs040H Mg2B12020:15H20 KAlSi308 NaFe3+Si206 (Na,Ca)(Fe3+,Fe2+,Mg,Al)Si206 Na2Fe2+5TiSi6020 Ni9As3016

*NOTE: attention pressed during listing stop


Minldent - 97

3.8 unknown command - request=on

#$run unsp:MinIdent #Execution begins 15:14:54

)***************************************************************** }*** M i n I den t (Ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. ) )The following commands are applicable here: ) Unknown (Edit).. .to enter data for the unknown to be ) identified or matched. ) Identify (And).. .to find the 20 most likely identities ) of the unknown. ) Match (And) • .. .to find the minerals meeting the search ) criteria entered for the unknown. ) tabulate. . . .• .to list specified parameters about the ) matched or identified minerals ) display .•.•..•. to list all data for minerals. )The usual sequence is: unknown, match or identify, ) tabulate or display. )Ident command"Unknown"? )Minldent will now request all the parameters for the unknown )because it is in request mode (request=on). To turn off this mode )enter: request=off )To issue any command, prefix the command with a "#". )A''''? 9.9 )B""? 18 )C""? 5.3 )ALPha""? ) BETa ''''? 1 0 5 )GAMma""? )BIRefringence""? )CLAssification""? species of silicates ) COLour" , , , , , "? )C(Omega)""","? )C(Epsilon)""","? )C(Alpha)", ",,"? )C(Beta)""","? ) C ( Gamma) " , , , , , "? )DENsity""? 3.14 )DISpersion""? r>v

pale yellow brown yellowish green

red brown

)D-Values""""""",,"? 8.52,3.16,2.73,3.41,2.61 )IDEntifier""? possibly hornblende )MOH""? 5.5 )N''''? )N(Omega)""? )N(Epsilon)""? )N(Alpha)""? 1.615 )N(Beta)""? 1.618 )N(Gamma)""? 1.634 )OAP",,"? //(010) )R(470)""? )R(546)""?

Minldent - 98

)R(589)""? )R(650)""? )REMarks""? )SlGn""? )SYMmetry""? monoclinic )TYPe""? silicates )VHN""? )2V(Gamma)""? 81 )lf the weight of Fe203 is 30%, enter: Fe203=30% )To finish entering compositions, enter a blank line. }Weight"SAVE"? Si02=54.27 }Weight"SAVE"? A1203=4.92 )Weight"SAVE"? FeO=O.22 }Weight"SAVE"? MnO=O.18 }Weight"SAVE"? MgO=25.42 }Weight"SAVE"? CaO=11.31 }Weight"SAVE"? Na20=1.20 }Weight"SAVE"? H20=1.94 }Weight"SAVE"? H20=O.26 )Weight"SAVE"? sum }The sum of all the weight percentages is 98.725-102.414 }Weight"SAVE"? )The following commands } Unknown (Edit) ••

are applicable here: .to enter data for the unknown to be identified or matched. )

) ) } ) } )

ldentify (And) ..••. to find the 20 most likely identities of the unknown.

Match (And) •.•••. to find the minerals meeting the search

tabulate. . criteria entered for the unknown.

•••• to list specified parameters about the matched or identified minerals

) display •... )The usual sequence

. • • . to list all data for minerals. is: unknown, match or identify,

) tabulate or display. }ldent command"Unknown"? stop


User's notes - 99

Minldent - 100

4. Practical Procedures for Use of Minldent

So me Hints on the Use of Minldent for the Identification of Minerals

The successful and rapid identification of minerals, by whatever method, has always depended heavily on careful and ac cu rate observations and recording of data. Although this axiom remains true in the use of Minldent, the database and software has been designed to minimize, as far possible, the effects of errors in data on the end result. This has been achieved in two ways: firstly, the user is provided with an opportunity to specify error limits for the data that is entered. Secondly, one of the procedures available, the IOENTIFY procedure, presents the user with a list of the twenty most likely identities on the basis of the data input. This list, which is arranged in order of decreasing likelihood of correct identification, permits the user to explore systematically other properties for a limited number of possibilities, rather than being faced with the prospect of searching amongst the nearly 4000 species and varieties that presently constitute the list of recognized minerals. The use of the T ABLE command to tabulate any of the properties stored in the data base for this drastically reduced list of possibilities, allows the user to see at a glance what other properties might be determined or what data should be obtained more accurately to distinguish between the possibilities listed.

Clearly, it is also important in terms of computing costs and user's time to get an identification as quickly as possible. Although every case is somewhat different, it is recommended that the following procedure be followed as a general rule. First of all, data are identified as reliable on the one hand or tentative or dubious on the other. Then using only reliable data, generous error limits are assigned to this data - limits which should equal or exceed any possible uncertainties. There is a common tendency to underestimate errors and uncertainties, and this should be guarded against very carefully. The reliable data, together with assigned error limits are then input to the Minldent procedure MATCH. MATCH considers all minerals but re jects from further consideration all minerals for which any information in the data base does not fall within the limits set in the input data. It should perhaps be noted here that it is important not to enter concentrations of minor or trace elements at this stage, irrespective of how weil they are known. The reason is simply that these elements may be peculiar to this particular sampie and not matched by any sampie in the data base. The program will reject a sampie in the data base even if the mismatch is of a minor element which has trivial significance. Given only the qualitative estimates of the concentration of a few elements, the procedure outlined will normally reduce the possibilities to a much more manageable number.

At this point the more expensive and somewhat different IOENTIFY procedure can be run on the reduced list. However, be fore this is done, all data is entered or re-entered exactly as obtained. There is now no need to specify error limits since the program will not reject any mineral on the basis of amismatch between the database and the unknown. Rather "demerit points" are assigned for a mismatch, the number of demerit points being determined by the extent of the mismatch. As explained in the identify chapter of the manual, the Minldent Command which will invoke the IOENTIFY procedure for only those minerals listed by the previously run procedure MATCH, is IOENTIFY ANO. Eventually when the pro gram has completed testing, the T ABLE command can be used to display the names as weil as other data for the twenty most likely minerals. At this point it is a good idea to include in the tabulation all of the parameters which were input for the unknown as weil as including the matching indices (specified by "IOE"). It is then possible to see at a glance both the extent and the relative differences in the various missmatches.

It mayaiso be useful to tabulate other properties of these twenty minerals at this time, with a view to pinpointing additional data that could be useful in the identification of the unknown. This can be done by issuing the command "UNKNOWN EOIT' in response to the request for a Minldent command (unknown chapter of manual). The effect of the data added at this time can be observed by issuing the command MATCH AND, which will cause only the previously matched minerals to be considered. However, if data that had previously been entered is changed, it is advisable to run MATCH on the entire database again, since some minerals that had previously been excluded may now

Minldent - 1 0 1

be possible matches. Finally, the commands IDENTIFY AND and TAßlE can be issued once again to obtain a ranking of these possibilities and display the various parameters of interest.

If several possibilities remain at the end of these procedures it simply means that the data entered are not adequate either in quality or quantity to make a positive identification. Clearly at this point, either additional data should be obtained and the program rerun using this new information or else the literature should be consulted for a more detailed description of the possibilities and their properties. To obtain a lead into the relevant literature the program can be asked to tabulate the SOUrce(s) for information included in the data base. Although the references given will certainly not be a comprehensive bibliography, they will usually provide an initial lead. Another approach at this point would be to consult reference books such as Fleischer (1983)' Roberts et al. (1974) where literature references are usually provided.

Minldent was originally conceived as a chemical data base and program for mineral identification. However, numerous other parameters such as optical properties, d-values, etc. have now been incorporated along with mineral compositions. Many of the additional parameters may be used together or alone in an attempt to identify minerals. The user must be warned, however, that the use of very limited information (e.g., the refractive indices alone or the d-values of the 5 strongest lines) will often not give very good discrimination and it may be found that quite a substantial number of minerals match the properties that are input. In general, then, the more data that are entered, the better will be the discrimination. If Minldent is used in conjunction with the petrographie microscope, the parameters which may be determined and input, include symmetry, refractive indices, 2V, pleochroic scheme and dispersion. In a limited number of cases, it may be possible to include some chemical information. For example, it may be obvious that a mineral is a silicate or perhaps a carbonate. It may even be possible to go further and identify the group or family to which a mineral belongs - e.g., the micas or the zeolites. In such cases more detailed compositional information could be included.

The procedures for the use of Minldent that have been outlined above are those which should normally be used in the first instance. On so me occasions, however, the MATCH procedure will fail to produce possible minerals. This may mean that certain of the data entered are in error or alternatively that the sampie being investigated has properties that lie outside the range presently included in the data base. In this instance the IDENTIFY procedure becomes particularly important since it can provide a list of the minerals to which the unknown is most similar even though none of them are a elose match. At this stage, using the T AßlE command, the difference between the properties of the unknown and the twenty most similar minerals can be examined and the nature and extent of discrepancies assessed. Detailed comparisons of X-ray diffraction data may then be called for. Such investigations become much easier, even if an entirely pure sampie of the unknown cannot be obtained, once the number of possibilities have been drastically reduced by the Minldent procedures. When a truly new mineral is discovered, it will not show a good match with any of the minerals in the database. However, caution should be exercised in concluding that the mineral is indeed new until the properties of all of the similar minerals listed by the IDENTIFY procedure have been compared in detail and, if possible, a definitive X-ray diffraction pattern has been obtained on a pure sampie of the unknown. In this regard, it is highly desirable to follow the procedures set out by the Commission on New Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Association. A check-list produced by this commission is included as an appendix to this manual.

Minldent - 102

5. system dependent features

5.1 ATN function and subroutine




1. CALL A TN(* 1 ) 2. L = ATN


RETURN *1 or return .TRUE. if an attention interrupt occurred since last using this routine.

5.2 A TNON subroutine




Enable attention intercepts. If a second attention interrupt occurrs before a call to ATN, then the routine CQUIT will be called.

5.3 A TNOFF subroutine


Semantics: Ignore attention intercepts.

5.4 BEEP subroutine




This routine will cause the terminal to issue an audible beep. Note: some terminals are incapable of doing this.

5.5 CMDNOE subroutine




This routine passes a command from the user (or program) to the MTS operating system.

5.6 COST function




The "soft" costs incurred since logging on will be returned in centicents.

5.7 DAT Astatements





5.8 DATE subroutine

Minldent - 103

Syntax: CALL DATE(T)

T: CHARACTER*20 containing the date and time that the subroutine was called in the form: 'HH:MM:SSMMM DD, YYYY' where: HH=Hours MM=Minutes SS=Seconds MMM=Month DD=Day YYYY=Year

5.9 EDIT subroutine

This routine is called to use the MTS system editor on a file

5.10 GUID subroutine

Syntax: CALL GUID(lD)


Semanties: Get the user id as signed (logged) onto the MTS operating system.

5.11 GUINFO subroutine

This routine is called to get certain user information

5.12 INTEGER*2 program variables

These are integers which occupy 2 bytes. They are used in arrays of pointers to minerals to conserve space.

5.13 LOCK subroutine

Syntax: CALL LOCK(UNIT, 0, 0, * 1 0, *10, *10, *10, * 1 0)


*10: file cannot be locked

Semanties: prevents a file attached to UNIT from being accessed by another user.

5.14 PKEY subroutine



PKEY: any string terminated by a blank.

Semanties: Associates a program key with the running program.

5.15 READ subroutine

Minldent - 104









(any type) where data is read into

INTEGER*2 with length of data read. Note: trailing blanks are deleted and hence records may vary in length.

INTEGER access type. If ATYPE=O then access is sequential. If ATYPE=2 then access is direct.

INTEGER record read from. Note: this is 1000 times the MTS file line number.

INTEGER unit file is attached to.

end of file

5.16 ROY All subroutine

This routine is calied to initialize the royalty record

5.17 ROYALU subroutine

This routine is calied to update the royalty record

5.18 TIME subroutine

Same as DA TE routine.

5.19 WRITE subroutine








(any type) the data being written

INTEGER*2 number of bytes of data to write. Note: trailing blanks are deleted and hence records may vary in length.

INTEGER access type. If ATYPE=O then access is sequential. If ATYPE=2 then access is direct.

INTEGER record written to. Note: this is 1000 times the MTS file line number.

INTEGER unit file is attached to.

Minldent - 105


Bowie, S. H. U & Simpson, P. R. (1978): The Bowie-Simpson System for the Microscopic Determination of Ore Minerals: First Students' Issue. McCrone Research Associates, London.

Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A. & Zussman, J. (1962): Rock-forming minerals, Vois. 1-5. Longman, London.

Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A. & Zussman, J. (1978): Rock-Forming Minerals, Vol. 2A: Single-Chain Si I icates. Longman, London, 668pp.

Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., & Zussman, J. (1982): Rock-Forming Minerals, Vol. 1A: Orthosi I icates. Longman, London, 919pp.

Dietrich, R. V. (1969): Mineral Tables. Hand-specimen properties of 1500 minerals. McGraw-Hili Book Company, 237 pp.

Embrey, P. G. & Fuller J. P. (1980): A manual of new mineral names 1892 - 1978. British Museum (Natural History) I Oxford University Press, 467 pp.

Fleischer, M (1983): Glossary of mineral species. Mineralogical Record Inc. Tueson, 202 pp. Fleischer, M., R.E. & Matzko, J.J. (1984): Microscopic Determination of the Nonopaque Minerals.

U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 1627. Frye, Keith (Ed.) (1981): The Encyclopedia of Mineralogy. Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co.

Stroudsburg Pennsylvania, 794 pp. Hahn, Theo (Ed.) (1983): International Tables for Crysta/lography. Vol. A: Space-Group Symmetry.

D. Readel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland I Boston, U.S.A. Henry, N. F. M. (Ed.) (1977): IMAtCOM Quantitative data file. International Mineralogical Associat!on.

Commercial Agents: McCrone Research Associates Ltd., 2 McCrone Mews, Belsize Lane, London NW3 5BG, England.

Henry, N. F. M. & Lonsdale, K. (Eds.) (1952): International Tables for X-ray Crysta/lography, Vol I: Symmetry Groups. International Union of Crystallography. Kynoch Press, Birmingham, England, 538 pp.

Hey, M. H. (1962): An Index of Mineral Species & Varieties Arranged Chemica/ly. (2nd edition). British Museum (Natural Historyl, London, 728 pp.

Hey, M. H. (1963): Appendix to the second edition of an Index of Mineral Species and Varieties Arranged Chemical/y. British Museum (Natural Historyl, London, 135 pp.

Leake, B. E. (Ed.) (1978): Nomenclature of Amphiboles. Report on the I MA Subcommittee on Amphiboles. Mineral.Mag. 42, 533-563.

Pierrot, R. M. (1979): Chemical and Determinative Tables of Mineralogy (without the silicates). Masson Publishing USA inc., New York, 591 pp.

Roberts, W. L., Rapp, G.R. & Weber, J. (1974): Encyclopedia of Minerals. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 693 pp.

Smith, D. G. W. & Gold, C. M. (1979): EDATA2: A FORTRAN IV Computer program for processing wavelength and tor energy-dispersive electron microprobe analyses. Proc. 14th Ann. Mtg. Microbeam Anal. Soc. (San Antonio, Texas, 1979) p. 273 - 278. San Francisco Press.

Tröger, W.E (1979): Optical determination of rock-forming minerals. Part 1: Determinative tables. 4th German edition by Bambauer, H.U., Taborsky, F. & Trochin H.D. IEnglish translation by Hoffmann, C. K.]. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 188pp.

Uytenbogaardt, W. & Burke, E.AJ. (1971): Tables for microscopic identification of ore minerals. Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 430pp.

Winchell, A. N. (1956): Elements of optical mineralogy. Part /11, Determinative tables. Wiley & Sons, New York and Chapman & Hall, London, 231 pp.

Winchell, A. N. & Winchell H. (1951): Elements of optical mineralogy. Part 11, Determinative tables. Wiley & Sons, New York and Chapman & Hall, London, 551 pp.

Minldent - 1 06


I symbol, 2 $ command, 2 * command, 2 - symbol, 2 ? - synonym for help, 3 : symbol, 3 # symbol, 3 @ symbol, 3 a parameter, 4 add command sampie session, 76 add command / parameter of modify section / permit command, 4 all parameter, 5 alpha parameter, 5 angle entry, 61 angles parameter, 6 asterisk, 2 ATN function and subroutine, 102 ATNOFF subroutine, 102 ATNON subroutine, 102 attention key / command, 6 average parameter, 6 b parameter, 6 batch command, 7 batch file, 61 batchprint variable, 7 bd.min,61 BEEP subroutine, 102 beta parameter, 7 birefringence, 8 blank parameter, 8 break - synonym for attention, 8 c parameter, 8 c(alpha) - synonym for colour(alphal, 9 c(beta) - synonym for colour(betal, 9 c(epsilon) - synonym for colour(epsilonl, 9 c(gamma) - synonym for colour(gammal, 9 c(omega) - synonym for colour(omegal, 9 calpha - synonym for colour(alpha), 9 case variable, 9 cbeta - synonym for colour(betal, 9 cepsilon - synonym for colour(epsilon), 9 cgamma - synonym for colour(gamma), 9 characters-per-line parameter, 9 classify parameter, 10 cm parameter, 1 1 CMDNOE subroutine, 102 collection numbers, 61 color - synonym for colour, 1 2 color(alpha) - synonym for colour(alpha), 12 color(beta) - synonym for colour(beta), 12 color(epsilon) - synonym for cOlour(epsilonl, 12 color(gamma) - synonym for colour(gammal, 12

color(omega) - synonym for colour(omega)' 12 colors - synonym for colours, 12 colour entry, 6 1 colour parameter, 12 colour(alpha) parameter, 13 colour(beta) parameter, 1 3 colour(epsilon) parameter, 13 colour(gamma) parameter, 14 colour(omega) parameter, 14 colours parameter, 1 2 comega - synonym for colour(omega)' 1 5 command,63 commands, 1 compile command of modify section, 15 compile command sampie session, 78 compiled data, 63 continuation of long lines, 63 continue command, 15 coordination parameter, 16 corrected data, 65 correspondence, 65 COST function, 102 CPL - synonym for characters-per-line, 16 crd - synonym for coordination, 16 cutoff variable, 16 d-value parameter, 16 dash symbol, 3 data parameter, 17 data sources, 63 DATA statements, 102 date parameter, 1 7 DATE subroutine, 103 default parameter, 17 defaults, 64 definitions:, 61 delete command / parameter of modify section / permit, 18 density parameter, 1 8 destroy - synonym for delete, 18 development charges, 64 dichroism parameter, 1 8 dimensions parameter, 19 dinitials variable, 19 disclaimer, 65 discredited parameter, 19 dispersion parameter, 19 display command of ident section, 20 display command sampie session, 79 divisions parameter, 21 dollar sign, 2 dsource parameter, 22 dvalues - synonym for d-values, 22 EDATA2 command, 22 edges parameter, 22 edit command sampie session, 87

Minldent - 107

Minldent - 108

edit command / parameter of modify section / permit, 22 EDIT subroutine, 103 editing data, 65 elist command, 23 epsilon - synonym for n(epsilon), 23 erases, 37 errors in data base, 65 exit - synonym for stop, 23 explain - synonym for help, 23 formula parameter, 23 gamma parameter, 25 general data, 65 generals parameter, 25 grecords command, 25 GUID subroutine, 103 GUINFO subroutine, 103 help command, 25 id command, 26 ident section, 66 identifier parameter, 26 identify command of ident section, 26 identify command sampie session, 88 ignored minerals, 67 IM parameter, 27 indices parameter, 27 initials parameter, 27 INTEGER*2 program variables, 103 INTRODUCTION, iii JCPDS parameter, 28 Icutoff variable, 28 length parameter, 28 level,29 list command, 29 locality parameter, 29 location - synonym for locality, 30 LOCK subroutine, 103 match command of ident section, 30 match command sampie session, 90 match d-values sampie session, 9 1 match to find Be bearing minerals, 93 maximum parameter, 30 merge command of modify section, 31 mineral,67 mineral data, 67 Minldent, 67 minimum parameter, 3 1 missmatch command, 31 mlocality parameter, 31 moccurrence parameter, 32 modify section, 68 mohs parameter, 32 move command, 33 mremarks parameter, 33 msource parameter, 34

MTS, 68 mts commands, 2 multiple commands, 2 n parameter, 34 n(alpha) parameter, 34 n(beta) parameter, 34 n(epsilon) parameter, 35 n(gamma) parameter, 35 n(omega) parameter, 36 nalpha - synonym for n(alpha), 36 name parameter, 36 nbeta - synonym for n(beta). 36 nepsilon - synonym for n(epsilon). 36 newmineral variable, 36 ngamma - synonym for n(gamma). 37 nomega - synonym for n(omega). 37 none parameter, 37 null value, 37 number parameter, 37 OAP parameter, 37 occurrence parameter, 38 of parameter of table, 38 omega - synonym for n(omega). 39 OPM parameter of table, 39 output variable, 39 oxides parameter, 39 password command of the ident section, 39 pbase - synonym for proportion-basis, 40 pbasis - synonym for proportion-basis, 40 permit command / parameter of the modify section / permit, 40 permit parameter, 40 PKEY subroutine, 103 pleochroism parameter, 40 polymorphs parameter, 40 Practical Procedures for Use of Minldent, 100 precision, 68 proportion-basis parameter, 41 proportion-sum parameter, 41 psum - synonym for proportion-sum, 42 psw - synonym for password, 42 quit - synonym for stop, 42 r(470) - synonym for reflectance(470nm). 42 r(546) - synonym for reflectance(446nm), 42 r(589) - synonym for reflectance(589nm). 42 r(650) - synonym for reflectance(650nm). 42 range, 68 READ subroutine, 104 record parameter / command, 42 references, 105 reflectance parameter, 42 reflectance(470nm) parameter, 43 reflectance(546nm) parameter, 43 reflectance(589nm) parameter, 43 reflectance(650nm) parameter, 44

Minldent - 1 09

Minldent - 1 10

refraction parameter, 44 remarks parameter, 45 request variable, 45 requests, 69 restoring and saving data on tape, 69 restrict command, 45 return, 2 rfl - synonym for reflectances, 45 rfr - synonym for refractions, 45 ROY All subroutine, 104 ROY ALU subroutine, 104 r470nm - synonym for reflectance(470nm), 46 r546nm - synonym for reflectance(546nm)' 46 r589nm - synonym for reflectance(589nm), 46 r650nm - synonym for reflectance(650nm)' 46 sampie data, 69 sampie sessions, 76 sampies parameter, 46 save command, 46 set.min file, 71 sglist command, 47 show command, 47 shownull variable, 47 sign parameter, 48 sort command, 48 source parameter, 48 sources, 63 space-group parameter, 49 spcgrp - synonym for space-group, 50 srecords command, 50 status command, 50 stop command, 50 subset command, 50 sum parameter, 5 1 symbols, 71 symmetry parameter, 5 1 synonym data, 7 1 synonym parameter, 52 system dependent features, 102 table - synonym for tabulate, 52 table command, 95 tabulate command of the ident section, 52 test variable, 54 time - synonym for date, 55 TIME subroutine, 104 tlist command, 55 tm parameter, 55 . tree command, 55 type parameter, 56 undisplay parameter, 56 unknown command - request=on, 97 unknown command of ident section, 56 unknown data, 7 1 unload variable, 56

variables, 73 vertical bar, 2 VHN parameter, 56 weight parameters, 57 width variable, 58 WRITE subroutine, 104 year-first-described parameter, 58 yfd - synonym for year-first-described, 58 yrecords command, 58 zero variable, 58 return, 2 2V(alpha) parameter, 59 2V(gamma) parameter, 59 2V+ - synonym for 2V(gamma). 60 2V- : synonym for 2V(alpha)' 59 2Valpha - synonym for 2V(alpha). 60 2Vgamma - synonym for 2V(gamma). 60 2VX - synonym for 2V(alpha)' 60 2VZ - synonym for 2V(gamma), 60

Minldent - 1 11

MinIdent Appendix A

TO: Proposers of New Mineral Species

FROM: J. A. Mandarino, Chairman Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names International Mineralogical Association

Completion of the attached CHECK LIST will greatly improve the handling of your proposed new mineral. Hopefully, it will alsQ point out deficiencies in your description which can be corrected before the proposal is submitted.

The CHECK LIST is not meant to replace the material which you might norma 11 y submi t . Ins tead, i t wi 11 serve as a summary of the proposa 1 and will assist me to prepare the abstract which will be sent to the members of the Commission for voting. Please send as much text as you wish in addition to the CHECK LIST.

Where choices are given on the form, circle the appropriate words or figures. Please feel free to add any additional data not listed specificallyon the CHECK LIST.

If there is not enough space on a sheet, use additional sheets. Note that there are two different versions of Page 1 and Page 2: 1a and 2a for nonmetallic minerals; 1b and 2b for metallic minerals (the "ore" mi nera 1 s) .

I suggest that those authors who regularly submit proposals, prepare several blank copies of the CHECK LIST for future use. If you have an earlier version of this CHECK LIST, please destroy it and use only this one. Please DO NOT prepare your own version of the CHECK LIST. It is very important that you enter your data directly onto one of my forms. This helps me to find "missing" data much more readily.

Thanks for your co-operation which will assist me greatly in handling the 80 to 100 proposals which I receive per year.

Enc 1 .

J. A. Mandarino Chairman



Version 850501 Page 1a

............................................................... CHEMICAL FORMULA .................................................................... CRYSTAL SYSTEM SPACE GROUP

POINT GROUP NOTE: Give estimated errors for unit cell edges and angles in the

brackets. For example, a 12.345(9).

a · ....... ( ) A b ........ ( ) A c ........ ( ) A

a · ....... ( )0 ß ........ ( )0 'Y ........ ( )0

Z · ....... V ........... ( ) Al


OCCURRENCE: (Give specifie details on the geographie loeality and the assoeiated minerals). In eases of iso1ated loealities, give Latitude and Longitude.


GENERAL APPEARANCE: (Inelude grain or erystal size, type of aggregate, ete.).

COLOUR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• S~EAK







DENSITY(meas.) ......•. ( )g/em 3 DENSITY(calc.) ........ ( )g/em 3

(Method used to measure density: ••••.••.•.•••..••••••.••••..••••.•.•••••.. )

OTHER DATA: (Use other pages, if necessary)



NOTE: Give estimated errors for refractive indices and 2V.

ISOTROPIC n •••••••.••• ( )

UNIAXIAL (+)(-) w . ......... ( € •••••••••• (

Version 850501 Page 2a

BIAXIAL (+)(-) a •••••••••• () ß •••••••••• () -y •••••••••• ()

2V(meas.) ...•••.•.••• () 2V(calc.) .•.••..•.•.• ( )

DISPERSION: (Such as r>v, strong)

r > v,

r < v,

ORIENTATION: (AS complete as possible)





Version 850501 Page lb

............................................................... CHEMICAL FORMULA .................................................................... CRYSTAL SYSTEM SPACE GROUP ..................................

POINT GROUP NOTE: Give estimated errors for unit eell edges and angles in the

Braekets. For example, a 12.345(9).

a ........ () Ab •••••••• ( ) A c ........ () A

a •••••••• ( ) 0 ß •••••••• ( ) 0 'Y •••••••• ( )0

z v ........... ( ) A3


OCCURRENCE: (Give speeifie details on the geographie loeality and the assoeiated minerals). In eases of isolated loealities, give Latitude and Longitude.


GENERAL APPEARANCE: (Inelude grain or erystal size, type of aggregate, ete.).

COLOUR (megascopic ) ............................................................. .

STREAK LUS~E ••••••••••••• TRANSPARENCY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

HARDNESS Mohs' Mieroindentation:



VHN load = 9

me an = •.•••••••••••••••.

range = •••••••••••••••••



DENSITY(meas.) ..••...• ( )g/em 3 DENSITY(eale.) •...••.. ( )g/em 3

(Method used to measure density: •.••...••.•......•••••••••••••••.••..••..• )

OTHER DATA: (Use other pages, if neeessary)







REFLECTANCE VALUES (The standard should be one of those recommended by the Commission on Ore Microscopy).


(air/cil; n = ............. )




460 470




540 546


580 589



640 650






TYPE OF ANALYSIS: (circle appropriate ones)



Version 850501 Page 3


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H2 0 ANALYTICAL METHOD

ANALYTICAL RESULTS: (Number of analyses: •••••••••• )

NOTE: If multiple analyses have been carried out, please give ranges and/or standard deviations of the data.




WT. % Range Standard Deviation




Version 850501 Page 4

KIND OF STUDY: Precession Weissenberg Other ......................... .



POINT GROUP (If space group is unknown) ........................................ .



a .......... ( A a .......... ( )0

b · ......... ( ) A ß · ......... ( )0

c · ......... ( ) A "/ · ......... ( )0

V · ......... ( ) A3 Z

POWDER DATA (For CuKa, FeKa or · ........ ) (Circle or insert ,,/)

Debye-Scherrer ••• Gandolfi. •• Diffractometer ••• Guinier •••


d I hkl

etc. etc. etc.

CRYSTAL STRUCTURE (Summarize the details): R = ••••





OTHER DATA a:b:c or c:a

(from morphology)

(calculated from unit cell parameters)

NAME (Explain the reason for selecting the name): If named for a living person, indicate his or her acceptance and year of birth. If named for a deceased person, please give years of birth and death. For names transliterated from the Cyrillic alphabet, please give the original Cyrillic spelling.

TYPE MATERIAL (Give the name of the Museum where it is deposited)

RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER SPECIES (Include, if possible, where the mineral fits into a classification)

How can it be distinguished from similar minerals?



/K ) C

OTHER DATA (Thermal, Infra Red, etc.)

AUTHORS' REMARKS (Add anything which will clarify difficult pa.rts of the description)


Version 850501 Page 5