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S ome S lX years ago t he members o f t heFaculty of t he S tat e'


S chool at San F rancisco undertook t he issuance of Bulletins of Method f or

t he teaching of t hevar1oussubjectswhi ch they superv1sed . These B ulletins

were pr imari ly issued as Courses of S tudy f or t he Normal E lementary .

S chool in which t he normal student s are t rained as teachers, but , later ,larger editions were published f or t he use of t he publi c schools. Up to the

time of t he great disaster of Apri l -1 8 1906;twelve Bulletins had been

issued The f ire,however

,destroyed t he entire stock and even our library

cop i es. We are now beginning t he publication of revised editions of these

Courses of S tudy .

The following courses are now in the hands of t he printer and wi ll be

ready f or distribution, we expect, by August 1 , 1907No. 1 (new series ) . A Course of S tudy in


Primary Language,“

and Handbook to t he

S tate Series Text. By E ffie B . McFad d en. P rice, postpai d , aoceat s.

No. 2"

(new series ) . A Course of S tudy in Primary Ari thmeti c, and Handbook to the

S tate Series Tex t. By David R . Jones. P rice, postpai d , 30 cent s . .

No. 3 (new series ) . A'



of S tudy for t he Teaching of R ead ing'

to Beginners, andHandbook t o t he S tate S eries '

P rimer and F irst Reader. By A lma Patterson.

P rice, postpaid , 30 cent s.

The following Bulletinsarenow inpreparation and wi ll be issued duringt he year :

A Course of S tudy in Ari thmeti c , and Handbook to accompany S tate‘

Series AdvancedText. By Dav id R . Jones, Supervisor of the Teaching of Ari thmeti c .

A Course of S tudy in Li terature for t he Grammar Grades. By A l l ison Ware, Supervisorof t he Teaching of L i terature.

A Course of S tudy in H istory, and Handbook to theS tate Series Advanced“

Text. ByArchibal d B . Anderson, Supervisor of t he 'Teaching of H istory.

A Course of S tudy for t he Teaching of R eading , and Handbook to '

the S tate SeriesSecond and Th ird R eaders. By A lma Pat terson, Supervisor of t he Teachingof Reading.

A Course of S tudy in Grammar, and Handbook to the S tate Series‘

Text. ByFrederi c Burk .

A Cou rse of -S tudy in Language for Grammar Grades.. B y Ed ie


B . McFad d en, Supervisor of t he Teaching of Language.

A Course of Study in Descri p tive Geography . By Frank F . Bunker, formerl y Supervisor of t he Teach ing of Geography , later Assistant Superintendent of Seatt leSchools, at present Assistant Superintendent of Los Angeles S chools.


BULLETIN No. I (New S eries ) .






By EFFIE BELLE MCFADDENS up ervisor of the Teaching of Language

J UN E 1 9 0 7


W. W. S HANNO N S up erintend ent o f S tate P rint ing


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Copyri ght , 1904, by EF F IE BE LLE MCFADDEN .

Copyri ght , 1907 , by EFF I E BE LLE M CFADDEN .


The series of lessons in this Bullet in is t he out come of an at temp t to make

certain language forms mat ters of habit ; that is, t o so fix them that when

t he necessi ty f or their use arises, t he chi ld need not go over in his mind

any definition previously learned , nor think of any rule by whi ch he could

choose t he correct form to be used . The general ideahas been to get t he

attention upon t he form first,and gradually t o lead t he chi ld to the place

where t he subject-matter only is in mind .

The devices given are those used by t he student-teachers in t he E le

mentary Department of t he San Francisco S tate Normal S chool . They

are by no means original, having been taken from many sources and

worked over by t he teachers,from whose repor ts they have been taken f or

this Bulletin.

The method used is to bring t he proper setting before t he chi ld,either

actually or in imagination. The teacher gives t he proper form to be used,

and t he chi ld imitates her by using t he form . The best results w i ll come

i f t he attention of t he child is exclusively upon t he form we wish t o teach

him,without too much paraphernal ia t o divide that attention. To i llus

trate : The chi ld is to be taught to use t he form,

“ I saw,

”in telling abou t

something he has seen before The teacher produces t he proper condi t ions

by walking to t he window,looking out at some objec t

,then returning t o

her desk,and saying


“ I saw aman.

”The chi ld then imi tates her . Next

instead of actual ly reproducing t he condition,t he teacher does so in

imaginat ion,whi ch is one step in advance.

“O n my way t o school this

morning I saw apret ty flower . Tell me what you saw .

The“ times over


”or spiral method

,as i t is usually called

,is found t o

be very effective. The first t ime over consists ent irely of oral work , before

t he chi ldren master their pens or crayon well enough t o give their at tent ion

t o what they are wri t ing,rather than to the form of t he letters.

Wr iting the sentences is introduced t he second t ime over,t he chi ldren

copying first,afterwards doing it from dictat ion

,and finally making up

their own sentences.

At t he end of every series will be found devices f or review. The review

lessons should begin every recitat ion and form t he greater part of i t . Take

t ime f or review,whether any thing is given in advance or not . This work

would be improved if t he devices f or review were at t he beginning of each

day ’

s exercises. As no two classes are ever able to cover t he same amount

of work this was found impossible. The teacher may select i one or moredevi ces from t he review work t o begin each d ay ’

s lesson.

At t he end of every series also w i ll be found a story f or reproduction,

first f or oral work,then f or wri t ten work . Nearly all t he stories must be

worked over i f t he reference only is given,as these stories were originally

wri t ten t o be read,and not t o be reproduced . The stories must be as simple

as possible,w i th easy language construction. These stories are not told

f or their moral effect upon t he chi ldren,nor f or encouraging an especially

dramat i c or vivid reproduction,but solely f or the purpose of us ing t he

required language forms. Hence t he stor ies should be short and simple,

but at t he same time interest ing .

The writer has graded t he work according t o t he ability of t he greater

number of pupi ls under her charge. There is no reason why some of t he

work may not run over into t he next year,or why advanced work may not

be begun before t he end of t he year . It is advisable t o begin each year

w i th a review of all t he review lessons of t he preceding year . Not how

much advance work is done but how much review work is done,is t he motto

f or this book .


San F rancisco S tateNormal S chool,

May 3, 190 1 .





PURPOSE AND METHOD — The purpose of t he work is t o teach t he ch i ld t o

use, as an unconscious habit , t he past tense of various verbs . Those selected

are t he ones in most constant use every d ay .

The idea is to get t he at tention of t he chi ld first upon t he form of t he

word used in it s proper set t ing,and then,

by repeti t ion,so to fix that form

that when t he condi t ion again arises he w i ll,w i thou t stopping to think


the proper form .

F or t he general method followed,see Introduction.


1 . Go to t he w indow and,looking ou t

,say ,

loud enough f or all t o hear ,I see aman with an umbrella I see abird bui lding anest . Come here,

John,and tel l me what y ou see. Then go back to t he desk and say ,

“ I

saw acar out there. I saw aboy out there,

emphasi zing saw. Tell me

what you saw, John. S end as many as vou have t ime f or

,having them

return t o their seats and say ,

“ I saw a

2. Pu t anumber of objec tson t he table,such as akni fe

,toy sheep

,d og,



,et c. Say to t he class,

“ I see apencil . I see adoll . ” Call

on t he chi ldren t o look and tel l what they see. Afterwards cover t he

objects , saying ,

“ I saw apenci l . I saw adoll . Tell me what y ou saw .

3. Hold up apicture before t he class,saying


“ I see agirl standing byher mother . Look now .

” Then,turning i t around

,say ,


,tell me

what y ou saw .

4. Begin wi th t he first chi ld in t he row,saying , A t t he park yesterday

I saw many chi ldren. Tell me what y ou saw .

” Have t he chi ldren rise,

one after t he other,telling what they saw . To t he next row say ,

“ A t t he

Chutes I saw t hemonkevs. Tel l me what y ou saw .

”I n t he same way use

At t he grocery O n t he bay . I n t he par lor. O n t he sand-tab le.

store. I n t he school yard . I n t he garden. O n t he shel f.O n t he street . A t home. I n t he aquari um . At church.

5. Tell mewhat y ou saw t he chi ldren doing in school ; on t he playground ;on t he way t o school ;

at t he park . Tel l me what you saw t he fish doing ;t he frogs

,et c.


6 . Tell the following story,having it reproduced and added to

There was once a l i tt le bird . He came out of a t iny b lue egg in anest in t he top of

a tal l tree. At first he was very , very smal l . H e grew and grew . Soon he was old

enough to fly . He said ,“Mama, I am going t o fly away . I w ish t o see all the beauti fu l

things abou t me.

”S o away he flew . He was gone a long time. A t last he came back .

His mama said , Tel l me, my chi ld , what y ou saw .

” “ I saw some funny animalsplaying w i th a round th ing. O h , those were boys p laying bal l ,” sai d the mother-bi rd .

I saw some queer wooden nests.

” Those were peop le’s houses, said t he mother.

“ Isaw some p retty flowers grow ing on t he h i l l . I saw some frogs in sw imming in a bi gpond .

” Then his mother sai d ,“You have seen so much t o-d ay y ou may fly away again

to-morrow .


O ne d ay John went out t o shoot ducks . He saw one on arock . He raised

his gun t o shoot t he duck . He saw her pulling out her feathers. She

wanted to make her nest warm f or t he l ittle ones. John did not shoot her .


1 . Call three chi ldren t o t he desk,wh isper to them three d ifierent places

t o go, then count three and have them all go at once. This gets t he

attention of the class and lends interest . “Who can tell where each one

went ?” Have four or five t ry t he next time

,and so on as long as t he

interest lasts .

2. Have agame of store. The chi ldren go to t he store one by one. Each

chi ld says,

“ I w ish t o buy adoll,

”et c. After he has gone t o his seat he

may say ,

“ I went to t he store. I saw akite” ; or ,“ I went to t he store. I

saw some apples .

3. Tell where you went after school ; S unday ; Christmas ; Saturday ; et c.

4. Tell where mamawent to buy meat ; t o buy bread ; to buy sugar, et c.

5. Give t he nursery rhyme,O ld Mother Hubbard

,or i f the chi ldren

already know i t,have it recited .

Devices for Review.

[The best resu l ts are obtained i f, before introducing anew word , t he previous wordsare reviewed . Devi ces f or review w i l l be found before every new word ]

1 . Have achild go to t he w indow,look out

,and after he has returned to

his desk,say ,

“ I went to t he window . I saw ahouse.

”I n the same way

t he chi ldren may go t o t he stove,t o t he door

,t o t he desk , cabinet , t oy box ,

et c. To vary t he exercise have one chi ld perform t he act,ano ther tel l

what he did and what he thinks was seen ; as,“John went t o t he window .

I think he saw astreet-car .

2. Say t o t he class, Yesterday I went to t he park . I saw t he squirrels.

Have t he chi ldren tel l one place where they went and one thing whi ch

they saw .

( 6 )


O ne d ay pussy went into t he dining-room before breakfast . S he saw a

tall j ug of cream on t he table. S he jumped on t he table,but she could not

reach t he cream w i th her tongue. Pussy was afrai d to upset t he jug . S he

stuck in her p aw and then li cked t he cream from it . Pussy did this t i ll

therewas nomore cream in t he jug .


1 . F or) breakfast this morning I at e some toast . I at e some meat . Tell

me what you at e.

Tel l mewhat y ouate for lunch . Tel l mewhat t he cow at e.

Tel l mewhat y ouat e for dinner. Tell mewhat t he frog at e.

Tel l mewhat your d og at e. Tel l mewhat t he si l kworms ate.

Tel l mewhat your ki tty at e. Tel l mewhat y ouateat t he picni c.Tel l mewhat t he horseat e. Tel l mewhat y ouat eat the b i rthday party .


2. O ne d ay May gave aparty . All her little friends came. They played

games unt i l six o ’clock . Then they had dinner . They at e candy and nuts .

They at e ni ce chocolate cake. May ’

s mamabrought in some pink ice cream .

Each one at e alarge dish of this. When they went home,they told their

mothers about the good time they had and what they at e.

3. O ne d ay Miss Brown took her class to t he park . The chi ldren p layed

f or some time. Then they at e their lunch . They at e cake. They at e

candy . They at e oranges,and apples

,too . S ome of t he lunch was left .

Then they went up“

t o t he lake. They saw t he pretty white ducks . M iss

Brown sai d,

“Let us give t he ducks something t o eat . The children threw

some cake into t he water . S ome of t he ducks ate t he cake. Then they

threw some bread into t he water . All the ducks liked t he bread . They ate

it all . M iss Brown threw some grapes into t he water . The ducks ate t he

grapes,and then swam away . Then t he children went home.

Devices for Review.


1 . To one row say ,I saw some birds at t he park . Tell me what you

saw . The chi ldren rise in turns,each telling what he saw . The next

row may answer t o :“ Tell me where you went Saturday t he third row to

“ Tell me what y ou at e f or lunch ,”et c.

2. The chi ldren may p lay that they went t o the candy store. Tel l mewhere you went , what you saw

,what you at e. This may be varied by

going to visi t alittle friend,by going to grandma’s

,et c.

3. Cut from t he advertising pages of magazines,pictures of things t o

eat, things that may be seen in grocery stores

,at t he park

,on t he street .

Paste these on cards,pass them around to t he chi ldren

,and have stories

made ;as, I went to agrocery store. I saw many cans of soup .

( 7 )

Encourage the chi ldren t o finish t he story . We at e some soup f or

dinner .

4. If t he chi ldren recognize these words,they may be placed on t he

board . The teacher may begin a story . The chi ldren ad d sentences as

t he teacher points out the words

Once there was a l i tt le boy named N ed . He l i ked t o go w i th his father. O ne d ay

he went w i th him t o t he country . Mama put a ni ce lunch for them into a box. His

father let Ned dri ve.

When they got there what d o you think Ned saw ”? Tel l me what y ou

think they at e f or lunch .


“O ne d ay I went down town. I went into t he toy store. I went over

t o t he table where they kept my favori te toys .

” Tell me what y ou think I

saw on t he table. Tell me where I went next . Tel l me what I saw there.

Now tell me where y ou went and what you saw .

“ I was so t ired that I went t o get something to eat . Tell me what you

think I at e.

Have t he chi ldren make up stories of their own— stories of only a f ew

sentences,or as many as they can— using went , saw ,

and at e,i f possible.


1 . S tand by t he window,and have a chi ld come t o y ou. As he stands

by y ou,tell him to say ,

so t he other chi ldren can hear,

“ I came to you at

t he w indow,

” accenting came. Have another child come to y ou at t he

stove,and say ,

“ I came to you at t he stove.

” Usually two or three times

telling them wi ll suffice,at least f or the bri ghter ones

,and t he others wi ll

imitate them . After standing in several p laces yourself,give your place t o

achild,and have him say ,

“ I came to Willieat t he door .


“ I ’m glad you came t o school this morning . Tell me on what street

y ou came and w ith whom you came. Tel l me whether you came early or

late. Tell me what games y ou p layed before you came to school . Tel l me

how y ou helped your mother before you came to school . Tell me what you

did after you came to school .

3. Play that you came from di ff erent places. I came from O akland . Mr .

J ones came from Berkeley . John came from t he country . Tel l me where

you came from .

4. Review all t he verbs studied so far by calling f or sentences from each

row . O ne row may answer t o,

“ Tel l me what y ou at e f or breakfast”


another ,“What y ou saw in t he t oy store” ; ano ther ,

“How you came t oschool this morning


” “Where y ou went last night ,”et c.

5. Tell “ Reynard t he Fox,

” by E . Louise Smy the; adapted

The l ion was king of all t he animals. O ne d ay t he king gave a party . He wantedall t he animals to come t o i t. The wol f , t he bear, and near l y all t he other animals came.

Even t he b i rds came. O ne animal d id not come. That was Reynard t he F ox .

The wol f came up to t he king. He said ,“0 k ing . y ou wanted us all to come to your

party . We are all here but one. That one is Rey nard t he F ox. He never does whaty ou tel l him t o d o. He has been very mean t o me. He came t o my house. He pu tdi rt into my bab ies ’ eyes . And now they can not see. Look at them .

( 8 )

Then l i tt le F i do came up to t he king. He was a pretty l i tt le d og . He said , 0 k ing ,let me tel l y ou what Reynard did t o me. We are all af raid of him. O ne d ay I went outfor awalk . I came t o ami l l . I saw some meat there. and I took i t. I t was all I hadt o eat , and I was very hungry . But Reynard took i t away from me. I t was not his .

I t was mine, and i t was all I had .

Devices for Review .

saw went ate came

1 . Call achi ld t o you , whisper t o him whi ch word t o act out and how to

do it ; then t he chi ld may do so,whi le t he others tell

,in good sentences


what was done. I n acting out came, t he chi ld must come t o t he teacher

and he himself must be called upon to tell what he did ; as, I came t o

you . O therwise it would be,

“Tom went t o y ou.

2. This device may be used in review ing any verb . It is especially

useful in teaching t he form “ I didn ’t ” ; as , I didn’t go

,I didn ’t eat t he

apple; or , Yes, I went ; Yes, I at e t he apple.

A chi ld is sent from t he room,knowing that another one w i l l beappointed

t o go somewhere or do something . When t he chi ld returns he asks,

“ Elsie,

did you go to t hewindow ?” and Elsie replies,

“ I didn ’t go to t he w indow


“ I went to t he w indow,as t he case may be.

I n alarge class i t is well to limi t the chi ld t o four or five guesses. Then

more chi ldren w i ll havean opportuni ty t o ask t he questions.


Gog was an elephant . He was very smart . He could Open any door and

close i t after him. His master was very proud of him . O ne d ay afriend

gave Gog’

s master some fine apples . He put them in his room to keep them

unti l night . But Gog opened t he door , went in,and closed it quiet ly after

him . He at e all t he apples . Then he went out again. When Gog’

s master

came he could not find t heapples . I n t he morning he saw some apple-cores

in Gog’

s stable. He knew who at e t he apples.


1 . Draw on t he board t he pic ture O f an old man w ith abig pack on his

back . Tell them this story

Once there was aman l i ving all by himsel f . I t was very near Christmas, bu t he hadno chi ldren to gi ve any presents t o. F inal l y he thought of a plan. He went t o the ci tyand bought agreat many toys. He di d them all up in a pack . Now he is on his way t o

visi t all t he chi ldren in t he v i l lage. He brought a ni ce new crutch to a lame boy . He

b rought a kni fe t o a l i tt le boy . He b rought a dol l to a l i tt le g ir l .

You may tell me what else he brought in t he pack to t he chi ldren.

2 . Have each chi ld in a front seat bring y ou something from his desk .

The other children tel l what was brought .

3. Use t he same cards as for “at e

”. Play that y ou are having abirth

d ay par ty . Each chi ld br ings y ou something . As he brings i t,he says : “ I

came t o your birthday party . I brought y ou"

a basket . ” The chi ldren

enjoy this very much,and poli teness may be taught incidentally . If the

( 9 )

teacher is gracious when she receives t he presents, achi ld w i ll imitate her ,i f he is allowed to have aparty instead of t he teacher .

4. Tell me what t he bird brought t o build her nest . (Mud , strings,feathers



,et c.

,may be mentioned . ) Tell me what y ou

brought t o school . Tel l me what t he postman brough t ; t he grocery-man.

Tell mewhat t he f ruitman brought you . Tel l me what SantaC laus brought

y ou Christmas.

5. S tory f or reproduction

Some chi ldren bu i l t a sand fort . John brought t he damp sand in buckets , wh i le Fredbui l t the fort. Thel i tt le brother, Tom , b rought as many firecrackers as his hands wou ldhold . Soon papa came and brought t he matches . He l ighted t he firecrackers , and t he

fort was b lown t o pieces . Then t he boys brought more sand and made another one.

They thought i t great f un.


Alice was apoor little girl . S he lived in a lit t le house in t he woods.

O ne d ay her mother went out . She left Ali ce alone. Alice fell asleep .

She dreamed that she saw a fairy . The fairy said,

“My chi ld , what do

you w ish ?”

“ I w ish to have some pretty clothes and playthings,

said Ali ce.

You may have them ,

”said t he fairy . Then she went away .

I n af ew minutes she came back . S he brought w ith her abeautiful dress.

She brought abig doll,she brought some marbles

,she brought some books,

she brought ar ing,and she brought abig box of candy .

“O h

,how happy I am


”said t he little girl . “ Thank you

,thank you


kind fairy .


Tell t he story ; ask t he quest ions following it , having them answered in

good sentences,and then have i t reproduced

This morning my uncle came to see me. He came in a ni ce l i tt le buggy , dri ving ab lack pony .

“ I am after a l i tt le boy who wou ld l i ke a ri de,”

said my unc le. Mamasaid I cou ld go, and I was so happy . We d rove abou t town, then we went out t o t he

park . O n the way I saw a l i tt le boy who si ts near me at school . Unc le let him ride,t oo. He brought his d og w i th him. The d og was a l i ttle one and had t o run fast t okeep up . When we came to t he chi l dren’

s p layground , we went in t o l unch. My unc leat e sandw i ches and drank coff ee, bu t we boys drank mi lk . A fter l unch we went t o t he

lake. There we saw boys sai l ing smal l boats. O ne boat came near us and then upset .We saw ducks sw imming in t he lake, t oo. I t was near ly dark when we got home, butwe had had a very pleasant d ay .

QUES TIONS : Who came t o see y ou? He came in what ? Tel l me where

you went . O n the way whom did you see? The boy brought w ith him,

what ? Tell me what you at e f or lunch . Tell me where you went after

lunch . What did you see?


1 . Have abean-bag. Call out several children,having them stand in a

row . Throw t he bean—bag to'

the first,saying


“ I threw t he bean-bag t o

Elsie. S he caught t he bean-bag. Now,Elsie

,throw i t back .

“I threw

t he bean—bag t o J ohn. He caught t he bean-bag.


,who can d o just

( 10 )

as I did ?” Have several chi ldren take turns in throw ing t he bag t o t hechi ldren in t he row

,each time saying


“ I threw t he bean-bag t o

S he caught t he bean-bag . As each chi ld in t he row throws t he bag back ,

2. How many p layed tag at recess ? Tell me whom you caught . Tell

me who caught y ou.

3. Tel l me what t he spider caught ; t he cat ; t he frog ; t he snake ; the

bird . Tel l me what we caught on our nature-study trip .

4. Tell me what y ou threw away at recess ; at home. Who threw t he ball

over t he fence? Tel l me what you threw into t he basket , et c.

5. Tell this story . Ask questions to bring out t he verbs, and then.


t he story reproducedMay and Tom went t o the lake w i th their mother. Tom took his d og F i do w i th him,

and May took her dol l . They found an old boat there. Mamasat in one end of t he boatand read a book . May sat w i th her and p layed w i th t he dol l .Tom wanted t o have some fun. He threw astick into t he water and F ido ran after i t .

Then Tom threw another one h igh in t he ai r.

’ F ido ran as fast as he cou ld , then stoppeds ti l l , and caught t he st ick in his mouth. Good d og ,

”sai d mama.


1 . Say t o t he class, We w i ll p lay a little game. I wi ll leave t he room,

and Helen may tell some one to take apenci l from t he desk . When I come

back,I ’ll t ry to find out who did it .

”(To make i t more interesting , keep

an account of t he number of guesses,writing them on t he board . ) When

you come back,say ,

“ I think May did it .” May shook her head

,so she was

told to say ,


,I didn ’t do it . ” “ Then Joe did it

,and so on

,unti l the

chi ld is found who did it . Have him say ,


,I did i t . ” After a f ew

t r ials,have achi ld takeyour place and call on t he di fferent ones : “Mary


did you do i t ?”

2. Play that t he teacher is an old blind lady . The chi ldren do various

t hings,such as

,pass to t he board

,wr ite on t he board

,et c.

,as they were told

by point ing them out . A chi ld stands by,telling each time

,Mary did it


“Joe did it . et c. The chi ldren take turns at this .

3. Say to t he class

Once two l i tt le boys were p laying. Joe broke a cup . When their mother came home,she asked ,

“Who did i t?” “What d id Joe say ? What di d his brother say ?

Three l i tt le gir ls were sew ing . O ne of them was very carefu l , and did her workni cely . The mother asked ,

“Who did this so wel l ?” What wou ld each l i tt le gir l say ?The teacher left t he room . Tom threw ap iece of chal k . The teacher came back , and

asked ,“Who d id i t ?” What wou ld the boys say ? What would Tom say ?

The teacher asked t he ch i ldren t o b ring some spiders t o school . The next d ay she

found ajar of sp iders on her desk .

“Who brought i t ?” What di d t he boys say ?

Mama found a ni ce bouquet of flowers on her tab le. S he asked t he chi ldren who

brought i t. Who d o y ou th ink did ?

A l i ttle boy fel l down in the yard this morning. Another boy picked him up . W'ho

d o y ou think d id i t?

4. Have several p ictures or other things that were brought to you by t hechi ldren. Say to t he classSome one brought me this p icture. Who d o y ou think did i t ?Some one wrote this paper. Who d o y ou think did i t ?Some one drew this pi cture. Who d o y ou th ink d id i t ?

( 1 1 )

5. Say t o t he first row,Answer my questions

,using d i d . WI1 0 wrote

well this morning ?”

Say t o t he second line,Who brought lunch to-d ay ?

” Who p laved

marbles this morning ?” Who played buttons ?” et c.

6 . See device 2 under Devices f or Review page 9 .


A little red hen found agrain of wheat . Who wi ll p lant this grain of

wheat ?” said t he hen. I won ’t,

”sai d t he cat .

“ I won ’ t,

”sai d the rat .

“ I won ’t,

”said t he pig .

“ I won ’t,

”said t he dog .

“ Then,I w i ll



t he lit t le red hen. S O she did it .

S oon the wheat grew up .

“Who wi ll cut this wheat ?” said t he little red


“ I won ’t,

”sai d t he cat . I won ’t


”sai d t he rat .

“ I won ’t,

”sai d

t he pig .

“ I won ’ t,

”said t he d og .

“ Then,I wi l l


”sai d the li t t le red hen.

S O she did it .

S oon t he wheat was ready t o take to t he mill . Who w i l l take this

wheat to t he mill ?” said t he lit t le red hen.

“ I won ’t,

”sai d t he cat .

“ I



”said the rat .

“ I won ’t,

”sai d t he pig .

“ I won ’t,

”said t he dog .

Then,I wi ll

,said t he li t t le red hen. S o she did it .

When she came back w i th t he flour she said,

“Who w i l l make a loaf ofbread ?” “ I won ’t


”said t he cat .

“ I won ’t,

”said t he rat .

“ I won ’t,

said t he pig .

“ I won ’ t,

”sai d t he d og .

“ Then,I wi ll


”said t he little red

hen. S O she did it .

When t he bread was baked she said,

“Who w i ll eat this sweet bread ?”

I w i ll,

said t he cat I wi ll,

”said t he rat .

“ I wi ll,

said t he pig “ I

w i ll,

”sai d t he dog . N O

,you won ’t


”said t he li ttle red hen. My

chickens and I w i ll eat this bread .

”S O they did .


1 . Have a chi ld bring y ou something he has in his desk,as a piece of

paper,apenci l

,et c. Say t o t he class

,i f y ou are not sure t he chi ld w i l l

answer properly,

“John gave me a paper . Who has something else f or

me?”“ Harry gavemeabook .

” “Mary gave me apenci l . ” The teacher

may quickly give t he chi ldren such toys as she may use f or her reading

words. Then they may hold up t he toys,show ing the class



2. The teacher may play that she is a little girl , and that each one is t o

give her something f or her birthday . The chi ldren then bring their toys t o

t he desk . After they are seated,t he teacher may ask ,

“Who gave methis ?” unt i l all t he toys are put away

3. The teacher may play that she is ablind lady . Each chi ld brings her

agift . Then she asks,

“Who gave this ?” t he chi ld replying,

“May gave

y ou t he book ,”et c.

( 12 )

Devices for Review.

went brought gave

1 . Say to t he chi ldren,I went t o t he grocery store. I brought y ou some

sugar . T he grocer gavemeacookie. Designate t he di fferent parts of t he

room as : baker ’

s,candy store

,toy store

,book store

,butcher ’

s,frui t stand .

Have t he chi ldren go to t he di fferent p laces, then come back , telling where

they went,what they brought back , and what t he storekeeper gave them .

2. Give out cards having pasted upon them various p ictures cut from t he

advertising pages of magazines . Have the chi ldren make “saw stories



”stor ies


“ate” stories,et c.

3. O ne chi ld may take a t oy t o another whose eyes are closed . The

lat ter then tries t o guess who brought it,by asking


“D id y ou bring me

this ?” The chi ldren reply,

“ I did i t,

or“ I did n ’t do it .

4. The chi ldren may hide their eyes whi le one of t he class is chosen t o

draw something on t he board . The teacher then appoints amember of t he

class to find out who i t was by asking,

“Who did it ?”

5. The teacher may bring a sack of animal crackers to school . ~ Each

chi ld may eat one,then tell what he at e ; as,

“ I at e acracker-dog,

”et c.

6 . A chi ld closes her eyes,whi le another puts something into her hand .

Then t he first chi ld asks,“Who gave me t he penci l ?” whi le ano ther one


“John gave you t he penci l . ” It may be varied by t he chi ldren


“ I did it,

or“ I didn ’

t d o i t . ”

7 . Tell t he following story,have i t acted out

,and then reproduced .

Many other things may beadded t o“

make t he story longer :

Once there was a lady who was very ti red . S he had many th ings t o d o. The disheswere not washed . The floor needed sweep ing . The tab le needed dusting . The w indowsneeded washing. The lady started to go t o t he store t o buy something t o eat . S he tol dher ch i ld ren t o be good whi le she was away . When she came back , she found all herwork done. S he said ,

“W’ho washed t he d ishes ?” A l ice said , I did i t .


S he thenasked ,


ho swept t he floor?” F red said “ I did i t.” S he then wondered , Whodusted t he tab le?” Mary said , I did i t .

”Now tel l me, she sai d , W'

ho washed t he

w indows ?” Harry sai d ,

“ I di d i t . You are good ch i ldren,

”said t he lady ,

“here is

some candy f or y ou.

I n t he same way t he past tense of the following verbs should be taught

in t he F irst Grade : grow,d rink


,d raw

, fall, fly , t ell, rid e,build

,bi te


sp eak, sell.

Review every d ay the verbs, using one or more of the devices,either in

t he presentation lessons,or in t he review devices. If there is any time left ,

put in t he new exercise,

“ It is I .


saw ran

A count ry mouse invi ted a town mouse to visit him in t he countryThey at e wheat stalks and roots. The town mouse sai d


“When I was int he ci ty I at e raisins and nuts and cheese. Come to t he city and I wi ll

show y ou.

”S O t he country mouse went to the city .

( 13 )

They went together into t he pantry . There they saw bread,meat



and ani ce piece of cheese. They at e a little bread . Just then some one

opened t he door . They ran as fast as they could t o ahole. When all was

quiet,they came back again. They at e a little meat . S ome one else

opened t he door . They ran away and hi d again. The country mouse said,

“ You may finish your feast alone. I like t o live in t he country where I

can eat in peace.


saw tooh

A tortoise wished t o learn t o fly . She asked t he eagle to teach her . The

eagle sai d,

“You can not fly . You have no wings .

” But t he tortoise sti ll

wanted to t ry . The eagle took t he tortoise in her claws. S he fiew high

into t he sky . The tortoise saw t he houses far below her . S uddenly t he

eagle let t he tortoise go . She fell down to t he earth . She was ki lled on

t he rocks .



A d og was once crossing abridge over astream . He had abone in his

mont h. He looked down into t he water . There he saw another dog w ith

a larger bone in his mouth . He dropped his own bone to get t he larger

one. He found that it was only ashadow . So he had to go home hungry .


lay ran caught came

O nce a lion lag asleep . A little mouse ran over him . This woke t he

lion and made him very angry . He caught t he mouse and was going to

ki ll it . The mouse said,

“Do not ki ll me. I w i ll help y ou some d ay .

The lion laughed and let i t go . S oon afterwards t he l ion was caught in anet . The little mouse heard him roar . The mouse came up and gnawed

t he ropes wi th his teeth . He set t he lion free.



O nce twomen were traveling together . They suddenly met abear . O ne

man quickly climbed atree. The other one fel l on his face. He pretended

that hewas dead . The bear came up . He smelled t he man all over . Thenhe left him

,f or bears d o not like dead bodies. S oon t he man came down

from t he tree. He asked,

“What did t he bear tell y ou?” He told me

never to travel with aman who leaves you when you are in danger .



O nce ad og lay in amanger . A cow came along t o get something t o eat .

The d og barked and growled at t he cow .

“You are aselfish dog


”said t he

cow .

“ I came here to get something to eat . You can not eat auv hayyourself and y ou wi ll not let any one else eat it .


did not know how t o help them . S uddenly she saw her worst enemy

coming . I t was aman. He saw t he li t t le ducks. He stooped and gathered

them into his hat . The poor mother thought her babies would be ki lled .

The man went to t he edge of t he pond and put t he ducks into t he water .

Soon they were all swimming . The mother was very happy . Just as t hev

began t o eat,they saw ano ther duck coming . I t was their baby brother .

The hawk had dropped it over t he pond . They were all very happy and

lived here many y ears.


1 . S end two or more chi ldren from t he room,telling one of them to

knock quietly,and then when asked


“Who is it ?” t o reply,

“ It is I .

Let them have one guess t o tell who i t is. The one who guessed could go

out and d o t he same thing . After t he one who knocked comes in say ,

“Who was i t that knocked ?” getting in reply,

“ I t was I,


“ I t was he

Have two knock at t he same t ime,telling them to answer


“ I t was we,

and having t he others tell “ It was they .

2. Say t o t he chi ldren,I w i ll close my eyes. S ome O f you may fold

your arms,some pu t your h ands on your heads some fold your arms

behind you,some wave your arms

,then when I say Attention,

all sit up .

Try t o find out who did each thing . Ask,

“Was i t y ou who folded your

arms ?” t he chi ld replying,

“ I t was I,

or“ I t wasn t I .

” Then change

t he form of t he question,asking


“Was i t John who folded his arms ?” et c.

3. Have aquick exercise,each chi ld in t he row answer ing t he question

as he pleases.

I s i t I ? I s i t he? I s i t she? I s i t they ? I s i t we?

4. Every d av have them repeat in concert,then individually

I t is I . I t is she. I t was she.

I t is y ou. I t is we. I t was we.

I t is he. I t is they . I t was they.

5. S end achi ld from t he room,telling him before he goes that somebody

wi ll be appointed t o be i t . The chi ldren name some one chi ld,and t he

teacher names t he one who is to ask t he quest ions. The chi ld then returnst o t he room . The one who asks t he questions stands up and asks


“I s i t


The guesser answers,N O

,i t isn ’t he



“ I think i t is he.

Instead of having some one ask t he question,t he child who left t he room

mav ask, It it y ou,

Charlie?” Charlie replies,

“ It isn ’t I,


“ It is Ias t he case may be.


PURPOSE AND METHOD — The purpose and method are the same as inteaching t he verbs . The teacher produces t he proper sett ing

,gives the

form ,and has t he chi ldren imi tate her . The attent ion must be on t he

form at first , and gradually transferred to t he subjec t-matter .

1 6 )

1 . Say to t he chi ldren,I have no penci l . Will y ou please lend me one?

Thank you . I have no book . Will you please lend me yours? I have no

paper . Will y ou lend me yours ? You may answer me, using , I have

Please lend me your sponge. Please lend me your slate,crayon

,kni fe


wat ch,ring

,t op ,




,et c. This must be quickly

and enthusiasti cally done to be effec t ive.

2. Be astorekeeper . Have t he chi ldren guess what kind of astore y ou

keep by asking to buy something . The chi ldren then say ,

“ I wish t o buy

some bread .

”The teacher replies


“ I have no bread .

” I wish to buy

some candy . I have no candy .

” I w ish to buy some sugar .



I have some st rgar .

” “What kind of a store do I keep ? Yes,i t is a

grocery store. Now y ou may be storekeeper,and we wi ll buy . Think

what kind of astore y ou w i ll keep .

3. F i ll abox w ith toys and odds and ends . The chi ldren ask f or some

thing . Reply first,I have no dol l . ” Then give t he box to a chi ld


t he others ask f or any thing they want . If i t is in t he box,it is given


otherwise t he chi ld replies,I have no

4. Try to find out who has ababy sister,brother

, p et kitten,blue dress

new kni fe,top


,et c

,by asking quickly


“ Have y ou ababy sister ?” et c.

5. S end t he class to t he board w i th no chalk there,and ask them to write

aword . If t he first one says,I have no chalk


”ask several i f they have

chalk,insisting on a complete sentence. If any chi ld can not give t he

form,some one may tell him what to say .

6 Put cards on several desks about t he room then as you look about

say . L i llie has no card,

” “John has no card

,Edgar has no card

“John tell me some one in your row who has no card

,et c.

7 . Why can’t L i llie lend me her doll


,fan?” et c.

8 . Say qui ckly t o t he first chi ld in t he first row,I had no mush f or

breakfast ; tell me something y ou didn’t have. Beg in your sentence with


I had no.

Devices for Review.

1 . Tell stories about achi ld in your class,as

Last night I w ished my erasers c leaned . I cal led upon t he boy who had t he bestreading lesson. Wh o was i t ? (The chi ld answers, I t was To-d ay I shal l cal lfor t he ch i l d who can count t he farthest . Who is i t ? (Answer, I t isLast night a l i tt le baby boy and his sister were wal k ing on t he street . The baby fel l

down. The sister pi cked him up and carried h im home. W'ho was i t ?

Every night there is a l i tt le boy who brings his mother t he mi lk from t he grocery .

“I bo is i t ?Who is t he l i tt le gi r l who helps her mother wash t he dishes ? et c.

2. S end all t he chi ldren or certain chi ldren t o t he board t o draw pic tures .

H ide your eyes,so you d o not see t o what board they go. Then ask


“Whod rew this ?” The one who did answers


“ It was I .

3. Use freely device No. 4under I t is I .

2— N s ( 1 7 )

S t ories for Review .


I t was a very cold d ay . Mr . Brown had finished his work,and was

going home t o supper . As he walked along he thought of t he games he

would p lay with his three li t t le chi ldren. Bu t who was the poor lit t le boy

si tting by t he road ? His coat was torn,and he had on no shoes nor

stockings . Mr . Brown stopped and said,

“M y boy ,

why are y ou not home

this cold evening ?” “ I have no home,

said t he boy .

“Where is your

father ? Will he not take care of you ?” asked Mr . Brown.

“ I have no

father nor mother,

”sai d t he boy

,and I am very hungry .

Then Mr . Brown asked t he poor boy t o come home w i th him . He gave

him some ni ce warm supper and agood bed to sleep in. Thenext d ay t he

boy went to t he Office wi th Mr . Brown,and did errands. He went to night

school,and studied hard . Now he is abig man

,w ith ahome of his own.

O rig inal story by athird -grad e boy .


A little pine tree was in t he wood s . I t had no leaves . It had needles.

The li ttle tree said,

“ I do not like needles. All t he other trees in t he

woods have pret ty leaves . I want leaves,t oo. Bu t I w i l l have bet ter leaves.

I want gold leaves .

”N ight came

,and t he little tree went to sleep . A

fairy came by,and gave i t gold leaves . When t he l ittle tree woke up ,

i t had leavesof gold . I t was very happy .

N ight came. A man came by w ith abag . He saw t he gold leaves. He

took them all,and pu t them into his bag. Now t he litt le tree had no leaves .

It had no needles,either . The poor l it t le tree cried


“ I do not want gold

leaves again. I w i l l have glass leaves.

S o t he li t t le tree went to sleep again. The fairy came by and put glass

leaves on i t . The litt le tree awoke and saw i t s glass leaves. Then awind

came up . I t blew and blew . The glass leaves all fel l from t he tree,and

were broken.

Again t he li t t le tree had no leaves This t ime 'it said,I want green

leaves . I want t o be like t he other trees . And t he li t t le tree went to sleep .

When i t awoke'

i t had green leaves . A goat came by . He was hungry , andhe at e all t he leaves . Then t he li t t le tree said


“ I like my needles best .And t he li t t le t ree went t o sleep . The fairy came and gave i t what i twanted . When i t woke up I t had it s needles again. Then t he lit t le pine

t ree was happy — Ad ap ted f rom O ld - t ime S tories by E . Louise S ni y the.


PURPOS E AND METHOD — O ne of t he first things to be mastered in writ ten

language is t he proper beginning and ending of t he sentence. I n order t od o this , t he chi ld must first know in some way what asentence 1s

,and then

he must have areflex f or put t ing in t he proper punctuat ion. We can tel lasentence in t wo ways : F irst

,bv not ing the inflec t ion of t he voi ce when

( 1 8 )

we hear i t read ; and ,second , by seeing t he beginning and ending . The

first way can be taught t he chi ldren before they read or wri te.

The method pursued was direc t ing t he at tention to t he voice as sentences

were read . The sentences must be very shor t and simple at first,t he

downward inflec t ion of t he voi ce pronounced , and t he pause between long .

O n account O f t he difficulty in gett ing stories made up ent irely of simple

sentences,t he fo llowing are added

1 . Say t o t he chi ldren,I am going t o read y ou some sentences . You

may tell me how many I read . I shal l stop after each sentence. You may

count them f or me.

” Then read,making along pause after each sentence :

Saturday I went down town. I looked in ab ig w indow . There I saw abeau ti fu l dol l .

How many sentences did I read ? Now listen again

I went into t he store. I bought t he dol l .

“ Tel l me how many sentences.

I gave t he dol l to my cousin. S he named t he dol l Grace. S he was very happy .

How many sentences ?

Read t he same thing again,pausing after four sentences to ask


many ?”

Use in t he/same way

I had a very large d og . His name was Car lo. He had pretty , b lack hair . He sat upand begged f or a cracker . He l i ked t o go into t he woods to catch bi rds . I threw a sti ck .

He ran after i t . He brought i t back t o me.

Here are two ch i ldren. Thei r names are Jack and May . They are wading in t he

water. Mama sai d they cou ld have some —fun. Going in wading is great fun.

The water is very warm . O n t he bottom are sand and pebb les. Jack sees a clam on

t he bottom . May screams. S he l i fts her foot out of t he water. A crab has caught hertoe. Jack pu l led t he crab of .

O ne d ay an ant fel l into t he water . He tried t o sw im out . He cou ld not d o i t . Adove saw t he ant . S he p icked off a leaf . S he threw i t t o t he ant . The ant craw led upon t he leaf . S he was carried t o t he shore.

The next d ay aman was out hunt ing. He saw t he dove. He aimed his gun t o shooti t. Just then t he ant saw t he man. S he b i t his heel . The man was very angry . He

turned around . The dove flew away .

2 F or another device,use a pic ture large enough fer t he whole

t o\


Tell me how many sentences I make about this pic ture.

I n this pi ctu re I see a l i ttle gir l . S he is standing by her mama.

“How many sentences ? Now listen again,

The cat is l ying by t he fire. I think mama is tel l ing t he l i tt le girl a story . The

l i tt le gir l looks happy .

“How many sentences ?”

Cal l on t he chi ldren t o make one sentence,two sentences

,three sen

tenoes,et c.

3. F or a third exercise provide each chi ld w i th apic ture,and call f or a

definite number of sentences,as two


,et c

,according to t he abili ty

O f t he chi ldren.

By this time t he chi ldren should be able t o recogni ze several sentences

( 19 )

w i th only aslight pause between. The second step— recognizing awri tten

sentence— is then begun.

4. Go t o t he board , saying ,“Now I shall wri te asentence on t he board


and wr i te : S ee t he little girl .

What kind of a letter at t he beginning ? How did I finish it ?”

Have t he class give sentences,whi le t he teacher writes on t he board .

As each one is given,ask


“How shal l I begin it ? How shall I finish it ?

Who wi ll wr ite t he first word ? Who w i ll finish it ?”

After several easy sentences are given, go back over t he group,cal ling

on di fferent chi ldren to show t he first sentence.

“Where does i t begin?

Where does it end ? What kind of aletter at t he beginning ? HO W d o we

finish it ?” After going through t he sentences consecutively , skip about .

After this,count t he number o f sentences on certain pages in their

readers .

5. A teacher,t o vary t he exercise

,had her chi ldren play t he sentence.

Each chi ld represented aword .

“What kind of a letter must t he first'

word have?” The chi ld suggested standing on t he table t o be higher,so

he did . The chi ldren stood in a row,one child representing each word ,

and t he period,at her own suggest ion

,sat on t he floor . Then each chi ld

said his word,and the next sentence was played . The teacher allowed them

to represent t he big letter in any way they chose. Then they pointed out

the beginning and ending of each sentence. The chi ldren called f or this

game repeatedly . The teacher closed t he lesson by reading a story from

their reader,allowing them t o tell howmany sentences.


PURPOSE AND METHOD — There are and there were seem to be t he hardest

reflexes to get . Perhaps more adults make this mistake than any other .

Much t ime should be spent on these t wo forms,as Often these two words do

not appear in t he chi ld ’

s vocabulary .

Be certain‘

that t he chi ldren say t here and not they .

1 . Have anumber ( two, three, or four ) of various objects, such as tops,bal ls ,

oranges, marbles, et c.

,on t he desk . Say to t he class,

“ There are

three marbles on my desk . There are two tops on my desk . Who will tellme how many oranges there are on my desk ?”

2. Have a number of p ictures wi th more than one of various Objec ts.

Pictures of frui t , flowers,or animals are good. Have the chi ldren tel l how

manv of each are in t he pic ture.

3. Have a chi ld come t o t he desk,select any number (more than one)

she w ishes of any objec t,and hold them up

,saying to t he class


“ Thereare two apples in my hand .

4. Repeat exercise 3, except that t he class do not know t he number ofobjects t he chi ld takes. They say ,

I think there are three nut s in Mary ’s

hand ,”et c. This may be varied by having t hechi ldren guess what Mary

5. Have t he chi ldren guess what things there are in your sat chel,assur

ing them that there is more than one O f each . Guess what things there are

in the desk ; in t he bookcase, et c.

6 . Have t he chi ldren think O f things at home in t he kitchen that there

is more than one O f .

“ Tell me how many there are?” The parlor,school


,et c.

,may be used in t he same way .

7 . The teacher may be a storekeeper and the chi ldren may guess what

things there are in her store.


PURPOS E AND METHOD — This can be amemory exercise. The attent ion

is t o be directed toward t he Objects that have been removed . The same

method ( that is , t he teacher making t he proper set t ing and giving t he

form ) is used as well as t he same devices .

1 . Have anumber of each of the diff erent objects on t he table. The

chi ldren pass around in line,look at t he things and return t o their seats.

The teacher takes t he Objec ts away from t he table,then says


“ There were

apples on t he table. There were oranges on t he table. Tell me what other

things there were on t he table.

2. Pick up various articles,then put them down again . D O this ver y

quickly t o keep t he attention of t he chi ldren. They tel l what there were

in t he teacher ’

s hand . Afterwards a chi ld may take her p lace. The

sentence should be given each time t he objec ts are pu t down.


“ Tell me what there were on t he street as y ou came t o school this

morning . Tell me what there were on t he table last night ; on t he desk

yesterday ; on t he bay last week ; on t he Christmas tree last Chr istmas.

4. Hold up a picture wi th many of t he various kinds of objec ts in it .

After giving t he chi ldren af ew seconds to look,lay i t down and have them

tell what therewere in t he p i cture.

5. Pass around some pic tures cut from amagazine. After t he chi ldren

look at t he pic ture, they return i t and tel l what there were in the picture.

6 . Use any of t he devices under there are,

”having it a memory

exercise so there weremay be used .

7 . Have some blocks in t he room . Put three down on t he desk,saying


There are four cars on t he track ; two of them were swi t ched O ff ( taking

two away ) . Now there are two left . ”

After is and was are given,stories may be made, using Then there was

one left,


“Nowthere is one left . ” The chi ldren are Often ver y original

in making up these stories . ( S ee F irst Book in Ar ithmet i c , S tate S eries,Chapter XI I — Number S tories . )


The same devices may be used as in teaching there are and t here were.

Be certain that there is but one of everything talked abou t,and that t he

attent ion of t he chi ldren is direc ted toward t he one.

( 21 )



If before t he end of t he year,t he chi ldren finish t he work already

ou t lined,and really know i t orally

,t he easier work under “

second time

over ” may be begun.

1 . Among t he devices used in teaching little chi ldren t o write words, t he

following has been found very successful : S end t he class , or at least one

division,t o t he board . As soon as all t he chi ldren are ready

,wri te theword

on t he board . The chi ldren may simply watch you,or better st ill



them trace t he letters in t he air as y ou make them . Then have them look

at t he word as awhole; trace i t a f ew times in t he air,and all turn and

wri te. Thosewho can not d o i t,may look at t he teacher

s word . Encourage

t hem to wri te i t first time w ithou t looking at t he teacher ’

s word . The

chi ldren usually need to write it three or four times to have it thoroughly

impressed . Then have the chi ldren erase,look at t he teacher ’

s word,then

wri te,t he teacher erasing her word . If t he chi ldren know a f ew word s

already,this new one may be made into asentence

,t he sentence wri tten

on t he board by the teacher,attention called to t he capital and period


then t he class requested to wri te.

R EVI Ew .

— Every d ay review t he work of t he preceding days. It is better

not to dic tate t he words O f t he last three or four days,bu t t o wr ite them

on t he board,giving t he chi ldren an Opportunity to see them f or asecond


then erase and write. D i ctation is somet imes atest . If t he chi ldren know

t he words,there is lit t le use in testing them . If they do not know them


test ing w i ll not teach t he words to them .

This same device may be used in any grade by omi t ting the tracing of

the word in t he air . It is a very excel lent way to make a poor spel ler

into agood one.

2. Another device,and agood one f or review

,is t o send t he class to t he

board,each chi ld being provided w i th aslip of paper upon which t he words

are wri tten. Each word may be written twi ce. As soon as t he chi ldren

are far enough along,sentences may be called f or.

3. Cut -up words may be made into sentences at t he chi ld ’

s desk . As

soon as he has finished he may pass t o t he board and write his sentenceson t he board .


The first time you have t he chi ldren wr ite on paper,have them place

their papers properly on their desks . Then say to them ,

“ Hold up t he

hand y ou do not wr ite wi th . C lose your little finger . C lose t he one next

to it . Now you have two fingers standing . Put your hand down on t he

( 22 )

Fol lowing this,have adictation lesson. These sentences should contain

words that the chi ldren know thoroughly :

My d og is b lack . A baby is pretty . Baby is good .

He eats meat . Papa l i kes me. F i ve nu ts are in t he cup .

Have them copy four sentences from their readers .

Have several objects in t he room,such as aball



,abox . a



,et c — all Objects whose names could be written by t he

chi ldren. Hold these up one by one,asking f or asentence about each .


t he sentences are given,wri te them on t he board

,properly begun and ended .

Copy t he best sentences on t he front board,and have t he chi ldren copy

them f or awri ting lesson.

Have a large picture. Ask f or sentences about the picture. Then send

t he chi ldren t o t he board,and have them write two sentences about t he

p icture.

Have them write a definite number,say ,


,or five


t o their ability and t he time,abou t t he nature-study material .

Give afamiliar subject as acar,t he w ind

,t he sun


,the bay ,

aboat,and have t he chi ldren wr i te adefinite number of sentences .

DEV ICE — Have apupi l come t o t he front of t he room and -face t he class.

O n t he board above his head wri te a subjec t . The class then make sen

t ences unt i l t he pupi l can tel l what it is . The pupi l who gave t he last

sentence must then take his place.

~ —F rom Bullet in No. 3,by A li naPat ter

son; ed i t ion now exhausted .


1 . Pu t O n t he board t he past tense of t he verbs to be reviewed . Pass t oeach chi ld aslip of paper on whi ch is wr it ten anoun that can be used wi thone or more of t he verbs. Cal l on t he chi ldren f or sentences orally


have them pass t o t he board and wri te one or more,as : at e

,d rank

, grew

may be t he words on t he board . A chi ld may have t he word ki t t y on his

slip . When he is called upon t o reci te he w i ll give such sentences as,


ki t ty at e meat ,” “

My kit ty drank mi lk ,” “My kitty grew into abig cat .

If t hev subst itute she or he f or t he noun,there is no objection. It sounds

better , and makes no difference, as t he at tention is on t he verb .

2. A variation of this device is t he game of postman. A chi ld is selec tedas postman . The let ters he carries contain three or four words

,t he past

tenses of as many verbs . The chi ld pretends t o read his letter ,but in reali ty

gives sentences containing t he verbs,as : The let ter has t he words d rew


gave. took . When t he chi ld is called upon to read he perhaps says,I drew

apret ty pic ture. I gave i t to my mama. S he took it and gave me akiss.

This may be used as busy work , t he work being wri t ten after once beingdone orally .

3. The past tenses of verbs may be put on aladder , each word on around .

The chi ld climbs t he ladder by giving or writing sentences with each wordin order .


4. Wri te on t he blackboard alist of t he verbs in t he present tense. Point

to averb,cal l upon achi ld . He performs t he actionindicated by t he verb


then makes a sentence telling what he did . This may be varied by t he

chi ld ’

s selec t ing his own verb,performing t he action

,whi le t he chi ldren

guess what he did,us ing t he pas t tense of t he verb .

SAW. (Second Time O ver.)

The O bject is t o have t he chi ldren write t he forms whi ch they have

learned t o say . The chi ldren should now be able to recogni ze and wri te a

good many names of Objec ts . The method used is to get t he sentence from

t he chi ld,have him read it

,copy it

,and finally wri te i t from dic tat ion.

1 . Review quickly one of t he devices under first t ime over,then wri te

on t he board , as t he chi ldren give t he sentence in response to,Tell me

what y ou saw . Tell me what t he boy saw”

I saw adol l . The gi r l saw t he cat . The man saw a b i g box .

The boy saw abox . Mama saw t he gi rl . F rank saw me.

The baby saw t he d og . I saw a l i t tle bal l . Papa saw t he boy .

2 . Read these in concert,then individually

,and finally copy as many as

y ou have time for .

3. Write t he word saw on t he board,then dictate t he sentences

yesterday . The children should be able t o wr ite t he other words .

4. D i ctate w ithout writing t he word saw,unless necessary

I saw aman. I saw a l i tt le gir l . IVe saw y ou.

Baby saw me. S he saw ad og. The gi r l saw mama.

5. The chi ldren may write four sentences of their own containing saw.

ATE. (Second Time O ver. )


1 . Review t he firs t device under at e. Then say : Tell me what you

saw in acage, and wri te on t he board,

“ I saw abird . Have t he chi ldren

tell y ou what t he bird at e,and wri te under t he first sentence :

“The bird

at e seeds.

”I n t he same way get t he follow ing sentences

,underline at e


and have t he sentences read and copied

I saw ad og . The d og ate ab ird .

I saw acake. May at e t he cake.

I ate an apple. The baby at e bread .

May saw agi r l . The gi r l at e candy .

2. D i ctate t he sentences of yesterday . Before doing so,write t he word

on t he board,and call attent ion to it .

3. Ask the chi ldren f or sentences with ate. Write t he easiest ones on

t he board .

4. Have t he chi ldren make up and wri te their own sentences .


WENT . (Second Time O ver . )

REV IEW O F Saw AND A t e.

Review went orally,using one of t he devices under first time over .


I saw mama. Baby at e anut .

I went t o mama. Baby went t o mama.

I went t o baby .

3. D i c tate several sentences in review from t he lessons on ate and saw.

D ictate t he sentences under exerclse 2,us ing went .

4. F or var iety,act out t he verb ate. Have a chi ld tell what you did

then have t he class write t he sentence on t he board ; as,“ You at e cake.

D O t he same wi th went and saw.

BRO UGHT . (Second Time O ver.)

REVI EW O F Saw,Went

,AND A te.

1 . Review brought orally , using adevice in first time over .

chi ld br ing you a fan. After y ou have taken i t , have t he chi ld

brought you afan. I n t he same way get :

John brought me a hat . I brought y ou a nut .

Mary brought me a dol l . Tom brought me abal l .

By this time t he chi ldren should be able to ad d t he review sentences,i f

t he teacher gives t heword . Wr i te only t he easy sentences on the board ; as,

I saw an apple. I at e some bread . I went t o t he park .

2. Have these sentences copied .

3. D i ctate these sentences.


Enough work has been given above to Show t he method . Each lesson

should contain a review of t he verbs previously learned . The followingsentences are added f or dictation for each verb . F or review

,sentences may

be taken from t he preceding lessons :

,cai ne caught

I came to y ou. The cat caught a rat .

The boy came to school . I caught t he baby .

Two men came by t he school . Dan caught me.

A boy came by me. The d og caught t he bal l .The baby came t o school w i th me. Ned caught t he ball.

threw gave

I threw t he bal l t o Tom. Baby gave me a fan.

Tom threw t he ball to Dan. I gave mamaa bal l .I threw t he paper away . Papa gave Tom a t op .

The boy threw me down. Mary gave y ou an apple.

(26 )


Papa saw t he hat . Mary brought her l unch . I threw a bal l .Baby went away . Baby came t o school . Tom did i t .I at e some candy . Ned caught a bal l . Tom gave me an apple.

IT I S I — I T WAS I . (Second Time O ver. )

1 . Review all the exercises under first time over,having t he chi ldren

write all the sentences as they were gi ven I n each exercise.

2. Have these sentences completed and read aloud

I t was I who. I t is I who. I t was shewho. I t is shewho.

I t was hewho. I t is hewho. I t was they who. I t is they who.

3. D i ctate

I t was I who knocked at t he door. I t is I who w i l l hel p.

y ou.

I t was he who los t t he marb les. I s is they who are to b lame.

I t was they who came to see me. I t was she who went away .

I t was we who sang the song .

4. Answer each of t he following quest ions w ith one of the sentences here

g iven :

TVhO tol d the story so wel l ? \Vho is stamping her feet ?

“I ho brought me these flowers ? TVho is singing ?

I 'Vas M r. H i l l t he man who hel ped Who was i t that fed t he ch i ckens ?

t he l i tt le gi rl ? Was i t John or he who left t he room ?

5. Tell this story,and have i t reproduced

O ne day Mary was p laying house w i th her l i tt le friend , B i rdie. Suddenly , they heardsomebody knock ing at t he door .

“\Vho is there?” they cried . I t is I , sai d a voi ce.

“ I wonder who i t is, said B irdie.

“ I t might be your brother. O h , i t isn’ t he ; he

went out a long time ago, sai d Mary . When they Opened t he door they cou ldn’ t see

anybody . S o they began t o p lay again, when again they heard somebody knock ing atthe door. Mary said ,


ho is there?” “ I t is we,” cr ied some voi ces ; bu t when they

opened t he door they cou ldn’ t see anybody this time. F inal l y Mary said ,

“O h " I know

who i t is, i t is my cousins. B ird ie said ,“Do y ou th ink it is they?

” “Yes ; let us

s tand here and catch them . S O when they knocked again B irdie opened t he doorqui ck ly , and caught t he boys . Mary sai d , D i d y ou knock at this door before?” The

boys sai d , I t wasn’ t we, i t was E lla,

” bu t B ird ie sai d ,“ I t wasn’ t she. F inal l y t he

boys said that they were only“ fool ing, and that i t was they who knocked at t he door.

( 27 )


1 . Begin in a very quick way w i th t he first row,saying , I am not

talking . Tell me what y ou are not doing .

” Each chi ld gives one sentence.

To t he next row say ,He is not thinking . Tell me something else he is

not doing .

”I n t he same way , go around w i th ,

“You are not


” “S he is


” “ They arenot .

” This is very successful,i f done qui ckly

,not wai t ing

f or t he S lower ones. They w i ll get i t by hear ing t he others .

2. Wr ite on t he board t en sentences,calling for them after t he above

exercise,and have them copied ; as ,

I am not playing in school . S he is not p laying t he pianoYou are not always in your seat . M ama is not at home now .

He is not wri ting his lesson. The boys are not p lay ing in t he yard .

We are not singing sof t ly . I am not l istening now .

They are not good fr iends now . The girls are not wri t ing wel l .

3. Have t he chi ldren answer , first orally,then wri t ten

,t he following

questions . The answers should all begin w i th no :

Are y ou going t o t he park to-d ay ? Are y ou going home ear l y to-night ?

I s she fond of candy ? I s he t o be promoted next year ?I s he always on time? Are they t o wal k qu i ck ly by ?Are they reading a new book ? Are y ou p lay ing tag now ?

Are we t o sing “America t o-d ay ? Are they in t he fourth grade?

4. D i ctate these sentences

He is not t he boy I want . They are not ready to go.

N o, I am not going t o t he park . The O l d man is not my friend .

I t is not r ight to fight . The two boys are not hurt .S he is not wel l t o-d ay . I am not eight years O ld y et .

The men are not in t he fiel d . Papais not in t he ci ty to-day .

5. This may be followed by aseries of lessons on questions . S ee top ic

Questions,” page 33.


1 . Say t o t he chi ldren,We are to have a game to—d ay . I shal l say

something , and y ou may say exactly t he opposite. We shall begin w itht he first row . I am S inging . You may say ,

‘I am not singing,

and so on.

Give t he following sentences to t he first row

I am tal k ing"

. I am trying . I am whispering .

I am playing . I am wal k ing . I am s inging.

To t he second row give : You are talking,

et c. The chi ldren answer,

You are not talking .

To the third row give : They are singing then,He is singing then


S he is singing ,” “

The boy is singing,

” “ He was talking .

”D O this very

quickly, and keep track of t he t ime i t takes. Tell them that we shall t ryto see i f we can not d o i t in less t ime. Instead O f saying


“ I am not,

” theymay say ,


m not . Tell t he second row what to say when i t comes their

turn. The chi ldren enjoy this very much,and want t o d o i t again.

(28 )

After going around t he room w i th t he contrac t ions,call f or two sentences

from each row,write them on t he board

,and have them cop ied ; as,

Hewasn’ t talk ing .

S he isn’ t sew ing.

S he isn’ t p laying t he piano.

S hewasn't p lay ing.

They aren't singing.

They aren’ t p lay ing.

He isn’ t s i tting sti l l .He isn’ t running.

I 'm not talk ing.

I ’m not reading .

Youaren’ t laughing.

Youaren’ t wal k ing .

2. Give t he contractions as apart of t he spelling lesson.

3. Wri te on t he board t he contractions,and have them make up two

sentences about each,wri t ing them on paper ; as

You aren’ t They aren’t He isn’ t S he wasn

’ t

4. Wri te t he following sentences t he board,having t he chi ldren wri te

t he Opposi te or denial

My sister is singing in t he church .

The acorn is on t he ground .

The boy is on t he street .The frogs are sw imming in t he pond .

I was swinging.

He was laughing.

I am p laying in t he garden.

The boy is doing h is work .

The men are bui lding a house.

The lady is mending her glove.

You are doing you r work wel l .He is p laying school w i th his sisters .

5. Have t he chi ldren answer these questions,beginning each sentence

wi th no and acomma

Are y ou reading t he Second Reader now ?

Am I going w i th y ou t o-night ?

I s she eating her d inner ?

I s Jane studying her lesson?Are they studying ari thmet i c now ?

Are y ou pick ing flowers?

I s he working in t he store?I s she cooking t he dinner ?Are they wading in t he water ?I s t he sun shining?Was he tel l ing t he story ?

Was I reading a book ?Are y ou planting corn?

6 . Wri te t he Short form of t he following ; then use in asentence

I am not . You are not . He is not . S he is not . They are not . He was not .

7 . D i c tate t he following sentences

They aren’ t pi cking flowers.

They aren’ t p lanting corn.

He isn’ t working in t he store.

They aren’ t wading in t he water.

The gi rl wasn't doing i t .

I 'm not reading in t he Second Reader.

I 'm not going w i th y ou ton ight .S he isn’ t eating her dinner .

Jane isn’ t studying her lesson.

They aren’ t study ing now .

8 . Hold before t he class a pic ture whi ch shows several chi ldren or

animals performing some act . O ne chi ld must have his eyes closed so as

not t o see t he picture. Let him ask quest ions ; as,“Are t he chi ldren

running ?” “The chi ldren aren ’t running .

” “Are they eat ing ?” “ They

aren ’t eating .

9 . Have t he chi ldren repeat,individually and in concert

,t he follow ing

sentences unti l they are perfectly familiar with t he sound :

We d o not march every d ay .

They d o not come t o school .I t does not look well.The boys d o not care t o go.

I d o not l i ke to run.

He does not ride a horse.

S he does not go t o school .The baby does not cry .

10 . F i ll in t he blanks

I d o not We d o not

You d o not

He does not I t does not

The boys d o not

1 1 . Answer t he following questions,using d o not or d oes not in t he


D O y ou l i ke t o sing? Do they have new pens t o-d ay ?

Does t he boy ri de a horse? Does i t have wheels?Does t he man work hard ? Does she play well?D O we have school to-d ay ?

12. Repeat t he exercises,using d oesn ’

t and d on’

t instead of d oes not and

d o not .

THERE AR E— THERE WERE. (Second Time O ver.)

1 . Get by questions t he follow ing sentences . Wri te them on t he board

and have them copied . The next d ay dictate them

There are twenty chi ld ren in our room . There are two men on t he street .There are many plants in our garden. There were three bears in t he woods.

There are three fish in t he jar . There were two frogs in t he water.

Thereare many si lkvvorms spinning s i l k . There were three l i tt le p igs in t he p en.

There are two penci ls on my desk . There were two mi ce in t he trap .

2. Say t o‘

t he chi ldren : I am thinking O f something . There are many

leaves on i t . There are many seeds on i t . There are wings on t he seeds .

What is i t ?” “ I am thinking of something else. There are two w indows

in it . There are two doors in i t . There are two horses in i t . IVhat is i t ?”

Give each chi ld acard wi th one of t he follow ing words on i t . The chi ldren

make up two sentences wi th thereare about each :

rosebush bird cat house gardendesk boat table cupboard mouse-trapaquari um vase coat stove piano

After all have finished,t he chi ldren take turns I n reading . t he others

guessing,then three O f the best are dic tated ; as,

I am think ing of something . There are two long pieces of wood in i t . There are twoi ron pieces on t he sides . There are three seats in i t . Wh at is i t ? A boat .

I am th inking Of something . There are many p ictures on i t . There are flowers in i t.\Yhat is i t ? A vase.

There are two doors t o i t . There are many shel ves in i t . There are di shes in i t.“That is i t ? A cup boar d .

3. Copy from your readers t he sentences containing t here are and alsothose containing t here were.

4. Place on t he desk the objects as in device 1,first time over

,and have

t he chi ldren make up sentences about them,using t here are.

5. Have these quest ions answered

How many chi ld ren are there in t he room ? How many desks are there in each row ?

How many boys are there? How .many w indows are there in t he

How many gi rls are there? room ?

What d o we keep in boxes ? How many boxes on t he nature-study

shelf ?”

“Draw one box on t he board . Draw two boxes . How many are one

box and two boxes?”

4. Take up man and men in the same way ,draw ing one man walking,




,et c. The chi ldren give sentences

telling what t heman is doing . Then draw one moreman.

“ There are two

men now . Tell me what t he two men are doing . How many men come to

visi t y ou every d ay ? How many men does i t take to run a. street car ?

Let us count to see how many hands t he two men have. How many feet ?

How many eyes? How many ears ? Noses?” Insist on their using men

in t he answer .

5. Have some pictures. The chi ldren give sentences about t he men in

t he pic tures and what they are doing .

6 . Have them take their readers,and find out how many p ic tures of men

there are on acertain page,what they are doing

,et c.

7 . I n t he same way teach t he plurals of tooth, foot , mouse, leaf , chi ld ,

fish. This they learn from t he fish in their aquarium,kept in t he room

all t he time.


—Keep drawn on t he board permanentl y t he

p ic ture of aman,too th




,and chi ld

,and in another place

t wo or three of each . The chi ldren give in concert each d ay f or atime :“ I

see oneman,

” “ I see one foot, et c. They also turn t o t he other board and

say ,

“ I seetwomen,

” “ I see two feet,

et c. Cal l on them individually f or

t he same thing . Have them make up sentences abou t t he pi ctures.

Second Time O ver.

Bv this t ime t he chi ldren can give orally t he plurals of all common

nouns in their vocabulary and write the singular number .

1 . Pu t on t he board this list

A fish.

A d og .

A cat .

Have t he chi ldren tell something each one of these does. As they givet he word s

,fill in t he sentences . They then tell what all fish do . These

wri te also and at their dictation,havIng them enunciate clearly t he “


i f it is present . Have them copy both sets ; as,A fish sw ims .

A d og barks.

A cat mews , et c.

2. Have another exercise like the first,reviewing many familiar names

and adding mouse,t ooth

, foot .

3. Wri te on t he board all the singular nouns so far studied ; call on themfor t he plurals

,write them opposi te

,and have t he class pronounce and copy .

(32 )

4. D i ctate t he follow ing sentences

There are two men on t he street. F ive fish are in t he jar.

I keep my teeth wel l brushed . The leaves fal l from t he trees.

My feet are not muddy to-d ay . I caught two mice in a trap .

The chi ldren are playing in t he yard . I have four boxes of marbles.

5. Wri te on t he board,men, women, t eeth, f eet , child ren

,boxes, fish,


,and have t he chi ldren make up sentences

,first orally

,then in

writing .

6 . D i ctate t he words of exercise 5 meaning one,and have t he chi ldren

wri te t he word meaning more than one.

7 . Take as a spelling lesson t he following words : babies, lad ies, flies,knives




8 . Wri te t he list on t he board,have t he words pronounced clearly


oral sentences given about each word . Wr ite these sentences on t he board,

and have them copied :

There are many bab ies on our street . I bought two loaves of bread for myThe ladies went t o t ea th is afternoon. mother.

Frogs l i ke t o eat fl ies. The Wolves ate t he sheep .

Boys make boats w i th their kni ves. I see a pictu re of two l i tt le cal ves .

9 . D i ctate t he sentences in exercise 8 .

10 . Pass out to the class some smal l p i ctures of one or many of various

animals and objects. Have t he child ren pass to the board,and wri te a

“there is” or

“ there are” story about the picture,and tell also what t he

object was good for and what it could do . Have these sentences read

in turn.

1 1 . Have them change these sentences to mean morethan one,first orally


then in writing :

I have a baby at home. The chi l d broke a s late.

My penci l is in my desk . The fish is in t he jar.

The cal f p layed in t he fiel d . I lost a tooth t o-d ay .

“( e ate a loaf of b read for b reakfast. we drew a leaf t o-d ay .

I saw“

a lady t o-day . The man hurt his foot .The frog at e a fly . The wol f broke into t he yard .

The man rode t o town. I caught a mouse in t he trap .


Tel l t he chi ldren the story of “ The S heep and the Pig ( SaraE . Wil tsie

Folklore S tones and Proverbs,page Have t he chi ldren act i t out .

After each speaking part has been taken,those left are moss or pegs. Be

careful that t he questions are clearly asked .

Give t he story of“The L i ttle R ed Hen and t he Grain of Wheat in

dialogue form ; i t can easi ly beac ted ou t . Also other stories,such as : The

Three Bears,

”et c ;

“ Henny Penny ” ( SaraE . Wiltsie : F olklore S tories

and Proverbs,pages 1 F or

“L i t t le R ed Hen


”see under “

D id,

F irst Grade,page 12.

3— N s (33 )

Second Time O ver.

1 . Tel l three chi ldren t o get something in their hand s ,not to let any one

see it,and come t o t he front of t he room .


,you tell me when I guess

what i t is. Gaspar , is i t apenci l ? I s it some chalk ? ~ I s i t -candy ? I S it

apenci l ?”“Yes.

” “ I guessed it . Now,May ,

is i t your cap ? I s i t abox ?

I s it aflower ?” “


” “Now


,is i t akni fe? I s

i t anut ? I S it a

p en-Wiper Yes.

” “Now t he childrenmay guess what I have.



quest ion that brings‘y es

w i l l be written on t he board .

”The following

are t he quest ions. Make t he question mark w i th colored crayon

I s i t a flower ? I s i t colored crayon? I s i t anut ?

I s i t your handkerchief ? I s i t abottle?"

I s i t ab lotter?I s i t candy ? I s i t an app le? I s i t ap en?

Have these sentences cop ied .

2. The next d ay take quest ions beginning w ith can i t . ” “ Have you a

p et at home, Wal ter ? I am going to guess what it is . Can ' it run? Can

i t bark ? Then i t is ad og .

Have you ap et , Edith ? Can i t sing ? Can i t purr ? Then it is acat .

Now,I have ap et at home. Guess what it is.

Ask questions beginning w ith “can i t . ” Put all the questions on t he

board . It helps the chi ldren in asking . Have the following cop ied

Can i t jump ? Can i t b i te? Can i t eat ? Can i t run? Can i t fight?Can i t sing ? Can i t hop ? Can i t tal k ? Can i t bark ? Can i t run up atree?

3. Now take has i t questions . Have anumber of pi ctures . Let Helen

choose one,thenask

,Has it four legs ? Has i t two horns ? Has i t wool

on it s back ? Then i t is asheep . Now,I have one

,and you may guess .

The one who guesses may have the picture. We will write on the board

t he ques t ion that makes y ou think what it is .

Have the chi ldren copy these

Has i t fur on i t s back ? Has i t horns ? Has i t two legs ? Has i t long h ind legs ?Has i t long ears ? Has i t atrunk ? Has i t long hai r ? Has i t any legs ?Has i t feathers ? Has i t along neck ?

4. Follow these by questions beginning with are they . Hold apic turein your hand so that t he chi ldren can not see.

“You may guess what t he

chi ldren are doing .

”Copy these sentences

Are they playing bal l ? Are they wal k ing along ?Are they running ? A re they si tting under a tree?

Then take other pictures,make alist of t ensentences

,wri te them on the

board , and have them copied by t he chi ldren.

5. By this t ime t he chi ldren should have an ideaof what quest ionsare.

Take apicture.

“What is t he l ittle gir l doing ? Where is she going ?

What is her name? Now y ou may ask me anything y ou w ish abou t thisnew picture. I w i ll answer your questions. Write t en of t he bestquest ions on t he board

,and have them copied .


6 . Write on t he board

Are y ou agood boy ? I Vi ll y ou lend me your book ? Have y ou a penci l ?

What d o we call these sentences ? How d o they end ? Take out your

readers,and read aquest ion. How does i t end ? Copy all t he questions

on page 3,F irst Reader .

7 . Read t he story on page 76 . Ask six quest ions about t he story .

8 . D i ctate t he following quest ions

TVhat is -t he boy d oI ng? Can y ou wr i te wel l ?

Where are y ou going ? Does t he fish come to t he ml) t o breathe?

Has t he boy awh i p ? Are y ou hav ing agood time?“f hat does t he cat d o? I s she going home?Who has seen my d og ? How d o y ou spel l you r name?

9 . Have t he chi ldren ask two questions they would like t o haveansweredabout : t he si lkworms ; t he tent caterpi llars ; t he oak galls ; t he polliwogs ;t he frogs ; t he sprouting seeds .

10 . Put up alarge pic ture before t he class,and tell t he chi ldren t o wr ite

five questions about it .

1 1 . D ivide t he class into two parts . S end one half to t he board to wri te

questions ; t he other half t o answer them . The first sentence completed is

t o be answered by t he one who sees i t . If any one makes amistake,t he

one who discovers i t takes his place.

12. Have t he follow ing story reproduced orally and in wr iting

Once there was a l i tt le boy named Tom . He had a d og, , CarlO . Tom and Carlo werevery good friends . O ne d ay mama lef t them out in t he garden play ing . Soon she cameout and cal led ,


”as loud as she cou ld . B ut Tom did not answer . Then she heard

Carlo bark ing. S he ran as fast as she coul d to t he spot . What d o y ou think she saw ?

There on t he grass lay Tom , all wet and cold . He had s l i pped and fal len into t he water .

How d o y ou think he got out ?

13. If t he chi ldren d o not have t he ideaof aquestion by this time,follow

this series with some lesson on“ did he


”et c.

14. Have api cture of al it t le boy w ith-

asmall bucket and aspade. Say

to t he class,

“What do y ou think this li ttle boy did ? If y ou ask me, I w i ll

tell y ou when you are right . ” Put t he questions on t he board and have

them O opied .

7 715. After such subjects as I have no


” “ I haven ’ t any ,Isn ’t


” “are

not,”“ there is


” “are


” “was


” “were

,et c

,take up

,as an ex tra t ime

over,t he same thing

,only in quest ion form

,using the same exercises as

under Questions .

1 6 . If some chi ldren are careless about put t ing in t he quest ion marks

and by careless -I mean that they know when to put in t he marks and

where,i f their attent ion is called to it — write astory on t he board


out t he period s and quest ion marks. The chi ldren copy,put ting in t he

proper marks. A hec tograph copy f or each chi ld is bet ter . This is not a

means of teaching,but acure f or careless work .


Big S pider and L i ttle S pider ( SaraE . Wiltsie : F olklore S tories and

Proverbs,page 1 1 ) is agood story f or this purpose.

17 . The story of The Ugly Duckling contains some good questions.

May I.

1 . S elec t achild f or teacher and have her take t he teacher’

s chair . The

chi ldren are t o ask questions. Whisper t o each ch i ld aquestion,then have

t he pupi l-teacher call upon t he children individually: S uch questions as

t he following are good ones

May I c lose t he w indow ? May I look at t he si l kworms ?

May I leave t he room ? May I pu t th is into t he waste basket?May I ask John for apenci l ? May I w ri te on t he board?May I go t o t he stove? May I c lean t he erasers?

2. Have t he chi ldren think of something they can do and would

do . Ask permission to do it .

3. Make these sentences complete

go to t he park ? read a story?look at t he p ict t i re? d o t he next example?take care of t he baby? go home?sing a song ? speak t o May ?

draw a p icture? get a drink of water ?

4. Have al ist of questions on t he board . With t he help of t he chi ldren

selec t t he beginning word of t he quest ion,and makealist of these words on

t he board . Erase t he question ; then have t he chi ldren make their own

using as t he first word,one of t he words on the board .

Are y ou warm ? What d i d t he bear tel l y ou?Were y ou at t he park ? Why did y ou not go?

I s Edi th going home? May I be moni tor for my row ?

Where are y ou going ? W’ho w i l l d o this?

D i d y ou feel t he earthquake? Do y ou l i ke t o spel l ?

Have y ou a d og ? Has he a new kni fe?

Can y ou jump t he rope?


Three butterfl ies were caught in ashower of rain. O ne was white,one

was yellow,and one was brown. They were far from home. They did not

know what to do .

They saw awhite tulip and flew to her . Pleasemay we come into yourhouse?” they cal led .

“O nly t he white butterfly may come in,

”said t he

tulip . Her wings are the color of my house.

” “ If you wi ll not take my

friends, I shall not come in,

”said t he whi te butterfly .

They flew to a yellow tulip .

“ Please may we come into your house

unti l t he rain is over ?” they asked .

“O nly the yellow butterfly may




”said t he tulip .

“Her wings are t he color of my house.

” “ If you wi llnot take my friends

,I shall not come in


”said the yel low butterfly .

Thev flew to abrown tulip . Pleasemay we come into your house unti lt he rain i s over ?” they asked .

“The brown butterfly may come in,


(36 )

the tulip . Her w ings are t he color of my house.

” “ If y ou wi ll not take

my fr iends,I shall not come in


”said t he brown but terfly .

Just then they heard t he elm tree call to them . S he said,Come t o my

branches unti l t he rain is over .

”S o t he three butterfl ies went in out of

the rain.


1 . Have on t he desk two boxes,two pieces of chalk

,two erasers

,two pens


penci ls,cups


,et c. Call on t he chi ldren t o give

sentences telling

how many there are.

2. Wr i te f or them on t he board three of t he sentences,underlining two

There are two pens on t he desk . There are two penci ls on t he desk . There are two

erasers on t he desk .

3. S end them to t he board t o write two s entences,each telling about

two objects on the desk .

4. Have one“chi ld make ‘

up'asentence using two, and another write i t

on t he board :

5. Perform several acts,having t he chi ld ren wri te on t he board what was

done ; as,“You put t wo books on t he desk . You took two penci ls from

the table.

6 . D i ctate

Two pens are in my desk. There are two w indows in my room .

Two gir ls came here last night . The boys brought two worms f or t he

There are two frogs in our cage. water-d og .

I have two hands. I have read two books.

I have two apples for lunch . The boy missed two words.

Mama gave me two ri bbons.

7 . Have t he chi ldren write a list telling about every thing of t he body

that there are two of ; as , two eyes. Have them wri te‘

sentences telling

all t he things“

at home that there are two of ; as,“ There are two beds in

my room,

”et c.


1 . Write on the board t he word d og . Tel l t he chi ldren that y ou w i ll

make alist of all t he things ad og does , and then as they name t he various“

actions wr ite them down in this way

A d og

After this,write down in another place All d ogs. Then have t he

chi ldren go over t he list and see what changes must be made. The new list

wi l l look like this

A l l dogs

Have the chi ldren read t he sentences aloud,pronouncing clearly the s in

jump s, barks, et c.

,and in t he plural form the s in d ogs.

2. Give t he chi ldren such groups as,A horse


,ababy , aman then

Many horses, all cows, all babies, many men,some men, afew horses

,et c.


and have them make out t he lists .

3. Wr ite these sentences on t he board . Have the chi ldren rewri te them

so they w i ll meanmany instead of one. Give as a spelling lesson those

words that change y to i f or t he singular forms,as flies, cries; and those

that ad d es, as catches, goes, d oes.

The boy sees the d og .

He goes t o school every day .

The cow eats hay .

S he br ings the book .

The baby comes s low l y.

The d og catches t he bal l .He throws t he bal l sw i ft l y .

S he does t he work wel l .He gi ves me part of t he app le.

4. Does not and do not are so frequently used incorrectly that it

is wel l to give them special attention here.

Read aloud these incomplete sentences and fi ll t he blanks to complete

them . Copy,and study f or dictation

I d o not Does he

You d o not Does she

He does not Do theyS he does not Do many chi ldrenThe boy does not


130 t he starsWe d o not Does t he fox

G ir ls d o not Do the catsThey d o not

5. S elect words from this list and fill in t he blanks . Have this work

oral at first , so t he chi ldren wi ll become accustomed to t he sound . Aftert he chi ldren have copied t he sentences

,fi lling in the blanks

,call on them

t o read their sentences aloud

He The sun

S he Chi ldrenI K i ttens

The apple grows on t he tree.

The l i ttle gi r l si ts near me.

S he jumps rope every morning .

The cat p lays chase t he string.

The tired horse l ies down in t he street .Mamamakes bread .

The boy fl ies a ki te in t he fiel d .

He loses t he game w i thout crying.

The baby cries f or food .


VERBS . (Third Time O ver.)

1 . Write on t he board each d ay a l ist of t en verbs . Call upon t he

chi ldren f or t he“ yesterday form ”

; write i t opposi te ; cal l for sentences

using each word,then erase t he past tense. S end t he class to t he board


give out t he present tense, and have t he chi ldren wr ite t he past tense.

see throw p lay dri ve flygo d o are drink tel leat gi ve lay wri te takeb ring grow make run saycome si t open draw win

catch jump think fal l know

2. Write on t he board these sentences,and have t he chi ldren read them ,

changing them to past time. (Gradually drop the term“ yesterday form


and use past tense,wi th no explanation. ) Copy each sentence

,rewri t ing

on next line to show past time

I see aman wal k ing on t he street .I eat mush and mi lk for break fast.I catch frogs in t he pond .

The flowers grow in the garden.

The boys come to school ear l y .

I throw t he bal l very hi gh.

I d o my work wel l .I go to school w i th my b rother.

I bring my sister w i th me t o school .S he gi ves me flowers.

The cow drinks water from t he brook .

I w ri te my lesson wel l .He runs very fast .The gir l draws pictures on t he board .

The baby fal ls down.

The b i rd fl ies fast.S he tel ls me how t o d o i t.The gi r l takes her books home.

S he says her piece wel l .He w ins every game.

Tom knows his lesson.

The l i tt le gi r l breaks her dishes.

Ned rides a pony .

He speaks w i thout permission.

“Te begin ear ly in t he morning.

3. Pu t on t he board t he beginning of sentences,having t he chi ldren fi ll

them out orally and in writing

Papa d rove.

My brother drove.


You, they , d rove.

S he drove.

I I e drove.

I d rove.

You d rove.

The chi ldren fil l out t he sentences by saying,

d ay ,

” “You drove to town


”et c.

I drove to town yester

(40 )

The boys bu i ld a fort of sand .

The boy fights for his sister.

Grocers sell t ea.

The frog sw ims in t he pond .

“Te sing “Ameri ca.

I lose my place in the reading class.

He learns qu i ck ly .

The teacher set t he vase on her desk .

Cows lie down to s leep .

He lends his kni fe t o his s ister.

S he teaches t he baby to wal k .

He borrows t he boy ’s kni fe.

The gir l is in school .S he feeds her bi rd seeds .

\Ve play school at recess.

The g ir l s i ts nex t t o me in school .Frogs jump very far .


e p lay tag in t he yard .

We are good boys.

He lays his papers away neat ly .

we make our figu res wel l .The teacher opens t he w indow at recess.

He thinks wel l of me.

He d ri ves a horse.


1 . Use t he sentences in exercise 6 in the S econd Grade work . Call on a

chi ld to read asentence,then have him say :

“T —w —o


, because it is

t he number two.

2. D i ctateI wal ked two mi les. N ed flew two k i tes .

There are two b irds in the tree. I saw two frogs.

I have two apples. Mary ate two pieces of b read .

Two boys ran a race. Tom caught two fish.

Fred gave me two oranges. \Ve borrowed two penci ls.

3. Wr ite sentences using two before each of the following’

oranges gi rls ki ttensdol ls cats dogsboys app les ladies

4. Look at the pictures in English Lessons,Book O ne. Write sentences

about these pic tures,using two; as,

“The little girl has two dogs .



1 . Ask the chi ldren f or the names of people they know or have heard of .

Wr i te these in a column on t he board . Get such names as Mary,F rank



,and McKinley . Ask how all the names

are alike. Notice t he capital f or each word . At the top of t he column

wri te p eop le.

Then ask f or t he names of p laces. This is the list

San Francisco Cal i fornia Oak landSan Francisco Bay C lifi House A lameda

Make these into sentences,with t he help of t he chi ldren ; write them on

t he board,and have t he chi ldren copy them .

Mary is a l i tt le gi rl . We cross San Francisco Bay t o reachFrank goes t o school . Oak land and A lameda.

Char l ie is my brother. There are seals at t he Chu tes and the

Roosevel t is t he President of t he C lifi House.

Uni ted S tates. There are many flowers in Golden GateSan Francisco is the largest ci ty in Park .

Cal i fornia.

2. S tudy these words at a regular spelling lesson. After they are

mastered,t he sentences of t he first lesson may be di ctated to t he class.

3. Ask the chi ldren to tell what street they live on. Tell t he name of a

long street in San F rancisco . These may be written in a column,then

sentences given about each . Copy

John l i ves on Sacramento S treet. Market S treet is a very long street.There is a car l ine on Cal i fornia S treet . Jackson S treet is very steep .

Give these as spelling words,unt i l they are mastered

,then dic tate the


(41 )

4. Have these questions answered in'

f ull sentences

Who is governor of Cal i fornia? What school d o y ou attend ?“h at is t he largest c i ty in Cal i fornia? O n what street is i t?O n what bay d o y ou r ide from t he ferry ? Wri te t he names of four streets in San

At what p laces d o y ou l i ke to spend the Francisco.

d ay ?

5. Make agood sentence about San F rancisco ; Cali fornia; Washington'

Roosevelt ; Sacramento S treet ; Jackson S treet ; Cliff House; Golden Gate

Park ; O akland .

6 . Have t he chi ldren wr ite exactly how to go from t he schoolhouse to

O akland ; to Berkeley .

7 . Ask t he chi ldren t he d ay of the week ; wri te it on t he board , and have

them tell t he d ay before, writing it above, and t he next d ay , writing it after .

I n t he same way get all the days of t he week in their order . Then ask t hechildren to think of something they have done, and t he

d ay of t he week

on which they did it . Write these sentences on t he board, ,and have the

children copy :

I p layed store Monday . We had vacation Fri day .

Mary and I went down street Tuesday . We p layed basebal l at Golden GateMamabought me some candy Wednesday. Park Saturday .

I rode t o Gol den Gate Park Thursday. I"

went t o church Sunday .

8 . Use the words in spelling unti l they are learned , then dictate t he

sentences in exercise 7 .

9 . Write on t he board,and have t he chi ldren copy and memorize

Monday ’s ch i l d is fair of face,Tuesday ’s ch i ld is fu l l of grace,Wednesday ’s chi ld

is merry and glad ,Thursday‘s chi ld is sorry and sad ,Fri day ’s chi l d is loving and giv ing,Saturday ’s chi l d must work f or a l i ving ,But t he chi ld that is born on t he Sabbath d ayI s b l i the and bonny and good and gay .

10 . D i ctate t heabove to t he children.

1 1 . Tell these stories t o t he chi ldren f or reproduction

Mary Gray is a l i tt le gir l who l i ves in Oak land . S he has a cous in named Charl ie,who l i ves in San Francisco, near t he Chutes. O ne day Mary came t o make Char l ie avisi t. They went t o Gol den Gate Park in t he afternoon. They sat on t he soft , greengrass. They ran races. They watched t he squ irrels h i d ing nuts and t he monkeys playing in t he sw ings.

The next day Charl ie’s mama took them to t he C lifi House. Char l ie had a d og namedCar lo. They took Car lo w i th them . They had great fun running over t he sand . ButCharl ie ran t oonear t he water , and fel l in. Car lo pu l led him out , and carried him up ont he sand . They cal led Car lo a hero. The nex t d ay Mary crossed t he San FranciscoBay t o Oak land .

Joe was a l i tt le boy who'

l i ved on Sacramento S treet . There was t o be a circus in

San Francisco, and Joe wanted t o go. The parade was to be along Market S treet, onSaturday morning . Joe was very happ y , f or he di d not have to go t o school that day .

Early in t he morning he wal ked down Powel l S treet , and found a good p lace on t he

corner. Before long t he parade came by , and Joe fol lowed i t t o t he tents. He wantedt o go in, bu t he did not have enough money . A workman saw him

, and sai d “ I need aboy t o hel p me water t he elephants. I w i l l gi ve y ou a t i cket i f y ou w i l l d o i t. Joe wasglad to d o i t , and worked hard . Then t he man gave him a ti cket. He had a fine time,and tol d his mother all about i t .

(42 )


1 . Get t he names of t he holidays from t he chi ldren. Make a list on t he

board . Cal l attention to t he capital letters. Teach t he words as i f it were

aspelling lesson. When t he chi ldren can write them in alist from d i c ta

tion,have sentences made, wri te them on t he board , and have them copied .

2. Use t he following sentences f or copy and study,then f or dictation

D i d y ou have agood time Fourth of Ju ly ?Ive w i l l have a picni c May Day .

D i d y ou see t he parade Labor Day ?Admission Day is a hol iday .

We sang many songs Washington’

s Birthday .

We took flowers to t he sol diers ’ graves Decorat ion Day .

Christmas is t he happiest d ay of t he year.

New Year’s Day is t he first day of t he year .

we eat turkey for dinner Thanksgiv ing Day .

3. Write t he name of the holiday in January,in F ebruary

,in May ,


July in November,in December . What two holidays come in S eptember ?

Make asentence about each holiday .


1 . Themonths of t he year are taught in exac t ly t he same way as t he days

of t he week,except that t he sentences tell t he holidays whi ch come in the

di ff erent months ; as,

New Year ’s Day is in January . There is no hol i day in August .Wash ington’

s B irthday is in February . Admiss ion Day and Labor Day come inMary ’s b i rthday is in March . September.


s birthday is in Apr i l . October has th irty-one'

d ay s.

May Day is t he first d ay of May . Thanksgi v ing Day comes in November.

June is a sunny month. Christmas is in December .

Fou rth of July is anoisy day .

2. Have them copy,and then take from dictation

,t he rhyme

Th ir ty days hath September,Apri l , June, and November .

All t he rest have th irty-one,Save February , wh i ch aloneHath twenty—eight , and one day moreWe ad d to i t one year in four .

3. Have t he pupils copy t he follow ing sentences,fi lling in the blanks

is t he first month of t he year. Decoration Day is in t hemonth ofWash ington’

s Birthday is in Santa C laus comes inThe roses b loom in School begins in

Thanksgiv ing comes in t he month of My b i rthday is in

4. Have t he pupi ls tel l you t he names of t he summer months,t he winter

months,t he rainy months ,

t he warmest month,et c.

,then have them wr itten

in sentence form ; as,“June


,and Augustare t he summer months.

5. Wr ite in sentences the names of t he months in whi ch t he birthdays ofyour family occur .

(43 )

6 . Wr ite in sentences t he months in whi ch these holidays occur


s B i rthday Independence Day Admission DayDecoration Day Labor Day Thanksgi v ing Day .

7 . D i ctate the sentences in exercise 1 .

Devices for Review.

Months of the Year . Day s of the Week. Holid ay s.

1 . Have t he chi ldren write : ( 1 ) The months of the year in order .

(2) The days of the week in order . (3) The names of t he holidays as

they come in t he months. (4) Ten sentences using in each t he name of

one holiday and amonth of the year . (5) F ive sentences using in each t he

name of a d ay of t he week and aholiday .

2. Have t he following sentences cop ied and studied,then use them f or


Christmas comes in December . They left t he ci ty May Day .

The last Thursday in November is The flowers were beauti fu l EasterThanksgiv ing Day . Sunday .

We went away Admission Day . Wednesday is abusy day .

We are glad when Washington’

s Bi rth Ther

w inter months are December ,day comes on Fri day . January , and Feb ruary .

The gi rls w i l l stay w i th us Monday There is no school Saturday .

and Tuesday .

Past Tense of Verbs. Cap i tals.

3. Put on t he board t he past tense of t he verbs in t he list on page 40 .

Have t he chi ldren write sentences using t he names of three peop le they

know,the names of three streets

,t he names of four places they have been


and all t hewords in t he list ; as,

Mary saw asqu irrel yesterday . The boy threw abal l on Main S treet .

4. D i ctate

I saw Pres ident Roosevel t.Mary went t o school .Char l ie at e his l unch at t he park .

He gave us a tri p across San FranciscoBay .

S he did her work in Oak land .

I n A lameda many flowers grew .

Mary threw t he bal l to John.

O n Monday our cat caught amouse.

I knew many people in Sacramento.

5. Wr ite two sentences about President Roosevelt,George Washington


and Wal ter Brown,using t he past tense of t he following verbs : see



give, sp eak, fight , rid e.

6 . Write sentences using the names of the months of the year and t hepast tense of the following verbs : learn


, p lay , make, d rive, run, win,

fly , say , lend .


The boy broke his arm in October.

George Washington fought many battles.

He rode his horse Tuesday.

Frank sol d his horse last Feb ruary .

He swam in t he ocean in Ju ly .

The ch i ldren sang at t he May festi val .Their house was bu i l t in January .

We began geography on Wednesday .

The last week in June we spoke our

pieces .

Past Tense of Verbs. Cap i tals. Two.

7 . Have the chi ldren study these sentences ; then dictate them

Were there not two boys in t he yard Saturday ?Each chi ld w i l l bring two apples to school Wednesday .

We f ed t he b irds seeds Saturday .

The boys p lanted two rows of seeds in Apri l .The farmer made his hay last June.

App les are ri pe in October.

He lai d his two papers away Friday evening .

S he came up Sacramento Street t o t he schoolhouse.

we w i l l t ry to go ei ther Thursday or Saturday .


1 . Ask achi ld to give in asentence the exact date of his next birthday .

Write t he sentence on t he board . Call attention to the capi tal let ters, and

t he comma. It is better form not to abbreviate t he names of t he months.

Many of t he children wi ll be anxious to give t he dates of their birthdays,

and some of them may be allowed to wri te them upon t he board . If a

selection is made,all t he months may thus be reviewed . Have t he chi ldren

copy these sentences,and study them . They may then be used f or dictation.

2. Use the following dates in sentences

Ju ly 4, 1 776 . February 22, 1906 . Apri l 1 , 1907 .

December 25, 1907 . January 1 , 1 908 . September 9 , 1906 .

May 1 , 1905.

3. Use in sentences the dates of all the holid avs you know .

4. Use in sentences t he dates of t he birthdays of t he members of your

familv .

5. Call t he attention of t he children to t he use of t he commas in these


We w i l l go Saturday , January 3, 190 8 .

Last Christmas came on Tuesday , December 25, 1906 .

O ur last vacat ion ended Sunday , Apr i l 7 , 1907 .

6 . Have the chi ldren make up sentences using t he name of d ay of t he

week and adate. If the year does not follow t he month and d ay ,t he date

should be wri tten Jannary 3d , December 25th,Ap ri l 7 th . When t he year

is given acommaonly is used,as in t he sentences above.

7 . Use t he following sentences f or study and dictat ion

We shal l have no school Wednesday , June 8 , 1907 .

The peop le took their chi ldren away to t he country August 8 , 1906 .

We hO p e Washington’

s B i rthday w i l l come Friday .

O ur next hol iday w i l l be Decoration Day .

I t comes Thursday , May ‘

30 , 1907 .



1 . Put on t he board t he following sentences,omitting the parts in

parenthesesMy father is cal led (M r . Smith ) . My sister is cal led miss Smith ) .

My mother is cal led (M rs . Smi th ) . O ur doctor is cal led (D r. Jones ) .

Call on t he chi ldren to finish out t he sentence,and show them that Mr .

is an abbreviation or shor t way of writing Mist er . Tel l them that it is

always wri t ten with a capital letter and is followed by aperiod . I n t he

same way discuss Mrs.

,t he abbreviation f or M isses or Mist ress

,and D r . , t he

abbreviat ion f or Doctor . Let them see that Miss is so short that no

abbreviat ion is necessary,so i t is not followed by a

p eriod . Have them

copy these sentences from t he board subst ituting t he names of their own


2. Cop y . t he'

follow ing sentences,putting in t he proper marks

M rs Smith cal led t o-d ay M r Smi th went to town WednesdayM iss B rown is our teacher My mother v isi ted M rs Wade yesterdayD r Jones went t o see t he si ck lady


Review t he work of the S econd Grade in “Contractions. S ee page 28 .

1 . I n t he same way teach can’t,won

’t,would n

’t, d id n

’t,haven ’

t,hasn ’


wasn ’t .

2. S entences for copy and dictation

S he can’ t come to school . He hasn’ t any coat .

He won’ t run away . They can't s ing t he song.

I wou ldn’ t rob anest. They haven’ t come to town.

He didn’ t go to t he concert.

3. Questions to beanswered in the negative

Can she sing ? Wou ld y ou d o i t?\V i l l he p lay bal l t o-morrow ? Can he t ie t he horse?

Has she a new dress ? Can he cl imb a tree?Can he d o his examples ? W i l l he sel l his pony ?Have they come home? Have they many cows ?D i d they tel l y ou abou t i t?

4. S entences to be made wi th

isn’ t aren’ t d idn’ t

hasn’ t wou ldn’ t

5. Wr i te t he contrac t ions f or each of the following

is not are not can not cou ld notdid not has not wou ld not have not

6 . Change t o contracted form t he itali ci zed words

They are not work ing hard . George Wash ington would not tel l a lie.

Frogs have not any t ime to p lay . S he could not treat her badly .

The boys wi ll not go away . The birds d id not have anest.S he has not finished her lesson. The ch i ld ren are not in school .I am not w i l l ing t o go. The baby is not wal k ing y et .

A tortoise can not learn to fly .

Devices for Review.

1 .Write in sentences t he names of five people. Write in sentences t he

names of five streets.

2.Write five questions about t he picture on page 31 , English Lessons,

Book O ne.

3. Answer in complete sentences these questions

\Vhat is your name?

What is t he name of you r father? (G i ve his ini tials . )“f hat is the name of your mother?What is t he name of your teacher ?

Who is t he President of t he Uni ted S tates ?

4. Learn the following rhyme and wri te i t from memory

How many days has baby t o play?Saturday . Sunday , Monday ,

Tuesday , \Ved nesday ,

Thursday , Fr i day ,Saturday , Sunday , Monday .

5. Write questions whi ch these sentences answer

A mouse eats cheese.

The nuts are fal l ing now .

Lemons are yel low .

R i ce is brought from Ch ina.

“Iasli ing ton’

s B irthday is a hol i day .

September 3 ,1906 , was my last b i rthday .

Wednesday is a hard word to spel l .Cherries grow on pretty trees .

He does not l ike t o p lay ball.There are two boxes on t he tab le.

6 . Wri te in a sentence t he date of your last birthday . Wr ite in a

sentence the date of to—d ay ; of to-morrow .

Write acomplete sentence about each of these events using t he dates in

t he second column


s B irthdayIndependence DayChristmasN ew Year ’

s DayAdmission Day

7 . Make alist of t en contractions.

February 22, 1906Ju ly 4, 1 776December 25, 1907January 1 , 1908September 9 , 1907

Wr ite sentences containing each .


1 . How many have pets at home? What pets have you ? Do they

know how to do any tri cks ? Who taught them ? How did you do it ?”

Have this preliminary talk wi th the chi ldren,keeping their attention,


so much on t he tri cks as on t he teaching of them . Then have them give

sentences telling what tri cks they have taught,what their older brother has

taught,what their father has taught

,what any one is teaching now . Wr ite

t he following sentences on t he board,underline t he word taught , and have

t he chi ldren copy them

I taught my d og to carry t he paper.

I taught my d og t o speak for meat.I taught my cat not t o b i te me.

I taught my b i rd to eat from my hand .

Mama taught t he cat to stay outsi dePapa taught t he d og to br ing back t heducks when he went shooting .

My b rother taught his d og to bark attramps .

My sister taught her cat to wear ribbonon her neck .

My brother taught t he b ird to answer

when he said Sweet.

2. Have them tell what they have taught -the baby at home t o d o ; what

papahas taught them ; what mamahas taught them .


Who teaches y ou ari thmeti c ; geography? Who teaches y ou in Sunday-school ?taught y ou t o row a boat ; t o sw im? “7110 teaches t he boys to be sol d iers ?

teaches t he boys on t he training shi p ?

Who teaches t he animals at t he circus ?

teach them ?Who teaches t he baby rabbi ts t o run from danger ? Who teaches t he k i ttens to catch

mice? Who teaches t he baby b irds t o fly ? Do y ou know of any other animal thatteaches her young ?


What does she teach them ? How does she d o i t ?

Do y ou p lay school ? Who is t he t eacher ? W'

hat does she teach y ou?

Does any one'

hel p y ou w i th your lessons nights at home? W'

ho teaches y ou?


hat d o they teach them ? How d o they

3. Have them write on t he board sentences from exercise 2. Have each

child read his sentences aloud . Copy t en of t he best on t he board , give t he

class time to study,then dic tate them ; as,

The lady is teach ing me at SundayschooL

M iss Smith teaches us geography .

The captain teaches t he sol diers how

t o march .

The man taught t he elephant t o p lay

He taught t he seal t o si t at t he tab le.

The mama b ird taught t he l i tt le b irdshow t o fly .

When we play school , I am t he teacher.

I teach t he chi ldren how t o spel l .My sister teaches me at home nights.

t he drum . Mama is teaching me t o sew .

4. Have them write three sentences,telling what they could teach ahorse

t o do ; three, telling what they could teach ad og t o d o ; three, telling what

their teacher teaches them every d ay .

5. Wr i te three sentences with t he word teach; t hree wi th taught ; three

w ith t eaching . Have these sentences read aloud,t en of the best put on t he

board,studied and dictated .

6 . Tel l them t he story of t he tortoise that wanted t he eagle to teach him

to fly (E sop ’

s Fables)An excellent story is Megaleep ,

t he Wanderer,by Wm . J . Long


Wilderness Ways,pages 10-21— an account of a caribou school and how

t he lit t le ones are taught . The story of “ R aggy lug,

” by Ernest Thompson

S eton,also has many interesting accounts of what arabbit must be taught .


1 . The chi ldren are usually interested in this subjec t,i f t he teacher

simply states at t he beginning of t he lesson that she wi ll show them how

t o write the time of d ay .

“ Tell me in asentence what t ime i t is now .

“ It is half past t en,t he chi ld replies. The teacher then says


“We usually

wri te that this way ,then she wri tes on t he board :

I t is now

Say to t he class : I n order to tell whether I mean t en-thirty at night or

t en-thir ty in the morning,I must put two letters after t he number . This

is t he way t he sentence should read :

I t is now a. m .

4— N s (49 )

The children may be told that these let ters areabbreviations of two Latin

words meaning before noon. As they are abbreviations they must be'

followed by per iods. A . M . ( capitals ) means Master of Arts ; P . M . ( capi

tals ) means Postmaster , so i t is better to wri te both a. m . and p . m . with

small letters . A per iod between t he hour and minutes is now considered

better form than aco lon.

Have t he chi ldren give various sentences in answer to such questions as

At what time does school begin?” “S chool , begins at nine o ’clock .

(When o’clock follows i t is better t o wri te out the nine, although it is not

incorrect t he other way . ) S chool begins at 9 a. m .

”I n t he same way

get such sentences as :

School c loses at p . m . The boat leaves at p . m .

Church servi ce begins at eleven o’c lock . I get up in t he morning at seven o

’c lock .

Church servi ce begins at 1 1 a. m . I get up at a. m.

I reach home at p . m . I go to bed at p . m .

2. S how t he chi ldren how to wri te the sentence i f t he date comes beforet he t ime; as,

The boat leaves January 3, 1907 , at p . m .

O r,i f t he year is omitted


The boat leaves January 3d at p . 111 .

Then i f t he d ay of t he week is used, it comes first in order , and t he sentenceis written this way

The boat leaves Wednesday , January 3d ,at p . m .

3. S entences f or copy,study

,and di ctation

I s a. m . t oo late to go?

“7c missed t he train.

I came to school at a. m .

The two boys came at nine o’c lock this morning.

The parade w i l l pass atI shal l leave f or my vacat ion Fri day , June 14, 1906 , t he p . m .


The boat w i l l leave at a. m . Wednesday .

I s p . m . too late t o go?Do y ou go t o bed at p . m . every night ?N ine o

’c lock is t oo late t o go.

4. Use t he follow ing in sentences

p . m . nine o’clock



8 m . twel ve o’ c lock

5. Wri te t he follow ing as they are usually wri t ten in sentences

Twenty-five minutes af ter five. Twel ve o’clock .

F i fteen minutes before nine. Three in t he afternoon.

T en o’clock . Hal f past t en in t he morning .

(50 )

Devices for Review

1 . S entences f or copy,study

,and di ctation

I come t o school every Monday at a. mDo y ou go to Sunday-school ?The chi ldren w i l l march in t he parade Fourth of Ju ly .

The parade w i l l start at nine o'clock .

“Te shal l go on t he 2 p . m . train.

D r . Smi th w i l l not leave unti l Wednesday , Feb ruary 3d , at p . m .

The chi ldren w i l l meet Saturday at a. m .

M iss B rown went at three o’ c lock .

May I go t o t he Christmas tree t o-morrow ?

The boy had two books N ew Year ’

s Day .

School w i l l c lose for t he vacation Friday , June 14, 1907 .

Admission Day is ahol iday .

2. Wri teasentence telling on what d ay and what time of d ay Mrs. Jones

wi l l go to O akland .

Write asentence containing the name of aholiday and amonth of t he

year .

Write a sentence telling what time in t he morning Mr . Jones goes t o

work .

Tel l what holiday comes next and in what month it comes.

O n what holiday d o we decorate t he so ldiers ’ graves ?

Tell in one sentence t he name of t he city you live in,and t he state.

Tell in one sentence t he ci ty and state in whi ch y ou were born,and

t he date.

Write aquestion containing t he time of d ay .

Wr ite aquest ion containing adate.


1 . Say t o t he class : F ive children sit in t he first row . How many sit in

t he second ? in t he third ? Who'

sit s behind you ? in front of y ou?at your

right ? at your left ? Where d o y ou sit in church ? Where do you like

best to sit in school ? in t he theater ? Who sits nex t y ou at t he table?

Where d oes t he baby sit ?”

Wr i te t he answers t o these quest ions on the board and have them read

aloud and copied .

2. Wri te these direct ions on t he board,have them read

,t he ac ts p er

formed,and then have told what was done

S i t in t he th ird seat of t he fi rst row . S i t in t he chai r in t he northeast corner .

S i t in t he chair on t he east side of t he S i t on t he box by t he stove.

room . S i t in t he chai r under t he c lock .

S i t in t he chair by t he north w indow . S i t in t he chai r at t he end of my desk .

S i t on t he longest bench in t he room .

3. Have these read aloud and copied

I sat in the thi rd seat of the first row . S he sat on t he box by t he stove.

I sat in t he chai r on t he east s ide of Mama sat by me in church.

t he room . Baby sat on mama’s lap .

Tom sat in t he chai r by t he north The gi rls sat together t o-day .

w indow . I l i ke t o si t in t he back seat .He sat on t he longest bench in t he Tom l ikes to si t w i th me.

I'O O I I ] .


O ne afternoon an owl l sat up in a tree trying to go to sleep . A grasshopper sat under t he tree singing .

“ Please do not sing ,”sai d t he owl .


wish t o sleep .

”Day is not t he time to sleep ,

”replied the grasshopper .

“N ight is t he time t o sleep .

” “ That is so,

”said t he owl .

“Come up and

sit by me and we w i ll have afeast .”

The si lly grasshopper jumped up in

t he tree to sit by t he owl, and t he owl at e him up .


PURPOS E AND METHOD — The purpose here is to establish afeeling in t he

chi ld so that he may ,without conscious thought , associate the word lie and

i t s past tense lay'

with t heact of reclining . Hemay be to ld t o use liewhenit means t o recline

,but it is doubtful if he associates t he act w ith t heword.

The method is the same as with t he o ther verbs— t he cond it ions are

given,t he word is associated with i t, and then by repeti t ion t he habit is

formed .

1 . Have p ictures of various animals lying down to rest , or going to sleep

f or t he w inter . Say t o the chi ldren : Have you ever seen adog lie down

to rest ? Tell me how he does i t . How does a cat lie down?” Look at

these pictures and tell me how each animal lies to rest . ” The best sen

tenoes given should be read aloud and cop ied by t he chi ldren ; as,

The horse l ies on his side wi th his head The cat l i kes t o lie in t he sunsh ine to

stretched out . s leep .

Sometimes t he cat l ies w i th her feet The d og l ies on his si de w i th his headfolded under her. on t he ground .

Somet imes she l ies on her side w i th her The polar bear l ies on t he ice t o s leep .

head between her paws . The elephant does not lie down t o

The cow kneels down on her front feet s leep .

before she l ies down. The chi pmunk l ies rol led up in a l i tt leThe pig l ies down in t he shade to s leep . round bal l .

2. D i c tate t he following sentences

I lie on t he grass t o rest . The horse l ies in t he shade.

Mother l ies on t he couch to rest . My coat l ies on t he seat during t he

The Romans used t o lie down t o eat . day .

The baby l ies in his crad le t o s leep . My hat l ies on t he tab le whi le I work .

3. Have t he chi ldren recal l what was talked about t he first d ay ; then

say ,

“ Tel l me where t he horse lay whi le he slept ; t he cat ; t he cow ; t he

chipmunk ; t he pig ; t he dog ; t he polar bear .

Write these sentences on t he board and have t he class read aloud andCOPY

T he horse lay on his s ide t o s leep . The chi pmunk lay last w inter rol led up inThe cat lay w i th her paws fol ded . a bal l .The cow lay asleep in t he shade of The cat lay asleep on t he branch of a tree.

t he tree. The polar bear lay on t he ice t o sleep .

4. Have t he chi ldren change t he sentences of exercise 2 so that theywi ll refer t o yesterday .

(52 )

5. Have t he chi ldren answer t he following questions,i f they are familiar

with t he stories :

“7hat did Gol di locks d o when she went upstai rs in t he bear's house?What d id t he rabb i t d o whi le the turtle was wal k ing along ?What was t he l ion doing when he put his p aw on t he mouse?

\Vhat was t he d og doing in t he manger ?What was t he wol f doing when R ed R i d ing Hood got t o her grandma



What di d Mol ly Cottontai l tel l R ag to d o whi le she was away ?

6 . Say to t he class, When mamaw ishes baby t o stop playing and go t o

sleep,she says


‘L ie down now and go t o sleep .

’ If t he baby gets up and

then lies down,mamasays


‘Lie st i ll

,baby .

’ Tel l me what y ou say t o your

d og when you wish him t o lie down ; when you wish him t o lie quietl y .

What did t he man at t he circus say t o t he elephant when he made him lie

down? What does mamasay when she does not wish baby t o lie on t he

wet ground,or on t he floor ?”

Wri te these sentences on t he board,have t he class read them aloud . and

then copy them :

L ie down, baby , and go t o sleep . Theman sai d to t he elephant , L ie down.

L ie down, Rover , and p lay dead . Do not lie on t he wet ground .

L ie sti l l on t he bed . Do not lie on the floor .

7 . D i ctate these sentences

I l i ke to lie on t he grass in t he shade. L ie down, Rover, and play dead .

Mama lay down yesterday t o rest . Do not lie on t he wet ground .

Baby lay in his crad le asleep when I The d og was l y ing in t he manger .

got home yesterday . L ie qu iet ly whi le y ou sleep .

My hat lay on t he desk . I lay on t he grass at t he park watchingThe wol f was l ying in grandma’

s bed . t he boys play bal l .

8 . Have t he chi ldren make two sentences containing lie, lay , ly ing .

9 . Tell that par t of t he story about The Three Bears where Goldi locks

was upstairs and where t he three bears came home and what they sai d

upstairs. Have t he chi ld ren reproduce it orally,then in writing . Follow

by correction of errors.


O nce adog was lying in amanger full of hay . A hungry ox came t o eat

t he hay . The d og got up and snarled at him . Well,

”said t he ox


y ou

can not eat t he hay yourself , and you wi ll not let any one else eat i t .


Twomen were walking through aforest . They agreed t o help each other

i f any wi ld animals came. S oon abig bear rushed out at them . O ne man

was light and nimble. He forgot his promise,and ran as fast as he could

t o atree. The other man could not run fast . He lay down flat on his face

and held his breath . The bear came up and smelled of him,bu t took him

f or dead,and ran off t o t he wood . The man in t he tree came down. He


“What did t he bear tell y ou as you lay on t he ground ?” “ He told

me said t he other one,

“never to trust you again.


(53 )


O nce there was abrave S cot ch king named Bruce. He led t he army in a

great battle against t he English. The S co t ch fought hard , but they were

beaten. Bruce had to run away and hide in out -of —t he-way places. O nce

he hid in acave. As he lay there he was sad . He was afrai d he could not

make t he S cotch people free. S oon he saw aspider at work . The spider

had spun a long thread , and was trying to sw ing by i t from one part of

t he rock to another . It tried again and again. Bruce lay there and

wat ched it . He counted how many times it tried . It was just six times.

That was j ust as many t imes as Bruce had fai led in batt le. He wondered

if t he spider would t ry again. He said t o himself,

“ If the spider does t ryand reaches t he rock

,then I w i ll t ry again to set my country free.


spider did t ry again. This t ime i t reached t he rock,where i t wanted to go .

S o Bruce kep t his word,and tried once more. His men all came to him

again,and hewas master of t he land .


PURPOSE AND METHOD — The correct use of quotations is acquired by a

slow process. Quotations may be divided into several type forms, and each

one of these types mastered before t he next one is taken. The second and

third forms are more eas i ly mastered than t he first,and the last ones easiest

of all. The chi ldren have acquired t he habit of putting in t he marks by

this time,so when they have learned t he type

,they do not forget to put in

the marks . The method is that of imitation,not explanation. There is

much repet ition,w ith the teacher reminding t he pupils at first

,and after

wards leaving them t o themselves . It is easy to teach them to use t he

marks so that no errors wi ll bemade in dictation,but the use in composi tion

is much more difficult . The chi ldren get i t first by having their attention

called t o t he quotations beforehand,by having them wri tten on t he board

in answer t o quest ions,and by asking them to read over their papers to see

i f they have omitted any quotations . They are helped by putting amark

in t he margin and handing t he paper back t o have t he sentence containing

t he quotat ion recopied and others made up like i t .

The types are

1 . (a) John sai d , I am going home.

( b) John asked , May I play w i th Tom?”

2. (a) I am going home, said John.

( b) May I p lay w i th Tom ?” asked John.

3. (a) John sai d to me,“ I am ten years old .

( b) John asked me, “Where are y ou going?”

4. (a) The boy , said John, is not to b lame.

( b) Are y ou, asked John,

“to leave school ? ’

5. The boy sai d , I t is a fine d ay . I w i l l go fishing .

6 . The boy asked ,“Wi l l y ou go fishing ? I t is afine day .

1 . Ask one of t he chi ldren f or asentenceabout his dog . Wri te it on t he

board , punctuat ing it properly . Then ask'

what else must be put on t he


As acure for carelessness, put the following sentences on t he board , asking

them t o rewr ite,pu t t ing in t he quotation marks and t he commabefore t he

quotat ion

The boy said Come home. The old man sai d I am very hungry.

The l i tt le gir l sai d I t is warm t o-day . The b l ind man sai d P lease show me

John sai d I am going home. t he way .

Mary sai d I l ike peaches. The turt le sai d Let us run a race.

W i l l ie sai d The c lock has stopped . May said I have a pretty dol l .Mamasai d I t w i l l rain t o-day . The man sai d There is no wol f.Papa sai d B e a good boy . The boy said He w i l l come again.

The teacher said \Vri t e you r very best . The lady sai d You are very k ind .

8 . Ask these questions,have the answers wr itten on t he board


dictate them

What d id t he tortoise say t o t he hare?

What did t he mother bear say abou t her mush ? t he father bear? t he baby bear?Wh at di d t he ant say when t he grasshopper asked for food ?

“7hat d id t he f ox say when he wanted t he crow’

s cheese?

What did t he men say when they found no wol f ?

What did t he d og say when he saw his shadow in t he water?

9 . Tell this story and have it reproduced,first having t he quotations

written on t he board

Jennie was a l i tt le gi rl . Her papawas very r i ch . S he l i ved in ab ig house and had avery p retty garden. O ne day she was playing w i th her bal l . I t rol led to t he fence andshe ran after i t. Outsi de she saw two poor l i tt le gi rls . Jennie sai d ,

‘ “P lease come inand p lay w i th me. T he l i tt le gi rls sai d ,

“We w i l l ask our mother.

”The gi r ls’ mother

said ,“Yes.

”The gi rls went in and p layed bal l unt i l they were t ired . Then Jennie sai d ,

“Let us si t down under t he tree to rest. ” S he brought out some bread and bu tter , and

some candy and nuts for them to eat . Then t he l i tt le g irls went home. They sai d ,Thank y ou, Jennie.

” Jennie sai d to her mama, They were very ni ce l i t tle gir ls .

The follow ing are good stories f or reproduction f or t he use of quotations.

Be certain t o use"

only t he one type of quotation“The Tortoise and t he Hare.

ZEsop : Fables.

S cudder : Fables and F olk S tories.

Ward : Third Reader .

Boston col lection of Kindergarten S tories.

The Hawk and t he N ight ingale,

[Esop ’s Fables

,published by t he

Educat ional Publishing Company,Young Folks ’

L ibrary of Choi ce L i tera

ture. This story wi ll not d o as printed,but can be made over as follows

A l i tt le nightingale sat singing in a tree. An old hawk saw her. The hawk sai d , Iw i l l eat her for my supper.

”S o he swooped down up on t he l i tt le nightingaleand seized

her in h is claws . The nightingale sai d .

“P lease let me go.

”B ut t he hawk was hungry

and would not d o i t. The nightingale sai d ,“ I am such a l i ttle b i rd . But t he hawk

wou ld not let her go. The nightingale said ,“Eat some other b i rd instead .

”The hawk

said , I think y ou w i l l d o very wel l t o begin my feast on.

I n t he same way may be rewritten t he stories of The Fox and t he

Crab ,” “

TheDog and his S hadow ,

” “The Cat and the Birds .

” They arefound in t he same book as t he story of “ The Hawk and the N ightingale.

F ollow ing this series take up t he same type in t he question form . ( It isnot wel l t o take this up unti l after t he chi ldren have had t he ser ies on“


(56 )

1 Takeaball in your hand and put your hand behind your back . Then

say ,You may guess what it is. I wi l l answer any question w ith y es

or no.

Wr ite their questions on t he board,putting t he question mark after each

in colored chalk .

I s i t made of wood ? I s i t candy ? I s i t round ? I s i t a bal l ?

Then ask,Who asked this question?” John replied

,I did

,so wri te

before his question John asked , putting in t he proper marks. I n t he same

way wri te before each question t he name of t he person who asked it , and

pu t in the p roper marks. Have t he chi ldren copy t en of t he sentences.

2. Copy the following

John asked , “D i d t he birds fly away?” John asked , “Where is my t opThe man asked ,

“W i l l y ou work for me?" I . asked ,

“Do y ou know your lesson?

The boy asked ,“Am I t oo late?” The teacher asked ,

“Are y ou ready?”

Mary asked , “W'

i l l y ou go w i th me?” W’

e asked ,“I s i t raining ?”

The gir l asked ,“Are y ou going now ?” S he asked ,

“D i d t he tree fal l ?”

3. Make up t en quotations like thisJohn asked , “W i l l y ou sel l your top


4. D i ctate t he quotations Copied in another lesson.

5. Hunt quotations with questions in your reader .

The same devicemay be used as in teaching t he first form,i f t he chi ldren

are careless about their punctuation. The story of “ The L it t le R ed Hen”

is an excellent one to copy,leaving out periods and quotat ion marks . The

chi ldren copy,filling in

,or better still ad d them to ahectographed page.

6 . The same conversat ional devi ce may be used , adding t he question ; as ,

O ne d ay I went t o a jewelry store- t"

o buy awatch . I sai d , I w ish to buy awatch .

The jeweler asked , What k ind of awatch d o y ou w ish?” et c.

I n t he same way t he chi ldren may write w i th t he teacher a conversat ion

between (1 ) A boy and ajeweler . The boy goes to t he store t o buy awat ch .

(2) A boy who w ishes to play wi th another boy ,and his mother who w ishes

him to do his work at home. (3) A conversat ion between two boys who

are out fishing . (4) An imaginary conversat ion between two books that

have been badly treated . (5) The same between apretty new doll and an

old one. (6 ) Two boys whowish to trade knives or tops or marbles.

The following stories are good t o use f or reproduc t ion. It is agood idea

t o have t he quotations writ ten upon t he board first in answer t o your

questions . Then let t he chi ldren see how many they can bring into their

reproduction. Be certain to keep to t he type in use. The stories must be

told in t he type form : John sai d,

“I am going home, and John asked

“Are y ou going home?


Scudder : Fab les and Fol k S tor ies, pp . 105-106 .

Lane : S tories for Chi l dren. p p . 44-45.

The Morse Reader I I , pp . 55-56 .

(57 )


Scudder : Fables and Fol k S tories , p . 58 .

Bal dw in : Second Reader, pp . 13-14.

Ward : Th ird Reader, p . 30 .


Scudder : Fab les and Fol k S tories, p . 78 .


Scudder : Fables and Fol k S tor ies, p . 78 .


Baldw in : Fairy S tories and Fab les, p . 108 .

7 . As soon as t he chi ldren are fairly proficient in writing from dictation

quotations after said and asked , various words, such as rep lied , answered ,

called,and cried

,may be used .

Wri te on t he board the sentence,Mamasaid

, Come home. Say to t he


“ If you were far away and mamaw ished you to come home,what

must she d o?” If t he answer






,is given


“ called ” may be substituted,and t he sentence wr itten : Mama called


Come home. I n the same way get :

The boy screamed , O h, i t hurts me. My baby says. Mama, papa.

The boy cal led ,“Nero, come here.

”S he wh ispered , I am going t o Oak land

The boy thought , My d og is p rett ier. after school .

Have these sentences cop ied . The next d ay put this list on t he board inavertical line

,and have t he chi ldren give t he sentences

,whi le t he teacher

wr i tes them on t he board . Then have t he sentences studied . Later dictate


S tories.


A canary sat singing in atree. An old hawk saw her . The hawk said,

I wi ll eat y ou.

”The hawk caught t he bird in his claws.

Let me go "” sai d t he little canary .

I want to eat you,

sai d t he hawk .

I am such alittle bird,

said t he canary .

The hawk said,I do not see any larger birds now ,

so I wi l l eat youfirst . ”


O ne summer an ant made her nest and put some food into it .I n winter agrasshopper came to t he ant and said


“Give me something

t o eat .

The ant asked her,What did y ou d o in summer ?”

I jumped and sang,

sai d the grasshopper .

Then y ou may jump and sing all winter,

”the ant said .


O ne d ay arabbit met aturtle.

“Let us run arace

,said t he rabbit . S o

they ran. The turtle crawled on slowly . The rabbit p layed in t he grass.

(58 )

Then she ran as fast as she could . S he caught up w ith t he turtle. She

lay down under atree and went to sleep . The tur t le crawled on and came

to t he oak tree. S oon t he rabbit woke up . S he ran again as fast as she

could . S he came t o the tree and saw t he turtle there.

“ I did not know

that you could crawl so fas t,

”said t he rabbi t .


O nce awolf caught a f ox . The wolf said,Get me something t o eat .

The f ox said,Come with me. So they went on together . They came t o

two ducks . The f ox took one. He gave i t t o the wolf . Then t he fox ran

away from t he wolf .

The wolf at e t he duck . He wanted t he other duck . He went after it .

He made so much noise that aman saw him . The man hit t he wolf w ith

astick . The wolf ran away,too . He did not get t he duck .

The wolf caught t he f ox again. He said,

“Get me something t o eat or I

w i ll eat y ou.

”The f ox said


“Comewi th me. He took t he wolf to abarn.

There was alittle hole in t he door . They crawled in and found afat pig .

The wolf,began to eat . The f ox at e some

,t oo. The fox went to t he hole.

He could still get out . The wolf kept on eating . A man heard anoise in

t he barn and went in. Then t he fox crawled out at t he hole and ran away .

The wolf tried to crawl out,too

,but he could not . He had eaten t oo much .

Theman killed t he wolf . Then the fox was happy .


1 . Have t he children copy from t he board the names of t he months,t he

holidays,and t he days of t he week .

2. Have t he chi ldren make sentences containing each of t he above.

3. F i ll in the blanks

To-day is

Christmas comes in t he month Yesterday wasNext month w i l l be

My b i rthday comes in t he month We d o not come t o schoolof and

I went t o church last Last month was

4. F i l l in t he blanks w i th dates or names of holidays

FebruaryB i rthday .

My watch was gi ven t o me Christmas

wi l l be Wash ington’

sNext Independence Day isThe date t o-d ay is

I w i l l be t en years old

Day is SeptemberA l l t he peop le remember Wednesdaymorning , Apri lD id y ou have a pleasant time

comes May 30 ,1907 .

D i d y ou see t he parade

5. Wr i te aquotation containing t he name of t he third d ay of t he week .

Wri te aquotation containing t he name of a d ay of t he week and a date.

Wr i te aquotation containing t he name of amonth of t he year and adate.

Write aquestion asking f or t he date of your mo ther ’

s birthday . Wr ite a

quotat ion containing t he name of aholiday and adate.

(59 )

6 . D i ctate

Mary said , My cat caught amouse.

The boy said ,“He taught my d og t o jump through ahoop .

John repl ied , I lent him my book last week .

Washington said ,“He went through t he batt le bravel y .

“My b irthday is in October , sai d Mary .

He asked , I n what month is Thanksgiv ing ?”“Thanksgi ving comes in November ,” rep l ied t he teacher .

Wednesday w i l l be a hol i day ,”sai d they .

Past Tense of Verbs. Cap i tals. Quotat ions . Too.

7 . D i ctate :

They saw their cousin in Sacramento. I t taught me a good lesson,

They wai ted too long in Oak land . John.

John sai d ,“The man bu i l t anew house He won t he race by three feet , repl ied

in San Francisco.

”Ned .

The work was done too long ago. D i d she make her story t oo long ?”

The boy asked ,“Have y ou a cousin asked A l i ce.

l i ving on Cal i fornia S treet ?” S he borrowed my kni fe in February ,I think Mary was too pol i te to go. said he.

8 . Write five sentences containing the names of p laces. Write three

sentences beginning wi th a quotation. Write two sentences containing

quotations that ask questions. Write t he names of the months. Write the

names of t he days of t heweek .

9 . The following sentences contain t he forms taught so far in t he ThirdGrade. They may be placed on t he board a f ew at a time f or copy and

study,and then dictated to t he class

1 . M rs. Jones sai d ,“Come home earl y .

2 . The two boys were not here to-day .

3. Admission Day and Labor Day come in September.

4. January is t he first month of t he year.

5. M r. and M rs . Jones b rought my sister a beau ti fu l watch.

6 . D i d y ou see t he parade last Fourth of Ju ly ?7 . The Christmas exercises w i l l be hel d at t he church , December 25, 1907 .

8 . M r. B rown said ,“There are too many peop le here.

9 . John said ,“I lent my kni fe “f ed nesd ay ,

February 3, 190610 . M rs . Jones sai d ,

“B ring some flowers for Decoration Day .

1 1 . D i d your two brothers have agood time last Thursday ?12. John wal ked t oo far into t he woods May Day .

13 . Dr . Smith had to be cal led t he d ay af ter Thanksg i ving .

14. June 3 ,1908 is t he date set for t he p icni c .

15. The meeting w i l l be hel d Tuesday , August 4, 1907 .

1 6 . December , January , and February are t he w inter months .

1 7 . March , Apri l , and May are t he spring months.

1 8 . June, Ju ly , and August are t he summer months .

19 . September, October , and November are t he autumn months.

20 . They spoke t oo s low l y .

21 . M rs. B rown said ,“The baby fel l down yesterday .

22 . I t began t o rain Friday at four o’clock .

23. He threw the bal l t o his sister.

24. M iss Smi th sai d “The boys played too long at recess .

25. D r. Jones said , The boys swam in t he lake yesterday and took a hard cold .

M ama sai d ,“We shal l take t he t en o

’c lock boat for Oakland .

27 . The circus parade w i l l go up Market S treet.28 . M iss Jones l i ves on Cal i fornia S treet.29 . They shou l d not wal k t oo far up Jackson S treet.

Past Tense of Verbs. Cap i tals. Quotat ions. Too: Cont ract ions.

S p ecial verb“Teach.

10 . Tel l whether t he i tali c ized words are present or past . If they are

present . change them to past .

The weaver si t s at his loom . He t eaches his d og many tri cks.

The men s t ood firm wh i le t he battle S he d rinks mi lk for break fast.raged . He takes his sister w i th him on a r ide.

The summer comes and goes . The chi ldren t hink carefu l ly before theyThe men begin their work . wri t e.

I read in the Second Reader.

1 1 . Fol low this model,using t he following verbs

Mod el : I sang . We sang.

You sang . You sang .

He sang . They sang .


12. Change t o t he contracted form

He is not in town to-d ay . F rogs can not l i ve w i thou t water .

S he cou ld not d o her work . The t op has not any string.

The farm did not p ay . The cover wi l l not stay down.

They are not going w i th us. The trees have not any leaves.

13. Write two sentences telling what you taught your dog . Write two

Sentences telling what games t he boys taught you . Wr ite two sentences

telling what t he circus-man taught t he horses t o d o.

14 Put on the board t he past tense of t he verbs under Third Time

O ver . Have t he chi ldren select t he verbs that would apply to adog and

finish t he sentence ; as,“ A d og saw acat


” “ A d og ran after the cat ,”et c.

This devi ce may be var ied by having t he sentences wr itten about agirl,a


,et c.

15. D i ctateHe asked , D idn’ t y ou go t o Los Angeles ?”“ I went to B erkeley ,

”said I .

We shal l s ing our Christmas song , said t he teacher.

We w i l l not sing i t t oo loud ly ,”sai d t he ch i ldren.

Wednesday is our day for house-c leaning , sai d t he woman.

S he sold her berr ies for twenty cents .

“They haven’ t cried all d ay ,

”said t he l i tt le care-taker.

Cou ldn‘t y ou buy just one?” she cried .

THERE WERE— THERE AR E. (Third Time O ver.)

1 . Have them copy :

O n t he trees in summer time there were many leaves.

O n t he street , as I went down town, there were many horses.

At t he Presid io there are many soldiers.

O n t he Seal Rocks there are many seals.

O n t he beach , on awarm Sunday , there are many people.

At t he end of t he tab le there are two chairs.

I n my house there are two babies.

Down at t he Ferry B u i lding there are many ferry-boats .

Once upon a t ime there were three bears.

Last week there were some elephants at t he park .

( 6 1 )

2. D i ctate t he sentences of exercise 1 .

3. Have them wri te t he first sentence of t he follow ing stories Do not

begin all w i th there: The Three Bears,

” “ Three L ittle Pigs,


Whiteand Rose R ed ,

” “The Two Brass Kettles


” “The F rogs that Wanted

aKing .

4. Have, t he chi ldren select oneword or expression from each column and

make as many good sentences as they can

Once upon a time two l i tt le boys .

Last year many app les .

When I was a l i tt le gir l there are songs.

This morning two examples.

Every d ay there were two gi rls.

Yesterday some houses.

After school two roses.

5. Look at t he pictures in English Lessons,Book O ne. Write sen

tenoes about these pictures using thereare; as,“ There are two boys fishing

from a boat (p .

“ There are two chi ldren r iding in a dog-cart ’

(p .

6 . Tell them the story of The Town Mouse and t he Country Mouse

(Blaisdell :“Chi ld L i fe

,S econd Reader


” pages 74-77 ; Thompson“Nature in Myth and S tory


” pages 44-46 ; S cudder : Fables and Folk

S tories,

” pages 84 putting in t he phrase t here were as many times as

possible. The chi ldren may reproduce it .

THERE WAS — THERE I S . (Third Time O ver. )

The chi ldren very often make mistakes in this i diom if t he sentence

begins in some other way than wi th there. This “ time over should fix

t he form so that t he final step,it s use in composition where t he attent ion

is on t he subject-matter,can be taken. This comes late enough so t he

sentences need not be“

acted out— that is to say ,t he setting may be made

by t he imaginat ion of t he chi ld .

1 . You may tel l what there was on t he table last night I w i ll change

that sentence f or you and write i t on the board . Write : O n t he table last

night there was abeau t i ful rose.

” Have them make up sentences beginning

w ith : in t he stove; und er t he chair ; last week; y est erd ay ; once up on at ime;along t ime ago; in the wood s; out by ahigh t ree; in the mead ow . Wri te

these sentences on t he board,the chi ldren copying them

O n t he tab le last night there was a Once upon a time there was a faminebeau ti f u l rose. in t he land .

I n t he stove there was a fire. A long time ago there was a good fai ryUnder t he chair there was a s leeping l i v ing in a forest.

cat . I n t he woods there was a l i tt le squi rrel .Last week there was a p icni c at t he Ou t by a h igh tree there was a si lentbeach. horseman.

Yesterday there was ap arad e on Market I n the meadow there was an ant ’sS treet . nest .

2. D ic tate t he sentences of exercise 1 .

( 62 )

him out . He could not see how the pig go t into t he field . The next d ayt he pig was in t he corn again. The farmer looked out and there was t he

pig in t he corn. This t ime t he farmer walked all around t he field . He

found t he log and turned i t around . Now both ends were in t he acorn field .

The pig went through t he log . He looked around and found himself st i ll

in t he acorn field . He craw led through again. He came out in t he same

field . He tried it again and again. At last he gave up and ran away .



O nce there were two brothers. O ne was rich and t he other poor . It was

nearly Christmas. The poor man had nothing in t he house f or aChristmas

dinner,so he went to his brother and asked f or asmall gift .

The ri ch man was too surly even to answer his brother politely . He took

down afine ham and threw it at his brother . He sai d,Go homeand don ’t

let me see your face again. The poor man thanked him,put t he ham

under his arm,and went away . O n his way home he had to pass through

agreat forest . I n t he middle of t he forest he saw an old man w ith along

white beard . He was cutting down trees. Good evening,

”said t he poor

man. The old man looked at him . That is afine ham y ou are carrying ,”

sai d he.

“ If you take i t t o t he land of t he dwarfs y ou may make agoodbargain wi th it . Don ’ t sell i t for money . Take only t he ‘old hand-mill ’

whi ch stands behind t he door . The poor man did as he was told . The

dwarfs liked t he smell of t he ham . They swarmed around him in great

numbers . They didn ’t wish to give up t he old mill,so the poor man was

about t o go .

“Let him have t he old mill


”said one. S o t he man took his

mill and went home.

“Where in the world have you been?” asked his w i fe. Wait and see

what wi l l happen,

”said t he poor man. He put t he mill down on the table

and began to grind . O ut came wax candles first,for t he room was too dark

t o see well . Then came afire on t he hearth,and a porr idge—pot boiling

over . They ground out every thing that would make them warm and

comfortable that cold December d ay . They ground out presents,too

,f or

Christmas,and agood Christmas dinner .

Answer in comp lete sent ences

Once there were what ? I t was what time of year ? Tel l two things t he ri ch brotherdid . What did he say ? \Vhat did t he poor b rother d o? Tel l what he saw in t he forest .The old man said what ? \Vhat did t he dwarfs not w ish t o d o? O ne of them final l y sai dwhat ? His w i fe asked what ? “That came out fi rst ? Why ? What else did theygrind out ?



When t he people went by t he house to church,they were as tonished .

There was glass in t he windows,instead of papers . The poor manand

his wi fe had new clothes .

“ There is something strange about this,

”sai d

every one.

Three days afterwards t he r i ch brother was invi ted to afeast at his poor

bro ther’

s .

“Where did you get all these things ?

”he asked . The brother

( 64)

told t he ri ch one all about t he bargain. He showed him t he mill and had i t

grind out beau t i ful things f or t he poor . The r i ch brother w ished t o borrow

i t ; but t he man was never t o lend i t .

Soon this man was very ri ch . He built a cast le on arock near t he sea.

O ne d ay amerchant came along . He wished t o buy t he mill . He wanted

t o grind out salt . The mill could n ’ t be sold . That night t he merchant

got into the cast leand stole t he mill . He put i t in aboat and set out t o sea.

When he was ali tt le way out he said,Grind salt

,nothing but salt . ” Soon

all t he bags were filled . Then t he boat began to fill . “What shall we d o

now ?” cried t he merchant . But t he mill wouldn ’t stop grinding , and t he

sh ip sank . The mill is sti ll at t he bot tom grind ing out salt . This is t he

reason,say t he peasants of Norway and Denmark , why t he sea is salt .

1 . Give sentences f rom the story , using the followingthere was showed bu i l t began wou ldn’ ttol d w ished came sank peasants of Norway and Denmark

2. Wri te aquotat ion t elling what the merchant said to the mi ll. Wri t e a

quotat ion t elling what the rich brother asked when he came to the feast .

3. R ep rod uce the story .

Devices for Review .

1 . Tell in sentences

What we cal l t he first d ay of t he year.

What great man’

s bi rthday comes in February .

O n what d ay we decorate t he sol diers ’ graves.

O n what d ay we fire off fi recrackers.

lVlIat two hol idays come in September.

O n what d ay we gi ve thanks .

Wh at we cal l t he fi rst d ay of May .

2. Wri te the names of t hemonths of t he year in order . Wri te t he names

of t he days of t he week in order . Write t he names of all t he holidays y ou

know .

3. Punctuate these sentences

S he w i l l be married September 6 1 909 W'i l l August 3d be too long t o wai tHe w i l l finish school March 30 1908 He l i ved in Oak land Cal i fornia on

My friend died January 6 1 8 9 6 January 3 1 8 8 8

I shal l go to see her F eb ruary 3 1907 December 22 1907 was her last b i rthy ou go away before October 19 d ay

1907 August 8 t h was a warm d ayCome to my house Wednesday November 28 1907 w i l l be Thanksgiv

Apr i l lot h ing Day .

4. Put on t he board this list . Have t he chi ldren make sentences i llus

t rat ing t he contracted form of each

was not does not

were not did not

have not d o not

5— N s ( 65)

5. F or copy,study

,and dictation

M r. Brown sai d , Come again at 4p . 111 .

Do not leave t he room ,

”sai d she.

John asked ,“What t ime d o y ou reach school in t he morning?”

Mary rep l ied ,“I reach school at a. m .

I start for school at 7 p . sai d John.

Then y ou must attend night school , added Mary .

At t en o’c lock we shal l start ,

”sai d they.

“They wi l l be home by 8 said S he.

M iss B rown, are y ou going w i th us?”t he chi l dren cal led .

M r; B rown is going ,”sai d she.

6 . F i ll in t he blanks wi th


two app les on my desk this morning?a l i ttle boy and a l i tt le gir l who l i ved alone.

eighteen w indows.

four rows of desks in this room .

A long time ago a boy named Tom.

I n John’

s desk a piece of b l ue paper.

seven boys in t he first row now .

as many boys as gir ls in t he room .

I n the pond by t he schoolhouse many frogs.

OnceI n my house

( 66 )


VERBS . (Fourt h Time O ver.)

METHOD AND PURPOS E — I n t he fourth time over t he work need not be

confined to t he verbs gi ven in t he lists,butall in a certain story may be

dri lled upon. The purpose is t o get t he attent ion upon t he verbs,so t he

story told need not be long nor new . The teacher may tel l t he story,i llus

t rat ing i t or in some way making it perfec t ly clear as to point and t ime.

While tel ling t he story,write t he verbs on t he board as they occur . The

story this time is t o serve as aproper setting,t he at tention being on t he

verbs. The chi ldren may then be asked for sentences from t he story con

taining t he verbs. These are t o be wr i t ten upon t he board,read

,and copied

by t he chi ldren. S pecial dri ll must sometimes be given in spelling . The

sentences may then be dictated to t he class .

The story may now be reviewed,and reproduced by one of t he chi ldren.

By this time they should be able to put their attention on t he subject

matter,having acquired t he proper reflex f or writing t he verb .

S ee Introduction f or purpose of telling the story .

After t he story has been reproduced in wr iting,t he teacher should take

the papers,underline all incorrect verb forms (that is, all presented in

class) , and return t he papers t o t he children. These should be t he only

marks made on the paper,unless there are some errors in t he same sen

tence. I n that case t he errors should be corrected by t he teacher . Put on

the board t he proper verb forms. The chi ldren should be able to correct

their errors without this help,but f or fear some might not know

,t he cor

rect forms should be given. Ask them to Copy correctly on apiece of paper

the sentences in whi ch errors occur , then to make up three of their own

containing t he word .


w ished d roppedsai d caughtOpened did

A crow sat on atree,wi th apiece of cheese in her mouth . A fox went

by . He saw t he crow and wished to have t he cheese f or himself .




”he said


“wi ll you not sing f or me? Your voi ce is very sweet . I

would like t o hear i t again .

”The si lly crow opened her mouth t o sing .

She dropped t he cheese. The cunning f ox caught i t . He did not wait f or

t he song,but ran away and at e i t .

Ask the following quest ions; wri te the answers on t he board , und erliningthe verbs; read the sentences, and cop y t hem; t he next d ay d ictat e t he same

sent ences

Tel l me where acrow once sat . Who went by ? Tel l me what he saw. Tel l me whathe w ished . What d id he say ? What d id t he crow d o? What did She drop ? Wh at d idt he f ox d o? ( 67 )




O nce a d og stole abone and ran away . He had to cross abridge. He

looked down into t he water . There he saw his own shadow. But he thought

it was another d og w i th a bigger bone. He dropped his own bone and

jumped into t he water t o get t he other one. He did not find t he other d ogthere. His own bone sank to t he bottom . S o he went home hungry .

I . Tell the story .

2. Wri te the verbs on theboard as they come in the story .

3. Have sent ences given f rom the story containing the word s. S uch sen

t enoes as thesewill p robably be given

The d og s tole abone. He d rop p ed his bone into t he water.

The d og ran away w i th t he bone. The d og jump ed into t he water.

The d og looked into t he water. The bone sank in t he water.

The d og saw his shadow . The d og went home hungry .

He t hought i t was another d og .

4. Cop y t he sent ences.

5. D ictat e the sent ences.

6 . Have the story rep rod uced .

7 . Ad d it ional word s for sp elling

bridge shadow another bigger bottom hungry


keptj umpedstopped

O nce a rabbit laughed at a turtle because he walked so slowly . The

turtle offered t o run arace with him . They asked t he fox to be the judge.

At aword from him t he race began. The turtle started at once and kept

straight on. The rabbit j umped along f or aminute. Then he stopped to

p lay . Soon t he sun became hot . The rabbit lay down and went to sleep .

Soon he woke up and ran to t he goal . The turt le was there already . S o t he

turtle won t he race.

1 . Cop y t hese sent ences . Wri te each i talicized word three t imes

The boys laughed at t he tri cks. He kep t t he l i tt le k i tten wel l .W’

e walked t o town t o-d ay . The d og jump ed up and ran away.

I offered him my hat . The rabb i t s t op p ed t o rest .We asked him t o run a race. The rabbi t lay down, to sleep .

The rabb i t began t o run. The turt le won t he race.

He s tar t ed for t he goal .

2. Wri te sentences using each of the verbs.

3. Ad d i t ional word s for sp elling

turt le judge word straight minute


A little ant fel l into t he water . A dove was si tting in a tree near by .

S he saw t heant in t hewater . So she took aleaf from t he tree and dropped

it down into t he water near t he ant . The ant climbed upon t he leaf . She

thanked t he dove f or saving her li fe.

The next d ay t he dove was bui lding her nest . Near by was aman w ith

agun. He raised his gun t o shoot t he dove. The ant saw t he man. She

ran up t o him and bit his heel . The man was so hurt that he dropped his

gun. The dove flew away . Soon after,t he dove thanked t he ant f or saving

her li fe.

1 . Cop yThe ant fell into t he water. The ant t hanked t he dove.

The dove saw t he ant . The man raised his gun t o shoot.The b i rd t ook t he leaf in i t s b i l l . The ant ran up t o t he man.

S he d rop p ed t he leaf into t he water. The clove flew away .

The ant climbed upon t he leaf.

2. R ep rod uce the story .


A sly old f ox fel l into awell and could not climb out . A goat went by .

He saw t he f ox in the wel l . He sai d t o t he fox,

“What are‘

y ou doing

down there?” “ This is t he ni cest water I ever tasted,

sai d t he fox .

Come down and have asip of it . ” S o down jumped t he si lly goat . He

was very thirsty,so he drank some of t he water .

The sly old fox jumped upon t he goat ’s back,then to his horns and out

upon t he ground . He went quickly away,leaving t he goat t o get out by


1 . Wri teasentenceanswering'

What happened t o a sly old fox ? Who went by ? YVhat di d he ask t he fox ? Whatd id t he goat d o then? How did t he f ox get out


2. R ep rod uce t he story .


had gonehad givenreached

I n a town in t he south of F rance there were twenty poor people who

were served dinner at acertain hour every d ay . A dog came,t oo. He was

in t he habi t of eating whatever scraps were thrown t o him . S ometimes

they gave him very little.

( 69 )

The peop lewho wished this free d inner came to aw indow and rang abell .

They were handed their meal through asmal l opening . The one who gave

t he dinner did not see.who received i t .

O ne d ay t he dog was very hungry . He had waited unti l everybody had

gone. No one had given him anything . S o he reached up,took hold of t he

rope with his teeth,and rang the bell . The man handed him out a good

dinner . The d og at e i t very gladly . After this he rang the bell f or his

dinner every d ay . The man thought him so clever that he was never

refused something t o eat .


O nce there was a poor , old , blind soldier . Every night he played his

violin in the park to earn his living . His little dog sat beside him . The

d og held his master’s hat for t he money . O ne night t he old man was in

trouble. No one gave him any money . The poor man was very tired and

hungry .

A man was passing by . He saw t he poor soldier . He walked up to him

and put acoin in his hat . Then he took up t he violin and began to p lay .

He played so well that agreat crowd gathered . S oon t he hat was nearly

full of money . The old soldier was so happy that he cried . The stranger

was one of t he finest violin players in t he world .

THE Two Does.


O nce there was alarge Newfoundland dog named Brave. He was carry

ing abone over abridge. Right in t he middle of t he bri dge hemet another

d og named Bruce. Bruce began t o grow l and brist le up f or afight . Brave

wouldn ’t give up t he bone,and Bruce wouldn ’t let him pass. S o they

began to fight . Both tumbled off t he bridge into t he water .

T hey had to swim along distance before they could get out . Brave could

swim easi ly . Bruce struggled hard,but couldn ’t reach t he shore.

Brave soon reached t he shore. He turned around to look f or his enemy .

He saw that Bruce was nearly drowned . The noble d og jumped into t hewater again and brought Bruce safely to t he shore. They looked at eachother as they Shook their wet coats. They seemed to be saying

,We wi ll

never quarrel again.


there vvere heard pu tquarrekxl brought b i tdecided cu t cried

O nce there were two cats who stole some cheese. They quarreled about

dividing it . They decided that t he monkey Should settle the dispute. The

( 70 )

3. Have t he chi ldren use these in sentences. Write t he sentences on t he

board . Have them cop ied and studied,and written from dictation

San Francisco, Cal. is awestern ci ty . Sal t Lake, U tah is t he home of t he

Los Angeles, Cal. has many visi tors. Mormons.

Chi cago, I l l . is noted f or i t s stockyards . D i d y ou visi t in C leveland , Oh io?

WVe visi ted N ew York C i ty last year . I have friends in Denver, Col.Boston,

Mass. is t he center of learning.


1 . The chi ldren have already learned t he singular and t he plural form

of box,man


, foot , mouse, leaf , chi ld , fish, d og , cat,horse

, f rog, boy ,leaf , baby , lad y , fly , knife, loaf , wolf , and calf . Review these by writing

them in acolumn on t he board,and have t he chi ldren spel l t he plural

,whi le

t he teacher writes i t opposite t he singular . This list may then be copied ,and studied

,and finally dictated .

2. Use t he same list as in exercise 1 . Have t he class at the board . Achi ld gives asentence containing t he first singular noun in the l ist . All

write t he sentence. Ask to have t he noun changed to t he p lural form .

What changes,i f any ,

must be made in t he sentences? All write the same

sentence with t he noun in t he plural form . Use this list until t he class

know t he words perfectly and are familiar w ith t he terms,singular and

plural .

3. Put this list on t he board . Use i t f or copy,study and dictation

val ley val leys peach peachessheep sheep shoe shoes

turkey tu rkeys p icture pi cturespiano pianos woman womengir l gi rls ci ty ci tiesbook books w i fe w i vesgoose geese dwarf dwarfspotato potatoes deer deertomato tomatoes ox oxen

4. Have sentencesmade containing t he singular form. Change the sen

t ences t o t he plural form .

5. S end t he chi ldren to t he board . Give the singular form . Have the

children wr ite t he plural . Give t he plural . Have t he chi ldren write t hesingular .

6 . Change to t he plural form

D i d y ou visi t t he beau ti fu l valley ? When w i l l t he lad y cal l ?P lease sharpen my kni fe. How many d eer d id t he hunter ki l l ?D i d y ou speak t o t he chi ld ? The girl went skating.

Have y ou seen t he sheep ? W i l l t he boy be at t he picni c?Come and see our Thanksgi ving t urkey . S he stud ied abou t t he ci t y .

Cal l t he man. The d war f smel led t he ham.

D i d they move t he p iano? D i d y ou see t he box on my tab le?

7 . Use the following sentences f or copy,study and dictat ion

Sherman and C lay sel l many p ianos . There are many large ci ties in t he Uni tedWi ld geese flew by in large numbers. S tates .

Tomatoes are very good t o eat . The ofli cers’

w i ves sewed for t he si ckHe hung t he pi ctures in his room . sol d iers.

Many dwarf s smel led t he ham. The deer are feeding on t he h i l lsi de.

8 . Wr ite down t he names of twenty things y ou find in t he pictures in

English Lessons,Book O ne.

” Wr i te t he plurals of these words.


1 . Write t he names of all t he holidays y ou know . Wri te opposite each

t he name of themonth in whi ch t he holiday comes . Writeasentence telling

how we celebrate each holiday .

Write t he names of t he d ays of t he week . Tell something you have done

each d ay .

Wri te a sentence giving t he name of the principal of the school ; of a

friend of your mo ther ; of afriend of your father ; of aphysic ian you know .

Write asentence giving t he name of astreet ; t he name of acity and t he

state in whi ch it is.

Write a sentence telling when your next birthday w i l l be. Wr ite a

sentence telling t he city in whi ch y ou were born,t he state

,and t he date.

2. Instead of said or asked the following words may be used

answered spoke cal ledinqu ired whispered shoutedrep l ied cr ied yel led

Wr ite nine sentences us ing these words correct ly . Have each sentence

contain aquotation.

3. Write sentences containing these words

si t drinkcome w ri ted o know

Change your sentences t o t he singular form . Change your sentences

past t ime wi ll be shown.

4. S entences f or copy,study

and dictation

M rs. B rownsai d , We went t o t he country last August.The last Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day .

The women wal ked down Market S treet last Wednesday .

D r. Jones asked , “Do y ou l i ve in San Francisco, Cal i fornia?”

The two boys won t he race May Day .

The gi r ls began t o study January 7 , 1 906 .

“Was M iss \Vhi t e here on Chr istmas Day ?” asked John.

The chi l d ren ran t o school last Monday .

The ladies w ished to go t o t he country last Fourth of Ju ly.

“ I l i ve in Oak land , Cal i fornia,” sai d M r. Whi te.

The men caught many fish last September.

The boys p layed bal l on New Year ’s Day .

We brought flowers to school Decoration Day .

The ch i l d kept t he books unti l February 4, 1 904.

The l i tt le boy ate too much candy .

The lady handed t he l i ttle gir l some boxes.

Tom asked ,“I s Admiss ion Day ahol iday ?”

When did he put t he kni ves on t he tab le?The l i tt le boy c l imbed t he tree last Friday .

D i d t he men march down F i l lmore S treet on Labor Day ?We visi ted B erkeley , Cal i forniaW



s B irthday .

I thought that y ou would'

visi t M rs. Jones in October.

( 73 )

“The val leys are very beauti fu l , sai d he.


e climbed t he mountain t he first Saturday in December.

D i d y ou see t he oxen that were in t he meadow Sunday ?They are going away ei ther Apri l 3d , or Ju ly 6 t h .

“The d og b i t t he l i tt le gir l last Tuesday , sai d D r. B rown.

M r. Wh i te said , We saw many beauti fu l th ings when westopped in t he d i ff erent ci ties.

The leaves fel l to t he ground last September .

D i d M r . Wh i te visi t A lameda, Cal i fornia?The potatoes did not grow last year.


1 . Tell t he class this story

Once I took a long tri p on the train. “le reached a smal l town one d ay , t o find t he

train ahead of us off t he track . I looked abou t for something to d o wh i le I was wai ting .

Soon I saw t he schoolhouse, and decided t o v isi t i t . But what was my surprise on

reaching t he bui l ding not t o find any signs of anybody . The doors were open, and Iwent in. I knew t he ch i l dren must be near , for I saw their hats hanging in t he cloakroom .

S tep to the board and write : I saw thei r hats. Now tell me some

thing else I saw that belonged to them . The following sentences wi ll be

obtained . Write them on t he board :

I saw thei r coats. I saw thei r umb rel las. I saw their school bags.

I saw their books. I saw their l unch baskets . I saw thei r book straps.

I went into t he schoolroom . There I saw what ?”

I saw their desks. I saw thei r penci ls . I saw their papers .

I saw their draw ings on t he board .

S oon I heard anoise,and looking around I saw t he chi ldren coming .

Then I saw what ?”

I saw thei r teacher. I saw thei r hands fu l l of flowers. I saw thei r dresses.

The teacher invited me t o stay unti l noon. Then’

I went home t o lunch

wi th three li ttle sisters. What d o y ou think they showed me?” Have the

chi ldren each write asentence on t he board .

They showed me thei r toys . They showed me their garden.

They showed me thei r p ictures. They showed me thei r flowers .

They showed me thei r mother. They showed me their s tory books .

They showed me their pets .

2. Have t he chi ldren copy t en of these sentences .

3. Write sentences wi th t he follow ing

their gardens their large horse their trees their money thei r examplesthei r lessons thei r books their houses thei r own way their banner

4. Answer t he following questions in good sentences

Of what d o t he Esk imos make their What d o good ch i l dren d o w i th thei rhouses ? toys?

Where d o toads lay thei r eggs? How shou ld chi l dren study their lessons?Where d o t he tent-moths lay their eggs? Where d o woodpeckers get thei r food ?Where d o woodpeckers make their nests ? When d o t he farmers p lant their grain?

5. O nce I knew two little girls who were very untidy . A friend came

t o take them to ride,but they could not find their things . They cried

bitterly when t he friend drove away withou t them .

” Write six sentences

telling where they found their things .

6 . Write sentences telling what t he mother-rabbits teach their young ;what dogs teach their young ; how t he mother-toads treat their young .

7 . Make t en sentences containing t heir .

8 . Tel l t he following story


Far, far away in t he North t he w inters are long and cold . Here in t he land of t he

Eskimo l i ved a l i tt le gi rl and her brother w i th thei r father and mother. The l i ttle girl ’sname was Magda, t he l i tt le boy


s Ikwa.

Now , Ikwaand Magda l i ved in a house very di ff erent from ours. Their house wasmade of snow . I t was not very hard to bu i ld , f or thei r papa bu i l t i t in one d ay . He cu tb ig blocks out of t he snow and put them carefu l ly together. He lef t a hole in one side,through whi ch they had t o craw l insi de on thei r hands and knees. The inside of thei rhouse was very queer .

They had onl y one room , in whi ch everything was done. Thei r beds were made on a

bench of ice, and were covered w i th heavy sealsk ins . Thei r stove was not l i ke ours,ei ther . They had a lamp , w i th whi ch they cooked their food and kept themsel ves warm .

When dinner was ready , they all sat down on t he floor around a large bow l , and atefrom i t w i th thei r sealskin spoons and bone kni ves .

Now I am sure y ou wou ld l i ke to know how Ikwaand Magda spent their t ime. I n

t he Northland all t he l i tt le boys and gi rls have s leds . Ikwaand Magda had a prettyone, whi ch thei r papa had made for them . The runners were of bone, and t he top of

stri ps of sealsk in. Thei r papa had b rought back these things from his long fish ing tri p .

What fun Ikwaand Magdadi d have w i th their s led " Sometimes they p layed a game.

Whenever papa ki l led a deer, he gave t he chi l dren t he ant lers. The chi l dren set upthese ant lers in t he snow , leaving a short distance between them . Then they rodethrough on their s led , and shot at t he ant lers w i th thei r arrows. I t was very hard tohi t them .

Nei ther Magdanor I kwaever cou ld w ri te their names. They did not go to school , forthere was none to go t o. The chi ldren knew a great many stories, though .

Another game wh i ch Magdaand her brother wou ld p lay was very funny . They oftensat on t he floor together in thei r “l i tt le house. Then they wou ld hold thei r toes w i ththei r hands , and move along by j umps . O h , what fun they had , and how they wou ldj ump " The one who cou ld go t he faster wou ld beat , and how l i tt le I kwa and Magdawou ld jump and tumb le around on thei r floor "Magda’s l i tt le dol ls were made of wood , and thei r clothes were of sealsk ins and furs.

B oth she and Ikwaspent many happy hours w i th them .

The l i t tle boys and gir ls of t he far North l i ke candy as wel l as their l i ttle cousins of

t he Sou th , bu t I am sure y ou wou ld not l ike thei r candy when I tel l y ou what i t is . I tis t he red skin of a b ird’ s foot , soaked in fat . Magdaand I kwaate i t and l i ked i t . Iwonder why —Because their cold cl imate makes them l i ke fat .

9 . Answer t he following questions

W i th whom did Magdaand Ikwa l i ve? What di d they d o w i th their sled ?Of what was their house made? “That game d id t he ch i ldren p lay atHow di d they get into thei r house? night ?

Tel l how thei r beds were made? What did Magda p lay w i th?How di d they keep warm ? Their c lothes were made of what ?Where did thei r papa get t he material O f what was their candy made?t o make their sled?

10 . Reproduce t he story .

1 1 . Have t he chi ldren tel l what their stands f or in each sentence.

( 75)

12. Underline every mistake in their composi t ions,then return the

papers . Have the chi ldren correct the sentence,rewrite i t twi ce

,then make

up two of their own like it .


Years and years ago many lit t le stars lived in t he sky w ith their mother ,the moon

,and their father

,t he sun. Their mother called them every night

t o come out and shine to make t he ear th lighter . O ne night she called,but

they came very slowly,and would not shine. Now they had always been

good,so their mother felt sad t o see them so bad . S he called out some

other stars to take their p laces . The naughty stars felt themselves falling,

falling from t he sky . They fell unt i l they reached t he earth . There they

cried themselves t o sleep . I n t he morning their father,the sun

,woke them

up . The stars felt very sad . Their father was sorry too . He said,

“ I

wi ll make them shine on earth,so i t may be beautiful. -He turned them

into dandelions. Wemay see them shining out like stars in t he green grass.


1 . Place several of as many kinds of pens,penci ls



,p ictures


et c.

,as you can get in various parts of t he room

, as far away from yourself

as possible. Then say ,

“Will you br ing me those red lead penci ls,John


p lease?” After all t he things have been brought to t he desk,say ,


you may see i f y ou can remember what each person brought . ” Insist on

each chi ld using t he word thoseand looking at t he things he brought . I f he

doesn ’t,you say ,

“Whi ch ones?” and as he points t o them,he says



2. Write on t he board the sentences given,have them read aloud


copied .

John brought those red lead penci ls . I brought those colored p ictures.

I brought those reading books. Mary brought those spel l ing papers .

He b rought those framed p ictures . May brought those large boxes.

3. Have t he children make sentences about t he objects in t he pi ctures

on t he wall,using those. Write them on t he board

,have them read


copied .


sheep are l y ing in t he shade. Those horses’

heads are pretty .

Those apples are red . Those trees have no leaves .

I see those men dr i ving t he sheep . Those flowers are in"

a vase.

Those ki ttens are drinking mi lk . Those b i rds have pretty colors.

4. D i ctate t en sentences,taking them from exercises 2 and 3.

5. Have t hechi ldren make sentences containing t he expressions

those oranges those books those examples thosemarb les those horsesthose kni ves those th ings those houses those gir ls those stones

6 . Have t he chi ldren complete these sentences,using those

I d o not l ike S he is tel l ing me about The boys saw

I can not p lay w i th I am going w i th John b rought meHe looked at I d idn’ t say I d idn’ t d oThe boy is th ink ing about

7 . Have t he chi ldren make t en sentences containing those.

( 76 )


Those. Their .

1 . Make up a sentence telling about your books at home,using those.

Tell about the chi ldren in t he next grade; tell about t he stores down town ;tel l about t he pieces of chalk in t he box

,using those every t ime.

2. D i ctate t o t he class

Those men rode their wheels . Their hats hang on those hooks.

Those app les are sour. S he tol d those boys t o read their lessons.

Thei r desks are in good order .

3. Make up t en sentences,using these expressions

those dol ls those horses those books their topsthose penci ls thosewords their lessons their p laymates


1 . The chi ldren have had enough geography by this time to be familiar

w ith t he names of t he di fferent countries. The names of t he people who

come from these countries are then easi ly“learned . Put on t he board at

t he chi ldren ’

s dictation alist of t he countries they know . I t wi ll probably

be something like this

Ameri ca Ameri cansEngland Eng l ishScot land ScotchCh ina ChineseJapan JapanesePh i l i pp ine Is lands F i l i p inos

Wr i te down opposite t he name of each country t he name of t he nation

ality . Call at tention to t he fact that they are always wri tten with capital

letters . Have t he chi ldren give sentences abou t each one. These sentences

should tell something about t he people. The following were given by

F ourth Grade chi ldren

Amer i cans are very busy people. German ch i ldren obey thei r parents.

Engl ish gent lemen l i ke t o hunt. F rench ladies dress beau ti fu l l y .

B urns w rote abou t Scotch l i fe. The Japanese won from t he Russ ians inThe Chinese and Japanese eat much ri ce. t he war .

The Ameri cans are teaching t he F i l i pino Spaniards l ike t o go t o bu l l-fight s .

boys t o read Eng l ish . Many of our best singers are I tal ians .

2.Have t he chi ldren make out t he list of countries

,and wr ite

nat ionali t ies.

3. Use t he follow ing sentences f or copy , study and dictat ion

The Scotchmen went t o t he park to bow l Satu rday .

M any I tal ians land in New York C i ty every week .

The Spanish gi r ls danced last night .The two Japanese boys w i l l be here to-d ay .

T he Ameri can boy is learning to speak German.

Some F i l ip ino boys went t o t he Ameri can schools.

The Engl ishmen played cri cket Saturday .


1 . Dates in sent ences. There and Their .

The gi r ls w i l l sing their new songs October 10 , 1907 .

The ch i l dren went t o t he pi cni c February 22, 1903.

There were many peop le in San F rancisco Apri l 1 8 , 1906 .

The teachers w i l l take their ch i ldren to t he park to-morrow , 190 7.

September 8 t h is my b irthday .

O n t he 3d of January there w i l l be many v is i tors.

D idn’ t y ou have agood t ime Fourth of Ju ly ?I w i l l be six years old August 27 , 1 907 .

Were there too many pens given out ?” asked Mary .

The two boys brought thei r books t o school .

2. Holid ay s. Abbreviat ions. Months of y ear .

Christmas comes in December.

M rs . Jones asked , “D id y ou attend t he exercises Decoration Day ?”

The last Thursday in November is Thanksgi v ing Day .

New Year ’s Day is a t ime t o begin new work .

M r. Brown sai d ,“I shal l march in t he parade Labor Day .

“We w i l l have fireworks Fou rth of Ju ly ,” said D r. Carpenter.

W i l l they go out of t he ci ty May Day ?

We shal l have vacation Wash ington's Bi rthday.

3. General review

There are t he two books whi ch belong t o t he Spanish boys.

The boy teaches his d og t o j ump rope.

John sai d ,“ I saw those frogs yesterday .

D i d y ou hear t he I tal ian gir ls sing their songs ?

The baby learns t o c lap his hands , t oo.

“D id y ou lie on t he grass ?” asked Tom.

The Scotch boy laid t he books on t he tab le.

“There were too many Chinese there last night, sai d Mary.

The two gir ls taught their sis ters t o s ing .

D id y ou see t he two wol ves on t he side of t he mountain?The French women off ered t o hel p t he Ameri cans.

The German boy sat in that chair.

“ I am learning, sai d Mary , “to wri te in school .

The two boys were t oo late t o see t he deer.

Mary asked , “D i d y ou set t he vase on t he tab le?"

The Japanese boy lay on t he floor.

When t he l i tt le gir l fel l she b roke her teeth.

Who lai d those tomatoes on t he tab le?“S i t there, sai d Tom,

“by t he pianos.

The babies learned t o wal k yesterday .

The two gir ls w i l l teach their sister t o dance.

“The Engl ish boy thought t he val leys were very beau ti fu l , said John.

The boy hurt his feet when he j umped from t he tree.

May asked , I s i t t oo warm to go away ?”


1 . The forms of quotations to be mastered in this grade areJohn said t o me,

“ I am ten years old .

John asked me, “Where are y ou going ?”

The boy , sai d John,

“is not t o b lame.

Are y ou,

“asked John,

“to leave school ?”

The method to be followed is essent ially t hat of t he Third Grade. The

teacher calls upon a child to say something t o J ohn about his p et . The

chi ld rises,saying ,

“ I have a p et cat . The teacher wri tes this on t he

( 78 )


Those. Their . Quotat ions.

S entences f or study and dictation

He asked me,“Do t hose apples belong t o Harry ?”

I rep l ied ,“Those apples are mine.

The boy asked his father,“Are t heir horses for sale?”

The father repl ied ,"

Their horses were sol d yesterday .

I asked my sister, Wi ll y ou hel p me fix thei r May baskets ?”

My s ister sai d ,“Yes , w i th pleasure.

Their roses are beauti fu l in June, sai d my mother.

Those houses are t o be painted al i ke,”sai d my brother t o me.

Are t hose penci ls to be gi ven to t heir owners or kept here?” asked t he moni tor.

The teacher said to t he moni tor ,“The ch i ldren are to keep t heir penci ls.

2. Quotat ions. Time.

S ent ences f or study and dictation

M rs. B rown asked ,“I s i t four o’c lock ?”

D r. Whi te said ,“ I w i l l be there at p . m .

We are going Wednesday at a. m .

M iss Reed left Thursday at three o’c lock .

“I s p . m . t oo late t o go

?” asked she.

“We must be at school at t o-morrow , said John.

Send my boys home at five o'c lock ,” sai d M rs. B rown.

3. Cont ract ions. Too,two, to. Their and There.

S entences f or study and dictation“Can‘t y ou come t o our house?” she asked .

We saw thei r p et rabb i ts ,” sai d John.

There are two books on my desk .

The l i tt le gi rl at e t oo much cake.

D id she eat more than two pieces ?“ Isn’ t your dress finished ?” she asked .

Are there any penci ls in thei r desks?” asked t he teacher.

We haven’ t heard y ou sing .

Aren’ t t he two boys going fish ing to-morrow ?

4. Exercises in English Lessons,Book O ne

,Lesson III

,p . 147 .


Lay , Laid .

1 . Say to t he class, I am going to do several things f or y ou. When I

get through I w ish you to do just as I did .

” Wr ite t he sentence as you

do it .

I lay the p en on t he desk now . I lay t he ru ler on t he desk .

I lay t he penci l on t he desk now . I lay t he chal k on t he desk .

I lay t he eraser on t he desk now .

Then cal l on di ff erent chi ldren to lay down such art i cles as paper , chalk ,books


,slate et c.

,giving t he present tense as t he act is performed .

Then say to them ,I lai d down five things on t he desk f or you . Do y ou

remember what they were?” Insist on t he clear enunciation of t he word

laid . Then each one tel ls what he lai d down,and where he laid it .

( 8 0 )

2. Have the follow ing commands written on t he board ; have t he acts

performed , and after t he chi ldren have reached their seats again,have them

tell what they have done

Lay down your p en. Lay t he book on Tom ’

s desk .

Lay your coat on my chai r. Lay this note on you r desk .

Lay t he penci l on my desk . Lay t he b lotter on Mary ’s desk.

Lay t he eraser in t he chal k tray . Lay t he dol l on t he bench .

Lay your paper on t he tab le. Lay my book on your desk .

3. Have t he chi ldren write sentences telling of t he acts performed in

exercise 2.

4. Have t he chi ldren make up sentences telling where John lai d his kni fe,

when he lai d i t there,why he laid it there ; where he laid his books after

school ; where he laid t he eraser , t he chalk , his penci l , his p en.

5. Have t he chi ldren give commands t o each other . After t he chi ld has

performed t heact,have him tel l what he has done.

6 . D i ctate the following sentences

Lay your books away careful l y . S he always lays her penci l down qu i ck ly .

I lai d my d ress away af ter t he party . Mary lai d t he c lean c lothes away .

I laid t he p en down on my desk . The boys lai d their coats on t he hay .

I lay my p en down carefu l ly every day . The gir l lays her books neat ly in her

The boys laid their hats on t he grass . desk .

Learn, Learns, Learned .

7 . Say to the class, Last night I learned to spel l aword . Tel l me one

thing y ou learned to d o t o-d ay .

” Write these sentences on t he board

I learned how to spel l aword last night . I learned how t owri teaword to-d ay .

I learned how t o d oan example to-day . James learned how to si t inattent ion to-d ay .

Tel l me what your dog learned t o d o. Tell me what t he c ircus animals

learned to d o. Tel l me what t he horse learned to do .

” Write t he answers

on the board . They wi l l be such as these :

My d og learned how t o jump rope. The elephants learned how t o dance.

My d og learned how t o bring in t he paper. The horses learned how t o wal k up steps.

My d og learned how to beg f or his dinner. The horses learned how to stop when t he

The seals learned how t o p lay t he drums. man speaks to them .

Tel l mewhat you learn to do every d ay .

I learn how t o wri te. I learn how to read . I learn how to S ing.

I learn how to spel l . I learn how to d o examples.

Tell me what t he baby learns to do .

The baby learns t o tal k .The baby learns how t o laugh at me.

The baby learns to wal k .The baby learns how t o clap his hands.

The baby learns to pu l l my hair.

Read these sentences aloud , copy as many as there is time for , and under

line t heword learned , learn, or learns.

( 8 1 )

8 . Have t he class answer t he fol lowing questions, then read aloud their



hat does a frog learn t o d o? Tel l me. what three games y ou learn atdoes a baby b i rd learn t o d o? school .

Tel l me what three th ings y ou learn Tel l me what our frog learned to d o.

every d ay . Wh at d id t he baby learn?

9 . D i ctate t en sentences from exercise 7 .

10 . Go quickly around t he class, row by row,giving t he first sentence

and having each oneanswer quickly in turn ;as,“ I learn my spelling lesson

every d ay .

” To t he second row : The boy learned how t o swim last vaca

t ion,

et c. Have them write as many of t he sentences as they can


1 1 . Have t he class write four sentences containing learn,four containing

learns,and four containing learned .

Set , Set , Set t ing.

12. Say t o t he class, Look to see what I do,listen t o what I say . Then

set abox down on t he table,saying as you do so

,I set t he box on t he

table. Who can set something else down and say t he correct thing ?” Have

several chi ldren do so. Now,tel l me what y ou did . How can we tell

whether we are just doing it . or whether we have done i t ?” “We must

ad d aword or say am set t ing ,

”t he chi ldren w i ll answer.

Wri te t he sentences they give on t he board,having them ad d aword to

tell when,or ad d ing . Have t he chi ldren read t he sentences aloud

,t hen

copy them .

I set t he box on t he tab le five minutes I set t he bookcase by the door yesterday .

Papa set up a new s tove last night .I set t he box down now . I set t he vase on t he desk now .

I am setting t he box on t he tab le. I set t he tab le for mamaevery d ay .

I set t he d ishes on t he tab le last ni ght . I set t he c lock on t he tab le beforeI am sett ing t he cup up on t he shel f. recess .

13. Have t he fol lowing commands wri tten on t he board . Cal l on achi ld

t o read,perform t he act

,and then tel l what he did :

S et t he chai r by t he door. Tel l Pau l t o set t he chair by t he door.

S et t he inkstand on you r tab le. S et t he d ish on t he tab le.

Tel l Tony t o set t he d ish near y ou. S et t he jar on t he floor.

S et t he dish on my desk . S et t he basket on t he chai r.

S et t he jar near t he w indow . S et t he chai r near me.

14. D i c tate the sentences in exercise 13.

15. Have t he childrenWri te their own sentences,after placing the follow

ing on t he board,then have them read aloud . After this they may make

t en sentences of their own

on t he ground

near y ou

by t he door

in t he yard

1 6 . Tel l this story,have them reproduce i t orally

,and then in wri t ing .

Mark all t he mistakes in set . Have them rewri te three times t he sentence

in whi ch t he mistake occurs,then wri te three of their own :

Dan, h is mother, and his l i ttle s ister Ru t h were just moving into a new house. The

d ay was a very busy one for them . When evening came, they had not qu i te finished t hework . Dan hel ped his mama very much.

“Where shal l I set this ?” he cried , hold ingup a clock .

“S et i t up on t he shel l’ near t he w ind ow ,

”said his mother. Dan set t he

c lock on t he shel f , and ran ott t o get some other things .

“Hel p me set t he bookcase

near t he door,” sai d his mother. VVll llG‘ Dan and his mother were doing thi s , l tut h set

t he d ishes on t he tab le. Soon they finished and ate thei r supper. T hen mama readthem a ni ce long story before they went to bed .


Those. Their . Quolalioas. S p ecial Verbs .

1 . F or stud y and dictat ion

T he boy asked ,“Shal l I lay t he blot ters on t he desk ?

“Yes .

”repl ied t he teacher, t hose blotters are for my use.

S he said t o t he man,

“Do lhose elephant s learn t heir tri cks eas i ly ?

T he man rep l ied ,“ I t takes much patience to t each them t heir tri cks .

Wi l l y ou,

”said t he old man


“lay my hat beside me?

“S el t he vase on t he shel f ,” sai d her mother.

“Those red roses look very p retty , said t he gi rl .“7hen t he Chi ld ren let/M t lessons we shall go, said t he mother.

“Those are t he examples that we d id yes terday

, said t he pupi l to his teacher.

“S et t he box,

”sai d mama,

“where i t may be easi ly found .

2. F i l l in blanks

T he man t he kni fe on t he t ab le. ap ples are good to eat .

T he gi rl t he tab le ni cely . I saw them books on t he

I my lessons wel l .

3. \Vrit e t wo quotat ions telling

\Vhere t he boy set t he basket .\Vbere t he gi rl laid her penci l .What y ou learn at school .

4. Write a quotation containing a quest ion about

S etting away t he lunch baskets .

Laying away thei r clothes.

Those toys .


Ask t he chi ldren the names of some of t he books they have

Wri te them in a list on t he board .

Thi rd Reader.

B lack B eauty .

A l i ce in Wonderland .

Jungle B ook .

The Old C lock on t he S tai rs.

Have t he chi ldren noti ce that t he principal word s in t he t i t les begin wi thcapital let ters just as t he t i t les of their composi t ions d o. Have them wat ch

y ou whi le y ou make one of these into a sentence and wri te it upon t he

board .

“We have nearly finished reading our Third Reader . Did I use

t he capi tal let ters just as I did when wri t ing it in t he list ? I s there any

( 8 3 )

di ff erence that y ou can see? Bring out t he fact that when a title of a


,or composition is used in asentence i t is usual ly inclosed in

quotation marks. Have t he chi ldren make up sentences about each of t he

books,write them upon t he board

,and have t he chi ldren put in the quota

t ion marks .

These sentences may be used f or copy , study and dictation

O ur teacher is reading “Black B eau ty t o us.

“ A l i ce in Wonder land” is an interest ing book .

The Jungle B ook” was w r i tten by K i p l ing .

we read "

The Old C lock on t he S tairs” yesterday .


R agg rlug is t he story of a cotton-tai l rabb i t .Secrets of t heWoods " was wr i t ten by I Vi lliam J . Long .

I l i ke A l i ce in Wonderland” and “B lack B eauty” t he best of all

t he books.

Mary is reading L i ttle “Tomen.

John w i l l get“Robinson Crusoe from t he l ib rary Friday .

2. I n t he same way teach t he chi ldren to wr ite t he names of newspapers,first in alist

,and af terwards in sentences w ith t he quotat ion marks.

San Francisco Chroni c le. The Cal l .The E vening Herald . San Francisco Examiner.

The Evening B u l let in. Saturday Evening Post .

3. S entences f or copy study and dictation

My father takes t he ‘ San Francisco I sel l t he Satu rday Evening Post .Chroni c le and t he

“Evening Bu l letin.

”The Evening News" sel ls for a penny .

John sel ls t he" Examiner.

4. Make three sentences of your own about books in this list

Fairy Tales . “l i ld erness Ways .

Mother Goose. Chi l dren of t he Col d .


Make two sentences containing t he names of newspapers.

5. Learn to wri te this sentence

The books Lincoln knew by heart were Rob inson Crusoe. EEsop‘s Fab les,

P i lgrim'

s Progress ,” “Hi story of t he Uni ted S tates ,” “Li fe of IVashingt on,

” and t he

B ible.



1 . Wr ite on t he board these two sentences : J ohn played ball ,” “ I

p layed bal l . ” Ask t he chi ldren to combine t he two, telling who played

ball . Write t he new sentence on t he board . Then read,“John walked t o

town ,

” “ I walked t o town.


,telling who walked to town. Write

combinat ion on the board . I n the same way use

John read t he book . He can not come. Tom was good .

He read t he book . The gir l can not come. S he was good .

Frank picked an apple. Tom saw t he si lkworms. He ran home.

He picked an apple. He saw t he si l kworms. S he ran home.

Jessie sewed yesterday . Jack read t he book . He did t he work .

I sewed yesterday . He read t he book . I d id t he work .

The boy rode t he horse. Fred may go.

I rode the horse. You may go.

( 84)

2. Have t he children read in concert t he combined sentences and thenCopy them .

3. D ictate t he sentences that were copied in t he first lesson.

4. S end two boys to t he d oor . Say to one,Who are at t he door ?”

Write his reply on t he board . Have t he chi ldren read it aloud,then copy

it . Ask one of the chi ldren to tell who were at t he door,using only one

name. Write t he reply,read

,and copy . At t he end of t he lesson have

t he sentences copied ; as,

Tony and I are at t he door. John and we are wri t ing on t he board .

Tony and he were at t he door. He and they were w ri t ing on t he board .

E lsie and we are at t he w indow . E lsie and I are feeding t he si lkworms.

E lsie and they were at t he w indow . E lsie and she were feeding t he si l kworms.

He and I are in one seat . He and I are standing by t he stove.

He and I were in one seat. He and she stood by t he stove.

You and B en were carrying t he water.

5. Put two columns on t he board,and ask the chi ldren to make sen

tenoes ; as,

6 . S entences f or dictation

B en and I p lay bal l every d ay .

He and t he boys are in t he garden.

S he and t he gi r ls are study ing their spel l ing .

7 . Tom went with your family on apicni c . Tell me what kind of atime

you had,using Tom ’

s name. Tom went with y ou fishing . Tell me how

many fish you caught,using Tom ’

s name.

8 . Use Tom and one of t he words in this list in asentence telling where

y ou went in vacat ion,what y ou did , what y ou saw

,what y ou caught , when

you came back . Tell me what kind of atime you had .

Tom and afriend go to t he same school . Tell me what they do at recess,

using Tom ’

s name and aword from t he list . S us1e and your sister play

together . Use S usie’

s nameand aword from t he list to tel l what they play .

Two Pronouns as Subject .

9 . Have t he chi ldren subst i tute aword from t he list f or the i tali cized

word in each of these sentences :



May and I are going t o t he park .

Tom and she are good friends.

B ess and t he boy s l i ve in Oak land .

The boy s and I were on d i ff erent s i des.

Mar y and we are in t he same row .

A boy and two girls went across t he bay . Use any two words in t he list

t o tell where they went and what they did .

10 . Have these sentences read aloud,and studied

,then dictate them

They and I are good friends.

Mary and he c losed t he door.

E lsie and he are not going .

He and she erased t he boards .

Jack and he are in t he house.

Mary and she wal ked in t he woods.

They and we are on di fferent sides .

Your s ister and they were t he onl y ones

He and I ran a race.

He and she were in school on t ime.

May and she sang a song.

E lsie and they were out in t he rain.

The two boys and we were very muchafrai d .

He and I thought out t he ridd le.

S he and I went alone.

there. S he and he di d not know i t .

Test : F i ll in t he blanks .

Henry and w i l l hel p y ou. sent us t he frui t .Hattie and wrote a letter . came th is evening .

and rode w i th them . moved away .

or shou ld send us word . ran across t he field .

and may dust t he room . stood on t he h i l l .

Review of Quotat ions and Pronoun Subject s.

S entences f or study and di ctation

The boy said to his teacher, He and I w i l l fetch y ou those oranges.

John rep l ied , They and I are t he ones t o d o i t . ”

Shal l John and I make t he lemonade?” she asked .

S he and he were t he only ones perfect , they rep l ied .

John and he pu t thei r th ings away ,” sai d t he boy t o his mother.

I have heard , sai d t he fox t o t he crow , that y ou sing beauti fu l ly .

\Vhat can y ou,

”said t he l ion,

“a l i tt le mouse, d o for me?”

They and we w i l l be on opposi te s i des ,” sai d t he gir l .The boy sai d t o me, Tom and he ride beaut i fu l l y .

Tom rep l ied ,“I t was y ou who taught me how t o ride so wel l .

Make sentences using t he above phrases as t he beginnings

were not gui l ty .

sang t he song.

at e t he cherries.

mended t he chair.

passed by .

were hurt in t he runaway .

caught t he horse.

w i l l knock at t he door.

( 8 6 )

Review .

1 . F or and dictation

The man sai d , Pu t t he cow'

s hay in her stal l .The boy said , John and I have thei r tops.

John and he sai d t o me,“We tol d them about i t .

He and I repl ied ,“Those are ours .

The boy ’s cap is torn.

The baby ’s horn is lost .Their dishes are not washed .

“Tel l me,” sai d be,“ i f those belong t o y ou.

My dol l ’s head is broken,

” cried t he l i tt le gir l .These apples are good ,” sai d I .S he shou ted t o her father,

“Hel p " Help "”

2. Change these groups of word s so that aname w i ll be used to S how

ownership . Make into sentences

t he penci l of t he gir lt he leg of t he frogt he story of t he ch i l dt he hat of t he ch i l dt he brother of John

t he sister of Maryt he house of my fathert he story of my unc let he p ictu re of my mothert he ring of Mary


I ntroduce this series in the same way as t he last and work it out in just

t he same way . It requires many sentences read aloud by the chi ldren and

given by t he teacher and pupils,so that t he car may become accustomed

to t he proper sound . B esides this,t hewritten form must beacquired .

1 . Have written on t he board before class time t he following sentences.

Call upon t he chi ldren to read each sentence,then to combine

,as in the

las t set :

Lucy walked behind Tom.

Lucy wal ked beh ind me.

He wrote t o Tom.

He wrote t o me.

They wal ked by Tom.

They walked by her .

Lucy sat near Tom.

Lucy sat near us.

Mama thought of Tom.

Mama thought of them .

Lucy wal ked behind Tom and me.

He wrote t o Tom and me.

They walked by Tom and her.

Lucy sat near Tom and us.

Mama thought of Tom and them .

I rode w i th mama.

I rode w i th y ou.

These invi tations are for sister.

These invi tations are for us.

The hat is becoming t o Lucy.The hat is becoming to her.

The p ictu re hangs over Mary .

The pi cture hangs over him.

The orchard is beyond Tom.

The orchard is beyond us.

I rod e w i th mamaand y ou.

These inv i tations are for sister and us.

The hat is becoming t o Lucy and her.

The pi cture hangs over Mary and him.

The orchard is beyond Tom and us.

2. Have t he sentences of yesterday read aloud and cop ied .

3. Have t he children read aloud,then combine these sentences ; then read

aloud again and copy

They heard abou t y ou.

They heard abou t me.

S he sang f or y ou.

S he sang for her.

I rode w i th her.

I rode wi th y ou.

Mary spoke t o them .

Mary spoke to me.

him and me

him and his brotherher and us

Lucy and me

S he went w i th them .

S he went w i th him.

S he l i ved w i th them .

S he l i ved w i th us.

The boy spoke to him.

The boy spoke t o her.

The man w rote t o him.

The man wrote to me.

The baby ran t o her.

The baby ran t o me.

Have the chi ldren write sentences using one of t he above expressions in

answer to t he fo llowing quest ions.

To whom did mama w ri te?W i th whom did y ou wal k ?From whom did y ou run?

By whom did y ou si t ?

To whom did y ou speak ?

Near whom did y ou wal k?

5. D i ctate t he follow ing sentences

I sat near Lucy and him .

He sent word to Frank and her.

Harry w i ll ri de w i th them and " y ou.

They sent me f or mamaand him.

The ch i l dren p layed w i th him and her.

The sentences may then be read aloud

W i th whom did y ou sing?W i th whom did y ou play ?F or whom did y ou work ?

To whom did y ou wri te?

From whom did t he teacher takeabook ?Abou t whom did t he author wri te?

The lady amused Tom and me.

There is no quarrel between them and me.

We div i ded a cake among them and us.

The book fel l behind father and me.

The teach er tal ked t o her and us.

6 . Wri te the follow ing on t he board,and have sentences made

,t he blanks

to be filled in w i th some other word than aname.

be read aloud by the class

sat near and father .

wal ked w i th and sister.

ran between and mother.

p layed f or and us .

The sentences may then

and them .

and her.

and the boy .

and her d og.

7 . Test : F i ll in t he blanks with some other words than names

They tol d me about and

We wal ked w i th and

S he sang toWe worked for

( 8 9 )

My mother played forThe chi ldren ran fromThe boys went fishing w i th and

“7e gave fi fty cents t o


1 . Write on the board t he following quotation“No, I am not going y et , he sai d .

Have t he chi ldren tell why t he marks are put before no and after y et .

Then writeNo, he sai d , I am not going y et ,

and have t he chi ldren tel l how they think the quotations Should be put in

so that we can tell his exact words. If they make aw i ld guess,d o not

wai t,but do it f or them . Use colored crayon to make it more emphati c .

Then write another sentence below and have some one put in t he marks.

Use such asentence asYes, she sai d , I w i l l go.

Then send t he class to t he board,have them watch you while you write

then turn and write f or themselves. At agiven signal have them look at

your sentence again and correct their work . Add variety by having them

correct each other ’

s. The following sentences may be used“Yes, said t he boy , i t is t ime t o go.

R un, sai d t he l i tt le pig ,“run.

W i l l y ou,

”he asked , w i l l y ou d o i t?”

O h, sai d A l i ce, p lease d o.

We ran, said he, and they ran after us.

S o they were,”sai d she, very , very i l l .

S leep ,” sai d mama,“s leep unti l morning .

Copy t he following sentences“Do I look , sai d he,

“as i f I cou ld d o i t?”

O h , sai d t he l i tt le tree, i f I were only as large as t he other trees.

G i ve me,” sai d he,“j ust a crust of bread .

Let us see,”

sai d mama,“ i f i t is real l y worth wh i le.

I have some,”he said ,

“but i t is not enough .

“Now ,

”he thought,

“ I can d o as I p lease.

I shal l go,”sai d t he l i t tle p ea, ri ght t o t he sun.


”sai d t he Arab ,

y ou are wel come.

This , sai d t he boy , is where I found i t.“Now , sai d t he teacher ,

y ou may go home.

3. Make t he following sentences into divided quotations

Grace, tel l me where y ou put my hat .

I think that t he tent is t oo smal l for us.

No, I must not be lat e f or school .My mama has a beau ti fu l dress.

Yes, i t is a pleasant day .

D i ck is my pony ’s name.

Can y ou tel l how t he b i rd made i t s nest?I t does not matter how many excuses y oumake.

The candy I am eat ing came from San Francisco.

N ow , sti r t he fire and pul l down t he shades.

D i ctate any t en of t he above quotations.

5. Copy t he quotations from these stories.

6 . Reproduce t he stories.

( 90 )


P URPOSE AND METHOD — The teacher wi l l know by this t ime t he pointsuponwhich most of t he children are weak . After t he story is told , t he

forms upon whi ch t he.chi ldren are likely to fai l Should be placed upon t he

board and sentences made from them ; or questions may be asked so that

t he required form w i ll be used in t he answer,this to be wri t ten on t he

board . The forms may be put on t he board, the teacher calling at tent ion to

them ,and asking that as many as possible be brought into t he reproduc t ion.


Two frogs lived in a pond . It was very warm . The pond dried up .

The frogs had t o jump away . They looked f or some water . Soon they

came t o adeep well . There was ali t t le water in t he well . O ne frog said,

“Let us jump in.

” “No


”said t he other


“we can not jump out

,i f t he

water dries up .


O nce there was aking named M idas . He loved gold more than anything

else in t he world He was count ing out his money one d ay when as trange

man came in. You are ri ch,

”said t he stranger .


,but I have not


”said M idas.

“How much,

said t he stranger,

“would i t take t o

satisfy you ?” “ If everything I touch would turn to gold,

”replied M idas


“ it would be enough .

” “You shall have your w ish,

”said t he stranger . So

he went away .

Next morning King M idas arose. He touched his clothes and they became

clothes of gold . How beautiful,thought he


“everything wi ll be.

” He

went out into t he garden.

“ Turn to gold,

he said t o t he flowers as he

touched them . They turned to gold .

Then he went in to breakfast,bu t every thing he tried t o eat turned to

gold . S oon his beautiful daughter came in. S he ran up to bid her father

good morning . The king kissed her,saying

,Good morning

,dear chi ld .

Then She,too

,turned to gold

“ I can not live,

” cried he,without my daughter . I would give all my

money if I could get her back

Soon t he stranger came. O h,give me back my chi ld

,cried t he king .

D O you not wish,

” asked he,

t he golden touch ?” “Just give me back

my daughter,

”he replied


“and I wi ll be happy .

”Go t o the r iver and


”said t he stranger . King M idas ran quickly to t he river

,and soon

returned . He touched his daughter first . S he turned back into his own

chi ld . Then he touched his clothes and t he flowers. Everything became as

i t was at'

first . Now t he king does not love gold so much as he did .


The Examiner did not come last Thanksgiving Day .

A fter Christmas we w i l l take t he Evening Post.We had agood time t he Fourth of Ju ly .

Wash ington’

s Bi rthday and Admiss ion Day are hol i days.

( 9 1 )

D i d t he Chroni c le come May Day ?The two boys brought t he “Bu l letin” and Cal l t o school .D id y ou bring flowers Decoration Day ?

We are going away ei ther New Year ’s Day or Labor Day .

M rs . B rown said ,“We are going away the first Wednesday in September.

December, January , and February are t he w inter months.

The last Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day .

“Are y ou coming here Admission Day ?” asked M r. May .

D r. Brown asked ,“D i d t he Fourth Of Ju l y come on Tuesday?”

The ch i ldren w i l l s ing every Saturday and Sunday in August and October.

“Labor Day , N ew Year’

s Day , and Wash ington’

s B irthday are hol i days,”sai d

M iss Jones .

The two boys went t o t he country last spring .

John asked , “Are y ou going away in au tumn?

We are going thereevery Wednesday in summer .

M rs . Jones sai d ,“They w i l l bring their sisters to school Thu rsday .

The gir ls w i l l sing their songs October 10 , 1907 .

The chi ldren went t o t he pi cni c February 2, 1900 .

There were many peop le in San Francisco December 8 ,1 8 8 2.

We are going there November 8 , 1 9 10 .

The peop le took thei r ch i ldren t o t he park ei ther August 8 , 1 78 2 or

January 9 , 1 8 0 1 .

September 8 , 1906 was my b irthday .

D i dn’ t y ou have a good time Ju ly 4, 1904?The

“Examiner” did not come last Thursday .

The two boys b rought t he “Cal l” home Saturday .

John sai d , Th is is Thanksgiving Day .

We w i l l take t he“Chroni c le” after Christmas .

Aren’ t y ou going t o read t he Bu l letin”?The g ir l asked , I s Wash ington’

s Birthday a hol i day ?”

The boys were t oo late to get t he Evening Post.”


asn’ t t he boy here Wednesday ?

The two boys w i l l leave t he fi rst Wednesday in February .

There were t oo many peop le at t he meeting September 8 , 1905.

D i d t he two boys find thei r books last Tuesday ?John and May went t o school January 6 , 1906 .

We were t oo ti red Sunday t o go.

They left t he ci ty Saturday , November 8 , 1 8 02.

The gi rls were going t o sing Thursday , October 8 , 1902.

There were si x teen boys in t he room .

N inety-six men were in the parade Thanksgiv ing Day .

M rs. B rown pai d $25 for her coat.D idn’ t y ou see t he four girls last Wednesday ?F i fty-eight dol lars were paid by t he man last Tuesday .

They had eighty-five books in t he l ibrary .

“Have y ou asked M r . Jones.

There are twel ve months in t he year.

Ten dol lars was t he cost of t he book .

The l i ttle girl had twenty penci ls.

Can’ t y ou come t o our house?“We went to thei r house,

”sai d John.

Doesn’ t she sing?” he asked .

There are two books on t he desk .

May I go home, t oo?May asked ,

“Wasn’ t that their house?”

Isn’ t you r dress new ?

S he gave John two app les.

“G i ve t he book t o me,” sai d A l i ce.

S he ate t oo much cake.

Are there many boys in the yard ?M rs . Jones asked , “

I s i t four O ’c lock ?”D r. Whi te sai d ,

“ I wi l l be there at p . m .

We are going Wednesday at a. m .

M iss Reed left Thursday at two o’ clock .

“I s p . m . t oo late t o go

?” asked M r. B rown.

The two boys are going home at 10 a. m .

“We w i l l go t o school Fr iday at nine o’ c lock , said John.

Some I tal ian chi ldren learn to read Engl ish.

The Spanish boy learned t o w ri te last year.

The baby learns t o clap his hands , t oo.

We learn t o work examples every d ay .

The Ameri can boy is learning to w r i te in school .My d og learned t o j ump rope last Feb ruary .

The two boys are learning thei r lessons every night.To-morrow we w i l l learn t o spel l .The l i tt le boy learns t o p lay tag .

D i dn’ t y ou hear t he Germans sing their songs last Thu rsday ?V


t there two boys in t he school Saturday ?I ’m going to t he meeting of t he Spanish and French people next Tuesday .

There were too many Chinese and Japanese in San Francisco.

I sn’ t thei r room t oo smal l t o hol d all t he friends of t he Ameri cans next Sunday ?Haven’ t t he Engl ish peop le been invi ted t o go on Monday and W’

ednesday ?

He hasn’ t their books.

Doesn’ t t he Scotch boy come Friday ?D r. B rown sai d


“The two boys are going away ei ther in October or November.

There were too many chi ldren there W’

ednesday at four O ’ clock .

The gir ls brought their s isters t o school Tuesday .

The last Thursday in November is Thanksgiv ing Day .

M rs . Jones asked , “I s 1 0 a. m . t oo late to go


We are going away , t oo, next Sunday at 2 p . m .

M iss B rown said , December, January , and Feb ruary are very col d months.

New Year ’

s Day , Christmas , Decoration Day , and Admission Day are hol idays.

Aren’ t y ou going t o school next Tuesday ?The boy doesn

’ t know his lessons.

Mary said ,“ I ’m going t o leave Saturday .

We haven’ t seen t he two boys to-d ay .

Wasn’ t t he l i tt le gi r l here Wednesday ?

The teacher said ,“ Isn’ t this your book ?”

The chi l d hasn’ t found his hat .

“Don’ t leave your books in school , she said .

We hadn’ t been to see y ou before.

D idn’ t t he gi rl sing for y ou?

The boys w i l l b ring thei r books to-morrow .

The two gi r ls w i l l come Monday and Tuesday .

There were too many people there Sunday .

D i dn’ t they s ing thei r songs to-d ay ?We w i l l t ry to go ei ther Wednesday or Saturday .

Wi ll they sing t o-ni ght ?Aren’ t y ou going Thursday and Friday , too?

( 93 )

at first mav be short and choppy , but i t is much easier to remedy that later

than i t is to break up t he habi t of wri t ing pages and pages in one long

sentence,t he parts of whi ch are connected by

“ands” and “ buts” and


O ne can see at aglance that t he work of t he previous grades has in no

way prepared t he chi ld to wri te a composi t ion after this model . It is in

this princip le that t he book fai ls completely . The au thor has not realized

that alanguage form must have become ahabit before t he chi ld can give

his attention to subjec t-mat ter . Then,too

,certain o ther matters

,such as


heading his paper,wri t ing t he t i t le

,leaving amargin

,making aneat look

ing page, must bemat ters of habi t beforeany extensive ori ginal composi t ion

work can be done successfully .

This lesson is followed by three very much like i t , and on t he fifth day ,

after having wri tten all of these sentences,t he chi ldren are given ad efini

tion of asentence and t he fac t that asentence begins w i th acapi tal letter .

Have they been wri t ing their sentences in t he first four lessons wi th smal l

let ters? If not,they do not need to be told in this lesson how to do i t .

This brings us face to face w ith another fault— that of at tempting to

teach t he habit of writing correct language forms through teaching d efini

tions and rules.

O ne can go out any d ay and watch a carpenter mark out and fi t two

boards together at an obtuse angle,but t he carpenter knows no defini tion

f or an obtuse angle. He has learned to do t he thing,and that is what

counts .

A litt le girl watches her mother as She sits sewing . S oon t he chi ld,too


wishes to sew,but her mother does not give her adefinition of sewing ; but

instead,aneedle and thread

,and the little girl learns to sew by sewing .

The defini t ion habi t is a reli c of t he times when examiners were sent

out to find out how much t he chi ldren knew . Give t he defini t i on f or this,that

,and t he o ther was a short

,easy form in whi ch to send out t he

questions. Not being familiar w i th t he fac ts of t he case,the examiners

t ook it f or granted that,i f a chi ld knew t he defini t ion

,he could do t he

thing,and so our text—books have taken up half their Space giving d efini

t ions and rules to learn,hoping that t he chi ld

,through memorizing them


might acquire t he habit of wri ting correctly .

Another fault must be noted— t he forms in common use are not given

first,nor is enough dri ll given to fix these forms

,before others are begun.

I n the tex t t he following is t he order of t he fac ts

1 . Defini t ion of asentence,it s beginning .

2. Definition of adeclarative sentence,i t s ending .

3. How to begin t he first word of aline of poetry .

4. An apostrophe f or t he contrac t ion of amid ,never, there is .

5. A commat o separate aclause,out of it s natural order

,from t he rest

of t he sentence.

6 . A commat o separate two clauses not joined by and .

7 . A comma t o separate anon-restri c t ive participial modifier from t he

rest of t he sentence.

( 9 6 )

8 . A commafor the omission of aword .

9 . An exclamation point aft er two expressions. t he second of which

begins wi th acapi tal let ter .

10 . Periods at t he close of two declarat ive sentences.

The facts from 3 to 10 occur in adic tat ion exerc ise. The chi ldren are

not given t he reasons for these forms,bu t are supposed to learn them

through use. I t is not t he method in this case whi ch is crit i cised . but the

giving of an exercise containing forms which are clearlv bey ond aThird

Grade child ’

s comprehension or need .

I t seems quite unnecessary to point. out t he fac t that t henumber of forms

from t he above lis t ac tually used by chi ldren in t he Third Grade is verv

small . Knowing t he defini t ion of asentence wi ll not help them to remember

to begin it wi t h acapi tal letter nei ther wi ll t he knowledge of t he defini t ion

of a declarat ive sentence give them t he habi t of put t ing a period at t he

end . They are cer tainly not wri t ing poetry at this age, nor using such

cont ractions as halal or ne’er . These uses of commas are not all mastered

by high school graduates,and exclamatory sentences are wri t ten only when

demanded by t he teacher. The onlv forms then actually used are two— a

capi tal letter at t he beginning of asent ence and aperiod at t he close.

So much for t he first three lessons. The next. ones are no bet ter— d efini

t ion of an imperat ive sentence. it s ending : defini t ion of an int errogat ivc

sentence. it s ending : capi tal and period for y es and no when used alone as

answers to quest ions,and fo llowed by acommawhen used wi th o ther words.

Imperat ive sentences are very li t t le used . i f at all. at this t ime ; t he habi t .

of put t ing aquest ion mark after interrogat ive sentences can not beacquired

in any o ther way than by much prac t ice : y es and no are li t t le used excep t.

when dragged into dic tat ion exercises. Thev migh t much bet ter give way

at present to fixing good sentence habits.

If t he book is to be useful . much pruning . rte—arrangement,and addi tional

dril l are qui te necessary .

“Then Part II of the text is reached,or by t he beginning of t he Fourth

Grade t he work in grammar replaces t he work in language forms. the

author . in common wi th manv others,feeling that. t he reason why wi ll in

some way or other help in t he ac tual doing of t he thing .

Most people who have worked thought fully w i th chi ldren wi ll agree that

in t he earl y grades,chi ldren d o not often understand t he reason whv for

language forms ,but if told this reason. w i ll connnit i t to memory in very

much t he same way that they do t he fac t i tself. Chi ldren learn how t o

speak correc t ly before they know any thing abou t t he st ruc ture of t he

language ; they can also acquire t he habi t of wri t ing correc t l y wi thou t t he

grammar of t he language. If t he stenographer puts t he apostrophe in i t s

proper place when she is wri t ing t he let ter. t he employ er wi ll not ask her

i f -she knows that t he word is apossessive noun. singular number. neuter

gender,and used as an adject ive in t he sentence. And whi le t he.

stenographer may have learned all this in her earlv school day s . i f she has

not acquired t he habi t of correc t use. her services wi ll soon be dispensed

at first may be short and choppy , bu t i t is much easier t o remedy that later

than i t is to break up t he habit of writing pages and pages in one long

sentence,t he parts of whi ch are connected by

“ands” and


” and“t hensf

O ne can see at aglance that t he work of t he previous grades has in no

way prepared t he chi ld to write a composition after this model . It is in

this princip le that t he book fai ls completely . The author has not realized

that a language form must have become ahabi t beforet he chi ld can give

his attention to subject-matter . Then,too

,certain other matters, such as,

heading his paper,writing t he ti t le

,leaving amargin,

making aneat look

ing page, must bematters o f habit beforeany extensive original composition

work can be done successfully .

This lesson is followed by three very much like it , and on the fifth d ay ,

after having written all of these sentences,t he ch i ldren are given ad efini

tion of asentence and the fact that asentence begins w ith acap ital letter .

Have they been wri t ing their sentences in t he first four lessons w ith smal l

letters? If not,they d o not need t o be told in this lesson how to do it .

This br ings us face to face w i th another fault— that of attempting to

teach t he habit of writing correc t language forms through teaching d efini

tions and rules.

O ne can go out any d ay and wat ch a carpenter mark out and fit twoboards together at an obtuse angle, but t he carpenter knows no defini tion

f or an obtuse angle. He has learned to d o t he thing,and that is what

counts .

A li ttle girl watches her mother as she sits sewing . S oon t he child,too


wishes t o sew,but her mo ther does not give her adefinition of sewing ; but

instead,aneedle and thread

,and the little girl learns to sew by sewing .

The definition habi t is a reli c of t he times when examiners were sent

out to find out how much t he chi ldren knew. Give t he definition f or this,that

,and t he other was a short

,easy form in which to send out t he

questions. Not being familiar w i th the facts of t he case,t he examiners

took it f or granted that,i f a chi ld knew t he definition

,he could do t he

thing,and so our text-books have taken up half their space giving d efini

tions and rules to learn,heping that the chi ld

,through memori zing them


might acquire t he habit of writing correctly .

Another fault must be noted— t he forms in common use are not given

first,nor is enough dri ll given to fix these forms

,before others are begun.

I n the text the following is t he order of t he facts

1 . Definition of asentence,it s beginning .

2. Definition of adeclarative sentence,i t s ending .

3. How to begin the first word of aline of poetry .

4. An apostrophe f or t he contraction of amid , never, there is.

5. A commato separate aclause,out of it s natural order

,from the rest

of t he sentence.

6 . A commat o separate two clauses not joined by and .

7 . A comma to separate anon-restri ctive participial modifier from t he

rest of t he sentence.

( 96 )

Because t he grammar lessons are neither necessary nor practical,at this

age of t he chi ld,in gaining correct habi ts of wri tten language

,they are

omitted from this handbook and other work suggested in their places .

To sum up,there are three faults in the text : F irst

,stress is put upon

composition work before t he habit is acquired of writing correct language

forms ; second , an attempt is made t o teach these forms through t he teaching

of definitions and of techni cal grammar ; and ,third

,there is an utter

disregard of t he princip le of usefulness in teaching certain forms first .

With these aims in view,

— t he format ion of correct language habits by

actual ly speaking and wr i t ing t he forms,giving first t hese forms that are

most used,and applying these forms in t he composit ionwork

,—t he fo llowing

suggestions and substitutions have been prepared t o accompany “ English

Lessons,Book O ne.

This book can not be begun w ithout some preparat ion. If the work

suggested by t he Bulletin f or t he F irst and S econd Grades has been Well

done,t he chi ldren wi ll be able to take up this work w i th comparatively no

difficulty . If that work has not been done some preparation is anecessity .

The work outlined f or t he F irst Grade is parti cularly adapted to that grade

and often fai ls in t he Third,but may be given to aS econd . It is suggested

that i f nothing has been done in t he F irst and S econd t he work be begun

in t he Bulletin w ith that outlined f or t he H igh F irst and S econd Grade.

O mit many of t he devices for action,or at least spend verv li ttle time on

them . O mit also some of the stories .

Whi le this preparation w i ll not be as thorough as i t should be,at t he

same t ime some habits must be acquired,or t he child w i l l be seriously

handicapped all through his language course.

1 . Page 11 .

Exercises 1,4

. Bullet in,p . 1 8 ; and S econd time over

,p . 23.

Exercise I,Text

,p . 1 1 .

Exercise II,III

,or I V


,f or oral work

,or omi t .

Exercise V,Tex t

,omit .

D irect ions — Copying simple sentences that make up a paragraph or a

story is a good exercise t o aid in acquiring t he habit of leaving a good

st raight margin,of paragraph indentation

,and of making t he proper

beginning and ending of asentence.

If used f or this purpose, Lesson I , wi th a f ew changes, is an excellent

exercise to follow t he lessons suggested from t he Bulletin.

The long sentences wi th commas should be broken up . Instead of the

semicolon. useaperiod and make anew sentence.

Lesson I may also be used as acomposi te storyu that is

,astorv made up

bv t he teacher and chi ldren together . At t he same t imemay be taught the

proper way to write t he t i t le and -itsplace on t he page,also the indentation

of t he paragraph,and t he margin. ( S ee Bullet in,

p .

The teacher must prepare her questions carefully,f or upon her questions

depends t he kind of sentences t he chi ldren give. S ome child in t he class

( 98 )

may be chosen as t he one about whom t he description wi ll be wri t ten. The

teacher asks t he quest ions,t he chi ldren reply in complete sentences. The

best answer is writ ten on t he board . I n this way t he whole story is

obtained .

The questions wi ll be something like this : What is your full name? How

old are you ? What is your height ? How much do y ou weigh ? What

color is your hair ? What color are your eyes ? (Give me t he last twoanswers in one sentence. ) What game do you enj oy p laying more than anyother game? Who plays wi th you on Saturday afternoon? What booksd o you like to read ? What school do y ou at tend ? Etc .

After t he whole story is on t he board, t he chi ldren are asked to cop y i t .

2. Page 13.

Exercises 1,2,3,4,Bulletin

,p . 24.

Exercise III,Tex t

,p . 14.

Exercises I,II

,I V


,as oral work

,or omit .

Exercise V,Text

,omi t .

Direct ions for E xercise [11 .

— S how t he chi ldren how and where t o write

t he ti t le,whi ch may be

“Last Thursday


”or any d ay y ou choose. Tell

them not to write every sentence on anew line,but to make one paragraph .

If they have not learned how t o do this,as they probably have not , from

t he first exercise,have t he quest ions answered . Wri te them on t he board,

so t he children can see how it is done,then erase

,and have them answer

these questions

Tell where y ou went last week . Who went w ith you ? How did you go ?

What did you take with you ? Tell three things that you saw there. Whatdid you hear ? What did you d o? What did your friend d o? When did

y ou come home? What did you tell your mother about the d ay ?

3 . Page 15.

Exercises 1 , 2, 3, Bullet in,p . 40 .

Exercises II,III

,Tex t

,p . 15

,as oral work

,or omit .

Exercises I V and V ,Text

,omi t .

4. Page 16 .

Exercises 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, Bullet in,p . 37 .

Exercise I,Text .

Exercises II,III

,I V


,as oral work

,or omi t .


,omi t .

D irect ions for E xercise I — Have t he chi ldren answer t he quest ions,write

t he answers on t he board in aparagraph ,have t he story read aloud


l ine t he unfamiliar words and have them studied , then erase and have the

chi ldren write t he answers t o t he quest ions. The following questions are

more definite than those of t he book :

( 99 )

O n what d ay does your mother bake bread ? Do you watch her ? Does

she ever call you and send you f or yeast ? How much money does she give

you ? Where do you go f or i t ? When you bring the yeast back , what does

your mother do with it ? What does your mother get first ? What does

she put into t he flour ? When does she put in t he yeast ? Does she put in

any more flour after she has put in t he yeast ? Where does she set it ?

What makes i t rise? How long does she leave it ? Into how many loaves

does she make i t ? What does she bake i t in? Do y ou like warm bread ?

5. Page i S .

Exercises 1,2,3,4,5,6,Bulletin

,p . 41 .

Exercises I,II


,I V


,as oral work

,or omit .


,omit .

6 . Page 20 .

Exercises 7,8,9,10

,1 1


,p . 42.

Exercises I,II


,I V


,as oral work

,or omit .


,omit .

7 . Page 21 .

Exercises 1,2,3,Bulletin

,p . 43.

Exercises I,II


,I V


,as oral work

,or omit .

Exercise V,Text

,omit .

8 . Page 23 .

Exercises 1,2,3,4,Bulletin

,p . 43.

Exercises III,I V


,as oral work

,or omit .

Exercises I V and V,Text

,omit .

9 . Page 25.

Exercises 5,6,7,Bulletin

,p . 43.

Exercises II,I V


,as oral work

,or omit .

Exercises I,III



,omit .

10 . Page 27 .

Exercises 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Bullet in

,p . 44.

Exercises I,II


,I V



,omit .

11 . Page 30 .

Exercises 1,2,3,4,Bulletin

,p . 45.

Exercises I,II


,I V


,as oral work

,or omit .

Exercise V ,Text

,omit .

( 100 )

21 . Page 55.

Exercises 1,2,3,4,5,Bulletin

,p . 48 .

Exercises I and II,Text .

Exercises III,I V



,omit .

22, 23. Pages 57-59 .

Exercise V,p . 58

,and V

,p . 61

,Text .

Copy t he story in Text , p . 59,f or practice in hyphens.

O mit all other exercises.

24. Page 6 1.Exercises 1


,p . 49 .

Exercises I,II


,I V



,omit .

25. Page 63.

Exercises 1,2,p . 51

,and 1 , 2, 3, p . 51


O mit all exercises from Text .

26 , 27 . Pages 65-67 .

Exercises 1 -9,Bulletin

,p . 52.

O mit exercises from Text .

Exercise V,p . 79

,Text .

The work on quotations as outlined in t he book wi ll not be successful . It

is not definite enough,and there is not enough given. Use instead t he work

of t he Bulletin,p . 52 to p . 59 . The story of The Fox in t heWell


” Text,

p . 67,is agood one

,i f simplified . As it is

,t he expressions are too difficult

f or aThird Grade.

This work w i ll take about three weeks,one lesson of twenty minutes

being given each d ay .

F ollowing this are Devices for R eview,whi ch wi ll take about three weeks


Text-lesson V,p . 71 ; V ,

p . 75; V ,p . 77 ; V ,

p . 8 0,wi ll make another

week ’

s work .

Follow this with t he exercises on There are and There were from

t he Bulletin,p . 61

,and conclude w ith the general review from the Bulletin,

p . 63 to p . 66 .

Third Grade chi ldren do not have much use f or letter-wr iting,but they

can become familiar with the form by copying notes.

Put on t he blackboard t he note on page 76 of t he Text,in this form

50 Broadway,San F rancisco

, Cal .

Nov. 20,1902.

Dear Grandpa

S chool closes next month,and then I shal l go to see vou.

I hope t he cherries wi ll not all be gone before that time.

Your grandson,


102 )

S how t he chi ldren where t o begin t he heading . The street,city

,and state

may all be written on one line. Call attention to t he fact that t he date isnot written directly under the first line

,but t o t he right , so that i t wi ll end

very near the name of t he state. Call attention to t he punctuation. No

reasons need be given.

Give special attention to t hemargins and to t he position and punctuation

of t he closing of t he letter . Have this letter cop ied ,

correct i t,and return

i t to t he chi ldren t o re-copy . This should be repeated unti l t he chi ldren

learn t he form perfectly .

Have t he chi ldren help you wri te let ters,using t he suggestions in exercise

31,Lesson III ; exercise 32, Lessons I , II , I V ,

et c. Pu t in t he heading ,salutat ion

,and closing at first

,and have them copy t he whole letter . After

they become more familiar wi th t he form,let them supply these themselves


simpl y copying t he body of t he letter .

If t he children wr ite fairly wel l,exercise 34

,Lesson II

,might be assigned

w ithout any help from t he teacher .


This sec t ion of the book deals w i th t he techni cal work in grammar . As

was said in t he introduction,t he mistake has been made of thinking that

t he habit of writing and speaking correct language forms may be acquired

by know ing t he reasons f or using these same forms. The au thor believes

this entirely wrong . She also feels that t he first wri tten composition work

should be as nearly an applicat ion of t he language form being studied at

that time as possible. To i llustrate,i f t he possessive singular were t he

subject f or t he week ’

s work,then the composi t ion f or that week should

contain word s used in t he possessive singular . It is often difficult t o get

suitable subjects that w i l l contain t he desired form and not t oo many other

forms whi ch have not y et been acquired .

Part II does not attempt to carry out this line of work . It also spends

too much time on t he applicat ion of language forms,whi ch is composi t ion


and little or none on t he forms themselves. It is absurd to think that a

Third Grade child could acquireall t hehabits of wr iting suggested in Part I

Without continual review dur ing t he following year , in fact , during t he

remainder of his school course.

A new course has been planned,based on t he Bulletin

,wi th such exercises

from t he Text as seemed feasible, and with compositions from t he Text,also


arranged as nearly as possible t oapply t he language forms .

Series I .

Exercises on Verbs from the Bulletin,p . 67 .

F ollow these w ith exercise 56 , Lesson I , Text ; exercise 58 , Lesson I ;exercise 60

,Lesson I ; exermse 62, Lesson I ; exercise 64, Lesson I . Treat

t hese lessons in t he sameway as those of t heBullet in. If this takes t oo long

and becomes tiresome,omit for atime, then come back to i t again.

( 103 )

Series II.

Exercises 1,2,3,Bulletin

,p . 71 .

Lesson V,Text

,p . 39 .

Lesson V,Text

,p . 41 .

Lesson I V,Text

,p . 148 .

Lesson II,Tex t

,p . 1 13.

D irect ions for Using Lesson 11 .

— There is an Opportuni ty here f or using

two abbreviat ions,Mrs . and Dr . Talk t he lesson over w ith t he chi ldren


having them give t he woman aname. S uggest that she may be anxious to

cat ch t he horse t o go f or t he doctor (give him aname) f or her li ttle girl

who is i ll . Have them answer t he questions in writing,then write t he story .

Series III.

Exercises 1,2,3. 4,


,p .

Lesson V,Text

,p . 1 67 .

Lesson I,Text

,p . 100 . (F i ll in blanks. )

Lesson I,Text

,p . 91 .

Lesson I,Text

,p . 96 .

Lesson I,Text

,p . 98 .

D irect ions for Using Lesson 1, p . 9 1 .

— Have t he chi ldren write t he

answers to t he questions,then change their sentences t o t he p lural form .

Do t he same w ith Lesson I,p . 96

,and Lesson I

,p . 98 .

Series IV

Exercises f or Review Bulletin,p . 73.

Lesson I,Tex t

,p . 84.

D irect ions for Using Lesson I


As this is t he first purely descrip tive lesson that t he children have had ,i t w i ll be better f or t he teacher to use i t as acomposite story . After t he

chi ldren have been helped w ith a f ew of these lessons they w i l l be able to

wr i te" by themselves,fo llow ing t he directions in t he book

,especially i f the

lesson is discussed orally with t he chi ldren first .

Tell t he class that in talking about the si ze of an animal we usually

compare it w ith some other animal that is bet ter known.

“Wewi ll compare

t he rabbit w ith t he cat . Who can tell me how large t he rabbit is,compared

w i th t he cat ?” The chi ldren w i l l give various answers . Wri te the One

y ou like best on t he board .

“Now we w il l talk about his ears. Are they large or smal l when com

pared wi th t he ears of t he cat ? What word can you think of that wi ll tel l

about his ears better than large? (Long ) Look at t he ends of his ears .

What word tells how they are at t he end ?”(Pointed ) Write these two

( 104)

Series V III.

Exercises 1,2,3,B ulletin

,p . 77

Lesson 1,Text

,p . 102.

Series IX.

Exercises 1 , 2, 3, from t he Bulletin,p . 78 .

Lesson I,Text

,p . 8 6 .

Using “The S quirrel ” as the subject , develop this lesson in t he same

way as t he one on“The Rabbit . ” Compare him in size w ith t he rabbit

ins tead of t he cat,also compare his ears w ith those of t he rabbit ’s. Write

t he story on the board,sentence by sentence as before

,have it read


erase i t,and put on this outline and have t he chi ldren write from it .


Series X .

Exercises 1-6,Bulletin

,p . 7 8 .

Lesson III,Text

,p . 73 (first four sentences) .

Lesson II,Text

,p . 127 .

Series XI.

Exercises 1-4,Bulletin

,p . 8 0 .

Lessons I and II,Text

,pp . 107-108 .

Series X I I .

Exercises 1-1 6,Bulletin

,p . 8 0 .

Lesson I,Text

,p . 141 .

Lesson I,Text

,p . 1 1 8 .

Series XIII.

Exercises 1-5,Bulletin

,p . 8 3.

Lesson V,Text

,p . 66 .

Series XIV .

Exercises 1-12,Bulletin

,p . 84.

( 1 06 )

Series XV.

Exercises 1-8,Bulletin

,p . 8 7 .

Lesson V,Text

,p . 1 70 (omitting rules )

Lesson I,Text

,p . 173 (dic tate sentences only ) .

Lesson I,Text

,p . 174.

Lesson II,Text

,p . 147 .

Series XVI .

Exercises 1 -7,Bullet in

,p . 8 8 .

Series XVII.

Exercises 1 -6,Bulletin

,p . 90 .

Lesson V,Text

,p . 64.

Lesson I,Text

,p . 126 (omit reasons ) .

Let t er Writ ing.

Chi ldren,as arule

,enjoy t he hour assigned to letter writing


if they know what they are to wr ite about , and i f t he letters are ac tuallygiven to

,and read by somemember of t he class. F or this reason it is bet ter

to have an exercise every two or three weeks,rather than let i t all run over

unti l “

the end of t he year .

Especially interesting lessons can be made from advertisements cut f rom

t he paper and brought to class to beanswered by t he chi ldren. The teacher

and class together should answer one,then t he children copy t he form .

After this each chi ld may bring and answer his own.

S ending f or catalogues,or f or arti cles advertised in magazines


an interesting lesson.

The forms and exercises suggested in the Text are very good .


The work in grammar is continued, but as all this work , as well as that

of t he previous grade,is given

,and in amuch better way ,

in English

Lessons,Book Two


” there is no use wasting t he child ’

s time doing it here.

F or commercial purposes,it may have been better to ad d the grammar to

both par ts,but f or t he purpose of teaching language i t is afai lure.

The language work of t he previous grade should be reviewed and con

t inued . Capi tal letters f or titles, f or various special names,as buildings


boats,et c.



be given. A f ew more cases f or t he use of t he comma

could be added . The use of the exclamation point , jo int and separate

ownership,et c.

,may form alegitimate part of this year

s work .

But t he main thing,after all

,is t o dri ll upon t he forms already given

unt i l they are so much apart of t he chi ldren that they wi l l never fai l .

( 107 )

The composi tion work,too

,should be increased . L i ttle by little

,as t he

language forms become amatter of habit,t he attention should be directed

toward the expression of t he subject-matter . Composition work now should

take at least two third s of t he time devoted to language— later i t may take

four fifths of t he time.

The stories in Part III appeal especially well to children,but t he lessons

on grain,t he orange

,t he lemon

,t he watch

,and t he peanut proved so

uninteresting that they are better omi tted .

The stories to be finished are good,the suggestions f or t he Indian stories

proved most interesting of all,and the p ictures evoked as much interest as

pictures do f or aF i fth Grade.

A bulletin f or grammar grade language was almost ready f or t he printer,

but was destroyed by the fire. Theauthor had been several years gathering

and arranging t he material,but has begun again

,and some time in t he

future it wi ll be published .

( 108 )