Ways To Reduce Environmental Pollution

INDEX Page Chapter 1 1.INTRODUCTION 01 Chapter 2 2. DIFFERENT FORMS OF POLLUTION 05 2.1.1 Air Pollution 05 2.1.2 Suggestion 06 2.2.1 Water Pollution 08 2.2.2 Suggestion 09 2.3.1 Soil Pollution 11 2.3.2 Suggestion 11 2.4.1 Noise Pollution 14 2.4.2 Suggestion

Transcript of Ways To Reduce Environmental Pollution



Chapter 1


Chapter 2


05 2.1.1 Air Pollution


2.1.2 Suggestion


2.2.1 Water Pollution


2.2.2 Suggestion


2.3.1 Soil Pollution


2.3.2 Suggestion


2.4.1 Noise Pollution


2.4.2 Suggestion


2.5.1 Radioactive Pollution


2.5.2 Suggestion


2.6.1 Thermal Pollution


2.6.2 Suggestion


2.7.1 Light Pollution


2.7.2 Suggestion


2.8.1 Visual Pollution


2.8.2 Suggestion


2.9.1 Personal Pollution


2.9.2 Suggestion


Chapter 3







Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an

environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or

discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or

living organisms. It is created mostly by human

actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters.

Pollution has a detrimental effect on any living

organism in an environment, making it virtually

impossible to sustain life. Pollution can take the form

of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat,

or light. Pollutants, the elements of pollution, can be

foreign substances or energies, or naturally occurring;

when naturally occurring, they are considered

contaminants when they exceed natural levels.

Bangladesh is apparently now in the grip of all sorts

of pollution, like air pollution, soil pollution, water

pollution and others. Environmental pollution poses one


of the greatest threats to the existence of life on

this Universe. With sights like those of smog hanging

over cities becoming a common occurrence, it's now the

time to focus on finding concrete solutions for

environmental issues. The statistics are alarming, and

they're certainly something that cause unrest in our

thinking. In the past 50 years, threats of

environmental pollution have increased significantly.

Simply stated, it is nothing but addition of

contaminated substances into the environment, which

degrades the ecosystem, harms, and causes discomfort in

the health of species that inhabit our planet. There

are various facets regarding this issue viz, air,

water, land, and noise pollution. Mostly, unchecked air

pollution has led to growth of mild to severe

respiratory diseases, allergies, eye irritation, and

several other health problems. It is mainly caused due

to exhaust gases from vehicles, which can leads to

nerve damage, headache, and fatigue as inhalation of

hazardous gases, even in small doses, over a long

period of time is dangerous.

Deforestation and increased dependence on vehicles has

been some of the greatest causes of this pollution all

across the globe. The pace of industrialization has

gripped every developing and developed country in the

last 50 years, and has been a major contributor in


deepening its menace. Unchecked growth has led to

negative implications on our planet's greenery. Carbon

Monoxide: An odorless and colorless gas that is

produced after incomplete combustion in the exhaust of

motor vehicles.

Greenhouse Gases: Consisting of carbon dioxide,

methane, and nitrous oxide - known as greenhouse gases,

they are major contributors for the menace of global


Ozone: A colorless gas, found in the stratosphere layer

of our Earth's atmosphere, ozone is one of the gases

found in photochemical smog. Ozone layer is a boon and

a bane at the same time. While it helps in absorption

of harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, a hole in it

can cause several health complications. Due to ozone-

hole depletion, gases like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),

halos, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform are

responsible for ozone layer depletion.

Sulfur Dioxide: A major pollutant, found in smog, it's

a colorless and odorless gas, and is found in acid

rain. It severely affects the human heart and

aggravates asthma.

Lead: Very dangerous element that severely affects the

nervous system. Lead contamination through inhalation,

soil, or ingestion is very harmful for mental health,

and children are at a very high risk of its



Nitrogen Dioxide: A light brown colored gas that is

potentially toxic at higher concentrations, and is a

major constituent of acid rains.

Other Air Pollutants: Arsenic, asbestos, and benzene

are some of the other toxic air pollutants, and have

been related to several medical complications.

Due to land pollution, the soil has been rendered

dilute, and has lost its ability to grow healthy food.

Excessive use of pesticides in the soil has increased

the risk of cancer, gastroenteritis, and even nausea.

Similarly, due to threats of water pollution,

waterborne diseases have become a common occurrence.

Access to clean drinking water seems to be a challenge

for every country.

The menace of environmental pollution has reached to

alarming levels, and every individual has to work

towards finding some concrete solutions. On an

individual level, we can deal with environmental issues

by trying to reduce global warming, by driving and

flying less, recycling, and putting a check on the

amount of carbon dioxide (known as carbon footprints),

which we are adding to the atmosphere. Similarly,

government and environmental agencies can unite

together to put a serious control on carbon emissions

from chemical plants and factories. Today’s burning


issue environmental pollution and the suggestion to

reduce it, is the main concern of this report. The

whole work covers 9 major environmental pollution,

like: air, water, soil, noise, radioactive, thermal,

light, visual and personal pollution. Within a very

short space all nines along with suggestions have been

brought here. The report majorly focuses on suggestion

to reduce the pollution rather having detail stories on

pollutants. Some of the pollutions (like: radioactive,

thermal, light and visual pollution) that may not be

thought as dangerous as it can be viewed so easily, but

they have long term bigger adverse effect in

environment. Personal pollution is a new one but it’s

as important as others are. We personally do pollute

environment in many ways that require immediate

attention too. Besides conclusion there are some

recommendations added after that which covers a broader

ways of pollution.

Pollution prevention refers to the use of materials,

processes, and practices that reduce or eliminate the

creation of pollutants at the source of generation

through increased efficiency in the use of raw

materials, energy, water, or other resources or through

the protection of natural resources by conservation.

Pollution prevention is a multimedia approach that

reduces waste generation and the emission of pollutants


released to land, air, and water without transferring

pollutants from one medium to another. Pollution

prevention techniques include1:

Modifying equipment or technology

Modifying processes or procedures

Reformulating or redesigning products

Substituting raw materials

Improving housekeeping, maintenance, training,

or inventory control

Incorporating demand-side management when

designing or renewing projects

Incorporating integrated resource planning into

project planning.

The definition of pollution prevention provided by

the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encompasses

source reduction, increased efficiency, and

conservation activities that lead to the reduction in

the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or

contaminant entering any waste stream prior to

recycling, treatment, or disposal. This definition does

not include such activities as recycling (except in-

process recycling), procurement of recycled content

products, and energy recovery. While EPA recognizes

that these practices are important components of an

environmental management program and can help reduce 1 Christopher A. Simon, ‘Alternative Energy’ 1st Ed. (California: State Press, 2006), p.34.


waste, they should not be the ultimate goal of

pollution prevention activities. While the focus on

pollution prevention, they also address other

environmental impact reduction techniques, such as

recycling. This is because the goal of NEPA is to

identify any techniques (pollution prevention,

recycling, or control) that will ultimately minimize

environmental impacts2.

Chapter 2


POLLUTION 2  The School of Law of the School of Oriental and African Studies,’ Law, Environment and Development Journal’, vol. X, (Aug, 2007).


There are several types of pollution, and while they

may come from different sources and different

consequences. There are nine basic types of

environmental pollution, and each one has detrimental

effects on wildlife, human habitation and the quality

of life in the affected area. All these major types of

pollution will be briefly discussed here:-

2.1.1 Air Pollution

Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources. In

Bangladesh, old, poorly serviced vehicles, brick kilns

(there are currently about 2,000 in and around Dhaka),

dust from roads and construction sites, and toxic fumes

from industrial sites are major sources of air

pollution. Air pollution is a phenomenon wherein the

release of harmful chemicals in the atmosphere results

in contamination of air, and makes it unsuitable for

various life forms on the planet. It is considered to

be one of the most serious environmental issues in the

world. If the statistical data compiled by the World

Health Organization (WHO) is to be believed, more than

3 million people in the world die due to some health

problems related to environmental air pollution every

year. That's not at all surprising, considering that


the harmful effects of breathing polluted air range

from various health disorders in humans to destruction

of the ozone layer of the atmosphere. All can say that,

our priority now has to prevent air pollution and

efforts need to start at the very grass root level. Air

pollution is caused when various chemical substances

are released in the Earth's atmosphere, as a result of

some natural occurrences or some human activities.

Natural causes include volcanic eruptions, release of

methane gas, wildfires etc; while the anthropogenic

causes of the same include use of automobiles, power

plants, use of solvents, waste deposition, use of

nuclear weapons and a lot more. The list of chemical

substances which have the tendency to contaminate the

air include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen

oxide, sulfur oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, ammonia, etc.

The high concentration of these substances in the

atmosphere makes humans and animals more vulnerable to

their hazardous effects. In fact, the effects of air

pollution are much more intense than we can imagine.

For instance, studies reveal that as many as 500,000

people die from cardiopulmonary disease, which is

caused as a result of inhaling fine particles in the

atmosphere, in the United States alone every year.

Natural hazards such as global warming and acid rain

are also associated with air pollution to a significant


extent. All these harmful effects call for the

implementation of various measures for preventing air

pollution, and the earlier we do it - the better it is

for us.

2.1.2 Suggestion

As the anthropogenic causes of pollution far exceed the

natural causes, the onus in on us to take the necessary

steps to ensure that we don't contribute to this hazard

- directly or indirectly, any more. Given below are

some simple measures which you can take to do your bit

to save the planet.

Restrict usage of the vehicles older than 20 years

having severe exhaust fumes. Reduce the use of

vehicles either by resorting to public transport

for daily transportation or switching over from

vehicles to other means - such as cycling or


Use proper lubricants that reduce emission levels

and pollutants. Buying fuel efficient vehicles is

yet another option that you have. Several car

manufacturers are using advanced technology to

roll out vehicles which minimize emissions.

Encourage people to use Compressed Natural Gas

(CNG) or Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Rechargeable

Battery (recently being used by US) driven


vehicles, etc.

Immediate relocate/shift the Industries (such as

Tanneries, Battery, Pharmaceutical, Tobacco) away

from Dhaka city suitable to initiate industrial

belt or parkway.

Drivers of the vehicles require education on the

reduction of emission.

Introduce annual Seminar/Conference addressing

harmful effect of the Pollution.

Introduce proper outlook of the Industrial waste

to prevent degrading gases.

Create Public Awareness on Air Pollution through

media such as videos, pamphlets, booklets, etc.

beside radio and television programs.

Modernize power systems or power generating sub-


Reduce fossil-fuel burning.

UN Environment Program and UNEP should open a

technical office specializing in Air Pollution in

Dhaka as they did in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Save the forest and promote plantation within the

city limits for ecological balance.

Introduce ‘Strong Political Forum’ having agenda

of saving the environment.

If the use of vehicle is inevitable, make sure

that you use it efficiently - drive within the


speed limit recommended by the manufacturer, turn

the engine off on red light and make sure that you

maintain your vehicle.

Resort to alternative energy sources, such as

solar power and wind power, - they are much more

environment friendly and quite efficient as well.

Do not burn the waste generated in your homes;

instead resort to other means of garbage disposal.

The same rule implies when it comes to disposal of

your garden waste. A better way out is to opt for

traditional methods such as composting.3

2.2.1 Water Pollution

Water pollution involves any contaminated water,

whether from chemical, particulate, or bacterial matter

that degrades the water’s quality and purity. Water

pollution can occur in oceans, rivers, lakes, and

underground reservoirs, and as different water sources

flow together the pollution can spread. Causes of water

pollution include: increased sediment from soil

erosion, improper waste disposal and littering, leakage

of soil pollution into water supplies, organic material

decay in water supplies etc. 3 Roth, Audrey J. ‘Journal of World, Energy, Law and Business’, 1st Ed. (London: Oxford University Press, 2013), p.24.


Although it covers more than 70% of the surface of the

Earth, water is one of the most precious natural

resources of our planet. The reason being that about

97% of the total water is salty, and therefore not

potable; a further 2% is locked in glaciers and polar

ice caps, thus leaving just about 1% of it useful for

consumption. Apart from clean drinking water, we also

need to keep the waters of every source clean. We have

to make the waters in the oceans, rivers, and lakes

unpolluted because otherwise it harms the very planet

we survive on. With human population increasing rapidly

water resources all over the world are getting

polluted; so much so, that precious and unique

organisms and ecosystems are being harmed and are even

going extinct at an alarming rate. Although certain

natural processes may cause some amount of water

pollution, anthropogenic effects cause water pollution

the most. We need to use water everyday, both in our

industries as well as our homes. We get this water from

groundwater sources, rivers, and lakes. Most of the

water we use - and abuse - finds its way back to one or

more of these water bodies.4

The used water from agricultural and industrial

practices, and household use, all comes together to

generate sewage or wastewater. If sewage allowed to 4 Elsevier, Bryan A. ‘Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews’ 2nd Ed. (London: Oxford University Press, 2003), p.17.


flow back into water systems without being treated, it

causes pollution. The polluted water bodies harm all

life, humans, animal and plants. Water also gets

polluted due to surface runoff from industries,

agricultural land and urban areas, which flow directly

through storm-water drains into water systems without

any treatment. 

The disposal of sewage is a major problem in developing

countries where there isn't adequate sanitation in

large areas, thus carrying disease causing bacteria and

viruses into sources of water. However, developed

countries too contribute to water pollution; people

often flush pharmaceutical and chemical products down

their toilet, adding to the chemical load of wastewater

and sewage.

Some of the other causes of pollution are oil spillages

and dumping in oceans, dumping litter into streams,

rivers, and oceans such as cardboard, newspaper, foam,

Styrofoam, plastic packaging, aluminum, glass, and so

on. Some of these pollutants take a very long time to

degrade. For example, foam takes 50 years, Styrofoam

takes 80 years, and aluminum takes 200 years while

plastic packaging can take 400 years! 

Nuclear waste, atmospheric deposition and underground

storage leakages are some of the other causes of water



2.2.2 Suggestion

While we should see to it that the government is

stringent about their policies related to sewage

treatment plants and methods, there are many things

that we can carry out individually to prevent water


Learn about the flow of water. Water from

households goes into sewage systems and then into

treatment facilities in most communities, where

many pollutants are removed. Water we use outside

the house, such as in the garden, goes into storm

sewers and straight into rivers, lakes and


Examine your habits. Use of pesticides means that

when it rains on the lawn or garden, chemicals

wash into the storm sewers.

Pick up pet waste. This is also a form of water

pollution we can prevent. Remember, polluting the

land means polluting the water. Throwing away a

cigarette butt on the ground near a water space

means it eventually reaches a body of water.

Watch disposal of household products such as paint

and solvents. These chemicals also cause water

pollution when you don't dispose of them properly.

5 [http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ways-to-prevent-water-pollution.html, Last visited March 21, 2014]


Use hazardous waste disposal depots

Set up a composter. This is a great way to reduce

your weekly garbage, dispose of yard clippings and

make a wonderful rich organic product for garden


Toxic products like paints, automobile oil,

polishes, and cleaning products should be stored

and disposed off properly. As a matter of fact, it

is better to use non-toxic, products for the house

as far as possible. Also, never dispose off such

products by throwing them into your toilet or


Dispose off your trash in a proper manner and try

and incorporate the recycling habit as far as

possible. Non-degradable products like tampons,

sanitary napkins, and diapers should not be

flushed down the toilet, for these can end up

damaging the process of sewage treatment, and

usually end up as litter on beaches.

Refrain from throwing litter into streams, lakes,

rivers, or seas. If you do spot litter on beaches

or in water systems, after ascertaining that it is

safe, collect them and dispose them off in any

nearby waste disposal system.

Try using environmentally friendly household

products like toiletries, soap-based household


cleaning material, and washing powder as far as


Try using natural fertilizers and pesticides as

far as possible, or if not, do not overuse them or

over-water gardens and lawns. This will help in

reducing the pollutants that get into water

systems due to runoffs.

Automobile oil should be re-used as far as

possible. Also, it is important to keep your

automobile well maintained in order to prevent

leakages of toxic fluids like antifreeze and oil.

Also, actively conserve water by turning the tap

off when you do not need running water, such as

while brushing teeth. Apart from preventing water

shortages, it lessens the amount of water that

needs to be treated.

Avoid buying packaged water as far as possible.

The best policy to adopt is to carry a bottle of

water when you step out of the house. You can

carry one big bottle per head. This has two

advantages: you eliminate your contribution to

pollution related to plastic bottles, and you save


2.3.1 Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is a result of many activities and


experiments done by mankind and some of the leading

soil pollution causes are: industrial wastes, such as

harmful gases and chemicals, agricultural pesticides,

fertilizers and insecticides are the most important

causes of soil pollution. Fuel leakages from

automobiles, that get washed away due to rain and seep

into the nearby soil. One of the major side effects of

industrialization is pollution. Till man was dependent

on his own capacities for different types of work,

pollution was no doubt under control. However, with

industrialization, air, water and soil were

contaminated. Today pollution has reached alarming

extent. If measures are not taken to curb pollution,

the day is not far, when the world will be destroyed.

If one has to look at it, a small measure from each

individual will go in long way in bringing in at least

some relief. It is common to see people talking about

air and water pollution, but the required amount of

attention is not paid to soil pollution. Pollution of

soil is having a devastating effect on the agriculture

land as well as people consuming products grown in such

land. It is very difficult to pin point the exact

effects of soil pollution on humans, animals or even

plants, yet the effects are out there for everyone to


6 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_environmental_problems, Last visited March 21, 2014]


2.3.2 Suggestion

Toxic chemical compounds, salts, radioactive agents,

toxins and other waste contribute to soil pollution.

These have adverse effect on plant and animal health.

Soil contains both organic as well as inorganic

material. The organic material is formed due to

decaying of plant and animal matter. This often makes

up the upper most layer of soil. The organic soil such

as rocks, has taken over thousands of years to be

formed. The top layer is made up of organic soil, while

the layers below are inorganic soil. Pollution has

gradually reached the inorganic layers as well. There

are different types of soil pollution, namely

agricultural soil pollution, industrial waste causing

soil pollution, urbanization causing soil pollution.

These different types of pollution cause the fertility

of the soil to reduce and mineral content in the soil

to be destroyed. Therefore, measures have to be taken

for preventing soil pollution. There are some measures

to prevent soil pollution:-

Pesticides and fungicides are essential for plant

growth but their overuse has led to soil

pollution. Bio-fertilization and compost should be

used instead of their chemical alternatives.


Recycling is another way to reduce and control

soil pollution. Recycling paper, plastics and

other materials reduces the volume of refuse in

landfills, another common cause of soil


De-forestation, the cutting down of trees, causes

erosion, pollution and the loss of fertility in

the topsoil. Planting trees or re-forestation

helps prevent soil erosion and pollution.

Weeds soak up minerals in the soil. Reducing weed

growth helps reduce soil pollution. One of the

more common methods of reducing weed growth is

covering the soil with numerous layers of wet

newspapers or a plastic sheet for several weeks

before cultivation. This prevents light from

reaching the weeds, which kills them.

Designated pits should be used for the dumping of

soil wastes. These wastes should be treated

chemically and biologically to make them less

toxic and hazardous. Biological treatment involves

the use of Anaerobic Microorganisms, such as

Methanogens and Acetones, which help break down

the soil wastes into a less toxic and

biodegradable form.

To increase agricultural yield, most farmers took 7 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_environmental_problems, Last visited March 21, 2014]


to using chemical fertilizers. No doubt that the

yield did indeed increase, but at the cost of the

soil losing its fertility. To restore the

fertility of the soil to what it was, will take a

very long time, however, one has to start at some

point of time. Drastic measures are required for

the same. Farmers should be encouraged to start

using bio fertilizers. The microorganisms in these

fertilizers will help in increasing the fertility

of the soil.

To avoid soil pollution, it is important, that

along with fertilizers, farmers should shift to

bio pesticides and fungicides, also known as

herbicides. These products will take a little

longer to react, but they do not have adverse

effect on the soil. It is best to use manure both

as a fertilizer as well as pesticide, as it has

far less side effects as opposed to its chemical


If one has to look at the soil pollution facts, it

will be seen that toxic waste has a big role to

play in soil pollution. Hence, industrial toxic

waste should be treated to reduce its toxicity

before it is disposed off. At the same time,

responsible methods should be used for disposing

off the waste. The best, however, is to avoid the


use of harmful chemicals unless they are of

extreme importance.

Although a lot of propaganda has been carried out

about recycling waste, not many measures have been

taken about the same. If each family has to take

it upon themselves to recycle waste, the land

pollution caused due to landfills will be reduced

considerably. The land so saved can be used

constructively for a number of better tasks.8

After plastic was invented, people thought it was

convenient to opt for plastic containers, bags,

etc., which could be disposed off after use.

However, plastic is one of the main causes of soil

pollution, as it takes a very long time to

disintegrate. Therefore, people should consider

shifting to reusable containers like glass, cotton

bags, etc. Although paper does disintegrate

faster, a lot of trees are cut for producing paper

bags. Therefore, it is best to opt for cloth bags.

Similarly, instead of using tissue papers in the

kitchen, etc., one should using cloth napkins,

handkerchief, etc. This will go a long way in

reducing landfills.

There is no doubt that the organic products are

costly as opposed to the chemically grown 8 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_environmental_problems, Last visited March 21, 2014]


products. But choosing the organic products will

encourage more organic production. This will help

in preventing soil pollution.

To prevent soil pollution, deforestation measures

have to be undertaken at rapid pace. Soil erosion

is caused, when there are no trees to prevent the

top layer of the soil from being transported by

different agents of nature like water and air. At

the same time, measures should be taken to avoid

over cropping and over grazing, as it leads to

flood and soil erosion and further deterioration

of the soil layer.

2.4.1 Noise Pollution

Noise pollution refers to undesirable levels of noises

caused by human activity that disrupt the standard of

living in the affected area. Noise pollution can come

from Traffic, Airports, and Railroads etc. Some noise

pollution may be temporary while other sources are more

permanent. Effects may include hearing loss, wildlife

disturbances, and a general degradation of lifestyle.

Noise pollution in simple terms can be defined as the

generation of more-than-tolerable and displeasing sound

in the environment affecting its components. Among the

various sources of this type of pollution, automobiles,

aircraft and other transport systems contribute the


maximum sound production. Other noise pollution causes

include industrial machinery, office equipment,

vehicular horns, car alarms, sirens, bursting of

firecrackers, and audio speakers.9

Excess noise has a major impact on humans and animals,

affecting them in their behavioral and physiological

health. Living in a noisy neighborhood or visiting

discotheques frequently leads to stress, restlessness,

sleep disorders, and hearing loss in humans. Prolonged

exposure to excessive noise exacerbates hypertension

and cardiovascular symptoms. Considering these noise

pollution effects on human health, it is high time that

we should enforce noise pollution solutions. Unlike the

other types of environmental problems such as air and

water pollution, noise or sound is transient or short-

lived. Compared to other pollutions, reduction and

control of pollution cause due to noise is considered

subjective and tough to monitor. Nonetheless, it is

still an achievable target. The following is a list of

various ways that will help you combat this form of


2.4.2 Suggestion

Street noise is one of the toughest to tackle, and

you can eliminate some by making your vehicle as 9 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_environmental_journals, Last visited March 21, 2014]


quiet as possible. In your home, close heavy

curtains to filter out some of the noise.

Roll your windows up if you enjoy listening to

loud music when you drive. If you drive a

convertible and insist on cranking up the volume,

then get a small pair of earphones and wear one of

the earpieces. You should be able to hear any

traffic you need to stay safe with one ear.

Use electric yard tools when you can since they

are quieter than gas-run models. When you must you

a gas-powered tool, such as a lawn mower, turn it

off when not in use.

Build a solid fence or wall, or plant trees and

bushes beside a chain link fence to buffer noise

around your home.

Find out what your city or town offers in the way

of protection. Call police when neighbors exceed

acceptable noise limits, especially when they

disturb your sleep.

In order to put a check on the decibels, one

should start by monitoring the noise levels at

one's house. Usage of equipment that we use on

daily basis such as washing machines, mixers and

grinders, vacuum cleaner, radio, television and

the like can be operated on a minimal level,

thereby cutting down on disruptive sound



As mentioned already, automobiles account to the

highest production of noise. Regular servicing of

the vehicles is an effectual measure to lower the

intensity of sound produced by them. If the

silencers of vehicles are maintained at regular

intervals, the amount of production of noise

reduces at a faster rate.

Similar to vehicles, the quality of machines

should be optimized, so as to reduce sound

production. Sound reaches an alarming and

potentially threatening stage beyond 80 decibels.

According to the National Institutes of Health

(NIH), more than 30 million Americans are exposed

to noise pollution at workplaces. Lubrication of

the machinery and servicing should be done to

minimize noise generation. This also helps in

improving the shelf life of the machine.

Production of hybrid and electric cars can also

aid in lowering the noise levels.

Soundproof doors and windows can be installed to

block unwanted noise from outside. The design of

your house or building can be incorporated with

noise absorbing materials available in the market.

These soundproofing options are of utmost

importance for complete relaxation, especially if


you are staying in a crowded city area.

Sound masking, an exact opposite implementation of

soundproofing, helps 'mask' the already existing

noise by using the method of active addition of

noise. This active addition overlaps or masks the

troublesome surrounding noise and thus results in

a peaceful environment. Various apartments,

offices, restaurants, and hotels have implemented

this technique using devices such as the white

noise machine, to drown out the disturbing noise

levels in the surrounding areas.

Planting bushes and trees in and around sound

generating sources is another effective solution

for noise pollution. Dense shrubs and trees block

sound passage, thus avoiding disturbance to the

surrounding areas. This greenbelt development is

among one of the statutory ordinances that have to

be followed by industries wherein they have to

develop a green cover that is 4 times the amount

of pollution generated, which includes excessive


Using loudspeaker in public areas is another major

cause of noise pollution. This should be banned at

any cost for the welfare of the people. Strict

laws should be imposed against those who violate

and play loudspeakers in crowded areas and public



Industries, especially the ones involving

manufacturing of products that generate a large

amount of sound generation, should be set up in

the outskirts of a city and away from its

permissible sound limits. Installation of sound

detectors and buffers will help in analyzing the

sound frequencies on a regular basis.

2.5.1 Radioactive Pollution

Radioactive pollution is one of the types of pollution

that is rare but extremely detrimental, even deadly,

when it occurs. Because of its intensity and the

difficulty of reversing damage, there are strict

government regulations to control radioactive

pollution. Sources of radioactive contamination

include: Nuclear power plant accidents or leakage,

improper nuclear waste disposal, Uranium mining

operations. Radiation pollution can cause birth

defects, cancer, sterilization and other health

problems for human and wildlife populations. It can

also sterilize the soil and contribute to water and air

pollution. Radioactive pollution is created when

radioactive byproducts of a nuclear reaction, either

man-made or natural, are dumped in the environment or

in the vicinity of human settlements. Nuclear power and


research stations are the major contributors to man-

made radioactive waste. These facilities bring about a

nuclear reaction (usually fission) for the purpose of

either production of energy (electricity) or research.

When a heavy atom of a nuclear fuel, such as uranium,

undergoes nuclear fission, it results into two daughter

nuclei, both radioactive in their own rights. These

byproducts aren't reusable and thus have to be dumped.

The introduction of these radioactive byproducts causes

radioactive pollution.

Radioactive pollution is fast becoming a major concern

due to the increase in the usage of nuclear fuel. The

radioactive byproducts of nuclear reactions are often

disposed without any precautionary measures to isolate

the harmful components, which can contaminate air, soil

and water. A large amount of radioactive waste is

generated from nuclear reactors used in nuclear power

plants and for many other purposes. It may also occur

during extraction and refining of the radioactive


Radioactive waste generates radioactivity and emits

radioactive byproducts. Radioactivity is the

spontaneous loss of energy from an unstable atom, in

the form of various nuclear byproducts (radiation). It

helps the atom gain a relatively stable configuration.

This spontaneous loss, known as radioactive decay,


continues till a stable (nonradioactive) configuration

is achieved.

The reason why radiation is considered a threat is that

it contains enough energy to ionize a stable atom by

separating an electron from it. If ionizing radiation

enters the body of an organism, it ionizes the

molecules found in the body. This leads to the

formation of a large number of free radicals that react

with vital bodily components, nullifying their effects

by forming new compounds in their place. This can lead

to cancer.

The three main types of emissions from radioactive

substances are: Alpha Radiation, Beta Radiation and

Gamma Radiation. Among the three, the effect of alpha

particles (which is, in effect, a helium atom) is the

lowest and the gamma rays, the most. Alpha particles

can be blocked by a mere sheet of paper (or, at a

sufficient distance, even air!), while protection from

gamma particles requires thick lead plates. However,

accidental ingestion or injection of alpha particles

can be fatal, since they can come in direct contact

with internal organs and important bodily fluids such

as blood. Radiation is only harmful when it comes in

contact with the body. If it can be blocked, the mere

'presence' of radioactivity is not harmful.


2.5.2 Suggestion

Understand the safety labels applied to packages

containing radioactive material. Knowing the level

of radiation contained can help you properly judge

the safety risks in handling this material. A

white Level 1 label means there is such a low

level of radiation that you face very little to no

health risks. A yellow Level 2 level means there

may be some radiation outside the containment

package, while a yellow Level 3 label or a label

labeled “FISSILE,” contains the highest amount of

radiation threat.

Learn how radiation is affected by time and

distances. The level of radiation you encounter

when handling a package containing radioactive

material depends largely on the length of time you

maintain proximity to the package, as well as how

close you are to it. Levels of radiation increase

the closer you get to the material, and the level

of absorption rises the longer you maintain this


Observe healthy time limitations when near

radioactive material. When handling packages or

shipments of radioactive material, minimize the

amount of contact time you experience with the

package. Do not remain near the package, and move


it rapidly when transporting it to another area.

Also, avoid storing or placing the package in

common social or meeting areas or near your


Maximize the distance between your body and the

package of radioactive material. If handling Level

2 or higher packages, use radioactive-shielding

gloves. While transporting any type of radioactive

material, avoid carrying it with your hands and

use a cart instead.

Avoid storing packages of radioactive material

together, as this increases the total net amount

of radiation that you may come in contact with.

Never group more than fifty packages of

radioactive material together, and keep groups of

radioactive material six meters from other groups

of radioactive material.

Implement precautionary safety measures in case a

box or package containing radioactive material is

broken or opened accidentally. Never touch an

opened package and alert others to stay away.

Contact your local emergency officials and notify

them of a radioactive material threat. Submit

yourself to an inspection by a radiation

protection specialist as soon as possible to

minimize the threat of contamination.


The threat of radioactive waste can be minimized

to a great degree, or even completely negated, if

it is stored for an appropriate time before being


As explained earlier, any radioactive substance

naturally undergoes radioactive decay until a

nonradioactive isotope of the element, or a

different, nonradioactive element is formed. The

time required to achieve a nonradioactive

byproduct varies with every radioactive element.

Till then, these materials have to be kept in an

isolated condition, so that the environment is not

exposed to it.10

Various processes have been put forth to reduce

the radioactivity of the stored byproducts. Some

of the most promising methods are verification

(forming a mixture of the radioactive waste and

glass and storing it in steel containers), reusing

the radioactive waste until it becomes

sufficiently benign (although it is not feasible

right now, research is being done in the field),

and storing spent nuclear fuel in dry casks after

it has been treated in spent fuel pools for a long

period, at least a year.

10[http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ways-to-prevent-pollution.html, Last visited March 21,2014]


2.6.1 Thermal Pollution

Thermal pollution is excess heat that creates

undesirable effects over long periods of time. The

earth has a natural thermal cycle, but excessive

temperature increases can be considered a rare type of

pollution with long term effects. Many types of thermal

pollution are confined to areas near their source, but

multiple sources can have wider impacts over a greater

geographic area. Thermal pollution may be caused by

power plants, urban sprawl, air pollution particulates

that trap heat, deforestation and Loss of temperature

moderating water supplies. As temperatures increase,

mild climatic changes may be observed, and wildlife

populations may be unable to recover from swift

changes. Thermal pollution is defined as 'degradation

of water quality by any process that changes ambient

water temperature'. When the temperature of the natural

water resources begins to vary due to external reasons

such as inflow of industrial water, it brings about a

change in water temperature. This depletes the oxygen

levels in the water and affects the ecosystem

negatively. Rapid industrialization and wanton

deforestation are the primary reasons for the rising

levels of thermal pollution today. Although many

scientists and engineers delve deeper into these

matters to make the world realize its greatest folly,


only little is being done to rectify it. Like other

types of pollutions, thermal pollution is spreading

rapidly and affecting surrounding water bodies, which

has led to a rise in water temperatures, killing the

flora and fauna.

2.6.2 Suggestion

Thermal pollution can be control by limiting the

water as a coolant for industry. The major

prevention is planting some shrubs or herbs or

tree according to the area and climatic factors.11

There are cooling ponds and towers that store and

transition the water to more acceptable

temperatures before release.

There is also recycling of the heated water to

direct it to areas where heat is needed.

Water discharges from industries, factories or

manufacturing units, are the majorly responsible

for this pollution. If these industries maintain

man-made water bodies such as cooling ponds, lakes

and reservoirs, they can avoid discharging the

water into natural water bodies.12 The man-made

11 [http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ways-to-prevent-pollution.html,Last visited March 21,2014]12 [http://www.ehow.com/how_2081630_prevent-water

pollution.html#ixzz0vWaBtdEx , Last

visited March 21,2014]


water bodies cool down by evaporation, convection

and radiation. Cooling towers which enable heat

transfer into the atmosphere by evaporation is

another excellent alternative. The other way of

preventing this pollution is by congregation. This

is a process in which waste heat is recycled for

reuse. To prevent thermal pollution caused by

urban runoff, storm water facilities which help in

increasing the groundwater levels can prove to be

extremely beneficial.

Thermal pollution has to be controlled with

immediate effect, as more and more water bodies

are getting affected by the same. It not only

disturbs the ecosystem in the water, but also

wrecks the quality of the water and the area

around it.

2.7.1 Light Pollution

Cities cause light pollution. Light pollution is the

over illumination of an area that is considered

interfering. Sources include large cities, billboards

and advertising, nighttime sporting events and other

nighttime entertainment. Light pollution makes it

impossible to see stars, therefore interfering with

astronomical observation and personal enjoyment. If it


is near residential areas, light pollution can also

degrade the quality of life for residents. It is an

umbrella term for representing all forms of misused

artificial light. In the broad sense, light pollution

is defined as the unwanted change of natural light

levels in the environment due to effects of man-made

light sources. Based on the area affected, it is

grouped under indoor and outdoor light pollution. Human

activities are directly or indirectly responsible for

this form of pollution. Even though this environmental

issue is a new aspect, nearly all people are acquainted

with light pollution types. You may notice it in the

form of light trespass (light entering into someone's

property), sky glow (glow effect at night in crowded

cities), light clutter (groups of artificial

lightings), over-illumination (use of light more than

required) and glare (bright light that is uncomfortable

for our eyes). The obvious cause of light pollution is

use of external lighting products inappropriately. It

can be apartment light, office lighting, car

headlights, decorative lights, billboards, security

lights, station lights, streetlights and many more.

With reference to these many contributing sources, it

won't be wrong to say that photo pollution is an

outcome of industrial civilization. Light pollution is

directly or indirectly responsible for causing several


diseases. Its effects are related to disturbance in the

circadian rhythm. It contributes to impairment of the

immune responses, reduced secretion of melatonin

hormone and increased risks of developing cancerous

cells. As per the American Medical Association, light

pollution is nothing less than a threat to human

health. Light pollution is detrimental to both plants

and animals. Upon studies, it is found that deciduous

plants that have been exposed to inappropriate outdoor

lights fail to shed their foliage as they used to. In

animals, obvious effects are observed in the behavior

of nocturnal animals. Needless to mention, bright light

at night makes it difficult for these animals to hunt,

roam and perform their regular activities.

2.7.2 Suggestion

Diminish light coming from your house during the

night. Try to do activities requiring a light

during the day time, and use the night time for

sleeping. If lights must be turned on, turn on

fewer lights than usual and have thick, tight

shades on the windows to prevent the light from

being seen from the outside of the house.

Several worldwide campaigns call on both

homeowners and municipal authorities to replace

inefficient and poorly designed outdoor lighting


with "dark sky approved" fixtures. These fixtures

direct all of their light downward onto the

streetscape so that sky glow is drastically cut.

Tell your family and friends about light pollution

and encourage them to get on board with helping

prevent light pollution. If they help prevent

light pollution and also tell their friends and

families, then light pollution can be decreased.

Use 150W lamps for home security lighting. This

will reduce the glare given off by regular 300W


Consider turning porch lights off at night.

Instead of security lighting, use an alarm system,


Write a letter to the city council, proposing that

they change the street lights. Floodlights can be

pointed downward, and box design lights can be

used instead of cobra head lights.

While outdoor lighting and using artificial light

fixtures are part of our modern lifestyle, simple

steps from our side will surely help in reducing

light pollution. Say for example, while installing

outdoor lighting, make sure that they are pointed

downwards. Also, use only the required light

fixtures for home and offices. Likewise, let's

contribute our part in minimizing the waste.


Use only the light you need to get the job done.

Use light emitting diodes (LED) technology with

long wave length light in a red or yellow tint to

minimize impact and save energy.

2.8.1 Visual Pollution

Visual pollution eyesores can be caused by other types

of pollution or just by undesirable, unattractive

views. It may lower the quality of life in certain

areas, or could impact property values and personal

enjoyment. Sources include power lines, construction

areas, billboards and advertising, neglected areas or

objects such as polluted vacant fields or abandoned

buildings. While visual pollution has few immediate

health or environmental effects, the other types of

pollution that cause an eyesore can have detrimental


2.8.2 Suggestion

Cables layout should be installed underground

reducing visual impact. It increases view.

It may sound obvious but raising high fence panels

will help to mask ugly views, as well as improving

your privacy.

Reducing number of billboard around the city.

Billboards should be allowed to hang at roadside


for a specific period of time & after that time

these should be removed to avoid unwanted burden

of billboards.

Wires should be stretched by following a well-

planned design so that these do not cause any

problem to view things of distance.

2.9.1 Personal Pollution

Personal pollution is the contamination of one’s body

and lifestyle with damaging actions. This may include

excessive smoking, drinking or drug abuse, emotional or

physical abuse, poor living conditions and habits, poor

personal attitudes and etc. In some cases, personal

pollution may be inflicted by caregivers, while in

other cases it is caused by voluntary actions. Taking

positive steps in your life can help eliminate this and

other types of pollution so you can lead a more

productive, satisfying life. Personal pollution means

the harmful effect of a bad and improper lifestyle on

the human body which can lead to diseases and

disorders. Smoking, drinking and irregular eating

habits are the main causes of personal pollution.13

2.9.2 Suggestion

Avoid use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides 13 [http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ways-to-prevent-pollution.html,Last visited March 21,2014]


especially during rainy season.

Wash your vehicles on grass so that the detergents

soak into the lawn, rather than running down your

driveway into the storm drain or take your car to

a car wash where the water is recycled.

If you change your own vehicle oil, make sure to

take it to an oil recycling center.

Pick up after your pets and dispose of their waste

in your toilet.

Don't dump anything down the storm drains.

Remember somebody always lives downstream.

On an individual level, there are some steps you

can take to prevent land pollution. Make sure that

personal trash is properly disposed.

Support companies that demonstrate a strong

ethical approach to recycling and waste disposal.

Buy organic products to support the organic

farming industry and ultimately help discourage

the use of dangerous pesticides which pollute the

earth's soil.

Not all of us are aware of what exactly environmental

pollution means, or rather, most of us misunderstand.

There is a difference between this particular pollution

and the general term 'pollution'. Environmental

pollution includes only those types of pollutions that

bring about a change that is against the laws of


nature. It is a change that affects, in a harmful

manner, the elements of water, air and land. The

extent, to which the biological cycles between these

elements are disturbed, cannot be measured. The factors

that bring about these changes, or in other words,

cause this pollution, are called pollutants. The two

largest factors are industrial revolution and

urbanization. Both have, in their own way, depleted the

resources and contributed to horrendous conditions.

Amongst other major pollutants, are also

biomagnifications, emission of greenhouse gases and

carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, haze

and smog too. There is an urgent need that we do

something about the increase in pollution. Quite a few

people want to do their bit, but don't know how to

reduce pollution. The environmental pollution facts

demand that quick action must be taken, before our

environment changes beyond recognition.

Though we are going to look at a lot of ways in which

we can reduce air pollution, let's start from the basic

ones. Do not smoke in congested areas and in closed

rooms, especially in the house. The next are fires.

Fires, used to dispose wastes, are one of the most

dangerous pollutants. In many countries, even today,

waste is collected on roads and burnt, right where it

is found. Do not use fires for your barbecues as well.


Start them with an electric probe instead, or use a

natural and/or propane gas barbecue. Your cars are the

next, when it comes to air pollution. If you still

don't have a car, make sure you buy a low polluting

model, whenever you plan to buy one. You can get

information on these directly from the respective sales

departments. Combine as many tasks as you can, so as to

make only one trip. Resort to carpooling or use public

transport. Don't hesitate to park at a distance. Your

tires should be appropriately maintained. The alignment

and elation should be checked on a regular basis. A

general tip would be to buy locally produced food

items. This reduces resources used for packaging,

transporting and also the refrigeration they need at

times. For the same reasons, buy supplies in bulk

whenever possible.

Examples: Air pollution does not only include the gases

that are let out by our cars and cigarettes, it also

includes the emission of highly poisonous gases. The

best example to state here would be the 1984 incident

that occurred in India - The Bhopal Gas Tragedy. It

killed 25,000 human beings. These figures help show us

some gravity. Also, in 1272, burning of sea-coal was

banned in England by King Edward I, after reports of

problems related to smoke.

We have been hearing this from school but yet, very few


of us are actually conscious about it. Running taps

still continue to be one of the largest sources of

water pollution. One has to understand that the first

step towards cure is prevention. Prevent water

pollution, and you will be helping in a huge way. You

have to first reduce your usage of resources. The next

in line are lawns. If you have garden space around your

home, plant natural plants instead of big lawns. The

maintenance of big lawns requires a lot of water, more

than what you should use, not to forget the chemicals.

Your consumption of meat is also a factor that leads to

water pollution. Unbelievable, isn't it? The amount of

water we require to produce meat is improbable. In your

bathroom, make sure you install shower heads that are

low-flow. Did you know that cleaning your pet waste

with water is another huge contributor towards

environmental pollution? Pet waste doesn't only contain

harmful bacteria; it also leads to the eutrophication

of lakes. Make it a habit to pick up pet waste and

dispose it. Detergents and shampoos also should be

bought with a lot of thought. Buy environment friendly

shampoos and detergents, as the others contain

chemicals which prove harmful for the environment.

Detergents mostly contain nonylphenol, a chemical that

disrupts reproduction in fish.14

14 [http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ways-to-prevent-pollution.html,Last visited March 21,2014]


Examples: It is believed that approximately 14,000

people die everyday, due to water pollution. At the

same time, in India, a thousand children are said to

die of diarrheal causes daily. 90% cities in China are

victims of water pollution, in one degree or another.

During the Iraq war in the 90's, 900,000,000 barrels of

oil from the ships was leaked in ocean waters. Once, in

Minnesota, approximately 250,000 or more black crappie

disappeared. We all remember finding 240,000 fish dead

along the Tennessee River, Alabama.15

Maybe, we have become accustomed to the air we breathe.

Maybe, we have completely forgotten the pictures of

polluted oceans and rivers we saw in our geography

textbooks. But how can we ignore the dirty streets we

travel everyday? How can we forget the extent to which

we take this earth for granted, on a daily basis. Land

pollution is indeed threatening us, subtly. We know how

much plastic we use. The first thing you need to do, is

replace all your plastic bags. Buy a few cloth bags in

advance, a quantity that will last you for at least a

month. Every city and/or neighborhood has a structured

disposal system. Read through yours, and dispose wastes

as requested. Recycle everything that is inorganic, DO

NOT dispose it. Items like cell phones can be recycled.

Do not litter, it will eventually rot the earth and 15 [http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ways-to-prevent-pollution.html,Last visited March 21,2014]


then water. One more amongst all the ways to reduce

environmental pollution, is to reuse storage

bottles/jars at home, buy refills for products instead

of buying new packages altogether. Study composting and

start the process at home. This isn't only a great

individual step, but you can slowly suggest others to

engage in it too. Composting is both, prevention, and a

cure. Proper mining activities will reduce creation of


Examples: In 1993, in Scotland, waste as much as 14

million tons was created. During the same time, 90% of

controlled waste went to landfill sites. This, in turn,

produced methane gas, the quantity of 2 million. Though

everything started off from the era of Industrial

Revolution, households are one of the highest polluters

of land. In China, 50 million mi land is polluted. Some

more gets damaged when it is cultivated with polluted

and contaminated water.16

16 [http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ways-to-prevent-pollution.html, Last visited March 21,2014]



Today we are under a big threat of suffering from

environmental pollution and we are on the way to face

the cruel destiny. As the pollution going on it will go

on but what we can do, we can reduce it. And we should

take immediate measure to prevent the Pollution as per

given suggestion above. As we have seen, there aren't

any 50 ways to reduce environmental pollution that will

give us a permanent solution. What has been done has

been done. Before we clean that up, we have to stop

adding to the already existent pollution. Do your own

bit, everyday. The simplest resolution would be to do

all these things at least once a month. That is


sufficient for a start. If others do it too, we'll be

contributing in a great way to reduce pollution. So,

this was all about the different types of environmental

pollution. To safeguard our environment, we must begin

at a personal level and each do what we can. Only then

will it make a difference. Awareness is important, and

so is the want to live in a better world. Help the

Environment, Help Yourself!

RECOMMENDATION After the above study the following recommendations can

be implemented to address the broader area of

environmental pollution:-

As factory wastes are the major pollution

culprits, the factories should have own waste

treatment plans or there can be a central

plant for each industrial area.

Remove factories from residential area.

City Corporation should have an environment

friendly treatment plant where all wastes

from city will be dumped and recycled.

Promote energy efficient products.

Monitor the level of pollution and take

necessary steps wile needed at priority


Stop de-forestation and plant more trees.


Encourage research works on environment

pollution prevention.

Create public awareness on environment


From early childhood, children need to be

taught about public health and sanitation,

about citizens' right and duties towards

natural resources. They should be encouraged

to participate in activities addressing these


The people in an area must learn to measure

and estimate the amount of pollution in the

surroundings, and at their own expense. Only

then will determination and dedication to

preserve the environment will arise. For this

must be trained and helped the local

pollution control board officials.

Every department of the government that

supervises activities, which are likely of

affect the environment and public health,

should collect details on the effect of their

activities on the public health, the

environmental conditions, and the effects of

pollution on various life forms. The

departmental role in improving the

environment must be clearly specified in


every sector. Based on these details, the

departments should develop and implement


Where pollution is severe, the authorities

should conduct continuous inspections, move

out polluting industries or encourage them to

modernize with latest technology. The region

between industries and residential areas

should be covered with thick green belt.

To prevent migration from villages to cities,

small cities and towns should be developed

with clear foresight and commitment. Healthy

living conditions need to be provided in the

villages protecting the lakes, trees and

pastures. Zoning and town planning

regulations pertaining to residential,

commercial and industrial areas need to be

made and the restrictions must be strictly


In cities and villages, solid waste is being

thrown into the lakes. This mixes with the

water and pollutes it. That is why waste

needs to be separated into dry and wet

wastes. The wet waste needs to be composted

for agricultural use.

Domestic waste should kept separate from


hospital and industrial wastes.

The wet waste from the cities should be

turned into compost and must be retuned to

the farms through agricultural markets, rural

bazaars and with the help of market


Environmental protection is a joint effort.

That is why universities, scientific

institutions, governmental organizations, and

colleges need to work together. They should

test the purity of air, water and land in

their areas. Special attention should be paid

to biodiversity in the area.

Knowledge on biodiversity should be acquired

and steps should be taken to protect it.

Near catchments of the rivers and hill

slopes, trees need to be planted on watershed

areas to promote greenery. They need to use

groundwater and surface water carefully.

In coastal areas, unregulated and

indiscriminate aquaculture and prawn

cultivation should be stopped. To prevent the

saltwater from the sea entering the land.

Fresh water lakes should be constructed along

the coast.

The quality and quantity of water used for


agriculture needs to be monitored along with

drinking water. The number and quality of

water sources must be improved. Water user

Associations to protect drinking water need

to be formed.

Every year industry must produce a report on

the state of the government around them. They

should not spare any effort to improve the

surroundings and must be ready to incur the

necessary expenditure.

We must explore the possibility

of recycling even hazardous wastes as raw

material in another process.

Cleaner raw materials must be used and

cleaner production processes need to be

followed and encouraged. Pollution during the

process of production should be reduced

production must be carried on generating

minimum wastes. Even after the end of live of

a product or material, it should not damage

the environment around us. We must encourage

the production of such materials.

To reduce air pollution in our cities, we

must reduce vehicular pollution. This can be

achieved only through an efficient railway



Sewage water needs to be treated and used or

irrigation. It should not be allowed to enter

into water bodies.

Drinking water, storm water and sewage are

getting mixed up in our villages and cities.

We should stop this and divert the used water

away from the drinking water sources.

Every farmer needs to be encouraged to

construct a small farm pond in the field to

store rainwater and to use it for

agriculture. Synthetic chemical pesticides

and fertilizers are entering the rivers and

lakes and polluting them. These contaminants

are entering the food chain. We need to

replace synthetic chemical fertilizers and

pesticides with organic fertilizers and

pesticides to protect our food from




Christopher A. Simon, ‘Alternative Energy’ 1st Ed.

(California: State Press, 2006), p.34.

The School of Law of the School of Oriental

and African Studies and the International

Environmental Law Research Centre, ‘Law,

Environment and Development Journal’, vol. X, no. 4

(Aug, 2007), p.45.

Journal of World Energy Law and Business’, Oxford

University Press. (February, 2013), p.24.

Elsevier, ‘Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews’

2nd Ed. (London: Oxford University Press,

2003), p.17


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