WANTED.,. TO LOAN - DigiFind-It

Only paper in.Monmouth County rK'dving regulhr dally TdegtjiphNcws {Service. +.1 > 1^ 'f : :ADaily.I^ecofdo£tiie Local' Happenings la tbe Shore Dis- trfct from Deal to Manasquan. I i FIFTEENTH YEAR. NO. 101 i ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, APRIL .27, 1901. PRICE ONE CENTS' WANTED.,. A SMALL PROPERTY. IN ' the YiCiNfry Of ^ e W- i'.: ALL OR MUNROE AVE- ; , NUES TO EXCHANGE , f F O R A GOOD 'TAyiNG PROPERTY IN PHILA- DELPHIA. . - - D^C. COVERT 208 Fond Street. . ^Asbury Phrk. ASBURY PARK nml OCEAN GROVE Hotel Brunswick, Offices: llnilroad Depot and 1 1214 Bangs Avenue. Prinoipal Office 730 MATTISON AVE Goods stored at reasonable rates,' : Telephone connection. v j P. 0. Box 60; ... Asbdry Park FOR SALE : •• -'f'-i. -. . h'v>' - ’• . • : . :. A desirable lot on Lake avenue, near Grand avenue, can be bought at several hundred dollars under its , value. For particulars ap- ply immediately to... T. FRANK APPLEBY Corner Main St. and Mattison Ave. Asbury Park. k A Big A, littlo A, you see The big o'r.e at twenty feet, At half a fpet.the .wreij. .A:. pot'-you must need 1 * • GriASSES-that's a certainty; -; BigA, little ,V, can you see! Ncnr sighted people can. see eleariy close by and'ofteil decide to’get along without glasses, •thereby entailing end- less misery) and sometimes blindnesB. Willard C. Wiseman, GRADUATE OPTICIAN H i m n u BPTIBHL P3BL0B, 603 Cookman Avenue Cor. EMORY St. " Tel 138 TO LOAN $25f ':--; 400 "C; 7 0 0 : ^ ""■■■■ 1,000 ^ 1,500 • y v.-r-v- ■$> '.' i ' 2,000 At 5 per cent. 3 ,0 0 0 ‘‘ 4; 000 GEO. W . PITTENGER Mortgage Loans Room 14, Appleby Building^ Asbury Park. SlRlttl $11,111 8tM nd $53,000 Asbnry Pari and Ocean drove B tN K ....... Comer Jlattlson Ave. and Main St., asbury PARK, N. J. Comer Hein Avenue and PI' rim Pathway OCEAN OROVB. ;T O. WIH80B, freildent, I."'• O .O .O £ ilY T 0 N , Vloe-Presldent. ND E. DAYTON, Oaahler. /■• jtiaflS 11INOT, Assistant Cashier. dibjbotobs : KKAFFLKSYf 1 -‘‘ ' DH. J. A. W. HBffllCK, ‘ UCHAMOlf, JOnit tnJBBARD, ; UYto*,\r'\ ' r tMwta UAmiB; . BYA**. . , r 0*0* W* ra*A»e tBQUSOJf, AMOS TILTON, ' • . V.'.v •DK1 T 0. WUTBOBe .*5I.■.. ;,., 1,' iccouxita Respectfully. Solicited. V..;■ , afe Deposit Boxes to Rent. Ve Issue Fdrelgn Drafts'and tetters Credit.’ : • - a HOT CHASE AFTER I FLEEING THIEF I * ; ' ' „ •!.; ■ ' George O’ Brien, Under Bail in Brooklyn for Burglary, is Caught at Elberon. MAY HAVE OPERATED HERE Stylo ol IxicaV Mobberica Similar to Tlioso . Laid ' to His Charge ’ In 'Brooklyn, damped . from .Second' Story Window and Clavo Officer,, u lon g Ban—Efficient Work or iocal Police. George O’Brien, Bdid to bo'a metropoli- tan crook, arid'who, it^is thought,, is rc- iiponsiblc for the several burglaries in this vicinity of late,'was captured this morning at Elberon lifter a long and boated cliasc'by Brooklyn detectives and the local police. A description and. pieturo of O’Brien, number 7553 in tlie Rogue’s gallery ,1was sent Chief of Police Smith yesterday by Deputy Chief of Police I’. H. McLaugh- lin, of Brooklyn. He said that O’Brien, alias Jack Sloan, aged 21 years, a unison by trade, who was under .$3,500 bail in Brooklyn on the charge, of burglary and grand larceny; was thought to be in tliis city. • On receipt of tljo letter Chief Sniitii de- tailed Officer VanWicklo in citizen’s clothes to make a tour of all the local contractors. He mode a thorough search; but whs unsuccessful until he showed tbe photo to the,foreman on tlie O’Day building at Deal. There he wns told that tlio man lmd worked there, but had been discharged tlie night before. It was stated that he lmd secured work with White & Cone at Elberon. Word was sent to Brooklyn and about 7 o’clock last night Detectives Poster and Mitchell put in an appearance here. Thinking O’Jlrien boarded in this city' they this nioming stationed themselves at tlio trolley bridgo over Deal lake and Officer VanWiekle made the circuit of tlie town in every Long Branch car until 7.30. The trio then repaired to the house near tlie beach, 011 whieli it wns thought O’Brien was working. " The foreman identified tbe photograph and said the- man was on tlie second lloor. Detective Poster started up the ladder, when O’Brien Baw him coming and throwing down ..his tools took a Hy- ing leap through’d muslin covered win- dow to the ground 20 feet below. He Was uninjured mid started off on n dead run to the westward,. followed by the trio of .officers. Over tlio railroad towMd^lccanyiite the chase led,; 'with O’Bricirsoverni hundred feet in;the- lead: c SovcVal -shots failed to cheek him. Then ti horsenuui was met arid tho .officers' explaining tlio situation, called on him to catcli the fugitive. On seeing Iub new pursuer O’Brien fled into a deserted house liy the roadside arid .there lie was takon. He was placed in Pnrk lmll and taken to Brooklyn on. the 12.10 train this afternoon. . It is said that O'Brien’s methods in the alleged burglaries in Brooklyn were identical in manner anil time of conimis-. sion to tlioso committed in this' vifeinity? It is said that whea his room in Brook- lyn was searched over- $5,000 worth of goods were found there. Ho boarded In Loch Arbour, while here. Ilis loom wns searched, but nothing was found. “Yon are a pretty good jumper,” said Officer Borden to him. “You mndo a good jump on a gate iu Ocean Grove,” re- ferring to the attempt at tho Moss cot- tage in Ocean Grove. ■ .- Tlio prisoner said nothing hut smiled. Tlie work of the local polite wns prompt and efficient and the New York sleuths highly complimented Chief Smith mid Officer VnnWicklc. PEDDLERS ROUNDED UP Two Fold Licenses Duo From I*ast Year. Only One Unpaid Llcenso Remains Snjra inspector. W illiam P. liorrlB, oyster peddler,'whoso Ilcon6a last year wns loft unpaid, was roundod up by Llconso Inspector K. R. Tindall last night nnd mado to pay $1(1.20 Into tho city treasury, Isaiah Morris, William P.’s undo, who alsd owed a Uoonso fee to tho olty, and was subjeot to similar summary proccduro, hearing of tho arrest, appeared this morn- ing and paid up.hls dnes, Inspootor Tindall says there Is only ono othor unpaid llcenso to bo collected. Special Music Tomorrow. At tlie morning servico' tomorrow in the First Presbyterian church John L. Hess, the well known tenor singer of Red Bank will assist iu tho music. In , the evening Miss Eleanor Lnncc, violinisle, and J. Berkley Clary, ..’cellist, will-tako part in tlie special musical service- A'Wlse llaslmiBS Man is ono who Is intoiligently using tho best mothods to secure a proper Introduction to tho summor. visitors, oottagors and hotel guests. Tho only guldo and Ronvo- nlr hook published is “Haunts of Health and Pleasure,” whloh Is In Its third suo- cessfal year. It goes Into tho hands of tho majority of desirable visitors. • A buslnoss card in this hook 1b ft “business getter.” Por, Information,' address Harry B. W il- son, Postoffico building, Asbury Purk,- N. J.—Adv. 101. . - , Correct Clothing at BtelnbacU's. Our olothlng lines are at tholr host now. Como In and look around, even if not pre- pared to buy. Adv.-'lOl T bb STKiNBAon,Company. j -------- ------- Do You Believe It? ’ it not stop at HahpaTd’s. Tbe hod Is finely enameled, goud stylo -and finish, only $1.05.—Adv. 100M. . Why siffor from Indigestion t' Rennet- lnawTll oureyou.—Adv. 82tf. SEETHING EPITHETS AIRED IN COURT Lively Street Scene in Miniature, Empty Threats and Hot Words for Background. . Edward,Day preferred a ohargo of dtsorj derly.oonduct against William L, Atkin- son and hada hearing hoforoPollco Justice Borden this morning. ~ .’ Day sworo, that Atkinson called him vllo namos on the streot on the day of Pathor Qlennon’s fuhpral and threatened toma 8h his face. He further testified that Atkinson followed him up and repeated the remarks Bovoral timea. i ' Atkinson, on tho other hand, declared that tho trouble was Instigated by Day, who threatened to put a ball through his anatomy and that he told Day ho would mash his face If he drew the pistol. There seoms to bo had blood betweon tho two mon, growing out of tho purchase of a bloyolo, It Is said. Day claims that ho wont socurlty for Atkinson, who failed after repeated urging to pay for tho wheel. Atkinson says this is not true and that Day has boon sending him scurrilous matter through the malls ' , Justico Borden, thought the,question too closely drawn for a quick decision and he accordingly promised to hand In his opinion at 10 o’clock Monday morning.' SMALL BOVS RAIDED BARKER CANDY STORE - lao.1! .. ... .• lads Helped Themselves, to Whut TIu-y Could Find and Must Now An- swer lor Misconduct. Asbnry Park’s Irresponsible and float- ing small boyB enjoyed a stolon feast yes- torday. Tho boys in the aggregate sweot- enod their juVenllo mouths with a lot of stale sweets left In Barker’s abandoned candy storo oh Cookmari avonue. . Tho hoys effected an entrance to the building from -the roar and after helping themselves to several hoses of salt wnter tpffy, reduced by tho late fog to a mild and tasteless paste,, they mashed a window and passed out the sweets to their friends on the Mdowalk. - - Evidently tho haul was not satisfactory, for they threw the candy away, broke bottles of sweetened water and other left over stock along Lake' avenue, and in a general way osposrid tho theft, whioh was reported to Officer Jacob R. Bordon,whose lot today has not been a happy one. The boys have been; giving each, othor awoy before Justice Bordon, but the bur. den of proof up to a Into hour seemed to concentrate against Ross EBtell and How- ard Smith as tho ringleaders. The boys will probpbly.be caHethhufore -JadgO-Bor- den In a body to explain tholr conduct. , GLEE CLUB FORMING Well Known Local Vocalists Will Shortly Effect q Permanent Asbury Park . ; ,' T ‘ Organization. A glee club of which Asbnry Park may have every reason lo feel proud is in process of formation. A preliminary meeting has been held by the singers and on Monday night a permanent or- ganiation will he effected at Burtis’ musis store, on Mattison avenue. Tlioso who now compose tiie organiza- tion aro H unyB . Martin, W. C. Clark, 13. K. Iloozc, John llyno, John Lippincott, C. N. .lollifT, Herman Stein, Elmer O. King, L. II. VanSniit, Dr. J. II. Bryan, L. B. Sanders, J. B. Clary, Walter T. Hub- hard, F. D. Dudley, F. M.‘ Schuppan, 131- vin Burtis and others. One of the selections tho glee will likely take up is tho “Pilgiim’s Chorus” from Tiinnliauscr, FOUNDER HAS T HE HOSE Was Taken Away by Him and Is Now In the Repair Shop Receiving New Set of Couplings. It seems tlmt tlie New Era hose is not stolen after all. Founder Bradley, in a lelcgrniu to the Press today, admits that ini is at the bottom of its 'disappearance. Acting under liis orders, O. T. Bailey removed tiie hose to the stables on Wcst'Third avenue. In his message tlio founder says; “Hoso not stolen, hut in repair shop receiving liciv couplings.” Its removal, howcvdr, was somewhat in the nature of a joke. Attended Missionary Convention, Mrs. A. G. Balo of this city w as'a dolo gate of the Monmouth County Women’s Foreign Missionary Board of tho Prosby- torian ohuroh to tho National Foreign Mission board whioh convened la Phila- delphia this weok. Rov. A. G. Bale ac- companied Mrs. Balo. FJnuuotnl Panto In Japan. Moro than 20 banks havo suspended pay- ment at Osaka, Japan, and in tho south, orri and central provlncos. Tho Bank' ol Jupan hns assisted thom, hot furthor tron- blo is anticipated. A . financial panlo pro- volls. ___ . ' • Pox lcent. . Cheap, 6 room houso. Immodlato pos- session oan ho had. M. M. drosblo, 508 Main stroot.—Adv. tf. ;' - Klbert.Hubbard Soys: “Some zuon make thoinsolvos homes; nnd othors thero ho who rent rooms.” El- bert is right, nnd If you bo ono of those Uomads "who ront rooms” or ovon ono who has rooms to ront, an adv. In our "Spoolal” column will suroly prove a profit- able Investment. , adv. tf. A Pretty Parlor Salt. John Smith has just put n beautiful parlor suit In his now house. He saw ono like itlat Wamfmoker’s for $26.00. Bon- nard gavo It to him for $18.00—Adv. 100 tf. Anydrio wanting a good horso will not go wrong by visiting Soxton's stables and watching his private Balo.. Watoh for the notloo for the salo to begin.—Adv. 72 tf. F Jacob Jeck Sandbagged by Three Thieves in His Own; Stable Last Night, FAILED TO SECURE MONEY *, Tried to Envelop Jock' la Blanket as He .-Entered Bailding'!Bat-WTestlng Him - self I'reo ir.i Gave Alarm—Stunuoil by Blow, of Sandbag on Iron llountl Club. Assailants Were Negroes. A desperate atteriipt to sandbag and rob Jacob Jeck in; true border ruffian style wris mado last night. 'Jacob is a prosperous .Jewish merchant of ' Springwood avenue, West Park, and uriuaually caniek si large sum of money ithoiit. witii him. T Last evening, after closing his store shortly before 12 o’clock,, lie, 11 s usual, paid a visit to the sluhlo in tho roar of the premises. He threw open the'door and advancing ilis lantern" iiisido, wns startled ,to' see a liiiin standing on one side, of tlie doorway holding a blanket outstretched m both Jiniids. - tWIicii lie saw that ho lyas • discovered tlie strungcr sprangmt deck anil attempt- ed, to envelop him Tin tlie folds' of the cloth. Aiiotlier leaped 011 deck's hack, and still another grabbed liis well filled pocket. Jeck partially wrested himself from their grasp linii freeing liis ifionth from, the choking, folds of the blanket, screamed for help. One of his nssaildnls struck him a stunning blow over the left eye with cither, a sandbag or a heavy stick of wood hound with iron, both of which were afterward found'on the stable floor. Mrs. Vanderace ,1 njiiciglibor residing on Wesley Place/ lieal-d’ the noise anil hur - ried to summon help. Finding flic neighborhood becoming nlnrined'ilid three"men (led. Jeck says liis assailants were negroes—one tall fel- low and two short men. The largest of tlie' trio, lmd hid face, hidden under a large red handkerchief. . Mrs: deck and Mrs.. Vundersee hurried down Springwood avenne for help und found Officers Gyavatt,. Chapman and Steel mail a short distance away. The trio,of policemen madjr-dlligcnt search of tbe. premises arid -t|lo^e surioiiiiding, hut 110 clue to tlio identity of tlie intruders was. discovered. It was found, that they luuV lied dowu Weslcy J ’liiee to the inead- ows imd there all-traces of tliein were lost. ' '• - 1 . \ JECK WAS WROTHY I.oeks ,llp Ofllcer'Who Sorvflu Searoli-Wftr- xant—Goods Ho Was Alleged to Have Wore Not Found.-" Jaoob Jeck of Springwood avenuo, Wost Park, and a search warrant had a head-on- collision yesterday. , ' ’-: On oomplaint of Mrs. Carrie Morcer of New York, formorly a tenant of Jock’s, a Boawh warrant was Issued against Jeck, who, It was clahnod, hod some goods be- longing to Mrs. Miller. Jt seems that Jeck held a chattel mortgage on the ’goods and that default had boon made arid a sale was about to tako placo, when the goods were redeemed by Mrs. Morcer. Sho claimed that all the goods mentioned In tho Inven- tory wero not thero and on hor. affidavit Justico Bunion issued u search warrant and placed It in the hands of Constahio Hullck. Ha searched tho premises and found nothing, it is said, but a wlckor basket. Jcok, it is olaimed, was wrothy ovor tho visit of tho ofllcor and, looked him in a room, but later roloascd him. Jook wns arraigned boforo Justice Bor- ilon, but was discharged, tho court ho’ld- ing that tho matter was improperly in court; that a Buit for trovor und conver- sion wus tho proper remedy. DR. TALMAGE COMING Engasroil to Deliver Fourth of July Ora- tion In the Ocean Grove Audi- torium This Summor. Tho (Ocean Grove association has boon fortunato In securing Itov. T. DoWittTnl- mnge, D.D. of Washington os tho orator for tho auditorium on J uly Fourth. Hov. Mr. Morgan of Nownrk, with whom there wero preliminary negotiations, hns decided on a trip to Europe which will oovor that period. Bishop Warren at St. Paul's. . Tomorrow the morning sermon at St. Paul’s ohuroh, Ocean Grovo, will bs preached by Bishop Honry W. Warrou of Denvor, Co].,who is tbo guest of ids sister- in-law, Mrs. Kilgoro, 11 resident of Ocean Grovo. _____________. ' Comot-Scen nt Capo Town. The comot, first scon at Capo Town Thursday .morning, is visible on tho cast! orn horizon.. It is brilliant and trlplc- tailodand Is rapidly npproaehing tho sun. Xotlo'o to Bed Men. A11 members of Tooumsoh Tribe and visiting Rod Men are oarnostly roquested. to moot at tho wigwam Sunday ovoning, April 28, nt 7 o’clock shnrp, to attend divine service at tho West'Grovo M.'E. ohureh. Wear white gloves and parade badges. Past Saohoibs will wear tholr Sashes. Adam Stkttkis, Sachom. E duau B ills Chief of Records. . Ad-,*; 100-1 Swoll Gownlnge at StelDtiaoh's. You’ll mnrvol.whon you sco what pretty spring dress fabrics nro gathered pi the Stejnhnoli stores and hew littlo tho prices. Adv. 101. -/ - A ltemarlinblo Offer. I 11 order to movo his onormous stock of furniture Bannanl is- now offering goods nt cost.—Adv. 100 tf. LOCAL DEMOCRATS NAME DELEGATES Nineteen Selected to Attend the Special Convention at Free- hold, May I. The Neptune township ilelogatcs to the special Democratic convention to be hold at’ tho. Freehold opera house Wednesday, May 1, at 11 a. m.,'wero named at a pri- mary hold at Park hall at 2 o’olook this afternoon. The gathering lasted but 20 minutes. O. Meyer Zullok, chaihnan of tho township executive committee, called tho meeting to ordor, and Joseph Harris acted as secre- tary. Aftor the reading of tho call the nomination of delegates was begun. The 10 who woro chosen as tho roprcscn tatlves from Neptune aro: C. -Moyer Zu- ltck, Avolt; George W. Brown, E. M.Bou- tolle, Neptune City; A. T. Rogors.ChaVlos Bogart, Bradloy Boach; Fjank 1^. Oakley, W alter Clayton, Ocean Grove; J.' L. Thompson, Thomas Wyncooj), Wost Grove; Philip Golotuhock, Wiiliam Grif- fln, jr.', fourth district; Joseph Harris and C. B. Cook; Wost Park; J, I,. Kinmonth, Joseph C. Patterson, William IC. Dovor- eux, Samuel A. (Patterson, Charles E. King, jr. and Joseph L. Oliver, Asbury Park, Eaoh delogato was empoworod to soleot his own alternate, Tho speoial convention is called byex- Judgo J. C. Conover at tho Instance of the state Democratic county committeo for tho purpose .of promoting party Interests. A now constitution will likely bondopted. WEEKLY RHETORIC PERIOD. Program Rendered at City High School Auditorium Yesterday. _ Previous to tlio usual weekly program of the rhetoric period in the city school yesterday - Miss Belvu Lyon played a well rendered piano selection. Tlie pro- gram, given was as follows: Declamation, “The Rough Ridels,” by Parker Reed; recitation, poem en- titled “The Children’s Hour,” Miss Maliel Ritchie; recitation, “The Declaration of Independence;” Raymond Everett; essay, “Godfrey de Boiiliori,” Miss Currie Stroud, recitation, “Papa’s Letter,” Miss Hazel Harris; recitation, “Samuel Ad- ams,” Raymond Mivrgevmn; recitation, “fJubeoss,” Miss Estelle Naylor; declama- tion, “The Fiftieth Birthday, of Argossy," Miss Annette Vdoihees; rending, “Jonn bf Arc,” kiisB ’ Snrali Nesbitt; singing (double trio), Misses Alice Ilu:it, Jennie Davis, Bessie JVinsor, Kclva Lyon, 'Rhoda Atkins,. Marie King. SIC EOED STRIKE K IN KUM Lucky Find of Two Prospectors in the Marvelous Eldorado Creek District. FIGHTING AGAIN IN CHINA MAKLBOBUt.'Gli '0ARD FABTY. Military Bnehre Scoins to Id n Had With I . tlie I'ushlonulilc Folk. . • . Military eUohre nt tho Marlborough ho- tel Is hoooming a fail with tho fashionablo folk. Last night iho attendance was un- usually lorge: Sixteen tables wero'ln op- eration. Refreshments wero served at tho close of the gomo nnil dancing filled out tho ovoning until midnight. •Mr. and Mrs; Perry R. Smith, Mrs Rockafeller nnil O. E. Holm were at the first winning table, Tlio winning couple was Mrs. G. R. Shivntz and Miss White. The prizes for ladies at tho winning table wero a fancy bolt and a laco handkerchief; fir the gentlemen, a box of cigars and a sterling silver key ring and ohain; for the winning couple, perfumery and fancy soap. __________________ Lodges to Attend Divine Services. C.K.HallJPost.G. A.R., will attend dlvlno services tomorrow morning at the Evangelical Lutheran church, where Rev. G. A; Gonzmcr will preach them a special sermon. On Sunday, May 20, the veter- ans will attend the morning services nt tho Bradloy Beach M. E. church. Tomorrow evening tho local Odd Fol- lows will attend services In tho First M. IS. church, anil the Red. Men will go to tlio W est Grove M. E. ohureh. Light for Mio Mpyor. A now Kltson light with all tho im- provements will be placed tonight at tho corner -of Kingsloy street and Cookman avenuo for the special observation of Mayor Ton B’roeok who, being confined to liis homo by illness, will thus ho enublcd to determine tho merits of tlio Kltsoii as u municipal streot lighter. I Juniors Win Baseball Game. A spirited baseball contest waged Thurs- day betweon tho Junior Atlilotic club nnd tho Asbury Park high school nino, result- ing In a victory for the Juniors. Tho sooro stood 18 to 17r"Anothb'r game will bo played noxt Saturday between the Juniors nnd the J. A. 0. of Point Pleasant. Tlieso Boxers to be.Blspersed. Pekin,^iSaturday.—Ono thousand Boxors aro reported to bo oporating south of Pno Tirig Fu, and an expedition will bo sont^lp disperse .them, 5 .. .. . \ Fibre Rugs Half Price. - Just rocoived onfclro lino of Sample Rugs from Hodges'Fibre Carpet Co., anil we will offer same commencing.today. 217 Fibre K u g s , size 8(1x30............ IU cents 317 Fibre Rugs,size UOxH ...... i. ..39cents at the Ocean Palace of A d v . 101 1 TlIH STEINBACII COMPANY. Bargains ut Dannard's. Notloo his ad. on pago 8 —Adv. 100 tf. Cliadwiok’s Pharmacy Has beon removed to 004 Cookman nvo- nuo, now Btore in tbo handsomo now Hur- toq building, and is ready to rccolve ous- tomora.—Adv. 73tf. . , Rennot lno cures indigestion.—Adv. 82lf A Few Choice Flats Still for 'rent in Keator block, Mattison avenue, arid tn new Cookman avenue block. All modern conveniences: I Ront $10 to $20. Apply to owuor or agents.. - J Read'T hb D aily Passs. . Germans la Clash With Chlneso-Brltlsli Stoainer Propitious Wrecked Entering Harbor of Bilboa—Sleeping Ragpickers Suffocated in Chicago—A rt Treasures in Whtte Palace in Danger Front Fire* Tacoma, Washington, Saturday.—Two men who have just arrived from Dawson Bay that a second gold strike has been made in the marvelons Eldorado Creek district, Alaska. Tho two men who dis- covered tho Bpot|washod out $5,000 the first day. Messengers say that the strlko has created the wildest oxcitomont all along the Eldorado district! MORE FIGHTINGlN CHINA German Expeditionary Force Has Sharp and Sanguinary Encounter With Chinese in Shan Si Province. Pekin, Saturday—The German expedi- tionary force has had a sharp encounter with tho Chinese in the province of Shan Si. The Germans lost four killed and 85 wounded. The Chinese loss is not stat- ed, but is believed to lmve been large. TALLY-HO TOPPLES OVER Millionaire Son of Widener, the Railroad Magnate, Fatally Injured by Strange : Accident This Morning. Philadelphia, Saturday—.Joseph E. Widener, the millionaire aon of 1\ A." B. Widener, wus probably fatally injured tiiis morning liy the overturning of his tally-ho.-Two prominent Philadelphia social men were also injured.. ART TREASURES IN PERIL. Millionaire Crocker's Palatial Residence Endangered by Fire. Now York, Saturday.—The big whito palace of Millionaire George Crookor, at Fifth avenuo and Sixty-fourth street, with its contents of priceless art treasures, nar- rowly escaped being destroyed by fire this morning. Whether the plotures sus- tained any damage from smoko cannot yet bo determined. The furnishings of the houso wore muoh damaged by water. Tho flro started from the radiator In a room on the Hocpnd floor. It spread to the oiled floor and a number of costly TurlclBh rugs arid flno tapestry hangings. wero burned. Tho loss is unostimatod. Tho lire was extinguished by a buckot brigade.' THREE MEN SUFFOCATED. Sleeping Ragpickers in Great Danger In Burning Building. Chicago, Saturday.—Three men died from suffocation and threo others may dlo ns tho result of a flro early this morning in a building on Lasallo street. All men war- ragpickers and woro sleeping in the buildiiig, which Is a soeond-hand store. Twenty mon were asleep In tho building when tbe fire broke out. Firemen broke down tho door and awakened the occu- pants. DISORDER ON THE INCREASE. Numerous Outbreaks Occasion Great Anx- iety lu City of Pekin. Pekin, Saturday.—Disorder In tho prov- inces ocoupied by tho allies is rapidly In. oroaslng and numerous other outbreaks at different points are reported. So far as known these outbreaks are not part of any concerted plan.’ In Pekin Itself, however, thoro Is muoh|anxiety ns to the future. WRECKED AT BREAKWATER. British Steamer and Captain Lost When Near a- Safe Harbor. Bilboa, Spain, Saturday.—1 Tho, British Btonmer Propitious, front Sandorland, Eng., for this port, Btruck the breakwater while endoavoring to enter the .harbor, and was wrecked. Tho captain and steward woro drowned. The vessel nnd cargo will bon total-loss. INSURRECTION IN ALGERIA. Rebels Said to Nninber 10,000 Aro Armed W ith Modcrp Weapons.' Algiers, Saturday.—A force of 2,000 troops has boon sont to suppress, the Insur- rection in Southern Algeria. The rebols are reported to be 10,000 strong and armed with modern weapons. __ MINE DISASTER IN BELGiUJI. Sixteen Lives Lost aud Great Damage Done to Property. ’ - . : Belgium, Saturday.—A terrible explo- sion in a coal mine at Fornu, a milling town, was reported this morning. Sixteen lives wero lost and considerable damage done to property. \ : Ddd-Fellows' Notice. Members uf Asbury Park Lodgo, No. 253, I. O. O. F., will meet at tho lodge room Sunday, night nt 7 o’clock to attend chnroh; Neptune Lodgo, No. 84,1.0. 0. F. will be guests. All visiting Odd Follows Invited. W. D. Bedell, Secretary. H akuy J. Bodine, Secretnryi .Adv. 101. Notice of Removal. Dr. Goorge B. Herbert hns removed his dental parlors from tho Asbury Park and Ocean Grovo Bank building to larger and more commodious rooms In tho new Ptirkor building at OOt! Cookman avo nuo,—Adv. 42 tf. , „■ White Maple. . A beautiful wood. You, oan furnish a room for $38.60 If you buy of Bnnnard.— Adv. 100 tf. • Wjigons and harness' for salo or ox- talinime, also repairing, and harness made to order, at Cuuhorly’s, corner SprlngWood aud Railroad avenues.—Adv. 98-131* Money to Loan We have to loan on first ipoct* gage on Improved Heal Estate tho following sums: : : $1,000 1,200 1,500 2,000 3.000 4.000 MILAN ROSS AGENCY 208 MAIN STREET. Monmouth Trust -AND- Safe Deposit Company Monmouth Building, Asbury Park, N. J , CAPITAL .... $100,000 SURPLUS. 25,000 allow* Executes all trust* knowtt to the law. Loans money on bond and mortgage. Receives deposits subject to check and i Interest on daily balances. Acts aa Trustee. Registrar aud Transfer Agent Pays coupons. Makes demand and time loans on approved collateral. Safe deposit vaulta A. C. TWINING. President Q. B. M. IIARVRY, vice President R. A. TUSTING, Secretary B. C CORNELL, Tieajurer DIRECTORS: O K. Brown, r . A Tinrtlng, J H. Buchanon, Henry Mitchell, If. D. 1> . e Cornell, John P. O’Brien, iv% ’L H ? rrl*?5’ Ferry R. smith, Col. G. B M. Harvey, . A. Patterson, George F. Bboebl, A. C. Twining, Bruce 8. Keator, M. D., H. H. Vreeland. G. D. W. Vroom. Why Not Buy a Lot for $400 AT BRADLEY-PARK BuUd|a]moderato' price house, which in- vestraont: w ill 1ooafc leas than paying CIS por month rent. Bee H. C. WINSOR or T. p. AfPLBBY. WHEN YOU RENT ...Buy Your...’, BOOK LEASE % Of U 8« It is correct and will hold Have you used the.., Utopian Paste Bottle? Ask About R Rubber Stamps Any style made to order, Picture Binding, Mounting Board, Photo Library Paste. Watermans Fountain Pens A big help to all who write. ------ HARRY A, BORDEN . Stationer Newsdealer Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ave. WHEN... you drop a PENNY into a BLIND man’s hat, do you consider how much care you should give your own eyes? Take no chances with then. STILES & CO. Philadelphia Eye Specialists' At uaa Main street, Asbury Park every Friday. Hours, 10 to 5. Free examination and nil work guaranteed. First National Bank ........... r ( v,- OF ASBDRY PARK Mattlsoa Avenue and Bond Street Between Postoffice and Depot ORGANIZED FEBRUARY, 181RS. OFFICERS:- GEORGE F. KROEHL, President. . • Dlt. SAMUEL JOHNSON, Vice-Fres, M. if. SCOTT, Cnshttt.’ ‘-'A ' J. E. DAVIS; Ass’t Cashier. Patrons’ valuables reeeiVcd for safe keeping frco of charge. A' "• :(:{ foreign Exchange bought ipind sold.'. • Collections promptly acknowledged. YOUR BUSINESS, FAVORS RESPECT. FULLY SOLICITEP, ^ aa V a ;

Transcript of WANTED.,. TO LOAN - DigiFind-It

Only paper in.Monmouth County rK'dving regulhr dally TdegtjiphNcws {Service.

+.1 >1^ ' f

: :ADaily.I^ecofdo£tiie Local' Happenings la tbe Shore Dis- trfct from Deal to Manasquan.




' t h e Y iC iN fry Of ^ e W-i'.: ALL OR MUNROE AVE-; , NUES TO EXCHANGE , f F O R A GOOD 'TAyiNG


- -

D ^ C . C O V E R T

208 Fond Street. . ^Asbury Phrk.

ASBURY PA RK nml OCEAN GROVEHotel Brunswick,

Offices: lln ilroad Depot and 1 1214 Bangs Avenue.

Prinoipal Office 7 3 0 MATTISON AVEGoods stored a t reasonable ra tes,' :

Telephone connection. v j ■ P. 0. Box 60; ... A sbdry P ark

FOR SALE: •• -'f'-i. -. . h'v>' - ’• . • : .

:. A desirable lot on Lake

avenue, near Grand avenue,

can be bought at several hundred dollars under its

, value. For particulars ap­

ply immediately to...

T. FRANK APPLEBYCorner Main St. and Mattison Ave.

Asbury Park.

k A

Big A, littlo A, you see The big o'r.e a t twenty feet,

At half a fpet.the .wreij. .A :.pot'-you must need 1 * •

Gri ASSES-that's a certainty; -; BigA, little ,V, can you see!

Ncnr sighted people c a n . see eleariy close by a n d 'o f te il decide to ’ g e t along w ithou t glasses, •thereby entailing end­less misery) and som etim es blindnesB.


H i m n u BPTIBHL P3BL0B,603 Cookman Avenue

Cor. EMORY St. " T el 138

TO LOAN$25f ' : - - ;

400 " C ;

7 0 0 : ^

""■■■■ 1 , 0 0 0 ^

1,500• y v.-r-v- ■$>'.' i

' 2 , 0 0 0 At 5 per cent.

• 3 , 0 0 0 ‘ ‘

4; 000 “

GEO. W . PITTENGERMortgage Loans

Room 14, Appleby Building^ Asbury Park.

SlRlttl $11,111 8tM nd $53,000

Asbnry Pari and Ocean droveB t N K

.......Comer Jlattlson A v e . and Main St., a s b u r y P A R K , N . J .Comer Hein Avenue and PI' rim Pathway


;T O. W IH80B, freildent,I."'• O .O .O £ ilY T 0 N , Vloe-Presldent. ND E . DAYTON, Oaahler. /■•jtiaflS 11INOT, Assistant Cashier.d ib jb o t o b s :KK AFFLKSYf 1 -‘‘ ' DH. J. A. W. HBffllCK, ‘ UCHAMOlf, JOnit tnJBBARD, ;U Yto*,\r'\ ' r tMwta UAmiB; ■. BYA**. . , r 0*0* W* ra*A»etBQUSOJf, AMOS TILTON,' • . V.'.v • DK1 T 0. WUTBOBe .*5I. ■.. ;,., 1,'

iccouxita Respectfully. Solicited. V.. ;■ , afe Deposit Boxes to R ent. •Ve Issue Fdrelgn D ra fts 'a n d t e t te r sCredit.’ : • -a


I * ; ' ' „ •!.; ■ '

George O’Brien, Under Bail in Brooklyn for Burglary, is

Caught at Elberon.

MAY HAVE OPERATED HEREStylo o l IxicaV Mobberica S im ilar to Tlioso . L a id ' to H is C h arge ’ In 'B rooklyn , dam ped . f r o m .Second' Story W indow and Cl avo O fficer,, u lo n g B a n —Efficient W o rk or i o c a l P o lic e .George O’Brien, Bdid to b o 'a m etropoli­

ta n crook, arid 'w ho, it^ is thought,, is rc- iiponsiblc fo r th e several burglaries in th is v icin ity of la te ,'w a s captured th is morning a t Elberon lifte r a long and boated cliasc'by Brooklyn detectives and th e local police.

A description a n d . pieturo o f O’Brien, num ber 7553 in tlie Rogue’s gallery , 1 was sen t Chief of Police Sm ith yesterday by D eputy Chief of Police I ’. H. McLaugh­lin, of Brooklyn. He said th a t O’Brien, a lias Jack Sloan, aged 21 years, a unison by trade, who was under .$3,500 bail in Brooklyn on th e charge, of burglary and grand larceny; was thought to be in tliis c ity . •

On receipt of tljo le tte r Chief Sniitii de­tailed Officer VanW icklo in citizen’s clothes to m ake a tour of all the local contractors. He m o d e a thorough search; b u t whs unsuccessful u n til he showed tbe photo to the ,fo rem an on tlie O’Day building a t Deal. There he wns told th a t tlio m an lmd worked there, b u t had been discharged tlie n igh t before. I t was sta ted th a t he lmd secured work w ith W hite & Cone a t Elberon.

W ord was sent to Brooklyn and about 7 o’clock la s t n ig h t Detectives P o ste r and M itchell p u t in an appearance here. Thinking O’Jlrien boarded in th is city ' they th is niom ing sta tioned themselves a t tlio tro lley bridgo over Deal lake and Officer VanW iekle made the circuit of tlie town in every Long Branch car until 7.30. The trio then repaired to the house near tlie beach, 011 whieli it wns thought O’Brien was working. "

The forem an identified tbe photograph and said the- man w as on tlie second lloor. Detective P oster s ta rte d up the ladder, when O’Brien Baw him coming and throw ing down ..his tools took a Hy­ing leap through’d m uslin covered w in­dow to the ground 20 feet below. He Was uninjured mid s ta rted off on n dead ru n to the w estw ard ,. followed by the trio of .officers.

O ver tlio railroad tow M d^lccanyiite th e chase led,; 'w ith O’Bricirsoverni hundred feet in ; the- lead: c SovcVal -shots failed to cheek him . Then ti horsenuui was m et arid tho .officers' explaining t l io situation , called on him to catcli the fugitive.

On seeing Iub new pursuer O’Brien fled in to a deserted house liy the roadside arid .there lie was takon. He was placed in Pnrk lmll and taken to Brooklyn on. th e 1 2 .1 0 tra in th is afternoon. .

I t is said th a t O'Brien’s methods in the alleged burglaries in Brooklyn were identical in m anner anil tim e of conimis-. sion to tlioso com m itted in th is ' vifeinity? I t is said th a t whea his room in Brook­lyn was searched over- $5,000 w orth of goods were found there. Ho boarded In Loch Arbour, while here. Ilis loom wns searched, bu t nothing was found.

“Yon a re a p re tty good jum per,” said Officer Borden to him. “ You mndo a good jum p on a g a te iu Ocean Grove,” re­ferring to the a ttem p t a t tho Moss cot­tage in Ocean Grove. ■.- Tlio prisoner said nothing hu t smiled.

Tlie work of the local polite wns prom pt and efficient and the New York sleu ths highly complimented Chief Sm ith mid Officer VnnWicklc.

PEDDLERS ROUNDED UPTwo Fold Licenses Duo From I*ast Year.

Only One Unpaid Llcenso Remains Snjra inspector.

W illiam P . liorrlB, oyster peddler,'whoso Ilcon6a las t year wns loft unpaid, was roundod up by Llconso Inspector K. R. T indall last n ig h t nnd mado to pay $1(1.20 Into tho city treasury,

Isaiah M orris, W illiam P .’s undo , who alsd owed a Uoonso fee to tho olty, and was subjeot to sim ilar sum m ary proccduro, hearing of tho arre st, appeared th is m orn­ing and paid up .hls dnes,

Inspootor T indall says there Is only ono othor unpaid llcenso to bo collected.

Special Music Tomorrow.A t tlie m orning servico' tom orrow in

the F irs t P resbyterian church John L. Hess, the well know n tenor singer of Red Bank will assist iu tho music. In , the evening Miss E leanor Lnncc, violinisle, and J . Berkley Clary, ..’cellist, w ill-tako p a r t in tlie special m usical service-

A 'W lse llaslmiBS Man is ono w ho Is into iligently using tho best mothods to secure a proper Introduction to tho sum m or. visitors, oottagors and hotel guests. Tho only guldo and Ronvo- n lr hook published is “H au n ts of H ealth and P leasure,” whloh Is In Its th ird suo- cessfal year. I t goes Into tho hands of tho m ajority of desirable visitors. • A buslnoss card in th is hook 1b ft “ business getter.” Por, Inform ation,' address H arry B. W il­son, Postoffico building, A sbury Purk,- N. J .—Adv. 101. . - ,

C orrect Clothing a t BtelnbacU's.O u r olothlng lines are a t tholr host now.

Como In and look around, even if no t pre­pared to buy. •Adv.-'lOl T b b STKiNBAon,Comp any.j -------- -— ------

Do You Believe I t ?’ i t no t stop a t HahpaTd’s. Tbe hod Is

finely enameled, goud stylo -and finish, only $1.05.—Adv. 100M. .

■ W hy siffo r from Indigestion t ' Rennet- lnawTll oureyou .—Adv. 82tf.


Lively Street Scene in Miniature, Empty Threats and Hot Words

for Background.

. Edw ard,D ay preferred a ohargo of dtsorj derly.oonduct against W illiam L , A tk in ­son and h a d a hearing hoforoPollco Jus tice Borden th is m orning. ~ .’

D ay sworo, th a t A tkinson called h im vllo nam os on the streot on the day of P atho r Qlennon’s fuhpral an d th rea tened to m a 8h h is face. He fu rth e r testified th a t A tkinson followed him u p an d repeated the rem arks Bovoral timea. i '

A tk inson, on tho o ther hand, declared th a t tho trouble w as Instigated by Day, who threatened to p u t a b a ll th rough his anatom y and th a t he to ld Day ho would m ash h is face If he drew the pistol.

There seoms to bo had blood betweon tho tw o mon, g row ing o u t of tho purchase of a bloyolo, It Is said. Day claim s th a t ho wont socurlty for A tkinson, who failed afte r repeated u rg in g to pay for tho wheel. A tkinson says th is is no t tru e an d th a t Day has boon sending h im scurrilous m a tte r th rough the m alls ' ,

Justico Borden, thought the,question too closely d raw n for a quick decision an d he accordingly prom ised to han d In h is opinion a t 10 o’clock Monday m orning.'

SMALL BOVS RAIDEDBARKER CANDY STORE- lao.1! .. ...• .•la d s H e lp e d Themselves, to W h ut TIu-y Could F in d and M ust N ow A n ­sw er lo r M isconduct.

A sbnry P a rk ’s Irresponsible and float­ing sm all boyB enjoyed a stolon feast yes- torday. Tho boys in the aggregate sweot- enod th e ir juVenllo m ouths w ith a lo t of s ta le sweets left In B arker’s abandoned candy storo oh Cookmari avonue.. Tho hoys effected an en trance to the

build ing from -the roar and afte r helping them selves to several hoses of sa lt w nter tpffy, reduced by tho la te fog to a m ild and tasteless paste,, they m ashed a window and passed o u t the sweets to the ir friends on the Mdowalk. - -

Evidently tho hau l w as no t satisfactory, fo r they th rew the candy away, broke bottles of sweetened w ate r and o ther left over stock a long L ake ' avenue, and in a general w ay osposrid tho theft, whioh w as reported to Officer Jacob R . Bordon,whose lo t today has n o t been a happy one.

The boys have been; giving each, othor awoy before Jus tice Bordon, b u t the bur. den o f proof up to a Into hour seemed to concentrate ag a in s t Ross EBtell an d H ow ­a rd S m ith as tho ringleaders. The boys w ill probpbly.be caHethhufore -JadgO-Bor­den In a body to explain tholr conduct.


W ell Known Local Vocalists W ill Shortly Effect q Perm anent A sbury P ark

. ; ,' T ‘ Organization.A glee club of which A sbnry P a rk m ay

have every reason lo feel proud is in process of form ation. A prelim inary meeting has been held by the singers and on M onday n ight a perm anent or- gan iation w ill he effected a t B u rtis’ musis store, on M attison avenue.

Tlioso who now compose tiie organiza­tion aro H u n y B . M artin , W. C. C lark, 13. K. Iloozc, John llyno, John Lippincott, C. N. .lollifT, Herman Stein, E lm er O. King, L. II. VanSniit, Dr. J . II. B ryan, L. B. Sanders, J . B. Clary, W alter T. Hub- hard, F. D. Dudley, F . M.‘ Schuppan, 131- vin B urtis and others. One of the selections tho glee will likely tak e up is tho “P ilg iim ’s Chorus” from Tiinnliauscr,

FOUNDER HAS THE HOSEW as Taken Away by Him and Is Now In

the R epair Shop Receiving N ew S et of Couplings.

I t seems tlm t tlie New E ra hose is not stolen a f te r all. Founder Bradley, in a lelcgrniu to the Press today, adm its th a t ini is a t the bottom of its 'disappearance.

Acting u n d e r liis orders, O. T. Bailey removed tiie hose to th e stables on W cst'T h ird avenue. In his message tlio founder says; “Hoso not stolen, hut in repair shop receiving liciv couplings.” I ts removal, howcvdr, was som ewhat in the nature of a joke.A ttended Missionary Convention,

Mrs. A . G. Balo of th is city w a s 'a dolo gate of the M onm outh County W om en’s Foreign Missionary B oard of tho Prosby- torian ohuroh to tho N ational Foreign Mission board whioh convened la P h ila ­delphia th is weok. Rov. A. G. Bale ac­companied Mrs. Balo.FJnuuotnl Panto In Ja p a n .

Moro th an 20 banks havo suspended pay­m ent a t Osaka, Japan, an d in tho south, orri and cen tral provlncos. Tho Bank' ol Jupan hns assisted thom, h o t furthor tron- blo is anticipated. A . financial panlo pro-volls. ___ . •' •

Pox lcent. .Cheap, 6 room houso. Im modlato pos­

session oan ho had. M. M. drosblo, 508 Main stroot.—Adv. tf.; ' - K lb e rt.H u b b a rd Soys:

“ Some zuon m ake thoinsolvos homes; nnd othors thero ho who ren t rooms.” E l­b e rt is rig h t, nnd If you bo ono of those Uomads "w ho ro n t room s” or ovon ono who has room s to ront, an adv. In our "Spoolal” colum n will suroly prove a profit­able Investm ent. , • adv. tf.A P re tty P arlo r S a lt.

John S m ith h as ju s t p u t n beautiful parlo r su it In h is now house. He saw ono like i t l a t W am fm oker’s for $26.00. B on­nard gavo It to h im for $18.00—Adv. 100 tf.

Anydrio w an tin g a good horso w ill not go w rong by v isiting Soxton's stables and w atching h is p riva te Balo.. W atoh fo r the notloo for th e salo to begin.—A dv. 7 2 tf.

FJacob Jeck Sandbagged by Three

Thieves in His Own; Stable Last Night,


T ried to Envelop Jock' la B lanket as He .-Entered B a ild in g '!B at-W Testlng H im ­se lf I 'reo ir .i Gave A larm —Stunuoil byB lo w , of Sandbag on Iro n llountl Club.Assailants W ere Negroes.

A desperate a tteriip t to sandbag and rob Jacob Jeck in; tru e border ruffian sty le wris mado la s t n ight.

'Jacob is a prosperous .Jewish m erchant of ' Springwood avenue, W est P ark , and uriuaually caniek si large sum of money ithoiit. w itii him . T ■ L a s t evening, a f te r closing his store sho rtly before 12 o’clock,, lie, 11s usual, paid a v isit to th e sluhlo in tho roar of th e premises. H e threw open th e 'd o o r and advancing ilis lantern" iiisido, wns sta rtled ,to' see a liiiin stand ing on one side, of tlie doorway holding a b lanket outstretched m bo th Jiniids. -

tWIicii lie saw th a t ho lyas • discovered tlie strungcr sprangm t deck anil a tte m p t­ed, to envelop him Tin tlie folds' of the cloth. Aiiotlier leaped 011 deck's hack, and still ano ther grabbed liis well filled pocket. Jeck p a rtia lly wrested himself from th e ir g rasp linii freeing liis ifionth from , th e choking, folds of the blanket, screamed for help.

One of his nssaildnls struck him a stunning blow over the left eye with cither, a sandbag or a heavy stick of wood hound w ith iron, both of which were afterw ard found'on the stable floor. Mrs. Vanderace ,1 njiiciglibor residing on W esley P lace/ lieal-d’ the noise anil hur­ried to summon help.

F inding flic neighborhood becoming n lnrined 'ilid three"m en (led. Jeck says liis assailan ts were negroes—one ta ll fel­low and tw o sh o rt men. The largest of tlie ' trio, lmd hid face, hidden under a large red handkerchief.

. Mrs: deck and M rs.. Vundersee hurried down Springwood avenne for help und found Officers Gyavatt,. Chapman and Steel mail a short distance aw ay. The trio ,o f policemen madjr-dlligcnt search of tbe. premises arid -t|lo^e surioiiiiding, hut 110 clue to tlio iden tity of tlie intruders was. discovered. I t was found, th a t they luuV lied dowu W eslcy J ’liiee to the inead- ows imd there a ll-traces of tliein were lost. ' ■ '• - 1 . • \

JECK WAS WROTHYI.oeks ,llp Ofllcer'W ho Sorvflu Searoli-Wftr-

xan t—Goods Ho W as A lleged to Have W ore Not Found.-"

Jaoob Jeck of Springwood avenuo, W ost P a rk , and a search w arra n t had a head-on- collision yesterday. , ' ’-:

On oom plaint of Mrs. C arrie M orcer of New York, formorly a ten an t of Jock’s, a Boawh w arra n t was Issued against Jeck, who, I t was clahnod, hod some goods be­longing to Mrs. M iller. J t seems th a t Jeck held a chattel m ortgage on the ’goods and th a t default had boon m ade arid a sale w as about to tako placo, when the goods were redeemed by Mrs. Morcer. Sho claimed th a t a ll the goods m entioned In tho Inven­tory wero n o t thero an d on hor. affidavit Justico Bunion issued u search w arra n t an d placed It in the hands of Constahio Hullck.

Ha searched tho prem ises and found nothing, it is said, b u t a w lckor basket. Jcok, it is olaimed, w as w rothy ovor tho v isit of tho ofllcor and, looked h im in a room, b u t la te r roloascd him .

Jook wns arra igned boforo Justice Bor- ilon, b u t w as discharged, tho court ho’ld- ing th a t tho m a tte r w as im properly in court; th a t a Buit fo r trovor und conver­sion wus tho proper remedy.

DR. TALMAGE COMINGEngasroil to Deliver Fourth of Ju ly Ora­

tion In the Ocean Grove A udi­torium This Summor.

Tho (Ocean Grove association has boon fo rtunato In securing Itov. T. D oW ittTnl- mnge, D.D. of W ashington os tho orator for tho auditorium on J uly Fourth .

Hov. Mr. M organ of Nownrk, w ith whom there wero prelim inary negotiations, hns decided on a tr ip to Europe which will oovor th a t period.

Bishop W arren a t St. Paul's. .Tomorrow the m orn ing serm on a t St.

P a u l’s ohuroh, Ocean Grovo, w ill bs preached by Bishop Honry W . W arrou of Denvor, Co].,who is tbo guest of ids sister- in-law, Mrs. Kilgoro, 11 resident of Ocean Grovo. _____________.

' Comot-Scen n t Capo Town.T he comot, first scon a t Capo Town

T hursday .morning, is visible on tho cast! orn h o r iz o n .. I t is b rillian t an d trlplc- ta ilo d an d Is rapidly npproaehing tho sun.

Xotlo'o to B ed Men.A11 m em bers of Tooumsoh T ribe and

v isiting Rod Men are oarnostly roquested. to moot a t tho w igw am Sunday ovoning, A pril 28, n t 7 o’clock shnrp, to a ttend divine service a t tho W est'G rovo M .'E. ohureh. W ear w hite gloves and parade badges. P a s t Saohoibs w ill w ear tholr Sashes. • A d a m S t k t t k is , Sachom .

E duau B ills Chief of Records.. ■ Ad-,*; 100-1

Swoll Gownlnge a t StelDtiaoh's.Y ou’ll mnrvol.whon you sco w h a t pretty

spring dress fabrics nro gathered pi the Stejnhnoli stores and hew littlo tho prices. Adv. 101. • -/ -

A ltem arlinblo Offer.I 11 order to movo his onormous stock of

fu rn itu re B annan l is- now offering goods n t cost.—Adv. 100 tf.


Nineteen Selected to Attend the Special Convention at Free­

hold, May I.

The N eptune tow nship ilelogatcs to the special Democratic convention to be hold a t’ tho. Freehold opera house Wednesday, May 1, a t 11 a . m .,'w ero named a t a p ri­m ary hold a t P a rk hall a t 2 o’olook this afternoon.

T he gathering lasted b u t 20 m inutes. O. Meyer Zullok, chaihnan of tho township executive committee, called tho m eeting to ordor, and Joseph H arris acted as secre­tary. A ftor th e reading of tho call the nom ination of delegates was begun.

The 10 who woro chosen as tho roprcscn tatlves from N eptune aro: C. -Moyer Zu- ltck, Avolt; George W . B row n, E. M.Bou- tolle, N eptune C ity; A . T . Rogors.ChaVlos Bogart, Bradloy Boach; F ja n k 1 . Oakley, W alte r Clayton, Ocean Grove; J .' L. Thompson, Thomas Wyncooj), W ost Grove; P h ilip Golotuhock, W iiliam Grif- fln, jr.', fourth d istric t; Joseph H arris and C. B. Cook; W ost P a rk ; J , I,. K inm onth, Joseph C. Patterson , W illiam IC. Dovor- eux, Sam uel A. (Patterson, Charles E. K ing, jr . and Joseph L. Oliver, A sbury P a rk , Eaoh delogato w as empoworod to soleot his own alternate,

Tho speoial convention is called byex- Judgo J . C. Conover a t tho Instance of the sta te Dem ocratic county com m itteo for tho purpose .of prom oting party Interests. A now constitution w ill likely bondopted.


Program Rendered a t City High School A uditorium Y esterday. _

Previous to tlio usual weekly program of th e rhetoric period in th e c ity school yesterday - Miss Belvu Lyon played a well rendered piano selection. Tlie pro­gram, given w as as follows:

Declamation, “The Rough Ridels,” by P arker Reed; recitation , poem en­titled “The Children’s Hour,” Miss Maliel Ritchie; recitation, “The Declaration of Independence;” Raymond E v ere tt; essay, “Godfrey de Boiiliori,” Miss Currie S troud, recitation , “P apa’s L ette r,” Miss Hazel H a rris ; recitation, “Sam uel Ad­ams,” Raym ond Mivrgevmn; recitation , “fJubeoss,” Miss Estelle N aylor; declama­tion , “The F iftie th Birthday, of Argossy," Miss A nnette Vdoihees; rending, “Jonn bf Arc,” kiisB ’ Snrali N esb itt; singing (double trio ), Misses Alice Ilu :it, Jennie Davis, Bessie JVinsor, Kclva Lyon, 'Rhoda A tkins,. M arie King.


Lucky Find of Two Prospectors in the Marvelous Eldorado

Creek District.


M A K L B O B U t.'G li '0 A R D F A B T Y .M ilitary Bnehre Scoins to Id n Had W ithI . tlie I'ushlonulilc F o lk . . • .M ilitary eUohre n t tho M arlborough ho­

tel Is hoooming a fail w ith tho fashionablo folk. L ast n ig h t iho attendance was un ­usually lorge: Sixteen tables wero'ln op­eration. Refreshm ents wero served a t tho close of th e gomo nnil dancing filled out tho ovoning u n til m idnight.

•Mr. and Mrs; P erry R. Sm ith, Mrs Rockafeller nnil O. E. Holm were a t the firs t w inning table, Tlio w inning couple w as Mrs. G. R . Shivntz an d Miss W hite . The prizes fo r ladies a t tho w inn ing table wero a fancy bolt and a laco handkerchief; f i r the gentlem en, a box of cigars an d a sterling silver key rin g and ohain ; for the w inning couple, perfum ery an d fancysoap. __________________Lodges to A tten d D ivine Services.

C.K.HallJPost.G. A .R ., w ill a ttend dlvlno services tom orrow m orning a t the Evangelical L u theran church, where Rev. G. A; Gonzmcr will preach them a special sermon. On Sunday, May 20, the veter­ans w ill a ttend th e m orning services n t tho Bradloy Beach M. E . church.

Tomorrow evening tho local Odd Fol­lows w ill a ttend services In tho F irs t M. IS. church, anil th e Red. Men w ill go to tlio W est Grove M. E. ohureh.L ig h t fo r Mio M pyor.

A now K ltson lig h t w ith a ll tho im ­provem ents w ill be placed ton igh t a t tho corner -of Kingsloy stree t an d Cookman avenuo for the special observation of Mayor Ton B’roeok who, being confined to liis homo by illness, w ill th u s ho enublcd to determ ine tho m erits of tlio Kltsoii as u m unicipal streot ligh ter.I Ju n io rs W in B aseball Gam e.

A spirited baseball contest waged Thurs­day betweon tho Ju n io r A tlilotic club nnd tho A sbury P a rk h igh school nino, re su lt­ing In a victory fo r the Jun iors. Tho sooro stood 18 to 17r"Anothb'r game w ill bo played noxt Saturday between the Jun iors nnd the J . A. 0. of P o in t P leasant.

Tlieso Boxers to be.B lspersed. Pekin,^iSaturday.—Ono thousand Boxors

aro reported to bo oporating south of Pno Tirig F u , an d an expedition w ill bo sont^lp disperse .them, 5 .. ..

. \ ■ F ibre Rugs H alf P rice. -J u s t rocoived onfclro lino of Sam ple R ugs

from H odges 'F ib re Carpet Co., anil we w ill offer same com m encing.today.217 F ibre K u g s , size 8(1x30............ IU cents317 F ibre R ugs,size U O xH ...... i. ..39centsa t the Ocean Palace ofA d v . 101 1 TlIH STEINBACII COMPANY.Bargains ut Dannard's.

Notloo h is ad. on pago 8 —Adv. 100 tf.Cliadw iok’s Pharm acy H as beon removed to 004 Cookman nvo-

nuo, now Btore in tbo handsomo now Hur- toq building, and is ready to rccolve ous- tomora.—Adv. 73tf. . ,

Rennot lno cures indigestion.—Adv. 82lf

A Few Choice F la ts S till for 'ren t in K eator block, M attison

avenue, arid tn new Cookman avenue block. A ll m odern conveniences: I Ront $10 to $20. Apply to owuor or a g e n ts .. - J

R e ad 'T hb Daily P asss . .

Germ ans la C lash W ith C h ln e s o -B rltls li Stoainer Propitious W recked E n terin g H arb or o f B ilb o a—Sleepin g R agp ickers Suffocated in C h ica go —A r t Treasures in W htte Palace in D an ge r F ro n t Fire*Tacoma, W ashington, Saturday.—Two

m en who have ju s t arrived from Dawson Bay th a t a second gold strike has been m ade in the m arvelons Eldorado Creek d istrict, A laska. Tho two m en who dis­covered tho Bpot|washod ou t $5,000 the first day. Messengers say th a t the strlko has created th e wildest oxcitomont a ll along the Eldorado district!


German Expeditionary Force Has Sharp and Sanguinary E ncounter W ith

Chinese in Shan Si Province.Pekin, Saturday—The German expedi­

tionary force has had a sharp encounter w ith tho Chinese in the province of Shan Si. The Germans lost four killed and 85 wounded. The Chinese loss is not s ta t ­ed, bu t is believed to lmve been large.

TALLY-HO TOPPLES OVERMillionaire Son of W idener, the Railroad

Magnate, F a ta lly Injured by S trange : Accident This Morning.

Philadelphia, S atu rday—.Joseph E. W idener, the m illionaire aon of 1 \ A." B. W idener, wus probably fa ta lly injured tiiis morning liy th e overturning of his ta lly -h o .-T w o prom inent Philadelphia social men were also injured..A R T T R E A S U R E S I N P E R I L .M illionaire Crocker's P a la tia l Residence E ndangered by F ire .

Now York, Saturday .—The big whito palace of M illionaire George Crookor, a t F ifth avenuo and Sixty-fourth street, w ith its contents of priceless a r t treasures, n a r­row ly escaped being destroyed by fire th is m orning. W hether the plotures sus­tained any damage from smoko cannot yet bo determined. The furnishings of the houso wore m uoh damaged by w ater. Tho flro started from the rad iato r In a room on the Hocpnd floor. I t spread to the oiled floor and a num ber of costly TurlclBh rugs arid flno tapestry h an g in g s. wero burned. Tho loss is unostim atod. Tho lire was extinguished by a buckot b rig ad e .'T H R E E M E N S U F F O C A T E D .Sleeping R agp ickers in G re at D an ger In B u rn in g B u ild in g .

Chicago, Saturday.—Three m en died from suffocation and threo others m ay dlo ns tho resu lt of a flro early th is m orning in a build ing on Lasallo street. A ll m en w ar- ragpickers and woro sleeping in the buildiiig, which Is a soeond-hand store. T w enty mon were asleep In tho building when tbe fire broke out. F irem en broke dow n tho door an d aw akened th e occu- pants.D IS O R D E R O N T H E IN C R E A S E .Num erous O utbreaks Occasion G re a t A n x­iety lu C ity o f P e k in .

Pekin, S aturday.—Disorder In tho prov­inces ocoupied by tho allies is rapidly In . oroaslng and num erous o ther outbreaks a t different points are reported. So fa r as know n these outbreaks are no t p a rt of any concerted plan.’ In P e k in Itself, however, thoro Is m uoh|anxiety ns to the fu ture.W R E C K E D A T B R E A K W A T E R .British Steam er and C ap tain L o st W hen N ear a- Safe H a rb o r.

Bilboa, Spain, S aturday.—1Tho, B ritish Btonmer Propitious, front Sandorland, Eng., for th is port, Btruck the breakw ater while endoavoring to en ter the .harbor, and was wrecked. Tho captain and steward woro drowned. The vessel nnd cargo will bon total-loss.IN S U R R E C T IO N I N A L G E R I A .Rebels Said to Nninber 10,000 A ro Arm ed W ith M odcrp W eapons.'

Algiers, S aturday.—A force of 2,000 troops has boon sont to suppress, the Insur­rection in Southern A lgeria. T he rebols are reported to be 10,000 strong an d arm ed w ith modern w e a p o n s .__M IN E D IS A S T E R IN B E L G i U J I .Sixteen Lives Lost aud G re a t D am age Done to P ro p erty . ’ - .: Belgium , Satu rday .—A terrib le explo­sion in a coal m ine a t Fornu , a m illing town, was reported th is m orning. Sixteen lives wero lost and considerable damage done to p ro p e rty . \ :

Ddd-Fellows' Notice.M embers uf A sbury P a rk Lodgo, No.

253, I. O. O. F ., w ill m eet a t tho lodge room Sunday, n ig h t n t 7 o’clock to a ttend chnroh; N eptune Lodgo, No. 84,1 .0 . 0 . F . w ill be guests. A ll visiting O dd Follows Invited. W . D. B e d e l l , Secretary.

Hakuy J . B o d in e , Secretnryi .Adv. 101.

Notice o f Removal.Dr. Goorge B. H erbert hns removed

his dental parlors from tho A sbury P a rk an d Ocean Grovo B ank b u ild ing to larger and m ore commodious room s In tho new Ptirkor building a t OOt! Cookm an avo nuo,—Adv. 42 tf., „■ W h ite M ap le. .

A beautiful wood. You, oan fu rn ish a room for $38.60 If you buy of B nnnard.— Adv. 100 tf.

• Wjigons an d harness' fo r salo or ox- talinime, also repairing, and harness made to order, a t Cuuhorly’s, corner SprlngWood a u d Railroad avenues.—Adv. 98-131*

Money to LoanWe have to loan on first ipoct*

gage on Improved Heal Estate tho following sums: : :

$ 1 , 0 0 0

1 , 2 0 0

1,500 2 , 0 0 0

3.0004 .000


Monmouth Trust- A N D -

Safe Deposit CompanyMonmouth Building, Asbury Park, N. J ,

CAPITAL .... $100,000SURPLUS. 25,000


Executes all trust* knowtt to the law.Loans money on bond and mortgage.Receives deposits subject to check and i Interest on daily balances.Acts aa Trustee. Registrar aud Transfer Agent Pays coupons.Makes demand and time loans on approved collateral. • •Safe deposit vaultaA . C . TW INING. PresidentQ . B . M. IIARVRY, vice President R . A . TUSTING, SecretaryB . C CO RN ELL, Tieajurer DIRECTORS:O K. Brown, r . A Tinrtlng,J H . Buchanon, Henry Mitchell, I f . D .1>. e Cornell, John P. O’Brien,iv%’L H ? rrl*?5’ Ferry R. smith,Col. G . B M. Harvey, . A . Patterson,George F . Bboebl, A . C. Twining,Bruce 8. Keator, M . D ., H . H . Vreeland.G. D. W. Vroom.W h y N ot B uy a Lot for $ 4 0 0

AT BRADLEY-PARKBuUd|a]moderato' price house, which in- vestraont: w ill1 ooafc leas th an paying CIS por m onth ren t. Bee

H. C. WINSOR or T. p. AfPLBBY.

W H E N Y O U R E N T...B uy Y o u r ...’,

BOOK LEASE %Of U8« It is correct and will hold

Have you used the..,

Utopian Paste Bottle?Ask About R

Rubber StampsAny style made to order,

Picture Binding, Mounting Board, Photo Library Paste.

Watermans Fountain PensA big help to all who write. ------

■ HARRY A, BORDEN.Stationer New sdealer

Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ave.

W H E N . . .you drop a PENNY into a BLIND man’s hat, do you consider how much care you should give your own eyes? Take no chances with then.

S T I L E S & C O .Philadelphia Eye Specialists'

At uaa Main street, Asbury Park every Friday.

Hours, 10 to 5. Free exam ination and nil work guaranteed.First National Bank........... r (v,-OF ASBDRY PARK

Mattlsoa Avenue and Bond StreetBetween Postoffice and Depot


GEORGE F. KROEHL, President. . •D lt. SAMUEL JOHNSON, Vice-Fres,

M. if . SCOTT, C nshttt.’ ‘- 'A ' J . E. DAVIS; Ass’t Cashier.

P a tro n s’ valuables reeeiVcd fo r safe keeping frco of charge. A' "• :(:{

fo re ig n Exchange bought ipind s o ld . '. • Collections p rom ptly acknowledged.


A S B U R Y P A R K D A I L Y 'p f c K S S y S A T U R D A Y , A P R l L j ? , <<R)i

U ll.rA M otlS ' LAN-DMARK DOOMfiD, '■*, V^T . - •■:■ ___ 2 -• '• „ /ii-*; j ' vH istoric Boonton Forge to M ake W ay

,for Huge Reservoir. •.T he '‘b u ild ing . of the g r e a t ; reservoir

nchrfltoontoti;* N* J , , AVliich ia to jfu ra is lf Jersey C ity w ith its w ater Biipply, will cause the final disappearance of ono of th e m ost famous landm arks of- Ameri­can History—old Boonton forge, .This; queer s tru c tu re , ha lf bridle and -half wood, lies in tjie valley of .the Kock- aw ay river, tlio. riv er itse lf alm ost brush­ing its side in its joUrnoy^ tow ard • th e Hackensack. D irec tly .across the coun­try road which holds its uneven, way to ­ward Boonton is the old red houso \yherc %Va8hing ton} and L afay e tte spent m any W0 «ry, .daya und w eeks. a t various times- during the N ew 5Jeiney campnigm, ,•..Tliat now the. forge is ,beitig used as .a

machine • shop by tlio reservoir contrac­to rs , hu t in the la t te r h a lf o f; the eigh­teen th cen tury i t held a .place .tluit w as peculiarly its own. - T h e , s truc tu re • w as bu ilt in 1700, ju s t about the :tim c th a t : th e -Knglish parliam ent, issued an edict th a t no ironwoVk could be m anufactured, jiirjthc American cqlonicp, and providing fo r punishm ent o f any qnc who violated the command, says the Scientific A m eri­can. I t so huppened th iit tbe ^NijwJcr- sey people * w anted some ironwork, and Boonton forge whs selected as 'it ho place of making.' There had nevcr/becii any ironwork m anufactured in the colonies before, b u t i t was executed in earnest n t the forge, and th e w ork o f m anufacture w ent on w ithou t opposition until the revolution broke, out. The atm osphere about Boonton wns exceedingly patrio tic , nm bthe people, were cxtrcym ly proud of the forge, which they had dubbed “ Lib­erty - Forge.” ' \yiien W ashington's--m en began’ operations-in New Je rsey i t was found there wns dire need of am m unition, and th a t the cannon would soon become. pnielieally-nsidess heiyiusc of tbo-seem ­ing im possibility of obtaining the neces- tm rycam ion balls, Then it was th a t the forge, entered u p o n -its proudest days. There Was a good deal of/iron- stored, there, ovigiimllyobtaincHl for-purposes of peace, but the consent of the oiVners was easily secured . and by W ashington’s order tho lire of th e forgo soon blazed in th e work of casting shot to hurl against the B ritish.

H undreds of cannon balls wore m ade and turned over to tho C ontinental a r t i l ­lery before th e patrio tic work ceased, and i t is curren t h isto ry th a t •Washington said th e ta sk perform ed n t Boonton forgo had much to do with the success of the American arm s.

U ntil the building of th e reservoir be­gan the forge wns silent and untenanted , except when occasionally i t wns found useful for some special work 4lm t th e equipm ent of th e building len t \tse lf to. I t is lively enough today, but w ith in . u y ea r’s tim e th e . w uter o f-th e reservoir will stand 100 fee.t deep over its Hite...

T he reservoir-whose building luis doom­ed the old forge will be a notnldc-w ork when complete. T h e land which it- Will contain is a ll-b f h isto ric 'in terest.! j Some of the farm s included h av e ' been in the possession of the sam e families for tw o' hundred- year*. ’ The re se rv o ir nvillf.bel 21-7 miles Umg.nmh 1 1 -5? 'ntilen - wide/nt- itp longest.- am i 'w idest pointH^.the-.totalj circumference being .ten:-!m ile s .T h e rc j a re acres.of woodland to be Heaved^ and by" Ja n u a ry , 1002. everything, above? six inches in height upon th e 070 acres' of 1 und th a t w a te r ' is to cover wiN have been uprooted am i carried a w a y -

I t will be necessary ,fo r th e W ater 'to journey 2 J miles a f te r i t leaves the reser­voir before it reaches the Jersey Citv m ains, th e trip , being mad,c th ro u g h 'u series of pipes and conduits. I t will p ass twice under the Passaic river and once under the Hackensack. The- con-, s tru c t ion of reservoirs und aqueducts for tile w ater will, w hen completed, have oc­cupied li t t le more than tw o years. The work 1ms n num ber of unusual features, h u t none a re more, in teresting than the fac t tlm t i t is th e only,reservoir ho fa r as known tlm t has for its site a revolution­a ry battleground.


IN BROWN, BLUE, GREEN AND MOTTLED. ATh’s ware is ia rich colors on the outside and purewhite ipside.

Itis beautiful in. appearance and durable in quality,.haxing thrde coats'.o£ hard enamel. - • n,..',Y : • f i : J'V

We now have a complete line of tea and coffee pots, , tea kettles;' acd sauce pahs. See our window.

Tj/ie 'Sreat T>iiitte <StorG

Tffaitison |- " ■ . • I

■ xxxioocxjooocKJoapooooqooejito ooooocoooooooopooctoooboooc'BUSY WEEK AT HOSPITAL

Bun Parlors, and atoam heated Bpeclal rates, for winter

tUndiamety Furolahfttf

The Minot House_ , , , Now open. . Cornvr Third Avonuo nnd Heck atrcotEnlarged nnd riiiam itihtd. Elcctiit: lij;Ida Bath Elevator Hunparlors Relect oervico ! . , . . . - • ■ , ________^ . OAPt . J . M IN OT, Proprietor;W ard Viflh

T h e A la s k al i o n *!>• W a r H im .“ Ja m e s,” , said llu* western t-.IJtor to liis* assistant, “ you hnd In-tler fix up ai: obit­uary notice o f lhulm au IV levs.”“AVhy. he aii|‘ l dettil.,;! jest peon*'—. “ I know he ain’ t dead yet, but ,\va hud a piece in the p'apeY iliis iiiornin that he won’ t like, nn he’ll he sure io come in here nn tr y to do m e up. -Might it* well git th at much copy-out of the w ay .” — Philadelphia Tress.Tlio Kent Ileinedy for Klieunifttlsm .QUICK RELUCF rilOM I’AIN..A ll who use Chutnhf rlnln's Pain Balm fo* rheumatism are delighted wlt-h the quick relief from pain which Ir. affords, w hen f peak!up of this Mr. D N Rlnka of Troy, Ohio* snya: ‘Home time duo I had a severe attack of rheumatism In my arm and shoul­der. I tried numei ous remedies b u t u o t no relief until I was recommended by M»ssra Geo. F . Parsons & C o ., druggist* of this olaee, to try Cham berlain’s Pain Balm They recommended it ho highly th a t 1 bought a bottle. I was soon relieved nf all pafo. I have since recommended this lini­ment to many or m y friends, who ugree with mo th at it is the best remedy for mus­cular rheumatism in the m a rk e t11 For sale by Stew art’s drug store, corner. Cookman avenue and Bond btreat.

,A Y s p e c i a l i j i n e : - v? • , :v r "-* .v -vr-

: ;,i;-UFINg HATSiFOR $5.0^).,;-■ A ll the latest styles in SA ILO R HATS,

‘ ijratS;-1 !E . : D IL T S ,^ i z "eo'okman AVenue;

1 R o s s - F e n t o n F a r m'<>- $ w ■ , ,



E X M IL Y R E S O R T ,


Y K A R ,

. Two Kcw Corporations.The Phillips M anor company, capital

Btock, $ 100 ,001); object, improvement of laiida, etc.; principal olllee, 701 M uttiaon avenue, Anbury i’a rk , has ju s t hetm in- corpnralcd. Also, the A llenhurst- Inn ami CVittiige company, capital stock, $ 10,- 0 0 0 ;o b jec t, to'operat.e hotels, etc.; prill-, t'ipal ollico, A Usnln'jat. .

No man has reached the acme of business success. H eights th a t we do not dream of will be attained - bv tw entieth century m erchants I am one of those who believu.that there is no limit to the possibilities of hum an achievement. -

T his is the frame of mind one gets into after looking a t such stores as.W ananiaker's in Philadelphia and New York, Siegcl-Coopcr Co.’s in CKtCag<h.amLNew York, Macy’s and Bloomingda|e’s in New York, The F a ir and Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.'s iu Chicago,-

T he vast scope of such en-' _____ terpriscs, th e magnificent system,

give 'o n e - confidence in futuresuccesses. F ifty years ago such , -establishm ents were no t dream ed ,of. W hat will the nex t fifty - §

T hese g reat stores owe their

.diffusion ~oC store news, for of w hat use are the finest stores and 1^ ,' ,:th e b iggest bargains if people * : f ;know no tliing o’f tliem ?.. I

Is in its infancy. I t is growing inirnportance'~arid efficiency every r .y k t '’day. I t used to be a speculative venture. Now it-is a scientific certain ty .

Speaking of Bloomingdaie Bros., I understand th a tj ..... during tiie first-w eek of 'a certa in “ sale ” thdy IliadE | k a recently, they .spent $15,000 for advertising, mndW fflr ' l *la t l ' le estim ated profits on the weekls bnsi-

’ ' ' ness were $25,000. B looralngdale’s- w asn't\ always a big store. . T he b ro thers are bdth

-young men. T he business has been built .within tw enty ^ears; built by juui-

$ cions, persistent, tru thfu l advertising,ju s t as any other-business may be b u il t

^ P ?--. V-Y.'YiMS-'S. ’ A dvertising xs m erely telling peoplein a telling way w hat you can do To

- r j ^ wrj them . If you tell them often enough' ’ ~ and in th e righ t way, there is-no possi-

/taut omJ Mfftu—bliity of failure.. toh rilU \ CkarU, Ak ,U Bat,,, .


Real Estate and Insurance

222 Mala Street. ./‘V Pklt.

M O N E Y T O L O A NIN SUMS OP AVY A n o u v r , r>NX '

ooooooooocooaooooooooooooqA D V E R T IS E i n Y T H E P R E S S

c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o


. Llconaod Pa^-nbrpkor,IOS Broadway, ' Loog BntDC.lt,' N.,il-

All busiaca? stiiotlv cooftdontlfiL

ASBimy PARK- DAILY PRESS, SATUR DAY, APRIL 27, 1901' T * “ r" * ’ r - — . S i

W k W b e M ", " WANT c o m mw * w * T P %rsr*T*v*rw r 9 * a r? W !r in w * r p r w 3 n F r

, , Reliable Furnitu re.

A R E M A R K A B L E O F F E R r • , • • • • •« n, •

WR.jEaye a trea^egdous stock, of fotgitiue. /^Ifte-ialoy weather Which, jyc., have*, had aimost^continuqtislyior the past*month lifis. £ut' us bchm'dh'h: our .sstfeiTf or. the mpnth- of April, • We must move our stfl,ck and. for that reason « offer r. 1 ■'•.Ay> \ V , V 1 J

These Special PricesA File White Enameled Bed,

• Iu. SizcB’4 0 an d 8.0 'A Polished Oak Chiffonier, GfjIdenOak Bureau |,!|ashstaiid


$15.50Birch Bureaii and Washstand,1 Polished liiapie Bujfe|u5 1 Polished Maple Washstand, (d*/jn rh • I Brass and Enamel Bed, [tpZO**3!f j 1 Fine Woven Wire Spring,Mahogany 3=piece Parlor Suit, $18.00

•The above are all new goods. ! We offer these values for « a short time only.


M l W P E i

WILLIAM H. BANN ARD.hrand and Cookman Aves., ASBURY PARK.

O pen u n ti l 8.30 p. m .‘

SEXTON S LIVERY .STABLE. i t .. r • ■ \ , • I ‘ 1 ■ ■Pneumatic Tire Wagons

Rubber Tire Runabouts

Stylish Cob Horses••. ..*•!■-it, *'

V; Closed Carriages forT*' Wed d ings, and«Funerals

...A First ’Class Establishment in Respect...

M ., E . S E X T O N , p r p p b i e t o r ;

.Main St:, Near Ocean Grove Main St. Gates.

; / .'v-.V’ h . C . P A R R E L S, Prop. J . L . BLACK* M anaser.

O A ^ ’T BHJ BEA T—nolthor can tho bargainsfrou a>n buy of as bo bLnton, Oomo nnd oxam- no onr now stock ot goods an&fljricoe, especial*^Kxtonsian TaLios, Sldobonrds, Clin Ira, Rock- orfti Bodroom :€ulte, Iron- Bods, Springs* itdtr . tresses, Mnttings, OarpotH, Ruga, Linoleum, y Oilcloths, Tubles, Couchcw, Window Shades, \ Ranges, Heaters. Desks,iBookcnsea Showcases,

■\Jm undry Bupplioy,.Ohambor Crockery, &o. *>• < Qooda taken back fit half price nt end of sea- . son. Goods sold on commission. - •>• Highest prico paid for, second bond goods. ^CROSBIF’S OLD STAND,


' C O A L AMPw d p i> > .. :

E , S T O U T , S u c c e s s o r t o F o r m a n

leav in g . pnrobnsed tbo coal au d wdOI liualnosa.of; J o h n Form an, I propose ts c a n y th e beet quolUlos of coal th a t can bt>

I purclmqod. •. ‘ . . . . . 1

DaUvortoa wlU bo prom pt.

Row Easy It Is S.1 0130 of. those cheap PIANOS, represented J

t as.“ just as good.” ffermit.uj to-suggejtt „ to. int^ndfng purchasers that there tS,no,,|

l i uncertainty, about the _

’• | . j f f a t h c i s h e k & : S o t » .

I ; ••■ ' . . v f ^ i a o o f l u , - . . ' ’. 'sixfyTyearsTdf piano building:' L a -

a ; guaranty of their perfection.• S 'i/-.. We invite inspection of these and' st other instriuitents. T / t ,‘,;J .J ’I ‘ - ^ . T . S A N FO R D ;ft' W;.- ■ l« * m UN ST! HST.

qm aiou iaiisaa& r

The planting season u^ll soon be here and in order to have good xrops it is important that you have GOOD SEEDS . Our supply of


has just arrived and as it comes from one of the most reliable houses in America, we feel that you w ill be bountifully' repaid by purchasing your seeds at our store. We can supply, you seeds in any quantity and at prices, that will bear inspection.L a w n F e rtiliz e r , T im o th y an d • •; ' C lover Seeds. ■ ■ • ■••-S m all O nion S e ts 10 c ts . Q u a rt

.S Y S O L B a q e n t p o r p CAn E t , JR . SE ED D RILLS, CULTIVATORS an d SYRACUSE C HILLED P L O W 3.

JOS: D. NEWLIN173 blssa Street . • Anbury Icirk.



J iy Btook is nearly oomploto: E uro rcoeto( tbo lending makes, auoh as. the

Cleveland . YaJe [Tribunei'Spaldiug i , Rochester ; DaytonCrawford imperial i Lyndhurst Whiteaad savfttal. others. ThoflROSt lino over pz- hlbltod by a local doa'cr. Havo both chain o?:4. bhnlnlesfl, Shall continue iho samo llboral torm s and honest den lings.

hcpalrlng, Renilog aad Instrdclon A gont also ;foryVhlto Sowing MnolilrioS an d 'su n d rie s and Snnldfng Sporting Qoofto. pftU-Oifd oibsiime m y etook.

M, L. FERRIS714 M a^ltsori A y e .,. Ash.ury P a rk

Johri N. BurtisU N D E R T A K E R

7O8 MATTISON AVENUEd Enrfol.Oaskat!: ah hand oi. ■‘brdor.'' ; ■" .....

Dr., J . I I . B ryan Is a Now 'York vlfitto; toiluy. ' " ■ ■ ■ - ; i • I

^Churns" a t tho Aebury P a rk high school nudltorlum tonlghfc

3: B. Thompson has rhtii'fhed !o Ocoan Grovo from Jaoksonvlllo, Flo.

? Tho A llcnhurst firo.Cdmpany b a t placed: an onlor for BOO foot of lioso, to cost about ttoo.. .■■■. - ... >•< - '- • , m

Mayor Ton Brodok, w ho has,been a.snf- fororfrom neuralgia, Is roportod slightly Improved; . *.■• • .. .,.,..4

Me.Caho & M argorutn 's OUn streot m eat m nrket, Ocoan Grovo, w ill reopoS- nex t Wednesday,

T. F ra n k Apploby ycsfonlay paid an Im­p o rtan t visit to Philadelphia, Trontoh nml H ightsfow n. •' H arry J . Bodlno has sovored his connec­

tion w ltlj tho undertak ing . eatahUshmont of J . H . Sexton;. E. G .: Mlannoy an d fam ily-w ill- move today from the- Ogden cottage, on T hird avonuo, Into thoir ow n Irandsamerosldonce on Sixth avonue.. . - . • . , . . • ..,

A special salo of oorn sta rch ' w ill, begin May « a t tho A and P . Tea Co. store, (520 Cookman avonuo.


Itccaptar'cd a t llrailloy Boacli Tills Morn­ing ami' Vlacod In (tie Colt I 'rom

•Whloll ilo Gscapad,W olcott P o land , vvha escaped from tho

[township ja il Tuesday, Is again a prlsonor thoro ln tho samo coll,- No 1, from which ho decapod. ‘ .j .iOonstobles W hito and H ainm oll, who havo diligently searched fo r P oland since 'his escape, captured h im , th is m orning. YestcrdayW hlto siwJPohm d u t E ldridgo's hotdl, Ilolmnr, h u t P oland also saw W hito whon a tap off ond flod like a door through th q sw am p In w ater kndo deop.,. •..Tho twp o fhcors th is m orning scoured

B elm ar and then turned thoir a tten tion to Bradloy Beach. A t ». window in tbo homo of P p land ’p, jnothor, Min; Jand Poland, |tho.:prls6ndtf was scdnl Jtra. P o land pro­tested pathetically th a t hor son w as no t i u tho houso, h u t search discovered 'him sit­tin g oh the trap door loading Into tho a t tlo. Officer H a m m c ll. watchod below and W hito. outside u u tll finally P oland de­scended.

Ho was glvon his oholco of colls n t tho toivnship ja il and tho se th e . ono from w hich ho escaped. : Ilo said iho door was n o t looked whon. ho wan imprisoned be-

Ludlow S m ith was .tondorod a 'surprlso ! foro. A thorough soarch of tlio prisonerfalloil to reveal any key o r w eapon^ Tho charge against him la fo r assau lt an d bat-

party lost n ig h t a t tho homo,of H crbort S. Gordon, Bradley P ark , whore ho resides.

Mrs. V irg in ia B uchanan, afto r a pro­longed stay u t th s M arlborough, hotel, re ta m e d th is m orfilng to h er homo In Now York. t:-. '1 The' mcmhcrs of tho Eagle H ook an d

Ladder com pany of Ocean Grove w ill havo thoir photogrophs.fram odand h u n g In tho company parlors.-: , . . i ■: •

Georgo VnnW lokle, a . w ealthy .m lno ow ner of' Hoaleton, P a., is v isiting his cousin, Charles VanW iokle, a t tho Edge- more In n , th is olty. .' Tbo rum m agd salo of th e Ladles' Aid

society of tho W estm inster ohurch, a t 143 Main streot, is Ijolng continued today and w llhalso ho apon t o n l g h t i - -

Tho law officos of Jo h n F . H aw kins are being finished In a delicate blue and oil andvara isb lhas workedra g rea t ohango for thojbetter In th e wood.work.

Tho gu tters on W est Bongo avenue, near tho railroad, a r e ,b e in g ' rogravelod. Tho slope Is ra th e r stoop an d every ra in hereto­fore has washed away th e roadbed.

The Em pire City m ea t morkot, Myers & Potorj proprietors, hns been oponed In A i­lonhurst noar th e railroad sta tion . The owners are alBO the proprietors of a largo m arket In Now York.

Mrs. L, C. H n b h c r th a s loft for A tlantio City, whoror sho will a tten d the Now Jo r­soy conforenca . o f th e . A. M. E , ' Zion ohnreh, now In session a t th a t place. Sho w ilhnlsb v isit Philadelphia.

Owing to.-tho 'unfavorable weather, Dr. W edderspoon did n o t doliver h is lecture. “T h a t F am ily ,O n G m m blo C ornor/M n the Bradloy Beaoh church ,. Wedncs.^day n igh t, t i t will botglvou Monday n ight. May 8.[■ 'A t In s t, thoireason of tho v is i t of tho sto rk seen lu th is vicinity a low . days ago; is discovered... A Urlght littlo baby g lrf pTrivcdlaBt n ig h t a t tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam T an tum , 1104 WeBt F o nrth avenue.;' r ■■


C o n tra c to rs E x p e c t in F lo a t th e B at-, ' ' t lc s h ip .

Chicago, A pril 27.—'N ew ton F . Chain- berlnln, who ia cugaged ,In ra is in g th e w reck o f tlio lintrtesW j) M nlne In H a ­v an a h arb o r and w ho h as ju s t re tu rn ed from C uba on u sh o rt business trip , suld:

“W e expoct to have the ,Maine afloat And vcitd.v M r Inislnuss again somq tim e nex t fall. She w ns hot so badly dnnm ged w hen she w n s snnk a s has been • genera lly supposed, an d rep a irs cnn easily be m ade.

“W o find," con tinued Mr. C ham ber­lain," “ th a t th e M aine lias not su n k one ineli deeper slnee I m ade nn exam ina­tion of h er tw o y ea rs ago. Slio lies per­fectly lovcl, an d It is ju s t 37 feet 0 Inches to solid bottom from bo th bow and s te m , Iu o rder to float tbo vessel wc shall firs t h a n d a d am a ll a ro u n d it and pum p otit th e w ater, W hen the w a te r hns a ll been, removed- from the w reck, th e hole-in h e r botv w il l 'b e re­paired . - T hen w hen llie w a te r! is tu rn ­ed In ngnln she w ill rise to th e su rface nnd .will ho .towed to th e H av an a docks fo r n com plete oyorhaulinfr.” v, t, '

* * *•! , 11 . .. *.Jj.C atlttU y'K id n a p in g €ri«c.!

Onm iia, A pril >27:—A fte r exam in ing 35 w itnesses th e s ta te lias re s ted h r the p rosecution of Ja m es C aliahnn fo r com­plicity. In tlio abduction o f E dd ie C uda­hy. T he defense m oved to d ism iss on th e ground tlm t th e allegation of rob­bery laid not been su sta ined . T h e Jury w as excused, nnd th e m otion argued brought o u t nil in terestin g point. A t­to rney M eFnrlniid / fob tlio'V defense strove to show tlm t ,Mr. Cudahy; hnd given up h is gold free ly an d of ills owii volition. H e snid fu rth e r th a t the p acker had gone fu lly .-arm ed to th e rendezvous nnd had been p u t hi no bod­ily fear. The. offense therefore, air. Mcr Farlnno sa id , did. n o t co n s titu te h ig h ­w ay robbery. ■ . \ ;

•\yi«V amo‘ a i< n n tit.Carrie—Charley -th inks my net. gown

ju s t beautiful.' H e said last evening St w a s p e r f e c t dreum. W hat nre you grin- nlhg a t? ' ‘ ,

Madge—Oh, nothing.' I was only think- 'in g th a t C harley told mo only today that be has such horrid dreiuns.—(Boston T rahscrlpt. " : . . jsy. .. ’ *1

i . .* , E u t i l i c d 'l o I 'h c tu : I'Lhw yot^-jly . client wants two pon-

niehtti; i ' J ' :■ 'Penaloa. Agent—T.wo? •' " •' 1

•“ L aw yer—Yes.' Sim j-o'if ptove- th a t her dBtoased husbuud wouldn't hnve gone to w ar at. flU [if^slie hndu’t ‘nindo' him .-- Chicago Itocord.

A .Tatlm oaluti I ;ta n , Old England.I ; consider Chamberlain’s Cough Item

e d y th e best in tho world for bronchitis,' sa jh Mr. W dljam Savory, of W an Ingtoir, England. ‘ I t hue savet! m y wife’s life, She bwythB hepn a mar.ty.r.tp.hniiifthltifi.for i.vqr, SIx'yftirs.’lietncf'iAoat o faho tlme.contlned- to her Ixiil. She, Is now gulto well." ■ Shirt By atewArt'SN.druBt sroro,' doruer Cookninn uvenuoandBond street, ’

tery on his wife ond children.

COUNTY AND STATEM orris Bacon of Lower A lloway caught

a 10}4-ponnd Shad a fow days ago. • • : !. A lbert Wdlfo' ot Onmdon wos attacked by a dog In the street and. aovorely b ttton in tho leg. '•

P lainfield olerks haVo'organized a njilcn and w ill dem and ea rly closing of retail establishm ents; 1 I -i

■Diphtheria, w hich prevailed to a great oxtenti a year ag o tn Clayton, haa broken o a t again in th a t placo.

A tram p, be ing refuted alm s by Mrs. H orry F ir th of Blackwood, s truck her a blow w ith h is ilsb and fled.

Tho contract fo r a now m acadam road In Camden county hns ju s t boon aw arded to Shanloy B rothers for $14,000.

Throo thidvds wore captured in the not of robbing the residence of Key. J . W. Sarles o t Now B runsw ick Thursday.

The heard of freeholders w ill m eet a t KcyporC on Monday to consldor tho pur-' obise of tho M i.tdlctpwn and Keyport turnpike.

•Burglars at'A ’dnm Dcntam an's general store In D n lien H o'c 30 um brellas. Tho continued wot weuthbr probubly forctidthem to It. ,. .

Vandals have boom tnm poring w ith tho ru ra l m all dellvoryi boxes in tho neighbor hood'of Q aabertow n and an Investigation is under way.- , •;,*

A savogo St. B ernard dog-attacked 10, yoar-old W illiam Hormnn of Patorson and tore open the lad 's cbeok from tho loft eyo to below the ear.^ I t is thought tho boy w ill die; Ut r,"i,

Mre. M argaret I 'McDonald, who- was found doad on a tra in n t A ltoona; P».j a few days ago,1 was a : resident of B ah way. She w as'oa hor'woy to v isit hor hrothor In California.

Tho Sowell postofUcG has been selected a s th e d istribu ting dontro for a ru ra l de­livery routo ombraolDg the towns of- H o i- vllle, Clmpple; ’ Turnorsvillc, Glen Look, Terrace, Barnsboro, Jefferson and Itieh- wood. , ' ! ' •; ■ /■ ■' Much disappointm ent is expressed In

Mr. Holly and vlqlnlty because tho B ur­ling ton county baseball league has passed o u t of existoneo. The only tow ns, whoro team s will bo organized aro B urling ton ond Palm yra.

Tho Patorson board of health has issued an order compelling a l t tho mil! owuors'and m anufacturers to soe.that the ir employees are vaccinated. Special officers an d in ­spectors will enforce lho rulo. Muny of tho girlB havo dcclurcd thoy will no t he vaccinatod, and tho m ill ow ncrsanticlpato tronblo. . .. ’ ,F O IA O W IN G A F r K I t B R A D L E Y .Coney Isla n d to Elavq Em ereoney n o sp lta l Like One on O u r Bench.

Coney Island ’s em ergency hospital w ill open on Wednosdny noxt. F o r years thq need of suchqn in stitu tion hns boon felt and the authorities criticised for no t pro­viding it. . : . - >.

The Coney Island, and Brooklyn R ail­road company has also arranged for a hos­p ital -car to r a n every day from Coney Island to tho P a rk circle, thoro to transfer pa tien tsrto the ambulnnoo of tho K ings county hospital.

Court Term May Be Changed.Justice J. F rank lin F o rt says lie lins

received a petition from a huge number of .Middlesex county law yers asking th a t th e Septem ber court, term lie nrnde to begin one week later,, be ing ,the th ird Tuesday instead of th e second' Tuesday. Justice F o rt suid ho would be willing to have such a change. made provided . the M onmouth county liar would tak e sim- ilu r action and defer .the opening of .tbe October term ono week, so tlm t tlio two counties would not conflict.

Pennsylvania Railroad • Rate;, to JPaa- Avncrtoan'Exposition, Buftaio., -

Tho Pennsylvania Ball road company announces the follow ing special redncou ra tes to! Buffalo, o i l . account of .tho Pan • A m erican .Exposition,, w hich opens on Mriy 1: • ■•

S um m er uxoursion tickets, to bo sold froio-Aprll .80 J o Sspterobur 80, inclusive, and good to re tu rn u n til October 81, a t rr.to of $i0.00 from W ashington. $18.00 from B altim ore, ?17.O0'fropr Philadelphia, and proportlonnto ra tes from other poll;: ■

Ton^day, cxotirslon tlckois, to bo sold, beginning iMay 1, and con tinu ing every day thereafter during tho Exposition, good going on regu lar tra ins ond good re tu rn ing w ithin Ion days, Including date of sale, a t ra th of 510.80 from W ashington, $15,00 from Baltim ore. $10 00 from P h ila ­delphia, and proportionate, ratos from other points; ■•."■* •. . •

Special oxoursion !,i0K ots,.to ho ‘ sold, good going only on Thursday, May 28, and good re tu rn ing w ithin seven days, includ­ing rfp:<: of sale, a t ra te of $10 08 from B al­tim ore and W ashington, $9.00 from Phllq delphla, and proportionate rates from o ther points, .

The Pennsylvania H allroad conipany ntnv operOtostwi th rough tra in s each Way dally batlvaui' Phlladeijihla, B altlniore, ■Washlngtoa au d Buffalo.

CHURCH D UFltlST PliESUYTEItlAN CllunCII— HoV. A, G. Bale, pastor. M prnlng worship at-10.80; preaching by pastor; sermon, “ The Church oil tho City W alls:" Sunday- school a t 2.80 "p. lit* Christian Endeavor a t 7 o'elock.i Evening service a t ‘7.80; pastor’s address, “ Unclouded M om ents,” w ith spccial'-music by organ, violin and ’cello. Communion preparatory sorvlce Friday ovoning a t 7.45. .

B ethel A,)M. E . GiifJitcii, Soconfi ave­nue itnd Main street.—Rev. T . E ..F ran k ­lin, D .D , pastor. • Q uarterly mcofing. Lovofcast a t I) a . m. Preaching n t 10.45 a. m i and 7.45 p. m. by Rev. I. W . L. R ound­tree, D:D., presiding cidor, of Trenton. Preaching a t 3.80 p.. m. by Bov. J , W. Ross of Long Branch, followed hy adm in­istration of tho L ord 's supper. Y. P. f?. C. E . a t 7 o'clock,. F iiis t M e th o d is t E, Cntntcii —Rev. W . R . Wcddorspoon, Ph.D ., pastor.' Class m eeting a t 9.80 a. in.. M orning service a t 10 80; pastor's sermon subject, “Tho K in g ’s Delight.!’ . Sunday-school a t 2.30 p. mi Epw orth Lenguo a t 0 80; sermon by pastor to local Odd Fellows' soeletios a t 7180; special music. Prayer, and praise service F riday ovening

W e s t P a r k M e th o d is t E. C h u rch . Class m eeting a t 0.30 a. m . Preaching bj pastor, Rev. G. E . Hancock, a t ip.80 a. m i n'nd 7.80 p. in. servico. M orning ser­mon subject: “A G reat Question and a Modest A n sw e r;” ovening, “ Finished S in .” Sunday-school at. 2.80 p. in. Ep w orth League a t 0 80; topic, “ O ur League Pledge:” ,

F i r s t , C o x a re g a t io n a l C h u rch . — Rev. D w ig h t'E . M arvin, D. D., pastor. Morning service a t 10.45; serm on topic, “ The Church os a Business Centro.” Even- ta g service a t 7.45;- serm on topic, .“ To Do H is W ill.’! ' Sunday-sohool a t 2.80 p. m. Young people’s m eeting a t 7 o’olook, g ra y e r mooting F riday o t 7,45 p. m.S t , i'A U L ’n M e t h o d is t E . O h u ro h , Ocean Grove, P reaching a t 10.30 a, m . by Bishop H. W . .W arren of Denver, Col.; a t 7;S0 p. m . by pastor, Rov. E.. C. Hancock; serm on subject, "T reasures In Houyon.” S trangers ' class' a t 9 a . 311, Sunday-school, a t 2.80 p, m , JSpWorth League a t 0.80. P ray er m eeting W ednesday s ig h t, W e s tm in s te r P r e s b y t e r ia n C h u r c h , Eev. D r. George J , M inglns, pastor. M orning service, 10.80; sermon subject, “ Tho P rayer on the Cross.” .Sunday- sohool and pnslor’s Eiblo class a t 2.30 p. ni. PooplOis sorvlco a t 7.80; leoturo sub­jeot, “A P la in Talk on P resen t D uty .” B r a d le y B e a c h M e th o d is t E. C h u r c h Rev. - Thpmas, S . Brook, pastor. .-Class m eeting a t .9 80 a. m . Preaching a t 10.80; serinpn sub jeot,,"Spiritual Giving.” S u n , doy-sohool a t 2.80 p /m . ■ E pw orth League ht. OOO; ovOning sorvlco a t 7,30; sormoh Bubject, “ T hqK oy to'Suecoss." . . I ■ i.

W e s t G ro v e M e th o d is t E.. C ruiiuh Rev. Sam uel Sargent, pastor. M orning sp^ iep , at; |;I0(30; sermon, subjeot, “.Bittor Vfafieea Mpde Sv^qet-, §ipqday.-EqhpoL nfi,2 P, m , Ep.w.ortliLongue a t 0,80., Evening Borv!coat.7.80;, sficclal sern;on to. Teounir seh Tribe, No. CO, I. O, R Jl. , • .

A . M. B. Z ion Ciiur.cir, Sprlngwood ave nub.—Rov. J . II. YVhlte, D.D., . pastor. P re ach in g . service a t . jfo.45 a . 111. . Sunday- sohoqi a t 2.80 p. in. V arick C hristian En­deavor a t ,7 o’clock. PreachlDg o t 7.45 by Rev. M, L. Ferris.

Grand A vf.nue R efo rm ed - CnuROH. Preaching a t lOlSU m orning and 7.80 even­in g ,by Rov.,. F . ,M. Bogardus. Sunday- school a t 3.80 p. m . Y. P . S. 0 ,.E ..o t 7 o'clock. P rayor and pralso m eeting Friday a t 7.80 p. m. , ■

E v a n q e l ic a l L u th e ra n Cnuncn, cor­n er G rand and. Munroo avenues.—Rev. Georgo A . Goiizuior, pastor. Sunday-school 9.80a. 111.; m orning sorvlco, 10.45; regu lar evening sorvlco. 7.45. ' ... , .

T r lv i ty E p isco p a l c h u r c h .—Rev, a . L. Lougloy, rector. H oly com m union, 7 a. m .; m orn ing prayor, litan y and ser­mon, 10.80; evensong, 7.E0 o’clock.M t . M o r ia h C h a p e l , W est P urk .—Sor vices a t 10,80 a. m . and 7.80 p. ill., in charge of Rev. Thomas Rqkinson, Sabbathf school a t 2 p. m.

S a lv a t io n ArmY ilA Et, Oil M attison avenue.—A djt. H opkins and; Capt, Shano i t i charge; M eetings a t 11 a . m ., 8 and 8 p. m.

F ir st B a ptist Church.—R ev.. Z. Clark' M arten , . pastor. .Services, a t 10,30 a, m . and 7180 p. m . Sunday-school a t 2.30 p. m.

"Christian and Missionary A lliance. Mikado building.-—M eoting ovory Sunday n t 8.89 an d every T hursday a t 7,80 p .m .

C h u rc h o f t h e H o ly S p ir i t ,—Bevi Thom as A. Roehc, pastor. Mass a t 8 and 10.80 a , in . E vening devotions a t 7.30.

Gc spei A rmy, Sprlngwood avenue. (Services tom orrow a t 3.80 and 7.45 p.m., in charge of Thomas W antling .

R escue M ission, 81 S outh M ain streot. Sunday-schooi a t 2 p. in. Evening service a t 7.45 ovory night.



‘ A WINNER ; *'■ I S . f iYo u w i l l b ack yo u r judgr

m ent by in vestin g w hen you in vestigate w h a t v e are-pffer- in g in .... • ‘ t

Clothing.' ■ Hats.; v v:'

Caps ; 'and Furnishings . ' A

Trainmen W earied of lie lay nnd Found O|*orator In F it on Floor.

Ho Dry Anderson, sta tion agent and op­erator n t the Bogota station, near H ack­ensack, on tho "West Shore railroad, was solzcd with, a fain ting spoil yesterday afternoon, whon tho tra ins woro runn ing closo. together. Luckily tho hlooks wore agalnsji tho tra ins on both tracks and the oxp’ro~8SC8’cam6“fc6 a standstill near the de­pot. ’Tho conductors wearied of tho long delay and upon Investigation found tho -agont on' tho floor. Ho was removed to tho Haokonsupk hospital in an ambulance. A nother operator was prooured and the delayed trains woro allowod to pass on.

Lutola.st n igh t Anderson dressed hlm- solf In tho w ard .without being soon and loft tho"hospitailn1v,,hurry,‘'declaring ho would not rem ain there all n igh t.

*' ’ VftnileventeriBcntloy.H arry B. Yandovonter of Ocoan Grave

and Miss Blandho N. Bentley of W est As­bury P ark woro m arried a t tho W est P a rk M. E . parsonage A pril 20,1001, by Itov. G. E. Hancock. * • •

‘‘Pitgilism,” snid the 1 solenm inun, brings man to - tho ‘level o f .Hie»bvute.’'* Worse tilinn snid tho man w ith

tlu> rod imse. “ I t often briugs him to the level of- th e iloor.” •

Custom Tailoring a Specialty;GEORGE W. PATTERSO N ,


O N E PR IC E ' - M O N E Y BA C KO CN 3000000000C3000C3000000000C X X X X 300000C X 3000000CX 50C X 300W



VERY IS NOW ON' SALE AT OURSWELL, STQRE- ; ;For Street Wear g ^y th in g . New In Shbes for 1

Man, Woman or Child.‘ ." ' ‘ .<■ * * ■

THE^ QUEEN Q U A tlT T SH O E•for women is positively n w ork o f •

■ • • ■. • • •. . • i..- , • *a rt. Thoy como in a variety of m a- teriala and wo hava an assortm ent of sizes th a t surely includes the ono

Hand Welt, to fit your feet.H eavy S o le . ■ Tho shoos wo sell aro serviceable

E o “ E<lge- reliable.



’-I-H-i-M-W-MrH-H-H-f • •

W J X I d l A M G R I F F I H , J r .W E S T W A N A 1 W A S S A


I M P O R T E D B E E R Si, JSU THE BEST BRANDS Of WINES AND II0U0RSC O T T A G E T R A D E S O L I C I T E D :P o s t o f f i c e B o x 9 0 5 A S B U R Y P A R K * .


The .“Jenness Miller'' shoes are unequaled for comfort, elegance, style and durabil­ity. T h e “ H y g ie n ic ” principle upon which these shoes are made is the pro­duct of the fertile brain of Mrs, Jenness M il le r ' o f ‘ 1 Dress Reform ’ ’ fame. W ith all the latest toes ja spring and summer weights, for sale only at the . . . . . .

’ OCEAN PALACE T h e S t e i n b a c h C o m p a n y


ProfessionalH. S. KINM0NTH, M. 9.

710 Grand avenue and at EJnmonlb A Co.*a Drug Btore, Tit Cookman avenue, Aflbury Park, '

DR. ELLA PRENTISS UPHAM I»806 Third avenue. Aaoury Park* N. J. Office

hours until 11 a. ra.. 1 to 2.80 p.m., 6 to 7^0 p. m. Telephone connection.

DR. MARQARET Q. CURRIE126 Main avenue, Ocean Grove, N. jr. Offioe Honrs: 7 to 10 a. m.. 8 to 6 p. m. 7 to 10 p. m.BURTON BROTHERS

DENT3BT6, G28 Coobrnian avenne, Asbury Park, Baudonlne building, a. W. Oor. Broadway and 28th street, New York. New York ofibe. closed, from May until October.

' DR. H. S. TAYLORDENTIST, Cookman avenue, opposite Poet office. Aebury Park, N. J . Entrance on Emory street.’ Hourp;0to6.OED. L. D. TOMPKINS 0. 0. S . .DENTIST. Booms 1,8, 8 and 4, Postoffloe bnild Aahury Park. Teech extracted painlegsly wltll* out rendering tne patient unconaclonn. G u ftd- mlnlstered. pffico boom; 9 a. m. to B d. m. '

DR. G. B. HERBERTD E N T A L SU RG EO N . 606 Cookman avenue, over Ohndwick’s drug dtore. Ofllco 'h o u r s 9 n. m. to 5 p, in. Gas administered. Telephone call 01-a. ■*. • - • .R. F. DORAN, D.S.I.;

DENTIST. Successor to the Boston DentUit*. 716 Matttoon avenue, Wlnckler Building.

Notice is hereby given that tho accounts of the subscribers,-ns^ecntora under the last will and testament of Walter ’ W. Davia, de­ceased, will be audited nnd stated, by the, Sur­rogate and reported for settlement to tbo Orphuns Court of^tho County of Monmouth, on tho sixteenth day of May noxt.Dated April 18, 1CQ1.*TH ER ESA M A R T IN D A V IS , EDM UN D E. DAYTO N ,89-UB - . N Executors.


buitdiag. Anbury Park.

C im fftn il’n NoutSi " A fr ic a n r i i i n . . .London, A pril 271—M r/C lia in b e rlh la ,

the colonial sacro tnry , ln lo n n cd a ques­tio n er In tho house .o t com m ons tlia t th e governm ent did n o t propose to iti- nug iiin te a fu ll.sch em e of civil aduiln- istrfitlqn . h i ^bu th A frica -d m in g .Slr A lfred ,M iln er’s-absence , w hich would be o f .sh o r t du ra tio n . T he w ork of; re­organization w ould proceed,., how ever, on th e lines la id dqw n by S ir . A lfred, w hose ;|ilnee « s Bi'it(sh '7 h igh com m is­sioner w ould bo tem porarily filled by Lord. K itch en er. 1

.F e n ia n T h o m s , M nlley D ead,W n tcrbu ry , Gbiiu., A pril 27.—Tliomon

M nlley Is (lend. ‘ H e w as one, o f tho m ost noted ; F en lhns who reached A m erica a f te r th e m ovem ent o f 1807. H o Ijoastoil tlm t he w hs tho only I r lsh ; m an who ever dared to ‘‘fling th e folds of K rln’s green flag to th e breeze” on a St. P a tr ic k ’s d ay In R nglnnd. * E scap ­ing to A nterlea. he vow ed' h e woiilc n e v e r-re v is it, th e B ritish possession; w hile Queen V ictoria lived.. H e wha p reparing to cross th e A tlnn tic wlier, d ea th c a r ;e . :• . . ...;> ... •

l ’a ln t Y our Buggy fpr.70c, w ith Davao’s Gloss C arriage P a iq t. ready tor use; 1(9 colors.. Gives iv ■ high gloss equal to now, Sold by Buchunou & Smock.—Adv. tf.

C U U D E V. GUERINLAW OFFICES. Transacts general legal bus!- 98s. - AcknoWlodgmeuts takes fo r : all statesneeaRooms 9-10 Appleby Building.•WILLIAM C. BYRAMATTORNEY AT LAW.MASTER IS CttA H C& irf,

SS Appleby Bnlldlnf-, Anbury P i f l a N .J , ,Bahuxl A . B kocss EBinsT A . A u r aBR0U8E & AREND

Aroblfoots. 931 Cbofltuut etjoet* Philadelphia. Forat-RIohey Building, Trantoa, N. J. Applebv Building, Astrair Park, N, J. *;

W. A. ft EMMONSManufacturer and Dealer, inRunabouts, Buggies, Traps,

Surreys and Busiuess or Pleasure VehiclesW o do n il k in d 6 of R E P A I R iV Q U K , F A IN T IN O a ad T R IM M IN G .

W e can p u t on. your d U B B lS R T iR R h a t o n r shop. :.. k ■ . ■.

W o m ako a specialty o fu b B S E S B O E I K f in tho lotaqti etyles.


cor. piHflfoeana Langisifl B ie s .vWEST;ASBURY[ PARK . ■

Ona Block W®t o f Baiiroml



Tmi: Daily P ress.r J .T m k i n m o n t h ,■BplTOB AND Proprietor.

P U B L IC A T IO N O F F IC E :00? M a i tb o u A venn e , A n b a ry P a r k , N.OT.

r v wlwbonii oau* :Editorial Boom*.......................» ..................80aBmUeai Offloo. . . . . . . . . ouo. T E R M S O lf S U B S U M P T IO N :: ' A , Evening Killtlwn.On* year (strtotly lo advance)...........One week .....................................................etuglo copies ®,............................... ................M orning Edition (Ju n e to SepteuiBor).Ten W eeks.................... IM0One w eek., ..................... A*Clntleooplee ........... -ik.W eekly Edition (Tlie Shore Tress)One year........................................... 41.00Mix months....................................................... <*)81nglo c o p y . ........................................OSJAdvertising Rated on App lication,

P e rs o n s le a v in g th e c it y c a n l ia v o th e B A I L Y T K K ’SS m a i le d t o t lio iu a t a n y a d ­d re ss , p«mt p a id , n t j t l io r e g u la r m i lm c rip -

. t f o n ra te , ly l t h o n t e x t r a c ln i fg o . T h 6 a d ­d re s s m a y bo c liu u g ed ns d e s ire d .

Saturday - April 27, 1901

Mr. (1. T. Sanford present h his argu­m ents fo ra home band in th is issno. lie fccln that, with (he ciuioi^cniaiil of over 1200 of our citizens, his claims should he considered. Personally we believe in g e ttin g a haml with a national reputa- iion. The beach is our chief a ttrac tion sind no expense should be spared to en ­te r ta in the people in every way. Money spent for a biuul of national reputation would be well spent, but. if th is can not be had, then the local band is entitled to consideration. '

New Jersey is still m illing the trusts, Aprips- receipts from th is source having already surpassed all previous months. Wc are opposed to tru sts , bu t a f te r look­ing over New Jersey’s balance sheet are compelled to adm it Hint even tru s ts have their good points.

I/ong Branch w ants music on the lieaeh. Evidently the club houses can­no t bo depended upon th is season as ah all-sullieiont a ttraction for this popular summer resort.

.. Morristown Ifa« New Taper.Tho M orris C o u n ty Stan dard is a bright new addition to (he Now Je rse y press whioh made its appearnnco this week. The Stan dard is published a t M orristow n. I t is a u eight-pago paper exhibitin g at. the outset unm istakable signs o f prosperity, The Standard is Dem ocratic and Is printed by the Stan dard P u b lish in g com pany.W ork ih g t l i e Suckers.Th e latest scheme fo r w o rk in g 'n ew s­papers for. free ad ve rtisin g ' has been in ­vented by a seed supi ly house, which of-, fera prizes for the best nml m ost laudatory descriptions o f its seed catalogues,.. The descriptions are' to bo publiahcd in tlio lo­ca l papers and copies cu t from the papu. subm itted In tho competition.T A ItT Y F O R M IS S K A B O L D .

EDITORIAL COMMENTBuying the Turnpikes.

The purchase of the tu rnp ike leading into Freehold we believe w ill prove n g rea t benefit to the town in removing a tax upon people coining here to do busi­ness which was .detrim vntnl to our trade interests. Such roads were good in their day, nml in th e conditions of the country as they existed u t the d a te of th e ir es­tablishm ent they were th e only p rac ti­cable scheme o f road building. But

had Their day and served, th e ir purpose, they are in the , line of public improvement and m iist go. All have

bought by the county, except- S tm thbiirg pike, and w.c hope, to

lie nlde.sooi) Lo announce tlie purchase of th a t road also.

Freehold owes much to Freeholder Buck for his elTorts in th is direction, uml lie is deserving of Liumks for the im ­portan t p a rt he look in ridding Free­hold of what was form erly a profit and a convenience 1m l which had in the-lapse of time become a burden.—Freehold T ranscript.

L ong‘Branch W an ts Musm. .It luis been suggested by some public

spirited citizens th a t the commissioners, if i t is w ithin their power mid means, make an appropriation fo r music on the beach.

Last season the local baud, which is ;i good one aud could be made b e tte r by proper encouragement* gave evening concerts in the public pavilion a t the foot Chelsea avenuo. These concerts were popular ami furnished enjoym ent for hundreds who are anxious th a t they be continued th is season.

The’ Record will be glad to contribute to u music fund and we hope th e com­missioners can find a way to make an appropriation for the sam e w orthy ob­ject.—laing Branch Record.

Snrprlsera Entertained Pleasantly a t Her A bbott Avenue Hom e.H elen Hnboltl, tho d aughter of M r, and M rs Isaac Rahokl ot 10(5 A b b o tt avonuo, Occnn Grove, w as tendered a surprise party by her young friends lust n ight.The joIUest kind of a good tlm o was en­joyed by a ll. Iu .th o tail pinning contest on the inoffensive donkey the boys', first prize was won, by HnraUl Sam pson. Me received a figure o f a Ik tic old m an in a chair. H arry Ervien, won tho- booby priztytw o sheep. T he successful girl Wits Blancho M offett, who received a .cream er.. Kthol Sam pson pul tho tail m iles aw ay an d received .n stuffed M rs. H am pton and M rs. H . D. (Nark slated M rs. ll:ibold in ca rin g for the d il l drpn.Those presont. were:B eatrice H am p ton . A lth e a H am pton H e len Im la y , H elen W hito, M arion llsh, E u lu Ston o, B eatrice F r e n c h ,, S te lla W arren , M ay C ornw ell, B lan ch e M offett, Go no vie ve F r a n k lin , Beotia W hitw orth , K thol Sam pson , H a rry Ervien, Chester O p d y ke, E lm e r C la r k , W lllio E n g lish , Prosper Ston e, Kuwreneo M iller, R obert M ille r , W ill Jp n q s, C h arle s B erry , C harlie W h itw o rth , H arold Sam pson.F A M O U S COON H U N T E R IM v ll) .H a rry Brower Succumbs- ut Hospital'tt> Cancer o f the Sttitnuoli.* H a rry Brow er, w idely know n an tbo cham pion coon hunter o f New Jorsoy /died yestorila.v at. tho M onm outh M em orial hos­p ita l, L o n g B ra n ch . Ho was (Kl years old. Fits death w as duo to ennoor o f tin stom ach. T w o children survive h im . Brow er for noarly <10 j ’ears trailed tho co o n .. Ho an d hi* partner, the kilo Ja c o b A n tonldos w ould ofttm l>ag as high i»s six in one n ig h t. M r. Brow er possessed kov- nral door m ats from conn hides, l ie trav ­eled lu throe states onee to find u good dog. H o owned several dogs w hich be ro fused SJ'K) each fur. TTo loved to ta lk of his advonturp.H In Hockhookson sw am p near T in ton F a ils , whore m any coons wore ca u gh t. ,A iuem lilyinaii Snyder in D an ger.A ssom hlym nn C h arles R . .Snyder and fa m ily of A tla n tic H ig h la n d s h a d .n nar­row oicapo Wodnosdny n ig h L Tlio fa m ily [ clothes had been h ung on a line Ri the kit- j chon to dr3’ . Early n ext tw irn ln g Mr.°. Sn ydor was aw aken ed by sm oko. Upon | investigation it w as found th a t Hourly till tho clofihos were dostroyod. A chair sent* and some of tho Y °°d 'V b rk had also lieon burned a n d . tho; room, was filled w ith smoke. Tho flames bad boon sm othered by~tho room bolng.oloscd up. The kltehon wag righ t und or tlie stairw ay and had tho flarrtos . gained headw ay the fa m ily 's e x it w ould havo been cpb o ff. I

Proposed Forest Reserves in New Je rse y .There is said lo he a movement on

foot to have New Jersey fall in line with Pennsylvania and’ establish forest re­serves. Governor Voorhces, cx-Seimtor Edward C. Stokes, ux-Seimtor Hciiry S. L ittle, Behins B. Ward und o ther men of considerable prominence in the s ta te arc mimed as being a t the head of tlie move­ment. According to the little th n t bus been given ou t the scheme is even on btonder lines and on a more gigantic scale th an is being undertaken in Penn­sylvania. The aim is said to be for New Jersey to acquire all the forest lands within its borders and go regularly into (ho business <if raising nnd selling tim ­ber.

I t is estim ated by the projectors th a t if New Jersey were to tak e possession of its forests and cu ltivate them,- in a few years, the annual net revenue would be over ha lf a million dollars. I t is pro­posed to apply th is revenue to a reduc­tion of the school tax . A revenue of half a million dollars .seems to be a very coiiseryu tive estim ate in view o f the fact th a t the sta tis iies o f las t year show the value o f the tim ber cut for fire purposes alone was $:U82,f>J7, divided, ns follows:’ Railroad -ties, $0 2 “>,0 0 0 ; telegraph and telephone poles and piling,>$100 ,0 0 0 ; fuel for domestic consumption, brick and tile m anufacture. $2,400,000; fencing, $305,- 000; logs und bolls a t ihillsr:$(MI2;537‘.' There are o ther sources by which i t Ms hf-lieved a t least a million dollars more is added to the aggregate value of- the tim ber annually cut in New Jersey , riius, if New Jersey can and should tak e possession of its forest areas, tlie net revenue m ight easily be more th a n $!,-

a year, if honest re tu rns are made.

Tiie forest acreage of New Jersey is lii. of which the greater part is in

Burlington. Cmuherhiml. Ocean, <*;miden, (/ape May nnd Gloucester comt-

ies. It will thus be.seen th a t if the ta le were (o lake possession of these

lands and engage in the business of fur­ry ci 11 Hi re it would have an enterprise

on hand of no mean proportions. If the t;i.4: of forestry eid ture in* plaeed in rap- nble and honest bonds the s ta te might easily to derive a revenue approxim ately is large as th a t already m entioned..-The da Mger, however, is th a t scheming and

politieinus might scent mi- opport unity for plunder, secure

th e positions and .operate the forests for their personal advantages.' The forests in Germany yield the. governm ent a handsome revenue. Imt conditions there are very different'front those which ex­ist in Ibis eonntrv. Because govern­m ent control in Germany is successful

profitable, it does not. follow that, to nm lio l here would be. et|Ua|jy ho

in the United S la tes. It only indicates possibilities. Nevertheless, it is highly im portant that. New Jersey should fol­low tie* example of Pennsylvania and establish large forest, reserves, jf j| run and will take all the im portant wood­land so mneli tin* hhlter. even though it should !>«' disappoint'd in the amount, of Hmtneinl returns. It is im- p o itan t for the reason th a t woodmen are rapidly destroying tin1 forest areas, and in this tvVirk they are supplenjenled bv great eonlbigralions.—Bliiht. Ledger.

THE WEATHERWashington, Siturday.—Fair tonight

and Sunday; fresh notthoosterly wlndd..

Thia Date In History—April 27,17GD—Mar>' Wollstoncrraft burn: tllPtl 1701.1791— Humiio) Klnley llrccsi* . JJorse. of electrical

telegraph fame, horn In Clilirtcstown, Jlasi; died 1S72:

1802— IjiJos. (Lou(s) Kossuth, Hungarian patriot,, born in Uonok; died In Italy March 20, ISiii;

1805-^cnenil W illum Katon. with a motley force cv*Americans. Greeks and Arabs, raptured perne, yin Tripoli; Urfct time the AmcrUah flnjrwcaav raised ovct a fort res? hryniid'I In* At-

' 'latitie. Ccncrut Knion was United States na­val agent to "Uarhary. The * campaign at Dcrne was *n attempt to plate n dct ft retted prince in possession of his rights.

1913—f'cnenl y.ehulon MonigiMncry pike killed by explosion of nmcozlne at the hat tic ot York, Canada; horn 1779.'.

1SS2— lliilph \Vs4<i Ktnerson, truustendcnUlUt, died In Conccrd, Mas*, t horn llkKi.

1803—General John Murray Corse, hero of Alla- founa. dfed; horn l.'Saft. i* •

IS07—The Grant irmusnlViitri on Hiverside drive. New York, drdh ated and (orrrtally turned ovcr’to the city of New York.

T h i s D a te I n H is to r y — A p r i l ^ 3 .1710—Thomas Oatterton, famous actor; died.1708-.lames Monroe, flflh presl­dont,- born in Westmoreland county. Va.; died 1831.1770—Captain James Cook, Sir Jnmes Danha and others, landed at Uotany bay nnd named the country New \ South Wales..t87.»—(heat tire nt Oshkosh,Wis. J n spuare mile burned * Monroe, over: less. fcUVKl.fl:*). Mrs. Sarnh G. Conway, actress and manager, died In Orooklyn, oged 4L1SD2—Thomas JcfTi*r?on Coolidge of Uoston pointed minister to France.18£U—The famous old St. Chai^ra hotel burned in New Orleans. Two towns in Venezuela de. etl-yyed by nn rarifi'pi.-tkp,1807— Colonel - Jesse Kv JVytnn, known us “ Tlie F?thcr c,f. Centennials,” died in lladdonftcld. N. J . i I men 181 f*.180S—Samps,m*.< ships hombnrdrd Spanlnrda at Malitri7.li. Cnfiu. SpanishVtearner Uitldo, from' Spain, with rinews .of war for Spaniards In Cuba, i-aplur.-d Uv the United States monitor Terror. (1800 - Peace evert urra of tiie Filipino insurgent? jeieited by General,Otis. "**.

A p -

THE PEOPLE’S SAYG. T. Sanford l-rescnts Band Qiieation.F.niTOX! P rk s s :—I havo a few facts I

■would like to pa! before sho pooplo bf As- bury X>ark in connection w ith tho bmoh band problem. Somo of our counoilmen seem to havo an Uloa th a t the band wo would p u t on t ho beach w ould not bo able to give satisfaction. They judge, I p re ­sume, from hearing the local band, th a t tho m usic on th o , boaoh would ho about tho same. Now, tho ac tual facts lu the case aro thoso: Wo would uso probably five and not over sovon, a t m ost,'o f ou r lo ­cal mon, these mon to toko m inor parts, sitch as second cornot, second and th ird alto, second and th ird trombone, etc. This balance of tho band would bo' composed (to tho ex ten t o f a t lonst ten pieces) of m good mon as tho New Y ork Musical union affords. AVo w ill ho nblo to pay o ar solo­ists m ore th an any ono has heretofore, ow ing to tho fact th a t our local m en can and w ill play cheaper, as they llvo Iiaro and w lir n o t be undor the eacpouso of paying board hero and m ain ta in ing tholr fam ilies MjiBBWhero olso; A s too inr lio lngablo to get flrstolass man, allow m o'to quoiio a fat. te r from W. P aris Cham bers:/. ;

“ B eplying to your Inquiry-lu.reforonce to m usicians for your com ing season en­gagem ents, I would sny.posltlvoly th u t all those m en are professional m ushdans and have played w ith all 'th o colobrated bands, Sousa's, Xnncs' and . somo from the Seventh Begiinoiit band of Now Y ork city. I can rooommond them a s being flrstolass a r tis ts and. perfect gentleinen. - A n early reply w ill secure them .”

Mr. Cham bers practically controls tho young A m erican olemont in tho Now Y ork union, nnd his well known ability ns a ca rn o tis t, as well as hts In tim ate know l­edge of Now York m usicians, w ill insure our got-tlng ju s t such mon us lie has prom ­ised us. Tho H ote l Keepers’ Association of A sbury P a rk has indorsed our petition, whloh is signed also by over 200 o f o u r bust- citizens and business mon. Now, if our townspeople havo confidence enough la us to support us so heartily , wc aro surely worthy of tlie support of o u r hoiiontbbi council which represents those people.'

G. T. S a sfoRD.

M a l t E x t r a c t

This is the remedy for you if you are weak and run down, if your apipetite is poor or if your digestion is iis'per?" feet. The frst day’s use will shoiv improvement. Strength

‘ '' ’ ■ it’,' s . . / .

returns, appetite'picks up and digeslion improves.Try a single, bottle at first. It is enough to convince

y o u of i 'S merits 20 cents a bottle, six for. ,$1.00.H y p o • Every amateur photographer uses it. The

best way to buy-Hypo is in asr tight pound boxes. ''Only, 10 cents.; Formula for using on every box,

M A T T I S O N A V E . P H A R M A C Y ; ■729*731 M a t t i f o n J i v e n u e

J t s b u r y P a rk , N . J . ..

T l O i l PBESS’ “ SPEC lIi" ID1S.

WANTEDC o H a g c .

W A N T E D —F o r th o t^wson n co ttago o f n o t 1«sh t lm h novcn room a nn tl b a t li , tum ian tK l. w ith .ttab lo p re fe rred .' A dd ress , tata t iu c f a l l p a r t ic u la rs w ith low e s t p ric e , U . O. M ., P re ss ofilco . , * • ' 100-100*K i t i p l o j n n e t i t B u r e a u . :W A N TED —Tlcliahlo liclp.cnloretl honsnwork girla; white all-’round man ;rham\x»rinnid; nntl cook for hotoK Call' nt tho Employment Bureau, 542 Cookman ayGnUt\f 28tf

LOST AND FOUNDK e y U.1u g t

LOST—Postolhcc box key anti several othcra n HTHifc key nnff. IteAvard if returned to >V. 7. McOUesncy’s real c3tatc office, noxt tp v «m-on

W______dome hotel 101*

E y e g l a s s e s .LO ST —A pntr o f cyo glousca Imving hlnck guard attoclird in neighlKtrhood of mm parlor. Reward of $5 if returned to Graml Central hotel. . 100-101*FOR SALE

S h o w C a s e s . E t c .FOR SA L E —Twenty four feet kIioav cmicf«, candy trayB. scales, Huyler roda fountain nnd four iiortablc oodn tanks. Apply AllonhurHt Pluirnaicy. ‘ 100-101*. Plano.F O P S A L E —A Peck & Co. square piano in excellent ordor for unlo cheap, also other household articles. Address Hot&r Plymouth, 52 Main nvenue, Ocean Grove. DO-lOl*

T a r .

H E M PRESS’ “ SPECiSt” M HS .Advertisemonts containing not more than fcweufcy-flvo words inserted under this Loading For twent.y-iivo cents flrat insertion nndflftocn conts each subaoquent insertion. No money refunded undor-any conditions. Errors will be mode good by additlonnl insertions.

FOR RENT/: . R e s ta u r a n t:F O R K E N T —Fino rcstauvant, good location, tcriuB reasonalilo for season to Nov, 1; fu lly furnished, w ill opon Saturday, May 4.’ Apply a t 820 Oookmnn nvenue. . 1 . > , 10L-U*

v ■ H ouses*■>1 '■F O R R E N T —Two now oiglit-room houses at Bradley Park, bptwcefc tho two factories; prico cr month, $11. Apply J . H . Cook, Main street, and Cookmori avenuo. 94-106 -S to re * .FOR REN T—Store, Mattison rbvomte, $175. Gvorge W. Pittongcr, 14 Appleby bnilding.ftKtf

MISCELLANEOUSDon’t Walt.Have your stoqo sldown)ks pub down now ond i f “ money is scarce," pay for it labor when yciurhnt. L . M . Taylor, contractor. 00-104*

K o P e r C e n t . I n v c t i n t i i t .Do you want a ten percent, investment so- cured by real estate right at home? TJiis offer is only for a few days. For particulars call on Albert Robbiu3,220 Main street, Asbury P ark, N . J . DRtfHarness*A . 8. King, harness manufacturer, F Belmar, N . J , Hnnd-mntle Imrness a specialty, selected from oak tan leather, nsid modo by skilled workmen. Are you in need of a sot ? I f ££> call and see our Inrge stock of 100.nl! stylesNow Jersey, Long Branch,or 010 Mattison ave­nue, Asbury Park. • [Ul IIVU- I02tf | goods. 07-123

i»° J fa i’ Q O E 5 T O r ^ f l E O L D 'T U N E , Y ( N b

n 0 5 T T H R i F T T A i E N

K N 2 W I T 5 T H E A R T ." \

. , ‘ i f ‘F a n c y h a l t e r s , / i a v / a. g c y n c

O f , c h a r g i n g - p e o p l e f u r t h e i r

' } ■ n a m c , \ .

■i' S a y , t w o d o l l a r s , o r h d t f q f

- t h a t a m o u n t . . - . - |

N o w , o u r h a t s a r e j \ i $ t - t h e s a m e ,

T h e r e s n o e x t r a c h a r g e f o r f a m e ,

A n d w e 'v e “ g o t t h e r e " — so

w e h a v e — o n t h a t a c c o u n t .■ ■■■■ / '

A B O U T . T O W ! ;

Hot tiit to! all Ho lasdplt shapes and colors ait (tie' I . . , ; . ( ’ « • ’ *

The New High Crown Derbys $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.00 F la t Brlthmed Qolf Hats $}> $1.50, $2, $2.S(i, $3. -



and of good places to buy them our store is sure to be favorably mentioned. We have all the newest SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES, and we'want‘to see you among our early callers'' to get your choice pt'these novelties.'

y -

%6 0 S M A T T I S O N A V E N U E .

- • ♦ - ♦ - * ■* ♦ » . » * * * < - ■


m e r c h a n t

T A I L O R :C t m c t e r y L o tw .FOR SA L E —Lots for salo, Mount Prospect Cemetery, Plots graded, wooded and enrtd for by tlio year. Goorgo W. pittenger, oecrutnry, 1 JjAppfchy building. 81>tf

The New Englttitd Home*FO R BA LE—Tho woll known property. 80 Broadway. Ocean Grove, ia for salo. Tho hoiwo contains twonty rooms, partially fu r­nished; adni>ted for lioardtng lioilso. Enquire nt bouse. Yv . F . Miller, Executor. t 82tf

M l l l l n e r r ,M ISS DOK A HARTPSTNC'ffi. fortnerlv rn itto postolhcc, has opoutxl lnillluory parlors at 50C Co*)kuinn avonue—Cookman avonuo block..(Hti .Mason Work.Plastering, bri delaying, com out walks. Hoat* ors und pipes covprm with asbestos, thereby navingheot tliafeis wanted In collar, nnd nlso coal. Work ciinrantoed and reliable. Joseph L , Ditrrnh, 507 Third avonuo, Anbury Park,

Lay the foundation for. ..GOOD HEALTH


N ..T .IN fitting up your housu for r . . produccdby tho furniture will dctorminotho renfc you can demand. Beforo placing your order look over the stock of William H. Barr unrd, Grand and Cookman avenues. 67tf


Carpets CleanedHare yonr cnrpotsM cleaned by the tumbling iroccsn; cheapest nnd l»ost method; satisfne- ion Kunrnntotsl. Leave orders w ith W II . Bnnnard or Churlcs J . Blaclc, or address P . O . . Box 1(X>2. , (17*123 j

' Y a r D h l i S la k e s D e v o e ’ a V a rn lp UFroor P a in t cost 6c. moro a q u a rt; m akes lb lo o h . brighter a m i wear fu lly tw ice os long^ ns ohoa{mr Hpor i>nlntf(. 3ol«l by ^ S m o c k .- A d v . * •

<;«»nforom)0 Vmir Ends Touuirrinv.T h e eon fore ii r:o year o f the Bethel A . hi. E . ohureh, Second avonue und Mrilii streot, ends with .tho KerrlnrH tomorrow. Thn ocreision w ill bo m arked by qiuirloriv n io ftin g wirrlciM, imrthmbirs of w hlrh will bo fm ind in our ‘-‘church’ directory” .else­where. *poY. T . B . F r a n k lin ,11) 1)., who lias sorvod tlio church as pastor during’ithu past tun ‘m o n th s 'will leave Tuesday'for j M orristow n , whore Iho anmnvl (.’onforonoo o f his denom iim tlon w ill cionvom^ next | W ednesday. T h q year has baeii ono of HUccassin the local ch in ch . •j ’ C a u g lit a . DrtKidful C old .’ Marlpu JCouke. m inHtier for T . M . Thonip son, a largo linportor uf fine n Winery at. 1058 fiUlwaukee avenue, Uhie/igb, tny**: J D uring th e ia to severe weather I cnugnt a dra.idful cold wtrich kept me nwako a t n 'ght and nindp me \u fit «l*> attend my work during the d ay. One of m y miMlners was tak ing ChamborbUii’H Cuugh-* Remedy for a Hoyere cthd a t thnt. th u s widen penned to relieve her >ci dnfekiy th at I b>ught e'omo for mya^Ff. I t ’ acted llko hjaglo ax d I began to Improve a t onc e. mu now ei)Mro|y w ell and frn>l very plenped to Hcknowlpd^e Its m erits.” For phIo by Sfew art’rt drtt r .*ror<\ corner Cookm.’in avenuo and Bond .

MANASQUAN MATTERSCharles lloppo.r of Brlello Is h av in g a new house erected.Charles Pearco spent a portion of this wbuk in Now Y o rk .A Jo h n V o g el siw nt several days In New Y o rk city th is w eek- Cashier M . D . I jY M agee is having h is houso new ly painted.M rs. KUA R o iu o o f Sta ten Island is tho gu est of Mrs*. C a lv in C u rtis .- -Engineer F ran k R id d le has purchased a now pnummvtle tiro runabout.Tho ladles of the M . F . church bold u successful m usical in the church last n igh t. \M aster H arry Shutfcs of A von spent yes­terday w ith h is cousin, M rs. W alter C . Voorhecs.T h e ladies of t.hu M . K . ohnrch w ill hold ti social In tho lecture room Thursilay ove- n in g , M ay 2.M rs. W illiam P . Bm ndollar o f Evorett, P a ., was the guest o f Itev. N athan D .lly n - sen th is week.M iss Je n n ie M iller of Freehold is-enjoy ing iv short visit w ith her cousin, Miss Matniq M iller.W a lte r \V. W ilson o f New n run gw lck w as tho guest of H ow ard Conover of Sea Glrft th is week.• M rs. A Jo x . Suvldgo of H lgh tslo w n la tho guest o f her .'d a u g h te r , M rs. Monroe W yekuff, M ala streot.M iss .HoTun R a n k in of Lufoyotto is 8[»cndlng u fow days with hor parents, Mr. an d M rs . W llliiu n R a n k in of C u rtis avonuo. ' *.Tho Rev. .Tatnes Pat.torson, R fcfnU ry of (ho A m erican Ml.sdon to tho Je w s , w ill preach a t ttio F ir s t Prcsbytcrlafi ohureh tomorrow m orning.

TAYLOR BAKING CO.C o r . C o o k t n a a a n d B o n d .

A s b u r y P a r k .

c o n g r e g a t io n a l c h u r c hEmory Street and First Avonuo R E V . D W I G H T E. M A R V I N , D . D ., l’ASTOK

Subject for tom orrow m orning

‘The Church as a Business Center’ ’How far can Bimtnasa Methods ho used in (Jio Church .EVENING SU B JEC T

Fulfilling C hrist’s W ill .’’’

I ’i-isMWi Saved for W'otliicsilayV Gainn. *' As thoro wort: only fivo tablet: of |>hiyors

a t tho m ntinco w h is ta t iho Omntl Avvniu; hotel Wqilnosday, lc was tloclOed th a t the hanilsotno prizos donatcil by Mr. Breoka.a guest u t tho Ornnd Aveuuo, shqttld not be played for aorl othor prlzea were substi­tu ted . . Mr. Hroplts’ rloh trophies will- bo contostcjl for nex t W ednesday, May 1. On Monday nfteriroon eaohro fo r tho benefit o( the rfolatlan hospital will ho played a t tliu Orlaiulu.

-Tcrma th e Itlfera tV o n ltl A e c c p t .Londott. A pril 27.—Ile itry W . Mus-

Binglui.tit, w riting in T h e Daily News, which Is likely to he w ell in fo rm ed an to the m otives o f th e Keel-:-, say s: "T he B oers n re g rea tly worn an d harassed , a n d they yearn foe a se ttlem en t, but they will not tru s t n ay se ttlem en t mi Cliiiniherlqlh-M liner term s. T h ey would, how ever, su rren d er tlie w hole Jo h a n ­nesburg an d Itnin! goldlields d is tr ic t to G rea t B rita in on condition th a t Inde­pendence w as restored to th e O range F ree S ta te nnd th a t the T m nsv(ia le rs w ere allow ed to found a republic in the wild." lincnltivafed no rth sub ject to B ritish control of foreign nffnlrs.”

a it tg n r l le IJcn lr iV . P L ic i l .Kansas^ City. ApriH-27.—I’rofessor

S tephen A. W eltm er and Joseph H Kelly, w ho operated tpo “ Am ertcnn Seliool of M agnetic H ealing” rit-N eva­da, Mo., have heen tlncd $1,500 caeli In thfi t'eilrrnl court. T he charge w as u s ­ing th e U nited S ta tes m alls fop tlie p u r­pose o f :frau d by prom ising, fo r n con- s ljc ra tio n , to w ire p e rso n s 'o f . poverty and a)l know n bodily fils th rough “ali sen t tre a tm e n t” anil "m en ta l sugges tlon,". . , • .

j!1«c and Grinding 3 Iak e , . Dnvool.oftd and 7,1th: P a in t wear tw lcqns long,as lead anil oil inl.veil bv hand.

■ 1 "■ uo-iu


315 Bond

Furniture.for rental the offer:

D r e s s m a k i n g . jBetween the Hoonons i-aprmg, and BUmmcr work will be dono nt very roasonnblo rates Tlioso dcairing to toko advantage of tills op­portunity would do welt by colling to neo ’ M BS. M. H . dORDAN,0*1 Mntttaon avonue. Accordion ptntting donont short nolico.J . Albert lleuuotrcci,PENMAN" A N D D E SIG N E R . RcBolutioiiS. Momoriots and Tastlmoniala Sn greesist. Album work a specialty.- Ooipsner- clalatntfonerydetiignail. Fahs Cottage, Asbary Park, cornor SewaU and Grand avcnaoa.

MATT. APPL.EQATB C ontracting P a in te r an d D ecorator

I'ostoljlco box 1 0 0 4 . _____ ' _________

I Our Jewelry StoreHas such an inviting stock of the new and artistic styles of everything in tiie Jewelry line that you cannot fail to find just what will please you. Lots of business because wc have lots of new stuff such as people of good taste and

' judgment desire. W e 'a rc making prices that will catchyou. Wc will be greatly pleased to show our new goods.

A. W. C O R m U U S624 eOOKA4\N AVEAIUe. 1

JA M E S S T R O U D , A rchitect,

G0 9 R l q i n S t r e e t . A abury P a rk .

C t.A K K N C R D . W IL S O N

Architectifl« Hroadwav L O N O K R A N C H


Brushes, Paiat, Varnish, Etc.THOUSANDS OP PBGT OP *v»ROOM MOl'IBISG.S

Call and nxam lno o u r stoctk and prlooa. lOstlnintoB ohoorfully giv«i) for r-.vi’KR H A N G IN G H O U S E I ’A JN T IN G , K A L S O - itfiN iiv r ., K to .

C. A. BAKER, Proprietor,616 Cooktnan Ave,, Asbury Park.


... U . S . B 0 N D H O U S E .- ..Ponnnyivanla Pearl R -e, mado In 16KJ,

por gal., 83.001 bottlo, «!>c.M ount Vornoii Rye WliiiVor, por gal.

•ffi.SOi bottlo, 13®. - > ' •...Klkiroml Hyo. inndo J o 1890, per.; gat.

• a .so i bottlo, Iffo; .Mouongahollv. n puro ltyC tVTil.koy, per

gal.,*S!.OOi'lo>ttht,AOc. :E u rek a 'C lu b Ponhaylvanl* Rye. per

gal., * 3 .0 0 ; iKlltlo, ai.OO. ..M onogram, B ollard A’alwon, boltfa, Bhorry. P o r t and Ulaoklairry, par gal.,

• r . s * i bottl®, 33®.P u rita n Cfaret, a fliio .Ciilt/orahvClaret,

perdoz.,.S3.4Q;.liottlo, Son. > : ■Ijuitiunhnliiiur, 11 -Ijrpn of [Cnllfarnfa

Ridiie W lno, ixir do*., A3 ,no igitUo, SSe.Koohtnr & C o.,R I.ngnram i Fldollo Boorz,

A losnud I ’ohtur. Oninrs dollveroil fro«.S : M l C H h L S O V ,

P.O. Box 125. . BI’LMa W. N. J.H fit reel. C«r. lAtli A vent^ ,


ALL RIGHT:• No matter whether "it is a Russian, an Englishman or a

Turk that you heat talking, it is only a matter of time when you hear the word?, “ AH right!'’ It :ri a'comprehensive phrase and is so used ia all languages There is ho better one to use'in describing the TUSTING'PIANO. ■ They arc all right in every particular-—action, sounding boards, frets*- strirgs, and every one of the thousand-and ore parts'tha; make a piano. If ?iot familiar with these.instruments, call and examine th'eih at our warerooms and we will give you a list of dozens of prominent. people on this , coast who ard

. using them.; f ' ; ; ; ' . ; ■ ' '■ .' 7However, w.e are not specialljr trying to' push the JU jiT -

TNG PIAHO for we can sell you one,of twefity-Kme different makes. .' Among them fare' the'Weber, McPhail, Emerson, Ivers & Pond, Wheelock, Story & Clark, Doll, Baus, Stuy- v&ant,-- and ethers. ‘;We cannot help but,please you and our unique guarantee—EXCHANGE 1? N*dT SATISFAC-. TORY: goes with every piado we sell.

$10.0.0 will put a.piano'infyouf home.


% M3ttisoii. iye, 'a d' .iond'St . ; R« --A. T U S T I NO * J f

NEW YORK LIFE- = i r a » f ! C E COMPANY—

t ; . - ; J O H N A , M c C A L L , p r e s i d e n t .

* , Issues theijiiokt l ib e r a l p o iic y of anycompany in the world. i' 1 ■ *’ ‘ " .’v.‘

A g tta r a p te e to pay immediately in event of death un­der any and L'coriditions if premiums have been diily paid.

•V Free fro m /A M , restrictions'.' I n c o n te s ta b le and a u to m a tica lly , ^ p n -ib r fe ita b le from date of issue, 'y.j.t-

Why should aiiy one take chances-on a policy that has co n d itio n sa n d rcstr i(!tio n s ,w h ich a reb n ly lo o p -h o les for,the coim'pany to "Contest the claim if they get the opfcor-" tunity, when one can get a policy iu 'the la r g e s t and b eat company in :the. world that is, cleajoi frpfiti to finish' \ Don't place your, insumhc6 hhiilf,ybu:haW first invest­igated the benefits and privileges of the ‘‘TSew In s u r a n c e aiNd I n v e s tm e n t P o l i c y ” of the N e w Y o rk L ife .

Sample policy and full particulars on application to... '

. ‘ J. PARKER HICKMAN,. . General Agent New Jersey Coast.

M i l I P. l i i). i BanK Buiwii, BsMig Pam.


April■A smile on the advertiser's face, !A quick re turn from a page of space ;A nd reports from the realm where the ad. is K ing Proclaim dll’J w e ll!” a t the birth of Spring.

A- •> : i

S---W ’. -io*”

W atch for o u r Special Sale of; Corn Starch

-‘■‘• M A Y - 6 t l u •


E d i t o r I lo H e n - a t c r T U ln k i t H e ’l l B e fl C a n d i d a t e N e x t Y e a r , ....

■ A pril 2T.—“ W illiam .L B rynn, In m y opinion, w ill be a cand i­d a te fo r governor o f N eb rask a n ex t year,” , snld Edw nr.d Roseivnter, tb e O m aha ed ito r, a t tlio M an lin tlnn hotel Inst n ight. “M r. B ry an .” eontinneil Mr. J to sc w a te r , “still e x e rts a w ide Influ­ence In th e s ta te , and If ho received the g ub ern a to ria l nom ination be w ould be a very lm rd m an to bent.

” I f elected governor;” concluded E d ­ito r Itosew atcr, “he w ill liope to secu re a D em ocratic leg isla tu re , In w hich even t bo w ill seek nil election to tb e U n lte d -S ta te s -se n a te to succeed Gov­ernor .Dletrlcli, w liose te rm w ill exp ire In 11)05. F ro m tlie bes t Inform ation th a t I can get, I rea lly believe tluit.M r.. B rynn will no t look 'for the p residen tia l nom ination In 1 0 0 -J.”

;R-.,C;WIi-L’I AMS:-& CO.. N .Y .••mis THII1UT0I15; ft-:'

W r K . GRESH fir SON S.. m a h e p s .

O nkcrn n to tiim ; In L i m a , I*crn.Limp, Pel'll. v ia Galveston', A pril 27.

—G roups of b a k e rs ou a s tr ik e paraded th e s tre c ls of tbe c ity yes te rd ay Und to- dny. T hey w aved red llags nnd shou t­ed, “ D eath !” Persons w ere a ttack ed nt various bakeries. T b e r io te rs w ere repulsed . N o T u ta l In ju ries follow ed

. Iliose n ttack s . . T lie prefec t lias ordered tlie, p o llco .to b o v lg lbn it.pnd w a tch tbo bakeries..''A ny rio te rs lu the fu tu re will be bovpi;ely pun ished . , . . . . • '

■ N u m b er p i D criil-n t .tiric s tio lm . #F ra n k fo r t ; , A pril. 27,—A ' stn tcn ien t

tlm t 80 bodies lmd been recovered from t l io 'm in s o f t h e 1 G rlesliclin Olieinleiil w orks! w a s g re a tly exaggerated.'-; .The fa c t' is - 'tlm t th e num ber of killed Is much u n d e r th e en tly estim ates; som e now placliiB It a s low iis •25.-.;' N oth ing jlrflulto , iio.wdvcr,' c r ii i ; y e t bo;'-iiut-op' tallied.' ■' - • V

T h e L i m i t .' Bnster—I am having awful lu c k .. I. am

hOwdowu to iny last dollnr. .Dodbrokc—Fshuw, th a t’s nothing! W ait

till- you are down to tlie Inst dollar of your last, friend,—Life.

- P R E S S C A L E N D A R

C o n d e n s e d J A s t ,o f C o m in g E v e n ts f o r Q U lo k R e f e r e n c e . II

Saturday. April 27—“ Tbo Chums,” by As­bury F are H igh School pupils la sohool

; building. !Monday, A pril SO—Entortn lnm ont in

: M anning bu ild ing by degree team of Noptuno Lodge, Not 84, I. O. O. F.

Tuesday, April 80 — Rally of Epworth leag u e Gronp 10 In W est Bark M, E. ohnreh, 7.30 p. m . . . .. . -

Tuesday, A pril 30—M ilitary ouohro a t Grand Avonuo hotel:

Tuesday, A pril SO—“Now Idoa” en tertain ­m ent, M anning building, by A tlnntlo Robokah Lodge, I, O. O. F ,

Wodnosdav, May I —Planked Bhad supper by ladles of Grand Avenue ReformoU ohurch o t Miss Mulford’s • Knlcker- booker hotel, Bevonth and W ebb.-

Wednesday. May 1—Strawberry, and lco oraam festival tp basctuent of Brndloy Poach M E. ohurch.

Wednesday, May 1—Ohlokon p o tp le ' sup per hy moil o t W est Grovo M. E ohurch, lu parsonugo.

T hursday. Mav_2 — flum orous lecture by . Dr. W . R. Woddorspoon, ‘‘Tfint F a m ­

ily On G rum ble C orner,” In F ir 3t M. E . ohuroh, 8 p. m . v

Monday, May t^-Lcoturo, “ Thht F am ily on Grumblo Cornor,'’.:b y P r . ' W . It. W oddofspoon, In Bradley Boaoh M. E. church. -.A w :

P R E S S M A U IN E A L M A N A C .


APRIL.IS Tharsday....19 F r id a y .. .! ; .20 S a tu rd a y ...21 S an d ay .......22 M onday . . . . 123 Tuesday. . . .24 Wednesday.25 T hursday ;.. 20' F rid a y .; ! . . !27 S a tu rd a y ...28 Sunday........29 Monday. . . . 80 .Xuosduy. f it;

High lido Low 'lidoA M. I>. M A. Kl P. Mfif.5 7 15 ia 50 1097 41) -800 l 42 150,885 8 50 a no 240980 9'40 8 20 080

10 20 10 35 4 15 4 Z i1120 11.80 5 OS 0221218 12 00 0 00 0 251240 1 2 0 7 05 780.137 2 23 8 10 8 40ano 820 9 on 9 80«36 4 10 9 55 10 804 30 4 57 10 45 1118

-5 J 8 I t 20 13 00

A S B U l t Y P A E K - D A r L l - P f tE M S , S A T L IE D A T , A P I U L 2 7 , l£QjU mI T

BEWERAL 'KITCHENER’SG ette r A i iC itclie itv rV R e p o rt .

London, A pril 27.—Geuornl K itchener repo rts to the w ar'o ffic ii t iin f since Ids last d isp a tch 10 B oers hav e been killed, 20 w ounded, 227 cap tu red an d 52 sur- reudered . T hree tlio tisand ea ltle , 0 ,0 0 0 sheep ' and ninny w agons have heen

LATEST PHOTOGRAPH.takch . Tu ntU'.R’.ou to th e foregffing L lc iilenan t Itnid arid 2 0 im perla rb n sli- m en cairiiireti',.; ifciif ,1 Goinmlsste d rift, O lifnn t's rl ver. Gomina lulu n t Sclirooder arid 41 m en of Ids com m and, a M axim gun, a num ber o f horses, m ules aud w ngons and considerab le am m unition.


Low-Rate S um m er'T ours to th e PacificCoast arid; M ountains of the CanadianNorthw est. • •• ••

; In i view o t the extrem ely low ra te s mithorlzcd by the various transcim linen- t'ttt lipcs.crii account o f'the, In ternafioual Ooiiforeiieo I of itlic Epw orth League - ait Sari ^mripisleo. iiri.Tuly, pcxt, the Fennsyl- (Vaipu .jRailroad Company ! aimoimces a tld rty -ilav to u r across the Continent,

ving Nciv York, N ew ark, Philiidelpliia; jflaltiinore, W asbingtonp'arid oilier’ s ta ­tions! o ir itji iiSies • eg s t'o f- 9’lttsliiirg, '.’on Moiit|iiy,"jiiiy'.8 ,' re lu r i i in g lo New.'Yoi'k .Tuesday;1August 0 .

Tjie route will include stops a t a ll.tlie r c a ily . Im p o rtan t poin ts fo r re s t and Hijjttsccriig.uimong tiiem being- Chicago, Oinallg, j)gniLer,',t'oioi-ado Springsy-trleti-j iVopd1 Springs , (w ith a . dayligh t j'ido through; tlie Rocky M ountains, including th e Ito,vul Ctorgo nnd Grand Canon of tbo A rkansas), and a t ‘S u it L iike' C ity ,a r r iv ­ing a t Sail Fraiicibco. 10:00 A. M., Tues­day, Ju ly 10, before the Convention .opens. Six, ffiiys w jll be allo tted to San Francisco, fo r which tim e no hotel ac-' coiiimoilntions or otlu-r fea tu re s will be im-hulcd in th e tickets. Leaving Sait Francisco M onday morning, Ju ly 22, MOnterey, S an ta 'B arbara and Los Aii- gcles will he visited, a ll traveling over the now Const Lino of th e Southern Paci- l[e Company being do|ie by daylight, in order to view w lia t is. repu ted to ho the most a ttrac tiv e scenery , in California. Leaving Los Angeles, San Jose will be visited, tlicnce Po rtland , w ith tw o days’ slop, a l te r which w ill conic tlio crown­ing fea tu re of th e t o u r , 't h e journey homeward via the Criuiiilinn l ’uciilc R a il­w ay through tlie uiu-ivalcd m ountains of British Columbia. ■ ;

The. schedule oyer, the Canadian Paci­fic R ailw ay will lie prepared with-cs'pce- iiii cure, anil tlie tra in 'side-tracked “ ut' n igh ts vvJierc-.nccessai-y,. iii .order ,tliatriQ , pai't' of th is delightful featu re m ay lig missed liy night traveling, This in - i t ­self is a ra re opportuiiity. In addition, stops will be .made n t 'BniilT H ot Springs ami St. Paul. . •. fl’lie to u ris t will Imv’cL in Uie Jiiglicst grnde oi Pullm an equipm ent, and the special tra in will be composed of vosti- buicd -dining car, sleeping, cars; and an obseiTufcloii car. The la tte r a i r w ill be sim ilar . to lliosu used oil the Iniuoua Pemisylvaiiia Lim ited.

W ith tlio -exceptionrif tlio tim e dcvot-. oil to San Francisco, passengers w ill lie located on tho spnciiil tra in during tlie entire tour. B reakfast, luncheon, and dinner will be provided ill tlie dining car while en rputo and whim side-tracked n t tbe various .places visited. Our patrons will therefore avoid t l ie expense of high- priced hostelries, tlie hurry and annoy­ance pf meal sta tions, and the iinsatis- factory accommodations afforded by in ­ferior hotels.

A tho ro u g h ly . experienced Tourist A gent nnd a Chaperon will accompany the p a rty , nn d . in fact the entire .tour will be conducted under tlie same carefur mnhugoment th a t lias made, the “Penn­sylvania Tours” world famous.

Tlio to ta l 'ru to fo r entire trip us ou tlin­ed above, coycrirfg one double berth anil a ll'm eals in dining cur, from New York, Philadelphia., ■ B altim ore, W ashington, H arrisburg, Altoona, nml points pn the Pennsylvania R ailroad cast of P it ts ­burg, w ill ho, $188.50; tw o persons in a berth , each $108.50.

Rato, going w ith tho m ain .parly , w ith Pullm an - berth an d ’ meals' up to arrival n t San ' Francisco, re tu rn ing from Srin Francisco . independently by any direct route, w ith transportation^ only on re ­tu rn trip , $] IB.10; tw o ^leSohs in n liortli, eacli $108,10.

Rate, tmnspovLiition , 1 Pulliiian berth,

and meals on special t r a in .to San F ran­cisco, w ith trnnsportn tion only re tu rn ing independenUy via l ’rirtln nd and N orthern Paeille - Rnilwny, o r Canadian Pacific R ailw ay and S t. P aul; riuitil A ugust 31, $127,10- tw o; itl • p.'bi^-tli, e ach -$117.10. This ; route w il l , espmiiiilly appeal to those; wlm' desire ; to '( Tisit''Y cllow stone Piirk on tlieir re tu rn journey I The tick­e ts ad m it of, stop-ovei;, (it Livingston, n t which point n tick e t1 covering fivo arid oiie-luilf days’ iiotel accoiiiodations, ivitii stage transportatiori, -througli Yellow­stone P ark , Lov prifelin'sed for$49.50. , . ii; ___ ■; 1 \

R ate; .covefing1 sam e' its ’Jireccding tr ip up to San Francisco w ith transpo rta tion orily.-returnirig ’iiidopejidcntly via Los Angeles, . San ■ F rancisco ,; Poi tlhiHi and C anadian Pacific or N orthern Pacific.and Sts.Ritid,- $131.00; tw o 'il l a berth,-each $1 2 1 .0 0 . . . . . . ,

R ates from P ittsburg , $5 less thanabove figures.- t iiL’r i l i i i ’

F o r th e infonnatioii of. those who de­sire to travel independently a f te r a r r i­val a t .S a n Francisco,'iRrijiquld be noted tlm t tickets |H*Tlnit-stop-off w ith in lim it o f:A u g u st 31, a t and west of -Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo., and w est of St. P a u l.' Stop-ovcV will also be allowed until A ugust 31, n t N iagara Falls and Hullnio,- fo r Pan-America a E x­position, on ticket reading;through those points.

Descriptive booklet will- shortly lie is­sued, 'giving the schedule' nnd fu rther de­tails. Diagrams arc iipiy 'open, and as (lie inmiiii-r who cun bo''nccoiiiiiiodillcil will lie s tric tly lim ited, littmcs should he registered immediately, .■. For further inform ation"- apply to T ourist Agent, 1.11)11 . Bfoiidwity, New York; Thus. Purdy , Passeiiger Agent Long lll ii'neh D istrict; 789 Broad S treet, Newark, N. J ,; J . K. Shoemnkcr, I ’assen- ger Agent Middle. District, 1411 C hestnut S tre e t, Philadelphia; Ti. Coiirliienclcr, Jr., Passenger Agent Ilaltiiuoro District,; Bal­tim ore and Calvert S treets, Baltimore, M d.g t'. Stuilds, Passenger Agent, Soutli- N. -W., W ashington, P. C.; o r ' address Geo. \V, Boyil, A ssistan t General Passon- ger A gent, Bread S tre e t S tation , '•'Phila­delphia. .

i m l l n n s F u r O ie 'G u frriT o e x p o s i t i o n .Buffalo, A pril 27.—T hree .hundred In ­

d ian braves, squnw s mid papooses, w ith 2 0 0 horses, have a rriv ed hero from tlie w est. T he N avajo, P irn an d Pueblo trib es w ere -represented. .In the p a r ly W ere m any noted chiefs; rimoug them Gerontm o, R ed Cloud, K ick ing B ear, C razy Snake, A nierlean H orse, P ain ted H orse, Love R ear, B lack B ird, Hollow H orn B ear, L ittle W ound, Shot-IiHthe- E y e an d Blnek Bein’. Sli'ot-Iri-the-Eye Is a ch ie f who lost a u eye in tb e C uster m rissaefe. '. R n r e lo r s S e n t to J u l f i•i. M iddletow n, N. Y., A pril 2$ .—;A gang o t five ..pu ig lu rs g iv ing tlie.,ngm os of F fn iik ..Bluuvelt, ■ I ra B lauvylt-, Simon B ouvh i.'Jo h n B ouviu a n d A lbert Uaito o f . Paterson,.-.N. J ., have,,been, sen t .to Goshen ja il to n w ajt tliem ctlou -o f the g ran d ju ry . T hey nro ciiargcd w ith hav ing com m itted num erous robberies. A large am o u iit of p lunder ' wris found lu th e ir possession, an d .m uch move is believed to bo secreted In the m oun­ta ins in tlio v icin ity of tho lake.

The Best Blood FarJfler#The blood Is constantly .bolng pnrlfled by

the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keen those ergauB In a honlthy condition and the bowels regular and yon .will, have no need o(, a blood purifier. For th is purpose there is nothing equal to Chamberlain’s Stomaoh and Liver Tablets, ono dose of them will do you moro good than a dollar bottlo or the best blood pnrlflor. Price, .25 conts. Ram­ifies frao a t Stew art's drug store, cornor Cookman avonue and Bond street.

Time of receiving ljld* extended ;to ilo fc day, A pril 29,' a t 12 o'olook. noon.

P R O P O SA L S- F O R -

Building a Fire House in Neptune Fire District, No. I, Neptune Towftshipi, Monmouth County, New Jersey,

' Scaled l)lds w ill bo received for fche build ing of a l^lxo House in N eptune I?ire D istrict No. l , a t the office of BrouiH) & A rebd, architects, iiT A sbuiy P arlj, N."J.

• T he phvNB.oC said build ing w ill bo ready for bidders on Tuosday, A pril lGbh, 11X)1 a t tho offlco of tho srehft^efcs ahovo named. AU bids to bo In w ith in six days from tho' apovodftto. Proposals from bulldorsaro required to cover the bu ild ing an d com- plotion of said houeo*according to plans a n d specifications-submitted. Tlie Board of,Firo Commission era of th is distric t re seTve tho r ig h t to rb jeo tany and a ll bids;

' r JO H N c . PATTKKSON,• C hairm an Board of Commissioners,

Ffro Dlstriot}No;.l. , AVIDLIAM 13. TAYLOR,

^ S e c re ta ry of Board, . f)8-101

PRO PO SALSSealed proposals w ill bo received by the

m ayor an d council of tho Borough of Avon-by-tho-Sea on A pril 2l)bhf a t 8 *p. m ., for tho bu ild in g of a sluiceway and flood gates a t tho m outh of Sylvan lake. Tho plans and specifications m ay be seen a t tho residence of tho chairm an of tho S treet Committee, W wltor Harris^ on and after A pril ■ -

All bids m u st 7jo furnished w ith a bond of $200,. Thd commttteo reserves tlio righ t to reject any or a ll bids."Y V altek H a iiu is , .

A. F . Sofield ,J ohn H. Smith,

97-102 * S treet Committee,

F O R R E N TW o havo tho follow ing housos fo r ren t by tho year. Call anil loi; us'g ivoyou pnrtiu la is .

MunrooAve.—7room s,3 bedroom s... ,»«4 0 Fourth Ave.— 12room8,7bedrooins; all

im provem ents,.................................. to oSeventh Ave —7 rooms, 4 bedrooms;

all Improvements ............ «4oSewali Ave —7 rooms, 4 bedrooms; all

Im provem ents..... ................. -tooBond St.—9 rooms, 5 bedrooms; all Im­

p rovem en ts..,. ............... 250Second Ave.—11 rooms,7 bedrooms; all

Im provem ents.. ........................ sooEmory St.—10 rooms, 6 bedrooms; all "

improvements .......................... 323Emory St.—11 roo'ms, 8 bedrooms; nil

Improvements.......................... 300Asbury Ave.— 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms; all

lm piovem ents................ 300Bewail Ave.—11 rooms, 0 bedrooms; a ll

Improvements .......... 330

MONMOUTH. p o o p # 12-13 ; ";p-

l i / lo N M O U T H B u i l d i n g ’ ”

Compressed Salt Bricks" ■ V’r:’ tfr/'A-

* For Horses and Cattle.WARRANTED PURE DAIRY SALT;;”

Galvanized Cast Iron Feeders.

. PURE SALT (Roflnod) acts ns a tonic, invigorates tho systom, pro­motes digestion, purifies tho blood, increusos strong th of bono an d niusolo; ^ in fr.ct, I t Is a stim ulons for tbo gonornl health and th r if t of an im als, as J woll us for th a t of m ankind.

. Every, horso ownor should uso Compressed S alt Bricks.

|Cor. Main St. and Sewali Ave., Asbury Park. T

W. W. EHBLEY & CO.,S O L E A G E N T S F O R M O N M O U T H C O .,




The / MammothSTEINBACH CO .

» * »

PharmacyBloomfield Hnllck, Ph.G., Prop;

Cor. 8 th and F S t . , BELMAR, N .fJ.

■ Hi SHt Fit Pant •I f wo put it on, it is puro wliito lead and linseed oil, tlio honest, old-fashioned paint fchnfc lasts. W o aro practical mechanics, mix our own paints, know what goes* - . . into thousand are willing to guar­antee our worls. May we g j vo you ancstim uto? :E. J . STROUD

The Painter MAIN ST.

Jam es Forayth Joel 5 . Boyce■ Now Is tho tlm o to

improve your...;,....

. .P L U M B IN G . .by having


A ll ordors prom ptly attonded to.

320 B O N D S T R E E T

:: When Roads Are BadYou have no need for your Bicycle, .When'ro^cis are good you will want to Ride it.* Tirea may be flat, bearings or chain cranky, enamel and nickel need rofln- iahing. *. E ^ a tr Bhops aro thou buayt and you have to waft -your turn.1 Y ou walk whiio yonr prudent neighbor rides. Bettor let mo overhaul your wheel now.C. R. ZACHARIAS

r 725 Mattison Ave., Asbnry Park./. Lawn Mowprs nnd Clippers ground.• Carriage tiro work. .

Of Interest to YouI f you w an t to save monoy or

borrow monoy arid ropay In m onth ly pay­m ents, apply to the Citizens’ “M utual B anking and B uilding Sooiety, Room 12, Apploby build ing . Wo havo nearly GOO mombers In th is vloinity a n d havo plaood on mortgago nearly $50,000 since Docom- bor 1st. Wo ask your co-oporatlon.

I . H . RO W LEY ,• i . , . ' ’ • ; _ . •

Manager Monmouth District.

THE LONG BRANCH| me am Femer M s fVestibules and Bathrooms

“ ' Renovated arid Tiled. And- Irons, Gas Logs, Fire,Place

' ' Equipments,. Etc. . . . . . .> Brick and-Wood Mantels

I Parquet Floors, Wood C arpets ' i , Grill and F re t W ork,

| iin Klaffs or Ifliedor Decorations fEstimates: chcorftilly- furnished nnd .

promptly.att(3n(l.ed to m any part of tho country.'




DESSERTS CANDIESf r e s h e v e r y d a y .

Delivered a t your door a t arty hour. W ith o u r patrons B aking days no 1 ngor h a u n t tho housowifo’fi droams—Saturday Is no longer a day of drudgoi’y. Our products look and tasto like homo-mado.


Are Your Spokes RustyHero is a snolco tlmfc, W IL L NOT RUST. Wlieeht respoked at tho sami! prico os in usinft ordinary spokes, nnd guaranteed not to rust. Coll and ace sample. F u ll line of....HARTFORD AND dO O D R lCH -TlR ES, ’A ll grades.ACETVLENR OASTiglits our shop. Have you noticed it ? Estimates furnished to parti oh in­terested in this light. No mantles to break.J . E D G A R S O O Y

Reliable Repair Shop512 1-2 Cookman Ave.OppfBangB Avenuo.

T O THE* STO C KH O LD ER 8 OF T H E HA- -V A N A ELECT R IC R A IL W A Y CO. PlcaBO tnko notice, tliat by order of tho

company'from Ton" m: of wmchJTiyp„inillion______api____million dollars ______________ on dollars {^5.00_,r, „forred stock and Five million dollars ($5,1._____ _is common stock, to Eleven million dollars (til,000,000)), said increase of One million dol: lars ($1,000,000) to bo common, stock.Now York, April t, 1001.By order of Board,A . M A R CU S, Treasurer.JAMES H. SEXTON

%UNDERTAKERFmieiai DliRtR and Emtiaimer

159 Main Street, Ashory Park.■. *

Tho flneBt aud best equipped funeral parr lore In tho state.

Branch GIficea..Betntar, Spring JLake

PENNSYLVANIA KAUROADT he S tan d ard R ailroad of A n e r lo aOn nnd after April 27,1001,TEJINS LX1VI JSBOIHr PAXK—VKKK DAT,, • • ■ ■For KOW T o r t and Newark, 710, 8 50. a m ,2 26and 6 88 pm .' ' : “For Elizabeth. 8 60 a m. 2 25 and G 881> m.•For Rahway, 8 60 a m, 2 25 nnd 0 88 pm .ForMatowan. 8 60a m 225M>d688pm.For Long Branch, 710. 860, 1100 « m, 216.2 26,5 8.!, 5 40 and7 07 D m.For Red Bank, 710, 860. a m, 225 and 688 p m.For Philadelphia, Broad S t. and Trenton. 729.i 05, a m, 1215,and 4 (77 p m. ‘For OUTidcn, via Trenton and Bordontown, 7 29 and 8 05 ozn, 1216 and 4 07 p m .For Cnmden nzid Philadelphia, via Tome Blvez 125 p m.For Toma River, Island Heights and Intermedia^ stations 126 p m.For Point rieasant and intermediate station*11 M a m, 2 58,619, and 6 4Dnni,For MeW Brunswick, via Monmouth Junction. 8 €6 a m, 1216 and 4 07 p mTRAINS IXAVX NEW YORK rOR ASBUUT PAR*. *From West Twenty-third Btreet Station, b 65 n a12 49. 8 26, and 4 65 p m Bondays, 9 26 a m aud 4 56 p m . .From Deabrosaea Btreet Bf atlon ot 9 OOu id . l 840, and 510 p m. Sundays, 946 a m 516 p m . .From Cortiondt Btreet Station, at 9 00 a m, 126tt 840, and 510 p m . Bun days 946 a tn. and 515 p m ; On Sunday wjll etop afc Interlaken

m and840, and 510 p m. Bundays 946 a m, and 515pm , On Simdny wJIl etop at Interlaken and Avon Inplaci of North Anbury Park and Asbury Park to let off passengers,TEAINB LXAVH FmLzADKLPniA (BrOOd *t) SOB '

' .Abddrt PAnK.'; V : ‘ :A t 8 20,1108 a m, 8 80 and 4 00 p m, week-dayW Market Street Wharf, via Camden: and Trmton.? 28,10 30 a m, 2 80 and 8 20 p m.. Leave Market t Btreet Wharf, via Jamesburg, 728 a n . 4 00 d m.week-day* • . • • • • • • ~ ': W A SlirN G T O N - A N I» TBUS SO U T H .


and7 20,.. 81^. - , . . . . _________ — Oar),'781(Dining Car) p m, 1220 night.Time tables of ail other trains of the syatetni may be obtained at the ticket offices or stations. ’ - ~ ' ■ J* R* WOOD, Gfcn.Pass. A » h. *'J . B. HUTefllN SON , Gen. Manager.

. ------, -------- —, _ 18 (Dining <‘ J 26» 0 05.^55 (pining .


Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively, Icsur- lug Cleanliness and Comfort,

Timo tablo in effect November 25,1000• T R A IN S L E A V E A SB U R Y P A R KFor Now York, Newark and Elizabeth via all rail route, 0 17, 8 00,1210 a in, 4 00, 0 20 p m. Sundays from Interlaken wtation, 7 87 a m. •118 p m . .,For Philadelphia and Tronton via Elizabeth- port, 017, 8 00 a m, 12 10, 4 00 p m. SunOayBfrom IntoiTnken station, 7 87 a m, 4 18 p m. ForBalfciinoro andWa«liinf;ton,800 a m ,13 4 00 p m . Sundaya from Interlaken station 7 07om , 4 18 p m . . aFor Eoaton, Bothlohem, AUcntoivn and MauchFor i _ p m .For Buffalo - and Chicago via D .L & W R R 800om .« r. TV a, Qen’l Bupfc.H . P. B A L D W IN , Gen. Pass. A gt.000 000000000000000(30000000

I 0 0 , 0 0 0



Wo havo tbo above Bum to plrico In lc-go or small nmounta on first mortgage. Loans on ABbury Park, Loch Arbour, Allenhurst rind Dew business or dwelling property.


K eato r B lock .dooooooooooogooooocooqoooo

Forker, Ehlers & Kcr FUNERAL DIRECTORS

' A N D -

„ EMBNLMERS - t. .S h ip m e n ts a S p e c i a l t y

7 2 2 M attison Avonue ,Branch offlco, 498-500 Orange Street, Newark T61pphono coanDctdon. ' ;

Ooaohee and choirs furnished for all

Advemse Ui t S E > R ES S


A deliciously cool kitchen in. distressingly Hot weather! Sounds like n.n a.nomaly, but it’s true. You have it with, a gas stove. >

No need of adding cOal-heat, wood-hcat, and work-lic-at to - summcr-heat. A gas stove cooks food to perfection, but .does not :cook the .cook. • r r !'•luisftijdatpd Gas.Co., Mattison Ay6. * r a n g f s $12


SchinuneTs Famous Soaps, Fairbanks’Cottolene, Fairbanks’ Soaps, Washing. Powders and Compounds

G E O , L - B U S H ’S G R O C E R Y

606-608 Cookman Avenu?, ’•=' \

Coffee will be served on Saturday after­noon. An invitation is extended to - all to visit the store and inspect the goods.

GEO. L. BUSH.606-608 Cookmaii Avenue.

gaBsw . BWHIHBS FLOGS TENTS BURGEES. . .G U M S COVERS...Made of tlio best material and workmanship a t lin n et prices.


617 Cookman, 618 Mattison Avenues, Asbury Park.

CO N D IT IO N OF TRADE.A X at a id e A c t iv it y In th e C e r e a l M ark e t,

Now York, April 27.—It. G. D im & Co.'s w eekly review of trad e says:

B usiness i-rmlimies very b risk fo r tlio season In tiie face o f sum o ilriivyhaeks w hich at* tim es m ight cause maflcoil hi’Bitatlim. C hief of these is I he Hoods in m any d irer!ions, w hich have in te r­fered w ith ndk 'und operations nnd in ­terrup ted the distrilm tlo ii of uierehaii- diso, aud the w ea th e r all over the east has heen adv .'fse to ntf Increase of re­tail trade.

Much iinfaiforahle rnm m cat- lyifi ap ­peared reftrtilpljig llie ad vance in steel ra ils to ,$!2X, yet the change Is only In keeping"W illi frcci'mt increases In prices of p is Iron anjl billots.

A fter a proioileod period of w aiting for ileliidte crpp lnew s the cereal m ar­k ets suddenly nwoku to um isual activ i­ty. Mnoli o f the liucreascd trad in g and sh a rp advance lit pricey resu lted from clever m iinipulntroll liy a single w ci;t; e ra specula to r I who. cuntjieiloil \tlie short ! 'con tingen t! t o . cover M ay corn co n trac ts n t 't h e i i ig h e s t prices of th e season. W hile tlio re iw n s an eh 'm ent ofi s tre n g th In the repoyts o f la te p lan t­ing, slow inovonioht o f 'th o old crop hnd g re a te r inllnenco, as stocks, availab le for delivery wero light.

lit fo u r w e PI; s ' w estern receip ts of corn am o u n ted to only 6.143,755 bush- els a g a in s t. ITS,1153,797 las t, year; It Is no t su rp ris in g t lm t foreign buying de­creases n t th o p resen t exceptionally

• h igh level of prices. W heat h a s also risen sharp ly , p a rtly iu sym pathy w ith corn, b u t th e re w as h ad new s regard ing tho G orm an crWp. Yuid som e dam age oc­cu rred a t th e ,w es t: , ■' ’- Cotton, responds slow ly lo Indica­

tions of dnm agoTih p lan ta tio n s, fo r th e o ld -crop coiites. Into sig h t freely , mid heavy losses In B ritish cxpol'tB of gooils-and; y a rn s ilo' liotppromtHb n .v tg - o ro u s ' foreign dijtuaud fo r r a w ! tnn te ,

; rial. ’ 1 - '■ "■ - __„ V '' '

A nother decrease is .rep o rted la sh ip ­m en ts of hunts and shoes from New K nghitnl shops, a lth o u g h th e re is still a h eav ier m ovem ent th an ia the sam o w eek las t year.

F a ilu re s fo r th e w eek num bered 21.7 in th e U nited S la te s ag a in s t 2 (M la s t year, am i 2(1 in C anada ag a in s t 22 lustyear. ... ___ _ _ _ _ _

.U iliiin At’Ju r Br»](criiilHC‘x,. F ra n k fo rt. Ky.. A pril 27,—New s of

an encounter-in I .e tcher coun ty a s the re su lt of an nt tem pt o f the m ilitia to enplnrcWthe no torious gang of d esp era ­does know n as the K uk lnx -K lnn Is ex­pected any day. C aptain I len ry Little- and F red Gordon of the Second reg i­m ent, who we,re sen t lo L etcher county to secre tly -muster in a new com pany com posed enUrtdy nf m ountain -man. have re tu rned an d reported to G overn­or Tioekhniri.C hlcm ro Pnttcut-M STomneti Ite m n v c il ,

Chicago, A pril 27.—P aul K ru eg er Ifaa. had h is stom ach cut out nt tiie hospital of tho 'Illino is M edical college, til W est K inzie s tr e e t . ' W ith K rueger It w as an a lte rn a tiv e bet wee u dying w ith in a w eek or tw o from" a cancer o r dy in g on the o pera ting table. H e chose to take the chance, an d D r. II. B. F a d s c u t hi? stom ach out. K rueger lived through the ordeal. ritotl now. six diiys la te r , he Is alive and oil the rgnd to recovery.-

• b r i e f "n e w s NOTES,T h e shah of FersSa Is rep o rted very

111: ' - ' -G eorgia tra in ro bbers secured 5350

near M acon. .T he ' B oston c a p ynelit Independence

Is to he launched M ay 10. “R e a r A dm iral B y a n s 'h a s rep o rted th e

torpedo boat, B ailey a splendid success..T ho B laine- m ansion In W ashing ton

has been sold to tb e W estlngbouse fam ­ily fo r ?1G0,060. '

G eorge R .-B ldw ell, collector o f cus- M m sfor New.Y ork,.has becn .rrappplu t- td by th e president^ -

CUBANS’ VIEWS CHANGED e l e g a t i o n N o w S a i d t o ' F a v o r

P l a t t A m e n d m e n t .

OAKNOT SET TARIFF OONOE8BIOHB.. \ ' " , ; . . . , M ade C le a r T h a t T roop* Mwiit S ta rT il l T e rm n. oC Conprrcnn A re A c c e p ted —Vei»teNrflay’» -C onference* . tV ithGb’v e rn m e n t R eprejkc^itn tlve* .

W ash ing ton , A pril ,27.—' ‘T h e p re si­d e n t a n d M r. R oot, secro taryyof tvnr, w ere co n g ra tu la ted n t (ho cab in e t m eet­ing yesterday : on th e tlnjUcntibns. o f ! tf successfu l -isstie fro in ltlie 'v lifiE of: th e delegation o f C u b n n s 'to the uiitional. cap ita l.1’ . ..... :p '

T ills wnS th e w ay" a m em ber o f th e cab in e t in d ica ted tin: ch ief fe a tu re b f the cab inet’s .session. - I t Is expected tlia t th e v is it of th e 6ul>an consttty;- tlonal, delegation .will re su lt In a n eablj; accep tance o f th e conditions n am ed ini tlio P l a t t am endm en t, i f o th er a s su r­ances w ere lack ing , a /sta tem ent from D r. T am nyo, se c re ta ry o f s ta te fo r Cu­ba, m ado yesterday , p rac tica lly cob)1 m its th e eorftmission to recom m end to th e oousfitu tlounl convention accep t­an ce o f th e te rm s offered It by the B e tt­ed S ta te s congress.

TJntll y e s te rd ay none o f (lie m em bers of th e com m ission w ould m ake a s ta te ­m ent a s to tiih conclusion ot- desire o f the C uban convention or of them se lves ns its 'rep resen ta tiv es .. Dr. T am ayo w ith o u t h es ita tio n declnres tlm t he nnd his colleagues w ill recom m end to th e C uban 'co n s titu tio n a l co nven tion , th a t llib P l a t t am en d m en t Tie accepted un re­servedly . U w as suggested to him th a t tlio m em bers o f tiie com m ission irpjst feel som e d isap p o in tm en t on lea rn in g th n t th e coudltifius'- -lit • th is co u n try w erc sncli to preclude, th e possib ility?)! tills governm ent mil kjog.^M odifications la re la tio n to coaling sta tio n s , tre a tie s an d o th er fe a tu re s w h ic h ,i t h as been understood th e m em bers h es ita te d over. P ro m p tly enough he answ ered That ho knew no th ing of th e foundation fo r an u n d erstan d in g ns to w lm t th o com m is­sion expected to g e t lu W ashington.

W lm t T licy W a n te d , —H e sa id th a t m em bers o f th e com m is­

sion hoped w h en th e y le ft C uba to ob­ta in “ a b e tte r tiu ilerstnnd lng a s to ce r­ta in econom ic questions t l ia t a rc In­volved in th e re la tio n s betw een th e tw o countries.” T h is u nderstand ing , It is snid, involves desired concession reln- tiv.e to th e d u ty on su g a r an d tobacco. T h e im possib ility o f execu tiv e nctiou on tlio ta r iff w a s m ad e a s c lea r a s the execu tive’s w ishes for C uban Independ­ence. -a

I t w a s exp la ined a t th e cab in e t m eet­ing tlm t, w hile no (Wtiiilte proposition w a s m ad e by th e C ubans a n d noneAvas offered by th is governm ent, a good u n ­d ers tan d in g litid been reached . G eneral W ood lind exp lained to th e governm ent officials th a t lie believed th e re w ould be l i t t le troub le ' iu ge tting a n accep tance o f tiic X’la tt am endm ent. D evelopm ents since The a rriv a l of ..the C ubans b ea r o u t ti l ls judgm en t.' ,

W hile thp rc hnvb-been ex tended eon: fcrances betw een the se c re ta ry o f w a r n n d m em bers o f the C uban com m is­sion, it w ns sa id a t th e cab in e t m eeting that- m ore had heen accom plished a t th e d in n e r g iven b y th e p resid en t tlinn a t a ll of the conferences. , Tho affa ir w as m anaged ad m irab ly . T h e head of every d e p a r tm e n t of tlio governm ent w ns rep re sen ted , ns w ere both houses of congress. T lio m em bers o f th e com­m ission lind am ple op p o rtu n ity to ta lk w ith these. T he a d m in is tra tiv e .ofllcors of the governm ent, a s 'm uch by design is acc iden t, m ade it. c lear in a ll th ey said tlia t th ey w ere not in a position u nder o u r fp rin o f g overnm en t toTim ke oven ten ta tiv e prom ises as to fu tu re conditions-w hich m ight be in sis ted u p ­on or g ran ted b y the leg islative b ran ch of tlio goY erupient. P ro m in e n t sen a­to rs anil re p re se n ta tiv e s in th e ir con­versations With tlio C ubans dw elt upon the difficulties In o b ta in in g the te rm s of th e F in tt am endm en t.

ltcKiiliN A p p a re n t.The effects w ere a p p a re n t in tlio

changed a ttitu d e o f t.hy_.Cubans. I f tho

Ctibiiiia-iiud- a n y -question • obTTo the,'In. te n tlo h o f tlits goyi>rntgent Jn cas^jthe ir ,'corjsttftiftonill coiiveatfdn T H d ^ ifo ^ c - cep t the';toriufi,offere’dy it*hae,la& n^ilfl polled sinco.cpm lng to, Wnslim&tojKr- I t w a s a decided shock to . je C ubans w h e n ,in a n sw er to iguarded Inqu iry as "td w l ia t im i^ f ^ b i lp tv tlie lr re fu sa l ip n ceb p tf 'tb cv te rn is (jffefbd by fcopgres'a they received p ro m p t response tim t thc D n ited .B tnjes trobps, w ould remain-, fn, occiipatl’on. T h is flsRondc .riiade c lea r to .E liem f lint sidiitary/bccnpiitlon.-W onld' con tinue indetlh itcly>or un til cong tess could tidal w ith tile question n e x t w in­

d e r , T iie .response also conveyed; (tie decided im pression th a t n m odification f t . th e ebitd ltions of th e P la t t : nmenil- ic e n t h itrd ly would lie; th e program m e^ a t an y t im e .- '; ; Y r f

A sta teT pcntrm iulc -by' Cdngtessmah.; C pjrnon.rein tiyp tO fthe C uban h ituatlo rt Ja.i hi line w ith t i ie A ttitude o f pVeet-’- d e n t iihtl % e re ta ry .R oot a iid 'iVltUv/htf m tdbrstnn tijng w h ich the C uban roiri- m lsslbu ubw. has. , 'idr. Giinnori sayec •• F-*'Tliei Cuban sitffatica is.eqvefeiiiby/ Who. fact 'that ilu- only gpyerntnent.iipw existjng In..Cubtc;is,:by -tlio,,president dtiifough! the -army, -e/Tlils 'gtfverniiient will contityie until thq ipeopjfd of :Cuba adopt ti cdiiStjtiitiun niiri framo a gbv? ermncnt embodying nil tlio conditions of the f.Intt amcnilhicnt Slnto tlio adr jotii'iWient !)f cpugfejs?l linye.fravefcii In half a-dozeu.' state,s. of tiie middle .west, nrid-jthe fjieoVjTe,''Irrespective of pafiy-, ludorijii .fitet.'olqniUt!biis’;'of the H itt ■aiiituTdiuelit..,’:Thcie, nfc.' piojpie who heUovc tluit iIii. Cubans should be free, but thoy, aTsn'beiievod tiint Llie. 5n- tm-ests of the tjiiUed Stales debmYid

'that we should sec,tlmt there is law and order Iii thd” iajaml. '.Our, peoplo also feel tliat ,we.,: arc, Tiouml. lit good faith to pfeseByp;ilfij-'snntc 'peaceful re-; In dons' between - tile' Island and ' ths other nations of the worid:” ;-?'? .i: '

' B A S E B A L L . "R c * a U d o f Y c H t c n la j ’ h Gnvucs I n .t h o D iff e r e n t L e a g u e # ,Ra t io n a l X.EAGUE.At yaw Yorlc— . ‘ '■:<>: '-1 y s 7fc\y. YurU... 0 .0

Ilrooklrn .. 1 l 0 0Ua t to d c&—Ma 11 Ii e wson van and McGuire.At IMuladelpliV.— Aiy':IMiilnde.lphin. 1 0 0 0 Boston 0 I 0 0

0 .00 0 sriil

2 0 *-r C11 0 0— 3 .Uowerman;

2 0 0 0 '3 0 0 0 ' - n. o - 3 0 - 4A ' .31. a ; b.

8 113 4McE£*

H. B. ''6"“ 34 2 Dono-u: b .5 48 4HaUt?ries—Donohue and McFarland; Pettlngcr and Kiitredge.At Cincinnati—Cincinnati 2 0 1 0 0' 0,-0 4 O O 0— 7 Chicago... 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 — 8 Hatlcries—Newton and Reitz; HugliCs, fee aiitl KH»t.STANDINQ’ OF THE CLUBS.TV. L. I».C.. W. ,J2 1 .007 New York... 1 :2 1 .007 Brooklyn.... 2 !2 1 .007 • Dlilln’plita.. 2 ;it 2 .COO Chicago.J.i. 1 ?.AMGniCAN LEAGUE.At ilaltinioro—Baltinlore, 10; Boston, 7.At Detroit—Detroit, 0; Milwaukee, 5,At I’hilaUclphia—Washington, 5; Philadel­phia; 1 . * ; . . ; ;EASTERN-LEAGUE.At Worcester—Worcester, 3; Syracuse, L ,,At Jtochestcr—Hochestcr, 6; Toronto, 6.At l’roviilcnte- -l’rovi’tipncp, 8; Hartford, L At liuffnlo—Montreal;'10; Buffalo, 3. -

Pittsburg..Boston .ti ncinuati. St. Louis.'..


A ccid en t to !H cahniltlp !Ye#r Yorlc.’" ' Q ueenstow n, A pril 27.—T he A m eri­

can lin e r Now Y ork is ag a in p artia lly d isab led a t sen. —She Is proceed ing to­w a rd New Y ork u n d e r one. eng ine th is voyage, a s lie r p o rt s h a f t h a s been b ro­ken. T h e new s of this. inRalinp. w as b ro u g h t in to Q ueenstow n;lostw ig h t hy tlio C nnnrder C h inpan la ; t w h ic h -d e f t New York on A pril 20, the: s t m t d ay the Now York l<jft S ou tham pton . The. C am ­p a n ia s ig h ted th e N ew t Y drit- la s t 'W ednesday. T he N ew Y ork w as th en supposedly abo u t 1,200 m iles o u t from S outham pton . I t is bellcvcdi th e m is­h ap had occurred sh o rtly b e fo re th is.

n n m m o n d . W ill P ro te c te d .H averliill. M ass., A p r il .2 7 .—T iie heirs

meiitionfeil in tho w ill hav e received no­tice th a t w hen the will of E d w a rd A. H am m ond of W ash ing ton ; Who died Feb. 12, leav in g ids $2,000,000 e s ta te to re la tiv es in. th is vicinity, 'w a s offered fo r p ro b a te in New .York y es te rd ay a p ro te s t signed by liia two. nephew s, E d ­w a rd A. H am m ond, J r ., o f .-London anil Ja m es H am m ond o f fchicngb, and tw o grandnieces, M isses, JOuiily a n d H a r ­r ie t W h ite o f N ew Y ork, wlio w ere no t m entioned. Iii th e will,, w as a lso filed.


n a t io n a l s e r ie s V a f r il 28,


Mr. Booth T ark in g to n nqtboi; of tlie i\opulay nW>i‘l, .''T iie-C cnticm an,F romw rile r by rtramatW.lug'hlff.iefite'r: Thfi;pJn.y, will .he,produced next

In d ian a ,” lias ju s t proved h im self a vcrs«t|tllu w rife r by nvamdtW.iBg'htdiente'r- ta iu li|g li ttle s to ry ,; ‘'M onsieu r Be!iiicaire,|! TIseason by Klehaird Mafislleid,

T e s t o f t h e L eaaoS ' J o h n , - ' ■ TO-20,. 1 M e m o ry Y e v s e s , 111 , 20—G o lil i:!i T e x t , J o h n xx , 294 -C o m m cu ta rr P re p a r e s

"■ b y (ho l t e r , D. U . StcnrUB, ,ICopyxIght, 1M1, ty Amexlcon Pres3 Association.}

; 10. "Jesus stood in the m idst a n d sa ith unto diem, Peace bo u n to 'y o u ." / This w ns oh the evening o t th o resiirroctidil day, while tho disciples wero gathered to* gOthor, with-’tho.,doors shut fo r fear-'of 'U10 Jew s, listen ing 'to th e testimony of tiie tw o w ith w hom -H o hnd walked- to Emm aus, when suddenly Jesus H im self gtood ia the midst,' with, thoso . blessed words,.“ fleace he im to you," w.hlgh Ho nl- bo repented..a lfttld la te r (verst- 21). Com* pare. H is ”Bt>, o f”*dotl cheer;”, ; ' iBq'-net dfratd ,’,’“Go iii peace” (M atlu ir, £ ,22;xiv

f27; LAikovil.-hO; viilj J 8 ), audrfcmembertlui-, Uo is tlio F rince o f I ’eacei H o has made p eace :fo r /a s '.b y tbb -blood jp t H is ^.-ross, •all H is ' thoughts' to ,us n to thoughtc of peace, H e is our peace, H o will keep, in perfect' peace .a ll whoso.mind,! nro staid oa Him, and i t is ou: priviloge. to let tlio pence of God rule In-’onr h ea tts (Isa ix, ti; Col. i, 20; Jor. j- r ix j .l l i E pk, ii,1 4 ; Isa . xxvl, 3 ; Col.;ill, ID). T his sacms to me to have .been H is ’ fifth nppearnfico, counting us follovrs: To-M aryi to tho oth­er ivohinu, t o : P eter,- to tho two wild walked to Emm aus, nad a o w 'to tho dls eiplea gatliefed togethof. And a s th e first filth io S crip ture is associated w ith abun­dance (Gen. 1, 20-23), a s also in Joseph’s kindness to Benjam in, ami th e five loaves which so abundauttly rod th o ‘D,0 0 0 , etc.20. “T hen were tlio disciples g)ad when

they S(iw tho Lord ,” 1 A t firs t'tiiey were terrified and affrighted, hut Hr- showed tliem H is hands hnd H is.fee t and Invited them to h.ipdlu Him nail see th a t H o w as no t a spirit,' as they hhd supposed. I ex poet H o an) a to ns mnny ;> tim e, “ tYliy’

fare ye troubled? A ud w hy do -thoughts arise in your h e a r ts ? ’ (Liibo xxiv; 37-dO) am! if wo> would only' see H im -;kI ht- llbv'e H fs ioro tawaiM ire w e would -lose ou r-tro u b led -th o u g h ts (I John Sv,' 16;

(John xlv. I , 27), Wo learn from tb e por- saga in Luko-juot. quoted th a t .b u r resur­rection bodies wiii bo,tangible and n a te - rial, for ours, shall be like H is (Phil, ill, 2 1 ), am S 'lilo w a s 'f le sh ar.d banes nod could: be handled and could ca t (Luke itxiv, 41, 42). Thoso who die have gain, but they .still w ait fo r tho resurrection body.' . v

21. “Then said Je sn s to them again Pence be unto you. A s My F a th e r h a th scu t M e, even so scad I you.” In I l ls prayer to H is F a th e r H o said, “As Thou b as t sen t M e into, the world even so have T. also cent them into tho w orld” (Jolm xvil, 18). ...More than SO tim es In th is gospel Ho speaks Of Him self, o r is spoken of, a s s e n t hy th e F a th er. H e sa id to-Moses,

Come now .' therefore, and I will send thee unto F hnraoh ,” and to Gideon, “ Go in th is th y (ulght; havo uot I .s e a t thee?" and to Jerem iah, “ Thou sh a lt.g o to nil th a t I shall send thee, and w hatsoever I command thee thoii sha lt speak” (E r . iii, 10; Judges vl, 14; J c r . i. 7). " ' "•••"” •

22.'23. “H e breathed on (be'in aud saith untd them ; Receive y e ’th e H oly ' G host.’/ Some aro perplexed a b o u t ' tho disciples bcitig commissioned to rem it, op, retain sins, bu t notice, th n t tlio power given to, P e te r la M irth, sy i, 10, is herb .given tb s it who wcrq gathered togother; All bW. lievers aro com m issioned-to go in 'H is nam e proelnimTfig th e ' remlssi-m o f sir.i’ to all who v,-lit accept H im (EcV. kxli; IT; A cts Xiil, 38|' 30). - A s to -receiving the Holy Ghost; bne hns sa id ,. Vlt- dbes not. appear th a t th e . H o ly . Ghpst did - now conie Tipon them. T h is oecinsto iiavp bops, a symbolic net representiag I th a t v.-hSch actually took place ou the <3ay o f Fpn'tii- cost.” All believers are tem ples; of tlio H oly Gk'dst;_nnd H e Is in 'ovei-y believer, bu t to bb filled''with th e Spirit, While it is th e privilege of all; i t iO to Txi feared is the experience o f-b u t few - (I Cor. vi, 19, 20; John xiv. lT ; Eph, v, 18).

24, 25. “W o hnvo seen - th e ’ Lord.” T hu s said the others to Thom as, who w as n o t w ith them when Jesus appeared on th a t first ovening, h u t h is reply was,

E xcept I shall see. I will not believe.” T here w as no niinpHeity of fa ith here. Not only did ho doubt the word of ids fel­low disciples, hut, like them, ho did not belicvfc tho word of our Lord H im self th a t H e would rise from the dead. W o nil, need, and need often, tho. word o f our L-jrd, VO ye o f little fa ith !” How muon Thom as missed by not being with tho others th a t resurrection ' evening! A wholo vyeek o t doubt and darkness wan one of tiie results.

26. 27. “B e no t faitjiless. bnt believ­in g '' Tiie nex t first day of tho week, (lie disciples beiug again gathered, anil Thomas with them, Jesus again appears with H is great greeting, “Peace ho Onto you.” No one had tolil Hj'm w h at Thom ­as had said, ye t see how H e exactly meets Thomas' difllculty (compare verso 25). H e knows the th ings-that come Into our mind, every one of them, and there is not a w ord In onr tonguo but H o knows it altogether (Exek, xi, 5 ; P s . exxxlx, 4). How careful thlp should make us con­cerning even our thoughts, fo r tho thought of foolishness is sin (Prov. xxiv, 9).

28. “ My Lord and my God," T he look o t C hrist und the-w ord of C hrist were enough. W e da not rend -fiat. Thom as put his finger in to tho p rin t of the nails iu order to bo convinced, os bis tb -.glit he would need to do. A w ord.from Christ H im self did It all, b u t i t w ns sight th a t did it ' H o saw and believed, arid his heart then cried, “M y Lord a n d 'm y God.” D ees yo'ur hoart thus cry out-ns you see H im hy fa ith wounded fo r 'y o n r transgressions and brnisod 'for your iniq­uities, o r has-H e still occasion to- upbraid you for your .unbelief and hardness of heart because you .will not believe Hial message nor H is m essengers? (M ark xri, 14.)

20. “Jesus salth-bflto b leu Thomas, fee* causa thou h a s t seen' Me thoti Hast be ­lieved. Blessed arc they th a t have not

.seen and yet havo beUoycd.”.- The ono th ing H o asks u s to do Ts to believe-jiist w hat Ho enys, concerning th e past', tlio pfeSent or tho fu tu re. I t .m n; sepm a s Unlikely a s .th a t Npah, UvIee .pe'fhapa far from any watelr, woul^oViSr need a ver- 6el to Gave bis household, but; i t is enough for fa ith th a t God siSya o r .c o jn iiin n ils .I t is.ours to boilovi: aml-obay. 'D o I ’ncCept the Son of God as nay Snvlour, putting all my tru s t In H is precious blood shod ' for me, than it is my privilege to, bolls , 0 all th a t H o bos said coticonitcg such, ana when I fdad John v, 24; vl, 37:1, 12: x , 27-29, Bid*. I, 6 , 7: Rom .' v, 1 : P«: cikxv iii; 8 ; Isii. xll, 13: i l l l i . 25s Col. ill, 4;;T Jo b n lll; 3; 2 ,-or sim ilar p a ra g e s I- should say w ith glad heart, " I bellevo God,” ac/j remeiniic!-,

ie my S;eJhis« what ihey nil?,

Ifvtronbled by a weak'dfgostioa, Jda? of appoHUS 'or.rihnfltiitttion.'tjjrA few dSSos Off iatabBrlain’s': Rfomnoh firjd LiverffYhiols.

yery bok w am inted . For Bale by StOwr art’s- iirrig stora, corner Ccobroaa -ivoaua (b& B ofidettteL ‘ :



When ilia Kidneys, .Bladder, Liver -jtnd Blood .'aye diseased, inaiw. other troubles fol­low 'Su their w ak e .” Some o5 them are Rlieumstism, Scrofula, Eczema, Constipation, Dyspepsia. Biliousness,-Nervous Prostratloh, Headache'ahd General Debility. All-these a i i

cured'by. F a v o r ite R e m e d y because it cures the cause of them.

W O M EN wliolhtnkthey bavefemak- troublcs and.weakness are often mis-'

takeal Tliflr'ailments:are caused -; .j by disordered' Kldrteys. Bladder

'L iver. F a v o r ite R em edy! cure-, therm, Just/as.;lt has; ;ands of others.

STS RECO R D O F C U R E S has made it fam­ous in 1 medical' circles

/evcryvvhtre.;j.3t is recog- “ nized. as, a specific.O -lt V purifies the ' blood>and

dissolves the excess* of uric ac ld ’lh It,-clears up the urine, restores the Kidneys and Bladder to their normal condition, and-: gently moves the bowels. It Is better for Constipation than any p t i l s i .-Better for ’.he nerves than, any sedative.

'Betterifhr; tlu- weak th in a n y tonic.;' -. F a v o r ite R em edy , is the only Kid- fiey .medicine th a i, does


tW E V M A T B iW K )p m m ld a n t o f ih o C i t y

Q o u n o li o l W7/froo- .1grftttoSjr G u ro d , viPresident ol tho City, Council ol Willtcs-Borre, To. Col. William J . ITarvoy, i i as •well known mnl as highly respected n man as lives in 1 tho State of Pennsylvania.: Col. Harvey, llko many another Grand Army man,; knowB wlmt it is to suffer from that most palniul of all

a f f l ic t io n s , rheumatism. After much experiment with various medicines, and visits to tho various hot springs anil sauitarlums of this country^an^Europo, - ‘ "" r found aCol. Hartcy foun^ n remedy that gavo him relief, tuid believing tfc his duty as far ns ho Js nblo to help his Buffering fellow comrades,has certified to tho following with his own signature, for tho benefit of whom it may concern • Wilkes-Barre, Fa., April 22,1837.Dr. David Kennedy. Dear Sin—This fs to certify thatf l_w a^ernm?dy,of rhenmatism bv tho ukc of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. — ------ , - . . .neuraausm y . . -Blotter o f this kind, where health nnd life fi at stake, will bo of great Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy restores the disordered liverto it healthy nd^tlon^aVd corrects constipation/ It la a certain cure forthb women It cures scrofula, Balt rheum, erysipelas, nervousness, loss of sleep, or^hat worn-out feel-

|ng“ ?u ca s« orrhcSm aiiBS, ayspcp«la. ErtRLfa dlscaso, gravel. ainbeUs, kidney and biaddet troubles,* R has cured where all else f i bottle.. rheum, erysipelas, i dyspepsia, Bright’s else foiled. 81.00 a bT r i a l B o t t l e F r e e

advicer^RPORATlON Rondout, N. r a n d mentioning having accn this generous oner iu tno* n,u4..• jT ?Tho iiubllBhe’rs of this paper guarantee tho genuincncsa of th is liberal offer. Favorite Romody IB Bpld by all druggists or direct, $1.00 a bottle; C bottles for 85.00. ' . 'M A R p d i N t x b W e d /^m e r s q a n

i' ' • '\ y tre le B » ' TefeKrni>1iulM *m ,ii F ln ric C e 1 bb H o h n n u o l Im lln n n .Now 'York. A pril 27.—T he ' engage^

n)crrt o f ' GugllcHiih M nrcoPl, tlio In- vcntfir of-wIKeleKS fek-giiiph}', nnil'JIiBS Jo sep h in e B ow en Tlolmarr wua roport- eil ycktOrila}*. ' I t w as sa id tlin t th o cn- B& gem ent,would lie m tnounceil fo rm al­ly noxtW cdiioB ilny.

M areonl a r r iv e d a t L iverpool on tho C am p an ia y es te rd ay . M iss -H olm an1 is w ith her m o ther an d s is te r n t2 0 2 W e s t N lnety-socond s tre e t, w liorc th o y hav e hail a p a r tm e n ts fo r th e la s t tw o w in ­ters, /T h e ir ii'ome is iq lm llnnnpolls: She Is a dnuglitDr. o f th o la te Ju s tice H o lm an o f In d ia n a an d a second cons in o f th e Into Congressrohn tY. S.j Hol* m an, -long k now n in public life a s the.

w iitchilog o f tlio tre a su ry .” , / M iss H ohunn w as g rad u a ted recen tly

from B ry n M a w r'n n d h a s since tra v e l­ed abroad; I t w u r on b o a rd th e Hteiim- slilp St. P a u l In N ovem ber, 1890, When she an d h er m o th e r w ere going to E u : rope tog e th er, t h a t M iss llo lro n n m e t Slarconl. She becam e g re a tly 'in te re s t- cil In 'th e In v o n to r's -w ire less te legraph.' experim en ts, an d n t th e end o f th e voy­age th e tw o v v ere f a s t friends. ' '

T hey m e t a f tc rw a rd in P firls and n t o th e r p laces oil th e con tinen t, niul M nr- conl’s recen t v is it to th is '■ country w as p rin c ip a lly fo r t h e purpose o f seeing M iss H olm an; - ' " '

M iss H o lm an a t her m other’s a p a r t­m en t la s t n ig h t sa id th n t th e rep o rt o f th e engagem en t w as true . T he m a r­riage w ill be n ex 't.fa ll e ith e r In th is c ity o r in Ind ian ap o lis . ’ ‘

CANAL; TREATY WORK.A d m t n t a t r s llo n a t L n st l l a a V ie w s o tA ll S cim te L e n d l in , - .

W ash ing ton , A pril 27.—T he ad m in is­tra tio n fit lu st h as succeeded in -o b ta in ­in g a collection o f o p in io n ,; from,’,th e le a d e rs o f - t h e ’ se n a te o f a ll po litical p a r tie s tipor; w h ich to . -b n jo , n eg o tia ­tio n s fo r a n e w is th m ian can a l tr e a ty to rep lace th e H ajvP a.uncefo te tre a ty . In other! w ords. It is ' kw at-: 'o f th e w is h e s 'o f ) m o s t o f. th e ; se n a to rs apd th e only, problon: befo re th e s ta te do- p artm cn t.ii). to f ra m e a . t r c a ty . th a t w lll reflect:, th o se ' view s, .iu sq rln g a two-' th ird s yotb’ fbr. ra tiilea tlb n . p h d yet sha ll fije acce p ta b le tp :the, B ritish goy- ernm ont,. I f , .an repo rted from ; Lon­don,' tiie .s ld a i ju i n p n .is a; n e iitra ltty clause, pftlelals iVere. fb&V tlii it ssjecosp on th is polnt^ogm (! w ^ k la . reach .

I t is qxpeeted ; tk p t . t ty b ,d ra f t s ; o f a tr e a ty w ill be f p m e d on a ir , f ln y ’s r e tu rn fro m th e , w est, , I t |b hard ly .-ex­pected, how ever, t hat.flniat re su lts w ill D e.nttglnod b e fb re ,n e x t rim tjinin. ■ 1

’ h i-Tbci s e n t ilo r t i i n i , t 'D jo i'vB erlin , A prII.27 ,-/T ho B e rlin er Tage*

b la t t p r in ts a- special d isp a tc h to . th e atioct th a t B re s c l ,: w ho - n ssasslnatbd K ing: H u m b e r t .o f .I ta ly , lias J u s t ' hepm removed-, tb! th e 1 p en a l colon y o b .V o n ^ j- t^tio .Island 'anoL '.y ia t ho- w ilt rcmplfe th e r e 'f o r life. ; . . ', -V■ ri

■ ’W e a lU O c F o rb o ln t. : Fa!r;Tr.SBb eaaterly -wlaSsh ' ',<>!-

. r

' CALLED OFF. ; _ ^ 'B U p c d ltlo n P o rD in llr .

A b a n d o n a d .Peking, April 20.—Tiie expedition

from Pao-tlng-fu has been entirely call­ed off, and the French troops bnve bass ordered to return to tbs original sta­tion. Tho only casualties suffered-by the entlro expedition were two German, soldiers killed.

The Imperial decree recently issued appointing a bonrd to inquire fully into the question or reforms and to report -the result to the emperor apparently confers fu ll pop-e for administrative purposes upon the hoard'

The court, through > the minister of Japan, wfllitha.uk/thnt 'ctmntry for Its luterventlou-^(ti' connection with tha Mmichiirinn convention aud will ex­press ti hope that the good offices of Japan may he coutlaucd lu tlic future preservation o t tho ' ’higliC8t iutcrcsta of Asln.”

Reports from Sian-fu sny thnt tha tribute boiug received there is enor­mous. A number of carpenters, awn­ing making and. uphslstorcrs have been ordered-to proceed to Sinn-fii to hnllid aiii(ahlo!,quai'tors.fbr:tfie rcaldeiico of tho court if it should become nccea- sa ry* to reraatn.-there; -: '•

LI lluug-.Chaiig tocclved a telegram ffom tlio governor f .t h e province of Slmtisl asking how,-tiie foreign 'troops should ho .-cpeived if- they enter tbo province He rcpllert-tlmt the Chinese soldiers 'Bliduld -Totlrd'ito tho Interior and should not 'attack tti-3 foreign troops .-owing to the. Immeuao interests at stake. 1- - ■ . -.

• i - » . i ..i- , -

A rV «(V ‘tu'-sh'o- M cCorm ioIr hm w ., <Wnphingtor., April 27.—Two! Russian

girls, ifieiuherB of a hand of gy psies en­camped-Id Virginia. acroesthoPotomcc from JVaihlngton, hnye been arrested nsiBuspected nccompllccs in tho kidnap­ing of WIIIIo McCbrmlck. Detectives O’Connell and' ArmBtrolfg nf Hu* New Ybrk-force arrived In Waalilngtou last night -. and questl'vnciL- the girls for. about two houra. -Tha detectives'refuse to.’ discuss..thbiensb. It was ■ learned from; the local forec,:however, tliat it Is helluvcd.hy tiio detectives that the,girls know something of tlio kiduaping.

LbndOii. Aprl! ‘t l '.—X d ispa tch to T he D a lly 'M a li from . S t.'.P e te rsb u rg , sayB (h a t th'e c z a r a n d czarin a w ill p r iv a te ly vlB lt-Ebglnnd and London d u rin g th e com ing season ,' T hey w ill n tte p d the G lasgow exh ib ition . .

The Whito Sand Oil CompanyOrganized, m anaged an d -endorsed by Cleveland bankers’ and biiEince:; mon. F ifty producing oil vyoll: Insuring an la- oomo of ono pof cent, jnontbly. 'WHS pay throoVor c a n t as dovcloproont progressos in Its Pennsylvania, Ohio an d W ost.V lr-

ginla oil fields,'-.No oxporiinont. .'Ono hun- rcd welis yet to drill sure of oil. Llmiled nonsbor shares. ps:-talno?! each, now of-.',

feted n t 29 bonts por.sharo. . Will bo w.ortb i#8 In i» year. Write for particulars and proapeotuB.. Glayoltmd Flnanco Company, lUeal agents, 131 Euclid nvenuo, Cleveland1 Ohio,—Adv.*';. v ; • I- ' .- ' •

My, b u t fo lk s ha ve m \e&$y tim ej rp i'd ltis 'a , ru d im e n ta ry education to'ifS-

c ru lts . V tv w a n t to fu rn ish th is rudl>, Lnontary l;now ledgeA ,\Ve recognize th e

need o f Indiv idualistic societies. W e ,sim p ly seek to’ flt w om en to jo in then

• w ith o u t th e 'danger' o t find ing , th e n - selves In deep w a fe r .;

i “O ur p rogram m e Includes th e w idest p o ss ib le .ran g e of: topics, f t ' says. In ,a ‘ w ord: ‘S tudy oiir’ In tellectual'catalogue. Choose y our fo rte .am i ap p ly yourself; accordingly.’

j "T h e trem endous po ten tia l pow er o f organized w om anhood w ill undoub ted ­ly fa ll o f its possib ilities ' unless It se­cu res a specialized ,p rogress o f th e se rf politically , legally, socially. In d u str ia l­ly, m orally, • m entally and physically . I t will move w ith an .Irresistib le mo­m entum When onee concen tra ted effort is: app lied to specific th ings.

‘‘Such n m ovem ent in Its very e s­sence xvould be Incom plete w ith o u t tlie co-operation o f b righ t, energetic fem i­nine m inds, such a s rife bo rn in th e U nited- -S tates. S u b stan tia l n s our progress lias been elsew here I believe th a t our m ovem ent Is destined to .cn rh Its g rea te s t popularity lu th e lan d w here men. women end child ren c u lti­va te th e a r t o f “ca tch in g on.’ ' “—C hica­go R ccofd-H erald.


Plidto by Mfirccnu, New York. ‘

K A T E D O U G L A S WIGGIN.Ivate D ouglas W iggin. who. Is p robab ly bes t k n o w n jts the au th o r o f th a t

ch arm in g story, “T lie ilii-ds’ C h ris tm as C arol," luis follow ed "Penelope’s P rog­re s s ’’ w ith ano ther liook en titled ’T ’enelopo’s Irish E xperiences,” w hich Is noon to be Issued by H oughton. Mifflin & Co.


F o o tw e a r F o r W o m e n —F o r W o m e n ’* I T r n lu tiiK —A S n fc e « i» fn i C h in a M c m l- j 'o r — W o m e n 's U n iv e r s ity In J a p a n . | tV b lH t F a c e I* th e L a t e s t .1 Mmo. Sidky, w ife of th e second secre­ta ry o f th e T u rk ish legation , w ill soon be the: only iad y . of th e legation , anil the du ties of hostess a t th e e n te r ta in ­m ents o f th e o rien tal colony will aga in fall to her, a s , they, d id befo re th e com ing of Mine, Forrotili, th e ssvlfo of th e p re sen t m in ister,' w ho has now been in -W ash ing ton over a year. T he m in ister. All h'cCrpuli.Bey, has been re ­called, an d Ills successor, S licklb Bey, w ill sn eered to .tl io m in istry from h is country . T h e new m in iste r lo n w id o w e r .. - ... .

. Jjrae i S ltlky is a strik in g ly handsom e w om an, t a l i 'a n d llncly form ed, w ith d a rk .h a ir an d eyes. In person sh e con­tr ib u te s lier: fu ll sh a re of th e in te re s t th a t , n a tu ra lly fu lls to tlie hostesses

. mule. uiDinr. from th o orient. Mmc. S lilky Is an A rm enian , n o t a M oham m edan, llko

.M ine. F erto u li. Mmc. S idky w a s ed u ­cated in th e S cu tari collego In Con­stan tinop le n n d Is exceedingly accom ­plished. Sho sp eaks live Inngunges. H e r E ng lish is perfect, an d sh e expe­riences l i t t le ' d ifficulty In expressing herse lf in our language. Mmc. S idky Is a lso a flub singer. H e r voice w as tra ined In Ita ly , w here sho stud ied fo u r y e a rs under th o b e s t o f in s tru c t­ors. ’ - ■ " •/"i - M mc. F errouh , th o w ife o f th e re tir ­in g m iu ts tc r from T urkey , h a s show n .som e in te restin g developm ent In th o d irec tion o f 'th e n ew ' w om an of late. H e r la te s t ach ievem ent in th is re g a rd Is rid in g a bloyeie. E very “ p leasan t d ay , w i th 't h e sis ter o t the m inister. iMllo.' F errouh , slid ta k e s a sp in a ro u n d C leveland park , w here th e fam ily ro- e ldcs. T he neighbors regard th is de-. p a r tu ro from n a tiv e form as a very com m endable piece o f .independence in

!l M ine. F errouh . T h e y 'a re n o t slow to reca ll tlu- fac t th a t vjery little m oro th a n a y e a r ngo M mc. F erro u h w as on zealously .shielded from observation a s a n y M oham m edan w om an In h e r ow n rea lm . ' A t th a t tim e curiosity w as on tip toe . E v e ry tim e she w en t o u t fo r a w a lk som e en te rp ris in g cam era Send W ould1 sp r in g from an am bush n e a r by. a n d en d eav o r to ge t a simp sh o t a t her. i-W ash tog ton fC or. S t. Louis Republic;

A' l l i l le UrtSewnrm "ivaler will keep th e shoes clean , tind It Is no troub le to use It,

T h e fu ll.ro u n d toe: will be used w ith t h e ex tension sole, a m annish fro n t and a h igh arch , w hich Is n g rea t com­fo rt to th e woiimu w ho likes th e m as­cu line cut, b u t Sms n o t been com forta­ble w ith th e low. b u t foot. Some lioot- m cn th la l: 't lm t th e fla tten ing of the a rch w ith the o rd inary msinnlsli shoe Is. m ore o r less in ju rious nnd will, if persis ted in, ru in thp shape o f th e foot, “S upport tlio arch o f th e foot;" says one o f them , “anti yolt-lrave a com forta­ble shoe end. will -not be likely to q u a r­rel w ltli the lit n t th e ball o r th e heel, ft is n a tu ra lU h tit th e nrch should be suppbV teil.'lh-tills w ay; and there Is a trim feeling w hen th e hoot Is on the fo o tu u d w alk ing is easier.” , T here in,a little Steel Klihuk In th e aliof.*, Ar.lllelV glyeo tlie. instep,.this support and also a p fc tly shape to tho foot. , >,

B esides tho. p a ie u t lea th e rs ,, k id and ca lf shoes nrp both w orn . T here in no m ore k id lu th e ta n shoes, R ussian calf being, used altogether.

in th e d re ss boots tlie h igh heels ore used, tw o inches In th e Louis Quluzo a n d one a n d a h a lf In the C uban heels. T h e C uban heel la th e best for n walk- tug shoe o r fo r real u sefu lness • lu a shoo of an y kind.,. B e in g .u bronder and m ore o f a m ilita ry heel. It gives m ore o f a . support und In addition Is m ade o f lifts o f leather, like the ordi­n a ry heel, w hile the I.ouls Quluzo Is o f wood, co v o red w itli leather.

T he lace hoot Is m ore w orn for w alk­ing nntl the buttoned shoe fo r a d ress liuot. i-’onio people question tlx* use o f n lace shoe a t an y tim e. They say (hut men w ear laced shoes fo r convenience, for w ith th e hooks th e laced boots can lie put un in huif tlie lim e th a t a pa ir o f buttoned boots can be. W omen w ear the laced boots lo som e e x ten t because (ho mon do. T here Is an Idea th a t a Incod shoe fits b e tte r tliuu the other, but thin Is h ard ly th e case. T h e laces slip In w alking, become loosened over the Instep, am i the foot In repose has not ns trim au 'iippcarance ns In a b u t­toned . b o o t.. . A • buttoned hoot, being iibld a lw ay s in one position by th e b u t­tons, s tre tc h e s : to Ut the foo t and Is really In th e cud - m ore sa tisfac to ry . H ow ever, the laced boot still obtains for t lie o rd in ary w alk ing purposes, and It Is well to have som e distinction . I t Is .some tim e siiieo’u io thers advocated laced shoos fo r th e ir ch ildren , because’ they could be w orn a lte rn a te ly 011 d if­ferent feel, and keep Ilium “grow ing stra ig h t.'?

‘ F b iS irc i t r F o r. W om et., , e p a te n ts le a th e r shoe fo r a. w a lk - boot, In fiotli b u tto n /a n d lace, Is of th e la'.-ist,: popu lar th is year,

re'1IW li t t le -d a n g e r of-.lts crticlclng- : th e w et'ithet-'begins to m oderate, th e p it te n t- le a th e r shoe can be In b e tte r condition wltli less from

ikon any jo tlie r sty lo o t footw ear.

■ F o r XV6 m on‘« T ra in in g .To tra in “ tw en tie th eeht'ury wom en"

th roughou t tho w orld Is tlie aim of tbe W om en's In te rn a tio n a l R rogresslvo un ­ion, w hich' is abou t to em brace tho United S ta te s In its globe g ird ling schem e, f " . ' ■■

JJiillkc o th e r y.’om enis organizations, th is union, whose b ir th p la c e niwl hend- qu a rtc ra a re i n London, sedks p rim a­rily to buoonte'-n supply school for tlio societies w orking for the advancem ent of th e sex in special lino's. I t hopes to d irec t fem inine In terest jn to d lversilied channels. m aking Us scope so catholic th a t th e uielnbera m a y ' learn . by ac- qupiu’tnneo and experience w hich par- Uctilar bralii-h of w om anly endeavor m ost strong ly appea ls .to theinv , W orking branches a re a lread y e s ta b ­lished In Eiigbiiid. Scotland, 'Ire land , R u ss ia .' Oornm ny. F rance. Belgium and Canada; D elegates from the B rit isb lu-anch..w ill so o n .v is i t .th e .United. R tatcs to .estab lish one there. Mile, Adi'Ienne Velgele. honorary seere la ry ol”fho union, said In nu in te rv ie w :. “W om en 's ■ orgimiziitloim devoted to

d istinc tive lines o t though t an d action fltul them selves .frequently lm.ndlcap- p e d -b y th e w ant of special, luforma-

vtion ain! special ta s te s am ong thu tr ad ­herents. W otneii phiitgo into politics, social reform . Ilterntitre , nclunce and th e like .b lindly vwhen'., they Join’ clubs too long e s tab lished to w aste , that? at-

A Snoo<>««fiiI Clilnji M ender.In these days, w hen nil the o rd inary

a vocations possible to women a re over­crow ded, m any engage In unusua l occu­pations. T hese frequen tly a re th e re­su lt of chauce, a m ere trifle se rv in g to suggest th e feasib ility o f som eth ing untliouglit o f before.

I t w as .by chalice th a t M rs. E velyn S. De W itt adopted th e business o f m end­ing b ile-a-brac. Being a ch ina , pa in ter, sh e occasionally broke vitliinble pieces an d ra re ly could hav e them repaired to su it her. so she began to experim ent oil lier ow n account. She found th e ce­m en ts she tried to he fau lty In m any re­spects, so w ith w om an 's ingenuity she made o thers until sh e achieved one th a t fully, answ ered her requ irem ents and m ade her broken c-hltm a s im pervious to b ea t a s before th e frac tu re .

From h er success w ith Sjer own pieces she found her serv ices In dem and tvitii lier acqu a in tan ces u n til sh e .ad d ed the w ork o f rep a irin g a s a definite p a r t of h e r profession. ;

M rs. D e W it t th in k s th a t repairing brlc-a-hrae Is a business peculiarly adap ted to wom en o f a r tis tic tas te , as i t requ ires Infinite patience and d eft­ness nnd rep ay s sk illfu l' endeavor.

“ I t is rea lly In teresting .” she said to a T rib u n e reporter, •'much m ore so th n n one would Im agine. T h e re a re innny points to .b e th o u g h t of 011 wliieli success depends. F or Instance, som e b reak s begin on th e su rface , and th e frag m en ts mtfM be-nm tched from be­low .1 O thers b reak from th e under side, and th e pieces m u st lie joined from tlie top . T hen tlie t in ie s t a tom s 11111s t be used . 1 lm ve handled som e w ith n 'to o th p ick dipped iu the-cem ent, because they w ere so sm all th a t 1 ,could po t' feel them Ini m y fingers!- I t Is Just those th in g s In w hich a w onm n 's pa- tteiice ls vnhinble.

‘'R ecen tly « royal D resden vase w as b ro u g h t to m e in -27 pieces, m any of w hich w ere sp lin tered . A ll- th e sp lin ­te red ' su rfa c e s an d m issing chips on th e edges I bu ilt up w ith p la s te r a f te r the' clean b reak s w ero joined. T hen th e added portions and seam s I p a in t­ed exactly lik e tlie orig inal design and had th e vase fired.

••Riveting Is otic o f th e m ost diflleult problem s w hen it Is u question of ex ­trem ely d elica te g lass,” -continued Mrs. D e W itt, “btlf. Is Invaluable In nil ch ina rep a irin g . W hen a broken piece has beon fasten ed \r lth heated cem ent nnd th en riveted , it. Is In every resp ec t as s tro n g a,? new ."—N ew York T ribune

. W o ia r a ’« C n tv e r if ty I n J a p a n .T ho advanced education o f wom en,

w hich h a s been so m arked a f e a tu re In E tiro p en ir cou n tries du ring th e la tte r ha lf of th e p a s t cen tu ry , h as n a tu ra lly Hi-ranged Itself Into tw o very d istin c t sections, ono In w hich th e tw o sexes a re educated to g e th er au d tlie o th er W here th e education o f w om en Is con­ducted iis d is tin c t from th a t o f m e n . T h e h igher education of wom en Is not confined to th e w erte rn w orld . T he announcem ent has -UCen m a d e th a t a w ealthy fam ily , th a t , o f M itsui of Tokyo, In ,Tnpan, lias offered, a n ex­tensive s ite In th a t c ity fo r th e founda­tion o f 11 u n iv e rs ity to lie devoted ex­clusively to th e education of wom en, nnd It Is s ta te d th a t tliroo o ther w ealthy citizens liavo con tribu ted be­tw een them 110 less a sum th a n £2 1 ,0 0 0 for tlie cost of th e necessary building.

I t is sa id th a t th e w ork is a lready In progress an d th e new un iv ersity will tic opened du ring th is tho first y ea r of. the p re sen t cen tury . Such an Institu ­tion, founded fo r tlio benefit o f a pro-

1 g resslve race of people, Is n o t likely to be u fa ilu re . Ja p an ese wom en a re am ong th e m ost ac tiv e In th e world.

( In telligent In th e h ighest degree, they ! lmve proved them selves adm irab le helpm ates to m any. E u ropeans to whom they have becom e allied,

j A lthough th e U niversity of Tokyo Is not ye t lu w orking order, the re is no probab ility tlm t there w ill bo any d earth o f studen ts. In recen t years very m any youh'g w om en o f good fam l- l!'est lu Ja p a n havo applied to he adm it ted to un iv ersity courses, especially to those In th e facu lty o f medicine and In th e P o ly techn ic .school. T here can lie

• no doubt, from the ch a rac te r of Jiipu- nose wom en, th a t they a re adm irab ly

.su ited , both Intellectually and phllau- Ihioplcully , to becom e m edical pyaetl-

. tu rners.- l a ad d itio n -to tlieuo o pportu - 1 ultles w h|cli w ill bo offered to them , the new un iv ersity Is intended fo r the- tra in in g o f c iv il '.engineers, had In th is way Ja p a n will se t uu exam ple to E u ­rope Ir. opening up a. new sphere o f la ­bor fo r .wom en; I t : Is sa tis fac to ry to note'; th a t th e Jupauese, undoubtedly

• thevumei. U nelloetual, and progressiva of till onsie iir liiltloifs, should , bo the

‘first- to veyogulzii th e 'r ig h t of women- . lo he p a rta ite ra tn llic h igher education

common w ith urnn.—Chlcagb N ew s.

TAFFETA ,S o ■Waning ■ Ir;. I ts ■ P o p n ln r i i r a* a

S um m er M a te ria l.T affe ta b ids f a ir to enjoy th e sam e

success th is season enjoyed 111 fo r­m er years. I t is'' o ften enriched- by tucks, eordlngs a n d com binations of various k inds, ‘however, w hich In a w ay sim plify tiie sty le o f its m aking up because- th e y ,ta k e the place o f sep­a ra te ornam entation .

.'B lack taffe ta costum es trim m ed w ith b lack velvet a re a ,rev iv a l of a fashion w hich ob tained a generation o r tnove ngo. T h e st;-!o of tali king Is. how ever, qu ite d ifferent. T h e -sk irt Is very long anil has severa l c ircu lar nuances bor­dered w ith velvet, bands. T h e bodlco

HOUSE CiOWS.IB trim m ed In various w ays w ith vel­vet, a n d th e w hole effect la o f qu iet ele­g an ce .-

T h e out show s a costum e for a:i eld­erly trom nn. The sk ir t 13 o f plain v iolet velvet. T he hediee .o f . plum cloth has c long lairajue an d a large co llar o f, violet velvet bordered by a rudle o f black cliantilly,, la c e .' Tlio cel­lar. long chem isette n:ul jnho t a rc also of clmniTMy. ' Z k e elcs-e p|e,eves el' cloth have targe vnfi's o f vlv.ljft"velvet. T he licit o f violet velvet .is fastaricd by B jet clasp, . • '. 'a n

W kcfi wemc:. love us. t'r.cy forgive r.s evovythir.g. byr-.s e r r crim es. TVIivn fhey do 1 an h.vc >.#, ihr.v.'give v.:» i'K 'dlt for nolhiflg. r.ot Hn m fo r o n r v trtiies.-.

l lo u ’t W e a r a n U fiU eeaid la^ l id t ;Ju s t a few h in ts on th e im portance

o f w earing becom ing headgear.No m a tte r lioW fa r from b eau tifu l

yott al-c, you can a lw ay s find a becom­ing bat. T h e re a re all so r ts o f ha ts and a ll so rts o f faces, and th e re can bo110 difficulty in being -suited. I f you w ill only lmve patience, you w ill som e­w here find a ha t -to su it yo u r ap p ea r­ance,

A g re a t deal depends on th e m anner111 w hich the hair is w orn. D ifferent sty les requ ire different a rra n g em en t of th e bitir. F o r Instance, a tu rb a n hat requ ires th a t the halt- be idled 011 the top of d ie head, so 11s to give tlie back u stra ig h t line effect. F or 11 th re e cor­nered bat it should be v.orn a little f a r th e r dow n. F o r ii G ainsborough profile It Is w ell lo w ear It tn a loose eoii, 1

Some h a ts do n.ot look wplb wTthoin p;m:|iadom-a, som e fe q c lie a m ere sug-- g esllo a of a. pom padour and otliern none a t .a l l—o f course not th e m onster F rench pompadour.', o f . several years ago. w hich sitm m tiilcd tb e whole face. -•E xchange . ,

A. FAIR S O U TH ER N ER .Site W i l l Be a S p o n so r a t th e C onfed­

e r a te .Ve(erun«* R e u n io n .M iss Jess ie M eCorkle of F o rt Sm ith,

Ark., will s ta n d as sponsor fo r Ben T. D 11 Val cam p o f U nited C onfederate V eterans a t the nutioqal reun ion a t M em phis n ex t .May.

Miss M eCorkle is th e second dau g h ­te r of D r. J . S. MeCorkle, a p rom in en t d rugg ist of F o rt Sm ith, a n d Is a fav o r­ite in society circles. She w a s b o rn a* O xford. M iss,, bu t has spou t m ost of her ijfo In F o r t Sm ith .. .Miss MeCorkle Is a m em iier of the

D au g h te rs o f th e C onfederacy and. one

W O O LEN GOODS.f iid loatloun F o r IJie a n d Sam -'ntvr biiuKOHH. • • •

Cloth co.sDinios :u*i' to lu» worn until warm w cuibrr sets in. They are t*m- |i!oyt*ii for every ot-eajiiun aud ranjjif from the. siuipicst tailor \n:ule styles jn ilar!: or neutraJ tones - (a-elahurate formal toili-ls iu-pttlo autl lirip:Ut enlars.

'L'ho newest woolen pxids are hairy iu toMare, .yet hriiliaia, with silky retlce- iions. They are exceeilinj;ly al­though their riufch surf.ici? idves an ef­fect of weight and are nmre or less trans- Iiareiit. Many of these* fabrics aro of the huso ii'.iu canvas order ami are ex* rellcj;i!y adaptetl for Ii;.r!ilweight tailor made f.owns fur warm w eather use.

(.'iothVont;nties to he spe» ially favored, spec ia lly tlio thin, .satinliUe varieties.*


i>t 1:1 '-Ift i 1‘J


■ Rinil of wit.—SJiukfPpeare. HHKAKFAST.

f’lTllt.fJlutBn MiisIj atid Crvnm.

.iteli Omrlet. Fried l’utatoca, Ifiinn.'i. Colfce.

DJXNKR.DUia Hon p.

D11 viled ( Valts.Ttwrt Spilna Unih, FtllfTPtl.

Kndiali.H Drowned Potatoes. Crvumcit A para e.a n« Toast.

CIiUm v iki:«*!•Strawberry Jolly wi'.li V.‘l:ipped Croam,

Crm Ue vh. <' heoae:It!apk Coffoe.

MISS JESSIE M’COItKLE. .of th e founders of the F o rtn ig h tly Jun - 4nr society, a leading lite ra ry o rgan iza­tio n o f tld s city .

Miss MeCorkle Is a blond, w ith a w ealth of golden lndr. H er ey es a re of a very dark blue, shaded by heavy laslies. She is a finished m usician , and her m any graces m ake her well fitted to rep resen t th e local b ranch of the g re a t sou thern organ ization a t th e M em phis reunion. •

•ntfWW OMELET.-Ilrc«l: flvc perfectly ’ fr; s!i in:*» a ba’d:». soason whh one* rtvuiit Ujs;ii>i»nful of fu.t and a f\UBrtiif lliut*

.uiiu.iot t.f pi’ppvr. add «i:ie aiifl a lmlf ouiicca of builir <ul fitta!! and b'at all well P not lit r. MaUv u)i mineu -of iift-e drtppln;

• hot hi a ft*l**i: pun: turn (he einc mi.xtu;.! iti; <’ontit!ii» io s-tlr it, r.rawlin; h away from

the u l 11k;t 11 nv.iy W evenly ur.d uii-.-ly (k.ii.-: ‘■fake it ium- a-id tlu’ii to free It fr.nji the pan WIimi the undvraide ia a little

) hrowyed, twin the omelet into n «lidi and [ serve a! once. TJils niust be «!one. over b I 1 nod ova t p. lire and tlots not require turning,


EV EN IN G PETTICOATS.T hey Art* V ory E ln h o rn te n n d A re o f .

Silk, o r F in e llu tla te .• IVtticontri fo necompuny ball gowns or o ther cl:tborate costumes a re very lonjj. Inti lmve not a tra in .' Thoy nre tight a t tiie top. with a large plait hcltiuU, nml have deep, iloiim.es und pin iti uga ground

i i y • • M . f i i , 4i i 5 > t i ' i t i P w u n . . h i . i '! t i \ l I’n 'n S n jp .! >2,<< 1 v »««•* I ,\wr:->r.*. v.s 5. : ;;‘X jrfy

VeAcJ.nvan. S ^ 'iV .e ,l« i.C r* N \ « ' « . . f.Vit: H. t h tv a e . ; ? ; ; . V^ 'I/.u a Cod.’C. .

Kli)?*T.Y —iVr < acb pewon tn bp "eerred a Mow a J;) .bi«-y ;ii).l a:i. Mince Kthe kidi!e,.‘. i '■«>!. tju'tn la blitter, a-.M t»:r.e J>l .•old. thiit. Luvor ii .sharply and <Smake . t • “t h■? «*'* Vi• i»;;n y "I > t<ry I 'jkk » ueam. !$;•:•. ti »«»V.i d oi lailjt’ri d ti.e-u, « un I e*t t pl.ee a HMi«y irjvna ’it pimtdiod c / ; ‘ jiia.i;,;*1 uu* v.in, r. )*•:>■'«l.uppeJ ft paraby, |n-; - q in.i S'At :.:id s ’rve yey hot. Kkt- btisA • • . s ‘.•aaa/S fAx/AAAAlK'

LOOCE COAT. . . .Tiiey r.l-e exquisitei;.- soft, ami tlio foldsnre i-Iijiei1 tlm'l! bi.tlie luiil.silk sa tin s .........

Tlie, lllusiiatien given today slfows a king,' loose eooi of blaek chith, II is ■ liordci-ed and iirnaiaenled with . stitched tiiuids of eJi ■ t ig,. whh-li form ii sort of yoke, pnuifiiig aeross the top o f . the sleeves. The stitehed ' collar is lined' with fin- uml ’.fastens by crossed tabs, mud ihe eom closes diagonally. The loose pagoda - sleeves are open a t the

. witsiile seaiu, anil beneath tliem ' nre ! fu r puffs,' with a narrow, hand u t t h e

w rist. 'T lie large bat of gray silk and. | is triuuued ' with gray ostfieii pinnies uud clioux ot ratiy velvet, with a buckle.

, Ju u to .O u o t.u n r.'

How to K eep Y onr F r ie n d s .“T h e less you ex ac t o f y our friends

the m ore they w ill give you,” w rites H elen W atterson Moody of “T he F irs t T ragedy In a G irl's L ife" In T h e La: d ies ' Hom e Jo u rn a l. "F o r yourself g ive as richly and as nobly as you w an t to o f your love anil your confi­dence nnd your loyalty . L ive tip to your h ighest Ideal o f w h a t a friend should be (uml tlie h igher you m ake th a t ideal tlfe finer w om an you will be an d th e m ore frien d s w ill tlock to you), bu t never exact of yo u r friends tlm t they shall give you m ore ..than they choose easily to give. oneyou love d isappoin ts yon—nnd as m any, muiiy m ote will do in d ay s to com e­do not hold tq> y our Ideal o f w h a t they should tic and do us a m irro r in wlileh to coun t tlie ir Im perfections. L et it pass, If you can, w ith a little tlm t m ay he sad. Imt need ■satirical. And hever lie friend If yotn w ant to I; anybody you a rc fond friendsh ips o r s te m s td he engrossed w ith o th e r 'f r ie n d s , do not let It m ake you unhappy nm l..above all. never m ea t upon liar all too ev iden t neglect c f her o ld friends for her new ones.”

F o r tinA' w ealth o f

aud. g lass Is lag tab le an d desk dolri Tliove m e to ilet sets..of gold or sliver, exquisite ly u inaineu tod or fin p lain, dull finish, w ith th e • m ouograiu on each piece a n d ’consisting o f b rush , com b, iu in il' m irror, w h isk , an d b a t- linisli and frequen tly com bining a m an­icu re set. T hese plocqs m ay he p u r­chased sep ara te ly If, desired. C ut g lass sa lve ., eoid c ream .um l, rouge boxen, w ith silver o r gold tops to m atch flic to ile t gets, sw ell the list of to ile t acces­sories. A silver cu rling Iron se t, con­sis ting of n rack tray , alcohol lam p an il silv e r h and led irons, la u se fu l a s w ell a s b rnataeu ta l. .

iln.r w-nlst-- iii-ui pip-

nil|* ilisap- add lo the ifiioil pm-:

nine n t silver start runsluiH of a limg

enitiiiildered. with d:iifi: gray - sili: end gidd.-i'k-apcil'; ever a pliiia skirt of - gniy velvet. . The hoi'.iee is, piniii a t ilic1 laiek. b u t 'l ia s opejf fi'onts enibnatlciril wjth gray qml gaifi. the. embi-piitejy piis.<- Ing ai’dtind ihe shoulders, 't'lie draped had classed eheu ibelle-is of sllvei g ray '' beugalie.e.-tlie.collaqiif white llp i i . The- sleeves are open hetovv tUv elbow’nnd'cnjD liroidered' with g ray and giild iljid, Im re ,

w h i t e .lliien pritTs beneath, gathew d jhi'q a band a t Hie wifist. A knot of gray vsj-

j vet with Ur-id this nt the el'ids i- .pinor ' nt (lie left side of the.w-nlst, Tlie but of- grn.v pinna- is trimmed w ithpgray ',t'ullo.V

j nud jufge pink puppies.J u w o Cgoi-Lex,


7 0 7 B A N G S A V E N U E ,Bet. Bond and Main Sts; Arthur T. PurcBgse, Prop’r.

T h e F i n e s t o f M e a t s , P o u l t r y a n d P r o v i s i o n s

A l w a y s o n H a n d . F u r n i t i i r e F a c t sC o o k ’s B e e NOW ON Raid Only T w snty Miles From Torribo and Torres, Filipinos,

Pac-ting-fu. Yield to Americans.; .•


I . fEwill devote the next two weeks to the special selling of reliable Fur- W niture and all sorts of House Furnishings. We have prepared for

the annual trade event by; gathering together the choicest stock eyer offered in Asbury Park. . It was bought in car-load lots for spot cash


. . . *

:: 50 men’s suits bought to sell for 8.50 at 4 .90

;; 50 men’s suits bought to sell for 10.00 at 6.48

;: 50 men’s suits bought to sell for 15.00 at 9 .50; I AU styles in Blues and Blacks, fancy checks; I ' and Stripes. • •

- Men’s Pants at $3.48, 2 .98 , 1.98, 1 .48/980

J Boy’s $2.50, 3.50 and 5.00 Suits.I TVTA... i i A Q 9 A f t o n r l 3 cffi

l ’ r iji 'r r lr t a t l*ad flo < ztio n ' Ia R a p id . 'P n ts e I n v o i c e . P la y , a P a r t l a C o r n , m ls s j i r r S o i i i i i ln I .—( Ip n c ra l L n d l o n R e p o r t e d 'S e r lo a H ly i l ! . ’ 4 v :'M nnlla, A p ril 27.—A colum n o f n a ­

tiv e scou ts d ispersed G enera l T orrl- bo’s com m and n t L n k e Naflt, Island bf M Ipdnnao, o n -A p rll 2, cau sin g tho su rren d e r a t B b tu a n . 'th e tow n w h ere M agellan lan d ed ;1 o f Torribo, w ith 21 officers an d 34 rifles.

C a p ta in J ie R a e 'd e fe a te d som e In su r­gen ts u n d e r G enera l T o rres a t Norza- g a r jy prov ince o f Bnlticnn, on T h u rs ­day, a n d a s a re su lt 'T orres h a s su r ­rendered . H e w ill b e held as a p r is ­oner u n til 'c o f tn in a tro c itie s a ttr ib u te d to 'h im a re ’ In vestiga ted an d because lie did no t com e in u iitll lie fo u n d h im ­self in d an g e r o f be in g cap tu red .

T here have been 'several m ore s u r ­renders o f in su rg e n ts w ith in th e p a s t ' day o r tw o. Colonel M orales, w ith th re e officers a n d 1 1 riflem en, Surren­dered lit M ala bon, Luzon, and Colonel- D a y rit g av e u p a t M nbnlaent, p rovince o f P am p an g a , w ith ' 18 riflem en. H e also p rom ised to b r in g in' th e r e ­m ain d er o f Ills com m and.

L ie u te n a n t ID. J . W illiam s o f th e F if th In fa n try cap tu red 24 o f • V illa- m ore’s riflem en la s t Tuesday.R o y e r Ma.Vs 'F a ls e I n v o i c e . ,

D uring th e c o u rt m artia l of L ieu ten ­a n t B oyer of th e T h irty -n in th vo lu n ­tee r In fan try fo r p a rtic ip a tio n in th e com m issary f ra u d s th e p rosecu tion show ed th a t he h a d m ade fa lse In­voices to th e a m o u n t o f th e value of th e s to re s he h a d im prope rly ' d ispos­ed of. *

L aw y er G ibbs, w ho is defend ing six m en chnrged w ith m urder, h a s req u est­ed G overnor G enera l M acA rthur to per­m it A guinaldo to com e fo rw ard a n d ex­p la in th e In su rg e n t/ la w In re g a rd to sum m ary execu tions.- H e h a s also asks ed th a t G enera l Bib del r i l a r be, b ro u g h t’bndlr from tb e Islnnd of G uam fo r- tb e sam e purpeso.

O w ing to h is illness-tlie ap p o in tm en t o f B rig ad ie r G enera^ W illiam L udlow to be m ilita ry governor o f th e d e p a r t­m e n t o f th e V isnyas jjias been revolted. A b o ard o f su rgeons, tigs m a d e an ex­am in a tio n nnd repQ tts th a t G eneral Ludlow suffered fro m ;un a t ta c k o f grip an d localized congestjlon w hich lias de­veloped Into a dangenous ease o f tu b e r­culosis. G enera l L udlow w ill re tu rn to tho U nited S ta te s b y ' th e s flrs t t r a n s ­po rt. C y c lo n e I n P h i l ip p in e * .

W ash ing ton , A p ril’ 27. —'A d m ira l •Kempff,' a t Cnvlte,- had 'cabled tlie n a v y d ep a rtm en t a s follow k: .“ Cyclone s tru ck Polloc ou A pril 22. B a rra c k s d es tro y ­ed. H osp ita l unfit fo r use. N o casu a l­ties . G overnm en t d am age $2,000. B e­q u es t th is am o u n t to be m nde a v a ila ­b le.” Polloc, th e place re fe rre d to In A d m ira l K em pff’s cable' m essage a s h av in g encoun te red a cyclone. Is on th e w e s t co as t o f M indanao Island, In th e b ay o f Illnna . T h e p lace fo rm erly w asrb sed by th e S p an ia rd s a s a sm a ll n i m u s ta tio n a n d recen tly h a s been m anned b y a n officer an d a com pnny o f A m erican m arines. : -

» / , - z a o k f U i j r i a i a , , ; j . u v i a o u u u g u i iJ U L t U - l U c t U J .U I S 1 U 1 s p U b C U f t l l ,Si consequently ; there is going ;to be, : imust}a] values offered while the sale.> is on. .-• ' : v r*- 7 \ 7 ' 7 1 r ::

- T T _ 1 _ 1 • ■ J ' • •• • - V . -• '4 - . .4 ■■ ■

l l u n y F o r c fr r n c rs - I n -C h ltia R e lie v o W It h ilr n n - a l o f T ro o p s ' W i l l ' B e SI'b- t ia l 'F o r B x t e r r ii lu a d o a o f N a t iv e C lir lN tla n S .London, A pril 27.—A d isp a tc h to R eu­

te r ’s" T eleg ram com pany from Poking, A pril 2U, n f te r recounting o p era tions of 'Boxers 20 m iles south o f P ao-tlug-fu and also n o r th e a s t of th a t c ity , says:

“ E ven Pao-tthg-fu , sin ce th e tow n w as 'p rac tica lly denuded of troops by tlio expedition to tlio g re a t w all, is n o t w 'antiug lii evidence of se rious u n re s t am ong th e m ore disorderly elem ents o f the population .

“C om petent o bse rvers believe th a t tho w o rst c lass of C hinese n re only a w a itin g th e w ith d raw a l o f the foreign troops to re su m e the cam paign o f ex- te rd ilim tlon ag a in s t n a tiv e C lir!3 ttans.

■"The evil ap p ears to be grow ing. No d ou b t th e s ta te o f a ffa irs Is m uch w orse th a n it w ns th re e m onths ago, a n d it m u st con tinue to grow w orse so long a s tlie a llies fall to form an effleieht governm en t o r to allow th e C hinese to . deal w ith th e s itu a tio n in th e ir ow n w ay .” '. • . ' ’ ■

Hotel proprietors, boarding house keepers, and sumpier cottagers contemplating refurnishing this spring, ViU find in the stock the . pro­ducts of reliable manufacturers—every article corresct as to style and per­fectly finished, but minus the fancy prices demanded by other dealers. We will contract to furnish jour hotel or cottage froth cellar to attic and on large orders special prices will be quoted.' : ' • ’ - . ’ ; •

It is hardly necessary to enumerate the hundred and one leaders fo he featured during this sale, hut special attention is called to the offerings in . . . . : -.7v' 7 ; ^ _

CARPETS AND MATTINGSHundreds of rolls of fresh floor coverings have been, price revised for this event and the showing of these goods cannot be excelled anywhere.

Read the following price quotations, compare thern with the offers of competitors who carry a limited stock, apd then saVe. money by buy­ing at our stores: ' v :Vv ./

L a t e s t 1 9 0 1 S t y l e s i n S o f t a n d A l p i n e H a t sAt 49c., 98c. and $1.48.

. )

S T I F F a n d H I G H C R O W N D E R B Y S* From 98c to $2.50.

Iron Beds, all sizes, $2.89; worth $3.75.Bed Springs, $1.48; worth $3.75.Solid Oak Dining Room Chairs, 89 cents;

worth $1.25.Solid Oak Extension Tables, $5; worth $ 6 SO, Large Size Ann. Porch Rockers, $1,98;

worth $2.50. 7

Oak Dressers, $7.98; worth $9.98. :

Ladies’ Oak.Desks, $4.48; worth $5.98.Couch, $7; worth $10.Bed I^oom Suits, $17.50;.worth $23.3 piece Parlor Suits, upholstered, $19.50 " worth $25."

DOWAGER GIVES UP POWER,A p p o in ts D oarcl to C o n d u c t W o r k o f K c fo r m .lV ashlngton. A pril 27.—T h a fo llow ing

eniiU* m essage h as been received by th e s ta te d ep a rtm en t from M r. Squlers, th e U n ited S ta tes charge in, P ek ing :

“T he em press dow ager h as appoin ted a b o a rd o f n a tio n a l ad m in is tra tio n to relieve h e r o f pub lic functions. T hey em brace th re e m em bers o f th e cab in e t now w ith th e em press In S ian-fu an d P rin ce Ching, Viceroy LI H u n g p h u n g an d P rincd ivung, w ho a re now 5h P e ­king.”

T h is new s is . regarded a s o f Im por­tance, Ind icating a s I t docs tlie re lin ­q u ish m en t by tlie em p ress dow ager o f the n rb ltrn ry powcrB she h ere to fo re has eXCrelsed. I t also is a p p a re n t th a t she bab p laced herself. In a position to avoid dli'oct responsib ility to th e fo re igners fo r w h a tev e r, m ay .h ap p en in th e fu ­tu re . .. . / , ;

•: ■— *'7 . E a s t m a n ;* .U n r d e r T r i a l .C am bridge, Mnss.-, A pril 27i—T h e law ­

yers w ho a re conducting th d d efen se fo r C harles R . E astm an , o n tr ia l.o n th e ch a rg e o f m u rd erin g h is b ro tber-in- law , R ich a rd H .. G rogan, J r ., a re pay- fug u n u su a l a tten tlo n -to th e b u lle t 'p ro - dueed by thq g overnm en t a tto rn e y s a s the m issile w hich , inflicted ' th e fa ta l w ound. A t every o p p o rtu n ity E a s t­m an’s law y ers questioned closely In re­g a rd to th e w ay t h e b u lle t w a s cared fo r a f te r being rem oved from G rogan’s body, fo r they rea lize t h a t th e piece o f lead is th e s tro n g est b it o f evidence In­troduced . by th e g o vernm en t y e t, in view o f tlio d e fen d an t’s s tn te in en t th a t th e fa ta l pistol w as a rim fire w eapon, w hile th e opposing counsel say s it w as from a c en te r lire revolver.

Iran Carpet Rugs, 9x12 worth $22 .

Good Ingrain Carpet, 24c.Good China Matting, 10c. up, Smyrna Rugs, bureau size, 42 c., Extra Tapestry, 10 wire', 75c. Opaque Shades, complete, 22c,

Curtain Poles, complete, 19c.Part Wool Heavy Ingrain Carpet, 35c.» Matting Rugs, 2x5 ft., 25c.Tapestry Caipets, 45 c.Yelvets and Moquette Carpets, $1, ,Decorated Toilet Sets, $1,48.Handsome Line Wall Paper, 8c. double roll up,

Cor. Main St. and Cookman Ave


U n i v e r s a l P r o v i d e r s f o r H o t e l o r H o m e .

T w o S t o r e s i n A s b u r y P a r k

G u a r a n t e e S a f e D e l i v e r y A n y w h e r e A l o n g t h e C o a s t ,

Choice Line of Laces Choice Line of Embroideries Choice Line of H andkerchiefs Choice Lin^ of Lace Collars

S p e c i a l T o r c h o n L a c e s , 5 C e n t s Y d

BARGAINS IN NEW DAMASK LINENS F lo o d In I n d ia n a . •E v an sv ille , Ind., A pril 27.—T h e levea,

n t 7 o’clock la s t n igh t w as rising slow ly a t 40 feet. A stage o f 49 f e e t l is ex ­pected by tom orrow aftc rn o o ^ . T h e en tire UnlotjqUovhship o f tlile , county Is u n d er Wator. ^ F a rm e rs ' houses a re b u llt .o n 's tl l ts an iiynen a re going ab o u t In skiffs. A t H enderson, XCy., th e r iv e r Is severa l m ile s 'w id e . T housan d s o f logs n re p assing here. T he Indications a re th a t th e riv e r w i l l begin fa llin g liero a f te r. M onday. T h e s te am er City of P it tsb u rg passed lic re and reported hun d red s o f people hom eless betw een here an d Cairo. , -

V. n u ll O. ‘ S te a m e r W r f c b e d .London, A pril 27.—A dvices hav e been

received here tlm t (lie P e n in su la r and O rien tal stqnm er Solirnon, w hich le ft Shanghai, hom ew ard bound, on A pril 23. w en t nsliort ou Tong-ying, In the F orm osa d ian n c l, In a dense fog oil April 24. H er m alls and p assengers w ere landed by . Chinese ju n k s a t I-’u- ehau. T he Sobraon w as launched in 1900. I t is expected th a t slie w ill be­come a to ta l wreck, AH h er co m p art­m en ts a r e .f u ll o f w ater. T he crew has lipee n-'iilei).

Fine Line of Huck Tpwels 10 Choice Line Damask Towels 12 Fine Line of Huck Towels 12 Choice Line Damask Towels 20 Fine Lane of Huck Towels 20 Choice Line Damask Towels 25

N e w S t y l e s D a m a s k 2 5 c u p t o 7 5 c Y d *


K x -S Ia y -o r J o n e » ( I ’ o r a e r l r * . 'L ittle F a lls , :N . Y., AprU 2 7 .7 A m o st

s ta rtl in g fe a tu re o f th e se ries o f fo rger­ies Bald to h av e 'b een co m m itted by ex- M nyor H ad ley Jon es o f th is city , w ho is ti fug itive , w ns disclosed hero yester* d ay w h e n ’Jo n e s’ s a f e w a s opened b y nn ex p ert. In th e sa fe wnS found- a book co n ta in in g b lank stock certifica tes of tho N ational H erk lm or C ounty b a n k of tb ls c ity . S even teen pf th e certifi­ca tes h ad been used, n q d 1 so tn tro f-.tho rem a in in g ce rtifica tes h a d th e nam es o f W illiam G. M illigan, presiden t, a tid AI* be^t S tory. easiiier, fo rged tbercon . I t Is believed by th e police th a t .m o s t o f these fo rged 'dertlflca tes w ere p jlt tip n s co lla te ra l f o r 'l e a n s negotiated- at- vn* rious b n uks th ro u g h o u t th e coun try , ,

“ B l a c k J a c k ” K e t c h r im n a n g e d .C layton, N. M-, A pril 27.—T h o m a s E .

K etchum , a lia s “B lack Ja c k ," th e ' no­torious t r a in robber, w a s h an g ed bore y esterday 'a fte rn o o n .- T h e rope b roke, bu t th e fa ll je rk e d K etch u m ’s h e a d off. H undreds o f a rm e d , m en; m an y o f them cow boys, a r r iv e d in to w n befo re the execution , b u t th e re wnB no dem on­stra tion . K e tch u iu " nev er " lo s t h is aorvo nnd m et Ills ho rrib le d ea th b rav e ­ly. A n ho u r o r so before ills execu­tion lie s e n t a le tte r to P re s id en t 51c- K lnloy ex o n e ra tin g th e m en convicted at the robbery of th e U nited S tates m all u t S te in 's l ’ass, A. T’„ in 1897.

A gent for the well-known k e y s t o n e w a g o n c o . Paeum atio Road Wagons. Runahout8 and Carriages of the finest quality and latest de­sign. Don’t think of buying before you see me.

CARRIAGE REPAIRING A N D BUILDING T b e R e n t D iff ic u lty .“ Yes, I 'm ’ studying French. I 'm gplngi

to take a run over to P aris , you liuow.” “So you th ink th a t will Ue|p yotf. CbV ( T O , certainly. ' I t ’s cnBy cnbugli to

spenit th e language.” ' ” " .“YeBi:bu t it’K bhrd to mako tho French-;

men VinderStiind' It.*'—Philadelphia 'P ress-’

A M e a n T r l . r .: "T hat was an awfully uiean trick they pliiyed on tlu* bride."

•’W lint was it Y”/ ‘They a'ot a stencil,<mt nf n .shipping

house ami w am pod on the jewel trunk. ’<4In:;* ; linadlu with rgrc.' Cblengo


Resldonoo 1 0 2 0 W . Sum m erflotd Avenue, A SBURY PARK . ’

- ■ ;\ T O M A K E


H ere is th e o p p o r tu n ity to h ave steady w orkT h o s e h a v i n g n o e x p e r i e n c e w i l l b e t a u g h t

c a r . b e e a r n e d . A P P L Y A T O N C E . . . . . .

t o o p e r a t e