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b c re a se d H nm iditj Made E rerytiix ly U flb ap p j T o -d a y -N o Relief Before

To-m orrow N ight


T b e rn io m r tr r C 'ltoibed idfentUly A l lat li

O X 'lock Tlilm Norn iD tf, HU Denrefm nt N oon and 0-4 at 3 O'C'lopk—T h e Lnmt F liru re Warn Niol Keached I 'a f l l 4 O^Clock Y ea len tu y—W c a t lie r ]!■ *

reau ^tarii T h a t T o -m orro iT la L ik e ­l y to Ue W a rm e r Yet.

Old Sol ptarted In to*day to outdo hlm- pelf. but while he Buct-eoded in making everyboily pretty uni'omforliible, up la 1:30 o’clo<-k the temperature was only ?2 Ui-greea, one point lower than nl the same time yesterday. What was lacked Jn heat was made up In humUlliy, wbldi was alx^ ty-flvB per cent, ttt l:3«) o ’clork, as against Itfiy-nlne per cent, yesterday.

13y hours the record of the mercury to­day was: 3 o'clock, 73 degrees, i o'clock, 71; 6 o'doe'k, 73; 7 o'clock, 77; S o'clock, 79; g o'clock, W; iO o'clock, 85; 11 o'clock, B7; noon, S9; 1 o ’clock. HI; 1:30 o'clock, 01'. 3:30 c clock, 93; 3 o’clock, W; humldliy sla- ttonary.

There was eighty-three per cent, of hU’ midUy at 7 o'clock thU morning, making It one o f the most uncomforialde hours of the day. A t noon the humldUy was still seventy-two per cent. A h the sun got hat­ter, the breeie died out. and the ti*n-mlle wind from the south at noon dwindled to an eight-hour breexe ai. 1;30 o'clock.

AA'lth the thermometer conilnulng Its flight up near the ninety mark and ihc hu­midity higher than it hua been at any time since the torrid wove began live days ago, the city sweltered to-day and watched the weather bulletins anxiously, but vain ly, for promise of relief. Even the weather dcpiirlment lost eome of Its usual sun- giUnlty and announced the outlook (o be for a Blill holler day to-morrow, temper­ing the discouraging nature of the asser­tion with a suggestion that there may be a thunder storm or local showers lo-morrow afternoon or evening.

T e m p ern fn rc R eached 94 D egrees.The highest temperature recorded at

the High School observatory yesterday was ninety-four degrees at A o'clock. In the street It was from two to live degrees hoUer, and even the twenty-mile breese that sprang up late In the afternoon felt like the blast from an oven after It had travelled over a few blocks of blistering asphalt and brick buildings.

The breeze was the lallend o f a big storm that created considerable havoc In a email way along the I>elaware River, In Sussex County, and across the river In Pennaylvanla, where there was heavy rain and high winds. The clouds were dried up long before they reached Newark,

Long drinks and open trolley cars were much In denaand last n^ht, and the Ice cream, soda water and Ice men worked overtime. Bo did the doctors and under­takers' assistants. A number o f heat prostrations were reported last night, and horses dropped In the harness to-day un­der the Influence o f the humid heat waves. "Workmen on buildings were In many In­stances compelled to stop work before noon, and the Coney Island boats and trolley cars running out Into the country were crowded.

From M degrees at ♦ o'cloelt yesterday there waa a steady drop of the mercury until i o'clock this morning, when tt reached the lowest point, 71 degrees. A t 6 o'clock last night It was 82 degrees, at 9 o'clock 79 and at midnight 76. The av­erage temperature yesterday was 90 de­grees, and the average humidity was sixty-ftve per cent. The wind blew from the southeast all day, and Its highest velocity In the afternoon was twenty miles an hour.

A year ago to-day the highest tempera­ture was 91 degrees' and the lowest TO, Thunderslontis cooled the air In the after­noon.

H ea t P ro s tra tio n s !<lDnierona*Annte Meyers, twenty-four years old. of

22 Shipman street, was overcome at W ill­iam and High streets about 5:30 o'cbx'k yesterday afternoon. She waa removed to St. Barnabas's Hospital. She will recover.

While driving on a furniture van, James WcKearney, twenty-two yeara old. of AID West Fifty-sixth street, New York, was overcome by the heat at Broad and Marshall streets yesterdgy afternoon, JIo fell from his seat and was hurt, but es­caped serious injuries. McKearney was re­moved to Bt. Barnabas's Hospital In a po­lice ambulance. His condition Is not ser­ious.

Patrick Kelly, sixty years old. of 151 Bprlngfleld avenue, succumbed to the heat at Beach and Orchard sireeti about 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He waa taken home In an ambulance and to-day WAS able to go back to his work.

John Kelleher, forty-seven years old. of Bank and Plane streets, became affected by the heat and fell at Academy and plane streets about 6:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He sustained a severe cut on the chin, and was removed to St. M i­chael's Hospital.

W illiam Btang, o f 581 Bprlngfleld ave­nue, who waa overcome by the heat yes­terday while working In a trench for the water department, is confined to his home to-day. The doctor has ordered his head kept packed In Ice. He Is slowly recover­ing.

Because of the Intense heat the mail- carriers were not sent out with the midday deliveries to-day. Postmaster Mays gave Instructions that the men should be al­lowed to remain Inside during the hottest period and said he did not think the public would object to being deprived of one mall under the circumstance*. ”

Harry McAvers, thirty-six years old, of fiOl F erfi' street, waa overcome by the heat while working at the Hay Foundry this afternoon. He was removed to St, Jam a's Hospltaii and la an hour was able to go home.

Patrick Dunn, thirty years old. o f 17^ Bowery street, waa stricken by the heat St the Zinc Works this afternoon. He was taken to Bt. James’ s Hospital, where the physicians said the case was a serious one. The man was packed completely In Ice,

TO AVOID HOT N i «9T&B M rd W i l l M e «( !■ A ft e r .

D a r la s J a ir aad A a s a if .

l .a » t ?flAlht'« ScbbIob .

I t w m decided et the meetlnf o f the po­lice com nluloner* U *t night to hold their ■reetoDA during July end Aiiguit, on the •econd end fourth Thureday o f each month, a » t o’clock In the afternoon. In order to avoid hot areather dlacomfort.

'H'llUam Baxter, o f a School itreet, whose little aon waa reaeued from drown­ing In the UoTTlf Canal aeveral weeks ago by Policeman Bernard HcManua. o f the Fourth Prednet, appeared to publicly com- mrml the olScer for bla action.

W illiam A. Koeh. o f the grocery flnn o f H. Koch * Co.. A t Bank and Wlckllffe atreeta aaked the board to reitore the de­tail which until recestly haa patrolled the Bank a tnet eectVm.

John O-Langhlln. of the Third Precinct, waa promoted from chaacenun to regular patrolBiB.

The f lm o f John Tioirr, Sroa A Co., o f UM A d a as ttreot, la a covaiuaicatlofi eaUod attention to ib « Quick AJaeoverr o f a Are

>*<ATor andtFWofl, oJ the TMfd FredocL— a ---------

Boofeo* (Hw^oB^SaPA8BM C. JoneJA—Mayor Howe, Cooa-

d lw n W a ta o e .____,J u d ^ Boarker l a a ^ i _ poor yaaterday. two oat Biaa wma ladM al Oae 'woman who nvad In f t _______ ___________were, a a tt draaa waMa and a la r K ® a- ■ » » * t i f a n t at har theaat.

- - _ th e -----t f the twe waa a

^ *-l

HUDSON SE PU B LIU N S ANtRY AT NEWARKERD e e la m i on In te rn n l l le v r n u e

C o lle c to r l le r o ld fo r D isrharK intg J e rs ey C ity D rp u fy .

S(i»vlnl Dliipflich to ih»*'NK'\5'S,J K I^ E V I'lT V . June 28.-IGuidon Repub-

llcuh.s)HtarttMi war lo-ilny upim lir. El. G. H. HiSyobl, of Newark, ihe rn lletl Slates imerniil TH veriue coUcA'tnr fi>r Ihe F ifth New Jernpy‘’+HA^rlct. who ha.** not been in nceciril wlih the nintTmu nutclilne for some Uizie. The fight was priM-liiliated when DA'imly Martin FlnA*k. Colonel S D. Dlck- Insnn s rlKlit-haiiri man, got this notice to­day from Dr Herobl:

"The. Lillowant'e for thia dltsliicl fo r the fiscal year cTTfllnK .f\ine 3n. irHi2. Just ro- eclvpiJ, elimlniiteH the nllowiinA’ c for the Pi>sliU>n belli by you In the .lersty City ofllee. No provUton lielng madr' therefor. It will be neressiir>’ therH'ore to illspeiise with your servk'es as depTny l ullecuir in charge of the Jerse\' C.'lty ollirr-, to teike effect on aud a fter June Su.

"You will turn over nil •st-'inips, records and other piiperw eonuA'cteil wltl; ihe oftlce to Deputy Collector 01haus«ijn a] ihc clnso of business Juno 30."

Tn say that Mr. Flnck was surprised would be pulling It mlMly, «'nlcmfi Dick- iTiiHon wa.s hopplug mad. \Vlien Mr. Flnck wiirt a cniuUdnie for the -irhcM of dejiuty In charge o f the Jersey Cltv nftlce, u was held by Joseph Farmer, :t |;it\>cr and Democrnl who had been npp'iintid under the Cleveland administration.

There was a sharp Rlrugiib* fur Far­mer's place. Mr. Farmer Irl-rl to get it for Cashier W alter Oliia.n-. :j, Colonel B. D. DU’klnson and the enUre RmpmIiIi . ran organization In Iluflson I '-njiuy Insist­ed that Martin Fink shouUl liii\e 11, C<>!-let'Ior llerold favored (»lh.iu«i‘ [i for Ihe office of deputy In charge. i ilh;i>i.-*en la a son of General Supcrlnlemli nt i ilhansen, of the New Jersey Ceniral UnllroHd, nml lives In Elisabeth. He ha.« bu n employed n.M caahler In the Jersey City l■ : o for a long time.

]'"lnally the Republican organization a f­ter invoking the aid o f n:itor Scwa'II, won Its fight and jVr. Hen-lil \ i-ry rt-luc. tnntly appointed Mr. Fink liipti-ail of Mr. tjlh.iuscn to Joseph Farmer's pjaee.

HIticc he appointed Mr, Flrik aguiu-sl his will, Collector Herold has not be.‘u jn.sld* of the Jersey City onHcE» nf ilie Internal Revenue Department, and the enmmubl- Catlons between Mr. Fink atsil bis chief in Newark have all been of !i purely for­mal nature.


F o n rn le r and G lrad o t D iislieil In to mC row d o f H peetalors , S eriously

In ja r ln s w Child.

A IX E L A CH APPELL?]. June 2. -A lto ­gether three motors rom[)letcil ihe first aluge of the aulomoblle rare betwf'i'n I ’arls and Berlin yesterday and started again at R o’ clock thla morning for llanARver, 276 miles distant. The rarera .starteil from hero in the same order In which they ar­rived.

HANOVER, J^russla, Juno 28.—Fournier waa again first to arrive here at the end of the second day's stage of the motor race. Dekuy Duff waa secoml and Glrar- dot WAS third. Fournier thus acids to the Grand Duke o f Luxembourg's Prlxe, which he won yesterday, the award offered by Hanover for the quickest journey from Paris to Hanover.

PARIS, June 28,—The latest news re­ceived from the racers waa from Ca^sel, where the two leaders, Pi>urnler and Gir- ardo^ came Into collision, their machines then dashing Into a crowd o f apectators.' One child was seriously Injured.

The automobUe accidents yeaterday In the Parta-Berlln race ere causing an out­cry, and Deputy Gauthier brought the matter up In the Chamber o f Deputies to­day, He asked that raea.sures be taken to stop running automobiles at exeessive speed, and said, amid loud applause from the Rightists, that It was a singular and saddening Idea to allow contests o f this nature.


M el l»y O ver F iv e Tboqsaw d Peraon s

On T h e ir B e in ro fro m N ew London.

Rfwclsl ruwpfliirh to the NKIWS,NEW HAVEN, Conn.. 28.—For the first

time In . icveral years Yale was able to celebrate a crew victory In earnest, and when the victorious eight returned from New London last night there were 5,000 persons to meet them. Philip H, Kunslg, who was the new captain, elected on the way from New London to this city, comes from Philadelphia, and has rowed two years on the Yale 'Varsity, and also on the freshman crews. Captain Blagden waa in Ihls city this morning, and when asked about a minor that the rrewa took It easy, said: "Such a report Is absurd. I neevr rowed a harder race in my life and never w ill."

Most of the Yale men in the city left for their homes to-day. the boat race winding up the list o f commencement festivities.

The general opinion among those who saw the race waa that It was the beat one rowed on the Thames in years, notwith­standing that the time was so slow. Yale men fully expected a victory and was sur­prised that Harvard gave them such a close rub.


TA M PA . Fla,, June 28.—General Maximo Gomel, accompanied by his son. Vrbano and one o f the secretaries o f Govemor Qeneral Wood, passed through this city last night. The general expects to visit both Washington and New York City

CREWS WEI68ED TO-DAY.I 'a D M rla l p | « a r r . G ive f r a a a j lT a a la

a a A -a ra s a o f IBS B oa ok ,.L o a a d rr- 1T3.

H E N LE Y, England, June S.—A ( an un- official weighing this morning the m ive i^ ally of Pennaylvanla crew totalled 1 n , pounda, an average of 15> pounda TTie Leandera average 17J pounds.

The draw for etatlona occun Saturday Undar the prevailing rondltloni there la a difference o f two lengtha In the atatloni

T O -D A I’S CARfKET M E H iK i .W ^ H J N G T O N . June Js.-The major

portion o f the time of to-day'a Cabinet meeting waa occupied by Serreury Wllaor in going over the detalla o f the work In hie department. He made a lengthy and In- tereatlng explanation. No public bualneas o f Importance waa transacted at the meeting.

Secretarloa Hay and Long and Postmaa- ler-Oeneral Smlih wera a b «n i


O rdtr Graotin^ Charities Aid Asso- ‘ ciaiioQ Right (0 laspect State

Initiiutioo RevoEed.


on ic la l Iter<,Ki,Liii,n Iicn io ii to the p’on r Mei.ili. r. „ ( n,,. % ,»o.'lo<lon

W h o T rie .I in t io L v i... o iiic lu l In- a p ec llon Veeii-r.lQ j _ l l i .a lly A r - c e p lrd ll.e I lfliT to III- l lv r c lc e d ns

Illd lv ld u n la —I Fiiett-.-e ||n<| Yci p'eel- In g A ita lnal t l.ltor,., I>„t lU -eeiilril Assnm pllon o f A i i l lm r l l ; ,


FresM eat Com pers, o f the Am erkao Eederatioa o f Labor.Falls from Street

C a r and Fractures Shail.


TRENTON, Juno 2 • T',.- f.njp mcmltpra of the State Ch;YrlTi. . ,\ll Assfidiitlon, who, os told in the ,r io j for theStale Home fur Olrb- bit .• • -i, rfi;iy afh r- Doon with a vb'w of ni iki ii; rsfiiolul In- Hpcctlon of the Instit n : vn-re liftikdofficial recognition i-m m oepteil theoffer to be received ji.- li do lduula. The (lelegnllon codslaieil 'd a ,^0 Fox, of Htjyoiine; Mrs. Caruhii* H .Mi'xander, of Hoboken; Wlllltim A Aii. i,, uf Jersey t'Uy. and FranciK JJ. L- . . .1 ,) m 'mhoruf (he nMSOcUiilon.

The commlllee was firm-’ l witli ihe or- l r granted by JuKibe •! .mn<Tc on June

0, authorizing certain ni-mr,. rn of the as- HOdatlon to visit tls-- Sinio Homi- for lilrla, the State rrlson, t)ic itusii1t.iland varfbua other InFiU'iti,

Helng advised lb'- iir ii ised visit was without warrant or aiitiiorljy in Iflw, iho iruglees of the hom»- d - I b-d (0 pre­vent the vIhH o f the c i'‘ ini n r- ami for­mer Judge William M- I .;i i-nlnj?, their couneel, «cr\’ ed notice on Fti-skIi' iu Lewis that he would apply to J.isti. .• A.Jummere fur an order vacating tho uribT of June 6 In 80 far a* U concerned ihu n c Hume for (Jirls.

The application waii m;iil“ iMs morning and 111© Justice revoked tl,i -inlcr. The revocation waa made Orfi -r Jin-Mi’v Uum- mere had listened to arfiimv-ni by Mr. Lannlng; Edwin Robert repre-aenilng the Stale Hospital f"r the Insane, and Francis H. Lee, who zipi-'-irrd fur the State Charities Aid Society.

Justice Qummere wu*a com lji. i- l that the legislative act under which lw> granled the order permitting Inspection 1 the State Home for Girls dor*a nut .ii'piy to any State Instltullrms, but only -o r-giumy and municipal Institutions. Th f i-rdt-r wan therefor© amended accordingly

The point made by Mr. Liinnim? mid Mr. Wiiliter anil sustained by Ju!*:ii m Gnm- mcre, Was that the Stale InstiTuiii.uiH nre managed by boards nppolmpd ny author­ity of the Ijegtslaiure and that the man­agement of these Institution* Is subject to no BUper\-ision outside of the«ie boards, except oi* to the Governor and the Lt-gls- iature.

While no order was asked for rexlraln- Ing the proposed v l i l l It wag thought that the Intention of th© trustee* wouid have ptompted the self-constituted committee to defer Its vl?lt until Justice Oummere hod an opportunity to pass upon Judge Lanning’s application.

The delegation vislled Judge Lannlng, who explained that the trujAteos had no personal feeling against the members of the State Charities A id Association, but at the same time they queBtlonecl the right of the organisation to exercise any supervlfllon over the home, He said the truatees were desirous o f SHcertalnlng the exact legal etatus o f the Store Chart- tlea Aid as rf^garda the home, and for this reason had Instructed him to apply to the

T h e A rc ld e iit Ocrnrr*>it t.imt E ven -

lu g W h e n Mr. tiom iiern tt n« 'I’rAiiM- f f - r re ln g fro m One S trrrr t nr to ,\n- o lh r r lu 'W nsh litg to ii _ t|(. Wnn

Irtt'k ril t p nnil Hrm o\<il to H im H<kpie.

S|>rrlft] fvljip.itch to th^W'ASUINGTON, Jiin.- L’v ni ;.*1 Gum-

perp. pres ident of the Am. r: n l^ofirrii- llfiii of Labor, fell from 1 cjir ,ii Hand F our th st reet . Nrirlh« i-t. 1 i.l| while re tu rn ing to hls hoin> iM.-r .1 meet­ing of tho E xecu t ive Hoard- ' ti],. l-Vili-ra- (l<in.

In fallltig Mr. tJump'-rs si-i. lined n cf!mprujn<l f r a c tu re of the *;kii i The arcb dent occurred an he wa.s ,ih> ,it i,. transfe r from one c a r to ano the r mi l ’ rth .md |} filrceiH. H e w as picked up un ! i.ikni Im­mediately to his hump, in'? II Hrr-et Niirih- ciisi ? \ i r several h.’ h.i.j beenat .all well. Owing I iy hlv: . : f. t i,|i*,l ron- dlllun gra\-p rewuItK a rc feuri i The newK of the aec ldenl did n>'i l.r. known until (hijc a f te rnooh* when It reportprl at police h e ad q u a r te r s

HI.-* absence from the hi adqunrifru of the Americnn Federa t ion .'f r,.ihor this morning did not arouse 11 m- ipprehen^lun. U9 he had not been ccm'.nn lu hU ^dhee

{ regula rly fo r the pasrl f« w ii iys The uf- j tb'hilp th e re were not li r. rineil of the ' Jircldent unti l la te in tie .htv, when lliey

were told t h a t he was rc-tUiit eiiHllv.Aboil! .1 y ea r ago, Prepld-ni Gompers on

a wheel rrin Into a c a r ll - wns thrown and Fii.^talned Injuries t h d for a time threalMied hla life. Although app.iTently fully recovered, his frl-ii-N ^ay nint he has not been the anme ninn wlni'e. .mil that he hiiH not been ab le tn p» rf Tm the a rd u ­ous duilen of hia position with the easi' thnt WHS a lw ays the envy ami hoaat of his apHoclatea.

court.Deleiralinn G fH eloD aly met.

The delegation le ft a t once for the school, where It was graciously mat by Mrs. Eyier am) Trustees EUull and Rue. Justice Outnmere’B order was preaepted by the committee as an Introduct ion, but the delegation wes politely but firmly In- formnd tha t no official inspection would be pcrmlUfrl.

At the .«iunie time the members were In­formed that as Individuals they w^ere per­fectly weli'ome a t th e school, and In thl.n capacity they were Invited to look over the liintltuHon. The offer was finally ac­cepted and thus the school wii.s unofficially Inpperlcd.

Tnisli^M How+*ll C\ Stul l enld la st night lha l the trusd-es had uy) feeling agaluHt Ihe asS‘"liiTl«m. but resentetl l i 8 apsump- tUu; of I'lllitirH.v. The f id of 1\S6, under which lb' Slate r h a rU le s Aid Association wiis tU'iiYeJ. gives m iihor t iy to the or- gan 1ait!i-n lu visit find inspect county, (own-^bi!' "r municipal InstStuilons. hut givi s li'i «ia’h powers In the case of Sta te InsiiMit! 'Mt Heretofore, when It waa de­sired (i ils lt a. S ta te ln. '*titutlnn, it has bp**n lb" i-ijstom to obta in an order from Ihe C' uri, the au tho r i ty purpnrte<l to b« (hiis ii'urerrea being genera l ly unquea-tloiicd

Th> iTi'sent case will probably deter- rnin-’ wh.ii legal s ta tus, if any, the Sta te Cli.iri'ifH Alii Association really has.


In l>l*trie.t About D ry F o rk * W . Vg,*

Scenes of D rv a iitB ilo a A r «

jMirteil as N im p ly A w fa L


Six M 'i»rkm rn Hrfip|>ed r ig h ty Feet at n u ffa lo—A n oth er Mny Die.

F o rr iiia n KHeiiped fieri* on * In ju ry .

IH T F A L O , June 2S.^Aa u, result of the breaking o f a temporary platform built on a scaffolding In.slde and bridging the tnp of {I monstrous tank In the eastem eleva­tor yoelerdny afternoon, six men fell n dlBianre of eighty feet. Four were klllpHi, one Inatanily. Another ie at the Emer­gency Hospital. He la not expected to live. Tlie sixth, th© fofeman o f th© gang, caught the side brncea o f the acalToldlng as he Wits falling «nd ©acAped Aerloua Injury.

Th© dPFtd arc:John Keefe, Jr.. tw©nlj'-four years old,

of Huffalo, inutflTrtly killed.W. Krause, thirty years old, of Green­

ville. 0-. died In tho ambulance on way to hnspUat.

John Corbett, Jr., twenty-four years old, of Hartford. Conn., fractured skull and Internal Injuries.

Pe.tro Krotinger. twimly-thre© years old. of Fremont. G., inlornal Injuries, broken artns and legs, died At hospital.

The Injured are:James Carl, of BufTalo, twenty-nine

years old. fractured skull and Internal injuries.

i\'ll1inm Edwards, twenty-eight years of age, slightly cut and bruised.

The men were siruetural Iron workers aud tank hulldera. They were engaypcl In bulkllng the top o f the huge Iron nmk

The exact cause of accident In all i>rub- ability will never Y>e known, as ihe sraf- foid and platform lie wrecked and hr^kun Into small fragments.

NEWARK GIRL’S SUDDEN DEATH.WfiMH M ilit ile D a lt f l le Explre<l Y rster-

dny a t H a i l f fa y fifn ilfm In

fic ran too .

F i'ltAN TO N , Pa., June 28.-Ml^s Mhn m IhiUellf. of Newark, N. J., driipped «i 1 I Hi tlu‘ .Mnscow Station of th© l**u kaw.<'ii 1 UfKllTMiid yesterday. Bhe was un hi-r w . to visit her uncle, James Pnrrln, i>f 1 • mcrvllle

The girl was travelling with h-T gri- ' mother. Mrs. Rachel Meehan. biitelle seventeen year* o f age « i-a a euffiTer from quick consumption im-1 iti- rttsensc nnd travel had worn h'r ■ ' ' WhcTY she alighted from th© trnln :ii M cow she sank Into a seat at th© shiibu, •‘■1 oxpiruil In A few minutes. The r-m.ins were taken to her home In uk 1 . rchiUves lo-day.

yfr. I lo o le y w r i t e * f o r the fit^ E W «.


Ini h to the\vn.l.lAMS(.iN. W. Va.. June 2S.^Your

corr> M-'O'li-nt left Ihe Norfolk and West-ef!i H.'illw.iv at this point for a trip up Lr» l''Tk *'0 foot. It l>elng Impossible to se« un- any 'Mli 'r klnil^of trunsportailon.

nf nil the high water In this district, ih* tide nn Dry Fork certainly was the w-..r-«T Th- lager Southern Railway runs five mil- '* up Dry Fork, and rrtost of It has been washi'd away.

Tti,. SI nf devasiatton are simpl,v’ nw fjl It l* almost Impossible to believe thiit a rntlw iv ever existed there. In one jihi.-H f'T a mile the cliffs run straight

Yilfl Majesty WU1 Be mt the llrltn I T o 'd a y ’a R are from K iel

T ra vem w a d e .

K IE L. June 28.—During the li^i days (he yacht* taking part in tlu' r iz > ta here have suffered from squally ' rough water and the low tempi r.ii i

rrlncp Henry'* T illy and the j'arh' ' ■ • broke thdr rudder*, and two oth<'r ' •- were, barely saved. Emperor ^Vi;' Metror has arrived here from ■Mis Majesty tnienda to steer the M-' ■ In to-day's race from K iel to Travim ;' .


Quaint Mediaeval Scene Marks Ceremdny of HornIJs Who An­nounced in London This Morning thnf King Edward

Would Be Crowned N ext June.

LO N Ih »N, ,iYm© :s.—T I1C rovfil proclama­tion annouri'ing (hat the curimatlon of King Edward Is to take pl.-HC© In June next, thu exact dny nni yet being determlrtM upon. u-iA© rc irt thin murnlng at Si. James Fnhice, Tnnplp. Uur And the Uoynl Ex- chaiYge, wlrh nil tin* ipnilnl, m«‘(Uev«l Pi’ cnr.s which marked the uccaskin of (he pinclulnilng uf i Ik* :Ac<'c.«JKlon t'f the King.

Tti-ihry's A‘vr*‘muiYlal was unheralded, so the iTiisU wji.Mi nui pu great os im the pre- S’luijs iK’j’.'isloti, but crowds quickly gath- cri'il from all directions and thronged the poino m which the announcement was rctitl.

The CA rumony began at 8t. James’ s, where, from the purple-draped balcony of the pillar©, (be Nurruy King o f Armn (M’Ullam Hcnr>‘ \ 'cldiYn, !n n brilliant unl- fA»rm, firi'runpunled by (h© heralds and inirsulvanls In gurgcuus tabards and mi-nirroYis slur© ufllclals, read the proclamaMuri

At the appoin ted h<mr four s ta le t r u m ­peters. l.ivlshh' a-lorned in goM-embrnlcl-I*' .■ . .-.I ,... *X*I1.I IJT 14 Wer^ri tunics, nppenred In front of the bal­cony. Hy ihelr side stnod the Norroy Kingx'ui.t. MU© MMUU ui© i-xi.iiiujof Arms. fi.Ynkeil by two royal macers, lYciirlng gold m.'u'cs nnd sAirrounded by thr blue mnntlr (Gorclon Ambrose de Lisle ly*'ci, Ihe rougf. irlrngnn (Evard Orecnh the SomersA'i hrralil <H©nry Farnham Burkei, ihtj York herubl {.Alfred Scott Scott-

Gntty). nnd ilii Windsor hcr.ild (\S'illlnnY Alcxnnilrr Mnd-Av, iii p, (h©lr full o f­ficial rojt.ill,. i:;i thr erirl niarsbiil ah© Duke of N'.Tf .lks ihi- lord Ficttrjrd (the Enrl of f . nttu.ikr* ih© pird clumber- Iain Till- I..11 I . f ri.ireiulnni ami other.'*.J K lO tf nnd U'*©en l*r<‘©enl.

The trump* hrs -«iu iiYdA-d a prY'traclevI fanfnr*'. uni ip.n i!ie Nnrroy King of Arms li;ii«'ii haiil nnd read the proC- lamiitliYri it; a i i, .,r vilee. whieh must have been nu'liblr i 1 ii!.. r*»va1 party. orc\ipy- Ing a .lit ih. KToiinds uf Marlbor-•Tugh H ri,>, . f.irlhg thr Italcnnj,’ nf «h© paluc©. King |;dv..ifd wore an admiral's unlfoi’ni iji:. - ti .tlexundm iin.l thr others of ihi ptriY' wiiichrd tho romn*)uywith gr* iietY liiiiTcst, ihr King u.‘<lng field *(ifiKsrH I,, ohlalTA a clcarM-r view

!)ir Niirr.iy King of Arms cnnrlml^ 1 wtili thf' Will.Is "flod .s.i\*e thr King,” f.u’ trump.UfTs awdiY sounded a fanfare, (he KlTm iM (Tir- Tuc'iallme sl.iniling nt the siihu©

A pr I hen funned. Led hy.a dr-1.1 lim-uii nf (h© Horse Guards, five

jro\ni ifinlagvs. ciiTitalnlng the heralds,I r'ur* ib anpE un.i other officlnls, proceeded t.i P.mjde Itiir ami the Royal Exch.ingc, whep.' ih.. f..rmfill(l©s, Jess picturesque ['•■rh.ips. Yver© repeated.

Lord Ma>or iJreen and the gbcrlfTa met Ihe i-r lUTtunple liar.


Henry M arpan d & Co. Make an Assignment fo r the

Benefit of Their Creditors.


Body of Little ElitaDeth feadel, ^ho Ceniral Railroad Company Says ll Is Disappeared on Wednesday Foniid Wailing for the City Before

Ihis IHorning in Passaic Riv r. Beginning ElcYatioa.


It 's Thought, H ow ever, that the Failu re W ill Run Intp

^he M illions.


He Is Frank Sullivan Smith, and, Like the Members of the

Firm, He Refuses to Discuss the Sus­


Till' lioily n t ll l l la E l l ia l ie th Krpila Wmi- ili'l, ilui ilve-ynar-olil dfloghtcr of Mr an.l Mr«, Jjicnli \Vpndel, of >37 8 o.’rmi1 ,rri-ri, Efirtt Newark , w ho hfln been mlaulng ilii'’.* \Vnln©.K(]ay. w-as found floating In iln’ I^uHHalc Klv©r a t the foot of Orl©iit/il Mrcet, fhlB city, sh o r t ly before 7 o’l'lurk thlR morning. T h e cap ta in uf a liinib.T barg© lha l w as moorecl r e a r Orlcut.-ii pirei'l, fliiv,’ the btKly fluiitlng u|i ihr* htrenm He towed U a rh u re and n"t1fii-d Ihe H©rnTid P rec inc t pnli.-u County I’liv- Klrlnn WaShliYgton Wiih iiuilfieil niYd ur- dcnul thr* body remtTvi-d to MiiMlii’s murgne. wh©r© it wan t.ikr-n later An ubl(-r bro ther of th e d©a<l rhlld, who callrd nt ih© morgue, identified the hod>-. Ii was l.'ikiTi to the hoTT)* of the child's parent.^ this aflcrnuon.

Little E l isabe th wsisi the >’oung©iNt child In the Wejidel family and the pel of ihe houH©, The la s t l im e th a t her mother s.iw her war abou t 5 o'clock on W hJupr- day flfierTKJTou, w hen the little i>n© w« b playing In the e tree i In front of her pareniR, hume. W hen Mr*. Wendel went out to her her to Hupper a eher t time later, no (race of the hit could he foYind.

The only clue was from Eugene O'f'on- nor, a boy nbovit h^llzabeih'H age, who lives In (he *ame house ns thv WendelR, Eugene enid h© and Elizabe th had fol­lowed pome cows to Harr ison avenue, Harrlpon. but i h a t when they arrived near Ihe Drldge a lrce t brldfee he turned bark.

Me askrd the glcl to come with him, h© saifl, hut she would not. and fdlloweit th>> cows, while l'7ugene re tu rned home.

This Is the newx of the child's where- nbniitB (luu her par©nte or th© police of Harr ison nn«l F-asl New'ark h*v© been flbtp to gel. W'here o r how she fellItilo ih© river I* a myfuery. The rtl sunce from Ihe HrldgD airce t bridge to the si>0 ( where the lK>Uy w as fuund to-day Is over a half ndle.

Mrs. ^Ve^cl©l **ald lu -day th a t she nev**r knew her child to go f a r from the h<uiu. hrfore. Th© family ur© all deeply nffet lr-d over th e e h l ld 's Had death .

Ararrigcmcnt* for the funera l have not !'• i-n cumplciftl.


ii«iv.n tn ih<- water's edge, with nothing ic imheut© that a railroad l>ed ever existed. At i ih©r pbir.^s four to five feet o f sand h.jvo bune.l the rails from sight.

At )^ry F'urk the foreman o f (he Ritter j Lumber t 'ornpany stated that about two j mirlioTi f©*'t '»f lumber got away from the Hr> K'Tk >'nrds and over one million feet from ihc Iteartown yard. Part o f the mill Id etlll piamilng backed up with drift conHl>=iing of houfles, freight cars, trees,


Tw>enly-p©sen houses were swept away from her© and seventeen at Deartown,.one mile above A, C. Waldron, who live* twenty-oti" miles from the mouth of the pry Fork, reports eight drowned above Perry. EM Plankenshlp, Mr*. Wand©*, Stephen Hooth, O. W. Crelgh, a white woman nml two children, whose name* he did not learn, and J. C. Beaver*. Some o f tb© drowned live thirty miles along above Tug River. In which tb« Elkbarn flood came down.

ArtllteprMvB Defewt BIk*. fl^Yfi HE W E D AKO TH BR .

flpeetal D ln ie * to the NEW'g,” iA B r— ■E L lZ A g W H , June t t - A te«m o f boil.

Ihlffi fiMv CXme fOthl* eity rn te rd a r and plaxed w|tb the MroDC nine of E llabeth

Order o?aoldlen (a r c the elrUUna a hSntWul

and won br a an re o f M to 1

J K S IB T e rr r , Jun* a .-T W r t , . «Y e

IjTiNDON, June 28.—At a rperb l m* ••■mi; of the House of Lords to-day a ©ntuEnii- t©e was appointed to arrange ih© i ' ccduie lo bring Earl RuaeHl, n- committed for tria l at th* Old Hall. v ,.r. ih© charge o f bigamy, to a speedy \r\.\\ by his peer*.

The eommlltee Include* the Lord rh.i i- cellor. Lord Halabury, the iM ifl I 'r lw 3ea!, Lord Saltabury, and twelce -Mlii r , peera.


Oler*, Ihe Runlan Mlnlater at I'.-l.!- t hne been appointed Ifln later o f Rus'*la -I* Munich, Bavaria.

lIccldeMl l le f ln H e ly LiiMt h 'lgh t >iMy (■■ T n k r Our, ln »l W i l l Go to

t 'o iir t o f t’n rd oa *.

Tliose of Tliumns Tf Hiirker's frIcTi'H wh" have li©©n w-irklng har<1©st for him i!< llnitf-ly TlerhlT'.l :*( a meeting held In Arliijsion la:-l r Igbr not to take an np [ from thr ■. «Tdb l uf I he jTJfy which f.iiind him k iiIMv nf nsBault with lnt<'n(

kill on Kev. J->hn Kd lcr, at Arlington. Fi’bruary 1

Tti© n-surt o f ih*' m©©ilng was given out iliiji nYornlng ai th© hum© of John Sum- I ■ r, fit ArilngiuTi. where Mr. Sumner had S'li wonl with bis w ife for a NEW S re- porirT Mrs. Sumner said further Ihat U u i*i ih© seTT.B© of th*' meeting that the ©n- I jKlr-H .and friends of thus© who had Inter-

(hems'dves in th© cas© would bo ill \ nir-.j tu caring for M rs. Marker and pre- \*jiiirig her from want.

Nil rcisun was given for the decision,I 'll It Is nhvlrms lhal 1h» cost o f such a !■ cnl sn-p. nml ih© iloul.i wheiher after all 1' wouM r©snl1 tn th - jirl.soner's freedom iii'-'.i Iviv© Infill' rin d them In making Up 'h 'lr minds

.Mrhn igh th© Idea of fh© appeal Is thu* If-.m.lull©']. Marker's friends have not viv^n up hov«p of r» moving s part at least „t fii“ fivc-ycrir seutenc©, which means he must serve four years and five •I tss. *'ven If his ruruliict record Is per- r. ■ I Mrs Sumner said this morning thatII Ind b'-en derided t») take Ihe case to Ih* r M.rt i.f I'urdons at one©, nnd that many lAi T© i'f»nfitlcni that lb© hrMy might he p#r- - .ii-l.rl ju act fpvuniT)ly within a compara-■ Iv* l\ fhuri dm©

\!r*' llurker is snbi to b© bearing up w ii Slir hH* announr ed her Intention lo fi.i nil living in Arlington H Is expected Lli.iY shi will visit her husband in th* ltii'l'..»n F’ounly Jell at Jersey City to-m'lrr.iw

Mr Sumner recetvM*d a note from Barker Y.^d-nluv. in which the prisoner said that M- h«-alth was good, and expressed htl r.-hi-r lit iln<ting that no fine was tnclud«d In th- sentenee.

Mr Keller's IntenMons as to a suit ar* « ! ‘U unknown and It la doubtful whether lu- hiis mad*, up his mind yet or not. At lYu- fiands house to-day. It was s&ld that tin i-lerAsyman had gone out of town to- ,l;iv and would not reiiarn for several

No on© would tell where h* had enft - H V Llndabury, Mr. Keller’s coun-

was not In Newark fO-day

I /Mibungh contract* for the l•l^vll^lun of fbi' ('©nlral Railroad lrH''»k.‘< :iwardcd Autn.. dm© ngo, nothing has y.'i beer* don© I' uard.'; hcplntilng work. ,iml iio on© seems IO know whnt Is the caiist- of dn. d©|.iy. 'b'lu'r.-il BiiperInlendenI OhllmuHfn, nf the rrdh-oad cnniipany, said in-l.'iy ihst work

I wmld he begun a* soon ns dm rUy w.i* j I' l l)-, but city ofliidals tiny dipy kn.TW of , f '-d)lng in the slIURlIon, so far ns die '•■I'y i.s concerned, lo prcv-ni djo bcgiu- ' iiliii; uf Ihe w'Ork ni one©.

linrko ITrna., of flrninioii, J'.t,, nr© die roniraiMors for ih© mason w. rk In ihc Clln^*lrucllon of ih© big wiiUs .nrnl ol.uii-

;n .in s which are ( i suppori ih+- ©b’vn icl stnictiirf. Their price frtr rhf masonry

I Is 10 b© per cubic yard. The conlracr [ for Ihe false work, a Icmpornry tresil©' over which the train* ar© to be run wlilI© the masonry work Is In process of con- siniction, lirts been gl\cn to F7(iward R.

j Jenks A Co., of 148 Idberly street, Ncw ' Ynrk-

Jenks Hr Co. have nol ypt begun work on their contract, At Ihr- compiiiiy’s o f­fice to-d.iy it wa* said rorisblernhl© of (he piling and (lmb©r i .t It© used hail been on (be ground for a week or more, hut they had not been allowed to do nny- tlilng. What the cause of th© delay miglil h© no one connTH'ted wjih the company hud any Idsa.

Mr. Sluitdy** V ictva.Superintendent J. F. Mundi', nf the De­

partment of Hubllc Works, s.ild lhl.s .iftof- nOon that so fnr ns h© knew there was nothing before the Bonni of Works lo de­lay (h© hcginnlng of work ele^’niion. Som© weeks :igi> tho r©nlral engineers nsketl th© bonnl 10 allow pom© changes to h© mad© In the slyl© of brldgr- n1 ih© Pennsylvanlii crossing. Th©s© ch.angcs nei'©ssltai©d th© phirlng of two nddlilotial steel [illlor* In New Jersey TTallroail avr- nu©, but th©lr luc.iiluti would not Interfi-n- with th© lii'glnnlng of th© w<irk from

, cither Hroftd or Ferry Rir©T'tsTo m©*'1 th© cb’ vndoiY at ih© JiTund

!»lr©e| ©nd o f Ihe road .-itvl jut .p '* Muh,.'rry firecY. dll- present I'bv^t'-il efruciiir. uUl have to be raised fr<im Keiry Mn-ct s%'--*l. The c.'iii rnelorw w ill fuliipt thf* sain, i bin th It Ih to he put In lf rip^rMlbui h»’ i the 1‘Y im.'^yj\'rinl/i, nnd run all irnlnv i-r: um- tr-n k the wall Is b. lug *'l.\;d©d lYtitbf' .illiiT «hle.

I 'ffli'T s uf Ih© rallrn.Td ccnicu'V r* ru«©d lo-dMv to nYRke known ib. i Hil .uiiount

i if the cuniraets.

Ppei lfil frurn a Ptoff rortespcndeiil.N EW y t»n K , June 2s—ah a sequel to


>lr. and >frs. John R lrh d iilc . A fte r

r u in g F if t y - fo u r Y rn rs ns One,

AVer© Not I’ u rted Jn Denlli.

Tb.r- \v.ifi n doiihl* funeral id Pu-u-v III© ihiH tnurjiing, nml those who nli.u'l.d |t f.. I I itK r wrb'f softened by th© l.'noiirul

l i l ' U^ht 'M,i th© oil] man and iln di| w- rnni, .ivi'r w tiose remains the wen- <,1’ ! Ti.t I ©nd©d tngelber th<' ilc*^ wIiLilv lb- ) Joined in youth, and ibni Ihi.x ,i AT.'ii wHh of ih©lr hearts, ofi-tj f-xpr-=*:•-i. had bi.i n gratified. They w. r© Mr nT'l •Mr' J.-ltn Hlchd*!©, who hail pasH-.l Thf I vi-iirs nl th© home of thdr Sun-lT. 'in a i>] itriughier. H©v. Dr. Juhn A. t’uiit. rl'lc'' lsil .^©rretnry of the Ainiti- r :b .r ' - l iy , nni] Mrs tlutle- rlilK'*. ui'l It Viiiv rhfr*' ihnt th© *©r\'lres Were I,. I I Mr lUrhdnl© was sevr-nty- eight r -lK'* V f ni V-I hr>'*' y©nrs old.H© dir.l ■|.!. l'u. lityhi rxn.l *>h© We-ln©*- d*y ni'T'. V .t-iiif !'ift*-©n h.nmt Inter

The lu " h 1-1 Pv- l n hiipr.v, pujiccful life together f I J -f >'jr v. tr<. an>l th*'lr friends f. -1 rb.itEi ©,im© theywould hA'' *' h r •' • u'u ! h.u- ll ,v© t>lnnniM| the earl T !u ' '■ 'i a wli|.' n.'q'ialntan.'e and many frh-*,.;*

Rev. r»r T 1 ..r Ih© Itusmllb-Methcsilpi Fi. ' . -iTclu. Ti .t th© ser­vice* this tu f ii.c n-'1 w .« .i^sl'.tcl bv Rev. C. F H i!i 'f fl H:i\ls M.-rnorlJil


ntoetj'.two iHrmcle o f Oh o c U OB

w®nt to ghov COAtt* wfav rh«|p HcenoM xhottid not bo

Cofciaof fficoina.CoW*«

w —-HTTPa.-Antv«d. L'MoltOM,


Jokn > .o k - lr . » r p * . ( »d l> B rM a o o o nOH H rk H rre *C RlsOHix*

Jmtii-. of tho P « c * 0 «T iiiin u i hai Jupt torwinltd to PrOHocuiar R. C. Ooddlnf. of Bndgeport. Conn.. pap«r* >hawln« th* mxrTlago of MIh H xrr M xJun, of It Prtnro >trroi. to JotaD Sxckolj', who Uvod Ht 1> Rutgers etrwt. T l » woddtnc » x » perfonood hy J u » i l « Oormximx on Jxn- n»ry *■ T —o dxy* xfter th« ceremony ■Kkely ts e-rd lo here deeerted h li bride end einre ihxi time «he hex been Kerehlng for him- aeveral dxyi ego. K le eeld, ebe located ber hoeband bi Bridgeporf. wker*. ■be decleree. he hai married another. She baa had blm arreeted. ctaaiged with Mgamr. He la now la Jail and the pnee- n ta r at BeMgaport w rote tor tha papen 10 ihbw that Bicketr va a aaarrM la thl. eWy.

Tin Mintage here vaa one meU W .aimbrnnl by peap©* an tha -HOL” be*a iy m eaiy nloetaeo jraago M a a l the wawia tvaaty. Tha two macaraid fc a rerat ta hare tha w iiO ng aa aecrrt aa goaffili*. aad R waa parlbfaw i laia at liyw • * ■ » < • OetmgWe

R eport T h a t B e !■ la a S e r lo a . f on- dltlOB D e c la re d t 'a te a a d rd .

ROUS, June t l^ T h e report puMl.hed In Parli that the Pope la aertouily III. atvi that Dr. Lapponl. bla attending phvelrisn. does not lea re the Pontlira bedeidr. i« entirely unfounded.

Hla holtneae la In good health, and j -.- terday recetrrd tn audience the Au.tr1-.ti Ambaeiador to the Vattcan and * num- b*r of otbrr persom.

Th© Yux©<i MU of enpt* for th* flv*-d*y rn.jl of liurkcr Is being prepared by (■ ruiitv n©rk Maurlc* Stack, and will .’imuiiut tu about J150, for which Barker, if lu' Rucf to Slat© prison, will hare t* t:r-rNc i©n days extra in cas* h* do** nol[ijy It.


P a a le O re e r o w e D ea th a a ad T w e lv e


apeelHl Cable MBWg C«,y |

M ADRID , J tm B . - A local panic ha« ;°* '®*** Wr the breaking out '

ol tha babonle p lagM at that mace Icnaea and f g » * « h a h a v e beenrapofiM. •

b i r a ^ a S i t ' l w 'e S S * f-T h a -b od y o f a iSnJir*21,SvL2?¥?.>**- aWdrentlf an I ta n a a ,M a fb a B d yeatattlur I i the wood*' I a a n the chUd hw V a waatber

thedaadwaa m e n u gad

AH ItBlIaB H it OB th e P eaH ay lraa ta Hoad t e . t e r d a y A fterH aoB —An

E m p loye o f th e Head.

An Italian, who gare h li name aa Tony Gaguma and who aald he Ured In Market ureet. waa alruck by an eaat-bound train on the Penntylvanla Railroad at Lafayette atrtet and Railroad errnue about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. H e w a i taken lo 81. Jamee’* Hoepttal la the Third Precinct ■mhulance. It waa found that hta left collarbone waa broken and hla head and wrtau Tere cat.

While bla tnjnrjea a ia not conaUered fatal. It will ba many weak* before be will be able to Icare the horndtal. Oa- guma la U>lrty-S«e yenra uM aad anmar- Hed. B * ia rmpAmrid hr the FewMytVh-

MelhOdlst i h u fli ln Hnrrl>'in Tb" IimlKS were taken tn the c\ t f '. . '11:11. ( • Brooklyn ah -t' fti v ! t ''berN-p 1:4- warda. o f ihi- r r rk ;in .tvinuf Pri-sl'v- terian rhirrch, Hr ■ . T'O-I ihc burial tervlce. and th.* lO* ' w ' r.- l;il I 't b l.v aide In the grnt'e.

Mr. Rlchdale d1'-'l ■ f c ia trl‘ 1. ,-in.l Mra. RIehdale o f apoid iiy

I r . D o o le y In n e i .,'a kKW A.


P r * « ld * i i1 I>©ll©r. * f Y rw O r l* *n *, rr©«JdrDt nf Ih * fio r lli

A W i* flc *n Hood—V o lk s ffs t|.■■f N ight.

BUFFALO. N V. Jun© J*—Th© sa©n- g*rf*st of 1h Norrh Am©r1rBn Rarngcr- buQd closed last *v©ntng with a grand Tolk*f*st wlihin (h* r*n-A|p©(ican tvound*. th* Stadium, with a ***tlng ca­pacity of I4.nrn. iH*irg nn©d tn *diiiion to cbomset by th* fhonjji ©f \o!c**. tb*r* w*s music b> ih* Munlrtpai Hand of HayonA* Cuba, which msd* Us first ap­pearance, and from th© Midway. Th* *x- ©rctaea closed with ih© smgtng of "xmer- ic*."’

Pr**ld*Bt D*ll*r. of N>w Orlrana, who haa Just tifcii r*-©l*©t©d president of the North Amartcsri Saengerbupd. yesterday expreaaad th* opinion that for manmioth obonsaaa* aoih a« have held sway in this city, be yr*f*r* \oik*(r©*anf. or folksong, to tRa cUaslcal nusir. H* said that for vast choniae* they are far prefermhi*.

The fovr concert* given In th* fleventy- foQTtli Radmeiit Armory, whll* a great aocceei artlatically. were not *o finan- eiaUy, The affair was financed by a local eoBpany, Th* expenae* were aboutefEkflU asd th* receipts from subacrtptlona and adflslnUiBs ar* aald to have been about B ,m laai.

ns evRa. IM t, Rieh'ap Raifcat at, near llal<hViy,- Adv.

(h© rlrtslng of th© Srvimth National Hank ypjAiiTilay. Ihero ratu© this nurrnlng the nnnnuhcemY'nt A>f th© fnlliiro o f iho stock hrokerfig© firm of li©nr>- Marqimnd & Co. H Hurpriped no one wfien th© fullttre was announofAl nt the opcnitiK' of ih* stock fxchang©. for It was a forpgoq© conclu- siiin that the firm would b© forced to the wnll Mr.’iufle of the tangled condition of Ms .iffaliN ami the publicity given to It liiruugh th<' iroubl© o f (he Ri'venlh Na- lli>nal EUiiik, nml (h© sunjAenslon had no nj’ prA'i’ Uih]© ©fT©cl on th© slock market, Th© firm mad© nn JiasIgnmA'nt, wirlmut prcfcrrncrs, io Frank Bulllviin Smith, of M Wall siriMd. No HiBi©m©nt of ih* aa- puls tir linhllhl©s wan marl©, It |.q gen* ©rally Ix'lli vfil. fjowever. (hat ih© failure will niti up ln(n th© mUJlfiriji.

Th© firm wn. /ifjtanlz'-d n.-m© yr-nrs ago hy Henry Murqunnil. Rr. H* hiininess grew rnjijilli' and rim long ngn the fouiulef, of it, having am.anj'Cd n big fnriune, rc- tlreil. Th© firm was then r©org.inlx©d. Mr. Maniihaml’n nun niirceedcd him, and Frank H. I'oor, a well-known renUlent ot Huckt nn.tck. and a non of tha lar© K. hi! J’ our, n« up© ilni© preniilynt of th© I'atk Natl'Timl f.Iaiik ©if [lilnrlly. wrin taken In ^s a partner. It waKn'l long before ih© n<nv firm ©njoy©<l n good rrptitailnn In financial hrelen, anil iinill qulrr- ret'enlly (h©tv rjib not Ih© Hhghtept douht aa to Ua atabllliy.H 1* said that th© firm'* trouble Y>©giui after U had ngr©©<l to finance the Pill#- burg. I^haw’mflt and Nfirthern RalHrayg^ road drnlgrjed lo tap some 1tu1©p*tid*lli coal firldBi In Wuntrrn I'ennnylvanla.

The firm 1* said to have $A<M.0000 tied up In thin prnjorl, which need* nearly as murh nmr© to ii© c.irrP'd out auoccssfuWyi ft tOYih PirtehiirK, Hhnwmut nnd KorLhern bondF .!s Mei'urlty f-u th© nvujiey advartcA il, but whi-n ill© m*'tnl>fra hrenm* pinched for fundn I li©.s- ftiimtl that then© securltl^ werf nui MT.v p.iMil nn which I'j aeeiir© lonn^ They Induci-Al the official* of !h<- R©\» iitIi Ni!llrm;il M.irik tt» advance them h<iwf\-©r iJjt when thebank gut Jnr i a light p],MM- M/irquand ^ To. ruAjid ti'.r milk© guu.i nnd Ihe bank wrmt to ihi' w..ill

tCiiiiilD cif T ru st.Jb-H nijs.' nf iln‘ lndu|.. iM|'*n( i-ual project

will' ll II wii* Mjt ai’ if] In. th© tlrrn liroughl iiTi. Biv Ir Ih i Ldno-il, I h«' l■llml^v of th© a'oijI tniH( Mr I'lmr, In an IrKiTNP'W yestcr-ila> , -aid I hoy had rA-i t-lv©i| 5**v©ral hard ...... .. from that rcMiri-© In Ih© last iwdyt ar^

T il ' ufllfis tif Maripiiiii'l A Co. at |fiO |lrii,i-Uv.av. nr© oiyiopu th© !no:*t iuxurli’ins In th'- Ilnancl.’il ■llj'irlct They occupy prniM!. atlv nu ©ntlri fiuor In th© tmU'llng. Manv of Ih© ©mpiuvep who w©r© old In the *©rv1c- Ilf ih© firm hr"k© 'luwn ami wept wh«Ti th©y w©r© told of (h© falhir©, T'he ofhc©H. whl'-h w©r© sc< ni-H o f .icth Ity char- aclorlHip’ nf Wall Frr»f T hofur© (he as- slgnmenr was m.adf', w©r© d»-H'Ttcd Aiftrr (h© wreck Phades «■! r© drawn nl th© wln- daw R at Ih© ili'tks rif tli© rn«hl©r and tel- I'f^. and ih© rn©mh'T- o f th© firm w©re lilildcn In th© prl\ai'- ofTlcfs, wli©r© they rnr\r©fT©d with fh© H^siirtu © A crowd of . iirlnsM>‘ sc©k< fs llnKcr©d n^nui! th© door- wn>-. I>u( .th©r*‘ W'as nu 'lemnnstr.'itlon by f...r>-nii« iifT^n©'! hy th© fndur©

71u I'lrm h:iH he©n ©sperl.nlly prominent ilurlnK Ih' Insi two jenrs, and r©c©hlly

''■'■©II knf>«n as .1 "hi>nr" hops© «»n nh.- da ' Gli*“v snld fully iW.i'slO ©harea o f ■ I-" ks lT©akliiK prlcps two *.1011 thr©* |iiilrii‘', i n tiu- narki'i raid©-! af(©r (helf u .Iti'ig r©a‘-©ij .nr;d 1h©v were forced t*

nl wlini was hel|ev©d lu l>© a heavy|.--s

A" t*! usmil In such cnn©s the oulstanillng ro iitra 't- 'd 'h© Tlrtri w r e cli Si'il niii 011 ih»' pt.'i k Kx' lnr-tf und'r tlu- rul". Th©s* t rannac! I.'n*- wrr'- m:il© f' r Ms acfnuni.

Five htinlr'd "liir--^ P'*nn*vh nnln. 4i‘d n©rgen rounlv :n-u Anicrlmn ''n r andFouridiy and >ihsr*H ©a-h of Ijirlcd# Dns prcferrc'I Atihl'i-'n |ir©f©rr**d nnd Kansas nrnl Texas preferred Se\©n thnu- s.ind dollars par valLic of Mlss' url Pacific .> of iWiS and 4.fKift Iron Mountain 5 per '•©nr i'OndH were also dealt In for Ihetr ;!■ ' mini

Inquiry ol the local office of the Pltf.*- burx, .Sti.'i n mill nnd Norihcrf) Hallw ay hruiighi out an as*urance that th©r* would I © nu dlH.'istrr>us consequence a* far as th© r.illfunii ft as luncerned

■'Ihjl dliln't M'lrqoand & (!'o. finance th* rallrMad''' was ask©d

■idi. ' was ih*- rtply of (he official, ■'1.1)1 thej- have Ihe bon>ls and w * hav* th* money ''

He add'-d ihat Mnrqirand & Co. had meretv li.indl'd th© h'.nd? of (he road, but Jid nut cuntrid 1i

<'nnnsel M akes P ia iem *nt.,Mr Moni'iand. (he 'cnlur nieryiber of th*

firm, was si nn© dme .»n eillturlal writer nn-l llierarv ©rliic on th<* siafT o f a larg* pA|ier In this ciiy He refu.s©d to-day H> s.'i> sn.viiiJrX .ihuilt the fallur*- uf his firni. Mr P'*or nl?«o deo1ln»ul to discus* the ftlat- ler The l.att©r saM (he affairs of the hous© were In charge nf Assignee Pmith and he referred all questioner* to the lat­ter Mr. Pn ith s.*il«l he was too busy t* taik.

Henry W Tnft, * member of th* law firm of Pirong A t'adwaiader. counsel for the assignee, in an Interview said

• It Is hard for m© 10 axy just what ih* situation Is a i this tlm*. W e hav* »o t had time yet to examine the Joooks and this, o f course, will have to he done bMur* anything deflnlt* -ati be determined, t will say. howevec, that ihe sliuatton so fftr a* It can be sized up at thl* moment, is (hat (he way In »h lrh the affair* of Marquand * Co., will be worked up depends cm the way In which th* aecqrUi** held for loans can be realiced upon. I mean, in this regard, particularly th* In­active securities. So far a* can b* judged from a general view o f th* situation, th* m atten look favorable all around, but w* will ndt be able to tell anytblag d*fS- n i(* for aevaral day? "

H * was asked If the Arm bad noi been caught short on the Stock Fxehgog* an# replied:

**I do not betSrr* that the attuatloa o * the exrhango iHU Mriouatr aRoet thla grm er h«a *erto«aty aSeeted- It, Th* whole qurttlon depeeda. aa I m hi. <m Om i T«atiMtlD0 on collateral beM fo r loea*. 11 bar* Btentioned here im ettea aaeain tt^ b « t I want to m t thl* Rrat b*ld m »n f flae active arcuritte*,” R e nSttOd *a on* o f tba*e gin-edRed sed(Rllle* th* N «w To fk CefttraL He wa* a « M bo tree hr


(CsaUauai ao Mtk Mca. BR >i*iiMa)


-vn* ■




H i:.\ h KI4TATK FOUA *NI MEji-.U of •nUtva, tlrailiJni !•

I»!»'pr tiLjMijiK«(, Im'k*' m*-Ml uif'iii, uii'l gvimin** iki

I Pin 1 -pi-ibiiji J. I .il.'lrf li Kii. 744> Hr ih4 •t.

Roard of Works iflemhtrs Otnclads that | The; Sfaouid Further Eiamioe >

Them Before Acting.

;a in s -1! -si-s uih Imu*.! A. JtKFiKV, IipH . It-m Rjuati' )KI lUrk*-l

C ITY , F'lH.MSMiiLD H O IK O TUAp-e*) .jyt ' OF TOW Y. __r.,r ..Lltttifi LllliUSl.V-

[ (.*fi.’ l\y n<K>k, fiirn1ah<*'l h<‘'iis*',M .iPlft Cnuniy lalo' rin i tHtiri-K

I ;r •■ r ■ 'TW . t r,i,. !-. live

1 III. Ijft B caught; reni f< r .lull aji- Allj ilreex 1* H,, Ik x Kf>, Npu j. .-tII. ■•.

lU lUM S TO t.KT.

‘ <>UAM!h: i<T.. IT- K!l ! r<K m k

ptirlor. front aUove ►m aniJ iJthi'r*; Hjfhl houn^hieppinj.


laCNJ, 1.1,10 TO IjUA.N-

I'L^NE-: .-IT. n««. n»-ur NVw fit.-Twi* furrilAiu.--J «inn*-i’ilriu rvom . from and back; secnml

U.K A: ' V-TVl - J.KMAIi K'^Ta H. IMS.

F..STATfc:.KEhE-: ]N?^UItAN':K. linANij uN MulfJ'iATK. (iKM iNO & coi.M :'"nNO .

U O tS E » WASTK4>.

II'* i:s r— Hi i^ni, rttiHj, n- iiir*. n**ur troili y i,. ■

Jiouki‘. O'l Nrv.- '‘ < I k ■ I I -fc .^

PAVING BIDS WIRE BLCLIVID. “ A W inner”I Ll.iJiJ' .V ia..\.SI:|.UO, N>» JtR'Mil HT..

E':ST.\TK. INSI HANCK,I l/'A.VK ANIr itK.VT e'l iM.!;- Tit >N«.

IN \ Krti .vri'.s r>* p ’ ■• .1 v> ♦ <■«, 11' .jL T N ' 'w ■

-r 1■ Iniv

"Vt-ninfi.7S4 hrpjpiJi

VA?(TEIR—O IT *n 'Hnl PIv ni-nr i-jiiin 4 [..I,,-1 ' i

I'lnUInlruf 4 rnuiuH iptb l-i :l a'ltiUn. |F>a4» fr<*m I-'

n. m-PHth. A-Mr -p-kp i - ' ■ -

PrO|>oal*lnna Viiflo* fnr Mil* l.a iln if uf |llhM'li oil lO ve t Hy ?<rr*-ria. j

Coniinimti* n u r im -(JaueA I>urli>«f .In ly u>«»* ou I

*Plif«AfiTin iiTid I■ViKh llodtrt '

Actinnmi th" [ilitin n'l.MtuvIIli Hi .i.J* Tnr the Ci'tfar Gttai'p pt iT>MM r‘<**rv'Tf i^uin pCJStptrrri'l Wry iln* oi \ "Ilvlyepicrdny to tl"tllnnnra ft t^rntx'c fo AlAwJy

“ The O rea lest Shoe S a le " ' “ N ew ark H as E ve r K n ow n ."

The O rca le s l V a lu es Ever Oi>, fered Anyw here ,

p A M P L E M/attt Shon of fvrv

pf.. ri -n •J .IlN I.S' ’KH' •

I('-h| liNtn;*- d:i<l ltp-sUI;Uj JM rMlk*-T hi

'f ' ■ -•. I. I Pill r.ii I- itj-I ijiirl ih'>riKnt'>- -I YMi

• lit-o K r i f E!'* P \ r -

t a i h i e s , u t a b l k n , k i a .. I '> I 'l- r.

.* K aHJT A. llruiil (!.,• I. F iM ii;.'! r- iiE*''! N*'Aar>t UllsA.

A. Tfiri-f-Kii ry i»i.itp iiHrpiM..rxft bAitif mn l?', •


•Ml rr4F av- iHi 1 l>-.nsi-n-pp Itfi'iirn KAltl.

Khp.ip,w/hJ ;i I'HPuta, lu

Ni*wa HHc*.

witii • iHt. A 1

T. \M.r»-H |p « i\

pi!lt RENT—8t(jrf» un II* f*' ! • lUirfp Hi., go*,a Ippcailori '

tn jOfIN r>. T(jroPPTN. Akti ri.R.

MI.K.HiN'iKil UKAI, EHTATt:, Jifi- 'l ‘ p USt llH'iAJi ST

A l E Eti-ivCvtrr Eviiy Tor,

'H O E S i)r i:t'Crybodi>.cuisi-ri'. JPnllow'lnm Mu* curonni -.f i-i'\T"'i,< tyefiis, th« I'lifiri tlPCl'Ir-'l l i UsTuesday rr}mmtit‘’'i’ 'lorij.p:and Au^itst. ana i ijiL'A<rtlOnti' thi* <otta- ■Itteo nieetlltifs and board mi*r*tlii>f on Thursda>'s. JK-ruusio o f tm* htdldny Thunjrtny. tTm wt^'Wy iri'i-tlTii:s !"■tetd on Wr*<lnrT^hi5 '-

IJTds for prrrtTHi ftv« wStti RTan-tte Work 0^ sftrrtl PiuislNtton wr-nt tho prlnctpHl ffstom a rpf 7 s«r«rrr1fty'i* m»t‘tiro4. •Hhe hfds raoRv^ fnim vo ri.r> P’Tmtisre parti, tTm prtf*f* TnHivt,' nvkf riby f>ne Mddrr frrr pArtn#< rtutTHiiU pHi*v tliR Hhnrt. thorutr«l!fant htAwti-'hIJIjjh and R’linm!! «ivr*H>tA. ITmhl'Tsim tlip*gwverni etrrt«*t*, frm pHpA*foff. wvth fol-lows:

Attiinitn ! iiiyM IftivinT,Thomas A, ATt\mr><ir. $L>3i: .J, H. Hhiinh*jp*. tJ.SO, Jatiirti fr-rnii, yi.,' 1. ihimmlt llNr^— pBvId HsrpfT, P W; TlKonfin V mNinoor, I2 .7B, KrieiJldlh tiTrt.«ed-I.»nvnU Hiirpt^r, l.TJt; T. A. (TOmitor, fl.KT; J. H. Hlitinb^y, Jl.HO, Third f2. T /\_O'Connor, H13, Jaytoh t4irL'i't“ Dri\11 iTfif- per. II.N: T. A f/Omtior, J. H. dhafi, ley» tl.M: Jnino* flemo, ll.Kli.

For gratllnff and May jetn-ftthorn twn bldilervL iJtivM IIiiKhtTi o f­fered to dn tho AXOAvalPniK arwl Krri'lU^ fnr Ifty -flva otnitB p»=*r I'Aibic yanl iukI ih « ts^glng for thirtoen rentH i% ftMil, and T. X. ♦^DnfKW s bid nlxty contn frir gra<llii*f tad fOWTtwn and a haif w » t a fur A li tha bfdfl wr»r» hMd ov ir P f a

An approprfatton «nif Ck,7M wwi miMliv to pay for land of the Sm all eaiatf), In thn C^dar Omve fesrrvntr aMo, the irrtofl hav-

been died by oondomnatlon i‘« Tmntn- donem, and tho ordJnancpe Rrr tho re- #radlnff of Mutberr>N Ifamlltim and Lq- fayefto flTeefa. |o wTnfnrm to fbo c^amrep M ffmde made neoeaetiry ny the Hevatlon of th« Cetitml Railroad trucke, wore pafsed on thin! rfatllnf. H. Tarter «ont A proteirt 4Mra(ni»t the proposed fthandoo- menl <jf the Cheetnut fhreet Station' of the Penfteylvanla Rallmnd.

J5-00, jo.u'i, ry 'JiT, 53.00 intrinsic values for


(rptn Until 11 P. M. SaturJiy.

M \i'. ■-. 1 . ST <•].■ l>


M 5 1 ■<N '.V M >ii«ly-j .'1 lltl' V Kilt V*->‘ iP

li: . 1. psiAii-: 1b< 1Itl-P fAl.'C'iliJi. ■

Jly. 77U ilruiitl Hi , Non

U>I*”TR, WITH I '2h.rt«o ii'^i’ARK :

OR 8KPAF- \1 i:IN E lflM lINn (T)li UJl.l. VM MAN 8TS.

Af'I'l.Y T«> KNOI.NKJ'!« I'lli .MlJ KS. ORH. 8 . PKKFI, 2u J3T



l;ill TMnl avp .ti'1 r Mi pwiaie lira ler.

1-'UkIi{ T-ll« br .ii-1 -H.


LOFTS, with power i' 4fl l^w .reiictt it. WA8I11NLJTU.S '.\II*'-oN.

il'i.lIZi.NFIl A ri>..

iii'iNt ;-r"nHnrrU r«*iil i-bIhi fpi i..'eiitur>' iluUiitnir, 14L2 Murketir.:L

'p'l.M ari'J IpHifr-nii iii, '-tly I^Hruyntli- '

'F hpii> wciiit.s r-Hln»r. •■J' lliUKlUPC. 14', Mirk^i

STi'Hltl unit Jt fiK.prtia , .•oiliniilD fur Htpy loinlr

5:si5 Siirinifll^l'l HVi* , w, ur.lp-r. Itwiuir** uf Oh>i I 'Ihitnn Kt., rt»->ni n.

t : •!!

u.'M aVH.; • > uiUiae, in ; ^rfrvt VI'll, -*2

hI'-i.'Ul IlnUll'kr.

rtiJ.KI'W \J{|'

li-ilf r«'a ■jn m-r’ ML’ i Prij

7411 Rr-tt-1 «t. n f.ri Martff.lK*'

WAl/IFIt W' :'.u.Ti;ii.F iiAr- M ■ii'-y I*' 1'

ij pit Kp'PiI "HUilt: for Hip* Infuran'-p'.hU h-


COfi.BmAl> Ti*HiMTSTS.

iHvi'lliilfTK.A l-Krir-T'T i;r.M iiir.H si, 'lirn

I rpptiii -L. •*'l.lnii h"Lii»r«, pini)ul«*ii '►II n- t -J, nil ! M.| r • ' >’m* Pii K , ; kiilPi,

Tmp* I'Bp ef' ii I MtH iiip' , l‘■ mK


STOtlK ti> li*t, fin-* tiuirh-*r or drUKKlsf '

Pith hvph,

!>.. f..r 'll. iind

A'l AHl.K—To rent h tlu r- r'‘rm<*rJy t-j tl.

&i'< n>in<> Hi. Ah 'Iv IINANY, 1,7a MRrkHt pf.

l- rn pr.i .l.' .TIli.Mll>.

'.;hk f: j.M-

BblFoNIi t'LtJOR, Ml I'r>a1 tl , tw I*'-, for oHlo* or iJaht mervMiHi'o l. niopiia- A. li-

P£ a U TSS Broad H.SPitlNtiFlKIilJ

tfhJHH WlluJnWH Plum at.

AVK , with InijiiirH T


BnlJilinK amiliifston St, li.UNi.7i . . . . . .'lorrie Wi-hiRf 'In <-1 Gbelinig, c H iTlTH'r i t. ?<

Sicnon nrlntnl p-i iii t>i Itnnk. tv H I ’tlii'-o lit. s;

HI Ass'rt ijitlnn, w n L l v

to rhrFstlna

nrlty SnvlnRa

- T fi'-ni Pit ' "till I/jii'l mill Ifn,

Kt*l l> liHliriiTil I car in- t M i.r, It.- I

III K "" I'i 'f'-Ti

I. n- r.-nl . H-iiimul to ')• I) Tijli iiirtlcubin. Itel-I. I ■<! , nW HpiH-l Ht lli-\TTnlii' fii Mih iirunK*- un#

r. t I Ht . walk tuTTli

"The Horn** hr> \vl]jtK I ’utMi'iiriy to ftitatav If^ 'h »nuucr. a nHoiiih imung^av, t&,0(nk

A1,L (•'il-li H I . I , I k* if in,mt> rmw fl r'- irtbrirk A r-iMiuH, h|p<iiii h nt, all IriipH

tIkKi ilirwn fHl Tii'.ii'hly llih iivi-, botw-f-n loih ail.I ipli jiii. fvi-ry nfii*rri.jtin andSiinilHy

lf<rte# as 1'fU‘iB tn ItfoatrYatP an d t I.. rtn ftr. IVexI 8nii<lny*e N E W S .


Praiicta Mackln to Ann-'i K. Truail^ll, n a iirunfon ) nt,

M khae! W llnrrf^l inr to UnionJ{u]](liiiK and 1/iirsn .►X .xin.-latliin, w « I 'a -fiUc Hi, |3.i]<ivi,

OulHoppe Lorulttiio i*t oic to OiTtrode R. MiM-kor. n w cur linruu-si ;iiid HHU-tharno KIk. IlKiO,

Unnjamln J. ct ux to JaneA. s t-Uli hi. H.S'Wi.

Andrew J. l lonjihin* i-i ux lu ficorge Wlldn, e H North Rti isi . lUfti.

Jrihn Ooerrei to Himori j.owy at nl, e b B edford at., H.jnn.

fkiiihlo He41er und hiinbrinij t'l Joseph 8 iiydc*r.»i e Wi»Ht Kli^npy hi ,

Jiirob Fischer et ux to I'piuwn Lhilldind and Loan Asaorlation. w h lirnorne at,. tXi .

MUInTi I>Ploney to Url/lkct Riley, a ■ Nlnih ava., tl.ftNi.

G*-unft* Diets i-t o* lu I'lmri' H A. Felck, w B TTunterdon (|f . |.t .1(Ki

r jiriM lan H. tn F'Txrfl^lnr Ffnlld-In ^ in d I.toan AescrLiilnn. w r> H-ill;md st.,

C’hrlHttnn H, <1Ipw« p to Jnsrph Isonburd,w H llollani] at., fi Ri.

fR ‘urKu Diets at ux to TiarbarA Diets, w a nuntiTdoti st., I7II0 .


AT Nil !i'.i Vnn i-isr*'ronjiMi. |/rli-i* tl.ip.'i*',

ImiiiiTL* K MFH/. N I

I -I.. II [Hn.-m*.!!! i-f iO r*-nu f'lr $22 u munlh.14 A\ iij t*L

A HKA8''N ALd.iS ■al<i, u «rujil) houM ssxl cun> fectiotiHTT Bi. r«. iHi u lot ItftilVQ (t. ifiQuIrt

487 IPih Hvr.AT Ihlt. liHW ih

ROltKHT K I Kl!I.i;Ull.'H Till ::ij 1-

< >\\ in‘r, •• , vUy.

JAMFS ST 1 tirr-*" HI'l\ ili.iy wlrnl<>iA i nfunn end lifirs Ihhu1<-iiii>, n-f!-' rT.iimi* iiriit liHihruuiii.

lll**d; tiiinil»..iuf!i) ] r»|i-r -l. fx. c'ljpru -'■■niliil'iu; pOHSfHHl. ii If i!-«i:«»! iuiil T»Tinn v-ryresiunatilii. Finns sriiLKsiMR'^H, 74H ilMnik.JUS!’ cumi'lHiH,]. i,.-w hiiUMi-, 7 rfi'inip; larg"

fttUr: lmf'ruvi-mfco>i, imd full l"t1M llUh HE.. iH'ur i Hiiiriii UM-. ; H1I1U.U amountdown bftlani-H nionihl.v tfHll'MAN, 4*7 IknMil,or ).'12 lli lJ) wfH-d ,,vi-, t.aiit ' ifHruff'.JUWNBON AVK., rwnr HlkhIow si. —2^-nlory

frnm* ri'fllil«MU‘>*, h r I'ltn-, ii;l iniiiUt.; h^Hi**r, lot 2Sxi:i3; I'rice $4,2riH .nly tl.iMHV is-ssh r*-- qiilroj. L im a BCHUVINGfiR. 74V Urukil el. TpI. ATi.Jl'ST Coml'l"iHil, at 2i“i hUxn'i-th

h'lUHH, irii litl Imijri'i • n Slu iniiTiifi buyn ir. >'.o

7 r-Him i:uiu i-K li nod ■n jini tlmf*.

LlTTliKT* kjN a VK.. jiHUi Thlrii’piilO live.—l>Jt '7*120. tnodr-rn frmiir ri'-iiiHi,,-,., i;t r-Mimft nmi

bath, all luiprnvfnmnts. he waii-r li-‘nl, may esrhanga. Lurjrt t»»'Hr,J‘:?‘INOKR, l4'.» Jtroiul91.

Th® wlycJi irpte ren^dod ob tbpgiQnty register's ofllre yesterday ore an


r mp*.K^Undwta OchnHder et ux

Andrew Kllnk,ux bo

.................... 0 B PlvIlTlg-huyiitn a r lOO ft i rr Stan­ton Bt> K lxU A .......... ...........

% 00—Willard 8. Muchmoro to Oeurga W . Smith, w b Bt 8S0 ft n fr Sussex a v ....

f0-4kdrge Virtue (iheTlff) to Charles A, Fekk , w a Broad

, at B 6 cor Charlea A. Fer-^»lk*a Ikfid, ................

: ftO ^ lM ida J» Cronin et ux tr> Fran ' ■ twoo xiaantltu Donato et ax

a 0 i MoTinxi st iSS ft B wfr DownlriK Si)x9B........ .

10 liBsgr MeridJl (o Stmori Giv lOMky et u x . w b Ftostim st

-• 080 ft n f r South Orange av,10x91 .......................... .

flO ^ h rls tln fl Ebellng to MorrlH Welnstoln, e a Frinre st joi> ft n fr K inney at. 21x100.

10 Pm-OuBtav LachenuiHT «'t ux to Home Bri-wlsig Ctx, a w cor South Orange av and S ViliSt. aOxRS..................................

Kk-Kfltthpw T. Gay ot ux to and Common Counctl.

n w cor lilneoln a\* and M;»yBt .................................... ,,

1 00—Albt*n fraaao id ux to roi'-iUt Ltvertng. a s dnuth OniiigL* AV 73 fi e fr BrUri- St, ITxUH

4 0l>—Daisy Shlpmun and hiishitmi tt> Gt’Orke \V. Juifol. n s \’f'- ronn av ft v fr i*t.fuwiiri


- 1.7H0

IV. 500

MhMrti1 00—Wllllcim T Clark « t hIh to VI> -

i»T ftouyer. i - HHll'i-k si210 ft w fi' \\'|nmi!u uv,iflxHH) ....................................

160-Th fiidoT- li. DMird'-i'V i r iilri-to John II. ’• 9 1‘lln-tnn liV' iTi ft w fr Jrllirf 'iv. If.xffiT ....................... .......

100—Frank Alhln et ux t i .irti-ih Fischer, w s Iirm-in-- hi 2T.Tft • f f S S MnUtiroTiikMy Hi.ftxlCOiflllnnt 00-14[.lUllnn Di'lAni-v lu Ji-lin II Dunn, p rt Ninth iiv Tii fi w ft Rnuth r >rirt'*fiilh kit Us7!i ,. , ..................................

I 00—Jiibn Tl luiDn < t ux to t.MIlim Delaney, a s JSluih .tv «i Fi w fr Wioilh F i 'urU‘«oii1, nt,

I OO—llBfh.-irX iHof* to itHntw w ki Hitl H fr Al'nti !i\*. JRxM.'V

I Ei>—Jnsi'jih I.**»'Til»Tig lij i'hrl-:tl.i!i Us l.rilHtS'X w H If-',l st

ft « fr Miiid i=t. jfA'.'H''Tl

4 Oo-Wint.-iTil 8 Mu>-hin-T*« t*' tiP.irifii W Hrmtli W ...( nr- auK'i'. •* w rn>r N..rtiiii.-M und tJr.-^ry *.■<'*

15 00—l-rPTir o. ?4muh in NVilllunli, \\ . ft I M .1 rm , s T N'lrfhlleld and «^ry :i\ • .

—Rntith Vi', Llorn*'it el nx i" Frm k H Stark^v, r-4]i1\v,ii,

wianlng ni Ihi-milr Flh-r

I*Uor <m a !h t ■ r^in^ pHl Kilof^ K.'iwt f 'r i'n :., t ,aM^r^y fvv n w- in-t |.o .•*

1 SO— Iijjim T'Hrftin I'l 1)1 »M \ i---toriT V M'Ujrrlvrn H Pymmit x\ Ifu f! .. fi' K^rih uv,

BO-S^prrtrfi P Klntr^li’id »\<in \\ n .'ip ,Franklin, n h KlnL"* w i r-! PxHVJ .

ft 00—Alirnhn m '** !i r t AUe-"k I'vst I ir inv--. . r iUKUPt U pm-V; - ! I I-, >■., I'f Rli'h'iril H kI, r'li ’.-.i.,'<t .It'll

1 PO^Fr !.'n k n ill., Jr r jt*;i Urri^- w H’.rij.irl:.--

VI ft M I


Attft Jl. W’ lMsIruff anjl husimnd to Fred­erick T. Drowrtlug, West Orange* e 0 Val­ley St., t3.SOO.

Ifornce E. Crowell ot ux to Elroy Head- l<*y, bnilhitm, n e e si.,

Mary Dally et ftl to Orange Building and Loan AesocluftoTi, West Orange, a ■ Jolce Bt^ $300.

George W . finiirb lo Wurrrn N. Trues- flell. West Orange, s a NorihrUdd a v e . ftl7.5(ih.

John W . RowBon to WllllAjn A. Baldwin, Bloumdeld, w B Itasalnger et, 12.200.

Lillian P. Franelxco and husband tu Eet*'‘x T ille Mnarnnty Company, Mont­clair. s B I ’ lBrewlll nvo., H.OOu.

Same to eame. Moniclulr, s ave.. H.OOO'I

SiiriM lo same, Momdulr. s s Clarewlll ava.. tl.Qvo.

Same to same. Moniclatr, a av.

Same to same, bfuntrlEiir, s nv, ll.lBifL

Hum*- to anrne, Montclair, nv. H.iWL

Hfune to same, Montclnlr, av, li.knn.

Sfinm to same. Montclntr, n s f ’ larewlll av, tl.GOA.

Bamp (0 some, MoniclaSr, n s Clan'wlll AV ftI.rrtO.

Seme lo *ume. Motifrl.ilr, n s ClarnwH! av. Il.ikvo

Hairn' ru same, IVInnicl.tlr. n s Cluri'wlll av. I2.UHI.

Archie If. Snow et ux to T-Jsie x Title Guaranty Co. Muntrlutr. h u h f la i r - motu uv, la.riiK

MARKf-rr AT —DiffH-HtfiT) iiT'-i/ertyIn vklnlly of in;w rourth 'UHH 'I ih uiTpied at d

■nrrlfk-t . I>nt:i!4 Ht'HLBHJNGKU. 74!i Up w I Rt.HOt'TH rtT.- Thr»e-»loO' arul Pit»*mi1on frain^

reRhleticw, 13 oMinH. all Imiir'TVpmwDta. lot SlixlMi; g irmulnfi and luirpguln. liOl'ts8ITILES1NMEK. 74W Hb-iiil at.SMAJaL hijuH , with ImiirovHmrnir; pHr'lifn, 91

Ban'lny mi.Tli'H KNnIl KT.. 4S, hnTg.iln, Ta-rnom honw

tlPHlrahlp? I.KHlIiiit. 1} W.IKjWKI.L NI)0 Hrtoil,W E Kl'TlNlHFi MtfNRY Hiid plana and luill'l

XEiy kind of liou«i- you wruit, whpfpvpr you want It, un cam' an ircjuMa, no extra i.

HE( K m ftt ' a l nrii.DrNr; c o m p a n yink MAllkUT ST.

HTAL1J4-1& almtm nr L >' Itroud ami SiaCr. Faitninr

Htrtllti. roar of27'-i Hi.

SI-'i'nNI) Jl»>or, 314 to MTirkid Mf . Curoi?fAllmy. Apply enBiro'»T 'n


AVi'N I'L., I l-N flw 0 I nil ImprovHTnetitH; r'*nt PHwfi'Pd at.


with Imth undli'i Jni[iilPH 33

FIANK HT..Tlil'tl Rlli)


SHH*-F!vh 0119. I'all

irtw-: lat tlo'»r: I uT. l Haliirdwy

UftuAP ST., 341-TbIrJ 7 ro<ima andbath. A, H. rE A U 'tFr Hr -ad Hi­

lt l-:i.1-7 VI U ,K A\'E.. in ]ii-4!ilr»* In? t'pntPdl avH

r-nima. |li»

t'K-NTRALI.T Inratt-d fifni '1 and bultireoni, ail ItiU''

hftllr farnlalied, aduiE*. L’*'

r tilt, hIx P'-onta riiHiilH . bfninl,r\ Jim«*H SI.

I'AJUNKT HT., 12- $m ]ii.r moiilFi,

KI'SHTM AVK.. Imi'r'-vi-inHnt*.

Itfh', lirrrocM pooma,

,f & nx'OiH m lat; all07 -Flat Inrjulrx 141

E’L.xT to loi; ({ r.jonta. Imifi and IrtPtTi* yanlpy; •Kn“. »lf.irtu Uxhl. hIhhiii li--nt nardiffrKHl

; 1 iii-il bnlhroiini. III'-! I ’ a , Ihpup poreli; f'veryihldK » rraned. niit i rn-- tnrnu-i*.

UO--1 iiiia ivnoiiB. iroTii ana oack; secmd, huHhMh for ru«Tniera er ligUt houaekeifu- liiit. |►Iv.llfr family. .

ST.. i:»l—Lartp; atry fremt roomralao.-.iTiFr p-i'-muj an TtTipT!m:iRf.niaT

ni-iNN.'^V l.\ ANIA AVl^., ll4 ’ -,NJre largo froiiltiii'l '•ihei* furiil>4le''l hH>tnM; lmi'rf'Ve)nH*nia.

MTillIJSCJ ST,, 4w- Neatly Eumlahprl riK>ju; ||ii. provoRxinu; em rr^ l-ioathm; retitlnmon.

S4..1 T1I ftKANi}]-: A\-T:.ri74-^FurnHhnl r.H,m't" i-*i, I'lii rioipp.

TTIAi'MElItS about l**avlnx the city and wlah- ir.g to n*'i'Ui'i* riv)nid for HeiMotida-r n*-ici in linn

with all miHlrTn linyruvemnnui, ad-■Jr»'Ha El.. ES1.1X i2. News oMloa,


c k a h u c b a . f e ic k . c o u n s k l l o h -a t -l a w .

7.7.3 DROAD ST.»2iu.y«xi TO LO A N"




KT,. IH4 NU-Ply rurn!*ri-i r« oniB, fMf uii* iiT two KHntlt>nien; uae a{ biioi

\\ I NO n iN KT.. 14ft- A Uirgf- fn al f irjiIhIj.'iI r"vni, alao ball Pfiim; linpp'i'. i-ui'-ni:*,

■■'111 N't tTON RT,. NIc'-ly funil'-'i* 'ro -diH lu Ipi.

.Mn.NUi t'j loan on bond ond unfrtxaB**. In aufna $2.iHHi. $2 ,.Vxi und larKR amoantx on

(i-tiltallv lorulnS pfo|aTlJ Cafl lift aupt'lJrd 'llI'H*. iliun ri iifp o^nt., no iKUtUti or commliwlorM. "rt'p. Klvln^ dPBcrljjtltift Of property, ti> P- O. li K 11. Nrwark,

U ASHlNi iTt>.N KT.,1:gO—I^ rgi- fumlRhed p hiiti

U I'AltK ST.. K-N’lrrly fiirnlHli'-d v irl-i v Huitiilili- fop I'liysU-iuii up baolu'li.r uiMmu-m

fill liiu'nni'nn'rilH.U i'.ST I'AFIK ST . H--Nicely fumiHh**'! 7 ^

P".'ni: hII Inij'PC'vettientB.

4 i'EK CKNT. MONEY DtANiCD4Lj ■' ** *»ON—5 ■* CITY rROPERTY.

( IMS. HCtOD.^OOl PRl'DKNTFALb>nlH.Iil A ■S neitrdldli»4l on fi'dl eauir, nol**!,

l-^iMlna fotin jjt x'k ami all Kind* of pcruniialHhort.dme loan# nn secund tnurtang'-a.

'■ I. uri'tWN. rummlsBlon**r of Deed^ Nyiury

F tR N l^E IE D ROOMS «rA S TG I).

P1TtNl.SHRT> wanted by HtHudy A'-rito>-iuriK man. i-emp i Hn,i jmprro‘-Tu-'Tit' n

■ ■wr $1 ’’Tl TMT we<*k. AddroHa V . H- x 14'. S-'\t■ dll. p.

I Lmdi-’, Room 10. 101 Market at.! M'.iNKY to lean un L>ottd and muTtjEasi In suina

ti.> suU, no bmnd ur comniUai 'n, FIKl'ir Mi;.V"S INS. rO.. oor. Hroad bthI Market als.I.ioii.ii*Xi TO D jAN <m tH>nd and m'lriKaK'*. In

HUiiif t() Hult, Al 3 pep rnni., without h'.9iiiH. ED­WARD 8. HI*ACK. Cfiiruwslinr. »14 ITudrrvtlal.M'lSJ-lY to IfMM on bond and mnriBAge. at 5

|ihp cant.. In puma ti) ault. JOHN FJtANCIS ' ‘ liAwyer, H(X,i ilruaij at.______ ,

H O A R D IN G .h lioA l' STi, llOS L*iPkp C'lPTi'-

wludtiw#: niau luo oonneriluK 4Ad ii[i|Hi!niineMtf> hraE-< lHHH in i*v<FJLiJKi-KI'R .* T.. au-Wamarl. x'-i'O-H‘‘ ' l

ern. nlrn. comfortshla pixjma wlUi 1 ' nl, Ith- 4'rovemf‘niHi tarrnaIU'Il>It'NjM Hnd ultflng-roem. ulr

Uroml Ft., nrar Emmet Si. Si-UItl, Ne-wa -.iffloo,I’lilNToN ST,. 41 • Neatly funu t-

w|ih bnar'l; bath; fi>p i.-ne or t« • VTIKh.CtrCllT ST. und

with lH.ATd; trnj-pnVHriienia. ,t’tiLlTdKlA ST.

wlihoiji imard;TiF KurntHh*--! r • ill ltiiprovHitn*‘!ii‘<

i '1 -n

wu!i I

CLa Y ST., 3S -I'lHHAnni r'i>*n UnflllHiJieii ; flil Impruvniiir nt

EUiHTJl AVE.. liiif'pivvementH.

« l‘ ‘

Pew lii'itfler-j

EAST KINXKY ST.. iH I'l- b<Hi pfl.

r iT .ToN PT . rtiv Nlr*iy fii;! ;with linApd. fibp PC-ni 1- tl, I

I" I. r >r

.-■I. all

iH. wUIi

:iT lutll

PEKIlY ST.. 237-PurTm'h.-.| wllhnul bonrd. |.y ih# .b.i .r

n rM N E B S O P I»O llT I\ IT lK S I.

A. |i«to buj'f ciirner pabton; t*«rxaiu.|12& buya liarber iihoij, 2 1&.

huya corner oonfertionery; pent |1 0 9-Z25 buya paj'lnf?Habmn; near Market Aftd llrrAd $«VkJ buys butcher nhop. 4-VkJ weekly reoalpta. t<k«j bu.VH reMlBurAnt; ubl estnbllahed.

SIEO. t'KiCVHPNM, 1‘lane, f-or William rt.A ijt.s.tft corner liquor at*'!'-, a nmney-nijUtar;

li.iqj ieiuM'i rlienp rent, I'rb’o rvHa‘'nabln: In- voatlxnte. CPONHEIM, IWk riaro' et.A.—A .-A .- bFOT.CAFH PAID

fur stniVP, merohAn<1UH*, aluiea, cLdhlnx. dry(fOirflH. hsrdwara, rpuc»-rieH, etc ; bualnep* cou- lldentlal. GL.U*UEKC, * Cu^

23B-240 Eart 42.1 at.. N'‘W York City.A tJt.R>D I'Aytng irajiHt'-r; corner; no

opiwiKlilon, win !i*'ll wtint t " leaveoily. ri(» nReniH. In-itiipe si.I fruit. VHpiMtnblei Hr l cunfecUoner)- i-i -re fop asb.-; alpi> hope*- aitd wiiK -n. Hclm.nit live,

llnAfti>IiNi; HtH.'SE r-.p mil', ivlih 'ontenf^ ?2lKI, rent $20 lb>rtr(ilti»i;. lb‘X 37. NeWH i.fncp

ri'NfECTK^NKP.V, ti.bac" nn.| n-.llonr sb-rH, ur'iiHlIe Iftnre loil.ll.' i«'Ii'>'il. riiuni i‘>»* poM -.n

m-ri unt if j-l.'hii -s In+jiJlrp In s-n r*, cnivr AcH.lemy an<] CoTthui'l et?... Jb-lkvllle, N, J. C. J. H''m-KCHTf':R.

PAFIt.VKH'NT AVE., 227 t'OHnlers taken.

TlAI>.SfY 3T.. lOfV ftirnl'' b.-ard, fup Krntlemen, .

p • "TiA. with ■•S'riunn-nl

IIAU4RY BT., SH—Nicely fiirni- ii-d liciArd.

irAlAil?Y 8T. M-I,arx.- fr- ' ; pw'Ui with itonrd ;Im|.tj4.

H ILL ST. I-rtPge iinil h' imIi r->,fnH, 2«1 fl-i'ir. flrnt-clAM board.

LINDEN 8T.. 2u ftirnl-p.hmird; all Ttvidt*rn litifr. wt.. ilH

p.-nm*. with aentriHl.

Ma KSHa M , ST.. 11'-, Al IkmipiI ; private famllv

JPliAT of 7 larir^ iriuroH,Ahil biilh, wllb iiei.airun -

e>l Hi 11)1 illllMbJe ave . r (••MHISTI \N SINN, f42 ii»

,» of ab*'>%'v iiei'H: IrK'al- Inqutre of

PLAT to Wl . d r.. .nu* an I'P'O •■mentH, thinl fli'oi

Ibit In --..ttHge]n<|iilr<' IHSil li-'txen nr.

.ill m<.'rlpm Im-

. inii.'Uiii Hvp,.M. ateaiu heat.

b-t, d rouniH Htnl I itb. nit Impr-'ve- VrivHie hall, K'j-ar.ii- hearer; jlrai

' i-ni ni ,-leriife.

PI*AT t.meniR, .iwn«fr

flour. l4li WrightPI*i\T t-' let. k r< nil in^proveraentn, gi>o<l

bcelti) ; In Rone-i lUe Addreex R. MKNZEU IHH Market al., New.irk,FI-AT, central b'K'atlrn, the lante ponma and

baih; all Imppfjvemoitie ,‘VU Ureen a!., near Ttp'iad.FLATS Fine first fiat, 4 ry>ma, Improvement a.

ftS Klevenih Hve.; n.biErn preferred.Fl a t in let; II rni'ms end lialh. Comvr Spring

field live, and FHlnnoiinl itve, 'FLAT—Second (Ifti; U nsjmii; all Imprcveinenta,

HteUFii heat. I7h South Tih si.FLAT t(j kti 7 rtK'tpfl and balh;

nienis STkH Elm ttnirove-

WASIllNtJTiiN a VK, heiween ( ’heeler andT^elAvan aces.—\eui frame reelden.-«, eltfht

ruor^. all modern Inipj-m-ernenia; lot ,2rfX Xi

h'VM’H UnM preiTtih; ell Impts. : pent f.l find |10; Hruiill family. \'ilLKK, Bbrtngtlclil ave.

p iifR r.», all lntpr«>venieQl*. Inquire 4tY» bergen rt,. at Inalbv’a.

2J5 ft. alley, ivpb-e low r<i .pili-k buy.‘p. I » i : iS HCmiERENiiFR T4h Itmad rt.

J'fHNSoN ST . 13 ITiree i-ooms, with imnfry nmi Wilier; rent reaeunahle,

Mr iiitEnriY st .. fir-troiid |oi>iillty.

r-wm. wt^h

1 li anl. |4 w»«-k. In

NiUlTII Fli>Si;VlLUv 1T:i I'Imi ave,. i.onnl fur fine nr rr#. geiTl. no n f4 .Vt. reference.


NEW ST.. ;.4-Two

. vtih or wlihnut

► me. with bi" wd.■'MAlUi !«T.. I'I7 !'• ir! reHfTirtt.L, light > .ms, fi m1ni|ii“f' f r -ht ‘ ii-ntnui SI. ne;i 'r.

'AUK VIEW-J'le.-in iiii, with tin-pri vemente, k'nm-r Ki-t I'nrk and Muli'erry

I'LANR ST., 'll -FtirulOied p."Mis. mih ivKhout N mutI. near Lii-kiiwiinna Dejvir,

PARK PL.. 5i4~riouhlr and alnel© fOOnii, with hMird; alan table hf>ard.

H(iSEVlLl.]'7 -Ii<>ard for i tin or two Bentlemen;private family Addrf fa 17.. Rox 28. Newa of­

fice.RtlSRVlLJ.R- North 7?h st.. fumialMd

Ti>om*. boaH oprlonal; private fumlly.flijSEViLLE JiiMinia atii tHiar'l, Uti North

Seventh atV a n WA(7ENEN s t ., 33-F4oerd fer two gt-n-

tlemen: larfe fr-jnl room, private family; termi modemte.WAVEFtLT AVK, 341. rtewr Pprlnkfleid ave.—

Furnished room, with or k IiIcjuI Dmrd; pri­vate family.




9 Cljvrt^wlll'

ft Clarfw lii

WEST KINNEY ST. n*ar IIhIh'*}- at. Three- rt'iry and exirnalon brick, nine rf^nne. 44,0*1,

on e«ay terms. lA,i1.'l:5 S(‘HliKSJ,NflER. ?4li Itroad at.

Ml IdtEKltV ST-.. 303 • all ImjirovetncntH.

Une new ftjil. alx nK>n«,

|!IT41 <*ASIT. tfilfince terriie tii auit. rivw brick tiouHr. d I'iH'ma an<l b.iih; njien hlumt'lutc I

eleniti heal; llth nve,. Itelwenn Soutn Wh anil Kith Rfa. can l>e eent aft*-rniOfie. Sunday In­clude^ t i_ - ‘ FtFAt’M. 122 Miifket at.

MriiRKllUV TL.. liTii'n‘i,»-nientn.

23—F' lir lurife ptioms lo let;

NEL^it.N T L , .74 Miqdle fiat: fi rf>''niN, all int- pr'iVeiurhle. pte:im heal fiirnishe-i.

uU.ANfJ at abb*

rl ST . 4'X> -2d ltih'«r If d'Hipf-il. Iiiiiulr-

fi rocim*. nil Inipta.;on firi-miBce.

RK \l KHT.^TE F o il s \ i .i > - oc:t o fT O W S .

rmANiiiE ST.. Koa.

I1HI T l let, ;i r-Hime: waler aii'l

Allitttattn.DKI.UlHTl-'TI. '..UJiTfy

P1.4ANI\ s t . 331- 1 HH-r S r Kimai waterarul f-1*; il4 i>er month, li'plv 223 Plane m.

rO NTIlACTHTltci fullowlng cnnii.i'is hiive been re-

corded at the ccj^inb -iMv:Tlie t'l-iitnil ............. i',.mi.nriy yf Ne^r

J-IS--V. (iwm*r, vilTli I |: Ji-mKh fr t’o., for ' •ii>iruc tlun (if lo'tii-orii r y in sti^ iihii pef- rii iio-iit fmincliih-.ri j'l I ib n wlih thecb % (illon or the ■ <Mnpii|i> 'h triu‘ks lu'tween f’* rry atreet uimI tin* tiTmiiiiiji (if axlil iiu ike Ml nrt’"i| h ti'- '. riM, |4.7,'i for a thkUiKund fet'i, wiM. l!iuk' llroH., for ttHiHi'iii w ort. t * ' i l i p nbb- yuT'l.

hirnma D Ji Si 'n ..h . r owner. -1 CSroVe Khbi iir i .u . E w floenchei

f'lr paliillrig I'll iuui-'hliik work, |34o; *1 lh the Kb', ttb M ,r\.J Krjtilpment

m panij f.-r -ii- ib .. w.-rk. 4150; with

, . -ne Ht-re pr.iund;Ixhl ro.'lli ■■i.i'i' r<''>f b'.U''.', X'hmI rellar I.Hrt»

WriK'-nboiin . ■.l.- .iH,. cl-' . n]\ in firei . bu.H .-r-ler; lawn, 4i|»iil.- Jiiid fruit v!n+ , ve^.'inbb'»,iOtulcn, cr. . r»MTl> , .nit>l*>li-ly furn.Hhed;g.HM] Wjir.-r :i nrriiqfie. I h.»i*.»- bar-hree, ii ..L. I-'I.hihi if p.,| 1 mu ,n-.nlh;

.-in T.ii'-iri -.n m t'tf.iifc ni i.t-r . » nt-• iidb-.. (r M I I,. A.IdieHw E S, real

eaiH(.' MHie..n, N, J . .r .M, i i J .d ’F-FKi'T, «ru-i .77 W-m 44th ■! . N -a VaPk City.

PLANE ST . i:n> at Id** t'lane

iiH If. let. In.julre

lUKiMS • ri.jor, II


'UMij f.-r - II- lb .. \\..|-k. , .....Ileirrjjtc \nrb-\ f-i - L i i - f f -r work, I5.ST5 11ur<f utiil Hum < . .ir nil.-- Ih.

Nii-holne W. !.■ r •■, vv»*si4*rl3' aide DurnnO pla.-, 1m i in.,n. with H gflT E. \'mu f ir tH.uiiMi.u w Tk , tl42; withTIu 'chIoPu KriMi-r r .f tiuiHitn work. ^TH; with Jaid'-^ M for carpenterWork. vit/i n .rti-n Urun, for paint-iLg ivnrk r i' Mi M dl, archltr^t, S l-'i'r Mil!, "wncr. WT tirtKi'l ptn«ei. i i ’v i,siif HroB. and Mf-h^uiiiH C ijiii-.iT .. fii; rnriH*nl4‘r rttid maeor!w-'pk |:i'>- J, bn (I fr \niBon C. KirHr* hlTo> \<i

\1 Sinlrh "WDer, 83 I'nl-rn.M-I t, fri'T N .7 . wlilij H arry Stuks

f‘'1 t< -.1\V tli|.iTn II lljrri. t». 4iwnvr, flotith pro-

t-cf! Hi- M I’ld ''nhvinw aronue. B-'u'r V .1 wMh ThviKlore iMs^-r ,v

p-u.' f-T I'liiiiiMtu; fitul tinning W'.-h i L i ' (ti Sutti'n. ttrrhiirci*.

M.ipi I'oi.itiuuu. owner, aouth Mbb, '■t.t-f tri .i -iTr..-:. (mwige', N- J-. «1lh M rf u l l r.'ii.i-njn. J r . fuf ('gn»*ntrr. m- 1 T:u'ii’i'-tf. thiTiltiu. painting and hmtW'*rk

Ai - x K ‘»*'nbiJTvr. n-wner. 4k Bprln^ ' llj ( . "U o LTfillXf. N- J-. with I\^f'''ic»*T\ Msi'l 'W'tlltnm A. Mandcvli


F.N ll'l iHublb > >MS -h’our r " r ' ini<

onS> JiKjulre .b -IIV 3.1 M

2 aiid 2al . K.nly;

on HHcnn-1 rent 111

-.‘■rti.'nTn. ii.luIlH -.1, 'L'p'ir ll-iefi'll Hi.

IL' H' 4-.>u'h

To lei. ranxe 1

r .■■•I I'lih, i.r-i il<Hjr.

1 hA lham .R( mjMS

W11- «

ROARf'ERS. 3|i> AabUry aVe,. A*t>ury pMCk;temm m<.jernle; ..fie bl>>ck Xrum <x*enn MRB.

ftAftAH RffbMH.

CliHN-|;n FHl.».n »h|p. . 1 <H“ ..i.nklrtB;buflnvsH. cheu|> pent with 1m 1u« nn-ma. Ad-

driiR!! Sal'em. llo* *0. Neu* i flT e.FiiH SALih:--rce er-am lud .'.Jire-iifn-ry. ata-

llonery and rjjjara. nld smiid ho'I |4anl ft«r miLklnk Ice cream; Bt -k .md fixturcH; all Ifi ftret-<lfieH nrder; In K."hl1 part of city Bale, M"X RS, NVn a idtice.FlliST-'T.«\RsS isr.x-erv. m-it und vcsctabje

market f»>r atile; *iwner r-'iirliiK. 'AildreMH K., Ilox 311. Nfwrt ullic#.

piiylnit route f->r 'fti*'; vin Hiii-rlfli-e If Hul l this tonrilh. Tih hl>ori,[bl<l HV'e.

H' lTiSE. wrtHMti und ll«--nee t<' hiri' for |1.j0 pep In ■'by. 12 i'jiMri.-t -4t

!N the (VmnffeH; ir n l ni'ik r no* fnr rale rhi*ap. Addres* W II.. 2.' Nhch

(d.r>-E-yTAhUSEfEJi rliirtr fiirtorv fop rale. v.l(h Houd IPh.Ik, with T wl'n -iii ! b‘r-k, nwTmr

Pi lrinff. but wlHln« i-. iieciet f"r a certain tlnie, nT•| ■'rtllnM V f-r .i h""-! citwrimikerId lain huelueea on t**rme. A'ldrusHHi-neoniible. Hnx JNl. N.-we - Till h.

X O H T U A tiE K . LU.VKii—l>KKSO.\\U






. MISLEAD you.I'l on... . ■' J “ ** "iilj iillll/l

kml Of "miA.\-.u ..f any*H L'U ( ri-m..vul urpjiUllolly. our looM» aio 'iu irriinBta "hi.',"',,

n bn\e the b/an laken out (<jr

rnnmli you ch.»w, un4 w, will rhurge you onlyfur ILe llmr you krAL munr;; "or'*7 S L ' t l t T . . I . * - " * " ! "t Ilife you mayto BuU yi,u; mukea no dSflert-nce how'Hniairyu'u tsuni them. We give you ilw fqjt nm -uni of ninncy you iiak f i r and charae 3 ou nuThiiig un- hhr inan iH nuulc. e wm pualtively tuarante®

to Kive ynu ihe oheiiiiest rnlea In ihw cuv if you arx In d^ubi who is the cheaj.ert. ki-*i rate* at other offices ami then call and »?et odrs. If you httvo a luun wJdi any other cumpany ‘ami think yu u re paylnif Uk, high a rai i nf int^n-at I ivil) lake II u|, fup y„u and advance you mow mnnt-y. Don't Uaif-ii tu aT yi-ju hoar in newa- papera. but call and get ratc-e—ihai ia rhe only tt'iiy tri (’■■nvlhfe y iurs».-lf who in ihi» ch'‘apeai. Inf^irmaMoh will alwayti be cheerfully given. It will coHt jTiu tiorhiiik w cei our fatex. up if n'->t convenient to rafl, wc will send our agent to tht h«u»e lo exidain terms We have prii'ate office*, and ulL buslnena with ug U arrlotly confiJentliil.

HOUBKUOLn LOAN CO..102 m a r k e t s t .. 1M rbjor.






' W E :io NiiT a d v k h t ib s ; to m is l e a d . WE DU NOT a d v e r t is e TO MISLEAD. V'lu name thi; amnunt.You r.nme th*- time You name thi* [■Hymenla.You gel the riMney at once*YciU flpv nd lnconv»*nienced.Touure Inaurerl privacy.


nuN i;sT aSe r v ic k ANT) M fTU/.L DblALlNG.

Huaineiu h"ur». h A- M. to fi P. M- Private r<>i>ma fur ladiva.L(>iins mfitle In rtihiirb4 n town*.If yog have a. loan with lonie riher loan

company we will pay ]( ulT aniJ aiivanc* you more nrmey.PEUPLU’B LOAN AND DROKETIAGE CO., PEOPLE'S LOAN AND UKOKERAGfi UQt.

Room 20. Telephone Building,IfiO Market. 2d duor,

Telephone No. Wul.




Dll you know yuu can get money on ycur fur- ntiure, plaima, urffaaa, bU acB, wagona and other pen»uukl property the aanie day yuu aak for II ?

Wd will ar""xnffe the^w loans so you can payilh

IWUTNElt. with Ifi*"', It- It.llSUftii-lUlH iHltHMt n^rt eKk. large l> H ' ‘"X . Jr., Ibili-

N, J.HESTArilAXT. In k-""! ■l»*i-'i»

chf'itji; K'''"d rf-aeun fi.i- -■.■ilMipi. A'Mprs.a Ite*- laufimt. Hex 11**, N''\vs . ttl ••HAtit")N fnr e«l»». •-f ■•!l«r,i CHn.!. I" half-

iiarrelji wrt-kly. vt-ry liiin' iii-im y requlr l If Mold hrfiTf* July 1. liiquirt- J M’ WlllibJINS, M.S Nich'dfl sr.8a L<10N fi-T sale, C IIijm'-Tdiin al- and Iflih

UKlnN. N, J*-0''uniry grii.-<*ry iiurin*"'* cheap;8 li J I E , " —also ft Rmall fam . 8 L. HEADLEY.

W FLIa-PA VINI1 ftr'K- rv star**; nearby rby; principal avf*nue: partnera dlRagrec. Inquire IFYERIb*FF, J* Jk-poVi hi,, nr liU F<*rry *(.MFYER __

WOULD like to Inveet *^XI. with aervlrea, In g "hI i»i\ lng liueltifiBB. Ai.!dre:«S Reference,

Ik i )<4. N'*wg nfflcp.n73 PVVS confectlimerr. Ice fTe-afn nn<l tobac­

co rtfire and newBpHper ei^rc. Addrvas W., ■PfjX 4-s, News olTIce.




EAPT ori.\NUF. 3fi Halflted at., near llrbk Church Station i>(>ii1de and alnxl< 'dry. <anjl

pioms; taiMe and afir'clntmeirtfi firvi rtaHs; shad' •*d grtjunda; Urtfe vemndii-1'H‘EAN GRdVE—Twn l«b)Cks from beach;

[deawint rrsrTna: gmst tatde; iTi to fX. MRS Mji- KFNTiIK. enrner C’eniral uml Wehli svea.

THR ELLSWl-nrH, (X^KAN GROVK. N<»rrheHat t-or, Fentpal ave. and CiMn st., on*

hlfM-k fruin (he nrean; mfslemt* terms. MK8- JAMRP H. HT.Af'K.

COI NT il Y H O A R D ,

AN I[»RAL eummiT l*ilardlng-house- conven- lent f'-p Erie sn<! <V nm1 IV. R. K .; n1tw*V|ew

of till* mi'iintalne; larg*' h ueet*; nicely furnlah- e#l, iifm-l ho;ir»£, f*«aMna. llv^pv: terms peMum- aid- A.Mr.-H'J MHS C. II. KING. "The H.*roe- ai«-.i‘? ' Uli't.niiPufhura, .•Julllvan ( ’iiuttfy, N Y.A KK'*V b«-sr-1»»t‘a waiiied.

'>'rIl n, M.irriH (’itiiniv. NA.. Box 40. J


'1 ;!■ r-s. tw ,i mlb'S fr ’ 'le hiB-hfet I' iri 1 t,

■■••l HlhiTF ih« e.'.t, ., r l■uddlnM all— • i- -f ih*‘ aivProundiTiK

i. -ii-Tii HnririKH ,.i, !;>rit e F ''

11-Mil jdan nf tn*- I K 11*4. Npu V fk

11 I'hrjt- r lii-iig

1 hun l-liindlng -'unirf: - I.cnd, '■r flip-

ROOMS Four I ' 117 Hroome at.

Ll apply _ _

SPRINOFIULI' .1 hall «'Hrp*'i*d 1:

7 nium HiBfH TH nT>^ 4t


1, -I lljfhi rooms; *H Inquire

r.i«ims. all Im- first fi(w?r.

TWO corner r- cor. H'-Pru'-ii

W e a l O rA n gr.■-lIK'iT H A fbU IV

I'ninae, 1 p ,• i'lji iMh will /UP} I -' • llF«V III IIHrS h O

1 K’\ P't. 1IHI^M-ITT. Pru. I:j IMI*ik , city.

i3TU AVK., It'

I.‘1.1 Thornae M .


i:l.\ ; Kr* l "W \ IIOl piK -Ami'llg Ihe hills nf 1\ iffin ‘ ■'UnO. N J nri ihe N. f, arid

8ii--.')»-innr3'% Ft R-, rnteH 47 and ltd t*ar weeir u;i -1 -d-rn Iniprovementrt, flahlng. JCrHNill I. \s, F'f, 1,, ___i--Al'.;-

H . . ■!ffi lienijtiful. ehn ly farm- uri F'Hrm. Orsnhury. N. J.


Fi'' V ]tl .Tiit.y wanted st ftK^klng Rl'lxa, N J-: ' —• 'if r oir i-An have ileiiahtrul coni Toom.s:

tl- 1 -I i. e, k'-el table, cnvrnleni to ataiion; f’ m l Jil. Adipe i* M. O HILIi.

■ >llM il ar-l, near I'rsnLury, N. J- Addr MK.-' 'r\y ITiimiNFi.

y: j , . -0 --e1 t-oanl. *4 *'»\V1[J,l«; Al-ri^KOATE

•'• B--lil you >-i.u when

■,-“M I--la fnrFU R N IA K F II ROfMI8

ACADEM f :-l impmvenjcni-

TO L B T .

n'litna, mtxFei-n

' 1 l u i * : i n t - d at Hillside IhiuJlry Farm. 1-; N \v y k f r . ■■ *Newton, N J-

I’lAat OfAnr**''• !» ■•I'lK.irTiinliy i himae, 14 poomik l-L IiX)X24JII. jsirt uf iTrtst OT-

k« fr iin slBtiun, wurlk. ilft.uOO: t f-.r lU.iKW.T'-Ml'KI\S, m UeliHvlIlo •▼e.

RLKKUKFU rtiorns, wiU.

bFpo alnirlc '"

ik-nring fUrnlehM um-keeijlng, *.'1.

’1 ni.isi- t''‘ur«l.. '*i.uil'ury. N.

Addreas MR8. BM.MA


b r o a i> htjoining ....

men. ,

Thvi> hirg- ft-l- iiIhi> fop gentle

Irvlngrton.O r .■■•ni'*, h .j.Hi'. r. t-

• -lie. Mii-a- ti-MiHrS will r>e IH>I<1 1.-’, iMiriji WKl'li.lJ S liakefy.

BHUAD S T . for hmiw'-kr

• me. BROAD S‘l pn’Veinenl -

iiiiig W I' Ei.\Uirr*. hiiti-hepIrvtnglon.

imiiAD ST erencea ei-

iifivUii WANTiTTi-\ genileman and boy of il—irr* Ptoiaril 1r1 the nelghh"rh'-«Ml Ilf

l!r , ■'-n 1 'T -h l*r«Tk. north of Opttnije at . »! r,- ri iirh.iTe (+^niily of aduHs- A'Klren .•\ ,v 1 , D t n7. Ni-'-we offlet*.

' y.d s. . c arlMheH !•■ af'l with Pefliiied family CH ■T rt.•Seville Addrsis Refined, Roxrl'.i f

la thorough, ronutving all duiPt, lan-ae and fereign mstter. and no ripping of aeama or fraying of cilgea- Lateat 4m(>rovfd machlner} linilep direction nf C. Ti. <‘‘Brtmoa, ov*r 30 years In carpet-ctenDlAg buslneaa. Carf«ta and ruga taken up. ciaanaad, rrflited amJ laid In a day If[lecrBstiry.


I’hone ^ 1. or call


Ottlcc 73 MARKET ST.,

Newark. N. J. lluUnH.LEANL\0

mude e&9/ by having your L'arpata takao up,

cUaned and laid by




Carier.H and Ruga Stored for the Summer,

T«leMi<»:e 7U7. • ‘ * - EatabllBked 1S&2.

tVli) r> [i - vi* July 1 k> 9 and 1] Kraoklln |L

yb- u« 4>Jl. EalablUhad ktAlft,






FiEi rrn.N 1 a n d r e l a y i n j .

1 T lI'Yi■T

CAlll'I »nrl rngB cleaned by Impp^ed ppoe- esf- iii-i ). . and relatd. CARPETS cleaned

on Uif u- r by our new dlacorery. FUHNl- Tl ll.; . iji iHiFPcd, reiialred gnd reie^Habed. Nt " ll Ui: m a t t r e s s e s H> Order, old onaaper,

tl. i:sT .ATE FOR S A L I^ J t 'T TO W N ,


h a n k 8 Tfor gem i>-

, -c»'«'..nt| flijiir.hmiei'kerptnf,

HANK ST menta

■n dll imiTTfVc-


I 111 ET-tai « mange <«■ n « r f'J/ fi*. ViidnaH. aiming term*. BouM.

iian*K)N * DICKERsrrN.•-■9 111. !(43 and »45 Uroftd it

Suceeaaora to' ('Teaning Company.

VI r i ' .lrtr.|lm« fuf -mb'. [.*iyrT\i 12r .j-n ir- .VUTIIDK I'fiMP-


(NVU'MHI 4 fiMbe<1 ri"-r

provemenieli,et* fur-

'• r.*mily. im-

■'’CVTI: "I I- r l f T tw'n; Lackawanna roft'1: f.Yrm .,r H'mill h .iH A H IjORTON. Eaat


►rmfu tt Wll■a' fr (IrfV’rw'

vr\ Ft■1 PV,

.iii;..iliig t(iiil ctfiim lieatltig w.irk p. J J r»lcka'»t\, I'w'upr. 12 rtcrg*‘U h;>i8



keeping, li'

w.iJ- rhHrUai fliofTer, fur i-.i. wciph. *2'/r D;iri F. RvhrfiafiTt, nr- I, '

Inh-'f, pvfTivr, 4.13 flgnth 1 fin t-t. cii,v, with IHttimid r* ■ . fi>r idnml'ing, okri»«*fit«r nn«l i-

r tr>iiklng \V.'.!«» nil-

B.''r«a, Ruliuble forlu i x . tpvlngioa

CENTRE 87 with prl l l

• m hi uac-

iipfilahed Pnom*

tiii-iirl..n (--eu c-.nvenlent to Newark •« ni.jtH 1-niix. Addreaa Bqgnl, Box w.

N hh* ,m.

4 HI M 'H V n o VRD W A N TE D .

WHINGKR RKI'AIU CO., fi»nfiofly 13 New at.

t.-moved lo 47 flgnk<et.. pewf Halaey. your wrltigei'B. awpe|iera. aewing

' Ineft. Lawn mower*, iratchea aJtd 1, ic-aiitft called fi r and dellvere<l.

Tel. -kt?*. S. MANUEL Prop.

ha vefit-'

. HEFtNUARDT A CO..•■p»ra,

Deconirora aadCablnetmakera,

-■1 (0 New. 9 and tl Franklin at. '-r»ge. Tfle^one conneciloo,

bark tn wuH youP conwalenca. fr^m one moaih lo a yrar. The mortgaged prvpvrly la left In y iur puascBBiiin-

OVH TEItM.S ARE EAST.If the loan la made out fur a aliurl time, or

long time. In Bmall jiaj-monla or large pay­ment b, yi.'U only have to pay for the zuooey lime that you have It.

REMEMItKRthat every raymem made with thlt company■ jlligoes lowiiTii iwiying of! yvuf loan, ao wlieulbe tfine expIrcB you are ■'>ul of debt.

h j y o u KNu Wthat If j-ou ha\-e a U>an n«.rw wt will inke it tp for you. and let yuu have iti ire muney, and give you a longer time to pay ut back?

WHY 18 ITtliat we do the largepi bualncsa In the city!

HECa USLour raliB are the rli#-aocflt, time lha Inogeat. ofllcea the largchi .ind m0.1t |• lva(r. amt cur cuRtnm*rft are uevur^d fair und konret denllnga. All tPaneacMOTiH ate Btrb-tly rtmfldwntlal L*k»ii* made In all Buburben town^. Pleaae call of wrtfe and let u* explnln cur t' rtna.

W'e 6 0 nnt adi’ertlf-e |mwnbroki>ni' mtex to mlBlead the putdte. nor are we pawnbrckeriL

MUTUAL LUAN AND INVKAt MLNT Cu .. l l . R. JuilNB. Managifr,

n Uk-122 Marki't rtrret.Wood liulldliig. ne-ar lJuJiey.


By New Jeraey Lftgn Co,.

7«U Broad rt-

REMEMbKR-Wtf are not pawnbrokera, neiiber do udverllar pttwnbro er a rutva to mla- lead the liubiic-

W E MAKE LOANS oa furniture, plaaoi, ur»arA, borec* ai.J wagijiiB, etc. When you wane it. we only uak one hour‘i notk-e.

DO TGU K NO W -W a will arrange (be k»an ao you can pay it bo^k 10 ault yugr con­venience. tivat It. fthort time or long lime, email vaymentfi or targe paymeuie, and If yuu ray the money baok before the time etuir -w- « * will allow you lo- tereat cn the tineaptred Ume,

CAN YOi; EXPECT ANYTllJNO MORE LID*l r a l t h a n t h is ?

If you hare a loan with tome o«hef loan company, w* will pay them iw irou ami let you have isoora mu'Oeyi



Second floors 740 Broad ftm t.

Oppoalte Foatoffica.





i n d e p e n d e n t l o -i n o f f ic e in T iia CITY THAT M-^KES J/JAN3 AS STATED ABiJI'E IF YOU W ANT ilQNKY COMbI AND SEE ME AND BE CONVINCED THAT I a m o f f e r in g THE




* 11 ■>!:■ m I f 7i> I

\rA<»i, t.uvH a fir»t' Ithin 3ft mji'-a ■•f New, r Immediate

lio'i it<, NeiAii fttfiee.

CUNTt»N or en «uif' 11

"me Hliigle il»*«iri*d.

vci'rk, with PU'.vt 4 ChnMIl, ^mu«ii*n w**rh. |7' v. Kdwanl S'-I.'.ri.]

CLlNTi>N -proxementx i v-ni*. all iTO-

ci»( N’l f ’ T Jm*hH w«n(*Ki for man and\-11r-i«in iiT-iMng term*. (^>BOtry» BO* “

N«we cTfl' e

b ' 7.< >H8 arfawom, cUppere, all cVHery niKu-peoed: and acr ready fat aoc- F.

rl M/.HOFF, *4 ^rlagfiehl are., mfr. e l -i**«1ef In ba/id-fofgrd retort.pock- t'kniree. eheara, table rut'anr, rto.

I hlu-^ tin .^ t . KikTlTl!: F4)H K Y U U A N G K ,

i ‘LJNToN ' of biitlv |.

Til*"' <---l !::cll fL’UiilJ' rejfiat

Dli^K-ipr^ ■»•■ ro r'"'. opde,! f r ’fi yeei^r^ljiy

n T YOar:rKe V , PmCh to M tvtr'a^r Tru!»* <’n ' g Dvr Pt M ’»*■J"»*-pnlri'v W r r r -I in ! h^i ' i nri In llonje


F S !.

MOTTiatMWtfcM '.rris l,oij|ro No, HZ*. 1 « '

iMurriafitwn. hii« Tlu-e*the j-u-tuinif yt-nn Nul'le g r it ] b rti-r; viT-o-ifTMiuh Fi- T, Ai't'he ' r* -«?r'ret»ry, F. W Slr»-»‘1

Till' willow of lj«»nfriil .T"!inn-1 Miss- I'ortTr will b.iv* .M-pt-; .fulv i\'h*TT' Ili- V will Ip. I hui* n'll yvT h -- d*'-rTnlpj-il.

Th»’ S'jlll\ :>t. ;T , ■• 1 • r.i rk i M.-'rk*'! M rn-t-.ui.. I. •rh'i-»i'l in 8 - -lit f i‘iliirv. f"r J

W'l: l•l•n N '1 r ;i pn.(nl:i- r.- ' '■ '! WTi who h.i- ■■ 0<*Ih‘ !.l ■ll.1.r^* !■• (iHHt m-^nO’ J-

O.K k-lMPlr T . ' . “fly- .V I.'

H in ' i' h*nge t i f ta*ei- >‘»e l.x^'hange, AioX JA.

ICLBOA.VT f 9 Warren -

I.08T A Y D FO l'ND *

ii k^ti-eik eoRtalnlnc nWMiey,

■ S \-1 (•; vine re*i'le ‘ I «-i- hinge f'-i N

-■■e Vrr iig--, U-II 1

.. r i-«.nv»nleni to rtatktn; 'w,ith buftiiieH property.4 I i.flire.

FR'^NT 81#t«,—Furn ■

F l’RNlSlfKI- Uri'id *1


an-1 Rector

Inquire 213

L< •8T t'lH k»*th-e=k coBtainlng nwjoey,«h I ll«• e iha from South Teath rt-. hi’ If™*

ley .nr. •■■ »he mviH Atrftti" Cnmpartyi■ nil n>> 'j\i i«0 'iTi!« asked. Addreaa Loot, Ik>zNews olnee.

CA lU l 1 5fi7 M . '


LKANlNO—Tba N. C. Carpel Co., »t.; atteclal pricei; Hruatela and

mo4|iictiaa and reivelB. 4c.; ■ 'inci' with GIa^ ' i exp..7 Greao at





k e ;a i i b r o a d ^t r e k t :. ^



L/'FT-'l'-ull i-rrlet. hUck Bpfrt on h**ad and « •Me- Bt-'t *i rwt nf hie mil! reward- Ad-

i1p "tb» hull TerrifT. la>a fiS. Newa uflice.

ALL Hah* lng< n .X

Ingrrti i«t .I • ked r<^ma, II per mnnth. Waeti- '(•■n and Stormf* Co.,274-374 Waoh- e 1-'A4: ramitura rarefuRy noved.

n e u ra r t ii »l “ £■ h o to ru ctt w h a t e v e r , e v s r y p a y m e n t r b d u c k b p r in c ip a l , k t e r y p a t m f n t r e d u c e * p r in c ip a l

All paywenla are of efual a in^p^ A receipt glyew fcr r

f ru> a number of ri*> lo r«fT«r !' ' ]■! v.\ri<-ua ■erilona ofti^d'tS ilU-SlNUKR, 74& Brcwd at.

H t:M . K h T IT K

t -mM. f !■ n. H...-r'-f-rpNil J‘J ,Vai ro Ht.SWJ. l. 'V '.H. .NenA .flu'e.

W 4 Y T E D .

r*r two Addreaa

IIUI 8 K 8 TO LE T ,


/p -

¥i r s NO SECRET

J. ' \> >r\ I -. 1 ''T 1 bri> f -fli V I *T .MImt’ Kr>1man.

S '-irh S ir' ' f I'l - - l ‘V L-riHH ('h u f 11-». u t. I ! - I xr.ifireHl .1 \ i. •M\ w«-"Ke wl irti he Will ftl»t-uil u'

Jr; ' l^'i'g leUi.'l. '.Vf;-Ti'tTe l"trlnK til' iiueeni'*' ih ' ; th‘ ' bur'-h win I" s«’ipph*‘d bv K I<» ri'iin nl "f M »rrletfiwn. n' 1 f.J K Uia»('‘ ■■r ' 'TMiig*'

r i‘-1-*- Kiii'-iuii'inent »■] ’ i.r wn hfti- rlei‘t*«i •; • ■I it fnr ihe Ktixulhg :■ l,: " 1- .• h .1 r K»iab-ka. h.j;. J'-’ h l! Ki h’^p. A-nlnr w ir '.s4 'Tj-hv ;■• I filing aerr+t/ir\ il k

hn,i,r;,ii serretgrv. ,iren*'ir«r. I- V. AnpleR 'i' . ’ne •

i». HU.table fnr boatflltm' ■taHe in'-ltnWd. M HA.

IM \Vi.-Kl!fTe M . near SAutk ■e eif«m : lu r.-A»fna aod balK

•: Ligbl pt» md'lil'i'K .

central.l-irhet ei.

•veii r- HI tuHif-e tn let, With all 2<i4 Fl iabe'h ave

■me 7 KoudInoC at.;i-amee

K-iw L a M i jiT . 2u tlighi r<«wn« ao.1 bath.■ il Impr nemec.ta; *vai E!h. Inguiipe c4 owner,

144 ivetirville ave.

'. -rirnen.

«at a Ikri. the? Cw rm?}' yr^per •n- uu-Jwood finne* ta a Ith


W E K IM T E D FLO O R BRUSHES.1( pneiI'Teji elw • a gr«at ex;*e‘ :>r t

■fvea tSeai a ferlBian* fiaieh. Ftir 9«le by


. Ir'■ \'.iux-H' - - -Alf,. iffa \'*Bni5'.. is . Jxi^nlLliig .. f. p ij-,

.if fnelaphj-<:ejt |fl M r * ' - ' U->«|! . - ‘‘.xl i ‘ni«-r No S»T. of .XI 'r is ’ i An mf

"he Il.-ntherhrw-l of Pajmer* 1) - iniit.ra fyrwl I'nj-er linngnm' I'liij-n tsf *-l»*rtlnt itie fo|U)Wtn^ offt-ep^ 1;^. ntghl fk-r rbr *-rie ling I'fesui« r.i. Intane\V*a-.-vr i>reiildont. Sllae Hrlnjhm rw-M-rdtrg •»cretar>'. Ausu.sriia if Vgn HAi:t#^n. finiTvt^t learmArv, T*'* n».ig t OTi'l* rr;n<lu'‘tnr. Fitwartl .Merrill, war­den. J,»mes A Punn. p r^ w t i.r P M urphr. truate^a. Jame> Wenmao VVai-

Ckrterlljw. Philip Ffrspalrlck. Georwe M.tttbewa. J. H. Amkroae.

l'\X Ilh' -iN FL. A 9 cnaventenc^-.-MtlCentre at . 1--9 r-. ooui rinmiiTi^n. ......40

Cemre ei I—« ne a*. ^nTralewrag,.,........ 4*Apuly to JOHN D- TOl'Pl.V. 4*1 Orange rt.

s i 'w y F K Avr..Foufna imprtvVMk

fiOS. 1^ Market

Thr*e-rt«: ■•U. rest 1 ^

ory hrtorn JACK-

TO L B T -O I T o r T O W N .

UU4H1..AND TCHhArL. Draage—Elegant 1S> t -otn funuiw; rerru'letelj retaudelM throagk*

oat; three rttwrtee' walk fT «« UlAhlacMl AxWl Stailnn. roaeoaaUe real. ENSTICX BROS- fr priHfCNNA CO-, 4g* BroaA at.HOI SE. ft reoint; all ImpmeeiMfiiii, l agurta

im iwemleee awriheatt. njrwer Kaialitaw aad North Ohuaei rta. Bart Oraage, oft ISl Karltetrt., Newark.

■ w i I Straet, N a v u tL N. X- W k X J r t m t j haa 4 a a r lo M r .

M > U < * (h o * » i r t ( o f ■O ToatT -o la .- I Ifrfrt S a r t te y '* SKWSo

LaJLGB eottagt at Lake UoMteoDg; nrtl * m s few eeaarti. B O O T a ll c S o « ftC.

ORANGE—Bgkt-fwrt bom . *n laprwrft-

u T S i n i ; s M S 5s :


roomt (n b"

I' *»»P1 e 'rnrtll fumlihiHl

L« rPT 1'atr g'-M eyegiamee. on Raak at. ear of vh-ltiiiv nf Bank and Norfolk A a . Ttiurad»y


e •rfllflX, rewjtPiJ

g r e e n ,4T hall roon:

4!Ufi High fiton Wrtgl Finder pleae* murfton wrtght rt-, cimtalnl^

GRANT JriaifV reft-

HiOH 8T . o*.nlahecl r-"'n-

tnenti. t l ►■■ iee[^r«r<" fur- nil imiiri'vp

DHiH .trhourekeo 1>!!' ni» f.T light

I 418T • Fnrkefbiifik i-hnrute and ke>-.

I 'X'andeTi-iol eiiTT-St i 'K 'aT .'LK N ^^iiil^ i a « lr r to t- **•-

I «nM f.o r.tuni to J. I , DENMAN. Hvrlaf- I ft-M, N J.1 L1M8 T Weiirwwlfte, fo* terrier, female; ai»awe« I t'j name - f Nellie, reward. RrtOfft U HaW-

win ei.

LUDVxlLr e> HILL, pbo4o#xaftber, haa removed to thf flrwt-clafti gnvund Soor rtwHo, 11 Thir-

teeruk ave ,nr High A. aad eounbouea, Tel.Tlil.DH. F M M Nu-KER hae removed fmm 918

Rroxfi iih > iiew rtty hall ailel lo Ifi Court A., (hret d '.rt from BSn3ftA___________

A recelftt glrew ftir erafr SftBft** IrttdiWE GIVE FULL AMOUNT APPLIED FOR.BvrrrtMng Mat rapiweenteA You know egacllj wfrat coat l» to be before

m m m a n alfoed. Loan* tmia UO up. Money S a M bad lb two ftauii after waking appHoa-tlOB. _

DOWT WANT FOR A FEW DOLLAR^ VS'hea y«a caa iMirraw from ug and return la

•mall moathly UrtWlniftiita. .9 hL fa*ei are

W A lfT W D .n n v v ^ iu T r^ ^

HAIaSEY 8T f.-tr l)«h! i

alau ft»ce fr ni : I'lr vi*rT'ent»

h a i^ k v stf«.*r genrleuiei'

H A l>EVheueeke*

M114. ST r. vatf ratn:l>

JKFFf:R‘<‘ "Iable f'»r :igh* •

!'iH5l^hr(l F'Nvtn

r --rrs f, r light

rttM pn-" e-.i*

ii-ir rtwm* ault*

I Fill NI' .k .rjjriflx. Apply lt> W. H- FRAJ^ cip. 7NS Itrriftd rt , Newark. N- _______

Iyf»T lip'e ft and While <Wig; name Sport- Rft*V »«n l Rl 2ll I’ reen ft., ufwtatf*-^___________

.................. ........ -TAY_____________yi'K m i R iJENrS CAST o r r c l o t h in g ;




M A T H I^ R H Y F O R SA LB .

_ J Q V GA^ u^uu iK S for aala. wB h |eT rtfidtaL esuMiaiCfri aad m mft • S'' ■’ Ing. No COM. aacm afViaaftr, fri

fefid on tiiafilmenia u dawlraA If /A*. power, write ua. BSSCX- AMD HUDSONc o m p a n y .


UETTER PRXCtt:X par h f all hmda of S8 frf** cart-ofi emthtag

teas Doatal to _ f o k BBCREl,

Z42 w . Klttaer gi., aad 1 wiu oail.

and fealhera. Kindly

email moathiy laawmenw yur ra ea are l o M I M aar fttber oompaar la Newark. aa« Mg that you call and arc u#. No troukla

to asplato M r lemw, and mo eipaftaa to y w lafortiMtiari eherrfully glraa m any pertit t m do nac gfidtrtffend.

DON'T BORROW FROM FRISNDBbut ga to a gawS, rattaUe emkoem gad be iaa«ft M obUgattow ta any omt- Aay peraoR wba baa fw r dealt vHli aa-to tbem va refer yoa.

fV n C B BOVRB-4 TO C RBctmrrT l o a n ocx. xm m a r k e t r - gKCUMlTT DOAN C a , i « M a U B T R .

- »eed m 0 AM

DON’T rnhoi-rr IT—Afl old caab buyer fiayi high prbiw .ft nil fumltare, owfftett. (eathera;

^ etrthaa.ftira gwAl i.rlH'e* fne caat-M cfwOMa. Ptoaa............. “ EN8TR1N. Rl m M am

call a< yoar tmldence.1 pueia lu GKEFNkTRlN. Rl 21* M'am Kla-

pey al.. end 1 wiit

lUAmr II » bouavhcld Cumltura:rnrmMm aad peraonai property wttbout rem re- |. fli^lRa bafraraMy d«aH with; gan make la* U S s * My tortalmeatr: buetaaei toaSda^HlmJgwStt* ^ tortalmaatf. „(— *■

F k ATOKS, T Gram at., aagf Bread,

l i b e r t y KT hnOeekeet'UiK

llurrAvetnen'eMrttetl r-'oma for

h:ill roi.TDa. a l;

LAPATKTTE ! berry. ro«-iti«

LARGE nlrelY f :*- keeplng llfi K .d

*•**11 iTrwrl *n4 Hut- •-» i<*. i-ing, 11 73 up,•in* f. r light hcioee-

CO r«E A DOLTON, enanufectufwre laaned l-mther belting: re-m ^e ballftg aprciaU

IT- Dlftiance Telepiwfre tsB OH BwiTtog Ornund, hear Market and Broad. ___PKjvA«E8,

eobl an^ _ _US Market « t . Cemurt SutMtag.

eubt an^ *>iFhxiigeij'*^iOH}I DKW!t r mttA

THB name* and addma of iba pante« arim aaw an eMerty genOgfi^B aaaanlted on Bang

gear Broad, ftatuntoy. Jm»e J9 laat, gbom U:M> A. M Call or write R O C K W ^ L fr XiRtTH, NX* ir.jad at., rltjr.

m u l b e r r y 8T l4.-r »‘'IPftl*he,l. h.HWk*ip_U ( . ^ ( 1- .T ■ ^.,1 7 ;

t-barm 9 B « r : p«rfK ( ULrra * DRAKE. I l l iww J « w r

• OAS eng^^ fiif aale (jrder 1.

I Railroad a 'e.

HIGliEKT pri-'ee |«]d for aeeoiid-haRd faral- tura, itoew ]lamr«i or eUwr afttrelMfrtiae, gt

Waifriagtan AuciMi gad Storage Co., Yfg-in WaahlBttrti at.

F W T * KRIMKE LOAN OPTlCB.I l■nTa^1 from H Academy it. to K«> H, Bimwtt tlwllliHagi OM daor from HalRay: kNM afr dlfr*

waicbea and Jewelry; kO Ukdft ef Mfr> iwdaem*^ aaio.

WCXHBRRT 3»T I":; FumiphM r*>ima forBMrtfraetflna '.r tpnTL-r, .6 imrmv.*meMr

If l’LBBRBY a* v w h rnrrvIsh A rrijiif «M * : alw. nng!» rTTfj_ Ti.y ■“ front

CHARLES roCSE. macblitofT d a ^ ,^ Burying Qreuod. »ear Market And Bmnd

TRY Iba oM eaah hwyoft: fkfirftAJ'e. eorftotn, Bmbftto: goD*1 pnren ftfrld: ftsya ftitoe for

faalhrtw. Bend ter OnUbOftS, M w7 Ktftfray at

MOIdtT LOANED MALARIEB FBOPLB pmrnanMi poaittona wRh tingoeetble ean*

cafM n fM M r own h m m a niUtoiit MtuRJl aS rsS m M to . T O L M A X * ▼*5stogto» ak

PATTER Ng to wbUa mrtiJ Afrd pamgtotden;---------- A CO.. W i B a t M.

SOLD. aUver. diarardad lewftkry. -------da and•nUgwea. Beat pricea paid by Ve BRJKR, M

Jknnd rt- near Bgbtfr frftfc - - --

CO A L, W O O D * B TC ,

« |J“'able fisr <me er iwn ermi«ni*aPatterns and letten; Ooiblk, IHmi brand. VALCNTlNgM. IB APHS rt-

t g JmieTtona Fewt^ Oa. M f * ^

Imtimnrtrptne. haiiV C L m N T FT . ZTS Tw

M Mfkt bcwAe-rj.ip.a 'inTMiitf rgoaaa

V * g W e r T A l l , , Ml T —

i t V i M a b n ( ■ « II « ■ ■ ■ • > > ■ « « » M - ■ r * H M i m f w e fc e t e *™ -|ib*ni. T k T M w m ^t l » » » .e f c * f ■■■ Ilh ,

______ M alim . «lap M « (h r M U M ,d

TO HA1CI.S®w IBM n* ■*------------


■». TkTM priM « w m M ^ * iM . 1 v.:r~- -»T , » . « • , m « m 4 . e M i

ktmgmiilto Mg a g fr g ft f fM Mn-

O if> GOLD, aOrcr Rbd |ibftifiy boggfet. jEkMTUi, l g B rm ^ gear t - Wlm fr fraW*

0mm M 0 r tn i T*t pmt M Ikit M d <It MTwy hBBeiEM aM rw ta ■ i■IBM t» m itt (LA )BI«T MMhW Ot MM MtHWtlM hMlhiM

a kt 3b, iM M tr b v tkMr ta n M n , t r a « * tMT htwn k n • tilUhli MU |wA wd Ih, Ml Vmt7 nntr* I, MiX Umb «M IbiB, mb

w Ale

y E W A B K E V E N I N G K E W S , F R I D A Y , J t T y T E 2 8 , 1 9 0 1 .


A iitb o rtsed A ffen lv f o r A d v « r l l * l « K

at oOtcv r a t « « , M o «t * f t b e « i»lac«N ore ui»ru ©▼ rnl*B».

y E W Y O K K -Kv<»ulnK News Branch Office, Room F,

ihlncrnih floor Bt. Paul Building. Brouiiwuy and Ann Ptrceta. R. F. K. ilunismun. a|iodal rpprcsentuilve.

S P E f'IA L W KSTKrtN A G B N T -C. J. Hilliiun, Stock Exchungd Builds

lug, CJilcttgo.I-ONBON, B N O t.A N D -

J.oula M. Porii^r, Elflngbam Houee, 1 Anindol street, Sirund. W. C.

O R A N G K -jivcoliig News Branch Office, Orange

Nmlumil Bank Building. Mnin street,. TelepUone

N E W A H K -lloUhauer'a Drug Store, corner Broad

untJ Alarkt't airects.Gouiiiiell & Co.. i'jH Hroed street.J. G, BiumtT, 212 Ferry etreet,C. b. Oujicun, 13t> Elm atreei,F. Brellluit, 'Jl H fllevllle avrnue.Myron W. Morsf, 13b Third avenue,Paul K. Si'hnclder, 118 Bloornildd ■'ave­

nue, corner Garslde ntrect.O. J. I-aclu*. Waahlngton and ChoBlcr

avenues.Jose'jiU Kuenberger, Jr., 8'^ Central

avenue.D. S. Beldon, Wcj^t p:nd Pliarmacy,

Seventh Etrccl and South Oiange av­enue.

John H. Foster. Roaevllle and Seventh avenuea, oijpaaitd depot. Telephone 24r>l.

It. M. Laird, drugglat, Clinton avenuo and MoiiinouMi street.

Genrgc K ing (coal offlee), 244 Hal­sey etrect.

George Llnnett & Rro., pharmaclats. Lincoln Park and Clinton avenues, and Sherman and Frellag'huysfn av­enues.

E A S T O R A X G K -E. A. Wallaco, 549 Main afreet, and

Brick Church Station. Tel. 30*1. ^W. H. Plumley, East Orange Station. II. N. Widmati, newsdealer, luj Main

alrent.SOUTH O R A N O E -

Robert Leslie, South Orange avenue.ORANGE V A L I.E Y -

J. J. Spellmnn, Highland Avenue Sta­tion.

IR V IN G T O N -P. A. Ware, Room 2, Whittaker Build*

ing, l*i>iitoftlce Block.M II.L B U R N -

J. H. Gunn, office Postoffleo Building.I I IL T O N -

P. A. Wnre, Rovclen avenue.M O N T C LA IR -

Davld LoeRer, pharmacy, two Rtorea, corner Biirlng .«treei and Blonmrleld avenue, ilnd 471 llloomlb'ld avenue. Tel. 12. N. V. utid N. J., and [o, ark Tel. Co.

U PPE R M O N T C L A in -Henry Hlerck, newsdealer.

H A R R IS O N -P. J. LiOQdman, 8U Harrlann avenuo.

K E A R N Y*-John Hood. Johnston avenue. oppnRiia

Highland avenue.Frank H. Palardy, druggist, corner

Grunt and Central avonuvs.‘ BLOOM FIELD—

Garlock & Co., 276 Glenwood, avenuo.BUM M IT -

Beniamin P. Holmca, stationer, Main street.Alfred J. Lane, office Summit Record.

A R L IN G T O N -Amzl Jerulamon, news stand opposite

Greenwood Lake Depot.W A TSBSSING -

Charles Bradley, newsdealer.M A D ISO N -

Lewis A. Waierfl, newsdealer, D., L. end W. R. R, Station.

M O R R ISTO W N -W. K. Muchmore, new’sdealer, McAl-


Charles Shafer.E L IZ A B E T H -

F. E, Norrle, stationer, 90 Rroad street.R A H W A Y -

H. L. Moore, 31 Cherry atreel.C A L D W E L L -

S. Botterlll, Bloomfield avenue.N U T L E Y -

Henry T. Lefferts, druggist, Pasaalc avenue, near Chestnut street.

RED D A N K -John T. Tetley & Bon., newsdealers.

Broad street.M A T A W A N -

Robert F. Fotmtaln.

M A R R I A G E S *!!lLK Il-< jr iN D Y-A t Rockaway. N. J., on

WeJnpsttay. June 20. by Rev. Mr. Tlmbrell, trFii,rfc« J. Hhcr, or MnrrJi Ptaln«, and Nvl* lie E. yulnby, of BloomfleJd, N. J.

WII.LLTT-WEIMER-On June 20. 1001. Ml«s Carrlp Kaih*Tln« Welraer, daughter of Mr. •nd Mrs. (ie«>rge Welmer, of Eaet Orsnge, to Mr, Henry Irwin Willett, of Kentucky.

"WILSON—DAVI5»—At Siamfurd. Conn., on the evantng of June by He ■. T. E. VasNir, l>. D., Mr. (ieorgtf £l- W’iinin and Ul»* Emma l^ulee, daughter of Mr. and Mre. J. Wnlt^T Davla both of Slftmford.

11ICYCI.e s ,WHLELfsi

lArgeet Ptack In isiate; have ihe laraeet ai- ^rtnient, do the largt‘«it buefneRa; 35 djJTerent makes to pick from: Ivuk at iheie bargalnii; all bright, new goods:Bpeclal. 20-22-Jn. frumes......................... |14 03Klmore, guar. 1 year. 125 model.............. 13 yjRlmore, with Morrow coaster.................. boDixie, reg. 123 model.................... ........ v3Tribune. Juvenile, reg.J-iO mod., Han it res. Id r*0

hi 0025 IH)12 iW25 00 25 00 ya 0(> 37 :k> ao rut

PhermantitarllLg. j;rii liwllea' muJel.................IwKlleM' wh«*elj», bllghtly shop worn.,..IJarnea. reg. Ho model......................Remington, link). |5«) model..............Tribune, rhalnleM, i«]igti(]y ahor, wornTribune, IHUU model...........................Tribuni’. iun<l<-m................................

Mew Wheels, ta iliwr. $1 |ier week. ItargalTiH in second-JiantJ « heels f.'l up.

Steam*. 24 frnmp, Jlfi; Orl-nt racer, Jlh; LynO- hurst. 11. ; Inch raeing th>e. |f, p«»r pair Han* fnnl tires, 12.Wi; Eagle rlre-i. Arch iiree,|1 ,H>; M,*feMiU'r tln*H, year's guar.. *2 H5; gas lanni, lOc.; Umg seat ivisia, 4lic.; saddles. 4»r.; g'-Ml chnInB, jTic.; adj. t.ara, <Wc.; oil lamps,

wrench kmt sweaters, with buttrin collar, 12.50, made in order, any ccilor; racing sulta 13.30; rp]>airliig.

UKRUERT AVSTIN06 Orange at.. 2 id- ejes fmm Un-aJ; 57 FYeeman

el , Orange \'al|ey.100 8*-HICYCUi3g^lOO'S

Largesi store and sim-k In N. J., reigll and whoksale; old whi''la laken In eicfmnge, easy paymenia. ■'The Hunter’* ia the standard—me w heHi that has sPiod ihe teat—not a. atenrllledwhe.d; euuipjH'd with H:irtfunJ or Flak tires,uak aai.dles, Husaey hDudlehHrs and a year'a guaran­tee; winner cf the Mtllbum 18U7. been hera e\‘er•Ince. "Nuf earns bleycJea, Agency* a Regal..... ...........tJS« olfvAmerUan .......................................... 1^3Monarch .......................................IWg Wolf-Am., ladles’ model...... .......... 122 50Ai**. Had. White and Blu«........... ........ 122.5(1Well-known make, new, name not mentioned guaranteed, US. iMil oak racing saddle, ^ c . : California exiensjon handletsara, WW.; Fisk tlrea. 11.46; M. A Vk", inner tubes, 0»>2,;othep bargatrui: Cyco. two tires. 25e.: cuckoo bells, 24c • Hall Ur* whlatlea, 4(jc.; Bundy gas lamp, II.4H. L J WTCKOFF, 484 Broad si. Rrmnohea. U Bank at.; 15 Wright at. 'Fhcme 2361.TALE AND WARWTCK BICTCLEB ar« tha

Ufhtaat built; guaranteed for year 1901: llb- traf r--*^ **-------craf cash diaoounts; also sold on eaay peymenta

The Indian, bast |25 wbeH on th* market: •aay terms.

B^ond'hand Wfaeala from tS up; aundrita and repairing lowaat In the city.

F, C. CORNimi.2U Clinton are.

U E A T H S .l!i;prNS_On Jtln, Stt, IWOl, Patrltk, bftovfd

hu!-l>and of Annie Burns (nee Noon). lUlatlves and friends, alHv> the Holy Name

Si'i lety, League uf. Iht* Aa4Ted Henri, t- ’'dumbufl rouiK’U No. flU. C. !l. L., Father

Wailiew T. A. H. Hociety arc IhvMed 10 Hlleiil the funeral from his late residelice, N'l. Sikt Hank street, on .Saturday’, the 21Kh Insi., m M., to St. Jnaeph'e Chuftfh.where a Hoiemn High Maas cf Rc*<lUlem will be ofTered for tlie repose of his s ul,liilcrmf-nt In the Cemetery uf the Holy Si'|iulchre.

CKAXE-Sudilenly, at Montolnir, N. J.. otl Th'jr.ontny, June 27. iw i. Juriies C,. »'in of tlie liiiv Timothy A. (.ruiio. In his TOlh > i*ar.

Relatives anil friends nrfl resyertfully invited ti> Mtenil the turu'val ffum hi« l ite rc.sidenL'O, Mfiumaln View piave, ,M. ntt lmr, N. J.. otl Hijiidiiy, June 6U. at 3 1*. U. liiiermeni at cnnvtitlence of Hie family.

DEYINIO—Un June 27, Itwil. N'-lJle grand­daughter of Ihe lute <,'atliui L.itr uni John I'evine.

Halailves. friends and menibers rf the ChtU, dreii of Wary B.Klely Aiuunmus'athurch are respectrully Itivited to aileml th* rum-ral from r*>*«i-le.xrt. r,f Mrs James K c llj, L*U2 RuUth Elglitli Mre»'t nn Sntur- d ny. the 251th ln»« . ui e ;iu a . m to Antoninus's t'hurrh. .where a i ideriLn IRgh 3lns!, of Requiem aMll lie oiTn-t* ] for ih‘> re- pofiH of her Hioul. inl'*i in.-nt lo the Ceme- tery of the IRily SeiiululirK.

POOa TITV—On June 27. I'iiirl h. t>ei..v*-d hus- band of Julia Fogarty tni- 1 -

ReUiiives and friends are kltidis iiiv, ir> at­tend the fmuTti], rr-iiii hi lai. n-sirlence, No, Adams street. ,.n Satupil.ij. (he2Jdh. at 8 A. ,M.. li‘ .St k rhun h,vih- re a High Maas of R‘'i,ui.rti uHl be nf- fefed for ih'’ rc[Hine Of hi- ul lir>Tniint In Ihe Cemefory i>f the H'lj-, s.-|iLi].-iir<'

KHtWAN—At Newark, N, J , <,n W'l'iihraday June 2fl. IWU, Uanid .r..M-;.h K!rv\Jin. ine belnvecl httshand of HaTiTmli kirHuii fuee Nagle).

Reb,ti\,.^ and frlemls. nlno |:i,| s!v ers* I'nlon Nu. 22 of N full) ln\|ie.1 to atlenj thi Inle resldeniT, N<i, &l Ja ark. on SaiuriUy, the 2Hi]A M , them*'- Id Si, .Ftiif a High Mush uf riif->r the rt'|>'’i*'' yf h.i s>'Ul John's i>meierv, tiriingc

A I rerlous one fri -m A voice HP |ii\ed Is -i

A place is V ucaot ut • ii <That never ran be

I.E??TEH—On the 25th inst . j(,i h r rPHi,!.'[u*p, vortier AfloQ a •enue anil Wia.lK-.r street' Keiirny, Mary, aidow of ,irUTi-> I.e.-i:pr

Rflallvos liofl frlemls of ihe 1* nr" pe- al^ectfully invited ;o utien l li.-r f jiu ral nn Sattirdny, th* 2Uth Idsb. at :ui \ M , from lier lute TPBlilence, and ti .\ M r*s.illla'* fTiUF'-h, HliPie a .;.,,r Hiich Maasof Hs.-pilem ¥»111 ufTr-u-iJ f-.i 11.1. ri-jKme

!■ ri r 11. pee

■•kh' El.1 tl ,i'l lu*-T' fl, .Vpvv-.11 S " n ) -k•It tl, li) rv


1 >« K ill ,'• I,

'* *T U 'l!;—A d ve r tU em n it* «o b t t la t - ■ U ltil •b ou i.i I ,, r tc t lv e d b t t o r t i2t:io o 'c lo ck ,

T vn u gltn t QdvertU fiig; In (b e >iEWS » » o » t be iiyppaid. Tio accouulk «s ll l uc upenetl fo r aueb,

Ko ndverU aetiiM itk W ill be ree e lve d o v e r (h e t**lepbon» ek tept lUoae aeuf ug tiU lliueiRrd niietitii.

A n aw rra to a d rrrlla em en la nrfc k ep t fu r i>vo mid then de-a troyrd , |( „ ,jj. dlaptialtlon !■deatred th e oilii'e ghuuld b t n o tified .

AOLNTP \\ruil"d E'lH'r lul Ugpllts t-J eXpl.linIn ?™ ?* ''" '" ’ tf'- 'i b.i>. savPE. Sue.-t car Jarv;

n il'll, rallied r»'|-ie* seniatlves in all phoi'P. Ku . (itlici's ui drug store*, A|»idy, ii p, ,s.HLjrd«y, tk*? urauic st.AN Inccitip ..f t r aii be earned In sjiaro

time i«r e\<-niiin t-y any aid»» lo uriie;aTi. ulifrp l< tiu'rie s4-iid|nK ad- i'- U' UIKKI (IRANNa N Mfg.

______ _ 1 i<ri-'hiyii. N, Y.AN able, >, s>>l«rr nvin uanifMl, ri-'fua*

turned to h .r... . a...... a iruck im l f i-rtiLllar with i,| elPHtiv omjdoy-niMii jiiul k,...i a ,.H} to AitNhl; a.

proof sent fr.-' dressedCompany, In.a

il UilHELVE &. S'uNS. I |.■ll1, 'AN ENKRGE'lb

jH/llcy, the ' Em : world." Ai'idy l ■ 1. iimtOiJ. Sf LU>(li:,NN.y i Bn>ad st.

K' I'll 1I1P • IVerle.-a" 1"M Ji?>uic(u;p In th' ■r ..n-r . K.VSTI1. L

>, fcj'ii'i'al a;ji-rus, 4,iii

A FlhST-CUA,'*,'^ ,'!i lltu* JewKlry, «il.iE


<>rk nil, .NCViJ

m ^CKS3lIT!!-\\ ,.iwho can do 'tug,;

pK-k work, niussi b' .1 who CAM give gMu.J I. ricd nmn prefrirni. Suinmil, 2s. J.

hill' kninlUl, < iiio-h'l-lhg J'lui

■ i?» Kv.'.:h im.; l- :..J) j-'b, II) ir- V. lAUU.ns.

BLACKUMITH wani-.l work. 7l> J rosi'ei i

I«)Y in orflce. u h.j|p*i,Ill- well uml Ik qub'k aiai

dr»*i*a UurJn' ss. Rox

'.vLiu:iguii-a. All-

JJUA’ —ti'iO'l. eiu-rr- i ’.abilMy. eteudy i- Ii

Adilres-K Roy, Ros As,

cl. ri. .H t AUlt.4.

i;OY’ -A bright, hutipst atore; no iilght w>>rh

J. News illli*', Ori.nsp

* lilt Iei d;uif lilrll.JII. hwa

];i »V tt.ini'*' i-xi'erb'ni'p

News ulliL'O.

; brig hi b- ).ri'teriPil.

Eib Ut l.'i, fi r Sli>■ . liivy. fbix sti.

Ri iVB WJintpd. fire

N -WK of-

to curry nHwapaj -pM

H E L P W A X T E D -F E n A LM S .

DFiMONSTRATllRS—Womrn i.m .irv-te aVwft or whulc tlme lu ■Ivni nstranng our sys­

tem; offlcBi at drug stores. ll tu o‘ t*ut-urday, dk orahge *t.DH£S(5M AKlNCr - \Vaisi and ^ flTl hand wiinii d

01^ Elussex avu., itosrsUlp.t lHiiT-CI^rtSS mark*)- an1 rui

Laundry 2 Wain ai , i--ir.: iUiMtldnled

ha*OlRL heli>Prs wanted, usci 1 '»n .: iu.i, limpii,-

III UVefilU (uc(of->-I bl'-»d.i H gi. nl ji.iy.FNUKR M m . CO., pit.;.:. -1 ri;inih-ld iiff.. Newark, N. J.G lR L - ’Wunled, a bright, a u.

14 i.f ih year* old. In work, lii>x UH. News i-rti,

nil i ■ill girl. Ib'ilSv-

IjI Rbfi—Esperlenred Kirl> • yuthcs. C. CH-ATtVlN, ll.>

5H C'olumhla sL*

hT'-d •'hull) ' Ti iiuSldtug,

GlHfj wiinisd fur a r--ri)|‘..n hi-u.-wwi-rh, ChM 2tl2 Ei 'm'.;,

UIHU 12 nr 14. 10 iiil. n I I J-t-ir useful. l.S (,*u|ui|lln.i r'

GERMAN woman uatit -.i t. Irunliig- 2126 Cllftim u e

Eld do light

1 t:i ikr hcr-

tiiag illul


Ne li<) (vts,TWENTV-FHii^t VEAR

NEWARK hl'SI.\E.'4:4 iS 11.1.KHT7, CORNER RR11AH .\N’ H MARKET STS.,

W W WINNER. i'lGN<'ll AI..Do not flp''hd July hIi>1 .\uuui>i lii idUmei's; at-

triui the s|>«H';al mollUMf; fej-slni,. s A M. to 12:30 P. >t.. and nr<{Ulre a yrni-iiciiL knowledge of business, nr the rp.-uing srssum may suit >'oU liplter. 7 .’:i» i., !' |!ii.

The iK'|iui.iri:y ..f thi- i-olli-ge has neressUnteil the mldUli'U "f thp enilrf tbiof at 7m7 Mrnatt sirP4*i. Thin linpr..vt nuusi ufTor lH ihlrl«-pn kdrt|. tb'iml uliuh-vm nij ilip i-.iti-r. our U»- catlon iiiii- id tin- m-iiii drrlruldr [■■r dur­ing the Haul) si-a.«on.

Monthly luitlnii lyn and uniform,> iiij will Ilnd a i uraloguo liiHTi-s:liig, or, bet­

ter. tall.3UTTI VKAR-

THE i'-'!.EMAN NATliiN.lL m'SiNESS COLLEGE AND Si'lionlgJ uF SlluUT'


Unl'SEWuRK—Want I'd a iit housowork; ri«

RUi net St,. betW'peu Jain-J- .r

1 a>fiHl iJll'S 2li' j-U.

llui'SEWnitK—Womsn<iur«wnrk, in vaiuniiy; ii •

child. Apply ll.'i Mont. :.iu «.

U-n.-rajt.. htll.4l|

H(irsKW<:RK--A g!H f -r no washing or Ifutmig, t

(■•itiiMii st,, Eui't'-,

,.l h u-< ..I N ' (7

liOl'sEWCRK- Wnnti-d.Honifin for hoijjo-Hoik

111IX 2, .Ni'Hs pnit-e.Miil'SE\V<»l{K- A yming n "

huusf.B/irk; g'l'd num'- e - i 50H Fiimtner avA.

1 f r lUUi I :• A. .'ly

N’t4 4M Er-m-l st . Nt'-wark. N. J The 4ddi -'t .iii l b.-si J., lio.ll. i) nl| summer: tuoms w*-!' xi-ni.luul. in,,..l.»ni:e rutvH. piiymenis. uui r nl .uiy liiii^, speL-ial roles h) Si.iiii>li. . .imp.-).-Ill . :n.'i* help furnished. Cull or wnii' f. r ptHaE iyu".

Teli-plujnL- o.k'u.H. l ’o|,i:MAN. Frealdsnl.

WOuli'S lUiJ.'LEilE.67(3 S'l . NEWa RE. H. j,

JN .NEW .JEllSE‘,iY.Suiiinu'r »<tss)i.ii iijH'p-i Mi'itday. July 6, reotrjs

sri- pool 4..[|,i wi*|i lighud; business etudlos.shoMhiiii,!, lypenpEUiifj, i.rtimandhlp and Ktig- iii-h. |r,(V .mill SrSSloUS.

h'uurii I'ti U'li hirs emjdoyrtl. ci.dlege enlarged. So\-i|i» {Ml- iituiU-Me p;ai;i-d in jHiuKluns during Mil)’ The bchoui must Ln seen tu bs appre- ci.ite\l.

U 'irsEWt »RK—Yi unit gi w'ash nnd Iron, .MJtS

J-‘£itni.iiunt tti p.

I-....... kII E. Hill

Hnl'sKWi UK -AVaiUCd. u Hhp-h nnd iri-n by the da>

Sumtiirr ai e.

.. , k. d'wi

III TSKU (iRK—CS!r! wan-i 'l \ ork In rniaJl (amll> ; ir in

Folkim rs E A V u R K e n iv l 11 -

hi uaewurk. RA.MltERiii !■ ovc.imrSEWoRK-W hlu- ghi f

and .\ugu*i; on housr Im .ii

in irSEWOUK—M anit'd. glr: f- Hoph. must k1p'-|p huTiii- ...K '

.rr.ll l|o11S«>,.i High

Hn^ficKEEI’ETl-Wumr 1. 1, 1 In kiu-p liuUSf. t iSTEl: !■ I

)'.rd e. olli ' A-'ii iu i'.

Htd'SEWOhK -Compel ,Mit lio;is<-wnrk . lUo In funil'


m 'Ti'ilKn-(V»ni1 Euti-hn sml raliroticl rroHsInj. ' 1* i

lU T i’HEIl w.-inteii, Am CO.. 50U liliiumtleld HI I -

H fD 'lIE R warned. A|i| l' HUAIIHKR wanted;

JuSEl'H PEIiHlfi.Hadir ;‘und 4y.iirm M'v.',

■ r'lji!'!

her s,>ul. Interment I'l thi* licdy Sepulchre.

T.EWIf»—On .lune 27. at hia la'2ii \'eoey street, Cjirny H bo'Pd hushiim) Ilf Ji*bsip i.fiij.,

agPii 31 yciirs P rij .i :!. 17 ,i..y<N'liiiii* nf fufienil herciiftir.

Lt'NEEi'K —On Thui-sdri)-. .hiue "7, New York City. Henry iou.i i-, k

Funei.ji senlces ul his Ir- f'-id'-iiiif*. Nunh RlKlh Ktrevt, Newark. N ,1


EANO.vanted al M>.’>

llol-«.;j.;.’ YUUir.-“ A girl f- fu family- I'** M ’

|[«‘rsi-;WORK—Ymini? go v.iiph. |H> Third st.. S--

ilnrs^EWORK-llIrl t«. .1 go. i| laundress. RlT M

lEd' . h‘«iiKewoj-k. ll»2 NeijUi ' i

111 Ii SEVS'i dlK-O Irl w .1.1. h->useWoik. 1(12 Washiio


I ,


M I:;-1 Henry.

I'! I II Ht-;i.i .11 2 ti'2 i ‘:irn-( ;

la) , June :i(>. RMIl. at 3 I RosH.-ile t'OTnetery,

MATHF!5.--On Tnursdfty, June 27 bi-l jvi-u Hon of Willi'-lin!i Kittii. anil the lute M dli . .. k4 .V'-ai-fl T months.

Hi'lmlies jin-1 friends an* klndin l•■hd Ills funi-riil uti .- iini'.i\ r ,M., from lil.J late r« .« .bn e. den Firi'el, to Wo tdlnnd t * im mi-nt.

MoMAlinN-On June 21I, tiiul, Ji jnp'i be|.ive.) inishnntl of .\milo M -M.ih .n m.-e 'i:.nurdi riTiii of f’utrii-k and .M:irm M-M.ihnn. In his 22.1 jertr-

Relnitves iind friends ore kindly Invited to ri- ten«l the frum fna i iireniH' (•pfliileni'p, No. Ill ilergen street, un .Kiindui. .lune 2tl! Jit !l A. M-. I.I St J.-iBeith'ii i-hnr.-h, where a High Mass of Reriulnm will be nffered for the reiioBP of hlfl s..ul Iniermerit jn the Cemeipry of the lb IV 6ernlchrp.

NEII'rNGER- Entered Into reji, on We.lneiuJay. Juns 2U, ilWII, our dear Rlsirr Rose, daugh­ter of the late Daniel and Odella NclJlngfr aged 27 years.

HeJatheg and frlenda, also students and fee- ulty of \V(hh] 's Ciillpge, Young J,adSes' So- flHlliy and the t*hi>lr of Ri, Petcr'n Churchare kindly Invited tn attervd the funeral Saturday, iw*'iny-nlnTh Inst/mi, at });3u a .M.. fn-rn her late restdenoe. No. 12 Mmi mouth street, to St, I’eier'a J hurch, where at Id o'tlte’k a Solemn High MaR» nf Reriiilem will be offered for the repoee of her sotd Interment in L'emeiery of the HolyKi>pul' hre.

9CiinENAMStmrBER_On Thursday, June Crefirge, bel..\e(] husband uf Miirgareib

Sch<-enamsgruber. aged 85 years.Relatives gml friends, also the (Jerman Plim-

eer Society, aie respertfuiiy invited to at­tend the funeral on ,‘talurday, June l*u, hi 2 r. M,. rrniii his l«le restdenoe, No. 6K, nnice street. Interment In 'W’viodlaniJ Cemetery, Kindly omit flowers,

WBAKLY-^At Rlofimfleld. June 28. HKR. Mar­garet WPHkI.v. In the hSth year of her age,

Funernl aervlces from Hie residence of Mn. I’etiT Cnndii. Nu. IdW Montgomery avenue, on Saturiiuy, June 21J. at y n'rlock 1*. S! interment nt Hloomflehl Cemetery.



Now locate<l at 044 BROAD ST„

Between Franklin and Walnut ata,___ TEI* l26,JJOTU 'PH0NE8.CALLKN * MATTUKWB, UnderUkerg.

073 Broad at., oor. Marahall M-Frompt attamioQ given to caUa. day or nlgbt. TeiePhpue Iftl.

WILBUR B. WHITE, undevtaker uid embdliH* ei. late manager foe Ira H. Ormshy. Ig now

located al 23T Cllntoo av». Telephone aftkJtiSHCA BRIEHLBT.

FUNERAL DlRECTOlL EMBALMER. t e lf :p u o n e iw. 4oe b r o ad st .

JACOB V. 4k f r a n k c . Jacobus T'NDKRTAKERS a n d e m b a lm e r b

11s Roseville ive (nr. depnO. Tel. 227 R--iaevtll#.




UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALHERS. Office, 12 Bridge ai., near Broad. *Phr>ne 150.

THE OREAT -’RAMm.ER" factories wens hunt up Irwn vary stnali begLnrtlngs, the in

crease of capacity keeping pace with th* ever Increasing confldenee people alwafi had In **RAMnLKRS:" price |4U. We ask you to call and examine the latest "RAMBLERS" and no­tice the eairm reinforced frames: 125 buys an "ITIEAL" hlcyele. sound, atrong. handsonja ■wheels; cash or on our easy payment eyaieni, NEWARK CYCLE CO., DOO Broad at.TRIPLE FORK LTNDHUR8T.

MODEL Ta*25.


saa BROAD 8T.BICTCLE^Olrl'i whMl (Fay), gulUbla fnr ^rl

10 to 12 ; newt taken for debt; must sell; no ” ' Addreu Ik^rder.reasonable offer refused.



years: If sold Immediately, a genuine bargain. Addresa Owner, Box 7T. News office.LIHRRT1 tandem, almost new- j;*oat ITS: vUl

•ell for tSti; need money. Addrea* South Or­ange. Box 51, News office.LADY'S Hanford wheel for Bale: cheap, fid

North Second st., Newark.BICYCLES tl.OQ a wmL

at.AUS*! IN, M Orange


nOO REWARDfoe a man w* fall to curs, and NO PAT till

cured. Is our offer for nervous debllltf, ftrle* turn. All urinary troubles, varluocele, fmpoteo- cy, IncotMieta dtveloppiest, tumatum] dla* cbArfM. blood poltuo. eruption, weak back, loot rUaJltv. impaired memory. ASA MEDICAL IN- ■TITLTE (cateb. IT ysurt). IM Orange it. (on« block abo<ra High tt.). Newark. Hours, dally, i to IP A.M., l>a end P.M. Suaday.l to t P.k,BIRKEN'S ANODYNE^ the marveUoiiB blood

B. M. SKINNER, undertaker and etubaiiiur No. 214 Cllmon avc. Telephone 2700.

O. L. ERi:, undi rtaker and embalmer, NOv 22 'ff'Hliam at Both telephonee. B10.


ARUNaTON CEMETKKY-Plrturewjue beauiy of modern park planting with careful nan-

agcoient of b«o( cemetery ayeteqt, Arlington care leave Broad at. at Clay st, Officwi Ma Broad st. and at Cemetery, Arlin^on, K i

iiiiK — \S'nmed, h gi'ti) at I ’l: JIANNK’S rt-pi.u

IjINKNKS Kxiiericni-t'd X''. Kl*OE J'n.. 41; 1;

I'ANl'V h)-liif-r wanted. Ml William sC-

\1./ A: SDN.llDi fji:\v(.aif'C—<Hrl r

w "Tk. 141 M(- t

Mil• ! H\-

’ r I [ liihU'H'U I Ki H ;

' llUltt hiMlsC- ri, I

I'l rli;':! f T m riM-l!

, I'l K<-IlrPllt

;, I : *1 \\ Hilt ■'1).

•ill iu'lit limia#-

I'III VKU — lirlKhl young niiiri laumiry wngun; must be rm;

of .Newark and nllllng 1'< wi North N'lni-it'i'tiilj st . Hast ''r :

..1 n.>' III. n lit Uy

li-.l S|-.UDRK-Glrl r=*r n I iKllIh HV*.

I.< irk 51

DIM r i ’TTKIl -Mu>*i bP fit pifn'rli-ni’Hd nn illss ft>r

N, E. \\ HITF.SIDE & I'O., l ifnyeMi' stn.

fin*w-.ikin :in,

14 li'Wi’ lry I!,rl-i-ty mid '

, I I..U'MiFtV -fllrl wunn l i ■ !mu' .‘ill North Nlii' ■ ( nm,"

•s IlHr mft- b!(M I T-

La IwhHK.s.s wanted

liRUrs t'l.HltK-Wanb^d. A Ju i.... 1 iMj iti.jn fur right i-mi'

44. Ncwb i.rl5i-e.

tf --l-rk. Htuki, Ikii

I Ni i{.‘:r mn jii.nui ui I I hii ir*'n . sleep home,

tlrni f),„ r

tnk<‘ run- 'if\ liir'-nT M ,

Head Maalera


lti:DFi;:.s-s Sl.FTL.MUFU IS, IWl.Thi rnuii:ll ii:'<<|iarull[.ii) lur any college of sclcn-

dill Hi'hiM/i. vr b>r buelmes life, l^rtmury de- puriuit-iit. i.'dtiiU'hur vi) o|>ijUcallou.

< «lii- i f Hk bi-iiJ tuaelers will be at the Aiuiletii) ibill) fr ini 1 i>- Ii during the weekb>-Kl;iiuii£ Sryd'iiilM-i u.

THI'. ;vl-;s\AUK SKMl.S.-UU'.MISS WiHTMDUK'S Huardmg uiid I>.’i Y

SDHDDb f.-r «:ilU,ri tuts removed from UlM .‘*1, to 172 t'lintiHi dve.. Nowurk. N- J

S|>;i. j.iuii ri'i'iiifl. ■iiiiJ wi)|l-*-nuUH*'d ft) ii -iija,iiiii. ii()i,Ty, biti r.iiu]y. iTUtiary ileihirt ni'-i.t fir It) !>■ Jiihj b ')» , iirt cliiseio: vocal ‘ Ui lurt .itiU |'■.. ll. l-ui)Di, the laiiguilHi* of ,tiH* i.i.ol i'l i-i'.ii.uii n f'-r all riilleK‘'s; ihe ot.ljI' .>•< bi'cl In Neamk whose cerllUvaiH :nimiiH bi V\ vlli-sl->. Ml. ilulyoki* and Corbell

HORSES, t A R R l w^'t>, KTU.

15h-HolUSFS AT .tfi'TU iN -150 BULL'S HKA l> UDM Misst* >N ST.\llLli^

4P5 and 41»7 Hr.iuri pi._ s. nnr'k. N. J.TUB LAllOEiJT S.UJ-: IN NEW

Ji:k m :v.LAlltjl-7 'S SAIjFO P

i:»o H"i:si.s t:.i»Tb iisi' Vi .n j.v 2.

AT III 11 I 1.M1 k .V. M.



STRAW. CTv’. Lt.'MUKR, TTMUBR, WOCWAND muj^Ks rnoaf WRIK'KED b u il d in q s ,

YI•7 WILL fiJCl.L A FTQW HEAVl!lDIt>I':s. DM!; FAJlt' OF MUI,£3 a n d UK.tW TRUOKS.

J. SMITir & WAIoLACB OCkAT Newark l‘i>uliry Sufiiiy Co.’«, a ge n tf3

( yi ritr'a tiu"ub,iiiirH iiruitilerit and aundrtniTills eab* iiiDiil-'i tr,.;i.rH. c-iha. _ ____niJtlvhriJ i-hU'H, rMmn- dr \ ► r-. i.iuOly, bualliv *. I,er'.i llguld her killer. '’Death to^Llca'” KVwork, eKiir«’»i*. -It.if' i.iitii Jvr.-o-y chuitka, in 1 ih'hry Uhlik FiHtd, condition po'wdara, routs

J I * i-hnlera and vuree, N. J'. A. Muratcblng andt IIXJ lu l.Hi ln' I I I [!r*i . h‘ rei-s ai\vu» otl I Dmitry fooU. Jl .'io pr-r Hkj Ibst, kb6 Market at,hand « l iirh„i.- viD ,ir ..x.-iiungi* All hutic-aold iin two dll I'd, purrl)ii:«i- It:

lIorf’f'H, '■i.i,'. ■ . any utie In b. 1sale, by ih>- lu't

Lurae (•(•■I'k 4 ] or exitituru; ' ,ii ..1:

J J M' MUb il 'SK, \r.-7 |i \ S.M.KSKVKUY

TfJ \ .vMi FHIDAYTcli'i'h. m.- Id 7 I ' ::s, H. HmY Prop,

JAi'nll .-11. '• < I -I .,n,.r

'I'l. ir iii'i us reurcneiU' '•1 f.illy rcfuiide-i.

ri*i'(‘A-C't fn-rar It .iin-i|i'U -If yrlv.ile

ii'rtli'i u 1)1 ihi, ritatr.‘ 'I ii.iiid, prli ate aula

n l;l’ VV. .S|>KOl.\L SALE-11 AU\ IS.-!

HUi’.U.V U vi;m ri'*;ulnp {M, n|'-clnl .. .J12 Sl l'ill U V Ii '. I; M ri-irnlnr |1*'; ai t'i-liil.. JlTiKUN.VltDl I To«, J27.. *22I., Ill " I.;, 1 11 1; '*• i '>s. r 't;iilii r J JO; ai>c lal J Id FXl'fU;.','- H \t!\rss, reuuhir |2Jt, ajiCi lal. SIP Y l'.li K t.KUlir J3'I. !»b»’0'al.....|2:i

i l . l ' Iv II.VUNUSS. Tirg- rtS____SJ3h ih r-T iD N viN f l y n u t s .

A . S i V i - } [ 'S , 7(i MAltKET ST.I 'I r v .s •TI IlDAY FVKNIND.MILKS W B,\NFY A DRU,."” '

ST tn 1 ] lirtiluc et-, Newark. N. J.

ALL (he lateat deaigrte m goa and electrlcaf nuiir.-H nt iMlm-y jiricejc oUi work rehttiehedS

chuiiiKiiera. iiHilMeuiJB, Uinipe, etc., equal now. t all or Bei),i piiHiiil to oup fjujtory,

miDdKI.YN (JAH FIXTURE CO- ;iJ Methmdi.- bl. Tel. iK>Tl

I |ir-Jl l‘V,-|)l|)ji,-i.

\V|. JiljiT received two carloadn of chunks an I fLiriii hursee; good workers, and to ■uRti tT) [,vJy.

^ALSO-*ir.h Hinit I’ LAtjfl UOACll HORSM. « ' M'l'LK llDliaL'8.S i=HKTL.VSLi ruNJKS.

l"ii in.AVV DltAl-T HtiRiJEa. i l .UK llLAVi’ MULIiia.

Mvikk HOUbEtf TO lilR HTI UJ'iiDNK


lII k 'Il.l’!■ |\\ NriUND'S 1 ioardlng and Day rtvii- 1 I

f'-r nii iEi. fjt I'L. Newark, N,J. Th-.r.. .v'j | ]ir/»i'Krml 1(1 fic any eojlege epeh to 'rtf'iorn, i uruili-rnh [’rltTiHri and Hindergiirten ilei in- ' , menlB, iirt i!> i'lirt nietib Orlltli-ale HiIiuIIf* ti i , WelirBii-y Rmith iiiiittmofe ana oilier colkt>-». 1Ulri ulaiD uii Hi'i'lli .itlun. ' , '

M iialo.MISS Ml.-.HIUI-:!, .ri'M'Tl'lMY, banjo, nmnLi..:iM

kiiimr tHd Sill'll'

il.i) and i-venlngH. di Ii'M j Me I :i'l SI.

•i. JdH.NSd .n'. auci'rBM"ra . iifiJ 27»k» .Mai’kel #1., we iiiii'* ii

' iii'i i KUK-'tlii. iil'Ci) ai-u.'ibijrc! waaiirin oirrUlKfH, unelirnaile w ' •'!

id wiut'iiH, I'liKKleB, rttan|)i»i'*'ii- Ell,,- 1(1,1- ..f ui i'Vi'e', baker!*'. lujti'|ii'in', ■ I.- lit..I Eihimlieiii’ waguiLf* alany.- Int 'I , an ()|wii)'a Iind U I'ltmiilerr hnr- nf IJ.4 . \!|-||%1«.|1 lo|i surreyti, iilKh hh | I >w • ‘ I wiiK -na. with solid ri|i*lier iii'.'i. an I '•''' ii4 LniiJ carrlugeH. \m* h.n e'll MiHiiil jiuiip-neat surre)!*. loii ^...1

'•iii'i|i> Eii|i nui'ivys, koimI ei<-c-ii<l'loind II lort and A utH»-mu,n riui.l isaiii'-ii.

'll HD-J kvild tiJ order ut "Ijr fai'i.oy,, N .1 . we will give a nli c l.iu r-.|ie hu I I'll <-iiiti auls uf curnage /i'N

1 A '.jH’nlntij gitH llxluree, glu

c—> w lumpa. I'luokolrt,pl>en itn tni«» pip


ling naie- bargaina M glubea, incanileioeal ‘ rt, etc.; eet!iuai,M iping Hjid Tixtureai SI ziprlngfleld avw.

A !mi|.l .\b (Ukvcil la a dullar eamedi buy y hitr gas tixiuraa, brackt ta, globes,

In the i'hea|io i pbu'O Iti ttiB tiUy. N. T», Hom r'lKigre I'lt., 24 liKlmonl <avei,f BCaF .*•111 inglleiil HD-.

2 -jd). (i.'ic. T'dl '■rKKI'NKiKLi

Ti'-iipi'nl hardware fltors on the ' ‘Hill;'* l« I) lii'K'-. 5c. font; tar ^pefg fam y m-ieen dours 6A-7bc. k, in? si'TlriRileld ave,, pear Waal.

A. A - A. Th'iuiianiLH of celery *ud calibaM l'liiTit:<, Sui'ccHflnn. Auiuin King. Flat DutoT

Hollaii't, Scaicy nnd Inruc red, Uk:. per 10(1 up« \'IST']-:\T. protiuc*'rEiincrp.2U0 Main sd., OrangtAid. iDlklng mat hiii'-'i. musloal Instrumantii

Lyi'i-wriii-re Hold, iri'iiirod. moving platnr* a » hltulb'n." MA('K.17Y. 2tio Drango st.A • Unril

♦•bv; I I'-r.Mt'i at.,

hxravinx. v.-c-dillnga. inonogran] dieiL[dote yrUitliiK UitBXl-IilElAJX 759

ver SS lfi!i A Suns.A J..AIUH' miiHiilo ahxncHjiu for saI* ohewp, V.

.N, FtiilLlSlh'N. :i.i; Mulberry al.AltMY TENTH fur rnlf', 13 ewetu WAlAlU'i

SUNS 6t ro., 2lki \\ ttHhlngion at-UAH coats, har vests uiul ttar aiinina, of all

aiaei, buicf oyaier apronllAKBY W

aiaei, butcher gowns aiul aprona. extra long, oyaier apron*, nshber apru" -

■ KviviiB. BAiiK ivuga'Qs. licadjituarian aa

SMITH 3. 2U4 Market iLru^\H. cotss, I'uWS Will receive another

rli ib'c I iiid Ilf i'"aae. .•%iHuri]ay, Juno 20, whicb (in- for Kill'! I'l' ciclmngi-, at the lowest marKet prirtH. m iirs LEWIS'S Stiiblee, 445 Ihth ava.

AMLK.t l-'lnc ili-,KKiai Irlp'Hl; cost |50j will -a-ll fiT JFi, i.'-ypr burn uwd, pracilC4Uy

i'*w 17 J-.o.' 'lt) I ’lirk. clLs'-I'Hid' p,.j.iaJ In V\ \S’. Ui:iD, auiMlonunr, 73

.•\,'ndi-jiiy Ki . lirf.irr' ffp||li)g your h'tuieholi} K-"i|e or m>-rrhut)dia!'. will Ituy It from you ttr r'l-ll It fnr "U mi cunuiilnsuui.>irtV 11),«. Hni""fh <.vi.I.I .V K, Jlfi I '. on at.

i doc.

I ult S,\Li: At Hcc'iijd hand lumber yard, H4 MhIel m , Emu Dranite, a full line uf building

rnaii'rlHl, ctnalrilhK uf Niteii, bllnile. diairs and li'-du y >i-ll<ivv inm* timber, enr.; buildings bi'iiatit iiiid i«‘ (iii>ved. liuiulre of A. UUW^l•ll"ll■■ IHil, KiiHt Orudg'-.

IMi.Ni U M 'iiM U’/ii-hi'r uf Yi'din flti'l i i' i.'. |1 f-ir b- i)r ii'M-iun. Hludin. l.liSa h ’ lb-ufi- i

I'l V N< tl'tn

;i M- timnd"iin nml RUli.-ir ln-!i ll iJDLI.lNilKK, 7H North Kith

Ml-<s MAi: I l' l:i;iNK.r-Vlolln. idmn), He 1Iv taiiyh'. r'-d.s,jji;i>iic iprm*. IMi uuim.

.^rnclr'Mlo fliHl ro lle jc ln *^ StiiifD's'■ iiiKtruNli'n In the h'i 'V-, hD'i f

Nt'»v 1-ik r'-it'-nia' partmliiiiti-iii. 21.iv- .'r 75 Mitchell |il . F;).it ..... .

or atud.tiD' 1 ,Enc. S. D. I1ILLM.\N, I'l. 1


LADEwacra,FUF.N'i'lf Itallnn. (Irawiny iniHheTi)nil-'». bv

f.iii-l^n inAversity gruduiil'-. :«l |'ijj>irr> !i- rii' M'rlt'- I r '-dil after 6 o'clunk. Dr, Cu.NuSUl t I, 27»M Mtd berry at.


NFWAHK, N j '11"N H.\LF, uF i:\'UU\ \VD|l.■' I'SDAV. AT 10 (Vi'LDt'K M iiy» iiiMuber uf Ar$i-cliiw li r-c- -f all ,1'iriK Ml Jjund ul prUain •■Jil.- ,r

.U1 hf'MS.'fi fti.ilri i>n 1 w I• ibu !- (rlHl, mi l, riH rr-|irt'8<'ii(»-d, inoitc) tcruEi-l- 1 ii

Iin .ITlil llJlUli'itfi iHtliJ OU CoIHEUInnI |), (-|IhiTii.-Ei iir private aule.

•-j'hi Ell' i:i751i.ALFuNSD J'uX. rrop.

,1 ilAItTIN. MmtHgcr,.1AI 't'U rfllUTT.'', ,\ij' I l

LNDlM'.JhlR wunt^d to luk*- < h :.• Jimpb'-il ■ ltrlpnunll comli-n.-u c ■

i-Eirit mlJ t h#* f<!'her. nl)l«- to tJih'- 1 iitiii t-Tim 'UTe pnwer. nut'- ar-- '» pi- vHiJ ni I ivHK«'e A-l ln’h' X li2. Nfwa ulTi»'<',

I \\ flll!!l- I' Ei|';)]l- .\ n '-lird? Ihm n|n 'IC'lMJUU'l.

Nr I:>!! ViiI if> J)«»«l'224 I'.iirminint iit'i’

N'lyATyirl fur iipBlalrfi w ;h ! 42 N. Hi.

I w.iil oil t i lp,

|-:.S ULUlKNl *LD h*er huHler NEUMANN. Kirk'* alley

ST.YK«-m-:HS - Expor1enc‘-'l - i.t wtan-li. - • :if.ler ilairan machine. 11Ar Ul-.i Jri'K LliUliJf J ,

2o lt#mv»T el.

1-TLK F"HfiKR.'«-\Vftn|;(l, iwoan.hl ni" forn-i-ion hea\j work, steady work nnsurM to .... .

men Apply THE J La BTuN .‘S-MITH uu.. UhiUdeiphla.

j SM,\U.. Klrl ’rt-ont'-d to uxsici :,ii,ut lnoni.lry, j 5(1 Nfinh .Vlnler-nili Kael ''rmia'*.

WAITHUSS-SS'miteJ. eaperlrn,fd whii** wiilt-r Ba at aeapibi re. Ai't'ly 220 ilar^Me pI

F.4 llMll.\.VT> ■’ ('bMiil rnllker and farmhand wnnti'd, Apply J. MAllB. 777 IlnrrD'in avc.,

llarrltMim.FARM HAND wahlerl;

ft team and milk. \V.llUtori.

miipt be stile (0 handleJ'. HALL. H'jyden ave..

FAltM hand, wajree Jifl. flu (’cilfir bI,GlirK’FUV ('LEUK -EKperlftireil grocery clerk

wanted far all arou/id ■work, imut he hrsiclanp; referenn'C PC'-iuIr'-d. flclil live., Summit.

HEl'NKY’S, Sprlng-

G(>( >n grimier and p<]lleher, stale w ages nnd lire\-IOu» eii!|'|oynt tlt, alwi *iir»rlcftl Inslril

hi'-nt maker. AdJrefW Tods, IJux 07, New* of­fice, ^ClullDuN proas foeib-r suiMi-il at I'liim’s, Ulln-

lim Ht)il Ite-iver »ta.L IIA !1 III-:H<iK!l A u»t. HFijnRR EXTFKL

ENUED Sa LK?»MKN !■''►» TUKlft MEN'S rr/rnilND riFI’ARTMENT. ATSrrRKINTKNDFNTS ul-TU’E. FIRSTFI/FtU, HEFultD lu A M.LINEMAN \ ’nn(edi. ft Mcndy. sober lineman. alierniitlng system, light work, Bictt'-ly jHsith n L>3ex Unl"n Witlei uml Llgiu Uo., Rummlt, N. J-Lt.’NUHMAN wanted, single map who can

cook' flerniftn pr»-ferr«l: Ihe at hnie) Ap« jily S r. M . I'uUce Ilutrl, opp. Market Slreet

___ ^MArtKIHl> man w/imed to drive espreaa he-

Iw'een Itellevllle And New Y'Tk. lUUal he well acrjUdIme.l In New Y' rk. underslanri ehlppltig an'1 lio'.i- 'f rss .4-i.)R-< refereil'-e; |I2 |'p«r week, J STa NF'd IiD. ifll Uortlflnd ?l . Belleville.MAN whiiI'mI who uhilersian'ls the care and

drlviT'.r -»f luirHee tn en In th" country for the eunuii'-r I'.ill at 2d Slate st . before Mondaytri'-rnlnc

WAlTHFb^H wanted, flk J-lrtHl 1‘ark at.l.S To 2(1 glrift wanted, white| ct-lnred glria,

also glris for scaaht»re; goi-d wages; also half- gr-'Wn girl*. I'lnml-'vnii-nl Agency. New at., near Flri"mT J. liKKAfiN.


LAUNT»RY help of nil clftre'-«. inachltie opera- lura preferred, enticolally siarchent, rmi sec ure

ftllllfilluiia Laui!i1r>, I'.oH 22. News nlllee, slat- Inir esperlence. reternnce and wagna rx|»-i-ied.MAN, wife, prlvriie place flu i'edfir Bl-

K!H1'L07 \ IE\T W A ATE H —M.(U.EM.

HARTKNDKK, r*i>erleDced. wi»Ji«-n |iusnlnn. city of cuumry. .'122 Norfolk n., ilrid flour.

BA KMB--0 ' thJ rake baker warm siiuaiHJU, city ur I'ounlry. IJukrr. Bos 33. News ofllr«-.

HIilH sch- uj student wishi • 10 give private Ics- ii'/jiii In HL'ebra, Ivitin, grrimmar nnd primary

iludicft. J’h lLIF GEHL, Th I ’rltu-e st.INTl-HJJtlENT v<»ung inuti de»|n-a evening

W'Tk. I,..\\’ALLtCE. Morristown, N. JMAN Wants iilnce (" help in kitchen. MIKK

SKDLlsil. is Von Huren at,WAITKH^Ituallnn waniul dr heft'1 or mI M

wniti-r In txiftriHng-liuuse or lioiel. by < ■ 1"r*-d nmn, best refcreniEPw, Addresa .V. J. S Hui 122, Bl'iomflr-Id, S*. J.

!Htornian<1 and 'I 'y iiew vIH iig .\\ |:KKLV I'A VMI NTS.

linw.lfn'a Sb. nhiind, 'IN v. iiHng dii.| H« k.-«-p'nK rolli-K«v flNi UonO'- ;o . mis. h»-' ir - l

IIIII<:nAM A K IN U A M ) MII.I.I A [ : i o .

T\YI)UR:'S Dresec-Ultini,' mid MIIIIm'T.'— l iiiiff-Hl, I'csl nnd or,|y Mrstoil).■"* emnl'liHbc.i ft'-houl In the b-uin now uini pii'pHi-e frrifiill Hitd M'inier awjoi'iD, diessmitklii ;. Iii'lles' tjdlfirlnf ftn.l Fren<-li (idllltiery ilior'iughly laught from f"Undiill"ri tu bnli»]i, "un All stiiti mer, I'loM-d i-\i-(dntrr .luiy find Ausuai, MAilV K. LYN' ll, 7>71i Drou'l st., u r. ( 'lu ra la v .M''I>U\V]-!LL 1 TreH'’Ul 11 ug School; sftSle«t HOel

ber<t SJhleri) m 1-M-1 'I\!')-. tUlpliH tiiHkc Tiu'lrow n dri-EiftCH while b'.irninc UhM oi’ Si ml b-r dri'iilar. papet panorrie nn 1 linings cut to measure. Ut'Si: U l.VNi'M. .Sfl.-i Hiual fti.VAN ?1.4,N7 Dr'-Asrulllng HdirviJ; diy nnd even­

ing iewaons 2o2 1 lane sc., near .N'eiv.


AT THK Khi I 'lT 'r ivN I'l.LNu STuKfC.%V*' il.i huiiuesrt bcc'uu-"- we "fli-r

terms mill I'rKes l.iuer than miy mtu-t li juse, giioii u|>rlghl piHtiot* hb I"W' hh Hik . s"id for ('HAh c't iJirialiui'iiis; spi-i-ud liidU'r-mciiiB for cHi-h. I'loii'It T'-utrd }7I ni'^uthly, juii iillownd If pun-hsM-'i

MATMl'SHFK ft PON I’ lANO a i.,Spriiiglirld uv*'.. cnrui-r ll'gh st

t^'lfUN yi'U iiuy a pliiiio f< r (hf i hufch. lha hall, ll)' manjtlrm. lh<' i-otiage .1 in fact, for

any i'urpoHi'. buy u Ibdl. n'“iirJv ncry one riJ-. mitn we ure the plariij IcHilori of ,\ew Jemey; in ihe iie-ir future every i.tie ruiist dtlrihl it; u burgniu for ei-i ry tii>ur In Ihe day.

Uxl.L’S, 127 5!arkit /)t., iiciir Newark Tlieatre.

Fart' ry prlc'-!), caali ur Hina.Heller ielit line.

"I Eli: Nj;\\ IHW,\ HTuHE " .SA1> nuu llAlt- Nb-S DEHAIITMENT MI ST LK.U* KK*

L i'I 'ld ': HARNEad LVKHV J T 11 l‘US E ;' I ‘ iCl, si'Jtlil.JY, unUl'K. > II iiKLIV- I L t . K.\!‘ lii-;Srt AM » 'l l l I i 'K IIAltNFSS. ' ' -N- 'l ANfl'LV ON HAND, ell M ADE 1 u " f l l l i . HUI.KJY HAHM-JSS, IP T’. I P DK- b-'l U V(H,)N IIARNLS.-^, MN S.UH'I.K D. I d K, NIUKML uH I> \ \ l> itrnitKIl M' • >-TiNi;s, J12 FVKin riiiN.; i mk m ij . I: 'O ' Ot .STAHLI': AT 'Jlli L'-AI-.-I 1’".-'- .--II.!. I'Fth'FS, Ml \ U TLM eI io i .y

' ASfl (jR ( ‘KI'JIiIT. Idbl.ll \L I'i-.HM.-J: ll"-2'iJ 2(M.Siifi MAitKKr M

I-uU SAld*;- BroSlcr for restaurant, g5; 17-foot uwning. b;J; maai-esa. f l , baby enrriaga,

H 25, 23 \vlJllnm k( Ld of rhewp ruga.l‘'i(ll SA l#)? -\Veil lti"'hy Moiihlaln bllijr

gi'Hi. harnene HU'1 ilie 1- 1101. c<«u |iki, fur aula che:i|' 35 Taylor Ht,, UrufiK*'.Fuuii store fronts. Heooiid hand, for anle; alio

ibKi(!i itnd wmiow!! ami building nuuerUl, Hri'oTicl-Hand Liimlier Vutil. 747 iiouth Fi|- tcenth si.

l'‘ANS Tu-) Heettic re|llng fJtTlH. U) g.xKl ifdar. JuH.'M S’Ji uKJ'I, !I|H DgiU-n st., cor. L’Uy,

FiSMINiJ ijushef with imlea for sale r.l)eap; algo st-aifi rmiiiK t.Kilft. 05 Eighth live., diy.

OR.'SMul'iluNL and Zonujihnne: iHlkn talk;casii ami Itistalments; htilr-airurtlbli* reccirda;

rec.irdri i*Jirliaiigi'fl, repairing. fi(i2 Br'ia«l fti.o.\it!iJ7N llusH, 3 cenia per fo'H and upwari],

W,A I,s irs S11K.S A CO., 200 Wuiliitigttm it.. ■ 'lay and I'uaftalo sti.



OLD. liUl’HAl D.202 MARKET ST.

SI‘ l-;i'I\l, Jii'Uiceii Mils I Ills wei-k. Uue w tre- vih'-il Hhd oiie W'.uili'ti wlu'si. pio'umatic, lilxli

Hii-I l"W Mheel, Hi'lid rubtu'c lire 1 urutiouiii, tw" l"|- bllKgiUi, 'ine i-|ini>|'> loji imp. one runoliy- top suruy, one eiienrlon-iop surrey, one white elEi|]>pl(- |jhui-luil, one DilVton wugutl lihd oil'' liirr?.n \ |i-t,irP), all lu g"u'l urder. KATUN'S. Fl ilrleeMh ftTI'l urBligo Sl.i . NewarkDuN'T W AIT until the hUmiiiiT |s over bef-'Ce

I'urchasing a onrriHge nr btlshieas wagon, b*u fall nuw jind Hsiect uiini yuu need, a large «loL-]c uf liigh gViide WEigtihft, ul«" ruhher glh] slijeJ llri-ij csiri.igifl, nil th- JU'-st iie/flrrii HtyJtf* to choose ri-oili. Hi The lowest prlio-a 'J'b'- ■i.Vn- (rul \Vaa"U Works, 4oT ( ‘eniral n^e.. Lw-lwecn aa uiid 4lh «i)f.

]<’K, b'K Sjiring water Ice (lollvi>reil all pHrii eir>, im- .biilftp per tuii, JI'JIlULiVMAN'S,

J’ l ' liiiK>iii> .ftej) live,, c>r. Kmmi'l.LA1>I1-:s kl-1 fllioes, laea or ituiton, tl, Indies*

fine ki'i. luce nr laitton, tl 15. Iiidu-s' nuinpla kid sin es, ||.27i. iKdieti’ aiiperior Jvl-I shosa,)! 45; iu<'ii H mu- inreil ttlinen, |1; rm-ii’s t.uff vatf tacej, SI 15. men's supi'rlur laceil hHih's, Jl ’«n, men'a rus^ei luced, II 4b. men's vl' l kill iuL.ed. fl.lM): liO)h- liu-ed shnci. tl. W'M J. M' KINNEY, 37g I’luTH' Ht . WDlUirr s.,lA TMFH'H I'undnni foUTnaiji pen; ih« only

l»tgh grade Jl pen, solid 14k.. and snilsfactlng giiuranireii, repairing lanher. TtU I'oiumiila tl.La I 'N '‘ If fl.h fiHd Hfi'nnv launch, in tlrat-claaa eon.Ullon, fi r sale, lUl High si., eliy.

[jArNUH -KtcHin launchHie,, city.

for sale. 13 Avua

NKW' 'In-SH suit, I ’rim-'' A|l»ert suit nmJ noi jEjiket, Hito'vi new; will fit man flv# feet

elev<-ii and waist measure 4tl. 24. Neap r.files.

AddrsB* J., Box

I'HINTINU, i-lirap. good ■work; l.tkiO carita, etruilnrs, ldllU''ads, Ikk- ; (.itlirr -W' rk; rsaann-

side, your traiU ■oilc-iisii. W Y i’KOFF* Printar. DiH I'Une st

JvidTI' i"iiiinuiili> on hsnd ftrst-I'Jass drlvel'r., busilierts ulld heavy

ilmfi liorst-H, wiJl w-ll ut iiMvust {iMtkel prb i'S. inril gDUl. for sulo

hsnd hrst-

llATIki- The I'ity I.IlM' Hill'! HIhI.Ii-s, HprUiKfi)-(d hm'. and Tw ejil) -drill st M HTK ’ HKli. I'l'-P ')'e| 4H2fli'Al!l*(!AD of Uu'si Wesii-rii »".rees. ul1 S '•

ellin.ite I and soiiud, one jtiili b'-a'iy iru>k hors'is, couch liorKr s, f'-w i.ghi 'Irliitig h'rs'a.

- .... _ , Hill Horn.' hUlTuble fir dlliU-ry WrlK'll purj-»r»^,(I'N N iill J’i.WUH. rt-lluuned for duralnllly Mn.| ' trial given, all «-ail Ih' seen at MLA N I'H .V Hi 1

Y'lUNtl m-in, high srhcvol gnidurite, desires P‘0 Hltl'iii, iiABlBtant b>'‘0k'Rrs['er I'r olllci - ivrk

pn ferred. T-, IK»X M.. Nt rvs offlee. UrHng

tons; .Mill' ll pianos uaii'i I-'- Ishhi r -r fu'ii -f Tone ■iliii keeping ill tone; eury i-ixiii-i taken; If V'u want in savs |Vi |ii »liai nf f‘.; Bl •rlB'<s puir.T), call and pep th^m. ll'd,.’'; I'-U K'luib ururigw ave,. i-or Bruce si,

siiibb'p, 4;{ Imy h! , Umuge KKT'HAM

K H PI.O VM K ST W A r^TE I)-K K > l tI.ES.

M.\N e.ihic'l bJ milk anilKal'Viin j-b

eure for rows. liT


c'i re milk , KeArny.

DUYLF'f* Dairy.

MlLl.W Rb HITS — Whuic'I, first clawi mllL wrgMs Apply RIKKR MOTuR VEHICLH

r«.» KliSHl'eihjsvrt. N, J.AVKIlS wixm Hl. t . K'-.irnv

latYLK'S Dairy, Davon

A A H''lp. maids, every i'n|'ii''liy. city, rs.i ll r»- nr t'ouiiiry. So Uidar -f

DAY'S Wi'TIK—Woman wunt-i dny’ !i w-Tk .M M and K. R. R. avc.

11'd SI'AH''■'KK-—<»lrl wlihes twisiti. n ni te o> wnrk RpeNk* tierman and l^aglish. will

wushing anil Ironing. 5S Livingsioii -t

IH‘Usi:\VuJtK Neat young colors.) girl ' Hk'l.i ll'ijscwnfk•. City or ceuniry. A l.c -

(iirl. lb J, ifl. News office.LAl'M 'Ftnss wants work by the d,i>

New Ml , rear.

Hi: vIJ THJ: (LU>.A w--n'J''rfid »•''<( I'lHyiiig tiiiinu uir.iehnii-i

• .11'lvble of im< 1 |-n Ting luu- ic like a niupb 1 m" ijiie «t end!.-" uiid Mniut'-fii'.M.i'tiu*li' k ft > ■ .'' ■r|nKli.•l'| ave.,cor. |l1u >

, H.VlINK.'iS llARNK.sH, HARNUSsk - ' Huy for iHi'h, direr: rTniii lb'- muk-r". U'middle iimr's proiti, )i-i hUh n-nT", i ,'-"-

lio Is Ani'Tfi e'.nsidri ihg, e- will t.ike 11 ii.u- i,‘—!• ill ev'luihgi*. A.**< ‘ 11J-7N 11 V ( ILJ" .Vl.vik)i!l' dc>|- K'-Tl' I'

b <lu-h\V>.

! I'H IfillT p'-c, iii'ipl new. »|i

11 r% t- yeurb I li 1

lijuleigfiriy ease, 3ui'ngl.L pianu. 3 uMuIj, iI Li:..

WIHHNEH. 0U3 Urn.ul

1^2 iian-D Hb iirivc biiSIIlL'Ie I'bHfl-.!

i-' , hurfiesi, )-i- , Sijuih uniii)i

-..i.i,.!.H'si •


I. i.iu'Hir,

n.NK st.i'k i-r i-i.iii'W', Hhunluger, Belu. uri'l ]-'rankliti - for re-iannHule in>1 uii easy iirn.:-, -lu.ite i.Unua from i 2u■ • IV t I) IP n,i w . arc.

'bU'-Vli WagMUS IlliV- S '1 isftt, i.iv Mil kirulu In sUk k f r b(ii'>-!i • gio< er. '•1 it. , s- Ic Bgents f-.; I - - * •■■ I s.-e them. NlCHnL.-^ /.AlihiLLU. '1 73 New *1.

4"4Ui; A .S' KLIN WAR K RO( IMS.

21 Fullon st

eiRf'iAM^T .\ ce.mT»ctent organist and choir | lender wanTc.l who is aids tn speak German.

For fiiTihef Informatinn ajtpls' to 10-1 Hussex

T'l W ' 'H.nrb

:lft\sr w-'inr*-.! frT ftaiurdfly night, 2113 i'fi avs., Harris'in.

rr vNH-*i!

J in'l vjolln tdayeri wanted- M.^RTIN'3 2fll Dank M.

dlTKli for hotel. 30 Uedar.RT: vl.^:.’'=T Young man wanted. 16 to IT

veHi-« '-Id, in real estate nfflce; must reside In Or.irips or P",!)St Orange. Address Real Estate, Hex N News ',tfT1«*e. i'>rBngp.

Nl'lt-'i: ' 'ompeienl nurse would ith'* rar« for one or two children; cvuiiu*

sb. f' T-r'-fcrri-d. UtJnpeient, 4b Finn - 'NI V"iing girl wishes p<)Sl||'in h-

fun iH Koing away for sumnier r* virt fl . < ll) .



I l ’-''■IVl•d, earlond of h*';i ! iM,p. s.i.biJe and ysmles; iilso ■• ■•liii m>h'TH'-s, Ir)v4ii1re Ji'tM P'alrrii ' i’•' i - .

■ iidi .ive. jAUoll KIRi:'M';>..---M:?:


J.!. ii t .viNH of tn# HprlngheM I «• '.iiii);+- HiMiib's, driving, l‘<.

l. '‘ -'p iiiua)E» Ul) hand at lnw<- . : >rn"i ! .ISC . gl'l.NN A ND • 1.1



A I KSM 4 N--upp^'riunlty for hrlght young rra'i f.ileHiTifl.u. line cf ethtliihcry speciai-

M.-h pm ! I seders '-an nmke good future. Apply In Hrtting, giving references. Stationery. Hog st, office

Ftl-:eF i-'‘ TA IIM-7 girl wants position tc f.inulv Hs llrsi-clasa chamberniai'l

re-H, Ml luht laundry work; dan l>e p* d:ij e i.r 221 New si., city; no cafd.s ar'RKSIT:''TADI.R French girl wlahe-

niiT'-.- i-r chambermaid. Sti V.'<wt Ki:.HTn\'"'.R U 'llKR deairM 'pMlMon' ■'

e")T’.- litre f.,r experience. AdiJn-'s v;. Nm*b oifloe.

W.\:4lllN'b-Gernian wnmati wants t . washing by the day. 141 Falrm-mi.i

lu bi'l-CiljHT pl.iEui f'Hrguliis, flue tune; il25.Il4u. tlfsi, 117.‘) . vvarrantei]' better

*fi‘ lliern at oner, full BILCS. s. A. WARD 5-h' M park.

'MII.V !i-TCf f'lr B*Je. 35.fl hnu D hijC ' •"‘•"n '- d I'iirlefi, uf all ubjeiT*. pJl' iU .-f r I ll-.- ii drive; warruni'-i e- hii. i .uiJ

r . i.i.tft Kinney gi.

Drn'lNG Rrftlns. dried g’-aim; any Quantktia**G. U KRUFfll^R IHtYiNG CO.,

01 N. J. n. ll. ave.





2inb2li.S MARKET KT.HTOilK IU1; lrp Ini ludiiui !''■» '■'‘'inters, fthow-

i-ttscs. ‘ Ufl'cl-', CElfe. Ul . I.'infulu* If sold lU flue. Ad'Jiv'- ' HSb. J!oi H». NN-ws ofllce.THE ever j'o| ubir H ib I rpeiooe ut llUOll

UliUH.' UlF'-w -Ik' Km: "rbim-. 2flil-27bi Spring- Held ave , op;, lb liri'-iii. ilErW'Tk!' at cut rates' l--W'b*r is, II- 22 EihvTik ' hi irt'lM'’'<. Oc- boS, 3 f-.r 2ftc;.. fl2 U. !' . I'V' , :i f- I . flJ *' K , H5'?..fl for $1. r)ftS'‘ , lull..... itU'l blMe.ns, Hii'umerlluiler Tb-kr’n f >r 1 VebIriM Ibmks. .VU

'J’Kl \KH, HI IT I'ASES.1 ily ofilv Ilf I iish Ji< iihi' w tn-j" D’'l ‘ ‘«n g*t the

V. -1 ll' Ii FHVlllg I.f •27l JH-T C’lll- HULK-LKY, '.‘aj Matkel siT W ' M-ovvinK imoblTii-H Dil l bft ruck for oala

Ik H' ll *<1 , ' InvtlK" \ Hilej ,T\\ ' I ej.

ku ef■ rluul {'eibiig fHii" fl r sale, fh'ri Mai**

W lN t"'W glnss and sh-'wcKs--s for hiU ctieopj suomJ hut)'] showcases bought. glu-Xing d'JQSt

R. S'lKultIN, 4m i'rlli'•' I'l

llo n e rh o ld H immIn iiritl l''M rnltarai.FFItNI'n itl-: Sbk •larini"li |.arb-r sull, hand;


some brsisH til'll, cointi|u;i( ami roll top drske. ri>uk iin I vu!- b'T. dining rvr.fn unrl orb'* furrdiure. rarpua. >>lli.'lr»il) nod Imoii-uui, evirjibiiig tiiU‘'l bv eoid ai u sRcrilb-e 02 Market st

I'iANu, t'O. ujirlgbl. calilnet grand; perfe<’ l ir-b-r. I'liiiirie ‘ iim-d ''T cc ily , H .V», repairs

\ir\ reftsonKble, S. J.Mt’blH, 4"S Warren s(.

^J.I'HlTLY viH.d uitIk'-iI. latest style rase, •-■'<1,1 iind scrirf, 1 v a r > tuning, |1^; tlm#

yi.iri, RIKHM.hN O' Moiugotncry st.r'KiHIKI LV uiW'l i H'b'T upright plnno, half

lU reui VblUr- I'l'lvbi'ug sUhjI sud Bcaff; time *:r.Ui If deitred. lU'J .Newton j«t.

I 'E M U T E R Y m e m o r ia l s .QSOKUE BRuW N A Cu. Eetabliahad is^


BTONt?GRANITF, MARBLE AND STON&n 0'6T4 Belicfille ava.,

0|>pealt* entrance to Ut. Pleasant Cstnetarr.WE have Just received six fine granite montT

ments to sell at low pricea. It will pay von to Isquire of



laattaMQlals 'W. Y.; m

e x g r o i s e d .p « M ilt .. ntcnuH-lAli.

T.I. «W I C ^ 7 t « 'B F T OSumacT .r . ,, city.

PHHENOUXJT I«1« JTOI whit ra t « -h ., d '® ",.™ I » »Jl4 »h » l JM HloiiM do eJ l j y j 'V S * * W tLLS c a . Dtl«.Sto0 i £ ' } { BMt TwwilT^lnt « . , N i » Tort. *<PROF. PIUTCHa RD plirtnolo— , -.,—

.cippcf. §71 Broad )d.. roorn g, op^ .rtolofo.

“ U 5 ; phrrtol^ .L rtB t»ll x « i h „» ,odma M tirti. Tor .d ^ w rtll a BiMwia «t.

a ™ . Noioiit-Plansalanr and otlitr g.^E;inido)d oroT, M h .ll; obort tta I oolir.

AtJCTIOll lA I.II!g .

PUBLIC A U enO H -rt!l on Hooday, July 1 .uoi ,k_

^*ur of l^oiook hi tho unrtuucHi dhurtL ma th. u ™ o( n w i H. D «k « , M, " •iUvrt UVt, BoIUtUH T o »n rtlB .^ 2 Ir®nr;'rtooo «U, B)oomd*ld lliw,

puridw. 1. UK oaiy loatc Uut wtU our* rh*um- ■tlom; BTl« Itc. P»r hotUt; » ld i t C. U. •«lth . )«• Bro*d tt.. K n ir t . K. J. /■ BIKK- im , Irrll^ou. » . y.

e*fiiA ort] ArUaciou.

I.ADIEtr PRiaND. nllAMu; w w fill. ; prlc* M

■ltd. ^ mull, victorlu Chmicul Cu.

XLBCTRICAL TRBATMENT fcr Irrof-. aiaritl«a» 110; attcoaBi guaranteed; oonstilta- bM ti*.. PhyoltUj. ltd W.WiI) Nnr Tort.DH. CAN DCn larttrt! PUnlcUn: rtoMrto

«o «> dl*eulUrt,M l M.Ui rt. Bm I Orund*; 4«mUdt)aa ftW

DR. HDuiKa-g a p a c in c ,■ t m uod poottiT* M R 'iur all fo w l* li UHtiM. 8o>d ut All druiMuu. Prtw IL

D iT iD E iiD R a n c B a .c o h k iu d a t b d t r a c t io n CnMPANT,

o n e r C ^ , M. A., lu M M, M d :TR* Brtrd t l Dlrrtton h>*« IM* duy o n R ^. . ,™ . . ^ _

r M m t luiiwAr I TrtdUud CortpsuT.

of !Bl1r)i oow^ M tn r tru iim ' « , »i” U. * i»S w 5 r.).S E 7

I BiUk n i t n , 1 V-lutform in*ibd truck.riea,

I PuoaDoam tnewK i ru fa^ dra'blk'a

oral good boroes and deo tuo numeroaa to oov (saaore.

fiaM poalilve, ia 1& or Miiso.JACDB POET. AbrUoDfO' oad Baai Katata _________ BlQomfleM, K. L

ea. l nibb^ tire imp. 1 «rtattal(wi t o S w w ! buokboard <new>, t nibber ure*Cka

■enter wagI alQgla ha,

of utl- • Ra IDO loud.

WORTH OF mcTciiicaa n d NUNDRieg.

TIk rtUr* Mock of BIcrolw u d att>cr— w. CoodoB will kwTTw »

iutyduy. ,)«M M, u M A. H.Bprtiigllebi MM mMr utrtW ^ ----ai aiihla OQtl

w 5 5 5 - a r s s s r "Fetort

r a. dim nuprt M t M, IM . at M

M. R ILL . Ttiaani'ir.

nsiieM •'*«.» Bear H I^ M,. withowt maarre: ^UreMark cowtata of ahont 9ti Uglhmdt

u S w o r t • “ k 'u w :» ■ ■ « * iWiM oe i«M at one#, •# n « lam on M tor <mr M am cSw ia erkkh erlll g# contXaned cn a Uner vUI be • lot of flxnma, rack aa aAa#■koweaaai # «« eowatam. ate.; leewkllF . m pvrfwet order, “ i W aat A^ a p. u.

.^Al-rrMAN rt'^bill(.. lElon Apply a

er i r, N J

clothing salesman: steniiy once. The (.'rystaJ, I'ut-

Si-U.4 tl!!'}*’ nser wanted; must he experlenceil 111 luakt’ig HvruT*s, thoroughly rsllahle and

him- f ...i refrrencec. THE GOERKE CO.,M.irkf-i sf . Rruad st.

il'Tk wanted, clean rapid worker; aalarv f> L^'EPKR MuntclalT. N. J-

BTH"N0 I'lutnL’ r's helper wanted, ds Marker

piN'ijLF man: rounlry plat'e. SO Cedar iLTuuLM A KER—Wanted, experienced toolmaker

on ring wtwk; one who can do steel engraving prffrrred. Apply W£lOLE k ROSE. 61 Arling*I'lri st. ______ _______________l*<tt7FUL man fur oaloott. SO Csdar at.\S'aNTE1>—For United Butea army, able-

t^led, unmarried man. hetwean ages of 31 and 8fl cltlsens of the United Btatea, of good character and temperate hablta. who oan apeak, read and write Fngliah' recruits specially de­sired for englneera. cavalry and larantrjf. For information apply to Recruiting Office. 275 Mar­ket it., Newark. N. J.w a it e r —Flret-clmaa waiter wanted; com#

|ieep#r*'d to work. O l f View Hotel, EagMRfH’k. __________WAITER—<riean. sober waiter; come ready for

work. Restaurant, 84 Main ft.. Eaal Orange.WAIT77R— dinner waiter wanted-

room, .W Academy at. ________Dining-

WATFTl trainers and brass boarders wanted. OH AH, NIF-DF7R * O0-. S5 New Tork av*.

WHEELWRiaHT wanted.a v e . ____________

lU dotith Orang#

TOT* N'G man wanted, about 18, to represent flrfn In Newark and rlclnlty; lijod refepenesa

Address ff.. Pox Tt. News oflte#.YOUNG man wanted In eror*^ otore; take and

deliver nrflerau A^_^iSBERT^_6(j6^ei]gen_et.

H E LP W A ltT B D -rK J IA L B A .

A MIDDLE-AGBP woniAD for ahmit four months OS saleawowian. where rtaa* attention

te Kusineas ts required from • to 4 o'clock; mtiet ^ vrUtWemmended. A4dr#aa B., Ooa 56, News oiOc*. ___________________

WvSHIVO, Ironing and daj-’s work T.SYI.,<|R. 2»*i2 Uentral Ave.

lll hritT ifuin'l'.lin plan )• eagy term*; • 1.' Hg.-ht f'-r Nev srW JuM.\ SPURGE, ifirirign"i'l at e,

S \ Lil iiiirl genite; cannpJ •' i'I bftrnrss. uil In exreilf*ru ' ii ;■! I'-H. sold fur want "fiitHl I 'I ll])g< .


J \:K\ •:'i iD Rh a D HORSE AND K’ 'li I'l ll Mi l I- Ur.SAHOt'T FUR SAIJ; AD

I'Ht bl:l\ |.N'i. HuX Hd, NEWS t-J'lT' F

Fl 'it SA I.r: i'et, J

U" k elu

Firvt- ijuuif. fl^, Mrvujt.'is csr«

fr -ni s LAll'JK

g...1 I- •

iAiN buys nlcf h<ine*t b"t ->iii-il-|e Mny llgiit buelm-i

VIUH H N ItB. 12*2 Arllngu.ji s(

W^MAN aftnta day's work of any Sj't Ipt-'ditie pt., Rjtsi Oringe,

> I 'lil 'lilT I'lftn". mfth'Cft'i.v. Rn-I stool; will -* ll - b'-'ll' f. r ' a«h. Ir-juln- I2'2 Jb-lkriiis ave.


WILL the pnnles who aaw an a.'WHult lei) oT) an elderly gentleman on Bank ■<'

Broad. SaiuriUy, Jun# 22 laal, ah"Ui i: M . i-b-ae# .'#11 or writ# ROCKWEU- & h < h.HJ Lrukd st., city.

*''S, ' TVTvni. lun'"j Hri'l repnireft Send poa- JvJ.u'KKV A WIMMLB. 2**} trrriliKS st.

f I \ K »)iu(re j-lano. fifty rents weekly,I'KNIIIDLR. fiiJ? Ur'-S'l it : upen evening#

Raalwenn Pernawala.HIGHriJRADE dakthnry al m'-der t* pricea conalatem with Lr»t . riti

'w • workmanship; call and have sn esii- mate given; no charge for akamlnail- D, a«s ur anaeviheitcs admlntaMra^

I.#dy attendant.Houra, 6 to 7; Saturday, I to 1


Plano# and O rcan# W anted.I'l W 'i waned In cxi'hangp fnr rf>aii horse, har-

rp.‘x<< ;ib'l nr-w ruMrt>r tlr*sl nmHbuui; non# but lb- !iB%lrig flrHi-fJask insirunieni heed answer.

b.T'-M i’Un'.'. IK'X t*fl. News (iflire

W .k I.LP ftPE R AND rA r rn ilA N G fN O .


L, D. TeL e<;M

WA^'E8—n a t u r a l WAVY HAIR, To CIUH out H IM odd ib.du, tl

prteV 110 lo Msr.KltL-h--id Up. Fompad^rs,. bangn ari j

.tutal L-uriy75c. ani__ _

*’l****. Od aaiuiahair, of such azauiou# ouallty not b# fcKiQd aUawkfetra Prices u.b

iUIllKHMAH-3 Hulr St ■)». un Broad #u, muroAc# on w, Lark

JD HMAN A UD., the aeli-kn-IVv ftn-t old-estah- flrm ihai hae i»e n I'Taied hi 5ft Market

at hoe rem'-ved lo 23A lAufthingtoti ft., wh«r« • h‘*y the latent and m-#t magnificent le1. ,n -if «alU‘«|i’*''W

N'le |A[e-r, euiiabl# for any rthiiu, worth 6 IH at 5 v>-nie.

Parlor, dining-room and hall papers, rada, yrt-n^ Rn'1 ratlti effdla, w--rth 20 cenlJ, at 10rer u r 'll-

lift, •l-'i all kinds of rk|>eeing. decorating. In an<) m'hide painting, timing, etc., and In:-rl- »ill f)'>t permit yurtelv-en be bealsn.

. .. . ‘ - '■ r d#oo-. lApf eii»r|ienre Tnakfl us ih# leading rnt'-Ts t all, writ* or talephofte. #t,.l »•« will

I I'ftll w|[h aamplee. u ien sveniugs unMl 8. L ]. Tel .Anta. HERMAN A CD.. 225 Woahlpg.

1 ii'ii fl.. oi'P Efliplre Theatre.

HJ5N A.VD WOfflEH-Ho* 1> ih, ,„u* t t,u y.jur u-tn^r ckuhluc put in (ood ord-r « .

h»%« Ul, but ■qulppad p lu t U ihe Bt.n-Hf« Ini" * -n y -

“ “■'“ r t" '! ' r»moTM (11 4u,t ,nd d,i' ell'T.nt

etc., at reoaoMbl# prltw#. The LAiRtdiN i'' ITaisay st.* fiaar Wifu>m M. TsI tU l


Waru. l i # ^ Btithoiark* ratnovsd fofrver by el#tftrielty: IS yeafs* axperienc*.

UltH. ht WRarCRVELT.fil6 Woehingti'Q st

THK original Adams Rrookltn Sn-1 N Y. Wai|- • di^r St re, Cb Springfield sve . which ha#

*.... ;n Misten-v at the lame |d»* e # number ofhfts a-liUd a J'-hlitng hran--h with new d#.

Mgn* of iwper. and aell# them at factory price# rieVNKH AT 4 CENTS A RulJ*.;J1.T AT :« f ‘ENTt4 A ROLL

LMlu»i«SED AT lOfE.VTS A ROIJ, AND I*R. W- ilS" give ecnmatea rapering and paint-

i-'west prices and twet workmanship., un 1 '■onvlni'e y mraelf. D. Tel 1422#,

AT the BaWeg H<wp*taJ, oomsr Bank and High sia wonted n lawndrewi (wages |15 par

pMBth>. nnd cleaner (wage# |t4>4 both Whit*. Ap4»lr immediately-aWT woman of good addre## can tarn IU *• -Hw selikig o v facial treatmetit; no coiw r Z S i JONEg * AMTHONT, WT Broad wj.

-te: iber# turaltiire,

iwwyiC-KEErER—Touiiig woman b«A-k##Mr «n ted H SCUM ANN. Kirk's alley. & .

twien LawTvnr# and War* ata.___________BRIGHT jnmas i f "> >Mrt luusDr,^ ro rt mun ) f r « l •^ t'T CohHiblia BtHaI . .ndr., ISD tt,_______ ______________

m U Is (As woBisn u

A .a »M X X T IMUX A tm m tt,, HT Rh u h Rm i sn .

* * , F ^ . J H t l. a w . lU S

• n r S u i s s j ' i c . i , .1,tewwa»«t ave.. co^mm flouigfiay owAtitg. Jl

N-s Boot Ovugw.

u radf— i nM* m o d gir i WHHng , vith ri&lUhra; m m b# w«u reeee-

ggh av*.. eoracf North ich st.

|g A o M ^ y M.

am mlmif* tmr N#waA ob4 vt-

’ ’l i i ? ’ ' ®01J*ePKD alta Newark: await an-ursi* « Ht! DvfHt fr-.

upHOLffricRiMa m U ted home#. How

low rent dlMrlct. work: nr# ha«w #■ n brae# beds MEBKKR'

12^1 VihS Oeaaets preaertpLo.. Newai^ N. j . ; rargooi nwctoHIcs


__ ■■y. ywrsT

S - 5 S

OU well-rvgu- ? W* *rr ra

6rsu< tasft s UM Iron anJ MklbaiTT ft.. i*b

i i ’ TT \vi:<F srd d^fi't r^d nonseni"*: hwik what .,f!— 1 I pap<*r a rfi"m fur. Fl, celling and

a.. • Ulth gilt paper. thH is cw fake; w* do aa TiF iwi we >*o painTing, in and outaide, kslenm- .(1 ng err . si dir; cheap prit'ea, we set) paper a! 'b’ I-rr f ll. aa W* have the largest stork uf

Ml the tttatc, and ran aff'-rd to do w-;rk 'iiesii. uaii and cK’TtvInce yourself. 'Ka sr* not t firm, f-ir It Is th* firiglnal Adanos' i:r - Slv!) tV*lU'«i'er Store, hft Rpringfield av#.

M. hDTHut’;si5, Pr'.i).W a LIsPAF'ER Ba RGa INK.

r I .M .1 M 114 M1 J ■ i iLi:' '

I*lll\ iN'i f ' 'S



M I I.r

J2S«''. r L I’.u

2. InsiiIII), f l -Jlk I'uri• I >uu. fh:V. ffl in Wililiiin Hi• K tiufjiu. Ml. H.ish im l. Hi 25lruH*v|n I'liri'vt. Il2 2ft;i 1li.iiM-y aiI f -r H4))', nujHt l>»* H' 11} .1I IU|<». U4IIA .M t -1 I2 h-HJh. .<*4 <■|imijieiiv SI

<-iil " f furniture 10ft! a •!i -i 1 Ib'f ; I'liri- T ■Millift H"; b'e-

'••1. "Ok bedr"xn KUiis, V', llM'HfttTSI. |4,rmix' 1'• H-'|i| -A-lThbi 1■'ll 1lij>a, Ul 27-1-

I'nr' >i 1«' , ' I - Tl '-s ml iiaj-'^KK. 1M. si|ir)n);ii‘'bl ft W . imn b'lia,■ r;iV fiiM 1 (IS ',1- ' '1 , v l uur • "Tii'hcB,. Iiuliis tl ■ .1! •', n Aft rvf; iKHraiurs,Ih --1 ' r- IU

TH! I I, ■ufj.l l .ir. .

In A I • r '■

:i:t i a iN't l'*tft)r a*c. ■ vUig'iiH. iru<'h:<, etc., ail 4;:t ' '•tiirnl hvv

BUL- ;•M-

OU^ &

. I UKrth- 'Ut*'.• III- lb lit ')u71 '11 1 7:; Nr-

. they are ;4liiy. N il'll

FOR f-'ALI I AlllRb K

Jersey. ('»•:.

I ii-jvth grav horse*. ih-1 li"fsr, ITCtlleai In range.

RUNALu I 1.- rubtwr :jr*'l


high and I'Ji* wh*ela. tu. ' ts. NI- *’ 1U[J} dr

HOKfiF,. ft.IT- • ... . tihrii'vs In g'iall t)75. X..I' f r L !> 1 . -Iriw

South Fouru-' tirl. S' V, ir k

CK>0D b*j-]y iciipi ■rij. k f' 1• ftnl»pounds, ulfti. T a • ‘

2^ Beltnuiil *!' ■ , C'• Tfii-' 1 litini'

LARGE h'Ti- nt 1 > rit'-lrunabout f .r ft;il>* |ft-> { >:

South Orange #' >■BAROaTN-XV* ha e • *■vftunT

traps, neariy n'w. M ' H" 1 an-75 New st.

"i .f’nnnitirja;BAILKT. 6

carry fl itnlii'Pilrs

b"KKr 8lh>

rutiuer tire.) ZAlthlLKH,

HORlFIt. baker wagon, Mlng:>‘ < all hi first -class r>rd>T. J AMU.'

Fradrrick st.

t| runabouts, •RTKL. Tivi'i

TWO handsome ponies, enrts. hiu»-'*s, etc,;aUo tlx good work and hu-vin- fift b-usi'S 445

Ohtral ave.GOOD home for old hors«ui. t-'si >^nrly, alsn

pasture for h nwa. R. HAHR. Lii-er'y Cor* a«r, N. J.UORSE_Fc,r sale, a good hors#, sound, fear-

t##t: single eir .i"Ub)e EATON’S, ]4th and Or* sage sta.

tlO BUT! a top mlik wagtin lia rwid running order. OLIVER }4<jNS. Broad ami A'aniler-

pool StSL


Frtuirrt In -OREfr^'.r - l S L i i E l T * * . O ' * ™ * I'-" '*re-cvjvarlsia tag M ittraOa and bss» c»- S u r& ra?* ^ Bfoaa auJ

FTEIN A HLAt'.Hlfl-llift fPltl.VOnELJ> AVK.

Our line "f aallpapers fnr the coming Is noa pen f.if v>ur Inspertk-n.

.Va a iii^ls) INDUUEMKNT f-r this MONTH ONl.V "ffer eight rulJft of si-iewsiJ, six of cHlIrvg sn'l yards - f border fur 5ke.

Emimaies cbecrfully 0 ven, Tel. I5I7A.

M l ■Mil them M lew

ira, atoftiftch **->■ F k U S S S !^ PoalUT#iy cured :

M A cm m ! ■“

TWK Uo*operstlre Wallpaper Co . i'ri WaaMng- *tm sL. cor Market, well known foe gw^

work la tainting in sad autsMe. and paperiiig. are BtUI Fa tk# kad. as therv sr* pooe to vom- lei* in prices nr workthanahip; we do ih# trork vftiraslvea; fair slsfjd rwaib wsdls. c#Uing. bordei la match. Hup.also #aB paper at factory prices.

THR Real Adams W aUpa^ Btofe—Pmlnttng, □anering guar#ate«4 tral-class work; send

samHee- M. HORWITlI. 24»_R«DDaie m .

TRAPB, Covert wag-mi. bike surraya busmansbuggies. Nl<'HOl,iS ft Z.a BELER. Tl au-l

New sL

HARNK0it—IQ seta second hand hV^ces; gia>d..............70 Market sp^jrder; cheep. aj*<‘*IFN1ia CH.

. veterfn •12 Itersen si.

N. J. Vetetthary Hi>rP’taL veterinary treatment. With board, tl per dsy

ONE riiTTey and one (hae!< n for tale cheap. Butcher ahrr|>, S&ti ^prsnsdeld ave.

!■ \ HT Y = b -i- 'iiu • 11V1 muf - f - Ifi-» iMi.; 111.I I .:i

...... .X'l-lr-'.-.Hfb'e

11 tn " tirafts i-eils.t-rn/'-ni .1 Jl I riij.m-, r.i

■ i): )in Ha i Tl*. .S'-va i>l-

H-iSKWIN'i Y1.4'•MINKS brad, iihli-tiPiirin): IV ' )•• l-

h»'rt*l Slligerp. e-Ale-l If -,, ii> p-iynterits, il'l irai'iiUive toi<'

rial aii'l letis"n«( alv'-n

ll', isfo k , iIp 'P- \V)!S' m. ilf'-r- u, up. uQ eopy

in i'«n pHymeni; < itii -r iH)#:#!;

reiiulnng -jiine. SNLA, .fl2ft ]|:)Lh»-vSKWINO ilA ohs 'K A Nrw ImpT'-ved Pitiger;

1-iierti out, ilrswins room c-ibiiN*!. terms tu m il >'iuree|f. your 'J'l tnachlJV' i«ken in part Lrai'rT.'*Di. please semj ix'Slal. prompt attemlu^ U WAITER, I4M hrunswlck al.tilNDKR. I'Sk labl**. Ilu; Wheeit<r ft Wilson N'K

w. IHi, Ni'w home, MI. I ' tneallr. 40. nin# •ak ni«‘*hines al almosi v.-ur own price; drvp- hrari, woodwork. 71i William si.

T y p e w r ite rs and *tnppllea«TTUFTWItlTERS Unur I'lilver-ui keyboard

t) i'eariivt-D fur oete at co:>:i. )2 1 , closing ouu F-llHiinia 4'o. New ami HuUb- v A'e.TYHKWRITEB cKhsTige -‘uidetit In Newark.'*

*uld. rented, repalrwl. I5a ii*.4Ter #C. TeL t24K

W rtlehes. J e w e lry , K tr .T. J. BRADLEY d anil n-li. wstchei and lew-

elrr; ca*h ur w*'**!!!) S72 Brea-I to.

ON s»wh’y i-ytVf\Trh SiJJ-J i

ren'a, firi'- Dair '■o fl Mk;-!' ;i I "I

'v wat-'he#. N 'V Y. ;k.

\v ST'TIU,- .-r n-'lii

T' V NL .V

llooaekD ld Gooda W an ted .

WftlthHin, Klglt) g'-l 1. ftlU'i'r; easb l^rfet-i rim* Kuir*ihlee<L

■ i «’u.. 2q Acn'lmiy st.. 2'1 finor.

(LAA RA.V'iE Wsme>], must h- In fir>lo laSS or­der afil I'licitp. Aildr<-ftR It.inge, ft«-x 7L New#


KKFHIMKRATUH f'ante-1 t(» hold ab"Ut BU t'.-unJs. aiHte pfke. R'ifripfral'r, Be* h2.

Nee B ■■fflee.

r«M |fllG K l ETTfll,

.fiELKl’T if^ney ride jml re**»*[*tii»n nf J. H.Fraficiscn's Re«.'herrhe Lraticina Claases, Tuei#-

day evening. July 2, t.> li* h^bj at Ore^hriJl*; cars Isave Newark. .Springtlebl ave. aftj llJgh s i. #i a:1.1. Tickets, XOt*

PEDDLING top wigt-n. b-mw# and hamenche^. WEIL. tTfl S'lseeg svp.

EVRRTDt>fiT a-elrome to the dance# at Claf- a>Jc>n Hall. nn’>sd si., every Tueolay. Frl-

|1S Bl'TS bor«e. wag'-n and hameaa, auUaMa for peddltag. 12 r'aMnet et.

day and Aaturdsy e<.enlng. adfliisaluA Rl#.; I dies flee

HORSE—Good work horse Lt 112 50. Si Rutger# et.


BANKT §t BRO.. f l Brldg# n .i SW work bora##M* blr*. * .

HOHSfr»A gcad ber»e for a#le. IT MaraRall at.

SHANtIhlAl tf'hlneeei Restnuram op*as I urday. Juoe at Nn. G2 M«cbaoUi sL«

Uulb*rry st.. ftrst-claas cooking

DANn^'5^^fl> of *Y'g. aiarts^.Hall. M«rria ave.: iacladt^ w%r4iib*

DANCING every evening at R l l^ T BR03>* pew halL Ma^ewooil Ho»L_________________


Sale a r KaehftaHW*50 HSAD borasa and mules for aala or egchobg#.

Otd fitoo# H*u#a. BlocmOeld ara ood 0th at.

p a t e n t s -rRCDSHlCK C FRAEHTXXUffnrn----- ta Coiapb#u ft oo,.


H*4Habnsbedmeui wr.rtu

M C K T lB es .

MAJMmEBTIIfO—AB eittnraa arb# #r« tBt»> ' rated ka tbs araaraaaaat mt the Bergen M.

rawer ^ rsageetfely lavHfd to attend a mam i meeting fla m# boM at Albmi Haabertt’g Hall, i 433 M u M a tt WpRJC

Fwr KocRaftEw.DWKLMIIOS and store# i# eicbaaga the INwy

bad bngrttiig aubla, or bnra#a ood oairMgm. RICAARD D l ARMOITD. New Onag#. N. J.

PATKNTB-Drak# ft Ca.. #ait«tt«r#.Brood onJ lUrtet sta.; 80 yaan' #x»ralaaoa;

’Win b# « t «il## a&y #400100 umm ?ec4Hgt m oatlo#. N. T. aod K. J. fbL M 2.

Hegftft*, Cftfwiftarft. 99*m W ftstw ft.rORJCjmm waom. CoA'witb oftaai ROU#-

PATSKTS-Wm. H. Jr.. pat«wt•Qriiae. Lawy#sW Wlkd |W Martt#t, mom tm,





Gradoatins Exercises Held Last Night at Which 155 Toong IHco and

Woflieo Got Diplomas.


iVotwIlhMlJiaietliiM: <Iiv Hio t <-

moul Zni(*rcnt Wim In ,the EiilertiilMiin^-nl—■VIh"I*‘i Vn<‘ iil j ttQd laiHl niam^aitnl, <lrn(or> . Ki>i Mu- I tiuDH aiMl I'l JiliirrM «if I lit* \OopanJoai — li$ I'k-rsitlfiit !

H ill, o f l l if ‘ F.tliii Hllt^ii Doiinl, iind i I 'r lu c lp n l Si<*urn».

Tho innu foiTim* in ' t>f Itlie Ncwurk Muili H-l-o'il (I'.'urr*.! l:i-i| night In Ihi,* jitii!ii"r!'iin tin IhjIIiJIi h' jOil f*arkt;r jin-'i i. i^ln ii iii' M •iti lW0Tn«.n. t ' thf- nL’n:>nr uf H '>. firi, j\iil dlplomHti of grittlniil'Mi fi><m I'h.ul 'H }]. | Hill, pr*j«hlfnt -iF th'* Ki-iW' H".ird >>\ I i n - j CAtlOn. Tho ii-i(lllni1iini li t-i ItsUtm<.P5C cajiaLlty \sllh Ml" Iri'iiils of Mn,-; l^oung ^radnnir'., uut] d"Npti‘' ih" h-a! \ thort? WHS rriiifh t-iiMm.-l;ism in itsif'f't- d ! A t fiSO o'L-loc-k CliiirliH I, H.ifr-nl jhill i>]ace a t till- |.<liiiio uml iil iyxl Mi>- pro- , COasloual rruiruh frojii "AliUi. ' Vt riil, .is the graduatA’b, li-d liy WaylMruJ K Si*'iti‘5i-'. principal, aiKl Mlsu I' la rn Woudw.iriJ Gruoii, vicy-prlntlliiil. t-rilirc'l Tho a'lnli- torium from tho taei «lfmr.

The gifJii Wire- wlllinul an t'xvi'i'U'tii gowninJ lit loir-? whM- , nml un lli • d'>ul>lc* columii sejiuruti-il at tho fi nit «if Mi" lilat- tofm. uno inoiintiuK tin TIm iHd'iti nrnl oin- #11 tho htnntFi, thi> rlToi't w-ih i x> «'4 iJhmIychai*nitnK< i’htr jilaiforrii it ih li« i-n « ti- i largod for Mi" ocva>|or,. mol lln-n nil t l f | (frnduati's won* s'iitctl, wliti i iHill. Dr. Kdriiiiinl iK Hov">, J*rhKl|| Stcarnu and MIsft tir-'-Ti. '

Tho llTHt miinl"T vv IS na r^riilmn l>y 8. | DoIoh IdiioM, .I f . i'll "UiMiii Jiiil 111! ' l i ­ner,'’ The young OJu^or had strong and | forolble dellvory. and Llif fin iur* hogketched In rnniTiHi of the mviv nT'"Mt genorala was full of vlKur. Mo b-1; lu wiMi the mt’SHuKo of (Jraiit'H vi< lory nv*-r ihi* Southern general, and iu-' offi * r mi tho North,

"Who was It pent Mini tms.saw" i.f flu* first victory rlnglnp’ rjerriss ihe coun try?” the speaker yuerk-d. "U was Mimjii, who wae idritlncd t<r light tluii war to 1l.i awful

Mies Kthclwyii Oastnn Mien ridvoncinl to the front of ihe alnge and tkllicnMl an Oisay on “ Tiio I ’uivcr o f Mood Wium'ii.” Beglnnliifr with the j^iory of Maiiii-'H love for Beairlee, o f .Vlclirod Atitftlo aini Colonna, of IV in in li iirnl Ujura. ¥he finally aiujke «»f Itoroihy Wmlsworih tunl Mary Jjanib, givlnig the words o f Mie #lft«Hl men who felt th<lr kifliienee as ;i tiibuio to good womaiihiHHt, Hhe conclud­ed with aayinK:

"Tho love o f good Women has made brute# men. and nn ti dM lne.”

1 1 } m il !»} the tiunm."Hymn to Miv Nlglu ' was sung by Mir

oIbsh wUh exci-|iMonal ahllliy."The 1)1 vHopmem of Mivlern irual" ‘

was the Ihemr <,r tin- nruilon of Hoin* r C. Zinc. It WUH rouiprelienslve aivd timr- OUahly Interesting, uiol was dillvered ity the young mail In a composed and strouK manner.

“The hlsitnry o f nuif*lc Is, very, very old," he stild. '"The an o f musle Ih very young. The love of huM Axinted foragrs: the pow-er to exj>r«.*5ii juTscmalUi’ and individuality tint rcreritly recognized.''

Mlsfl Clara Murphy Riive a cleverly written paper on "Tw o SongH o f Lultor" In a moat pleUMlnK mmuier. LeadhiR off with tho old Greek conce)>tlort ul labor uh ex- preased In the ml^iAha1K'n, deformed gnd o f labor, she hmught her tlietno Unw-n ^ t h o !wn bonga. Kdwln MarkhanVn "The

yMtkJ\ W ith the Hoe,” nn«l Henry Van Dyke'* "The Tolling of Vbellx,'' rompar- tM tba effect of Miu first, and what she

^-fpUad *Tta narrow bentlment, with Mu'I f fW # coacepilen of Van'l>yke.

"Thu latter," aho ' ‘has made Mie■ ’#orU, and th« ‘other would ruin li. Mu

matter In what form It N, cveryihliii; about ua was made hy loll.”

Frank Eberhardt rendered a dellKhtfnl TlolJn fidlot "Gavotte” (Carl aCierwhich M l** Ida Bennett reclieil tin orl«l- nai poem. "Visions nf Chivalry.” i!i*r de­livery wna graceful and plcrtslng, and lh,* poem showed iliu* pert^pllve qualltv Hrid a spirit ftf syrapnihy with the sontimuit o f chivalry.

The Twenty-third rtuilm was sung )iv tho yeun# women o f the clu'^s. tiFter svliuli Mlsa Josepiiliie Rusm-U gava un css.iy on the "Legend nf King OMwtild.” diuwinn from the Biory of tin- old N’orMuiuilK-rlond K ing the fact thnl. cv,-i bliicc, ihi- nioml power o f Ihe Eiiitlljil; Hovcrrlgna hus hi-Mi great beyond dls*pui«-. rearhlng li.s h.-i^httn the wondi-rful reluti of viiioriu . who"Btrenfthencd the Miroii- l y lovinc Mie people." Klchnrd Hiowit ■li li\i-n ,| .m <irn- tloii In Oerman on tiorMi* m-l ]-:nuTs,nn HI* accen t wu* i xctlb-tii. Iiis l• lLlllclwll lU clear.

A fter this a d-mblc .................... ymiriv'wromen iang ” Duy Is at h, |on'tlii*; MlSb lluzel M Hiiirli'id d>lu ri-i1 .in •- say on "A Dranuuk' m MpiujimiiHistory," lukliuj ihut polm in U i -iMiK*:h between the King xiiid Mu- (•-'itinioiiri \sh+ it the live leiidiTs Ir. Miv i.ipnution.- Churle* and hi-* p>uicr

D e l i v e r e d (lie l.aat (JrnltnH.Lout* Haselmiiyri d' li\riy.l M,, .,rii.

tJou on the progrfitiitn* Ml.- -.j j.,, | i,,"Our CouiUry, i tur VN l:gf.’ . ,,,,|Nothing iJui Our i iiiiniry.” thisaele<*tlu!i.dfllv, ri I with ooirofl,- fi rc ..r and oraiorlcttl al-Uit.s, iirt/\«d uu« ,,f tlo- Ik-si feature* of ihi ,v-riln*i .AM.-i % ,.r>ni. i,y the flasfi. Mr. Sti-arii'i i M -tiihd r|,, iiass for gruduuil'in m a l.■v words • \in .‘-.s|ye not only of h:*. aj.,a-. o,:l„a ,,| cess of Mu- siud'-iLtv III lion M>,h m kt»-dCOUrs-. bill - f \u s M.O.S ,.t itatn

l^esld. nt IMU t '- ' l,did 1. 1,, ,. tnfi-gTUlUlalo i .. ..i! u .o lo d tillspoint. 111 ‘ in ] •‘ T u l i - 'i >lT,Ji; ;|.-d li lidyou aid t.i i„ . . rnnn-Mi-•! i,,i \,,i h;is* WOfknl . . ssl.,liy I I |,cr.l;;|,tT. li.l.,(W>. upon h- o.jc *1 adii I if ihi.s \ , ,i

•- ■: • rl..

L d r ly C los in g IiOU! >-“ i t'ginning next Monday, andconlituting during the SunimiT, I'l ■ 'AoI be floseJ at 5 o clock daily, except

Saturdays, when il will be dosed at i.o-.n.

Saluidajf of week Ls the l i' ' tV.i! wc si:all open until 6 o^dock.

The End of Our Greatest

June SHOL SALET h e la s t d a y of J u n e d o e s n o t I’. av c m e r e o d d s a n d e n d s t o o f f e r .

S c o r e s o f c a s e s that h a d n o t l e u : t o u c h e d w e re o p e n e d y e s t e r d a y t o f r e s h e n u p t h e stock, a n d m a k e :. it!:-iy.[’.;; va r ie t ie s a n d s u p e r b v a lu e s

lor t h o s e w h o will come t o - n i o n o w .T h e lis t t h a t follows t e l l s m a n . d e f in i t e ly w h a t will b e f o u n d ,

a n d h o w g r e a t a r e t h e s a v i n g s o n ev e r y . o n ;

Men’s Shoes—Ai b 1 fi f'-iir—Only.300 pail* of m ’N's

coM}:rrs5 shia»s with wide toes. The sivli IS riui [opulftT or they wuiud

dHublc,Ai $ I .f»tl a pair--Men's black kidskin

huli, in mt*diun: lo<*s with tips; alltte*- srwed. Also fine quality ot Ox- f urHs in kkIskin,KtxKl fitting and ilylisili.

Al $ l.y 0 , \ orth $3— Men'* paietii l^-adirr, butiim and Uce shoes; also kuUkifi, w:ix ami Itox calf; welled si-H; pbCKl Myles; nicely finished; nearly all siizes.

At inislead of $3 and $3.50Men's patent leather bals and Oxfords,1k)X cull I'dls and Oxfords—all arc fine shapps .iir! lasts; lliry have punched vaiiijjSiind ti|*s, which is the Style for uji-lo-dale yonne men.

Boys' ShoosA t $ l fir," ..nil, calf lials, fuU toe

rwjm sn.l s, iIhI soles, Smoothlytinish,-,l insile; sues 12 to 5 ' j . You sa.e u!U--llvril.

A t mstpad ol $ 2 and more—Ij.ivs' SI,yes of Ime callbkln, that wear wrll and I'oHslt wt'll; s ih-a t/i-Slion filrti k and wlid hcek; sizes 2 ’j l o S ' j .

Men's, bovs’ and v'^ulhs’ canvas Oxfords in while, Itlifli :*hd l^n, with rubljcr soles sewed nn ; .15c a pair.

W o m e n ' s . S h o e s —At $ I , wiJ iih $1.50 iiTiJ $2fl Shoe* of

black kidskiii in Imtion and lace; kid and psienl ‘ lii«, jnetty loes, light Hexibk $o\rs.

At $ 1 .5 0 » lro!n$..l-Kij^h I hundred pairs of neat brovnn kidskin Ixmts in lace; round Toes li[i|H'd; soine Louis XV* heels and neat iiiihtarv hreU.

iiiid Hoys' >li m \ ,Sii.rc,WotncirnA; ChlMreii^ Miotiin lT.ts>oiJH‘n t

At $ 1 .t^O. worth dotilile Women's fine ; .■'•Tit Jeiithi-r hiMdsiri hutlun ami lace;

. k i lops, neat opera heels, lash-- ’ 1'- ti.rsL

W o i u e n ' s O x f o r d s —

A: $1- ‘t rth $1,5U— Women's black ki'l-sk n Ifjw blioes; several toe shapes; il.i, !: t- Mi.tTiii.sii la.s! with k:d tips and VM- : s >i"h; McKay sewoti.

At $ I . UK wi>tUi $1.75- Women's tan \s . il:, made ill the much iir-M!i‘!i swin f last: lull iocs and hrnadV-e.i.

A' $I.2M Hlack clirometannM kidskin ilal and dainty arch lasts; kid and

: i:t:ii Ici-'iljcr lips; snnir lull comraon- :(•: V" :,ies, !'Ji .solid ccmfufl,

A! Mom $2—Women's black:,! !■ 1'raiiiif‘i’. k:d Oxiortis; both heavy in<' ht'l.l s -lrs tor city or country use; ui -lii-daie li'tm.s alul tiexdilc.

At Sl.bUi v '.rtl’. one-halt more— Wt> 11,r;, Ti !ii,b n: kid Oxfofd.s with-kid and palrrP leitl.r r tips; turned soles.

C h i l d r e n ’ s . S h o e s —

At 75c Stuu!,slio<-*; belli Ti sIolji S*lil*S ik.uli SlvU;1 id Uijd pr.H

At 1.25, W.r.l. blai k .satin 'fal! solr^ iind s: rui;.| l ; '^b ; sires 9 lu

At $1.2.5 LitUr jurn’s tan willow calt Oxloitls; wide ro'-niy loes; cool and shajielv, s :it^ to 2 .

Children's sluKTS 01 black calfskin and kidskm in Imtloji and Ikce; wide sna|>eiy to s. siurinq hecLsand light and heavy soles; s.Ees 5 lu W, 85cj 10 10^2, $1 ■■ ’ " ‘

line graiiinl kiilskin ■m'i lare—easy loes;

T u! sole leather; sub-iiliil,

$1.7S Liulc TTicn's; latp; tud bn?, welted

11 10 2. $1.20.

JOHN W A N A M A K L Rl- o rm c r ly A .T . Stew art & C o .. B r o a d w a y , <tli A ve ,, uthand lOtli S la . ,N .V .

The Best Aid to SuccessIn these d a y s th e k in d o f k n o w le d g e m en a n d w o m e n w a n t is th e k in d

th a t helps th em to succeed in life , w h ic h m ea n s in d epen den ce a n d c o m fo r t. “V o u g e t just this k in d o f k n o w le d g 'e in th e jirea t


W h y w a s te th e precious hours o n re a d in g w h a t is t r iv ia l o r a t least u n im p o fta iit w h e n so m u ch

r e a l ly h e lp fu l k n o w le d g e m a y be acqu ired in

th ose sa m e h ou rs b y rea d in g the B r ita n n ica ?T h e h a b it on ce acqu ired lasts th ro u g h l i fe — a con stan t a id to success. I t a lso a ffo rd s g en u in e persona! sa tis fac­t ion to fe e l th a t you are a lw a y s in th e best o f co m p .in y , lo r the

B r ita n n ic a is a ck n ow led ged to be th e ^

G R E A T E S T W O R K In the

W O R L D .

31 \ «iL o f



j t j tIn oriJtr to Rtt » l lh*

best thit has been said on all subjects within the

ranije of human knawledee, there Ls no work tocompare

with tlie Fncyclopaedia Brit- anniea, which places at the in­

stant command o f one man all ti>aL mure than sevenTdfii liundred

cd the world's i?reatest men have written upun imporlant special $uh-

lects. Whether one wishes to study History, Biography, Literature, Phi-

Josupby, Reli.tiiun, .Medunies, Ardiitec- tiir^i Agriculture or any hranth of Art,

Sc.ence ur Industry, it c.tij all be found wiiiiii; The clivers o f that marvellous work,

l:s pai;es aione will make you an expert along .iJmrjst any line you may wisii to iuvestiijate.

T ) o^n sudi a work, ibereforc, heamies :uhity» ^ ;''fCTallv as it js iust now so e.isv l'> secure it. he ' ppoflunity Is * remarkable one, and you

urite at once for full particulars before the u iT cl-se*.. Bear in mind, this is the New Twen-

luJ.i i .enturv RJitlon, and those who act promptly C.n ii'-v.',seai;e it at


B L A Z E S !Our WicklcBs, Blue Rhxe Oil Stoves

arc reliable, nafe, efficient, hamly, clean

and econom ical.

Two B urne r Stoves,a l .

Tiiree Hiirner St4>vee,at.

4.986.98 98cOveji^, for

(las or Oil SLoyc* .......................

U »r IKtuI iJo IJiAn On-n. ftir two InirnerN trasor cjil. iMiilNlied sheet Inm <lrut> ' i / ft di>or*ut...... ................................... .

I i ; s sl i i AN M Al.l- i ‘ k i a :

Hlul <I1L hionll

I ii.> IM«-Iitrt n iiKMi II 11 liq

T(» IMll.V

C E N T SAD A YH tilmrl Mrur..

F i l l o u t a f l d m a i l

t h i s c o u p o n itC :

t o - d a y f o r p a r t i c u l a r s

a b o u t o u r g r e a t o f f e r .

! ItLD i'HnCK LOESKll < ()..Itfooklyii.

\ inn inlLrflMo«l in yinir itr- iHisiti- n reltuiYft t-i till' distrihniil 'ti nf khr Fiii'>I'inp^ipdiii I'riliiniih a. iUnl 1 .'liall lx- jtii a’'+-il to rt-odve full i-urlindar^'.SaiiHi.............................................................StjvIV

alIron Ifoater5, "The Cla

Tea Kottles for Oil or Has Stnv« *. a t ......................................................

39c I2c

Summer Flower Oil Stoves.Doublii Ni), 3, four :^i-inrli wick‘s.......... 9 KoiHiublp No. H, four 4-iiH’b w irkr ............ 1.4UDouble Nil. (I, six J-indi wicks............... l.TitJ

Gasolene Stoves-TheOueen City2 Burlier...............................................3 Burner............................... ...............

Gas Stoves-The Newark.2 Burner ...............................................ti Burner................................................

Ice Cream Freezers-3 makes-White Moiiiitiim. Blizzard and Gem. E ifh t ftizt'.s- J III II i|iuirts—


ft Re l.if t

■J-rpiiarl Wli ih ' Mouiilain.3-st\iiiri ( i f ' in ........................4’iiuart B lizzard.............

.♦ l.fift

.. 1.7ft

.. l*8ft

l-..lwina Heuder.'^on. Luhi Ibri 'lil. K«l?ar 1 }{n!Tmah!l. Malli-il. ' A IB iT. Oeurffe T i> I'T Jui\rnvUiH, h liiH P' .I' liii' 'iiL tJriiCe Aih'lanee Juhhiniji. Martfi.i .J Jnhnson , Si'liiiy i ' Keller. I'.nil M flaltlitKretiii’iiiz, Ediiti LawT'M’ii >■. .‘Mini. tJ, Mucl-

F ran k W. Mniidwlll.-, irion-iice M. Miirthi, Mhnrli-M F Maillt.wH. R ay m o n d ' II. Mend. Nfim MfOoWrIl, Tb'-oilnre K. Mi-rklSiiRer. Berinim Meyi-r. IL'iir lei tu Morion. r.etMe M/w Mtilford. C la ra M ur­phy, Cbarlert K. K. Nit'lilInK. Heb n A- U’ l'onnor, Edna Madeleine O'Crowley, Mabel LuM-lle IVrry. J'l-nrl M M. l*fdf>-r, Marrln Pn i l l . J. Ilowanl rulllii* idlli in Loulfie Qiilniby, Kathar ine (julnn. I 'lara. Hlley. ruu l lne Ituymond Mnlud L.Rueff. Krtmi l.a'ona UunyoTi. JoFophlne F. KuKSfll, VIok-t May Kyley* 1‘ lf'lo aaiU-rer. Fred Brb'wlnn. .Bertha Hebl- Icr. Loulftt* H, Keldl. (Mnudinn Small . KDU' Kilwlnu KrnlMi, M a May Solll- day. WllUain HHtnlUnn airveiin. Angie V. ^ulluii, Ju Anna B. Tollman. May Ter- Hnd®, Hophla Thb-li tiuiU, Lillian D. TlTus, LlJllnn M Tnmj*. May L, Tni'PBiff. Alex- wilder TrautU. J r . O. Mabel Tur ton , Kdliri M. Tut t le . Isabel L’mhni-b. Sadie I*. Vim Heat, Hu>b N'ust* Wells, ( ’m a V’na Wlll- Inma, Kloreneo Wiener. Alma M, Wolf, Jennie Wright. HebecM-n J. W'rigbt.

Euglt.'«b Cnurtte-Oeurkre B. A*^tb-v. Murry W Burkhonu Albert r. lUn-bl'T, Li. l-hluun Claik. Mamlt' A. t.'c>et*'ll". Mnn- itun G. UureinUM, Frank K. EberhariJt. VVIlllani Mblm. A'latn MiutiiiiR. Jr.. Lsmls A. IList Itnaye-r, S. Deh»bi Juri.-N. riiireiu-*' fi. jfiumnn'l. MnrKuerll. fl fl<nauTurinn, J. Kdwln Hlurluir. I ’lnirbu W Vri-t-biml.

C'omrrH'rrlul Tourse- l‘’ r:iiik H. t'ole, Au­g u s ta IL'Pii

— I


Last t la lN a y of Hit Scholastic Year Was Euded al Noon and the

Children Kejoiced.

Anwl-* M 'lU n ey , J-—i" iT ile iiii 'n httI l':sle||e wilt!'-: i-ll'T "Ji'.VS nf Mp-Hprlim,” i" !i""l; ph.r..... -Im. ‘ Th" l.ltiU-Wamk-rer'-'.' IMni* l-i-k 'r ; r«ji(l;tiw, "Tw o Jaiit* fnr Mil-'STuiu,' i'nl.“y Ikarli, phyRl- rfil ('xiTi N'J'. tfi-hiiiiirN, Fifth Krndc; rhnnis. ‘Wak'*, \\ uki, Wake.” Pi'hool, piano solo, l^dlth Wiihllow; reyllaMou. "Vnt’aUoh,'' Lulu Jainliu^i thn-e part Hong am! hymn, tu) “ Siar?' of ilu- SummeT N lg iu ,” (Id "Tho Lord )h My Shephi-nl." BtYi'CiTli HUil 1‘tlKhth KTaili'*; recilation, ” f?lx TI(th'h Nitui i>r Mary Ann." Maule l''’ rank]Iri: palrlotli' dlaloicue, Fenirth and Firth Kcnsk' ftupllK; piano duet, "Shep- herd’H Evening Honp,” Koeotnary Hnaon and Tliorosa Klernaii; rhoru.H, "Fu lr Land of FnM-dnm." moUihjI; "A Story In Bong.'' seven (Mrls; recllttiiona, (a» "Seoin' Thlngn ut M kIi i .'' *b) 'MdUlu Mtowh Baby.” EIJlo W hile; idnnit solo, ‘Vaiiulcttn,” Agnes i l.> iiti. iwii part song. "Widromo Bijrhig.'' idria. nil grados: ■■Mary’a LU lle Luimb" lin four hinguageH), Harry Turbervillo. itharles Rnh. Jerry T,x»orianii and Lain MIgatKI piano hiiIo, If'den Ibdarnfy, nd- ilrvsk, ilov. lM\ls I.nsk; awarding <HpJo- mas and UvAilmnnlaln

Plf»n*tnii‘ l*rnirrihminF f lo n i lF re d .A l Lafuy«>Ut> Btreet Behiml a ploaslng

progminne* w.ia reii«l«‘re.| (hla morning, and the uwarils were mud<‘ by Corn- mlsitinni^rs Man f nil Seh.icfer. The fol- lowlmt prograimiir \»-urt rurrled out:

PluM) solo, Marie Krn\i.‘<ft; ehoniP. “ Arm rka.” by the sih.itii; a pfiirioHr exerels'-. i-v KljfhMi Krado ijupilti; n-ct-ttttloii, '-Mil- FlrtK," Frank Heri-st; | readlalloii, 'JinPii Fonrib o f July,” Ron. rl SniiMi. rei ItatUm. "Hrand- fjiM ifi's FounJi. ■ Eilw,»nl tisborne; vlotlp Sidi>. 1 bit lie st|. rnian: r i i iLtlUm. ' Fla-sli,'' Alfrt'd HiirilcA', rerlittilnri, Violet Neflv^: roc'Il.iM'ni '’Al'irh.-r, W ;iii-h ihe l.MMe Ke<t.’ ' Fc 1 Si l; ! 'r. . hnnis, ” Amil L'lnah'a UnlIMfiv r !.iys nf Siw.-iiih t,T«i>le;reidiaii,,! . T: . riMwii’ s Baby.” .b .<sB?

I- ■: I'.luii, “ Tlie ( ‘niititiv JuH- I-I M iri'liy, Instm ni'iiliii ijuet. I.' i'. ilrlKus: rerlta!l'iii "l*oem

I’ ' Ik' l- ilik NN-ufxriVi r..H-lta- it k -ind Ihi* Bea,” I-;Me ! Jo|m- I11 U fiiiir.on: voriil S'd". ■■Flow

Lthel Snilt'i nnd l.iin '■ i-horns. i'tbM i year I'l!. >11 iT dipinrnn-. |'•lmJnlR-

: •! '='M!iilion o f i*-Mnn.nlals,■ .' h.ulTfr: cloMlng uddruHS.

A L L T R O L L E Y C A R S G I V E T R . A N S F E R S T O

T H E B I G D E P A P T H E N T S T O R E ,

S . H E Y M A N ’ S ,208, 210, 212, 214,216 S p r in g f ie ld A v e . , 55 R a n k in , 58 B e a c o n S ts .

♦ ♦


J♦» ♦ ♦

A l l P u rchases Red Star Trading Stamps. |GOOD SH O PPIN G N E W S FOR TO-MORROW TILL II P. M. \

I . A P I E S ' b ' l N E S K I R T R A R O A IN — Mnde fniiii fine qua l l ly Foiilnnl ^ i t e e l i , w i th tw o riifile*. lace i r im nie i l iiml full Width niul w e l l itiaile, r e g u la r sell ing p r ic e #3 , 9 8 ................

Refrigerators and Ice Chests.Special Prices to Reduce Stock.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.98rppiKiM / n o

lipfrigrrntnrf?......................................9 0Exira la rgo Hardwood Ilpfrigora- 1 QO

tors, ‘inxrjxLi, rpiluct'd from f in.n» to... f » 3 (j

Mackinaw Refrigerators.T\Ncnty s tylra niul ^, all rnducod 30

pe r reltt.Nn. i:i2 Markiimw, TPvfuliiT - iLriR, |

nuw.........................................Nn. Mackmaw, regular iLT.ri?,

nfiw.........................................No. 21 'i MAvkliiaw, H'Hular iHJ.rt!?. i r a q

................................................. . ID * g gNn, ran Muckomw, rpgular I2L85, IQ o n

now................................................... l9 iU OAH size-s, ■JO ppr cmt. off tegular prU'w.



— Hnnic straw, rrown, some all mulL j very pre tty , tr immed, vulup up to $1.29,


LA D IK S ' f i n k s h i r t AVAISTS“ W ith sailor collar, ■ ■nicely trimmeil witjh llishop cuffs ami two ruffles on the shirt. I Ithe very latest, tef;ular value f s .^ , f o r ........................................... I l l J T

I.A D IK S ' V K R V K IK K W jU S T S — M ade fjtoai ituported Hueu. iu many styles, sonic trimmed with fine Valenciennes lace, souse h:uc CTplaited Imsoin, some shirred, all the very newest mid sol'l * %reKiihir for f,V9'fi “I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FAN’i'Y T in m O N S —No. W, nil new, pruHy piilti-rna, t h t v t ry latest, good jLdc. value, for

I.A D II''^ ' H A T H IN fr SLTTS— Made from fine BrllJiaiitirio, M'rih s.Tib>r collar, trimmed with silk braid, i » all .sizes, eonnot be malelieil elsewhere for lc>s than #4 .9« , tlu-y are v e il made, sp ec ia l............................................... * ..................................... 2.95

LADIER ' VESTS—Made froni line while ITUU'O >arn, fain y lac« effect, bc&l 15c. vest li. thr iiiy. to-morroig.

9c.r ra w f ■ tiCe." I Ml Eva 11 . ' ■ to Th'- tloii,Hon. I Oviif- Mai. eln*-- HIm-- i

• 1 I •

LATHES' S' ’m i ’ K IV 'iS -Fine thread cciUnii bliuk -ii.d Mih- p-dka dot, good 16c. value,

10c. Pr.1,000 r..\NS—Folding |

kind, ver.v i r 'lens, at

l.A lilE S ' VRSTS-Very fSiia white

coiinn, uponwurk lace clTcct front .and l':ii k, all siri-s, vaTii'.- , at


80c. Ea.TU im O N S-No. MX

Iti-rna, the very lal

9c. Yd.' IsATIES ' Sl'M^MER fO IlS E T S - : Miidt" from extra gnnrj net with pretty I llower tiTert. u!»e. value, at

39c. Ea,-iFityR roR i , In ull fsizi-.

39c.TsAlMFS' .N l'ItyF roR S E TS—Extra

goiiti qiialUy, In ull isizi-.s, value T9c., lor

LAIdK.S B E LT BAUMAIX-HX) divi. •, ri — rti il siylfH, pliiiled sutln, gill. I':iMi< 1 and p Ih.-<Mi'. wUb btaull fu l UulLU >, s .:liie up to 1*10 .

19c. Ea.5/-«* V.ARJiS SC i»TC n L A W N S A lJ i— "Ht 75 beanlifnl, new.

Summer’ s Kitesl palterns, they are fast cidcirrs. .imt just the thing lo Ui.i: fi’r the hot weather, at, yard..........................................................

LACK BAHABCL C'oVEUS for baby ' ir: i;iK« s, very pre t ty NotMiigham loit- li ran. a#v. value, at

t ’fiii'I ’n •

The hisl h df ! ci-.jir»>- ti> a » •••' I'.-1 IT .I't’ loi k ( \' r . . ' |jtst for a TIhi' '> ells, ari'l Mi* In: St'hnnlH W . r< ii • I, • Then* 1 - ' '.c >IK.uon i” ii''lr» ii w ..IIfr<iin Ml' I . i*--r -i.i

: !i*-t !•• !' -1

• ifi.- piihlle aehoftifi . -.1 ; ■ ri'»>n, nn d by

•■V !• r hiid l0 f»k«d hiB Ii "d IkhiHh and pen- iifs I'f moat Jot the [ f'lr ihe Jolt Tng among the

wr'i-t* svi fr^e to-diii I la many o f Mi* \* Ti In c<*l«bration

A n . fti I

I'... ure Flare K 1 'tj-;i;;irner, i l I s l l in h c th H, lieeb, Kl- \ni\ A. Hawkins. Marie Au-

;i ' 3 Huhl. .lenrile R. h'He N’eave, liunP-i J Mur- Lt-rry am! riiarp-s R. Smec-

4c. Ea. 16c.I . M i I I S l 'A K . \S o l ,S A N D S l 'N r M I i R r . I . I . A S a . F . A R I N O S A I . K —

In h lack , whin- un! .■■I'Tfd, fancy Iriiiiiu. ,1, '.>iuc m i l l ruffles. We do not w a i t for the t i;.l i i tla- season to dost- th e m mil, h u t now w hen gooil use I m ''.ill I'c m ade of a parasol. They a re iii va lue U]. to fJ .oo, ea. .............................................................................................. 79c



5c IRivnnrlfiiL T■ T i ' l r j a O W T O P S -B oam lfu l

I; d In nil colors, value: 1 i- '-uiurruw only and not

- 10 a buyer.

9c. Ea.OVERSHTRTS—Plftlted

' [lanHc l uftb, very cheap

LIHiMi S' T;Ilf Us I l.l^ -. .11 Klfilld 1 h> I I|;I|

Th' vtmiij; n, In wlib ilifir*«TB'*'rMT fr.'iil I ’ l.'Thi. tjlplonuis « ' errl?« ► Wi Ti I ,ui

Th. gradij.tu -t '<dli-gi* Fri-|. . *

lirtxit r, Ji'lni 'h

I"!- L• l.i ■ I


• t [iI Tp u s

M"' . 1..-.- !u i. N* 111- h w

I li’ jij'ii ‘ 1 m ' .1 •


I S'l- ■ I S' liM'il there was a[ i;.- . . . i i 'n work, beside-^

niii-li<d progfamni'*- ThI II: sing unusliully :l!> 'i Trensur^a" waa it

• ‘ wfitili I ’rlnrlpol HanP ' A w.f il- of furf'Well tn ■

s Mi+ n sang “ Tht- U ir.d •Kventng Sutii? " ''

with The [lufMH - .ii«'l ibe work, from th- t. Mil* TiipheBt class. r<-



ik>ni»-l Al" ettT" ■ < ■i'r.r.v M.c. J 'avi.** An ' Mary L i :H az, | till.-Ur;.. . 11-


.M Th'- Mdlrr Street Bchonl lh*I us ii«i>k a comin>-ticem«nt S".! ' C l ' ! M V'H .I'vliM k IhiH m-'r*'! : ■■.'■ I 'rittn- .-.iTect d<H'k on the .u 1> ■i.trur'*! f'^r th^ n,-rnslon. T li. i '

• j• ■' -d d - t J 'll II-

H-ti.-m' '■ Ft:,, n ,.n-i, ..Hnni|''i>: H,i«, , .\t ti tUu-m! l.iUj Jck ,..jihn>e lleiiJ< IT. in tillle iiuher, H< |«-n Issli r I . A l l. i '* t 1 . ^ ,n t ' , rgff. iMvltl A M< K'*ra:l'. Klm.i rh i l s iu . . Venuen, t ‘. \V'*b-> T’rii t Kogi i,, j»BchiH-fer. Su> M Sou!' JL"! irt S.or • Jaiues M T iJ miT. • • '■lutit- linmii T m.M. Ahi-t !7:iir, tile V 1 !■ liuthBon, Ih*;uTr ' ' /

Gt-i— I ' ' I ' f A m ., 'gucu J lh* ' 1' i: Hi IH t : . .1. i H. • . -tJterrj V.-iir > . i'.,' i.-..Ian, Eda l i.r-.l!, i ;h l ,Klcr- i.t -• A ' I r- ts- • V I.'-,,ti*x, l< i :> •' -h • I ■ I . .1Mah'-J Br"WT v.i iir.r'i .. ■ -...s • .Campltell. Fl-'r**ri'' ■' rt.* i(**mpr>i-ll. Am* i,.. A>a»:ii’*i.4 i 'h 1 1 , CllfTord. li.'bert A V l . .\Hr- ‘ V . ; ThifeCKiora <'ons*r 1.11,. m \: i-.ei i i-, iiC. De W%>lf. U lioii F [f-i

Fl-y. j:Beatrice Fr-rnwalr. Mal.-1 E F.>rshj\. a \-.- n tttf L. Fr.iiv. Amai.ili Hafi;. r. r-n ‘n:i Hagney. l - r a n n s {i.irT'ii Ucj'-ip^H't -11a Hetminati. AuKust.i H'-iuj'z. ];Th*»i

il.-iU Miirly-!lv^ ptradUBtes. : ' ' t. r "f guests hij(! lM'»n Invit' d; .1,. ...... . lOiislHllng i>ft till ken, ollvea, Ico cfenni n I 1 r.'.i-.K-Ji. Wrtti served. Th. V mu ■>

' 1'4*y to giuidy Hook, isrmiud S'. umT ihrnuph the Kill vmi K,,i:

Hamburg Pl.T-e S-h'-- I Mi U ife Iiwardpti lh'* \"ifnK* r ; Fi.mmlsMonpr Stan«> r iM-t m- i

t rrT--r* W' re “Inip:'-


M U iT 1- »'f Thr hr'-.’-car'*fijbetrjt of 11 • * III i: tliik

\’.- 11 ■ V iinii.- ■1.' n 1 ■< i .n i.j :1' F'!v r ir.ini‘ ■ r I V " ' - - r «f-T|.\l ........ l-'g 'M " • 1 - I'i • 1 w a> IViA. !■..>- t..l - ...... ! T! ' H"i1 lr« \s. r, I'n^-cri' - . , L i rini*.. I-\4 ■

1 l > ’ ;.1. I.- • '•-ru;1 r • >" I ■ .Vh’ !\i L.i'■ 1 r-i,1., •Vioh’i ■■

-AL. . K t i..ri, *, 1 ■ ..' TI, Iln. an«l Math’■ . M vi.n#: ■ ' ■. 'IlMMM' r M aht."

T c f i b o i t o w , June 2 f ,

GmT SHOOTIIG TaURHAMEIT(M tlM U . a . S . B. o l N . J.,

A T T H E - F R A M G A R D E N ,- IS t l i 5 t r c « t « o d I6 th A v e .

P r it t Shooting 1 Prize B ow ling 1

A O M U M O N 3 fc . C e m m e e d e s a t x p . j i .

f t H'm N*'( ' soh«. "Give M- :« . l!y F w ■■ iwanlmg of dip!- * - >iu!--'*-n»-i S!*!iK“J' Yh<* griid'.j- ,?vh*'ul witr*

M.irv K lirnwn. Edtlfi H L»ot - ^ iFu i l l Friedrich, Fl !•

L i I ' J 'M v. M iihllda Kn** '1,1. ru-tnii. bfjt.'lr M. Lull. l-MiM: •-ej- Mlnr! ‘ 1 M* tieerMi y» r. HuiT>> I'u'imm, Mai . r \* ;

I ijm F, Bh> retirmlt. Arthur Bh . •' ii !iiufkhardt. ''hjiTl»-s A. L'ann* :.!(i ,j i;..i *:‘ *n Ld*r>, i'.t’ il M. Tls'-hii. ' -ahri..^rin» AmT isT Hap-M*L > u,.r*! AKuit. Kug* nt Mlchfl. Wilbur M H - f Hluretlt'e L. SlKlUlaWOOdV.llermarn T' Ray H \ • v ]1 Tl«i L^.'ellat r Fred W. Fort.

At l.flvtreRCP .Stf’****!A l I.jvrreuce Kireol the ex«*rci»ie-s wire

Unusually Interesting. Th» •U''Ci>r:ii P were elaborate, consisting of many lljcgn. arUsilcsHy dr^pesT Th « musinii pm- grtnjine was well rendered. It Included the foUoWiikg Cboru*, ’ ’Flag o f the Fr**e." ecbuol; reeding, "Graadfather s Fourth, ' iamew Alvervon, piano duet, by ha!s> Irv in * and Eleanor Alven«on: rocltatlim. "M ary 's Little Lamb." Maud W n ^ i : Ttodn mcAo, Badla Harding; r.ical duet


III '*Ui I fill f l i t G lien t ill! In l*h lla - dilphi.-i Ml' r ivd ila IniiGM’e iie e fo r

-•fir niLil I oiu|ui(i lo ll.

I '.\ l 'K I . r i l lA . Juh.,. V. tJ. E.' •!!-• ii'iJfi»n-d friiin i:rMg*-inn. N-

.1 .{ i/< Ji'i k on tVfila* «iliiy rnifm- . Live It) Th>- nilriisn*r had been

I • III Ills 4 liiin h with u member I i:r<-gjMoji. Hl.« rinflurnal de-

II IS sikl-l. was rim- pi the fnci that ' \ Mllli-r, oiif of Mio iruetee*.

iiiin ihdl In i w> iity-four huursNS ' ihi !e' Ino hot to hold hllll

• l i l 'I iT urriVf'l belt* ntB Wednes- ’ ..vL:!: muds- Mi*’ irip on hi* wheel.• ■'i t>' miuic th'* f'vll'-wlng SlHie-

SA[i lo ilrny ihrit iherc was any- pii In Ml' prf’Sfrice uf ft mem-; ... ' < i.^i' cj.itl",. u!.J myself In the

• I Mi-ihudifii Fr-'iestHJii Church,■ L i.'ii N. J.. un Tuesday evening last- I .S ' I.' I'j Mu- ■ hiji h ,ii (R 3b o'clock for

,: I'.f-f lif m* r .nii;( the windows for • ' . ..I 'l to toK* ap the carpet around

I .r rn i p i 'c r;ii-ry lo McrapfPg it iiiif huiiiir.ti Tor Sty hammer

'I ;i ‘ ' I if toy < enme in..!>'"r hvliiK p'lrily •.>pen. 1 took

n 'ir.Gt ,>f thin p-jrawh-I N- I ■ . II hui;M"L. f'lr my hammer until

. ul,'. sHi.v k irt {hut The young in:.i‘ iL oi.ik-. si*mi-thlm? s-f our be-

aho.i T< K tio'r I menMivned this fact - d ION • *'ni. II '.I'n ri'ullxliiK the sUuatlgi).■ .H ii-l t • n » >iH unMl after 1 ln>

Suggested. K a il..Al n y fr-.fciK’ ‘■M"n 'h r frru.t dCK>r was

i.s- * ! T the C'Kj,!. I rs-mi*rkii:g: will!.ik' ■ m- of no ^e|f.'

•To.ikinK ihat it was perhaps not ki.'ivn Ih-it 1 Was In thf, church, and t'J

. lid a s. us.Jk I. I lsnk«-l the Other door i:.,l ssui!'-l. 1 Int* h<l> ■! lo go ootl When •".i !• V 4(un*- h'lti e. l-wt 1 wa* mis-'-

• kn,. :hr> did know i,hat I was then-- ' 11 arihji a k**) msorti 1 iji the loch, J. werJt• luwii hi i!ie 1 arement of the church and

M' Tr until they had Bearched tbe I./1.1A s> J U ft.

■‘Th»'ti. tired o f hiding away when 1 kn>w I wu» guilty -if no wrong-doing, 1• . ir.e out aM faced Brother M iller and like i-rowd. 1 persualed Brother MlUer to walk home with ms* He, together with Hroiher Craig, advised me to leave Iowa '±s soon a* poaslhle. u there wauM be trouble, end It wnuld b« usdeM for me to stay to fight U out on accokat o f the eae- miaa 1 made through tb« oUukd I took for Brother Ireland, (he d1vlz>e healer.

“ My wife aleo agreed with them. A fter staying up al! night. 1 left at I J I la 'th e morning, mouatlng my wbeec fo r n lla J e l* phia. and kiaalag a y w ife good-by a t tke door. I arrtvad bar* at l wdoeft WedMO^

M EN ’ ^ I ' l ’.! cheap fi*r ..t

.TS -.Vii i.*xtra good kind,

25c.I ’ltVS' W AISTS-M nile like

tr'H T rh inl," with pau»ni belt."Moth-

29c.M i : \ •

II 11'" 1-.

39c.HKD CND rawer* to


drawers to match, Qfic.

B r o a d sr.

Mid^Summer Sale Cut Prices.

D ailies 'O x fo rd Ties, T C r -P low ................................................./ O C

Ladies' K id Rutton, I i Q

C liild 's School Shoes,

Ch ild ’ s School Shoes, C O c

Ladies’ raten t!ierSandals, C Q ^

Misses’ I’ a len l Leather Sail- C f t f dais, n o w ...................................... U ^ w

D a l s e m e r Comfort Shoe House,

5 8 9 Broad S t .

B e f v j n r o f fm /U tors o f O u r Shoes,

whereabouts \« - ' i p** 1 gE*l cmpl ly-ment my fam:’.. . w :h mo.”

lit HrldKi*l<>ii.^ e a i D O L T u : . JBev. n r r Itopic hore I companion of M: ever had tween them

The Rt’V I t \ Methodist r r - ’ - -■ here this aft> ■.B. D. 8lultz. I01*1 Eplfoti;*;.; IDowell hi’l'l I ti'rnoon t«' i H.

BcyoTul ji- faith In h*r l extreme i i t hi* comjMiil course. .Air*- - . daughters jii*


- 'I hr em iipudc !■:11 ihe nbsarhin :

iu.(emfnl th ’■ MH s Miat tht ■ I’t-r ri-lat1on* K

* f rfistileiit of th T*itl-:in, orrlVA-

lli. WUh llie ilev ' M:h Flr^l Metho ihH ihe U»'V. I. M'-

'iti-ri'nrr (hla <ifI 1 th« rliff*.

• ■! r'’*t>»:«iTMTTP h<. lui'l ih;il It Is h!- ;- '!i tn ishb'l '

h -' til, i.Ufi! h'.; .iv Tipittilrig l:i' k-ii

Why Deal Elsewhere!lAe (. ul Price* oa all htaule tiroccrie*. \ rcri.u.u i, C aaaecl C}oods> Meau*

Poultry, Etc. OfMd Goetdt. Full IVriiMu. Iloasic Dealing*.

w i ^ w A P j o r Y o i T w o M e i v r > E )

Olive Oil.TVe have just received our an­

nual importation of Barton & Guestier's Olive Oil. This oil is bottled from the finest selection of Olive Oil in the French Market and has no superior. No further comment is necessary, as once fried, it is always used.

s y A J :: ■


tXERliVVIAA li U) I G l iK T n i>% K U

Bpcctal ■DETHf>lT M

lam C. <irn‘ChurA'h. luK • divorce ug.'ii '* whom ho niiiir:Colorado spn l say* »hc fr* (|i. - hnu*o and ihr' v. tried to cllmh ■-

He nlb gi < ing sermonf. h- 10 gel dimuT

- H^'v \\ 1' nti-T n ip *> .■* .llGK'. t -T A Hran'bt..

ri--’T. uiii**r, IM'l. :H i;, 4 'Ttl'^iiy. Hi­ll.. '1 I'.m I'Ut rtf lh - U him when !.•

ft r ftui'L.v m* rri!.M% .-umiK lie

Poa*n>l«- o f J u p l i e r .flpecuil l)l»l>a'ch ■. .. s k 'A?

B A llC E L i 'S A J A i\lgr*a i a*trqn<,'Ti;l ed hare It if ■: ' mcr *' -r>black, roiiniT • i-the aurfiicf; '-f •{toMlhly indh i*.plancL___________

•Aivefy c' * n ■- b**.’n refH*r: 'I M..ii an BiGiri'i.•1 l.i.H nTiBCfvti] .

'I* lifi'-i! ‘ hiiiln'w •= '*"■ J'.i'1i*T. wh:ixMi mmin for i ‘

C ITY A m t.HT|!tEME\T!K.SOnCg — m.-i i », all

that '!'■ ftTlfi. ail* . f ^ftM w ^ l* *!»■ uui .1 !'.* , aji.j *apvn*e* ufopMgng of MAM.-ii'N .WXWp,ho* h»w' ,1*|ir«T...i i„ h.,. *. to !«w.Mid sewwBmeiit ■•■■mpr:*** aii the loti, trart*«a4 parvei* o* l*M ar. ! r»-«i ratate lylof oa but*OlfiM of A V E M ci t c « goalh Bev^Uh t. s.niih W^hieeiuh oa bath Jlde* ^ s-nnh TweUzh Pireet T hb iawth ■tree?. j4..oth F>>ttrtw»th wr«ec

aixteemh « t r M BuatE pivwleeni.. aire*: md &-rutb Klght««mb

Bvaeaa to a FAat 9U«i feet nurth of MadImi *v*-

i OVMri A'f BiKi re*) MMtt* awewd M*a«*<wte er *s».»wmeni *r« brnWr rv-

j4 to par the aitKmnt m a*»—i** upna them.

On a n d a fte r June 29 we w ill c lo se on S a tu rd a y s d u r in g th e Sum m er at 1 V. M .

Fine K1 j n CTt-jineTy But* tei. M»**cinl21c. lb.

P .ttJerwr Emi,kpenftl13c. doK.

Laiice C*lifor- nl« PruDea. toofial „4 c. lb.

ID H,, of !''«■ * ‘rf itn Shit.■*pL'r- a;


Dftrltng'abrutd Co&d«fiied Uilk. apcct9 c. can.

3 TanaMacboIi* Milk. >pe.‘l*i ^ C .

Fam'T Rtc*, meciwlficT'lb.

Heint'a C«Uup {the genulneh .ipecibl

8 c.

New Vi-rk Sl u tisrar ( orti, apeoial at

<>c. can.

FiM Harylud TematoeL ipecUl at7c. can.

SPEC lAL!! “S ." iEC OF UMB. 121 lb.EXCELSIOR GASH GROCERY CO."" W 'J L ' ,*«■

Atwater & Carter,7 2 8 B R O A D S T R E E T .

DaintiesT o S u it

Your Appetite.Fresh Killed Broilers. Legs of

Spring Lamb. Young Capons. Roasting Chickens. Young Tur-

j keys. Sweetbreads.

F ricaM w in * Chickens, lb.....................9 cYoung Fowls, 1b................. , . lOc‘Tpirkeye, lb . .................................. l l i ' s CI'ot Roast, lb , .......... 8c and lOo

R o t l : Y & O o .New Jersey's Leading Butchers.


PaW M .- ElwnH ' Irvioc and U ay Maprer; gapr, and wrW » at ooca to my wTto that 1 4 ia ia rw . -Tha Ctoatp," Adele Retvarais antiraa MtlSilr. b « M M k v * * *

M. I , J m *1. iML . tlUBi’K. t, ,-

W E PAY THE FREIQHTlParties leaving town for the summer will save

time and money, and get the best goods, by order­ing from ug now. Go^s neatly packed and shipped to all points. Send orders to

Wendover & McClelland,W H 0 U ! 5 A L E A N D R E T A U . Q R O C E R S ,

l f i O - 1 8 2 S p r t n g f M d A v 4 '

$5.00 TonFirst otutUtjr.irMh mined, Uar*

LEHIGH COAL, fiNr Beg, Store or 91iaatimt aUs.



Action of Lnst Legisintnre Assailed and Defended Before Conrt o f

Ir ro r s and Appeals.


^Jeunnrc. > lcU (*rm o(tluislista el. i'aki*N Ainuy tba' IllKlitu n>f

nu«l Nceka to t 'liK ra id Ijaoii

tb « K le o t iv r ^ V b •t laK n o w n na '^M inority llop rcM e iila .

lAcft’ iif’O Silplkorteil (o n a f lt i i -

t lo n a l l l } o f Act and C 'o iit«n ilrd ihnt \\n* \ut Propd^fly Itt-fure

th e f^ u r l.

T U K N T uN , JiirK* 2S. ^ Represcnta l lvo Altutt L. M^■Dv^molr, of Jerfii-y I ’lty, saili 'd iho ttrtlun of th<i lawl Li-(fl!<UtUire In uif urtfunicnl lufuri* lliu Court of Krrors aiul AjHii.aU y^xHTiUiy, a i i a i ’kmK tho c<m- BtUutltoudlty uf ih< act hy which th** Ue- piiblicuii.s soLiislif lo oUlalii ri tiri'jiorilutJuu CM th ‘- Li'iufil i»f Jorst-'y City, liythiy act. wtili h has lu-fM sniqcketl from cnil to I'lul of the the Kci'^hUctinsaUenipU'd to cstutih.Hh excise boards in

I j c r s e y t,‘!iy .Hn'l Ni >vark of fiMir memb^ rs, ‘‘ortly two of whinn shmihl by s'oied fur by cUUens. Tlip effect of Hila uct. which was w h lp td tUriiui;h lioili houflea by the Re-

|puhj l?an lea-'lrrs. Would bo to liiltO llui Bti- leoticiM of ihu borml out of ihe hunda of the p-M)i»ic, ;hy choice lu the jiarly

T ilt iioWiT ^ruiil llcf‘n.''-s in Jersey City Is iiuw vosled lit !hc iioui’d of Alder- Jnen. subject lo the approval of the Mayor, llu! lici jiyc \ f'hr b'-Klnning July I.

Tho not of Inflt wiob r prosldcs IhiU on and afu-r January I, 111 -. liiornNea Hhad be (fruntvd by thi rA« [fCf iUjurel, fi^r wJilch

' Ihe ;i('t muki-H i>n>\UU)n. The Jer^'f'y t'Uy OUthorlUea Uecldid to if^nurc tin* at t ant) resnivcd to Kraiii licviisoi for the year be*

.glnnlnijC July 1, ]9<>], unil Ihul no iipidlcit* tion for a flceuse /.vJi^Jdcrc''' ” n-Jess HOcoMipnuled by a di'po.sU of the full amount i>l tlu' annual Ih'ense fee.

Patrick McAi'dlc. a .Hab'on-kcepr r, at­tacked tills reFnlutSmi, and Hamue! J). Dickinson, the Kopublicaii Irnder, Joined In the suit. A pro forma judjjment w'^s entcr.eti In the Hiiprernc Court .sustnlnlts« the kci uf last winter.

A raam ^n l A|Kiiln:il Act.Mr. *McDennott njijicHretl for Jersey

Chy, (iTid In the course uf his argument ugulnyt the art paid:

"The net of l?iil Bopkg lo engraft tipon the elective ay.stem uf New' Jerery W'hat Iti knovsn aa 'mltiorlty rrpr<‘Senlntl-m.' The lyninny of the majority tins been de­nounced In pnise and poem, and If the act under review Is allfiwable New* Jersey may become an e.^rperlmental Ptjitlon lowanl which llnj eyrs o f the worbl will be dlrecii-d.

"The LegifdaUire m ay nllow th e farmere. the niaiiufm-UiriTH ami th* miTf h.intR tn have jrei^refictilallcn. at'CordhiK lo ihHr iiiimtierR, while a ballot devoted exrlu- a lv riy to the election of owners of real ftstaiu w'ould have gnod cla im In be, in pur! , sura u( suerrss at iha polls."

F'dh>wing ttil.s sarcastic sally, Mr. Ml iJermott dlsi u.ssi d at length the con- Plihuloiis of other States, containing ex- pre.-<hi«ma on the right lo vote. Uiily aia of them, he found, contained a provision Blmllur to lhai ndofitvd In New Jersey.

INIor to ]s4A a Joraeyman could not \'ote for members of ihe Leglslalure tinleps tip was worth iuU, but he rould vote for lown- ehip oitlceri If he rented a tenement of the yearly value of |5.

Tho ponvenilon of 1844, Mr. McDermott Paul, preBenled two great reforma, abolish* Ing the rellglou*? test and nrrjperty quallfl- cations as e.saenilal to a right to vole. To­gether with this came the deciarailon Ihui every (while) male citizen should be en­titled to vote for ul! ofUcers which then or thereafter might be elective by ihe people. Thofifi two aeciluiia, Mr. McDermott con­tended, secure to the cHltens of New Jer* gey cortain rights that are absolutely be* yond leglsluilve subtraction.

Cot»N4itaUon Entervetiea."The act o f he continued, "pro-

A'ldea that the excise commlssionera shall be elecird at large tn each city. Here the Constitution intervenes. I f the com- npRfilonerB are to be elected every quali­fied riiiien ia entitled to vote for every coinmiBsluner to be elected. Legislation could no more suy that each elector could vote for only two or four commlsaloners than It could aay that the perBons receiv­ing tho lowest mimbtT of votes should be chosen, Tho Cfluaiitution means not only that every quallflod voter may vote for every olllcer to be elected, hut that the candidate receiving the largest vote shall l>6 elected."

Mr. McDermott qucb‘d from ophiluns o f the lute Chief Justice Beasley and Chief Justice Depue In support of his ar- giimuni, and In closing his case said Ir. part:

Tt may bo that non-parttean govern­ment would be u cure for all civic Ills, or that minority representation would prove a municipal blessing, but It Is to be noted that In all the attempts to reform Ihc Constitution of New Jersey none has Included the proposition to take from the people the right to elect by voting fur *ve ry OTihe to be filled by popular’ elec­tion.

"When people desire to surrender this fight they will do so, but until that day the Constitution says to those who would elect by the voice of the minority: 'Draw not hither; put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest Is holy ground.’ "

R eg lr to Aetwek,James R. Vredenbufgh, representing

Colonel Samuel D. Dickinson, made a brief argument In reply to .Mr. McDermott, and Walter L. McDermott, counael for Me* Ardle, submitled his case on brief. Mr. Vrvdenhurgh msde the following conten­tions: That those parts of the act of IWl which tske from the Mayor and aldermen of Jersey City the power to pass the reso­lution In question are constitutional; that the act is not local and special, regulating the Internal alTslrs of towns and counties; that the act does not violate Article 3 of the Constitution.

Mr. Vredenburgh argued that liquor, In Its nature, Is dangerous to the morals, good order, health and safety of the peo­ple; that the police power of the State li fully campetent to regulat,® the business or to suppress It entirely, and that In the State the Legislature possesses this power.

Assuming these things to be true, he con­tended that the manner and extent of the regulation of the liquor business rests with the Legislature. It Is a matter, he said, of legislative will alone, and the Judiciary cannot run a race of opinion upon points of right and expediency with the Legislature.

AiYulng on the conaUtutlonalUy of the act Mr Vredenburgh contended that the question was not property befors the courts but that if It was. the act did not violate the Constitution because It provided for the appointment of excloe commtsslaaerv and not necemsarlly for an election.

The cose will probably not be decided be­fore the next term of court.


l - « * t Reglwieiii fr «m Ph lllpp laes Landed nt Inn Frfanwlsew*

b a n FRAKCIBCO, Jun« IS.—By the ar- rtvsl of the transport KUpatrtek Wednes- day the lail of the volunteer regiments from the PhiUppinen was Uncted on United Btates BoU before the end of Fuoa, os was Intended by the War Department, and with prompt work at the Presidio the troops «m be mustered out before the month closet. The Kilpatrick brought ths Forty-third Heglment, which b*s a good record for fighting and contliiuous active duty Colonel Arthur Murraj U tn com- ^ n a Kvsry ciflker has made a reewd for nghdng, but the palm ta held by Bsco&d Ueumnont Cborles c. lfintM» who has been ^ forty-four different eogagemeDtOi m u g lB g from every ooe with credit

Thd Of&cera and men whn wnre kUlcd tn dcttok Bonolly wouadsML or died Qf dlg- dose m the PtUllppUton. aumlOMd otitty* n ^ iMUidlng two commmtflmed oAceix Ueutenast John U. Kvaae o^d lieata^ne Jonathon Cmey. Of the m S y ^ n T ^ was banged by rebeJa U Soniar.

"Bargain Offers in Ladies*

andChildren* s Tarasols


Close a t Noon S a tu rd a y s D uring J u ly a n d A u g u st. Open F riday E ven in gs.




Special Sale Sheets and

?illolP Cases

Continues Qreat


"Bargains to Hake Business Hum.Each day we give fresh news of sharp siu in^s to he made buying at the L. S. Plant <S.’ t'n, store. Such opportunities are what inako

this store so much your faVorite, and we are wotkiug to make it better all the time. You'll imd magniticent choosing here S a tu rd a y from just such goods as are needed for present wear.

Qreatest Wash Goods Sale of the Year, at9 cCorded Batiste i.s cousidered v e ry ia.shiunablc for S u m m er wear, but uotw itlistanding, \vc offer tills

lu atcria l at a very special price. T w o styles uf B atiste— one L eiio Strip e, and tlie utlier n ice ly corded in

a com plete line of w hite and tin ted grounds, in a ll the latest and most dc.sirable d esig n s— se llin g re g u la r heretofore up to iSc. a yard . Com e ip iickly— 5,000 yard.s, v e ry special, {See Window Display) at

Bargains in Wash-20fi m an u foctiircfs 'sam i • skirts III |iiquo.«i, iiDvvIty chucks, nu r-' r

9 8 c & 1.50

Skirts,W ash Dress S k ir tsT B S ^ ^ S -

lypli (auhirdincF, :ill rc*«' .‘.tyh-swvh iHMit fitrdinu. hmiil aii-l m I'mnii—not :i >kh'l in the lot innde tu m-iI ]><i Ii-ni ilmii ( w ice ilifsp prircs—Twi) lots - • • ................

S h irt W aists Nf*\v MmlrnF Waists with Frenchhitcks, full Iroiju.ncw Ldfthopalccvew, ^ 'iiiiinliTPd rolinr: ufs » white I p

Jnwji waists, tnt'ki'tl fn-irinMlln IunIhh) ►li'cvefi, stifl an-J iiiumlercd rolJnrs, HtyliNh ami m' vicchI'Il* waisis iit................

p f • * - " f him IMiitc ('amhrirs nmjk\ n 1.T*L ww t ^ i S T S tnikod irofit niij<3 i k l 9 I r r enibroideriIrimnicd. top collar and new Ip: R/pud Si.oi) valuc^herfl..... .....

-letiA'f Usutiflf callc'

S h irt W aists l uswprtmejit >>i I »wds, fronitli ii sfrtinii and pin tgoks:

hiu'i? \t1Ui n\ii rows inseriion and fourcluKterMif pin tucks um '•luster--uow bishop fUrja sofl Cullur V IIIl I iiilpruuiery— value a t .........

^crtriiiR iHdka dot Duck.i M t l P , n w ith tiouhl^ froniH, sty lish ly

value- kohiB Im u tt'-miwruw and buvat................................................... ■.............................

Waists and Suits.L dot 1

« 1 . 9 8

Linen W alking S k ir ts ^ B o o liest ipgorG '-irrular fhnincc. i;i n-w* siitclniiK. nil aeniiiM J a y Owell tnilpircil, lii ht value in Newiirk. Ihtp forj.... :.......... ^

/ and Madras, in f and shirt waist

; i 3 . 9 8n iT MTnf|

styles, I

C “j . -P’ f f’ liiimiTiiy am! MadrM, inrtn e W ash outtswith Klllut .■.illHjs, separsLle Nhh'ldH nf luwn uiid piqi trmun«pl. ilpiiiiuid sklru, plain and trimmed (u mate!(jOtKl l-’p .....................................................

Girls "Dresses

T ^N ew T deaStoreNew Jersey’s Leading Cash or Credit House.

D EC A U SE of our determ ination to have no ^ Summer stocks left in any of our de­p artm en ts a t the end of the season , we have m ade such prices that will quickly move our goods and help you to saving from one=fourth to onedialf of the ir value. P erhaps you have an account e lsew h ere ; if so, com pare our qualities and prices.

5hirt Waists\r\(T In'fdre liii.-; tin.-; bit of wonieu'.s attire been .so appreci­

ated a-i it has this season. Never have the varieties been so large. (!nr cutting of prices in these goods affords you oppor- tuiDt'es i!i)t ti.i be overlooked.

J l'iT..ili* W,lists ill nil ilio|'Tf\iuliiii f'dors, liiukrtl fruiils ,iiiti LishujisUevt"

rrmiLij Iv fur 6yi\ 49c

Luwii Waists, ilaiiity .'viid u' fpi.ililie.s Uml yon y;eiicrally

L*klo-ilal' pay high prices for. tnc v(l fronts ntnl bishop sleeves, won hi lif* good valu^ at double this price 69c

Summer Dresses[ l i s t t l i e s o r t o f s u n i m c r y g a r i u c i i t s t h a t g i v e w o m e n t h e

c i i i i i l u n a b l e a p [ X - a r a n c e s t h a t s w e l t e r i n g m a n e n v i e s . Q u a l i t i e s h e r e a r e a b o v e t l i e o r d i n a r y .

IIO tlS E D R E S S E S . : L A W N D R E S S E S .I hi‘|i (Inmice, uf.ylly Irim- 1.48. (■ I i|./> I be;uitiful

mi-i HI hlnc. IfociTckr ami * tn him-. Irinj'd prKtilvT'lM-Itiltvr.ri'Knilrtrprices#].qH *^d i «iih l.-ice, very stvlish. and special . , . , ._LJ3f L l ' ‘■'“ 'client value nt'(:6.9.S

Uf ( ‘umlirlr jinrt Madras. Oujnjrw «Tnf| liikh ii'cck Bailor eidlar «iiii‘ of iiinuc, the other

of nanjH nmluilftl, embroitlorv irivjimni, HojPiirHlo slileld Piqui. &UIMI m must siorrs fit here

Ladies * Knit "Llircfiil, lo w iieck^i, no slt^cves, silk ribljon fin- islie<l, a l l sizes, w orth 2$c. tiu li, u l....................

Children's Hose- :;^l / CRiai^c fe c t, d o u b le knees, sizes 5 Lo8;^,

a t ..........................................

Ribbon Sl>eciahl’«%.:i^:'ra ll silk , all ctJors, ppecinl ^ a tu n ia y , l ^ o f ' y a r d ..........................................................

"Ribbon Special~ ' '^^ ‘/' 'inyard

^ r * ' * ' * ^ * riluMm, j>opul;ir Slimmer colors, very special

Men's Shirts and Dralpers-Stiirts w ith C(j!li,reUe n eck s; d ra w e rs w itlt O / \ sfitiiie fin ish ed Imiids, large p earl liiitU m s A M C


Millinery'Ib is ilcjwirtTiient lins alw.’ivs vinlciivorivl lo lyp at tlio hcinl o f th e proces-

siiJii in valu e xiviriji', and wu iliin k von w ill tiot uccnsp us of s tre tch in g Ib e in iili w hen w say th a t \vt arc .tIhmiI o f our co m p etito rs . iMirtuer p rices on iill our tr im m ed h a ts liHve 1h-pi] cut in h a lf— th a t is, h h at th a t w as form erly iiisiikcd #12,kK) is n o w r t d u c n l to and s o o n th ro u g h o u t th e en tire stock.

NuTiC—Have you scrii that diiiiity creiiliou—The i'an-Amtricati Walking Mat It ib litre for your niNpcclifin.

L a d i e s ' B^eady-to-lvearH a t s — Uut i ng and S h irt W a is t

H ats are the most im portant fea t­ures o f th is niillincrj" business ju s t now. B est qu alities, choicest sty les and g reatest assortm en ts. Plain and R ou gh braids, D u ck s , L in en s, Piques, M adagascar C lo th and F e lts — some trimmed plain, others v e ry fancy. What you wish is here. Fine hats 2 5 cat 6.95; others at easy pricings as low as

In fine Swiss embroid­ery and openwork spach-

tel effects, quality equal to those sold for 15c* to 19c. earlier in the season. Most ex- traordinary value now a t ............................ 1\ / C

T op Collars

ami strongly gusseU'il, each

Shirts and ‘Drakfers~~ ^ ^ . ^wliitc and colored, long and abort ftlecvvs, /I q Qall sizes up lo 50, each

Stylish Shoes a t Special Trices fo r S a tu rday.

Ladies ’ Oxfords-^^^^i^' Oafordfl, new

toea, kid or patent leather lip s ....................................... ...

tunifd anil well

" '" ’ " 2 . 0 0

Ladies* O x / u r " v ' v o /\r\stvlisu fxtcnsiou soles, A I I I I

straight t ip s ........................ ...................................

^ O V S ' S h o e S ~ ^ ^ '^ Russia Calf, li.inJsonie ■* serviceahle shade of tan, sires 1.79

Misses ’ and Children *s Shoes 'J' "hulUin Aiul lace,

sizes If to 3, regular fi.4q, apecial toro!^, regular f i . i j , special 1. 13; 6 to h, regular q U C98c., Special .

Saturday Will "Be Comb Day—Come and Sabe Money!Children's "Round Combs.Of Unbreakable rublier, best warrant­ed cuatity, regular loc. Combs— 6c


Children *s Round Combs.Al*(» of Unbreakable rubliet, warrant­

ed, regular lac. Saturday cpme 8clie.and save 4c.—fipecial

Dressing C&mb Special.Excellent rubber, 8-in. long, half

cnarse, half fine teeth. Regular IOC. Combs—special................. 7c

Dressing Comb Special.fUin , of fincNt unhre,ikable ruhtjer, I coarsp ferth ; also half coartie «iul iP '

hiiJf HIM—every comb warranted- l ^ r . IteRular hN’.-Bi.eciftL......................

■OxfordsLadies' O xford T ie s , a ll the latest and

best .stylc.s arc here— all sizes and width.s. A il Irum the best m an u factu rers, in surin g

liig licst .slioeniaking exce llen ce and wear­in g satisfaction. In b la ck vici kid, tans mid patent leather.R e g u la r value $2.00 . . . . . .

•Men’s Clothing!Exlrt-mcly low prices, just now so low in fact that ynu‘11

wotulcr wliy flnylxHly i» sweltering in muK'asonable garmeuts. Collie nnd sec the fnullIcKs dolhiug.

Flann^t 5ults, 2*plec© — ln new designs anil latest cuts, tluuhle and fiitigle brra.sted skeleton ctiiila, lT<iu»ers with Uirm-tl-up IkAIoius, Jii.ixj value f o r .........................................................

r iannel Suits, 3*p lece~ io ditTcrenl pat­terns of cliei'kh and atri])c« to cluKise from, strictly all wo«>l, in the latest cut, fitricllv tailor miuir, Jti. .oo value fo r....... ......... .. .

M en’ s DrCASPanUlOOnH —375 pairs of these Dre -s Trousers in worsteds, caNsimeresjiml che\ ■ iols, till custom work, latest cut and sewn with silk throughout, formerly and fF».t)o, now..

8.751 0 . 0 02.98

'Porch Chairs*

Big Bargains for Summer Men and Summer Boys.‘Bathing Trunks~iNek> ?iecktiesrl^S^:z

Neckties, great variety of patterns and styles, very strong values. Bat Ties, Strings, 6 O C *Band Bows, Shield Bows, 5c . . . . for

Negligee Shirts~ 'i''. a El il slzen. ill

_ — jmlltTiisattd ci‘liirR. iVrcales. Bedford Cords, etc., aim hiiu k and white elTecta in this assortment, all Cu'eilBieevea. felletl Kcanis. Kn.H«eted, Mari huttrnis. cales have Bppiinite cuffs with collar and cuffsr attached; BedfoTfl cordH have cuffs and col-3 U r lor and cu^saitacLeU. sizaal'ito iT.^eal val.

t ovi re n '

Idirinsiimgs you will find a large nssortmeul nfM m ’'. ;iii-l Boys' R.ithing Trunks in plain I and liiticy colors. I'rices 19c., ISc. »aJ lU C

H en's Suspenders'f —Of fan cyMad

InriUK'- le iTiatcli ru-iirly rvery shirting; aU" jiliiiii rrilqrs fnr who ilo not wish thelinvhl iiilor«, highly nirkfltc.l tnirktes,

urifjlif, very Iwdt Su‘.[«’mlera at . . 2ScH e n 's Negligee Shirts

rk, every liber fine

r! 98c

— Largeat and choicest collection in Newark, every new pattern and color in Madras and other fine materials, separate cuffs and self-fitiished bodies, choiceata a a. *....................

Boys ’ Pants-^Z■ at stripes and lixtures, all with

patent elastic bands, all seams taped, sixes 3 to ifi years, no better Pants a t ................................................ .... 48c

B o y s ' W a i s t s a n d' K " > i U ' T i * l 9, plessinir XX S U S t J C a nvle*, ncM- ctylf rull collar* on the

blfmsi or uilhoul ciilLir, larj^e

“ Ta m O ’Shanters. ”Boy*' and Girls' Washable Tams, in

all the new summer styles in white duck or crash; also completeline o f Cape, at ,

Bicycle Pants.1'. r Men and Bovs, of strictly all-

wv-il fl-Hhs with cults, latest shap<, in p!;nrU .iml checks, sizes lo pt | A Q fv fiv nne. ........................... l * y O

Boys ’ Summer Suits.Itiiiililc Tircuted, ullnr, vestec, Xn-


Mim.e and bicycle suits, sires a t.i ifi i .'.i'- all Sills wawmsgoods.ot itrlelly ah u .-1 cinih 1.e»i llBlngf, pretty braid c A A c-.niMii*ti.ins In itie small slses, > l l l l reg 10,$7 and lesulte. Saturday at

Young Men *s Suits.Vi-wi-)U pldltiw and mi*lur^i», ftlwiofblue

I'ut hi tliiit corropt style, 9i>m1

7.98or iiiR liiiiijR. not nii nhl jimiiiipr \ii E Ilf lot. ni/cn i.*. to 'iri ypapH, Riiodfpi value, our leader at..............

A necessity these warm days. We carry the kind that last.s season after scasnn. Siipci'inr in make, siipcrinr in liiiisli. Priceil no higher than iiiferiur

kiH-kcTs of split rcpil,,;c Rrn ki r Ilf splitIiiuplc frilUU'.IliKh ti,ui k, A O ^ I p''''' f'"""' ‘“ i-

1 , , , , I I'licil. very liijili lark,strung aufl dunililc.Viiluc , ; i ' ^ u^ v'Cra uhli‘ arms, well........................ ' lin iicd. value at


Specials on Sale Saturday 7 P. M. and Until Sold.Tolvel Specials , Si/.es 17x29, U nion L in en H u c kC orset SpeciaH '" ^ ^ \ cntilating corsets, cele-

^ brated \V. B, m ake, in a jw p u larF re n c h shape, well stayed, fits sn u gly at the waist, a ll sizes, 18 to 26 inches, worth 50c. Special S a t - A A u rd a y , 7 P . M . until sold, first floor, oppositeB u tte r ic k Pattern D e p artm e n t.

row els,and 17 x 3 5 ,L in en F in ish ed H u c k T o w e ls, both good licavv qualities, m esh, hem ­m ed for use, soft finish, no siard i, fu ll bleach- A ^ ed, plain w hite or with ji:' u v red borders, j P Specia l S a tu rd ay , 7 P. M. and until sold lo r

D r * w « « « (raa * C «th *«t .N * W rO «K , Juo« J t -A emtixat

To Those Looking for BargainsTn baylnf I Plino ytm of course wtnt th« best tbit your limitrd parse will ptrmU

yoo to h*¥«. *nd you should buy whtr* yuur moiify got* furthtst.W t msnuficturt our own (oods, h*vt b««n for fifty-five yews, sell direct from Ae

factory to you, fw u t e r every ioslruintnt that goes but of our ttore, and, wbit Is noat important to you, save yow the detlrr's profit

We ire lelltnt 1 Ptuio for 1150 that you can't dupllcata for S2S0 . and i|ree to tachuice It itiy time If act nttsCKtory.

Remta « ( $4 per m oatb, r w t to apply tow ard tiio pwcbaac.

t S i S ’ 679^)81 B R O A D S T R E E T

The newand dainty b*r(v|Uf f"--rl au'l lim)unj»e uiatri* in Neck Pendanti, Senrf Pin*, R in„ [1 moderate price*. (Jewelry In-|

All newaoil odd de»ij(ii.v at very

Pocket KnivesOo^. auhstantial l-MadeJack Knlvca, our ow n make

Free Ice*To every purcha-icr of a Kefn;;era-

I'.r we will furnish Free Ice for thirty (Lays from any Independent Dealer,Have your own tleakr ddivvi' the ice, wt' qav the bill. \Vc art not conliiiod to one ni.'ike of Kefritjerators, but c.irry tile l:irj;t"a as.sortmcnt in tin- city. Kefrif;erators of liartl ash, oak linish, c h a r I 0 a 1 l i n i n g , bras* locks and trilnnu^^C'-. all the latest impnivfinent.s; up from....................................... 6.98




■Oil Stove*IJIue F la m e W ick les* Oil S tove.

nBinij'l' -1ftuyllir.^.; IWhal '’1Camii>L t-\fCOhl*l M'H ' to ot>enit'' ' clean, k il

i>i i:it]i<ri.*.iljilitv lo vxagger^ite the qualities of these stoves. ■ ■]ri.-r,He iiml w ill'lo __


t! r.iiige will lliat's 1 ! ►Ill- warm we^Uher . .1 .01 1 ' i't-' not srncll. .1 half a cent per hourn h li'uner unil alwuvs .0 1 ' Irt 1

lb .detnon*!lr*iU- qualities - iijji believnig. 1-urner at.

2-Bloded Jock Kjtlveaor our own make. 30c

Our own make Pocket Knives, ebony and .*taf handles, 1- C A _ bladcd S I.00 and 2-bladed

Boya" 2, 2 and 4-BUded Knives.J J . — y « h » . l » , . 25^

^ l a a ’ 2-BUded E W H a n - ^d ieK a tvM ,

V ery complete assortment o l our ow n and W osterholm Knivea In dc.sirable pattern*, 75c. to $0.00.

Silver *nd Qold-H«ndled Knives up to $20.00.


(jo-Cartsand Carriages'The unscasijn.ahle weather during

April and May retarded the s.ile of ihese gO'-ds and now ncces'.iuiieii the enuing -if price.s which will (luickly relieve us nf .surplus stock. This we have done with a will. We mention but a couple uf items, but the many arc here.

Qo-Cart.New »n<l *le**ign. n iru!

wheels, rubber tiren!, patent brake, a<1justable tjnek ami foot, regnlar pr ioe |kj.q8 . .................. 6.98Carriage.

.\n*'ffer ofumi*iisl merit. Has metal wheels, rublterlireti. patent brake and gotHl upholstering, jiistable paroboU reg. value 15.75 n

F ree Deliveries Throughout New Je rsey .O ptlstry

ThsNflbnJyitm i

1* I *cietitifi‘‘ vvstem boiled down to the pra .tic*! (Kdnt. “ OpUl " leoie* ire part <rf it.

Hilb-jm Clip bold* eyryU****.

(build *diUI ta Lana IbHt ■efeortar. *n Wedomdar la ta* boat w «N two ra lU M <


A im

^ e u jo rk ^ ctd5.


■('■ V.


rnnuiH Kn bt t h b

[vuiag News Pablishing Company,21S.217 M ARKET STREET,

KEW AUK. Nb j .EntfWi »t |h# l*o*ldfne« ft» mwiond-cJaM inMt«r

Upon, la llkaly to emancipate rhifodel- phia. The meeting did all tliat a mppittip could do,,,jr U la followed up by hard and consistent work, there Is every teas* «* to believe that the real virtue and clvlr honor of Philadelphia will triumph In inc niter overthrow of the corrupt sauK lluit lias dgmlnaied the cJlj' so long

3clepbore rP«. Private Itranrh ErcbaDKa ccM.ectiri: all departn^eiiU-

relWcied by cemers in any part of Newark ipdHnex Gciunly^d in aU towns in Northern New JwcT,M AIL SUBSCRIPTIONS:—

The Evening News, five dollars a year or ffty cents a month.Ihe Sunday News, two doUajs and fifty cents a rear.The Ewening News and Sunday News, rm n dollars a year.

The Evening News, dcliweTcd byearrim in Newark, len cents a week; The Sunday News, £te cents 1 eopyt The Evening News and Sunday News, hflcen cents a week.

Ordinary idTcrtisenients, ten and fifteen c<ti1s a Une, agate.

Advcrtisetpente under heads of Wanted, To Let, For Sale, Pereontl, etc., one cent a word, tat no charge less than ten cents each insertion. Mabrimoniai Personals 20 cents a line.

F R ID A Y , JU NE 28. IWl,

r e c k l e s s RAlSKt^fG.The CAtaeirophe o f the Seventh Nntlonal

Bank of New York C ity oarrlca a plmrj'ly <laflned lesson. It la that no Inailtuilun which l i more or less fiduciary, » » banka o f every description are in the fact that they accept depoalls, can afford either from the view point o f morale or of self- Interest to depart from the well-defined prlnclploe, which have heen taught hy ex­perience, and In some mcnaure dellned by law. The bank in question was closed yesterday morning by order of Comptrol­ler Dawes. In default o f Its ability to turn he loan o f II.OOO.OOO to a W all street con­cern Into cash, in making this loan the bank violated the law primarily, and In the second place U transcendf'd the only eafe banking principle, that hypnihecaied securities as the basis of a loan must al­ways be within the margin of easy and prompt conversion. Law requires that no individual loan shall exceed one-tenth of the capital stock o f a bank, yet In this case the accommodation was more than thrice this legal guarantee. The securi­ties put up, however good In the l ing run, appear to ba\'e been o f thnl class of Industrial stocky with which Wall street has been flooded within the last two years, and which conservative Institutions have handled with a long spoon, os o f one sup­ping with the devil. In other words the ■brewd banker In loaning on Industrials, If at all. picks and chooses with great sus­picion, and on terms of his own dictation.

The Seventh National Bank, like the parallel example of the Pynchon Bank of Boston, Bcems to have been consumed with the desire to grow sw iftly from a little concern Into a big one. It got a fillip when Hon. Ferry 8. Heath, ex- Asilstant Postmaster-Oeneral, became In­terested as a stockholder and director, and secured the full deposit o f postofllce funds, which had been previously deposit­ed among the banka It then ruffled Its wings fo r a further flight end sought that tempting but most dangerous domain, known aa 'vfall etreet buslncea, which keeps mllllona flying like tennla balls.

It proved a case o f Icarus flying witlif wings o f wax. The banks which do a W alt itreet business must necessarily he lO^tuttOns o f Immense reeourcee. They

/ OA* frsiqiienUY Impelled to overcerilfy, which Is equivalent to loaning money orr purs credit, though technically It evades that category. A bank which slBis to grow big by catering to 8|pck Exchange business hamcs»>-s the cart before the horse. It muBi be big already before this kind of expansion,* or else It alldcs down the **factlla descenaua avem i“ on greased wheels. This organic fault o f policy ap­pears to have been the trouble with the Seventh National Bank. The Fynchnn Bank of Boston, which also got Inebriated when a savings bank commLssloner be­came Us president and secured heavy de- poilta from auch InstUiitlnns, neems In like fsabton to have swung Iteelf loose In a •peculative debauch, or its equivalent, and with elmllar results. The law of the business syllogism is Inexorable, yet men o f financial training are BOTnctltnes blinded into. forKettlng that two and two caiTb make tive. The Immediate cauae of the closing of the hank doors was the flat o f Comp­troller Daw'es that shaky securlMos guaranteeing an exci'sslve bank loan ghould. be promptly liquidated. The friends o f the bank have Intimated that this was dangerous prudence, and the hint fe conetnied to mean that there are other banka In the same predlcameni, which similar action wovjld also precipitate to TUln. LfOt us hope not. Hut If a craHh of this sort must come It is better It should come now, when the indusirljil and finan­cial relations of the country are so sound, and before a treacheroua bankingfallacy commands a more widespread grip.

TH E ^ E F IIE W OF lilN I M LK. j.Mr. Kriifial laltt, o f Fhlln(ieli-lilft, wbn

d<smlicR himself as "Nephew of Sir ;erl('k Howard, Hla Majesty's snuls the NE\\‘S a tw*o-column newsiai" f i cllpplTig relative to the Barkcr-Kf ilr r if* fair. Ih ' ntfks that U he published In lb** NEWS an»l that he be. favored, uuh ;i j dnien copies o f the Issue comalnli^g iti- i same. Mr. Isitt la the author of ilie irti* ch*. which In his letter he d ed a n s i i b*- "a logical and impartial analysis" of ilo' case, and bliice Mr. la lu wrote It hlmsHf | he uughi to know, Neverthc-Ics.s il < NKWH is rompclled to deny Mr. ’mndf-flt rcqiH'Hi. It prefers to poHljmc* fiiriher dlsiiisFlon of the topic until enuU r wi.iilUT. Of course, it recognises that :,a flnnl.VhlH from the nephew o f "S ir Kreib-r- Ick Ilowanl, Hlw MaJeaty'B K n igh t" u vvurtli Inllniteiy more than the analysJM of an ordinary Individual. An analyola from, say the grandson o f "Fe ter Jones, dog- calchor In ordinary." w’ould be at onrn consigned to Min waste basket without hcslinilon or explanation. Nalther la there any disposition tu deny that the analysis Is lofikul and Impartial. How could It Ite oih‘'rwlHa when enmnailng from the liraln and ])cn o f one so closely connecicU with royally?

Hut even at the risk of causing interna­tional i-omp1lcatlo]iK and o f losing his Majesty'-i BuhMTipllon and advertising patronage the NKVVti must persist In its refusal of Mr. Isitfs request. I t cannot spare the space for Mr. IsltUs analysis, ImkIcrI and impartial though it may be. In fad the chanooa nre that the request wJiulfl have been denied hud It been made by ■'Hia Majesiy's Kn igh t" himself. I f this lie treason make ihe niost o f U.

will present the subject In a different light i to the confirming body at Washington. Hut there Is no hint that the. neutrality prljiclple. which wag the backbone uf the other Instrument, will be sacrificed. Whether or not Mr. Hay Is over-sanguine In hl.-t belief that fresh light has been voiH’h“0f<‘d to Senatorial connection, there Is no man In the United States an likely to effect a successful compromise. The HOfiofT the canal quesfion la finally set­tled In 'ill ItH detiiil. so that w‘ork may iiei{m (Ml ;i project of such Importance to the ii.jtion :iJid to the Western Hemls* |hrr>', Mie bctt*T.

•Mr. Hay Is k[lo^^n to be n thb-k-and-thin it'lv.n-.iic «i, liberal reciprocity treaties with .■ill I he Import.ihl camnierclal nallons :in1 ihi'lr dciK-ridencles. The Instrunu-ni!* ii.-K'iiiai'd by .Mr. Kassori had his warm- , -i .|'|■rov;ll and puppnrt, aad no one fell jt) -r-- idiTgrlii at their cavalier treatment liy 'he ioH»rdlriate treaty-making power. Th« si- will certainly be presented anew, i,',l fill threshing nut of the sul»jert in il.h.ii. uiih thi- InruhriMon of public npln- li)!i on fli" .‘ uhjei-t win not permit the 8<-n- ali’ oi jjrrseiit the . 11 me front o f con- i.mpiiiiHjs liitllfTerence. The Incumb'-ncy .1 riNiry Hay i annot fall to be an ji.l.lltloM d for«'e behlrul .them, and the ^ilmiiiHiraTliin will be happy In a seal lAhl h H w*ll matched hy great knowledge and (lrmn*'ti.«i o f cunvlcflon. and will con- Irllhiiif aMy to present a soJUl and In- Ihxitil*' ir iiit, Mr Hay appreciates no h'[4h than Mr K.isson the abaolute neccR- sitj -d r> I'lproclty concessions to Insure the pi-rmamrii ndailoiiMhlp best fitted to rtiollllv Hk' J' alouH>‘ uf foreign markets. Had a less committed by opinion ntnJ ih** ir;i'!lilon.'i of his official career been for ced into succession, the outlook w'ouM b ' more discouraging.

IIO to tell & witness to "shut up." It wras contempt o( court, the vice-chancellor said. A h<^t o f wltne«pe« who ha\e been browbeaten by lawyers and m>t pi-rmlited to "sflas back" will feel like contriimtlrig to ft testimonial for the vke-chanccUor.

A New Brunswick Ice cream parlor and restaurant man does auch a thriving tidsF ness that he refuses polntblank to serve a glass o f soda water at a liHilp. even though there are several pPopUr In ihc aama party who order cream iVople must stand against a couni''T and be served with soda, and If they make much objection they will not he scrvf'd ai all- Not very long ago a customer v. Ivj drDpiHHi Into the place for a cup of coffte was In­formed that he was occiipyins ihi- table too long with one cup of currcf- and w'luld have to move. Rtlll the proprietor Is pros­perous and does n good hu?i|ne«:». It ‘s only the New Brunswick way.

The game warden in Atinnti'' r.-mity h also the editor of a Republic I' li'^'r at the county seat. Recenilv 1i»* au^i'd the arresit of four men for HIck il h^lunK all of whom were sentenced m p-*'* Twoof them liquidated and wer-- rc i'-as*il. hut the other two have m-liher I'.iM niir lo Jail. A rival Demncrall'' elUi.r re- rounta the facts and th -n 'I the following editorial In Hu the game warden's paper Hii certain light on the subj^’i i publicans throughout -ib*" ■never more solidly imltf'd 'I factional disturhancps in iinv harmony prevatle everywlu n* ty can he depended upon !«' lii

lures ihfit i>lumnn " f\\» HU II11-

Thc He- iinty wi-re Ti nr*' no I-. I[iin aiul Tb*' emm-

A.'-count Of herself In tion.

the riimh-it fall clec-

w ic ii.w f-: .a l w a y s w o » .It has bcf-n nearly fifty years now since

an AmcrlcQu yacht, the America, ran away from the entire English Royal Yacht squadron and won the coveted cup for which EngHah ja^bismcn have been s^rug- Kllng eVef atnre. The history Of Uiete years makes pleasant reaillng for the mlt- IlnttH who believe In Arhefican genius, whether It manifests Itself by sea Of oil land, for In the nine furmal struggles which have ensueil, the American boat has In every Instance shown heraelf su- ptTlor to her Brlllnh nmipeiltor, and the cup remalna on this sble the wnser, where, let us hope, It Is destined lo abide perma­nently. In view of the coming races, a re- Hume of past corUeatH fur the coveted tro- ! phy will prove Interesiiug. i

The first was In lii7o, when the schooner Cambria was outsalUd by nearly every vensel of the American fleet, the foremost competitor being nearly fnriy minutes ahead o f the Brlllsher at the finish. In 1871, England eent over the Llvunla, which wag handily beaten In three races, al­though she won one because uf an acci­dent. H it competitors were the Columbia and the Sappho. The Countess Dufferln, a Cabudlati boat, was beaten by the Ameri­can Madeline in 1878. and five years later, the Canadian Atalanta BiiiTered the same fate at the hands of the Vankoe Mischief. Next the Oenesta sailed over the ocean and gave us our first really formidable contest, but she was beaten by a narrow margin; the Boston boat, FurlUm, being her victor. That was In 1S85. In 1S86 our Mayflower vanquished the British Qalaiea and the year after we sailed away from a Bcotrh boat, the Thistle. In the Volun- taar. Lord Dunraven's two Valkyries were beaten, the first In i83S, by the Vigilant, and (he second in 18 6, by the Defender. The race between the Shamrock and the Columbia Is fresh in the memory o f all. It Is ft proud record for American yachts­men. for In every pace the HrUUh boat has proved to be Inferior. In the fifty years but two single races have been won by the Englishmen, and in each case it was due to an accident to the American boat. To say nothing o f the preliminary trials of the rival Itoats A the present year, the history of ihe races certainly Justifies the hop© of another American triumph.

They d'l things ocraslnnally out In

Nebrnska In a w.'iy (hat should be care­fully siijiil.-'l h*Tc In the effete Enst. Tues­day, fur InyJiiriri-, a wt>man who had hern houaileil liy a cowardly hltu-d of the masher variety, aiipllcd to the jiollce for an ofn»-<’r to attend her, while she met her pcTH'H'iiior ncconllng lo his request. A bniWTiy ijolln timaii was detailed for the Service and i=iood l>y, keeping the crowd at ft cllstarice, while the nervy llttltr wom­an Uterally ware nin a horsewhU* over the heatl and shouldHcs of the contempti­ble PUPI’V who hA(f' Insulted her When that task wns ri^mpleted she was

aseorted )u=me tiy the ulflccr. and assured that ho sto*'d ready to accompany her (0 any future rendezvous with any other

masher on top uf gmutul.

Out in AntiL'Ilea. Cal., a co-operative houBekceiHiiR roinblniitl-ui has started out with brilliant pmspocM. each person in- Urealed now having course dinners. Ideal lunches and silmulniing breakfastj at a week. Acrordlng tn the dispatches, "the cooking Is good and the service Is excel­lent." All Mils has a remarkably familiar aound and will aw'nk-'n TemlnlacenrcH in the minds -d .1 host of ^urvlvnrs of E.ialein co-eperalivt* luuisekeiqiliig ass'Kdatloiih Angelica is n nice Mule Callfornlu town. The name Is ail right Just rit present, but II will be ft monumental misnomer before thib aasoclalion in mony years older.


R a les o f L n w Al>plleil by < ciur*s to E v e r y d a y F a r fs am i .^pt-cUllr H e-

iRorted fo r Ih© ^'KvcmI iik

A D JO IN IN G WAI.HS Where defendant's biiUHve, standlntr on

the line of plaintiffs land. Iui« Iron shut­ters at the w'lndows whh h out overplaintiff's land, plaintiff i« < nillU'd to a mandatory Injunction riHir:ilnliie the maintenance of auch sh u if 'f '’. and compeTllng their reimovsi. slin ehftrgeable with knowli^dn' ters €ncroftch on pi ilu rights and are unlawful 4112.

>|> fen'iant is I lull the .'^hul- •rr. property

Til N. V Supp.


C LO SE A T ^ P . M,; ON SA T U R D A Y S A T N O O N

\ The LastSaturday

means m any bargains

In their aearch for a ll racUve novelties managers! of fa irs and en ie r tn lnm 6 nt!i BOmetlmfe aUp acroi*a the boumlary line of good laate an d propriety , TI>1» aeema to have been the case a t Montclair, where Q number of young women by encaalng their handa and a rm s In shoes and Block* logs and dl.-Nplaylng them above the edge of a screen produced a novel If not a l to ­gether enjoyable effect. Of course the charge of Indecency la absurd, bu t tha t St was In violation of the canons of good taste can hard ly be disputed.

I t iadlfflcuU to underflland the motive of the Sta le Char it ie s Aid Aa^ocSatlun In Us latest a t t a ck on the S ta te Industr ia l Home for Girls, unless It 1h to again s t i r up an unsavory ucandaL and to unse t t le the peaceful and sat i s fac to ry rondlt lnns which now prevail a t (ha t Institution. W h e th ­er ^be associat ion posHosses th e super- vlaorV'aulhOTlty which It c la ims Is an un­sett led question, but even adm it t ing tha t It has such power Its method of exercis­ing It is open to crltlcl.'im.

r i l l L A D E L P l I lA lA A R O rA E l).Philadelphia La lung suffering. IVrhnps

jjo city In the land wUl endure so mucti of political misrule and partisan corrup. tion. Certainly there is not a niuhlclpui- Ity anywhere (hat hna been robbed and terrorized by a gang of political highway* ireti to the same extent as the Fennsylva- xila metropolta and wUh as little protect oa the part of the pt-ople. It la booib'ss to speculate as u» the reason. Tha (hug- lam has beon able to assume the label ‘ ‘Republican" and Philadelphia Is over- Whelmlngly Repul'llcan. Corru]rtion h;iji capture.d the regular machinery cf ehs.-. lions and Philadelphia Is law-abiding. To unhorse the machine requlren a iFsperate conflict, and Philadelphia la for peace. And so, although with one excppilon, all be f great newspapers have ably exposed the rottenness of the dominant faction, that faction has held practically undis­puted sw ay for yejira. Recent franchise legislation b a a bow’ever, aroused the city to what appears lo be effective protest, and the action of the m auhln' In refusing renomlnatlon to a dlstrlct-altcirney who w as once Independent enough to really prosecute Maithew Btanji^y Quay hss In- tenaifled the feeUng.

Tbls was manifested In a monster mass- meetlog which assembled last night, listened to able addresses and Indulir^d in preliminary action looking toward assert

AM ER1CAK L B A T ilK I l IN' GE ll.M ANY.Nfwark leather manufaciurere will find

much to Interest and etn-uuruge them In a rei ciu report from Mr W aller Schumann, rn lie j States Consul a( M.iln*. Germany. .Miiinz Is a centre xf th^ i,w>rman leather liulusiry which Mr Schumann reports Is becoming less pruflutHu from year to year, due, principally, in American com­petition. The German Riianufacturers ai'ft clamoring for a higher tariff on leather to keep out the Am-'flcan product, but Con­sul gohumann cierUreN ihat l( Is not the low tariff but the Ruiirrlorliy o f Iho American leather which uccoimts for the preference shnwn ih+- hitter. The methods of lannlng u. eiI in this coimtry, It is as­serted. produce much better aklna, ttaeie being soft and pluihlu, while those o f Ger­man tanning are harsh and thlclL The superlorUy Ih espedaily marked tn patent leather and the bc.«»t German boot makert will hamJk‘ noi.e but American make,

('oiifiiui .Sfhufnnim gives a pointer to i'lme eriierprlj^liig American manufacturer by r'-'CnnimKiullhg that an agency be es- tublicht ii at Mainz iu supply the dsmand aliid i 11,,w be tilled nearer thar Hamhur*; .tr l#lrafrsburg. A Newarker h.i* alii-ady convinced the Berliners of tt superiority of American made shoes. No\' who Is. the Newark leather manufactur that V ill sutipiy the wants o f the Ma;’ £

The government. In selecting sites for the naval slatluna In Cuba, has admirably demonfltrntrd the faci (hot the Platt reao- luttons lucldlv explain (he Teller resnlu- tlon, und define Cuban Indepetidence In a way Mint makes that article something entirely unl|ue In the history uf the world The EtigUsh language Is thus en­riched t>y anoMicr defintdon, and inter­national law may now amend its views of natloHrU suvcrcigniy.

A ClcN'clanil, n , murderer, under sen­tence nf dfath, and until recently spurn­ing th. iiiainniiona of clergymen and oth* rK'i'i<! pr.ipif* who were anxious to pre- purl- him f< r death, has Just been convert­ed thrmjgh the efforts of a newspaDer rep'Ttfr This goes to show what might be a'‘ctiniplish'*rl If the reporters had a trifle mnr*- time to spare for missionary W'ui k.

BROKEH.'?Where a pa r tne rsh ip ^riii'^ed In the

enmmiPSlon buRineSB had ‘*np-ii irud'-s" or iinfinished busineSH In i>r>'Nfrcs>* a t the time one of th e pa r tne rs ill< !, and would he unable to realize nnvilUni? un ihc-m wlthou! car ry ing on the la:sli.i‘ss at an e x ­pense much g re a te r than Hu- iininimt of Ihfl i 'omml.sslnna involved Hie e s ta te of the deceased p a r tn e r was noi uitlHctl to fi Phare of th e comrnlssl 'T'i which would be earned w hen (he dons W'e-recompleted. 60 N. E. Rep iHI ' ’H7.

CQRPOHATIHNAWhera an agreem ent bv a corporation

provided th a t should the rersim to whom cerltficalPR of s tock were Issunl desire to sell any of hla atock he -ihil! '-aiise them to be appra ised by the din'ciura, "which It shall be the i r du ty to il" Lu request ," ond phall offer the anme*t i ihe d irec to rs for the use of the ronij'iiny r * i>e p u r ­chased by them, a t their oimun. w ith in a ST»eclfircl lime, a t the 'Tid i f which the sharehnlder could sell th- m t.i any person, no action would lie aealiiRT ihe co rp o ra ­tion for re fusa l of the rtlreiii'rs lo m ake the optiralRfil, since th" di recto rs act therein as re fe rees for h"th iiarMes. and the corpora tion was not Imiiml under the te rms of the agrccmeni. to cause an a p ­praisal. W N. E. Rep. (M-iss.l 4S3.

IN T E R N A L R E V E N U E .Act August 2, IfWfi. section 6 , regu la t ing

the m anufac tu re and sale of o leom argar­ine, and Imposing a lax (hereon, In so fa r a.s It provides for marking. Ptamplng and branding packages usetl hy retail dealers tn oleomargarine, Is nut merely a police reguifttton, and a* puch unconsti tu tional, as Such rt 'qulrement mus t be regarded aa a means to effect the objects of the ac t In raising revenue, and, so regarded, it Is clearly within the con.«tltiillonal power of Congress. 108 Fed. Rep. 56.

f a t e n t r i g h t s

A part owner of ft pa tent has the legal right to convey to ptherp the r igh t to make, use and vend the pa tented art ic le , without the consent of hla co-owner, and the la tter cannot main ta in 4 suit fo r In­fringement against the grantees. 106 Fed. Rep. 77

TRADEMARKfl,Complainant , a Pi t tsburg m an u fac tu re r

of snuff, used the name " rupen t iagen .” adopted hy his predecessor as a t r a d e ­mark. In labelling the Jars In which It was sold, end advcrtlRLil It in ihe usual forms of the name a s used In various languages.

It was not Intended thereby to deno te tha t It was Imported, but was adopted to secure SL-anfllnavlftn cuatomt^rs. Defen­d a n t . reta il dealers In snuff, bought for the purpose of sale, from a t 'h l rago m a n u ­facturer. severa l Jars lnl»-IUd "K Job- enhavn Satis ." to Indicate that It w'aa im ­ported, so os to likewise se, ure Scand i­navian trade. OihiTwl-i ' j a r s and labels, and th e twt*t'-, ap p ea ranceand quali ty of th« irth li-. JM not r e s e m ­ble those of compliiiivini They sold It without Intending lo <lccvis-e. and th e re was no evidence that an> une was misled. Held, t h a t no r1«ht tn a geographical name ax f t t rade murk prMper could be a c ­quired, but tha t . cuiK'f <1ing tha t compla in-

had acqui red hurb n right to use the Word “CopenhuRer;." there was no In­fr ingement thereof, and no Intent to un ­fa ir ly compete with him. and hls bill fo r injunction should be dismissed. 1€6 Fed. Rep. 63.

To-morrow is the last Saturday of the sea­son on which we remain open till lo o’clock. - Beginning Monday we shall close at 5 P. M., and on Saturdays at 12 M. In short, the sum­mer season is liere, and, as we shall not be open on another Saturday afternoon or evening till September, we have made some very keen price reductions in slightly-used Pianos in the Second Floor Parlors.

Just now there are thirty-one good instru­ments, all of them Uprights, and nearly all of them having been in use but two or three months. Each has been tagged at a specially low figure, and they will be closed out at these prices to-morrow and the fore part of next week. If low price and good quality are attractions, do not fail to examine the genuine bargains that are now to he had. You can pay as low as $155 for a good instrument, or you can pay as high as $335, which is the h ighest price in the Second Floor stock just now.

W hy should you delay? W hether you are a stay-at-home, or sojourn in the mountains or at the seaside, you need music and should have it. T his is a splendid opportunity to get a good Piano at a very moderate price and on terms to suit your means.

In most instances a first payment of T E N DO LLA RS, and future monthly payments of six, eight or ten dollars, according to quality, will be satisfactory to us.


657-659 BROAD ST.


Tb-' nuiii whu dl,^fOv©r©rt the Klonflyke gul l n*Mx aad arhieved a lergp fortune H ■ r-In jijHt died of oonaumplton at

>'f fnrij'-seven. He won fartie by l\ In ihe wealth of ihe worlfl,

ii^'l 1 larger fortune (han falls to f moBt ptople. but all this hardly Lf' N him for his untimely taking

result of exposure In the fartb-N . :t>

shoe riTakersT.k ;


!»R , ll.VY W IL L R E M A IN IN U F P K K.When the first ©hock of the dlsiist*r ■

the family of Secretary H ay was feU wi'TTi with u the dread that this plished Blateaman and dlpioniat. nn!. health has never been robust, would from office. This would have in i- ia great public loss, following hard on i ’>t personal catastrophe. It Is now piibil announced that Mr. H ay will rt'n..i':i .i* the bend of the State Departm«*t)t ]i i«> probable that a sense of his own ' Idemltj- with the solution of certain ar. i; pending Questions, as well as the n selfish motive of d”.,gglng his hear: o '.••l*y absorption In uffldal work. Iiifl......;his final choice. No man in the counrr-. more necessary to li at this time iha:\ . reiary Hay on account of the new s«tr. ifilan Canal treaty and the re.'l; r it;, treaties, which were thwarted In su b i;r- tlmely fashion. [

It Is known to be the purp^'se *■ ih,'

Francisco physician has Just '>f.i Ttie death of a dog to appendlcitla.

ju.-Jt a common sort of a cur, ' •' pretetTslons to a pedigree or arls- Ur connections. It Is generally be- ; ihat the [ihysician was mistaken.

DEFENDS TITLE TOhuchine works

T R E N T O N , J' Ellla R. M ffk fr . cently Ifasp.l ih W orks >n thi the Court of


IP :.S -Assemblyniftn f Kliziibeth, who re- Mc-F.trlsnd Machine

rib‘d nn answer in \ ?'SUTday to the

suit instituted i > f -rnu r Srhool Commla- j Stoner Irwtn !' • tiriE’cr, who claim? ititle lo the w< ik- 'iTr U 'ulfli^er's suit | was begun Mr. M cFarland’s I


Tr. i’ Ib niisylvanta clergyman who mar- ' . .-t Mumun on a $6<xi salary and has Just

' 11 '-rih red to pay 6.'i.*XN) to another wom- L i wiupm he failed to marry arcordln f to . r mist can sympathize with the ChlneM •i. it- sinen who are figuring out the indein-liU > protiusLtlun.

t j- int re.^ulutlon has passed the Penn- N ..ina Legislature authorlxlng the pre- - Mfilc rs of both houses to cart off . • Hu-ir homes the costly furnishings of ■:.-ir ri spectlve moms. Whether in blgb- w.iy lutsbcry or petit larceny, the Peiua- ^.lvil^la Legislature ran give cards fthd Nicies to the men who “ looted" Peking.

ST .\TE E T C H IN G S .army of bLg black ants

Freslilent to revive and press N>(h

^ ”th."n*htVot th, p.opl. In .h.'cJmlng i eampaign. There have been such meetingsbefore, in the last few years, but none .«f thetti so large, so enthusiastic and so evt- tfefitly permeated by a deep determination to free the city from the corrupt ring by w hld i It la ruled. The resolution# adopted recxignise ih * fact that the organ Isa t Ions

wt both iMrtles In PhlladetphU are banded Ugetber fo r apotts, and unhesitatingly•M W I W b « . « t | »op I. to n lly . lo ,n In- ' P™ h l,m ,is pendent atandard. working and voting It f men vbo , Irrespeettre of previous party nAUatlona. m ay be depended upon l » be ibeirttrielT boneet. DIstrtet-Attorney ftathersel te orerw helm lB^y Indorsed for tn-eieeden. *^becnuae of the masterly abti- Ay, eefaHerlng integrity and ftdeUty he ^ M ife rm lr exhtbUed m protecting the

, n m U j , a plan of tt

I ls ) wai^'tnore than his "a lter rn their negotlaiiort. He is supposed h been the inspiration and staying p ’<Arr ■ f i the administration. It is to t>«- d^okTaf*'! | that his clear grasp of condlti-'D*> a.i ih«>y | present themselves from the '*thi r *«ide, scouring his conviction clear of thf crust of prejudice, has given him a command of all the factors which enter Into these

He may w«»ii be

congratulated that the country has T>egun to develop a public opinion which wilt Justify his presdenca

As respects the lathmian Csnat treaty. It is understood that negotiation has been resumed with the British Government looking to the framing of s new instru­ment which Would elude the objections of the United B u te Senate. Mr. H iy ia said to be coDvlDcsd that It will end In •dch cppcsssloM by f r i M B rUala as

An army of bLg black ants invaded I'rlncetun on Tuesday and for some tliBS held full possession of the sidewalk in from of the Nassau Hotel, The proverbial prudence and foresight of (be ant La again Illustrated by the fact that the horde de­layed its appearance until after the close of the university.

Fhliadelphla want# lo buy Petty 's Island for a site for its almshouse. Petty's Island Is situated In the Delaware R Ivtf Iretween Camden and Philadelphia and belong# to New Jersey Let PhUa'delphU take rare of Its paupers on 'Its own aide of the river.

widow, Mrs. 1 being that hi Farland for n u>u;.. understanding i) •: i. employer (he w him. Mr. M. Km' property to hi.** w.r> only a fe ^ : - L

Mr. Meeker r. ■ a number of h. .■ • admits some uf i • others. He ch «ig - the wages psi>i S\- tended to be u: 'compensftHon 1 i | .that there wn< . tered Into relai ' •.property,

Mr. Meeker n iri ' i. between Mrs M i . finger Januarj I t r was to hi- five years to run tr." 11,800 s year. i.iN i the property f-T s. rlod of five iIng that should !-■ purchase U fur ti annual rental. Mr caveat was tv -r land’s will nor . its being ailmiir-il

M y n.iTid, his claim ' fur Mr. Mc-ij jnu'uni with the

]'.:i ihe death of hla to be left to

1 > will iffi flji hla he married

ri’ ilealh.■ ''H' wledge as lo ■’ II! Ihe bill. H e

f- ■ Vi hlie denying Hit- f;i* I to be that \'f lilnK*r were In- ■r i.'.vpted as full >'T'. and denies

■i'* iiKrj't'ment en* - (hi* irunsfer o f the

in .-jyr. -ment m dc ;,nd Mr. Wol*

"L h> which the lat- ’■■'•'I f'-r rt period of ^•'rks Ht R salary of Mr .Mvf^ker teased

***■ ‘i \>.\r fur a pe- " -.n-i. rstandlng be- ‘ I tL'Iro h»* might

'* In iiilitiMun to Ihe >I"'kKr hays that no •-'■1 in Me. M cFar- II,>• made lo

IT'ifiaii- He aska

D o in g M o re T h a n Is E x p e c te dof you, and doing it bet­ter. is one of the secrets of success. When speak- -inff of The Prudential’sprotection of its policy- holders’ interests, thisstatement applies with particular force.

T h e

PrudentialInsurance Co.of America.

H o n * O ffic g t

N t w a rk . N* X

JOHN rp.

PRTL^IRf, rrssiiwit --------- vis# Pi ■W a AD. Vis# PrasMswi.

kpOAR Q, WAAp^ M V. Pvss't a a itX>RllUT r. DHfDSN, BiltniMg* 1376


Ui»t Mr. Woir ii 'KT- ),||| 1.P

to B©,

Two ©vangeUsts holding tent maetlngs at Camden disagreed a# to th« doctrtn* of ©temsl punishment, and whMk ofM tried to five hia views publlcUv tbc other pushed him off the platform. It w as the pusbee who had doubts os to the doctrlo*, but It la said that he has Dow chaaged hla opinions, and tMnks that If liters tso"t eternal punishment for some people there ought to be.

In Vioe-Chahcellor Pitney'# rMMfsiifi th i other day tt t a « l


‘ F

» L « w f « l , bni fiiiKhiTo tb« ^ lU »r of ih- \ E vs >

iWr—U H I" '! !'• I ii againstthe law for p - i f ! * - t u Kt^nd m the narrow sl*le» of u|.i n f dp# ’ V*-m©rday on! ’' . 3 ' ''I.' ‘ ‘ '■o-tK-d snrih u t « ) to ‘tl. t,v a Mn» of(tout ffrla d l r f t h i;, ,,r ihc sett**!oecupKd. R fn i'.5 .T ,r.,.- a|,h conduc­tor only ntoilrd r.f[.on!.c that hrwould MtTT all ......... . KC, theM at othM ladl— «H h inyactf nccupl«]

mm- th» g ir l, would naruly nasr ingyit j wa#only out tor fr-.h alt ami would hay . obU lnrd more at h'.nie frpc or cost or trouble. It la an ooiraKc that the nubile la impoord upon a, it i,. ,ha, ,h , car com- paotra may aw-ll the.r .livtd.nda

J u n « » . - " > ‘ K O f T H E M A N Y .1901.

M e lle f fo r Braip C terks.To tb« M Uor of th« Ne w s

iKt, EVE.m n o n e w s haa al- * • 3 . * ’’“ * ^ f’ * ' '* '* W end ot tlMw orUnc p «p l* . W. aoujd b* very much

A lfO d y ibree of Broad -sireet'a leadlag to close Sxiodo^

(rwm 1 * * 6 P. M. during Juijr and AtigiiM matter u S &

C9rk O F T H S D R UO n r F ^ F ff

E la b o ra te P rc p a ra t lO B i N « 4 *E lg h te rn t li A n a a a l A f fa ir ih #

O erm an ta Asaoclallww*Judging from the elaborate prepara­

tions that have been going on fo r the laat few weeks, the eighteenth annual schuet- xenfeat of the Independent Germania Rifle Assoclallon. which will take place at the Fram Garden at the corner of Bigbteenlh street and Sixteenth avenue to-morroWj will be a thoroughly #n>oyalrie affair. The twenty different componlee will aoeembl# at noon at the park, where several cao* non saiutea will b « fired. Thsre will be an inspection by the officers of the tweaty different coTnpenles compoolilg the or­ganization, after which President Anion F. Mueller will make an address- A fter that, during the aflemoon and ev#nlnff* games ai^d contests will be enjoyed. F o r how4lng and target shooting b * j J * ^ * prises to the value of more than Wiu

BX 0VBSIO lf8«

Stephena A Cendlt T nnspoitsti#* and Forwarding Co.

The Old Reliable Route to

CONEr ISLINDVia Brooklyn Heights Railroad liom Bay


s te a m e r J a m es T. B rett,from C O M M E R C IA L W H A R F , opp. Penn- lylvanJb R. R. Depot. Leavee li:1li A. M.. 1:30 and 7:30 P. M. Returning leavee Sea Beacb Palace, Coney Island, S;20 and 9:iiU P. M.

F are, Round Trip, 50c. Children, 2Sc. Evening Trip, 25c.

Maetc by M#zxei Bro#.'# Orchei(ra,


CONEY ISLAND.The Only AH Water Route

Dlreet lo Old Irrm Plrr, ihe ihrM-derk rtfam* er, fl. Wa r d e n , win makp thror irlpB dally, commencing Saiurday, June Lti. Li-a\i;ig Elec­tric Llglii Dock. Newark. 11:15 X. M.. 1 ;:yj and 7:30 P. &I. Returning, leave Iron Pier 11:30 A M.. 5:20 and t);W P. M,

Fare, Round Trip, 50c. Children, 25c. Evening Trip, 25c.

LEHIGH VALLEY R. R.Amid leafy gUdes enjoy THK FOURTH.

Only ^.lO iOr ticket to Mauch Chunk andClenOnuko and Keluni. 121 miles from New York.


Special train leaves New York : West 23rd Bt., B.lOa. m. CortlasidlSl., DesbroftsesSl . 8.lf)a. m, Brcx)klyn; 7.t5 a. m. Jersey City; H B5 a. m. Newark :8.40a. ni. Returning, arrive New York about 9.43 p. m.


E K I E R A I L R O A D .E V E R Y S U N D A Y .

SHQHOLA 0 0 ROUNDGLENS, TRIP.In tb « Blue MounruliiA. One Iliiudred Mile«

from Newark. Beatuifiil Hueiifti’y. Kxpres* Tmin from 4lh Aveniiu Statiun. in A. M .; Returning. Icava hliohola ui 5 P. M-

( ire e n w o o il L a ke G lensR O U N D « H .O O - T R I P .

Including Hinnpr ut ( ’uslno, Sl.50. Express Triiiu leaves North Newark Station at iri:l5 A. M.: Rplurriiiitf, leave Hlens iit.'iand 7 P. AL

Tickets ai Market Hi., or Staliou-

W H E N V I S I T I N G N E W Y O R K- S F E -

I ^ l o t * o d o r*O LPopular M (iiiiie' ii

Weili.eMlftj nndSadirday.

N ow In the

O t l xMonth AI '1 lie

K«A'B Fan B » Kecured

4 M'eebn la Advance.

e A s i i v o ,UrciHdway and ajKh at., N pw Vnrk City.W IL L RUN A L L SUM M ER.

Thin nitraclinn will nut be seen In any olhSf city outside of New York ihU j»eaaon.

HE>E('1AL M A T ]\ E P : JI L Y 4.

A A Coaching Paity.Hello, Ceniral, Give Me HeaTen.


Open WednestJftr eveniiiu fl, Saturday Id P. M., other ereniniri 6:30. Near Ilahne’a

1 bim;k from Broad. A. O. PET IT . Mtr.

S U M M E R R E S O R T S .A S i l lR V P A R K .

THE WELLI.NQTON.In aelect enUaee aecnlon. with tell ocean view.

Most homelike, cheerful, comfonatile anO aelecl.UENJ, H. SMITH.

M E T I t O P O L I T A N H O T E L .Tfua pfepular hclel. aear ocean. 0 en Juft* 13;

tame rnanagenjem, culxlna th# be*i, orcheMraj evealng tUunerx; booklet THKO. IVES.

THE COLONIAL.FSflTig Deal Uike #j;d ocean; select and hom«- like; lerm* reuiKinatle. I'RANK M. OOOPKllNASSAU HOUSE, 20M Plrsi ave , Aabury Park;

Boed dea view; open July 1. 11. Gardner, Prop.


OCEAN WAVE.OCEAN GROVE. N. J. U Embury ave.. near

alt paltKJ of Intereat; half hlocx from .>cean; term# reasonable. URS. S. F. JENKINd* ,

T ifE PLYMOUTH.Convenient to all point# of Intereai. all oyl-

ildfl room#; hair maltreaie#; auperlor tabl#; U (a to weekly for June. H. A. KLj<^Tll-

TH E A L A S K A .Thoroughly pioderu In every detail. 9''*

hatha In huule. Ocean view. N. H. KLUMbiv

T H E CKALK03IT1C.Pireclly on Ocean front. Open all year N#wlg furnished; b e « *anllaUon;

HOTEL DORAINE. nn Wesley Lake. | blk frum ocean: Ideal tocillon: (able unaurpaased;

light# and Impts.; reaaonable ratea. T.t-UetrHt,

b e l m a r » n . j *

B E E i n A R , N . J . ,


ANNUL BETREAT COMPUTED.B lsh o p -e U c I O 'Cwwwor W i l l R e m a la

St fleton H a l l f o r fh s

Prosem t.The pfl#«i* of ih « Catholic Dlocess of

Nsw srk rompleted their annual retreat at Belon Hall College this morning and left for iheir respective homes.

BUhop-elert O'CoriDor, who has also been on rpueai, will remain at the col­lege. No dale has yet been decided upon for the consecration of the new offlclal.

“ ■— --------s-------- — — •

TO BE GBBAINED TO-MORBOW.r o a r V oan g M ea W i l l B « M ade

R om an C ath o lic P r ie s ts a t X .

P a ir lc k 's C a th e d ra LA ll sjT&ngeinents have been made for

the ordination of four young men to the Roman Catholic priesthood In flt. Patrick's Cathedral, this city, at 9 o'clock to-roor- row Homing. Ri. Rev. James A. McFauU bishop nf the Trenton Diocese, will pre­side. and the chancellor o f that diocese, Rev, Dr. John Norris, w ill be master of ceremonies. Bishop O 'Connor and hla secretary. Rev George Doane O 'NelU. wiH

INN.on tHe De^oha

Now open. Family hotel, liodernie^ rate#, gpaclal r . ( « (orand for vacailon. i . W, REt)DI>. ttojn

a t BELMa R, n e w JERSEY.


Two anllra ...uarea, taolnf oc«n , culala*. a*r- vice, Hlth*lt atandard. DD<]KLeTS. Mana»a. tocBt “ • Dll H i t A.

C A T SK IL LS , N. T .

G R A P u r n oJEFFERStlN HEIGHTS. CATBK1LI.B.N.T. jrow OPEN, flliuaied on a plaiMu. uvs^

historic ... of the Hudson; g ^ f Mnita "batflMll and tenol# oh hotel xrounoa. C a la iM « > A .• rv -lce ■ ■ p «e la l < * ■ • ■ »>Hcachwl dy Weal Share, N. T.and Hudaon Blver gMla. For ^ tea , BopSlal.ace addreaa Qrant Houae. CalaklUa. N. T.


J.b k a d l k v b e a c b .

Beach View Hotel.

be awarded, a aide from the valuable gold medal for the best shot smong the mem­bers of the aasoclalion.

The rtrte butts will be In c h tffs o fC n -ange Valley Company No. I#, “ ‘ Jt . — ------------ — ^fenhauey, chalrmarL while John J* Huegot j be in atiend.Tnce. will take care of the acores. A ll other or- | candidates graduated fromrangements are being condtictsd by a com -I Hall College In 18J7. They are.mittee cotislitlng of John Duerr* Henry J Watterson, Jersey CUy; Michael

H ty ; Edward MlakeU. Maher, Mt. Hope. Mr.

ehoir-man; Albert OabrieL aecretery; [ Corcoran. JerseyAdlon. treasurer; Charles Hoffmonm , Dover, snd P. aerlck TheUs. Adolf Scbmlett. Kenry P w - they, Charlea dhlrm. Coniwd Krueffae.Charles Wolber, Adam Bhrtmpt Dlssler, (Tharles Lutter. AugUOt PllM bdch.Ernest Lutter. Max F ranksl AdoU H r t - slnger, Theodore HaUte, C iusdl Orwiy*John Erbele snd Ernst Pfl<L__!___ -TH E WBWg AT T H * P A f f -A * * * ® -* * * -

The g ew a rk BTewtagi kwff day gew s w lU he fM w ff Oil * ! • • * g e w Je roey ffwUdJwff « * 4 * * reafflas-rw ao i o f tko S»eaye*t6wwkl Pa#ee Cwos^oBy, mmA is mm umim mt Ike fa llaw ioR glaeaa Ik M kaslaa Hakoat fftli aatt BWtldlOCa T lfft f fgM M l * « t e l . 1Pawl * Ck., W iB t m , t if f * k i a o tv e^ i ffrkoer. 94B H « lk s4s««t| SawwIlB

■trwati H o x i^

Wstterson and Mr. Corcoran srill celebrate their first mess Ln 8t. Bridget’s Cburct*, Jersey Ctty. on Sunday morning; Mr. MMkela will say his tniUni moss In the Dover Catholic Church on the some day. and Mr. Maher will celebrate hta firs* mass In Bt- Bernard's Church tn his native town.

The young piieste w ill have ■ Miort va­cation before being oeatgiwd to duty u onyates.

/ AB tba Beaefcj under ib« ixi#i)tgem«a| /ohn --------- - ■'D ljecll/ta g - - - tonuH , at tha’ Alle*:

neiA ■ - —Vnr rslr*. uJOHN O. BAILET, Uansgrr,PlAlnfirld. N. Je

POCOgO MOtlgTAtggs

Tr^t . i**^P0€0N0 MOUNTAIN HOUSEtobecaogoiSk

W hy Do Wonien Fade?

InformaEloa Fr**.rita me. and 11 tka i— vaa 1 wta i 4 i t « to obtain elear-eat, Mwyety

.X. besltky oealp ood ImMroua•tnoetb ^eor* oo iva l

... aa« biilUast llAout VTtakIt. p(Bpl*. 9 « t

klamlali. OaoMHaUa* W aLrisUr GMUantlaL

N H . W O O D B U R Y ,

f m M . YM k.

#ik k M i

NEWAKK e v e n in g n e w s , FRIDAY, JUNE 28. 1901.


Plainfield Golfer Wins Haleb Mith Graham by Two Ip and

One to Piay.


F In la li C'am^ on Uie S fv e iite e n t li H o le — (jrithnm Overrun Ilia Ap-

prunch a lln l^ e In F ive , W h ich CiM't'e the i^lalntlflcJ Man the ^latch. O lhei' MtUi'hea o f tlic Du),

By Tflegraph from :k f?ta!T (rorr?»porjftenl, ENGLHWOUD, Jiit:e no

K e w a rk e rs succeerh-d In nukln tr i h t lirst or 8 i?t'0 iid dlvlMluii In iho duali fy ing round of theSlu li ! c]j;inii.dousiilri, Which tvtia rnn- lim ifd here tu-day, many ovlur neurijy aecUons fan-d exot-idliiKiy wkU, In the firsl dlA’ision. ihe EssfX County Country Club wus re i j rcs fn i td by Howard A. Col­by, while two Vounliikah "Indianri." A. H. L a rk in anil K. A Marsclhis, alao ni.iilu n good ahowliiy;. Lark in, however, defivult- ed fliid re tu rned liume yeste rday aUcr- hoon.

The Golf Club of M ontr la lr d i j woll. due lo the elToris of Alluri Kmiiadt iy and T. T. Hold, while the N or th Jersey Country Club had the rellabU* Archie Hruhiun. the prcdeni Statu ehamplun. (Jraharn, hy the wuy, was beaten by W. L. CJI« nny this morning. The l a i u r Is the lIlliHldG Tunnl.s and Golf Cly.b crack, wlm made the record of tfevemy-nliu* tu r the Ni-wark A. C, course Iasi sGa.son.

T h e PulrinfC-t.The pairing's for the ch.implnnr'htp and

coNbolation divisions follow: t ha;niiit?n- fiihtp division. W. Ij. Ulfiiny vs Aruhlu O rnham , i ' au l Wijcoi; v;-. llow^ird Col.'y. T. T. Helil vs. 1'en.y J'-Sjo* -d. A l im iv-i.- tiadny vs. l\ A. Mars. ||u.s. i.H.iir-jl'iU. n division. Dr. D. L. CulVef vs l I-’. Wat- Bon. M. Oii'phiim \s . U. H. Marn: :, K i l g w r y vs, D, Ci.irk. Jr. , C. H. lJ[..ko v-i. Clnix-nce Hhice.

The asaoulullnn is orferln^- i v. ry op­por tun i ty for the i-nici laimni nt uf ihu playera who were In the qualiiyuiK roLiiid yusienlny, as those wh<j w>re il- l. - .n i l in the first maich play ri.nii'.d y i s u - r . l i r In bo th divisions n m confinuo fur .idililujtmi prlzea lo-duy. T lu re v.l;l also be an i-iKh- tven-holv liiTmllfaii nied'il play to-nior- row, oiicn only to Uu'.su who luuid.d in cards In tho Qualifying round.

The jjalrliigs In ih - tJcfOfilt^d dltlPiOns. follows: l-hrst division, seuond eight, ts. Allen dro'W a bye; H Scou v.s. \V. Klrker, J. W. Baker vs. W. U. CaiidhT. li. Ilelmutitl vs. G. IT. B'lwley, .second dlvl-* plon. Second eight, F. Lnus vs. U. Mltchel, Ifye vs. Hye, l*. Ih Kell vs. H- H. Cory. \V. Uayils \H. h. JJ- Giirri'Uson.

Grt i l inni .^Gleui iy H a t c h .G raham and G k n n y had a hni match.

The furmtT tL'uk a lead 'willi - up at the s ta r t , but Cih.-niiy cut this down aiul was i1 up a t the sixth. They w'cre all Hiuiire a l the turn , cacli going out In an ev en plaj' . They lud\ i (i i lie ii iitit in 1. and the e leventh In o, a f te r boili y* tiing Into irutible.

fSlenny assumed the load by lak inc th.* tw^lt’ih In n juir A. laying hl.s I n c Ir n second within ion f' et of the cup. Gr ihiipi made the edge of the gr'»-n on ih< uk.- flml Jhun fan lorsg appr 'iacb jmi n,i af- mosi dead, only io hnsv th* IhnIiineM ru in I lay him a stymie. This niodt’ GUnny 1 Iiiji, I

G raham should have w’on ilio lfN>-y,ard | tlilrli en ih hole, us lie drove the grr<Ti, , while (i lenny wan Fhori. He riet'ilui 3 ' puts , however, iind a hulve In 4 r'-si:lted The next hole ia L12S yards uphl]!, and b-ith used brasseys for llielr seconds. GP iinv ' pulled Into the rough stuft. whlb- Gra- , h am 's p laying tho like sliced ll imugh th • fence. He made a fe'iUHifnl recovery nnd ■won the hole In 5 la 6, when Glunny failed to gel down ii 4-foot pul. This made the m a tch ugaln nil square.

( i l c i i n y AHHiiniea f h r IjPiid.Glenny again uaauiucd the lend by tiik-

Ing the lirieeniU In a par 1 Both were nhuri on the ir seconds, hut laid their fih<>ri npproaches a lmost dead. Qlenny ran his put down, winning la four to live, makliig him 1 u|K

Flaying the 500-yard sixteenth hole boGi pliccd to poor lies, but used ihelr brasseya for the ir second shots nn<l pulled Irilo trouble. G ra h a m 's thin! ]>ut him in the bunki’r ami ho overran the green, playing nui. Glenny g-d down In six. making him2 up and ilormb*.

Going to the seventeenth hole Glenny lopped hl.s .second shot short of the brook, while Gruham made the edge of the green. Ulenny'ii th ird was fairly close, and G ra ­h am then overran his approach pm, r. ha lve in five resulting, which gavo the m a tch to Glenny by 2 u|) and 1 to play. T’hlx defeat of the S ta te (‘hampioi i waa unexpected. T he ir can la were:

Glenny—Out ................. 6 4 5 4 3 5 4 5 5—41In ................... 4 5 4 4 6 4 5 5 *-35-79

Graharo—Out ................... 4 4 4 5 6 5 5 4 S—11In ...................... 4 5 6 4 5 5 7 5 *—10-31

K e n n ad a y and Marse llus golfed evenly to the tu rn , the Montclair m an being 2 up. Coming home K ennaday kept up a g rea t pace, and a f te r winning out by 4 up and 2 to p lay finished out the bye holes for a record, m aking a 79.

T he ir cards were:K en n ad ay —*

Out ................... 4 S 6 4 4 5 4 3 5 - 3 8 -M arsellus— -

Out ................... S 3 4 4 B 4 4 4 6-39K ennada j ’—

In ...................... B 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5-41-79M arse l lua^

In ...................... 4 B S 4 6 3 6 6 6—44—83Reid and Pyne went out In 39 and 33.

respectlveiy. Pyne waa up a t Ihe turn, b u t the rea f te r the Montclair vete ran s t ru ck a g re a t clip and won by 4 up and 2 to play. Their cards w^ere:

R e l d -Out ................... 6 4 6 3 4 4 5 4 5—39

P y n e -Out ................... 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4-3S

R e t d -I n ...................... 5 4 4 3 5 4 5-39

Pyne—In ..................... 4 5 5 5 6 5 6-36

Championship Cup, Second Round—Olen- n y beat G raham, 2 up and 1 to play; 1 "Wilcox beat Colby by default ; Rcld beat Pyne, 4 up and 2 to play; K ennaday beat Marsellus , 4 up and 2 lo play. |

Cham pionship Bye. F ir s t R o u n d -R c in - ! m und defeated Rowley. 1 up in 20 holes: ■ Candler defeated Baker, 2 up: Allen drew ' a bye: Scott defeated K e rkc r by defauit .

Consolation Cup, Second Round—Culver beat W atson, Sr.. 1 up. 19 holes; O lyphan t ' beat Martin, 3 up and 1 to piny; Clark beat Moiyrey, 1 up; Blake beat Place, 3 up and 2 to play.

Consolation Bye. F ir s t Round—Garre t- eon b ea t Baylls, 1 up In 19 holes, Mitchell defeated £ n o a by default ; Cory beat Kell, . 8 up and 2- to play.

Cory meets Garr ison , and Mitchell d raw s a bye fo r the semi-final round.

Going Away Over the Fourth?!f so, ’twill be wise to shop to-morrow.That saving incidental to huvimj Warm Weather Wear from the maker, will pav

for many of the smaller nicknacks.And how about the boys’ vacatio:i ? Are they well provided for? Is their ward­

robe 0. K.?

Here’s a Timely List of Needfuls..Men’s Flannel Suits.

Ccat and Trousers, stripe ffretts, blues, olives, yravs, S0.5L), $7.50. Sb, 58.50, SIO.

Men’s Serge Suits.niue, black or pray mixed—

tried and tested sorts, SS.50, SR), $12 and $15.

Men’s Odd Trousers. -Striped Flannels, S.1.50 t i $5.

White l)uck, $ l,$ 1.50, t.'rash, $1.50, Turn.up boctonrs and loops.

Men’s Thin Coats.Alpaca.s, Sicilians, Soroes,

N’ un's Cloth, Sateen, Linen Crash, 55c., SOc., $1 up 55.

M en ’ s S u m m er S lioes.The “ Bronx” s'noe at S.CSO

is of usual $4 value. kinds of leathers— correct si.apes.

Cycling Suits.Of strong; Cassiir.rrL'S and

■ Cheviots,gray and olive ■ lu'idos, seatiis and edges silk, stn.^hed.

Boys' \\ asii Suits.The fabr;i every suit i.s

fast color— 45- lo 5.4.50. See those at $1.2.5 savuig is 30c.

Boys' Lnderwear.The best b.k' r'.ggan .^hirts

in Newark at 5l'c. i itltcr stores say 75c. for no bf.trr

,Aten's Underwear.50c. to $3. i’aritcul.'irly note­

worthy is the gr.tdo 51. tons are sewed, i n s'rnrgL-.

Voung .Men’s Suits.Serges .and Strr-.'.l I'laiMteU

— 56.50, $8, $10. In vu-ry in­stance from one to two dolLirs is saved.

Suit Cases, Tli;.Strong,substantial SuuL'.ises,

Grips and Satchels $5 : , SRJ_and very good ones ,-:i 55.

N ec k w ea r Specials.At 25c.— The e\er popular

Polka [Dots, of jiure .mA s, all shades; worth 50c.

I Men’s Straw Hats.j 5 0 c . t o $15, T h e l a r g e s t a s

s o r t m e n t a n d m o s t i n t e r o t i n c ! v a l u e s w i l l b e s e e n ir. t h e , l i n e s .

Men’s Be lts.I A l l t h e c o r r e c t s h a d e s . ind i w i d t h s — SOc, t o $ 2 . H u t b e

. s u r e a n d s e e t h o s e a t $1.

Light Top Coats.j T a n a n d o l i v e C o v e r t c lo t ' - s . i s i l k l i n e d — $ 1 0 . B l a c k I ' n - ! f i n i s h e d W o r s t e d s , $ 1 2 , 515,; $ I S .

Outing C aps. Etc.! 5 0 c . t o $ 2 — p l a i n o r f, r r v

f a b r i c s , c a r e f u l m a k i n g . .',j.I p e r b A l p i n e H a t f o r $2 .

Sum m er Shirts.I

A t $ l — s o f t , c o o l N e g i i g i ' i s, n e w e s t d e s i g n s , u n u s u a l v .i lnc. M a n h a c t a n s $1.50, $2 .

i Wash Vests.j P l a i n w h i l e o r i n s t r i p e a n d i d o t t e d e f f e c t s ; s i n g l e o r d iu u b le - , b r e a s t e d — $1 t o $4.

D uring Ju ly and A u gu st, close S a t ­urdays at noon. O penFriday e v e ’g s .

II' Our S to r e s are; Cooled by E lectric1 Fans.

Vacation Time Needs and W here to Buy Them.

N o b e t t e r p l a c e t h a n h e r e , f o r o u r Hi>rk-i a r e n o w .at t h e i r f u l l e s t h e i g h t , m a k i n g c hoosm .L . e x c e e d i n g l y e a s y , a n d i t is a u c ' l e > t . i h ! i s h c d f a c t t h a t , q u a l i t y c o n s i d e r e d , w e r e t a d d e s i r a b l e d r y g o o d s l o w e r t h a n a n y m ih i . s c i t y .

F o r S 2 Y e a r s

i n t h e C i t y

o f N e w a r k . Stoutenburgh’s, C l o t h i n g R o w,

7 9 7 t o 80 5

B r o a d S t r e e t .

To=m orrow the Last Day of the Sale of Footwear.

A Guaranteed Saving of 0ne=half and 0ne=third.W o m e n ' s L a e c S h o e s , “ I d e a l ” P a t e n t l . e . i l l i e r s , w o r t h $ 5 . 5 0 , n t ..................................

W o m e n ' s P a t e n t L e a t h e r O . x f o r d s , w n r i l i S y o o , a t ....................................................................... l « M O

W o m e n ' . s O x f o r d s , p a t e n t l e a t h e r a n d i.ui . sh ad es , w o r t h $ 2 . 0 0 , a t ................................. l . S O

G i r l s ' S a n d a l s , p a t e n t l e a t h e r a n d w l m c kil l, w o r t h 8 9 c . , a t .................................................

R o y s ' O x f o r d s a n d S h o e s , p a t e n t l e a t l i c r , w o r t h $ 1 . 5 0 , a t .................................................... 1 , 0 0

Lawn Dresses, Wash Skirts, Shirt Waists.



Citizens R.noniiaale Koibernid as Dis° Irict Ailorucy in Opposition to

Republican Organizaliuu,

Drltllnic 8nfe In 4 rmiroril llo lr l Thpjr Fieri— irt

lielii Oil 8u«i>lclon.P;i‘riAl r>i8pati Ji lo the NKIA'S.

i-'lCANFUHU. June 2jJ.—John i”, iinili r arrest in FUjBplclon of IifIll,' llinu burplarn whiv broke Into tlir foTtl lluit*l Iasi nlghl. T'he hnii- 1 l'\ -MurilJi ll<s.4- Clark was ,i;i



initial Test a f Ezra Sparkles's Breeze Cleaver Required a Secrei SoJeiy




\\’HIT1'! \V.\IST8—GockI white Iftwn j wftisls. with sevvnil rows of einb.

with tuvks betwt^Mi, Rishoji bU'^vu, Willi soft colhir fim' cuffs. o|h'n I'wk or front


WTIITI-: W.MSTS— Very fine w^hite Irwmi V II I .. Hid'If up in A host of Rrvtty ei”ius, iiA ivf ’ Ik'jiiNtildiftl or trimmed ViUh l.K'f VI I t rill' , Ihr liop slecv<L f..nur t iili..: ati I avlTs, | O Ch,i. k h,.,u. n-t>. f 279 I , V ow ill*.!, h! ..............

PKI.TTV VVriTK W AISTS— Slim- * liiO'w v.iih allovor eijib, fronlh hNu j \ .itr t . oI jujvdlics in tiu’kct! nml bcruM’ul.f'l clients, a1) new'Ciil drSIl’ Il-, M mr tloUcil stN'iss iimf'iu: ihr hit, v&lne Atf V 9', •j'rt till................ 2.98

W H lT i; n o r i t s k i r t — M «de^.1' 1 .;.;Vilv ulutc Iiifl'i*', fcvcn-ynr,- fi.irr, tiuiiiiii-t lutli iasfrlion | ' i r t.-i LT.i liuit.'ii flounce effect, p.'u.l !■ ,, v.iluc, special, .

S H I R T W.-UST S T ' l T S - M a d e of navy or iiLso w h ite l.’iw n or duck, la test styles in s h i r t waists , .skirts have gradu.-itcil iioimce ncBtlv tr im - f | 0med with n.irroH w h i te pip- / V O iug, giKsI #4 . 0 0 value, special

I..WV.N' D R H S S E S — M ade of very fine sheer lawn, in l ig h t blue, p ink , nival, lavctidcr and b lack , en t i re yoke of .illovcr lace, .skirl l ias g racefu l Aare (Inimce t r in m ied w i th th re e ^ n O rows of head ing a n d black M V f l rdihun, c ic c p t io n a l va lue . .

W .tS l I S K I R T S — M ade of plain Iiliic, Ian and g r a y d e n im , in g radua ted diiiince, fin ished w i t h six rows of s t i t c h in g , spec ia l V O C

k O L . CH.AMBR.XY W A IS T S — In a go™! a s s o r tm e n t of colors , broad aai lor collar edged witli a hand of w h i te lawn, w h i te tucked sh ie ld .Bishop sleeves, reg . price fi. 'yS, c l o s e o u t .................. 1.48

“ H lnalaar,” amja Nr. Dooley. -H la . niaay," aara he. "D id ye hear ibot Ol'K w r lt la ’ fo r th’ M rwark SL'WD’r N K W S r '

© 5 6 ( 5

5 3

rm L A U l ' iU M lIA . Juno > - V.’ndl jirf.misi s in tw u il> rco lu-'ul I'nliur.ii n,ij- w .18 tri.iv.Kurun J ;u iLo Arad nr. fi'.MuaU; 1-isi wlim iiviT .'.i«N,i (iliZf-ns inI'lwn nil otliin naniuiaioil Disini . -Auur- in y !’ I’. UuihuniHl, Jr., to li-* a itukH- d a l r fur Hut orTlro tif dlsurkl-i iHomey UF'aliial ilip oandMary of John \S’«*iivor, who was iininliMd-d for llnil ofll.-r- wiok hy ilif lUpuliUcaii nrgHnizillan of tills i K\'. Tlif .ijji.'.ikfi's of IliP «i'V< nlUK Ho- V' ri’ly arralni ii’d tho iirrst-nl city *ulinlnle- IratluTi- ami ilk* Suu* ofllci-*!*.

A U’b‘i4Mjn from FosimHHii^r-G^»nf*rnl Char lrs Kinrry 55nillh was rein] and was tmhuslai:iU*ally tlU'^rcU. It was i\s fol­lows;

'T a n you usp my rinmo as a vipfopr^hl- iF HI? It Is tlmf* for H m-w fli-clarallon of iJiijeppndrnro. Phllatlrlphla mi#rht lo rls-s ii; luT niltfhl aRdliist Jobbers In her pub- ]1{5 rlphis Kiul Ihe ravishing of her sflered sAftBUiknl-S of law.”

Colniiel MoClure'n .\4]<Jr«*aa.The principal speech of the fveT iP f 'waa

thal of (,’olom-l A. K. MrCiure, ihe r*'- tlri’d idlior of the I’hllaiflelpbla Times. Mr. MrCluTk* JM not ntlnr'e word.s. and his nrr.iiiinmem of the whoir* UepLfblkiln onsMnlzahi.n, Iwtth rlly fjii.i State, won ex- i r c m ' ly s .nerf , Dlsirlcl-Attgrney Roth- <'rtiifl, ho wui'1, was nomlnatrd by the He- putillran orKanlZillnn three years asn nml eb-ftf-il. Now this wamn org'iinlstsT- tinn, emitrolled by the sftmv* men. refuse him Hwnih.T term. They have named a man, hi- fominm-d, w'hu is imirled and an unknown Qu.antlty. Mr. Rnihprmel S4-nt lo pi’i'i'in balUfl-hox llilfve.s, the mas- nrs of .tre ihe pivjlilenl leadora of the c!t\' lo He h id also niaile li an uneomriiri hu* for ofhors of the same stripe ih-ii iliry ore Mvtnc In distant hxiids iiml eannnt roTtu* home ufUl! Mr, Hotherm* 1 «n<’s nut of nnis-e. Thai Is Ihe re:vi*(.n, hr saM. why Mr. Holhermcl was nof nani**d

Colon.l M f ’liire then told of Mr. IVeav- c r’fi unkn-'vvii rpiallties m’i«1 siiid:

■’Mr \S I’nver lins hi on Ti'vmlnated by theise men h!THii»f they have bi-en either ftsHUred or re.isoanhly believe th a t he will ivroseeute nr n-ii itrosenile erinu*. as their Inleresta mlKhi drm.vnd The Issue has been. Intensified bv the most hewjlderlnp? pubTlo robbery i-vf r witnessed In the State, and !he men nifist Int^'Tfsied are Mayor Ashbrldxe, Insurance G’ninmlssloner Dur­ham, C ontra f lo r MoN'lchol and their na- aortaiea. They are comnilnlnx public rob­bery by erlmlnal consp iracy"

He closed by Haying th- hatUe was not one of parly , bm one of aeif-presepvatlori Bpalnst organii fd crime, a eorn jp t ballot and the loutlng of the public treasury ,

fi|icerhen and ReaolaltoiiH.Form er Dis tr ic t-Attorney George 0

Graham, who served thir teen years in tha t office, followed Mr McClure. He s trongly tirned ihe citizens to s tand united, and he felt confident tha t [he '’pa tien t anxi sufferlnK public will rise and annih ilate the robber crew and Rive hack to the peo- pie ihe civil fovernraeiit ."

Addresses were also mnde by ex-Post- m a s t e r John Field, Frank Leake, Rev, Dr. H enry C. MeCook and mbers.

T he resolutions adopted by (he meeting pay a tr ibute to Mr. Horhermol for hU fidelity and Integ^rl’y. and formal ly nomi­nate him Bfl a candidate for dUtr lc t- at- lornpy to succeed himself.

The resoliiilons also Instructed the chair- n ^ n of Ihe meeting to appoint a ('om- mlt tee "s^ conduct the contest and con­fer w ith all organized friends of re form In completing an Independent ticket."


Pfiteraoit Pltiniber*a ArreaC CaDaed b}' !4iiMpicloi>a \dli>na.

Stteclal Dispatch to the NKWg.f’ATERSON', June 2 .—Charlea Chad*

wick, who for the past few years has worked In local plumbing shops, a r ­rested here to-day for obta in ing goods under fa lse pretences. It Is claimed t l u t he has been go lnf to local supply houses, represcn t ln f himself as coming: from some plumbt r, and ordering a quan t i ty of lead pipe. This, It Is a lh ged. he deltvered a t a house where he pre tended tha t he was doing $ome work. It Is suppoad th a t he a f te rw ard sold the floods.

To-day he ordered 300 pounds for Hu«h C. Lendrlm frum Van Winkle's. Th* cle rks thought his m anner suspicious and Lendiim waa sent for and had him locked up. O the r plumivers are making a lm ila r charges agatnvt him.

iliU rni.rnlriK lnfure Judllce M-i !■ :i m l (hartffii with lniri;liiry. He iF nir l bi’h-ii; cuiiccrned in litHl nlylu's sffair, i jt ,ui- rnlUfd having: served one yt-Hr in .-.t.u i* pi'lsun fur a burfilary, commiili‘d In ''ran- lord li'. ’ yours ago. The Juslloe i-omiiiil- ted Ihe [jrlsimor lo iho county jull

It was 1 ;Uli o'cluLk this morning when Iho burglars were dipcnjvered In ihe I'raii- ford Hnlfl by Charlea Johnson, who kec[is a flrcwurkH tent, lie notified Policrnian Hlndi’iiljcrgi'i-. As the policeman zip- prcKichcd the hotel a lookout opi'-ned lire on him wilh a revolver. The polU'emKii dodged behind a tree am] returned the II rv.

Then three nun emerged from the hotel and ran Kcro.' s the Central Itallroad tracks and up llie county road. They were piirsucil by Blnueni»iTgcr aud q one-arm­ed flagman. The thtevea and their pur­suers exchanged several shots w'ithoul ef- fret. The burgUvra linaliy disappeared In thtt woods near Garwood.

The polk-epiun returrted td the hotel and found a bag conialning a Cull set of burglar's t ioKs iind two pairs of shoes, which the imhider* had removed from their feel before entering the building

Nijthliig wiib taken, as ihey had nut had tlfno lo ojien the safe, which ihey hud Binned to drill Later In a nearrh along the railroad i ’ollccman blndenberger ar- reslt'd Clark Wln'O seurrhed Ciark had a iivoivor, which was empty,

3 »tO B (S ra iH 4 (D u tM>T w *k « roar watch ■ m vac ieu a of tha S ? * * Z f T * » V < » « " »<* «o H t a TOW

P L A IIII 'IK L D S T R IK E R a H O P E P lx .

BpKl,! [Hapiich to tin \KTV1.RkiAINFIELD June 2S.~-The etrlklnc

emptOTes of the Welter Scott Priming PcMw Work* met this momlng »,ia w u t h e proposals arranged between thwn emplorers and themaclvea bg Delewata Counaelnab. These Wert sent to U r Scott, but IbcT refuse to make known the lernu of the agreement, other than to say that progress Is being made and that chgnoen ara favorable for u ,, men Tha manufaetuKra declare that there te noth- iag but falee hope, since Mr. Scott oidv laid what he might have done had tha m«A iMrt go&« out ^

In the P o ^ 'i machine shop thla morning there were Hftr-oDe men at work e igh th wbem eanie ta aince reaterdar n o ^ Here tt U almoet practtcallr of the men wUI go badi on Moaday.

PwUae gook AUesod VwmUg Deaooter

w a r « « ww.



Mnn V\ lifi ( unstHi the Dertih o f R llly Snitth. the Aiiit'rIcBii Itoxerg

Guen Free.l.(iNIm.\, Jejih- 2n, —Till? Berond trial of

Jack K iil-T ' lUi' puKills5i, oihei'scliJirf^f'l rnanslHU^hier m causing (he deatli Ilf 1-1.ty Smilh" iMurray Liv lngi- lori. '■! l'] ii I'b Iphiiu. flH (he result of u liOXiLifi r , . ' 'i - i .\iiril 22. at ihB? National Simrimn i' 'll', thl.-i ( ily. begun To-day a»'. l!n‘ ui.l li.ili'-y i'l'urt.

The jur> ill (he first trial, which was cohcliiiii-ii M.iy li. disagrp(*d, and Ihe de­fen ilani 8 iM Ic bound over lo appear ai the next ?*>■ -b'G "f court. The publicprrisn ,ji I • v[ii.uiu'i.l lhal the prosfcutiun wr»6 uii.j. r: ' Ki b with the view of alUpplfig fuLun- ' iriii'i inli>n of ihts kind, rather ihHii Hiiii il)c view of punlahing the do* fcndaius.

Atnivnc iho witnesses called for the do- fehv Uvi** th»‘ F«r! of Lonsdale. He said he hml I ’ Civ ftjssodftted with boxing for tweiu.v-'is' The i^ueenshury rules,prexiiiliriK a' Hie National Sporting Club, mlniniizt'tl the (lunger of buxing contests, he Bul l

At iJi- < I Ilf ifi^ iPHitlmony til the de­fendant- v\. t.’ iicqiiiMed.

- -------- ■— > —

MU NOT SERVE ON COMMISSION.P re s id e n t o f Kllsuheth B o *ril of

Trnde liviilnlns Kensuna for He- fiisiil In (sovernor V'oorhctrav

ape. 1.1 I • c ' t - ’-h** NKwa.E L i/ .N l'"rM . June 3S.—Peter Kgenolf,

piv.s :• T ' th'* Elizabeth linard o f Trade, ns for- in (he NEWS, rvfusos toficrvi' ’ ll lb '■•mmissjon for the re«Us- trlcUny Ki:z:ibe(h. and gjvpg his rea­sons Ti n I’ ti r 1" Governor Vixxrheea to- dav. piri-'B <‘f whith arc as fallows;

' ’I il’i nui b' li- ve that the law of 1901 Is one iliti hHVt* been adopted,'Airn 'fi I'j be the case. I could not con$r I !j [I'Gi'-v -vnept the olllce|Of cam- ntlMslC':'i« V uiid’ T lb The propopt^ division of Ihe ny If wards la made wflhoul the a'2)*ent ’ t '•'naen! of the local authorl-* ties, uml y« i HP 1 understand, at the ex- pens*- of th- government. Again Iwould be tb'- mlnorliy cu-mber of the eoramlsaion a'-ilnn In a matter on which my vo:t' ■»■ d have no Influanre,

*Thc «si;i:cment has been current on our streris f«'r ui least two irt'three days that the dlvlBion "f Ihe wards had already been Bgrcfd upon, arid that the maps showing the division of the city imo new w'ardj had be^n pr< pared by a local civil engl- nt*ep and snrwyor Thla only goes to prove that ih<' l^emocrat, whoever he may be, that goe? "O the commlaalon wlU sim­ply have ihe t>l«^8ure of seeing the will of the IncNl K^iHjbllcan machine carried out in Its fulb si conerpHoti. I also wlah to Bay that I dill not seek the appotatment.*’

A H o s t R e f re .< h in j f a n d Healthful

I n s t i t u t i o n i s t h e m o n i l n g bath.

I t i s d o u b l y b e n e f i c i a l w h e n


Sulphur Soapis adiled. Use it in preference to the costly scented soapa which sometimes injnre, instead of im- psx sW tbe Aia.

‘ ' v W o B v D tu b o is ia .

KLly^Am-rnr, June 2S.-K zn ripurklCB., xvlin |A enijiiGyid In a big mu- binc work> ui Elliutif iliport In the day (Lm* nnfi near­ly all nlghl for ulmi'st two yiar'^ tm u fi>- Ing muchtnc, Is nnw nurslnc WLimuis and

j ciiiff nut only im his body, hut to lih mind, which has been sorely tried in his first ul- Tempi U'erineadEiy nlghl to fl\' with his now machine. Sparkles lives In \'uii FJti-

, rrn avenue, near the Dwyer race tnicks,; niidwfiy belween Ellzrtbeth and Lllzubeih- ; j)on.

The PparklOB machine had a Ball, two , wlnrlmllls arid .*!tocrlnR gear. The Invenlor I had rigged up two crunks nml two podalA I ■with which to work the wlruIminB when ‘ there wum not BiifflclPnt wind fur the pur-

jjo«e.W lioro Goat Camo In.

Mr. 9p7trklra had an ronwirucicd hl« fly­ing machine Ihat It would have first to re* cclvc U p momentum on Ihe earth before li Rpcemieil. 'Wllh This idea In vb-w Tie In* venteil a four-wheeled truck on which the machine was to he placed. Then he got <i neighbor’s aon who ow’ned a large billy fiOHt, to bring the "hucker'' thal U mlghl bn used In Btarting off the truck unlll li had receh-ed pufficlent momentnni to flu i Ihe Bull and then make Ua first rise. Mr. Rl-iirkleH, not wishing to allract n larw*' | cr«iw(l during his first experiment, walieii | till 11 O'clock Wednesday night. Previous­ly he hud Kmuggled his machine Inio th* i Joi-key Club grounda without his wife s i knnwlPfigc.%F >ihe often hild told him thiir he and hla Invention would cume to n * I guod. Sparklen told his wife ihot nigh' ; th.'il he was going to he Initiated Into i • PC* rei .“ocloty. The presence of (ht- go..i lent fiilur to the atory.

1 111 tin I Ion fteg ina .W llh th(' goal drawing the ini<k an«l

Sporkles working his feet on th*- pedal.-* and his h.imls on the cranks the .**iiirt was made

Ezra hud cRlculated thal when th** in- veniltiii finl ready lo fly U wn-.ibl rise from ih*' truck without any triuihb- When the siill.s filled and the wlnJmbl got to Working Ihe machine suddenly i* - gan (fl flv, bill. Instead of soaring fr^'r. i; carried \ ehlrle, goat and all wllh It. Th” goat hanging heels up. The machin*f m n- up aboin fifty yards and then flew nrouTi In rt ciri b- At last the Inventor 1 '••t control uf the machine and-called fur h< b' He flew for half a mile and landed in th branrhe.- ^ { a tree a mass o f junk A trackwalker helped Ezra home, and h‘ - wife, while she bathed hU wounds >..!l l she did not believe In leeret sociiu-- with inlilutlooB aa tevere as they to hl'm


K arkn ixn on tbo J m rr ry MomorlnlDDltillnK «4nlt W a r b Th I* .'Morii-

In w l'n lo B i C la ib .Elgin)- men who were • [ w o% on ■

Jorvi-y Mpmorlal RuUdin*. which l-i i ci.urf.- or construction at BloomtlsM. -i w ork r.y-.l.ny us a result Ot a flMsh t»lw the uraiige and Bloomfleld unions 1;. trort.le was said to b « about an Inr i tliiii Ice paid by a new workman.

li.prrs.-ntntivps or the two union? ■ at work on (he bulld lnf and boih ; clalmtal mat their union waa »ntlili-.| ■ the new rnemher. A fter aome dlsru.-ln all the men stopped work and each •; refused in rciume while the repre?. i,- . lives of the opposing union were em nloje; on th»- building.

R. I. Tobin, the general contractor w'' la In charge of the work, la id this m e

Ing that his contract called for the cun, plciion of the work by March !S, bui iln (here was a strike clause in the contr., i which secured him against loss In case i takes the unions any time to adjust th,lr dUputC-

The matter will probably be referred lo the Essex Tridca Council w a -ttle tn eo i

PIILICEMAN M’liM A n ’S CAPTIRLGeorge Hares, Colored. Arreated To­

day for an A lle seA Attempt at‘ •F-ltm -aam .-

j George Hayes, colored, twenty-live year- old, was arrested at Broad and ilark -t

streets this morning. It was alleged thr!; he w ts attempting to work « ’ ’mni-nam t^gntne on Josepb Perrall, colored, of Jt Ar |1lnron street. Th# latter claims that his

M L , - ' * « o lo a sunliar e ^ r le n e * and ha bellesea, he wtll.

.a ' • '•** “ •»“ P *"o n ’fl'o ‘did tha awindhiig then.A c c o r^ ^ t o ^ r t e l l . ' he w a , „opped on

the street by H y e a . who togalred If he would accept a Job eg w a l ^ in # club-

' l l?" "*• " t a •*•<''' •n w a *! then told him

that all he bad to to im , u, put up tU for a suit o f Urery and ha canid gttrt In. As

f ^ -4 ta n m d r to pgy orer the money, he bappened to fm am ber hla broUer'a expeHeoca. " w m o e r

* ^ «o «n a n Mc- tiJf noticed the

. ^ s E S l ^ t a a e t o d aomethlng Wateh. god toe

tw o ofpcart cioocd ta oa th# im It" * “ S ' * * * ! toward him. i

to n n . Ha tailed to 1### and ru i phtm i Ist# th « oobc#-“ T wSToS m m

*“ *>« ’

n.uNTv WASH .srrrs- .j -’i*'fb .u n b n iv s o r <iui'k, b ,m- . .il’-u-* lubiwiiiic l.iwn, tieiUh t\i* keil hktris. .i,.:i.vliuir triTnme<l with bitn’i i«v niiitch'>l, ui -\- hb.KHi, hUiv, iK>lka <lut nnd fi-.'urt'il t^ffevls, j;r>inl value, a t . . . .

IT l.iwns, I LAWN' nR]'.SSI''S“ M:iile of very sheer lawn, on shu-lilsof I while with dainty fi^iirefl effects of blue, lav-I lUtimt'e, I fndtTiiri.! bbu W, iicw fitraij;lil fmui waist, entire front1 ^ f \ \ anil I'lBllriT Ilf diuiily while lawn, revera and ^ f \ Q

/ w I cnllar iiinmifd with V’aL iiiftorlioti and J V q * 1 lice, skirl irtmmed lo match, |5 Vid., PpeciAl,


T h e b a l a n c e o f t h a t l o t o f s a m p l e c o r s e t s o f t h e w e l l - k n o w n W , B . a n d K a b o

m a k e s , w h i t d i w e s o l d l a s t w e e k .at 5 o c . ; a l s o t h e “ G e m ” c o r s e t , i n p m k , b l u e , R r a y a n d

w h i t e , in l i o t h s a t e e n a n d h a t i . s t c , n e w e s t s h a p e s , a l l s i z e s , t o - m o r r o w a t SOc.

BMen’s Furnishings.

Men's Shirts at 98c.Meti’K Ni'gliL;#” Sliiru, made

ofiliol#.‘'t irnporlcd fa«tC »lorM wovi'H mmlr:i>, lu a v*tv Irtt-g*' VrtllctT uf rl■lMTl11g5. iinii tuil- lerni^tu Irum. nUn |t!ania llt(< III pLiiii In*iil and pliUl-4-(1. til nnd n'lU'kinansliii) o(|iinl

? tnCliMl'iin Mudf. V ilh uiK> pair Ijf deiarludidf link ' nlTa. " ■' rtigular 9 1 . t aIih'.

ItH a Upt't'Ull iKllglllllluruy lit.........

ti <*m' pitiT


Bo^s’ Shins at SOc.buya' Nngllgrjp Wlilrtu, made

uf the fiisit c-olorA troveii nimlTiiN, in u largn vnrUilf uf voluriiiK ikitd iiiUlcriiB tu M'U‘t‘1 rriitn, with one pair

detiu lulilo link r.uffa, nudi up in the hesi niaiiiier.11 rcguhir "v. IIml iHk'. hUIrl. hiTH l>vlinl, III..........


Men’s Iflderwear.Mris's l‘'rrni:)i IlalhriRpan

Shirts, in eilhur long or short bIct\’cs, full re^^ular made I'aniu nt, [>carl huttmi and indhiiir uiminciL ilraw- ITS to iii.Tldi, re>;nlar value 45c., special for to*ni<irniw, \ for 1.00 , or, iM’ h. 35c

Women’s Furnishings.GREAT RIBBON OFFER.

■;,ooo v a r d s o f a n a s s o r t e d l‘>t o f a l l s i l k f a n c y a n d p l a i n t a f f e t . iR i b b o n , in a l m o s t e v e r y w a i i i e d s l u d e , f r o m 3 ‘u t o 5 i n c h e s I5cw i d e , v a l u e u p t o 5 9 c . , a t , y . i u i . . .

STOCK COLLARS.L a d i e s ’ S , a t in T u c k e d S t o c k s ,

in a p r e a t v a r i e t y o f co lo r- - , v a l u e s 3 5 c . , a t , | A _e a c h . . . . ' ............................................. l U t

LA DIES’ HOSE.I . a d i c s ' F a s t B l a c k d p e n w o r k

L i c e H o s e , d o u b l e Sole, w a r r a n t e i i-.taink-ss, Viillfe 250., at, 15c

« »


u n-V J J n'CtiiLimr -hop-Plect of f,.- ,|ir ■ I'.s ' tjf NfWiirk at Ihe. [ ' l l ! t’imm>*ii''«'mHiii fXtT''lJ*<‘N of SL. .1 : i, w I■Hrui hliil hug) lust night andr . I ' t :i*; g\ iiUf<n ffum th*' slufienia and ’ . ;r Fili'i-'is rifi h(' icMik tils plare> In the

i Ni l ' gr.niiiatf’H rt'-'i'Ki-d diplomaa, •; ‘ ii-hM}*-*U«-t wore the purple for the

■ i.m*', and (‘oiifrrrtng o f the fllplumaa\ -. 1,1’- lir.'i "tfn'ittl ae'i 8lru-e the re»:elpl

' ■ :-ap'il IjuIIji icffinally anjiijunclng hla In his ftd<lr*ntj:8 t<i lh«‘ rlUAfa

, I !:. vkus [iroud to la* aMe to stand [. w'j, )i ■,% I'Uiss ,'i.A fiust^T <if the ]mr-

V .ill'll! 'ch ihis wi,jukl Uf the last lime :,,i| d'l >*i. arui refrrr*-il lo Eugene

»i , i-ue nf till’ gr.jtluH ten. w hci won1 • - l.'il.T-hlp In Sftun Hall rollege In

j,. Mti'in with all the parochial achuola! ■!.. .lluoSv ^

1 ;,' s-p*'Uil prize In eh>cut1ort was won ' UitlUm l»t rvln. The hall waa deco-

d In t'urple and white, and rn.iaae of TLivvt’rH iind palms w«ra arranged In

, - rtv.illuhle nook.(h lh lr e u I^AOir Cnntaf#.

A fantdtji "£lel«haxzar," sung by ;rrn. was the principal feature of the

■ \ *n- I'.isf was as (iillows: rtf lsbaxzar.

M « m ia King ryrus. tyiuls Trevas- /r-ruhliabel. William Dervln: Daniel,

I B ’mii?* l.vnn. Fe^ius. Eugene flhalS'oy; \ • i. -t* M:ir>' R')»e Rafter. Antonia, I’uvrtnagh, Shelomith. Anna Der-

\ Mar)' Smith. Angel. Maryl*v,\.-r Ji-wMb princfSB. Ellon Murphy:

In Felwhaaar's coun. Mary' rarr. l i.'M H.4ll.af7ilnc. Alice Reilly and Agnes L’jrk' . magi. Frank Bwk. WilliamTb-n!p^'*ti >*ud Patrick Callanati. Baby- I -i.iar ■ iiptirin, Francis Matt.s; Babylonian offi *Ts n Donnell and Thomas Kane.

Thf salutatory was given by xMlsa Mary Ho*e Kaftf-r ami (he valedictory by Ix>u1a Jamos Trevaskiss. The members o f the graduating class are: Louis J. Trevaaklsii.


FIREW O RKS!Firecrncker<-. 5alutes, Bombs, Fountains, Torpedoes, CarlridKCi. Flower Pots, Mines, Paper Caps, Pistols,Colored Fire, Wheels, Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, Balloons, DruKon Nests, Whistline Jacks, Whistling Rockets, China Flyers, Aerolites, Parade Torches,Flags, Lanterns. Assorted Exhibition Cases, eU,, etc.



N O P A Y cDHID!NerviMH debility, organk -eikuem: aell-

di?tnist.iiop«teDcy.iiicDmslete develogmeat. Ixiue hade, varkonle. drgiua and all n n tu__ ___ ^ m o* youthful e r ro rA

| # | griyutely (vred. I l H # ■ Blood pokoo. aotua.■ grniituma, all uriBarr■ ■ e * * dltoana. •trletnra and nuBataral diiehaicae parmaaeatty cured.

• ta g KEW ABIJ tor s maa wa fall to can of aay iioagaa goenliai to maa-ASA m k d i c a i . iJ fm u iT B (E iu v R m x l t » 4 O U A N O B 8 T . , N B W A B K .

)Oaa B M AboyO Mtgh ainat.)

Maty Hob# Rafter. FTnrenra Cavanagh. Kugene Bhalvoy, William Dervln. Mary Carr. Elleti BaJlantlne. Alice Reilly and Thomoa Lynn-

Mo#C Imprearivp wan the ovation given Bl8hop-«l«ct O'Connor. The achfKd « bU- dren were In line at the d<K>r of the hall. Aa Boon a i the bInhop-elect [Hepp*fl from hla houa# thooe who a«w him b^gan lo che#T, Other* took It up. Hats and hand- k«rchi«f* vere waved, and as the blah ■!>- elect paoaed along the iiri’et toward tbe balL bowing ojid amilltig. the enthuoioam began InMd#, and for five minute* after tb* poitor hod token his place on tbe platform tba audience remained standlnt« checiin# and waring handkerchief*.

Tlam iacioii.A bond eottcert and featival wo* bald

at Inm Side# Pkrk. near Anhaodal#. un> dor tb# au«plee* of the Annandale Band. tO'da y. Tb« Lebanon Bond aoilated.

Prt*Dd# of George Bhultt, a farmer Uv- tDf M or n#mlBgtan. were greatly *ur- prtBed wben Mr. IbuU* made hi# a p p «r - ane# tn FMi^ngton. Shults wo# re|»orted to t»ai^ committed suicide In New York


clubroom on Tiieiiday evening for th# purpnae of organising a public library In Flcmlngton.

The commencement exercloe* of Reading Academy were held In the Flemlngioa Fresliyterlan Church last evening. Tha aiidrve* Wan delivered by LouU Bevler. Jr.. i*h. D . of Rutgers College. The fol­lowing are the graduates Mis# Helm Faltoute WklllumK Miss Grace Hamb­len. Miss Alberta Rlitenhouae and

Arthur rfambleti C'^unty Super'- Intendent Jaoon 9. Hoffman, of rlemlng- (on, prrfK'Qted iho diplomas- Mr. Hamblen will enter Princeton Vnlveralty and Utos Hamblen will enter Vmaaar Cullego la th# falL__________________________________________

n ty # f#w w«ek# ago by sbootlim hlnuell w ill # iWT#lT«r «nd wa* mouriMd^## dead.

Roe. U D. T#mpl#a poator of tb# Flem- taircoa Baptist Church, bo# con^etod or* rsng«Mrats f#r on #gt»iia4y# Bimpoan to v . H# sod a porty cenirtiMng of twen* ijr-two ,sn»ii#w< sad mtm wlU M i «*i th* f f o o r d t s h d ^ M B H r i l M M l a Oh l o i r Ml

A Miirthg wiB ho M a t h th#

’• I


A t Wholesale.The tu B «t mad bed MUOTtaisnt at u ^ h e ^

of Klceu. 9(y •eeeWtr h npiflyitia^arha. Pieaks and rrtytou Ptotid iriQi ditplsTU al h n r a d p r tn * .

■a lata a«B Bat My rrtaa Bitoaa

B . W O L F r ‘* t a S t a i » '0 » d (d b u t b b t .


Btcomneodations o f SoperiDtendeit

P a lu d T to ig h t Fair b j Edica*

ti«D Board Coaunittee.


L l»t Smldl to a U«*[jarture In Favor • f Glvinir (M brr I'ul»lljiberA a Chaaco W ith thf» ATairrlraa Hook j Coaipany— JSjmtrm of Marklnic

Pap ll«* Ailoptral—touiiuH*tec from A lliril FriotJiiv 'I'ratlrB Sayi If ContruflB for l*r]o(lnK Are AworAed to Nun*unloa Klriti« Lubor Mea W il l Carr> .flatter to the I*uUa.

The TrXtbuck <'oniniiU»'0 uf the ItyarU Of Kducalluii, ui U« Jrjeetliitf yes-lrnUty aftfirouuii, vud’d lo recuiiinj' iiJ lu ilit* lull board a hbl ol Unjkti pr< fM-nteJ l>) fiujier- lattinUrdl ul ticjiiiois Aihii.- i,i7i ih i'oland, to be adiied U» the f<iLiU/iu«'iii ItAthe ai.'h<H)iii. Tht (uci ih il ilu- tandeut. had iireiioml ihi' inU'i i dlscubtflon pi'elltimuiy lo ih - mn-iinj . Tba Newark firtiuol.i lM<e h'-> n unlhK! wbat U called a n;jntrii i“ d il.Hi, h><U term It la undATaiuud ihni ihv Am>riL-tui Book Company furnl>>lub mont of booka wblcb ara untd lii tcreui mimbrrs. I t waa a ^urttliun whi-iher ih>‘ »ui^er- Jntrmieiit, In preparliiif lila reroinmi-mJa- tlon for AuJdiUuii to the Uki, would luaiimuo In iba oid way or would muko tiko new llai an open one. The ilsl, um preaenled. went through yexiprduy without (]ueH> ticib by any rui nvher of the cMimmlltve. from whkl) it wa:« CKtu hlor 'd that tho publl^hlnfi componlen wei-i* fulriy rtpre- acnied, fur ct-riuln membeni of tike eom- mJttei' are oi'i'oHtd to the ro.sirlt’ teij Hal.

• SuperliUvudvm i^lluna ualii, after the ■dopUon of Jha list, iliat hp ibuughi It treiiu-d the publlaberA fairly, lie had heard no (ihjeoiinnn from rnrmbern of the commiltoe pieslouH to lh</ open meetiikg and believed that the full buurd would be aallalied an well. L phs Ihun buJf the buoka racominendi'd, i\t unld, Were thoae o f the

f American iluok Company, and Home o f theiie were ocmtlnuatlouH of Herlca of

' which Ific aohuula already had the narffer niunben*. The booka are Intended fur uae In the primary nrnl gntmrmir departmenta. When the list w'»a ri>ad lo tln‘ comtnJllee yealerday U waw Immediately move*l to rocommend it, noiiilng wus eald on the motion and It waa unanlrmmtdy adopted.

Dr. Potnnd'a Bclccttuiia.Tba Itat folJoWs: Kondlng itnnkH^‘ '(-'yr'R

F ifth Reader," t^K'dinpletf'Jierh'i'. "Klnrh'H Flrat Reader." to rumpleie xerl'-a an l\.ir aa publlahed, "Hajui'a ReKlnner’a Ucader;“ **Th« illawHlha I'rlmer,'' "Btepping fitonea to Literature." Buppienieiitary Raaiilng—Androwa'i "8tiirle« o f My Four Frlendj;” Health'a "Hume ami Pchool Clawlca;'* Ruaa'a "Stories <»f Pioneer Ll^e;" P ia tt'i 'T a r Masi and Far W’ iwm Chtidron;" "The Hinry of tJie ttieiu It.- publlc." Oerber; "The Story of the Thir- lean Colonies," {Jerher; Logie & Hcc'ke's ” 8lory Readcra;'' Shnw's "Djacovererfl atnl Ekplprora;" Shaw's "Hlg and Little Peo- plA'* iila tory ami Civil Government— filalrsdeU's '.‘Story of American Hlmory;*' MeHaiiter'a ’ ‘ Primary Hlaiory of the United S ia ica ;" Marwick & Smllh’s "True CkUen." For Tem'hera' L>e~"Lond o f Bong." DookH I„ 11. and in . Outline Maps —*’New Century Development Mapa," **Heath's Outilne Mapa."

Another reconimendallon of the auperfn- tetidcnt'a which went through unanlmoiia* Jy and with oapresnlona of approval on tha part o f the commlHslonern. waa the provJiion for a new murkhig syslem on the monthly reports o f pupils, Under the present iyalpm the child’s aiandlng is In­dicated by ono o f two letters, S meaning ''Satisfactory." and N standing far "not ia tls fac lory ." For a long ilmp iiareiite have fe lt like applying the letter N to the tywtetn. becaust^ u gava no g^od Idea o f Wh*t ttielv children were doing.

T h e Neev H atin a f « r PapH i.By Dr. Poland'. ,,|an. i f ihe l,o«r.l adopts

in * contn lltae'. m omtnfjid«tlon, the pu* pn '^11 ho markad on a .cals of M, and

U?A Tan'” * 1 ' " “ " ’ 'In*tap. Ten. perftci; 9, ra d ia n t; 8, *ood 7P « « l n , mark; 8. poor; 6, vary poJ^ 4 to •ero da»re..s o f fallura. That 7 1. tha W a ng mark doa. not Indkala that tha pupil mu.t attain aaventy par oant In order to pa.., for the puplla nr,' marked on e.tlm aia. and not on a i«-n-otitaga M «s . It .im ply means that It appeared nwasaary to e.tabllah mora gra.Ie, below lha pH.alng mark than abiiva It.

Dr. Poland a.plalned one o f the advan- tsgea of tha new plan ye.atenluv. Under the old system tljo parents of » hoy never knew how near ho was to succf Hw or fa il­ure. 8. un his report might menu that lie wsh st the hPAil Ilf his rlaHn nr that he »RS jiisi ou the THggpii (Mlge of panslng N inighi mean that he hMi) hnrely falhsl (,i pass or thFit he was iMViirhibly didlcl.'nt

uncumm.iiiinlng for a boy to get an 8 one mimlh and an N. ihr next. In sm h cases Ihe Inrl’s parents have mme lu the teacher unil WTathfiillj' demanded lo know why tliey bad not been notified of the lad's condi­tion. "W ^ thuuglti he was all right." they have said. ‘ 'He hud an 9. I f we hiiil known that he wa.s near failure lo puss wc w.iuM have ihrM h»- sindled more." Undurthe new sy.vlLun the pHrents will let ihe young niKn hImivh if hi liiivs pi, 9 ur fi on his curd, hut ir lhi*y see i lu i his mark la a r. the)' will Ku‘iw that hi- Is near the dati-> ger line and will 'pm ilie sitcwb un." ss 8upcrlm»-n*leni I'ol-iud exprusses U.

I'lie liiliin Prlitirrn ' Drin«n«].The roinnuiiee c»p»-ned hid* for prinilug

ind stail-inery pujiplles. und In this con­nection llsU'iiid to a committee from the Allied 1‘Tlnilhg Trsdes, of which Harry J. GoiUmI. was rhalrmsu. Mr. Gottlob made u lliilt- speech asking Ihe commit' t*‘e (i.»t In niiike h contract with any but u hrm He s.ud that the non-tinloiit'usst-s wrre nble lo utuierblj the unhiu oni-s Tiei-jiuMo ih«-y did not pay their press. m»-n Hulfli lent wages and made them work I'ldxer hours than the union allLfWM. Thi-re was only one union hrm urnntigIhe hlild«-rs. he sail), hill n«lth»T h»- ii->r his cumpsnt'Ons hud any Iniertsl In It. Ito tielieved Ihfti other unlt»n hrrri!' would hhve entered In hud iht-y con- sMered It a fair one

1'Mmmlneeiniin HwMnii idijetti-d th*- Ikw coinjielh d them (o give The l■onlra ' u> thi- lowest bidder Mr. G'lUl ib repijed tiuil th*> cuntniltte4*'ii adverilHein«'nt re.K* i\ed the rigid io n-ject an\ <ir nil MiLs and thMl th>-> had the pretidrnl o f ih ' I'uUce ' 'ommlsslon. which h:id n jo'. I'-il n« n*unl(rii Ithln. Mr 8wami all'iwed ilini the Texih.vnk roinmltl''-*’ had nothing do uiiti thi Fullre rornmlssloi:.

I.nlugiil* i ‘!ir?»"tis, of Itn Labor ("ommli- t ’ Ih 'u l--ik .1 hand, th ji If th-Texitfo'.k « ■••mmltlee illd ro'l ciunply wiiJ: the dem.ind:* ..f (he AlUe-I I ’rliitltig Truih - the lati«*r Wf^uld be i.tdlged tn lake vlgi-r- :>U)t Tiieasur and wo;ilrt probiihl)' dt uld'I'l take the mutter iti the jkiHs.

The FrirnTiUtie<> then wJth'lr<-wand argued It out with the rc-pres. r'.i • lives of the prinTlr.g hriQ- to w hi-h th*-. had objeotPrt ii The uorrldor Th>- urgi:- ni-nt n - i-h f l -■ h GoT«'Xt'-f-'-k I ’ unrnlt.-r- hid t-i shut their e.M.r

!lo ikii t ontrseln.It WH- •• J : i\. iL, nnitl-T nf ih«

bids 0 »-r |.I I I 'UKhT lit : j ' i n'rlu-kThe hi-1- wrr.- n n mr.i. is r-.r runilsh-

Ing a. gre.-u ^arieiv uf pnrtJrii and si. i- Umiery. tfi-J ^arh tirin In i--mj'eiUlouhid on ev*r> liPiu m parutoi). Hid^ on t » if |l;e f-iMnw i tj - xi ula-'*s

rerord.'< of fif\v-iw.7 ] ig,.. \t’ |lShuru t'-jmpar-y. 12 ;# >■ Mndlsim & Co.. Dl.'-: drover Hruihers. Je-« P.Hk,-r I'rm i- iDg ComiHiny. Matthias I'lura. ISsL,JT\ ledKrrs dftvbnnks Ind other tM>«»k- secpln^; Mnnks. W II Hhuets T''omtianv. n<tl. Gr-.ver Hr^ithers. M.i IIIiIhsi*ium, 50 Bak-r IMnring C-imjii-iv H I"# ' A Cu , ’ I

A meeilug it>e H-pairs CummlUee followed, at which U w-as vop-d lo reoerc' otend A numtH^r o f tinlmt>ortiim r«^patrs.

gP V C IA l. ■O TlCC i.Mrs. W lw s tow 's g ^ lh la g Pyrw^ f « r

111 dll MS eg of chiAOrea, ssvn aa tf«thibc wins. Niu% CisTTikuss, Mc.. is s rsi^tg- reoe^y. u K4 mlT rvUsvM Um cbtid Crocs asls. bui tmu. Ate* ihs stomri s^d bswsi*. rorrMt« scMite tSd gives tJA* sa4 wAi rfr W> wtioi* systtA

Kas rssi ttt the nKOber sod hsstts is tb* chUA Mty-ttvt ossts s hsitJs.

tb «. . .. bst n CAS be \

puss’s OiatMest. <sick ssd pensssem i «B«MS. Ac ssr ^ g >tee«. W rests. j

TKey look coo! because they are mostly light in coloiings.They look well because the weave permits of a variety of pleasing effects in seasonable shades and attractive patterns in stripes and plaids, and because they are made by tailors who have put 35 years’ experience in tailoring a coat, lined or unlined, so that it will keep its shape until it is worn out. The tailoring is ours.

They are cool because they can be made with very light weight linings or none at all and because fash­ion permits them to be worn without vests.

They acre inexpensive because there is so little of them. They are just what a man, young or old, needs to help him endure this weather.

$ 8 . 0 “ . $ 9 . 0 0 .

"''su iT™ “ $15 .00 .

MARSHALL & BALL.807 to 815 Broa.d St„ Newa-rk, N. J.


W'ith the Fundson Hand the Committee uf the Fem ale Charitable

Society Is Enabled to Send Nearly Children, W'ork- ing Girls and Women lu llie Country.

WUh th<? omniinl on hand the Fresh Air CommlUvtMjr the NTwurk Female Charlta- bln Bpi.'lety uiin si'iiiJ itwuy nearly 4[Ri chll- ^«Fv women lu thecountry fur iw'o wv^iDof rrfffi air. Thv fund Jiuw slairl.ii iit 12,173.73. a check fur t26 being rm I'lVHil ihin morning by N K W S frum thf Nt-wj^rk Daily Advertlk<>rPublishing <'oTTipiniy.

The Insi (lays in Jimu atv busy onm for (hose In rhiirge of itie frcKh iilr partleN, »nd chairman imil HMiicrlnieiulRpt aro conaultlng every ‘IhJ' In the ofllc€ of the Female ChrminLile Sorlety’H building, at 905 llalsey ein-i'i, iihout Bending people awiy. M.iny of the appll- cunta are In aiuTi u posUlon that they can noi ti-H when they can go, nor for how i-mg. iindl wUhIn a fewH dayn of ilu-lr deparnire. For theee the yommlttee tnuHl pUn end make ar- riingements, whil^ ihe mtmey js supplied from the frenh air fuml

The NEWrt ijrg-'.y ftirlhur rirntrlbutlons to the fund rnMlrilMiiloiiH will be received HI the office, iiuknuwlu Igfii In ihe IjlEWH and turned over lu ilic Fumale ('harltable BcM'lely,

The fund now slan<N iih fullowe:Balance from last >eur................. tTPA 71John H. IhilJanllne Mi-morlal Fund ¥V) 00MlssCornella JB. Halsey................ l!O0 tJOA Friend....................................... m doD r Leslie P. Ward....................... 100 DONewark N B W 8.............................. M 00Miss Sarah Wallace...................... 35 00The Makeutaque Society.............. 30 OUEdward T Ward........................... 25 »H1Joel Parker Asnoulallon.......... . 2$ 1*0Mrs. R. H. Allen........................... 25 OnMr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Dennis.............. 25 OuNewark Dally Advertiser............. 25 00Miss Craven's schonl................... 21 12Centre Street Club, South Orange. 2t) UOMrs. Franklin Murphy.................. W 00

AUkl ofihurrh .....


t'irrb*. King's

• iiiral Prewbyter-

the Fc-

Klio:''- Circle. King'sI p,.(..Kille rs i<r Ceuirttl M 10.* 'iiiji- Ij .. ............................

I., i i ml t Ni............................Mb hu- 1 T H ih . It..................... ....M I 'm -i* n- k i 'r jnu .............. .......VVII]lnt< ' [ mi ('iii-li . Kiiiii'a DmukI i

lorn ..........................................(JiMifH' W ............................Yii'jiiK WoijU'7i (

North IbTf'riii'd John it. ll'irtllti Mth John M .Mi "Kiij'pa Ali'lij ‘

liiicglii^rs .....\\ ell turn* t'lrcli', <'i

laiv CluirrhThe mipthiri' niffting i.(

m:ilf riinrli:ili|p H-'p i* iv ............Adiilf line un>l Nofraa...........Bi.\ *1 .\t.irh'-i Di-|iui ............The I ’onifnrilng Clrrla of Klng'a

l>:iuKliter'H ..................................Mrs. joHHph Ii lltriN ini.................Mr^ I V. A Hmalli'v ....................Henry Mer-zftMd .......................... .Mrs .^ririih Wnnl .....................

I Mrn I'liiirles ,\1- b-*N ....................A. Kj Keiisboy A 9"ii ....................Mr iiml Mrs. H r fhilspy.............

i >Irs K M nougl.iH ....... ..........Hi'V Louis Shrevi- i k } ,Innsniui h ClriTe, i'»-nipnury

odist Church,.,El'worlh lyeivgue.

M. E C'hiircn.......................■Whatsoever Circle. Roaevllle.H V. K ................................A. E. 8 . Kusevllle..................Mrs. Frank fi. Hampton........Anonymous ..........................Misp 8fnry Wheeler...............Carrie Ij. Bvkes......................In loving niemorv of F.A Frleml ..........................Office boys of Ihe NE-WflMrs. J J. n<"rry...............In Memorlam...................A Friend............... ............



.r 8f


10 00Ul IRJ10 no it! 00

10 0010 Ol

10 (>i 10 IN<10 On

10 m

10 O'

9 11 6 111 5 19

5 on S 00 5 Ou 5 00 5 iKI D on 5 on 5 OU 5 00 5 00

5 00

5 006 on3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 OO2 on 1 &n 1 20 1 00 1 OO 1 00

• 32.173 73


Clalma nnd Cunnter t.'laljua fcSflectlQg Katute of F rrderlok A. HelL of

Madison, Made In Coart.gpeeUI lUspstch to the NKiWft.

MORRISTOWN. June 28-^Jn the Morris County Orphans' Court yesterday the run- troversy over the administration of the will of Frederick A, Bell, uf "Bellwood," Madison avenue, waa begun before Judge JVreeland. In his will the millionaire left iKiD.OuO and the estate of hiN father and mother to his slater, Mra. Calherle Lewis, ami to her son, Alfred Lewis, the sum of Il.V>,tiuO- To H cousin. H. II. SeHirxire, wum tic-queathed 32&,oou on cuiulUlon that he make no other clHlm.H ngalnsi the i-stato. Mr. Seamorc did jmi Iri a claim f->r $hi,00ti. but subsequently iici-epted the anumiil ac- ciTded him In the dufument.

To hlB friend. Dr. Lalhrop, Mr Reti left IlS.OOO; an annuul Income of I2.iioii to hla slnter-ln-law, and an Inrume of 31,i>iu to another cousin, To his widow was b fi "Bellwood," (hvir Murrlstow'n home, and 3500,000, this lip be taken fripm any slm-k belonging to Mm that she might desln*. as well aa all (hv Inuisehohl k i-kIh, hors» 's. carriages, etc Should she sur%‘lv» lits nephew, all w -nr iip hi»r. but in uaso of her death, this reverlfd to Mr Lewis.

At the ei)il uf one >’tuir aftor Mr. Ibdl's death tlvre interest accumubitu-! amounting L> L'7.161.42, which Mrs. Heii claims, si.HitiK ibai ii w iis ihe interest her share <’T li "•xi.iMiti. This claim la buln^ conleale«l by Seniiitir Mahlon Pltivey, r» !• reaentlug .Mr Lewis, rui the ground (luki no special st-H’ks had l»een mentioned .ttu, that iHlh liMtTusi WHS part of the itself The uueHlIon is, do the ieg.u j. - Cunmunco at the time nf Mr Peil'.» d- a ) or c)Hr )p-iir after ihn filing of accouni.-, .■ Is ctiyiiihiar) The coun will decbli Ii r l.Mi-r

JuilgTi \ re#‘ laiid allowTtl Ihe accoui:Mrs. lifll auil fie-irgi* Turnbull, lh'- • \ U!--rs p-f llie f—lali; A ipedtlon w.i^ _ KfTiti-i In Senai -r I'llney, procPir I t - 't ’iriit’Mil, i-'t Irnlsslnu of th«* - ■ sl-pfl of thf ♦•n-ruiur.'t Mrs. Bell v, i - • rfSfiitcil b) K-lward Vj. Ki‘asln‘\ \ lu'jirli g argiiireiii Ihe court -,U“wai.'»- - f fL'iiHN) as comniUsi -p, ill. Mp i1 I-pUuws: tl--.Ut«MO Mrs. lii

.Mr Turnbull.


Fnireral o f Pour->>oiir-4ilil .Vila Tate, ftafTocnleil Yeaterday Murolnt^,

Held This Afternoon.The funeral o f Ada Tate, the four-year-

olii dafiKhier of Mr. and Mrs. William Tate, who was suffocaied In a fire at her parents’ home. 100 Montgomery avenue, iiloumtleld, yesterday morning, was held this aflernonn from the home of Ed­ward Adams, a friend of the family, at 392 Franklin .street, In that place,

The scrvL'cs, rnnducled by Rev. Hr. VujicH. of AaceriHloii Bplscotwl Chapel. Were prlviiic. only the Immediate relatives of lb.- f;*mlly bfjng prusent. The In- Icruieiil WHS In Floral H ill remiMery, Jer­sey I'll y

l»i\rliiit nrii'nipts to rescue th»* tot from th»- UurnlnK building weri- Tna.le, as told In yepip-Tpluy s NEWS, by rhlcf H. F. Hlg- wihs. Ilf lb-- Hbuinjnebl Fire I^epartment, iiiul ly .i Finingcr whose IcIciLiiiy has not Im-uu •«slIlMl^hed,

lli> n.iTuu Is said to be Henry Lehr.■J'hi- T U ps had no Insunmce whatever

ii; -u itif furniture in th*’ lr hp'm#'.

I'ff 'iL Icn i M oK ln l^> p ln jn at vrai i^lih jiliiB. Monday's \l-'W S.

•‘ 118 UK SAW A LAltt.lC kS A K fi.

WlMiain I'l-ivcr, of Ifvlnginn, who re- 'u iL kilb-ni a foiir-fo«ii trJiicksnake at ‘'if.iiLil'- i-und. that town, says that he iia ,1 Ht;.ikr In ibe fHim! yesterday which *'iH fully }iix B‘ci long. I'inver says that It* WHS walking along the bank of the "fi‘l * Ii- I i In- saw sotTielblr.g I hat ho sup-

.1 log W hllf h.' wusi w’alchlng '-■I moved, and he Was sur- -'-I' that it was a large black-

<1 W.i

ik':iM,:cki'il (he leptllo With aIf g' l ;iw:i)' Is sure that

' Wits folly six funt In length-

GOOD BREAKFASTS.Start llic Osy Bight,

ro ^ E n . I’K itrngKn. m a ii im i h


l-'oritier 5Ic»rr Ifelovrii rUiktika r n pi,,. i flakes llrtile of Y'trsl I'ainin.

Si «<:sl 1 n-,-si.-h tn the VKivsM "li!US 'l'nW N. June -Tin- u --

p f MW.h K-l!rh \'an Dyk-. -l- -Mesllh Insi^rtor Robert S \Nir I- k M"irl’-mwn. lu J. Kreil<Tlik I - N 'w lla\«‘n. C’unik. r»-v«-slr* i lu.mce. Abuut three monlh'< wti-i is a pluvii>8rapher. c-mt- i, " rfiiil opened a studio lu Wii.-tiiuK' " Aiming hl» first patr«-us \\I Fi ke. and U w;i> ai.-ar-ull) .t |u\r at hrst ^Ight with b--!h Ai >■Dunne palil tbr viiufig w-.m.m tn '■ iiliilnn, uT',*t VI h n |o li ft Mnrr ' gp» to 4‘olo-u»' l'i-!r.i Lof.a Islii- w- i Ks acip. iUirri»-,j Miss Vnn l'»l- with him

Lust M -i L.' lu finswHr r-i .4 •- ffvmi Du?.Ill Van l)yke w..- i V rk anil rr-f Mm A shor? llo ,

w«>r- married by Jte\'b- uw. .I'l-l ih- yoUT\g vrom- wvre I’ltormeil of the rnarr Dunne mturned home yeHU-r-; . ceDed tin* i-.irental benedli il- .

K f . ______P l « t « r * rwmWM, x i rn r a ,

%• ■— J im iM V m AAm miA ^ira tatoMMO* ^kwBMotr. glarrbBwa, ca oaia-r j I T ' ^ 1 ^

Second |>enth from KiiiLision,ST-*i.ifc| I'l-i-atch to Ihe NKWS

ILLI*:;. June n ........fb-.nh rvf.ulUne irom the in>., |rW ItrnMWl^'B drug Btun- t-f, U - ^oci u r r ^ t this inorulng. wl i - Hull died at the Soinefsp l 1' - •, ;iNiiand M> wifi- resided D Th. •> •.Ffore Mrs Hall e « “ap»-l w • -r. u r rl-ut her hufband Was ha.?'i ' , ,1 jcut She carried! him to .» |. p f The physicians at the b- sp,i j Uioutht Hail was doing very welJ l„. l . evY-n- fr.g, and ihat hr would rerov«-r

■Womnw ,%ecw«ed of Thetf.iMH-aubP" the

IdORRISTTtwN. Juns FarrHltwemy-two yrgrs ok*, ami I'r^pmseiniria In appearance, was lodgeo in ;he Morris L^anty J j l l ni«IU th«r»ed with th» tb»ft uT t l. front n o s u i t th . liouee. a fashionable hosrdtng-house tn Buutfa street, Morristown 'When »r* rmigped beftnr Police Justice Clift the yovng woman refused to make a state­ment.

S ee re tw rr Moot B r la ro e .W AHIIKOTON. JuM M .-«ecreUry

RcKjf returned to We«faiogion this monw•« - |.‘"A WS* ef -•*•-1kM bHs a te ta t atoat a «Mh ta Mawaw k

T' r* bre.ikfaei Ih i»rhapa the most Iro- '■ >; 1 irir-al uf rhv vtay Europeans UiU- > - ii u very liKlii hrifakfasi. Many

....... . hava- atuinach trouble because■ ii I' pp much tir fiH>d of not the right

' r ir ilw m--Milng nir-al An Ideal bregk- ' I l-iikid ur stJine other fruit,'ll "f Gruiw-Nui"i FikmJ with a little

tiT' Hiiil IL cup Ilf Pii.aium Food Coffee.I '.IN’ ' ff all meal. hul biscui ts, t tc .' -I" Nut.< und F'usium both furnish the . ’•piuile uf p.-iHSti together w'tth Other

-1 ' L im-tiiM UMi [{•' tu niAke up brain ; I -jve c»r;ir»-’v, as wrJl ge muscle and

Hiul N-ih can bi- digested by the ■m il h uf an infunt

It Is the part of wisdom fiown<’ayB to r -i-.l i.ihv .4ei».rt»*d for nourish-

' - I Gi.ii •;i!, h* easllj- dtg-^sted. Teh <'r*\s Inal uf This breiikfast arid you Will

-1 I' [hpu.gli v.'U had • I'leaned house.’* l'! > » xb liLcaI luii iff bounding health Is

vv- r**i a buiidn-d linits the stmil outlay uf lime and cure In arranging such a'it-.ikliiHt

.Mr« R:t*y. i;,:.-, rhestnui St.. Camdeh. .N J . »ay.< she forD.erly breakfasted on ‘ b-pj-s. hoi biscuits and offee. "A fter such -» lUral 1 wivuld have beX'ere pains and Ihry woiLkl last st^merimHa far Into th* night ■' stli4» Anally -Dtertnlned on a change Pi her iliet, ami had for breakfast only ar**pe-Nuts Foo*l and a little cream, with Fortum F'.khi c-*rT*'e. She says; 'Tn a very few days the IntvstlTial trouble all dlaap- t>«*ared- 1 havw r-gained my old-time *felghi. lost ihij irniaUllty and nernma- nese. and life lakes on a hew aspect,

• \Vh«D I feel a liuSc eghaustesi 1& the day 1 simply drop everything and stir a ep<>onful of Orape-Nuis !o a UtH« Cteara or hot milk, and tn ten mlnutas I have regained my vigor and freshness.*'

Orape-Nuts Fn<->d Is best when served just as it comes fr-.>m the package, with­out any cooWng whatever. Ths foo< kM already been cooked ten or twetv« houra In the process of raanufaetwrlag u. When made up tmo puddlnga. pla« ang o t to desseru It docs not hurt t| to be cooAad again, but when served simply aa g braak- faat foo< It abould never be cooked. Oa the oemtrmry* Poatua Coftee atotutely must be boiled sruen or to^ebty mlnaiet betflfw Lbe teed y a to aad ftaver <ma a.

A n n u a l M id s u m m e r S a le .

More l^an f 0,000 Articles Reduced in Price. Many Things Selling at Half Price and Less.

Sale Began To-day, Continues To-morrow, N ext Week and Week (After*

The .sale o f inc i.r ie J ' o f beauti­fu l Sample t 'i l.’ nJerm usliiis at n iuch les^ t ;a i ihc ir value is a feature o f the Atuitial Sale.

W e repjat ih ; t jo w n items published ^e e -l.iv and add


Squarf, Ihcb \ tifrk— muslin nr tambric— ■ 'ok- .-liilT'nJfry anU iL.'ks — (lilt liejiisdu iii-'j -.IS styles ^ Q _ — value up to s =1-, It ..............

Muslin or i'.i;n’ rk' eislil styles, in- duding Enifirr. ' J i.l llieli Ne;k —Mus­lin or Cambnr lnU'iouterv sir Lacetinished ettects salue 51 J.S, 98c

Extra Sue—lilt!'- ■ ' " j jiokes of fine duster Uioks and neriistits-hin;;—Rood quality nuislm--value $1, 89c

Twelve stylfs iruin which lo select — Empire, V iir ^q'i.ire nr Neck— yokes o f emhi''Kiersf nr i;ice— Muslinor Cambric— value up lu ^1.25. 87c

Muslin or riinb ' ic—Empire, V, Square or High neck- vokes oi embroidery in- sertings and fine du.ster tucks—also sev­eral styles ill lac; etTecls— r a Q valne M.SO, at......................

Empire, V or Migli nexk—extra qual­ity— Muslin nr I jm hric— yokes ol Ime cluster tucks ur insrrlings of embroidery and lace— hemsiudieJ cuffs C l " I Q — value up lo 52................. ■4)1*0 y

V neck on lv -yoke of fine tucks and Insertings o f embroidery— liberal widtii fhroughout — value 51.25.

'Boys' and Girls' Shoes,

Boys' Tan Willow Calf Lace Shoes; wide toe s liip e ; grvod heavy soles and low broad heels; sizes 1 2 '-, to S.'!-; will stand a lot of wear; regularly ‘7 ' i sold at f3 ; during this sale at ^ 1 * / O

Girls' Tan Kid Spriiigheel Shoes; lace and button; strong soles; wide toe; sires II to 2; regularly t l.4 9 i sizes gift to 10 ',i, regularly *1.23 J 2

" P E E R L E S S " $2.50 Shoes — 15 styles— at 52.20.

" R E H A N " 5 ) Shoes; 18 styles—52 .(p5.

Notion Specials*Sc. Book Tourists' Pins— 6c.5c. Card American hooks and Eyes—

3c.Light Weight Dress Shields— W h ite -Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5

7c. He. 9c. tOc.Velveteen Skin binding—16c. 4)ard pieces— I4C.20c. 5 yard piecrs— 18c.Perfeciinn Collar pieces, 9c. and 10c.Tolsene s Lio'jble Belling—Jc.and 4c.

a yard.

Fancy Goods*Imitation shell Empire Combs— I9c.Mnlaiir.n Shell Barettes— 8c.Imitation Shell .Side Combs— 16c. a

pair.Wilde and t jilored Fans; decorated-

16c., 4.Sc., ooc.Brass Picture Frames— 19c.igc. an.1 2(Jc Belt Buckles— 15c.Coml’mati.jn Pocket Book!; In grain

alligat'd, Seal and walrus— 34c.O ihfi i''■tket Books at 32c.CliJie iine Hags-5OC. kind— 44c.

S a m p le H o s ie ry *The news o f the s-redt sale o f Sample Hosiery spread like fire and

from m orn ing t i l l iti;:ht ciawJs thronged the counters on w hich the great kits were hcapc.l.

No need of teordv to emphasize the values.

I7cValues 25c to 35c

Thousands ol Plain Black Fancy Prints Drop 5litcn Collr«5j0nly

4Values 65c

Hun.lreds of Fancy Novell,fs Drop Stitch Lisle Boot eflecls


Values 39c to 50cPlain Black Cotton BEu'k, Drop rSlitdiand \Vliile / Tipped Lisle Fancy Stripes

Values 35c to $ t .Black .Silk Lisle and Cott'ori Drop Stitch Lace Lisle fancy Novelties

47c$5 Redfern Corsets-$t.43

This is nothing new.Several times hefore we have sold enormous lot'v of Redfern Sam­

ple Corsets at a fraction o f the ir value. Thus is the only house in the country h.ts ever undertaken to liandle such great special lot.s o f these high gr.ide corsets - the makers are sim ply astoni.shed at o u r outlet.

The "K e d le rn " Corsets are so well known to our patrons and friends that ihev need no praise at our hands. The f.ict that we are selling gentiiiie S5 Corsets fo r J1.4;} and 52 is sufficient to b ring all we can properly serve every day while the sale continues.

Redfern Corsets—Stylf A—made of French Coutil boned with genuine whale­bone; bias ciil; medium and long waist; semi-straight front; edged with lace and baby ribbon: flossed with silk; tills corset will rcidily adapt Itself to Ihe aver- A '3 age figure; sizes l 8 to 30—in white only—actual value *s—to be sold at ^ 1 *t O

Redfern Corsets—Style C—made of French Batiste; boned with genuine whalebone; trimmed with Valenciennes lace; woven with baby ribbon; richly flossed with silk; this style makes a very desirable summer corset; white only; sizes C 'J tS to 28, excepting 20—actual vilae * 5 —to be sold at,.....................................

Sample Dress Skirts.We have just purchased a manufacturer’s sample line and surplus

numbers o f T a ilo r Made Dress Skirts at a price enabling us to sell them to yo u ve ry cheaply.

Made of Broadcloth, Venetian, Cheviot and Sicilian, either lined or unllned; In either flare or flounce styles, trimmed with bands of stitched taffeta or satin or plain tailor stitching; made In the best possible rnanner and worth In the regular way *5 to *9.50, divided into two lots to sell at $3.98 and $4.98

25 Taffe ta S ilk Dress Skirts at about half-price.

t ,0 0 0 Yards Linoleum Remnants—2Sc*These are best qua lity Printed Linoleums in very handsome pat­

terns, ranging in size fro m 6 feet square to 6 feet x )5 feet— in many cases several pieces o f one pattern, enabling us to cover a large ■ 'J C -room or ha ll— the regular 50c. grade a t ............................................ Z O C

Bring the measure ol your room with you.

Ribbon Specials*Besides those we advertised yes­

terday, we are o ffe ring these ex­ceptional va lues;

Entire new issortmenl of fancy 4 r t _ Ribbons, 3 and 3,'i inches wide,at I w C

A new lot of those 7-Inch Taffeta Sash Ribbons to be sold on Saturday at only................... ...........

Fancy Ribbons 2 ' 4-lnch wide, to-morrow at.....................

Black Velvet Ribbon, satin back, t to 2 A.i-inch wide—special priced for ^ tu r- day’s buyers.

Black Vetbet*4 inin u


Evcellent Black Velvet; 24 inches wide -and this Is wider than usual; reg. f t . 50 yard; special price fur this sale.................

at. 25cMen's and Women's Cheviot and

Grenadine Imperial Scarfs—can be made in new Ascot or Knot Scarf with flowing ends; made to sell at 4Bc., marked for quick distribution at Z ^ C


Ready Made Sheets* Toilet Specials,Just about SO dozen Ready Made

Sheets of excellent quality muslin are here at special prices.

Hemmed Sheets—size torn81x90; special price................... O U C

Hemstitched Sheets—size lorn ,8 1 x90; special priced........ '6 0 c

40c. Bar Green Castile Soap at—2Sc. 2 2c. Bottle Florida Water—19c.19c. Pack 'Peerless” Foot Com­

fo rt-1 8 c .2 5c. Bottle Century Perfume—21c. 18c. Bottle Cloudy Ammonia— 14c. 7c. Box Elorated Tooth Powder—5c. 7c. Cake White Egg Soap—6 c.

**American Queen" and **Fashions" fo r July—Ready!f

tsua Heavy Barnsley Buck Towels; : ail linen; hemmed; size >Sx3 6 a ^ !inches; very cheap a t................. L / C 1

Another All Linen Hemmed Towel; just as good as the B a r n s l e y , 1 but a little smaller, at on ly__

All Linen Scotch Plain Bleached Crasa soft finish; red bordered; IS inches 44 wide; very absorbent; special at.. I I C

All Linen Glass Towelling ll. l^ c .

Summer Needs*Tlicsc specials in the Basement.Painlett Toilet Stands with Water Jug.

Basin and Soap Dish complete-special at 89c, ’

Infants' Bath Tul^s; painted green and white; 25 inches long—49r ,.1.

Infants’ Bath Tubs; pain'led green and white; 33 inches tong, 89c.

Foot Tubs; painted; good s ize -2 Ic .Foot Tubs; galvanized; good Size —

29c,Japanned Grern Sprinkling Cans—I

quart Size -special at 9c.; 8 quart size— 29c.; 12 quart size—39c.

Galvanized Iron Sprinkling tjans— 8 quarl size 29c.; 1 2 quart size 44c,

Sleeve Pressing Stands—fit any tabl*— 24c.

Gas Toasters-wire gauze—at 12c.Gas Ekiilers —double wire gauze—32c.Asbestos Stove Mats—tin rim —3c.Asbestos Stove Mats—cold handles, t i l

rims—special at 4c.

Writing Paper By The Bound*

This is really an extraord inary offering. I l involves several thou ­sand poiindsof excellent w riting pa­per and envelopes to m atch— made and packed to our o rder--thc paper in pound packages o f <36 sheets, the envelopes in the usual packs of 25.

The paper is cut in O x fo rd or Square shape and O ctavo, or regu­lar note size— in ve llum finish.

We have fixed the price at only

lOc a pound.And a Pound o f Paper w ith

5 0 Envelopes

16c*The piper makers expected us to make

our money, if any, on the Envelopes, bi't i l the above rate you will wonder where even the paper makers get anything out of It.

Single packs of Envelopes will cost 5c. —that is easily half vutue for stock of this grade.

M ens Neckwear*Men's Silk Grenadine Ties—the new

Club House, plain blue, black figured and checks, plain scarlet and light blue —43c. kind marked to sell

Broad T I 7 1 7Street. W * V * O T lyQ C P CD tuO.f. Street

Form eriy W ith J. C. .McCurdy & Co. i5 r2 ro . 1 0 0 1 .

i-peiiilty o f BveryU iing In Bedding. No f^urniture.ROSSNAGEL & de PLANQliE N E W A R K F IR E W O R K S D E P O T !


Tlalarty'EClgf^Atlw Akoraviol D la p lA y o l


&leel W.t-: StC«l Kli:

4.6S.W. W IllT

l phciDte-TMaurr^si X

all excel>>uu best S. A ti-

Hair an*! I up.

Hair nuitt L’ph oDlCTr

and reiov i r tiUhevl.

C'litiplele, 1,65.1 T.-w'. irtiii, with aprirg,

NJ-t frame Cot, 9Sc* >’ ■ ‘ .1 Utils.from 2 ,1 9 1 p.

: ' .i;iv ii> Lt>l. 1.29,'.1 materials frcim rn

' 1.4? ui> 10 the v<jy !.-xir al iO.OOi

tin^r I'illuwfl from 49c.

' • r..-tile ffver—Sc# lb ■i.rmltiTT made ove.

'1 IJ' A covering fur

M ,

m;d- <

2 -H *

Iliirtily rpeommcnded DiamoDd Fold* -lilt B.*- k SiTiutf. all size*. ,

v\’ovfji Wirr<1wiH>d Frame sprliVt dl iTtin Ifeds. i.W . , .

HL'fl f-’nbrii' \ ■clV♦*n Wire flpelog, with 4leel franjt*, im wood. 3.4*.

KctritMiinii SiHfft SprluffS. fit all itzoI leits. 3.U8.


HELENA. Jiiri? 28-T h e UnitedStates gr^rrl ; ir> \ 9 avljoumed after fourteen da ^ - 4i-n, reporting an un­usual numi'u . r i:.<hetnients. In all 12S true bills w r*- r.i :ru4Ml One nf -- [; r., <jo with petjurrand subornf‘1- I. r p rjury In eonnectlo-n with tlmbvr rreitu.i#,

Il Is rellsi h re p.-rtetl that Ih# peraoni tiidlcied tn ili-wr t.mLH'T caaes are thus# who luok uji ki'll r land and afierwifd Mid It to SrT.hiur W A. Olarh. tbua vlo- jg.tna iHw 1-M. tskint up ttmb#rland fur e i i * * - I ' h e g^overnnaem has a suit saairiKt A'lsrh. In ih« Fadatal <Court, tu st t uNtOf- patents for lo.uwu acr\a of l^ b « r lark] tak -n up tn thla mannsr, Frad E. Maynard. 9]>#clal aaeni of Ihd Ilk* tartoc Department, has been h«JW far sotoe ttEDv aorkJni up caeea apalnat the prteoners who have juat been Iftdicted. Tha names the indicted penona have not bean made pubuc it was from IL M. Cobban, of Mlaaouim. that Benator W. h. Clark aeeured the landa It U aiaeitid that Cobban acted aa Clarfc's ayetit had that U waa on thla theory that tha lOV' amaant on Mondajr auad Clark ta elUaia hte dtla to the laada It la m M la aoM y r t w tb«t Ctark U m i r w w ladleMI,

Special nispalih in theI BASKING HHK3E:. June Sl^Dtiilnc the I heavy ih'mder shower which passed ever Ibis vHIhkv yesif^rday sftemoon, the house occupied Uy William 0. Errlrkson waa struck t<y lightnliiK-

William Pk-kan was in the bulldtnf at the Ttrat* and received a severe shock, be- in; rend' r*M unc'onecloua. The damage to the buliJlTiit is about 17$.

R em em ber the wemaiw*# RORC ptet- wre eoBieat (o r awswiwwr p h o to a ra - pheen. T h ree p r iseo w i l t ha artvew, the drat, g id t seewwd» 6^*1 (Itivd, gs, (■hotoprapha ntwel W pwhflaified be­fo re Jm ly 1ft. A d d rw M 'V h a N to m p h le C o a te »l." Ih e « l f e w » , * R w w h tk , H. J.

la Carter’s G la s s B i t t e r J a r s

Better ia bat DCTciget* ttro a f quirea any bad u n e froa i vcfFtobie* in the re fr ic e n u r. Phe t im , b e id ttg I , 3, 3, A tod $pem iri* Mcb. Sold by H a lM tS w a a r , Baai- t M ^ 4 S T c . T . S ^

1 , r> ■ • IV, 1 AllwifTMtedtob* of the brtqn*nt»»n4t4Larfest Slock la the State.of the follow Inc well-known flrmi;



Alse Evfrythtwg tlMIt'S New apd NeveU


W here

PAIN’SM allifail’s Prices; Lowest in Newark.

you ah ray s the BEST GOODS for the L E A S T M W iB Y . Flam nocka (m «H ktnda. Good# ahipped to all paita.

S k t*o i » i c : vEC V I S N i l K O O I .

F ir e w o r k s ! F i r e w o r k s !F o r yom r F b o w o r ia g o to booAfmar l t f t , w bero jrom w lff A Mtha iMtgott MMoortm emt M a t*K ( from « t iMo low m t grkm .

Q U A . I y l ' T Y O U A R A j n c X I ^ ^ O a

M . S I C K E L 7 liNETdwIS S n O S B a i lT H i .K f ¥ 8H M V IO IM

H E iI A

wmm i H i l i i i P




O i a n g e B r a n c h — N a t i o n a l B a n k B u i l d i n g . T e l e p h o n e O r a n g e 4 7 8 .

EAST ORANfiE SH IR TW AIST PABTy.I l-WBl Irt!• 4 III I III*v e r u l f j - l l n l l * ^ 0 < h < * r : S o t e »

f r u i x i l l i « O r u t i K ^ i k *A fchlriw«liit priTiy w as held In I'nlver-

slly Hull, lia lH l'd Sitrui*!. liasi UnuiKe. lan[ evfiiiiJtf iiiulri’ (h r uf ill'*e;hurcli o; Our Lady U f lp uf OhrUtlaiis nf E.isl OrmiK*’. Abuui iSiiJ iii'ijpk- iiucml- fd and the allalr wan a dfrlil-d a\isJii-ss. A l Ui>- k-onclUfclyn uf daiHJhiK. ^vrrl■^il' i m i i i a \ v t . r f s c r v ^ i l . T h t * i ' u U " w l i i r 4 w « r i ' j t i

Kluor (.'ominii I i-f. A. Hiirli,N. A. Siai)t*liuii, K. J. Moitinit-y: i-t-'lii'>h- im-ma, C. 1‘. -MiDrIdt*, M LllliUt, (Jvi.rge J. Kulpy. Krniik oIohKroom. \V. E. Ktli^sf. 1’. A^'Uay. John ilLKinli')-. EIIU.L j . liriticue. L’olca U i-rluhlra furJilfehid nuisio.

A niu.slful Hiid l l i m i r y en t t r ta lm non i T\1U III- glvfii in StilV4illion Anny Hull. Aialu siff-oi. OruiiKc, lo-nlKhi.

Henry L ''"Miidh. ur*U iH ’0 ln ptrort. Or- urifii', roiurnofj lo-iJiiy a ftiT spemllnR a ijiiHuli with tti J' rsey, D-

l'z;il lAO'ld AJiiind Arm y i'osi: Na. 1-. O' OranH«-. Is Arraiixini? for a datiihakir at J!erui II Foiiil soi.n.

h u l l w h i c h W i n s b o i n f f d r l v i i i t i p < ’ ' ' « ■ t r i l l u v i - n u u , n r u i i K o . y o a i o r t l i i y a T U r u o n i i . I ' M k i ; ! l o O H t ’ f t o i T i U s k o t f v f i t t i d l a n U i l o i h f U r a n K t t U a r k , w h i T e U W : i » c u p U i i e d b y T J i u i i i a s (luyiiijr.

L a f f i S f l l f l . u i J j A M N o . 12. o f i h J i l F r l l o w a . Ilf Uraiiwe. i-ltM.-ieil theso ofUirrs last nlkhl;Noble tji’anil. 1'aiii‘ l ITljh ono, vk'o-iiruMd. Fr#d, Uruw ir. n l urillMj^ hrcraihry. M. T ' o l t o r . t n - i i s n n r . W . H , Y t o m a i i s , T h e rejujor nu-iiliitf uf iho I'-dpe insL Thur-s- day nl*;lit vein be !}ls|n iis. ii wUb.

The i'lirk Siri'ot irnproei im m Hookly t i f U i T i i i g e b i i . s I ' u n u i k ' t o d a f r ; i M K " : ' n H ‘ i i l . s f(ji' lu iiiiiiiial crtiiipkiK i’'U irlp Ht. Hakr Jlnjian’otifi: thf tir<! is.<k in AOriiPT. Tbe fulh-wiiiK will biivf I’loirffr: H, H. I'ost, prr^biriii: kurnyriic Hlojini ha 1, irrasur-.^: J-Vr*'!, r Shaun, c asmU; Mark- wiHh l•uMVMKmlln; lU-oiLn Smltb. i^ujior- Inb-iidi lit; fiiiirb"^ \i. S<. ba f‘-r. tra!is|i<ir* lafloti iiiHiiJi*<fr: WMliinn li.ifiMii. niiai!:!’

Frank Anns, I’K' Mrii-isi-arnis;soiH-riT'ti ■i linit uT ImhIs ;

BURIED IS A SAND PIT.D r a t t h t * I t i i l i R n H e c r l v f * J n j n r l ^ a

f r o m W h l r h H e MAy \ o t I t e r o v e r .

J n s e p l i S c r a u b . a n I l a l l a n , J i v i n g a t 45 ■ ‘ o n e s t n - o i , U r H i i g e , w a s b u r i e d I n a s a n d l > i l a i b i i V i l c r a r n J N o r t h F e i i i r c K l r t * i - t 3. o r i j i i t f i ' . > 1 - i f f i j j i y n f T t T n - J n n , a n d r c v e l V P d

m j u r i i ' . H . i r o m w h i c h h e m a y n o t

I 8< T u u h i v a .4 . ‘• ' o U . a n d v s B s

m p U » y < ‘ r t b y T h o m a w M a ' . ' u l i n g s a n d f i < u n t h e

I I ' U n o d L i l l i i i K n w a y a h a n k o i l l h » p r o p - M - r i y f . n w l i b ' h M r . C o l l I m r m i . s b u l l d i i i K - t l b h . i d b . n k i ' d l i p i i c u l l ( o l o a d w l l h

?^a i i i . l u h e n [ h e i - a r t h t u ' g a T i t o c a v i ; I n - H j i d H i o i i i i i n w . i H b n r i t ' c l b e n e a i l i 11. T h e

w a K u i i i v i i .1 i i j r t o t : o v i r « ' d u n d w a s b r o k e n I b j , H | i - w i d g l i l o f l l u i p a m l .! ' i ' l u . - ( ‘ i i v e d n w a s J l e e u b y |V4> o ] > k h i H i e; r o i M l i b r i r h i K - i i l a n d it f o r c i - n f m t - n n i . ' H h f d

l i f S r r a t i b -s l i s . s i s t j u u ’ e n a d l i u g v l f 4" i -L U. ' 'Jy t o i t - . u ' i u - h i n i W i l l n b i . s h e a d w a . - l i i i a l l y

' u n t - o v e n d w a t r - r w a s t h r o w t i u l i . u i ( h e s p n i i ( i j i r e v i ' n l H i e s a n d f r o m i } | \ i u j ; l u a ^ u h i . S c i ' a i i h w . - i s s u f f r - r l n g i n t . - t s i - p a i n a n d w a s t a k i r i i n T h e l l ' - i i a ' i i a i i i l . u i i i a t ' e

! I n i l n - A H - u n r i a i H i i s p j t u l . n i n - i . | | , l ^ i p j i s w a s b r i ' k i - i i a n d h e l a p r o b n b l v ' l t . j H j * - d I n -

i u r r i a l l y


K I v o t i r a d u i i t e i i f r u u i t h i * I t h u r t H l l l n

I H h I i . ' • i ' h n o l R e n d K s n u y s H i i t l

I t e e e l v i ' d i H p h i i i i i t n .

T h e a n n u . i l n , - i m n - n ' , i n t i i t i x v r i d s * * s n f

n-INCH wcHxl cltnt’I'bLk' |..loAf f«n« for Sh*. , di.-'li m-

xird nifxsarf^. ar , »ici: * . l- t r n p l i k n . ; h « p p » . i i i d ■p a i r . L ' f c r r l m t i ^ J ( “ i ^ ' i

, h ^ i t l h - , 3r . ; n - ' . i»t h r p i i b l n .«1 l i ' i o i s -H . M i ' l b i i m w e n * l u d J j n o n - h » u i h s , h m l ' . nl:i^t l:. ih. ..Mmllly-lmini . 'f T ' kO'',, , . * . ; t ' r r s i H s I h u l l i * rKf.imnnii >i boni .ii tbiit I'ki' O. In iho pr< s- ' wire. ?lc.: kriuirutn.- >' i- I in i- III a laic, -iUdii-iu r Th* nljiUorni In ; wntNi j,|iooti«. 3*' . i- in iI I ..,..1 ik.Ti.1 i.i... i.L

. fi'iir (lalin TA'I'fj .rfTH\'S«>\, iiud rtm ftr** 52-P l n t u ' i n l w - r s i m t n - r e ‘ o b - r r s . * l 7T«: i l n t a n i i E a i l M n y ,

II.. iiM« .Tiiiiii).. j.oli.ii, Ji 77. <•>1^ liwid fftniiiirt fiowder.P ' : t ' l i n i k ■ • u T t i i i k * ' p l s i n l s , i l k - . ; larfm tm~

i < i ! i i f n - i U i f i i ' i l s i - m n ( * i a - i h r f i ' U F J U b i L Z 231 M . i l r i s i

i n i i i g

. .1 , . rV\ U ' f ' J t . r a i n r v p r i o , ' * . I . i n h i i ^ n m r l e s .

Mif ftoilri I't Cir b.ill. Hlu-ri' I tu- >Tfndll;U+.H j, s.ii, urol fmm vI l b l i v i r i ' d , w . i - t bI jiNiiirs. A b iiiK

1. 1, 1. I h . ' . l - m , . y t . L K f t - W b v , l' H i l l ' l l v v l t b I n l J . i i i i - a n d I h u l l t “The BJu k I.

. , n . i iv i r > b d M l . l l ^ n T . u ! i l ! , - u n - a l b s u f .h W » c I T ]7i n . nb i i a r l u i i i n i n m H . i - . - | . m i . r h a r i i l ' l l v i s . g n n i e l a a n, , , o f w i t l a f l r U r i i 1‘ - i s

< ' n t h i ’ w a l l W i n I n n i i : i l l " c l a s s r o l n r s , # iv ' eJ l < - i v '«I ' . i i j l r a n d w J n n , w i i b ‘ j I p i n n i l n e o t l y a i r e u p t h . '

, . m s i v a h l o . b ' M t ld . > i » b m - d H h i b i i r h . s i b i l n r . o l i i a i l n ni l . i - : . . . . r t v , - 1) 1. m i l . ; . . l i L i n ( 111- h u l l . ■I r - I .[■ . | b v S ' h i i H lAo ' . T l n i ' i i . b ' i i t T o r - j k v n d u a . . yr->. Trust..- k.n-Jiij;. of Ibj.iiiln f Kd- jm i i i . i n . i i i . i ! l b V J . \ u n l u c - n . w h i l e .S u l n r y U F . . \ w . i , . p k i i k i f t a m a r r h o n ! t i n * p i a n o

KwrvlHvn opfiM 'd Wlcli l* r« » e r .T i n 4- x . r . l . m s o p . . n . H u l l h ; i i i I n V ' i i ' f t t l o n

I >■ ib-v. .Mr \:iii Inii.-n. nl tlivphrh'a| m I « ' b i j r . b , . M i s s A l l o c K w -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n p l ir.Mii J .f’. M,:-. H.ri'i I tftiil f..r mmples and <

iij..i;,', ms! .V'.tli 'iTily A UhlKftKIt,■• : . J'.f III 1 jiiiao-t ;||| 1 I iiiiiT-liriiiK"r. i •hinililu in . \V. o.! ' . M ' > .,.b b l i i r'. nni: r neclHJty; g..oil work;

f r a » . . i u t l i | e | i , ' i -Ki n - s | w H»s-| 1-1 T ! ! J i l t n p i . l ( J l * n r k a t .

i I I I . - , n i s ., - -X • - > ' I l n * t l K W l ' . x l i l l u T i o T i i . f i r . ' O . i ' i j p l i - T i i r i ' f l a n d I I -

’ ! IT ..11 nil Ui'tiir-il S' iiK* t'v 1. Ibiirin.'l t'uX'S City 1 ! ii-r lin' |1\’. ' Vlf'rt Itlliilr t1 - Ic rvrrr

UkANk variiTtliifH. .-(imi.>ii p Ui^ latestn ' - x . l n . - M r . f t ! , . ' n i l M . m I M : k . n . * r t > . h - n j P r .

•h> Ki-ft.u-I <:ii li n f ir

.1 i m - l v x . i i l i ' i t I i r .4! iK.*

' cxinif*. KkiK. >' I por ion.

. i . - a i * ' l l . W I m f i - a t t i i t m -

l ! i<- . I ’ l v n . i L ’ HS - . m i l . 44

b ' l K !■: t t 11| ( K S ' ■ | , n i t ' i ’ Ht i i t i i I I ' l l t r . ? I n b t | yI - > r b n I \ I ' l l - I t M l , • . W i ' . n i I I f ( i l l i f e .

V.' MHIIT, >li(;!.uinil tUMli. Hhvih tiiul Nl-h-iH" > i i ; M i l i c , M d l i r ' ; U . m i . , l i m . - m i ?

t : s a s a n k .1.' .a . Vv I irmnee.

J ' ' ' b \ : l . l ' l ! n n i > r t a k i - r i r i i i r m u n l m e r il "tilre XI, T,‘\.

H l ' i s

.MUlburii Tow ntie McKnIInr. A m

" i t i a s b i a s ! t i i a h t n t t h e c l o s i n g e j f o r - L 1 i l s . i - ' i ' . m b d i : U ) r l K l H . * i l t h e t o p . i h i \

J b b - i i K ' t i n \ - . J o h n C o n d U a n d - \ b i ( J

■ ♦ ■ + + + + + + + - f + + + + , + + + + ♦ ♦ + ♦ + ♦ <


i n a nR n b f . r t H n x t v r ,John Mrl IriiVri 0 b sii’ p lb r

Iti A\<Mnttn'n |{rnliki,M I . s s A n i j H L x i i j u n l i i i u o . i n r n i m b t ^ r

r i f f u r f r b i i ' l s h i s t t i i ^ h l . i l h e r h u T i n - I n C n t i i ' s i r i ' t i , T l i o r - v i ' n l n g w a s^ l l ^ n l I n . s i i j g l n g u n d ^ d a n c i n g G r i t n j o - i d n iH s . d f i - h o i i . s w r r ' » e i v o n b y A . A ] ' u i r a n d a l ■ l l l l a I i f l n w a s h o c x . .1 n t m M i i b , l u ,

M r s . l i i i . r g f A i ' g a r , o f 4!* I ' a r k s H ’ i ' i ' l , O r a i j g i , l a s i i c i n l l i i g t w o w e e k s a t A s b u r y r a r k .

T i l l ' M i s s c a r r a r o e , n f T r o n i f i n l i i v n u i c . f ' r a n u M ' , n r n s p c n i l i i i g a i n ' > i : t b a l l l u f T i i l o f i n d t l | n T i i i i u s j i n d I s b i T U l s -

M l s s I ' ^ l m n i - M j i r s h , . i f N « - w r i r k . D . . I s v l s . l U i i . " h , r s i . s r r r s , M r s I ' . \S ' S i i j i l . o f \ \ ' a l L i i i K t r n . i . b b i s t I i r a i i g n , a n . l M r s . F . F . C o H i i l t , o f L h u ’ t i l n s l r t ' e i , i J r a i i g o .

.\1.I ' l

.M i s s I b < T • • r i u '

r l "

MILK AND SCARLET lEVEH.H o b I H i T n s p i M - i o r W i l l l n m B r ' l i h i e r , o f

b i r L i i m . - , r i ' p o r l i - ' l a t a n H - i - i l i i g m I t i n ' i b i a n l n f I b u i l l h " f H i M t c\iv b i s i i i i g h t I h n l i b ' - r n w e r i - f o u r i - i i s e s o f s c n i l t - i f . - \ r r 111 I h i ' r i i y a n d f . i n r i e i ' U I n E a s t M r a i i i n . I l n > i l b s i - a s e , h o I m l n g I n f i n d l b - . - iw h o r v . ' o i v r d m i l k f r - i m a n - n i l n m i l k c o n i i i a f i y . H r h - i d . ] i r s l J i t c d , r r p o t i i . l i l l . - i n a i r i r t o l b . - B t a t r H o a r d o f H i n p h u n d i h . i t I n i d y w d l l n i a k . - t i n i i i v r s i l g a U . m . M r . B i - h b o - r i i l s r i i e | > o r U ‘ d th:U i h r , ,- r a s r s i f d l i j l u h i T i a h a d b x ' i - n f n i u i d I n H i e i l l y < l u r l n g i h r i > i s t m o n f h a n d t l m r e h i i d b i - r n r u n I ' f i s i * o 1 s r a r l . t f r v i T i n B d d l l b ' t i 1i> | h r f t i u r a l r r u i t \ - m i n H o n e d a n d a l s o it s e v e r e cbhh o f c h i r k t - n - p o x . 11 w a g a t f i r s l re- p o r l t - d l h a l H i t l a l t t T w a a u c a s e o f s m a l l ­p o x .

TJie liiRpeclor also rtiUrd atteulk in Id the fact lha l ownora of dogs who hud a l­ready paid a dog tax could secure register tags a l ihe mums Hoard uf HeuUliwUhmit ]>ayliig Ihe arldliloiutl fee. Jic filso i-Mi-mlrd Ills th a n k s lo J.ilm A. 3-dy, ?uperliilcn<l«iu Ilf I h t Orange and I'jis.sali Valley trolley Uni*. for having pl.-icards prnhlbliliig extH 'clara llng in the cars dis­played in all iha vehic les on Ids line.

A delegiilloii of Wnmen a lU n d id Iho jnecllng and recomnuMidcd th a t Miss I.auig be appointed hb the boa rd 's woman hcullli

^Inspector. No uc lluu was taken In the jn'si ter,

A n h i i r 13 S eym enr was nuippolnteil eodnsel to thcj board fur a te rm of one year.

In hlH month ly repo r t rii imUtiig Inspec- : ^ o r i 'hllpoi rx-piirteit th a t there had been t h i r t y - l i v e coimETiinns mad-j with the .^"^ewer during ihe past moiiHi. The reixirt

Ihe luireuii of vital s lu l l s lk s was: . '«»eailis, 3": births,

Ttie E as t Oraiigo hi-Klth autTn^rllies be- l l rve they luive the Incl jdont oulliri-iik of

• ^ c a r l e i ft'ver in t h a t c l l^ well In hainl.Ih ' i i igh they elijilm iu>t to have dlscov t-n-xl

S-ii? iher« it iirlRtiiaU-d. i t was thiMight a t onr ^ I m c tha t the souree of the rontiiglun was

ri the xlalry of a milk cuncern . but Pres i­dent I-higcno M. Brew ste r , of the Orange Hoard of H eal th , tnld a NEW S re­porte r ih i l morn ing th a t t h a t fuel whs ijul CBlabllshed by an y means, aiul tha t the au thori t ies would probab ly have to elsewhere for th e solu tion nf the prob­lem. T he oftlclula of the milk company, said Mr. Brewster, h a d shown every wll- llngnes.'A to co-operate w i th the Board of H ea l th In the mutte r .

An tnsiK*ctor from th e S ta te Hoard of Heal th visited K»i»t OrariKe yeste rday and went the nnmdB w i th H eal th ]ns])0 ctor Bowman and m ade a rfumber of reenm- nKnitflHons, the n a tu r e of which could uoi be learned th is m orning . There are PubJ to ts* over ft dozen cases In the city, and one physician Is sa id to have seven pa­t ien ts III w!lh the m a lady . Many of the CAses a rc said to be of a mild nature.

VISIT FROM VICE-PRESIDENT.Vlce-lTeaidem Th»3odore Roosevelt will

visit hlb sister, Mr^. Dougins Rublnsun, next week, and will be enlertained Mrs. Robinson's roeidence, on the Urange Mountain.

This win he the Vlce-Prepidenfa visit to Orange since his election, and, in fact, for several years.

80I TH OKAAiGIC A N D VAILIMBl RGH.The South Orango H ig h School Alumni

AsHiEciatlon held a recept ion In t?ulum- bU School Hall. S o u th Orunge, Last night.

Mist Jessie K ennedy a n d Pau l Runyon, of Irvington avenue, So u th Orange, have returr ied fmni a t rip to Europe.

The pupils of the p r im ary claasc* of th e Vaileburgh Public School held clon­ing exercises In th e et-bool ihU morning. An Interesting pr i ig ram m e I’tinsisilng of songs, dialogues and rec i ta t ions was ren- derwl.

The ValiPburgh F i r s Depar tm ent will hold Its annual e lection on Tuesday night.

A c l a s s u f s i l x t y - H i r e e i ' l i p l l s \ s . r-- g r a d - ujited frum H i e Enyl lAraiiKe SriKmi:iti«l rcrt'IViH] tlu- tliploniaH ill i: iiuiiiai(.■umiiii nrt nu*ni cXi rci.Sfh, Jn.i'i /i l■'l|||- nn«iiw(iillh Hall. Kftnt Orang'-. I'-i'T ! . » ' h u l l W i i s m i n i w l l h H u i t l , i ' u c s u i . U f r i i u j f l s n f i h c r l n s s , T l i f H l i s g ' u ,).- p ' t o - I ' l t i - d w i l l i p a i i t i H atu] I h i - ' -0 " I « l i f J K b l i i K - d i i y a l l r u * « l i s p l ; i i " i i l n ; i ] . - f - f» r i r i K s , s u n t t o m t - m b e r s o f I h i t i b i a l i i g ';lasss.

T i n l u - o g r i i m n i n u [ u - n n l t v H h n i i i . s - H i i l M ’ b ' i . ' H u n , " H a S n u v n r a i i i * - i H - r i n n i i j I ' i . i y i i i 1 y I s . s b - r ' H n n ‘ h t ' s . t i a , a i i ' V v s l m l i p r a y e r W a s s a i d t > y H c v . H r J luidli'W, [liisbir n f the- Mufin Ay - li.'i i r r l i i i i l ' h u n , ’ ] i , i T f t s i i i r a n i ;Alibi. Iliirrlsuii ( 'onill t itu-n >l*i.'

n n " T h r M u L y H n i l l H i g i - i j - :I ' A ' n i i n i n n u f t h o ' V p - t n - l j a t e i , i l j r . i n p i c c h o s e n b y M i s s l b ! :i H r n i k s . H i l l I ' l r h n i c F u n y . S h o l o b i t | G m - . u i lb I U - y i ' U i i g W i t n i u n a n d u f i h o e r . ,4U v p o , — s U ' l l i l M B n f M l C f C S S f U T I l l C Vv n i . U iwi!m Wiki-s pari Ui Viiri'iiin fn:iu.- i . n. r-

i h . i i i f n r I J i c . girl w h u P i k - . - i rn i u\- d o u r | . i v i v | s t ' .

" T ' - l l .M l . l ‘ r i - U y M a i d - r i , " f i n m d n r n . " V i j i p b i > ( - ( l b y i b v u r r l i . r . ' i f n r M i i s l i i b ' x i i H . s a y . a n d i h M i .M i . - s K i i l . t-. I n n H a y S n u f t - r r c m l a i i u s s j i .n c j i l A ! y i l i i - i i ' a > ' i n . M n d r r n i - ' i i g l l s b I ' • : i y " T h e w a l u " I n l u n ’ o l y \ > i U r i ' ' i j . i i n ) W i i H p l i i y i .J b y t h « u r c l i c ' . x u n i . a H . i w i p i i i i l c o r K e H i b i ' r i K m I H i i l c l l v c r e i l ; n o m i i i i o n l l i c s u b j t . ) ' t “ A . \ b i T i l f * - s t H i > i i ' \ - h , t h i s h e i m a l - ' d n f t h e H i l b a n f j n •^Mi . r i i " f c m » ( | I d i h i ' h l s i t . r . v u f r i m I s b i i n ] , i ' r , * . p r i i [ i h e i l c NN'Ords n f T i n ' i i i a s J r ' i ■ i -. .ii i J l l l m i i i r l y ( ' i i b . i w n i i M b e ; j i « a i : o f V l i i l -r i S l a l ' s , i i i i t j t i U i l o f H e i ■•.■f i l \s i r.111! ilu- c r f o r i s o f t h i s riotlun t - . r m * n i e i ' i i b a n s .

A c n r r n - t s o l o , " T T J v o f o r T i n - ' b l w m - b c r s l . w a s r c - n d e l T - . l i n t - x m l l c i i f s t \ I n Eiv 1 H . H . i n u , n f t i n ? o r c h i ' S i r u , o r i e r w t l i h M i s s K H u ' l M u r l o n F p o l i r r e a d h ' T r . s s . i y n n " A R e c e n t I d u K i i i r l w i n . " T h e i n t t - r - r m - z z n , " S a m n i i n ” ( l u i r a l n i ' l . wjif f n l l n w n l b y n n a d U r e n . ' ^ t u H i e K t a d u u l c H b y S i i j i ' - r - I n i e n d i ' m \ e r n u n L . H ' l V e y , a n d H u c l l - p l n m u a w e r e i h t ' n p r e s f r H e d h > i i e e r g » ' S , H u l b e r t . i - r i ' s i d r n t o f t h e H n n r d o f E i l i i c r t - I P m , T h e m a r c h , " W h o , B i U " t V u i i T l l - z e r ) . r j n s e f l t h e p r f i g r a m m e . T h e c I i i s p H i i r i j i f w a s s i i i i K a f i c T w a r d , f o l l o w e d b y t h e c l a . s . ' i y e l l , a n d t h e n t h e g r a c l u a t o s r e e e f v . e d i h « ' r o n t s m i u l u t l o n a o f t h e i r f r i e n d s .

T h o s e W h o i t e c e lv e c l IJIploiiiaM.T l m s c t o whom dip lomas were awnnled

w e r e ;r iaaslcal r . u j r s e - W i l l i a m Frank neiid-

U>, iiHrry Se.ivA-r Jones , Truman An- ilrewa KHborne, ChesU-r A rihur Lvoii, Eugene H a rpe r Magee. Phil ip Nonlirop aniler, Joseph A r th u r Morria^fn. (leorge Hilbert Bmith, David (.’lark Struchan, Stillman Dn^'i Tfiwiiaeml, Helen Rulkley Hullari], Abhir H a r r i s o n I ’oiuilt. Ruth I.ajunure l>avey. Alice DlckPun Javnes, Irx-ne H e n n id e Maine. H arr ie t Limine M.annlnk', H arr ie t IV ttea Muhhnnn. La- nice HHb: Baton, Elsie MEiriam Peloubert, Kalher lno Day Sanger. Lilian Wlldey.

l,.iiiJn-KngllHh Course—Hoswell Morton Roper. .Margaret DeMIlt Brower, Marlon ElizahcHi I'ondil. Helen BruokHDill. Emily Klng,sicy Ensign, H a t t i e Belle Gtveiiiis, Hracu VVhlie H arr ison , Emllle Carvl lla>dn, Aileline Louisa Jack.'^jn, Lillie Matiil L lnm tt . Loul.'**' Uev*Te ^lorrls, Susie UeiTV ' 'r^borji, Jeritilo Adelfilde OlLs, (.Inu^o May I’Iti rg Olive Fnrduo. Kiith Siij’h'H, I'Mvi- Schxx'h, M ary Sophia S 'hel ther . KHie] Marion S[iohr, Katie Thurl'i-r. M b d n d Adcic Wells. Grace Wli'Mlon and I'Rhcl Bosch Whitman.

K n g H . d i H o u r . s e — R a l p h W e n l w u r l h A d a m s , I ' l T c y D o v i g l a a H r e w s l e r , P n M i - t l r e C u s l i l n g . H a u l L e e D u f f . W i l l i a m K e n - d f - l l J o h n s t o n , H e n r y S m i l h m a y t l M o r g i n , J r , W l l l b i r n H e r r o n T r l p p e , J o h n K n o j c T u r n e r . K e n n e t h T u c k e r W i l s o n . L i l l i a n I n e x Rl r i i u - U . \ ' l o l a H i i r n m e l l . M a u d B o ­g a r t M ' ‘ « ' h f ' i n r y . H e l e n M o r l e y . F l o r e n c e H o t c h k i s s S o v c r i l a n d G e r t r u d e A d e l a i d e S u h r .

C e r t i f l e a t p s W i ' r e p r e s e n t e d t o f o u r g r n r j - u i v i c s i n t h e t w o - y r a r c o m m e r c i a l c o u r s e . T h e y w ’ p r e H i l d a L i l l i a n A l l a r d , A n n a E l i z a b e t h D a v i s , M a y J o h n s o n a n d J e n n i e W ' o o d .

th is n i n r n i i i g . T h e i . i l ' . v w a . s r e n d e r e d : C h o r u s . .1 O U o . b y t h e c I h «.s . » b » . - - • ( i eR c s M e c k l o m ; d u e r L u s f t t s , H e l e n Q u i r k a r tine: c h u r u p . ‘TjJKht," !!■ . s c h o o l : c s . s a y , " S i r W b . x Rlalii'hft. DeckcT; iliniUl’H r a h m s i . G r a c e K l l b u r i i ' V'biniK'e Marilnf*. J H l ' W T i i i - y a n d F l o s s b - I ' b r l .

e c y , ( . T r u c e A l l e r t u n K i i M i i l i hw.s . s o h i l g i i t ' i . " T b ' ' c l n a . ' * : g i r J . s ' c h u r n s , " S w r , c h o r u s . ‘ ' F t o r k a h y l . u l l i ! - . H i c c U j .s s J M l n c l p u l r i i i ! -awiiidrcl the cen lJ ira i ' .s i of ihi. glTidilHllng class.

A l t i l e N a s s a u S c h o o l a r a i J t K h e l d r o n i m e i i < . T - i i i ' * r n ' O T i I n i ; . 1 ' h o i > r o g r i i n i n i i u i i i I j ' r o f c l i o n u s e s b y i i i l o i i b U - t i ’ l o , " L u U a U i i d . l A - f i y u . M c B i b l f , J ' W r i i u h i M u - h a l l , F l o r i U H " . } ; . M a y J - i ' c , r ^ i i I,,wnA n - a d b y M a r i e N c 1| h r , i d " . M u. -xi i - I n ( ' a c n i ' . " ‘ ' l a r i M d o , J a n u '#4 F ’ e i i l t f E ' a d " I ' o n ' i . " a i i d l ' ' m i n y i J r a y . i H n' I ' l j . K s u d ' A i h l c l l c B b ’ i- I ' h l i l e W G - i I h t o l d i n h e r i s-- ; H a \ .X. l . i T . g A > f ' i , ” l u u l L l l l l' • i l l ' l l " T I ih Mitid.'ti M a r i M -m a s i o I h o s e w h o p r a i b is« h> 'll 1^10 ih" high .........I wl y I ‘ r l n < i p i i l A l b e r i H . U d l "

| • . i m n 1o • Him."

• b a r j . .'J

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i l n . ' ^ s i - ! ! } ^ D c n l a n d i n s l n u f W i i s p l v i - n a n d r e f r e s h n U n ' -

T i ’ i n . i s s e e ' i Y l b i * u f K i d .M« E ' i ' V e i i W i t j T l o r H t o t h e r o t k n i g l i i a t R d l e V l I i e T T a l l U i h i f n i * i i i h t - r s u n i t v l . s l i i n r ^ > ' b . ’ o r d ' i '

I ' a i h e r H o g f j n f ’ o u n c i l . ( ' b i i i ^ i i n a n g t ' i i U M i t s f u r i b - ’ b b i r g i ' n i i m b o r o f c r t i u l i d a u s i o b . ' h e l d H t B a r o f h l i i l H m I , . n i e l l i .

T i e N ' O i n g J i o o p l p o f t h e N ' - • d l s l I ' l i u r c l i w i l l k l v c ' a S s r , l u - i i l g l ' i r a l L h c c h a p e l o nm a

. M r s J . i h r i I > e M o u t h , "f \ a \ 4 f m f . 1:5 s p e n d i n g a i i i c i : ,l u v n , O

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THE rO lR T tl IN O i d M i lA M ‘ f l 1I K < * l l i e i l t f < j r I h o l I ' l r l i r n -

l i o n M i i d o b y ( ’ o i i i i n o i i t i M i i i r l l

r o i t i i i i M f e o .

n i l i i L s f o r i l i e p n h l l ' ' I ' l io f n f J u l y I n U r a i i p i i . i - i nm a - b b y a • ■' i m i i l 11' - c o f H u * ‘ > i , . > n i -m o n ' ' ' l U T n i l r - i n i p o s i - d o l A b b ' i n . ' i l d y . H i c n l h - i i , M o r r i s , l a t v l s . o i > • i n - t r y . T l m r e - w i n i i o H h ' u s u a l r i i . w i ; - • : ' i - c h u r r h l u l l s a t s u n r i s e , n o i - n . l U i l - . i r i d b i i i i i l I " i i c v r t s u f l t n i o u n a i i ' l b y M m k s \ 1H i ‘ s H a i u l I n M l U l a r y l ' , , i k

T h e I ' r u g r . i m m i ’ o f t h e a f t i m o o n ( ' 01' . n w i l l b e . A n u T l c a i i o l r s . M ' l i g u m l ; " N ' nn r c i i i i i r y M a r c h . " M i l l e r : ■ f t ' u l t z , " W h - i .K n l g ’ u l i . K H l W a s I n l ' ' l o i . V ( . r . " O u s i i n o v v r l u r i . " H r b i a l R o ? e , " l ^ v u l l i c ; u \ ! - r - l u r e . " T h e G i j b l e n ( ' o n s e n t . " M i l b r . i n a r t h , " T l i e K e d , W i d t e a n d H l u i . " I M e r r x - i i i u n i ; m a r c h , " T h o R a t t l e s l i i p A b i - biimLi." MIIIi 'T, rTVilley nViTlure, "T<i|i L i n e r s , I ' h .T i l a w a v , w a l t z . * s , " J i i i d o ' M p r e i l l t h , " G i i - - H n , o v x - r i u i i . ' . " r o j ^ u l i i r T e x a s . " B o e U g e r i w a l t z . " T J I y o f i l i c N i l e , " f i a r i i n c r , m t i r c b , " K a p l d n i y , " M M -

l I M J U M r i E I . H .T h e . l u n l o r E j i w o r t h J a ' i i k ;

M ' - H i f - i l M I ' h i i r c h h e l d I t I l l ' l l I ' l H i c s t - n K i i h I n I l n • • N o i e n h i y K l i e n i n u n . A m i > ' ^ i . i r i i i o o f m u s i c a n d T' r c r n b - n ' i l b y i n ' * r h i l i i t T - n . H ' a k i ikN I I ' t ' . s t ' P V e d . _

T h - w o m i . - M o f H,' . ' ^ C h u r c h h e l d k s t r a w b e r r ; . V i . i - s ' l . i \ i i l g l i i I n I h e d u l l ' i.

' r u * ' S ' M i r l a t - s c l i u i d I l i i 1. 'Li-i ' • pill rliiirch Hill bjiy •n i o r r ' i W | ti l i o w n i n ' s W .... I -

I ' l ' a l ) ! C l i i r f W a i - h l l l R I a 1 ' I ' i M . O l d H ' p i i i y G r u t c i I " ' i i i n ' , o f C a r n d n . o f t f ' o f r i i . r r i h i t i , s i b U n d i i i m h i a i , i i l u e . r g e d R I o o m : . '' ' c. m I C i r l l . I d C i i e l c N u 1 'I i l ) [-• w i l l I " - k n o w n u s I :

' N " I'.i 'll mDomflebl. Tb' ■■ ■ • I c c i i i i M U - i h . ' y r a u : c i U ' •

j . l a . - ' i I ' l l I . W i l K l d , e i i b T > " 'I d o r - | • r i c ^ ' : i l i t e r f r a n k '

H o n i n [ , l i . ' i i i - m l i l i ' H e r o : l > • * i U i l M a i t . o . I v o T i n r a b b - ’ •

' H a 111' r , h i i i ' o r a b l c t r c u s i i ' •I f l ' l ' l . k ' . i ’ . ) i , v b ! . ' h c r a l ' l , 1 j w r i i r ’ l n r "f t h e d a y , .1 ' 'I \M» I l ) n r ' i f T h o n i g h t . A ' b I 1 1 p f t u v e t o I h c g r i l

I ‘ . i r kI | i .

' i l l lialb'N- ii.i. | 111 I .:sa> on " T h e 8 lory of Hio Vlnili, ■ 111 \Ui|i h j-ln- tisbl of thp in- 'C | i iu | i ol He iiisiriinii 111 niul truced it» d d l i i c i i i n f ! i t > [ i r i i \ i-nii n t t o l l i Pt n . - ^ ' i G tim.. | .Ill) lion A n h u r I>«v1h l - i r sH ir 's c.-su;. >>n A Gbiiicc a t Iht' in - iMi.xrrlal Sli m, , '" in aicii of iht- relftllon ' - I ' M i i i t a l . m l I f i t - ' T

• ■ H l l i l . n i J -111 ■ \x m 111, , a i ! ' J - - i I o f t h e r S - ‘“'tl b\ lli'ltj', Ki-rln", .folih (''omlH'k t h ' i U ' ’ w a s • 1 T i . f c- i , s s ■ l l a i H c M c K a R o r I'lld o f ' \\‘ii nud llijmnr" In her ckfiliy.

T i le >l( isienl Rrouri i iH me.I ' l i o i i i M s l c a l p i i i ; . ; r ' a t n r i • c o n s i l s t r d o f

1' 1'illn s i i l - i s !i,\- ! b i z i - l H'Ov, HoroHiyhs ,n.i| '<\ V t arief. I'lmiu Koh» byS i ' i r n y H l ' " . \ . s o p i a i i o s o l o s l i y M l s u • N i P i e . . I n b i i i . i l x : i i i . | aci *mi|»un1nicnt by . M b s H a n i i i i l i C d o a n d E d w a r d 8m H c k .

T r u s b - o K i l b ' c ^ : . o n o f t h e B i i u r do f | - | i | i i c a I i " n . p r o ' . i i i h - d d i p l o m a t 10 t h e « r : i < l i i , ’ n c s m i l l x c m i l i a t i ' s t o t h e p u p i l s l - m n i o l i ’d r m n i T h " y i a i n m n r s c h o o l . T h e b i i ' c r w IT- ! { , t i n . H n z e l D o t y .'bur*;. U S ... . . . i ami»bpU, JoFmK '’’.i.iKU, K .'tin 'ii'l . M a r s l i . i l l aral Harvey t b - l i < I t s

Id: p 1N o w l f i l i i p I

m a t i ' p c p P P i i C ' M nut. » : N • •>' ' 11

\ V \ I IE f t . < ' v e r .

• i D . ; U y i f I Y pp 1‘ CS. dluVL> J i l j THE JERSEY BEEF CO.

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K A ' i U - : M l ’ V I : -w]i..p|K J;.. J., f|,

K u n r a i u i - ' i l . - I n<> task; b > . ■ ru « : Tve » l l i |T> I l . .1t u s U y .__________ .pi '1 II 1

: M- L, 1 ln»y nr»' i;i .rUt ■" r ' i u , * h o x - 111 *' f i l l l v

11 . ' - I l I I I i T '1' r . > • • ' ' l u nI i - y u I I I X , I .

' . ' i H . .111.' I l l

FOR SATURDAY:We Sell as We Advertise.

s . b' Park st I ' l l .... . r h 1i k i - i i . I ' c r I h .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H > oS i r i . i i T i S b i k , p e r | b . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . , . . , l 4oI ' - I k C ] | M p > | i i < r ] b ... .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j O cl - c M . s l , a m l > . p i r l b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C h u c k S I ' m K , p o r l b .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... I ^ c

Centre St., Railroad Crossing.


F lic New Hiji.'i liip.s. liUHkel.(ini' 11 iHiub.tili. I f '. BlaJk,I i o o ' l r b i « k m V. I i c . a t . | p i r IW ) ! h » . i j " " l I l a l s , H . % o . , H - r b a g .(bi'id iLuJf-d H.av, OOf. ]it r Idh Iba.Hhi il Un-wors' ilriiliifi. ?srM'. |n.|- ioo Ibl. I *iirt \ I'ciulis wlveu awity fri'c.

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M g l i l .

I-‘lfT*'»'n ^Ji-iduaiix rcccivwl dlploniafl lit H i m r ^ u p j m i . p d ' i i t c x e n d u n B o f l h « I r v .

r* • 1. - ’ IU «« 11 II i n « l i r r s r i ‘ h l o r . ' h' - ‘ ’ • 1 1 i j f i . i t \ V 1 - k o r i J " *I . . . .. . . I l •al l-"

.. . . . . . . . I' 1 \ i - u r : i n "I 'A 'N ' y ' I I I Ir i i ! i i - v: ’ . ' i '1 - \N i T b UN V -11 i n ; i ' i u. '

. .. . . | | J|M>; I h l l l ' li*B.T1K l l ' t l u -W. I t , 1II l i T i * 1 r - t p o r l y l i ' ' ' l l * - ' i :l [ i 1

’ !• 1 V 1 II 1’ r t l t f - l l , w i l l !>*■ H NS .. . . . . . . . . .I U .| . II UN ' t . ; x w , ( i n . A N i ; r. K T K . \ M

• \1 M ' f , v S-h . m i l I ' l l N i i r l h t , > i i 1r r HT r- i - t

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i l i c l ' t i l l l u t i S i b " i l , \ x l l b l l w e n ? h p l ' T l ; i ! j |nklil III .\liiini.i Hi l b Irviugloii. Thti> w.i-. : U iin i ''' ll'di.i Adama, H and Jb-ll*' lialduiii. .\ ilia SI nibliiij Ibish, Edith Mi> t: jiU' A mi- i Iseiz. Nellie Menu ChrtlwdM.

I ' l W . l t , F T b . ' S i ’ w n o u r D u r n n i M b -L a i n ;

JULY4tll,1901M a m i i ' l b i . I l i v i i l a i i i l l ( N r l i n g M U k . . , , O o

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I . ' u r n t n ' i ' f . r > c . ; S l e i v L a m b ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A c

I - W e l l ' i: r n r i > i a l n a M i i v G o r d o n , i t o y J u n e sH a r . l ' i I b i M . i i ' a E l t ' i r i o r J e f f r e y , M l a o l i -1 h ' - o -

' . s n i !-■ ' K ' l l i . 1 I t u H t m a g o I i u u l l ! H i - i1 N i l -

W J T b i -1 1 \\w\>1 \ i 11 [V , > t - i H - i H - d w i t h rt p f i i y p r 1 ’ •

•1 i i ' i ' I b V. 1’ 1 ' ' ' h J b u 11. 1 f n y t i ' H f t t i i j H F i i n i t l i i I I I• i - i . , i [ I I, b v H u - 1 l . is.-s f ' i l l f j N V l - i | . N t ' l i l t * 1' b i t w i n r l ' t

DO rou CELEBRATE ?. iGi\ i:. I gu to Sidmi id I ■'( I ' l « l

F . W O L F S O N ,t l N i t m l 7 0 I > ) » , v !S1 r o 4' t .

I I ’ T (.0 a b l y c i ' i . R i i d c r r d w i l l i i o c t . m y N r a \ • ] k p : a c A I i u i i d ' H J M O ' d ' l p l i G

U Wll/.J .1 M i l s

I ’ a s l !'J a I I I-

( ‘ n b f. l . - c i . .1

l l ' v d r < ' u n c i l . H a d A T n - n i

N f l l c > r u ] a - i II l " l . I ' I ' \ l r . - r-S; r l i i b i i M . ( M i n 1i i c T . . r . ■ F I n . - i - u r c r , I T ; i n k F ( ’ a - l a s-fcti ' . i i x ' , Hjiiry A. tuiiu ,I ' l b u y . A l i i l p b \ V i I n u i r . ;• b i r i . 1 »a \ I d F; I [ n y d : xx '( ' I m i I ' l I I . s f - T i U j i M - l s , J t ’ h i i I b I 111 r I I L - r P y , i r i i . ' x b ' y f ' l r > I 'ln re rb v,

b .1 'ITd"rI ' > - l U l '

I ' " O h M I■ r , I ' l b r SP - ,|b'lII n 11U'1. !

'Umix; sc' I r-'

I b 111 '

ler.T h e e x ' e i i l i i g p r o g T a n i i n r ■ w i l l I n i b i d e

t l u ' f i ? s ' d e i l i o n s ' A n i ' r l c i i n n i l ' s , W e l - g H i i d ; m a r c h , " T h e f b d . A V h b e a n d H l u c , " T l e r r r i i o n i . n v e m i i e . " T J i c U i l d i i l U o ? a ' . " L f t t s l H c : " G n i n d A m e r l c a T i F a i i - l i i s l e , " i j t ' i i i l l x . w j i l r z e s , " W t i e i i K i i l t i t U - h o o d ^ \ ' « H i n F l o w e r . " G u . s t l n ; n u m h , " S o l i d F r o n t . " M I I I p t , f > v < - r i u r e , " 1’ n p n b i r T e x u . s . " B o x ' l l K c r i v r t l l z e s , " J u n i c * * M « - n - d l l h , " G u s t l n , o v e r t u r e . " T o p L l m - r s , ’ C h a t t a w a y ; m e d l e y " y u n k c e H a s h , " M i l * l e r , " H o m e , S w e e t H o m e . "

*Suburban *ncw$ notc$*

S ***** ********* *******il i t \


g o a l hP u i r I I h i n ^ 1. M a r } * ’ *t g o l m u L E B t^rtk ln .

The pupllH of St. Slary’n School, Bouth Orange, h^ld closing exerclsca In the schiX)] hail last night, an excellent pro­gramme being rendered. The nffair will be reiwatcil to-nighi. FoalureB of the eti- terlalnmctil were the presentation of 5kelchofl by the pupllw. "A ManageFa Trlala" was given hy the following cast o f characters: Mr. Sloman, A. McDunaW; Bill Scrapper, T. Kearney; Frii*, Q. Mack. Orlando Tatter*. J. Preston, Sun­flower, T. Preston. flUfiy DeVere, p, O'Connor: Dennis O'Toule, P. ’Morrlsoti' EuJoxia Perstnotnons. J. Noonan.

"Curing an Inva lid " W'ns the title of a sketch given by this cast: Mm. Lari, gulsh, Miss A. Smith, A lice Languish, Miss R- Horn: Hannah, M lsl L. Mack, Jeruiy Carter, Misa M. Schmidt; Susie DeanUl__ t . ■___ k.. . . . 'Mlafl L. Kirw in. Aunt MarU Midget, Miss J. Decker; tu cy Aiken. Mias N. Murphy.

r o B i r l h a l i o ^ tnr F r e a l i . % l r F a n d .Oontrlbullona^for the fresh air fund of

the combined coniinlUee reprcHenUng various rhaiitles In the Oranges, are com­ing lb. Tp to last night $^33 hud been received. A coOKlderably larger sum is needed In order lo nlTord outings for those who require a hit n f country or seashore air. and cuntrlbuilomi may be sent to Charles M. Decker, president of the Or- ange Nations] Bank, who ta treasurer o f the fund.

The fotlowlr^ presented "A Mischievous Bay" : Mrs. Frlgay. J. Turner, Hannibal Hyeoliar. J. Dowey; Aaron, F. Klrwln- Muses, H. Hogan. '

Songs ^ere rendered by the senior girls, the primary department and the junior boys and girls. Olbera who look part In the programme were Miss R. Horn P

i McGee. L. Conklin, Miss Anna Kennv. and Miss Anastasia Klrwln. Miss Klrwiii

W e g i v e y o u c r e d i t

f o r k n o w i n g

W h a t Y o u W a n t

O f c o u r s e w e k n o w t h e

g o o d q u a l i t i e s o f o u r

H e a d a c h e W a f e r s , 2 5 c

C a s c a r a T a b l e t s .9 - ^ . d w c . . e o k l * d . | 5 c k n d 4 0 c

R h i n i t i s T a b l e t s . 2 5 c

D o n ' t l e a v e t h e c i t y

w i t h o u t t h e m .

A P O S T A L O S O C K W U Xs B c n v * P B O M r r a t t e h t i o r

a « n « n k « r S S

C i t y H a l l P l i a r m a c y s

k 92S Bfmd.SL

prra'dn) at lh « ptano.To-niBht Mias Etlaabcth Mack, the only

BTodnate, will b« ^tven a diploma by Rev Jamaa J. Hall, prinripal or ih » achool Several prliea wtll alao be awarded.

E A S T O H A 9 U E S r H O O L S C L O S E .

n » « l EaaFclaFa ta r the r » * r Raid i . a Rhm ber o f l■atlt■llaaB .

T o - d a y I s a b o a y o n e t n E a s t O r a n t a a c h o o l d r e l e a . a e v a r a l l a r e s a c h u o l a b o i d - I n y t h d r c l o a i n e e a e r c l a e a .

' la th. i»roclil*l s^o o l of tb* cburcb of I Our Lady Help of dbrtstUiu cloaW , i - , rrciact wer. held thit mornlnc und*. .h. : dtr«tJoa of R .». Fatbsr Pairlek h L i,7 I w istad bt Blatcra Mary OsaerleTe. Uar^

ISO u a Oraes Arnca. Aa attracU»rTfr cal and Instrumental praeraama waa ear. lied out. as foUowa; First departmenL

••Paul Revsre's R id .;" second d e p a r t ^ l "OM jyoartdw^- T b e N am ,. „f S S S

■ Desires:- third departsieatI The Boys Complaint,- - r h ,I 8on«." "Ltitle Haid’a Beemmi.- These whoian reixdyed medals for good rseordt- Prter Boyle. Helen ChttreSouet, Julia Smith. Mary KahML

- I J S . bononOileWotlSD fw their h*ch perceniaose; Alice area iu , H; Mary M c O m w i fB - MeOtoJey. K; J o s e p h ta rL m ^ jT '

**'*• ®Mhota lUetnr. M; naite Churehenae. H LA: Haae mi— a .- ”

M U a M .liB

A n i l * I w i l l b i I d c i t H i l l !

i a f U i \ 11K» C i i t , ISt o n T " s s p r c i ' ss- 1 the lull I

M r - s ’ I r v i n y t 'yffiti f'l IShi- II ' i u H ' i 1 " (.-albil. <

T b f >• churi II- • will n ’ B t -1’ " .1 M c i i i l i -T f i w n I 'b « n i ' T i l ■ :

, * M » I M I . ' l t I N ., I'f tlji' IllUtUt I'J' iSUn- Cluil I . I I.' xt S.iiuriJii^ lUkthi 111 Bsty-

, ,,• .'1 Lu-Iki . ri:t,)i:bii'rH of FI**- ‘ M u n i r c H n ^ , ; i u H i t ' I r v l i i g -

I i I I I ( " - i i I k I i I . T i l - rv w i l l h»- * k - I- i .1 > i »c m I f s c - - . ! > ' r i w i l l f i ' l l o w

■i -i c F i t i i ' f t ' m , o f I ' r i l u i i a v t * u u ^ , r i | ' i ' t 1 u n u i n 11 I I I h t - r l i u i i i e

I ! • H j i g . i l n s t s o m e f i i m l t u r c , : .1 ?"i\rTf B'lsii iivcr her eye., > i . i \ u F r i i b - r l i k s i . w l j u w a s - i - s i F i l l . x u I l v h i ’ S I n i h u w t i u n d . p . - M | i b < h f l h i ‘ G e r m a T ) M L < i H b m

I r \ . i i i t l K w . s p x P a r k' W l l .> ! i r r i - M - i H . " T h e S p i n n i n g

I I .• F b ' s s i - r y i K - t - n " I n i ’S r r m a i v ' t h i V i i ' c i u < - k I n t h e I r v i o K l o n

T i l l - t i f f a l r w i l l b e f u r l l i o I- i n l f i s l ' i n 111 I r v i n g l u i i .

T l t l V ' n L A I K .b u n g I . L i U y f o i ' L r d ' l l - M N i s s s i 1-m i i U

t L ' r .1 ' i l t i ' T s l . i . -si i i i g h l i u i - l b ' m \ l H l \lui'iiliis: N u l ' U R r u m l , F J v . i H d L . H i i c i i ,\ ' l i <’ - ;4i . i m i , { l i - ! ' i y ; r U U c J h v j . i i u d r t c e n - -i . i i \ . I v t A ' P IV J I n r i i i g ,

jU'k-ii L. Kf-Diii'll, fsinucily jccUir ' l l S i . J u h t i IS H p l . - s s ' i i i t ^ i l M l H b i a n u L i M m i t - c l a l r , I n j i " \ s iJi«. ' i l i u r u i i j i . i ' u u J .s r i i u i r h i i i M l i s s Jiuki'i , \ V 1n .

T i l l lltu r j J. lai-liriii;] im Asa'n bili'.iu wlbj, 'u i i I l lb's i i u i i i i i i i uutliiR I'j iUysjiiii^ i . iLS u i J i h i y t i i n r m n g -

ibillct-niiiM Hugh Si-cry. uf Ihts lown, N i h i ' i i - i l u i i ,1 i n - ' l a y s s a i - i i l l n i ; y i - a L n | u j , H ' . ^ i i V J J l t l f i i K u f f u l o u i u l N’ l i i K J K n F u l l } * .

' i ' h e S u M ' b i > >>( l i u i h i H l i t i h > ' r ' l i N l I h ' K h . s - U ' l i u t i , G r a c e i T f j ^ h y u r J u n a n d \ K - i b ' i d L ( f l u j T i - t i f . s i w i l l i m s ’ c a u n l n r t « x r u r a i ' j i i t " I t u i l i s t ( I r u s e , J e U i i g I s l a m i . U j - m ' i r t ' - w .

H-srry tlunnr-llj-. nf Dim ftrrel b fl nlahl for Hunalfl ir> at1 en«l the ••xi'"slHnn

Tht' himajiy-.t.s h'liil uf the First I ri'sln- l»-rlan ( ’Fuirch uf M.-niclalr li.trt tln-lr .in- iih H i xcurHluii to Lonisl tlrus'i-. Lorut Llaiul. i '1-iJay. The ci-rmriitti-i- iji chjjn.' "I ihe cxcurabm huh .Ion'| 'h A Gurtn.i J l‘. Stt-wnn. Ji>hn ram i tull. Chailrs L Li'ii tiin. \V. J<. Iltiiit nii'l Ju?u ph Turri'ji-'*

U' V ^V. H. (.’ l u g e l i . pri sliji III t*f iluI 'l «"lis tk-1 Ian rulvt.-rsiis’ f»f Ti xas. will i]' Ih • r ih'" ln“i nf n Herb"? of ihrr-i- llbiirr-i' 111 b'cliiriN. In thn cfiiifit-l of 1 h« l-'h- lY ' -shstt Flail Uhurt'li t's-nlghi. Mis «i]bj- • ' V 111 I I I • I ' ' i i i i / n I s K I i i k . "

T h i - n r i b “ p ^ r l t ’ S o f n t ' ^ c k n f t f i r , M i . | ’, ' f b t l r l i u l M l i ' i ; u n d I v u i i i A h h u i l . j t 1' - n i n i 1 i n ' ' l h i . - i i . l g l i t . T i l l s H i - r b N r- i s i n i ' i n b r ^ " M M u c h s U m t ' ' h f u i j i s i l i n J i : ; - m il K-'! 1-i*< ncHvwi H'ml iit Hiii' 'i iii.i-t i i r l ’ -fc' ■] 11' ’ n u m b e r r t f s h u r ' - i t • i • ni.iklfiL- T"iJil uf ITI IMS. Th'- 1 c - '-Jiu f i l l 'l l - r. wlilb- fS.V.i"'*' \«.h n l i i ' r - ' I I [ • ' • r « l u i r e N . T t i e s l x t . Ic s i 'i - '" - '! t‘i J immry with Ltli:.

I M i i u t ' r i ' L S i II : i p i a n o f b u ’ ' i n u l K i l l -I ' l i n i i u l T ' l u l K h I ’ S s n y o n " T b ' F i u '«t n f ' i i - i ' i i n " I ' ^ ' - i iM - ' b y t h e ?'‘1i i p n f i ' l l u w i - i l i i i u JI t i ' : i r ; i - b | i 11 \ r i ‘ ! i f l u n o n " I T i u - -i . 1 I ' l ' l i n .<f i " i i | i - r ( i l r l s . " I

M l - " . K i l i i l W H I h g u v i * II p l m i i i s u l n i i i n ! l i - r T i i i . \ ' L . i t n > n ii«,l « p . - i | " i i> n " A f ' l . ,i '

l . i i i ' b > b S | M k l n p . ” ’ H i ' ■ I u i s n l i l M n r y t i . n l b > l b ‘ .'S.‘» l i i F’ n l ' V . i i m l l ‘ i ‘ l < ’ V

. l . i y i i h i i M G T' U ' l H i t - e l n s . s j i r - ' i ' U f - r y . I h \, W i l l l m i U \ i ] ' i , p u s F [ u r u f I h c I r N l i i i ;

I ' U M r i l i u i l l y t ■ l i u r c h , l u l i h ' i . ' d . ' ' " ' I t b v I j : n i ' b i i i i ' - s . ; i i i '1 H u i H i ' b ' i r i i N w e r e p n - - I m i i I m I 1' \ I ' r i n i l p n l I ’ r a n k H . M - T r c H . I n I IU ' " I ’ i I k i u '■ n l i h u r u b - i n i - b ' b y I l n ’ h ' l u r i l ' u f K ' h i i i - iH ' i i J i . n i l l l n v i i - i - ? u i p r E S c n l . ' ' W ' ^ r rI ] i . ! i f * > i - i1 " V . r . t l u - N b i f f ' I ' l i h u g r u ' i u a t i - } ? ,

HENRY F. SCHMIDTr i i l i r u r j i l : i I ' n r t . S I h t t v . F i u i u v b a , A n -

u e l b ’ U ' M i l M u n c u I H \ V l n e s , p e rg a l l u h ; a i r H ' . p i - r l i n t t l c .

G i n n r . . p u r g a l I n n .A l l k l t u l n u f T f u a , J f J V r ► p e r p n i i m i .

— AT ---

*J'M M a i n S t . , O r a n y r .T e l e j i h o i H ' 40C A . ( i p p o . t l t e N e w L i b r a r y , O r a n f f e ,

SaSCHEUERI^SONSy2 7 9 - 2 8 1 M a in S t . , O r a n g e , N . J ,


T h e i l r > n b n l r " f i h i ■ b i ! * l t i R i R e r r l s c s I o f ( 1) ' - I ' b u n l i " f I b l ' r i i i r n a n i l u I f G u r u u p -

tiuirji I';iru> hlul liuul In MfUtfluIr tuuk : p b u •■ l u N i i L i g l l t . I l l T f g . i i s . i H H n l L n i u l t h e |

P ro n lfo ro Snaps, nic-iiac.s, lb., AU id u liC iO UiicciUi Hisciiit, pkp................... T r Co r U i i c c i l i i H i r c i i i t , p k p

D | k A | i I l a l i b i u ’ s , b ' c l s - N a p t l i a , l i o r a x , I ’ c a r l a n d u U d U t ' c m i a u L a u n d r y , w o r t h 5 c . c a k e . . . . ^ 2 OD o o r k n o w n b r a n d s I k ’c r , w o r l h 51.25 QD u u l '■’‘'i''’’'?, c h a r g e f o r T i o t t l e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

f i u m l r u b r <>r H u - u X t f i i s i H w i l l i « h f p b t . .I n l i u - s a m e b a l l b i - f i i " i i " W i i l t ; h ( T i n - |] - r i ' g i n m i T U ' e u i i s l . ^ i M l u f i l i u r i j s f ' i i , a s l i u r t■ I r i L i i M . a l l ' i p t ' i ' i 11 *1. s o n g s m u J l u l b i - t i u xl . v i h ' i i M p i l - T i l e ! ' i ' H t i i r i . ’< n l I h o l U l e r - l i l i i i n i r i l W ' T » - 11 ■ • M u H ' - u S " r i g . " 1» v i i n ' i n ' i b * ' T ' f M i l l ' - l i U ' i s i1t c h - . i ' i l i l l w h i l e , w h u . w l l h t h e i r d n l i s , V ' l i i H i n ' i i g l i H u ’ t f . ' . - d i u r i M I ' i I i i i l r - i n o i i u r s A s u n g h t u i A m i o u r ' s F l i t t e d H i m o r T o i i i j u e , c a n J i b . o ' H : g h i l r a J e I ' l i t t e r i n e F o i l s , l bi i r b i , ' r i l l - . V i i u r b ' M i i N a i l u m i l i I u h i ' I.-i . " ,,w a s K l \ ' - i i I ' V 1 w i ’ n ( y - t i \ i l u i y s , I n s h i U h n f , I ' l h t ' F C ‘ t .S J i f l Vu T l , l l P . C a l l . . . a r j T i . v b l u e . u i H i i ' n i H s h u H u i v s h i u I w i i l i i * ^ K n i C I ’ s r l o r h r o n i i i s , f i c h . . . . .

( j o I lI . M e d a l R u o l B r e r , b i J l t l eb i l l s , ' r i u N W f i i t 1 h r m i g J i i -< i > b i M " i i r w i i t i

t u n i i i - : i ' - , c r i i t r j n w i t h a s k l r i n t l iU i ' l M ' ] ’ b ' J a b l ' t i u x W ' - r u e f f i n . - l l v e .

r i i i i t ' i - a l o f i ' l i l l n i i c l o r I l 04l i % e - l l .T b . l i j i ' i . i i . j f 1I ' l l l I i U U J v r t t o f l w i - 11, ( i f

W \ ' . | l i l l h b N O m < l b -1 b i v i T i n ■ f i ' i i . ' i . W r - i s.. . . . . . . \-* - [ . t r l j l N l i f t |• > r tm l■ r l f r o m h t ' * b i ■*f ' ' “ l l l ' I I f ! U l V J W V i J i i i n g ' - n . r-'< t . . ra t H H l ' l I I I II N i ; r- i }* ' ' i n u i l * ' h i i r u h . M r 1-b u r i L U l . l 1 . I . l i l l J I H' 1 \ b ' * ' n l H u ‘ b " ' i a . iT b - • U * : M j ' t i l W At> i n U o 5i • l i i k ' < ' * * f i u i< 1 ,

C a n i p l ' e l l ' s No u j g , j b s t . , 3 c j t i s . .H i r e ’ .'; H o o t h e c r , h i j l t l e .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T i n e i h ) l ^ a r J i i i e s , c a n , .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 i i i f O v r n S U t c l i , p k n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

D c ; ( - X G u p i i r M u i U r 4 , b J l I t r • O r 5 I h ’ c r o c k s

. H ( 'U O < -

W i U L . h e ; r v b x i r a L t , h i M i l r . . . New Crup leas, auv tl^v-ir, ll\, T ' l i l e i I ' a p p r . i p e i u l , •! r o l l ' i . . . .

* I l i n e M i U E l l i e c - e , t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Taney I.enu'iG, i1'>/cn...............

4 c iluniiensevl Milk, c.iu.................

. 1 5 c

. ; t c 1 7 c

He HHc

Mo P a i C

' 7 f

A IM e . i i i i i U i ’ A h i n

nru III iM-\( Siinilny'M

I ' a U t

F M a U W K l ' L .A sp- 1.1' b-t'Han Wmj hfUl |ii M .

oiigb "I N "ilM ('.ii'lwell ye-Htf-nla .s i I I I ) t - s i i l ' i L b o F i ' I s . ( a I h o a n i u u r i i " Ifur ?'>i: itiipj"Vt-ni'-nt». Hi.- Villus iu II-' biuuiigh iK-i-nij-fcui i-m?t In ! ' I of Hie Ibaue Hnd only mi

LYONS i \ttMH AM) !*AHKVtt2NV.Th' I i’ : '!* Abl S'Hleiy fif Hie First

j>r<bi • ■ •' ' bni'fh uf Lsons Farms? willrm-cl I's : VV f'Iti+ '-Jay aflerniiuii at the houn I VI f- illlnm MtKefgan, on Eliza! . .1 ' Hint pbu'e.

; r i- s Wblllri+'y. uf New York Qlts " I - I'' - E'- m'St Suii'lny ufipmoon

’ll, - I .. • 7. uf the I'nluli Mission B'J- ' il ipi’l 'III Wats'Ui uvfiiue, 'i'V i ^ ,■\\i, .1 ,, i:." hssell, o f F’ariislew. will

u. If '" nifciht furiTu l* oan i.x;-'.'iiiui vih'-iv he will siJt-nd ai(i-ek

f i g . i i i iTh'- I r.'

mfu k ss I. . Iftmi as • 1! i n i - r i ! I t(JcMit’f' r>

• ' I o f M r s , T h n m r t s O M • l i i i - t i i t | h i ' r r i ' H l i i o - n e n n r i U-. w ; i S h e l d y r s i e r d a v'iineiil \v(w in the


ilS .. iLi/ti UiliJwIn, Misu Hurbara Jet’ f e i v M i - > A i ' . u * l i o l l a n < i M i s .h A i l a m s . o f l ' . ' k ' ' ' T u i g f i u l u a t i - i l f r o m t h e

- i n i t . ' h ' j . M i M i s h l p t w o j e a r s i’. .■! ili|'l?>mn!i at tho comnionee-

mi’tii ix-’F 'i*'"' " I the Irv'lagton High

. . . i M - ' i r i ' r l s u p a r l y w a s t e n d e r e d l o M i . - n l - r i K l o r i H B l n i g h t a t h e rh o i b ^ « ' swi H u i ^ i ' T - l u n » t r » - e b i F a r k v i e w . i j y« b irv frlcTids from Ntw-a r k ' ’ T ' l ' s ' H i r r l s t m a n d t h e v i c i n i t y ,

p l o a a a n t t y g p e n t I u . r l u T a n i U J i o m e n l R . D i

f^F SiTiih A C'libh, g memlier o f . Nuw V'uk f.imlly, who, for (leverul psNt. b;i- r'-iidcd with the fam ily n! , tant r'ltiisH . Horncp Park, o f Obi Hills, rii'-l Hum yesienlar o f a con.- Hun "1 t‘ igl;iyuars nM

M r H < ‘ i . * . l ) h a d b e e n a i l i n g f o r , w i - i ’ k . s I I I I WHj ? n o t t l i u u g h l t o b«- f r i - r ;

\ HI. ,Sfn l.s survived hy one unn. - I fti-n. Fr ink I'ul.iti, of New York T ' i rifT it ’('iTt iHk«» place In St. Agnes'-

fupiil rhurcti. New York, on M'

gHnu's JU'i aTnuJMiinenis. Daiicirtgi i i ' I i i l i ; ' I ” (thtll an ear ly hour ihig

m u rn l r? "T- I" of herhonu- Ti.-iMh’‘ "mely d-enratea with

l.ini'-p.-', which were UstefulJy


T i H i . i y t l i c .s ta ir o f l i f e w o i l l i 5f . S p e c i a l . .

-I t i lI I . r u \ \ i U i ^ l t a b K: v | V 5 l . i i a l

' I ' l I I . J 5 c . p n

C h r i s l i . I l l ’ s b i v i M , ; - i ' i - i . i I ' . i b n t 1 b / i i r i ’. i n i r -. i U l U c - l ! '■ - I i r t h T ' l i . i v , I ' . i t i r l . . .

. . Ibv . 57c.

2T c2.734,48

MJIICI:—This Store Will Close During July and August at 6 1'. M., Salunlays 1 xcepted. July 4lh, 12 Noon.

V I N C E N T ’ S


arrutitf* d mtAliiIghl a collatlOTi ■was! i e r \ * i l

I I K I a L R V l L L R ,S ( . ] > t r r s B r a m - h . L a d l e * ' C g i h o l i r

B e n e v u k r f . N - - " S e l l n n . w i l l h o M I t H i h l M a n f t U H t t r - ' l b y r u l e t i ) - n l g h t . M e f n h e r x a r d f r l i ’ U ' i : * w i l l I ' - . i v e N o r i h N e w a r k a t 8 o ’ r l ' H ’ k ( i r V . r - n a L a k e .

The B' l'. -G'l- Fndeavor S/>Hety held a weli-ftii'n'b'.l ^'U't^bie 1a*t night at the R f . f u r m < ' t i h ' l n ' h A n r i y T H m m e o f a d -

‘Hinnissy, ’S a y s M r . O o a l f y ;

‘Hinnissy, ’S a y s h e , ' D * J

y e h e a r t h a t O i ’m

ie r it in ’ f o r t h e

n^eUtark ^^Sund'y T Nekts?'

tn th. NEWS.W ASIIINO TO N. June » . _ T h . A:

Clin Kiilt-rnilnn of L abor thi* m > Ltsm"! II ta ll for an aaaeatimont ■ cfnij. per member for the bonrflt ■.! lo t . r t ia i lona l Mat-htni*t*' Asfu.i-.Tln r. lit Ing 2,iiO0.(Wi tneDibtrs o f tn. r nratliiii. Ibl* will give the marhlnji.i.s ! r>«.. inher H**easm»nte a* they bim . n . ' t d p d u p t o t e n c e n t , p e r c a p i i i week, may be asked for,

T’re*|.leni O’Connell, of the Mar-bit,I A.*«ri< lati.,n. said there are now ab..iit tni) men out and that the action ..r r Federallon of*jr la lllustrativ.. n d<-.p sympathy of all labor unions v, the men In their n*ht tor recosnltl.iti

"N o a*»e»eioent," he said, "ha* he.- made by the Machinistr A*aot-latl..ii Ils membtr*. hut volunlary eomrlh-j i ■ have lieen comln* In every day We poi out BS.'jn# last week, but our Ireasursby no means exhausted. I do not be....that another aeaeutnent by the Fr .1 r. tlon o f Labor will be Dcdeaaarv Tl,' ■trike 1* nearinf a rioae.

" I have pent Fourth Vlce-Presbient Thoma* Wit.on. o f Cheyenne, to the 1’ . rule coast to look over the ground *■ I endeavor to adjast mattem there M m , ager Pattemon. of the NaUonat r-,.i Register Company o f IJayton. ,rUl be h r in-morrow or send two rejjreaent*ttv-« and at our et^erence we hop* to ..-c ! th* trouble In Dayton.**


• F p r i i I ’ . v r n l n c ' t .


! I P 0 0 R 5 / V O R T n o f H f l N N E ' t i

The Only P lace in Orange to Save Money.bvL-rUliins!; Fresh from the b'arnrs Bvery Day.

F i n - I ' G ' - L i i m b ... .. . . .. . . I ‘J«*F l i u ' s' M - V. b i b - i l n - v 1. 1^ 1,

' H ' . . . . . . . . . . . I " ' -P’ l n - S i ' - ' I 11' I ' .H --i. l b . . . . . . . . . . . : i r

.1 ' K " I -F I j u i'H-h’ '

t r n * t ’ l i r ' 'V t - l l . ' ’v\ '

I e< ’ t I 111G r f i - r i '»’ l u r Fi w ■B f C l P ■ i ^ t r a o . b i - ' ;

X X X ! i f ' ♦ • i n u r i i ' F l r u * i t " b

i f ' e ........

] ' ' A t . l l i i

(irocery Specials.(jimd fur One Day, Suluritay, June

i y . 1* ^0 1 .

( u. k. I " k

ID •I 5 <-

r * rH U -

S ri ■ 'll 1 ;'' ' , 1 ’• ill*s . I ' l 1 I I : t . .*■.

J i ' '


i # k *'I ; I* r

S , | I i n * . l - . i KI ' I . r>*'.

A ' : • ' .1 • ' ' ■ - . k . r T ' r , N o ai i ’ v I I ' ” t i " 1 ‘ ' ! • i ' ' L - • . ! ' ' * • -

, I I - | . , i , ' I ‘ i I 2 . T r .■|T t 11,1 ' I , , i ,1 . . . I V. ' T t 1: r . l l f * .

w : i I I 11. I • ' , k T u i A ' . ' l I r I ' l n t w

' '."riiT " GfluHfM 7**.I " i ’ H k * >? I l f ] . M u m - I f ) -a ;


iC s h t 111xh .-i. V f f i r s a l'7 ."M !> ♦ “ r l o I l o , . ' l i x O i - f i i y j . j o .

Vincents. Jb i i , >0 2 , 2 Ut .MAIN S T R C H T

H E A R 30D. 302 ' - M A I N S T ,inrim. .1 t> l-*l ttr.iiig.- 1 l.ln t. 'i 'u atitl U .*t 1 l.ln|;*toti. S .t


NO DULL ^ A V P E T ’ CSATURDAYS AT O A T fV t OC K J C ' r i ^ i : w . v i i y W o . A i ) .

nn*( l.ow < h«* r urulitMuik bir h in Inie it wiifrc. VI ||\\ tlB U T B . hi} M K .\ICK .Al U % \ f i

n e w C M : 1f^urfr CSdiyr Viiu'WMr, i***r «i*lb'H

I ' o h f i K . v ' i i : i * e i > , x v s

i ‘wi*« iwi Ki;tlb<ri.11

top yourStomacl)

I W b. p«iU Je lh . all M U 'TH . .I r > - t h , J * * l l v -* 1 l l t i u r n .(►lb. ufuirk I' ur« |f(.,i I'ri'N^rVi*’ A Ib^ Koll*rl i- , ------ - OmK ij_ii «k« r' - - - . - -<‘biilt** SArdifi**-II 'b talar Tr . W o T T M l t f ' I ' J j i r C S «l I ' T b . - l l l e Hume Mftd*''I’aiMii [.rrbiiil** lb, mti TuruAbM". ....... ...................

Li*nfe Mftiulna I.'-iii 'ii« \*> r ibi/eu ......Lxtrx|jiPgf> FaiUt'% N-i-'Lt-'si* l.'-i*i 'ii*>. |:H*rlicr/t-n

8wec*t i ^hf-'r'i i ' 'i - u :t s. fvr ib'/rn

U r I IcDirt4c«4k*Me50Ac4<-

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SDHCIAL ON COFFEE-


W A N T S B M f i y A l E U O I A T E ® .

BHANO^I, J i^ a._The Taotal Sheng. at tha rwiucM rt Lte-Kmi-TI. vlalted *a tie consula Undwy „ d u rM that a* the forelfo force* were laatriac p*kh,g they ought alw> to evunmte Bhangs..* Tbe

I ' J i j i H v i m n ' l i i t o i i a n « ] v o u ' l l h e

• • • f ' l . n " m a i i L T h o w w a r m I h e

w i . i i l u r l i r a E j n e r ' s S t o u M c h R i l -

t r r - ' i l r i . - n t c T h e n s t h e s t u t u a c h . a i d t H i v . u ' * H " n . f T A - v e n t i A f i a l a l c n c y a n H

a l L i ' W s w ) U t o e a t a ( • i i b « * a i i t i a ]

m e a l w U h o u T R u f l e i h t i g a f t e t w a r " ! .

l * r t o o n O o *

O l ' R B E S T T I * \ > -1 i > o . j K r l b . . '

o n l y n e e d a t r i a l i - r r > > t D u - r t - v m I h - i l \<\i f T , . , . . , ' t r c p i m g ' n r i . v i ' . / T e t ? w i l l t h e } ' a r e e q u a l t „ . . u . l l i m , ; M l t . * . l - M h ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ■

Ask lor Sample. Ttr\Vi:V, l i l J oR I B M o . i i | > ,

i . i v O O K i ^ * x r v i i t , i i s o .

K ' l ' l S W I ^ A A I I I , r s o .

r>urinp July an«l AugtHit « 'f will clOBt on Sunday al noon for remainder of thedav.

Roth & Co.'s Market.Amon the Good Things We Offer Saturday:

P r i u a Tm s wt Btoo# ad M sUe. PKKIMO. ■ - » « e .

•Bd PHace Taaa u * la wMch place e* - ' aw senUafliB t* tv

4 is sUtleaed at. hevs

------JIB CWh-« » ■ h t will

Bradner,^ l o o D i a l d a i i d S n r A T e s .

the PrescriptieaDnsfist,

POCL’TRT.I'-ftcassee Fowl., lOe * per Ib.Boasting CUckrna, per Ib.Bruiiera. IWe. per lb.Philadelphia Dry Picked Tarfceya.

IBIye. per (b.1*MW toland dprtng Oorka, IB e . per Ib

.... Bpectal Prime sirtola iteaka tTe. n .

BEEF, 1Chuck Steak. t «e . per lb Hlb RoeatA lOe. aod lih>. per Tb

SPECIAL OFFER IN' SPBIKQ LAM M Breasts sad Necka, Be. ksr 1RKHilder*. .Leg lA B b __Lamb Chops.

per lb per Ib . per Ib

I b

A f o l n . S t r e e t *







T^.-/':’ >r.

xo' ~- —. • •• ’ ►• ■ ■ ■<• - ■• ' • * . ■ ■ * ■ ■ . ■■•. V ' * ■■ •'■'v l». . > ' - ' ■ ■ . ■ ■• ' fl-• 7- » ■ ‘ - _ V— ■ ' ■■■ ■ *

Ne w a r k ev e n in g n e w s , F r i d a y . 'Ju n e 28, la o i .



SLAUGHTER IN PRICES.Ilrrjffrn ("aan ty Xittfi nn<l 1^4'CtrAts

HiorU l>ro|Mi pAcvoiit)' I'otritN on F o rc n l o f ^Yiitr(‘ «.

Stw l»1 I)JK|Mitrh to Ih** NIvWH \NK\A’ YORK. June 2S.—An hi-*.- of \

. ___________ tin- VHlue ID broki^ps of an ii-.i fisi- l ■' k 'WHS Khown to-day when, wlil^ Mih-r

Surolusof Receipts Over tipenditares of u,.rKe„ ('uur,:> ... 'Jju ijn u j «| nt-vvipt 1 i Kleciilii Uinek wtT£ aolil. for Mj J :.

rjinml ft Co. und«T Iht ruli- Si \s '] j’ourse, u forc’t'd aalf*-I The lni<l regular quotation nn ih-' t-V' k, made Home time ago by a am;tli •■ >1'. ^

I lit I'll. When ih f atock wom ulTi r- I ■ '• 1 »' Mh niHh waa hid fur one lot ci|


(ConUmn-rl frum I 'i i f )

Will Be more than S75,B«0.0«"Olber Bureaus Also to Report,

Gaius Predomiaated ia the Opeuing Dealings and After the Alarquand

Fa lure Prices W'ent Higher.


\VASI11NGTi »N. sJuin Z\^S>xi Murnlay. ‘'Ni'w V»-;er'h IhiS ' I'-r t l f IIiiihu’IuI il-- ji.trlnn’HlH nf fFh' l iilltd Sl-Uf'i ( f iv T i i- tnt’Zit, will Ik' Jill iM'i jisliiH fur )h';irt\ l utn iSriitulatlnn <in fin p.irt of tlioM’ who Ini tu chBrgi* I'jsrif i'tim'.'i .slluntj )>ur>e Btrliuts

The ll.**' ul y«Mr, A\lih‘li will itjiI SumJiiv. U hfld tty Iho hli ll eill'M'hlls "1 Thr TI'k h - ury Di'parlrnriil I'l Ijtivr In'i n ih'- rrif>'t i '•- mtirkahlo In Ihi--(iiiu:ulnl liInturA " l ihi fouiiiry.

Tht> ‘>f thi* ruv<-nin’ i hi h (v«-yiA’Vrr Imhti ho gri-ai 'i hs- iru-onn frutn intprriwt n‘vr'Tua*» will i si-'M-d WhU’h iu thii lurge'St o v T Un"Wii, i-xMM-illtig that of Uial your hy n<iir!i 512.a'N,i.NM. Th-- cuRlninB rn-pltitH rverr jL*i“i.o<jn.!Hiij last v a r ; thfy will lie ni'arly la-W.nrNi.'MJ this y a r

Thi* t‘Xfu*mlUurK:* of i IiIh y*-ir will nut )M QUrv UlAAn lU.iXlti.tifX) largi-r than ihos>- m U i i yrar. ami lh<‘ wurplun of rmi'liUs OTftr exiJ'‘ndlturi'H will he in i‘ x«'»‘ws uf tTfi,'

i 000,000. fulling only n N-w mllllun eUillurH

in<l st3;l AVfjjs qffcTnil for the rului The ►Ita'k wan sold at tli'-H*- lMru'-"i

ceninifr prli'i-a, nliowlng derllius cf n ■'• ►iVi rKfijir-i'ilvt'ly from jirovlouH

Tin- Hirsrk wti.H lalpr lifted tu 4V .'ii ?‘ «- uiiir tratu'ni iInns.

e in t i\ .AM> i*u o v f^ io \ s .

flhort of rlip fnUmali* inadf by tArTr*'lnry

ninl <lui>tHtlonn ll« ‘ <*nrilitl nt i Ih* Y o rk Exi'linnieiv

M :W VtJUK. Juno 2H.~Flour-Mc'<i'U'«, 111..'4:3 hhls.; wnlPs, S.WtO pkgH.; HtatK ir;-.

h>a ucllv’e and not so h\isy .i vf - 'erday.

WUrai^ rtopf-Hit.’ . 13k,too llU ; R.Tlna, I.Wi i-iio hu., dull ami woak under llquhhiifi'i ,iiul ratp|K'i, In face o f foreign hu\-lug. .)ijly. Ty IrTATk. S<’ pt#'fnlM*r,Lu tuhf'r. 73 l-Ti^iTSiii. Dr-cfmber,

R:.-f Weak. Stati'. c. t. f. N 'wY'nrk ttit Intj ; No. 2 Wr-stern, 6&Vi f- O- b

f ‘itm—Hf-ff litiH, 121.JNW buaheli; giiU'fi. buj5h"lH- yuh't and easier with

'sli’c\' YORK, .rurv c' . -Th'’ i»!U’ li m.’if-I I'rh-Mid >rtmr uf TilP f 111 MlP■ 'Irijltt.t’H ard gain? piKilutnlniitt-cl

-'hig :u IS In Auhlt^oii u;id .i jjulnt In .-'M-ei Railway i.i-.rl NVw

■ k I ht'ju.',/ >11,il St I..'.iuIh .>;»■< otjtl ]>re-ri i Tt.i fi w rl.-rilr.A'- Ws-rt- slTUill H»,-- |•f■■l lii.-.ii.ij for Ju-rllu u!''n'ih' l i lpc'd r .\ii.i r|i :ii, (l< p.iri tT5< r.l li, and!*> ,iri I'tfh.-!,M* In H‘.. M Th' iri;irk<‘ i b'-'i'^me imme-ii' i - 'l l!) niirin thv rinhuuiu t fTH'Tii uf •' ri|,:i i-l f.i.l ir* Pruf'.'8liiii;i I upi i a*rs .i\vijiii <l ih,‘ rumntl lu-tlng Hit uf the til's ii'ih, .itrJ a.-J lIu'V '-morac d u f'ta lif thi’ sj-f (ulii M vi- li-.tdrrH

th. liiiusj* liiiiTivitcl. pih fMI >1 I ') 1 IS'- un nhlillhg u|» of the Till silitH f'-.i'-hi'il iwii polnr-* In ii'i-l St. p in l am) a puUil In ihu

approximate fseh'.diJ'- ( f ItU'fs, but r -pllHrl that tI i pDHHlblo, Hi" Htikl h- h '1 nr fjr not a srhi'ilu:'- ■'! ■' llh-s would hr* fh '■!

Prf'fddent Itldmrri 1 >< 'National iJunk. v;,!!) : • : P'jM' thui Ihu tiixik r, rh^rk of JSDO.OUd g lo h waa nonnensi', il< no account « i tin muntha, and iln.i ; ■only 13,000. lie soil . ■ never made a icitri ’ • nlal by Freshh-ru 1" , ' uut by lniim.ut)Dn8 n that check-klrir.g r through the i'urk N. i Nntlnnal bankh.

The l^allroad '.fiiPl • • Smltli, the usHlgm ' ! 'I Ib vic<'-|)rm4l.ji>iii i.n l - (Yio JTttflburg, Sh iw II

' r»Ti's!"• Im- ;t wlu-th- -] lliibil-

, . r.f ih'- r’arU iiu.t tip- re-

I cnil a.\! r I'. iti-i C‘‘n

■ :n in linsi Tind\.„hV ......... ., , I' ,.n'."tirn'''I lo ■ j, : it.i- hruik Had • lirm- This- de-

, . , , lirmiglil. j:, rnitig j .ipc-r : • ■ inJingi u lit

,.',.1 S'Vi-nlh

■.. l-'rank S I ,1-1 I ii.'J & Co..

.-■ I uf N rllu III.

n t-,

ir*f il-i

o f the'^Tfoaaiiry Gage ettrly In thu year, namely, IKO. dXi.OOO.

Ontiuok fo r Y ost V eo r,The Rureau of fltatlKtlrs will nhr.w iin

unprecedented vulume o f A’Xjiort busln'*H*i, rearhlng a MIMun aeui u half dalhira In Value, with a hiihinre nf traih* 1ri favor of the United f?tal« a largely Inereiiaed over that of 111'' prevloua liatal year.

The other biireiniH of the- Treasurj' De­partment will ulHO report aome Inleresllng facta and flgiiren, the aecrel service show­ing, for IriKtanee, that there ha«' neVer been po Utile counterfeiting In the country as during the Iasi twelve moniha.,The outlook for the next year In n Anan-

cial woy Ih held to lie Junt a« pPnmlHlng. The recelpla wfll he reduced about ttO.OOO,- 000, of lh<' rer1util'»n In the war revenue tax, hirt tlmrc will im a rnrre- Spending reduction In expHullturea. It la ■aid, ao ihut another purplun may he ex­pected. unlePH the rongreKM !<huuld puhs a lapge river and Imrh'ir bill, the ship 8ul>- aldy hill and other^exfienelve Icglphilluri.

A large saving in cxijcr-teil In deallngH with the colonlca. ami. It H belli-ved. lluil the cxpeuHeti of llie iirmy uml navy will be materially ileereaxcd.


1 >uis-lb-' T ill' 1a a IiP

Hr.-f-St- Pmk S'-

Iblftcr H


Barely ateaslylpt«. lia.FptQ Im.:i2'/r(37.

h.-iv.,, prim*' Wb'Htern atcam, S.kri.i. -lpi'. pkga.; flleady.

SAliib. ilalry. lAhi^'^; cre amery, fm--tury, 12‘-:'(ii’*.. It.-rrlpis. ',.1114 pkgH.; atcady:

fancy I irm* « - I- r. .|, l" .. fnnry Inrge white, fha: fuju -s-JdU fancy

PROGRESS OF HILLING D E A LInFopectnanre Proorcdliiifrti

D ifferent n o p e « Agn liin f rn lfe t l !Afii(e« I'unipany.

NEW YORK, Jiitii' 2S. —Dci-reea of fnre- Ctoiure of the ralU.i of the I ’ nlfed ftlatee FlbUr Milling rompany hnve now been entered in alt fitntea iind dlsirlcta with the exception of the Southern Dlalrlct of New Y'ork, where n''‘deiTpe will be en­tered Jvily 1, it will (hen be neccfloiiry to Rdvorilse the aale of the propertlCH ao that It will probably be »lx week« beforethe various ptantn of the old eomoany can be turned over lo the ainndanl Mill­ing Company, the Fuc<’C.4aor corpomllon.

in thi: case of the Uecker-Jonea-Jewell Milling Company, which la alao In the hands af a receiver, a furecloaurc will not be neccHBary, becausp tlint coinpnny In In a jolvant condition, and li la cxpeeied that

'b4he receiver will be dlHchnrged at an early date. Favnrahte prugrcHR Is re­ported In the organlEiitlon o f the Btandurd Mill Company'n alafT an'l pulii'y.

Eggs o.l'U |ik«B ; ftrm; Stateanil rf-iinsylvanln, Weaterrr can­dled, l.TLyiill. W'-Hieni uneundled.

Sugar—liaw, sl*-a«ljr , fujr reflnlnif, 3 9-lfi; centrifugal, >i I 7-32; rnobiKRvH sugar, 3 Fj-lll. Uphni'il, H'-ady, crushed, G.OO. pow­dered, &.15II; grnnulaleil. n .V1,

CofTcc—Bteni’y , Nu 7 Ulo, G 1!6,

M ore T lia o l.imo Mllrn rureatrneted In I'lrMl Mx

New rallriuiil Jiiiii'uiilliig to l.lMjH miles was built hy K.4 rumpaiileH in the United BtRtca during ihe lirni hIx inmithH of ihla N'crir, acrorillng tn H of The Hall-rnml GaxrttH. Tin- jonn'- perlfjd last year produced 2.111 mlb-s. ur 14.1 more. The Intll- callona are tiu l tlu* 4.s!i4 milea built dur­ing the entire iwrlve nii'niliH AVf 1900 will not be equalh'il i Ii Ih

Texas leads ihN yciir v.ltb miles, nnd Oklrthomfi la a rluM- wirh 243 irllea.Ocorglu hulll 1*4 mill-''. .Vrliiinsas 133 mlb'.'«. IxiulKlann 10.1 iiii>l I'uluriuln 102 miles. The South, as'ln n-<-«-nt yi- us. hhuwa the hirg- esi liclivlty. Among ilu- eompimICH the Chicago, Rock Islaii'l aiul f'aclrtc afands flrsl with 1D7 miles, TIu' Si Emils and Han Uninclnco built idxty-four mllea, the Bouihefn rnclflr sixty, and the Great Northern and tlie Itlnckwell, Enid uml Bouthwestern, a new company, each fifty- six miles. As n rule the building has been ellhef hy the older lines or by new oom- panlcs ch>se|>- aflillaled with ibo older Drganlxutlons.

I - Till' whir'll Jirb'es le-[ I'n.'-I tiurii ihi- lulling III for the nu s- I |l■-lll ■rl hrm''4 ;ii-i-miiii wii.-i nuiliilalnKi]

'!i-r III- op' iullHjiJ 'ea>4K<l The Mliihldtyi.f ib. lu.iik'i -ifuT Mil’ "iin'li-r the rule"Ir ' 11 j-f I'it.- w* rr lln!.-*h< il i-ih uuriigrd ilu-1 'lM «-)-i t«i bp] u]i the Wt-.-uh-rii imdr.i 111' -!‘m ■'iiuirtly, i ,Mining ,m Im-|,T..-..-r' rbjuijgliiiij!. Ciiloii I'm Uh-r-'iu fn'! lln, .iinl Ill' ll' w re HubHlnnllal gjitn- In Mu .\ii hl-u'iis, l r Ibinl, 8miih--rii1 ‘a 'lli' lire. lli-.Mlirig.*, Knivius-.ii:.l T' xa'< |ii ■ F'-yrt-i!, I ,;it k.i as nnriii, ChLagu Ti-r- ml:i.d Ir'ti-'f'T, 'rnl<,i(-<u and Anuik;!- n..ii'il.'■■ipi -r .\i it'Min ulntl'>n lud *i•,Kii| tiiT'i . ,>!M;<i(fuh b»'Hi prli'*H lur .i li-w

al'-‘ k-i ss-ri'-iL llnnj.i were dull iiiui Hi' I'h

:■ F’ M 's'lUi ihe yh-Idlng «»f Mic m ine­ral'- .Mi' T Me- ,ii ■ uunts uf ihi- f ilb il firm hud l'*-''ii r|.'‘-'T| Mill, nti iii-ilvi- d'-m-ind s]>runK lip I’r'irn Mu- b- iirs and prb-i'H ros ■ wllli i-iihsld'-riil'b' !-irfngth. Atchlsiui :id •viini'-l Urb- tlr».i pn 'b^r'i] V'v- St UhuI 2-\. llUmls (••'iiiral 2 1. niid l^uils- vUli' a:id I'etiv'T ;iU'i lllu Grand prefcrreil2 eai li TIu- K- r;t-r;iI* '- svrta n p"lnlor hi'iti r .\in"i!i:^t Mi'* i l i l “ i Culo-rad.s l'’m'l t u - i ' .\iiierl. nil ........... . pre-ferr'-d 3'., Mii-'-ril CL 't r l i ’ 3 niul Twin Cll.v Hipl'i TnurP Tin- cUi-lng dull jiial !-ir<iiM{ 111 ih'-

HANGb OF PRICbS.Tlierangcof lo-u.ij * price* for ibe mor

W E on A v r ru R D g i>k h i ^.

E le r ie il UreMldeiit <»f |]ie U n lfe il K n ll- vriiyH n1 YpNteriln3'*H >lre(|nu:.

DAETfMOJtE, June 2x.»At a meeting o f the directors o f the United RuilwayH yesterday Nelson IVrIn n-sigacd uh presi­dent, and George R. Webb WHH olcctril a.* his aucersaor. A rcaaliitlon w'as utmni- motisly adopted by the bnanl expressing opprcdallnn for the w’ork ace'ompllabed by PieslUcnt l^erln Htid rammerullng bis iong servic'CH In developing thu rapid transit Interests of linltlmore.

Mr. I'eriij roHigned a memlier of the Board of DirectorR. and WUlbim f*. Har­vey also retired aa a director. The two VoeuiieleB llm?i erealed wen* then tilled by Ihfi elecibm of John li. Knmany and We:i- ley M. Oler. Mr UaniHiiy W.iH i-lerted a ttlember of the Kserutlve rommliltfp. iind m the next mneilrig uf that cummlMee will be cho-.i-ti Hs li#i I halrmnn

Next w<-elt Mien* nlll t»*- ii im-*-llng of rbe tllrccturp of iFie Un1i*d Kbctrlc Light and Power Uonipiiny. at which .Mr, Perln will also rcHlgii UH pr*-bbletil of Mils ccimpans-, lie will be Hucccedid by Mr. Webb.

V Ir to ry fo r (i*na Com pan I pm,r i l ir A t lO . June conipanlcs

seored ihelr flrst victory in the Ucdcrnl Courl ypHt<Td«y when Judge KohlRuiit re­fused to remand tt> the State Court the suit rei’ently brought by the city to rorf*dl the rights and proiwrty o f the Ogden tias Company. The Judge decided thut he b;u1 original jurlsdletlon In the tiroeeedlngs, InusmiJch ns cerinSn iHsuea aroae under the Federal CojiHiitutlon. This ruling Is r*-- ganbd with favor by the attorneys for the i


P r r s l i le u t Thoiu/ii '‘ u 's I'liius Co lh a f l i i id W HI ." rtun lb' ■'I'i'lr I'nb llc,

W hat ilntil-rr^ '*nj.'.‘4{>erlnl rhspati-Fi r >

Nb7W YUKK, J'., ' - TlmrruiS, of thu 6>‘‘> ■< .-'Old ihld munitun i gardlng phins ]'"i' ' Mie bunk m.iy b" v •muiToW'. tie nleni iH'-nry Mtirtiuiiml tV ' - m.I tonal dUTi--i • u> " i' rfi-v*-nili NuMiirul ' • :w-< rii Ihut Jlrm u. l " ilHlaed hefori' [ii> > Me declined lu m. iv m in i rcgunlitiy Mm . ,

■G\ill your bui.k i’ Tull?■■ he w-as a.-<k

" I um not prep-it< .1 i> I Ion at I h)H um> . ' v,, -

Itunki'i'a da nut N.jdoiial will npi'ii uulm to Mie bank i" - Ivn4. which, )n I'lT -i ' i pulley of Cutlet rl'i] tiuM agreement w i'been ailuWeil (o I.ilJ Ellt-mbai l aKsnieiit dU' npuii good ci>lluiei ,liMJiks luivc alwii\‘s 1-

I 1 .•'iltb'iit L It i, N itii-:iul Hank I ,i , nil nt t'*I . .n y uii£a! tun k.' • \' Mme I

iiK- i.iUiire u* will ii"l nniko iin\

. Ibl ,iff.111!? uf t!l 111.. ilin'Ti'iicc !u

t. il K YVUS cb-ll I \\i.f ilu' furmei'

I . |H-t- iinl sU*t«-I k fill' t;u- t'iiiik,;t;< and pay ii

,1 ....... t'lul ipie.-.-V,, - hi I *-['iy li.i k tli.iT Mil" SeveuM II- i] "TH iigiiln 'rhi>

iii -,ii< ni ii^ie, n:t-nt ' ' ’ . \\ i-t t III' iinuplion

-|<<] ,1 'M s ia t ic e . B1 iy<'< - !' I Ik. d no bank ha.*

iii'i Ilf ivinporiir;. f i t lu f e to reuHx TtU’ oilier eJl; iK I" the rescu-

I'hls ugrecinCni .■nll ii \ "gue ami It i.- Si t mlngly evltb-m, i| ,-i'f"r '. Itu i MeSevehili Xailona'i i ■ • i u •! ?»how h ccmdl LMoi MkU would wiri 1, f Mu- a.'sslsiance "i I Ih- oi her hanks,

I ■ 111 \ I- the flnancM i f'lrMi'T. WUh Ih'

'■ iitid the Scvemii

M anufaefurlnu: C'umpiiny Form ed.Ai^^b'S IncorporuMug the Keller Manu-

farturliiK 4‘omriany were reconlecj j-pster- dav In the ntllc? of the county clerk. Its iibjeci Is to deal In Jewelry, and the capltnl stix-k la fixed ftt ItiO.iHiO. all o f which Is i)uld up by these incoriioralors; Adolph Keller, 2Su Rbnre»: Hugo U. Keller, IW Ahares, and John F. Garland. So shares. The principal in this Btnle will be at Mullierry streei, and the agent Is Oscar I.. Hcnerlau.

G overn m en l C o lim g r Ntjil«*iiirnt,W ABHINGTON. June 2H.-Tlm furitn'om-

ing statement o f ih t oolnajie f.X'-euied at the rolbts o f the Unlle«| Hiates for th- liw'Hl year ending June UD. will show the total coinug*- to havn br»'u IKlfi.34".7M. ns followBl Odd. |!Hii,'Hfci.7b'i; .'‘ llsn , fJa.- 2tii.493i minor coins. l2,iion.r.dv


Knhn, l.oeb ^ 4'u. J 're iia rrd to t ii>d e rtake Th is l*art o f th e l*roJect.I l was learned positively yesterdfly that

the banklng-hniiHo of Kuhn, I.,opb ft Co. were prepared to \indrrlnkc the Unanclng of the ijropnsed North K1\or bridge that the F'cnnsylvanla Railroad waniw built If X an1lsfai’tcir> uiulerHlandlng i-an he ar- rl\‘ed at ri'-gardliig Mie hnani tnl basis.

" it will nut bi' u Ib'inisylvnnlu Kallroad bridge." said Mu mjtn from whom the In­formation was obiuinrd. "although the Pcimsylvunl.i will tak« the leadership in backing ihf iir'ijf-ri All the railroads whose lints now- terminate across the Hudson nil Mu* Ji'rsi-S‘ Hhor<* will be allowed to tH-ni-f1l. There Is n« doubt that the trafllr fropi ilie.-ic roads would make the brldgi* p:i> ."


According m Wail street <-stlmati-s the, July dividend anil Interest paynieniH tliio next month will amount to more than S&0,00l)»000.

A b tniisl of the men,b»-rs of the Kinanii Coiiiinlltce of thi- I'n lii’d Status Hici- LTrporatlon Wi-ro out t>f town yestenli.i no meeting iT ihi- committee was held.

Dr. Gf-nl^^c1l. a director of the t!rfnn> ' Lelpxlngor wuk urresu-d this morn Ing. The tninl'- In conHcquence of the -ir rest of .Muu'iM'T Lxner. of the bank. Ii.i- abated

ftc11\ e situi ka i'U itlh. of llie .N fc ft L U1 K*niurk'-i>i. iifi I iu i.lbL'U h>r Itlb L 2i w‘I ’ust ft l''Ligg, !*i t"''l"w:

i\> II- Uigh 1 .l>\V- Moyi .n, fy-\. lug

Am. ( i'l f K] iM .. :nv 22 III’., rAin. .^iiulll.ig__ •*Ani. SuK'ir....,...... N1‘* Hi' A U.-1, H4 siMn T!itin<’to ........... Iff'd IV J. 1411'-* H'IJlAm. 1'. & F Co.. :i: 32',rtni. r , ft K, To., i i‘ '‘S K« wAm. L'opii -r............. 1 2', '2I“« ua4Annconclfi M, c*o 47's 47' ‘jA . T. A cS. F .......... Mj-'i KS V MN*A., T. ft S. F.. pr,.. JII.3 1U3'., lo r ,Hjillltnorc ft i )h lo... prrs lull*Hrooklyn U. T ........ M -21, hi h2’5fHTiinhiin I'^nHllr__ PM IftlN ]IM UH'.-L'hcrtuppiikt' ft Ghlo 4Ji 4S'v •N 4-v..rhI. G. W ............... 21', 24'ir iiifiig ii A .\ituu__ 14 46',

L’ .. C. & S[ la... NT 87-st'nl. KiM'l ft Iron__ 112 11.1 \U itr.Cot., Hnck V A T , . M 64 r»4I'ol. Hmitlirrn........ U ', \\W 144 114('un.'-olliliit'*il i'l IS.. . 22J, 2-1 aIJH. ft limlHfM....... Kh K*7 1H7 PiiHel.. L i ik ft W'cpt. a i 2J7'4 2,7lii-n. & lliii G r........ 60 ,1* Ml 5nl>f-iiver ft H. Gr , |ir. '.mT, IWI'l. lot'k

1 Frle ........................ 42 US Ml,1 !‘;rli‘, 1-Hl pr.............. <:i 7IFS 12%[ Generil Glt'cirli' lju. Hfti' 2ri:.1 Gliicosi' li' filling i'n. .“'Ji iff .'iff uH, llllni»is« 1 'enlrit!....... Hit ViW 14ff t.ilG1 lowu 4'cnirHl........... IlLj 411 {nwa ( ’I'lUnil. t'T..... hi hi hi)

KUT1-.MS ft Texas. .. L’114 31 2fl4 31KansiiH A Ti*x., pr . 'at.'S ft IS'lMh........ pm m 'l K',P . lUHVMiti.huujin rourtul.. LM'., Uff's V12\ 12'..Mfl Si Kiillwuy.. . ITU, ITfjH \Vi\ Il4‘nM1r<Kuurl H.ic........... 12N* 12"-4 111 - iMvxlciui Uf'iit 1< IL I'vk. L‘N »-aNail'iin! Im'hJ Ci> .. 11''*1 33•N V I'toHriil ,. . I.*'?', l.'-hS, ir.7 iriSNorfolk ft . . . '■I'l 614

' Nurth I'.iGIlr, pr . % i«; !I6.S’orihwp'fti ‘.'i'C's iivifc Jfiru'H.i intiif 1 1 ft Wcrti* ni. Si'.K, .27'., ;«% 3»;\

1 l'»‘iin>is IviiEilu __ 1.114 i.'m luHia1 I'.u-lll'- .\l.ill............ G 4: 41 121 F’r»''-i-il .S 1 ‘ur 4 'n. " ' i 444 l"4 44\1 l'r<‘ J rti s 4 ■ 1 'f>.. pr hf> S»i sr, 86

IL ’ llltl.L- ......... t.’i 4'14 •lu 4r4'sH'.olliiK, Nr jir..... IS Iff'* Th 7S

i *U-i. k M;ih'l . IfiT 11: r.7 ir.71 H' |i 1 fun ft S 1 ‘n .. TO O't 21-V, 22' SI I ..uN S \V pr.. ■57 i.;4 '.llL, 671st ['iiLi! I7'.'\ 1T1\ 172 174T.1 StMjiyi-rn r:u-......... rm-\ 1S4 5Wi

>"iih'-rii ...... :r.'\ 331(.>"iiihtT!i liv. pr., W»>4 N7,

1 SI L. A K , ’M pr, 73N Ti i n . T3STi-nn I' A 1 ........ i!7% .2'\ >rT\\ (fiyTrx.i- ft l ‘:i. Itif' ... 44 v \ M'ST . St 1. at \V ...... I'll, 21N 21ST Si 1, 2; \v . [ir .31; ■jfi :i61 i.i'-t \ . :'l. ..... 1I'\ I'V., llfXfii1 iii'-ii 1' i> lilt', pr .. fMH.j ff] ‘O4 di'■ S s ,- .1 I'.N1 s s i i . I. pr......... {r^^ ff'4 !*N4 99S1 s 1, ,fh. r ........ l-N 14 IHH ri'A' s 1.. 11 ,t r. rr ... 7HN ''1 T‘.4 ?»Wil-.Gi ....... n "01 _ 37 1Il .ll'.'l-ll [T . . . G", 424 43XU I-Mf, [n tiliui Ti'l.. lie's ‘tl ff.^

ft 1. I-: . ... L*n " ‘i. I'l 2fy\\\ N I - -[ 1 i ‘fn tnil . or, 1'7.\ '‘u ?3*<i\\ I* ■ '■ 1 1 rj 1. pr ... 47 17", ■7'. ■Tl-i

worst Is i> 1 barlng-hrujsi , 1 iearlng shvi-' ■ i-i morning, uu'.

uiluK smtud M? uion of il.nii’ ul' ': k (UllHlile i,if !?:

iliitYhers dn not Iroulde will gi. .i f lib re nf Marqu .n.NuMonal, tFii\Munaci r SfIn ri-r,*ul(l U'-duy ilial . w cni I linuigli as ijMl.11 » veryMtlngT h' r*- Is I'.ot e\ cn .i ti\ . oniu'ct bm w |i li .Seventh NntliYnal

UrcH ldeiit ' I 'h in u n H ’ M S l i i t e i n e i i f .v\fM-r seviTiil I'liiil'If ri rs wilh tin* ctnni

»i'l fnr the I'liiik nri-l others, Uresidf’ ii 'nmmas guv-.- ,i-it tins sialrirn'iil las night:

' The dlinculllrs " f rlu' hunk are dn solely to the mukln*i by Iht- [irevlous ex rciMlve oflli'ers of Inrge iKlviMieca t- Messrs. Murquimd ft c,i,, nnd i ho secur: ty received theri'OtY w-hh uf an umnnrk* t ible i-huriu'ter. alihougli uf considcriib: IntrliiKlc value.

"I'revlouH to Monday last I had nevr hml any roiaili'ii to ihe b.iiik as iHret*io or ortli'iT. but iipim lb'- urgent applh’aflof uf the board I and ni> assoclalc. Gilwti Gould, had furnl.'flied lliiancial iisslsMiiur-'I o a la r g e n i iu u i i i l np i*n . id ' - ' ' - ' i t " • ry . oiYil u p o n Ih e n s s a n i iu 'e 1h n t t h e o b - i lK fM l i i t is n f .M a r< |u a m l & C u . w o u ld b e mmb* g o o d by t h is m o r n in g .

"Tbp llrtn numed had. however, failed In fullll expectfitlons. and while Mr. Gould mil myself atid some uf the directors were willing In furnish nnanrlnl idil, It was not I'l-mpd jii.^t, I'llher tu the depositorp, • loi khuldt-rs or the public, to Invite de- posiu until the nflalrH ot the i kuk -mm .igaln-bc placed iipnii an abs'diucly so it basis.

"l-''or this ]>urposp rensonal'lr lime wv- necessary, and to pri-Vi-nt unfiilT pref.-r enoo or uilvnalage thr boaril ilptermlisen w-!lh the ftflvlet* of ciiiiii.sfd, (u HUspcni opep.itlouH for the pri’seni '

It wart rtuld latiT by Mr Cromw« 11 th-a’ he was eiigagi il In pri'p iiing a plan for th- renrgnnixuMo!! of rhi- b-mk. and that h thought It would be sail.-fiU'tor.v to nil I'or ferned. This Hnn. nr aii'ilher. he a:il’ would be pr« “"Uti'd it' an l arlv ilaln.

Among th*' nuins ii 'M.-i-s puste'1 «ui C ■ df>orN of th»* I'Kuk Is i]|, f dlowlng.

' TYie CluiHi N.jMoii d Itiink gives nuM’ ihal drafts tf ilo- Si l,;iwr''ncc Cnmir Rank. Cniii"c, N V M inhatian S ti' llospUal. Niilonal Hunk. Jt'Iliink, N. J M 'N ill ,v Miirlln Mnnuf i- luring A'o . F’ li r-Mii N Union Muto Idfp insuriiii -- c.,ni],,ini,-, Uurtlartil, M Pltlxcnn' N iii- iii l i'.ink, foN'lnglnn. 'i Kirrtl N oM' Im I b ink, nxfurd, O., will ’ paid by thoTU > ' urt 'U itioii."

fjeorge V. ViliTii*., tlip (*ash1er of lb bank, guv-- , r..!|nw1ng car«l to-il r.

"E rsk lre Ib w if ]|ugh Kelly and 1."

The CnniItiUiincp Gbissi Press f.’omimo V.IM) an auihiirlzed i-aplial of 0&(ki,tiiMi, .t'n! the Si'Ulli'Tn Sliirydard OIJ Compunj', will, a «apll:il of tlleii Article* o f In "i-jH.irmb'11 at t'iuiulen vpHlerday.

I he Prlr^B o t Dnnft*.A ipen-11 IkI^-Low-CIoh*

■|it -.J- r.i-I'HV lu4-\ KiTk, m \r a; s K 4s

W ASUlNGTftN. June - Purecnsl andW’Ciiiht'T t'uiKiltbms

The warm weather of the lasi f»-w days hn* nut abated In nriv dl-Htrlct cast of tlie Iloekj Mnmilalns The minimum temperature* uf bisi nighl were sllghMy higher than the nJghi b« fore and murl- mum tenY]ieranirej.. uf I**' aiiil atsive were recordt-cJ Thursday g'*m-ratJi‘ east of the Roi-ki MeunuilriA,

ScaMer<-il Miuri'b’rrttorrnr Fuive ocrurred In \jirUms districts, Imt ih ire has been no region In whli-h ih'-t have lieen gen- iral I . " Ill rain ha.'* falb-ii In rxtretne BuLitlurri iiTiil SouiFivvestern, >i por­tion niilv of tlu' ilroiighi-strl«-ken region Li*civi rains an- Indlran-ii for <‘ciitrfll and Korth'-in New Kngl:«n*l. portluns of the iiuif rourtt T» xas and 1'’ lorld!i High tern- jvratures will continue in all dIstrIctH ex­cept where there Is temporary ctHJllng eaupctl by |<v-jil ahow'i-rs.

The winds on ihe .\tlamlc coast w--tp light to fre*ih s'uMvi-rl\: light soulh to Boiithwpsi wluily will preval] on th,* lower lakes

The frillcwli'K h'-avy pn-elplCiMnn iln Inches) was r*'poru-il during the i)ast twentv.fonr h. urs: I..n-rossf. ] 3*. gu i-

The Gr»iit Wi-stern Coment Cmui' was liYi-oTporated « i Trcntiin vest f with iiu iiii!hi>rtr.i-d capital uf IncMrjH'l'.I'lrrt are Augiirttua H Mi - I ’ lifforil W -i'erklnrt and Kenneth K luiren, all of Jersey CIlj'.

|: P iiTS.r' ft 4s. , PU-V. l"3\ PI3\1 ' 1 •1 <1 ■ 'f-.i .'iH . 19H Iffh pis■ '! 1 l( 1 f t p 4rt I1W PftL. 1(14I -1' . l'"V\\l' K ft T Is . ,. . '.e.' 'ft ffH\ r 1’ •• !llr :;.N . 77 \ 7?-nTP .. . ..ST4,S' 1 ft- S \V l5ls . flNN ffSi*.s ,■ rn Uv ’>’* . . 1?"*u i-dln 4'i ......... HI ffii^ Hi's



96 Sv isnti9m

It Irt Minted that the HurnbllTK-.\ ii • r., line will sh«)rlly reduce Its rates i.n n > frum Germiiny lo Indian. ChiM,'-. J a t-a n o s e portH. It 1* llKoly that t ',. dm Uoti Will Kiart a ratc-culilug u r the Kngllrth lines touching at th--

Thr U lH la il# lp lila Xtock M aricti,■. ."s.iig prict'* on ibu UtiiiiideiphiiX Sidck

ub labiulaled by Dick Broo.Co.


The official Mlatcmeiit of t h«- ganiatcd Cupper Comjmny. r- ii York Block Exchange rt?af*-s i| om paiiy ha* acquired l37. . stock of the Boston Hn«l M 'l-cii. solldahMi Clipper und S lher Metm': tutny. and lS3.85ii shar»s iiut of Mi. share* o f the HuIIe and Ib sYon t dal<Kl Mining Company.

fti' r A f lE ill-kMiV*.

. T r b r t Ion .'>s lrb‘ rl:» Steel. .

Bid Asked

.V'u.iT.-iW. pT .............

- I I. ' -f America .rH,i» n .

.UphiiliIt pr

A-i'han ..s ..I.*'!.

it .Uph>T A m 'Yi-'

bee. ■ C

The ^Vabash Hailrond i'"tnpji;i\ l3.OQ0.0U0 niorigagt* 4M Tcb-iln y.--*t -r favor of thv Knlrkerboi-ker Tr pany and others of New- York li . liver B period of f<irl>- yenrs at. ! an Imuc o f l-onils of e.ic!ifour per ct-ni Inirrcst The i. laMids Is t" pruvltle fuTiilB for M.. slon and lmprovi>mcnt o f the '*\i«!i

i-l’ ll.i t\v . .I - i' w .Iier Steel

|'■•Tl Tniciloh ' ' It. -I Gws ]iiir> vA . rw1l■k Hlet-1 1 -s r,b o f N A



. H 42


7*V\m7 '::3






United States llep artm en t o f A g rk u l lu re. W eather t?u-eau.

^evl \ urk . N. "4 tM's«r\aiioir*. ijtkatj :it f


■luiie IIMH.A M , T5tli mer.

HTATI''XR, wrxTH Kg.

' Cfimptrollrr I ’uwcm ha* Issu--- • tlfltiMe authorising the Chel-- ,

Bunk "f Atlantic t‘ily to U-glt- j with a capital nf llOfi.OCH. Jr-4'.I Is to !>*> jir' rtldeTJi and Jere H N-

Icf The ctimptrollcr has r**-,nh , provas o f the Domestic Kx- t. I lloottl Bank of New Y’ork as -l j agent for the l^assalc N atl i .i

UuMsalc. wss frtlrlv acth'e In the loc*l Trinrk*'t fo-tlHy Sales of Unlletl Electric i-mit'* were made at T3^<if73*j, and same v\ hiTH L)tie cr rMflcatcH changed hands at 'J and sj‘b North Jcrflcy Htock was flnT- *1 2p * b id . hut Tin ealprt were reported.

T o -d a y 's QnotatlOBx, Purntshed b> J. S. H*ppel, 7^ Broad

fTTret. Newark, N. J..

AlUny.,.AUsbla..........K mOuo............

. Iteffaln. - ...................

Ulnciiiiiifii.......Dgavac......... .4iaU«s0|iri...*..|w * “ — -.....IIXPHI-..........I' a «onriiie....

^BisTiUe.„....|llliwankoe.....ioorliwad.......f«w Orleans. ..| few York C ilj.

SnrfolkOvahandtadelplyg , nttal*oiv--04. l.o«U Kl. Paal.....Aavanasli. .

....... „Wy U ltiqftmi..-,} _7J

O.niir .wp .'iii10 (ftio.(k>o.nuT1

0 .n iT

0.010141’0.00o, .3 0 • - « 9 91 0 20 •-Q0

Thv U>rt| bound Freight cnmT^nsetl o f the traffle man.Tg' trunk llneH. met In New Y* rk ■ for the ilrat lime aim e th- chairman, (.'ommlseloncr M Impiirlani buslnes* was ih'

' ft.rm n!•' f The i-st' rd.iy.

' ■ 'th uf JtH 1-Cr.l The r it- MlT'1,1 .

tion wfHi of HuS&Vvk. Dehnitf' action was deferred until further tnfi’rm.T I'-n can Tic ubtaltied, but the senllm'^ni i f the mc^'i- tng wan Ptrungly Ir. fav'* r ,.f taking prompt steps to check Ihe ratecutting.

I-r-j_lKd'icji«i • u « ce of uri»li>btMk«;M 9 0 # 9 M Ji m to

Clear« lejfC(*-sr ( Irnr1‘iirtty cloud r Clt-ar t ‘|parrnrtly clnudyP:irf|* rloudr CloudyClear “ - \ * * *Clear | President B. F. Yoakum, of the Bt^ rtly cloudy I and San Fraticlfccn Railroad, and

Wlnrhell. of the Kai siiv City. Kway , Scoti and Memphis Railroad, have

Clear 1 tURimoned to appear befofe the Uls-Clear i aouri State Hallroad Commlsainq on July

* *nd explain the reponed conanltdaGon of ri^^y cioaay companies nametl consoli­

dation Is believed lo have T^en arranged hy New Turk carfi*-T1*Js th furhetanca of ihe "comtiiunlty-of-tot^rr»C' idea. The point has h m ralaad hyBbe Misaourl ao^ thoelUea that any consoUdatleawouM ba I& Tiotattec Dt But# Uwt,

T‘oru»*-hil»ted Traction Co......i "nvuiui.iicii Traction Co lie..I 'i'lllll'lillK-* *'X ft Hudson tin* t*o........Jersey City. Hob ft I ' l l ......J*-n*cy City. Hob A Pat. 4s__N'-wark Consolidated Gas. .. Newark t.*onrtolidHte<! Gas 5s . Newark r s s s e n g e r Rai lway isNcwHTk Gsrt t'o 0s ’ ......North Jersey Bin-et Hallway. North Jersey Street Railway 4s SQOrange A Passaic Y'siley ........ 11T'range A pHSsalr Valley 5s— 96United Klecirtc Cf>..................... 17I'nUrd Electric Co. 4s............... 71

Bid, Asked.<6 6k1014 uo10Q4 101n 34194 »S2 8S>4ST4 6*4

iOS 1064 11*4142 141

rervau Si mi'l' BrveniU N'.im :ind hItu' i' ' 1 ' conncctlmi )« siBtcmt'iit E ’cntltm In ' i'named pi-nt i. • prcrtcnt m ■ ' tional IbMik

ArtSletaiit I day lhai Mmaub-tref.Hiu s posit iiiH!' 1 ■ Bank, an-l along Vi I o f about J' " tnl fif'puHlt ‘ '• failure uU'i •’ put up b> '' •

It W-lIH Henry M u i the firm li ' nmlnatln'i showed lIlilTand it w.l^ ■

illri'ctors of til 1 M.i ik in J an u a ry I t • ini'- li.iVT- hail no oflb-l

'h' M.ild hank Tin I- of the pnliii- ; I’M r-< that the al>i>\' w■ ri‘ H-unnected with tIy

ri : t "f the Scvcntlt N.i

I r Morgan sal'l i"' was now using fh'

1 n);"'rary jilace of d»-- I Hi*v«-rdh National \'T\ thing was going

Thi'Tc Is a m.irgln • .11, bel ween thi? port- ii k at the time of th*' ■ - " ; <ivt rnment bomlrt ir i-iirliy.tlnH af te rnoon i Htii

h to advance' 'Jill- It tivor. An ex-

.... . however.',1'1 Til ii Miive the firm. ■') iiMslgn.


- n

'I-. 2k —News of the i* Si-veuth Nallonal I r-eelved In Muncic

I 'olng to the exteti- • ll' iMh family in this H' iiti. vlre-prcrttdcnt, !•) - i 'yrurt R. ami ' , ip-ntft. lo the efTiH*t

Il "f the hank would iiT'fi him or hls

■ I I I . Ihut Ihe nVtIon w:t>» iltH Ided on be-

urrencert. tha t iho itnd the flnanclal'lrrs lx not at-


fr\ s lloalh. Uke the h n i large prup^-rty In- M'*' I'.iTik while IVrry .- t ]'siro'‘« property In ’W In Sail IvAke CRv,

r*- In a few days. iHs M'tith. dettarted for

! 1' rtfi-rnonn He Is In- 1 w It' r w-.>rkrt and nn t- ' gi'- I'l.ints In Indiana 1 ' Mie Munrie Morn-

STERNBERG’S230 to 234 Market St. ^

CASH OR CREDITYour 4th of July PleasuresW ill cost you iiothinj^ if you come to us for the outfit, because tbe saving you’ll make will more than equalize the amount you’ll spend for enjoyment. W e are hreaking price record.s with our offerings and you can’t afford to pass us by if you’ve a clothing need.

Outing ShirtsA N P

Straw Hats F R E E In addition to marvellously low prices you have your choice of either a fine Out­ing; 5hirt or Straw Hat with every purchase of a Suit.

.^ en ’s A C A S u its U . a J VA n o th e r lot of line all

wool C a ss im e r i' Su its, in excellent nie-'.ann anti da rk patterns, n ice ly ta il­ored and perfc.'t. licuini^, and wo.'th tuU v S '^ - 'r o at 6.50.

M en’s T rousers

2 5 0 [ l a i r s .11 a third l e s s

1 .4 9than re.d u o r ilr M ade o f fine worsted in neat cficcke I paltorn, latest cut am i sp lend id w e a r in g jjrarl'.'. K fp u la r ly § 2.00. Sa tu rday

9 8 c .Duck TrousersM e n 's M 'l i i le Dnek;

T ro u se rs \m i Ii tu rn -u p bottom s and belt .straps, (y)rrcct m ilita ry cut and in all waist .and in scan i measures, re.sfular w orthS i . tO. Saturday at 98c.

CASH or CREDITl IMu r U ly Vuu Plcfise.

12.00 to 15.00Men’sSuits

8 . 0 SW e a re sure there never has been and doubt if there ever aj;ain w ill be such values. The suits are o f pure w orsted navy blue Serges, grayO xfords, fancy Cassim eres, Scotch T w eed s ' and Silk m ix ­tures, a re tailored in the best m anner, fit perfectly and are, in every w ay , equal to custom made. T h ere ’s an actual sav ing of $3.00 to $6.00 to e v e ry ­one w h o buys one of these Suits at the price of

8 . 9 5

8c.P a n tsBoys' Knee Pants at 8c.—just

think of that ! Made of crash and well in.idc, too. Sixes to fit ages y to 8 years. Bny them in lots of a thousand and you'll pay (1.25 per dosen for them.

S h i r t C Q r W a i s t s » ^ V C .

Ladies’ White Waists, all manufacturers’ samples, beauti­fully made and trimmed with rich emlvrfiideries, many worth up to ^2.50, some of them slighlly soiled. Saturday at S9Ca See the window display of them.

L ad les’ 1 . 7 4O x f o r d sPatent I.callier O.sfords Ties,

ma de on the fash ioiiahle mannish lasls, best prade of p a t e n t leather a n d really worth Td-tx); in all widths nnd sizes. For Saturday only at 1.74.

CASH or CREDITEither Way You Plrase.

L. Sternberg & Co., 230=234 Market St.THE CREDIT HOUSE THAT HAS YOUR CONFIDENCE,

J4U 344RI16961«4734


D lr F r l » r « Of O hio Bonk R e n o r e H Ib

Clear(T4m47Ponly doodrI'ioikrCI«or

been purefetaoed If f proaidwl And


MCNCIKelarting i1-‘ «Bank of N v "i with gr.-a»give !rit«'Tr . ■ - bank. I' lf i ' ivlred hU ■FTedertrk that iho I in now'irtt brother. )■ ■■In rlfTrtlni: ■ caiiae of u’ I bank woul l niandlttK - f 'fecled.

Flvtrhrr 'Other si'-'i kl :lere^lrt iiijT-: ;B Hfftth "ft this etiy H- ami Is T X1" ’ broih<»r ‘N>w Yiirk s leresied In - , urnl oTiil .ir'i' and KetHui k- Ing

The HiMitli’i and thrro 1-= n trouble will iiT ter wbai th- • bank la afT' ' la a ulorkh M'-r \o National IG ’ n W York last nueff’

SA LT L.^Kl 1 - ,i, J-in«' 3S—P^rrx* S. Keath. r’K-1 lt f .\---.i«;fMir Porttmasti^r- Qeneral. wh'', h- “rus* v r* dixpairh an­nouncing 111. ''-i-'H-nqifut of the Seventh National U.**k • W w York, said the action o f t^r nn« a suriTlse tohim He i|>at h«' wns xurc that theaffairs nf ih*- it,-«i''utl.>Ti w-ould be straight­ened out iiu' kU s.. f:,r he knew, he paid, the hank - ouirttamUng l'»an* were o f the gllt-etlgi-«1 kind, and he declared that Im h«d no ide.i what brought about <b« puppenslon


IN Sailor, Rus­sian Rlouw and Double - Itreast-

ed Plytes^^rlftin or fancy cblonijgs.

1,000 SUITS....VT....

39c, 49c, 75c lo 1.98And iipwanl. Seeuiir window dintvlnT.

Hraw.Craih and Durk HaUto match,at

19c 25c 49c to 98c

C o n firm M io aS u its !

T w o or T h re e P iece b lack

o r d a rk b lue su its, w ith

s in g le or d oub le ■ b reasted

vests, for w e ll-d re ssed boys,

o u r specialty.

Men’s Surainer Clothing, Shirts, Belts,StrawBats,

gi<7€ i n m R » . INVESTaiEKTS, BTC. RBCt’IU T lB S . tNVESTMBXTS* ETC.

INTEREST ON DEPOSITS.The Manufacturers’ National Bank

Ko. 762 BRO.\D STREET,

W il l a llow T w o (2) per cent, interest upon ba lance s o f $500 and over, from the date of deposit, subject to check at sight. In te re st credited m onth ly.

D e p o s ito rs w ill receive the m ost lib e ra l treatm ent w a r­ranted in safe b ank ing. S7J5>oo'5 p e rm a nen t se cu rity for deposits, o ve r and above the d ep o s its them se lves.

S.5.BATriN,Prt,. JOSEPH W. PLUME, V..Pr«. A Cnh'r. WILLIAMX GARDNER, As»'t. C«h.

Disabuse Your Nind0/ the notion that you have lo

"d ie to w in" on a Lite Policy

In Ihe Mutual Benefit Company.

That Is ancient history. The

man who gets a Mutual Benefit

Life Insurance Policy fs a win­

ner from Ihe start and bis win­

nings are of the kind that afford

the most satisfaction. Stephen

S. Day, DIst. Agent, No. 776 Broad Street

Dickinson, GrununonOW C I O . ,

M^mbart o f tha New York block Kxchaagr

IS W a ll St., N ew York.miANCU OFFICK;

751 B road S t., N ew ark , N. J.Telephone 1262.

Frlvaie W ire lo New Y'ork.

POST & FLAGG,Members of the New- York Stock Exchaaff#.

H ill* Uullding. New York.

b r a n c h o f f i c e :774 B road S t., N ew ark , N. J.

ALFRED L. DENNIS, Resident Partner.T rL K P H O S E i69.

Local Investmenl Securities.G. A. HARNED & GO.


MILL14 UCILDIRO, N. ¥. Members New York 9tock Excleange.

Branch Offleo-BOO BROAD 8T„ NEWARK KD W ARD B. W m o t tT , Jr., \ « . « * * * « DKNNIiiOrf 8M1TH» | wanagert


awftv on avacnlion? Don’t go without


Special attention culled to our

Men’s Serge Suits, 5.80,8.50 to 14.00.

0 “ PEERLESS" Policy, the


Vou !H«y hnve use for It.

Enstice Bros.& BohennaCo.


HARRIS & FULLER,Members New York Stock Exchange.

« 0 0 m t O A l> H T ,, I t O O I G ^7*(ilola BuildiDg.

Private wlroe lo Aew York. Phllxaelphla and Chlcaxo Exchma^es- |i:NUa Kt2>VOM, A. 41. VOGT, Uanac«ra

Telephoaa Not 4S3,



‘Oiil ufthe l i l fh Real lHa!vlet>*


AND SPRINGFIELD AVES.Sfcond Block Alovo CourthoiK®.

I- kri'iwa to he very rich ’’ ’ ■ir th.ii ihp New York ‘ Gi.-ru '‘ i-G-uijiiy, no mat- ’ •■mp TT.av In* No Muncle I 'lT l'r.-.i«'rlf'k W. Heath

II- !■ luwarc County I'l'ycifd for New


Ha m i l t o n , o ., June ».-FoU ow in « th«(a Our* of ttao Btventh NaHonal Bank of New York. tb« dlrvctora of th« Mlanl V'aUcy National Bank of thl« city reor- iran’xed th« inxtUuttm by ouatlnf Vice- Preakleftt Flrteh^r Heatk. who bad be«D actinX pr^Mdrnt of llw laatitittlon.

The dir^cton then oalrcted B- W .WnUokcr a » preoldoBt and Cathior Bakeat vtco-preoldefic. It ta itated tlMt Mr- _ __Hegtb’i tooldloca * f tha hank't otodi ^ ^ «>Pectvd to'fio to t te t

I he repllctl "Why, no. 1 am ffolnt to stay' here

■'WJiPn Is your marriage to MUs Lve loliike place?" wax axked.

"Oh, that la my puraonal affair/* he re*; plied

Mr Th'tmax previously had tald that ne had aem a mertnage to J llo i Lee« **J**” ' her to conic to this cIlj* fo r the wedding, which will take place to-mortow at Ui»'

I Park Avf-niie Hotel. a« hi* f » i h « ‘. Oeti' eral Samuel Tbomae. tf HI with paralyse and hl« mother could not attend tbe wed­ding In l>iut!iv|]le. Mr. Thomoa baa de­clared that he will be too buiy to t»kc « wedding trtp ai present. He has kased the

; Cyrus Field Judson place at Ir r lo iten * » a summer home, and be tod h li bride will rt’V nd tbetr honeymoon there.

Mr. Thorona U the youngeot bnnk presi­dent In the cliy. He wae bo«ni lb Cotum-

. hurt, o .. In 11171 He wa* fraduatetf at T « e ! In 1S»4. and since then be hoa been ln lus I father's office at » Broadway. Mr. T b w e a

la over *lx feel high and o f athletic build. ‘ H * Is a member o f tha Unioti Leagn*, a i Vnton and Alpha Delta PhJ dab*.

K^TAU LIsHKD 1009.

0 . 1 * ^ . C O J N I v O K ^ ,

l i A N K E l l A N D B R O K E R .HU M 4UHKT AT. NEU’AK K N.J.

TtFAl and Lneal Ineesiment Oecantlea,LIsirJ itstr. ks and IfoDda. Grain and Cotton.

T E L E P M O N e BBT ,


Local lovestmcDt Securities,7 fiO U K O A D S T R E E T ,

IR V IN G S A V IN G S IN S T IT U T IO NI in i'k au i0era K *w Y o rk C lfr .Tbe Tru«{f.,.| ^ ihU loaUtutioa nav* dacUtred

iQieresi un a.) aama remaining on depoali duriag ihe three an>i «ii idmiUw aoaiag June id, IWJ, at the ra:e uf FOUR PER COTT. V r aanum OD amL>ums from tl to 11 ,000. payabla oa and aft^r M'lndav. Jitljr |BDl. Depoiltt made on nr before July 19th wtU draw loterait from Jaly let. W. H. R TOTTEN, PmldenC

a nVRON !^T1HI:R. Beefelarr-

Dick Brothers & Go.M«ml enNflw Turk and Fh 11 adelpbU Stock

Eichcn^g.BrciiebOtHre, 7St BROADST,.New»rk. NJ

WIU.IAM F. MUTII, Maejer Lon# Dtit»no« Tolcplumct 'W »nd IWl. n ^E ira p llo o k l l'hlt»d*lphl» Service.

W.B. Smith. EfIahllihedUTU W.U.0U>omc.

W. 0. SMIIH & C0„B m n k e n m n d B rok m rm


U lnat PrtTBl* W li*. TelepbcM STI,

EDWIN R. CASE.B rn n k lD a . O a«, E lF c t r le nn<l T r a c ­

t io n S c c u r fU c A o f N e w Je rse jr BOt/OHT AND SOLO.

ComiMrdAl Tnot Batldhiji RtC lu 7*7-70ft15.«l Raettearr Flare, Jenej Clt;r,K. J. Arc’jrete quotatiuDi Inrnisbed apoa awU


BeMet M. Darre*. B a ra ia J. B .M *.TELEPHONE NO, laM.


DtUtft )• Sink, hnwtMc, Ga, EbdrkTrutiMi

mMC, uaSecvWti.

N E W YORK, June R.-Rrport« from lemlevllle. Kv . h.n-f declired that HM- I ? ” * H' pfeetdent of theSCTeath National r.inh. la lo Im nurried

*P Sttaa lAnda L « . the dauAta- at 'dtltlam p, Lee ^ LoularlUe, apd

J W -M r Tboraai waa ukad raaterdar «i k « ta w a M to ft) t« UtiictrUlt w-dar, «■ *

I Baaka W aa l CaTenineiat raad a .WASHINUTON, dtuie J L -A number of

! New York banka h an alnadp ap^led to I tbe PoatofBce Depariawat for pennlaaloa I to act aa depoaltonaa of eoeiTemeat poaiat I fuBda. One at tim awlKm**— * receieni

Teaierda.Y waa from WO Chaa* Katloaal ' Bank, whan ap .u a e n n l paan aco tho i aonnuaent poatal tanda were depnaitad. Site Ptwtomce Da|)ar(B|nt haa aC 7m mada no aettetkm of C M a k to mifcafi

■ Urn BmMift Hatlmm l




W . N. M iller W ithdraw s Application fo r a License e Head o f

the Cable Boad.


Proiuinenl I'lttxrns W liu W ere tUe W eat OvautS^ CoaQcU 31ee|1iu{ Lii«t Kitflil Ueiaitjr to Fruteat

Atffilnat u. §uloon on O raose Sluuu- lu lu W e a l Aw ay Maoh tirattfled. U iber iDlnClera llrontflit Vp Before

llie Coanell.

Jamea C. Crane'a Sudden Detulae Ycaterday b u e to tlemorrhotfe

on tb « Brain, .Jttmea L\ Crane, cjie o f ilie oldest In-

hubitants o i Montclair, dU>a suddenly ut his home in Mountain View pluco, yester­day ofiornoon. from a hemorrhutre on the brain. He was sevonly-nlfie years old.

Mr. Cruui!. who was boni and raised In Montclair, was n eon ot Timothy C'r*n«, lifter w)Lum a part uf !tfonieIa1r was called “t.’ranetowii." Uo was a ''forty-nhier,*' and reiurne!l from the goM tleUls a wealthy man. Since then ho had led a retired life. H h Is survived by a widow aiid a daugh-

Mrn. jr. R. D, Keiler. H is fuDera.1Ur,Will be u'cluck,

Wlien CliaJrmaii Rollijisoii, o f tho Wnat Orango Town Council, opened the meoN Ing of itmt body lust night, (lie ccjunnil chamber w'aa Illled wUh pN'oiJlo who hnd come to hear the e.tpeeleU UiLltle YiofW'eoii tho cable road authorities and the chi- sona of AVtst Uiange, ta dcMde whether u liquor license should bo grSnU'il to W libur N. Miller for the pavilion located at vli-. head o f the cable nuifl on the OnirigA! hlounlaln 1ti West ITniuge. Mr. M iller, In a cuiiLninrilcEillun to the council, wlthtlrow hls lippllcallon. Murry procninfni citizens. Including u mimber of clergymen aiikI Iqw'- yera, wlio were on hand to opposo the granting o f the application,^went away much gratified,

The communicutlon run thus:“ I Imve contludi;d to withdraw iny ap-

pUratlon for n llceiuo, bocausui l l will hardly be worth while to pjiy l-OO for l l for u few wK‘ka' bu iliu-ss. I could not get my ilxturea and be ready to sell before the middle of July, ami ilieii tlie season would be half over, fur by the middle o f Buplem- ber very few people nro cornlnK there, and, should I get a Ucciipi', it would mEike tjo dirference how careful I wua to run the place right; the fi-w would try to rf\n.kv Irouble by coTilltndiig (lu-lr atlucHs UJJ the place, because ihi'y don't want the p<‘ i>phj to come up there, no mailer how decently and orderly they nmy be.

W i l l C on ttn nr n( lllAhInnRi ‘T shult continue 'lO r\ui , ,4if.alnu :%

as a tetupenince r*3orl, with good inualc and other attractions, and liupc tlpii I fihall not have any further nttarka on iny good name, which I vtim? us much as the genilemon of the opposllhm flu thelra.

"Tf 1 show the people thtfl year ihut I know IwMv to nni an orderly, flrsi-clnss amusement rosorf, 1 shall hope Ibc t«iwn authorities wlU fccl wllliTsgi miolUer to trust mo with a license, because 1 know the public will not be willing to get along without tho u.sual refreshment.

‘'1 would be pk'HHcd tft have any ono or all o f you visit IllRhland Ibirk at any tl(n^ and see lU‘w U is comlisctcd and the class o f peopItJ who nl(*?rul."

The cotnniunlcuilon was received w ith­out comment, no!wlthstiindlng tho fact that Itiere were many wdTO hail altonded the tTUj'tlng fur the purpose o f airing tlielr vlows on the matter. Judge A lfred V. BkhiTter. who mijde the pica til the laMt meeting o f the A’ lmncih which secured Mr. illller 'a applli-uilon iinother henrlTTg. was ubfcnt.. The anil-llcanse delegation w llli- drtw shortly ufter the letter was read.

9utid«'rland W n tili Nfoney B ack , Tlien the council took up a commLnilca-

tlon naelva-d at a recent mevllng uf ihu cuUTicJl from Assemblyman AVllllnm A. J-ord, counsol for William II. SuiulorlanAl, whrise llcrtisc for u waloon nt IG Main street. West Urnrige, was revoked sev^-rul wci'lis ago because it wu.s nlh'ged that he permitted gambUng In hls placo. Mr. Lord In Ills letter asked tluil sotTicthlng be done to reimburse Mr. Bnnderland.

Tovni Attorney IJowe was asked to give his opinion on this mutter. He snM that Mr. Lord hud nui inudn any spe^clllc de­mand lu Ids letter and advised the council tioi to pay any portion of the license fee bucK to Mr. Sunderland. Mr. Howe thought that If Suinlerirind concluded to Buc tliat tliy town ehould be prepared to defend Ita posIllAin.

Asseniblymua Lfird fidJrebseil the coun­cil. He siilil that lie thought ^fr. Sunder- Innd had been unjustly dealt with by the council, and UAldvd that a rt-uHOiiubl coni- IMjnsaliun was all Mr, Sunderland usked.

‘T most e.<njphallcally ciucstJon your right to tAikc away or revokt-' Mr; Sunder- lEand'ft tlc<-nsc. witliout goud causa and without grniTilng him a hearing," nthled the assumblyniatj. "\\‘hcn Mr. Sunder­land hml been arrested, aui the charge of permuting gutnbling lii his place, and w'hlk' he was In Jnll wliUoul a chance Lo be heard, tills counA'll incl and summarily revukud hls lliensu vvlthmu nolifylug liim and heforo ha hud been tried on tho charge."

Mr. I.on! then read from an act regu- luting the snlfi o f liquor ruiased In JhSR, which provided that all liquor AlcalerH who should ho charged with condiu-tluK Ihelr buslnesa coiitrfir.v to law, shnuhl be ii-rvcd wUti a noilco glsing ihem onijde lime lo prepiiro fuT a hearing, which ■iiould t>e HcounJctl iliem In i»rd«‘r !«» make n specillc demand on the cotimdl Mr. Ijurd formally a «kcj fur the return o f the license feu of IM , loHS an anmunl CAlulvalcnl to two ninnihs' use o f It.

At this point Robert I'ungcr, who. It Is claimed, advanced the license money to Sunderland, end also supplied him with beer, oroae and, turning tow'ard the coun- cllmen, suld: •'He did not pay that money,** •

As there was no motion before ihe house. Chairman Rolllnson called fo r one, and Mr. Gtasler moved that the matter be laid on the tattle. Mr. Fungcr was then given on opportunity to be heard. He said:

"That money was mine, and If any one is entitled (o it 1 nm atid no ono else "

> lr Ohisler's motion prevallfd and that settled the matter for the time being.

There was ohjectifm to the npjillratli.Mi o f Edward Gannon to conduct a shIouet at 1€ Main street, and this, together with thoso o f Ohrlstlan Bornlus and Michael flweney, w'cre laid over for a week.

The ISurralo-l-httb Steam Road Hulier Company made another unsuccensful at­tempt to induce the council to juirchuKe if roller for IS.2M, payable In Instalments. Mr. Condlt. on behalf of the Road Com­mittee. said that while he was not ready to reixirt on th« matler. he ohJtH.'ted to the purchase on several grounds, and he moved that the purchase be not made. Mr. Condit's motion was not secondid. and Councilman Kenny moved that the roller be purchased. Mr. Cunningham secoaded the motion. It was lost.

T h e C h aage im. fla laeles .The ordinance to change the salaries o f

the members o f the cuunqU was brought up again, and Mr, Howe stated that It ap­peared to him to be all right, and could be passed now as well as soy time, but ihat any Increase In the salary could not apply to the present council. On motion of Mr, Cunningham the matter was laid on the table.

The application of Frank Koew lng for five fee l o f land from Northfield avuaue, In exchange for five feet Of hie own land, Wat laid on fh e table.

Tike matter o f the opening of WalUngton avenue was laid over. The bond p f the atreef commissioner, appointed at the last meeting, waa Axed at ll.OOtX Treasurer Van Bnaklrk reports^ a balance o f K641HS, Bids for repairs to the fire siatiun were opened, hut laid over until speiclflcaUons could be prepared, The proposition o f 8 .

. M. Hedges, owner of the buRdingTn which the police station U tocAtad, to make some alteratlona and extenstons in tho build­ing. the rant fo r wbioh was lo he In- erraaed |5 per month on a lease for two jrtam. was accepted.

The United Bleetrio Company asked the council to look Into A new proposition on A basis of a five-year contract. I t was raaotved to investigate the matter.

A commuoicatlon waa racelved from lira. AUred B. JenUns calling the atten- tlaa o f the coondt to the fact that a va­cant lot located at Valley road and Parkaveooa waa a ftaa place 'for m chlwren'a pUrground Mrs. Janktoa offered to raise |l,m toward the fartherdnoa of the sebefBO if the town oA daU would lend tbdr oo-operatloci. The matter was re- tarred fo a committee.

FOLKS YOU KNOW.A, fuB llr . u « occupHne

lA iu .Mtan

- T h * ^ . _ _tb«tr » t qu

—m ^ x n iK iM d m t^ h n a - t t a t ot T ttwwtek.

-K r. and Hr*. JL Ornklndw, a f m WaaUa|toa ftraet,. M t Jo-dagi tor B«KUo t» »i*H tiM Fan-Aaaafteu HkpaHttoB. -h r r * in fm ab«a« tJM * F iifc *

: Puall, tVA»' SMoo«.

W iC ~ « a r , i h m a .c m

h<'ld on aunJay iiftornooii, at 3 ffutn Ills ifite rcsldeiioo.

PATRICK BURNS DEAD.W'vll-kiioTY'iD C l t l r e u a n d P r u u i l u c t i t

t ' a l l i u l l c U lc i l W c d n c i d n y a t ills IlcyiDie,

I'afrlck Hums, ono o f tho olJi?st and best known r^'Kiilciits rrf tho KooMnn nf tho city In whU'li Iie? died at hi: home lU3aJJ ilank ptroot, last \S'cdmsil;iy. The funeral will toko place to-inorruw inorn-

I itig. Mr. liiiriis was born In Irt-laTit] iv .l ramo 1u Newark ut tin i-urly aro. Fur jii r.* ihiin , titty years he was a «ictnl.i-r nf 8 t.

.!o<i lih'B t ’aihoHc Chun h, aii'J wus piunil- nomly IdeiUlflpd with many of U..4 urganl- z.itluris. Ilii w.TH preslih-nt nf St f.ihjrn-

I bus Cuuticll of tho t.'athollo iw inivoloiu ]x*g1on at the time o f hit* ihMili. In istjj h*‘ wiiH tiiie o f tbe IcBdlng iirunintt-rH In

j Ibff tfmpi'rttnre cruaada ralh- in Nr^wark piiil W09 timnilncnt In forming tlif Fuilier

I Mathew Tom] Absllt>nn<H .uiii H.'rn'vo- I h-iit Snetpiy. Mr, Hums wns tiJmi a rncm- I tuT of Hie H(Jy Ntinn' Soch'ty iiIlU Hie j I.rf'figuc of tho Sucred Ilcan. j VVhllf* not In the bt'St of In-altli for

P' rne tbnu past, he whs nul tak-.n p.-rU [ oiisly ill until two months agn I lf afi^-r- ) ward rallied and was able to b<- nhout. un

Mniiday he waa again prontrat- Mr. Hnrns leavt-s lA whJgw ;i- -I

and A tbiughti'r. A sinlf-r. .Mr.-*NosTiJti. uIho snrvlvrs him, Tl sr:rvl{v» will be at St- Jos 'pli • wlien* a solemn hl«h mabs will !• for the repose of Jila s'nH. Tin- lu. rnmit will be In tlie Ceruclrry of i ! . ‘ HuJy Siipiildire.

Oi.-- SMll .1 ini>‘S

f'lrii-rnl r-li'inh,■ mIIM-m.I

$ C l lO E \ 'A M k ti l t l IMIR.


U 'ttnesB W a s A sk rfl I f M a k e r D id n 't

T r y t o J u m p O ut 'W ln d u v r D a y She feilKPcd l)ocQuieut»

l j.-«cinl rijrpatih u» the NfAVaJERSiri* CITY. June In the lludsoi:

County «. Tphatis' ( ’ourt here to-duy coun­sel for Mr*. T-'dlii Muir, who Is contctitlnff the will of h«T ni fther, widow of Senator John A. McRhi-rtion, ask>*d for an ad­journment of tho h'‘iirl:ig Bet for to-da.y, pending an nppojil fr..m the order of the court rt^fuslng to r'-niovu, tho casn to the Circuit Court, wln-Ti a trial by jury might be had.

Counsel for tho u lnTinlsirator under the will objert-d £Uid a>lu J tho court tO lie- cepl formul pr-.iof of thg will, and that was dnee.

Hi*ed Gurd.iii I'llwur'ti, C'f lironklvn, a lawyer, who dr,'w iii,- will, teslUlPd to having witness.'.1 it w h .;, tin, n iu wna about to be st«ii.,l. i i . . wUm-ss sata. Mrs). McPherami wos r." 11,,:,^. crtucli. Bho




Cltiseii I'assed .Am iv im IR iHome 111 Urur<‘ Street YeHtfriln?.GeuiRe Schoeiiamsgruber. < ii.-lti.'.-jiv

yi'urs old. a well-known Gorn:m nutlynt \ of llie "U ill." died ut Ills b"in’ '. Hruer ’ eu’et-l, ycBterduy. aMr. SehoeTi iTTi^mtii-erV deulh was caused hy old o«'- H* awidow, w'hij Ik eighty yearn old EiNT'i ilj'-i' celebrated thnlr gnl-li'n w-'-MinR uiinlverHiiry. Tliey Averc nurri-ii in ^l.w ■Y’ork ^Say ii, IJMl.

Mr a«.liuenam.pgruber a rill tr \>y iradr, but for many years :r; lnHur- ance and real estate dHuler. H.- \n.j- b.trfi In OerTTianj’ February 2o, ISIG. and cumu to this country w'hen he waa iwt-niv-thrre

of aRr, Jorating In New Yoth Four I years IuIeu’ he came to Nowark. where lic hiiH alhn- resided, He w'up. a luomhi r of the German Pioneer 8orlft>'. lU' be­sides a wldtTw. Pve chlldn n.

The funeral will be held to iiiurrnsv afternoon ut'U o'clock. Inlerne iii In \\ ' uil- ]and Cemetery.

sat up wlth(]nt ; = vflll as It rcstfil c,i.The witnesses, Mrs and Mrs. Eliza L\. w\\\.

T u lL A tfrMr. Dilw.irth r- : i

BtancPB as he r« *in u Ing (he execiilhu ,Hiut a fter drufllnu * McPherson she l-.i.l is. during the lives of she must now that she nsked:

"W d l. where will ll k >*'To your lidra, t" il

daughter," the wltni-ps *>"bh, elie never will li.v.

and 1 don't want them : • I ncas declared Mrs. Mrl'h- r--1

Witness ailded that Mis, then made tho chaiitaliii im.OOO to the Emirgeiir y Washington, and of lupltal, and finally fixed u| bliy for the residue.

"l>ld you not know th n i .McPherson Klgneil the I 'li ' throw lierself out of a wIt; i WfiK anked.

i^fijjort. (l to and ruled . . Mr. Dllworth admitted -•

Mrs, McPherson had a ht ■' he mailo no effort H) C'ltiiJi. him.

Uti rcdlrri-t examltvulnn .sjhJ 111 hls ^jpiiiiun Mr WMs uf yOLind mind w It 'ti will.

Miss Cornelia Parsons wit HISS culled.

ii>d feigned 1 ho k GJti Ju t lap,

■T! .-il,L N. Piirsotis ! ■ ' u w Iiaesscd tho

otnu-I vIl 'iHi < lr ium-

' f' H I !,< m .sui oi'cd- L;- No

'• will K, (uld Mrs.■ !v 1- i.s-t itn•MS mid tlKit

r> St, Liud

i:. I'f your . i-l'lli'd.

V < lilUlnvi i \ >: lt/‘ w il- ■1 -:ild

M l*lu-rs..n 1 - -i'l.-sts Lif11'.filia l in ‘ 1 I<KS-

\ I'jitVLr-

: ty Mra.irUd lo witness

kill \v 1

' vsitli

.\1 ■ !w' in ll l.'T.'i'Ml


Lew i! T . B r ja n i and Mary S, Lee Wedded ia Abbeville. S. C.,

L a st Niglii.



’TtMM Id (he F u ll uf 1 '^PS, Y\hru |]ie IKrIilegroum W ab St*r\liiu im M»|ur of (he Fourfh NN'wv .In-M-'i \o1nti- I4‘e rt D u ring W u r W tili '‘ iMtlii—l f . le r SpeiiUlnig (tie fiuiuiurt' in l rii>

Cuuple W i l l Etve 111 Ailiiietri t Hy.

T h e m e n l o o k r e m e . r k a . b l y s m o . r t e . n t l c o o l w i t h o u r S u m m e r S u i t s . T h e y

a r e w o n d e r f u H v ' i n e x p e n s i v e e . n d h i i n d s o m e l y t e . i l o r e d . N o s u i t s o f s u c h

r e f i n e m e n t h a v e e v e r b e e n m a d e a t t h e p r i c e s b e f o r e . V V V V V ^



Henry l.iinbrrk.Tha df-ftlU of Jkuiry l.unh^tk, wliu

pat^std away biiddtMiiy a f tur umii-rgulng un uprrati iin In a prlvuii ' N-'w Vyrk iT'm- plta l on Tljursdny lo«l, wua a gr^'iit alun-k to b!s nuiny friends, both In hii.-vlnesK and social life In iblw city. Mr. I.unl>i'rk wtia burn In Lyrm. Ia., In ISoH, whore (he uarly purl nf his life W(i9 »p< lit. On l'l■M•‘h1ng hl9 miijorlty he wont lu New York and entfre-d the Miiploy uf the NIuKarrL Firu Insvirtinre Ct^mpany. udvancliiR siiarllh- In varlou.s po.sltlunk of truHi. Mr. Luti- beck wna a res ident of Newark for tho past plghtf^en ynuts and lived ut 203 Nartli Blxth fltret>t. He attenrU'd the I'l rst Pres- bj Terlan Church, and wna active In rullg- louij Work. H r leaven u widow, fiilher, briithrar and five slstprs. Tht» frnioral sit- vlceu Avlll bo held Sunday nfternonn m 3 o'ch'ck, am! Interm cnl will bu In tho Uosodule Cemetery.

filil1oh*B I'oMln innIvr D e ad ,BpeHil rithfTflleh ti> iho NH2W3.

HRU jWj K'TON, J uiko 2 .—l\«Hlmas!fT Tomlinson, uf ShlMli, dlud ni Itls home thfR* yeste rday of a camplirailun of dis­eases. He waa posim aalq r of bhUuJi I'ur m any years. TTovlmis tn h l9 BOverhnu'TU appoin tm ent he \vus steward of vhe Cum- lii r lund Coimiy Almshouse in th is city.

llev- V llleroy D. Iteed.C A M D E N , Juiju Hn'V. VUleroy D.

lieed, one uf ihy old'-st members of (he Kew Jerl'py PresbyrerJim Synod, and u former p.istur of the First Presbyterian ChUTcii of A.’nmden, who dleil on Wediies- dill' at the residencfl of hls son-in-law, Rev. 1'. Swiirtz. In Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. was burled hurt' to-day. He was eighty- Si-\en years old, and had l>een aasocluteil with N»Av Jersey Presbyterian affairs fur hall a CuiiUiry.

Cotiiiniinilor F, R. SiiiHli,m N n i lA M T i iN . N. Y.. Ju n e 2S-Com-

mnii(k-r .I'r-'ib rlek Koblnsun Snillh. V. tt N . (rril tedi. K dead at hls home In this city, im<-d sUiy-one years. He waa griul- imietl friiTii .Annapolis In IRijl, and Ff-rvt-tl Willi ili-vdiu’lion In the Civil War. He waa appolnlvd commander In 1S70.

P 'ai lt ' tl (<» DlMponneMH D uuK hte r*Sppilal I'lsjintrh Ko the NKAVH.

E I j I* .Abl*]'lTI. June Si.—The dlsposseag anlt broTight by August Dusterdieck. of Meadow street, th is city, against hls daughli r. Mrs. Thom as GtlllgHn, E^ded In (he plaintiff being nub-sulted. Jle de- clures he will bring ano the r suit.


S im p le F u n e ra l firrvtrvn W e re (. un - ilneted by R ev . H en ry Kpellm eyeT.E^ineral services ovtt the remains of

I m C. H ar tsho rn , who died pud*lcnly In Liber ty. N, 1'.. on Wri lnesday morning, were hehl a t hls lat»? home, !KIA Soulb Ten th street , la st nlghr. Rev. Henry Pl»eUmey#T, pns io r nf CfUtenary Me(hnclls\ CImreh, oundufied slmide services, reading scr ip tu ral HeterMons anil the Methodist r itual fo r the burial of tin- dead.

Tliere were weveral hundaonMi. floral pteoes. Mr. Hartshorn’s fi'llow-workers tn the Metropolitan Insurunce Company fn>m OruiiKo. sent u wrenth of pinks en­closing an anchor of msp-s. H ls former associates from the Insurance office hvrq sent a circle of lilies and ru.' es on o pedes­tal of lilies. There wt-re other orr<Tinga fram relAtlvea and friemls.

The services were concluded last night, and the bi^rlal was made privately this rooming In Falrmount Om eiery.

Mr. Hartshorn was in his twenty-geveuth y«ar, and was agaistant superlnlendeut of the Metropolitan Insurance Company. He leaves a widow, formerly Miss Anna Garis, and a son, Harold, aged four years.

T, r , I IR IL L Y L O n C E D tP «

Y o n u g L a w y e r A e c n s e d o f D M lies t le*m e a t S u r r e n d e r e d hy B o n d u n e i i ,Detective Michael r>e Vita, of the pros-

scutor'H office, a^^es^ed Thomas F. RelHy last night and took him to the eounty )ai| R lelly is a young lawyer who In April last was arrested on charges o f embettiement and false pretences. He was admitted to bail In the sum o f t&OU. Us father, Ber­nard Rlelly, being the surety. The latter yesterday decided to surrender the son and he notified the prosecutor to that ef­fect nnd De VMa was directed to arrest the lawyer. The detective found him at 0 Ftiet street

Rlelly Is charged with having embeiiled PtSOlroTO WiiiiorQ A. Trensoh, a veteran o f the'Spanlsh-Amerlcan War.

Thu atTiiual report of lliv L.u*.^ i ,,f .Vh- , su i la l id C h u r l tk a for rXfU t' i.ii H,,.' 'Itmtllultun contlmu's liti \v><tk >1 .ih- IblHilrig liiu nvvtly and worli iy ;i; i i.uii|i.i£ | ihvni lu (hv way of gcUlng i 'ti ih i i r ivi.-t • iigulu, KfiU uf relieving the « im.niM.iM' nf | niUL-li uf thv danger uf giving: i • timsu

hu uru uuwuriliy. During Hu \i.«r ihrjt* weru tmj appiiuHtlana fur rclls'i m iiuj*[ juitnbvr 040 wvrv grunted a+id J'.l i s.' iu'ied. [ill uucll UHKe ClTCKf hgUrU.S . .-.i ut

(-^tlUJal visits (u 0 , fur iii-- pi.xir umuunleil lu a t leabl iliOlK lu th> > • ufMui yeui', and there have beiMi l. '^' \i-n-jrb a t thu ulhi'u uf the bureau, at JL'L' . I i rk t l Kiruel,

FlgurcB from the report uf Bupi rli.u liJ- E'Ui J. 11 uyliT iimlMi siiuw iljui liniuiu-d Were usiiislii,l wUh rcJlcf Work by iUuna lo w'hlch they were rv ferr i j , ;three liiinltles W e re placed lu caru u f \ is - i iiurs ol iht. bureau who fiec urud relli f fur . i h u n when ll wus necesyary; slxty-diiu , persons were peciirud cmiiluyirjcnt directly | by ihe ag ' iK** of ihu bun-au; s lx iy -ih reu cuRtH Avur-j liivewilgaJed a t the request uf Instliutiujifl LU which they had applied for aid, imd of liu'so sixteen gjtve fnt^e ad­dresses and nine proved iinwurthy; flfty- 6ev«-ti licggurH who wa-re luvcsdgateiJ giivo false uddretiMes; fur ty-elght appUfUlluns for lioriH-B fo r ■ hlldren weru liive^tigutt-d, and of Hie nln« ty-two children liktere£<c»'d, forty-live were ^eclhicd on the buiHum*s renommcnilaUon. us -their parent a were found lo b<* able to flii]ipori them; twenty- nine pvi'sons were Hsalsted to gn to rxher cities where tlicy h a i friends o r employ­ment, '

Mrs. Abhiu II. Helohcr reports for the ^A'ork l••om for Wumsii t h a t prog^rcKs has

J>|!*pHMv tu IhO NRWri ARHEVlL i-E , 8 . G.. Ju '

Kplscupal chu rch hero I; ■ New Jersey cu lo n d in i' ." f j l Southern girl hls brl u i waa tho cUniux uf a p re t ty i principals ure Miss M ary tl.T. Rryunt, uf A tlun t lc i 'll \ . ;eolonol and d ep u ty luspr. r i dm NfW Jersey Nutlunni '■i i LvuuiMiulniit of the M'lir"- '■ .

The cliurcU WUM beaut lfc .. nnd crowili 'd'W'lth snclety l • ward Mi'ATnry ofticlafed. U ■. s>Tul, of Atlant ic CHy, a-'Si '' (lull wiiH given by lUe hri l' bridal party le ft la st nliilif •

Th'! bride Ia a churning v ' ruubt dis tinguished lineage

W h e r e H o i i i a n o e lleu« H;ul b U'li been fur ih-- h. '

r i i l u i l Staled and Spain wm UiJTt rulone] Urynnt. whii" mujut' In the Kuiirth N- v* .1. te^'^a, Wii - sent tu Oreenvii; ' fall uf lr»aS as u p a r t uf Hi' v : • iiitny tliat was nsseitibh^l In i' the pTirpuPH nf phowlng S p : W'leiM b" f i i rlher rcalntiUu ' . ' a m would doubtlCf^s nev»T ! .• enliiired young wotnan, Sin \\ lliij? In (treunvllle, and '! rlpetied Iiitu frleridshlp and M'U hiklvT atTeclJoii,

Mrs, ilryunt'H fom lly is »n . •(hstiiiaulsiied In the Suurii " • ^h" llvt's, th'- first SKces-ij- ' di'iivered, and the little «'ii > , -.“ ci Til' "I the last ni'-i iii , Davis's t'ahihet. Her f i iH " ', 'di^ad, was lor many yeuf- )a\vycr. Many uf her rel.iiu till* S"tnh. The brtde Is “ f i fu l eaimige, a n d uf u I t ; b^MijT;.. Sill' \4 a ly pb i' tin S'Uitli. SeVLTiil uf L frli nds allundr-d ih^ wcnK1i '>> will t-iU'im lie summer In n ' hill ttiJi uecupy the brl'h i us'iiii«- I 'lliiKe un North n'-h ai a iioi III, Alliintlo City.

S U T t lF F -M lM ik .lUiilMH-yfUN, June 1

Uull■3l. .\liiHT, d a u g h te r i .1 M ilU - I , Ot l i l t s c i t y , WiLK u til - ' K. y^'fierdav to Samuel Ml.'" i S t ‘hlf:u;". ' The ceremony \n • - ]■ hy R e \ . A, Rodm-y Jiiuve r .i tlenei. nl' the b r ide’s fiUlu-t .Hi" ding I 'ljt Mr. and Mrs. Sn’ inT w In t ' h e i i g '

h O A lM A N N -M lI 1 I R.

Every Salesman in Our StoreW i l l M o k - k e I t P I e 0L S © t r v t fo r Vovi a n d S h o w E v e r y t h i n g .


(t.U I...U'l '

■hili- , Ihe Iiilei;lullI >

I hi-}'' 0 tlxl . . '1

M e n s * F i n e

H i g h G r a . d e

S u i t s . N e w e s t

t o D a t e ..................

M e n ' s C o o l \S u m m e r B u s i - /n e s s S u i t s , a l l ^ T O -

w o o l , s t r o n g i < C QG a r m e n t s . , , .......... /


ni'ST\%h. 1"l S' It •'

thr ;!!■ r'<i- I iW

cl. bn.U'.lf"'.ulll f'T .•"I Kl U t '’■ 's’ln: ut .it‘:u r ..f

\'A nil's f l ' euuple ,

■! Ill thi'

'■ml"ttd I'il C!.

M.lI i hlKrMir. uf I f. .rnulie

r A ss'-l- lli 11 side

Si 'K' DI 1 •l■.cnll h 10 the NKWH J’KHTli .SMHLJY, Jti:i" L*' <'hMrl<-s

ri iauni ey lini immrm anil Ah '' -Mil­ler wi-re Tiiinii'd fil St. F ' u r I .id'i up;i I i.’hurch vi-sti rdiiv by Rev. J h l-.u" jM'-t Mr. Hoirnuiimi Ik d t y 8 urvcv iT ui I

C hildren’s

$ 1 . 5 0

V e s t e e S u i t s . .

S a i l o r S u i t s . .

R - u s s i a n B l o u s e

J e r s e y S u i t s . .


$ 5

Boys'Two-Garment Suits.

A g u s 7 t o 15 Y e a r s .

New Sum m er $2.50Pa.tternsF i n e E ! u c C h e v io t S u i t s $3.50, $4Men’sTrou sers, . $1.50 to $5


M e n ’s C o o l S u m m e r C o a t s

5 0 c . S I . $ 2 . 5 0 . $ 5 . 5 0 , S 5 .J u l y a n d A u g u s t O p e n .

S a t u r d a . y s U n t i l 9 P . M ,

M c G R E G O R C O .,H M . s r C L O T H I N G M A H E R S ,

S 3 0 A N D 5 3 2 B R O A D S T .. N E W A R K , N . J .

Anibuy uiJd ajirom1m*nt Iu V'N' i Hls Ini'l-r Ik i slatiT of J. Lawrw ice "I New ­ark and r m h A(nbt>y, ami a 'luuiihiiT uf tho hue J- laiwrence HogK'^. diedrfilrod c'lnimodurc of tho ikiN’}' Mt". iuur Mrs. Hommiinn wlli rc»l<1v hi porih Am ­boy, ijflor lui extunded wedding trip.

been Hieudy fifu) the fimincUl eondUJun of the InstltuUun bus been IrnprovtN I during tivo y*ar. Lionuilona haye amounlc»i tb I2T7 and curulngs to 573.03. The sum uf f79 la promlsrd annually.

Tho report of the treapuircr of the Asso­ciated Charities fihowa th;K $2,796 was re­ceived la contrlbutinna during the year. Thf hulunce on December 31. Lmai, w a i $ 12 Ofl-


All tho have rerri on Sini’l.* IJ.’iiik .>11 ern ili:u ,A He Jlnm,.- nt'-ded, tl." Cl tv Is e?- hn^ipliii[ V sick lit d alni) Klil'i I Ians UTi "mid Wi'id ! site ariiii’ii tion t'V F be a \i : -

\ r-imlnent na lU ns of this city v'l I umlceB to attend a meeting

jTi rnuim ut Ituma Hall. 121 1 tu iMiTTMidcr ihu project of I 'j^i'ltal fur Iiallajia. Jamea

•'lid to-d«y that a hospital was tfi*' r \ m1 e of Italians In UUa illv Increasing. He declared a

I'liM bo very beni^flolal to rnany t '^dv persons. Mr. De Jiauno bill rnoHt of tho Influential H a l- i-.sriUy In favor of the project b" willing to help U along. A I iTrunch Hrouk Is In c.onsidpr%^ 111' , .iH It Is figured that would Iji'iillhy location.


gt.ili - I- ■ e<l f"r .dbEiti ’ . ■%'Of Tl" K:Dfdti. ili'H UVH ll M. Bmclf'" the 11.1 WIM jl162. ix>.

9.2 p.'r Th'

pr»»diidem du^fr’In 1!"»' of bThn V pruductlon of the United ImliiTitpd by data roltecr-

.mr IX uf Tlic Mineral liv- T f rtli lu the ciirr^-nt number

-Mii-TlTig and Mining Journal, t'lpHcatlons ouaI also the vg|-

ru'l- fOTR'Igr; orva or metata r r+lbi''ij hf-r -. lliv n *f •\mlue of

' ll Industry uf thf T'nited StarA"4 In \9>k us uguiniit $1,065,-

Tli'- iTicrc.*ise last year over • nmoumed (u $37,312,916, or

. I ■iK-m of Qur great mJneroJ

" production withuut prece- • IdHtory of the mineral in-

il. Dip produnlon of which 'o .11 '.iJl shurt lona. an increa-^e

IT ft per cent, over 1S99. r fills: [irnductlAiTi at the mines

C4»n>OM 4lM Fnineblm e

the Supreme Court ut Trenton lo ^ u , in the m Uie city nCalDat the StetuBoBrt pr TBiBOon. Th e la ilee b id r , n“ ^ leg • " th e uppeal o f the NoiTiT JerM* Street IRallway t'omiKuiy from the c a v e •Bjeeirtnenr Of te le . Tied been reverted he the Supreme Court and the tiling o f the JodgmeBt wee neceeeaer as a m a t t w ^ form- I nttl It waa doBe the etetet tau- w ay e m p u y could not carry the

Errora. ae It Jntenda d o ^ The T ta CemnilBslonere epent another

long aen lm tM . morning co M d e r tS how

ot the Supreme Court amhorlatng -

W itkd rw m ag I - ■ — a a r n T p r o ie e t .

Juna M.-?de tRK.htojsci o f areeil

ilw y - aoniifcmit la Knaabetb, m i Ore-

whh fSi": --(.dib "T a pfsr cent of (he net total Tu ih > ni ly be adUrd (he cuke whl'di ;t total of I!a.?06.9W shorttons, viliif'] at $j>.2T2,0£o. P ig Iron was wro 'i'l in .-rJf'f tif value's, as well as In emnuniir lri:purraiire. Tho total In 1900 wa$ 13,.'JLl,?iu loTie tuns, nr—including 255,977 tons of spi''*y'd* i-''u fvTTo-mangan©«i>—a to­tal of i3.>d.2A2 with on approximate value of tl'L3-2

"‘Tt l3 (bus'- i^''^ products—coal and Iron—" rerrnrk** The Engineering and M in­ing juiirpil. "which we produce more abtimlnnrlv u-I mora choaply than any otb' r tuur’ rv m the world, that are giv­ing 11 '■ Ur^ircd S» 4 tes the economic Icod- erS'hlii uf I'U* wurld. and will enable tha nation iu b-'-l'l <hat place.** In point of Value cupl'er runiej IhlT^ On the list. Its prixlu'dliui D«'lng e00.S32,5D&poiiuds wllli Ji vobie o f P7,7S.4D Tho Inm aae rv^r \S^ waa eoniparatlvety small (Jold bold* onlv the fifth place, with a total vQhu' o' fin, 159:€T4—less (hati « w fourth of th- valijK of coal, of one-(hlrd of that of pSK *■” nearly apPruacn-wl In value h> i*etrule»mi, with a loinl of t?4 NR W ' nn1 exceeded by the clay pr«l'..c!;.' -I r S -T M .^ F rw'people wniiM •uppuse that the varied clay

ille. Pipr •>") Jh* »»«- r x r m l - ' In *” **I s r r e oiitpiH nf enW; but auch la lh« f a c t

_(t.—m • market

S C A T T E R O O O D -S A N D F O H D .Miss G. Fvvlyu SuT^dfurd utnl Edward

H. Bi’utterg....J wuru marrlvd \VrdJU'SfbA,ynight, at tho homo of tht brlJu'B blBtiT, MrfA. FreRlfi'lck ll. Evt*ntlvii. n't) Milfurd nveuui', by Ri-\’. J. A. ( ’ub', " f iho Hulh'-y Street MelhudlMl JBplHun]ml cluirrli. The brliii* was Hllemleil by MIsa Mitmle Hur- tenyieln and MIhh Fiiri'illne Jb ullver. MIks H iiiel Kvtn«l«*n. a riie<*e uf the waikthe iiinld of honor, uml ( ’hurU-s M. riniul- fLird, li brother, wa? b'-wt tnuji- TTia briiJo wnro a custumo of white organillN* and vjiteTTflennes lace, oiid carried bride rosea, auAl (he miiUIb worn In wliitu Fcr.^lan luwfi and ourrfvd iltilHaa ati«l pink roiNe- . TIh» ceremony performed In tbyItresi'ucu of linniidlati' reliiilvni iiiul Trl -niD, utul wan followed by a large re- ceptlnii. Thu parlor and dhUiiK-ruum w* r»< di i urat«'d In pink and while, (be mupu - room in pink and greeii, w lib Lirch's formed by tull palms. Tha ushers W' l" Kniiik Siindford and Uorir.irni E. Sau.l- fortl, AuTuiig those pruavnl were Fred­erick R. Evemlen, MIks I.utile H. lOveii- den, MIrs Haxel Kvciiden, MIsh Mary J BiadATgrtiid. r . N . Sandford, .Miss ritn-'v L. Hiindfurd, Bertrand E. Sundfnrd. MI>h Mnmlft F 1 lartonstein. Miss l nrulmi. ii Oliver. Augu.-Al J. Ollvt^r, Mrs, A J Mbl'-r. Miss Furrle J Miller, MI.'a.k .Tf.-'ii- il.Mursli. Mls.s Hllzubeth Scatti-rn... \ MissAllee S.attiTguod, Mp*s HostiT H SIm v . ^Villlam S\. Shaw, Edward Sam' ( i i John ' i S'atlt-rgoud. Miss l^lla 1 . < bhHenry WrUli. Jr., Lc.'»lie Webb, IMk ir Webb, Fmtik F. W'ebb, Harvey K ]{+ rjl!i MIh.s Suille Berlin, C. 8 . 8 ln>on''"t' Mi • Annie M HinumBon. Mbss Edith .M Suir ■ son. Annabel Rlker. II. \ <I. 4. U. Welshman, Mrs. O. O. \Vi t>hii, , Mlsa KlJiiihutli A. Blerson, Alben Evenden. Mies Sara A. Evoiiden. YV M ton Eveiidcti, M iss FJoremce L. Evi :H. Ogden Hievc,^ IL' IX. lladle.N, M- , Irene Hadley, Mrs. Mamie Sironk Hill, Mrs N Li. Hill, Mrs. L. Sieol", ' Antibi I' Miller, A lexander Miller,Mabel C. Ulng. Mrs. i4corgQ J. Rii Lftnbf.Tt Hmith, Stewart W . t!|ark Marlon W illlumsAin, Mr. and Mrv \\ 'Hobihsuu. Alexander C. Newman Mr* ' C. Nu'wnnin, I'harles l l . Rubtnfton m 'J. Matthews

Mr UP'I Mrs. ficnttcrgood receive.1 t gifts. A!‘n r a visit to the Pan-Ain.' ExposHt 'U Mr anAl Mrs. Bentb-rgie : ri'Sidi' at 23 Ktlzabelh avenue.

H A S E L D IN E -K A A S .A f n f l v wodding tnnk |il

night at thg hama of II,. '219 Tlilrtwnth nvtnup, the conir parll.s lioltiK Miss Matilda Kaaa and ' latn <; llaet-ldlnr. The ceremony w., formed liv Ihiv, George Hall, of (hr u llBc t'reehytprlBti Church. The hrl'i- atllie.l III Bhito point d'aaprlt, Irn with rctulssiince laoe. H er honrj,i, • of tirid.- roec.o Bho w as aitendei] i.i Auduaia K hu.h aa hrldeemald. rriink I was hrst man. Mr. and Mrs jt.i- left for a trip to the Pan-Amerti .i' poslllcin. They will reside In thI- c

AiimiiK present were aenre.- K Miss Sadie W llllaius, Mr. and Mrs 1 IteB-. P, Camlleld. Miss Gussle K.-ias 8 J r . Miss Ida Haseidlii.' ' ■ Emma Kebsch. Mr. 'nnd Mrs I'.l Kaa.s, S. Ji-ckel, Mr. ami Mrs 'll Whapshorr. M. Kuch, Mr, and Mrs I II. Jedel, A rthur Kaaa, Wuitam K lieriRoti, Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Hull Sadie Newton, Mr. and Mrs. A^ar.i K

a m BBP'W W

1 t I'Ih’s pistir, 20 Tlc!b':iur l ■ d . Ibv M llllam Ii. Morgan, jEiHtur uf Ihu «’f n(ru,| 5b-lhi>filst Chnrrli, ji. ifuniif I tijf o i i- iruny. Thu brldi'fstnabl wim S;irali F,.PtiiTuv of Tr*-ntun. urul Hiu Tnun WhTsrriiou Kutchftll. Mr. atul Mis. llrath wIM live In Jrrisvy f ’lty.

P H lL J .Ii 'S -I -A .S T ,H m ry N< Inon riilllli's. of 112 ruimni'-roe

F'TR'ut, find -Miss M\'rlh' Murnivn L uki. nf riilnmbln. witm inarrp ri hy ib.v WUhnni H Morgan hisi nJD.'hi at tlit* latlrr’-* jiar- f''iitti^«, i5<i2 Illfcfh Kti'''"t. TIu' wit|■'■■‘!S‘'S W'n- Mrs. Mzzii- 1'hliHii‘s nu tlur uf the brill*;, ijiiil F^m k rratiij.

D k A L N -H R H S C O T T eA quil l Vb'iMImr w is ii ,j,i

Wt-'tl.u Tiljcht ill rill-' tfiiuH if Mr«',J jbn II. J'r'*!S{'ui T. Til ni-amru t i irl, M-.m- rhilT’. Nvbun b ir ib'umhiir, MUri N'O th T.ijui*!! A. IT i'.-m uD. Hi*ii jtiarrb'd to tT' -im- luirar Braun. ■■! N -w York. Only ih\' iiti Uu’iH iIn* r' biDX'B and a frw iMlrrait" frki la \V'K' pT' -- lit. T!u: ui’i-'ui'itiy w .a

rf rm' 1 by H'V* J. A Bridaln. ptsioi i.:' 11,(• |n.. ili.1..|.' ibipllai Flniifh. .M'mi I i.iir Tl ■ lirl'i'' Wt ro a ilalnly guwii mr N'.Mt life ’ 'liu. lri tnrn'‘i] \^ltli bu" Tli- i: jbt of I • lur w.ih .MlJt.'i Aniilf! F. I 'r i- I K, ' Isjiit -r lii- britir Sh* was riitlr-'l b: u: Hi- in slin Th-' b»*si man wuP 1:1 'h- i.! 1 b id i - . . i f liruiikh'ii 1,'ungrjii 1-

ri ' • l\' 1 from i'' M hr .111. I- rif tin- lirt l- I ! fl I rf Tl VS' Hill.-

i] . I. lb - I n c i i h will rcKblr la

CITY N B W S N O T liS .

I Thi' l.rallii'r Japjinm rs‘ I’l ni.a-tlvu .\s-I S 'I.'ii 1 tl la “t T s'l-nliin I " 111I'll-I. •! iii r I [iL-n ■

nu rifs far Its iinrnnl pi. iilu i-i-MMiriusv at ’ Rust-villp 1 ',rl k

'J’hf 1 Ills" UK bi ilii-' vi' lhity i.f .^|irlnR;lb l.l a\'-Tii;.- ami Bt rp 'd .-rii't sslll hol'i u Jii:issmr'-(liig III 1 |,u 1" 1 b''.*: Had lu-tilulit,

lU'ii. ( ,•*.'1ln^( tin a .'''.'.''‘’ iiii lit un ilnBur ij, ll Ml r*'i 1 .■'•rW' r. r

'J'lic cutlinn' jisvav uf s.miu' ulfi' Iri-OM, lrlumib:g ij|r oihiTK nuil ilc irhuf up (tie ►:iuhj!il.s jibuiii [F,. (iruut M. ilinibsil i ‘ljiirvh li:is )nipru\.(l (hi- appuaralii'C of (hi- In- callT V Ton iiiarki ll Or^r.-i',

J im--s Wilsuri, uf IC Hntf striat, Ui hl Ju S'U" bai: hs Bi'lln .IuiIm:.- Hrh.ilk (u-din. fnr liu* Izrail.1 Jiii.s, uii n niiargo uf til.' ).if!i-ii\ Ilf ,i tiursj' jiti'l \v:iK"ii, ihj.di- by Ihiish J. ibiikij-. uf ;i!i rviiiriila V' nil'-.

Tl If.11, Burl

I ■

Albrrt ^\'uc^b.n f.iMS f-lx ; . firA , f aHi-," f i::.' wiuii Mfi ' 1. fl 11 .III Ills' i<|.|. IS Ilk ‘ ]i S\ iM' Il III ar i'Jaii. ■ iri ■ ' iu ■ i :i ),T ' 1 k Insl ll!*-?!*. lb Ml .1'.* ! - i Ul

'I i-iit- all.) l.rnis's V\ li ..b ll n -I 'S i| T- S' s lb V, p ,1 \si.,-r. U ss IS s.iM Ills InJuifi'A wrri' ii.i( .• rluiis

N t-iiS- »uul Ilia Ill -'l SSM-I I ■ -p-.Lr-l hie f. . • III I 1/' III il frail,' (I I rill- T' "

I.Mb ]il u Vi mil * ! ■ .M i <. :i' ■ T,Y n alarm ss .i.a

Till' ..... . <• u\M,f,J |,y FTi

I I h1 s aliU* , il I . I

* ss "fk id bullilinr -■-brill hi rninphhd b.v in n iMT 21 nf thu ]^ruM-ni srar. mul (hat

j till |«I' •||]( Work nf iha uirp^'Tii cth andi iiiiisniix ^huH bi' lhil>hud Iiv -‘ii pi.'inbrr J-t.I Tn h-nabln ilfcuraInr.-< In pul iUl Ih'- hiiiHh-

Ihh; luui'hnK. TlU' T’utiiraii irlcf- 1.** I ias.'JM,! Jii't'i-r.lliiK tn 1h>* imli'Ts;.

v«'fal TO' iiitii i-K nf H i.. Knlok. rlini U.tI'udd t’lidi mid tlirlr klm'si.h b.-ni a qu.ii'.*firy nf Ji w b y ,iu'l rnnju'y .stnb-u fmni

I riu-Tr nluMh'H W'ib|,-?i,b,y_ whiln (tuy wt-fg*j I'allibiK III ............. . ]!. ;iib, SUilen; Mainl. The pnriy I* ft Nuwark W mJiic* .

II V nu rriiuK un ilia r tp-ftim-r f*hullnf\ ar­riving ai thi* tuiich Bliurily hrfore dinner.

; 111! imitirM \M-rn fXi-hanRi'il for balbing

I ^a!tM Hiid ilii- buMU'iH werti vs.irtii il llijil till rr.ajiaDji'iTji III wuuYd not b,- ri'Hpiui'^lid' ftvr vnlimhk-H lost i-r ainltn

j UniiHH (Iny V,i;rn loft »r !hf‘ mlb.n whefo (hi- ljaili!i:if Hints uaTU 1'unnih This in-Juii'Mlui, \« '.S dlsft H’a rd< !. ;i|jil svlu'n th®

I hniljcrs K t ino -1 I.I Mu* h 'tiH.' ilu y .lisnov- ' r n r| tli ii Tn, b 'd alti.s brnl li(.-n riflu.j of( .b wnlr'V III 'ii''s’ v.ilin l |:1 .di at obuur; f ■i*'' TIu l> I u .•]ii. 1.1 tiu' ld--ntlty of

th'* rMev":"


I:m 1 ■

r:ii I kNi-lli. .l ,■’l^^, (l.ruKhtur "}i ‘ I.M 1; I Mil unilbdil. m.'l

■ J 11 lu I M i ms BJaliRS, u i-r* ,J at Jti-i k N .1 . nil Wi'Jii s-. li'-v. >(: I 'irjl'’ ' II. ul the lultfi'

l'--liiu Tn:i li‘ h' I "d sVaffli Hlnl'-r I ill.lL'"\vu0.1 iiv'- Bind, Willie ll1 ll uu hls wtij ! I t 'I’ui'sday mIe'!

Till ( irm idi c«! V a

I l.t 1 \ I 'lU R I OH <1 I ! ilA im iE n .

I tintltir .tr lrn s 'i lit t unii-H f|i(> W 'lfr o l AV 11 UiMu i . < a ui|i,

M Y'' MtK ' Bhtii Procior'■.r .Ii:r--N . \\ ;:,.,it'l'i| tulVilllani

I : I I m i>. I . r I'l ■ -I li'iit of t h<‘ ,v ‘ imp i r ; - . ''"iMp-Mii. yesiopd.-iy

• • at Ih*' -M j" ‘i .Vs'-min HfL-sby-' I i. wl. ! M. ' • I ’ inony w:»f

im-1 by Tbs In I'u '. Or H.'irk* ..>s!sMn:: l i . i i ' l ' r , 0 , BaireU ,

. •.: n. 1\ >' . s\ i- I" ' m.iii' A wtd-T u.-.e J Im’ i I fJrivny.

I »i :s .! I 'I 1: 1 . Til" Brixtont- , --I h,i.M I a* Mul* lu w R-’rwji • 1 I , u\ I I * ' :<..h, vs lilch hiij

. s ] I tri fd .1 -b -*■-

A'1at l"

< Jill'ibfiiMl ^ I't'I tl «‘xi rt « \\ <*<l,: . .1 . ■ ' - « . tiarlidi:

I . n m n I 1 ^ .III , I Salims,I I ss I I. ll ,! 11.. 1 v- rttnriiay

M . \l nr I- r II,, iirldte'd t ! 1-n ' |- • t bv tu r !l|ti.

i II. lid -if hf-iuir' - V. * : ■ F l. d' M' k S I'rtliil aii-lJM • t%!U ('. i In brl'b IS. Mhtll

. •• In J ,r I ’lilrfield‘ ! • • .: M I ■ .*i • , ■ : m- I ,1. r .irly

. . j f - ‘ • I !(■ 'nbrnok.pi 1 !i.;\ • in \' r I «l I ludr

n * b I ' ‘ I ’OH l'\ I H \M.

George Newton, Mr. anil M n tVi Kew. Miss Lena Kuchbertson Mt-a ! Kua.s, Ferd Goldatnlth. U r and . Siorch, Mrs. A. Lerperle, M r '.Vtjlicr IJiigard. A. Kuchbertson M Clara Kaas, Thomas Holev Uiii, Whitehead, J. II. 'Ilieberath MIsa t enee Sloich, Franh Hetn, Miss Iva 11 Jotin I-emhertson and Mr. and M r- r Keai.

The tiroduetlon of stiver had a taarhet value of onirwas rated at HI *oh.3» last year. W h w products „f importance In etiort tons of teed, valued at 124,115,1.2, and 723 ,31 sli''rt tout of »1nc. valued atHl),*>:C o B B r n t u l« * l " " " *“

H r •*'!:** atreet. Weat innnee has Jus' received a eongratula- ; toiT tt'lCT from rtiarlrs Hedaen. o f . H w T « k . " i s 'a o ' -„twrlnteoJet,t_of theftS . deHvem' 'svstein of the P ssto M n De- ^ i r ? . 'T h , , o t the ineinutloo e f free de-Krtnien. atvilit 'he IneiHutloii * f free

S 7 l n ’Orance, '.nd speaking rapecUtlrB * i r r . ‘"L2S w - ' -ab#*krt th» chr»r-i.VamAkV WKirtil'Tr • •« **'4 ^ iriitB ipie ‘

ttt bia note: *'I»i vlrw fiw* trret |kave CeH te liia matler. *114 tke ,

IM Is tbe cnvrM of BT Inveetltxtkme, ,

s s T i j ig S s i r ' . f i ^

S m E L D S -C A U F IE L O .Miss Katharine R. Caulteld da„. • .

of Mr and Mra. Chatles F. Ca„nH,j . maiTted to Roliert Eimnelt Shteldr to- - John Shields, of Flemington. In 8t . ‘,,1 he's Church late yeiterdny afternoon 1 ceremony was performed by the nii-- Rev. Father White.

■The bride wo. attlrwl lo embm„|. ; chiffon over taffeta, with a bo,ii,, , d u c h m lace. Her maid of ijon- r . ,her slste^ M l « Agnea Caolletd, who b . ^ I l e nwlae with Cluny taco trlmmi The ondesmalda were Mlea Agm - K- of ratladelphla. and M l.. IrenT cauil a alster nf the ludde. They Bwtas With cr«m-oolored lace and n polltan hota Tke u m mao was H. r Grattnn Shlehta, a brother of the ar.n ^ jhe luher. were John Dunn, o f i : , -

Charlea Caufleld and Jowmb CaufleU il ■ two .latter hrothn. oTtS ," S j jc

fouowej ti,-ceramonr. M r Utw. h*ft ^.r

roatdo Ib New Tortt. Mr. BMeMe who r— crolly f l o a t e d frm . F m S S i ' CMP s .. f s o L ' ^ ” * * * “*** »« bealweao with hls


.fro* lu r Wfllifki \b4kllt l.raEMI \4t1l ] .

.... . .*11 viJIlltrikuU 4*D nr Wiirlw.■ • ' • 1 -• . n 1 Ml llT'*'' k (("W-

• 'r f vTin-unfl-.K t'T 'it'rtul ’ p': ll.i ■i:3. I'jr full-

■ ‘ . vs '•U ss iK ■ ni'f-pT* .1 by 1 1 ..Jilt; !' U of llif jMrn.l of

Mv HI s'*!":! V'-fitiTilfiy , I i.'t ii; ih»' 1‘rritr-u lor who

:• f -I. ' tfj.-s nl ij'i[iruli B-• . ’ ;; ilu-'t I nv st l fl .m !h((

Ll, -I ss> r «1»’parlm< iiT. but. :i,ili It.- Ill .it a

■ .J n T I Pl.;ir-l ' ; . \ -r k [ <f vs hi ll lL;i in!n

, . ! bi r 11 !■ I Oli’ijsT'5. . . .lib F I li ■ pvl-I 1 h - X 'S ..I n u .1 ■ 1 14 ,* •!

• * ■ in- sS - e® (it*|l Pi' ■ ■ ' I I■ ■ rf. ss • iri.’itiiu

1 1 ; .1 if r t; Is ,t.. r • »■*- ' ' . K ' I ■ 're 4. -J I IA - I )1 1

r- ■' ■ ■ ■ *ii **m» fU ‘ A pjA 'A--, h ; - • ■ 1 r-i: I 1.3

i l U llb 'T l Flyuaur. ■ - '<' ■ IJI" IIUK held I.. ' :

I' ra HI i'uslllc uu'i ",1 .f" M'li Whirl- I ■ '

Ml rjk H ijki 1 orderh ■: sv hi -mln-ri ss ' -

• u s. lil lujUl 11 ..‘i^uuth Ib-uih A .

I ' 'I '-f Ml Orii Mi ■ >r UimiJUi Vri:.' ' T )n-|.iw. lii-dt I

'■ ■ • k'T \v!ih h \ . f li'in Tin isv . (

' : uiiil }| Is fvsi'l II."U ■ " f M. I'ullri- Ju-)- . ' x.*mlrmil<jii iu rli

i '.'■ill Ibiiitu'sk'

I :n ji>> M l|•elrul MiilR*rrII liiiiL«mtin tiHHiii'Ijilldfii MliH (eaRt

NIm Ii I b> Ml‘«. lll|l><T*H (I 'I']'- I I ■ 1 '1.1 (TV" .sirMi .1 mii-'l'-iil '-u h -. tu r i . ' ' i I upHn uf Mr- M 11 lll|i>s'r'a

UIII-I- , I- WIIK I' l i t ! ikM III A e--I ai ■< 1.11 I i J Ib U li'l vv.i s ;i ( r I !,. |. ,| I S' .iI liiim- Tuiii - r uf inIIHJr l"Vi r.- oi tills . by

TLh'l --IJTI | l \ , ! ' 1. , prs'-: ur'imni'- P i-I pr* i u ,1 i: I tlsoMI pis'Kf nt vs, r- u -I Uu >•! ti. if»- ii, tbe i-n-

.1'-vtiutU ui vsbl 'h Wii : t u s h . I by un-ri|,p'-,i|s. Tt,, r . \(,,| . ,b i.-Q.

i:il'fi with Ilnss.r-i ;.u 3 Hu .- ss|, . luuk I'.irT sRn.ri Hu r, L Ijiu is .- i f KlBa


■l‘ t| T .miISSllu fv.'-

' I'f hi.illy fl! ibu

I bii|.<

»s lifll . I 11.'-

(r.s:• lu

I'T t: ■

ra-IH-C I 'lbtbr IlM'l Ihn *Kf ll • rjiN'W.i: , '

AuBuiiiii:i'fusril I at riu h Shop V lb rr-.i R'liict uir' bad r< ' wng,,n III r llie lios[>lt

A fln r lu I (IvfeiK'h lu Jui.iiihaa i Aiinu .M lato yr*sT» r-!tlMnn Till ,i« • 'i***r(iun un 11 , ; ’ i 'ij^ring a dk- '■ 'lor sulij It .III, I ' .tlial Mrefk>-r l.-i-; u-

Threat* suiIh Jtii'l' ■tllU & l” .l ‘ Iln»iliuic-d in tJif- 1 ■ 't«-r<Jay. Tlio brrti , -Olio o f th«* tlir*-4-- 1-.' :axatnar parr-ntv uf ii.r*'- pr,- U Is a lkgH l. l« f ( vs..Tk J irents g e re bonrls of Ji-'i tn i their Rtms i1j»- -rnpl -. • •as afNpri*ntir«‘a. mil s-jU Ih I nu:i.‘ l,’ • vast* to revo w r itm amu'iut of il,. '

A nnmf*cr uf tMny-'dftrmirl «t''i?r.f'tMiS Wlti nv-<M lu.;,l,xf,i iJi Pf.i.U,-.BulIJhig, Alark* T .’i-l JlaJsf-y streois, to furm a tornJ tonp. " f th** OMer of th** M >b ' ! c ghplni^ .\f Hn rursnni tberr?

I 'I '.-y

r m I' il

. I

tb' ' fl.'1 I- r- \s t r II, ^ in- "fi ss bb Ji v.. ra

I'l " . J' p'U,ip"l |,i ll,.. iriii-i-: r ! 1 'n ' s, b e 11, ,i >! ri'ii !• r< ! .biriiic (be' . ' M' < ss - ( tn r |}T ,|\ I W l i i t o ,

J . 'k - u. 1 ' u .-t, lu -ilio s .'i . B 'llilil,,‘bvi .TyKl U u il" - . nT.'l B JI'.ll'T I'i.iK- •: 1 ' i-’ i ! S-. i fl iKlt rspi'iM 1 svIHd

"r*-,". r u ,'tnl s\ e ;Illcb-ntu . t ■ i b'.'jT r . <} • II,.- (op-I . I - V - . 1,1 c 1 t' I - I V

1 1 I ' ; • i: : N' \s --rk. SS ,1-i inI I ■ ■ . ' ' 1.' ...... .I . 11 1: I I . I i u - • -u .b r- i y• b ty , I I I I i I .1 -r. I ' N' ss I'k. I' ijor,uinl M iv- I , ' • I j;. .:

Tlin 1 !,!• J :,.i u r ■ vs 'i . • .i.n ss r 'i i vb'U l, i l-L‘ - :' . , i.*-, , ',-1 UVi I«f 1 'buis • 'I , S' > ,. .1 .t i I • • ll il J I riO'bn T. I .V .'Nll'js .\k '*'-4 !')• ' , nn l M U '.M.irvlii milvi r >Th 1 i- k " us I h.|,/ I L *-"pl .1 11" n], |_ SS 1 S I 4-11'i' r. .1 ‘-S Mlh.S t .n.if, eii'i \sj.-( iuuutiii'.i i.uil UyX Ml Fr. .1.

b .■iluiv.'t'< ' i;il7.. ■’ I..II- svi ll. byM f i IJiUun ilL'J.n If u'l th'- pf.'iiij. uiuJ

' Aa--..’w F i-nu f ui-r- .l il.ltlu/y Nuu- 1 .[!•', " ( ' j i ' i 'M ■ Mr fn s i.r •'.iriR< rb-'

i'ln I 'n iTJU. ' I ' rtir^-ls-ukl, aad m V l.Lirb "HI ' ‘Brlnklnk'S ■ • \ •! It.-- A S*-)'- tpeii irsjiu1 ■ r . .. 1. f'.bi -.s' ll, tli-'l fK* Il till.' dus*(,•"i : • \ b . l l * t i i Hiiifc'.i Fbr L-impAl usv/' tr i'.i 1 !f'ri-li-T. ,-v 't|r Jlne^hud ■ : Mr T.iM'T’ .u .'- nil U' ' ' ' i Ihu Qr-y 1.1 bv Ml jp^'i-rriiin .\]l 1-.’ la Pu!-!... k'lii-l -NBnvs Nl ih * . WIuj WsT*’r - r r . Ill Hu- tuuk purlin til' p" irr iTutiii w . r.- ss,'l ruct*lVe*b Thn Cl-!.,,: I f ' Ip** V ■ T' n'.siir • 1 lo Mlaa Agu-'* i-ti -‘b I Sinr b- y, the tor-ruftr of vt.i* vjiy an-J (hi» lotl'.r uC iiarri* BUI).

-------------- r— •------ -------------


Ir w r it f* fi*r tli*.’ MDAYgf w t.i ;_Jiiutuu isw t

I t M l I M I \ u \ B i t

y r< «‘b>*bi*'I 4 "MTissJltr*- AivnrtlR l.uHt luiv. ( (iiilrnrl tu )*lr. ( rniie.

* 'ri-r.i' It V lilt r ibtly ■ ■ p : iMary yi-ytnr-

• • i . ssmrtuii t-- f SpjTnonr. , . .1, th« I -‘uiTji r fur

; : imt.iiie; J - -.fiirs P i,; r n v nts hi . t N'l g \u B. .1 iii.-iiit.iii.-n The

* ,- u*r'- • *-*lv -'l j'u-^iMlar Thf luJ of N'f s’rru.'' "k' hui U r.ut theI tt.-wt. that f B-*' W .iliir f*. Doiiii Com- I .r;.s !*«-lru; i'»s.

\f t-.lit Eti tho NBWS. ihc laB.r l»h) P ftrrs-ii t’u b no-inlj

I_ bi-cjuf^ Fr'^’b^rlOvr jN'hn F,I tx'tn It Wax Infsrrmal atid not TegnI

•aew red loatSS?*' **•*••» fUalh, of Jeree.vCItr. «Bi) Mtao Work

Of tte

1 (he reawon tlw t the amount of the bid ' aa written out was ao4 Iho eumc as In tta- I o r « Hr. Dunn jeeterday withdrew hli

-ewif and the* the fi^elwldera award- , td the coatigct to the neat k iv n t bUdar, Jjf.

l«» i40 local t* Tl': I- Tl N'Sw JltbvV. t.'JtXHVnral Nfwark ini^uri- iK-lung lo the N'#-w York br:ii;i ■ r pilri-riEs'nT fh r ad- luitmbjn Ici th** '.rvl' : F.j I tluj canJlfJntestaW he k Kriig!lii T. n .jitr and a th in r.

ds-grTM- M is(«j.. M itiv prominent int-ri are Jnclu<j4' ! ■ H- U--t of ii.t^u Itv- vlfod to nttvtul tu-i U t'H r iecdiig

J'dward b Ulavk. .At-rm-y for b’nliy Le«.Ml c o f Agoofi Tomplur**. wblcli ha* in* fliln ted « crusod*- the Sund.*;* *a-hmn, TecHvM 4 jpii-r ■ 'STrrdiiS' oitr-rnoon frnni Hev Dr. Jniii-s I Varict. pastor rif the- North Rr-ftvrmf'l ' ‘i-irrh, In repty to thi* d fuu iar Irii*-!' i ' him and IsJfi(ithcTi'i paiM'ir' S'! * rbi^^d.jy by M fRhiek Dr. Vant't* wri'U it-.u lie vi-as "In hrurty'eympttthy tritb -v r ) - effort to en- fufve exl-ttliig la w . aik*l i-e|>urirL«ly 1 0 wLieii

Uhf* HiiUKDn l9 fhr axitrejisor/ He al«o FtatkiJ ihot n «n 8 nn*l«v hi* would pre&nh u Bi^rmon nn "PdiTrloTifliu,’’ fn which b< mould advocate the Runrtay cb*slng of m -

Ttu! cuniracta fur thr ma*cms' and ear- pentera' w n r* on Pf^fCtor's new ibratr*. tri front of liUltAry Park, were placed on rrcurd to-day tn (he office of the county clerk. The contract* referred to carry nnt the apedft^tioos prepared by J. S , Jlc-Hlfoetck A 0OIL of New York. tk « orctOtects. The cmn^^Rter mark |g to ba dmio by K. &. Tllet, and tba amkoary by WlUixB He Mxiofi II ia abroad thkt tba

prca«tng 1*rografuinre Hm Uered I>aat ffIgU f Ffi|f>y*<l by a fn n y -^ W d l n «

(.'outtoned To-o lgh t.The hall tit 6 l James'* SMioob Kim auJ

Mu0 lw>n s(Vb€1*. w b * crowded 1u«t night. Umj €\*vnt b«lng the gTHduaiing exeri'iMB of the InatltuiisiTi. A plKiasiug prugramoic was nenjeresl, nn-l (he exf-rflRO* will bu cumpWtoil lu-nlghl with Iho parting fOng and valedictory. There ore b*“ven ro«tn- ber* of the graduattug da **, eta gtrla and one boy.

La*l night's programma was opened with an adilre** of welcome by Uias Alice Murray, after which the achool chorua aang ’The Eroblem of Our Nation." A rvcitadom "The To Deum." followed by the senior girla. and soma cf tbe smaller metnbera of the acbool randerad a aoRg and drill tn plaocing faefikm. Tkm't You Want • Little Dogilat" waa

then sung by tha lUtla boya. and Uorrla liyona eang a solo, antltlad **lh (ha Uouaa of Too Uuch Trovbla.**

Tho next nuoibar wax an operatta im three porta. andUed "tAlta.** hi whk^ the titk rota was Ukao by MUa Kotla teUh. and Mias Cathoiina Qanifaja waa Quaa«

tha Falrfaa. Aftar a doot the doetatf aong waa reodera^ It waa entlttad Belioel Dare Ar* EndaA^ Hlea Jeaala K k c woo ■twfcal diMuilfaaa and laatrw^ mental wMda waa fiinHH itf i f


rr r.I



"r : ■ i-



. r - ^r; >



4th of July Clothing Sale.

Splendid values that will touch your purse lightly and leave you enough to c e l e b r a t e the Nation’s Birthday.

M 0 II * s S n itH , ^;u:ir'

striflls’• ail w4tA»l„

H > ciOorIV ■ tn tTjil.iitl Cns-

Tw i'nU ami Wor^lcil',, Wfl] !UiUl • ''U - lif'liI li a I sill at fS ^Hiintl Jtu.f«tr nnc il a v

5.00HI II * ?4

S II i t s t asnialllol nf fine ciii^lom -iniule ^armi'Mls n f itnpnrleil f.ih-

rics, BlAck Clttv Pin^^t'siak, (ifUn^lanrl Scrj*cs aiui lltiylish \\\ r-

hnndsiomfly lailoretl, worlli upto # i6.oo, whilu llu-y luhl. 7.98

S Ip h 's T r o i i s i 'r n , ^uiirs of fine Stri[Ki| Worstcilfi, in llie very newest ilfsiKtiv, sizes ,tJ in sn wnist mt-nsnrenietils. cannot tit (iniiliciitcil less t h a n ^2.50 to |

M t 'i i ’ s T rou N J T N , aim-mill lllnrk rn fiiiisheil Worsttds, Scntdi Tweeds, Stripcil Cassimeres, Imlluns (iiiaraii- leeii to stay on, Beams will not rip, regular f 1.9S.1mi f 3.50 valuta, 1 I f f go a t ......................................... 1 . 0

H oys* K n c i !P n i i t s , hun­dreds of pairs, strictly all wool, lined and lialf- lined Serges, in nine and Itlark,Striped I'lannels. larger -sire with belt sirups, inside suspender but­tons, worth n p'

50cW oys* W u n Ii

A i i L t N , fx i'ep - tional values in fine in a il rs 9 , cbambrAVp |K*r- coles, etc., well made and trim­med. sizes } to ]'j yeftfSi \vfirth 9<Hc.and in one large bar- r Q » gain lot . . W 7 W

H o y s ’ W a s l ia l i i t t K i i c c H iiiit it , s iz cH 3 t o ItJ .roa ra , 1 0 / .v a lu e s t i5 o . a n d t t o c . , a t l l / L

B o y s ’ .S u i t s , A ll W ool Gray Ox- foa l, sires S to 14 years, worth A O ^ fa .fo . Special Saturday only y O C

Hats at Cut Prices.


M e n ’ s . S t r a w H a t s , la te st sh ap es in R o u g h S traw , w ith go od q u a lity F o lk a -d o l and Sa tin R iblm ns, r e n U r 75c. an d qSc. values, on 5 A — •a le to-m orrow , a t ......................O V C

B o y s * C a p s , W h ite D u ck and L in en C rash, T a in O ’Slian ter | A _ a n d V a c h t s ty le s , j j c . valu es . , l u C

S p e c i a l R e d u c t i o n s on all our B o y s ’ r l t r a w M a n o r s , M e n 's a n d Y o i i n t r M e n ’ s . S t r a w H a t s .T h e y are a.i) p e r ce n t, low er for to- m orrow .

Black Velvet Ribbons.Silk Faced Hla<'k Vi^lvet Rililmn, w*r-

rmnt»il lOyardH in rv^vy ]ilr<*c>:

N o .it N o . lt N o . l t

I 2 « ^ c p c . 1 5 c p c . I 9 c p c .

No. I), Nil. 1). No.

2 3 c p c . 2 7 c p c . 3 3 c . p c .Ths graatuHt barKaiii evnr ulTorHi].

S e llin g O ut the M c C u r d y S t o c k . Th e GOERKECO.r

By far the most important sale of Furniture, Carpets, Bedding and Household Goods ever held in New ark .The McCurdy Stock is famous for its high character. Mr. McCurdy’s

prices were the lowest for cash in the city. W e bought the stock at favorable figures and are selling it at great reductions from McCurdy prices, as you will perceive by comparing his price tags that a re on the goods, with our “green tags” showing the lower selling price. W e are making ever}; effort to transform the Furniture Store into a Dry Goods Store to accommodate our fast growing departments. That is w hy we are sacri= ficing the McCurdy Stock now, instead of holding it until September when we could sell it to greater advantage. Call and let us show you what marvelous savings you can effect. Furniture store also open Saturday night.

* ----------' -----V

The Refrigerators' Under-Priced.J’robaJjly tlic inoit

seasonable line in ihe Bbirtj is ■ tlte - Ntot'k ■ r.f fainoiis Belding Refrig­erators, Ice Chests and I c e B o x e s , T h e p r i w ^

arc cut in same ]iru- ]iortion as on the I’ur- nitiirc stock.

The Mattings Also l^educed.

I l a m l s o m e l i n e s o f

e v e r y g r a d e o f C h i n a

a n d J a p a n e s e M a t t i n g s .

A l l n e w , f r e s h g o o d s

b o u g h t f o r t h i s s e a s o n ’ s

s e l l i n g . P r i c e s u p to

4 0 c . a n d a s l o w a s , p e r

y a r d ,

S o

Mattresses and Bedding To Order. Having acquired the McClIROY BEDDING FACTORY, 53 PLANE STREET, we are prepared to makt lo order Matlretiej, Pillows and Bcddtnj of every qrade. Special atten­tion paid lo Renovating. Call, write or telephone us your orders. THE GOERKE CO.

Unbeatable Underwear and Hosiery Bargains.

I’ d l l i iw t h e t h r o n g s o f w i d e riw o k c s l in iip c i s. T h e i r f o o t -

s t c j i s le a d to o u r c o u n t e r s . M e r c is Im w w c i n u l c r p r i c e t h e

b e s t s c a s o n a l i l e Underwear i i iu l l l n s i c r v ,11|.iiellpN‘ >iiTliiM Isihlietl Venin,

nilk sletjVHii’sv uml shortsli’ovrs, |i>w itcuk. r IS ^ fii/.ps, wnrili I'h'. du ll. V C8ii(urf!.iv li.iiviiiin.......... ^

IjiiI I n.* Vi’aIa ItlHl I'Bllill,S w Um mill .ll•l•••r■v r h ln il .Hliapu .ULii low iH'vIk. .-vlHitT hIhwi iiihI silk'l l nU I’M'*'. slmpRil boilif's, I'l’i.'iiliir iukI i-intru larfco BizfK, jcinls 1-1 m iri'li. I P worth L!'.«- crti’li. Sa'ttr- I - T ldnyhm R i.i.i.................. ,

I'itlrii 4‘HtM, ItiffliKriidH Iin'i'. ........... sIccvhIhhhAliil nli'iiT s|i'i*vr’>, Milk lupL'il ftml silk irimmf'il. siiu|H*d IniiUpk, llio U'-t fw. I i ’k _ vest in rlo-citv. Sj Iui- | y C tiny ImrHiiiii................ ^

JHrn’ a rmIrrsTi’T r. ui| k iml«, PUmm ’ r ’and nil'lliuiii unf'lii'', \\<*ii|, IHiilUritfuiui. \ ri'-liril uti.i ino.-ffr- ‘Szod Aiiit’ri' ;ili snk -li i ls uod iIt;|U- er«, a )I ihr Ui'r iUf. iiij. •)£%dMi'wi’iir ifi ilu' ' i l l Sfitiirduy J y r

lln y i’' iMiil ((Irlh' 11 inJf r . ‘ . tlut hlKffrst bnruidii id i1ip sriiAMii. h a-k , inn, Idiic, rnTrlhinl rmd in'iKn dotK :indplain, lino iind ^Icrhy rildiod. diiiMo 9o|(*H. ht'rh >nid prs. oil rtlre«. | A ^ tin* lifst l!n\ liAsiiTy I n r h o r lty . | I | C Siiiurd.iy liarKuin.......................... ^


n’<e Uii]hr1f;caii Shlr'ii ntiil »eTK, <h| fi'Oibcd Kf«y|Jti:ill

t .iMi. 'liiiiM nil jut'g <11- shi II v.;, I \ fs, i.v i rUn k usihis. diuM(I- M l! h iIkii Ml- M-ii t s u)id

SihinLiy 2 5 Cl'.OR;ilu •• ..........

:il! i\\ ' iliri Mil nm iPi'M-. draw • i-i" il !i ili'u1iU‘ s»’;iT'-. thr '•h’F'.sWltli b-iik* slre-Vi'M, ad Mio V "I T It .'ihv S II nrdiu r;ii 11.....................

Miti'h jumI \\(imeii*A I1ah< h-r>, I I.ihi enh rs iiiid hho k, iiiifii'H'i| .iiol ilnhicslir. lull M’liiid'ft', dli sirch.thf' I I ^l-f*.-! .’ i lii-irr> imU(' I A - v CI irt S.iUittliiy *R) d t.iMh' ‘‘-hlrru. rjinrs r ntl

IJr.iHiu'fc. '1 !iri’ siiiiniu'c Till : inn,r I I 1.1’ L.iiii;'’ . lininis'ine-lymik ........ nI.iit-. St il h 1 rj • ImrlSI' ’ '-'p.iitls Ml 1.1 ill iru I’ ls k III n If I Ki hs, 1 K‘--i' r.’tiiil till I Vi-i .It -'.'i' 'll 'i/ i‘ l.-d,iMU niA'l’t] I" I'lH’ ll si/l-. lli.tkillKMii'm wi-rlh nt mu .iw ’ : ' ~AV. r:ii h. Vulir {•li-iU’o SMtlir-d.iy............................ .

.MlhPfh' S\\ i>srihhnd, low ii(‘ck.HhM’vi’liwis itr fIi.ivi s lm i ’s. fnllj' ^ tfiju’d. woTl11 l.'ir. Saiiirdiiv bur* / C walu............................................. ■

" I5c

' \ Lucky Purchase Fab­

ric Gloves.h i

wi*ll’ knr>wn In ! cf ^jhwc’S. l'.\itpfifeut. Tlu' n umakitiH ibis ;m i \ siiiiim er

Tlitt-r uri-it lots fr<Yin,\u:’ r I ui' .ilfsl m.iti- ill It tMI’ r I be- glnvt’S ui-rc V>]'l bfloAS rcLfii- I II I ri' 1 lie obji-clsIt. li , ■' I,’ - it.itTir a[3|Tt*ar ill !to- ,id\i’ iii'ivint--m; 1j|;T 111 \ilil Jilltl llis

It I-: i.n f.irll ]i,iir ] T v;iuir;iiiU’fd

t I I! rt- |.;tTii,iiiio,I 11 'Im ! 1 1i,im,'e oil

Lot j. l i i K l i t 's ' l ' n r ( ‘ L i s l e1k A

stilcheil back>. .ul ii/'O lo v o s , blm k .11 : . "!nrs, .silk stilcheil back>. ,IbSV. gloves— :;l

l.o l 2 L u (l ii's* I mjMH'l 0(1 S i 104to L ls lo (;tl>VOs. . . ■ ;i, Ii!ark t ^Ilf sbile, rvgnl ir : ^piiilUy

Lot ,v I><>iiblo 1’ i i i^ t ‘ r 'r ip ] » 0 ( l S i lk bi:ii-k

:md colors^ rvgitl.‘r s-n. qiuil-

^ ^

These Superb Undermuslin Bargains.Every garment well made, latest style, generously full,

lower prieed than elsewhere.t.mll'fii' 4iown«i ]>ra«r-

rrn urul < hrnilMi*H. madp of hlKli )fr:idi‘ uiiHslni iiiid r a hi b r I r . b(iridF.omv1v IniiittiMl AvtlU vinlindd- vry. Ml■ ^ 1 llm himI linii- ■ti(4')iiiii[, Ltio ^ramleht II tfarmc’iHs lit tliH i A - «<‘itv4ni siiof'lid ta- 4 V C bl4'9H«l‘uT cUolco25c . B a r g a i n T a b l e .

Liutl4*«' Itrnwfri niirl Corti't t'4>v«tr«, wllbioit VJU*PIltiuH tbt* Irt’htMllUVH 111 tlfp fitT. Thev jirt* uiiidv of Ihiv I’ambi'it'>01(1 mus­lin. |uiii(Uiiim'‘W triniiiiiol with hltfli ktriulf* * nihrmil ery i n I ’ii'irrniiti in.d u bliliu*4’, :ilt Foyi'H. u ordi from tw. 1fii rdii’. «iirh. ymiri'holi’v S.itiir diiy............ •

69c. Bargain Table.I.ndl#'*’ skIriH niiil Mffht (rown* nindo

nf coot] mii'liii, 4-Ii‘ur;iiit1v iriniiniMl wUh <‘iiOirni4UTv .iiid in.'crr ion, « ni i li Z fl.iNMit t-Mch, your 4 lifOt .■ l l V CSiiliinliiy . ................. ^

W c , B a r g a i n T a b l e .IbA4II<’k' M|;ht tinwiia miul Whlt^

EikIrtA. m1i«iiii l.irfv ilnyioi. ||i''V nt^ elft- ffinitiy iii.i.l. .O il iniiiiiH*.l, i )ip

91.’-n r: niK-nr }4;L(iml.iy».{.iii

ill I In* Smlc,

1.fi4}lrM' (‘■owiiM. I>rnw- rra, 4'oni^l Cov^r* ainl ('h«mlh*>H, iriiiiia of Miuudill'll iiinsibisiiiid r.'iinbrli'R, liiiiitlTiotiii ly I r i in m c d Avitli emhroiib-ry uml iu- 'HTnhiii, wurtli 7.V. ^ A _ rn . oti 5pp<’ i.'il \ii‘ a V C blc iSatunlny. ^ ^

VInfnnti' A0«'. C.’ p*

iriiulf' id liicb (irndiT rm- Vroidf-red mwin*. fiHlia

.SwisA, full rihdu' an.I Whir striiiif^. m I hikcb

iIm- liu..samples p _..( r.'«. Unw. 4 j Chjtiiriliiy burifniii

liif Sunjiir’K134’.. mmiiMtf hli^h irrnde ‘ »M7le d'iTvri ftiinu^l. in .’ -ni. pink, him* a n d .-Iril^s, UriiDtifully Milk

eiiibri'iilf'i't'd. iilxiul .It do/i'ii in | P _ (IiIn Ii.i , north iiTh'. each. Sutur- | n C

T»ii!mnrr hi pink orMil.-, , il.'/4‘ ii, peifi" l hi- / V lTI Mil:, n I'Till ,‘4!4'..s|MH-'iai S.iMir4l;iy

'Niniwliini rT>r*et*L, [n wldio iml ilrih,lio ' I... I,, iiimh- of jHiiH Mild i i'll *)II., Ip .i ’ iIj Ih'Iim I, lOPli’i i fil A V C 11’ '.: 11' 11 li T'd*. Mn‘r ‘1 Siintnl.m ^ ^ ^

(rlrlir I 'll I-', A r. I.HlIli-x' r.o-HC-liif ii'.i'li >il IImh Kriide roiiTlI. |n-r f ' k — 'n l tiTloiki worth |l.o«' ' a> li. * j 7 C ' . - 1.1 > ituriLiy

Saturday M o r n i n g Bargains 9 A. M. Un­

til Noon Only.It o d I Men's and

onini's, roiiRii limolh's, •.■G-hii'l\, '^ A ^ist hhii'k pTil'iniiin I'l.'lli, sjuM-ial / U PI inorijiiiKi 1 toM ousuniifr. only

uvrili Sl.Tin, 50cItiHiiln C ilf Iai4'f* shneii.

(’oin tops, nil si7i for I lirpi* IniuiTi, ,ir

. - jmeH, X mhulldotf ti OS. si7i-h 111 to i:’L for OACthroe hours, flt......................... v v w

(nr«Phe4| KliiHJln, .'tf iiii’ lics wjile, Pfree from slorrh or die-fiinn. ll lo S|T A M. {in liuRoiin’iit? j an l.............

riilrl4«Hi-hf'4| >1unUn, mi inrliCB 34 nie. K'4id w e.n e, ii lo VJ .A. >1. h:iM:iii(mi!s, yni il .

('htlilrPH'H \>n[fl find I'niirn, tine nterhio anil imnze, sizr ^3\'iirth Uv. Ill thti mortiiiiKRl

l.mlltfi' ^h | sp Huil- il4-rM4'y lUbhetlVi'its. fuJly tuiMoi, \i*.irlh ir»i‘. B to

. . M............. ................................

4cli!iA ^

I ti. i| yi ars, n rllliTMl.......

5cLrttile*' Full f'enmlf*** Hoee, (ion- li’ .'MiUTh, tu-idsiuid tutiX. >eco

t;r:id(4. Ill the ui«>niiiigMl'.-uihif, tu-vt'iiuid tiiti'*. >fColiils, Uk'. 5c

( ‘or*#-! 4'Ay^r*-Full line ofsize^., ........ ..........p ^tvirihi'je. In t ip inoniiiniu( .......... ............................... ,

rerf-i»l4‘ W'Dipperi. ^ f’ ll mnib*. nil eol-orN. Hill'd Wiilxt.x, fu ll .%wef»i» skirls. Ti Phraitl iriiTimed. W4M'th ?r-' ; hi t h o A ^ CiinTiiltiK.......................................

4'hlhlrt-n‘H iVrrnlr LbiI||-»' IluUfU’ tVlltnlH, 4’ iioil’O ut

Lrtille«‘ M'bx!i >klit-». of i-msh liinl dltek. IT» I I ;iy Ti'AniiietkAVorlh a U P Up lo : ill I he iimnniJk a t ......... v jr v

U'ltulow '«rr#4‘ a hriiiii4‘«. ivitlic.iriier Urm kei-,, sAre«s,nulls and I r oi->,usu i]i i I'v r'r '.Mo IJ S,nui.[.ty.r..iiipl.-ipsei

Kit^B“l4»ii i:i»ti«T -kolei*, sim l (runii’.s, nnif'lc W' li 1 M hi i U., III ho niaite to til iiny . I-ii.ilK From!i to IJ A M

While Porc-4-| .ln (li-^.,f‘ rr I>i«hr«, fes- t4hllu«.l r>U-"i. M.i'li r. Fr4«IJ P to I L’ Sm urLiv, liiM *.vrr 13 to a ran- 1^


- -1 2 k(runii’.s,


Summer Suits and Skirts.TIip New l.nwii sU Iri",

hl,n-k or w hiif, ;i< r >, diici ]> I il i i i- >1 nil i' IIhmiirc wilh ..... .t u II 1 e triminf’ -l v r li (hmhlo rows of 'atMi. wraroful, idi- il huumicr skirts. / Q j i wui’lli $■>.

White PlqiH- tjdrtu, M'ilU Kl'iidiioted lid'.Ill tbiished iu broad hind Tif il scrtioii, hiiiitiM- Is of pin tucks, worth ?7.fjn, \ QJiSiiiurdny.......... 0 * 7 U

}''4»uhirillne s, | | ,.t « ,same puttei-ns mimI i'mI. r.s us tho hljh i^r.oh' l-'i lb Innlv, 3 rlouGi'' s hut 4lrop ........... iirctiilytrimmed v it ’ i Inee. tvorth ? C H

a t .............


KaiiI in line s.f||r> w ‘.i|*t 4iuSfi. i^woll Milts for vivI ikIi -Iri-'-v'-s, eiiilnri tol v tiiiiiuioil \m i !i 11",,. u,.(v hni.; elmi'ts. thi''<‘ il"iine limp rhuiin ■ -k rlsSit nnhiy..............

i'U thlrin '^ W li | [ e l.snvti | / \ Q l»rpe«en. pr it fily trimmed, I U a Wi-rill .Sal iinliiy.................. V/

", io'\> loii.; VT ii'-i■111104' .I\|T i 1^0. \toMll 4 # 7 0 ‘

Illiu-k Tafrotn Silk l)r( Hi4 fi k 1 r I H, biiinfl trimiiii'il with .six hiunl.s of sMk vclvid, otlirpri with tlircc hmnia of BliiiTf'il liitTelu,w^rtli ?I0,S:iii!r<lny.

C o m b i n a t i o n Lnt AViish Skirta, Foulard- iinfl I'overts, i.'raihea, 1 lucks. Firiiios. Pte,, u lnfB ulTd iMilorti, pluiii tt'id p<ilk:\ dots, trim-ineil u It h lirnhlfT hire. wiTlIi I Qfi

SiMinliiy. ■ • 'L /

C o [|] h t n It 11 o n I«ot Lii4lie«' und Mlaaei*WiHih Duoks,Pifliieri, t'rashps.f’overrB, etc., wiiiili lip

89cf.avllPB’ n o th Siilis, Fwmrtfer Ftnii

■liit-k»'l.s, jiilk lined, iK'w liiiro skins, veh'cf linuiid, suns tiijt soh] i A qreu-lilv, oiulicr.ut .' .lUir- 4 « V 0

Shirt W iilPt Suits, i.I.-Yui. striped jind polka (lot, trimm4‘<l NS il 11 bniiij ■ A n

lace, worth Sotur-dll?-.

M n f l r a s a i u t l * c iofth Wjiist.Sj (It- l a ih e d volhir. new sleeves aiul cufFs.pearl buttons, w nr lb 5 9 <!., n t . . . . t e d C

W h i t o I j a w ti WuistN, new sailor efievts, whle rvvtTS, iiplenfliilly t r i m m c f l with in ser t ion an d cm-- hroidvry, fl-Z.*; C f t f ' values, a t . . . 3 V C

Hem U M on rn I u R ro l k a Hot tValt’ film mer- i'crized silk, in all tlid new sh.apr-s— "7f\^MiTib $!.»►. sut- / u r nr«l»y.................. f ^

Shirt Waist Elegance.i^ IiM lrn H fin d W JiH c

and CnDU'Ctl L l iW I l W a lw f-s , twenty dis­tinct styles, all hand-* Botnely trirn’d, ^ A ^ worth I “io.Sat. / y t ’

,1* ti r e L i n e n W a l.k tM , n atu ral co l­or, h an d so m ely p la it­ed. trim m ed in w h ite law-n w ilh y o k e of sam e. ^’ n r t h A f i / - r J li.75,S a tu rd a y y O C

U'hllo r.Nwn W alitf,Bvi|(prli line of Btfles, Fome H ith entire fronts of liirtorilon, a c -/ \ D tmd $\M values. v a T Siiltirday.............

4th of July Shirt Sale.

When you see t h e s e shirts you'll wonderhow we succeed- edin crowd­ing somitch value into t h e m for

I I III I so 1 i 1 1 1 eU I li money.

Every one is an en­

tirely new number, from a foremost malicr. The brand assures you of the excellence of the make. The patterns and colors are varied enough to suit all tastc.s. Sizes up to 17.

M e n ' s U c c h 'n r d C o r d N e g l i ­g e e S h i r t s — J.ook C(H'l. an d are as d e lig h t fu lly coo] as th ey look. T h e y h ave w h ite neekhands, atta ch ed c u S i, T ren c h f a c c l sleeves; w ell m ade Ihrouj^hout; w ill com e o u t of tliew 'ash h rig h t as a d o lla r; w orth fu lly 59c, S a titn la y a t ........................................

M o n ’ .s M ’ o v e i i M i i d r n s a n d P e r c a l e B l i l r t s — M ade w ith a ll th e n ew p aten leil d evices; p air o f de- ta ch eil cu ffs to iiuitch. S ty lish sh irts, w ell-m a d e sh irts — sh irts th a t you w ouM ce rta in ly h ave to g iv e up a d o lla r fur at o th er stores. W e o ffer yo u ch oice of an un- P A — m u lch a b le se lection Satur- d a y a t ............................................ I k V

Low Prices for Shoes.B o y s ’ S h o e s , satin

ca lf, b u lld o g toes, e x ­tension soles, sires l i to 3 anil 3 to 5 '4 , w orth $1.49, S a tu rd a y,


1.00..L a d l e s * S h o e s o f

<lon^ola k id , la cc and button, exten sion soles anil b u lld o g toes, sizes 3 t(3 8, H a lf-P rice S a tu r­day,

1.00.I . n d i c s ’ B l a c k o r

T t i i i V I c i K i d O x - l o r d T i e s , han d turn ed soles, coin toes, w orth up to fr .o o , | | T / \S a t u r d a y ................................... 1 . 4J v

M e n ’ s S n t l i i C n i t ' L n c e n n d C o n g r e s s S h o e .s , b u lld o g toes, size.s 6 to I I . H alf-P rice s / \ / \ S a t n r i la y .........................................1 . 4J v r

G i r l s ' H a t e n t L e a t h e r S h o e s ,w ish h ill or c lo th tops, a ll -| A A sizes, w h ile lot lasts................... 1 . U v

L a d l e s ’ B a t h i n g S h o e s , b lack or w h ile , 25c

B e lt B a rga in s .T w o (Treat lorn of fasblomible Belts,

patent leather, Suede, Tvlnte kid, etc., plain and g ilt triuuned.

coc. tou9c, values, I '25c. to 39c. values..

25c. lOc.

r These Millinery Bargains for Saturday.L a G lo J t* T r i m m e i l H a t s , another

superb co lle ctio n o f M immer favorites, trim m edworlli f 4 . Saturday

■ «’ 1 7 Ctrimmed wiib first-class materials,

C liililr t 'iiN T r liiiiiiod Huts, ]mtty alTairs flal>f)raU’ lv tinifilitTl with niuU Pan I wreaths id' flowers, worth Saturday......... .................... N ............. v V

L o g f h o n i F IrttH , for Ladies. pMis-ves and O ii li lr v n , e x ce llen t «.|Uality. / wnrtli 49V. i^irimriieti tre e ). S aturday

L a i l i e . i * S t r a w S a ilo r .'^ , b lackand natu ral straw', w ith band am i sw eat, ^ p a lw a ys sold as a g re a t leader a t 39c.R ed u ced for S a tu rd a y o n ly lo ................ W

girftw shapei, all kinds a i^ all colors. 2ScTh^ l«ew Q u ltu , 2,00) just from an Importtr at

about naif value.

values from fidK*. lu S1.4H itrimined fr«e)! ClioicB Sikitirday at

l O c . , 1 9 c . a n d 2 5 c .

’W hile ru itcd Kilk Chlffon-W eoverstocked in white and will S43U T4m the irMnch width, valued at 59c.. Saturday, yard

MATTINGS.!^ ir ymi shut up the Ivmise v.iur itimhFs at 4»ur “ MO'JM Mi>f‘ ’ +


I DOLLAR-SAVING PRICES.I _ This busy, hustling matting season has lelt lu willi a lot o f odd mat- t tings on hand— full rolls and broken -now to go at C losest P r ic e s E ve r ^

M ade ! >Nearly one whole floor devoted to the sale. 1


I Nowl2c,l5c,l9c,24can(i up Now 19c, 25c,30c,35c and up lWfi*/fifif Of o u r o r Jitfjrnhi A'lif/Ji to thrott* on th^ l[> htir f u lur/jr Nnr o f tt il 9t£eii.

REFRIOERATORSI “ MONARCH** Wickless hluc l ) ch Rockers ami Armchairs,^ icc '; arrantcd. F:|ame Oil Stoves. 4Qc. up.

N'l lictH’r liii.k i n ' y ri ' * Mitvc for tu’l i l s ' ' 1-: * .1 . I .i\\ n -iwings for iTiildrcn and adiiUa.rc'i nciMr 11 m» in l.fcrv bard ^i.u u.i\e a jH»w4 rful name rik'in ■ >>n-cH'd nuke, mliierd vmh.; lined 1 inajhlc t.. run! I * Hf-t pnii-d —l»cst makes to be hatl f

iV - i x io s s H . V t i i i H o n x ^ , Ltd. ■..................Tli

, ^ K n a c c A x c m c o o s 9 0 0 Gi0 B0 C ^ ^

Outings and Picnics.1 In; lime is at hand. Have your fe e l properly shod

wilh o'lr rennis, Bicycle, Baseball and Outing Footwear' and y u will enjoy your vacation better.

fG rls 1 .!] II'lh. li; Slifkvs,

&*‘Tid for i F w M Port.* mr 1 Uo(| Kaiik:oJ)tu t il1t‘4l ' all ihe yrarC’alaUrKue. I ruuud


Hrsi iiiimc,■ :i:i.| -N,]

( llt'TUiK.

FTtc HcUverles any­where iu rb« State.

Tir^ : u w t i f C R O i a p \ ( i f i c t o x s t .

"U'hr M aplaer-i .\r^ A lra lt l o f 14 Rod f)l«ii»4<*ri« i r r St> VainrmQH.

C*omlnK '!o \Vn*hlnKlnn cnasl nncnight 44U a nv n Imi i ; (Tipuln Ttl«-h- ard Vat«-nr,fiiY In oon-tnand, I K.«>k'-d him why mariners we-r*’ • , ;ifrald of (he Pa- clfSc cxiaei, hUi) v.I.j ih* iKeiifier® were so numerous utul itrrihU* Ijr-iwt'en Puget Bimnd and iLe (J"l'ich paj-s a w rilerIn the rh li’ago Hecord-lferiild. This was In I'dRg an4l Watr-rmRii. who wa* out o f the New B4>dford fiHinty originally, had been a qiiSet navigai-ir in I'acirtc waiera for twenly years, lie h*h3 his vessel are now At the hoitom of the pea, had rounded (J'ape Flattery and were steaming •outhward for the entrant-e to the ("olum- blA riv er and t-hc Jight at Point .Vd.-ima. The captain said;

'T h e coast has never been charted an it should be. \Ve knew a little sonielhlrig th rou gh the governm ent o f where the ro ck * are and the reefs and the ehoaj w a te r and the bars, hut we don’ t know en ough. The coaei. in my opinion, u attlier a subm arine rang** or a range which Is e re n lu a lly com ing up out o f the water* sod goin g to m ake m ore land. I didn’t k n o w w hich , b u i one trip I Ond rock* at a certa in place and sh allow w ater, and a a o th e r trip I find no rocks there and pfetUF o f deep w ater.

‘ 'Soaieitm e* tbe CoJugsbia bar Is fair a a d MQkeilmea it 's a terror, and there y v i are. i t la th e d u ty of the govern- a tr a t to keep tra c k o t a ll these ch sagee and to ch a rt the entire coaat, set It out w U k hw oja and w arnlogB and Indicate the t r m channoia. TlOa w auM atop halX o f Uw wTackh'*

GREAT REDUCTION SALE19c. 1 2 c . l b .

I lK 'T E l.til \ r,Tiil< TI 1 l l . I . n X I." I im nPHTC H K A lIK ltl- 111 TT l:n J i. l . . t .B tM L .ITK II M r. Ml, STOHK C llK E M .

21c. Ib. ISc( <n iltl> tTH IN 1.

I ]h ii<**4t ( ' rT'-r riit*’1 N»r. N ii’ b.i jm H*'Ol lt4>4r-l'(r‘ •j Ih T-',» ........... :s.’m’I jHf J.llll I4»4i‘t can Tuma('tt-*i...... lt>,-

cBkv* FalrUanks Srimrlru:S'Mip I»>r

1 1m<i Currrtms............... . .1 d’ ‘ipn l>*fiH*ns.................. I1 k Ihss Mustard................... I'M-

Total ............................. 91$15.00 in 5tamps Free with this comMnation.

FruU Hyrup. A ny F ia en r, | m ake* a drlletous d rlo k , per bottle , . .

(Joz.• T.viiums,

!-•« . 1 10 /,

iliTi-r i.'b-'isiNl M ilk

lU g lf M ilk,Sjjcvial.

1 2c, tT in . Tlircr Cans

rlHuocTomatocs l iO c ,

C O H H IX A TIO N t.I ran l>ej»i Tomatoes.............. do>4 Ih, Ten............................... tOe1 ran nival M ilk.................... no3?t lb? Piigar..........................1#«*\ Ih ht**! Starch ..................... i«1 Ih. I'runr?............................. iOe3 Ih?. \\'a?hing 8oda,............ le

Ih. I'M-Kt ("offee.............. ....Iftes* lb. i*r|«i»er............................ To

T o ta l ...................................... T4«No stamtis with this comMna-

Uon.No single article sold at above

prices.K4HIT B k F K . per botlie, I KNAFP*!4 H O O T S B K E .

f l , . 5 c | e; * , „ ............................ | 2 « c

a VJkSti R 1T A 1> e r F C K i a a r i A B

M 1LK»

2 5 c ,

e»T.<%HCUc M o in i\ < i so\y . BIG MVOHBBK

3 i c . I b . 2 j c . c a k e . 80APe



3Cd 3 ,|c. p k g . 4 c . b a r .

C I.E .tK K D C T B IU M T it. O J flT

J $5.00 lo S tam p* F ree w ith b n e 'P o u iid B e »t C o ffee o r H alf-pound B eat 'TM ., PicMDt. aiTT, *w (J ta t m y fmrrhmtn M M ctbu a,d mnr.I ]<• prMmt, with * , • » . ■ * , . u 4 fnwp.

F N l K R A I i n 268 SPR IN G FIE LD A V a; * * l y 130 Sommer Ave. 340 Ferry St.I OHtormClueFwr ,M l PllwA Iw Aaj Fart >f th« C44t Fr.,.

i THE NEWS. O V E R 46,000~D A . U . Y c i f t c u z , A ' r x o ; w .

I 2 ll> 2,

'S ]IT I-.u'c S li4X ‘s. b iilb b.u 'k st.iy ,

f l . 25

89ccs. bull-

89c>' k \ ‘in K id O xfo rd

> (llivr mill " b .l . w tirlh

k 1 ! l.iicv S h o es, biill- •* il bill k 'L ay,

ji.Lir v^drlh

I.v.ilht-r 75c

1 ' i l ls' Tan I«ice and B utton Shoes, Slum;; b cvls, s i/es 9 to 11,

12 ic» 2. O f ) c , f sizesb t . s

]l«'Vs' Siilin C a lf F,acc Shoes, lu'i'l*., I'Ul-ifU’ h a rk strap ,gootl .a:i‘ l < li(l, si/t-s 12 to 2 . . .

Men's Calf Shoes, Union m a d e , buIM oir ttie, K njflish biu'k Mratj, a l l so lid , w orth ?2 s u .............................................

Men-s Tan CtoaI Shue>, a?<«hI a m i so lid , at .


M i'iCs C a n v a s O u tin p L ace S h o o , ro rru g a te d leath er soles, si/.ea 6 to io , w orth 75c.



F r e e D e m o n s t r a t i o no f B e r n a r d o 's W ild C lie iT y o r S a r ­saparilla Extract.

60c. In at*mp« free w ith e r e ir bottle du rin c 1 lie II ve d a n nl demonatrotleD. A cool and refrasblna drink.

Great S-Da; Special, Friday to Wednesday, Jane 28 to Jtdy 3.

Read These Stamp S tam p s writh e v e ry pack> ag e S o m m er's h ' * *W a sh in g P ow der.

1.50 ag e S o m m er's h ig h ^ a d e

in S tam p s w ith a q u a rt b o t­tle A m m o n ia or ^ t n m e r ’a50cC atsu p, or a 3-lb. b o x Som-

m e r 's 1-aundry Starch ,

in StamM with a pound Marshmallows, or X X Va-

HELLER’SI H A K A U i; M L ,Y I - . O W Y I S H O H I .*

160 Springlielil Ave„ Bet. Howanl and Broama Sts.Look f<ir the Illuminated Horseslioe on Building. We Give Stamps.


0 R E . A T C L O S I N G - O U T S A L E lS H O E S A L M O S T G IV E N A W A Y - L O O K A T T H E S E P R IC E S .

MF;-s '> s a t i n c a l f s h o e s , a ll s ty les .Kcgular $1 .75, at

LAUIF:S ' D ONOOLA MAN.NISM O XFO R D S,Regular $1 ,25. a t . ,

A t J O S E P H S ^ B R O s T. * * • '* '» S‘ -'■ C onar rtaa* tl.__________ O pen Even ln ga Until 9 O 'c lock .

I'rfvh E g g s, g u a ra n te e d , doacn 14 c

Eaiiry C a lifo rn ia P ru n es, lb , . I l c

iT ' sli X eu sch a tel C h eese, p k g 3 c

l-Tf'sh ( lin g e r . L e m o n o r N ic-I h ........................................... 3 H e

Eull si/e im ported O il Sard in es, regular p rice 12 c ., b o x , . , B c

u O c . in sta m p s w ith a b a r of H el­ler 's Hig W o n d er S c o u n n e Soup.

S p rin g I-egs o f L a m b , lb . , . 13 o

C hicken s, l b ....................... 1 2 c

Eresh K id n eys, l b .......................... O c

Jena-v M ilk V e a l, l b . . . l O c and 12 o

I can L illy M ilk , I lb . Java Coffee,I bottle V a n illa o r C a tsu p , K-B>- I>vst T ea, I can T o m atoes or P ea rs, i b o tC e S om m er's R oot B a er— th e se 6 s r t i e ln a t 1 . 0 0 and

11.00 in Stamps Free5 tamps tn Doth Departments.

O . { S o m mo u t ' K a T A m u B H s o a m o o a m s a n o m u T O H m m a .

266-368 FIFTEENTH AVENUE. *r . ■ .- ■ A ll. O n O B M r B O M P T lT D K L IV E B K l).

SOcnilla Cakes, or a lo-lb. bag

Ice Cream Salt.

I lb. Java Coffee, t pkg. Sommer's Washing Powder, I bottle Sommer's Root Beer, I bottle Sommer’s Cstsup, Ji-lb. best Tea, i hag Sommer’s Salt, I can Import^ Sardines, i box 500 Matches, i can Tomatoes—these 9 articles at 1.2(4 and

15.00 in Stamps Free3 .0 0 in Stamps with our 35c.

Java Coffee.'4 , 0 0 in Stamps with our 30c. and 32c. Coffee.

2 .0 0 in Stamps with our 25c. Maracaibo Coffee,

5,OO^a Stamps with Jj-lb. of beat Tea.

4 .0 0 in Stamps with J -lb. of 60c. Tea,

4 packages Firecrackers free with i lb. Cotfee or H lb. Tea.

lU ~(imii* or no stamps, onr goods ar« tiM best.

R r e w o r t u P re n .

& { S o n . ,

T K * I »E H A > (K IX tiLAStiO W .

A C a a s e R i . r > One t gia'oia.. A ltfcoaefcW k i .k r ) I . Iiry n w F re e lr .

DtvoUoa Iu tem,«'r»m-e Impresoea the TWtor more forcibly ,han any other (ea i- o » o l Olawt-.W Ii,c „ „ p , , perhaps i u ca-

SSl'LrtlT.J!!*'’* " ' ' ' London KaU.Stricter rrenrtl (a t (he great c a n *a a lw t n the auihurtiies In alt (hair deal- tan with public ett.1, ^ " B r ^ h a S w

maalarraie. |, , , e » n r t m « a S ^

• Cdaelacad and atnesra apbeUw a< tfe*

t temperance cause. No matter how many whiskeys be may tak* Ih the course of a

I day, he never loaes faith In blS prtndplea, i Indeed, he seems to Sod that bis terapar-

anre principles a n otnlsIiteMd and bis exposition ot them facfbtsied by the oon- alsteni use of whlshejr.

Whoever you meat tn Otaatov dls- couraea on tempeTaaeth *ad lavltaa you to take a "nlp“ with Mm.- Not that then Is any hypocrisy la tha master. Mathlaf e< the ktad. la Otaapsv a maa may talk the moat water aad drhdt the msat a hsy mthoot being tn the l i a « : i

of any dlverxence balwaea hie prtaetple and hts practice. He. may moat etncaraly believe In the evil, of drankoaneee without ever havtne the remobtet eaaptetoa that the queattoB haa anything to do with Mb habit ot taktag a tlfUa wbiakeT now and then.

The fact aeems to ha that in Olaagow to drink wMohey ta not ta ladaka In atnag drink. The ScotA am a knMy. haaUhy and elgoToua rac^ aad t * them the an- tlaaal drink la not a Iluaari R la amcair a h«aH . Ihay tafea tt }aat aa tiser hmatha tk* farndoc Mr. as ana sC tha srthMrr

FRECXIE AND lOTH CiEMIw m ^ m m m A M .

W Z S1TI.TAN AJ r -“ i *

I Parign Lotion- i TWwhtuatan thaahla.


h , » « B A M a . « * f T |



H . I E EE


Hade b j Jersey City Beard at Edu- cation’s President to Conrt of

Errors and Appeals.


SDPPorder o f tlio L e w I'oLntM l Out that lift Iute)ii(liH<‘ iid In 1 ii Knvnr o f

I I I C oe ia lltu tlon a llty ]>U-tarhn iioe o f AfTnlm.Adclfil, SUoiiltl Nod O iiiw iHKh S«*t-

tU d Folkoy o f ^ le le In I 'ro v Id liiK F r t t Pu b lic Inu li-uelhm Vr^tcdHipcedy D c i'li lo a .

TRENTON. June 28.~Johii J. Mulvam-y. prttfldcnl of the Jersey City Borird of Edu­cation, who l3 a lawyer, miulo itply yes­terday in the Court of Errors amJ Appeals to the attack on the cuiiaiUutloiiulliy ot the Stokes School law, maili? ihe day 'be­fore by Alian L. McDermott. .Xltorru'y- Gencral Grey was expocted to speak In the case, but, after reiulloR Mr, .Miilvaney's brief, he Indorsed k as fully rof-erlilK the ground. Toluts oC iirRumetu were as fol­lows:

The basis of i'Uit='»tkU'atlou ndopied is t h a t munlclpullUea divided liku warue have a a truc iu ra l form iif K"vepnmem which differs from tha t in m onle l j ia lkn^ BOl so divided, ami the setteme of the law Is to provide for the Rovernrio'iii of school d is tr ic ts so th a t their povenimr-nt and inanagemeni may tlovemil Inm ilu* rov- e rnm ent and rnanaRpmeii! itf i-ilier iiiunic- Ipal affa irs without d lp tu rUiiu f ,

In dislriciH slfuiite In mun1<'1paliilf»j* not divided into wards the quo litP-ii tioriH tin'- acribed for members of boards are thi same as In other districts, with the addi­tional refjulslle that they l>e aide to re:ui fmd write. This Is a precaution which common knowledpe Imllcales to lu- wise, In urban communities there Js liken Jiuod of llllteratr persons attalrkng iiroinl nrnce suffldeMt to be chosen for metnher- fihJp In ii board of education W'heiher lhi» choice he by the people nr an ex*cuik'i ofllccr, while ill suburban cornmuiiltks, made up of agrlcultiiral imoresis or small business enneerns, experience has shown that a man nt.iy become prominent iv town affairs und may be mentloiied In connection with the position of school trustee, or may even be elected to .sucJi pnnkli>n with no thr>ug-hl on the ]>iirt of liis neighbors about his literary ahlllty.

lIovT IVdiiien Huy \tite.In districts slimite in miinictpuluies not

divided Into wards females may \'oie at school electiona for all piiriH>scs ex<cpi election of itiemlicrs to board.-*, and are eligible to membership In boards. Thh has been the law for a Krent many years.

It the Legislature had ennclad \arioup methods of local scTiool Kovcnimt-m for tile different classea of rnunlcIpulltieH rec­ognized by ihc t’onstltutlnn, and ih<5se local methodb ftirmed part of a system such an act under tin- nnihor1t> .jf Her­man vtt. Gutlenlnirg, und dlsiiiiifuisiiing lyiwthorp vs. Odphiint, would be iipheM. They have gone further than that, and. instead of makhig live or six for wliirh to Jegl.slRle, have taken rxlstli.g conditions, similar In character. In se\- eral of those clQsse.s. and reduced the number of cl.issr-s to two.

The Constltut lnn Impjises the duty on th e Legis la ture of providing for a th or­ough and efficient sys tem of free schools. F ro m the ear liest times in th is S ta le It w as felt th a t if t h a t du ty were left to th e municipalities themselves it would be neglected. T h a t Is evident by the n u m ­ber of a ta tu tes on the books where in the b ta te cam e to the aid of towns by do* na tions from its treasury , and the consti ­tu t iona l protection to a perman«*iu S ta te

1fund, a s a confalderalion for th is aid. is the s ta tu to ry requirement th a t munic i­palit ies raise a l ax for school purposes.

Gradually the aid of the S ta te Increased, and gradually the Sta te School T ax law developed so th a t p r io r to th e passage of the act under review the nmnuiu which each municipality m us t ra ise In order to enllt lo it to any pa r i of the S ta te 's nld w as mere m a t te r of calcula t ion every year , based on the va lua tion of taxable property within U. To f u r th e r encourage expenditu re of money fo r free education, th e schools were divorced from o the r lo­cal concerns and those Quasi munlclpall- ‘lie.’t, school districts, were established.

R e ro g n lie d K e a ln re fThese school dlatr lcta were colncldenl In

a re a with o ther municipalities . Some­times they were organized under special c h a r te r s which gave th em co rpora te pow- cra, a t other ilrnes they were erected under general laws. They a re a recog- »ilxed fea ture of ou r governm eni to-day.

The act before the court provldea what #hall be school districts, and for the crea­tion, separation and consolidation of school dlBtriutR. it Is through the man­agement o f these districts that the Leg­islature expected to "provide for the main­tenance and support o f a thorough and ♦fflclent system o f free public schools." rWe have already indicated the manner in which funds were provided for this pur- C>bsc,

The Ideal sought is t h a t all children of th e Sta te shall have the sam e oppor tun i­ties for a public school educa tion . This Is. o f course, an Impossibility, n o r does the Consi l tu l ion reQulre it (Landis vs. School T>i8 trlct, Vr. 510), h u t never the less it is ■wise to a t tem p t It,

The ac t confers co rpora te pow'ers only o n school dis tr ic ts and confers those pow ­e r s on ail school dis tr ic ts , f t deals with •Chool dis tr ic ts and all of them In the s am e way. W hateve r m a y be said of the classlrtcatlon of the m unic ipali ties where in • those school distr ic ts a re s i tua ted , the d is t r ic ts themselves a re al l t rea ted alike a s to corpora te

We reapecifullyjffiT^mlt th a t the law In const i tu tional. The In tendment Is in fa ­v o r of Its consti tu tionali ty The mere d i s ­tu rbance of municipal affa irs , or « change f ro m one method of conduct ing those af-

in one depar tm en t should not out- ,weigh the sett led policy of t h e ' s t a t e in -providing free public education, and what Is more, a " thorough and efficient sys tem " c f public education. T ha i policy, expressed In numerous s iatu tep, of which th is is the l a s t and now the only one, is a g a in s t the admission of local influences to compro­mise and hamper the fulf ilment of a duly gufllcJently Im por laot to be embodied In >tbe fundamenta l law ^

It Is of the u tm os t Importance, ihere- Ifore, t h a t the Judgment of th is court be speed i ly announced.


One o f the V a ln n b le T r to S tarved illn iBtdf io D oa lb -*A n o (lie r £ z -

peeteU to Die.,\ i:W YORK. June 2P.—After refusing

viiluntnrlly tn rat for ihri’C months. Boh, ouh of ih" ilu'i-e big python.'^ at the Bronx /'Ml. is deail. Another of the snakes 13 | also f«xperit*(l in die In i» few'!* from i

i Tile .‘samr caui-r. The third may live. ! I The sijHki-s wi-rr hrovighl to this loiiu- ' iry rrnm tht- Mahiy l*eiiliisula :i y«’ur ugo. ■ i Thr {llunitr did lint :iRn-e With them, auil

they refused to rni \ hrlous mrltuida Were trli’il hj make ilinn take fnod. and for u timr lhe\ uere Itulurei! i " rut Ju.'*! rnuufch

I In k'eji tln-m allviv Al"iui iiMnth.-*figi). however, ihe pylh'int=. j^fti-ied to

. Hwalliiw a mouihful of ni«UTishui'-iii. and ' " iirntur DKmnrs, who 1t;ip ih.irK-.- lYf the

/on. lilt upon :i pl.iii III forre f uni d<iwn ; ttieir thro.its ib- had tlfT«‘>-n in- ii hold j rarh "lie, and ttieji hn plioveil n!. i.t ons

arid rahbils dawn their thrip.itH wllh a ; l"n;i pole.i It li:i.‘! been noticed ihai the Rirnkes w**re

SLifferlng for some time froui thTH ;'' Irou- Me. The pole had lareraled them Eor several ilays Hub's throat was sore it was Impossible to give him no n Ishmcnt.


ENssrly r v ^ n ' V f J v t o b« tilunj; Prof. Mua.

yon I to ld < wh* a cold af^^ari. J( rfhevra the hr|ti., ,r th-cat annunje*!''4'iickly dial ■ eoM r m 1 • . ; iifft for nmner of^^^ph^h^rla-'f pr.r ,:r A vlal ol T[,e Col3 Cureia hli< A hfe f F,, rry one of hiartmedica a? » r- . v ,t!y nc v al. Guide to Hr*hh irrr M . V, . Y,.^ J, J Philad»li?l)i»

■ u s m v s IM U U K (1 KES l - iT i lE tf !

l^ lm ple ' S a l ly a t n y a In N e w a r k f u r h e r F o u r t h o f J u l y . N e n Siu t ilny 's N E W 1».


I neuntrn lled A n im a l Reni'eil on Im rj 's H on rd w a lk and It bier

F e l l U aek ivard .

ASBL'RY EV\RK. Ju n e I ■ , siiii,^ nl- mosl Into the rrnwil on the 1-' .rd\N ilk iil .Nstiury aN'enxn-, hist nighi, .Mi-"- l.iiliiui Holl was hurl by being throxsii in tn h« r horse, of which she had losi i . o i r . i sears lunoiig the promr-naib rs \s.i- • au-*ed by the oneomlng of the young wonian and her steed. She was shrieking, in her fr ight had dropped her relris

It wa.s in an effort In g rab lln lilt of I her horae tha t her escort , galbn ing up from behind. iTxadverienily i :t • ' fx-c f.ill. The horse reared splrUt-dlv :u;d MIk i I>oli fell backward. I 'nnb le to l|■■ ^ ’]l her foot from the s t i rn ip . she ft-]l -n ih ii h* r hi'‘ad at ru i’k the g n nm d firsi H-r knre and ankle were tw is ted and liruL-ril, ?;o a pUy.sician la ter found.


Cbairaian o f the Commission Slates that Those Already Filed

AniOBat to STD.Oi.M.

JESSIE MORRIiON GltLTY.J u r y Kelt imiii \ ' r r ( l l i ' ’t f o r S h in i e r In

CUe tt^ron<l D eg re e A ffi rL o n g I>f»pn1e.

Tt)l’T-:KA. Run., June IT^-Thr Jury In the Jf’.'islc Morrison tnurdt-r «'ii>p ,ii l"d >- riiilrj reiii liod a, vordlrt of Rulk> of murd'T in the "iiif 'h'gree late .\ l•.«. l•ld i' iiltii- noon. 'I’hi- Jiir\- w’as out thirls ;;iv li-onp and wuiod rh-ven fisr rntivlciloti .i:i ] miu- for, rnd iT the V'Tdh 1 the imixlmuni prnnity Is twenty-fl\i \i irs m Uu- penlieiitlMry ami th** njliiinniTii tmi years.

The frlme for whii-h Miss .Moribnn \sa.=. ronvlried was the mur<hT "f ,Mr~ >>iln C'ii.«ile, :i N'jnmg woman who W' li lln- iifT! ' - tloii* of iind ularrled the TTi*iii M otI- son loved.

'' tl States of New

M n nf his •'inied the < i ’ommis- " In I his

' « to theo filed liy

Inpan- • ■ r-i' day.' V dsetl In■ -MnO rtl-

night.■ '■ \ ss iTh

■ ' II rlri- f t('( de-, !i.irb<T

r->|ulre- • it;-' 1 i.Thl

•■rnnis la M"n of

•\■r forI" Mahii'

1 l.u alia I'l-ii h.-r

fi.w nr ' H Is • r V. I iijli]; nm fur

; :i ipn s-11 ' 1 n-er

•ON Io n 1f ” l"U Ilf

■nu|,>h».d. 1’-’ 0 front iron the

•t■•l I > ;• \\ J' I#-.''-,r., ,1 n[\* I ■ III the

\ I Ollg \)>}u\A

W H E A T IN' GOOD t t lN D IT ir iN .

Y i r l d W il l Re fAteady In t h e P r i n c i ­pa l S la te*.

Cnrre?.pon(lenls of H. tj. Dun A- (^o. re­port conditions nf winter wheat on the whole exceptionally encmirughiR. In the pnncipaJ Smtea the ytelrf will be very heavy, and It Ig notlrcl that the ff.-w un­favorable returns are from fwiluta where only a moderate crop la ever exfz^ted. Desplie the tardy arrival of warm weath­er, harvesting la under way at all South­ern polnu, and another big yield la prac­tically certain fur Kansas. Oklahoma re- porle are cheerful, most of- the grain being cut, and a fair ]nrrea!>o over tha preceding crop Ja ftnnrmncpEi.

Figures of acreage Indicate that the total urea under culth’atjon ihlp year le aotnewhal smaller than In 1900, but thv yield per acre will tiverage much larger, lieialan fly caused lnj\jry In parts of Mich­igan. and sugar beet culture reduced the wheat acrengG' somewhat, but neverth* less there is expected a fair yield, bi­sects also eausx'd havoc in Kentucky, ami both Tetin**.ssee and Texas suffered injury. With so much of the crop beyond danger, and generally hopeful newj from North­ern points. Jl is safe to anticipate a yield fully up 10 the moat sanguine of earlier estlmites.

News from spring wheat eectlona !s rb- fuming a more cheerful tone. Instead of complaints ns to drouth there Is ample moisture, arul the crop progreasea fa v ­orably. It IS much too early to consider reiKirta final. at% aerloua'dlsaster may yet be experieiK pd. but with weather no bet­ter than average from now until harvest there is reason to expect a full yield of spring wlu’ ai, and the inl.'it o f both winter and spring wheat should exceed all rec­ords with a production of TOi'.000,000 bushels or more


NEW 1'OUK, June 2 . —Five clergymen of the New York Diocese of the Protest­ant Episcopal Ghurch will (his week cele­brate the fiftieth anniversary of their ordination. Sliver loving cups' will be presented to each at an anniversary cele­bration to be held In the Aleneral Tfapoiog. leal Seminary o f the church, Selurdav night. ^

The five clergymen are Rev, Dr. Thomas GalJaudet. Rev. Dr. P II. Cady Rev J S. Spencer. Rev. Dr. W. W. Qlasen ami Rev. W. S. Coffee. Nearly all are about eighty years old, yet are active workers in the church. A ll five w'ere ordained by Bishop I>e Daney, on fit. Peter's Day, is5i ori Brooklyn Heights;. ’

DtHcuTerer the Ktna<|>-be DeadS C U rV LE R FALLS . N Y.. June 2k -

JoKeph Ladue, who founded Dawson Cliy and who has been named [he "Discoverer of the Klotbiyke Gold Fields," died at hla home here of consumption yesterday af.. ternoon. He coniracied the disease while prospecting for precious mineral* tn Alas- ka. Ladue W'as forty-seven years old when he was a young man he went W («i In search o f gold. Later he went Into Alaska on a prospecting tour. For fif­teen years he Hve<l In the country with out making any sirlke of consequence fields discovered the Klondyke gold

N E W YORK. June 2S ^Si-nator William K a'I . ii .I;. r Hampshire, who, on th> r term In the Senzue w ; rhfilrmaM nf the Hinini-1' ' .-'ri Finn by ITefilrieni McKi-... city yestt-rclay.

11«< ^alil Ihat nlreiiiLamount infAni'Tlran clilzenp with ih- meiu and mluT.'< are hr-lju- ■ *.

"A n inlerrsiliiR polni h.i>. i-. the prOCf-eilliYgH of lh< • r«>-.'' .«a1<1 Senator ftiisr, !>'"A luimhrr of claims hav^ , ih»' Slate Deparimeru h\ n-i z -ns fiT liamages growing stnirilnri of the Maine In It ■Tn nd Indicate tljcse rl.ilni- ,Ihe scitlemi'nt of two que.sll'ins The first of flo -- |, wlielhi-r in the case of tin i ri nailimal ship any cialni •A-,.r private danctgea arls^-s. fl i - ■I'oi n ;i private shir dcstr" . • ! liarlior. and had It hern pr •' df’si riicllon was due tn the < c. •in -w ill'iir the SimiilHh hi....... •plain Ihfii every man ahoaro : h;i\e h'.d a Just and rqu iii' . daniagi-s agnlUFi that nml" .

J l l s 1"(H inral i n ree r Ov^-r.Scn.iTor « ’handler sold In r<-i 1

lion that he thought lii» p«dr was over.

"Ii l*cgan In frM h-hope-i and worked for ihr .i sl.'ivcry, I lived to pee that ;i.Mild 1 lived also to sec Spain d ijie W cstirii Hemisphere ainl rhll!ii]>ln's. which 1 had Tioi . \ do. ’I'hcfi' are a great raaov tloio, liefi.ri Ihe counlri'. l ui I i ilm l't ln'caiisi- i have confide ir luim-r iii!<-iiiil .\‘ and brains of i nirti wh" ar** 4-omliig out of ou ,and fidleges fVi‘T\‘ day.

"T lo ir roiiHclences on all greai qiirs- Hons are right. If they go wrriug it Is In the III lie vires*, hut on the m aucr of ihe nation’s honor they are to be trusted h|- ways, That la why all Ibis talk of Irn- per1nl!«m is so hiiilrrnus. Imperialism even if It should Come, could last only from f»ne fiiiigress election to another. The s-rtung nu n of this country’ are honof- ftblr, aide and sincere and the country la all right.

Senator rhaudisp remarked that tbn people of riiba were all right. He said > that they would make miPlakes and that, ' like nil Tyatln-AmerlcRns. they would be- | gin by thinking that the first duty of go'-- 1 eminent wap to provide place* for all the cllltens, and that an administration once \ <4ected Tflust he forever re-elected, lie [ Bald that he underslood liv the Isle of Pine* it was discovered that for 4,000 In- j habitants, with <0o voters, there were j twenty-four t>ollremen, twelve of then* j mnunied. and that all of them were elec­tioneering for the alcalde.

' ’They’ll be all right." said Mr. Chand­ler. "They will have a free rein and will learn. 1 think we ought to require them not to shoot men for political r*ffenceii. Let ’em kill eavh other, In war, of course, but (bey ought not to shoot poiyical ofTen- ders after the war Is over I think that rule ought t«N he applied tn all South American rmintrtes.

I 'h r D em ncrn li," I ’d like til go In wlih si>mehody and

mash the p|i;(iMT»(s. The trouble is with the I*em-n'rrYi.w tlxat the plutocrats can alwavft bin ih'-ni up. I hear Pettigrew hn»ma>l*' a fortune I see Seixator Butler here 1 s.i| , ‘isr lie s trjdng to make one.1 used t-' i.ik*' two newspapers so a* to get hnih sM-> f the question Now’, they're both im lU. •i;irnH side- and you can do me a fwv'-r T • i**e tidl me what newspaper I Cvin tak- will pri'och good, straight l.ietivrr.! M 'Im trlne n.s U Ig to-day. We ought ' I a good strong oppositionparts h this country, The trouble with the DetTi'" r.ii-y U lhai no two of Its lead­ers agr»'> tn Us prln'lplea."

IN n lls io irg li biNiue* In next fiundny**

N'llNVH. ________________

BL5INLSS COLLEGE G8ADEATES.Dl|tliitiin« 4H^en to IMpny Vonnig Blev

and Women At the K ra e ig er A a d l- torln in l.aal N ig lit.

Tvi.- t' i txih graduating exerrlaes N>\\ .f-rsey Bu.stnesfi College were

Hb v a I Cadet P a rd o n e d fu r H a a tn (,\4 'A8HJNGTON, June 2il.—Moved by

• t ro n g appeals fo r clemency, the Presj- dent naa granted a pa rdon In the case of Calvin Joy O easey , of California, who, while a member of the fou r th c l a n a t th e Navy Academy, was (,*onvtcted of baaing and summarily dismissed from t h t academy. Judge-Advocate -Oeneral Letnly hoMj th a t the pardon of Creasey will not r e a t o n him to the Naval Academy. As to .Whether he might be reappointed, the judge-advocate -genera l said th a t was h m a t t e r for the Congressman from hla dts- g n o t to decide.

p b o i w f r a p b e r a m ay f e e t r€%eie a h llL T h e “ N e w a ” w i l l s lira d b re e eaab p r l m » the d ra t a f f 1H| the ■ * «o P € . i lO . a a d the th ird , gif, « • the w ead e ra a f p lc ta rea m oat a a lfa b le

w a m a a** p a ^ r . la t e r lo r a o f id w a ll la h a , p la a t d e e a ra t la a a . po reh B aan era , porehoa, f a a e y w o r k . c M k - ^ r y —la faot, a a r t h t a a o f la te re a t to f ^ * * * * * # m ay ho p h o to g ra p h e d a a d aahm lttod * T h e p lo ta ro a m ast he p a a t b e fo re J a ly Id. A d d rea a ^ P h o to - v rap h tc CoatcBl,** th e **»ew#,** H ew - « r l t * R. J.

Ilrange and ^ ^ SuburbaD News and Orange Advertisa-


t t a l l a i i K i n a A lda H a r l e m Sehool .N EW \ 0 R K . J u n e 2?.-—TTte sum nf nan

subscribed by King Victor Emanuel n i of Ita ly toward the erect ion of a school house In Harlem, to be erected bv th*. Children 's Aid Society, has bei“n received by the I ta lian Coneulaie-Oenera l here and turned over to the proprie tors of the Itni lan Evening Bulle tin , who sp* ra li - Ing a fund. The school Is to be n am ^i j h ,^ "V ,rd l" School, o f t c r the

r a r a e a l# L ib r a r y R e faaed ,N E W CA8TL1C. Pa.. June J8 —Th« m tv

Council of New Castle has rejected An- dn-w C a r n ?g i^ , offer ,o r ive mone” ror i free library To acrep t the r i f t the cll waa bound by Mr C nm egie ' , ralae M.OOO aotiually to m a in ta in the libra ry. proylded »«.0M waa received Ti ,; union men here oh jec trd to tak ing the money The council haa from time to time deterred act ion on the m a t te r and it now r o e i by default. ’ ° “

----------------- 1------------- -—H a y Be O e n ara l S h een H a 'a G raw daoa

TRENTON. Ju n e M . - T h e police v e n r r . day arreated a tw e lve -yearsdd lad tvhn aaya hla name la S he rm an ReUly . h d ,h^TS t ' • * ‘ S ' l S ” " '*'• OaneraiSherman. Reilly *aya hla home la I n C t e i l . land, and tha t he left it acme d a ra a rn v ta ll lM th e Buffalo E ip o a i t im

proudly boaaia of hla

--------------a--------------T h re e Mew D rav rw rd W h i le B atb liiw

flftarn frrt darn, and partabMi K*rjumw."?i!i .W e n & e »

Km pfm m r r * 4 * r t « k « n w i a « W * wLONDON, JNd* Ik—a d l m t c h (m m

b j* h * * t ^ *a ihaf *t ta now whrth-• r t t e B » H w o r will go on Ug t im tam ■Ihtml trip to th . noith.

te a hic ih ip , th# Dew^ AptlMtttlc

TH nf 1h-i.i Man hlB^ grrui dr**- prlz- Iwo ■■ • th f S' N' • ' Dam-' Ii□ ii ' "Thrtin.. - Ciill 1 -rl \-fGl. lllr '■■r

liihf In the Kruegr-r Auditorium.and the exercises proved

ir [ I.lining, features of the pro- ' -r g instrumcTUal music, ad-

-vii ;iv,!4rill!ig of dip lomas and n,. i'r -Bramme was l»egun with fi Liv Voss’h Orchestr a , and *, iiiiliiw'fd by pra.N-er hy Rev.

i i ' l -m n Th»* .•«»IUlalory, "Wom- w.i« giN-en by Miss I rene ti.

f H'lih^rford. while J am es Mc- I Kasi u ran re . delivered the

’ tnking for his subject "The M. ['N fITI

R. \ I t I' 11 FmaeT delivered the ed- flr ch 1,. Mi' uiaduailjig class. Jos ph A, p,., , ,.r ,w ir JfJ the diplomas and pmg- r,.s- ..f*:'* ' In this he was assisted by Ml- f ’l' !!''■ The class resolutions were prtNM;T‘ d Mi«'« t'atherlne M. Boyle, of ll,drri'->M I i ' ‘ l '"n » l(in Monroe, of Eapt {trill X*-. -iM Tied the gold and silver med- ftlti for th'’ “ * xamlnatlofi sets.

Th- •'nmmltiee consis ted of4 \Vrtlkt-r. chairman; Roland F.

Terwiilifift **cr»'(ary. Mark H. PoJglas.*, irea«oirrr W; UaTnJ. Reynolds, Harold E. HemMlrl-* and Thiodore D. Luff..

The xr.i'li.aM'G were as follows:Srhonl of IMsIness, r>ay Class—Miss Bes­

sie Mat II* ' North Arlington: Miss Mabel Aylinp Kearny: Miss Catherine MBoyle. Fl.irn«-'o. W illiam Lane Clark. Caidwcll. George Plerman, Harrison, TrsiigotT 1 lierp. Orang<-; Calvin T. Dun­ham. MilliTYfi:i "o. Miss Katie I. C. Doyle. K eam v. r«e W. Eppinger, N ew ark. James M'G.tll Ford. East Orange; Joaeph Orohe, Glen Kldge; Clifford B. Oehrtng, Rahwav. Fn-U-ri'-k R. Goldberg. H a rr i­son; rcrrlv -il R. Halleron. N ew ark. W ill­iam F Hahn. Newark: W illiam A. Haley. Newark Frederick J Karg. Newark: Francis A Manley. Harrison: DomingoMorn. Grarta'la. Nlcaragifa, Central Am er­ica; Miss Anna Cedlla Neary, Orange; A rthur Russell Purdy, Rutherford: Mlaa Helen Teresa Riordan. New ark; Ulas Edith Louise Salle. Bloomfleld; George Adolph Bturm Newark: I.#eon Solomon, Newark Marjory M. Stew'art. Wood-bridge Rnisnd F Terwiltiyer. Newark;

I WODK INDOORSAnd about half the time I muit eat ray luncheon at a gallop. I should probably v ffe r from weak stomach and torpid bow. ela if I did not watch rayatif. But 1 do watch myself. After each meal 1 eat three or four MALT CRRAMLETS, and in that way I stemr clear of the miaerT of iadigearoD. I rameatly adriie all men and wotsMn who want to avoid or to o iwijijauc dyapepaU to foUow my exam- j i t . M AIfT CAEA lUJfTS are toU hy

' gtooeiik XuccathAbffK ,,

Our Store Will Be Closed at Noon on Saturdays in July and August. Open Fri­day Evenings.

W e d o n ’t “ b l o w , ” n e i t h e r d o w o p ra te a b o u t o u r in t e g r i t y ; n o r d o w e pa t o u r s e lv e s ou th e b a c k b e c a u s e w e a r e ^ iv iii^ - th e b e s t

v a lu e s il l th e w h o l e S ta te , a n d f o r le s s i i io n e v , a t o u r


Main Floor, Fkisl.

N e c k w e a r .L.-ivvii Tic*i nmi Stocks,

.sQc and 6oc. allies for 25c. ami 49c.

Mull Ties, ciiibroblcred an<l l:<Muslitchfii vmls,

value fur 25c.I,a\vti T ucked Itfdcri'is,

white , 1 .2 5 .«ir.iss Linen collars,

tu fk e ila m l ];tre irinm ied , f r 7 s.(" values, (qt1,25 tu J-75.


elkr r i

1 -4 -.E-r'A

Main Floor, North AiMc

10,000 ya rd so f line, lirm Dimity, in stripes and neat designs, every desirable shade o f Navy onlw

S A T U R D A Y O N L Y H.MINK .'y CO.

M ain floor, south aisle.

Musliflwear.Full line of ladies' line

lace and embrouUrcd trimmed Skirts, 98c. to 16.98.

Iti'aiitifully Trininicil I'.i .uisfrom 69c. to 9.98.


Main Floor, West.

Music of the Day." T h e re I s No Nortl i or Sou th

T o-day ,” “ M y Sai>plMre S u e , ' '‘ Powu W here tlie CoUtm lilos-soisis O row ,'• " MukesibcH eart (Trow F o n d e r /’ ” RosebmlMsipch, W i t c h e s ’ W hirl ^ waltzes,■ ’ Belles an d Beaux ” \\ al t/cs, regflA r ,5 oc., Sa tu rd ay

•' T h e S h a d e of the Taluj “ and ■'Tell Me Fretlv Maitjen,’ ’ from " I ' l f T o d o r a , ' ' r egu la r 6 t.ic. S a tu rd a y ...............................


25cH .\IIN K & CO.

Second Floor, West.

C o o l H e a d .I f y o u

w .ant to ■ileep well

thes§ w.arin nijjhis, keep your head cool, Xo better way to dn u with one of our Hair I’lllows at

7 9 c .H.\rtNK A CO.

Mam Floor, North Ais>.

Rem oval Sale.

Boys’ C lothing.W A S H S L IT S that W IL L A C T U A L L Y W A S H , Sailo r and Russian B louse Sty les.

Reduced from - gc. and < 2 9 c . ' '

Reduced from 6gc, to 4 9 c . Reduced from S r .t4;

to 8 9 c .Reduced from $ i ,6gaud $ 3.95

to 1 .2 5 .Everything in Men’s a n d

Boys' C lothing reduced. Reduced from 49c. and 59c. to 2 9 c . Reduced from 98c. to 6 9 c .

(A $ 1.50 value.)HAIIKF, & CO.

Bmnd .mil New Streets.

Lh Shoe Removal Prices Crushed.

All I, 1 <1 i o s' | . i 0 0 sShoos rtitiKrd ^

-Ml Lmlifft' f-’ ,ry.i Sill*-' irtnl ■! P A O'.iiinl'i reduced to . . . L . O V

All l- nlics’ f.voo re- “J y A iliin-d 111.................. O .O U

.All l.adici’ #1.50 Sli'ir-'and > I P ( Ixfiinls reihiced to . . . L % L o

.All I.adies’ Jj.oo Shoes asul | rixfonls reduced t o ................... l . / t )

•All Hoys' and Girl.s' #1.98 1 7 3 Shoes reduced t o ........................ l . / t )

I.adiey f t .98 Spring Heel | / 'A Shoes, sires 2 \ to 5, reduced to. I , O V

Misses' J i .49 Spring Heel | 3 3 Shoes, sizes II ,14 to 2,reduced to. 1.00

Child's ft. 2.J S p r i n g Heel | | A Shoes,sizes 8>i, to n , rerluced to I . I U

All Men’s Shoes and 'J P A Oxfords rediiceil to....................J . .u V

H A H N E & CO.

Broad a n d N e w Streets.

Towel Removal Sale.Wc are doing otir best to sell every towel

in stock, that we may open in the new hitilding with new lots. To do this we have reduced prices ten to twenty per cent, below former fig­ures. Buy against the time you will need these towels— yoit'll save numey.

■ ;,ooo dozens Towels in Honeycomb, Turk­ish Htick and Moniie, at prices varying from Jc. to 75c. each.

B e d L i n e n .Don’t, forget our June

and Removal Sales of Hemmed Sheets and Pil­low W'e shall sell at special low prices until each separate lot is entirely disposed of.

T a b l e C l o t h s .2 ox,-5 yards, regular ^3.98,

sale J.50.2,'t!X,314 yards, regular 14.50,

sale d.OO.

2'2x4 yards, regular $5.25, sale 4.70.

Prrakfaat and Hiiinfr Size Napkinti, valii. f 7 2,1 nnd f,3.2j dozen, . t l* 3 .0 i and 2-92 dozen.

ftascuient. North Aisle.

“The Fourth”W e have

n o F i r e

W orks,Fire C rackers or o th er noise m a k e r s a n d explos­iv es to sell

( t h i s year, b u t w e

have F la g s, L anterns, Fire C racker and Torpedo P isto ls , R evo lvers, etc.

H A H N K St CO.

Broad and New Streets,

Men’s Furnishingj i A H N E & CO f Q f f e a t i i e r .

W e st P a rk Street A isle.

H i g h G r a d e

Sample Dress Skirts.Washable Materials.

257 Washable Dress Skirts, in linens, piques, imported linens, etc., ntimenni.s c o l o r s and various .styles and trimmings,

Every One to G o at

H a lf P r ic e .!I.U IN K Sii CO

West Park Street Aisle.

For Little Girls.O lr ls ’ R e « f e r j re-1

duced from #2.30 and

f.r .so (0 I .S O . The}-

are m ade in p l a i n

c l o t h , all lea d in g shades, trim m ed vaH nus stv les, sizes 2

to ft ye.irs, regu lar #2.50 In f r 50, for I.SO.

r .re a l v a r ie ty o f O ir ls ’ W a s h a b le D r e a s e a , l iz e s 4 to 1.1, m.ilie r>f Per- ra les, C h a tn b ra y s, H ingham s, ns. e tc ., tr im m ed w ith em l roidcrv, laces sm l iii.sertion i, a l l rediuc-l m p rice;

t t z s f o r ...................... 89cf i . S o f o r .................. 1.15| i .98 f o r .................. 1 25#2.25 f o r ............... 1.50

II \1IXK 5; CD


Ladies' plain white and color­ed border, Sc.

Henistit c h c d and embroider­ed, 12J c.

M c iT.s h e m ­stitched, white and colored bor­ders, 5c.

M e n 's a l l H n c n

hemstite'd, 12V2C.


Men 'a M a d r a s Negligee Shirts, a large assortment of coloring iintl stripe romhinntion, 89c.,1.J5, 1.09, 1.9H.

M en ’s Soft N eg ­ligee Shirts, ro .Ind rtiffs a llac lird ,^■tc.

Men's r n j a ni .1 Suits, new rolnriiigs .Hill patterns, fi s..(pialitv, 98c.

M en’s N eckw ear.New >tvlr<. in wfiLriit ntiil col-

orii? . in Imperial, I'Vmr-in-liatnl, Teck atnl UntvUTiy sliai>p!4, A4c.

Men's I ’liic Silk SlncM Unvis, 2lc.

r ien ’s S tr a w H ats.M e n 's R ou g h Str .iw Hats, 4 4 c . ,09c.,

Hats , 8 8c.,

West I'ark Street Aisle.

M illinery Rem oval Cuts.B ig H at E v e n t— Abwiit 40 dojicii Fine Braid H ats,

the newest summer shapes in wliite and na- ^ tiiral shades, regular t" X2.98, closingout at

About 55 dozen as-sortnl stylc.s of Flowers, inejuding Roses and Foliage, regui ir prices from 15c. to I“h-,, closing out at 5c.

Bnsement, So u th AJale.

L.amp Globes.

(treat chance In TrimmedMats—AVimii 1-0 of them, all lew summer ctTects. were Sell- •iig at $5.7;, $7-75 and $8. 75, I losing out at .5.95.


Bicycle Sundries o f every kind at sm allest prices in totvn.

ugh88c., 1.25, 1.75.

^fen's Sp11.25, 1.75, 2 65.

C h ild ren ’s S tr a w H ats.C liiliirm 's Struw .Ssilor M;il« 44c.,

99c., K8c., I . IO , 1.25, 1.49.I!o v^ 'Straw Hats, 2 Ic ., 44c., hVc.,

88c.lU'V.s' Crash r.olf C ji.s, 2lc.aiiiH4c.

H AH N K .S; CO.

Bast-nKTU. Wr st

The“ Governor” RefrigeratorS ta n d s a lone in a rl.-iss liv its,-If For liigli rpial itv n o th in g marW iu wo.«i r. f n u m i ' m s , m rta l lim.-d, can c o m p are with it. Dv. r o . ■ ,irc iii use in i '-ssfx County aloti r. Ew-ry on-.* i. .i rt-conimpinia- tif'D F o r S a tu rd a y , e x tra special prices on a ll sizes. A c o m p le l r line nf P ocono uti l All T ile ami T ile L in e d R e fr ig e ra to rs

HA H N F. i CD

W e , r i lines ot u ported I..-'-: follows u . special 1 and $i o ' I special 1.50, and §4 T'

For NaiurJay Only,H UI NK CO

ing out mir ic inch Ini- ('il.Tbc's as

h 11 1 o b e, reg $(49 ■■ h (ll'ibe, Ti'C'. $4-49

Main Floor, Middle Aisle.

G r e a t e s t S t o c k i n j r C u t s o f A l l .9c. pair, were lay^c.— C h ild m ’s good

quality fast black, narrow ribbed, double knees,

I2c,c. Mir. were 17c.—Ladies h!.i. k iml fanpy coUtki Cotton Hote.

I 2 c^ i. pair, were 2 4 c.— M en 's fttll rejiiiln made iiiiiK.rted fancy Cotton Socks, all new. fresh perfect go*>dR.

2 <c. pair, were 4 7 c.— Jleti’a extra fine graijeCotton, Lisle and M erceH ied S ilk Socka. 3 ^ differ­ent styles Jacejuard woven designs, horizontal stnpes and em broidered.

c13c. ].air, were 4 : r and roc — I.-iHies' b lack all l a r r <i]>fn\vork Lisle H«vse, arul n lher faoev . ..Vm-.l lircigTl^

44c . ).air were fiqr an.I Cyc — I.a.lir^' fancy ■ ■■i'lrcl l.islc and C'Alun lli '-w, w r l h . i l s t r i p e d in.| cmliriiitif-rcd

7 9 i . pair, were ^ftc. ami f i 2 4 - - l..uh-v' h igh CMi\>- lancv Lisle Hiwc, lace am i ]acr| 'l 'icMgiia, \ ( rv ne 'er' ll clTcrls.

I,ailic^'PihfK>.l V fc t -9 c . ,w e r e u ' j C , 1 2 c , . . w e r e i ; r . 2 4 c . , w i r e cic.

Men c Balhrigcan I m lc rv c ir 2 4 c . , were ' ,cc. ; 2 9 c . , were : 9 c. J 7 c , , wi re

H A H M . ic CO

Arthur C. W»lker, New«r1c; l* ir is Faz-rr Whitfleld. Newark.

Progresa Ceninca lea . Day. B u i ln e . - I>. p a r tm e m - C I l f f o r t H. Buckley, Rahwav Russell Car twrlgkC R ahw ay ; John Imll E l lxshe th ; Charlee H. Dretael. Newark Ralph S. Kelly, W oodbrld fa ; Theodore ti Luff. Baa l Orange; H a rk M. P a l r r * " ' N ew ark ; Leooatil C. Sire, N ew ark Ou..- t a v . S iholl . N ew ark ; KUa Jenn ie M Thom as . Sehoo teys UouBtala.

S h o r th an d D ep an m ea t , D ay t n a s s - M l - U Mildred Amhetm . Art lngton 1I - - Frleda L ^ l e k e l , New ark; H lia Anna I Conroy O n n g a ; M i „ C lara K. Crawfm.lw r " ? ’. KthKelan lM t» E t t a ^ i a s j j Rahway; Mis. Ksu. A Dorsey. Bait (Jranga; Hlaa Hannah A Dunn. LywdhiM ; MIm EUaabetfa A. E"ei- h a rd t . N a i r t r ^ W a i t e r S. Rahway. MU» Hatea A. Heath, h S ^ v Mir.

H u n d re d s « f Hvre r e r e d m r v hvtMrioM Dr, Tke*as* bouse juai whea “ a w S S h C ^hMlA bUTM. M ra oroup.OMIS Boraa, aaia. waiiaSa a< every eort -

K n erg y aO m oat of o rd a r T l l a B urS aek B M M

:.iT.rr,.a F Newark. Mlai MaryD M-iililifari. ilarrL^on: Mips R n ea q u ry V •; TV Kparny. n'lIUam J- R^ynoida, \ . w . r k Anna F. Rauh. N>wark :

Ltihi F-'hf^ld^r. Newark; MI»?i E d i th 1 .■'•lU- Rl(>omri id. Mlaa Il>neTh m*iN Ruih^rfonl . Mias Jenni« Mat^ Thi-'iria** Scho''il«‘y’a Mountain.

Sijf'-* s -h «•.-»! Tlraduaton. Skerthand De- p ;irtm«'Ti5 - JamtHik M. Brown, Boqth Of- nr^*' 5lar>’ Trf i^fU* ii Dav l^ ,

m an t-^E dw ard F Hyrn^. w ^ t t Oran^^: ' Mlaa Jaanetta V>blmHn, Newark. MIm Emily M. MnzjTrr, Jp-rsry Tjly, J.Prppwrd, OraniT( . Misf* Hanna r Pfrom- ntff. Newark: Raj- R Radin. .Newark.

_ I Mlaa Halan F T^rhune. Newark: MIbsl O. I x>orothy E , Ya*U* Newark '

Brady. N ew ark : QreeniK>rL Lone

iitUrii M i5«i l>»nora Draah. N ew ark, rhnr|p.<i F Hil]. Newark: Adolph Mlllenau, j

fo Terne E. xfUler.A la r i « rewptlnn was given Wetln***day

h i f b t In honor of \ > m e F Miller, who w IH tb ia el iy aoon to become a teacher

In the Phlllppinea, by the members of (’*al- “ ry P reaby te r lan r h u r r h The church

rlora w are n r

WALLPAPER'*fiO OD Q I 'A H T V W all Paper, ^uit ^

able fi r various rofuna. regular i»ricoTc. .'^alc price ...................... ................ f c w w

wAL.I, ^ .% rrR s ftif aittihg Hinmg rcoma, etc., rejnilar price u«.Sale p r ic e ...............................................

The ab<> e pnce«i are only pamptei of the--------- -------- ------------------ thir "

* jobbrll much riieap-

i^menfee baruaina that a e nffe * aale-We are tne oDly w holexale

Ware prettily ihirmed with leave*.J r . N V ^ark. Harold E. ReynoWa. N ew - dalatee and j w s ' and an American fla* ark Ml!** Rk-n le Reynolds. N ew ark. M lV waa hun^ a cro u the front of the room. T.r»f^a Richmond. Newark. W alter Scher- i w ill sail July 11 with leTeralr-r. N ewark . OeoiTa B. W heaton , E a a t ' 3 ^ ^('iranAe

Profreaii Certificatea, Shorthand Depart-

W a a i i i h i T Stomach 1^ liver j

CASTOR IAFor lofhsU tad Ckildrtn.

Till Kkd Yog itan Aln|s BoifM

d e r tak e to ta ach the Fillplnoa. The pro- I a ram rae was opened by a piano solo by

Mtaa L a u r a Stuck, which was followed by a eop raao aolo by Mlaa Helm B a x t e r W il l iam T. Law reclt i^ RHey’a "An Old Bw ea ihaa r t of MUe." and then Dr. WR1- iam N. B ar r inge r f a r e a th r t l l tn f addreaa on the t rM it ectucative work undertakena' tha,^ fO vem m ent Irt the PhUtpptnea.

lae B a x t e r a a n f a eolo. and David F. Nichole, ■uperlnteodent of lb* Sanday-

, erhooL preaeotad U r Miller with a Blbl*

uria^ thifl__ .. .. .. bb em in ih e

city and are in a poeition aell much riieap- er than anycino elw'. Spe<‘iai iiidnoementa U) the trade. Wall l^per irtmoted and d«hv«r- ed fre« of chanfe.


2 0 N E W H T ., next to Hahne 4 Co.

A W all PaperHangingBrosh free tu purehaaort



a iwwB o a r s t h s ^

an baka l f a» t b s tsmehsrs la i h . wrhool. I s S S S ? * - ! " CDv. H o p v e o d said a fsw w o r t s b sa r ln a S S S S U H T "m tb* t a p o r t a M v l lbs Introdosttoa 3

Dswly teqiiln ff poo.




✓ ^ •^ ■ r .. - , - - ^

i iM o " « fu n iK iDJ.Curren r^p ics

m $ .




By t ftOFKSSOlt Hkhry S. ('AI!ART.(Cowrtifittd.)

One of the strlklTi^ fr^aiurt# o f mo*Iern Induitrlal activity Is the liirrejjsiiiK ut*c of the exact scleiKT'S lit those IruIuMtrlea lhat , *re based on fldpnlin<T dlecovprleH. ft'hen | one stops to consider the Industrie? etn- ploying the known results of scu-iu'e ihw only enusr for wonder In that the rum- Rianders in the cuTomerclQl ii^orM have been so slow to accept pure *n leni e as a most ImpurtftTil aid. It is conceded by those conipetenl lo Juiige that one of the prime causes contributing to Ihelmndora Industrial development o f the i>'rman Empire Is the close alliance existing In that coutury between ecknee and ilie In­dustrial arts. Ciermany Is rapidly muvlnK toward Industrial supramney lit Europe and one of the most potent factors in this notable advance la the perfected alliance existing between science and Industry. Bclence has come l<i be regarded there as a commercial factnr, and It la In <>p n and avowed alliance wUb commerrs iind indus­try. In Germany the flnnnclal promaler.i o f great manafaclurlng enterprl.-Mcs avail themselves of the technical skill of men bolding a onlvcfHliy degree, and they use iuch support for the purpose of cheopen- hig production, of r^vfectinR th« d«lallB o f manufaciurlng. for the greater refine' mont of their product? and for the dis­covery of new and Improved raethodH.and results, F

In England more conservative methods prevail. ImprovemciHF ure slower, and new melhodt and processes are less note­worthy. In the newer IndiiBtrles, especially American, manufacturers are showing laudable enterprise in the utUlxatlcm of the latest aclRnUfle dWenvertpe ’ Tor fur­ther advance* we mupl look to the tnorf* perfect adaptation of known physical laws to the production of useful results. If suc­cess in the ana of Industry depeiida upon good management, wise ernnnmles. and high-class executive ability, II d»'pends also in no small measure upon the em­ployment of BClenUflC method? of precis­ion.

Applications of Electricity.The Industrial appllc.tthms of eledrlclfy

■re tutplnoui examples of the ht-nefU to be derived from the ai’pllfullon of the rn- •ults of pure science to public iitHJtles. For many years the telegraph w as 'ihs only application of electricity !o useful purposes on a commercial scale, Now the talephone, electric lighting, and tho trans- nlsalon of power have nlnu st completely eclipsed the wonder? of (elegraphy. These later uses of eleeiricity have followed In the wnke of scientific dlscovst les, at first ■low1y» but later wllh most astonishing rapidity. The first incflfide.<Mcent lamps that ever came to Chlcsgo, so far as the writer knows, came to him In Evansion as a gift from Mr. Kdlsou just twenty yean ago. During the same year ho saw one of the carllesi examples of the elec- Iric railway as a part of the exhibit .of the firm of Siemens A Hslske at the ex« position of *ekctrlclty, in Paris. The; progress made since then in both dlrcc-" tlona Is largely due to the diacoverles and Inventions of men who have had a srlen- tlflc training.

For many years wn w'ere epntenl to buy cheap natural cement for all work ot- ctmitructlon where tha expensive Oermun cement was not a necasiitty. P\irt mnrl

S o^y wa',l»ad lA gyapt sbundagcft. butt tacked the combination of capital ana * kmical sklU to manufacture cement..

Now ho better Porlland cement is mnde anywhere In the world than In Michigan and Pennsylvania,

Applylof g 5cfcntlf|c Education. ^The immediate ft^ ture openi splendlil op-

portunitles for the man with a sclentiito •Bucation, He is no longer limited to iiii; one profession o f teaching for a livelihood but has open to him the fairest fields In the creative industries. !t is his funeiJrm to show how to transmute raw matarlulu into valuable AnUbed product*. He stands to ^ a y as the technlral adviser of grcai corporations. In fact, he Is already at the* head o f important Industries. sKher us president of a great railway, manegtFr of a famous, mmc or supcrlniendeiit nf ti noted manufacturing estahllshmeiit. A few years ago the sirongeat electrical corpora­tions were averse to the employmeTU ni young men with a technical training. Now they want no other? for their terhnb'al and engineering work. The pn?t few yenr^ have shown almnsi a rfvoluilr>n in Am«-T lean sentiment rciatlve to the prnrtU-.i: advaniage? of c-xjM-rr »ci..niinr servlc*- h it no exaggeration to clnlm that our le- cent expansion of nsiUinHl Indusirlal ration to world-wide limit? k In nn ?mrtll mPiisure due lo the niore thnnmgh utlllti- tlou of sriemlflc methods .ind ?ckntlUt training than formerly Lord George lliim- lllon has recently declarivl tliar the cimi- peliUon England has to fare in the inui indusirlSM I? found»»(1 on ?i)methJi;p iiji rq formidable and more ?iib«tantlal ihbn quick wit In securing Cf»nirH«-iK and an aajy conscience In flllJng ihcm. II? nays; **Chenilcal rc.Ae-arch, the c«in«..hdaNMn <if capital. ihor»'ijgh technical iducatiou und Improved Industrial organlxath.n made in recent yr-firi ,i gn uter fnlvunce In America than 1i i? wUh the pmdTU'lo f these comhlnntlnn? «nd not wUh the assumed siuiildliy .if the ..ffl.'lftl? that the Btitkh (n g ifn ir ha? i.> cnti-iul ’

There ].? .in nju-n dii jr, Ihen. lending t-i iuccpss and m useful ?vrvlcH for those who ! are Tmj'etfttU t j aA SlI lh»-ni?»-lvefl o f lli*; opporiuntly

Physics In the World's Work.The relation of phv?ic? m thi? pnihUm

Is un Intimate on<- Phy?lc? t? fundnini’n tal to all Ihe p«h> ?lcHl I'hN?1cnland rhemica' prlnriple? r.rf ?o hittrwnwn that any dtPtlnctiou drawn Ufiwt-i-n tho i two branchr* o f srli-nce in likely ro he founded on .in arhlTr.irv ,nnd irhd,i:T| definition and h\imth»'?i? .M - Urn 4 h*rn- Istry I? becomlnif ph>?lri| in rhnrsrfer, an ia shown tu rhf l.arge plr*<.- orruule.J m fCi-rnt rhcnih.-il literitiir' li\ ih*- IU\»*«:U- fiaihn? ir i>hvA|,-.ii ihrmUrN

Thn priiii i?h n? of I'ItanIi ?, hiiv-Ing the inrRt'si .T|'|ilK*iii Ion t>- pra.-iUal prohleni^. iir tTfCliLih?. h.;ii \wAtrU’ lly AH'the f'uidiimrn^Rl pruhlems In meohunlr,- ai,.] ihp upi-lUntioi. -Tf mechan­ical prill, h i. N li. m;.. hl ,*• .*r,- phvsleal In charrfci.-r maii< ? i? imyrcRscdS0 an ln?friin'eni f<<r ser'^lrv In ph^^lcal InvePtigaii.iTi The ?cienillle man has lit­tle ii.ierA-Bi in higher maiheniatlce for lis own sake, but rhlefiy fur Its use In solvltij the pri>t.leme presented b> svienra, Ji te Invslusth- a? a but a hard is.?k- rnaster. Whul 1? known nppitej m.ithe. maths I? inathemailcs turned io useful purpopcN In B i'biiiliv w .rk or to cxpre-i* the Bcleniihc re.aiiioi* of deperKlcnt fact?

One does not :i*. .1 to dilare on the im- IKjrlanoe o f the ?i i.l> her»r It Is surti- cU-nt to draw aiTfi i;.ni lo the problems In* Tolved In heating ,tn<l tentllstlon and (o gas and .'tesm fogine-,. Nn dsts are si

hand relative to tha aggregai power used In different cnuntrl'*'*. hiii single Item Is impressive. The North 'hr- man Lloyd Steamship Company alone has Iti itH fleet a steam equipment .'ini'onii'nt? to more than 300,000 horse power illsr-tivery. Inverrtion or Improveni-ni will Incrunse the efficiency In Wo- ^?biii of llie potential energy of fu“ i in''’ tnechfinlral energy w ill bo a huon i" th'* IndiiHirlal life of the world, and wib pro long the period over which the swppi.v d cE«iil will extend. The advances In tt.ia field nf research do not occupy B'< larir- a rhiiru of public utlentton as tho?H in ‘ '-nn- othrr flepnrimentH, but they are rmn'* iheksn of cnhriklerable magnitude jVinl uf the utn)fi?t Importance.

Rec«nt M arvellous Discoveries.Tti* imst Iwenty-flve year. tiav. wit. I

neesed a vast development o f thu subj '> t ' Df uik-ctiii’ liy US a department nf pure phyplcH. The novelties tq the applirnil'm of elw triclly to practical uses are not the only ones In this branch of sc1enc«, hut en ilffly new fricla and poaslbllllle? urn enieiKliyt view w llh ev*ry revolving year. Phvntra.Mnv^atlgatloo furnishes iha ffiundnllcm and the pilmulua for the In­ventor He IB no sooner at the end of hi? rvsourre? ijir fundamental principle? to ujlllxe than the discovery of some unex- pecte-1 and marvellous rheaomenon opens new posslhllltles end fires him with new 2Ffil. WlinfSB ihe <JlBcovery of X-ray* by Hnenlgan and nf electro-magnetic waves by H^rti, the letter opening the way for ■ w'lreU-si telegraphy." And these are only BnmpIcB of what physical science wins from Natvir*' and adds to knowledge. lEiscnvery blREes the wny, and tireless in­vention prefls**? forward to posses* the land. The genlu? for great discovery Is a rure one. A whnle ^t-ntury rarely contains n dusen nnmei worthy lo he Inscribed on the imperishable tntdeifi of men’s minds. Llsroverles htu noi anclrlrntsi they are tho fuitpropplngs o f divine insplratloTi tJlHCOverer* nr** hum, not educated, rt’ hetlifr tlTC illrtfnvf.r**r be exalted above the inventor nr not. hefCertalnly precede* him. He dl?Ho?es th»- ai«.?lract principle, fact or law. the Inventor embodies In concrel.,, , /for service. >O rea t Inventions by T ra in ed M inds.

Dlscoveiie? and Invention? o f the great­est utility do not Mij rliig from the brain of the Ignorant. Th'^re I? sonrcely an Inven­tion of world-wble liii*»rp?i to humanity that has not sccti Up birth wUhln walla de­voted lo edurjitloii. Since th(’ time when undue respect for the learning of the past censed to dominate the present. Institu­tions of learning have liecoine the sources of the most slgnifirarit advance* in ideas. Just at the opnnlog of the last century Volta, In an Italian university, presented (0 the world the vulialc coll, and Dnvy, In the Royal InstlUjMnii in London, produced the first electric Ugbi. A lliile later Opraicd, In the rmvor?lty of Copenhagen, uncovered the relailcm betwoon magnetism ind the electric curr''[it. tinfi ,mo became the pioneer In elpciro-oiugnctlem. Then came Faraday, In ih«- Ftcvnl InntUutlon, with his mighty iiiaJght^niJ Mb revelatlion o f olectrn-magriptlr Henry and Morse, both of ihem American educatori. made the electric telegraph before the middle o f the ceninry. and Melroholts, In Germany, exposed to \‘ipw the law of conservation of energy which now domi­nates all Science, pure ,a.nd applied. Then Lord Kelvin, in (Rasgow rnlver.?lly, taught masters of finance and promoier? of Interiiatimifll commerce hnw to use sub­marine cable*, find Invented the instru­ments fo r them, Bunsen nod Klrchhoff (llicuvered the laws of spectroscopy, and set astrunome^a to tpvM ilgate the compo­sition of the Blars: Hoffmann, In the Her- Hn chemical laboratory, evolved new colors out o f coal tar and revnluilonlzeil the industry of dyeing; Heria discovered eUctrlc wuvps for future Marconi* to utilise: Farrarl*, In Turin, Invented tho rotating magnetic field for induction mo­tor*- Roentgen applied photogrophy to a new and marvellous art, the value of which 1* not yet fully appreciated: and. lastly, Pupln, In Columbia University, combined higher mnthematlca and physL cal Intuition in the discovery of the meth­od o f overcoming the dlBaBirous offerts of induction In telephony. All nf the** dls- cnvcrlep and Inveniloii* have Conte out of Insillutlons of learnintf.

tn «n A ^ o f Invention .U 1* a trite saying thai the presenl Ib

an rtge of Invention. Unt the very ir ll«- nesi of the expre*Blon only eraphaslxcs ihe truih of U. Invention muchp* every field Of human acllvliy. Tt not only hiodltles existing Indufltrlen, so as to changi- their charai-ter In a ilec.ade. but li gives rise to entirely new ones. The Invention of the telephone and the Inciindesccnt ajcclrlc lamp created two distinct litilu*trles. which have spread over the world In a quarter of a reninry. onfi are c.-ipltallsed Kt several himdrcii? .if millions of dollars. Minor modification? lu existing practica In these two field? ore of frequent oc­currence, apd a few yenr* sulfice to con­vert a modern ouirti jnt<» an anilquaied ^yslem. Other InduNiru? ure affected to almost the eame desrec by Improvements In progres*. A? mm>ji as American manu- fftclureri bec<'m*- convinced that their ma­chinery and mcthiid? ha\e been outclasaed by ihos* of newer ileslgn or by Inventions, they prompHv diA. .,r.l the old and Install the new. We are fhu? kept In ih* fore­front of fuicrc.i?ful I'roiluctlon, and Ivcn- lors find a remly marhei for their worthy Invention*

Iiivenilnn? nre nf Hf-ycral grade*. There are the Invi'nilons that benefit no one ex- cepl the polriii .tilP'r and the patent sollc* i lo r The?? ciiinpflse the most numerous els??. The iau*es i-f melr failure are Va­rious. Mnny uf them do not sccoffiplleh the uhjf. I m, [ fofji, ^helr preamble. , they are (‘ itlur ilefprtjve In design or thcN- | pri ji.vN.. h, ir. ii[ii|.u.nh w'hftt is phyiicflUy lniiio?.?lbio .\1ii.-h lime I* spent on design? thai Mi e famljiiTr svltji physical ItWB bc*-? I" b# fijiiie other? may accomplish the n..min;il ..f the Invention, but tu--rf-?Llts n ‘ without practical value.

Antitber rbis.s i»f Invention* orlginaT- wlih person? engaged In Ipeclsl lri(l>i“- (ru? Thc?i- Illustrate the familiar ad.u;' ihfti iii'ce??ii)• I? ^te molhsr o f Invmtii.; Ttie ?|.eri)UI*i must first h iv e the wii ti>

the want, and then the Invrni:^- (nicTii lo meet U. Such Invention* u iju is rrl.'iTc in .letafi? They are USfefUl, but ]i >t r» T “ iiilloiiary.i>i>coverle« that Opan New FletJ*. Tb« rc L? another clss* o f lriN*‘ i • i-,?

et.jn'itiiK entirely by ihemselvcH . iloiiH that open new fields, give rl?>' r. i,. <a Industrie* ar d revolutionise exl?llriM ari^

' Th^ lelephitne was such an i, »Cil5u were the cotton gin, the Bcnir.i; nv.

, chine, Ihe ateam engine, the lUnxi:.. • trie mdchlne and the incandescent ■ |lamp There a fe others In the ■ ii-'!;. ,| '

I Indiistries o f perhaps equal imp.Tt v. • Inventions of thta character ar*' - r hlghesi oM er of merit Their iiu:h- ar»* I A'lassed with explorer*, dl.vovercT'^ ,i • i benefactors of mankind Thev nl« i rise to a large crop of other* in im.i iif them, or relating tu dcihU in, ,

' menti. Bui they ire ncl all ..r , merit; and no Invenior. prop<Tlv . j wllh Ihe nete'.Aflry culture and tri need despair uf pr>-wluciriK them

Th'-imuph jTt‘pnr.1 ihjn I? cspcnfiil ' prnf^sslnn ;ui Inventor; a i.l phy*b? furnishes rhe p

I pie? |o h*- applied In the g m t ninj

iMjrn I of Invenllona tbi? Bubject must be ihor- ougbiy rna.sfercd. Ii should be pursued lirat a* a branch of pure science, with ex­tended Inbqrfifnry practice. The manner In which physical phenomena are lllufl- intlt-d and ilie* fiiiulamenial prlnclplns arc apidlid In physlrjil nicasuremenlH fur- 1 Kh'”* a splendlil training for tho subae- 'pii i]t applJf.'iiion of tiieee nfime principle* 111 rbe uficful Ijirlii.MrJal arts. Ijflter, pbj alc.s Eh'iiild be studied In rnnticctli,m wllh Its iil-plicalion?; and the most eailsfartory

at present to obtain such a com­bined course J* III schools of lechnology or *T!if1iu‘erJrjg, A combined mechanical and <-lwtrlril course wllh Ihe strePH laid on

I muihemfitlo? and tihyalcs offer* Ihe best ; n^.p.irtuiilty for filling a young man for I tin- pri'ffHNlfjn of an lnv*nior.I The Training of a Specialist.1 A modern technical trMPlng i» a training

•I 'lo- luind a.s WL'Il us of (he brain Thers ' Is ;iv! uliscurc but none the le*? real ron-

rK i ib ii l.'tdwcen miiniial and incninl (rain­ing wblch deaerves more general recog- iiltinri diHTl It has hUberto received It |0 r>iwn:i(c w ith '‘prartlcal experlcnre," which ilefiides In a ?kllU-d man certain informrt- lii,n not ‘dhcrwl!* oMilnnble. anil a val- unble kluil o f menial iralnihg as well. It I? n-'W fully recognized that the grruiuaie of a trrhnical school, who hn? learned to Uh iblnije wirh hi? hands a* the Instru- itifr if of rt cultivated brain,..nrrialf*** the f.rmilcul ■J-lali? -d the speclallHl with Tnueb tjre/iier rapidity thaiM ihe man wlth- Mul the ''durition.

The nimmcndiible prijntlrc nf requiring .1 htiiibn( In ihe Inlmmlory In pet np and adjust hN own apprtratu* has a mont beTielb’ lftl effect In the acqul.tltlon of confi­dence. H i* 1? (hit* inughl to dcjiend on hlrnsrlf and to ncqYilre ihe ciptilhllKy of serurInK result* Tb*- Ideal technical train­ing Is one In which fundamenial prlnfh- ple? nn- thnrfiughly taught and experl- mcniallv IlliiPtrnicd In iho best TiTanncr. U does not [•u'nft-?? lo prepare ft young man for the wu-k nf an nrilstui. but for llu* hlgh-r of a rrentor In (he InVen-live. cnTiPtrticTjve and Induscrlal art?. H teKcb*-)! hinj nn to be .i mere Imitator, bin B prodiin-r It ehuw? him bow human power? In corre|ailnq w,ilh .N'fliurc and the nraA-i.' . ' bring aboul-pewresult* nnd.Chtin'gCtTlY' fhheff.

f ' a c x o r y , q s , o - f t * e e s x r k k ' T , b t » w y o k k .

face of Naiurc her-

FAST TRAINS KILL TW O.n m ll i le r r c l Hoj m id a Wlonian

lliirs H on n Ht Grntiv

CrnHsintfa.PE N N iN t fTO.S. June 28--Frank Sprea-

Per, Hi'o of r F. tiiirt*.?«cr, a baker, of Pennlngum, wa*i struck and Instantly Killftl by a fam rxpreft.s (rain yt-slcrday. j He wnltcij fur a roal train to pas.«, alter which he TTtn d.iwn a high cmbankmcnl antV"*(('PV*‘d nil th" wc-ihfmd tnirk, only to be struck by ih*- FZpre??. the blowing of whose whistle bewildiTcd him.

OLASHHOHO, JuTic 2h.-Miiry Ham- moiulv^^gi'1 thlrl> sear?, was struck by the A’ap+’’\>lay expres.? at Frankllnvllle yealcrdny ^nd Insliintly killed. She was croBBlrig the West Jersey and Seashoni Uttllrunil on a bicycle auil lln* appruach- Ing train w*as htrt frrm view by a freight cur. Coroner Leddcn will hold an In­quest.

iin iE . g e m M A:v!V-iiE iNH 'fi E!*r4Pia,

llpera Slni;«e .the Heroine of a ThrllH ngL ttanaviBy.

R E W YOKlC i in e 2S. Mmf Sfljlll- mann-ITeInk. the faTTiou.B contralto of the Metropollian Opera i'ompany« had % nar­row escape frnm Injury, yesterday, while hurrying to catch the steamer .Columbia, o f ihe Hamburg'AmcriCftn Litre, on which | she was to pall for Europe. The carriage j collided with a Sixth avemic car and the | driver wan thrown from ms seet. The , horses ran aw'ay and, In her fright, the ; singer tried to leop i>ui. hut waa pi**- i V<T)U<1 by a baggageman of the opera , company, w'ho wn* In the carriage, I

Near Christopher street an Ice man ! drove In front of the earrlsfre, and there ! was * crash Tho runnw'ay was over, ' but Ihe singer and her compnniim had lo execute sfime lively manocuvrea to escape going to the police siainm to he regisiered as wllneases. \\’hen (he A'nlumbla Was reached, an<l the half-falntlnK singer was placed on board She gave Mullehlll. |hc haffgagemnn, a kl** for hi* tiravery and faiihfulne.^s.

GoeuiAu'H C 'andiilaoy .\nnonnred.BALTIM uItR , June 2S.--Thc candidacy

o f furnuT SejitUor Arthur Fue Gorman for re-cUcilon to that body hy the Legis­lature which l.i lo be chosen ihl* fall was Inform.ib.Viitifiotinced yesterday at ft dinner glv^n hi ht* honor at the counirv home of Joseph Krlr'ilcoWald, one of Mr Uor- man'R nin*t ardent admirers. Th»- Invited guestN Included nearly all (he old lino iJemorrat? of promint^nce In iho . (eiIc and th*' JcRiirr* of the parly In Ldliln.ore A’ otiniv Msyrif Hayes, who is not be- llevcii to f*var Mr. Oorman ? mndldacy, ws? InvUc-l. hut did not hUend,



d •

C A V T IO N ! Many unscriipulou.s deal­ers are selling ordinary Glauber Salt, or a mixture

of Seidliti rorvder and Salt, under the name of " German Salt,” “ Spnidel Sait."'.Vnificiar' Sprudel Salt,” or under other similar names, upon the reputation of the genuine pro­ducts of the Carlsbad Springs. The public is warned against the purchase of any of these imitations. The genuine CarUted Spradcl Sail is produced from the Sprudel Spring at Carlsbad, under the direct supen ision of the City Councils, Each bottle b^rs the seal of the City of Carlsbad and the signature of "E isnkk & .Mkndf.lson Co., Sole Agent-i for the United Sutes,' ’ on every bottle. None other is genuine.

Tkc Common Council of the City of Qrisbad

L V D W IC S C H A F F L E H M a y o r

866 Princess Chemise,32 tn ^0 bust

Thft gsrment ihst slips on ovar (bs h*sd sm] requires neltber buttobs aor butina- holes make* S msrked featurs o f preaant stylM and poas*?*** many advantages. The very p re tij ehemlse sliowii ts nsea- tUMy practical a* wel\ as attractive, and can be worn over the corset, servittg tbs duubla purpose qf coraet cover and short skirt. The original ts made o f naittsooft with (r ia ia ing o f Gertnaa VateacenDtea lace; but cfAibric. long cloth and fguli are all used wfth lace or acedlework sa paa- ferred.

Thg aktrt aad bodica 0k i la ooa, tei art rtadM d tbapal/ by awshs vt ourad

S K STORESNtf«rYork,N .Y . Albany, N. Y. Rochester, N.Y.

SIX STORESPaterson, N .J . Newark, N J . Findlay, Ohio.

M A K K R T O W E > A R E > R .


M en *9 ana young nten*s ug~to~date all-w ool fancy W orsted Suits, the cream o f this season's production, a ll offered in one le t a t the lowest o f p rice s ever known.

We w ill turn our big sfoclr of men's and young men's Suits Into cash a t once, and we w ill do It at a p ric e that w ill make values so e x tra o rd in a ry that It w ill be h a rd fo r a sane man that w ears clothing to res is t this g ra n d opportunity. We a re now working like beavers, marking and rep lling stock fo r the big sale, which s ta rts Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. We have p rac tica lly made one lot o f our big m en's and young men's Suit Sfoclr, consisting o f our best $10, $ fS pnd $19 ,80 lines up to some o f our best and highest-priced suits, soMe wodth as high as $13,

This w ill be the biggest sacrifice we have ever made, and we want this B ig Suit Sale to go in the h istory as a Record B reaker, and I t w ill I f g iving about three suits fo rJhe price o f one w ill do it.

We Will Start to Clear the Decks Saturday Morning at 9 O’clock.

MEN’S HIGH-GRADE SUITSPoH tite iy and w ithout question the greatest and

grandest assortm ent o f peerless va lues in M en ’s Suits ever presented in ou r career, in Fine Pure W orsted , new and fancy stripes, every one guaranteed, w ith Single or Double- breasted \ ests, the greatest va lues ever known of. E very suit worth at least $12.00, now selling during this sa le for

MEN’S HIGH-GRADE SUITSW ord s cannot describe the tnity grand va lu es w e

will offer a t this sate . practically unlimited selection easy to choose from . Su its that have their equal on ly In the best products o f the finest tailors, made of t lk finest cloths, the m ost d u rab le trim m ings, including a choice v a ­riety of ffigh -Q rade P u re W orsteds , elegantly trim m ed,w orth as high a s $15.00, to be sold during this sale,

$7.50O lK f i l .A R .A M L E .

If your pLirthjNg ts not *sl- bfsdory. uf will cHerriully refund you \uuf moncyi

See our W indow Display of .Advertised Goods.E xtra sa lesm en and a co n v e n ien t arrangem ent o f s to c k .

A large, w e ll- lig h te d and w e ll-v e n tila te d sa lesroom .

OUR G U A R A N T E E ,All Clothbij bought • ( us

prutid uid rajMirtd fru of thM|t

NATIONAL CLOTHING COTlarket and Washington Streets.

under arm -imibeck and wm ' u-.«'ItafOUgfi bB’Sdlmt th.ttInaterlsl. Ai iT:i i iwstn Beamed to if, ■«klr: tad.

To rut this madlum *ltf ■ ,r“«- thlrty-*lx Irv'h*-* wM. With Sevan \„tA9. nf i three-qnurtfT' ’ yards of wulu- ba lf yards ..f njirr-.w llluatratM.

The paitsrn bw*M, K W. ^ or »*-ii.rh

iTf drawn In at ih* ; With ribbons rim

Is applisd ovsr the 'T -'Ik** a dvep frill that may lie omlt-

frvr n wt'niJin nf ' arris of material

* lil be required, n«?rtli>n. three and ot headirif, three 't'd one and one-

- rixinr. in dim as

< It tn Blxe* for a butt meaeure.


d i s t i l l e d W ATSB u

B e s t ptlA l-lTIES of Lube or H ikItoii River Ice. Your choice ■t taie following price*,'deliv ered any p u t of city or suburb!:

F A M I L Y P R i e i S M .IS Ha. dally, par waek.......................................................JS etatm.2S Ib,. four timaa per waak.................................. .Ucaata.2S lbs. dally, par weak , . .................................................4S aeata.

SO Iba. e o i mpward at 25 cants par IOC tba.


SPEflA Ij rA T T tR N ii-f r ■ tiaitBrn of the t»rtaeeia_fb*mi?- .\ r uiiutrated oa this

a Y ******* ^ •peciaUyMAVTTij . aiM) It rtit Iti ikxti gX eii*r m «ir ntimtwf and sasb waalad. pre«ipUy on d*y

m MAY MAXTON P.aTTCRX CO, ! m E. TwaeiT.thttO si., R. t .

I - D. TEI.rPMOKK, 44M. LOC.AL T R lj;rH O K R .*4 1 . H W IL L IA M ST .. N E W A R K , N . J.

RpeorA U«IR B riek f«*VANCOrvBR. a C„ Jun. a.—The Wr-

A—t co]fl brick on neoed |i to be oenl from Brlttidi ColsisMa to CROOROV tor ex­hibition there durioR the auumer. It Weighs l.AOC p<yuD^ asd la vahseo at ILMOaDOe. It corapriaew a raar'a claaa-ttp g l jk e carlbft %di«jk|g.C»ai9aa]r-

BLOOD POISONH ibs wvTBi «lo«Ai4e g« fortk. yet tbs ajjavet ts C«r*-W|1HN YOU KKOW W M A T TO Da M M bav« stwpioa, m the Alii, s« « JB‘— iia. nlvefs, foUl— —***X*ow


115 Mulberry St.H UT CHUPEI TH U HER IL c f Lamb................................. te.-lOcPorwRorter Lamb........................ .keLag Veal.......................................... lOcReek or Breaat VeaL . .......................B<Pofteriwue Steak.. . . . t . . . . . .Sirkda Steak.................Romid Steak....................................IS *CUekeaa and Turkey*......................>B*Check Ruaat............... VcJtih Rotu IBs

mmm mm mmmmNEWARK EVENINa NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1001.

n p w p i v p p v p

1 5


W e a n A ld e n .

DcMStor B a lle n t ln « f i ip p ii«s Ii In

^ i t h u r o i i g b a » ( l co itNctfiitlnux f ! k n o w le d g e o f l lo n io o o p a t liy to S j th e c u re ot th e m ost d lf l lc n lt “ o l n il m e d ic a l bitglH ’i t r s -c o i i -

g u m p tio n a n d dcn ln ess .

• *IT 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ^ 9 4 9 « «9 9 9 9 9 9 9999 )1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I .

Mr. R l a b f t r d M o o n ry , ArlInff tOHI KotPl, Broad fllreoi. Newark, \rW» h»w ,I DoeJor Uallfintlne cured him nt l■^tnH^mp• ' I tirtn: "I had abou i givei, up all h"i"- i I bring curcil when 1 plaitni under I

the t reaim eii t at 1-.ill'Tiilne I1 ralfied great' quanll iU ’n of ?Um\ min'oijs,! I coughed day ami iiIk<h El.illen-I tine's first t ren tm en l g i i \ r \\\> relief, ihe

Improvemenl was gradual, -n.ii u^-ilnj I can nay I a well man. '


Tor the Photographic Contest.Submintd Id L. WoodlmU, of Ntivark.

vinegar on ih^no tllaagre« ;iM-'

4 1 Carpets will ■♦■ 1 nUontmn nf'-

revives Uu- u ammonia.

s*iove iiml let it boil, and will he In the room.

This picture shales a Mraam interior, [ centre of the room.

Ttoin brass bedsteads occupy the

t-rtaln am oun t of r«-‘liil-l Noihlri ;.tfpet Alt wi-ll as

Take twn ii;;ll^. h if | n water , and in h ^ammonia; Ih tin > i in ' j. 11, water. With 'rnin-,iiclean flannel v. ii‘ L ;i pet, and srTisli it \ilMi a >i. wash over u l i h th* cniil w dry as possiidc wuii

n c w i i h w r \ r n i Jl'Tiil of Muniil {ivn ft.-an i‘h1,Iv.atrr nnd ,\V of 1 ho car-i'1 hMii li; tin i:' r. and rub■l‘•l n.

flinoe he wmm m IjciTit rio><i l-'retU erick, of ilH llltfll ht.. Net^nrL. %. .1.,has been deaf. Ke gra hiiil

I unlll ho could not hear irJ!-.,ir' l unviTsn- I tlon. A pon.stnnt rotirlnc 1 l■07zl1'^ In ‘ hlH enra di?*tres5i’d him c’’»nti> I l l s '

mnflier. whOJ^ anx ie ty had li.- r* i^-'d with . t h e child's ileafnees. r*-ari \t.ii, . i u r v s t I the test imony of the deaf wIm hail■been cured bj T*nr[i>r Halhr.tmc She ' look her boy la l)ocl.«r MuUi-tu| n,. ;)nd

Hfi'^r ihc first t rc a in i fn i h. in y. u, u, im- ! prove. The ringing iutl-.i h r... i-rrised I and his hear ing Is rtstaia-d

If 'Royalties Were Out of Work.

There Is smal l dmilji |. ,f put t o l l , the Inikv of v . rk Mniij ,.urn his bread iis a carpeiui r .... h- ,iin handle plane and chisel with uli ih-- skill of u profeaslonal workman J H s 'h r , r . iTIncess Victoria of Walr.«, (mjlii nir:, h r r hund to bookbinding and > ••VA-r-di-dgnlng. fur at a recent exhlbltlim slu> > '•tK]iri,‘d I'inder the name of “ Miss M i u l u v s j^oreoff two prlscF.

The Czar might Join a lit;|it ofH.ra com­pany. for he possesses .m . ■•ilrni volC''. "W ell," he ezcla lm ed Ihti-Iv ‘'niy ene­mies say m any haraii imri ii'.kinil things ahniii me. and accuse ito .,f )i..ihf dosil- tu te of m any copaclticK, i.>i! ] .iHfy rhcrii to say 1 cannot sing as vs>-i; th,. of them ■'

! King Oscar Of Ni'rw:'v have no'di ff iculty in keeping hliiis*-ir -I thcr by hU

pen or brush, Hla artisitu .ft,,n,s sr, ' cer- ! ta lnly well a b in e anuTt'ni i;,* rlr. wlille ' hl.s success In the 'rlel'N ' hit r.ittm* Is

a ttested by several v'oUii;.--, .,f [.noiry tha t he haa published Ti k jMittLf,^ wf

• "Carmen aylva ," the Q ium-ii "f |{'iumiinlii. as a n au th o r are known i • .i.l

The t^iicen o f poriugnl d(.>clor, h iv in g r e rc l \ r d h-r eonu* y»»Qrs since, and ( > together a good praiuici' . <

j mlna 's fHnc>‘ turns toward ti ' and the skill with which 1

holihy augurs neJI for In r - I line eltould occasion reu'iii<

t > O O T O K *


' i W est Park Street, Cor. ll)kJ*«>r sinef.Newark, N, ,1.

Otilcf H o n r s :fO A. M. M1210 ■. r ' 1 I’ M,

M- r-v ft ?. (.l>r. lialleniir e has no Sunday hoiin.


Sfipi liil Dlnpaji-h tq lhe NKW S ASHCKY FA H K . dune >


1) deurcer,4-l!v'1 \M'h I-

1-1 fiirmhig.1 ii rI ' sH In l Ills

i f eosey interior, tohieh might be a siaint-room or a comer of the sitting-room.

Cucumber Hints.

• re ru- r fi.irm a gar-u VATJ*tIi.-aI ofTh 111.-

(rtjpyright, lr»fil YDi) y«>u know of any h<dn''s w

cumbers are served in any ah than as ingredlenis of sni:vd« --i nlsh? 1 dll. but tholr nnmi . r hmult, almvist as Insignilb-Hvu :l.< ihc res tanrantH and hoi<ds \vi pospiblllilcs 4»f the cUCund't r .ir.- j*v4'n gticiised. 1 dined with a Well-kii"wti wcjm- an one «lay when she ordered, .un-nig ntlier gitod things, cticumber.H thinly '•In-f l. nir- rjigun vinegar anffl a pot of ihirk i ream. nil In uddiliun to the iii^ial roiidlijifTvts served with the green vegeuible The waller was too well bred to show surprlac.

Am] rifiw it Is se t l l id tha t the glorlnus Fi-nrth avUI be rdjsATved with a pyrtHr. in.l' di-Jiilay on till* o<enn pier.

I The t.'olejnan Mouse itris il ri.wn up«'n Its di}E>r.s in-day

Mr. and Mrs Thomns I'l.rdv. nf New-' ark. are at the West Fh.-l

The nrrlvAil o| »b^ocenvi v.ictu i»rr tl.e .U , ^ filer yeM-Tdav riKTiilngrausid no little eomini'i i«'!i .mi'irg the

I <lee]v pen flsltermen. The - ,o hi Is rigged >kIi Ii <1 pjAletit steam nf-| f--r use in ralm weather, it Is dnnliM :l Imwi ver. If

I slr-ain will become an tm|i-irt.uit fai-Kir in I Uie.-Ae ncean exctirshni^, im ihf-rc Is a. h i t c h in the gavernnuii i lltfunc whichthe ci>iii?nn ban not y*\ .i\ • iv .-mi'.

A Walters, of Newsrlt, Is at the Minot I lltiuse.

M, Maavoz, of N ewark !« al l!ic .-Mihjnn.Mr. and Mre<. W, 1|. icjklrv. of Kllza-

b'dh. Eire at the Sheldf-ti, ii< i'nn irTove.J K. Godfrey, of Newark, is rcgls iered

at the Willard..riitnes If. Stoddard :*nd H <’ flretipon,

bnth nf Newark, are at ih. tJrand Avenue.II. i ‘ lJanb‘1 and (7. E i'imiTiilriKs, ni llie

same cltj-. iirt‘ a t the iiilg-m- re ijm.

M ich ae ls B ro s200,202, 204 Market St.

Sun day Call B u ild in g . 0 p p . N ew ark Theatre.

America’s Largest Upstairs Credit Clothiers For Men, Women and Children.

AGU-ARANTEP'D saving of 30 per cent. We do not claim to sell below cash liouse.s, but figure ourexpenses with (Uher credit houses in this city and

t you will see that this enables ns to save you a small ’ fortune during a year. Facts speak for themselves. Note

prices below and you will compare ns as near the approach of casli prices as any credit house in the country.


Accounts opened in any part of the 5tate. Mali your address and representative will call, furnishinji; all information.

Men's Dep0Lrtment.5erjfe .Suits, sold elsewhere on credit, §15, §i8. Our Price,

8 .00 , 10.00 . 12.00Light Weight Mixed Suits, ,soM Hscwlicre on credit, $10,

$ t $1 5. ( >ur Price,

6 .5 0 , 9 .0 0 , I i .0 0Light Weight Gray and flixed Worsteds, sold elsewhere

on credit, jjto, $iz, $iS- Otsr Price,

7 .0 0 , 8 .5 0 , 1 1 .2 5Y o u n g M e n ’ s D e p a e r t m e n t . .Serge Suits, sold elsewhdre on credit, $S, $10, $12. Our Price,

5 .5 0 , 7 .00 , 8 .2 5Light Weight nixed Suits, snlil elsewhere on credit, $6.50,

S9, §11. (.)ur Price,

- ' 3 .5 0 , 5.25 , 6 .5 0L a e d i e s ’ D e p a e r t m e n t .Shirt Waists,sold elsewhere on credit, 750.,$!.00,$i. 25 ^htr Priee,

2 0 c . , 45c., 60c .Duck Skirts,sold elsewhere on eredii.Si. 25,$!. 75,$2,50. Our Price,

4 5 c ., 65c ., 1 . 1 0Light W e ig h t Skirts, blue, lihicE, gray and all principal

colors, sold elsewhere on credit, $4.50, $6.25, $y. <hir Price,

1 .9 8 , 2 .95 , 4 .7 58|)fcial drives in 7,'i T * llo r*m a d e Suits; voii cannot afToril in A Z

mis:* this op|x>rtunily: .‘lold eksewluTe on ort'dii, J lm to lao. OurJTiip



Poultry Wire, Window Screen Wire, Landscape Wire, Rustless Wire, Barb and Ribbon Wire, Garden Hose and Gen­uine Philadelphia Lawn Mowers.


. For the Graduate.


$9B rn cetft . . . , C h a in s , . . R i n g s . . . . H arrings . . . , S r n r f I ’ i n s , , Cuff BiiUotis .

. 1 .0 0 to 25.00

. 1 .0 0 to 30.001.00 to 2 0 0 .0 01.00 to 175.00

, l.U O to 65.00.00 to 25.00

W n t d ie s .....................1.20 to 75.00

SCHELLERIThe Reliable Jeweller,


.F O R T H E ..

“Fourth”^ ; i i i i t 1 n u i t c e d r l i a i h e p a i d v e r y c l o s i e a t -

I t e n t l o n i n t h e w a n i f i o f m y h t j B i t e s a ." ] i i i n g o i n g t o i n t r o d u c e y o u i n a n o v -

p l i y , l i h l n k , " s h e a n n o u n c e d , o s s h e p r e - j m r e d t o m a k e t h e s a l a d , " a d i s h k n o w n

I i n m y h o m e e v e r s l n r e I c a n r e m e m b e r f o o d t h a t I p a r t i c u l a r l y l i k e d , " u m l w h e p i c k e d o u t t h e s l i c e s o f c u c u m b e r f r u i n

t A eomer of the bedroom.

The Family Market basket

Griiduiuloh time m liu- Newark IMgii E(‘t>i»i| brlngH (rut the iisiial tnnoimt of puoil ri’iiuriNl prftcllcal J<iklng belw€*cn the !ifnlorj4 un i the piiplia (if the under rlkrtKca otid for the past week the former have been Uard jmi lo ii to keep their clusa dec- orattona from deRecrailon, The trniilde began ivu or three days ago when mem- hera o f Junior Class A begun pmilng up signs In Litirlesqus o f the dpcoTat!\e dl- vlcea of the seniors. "The CIuhs of IWl la Real Hut Stuff,*’ was one of the mot­toes and there were others whlcli tiie sc-

Ihe bits of cracked Ice, deposited them In nhire consMered outrages on Iheir digTvliy

Oentre Market had a temporary array o f fresh Irulf. green vegetables and ber­ries to-day. with here and there a big. ripe watermelon. There are plenty o f ber­ries nowadays, with the exception of strawberriee, which are going out, and from now on there,will be abundance of huckleberries and blacki'aps. Georgia peaches arrived in town yestepday. They are large and tine in quality u id ore worth from lii to 25 c^nis a quart. The watermelons ns yet arc rntluT high Iiy price, being frr»m 50 tci 75 t?**nt3 nplere. The (.'alifornlu. cherries are out and the Kastern cherries, rich red and yellow, are In. selling for from 10 lo 3*) cents a quart. Maryland blackcaps and North rnrolina huckleberries are In the market, the lat­ter being sold at 15 conle a quart, the former at 12 cents a quart. Florida pine­apples ate exceflent and cost from 20 io ‘sSb cents aptecc. I'lums are tempting in appMirance and are worth from 10 lo 25 cents a bf}X. Bananas are 25 to 3U cents a dozen, lemons from 12 tn 2fii cents a dozeiv and oranges from 40 to 60 cents a doten.

In the vegetable market the warm weather has had a perceptible effect und the lettuce wus never so green and fresh. I the beets so sweet and delicious, and ilie peas so ffne and full ns they were lo-duy. The greennens and freshness of the early summer Is apparent on every hand. are W'orth lo to 25 cents a half peck, tvelng a drop o f 5 from week, and newpotatoes have gone down 15 cents, selling now for from 15 to 25 cents a half-peek. Beans are 90 cents a half peck and cauli­flower 10 lo 20 cents a head. 8qua»h goes fo r from 5 to 10 cents apiece, while cab­bage brings from 9 to 12 cents.

O th er P r ic e s o p th e Hlapds.Tomatoes are from 15 to 25 cents a quart,

cucumbers 5 to 5 cents apiece, lettuce 3 toI c«nig a head and spinach 15 to 20 cents a batf peck. Carrots are worth 5 cents n buncht turnips 5 cents and beets 9 cents & bunch, eggplant costa from 20 to 3o cents. Rhubarb is selling at 5 cents a bunch, as­paragus at 30 to X cents a bunch and radishes at 2 cents a bunch. Strawberries cost from 15 to X cents, being an Increase o f 5 centa over the selling price o f Last week.

In the flsh market features during the past week were the Introduction o f Green- lake pickerel, which sells at 15 cents a pound, and sheepshead from Atlantic City, aelllng at 30 cents a pound. .Jersey blue* ffsh also tnade Its appearance, and costsI I cents a pound. There was no ch an^ In the price o f the other fiah. Kennebunk

salmon costs 40 centa a pound, pickerel 15 cents, mackerel from 15 lo 35 centa. Sen bass Ib bringing from U lo 15 cenls, wenk | flsh from S to 10 cents, and Buck 10 vents a pound. Porgles coat from 3 to 10 cents. ! and lobsters 20 cents. Crabs ere sellink ' at from So to 35 cents, while soft Hhell crabs are worth from |1 to 31.X a dozen. Kels cost 12 cents a pound, halibut cents a pound, stripeii bass 18 cents ei pound. Sputilsli mackerel 30 cents, and bui- terflsh from 10 to 12 centa a pound. Frogs cost from 60 to 75 cents a pound, salmon trout 15 lents a pound and brook trout 75 centa h p'lund.

Facts Worth Knotpins.F t solbni Apota In nullpuper, try rub-

l)liiH uiih ilry cornmcul or stole bread.

a e m a i l s q u a r e o f c a r p e t t o c a r r y ] aaIimiI w l i i l i ( I t s i n i i i g to ret A p a l l cjf water j fill, TIm pv« c u u l l o i i w i l l save b i n n S s h t o . o n i i u l l H l i e d f l o u r a o r c i i r p e t s .

( ‘ ruilfi iietroleum, well rubbed In. la us simpU' and good a putlsher as one can find for flofiTJA which have been oiled, var­nished ur paiiiitdr

If a mark has been made by the drip- i pmg from the water Lmcet In a marble I wash l>owl, scrub It off with pulverised I cUuik moistened with ammonia.

large, clean napkin and paMe<I them pretty dr>'. She left them there while ehe mixed the usual dressing of pepper, suit and tarragon vinegar, and lastly sMrred In large Bpttonfuls of the thick cream, un­til the whole was us smooth as butt-r, but not quite as Arm, Into thin she luU the oocumbfT slices, stirred them about vigorously, and I give you my word I experienced n iicw sensation. She never eEits cucumber^ In any other fashion, but J am cohieiii to have an occasional treat of this kiTHl.

t'liftjmber Vinegar -This Is often used In gravies, and Is nlee with ca'UI meal. l*are and slice five large I'm’umbA rs, oTte onion. Iwo shalh'ts. iind add a leaspctonful of salt, nne uf |u'|ht *ind a iilnch of cayenne 1‘iit It In a Jar with une pint of vinegar, in II alHpd fi'iir or five Alays. sirain and pul ill snuill buttles for use.

Bisque of Cucumber Soup—Into a double boiler pill |WT) tublespoonfuls nf butter and one onion, cover the boiler and cook for thirty mlnuies. Then adii four gooAl-stEA i cucumbcTs. |icel»-d snd grated, and stir (or a moment Ix'fore putting in a teaspAjonful of crier)' sail anti one quart o f milk. Rub togeihrr utic tftblesponnfiil o f butter and rwo r>f n«)d to the mixture, cook umilIhirk 9ik'i sinoulh, dash once w llh red popper .ind strain tlirough a very fln- g!e\,. ItiheiU utnl Rf*rv«* with squarca of

bT-i'.oi-( ’Ui iiinber Cussoletles TVel A cucumber

aiiU • 1,1 It 111 iw'u and une-half-lnoh I leiitfGis U« mfive ail the (■•-nlfp. leavliiif

thi' i>lr4 tis thin AS possible. Place eacn i pici'i- of E'lirumber on a thin slice of to- - nini'i. s' liUT with a little salt and white i pfpiHT mill a few ilmps o f vinegar. FlU j ir,,. h.ill-'ws of the cucumber.^’Ith this ''jnn'l Four ounces of cfUd minced

f.,v.-l (he > nlk of a hard-boiled egg. about H ijd'h'SpoonfMl of crcjitn. a little vinegar anu p'-iqirr Eihd salt. UArnisli with choppedpafslrv

I'urumlK-r ('iirry—rhoi) finelyW h e n t h e f l o o r s a r e t o b e m o p p e d a d d l o I ■ ’ u r - n m i K T . n r r y - A ^ n o p i . n e i y t w o l a r g e • K i B tu l u I f r y u n t i l n i l t h e

hu>> t ^ e e n e x t r a c t e d . S t r a i n o u t t h ee a c h p a i l o f w a t m w a t e r t w o t a b l e . s . p o o n s o f c a r b o l i c a c i d . I t l e i i v i ^ s t h e w o o d I n s w e e t u n d h e a l t h y c o n d l i i o n .

To clean brass fixtures, rub (hem with slices of lemon, Iheui wash In hot water.

Trona should not l>c allowed to become redhot, us they will never retain the hem properly afterward.

In eelecllng flour l(wik to the color. If it white with a pale straw tint, buy |*

If It i.s Vhite with a pale blue tint, have nolhing to do with It.

Ijcaiher chair Beats may be brightened and revived by rubbing them with the white of an egg. Leather bookbindings can also be Improved by the same treat­ment.

To keep cakes, have large cake boxes, or a stone Jar. and always cover closely with a tight-fitting lid.

When cooking onlona set a tin cup of

DIABETESCtlB leal Brldeixee tkat Tkta DreadeA

Dlaeaaa Cmm B « Cvred. ft. VABC'CH, A. V. D.* New Tort City

tLexlagtoe aea. and 7Pth st.H *T bare aaed tba Ailooes Magnet water tn

ibe traatOMat of a iiamber of easM of dtabetee and bar* had good resulta m all. In aome, the

Ruchttter, N. T.;” 1 bara naed AUoon HagsMia water very

aaUsfaaioiity la a aevof* case of albuaUnari* of I pr*foaacr aM complete ellssinatton In thr*e> S X W i. W 1 MAR. m . D.,

"Tho MtSeat has Imi^rad very aoaoh, the laal ■aalyaa ^w tag *o a«gar. fo dlab

»Aiio»es ks well worth using. i^ K L S B T DAyiS ,

HaachceUr* 'V l i*oSdiabetes.

______ _ _ ___ Woreeatar, Haas.:Hav* obtalaed dseUsd bsasftt from its iwe ta

oTdlatoelsa, BrIghVa diaeasa, chronic rh*a-maile atfeetMaa and steiaaeh derishgemecita It

i tha aMUty la alay dpva w m nathlog

l,iiip iml put ilie Juice Into a frying pan with twn ruA-umbers, peeled and cut into <nrn I rover with milk, add a ten-fjpi>,.nfiil <tf curry powder which has bevn qi4.yulv il in H illde milk, and when the cii' iimi»*T is thoroughly cooked add lot- isipr criib i»r shrimp. Bfitl for fifteen mln- iji.A, Mill to taste and serve with bollx'd rK *■

Tlicpo signs were taken down as aoon as dlscDvcret] and finally ihe PAUilors eatab- llshed 11 guard in the corridors to preveiti any further Jokes of this kind.

Un Tuesday ihe 1901 boys put their class numeruls on the skylight for the class day exerrlaeR, Memljers of Senior B aud Junior A rlussen changed Ihe hgnres so that they rend After the exer­cises the Juniors gav<‘ Iheir clas.s )'cj] (II- reclly under the vlohilcd sign On Wed- \ nesday night there wu.s a scrimmage be­tween aenhTs and Juntors in one of tiie i corridors and a glass case was broken. ' Ijater thn senior class banner wtis taken, but WttB afterw.ard re^o^■e^e(l. More sejilA»r | guards were posied an<i In (he next few days (he gCAiLdtiallng class will exercise j tlu> utmost vlgllunce to prevent any more | fooling. The Juniors hiive several more tricks up iheir sleeves, they say. and they promise to make the graduntinn scaSo a ns lively ap any that has precedci] It



Has conic to stay. The best thing to do is take things easy, make it as comfortable as possible for our­selves by Eating and Drinking such foods as produce the least heat, keeping the blood c o o l and the brain strong.

I r > m l T ^ g ^ T h i s I s t h e n u r s i h e a l t h f u l nf UdW ICa all drinks. Make your tea us i i a u f t l , a d d a c h u n k o f i c c ’ 9<»C4t o 1 ^ ^ and a l e i n o i t c r two, aweeien tn n l l ^ t a t t l e . A l l TeoAH. e v e r y l l a v o r , | h t l b

50 S ta m p s Free.

ngre f whenMdrCI WtllC Rniall glass nf Clxrot, , , ....................xr«t andICC will cAiol (he hlrsMl and fresiieu the sy.- teiii. Try it. .HL Julian £ ^ C Clarcl, boltle.................................

10 S ta m p s Free.

Roast Meals"tU (I t>r*a I lAiiii In 1,1warrantml lo Leuilor uml Juicy, only, lb ...... lOcRa ||ojI Hgm -HiiKarciirod.aelerted meat, DUIICU IlftlU * *tiling for |)iciilc>i und exctir innn,

S p r i n g L A m b r n e a l i h e l e g H w o .Mm TiwvBi liPRUliftil of i i e a i T h e l e g . x w c m

lell for H r, Ih. Enreqiiarrers. ele- / 1* gant for roani Ing ; only, p -r ih...... 7- • ^

Dnl/ig-fia—AII kiiidH; i]m colehraled D U I U ^ I I f t K l e i c k e p h t ' d r i A ' H i m -h l e r ’ s. F o l d e l a e w j n > r e l o r l*<-. l b . « h i r p r i c K s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc

fava (^(mng rolTre MiriijaTn ^uiicc phw^MNii.iMuhhoi' 30c . . . . . pc.^0 S ta m p s Free.


Btaclberry Brandy^* Ii e f i e c r . [ f t

Chuck Steals , r,l > c e f e h n u h l h r l r i g h a l f a g a i n w h u l I l f C YM':l^k , c ii f i i special, lb. . ..

hna a verr Kni*i hiriK' eiiiiq

warm enaAoii. Uur price |jct quart

la a U o m mvery ifrcngthciiiiiB: during the / f i i r i i e d H a r m e A T a a r c r r t r n n d a n d

Uirncy DCCI Willi tlic iHinfrtit

50 S ta m p s F ree.H im recipe Ik wortii m;inv p

......................I'ln^kH and NavelI 'iHiice ^pi^ex uf

Lemons ' J ' f All Kinds of F ru its andIWUIUU.7 .if choice lAm- m » i u

IUC V egetab les .( m u w h i c h w e * H i i<iw prico «.d. di'jrpii

B r o n c l i S t * ,C 2 o r . O r m x u : * . - . T o l . 4 S O S I9 .

Order Ice C ream ^arlyOnr N eap olitan B ricks

at $ 1.20 a gallon delivered within 5 miles.

TH R E E ) “ 1M U K C 5 5 , I 577(jroad St,

Yiiiif fl'-wi ri' and iil.iYUn, th** Ougs will f**' ih rrt If \..ii W •• lin'*'' I'K'NsiM-ia > >ij nM*<l tftidli ‘ Vf-iv Imjk III Nour nfiril-n, fr'’m ln'M**bor4 til M ji t.lp, ull |'Ul>' arnl fr> nh

‘n** unU xi.iv 1«-(ii nj.. .-wr vm pul Ufiik'ji (it'd Huh v>-r. i i" I'U'

hiiflrh Fil l, lb" lti»‘ii \i'f, Ifli iih'l a hog.l'll.%KM\tV, imt M aik ri kt*|

0 |ipf»al(r WtinhiiiKfoo, >^sivni‘k.»Wf-nk an-l ihr«-9 tun ibI'T*-'! i.biirmuco'ti pill

up {irco -rlptlona m liutL'iu i.rl> •-».

The 1901G r e c d u a L t e

ShonUl he fittingly linrinrcq and reward***! f<ir Ills ur lirr arhi^voniouti^. und certainly 4

■ tioirtN laxiipg renmuilir.snoH tii.m a pretty piet'o i.«( .low elry, a I)nun«;mt Kiiig or a 'VValrhcould i>« hUggcntR'id Wa.bavp ()icm iu g(Ni.<|coD'^rlions :ti tioHloriile Price?*. Aiid even

ticln u( ihr hr>i nniCcrials.anil

\iii«(rTir' pbo<ogr*pher* mmy teat thrlr ■LIM. The w ill gM *three vaab prtaeu. the flrat o f ftlftt the ■9>rnnrf. iMO« oni] the thleft. ftA, to Ihe seoflfes of pletorea moat a *lt*h le for the wnman'a pave, fnteriora of dwellloRB. plant tlecornllon*, porrh rikrnera. poreliea, fnncF w ork* eook« e ry "ln faei. anythlnv o f Intrreat to noniea, may be photosrnphed mtkd ■ iihtMlfted. The pletor^a moat be fl^nt before Jnly 1|i. AAdreaa **Photo- araphle ( onteat/* the ^*!Tewa,^ flew - aek. J.



Hrbitehe* at ft:i. Hiilid runl none tmttei rnad**.

]>Umi»nil itluK* at ftA.tfA.ifold settingA. and nmre brillmul tu-uics i^Tt lu-ir f-i/v were iievei f een

Wat«heii for tilrU, ftS.AO, .^meriPAn maka,For hoya, Swik.s wuP hp'». ftU-tKi. Ainerirnfl

Oiake. filled chhps, ftri.lH)—cuncs guaractooq fortweuty yrars.


ir jL F U W r , K . D., Wnreour. If***.:*11 i i fiiitlT Tuuua* *4}a n ]» Id Bt at «MbM** bhUUd*. aad dbH i** of

and ttiintiT ornna.”■ A IU tT . A. tE T x O.. UuwlB.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:It »IfurU» n * »TM t p l»*u r . In mil iii»

ttipntlon o( lb* public to Mmc Yiili- Eirflslor it i lr Toulc, which la th.’ Ilr.i and only rcmnly known to eh. mlnr> which po*ltlvely turn* t r »y |„|r | . , 1, i, Ua orixial color without dy*. ]i has S"n. on record thst Mroe. U. T*lc-w .nui nm woman cheml»l—b*» nud* ihta mi'si i .il uable of all chemical discoveries Mm- y*le personally Indorses Its acihm anl Uvea the public her solemn xuaran:v ihji It haa been lealed In every coiicitu. way and haa proved itself to be the 1 iS'LV Hair Spectfle. It OTOPB HAIH KAI.LlN 'i ImmedUtely ana craatea a luinri" n growth Contain* tu> InJuMous Inarclien' PhysIcItn* and chemUu Invited 10 an- aiyaa it. It la not allcky or »rea»v, on ih- contrary. It makea Ihe hair soft, youihtui. fluffy and ^ P » J t I " Carl. For gcntlcm-n and ladles with hair a UUle gray urcakM fray, entirely gray and with bald heads.It la ssprclally recommendedw""; ° f m ™*Tale’a lateat ^ « Sdenttnc treatment of ins hair. Free tor tho asking.

The leading insect exterminator, the one which does its work thoroughly and satisfactorily. This is our second season, and customers come in and get it by the half dozen bottles at a time. You don't want to miss this if you want to be rid of insects.

Diamond M erchant*. Ww^tchm&ker* and Trviaiworthy Jawellera.

6 AcademySt., opp. P.O,

2 0 o *9 6 Bottles for $ 1 *

Color Restored.« w ■ . *Urch 4. 1*»

D*ar M iw.^TUe: I can conscientiously recommend your Hair Tonic to any one, aa I have found 11 what you claim It to be- My hair waa tatUng out and be­ginning to turn gray, I h , , , , i ,b«aiea ol ronr Hair Reatorer and mj hair has g a l ^ lu natural color, ih* gray hslra haring almoct dlaapnesred tnd har* stopped falling out entirely I


Haa., PraMOsnt f e r lnes leeUnt*:“Wurm kesB wen satlsgsd with rmulti obmln-

sd ttum .llliion Miaamls w aw la cwsie when jlta ^ was iBdIeBtsd s* disbsis* snd Biigbt’s

•f B 8 S . C U F F O R D M I T C n u , A. Ml, t 8 . D-. Chlesga:

" I nssmsi a as masy o fth * palWBIa who tav, bass, k isgh .it m sand ly AIIobk . Sad resistm

Of this short season by ushm them In even w*v posstUa Lemon Juice on , account of Iti actdtty M the foundation of all agreeable summer drlnka, butWbiw m o^ neede^t may be made subordinate to other frolt Julf«a_____

Haak Hpe atTaMkentea and gtrala -the Juice through a pfeeo of rkraasrioth: I pint of ]u M add one-half cup o f lemon Juice and a syrup made from one

have a great d *^ eonffdence Tn ill of • all Uui 1 have used hsve


" " . ■ ^ f r ^ P i a n o s IOood Uprights, only $100.

Term s lower than any other house.

M onthly rent $J. Rent free It pur*



SpriDjtkll AreiK, cor. Hiffa Street


I MaichlessLight

70ur foodA M I •ivra entiK

S 'INEM AN.m wxrw b Detroit, Mkh.

<tbt m Oo* of ftuBUlar m JvbM . a i * K 'dw *M *ad«*» * , 1 Hk OM * ----- ‘ ~

—““ - —— w —■ m w u ~|g g.x CUU WJL ffmaaaVU jaaaviai m*e-m — —a - —m —' —- — — auart of watar and ona plat ot a u n r koUad together for Sfteon aitnateo and r aSrti ■"*“ «fl«LTSiaSJtoi^*bole atrawbeiTle^ I•<•9 toa, for If the ay tup was eh»i-A in the lee cbmt It wlU be asAdeatly cooL T

" t o w b rn r and Isnon Juice may ^ v a r ie d to et i t the J •■■•a. BM the Jnlea of an — - g - will he ah agreeable addillon. •erv* from a T

pnnA kinrl hi tioaManiaad provtda acrawa that the chUlad Ilqidd may f ho tahan a ^ ly . Tba boiMd and o m M aymp la a great tmproreseeat arar cold T?n>t<r and tagar a l x e f A t h e ^ n p made aad kapt In the lee ehaat *Ja oonvaalsiit tar itak iH a at ptaaaaat crink with the addltloB of aay £trsM Juloa. — - w a gtoaa at pwnaam g . w h XTa JOOL t

Tale.Manofartund only by Mai. u n* Mlcklgan Boulevard. d S S io

» • “ t l e w Our ap^lal prlcf cm Mm . Yxl#** H a ir Tm ic . TIcT

E v e r y «tronftm»b >u iMb vivid's kiotOTT TTnaiiiii iiimi fijr ■troof Derroii* Titftlltr- .

L e ^ *n of men alwaya r*mark«ble fer U.Towdtr Id commerH*! Ill* lb * • * « !« pdaclplo m a t ft* notWd- th « mnreos that i r kIuc* hum*o v iu t llr m food M d air.Th» human atomo ’h 1» tho greaioM factor* bdCMM n'a th« vtomoeb irhteb tdrxM

tb« thinm* real f(«ra—r»cdrbNbm«nt.Tax* car* of the tumi^'h. A weak, tired etomoob !• a danver»d*oeik4ttlo& to bo

Jfk, otti ql it at oAce.,

w**klx or iBoalhtr rvw iPU M m m a m to tMnirf, (MU' foodo. T O U ftBTag A « ------------- - “ "*flir 9dm, ftki— »

r H » 9 * M*9»999»9$M99 ♦♦♦»♦♦♦** ♦»»♦♦♦♦»

AO tk stores ant xasy hofsesise it Send forprkes to lartet and Bearer Sts.

TbellQited Electric Ca*I.J. sfi


OEM SFE riALTT ■■ W ATCHBfc Lagmr Sed seals' Wslthsau Ktst^

Swiss, sta.. BdJusted n teRit-ratars: guar. aniHd m kMp perfect tiiw*. He estea chsrie far credit; aaaSdaaUal; we da am sik yewr amnfeyer tar referaaea. Waiak daitvand oa drat saytaeai.belaBea la ssaaM



f i i o t f o f Last Tear’s AII-Co b bts ’ l a t d i Lost ia Cresceot

A. C. Series.





D ev r lo iw fl Vnn|k^Ft«d P o w r r .

And K e p t I I I . Opponent on the JIk b P — C on te it D et.reea ita te

C kam pton R teh ard l le v e a B and B aa la IV r lffh t W a . P o .lp o n e d I ’u tll


N E W YORK. Junn ffl,-There w a. no <11- inlnutlon yesterday In the cloeely played tennis whieh hai hm i the rule o f the In­vitation "round fohin" tournament of the Crtisc'ent Athletle Club on lie groiiniLa at Owl'a Head. Kay Ridge. W. A. Lamed, nf Butninlt, winner of the nll-eomer.' nialch at Newport last year, amt Isio E. VVaru were the eaperta brought together, and a fter a five-set mutdi, the tlral o f tho aeries, 5llr, Ware won hy three sets to two. the scores being 3—fl, 8—?■ 3—d, S—d find

Richard Blpvpni!, <he New Jpmey State Champion had been drawn to meet Mr. W right, but in his contwU on WedupSdlay With Mr, Hobart he twlPted hie rlfftit ankle. The match was postponed tinill lo* day.

Mr, W are developed rather unexpected powers In hi» match with Mr. L-irucd, Whom he kept on the Jump continuslly. One insTknt he played the net, then U was base line, with recourse to lobbing plays, which made Mr. I.sarned rather ncr* vouB. Probably l.JWi persons wttne«ie<l the match, crowding the stand and Burround- Ing the court.

W a r e W as F ir s t to Score.A t the beginning ilr . Ware was the

llfs t to score, Ms InltUil point being ol>' tsined by a splendid pluy along the side line a fter a rather contlnuouH volleying period. Hr followed up this fidVAhinge and 0oon placed the game to his credit. Mr. lA m etl, however, captured the next two. Mr. Ware made It 2 oil by lobbing melhods, which kept his opponent nway from the net.

W ith the exception of the aeyepth M** W are won no more gnmep In tne'openmr •sty which Mr. Lturned placed to hla credit by a game score of 6 to Z. In an advun' tage set calling for sixteen gnmes Mr. W are won the second set by 9 to 7. Jt was stubbornly contested throughout.

W ith the set score ! afl each man went Into the third determined to end mAiters quickly. Mr. Ware gained the flrsi game at the end by M r Lurned's failure to the ball up a fter service. Mr. Ware dupli­cated his previous victory anft showed clever service and placing. Mr. Liirncd got hU ball outside upon returns.

tn the third, Mr. Lamed lobbed budly, but his opponent rather evened up matters by returning the ball In a fnshhm

'gether too vigorous, thus losing the third game. Mr. Lamed repeated and made It S ail on aervlce. Prom this palm on he took a brace and gtive a sample o f hla quality. He gnlned th^ first point on ft capital place, but lost the second after u beautiful volleying j>et:lod by Hlammlng Into the net. Victory was ultimately his. llowever, on a finely executed placing play, which caused much applause.

On straight the all comers winner placed tho next game to his credit, making the aoora i-^lL Mr. I.«arned won the- seventh game and from that point on the men aec- aawed to the end, and Mr. Liirned won by 6 to 8.

L a rn e g C ap fa reg F oa rth ie t .The fourth set opened euaplclouBly for

Mr. Lamed, who captured the first game by placing every winn^ig point. Mr, W are took the aetond game treatise Mr. Lam ed waa too strong with his returns, On aocotlnt o f his opponent being too fiBxlous to "klir^ the sphere Mr. Lamed carried away the third game. Likewise the fourth on faults by Mr. Wore.

The latter ‘ ’ loomed up” in the fifth which proved to be hla through Mr.

i ^ ^ * 2 * ^ * failure to get the ball up after •Strlee. Mr. Ware made the markK 3 all in the sixth, in the sevonlh Mr. Lirncd's Rist play Was all that ooiild l»e deslreil,

be won the game mainly through *L Mr. W sro "killed” the ball repeatedly In the eighth and made the score 4 all ^ t s r on the set got to 5 all. then 8 all. A f lw having the game apparently won w ith the points 40 to 16 in his favor. M r l^ raed “ fell down" In the thirteenth end lost each succeeding judnt, Mr. Wnro finally winning through clever lobbing work, making ^ho scare 7—8.

The foiirieenlh and last game In this set showed Mr Larned rnther erratic In Ills work, as he slammed into the net on seemingly simple plays, losing the gsoU' and aet. This made the set score 2 nil, and •ach was pretty well exhausted.

Mr. \^'are In the last set socm showed his superiority as fsr as s*esierday's mairli was eoTtcemed. He was ulurowicly return- fid a victor by 4 games to 5. The experts figured upon Mr, Lurned going through the serlcB unscathed by defeat.

Kirk’s Alley, Between Lawrence and Ward Sts.• ‘ BOTTLE BEER A SPECIALTY"^

B a r th o lo m a y ’s B re w in g Co,OF ROCHESTER, N. Y.

} T h e C e leb ra ted♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4- ♦ ♦ 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Dw’Igbt Lavlft anil Jlolrombc Ward, flie H and Viniiii<. J♦ by th ree I" riniu^ yenterdny dn iht> tlili'l r > : ;'l ’ '■ J l - ' d n o l i j i . - ' , ^y i n the All-KtitflitJi'i l:i\vn tennis fhumi)l< t si i, ................. . \\' :mM<t'pn ^■4“ Monday- In llu* fmjrth round of the s Iuk1< .V \\ r- .ii - I \\ llilly inJ. T♦ r>«vln nnd Ward, the Jotter being llie S'- ti i •r-, i ; ' m i h i l i . l awii Tt-nni!' T“4 Club, nrM iM*garib-«l as llki-ly winntirs In thf ...... .. ......... . . ^y ptised of Efivp.M ttrul Hlllyard, Iwo of ili^ir T most s tubborn conipi^l will be the i r m eeting ^ holders of tho doublfs champlonahlp.




B o h em ian B e e r it


Apollo and IVIarzenbrau Brew. Also the Celebrated Ale.

(® fT h e only I'slahllshment tn Newark supplying; fam ily trade w ith these famous ISeers. 11 costs you no more than the domestic.


On £[; fl ight a t CITY CAl i:. EIsNER’S. SIO. GRIES’S, J. BEYER’S.


viVhtV^ -4 U s t Night hy N u -^Ooe Mile in Twenty f i l l

Mile Efeot.


-------- I

, ^ a t Schlee and Billiiigton in San- j d a j ’s Match Cycle Race the

Vegetarian Must Ride last. ,


R ficv W a x mid F ic I i I i ik I 'p tothe F o a rC p n ill i ^IIIp , W hrd t l ir .Vt-

la n tfi H ld e r lleKon tu Draiwv A ivug fro m 1 b « HfirrlMMi Mhlurt-^TTiuv fo r F in a l BHlr ^ n« 1.14U

W A SH IN G TO N . June 2s.-Bi=M.y W alt, hour, o f Atlanta. un<l Arthur oflIurriHon, rode a r«‘i-i'rri-)ir»-.ikkik; iM>ntCitl thrmifihoul their hHi iiTy-llw-ml'p lary at the Coliseum lust uIkIif ^Vllltb •N wuri by fiv'e-Hlxilvd o f a iinl<- III I > l.iHteKl Iwen ly-flve 'iiille m iiiih cv*t rlibluji. Ills ' time was 3S minutes MornnilH. Ilos&'x | time wAiri 4U minute?* -I f4ecun<l . |

R ush b*d the ilrst two m|hM iiud pltcr- | nftted In the lead with Wahhioir f< r the next six mlli'w in un*> nf thi* most i ii lilng races ever spen here. WiiUhnur In-gun lu (ske ft big lend in the fourteenth nilb- and iBjiped Ills oppiuietit live Miueti In ih(> hiHt nine miles.

The first ten miles were ridden lii 18 minutes 8 secondB—world'?! rr-mnl lime for a rlx-lap track The Jift<-en nilu-s were done In reronUhreukliig tlno’ In 2U mlmites 34 seconds. The lust five miles were ridden at an average of I mlniile 3-6 Hecuuds. | The time fur twi-niy miles was SI inlnnT<'a ' 6 pew'nds—a world's reroriS.

The Twenty-fiflh and final mile w :>h ridden In I minute 4- 6 seeunds, iielng (he fastest time ever ridden on q His-bip track. I

JOBNNY NELSON BROKE RECORDS.R a i l l r W i l l Hllnaon Iti

T h e ir T u r n t i '> i i i l lr Itiio r iit ftp riw ifflr III IjHsI M k Ii I.

B PU ING K IK LIV Miois., Jiiny 2M Jtdni Nelgon last nighi dcn-uied Will i ‘ Stin­son by two-tblrda nf ii iiiIIp In the twiii- ty-mlle nice ut the Ittcul follscum. Nel­son, In si'lie o f his luJiiri''M ffutn ihc Ni-w York rac4’, walked riwuv fruin Slln.-'nn ut about five miles, Hnd uft r ihat gullied In big jumps.

Kelson's time wns .11' :i7 t-T., inwiTlng Jimmy Mlchnrl's tri-ck n-cird of W.ll, made 8tM>teinlier 11 " f |usi yi-hr.

lltHtbr Ilf till' Ibi'siiitiJinii’H (■iiiiir'*

nONM A o r I I Ih Spcinl, ImiI IIh ' Ajui*s« l lo f t is A IIII lit- l.ttHi lit l.iiiig THh-

laiiiM 'S'^llosN to lildf' ut MiiiihuUiiik tlcdc ii nil Jn1]i 1.

Altboiinb Mfireuw Hi:rl--\, tlio crack Cus- loii anujit iir, is n w inn I'ut ' rlfH lo win Sunduy'H |lIi« i!ir«*(-cun,. r il rice at N'nllHhurxIi. Uu* i'i;.r,ii^ ni' rUurU-a rtfhl'o iiiid Tid ily IlMli; L'l .11 ,ire aigntiiijAlgHltih! sui [i il iir<flialiili'\. Jitid wllU ;; cer- lu m ty iha l < :*i rb'H !h»%' UK li-tlon rhut Uiy !’urrnt-1'»pped wmulrr uT ilic niiiuti nr ulusa will not liiiM .1 ilruh S' iil--'. by n-ustm i uf hlH clever S'letory in ihe 1 lirte-coniered \ nice wttli (b-.irgc SchridiuT, ihe hiduMr ' chnmplon, and John, haw a vast . jiumin-r of rui)lf*n‘. wh>> cIuIuj tliui he will give llurb-y ii [iropcr biullng tn tii Um p I two o f the three mile lieuifi which will constitute the nice. If Silib-e ciir\ defeat Hurley, lllltlnglon's adinlnirs In \'allH* burgh urgue, ihen Teddy will will Ihi* race, fur on furnt, pasl records alinw ttuit BJI- llnKlOh bus ib-i |.«1\i ly defr:il-'d Sehlee tn i nearly every rin'»> wbeii lliese two boVfl ’ have m^t.

lUirl'-y hui di’iiiuiistratf d in nearly every race tluH he bus rhlden in, when Ihe dK- tuncH was ever one mile, ihat In- i-iMiid net Bland u hLiTil pillowing J.mriKv In the Auxliintu f latulli ilp, ui live uillcH, hisi Sur- urd.-iy. Hurb-y. In iln- Ilnat be:il, unli a ll.T rilling u mill- and u )iiilf, win ii wiihiii fiiflkhig dl.HTiinre .f th,. rb-!d. Tln re Is noibujhf of Jin- man's xunienes}*, n'>rIlls spe. (!. Imi t.i th* oliser*. er Hur­ley sei-ms 111 lack th*- -fHmlna pu}*weHs.-d by m-i.**i of Hu- Ijeiier grade rlibrs.Whi li-r It Is Ills dl»a -he h a v*'getarlan and rMr||*.ws *iiiln-ly tlmt enu-scs ihia t*k\t r 11 b r Ltl(- r ari*-r a hard ride, il* not shown, Icu he bus falfen-l and l-ist several In racis win r* lie has .ij»-par* uHy hsel .in * v.elh-Mt i lniTM-e 4>r w in- tibig Solid .v■ . vi-ni 1, cn du ned

'•''^•ded I......... ihe of

. M andeviill. - s i ' i v o i A r ^ i i - i x

ON ALL MALE AND W E DISEASES, l)t‘ coiisull'- I u;. .1- .ill tile ilii5rasps peculiar to Men iitnl W’. ii:u ii l*'reo o f Char).!.- Tu. a tM -a ts ..1 active exjierience has enal.lcil I'r C. [). Man.lvtilli- 1" 111 ikv ijiiick cures in ull .liseaaes o f ih r HI ««1,

Shin, Kidnevs. i.-i l l ir , l.ivcr, Slnmadi, Red Sixits, l ie a r t . ( >r.!ninc Weakness, Nr-n.iii' Ii.-tllilv, Krnirs of Voutli, rm tevelopcd < ire ms, Pain ill the hum-., r-i.r,- Mouth .ati.l Throat, Ulcers, Painful Sw ill mi's, ('.ravel, Irritati' m .Mill);, Inllanim.slion, Weak IJack, l.oss o f V ita l­ity, Varicocele .iiid ,il. l-eiiiale]jlainls.

A ll linj.eriiiy .■lir-'iii.- diseases have tjeen tleg lcctc l, or liave fa iled It) yield to tin- treatment nf less skilleil h', s.»iii ,L'et well m iller Dr. C. D. )l.i:i.l.'ville s sii])crior nivlhrsl of trealm.-iit, a Ihon- sands of pnrti'-s 1 .01 testify, .\ls.j diseases re.sultiiig from i-scess, in­

discretion .ami ,,u-nO'ik, reretil or nM, speedily and p. rmaiienlly cured. Do not w.i-l- litite. hut cntisiiU I ) i t . C , D . iU A X I ) U \ '1L U E , S>40 l i r o t u l s t m d , t h i r d d o o r f r o m t 'r i i n k l i i i s t r i 'c l ,

O F F IC E M Ol I ts : ‘2 T O 4 1*. M .. 7 T O 1> i*. M .Ps'o Hatiirdtiy or ‘'tindQy Hours Hurtiig sluly anti Vugunt.

Do not foryet llie first name and mimlier. Be sure vmi .-misult

DR. G. D. MANDEVILIE,'N O . 1 )4 0 B I t O . M l S T R E E T ,Thifil D jor fYorn 1 ninkLIn >trvFt,

Newiirk, •!.

Two ■ Thirds of Your LifeI p iprni In your »bo««. Hence yon ftboulil « i* «r the be»r. WE llA VK THEM. Ot’ ll WALK-OVICR l^llOE

F o r M en B n <1 lYoni- cn. They tit rauHle»Bl>-a n <1 g i v efreely with every inoTc- toHut of the foot.

SHERIDAN & SMITH Tel- 7931- 188 Market St,, Newark

i , T IU AIM Fall F. C. H TItFM PBL


FINAL STAGES IN TENNIS TOURNEY.M firk ed Im p ro rem o n t In ll ie I ’hat-iit**

t e r o f t lie H a feh es as the E xpert

P la y e ra A re R ron gh t T o g e ih e r .P H IL A D E L P IH A . Pft.. Jump !H-The

Women*! nalinnni Inwn tennis rouniametii Advanced to tho final Htngca at hlckoft UetghtR yesterday, and an the ntore expert playera were brought tr»gFihin' there wn» a marked Improvemeni In ihtj character o f ihe tennia. Summary;

Women’ ! Singlen fieml-finnl round. Minn Beanie Mtaire beat Mian Alklnnun, 6--f, ^ 7 ; Mlaa Marion Jonen beat Mliut Lmnin Warren, 6—1, fr-2.

Conaolatlona—Prcllrnlnary rfiund, Mlaa D. H. HABtad beat Minn O F- Junea. 8—3.

Firm round. Mien I>. II. Kantiill figftlnak Minn lH(ey, S-*4. {untlninhetli; Mins Rachael Harlari agulnat Mina J. B. Clark. T ^ . 1-8. S-S (unfinlnhedi.

Women'n lY«iiiblcn—Vrellmlnary nnmd, Mianen M. Jonen and F. M»ore beat Mlanen U. F. Jon«*e and J H. ('lark, 8—1.F lr i i ro!ind, MInnen Jonen and Moore beat ^ r i . Grceji jtid Minn i ‘hlohenter. 8--I, 8--i; Miaaen Arkhmon ntid MrAteer heni Mlsaci. 1>. Raatall and E. Rnatall. 8-1, «-o.

Mkxeil r>oublee—Bembfirml rntjrnl, Mlbn M- Jones ami Mr LlMIe Ih-ui Mtw und Mr Fielding, •—1, 4i-l. Minn McAi^'er and I7r Blrvena beat MIsb Ibiatan and Mr H-.b- klna, €-2, 6-1.

Men’a Slngles-Serrmd rotiml. Rnp<-r lM*ni Ho*>d, C -4. 2—I’i (ibfuiilrsi i'lo iM 'T Im-u* WilBMti. 6-4, %-f.. Islttb. C 3.•*-1 : ('nrpenter hem rtuuiher, S - 1. o \

tMim-Ilnul HtMJiid—I.lttl*' beat i ' u t u u G—I

ConaolalPaiH—rirnt rcjm l. ll.ivev beit Bond. G -1. G- 1

U'ouli ] Ko l W re n ite Hohlln I iileni lie

W'ua G iv e n Mfire T Ime—Shiirkey

fin d M aher io lli-et.

N f:w Y O R K , .bin,- > T !u- KltiFlm- rnonn-Ruhim wri'f*tlltur m it 'li, which wan to havts l»een held nr .Mii.LNuti Htpiurr Gar- dnfi next Tnv.ntbiv nljfrit, ^ill ngi take place 111! F r iday wcM ' g. July 5,

The phaiige In «bje ’ m ,i mlnutitUTBfand- Ing by k'*it*nimm't(;‘‘ uim nigiicd articles thinking ihe mfHrh w:ix several weeka off. When he hcur-1 the \u- m.iliied ''Jim” Kennedy w.cmStii gn tn until u week Inter. Tlx- d, an In a crankon condition. hihI b*'li( \, ii that be waa not tuned up to u gni..] h.ivili inuji, and urvit's be WH.-* g1v,-ti ibi clijMii'.' nf gt'Hlng tn t ’p- ntilch form b»* w- ind MurrlflceO theengAgeniFii!

W flller rtriillchlcr jilKMe-fl Tom Sharkey last nlghi to irresfiF putor Haher thr)-!- fnlU. mU»Ml In oji*-n air, on ihv(urf ftt ('nlumbin lbisi*hal| Pftrk, Phb.v- •h'lphlM. nil the ufr-rnnon of July Sharkey hiiH aim, curly datf*9 al.UufTiil ► IjOiiievillis uti'l Nhw ! Tirana.

tn a w:i\Murciis M,.

Fust |Mi < <: k< rs vs lll 1 .11 fy ibe rbi- rs to the lu ll T;t|> .11 i| Ihnh \Vi.l • tllf' iji. ,[*. r-nill. >.[ nri !.,r Ifun".Srltlicu In- |. -.i\ Mill wlcrs \[ ii.nieHtlm* l(’ t J,. li,:,g -i.tirii III. lirn -V 'ri II. 1 ! ... i" , uni , .itl'V Ills n Ti;;.i*tl-ior« iii--i 1 . H 1 !i..|r i .. i

Il ■' ' I ui H r*'d itint : I I Sun­day Hurl. %•. IT, th»in the trial -ml fitiHlheulH. 1,11 , , ,j,.| Tin p ,^f.fvr'<l III m-' I : - T il- K Ir..: inofuHl 111 -.jii .;ii Miili-HirunK > nijiig •ii-r. h > In- I' I I ' r- I <1 (n K-i n: f. r ihei‘U‘ ' '!'• r l|.i ding IiIh held Iv.rk, Il 'WHh

' ' '!! r iirsr l:i di.. I.ihIvIk ' ' , I ■ '• iiii. Hurl*\, li-.wi'ViT,

BEST LEHIGH COAL 4.00 PER TON.•lO\p<ir Nil , A|ji (, wnll ,'o. C Nut, i*,oO ■IbT lOa.

H r,. l.*h<Kl> Movi- t - m u K irV K N KarrvU lla n i 1>tt■Wl C l io tu u l ................. O a W U TUN I Kiu.llliii WviKl................. ' « . U U

OFFICE-89 N, J, R, R, Ave., Cor. Lafayette St. noth'SMi

We t'lriflc ill Suva on hHturdafi l>nrliic Jiiaio, July nml A ukobL


New T rt iittt C lah miA rn'W Icnnjs rtub rtn-enlly beejy

foriTH-<l hi Mofilvlalr The rmirte ar«* on the cnriiFr of Wabtut and t int'eniplace The preelrtmt la l>r >V \V W'hit)'; fecretan.'. Mr. Ward, and lfea»urer. M. O Leighton.

STRIKES AND SPARES.T e «m A A lc»«or1oaa.

T w in A a._f.nie,l Tv,.rn 11 ih- Tnur^-lxy Afierrnjmn t'Inb In iwn. gami'ti at CttHlno U j 'I Iftsl ntgLi i.v ihi r.dlnwliix •cores; ^


Mrs. J V f'r iq iil..........Jlre. \V. I'anittelcl ....... .

Srs. A. Ualttlllr- ..........P». M. ’Wendt ...........

Mr*. A.. Moellhoffer.....


t iilirtirnlii R id e r Ks|i lrrd Kfiildr

tn a 1*tnl1 ut l l r n v e r

Yeater il fig .

l iL X V K It. Col.. June 2H.-Johnny I'nnild. the rallforn la Jockry, nlD. rldilnn f-.r some of the gresitr*ji '' wniTs in the country, died ye:*f3»r,;,. fl s tall at t.kvfrkiud Park of coii’.um Tbi- Injy oatnr »n I>envor .il.nit wenkM ago Arltunu. w Ictc h. the winter for hie hralHi In • i with Ihj'k t'lawson, f ■'Jiukey. H r WftB Si'fll tb'Tc nti u ;.f iU«*d by Jockryn on the i -- i't

The erenr in the >‘iuM*- .»■ |- iMrLnnuIrt WBS sltllrtK I.*-M(|>' M ik- i n.*ej!v, talking over ih«* Imr-* > w n n’lld he felt sleepy an.) iln.'igf ■ h. wU>- dnxrn nm) take ,i i..i|, H- f.l; i llemirssy'e ArTn-* .ifn r In- i-j,nK. .1 . . plred In a few rninui. '•

N!clX)r:klil rml* T r 1*. trn.-% S tr and H agbv ILin*.^ f. r 11 men.h-r l an.J r4*«'.>{[11X1.1 .ih ,,iu nf ili-Jofk^yj* nf 111- .rtiunry H\< fHii. tu> jaifil i ’ * F-lilnriUT to-dny.

Mas Kernbavir.SAN FHAN*'IB<‘0 . June > \lc\

,ehaw-, form* rl> «'f l>etjvrr, .cm! i.m* lYmr w;»»- n»ie o f Yale’iii *-1 k athb'if!), died I,, re i.,-dav. ,iu*<i ■ nine > * ar;i

CHAT a b o u t C U C K E I.t e a m B.

I t o U C r t a u l ...................... !», ■ "Vrig r i; U ....................... )« j iMrs. H. Borneman . . . m istMrs O. F eller...................... ^

To tjJ » .................... m« ^H ills id e C'IsVa Bovrl,

T b * H in«id« nmvltnf CTubtolU d th* folk>«1o( crorea on lUvtr al,—a lu t otciit: Team A-Mn>. Kanucr 7»Ifra, H o n n . 1 «; U n Doll, p , Mr* MHi,; h m . tM: M n flffiUh. W: Mn. Newnan

3: M n . Cutaar. N: M n Marti, (t; U n ' iMDar. P : total. M . T h b B~Mra. HIIL *>■ M n WaatatflaM. I « i N » . THabrr. B

M n . RM iitert. n : U n Burcar, a - U n ! Maudaflll. Mi U n niaalioaionB, Ml, Mr* Xsotk . MP, M n . M *rw , IM: m at. n ,

, » * » » ! » o f J a ly . M m

E s se i r o u iity vs* KiM|r« 1 m tn ii .In iht- Nt-w- Vurk Cflckei A --..

Serlen the E*Nr-\ ,1,I’ rk'ket J'i'ib will meet Ihy K:- v . ..-.i.

, Crirktt Flub of Hnwiktyn in li- ■ .jtPark. The lui-ol oluh. after P- y 1

I play sgalnet A'nluMilrfg. lo>-i 1'• will br represt'nKed by a klT"’ i; b i-vn. ' and 171 1iK>king forward to n ’ 1 ' r-

N ew a rk im Mewt M fiahaitan.The Newark Crick* l Club 4 ),. tu

Brooktyn lo-mofTuw afiern«>f*ii umi p'ay ! the Kanhattfin I 'r irke i C'lub't H i»-im in . the Aseorlatlon iwTiea. «nd alni, etfkHote ■ to iTHpmve He pTetlton.I )letra|N>1ltfiN Lew g iir Gwtue.I in the Mrtm pollU j) laeogu*- the only

gftiM down for decLpion to-morrow h tbe . meeting between the Brooklyn Cricket I Club sqd NeisuQ Lodgw Ciicksi Club, In 4 Fraapfivt

I ; I * i'p.*mTU- d't* E s-iiul-iy,' ' a II »'i) th»- |..Lt'. r uii-lI'l 1 i\-' 111 l'<*lli>AV or 1" out. :

• iiM h ..f Hu jm m i'in iv u r * * j ' :ii' Hurl V’ lu-V(’ Hu' Kpced I ' ' I. ■ ■■ ■ .Vrul. uKalii. . in lulllng-

I l-.rm.-r p.-rlurTn Jtn »*s and[ ‘'•''■■i; '1 m- llrrinMIi'.' ll ’iIikIi IlI 1u» a' ' '■ ' -Mi-g ktrugKii , .ui.| ijiill - up to

' ' ' - iM*> "P'-U CVi'TitN ill which'' ' - "I i r"f*e-'iuiuil.'* umatvitra

" ' - : rlt*»Mc i<» Itiu'f Ml >lMtihAttei! Itencb.

I iiiry fur Hit- hig mi,Jtiir-puced I • .ll .\l.i;ih!iit;iu li)**ich July I is Arthur !'■ - : ' > nililgfl. VHljg pui up nUfti• ' ' ’ ' •'•» ;i»{.'iln*-l Etuli!'> Walthour ftl

*1 Y'N .tliii-t'liiv nighr. Homs's evn- ' ' - I ' .1 Vail:*l'urKh tcc**tiT|>. when

'■ . -i JlimiiA MI.-Ii.ii'/h prt'A l.jue rec-. ' ' i.\.- n-il*,-e iin.i smtHn-reFftf'. Is

. " '1 •n.J-.i'.l iiitd O’ kli’ l Ihe talk ofI ' ' ' ui 1: . tiHiuskihIn iv||.i « il heT*scd llio[ • ■ I i,. . . T !h Hafihuij bo> k perform-

■ I. l I'.I ' H rniiV k f‘ -ly l«* said,• f • • u ' X ■ :i- -1 ,0.3 ir.u'k In. ' Fm Hn . iifri- llvi' mlh-a

• ' •■ •r .,11,1 ,.v*‘ry fuot of• s i-nt •ictl hiK ....... f.iUlHeeJ*!)'.

■ i-it; .,ii.l purr.-I uf iivp bigi ..*. [,is w. rk behind the

I I’ lrT-.n who l.< Ib.MM's manager,• ; I s'l .l Tin i.iiv will will vlmm-ip i.jt-.itN -.r .isufi eudii,

• II Mi.iK.- Hlk,’- W'AlHi.’ iir. Mlahaei,I . d r!.. -Hj.t . r i ks lower ihulr

' h'lTi .\rn< ng Ho- othi'r slarau '.r ’ -l f ir Hn- ei*nts t.f July

1" ' l l ai. M-;rr\ Klk-s "Nfajnr” Ar l.ii M-.’ Ivi. h«o u. Frednlte

•• 1 I M \ Av'rh iiUiiH .'T 4jf rjihers ■ >' fm. Ti,i will ..I T.iylor's lYfJ»l

•' ’ -i :" .r:i Ml-.. *i 1,1-a-Ills tfUimphanlI ' . ' n ll. [r- 1...... fr :,t ,,i ^11 iiio' r-' K?.

Ill "u. . rj.. is n il]*- hy W. A.■ ti ..ji r . ’ .'H to be held

■b-'H •: li. jn'’ 'i ibis MMSon theiN'will • i r. , t>r more -UirtHTS He h«e

’ .-•■1 'i.iH j.r. . .lUM’ ri bi urd< r that the " • ■ ' ' I •* wi:i to ev«' n finlebedI ■*••. H. iufh one or iwm of the

n '■ n lxh i !.,■ hi.-upacllated‘b-nt Knir'f's for the races

r J " ’ - \ ,;i'i I), in.3-b- -. A Hlehnp. H**' ' ' ■iiiHI luM'i .Inlv 1,

^Im-rnrliiTMl OR fu r flixiinn.n N1 .. Farliin.l, twt, duvs tnu of Uw

! - . ' ’ •; .’ !,.| li*r'i '••1 “ I rrtj.'^oqucnce.' ' f.>r i. -i >n 1 ' *1,T3 wb-rt- he will

I . ir t ‘v« with aMp-hae' iin.i Ln.ituv. The ex- rider fr-.m '! i'anric coftet

b'rs :i ni(h< r Ida. k ■ ;.il . wTnl, th*Tf' no bt-Hns: wbcr.vtT on '!.e ri>{hl !d<>e o f hie ;■). »• when* ll eatne la c«>ni id with the

f* -n M.-'i.l IV filrbtK.! '*...r.l T.-iyb-r*. th.-.Umlnntlve ‘reT»^b■

n ir.. has be*-*, *b k f -r iw-. week'* owing i>. tb, .mrertaln rlltn He whh''h haa pre-

H.ill.-d «iii<-* his In America. He ! h *s st.iriid well by winning m lure from

snal i"n]itWen. A rej»of1 frnin Bslll- |' m*>te ve».tertl^y statf* h*- is riding again | j arid X'dng '* r y fael Tht swHrfhj* fofebfh- , i t-r will follow the eriTre circuit arranget] 1 ' f.*r iU ‘ |wicr‘ fcvlb(wer«.I un July 4. at Reven» Beech* 8rd* j■ nr> Jvnkins. the Kitghsh champion. # f l t j . lesay lo fo llow the putlvting nwtor j i chines fur Ihr first time, Tenrrday be I agreed lo compete there In • fivo^milc j ] p fi^4 race agsbwt Eddie MrDtif&e* W2M I i ma kce bU Inllial gppeannce « f the sefison. i I The race w tll be be«t two tn th m hemti o f | L fira m iim ewfik iwcfi4 h f mfiifiem 1


O ffic ia l Results Announced T o-day Trolling Associatioa’s B oard o f Reriew in Ihe oiKi nile HomiDf Decides Against Horse O vued

PiRton Contest.

The 9>Vmll.- . blned dlsirti-r.* ■ 1. , the Imperial .d-: Newark wa- • und Mufida> ! r , E. McCulioiiK I.&;S0 A. M . clear, with -i..., v hard race, w t;, vine, Siw mU--

In the natur lug to ScwiirV- ,■ ,MB g bard-fiDi^' ■ sulta antuniii. • . ■

1. C. A. M - I ■ '•1 C. A. M 1 ;r ; . t H. J. Md>:4, G. Filb-r .It I I. If. Hel>1< k «. Wllllunt L'7. IT J Ma.1 O. rilitT. .1- !!, G. Fill, r .1

10. E. P L i35’ ’ I11. V. A M 1 -

The fBC.-mll-'place l'i-m*’ rt ■ third day. entricfi, whit h ■ bretl stoc k

- r:i. e o f the com-■ ih* |r\-lnKti»n and ' .1 -ll .llHtrU tB uf 'Hiiii'i 4>, Sunday

■ • ;ii..'raH'tI by C.

by H enry Ecfc.

i> .luu*- 22. ftl' t\< Dtht-r waa•\' 11 was a'lphlft.

'lit' MriJn rty. nil ri'curil flu* otilrlal re-|mw.

L.ifi Si'yed.12 11 J.-SI if. 28


• H1 4*o JI' 2

' ■ j8'»i’■ f T"}

I..' -Hi .at

j.| r«’t»irne ■ .'I L'i.p ' ike-

' I- ■ "ij<l ur'■I tl. irntri Hit-LlUU uuti Wfil.

.AA.'JH1V .7*5AHb.iTt 474.^4 474 '4 I

rR O T T E K j a n d p a c e r s .B l « Fo*'*.* fur ;-.u7 friM tera.

The Hlf-vebi' . 1 j.,rk Ast-H-la-tion hefl uffer»-.i . •'. ■ il f„rter* o f the r«7 . * v. - two in thret. • s; - I . c u t m Hmeeting. Ixr.. l - ■ - ^Ijpen the crth'i' v ^ r j,,,

HAHTFtJlU). Conn, June B .-T h i Luur-i nf Kcvlew uf the National Trotting Ah '-fliH m i began a hearing here ye*- ivriluy mf I III- case o f the association

j against Vanr-t* Nlcknls, o f Ctevelaud.' ilrlvvr nf the huree Arch W., owned by

ik'!;ry ]•:. k. (he allegsiion being that the linree. after making a reitird o f IISH in

; Birmingham, Ala., in IBM, waa entered uui .J hj> rjhsp In a race in Cleveland.

F P Jiihnson, I^exington, Ky. i George \V An-lur. Ruc*hewter. N. T ,: Morgan O- Hulkilty. llttrirord; N, C. BUke, Cedar

;, li> . and Frank Boiran, Phlla- 0«-Js>hlu. v-.*n- the m**mb»’’rB o f the board

I pn '" hi Afinr a m<nlon o f the defence lh;M Hiv tuiaril quash the proceedlnga on ibo gn.unil uf lack of Jurisdldtloh wea (>v»’rru!f*{i tiiv Uuird proceeded to the trial of lliv casF against the driver.

Th'- iHjanl wna in seslnn until I f t e f mldiiighi BU'J finally decided that Arch W. liitl make a record o f L H fit Blrwlng- bum. Ala., and that he was out of hl( yluM In the other raow mentioned* The

i uwners of the horse were ordered m u * iteiulpil until the money won in the U* legal races should be reiurtied, aad F. R.

I Htib- rt. who drove him both 10 the record and on the other occasloiuK waa ordered

----------------1F v e ry p « IH o t i r w>w« lawd w onu ifi

■ hcrulfl be la tr r e a le A I k I t f if iw lfig «v b «t \en- J eraey kfifi g * f i « tfi p e r - peCufiCe tke f ip ir l l wf ■fiTfiMly-filfi. \ rx t ftotidny's X eW g*

^ B S A N I J 8 L T &

Joe P o le t irn r*. |Joe Pfttch-f.

trotter* »n<l ;Senator John >l le fday from >;• toang Branch, w’ . r . v fo r Ike cumiiK • ; . ebarie *if Wiin.-’h 1.',

ninpntfineil.■!.':t"t-n nther

« ■ . forniHr ; r * -h’pp,d ye«-‘ Tlrkw.j^J I'ark. ap- fvj 11- trjiiiFd

Ttii y are Ip

R IlT rr ( I , „U ^ b a n of ,h.

or Montnouihaar cup* fnr f;n ,roodP a r t OU Ih ' .( Ju,j „ r amlaaloBar Joh,i s S n n H I win civ* * h . « t o o .W inji.h- f,.r

i W elterweight rb iini»lo»fiklS 9mmUGeorge UcFcddena o f K#w York, and

' But)# Ferns, of Kanaaa City, haTt been , matched to fight twenty rounidbi befMa the I Tw'entleth t'enrunr Athletic Chib « f Ban . I’VauvUco, The fight w ill ta iu plaeo on I Ai-miRt X and will be fo r the Welter*

weight chamiiiunshlp. PeriM reeeotly won the (Kle by defeating M atty Matthews.

I and HlthuAigh MrFadden la a ttghtwelght,! be feels confident o f bring rvturnad the j winner The incentive fo r tha matoh la flf*

ty per cent, o f the graar reeolpts.I t lle e fif ig r e l i a D n w . ^j Aust.n R!ee. o f Jfew LofitfOA, ta ^ Tommy 1 Felii, of Brooklyn, foqgikt tbalf kicand

draw before the National A . C a f Kaw Lemdon last night. Rice hH4 tba better

I of (he fir*I part o f the b fittM wUte Fells was much itrongrr a t tlia daaa. Many city o4Sc ats wwra p tm n i. a n i It ta tboagbt that (be figlM will redne* ttu fre » i dlea ezlatiog la that d t y sgataal boMs.

D ttly Kirfifi G tW M

OFFICE of' Kfaa Board of Btreet and Water CommlsaloDers of the city of Newark, 12S

Haleey tlrtei.Newark. N. J.* June SB. IDOl.

BeaM proposali will be received at ihli olSoe from ft:lA to ft:B0 o’clock P. H*. of Thurs­day* the eUv'enlh day of July. 10Ot. aod opened at the laBt-named henir, at a public meeting of the board to he held at aald time and place, for the paving of the following named itreeti witb Bbeel aaphalt or paring br»k upon a con­crete fi./uTi')aUoTi, viz.:

HRT'KBWIHK BTREBT, from Penneylvanla avenue to lliiler street:

haw fden btreet,trum Wlfkllffe elreet to Uoaton etreet;

MONROE BTREET,from Market alreet to Elm aireet;

RLT'M BTREET,fri'.tii BpririxfteM av'inue to Bouth Tenth >lreet;

MILTl'N BTREET. I» fmm Wlfkllffe Btreet tu Hueion itreel; I' HHaNTERnON RTRKET.rri'tii Fiprlngfield avenue to Klghieenth avenue; |

t ORLEANH BTRRKT, 1from tVarreri sitreei to New Btreet;

j PARK BTREET,' frorn Mulberry street to Hherry utreet; for the I |>h>lEig of the foltoti'lng named tnreeti with I uMoJig granite blocK» <>n a aanO fuunilation,■ viz.:I EMMET'm N**w .Terfey KallrDfiil avenue to Avenue C;

! HAMHHUO FHaACE,, fr>*m tjiirrlJion ntreei lu r'reftiTen etreet, oft both , -iideii of the HtretH rnllway tracki, with the cx~ rripilon uf one f'sot on euDli side of Wild track*, iiiid for the repaNina uf

I VVARH STREET,from .Market Btreet m I!anUU‘>n etfeet. with oh* l-*ng grunlle hlookB rm a eorifn-le foundsUon.

The fullnwtng ie ai>out the amount of the u-Lirk to be done, find the inaierlHle to be [urniphed In the cnetruction and cs»m(detloni f >*iiU) ivoi k:

UrunHwh'k Street-Sey«n thousand nine hun- ln'il H.trtk/) square yurtlp of eheet asphali of hrli'k pavement on a concrete foundation; two ih'-UHaml two hundred (S,3u0t lineal feet nf new lAi Inch '’Urh, eel In concrete; two ihodeand live hundred (S-MO) lineal feet of old Id-inch cufl> Tedreaned and eet In conrete; *>ne 4l> eri nf now 20-lnch curb camara, aet in concrete: four (4) new manhole®, with Iron heads and imlsflesa covera, complete; one (I ) new corner ha Pin (at south we«t comer of Th^mae and Itrunitviclc etreete), connection to be made in Th'imae atrect; one itj new stand pipe with iron head and cover, complete; eight iS) new nnlneleBs manhole covert to be subulltuted for '.■Id cfivera.

Hampden Btreet—One thousand one hundred H.ihO) square yards of sheet aiphalt or brick pavement on a concrete foundation; one hun­dred and ■eventy-flve (17S) IJneal feet nf new ld-1nch curb set In concrete; four hundred ami sixty <46fh lineal feel of «.Id 10-Inch curb, re- dpesaed and set in concrete; one hundred and twelve (118) square feet nf old bridging, relald on concrete: two (S> new noiseless manhole coven to be subetUuted fur nld one*.

Monroe Street-Eight thousand one hundnd iS,U>0) square yards nf sheet n^phftll or brick pax-emenl on a concrete fmindHilon; two tltou- Fion.l (2,000) llnaal feat of now 10-Inch fui-t>, set In concrete: two thnusand (2.WNJ) Mncsl feel of old Ift-lnch curb. TPdr<*seeiJ and aet m Crete; ntje (1) new haeln. with khIM granite head end nlll and connecting i-hui'’. C’-nii'leie; u>n the snuihwem comer of Taafiii’ette street) thirteen il,11 new noiseless manhnle coverii ti.) be siih* sUiuleJ For old eevere, .

Ilium Btreet Two th. ii^and seven htin- tlreil I2.7IKJ) S’ juure yards -if shpei .lephsit *r brick pavement, on a c-Tu rete fniTid'jlb*n; four hun.lred and fifty I4.M1) llnetil feet of new Inch curb, set In concrete, *>ne thousand lhr*e liundred and rlxty il.:»'iO) Uneai feet of old 20- Inch curb, redresactl and set In concrete; tlir^e ifl) BPlB of new at-lnch curb mriiers, set in Ci>Tu*rete, six (fi) new manholes, with Ir.m head! and noiseless covers. c-»ini»l'*ip , Vi,side baoin, with solid granite h ■ad and sliI and cotinecilng chute, camidetc,

Milton Street-One Hn.iiennd one hun- dreil ll.lOO) square yard# of ebcet asphalt or brk'k pavement, on a ormcrele ffundailou, t\yo -hundred l2oti) lineal feei >>f new Id-lnch curb, 9 1 III coniritci fuur hun-H^d ohd, lineal feel of old lU-inch curb, redressed Jn concrete; two 42) new mftnhnks, with Iron heads and nolseles# c»''virs, romplele.

Hunterdon Street—Four th'-usiiniJ two hundred ('A,2(X]i) square yards nf plo-et nsphaU or brick pavement, on a concrete fi.unilmbm; one hun­dred and sixty 1160) lineal feet of new 20-mch curb, set in concrete; one tb-!Usand one hun­dred and fifty lines 1 fnei uf old 2n-inohcurb, redressed and set In concrete; one hun­dred and fifty HhO) lineM - f new ISdnch curb, redresarf and *et In concrate; eighty (HO) llnofll feet or new id by D inches hnnder curb, set In concrete; two i2! sets of new 20-lnch curb c<tme », set In concrete: se\‘*'n <7| new nolfelass manhole mvere to lie Hu)isllTiU‘'d fur old covers.

Orleans Streei-rme ibuusand seven hundred (1,7'ki) square yards of shcci HsphA.]il or brick payempnt. on a concrete f,iundnilnn: five hun­dred if.00) lineal feet t f ne« Ul-ioch curb, set in concrete; six hundn-d uWho lineal feel of old KMnrh curb, redrepeed and eet In concrete: six­ty (fto) lineal feet of new Id by fi Jnohe* hesiier curb, set Jn concrete; two (2j new boWeless monliule covers to be Bubsiltulcd fur old oov- ers.

Park Btreet—One thousand five hundredH.6OO) square yards of sheet asphalt or brick pavement, on a concrete rnundftticn: five hun­dred (SliO) lineal feet of dew lil-inch curb, set in crmcrete; four hundred ani thirty f4ll(>) lineal feet of old IB-Itich curb, redressed and set In concrete; one 0> set of new 20-lnch curb Cor­ners. set In concrete; three (?> ne-w manholes, with Iron head* and nolaele^s eo' era. complete; thirty rSO) lineal feet of new Id by 8 Inches header curb, set In concrete.

Emmet Blreet-^fieven thousand (t-OOO) squar* yarns of ohiong gnnlte bftwk pavement, on a sand foundation: eight hundred (BOliy IlnesI feet of new Ifl-lnch curb; two thousand six hundred (2,fits)) lineal feet of ojd Ifl-lnch curb, reset; sli hundred and ninety <W)0) square feel frf hew ''Relglan” bridging, cut on s bias; ten HO) sets vt new i-Mnch curb cumert.

Hamburg Place—Two thousand four hundred (2.4*Nb square yards of oblnng granite b|i>ck jmeement on a sand foundation; eight hundred <h(XU lineal feel of new Ift inch ctirh; eight hun­dred istsn lineal feet of nbi Itf-Inch curb, reset; six (Hi sets of new 2(>-1nch curb corners; ono thousand three hun<lred il.glkVi square feet nf new "IVlgiur" bridging, cut "n a nl&a.

Wanl Btreet—Twn thousand one hundrisl (2,llNij siiuare j'anls of obbuig granlle Mi ck liHvemenl. upon a rnriiTPle fourDlsl l<jn; four hutidre<] <4iku lineal feet of new ift-tm-h curb, set In conen-te; nine hundred itkxYj lineal feet (jf old Id-Inch curb, reilres^^ and set m can- ernte; one hundreO and twelve (|)3l saimrs feet of new ' ’iTrlgtsTi" bridging, cut on a nlas, and laid iin cwncreie.

Bejiftraie pr'd'oesl* wUl he received by the board asphalt end brick pavement fur thop* streets which are alcove menttoned to ba paved ulih either ssphalt or paving trick, and the hoiird reserve the right to select either the HS|>hblt nr brick pavement t >r any or all of the eiri-rt?. as It may tieem best for the Interests uf the city

Fach blddef must deiK.sU with the engineer. Bl kBst thr^c dflvs before the time advertised for recelvlfig bide. *anvplea of paving bricks or tdnrks, nf grortU« blocks, and of asphalt and oth- r mriti-fptlR. hs iijed for In the speclfl-callcfij

Uli! krs HTc nut to atal* shy price for mn- terlAlji aril w rrk f'<r which th4<re is a filed nhiJ ilfit ['On ldeij friT Iri the f[lerlrtratlnnB.

ItiJi'h pr 'i-isHl imiet be incpig^d in a sealed envcl 'p*'. pr<'p'Tly Indnrscil with the name of Ihe bMcJrr .lUil of the Impri-vernent, and dlrect- eii 1 1 thp lb..ird uf Street end Water tr-rmnila- sl'in*-TF f ilj»' city of Newark.

lll'l'lcrf- will stele their prives In writing as wi-ll hh Lit riKuren. EiiuHi sj'^clfly In iheJr propoMlfl that, sh'-ri-l ihK rtlH-«ve Work be awarded to them, they ail! iind theme-lvcB In finish and com­plete III-' H.inie whhln the following number of cone i'ii!i\i' vuiTking days:

HnuieMi. k ?T!pei, fifty (50) days.Hji'iii .!. r, eireet. twenty (3ix>> day*.M'i r " i-Tf'Ci. fifty iBO) days.Riuiii »ira-ei, twenty-five i2fl) day^MH 'I l street, twenty (21)) days.Huni-T.b-n -treei. thlrly (,10> dayx ^(trk.u.-; eiT,‘et. twenty ( » ) days, .i-ri k - i-Mi; twenty A2ti) day*.Enm,rt *T.-ct. fifty i6o> days.Hsni'urn idnce. thirty <8u) day4.Wunj rta-a-t, thirty days.Tbe i'uiK .ihi] speciflratlon* of the work can

bf ex IP,IT..- I a* the office of the engineer of the [u<ar.i .( STreet and liVater Commlseloners at th-' ' MI- li'id. Bald prtipcaaia to be accom- paniel Dv the conaest. In writing, of two suretii* i)r i, surety company Quairfled to busin.'Ra D, \ew Jersey, who shall, at the time of pUT|„|[ proposals, quaJIfy ■■ (o theirres]--ri4Si .bu in the amount of such pruposal, and Mn-] itemselves that, if the eontraci be awar-la-.t n <|; peUKm or persona making the

Ernp i*h1 will, Upon lis being *o awarded,ecnni- >i‘ i I r thelT sureties for the faithful per-

f'Tn.Mn... . work: and that If the person orperwns ..-tin - r refuae (b execute itiob contract, they wii; j„v 10 the City of Newark any dllter- etic< ’ -'>-a.n Hie sums to which he of they would I:. i-pen entitled upon oumpietlofi or the ri i.trinr, and that which the city of New­ark mm riMlged to pay the pereoc or persons by wl. -TT -iji h contract fhall be executed.

Th»- H r r.| -.f Btreet and Water Commission­ers of .-j{y flf N^-wiirk resrTre to them- eeiv^e <i|,. accept of reject any or sitpro;aik„is f. r the above work, as they may derm r—»T for the Interest (rf the city.

iUd-iiTx III.' sureties are hereby notified that iindt-f ’ }<■ ip'viiiinns of the arventh eeciJnn of the ina r-»-iiTdig the Board of Btreet and Water tnmmissii M approved March Sh. IWl. that the l-.r-v i,.,nds to be given for the faithful execrti. T: ar.,’ ;erf.»nnai»ce of aatd public work shall rir * xp|rT-Dved i l to siafliclency by the board, hiv\ as m form, by the counsel of the board. Bf! ni '-cimract ahall be binding od the etly, 'T )"*. flit* ^ftectlr* or operative antU such ^nd I* *p5ir-ved; iwnd the president of the board shall have power to examine the pro- pop 'l l•«' ll m♦'n under oath. If he shall so d^ ilr^ - r shill t.f «,) Instructed by the board, but llw iHinr l will n*-t be hound by any statement that mni l-*- made by such proimaetj bundsmen, but shell hn«A full Tiower and abeolute dl*rre- tloB in n-.. '.I'hitie matter, and this provWoa •hall s# r»-r»>'T*..i to In any adrertlsetncni iiw Tltlng t'ld« r- r any such public -work.

By din-i pv,n i.f me Board of Btreei and Water Comti:is!i|..i,aT5 ,t Ihe city of Newark.

J. t'kOWFl^L IftTNDT.. __ 'I'-nerai fiupmntendeni of VTotla.

o r r ii 'K up THE em r c u s r il o f t h *CITT OF .NEWARK*

Newark. N. J-. June M, 1901. pealed pr.vt>saH will be reoriyed by the Cnm-

BDittec (,>n Puhiic Hulldloga oC the t.'Miiimon ColincU of the nujr of N rra ft, *R a mettlag to be hrM at *he iitv halt in the rity of Kewlrk, on M->nday. July |. 1901.

The cmmiuof will ha tn *e*s1oa to reeelrt and open frr m 9;M to 4 F. M. The klda will he niwne-l |T..tntRly at 4 P. M.

The fidliiwing i» Ih# work lb M done;F'>r labor »nd matertala for Mytng church

•tone sMewslk and driveway, and relaying of the fiSfttona sidewalk at the Nrwaiil City Hoa- pltsl r« Fslrmi'um avenua tt this rity.

PUfiB and epe,-iflr*Uoaa to be m n at eAce •r John H and Wilson C. mt* tjlO Broad Mfaet.

All ymposals to be aceoiApasied by ik* boa- ■ant in wriilng of two swratMa, wbo than at tba- tun* of PMMing In sucti proposals qualify as to tbelr refp«.naibiiitr in the artnuat of tu^ nru. pf Mta, and bind ihemBelvaa If tbe rontr^t be awardi^d to the peraon of paraoM mkibg tbs proytwal, they win. upon It* batag ao awmnM, beccuoe Ms or their rarely fee tbe fmllhtal paf- hYinaere of said wiirk, and tbb(» if tbe person o r iwreoiM oboald r>mlt or rrfMS ta exaeute pock certtrart. they will pay Pe Ibi clly ef Newark any differewfc between the mbq* ta wbtek be or they would bar* baea entitled upon coapletfi^ of tbe coatraot twd that wbieh the city of Ne'e-ark may be obliged lo pay |h« aeiiKdi of twraons by wbem niek aowtraet Mmil be eiwated.

Tbe COt&ntlttee na Pablie BulMlnnx at the chry of Newark teerrse to ibe«p«lws tbe r in i to anept ar reject ahy and alt peanoanle fbr ike above work ae they Boar «Mni bek Ibr ika in------ ta of tbe city.

d iT^M i of the cweaimee «n Fnbtto of tbe efty « f NewwA .

Ja HMB P* CORlrKUiT.Oty Oetk

Straw Hats

Salisbury& Co.

Sa&J.TripleB rims I 1.50 atvd 2.00.

Genuino YOUMANS.iLou gha n.nd Spllti.

REAL PANAMAS. Guam Panamas, $5 up.

FRENCH PALMS. Milans and Splits.

OUR. STRAWS Cle&ned Fre*.

192 Market St. M

Wheels! Wheels!Largest stock In State; have

the largest assortment, do the largest business. 33 different makesto pick from. Lookat these bargains; all bright, new goods:Rpcrtal, 2 -22-ln. frumca................. fi]4 f)5Llmuro. (fuar. l ycqr. Z23 mocK*L.... irt USFlniare, with Morrow rotistty....... i l l noDlxk*. rng. *25 moUfl................. . 15 O.'JTrihuhp, Jiiv^-nlle, rog. 840 mod.,

Hart H rvft....,,.............................. 10 BOShemian ........................ .................. SO oOSterling $50 IndiPB" model.............. SA IMILedlea’ wheeln, slightly shop krorn. IS BOHartiefl. reg. |40 rnOi!el..\.............. . 2 B ODRemington, IIKK). k'lO m m i e l . 2 fi uO Tribune, chainless, s llgh t ty shop

worn ............................. ................ Its 00Tribune, 1300 mndel.......................... 3T Bi>Tribune, tandem.............................. BOBO

New Wheels, i^B down, 91 P f f week.

BargHlns In RpeoniLhand wheels, up, Biparns, 24 /rnnie, BlO; (jrlent racer, BIN; Lyndhurat, f IB; Inch racing ilres, ^ pur pair; Hanford tires. Iplt-flir; Engle tires,* f l .^ B ; Arch tires, f l .B O ; Defemier tires, yeHris guar., ftl£*OB; gas lamp, 1 0 c . ; long seat posts, ■itHia; saddlcR. 4 0 r .; good chains, TBe.; adj. burs., OOe.; oil lamps, OBo; Krvneh kftU .swcflierji, with button collar, mnilo lo ord'- r, any loIot;racing pults, repairing.


57 Freeman Ht., Orange Valley.

A* A«

Specialist, Offices 102 Halsey St., Newark


Ijong continued experletice lia» made him Muece.‘«sful lu ihe treatment of all Chronic iJlseubies of Men und WoCftea.

A ll N'£:rvuuH LdsuuHes.lYlsenseH uf LUuod und Skin,DUenwi* o f a private Naiuro quickly,

safely und permanently cured.All effects uf abused, execssea and Itn-

propfr life skilfully and gclentlflcally trealed.

Dlfli*.iBes o f Ih** TIoart, Kidnoyg, fltom-nch. JJver nnd TYIndder.

FK M A LE IHSEASES.FUas, without Lhe use of tho knife and

delerithm from bublness.Catarrh of Ear, Nose ami Throat treat­

ed by the Intest modern methudu and applications.

varlcocelo, Kptlppsv or Fits.Strict cnnfldcncr* will bo ohseryrd.

CONSULTATION T R E EOffice Houra: From &:3b A. M. to Ti M.;

1:80 to 3 Find 7 to evuniiii,'s. Ruiidayx, 1:30 to 3 and 7 10 8 P. M.

Offices closed W't-dnt'sdov und Rfitiirday.

B. Ya AN1> N, J* lELBPirO NM t




On Draught or in Bottles.


Both PlKFuki Ok

S t r a w H a tand

N e g l ig e e S h ir t ,A OomI CoaMamUoa.


E ? 5 T 0 N ' 5

aaon wmtaraala at t

BT ilia.BalMlrt* I

•aaatk. at Paiaalr. hi ft SflMi-rftvnd bftirt • t flpHMttM, Mftift.. Iftfll Blaht T in i(()t art* fta t ihroftghiMai ftM W >B «ftslbt«ft«a *Bp*rtoT flmaam.

»i*Hft«r w m m M«t nchL. s r t a s ; a:;.'.'-- ■ - l ,S 'S Z ia ' in a i3 ^ < is U - “ ? !r 2 W '.3 3 ^ ^

MarZiet and M u lb e rry Slrm9l4J


IrilUM BO* ■«

K .tM c U « IL I( ,.•tat.

BofttoM, a» Wfttftrtunr,---- _ —^aa ftBcomt o t ft artftll fttlanaasoft: Ofta bolu4 ft *bl-rft*M < tMaMbottanSi '


mm. m m m m m m m



Crews Were oa Eveo Terms Dalil the

Last Half Mile, When Old

Eli Drew Awaj.


C'am«rott, Viile*^ S troke , \ r ft r l3r Col-

lapfled a t T lir «e « ‘ iu lle Murk, find tbo i la r v a r i l Oaritnr^u W e ro Ctiui-

p le te ly Exhau sted a t the F ln ljib . H o iitc ln ir 3Iau In Poiir-unTed C m r .

.NEW tfONEHDN, Conn., Juno ??- In 'vhat was unqitestlonably tho moat tloiip.l ‘ varsity boat race evor nu-ed on the historic Thames Yale coii-’iu»'n-.4 Jt;ir- va r j yesterday afternoon while S.iXuj snui'- laiors roared Iti acclaim, l l tioi nnitl the last hatf-mlft that the aboutthe result qf the four-mile smigsJe threatened. Then Yste drov away and won by a scant tiro lengths In 23.37, with Harvard, exhausted, eight seconds behind. Previous to this race Yale had irtuniphrd In the froahman event by four and onr^ half leuKtha In 1.J7 4-1. while Harvard wfie victorious in the four-oared ctrntqai by six lengths, in 1-6.

In the ‘ varaiiy race Tale's sand nml tha HJflgnlflceul training o f the crew were the direct cause o f Harvard's dowTifall. The Crimson men fo r nearly tw<i miles looked as If they could not lose. Then the Yals coxswain, as hie crew'approached the two- mile rnark off the navy yard, steered in close to the dock. I’licre there* wa.s smooth water, and in a doaen or more strokes the Blues dr*;w up upon even terms with the Crimsons, who were In rougher water and had the wind blowing lightly at their backs.

But this bit flf manoeuvrlinc did not win the race for Yale, fur after this It wa i a fair, square test o f the crews' respect Ivo merits, and though It was nnyhody’s vic­tory up 10 the liist Imlf mih*. Vnie simply lasted better and rowed on 10 a glorious trlumj)h

Cameron, ih^ Ysle stroke, wns on the t erge of n rcllnpue at the flin'»--niik mark, but ho pulled himself toRetlur, and wHh ■womlerful i>luek he led his ni«n tin the front In a way that niHde him a horu Tlio Harvard men worn game tn Uie »*nd. hut i the Yale men kept up their ^jirimlng ' game with such remarkable pt^rslstenen I and pluck th.Tt tlw^- ilnaliy ruwrd itu.' , Cambrldgp men to n siaml.'itlll 1


Watsuoian Club, of Nortb Anerica, Com­

posed of Gradoites of Famots

School, to r ia j To-morrow.



Wameu Member* Ar-e lo Entertain tbe (lien RIdise Women—Women CoQipet« on tho Links of the tiolt ('tub of Moontdalr—J fnlo'b Play for t tutc C'hpiii|ilon*lklp.

ThoPofr-At HIM Ptpld Club will entertain on Its ^olf links to-morrow a team from the WutBonlun Club. A team uf Fore»t !ini golrefi has b PTi fliusnii to i?ontetit wjth tho WataontaiiB. The meeting has burn nnHnsed ihrmigh Artluir Hunter, pre slduiu of tbe Forest HIU I' luld Club, who \A Also n mt-mher <yf th« U itsonlun t’lub.

This organlEatlon, thw full ilfiti of which Is the 'IVatstJtilun Club of Norlli America, \a otimpustHi of twcnty-«?lght ni*>mL*er8, nil of whom arw grudtiute* from the Grorge Watson Colleg** of Edinburgh, Srollund. This la a large ••iliicnllunal Institution, w'lth u dally uliendanre of abcjiii 2.&0U. The ficoioh boye are vt-ry 4»mhii.Hlastlc aver BpurtH. und at certain tlmnsi during the year largu m«ets ure held, at ulilrh the flttendance, It is «nld. nftpn exceeds 20.000.

At il t'Se meets vfirloub athletic cuntests and games art* played nnd Mi yrh* races conteslod. Nnlurally enough, tun. the boys grlvq a great deni af Hm - pt-rfectlng themsk‘lvt-s In the ancient garpe of golf, ami flierefore have many vxp»-rts Jimonk their number. At echool they ,iri* common­ly known as '‘Watson hoys," and after leaving school "W.atsciniaiis.' Tn nilfltilon to the Wafsontail Chih of Vnrth America there are v;irlmjs organ1*atlMi\w through­out the world of graduntpe uf George Watpon Cnllcge. nnmvir. in Snuh Afnrn. South America, Australi.i. /,.‘.i]arnlaiijl ItifUn.

GradunicA of other cnl)ege.{ !•, .ilMnd, sui'h SIS StPw.vrt'a College an ! rt'ltu's Col- Uge. hove formed slmllnr urr;-nizatlons In \‘nrlouR countrle*<. The trani "f gi'lfers which the Waiaonlatis will pit aj.;afn>i Foreiet Hill iM-niorrow will 1j - nfJ- i>- " “ “Henr\' Molf, i-aina,-.* . - _ ufnt'Arthur Hunter, while rore>?i Hill's repre- peiitnttve? will be Tlars e\- Ihntih isn, Hm\v- nr<l GlU'P. Ernest A tleoffrny, I’aul 1Iell-'r • nd t-Klier F. W. T. Btllifl or Aru nj-l Hel­ler.

'I'lie ladles of the club will enler


1>. O M t O U N A: C O ..„ 1 •s-'MliuHnrs,

«• '! >5r4Kirl -51.. \e„.„Tlc, V. .rJUkM^ •

MARYLAND CLUBAfid sreihatyaugeftt.

........ . iF'ntn Trotn the Gl-si RuIl’*' G-.lrAt the finish eevernl of theCrlnisnii oar«- | riuh to-morrow, and on th<- I'miffh will

men were refidy to fdll overboard from 1 p];iy smiuc repreReniativ**.-* nt the Mnat-exhaustlon. | rtair Golf Ctuh, also at home Tliuse who

The ftlowncRR gf tlie rare was duo to the I will play for Forest Hill will 1 ■ Mis? Is-fact that hnth rr^vn idnyed a waiting ' Mlokc. MMs K. HIpcox, Mrs c. agame In the flrat two miles. iJoih lowered their stroke po that at tlm'-s there wjiji not more thsjn thirty to n minute. Hut when the filial rush to vlelnry came Vale

•;ir-VS'uiulrLiff. Miss Ethc'l Hunt amj Mi Ti* t'Mrk

W om en ('o inpedr rif Montclair,A V. .mien's competition clalnvil atienijoti


m «


Catholic Yoing Men's Diocesan Union

to Hold Aomiai Meet on

August II.


H r rn t* Uo^vn fiu- l>*Hiilun and W fn n iT * W i l l lie Hivnrdcd (*oM

W a tch e* . W tillf* ^eciutd Men W ill lie G iven K l l i e r Mvilri|i|....Ttrent>w A i'e S oc te tle * to lie Hvjirt-penird,

^ .

Three hundred nml Pfiv ' amount to be given In prizr eiuh annual field dny u:' Voung Men's Dfocesan T ilj. i>n Bnturdny, Augupt h' ,it track, JicHevUle, Twci;i.v i will be repreSPtiled. amurig M; itioiif being the Institute A

ilira la the • it thP fti'V-*- tb- t'lHliollr ; , !0 hf hebl tl*e Hlllaldr*

A- .PiH-ii-ilas ' H! i* tA Sr Aloy-

sUis'a Pnulety. 8t. Mlclui 'l' Y M r‘ A . KaihHr Mrithewa T. A H i -iy, Hay- ley Lyceum. 8t. Peter's \ .M *i A, 80- s'Miy, and St rolumbn's V M i" , of tills 8f. Patrick’s Club. i<- iMPlgetV and pi'ter's Lyceums, uf .i.iv. v I'liy, Fntre Nuuk and 8?. • : I'lu-Tson,ticalilcfl I'luliH from Hllzal-th "range,


m iBUllARD

+ + + + + F4-4-+ + -M-f + 4* + f +

hit the ptrnkc up to ihirly-pix, and dimply walked iiw;»y.

The crevys for thn mtiltt r.icw were on time In gpt^ig t. their markp At 7-lS the omlrioua c9 ck of the pistol waj> heor«L and th»* cn-wa, i>v*-r-uuxlnu.; lu b«*gln the airugRh*. houniled away like grayhoiinds.

Harvard caught the w-aref flrat. :uid the lusw nf the «.'iimhrl<lge ehull phot ahcail, so that aft-T ih»* ftr«l lo t yarda bad bw’n covered the Crlrnaon fnd a lend of nlmont five feet HriJh crews higan the t>anle with thlriy-’ lx “struk'p to the mimile. hut ofier the men had peitl^d dnwn the Harvard atriik.' wjiP lowered to thirty-ftve.. while Yale's went down t.i thlrlv-f»iur. The crpwft Wfre oil e\'i-n nrms at the llrpn quarter mlk.

The freshninn rsiur and th»* foiir-«>ar'N on- tent prpcnded thv big ev^m ..f jhe .l/ij,

The fre.xhmen elghis wvre •rut "ft u[i tin* river for their two-mile row jupt after o'clock J'ale took lead at the pinrl and wa.s never hraded. The Itpie Md hy thrr^-qunrterp of a length at Hi.* half mile. A lengt)i and a half at the mile and In the last mile, hv work ?uperlor In *-v«*ry de­partment of rowing, easily crossed the line four and a hnlf lengths ahead. The limo was:

Vale. 1D.27 4-R: Harvard. 10.4S.From the appearance of the awo four:

on the water at the navy yard at the end of tfie freshman race there was never a doubt as to the superiority of the Har- f»rd quartette.

The race began at 5:4n, and Harvard proceeded to take vengeance for c+ie freshman defeat. The Crlmsc n o.trpmen took the lend at the crack of 'the plaiul. and proceeded to make a walk away of It At the half Yale was a length behind. Rowing a stroke of thirty-four, two points higher than Harvard, the New Haven collegians w'ero unab'ie lo remain in th« running. Harvard gained so rapidly that the race became uninteresting, except for the beautiful work of the Crimson, There was trouble In the Yale shell. Thomas, nf bow. and Rumsey, at 3. having rowed themaeU'f s out sofar as eTTectlvc work was- concerned. Harvard added lengths to her lead, and crossed the llnf» In 11.49 1-S, .six Icngths'shead of Yale. The time of Tale was 13.09 1-6.

oil the links of tlie fiolf Club nf Montclair yesterday. The rontcsl was flip the Gov- CTTiiy R niid threa jdayprs tied for

R. S. Francis, who rowed No. 2 oar In the Hj\rvard four-oared boat. Is A Mont* clalr boy. and prepared for college at the Montclair High School. It whs mainly through his effort thAt the Harvard four was victorious. Francis rowed on the "Weld, 1902. class crew this year. He Is twenty years old, weighs 170 pounds and la six feet two Inches tall.

- — ---------1-----------------


E a stern E n try in E n fflew ood fttakes

Beaten Ont in D r iv in c F tu lali by Mnnd Gonne.

CHICAGO, June 28.—There was fine sport at Wsshbigxan Park yesterday. The best Englewood Stake run In the history o f the clastic was seen, although only flve fllUes competed. Lady Schorr was an absentee, leaving Sadie 8.. on Eastern entry; Lady Btrathroore. Maud Oonne, Faneywood and Trin ity Bell to go 10 the post. Lads' Strathmore was made favorite, but fln- iahed last, TrloUy Bell was tired, and

.Badle 8 ., deapUe Butlman's efforts, was ■ulklng.

MAud Gonn«» ruontag straight and trvei, continued In the lead and looked Like an easy winner until the last sixteenth, where Bu liman got Sadie S. goln^ again, and the Baatem filly closed rapidly. Tbe nnish was one o f the moat exciting Imaginable, but Maud Oorme managed to aUy In front

short head from Sadie

first ,place. These lies arc to l e plnyvil (iff on Saturslny. The scores w^ re;

Mrs II O ,Plymlnn, 136-1.^121; Mrs. J Router Porter. 13:’,-12—121. Miss Qracp I^’S- k-un. 133-12-121; Mrs. F. M. Horrl-^OTi

In the first match piny rounds of the New Jcrst-i' Stair championship at Engle* wo'ul ye*:fenln.S’ nfl« rnoou ll cumiot be said thut any grent surprises were reenrdi'd The’ three favorites In the tourney—Chrim- plDTi Ari'hlf (Traham. o f North Jersey, Al Icn Kniii.Tday. of Monlclnlr. and Percy R Pyn i. 2d, (if Mijprls County—all won their miitcbcs rnthrr handily. A. H. Larkin, the V(juntakiih crack, who qiinlirted In the first Mlxteeri with 92. defftulted In the after- nn«m beriuBc of the excessive heal. A number 'f the plnyers barely escaped he- Iny ru-r rc"nie during the first rwnd. The oftm iiion Piitnmary follows:

( luirnplunshlp Cup—P'Irst round. Olenny berfi l^rklti. hy default; Graham Iteat KIrkt-p, « up, *i to pl.»y, Wilcox Allen 4 up, 2 !•. play: Colby 1>ent Scott. 4 up. 3 to plfi> , Held l(eai Candler. 4 up. 3 tn plav ■ Hyn.-* Iu>ni Rclnmund. .'i up, 3 to play; Ken* hiiday Eu-at Hnker. 7 up, to piny: Mnrsrl- lUR Rowley. 2 up, 1 to play.

Consolation Cup—First round. Culver bent fiayllss, 5 up 1 to play; Wa(nnn heat Garretson. 4 up. 3 to play; Olyphant bent Cnny. 1 up. MhcIUi befit (''mts, hydefaiili* Moury heat MltchF^lL & up. 4 to piny; Clark heal Kell. 1 up. twenty holes; lilftHp Enoi. S up, i to piny: PLuce heat Scon, bydefault.

McKinley’* mlnlaf nre‘ ggiue n*\%nr. Next Sunday’s KKWS, ‘


lU’lleVlIP*. Hobcjkt'Ti. llloum ](■HIM, Irvington tind Harrisr>rto In- (.Iccided lire:

Itti'-.vii rrl i »iieh—HaTullcnp 22"-y:ir.J Kun—Handlcap- IAi'-yui'd Nu\’lc«—Upt-ii lo III' I

ni vi'f vi I n n prtxe In open C"1m|KM-yitrrI Run—Handicap. ll.(ir-rnU*' ]ll» ju'le Race—P< r ii C>ne-mllc Run—Handicap.Tturuiiiig Hroad JumiJ-'-Haruli! ,i]i Hiinnlng High Jump—Ifiimllr.ip PuitSnji: Six leeu-iif.iund Shot—if iii-Miuip, "tif-m lle H flay—Four men to c inHttUite

a team.Two-mlle ninyde Race—Hujiillc.ip.The prizes will be a R 'ld \rfltrh to first

and a plh‘"r nu-dal to Ht-cotul.Tropliy foF IHk Ii Scope.

TYie socloty Hcorlpg th(* largest number of polnlH win be pr(*eentf'rl with au els* gam trophy. In former >U'or» the Instl* tuto A r. i‘ai*1iiPM.l this with rnmparaUvo ease. Init from ln<llr:.ulc>ns (hey will hove to husllp Pa do It .tg.iln. The Entro Nims. Bellevlllf, St MoyFlue, Harrison and Or­ange ^ llle}■ •liibs ar(i nil <>u1 for It. ami their r-lijmcrK arn alxiul even.

The hievrle races are new event-', and as scores of rPiick amateurs ar(- I’onuecteil with the dlfferK-tit sncli tb-s th«-y will bo hotly contested

Thn Ir.nck Ik In elegaii-f cundUlon, with grand iitnd a^comII1od. ll.’lns for 3.000 peo­ple A larKC liancliig pavilion is being erected. In ^hioh a reception will be heiri nfter the games Music will he furnished by Nichols'S f rchesirn. Tom IliiriiH has been engaged to nr' In the cai^arity of announcer. The chairman of the conimlt- U'p of nrrnng* meni* Is Hd J. O’Rrb-n. nnd iho secretaries are J K. tVHarn and Jt>- fr'ph A. trleririfni

n A S B E E in p

r in in * io\ s in p HFroRnn.


F lr « » TIaarn.nn K lltp d by l.l|thtnli,g und lln if-d b a rn P ln y r r * and

Mpprintor* llnrt.rm c A flO , June !5i,.\Vhl!e »

rhaU was In progrpsa ai Monrop Cpnir* tw.'nty mllpa amiihpnst nf Hnefctord. light: nliiB klllPd Morrt." rnrison, flr»i baaprnan of OOP of !hp tpama TiiP plpptrlp holt knnpkpil down half a ilu »n othpr rlivara and n nuTnhpr nf app.-tatora. all of whom however, reiovered quickly. ’

The conipwiluK tp,ima were aeml-pro- fpaalonal organliatlona of Monroe Centre and Rockford. The game w *« played to the aocompanfmenl of a daialln^ electri­cal dlaplay. It had progresaed to the la at half o f the seventh Inning, when there waa a terrlnp repi.rt from the overcaai heavena, (pi lowed hy a blinding flaah. Th» Infleldere all fell to their kneea, and aa they went down they aaw Carlaon claan hlB hand.a to hla hreaat, turn part way aalde and pitch forward npon hla face

Bppctatora and playera, when they had recovered from their fright, ruihed to the fallen player'e aaalslance and were hnrri fled to And him deed.

The bolt atmek Carlton upon the top of b it head, aplitting hla rap. j{ia ),a!r waa tinged a little, but the electric fluid left no other mark upon him.

and win by _________which baat Trinity Betl two length! for the place.

--------------e----- --------

FOURTH RACE IN OLD BIRD SERIESiJ. Dllnfit'a Lofi K iaU lirg Flr*t

« » Arvrar^ 9t>r«4 «r l,4Mi:tag Varda P «r 3l1mat#e

In the fourth race In the oU] blrfi oarln o f the Airangp JMolrict N aiiom i Fedara* tlon o f American Homing Pigsoa Fane d e n , which waa flown reoently- th* •♦.lUi wara ae follnwa:

llo iia l Ijeiuciie. fw u. Vi' VV L PC.

Pl‘ 1.1 fj .11 2-1 .S7* SI lADila. . .29 2fl G2Tfir. . k ' ' 24 -.’ft47 Ti'-H'.-n .25 t i 521NhA Y . 21 S4:i ( 'In.’ lnnNil . 20 -4SlV^il \ I- , 1 _■;< .MT iUilr-A*o lO 3« .m

1 niep rnn l.ens^ne.ft*.' L. r r W. I* PC.

I'hkrLu; ' . 'A -lo l»e|rolt . IS 20 .02Apcp-. -T 1U iv>n .Mh)rit|<'a .. 21 SO .412rUlHlr- r. 20 .tAfi .ftfUn'tiikeri . 10 S3 .|410

I.i.t ■i 2- 2" .V»»i '■■IriV. land \H 32 .360yu Nt rrn Lenm ie.\K ta pr ftV. U PC.

R. , . -■•r .11 HI T'sHI) liTAru*!* 21 24 .4117T r- ’ lb li'KI .21 20 .447P i. • • - 31 22 .sftM.ft ■ Tn 27 .420M ll” ' ID 2n .4;47 Narifrrd .Ik 2ft .SOI

\ft l-Mtee D A*eoa*tatlon\V U r » ’ \v. L PC.

Iniliann; .4'* 17 nui Tnledft 27 29 .402JV '.I'a I ’. '1 1 2ft ftiii Fl ftft'flyne 2ft S2 4flT.ftu 27 Marlon 22 35I';. I' '1 ?7 27 1 'niumhuN 22 30 • AIMm > l l O F VKNirKKiMY’ll GAMRg,

Nnrifinal l.rn in ir.ft ' '•■,’iin It'. 'hlraxf' T 'tlrsl HJinif); PhU-

aii'ii;i T i ■ hii «*(» .1 csecnnd narttej; Cinoln* □fcti T S>'‘ V 'tIi iftrsl snm»), .S'sw York 4, Cini ll " '*-«onf1 garni*}; Ti-iston S, HI Loult7 tu,.' f ' 111 h'l Hj-t-yklyn 8, PUishur* T.

\ merlrnnr.n'

Fl.' - I Ult'H <

hlridiribhilaUtfli-hls ft. W'ashlrifiun J

Cleveland * - • •

fun.t fi. J ■ Halt: i:*,

Detroit 4,

f;II ■tern leeajgne.i-r' \i<lrnfe b gamsi: Uufltio•- 1 ifiro-niij Mtvitrral S,

k, WuiTMtef 1. RochBst#*TI 7 T 'T *ntnjM r.

lnilisr>ap*»lls 2. Wheeliinf ft, F.>ft1118. LuutiViUe i.

g.vma); Toledo 10,—ariom 4Marion 2

V4 ea lern .kaaoelatloia.Col in t'U'

I i'L'-.1 .flrsi

(5ri.- .riilGV.>1E 84IIKIKLE1> FOR TO-DAY.

NuHonal Leagae.fhiUdelphla. i>t. Loult at Boaton, Hr - ‘klyn. Cincinnati at New Toiii! \n*erlc«a l<eago^.

Aihlp'l^ baltlmora. Hoatno at W’aahln#- lon. ilBx’elsnd at Cblca<n, Milwaukee at De- Lreu

rnK- ’g - -*f plnsLurK m

FOREMN TURF RVe NTS IN I «M .Prtaccae ot Watea’a Stakaw (£l&e66>

Thuraday. July i.ScUpn Itakaa (flO.acg), rviday. July U. Aoodwood Cap, Thuraday, Anguet 1. Doncaater St. Leger, Wedneaday. Sep-

tnoher U.Doncaaier Cup. rriday, September I t Jockey Club Btakei Thuradar

October tCaaarewttch Handicap, Wedneaday, Oc-

toher JA"irfc PJate. Friday, October B.' r -ahire Handleap^ WUdoeadey,

MhI- Can

Od'.itw-w. . .1 Plate, Thureday. October f l U vv r i*o t Autumn Cwp. Priday, Kdreew

DeeW Cgp, Friday, Kowanbar S.-M tee Koyeabar Bator.

J. Blind l ..........5". A. Dukea...Thomea Wllwon ____ __J. W. Booth................iJgSlJ. H . JmnlBga................s y »

' » e t Bro B. Leonard___

: Brother*.,


Jt'n.s) lofgiM f s h S t

hoa.i i.aiM

k Bobart Foetar. _____■o’* ■>»*«» a from

....... * * . «retuma.

httlCM I

Slateavllle. N. C.. at Mb mllea.

-Amarteu. Naraibon Road

H oad H aea a t FaiThe entriaa for the __

Race are about to eloaa. That, ara ^ u man nterad and tea priae. an. Tba foDowIng la g Hat ot tha man n teted: Jeratolak Criaunlna, ~ port OraanaaltiiB, Ci Baiw

, Cawthrldga-

T »^ ™ . N- T.; Bd- Oruaaall, Jr

2"*- ■ Chart** K . K a w lu d . Rfghjaad. A. C, SyractH*. N. T.; Otto F. RbS k OeT: « T. M. a .A „ Bafcla;Cmxm T. IL CL A., IwtMfc “

Vore«< Hill V*. fieotefi Pllala*eTht* For'*‘ t HMl Field Club's fepreaema-

ijvc's will have as opponenu at Forest HlU lo-tnorrow afternoon tho team of the Sruifh nasebatt Club. ■ nine whichba.i n«'t m»*i defeat so far this Wesson. It la f<imj'''>ei'd of a lot of fine ball playera am) win*-.M give Foreat Hill a hard rub- On the Fourth Forest Hill will play two gaiTu** at home. In the morning with the West iTauge iia»e*ball Club, and in ths aftenuion «’Uh the team of the Bellavllle Wheelmen Rath of these garaea will doubti*'SK I'losc. The 'wheelmen haveImproved muth since thej- met Foreat Hill about s month ago, and have also strength'*nf<l th*-lr team b>' the addition of iwme ir.jGerla!. The date for the flrat Forest HUl w-MKlalde game boa been defin­itely set as Saturday. July 10, at Woodslda. *rhe line-up of the Foreat Hill beys for to- row's game will be as foUowai

HInnL, pitcher; Baker, second baae; Leonard GUi e- third base; Bdxlth, ahort- •tdp. Hoiimwn. centre fteld; H. Cltoa, caicher; S«"ien or W Cline, right field: Frank GUes. first baae; Sanaon, left field.

W codaldp V*. F w r fla ii P le ig Clwb.Thr Woodalde A. C. haecball nine wtU

have es opponents at Woodolde to-morrow the puritan Field Chib. A clOM and In- lereallng *»cne la expected- Ducher and Wllby will be In the polou for the Purl-






We Pay



PEb>'SVLVANIA RAlUfOAD-On a p d ',n «June 1ft, lOtTl ^ dkinw n/in i m—rri

l[^O IH G fiN ’ tfti(.AN C LO lH IEPj


STORESNewark, N. J., I28-I3I-I32 Market St, j'Cor. Broadway aid Park Place, N. \. j THHEE LARGE

Comer Halsey. ll7M 79 Broadway, near Cortlaadt, N. V. STORES.


Greatest Sale ef Clethiog Ever

Men’s Sueimer Koewn!

SEBGES. STBIPED SEBBES, F M IC rl i n e s t r i x s A X

F L A B N a S .

5 . 9 8 6 . 9 8 8 . 9 8are the greatest barg;ains we have ever be«n able to offer. Blue Serites, .''trlped Series and Striped Flannels, made as swell as the highest priced rarments. nil.iTARY COATS HIQH CUT VESTS, the TROUSERS with CUFFS'AND BELT LOOPS, and, best of alt, every suit warranted absolutely all wool and fast color.


in neat stfipcs. worth Jtr.oo

- i O e *

Men’s Plain Black and black and White S T R I F » I i l > O O A X S S ,

« O e .

Separate Striped nannel Trousers

for golf, temil.c, for 1.98.reduced from $J.0U and S3 SO.

$.S.OO Blue SerKc Coats, skeleton lined and fast color, sale price

$4u50 Sliver Cray Block and White Stripe Alpacfi Coats and Vesta,

► * > - 5

White Duck Trousers, 0 B c .worth $2.00,

$.1.00 Kicytle Pants, a ll-w o o l,Checks and Stripes^

1 . 4 W .

Fancy and White Washreduced to

4 9 c , an d 7 4 c .for $13(1 to $3.00 qualitie.t

V es ts

$2,110 l ight and Dark Brown and Slhor (iray Alpaca CoatA,

V > « S o .


JuM ifl, 1001, iraiiii will l#ave Mar|K*i Straw ^'aUoo. Newark. ^ (iillowi;

tnf 10:27 A. M. PerinaylvMla dollv.

1 ullmfin Comi>artti!Pni, rfreerting, Irtning, Smok-

A. iiicirinatl. InJlinapolV Louli-GM«, {. IjouIm.I' t-'hloftgn and B(. IjijuIb ExoraB*

Liulsvillp fvi« Clnrlnnailj. todUn-«-'|Hciiru. Si. L-iuKi.

'■ ^ Kxprwai. tJaily. Fmiina sV'u'mti'' ■LuuIbtITU

f i>:2k i‘. M. \V$>p(#rn Fii|irvi« dally. FotT UuiOurK HUci Chtcagfi. For 'ToleOo, »ac«Dihill unlay.

HxI'Tom, dally, FojHttsburK And t (ilctigo. Fur Knoxville, daily.

!4h(-rtwn.J.-Hh Valley Uouie. Cnrnecta i levelfliul. itXt-'Tfit Sjfliurday.f .*i ..'j7 TV M , iLitiy. fk-vrtjHri'l and Cldrinaail

Lxorrijw Vtri riii5i,(,rK. yievpland, Cuiumbudand Ni«hvU|p (via I'lBf'innatl ancl LoultvllU-i.

W .JhinSiVl uN' a N1.> THTiJ SUl’TH. hiJllJUure. WHehlngton and iha South.

IJ 47. Ji:Jt H M iUmU»*d Vipr^ss, Full, ftmu A t*«iibulr* J’arlur 4\tn. V*wllbui»* Aaswd- e«r ‘-'.tfi'* Hii.l iMmng I'nr, li>:46), 11:2ft A,

il., 1..U, 1;2\ d;.*i(;. ft 2ij an<l U:fl8 P It-WdUtham Hallwny. Ei|iru« S.ftS, 4-ftf i> IL 12:47 JilKlu. UallyNL»rft>lk and v\iiu»rn Hnllsaikv, pnr Memnhh

and New OTlvana. J.fts J*. m AllOiJlIc Un« gyi

i>*I f* .M. daily.,!ly.

Al hr. andand kXjjW Exiireiw, 8;M

dally.Fl<Ttila nhil MF tropoTltoA Lwllr. KiyrfM. a.

A. M fterik-iliiya. _rieflLyniJ Vlr Lllia.

TJmli.-d, \ as F il.U liatlv.CA iVjmforf arid Nc-rfolh. SzumaMi27 A M Rerih daya and W;27 1’ M. dally

Kiir T’lnla.j.-KiiU, Laprii**, 12.ei, ’7:65,0 27 N ftN y 2». tl:ft7 /IO:4ft tlmHH Ex-

re»B 1 utimun Vtutlliule I'arlui- Cara, Veailbula ‘RthriM and Lulling Cor), 11:2ft A, 2tl. 2:44. S:24. ?;&>*. 4 :ttT, fl;2A . .. -17. h ftT, U:27 atul p. M. Au-

quiurntrilMJcn. Tl.*j A W.. R;iNI unJ 7.3S P. M. ^ Sunday. Rrnrejwi. 12:41. fl.lA d;57.

0iJd. 0:27. 8:*t. » V.h and 9:5ft F. U. Ac*(’.m*iio.)ai1(:n. 6::iu and t,.*l3 P. M. ei tV‘‘ 1 (a>, 1:56. 7:W. 8:2t. S;6fi, iU):46 JtiuilleA fixprima. Pull*moil ftriUlhuW I’nrtor Oarr. VewMbulw pa»#ep‘

nd lilniUH i/or). 11:20 and Uifte

paam-nai-r M . V2.M. L2tl, rt'S«. 0:2.8. SJ7.

fer (Artchria and Ifinluii (‘or), 11:20 and UiSb A H.; I2:8u 1:2 , 1 r-rt. i . l i , 8H . 3:58. iToft. G ae, (12 ) 7 S;i. s ir, y 27 tnA 5. p. m, iun-G ;day. 12;4Y ft:4H, 8;ftA irj7 ft 6f lli fto on'il ll.lW A. W . 1.2it. 3.ftA, i i i . 6.5J: 5:307 8 ^ ; 7:ftS. H:27. H 27 dJiJ W.5N V H

For Atlaiujo (Tiy Thn-ugh VnrtlhuUil Ex* Drewa Tralti*, liu(fi-t Parlur Car^ paaaaiMr Cim.-h and rnmUlnrid Oiaoh. 10:26 A, H. Ona a:2tt P. M.'lay». FapTeBW. 12:47 and ll:ift A M.- Lift EiJicI 3 44 P M Wrivk-daya 10:4> A M BwHirdayt only Pumluya, 13:47, 0:48 onft 6:24 OiiruuaJi Vrmibulri Train. Pullman Patlor Snioklns f'lir, Pullman Parlor Gnm. Panilayl- vania liallrLtH 1 I ij

K"r AiUhitr I PoiilA. fl 4ft ^

fl IS .1, .M., uii'1 i .'w P. M SunJtyt,,T ‘ '“iT 15.4f nlghi. M iri11 2il A a1 SAfurdoyM iinly.

hiT pi>int.4 i.ti (hi- N*w, f.i;k pnd L^n* BranchRailroad, 4.1.T ii.3i a . M.. Lift, 2:66. 4:0ft,

■ uiMiiaii r»gguvlullman Parlor Gnm. Panilayl- Iijiiiny I'ar and ('i)arfa»»> A. Hi. I'uy vlii Jipiawarr River Rrlox*

, 3,44_biu1 4_5ft P. M. WMw*


«nd 5 .'15 p M On Rund'ayr 1 *15 A. U' andM r........... . ■ - ^

\\ hile Duck Qolf and HicvclcPantM,

Boys’ Confirmation Suits and 2-Piece Suits.

Sizes 6 to If) ^ears.MlKftd riiPvidtH .

4 rai IlluA H* rJTft! .....i:Hluf? Sflfffefi.........lii Nj IlhiB Serge Sudb.


Blue and Blade Serge Suits For Faf Men,

Ami rluM ioTH, I)xtoriJ«, I'linry Wor'*li‘il nud Blauk IhftKnual.

5.98, 7.98, 9,48.

Young Men’s Suits.1 " 0 'It-'.'-.o IV 5

13 lo 19 Years.I'rmcy Chevints. . ^\'(.r,sted Suits. .,lilne S e r g e ! ..........Hliie S er ies . .


O J V E > F » K I C 15 T ' O . V O I v .

4 9 C a n i l9 8 CNO END OF


Straw H at tim e is here. Straw Hats are roatly. Bigk'cst best stuck.

Fine grade S p l i n t S t r a w , R ough Braid Hats, in the newest sum­m er s t y l e s , including the A lp in e , which is des­tined fo r universal popu­larity. W orth 1 1 , oo ami $ i.oo. Our price.s

Men’s Pants.In fancy wor.steds, cheviots, neat checks

anil stripes. Regu lar $ 2.50 val- 1.10M en’s W ool Bants, f.aiicy wi.rsteds ami eas-

simeres, in stripes and checks.Regular S3.00....................................

Men’s tVorsted .iiul Flannel Bants, in dressy patterns, regular ,$4 . . .

M en ’s Bants, line wor.sted, in effects, regular $5 .5 0 ..........

1.89 1.982.89

Shirt W aistTrousersworth f?.'"'. ipH.ig.nni] |io.fio, tn nil the m-weM Strijju I'liin- nrlft ftitd P n 1] f V ^ 'll 'ile«l•,salt* jtrii'fj,

3 J 3 .9 9 4 . 9 9M en’ s $4.00 and $5.00

Shoes and O x fo rd s .

LEAD!KG6 MLRicAN c iO IH ltO ^

49c a n 498c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i $ % ^ l ^ ^ l ^ i

NKWa KK. n . j .,

128-130-132 MAKKRT STRRliT,

Cor. Halsey.


177-179 BROADWAY, Near Corllandt SI..V. V.

-Ml tllf TMfWllst ffpotwrar. com-

h i ll•.liors niit! Oy- f u T >1 s, pAlrut Icnlhur, patent kill, liox, \v n \ .Till 1 ki,i'« iT ralf, lilrit'k .Tti'l lirown viui k i ll. t h e.innrtiAtAt


ft 43 P M Rinp jn liiiprlHJiHTi for Ooipati Oroyaor A»fjyrv J'lirli nn Huhdiiy.

Pnr liiwi in. uithivtH c-!if»njr». J2:ft5 P. *J-M-w-ir D .5(1 p ftt ,UHy.•* ir Kr-H.hlyn, V, All thrr>ufh Imlna <'oa-

Ti.'.i 111 .]Hr«vy I'lty with txHiia uf "PrnnayLvanltl Aunt*a •

KEM' YOHX.Miiikrii Htrw't Blailarn, S:lft. 6:41 0:01

T:5T 8:07* I.'., Ilf. vH:34, -Hr.S'j, HrftS, N:ft7, Uiin. UiZA 9:aH. j(i-iN). u\ -'7, i/» ?.«, ij/rT n:17. 11:34 A. H. 1 U iKA 12:211. 11*4, |:SM, I ftit,' R.irf, 2:80 ft;0T,

a:5-5, 4;i,’t, 4;h4. 6;/A 513, .-i:4i. rt’:0li ft:3blt'.ro, f;ir' - ^

___ While Cffwfcett and Wettliha will,Oft iwual. <10 l»a-tery work for thtWoofioldef The tiaf' - will b« i ifaHoire; jPuritan Ci'- »rria. flrat but;g^wafi*. bt*. -urltjr, ohortotop;Duma third bitte Itfl fifld;

ctn t» Denalng. right flcM, Ducim'* WUby, eateh^fi Wglih,fluhfttitutft.

Woofiotfift A. C -F Iybb, left fitftd; W ut. csoatft fiftld; W arm . om« i4 bow;

w «M *a « •w ** r ; «a w ta**:

niume. Tlffht Vreeland. fir^t I'a*"',DiiKiiifl sihoriRtop; Crockett, p IP'Iu-f HutUer, sjbslltutft.

Sftutb Pa rle va. B e rk e ley . Tu-ni'irrow a l 3:30 P, M. thf* ?otPti

Parks iin-l Hfrkeleya w ill croin bai? i u 'ri- South Parks’ prounda. A good gaiiu nj.»- be » ■ * fij» both teama aro wet! rii'il (hey will endeavor to K'-i . *1thrtr Yri-st On ThuraiJaj’ .............July 4. thf- South Parka will play tb«- I ' i ’ k A. t' Mf Npw York, and on BatunlHv J hv ft, ihHV will play the aecond o f a mr\ > ■ ' guniris with the Puritan A. C. of M' n i- clalr The line-up o f the team^* t- r i morrow Is aa followa;

South I'arks—BoyL catcher; M* rn--pltrher. Barrett, flmt base; Bplcer. s* *... Ih«i«e. F SalF^elln, ahorlatop, il.iM ’ -ri; thlr'l hfisf*; Oti, left Held: Hoot. n:r.- flpl l. M eal!.»FlIn. right fleld.

It.-rk-leys-Miller, catcher; Diiy-iiiii I-.*’' Mrlnl.vrc. Ur*t base; McOhc'*. r- I base. Uevkcr. third baiw; Phllltu. rb' ' Hup. Herron, left held; Crimen.. r;.l ' flel-l, iir .w .ter. centre Held.

SVateeaelDB a t Irv In K l'm .The crack WatseBelng Baeebalt Clnl v ll

play at ibe Weet Clinton avenue pr"'.' I irvlngton. to-morrow, and will nu !trive 10 get even with the home tenrr. ' r Its defeat la.t j-ear. The itrong gam- Watses.Ing team hae been putting up 'H - year le fully appreciated by Irv lrc i' r and extra practice has been had this ».-el. In get tn condition. Tbe line-up;

Irvlngfon-^Wiley, catcher; L. HmoUI.'' or Booth, right fleld; Kelly. ehortM ij Bchroeder, hret bate; Schoner. left lleit Nelson, third base; Kinney, aecernd t..,.- Weber, centre fleld; F. Boutllller. pli. h-r

Watsesslng—F. Ferguson, ahort.i'p Thomall. flrel base; Pay. third ha.- J Ferguson, catcher; Hesterfer, pltch-r .s Dailey, left fleld; Ellor. aecond has*-, r Dailey, centre Held; Rarabafher. right field. The game w ill be called at ;i i O'clock.

U le a n o o d e va. R a t lw a g Cullege.The Ulenwood A. C. will play the H'l'- |

land College team to-motrow on th-lr ' grounds, JeSenon and Kinney street, and aa tho vtaltora are playing a f i . t game a good contest may be looked (or I The batting order wlU be as follows

Olenwood A. C .-Bgnr, •ccond baee Me- i Cue. third base; HopewixHl, firm hsae. Tootien. left fleld; SberldAn, ahortsiup Skidmore, centre fleld; Oliiick right Held: Huck, catcher; Clatk. pitcher

Biitland CoUege-Dmsny. fimt baae; Bln- ghrann. aecond base; Woods, third base Ryan, ihortalop; Dmrtna. left field, Ar­nold, centre flsM; Kranw . right field. Gib­bons, pitcher: Rooch, catcher.

S ^b arh aa A . O, w ., A lla ir e ,The Buburben ^ c . o f Foreet KU| on the

Sullivan, a^conrl Iihh*', Donovan, Iff ilirilrl; KhflW’. rljiht Th« aftprn«x>n of,hil> 4 ihf Whct'JfTiPn play th<» For«flt Hill:*!i l Koft'Ht Hill

I ft k : I lirif T.

Parlian W^nt Oratagra.. fMt Purllun KrouruU. Firm end 8us-« X ftVv>nuF, tli«’ i'lirltiin A C. will ha.v<j

I f.T npimnerjtfl in-m rrnw ih** utmng ’W'fwjt''ffiriiiji? nlhei. Tht I lirithm* t-rp<rt a haril

I *: inif. ami will juii mu the utfongaat It am T I ih |ln*--iii>

I I'nrltnn A. —c.'oilticII#*)'. rentr* flalfi;'r'"t| It-fl fivid, t'luli?. BFCofnJ baap; t 'M frii, ahr>n M'fp, Iei*hcy. flnit T>fia<:;

t MHjlll. third Tifiji-, UtRon, ri^hi fteld; I l<ij\l iri. rjitchpr. HmlOi i.liclu-r'

\\-?*t OrMUKe A I’ M u rph y, [iltcher; AiNfitin, Hhnft pirip. M.itriin, ftrnt haaf>; I'oiiohUH, p*»cflnil Yuirt$-, H’ lTEpfltrIck. |#ft fY'M AIHllpn, rlRhi r|eM, i ’usi*‘no, third I'-iN- Kf-arncy, oitrlisr, T.fsH h. centre n- 11

lilt tfurn*- win liri rnlirtl Kf 3 t1 P. M. ^ r fr a rk f ubnai <«liii4|a.

T?i» Nf WrirkH and I' (gl.Tntii will |iiiv II \Vifdi*nim:i > IT H 1‘ark n^xt Sun ll fv nftiTTtoon T M h will hn (h*' aecond if.tnif Ml their Htrlc-B* TJi»- teams me( three w .. k?t Ago. ihe l-.rals I.elna vlrtfirlou*. The I'lji-.iii- will hav* their new pKrher In S 'liiliiv Prank Oranl. tli*- rrnrk necotid Ti.i*. iTiriii, In with them end rtmtinuea to ril. i irif' ihrit rrowda with hl« maf\*etlou4

1 MrFhtTRon, NVwrtrk'n iipw tw'lrkr.e ‘‘ rsidilv xucTi an exrf'llf-ni fhowjng

I Irvlntfton, will du (h*» pltrhtng forGih home lenm.FhNei roanty I'nrk rhttlle-ii|a««

TIih J>afX Park ? <>■ they ran de-fi-Ht jinv fifteen tn •!xt»-e,i year old tramji !n ihe <-lty. bor non* They will give half -'sr..-ri!«.-!» in vlfllii.r*. gam-e to be played In ihe County Park grounds. Lake' ircet and blnomfieSd avenue 0 (>en daiei

I ‘t,r*- Juiv 13. y> and 27 and all Haturdaya I -n Augiiel Addreap F.e«eji Tauntf Park ' Tinv-. 2J5 lA4k'< Bireei, city

U rleo la a l Ifa^rtfinrne.Tlif < frit rtt K C will Jayriiry tn Haw-

tl m»- (D-nmrnjw to play the Haw- ' rru H M f' MemWrp will reimri at

t!u Krie Ralirnad Btallon tn lime for l:tJ .nrk iro4n. Minion and Baldwin will

I be In the iKflntp for the Oiienta.He>>lot$e Ja n loe* W a n t Uaiuee.

i The Keyaione Jrp would like to hear ' f't»n5 any ihlrl«^n and fourteen year old j If am for ftalurfiay afternoon or holiday*.

Julv 4. P M . Ip open Addrea* ('apTaln Jnperh Klmblf*. BouTh Eleventh itreet,

I N» wark.lia* Jnly 4 Op^a.

Uwlng to (*nnee1latlon the L fi.

iirtM t--am In the gam*- f •1 vni iriuri without pnv ?

1 TNri Idif pUi'her aayp ]i< rk iijMl thut date, niiil hh riiiDr a.iiTiaa were unfair

piorrnrt',111 .Ljlv 4v, >i nottil ■[« III


0:8T. Il.fii f;isi, T.Sfi, T:B4. k:ret, k:mi. iugsitG:2.l. 11:1* J' M.. and 12:07 night. ftundajT Uaturi. A HI, G.42. M;W. vi:W. I0:0fl, 10;(t2.](i:4tl lS:fHi A. M.: 12:‘(7. 12 10. I2:h7, 1 ;80,I 04. 2;2h. .H:ip] 4;SH. ft up. «;Z3. 7:4)0,7:20. T:7.V 7-31, M:uft. e 34, b:2t. lo.^S, 10:MI’. Nf.. rJ:OU mImKi.

IClIaalreTli find ITiiliway. 4:1B, TtOO,7 sNN. &:47. h 11:37, ll .TO A. M.; 1:00,l.Oil (2 34. RrUunUiM olih), S:AM, 3:3M, 3:4ft,4 .30, 4 ;iM. f. (MK ri-'JS. ft.4M fl|(^D1<ie« not run Saniidaya). 41:in, 0:41, Q:40 T'OT, 7:,33. b:UL h 4). 0:42, 10:47, 11:33 P. M.; I3:lft liml 13 4? nluhl. Siindnva, fl;43. fl:3u 0:A4, lci:lfl. Ill ;t(.i IL.UJ A. M-. 12:33 1:33. 3:3.1 4:32, r.:n;t, .VBii, 7:01. 7:14, 7:33, 7 fit# S:34.111 if|. 10-41! 11:32 r. M. and 12:47 nlaht- For Kll#nlpr |li .>nly. 11.27, tl:r.T A. U.; 12:.’W, G;l»0 loft O-Nh ]■ M «>■*•!(-lift ye. New nrun.HWlrk, H:4d. 7:00. 7;: M, 3:8ft»n .17 Hil l 1 1 .:m a . M., 12 .3o, l w . s:ftH.t :io. f, HI. -a. t:,Ta a:2T, i):iis siii in;4#]' M . 12.47 night, Huuday, M:Ak, 0:,i4aiiiJ Iturui A. M. 12:3ft, 1:3ft, a;fta, 7;8.7gH .'iD iiiDt ti i\ M.. 12:47 night.

For IsiiMihriTTvUIe. Phllllijaburg. Rj|Pt<'in and Tlo|\i jrrri, S 27, 11:20 A. M. ; S:f»H lI' i»ii|y), * R 24. It 'is l‘ M Bumlay, 0:37 P M.

Fur I'rFfliMll, Farmlngdalri, Hea f)lre md Iri’iig lunnrh. via Mnnmnuth Junnluti, 7 :flH,II 3(1 A M . 4:tMi i‘ . M, week-dnj-e Rutiftayi, e siei A M For FTvehnld ,>nlr, fl <RT V. 1|. Wtsuk-diiya.

■f” ptnj.p only on noUce to ((kpiiI l-'or further iiiffirmaMiiii at-n MriHirttilrtH. Tick*

•te f'lr all imlntp nn rhp JVnnpylvanla Hallro*tl fiiii] roruHN-Ui»na, T’allmikn ju'i-tiTruni’KinUona Mie-ai N'l. ?Mii Unppd etfrivi. ur ih-hei i.mcp Marketttfrerii Stalh'D-.r, 11. HUTCHIKEk.'N. J tL WOOD.

Ooiifuii111 Mumiir«e. Uriti foon. Agent.

fK N T U .t l, R. R. OF X F W JE R flR V — Tmlrip leara fJmi uud Ferir

R 12, T;80, h:Kt.0:U). 11

irt't. 4:4<» fl:i>4. fl.l t-V) 11 la p. M 11 ah A. M , 1 lo. 6:tlft. M » P M

T.v.j l3:ori. i;0a, I :.1 , G 4ft, >1:10 7:3.1,

Siindiup, t;AO. i*:4ft. 4:fl.T ft:3\ T;0A. T:4«;

10: 3. jLuft aV M.j liiorj L30, 0 1)3, 1:4 . .3:35. eJO. h:4o, "M,. 10:0.5,

Firf Et'HiwrvUlri,M , Sa;uft. 1 u:s

im , ^ll^ Ijilft. f:Sh. «

1.S.W lTls.tTi I naSr.n tl'lA

|,JH 0:12. f ftO. a;pa H:03, V);u3 :bf. Ddit; I:,!. |;S?. t;Oi i;*a, . 1 .sh. H:7rfi. U; . llilft >. ul •“ '* - •' Itio, 2:4ft. 4;8KU.:

M.tri:03 A. M.; 1:30, 4:40.

A M , 4:0ft r. If.Iiffh iJiidga Urannks T:30 A.

0:1 f*. 7 :1k), ill. f:4U. n iift.\ir FlFnilngir-n, *1 li,

r>:^ V. Ms flumltya. T:3«For HiHlI' ri« nn

M,- 4:40 P II.Pr r HiailoiiM <>n main line .Tereey Central

iMvlHlona, TteiMehejn. Aileotuwa andMauc'li I'huiih (7 3U to naii(on), n‘03 A. tl.j :30. 4 4u ift 4.'t to Etuftf’n) I' Nf kundnyp, 1:10,

yfiT \u’nk«trtirn*, Pliwirm and Rrranion, 9:01 A. Nf.; ] ;t<> !' M

For mUPheth «n.1 lU.-aelT- at OJ'i. T:S0.R’t'ft 0:3s, ti u3, Ti |o <i3, M 0ft 11:32 A. Vu

In 1 m Hhii lu

rTTCc1\. ! f1..- I(i. ■]Jrr*- '.Til Tt;»- .■=1'

Fir 1 1comiif )’• ' w-agf-r .. Schrnldtmeet htrii A mart T. tinier .'i'am entifl'

He the C hnm plo ii V4>$«-|iy ll !>»■ Jvrseg a„ 4 M ni.ts Meet C arl Krhn ildt.

v Itic rhallvrgo hss bet-n■1 llirkm an. who cDIm . to

■ vvUy racer o f K, »■

l.ilj. I -Vi. 1 ifl. 2:1, . i-03. S tO5:(U »:ia f II', 7 M. - .W. U K". II-U I'. M. giinU i. 7 J«(, lt:rtr;, 1(1:09. ll i'-'' A 1:10 .7 ii:l. IVSfi. 7 oS. 7 tfl. B;19, U:(ri.10 J» 1’. M

S*wur,n. St 0:13, H:IW. S:0fl. lO.'ri. 11:73 •M . 1 to. t ii2. 1 III, r. tr.. f l i s . o So p . M.r'lrj'tava, 0 " '1. I" 'K> A ' M 4 0& P M

TVr Periti Airiix'j-. '1: 12, h imi:4, lO’OS.11 32 A. M I 4\ S W, 3 nr.. 4 02. 4 aft, 4:40.ft 4’. tl 10 h r." I* M HiihilByp. II lO;Usft A. M I Oft I' M

)‘<ir Hr'l Mrtnk, lri<na Hranrh. iH-em Qr')re, Ffi- N :iN, II ;<2 A M. ll 4'' H*-<1 HiifiR onl>), 2 Th* 4 D'2 4 Hft. IJ IH )' M SundKya, exsepl til irif.iti 1)1 vh l>:iift i10.t>ft, Uh.| hank cmJ}') A.. Nl ) oft I' M

)■'. r Atliuiiti- Jlieliliin lH, S'aY ritihi Hr'., vi* \lHlit*.in U 12, V-'-''. I! ns A M . 1 ••'. 4:40,r. r. I' Si FutiiluyA || oft. lo oft A. M . 4 0ftiv Nl

I-’t,r rr*-ikoid. N II a2 a m . i i'*, i *o.ft:*:, h M ,,

F ir rAkriwtwril. A M . 1 4- 4 4f» P M.riuri'la]•* Jii fift A M

TuniA Hlvt-i un-1 |i»ru-[itt. B*' A M . 1 :48, 4:40 r M Suiidu)!, I'l "ft A M

For IirulKriti.ri, 1 4*1 F* M For Ailanil' »'liy. w 3ft A M . ;i :ul P Nf.

F"rt Nfc ftV V'iHrtAl ft an. ft ?Vo. 0 20. 'I Wl. 1 "" ■ T 40,

N in) &-20 h 4<l, W "0, H 2". I' I" lo 'll1" 40 l l ’OO. ll BO A .M . 12 M 1? no.I IH) 1 4ft 7 It), 3 Ift. 4 'U 4 An, ft oft. ft 35.

fl-fifl, 0:2c, rt 4" 7 'll. 7 ;i". 7,51.H rjs 1<r-o/i. 10 4(1 II 2<i f M i : oft. 12:40mpclit. Runrlavp. 7 i¥). pm. n tt> 10 m, n ;oO A M . 13 'to M , 1 no, 1 ail 2 INI, :i nn. 4 .111.ft tai T:'Jo. e ou. d IM). lO.ijO. ll .cei. ILLuOP M

lOtYAla IILT'F; fstS'K) .r Trrititim and I'tiilndeiuhbt. 12 fear'erd

P lUdi'T (’'.on, raoj-Tif Trenlonl. D:o:4,l"A M4 n2


r-ir11 '12 A

••ar-iT Trent.>ni ill TrenronJ12 oft FXriwjii phttaifFlphiaI. 1 tn, 2 .'i,

TrriUfM i. ft:' 4, iM!». 7 .'tft. I1;l.ft p. jTuUv*. ft oft |n:G.ft nii Hft. #ifs-| | Trentoft)

1 4 lift ft n.ft. 7 of., !» oft F* M.liDlilmofif iiri'l Waaiitngit'n), a oft, tn:Of,

ll ] Mi, ft 04. B ID IJ 1ft p MM 1

■ t*


If l-'-Ht -r nr the NE\\'>?• irilLfige f. ir i «chmld| to

v’ »'i m* tn ll !«.'4rr$*| mce. f »u i V .iTii )i;i thnt I enn def«*nt

■ ''"1 U ' ' tiu«ilri$-Ne f uill it *». Vi.vvH iffU-rt itnd arrangR I J. 1' - Ml Tftguft thriri*

i Lt If-’ mi.*., nn-1 (htnk ft » ' •'h I t:fttTi'l "nA|jl|'

I'-Hli!' HKi'KW\>J.I V ■ ): o ■ r Ilf N*‘W J#t

f- uni!-*\’P,1 M

> r til h 'i"|i|tBrt:. ’»in.'' cr isi •I''*' TVlej li'-nri a

111 119. II 91 A l i . 1 lo, S.iJ.t, T.Ut,4«k* tli-if'inglir*e1 ktreet

*. l '*2 M rkrii' ar lo- )!aTl'-U, ■Tre«t.

ERIE RAILROAD.D epot, l^otirth



Ave, and l*minHle

ANT' PATFHHUNKew-ark f -

U (f*


I" 11 A M . U Of. 3 ■ — rt 2h ?, ftft to ]il m

I S'ln-lriV -. U A M .

I '-i l♦• f3| 3 3s'4. B.4l

)■ V

O L D D O l l l . N I O N L I N E .tirk, :


l lA l l . iFjjr Old _Pmni Uoii.i. V h t:, :’ , N rf 1r. rortamouih,

_ .iaer*e Puiru au'-l >.• ■*, r 'V* , cona*ti-lag tor PeterabsitM. ltD.r.n.i..i.: \ r<tni4 hFa<.'h, Wiahlnripu, D C, *pi Tur* S-l: ani Wre .

'F'klAkt Hod t*»i«eni4er MJteniiiera M il from pter 2ft. N h r • . ' hm . h ii., New York. «ft*r> «ierk day m 8 P. M. Tleketa and full intonrsufi •• a' F^aiey’e ticket enka. IF? Uerkei at.. N!p«hea

drea 'i I4on4e itu fgl tigfpw ■htO'ttnn.

ANCHOR*anu)Jni-» frvtti ,v« m V-ta . r$[___,

QLA3 U0 W vu LOt>UO^ijLKRr.lnJiMBi, i4NOa&d up, aerood l^bln. >33.30

Md ap. Third I Ijm*. fl'40 and upward*. 3'or oew iiiu*:r>ic<l hiider a$jU furth«r laiut-

gatkaa. Rvndersuu Br ihen. 17 a ii'a’ey. new York, or U)i*fn Nlungle. Tfl Ueli«vUie wva., «r C. B., Tbu TB2 Brx>«d au. or M Bs Dwotila B Cl.*., T74 Rrci el., or J. W Soirta. T44 &rnad et.. or J. U. Uyroe B Co.s 0DO firoaJ tl.. Sr----

|H. 7 47. h Ai,:At ft 37. r> OiB,

♦ n l 12 32 A. M...................... I ■r:, a 4 7. t oft. b 30 and

In 31 I' Ml‘,ir«r*--r *■ Vw»Ark Firia ri l’nf r«s*n for

■ U( >• l.i. i: III. 7 Ib. 7 *k h.2-1, 3.mj,». M I U 2 Ifl, a .-Ul, 4 .VU, ft

lo .1’ M SuntiNy*!, 7 27. 8-30, 11 (.3 A M 1 32. .ft ^1. *■ "A 10 is M.

NFVNaHK asm* N’KW Yi 'HK S>H»irk 'N«>»ark lo N*-» Turk) —ft.Oii,

r if. 7 21 7 4*'. b 31, s 4.ft u pB .ftn, n:ft$* x. M 1 4l 2 4b. 4 ‘>7 a.-42. f* I'T, H 5.1 11:10h il fiin-lai* 7 ftft. W:06. 11.39 A. ^ . 2:OT, t i>7 s H,ft. 11 1" I’ M ftjs-avF sVw T Tk, I'hamf' T* eTri t iN^w Yorku. N..»*rk7 '.'» 4f> t tft. b Mb, tl 4ft. It Ho A M-iI M 3 1ft 4 23 ft ‘ft, .ft 22. ,Va. ft 23. T -*)). luia'i 12 r M kufidajR V vk) a . M . l:W, a S9 c VI - I" m P ri.Uiinn*'i'ilna ir*iti» !»■»■.» an f' llna’i.

r>\y Riv''***'* leav'w NVa’arV b-lft A M. On Fund*). 7 7sf. A M. Isimflriil ieeveaNR«ark I ll 1' M loirfal-- i:*[-r*aa leavaa SriKiant' ft I’ M . Sundasb. 7 uft f M Chl- c*ifs. E'.aiT«w Keeark, F. NI ; RuD*>i*v« b r Mr n- krit* i.NKsuffri i?hri<'kj». ple fdop rar 1i>- rn*; n nmri-«4 ;«#. rail ai tho I'lry Ticket Of- fi.-b, is'i Mark-t alre-’t. Telephuti# 3d. or at |.l(Ll !■ ■tl.

Uawark. Lackawanna RailroadA L L A N STATE LINE

New York, Glasgow, Derry,

!il3 [a<wa iralna Imivv and arrlTe al Hote^keo oa' Hlcir*:

^ A'ompany Haaeball Club hat July 4 A. M open flhd would tike to heir from I

I m>me atronT amateur team offering wuit- i abl» fuarantee. Addreea Charlet Hudson. '

Neorm^P l«u t t Laurvatiaa

.June 3k Sardinian.. .....July lu .S*tir**ka.

July WAufuat f132 M

1 P NI *»:1fl P

Arrive.4 4K p M.

*7;19 P. J

momlog o f lh « Pouith t h ^ w (ii p j,y ihf 1 of L S Plaui A Co.

^ Aumumr avenue The te.m

Which Suburtmoa wit] p « « * , for th. fame will b« nfimpuMa m fonow* F r a ^ , ■J>ort»lo|); Bola, thlrt ba „ Me Carrick. « * W i » t r r « ( 4 a first base£ r * *^ o * ^ - * * ‘ * « » r . aeconij

• * “ : W illiam.right (taU; Tta*ma. r*t-liarB rilcvlll* WkwcUriwm at Crwtoaa. The BcHavUla WlmaimmVs baseball

■* *• » * « « * e » fk , N r .

team em f^Seiy ha c a M £ ^ u ^ law: HatcL ^ h a ^ T t h S

O- N. T.'e mt Llsdea.The <» N T • will play the Unden A.

C at iJnden to-morrow Tbe t^ tn will meet al Market and Rrond etreeta Bt 1:30 o’cltH*k

BprfnsBelil Geea tta RwaellesThe Springfield baoeball team will go to

B->»elie lo^mofTow and oroaa bate with the CuRlno Club of that place.

Mfllbwrw ▼«. C lltforda.MtUbura and th* Clifford A. C. of thla

d ty ^11 pkBy at Mtilbum to-morrow a fter­noon.

Cablo. HO ui'*A(ii Sri-i-(iii ('abin. raiHD !7LA«r

Olaeeew, D»rr>'. 9«)f**i or LtrerpdoL |31 Abatln M )d«ln B Cv . 33 Broadway, N. Kantfi IL UranU. 774 Broad at.t. W. fitoyth, 744 De ad at.Cha*. is Oo&4. m Browd ri.. Newark.


IKtnilra ..... . ft 15 A. HLlsai'ka«*floa iJmlted .*li>.lft a M N. Y. t'hlca<n E»D *t ;2o P

I S. T-. i4orantoh and i Plynioutb i-. . * IT P. M,' Chic. VeaUhuled tap •fl-00 P. M.BuiTai's aod

Mhana Kalmcm ”9ftk>P. M P(dfra)» and t*blcap>

.Vlfhl Expr*« - 2:»1 A. X 10:23 A I tTkketa and Pullmab aoe(>mmodatii-»M at

New Uarhl* Tlek*t ( 'rTlfw. 74® Hrnad etreet.


Catskill Mountains.-CATSIIU tVOliNG U N L "

Steaaers Oitwra aid Kaaterskill,

12 :f* ? a.•0 SO A. Hn.ift A. K.

Te|*ph<ioe'9D4, F«-r time <>f Puburbau tralfu *•* f fnldef lOP 41 rrev traini dally betweeai«Kml

Newark and Ni *t>al)y.

Cofuaecttaa with train* for Calrfk Palenvllle.. OU* BumBh, Batnee i ->raen and Taflamaatiia.

B iS i e BBFV9KB TO W O R K .

MUNCtE, IML, JuDS a —Amos Ruale rcfoaafl gatmblaak la go to Kew Torit f r * » C1» ri*n*W ymutiiMt asd aastgt (b*

-Skargaat. * a l «k e a t a a * Baal Rawtai10 Rotri RaaterokiU. (.'’oiakill Momtata Houac.

I KoaienBlll Falla ofid all the Park*.I Boau Hare New York rmn foot of ChrWtonber! -. . . . - a a --------------- .a.- I• t i F. It. evwry woek-^y. Alto at ISatarfiiym. fwiaieniina Jmte'IB.

' “ ' “ a»d W. - ‘^erry of I L L awd W. R-fL odjolne the ptrr In w T«ok. ik|a|M* traiNtfecrod wRlMwt tiaia i.

lUgatfUifiraSr, (alt o| iBCemettoe, ■otEid

LEHICH VA LLEYrtfg og lT gtUCT LIM *£ 1**01 T « W m u jL

10 o * if LINE optunao tmw om .1UIN* U IM E N THEM N i m . ^

tPiltf ttsaii gaaOsy. Oiawtiala*• o^na. ILaew Onmr Baenews

I 47 a ■ , . Iwtoe Local. ...........tS.n a M

1 p s MiBck Chmax awd IfatkNOB LocoltlhR a ■p MjFitkes-Bwri udSetsauwIsa- tB# PRm w w ■*-- -- aMyS

p«tl.ll f M ^ - -----

Tt|ksa a*raDiiaaaMamo*aa8asstCB ? S lS 5U*te,HllsiUfer w« «lw*l





An t*cei:tnl crjilt hultontJ slioe, viUh l u i i J - S f t u n i t J

; p s - ■ . ll rr f j

30lfs—roun.1 l .fi, '"ih bftier viluc thin -.'t'vf (gr the monfy lim .'iimmrr re;- ulir SOc. —[' t<J t2 o'clivk iisily.



pL A IN and striped polka dot ^ ploties, made up witli sailt'r rolUrs—shield, puffs in J tie of white piijtie —Collars lined with lawn—worth Si.2 j —from 9 m 12 o'clock only.




Colossal Purchase of Shirt Waist Suits.Productions of This Country’s Largest Hanufacturer.

NE'thou.sanJ tlie sum total of a purchase that will Lreak- Lousterna- tion ill the trade, and the season's busiest sellinj^ in our third department. Inasmuch

0 tion ill the trade, and the season's busiest sellinj^ in our third lloor iient. Inasmuch as identical lines were sold to other tores

in this vicinity for considerable more than the followinid prices, it was stipulated when the deal was consummated that the maker's name should not appear in tiie Iransaclion. Think of i t—the most fa'ihion- able of summer sjarments selling now, in the very height ol the ajasoii, for

Half I LessThan Half Regular PricesA\aking alone cost more than our asking, and not a cent is al-

Mowed for the fabncs and tindings. Finest lawns, linens, batistes and mercerized linens in white, natuni linen, tan. old rose, pink, ux-hlood, light or dark blue a iij grays—twenty-six distinct styles—divided in four lots—

,.$5.00 to $6.00 S7.50 to $8.75 SIO.OO to $12.50 $13.75 to $15.00Suits Suits Suits Suits

2 . D 8 3 . 1 ) 8 C D S 8 . 1 ) 8

All of Our C hildren’s O rgandie and P o in t d ’E sp r it DressesA lm o st H alf Price.

Children’s Pique Suits.

D. WOLFF & CO.In t h is s w e lt e r in g h e a t, w ith t h e th e r m o m e te r t i c k l i n g t h e n in e t ie s , i t ’ s m o re

o f a p le a s u r e to s p e a k o f Our S p ecia ls fo r S a tu rd a y a n d f lo n d a y th a n a d u ty , b e c a u s e o f t h e ir g o o d q u a lit ie s a n d t h e ir e x c e e d in g ly Low P r ice s . I n t h is to rr id h e a t th e r e c a n b e n o b e t te r t im e to lo o k fo r r e l ie f th a n n o w , a n d i f y o u w i l l b u t lo o k o u r a d v e r t is in g c o lu m n s o v e r c a r e f u l l y y o u w il l fin d m a n y C o o l i n g G a r m e n t s th a t w ill s u g g e s t t l ie m s e lv e s , an d a t P rices f a r Lower th a n y o u w i l l f in d e ls e w h e r e , a n d w e ’ re n o t b r a g g i n g — d e liv e r u s fr o m b la d d e r b lo w in g , f o r t h e r e is to o m u c h o f th a t

a lr e a d y in th e uew spaper^i B on a-fid e C lean C ut S ta te m e n ts a r e o n l y c u r r e n tw ith u s , a n d c ro w n e d w ith F i d e l i t y , h a v e b e e n th e g u i d i n g s t a r s o f o u r s u c ­c e s s . Cash o r Credit am i No D eposit Required a re in s e p a r a b ly l in k e d in t h is G reat B u sin ess an d h.avc p r o v e n a g r e a t b e n e fa c to r to t h o u s a n d s . H o m e s h a v e b een r e a r e d , m en , w om en am i c h i ld r e n c lo th e d , w ith o u t b u r d e n o r in c o n v e n ie n c e . S o w e in s c r ib e th e w a rd s Cash o r C redit a n d No D ep osit R equired , in f u l l e r a s s u r a n c e th a t i t m u s t r e d o u n d to o u r m u t u a l in t e r e s t— t h e b u y e r a n d t h e s e lle r .

' ------------- ’ N

A r * A a fte r J u ly 1st, 1901, w e w ill d is tr ib u te Onen n iion D ollars of Life Insurance in th e r iu tu a l R eserve

F un d A ssociation F r e e of C harge in s u m s o f $=coo to $ i , o o o t o e a c h c u s to m e r .

T h e M utual R e s e r v e F un d A ssociation is a n e s t a b l i s h e d a n d r e l ia b lec o m p a n y F o r p a r tic u la r s a p p ly a t o u r office.

D. W O L F F & CO.V

I’rptty utrlpflj ]*wnfl mudft wUh ,>p#*n work U wtjbChildren’s Lawn Dresses

deep nifH« with dne ii<Tdl<^wnrk ; nUoneedle niffft -fuJI widih shirtw with rive- / W Linch hemn— [<t 14 uofih $i.'t!>-at............

Children’s Uniinpe Dressesfoee Rnd nnv\—naintl tii ni,juftTn uf white y*piaue—Hhonflef'Vf'H bi'iiiid -eaniB-Mr.esi 4 to H y O C year*—Wiirlli enrli—sjierlal.........................

Children’s Wash SuitsSiiiloi -iiid Kton styles to fit nil fi'niii i in ifi

jrftnA Madri t>f fine white piqilf isiMi I'rrlty shit hJ “ drop ‘•11 d- r t'tdhiTB—needlcwt-rk triuu'ied.

0 0 S u i t s l o r 1.08.$4.00 Suits for $0.00 Suits for 3.08.

rf iiifr- iil rnse,

lifUlii iiiid dark Miio ■ plniu- ■' li o <1 f i Atv UJi fiiihroidrrod stars -ir aiii’linr-tiniil 'lr i-iqm'l

-Sallnp stylpji iiiV'Ikcerlz.ptJ chfliiil'iav

Mtllor collar-punte onfTs worth

Chiltlrcu’sLawn Dressesat

Whitp lawns atni < i‘gnndins made wit Ik v.-kos of open

1 work .iiid iiiHcrtioM—plain nr iTiimnpd skirfr- A Q I jiiii-Hi l.u’i 'and iii’eillewiTk trlijiinii t t i - V OI ir. yrii.-rfg.'J fvi l.»A-rrB..T,9ft at 3.l?H-reg.Vnnai

Hen’s Fancy Shirts.The silk front variety made of an excellent qualityi

cambric and dainty striped bosoms—ali sizes from I4f to 17—have sold regularly for 50c., and there are,. only thirty dozen to be dosed out to r.................

Hen’s Madras Shirts.This tine h,\s been among the season’s best sellers,!

and iliere beinj; but a few dozen left we will close them' out at a third less than value. Pretty coloriiiEs— pair of,. culTs wiih e.ich shirt tonutch— all sizes instead of 75c.)

-» # - VV 9

Hammock Savings.Oriss HanuDockswith brnftl pdn(i—m6<iium thzo &fk -^r«aruUrly wnrtli

Macrame Hammocks',Y d * ; , ‘BiroDgly tnude—II variety nf hindnomr rolors—wortik M f S C-‘ upecial at ..................................

Macrame Hammocks 'H',Vf,k7.wirh tlfftp flrmnr# f fk

BlrtHig'-wnrih I ’J.flu - / I I I I •p ec ia la l ...............................

W hite Law n W aist Wonder.A r e in receipt of another shipment of those Waists

which recently made such a stir at the same price we’ve put on this last lot. They are of the button-back variety, with thirty rows of tucks and double rows of em­broidery— some have sailor collars and all-over em­broidered fronts— pearl buttons— all sizes.

Special 98c. Each.

Camera Supplies.CardiHipflri's- s'v/i‘ sold regular' fIv l"i’ lOc.-sperlnJa’. . . .........................................Tvrtp P lf lt f «“ L'cTvn Typ:’ Pliiles for

I laiva Bi'tiiir i>Ikiio» glnce liniRh-^Ge IU H - regul.T lOc, Z each—very fpcflalfit- ...............

UGVmopcr^ Y'YTfi and Frenchclcvcloping piivAder" ^ regular | A ^ 6 for — stpei'uO Saturday f ^ C . lit...................................................... • ^

Special Sale of Summer Footwear.P is unnecessary to go into a multitude of det.iil.s that have contributed to this, the greatest Saturday shoe proposition of the season.

Some of the included lines are selling for a limited time for less than thev cost us. Enouuh said. Read the item

Sale of W h ite L aw nW a i s t s , so m e w ith c lu s t e r s o f tu c k s , o th e r s w ith ten

r o w s o f n a rro w in s e rtio n , t h e r e g u l a r

59c. k in d , n o t a la / y w a is t in t h e l o t — a t 39c. t h e y w ill he m o re in d u s t r io u s

t h a n e v e r .

it serves y o u r ig h t ; w e ’ve no sy m p a th y f o r s u c h people ; l e t th eh e a t s te w you, boil you a n d to r t u r e y o u , w h e n fo r C a s h o r C r e d i t y o u c a n b u y —

M e n 's O ffice a n d H o u s e C o a t s ,3Sc. M e n ’s W h ite P a n ts , 7Sc., 98 c .,

1.25 .M e n 's C ra s h P a n ts , 1.25 .

M e n ’s W h ite a n d Cold.^ V e s t s ,

48c. a n d 75c .M e n ’s H la ck A lp a c a C o a t s , L 50 ,

2.00 a n d 2.50.M en'.s M o h a ir C o a ts a n d V e s t s ,

3 .0 0 .M en’s D o u b le -b re a ste d B lu e S e r g e

C o a ts , sizes ,vi to 50, 3.50 a n d u p .

A Sensation in M en’s S tra w H ats Saturday and ITonday, ^

39c.50 Bicycle S u its, All - W ool

C h eviots, w o r th $ 6.50 to S 7 .0 0 , s iz e s

34 to 40. W h i le t h e y 3 .5 0l a s t . . . .

T he Gem of Ladies* S h irt W a ists . B etter V alues You Never S a w ,

O n l y t h is m o r n in g w e r e c e iv e d 50 d o z e n W h ite Lawn and Linen W a istse n t i r e l y c o v e re d w ith s i lk e m b ro id e re d p o lk a d o ts , in l i g h t b lu e , g r e e n , red , b la c k a n d p in k , w h ite p iq u e s t o c k c o l la r , a n d b u tto n e d u p th e b a c k . T h e s e w a is ts

a re v a r io u s l y s o ld fro m $ 1.4 9 to $ 1 .9 8 ; s iz e s 32 to 42. Our M A P Price, w h ile t h e y la s t . . .

100 Doz. L inen D ress S k ir ts , 3 ^ Yds. w ide, 4 in . h e m , a ll len g th s .

L a d ie s , d o n ’t s i z z l e w i t h t h e h e a t , k e e p y o u r h e a d a n d b o d y c o o l, a v o id

e x c ite m e n t— d o n ’t r u s h a t a n y t h i n g e x ­c e p t th e s e n i c e l y m a d e L in e n ^ S k ir t s . C o o le r t h a n a c u c u m b e r . X

S a t u r d a y a n d M o n d a y . . . .

S a le of L ad ies’ and ' M isse s ’ P erca le S h ir t------- /* W a is ts , neat patterns andmade to sell at 50c., sizes 33 to 44.

A B ig S a le o f C h ild ren ’s B louse S u its , v a l u e s 7 5 c . to $ 1 .2 5 .

T h e s e 50 0 B lo u s e S u i t s a re n o t o f th e o r d in a r y s o r t— t h e y ^ r e t h e g o o d k in d and th e c le a n - u p o f o n e o f th e b e s t fa c ­to r ie s in N e w Y o r k . I t ’ s a r a r e o p p o r­

t u n it y to s a v e m o n e y . L o o k and c o n v in c e y o u r s e l f . W h i l e

th e y l a s t ................................

Special M ention o f Seersucker Coats an d V e sts . W a r m

w e a t h e r d e fie r s .

W e c o n tr o l t h i s l i n e o f g o o d s in N c'w - a r k , a n d th e r e ’s n o t h i n g to e q u a l th e m fo r g e n u in e c o m fo r t . C a n b e w a s h e d . N o f a d in g o r s h r i n k i n g , a l l s iz e s to 42. i s t q u a l i t y s i l k s t r ip e c o a t a n d ^ ^ v e s t , 1.25. 2d q u a l i t y c o a t /

a n d v e s t ...............................................

M en’s S u its in B lue Serge, Stripe F la n n e ls , C rash and all th e Cooling S tu ffs for S u m m er W ear.

Some of the included lines are selling for a limited time for less than thev cost us. Enough said.

( Combination Lot of W om en ’s Shoes and Oxford Ties. ) Oxford Ties of patent Ic.iihrr in mannish stylf^ ivith tunJ sewed welted soles; Lace Shoes

made of line patent leather wiiti turned soles and dull kid tups, Russia Call Shoes with hand * I sewed wetted soles, and a line iff tine Vici Kid OxtnrJ lies with kid or patent leather tips, hand \

sewed, turned and welted soles ■ our regular $2.50 aiiJ ,<i 00 kinds Saturday while they last at '

Our Terms: $t a Week


No Deposit Required.

D. WOLFF & CO.,SHE WORl.n'8 o r e a t b s t I AkU OB t'RKDIT UUVRE.

N E W A R K , N . J .

,Our Terms

$1 a Week

•fNo Deposit Required, j

1.98 i> O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0< !

I yv i « V /


i »»»» *» »#9* 9# * * * * * * * * jj

iccArf^il Hutc M.iilr* of chlfTrmn ntid j ^al^ simw l.r.iltMn /

Millinery Sacrifices.49c 49c


Special Saturday Supper.

ami rlioirt^ i'n1i>rA risrmi't’ ly I i .ih tli- f-.lW t‘as’in—V‘<»TS |ios'ial ut.............. ’Hflt BeHsrtmn imifAtiou huir 1

filho ilata - H.«rtli r.’»c r nl i .whilr !in'T iiiNi-spffial: .il. I

Trimmed Hals I ; ' ! ) , ' i ' , I " ' , ’hs'ld for from ?r. tf $.■•► Iwliili^ iL fy la**! Jt .... ...... I

/lavjiJierf ,Vj, JfuilrrF * T.

StfIlf Iilfruirf.rn 1

Itf I r-Tfn. y

Net Sesrfs pycHiiy m.i --Ithf uualiiy net—miwle *•'farh w)i)l9 limy iMt at

The Restaurant—Fourth Floor.

Sheet MusicI‘"':C-i -

“Hat'f irow'* and ' h- ttvn -1 ■ ■■per cop>‘

W om en’s Furnishings.'; 23c ;; 25c i ) 48c

Soda Fountain— First Floor.

Fanrv tatis'VftrirtU* Mylf? I'l rflHS hlaek, hhi9 fthrt I' 1

biintl puitited —enamelleil utii ks i'M\ \ upeclal at^tvlich IK9 t hadf and pnlti-r: s*ilk ofTertN or plain colors-regul .i ; (iX:. eitch -apecUl at.............


Men’s anti Boys’ Hot Weather Clothing.

4 ■

** ■ >«

Dors’ Straw Hats nil* '4 ' I > nr i jd 'in I't kid set '.itewT

»lz f» f-r I* vn Ir. m : t.. p. ve-U' 1.and 1»- I t ® . z i la-jilw ai-i 1 h op t“— vrry . 1 ni . ,

Boys’ Blouse Soils ' ’ •’’'ibray aiMl TfhjiP U •*! th o b M d

inmtm-ii m i> h f un w |. -in hltMTiiner pjidth 'i/r- p- c « .

•■rtli $• -u f> «. ■- I Ja! ■ • «

A L T H O L V j II V.

ilicllldv-s third Ic'.'- 1

simple nuft.r i.'i .satisiied i'' the I public.Boys’ knee Pani> 'IS years—► new a'

douUe slilchei!— wuilb 35c.- ff'*’- . 1

i I Bovs’ Wash Su<!' ‘

nut canv the largest stock in Newark,II IS most fashionable and best at prices a

‘.u .)''Sortm entqu.irier and a

exeliisive stores ask for same makes and yraJes. ifs a 11 ( 0 prove this assertion true, and moiie\ hack if dis- posNihle guarantee of our entire good with the

rxvfl f ualily piUt^a, duck— 3 to

■s ami miatuTTS i t*pfd 2Sc

Boys’ Straw H ats-f'^ '"J JuTPbo sLiavy I

fine)' coinblMiioiij — friniinf<J butdi—niMly lintd—iO sum 59c. ind 69c.—«peci»l » l ........



Toilet Powder.I n™k fo r lh . ptetnre o fO .rh .rd Mrnoon onthorororofthob.x.

Many a baby face wouM be free from tbe wrinkle* of worry if moth­ers would in­sist and gfl Mennen's Borated Talcum Toilet Powder. Many a tender skin would be soothed; sleep­less, fretful hours would be turned into healthy periods of painless rest. Every

\\ p a g a in re su m e g iv in g o u t

Red Star and Trading Stamps,

tire rrr roa h I ra ris - tnd

..■ .V ;:;’ ’ l O r

penny (saved

“ 5 0 c.Hen's Fine Trwsers

I Pf^tt* I i I via.-sli BfJitl-I y^ars —W'-r'1l

rlievi.'f ar'T . MmJh-w 4[ltl mis tiLffs—

innnrffi wilB ^ —f » - wi/t*h 3 iikBi /

Boys’ fasfc(Inns—lull cut blpuaea bnami'iil.v ■iiiiirT-.nltire -stn 1Z IT*.—I»n «* h«ve i,

north ll.'M to ll.'f>-W * ial ii

>'r»«h andRihtDS*

Boys' Cloth SaitS'^V,■ i i n i r r * ' T i . i l I’ l iKk kfti dtr i| Hi lT l i iP i vw Hi i w ’‘ t

1" 1'? tv mc-'i iry*' V TPAtat vt»mit!» «■!\ Ilut*. .11 .

Mea’s BtsinessSails f u , . r , , .1...,wtutfr- I sf. >|| i-irteri.n

■OOl« ftil tt-iNtl-viJjffle .;,.k -'z.-s .1le.iiau linn.i; na-w rul

Te*tA'-ptrfe< i n iuug troQ^«r> -\%. r»li ? ' - t,

Special 6.50 Each.

m.Hen’s Nohht 7 '

'Oi. ffIDCY mitf'd ! hRTlirt or

I '•|inr‘T<>. >n iiUfl mlztnr^H;,i.v. pt iin Uiiu*— 7 *0 I*' yr».

nir'i'lY Uii d-If prir**;

xfu .'liiil M . ..U[. 5 t W-

Boys' Sailer SaitsHnd l>xfnrtj

iu yean; aUn iv tb« Mteirtirirnt ffiminM—rogii!;:' ea^h—*t . . . .

c* I

ihdiKf-H's-ltf' rr -t U-at'-lliliiu: -

>inrLtil t '‘<‘ - i f I'lnt’k rljiT tliAConal. ,• I I-1 l i t I \ «• p i l t t '- r i l , ' r>f « r -VV- '8 1(1 M IH’U <'Mt Vi*«.lw >*cr- i>erftct tl-

Meo's SoBmerpiatdi and * ..

- »o+<-vYide Frencit f t-linrd—UPt* <■« vfrtiP—pPTfm \ ■ 9ta.dll

<>r Mtie. o. '• ry,l'■' I Ill t\7f» .Mn

V* ' »n:u It)

‘ ’ * " ' • • - " 3.98C-' l'!o. V’lgf*

■' ' --'ni-rr l,,.v|nl

. ■ r |■a!;Hrl” u-p.-„(.nh

in buying any of the many

cheap imitationi of the gen n iy Borate.! Talcum Toilet Powder is paid for in needles* [MUn to tender skins.

.SEE W IND O W D ISPLAY .You will fiOrt Mftmfn't imiutsd. The genuine cost* » little more, tint there's a reason for it in qual- itv. Insist on Mennen’s.

For tbe trooble* of InUneT valnahl*; after ahavtnt H « aa-Ughtful. (Of tlw toitetigui)«. Sample Mentwo tolap per


, # m ill t v e w f l l g iv e tb e m l ib e r a l ly I f tvi111 e v e r y p iir c b a s e o t

iC0ff66a4Ba.; 4 O u r n d v e r t lo e m e n t w i l l ap -

' f p ea r e v e r y F r id a y , i ^ - ----------------------------------------- -

t-* In a5.imps with on« pound of our

A l l t h a t ’s n e w a n d f a s h io n a b le c a n b e fo u n d h e r e in M en ’i and Y ou th s’ S u its , t h e a .s s o r tm e n t n e v e r w a s b e tte r an d th e prices m o r e a t t r a c t iv e — d ir e c t

fro m o u r o w n w o r k r o o m s , w h ic h m e a n s th e b e st. M o n e y b a c k i f y o u w a n t it.

, Y rrpmium EGend CoffM at M e.! ^ ^ In Niampt with one pound of our; 4 Java At S te*X in «tampa with one pound of our

' T <r(‘Mfn Java Co(fe« Mt IMfe.! ^ t: In ^r.lmpa with one pound of our I ▲ Gnidf'n Maracaibo Coffee at SOO' j X SI In !5iimpii with one i^und of our

OoJrJ n Siinioa Coffee at SOe.S3 In FtRmpa with ha]f*pound ttc. toa.

,n in etampe with half-pound fific- lea.

2^0.Wr In Btamps with one bottle

SthoRfA RrKYi Be«r* none better. lOe, 5Fk* In •tnmpa with one pound Cocoa-

nut C«kc« and Lenton Wafers, l*o .In isfempii with one pound beat

Lemon Sugar. 1*«

__ ♦

Very Best New CrenmeryButter, I b ..................... 2 3 c

Selected Fresh Jersey Eggs,per doien....................... 15c ^

Fresh Soda Biscuit, per Ib. ,6 c ^ Francis-Kauer Lager Beer, f

3 4 pints, none better... 1 .00 # Pure Claret red wine, gal. 75c ♦ Pure Blackberry Brandy,

q t .................- ............... 5 0 cPure Rye Whiskey, q t . . . .6 0 c

5p ccia l 10.00 Each. Specia l 8.50 Each.

L Bamberger & Co., Market and Halsey Sts.----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------- • m


X t i ® l l , e a < a i s : a « Q s r o o e r ,

252*254 SPRINGFIELD AVE. Z77 ISTH A V E , Cor. HAYES ST. t O Kornm B Y T B iM ^ H o n m b b t .

i i S U M M E R O O O D S .

W W W W W W W W ^

A trt*l w fl tm V . I- DM<IM ak iM tlstStvadi-

I I f * tk*



m o s q u it o NETTlNaGARDEN to o ls .

WHEELBARROW!A T u n L in e n .t th e L o w est P rice .

PAN ISTER & TOLLARD,T c ^ ^ g E T _ 5 T R E £T j _
