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First Edition.

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O u i U M y E B a a a le y G b o s u i t o P r »

s id e O r e r t h e G a t l i e r iv s .


TV> CnnT«ntloii D«i)hur«a I t . A llm la n o . tol b . T w M lu r o r a . f r in o l|,le * h I« MP w n bjr O n . . . C t o n l u b , t e d a n . * M * H n . r A U b .tt 'a A d tu liU .tr .ii« a luul m ic U M . t b . C M l C ornM a. W U. b f . Wib.. b r C h a l rn M Gm -« ru a r A bbaU u d A » u M cU cnBott.

eOtarl.l nU iM tch to the Kbwh.Thsktom , Mv OfMm Hctm«

MW packed w ith GcmurraUt au hour before th e iliEMtltfed Ibr c a tllu s the b tale oaiivcn- tlo n tA elect deleitate. to tb s Nathiiial cuuven- t lu a tbM ai'. T h e ttsual raueiiMie. had been beM and th e jtrellm lnariH for th e coaYco- tioB arraD ded in |« o d time.

C bau n cay H .lieu iicy wa» elected chairm an , a h 4 ^ 'jd ti t h . applniMn which greeted hU tm aib KdbMded he thahked th e cw iTeattoa (W lAa honor eonlbTred npon h tn .

^ \ to ii( line of Itemoeral Ic GoTcm on ah le n t the tket (h a t th e people are edihvtcd ; are khlljr aw are w hat I . best Ibr their Interrets," wald be ■, “ th a t th e pabllc reveaue baa been -soeoaisteally adiu ln la tra ted ; th a t the publlo liu tH a tlo m a re M ost well eonducted; the pub­llo wihbul aratawi i« nxwt elective, adm irable a n d oom pM e ; th a t they know , under Demo- m t t e rule, th a t a perfect ly tie m o ftax a tfo n b a . 'been ealabilahed th a t cootpeli tm r tre a t ratl- 'W an and o th e r corporate bodies id oontrlbntc ■hMt IMr e h a n of the expense, o f th e Ooeern- m e n t and public im proTem enta; th a t cor- p o n le power h a . been tau g h t th a t It baa I t. Ilm lU, an d tbak H cannot lafrtace upon the r lc h U n fln d iv ld u a li or public. They snow th e y m u t ru s t tb s Democratic puGy, Apr It ha* alw ays rstleciued It. pledges. In short, U iepeop t. b c llrre thM the weUkre of th e l>eh|ocratlD iparty and the welfare of the tttate a r t Ideutioul. Kellow UciuocruU, with such h record we - b a re a right to feel th a t we are Inclndtale. In addition to sueh ad vantage we h a r e In o u r favor the fcree of a strong o rg n n lm tlo u In every county In the btate. ^ 'I t b regard to a ll essentials enitra harm ony p rev a ils llellcv lag a* we do tha t every m an has m a i l m atte rs th e r tg h t to hla Individual tpplhlnos, consequently there m ust be. In some degrw , divergent views. There npay be even faepta k ind led by bpcal feeling and rtvalrles, h*4l a* Demoerata we a re tau g h t from o u t oradl* th a t tb* indiv idual m ust yield to the

ixeneral o p in io n ; th a t m ajority m ust rule. D em ucrate y lsld to (hat rule, hence It Is th a t t n onr ra n k s we And no one whoptefooton abe neld of battle doe* not keep step with the m asle of Democracy. I t saeiui to m* a t th* present m om ent a ll tbe auspice* presage for US a nationa l tr ium ph . Let ns see th a t our Utale on th a t gnsst oeoaslon U kes her plnoe V rellto th e fron t. We were n ev .r more *d- vantadcously placed. I f In tbe past tbe helm o f Ktale has bw n in the bauds o f a Darker, a lia iido lph , a Bedle, a Ludlow an d a Green, does n o t each o f us feel th a t a t tbe pres- sm t m om ent ss« a re w ider th e guldimee ipf a leader unsurpassed and unsurpassable lncon inge ,w l|ila ticc snddklU . Ofod* whoa* policy has been as successful as It has been m asterly . Of one who is so loyal to hla friend* t ) |a t be never d liappo lu tt the ir wrlabsa, excep t when by doing lo he beUevea th a t he can render them tbe tm eet service.U f one whose nob leit sm U tn o , as a ll Demo- e n t a rajolcs to bsnsee, will soon be graUfled. X vsry person w ith in th s sound of m y vole* vrell know s th a t every w ord and phrase of a t e . M ise lp tlon pdlaU to o u pte*.

Ooventor, Leon AbbetL Let ns en- ddva* la a ll respects b li m asterly ad m la M ia tlo n . You w ill select y e a r aelegatas,” w ant Oh th e speaker, and | t m ay be y ou r wUl th a t they shall go on-

/ pladgad, b a t tot a a t n s t th a t w hen th ey cast M u ll vota* I t w ill be tor some great D emocrat a a d f i e a t i a a a . W ew an t a a axseuUvewho b sa o p tn lo n se f hi* own and who baa the • o a ia g a to a u a la ta la th s m . I f I n a y ek p raa a th a v la w a f th e m alortty a t tb s maaaea, 1 * h e a U s a y ,‘ W a w ant Grover CUeveland, of » e w Y o r t . ’ "

O w tansar A bbett, In speafciofoftheoatlook la tb a to a , rldleutod Uie td sa th a t tb* Bepub- itoaaa w ould earry B u d to a Ooonty o r tb s a ta ta , “ Those who vmed to r Coloaet W sa- ear," h* said , “ ar* a o t In tovor of BepubUcsn p a ll In itaa S ta te , ooanty o r m ty, and only vM sd to r h im aa a proteat agalost existing evils, T h sy a ta aoavlnesd th a t ba can do no th ing a n d sue sorry they p u t h im there. Tber* Is a o d oub t about tb s aucoeu o f the Btat* a n d D sao c ra tlc ticket In New Jersey n e x t IhlL V * w ill elect n iaa Assembly­m en fa H udeon County and carry the oouaty by tflOi m ajority . W a will a h » c a r ry the LegUiatore and atoct th * Governor. The Bepubltoani will dome bo nearer to success in sleeting iny s u e oeascr th a n they d id when they said they w ould detostim a. T heD em aeratooftbeS ta ta • r e iiBlted, and aa w on a* the Uemooiatlc tick e t le nam ed a t CbloiMm they wUI go lo w ork an d do a ll th a t Is n r c iisi r y to m ake a succesalbt canvais . All the d lB brenere tln t exWted in ronneedton w ith tb l f convention w ere h a rm o B lW last night, an d tbe del»- gatesMt-laiTS were agreed upon w ithout Bght o r contest."

A llan UoDerm ott, chairm an o f tbe Demo- a la tic S la te Committee, sa id : " I t look* to m* aa tb o ag b we were going to have tb a ogfat o f UH over again . If th is Is so, th e result will h* ao also—only m ore so. I shall be surprised If the Bepublliiun ticket la no t B lstne and Liaeotn. T heR epublieansofN ew Jerieyhave been yelling themselvee bourse over my defeat to r the M ayoralty of Jersey City. They are going to carry th is State beyond anyquesUon. They w ill also carry Texas. I am sorry to IntMTUpt th* bowl, fur It Is a long, loag Urns slnoa Ih* average New Jersey BepubUcao bad a chance to danoe a p o lltle a ljlg .b a t candor compels me to call th e ir a tten tio n to the Ikct th a t they elected a B cpubllean M ayor o f Jersey City in !S7(1. If m y m em ory serve* m e right, Mr. Hayes did n o t carry th* S tate In the toll. The Bepub- U eaaea lao e to c ted aU ay o r In Jersey City In JMt, bu t th e records tolls to disclose any etso- to ra l vote* tor Mr. Blaine in the toll of th a t year, I f y o u w a n tm y prediction fo rth * to ll, H la th a t New Jeresy will east her elestorial wot* to r tbe Democratic nominee, elect a D sm o en tlo Governor and a leg isla tu re th a t w ill len d a D em ocrat to W aablngtou to s u » aaed B aiba B ladgett"

Tb* toUowlog p latto tm wa* adopted ;Th* D seaceratia party of New Jereey In

oonvantloa aseamMcd d e d a rs t tb a t we alBTm o n r devotion to the principles lam dow n In th e N atlooal Deraocratle plattorm of UH an d IM . Tb* Democratic party should coaUatM Its b attle tor ta r if f reform u n til th a t r ^ r m J s embodied la the statu ts* of th* UolM d R ats* . Tb* prosperity o f our country c a a M ba m sJntalued n adcr * system which UBsaufelly s a d uDjustJy taxes th e m any for th e s s a a f t te f a to w . Tb* otceseltlre to r ta riff y e to rs were reacgnlsed by a ta rg , p lu ra lity o f th e v H e rs ln llM, b a t th* w o rk o f th a t re- ggna wa* d d s y a d b y th eearru p tn seo t m onty a t tb s potto W e dsM une* the m easure E aow b a* tlM M ^ ln le y bill. TheacgumeaC* Of I t t advocates, th a t ft Is Intended to toeter In to a t Industry, to a v io r ta totsebood. So to r a* poMlbt* Ihs ta riff tax ebculd be Im- poeed upon luxurie* and removed from raw k iS M im r^ T h a t f r a proatid)to TOploy-a w u t to th* Trenptr o f tb l i country, W e c u t •S sB U M [b ^ MM t h a t ' th e • Be- im < M n p a rty t<Ml*r pole It* s trongM «totm tov o m lln n ao te In power upon te le wEd3i u n d er th* name o f reclpewfty have b e ta s e t tb e r m ore nor lees r t a n tbebw eteae

money has heea colleetad from lobK ae w h l ^ by rvsMin o f corpotal* ow nsnhlp tornserly escaped laxaUob. Thor* has not bw n im- pered one d d la r of itree t (Hate lax i / ta a Ih* property o f private osmere during tae jp sft eight y e a i i and there Is not another s w e ta lbs ITntnn to wltlch the expeusre of the rttal* gqwem m ent hear a* lightly upon the people.

W r approva the action iff the G overnor la vetolngThe bfll prsvIdlDg tor the legal islng of lease* between callroad ro r p o ra l lo ^ dofH Rw iTMofii jiv eo lor liyit Ttto, wblNi tlie M iufht to be Im lla rd pm ieat upuo IbH r ibeo onTf • coikw»ildMtoit ofeom tnonr n n if in atu’h fti bow exiet lb etl tbe tru n k )tb < « o rtb f Htott, It bM been s b o w k b y th e ■c'iloDtoCthe eorpoFfttloiis lQ«luded In tluil. rzcoatloa , U k m ofUr the pmuiofe o f th e b ill tb e t It It Oietr Intm llou to e n m e In th e buelueMiiofmlnlikf end Mellluf cuau. Kor the doing of th le there li Dot ftny en tho rlty tk lbe4^ftrlerorih«ron>o<iiH on«or tbegeoem l lew s o f th e IHele, onr ww kay luoh power «>nlhred by tU rpm vletoo*ofiheb lH In qww-Unii. NorallniA(l(*om|«uiy orgeniBra tm oer U)P lawKnf ihUHtelfl In iw lhorltrd hi ragace 111 tb i' bUHineMt of mloltig o r nelUt^ coal, o r la any himlneM other than lh a l o fa ro n ito o n carrlrr , himI the fact th a t tncae or«H U frt oftlie t ^ t e haTf abuiwd the p h velegea gta iited Ihcm and oinmly amioum-cd their attorinlna> ti(Hi In itin iln u r to abuse, l> a tuffleleul rea- wm why further pritllojfr* ■hould be d«*nlrnlo tlw>m and the p»»wrr tif lli»‘ oourta Iuyoked to reetralu e ils tlo g aud tbreateaad Illegal a i'lto iix

W e thf^rrfore approve the the course Of (iovertm r A b te tl to directing the AUoritcyv ek-ncral lo lake such steps m will th eIn te re r to f th e p iop leand dlsaolvp the Illegal rr^lutloii enP^rod Into bg railroad corponaRona to uooiroi the price of coaU

B E F O R E T E E C O N V E N T IO N .

d a iu e s S m ith , J r . , en d O ther* H eaU ag H rM c b e s -W a r ite g P assale ffaeUaa*.

Special to tlw E v a ia a o » a * a TaxnvoTf, M sy H.—The headlight* o f th *

New Jersey Democracy were m rly a t tba rep tta l last n ig h t They gatfasrsd to dlseum the s itu a tio n and pave the way to r easier progrm a ‘ In the Btat* eoaventlon to d a y . Th* chlelU ns wer* fully aw are o f tb a d in tou lt ta sk ahead, as seventl unusually ugly danger post*; th a t forhode d isaster to hope* for harm ony In thegwooesd-

■tngsbad th ru s t th e ir unsightly appearance ah n re the lurtoce some tim e ago. OU w as poured OB the troubled waters by J am e s H m lth ,J r„ who brushed aside various snags w ith becom ing grace aud skllU

One o f the cause* tor discord sra* th a t th e re were n o t hoiiois enough to go around . Gov­ernor AbbeU, Jam relim lUi, J r ., Dnlted B tates B rnsto r McPherson, Bcnjemln V, la * an d Miles Boss were desirous of being ssiccted as d e lrg a teH t-la rfe lo tha N ational Coovsullon a t Chicago. New Jersey 1* only en titled to four dclcgales-al’ls r |e , aud of course five cou ld nt»t go. W ho ws* to be left a t hom e V T b a t wee a burnlug question.

Miles Boss had m ade a strong effort to drop Henator M cPherson from the roll of taoobr, and H w as thought th a t he had a lm ost auo- ceeded. The Senator had too long been a fore­m ost factor in Ih* pollUce of the State lo be sacrlflced now. This toct was m ade p la tu to Boas and h is friends.

>. Bach a proiMsitlon will n o t be listened to ," said a delegate lo a raporter. “ McFher- sun has b « n uneen years In the U nited S tates Henate, and If be w ants to go to Chicago he will go, o r we will known the reason w hy. To hum ilia te McPherson now would be as g rea t a sham e to the State as It would be a n IdbuB to It* senior senalor."

Jam eaS m ltb , J r ., In rlted Benjam in F. lA* in to hi* room a nd Induced h im to w ithdraw In Senator M ePhenon’t tovor,

T h e n was no nam a other th an G rover C leveland’s m entioned In conneotlou w ith th e Preefdentlal nom ination.

The practicel settlem ent o f th e m attera of d ispu te between the State leaders robbed th* convention of m uch of Its Interest, T hs s u n e u w sre quiaier th an they were a t th e UmJ of th e U te Kepubllcah cim veotlon, a n d (he en thna tasm which m arked th a t gathering was lacking. Trpe, tbe hotel corridor* w e n crow ded as usual aud a ll th* tocea fam ilia r a t tbe State meeting o f (he Demo. c ra tic p a rty w e n to be seen on a lt bauds, yet ev ery th ing was com paiallvely quiet. Some o a * ran ted o u t the band, w hich took It* poet- tio n In fron t of tb e Trenton House and playad several seteoUona. Tbe m ost excitem ent w as ab o u t th e hsadquarleix o f the tw o w arring fkctlou* from F iasaio County. They cceupied q u a rte rs Bids by side e n one o f th e upper Boors o f th e Trenton Mouse.

S enato r H lnobllllb said tb a tb * b a d bald o u t th e <dlv* branch U> Praseeutor G ourley In tb e s h a p e d a n oflhr to w ithdraw from th e con* ts a t If G ourley would agree th a t be Mlncb- lUto abould be th e ebairm ao of th e n ex t Btate delegation from Fmsale. HloohUHh aaye hi* oUve b tanoh waa flung In the mud.

M r. O oartoy deelarsa tb a t no euch offer w as m a ^ a n d th a t t t I* w ar to the knife . Most o f tbe leaders wet* o u t of sight th is m orning . G ovem or A bbott drove over from the K uaer farm , an d w in t to hla ofllos in th e S la te H ouse, w here he received ddegalluu* from ttaacuunty dlitrlcUs

Senator McPherson dtoaK>*ared sa r iy in th e m orning. Jam esSm lU i, J r ., received a ll coUeis a t tb a headquarters o f Eesex O oanty In G eneral Sewell’s old room. Tbe N ew aril dslegaUoa held a caucus th e re an d m ade Jam es Sm ith , J r ., chairm an . One of th* liveliest place* was “ B illy ” Thom peoo's rooms, where ebam - pagne an d o ther refteabmenta were m uch freer Ib a u pore a ir. " Bob ” Davis an d Denny H oLoughiln were on bend, h u t k ep t In tbe ti4ekgroands __ ^



L aw a a d P s lttira M laed tip la a M sa tao u tht 'a n n t r

PRaKKoisP^ May 36.—W b « i w w rt opened yeatwday >t«ndinv room w w lian l lo find, avery available epaae being oocuptod by penona ftom atl over tbe CHxmtry ankloue W iM w bal would be Uod«' w ith ibe applicalloR o f CbarlM II. WolcoU for a b oM lk#n«« In EraebolO, which ba<l been laid over u n til t o day* I t bad b « ‘n freely ruruored th a t Id • ptte of the pn»U*ti Uw llcenoa would b* cran ted to WulcoU Jo r pumiool wrvltir* ran- dered. Wolcotl, ofUr b a la f elwoted to tha Board o f Kroeholdcn*, w ent bock on the men who hodfltuod by him In th e Of lit Hnd allied h lm ie lf to tb e Abbott taeilon la U ontaou tk ()muily to which belong Judge tXwrOTof and P tw w u to r Ivinfc Tbo foUowtng to k report of tbe pnxwrdUifs loken from the ■ tenor rapber^i n o fra ;

Me, Ancnwaiullh-TUet tbera m ay no mtoundcrHtaadbkf in thto oaiie a« to * u t to Mitd liy co n n w l, I have rrqu ro trd th a t iM court **tcu<jfraph«r iholl apprur a ad w ith th e w m im lo f tu e i^ u r t be may lake down w hat 1 have to nay. . . *

The t^m rt—Thin nppllralifiu to a conleeted m a tte r and wo have a AiU calendar to-day an d we will lay thin «vw lo Uie ihirly-flnrt.

Mr. Arn>wnDilih—I have Bub|MW)aWa mmi- bor wUufi«R'« which f oan ronviuoo lh« Court I th I uk arc proper U» be heard.

The Court—Od whol m utter f ^ ^Mr. Arrowwiiltb—Upon two

upon the viototlou w the law. T b e ^ u r t WIU rem em ber when ih l i iwjw w ai called tbo C ourt iloled th a t I ihou ld give the name* of tb e wUneetM to the viola lion of the taw to th e Proiwcuior^i ofKuw.

T b e lto d rt-D Id y o u d o th a t f .Mr. A rtoW im lth-1 did. I gave ■ H it of

eighteen or twenty owmee. I oherge b e r^ and am ready to prove, Uiat ou t o f th a t elgbU'cn o r iwcDiy iiomee, only four wIUm m were oalled belhre the O raud Ju ry . I obligato to

■rove to the entire eallefactluii of the Court, the rem alm ng wlUiew»ea who were not

called, w lH» wore refutod to be called before the Cm nd J u ry , hab itua l v io lattoiu of the law In (hat place. , ^ ^

T he Court—The O ourtw ill not lake (h a t up. Mr, Arrow»mlth—l dealre to m ake my

point. I am M ttiQrd w ith tbe ru ltn i of the Court. I deelre to ta y th a t aa a prooedent no­where In ihu »ta(c of New Jen ey . o ud lde of tb to ilm e. hmt any evbr i«fU«Hl Upon

G B A I I G i W I T H

T h e P o lio e N o tif ie d t o K e ap « L o o k o u t

f o r C h a r lM G o lra u n .


I 'u d e r th e Name o f C liarlee V e tte r H e ra id C oart to A unla R eym oad**atl W ae M ar­r ied to H e r by JuaUe* H lu m -M r* . Cole- m an 'e rttlfU l Htory a i I to U trd to (hiper- ia te iid e n t Rrowii.


anplleatlbn tor a license to biwr w llncssai sraer* there was a charge of a violation o f thelaw.

T b a t au rin g tb e adm lnisiraim n or r r a iu e m Cleveland the a ffltin of the N ational Goverr^ m w t waee ototdncted upon llnre of honesiy o m fo ta m a m t iw snltlni tu th e acoum aiatlon o f* large aunt In th* NaMoonl Tiroasui'y.

D nrtak the present adraln lslm tlon there ha* M en a s y a t ^ of reckless extravagance InauwHrated In every d e w tn ie n t | ihe sumlua b a , M ali w m M a n d fflstrllm tion ha* been •U M U ta d b y ^ b e ry aad scandal.

W ie im ore* tb e adm ih litra tiou of Oovemor Leon A n re tt, and p u t th* record* of the S tate a* a n abaw er to tb* slandare jprom ulgatsd In tb* bb tiio tm o f lb* reeent Bepuctloan coo- ▼ntlQi), A tth e d a te r fh l i la e u g u ra t io n lb e floating d e b to r tb* Slate am ounted toM A* cm. BV err do lla r of th is ha* been paid, a n d a t th e commeneement o f ths present flsoal years th a n was over tLOOl In tbe bank M (bar d r ^ l t tb* btat*. This toot Is the m ore gm U nrlng when It Is considered th a t tbe ax trao rd ln a ry wrpenea, of tb e last flioal

aient* *f’ over tord e a t o f tb e Haas* ftir Dm* » M

year to rin d ed

U » A taia U m a t i e 'A ^ i^ ^ « _ , » —Bf*l B ap trim satT lia tio n , and o m fW jW Rfr tb* Bttrehai* o r tb a cam p fToundt a t a k a G lrL a M illM U ffw tb* labdiRllng o f tb e J h a w w o a e . T S m t t tm iid iD a ry axr p e u M have been m et and & U gb standard o f a o r Htata sebcois aod aiibar InsUtutkm* m sin ta liird w ithout s d d lo t .n dollar t o t n s ’ !*•** loapoead upoo tad lffdoal o r«

P r is e s A w arded for F a ra d la g a a d D rilling , r in a n e la l B eporte B ead .

ATLANTIC Cit y , May a t - T h e lesulta o f the d rills au d several com petition*of the K nights o f tbe Golden Eagle In parade and for d rilling was announoed la it nig b t ,a a d rsanlted aa Kik low s:

Cash p rtx eo f |3ID for tb e best drilled com- m ao d ery to Company B, Vr’est P h ilade lph ia ; gxn to th e second best drilled com m andery to th e B hartdan, o f Erie, P*.; MOtt to the castle m ak in g the beet appearance on pa­rade, P ilgrim , of Pbltadelpbla; MO to th e eaaUe hav ing tb s largeet num ber o f m en In parade, Sea jpide, of A tlan tic ; MO to tbe com m andery having th e targoat num ­ber o f m en on parade, Hl M ary T, o f Allen­tow n, Pa. l l i e “ Jewel of H o n o r" tP tno colonel h aving tbe largeet an d tb e best dla- p lay by regim ent w ent to (Xrlonel W. T. Du- bole, a t Bridgeton. To tbe betla llon parad- log tUe m eat men, a flag, w hich w ent to tb * F ir s t B altallcu of New J e rse y ; to the oaphtln having the largest an d beat d isp lay by comptuileB, a gold badge, seenred by Oaptitio Muller, of Allentown. To th a S ir K n lg b t preBSnilDg the finest Ind iv idual *p- p e a ra n n , A. K . 0 . K. Baldrtck, wtalqb wa* won by the first sergeant of tb e Crusader*’ O om m enderyorR iU adelphla. TocaeU ehev. log th e largest n iunher of m em bsrs In parade, a DnUed State* flag, won by Ooeau O fatle 11 o f A tlantleC U y, K .J .

L ast evening the Knlgbta a ttended a ball given In tb e lr honor. The Suprem e Oastle m e t la secret sesaton yesterday. Theseeslon w as wpent In hearing flnanelal repo rts of G radd Caatlee, aod ibow tbe order to b* In sound condition, w ith o re r fSOOJMP on baiid a n d Invested, The offlean will h* elected lo- day .


N e ar ly H lU sd B ecaasa H * A eeosedP e d d le r rHSteaUng B ars* F eed .

N aw B acnaw iox , H ay lA—Lonl* Schm idt eam e here from New York tw o week* ago a n d o p a n e d a peddlers' supply store on B u r­n e t s treet, near R ichmond. H e k ep t hU boree In a a ta b le le e a cd f to ra A b iabam Mendowls, In C entral W tiarf alley. A nother peddler, P h ilip K teckm an, kept h i t hors* In tb* aahte plaeei Sobm idtaoeused K leckm ao M qnday n ig h t o f steeling bte bay end toed, K leekinau te iiw l a heavy ham m er, straok S eb m ld t on lb* bead an d knocked h im dow n. He tc rean ted “ Mulder,*’ a n d attem p ted to tecaiie th ro u g h th a gale ' Into th a alley, b u t Aba M endowls s o d I jouIs A'ddler. friend* K lsekm an, held tb s gate tost w hits tb e la t t s r again knocksd Schm idt down e n d itrn c k h im nntU h a was Inasnslbls. Tli* polk* -were Anally notified of tbe aflhtr an d took S ebm ld t ’ to b is hom e a n d lom i arrested K teckm an on> a ctaoige o f a iaan lt and battery w Bb la te n t to kilL Mendowlx end A d d k r were a r te e k d yeetarday a ad held as sore wort re,

TIm physicians say Behm ldt'* IbJarte* a re very serious, the toct th a t be Is a sa r iy s ix ty yearn old m aking them m or* to . K leckm an la young. . ______ '

U a th c lle P ro tee tlo a t a B eb rew s . R oux , May M. Jiss* Sellgm aa, o f New

Y ork , aooompanled by Dr-WCtoiuMl, reetor o f th e A m arican Deilagt Jteta, raaently vta ltsd C ardinal Bam polla, Papal s eo te ta ir « f fftod*. w ith thaobJeot o f sa lu tin g h is sy m pathy on b s h a lfo f tb* Jsws. They ware eardkM y rs- oelved b y the card inal, wfto t*M b a WOiM N* U M t bappy to do bU. u tm ost Hr a id tb* ho- m aae oauee. Tb* >ep**i he added, a ^ al- w ay* been th* protaetor* of th e Jaw t, w hen th ey were peneM W d everyw lM n e li* they tb u n d a m n ig e io B o m * .

—— ....... I* .....................Ito* W eeSNH O M W fl WWeeeei.

~ ' r t M M d f fn d td H O tf wotUMT

The Court—In ease* w here the Om nd Ju ry have m ade InvestlgatUm aud subprenacd wit- nesses, I undm iland you do not mean to charge Ihnt the Pro*«!Utrtr d id not Issue sub- pcenasiur a ll tbe w itnesses th a t you gave tbeuains* off . ,

Mr, A rrow sm lth—N o ; bu t m y point U th is, u ia t tbe Court cannot sb iri I t. rrenonsIbllUy because tb* Grand J u ry falls to do Its duty . They are called for an entire ly dlUbrent pufr pose. Ode Is f<w th* grnntlnit of tb* license, and Icha rgsnow dlitT nc lly th a t nowhere In the State of New Jersey baa any (Vrart ever refused to bear under like c ln amitono** wit­nesses who m ay be called.

The Oourt—It Is a rem arkable case for you to come Into cuurt, a lte r an investigation by tbe Grand Ju ry of charges of th is k ind , and for you tu still Insist upon a ra-luvestlgattuu of th is m atter by the Court.

Mr. A rrow sm lth—By witneaae* In court, who were not called. . , ^ ,

The (tourb-Tha G rand Ju ry bad a righ t to sav how m any they would bear.

U r. A rrow einllh-Y es, bu t tide Court hue tioi the right, -because th ey toiled to hear them , to say th a t they w in not hear them .I t haa been flaunted In m y tooe by th is per­son th a t I would uot have tb e uppori unity to bave ibto exam ination. T ba t bouat has bee n maido. T hat th is license was granted tretore the atmlloatlou was m ade. I am prepanid to prove that.

T n e O o u rt- Id o not care any th ing about th* bonata th a t were m ade. This caae has not been delerm lued by tbto Court. _

Mr. A rro w am ttb -1 am no t sure o f tha t, as lo certain members.

The C ourt—I do n o t th in k t t ba* been deter­m ined In any way, shape o r form. Tbe case Is laid over to the thlrty-flrsL

Mr. A tro w sm tth -J desire to oflfer witnesses as to ano ther point nt th a t tim e and m ay 1 aak th a t the Court request the witnesses, now present to come. ,

Tba C ourt-O n w bat otbes poin t do you Wish the wBnessre to be beret I wonlo like to know so a e lo exam ine tbe law upon tba t polnU

Jlr. Arrffwsrotth—I charge th a t a t leaat live of tbe signers of th is hotel Ifeense are persous who bave bevu parties to tbe hab itual vloja- tioD of tbe law w ithin tbe last year a t th a t plBce. 'T bcn a re tb lrteen alxnsrs upon th is applioatkiD. U reoalres twelve m u ta b le freeboldfis under the atatnte. 1 charge tb a t o u t o f thorn th irteen elgnst* th e n am a t least five who bave been parties to vlolatlooa uf ttie law In reference to the Illegal sale n l liquor a t th a t plaoe, and Uiere- fore they a re no t repotable freeholder* in tbe m eaning of the ita in te .

Th* C o u rt-W h o are they T U r. AiTowimlth—1 ohargo tbey are partiee

to tb e v to la lto B o f tbe law w ltb lu the mean­ing o f the taw.

The Court—W ho are they T Mr. A riow am ith—H oberl C. tichenck,

Ellbtie B. Bedle, B. Perrine Voorbecs, John W . Huleei, W illiam N. Tbompson. W yckoff Barkalow and W illiam K. Curley.

The O ourt-W e will lay th is over to the thirty-first. There 1s no necessity to r any re­ply b ^ i i t e tbe Court will determ ine the legal queatlons a t tbe proper time.


T he T U rty-saeoud A a a a a l M eeting o f th e N ationa l A ssoclatloa .

BoaTON, MayUd.—Thetblrty-seoond annual eonveatlon o f the U nited ritates Brewers’ As- soctatlon wa* called to order a t 10 o’clock th is m orning a t H ortleu ltu ral H all on Trem ont itn e tb y K IU s W aliirlgh t,affil. Louis, presi­den t o f the assoclalton. The a ttendanee waa targe. New York an d vicin ity alone being represented by a driegatton num bering elfb ty-six . After som e sa lu ta to ry . rem arks by H enry H . Buoter, o f th is olty, prreldent of ^ s New JIngU nd Brewers’ A seodallon, Mr. W alnrlgbt delivered hla a n n u a l address, w hich .was followed by the m d in g of tbe re ­ports o f tb e several itaiuU ngoom m lttee*.

Tbe report of the board of trustees was read by R ichard Fataenm ayer, o f New York, sec­re tary of the association. As to tbe brewers’ exh ib it S t tbe Columbian W orld’s F a ir the Bseoclallon has dropped as Im pracliosble th e proleot of the ereetlon o f a saparate building and applied to the director-general for space In any bulldlug to w bleb under tb* exletlng system o f olsaalfloatlon luoh an ex h ib it be- longs. I t I t Intended to llltietm te by m aps, obarta, pam phlet* and tta tle lleal tab le t the m agnitude of th e brew ing trade and Its In­dustria l and ag ricu ltu ra l conueotlons. I t I t fo rtber proposed to hold a n Intoruatlonal brewers’ congivM a t Chicago In connoctlon w ith the tb tr ty - th lid annual convention, w hich m igh t beooms th e starting point Of an In leraatioual league o f brew en.

Tbe report also trea ts o f Uie cfllirti to bave th* duties on hops, m r i t and barley redneed. The la tte r propneition gave rise lo a so rt of eectlonal conflict between tb e W estern and E astern growers nnd m a ls ten , the former op- posing tb s .red u e ilo n . W hile Stic adm itted Inability o f the Eastern m alatsr to o m p e te w ith h is W sstem colleague really 'm eans ebeaper m a lt o f the ord inary gtade*, It Is a well-known to rt th a t m any Eastern brewers regard Canada barlsy as superior to any pro­duced bere, and to tbem the exorb itan t en- basmemeiit o f tb e prioe of tbe C anadian prod­u c t ap p ean to be unw arranted . The sa- •letanee of th e brew eri tbrougtaout tbe coun­try Is rcqnested In b eb a lfo ftb e brewer* of the D istrict iff C M um blalii sscuring lor tbem a reasonable excise law.

Tbe report o f the publication eominIHea waa read by t l Tbom aun. of New York, man- a g sro tth e B raw srs ’ l i te r a ry Bureau. From Ute report of the finaaoecommiUee I t ap p ean tb a t th e atact* o fth * asaoclallon am oun t to aiU,lKLfL Thereeelptb during tbe year were M AHUt khd th e e ip e n d i tu m tlg>V.«k A table of e ta tlstk* waa also subm itted to the oonveollon etaowlng the Internal revenue re- celpte from ferm entM llquore, th e num ber of pereons In eoota Btate an d Territory who paid speolal texea,'aad a s tatem ent of Imporis and export* o f bsbr, bops, barleL bsrlsy m alt,

B uperintsndeiit Brown baa d lm a is l the police to look for Charles Coleman, who deserted hi* wife, and who under the nam e uf Charles VIcker, 1* believed U> have bivn m arried on April 1 to Annie Reyinoml by Oustleo Blum st hlsoffli'e, TO Huulh Orange avenue. The police of m her elllea have also born uskeil toseureli for tlie a lh fe d bigamist.

Mrs. Colsniui), a delicate young woiiuiii, tw enly ywira uf age, after eonsultliig the reu ird lu thu t 'lly Clerk’s aflliv, related a pitiful s tory p> nuiw rllilendent Itrow u. «ho was m arried lu Coleman, she Said, In tX’lolier, llllk From tlie tim e of tb e lr m arriage she claim s to Irave been cruelly treated , and slnro the death of tbelr 11 ve-monlhs-old child,w hich oucurrrd four m onths ago, her husband has d<A ouiitrlbuled to her support. In toct he ■pent (ho greater part of hts t im e aw ay from home. Hhe has liwrued, she says, th a t her husband has lawn atten tive lo th * Ikym ood woman for ss'Veral m ouths. To her bo waa know n aa ib a rle a Vetter.

MiSi Coleman wa* teen a l h s r home, W* (Ju ltm austnw t, this m orning b y * N kwh re- lairu-r. HIuim h e r tu ls rv k w w ith Buperiu- tondent Brown she Imd learned m ore of her hualiaiid and the wom an whom he niarrled. From -\uiile Raym ond's au n t, a M rs, Dolan, who lives a t O M. W Ikrte r *1*001, where the cnnplo spent la il riatarftay an d Huullay, she haa obtained pototiv* p i ^ tlH l Vettiir Is her hualjand, A l liO Norfolk slrtwl, where Miss lU'ymoiid boarded, she ha* corroborated Mrs. Dolan's statem enia. Mlaa Iteym und has for a year, she adds, been em played a l Bowers's eorart factory op Hum m lt street.

On aceount o f her Inability to pay Ihe rent for tbe roum i In tbe igultm an s treet bouse, Mr*. C okm an wa* offiered to vae»te the premises. A colored Ikm ity nann-d la-wts, who rented t t o house, permllhMl her lo oc­cupy th* tdCm* and fuiBIshed her w ith ftaal For three day* last week Mrs. Coleman did nut bave a morse! lo eat.

On Halurday inornlug abe last m o the r hus­band. He ton lb* bouse lasp-nalbly to go lo a Iw it factory on Johnson striv l. Mrs. Ouleninn asked h im to re tu rn homo a* soon aa |>oasllilo with money, aa she wsa nearly a ta r v ^ . The e<dored wormui heard (lohenian tell his wife to starve, and tlien realised th a t th e unfortuiuite w o m a n ^ d hren w ithout food, H^e Invited her to partake of a m eat k h ir buase,

TheO veerted wife said (h a t Mrs. Dolan had Informed her th a t her husband had received gti from hla m other, aud abe believed th a t he had gone to Boston, where he haa frleiida. Hho added tb a t her miffber-ln-law was re­sponsible for m ueh of her trouble, and had from the lim e of her m arriage to Coleman treated her shabbily. Ur*. C olem an's lualdeu nam e was A nnie D 'N sIl..

AlMiut tw o m im lbs ago O okm aii was a r­rested and brought before J udge Hayes in the First Crlinfiisl Court on a cluirge o f nou-sup- porL He begged off an J prom ised to luulu- lain h is wife. A fter Mr*. O okm ao hud with­draw n her com plain t th e husband told the Judge th a t when he was ftrst m arried hegave his wife tw snty-dv* cents a day for the house­hold expeutes. W han be discovered Unit she was aupporthig ber.brotA ec h* ladived the allowance to ten cents.

There are tw o coiuplalnls again st Coleman, one charging h im w ith bigam y aud the o ther With oou-iupporL

The B a y In B h i r h a l le lrg a ln n e iu o n - s lra ta d HLs H nnrs ty .

From the San F n in c iv o Examiner.In N evada aeveral y ea rs ago, a a E sm er­

alda d e leg a te—a ta ll, long-bearded v en er­able m an, w earin g ip e e ta e k s an d aa a ir o f reapee tab iu ty aucli aa Is M ldoia aequ ired In th e iw g eb rn ib —w alk ed u p to th e d e tk o f^ h e c h a irm an o f th e R epub lican B tate C onven tion a a d c re a te d a trem endoua a e p a tlo n . T h e lig h t fo r th e U uberna- lorla] n um iiu tloD w as h o t an d clooe, and as bo th th e a sp iran t* w ere w ealthy , boodle waa In tb e a ir a n d e lsew here .

" B lf," »*ld th e K am erald* d e le p te , w ith s te rn lo le m n ity , s lap p in g fifteen fflO piece* d ow n on th e tab le , “ I w an t you to tak e charg* o f th l* y e r ooJn. T h a t 'e re m oney w aa g iv e to m e la s t n ig h t to c a r t m y vole for O ln ’ra l S m ith fo r Oov’n o r ! "

H a lf th e o o n v en tlo n In v o lu n tarily th ru s t It* h an d In It* p o c k e t , an d th e n all o f I t rose a* one m an , a n d ye lled lik e heaata o f prey ab o u t to be b e re f t o f beof th a t h ad ju s t been tooaed in to th e uage* hy th a keepers.

" K a m e l N am e! W h o w aa It? I J a r ! Bnoak! T ra i to r I F ire h im o u t I H o '» * h enem y to horn* In d u stry I K il lh lm J "

“ W h a t do yo u m oon, a ir? " l ^ p e d th * ohairm an , ab sen t-m in d ed ly p o cketing th e coin. “ D o you irtand th e re before th is eunvrnU on an d a sa e rt th a t G eneral S m ith gave you th l* m o n ey to v o le fo r h im T“

“ No, I d o n 't , ’’ a n sw ered th e p u ris t from Eam oralda, g la r in g b ack u n d au n ted a t th e sea o f ftiriouB face t.

“ D id any o n e k n o w n to you to be G en ­e ra l B m ith’a a g e n t o r fr ien d giv* i t toyou ?"

“ W eil, th a t ’a n e ith e r h e re n o r th e re , an d 1 do n ’t a llow I t’a none o ' you r busi- nc**, nohow . I ’vo g ive you th e m oney, h a in ’t IT T h a t '* equarc , a in ’t it T"

“ B ut w hy d o you com e h e re w ith th l* m oney an d m a k e such a s ta tem e n t to th is convenU onT”

“ B ecause I ’m on H nnm t m an, a l r l " e x ­claim ed th * u p r ig h t o ld p ioneer, w ith eye* b ia s in g a n d h is fhcc Illum ined by a glow o f h ig h en th u a lasm th a t aw ed th e tu rb u len t m o b In to ailenee, " I can do b e lte r on th e o th e r a id e l T h ey 'v e bid five h u n d re d !"

C heer u p o n c h e e r w e n t up and shook th* ha ll. M en cro w d ed round Ih e old m an, w rung b is b a n d , a n d s lapped h im on th e back .

“ T h a n k G o d ," sa id th e ch a irm an In i voice c h o k ed w ith em o tio n , “ tru e m an hood atlll p e rm ea te* th e G ran d Old P a rty in th e b a tU eb o m S ta te . A nd y e t tb o y call th is a ro tto n b o ro u g h I"

A a A ssan ll Ou O. II. D arr, th s C am ed lo a ln tb* T lek st'u f-L eav s H a a ."

G. II. Harr, Who Is playing the p a rt of to * Hrirrln In the “ Tlckrt-of-Lc*v* M an " a t Miner’s Theatre this week, was s truck a cou­ple o f vicious blows In the tore and knocked Imwuslble lost uighl. Tb* a tisck wsa nunl* sho rtly a fter (he play, whit* th* actor wa* stam lliig alone uear the stag* eutranoeoo Heaver street. Mr. B arr did not * » hi* as- satlau t and ha* no Idea who he wa*. «*ver*l pcnam* who saw the m an runn ing away from Mr. Harr's prostrsle form discrlbo him a* being abou t tbtrly-flve years of age, of me­d iu m licight, lieuvlly biitll and wearing a light colored s u lto f e k th ln g , sack coat aud light derhy hah

Mr. Harr left the thea tre by th*stag* door shortly a fter II o 'ebs'k In com pany w ith August IL O. K yhn, th* electrician a t th* theatre. They slotai In fron t of th* door ta lk ing for a tow m lnu tea ; then Mr. K yhn started tow ard .Market slrecL leaving Mr. B arr s tand ing near the stag* door. Mr. K yhn pasiad a young woman, apparen tly about twenly-two .veare of age, drMsed c* p a-p le ln red. Mr. Harr was lo Join a im . an d h* w alled abou t th ir ty feet aw ay fi»r him . A* li* stood toi-lug the oppoalt* alito <ff the atreet ha biwrd a m an paas. and In a momeikt lie hiwrd a noli* a sho rt dtslanc* dow n tb* ttr iv l .

laaiklng around Mr, K yhn saw a m an run­n ing ilowu H 'avsr street tow ard C linton and Join Uie woman lu red on th e corner. A sec­ond look revealed Mr. H arr's prostra te form uu tb e pavem ent, and H r. K u h n hurried to b is asslsunee . H arry tileventou, an usher as tbe tbestre , cam* up Just then , and th* two m enuarried th* unconscious ac to r in to one o f tbe drcsalng-reomi. Blood w as flowing dreely from several w ounds on Mr. Hards fs ic . and be rem ained unroniclou* for about a qua rte r of an hour. Mr. B arr’s upper Up bad been sp ill ou (li* right lid s , evidently by a hiniit InsIrumciiL I t was an ugly gash, a u d i t was cloHcd with five stitches by Dr. IPjth, J r. There ws* a m ark over eaeh eye, * wound on the bridge of hla nose, an d a big dlsculorotlun under the left eye.. Tbe iKkllre learned of the assault som e tittle tlin a o ftc r I tto n k place, a n d H ergrent H#an and I’atro lm eu Luttus aod Dannebcrger m ade a srari'U for th* m an and the w om an who wa* w ith bim , b u t they wsre unsbl* to find cither. ______

A B E L L E V IL L E R U N A W A Y .

Hoy ft

M tm b a n o f tb « O e & tn l P n s b T t c r l u i

61y # U p th # F i g h t

R E V . DR. C A M P R E U ’S R E U M A T ID N .

T he C hurch F rep s rty to B* Bold a a d th * P rae ssd * to 1 * P u t la th a G kareh Ka> toiishm F a n d -T h * B as tin g a t Iffc leb t h s F orego ing Action waa T a k s a -1 0 * - lo ry o f th* I 'hnrch .

' aa rD A N K sK t b g g p n .


esporui oi oosr, no |sa w r is r , "-“.'-irioA etc. AH reports were referred to special ooromlUesa, wtasreiipon th e oonventlon ad ­journed un til UHnorrow morning.

A ao tb e r T le tiiu o f H ydrophobia .B u M ir a i r , M ay XL—From tb s effect* of a

wooBd In flleM qom* two years ago, JarvLa W oodruff la now saflhrlag from bydropbobt* T b s o r if tn s l wound was scarcely more than a tcratiib, and srtasB ooe* heaisd ws* foigai- ten. L ast week H r. W oodruff complalDed of raoklng pains In tbe h esd . H is limb* became a i i r p a is M . YfsW rdsy be displayed all the sym ptom * of hydropM bla, and to prevent bimwlolng Ib ln ry to bUnssIf o r tttoes a ^ t b ira i t wita deoUed to strop bIm to b ta .hed . Mr. 'W otSniff I* h m an a f ^ w s r f o l physique, abou t forty y e a n o f ag* an d 1* well known tiirbuiftoHt the Btate.

J ah a s a a Ke* U so te. X h n e ll’* MardCTer.R an Ba n e , M ay a#.—Jo h n Jobnson, the

Middletown co lund auso arrested Bunday for supposad eompliolly in tb* m urdar o f U ss ls Fareril, waa n lea*ed yretorday. Jobnsoo 's lam liy d so lans th a t h* w ia hom e a t « p ’olock on th* n ight e ((b * m urder. Tbe atloefc waa iM M ta a iH U aa a ttlo ’eiMfo Th* ofifean m

w h e i K & S ^ n r ^ F a rit the- '^ t h a a a t o t o t . Ib M X M a m a u n t

' iMiMB* to eaiipHgr dstse-

T b s F eop le’a In s tl ta t io n (9o*o* l u D oors, S u l P ra to taes to F o r B a p s itte r* ,

BKAlauiCiTy, M ay * v -T h o F e c ^ s b Bouk, of th is city, dosed Its doors yeste rday , and when Its patron* went to m ake th e ir deposit* Uie following notice, placed u p o n tiie doors mot ttastr astonlsbed gai* f

“ Qwlog to anforeseen Inoldent* U h as been deem ed wise to dose. Every depositor will be paid In full. A general staU-menl will be fo rn lsh ed ln a few days,

, . , " J . B » n n , Oasbfer.”H otw ltlistaadlngttia a m n u ie e s d n u la te d

by BBclals th a t a l l obligation* wUt b* met, g reat ex«ltcita(*valM bare yqstsiday. Greapa of agUatod depoaltora wet* 6n the street anxiously speeulattag aa, to the out­come.

A report h s a b s s n olreulalad tbriidepnsltori will be lo rtu n a t* I f r i j t y per eenfc of the lia­bilities are p a id . The B taU B ank Exam iner will luaK* an Invaittgatian . uooservatlve creditors believe tb a t all deposits will be paid, and th a t th* suBpenilon was only considered best because o f a tack of, husl ness. I t Is said th a t tb* treasurer, L. JL Ctatoiar, had a targe am o u n t of th a otly 's m oney o n defewlt, and, as m uch o f tht* cash will bq needed Imme­diately to cover m unicipal expenses, the sus- peualun has placed h im In a serious dilemma. A receiver wlfl probably be asked for.

Th* F so p ld t Book, w aa a Htato I o t t a a lu d lo u n w ith th e tollow log oftferrsi GtoNP W . U rq ab a rt, p re s id e n t; A n'htbold GaM ii,.V le*-pre*U snt; L. M. Cress*, oasb ler; T h o R M aK .Ia id lam ,fe^ lan tca* ta tir . AJI of these ofllcer* have held th e ir places qn to the present, wlUt ttm exception o f Cashier Cl****, who leslgnad a week ago to act n* asalstan t cashier of the Union N ational Bank a t AHantlo City. Tb* d lrcrtors, who are th* prinetpal itockboU eri, a re ; Jo h n Gegan, J . J , G 'Xelll, Jo*epb Uw'Aer, U M. t'lesse, H. W .'Faekler, Thom as E. Ludlam , George W. U rquhart, A rchibald G arv in aod It, Huwafd T horn . ^


* DoseripItoB o f th a C h em ica lly P rep a red , O dorless and T ran sp a re n t A rticle.

F rom th e Evening W isconsin. . <T h e sabaU tuU on o f g la te by a chem '

ically p re p a re d subatanee , tb e d e U tib o f w h ich h av e la te ly b e en pnW U hed, ap p ea rs to h a r e ta k e n a defln lU fo rm , a n d U ex p ec ted to ta k e it* p lace am o n g th e p ra e tt oal indoatrio*. I t i* p ro d u ced b y disKilr- in g fro m fo u r to e ig h t p a rts o f collodion w ool in a b o u t 100 t ia r ts , by w e ig h t, Of e th e r , o r- aloohol, o r a ce tic e ther, an d W idi th eee o re in tim a te ly com b ln ed from tw o to ^ eu r p e r cettL o f oartor o il, o r o th e r oil th a t is non-resinoas, and fo u r to te n p e r c e n t o f U n ad a balsam o r som e o th e r so ft re s in balsam . T b lsc o m - p ouad .vyhen p o u re d u p o n a gloss p la te and su b jec ted t o ' th e d ry in g a c tio n o f a oar- r e n t o f a ir o f a b o u t B0“ C e d t . eolldlfles In a oom paraU valy a b o r t tim e in to * tra n s ­p a re n t, glnas Hire s h e e t o f p la te , th e thick- nei* o f W hloh BSay be re g u la te d aa re ­qu ired .

T h e s h e e t o f p la te o b ta in e d in th is m an­n e r i* found to pogaeae subatan tia tly th e sam e p ro p e rtie* aa gtass, i t b e in g capable o f rek irting th e a c tio n o f aalta an d a lk a li a n d o f d ilu ted acids, be ing a lso tra n sp a ren t lik e g h u s , a n d ia w ith o u t a n y odo r. On th e o th e r h a n d , th * p e c u l ia r ad v an tag e ii o la im ed fo r th is new o rtib le o f b e in g p lia­b le o r flex ib le , a n d In fran g ib le to a very co n siderab le d ^ f f e e , a n d a n add itiona l q u a lity l a i t s fkvor U tb a t Ita in flam m abil­ity i* m u ch lea l th a n th * o rd in a ry eollo- d lo n subaU tatas.

A M edal fo r lav en to v BdlsMl.Lou PON, H ay ffo-T b* Hoelety o f A rts prise,

epnalstlng of a m edal, th* p r is t bav tag been tto ad ed la m a n o ry o f th* Frinea OMsort,

M t* w aid * d U )T h iw a iA .E d itim . Tb* h*s|iiw Tloiuly b*«o aw atdad taV W a-

T l f o U l i i i l mriit o f t t s f i N t H tw -

T he O u eea 's B lr th d s y C slebraU oa.I/o»no!f, M ay 3S.—In pursuance o f a format

order lb* re lebraiton of the anniversary of the dueen ’s B irthday, w hich acWally to- eurred yesterday, took plare to d ay . Tlio w eather wa* splendid. There wa* a pared* o f th e H orqt G uarili and a trooping by tbe Foot Guard*. This eerem ony wo* wltne*«*d by a throng o f people, Including a targe num ­ber of arlawcrmf* and notable foreigners. Th* Duke of Cam bridge, Com foanderfnK Silet of the torent, aocom panled by Frtne* C hristian, wa* In com m and. Tbe m aased bands played th* N ational A nthem , The Foot Guard* marclMri post la ravlsw IB th e order of qukok tim e.

They A re U sually T rae la b le bu t A re O lvsnto E r ra tic Plrltix .

From tiip U nnlem isirary llevlcw.T h e S oudanese troop* a re vastly In terest-

ing. T hese je t-b la c k c reatu res, resem ­b ling am iab le g o rilla s in face, o f all he igh ts a n d o n ly one th icknesa, narrow - h ipped , th in -ch e s ted , w ith no back* to th e ir heads a n d no calves to th e ir legs, a re liked and t ru s te d by th e i r offleer* to a re ­m arkab le e x te n t. T h e re Is little o f th e R ed In d ia n in th e m ; th e y w ould n o t fire in to a san d h ill o r a tond s till to be c u t dow n. T h e D erv ish is th e ir opp resso r and n a tu ra l en em y , an d th e y on ly desire th e o p p o rtu n ity to “ g e t a t h im " a t aa oloae q u a rte rs a s possib le. T h ey a re c h il­dren in th e ir lo v e o f d eco ra tio n and th e ir w him s an d th e ir d ev o tio n to th e ir officers. T hey a re savage* In th e ir d islike o f discl- pUn* an d th e i r p asa io n a te im p a tien ce o f re s tra in t o n th e ha ttle fle ld . F o r th is rea-___to k e ep th e m b o ck —th e y b ave m oreE n g lish olfliCcrs to a b a tta lio n t’h an E g y p t­ia n troops . T h e y d e te s t d rill and b la n k cartrid g e . T h e y a re en thusiastio over every ru m o r o f a p p ro a ch in g fig h t.

1 w as to ld a delighU U l sto ry o f on e re ­cen t ac tio n In w h ich th e y took a p ro m i­n e n t p a r t T h e enem y w as u n d er cover n o t fa r off, b u t th e firing line o f b lack i w ere b lazing a w ay a t h im as fa s t os th e y cou ld o p en a u d cloeo th e ir rifles. I n va in tb e lr offloers tr ie d to a top tb e m . T h e w aste o f a m m u n itio n th re a te n ed to be­com e e x tre m e ly serio u s s n d th e ir com ­m an d in g offieer, a S co tch m an w h o h ad scon m any fight* w ith th e m , losing h is tem p e r, ro d e u p a n d dow n b eh ind th e line , cu rs in g th e m w ith every abusive e p ith e t In a fa ir ly a d eq u a te vocabu lary o f A rabic in v ec tiv e . B u t en tire ly w ith o u t eflhct. A t la s t o n e o f th e m h ap p en ed to to rn and d isco v ered th e beloved B ey in ev iden tly a v e ry e x c ited s la te o f m ind. H e a t once ro se , ra n back to h im and p a ttin g h im rea ssu rin g ly on th e b o o t, h e s a id ; “ D on’t be frig h ten ed , Bey. I t ’s a ll r ig h t. W e’r e h e re —we’ll la k e ca re o f y o u l" T h e B c o ttis h B ey, h ow ever, wa* equal to t h e occasion . H e rode o u t th ro u g h th e lin e an d w a lk ed b is ho rse u p and dow n in f ro n t o f th e rifles, “ N o w ," b e said, ‘‘ i f y ou m u s t fire, fire a t m e I” A fte r th is i t ia n o t su rp ris in g to re a d in d isp a tch es t h a t th l* officer has tw ice r e ­cen tly h ad hi* h o n e sh o t u n d e r h im .

I d W lilcb a Cow, a H o u k sy ,G oat A r* C oaooraed.

A row, attached lo a loo* rope tied I" a s lak e In th* ground on New street, Bclleyllle, rrea ted w nsk lerab le e ic llem en t am ong tb* residents o f th a t tlionn ith fare yesterday. The an tn ia l, wbleb had been pu t ou t to liattiira on 111*gre«* growing u js jn both s ld « of tho road, had dragifod tbe rope across the ihorooghtare, w hen John Btrector, of Jeroi- Oman street, esm e slong d riv ing a spirited horse. Mr. Streeter did uo t see th* rope, snd when his borro was about to step over 11 the cow darted suddenly across Ihc road, brings Ing tlie rope Into contact w ith tbe liorsc'e h(N>fr.

The an im al became frightened and dashed up tbe s treet a t a furious pace, eareenlng the w-agon from one side irf 1 he road to tbe other. Klreeler lost ooiiUol of Ih* horse and Jum ped from the wagon.

A short d ia iancr up tlw Street an Ita lian organ-grinder,w ith tnoiiki-y attac-hmeut, was pliiylng In front rff a house. Before th e iiisu eoH Id seek a place of safely the horse was upon him . He waa koockod down and tram pled uiHiii and hi* organ was badly dam aged. The m onkey was set free. I t quickly clambered over Ihc fence and up the stoop of the taouso ocnupled by I'harle* Hoff, The wagon wa* drsggeil against tbefenoulu fro u to f Ibe bouse, tearing a portion away.

The noise of the runaw ay frightened a goat w hfrh was tn the front yard aud the anim al sprang upon the stoop where the slx-yeat-old boy of Mrs. Hoff was p laying. Tbe goat ran Into h im and pushed th e lad off the stoop. He feU heavily upon tb e stone flagging and w as picked up unconscious. I t Is feared tb a t the boy was Injuxed in tc rua lly . The horse ra n unchecked un til t t reached the Belleville Poorhouee. where It ws* caitghl. Tb* only person seriously Itju red was the hoy.

I t was decided a t a m tellng of lb* taem beffl' of Ihe Cvnlr*] Presbyterian Uhnrch ta rtn lg lX to aceepl the letlgrutllon o f Rsv. Dr. R tcbarfl H. ix tapbell a* pastor of th* obureb a ad *g the sam e tim e It wo* decided to ssU tb* o h u n b property and abendou Uw work.

This action ha* been eooletnplaled for acan* tim e. The roerabershlp and tb* attendaaoa a t the aervIcM of tb* ehureh batrertssuUly broom* im alle r for the l**( few year* T ba m einhi-rsof the church extcnslnu oom m lltoa bad discussed ttic inalter and bad deddoA tb a t the church had belter be ebandoaed, Gn« of 111* members of Ibis corumltte* said i ■*U Is* no t protoabta' Uati th* church t-ould- sneceed In Its preeent locaUafl under tbw mlniBirV of Dr. uampbeB o r o f tb s Aageb OsbrleL"

Rev. Mr. Nteholsoo, pastor of Ibe Nortlk P a rk Fresby tertab (.'burob, w aath* m oderato r o f the ujMUug last nlgbt, which waa h tld Ita th e leetiire-room of tb* ohurob. Tb* n e lgn ta tlo n o f Ur. Campbell waa preisBtad, to ta b * elfrct March « , im . I t d id a o t spsolfr th * closing of thechureh , b u t roata lnad a rtq o sa t th a t th s Presbytery consider th e m atte r. T h e n wsa oonstderable dlsouaitou abouP acoejilint th* rsslgaaUao beiar* deoM taf U> •ell Ills property, snd a t Isngth Ibost wbs> da- • Ire d to bar* foe property o u to fth # w ay b ta fore th s pastor resigned trlum pb*d,aB d (b * order of business was so s rm ngsd tb a l lb * tvslgnsllon of the pastor was n o t oonsklered u n til lb s u tber buslows bad oeen dispuasd oC

Tbe prnpM ltlun of Ib s e b u irb was tb a t tb * etaurrh properltos bs pu t e b lb s m arke t for •ale, and th a t til* pastor's reslgnatlsa tokw eflbi-t Im m ediately, Ibo ehureh to bs eiossd a i on os Slid the pastor to re n iv s h is is la ry u p to March ID, Ht*. This was adopU d, bub afterw ard wa* sllgbtty ebangsd to eoatorax. to (he pastor's proposlttoii, m aking h lasa la rp go on to March at. The la laF r from now u* - tll M arch t l will am ount to |i,71l, and Dr* Cam pbell will also have th s uso of th* par* •unage till May I, tflil

A set of rrsolutluus were pressaled a n d unanim ously adopted. They read a s fete- lows;

W H xarjis .T hK artro l Presbyterian C hurchy bereuiie of Bs loeallly, the coastan l m aroacb - m en t of business, th a depletion o f Ita m sm - j be rsb ipby death aud removal has sw o d U rl di-cllned during the tart U n y e a rs ; and,

W iixntA s, 'Gib p m e n l psstoreta w ss *►- •iiined lu the hope th a t • m an o f Dr. O stap* , bell's aueeessful snd dlsilngulshed career m ight avert Its m aniftat d e s tin y ; snd,

WHgREAS, The sequel hss ^ I n l y sbaw ta. th a t all bones and efforta to revlvs ih* WOSS In th is loeaUty m ust end In fa lln rs ; a n d

' W ANT TO BJS ro L lC E M K N .

A PCOTS o f Young N sw ark e rs D ssiro u s o f W ielding th* Is ieu sl.

Twenty powerfully-built young men wait­ed In the detectives' room a t p o l l» head- quarU-ra last n ig h tto be oalled Into tb e meet­ing of the 1*01100 ComrolHsloners. All had fill'd applk-atlons for appo in tm ent *s patrol­m en. The men were called In eeparatety and Int piTOfsted by the f’om iu lM lonersas to the ir habile, after which they were Inelructed to re­port to IfoUce Surgeon Clark, where they will undergo an exam ination aa to their pbysleal condition. ,

At the next meeting of the commlselonere tw enty ehanceiuen will be appointed regular palroliucn end a* m any m en who succe**- fully paes the physical exam ination w ill bs made chanceitien.

Jorem tali MtiUaney and Jam es Bplllane were sppolnled chancem en. The applica- Uuns of Charles Bert rain and Jam s* J . Carlin for appo ln lineu t as pstro lu ien were placed on (Ho. _____


A m e te d fo r th a D sa lsan Mtaedaiw.SKBAUA, Mo., H ay 9 L -A young white

m ca who gave h ia nam e as T. J . W illiam s w as sitesuifl la tb ia c ity la s tu lg h teb a ig ed w ith tb a m urder of (b s ftmr w oroea In Donl-, •on, T t i . , la s tT a es fta y n lfh L T bs a rrest ws* ou rfe ia tb e W estern V bioa Tetagrapb oflfaie by M arshal D elsm t, wlmJMtfl a atesaage to be on the w atch for W llilaias.

* D aleg a taaB o H ad fo r T re a to f .The Essex O ouat delagaUaa to tb* Demo-

crailo B tate Oonveallon boarded a epeclal tra in boBfe^fog, i^featofl^ f t *

A ii^UtupiitSsts MwirbM U M

A ppalling B ep o rte from lo w la n d s lo Ar- k a n saS "A n A p p eal from Hloux City.

Ma b ia n n a , May 25.—Appalling reports come from the low lands on the St. F rancis an d W hite lllvere. I t Is cstim aied th a t a t least 10,000 people have tweii rendered home- leas. T h lrty .tw o lives In ail have b<vn kwt In the Arkanfais bottom s, and the report come* from th e W hite and St, Ernncls rivers th a t several negrw s and ImUaiii have been drowned tb e rr.

L m i.y , I lo ca , A rk., May ffi.-Tlie river |s •till felling, b u t the d 1strres continues un the lower A rkansas. The slcanier A nna B. Adams a rrived la st evening from fin e Hliifl', aad left la te r w ith enough provisions to feed UW persons for three days. The Governor of A rkansas has called upon Mcmplilk to assist th is State In nU eving the suffering' In tbe bo ttom Jad jo in ing tills vlty. ’

1)BH MotsKK, Ilk, .May 'JA-eGoveruor Boles yesterday Issued a proelam alloa calUug for relief for the flixid sufil-n-rs a t Sioux City. The proclam atlun states th a t Ihe calwnlty. greatly exceeds th s early ertln tatiJ. xT be m unber o f femUlas homeless is plgocd a t l.oiwand tlie num ber o f dcstilnte of all ages fully i . m . T he num ber o f dwellings swept away Is given as tiff an d 700 w ore were reu derod uutemsble.

Cairo , HI., -May 25.—Is 'llers iw elved here announce Ihe feidr th a t there are 100 fem itles lu nnd alm ut th e tow n uf W heatland, th ir ty miles n o rth , u tte rly dgsttlute, the flfMjdt hav­ing to ta lly ra in e d th s orope, drowned tbe lr stock and washed tbem out uf tbelr dwellings.A subscription waa started here yeslenlay sftsroooD aud provlslons^will bs sent there to d ay , __________ __

‘ A n A sto u n d in g L ikeness.From Texas Hlftlngs.

There were th ree b ro th s n living In a T e iaa town some years ago who resembled each other In a m arvellnus degree. Homs gentle- m en were ta lk in g about them one day, and It was tha op lo lou o f nearly everybody prevent th a t It vrns im possible for any two m en to look as m uch a like as they did,

■' oen tlen ien ," rem arked one, “ I don 't Agree w ith you. I bad a twin brother once, and we resembled each other much more th an these tw o do.”

“ Ttaat's n o t possible," rem arked several,“ TYelt, m y b ro the r is dead now, and I can 't

prove w bat I s a y , bu t you can gel some Idea about bow great the reeemblaneo was wbeu 1 tell you t i u t we look*# so m uch like one aud tbe sam e m an tb a t It wad utterly Impossible for us to have a d takgue . A monologue o r a soliloquy vfas Hie best we could d d "

■onssaFauU la HI* Logto.From tbe Toronto Mail.

Mr. W oottwrly was sitting In b is offles, when a young m an cam e In and presented a bill for 110,

'* Look here, young follow. It seems th a t you people o re , In considerable of a b u rry furmoony

" I don’t th in k sot *ir. You have owed It for a year.” . ,

“ Yes, for * y e a r ; bu t let me tell you th a t !am fifty-one years old, So you sao there wnfo fifty years o f m y life during which I d id n 't ow sit, J u s t th in k o f I t - d ld n ’t owe you a eenl for fifty yeiira Now, I don 't mic w hat better rei*ord you w an t than that. lA t tim e e v e a tU s th ing a IIIUs; tat aa be ounslstoul."

Tb* f lam *«6D ilS tiw “ K A akyourg ig flrf lM te A .w s n l* lW ,* e e f l l* r -A 4 f - :

R ustic ity tn a C b u reb y ard ,From I ondon TId BtU.

Two old country dam es, whom we esm e acn»* In tbe churchyard of a n ancient coun­try tow n, were curiously regarding am onu- n icntal stone, suro iounled by tbe recumbent figure o f a wom an several sixes btrgpr ttian life.

A nd so they brought th* poor young w om sn here a ud la id her a-lop o' th a t there stone I Well, now, who wimld ever ha ' tlmuglil I t? " said one, laying a half-shrinking hand on the 1-old, hard Image, w hich she midonbt- ediy believed to lie Ibe veritab le body o f th* long dweased lady, w bleb bad been ooiu- m lUnd to 1 he earth generations ago. By w bat

grixwss she Imsglm-d It to have been pel ri- ed a nd enlargon to such a shape It would be

curious to d i s c o v e r , ___________

H elp ing (h e fitrlke rs .The Bnstoh and HprlngUeld itonccuttera

sent »1IB to tho strikers In thl* c ity to-day. rou lrlbu llon* from Brooklyn aud New York are exiipcted to-utght. Tho picket* who •re s tanding a t tbe various depots and on tbe coruers near the approach to th e slonoyard are having very little to do. Heveml Ita lians a re w orking In a alonoyerd on tho " HIU,” and a doliqfatlonof union Ita lians wns aent up to them th is noon to try to get them to stop w ork. The bosses are h irin g new apprentices, a n d say th a t they have several m ors m en a t work.

T he E lec tric C u rre n t T ouched H im . W illiam lo n g , a m otorraaq on tho Npring-

fleld avenue electric road, w as tcmiKirartly disabled by a vag ran t electric cu rren t a l abou t 4 o'einek ynderday afternoon. He bad Just passed the sw itch com ing ou t o f Irving­ton, a u d be p u t hie hand on the handle with whli-h the cu rren t Is sw itched on. when be fell over bsckw ard Insensible. Tbs ^ d u r e to ro M b e ea r ra n It down to th e stable with­o u t fu rther m ishaps. Long Is not seriously Injured. ___________ ______

T h e fihortest C ut.Tf pou bare r ia l Htata " /a r sp/s " « - “ (» W "

a ravm tto purp/uue or IH rant riiale.itoaran jlfitl th ' u-Aefe m arfut rrflitted In the " menu's B deerttetog cefutane,

A New Com pany la B allsv llls-A ccrtineate o f Incorporation o f the Belle-

vine Building and Supply Com pany was re ­corded in the (founty C lerk 's office tostay . The capital Is fixed a t «D,IM0 and business win bo begun In Beltavllfe on #11JW. The Inrorporeto rt a re : Jam es H ardm an , J r ., George L. Brooks, Hoee* F. Rogers and FA- w ard L, Anderson, o f B elleville; Joseph U. Osborne, of Newark, an d Jo h n 0 . H ardm an, o f Pblladelphla. ^

A Faw A g a in st Many H llllo n i.F inal trc u m e n tln tho su it to r a p relim inary

in junction against the form ation o f (he pro­posed " combine ” of A rm our A Co,, flwlft A Co. an d Morris A Co, Is b«ln* ‘•F Cbsocellors Green and Van Fleet In tbeCbon- e try cham bers to d a y . I t Is a ba ttle o f a few m in ions against m any mlliloua. T hom aiW . M cCarter led the a rgum ent th is m urnlng on behalf of tb* petitioner.

n m * a f X lecllaa 'M aasaaflarS iCounty A uditor Getaiele bo* prepared

b lank form* for Wlls o f m«**engeri who tookth ara tu in to ftbaspS o la la teoU oB to T tantonand bills lo r th a t servto* m ual ba m ods on these form a The Uw provides th a t eaeh messenger shall n e s iv e l l , rallroafl tar* bo th w ays between bis resldenos a n d N ew ark a a d between N ew ark and T renton and an allow- anee for dinner.

L tw i t B. H en ry D ead .Lewi* B. Henry died a t h is hom e on W ash-

Ihgton street, o n n g * . a t » o'clock th U m o rn ­ing o f Bright's dlsaowi. He waa s ix ty years Iff age and leaves a widow, th ree daughters and two sons, all grown. H e 1* a retired angar brpkcr of New Y o rk ,* Warden of Gjaoa Obureb a n d * n u n b e r of U H S tw A f l lM d

W hkrkas, w * are iwnrUuiad th a t our ao lp course Is tn dtasolntloa or rem oval; b* It.therefore,

Jfrio(v«l, That In parting w ith Dr. Camp*. bell we wish lo record ou r sTooere aerrow a n d eenee o f loss, and tha t hi* m in is try am ong us, though brief, has b « n a b lessln* In our hearts and an tiinoblliig Influeoea upon o u r liven.

ffrsoftvrf. That In the departu rs of Dr. Ctami^ bell from Newark the Presbyterian Churofa o f (Ills rom m uiilly will lose one of l u ab lest Biblical exposliorsand an Ideal pastor. ^

NflsrVt-cd, That we rwogn I se In Ifr. t iM p h e ll th e able and elfectiv* preacher, th s alfecUoite a te and devoted pastor, tbe accurate and fla> ished scholar, th* courageous and uonactan- llouB Christian, the km d and syntpoUwtMi friend, and In hi* h m lly th s sp irit o f s s ^ sacrificing lovs and d lltgsn i qfoOpaiaUaB t a th e cause of C h riit

The ehureh will probsbly n o t hs elosfd an* t i l Ju ly I, as Ihe m atter will have to b* acted on a t tb* next meeting o f Presbytery, w hich takes place lu June. A cnMinltfoe com poeed, of M 'lillam B. Ikxld, Charlre H niriiauer a n d , J . F. KItchell, witli Mr. Andersou oe a lte r­nate, was appolutod to preseat lb s m a tte r to the Presbytery.

The property, which ho t a frontig* ol H IM . fort on the east side of W ashington street a n a Is shou t lit) feet deep, ta valued a t IKn DOIl, a a d i as high as U5,an hss Iwcn offered for It. On* offer bas hw-ti received from a gentlem an w bd said he desired to seoure It fof eburt'h purposes, bu t be would ndd say for w hat ebureh. Tb* A ao ep received from the sate of the p roperty w ill b* lu n ied Into tbe ireaeury o f th* Preebytery aod Used for church exterulon. P robab ly ■ume of tlie money will be given tow ard electing the new cburchSbn Clinton BtU. fe f w hich a site has been secured.

The Central Presbyterian ChurCb waa ota ganlzsd In 1W7, and until UH service wo* held In a frame building on M arket streefe nearly opposite W ashington. Th* flnit p as to r wa* Rev. Charles Hoover, who waa laa ta ltad January 31, W , and resignad Jan u a ry 31. tiuo. The other pastors who b a re presided over tbe aflkir* of the ebureh were; Rsv. W llllsm BfIden.frora MayB,lM0,to KsbriiarF 17,1M2; Hfv.WI II Ism Bradley, from F sb ru a ry 17, IM2, to Jan u ary 1, Mgi; Rev. Georgs 0 . Lucas, from October » . 134*. to Oetober 4, UH t Rev. Dr. Charlre M. Nlchtris-from Ju ly t , UH. to Beptemher 1», 1S»4; Rev. W illiam C. Bobo, field, from November 1, IMS, to June 20, UH t Rev. Dr. W illiam T. F indley , from M ay ML life,to December I3.U33, and Rev. Dr. R lohard H. Oamifoell, from March In, MU. There a re now about 140 m em ben of tb* chureb an d lb* officer* a re : Bcsslon—W, B. Dodd, W . J . Douglass, U. H olshauer u id J . N. Gvegory, T rustecs-W . 0 . Ilrad ley , H. 8. W ard, A J . Andrus*. W. J , Dotigtass, W . A. Bow sll, J . N. Gregory and J . F. KItchell.


O range’s Jou rn ey m an B n ld a H se lia g aa4l - Speak KnooursglD fly.

Tbe strik ing Journeymen carpenlers o f lh # | Orange* held a massmeetiog lo Usntral H a ll, Orange, lost nlghl. I t was largely a ttended , tlie ball beiug packed to Its u tm ost lio ilta w ith car|)e;itert and others who desirsd to show tbelr sym pathy w ith the s tr tk s r i . Jam es McUonougb, o f the carpenters, p ro . sided, and made an address, giving a eouelsa ■latcment of the progress of th s s trike sladfe Its Inception. He urged the m en to s te a d firm , declaring that w ith s unlUal front via* to ry wa* certain.

Ollier addresses were made b y - H en ry Portb , of the Cigar-makers’ Union, of Orauffe and Edward King, of I’h ioo-m akan ' U n loa fe of New York. Tbelt- rem arks wero full o f entsHiragement. The Filth Iteglnw nt R oad had volunteered luscrv lo re for the occasion, playing first on tbe sidewalk and then in th * hall. ___________ ^ _ ■■

A itairs a t C h atham .Nome tim e during M onday n ig h t Ihe b u ild .

Ingoceiipted by Blephen A H aeh m o rea* a butcher-shop and m arke t wa* entered by burglars, who forced open th e fron t doo r. The money-drawer, which cxintalned b stw eea #3 an d #10, was broken opeu. A sm all aata usad to keep books- In was unsdoocssfully tam pered with. N othing stsa w as m lased e ta eept a quan tity of fruit.

Township Oollectur E dw ard U ttlq jobn haa placed the lax m u v an t In th* hands o f Oon- stable CbarlcB Biker, w ith InslriteU oai to arreet all dellnquenta. ____________

G erm an H o sp ita l F a i r C to ta aTba fair for tbe beneOt of th a Q erm an Bo*,

p lta l cam e t b a close la st n ig h t. F rederick & W ackenhut presented the boepftal w ith which was turned over to Treasurer Ju liu s H tepS Last n ig h t th s G erm an Hinging No. ctety Fbtanlx a ttended In a body. Prises were WOB by H iss W itt, Mr. Tlflkny, J . Hpekroann, Mr. Lath, H iss P u ts , Em il Went*!, Mrs. fltlcliter,Mra. CldthUde J lla n d Mr.8cUm*uder, J r . T he young w om sit a t th s ta lr decided ta o rganli* on a id society.

C I T Y N B W H N O T E I8 .

Tb* la d le s ' Boolety rftiM Fifteenth W * ^ h a s arrangad for a n to* eream -feetlval sa Ettenhergerig H all to-night.

The mem bers of H exam cr Fast S, V eteiaas, held an exarelse drill la f le a d r* H all last n igh t pfeparatory for tbq Dseoia. tlo a Day p a rad a X

OambtlDUs Nhsk Benefit Boctely 1 Ite first a n n lv en ary tn Doslgeris P a r k j w n igh t. An address wsk dsUvered by Preal. d s n t H enry Ntrauch.

T he annual festival o f Orm a ^ r r t e W rwill b s lts ld to-night. A* '* * * “ *?Veapeia o f Ota Atoetta>an..rirt m uria w ^ l t ochiefly of th e ehoraetw suited «th e Church, and sung by * w ry la ifg ahgM o f m en and boys. .

The Twentyweveath H eglm tat. New J * r* W ,

M #


i f F i *

) OB tlu Brif^ CkU Fre- ■M to tl» Pntbftorlaa Anombly.

I • |^«rkl bcnflDf of ctwln wu Ui* roMlt.On* num tiien Ihw w ■ boole on th* aU ct, w hirh WH toUowil h , » «ho*«* ofT »rloui m lM lln. W om ei jr l lo d w u a *nd ono

I o r two ftiintw t Hnditealr t h , •Iw trle lig h t to I the m i i r , went imt, lenTtiig th* crowd In

iln rk n m , c -tw rl h 'r the few lnaind*«cciit light* on th r it4if«. The iw itrh to th e big ligh t 1* on the fh m tn f th* bu ild ing In the

t I — iipiicr pnrt of the tmleunr. I 'ap le in l^ ra bs J e ' e M o r wft o r u c g D n m n g v luttde hi* wey from lh*»UMf* to the hnicoiirVNE TO 8E TB BE KEARD TO-OAT. nnd bed th r ligh t o rn tgeln bcftire the rio lcn

knew where he we*, W hen th ry ««w him they fu*hed e th im . He w u etnieli on the heed with aefaeir, end w u l a dehger o f bring killed, when t l» ligh t w u tu rned ulf egeln.

D uring thl* tim e A djalniit ttwininoo* w u Iwtii* Jiwlled ebout b , n crowd which had eltmlred up on the *1*,,, bu t he ItnuMy got awny end out Inlo the •treel, whvn^ be found a pollceiiuui. W ith Ihe polloomxui he r»- lu rn i‘d Ju* tn ifM )r or l lw dciipenuloe* hud I'aptuln la im bihiived hnlf th rough a window. TIu' iioliw atlrn fled a crowd un til thepaeuage- way Into the hullding w ucITrctim lly hlockrd,

l e the Pwwbytortan (lenerel A ieerahly a t hut Ihe a rrival of a planum of po llrcm m who A w i w d L 'y i w t e r d a y . after deyotlonal ■ hud hern notlflrtl of the riot mum clearotl the

o fL ou l.v llle i w*y- W ith n liberal uwinf th e ir n igh t itick ifceroleet, l*d by Dr. m chnum d, L o u u ^ iie , , r hulld ing midE d th * i» * d l« » o f th f “ ' “ “ 'f"'***® iherr pretcnco roolcd tlie uplrlt o r the hood-f t t itan tttng ooidmlltee on home mleclun* i,ime,% »i read by Dr. MePherwm, of t bleego. The j The building wae loon em ptied and the Report g a t* an aooount of the work of the pcdicemen decided to oaeort th e Halvatlonlat*

f h e D w le laa o f th * O w e ra l A atem bly . A w attad IT tth M ueli la la rM t-W o rk o f

tk a MelhMUi* C w a te m o a a t O u a b a - A a a lea tla n A n y H ta t ln g B rah en Vp by ■ H a b " H ra . 'W llroa’e AppU eatloa for D lyarea U e a la d -C a p tu ra o ( Oraangood* K en ia Mew Y ark .

eoadueted by Uie board of hom e sad o f tb* aupport g lfen hy Ihe

Church, while th e aeeda were aet forth very ■ m g ly .

The beard began the year w ith a debt of kaarly tUO/M. One m illion rio ltan w u u k e d k r h u t year, aad oontrlbuUoM reached w ithin UOAWof th a t ainoonl, of w hich over ' |M ;ing wae ayallable. The preaent debt 1* m A A T lielm aH uaeliu iu lg ratlan ha* given | tb l i board foreign work to do a t home. The i n p o r t |1 v a in b aooount o f the wnrk In varl- « u H tala , eofldactad by l,tra m iM imiarlee In • b u n b u with a m em bereblp of WAOOi *»d a jU keot atlendaDW of HI ,<»>■

ehatw «mar eanAMi

home. ______

MO n i v o s c K r o K MfM. W UiCOX.

'^JAEirteey thue ta r appeara to be w ith th e aaU -B rliit party . There were tw o n'lm rtu w m a n a p p i a l f r a u lb* aetton of tb* New

-kVnek Pre«hytery la d ta m M ag hi* eaee.* IkedaeU idp lD theaaH n iM ytiaw alted w ith tatereat^ and UHtay a t t orolock le the I ime tiled le r the hearing of the eaee. T heftrttunpleae- a a t e p te d e e f yw lerday 'a tu e lo n ou-urred i S i g k e Bimt, when Dr. B artlelt, of Waah- i S o n , refened la ra ther uneoring term * to tb e report of tb e ootomltlee on oodsperatlun w ith o ther ebure lita

Tbe r e i ^ o f tb e Judicial eo m m ltlseo n ap­peal w u ipruDg upon tb e aiaemhly. I t w u p u d by Dt. deiM b,bf Baflblo, e b a ln n an , and w aeae Killowitr r u b y ts r ia n C h u r* In tjiitted H U lei of

Aaiartoe agatnut Cbarleu ^ r ig IT -A f if i< w i from the judgm ent of tbel*reebylery ofSow Y orkdU ialeelng th e o a u iT beiud ld la lcom inU tu tw prelfolly repo rti

th a t I t b u earclhUy oonaldcred the doru- ■Mnte lebm ltied to It In thi* caw an d hueadM M d tbe following reeolultou*'■ -------- -----fbeepe*

, , . . - _ ^ T tM t in tbe omninn of tb i* oominUtee tlbe a n p ^ t a k ^ by ^ P iw bylerlan Ulmridi l a the u n llid m a te a of AnwrUm and Ihe inigl-e ________ _ _._e.w,dl ku dl.^ .n«we.a*waidd*au itfnprewented by the cim untttee of

1nted under teellou ll.U ook__ been taken from the lliial

t o f Ibe F reiby lerj In d Iun iM iuf , _ a ad th a t w ld ooromlttce had the!ht to take ttaU appeal, rapregenUng gatd

Q a tja r tr .K .......... ................. ..

~ M t th e appeal ipeclilcanunaflndf ttaet BOtlce of p e a l had

ippeal mecIBcai b a re been filed In eccord.

iw U m g H and VT o f tbe ikw k of gd tb e appeal I* In drdey.

____ _ eftwl, T hat, In Ihe Ju d n n en t oftb fr eam nItiM , the appeal ghoold be enter-

■ tim e eel a p a r t hiT tbe hearing ofreport* th a t oppoal I* In

ibiy ebouidI Ueneral Arnam V raoeed In aoeordanoe with Ute pi aaetloB N of tbe Hook of pi*cl_pilne_ liy ra iia

provlahm* of


X T irrirK riyuA i.K r tm u h p a id t a x id i . .vcitH',; m H K K k B T riiv fK t h a t ha warimiit hm nl hy J*hn yrrenan. 1- Itngrr KlopUane. Jeh* he \ it**, Jr., A b e ^

“ - ............ - filp('oiiiniliWeirtti»T®wiwliljiof y t« k ^ ll^ ,lo la rc ^ M ll^ y o jf te * ^ a lu .,u ru a ■_ ____________ _Uo(Ui.lrom»olah»«dlla«B»t» aad reel wuate le lU laM. tow e* l|.. la the y e uWl, ih,rtihrcrthrr, lw ll«tor of T aieeih , the wM towaUlp. will, on (Wtiiidey, Uie*l|rMemlh day ef J a u

F. (luihrle. ibr TownM iw iiairaii il on

*K THAT HT VIBTUE OF Jr., M nl a Xjngdand aad P. niy ef IDwei, lo m u * Ih , um

l l i . u d lF M .j . a i l 'a r i i Hull, (n m M fowiwbljmciii*, }b*RKllumriiU«nd m l «h I» h»f— wlCT dMCrtbwI. MI wJ , BlfwWiiigiw p Miwg I a weei au* igi iacit, a i Ulf hmir ur^bftwt^n IS 1 Um 1*nd«,Aikwii**. ..ww,u. ___..................................... .......... i#«i* »i<tvwiiDv •> yfufij fftr whicb M f pciWM m p*miyi will a tm w tak# f f VtfifM Itwrrob U «b* fWf It p ft etnUiiM from tweutlrthdayof Ortototr* A D* ono IhotiioiMl «1fbl htui* drwland nloM y-oM ,logM lurwithewU,Hwtebutwi*adniM>i«t _____ _ _______ ,

of OwnMi. Deerrlptlon.Vft. Jfarcwi rqwlaam I a rm laikd, mnra nr l<oa, MtuaiM on Aromfal#

fnart, nf«r pmi»rfry of llnliort l*w, i4 ^ u ln fpfopMly of MiVv Wm* !#ewar............ .................. \

IM MfL Bf,aormon-'Lot,BttttaNNl 00 Avomlnl^ tiNMl...................JM, Harmootu* JombNtum laTui. miym nr tana, altoaiMl K. mm

Amaoni CM iaiid of lotanat

Twi, to J i m IS.Total


111 11 444

1U«MiniiU*klavt., proprrir JmviIiOwjroum ond proparty KM. of Marah .

TM. ftamb aerea taiMl, cnora or bw. •Itnaiwf K. of Bbrnni'n 40 100 HtO

flfWl avr., adjolalntf pnipenr £ f t llannonluaJrnUrman.............................. ............................ -

Hr*. Marcui Powleioe-3 etrw Undpiuoroor 1«m . HhuaMl onCorvirrA, Kf^ilnlrm pruptfrty Jolin LVHiwaj arwl Mr. R. M,

EOt BOibtB ^ lititatMl N. ami & of

7 «0

CITY A D V W Y im U arT K w

Am ORlJlMANCi to t '_____tba Nrwmrk I

lay aud ifponta iakNif t 'h y airMt, fr<Mi t%» Brood otrrid rmllway tBMkaofNald cMpfaMBf to l | t afMnMthnKT oernM th* m jm atMl iMoaod throu|A lurtlaU ]d*o#1nih*trM n I'Towln* tiM POMoto HWrr.aod

■ OMtoUlpmmrtblnfti upno whkii ...

Wbfraoa, OpOMtoIu roodftkma la nlaUoo tbarolo aad

I panoMNNi (»fToaiwt u*. 3 ’ i - ' pruvMoaa of m ofdliH IM ,‘‘ AoDtilliMiMtlo OfWfi aidiort hMworti Ml.

dlnaoee ra*prvrlaloM oi on. . --------- o io OfWfi oidior, _______

llBOMfttovoiiM and n ap MffaN nuuilnt Nwlrrly lo . . . . ........................... wfntb

oinatp'Oiw*, It «roa n t^lnad ihat a atnirt rhould faeopotM ovortho rk n tn fo ay a»|Ulrad bp ihe cHy ovrrlha Mill Brook aavrrr, botnvon riC l*tnMorit

aireot, mnnlaf rooKwly toUidrn trvifk In oo(tirdoiK« with tho lluaa d n o l on o mop itodibp Mo n ip Harvapor. aitd BM to lilaodloe:

avrnoo__ _Id oc«oi



/a lfa f lT M K if i WM w a * h l i ^ u n e l to Hlal

m It ordaSM by ifil Boora CBaimlMdoiicro of tbo o ip uf N«


Whoreoe, tba llnaa of Iba a tm t ooto be opet ava aiwrlllnUly dafluMl In aak) onllnaiHw, and It la thernp fbitber ordalmrd aabl daat'hbed Mreat

i>rnUvat~^iirljulnlaR property I). M. MUlrr. MoUry HaimlM^mniv Co—MtlU and Innd, idiualM on ChrMnut at-

Im property l‘>t. Jon rtbrlcraiHl YanllraiW IUvr>r M 4d Kat l)r. t , Ually—I acre iaml, altuabid uaar ('anal ai, near pn»pf rty uulnr>

14 Joaeph Seeks-L et and dwpUliur, Mtuakd o n a ^ to liif prtiperty ^rankljnI iMim] improvpinSHii .................................. ■

U Mrs, Carry Gatty P aca-U d and •Iwpmnjr* hHuaiwI na W.ahli'Kraiikllnasa., adlolnirui property P. Harn*y

ICitDr. B.J>aiip—llacTMland, morrorbwauu

II Mm. Ueitiaa hrtrk ion—7 aortpcriy Mn. Mfrltnnabl, Kwi..

yraiihlln aHjotnliif and profKTty JanMwC.


taiidi morn or Im i dwetlinir au«l harna. siP ..................... and rt»«iintitil.,s(l-

m o d 11 di 141 N

UQird «or. ('ranklin avr. lololM iirmwny Mlaa Mary I. Younp • ■

icra l< ^ sMl dwrlllrm, M. sMo KrankUii avr., ad*

l a i jBdffOMnt Oft tbd e p p ^ sud aped lk n tlo n i o f e rro ii a lkged to beT t been f t M : then to iM orthe appelU nt bp a oommJtteo of prusetMi® M on: tban dsteBdaot in person o r by bis o o o M tl: tiieo a r a l l a o i b y a com m ittee of praeaM Uoa in reply upon the nucetlon f nItithfT i r p i t i abaU beentertAmod.*'

tttm d d la ta lp m v tb e aUUenient th a t tb e B M fbm of tb* Dommlttee had been entirely p leesao tendbarm onloun , th o m b no t itnanN m n n ^ bdnorltp report was announced. The d<* nuient w u f u d by Dr. F n g e r. of N ew ark, miU w u M W ltrir t >.

Tlie u n d a m U ^ . a m inority o f tire Judicial rm nm ltue, Wvulu reepectftilly u b m i t thw td lu w lu f reporti

W naasAA th e Bonk o tlhM ip llne requ ire , th u l tb* appeal, are generelly to be tak en to g h e ju d le l^ tia in w ia te ly .uperto r to th a t

H er T lau la O btain a N eparallon fk a u H er H a .b a iid Fall* .

Vlee-Ohauccllor Ihliioy, a t J e rw y City, de­cided the Wild)* dlToree prooeedlng. yc.t«d day in favor of Mr. WHeo*. Mre. W'lteo* )* the ecHicertginger who aceuw d her bu .nan il ol having abUMid and duaerted her. When .h e began pn>o»dlli|* ag a in .! h im .li(i claim ed to be unable to And him , an d .um- inoned him to an .w er by publleatlon. He never *uw tl>* publication and d id not know any th ing aixmt the divonse proooedlng. till U n . W llcoi'a c a u w u about ripe fur a de­cree,

Then he .bowed th a t he liad been In bu.l- nca. a t t l ie la n ie p la c e u w b l te Sira. Wlleog lived wUb him , and th a t be often m e t her paren t, and b ro ther, on th e etreet. Hr.- W ilcox', law yer, adm itted th a t they have n o tw much a . looked In l|ie d irectory to place him. W hen th* iiiinm on* WM to he heard Mr. W ikox denied the ciLarge. o f ahunc and claimed th a t hla wife had don* tbe d«- aet ling.

AAer Ibe law yer! had gum m ed np the caM yealerday the Vice-Chancellor u l d th a t there w ju n o d o n b lth a t lh c wom an had taken the Initiative In the w iw ratlon by lak liig her good, away from the home pR>vldcd by her hu .band . H hem m m jtlcd perju ry wlicn .be ehe made an antdavlt tb a t her h u iband WM a travelUng wleaniau and ah* d id nut know where to And bim.

"A dlT orM obtained after actoal u rv lo e of no tlc t on the deffiidaut," oonllnurd H i, Vice- Chaniellur, "atand* higher th a n one obtained by dethult. Where a party to a . u i t b u a good oaee tbe n o tIre I t a lw ay . geTTcd If pcul- l>le, bu t In th I . c a u tht* lad y goea deliberately abou t not noUtVIng her h n .b an d . 8lui care­fully avoided riiCTliig pereonal ndtic*,. Tbat .how* th a t ih« had no eunddenee In her mac. Hhe wty. ah , w u willing to live In the wm* biHWo; therefor* the w u n o t a fra id of ex­trem e cruelty. None of tb e reaaont alleged le .ulAclent to w a rraa t a wtA< in abandoning her hu .band. I th in k the h n iband i . entitled lo a d lv o rro o n b la c ro H bill If the Court b u Jurladlctlon.”

Tbe Vlee-Cbaneellor reterved the crueatton o f Jariedtetlna for further co tu ld rra tlon . He u l d M n. Wlleog could n o t queetton It lie- sauM .h e took up a uolorahic realdehce In the Htate, although .h e lived lu New York and brought her hu .band to court by duo prow*, of law. Her application fur divorce w ai de­nied, and no .jliu u n y w u allowed.

Hie. H a ir 1. Y o u e t-l acre lir n -front iLHlik einuil svs- s»yo1nliifiimpfrryr nliis|iru|»crly Mr*. MsmiR iViHhuun

KtlmuiWI ArmsnL...AsbaiyMeBUimeoe—IJ sc m UiiHl, inoroor kw, houw* sittl hsm, sttuutrd

K. snil n. Ml* Klnislsml s(- siljirinliif prolwriy H »I'M. la Moti'Isim] ..................................... _-lAnrC ball, « ir Srw Bin^MUIsl* . Hi WEM. Oso. D. RmideU •------------ ---------- ------- - , . „KM. Dr. A Dally -gxticoecpieuii.1, mciror le— »lm«tMl .Vof Pri«i»vt

M, Mljiiinlng proiyfljf irf ,Mea blcl)ar*l H.eler .. IT I* M. L.H andlbnl-*acr» land, tiwic or U— W. ride Blvmlile drive, near

l - u e a l c t i o . H I M '............................................................ .........» ■ >IH Witt C CMwy-a acre, kinil, more or h— ritiHted K. and w . Illveti “ »

drhfr. adbilnlmt preperi)' W oi. < Wlmiia........... ; *1 0,Wynant Van Haadt-gU acre. laed. nignt or M hnuw hole! and bam. K-

elfl. nivenwle drive I Bend View JliHwei. IJl t lCbaaF.Cbapllo-gaciw. bind, more or lew, t Iwuiew, W. ridelU ^rdde

1 drive, luljoliilng pmperty of the hrilevlll.“ MiinsO)....... .................................: j- ........... * *®Fjut Newark BuUdlUi and IriaaA*ioclatlon -bound hoo««.H ride Wver

■Wsdrive.sUJtrtnIhSPrmwrty Alt>x. '* *Knslos D. Trlsi'-^ sen s l»i>d, m»r*t or kn* w»r. \ mlsrvd sv#. smi 1 ntw

«H sd)olnli>x pnnwrty U. A* l ‘onw>lly. H » Kit. Msry J. IXMisldson—lErNiapMid lot, south Nkk WUUsm s4)<>lnlD*

W7t US ai

I »

_____ _ 1 UistaSId bs upM««d ss sibrsisid logeibsr I^Mstk Mrtwt runiiliMi m ts f lf fromOgdM sN snirlp ‘ “ “ y . - .Ilsk pW'

witfa tbsi psrt «l___ - .......... ^ . juksrtf from OgdM sfrn t to

:k lo mM Fsnslo tunel thsll bi eslkd " CBa

WlMlirrwL Ui{Vti/ifisiiv dMlnw IS Isy snd o |im te s fnrtik trsrl Mr¥« ndUwsy It* Inu-k* Ott Hrusd strwt

' lAd,Uh< ssid Mswsrk rwewBWT nsllwsr

mts sntnrtik trsrk*a« th* iRknwrtkm of l ls r s lnH ihrmurii rinwt smi thimif* In. (bmuch sad skms tns (kiiM s p isn Ui tbs m skny isrmlnus of mid Ost. Ilsk pls(^ w hsn tb* MUbSQUUNcts with the publicbrtds* cnm lnf u»# PmhOc K K sr: sad,

Wbersss, HM ^swsjii t*ws»N*er HsUmiyCDaiepsny, III ofikr to oMsiii pmulisKm from (bs duly

" IbsclcdniNtiQtsd sotbnrltiss nf lb* city of Nswsrk to Isy siKl c ^ rs ls s lUiObis in*k i(n*t rstiwsy ss sAirw

. m nady snd wtlllnf lo umlsrtsktsnd sffrfif. iarllllM I______________ _ . ..part cmuikIsnilhMi of ih r frso tln fo f ssM psnnis- 4s0 ss sfSrtwalAr to PUly and somplHsly gnM , curb sbd par* and flif tbs sldswalks cf Uml purtloa orr^rtlskplacs lylii* bstwnsn Ml. Pkassntavsnn* and tbs sastrriy sids of nydso atrsM, aod to lay ths twesasary rnsstwslks st ibslntsrascdona of m u Itsf' link pUiKvrith MLIVasant avrnns and ORd«n strsrt, Ihr work anil niakrlali tn bs to tb* full satis* huiloo ami apprnvul uf ths Hoard of M nstand Wstsf (Himmladoiisr* of tils rlly (^ KsAark and Utwir duly aiifiolutnl nOkart awl a ssn b ; awl.

Wbsmitfi. sski I'uoiiiany In dtfiswtsratioa of lbs ffhintinf or ibo i»cnnlsMiun so soUritKl hy It sa afbrv-

I #i«ld.ti frmherwUlli

rm SIisy In ___ , ................ .Ik It ordaiiisd by tb* Usard of Htrsst awl Wmar

f(>rnisny„. ___ _____b* In ^aad upon i( in this otdtiumrs; tiiemfiirStQiaj

OimmilMlonsn uf ifas dty of Nswark, ai Iblloiirs Hsedioa L That p*rmlaMOti bsand tba tains berstqp

la fivtq sad fisDlsd lo ths Ntwiira Pamnnesr Uallroad (’mo muiy, of lb* rtty of M*wsrk, rwiuiy ot Vim% and (Hm * of S«w J«n*r, to lay wid o p en ^ a

pruiNTty of Mraiisorg* Andrawa...................... 7MWm.H.Bttmrt4~L£»tawl<lw*uia«,W,sUk Walnut at., adjoinluc iirow

i*t railway from tb* mUway traofea ofaaklcotoiAhy Ih Hwsu attest opipoatts ihstmcF- Bscitou of ('lay atrsat. to, ak»i( awl over asm ( lay alrmi Ui, and srrom ML FkawBiii assoiis and Into,

M m T «31 « 4 71

sfty Hobsri f>ea*oii.... ^ ^•7 John La Bawe^Lot 80x110, bouas awl •osrrtmr* hmiae, K. aW* Ualhut at,

a^inlli|tpro|**‘rly of (korys B> Hill, l<ai|..........41 M. B. H*ndft>rd-7 aces* 1 ^ . more or kaa, fc atoc Wsshlnflmi ay*, and K

of KlnyalarMl *L, wl^lnlnil ppoporty of Jobu i'.H*arl*a • .......................... ...................... ....... ■to 40 _ __ -----

F um ent muU be nenle heAire the <v.mHnri<in of the ■de.utherwtoe the property will be lomHtirtely iwold. w im « . my law l Ihl. Igth <tay of H»y, WB. OTNMJtHHAM, Collector of T «

4 K n n

•ppeialed ttom , andw n u A g , There a re n o t »uO W .nt rea itm .

Ih r aak iB a aD appw l agalnrt U » ecHon^of th e Preebylery« New York In dl.mljHlngta e e w a s t in x tD r . Hrlggg an e in td io u to ib is n i l s !

T brnfer* we recommend to the ae iw ra l A e M M y th a t the appeal be nu t en terta ined , t h a ^ n b a p a r * In the c a » be re turned tu the appSU BL u i« th a t they be advlatd to then hrfng t M r w p a a l or com plain t before tbe H g m df W m Y ork. Heepectfully e«b- Btitted, _D. R, FaAkRa,

Thoxa* Oonpoii, CkIWALD K Baokitb, OBOkOB V. K b it h a h ,


WITH RIFLE AND GUN.ghooU ng H er* a n d ICI.ew here—B a w B all,

C lub B veat* . B oxing a a d RacliHt-A m atch w u .h o t on the Kgaex range la it

n lg iit In tbe > am t dUrnu). touroainen t between tb e K a ie i A m ateuni and the Oteen- TlU* HI A* O u b . Tb* N ew ark en won. Tbe w ore ;

XUXX AXATBCM. L »BI!BlfVIl,US.rop iieram lth .......... 3at:]*nrkc......N eum an ..................m t U n ld .......—Ih e t. ....... - ...... . 'JitJ H obldaux..O m p e r . . . l i t k Hoag.........H u e l t c n . . 1148 Hebrilue.....


MallMAIftg B a lh u to A dm it W am aa -Y lv a jSM* U m lt fo r F ftsfo n t

BItbop H urgt oocupted th a ch a ir a t the l le tb o d li t Epleeopal General Oouferenc* a t O B *lisiN eb„jM iterd*y. Dr. Hoper, o f Japan ,

dafBUoAa Tha eommHte* on Ju- d ld a ry 'iwA ieA a very Im portan t cnocin .lon

,>«pau the meaalwg o f th e word " laym en ” tn Ih* dIadpIlBo w here It p ro v ld u tor lay tep- reegntalloo. T he com m ittee l i of the opinion th a t tba word doea no t and never h u In­cluded vrenLen, b u t h u m eant a n d doe . m ean w en oaly.

Dr. Potto,, of Detroit, oAbred a reaolntlon favoringIha adm laalon o f women an d u k li ig th a t during the y ear beginning Ju n e 1 ,1»M. a n d ending M ar H, inv , tb e B labopabere- aoeatad to aubm lt to the antinal oontorence*

,£ t'.pnfN M lthH i to am end tbe lecond re- , *triflUv» ru le by adding tbe w ord., “ a n d ta id

delegate* m ay be m en or w omen."The report o f th* com m ittee on Itinerancy

w a t then la k a a up- J . H. Caldwell, o f Chi- eago, bald th a t th e te m o rtl of the Ume lim it w ig l l U p * onaagrood deal o f clerical pol lUog. t e . l l . K . K ln g ib l New York, declared th a t ta ire ia o v B fo r tb e tim e lim it wopld he the

. grnBtnil advance . ta p takan by the M ethodM C hurch In AAy jrear*. A fter Dr. K ing h a lf n doH n tp u k e r t lu anooualon otam orad for thareipdrvalof tb* tiro* lim it.

A h > u equalrble took plaoe over th e e loelni ‘ Bp,ceh o f th* debate by the chatm tan o f tb*

m inority . Tb* chairm an , Dr, E d w ard ., w anted to Introduce Dr. Dalmar to m ake the eloglng ipeecb. By a rem ark ­ab ly riircwd move tli* fr teu d . of th e m inority go t the m ino rity nv p o rt Introduced a t a gubatllute. am i It w a. ra ilroaded alm oat to oomplollon before th e frien d , of I he m ajority report were aw are of It, V Igom u. efTorta were m ade by thoeo who

'* vritlred to gee th e tim e lim it rem oved, but th ey were ooroplelely outrtripped h r the ahrewdneM of the oppotiHon. The m inority n p o n w u adopted by a vote o t tag tor to litl Bgalnit, and th e dve-ycar tim e lim it w ill re­m a in ae It W. The conference th en adjourned.

A t th e aAemoon iwulon th* repo rt of the eunim ltteeou temperoDos w u prorented. I t WM a vigoflnue .ta iem en t of Iho well-k nown attitude of th e M eihodl.t C burcn on th e tem - pw o aeeq u u tlo ir .

New Y ork P a llee M ad* a n lu p o v ta n t Cap­tu re Laet N ight.

Police Captain M cLaughlin, o t New Y'ork, dropped In on a n u t o f " g reengondi" ewlud- Icra laet evening, which reealted In th e arreet u f tour men an d a w om an an d tb* cap tu re of ten tbouHUid clrenlare, a la rge quon ilty of newepaper clipping, an d th e appanttiie for prin ting them .

The o m r i w u tb . m u l t o f a w alk Ihe Cap­ta in took yerierday afternoun. A t tiM n'ctock ho walked down W xtb avenue. A t Twenty- eighth itree t he u w H arry H l l t ^ , a well- kuow n operator In "g reengouda" walking ■lowly ahead o t him . The C aptain tollowed H ilton and MW him en te r tb e apartm ent- bouee, I S Weat Tw enty-eighth ttreet, Be- tu rn tug to the etation the C ap ta in aent Detec- tlT* H adden to the bouen to luvceDgate and ha quickly re tnrned w ith th e Inform ation th a t an oiganlM d gang o f awlndlcre had m ade the place tba ir b a a d q u a rte n a n d occu­pied the ground Aoor.

Captain M elaughlln w ith to u r policemen went to tbe bouee ih o rtly a fte r g o'clock la .t n ight and entered the AaL H e found and ar- reeled H ilton, h i t wife, C atharine, and H arry Edw ard., a lla i “ The Counaellor." A quan­tity o f greengoodi e lrcu lara , newepaper clip- pingg dcMriptlve o f th e counU rto tt. they vrere .nppoecd to tell an d o th e r a rtic le , u n d In the tw lndllng bo .lnem w ere found In a tru n k and a complete opium outAt wae eet on a table ready tor uae.

A latge quantity o f th* r ir c n ia r . were In- do led tn envelope* and were addreeeed to people in the W eit and Houthweit. A buel- neM directory WBA aim captured . A Rumla leather pocketbook con ta in ing a num ber of rniah new t l bill* to he uged *a holt w u aim captured.

E dw ard , gave h i . a d d re u a t th e W o t T h irtie th Btreet H ia t lo n u 311 W ea t. Korty- ■ lith Itreet, and la id he w u a Jeweller. Shortly after the.v were a rm te d tw o men who went to the h a t were a im arm ated bjr a polloeman Captain M elA ugniln had left la ehaige. They were taken to ibo police .lo ­tion and gave the ir nam e , u L out, tltem , of l i t W u t Flfty-mvenUi (Ireet. end Frank W llllam i, o f IS W u t Tw enty-eighth itreet.

A eom plete le t o f l>oafc* .bow ing heavy traneoetton. w u am ong the thing* eaptured,

The p lim ner, w ere ex trav ag an tly dremed an d w o n large and ooiUy Jewelry. They re- Aued to ta lk abou t the ir b u iln e u .

Total........ ........... »n«S| Total............... ......UWM a u n . Hnellen an d D Ieti will .h o o t a

m atch a t IdO po in t! w ith H audrr aud W alt* to-nigbt to r a FS trophy on the E u ex range.

The beautiful w eather yeelrrday attracted non p e n o n i to Lake (jitoeee.T enn., to .e e the opening o f th e K noxville tlu n Club tourna­m ent, In w hich h m In o a th an d the euwe am oun t In raerchand ite p are to be .ho t for. In add ition to tbe ueual p u rw . Half a hundred ahootere were preaent, and from m orning u n til 9 F. M. tba tra p wae kep t In co n ttan t urn. Blucrock largel* were thrown. T h eev cn ti were ru n off prom ptly. Among the v i . l to r . areC , H. Tow nw nd, of th i . city S K. 1), M iller, of HiirlngActd, N. J.; W illiam Wiiguer an d Jom ph M. H unter, of Wn*hlng- ton, D. C.; P au l N orth , of Cleveland, 0.s T. J . .Mston, o f Hyroeune, N. Y., and M. P. Unde- ley, o f H oboken, N, J . Tho w inner! of the average p r i te t In order were; J .H . H unter, M.7; W illiam W «gner,91.1; K. D .M lIlerand J . R. A litoo , « U I A. r . Jo rdan , W.I, and Paul N orth, SIS. In event No. 4, a t tw enty .Ingle*, R baa broke ilra lg h t and N orth broke twenty- Ave. M iller and Jo rd an a im brok* dfleen u re lg h t In o th e r evente.

The tiMKrtIng tou rnam en t a t Wopelnonop P ark , A ltooua, Pa., w u continued ycaterdny. All e v en t, wero a t Keygtone ta rge t., eighteen In each m atch , w ith a uniform entrance fee of HAD. F ive per cent, w u deducted from each p u rte a n d the to ta l am oun t w u divided am ong thoee m ak in g tb e beet t t a m averegra. To qualify for tU i money oonteatante w en obliged to .h o o t In a ll of th* eight event* on tbe program m e. " Doc " Cochrmne m ode the blgheet average and won Aral money, W ill­iam C lark an d E lm er Hhoner divided .econd and W illiam U> H obart,' o f tbl* d ty , won th ird .

A re tu rn m atch w m ih o t between the Howard* an d P u r ita n , on the fo rm er', m uge yette rday afternoon. The H ow ard , won by a H ore o flA tS lo 3,300.

The m onthly en terta inm en t of tb* Olympic A. C .,o f tb l .c l ty , will ta k e plaoe a t tU club- hnuH to-m orrow night.

T h e g a m u lu the N ational League yeater- day r r .u t le d :

A t Horton—Boeton, 4 ; New York, A A t Hoston—Hoaton, ID ; New York, Ik A t Hrooklyn—Brooklyn, 34; W eahlngten, 4. A t Baltim ore—Roltlm ote, 7 ; Fhllodelphls, A A t Cleveland—Cleveland, 3 1 Ht. Itoulg, 0,A t Chicago—No g a m e ; w et ground..The ttn n d ln g of tb e clubg fo llow .:


P I EIf It IB m«S« with

CottoleneI f W tM d f f

LARD,•nS th* PM will to




B o o d lu m . B ra a k D p a H e e tla g , a m a .h F im iltu re a n d A a u n lt th e Oondnotor*.A crowd Of lOD ruffian , broke u p a m eeting

o f tb e dalvatlon A rm y In the old Coetno build­ing B t^W pterhnryi Conn., M onday n ight, KRuubed .the toro ltnre , broke t h . w indow , a n d ^ tra g e o u e iy m a llru te d th e two Solva- tlo h liU In charge o f the meeting. H undred .


W om an B * M arried a t S a ln b lll K illed D arin g a Q u a rre l.

The Age of Melbourne, Aualrallo, pub llabu a .ta iem en t w hich Deeming m ade to a ja ll offlctal (hortly before *hi. azeeutlon. In thie siatcm ent Deeming a ay . th a t when Emily M ather, the wom an w hom he m arried In

.HalnbUloud took to A u .tra lio , found th a t he locked the fortune .b e bod luppoaed him tn puMHH there were con tinua l quarreU between them.

D uring one o f th e u v io len t dlaputef, which occurred n t night, h a .in io k the wom­an three terrible blow , w ith a n ornainenlal bailie nxe, k illing her. H e then carried the body Into Jh e yard, and , cu tting the thro bled the o ^ . e , In drder tb a ld ecp tu p u a ltk m ight bo delayed,

He n ex t proceeded to b u ry the rem ain . In hi* ooltago In a room ad jo in ing th a t where tbe m urder waa com m itted. Ho covered the body w ith cem ent w hich, he"adm lltud, he bought prior to the m urder, b u t had Intended for uae lu m aking o rd in a ry rep a ir..

Ot-r^apactaht. perron* vrore In the bu ild ing a t ' ih e timelime an d m any of them were roughly

tond led .. ' iv w a sn o t u n llla fo ro * of pollcenlen, w ith

drown Chita*, boat I heir way Into tb e building th a t th* two victim* of the m ob were reacned.

..They were th ru recortod to th e ir hotel, where

ciulte. Woo. Lost. F e re t.Hoalon............... . A 7 .7111Brooklyn...*............ .. ill 9 *007O ilrogu .......... ...... .. 17 13 JM(lev e tan d ..................... 1« 13 5VI(3 n rln n a ti............ ...... IT 14 *640LoulivlU*.............. lA 14 ‘J1I7PltbibDig.....- .......... 16 16 ,M6Nfiw York....J,*, M i« .4H4P h llkd riph lB ...-........ U Ifi .448W oelilngton.......... ..... u i« .4m8t. L ou ii.,— ......... .. k 73BnltlDiore.................... 7 a ,3W

The Moond annual May ride and game* of tbe employe* of K. A. W hltebouie Will take place n e x t M onday a t Verona I,ake, The ev en t, a re KByard d u b , 33D-yard rnn, 440- yard ru n , half-m ile ru n , one-mile rnn and one-m llaw alk . T h e n will alro be a .wlm- m in t m atch . Tom Oeborne, o f Bhaffield, E ngland, w ill be th e hendlcapper, end Jceeph J . Hay net, o f th t . c ity , wl 11 retoree the event*.

A t a ipectal m « tln g of the A .hload A, C., held a t It* clubhuuee la r t n igh t, t h r u oAlcen were elected to All vocanole* c au u d by ru lg - nalloo* and .u ipcn ilom i; P m ld e a t, J . W , l l i i t n u c b e r ; cap tain , H arry C rltchett; lieu ten an t, Tony lU p p ; board of govcrnoni, W illiam OoM, M ichael O tt and John Rrhultx. Th* tre a .u re r’. rep o rt ihowed the d u b to be la good Ananclol etandlng.

O v e r300enirle* have been received fo rth* N ew ark A cadem y Arid gam e., to be held n ex t F r id ay a t th e Orange Oval. The boy. e re I ra t n lng actively , and there 1. every proe- .p ict o f ctoee conleat. and good tecof d> being mode, The game* will begin a t '3:9D o'clock. The tollow tog w in be Ihe Acid officer.; Bcf- eree, Lory V rcn tlH ; Judge*, Dr. C. E. Adauie, LAI*. L loyd an d N. B. W oodw orth ; mcae-

Dr. j:. W . Olven, K H. B in g h am ;

M M nfuM red iiBir h f


laS N . MBwarBAv*., PBIIa.PrtoBM CxBhan|Bi N. Y.

nine (0 faithfully ohtf attd llr^ AiMl sil twudUhsis stul rastrtoUouii whk'b

ibRHjfh sjid siuiiK (UrYWe pisOBt <4 wbsrs ths ssms rvTntwK s with ths public faiklfs cnssriiif Um PiwslcBlvtt.

isMiloo 1 That Ihs pstfnisiton menttoosd sihI ^Tfu In tliv Arst Msctlon uf IhUufillbsiics Is srsmtsil thf ssld Nvit’srk pMMwnver Hsllway upon ths cun-(lUlon s i^ expivtiittn(l«*nrtAn(]linc ihAt ihsuss

SI of siiy rstlWAf t iw i laid tiiider lbs ps^

m xTfswnrK lusnuur, xniuF, cum sihi |« vh irun■Isos blocks, and profierly I1b|! tbs iklswsl

that portlanot isid (iHrUslspisos lrhi«twtwsei lIsssMit svsiiuc sjmI Uis ssstsrly sbls of (

nFnpsntkminl)«luA nTsmsa by ibs flrst ssf-Usn uf (bis urdKuuH's AS sfUrssAld; siHl Mid cMnpsoy HhsQ s i Its sols AfMl rxjisniMg snil frns of sny clsim mpUnst ths dty ^N sw srk thsrsfur, xmd^, curb snd rsvs wilh

■ tbis iklswslks of rwsen Ml

. _ ___ _____ __ ly sWs of Ogdensirret, amI Sinn Ist tu Uks nuibiMrtbsustswisry rrtswwslkiSlTliisUiUrfsrtloDiiofiisUIUsillMls plscn with Ml l lsMAfit sTsDus And Ofdsn sttt>st. And ihst sU tbs mlij work and public ItnproYSiueritsand the mstsrtiUihflsd thsrsln, shall bs in Ihs sstlsAu' ihMi snd sppiwvAl of lbs BiKrd of tHrsK snd .Wsisr ( DmoiliMlonsfi of Ihs d ty of Nswsrk.sbd thsll duly si>]Mdutsd oltlrsm. anHTts sud ssilwiiUtA.

HfcikM) t. That lbs psrniltokiu mMitkHisd snd flvsii lb ihs first sscthAi uf ihU ordlbsncs is gruntiHl uDd ftvsn tbs said Kewark Pssnsussr Hallway ( 'osa- ^□ y np(M (bs further sondUlon sud sxprsss uAdsr*

" company will at all Mines ibhls by obey and ffibiuH

(S, each and I'vsiy tbs provliMuiHiuf ths ss '

Whsbli^________ . . ..n) pf Hifssi siHt Water

____ _____ Nswsrk. AS falluws]HrclkHi I. T lu t Janas stpsst. (Fom Washbiftsu

Mrsst In Mis wewt n44s of llumsf strsst. shall (jtt rs*

Grsd with tsiiuliMr TrIbkiAd lasks sspHalluiu pay* U a* 4 lu bs tiAYSd frsn ths west sMs of Rumst

f(rss4 lo H l|b aifsff with bhimif trsiMts M ocksth- itrtbsr viih all ihs spyuilstbMicss uBPsassry hi cmi- pM slhesants.

Msstlmil riMt ths iimpsrty bsusAted hy mch is p a v lf shsM bs awwiasd lo ibe (Ull •xtsat of the spsi^l or nsitiUar bsosllt nmfarrsd upon tbs laais ttr aald iHielir ImpnirvutMiL

HsesIoii t. Thai Immsdisisty ur‘>“ oonijiidkin of such public work or kmprotsinstu. Mis ilsrk of tbe Huh Fit in conJumtlM wlUi ths Kiiglnssr sod(tsosnU NupsrtntsiHlsnt of Workaof Ihi Duenl.sbAn cea-ftilly prspars and furnish alt nscvtosry MAie- itumu, maps, spsiHniwIkwa siwt othsr chiia psrUjn*

A M i m a S r n .


t u l o ’ Micta' p u ^ ^ wui^ Or tmttrfiTSiQsni, bjmI tliaa ... .. - ‘i f fPrseklsutof ItsBnard and n ^ ff 'ls rk aluUI ihsrs- upon, Oh bsbalf of lbs Hoard of Wrest and watsr (wmisstotN'm <rf lbs (liy of Newark, ssrtlTy ths asms to tbs (^mimun tliunril of tbs d ly uf rfrwsrk, In urdsMbai sakd CummuuCmMirlL may (bsrsafirrpreossd M make aAdnoUect Ihs proper aassssmstit for Iheoeat snd sxptnas of stK*b bM c work or Ini'

EfovriusM SB buy now or hsrsansr be rsqulrsd byw.Msrtkm 4 fold pubUr work or liaprsvsmsiU tliall

bs mads and complstsd under ihs supsrvtslon or (n- spsctlon of lbs KngliMsror AcMiie l<Uiklnssr ant dm Msfisral hu^rintsndsnt uf Works <if lbs Hoarl of Htrsst snd wslsr<iummlMloi»sti^ scrurdliif lo ths pfM'lsWfMcsrtbsHiyshansr end Uwsof ibsHUts. sad tlbsordlnaikossof the d tv and bylawa, ralrasiM rseuladoQs of Uw BnanI of (Urssi amt Water Com* tnltojunersi pf tbs llty of Nswark appHcabtsthsivta.

Hsi'tK>fe fa That Ibis onUnanoe shall lake sObei Int' Bksd'atrly,

Fstosd Uigr Un.JAM1« AMITH.JIL,

JPrssldsnt of Ihs Board uf iHrsst iumI Wslsr Coin-KNOBRUNVOX,

Clstk of tbs R o ^ of MrssS and WsWr Commls idunrni.Approved Key 11 tis l



W’AKHIXdTOX HTRKKT, from Brand ttrsst tuO ntrai avsnus.

Be h (ifrtatnsd by tbs Uuard pf Htrsst and Water ----- '^ m Im Isws:Ctommtssloijersoflbsollyuf Newark

Hsrtinit L Thai WasliliMdon strtsL fruun Broad strrrt to OHitnU avrnus. shaU bs r s p a m with gsim- hts 1'rlnUad IiAke Rspbeltiim pavumt* toffsthsr with all lb# appurteuajMvs iMceMMry lo oompiste tbs wins.

hsiiloo 3. That lbs propsrty bsnsfUsd by sot* rs* (IavItm; shall bs aawwssd lo ibi* foil sx tn it of tits spiri-laJ orpsctillar bsnsRt confatrsd upon tbs asms by HAkl pusHe 1mprovenH*nt.

rtsrllon A That Immsdisisty upon ibS con^lstloiiofsoebpoblic work or Impravsmsnt lbs <_____ ^____ ______ ofthe hoara, Id roidiixM'tion widi dis l^ictuuer sod OensrfttHoperloU'Udsnlof Works of lbs hoard, shall nsrrfURy prepare and IbraM) all iiecssMuy stats'

iiiwofebaptsrVpConwrniiif strseirailways*uf an Onllnanes o ftb s d ty uf Newark, smitfed /'A n

niehU, mapM, ioMic((lraMim!i aiul uthiT data pertiUulUk h i^cb pobltc vrwk or improvemt nigAnd Ihsl'rsaklsni srthehoardumlR»kl<HsrASbai» tbfrsupon.on beballof ths Rosn) of mtesi Ain Waisr (.’nmmlHSioners of Ihs rfty of Nswark. csrtliy tbs sams lo (bs (tom- aonn ('ouuctt of Uto Hiy of NaWsrk. In onter tbat Mdd exunmOQ Council may tbsrennsr pracssd »o maks srul outtmi ths proper aesBSAmsni for (bs com aud sxpsifae irt such r ^ h r work or Improvement as tusy now or bsmaRsr tif rsquirM by l#w,

HriHImi 4* Held (Hihhc wurk or IniprovsmsTit Hball bemads and omiiplstsd under ths Rspervlrton or In*•peelion of tbs Ku|lnssr or Acting 1‘biftiwsr mkI Uie (iensi

M r^H. r* M tN K E..... Pm prlH or and M anacf?Colv Wv M. MORTON...... . ..Hskldent M w u K rFir* Nighta wd SttardBy HttiBn,

IVmimciH-Ing TucHioF, H a j 3 i A Rare Treat. A Pninilar Play. ^ U ru u K B a L

T I C K E T - O F - l E A Y E - I A N !Correct Mccuciy, E lectrical EOect, A m m t*

L'ctuine*. H cctlic BciTrvuo tlardcn* Illam PluUcd, the (Wllar I'ndcren tund , the A tniggt

I t I* '* ■* ■for Right. Tear*, H;

l.lf(i n* To-dag, LeugliMr, JeoU tnedv

g iv n i of theapB, iyiiipottav. Rerun)MOU 111 advance.

Jinn notice win be glvim of the app ri of the wonderful In iknt l>*nJo vlrtuclo .

J U N E 1 S T (W edneday Evening),


F kku W aldnanm , MonaffW.Week eom m enctng M onde*, H ay a, UFA

ISTERNATIONAL YAUDEYILLE COMFY.Week com m encing Monday, M ay M ttlVech

retlon W cukKHberUUn A F lynn ComblDivHon.

llran d H oliday M atlne. O tcoratkm Day, Monday, May IB

s jEIVGER h a l l ,B E L M O N T A V E N U E ,


B " u n d a y , M a y 2 i3 , PROF. F, W. MULLERw ill Give H I. Fom oui UlMoricol T rip .

Around the World.v isw s Hd fost s q u r s *

SUNDAY—KuroTO.i TlicM ONDAY-Ons YlionBAbd .MDn U » tho

Nils, HitinL l¥ iituau ln« ii4 Pdlskilns, TUEHUAY-Huei i t o l , lod la , CblM ,

Jaitaii, Aubtmllfa, Aluskk, B ehrl» ( Soft Bwl FlNbriiSk,

Hrllliuut aronle trontform otlotis u d oBbrta^ RUuliasAuowitorm i, llgh tu ln f. hetivo fmuvfolfriL ghostA kiiiKclM, etc., sic*, will b« iBlltH ducrtl HI soi'h snloftMtUUsnU

>>rdiiiaiirsCy)D)urWl(g Ihs Ordluaoesa uf ths City oi Newark,*' paNRHil Hsptsmbi'r ’2U, IMM, and Hkd Odo* lisr 3, iMd, and tbs ievsral supplrmPHts tbsrsto, to* gsihsr «'lth thq* pnrvtaluusnfsucb ntlisr ordlUHnum or ftaolutlunR uiibs (Hty uf Newark, and parUrular' 1> lbs ordinances uf (he Buard of Htrsst aod Water Oomroiaidunsrs now iji ft>nw, or whk'ta tnsy tasmftsr ns paaswl by said city Biuburitlt%aod a|>plksd>ts to IhswblllDsofsirsst rsllwsy, for Uis laying and uiisruilon of which pcnulMaktn U hereby g ra n ts

Hsethm L That tbs psrtuliiiioii im uilunsd and

lens^HujkSTtntsmrnlof Works of ths bosnl,M> soMUit to tbs provMons of tbs (Ky Ubartsr and laws of tbs mats and tha urdliiancN of Iba rtty and bylawiL ralss and rsgnlalkHM of lbs Board of Btrssi and w atsr Commltolociervof tbs citj-of Ns#ark abplksbls thsrrta

Hscllon fa Tbat ibis ordtnsnoMdiall taks sflket Im- DtsdUOsly.

Tansd May 10. IM.JAMBS RMITII, JR .

FraaldsBlof th t Board of (Hisstand VUter Ooefr mlaslonsn.

ENOS RUNYON,Dsfk of ths Board of Strsst and W atrr fommls-


Mayor.Approved May 14| IML Ua

MirU'llY Clara. ^Doors o M 7 1'v M, •

B eM rvod Boata gas.,O aii«ra1 Adhatoshra ISe.g C liU dtsp lOe.


An o r d in a n c e t o p r o v id e p

glTsn (hs Nsivark Pasasofsr Railway c ^ p a n y In bs htot ssctlon of ibis unlluanoc Is glvsp and

grantsd in itstbl rnoipany upon Uw furthsr condition 4tiid siprsas umlsrHUitMlIng that said Newark Pas-' wngsr MUway loinpaDy. in lbs laying and opsra- 1 Ion of ashl dmihls track railway as albrvNakL Sball i-onlbrm U>aod (u all rcapects rumptr wltb all tbs isrdss and uondKlcnis now. or Usrstufors, or brr^ -iflsr, Impnssd upon iha salii company for aud in tbs tisr of tbe sttetJts of ths cUy, and lb the <^tsiatlun ol Its Ilnra of street nllroada

HscUod L Tbat tbs psrmiWiloh mentlonsd and Klvsn ths rabl Newark I*u«snfsr Kaliway Con- tmny in ths first section of this nrdlnancs li glvsu aud touiisd to said company upon ths fbrlbsr cso- dltlnn and axpm e nndsrstandbig that (hs said, tbs Nswaik Pastongsr Kailway Company, Its soccestora and aarigns ikall and will at sul tlmss, wsU sod rndy tsvs, keep and boar bannlass and Indsnmliy ths cUv of Newark, and the Board of Htrsst and Water (kimmlaHlunersuriiaklriry and all and every iha ofRcsriL agents and servants of sakl Hty lad Its said boaid, of snd from sU barm, trouble, damage, costa, anils, actkona.JadginSDtaaiidcxsrU'

FOR THELuavlnf i>f

TICHKNOR Wl’BEfrr, from Broad street to NewJerwy Railroad avsmis.

Be It nnlalnsd by (he Hoard of Hlreet and Water ComiulssluncnuftbecKy orNs\«*ark,as fbllnw*:

Mertton L Tbat Tk-benor street, from Broad irtrset to New Jersey Railroad avenue, with Ihs sxerptUm oftbs crOMlng of r n r hard Mrsst, ft ball bs paved with genuine Tiiiildad lAkr se]>baltum pavInSi together with all tbs apiiurteatmses nsccraary to cutnplsie (bs rame,

foi'tlon 1 That fmmsdiatsly upon tbs comjdsllnn oCsiich public wurk or foipruvemsnl, tbs (> rk uftba Board, In midunctlou with ths Enginssr and (tiMisrsl HupcrintszKlsnt of Works of tbs Hoard, shall carsfiilly prepare and fijmlsb alt nsenwary sUitstosata, Diapfl, mnclfirtiilotis and other data per talnkog tosnch public work or Improvement, amt the J^rsaldsnt or the Board aod said <*lerh ahalli Ihereupim. on behalf of ths Board ol Htrsst andWater'('oDinfiasioncn of ths city of Newdirk, <srtl(y ths sams to ths Commoo Conmal of tbs dry of New

1 ln«a that may al m y time arms, come ur bs bnwgtat or awarded sgalrtftl tbe city ofNewask or Its depart- meats, officer, agents awl aervantHi or any of tlisBi,by reasoo of tbs upeoing, grading, curtHog, paving tpsctlon of Un and fla ^ n g of (he mWI street u afoieaakl.orths I ueneral Homu faiytnf andopeniing of tbs railroad ttnoks of (be r Htrsst and wjandopeniirsi - - --uHtNewaik 1‘Msoger Railway Oompaoyimtolps laid and operated under tbs permbadon hsithy i given. Ann 1i Is undenttood thattbsaatboriliHiof |

ark, lu order Ihat said (inmiiinn Oouncll may thsTe* after proceed lo maks and w iled tbs propter ssssm msnt for Ui* cost iod expense of auch jHibllu work or imprpvsnHmt ag may now or btreafrer bs re- qiilred by law.

Hectkm fa Hald pablle wwk or Iroprovemsnt ahstl bs nuule and complstMl nader ths supervision or lov ^^-'.lon of tbp Knginvsr or Acting I - ^ o s e r and tb*

irioteodeiil of Woriu of tbs Board ol Atsr Commuskitisiiiv according to ths

provtakHtoof tbsOUy Charter and tha laws of tba

*aid city and huard do not befsby waivwany rlghlor urtvUige to enter, (4san and r s ^ r and rebuild tbs.....'V.--- . . .ri--- ------------A

kporlaid out as atbresald.

Htate, and tbs oralaanoea of ths dty and bylaws,“ Tst and



Mercer Hrecl, ^


A t 3 o’etw k .

PROFEBROR CHARLES F. EICBliO RN , n r n n l r t . onl.UKl by an excellent qnortelt* and iiuloltl*.gff T Irhet* SO Cent*.


Dntiiiii Saj il tin Mmniiii!E X C T X R S I 0 3 S T

---- TO----

M a n c h C h u n k , G l e n O n o k o a n d t b e F a n i e d S w i t c h b a c k ,

VIA CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N .J ., , Tbe P ort Reading R. R. Oo, Le«*e«-

MONDAY, MAT 38.A Spswlal Kypresa Train w ill leave Newark,

i J ttl.* F e r r y ......... ... *’ *"“* “ “tlon. a t A. M.Broncl Kt. and Y'Aat Kerry Bt. Bige

U oturaliif r a triv a In. eltyKerr;&A.

about B P. Mv WAB.% VOU. R O r N P T B I P ) O N L Y f i .a » .

Nwitchhackg Nfoe Ekl-ra. B4d

liw i ...........X traaowu as tbs clay skrsH iwwerjind w b ^

andsniaath a 1 iirtlon of Uw said Cunsls place,'ttorU ^fa~A iid~^ said Newark faraeoger RaB

way Company, befiiia It liliaa any actJrai what under tbspermlsAoo hereby granted iLUsalti Into bond In forto, amount and rareUa*, lu bs ap> praveg by tba Board of HiresI and Water {lommsH •kmsn aforesaid, for ths fidihfiil perfortoaocs by

ite menter

rules and refulaUons ^ ibe Buard of Hlrest Water Cummlsnlomn of the d iy of Newark, applb cable Ihento.

Berttoo i That this ordinaaoa shall take sifact iB- mediately.

PHMdMay tfa im .JAXINBM ITH.JB..

Fnsideat cf tbs Board of Htrsefc and water (kna-

Hid corapauy of all ths terms and cobdUloiu of Ibis ordlMDcs.

Tb* foregoing erdlnanra was read ones at a meet' log of tbe Board of Htrsst aiul Water (YimmliHkm* erSg on Tuesday^ May 17, IMS, and duly ordered to a second rradhig.

Baled Newark, N, J.. May tl, IWLIcJlOB BCNYON.

Aid ' (Jkirk of t^ B o a n t

KNrtH RVIfYON,Clerk of the Board of Htresi and Watsr Oomtnts-

slooeraApproved May 14,1111.


“IffiST OP THE SEASON."M a u c b C h u n k , G l e n O n o k o

and Switchback ExcursionVIA

L K H I O H V A l i U S T D I V l B l O e T(READING r a i l r o a d BYSTEM),

D e c o ra tio n D a y , M o n d ay , H a j 3 0 UlRM IJNP T t t i r * IB.W .

HWtTCIfBAf'Kg 40 CKNTH EXTHA, T fa lh i leave N«w York, fool of Llbsely tl* a t A*

An o b b in a n c k t o f b q v t d e f o r t h ePi

tlO tJTH (JANAL 3 m e n t for benelltf;. Notloefabeiebvglv

■' tbs


M S O A PH i i M , A g m iU i, CIURsliifi

0 w « «OkA Plw d X u id L W o im d * , B u r s * , > t« .

B c a to q * * a a f f r m v n t a S o B d ra f l .

W H IT E l O H S I I H S H I P .

STRKICT HRWRB^AfiSEML.................. ........... Notlue la benbv given that an

Awesanient upon all tbs owneri all tbs lamia aad real catots PKUllarly baasAtod by tbs constructionjf lbs sewer in __ __

ttOlTTK CANAL NTRSKT, from Railroad place sewer to Market Mrsetg aosoid' mg to the pnivTsloui of an ordlnanoe of th* d ty of N^watt, aatlUsd an ofdlnanos to provlds for tbe t.'onstriictlmiorasewer In

HOUTII CANAL BTKEKTq from Bud road mace sewer to Market strsat, ap ptovfsDAucusl ifa iJOl;

Baa seen prepared ny tbs tmaentgued mcnmia- AoPsrSg appoluted by tbe flrcultUoan of tbe cvamty of Eaaex to make s ^ assesauaema. and tbata report, by a oertllkaie In writing, with an arctunpanyliig m a p a ^ sdUedule.abowt^t the several assssameola hbsIosi th* sevefai owners pecullsrly beoetlled aa ^ r s a ^ , bn* b«e» deposited In tbs offlos of (hs CUy Clerk ot Ihe dty of Nswark. for sTamluatlon by Uiia partlsi lotersatw tberHtt*

uPevtoiofORATfT ftTBKKT,

from Broed itreet to Ftprlnff sUwK.Bs U ordained by Um Board of Btrset and Water

domralaidonefi uf tba d ty of Newarki_y folkms^ beetkm L Tiiat Gmoi Street, from Broaid street to

Bpring slioeL UmU be paved with gsnoliM Trtnldad Lake a i^a ltnm paving* together with afithe ap* purtenanosa rwoesrary for ths oompleUon of tba ■am*.

Smlon2. Thatiminsdiatsly upon ths romplellon.................. .< siH*b public work or Improvenient tb* tb* Board, In roajtinctton with tbs KnjctiMer ami General rbiperlalendeni of Works of tb* BAard, ihali uarefolly piepari) nod fUniltb all nermaary statemtntsv maps. Rpsdficatlnns and other data psr* talning to sorh public wmk oc ImprurSiiumt, and tbe Presideiii o f ths Board and said tfrerk shall tbemipuD, on behalf of ths Board of Wrsei and Water ronunfasiooera of tbe d ty of Newark, tertiry tbs same lo th* Cmnniun Ootindl oftbs dt.v of New* ark, In Older ibataaldOommeo twmoUmay therS'after p n a ^ to saaka and coUset th* proper unssa-

■ ■* - — or sDcb public wurk

HaldaJiReiisnieptcoinnrtses all lots, tracts an^ ; ;sla^land and vaaleetats Habto Ip ba t

ment for Ihe cost and expsnM or hDprovstnsnt as may now or hereafter bs rs- uulrndbylaw,

Hertluafa ^^ld public work or Improvament shall

aforsosld, lying oo tbe spuUi aid* ef __ra il'I M CANAL ?«TttBrr,

from Ballrnai iiHios to Market street.A "lo(“

Im ieo riAll persons Interested

baaed bsfora mkl OummtMfonsri, na THVBbBAY, THK bJiXXlMD DAY O f JUNE,

im .at i P. M., a t th* CfomtBjjwtonsrt' room, Na S (UUfd

be made aitd cooipWed under Ibe supsrvMun or In-I&gli

•ndent or works or tn<. . . ____ llM to

Ih* provMons of the (Ity Charter sihI laws of tba

rlnaer or Acting K i^neer aiu! uperliitendeTit of W ona or ths Bosid

I of mreet and Water iVinmlasionera, aocordliI tpsctlon of Uis I thsCntieinJ '

r ivprsinitt io suUn plot of knd, whaUitr HUto, aod tha o id l tu m of d ly a ^ bylaws ■wi^ , ’ 1 rules and refulatlons of tbs Board of Htresi andrsuns interested 1b aafo aeaeaimoiit may ba f VatorCsinmlistoosniortbs d ty of Newark appU*

icMT), d ty HalLU trd i ia y IL lM t



■* CsnmlsaloiMrf.


smtEKT HUWEB-At»BHtSMENT for beniflis. ^

Noikw la herdiy given that an araeasmeiit up|b all ths owtien nf all tbs Miwla and ortato peculiarly

appllhfohl* UmM o* fa

Hectton 4. Thai ttila ordlDoiica ikaU Inks eSkefc Immediately.

JA K BM .M ITH .JK PreflldeDt of Uw Board of Mroai aod Water Uonmlfr

donffimncm b u n y o n

d a rk at IM Boort af Jiu**t and W ain Oomnil*- I ahNMfl*

Ajwrevtd K*T IA h AYKM,l)a K«rev.

SpocilllY M affltd fe rU te tn H ard W ittr .

j i r r . K. ft.' IteUman, J . E . Doldt, Max Far­

i t wo* found th a t on* o f tbcu i wo* lu ffc r ln i fTOin aI frocturod rib.

Tblriron m rinberc of the a rm y began tbc lr meeting* on Satu rday n lg b t an d continued th em on Hunday afternoon and evening. Eloven of th e Malvatlonlat* w ent aw ay on M onday m orning, leaving A d ju tan t John Rommoni and (Japtain A lexander l a tn h to o a rry o n tb e w o rh . ThehuU<llngwa*nrowded o n K onday evening when tb e llghte were tu rped up.

AfDgUJit ftqmnton* d a rte d to open the a*<itltiK WMb prayer, wberoupon aevrrat

-hnuuif .m en Ib ib e book gallery lnterrnpto<l ' slffl With fodi rem orlu . Tbe ad ju ta n t pru- tw ted , b u t bl* word* were drownedr In a thunder o f o a t call* and vll* epithet*. The R«lvaUunt*l* la id t h e n wok no u**. try ing to continue the m eeting and lo t *1111. Then two rough* d f llberotely ra iH d chair* an d ■moihed them . ThU cue wo* taken up by th* re tt and

W h a t th e s tr ik in g C arp en ter* D e n o a d .Ih Me AUilor of the Kewt ;

R i» —llm a y uo tb* generally know n Whnt tbn carpen ter, of Ibe O range, a re aekltig for, and we, a . re p m e n la ltv e . u f th a t body, deem It expedient th a t a . ta ie m e n t .h o u ld be m ade In order t b i t we ybould hooet r igh t lu Uili m atter. T he tru th I. tim p ly th i* : W e ore ■•king our employer* to gran t u . w hat bo . been uocorded o th e r tra d e , w orking here In Orange for the l u t five year*—th a t o f work­ing elgl)l ho u r, on ria turduy and to receive the dim e pay for S a tu rd ay u o ther working day . of tba week. There 1* al*o another m at­ter which we m ay a . well m ake know n. A t the rei]ue«t u f aume o f th e bow** we w nt a rcwpectable delegation o f i lx m en to confer w ith them In regard to tb* a d ju .tm en t ot onr dem and. T h i. delegation wo* no t only Ig­nored and refuH d an and lance, b u t w a. kept waiting outride about on hour an a half and wot Anally lionded a . t i p o f paper which .la ted th a t they had reaffirm ed th e ir Arrtner rerolutlou. W eleave U to tb e pnb lle to judge whether we were trea ted rig h t o r a* on* geu- tlem an .h o u ld tre a t another, believing a . we do I Imt when th i . m atter U fully unden tood by the public we conddentiy hop* to have their eucournfem ant an d aupport.



. J i __________________IS O F T H E S E O O UFONS

'- A l t o -S i . S O

yon to 'l volum e o f vride- n o rg la e d i t io n ^


eleganU r bound In a rich eltk d 4& 3) o f toe** eoupon* an d t twiUiDtlUo you 10 nau* each m outh .

r ^ v a 3 vol-

A pleonont and efferveeeent cureIrbi ■ ■ ■F b ra ll headache*—Bromo-tteltken-lOo.

A woman who 1* weak, nervou* and Bleep- tew, and who ba* cold hand* an d ftet, ean not reel and a r t Ilk* a well peroon. Oartori. Iron Pill* e q u a llu tbe c lreulatlou, remove nervouuiewi and give streug th an d reeU-Adv,

M A L I O K A K T A B S C E S S .M r li t t le ittffiered for th re e y e a n

from a large A becria on h e r h ip, ,lhe reealt <i( a fttll aod d te locatlon . Ttie Abeoeae was la ige , w ith a ix opebiugg,

ell of w hich d iseba iged p tii. I wag lodueed hy friends to g ive hey B. 8. 8 ., to d by th e tim e th e f i l th 'h o t j le w m finished tlis A bsceu w as en tire ly heel­ed, an d th e child w u w e ll an d happy.

H n i. J . A. W IE G N E R ,I SL A T iK anu i, Pa.

, i to r te r , K J . D erby; icorer, B. IJ. I 'r lro ; dnnonnorr, F. S. F rn u ty ; ch ief meialiel, Mi'll- •on Fur rend.

T he F o u rth 'W ard Bowling Cluf) held a to u rn am en t In th e tlhontliig P a rk yerterday , In. w hich th* lilgfaert H o m were rollbd by th ree w om en. They were Mr*. J. Ijonge, Mr*. F rederick Coelln end Mrs. A. H. W inter., who qpeeiqed Orel, .eoond aud th ird prig*, reepectlvely. Georjre Bu*ch and Mr. Pfeifer cam * In f lr i t an d second respectively In a w alk ing m atch.

O anm en F llk lng ton and K ig le will hot row In Ihe PaMWle regatta on Decoration Day unlesa thny cea find a .n lteb le boat be­fore th a t date.

I t hAt been deOnItely decided (bat the rro ih inen c rew o fO o tu tab laC o ileg eV lo row th a ('u rnell freehraen a t Ithaca on June A The C olum bia crew w ill leave Hew York fbr Ithaca n ex t Tuegday, an d will rem ain there for tw o weeks- F rom Ithaca (he erew will go to New I*)ndoo, w here they will row Yule an d H a rv a rd freshm en on Ju n e A

Tbe Orange A thletic Club h u poeponed I t . opening game* from Ju n e 4 to June 3A end tbe d a le hoe been allowed hy Recretary BuUI- van , o f th e A m ateur A thletic Union.

The N ew ark Bay Bent Club will open It* new elubhouse n ex t Tneadey w ith a Ihlr. The bu ild ing 1* a handnom e one and coat tH ,000,

T he proporod m a tch bet ween “ P e t” Cahill, tho ex-cbem plpu am ateu r middle-weight iMxer, and “ J o h n n y ” Regan 1. off.. Kegan refused to light u n lm the COney le land Ath' letlo Club Increased tb* pu rseo llhnd from r*A00 to tSJUO. T his th e club would not do and declared th e m atch off.' Cahill wo* willing to bog for «2Ji(W.

A rth u r Lumiey, yeilerpay received a letter from Tom O 'Rourke, George Dlxon'e m ana­ger, r ta tln g th a t Dixon would no t go Into tra in in g u n til June 1. < Dixon, U’Rourke i«y ., w eight on ly 130! p p u n d eat preaent. If lh la t* tru e iho colored lad m u»t be unwell, (br p rio r to h i t departu re he tipped the beam a t 190 pounds.

A cable dispatch received yesterday from Geoige A tkinson, London, make* Itex trem ely doubtfa l w hether Ted P iitch srd and Rob F ltia lm m ons w ill m eet n e x t Beptember for tb e IIACOO purse offered b y Ibe Olympia Club of H ew Orleans. A tkinson said th a t M w ent to P rtlch p rd 's tra lb in g quarter* yesterday an d snbm lted th e artic les o f agreem ent of.the O lympic Club to him . P ritchard w si told th a t Ihe O lympic Ulnb would delrity all of bis expense, s n d |)ay an y (o rftlt uecesu ry If he would b reak off h is m atch w ith O’Brien.

There Is nothiug in » phy> sician’s life that gives him more satisfaction than seeing the prompt effect of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil in bringing back plumpness and color to thin and pale chil­dren.

“ Poorbaby!" Everybody sees the sad picture. No one but the physician appreciates i t He knows what dangers threaten thin children*

Let us send you a book about thinness.

Scorrfa Bow)ft,CtkMiiMx, itsSouili Mb Aveenfa M w Yorii.

Your Jrucful (crape Scott'* EoiuyoB«fcod4iTM •B^lll^niffiitttvvrywlwredOa | i .


*11 p ir t tn Intercited (hot_ ___ (tie cortlllciile uf^ Ui* (tliflte tnioont of tlio coote mod vx*

pcnM i«fp*vltir'm C K LIFFE 6TREBT,

frooi Bunk Hrral to wnrren Blruet;RANKIN fiTRRKTv

bend lh< beck M the Wood opd Skis. s v i R i n c i y u ) Coq Atlanta . Oa .

P rlteb ard an .w ared th a t Heptembor i would no t give h im enough lim n to tra in . He would

Olymjpio Club ih November, providing a se o f fiAOOO w as offered.

guarahtee, however, to flght FItssIm m ene a ttbeO lym pIr ~ ‘ -----------

rM ofM A

A. L . Biol

^ h o m arifa lK M te

. H . L . Blair. A lderm an,

Fmlssa an d rtMumat

W ard, BcronUMi, • tued Dr.

rrem BpringfleM lo Uoaih onnge ev.nH,He. own dellvnied lo me rteoniliig lo ___

MWMoient comprlire all Ifa* lot., i m n . and poreriaof 1. 1x1 u d real wi»t* lying on both rid « of

WICKLIFrK p t b k e t ,f ten nankrtrM tto W ormirtreets

Oa boui ride, ofRANKIN (ITHICKT,

nmni nprlngtl«lil awmie to Hnulb i liwiga avrona The uwaen ofIrin and real wnate uonw d Inw

eerlHIcale of oMMunent ore taeirily required to paytbe amount i s Meewed npMt them and o rb of them, mperUrtly, In me, ntmy efflee. No. B, Oily Hull, on or beflHb June 34, IMS.

. JAKEH r . CONNKIAYiOamptlbUor.

Newark, N. J., May lA HSl IH

LE G A l. M OTIU U ,XrOTICK TO W. ir, RKEVI.IN, P. KELLY, I n u m Kano, y . ThiMier, (liorioa Wltn, H, K WUmo, K ri. Basel* i T n , and each ef you, ate netifted ooi required is pay le tb . ueder ritnnl in* a m e n of waeunt doe te hba by younaqierilrrtr kw the owreae ofgoixta In y n c twpee-

' ------ laM tpo*an iloa ,and li.......... 'tlv . nonw* and new In libpcianihia, and 11 eoae ef yetir deihslt In « doing ibewdd goodi .ball ba oeld aljniblle aurtlon on J u » 1 .14*A

N natV , N. J„ Hoy II, USd gfc JOHN IIOLUOAN.


3 0 .0 0 0 .

___ __________________ MtetoMcolbMwfltedbr tb« uoiMlrauttMi of tiu rawer ui

OJUNOK HTHKKT, from .^nb«tn«(to Hombolfit BifraL M»onlUv lo (hv orovLiloDa of an orainMoepftnV d ty of Newark, eniliM an t^dlooBoe te provide for Ito oomtiDctloB

'a rawer Id . n. ^OaANQENTRKBT,

from Fifth rtrrat to HuadKddl street, approved tanuarr 4. fi*1.

fla» been fHvpared by < the underittmd Oomaite- •foMte, apiwjinted by the Olroalt oftlw ooHoty ofnnex to make raM ■raframepla. and tlwt diw


NEWTON fiarHEVr., from Fourtranth aveirae lo CbMnet alreet,

Beliofdaliiedhy tbe Bwrd of 8ir«ei aad WatexofU ............................... ...CpmmlaBteiwra of dra d ty of Newark, aa.foUowv:

Becif ---------.^^ilonti TTiat Newton Hlrrai, from I'wirtoentb anroone te Gablael alrrat, aball ba paved witb ranolne Trtnldad afarat aaphaltum.

TeffetherwlUiaiktba ippurtenanoei pawi ry to oBDipleteihe eame.LJ-* *4 rt MB.-* J

porthy.aoertlilcatelnwfltlnir, With an aorompanys' " * ecbediotev ■hawiiiff tiw awaml tm m

KrMloti t l l ia t iKDinedteirly npon tbe ooanpletloB ofmiohpohllo workor Improvrmeul, thu n«Tlc of

ndmap andmenteasialnat the oHveral o^nen MdiHarly buna> Uteri aa ahwaald, baa bean rteuodted tu tbe offioe of theC Itynertin fibed iy of Newark, for axaiaiDip

IhaBaard, In ooDj^nciJoit wlib Ihe EngliHira and Oeneial foiuerlnteiideiit of Worfct of tb« BoanL tdwll carefully prvfwra and fttmlah all nwearary

Itenby thcparllesiliiforrateil therdn.Wald araaraipcnt compdiee all .lota, tracte and par-

eeli of tend afa) real euaie liable te ba aararaad aaalbreriald, lyluf on tbe aouth aide ^

i,)RANC1K dTBKhrr, from Tiftb afreet to Humboldt etreeii

On Um north Hide ufORAMCIR ftTREKTq

from Fifth alreel to Balh^ie plaw.A ** lot” repioaefite an entire plat of land, whether


•totamenla, nkapa.«|>^^(i<^da aiMl other datel«^ tatuinff lo Micb w » tn work or Impmvemriit, and (be PiWMcnt of (be Hoard and aald Ctrrk aluUt thereupon, ou behalf of Ihe Buard of Mreet anil Waier CVunmlmlonm oTtbe O ty Of Newark, oenliy

aama lu the Common of the (Ityof Now-ark, li| order that aald CommoD Uouiiril may thero-after ptuceed to mako abd coUaci tee orr>im i m m ftir Um ooraaiMl eapenaa of nock workor Improvvmeoi aa way dow or "

ulred Irv tew.

kcb mibfieheroafter ba rw

All ptnoM InlefMtod Id aald aarammeot may be braoi before aakt (.VoUDMonerR eaTburaday, tho «w o«ddarofJuoe.l(il, at SP .M .a l ihe Coinmte tlunen" Touro, No, Ifthlrd 0oor\ City HalL

Dated May n , jIW. _______ ___. (lEDBOK F. TUTTLE,JOHN J.CLANrY, T110MA8J. (IHAY,

Ttid CommlmloMra.

(tectkmfa BaU pobllo work or mprovemmtihall be matte a ^ oomfoHed under the Mipervlatea or In- eperOOft of Ibe Im iw e r or Aetlnir Ktifliieer and tba (knoral Npoortetandni of Work* of tbe BuanLaceofdUMrteMeproviatotaaof lae n ty charter Mid Jaw* of the ifiaie, and UieordlinafHWi or tbe ottv and bytewe, nitaa aira ngntatlODe of (be Board of Htprat

For tteketa and special noonramodattotia apply to 285 BROADWAY, New Ycirk CUy. toM.

"toeatB or AwFlahlnf BawlUF-M €ei»tfl -D* HoMn^er from K nuikllb etreet, New Yotk,

* * “ .................................. .. ....... “ “ fooddally, AK. Tloketa aold by Erie, Oreeftwo jA k e an d l^ n n ay lv a n la roada. Rtmdaj^tfak#

&47g Erla 7:24 Iralna.Pennaylvanla d;47, Erie tackle, rrfreabmebtl* HANO

n iC N IC rABTUSft CAN HAVE HOATB* L awliifia, raenr-fo-rounda, ateam laAitelig

Jeb in jta iid h a th in j a t Verona lAke. G foundi free. In q u lreo f HIRAM COOKtVeTOiia,NJ.IIa

e m r a h v k r t ia e m k n t s .A N ORDlNANtliTOPBOVIDKrORTiraREv

XA.pavltig ofWAMllNflTON FLACK,

from Broad alrrat to Waafatofton rtrcH.Be li ordalaod by the Board of Btreet and Wafac

___of ibeclty of Newark, aa follovHectlon 1. Tbat Wwihingvon

Commlanloiiera t dty of Newark, aa foilowa: lithlngion ptece, frwm Broad

etrw tio WaHhlnaten HtJret, ihafi bo repaved wttb peniilmTrlDidad foika aipbaloim pavlDcjtefeibif with alt tba appurteoaotiaa noeewary to oomptete tbe wuna,

neciteii & Tbat Ihe pn^iortr betieflted by Meh repavlna aball ha wmmhI te ibe foil axtent of Um a p ^ lu r p m il ia r benefit (ODfofrod opon thaaarat by mid punllc UopmvemeiiL

BecUon fa Tlmtlmmediately upon the cotnpMhm of AKh public wurk or iteprovemmL tbatiorit of (he Baara, In ^ ten cU o ti wUh tba E nraarr and Uenetfal (MMlliiteiMleni of Work* of tna Baaryl« ■hal! carefully prepare and fornteb all neoNrary•tetementa, mapSi. njwcIHi.'aUonK arrfi oteer date pee-

ibuc work oc laipfovedaaiifaaadt ^ n l ^ tothe rm ld en t of Uie Board arte aakl Clork abaU themiMn,*on behalf of Uia Board of ffireat and Water (^imlAidonen of the cHy of Newark, canttF th« ran e to tb« (\>miuon OoumB of (be city w Newark. In order that aald Common OaunoU nayUicreafter p rp o ^ and onU ^ (he pragra*we*aneiil ft>r therapiand oaphnMof aodi . . . Work or Improvement a* may now or bnaafter harefill red hy law.

Hecilon L Bald publle work or tmprovomantatollbe nueie and mnipleted uiidar the wperslafon ar li^Hpertlou uf Ihe K)D«l]iiH>r or AcHtht Enilnaer and th j lieaural lUiiMrIntrtidwjtofWorka • - —■ -Btreet and water commteikiiMia.----------- - - - -pravlaluiin of ibv (^ty charter ana Uw tew* of tbaHtete.and The ordinance* of

aumtdito k> Iha Uw tew* ^ tbe

ctiy and bytewa ud af (itieet aad of NewmikiiMlpU'

_ M City anralM'aite rewalattoM of ibe Ifoard af (Water commltootter* of Um d ty < cable lhareto* * . «. * *

Heotlon fa llMit tbl* otdloaaai •hall take atoot l » mediRtely.

Pawed May Kh UR. „ .JAMEnHMrrR.JR.4pratUem of tbaBoard of Htroat aod Water O o»

KN«1«THV0N,Clerk of tb* BMfd of HteMt and Wrier OoiMd*-

siMtafi'.m . .

J C W £

An oBDiNANcas TO ra o v iD B e o B t ^ i paving of

OBIKNTAI, 8TRK14T, ftoni Bellevtila avemla la tin eoalrri]) rids at U i liMBant avenue.

IM itontained og tk* Beard of ttreet aad WeWS Oommlgrioiim of lb* cttjr of Sevnirit. *. Uglomi

HMtiOtl I. *-------- - ‘---‘ ' ---- -------nw to tbe .

11. That O iltou ittn rt, ftwn IMleTlIlasve- le M rierir rid. of Ut. P tw t i t avende. riwU i with gaoulne Trinidro Lake andioliaribe paved with gsaulnt Trinidro Lake ooriialiai

paving, together with oU the appnrtenanori iwoe

ipulkalila tlietetn. 'S i^n ttA That ihia erduioiKa .ball take gabettuv

PUBLIC NOnCK-OUDlNANCK OKUKRED(4................_ toUilid readftia. We, ibe andmiimad, hereby eetilfr that an ordlnanoe waa read a racom lime at a met tin t of thn Bbanf of Mnftnt and Water

JA H I8 BHtTKq JR ,.. ................ • Oomaite-

t»JUbiteteo(ieii un Twtday, Mar lO, H03, aad dnly ivrdered lo fa (bird rewllna, pKrvJdIng for tba fbUonr*

‘ ;Ti»i 'luB Impruvamenl*, vi*.: Tbajwvlna of •mOMAB MTBKCTv

from rUnion awnoa lo New JerseyBaUroad ava- *iall be pavid with fenuiiw Trtehlad lA to

toraldent bfUte Beard of Mreet aud Water‘^ ’****' KNOH RUNYON*

Cterk oftlw Board of S tm t ante Watar CommiratonJUBKPH K. UAYNEtl.

MayorApproved May llgUiS. Tie

from CUnion aveniw to Peniw^Taiite aveima. from enihtocarb. and from IVnni^vanla avamie to New Jariey Railroad avenue, on ea<fa *Ma of tba bona car track or irackn, with Uw axcep- tten of one fbot on each aide of raM track or tracks; hifetber with all tb* appune&anoes PBitoiary to complete tbe aapie.

Dated May U, IWlJAMES SMITS. J E ,

Pm tdantoftha Board armteet and Waiac OomiBite'

An OBDtNJtNCB TO RKPRAIpn. ________ ___________ AN OBDl-._nanc«oftheo lty of Newark, antltted *^ABunil- naaee la pcovlte fortbe aavliwof

URC^KAHjrRTREMTq •from ChealDot mreet to Kate Kinney street," naiaed November UlO. and apprm'ed Novaiafaer li*i|iKt

Be ItoniaiiHftd tbe Board of Htreet aad Walar OomtuMoner* of ib i city or Ni^waHt, w follows:

Heudon I. Tbat an r«dlDance of tbe city of N ark.«iitttod^AnordliWi»rft (o provklefortbapav- ......................... .... . - - - • ;tofawl

ENOS RClfYONg rierk of ah* Hoard.

7f Now- ba pav­

ing of Ortliard street, frum iTiralimtNtretttoKastKTii — ■ . - -rnney atrett,” paraed Novemher 7, ibn, mid an- I proved Novambar IL IMO, to and tba aald oidL I naiwa la tofahy repeated.

(JUnlNANCE S\) AKTttOUlZE THE rawk l*araeniret tteliway UMH|*i'iy to ^ tielp railroad Iraoka In EadAc aUtol, aooih

. . „ tnnt teracLBaR ordained the Board of Street and Watov


lifea fo w d to ctedlnanoeWaaraadoiioaataDiaet> r the Buard of falraat and Water CpnimtotoMn

CNimmirakiiteri ol tecK Uon I. Tbat

d iy of Nawark* aa ft>Uowa i tha .Newark Ffwancer

____ , __ ,.M ay tOblito and waa duly ardarad toaaoond rtadlug. '

tteud Kewark. N. J.. May tfa IMS*KNifri BUNYON,

Ja * CterkoftheBoanLC o t n i l a i u ' t e h ^ r b y a i r i b b r i m t o r t o t o v f l u u w 'k s f r o m n d t o i t r e a i a o u t h o f r i M NOTicK-miinWANcic onDKiieD

,S l? 2 2 L ll5 r f l A )o IblnlreoAbit. W M be umteirriptad,b«nfa]r W C Z S '.S ' I renliy that on onUBonc. wo. noil a *kodi1 time at aMUl KMbval ef i« l t« to ba <to)»* w Ute a w reval af i rerilfr that on ortirenM wo.

tba(tamndHuiteii1ntend«ntof Works Of inla board* I Mewtri1logoftl

on. T»Ml*y. MikHMnroii

btreet u r i W4t4r UorimM eW nHireet and Water Cnmml.-

■iri, and dnlr orderTOMar If) UH, and waa d r ir ordoral te

Doted Ntwatk, K, J.,

la a tbtid Railing, providing Ibr tbe Italknrtng Iro- ptovanMnla,vla; iTtenavltigof

(MjuVKnNiotii HTJuan’, -

IHRCNYON,C le# of tbe Beard.

ftoiB Ktooti utrett to ML FtoMoiit avsnse, witfe tanulnaTrthWM liik . ritTOoitari.

sa iro iia rt* ,iig L

lU ilU c NOnCK-ORDIKAHCK ORDEBEUto ihM reroing. Wa (ba anutritaed, btnbf

lte tonen tli)a tinw a.nroaareag< inaH ala o idof Sveri ao l W ate tC ^ e

JAMUb m r m , . I t ,---------- —" ” • ‘-vOrib-


fto n a TWi ■

OB TnMdar, Mot IA IMA aod dotr Mri (dieg ter th», fclK rti*

IK IT -lib or Bunt r i i t r t to

, Pn r i i t f i^ n|f Ilia Keatd of lligtel and W otn KNOB RUNYON.

I* Clark of tb t Board.

t« iilii« ntovkliBg ter tbe fbUririt* i n - 1 g - ^ I C K o r T tlii BOARD OF AmKRH|Kirr r tv lx : 'n e iie iro tw tlm ef ap*bltoa.w er| V /iiro RevMeo at Ta.eA O v l l r i l - t t o ^

to iklorovrinekL“ CAUDKNBTRL

___ebroi 100 ikM wnih.. .lib eveniiv, to ba |] Inriitt In

of AMNri. ~ To-enterdeino i% i oB act of Ike itii* of thie fUMe tbe Beard a f }

hribriw ltb riHbaappiut»BaBee*B>n. — iT taro ri- im talba san*.^ i r e r o i f iv ia . ig i i

j A m s iFreridret ef tb* Beard e f g t r i r t ^

. . wei

____ thla Htaie ikaHaviateti (rfTaxw will tllJiaUoaM

J r nmms, City froftt fke tktedla Apcil to the h M W'sdi

t«vi43T ^ ^

te lU A to i t i i i m M t Y j S i i n k t

sary to cumptete the s——Hectlon X ThatlmmadUtaly upon the ooD»la(l»D

ofsoch publw work or Improvemeni tha Clerk ofin cotoar^km 'w iu 'tbe Em ^ ^ and

Ueneral HupeUptendent of Works nf Ibe Boa|^ dMdloaraliiaiii

ifol^ Iprapara a ^ foratih aU toprarary a f r ^___ ___ ;|M,a^lloaUons and other datoftKnH^tig losDcp pnblio work or hnptvvenwafa itte

Pretedetitof tbeEonrdaBd aald (Irak aM l IBarfr (ipoti, on behalf of the Board of SUv^ aafi Wr OuminlMtnBera r>T tha <ity of N e w a r k , j ysame to Ihe cytmmoii ('ounpU of tIn ordar that raid Lemmon Council may ^f^tofter trocaad to make ami oolEert r hr tha coat and expai

^uvenwnt aa may

the pnMmaraaaitha coat and eipense of loch whOc wolk W.lufc’

•ruvenwnt aa may now or baraafttf to ftom*** tofiactloti t* iaW pubUe work or iBmravwpawiilira^

to made and complete under the^w vlaloD w to apecyoa of the Kiiglnear or ArUac W n a a r a ad jto (b W n l m iperin tih i^t of W’oiks of ot

■ Wai * “

r and WatartegttioUo^ (rf Ibe f ta td of S tm t and Watra r t t o mwknwm of (he of Newark ffaordlsaaraabaft takeaffoctiifrHacIteDf. Thaithu medtetely.

p n u rid W W iW tt g ij|» g » M rrH .x iL . , . Prreklent ef the Heard ef etreet and Water OoBHi*'

KNOB RUNYON,Clerk of th* Boeid of fKnel and W ain CM)bll»'


rom nlrilener. berMoftin appointed b r tbg Car-K CRTCK „ „ ^romnliBloner. bereioft))

eultCknii a f ibenoantyerBnvxtom akeat)I b rU iaC ^

5 t s «mviit of MMIIt. upon nil Ui. o v n m e. . ..tMiritace it) the eKrof Nrivork pectiliarli' b«eellted

-------- ------- ----------------- In r ilad llr ,.IR the Ibllawlnf Impn TTie Paving of,D .p . -o. n o p y j,

turn r . s W tvonla avenne to Ne*- J tM r * a |b i te* 1® e 6B*Wedlon of a ww*r In

NICHOU) HTHRKT, • ,brtiraH rnelfic rtno t oM J riM n * r tn r t I

THgeoaetnictlon ofaw irertnFIRBT (rritKgT, . . ....

ftem Dk-kerwnerieifleapolniabSBllflHb# JMtS -rijfM—ri Htreet.H « v * n i^ h r i r f« D i io r______

InU w efllrenrlber& ik ofnoUrintLJ w ^ ofadd oinjt I n RATUBDAY. THE 4

MAY.■Ibtk in tbr fat ]0 OT

loem att Ito UravaMI etoM

KEWABK MA.Y 25. 1^2.

m t m t• B A ir « m -

■ v m Ib c Hew* ■ w M h OMm , m « . r . P iU fr . B a u c w . U a M * 7

« « « r A B H -jB k«* I W » r * Ca« W* ■ • rk * 4 M .■ . M aaM ar, • « • ■ n iiu i W.

B. B M W , I N B Iw M. r . W .,B > (l*r, 4M M.J . A. ■■■r i t M. urn W M kiB B taa M. B j m k W , N a n * , ! • * T h lrB A t b

B JM * BBA M BB-W . M. A llaa , M * B a t a M .

• B V T B B B A IIS B -B a k a a t lM lIa , Baalfe B a a a fa At#

■ A B B B B M -P . J . B a a * » « a i M l B a iv ta a a A aa,

B i « « M P m , i > ~A aa B r a th a n . ap a - B apal-

A M O N B T H E O R A N G E S .

MabarlMB a e a t i o ( la ta r a i t la tb a L a i^ a ta tb a W aiU

la w lf fi. Himrjr, a {iromiuent rentilant nf E aat O ran tr, I* M riouily HI a t liU hom e on 'W aahlufton itreet. H r. H etiry i i a l u f a r b roker lu New York.

B u t Oraiqte DtvUliA ISl, Bone o f Temper- anoe, will bold ati ice cream auit etraw berry fretlTal In Ite rooiut on N orth P a rk e lreet he n llh t .

Hpagnulo Hodlstt, an Ita lian U rine on Keeax arenue, Oranfe, wae arceeted by He- teeU re Oonroy and Oflloer Brown early laat e r e n le f o n a e b a rv o o f aeeanlt an d ba tte ry npon Bebato Pearpa, another I ta lian . H e wae held for the G rand J iiry.

A t llh-UO'clock la e tn ig h t Ofllcer Brown, of Orange, found a guard w ire of the electric a y a ten o f th e N ewark Paiaenger R ailw ay Com pany b rokm on M ain street, near Prince a tra e t A cting under Inatructlona of Sergeant Leary be Informed the conduchir of the flrat eastbonnd car and before 3 o'ekiek th e com- p an y had sent two men to Orange and re- p s lrad tba break.

M, J . Trenery, general aeeretary o f th e O ^ ange Y. U . C. A„ went to P rorldence H. 1„ to ­d ay to a ttend the annual eonfereuec of Y. M, C. A. general ■ecretarlei In th e P n lted Stahw an d CanailA

T he women o f th e G erm an P retby teriau Churoh, Orange, h e td a m uitcalen terta lnm eiit


A n B n to rp ila lM B am aa l W lw B a e aeaa* ill* r a « r M A it A r m d *

From tbe D etroti Fra* F n h .W h en Um id d rm t ln B ia a saw b a r mnm-

Ing In to th e ofliee h a o n iiled , fb r t h e w aa p e tite and p ln m p a n d fltir to t h e eye.

“ l a t h i a U o rry H a r tle y ’a M J M r f ’ abe in q u ired , ad d reea ln f h im .

“ I t la, m i« ,” re ap o o d ed U ie o ld f a n t , r is in g a n d n d h rin g h e r a c h a i r w ith a how .

. “ T h en I oam e to see y o u , a ir , a b o u t y o u r a o n ," th e aald s im p ly . '

“ H y son P 'a n d th e fa th a r lo o k e d d is­tu rb ed .

“ Y e a ,a i r i .y o o ra o n , H a rry . I t la « m - oe rn in g a m a tte r In w h ic h 1 a m p e iao n ally in te re a led ."

“ W h a t,” g lo w ered tb e th th e r , “ has th a t young raocal b e e n ----- ”

“ I beg y o u r p a rd o n ,” aba in te m p te d , “ H a rry la a ll r ig h t . I lo v a h im a n d he lovea m a , a n d I h a v e a sk e d h im to be m y husband . H e h aa a g re e d to I t, a n d now I a m h e re to g e t y o u r co n aen t to o u r union . D o I g e t itP * a n d h e r to n e b a d th e r in g o f d e te rm in a tio n a ro u n d It.

I t waa fifteen m in u te s b e fo re H a R y 'i fk th e r reco v ered cofiBclouaneoa, b u t w hen be d id h e k issed th e le a p y e a r d am se l, a nd s h e w e n t s w a y re jo ic in g .

f u n TOr r o u f T - f o i n i B o w ts on t b s s a ck u iuL ise rtW a lw ta Ib* ro (w : Na IT Vwwr B

H nac MW, with isx m m : water In tbaB*t Vlasy a t, Ihiae mlnntae walk IToai rbaatowt la . Dapot luauua s t N«.» VkHKV MT. Itf

t a U L B R A T K rO K a A U t-C IT T .w o a itT O iiA N C K A ttritB n B

■ llon'l a>m1 tbe aurthlB is l^ of

TO I,ltT-.i ROOHH IN T in t NKW HIUniB, No IT Iaskw It.: IntlntclAMiunler, Apply to TM WlWTU'KKNtlH.UNcwM.


a t [ wwly pAtntMl mmI |« |im «k: «ll



Hapf M HIT

prinTiu(^tA:4M;*Jiiotbrp4vnH>mA ilft lM> iil.fii^vlra wiihla or 2U KA HKICT hT. 4 ^ SM

JOH!f J. l>RVflC»

TO leKT FlaAT OK FIVK HCXlMH, NO, 19 HonuhnB4«t,.|ll

o r tu UftrkHaLloQiiirB i » w )iiK it^»rr tfi\.

mbriv> LBT-UrFKH FART OK H O r»K ; IK*

1 I


Of, pfovratroU

NO, itB nHOoMK XT., n t v Row kUn x ) L irr 4 kik un , a i j i m o h t .1 toillt. '

4KKKHH- liMulrc J. M. ^MUFelLORNa3M iHfrr-


fttid Aod apron fritlrnL In tlio Ger*■ ■ ■ .................... [hlam u i-K n c llth School Untl lARt nlfhl

T h c rc n r i n oncw de¥elopm ent4 ln the c m o f tb o dUp^ted Police JuetIcfNhfp In Wcet OnuifCi T # o m inor nhw« cem e up a t the ftAU» irUtlon yeaterdnyy nnd th e prN oneri wer« token to tho bonie of KHJeb R urne it by a n o ftc e r and there clleptiMd of. Joeepli KTnoBa tbe deputy of Justloe Field, m ade no nttemj^toACta T h eW ett Orange Townnhlp Com m ittee will hold & meeting to-m orfow n ig h t to toke action In th e m a tte r

A t tbe oLoie of a huiloew roeuilng laat n ig h t th e hieixtbcre of P lato Lodge 122, K nlgh toof Pyth laa, o f Orange, held a potato race, t t i e efIbrU of the oonteetonU to carry the potatoes back to th e tta rtln g po in t allhrded m uch am usem ent. Tbe first prise was won by Jo h n D ezbeim er. The last m an In was Jo h n U. Toppln and he was aw arded the booby prise. R t t s e a r td n w n b y a t lQ F Q a t '

T he Orange Board of Education wilt m eet to-night.

T he m atte r ot bntldtng a new school la th e F o u r th W ard of Orange was disonseed a t a jo in t meeting held last n lg jii by the F ou rth W ard members of the Board of Eduoatfrm a n d th e Publio Bchool Oommlttee ojl the Coin- m on Council A letter from C ity (.loansel L ighth lpe to A lderm an Lethbridge, w ritten In December, was read. In w h ich he gave It as h is opin ion th a t th e c ity , under ezlstlng legislation, h ad ex* haiuded Its power to borrow m oney to erect school battdlngf, and th a t no m ore baild lngs cduld be pu t np u n til additional power could be obtained ftum tbe Legislature. After some discuation H waa decided th a t ih J i fact need n o t Interfere with securing a lo t and a d o p t­ing p lans Ibr a building elnce no doubt ex* J s te d a s to the ability of the d t y t o g e ta d d t tlo n a l power to iH ue bonds from the n ex t L ^ s la tu re .

t i l e Eastern 0 la r Concert Com pany of Jubilee singers will give a concert in th e O range Valley Congregational Church on F r i­d a y eren lng . ___________

A re Von P o s te d T7b be thot‘ovgHly fto tifd on the real Mto/e

niorJIirf |ipw musf cofuttH toe real esto/e odt. in toff ffsjwviu/lp on B>d»eidap« andtorfurdivpA _____

HOVNKR TO IwBT,giLNTKAL AVE.. 130-IIOVMK TAN 1 t.-'-all ImimiVffinffuU, wwly imiwred, suit t^o Miisll hiuilUte. InqulnD IDO IILEI'X'KK

/ - 1UTTA«\ ■{'mW liK

. . ROOMK, MtUsbIff 5>r KKURT. 1

|O ri A«1K TO TtKNT, KCKlSW; fl kW.{'Mil lUS QUITMAN HT. Ilf

n OllHRH TO LRl' IN SAHT ORANOK, KRtiH ,14 to |Tt iwr UH>nUi! Air iwtr, g3in, Aina lu

I.U'lnsUiui 7 Miw, lurg. huii4e and Arst-rlun nuitolklliiri; sini iwvvnl utlipr Ikrins ■( na- Honaiil. priom. HiAifcft II. BU'ITKRWUHTH, 84 DurtO tL, K ut Oian«v. , B

n OruK TO LKT »S LAFAVyiTTKAT,, BRICKI ■■ --------------- -----------------

iialrMsrkrt St.

Ibwiw^ l i a w i ^ WEMfiijs. an« A im sM n^^pair; irnl |S3p.v UMjBlii. HlIKKOD C> BAL

Hm » K -TO LKT, HIX-nOOH ROVAK, BKUT lin ; fiiur-ronm hniia., p ; ih i« . rum s, fa l a

<j0ll»S4-->KABKm'HT. ____ _______ S4fo h a l l n k w b o w * t o r j f r i n b b l u c n v iu .. *h(4Uib k m a s d f o b !i, iw i<wI1i. . la

i-to iJCT-1« OAttaiDK AT-,

AotiMi of to roonu, niltiUa Aw two RuntlW ! IBloT) inia]nliji(.ly.

IBOAHHID* HT,fliMEOd uaiu Aoom; f Rwmil possiiolau isuni ‘’'fw & Jm iA I , AVB„Ttmr C'Mdeo sU m J I house of T feoma 1 poisiadoi loimedisMly.

FRAinCLTN V. OUM,SSi PrudenUsl Btilldtns (HRh ftoor), Nswuk.

r£tO L E T -

NKW nOCSB IN E iaH T S WARD,OMitslfllng II rooms; arranged Ibr two ^mUlesi tm- provements with each spartmffot

ROWE A WARD, Rooms S and t,

79 Broad lA

Entrance on AeadoDiy i t


97w Inqun* of owner, 144 BSLLEV tlJiEA V E


IU modUi.Apply to & W. OERB Y, TOO Brow) IL,

S, aTMRos.vllletve.,iD«Fiunc.

W T A T * T K A N g m a .

Th« r«al astato tra n sfen rsoorded lu tb s B«glttar*i olDoa T ostday an d n!)xirt«d by tb a n d a l l ty TIUs and Dspualt Oompany w ara :

KitvABC.'W illiam R lkar an d adfe to Bridget M.

Barley e to l t n u t e a s .a a 8 l l t l i i t , VMn fr Avon ave, llflxlw...... ......... ........ . 1

X l ln W hlttiay to J a m « L .8 trln g b am e ta L a a New York ave, «B n w ft PaclBi --------S ft, 2SX101____

____H . ra rley e t a l to 'W illiamR lk a r ^ s B Util at, 100 n from Avon

/ f f i S k t ^ W " d i a t o WBloiMbl e t al, a a P len o o ’a alley, W a

I M u k e t at, WkOL,..— ..............Vagroen e t al, e i n , to n W a i ................ .

from jeoige

H a rr ie t K.


Van ageneo, id ea ‘ ■

____ Illy to Mary■ 1N Y ave tra e ft Jellbfion at 24x100..W aahlngtou and A m dem y ala, ITxIOOl

CakharineB allly to M ary Reilly e t at.6,000

Clay ton P. Cbew to H enry W .Tbnrsion, w a H t Plaaaant ave OOl a f t H arvey atasxMO_____________________________

J o b n U allbaner a t nx to Hogo Holta- baeber, w a B R av e bet Elm and Wal- n u t aU M f t f t E lm a t UxOB....

TOWNAHin,B a e r y Von der Soliana an d wife to

J o h n V an der Bcbana'Bloomileld, w aH igh land av a i a f t Bay at, iiSxM.........

B er th a Rm ily Oravea to Encenta F. Lux, H d n to M r, oor Bellavue a v an d P a rk



i t , 162x386....................................................B ridget U* Faidey e t a l to R ichard B,

Troey and al. truateex, a g rt to te ll W m . R Ik e rt l o ta o n e i H iftb itkO O nf t Avon av, d ln to n , 118x138..

Jam ea L, S trlnabam et a l to E!EtlxaW hlb. ie, a f H nnn ave, a t n wney, E. Ora

co r lo ts ,T S ...... ......................................... .Oeo. W, Blackwell e t u x to A rth u r L.

U enh ln lek , E. Orange, n a Osm egle ------- --— - ^ Coolbaugh, I f eaVa,, a t eor F rank

160.....Joaanh B. Bowiian a t n x to E atberB .

Heller, CSaldawll, n a Bloomfield ave,


AUIUI3I. vmtuwvia, u ■ Ajswaaa76 a e f t Israel Crane, 40x170....................

Ikedertek L. IW C T e tn x to EidheT Bow­den, CUd well, n a Bloomfield av, 761 et f faiael C nne, Hriiao...-....... - .........

Bomuel C. G. W elkins e t al to Bemuel Shew , M ontclair, w a Orange rd , 807 n ftO a te a av , 88x187.

.. t , m

N aam rk la n d and Im p 't G o.'to Mar. ■ aret M andevllle, Clinton, n a Haw-

jAOTne av, 1317 w f t C linton p i, ssxlflO 313


lo u rn r AT, iMi r w ajiimia/u pi,M awark Laud and Im p Co. to Uovrard

'M aodev iua Clinton, n a H aw thorne• «vo 1103 w f t Clinton pi 30x100,............... 312BHaa M. Oondlt e t ux to George R. H a r

naon ; W . Orange j r a L iberty a t 686 na f t Aldan at36sI07.„....... ....... ..

B n ieat H . Bennett 'and wife to Charlea M. B o r a m u i j t D r a w , n e a E d x e r ton tanooe HO a e f t Pitiepect s t TOx loo,

W illa rd IsHmltb e t nx to A u ik l ln Wol- fa rtb , e Orange, n e t Edgerton t o rrace wO a e fr Froapect a t OOxioo............

Jam ea Holmes to A nna F. Buchanan,' n in to n .es -E lla ab e th R iver a t oor 04WTlebenor Tlx8B_____ - ...-----





A Mow T heory o f lU nasInaU on by E th e r la l O aeU latloat,

F ro m Eleotrlolty.' I f w e om ild p ro d u ce tn o h a o u ire n t ax

w o u ld huTC fiOOmiUloiMitllUon a l te m a t ia iu perAooemd th e oonduotor OArrying I t w ooM g lo w w ith i i g h t - n o t o« w e p ro d u M i t , b y m eAM o f h ^ b u t w ith o u t h e e t , H noe ■ODA o f t h e ilo w e r h e a t T ibrationa w o u ld bu p roduced . N ik o la T es ta h aa g one f k u tW to w h r d utiU xing th e s e e th e r la l vi- b r u t l c u Aft Inm lnoua pnirpoeee th a n u n j r b o d y e b e , an d h la leculto, th o u g h a till fa r f to m th o eA auggeated a b o n , a n d d u e m o re to th e im p u iH o f 'v lb ratliig m o lecn lea th a n t o t h e ra p id ity o f e th e iio oaoiUattona, poUdl o a t th a t Uie greu t aat poM ib llitlee a n w ith in OUT r ta e h .

M r. T ea la ahow a th a t i f t h e w a l l t o f a ro o m , fo r Inataaoe, b e m ad e th e eeu t o f ra p id ly uH erua tb tg o u rren ta a t h ig h iio- ten tU H i th e w h o le o f th e tpuoe w ith in t h a t room to io filled w ith e tb e rlM oecllla- tlo n a , th a t a vuennm tu b e o r la m p bu lb w ill g low w ith i to h t w h e re v e r a ltn a ted

" e o d v n th o n t AUeS iM l oom ieotlon w lH i th e u e w alla. H e e lse e x h ib ite d m e n a a m e td r o p e ra ted b y a t in g le w ire co n n ec ted w ^ h i i eonioe o f e le o b ic liy , a n d m an y e th e r p h en o m en a w h ich a re I n d ir e c t con- A ie t w m th e k n o w n lawn o f e l e c i i ^ t y .

q t w e m u it b e a r in m in d t h a t th e force'w £ j e h produoee th e se p h en am em t, al-

t k c 4 ^ M t in to aetion b y m so tiic lty . ia n o t ' M a iir ^ o o tr ic lty , b u t r a d ia n t en e rg y , o f

M tin to___ J o o tr lc i t i ,’h i$ h l l ^ t and b e e t a re fiuniU er m an i-

Z S M " 'miiuwoQs.

B a r L aap Y ear lu o e e is ,V rom th e lAWraoos Trlbuue.' A q o a tr m arriage took p iaoein t h i t e l l y a ab o rt tim e alttse. A a e rv an tg lr lto ld h n m le - traea th a t aha waa going to get m a rr ln l and abowed h e r aonu wedding olothra an d a b a t t h a t ^ and her m other bad bought,

“ w h a t does th e young m an d o r ” naked th e m tf tn w .

. “ B ho rean ’ I a in 't lean h im y lV 'w a a th i rep ly , “ b u t m e m other e a y t lm u a t g it m ar- rtoft th is year, aayw ay,”

IlM twolHKl a rtnally arrangad averyth lng b f S r e th e m an l h a even thought o£ Boon afte r th e g irl t d d her m la trm tb a t ih e m e ta young xoan a n d ab e w u i going to m ake h im m u rry bar. Bha b e p n to aeud h im vartons UUla preoauta, h o i ^ o r candy, tto . 8 be oouldn’t read o r d l a , a n d got th e ohild ien o rib a h o u e a h o ld to d tra it ib e pacealafbr her. ■ o wall d id tbe i lH ‘M d-M ar m otborm anaga th u t, m b a r y to th e wUhea fig tbe young

I’a fem ily .h eT ey eoeyted OM LiM rrtod.

I f M t u f « 3 o A JM AugihiM ’e B t e

1 iftOt

l i t Bloomflffld sTff„ 10 rooms, sU Imots,. Pk Tks sbovs Ihr om or two CsmUm IMH ReUffvUto sts,, 3 rooms ajm biUb. lU ImpotJlSk

10 LKT—Hoqms to r«nt tn BoseTino, lO rooms, oU mod-

tm convenlffooea, ft>T po per nMctA.Hoosm 7 Foomss IIA sna po pffr month.FUtt« rrtth t u ta i rooms, sU modem oonreuleoom,

TO l e t - THE THREE • HTORV AND extenUtm brick bouse. Ns, M WoHtikifton iL, ooatsinliic U rooms and sli ImproveiaeBts; sqUsbls

fbr restaufsnl or bnorrtlns^tiouse ; rcD* isssotisbla Apply to CUARLKB BKTKD. NS Brood s t I7n

TO LBTv-THE OOMMODI01TB BRTCfC DWSL UnsNo.8IS B ro ^ «L, betwsfn Fair sad Qzeso

SU., 14 Tootni, t bathronw sad other improeementa For penults sfiply to J. ]IL MKNa OU, is Aesdemy


TO LET-DWELLING CONTAINING < ROOKS ■nd cellar, water sad yud , P Ihsislc it,» «xi« (jvrtimi, wMK’i Miau gmau, ww xmawuMv

acsjrOrientsl s t: rsatJtQ per moath, laqolieSP P lu s I t , J.Jv CARTER ne

TO LET-FROM JULY 1. BUSINEBB PRO^ IfiS H ^ i^ e M aow o««plfd

X stT., tile Wawr floor, ibur rooms.. NKAHl&TU


WARHKN HT., Tb TO I.KT, <»N KK(»NU flfior, flmr ciMiasctmt ruoois, a nli plaiaa. «ra



ilol SOal IA ooTs Huuth Uvood Siwt Wiisfat MS t^merstofff and ila-rillnB. isrootas..............ijDffk si. storw, 2^100..........................liinMMitory aiwt rstnuihin, SS TVbsnor n.. .Ill IJttlSftanavf., S|j(l9,<MDly..........................tSHUiSps are., }<9»iurauae. tis t4 |.................V'scsiil lotsln Tweinii Word>..... . .... fl44to lUlOdwelllafsta exchsiife. ............ ...................It) ociwH, itwHlllof.bani simI ststAs, Mar Mstll-

unit, tor rii*bAQRr_...................Oirnsr liwemaM. Hlww-ker st» 4S»»............7dwelMiiss,tlMwimi|iit.iial6'orrsi-han*r . #,340

E .J. U rtlP llY ,itfwl Kslste.

6i>1e Sicnt tor the Wilson Paienl Fin* »rai9e.100S IhiMlenOst HttlMlns.

oectlM fumfamed rooms In primto tomUy t fMoiMl batb,

N O I N T I ^ l l l K S T .

These Are the Terms for Bmlding Lotsa— O N -


PAlUk ST„*~FUHNWinci) KOOMH’r a

W IINKVKT..4IInHtsge tiiHifie.


Honan and lot oa Walnut it* pAOkHouse, I t roooM and biUb, all UuproTeiaents, )ut

WKNIHT OT.. _ -nealy deouraked, InipruvoineiiU.

fiON, No- no Broad M-


pxU», on Brood M., p.aOQ.IsOt. romer HeTenlb ave. and North Thlrteeulb M.,

three blocki ftuu ItnaevDis depot


THEM < = G R E G O R


H. KATI.TF..SIIA('II, Ife IMmoot awAlf


prufenlta! RuUdlng, Oiunb floor.

A r p y o u A w a r c o f t l i e f a c t t l i a t

H i t i i a i p i t o f t A v o t i i t v e m i p , S m i t h t 4 t 1 i a t r c A t , S o u t h I f f t l i a t r e e t S o n t t a l e t l i N t r c p t , S o u t h 1 7 t h n t r e e t . S o u t h I S t h f t r u c t , S o u t h I S t k a t r c c 7t a n i l S o u t h i f O t l i a t r c c t .


REMEMBER,$11■nth. 411

AND p i. TW<t nj^T H , FUUR rooms mtathHiory tuba li

410 Illfti Ml., eor Atodemy.

_____ AMOKoflulrs of JAM*

BpNsw hotiMi; I t rooms, sod improTsmenu; suitable tor two tomliles t lot Id ft. frtmt Wilt nell rbesp or eietumgn tor smaller brstas eeatroily toostisl.

W A NTED .PLATfl, KTC4feAn... . . . . --

17UVKOKHIX n o tW A N T E D UY FAMILY ' ofsdulu, RSMlhbf TV how id.. wMsMsofi*. I t

R t rent moderatth A, J., ifaw D, NewsofBoe. mt


1U1WR A WARD, Raomh I sod 1, n» UruoU I t

Kfitranrscm Afsdetiiyst 1j p o l l BALK IWiHKVILLK-A BAHUAlN, S.'j


From$200Dp JUST THINK!

These Ms are all inihe Thirteenth Ward of the City of thwart.

w i t h i n o n e b l o i 'k o f t h e S i> r iu g i lc l4 l A v e n i t o E l e c t r i c C a r t n u l l a a l u t r t i l l a t a u c c f r o m K a i i i i l T m u a l l C a r a .


AHTOHR ANU nWFttXINW roomh t o l e t j good staod ^ small troffertsa; also phsd tor

stable. A|all ti

Apply lo a F. CiUNK, 4M Bruod s t 40d___ . , 417-HTORK AND FlVK ROOUNto krtg toniierty drc^led by Mr. HnUivoa as a

sloi7 flame,l Moias, all ImproTeuaeuls; lot 30il00: also flue barn and eorrlsffe-liauns ; prtos only P.H0S.

Ca J. DjUiWN.I 747 Rrood f t

PAYABLE IK INSTALMENTS,$IS0, $100, $150, $800, $180 CffL

Ba n k le t tormerty drcupled by Mr. hnj

neirturtonil. Jtoiall* iU >ATCKLtFFN HT., flm Fo b b a i.f -fbmob, thri*e-«iory frams ^

D U C K:K f o r KXtURHtONA

KAHT KINNEY »T., NEAR JKF- Miiory frame hmui«L lO rooms: M it

able tor two fkniilkes ; 1011X111(01 mw An* bear* Idl Dull trees ; prifS' pytOQ; This Is a barialu.

c, J, imoWN,1 737Bwailiit

$25.00 Ion aul 15.011 Fsr Inti.S t r e r t a a r e n i l « K . \ l > l ! D a m i C V R H E D , C I T Y W A T E R t n

a t n - e t a . T h e a e a r e t h e t t r s t l o t a e v e r o f l o r c i l l i t t h e T h i r t e e n t h W a r d o f t h e C I T Y O F N E W A H K o n t e r m * 4i f


DonktoreotfbrexrttrsloML Apply a t< ^osof KNfCKKmiOCKER ICE CO,

Md Foot of O atro i t


■L’U.M rtT„ »t-TO LET, PRIVATE flTABLK Active stalls, eorrlsfe house sod (bed iWMiu I

, 1’ -slory ibe soNl at a mivsIii if sokl at once.

/C . J, BROWN.747 Rrootl sL

FIRHT FLOOR OF FACTORY JBXWO; PLENTY of llfh t: Dont ami tsar aressit sieoiu to sail

Uhmni; aim uis& ,N floor froat Apply l*t MUL- BKRRV HT.

, K sy iiiti' Orrhanl, tbree-siory hrk*k,

TNOR HALK - PKNNlN<m»N HT.. J i , • -


T h f i l u o u t t l iN t i r a b l o p l o t f o r h o m e * i n t h i * n o l g h b o r h o o i l , b e l t t a w i t h i n IS i m i u u t e * o f V r o a d a n d . M a r k e t u t r e e t a . o n e b l o c k f r o m t b e l i n e o f t h e S p r i n g H e ld A v e n u e F l e e t r i c C a r * . . .

firnvemenis; kd SI1UM:pricep*.000,urwillaxcliancr fo r---- ------------for suialler bouse.

o r n WITU POWER a n d BTEAM h e a t . 1C, J. BROWN.

TiTBrtNul SL

New tmlidinc; exobtlsfM Ufbt all Armod* p t nodetito; sIsTatora ^



MW house with bath fbr two tomiHes, prtrsfl,lQi), wUl rent tor MU a year. Apiilr any time to owner and hoiiOer, JOJlN If, DuNN, rar. OrlpotaX *tkd Oodea rtt. Mt

WaAinctm wusoo.


FOBBALM-*A4S.O(rt HOME FOR |I,7Q0; fKA csiib. bolsfire oq niorlcafle a t I per cenu; bf^se 9

....................................... Api ■ ■rooms, jusi pm la pertoct repair. Apply <0 »f O E a O. IIAHIJY, fto Clay s t

Roomh t o l e t ,__purn’emeota; wrilHchtsd.ST. inquire ofsiKuwer.

w it h POWER; AIXIM* No. 14 BUUDlNCrr Fo r h a l e o k k n ( ’Ha n g k - mi t o lOo acbct

of land. DR. FltA/.KH, 19 Odnr s t : '

STALLR-TO LKT, TWO HTALIR, WITH urtHPia and corfioas hou r attached. Apply 109



H ours 10 roums, mtl modem emvenleiMH, from


| 3 ^ upwonL New boose, i roomA modem ecmvenleaMA tlvB — - J jUI model

InWt RoUrtwd (UntoD Ave. s u tk » ; rare ebaaoetor rrocer, dnwjte^Aoemaker, polatsbc^ w a llwares, or anym F. H}NE,ITi Broad s t


n o u ss witb two flats; esch flat boa all mb^em convenleDocs; m w ; dow rented tor |U3 pet sbuum; ferlMOQh

Apply to R W . g EERY,Iq ,97 Brood SL. Newark, N. J.

8TORE AND TWO BOOMS TO LET, rooms In Monroe st.,M A ^ y


d ----------------------74f

STORK TO LFT. WITH ONE LIVING B(X>1£ l *jiullih ie tor any iradesaian.

Inquire s t 16 KLM BT.

____ ___ ___ FRAME__ Ldwetlinfl, 10ft Halsey s t, sR Improvements, snlt-sbte tor a phyilrlsn, dentist, dressmaker, mllUoeror for a private fomtiy. Inquire of W.IL A I t BUR­NETT, IT Aeodeoiy st. Ms

D o n i t dflU y , b u t t i k # tho f i n t o p p o r ­

tun ity yo u cu n g o t to o x tm in o thlo p ro p -

o rty . T i k o y o u r fam ily a long w ith you

an d lo t th a m an jo y a faw h o u ra In lo o k ­

ing o v e r th o t r a o t . T h e f ta ih a i r will d o

th am g o o d . T h o ic a n a ry l* th a f ln o t t tn

H udaon C o u n ty . W a hava o p a n ad

olHoa o n th o t r a o t w h a ra you c a n g a t

m a p t an d a ll In fb rm a tlan . T h e p rioo* o f

a lt lot* ro m a ln in g u n io ld on Ju ly la t will

bo adv n n o ad . Buy ■ lo t now an d , aava

th e ad v an o a ,

T h a n aw lln a o f B apld T r a n i i t i t r o a t oar* ru n th ro u g h th e t r a o t o n K earn y

av o n u a . T h a o om pany a x p a o t i to have

tho o a ra ru n n in g by Ju ly l * t

Rout to Get Thefte.T a k e S i i r l n g f l o l d A v n u u o K l e c t r i c C a m t 4> S o u t h 1 4 t K n t r e e t m i d w a l k o n « b l o c k n4> u th t o p r o p e r t y .


L O U I S J , P R I E T H ,


avck, bouse, 4 roftrun, alnwMt rsw, water and

;fT6 Morketst. Apply 4MMARXETST.TId, modem Improvements: price 11,330-

lime to make me an olTer.Ckll a t any



Market and piodDos dealers take noto-I have a rood, dry oeUor, 40i96 near Centro Market, to IH at MW flfvro.

ARTBITR DEVi NE,Md m Market s t

T O L E T -rrO B E AND BAt6XMBNT,«7 WASH luffionaL: fMpermootk. Inquire wM. PILK-


os fUmlturo store by John Oosriiobn Ooerinr. Inamre of JOSEPH ILL. « s a r i tn c t t

T 2(Ibr tn

LET-HANDSOME THREESTOBY BRICK heuis; jq TDotns, hath mod laundry; orradied two tomUka $ rent #46. Apxdj 174 in o U BT.lftw

TO IJ in '- IN HOUSE WITH SMALL PAM2LT,I ' •* • ........'•_ssooQd floor odd port of th ird; rent low


WnRBY BTm tid i-T W O NEARLY NEWr ----------------------------------- ---------, . brlfdc bonoes to m t , 7 rooms and bath, isod'

ero Improvements: also two etoros, 130431 Plooe s t loquits 170ACADEMY ST. Itf^nrO O rntniL , TO LET.TT No.A7 Wintbropst,7roo«is,1inpts^#ttL 0 North End Temwe, T rooms, liopidL, f23Jai19 North End Tfflraco, 7 roont, Impli., |£L---------- - ------------------ 12 r f -- ' •Okn. OrottoD sad BlTarsU# svw., t i rooma, Impti,,

#41 inquire Of JOHN LEVER,4if 138 Washlsgtoa avi^


_ #w uMotbly sad op-wards; unftimlsbed, #999 to #2,000 per somiim;at^ tractive piece tor rent a t Mountiua Stotioa, 10 rooIla^ Lmprorements, large pbutsa; 1 ocm In

OBANot^list of hotaen; fOrebthed,

D annuoliy-lawn; shade ;m id en ; . . ......... . _ _rrapbiatid flw portlculan a t New Y'ork 0IB PATTEIMON A CKBRIKN,. 171 Broadway; 1burbtoii oOlce. South Oronce.


A FRONT BEDROOM, WITH USB OF BATH> roma; yellow cotiissaws Uro doorIm lnubee

fh»i D, L and W. R iT ln q tilrs II STATHffr. MeA PABTMKNTS TO LET. 908 MILFORD AVK.;

A lo rp e plot of round . CLv NlHLJCRylMEIIsar betti are. SIf

A IaABGE, mCRLY room '

FtTRNISaED FRONT temis moderate. 18 RECTTOR. Its

BALDWTN ST, 12, NRAB WABBINOTON-TO *let, Ifaree lovaly roomn, #10, 1

BANXST.,«#-A KtCB PURNtSHED ROOM tor a feoUemaQ ; resaonsble, 1

Bl o o m f ie l d A VE.,9t-THiiBE roo m s a n dsloove,9d floor, to let! water, limulre


Br o a d s t ., ou- c l e a n f u r n is h e d roomstor hoQsekeeplnf. •tf

(1AMP BTi W-THREK PLEASANT ROOMS ,>tolet tosinitil fhmily ofodtilK | I

C iAMDEN STw 114-TBREK NICE BOOMS TY) let to small toinily. S9s

COLUMBIA ST., 10-rURNlSHED ROOMS FOBtl<kthoaaeksemnci#3up> 1

COLUMBIA err., » -F lV K ROOMa IBKOOND floor: three oa th ird : only rmoU toU lea. I

CROSS ST., » FURNISHED BOOMS TO LETin priToto totally. 71s

J tjW F A B M B T .g il-rU IlN lS flM P JtOOMSSTOMe

F i v e l ig h t ro o m s t o l b t ,p - .................

. WITH.. pantry sod JStntlonary wsabtulHL .. _Me «i MOBTOirsT.

F IaAT t o LKT-ON HECXIND f l o o r , M9 MUL- barty M., psor Woimit sL, six lone extm llffht rooms, with extra room above; all rmproyemaiats

..................... MB 4aad In best condRIoti. Apply ou preml WISS A SONS. TM Broad ik.

■LAT-TO LET, A NICK DOUBLE FLAT,with Dine rooma*, with oU Improvements, or SrUf

OWNRf^ 13b Main at., Bait Oislet rooms seewrate. atifv, N. J.

In the




FIriA-dass elevator and janitor eervice. IJfbted by etectrldtj sod fos. Steam beat, lavstoTles and ckwetfr and evory oonvenlsBce.

UnexoeUed to rllib t ood olr.Will bq leased for too# or short terma to salt teto

ants at moderata rental. _____ 90f


I OT9-POR SALE, TWO ________JlolN. Address 94 RIDGEWOOD AVE-,

FINK mm,DING near


Geo. D. Canield & SooR o l e A g e n t ,

7 6 S P R m C x F I E L D A V E N U E ,O K F I C K O P E N E V E X U r O S lS E C O N D F I D O U .


Ln r FOB 6XLE,45t BASK ST.1

IBQtlBlS klIKAHTPXBKBt. _______ fef

_______ _ _ OB B l i iT - m twitory ftoitie bnUdlnp. 11 rooms, fbr two fiuiil-BGHSVILIxE, f o b s a l e

IWal ‘ ■ ..................lies; Ml

A g e n t s ,


IjnpTovBmenta each floor.PAIN, Sto N. Fourth f t , bet, blxUi aud Hevsnthavea.

Apply to A. J....................snf


1 oSbr tor sole, at very low prloeo, the tollowlnc properties, via t

FIRST PIDT.mtosted on South rtflem th, Hotith A^xtoenUi and

H A R R I S O N , N . J . ,

N ix t to th fi E ri6 R illro a fi B r id g t.

Mn1lniMs.a4M 'lIina XV&. OMlxIalng .tou t mv-.....................Till ■ •enty choice buUdtnc tots-

, BECQMDPLf^Isbonnded by MoniflOiaeiy aye., Elshteentb and

Nineteenth aM. Thaw tiM tt ortohd are easy of so- csss, beinff tloee to Rapid Troadt J^Mtvto Hollrnod. and Btatloa « i MorriAsad near vlclnlt}'.

0och laE«etraotsoriiuiif,soeaiyofaceetofknd well located, are scarce, 1 Invite the attention of a^tltal- Ma to them 01 oa investment, or ihom ssekipf wch property tor manufOoturloff jMrpoMW, or those seek- loir Pro|x— — ------- -* v ,„ ----------

Offlcfi opfiB av u n in g t un til > o ’c lo c k to

lo o o m m o d u to th o crow d o f p u ro h o M rt

w ho o p p ro o l i to th e *6 b i r g i l n t .

A F A I R V I E U Ipropeiiy tor improTKiietiL' For prices and f

pnXlculars, apply at the office of tbe owner,-F O R T H B -

B. G. SAI^MGN,» NesbUtst, NewoA, N. 3.

Between t oad 10 o'cloMc A. M-.

WAHTKD-TO BENT PEE MONTH SITE tor nnapel teat, l8xMrimapel

IQgbth words; state tent. 12. city.

I 144 irHfeVU, VIIdMi TKHT, Curicf

» •


C R IU l OB rmf.DBKB TO BOABD; 0001) Lh«ne. HLTTTLBTOti AVE. Kf

A R B L A N O ___ikboAifi. uacuTWONOT.


B -1ANK 8T.. «M)OOD nOABD AMD CUKEB- Aii n n r i t ; iiln t«bl« boMCI. W«

Ba n k ht., fl7-m cELT f u b n is i ik d b b o u tnm ni, with flntKflws Ixmd; I«nii* mnfer-

«e . Mr

BLEEKER s t ., 7C-B1C*. PLKA8AMT ROOMS, 100(1 boonl; i i » M r booofera_________ isr

'ni.IBCKEBBT.,IW J jn m in , with or irlilMnt boon).


B0ARUBR8 WANTED AT MRS. t . BATHE'S, Wont Onnfo ; (3i«rtirat M., ihrw door, ftotn

B u r i n u i n i wUlitn two miuotH' wolk of Um oko- trio tuo . 4*0

BOA BD IN O'^ COLUMBIA ST.; Com ifl C11B40U at.'



I'ROAD BT., 4U-FI.RABANT gUBMIFIHEII ' nnnUrWltC or wifeout baud. 74eROAD ST.,' K4-4IFFOS1TZ WAJlHIROI'On f t i fk ; n s if t 'o ^ T n r te m ; UUUo baud. 41a

ntEHTHE (TT, fe-UANDHOMB BOOMS; JCX- L^aUeat hoard; BlKlAbloboaid. « p

/-.OLUM mA UT.. ML-OOOD BOARD VOH\ ./lliioa tMfecfellia man ; tanm rwaonabla, tflf

'(OURT trr.ll-rU B N D JK K D R«X)M TOR OWE ,'or two gratlenicn; boanl Ifdailtad._________ M

Ei u i r m AVK., i4~A EKw <ii!BT7,Ejanf or lanUaiBaii and wlooaoaa oblala board: all iBi-

prortsMBia, . ,»>a

F ’(lULTON HT.,-4T-rrRNWHED LA ROE AND auail room .; board if doatrod. fflf

■pi UR r H« Kara,

u iu n o n E i) OR w n fu b w isMe d bo o m s , wttlinrwltbout boara i tumlabad roonia with

' 84 to f t . Ill P U N K Wl'. feariO O D HOABD, PI.ttASANT ROOMS, -----C xm ifem an, f t god l i f e m ak lr ;tw o ulaulm*

l l --------. J —ftb u Ctwitant Bt Dapot; „gY ,

H ALNEY BT.. 42-NICKLY ' FURNIBUID rooau tor pamlemeii, with or without board. 1

YrtliAT TO LET, OF RtX HOOMR, ALL IM* 1 : proveqiwnto, brick hotoie eor. Wriftai mmI Pcub* aiylv«Btoftve,;Knt#1#. Inquire a t ptoec.^ . 47f


f flwt long. Mechonlo at, mr. Mulberry. En- qubaKAYO. 4y VTKW' grr., W PLBAXAKT FBOKT ROOM

i \ with boara feriUM or two ladlw 4BtTrtUBNtAHKO RDOMN TO UTT-AT M FAIR f i t . THOM ARFimKN, Mt / - vodxm kt„ i n —b o a b d e r b w a n t e d ,

V /iadlH or laM lanm . NK•fTALSKY RT. 99>-AFARTl[IItNTfl;MODER. iL lstorom . R. B. lACKlION, m Bn»d M. 99d g>BANOK UT., 1M-FLKA8ANT FUBNWBXD

k j n a n u with boaM; atiD t^ la boara. MaXACRBONBT-8 m - 4 OR 1 BOOMBTQliEr TO tlndtUtoi Uf Q W ^ B D IT., 8-FLKANANT BOOK, W r m-OfULBERRY 8T,. m ~#D BIIIftnF,D illNOIJt ylyXoroofiaecttiaff roocMtorllflalhoiwkropliig. 44ft j -b B o a A B D tt , u - a f e w o e n t l b m b n c a n

v fb a eocomaaoduted with fliatchua boanl. I6f-XYULIBEimY BT.. UO~TO LET, FOUR FINK i T l Iuga luoma, noaraUdaftda; llimllr af odnlta only. la g-bBCHABD BT.,,18 -FM6ABANT ROOtf, WITH

wilboot baud, fer two gOBIIcnwa; I4fe)e board. WX rFW Pl.A T A P A R T llB I(T 80FT in iR K AND

1x1 fe u rooma, all Ilirtit, kaodmoKly daoototra, mndarn lropiwTrmaatarhaHafchtad.oilwetra,duino waittr i lanu f tm fiL m aniaif niioUlaB 01 .I tf UOUBKMKKFBB,8n f i u k t t

TBLAF-A UOTBL, i l l MAIN NT., BBHIC X Ohurefe, IM t Uianga, N, 1,-Boaid 6» gHUa oen at n r g low iBlta. Tn

NT.. « -n 7 B m « H K D BOOIO, ALL iw coaranlHiiiaa, with « wilboot light benaakeap- Ing, 1

QOUTH t t . , flI-TWO PT.KABANT ROOMS TO O M with baard la pilvaw fehilly: aosTaalaot to hooa bad alaaaaoa«: hang) eamlbrta. I7rCTATB NT., 'ft.*N IC!llI.y FUBBIfiHBI) iSioohia, with booid, Hgegaotfemea. , 3MX T ^ A R K I7r.4 IN tTO l e t , FOUH HICB

Mnrkto'iAiML^ MXQVMMKlt BOAKD IN PBIVATE FAMILY. nAfitomit L. R. C , Box IA N. J- , Mftr r iw o OB t u b e e o e n t l e h ic n c a n h a v eJ . toad haard, with boma GOaUbnA in imali fem-

By; lannt aaadante. A d ln ii Ha CENTRAL, Box K, Nawa ofibw.

VTI'^TlbY FUBMIMIBDBOOM FOB LADY OK JN geauemaa. ItM U M D l^ fiT. «laTIBIVATK f a m il y WILL BXNT KUMABT- X Ij-fumlabra room ta gandaman; kaal iocaUoB. Addraa B,, B u 0, Ifawa alKoa. ta

a i x B o o m AND BATH TO L m ; ALL IM- !3p>oyaniaaia:m i8U- Ifli BICIB t t . 1

tirA U arS & tO N tt.ja l- in C B L T F tH N lB H liO VV n > m t tW o , wMx]irart. Wa

L iT A T X tt., T8-T0 L f tr .,g S tX > » ILOOK t tn n rw tW D ata tg k M aa itf fem ttBferafe, <ft>. u u ife d c a g m 1Q u a s m A y 3 L , i i , i iA t to B A i ie B - « B n f a u n a l U w d m ^ tq M *» ilfh l kDOMkaaidurtu gunny w aafivaba iia r. TferT W L lT -culdan al» m ar W anoatL , Ik iat r a im 88 U

B o l r i * B f A f e o n S g ^ d ^ ^KntraDeoaa Awdeug'H. - 1

e i | « a » w B B x m .

p ta

BY O K N T L feU ^ AND

, WILL BUY GOOD HOUBE OF i _ 'rooms, wnteciln yard, lot IBxMO foot,

Bortiara s t , te TwelRh Word; terms very E. K. ROND A CO.a 7f L Brood sL 7i

| ] . 2 0 0 . sitoste CD Bortia

P U B L I C .

Tbe OppertQDitj ofS l O O O b B N U O LITTLE. . _ . . 'bouse of 4 rooms, with water Inbmise; lot lOxlOOi toet; situale on Roriiara st., la I2th Wonl; terms very easy. £ . £. ROND A CO.,791 Rpoad sL ^


-u'vA,i«.‘a.aAa,avSda.'R/VWuAw>s,-kA,'V'-x-,'..-Aonih Oroftffea

GOCTB OBAMGE-FOR RALE, AT A BAR- to clone on estate, pM of shout ft or 4 acres

id hi ■and hooSe with one sere/ oa RMcewood rood ; pri #3AA Apply to T, W AraRLtNG, 137^sM y s i 1

A o h in o o f o r ev ery on e to b u ild •

h o u to f b r h lm to lf en d p o ilo r lty .

N o iu o h t r a o t o f land will o v e r H * i«

bo o f f t r a d t t lu o h ■ r id lo u lo u ily low

p riM .W h a t th a p a o p i t ta y o f


X cheap In Ariliiirtotb 1ALBimT -X TIi

<he«m In ArilrytoPy lQCstkm^^Ap^dj|to owner.Central a n ., Nsvroik. N. J.

FOR SALE -Ito ‘ ■



M earny*OTJflE-NEW BRICTC HOUSE, DAVIS AVE.. Kearny, nine raonu, hot and cold water and

bath 1 six minutes ftom Erie depoi'• price f^no, If. w ----------- -‘iniftea.token betoro Jane L Inquire on prqmu

BnslUnE B ld sa .

Fo r RALE, CHSAK 14 BARKING BIDQE UHi ( owner In wont or monpy.

Ilf lift kUTuBEBRY BT,

L o ta b o u g h t xow a t F ilrv lew P a rk In-

e ra a a o t o d o u b le y o u r m onay In • faw

m onth* .

jj^ lia ra t tra c t o f land In Clinton Townxhlp,

jll^ sp o t o f raro and exquisite beam y.


P ARK LOTR FOR BAIdR-lrOVBLT HTTm, very low prices; 'cosh or eredU; these are InvMta

mrats ylekllM Mm per cent* and upward. Apply quickly to AW . G E raY , 7th Brood a l m

I nfflades health , wealth ami a p re tty s igh t of the N ew ark Bay.


Fa r m w a n t k d i n su burbh o f n e w a r k :lire ilitft ktcoiloa atul price, to

9 | IIAIIVEV, Box X, News office.

WANTED TO BUY^A UOVMR OF REVRNIrotmui, with store, in inmd location, to cost not

tnoro than #LUD. Addrww RTORR, Box N«wn oCce, gl^lbff loesikHk

T a k e N o t i c e 1IjOt b a g a n , wa h ava g few lo lt tm


'K H ntlly w ha t tbegiooplo have Uern w aiting - " 7ur.

Varlly tbo raoat laloct and valtiabla alta In th e m ate.

J n ra ra p a r a b le loU tor tha prioo,

j y o a y te r ra , and a obonoe toe aTorg ana,

'^ ^ o n d a r f U l 1 DdnoamanU to araat a honoo,

jp i a t t l a o t la n d lo ld or e ra r tix a lj to bo.

A oitoloa oottactlon of ctarap lot*.

J ^ a t a o p p o rtu n itr fer m oderate InToatora,

J ^ a g to p tnaparltg and king o f all lo tia laa .

BKBOKN n . ,

W blah tra wUl bava Ibr aala m o n d a T.Comt Oil Ertri Daj md Smdtj,

Come u p S nndag ap d look a t them . Aganta on the grouDd'to ahow gou. Fog m a p . EU A partlen lan appig to

H apa an d elran lart.

Wffl. H. M o m•GO .B road sL

A. J. GLESS,151 Springfield Ave.

$10 CASH,T hen 01 ■ w n a k w ill bug a 0800 lo t (or

•IS O a t

EAITHORRE HEIfiHTS.O n ig a fe w le tt ftom th e great rnali. Coma

u p Himdag and look a t them . Huy for on lu- vaalmenL Bug lo r a horoa.

M ap. u id (d rcn lan ,

W ft E i H ,000 B road It.

$150 A LOTIIbpaaM O .IM Ibr 81% Now, *** |tjP *^ |^

d o n 't m ita th i i obanoa to aaoure a th in k , onig

Sto THEI $1And I s a few gaora gou ora raadg to bnlld

--------- tb a lo la a tH A W T Iirhom e. Qo gpd _ . .i n a m n

AfanW thara

i f E B K ,

I bnlld a H o iu n c to anew

M ap! ottd alronlara,

WM, H, lO F F fti;i M O B m t S l .

O P £ H r ' E V E M I N O M .

6R0VN ft 8UHLES1N6ER,746 and 748 Brood It,

■IWMI a ln a a ia r t i r le i i la l a l , -H ondaom e featorg brink realdanoe. 10rbom*. *>1 ImproTamanta, price 14 100, of whiob 12,600 can remain a t A;___________ _______ per c e n t; poa-

.ton a t o nce ; kega a t onr ofl|re.

■ .m il o tn la a s r B tsM 04.-A decided b a rg a in ; t^ to ry brick I troom ., oil ImprovementM, adapted fer one o r tw o femniea: price « ,COO, of Which 88,000 eon rem ain a t 6 oeifl.

C aa taad ■ *#,. B. e . e a r , M .TwalfU iati—8-atorg ftoroe houae, .to re and 3 fiota o f 8 ro o n u e a c h ; all Improvementa; olao fram ebarii in r r a r ; reota 'tor 1766 per year ; w lce 16,010; OMft ra n rem ain a tf lp e fo e n t; one x ^ f r n t liiTaatment.

m ie a M M it a r e , , b a t. oaA l l l h amH andoorae 3K fram e rmldence, 0 rooma, all Im prorem enia, lo t CfirlOO; w ill be Bold a la lo w flg u ia .

M r la i a a Wl« a a a r ■ aa t fearfe a l ^tu -a to rg ftom a bonaa, 7 rooma, oltg w otar; p rice ftAOl),W a h o ra a num ber o f cholae b u ild ing lo u In v o rio u a M rta o fttM e llg to oSbr ait ax- aafldingig low prloeo.


-A TlOanaTKBratM lit.


2 4 L o t s a n d 5 H o u s e s S o l d . O n l ,y 4 H o u s e s a n d 3 4 L o t s L e f t .

Teeter,O W N K B ,


Roll Estate Train leaTts Bwark 2:34,3:47,4:51 P. I .G E T O F F A T A V O N D A L E S T A T IO N .




S .110 B l T I L D I N I i l L O T N If^ sn lio fl IjInIcy nvr*, Albefft RVer, JsMffph, E sther Rnd ( 'S lhw liii' sts.

This prop<‘rfy Is (vmvonlHit ant! nijiy «tfoo- rairrwktta HIHittf rivw't tnkhs|w>rtntloti, hikI

Its proxim ity t» New York iitflktifi it Un‘ mhjsi tlrablc pt^PFtfey; 1

turors to iM'iitcnroli* workshftn*. ThewilwHi rlof in thfi ritnlH for niJtimftuv

m rs rilh righ t throuffh th<i proiN^rty, and Um n«^w el4<clrlc roa<1 U» N«<w York Js bu t oneblock UUtiRUt. Kvcr>’ slroc't Is gnulciUwiurlKNl, flnnc'd sowcrtHl, so th n t th r purchiOuT will lu iveuo rtrtt to pny for NlTti.*! Im prove'DlAntSa

Th**reflre oa ib is p r o p r ty Ihlrtocn gofxl dwt*jl1ii^ hoiiNffs th a t will soUl sc'[Nirflt«.

Trj thoM who contcmbliklc hultdlnii h to o try horn Is mi (in^Hirtunlf y lo procure a sltfl

l!m1 riiil}rs4'<'Mull iho otlvHithiffos rt'qulsltff.To those who wish to purohiuto for spoouUk

lion hero Is a chsucff sffidmn olfffred.Tho sole will toko plKCff on the p rem le is

Mup^nml Atll purllcultini c an boobialned elthe oUUii; of

JOHR J. DEVIRE,Dll 9# r i in to n Rt.p Ranim Itffa

F O B B A B FI X A T X P A K T S O E ' t h e : C I T Y .

S P E C I A L B A R G A I N S !

Alpine at., near litllalde *ve., tw<e aiid-n-lialf-ebiry F ram e llonae; ah Ingle roof w ith lwo-*tury eston- alon; got, hu t and cold w ater; aewer, with and ullier ImproTe- m eu ta ; 13 rooma, fcirtw atanilbee; lot 36x160............................................. $4,800

M ount rro spen t ayp.« near Hoventb flVff., twcHtiid'&'haif’Htory Fm iiro; shingle roof and extciisiuii; V room s; lotSTixlOl............... ............. . $3,300

D rum ste, near Kim st., thirfHflory- flnd-bhsemcul Uriek liw cfllng;

fM, wnter xnd sower »nd o tbsr Diprovemen to ; 10 ruorus; lof 21 xftl $4,800

Ogden at,, iieur T h ird «ve„ lliree- atory F ram e Uwelllng; 16 rooma, fo rrh rtw fa in llle t; gow lorder; lot 36x18#.,......... - ........ - ..........................



M KW A IIIt. M. A.


3 0 .0 0 0 .

Homes on the Orange

M ountain.HIGH CLASS RESIDEKCE PROPERTT.On Mountain S id e ; con­venient to Highland Ave. Station, Cost o f houses will be advanced on first m ortgage to parties d esir­ing to build a t once.

For pArllcutant, toroiSy m npi, etCai Apply



TMephoM “ Oranie ?*;” and Heiarl Real Estate Afents.

$1 A WEEKIA few 8IS0 Iota left a lta r tha roah a l

f ;omo up Hnnday and kiok a t tb a tola will ha worth 8660 in tw o gaara, ; go up and aae ogenu oil th e g ro au d a nunday.

U opi and utw ilorg.

W l. H. lO F i



Ml hMUM Ciiapiil,in No. m BROAO STREET,

N o w « r k | N . ! •

[MNwMt b y c tn io n in *W p«rt of H w W LD M Orine**, H irriton , K»»rny, Summit, liH r-fflt . Montcloir, Blootnfield, tnd u l DoMiborinc towni.

¥ | i | w N crip tion t, f t » d c H w • lifty conti 1 month, port*** »n*!«copiot, two cen t!, uoihrofod by tw n tr* in Ntwork, U n c*nt» a w w k,

(M ln iiy »<hoftiiom«nt», ton e t n t i » line,

jSwertifwnent* unckr heed* of Wented, T o Let, Fer 8e»e, Porwoei, e tc .,'on* cent • wotd, bot no c tw s * *'*’’*’oech in ttr tion, _____________

W ID N EH IX A T . M A T » , M R

i « i B R A T E CONVKH*d k m o c k a t i cTION.

. I t M n o t eoU rtljr th e e lem en t o f uH' iiM itain ty to tb o ooteom e a t t h o fo e o o iW n ti o f tb e D em o- enM o oonToatlon th a t eM emblee a t T ^ t o n l» d p y IhM te n d i I n t e m t to tk M '.b o d r i I t b Um o l m o n t o f M M n M w h ich p e o n l l i In one w in g o f th e p a rty th a t lerKo-

j ly « « « » pnhHo attenU otL Oetewilbly ' t h e l U ^ t i f b y a te rs e m a jo rity ‘a n MBowm* o f tb e l a r t r rw ! f b n M r O m o r O e ro te n d . T h e ^ e c n - , 4 r i tM le l h e t t t e y w U le e le e t e d d e g a t io n H e tJbeC hleeeo eoB ven tioo th a t w ill be a ryndt f a r th e ez*P re iidenL T b e m en w ho ■haye been aaddoonaly p ro m o tln s th e l O n e f a i d beoee in N ew J e r te y - th o e e 'W h m tb e N ew Y o rk f a a b p l e e s e d to •faM rib e M v toU ne o f d e t e t e n d i t l e - h a r e l ie a rd th e ir n tte ran o ae echoed from th e h e a d q u a r te n o f th e boeeea w ho dom inate

't h e aS U ie o f th e m ach in e , an d a ll haa I to f o tw lm m ln s ly fo r th e C lere*

In th la d rc a m a tan c e llee th e I ftor th e d te tn a t w h ich b certa in to

d iv ide th e d e le fa te i In to tw o oampa, each • p p r e h e n t r e o f th e o th e r .

I t la a m a tte r o f re c en t h b to ry th a t d farerw or A b b o tt proolaim ed h lm eelf a H m m an . B neh a p roc lam ation w a aa ll t h a t w aa neeeeaary to w hdel h b able Uen- t im a i t i In to lin e , a n d th ro n s b th em th e h o a ti w ho tra m p id fU th lh lly to tb e muaio

A ft by th e m a n a ce ra o f th e m achlno, A b o u t th e t im e G o y em o r A bbott aban-

<4eiwd b b U en tenan ta In th e ir en- •dM w ar to p la c e tb e peo p le o f JfeW Seteey h i th e s ^ p o f th e coal I'Ooii^faS a ley n lah w o f eenU m ent to o k p te e a h i th a m io d e o f th e teadem . T h e eathnataam fo r UlU eflbrreaoed, an d TSeyetend a aa u d d a a ly baoaaia th e obam - y to H o f tb e s e n try o f pteatlc princip les. I t

i m ay b e th a t t h b c h an g e In th e choice o f e tan d ard -b eare r w ae th e reeu lt o f a n nnae- o o u la b l* ap aa a a o f p o litica l v ir tu e ; p e r- h a p e i t w aa m ad e a i a n a c t o f re ta lia tio n

A bbott, to p o u b h h im for tb e j a i t b e locdr in deiteatins th e 'p m jau t o f th e ooal com bina tion and fo r n p a e t t ln f tb e w o rk o f h b U e a ten an te ; lik e ly b WH a eohem e to lu re ^ e Cleve- la n d lte i In to a faeU n g o f eecerltgr th a t th ey a d f h l b a ta k a a o n aw ares a t th e eonven- Uon and th e y an d th e ir lead er d lapoaedof w ith ne ttn eaa a n d d lapa tch . T h e o o u rie o f th a antl-boaa a n d a tra ig h b o n t C levaland boom era Indloatea t h a t th ey ho ld to th e l a t te r theo ry , a n d h en ee th e m b tn u t w h ich m ark a th e p re lim lnariee to tb e pro- oeedt agy to-day .

O o y e n o r A b b s tt, w h o b to b e a d a le s a te to th a o e n y B B tin i , h aa aald recen tly th a t t h a dalegataa w ilt go un lnstn io ted . M r. A h b a lt t e a poU tle ten w h o never aay i to o m uch . T h b o p in io n haa n o t h a d th e eflbet o f l a y i ^ an y one o f th e n m n e ro u f a n w h ic h te em In th e h ra tn s o f th e C leveland reg n te ri.

- I t w « a d te e ra e t apeeeh fo r t h t O o v e n o r t o u a k e , b a t n o n e th e lew th e w e n w h o a re a f c in i t H ill a re m uch a ftn ld th a t a n n n in a tn ic te d delegation arlll m ean a HUl d e leg a tio n . A few b o u n w ill d e fa rm ln a w h e th e r n r n o t th e bowee o f

' tb e l le w D o n tia m a o b in e have b een play^ la g fc z y w ith t h a C levetend boom era.

w a ad e ria g te n d a n e iw o f e fe rg y m e n an d p eo p le an d ch n to faw t h a t b eV ere flragly b ith e ir d o c trin e s b m n a to n i ly In to le ra n t o f b e raq r In th e i r o w n reU giooe h o u eeh o k b , how ever lib e ra l a n d k in d ly m ay b e th e i r fNiUnga to w a rd oow idar*.

T h e action o f th e U en era l C tonfercnoe on th e tem p erao o e qnaetlon w aa rad ica l in ite deau im tellon o f th e tra lB o in In to x ica tin g d rinka an d th e llcenaing th e re o f . E v en w ith Uie m o tio n th a t i t w aa n o t to be ta k e n ae a n e n d o rM m en t o f a p a r t ic u la r party , i t m ig h t b e accep ted i f ta k e n l i te r ­ally aa a d e c la ra tio n dealgned to p ra c tic a l­ly d b ira n o h te a M ethodiata a t m o a t e lec- Uona, by adv ia in g th e m to v o te a t a ll t im a a a n d n ed o r a ll o irc iu a - •tan ce s a g a ln a l c and idates o f p a r t ie s w h ich h av e w e d th e ir p o w e r to lirenaa th e m a n n fa e tn re a n d u le o f l iq h o r i . F o r tu n a te ly n o reeoluU ona o f th e G e n era lC onference o r o th e r confirrencea w ill c u t off from th e a c tiv e c x e rd e o o f c lU aenah ip tb e la rg e an d in te llig e n t body o f v o te rs a t- t e e b e d to tk e M e th o d b t C h n rch , o r w ill m a k e th e m heedleaa lo th e latuea, a p a r t from tem p e ra n o e , ap o n whlc^i th e p e o p le o f th e verioua B tetea a re from tim e to U m e ea lled to p ew Ju d g m en t a t th e poUa.

L aw yer-like dnew e teem a to m a rk th a P reah y te rlan G e n era l A A erob ly’a t r e s i - B lent o f th e eteU o f I> . B r in e - M ajo r ity an d m in o r ity re p o rie h a re b een m a d e re la tiv e to th a a p p e a l from tb e a c t io n o f th e N ew Y o rk P reab y te ry In d b m iaa ln g h la caae, a n d acm e fine pointa o f conatruo - t i o n o f th e B o o k o f D lw lpH ne a p p e a r to be involved. I t w ill be o f In tecee l to N e w a r k m to observe t h a t B ev . D f. F raee r, o f t h e F ir s t P reaby terian C b a rc h , and G ra rg e W . E e tc h a m , o f t h b c ity , a re tw o o f th e fo u r m e m b e n o f th e ju d ic ia l co m m ittee w h o h o ld th a t th e a p ­p e a l sh o u ld n o t be en te rta in ed , a n d th a t tb a appeU anIa sboo ld be adv iacd to m ak e th e ir co m p la in t to th e Hj-uod o f N ew Y o rk . I n m oat o f th e P reeb y te rten p u lp lte o f N e w a rk doeU inea vary d iffe ren t from th o ae fo r w h ich D r. B riggs s tan d s aa •p o n so r an d ch am p io n a re p reach ed . I t w ilt be io te reaU ng to see how fa r N ew ark Influence wHt be e x e rted in h b fav o r a t th e G eneral A ssem bly , end how f a r thoM w ho favo r h is cause th e re w ill ad v o ca te h b d o o tr in e i w h e n th e y cum e b u m s again .

IN R K l'C n O N . H E L P W A N T X D -ItA U fa .Hc'hdMiU*

XWAHE ACAllKMV-himdrMltli jm t opaoM Mb>iiiiIjiu tl,

Htl, ftorougb peeiMBb* Ibrsny cei6|»or ' uttcRcbobiocfcrbMlMMiik CMbNPHB uv^ainukw.

E A .rA m ilA m Umaf p w n • Y urifei1 <if i

MKH HAVIEii Kn'uch wUfc !•

r t i ’tirboMin. ih M M to jM v d rw n t* K Bo* Nf offlofc

A KMtJU’ls- of » tMirn

hti Ittif

FiOTK'Sw«Tr*Bait«itTIKWB MMi tiiTBriBWr Ib r !■ lUhHB^AaIfB ierM B la will ba A rM ubsfi# w ill b« (rvftfiTvil «T«r

lb« IlfkphM l* «XC«it ib M t M M b r BBibM*lacsl BEBBtls

Mn«l0eAOV IIA X tirr IlKHfUB A VKW MNRK l(Nipl)is mAtbmiiiI ilthI NyliiMr* mrefuUr

inilnrNi; umii»ni mHhod i t^na« nwAtmte. Ai- drrM TKAI'IIIUI, Bo* XrwNWHrr, I

FKMHOlfH riX TBK nHClAN OR FIAHOJjrtVMi Kt punN^i iwAdmct'; U m

|7 « HMrtct- Apply A, ruriFKITT, M IM r ML H t


Mrw ic Axr> F A ijn m n a t w fTwiM p k rIfiiQgB. AAdmiB A in W \ n TblPtMOlb ftv*. tift

BOOK fm>RKH J \waritPil in ftht lo v rt)ib o inlfart sewww, itw ikteUlt'fw of AtMiUUwr; trrm*. HpimI fttriMrtlruiMB, NKWJKI04KV AUKNI'Ye nxNUPnidcnti^ HeiUtlfiA- Mr

Al)Vl>»CTtH-_____ ____ ______ ; «vtry IIW^dum i b u r l ; itomp.■*- A M V M Ptxm . lUriM, Wb*

\ 4lKIfTK <‘ANVAHhRRH, 1 ■

AHICXTR W(i.NpKHrVIaIny w'lirtiH'PVFF knrwn ;


l*jblnlin(>IX OUh WATKR ft>UiR AXl>

ji'iiiiw ssisiisa. tuu4k>, m h t ik tt. m isr i l l 'l .e r ; Artw.

I KJWuNSItlVKK IK <UI, FAl.'VTi.Nd; rAR-JibnilAT ottenlkrti flvea lo Iihmiit r

Hjl____1 \ i KI-UKXY AYK., IlMrffton,


UAHTK.XOEK ATOM ’K slNOliKMAX PltK*►rml. aS t’IcnARKT. 1


HO' Wl

M m iN i


M fr in c n -

p niinllii’ procrtm HT. «P»V '


HW* »U 1


Bo y -WAXTKin k k a r t boy inBtorts llJ!:YMAX,;>lMr4prlitftl«mftvv.


V-vRKPAJRIXO WAGOXA AvXI) *AIl- •rtafVM in *U- bnM'iina; laMVAnf* In r w of

lirte; maimlbc4iin‘nii u d rltcicw. OMVKR Mt'O. ( t K. II74IMX1 UBd*« fU m m 11*jr. TrifrphMw MM7#


( lARFKXTlCA joBfUNO /(toote. steMlllonn. slls r*tkmA, I nroli Rhlncird, ilora flUinf, <»!>■

u»ei isvirl. tic,UBXH r XNlOKTs

ily VA iiM rtkit

/ 1AKV A KKXNY. 1st AhOAONT., sXKWARk'. " KIfh* crteyEtu porrmitN, lirfawl«r, with lumdtMJtUte lynniM Fwu lutaulhi'litr*. M w le W

-IsAmKR'. . . . . «• Dutton

taftltcnb *1 ; dmMI'ii WwMltMYi mini rubArMHOclwnII. Al WM. i- UcEINJtKl'W H llORln^flN , t »

( lABlNKTMARKIW WAXTKO AT ONl'F., , cfthliwtiii^rn. HAJWAir LVMHKIi


TAASni.Y WA>TANI> hHtiKHTOHB-.X' IroncTilH. kkl, oprtv cixl ntiumon wnm>

AND WOUDWOHKIXO y . J. __________________ __________ _

1AKVAHkK)U< a to tiO WKKK I'AIII irv^u oI cimmL teiMrpM to mnvnm jirlt aU* htimf*: bkir» wuiitfHl. lIliKrw A DRAKE. ITS Xvk

J efw y ItelIrtiM Mvr. Mi 1ANVA>WKW< Wa XTKD FOB THK Wllr-

\ mm laitfvnt HPlf-acllnc tlnMwi»pe. lUNtm lUM PRrDOTTIAD « riL P lX c!,» U) lOinoniInc, 1

lAttPKNTKIW AND fAHINl-rrMAKKIW. tefte F»rtteNttly rHiHtHttifl to kterfh away frwiM th«‘

Onuiimii duriuK Uw i>n>fiFnl Ntrlkp. t«TAX 1>lNOi'<rMMITn:K. t'terpenirn and iolnrrt. SW

WANTED, ft OH AtKiUDt'AR It. W lirn-'l KM), Nultey. N. J. (Mt

UtWaiit IM

IFJNK MIJ.LlNKilV AT U»W X(). ftr WKIWTKR NT., oppt BlootnDrM aVFtiW. tTw

DADDKItH AND FDAOH OK ALL r twtIonH; iHilley llnr polm DirnUhfd and Mi. m NOVJIK a BOtfMXAHK, MI-MStlntnMW.

ACKv^fiATtTlRiA jiwiiHlMNika, BUMnnF tool hnfr

mBdtnmMaf our mtA maiiuMrtiifs i r i g m y ^ ^ ^ s u w a w a . P iFbitu


CILKRK WAXTKD. A Dl’K’K ANDINTKLU- ■«m youfur v\m . tft or lo, in a whtilpatUe Dno ;

opiHirtniiiiy fOr jutvamt^nuuii. AddrvM W f ADVANt% Tk)* (1, xmrit nmm.

T\H1VKRB-WANTED, THREE (tOOD MEN J .ltd diivu Nnilpa on NprlnkHtic tmekn ; 1'^ V<‘r wtte k. awl 7 tiVenin r, L. KlHltEK, 117North rliatiwt Ft. I

Borne b ig D em ocraU o f N ew J e rse y w a n t to go to tb e C hlcsgo C on v en tio n in such te sh lo n t h a t I f It be seen th a t C leve­la n d 's n o m in a tio n b inev itab le th e y w ill be a b le to p o se a s o rig inal C leveland m en , w h ile i f i t iM m th a t be b t o b a d e f u t a d th e y w ill b e ab le to g e t e arly on th e w in ­n ing side. _ _ _ _ _ _

F O L K S Y O U K N O W .

—John D. To|qil)i, ot Itasavllb , has been appointed a OMnmtMluaer of Deeds by Gov­ernor A bbett.

—onicer J sodb Herlha won the stlver-annuet- ed club and belt a t th e Iblr o f the I a te n th e ijodge, Kn Ights o f I’ythbw, by .WO votes. The n ea t h tlh e s l m an was Oltleer F rederick Taylor.

—B cnihard OtI, treasurer of IheC asino Mnen- nrrehor, eclebratwl his hirty-nlntb b lrtlu lay ann lre rsary la st D l|h t. I lls frlnids, iliro u ah 8,'bool IGtiiinlMilnner John H. tlelkcrs, pre­sented h im w ith a handsom e pleoe o f (bm l- tutw

—F erdinand H uspand Mist A nnie TTapple were m arried lo BU M ary's H. (1 t.'hureh yes­terday a n en u w n by Her. F a ther I'alyearp. Em il HebcU w as beet nmo and Mlsa liOnlse MueUrr brtdetmisUI, A reeapllon was held after th e e e iv n ^ n y In G erm ania H all on Hprlngdeld avenue.

Had d ra liu u e nuisea miicli slrkneas, and l)ad blcKMl a n d tm pniper aollon of th e liver

Cl.KJtK A tV lltt’CTKNT. INln-fl "irltMi. [iliMriiini'l.i, p.s.ev,liig hittilnew, .insiuhw-

llTHM. ............................ * “ -l A R n it yirltMi. [Ill

Ailane. t>Ht tut, Ekix K. .VnctMiflliv.

uppeill* Wasklstteo

IaliRK WATKIi W PI'I.Y - ■ Pwrtlral HInkIni Id

■OHKH, n v o A ttn dhivicnWBU>.

twalsr In Force sn t Mil m p s 'Wsmntivl sittprccealnx.

WMIfi rlcsiwal snd rnsifliw In sswm l, (ittkM i'rrH drinFct.EA K . tttii w K ian VKHViU'AtatEa—

Uitl or addn-M_________ RICH, Ml tABMse It.

VhKH A hU 'b



Krwaife, K. J.

Teirpbnne IM kstobUcanl Ism-tl7 * 1 V lliM AHD JEWKI.BTC WANTFJb TO

Tv repair: si! out work p i a t a n ^ ,

n l l f u IT.KIIK IIKHMAN P ltt 'd (T.F.Mk wjiutw) : tfooil nalary- M HEI.MON'T A VK 7ftt

XT*A<T'U1Y HAND HTKADY KXP£/)VMKa\ T ; r llkhi*iiTi.“ t : C EDAR AT. Ii;COREMAS WANTED. IMMEDIATELY, A r riuuk whu U tjf lAklnft chiirRF of sMh *ndblind fcolory ; «»i» tay mu hl« own work. C'oiw* nwHy R»r work. K a MOKKKTT, r«miihr>ll st.. lULhwwy.y. J. ffir

VKLP W A M T B b w -raU U B i.___ ____ ______________ _ 'w o m a n fS i iftvily tpf iw« : kmuR havt fuoR d ty m Cwhw< ;

- ------ teA ltftrkL I0 S K 7 .AY*. I

HgrftpWORK-WAXrElA A ftvily Dr« : kmuR r

FU*r A \K . M r PlBhi

Oft l l Itt

■ jflri fhr f f w r J iteMfawvnrk In ■ bttilW ofEiifta; rrikMMewL Ib(iitlr*a KLLTON l^ J t*

IlA nerkw A |krt fcr imHml b au w m rt l i fitmUy. Awly DHUiiHTOttK, 3«3 ArwMl nL, ^ tWFfHU IOhuu IX A. M. _ ^ ^




CURL W'ANTBDHIg « fv ^ hfMmwsrk In iBmlly of two.



womctii fbr gYikrml h<H(3rworfc. I# BALtiWlN UMU* WMBinBUM. I

n OKHKWOllE CUHl Ninl Itejw w ofk.


. ... WANTED FOB OKK- UH uR»t 3 F. M. MX TtnuMtay



H«l hoowwork. Afply onMyMoM. _____ ____ ________ ___

(M*IIEWORE WANTED, A W itfTK ORCOL- or«d fin itt woauuL Ifl FEXNBYLVANlA

AVK ______________ ________________ j

H«'1’mKBY>RK WAXTKDrA nKUMANOlRL U) do bouwwurk In » ihiulII (kmlly. Ap^y »t

’iit ML riM inat *vr. aCJl^KWOKK WANTED, A (URL KcmciRN- Fml beUNvworfc ; m m U BudHy ; hium luv* re f

fttviMW. CkllXM FAlHMni'XT AVK 1

WOl bKWnitk WaXTEI), A ( l lK l TO TAKE cars Ilf chllitrssuiil <|i> ll(bt bw H w ath ;

buiir. HI (xiKimKHH try.Ol’SCKBORK WANTED IJf A

Hm w > iTIkmnr. teclfC fbr ceiwnl bottnework.


R'ANTEDr A (URL FOR OICN- Auplynfiori

o’clock, n WARREN PIa. ’ Mfn OVHKWORX-

entl kodwwark In fliniily uftwo.

rn iA K c iA ifa ^F A v r iM jr i i iD iM m o n i Z

iiMlannad <m bom^bokA Aimluir*_ _ _____ mwovnl: pwrtUYtiy ioi«te*t uno

ftven; lowtot mftm; ■trloikty oonidonttel; m m i r» VnM oUMft MMMIMtH MOJ nfUrjnOQU, pTOMpt jOtanitoa; m o » r in twolvo booir auUMi until rreoinf*. KEaAeftftM Brand M. m t

^ B A N K L tN HAVlNUa lyaT iruTlO N j


j o n x M. UWINHKLLs PlMMint



MAKAOJUIH:ICbWAnpXftNfKIOlL ;j. V. Dikfhcthaklkb,nfeOlMII LAHB( ------------H knoy Lan«,WU.U4M U. laNB,JOHX f . niKTBLlX,JOHM li. UWINNKL*,CIUAUMR. UAaV4M.

;KnWAni> L. (V>*<KLlXelUKRikOT BtteMM, KvwXM | | . tkU'OUMLJ. Wako Witeiniurr, KnwAiLA N. Ohamr


Hor.mWOBK WANTED. A (lOOiD, liif Kiri v> HMkA In K*MnU bonnwurk ;

hoem. « HANK Kl'.WILL*;

UorsKWORK -OOUD (URL WANTED FOB fODtenit bounework In numU ftunity ; lofbrMKM


Um H K W onK-CU llL OH WOMAN] o r b iiinn ur •'UloreU puffaut Me^rtwla


HOrnK W O RE-W A N Tm AMIHL f o r lUCNs eml boiuenvrk ; Bm»t oikwratniul onokbtf.

ftftTHIHl’JfiKyrll AVE.n r

n OirHEWURK-WAXTia A UiHL FO R UF.N- pml iMwarworki iw nsnlimn: ftll

•In « HOlT'H TK?fTH HT.

UorsKWOHE-WANTED, OOOD CUHia INiinail Oimily. wOllAXUi^ror. Rrond * t If

Hm'HK^^'ORK^WANTED. A (URL FOB OEaX emlbrnmenuik. 4 7 f t A V K 1

HOrHKWOBKCbr Hfht b^oteewurk.




( i n o n - - - FA<Wrfm C ITY

T T H orER Y C'LKUK " rinrt.

FOK BOY 1) VEARH, Ro* IL Nwm uMni.


WANTED, SMART(IRO- A|»ply by oolr, niatlnf *«*•,

r.*p* rl^mv. rvCWreumi, nod W«feti WfaUWid. UKO.HKATTIK, BroiMl Nte


WANTED. TEN KIRHT- eUw haniPMi fltb>r«: at««riy irurk nni ktkh!

tHi, lAfiiOutofWiwiL Inquir* A T-HTKKFk NH .f)., 2U Morrlft nve. W


A OO.f ft Amdemy ■!.,FRANK

door fwwn lU

1|A R D W A H K OLKRK WANTED WITHwllb Hfe M»d «*pnrionr«b oRbw.

knonledge of the bii^lnra; etal* InHt pln<«.PADLOCK, Bn* Bp Men *


H a t m a k r u b w a n t k ixM d.lNwxCU, NeL


^ r r . - P I A X 0 B AND OWiANS Tl'NKD, RK I O m M . rslninc, Mno MHoioft, otc. L*nv»

yw ir^ ran lU K O R o K lUTXrH, XW Mmrkft *LHd

P K lS o N A t r

ATOUNO IwiN .tfaV IN fl A s v h t f m a t ic a i.mothiMJuf plnylnf nuMyAnilnY UwlynrirentlO'

mnii wlUt |Mn or ; no rl*k ; FSW or Muu per- *— ‘ ‘ ---- for w e



Lic e n c e d d b w j tXaEKK w a n t e dI (Bll TMJBRUADHT., room a

. .. .... SSI I as-.. ■ —am i .month t \ t f f eoOllF mtftenlood. A<Mmi work, MONJFiT, Bo* E, Nmtb oAce.

MACmXTKT WANTED, FlRHT-4'LAW MA- rhlnM ; rmotticr iimkI Apply. THE.ORAN1IE

HAC’HINK ASDMFu. Ltk.,li« i!iiMxnvt.,Unnie.l

d tknproporfind kldn^pn U 1hi4 d m ln w

Bioyn 1

By«1«iii, WDleU Uurdocdiedy,—AdY.

to the huinnn .ood m tU T f rem*

DEATHS.BHADLRY. 'O n Mitf M. Ann* HnlKdnufhlerof

J ^ n niid Annie Brndltp. ofed I renn niKl IB dny*. RelMivof and irlfmaN n tr kRidly In- Yited to lUtond the funtml fbim her pnrontif m l- (toiicr, N»> U4i*hiirati«niiikff«t, on Thumdny. May ftrM ftIM t. Internoeni to tUo Cecitotory of Ihe lloiy HopulBlire.

D1NON-- rin M «|'34, nth I* Into reolderK^rnmer JerMty niKl Mponnd lifpetH, llnrrlwm, N. J-, TIiniiinA Dlnon, Meri&Xyenm JilelnlkVMiinoirrli<Hn* nr tbe ckte'enoari, nkto Hinneh No. 1 RL I’ntrb'k'a AiiljUH'o: llarriimn ( t o p Nu. 6A Fmtenial lieflon, ami Uw HnrrWioo Ronnl or Kdomtlnn, nre rertportfutly Im vlM ID nitend hB AiMrai m Frktoy. M«y f7. ut 7Jn A. M., eVott) hi* iw idaa^ nitd ft A. M. to th e Ohurrb ofthe Holy (Toon, where n Holcmn Hlfh Mum oT He- niiiem will be offbiYd ft>T the reptioe of hi* onul. In* torment in K. Jamm’e OmeterY, Brklffttort, (Xiinn.

I ADIKR,TBYOHn NEW PATENT DOUBLE- i*Rdlnf wrUiiffnWh Mf airdsif kM ipninlebon

Okie hnlr', prkv w cento: by nwii 7& rvntH. Manu- faclujYd Kiely by MADAME WEMTERVELT, Half Urewtof JMnbUftbinenU 3U Wnehlnfton rL,rtty. ______________ dto

TADiI bH c a n h a v e hlTPERPU^OUK HAIR .iRtnoYod from tom niKlnrm>L (mdonoitomptoT elrniUr. AdAmwMItK LOlHls, mndon J. Jeney

n iy Jlrlghbi, N, J. fti»

I T d |V» IH-MRfSO PRIVATE XrRMTXO Jt^Ulflft WAMItNOTON HT.. city ; confldcritlal

imiiMwH : Intonto tAopiNl; doctor in ntUndnar^-'XftfIDWIFK-LADIEB,AUVU'E(UVKX FREE;

^rontotonilal irenunent; 30 ymrv expenme**' - dotiorin nHemlniien. i t l bUktoEE AVE., fioi. of

L: hnun. 1 to 4 P. M. My

Ma n - w a n t e d , a c t iv e m a n b ' i t h proor MB mih In n fitexl huiirtrai Boom Iftoe

FR riiEN TlA L BI’J LDIXO, 1 to l IV It. I



Ma t i 'R ekh m a k e rwnniMRtowly work.


JFKRHU.NAL-|jalU>H nml rhlMiwi’e fttmw, toeboro, Me* nmi

tonry hatoul nil kind* prewed In man ft to ft dny*. W* dye ait c4dor« and have every ihapo ihntto ont, tm'liMilua the tuirly oummer Mylee. (tenuf Mmw haU loBnlabed tMiaal to new. Open rVrnliiJA

L U-llBNEiUAbFH,<m O WnnhlAfton ftt bet. Market and Dank.

r Al4XTER FlRKT<;LAaR1watfOD pnlnler winied.



[>A1NTKRH AND PAPER-HANUKH** WAXT- o d : iitme but dr*t-rlnto workmen iK!«d applF'

J. P. BKNRRCNjK, Hoalb Orattff, j . ftie


T ADY~"r)F’ RKFINKMENT W A ^ K D l MIQ- ami toir ediuwtkm 1 rompMMit lo arvent

pctediton where *hv woiiid be reQirliwd toaaio tito wt(h people of wealth luxf poHltinp ; obe nacuatomnd

iW^KtarmuBdimn may finbci lihornl term* and Apply anof- id F. K WICKHAM.

to Huuh KurrouBdinnermanenry*hna Brona H-

I work. h m HIiu a D ht.■ \^ IDDLKAnF.D WDMAN 31w ork .

N ir m emotherijr wf«xan,_ dwtoPi

FUR K m 'H E N1


May II. ta nTBo Board of Minnoera at tbolr tieia on

Bia IWh of May LokU, dimcinl latonwt to he pnbl (o ill de[HMltonienittl«d thCYeto vmtet Ike tiyfawM at theratoorthioeperiwDLparniuwniM nlJ de^uatti nfnne UMHwand dm tori or teen, abd nt ibn mto at two pur oeoi- per annum on Ihe pan of any depooU kaeieoea «f onn tBonaniKl (MktoL

Pnyi^to on and after June iftU.IVpoell* niadu ou or helbre June lit draw Inlm at

ftom that itato.Man an won,

HonAi n J. PniiiiBfi, i’KARLin G. Rm-KWiittp,ArmioMYU. KiuanvY, lAAioxCAaTKa, Jk., WIT4JAH (BvAKB, IHknA* HaVM,IlKMKY N. PABKJtt;aaT, litOaklT F. lUUANTISrn,H kxhy (V IlowiLi., “ — ...............HamuklA DkxnM, jAUKa IL HAiiilty,T honan UAKMn.BaHJAMiK F. (MaRm, iAMKw A. Banihti;i .JaaaNiAH <rR/,rnK)L



f Vlci'-lYfaiftoiit . BRUMLEV,

Ho Tfvnaufer.

A r r f l g m n t r r f a a .

A(u a T » . .n r v o r •sp it It

rw a s s if t s e a s a a s w

RAVE ,iaa> AMI w a n_ ... . _ -------(tESTB-erill draw II yer enuL .sw.

_____ mlary uf per moatband 'utontM oa, aptdy UnTON^T^UXAL EE- f’HASliKkM Bmadway. New Vurk Hiy. MFf lF.NTHA!,Lviu)t'ATI[D \ 'In llarrlaiin;

um am RY btork. __ __Mptteudtd abanoe;

liume, wiMiuo. atork and flxinrwLftW W. HU!KHAS,»HarrtJieiinYf.

Fo r HATaK -rriE A P f o r ( ‘ahii, on ao- ivAiAi of death of yrncirttor, latbwi, planer, duttor, M«am eoftnea, PumpH, puitwra fihalRiM aaE

hanyer* and all mnditwwy awrIelM iw lo a thor^ (Wfblye(ii#pe<lnurb(rM<«bu|b iM l toy time kpb tw *ea7A .X A nadftP-U .u w h _____ ^ 3. I t H. are.

Ha v e ium* t o iM M T tt in v W t in m a x -Htorturtnir biidne**, wUb aervkm. THK CEX' ,


IT YOU w a n t t o HCY OH HELLmTOCKH,hendo. ba-‘- .................:bto, Airtc

vMnd. ninaiiirRANTRAI. BI’RiXi'jat RXi'IIANUK AND IM

hendo. hdfUaeito fftnora, Mornn, aurketa patoni Rita, Airtnrlea, or onylbliif where stinlbu le

ainaMlac wrt auoda bouam, otMitUs

TUEPlAiYMKNT AiiKXt'Y, 4 Academy iL

1 WANT TO MEET AN K.XRlUilCTK' REAL mtato man or pmmutar ; will pay jcotMl mmmla- m Pt riybt m aa li. C. HAILuRH, r

mill Rultdinf. New York.

V. FaMi.T}fuuiKr»H.X, lANnaaw KiaaeATatvic, ^EowAatkU. KkAteaaxy jWlJ.I.lAM T. (’AaTk«, iKl UtNK VAFTlIUll'OaLi {a . r . WutTKaiuii.

I HAVE FIFTEEN THOUSAND WLLABR TO IjiVfat In bonda aJid murtfiifM no Cuod •eokrll/ {

ao boBiMftf uanmioMon.tICMUYLEB R. JACKflON,

MORRUADf^.Globe BaUdtoB. N i Newark, N .J.

MOHliV TO tO A S ON H O U nw ^U l KtHtNl- ture, plaiKM, oriwu mimI pcmonal litoperty wiui- out r ta to iw ; p ^ lo e p u au r^ y dealt with, and

ran make repaynMhta by tiwlauwnta; all buMoeNi-------------‘ ‘ u ia M F. w . CRAWruRU•trtoUir room S, 734 Broaii it.




WANTED, FOR CONFINEMENT, . , re tonnoi; iiato

N L’ ft-ME, Bnx R, New* oIBca I

P RKKMER o r ir o n E M Wa N ? ^ ON tonW wear.



on dne ooata H. B. PFSIL, William aad Hbip> an Btb. AtfALEHWOMKX - KXPKRIKNCRD BALES-

wanted fur^^hirday n lablla to a n foada y at Xlft HAHHDWN AVK, KarrlaMi.R-womej)

call Friday N. J.

HALftlKWOMAN fkiH'y dim*.


WAaNTKD LADIW a n d UllILMTO DOOVR new work torunal hum eipl to p per week

pa*1ly ntade ; no oalatliic orcanvaMdiA; Head m IP ad d m rd envelopes ECHO HANtFAtTUHlNG UIMPa NY, 4 Ltbrrty aquair. IVteitci Maim. tfe

WK HAVE RKWKRAL INQUIRIEH >Y)R ftrb with food letoreticTR Ihr fenemt hnuefa

vrarkg and etun fiirfood (ternuin firle; ouok ran be ivided with focxl hoqwa by inaulilaf at THK

K.VOHANIHC a n * KM-prtiYCKNPLOYMENT AUFaNc V, 4 Aoteletuy iU

WOMAN-’Vt'ANTKD, rOMPKTKNTm'OMAS, to mok, wa«h ami Iron. ApSdy al IM MT.

1'LKahANT AVK, betwmo FourtU and Third avea 1■\rotrNO LADY J bnuk-keepi

WANTED Afl AHRIMTANT .eeper; muHl understand floubJe edlry,

knovrledfe of eteamiTuphy aud typewrit Inf requtolte. AddreoHln own imiuiwruknf. Ktaliiif i|ualincatlMto and miary expired, alao lefcroneep, AOOUUNTm. Bo*t-\N**WHoBee. _____ **'


paper and HliaUe Hlure. Wftoi|>HtYrOHMOKKCIGAR HOLDER PRODUCidl X pliotoe in Iwn ininiitee ; auk any dealer (br It, ar mdi(i 3ft(*> (hr Hample \ Haleaukeii wtU Ind tbU a Bfaft- clam BlUle lino Pir cljtar etorea; nellM at «l«bL » f JAMER DAY, New Mark*}, N. J.

IlOUSHKR WANTED FOR GOLD WATCH- faata wbo me rntln ttnlah flnlH'iaMj^noiM- but a

n>iti|ieteat man need apply, A ddrm rulalSHER- lUi* B, Newm nfflo. 711

nORlK SMITH. WHO AB017T waa at ronter Choitnut and Miil-SMiTir

ftiuryiMfimfo ... .berry, will wHirt bf>r addrfwa lo the underriftird It may prove to heradTaetw*. _

HARRY. Box J. News nftice.-NmUenly, on May M, iw i HyivaMoc O. d 40 n itra and ft mimtha. llalaUToa and

“ ................... .. ‘ r. 31, nepub-? AkBueift^n, ew ftmn Ula


A a WM lo bo BKpected, w b M ethod lal Epiaoo)Ntt Q eiM riJ C onfsrenoe la ta k in g eonM ryaliv* g rcw iA o n qncaUona Involv- la g p ropoM d c h a a g M In o b a ro h d isolpllne n n d n a ig e . I t vraa e v id e n t h efb re th e body n e t t h a t th e p re v a ilin g s en tim en t in th e CbuToh WM o p p o eed to th e InnovaU oiu w h le h h a d fo o n d te ro n g advoca te! la m any oonfetenoea.

T h e o o m m ltlee o n th e s ta te o f tb e O h n reh , a b o d y w h ic h te said to be te lrly r e p n e n t a t t v e o f th e op in ions an d teu- d e n d ta o f th e G e n e ra l C anferenoe, bM p re sen ted tw o re p o r ts In reg a rd to th e p ropoeed rem o v a l o f tb e d iscip line’s poei- tlv e In h ib itio n o f d ancing , th ea tre -g o in g an d Uhe am uaem enta . T h e m a jo rity ho lds th a t th e re la n o reaso n for m a k in g a o hange, w h ile o n ly th e m in o rity o f th e m em bers te d ispoM d to th in k th a t I t shou ld be le f t to th e m em bers o f th e C h u rch to d ec id e w h a t am usem ents a r t , p ro p e r. I t te l ik e ly t h a t th e G eneral C on­fe rence w ill leav e th e ru le unobanged and th a t M ethodlata w h o ohooae to Indulge in th o se fa rm s o f w o rld ly d iversion w ill s tilt d o so u n d e r th e b a n o f tb e C barch .

W h ile i t la tm e th a t a good m any do th is , a n d th a t v e ry few a r e ev e r d iscip lined fo r I t, I t I* tru e a lso th a t th e presence o f th e ra le k eep s h u n d re d s o f thousands w h o h a v e subscribed to i t from indu lg ing In p leasu res a g a in st w h ich th e y w ould o th e r­w ise e n te rta in n o aoruples. T h e sen tim en t In b v o r o f th e rn le is so itro n g , p ro b ab ly n o t , because tb e m a jo rity o f th e c le rgym en a n d lay e o o M e n c e d e le ­ga tee th in k th e re is po sl^v e w icked- tu a s in c e r ta in o f th e proeertbed am naem enU b u t because th ey reg a rd th e m M likely to d iv e r t ch u rc h m em bers from th e re lig ious life , and to m ak e th e ir th o u g h ts a n d b aM U less devout. T h ey th la h th e c h u rc h m em b ers can And b e tte r em p lo y m en t an d m o re endu ring happ i- Bots t L u a re to be ga ined in th ese pleaU- m s s , and oonae<(ueatly th ey w a n t to dla- oourage tu o h t m a a o f re lax a tlo u and a m o a cm e n t T lA b an o f th e d iscip line m ay n o t b e th e fa lree t a n d m ost Judlo io iu d teoou iB fem ent o f such d lve rrion , b u t th e e le rgym en k n o w , fro m experience an d observation , t h a t i t Is a rem ark ab ly effeo- t iv e one.

T b e p ro p o s itio n s to rem ove th e Ume lim it o f p ec to ra l aerv ice t and to allow B ishops to a p p o in t m in isters fur m ore th a n five y e a rs h av e also been vo ted dow n. T h e M eth o d ist E p iscopa l itin e ran cy hM g row n to b e a v e ry d ifferen t th in g from w h a t H WM w h e n p lanned by tb e founders o f th e C hurch . Eooleeiastical p o litic s and o le rlca l w irep u llin g , If th e p reach e rs a re to b e b d is v e d , h a v e grow n to be very p ow erfb l, a s th e y a re very active in th e a te o rin g a n d h o ld in g o f desirable pU ces. T b e ad v an tag es a n d th e d l s a d v a n h ^ o f th e i t in e ra n t ig n tem a re obvious, and n eed • o t be d w e lt Upon o r enum erated . O ne o f

. th e a rg u m en ts in Its b e h a lf w as te rsely p a t fo ifh by D r. B o eh lsy , o f N ew Y ork , who saM t h a t I t p re v e n ts heresy In tb e U e th o - d te tO h s ra h . T h is te o erta in ly tru e . T h e M st h l t h t e te rg y m an w ho beg ins to s tra y from th a o r th o d o x fo ld m ay m w ell se t

i ■ sh tm i lo o k in g fo r n ew de itom inationa l > p sahtTM . A o o n d itio n o f aflklre w h ich to

effectually d lsco n rsg e t heresy m ay n o t be f a r a a b le to th b d e v e lo p m en t o f s n In-

, Auhrisg tu rn e f m in d , a n d m ay even te n d / f a ,^ M p r s M ' « * s d o r, an d a t tim e s to

jio n es ty o f th o u g h t an d ex-

nxjCK.Fiock.oBYd^ , ___- ..........Dtofl^oliiu Nrwark IritelMofHUiH No. 31,Ikvn Twilaii Ix-okue and w JffwHlarF Aw . . i n tnvRfxl In attend Ura pinetul lY-rYkiH ftwn Uto toto inddrtMv. No. STft .Mtilite*rr)r Mrt'fft, on Thiiivtay *13F. M. ltitorm*ntln fklrnioatitCviitotoiT.

KEHOK-RudftonlFr on Muy H Wlllhim, am of Nlckolo* OfMl KlIfobKl) Kehue. Uftwl If 3 Mr*. U mittiita* an d lt dayiL Itoleilvnt anti IVit'wla uf lha tonilLy and the moiuherH of Uk- hl AlnyMiuiKoclety ■TO wwpertftiny Invilfd toattotid tlw ftiupnU fnHti th* rmldeite.'Y or hi* parento, Nn- aft Oxford otraet, on Thiirmtor, May 3ft, al T A. M.. to ml Alo.Y*toN’a Itouiuli. wher« a Hli|h MaM of Haqutom will bt* uffritd rar Uie remwe uf kl* «ouL 1 lucrueut to Ui« OmeterFuCtka lliRy He^akdire.

lrOGKL.~Gn Tnmhir, May M, IfttZ, F. ioeepli IxikYU "Ml of Jtwpphand ( hiiirUna Lufrl,oRfd ia'euty-llin<* yoata iwu month* aiul l«eni>'-flwrtlayK lielatU-a* and frtendc a)«e Rt, I«a Rn-- ... -- .

f H a t BLEAUJIEB Y-LADI WJTNtONHTRAW 1.1 *if»w h*ta pf«i. -FiT/FATRirK, IU MkMaj'ftL. n*af hrll tower. 7U

>1 Inaki IbA Ie«dlnjr*h«pi4t. l \- , ? r

OALEHMAN - WANTED. A FURNITTliB ^oaleMmun; mitn ui^nleniland rultink and layinji rorpolH; Holary f 1ft. L. feiTEllNllKKU, MO Market


«Wy of Hi the Yoank Mun'aOrplutn Afat Hortffty of ML IV!er*« (Imri'h, ant mnal reatMHiniUy InvIM to altond thr fLitH-ni Doin hi*-- - ------- -- - - ----- -------- ^— ' “ *-'“*1ay,

Yh.Bkmaa' wOdent'*. No. ftftft Hi f(fi‘n *Uuei, iin Frklay ay 37, at ft-JO A. M., to HI, ivu-f* (liurrn wlienYa Illfth Manftuf HMplIrm will 1m offered ior

' “ tWennanli In Dm etoiyoflay 3

tite reFOM m ' hla iwaL tba lluly NrpoN'href

MALGNK—At Mootclnlr, N. J., on MftFHlMB. Kyh eater, only *oo of Petor and Iwlen af4<lIroatoftntoalhH. FkiMrol iervltFa win takeplara irom thei'him-h of Imnuunilute (uiwspHon, Munv- rltlr. N. J., on Thiiiwbty, May » , i t > o'clock A. M. laierment Monkialr Otthollr OmetriO'.

K iL tJi-D n Weditmday, May 31. Ift*3. Mabel daiKfhu-r of

Maria Itouloa amt the late Hautiiel It. Towtim-ud, of UrMniHdnL L-1. NuUc* »t fkrwral liereafUir.

OWKNK. -Gn May 34, Joeepb Dwen*. Wfed mnt, arm of tbo laU* .loaenh ami Mary OVteufk iLlVfw kod frlpito* of (be (kniiiy ore luvHod to




m e d iu m a n d OOMMON FrUNlTURB, UAliFKIM, B1<:DD1NU UFRiaHT


M. 3. (FCOSNOR. - - • AiKikHwer,

Alnleanwin, lU MARKI-TTST., lr>morruw (Tbafi day) munilnt, at 11 o'clock,

On* vary flitoMvoaiaiH) onMblrft ooi«va Upricht DUuuklnAi'lJUBHritHiraiieveri mid one-third uetovo riMito, very hondJiotik* Parlor or Hchwd Orpan| Par­lor hitotn, new aad atooad-hnkd, la Hohi'OY*nnp<; wok and oak Ckomber Hollo, and oofc ttlrror- bork siileboardii, riietiftton, M. T. anrt ulher Talilco, llall'ffUGHK (Vkhinei*. F. P. lie r and Maulei Mir-

SALKHMAN WANTED, Af)QVAlNTKD WITH th* KMall ftror^rv trade la city ami v kteiHy* Ad-

dr«MiC'RArKKIlH,RrtxR>Newi office. 1

HodA WoMrobeo, Denka, Burtaiio. nemuwiH, WaRlutandK C ^heo , Louitcf*. Ototlra and Rneker* nt oUklbda; otMHit Mventy-Ove emt-rom, Foldlnf BedotoadM, W

•ftyeurH, arm of tbo lato .loeenh ami Mary diUeufk RelaUva* kod frlpod* of (he (kniiiy ore luvHed to oltmid ibe flmenU Rom 1m Ute rr«M*uo*, No. 5ft JM'kMinBtreeuonThiimla.v, May3ft,at3uVl<iek I* M., toRL JorntWaClmrch. totcruienl In Ihe Cem*t*ry of ihe Holy Hepukebre.

ROBlNNON.-^On May U, Maroaret Roblnoon. •JOd 3B year*. HelmllveaMUl flrtoiulh or* klorlly Im vllrxl to attend the flmervl ftnm her lA(n rmlderMw, Ni), 197 Polk etreet, mi Thuroday. May SK at ftAl A. H., loHt. Jomea'a Churob, where NervkKw will b* held, Jntennent In th« (Itmeten of tb* Holy Hepnlrlire. Mofai Ibr the renoor oftli* kouI *f Ma^

en^t itohluaon will bie held at 7 A M. TkUTaday, 0}' Sft, at Ht. Jomea'i Vbiircb.ROHK. -On Tneoday, May 14, lftiX,at II P, M.,after

alliicrrlnir llinem, Alvah O., beloved huaband of Minnie Itoae, ikh> Kblikel, and I'ldiwt non of DanWd tk and Cliirrlna M. Itoee, ofed ftirty-lbTec year* eifflit rnontbiiand nne day. Relativea ami mends are rnkie(*tf1dly tnvlierl to attend hi* funeral, flmto biN lale rmidrnoe, E! 1*111 Mreei, on Hondny, May Si, at 3H, M. luierment In Fairmuuut Ooiaetery.

HIIKA.-On May i \ Jeremiah r. Hhe*, ofMl 4ft yearn. Relatlven and AlendN,atw> member* of hl Jarnw'i t'ouiicti Nu. M, n. l«.,and HL Jainivi't Holy NoDie tSocU-ty oi* kliHlly toTlled to altend the Ihneial frmn hU isle niddenc*, No. 173 Lalhyeu* Rtreet, on Friday. May 27, si ft A. M., to HL Jame*'* rhmvh whorea Ittob Mam uf Itequleila nill he af- fenid for Ihe repTne of hi* muiU. Interment In th* tk>iui'U«ry of tbe Holy Kormlrhrf.

KUiTlL—On Tiieadiy, May -34, Iftft Nelfton D. HmlUi, In in* ftftth year af hbi ofe. The remain* will tm token, via D.. L and W. K. R.. on Friday momlnffoi 7»4ft to U•ckeUMow'l^ lur ronen) o»r- Yierw and totonmmt

HI'TTQNv^At the mftdeiir* of hli patevto, Nh. ftft M. ttod K K IU avenue, Ueonc* I*. younfoM hnn of Namitel F- oud Mary Hotirm. aged f ytarri. Funoral prlvaieon Tbnrwlay, Ma) J8, y| tt A. II.

>rOTlCE THK MKMBKRH OF RRAXCH N(K II . Kt. Putrtek'ft AUlani'* uf Ainerli'K, are re-

atietiled tootleml the ftmeral of Pa*! IHMriel Pr«ei- eui, Hrrdlier Thotna* Dlnun. On Friday, May 2J, at

740 A. M., front bin iNie reAldeiHie, r<ur. Jemey and IfteroiH] *tr«*t*, llarrlwin. Hy order of BratK'li.

WM. K Mt DKIIMITT, Praoldent. JtJH. B- FIT»«MMONK, Keorelnry. Tftf

neu, nihitlt and Mcohddiand, to WIJimi, MoqueUe, Velvet, }lruNw>U and InirfAU), Oilcloth. LlnolKiim. Ninvriia flu**, Ixioe Uurtalnpi, Portiere*, Bankaio, Ila^r and other MatlreoMra, Kprlii**, Uemgeraton, a variety of eomiuuu funiluire, and other guudo.

y , R—Rtoroft* on the premliwi. Next m lt Tim*- da^\________________ 1



A nret-elaa* ffttollyhotel, haaiitiritl KrnuoiK Rood “ ForinfornkO'batbintf, fr<wh veftetablea, milk, etc.

tluD, etf.i oddreoBWILLIAM HATHAWAY, Prop.

I a k k h o p a t o o n u .

Th*"Wr»nrtpnrtIIetw*" at the upper end ofttie TaUi'. Thbi IH the ttneet Jncatnl liguoe rm the ii^e. T1iebnll<11n**ai« new and tmndiioinely funriHlied to hurrl wood IlirooghouU The grtnmda are npodoDA RtKHi drives mtd ohundaiKv u( *hMdy a-ulk*. The mom* are Ian* and airy, and ran be ounnedud If dPtdiYd,

For dreuiart oad terms addreaeTUOMAH BRIGHT,

WoiKl])orl, Horite Co., N, J.


Now open tpr tbe reception of fywdo. Write ibr di-fa'ripllve pamphlet. _________ _ Mb- ^ A L N C T MANHIOS-


li) tnlnutea from otatlnn ; ^eaiitlfblly lontted : Bn* ■hade; rate (7 toflO per week. Addrem.Mb TT PLKARANT AVK., Montclair, N .J.

D eath C laliu* Fkltl In N ew arit T o-tU jrby M *tJti|»oUtan Lllb luo* Ca.

From. Am tFrank K<<amey, SOI PaflAsic avc.,„ .19 tN)Jciliii Klllot, «i liW Dsy M................ .......U 17 UAU.SN i . UAHHKlT.Hlipt..

<Air. Market aitd Ualwy Hla

C. tTROBELL k gflO.,H a '







IN^k-al Vndertokem;Arc pn'pared tu Aimlxli at tbe 4hortMt itoUpr article apyertatotiiy; to (heir btwlnenff a i fln tiadertafifTK W* carry In obiok: a coinpleie

ritOPO BA U liT f RIJPOKALR f o r VOUKHD RATION FOR RE- X rfnttlns party aud r«rnU«. RecfuiNnc Bend**- vuao, Niwvark. N. J.. April M, Iftftt KOoled propoMla wilt be retxHvrd at Ihlft ofllt'e until 13 nVloCk nnnn on Mo>’3a, IM2,at wbMi time they will be openedIn the preoencT of bidder*, fbrRtralahln*cuokrd »•

--------------------^-cmtUatthlareiKlM-aud ondtog tA JunoUona for rectniUnc port}- an* n-emtu at thin rendM-

vikn, heftnnlliir toi Jnly 1, IftM, and ondtoa ftOkiBBL TbreoiubittaaUal maal* tiaily, wtlb a dueJUrWBUIPKWiW uwoifr tiaia^.niiu • uwcprt^rU on of iwap and caTKllMi,oonfttlUi(e a rompleto rethin. Oonlrorla mod* under thH odYertlwment nhatl not be ooiweued to Involv* tho United Hlatoa In

oTtaUcA f itaotod itovemmaql r»- propfioal*. Pro-

poMlff for cumplet* mlton t o b a IbniMied at a pbuw lahliig'tkinalda (br reivultH will not be cuiuddcird. Full Information will be fnmliihail on apptleatton to tbl* ofUiM'. Knvelopet whtalnUic propnoola *bould ba nmrked “ Proittwobi fbr roobed mtlona," and ad* d'reawdto R. iaONDON.Capudn of FiRb Cavalry, R. a »p

HKAIJCD FBOTOBAIB w il l b r BROiaVEDon Tneoday, Hay >1, liaa, a l 11 o'clock (Doan), at

the Htatefaoute. Trenton, N. J., for veaftilutliiR, Hteom ht«tln« ami ntrulabisf rodUtoi* for the Henate Oiiombfi at^'oidln* to plana and aneellltationaon Hie with the B u^nienden t of the iTrentou, N. J>


Treiiion. N. J., May 1ft, 1*93.


Knibalmln* a (t^edoity.k* every iiat'4'laM ]

tiadertaiem. W* carry In obiok: a ooinpleie Um vi [ Oukete in new decdcrkH. t>ur price* ar* (ow. (kir aim atMl iiuitto lo, to lower tbe coot anif i-xpeiM oi

ewnto* taeotram and (Mehra. w* maka eneeial rahw u ter time utul dl*ta»c*. fblLft ooUritea. tlfllc-c Aim F mwml l*arlbri, Nu. U iirld** Bt.; Mauu- hulory told Morgue, No* m ind t l JanuM tu Tvio- pbom* i»ll, No. Iftft.1^1 8. WOOuaUFF,

* UNDEHTAKEILone* and RetddeAc*, ftM BROAD

Next door below Evenlnk Nowt Fertonol attondanr* day and uwii, Tdupbunu Kci-ifilB.

p a t k n t il


International Patent Offioa,u a r t n e r A o a ,

m - m BR0AD8T.,Oppualta nfw fmdentloi, Ntwork. N, J.

Tba lariaal Fatont Offin* In ib* Htaia PatenU HoUritedL Trodainarki^ label* oad Cepyrlcbia



FREDERICK C. FRAKNTZEl^Bucceamr to CMm)d>*U A to.

GLOBE 1J)1N < L RHRRGADBT. ItoomiNondeT.

lADDLE LACKRR AND HARNEHH FITTEBB wonted, iJood motti'an baveatoady emiiloynrtont applyim to E F. BECK A BON, H M*rhank-



A’ O U K G MARltfFJ) MAN W D tira«^"^K iiattoii aft driver, or I* wlliln* lo lake anythin*

to make an honeHl living a t c a n speak and wrlto German and Addrnia or call on K.HCllAUB, 491 Kprlngtlehl av*. 1

HKI*<>RT0F THK CONDITION OF THE KH- wxiXMmly NaUanal Itook at .Sewiurk, In the

Kuui uf New J ertey, at tbe i-luae uf biuilnem iTib ibur ofMay, 19F1 .

RHliaUllt’IM.tkOan* and dlarount*................... ............41>Htt4|B M

‘ ^ 50.0QUU0 2A0D 09

l7K4«ft7 laa,T» 7« 47.74(1 44 00ftsMRlftft

31,00113 un

3ft,PI3 00 i.mi St

y tflOCKRY RTOhR IXvUtoaw. i

tuom 41X, Un-___

I^ R BALK UK ttELLR- K, Newflbfitoa ft*f

I AUNDRY FOR HALK DOING A (40GD ilNiftliMba; ak‘kit«Ni reoaon Ibr aeilinf. MRh, WARNER. Wm M., ArUnfton,________ Xftf

IJAIaOGN-lYtHPLETK AND EI«EOANTiUT- ^ t i e muneyitow rvnt; 14 rooms; banraln. S. IL HMITII, iH olrleiaw rto Ha

_____ ^ ............ .... JJX a ca dem yftorta* Me^^ft hat doto*» big bwi

Apply on tbo premiriM.SAI/X)N FOR WALK,

h ......................t t r

______ . ......... ...... FI WKLANB. NORTH-went (XirtHif WARREN BT. AND CENTRAL


^A14I0N Ffin HALK C^wenl

SAI/KIN AND HOARIHNG-HGUKKFORRALI*; okl abuuL 104 WAAtHKN bT.. txir. Jatum. En

STtkTC Foil BALK NEWARK iNVKNTtON;wantod everywhere; ixmipony urgwhMd: cot In

on lh« notiaadoor'* H. N. l)OllunLUTV,Iluu«i lutift, Prudential Ruiliting. IF

WANTIIDTO Bl^V FOR CAKH A BUTTHKR ftliwdaalni lootlhwilasea ImiidreTHKCKN-.

TK A I.R l^m M H EXCHANGE ANDEMPLOY* MENT AilFNCY, 4 Atademy ak ___________ I


HA K FIX TCK m HANltoOMK KITT OP BAB lixliicYft (br Male a t HILL'S BREWHHV, aprlng-

fleht ave. Kf

Ba r Ft>liHAI.K, A FINK BACK BAR t MO reaaunabla uflbr lYhiMed.

n s __________ I.EWIR BROW,, ftl Ferry *L

BlCYCr.l-B- FOR MALR, RlCVt'LWNu IM- aerial pneumalhi aalbty, new ; jk» heuer wh*ol

nuuto ; prl(« ftikt; fblly guamTiteod ; aim Wxrwirk ( ttphloji (Ire latoiy, olmnet new ; price Ml.I Vi^. XIMMKUMAN.IM BnMdDrt.

HlCYCLK WARWICK KAFVnTY. CIMIITON tire,good aft new t|I00; afUTterms Ifdealn-d. IB


llrv; Ufl«4iU muutbi. |4A0a,W HIGH KT.

0%-enlniito’**nut9daad anwan ircd.V. K Boadft to ■*(«■* devalation.u.btorkii, aicariUMi, He..... .................... .Due Dum appfftvrd iw rv e agent*....... .Due from other Nullutwl llaiikft.......... .IHte (hrm ^tote Haakx oud baakeift.HNnklito-houtee, ftirulture and Hxlurea..,.Curraal exi^nHe** mnl taxia pabl....... ..Checks ann other eaob Ilexua.............. .Ftebaiiieft frrt'leariiif Ucuft*....... .Rlllaof utto'i: bnukft...... j..*.............. ...... .Froi'iluDat p«{ier curtenr-y, nlckebi and

........... ■'........................... - .......BpcHe.................................................. to.ai7 onLeji^ tender noteft..... ............................. 1X7,000 00Re^mptlon tfttiMl with U. n. Trra.*ur*r

(6 per rent, of drrulatlqn ......... i.3&9 99Total..*............... |t,04Lf« »

LIABILITII-JACapital stock Mkl to........ ........................Kurplu* Dnui........ ........................... f tio ^ n oVti(Uvl(k»d pronto........... .................. \M m 34Naltonal Bonk notoft outfttaiHlla*..... .. 4ft,(ni> ooibvUhMHU u o ^ d ....................... lA4ft 14liidlvklual depodtft suMeiR

torbnek................. ............. ♦3,095 1* *7C orded cbecka................. . ftlAftl 90 -

-------- -.. i,ll7jHT2 S7Due to (Hhor National Bank*...... . lt\lU0 MDuetoAUito Aankaand banken..,-,...M..., ISiM 77

Total................................................*l,9«Aft* •Mtate of New Jermy, t'ounty of Mawx, la i I, T. W. CrookA (Wdiler of the above named honk,

do Noiemnly nwear that th* above xtatroient la true to th* beat arm y IcnuwiadBe and heiief.

T. W.CUnDXKIbahler,toiherribed and swoni to brdbre me this 3Uh day of


Notary Public,Oorreri-Attoftt:


HlrV I'L * FOR K A f.t HAFETY. IN UOOfr cuuditlon. IM iri 'U ^ K . J .m bU, I

flAHPKTN AND lrt:K N m iBK FOR NAI.1, I h4 of Hnowela and muquetto oarpeto, bnivaltM ; ^mrlor mic wardrobe, IJ: oak be<lrooin Huti

holleiteiMl, ftl; uook Have, No, 7, *" 'as WILLIAM HT.

90; ptodi cart.

..quire Itf MARKET HI'., 3d (toor.


C1AHH REGiNTER Ff>R BALK CHEAP. IN‘ ... .............. . ■■ ■ ■ '

T \NH7i0lLHTOVK, W'lTHHTANIkNCRHRRYJ JtvDtoeto ‘and ptudurnnanuedaM^|itoln,all ‘dXM h u ^ 4l<.XJN<HlRtoHHrrJ ’tTNK

Wnrliretolor, aheei Inm uvetia oir hakln* iton botompb otote* : ahw lot cf iron platto, )a

inuedaMaptolq^i^ ; ao reanonabl* ufrar ^

BABY CARHIAGK TOH kaLR AD- drvtoCAHHIAtll<; itox O, NewsoRk*. U f

KEPORT OFTHNlXkNDlTlONUli'THK UKK- mai) Nalloual BonksatNewarkatm the iMato of

New .Joncy, at the chsie ofbuBl»Ms May |7, H n : Bl»OUIlCI».

JanoTM opd dlHcoontft....,.............. ...|1,tlLaii iX

An EDUCATED WOMAN OF GKUMAN bmbwtabtoAjMition hi trattifig UHllMkglnir

npofuhUdreu; wuilni to go to iheenuntry, Ad- d rm Js V., i> ifttb ave. 73e

MlDDliK-AGED AMERICAN WOMAN wantft Rituatlon lo do plain iwwlDg and n>ei>dlng.

oroft bouwkeeprr to omall fluuUy. Addreai B.!*. Box 1 Newft nffict, 1AM ERlCANaiRL. .

^& Ja DUttta glG country prefkrredaa , Box Bi Newa

(ft, WlhllKH A PWITfON_ A J),X7f

Ba h k e k p k r byman, with refunme*.


I^IBACCO HTRlPPERri WANTED, HAIJ4 OR i ffimal*. 2M m a r k e t HT. dttf

WANTED FOR THK UNITED * HTATKH Anuy. ohle-bodldKl, unDruurled men, between

tbe OFTM of 21 and so ycoro, good pay, ratlono, doUi- in* and niedlool attendance. A|>plkanU mual be prepared to fUmIsta oatlMbciory arweiica oa to age, cbaintotaraadhablia. Andy at


to ranvoftte private boon^ ; mnietblng entirely hew, and bi* money to w«JrttrfH j aflemcHuw ualy.7* BI.1WR « DRAKE, 171 New Jeroey R- A, dve.

-yy^N T K D .

WANTED--TWO YOUNG m e n . ONE YOUNG lady to learn tetegniph)'. day nr evening, ibr

Swltinnii «m railroad when ready, rurtbndarft call 0 BROAD HT, top floor. 1

Wa n t e d -EX PER IEN CED KATirRDAV nlfht help in tbeibo* atoreof E UEYMAN, 3IH Hprliiffleld av*s I

WANTED-A FEW OOOD JOINERS ON IN- Md* work.'T im NEILL MPO. CO., H m av«H Oranf*.


MEN ;ftalary and (xumnlftaluu paid.

YOUNG, 19 Bank at.


-ant(yl. FOURTH AVK and OGDEN BT. I7fo r NO MAN WANTKD,l(lTniftVKAHSOLn,

1 a l hats and kefitft' fUftthhln* iniudft; one with k\TOl'N G HAN, IK expertonoepreft-rred. HPlNGAHN,359MArki;tin. l" a ftood trad*. A( -------------------------------------------------------------— KswaoflloA.


A -4H RlaB WTTH BBFKBKNCK FOR PLACF* ffin Hty ur omintry aupptl«d free irf oharg*.


\ PPRKNTK'Eapprentice fbr dreoamakiiut-




H. H. FFEUa, William and Hhlpmon atft. Mf

( lANttfKR w a n t e d f o b mTCHKR Rt^RI noNo, G,AKf4CBMIDT,mH*utbOra«*Hav*.l

x ^ iA H P R R » ~ W A N T E D . KXPERIKNCKO X 'cloNperahtr rav*rlng(‘nnift<'luApa: ftteady werk. UHAHl.KH H. WBIOHT, » Hoyt s t, nwr. Me

( tOOK - WANTED, A GOOD COOK AND lauiidreiw Air a private fkiriUy; refrrenrea re-

(lUlred ; go<Hl wages to a a t t03 BJ>(>t>MniRLD AVE

(xiinpeUuiit woman.

Dr e h h m a k k r - w a n t k d . a p p r e n t ic e hfor dreftsmak 1 n* i paid wh II* learoln*; otao ton

proveia. SOHTATRHT. I

DRKNHMAKING biuHlfl and imprcK a n

KXPKR tENCHD WA IH r.....auprekllceNwimted.. MR.H.OALUN,A'nriitphanlyat-

DUKHHMAKER W'ANTH iMPiUlVERH AND aupf*bt4ea \ call a l oddh.

1____________ 3i9 HOCTH n in t h BT.. cUy.AN KXPFRIF.NCKD HKIRTDHHfWMAKRR

hand; oliioapprentice atdiYMunaklu*- AlOttNFW YORK A \

UR K B H M A K IN 0*F1 HMWILAHH waatod at dmMftaklng.

_ - HBliPCall all week

Xft C llESTN yr HT.

1 >nUMHMAKER WANTED AT Me___________________ NO.IftBTON E HT.

X \RKflHHAK1NG-* APPRENTICE W'ANTKD, J . ilb li Timrftday mnmlng, 108 (tIMMKUCK HT. 1

Db ^ m a k in g - a k im p r o v e r w a n t e dat Ml PLANS BT.


GIHIf-WANTED, a n e a t , RKlalAULK OIRL for g ftPisil fbmily u fy jiilK U44!>j B ^ A D HTJ Tf


r i i n i Vft ibrtory ; mrull n-ogtie.f 11HIJt FOR a l l KIXDh " T lloaaRtl|ii and eolaied help. ApnlyMIlH. TON’S e m p l o y m e n t OPFlt'K, IM 111*11



.jdtoation aa chamhermakl or woltrem la a pri­vate IbmGy, call bHween IQ and 4, ftl c k RIh- TGl’HER HTn near Hcotlobd, Ombfe VoUey. Call Wettofeilay and Tburedey. _____ A

OvcrdraflA owoirod and auaenvred.XK H. booda to oreure cirrulaiton.Ikia rraa aupinved r*Mrve agenta..........Due from ucber NaUoad Bank'*-........ ..Dtie Roto Bonks OMl baukere........Bankli#hrwffe, fUraitove and Uxiureo,...Curreni expomwa oiu9l laxea paU.......Pmuhun* aa D. M hnnaa...... ....... .('herknofid ethercaabl^ritongea for ITearlaghouiie................RUk »f ocber bank <i................... ..........Fmi'tldnoi paper cuirency, tkIckeU and

rents................... ..................................Specie- )

SUv*r..... ..................... 3A10 09Jliegal lender notaa........... ...... ..... ............ScHtentptlon fond with V. R TtoMurcr

i,ft per iwflk<rfdraibitkHG....r.................

Total..... ...........................- ........UABIUTIKB,

Capitol otock pakl to,Hun ‘

iOACHMAN — YOITNG HAN (UOLORKD), o*^ S4, wlfthen Mltoatlnn u coachritoti; A yean>f

tefocettcei; wUltog Ui be luefoL Addreao b r ban wwk W. BINGHAM, IE ReciQrat..R11aabelh,N. J.l

OI SKWOHK-YOUNG GIRL WANTS SIT- _ 1*1 ■ ■ m ACADEMY HT, cRFi ftebood floor.

turptus fund....JndlvWeil pm ita...................... ....... .......VjUkmal Bank notea outstanding...........DivMewb* unpaid....... ....... ......................individual depoolta auhleci

to check............................ ,..tlM7,743 |gDemand certlAcatea of de-

poolt.............. 11,33ft 89(^riUlcxt cbecka............. n m 9iCaablefa c^ecbi outatandln*.. 4,bt4 Jft

1,12»JW 44Due to Other National Boaka.-..,.*..^*....... 4 0 ^ B7

H uatton at frneral houaewrirk la RoNvlUe. Cali3ftf

N UBHE-A GKRMAK'AMKHIC'AN NUBHB wuuidUfce •liunihm; Uklrvdto d i1ldf«D;bwt

of reikreuoe. Addrcm NUiUE, Bo* L, News offloo, 1

N 'Hituattonaanurm and do plain aatelng. Addieaa

U B., 3tS Muihetnr at.

Skamhtrkhh w o r k w a n t e d BY d a y gr weekatNOtoMdreftainaker. AddroaaH. STISKLK 411ft R m ^ I t I

State of New Jeravy, county of Kieex, ■ :I, A. W. Conklin, (tuK w of the above-named

hank, do solemnly swear that the above atalement 1h true to the beat of my fcnowledfe and beiiet

A. W. mNKLlN, Caabier. ibocTthadandtworatobeforeoM iblaTftdday ot

May, w e.’ imAH, A, FKK’K,

Hotery l*«tii!o af!(ew J .iH f.ODmrt—A ttn t I

KDWIN M. nOVOLAB, 1 OKO. B. HWAU4, >Dlnc!on.

1 , J t BTRAUtt, . J

WA ^ tm - X . HITUATtON »Y A YOUWO German to take rare of hornto or work onmpd hctory. JOHKFU MGJHSKTlC,Tft Warren »l.,cUy.|

Wa s h in g -WOMAN w a n t h a p r iv a t efonilly'ft w iihlnf and

4ftU St.l»TLAND Orange.and Ln^lig a t bomo* No,


WANTS WORK, FOUR_ ............. modefate wogea.

Addreaa R. M., Convent Htation. N. J. tftf___X and n half ynara’ BxpiTletMu;



TOkT o r HTOLEN-#PRQin»BORY NOTH Jdrawn by Bartlett* A 0(K. of t l Bnsa at,. N. T.,

forMTA All tlatlit* ihia noi

persona are cantloiiefl ogiliiBi mco- lie. A JK iltj^ le^imd wUl be paid for

ite return to P. W. CHUBS, Attoraty, U. A (Yedit Hrftt«mBulMlng,oorber Market a idfttft.

i l n g ^

J Jibe RapldTraiull orcin New id., a black podopt bpok o^itaUiirH mimey and riulHWl tickets oi» three keyx. The finder will be rewarded by leaving tha M unpatm lllGH ST.X OmT o r STOLVN--BIIOWN NEWTOUND-Xiiond do« i aaawaiii to Bninn;, If boi tot locw or

witiiln ft do n poflfott boidto* him wilt be •d guiu>' of UmA. H. TODD, ftit M. u, HairiaoB. _____________ 7f

teftnraedreniddered Feurtb M. __T (IfiT-ON MATURDAT l a s t , o k Ht?Ie J^Jberry, between Oliver M d East K ltaney^i pair of gold ayetUaaen. A reward will be p*U t rfitumarthaftoinete PH lIal? H. LONG, 14 OUver

fWr-MONDAY, A SHAlaL BCXlTCH TER- I Jrtor bitrb ; Under wUt be liberally reworded by

If to I^LAKTRR’fl GROCraV KFORB, ALretumlhf . ..beri ave. and fibtber at. 4ftf

BROWN SPANIKli PUP, SBVRN.... ................. A liberal toward will be paid by re*(urnliii him to 3M M AHKVT ST.Loht- a -iV4«k» uld.

_ tiN m a y 13, A PAJR OF flOLOSWOC- XJtorlea Ip Bee lilve ur an Hrood a t Suilobla re­word if returned to 4ft GR KEN 14T.I ONY MflMORANDUM (RED LRATHEB)) Xjflnder will tag rewardod by returning to 1 « BlVKRHTHiear.

POTKBT-ilOOK LOBT^-FttOBAHLY IN WASIL limioii at. Rapid 'EHnalt conlalnlitg WUs,

»Uvor aitti papers of ne valua except lo uwner. Tib- .............. ... " ' - * ito* loHdAIAJ^era! rewom paid

pKCKlIAM,T4ftI.... for return ofMBmadst,

D R n m A M lN O ,’ ^ lV dIFR o i f ' NEWARK

/ \ •le«m drmmokLn* here and oav* Iba axpaoaa oflcdnitoNewYork. a aohool baa bom op9fled under the auparvUlon of tbe IfuDoweU Ooiuiiiiy for thoM who wlsb to beecsM AnHlaaa mMaa> nuikera. Tbe MoDoweii drafttag UMOOlba boa id* penaded oU chorti oad aqiiMrro. f t flMknra tv try babloo, flto every form and laves ftmr-flitha.of yw r lime and troubto sad M eatd h r all iito toodlaf botMM In New York., If you ^ *

/ “IIH L A -w a n t k d ,wtndera and loarnera






X rA N tH .WAirrKD TO BKMXXatwHa at bone, iAHEN R. ]______ ,Jlroadway, New York j^ntrunce at 7 Funrih it, frlf

Ha tmoekA

U EMM ERR -- WANTKl), btmmert on


FlNlHIlKltH w a n t e d ON As JARVIS, HI (’haHtcn it.


ItXPKKIEN<1Ri> wtiutaw tlM. t) i HKIiHUNT


T>ATKN1H--t)RAKK*!^, X Holidtora of Amcritan aAttomen In potest oanaa befto* Um U. H. Omirut Mccboaical Odd KtoetrloM '

and Foreign l^alenta, itoe Um U. H. Omirut

EufiiMora and Kxperto. MDHT.g'rb* uldMtDr . HGlaHEWS HPWiFUVA BURK AND '

puMtlve cuiwfor all iVmaJe IrrofulariUee. Ad-i ukUNbed huuiain tba Htato Twvulb-llve yaaSdiw- I4ft CAMDKN HT.; prUm ft, Mul prfiiMs m I GeSwtt StwklSl.

n O U H E W O R K -W A N T E D , RELIABLE ftiroog woman for ganenU '

odplta aiH I children: will u dreot, giving i^rencem td aaVtvnfHia;»,wv^ Maplee (jod, N, J. W

HOUMKWgRK- WANTBIl, IN ASMAU* PRL vale iHmily, nu Amaiimn or German girl for

gffiiHral hotiaenvork, UaUt ^JUi reforence, afiar ft P. M. lu-day, at 10 BFRuCic tlT, Rl ttg leeoiitl belL \

HriCsEWORK-WANTED, A NEAT, C4»M.Detent girl for hou*iwork In a small family i

gwMfpay toagOod givl. r 7 BOCTll NINTH k V.. &tww*oMft^tbO|Hqgaava,dudThtrta*9ihavA ft?/

■yiteia why not git the best, the moat rapid .to itaid l^eturoo oa Thundoy niMmx, from 3 In 4. Cutting aud fltUug * QtOtol^. ................................... . uL «H Bread ifo


Branch or ibeMcDOWKLL

A TA\10tt'H?V»Tl!M WDRKMtfAXIira.tlvuli-i wlihtnc to !<vn .Iram niklnt akosM

nilU tm ir whuul; W8 Itaeh m ry th ln a cMioartM wUli U» tn S , In Uu ilw rtM lira, m f mnal Uioi

Jart, anaHnakliif iM f s f t t sstiftBs, Z m HniM tM arauca Kew Yoilt. Ha

AWJWMJIJ!*! r>RM«KJUTTlI«l acHOOt n^rkirt tnUHa.UinnBafiteMaHbi anA vnir

' na rutinRtMl with amamaklrir 1 M »™ W lUng: alsn anwHaiM d M * n ak ia | an! m(»r LtrnM. H. K. IiYlfOH, naa Oaafen inln!nt<TialL___ ___ -

tei lu lu H , Otania Na« Yoifc.

a|aB(H ac W TaH lH S


CasH P*IC FOB CABT-Ori CW1TBJ*! BTOD poalal. UJOH.aiiniW lW tatdl^

OtB tuofht UalaarM.

W U ), lUBTI

'i i-V M AHDis, W MMkM

IXJIHB. MTaMFB. OOIitk AH0 I i r M e i a t VKBBiWr*, t j i

j B w x u i r!*•

404 »toMlftft

m A iftwMOUTtl

SMT9 4ftMl9 9a 3,4Dtt 9,909 9ft IASI 19

14,993 17 T.m ift

717 9#VAdDOOm jT » »

LH9Wp m , m m, tabhotoo. 109,009 00

19,1 HIT4ft,ti09M

UA 06

Total.... ..|1MKl.4Bfl 99

IJB F O B T OF THK CONDITION OF THB 1 VNorth Ward NMlooal Bank, at Newark, to the Htote of New Jency, a t the Hood ef buMwas Hay 17,l i « : -RRHOUKOIXLlioansood dlacounto........... ....^ .,..,,^ ,,,4 ThfoMD

99 4s 40,99900

l|Kt 14

X-ftOR KAL» c h e a p SEVKUAL lirNDHED r foci nffttoiwflMUlDincanlw seen corner Waab- Ington aivd Ri^wlnHla A|q)lyJ, U. HUAFKR, 4S txautM. 4ftf

}J4GR KALE CHEAP -NO. UHiOKiNW STOVE.' antoil fturoovw Tange aud m«MquHufn*in«a,atNo.


JMftRBOADST, 1JbAlNTING TOBKALK BY TIIEGLD ARTIW_ lU'Wbiaudt. of i'lemL'h ochuoL b r o a d HT,

Can ruum A 494 I

IHANG- FISEROHEWGGD HGCAHK PIANO, In HiWcIomi order; umkertt, FlriU, flaU A t^md

pphi' 990: part tauto uiut trade, &4 SITMMKR AVM

aw’lblug Uft vohie.

^ A F K H>R t^rln* iltamptoB siifo; DUSTKIAL fXHa tSX,

SALK-A FIRMT-CLASS HKlt- ftiifo; wtU baaoldx'be^ V, R IN

KTI aud ftso Rmud tfwCITOVK FGH SA IJB -N a TtX)OX STOVE IN ^IrM-rtosB wiuUtlua.. .Vo, »14 SOUTH m t KT., ipp flour. 1A^ACHT-JE-FOOT s w s tp YACHT FOR SAl.E

I cheap Apply P. BOWKKH, itoUce st, BiMge. Newark. Da


\ >-lIGONHT BARGAIN IN TUB t'lTT 1 pE ■ httys baud'iome and stylldi T-xrorHiU. iMmil, ebnaky Cbbadlofi ntoiw{ eo«t pmaaitt e w w ltio

one year ago; foid traveller; foartom of all tAh )ei'hi;fftaMa wHhoMt tytog; ffultobto for buWntM WHfk. foraiing or (irlrlog nurpuce- wanronied afoQdondklad: waekfoklaL'iMUotshork. __1 113 MCUBKRRY BT.


and a vartod oMorimaat ofWA<H>FH, UAKNt'aa)

and tiabla uiaiuUi of aU kind, a t vaijr low p h u i U our wMVfoem,

31. D. » nod 9 DIVISION tST oppodta Macrk and Eamx R, R. KMttaft


\ UIKRT 1. TlFLIK -WIlGUftlALK AND RE- taUdeetortofliM haibaniea. A le rgeB M ol

buolramv draught «od work hvnm aiwuya oa bond. Sale Stobtoo, Naa lift to IM CENTRAL A Vito MtF> Ail Ntouk to rapeeasetad ur ouM rofUnitod.J^AHGAINS


IHvlnkMi hL, ^odbttWUt to Ik, L. and W. R. E Daperk

Buggieo, Phoetono, Rvrreyx, Rockaws}'!, Breug- hnou, Cuachra by good maken, A& to ptrfoct- order. Low pnL'ea._______

HiABGAtNH IN NEW ANR MIRWDMAND surreyo, buckhoaMii. ia>lattto budlw, groeary and

FOURTKRNTH and ORA^butcher wogouft tvtv. Orange «iertito cara fou» door.

ORAMrtR « e

( lARKIAGTbt FOR SPRING TRAPR-CHAB... riRUBK, SQQ Market at, Form wagoto, bu^-

iweii wacona, carpenter and plumbenV wogom i aino carrtaxea of all Undo (ipeeiolty)!ptirpoaa bitUt to wdev.

WagoM for juiy P x

S rei


Overdmftok aeourrd ttid unnenired......w.M.U, K bomto to Koitre dreulatlon.........Due fonm improved ttserve ogeato....a....Dtir from other National BoJiXA.-.... .Due from state Jtenki aod hankern...... .Ranklng-hoafe, foraltare aad Axturea—. Other real estata ojod mortgMna owned...Wtrrwiiexpeaaeaand toxtopftW,-...-......('hecks and otbev oooh Hema........... .....Kxc.bangea(br ClearintAKKias.............. ..BlUa of o tter boJtka................ ................Fraettonat paper ourreney, atokrto and

nenia...... ■'............................................ .speida,..-.faenl tender tuSea.. RearmRedrmptlOh fond with U. R. Tnaounr (ft

parMPt. QfdP7Ulattoti)i......... ...............

B»|i 7D,16199

1,009 It 44JH1 Aft ftJBI 19 ft,l9|ft4

IfoiiftTi tt.341 NIftAfoftQ

947 to 46.797 flO DAftOftIKUO 99

TtoaL.............. .,gl,3WA»7 7#u a b i u t i i w .

CapUalatoekpdUto...... ...............Surpltw fond.............. .li...- ..--..-Uiwvlded xs^to................. ..J-...... .National fianKNotntmttatamllng.... ..Dividends unpahL...^..,,........ ...................Xnmvldoal d^oMla

dieck............. ....................ft*Deinaiid certlllnktea of depoilt. M4ft 00O rtlfled^ecka.......... ............ IfolM W(.aahtor's oEcokt outatondUig .. tM9 01

trijOdft fli 10M14 99

IQbOOOOd H9,«0e OB 4ftJMft 17

aa... 43169 00to 09

Dim to otbdf Notional BoBkia......... ..................TOtot.!.................... a—.......................4I,|W,IW7I

Htote of New Jecaey, county of Kosex, m :I, J. W. Liwliaart Cbahler of the ahoveoatned

took, do eolemnly owtiar tkat the above atotenieat bi (riM to tbe beat of my kaowledgn and belief

^ J. W. LirRlllcAB, (Mahler.Hubiorlbed and eorom to befote ma thla ftSd day of

Mav 1193.OHAft, E BALDWIN,

Notary PubUo of New Jaitey,Oomci-AUiat!


very TUkSDAT u m rRfDAY throuilieul IRe year to Ktoo A. M.. at GREAT KAKHL^

RTABLli soft RUOAD ST. •Tbito to five carioodfl ef Weotera IIutmi at aoeb

•ale; also a lot ofaerorMMiaBd Uorsas. wiUotde for all ptirpoaro. ttomte and Carriagns recelvad RotaoU polbUi to he n to Ob oomintaalan to auoiltm urto j ^ a t a lolA Chargaa D kaod and to eanta pM

MOIIKROU8 A QUINFT.Boffcxaaota to Joba W. Munu.

Te1ephOM4l7. 43oOBHR-A OKk Zt

___buy 7-year-old ot>uiL_. . . . ^ .........................premnt owner f336 togbt ipontbaago; weight IftaO;III____ „ ______ BARGAIN;

buy 7-yeer-old onund, hlookyaballt hiWILL

luroa: enot

ouliobto 9>r toamob, trucklngi axpirwiMn»iv coo(‘h- man or any kind e f aaavy we«« } fliet worker; lold only on oorount of going out of buxineaN; th1« lx a great bargain to aay ene woutitM a heavy hoti% Call 1W MU LB KRRV NT., ■doon._____________ t

a OHS»4 KE1*T COSfVtAHThY GN HAND oadaultahlefortol parpoaea; drivare, huatnoao work bone*: a Qtlr tntoglven lo eorh and

entry otw. MKTUAlOf BTECTUfiR, C'Ry Hm , NprtogfleM av*. ift)

ORBE-FOR SALE, ROAN HORSE Iftli bands hhib,vraftabled toondt kind la aU bll^

___; Mfo for aay one to d iiva ; aultable for everyklodof wprk I prioefn. Callal 1 irrAB1aK.MC9btralava.

a Of ba


iTTORSPH-FOR AALF« THRlSrifORSKS AND XXamuto, to il l , by a flufatori eaoee of•ale, owner ban ooaae for aaa^ Apply for two d a ri at J, V . ttlL L’a ClQAB arOH&lM Ukartlm •L I ' 1

SAHAfoi&T f t f \ A A A Yn LOAN ON BOND AHD ^ X O X /eV fw vfiB ortiaM M I par eeot., !■ «aau •Bd for pevlodii to ioit the bonowor; no bonnoof•Bd for periods oobtailiakw oborged. IMMlaounM to wR- IftSoraMaw, Tffi B m pboM9Mo.4to.

1 to loob on ebolU liD W A R D ai: i aka Ntwarto

g j i f \ £ \ A A A TO LOAN ON BOND AKD f f lX U U e l/U U m o r t f a g a at 4 and ftper<1b friiria odmI Ibr perlodt to suit the borrower. _ BONW n o r ODMUIsalOH RXACTim; ALL! S S r o » I S S . 3 S r w l ‘i » ' a ' ^d tO PrWARD liOAKKD ON TOHNITOKK; fflt^lIW M BM ival; prompt, priTale, : nMa,aaa)r tapagrmaali; o p uMf

irlTala, nUaUa, low nalkaa


m o n w i o N A i ./^KOKOK~V. HUBHKtl/ AMD JOBM J,G iniDBKT.r.

Have lomoml Uirtr law ofllna to #10 BROAII wr„ •

Natlonat IHala Baak BaUrtlnf. M

j j a b b i b o m v a m d o y n b ,


kaa laotovtH kta offloa to Eidalltf TlUo Oo twIkUBf,

n i BROAD M'„ aeoaM] Iloqr.



.JIL ,ooonmeLu ir h a t l a v , .....................................IflLL o m a ,

Oor. MMtuiiiii at., tia atoiiTi tnotna iM-iiftUVERFOOI, LONDON * OWBB B'





n ORBE, WACOM, ETO.-W)R KALI^ A BAT boma a jraan oM ; amioil i a lutrtiar wafoa wnh

SP ; almoat iMw (ka tr ..........................0,1-------------1,3il W«at KInwp a t


(joanoM , all batiipw; pi

riE LU AVE.ipnanold, w a tm n l^ iWinA^Klutl and true |a

irwe im . luiinim a( m BLOOM- V

n O R H W t» p o n / , m i l b fto iM afid fia for roar

BUYS A Y oum t HDHTAMano (4« r ■ihMofei

lpon/,w*I|brokan ; lU lo t49 for ( aood work----------------------roiuihMofeiitiudaA _

^ U K I K BT,TTORRE HARNIWB AND OME OOOD YtlRWl- 1 im n i (Biovlnt) wakoa for aale. at SOUTH irPH

miTYORHEB-TWO (iOOD HOBBtel EOR BALE A Irb ra pi’ taa CLINTON AVE., mm. «»»

HOHRB- WANTED. A OOOD, CHEAP KORBB for heavy wprA ciiilfaatealfAREET WT, I

Hi01I8K- A YOUNO HOME POn rhrap. CWl a tW BLOOMIrtlKJi AVE

BALK: atf

H g H B te *VOOY


4w b r o a d bt ., MEWABK, M, j .

fOrtr amootta c tiu lu Jow arilvod, anil will tiasM al roor awn prtotA

AlaolMaatiBheawr Bofoit, manp matad taaniE tm ra l eloaa oatad oantafo teami,aiid aomafoal afoppata. ______________________________■ .

P ONY-WANTEp Tt) BUY PONY OR BKALt, koiM. SB l ib e r t y BT. I

-iirA oo jn t-K T m i'H Y 'N i« t h k p ia u E t o

■ W A O tH tB -W B HAWS, NF.W aBOOBHY, YT buiehar and rarpuntar vaaona: our ownjMm,

r » _________________ aa Cllnton'id., OLlViaiTi.

foieijflHHiktiOL_____aorlptloit i now and baonudAand

I# o ^ . ----------------

I BUY A WAOO)tr-.WB: b o . P f o . " » l K S J ^ml hM

d law)___OUVKR

•M l day . Maihenyitkmdj w iM aM m . uxTenyitkCtoi

* ^ t ! Sftit I

t t l 1 f bBUYfl EARGAlN-od-YEA dPX I U ^ }t^n gray M « R ia it| n**«: g e o iH jB v eU ^ y g g to ^ iM tu iS

■ sjf.)-'.

j r i b W K K V E t t S B P A Y . 31A T 35. 1888.

«IP OF OTiR LAIS. CHEEKSARHI SOREAivti Uu Murdem and Fablio Interest in Stories of Orime.


llow VoluniM Wlilch k Lm nicil IhvbHor f<rruM la Uri|i>Hi lla ta Uaen Fauntl Vh -—Ths Thratrlul MlHlan~AU«nFUd I’oiiH.uIng of I ha I)erb7 FuTortU—eiarlai •r Pklatcn aiKl Thotr MUats.

LUlla B a r 'i SuM sHag ftVBi K caraia—tiro w W an* V>Aar Tliraa DfMten.

C aro d b j O a tle a ra .

For on« year my llUIoboy WMlroubUil *llb eeacma. AOrr trytag thr«a Mnlwnt iiUynlc- laiiK, tbf d laeaaa in'w «un« i bo*h el»itk« ufr oania a raw aora. Than apota bmaa lo bitalt •ut na bla body : and 1 am of an oplalon Uiat tr 1 had not trltxi I'tiTicuHi EKnraira, my boy would t o ^ y have bean oovand from head to foot with the (errlble dlaeaw. Alter ualnc the remedlea for two mnntlii, be wee en­tirely eunM, and la now aa Bdr a» any boy. Iw ad you llili teatim iinlal, III hiipea enliii' (loor KillIcteil m u 'm a v aw thia euro and imtalu C urictl»A H U K D iaa a t mier.

J, W II.LA R II CAPE, Shelte r la land U elcb lj, N. Y.

Tho murderer with many allaaw—the mla wreant had the rinronMry to tell the Mel- boumi) Jury that hla frequent ohaugaa of name were " a hahllual Thd ** with hliu—hav- tuit hern tried under the name of HarmUii, and coiivirted of the mui^tcr of at leaal one of Ilia wlvea by a Jury who were uol afraid to do their duly, liaa lieeii nMlararlortly aanlenced toileath, 1 iiqmilent lo the laat, ItocWlUf, In addreanliig the Jury, objected to hrlniaub- Kiltied tiilhi'yiue of the a|iectatota In court,

llie ualloat raw of people lie bad aver wen," YVhen the uiiahuKhrd aaaaaaln waa naked by theJiidfo alielhcr l*a had anythin* toaay why aeulenca of death abould not ba paaaed upon him, he pniilhrwl the Inaotent reqneat that tho lleiifli would olMtaln from addreaa- i n * any praltiiiluary dahortatlon t o him •, whereupon the learned Judge, thinking poa- blbly tbat ll would be wanting time to bandy worda with «uch a beaat, almply doomed him to be haiiKed, 111 the lerma preacrihni by Iha liiw, and lent htiii uIh)UI hla biulneia. In begging to he caeiiaed the *' exlinrtatton," the Mlialu limy have had In hla niliid the aiier- dole of the alave owner who waa rhantlalng a tiegra Imy with a eowhlda bud giving him a little luumlnrtvlee helweeneaeh atripe, "Oh, miuuia!" moniii'd the enbtc and writhing auf- fei-cr, “ if preaeliiie, firuuihee. If fluggae, Duf- gee: no both I"

It la to iK) hoped that the Melbourne praaa, anmo of Uir organa of which are' a little too fond of aoiuatloual detail!, will let the mur­derer with the many altaaea go to hit doom wlthoat murb more ado, and refrain from attempting to pry Into the aeereta of tho condemned cell.At thetanin time I cannot ultofether agree with the uilemn "preachee"of a leader lo tho Ttmri, congratulating Ita readora on the clrcuinalanec that Oyeming waa not tried In Kiiglaud. '■ For many minda," wiitca lha homlllit of IMnllng-lKMiae fkiuara, “ revolb Ingertman jioaaeiuiaa unwholcaoma fhaclna- tIon which appear! to be trrealiUble. Tbair owner! poaltiveljifcloet over atoriea of cruelty gnd hloodahed, • • • • the prurient curl, ewity which lead! large numbari of rcapect- alilo people to aatureta their minda with every Incident Uiey can collect relating to whoever happi'na to be the moat notorloua iMDundrcl of the hour and to hanker fiir atlll further knowledge, la one of the atrlklug charactPrltUea of thla age.”

Tho caB^udiiigHaaertlonln thla loEy aer-’ innn la nouceneUwlly riroueoua, (Yirloatiy touchingeieeptioimlly atracloua erlmoa and exeepllonaUy flugllloua erlinlnala la not one iifthe moat "atrlktng eharaeterletlei of the age o we live In. It haa been a ehnraetertatlc ofeveryagein every elvlllxed land toreen- Inrlea. It la, In luet, aaplrit of eurloalty In- herewt In ^vUhu'd humanity. Harbanoua ptviploa do not trouble tlieniaelvea about mur- dem and morderem, beoanae they art alwaya imirdarlng ope another, uud they have grown familiar with bloodalied and oulrag«“- 1ortnre of every kind. It la for the reaaoii thatdeeda of horror are eompamllvely rare in non*m> barouH ouuntrlea that thi‘y are regarded with a eurloalty which may bo morbid, but which lagpot at all un natural.

I I nIt waa FrorpHjior RiUcher who reapnidod to

the toaat of •' Literature " at the Boval Acad­emy banquet on April IW. J have nut yet bad the advantage of reading the profeiwor'a con- trlbullona to literature. Indeed. 1 bad hever beard of him befnie I read bla apeqeh in the lu'ivapnpcra of May 1; but he must aianredly lie a very eminent man of Igltera, elae Uie aiudemlclaua would never have aaked him to their hoepItableJxiardaa a repreaentatlve of the profriulon m le h be donbllaaa brightly mloriii aatnewivp beyond my ken. Thepro- fCenor really made a very neat and readable apaHeh, In tbeenuraeof which be renmrked, tiller alia, that " Oreek literature waa at «ic« actUttc and pipular." Thla aage utter- wlifc abould at onoa cover with ahame, aa wllli a garment, the reprebenalble peraona who an edhttodtng that aehoolboyi only kiae tlielr time in leprning Qiaek. " It waa an Inv porunt preliminary queatlon to determine what llteratare la. A railway guide or a Blue book waa not lllaiatnni.” Thua, furtliar, the Buplent Butcher. True, D Prolbaaor; yet, on the other band, la llw ^ gnldea and Blue booha often reodai very valn^le iarv1« to men of iettera. A complete let of " Brad- ebaw," from the beginning, would be an inea- tlinable boon lo an autbor who imdarto^ to write a hlatory of Engllah rallwaya Aa for the Hlqe Inoka, thoee aaoie tolloa have been gnldea, phtloaopbcn and trienda to a boat of novellata. Blue book! fUrulahed Owrlea Iteada with a boat o f material wfaloh he artla- tleally'worked up In " It la Sever Too Late to Idcnd," and In “ Put Younelt In Hla Placet’'

Hra. TroUopa waa largely Indebted to Bine hooka Ibr the technique and local color la her Boveta, “ Michael Armalrong, the Factory Boy." and " Jeaala Phllllpa, a Tale of the New lYwr law f and tt wai atbUe Harcua Clarka -waa inb-curatcr of tbe Metbounta FuWlc Library, and waa aurroonded with Blue hooka uu tnuuportalton and convict dlaclpllpa that be welded Into thupe Uia Idan of bla terribly realletifl romance, “ Hla Natural Lite." My own library of relbrenoe abounda Ht earelutly aelected Blue booka | but than, you gee, I am not a literary man. I am only a Jonrpallal; aiid in that capacity I have very often to rofcr, Botonlp to booka whloh are blue, hut alao to oca at leaat which ta md. 1 mean “ Kelly’a Poctolllce London Directory.’* If I want to know how many paltern-maken nr pewtepera there may be In the Uotropolla I turn to Kelly. If 1 wlah to aaoertain whether there are a great many or a vary frw peraona in London bcaglng a particular name, Kelly w 111 fUriilah me with the Inlbrmatlon which I Hceh. Charlea Dlcfcena bad the hlgheat opin­ion of lha uaafuliuaa of Kelly I and about IM oommiaaloned me towrlto ananalytical eaaay on the contenta of the ** Poatofllea London Dl. rectory,*’ which, under the title of ’’ The Oival lied Book,’’ waa publlabed In itouithotd IFordr.

The London Preaa Club enjoyed tbe hlgbeat of high. Jlnka at their annual dinner, on April 90, at the Freemaeona’ Tavern. T. Mc­Donald Bcndlc, the " Lton Oomlque" of aflcfr dinner oratora, waa In the chair, Ixrrd Ran­dolph eiiprehtll, In a moat ebaracterlatlc apeech, boldly aaaened hla claim lobe con- aldenid a working meeuber of tba pivaa, add­ing that be waa the only Journallat who bad fought with Ilona. HolUy, Lord Randolph I The Utc B.-aordun Cuuming, an IntrapId explorer and hunter of big game In South Africa, waa, although no profeaalonal praaa- inan, the writer of a book In which be graphi­cally narrated hla enooontera with the king nfbeaata And lather# not a “ yam ’’ about Gordon L'uiumlnfa Bndlug htmaolf one moon' light nlgUl anddenly confronted by a whole " aebooi ’’ of Uona wbtoh ha bad nnwlttingly dlatnrbed at a ■' email and early " water- drinking partyT The explorer did not" pot” them with bla WaeUay-Rlehnrda, or bla Hatf ton ; they ware too many to ha “ potted " with a aingle abootlng-lron. But he ha- rangoad them iMtead In tbe Qaallo tongne-~ poaalbly a fragment from Oailan—whereat the Ilona, with a hidooua howl of terror and dianuty, tnracd tall and fled Into thi deepeit reoeaaea of the adjoining Ibraat.

Tbe committee »r the Preaa d a b had bean ■0 kind aa to Invite me to their banquet, but an nnaviildabla angafemcnt,aftbe Journal Itlle treadmill Mturu, prevented me from attend* Ing, It wux, on Uio whole, perhapa aa well that 1 w«a unable to go j elnea I bad been put down l» the toaal Hal to pronoae "The Houaea of rarllament.” 1 abouln eertalolr have made a dlaaatroua Haaon had 1 aUampted to dilate on the talenta and virtuea of tbe member! of the Upper Honac. My acquaint- tanecwlth tbe peerage la painfully tlmilcd. 1 think that many yaara ago I did know a noble lord, allghtlyt hut ho wai an Inah Lord, and hla Utte waa a eourtcay ont| and the bmlly exlatM bad been heavily enouru* bored every ilnoa the flayi of BtrOTgbow; and be died.

There waa a vary Inloreatin* fertlval held tba Othar day at Frliioe'a Hall, PKoitdllly, whan a John Oory piaaldcd over a meeting or tba Tbeatrleal Ulaaton. ft aeeroa that them a n half a mlUlon of perlhrmen at placia a t imblle amnaenieat for whoaa aplrltual wclfluo no provjilon had bean made b ^ ia the year ISTI, when the mlaalon waa founded. I nravoty doubt the aocDraoy of John Otry'a aMUatltw, Juat aa 1 do the flgnroa of the Hev, fkmrtbopc Todd, the phllan* ihmple founder of the nlialoi), who ataied that there were UWJUO peraona engaged lb oalcriiig Ibr the public amnaemeut In Lon­don alona, and gSEfitU In the provlaoea. KtlU H la gratt^ng to lenm U »t tba Inatltntlpn oom pri^aelnh tor the “ proa." who might Ukawm ielt,andthalltaervedaa a (ilaob of net atm teW tm an t batwaan the partorm- aucM. The mlaalon aWu vlalt the ahow pio- plaandlooir aftar tlia profraalonglawhowa goinf abroad.

•DbaaitHeatly. L ad y H fllbanka dtatrlbutoS pihiM won by th e ohUdran wbo gga haliif

and ednsatad b y th h U m ly bw aS tw il TkabtatnnEtyrtM saii toua tbe , la p !

— j f s s a M

Skin Disease for Yearsgood ileal about tbe ('i-TiiUBA I did uni take any atock In

1 have read aKaKaiim, bat . ..... — ■ — . —tbrm until lau w tt with my own cyca. Hy

ditappeared. muuial,

aliier had akin dlaoaae for a lane uuinber of yeara. It broke out all over her body aud m ». Doctor did her no giaul. Tried every­thing. Uaedoneaetof(TTiirBAa. Ithaaall................. ' Yiin ran ta k a thla for a tcatl-

MIHH MAIIY MiTARTlIV.It New Y'urk avr„ GgJcuaburg. N. Y.

Cuticura ResolventThe new Blood and Hkln Purlller aud crcal-

aat of Humor Krniediea, Inleriially (to rb>anae the blood of all Impurltira, and tliua remove the oauae), and CTjticub*, tho great Skin (’urc, and t*UTirtiBA SoAr, an exquialtc akinM ulU lcr, eileriially (to clear tbe aklii aud L*lp and rratorclhehaln, cure every___ _ _ _ apccleaofagqnlaing , Itoliliig, burning , acaly a n a pim­ply alacnMii of th e ulclu, acnlp and Wood. UuT- iriTiaA K r.H rn ii« a ca ilie g ra a iea tsk ln C una, BUuhI I ’urinera aud H um or R ciurdlra nf itimlern Llmca, mid dally m ake mori! g-vat rtm-H th a n all o ther bltaxl and aklu rcmedlea com bi nod.

Price, r tm n -U A , iV-.;Hold evcivwlici'e.llwBoAi',8fa'.; lUjwbvasT, tl. Pnqanvd by the

rirn-KB D u tia AMD CufclllOAI. COHFOBATIOlt, Boattm.

ng^pend tor " How to Cure M in Dlaaaaae," at pogra, AO tlluaim tlona aud 100 Icstlinimtata,

A * ■ f- t ‘ I t :

A rkmaoneima Whtoli H n AclnqUy Maew Made Soat aC

From Pchoul aod Home.Tba Rrilitb ahtp Beraon, which raoently

mada the vovifre from Taamanln aroand Cape Horn to England, enoountored a re­markable, but not unuauai phenomenon ataeA v li., natorm ofduM. AftereroaMag the Bquator, ih e fell Into the northeant trade winda, and when about 600 milea wert o f the Capa da Verde lalanda, tha neareat land, “ the Borean'i laJU and rig­ging were thinly coated wjtb a very line powdery dnvt o f a dark yellow or iMIVon color, acoroely diioerrlhle on or near the deck, but profrna on the higheet parte o f the rigging,” ao that the aalli appeared “ tanned."

Fina duat falling on veeeela In the AUan- tlo nearthe Itapede Verde archipelago baa often been reported, but It baa n often been' o f a reddtah hue that it la known among aallora aa “ red fog,” and boa been generally tappoaed to come from Booth America. Tbe oboervatlon on'board tbe Boraui appeart to overthrow Ibia conclu- aion, and to delermine the African origin both of the Atlantic duat and the eo-oalled ” blood mine ” o f Houthem Europe.

AdiniralBinyth many yeara ago reported,* during bii Btay In SicUy, on March 14,1814, a “ blood rain,” which fell In large, muddy dropa,and depoaited a vary lalhate land of a yellow-rod color” —qulto almitar to that now reported by the Barean. He then regarded it aa "elrooeo duat” from the Afrloan deaert, " crowning the beauU- till theory of atmoephdrio circulation.” Both on the Atlantic Ocean and in Europe theae raini o f duat have almoat Invariably fallen between January and April—a pe­riod o f lha year in which the Sahara la moat arid.


’man old smoker, and have at one time or another tried all

the different Smoking Tobaccos, but fa r 'a good moke Bull Durham

beats ’em all.

BO M Y WC A U o r UP.

A iM ding ch an c te risU c o f B u ll D u r iw iti h i s t l w i y s ) been th e hold w hich It ta k e s on oKl k n d fu tld lo u s sm okers. W h k t its excellence firs t secured , Its un ifo rm ity h a s t l w i y s reU lned , and It is . th e itfo re , to -d iy t s tw enty-five y e « i ag o , th e m ost popular S m o k in g T obacco In th e w orld.

G e t th e g enu ine . M ade on ly b y

Blackwell’s Durham Tobacco Co.,D U R H A M , N . C .

RA|MU>AfTH.iK X m tV I.V X K tl RAIUKiad ' TlIRl^rAMI^ 9tSi aaihvv «f AMancM. rntinr-UKl ihrwvhotfl

In IhattitnrtrAlnffNTTPrh attdbhjck rdjci l mtaicv M and a ; ^

Newark, an hillowa:t t t t A. M.. Ihat line, with l^llmau Vtwiibula i*a

lor auil s i r ^ n i : Canv tlnUv bir htt»hurv, t tklunihiiA rlvvt>l»ut!l and Wv iiuula,«iBllj rxnijt tiHtimhtjf fttr lilk'afn and *f>)ff!dOa

f J4ir A. ii-t th«> IVDMYlvRtiU Umltml, roropneedoi VntUbtilo Ifrawtitf en¥l

kdltaUafamtoi, HlocplTUT. Dillillf, HtUtiKIlMt «IHHMMenflb- ikmmra, pivmithiH; lliiaikt^ rvp>jrtH, Pt4*it<H(nk|th#rs aii4 tyiktfwritMii, hathnx»ms fur buili WUnr

lihnkfy and iheronveiUrorfa orhoim* aihd ofllrs. IJffhted by Rtitltmary anti uhiy* a)dp fhHirh- IWUa. Arnvat I’Utithtirir 1*10 !•. «

fla)*, anii t'lMOuiMtl &40A M., Iiiiilaimpulka 11.49 A. A. M. iiful dav.

f ia s V. M. «L lifHiM HWl tlui’tniuitl, with f*nlk man VewUhiite KhM'pItur <-tan Ihnin< t^rg ui tlmdimaii R1H1 rtu VtMUlmlf--siii.ikiuf fa rau(t VpvtilHilet ibkMN-iiarr i\»ea to h|. igHila aitd Dining Newark to AHuuua. and KlchmoiHt u»

l». M.—Tli«» OoluaiMsn ftpiraa. J*tdlioaB VaaillMii^fUiwpliic, fMiilMf, Hnaoklna »ivd IViinsyl- VRhla Itallroail VeaUhula Htau’iutt'r i um hivi New Vurk la Arhv«s tu CUkwfgtati i*. uuextrta/,

WT, M;

d I l i blikrkvhuHdM, rp<], chr I ld H tid otiy akin m ro d h y CCtiei'RA m m p

I CAN’T BREATHEfTieat Pnina, Horanaaa. W eakneai,

Ilack ltig tV)Ugh, A albm a, I’leurliy , and Iiiflam m atlon ra llav ed lii ana

_ m liin to by th a t'u U c u ra A nti-P ain P U a ta r , K olhlng Ilka It for Weak l.unga

H jcrcb-maklnt auroeeAul the prlxoiilvlng, and among Ihe addreaaea delivered waa one from Hint Hlngh Pure, from the ruiijniib. What the dtrkena bad HlraHlngli I’ure, from the Punjaub, got to do with the cm ptoyea at our IheMne and muKlo balla r la Ilira Hlngh Pure a dancing dervlah or a howling one, or a awnrd^wallnwcr, or a manilgrr of a bayadere or a nautch girl troupe I Doea he play the um-tomr Can he charm liiakea: randurt tbe baaket trick; or make a mongo tree grow In a compound in live mlnuteal However, the dark genileinan from the'PIve Itivera pntexhiy loeMia wMI; and I diireaay tlwthla apeech wua aa much worth llalenlug to aaany of the other dellvei'aiu-eB of the worthy peo­ple who oiutod at Pleendllly Hull.

m iDon’t be In too great a hurry, conrtenni

reader! wbo may not rare about luK muttera, lo anille at the iremendoiii hubbub ralaed about the atleged “ font and dellberalo polaonlng ’’ of the fuvortte ftir the Derby, That }he Duka of Weitfhlnatol akouU have luMrneted Sleeara. Ix-wla p laiwla to leeue a public notice otTHrIng a reward of £l,l100toany peroon who, wlthlo a mouth, ahnil fiirnlab aoeh Information aa ahatl lead to the convic­tion of the peraon or peraona guilty of tha “ crime ” of polaonlng Orrae ta, after all, no very extreot^lnary pheoomenou. Don’t pre- nMturely laugh at tba dally bnlMlna pub- tlibed, reeordlng the Btate of the Intertotlng patlent'a health. .411 thla may aeem allghtly rldlcuiona ta Pblllatlnei who, when they go to a race, Ik 11 to hiuh a bone, and back lude^ nothing aave theeontenUof a luuch hamper from Fortnum A Maaon.

Tho turf baa been a topic of the deepeat Intereat to moet Intelllgeut nallona from tho tlmea o'l the remotcat antiquity. Tha ancient Alexandrian! were fanutleal In their paealon fur home race*, and Kpeom, Aacot, Dooeaater and Newmarket, mighty aa la their renown, mult thde betore tha frune of the enurae at Alexandria, •* Whrn,” wrltea the aaiicttfted, Chryaiwlom, *’ you come to the reeeground,^ wbo rau deecrlbe your erlea end tumult aud agony of Intereit—your rapid change of gea- tnreahdooior and youreuretngaodewreariug (blaapbemlaa)! If, luateed of looking on tbu horaee. you were youraeivee under the laih, yon could not be In a woreo ainte.” Dion (laaalua aloo dctcrlbea the apeclalora during the running ae pale with anxiety; butgalng to tbe honea with every hand ootatretebed ; IrajAng bp like madmen, uttering ell kind! ol horrible language, Oghllng with each other, very olten curelng thalr godt; and at ttmea toeing tbelr cloUiea In tbe atroggle. 'Weil; we may expect to are and bear tbe aatne klgd -ot thhifx when, at abont 9 P. M. on the but Wednraday In May, there will come ireiiiled yella from a hundred tfaonund tbroata, of "Orma wine" or “ Ia Fleche"—provided alwaye tbat the blue ribbon of tbe turf be not carried off by a “ dark borea.

t i l tTom Hobter, onee a Ikvorlte tenor linger,

who, on marrying a Dncbeee, retired from the rauetoal profeaelon, haa Juat died at Monte Carlo. It la quite powdble tbat a very large number ot my raadera even If they do not lake an IntadvM In Ihtnga mnatcal, may have never heard of the late Mr. Hohler, He waa not an arlilat of tbe very Brat rank; and the Ikme of tenon who are not unlveraully ao- claimed aa Srat-nte onee la aadty evuneacenl.

met a mualcal critic tbe other day wbn had never beard of Morianl—one of the flnoat J&t pordoi tbat ever eang on the Italian lyric alage. Tbe celebrily I ahould aay of Riiblnl,

ugllnl, Dupaea, Noorrit, and our own John Brabun le yet uudtmlntabed; and Blma Reevei tniiat aurely leave a name wbleb pne- terlty will not willingly let die. Yet how many amatann are there who ramegiher Templeton, and Allen, and Barker, or who ' have anything aave a vague idea of the by­gone renown of Bapio, Hlnclalr, and Vellntl— tha laat frunoua .mala “ eoprano” of alxty yeara alnoet

n i lThe Into Abraham Heyward mod to toll an

nra ailng etory about the ecceiitrlo leglat and phllotoptaer wbo tried ao bard In bla acheme of the Pnnoption—alterward Inuuformed Into Mlllbank PeuIUntlary—to rvlbrm the crimi­nal elaaaee. Aboot 1991, when Jeremy Ben- tbam waa In hla etghty-ltourth year, he had a honae In Queen’aHriuare place, Wntmlmiter, A eelcbrated German aavant happened to be on a vlaU to tbe Britiib tnetropolla, and Mr. Hayward called on blm one morning aa tha bearer of an Invitation to dinner from the aage of Qneen'a Hquara place. The Invito waa gladly accepted by tbe diatingulahed torelgo- er, and tba polite Mr. Hayward, then quite A young man. Informed him tbat oa be. tha Herr Doctor, w u a Itnmger In London, be would wait on him at S F. M. on the ap­pointed day and pilot him through the wllde of W’eatmlnater to the pUlIoeopbcr’a boiiae. Tbe day name, the aavant bad donned full dreaa, ineludlng gold-rlmmed epectaclea; and It being a lovelT anmtner afternoon, they walked to 'Weatmlnater and to Hr. Bentbam’a honae, and Hr. Hayward duty knocked end rang. On the door being opened, the Ilerr Doctor making many bovre, waa politely aqlL cltooi that blaeompMilon ebould poaa in drat, “ Oh," aald Mr. Hayward, " It doean’t matter mueh. I rniift bid you good evening, tha old boy navat aaked me to dinner.”

I l l 1At KInkang, In China, they manufMture

“ tablet tea,” aod one of our Chineee rouiuli haa taken thla tea under tala patronage. It la mode, ha explain!, from the very beet quality of tea duat, and to (ormed by preaaure alone Into email aakee, Whloh arepcrfretly atrong and folld,and ratherreeemble chocolate In appaaranoe. It may ha ot advontege when travelling In remote raglooe to be eble to carry a cup of tea. In tbe ahape of a tablet. In one’! walitooat pocket; or we piey havo leo- eaeet aa wall a# cigar and eigunitte om», to be atowed array lo the breaat pocket. The tablet tea la, t hope, a little more palatable than the abominable brick tea, which I taatod onoe In Boutbem Ruaala, and tbe appalling liavor of whleh 1 eball never IbigeU fiemre being moulded into bricka it la mliced with abeep’a blood; and Into the caldron In which tt l | boiled tbp Tartara pat tallow, and a little vodka to “ | t v a i | ^ ^

8 T A T 1 5 P I C K I > '0 8 .

W ork liaX been begun on the new rionr conutv bridge bi-omh the lla rlian K lvcru t New Brunawli'k. I t le In ooet IN,OOD.

The rlliai'ii! nf llordcutow n waiit the public •cbooU rlvacrt (ui account o f a dIphUierla epi­dem ic provalllng InU m t cily . Tho Board of H ealth will lucul uu M ouday n ight next to conelder.

Tbinna! Flynu, a forem an In tb e forging departm ent nf the Hlnger M aeblae W orkaat EIlaulH-tliporl, hail hla h-g broken a t t lv knee yeaterday anem oon by u fragm ent flying from a drop bummer.

Mayor W unw r, o f Jo ricy City, yeatenlay nam ed h |a .ucw , uuM-aament eo m iu ta^ iic ra . They are OomeUui J . 1,'Tonln. e i-rihcrln , and o n e o f tb e atuncheut an ti-rin g nciimcrata In t l ie e lly i a i-A lderm an .Michael WonulUe. J r., and ex-Hoard of W orka ro m m lia lo n e r H um ­phrey W. Farr. A w d a ry o f 11,000 a year la attached to the oftli'Ca.

A m ad Ncwrmindluiid dng ran tlirmigh New Milford. I’l-etxlmrg, O radcllandO verton, In Bergen O m uty , o b Bunday. Several pec. Boua ahol at it w ith o u t Hfrct mid t t waa not d lipnti'h rd until i t rcuclu'd th e liarnyerd o f». H. Vandcrljcek, ill Overton. Here tho dog •clued a cow by lha cur, Icurliig aw aV 'a ptee* of fleuh. The row tu rned on the dogand gored Ittorii-a lh . Mr. V anderbeek thought It beat to kill the eow. ___

P E U S O N A I j.

KAixBW'Wii.nxLK propoaea to go to aee hla grand motber In AngiM

Beatbh'k W,Hoy. a Chicago gfr of French parentage, hna achieved a iiolable triiitut>b aa a alnger at the Royal Court Thculreiit

Stockholm .Kx-Wbnator Jona.!, of Iowa, wna recently

In W ashington renewing hla acqueliinince w ith a pliicB w hich ha Brut knew as a t'on- graaaman alxty yeara ago. 11a la now eighty- nine year! old,

M>a.GanviBrLSVEijLyT>arnt a ChlppeO' dale drewlng table a! a bridal girt to MIk! Gwendoline Jiiekaon, of Junialea, Weri Indira,who wna reecmly married to JOKeph B, Glider, Ibe editor of the CrOfe,

lAiHD Tknbyhoh l! Ih! uldeat living Kog llih author, hi! Aral book having been pub- ll!hed In IKB. .Mr. tlladelunc rorne!next, bln pamphlet, "Ttie State lb Ite Iklatlonawitb the riiuivh,” appearing eight yeora later.

IlkHRY Evkbktt Ra b r it t , a young deaf m ute lawyer, who haa a lready won a repu ra­tion n* a cham ber practitioner, ha! hii-n appointed a Ju ttlee of th e Peace tor the Stole of MasaachuHctt! by Governor Uuaarll,

t t HRattan t f BaUMteno, d lla tiasi, and

■ubatitatoi W Dr. Plaroe'a proulne madl- dnaa, o lh n d a t w h a t p retead to ba ’'c u t prtaH ." F o r tb a (M uilna, tbare’a oaa prtoa, ta d only «aw price — but, Ihay’ia piuiranfafiL T hay 're the sbeapett ttiMli- d nea yo* q in b oy a t a n y pHoa, for if they fa il to baucAt o r cure, you have your m oneyback. r<w p a p o n ly /o r tee gnoal y m get.


This tidy youn^ maid with the duster,

Never gets in a bit of a Muster) GOLD DUST does the work. So she’s ne’er called a shirk,But always, "our treasure,

A u f r u s t a ."

POW DER IS TH E B EST.N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Sole HanufacturerSy



MAKE NO MISTAKE IT h o o n l y K 'n r p e t a n d F u r n i t u r e H t o r e o n H l r i v t b p t w w i iW u s h i n i p t o u t t u d P l a n e S t r e e t s , w i t h P M o e n s e r E l o v a t o r , is


t l T t ADVi

VW t'lUilXASETC TnninutrMf4iaii nf « upWFf hi

A am sT oarMT. . _AVKXI _

In Mt rraitti Kl, HvoiflPH ptarafelo ITtT fl>-y'dV9« » ,au tt In AWnflm i « nlit. CrttfpM'AavwnMffiol^ttiKtratiV^r.

Up li nmniiiHl hy IIlp tkmirl uf A m t un9 WCWFCm>tmt«tmu'rMunhp t liy nf NFinirk.iks h ilto ^ t

I A Bpwpr nAihU bu tHWWlJMuflit PruH(M-ri PV<‘nnf and »vmMeu 4!Knaparr Mvi'iiw from Ml. Vtoappcl p4aO« lO

bvpiiim', Vitili’h i« In bp an pngoah f d .................. iQHrf^

IvtckiMtd It)M**KT'r Iht'hiH (UaaHrfan in Un* rlssar:

Abtisitua Bvi'niip, fRHu Ml. I*m»pert a v u m la t^rkur Kin‘1'1, ihp |M»rt fri-m Mt. i’rtBspeirt avpmw lO AlifttmavomiP tone* in Dt-iiMli itljiPM'wpf.Mut haliiiKPa IVliM'ti iiIim* kvltli ai) tba•liiHirlPtUUHYNt iimMHan ot i-nmplHp ihi* aaitn*.

*svttvnl'I'bMi iBimiNUiOtet) tipt^ itm *nf Biirh pMliHo «ork or 1m|iP)S':-ir.vai. thrflrrkM f Uu' tktnrH, In riHiJuiKi’rlmi with thte kufpnxcpr and AfptM'nt! >vit>"rhit«<iMk>nt 4>f WorK'tof tho niNird. bImII 4BirpfTilly jjpppun- Mti<1 DiruT h Hit nriucaNNary a ta^ mpiitrt, inBtis wcrlrti’Hikiiv* oUKPr ibatA jmtalfw iuf Inmti'h jHibUc work or lmpn»ipiit«ni, ibu4 lb*. rnMUlHiAor Um Bcoirtl and mit\ A W k *hall «utm, iHi iH'boir of iIh* IVkml nf r<Ni>Pi and WaitfAwiimlNHiiiiiffB 4if Usp «»f NpwHrk. i-wytlf)* th*•aihp ifi iliPiVimmofl (VNimil i>TUk*cU>’ of NprAfkiy liitiplorliiMi Mill t'umnwm 4*(UUH'n ina>'IhornUWr • |vpMi*f<t t4i tiMkfr Iho pnicicr nMaMvomitai fortlMcuii aiHl PxiM-ii’H’ uf Mwli puhlU* uiirk or tnipTOvamafitiia

or lu*n»n**r n‘niiipmi by taw.Sl^l^tlllS Kalcl imhllr Hrurk or impmrpmatitflHfcli

tw iiuwip amt I’aiiniihiU’il uinlor ihi* Niijib'n'L'Uoa nr lit*

fg,W M. hTUi r»illiiMuillhulH Hk^pln* hid* DinUA* f W Ui lMiUiul«4phlaGaily.ftir HlUiMirf. Midaily tioFpUkHiinlAy CAovdand. WIU-Uuwix'rt. Roehreter, lialtato and Niagara FutW

t .|«xT,!MUYk. h>Md.Hvr..r Arilng Fiialcc. mellballf r . .'onllna 10 die pnivlUioo. .T ihe il l , ekMlerand

^ K\ptr<K imH- lawiiof TbprtiHite.aml the* imUuaiHTHuf iby utty anji S i dirkir' ( W V«dt!d.- P^!*enae< I bvl»«-arale..n.\ cxolullou-. of ,]»-R.»id o l m i ^rteSaraTlri IHuliJ W , : !|env» 'er liomotoi.!»-r! of t l« city ofFem rk,

*.17. Mfl tlMU JahulWU K * p » iParlor tHw*. Vwitlbal* l^^***^! * VXhiaiurv. I1.£*A. M.3.8 and *.*i IV M. A*n‘ '‘PMuiithwi, H h k

’baratm t*. 'I, Ajq Htirwlay, I-Kpr” n. Ifff, A«»i MJ, *.fT. ItM A. H.; A’M,4.WaAtr. »-l* I*y , .A • latii' H'.l: ' i ‘ i • i . ’ i H.

For Trenton, I l t l , Ate. 7J» L». M*. “■*n u t Llmdert Kxpreaa, Pulloian \ eahto'* ura, VrediHde l-aiaenjwr tuariire ^ ‘3‘i>

ll.jaanrt 11.41 A. M .;llW , !.», t»». »-•■. tH - J-“k t .» ,‘ .W ,lte,a,IS,and».»K M. "undw, 110. u a lUft-SJ awl 10.11 A. AM .HI.M i’U’J* For' Atlantte Ctiy. l u P- «■Tkrough boy Ooaeu tu t Piilluwn BuEa I’atU*'■'Vur rape Mav, 1 at I’ M.. aaekHlay*.

For l/uw Hranch, Mbenio, AUiurj- Para, W M Hrnve, (Uirliig lake, sw Ulri, Maiuwquau, IHilnl PlNuauit «Bd iwlntt uu tea New York and Igwig Rraiwb Balliwid. aja. M i A. M., I.ia i Iwui Rraiwb M|.ert«l.,4.ttt, AMP. M- dally, riiep t Himday. On am ulay.iaii A. M, and A» I'. « . HuUMatopa* OrranlirovaorAabiiry Park nil nuniliiy. _

For OuaUin| wiiboui tkonae, a t a 1’. M. »w k <j*ya'^ 'pnr'nro^boi, N- V, All ttinmah truliw c t m ^ at Jarauy City with bual* of ■" X.""'*'flirdltig dliwit ^nuft-r to aud fuiin tViUon airaaA aveldlgg deuola fcrrlaia and Joiiruey aciwa »«,

. port NKW T f iR lt .____Leav A la rk e t Stn'cl RUiUun, AlA u r , ACC, a it ,M J

1g0,7.1S,T.W,T.«,ai», AlA AIA 1.11, Aa,».S4,«.Mi I0.W, iftAi, lA t , io.ia, I i .a u l . T, lU A IdteA . IIIa Iu u . I.0A I.*, 1.10.1.M, At*. m X « .lU ,A IA AH, Adl.lAAAn. AH. A«, A»k AlA AlA a to, A(S f,l»,, Am. Ate Ate ia04, i.ia K M., and lAOI nlgliL Sunday iralna, tIA A<l.!.ua.Auo.Ateui.iig,lAtelo.tAii'm.uai a. *<-.

liMve ( le n ^ (Krrel MUUIca, aoa, AlA f .IT, 7.«, AU, 1«1. A r , lAlB, 10.J , 1' II1 I I'to. A. M. I'ite i.oa,i,ni,a.£:,l.K. AHA u a , A thA te 7.u,A te

1AU7I’, .M. wei'k dHJiAIi«v« ITieal-iul Mtrei'l SUtloU. Ate Ate, A*.

AM.T.llT.telAA AU7.AJ7.Atl, AlA AM. *.M, lA lAxt, lisT. ti.xi, lum A, M.j te te i-te i;te i.te AtA^lA J.IA Ate AlA AM, AM. All, * « , AA!, Ate AAi J.UA IM .T it. Ktl, Ate te«l, ij; • I’; M.: i t e

Iglit cunilav, a«1A !teV .tl.« .te te te d'-y. ll ;«M.; lUB, l l ir . IM, l.M, AM, I SW'W. Ate t.te

«.AlAAli.7,lA 7.te Ate Ate Ate t e a awUI.M

To provent frau d and impoaitiofi by mt- inciplod deolcfa, tbeee ^ u i o e gnaran-

remediaa a n laaar aold only thrnvigbdruEgifta autborlxed W a « n ta , aod aL

a t . thaie lonw -aalalinabell n r i tu i Dr. PieiTo't Q o l£ n Medical Dfccivery

(fo r the L iver, Blood an d L ungi), Cl.flO. Dr. Ftaroa'a F avorite Preacription (for aromanb w eahneana an d oilm entai, ILOR Dr. Pierceb Pleaaant Pelleta (for tbe liver, ■tnmaeh and boweM), SA centa.

B efn » all m edldnca purporting to ba De. Plhrcq'a offrawd a t a " v e-'-— - j ..—

PABT .O T l S U IT S .ru r ttU e lv ihn Inal wwlt of givlog away W.OO MCKiVETTE llCO w ith r if lo rB iilt

to iwri’ljjiwrR-

R K U IK ’TLOI^S I N C A R P K T S .2Ti plfit-c! o f Tapeatry UruwielN Garpet. to rloae o u t Ibe twHern- ragiilar price O A p

pe t yiiril 7.!-., rertu.ed to ................................... ........................................................ ...... U v v .a'l plecca o f All-wool Ingrain darpet, to chiae ou l the palterna, regular price per O A p

y a rd TI5i-., reaueeil to .......................................................................................................... V W v .2ft piece* of Ixiw-priecd Iiigruin Carpet, to cloae mil the pattern, regu lar price Q ( u

per y a rd 5#e,, reduced to ............................... ............................. - .....................- ............ O v v i

B U U H O O M S U IT S .JUMi •rrW«l,UmH*cttrloniS«,aiiU 1 have ffu itohA vethem unioaded by F rld»y .i3 oVlorki

o r pay daioMre. I win doM u u t to maiku room the atodc 1 twve on h^nd a t th e ftiltuyr

A nllque‘?*ait'B «irootii Mult*, I # 1 1 7 f t f l J A ntique Oak Bedroom MuIIa 9 4 0 0 f i l l lilcce!,rag. prioe r i^ reduced to 0 ^ * i v w I pl«cca,teg.prU«t!IOiredui»dto

M A T T IN G S .J ii! t reeclvMl, ISO rolla more o f F aney U ntllng , th a t we have bad 1 1 ^ T t a t e v r f l

aiich a rpah on* a t ........... ................. ............ ............... .a.** X l l v t J r U i

Bahy Cun^as and EeflrigerRton-Larsest Stock and Lowmt Prices in the City-76c. P ow it s lid T60. W eek ly...........On 110,00 WorUi

tSi-CO D dw n »n d 7fic- W eek ly ...........On 25.00 Wortli- _ jiu ja _ W.OO D ow n and 11.00 W eek ly .......On 50.00 W orth

T i P t S | l U l M D ow n and |1.25 W eek ly .........On 75.00 W orthX J S l X X J H O a l ^ i ts,(Jo D ow n and 11.26 W eekJy.........O n 100.00 W orth■ . . I I ™ $12.00 D ow n and $1.50 W eekly ......O n 150.00 W orth

' $1«.00 D ow n au d $2.00 W eekly....... Ou 200.00 W ortii


L4i> 3.ui. TM, m.77; r i i jilabtA. rL49.p Si Fuimk e Rtrtrt Mlalton, AM, e.flM, «.M. *.'1 r.4t», II.IV k.W* H it Ml*. 9M W.4A, la.'ti Mini II. it A. k .. ri.w .l.jl. l.u. All, Ate AH, AlA Ate Ate• e . Ate ?.i7, .7.H, Ate Ate I'.l I’- M,; iJ.m night- “imd*,., AUS, Ate »;te A.te te ll, IMS A. M ,; I t * , 1114. i.-tel.te 'l4l,Ail,S.t(,Ull. AM.A4I, a.te AM,

“ fW 'i^rA 'R K K T S rilk U r «'AT1UN ^ For Ellulieib biiiI Italiwuy, HJ4I. All, 7.W) .7,rj, ,.te

All. A«,1U«,I1.4**. M l l-m Ate i » . W «■». A4A AJU,4ja,S.teA»l,A», Ate All. AW.„Ate* 41, A47,7.«, T J i. Am, t.iO, a te W.4MI.XI i‘. M, and l'J.17 and 1147 mghi. Mmntay, 1147, a .9, A teAH lAlAUMl, lu a A. M. llAVl, l.te Ate Ate 4X4. Ate 5.»«.te. 7.11, 7 te Ate »'»A aod, IIO, 10.00, U)i4e and" i u r kU!»hclIionl.¥,f.4l A. M., IA40 1.1", aiiU Ate1* S| WIH’k-dlHyH.

IVir .New Urun»w1ek,te47, A4a, T.m, TJSn.A.ST, 0.40. B..M and li.4,-. A, M,|114(, I.XI, tW, :l.'J0. 4.»l Ate-Ate, A-te A!7, Ate 7.te O.W uud 10.4a r. M. minday, 1X47, o 4a, »J17, O.H and teJl A. M.; te te l.te Aao. 7.I1A 0.UU uud 9jK P M.•'For ’V'l’ooilhrMfn and Perth An)boy,M].*.l4atKl MM X. M.: U5,a.01, 7-07 KtdMl, and >117 nixbt. Ud BuMdayii, lU-lS and U.SS A*

M ;a J i and 10.00 P.M ................................ ^For « l•H4tUi 4|u Liil''! 1 1*> P-Sf. hiiinla>, 11.14 A.

\ e r Rail Hllbton*. T.oO A. )L; ItteA H aiid AMP. M.,dally. exiviiUJiiunuy.

F n rK lw ian mill ItovXy illll.TJOA. M and Aot P. M., ilulli', earviti Kumlay.

For Fhllllwburg. Kaatiiri un.1 Helvlilere, 7.50, H * A. M„ BiKl -Ate Ail A37 1-. M. HUMiluy, AM P, H.

For l.»mhertyllle, IJA, H .» A. M.. Ate AJt and e,S7 F. M. rtuieluy, A«0 P. M. t ,

Kiir KlanilligtiMi, 7.50, 1I.SI A. and Ail P. H .. at, n .45 a . n .; !.». t t e a»

and 7.M P. M., dally.rawpl/HiniUy. .Fur Buidentown, Burlliigtou umliUmdaii, AM and

tl.4t A. M.; I.», t t e wul An P H-, dally, ainipt Ovnday. On Huniluy. lOAl A. H.

For Freekiild, Fariiiln*(lal!, teaiiuauiun aoit ^ ChrL vU UuonKKUlh JuiMitoa* 7.M JUid U.ib A-M., aimitOP. ■■-•> MimUtyA. For/ruebohl only, V.*^KW YORK T<> NEW AHK. „

Fdi Nw^'ark. » AW,f.OO,*.».«.*N7.«>,7.*>,7.^ M.lD ll.lD,».Ui.».4Q, to-lil, lUJMH tl.iW, 11.10, il.OM A. M.;tl.»} an<U-i.« tAonr *>0Q.l- »• u. 2 . 1 0 , AW. fl.iai, a.w, 4JM),-i.m, iao, 4.»i, ' ■, UiO. R.011, Aiu.

5.IU, «.40. 7.-KI,

*.14. Aiw, --- ------ -t.on; O.BP, ffl.14. U.IW P. -M. uad 1114 nUdiiljfbl. ^

Por ftirllifr bilhrmatluH to be badat tk'kol uflluw. 'ili’kaUi Air ail iiolnw on tha iVnnaylvanla flanriMu) uikI I'unnrcLioiw aud bertliis MN'tluiiH anil ha$(gii4ra i'Uectia Ml tlii! conipany'ii umL‘«* Nil, TNBrutulilrutty or at Uukoi uDlco at Mafkat Mtrart iilaUon.^^^^^ IJ, p ru K ,\ii’nrml ManalpiE.

J. K. WCkJlK* iliiiMrra) PtuMeiurur AfenL

ai>u(kiihU<(h»ii>iii.4, Thnt ihta oikUntiiic* kiwi) lake vflbct Uflr

nii'dlatrty.l*aawd »ay 10, IMXJAMI'^HMITtf, J a ,

1'n‘NklDiil uftiiv Board of Hirwt aiKd W attr l\wiakl» aiunorA ^

KNtMIVrii of Ih# fioactl of rttrort and Wat«r ivmmBk

aloiMTH.JtMKl’K iC. HAVNirH

Maror.Appnivnl Uaj H, IWL

\ N nltmSAN* E A rT lK H tt/tN U ’HIK NEW- ark 1'IhhIk Itnad C'tmipvny bt i;nn*trmd afid

malHlaiu a diHrtd# imrk unnni ralhilnrN Kwri ra>F way fVmn t ’tiHiwl ain'4’1 to Ibr Ulvrz, and WFfn't |Mi)cM atHi Ntrina wln^ on nald Tmllway Uw H’lilli'ykj'Rb'niofMWirtHly. ^

Iki It oMaiitnl by tha. M«>ard uf Ktnwt and Walbf tVxfimtwIuivrNof ilia Sty of Newark, a* fbllowit

Hfifilon t. That ihFNt-wark Ptaoik Road ( .^ ip a v arv tiiTPhv Hutliurlaed and rntiNkwan'd to naudrun and uusintHin a donhip (rark of Inw ralla ft>ra^Birt«l ndlnsail from I'iiapot ninMAt oa*drr1r n« or aloot thO Um'ofllMTuod, Id tbr <’U) '*f Newark, to thv «:h| ilinllfi III th^ IViwk' Ulvor* and ti> er»<<i polm ann rtritwwlnn iMH-rawiry to i»roiM-i iheim n to bouiaii un mHiI rMlIiiNtd hy lh« tn>)k>.v nf rift'lrkliy^HHtkmi ThNllfiP raUNhnrt'liVHiithniiMrciihaitcim"

ftitm tothfraKMInirnrdtiuEW«*nnd*lMHba taid ta ■uch ttuunu>r a* not to Inierfiinfi uniDHSAwarlty %lth niitilku irafflo; thopnlfuhluill bF (U laoHt twafilf blah, Mhuil tw 4if4lTv«iw1 iind italutrd.r«i5Hr ur uUpur. Millaiiit' Wood or I roil, amt bo idartwl Wtl h In <bo ooit lino aiMtuitiiM«l«d with UMopiMioUii |iuk% a^ vbtl> abir wlm*. „ ^Tho Ihivfulmr or»Hnani>o waa r«*d mmw a l a >n» the n»mM of mrwii and Water t ortiintartoiw* nn TurMlay* Nay 17, IMU, aud duly qrdorrd to a oral nwtiiv.

bubHlkaylMteA 7tN ro ,B t’NYflir,CliArli of Uw Bwird of m n o t Mkt WalorCVmmi^^^ o n rw . _

\ pr idtlvlNANPE T*> KKPKAE AN nhM* tiatHSKifthooltrirfNrwark. rntlUod “ Anordl* DMU4« tu pnivido l»r llin iwvlof uf iViinlnjMQ

NirMi't, frtUD JtrTMut -iri'at Uj MnUtrrfy utiwl*" Mwad NiAVHiiM'rT. iwi\hnt1 a|ipn»vrat November 11. Iim,

BcIluMAinMi by lha Ibrnnl ot Mtrra>t and Wator t'ommlwiunrranf die div ut Noohtrk. aaftrtinwf t

hH Filun >1 That an nrdliwmv 9if thFcU/ ofNtw-ark, lAiitltliMl •‘•An ontituuMv to provide l«r lha iwv- .. ’ wo^-.a— ftrtNid Ntrpol w MoF>iMfof *^hu1mftonntrT+t. R'nm ............ ........—bprry Mm’t.” NuvrmbwrT. Jsan, andap^jrqyadXiiVriTthrr U, >M0, bf, and tbo aald orditianoa U. liFrytiV rrliw!i«l. ^

K4trll(>n 1 That tlib ordliuiKX aluUl taka cDbct tl»miiJiHtFly.

l^iwid May t, linaiwaaM H7 B. j a MI04M «ITH,JR. Pm ldrnt o f i i r Board of and WaUr uoasoUP

KNI* Rt'NYOX,t'lerkor lha Ihianl uf RUMt aiul Watar Ueaunll-

iknirn.AK>[HVV0d Mu>' tl, IdK- _jKWEPUE.HAYN|!;b,

790 _________ _J J I HMP NtlTICK tmiilNAVflC OHDKKKDNllTICK

'lo Ihinl raaihns- Wo, tho undorHltnad. )irrtb]fi'ortlf}’ that K)i (irdinHiiru wai* road a mtuoiuI flow at a morll! riir of tb4> Itoant of HltwtNnd Wal«r GwiWtli;; Htom>r< on TiU'sday, Mav lu. tMPJ, and diuy ordarad to third rvadinsi nfovMlni ftir tn« fuUowtnct» pruveuitfiil, via.: TbocoUMirticUonufapublM)Mwort'KNTUAL AVti-Nl’K ANll HOL'TU eKVJKNTII


from KoiUh blatU atroct to tituuth Haventb «trt|^Wit'TII HKVKNTPI HTRKICT,

fnnn ri'ntralMVDMii*to TwHfth avotrnn. In(^btinl avftiiM' and fkMitU Hovrnth atrooL, froru Onlral av«> tiuc tu Elcvoith avriiUD, u> N -14 inHiFi* In iJImneltr; and frnm Eiovroth avoinia lo Twolftb aktraw to Iw tShHti'‘«tn<ttnnid 'MnfiHhorwiih ail tba L«minrt>M iiNfMtrv lu umi]i1ult Ibo MAnw.

Dated May l«, UBX jA ui>^ MMfTir, m , Pn«i*idriit ot Uit Board of Htrvet and Wattr

fimirn* liNOt* lilTNYON,7a g>tek ofifea Jjiqarti, ■!

N'* liTirb: OF laSTENTlON re jtuARD O f Hlrret anil Wai^r roiuodiwIomTii. rnhllo

ludtrt' >H iD’i’Fby irlv i* that It la the tntFnttnn of tM RmnlufKtrv’fit and Water CommiMilonura <>f Iba 4 iiy 4>r Newark, iHFler and by virtAM of iimvMoM v thD w i^n ilt^ *'An uirt to rrvlw and aniaad (bo fharUiMif tin- i'lly of NfWHrk,*’appmvFd Margli II, 1107, and tliM MU|ipl itioti1a (hfr^lo, and (hp art msal ing (ba HunMofHirMtatid WaMr LiuoituhadunMBiof Ihp dty i»f Nawaili, -appnivad MarchorderaiMl uauMU . , i . . i

KH*JAD HTNKhaT, ^ ■fnim KlmiviTiwur to lUrvuy tob* navM wWjlarFTiuliH'TrhilrlHil InUii* 4u*|tliaUnn); (4«ntD4-r wUliall till' Ht>|HirU‘iiJiint'f*H iiiMMiMiry Ui I’cunylidp tbi* fiamF.

Hurli pprwiiiH M niHv ub|iM:t iJiumto are rwniHUM (ik uKwnt ihpir nhimirorM In wrltlns at the offina of (bp Huanl nfxtm 'l HtHl Water ('ommlwhiiinin OU or bf fore Ihpikplraiktboftnn tlaya from Uu dMo m llilH mrtliT,

Hy dirm iloii of the ikiard of W rwrt and Wa(«r COBP mUdlvnar* of ibe UUy of Newark.



BIck Haadacbed fn tto

C U R Eaflacbe and MiUeva all we trouiroubitaiDei

D o y o U |D r i n k

iHlresiR o o t

^ r ?■OLD AND EiUO yBD IV B R Y W H U a




__ _ ___ I! m SUFFERewa Debility, W en tS IS o n !o 3 y ii!u 3 ll ln a , nr lAMeafromExceeaea, w rite ua fnrm iriiainnblet (moiled treej, trea tin g on ail diaeaaea arialni ITOra yeuthnii In iitH ntlo to i or ovo, Indul

1 If aefleteed, lend to Lnaa of ■ ■■ u, CeiuumpUon,

_______________ Jrave, . ^The tiDMinc Hedlcliin ta aold by all drug-

f la t! a t t l J » per package, n r aix package! for to-OU, or will bo aent by m all on re-

i? i'R f.s iry “ i S S S % . ^ l E G B i m m

“ T d " d « i £ L r a m c i «Na Y. , ^

On aeootmti>foCHint«iitelU wo Imve bdoptnd

HAUEft. cor. B road and M arket alrrata.

______ ^an lraU in t to a b y ie u a lt to nf'lhe a ^ e m , a a ^ Oa

letnarkable aucoeaa baa bean ibown In curing

S I C KHcadactie, yet O xirm ’* trerex Lrvia P iia# arc equally valuable in Conatipatlon- curing end preventlilg thla aunoyTngeomplalnt, while they aiao oortect all dlaordm of the lUnuach, atlmulato the l l w and ragulita tba bowela. Even if tbay only cured

H E A DA<We they would be almoat prlaakai to th n e wbo a«li»r frM t thla dMreaabii eomplalntj but fortuuaiefy their g i^neaa dnaa not end here, and Ihoae who once try them •'111 B nd

But a fte r alt eiok band

A C H Eo lf t tn u rur m iu t a dopvt.LrriuTArvM Fu

AndTftryoANy totakb. M b or two


(iMVinK -AMNiwiimfiii for btnpflta. Nptirb ia bbro* ' m Wial

^ 1 a------- --me pavinir aitd r^ v ln tf ofb5Fi.v«> an aaammem upon aJi tha nsvTwn of

II and r«a1 oetau pai*uUarty hy

litbobMWOlBttnun; w« make our while othem '


UvM tiu t bare Ei wher* Our ptUa ourt R

f u i x are very emaAillia make

lU aare_________ „ 1 or two oil

a doae. They are rtrictly vegetable and doso t gripe o r purge, but Ire their gentle action rteMe all who uae them. In viaU a t » centa; fiVo for |1

Ir gentlw earere__ ... ,'laU At 1 - -Sold ev^w be're, or aenf by maUa

O A im u r n t m 60., «<* t« i


[Ivan mat a tba laodi an

HEj!lSfvtLLK AVKNI’K, fkwn ni4Xinil»e1d avrmia to Waablngbrn avemw, aO' rortliiiii to tb« prorlalona of aa ortnaancr of the city of Newaik, eiitlUed an ordlaanoa to ptovldo Ibr th« iMAvtna aaU reratvlni of *^lLLK AVKNDt.ftwn BloomftPbl avenup to Waabinaton avenue, apjimvt'd Octotier T7. inau,

Haa boKi prpfiartd by (ba undefalKiiwI I’Om HiMonen* aiHkiDi&pd hy the UevuH Conrl of the County of Kaara to luaku aalil HMtwmrnlP, ana (hat a rvMrt. hy a rcrllilcate lu wrlliM, wlUiati ac'owiupattyliijr mai) aikd M-fHtdule, Bhowbitf Ihu HPVHivI amewitneutH atcahuti iht wvoml owners pvouHuly henebUHl aa afnivnaid, naa been deimaKrtl m ibe of the (1ty Clerk of the d ty of Ntfwark ft>r eMUi'.lQatioD by tha parilaa (ereHtatl ihereia.

Halil aaamunentL'DDiprtaaa all IfiM, trarta and pai oeUol land and r«el eaUUe liable to be ewwwd •» afunaiaid. lyliw vh the want mup or

B ltllU V llaU t AVKMVK*fratt) moomlield avaou# to AtlliurkMi aveniM$

OAtbawMtaldeorUNCDLN AVKJ01P.

flmm>r)lQ|tOb kVrniM to a point W ftwiportb ofthe

AVKNUH.limm atore No, M BpIIovUIp avcntu to Afveri wOea

OuUiawaatiidpofWAHHIlfOTON AVKNrE,

from Klvanlde awnub to a polet IQO M MrUi of the aaniP.

Oq tbe euM Mile of __a LIKODLN AVKIfUltitom lUveiekU aTPUDa b> a paint lOO fret north of ctip sanip,

A “ lot Urtuor

All hMTd



|>MAD1N(1 flAJLUOAD BYBTMM- llmctRbla 111 afftfl May 14» IWl


friiiii Hrural and Kerry H(. huUiuih,Ibr Iliiiladtlptila, HalUluuir ami WanUliiftaiL

Iloyal lUup Linn.Kop PhlbMlwJphla and 'tYvniun, 7.% 94)it, 10.61 A.M.;

lAV 2.:J(L 4.Qj, AUg, .V’«,7.4S, n.IBi'. M. tMUdaya* U.08,10.U A. M-; l.aa, (,W, taUN p. Me

Kor BalUiiiomand Waihinfton. AiiA ll.'Jn A. M.; 144, a.a&. kiii. .H.kiUu'Um >vu i * *. ll.ts l '. AL Sun­d a y s , > 0.U A. M.; 1JA9-W- T- M. rarior Gen UR 4ay tiraliuk Hlwpers on nlkht tmlna.

AI6 A. U. torftUlkiiHi bi lllkii hru*gt>. rtitmoi-tliig fbr auilofis on lUffb RrlUve Brarah aiul JAke i Ikp jiad'uitit’7.17 A. M. fur MrIr U im N. J, c. Blv., BeUUehcfu, Alk>nU>wii, Maurh t:bimk, ntc.

A54 A. M- ibr Main N. J.UIBVra Uk# M< roujr, Uldli Hrhlirn Branch, AltPiKowiL Ht^ll JlarrMiuiv, WUkiWbtirrP, Hriaiilun, WillUruTpoi ^luaiiiia , WtiaviUa, Mahani»> r'liy, Huiilairy, aux, ajul through coach New Vurk aud wiltainiiponr

trt.nn ,* , -iiJ >1 i|< i*io4n»i'’rFn4.l.M P. M. fbr Main Lina, N. J. 1’, T»iv.. t^ko iO*|>at'

cunir, Higlt JlrldfO Branch, Allvutown, Uaiuih ChuNk, icMwlInd, HarrtWurKr TamauUa. HuutKiry and Wl1llamp|Kiri ntc.

m Iv.M,. bvat.v Ibr MtutluiiH Id Jinuikm.447 K M., way fbr Main lalne N. J. C. DIv.. Tflah

Bruise Hraituh, lAka Mupalcuiiff, FAHtun, HctliU haiti, AUrtKowii, Mauch Chunka w Bkuibarre. nenra tun and TanuwiiM,

XUi V. Mall) lArw N. J. G Ikv.. Nantoii, AUeo! town, HviuUruri liarrlihunr and Maurh Liumk.

7.15 A. M., n r Baalou, Urtblviieiii ai*d Alleiiuiwn. Fnr Kmiuury, lit'WiNiiUrK niMi WtmaJiis|Hin, Via

PhUatbdphUa 7.U A, M.,14d, 7.4A ll.&'i P. M,, ex- uvut Haiunlay liltfhV HuiKlayMAINi I*. M.

AuiulnyaTa40 A. Me, way tbr ill^li Hridae IJrani h atui iiHati HupaU'4iuff. Mauch Chutik> Tamaqua and WlUlamaiMrt; 9.41 A. iM.t way Ibr Hmuar- vIBp ;0.O6 a . Ml, fbrSunrarvUto iSJIi A, Bt., way |iir DuiMlUm ; 10.35 A. M., for HuniurvUlo ; 11.i1 A, M., Wtt>' fbr DuneUcu ; )->0 D- M., way n>r Ruadlruf, H4$riial>urs, Maucii Ciiunk ; 745 I'. M.g way ftit

CltAULKH M,4HNJL (Icapna HupertotoncMUtof Woi

Newark. N. J-. May W, iwi.

>M>TU’E Ntn’JI'K ih HKBKHV tilVlCN TO I ail iwrlltw luitTPHlutl that Uir iwrtUlCMU of Mk

mvinirtiK nfthp whole ainnimt of tba coata and RM.*npn*iWMfatHrtlu|iinrtciirt)lri«

N)CTU ’nnKTKEN'TH HTBEKT, from Kikli1rt*iitti avenue U> H|ir1nBApid'avpnua.

iropiHvii dvIlvpnKl lo me w'lTjrdUtc, to law. HaM aumwiieiit runiliHitni ai t thf loia. tractN and paccvle of Ui»d and ri-il cMate lyluB on holh aW« of

WU'TII TIIIIttKK-NTH HTIlEKT. frum Elahlw’juh avumie tu rtprinjfHpId avvnitt.

Thpiiwopm uf land and real (-hi ale iiMtcsavd tn siud iiprt1ll*wlPofaww*pwticiiiar* ht-irhy rrapitwl to pay thP ammim au apwrawd npmi Uiem m«uJ «auh uf IkaiR rPsiHii-ltvHy, u> w . at my oWce, .No, A City UaU, up or Dvfrre June tt, IfftL

JAM FX F. C’U.NNfU.LV.Ck)niptro11«r.

Nrwark, N. J.. WayJA taw ,__________ tt*_____ NimCK IH HKHEHY lilVEN TO

, all parilpN IliliTeHnvl, that (lM» i-rrtllh'ala of aa- ■nwRiviii nf Ihi* whoto aumurit of Iht uuaUi atid ea*>TOTU’K

i r 'Bnwn...................- ....... -........priisoa uf foiulrurUng a aewer m^ jo iin h OaV Avy;NVK,friiBj IVddlvHirtwltu A]phw*rt«H<

Haabwn dvIlviTwl (u moaavotdhMi to bw.

HumorvUle : AlUB. M., war JbrHuutcrvilieajiK} Fleiih................................... Mai

(br Humoi' 'UlR; V S T h . , WB) n»r Hinniorvillpi

liurUHi; A4il E. H.a fbz llurrtsburtr; AOI E. M. Brook ;7.»r.M..Wa<

■iaiich (.ihniik, Ucaiiiiia Nud , fbr Flalinlluki amt ttmmd Ibr Dunahen ; way

n e w a b k a n d KU /rA Bim i nnANt'H.Trains Ivave nrond Hrrpui HUtUoii tor EliieahPtli

atid Ho*Mdtoa(4.1A A-to KIluiK-Uipovt outy, 7J h. T-VI, ........... ' ■ hr- ■ ■■

t » , 150, 346, iOtj 4.45, AOBv 440, 440, AlA 7.14 7ASKIlHfhHthporl oiuy, Att, K-Vi tiOVracPid iv> ~ ...... 10.34, ILW, A.

A24aollp, 10,

rvnm opfraa euMreplotofUnd, whcUirr ■oiall

ueraoRi Intereated In n id awewimMiltoaybe Wurv mid OomniMimriiOR •fDAY, I C HI XTI?1)A Y OY JrN F l IWI

i t t P. Mi» at tb« Oomiutiilonyuif roouig Bfo, 1 cUtlrd■>, d ty HrU. - "May34JDM4d


im urdmacicv wi ' nrdofAlr

Tba om


(inmmiMlonem.iRDiNAVCB ' OlUiKni'iD >, U^anderMyned, bm hy Tnw read a necoRd dm* at a

A40, lO-ttV i \ M. Hmwluva 4.4k 9,06. H.iVI 10.4A A. M.; 1.10,, i.13, l x . n o , i 6o. 5.40. «.M, «49. 7.a0. AlA 1U.2U P. U.. Fur ntilnllf Id, AlA 7. Ih, 7eA0, AI&, AOA, IO.n0,1 El At U.; FOt, 1.46, '160,1.S4, 4.(K\ i . t \ 645,hSSr-'UiU, A>4.7J6 74S, 8.40. 10.14, I t t t F. U.

For htomervUbL 414, Td", ML 10.00.1 A. M.\ 1.06, 45,7.50, AM 44A 6.4Ui 4.50, 5.t^ 7A% ».40,I.05, i i .n p. M. . , ^For Flemiufton, T l^ 9eU A. U.i t.04,4X\ tV> P. M. For Perth Arntw, AlA A22, llatt A. lUj,

I t t , AIM, 441,7.U P. M. HUUdu>K, ».l» A. H.; CIO P.M. F rM 5 ^ and AUantic fIlfhUuKlii via Mauv

•* .......... IJIF b r ___

wan,U S.ll.SA .M .; m aTo p . m . Huiutaya

P u R u o tottalnl ...

certlfr that a n --------- . . . .■netung of Iba Board of IHriat anil Waiar (liraiala

no, U tl, an t duly oedarad log (br Ika loUowlug iiu- cuaalnctlaa of a public

M H L 'I mU bi htlW iii

NimiRE'S HERVINE:Sbob o b AVaiiwriHi HAIte. JAMES A. COE & CO.,


106 amt 108 Mulberry $ t ,

A n InftIlibIg Remedy.Fell.

-Never Known to

G uarau toed to curenervotia dcblllljr, organ............................................. iS l r

I I power, oto., no m att from w ha t cauro. I l e ^ l orold caaaa eo toajy

------- Thla n-wredy-wlll

wtwkncwiea, laat v lt^ lty , weak back Jmm em ory, loaa o f awtl p o .............. "

w hat

jn id Ired

a o m atto r_______ ________ _______________ iaaquteklyand perm nnentlj reatore v lla lltymagic. I f v a u l t------- — --------------- -----------you can rrotore tUclr aivength by the tiac ol N. N. T f yo u have akin eruptlona. blotohoa,

e i E S y ................. ..................................blood

r orcAQii M tr byftr al«eawd lung*

Rtopvrs. uwTuwpdRy. to MUfd VMdtog, p iw ennili v » iBcwer In

bXVBM H AVICKUK AHD OBAY »TB»)Cr. In Bavetitb avMi» ftwn Barib ThtnacnUi tirael le Onty a tn ti, wblch bi to ba U tncJivi In dliHRelei, •Ml la Oray Wrett, fronlBevwitli awnoa ta Qiaiif* atreol, whieb la to ba 19 luchm In dlameier; uwMhnr reltta all tb , appurtenanna gawaaary lo onupleta tha aaua.

Daud Hoy te lM .yAMRBHIIlTIC.JII.,

rnaM aataf tba Beard of Wravt and Water OomrKNOBRUSYOK.

la Clark cF tka Boant.



vxnept YrMiqtd, 4.05 A. M.i i lu P. M.For Red fttriiL .Lcm« BruMrh, Ov«n drove, etc.,

ASft, l l .t t A. M. 1.4, 4-U. L tt Fa H- BuiEUyv «x vpitoOuraiR drovv, v.05 A. M.: 4.1UP. M. n r ToifM Kivn, BArrK«fkl Pnrk «nd Bkmvgst, Att

A. M.r I4Q, AtiP. M.For VlruMRod 4iid UrU^toiL LI5 F. H.For IfUkftWOOd. A12 JUEl; US. 445 P. M.No Hundiiy tn iu x


............................... ...................... . . S»idMHrtMmvnt rtumprlnni xH llt« loto. trwbi Mfkt porcvlt of iRnd Htul r««> Mdtttf kylmi on both *Uln of

JOHNHON AVWNCK,from rrtkile rUv-oI to Alpinv hItvK. *

Ttu- owiivni nl ImikI and rvRl c«Uto uuMHod to , mM rt'rHIhmtc of Rmm'whiiviiI nrv hdirvhy rrqulrM to huy Un* Hmnimt mu rmwhmuiI ujHm them, umt «iu;h w • thvtn H’Hjira'tlvcily, to mv hI my nfllivi. No. 4, City Jlftil, on or iH'ruto Jum» 36.

jAMliH F. OONNBLLY,i'lKiiptruUer.

N**wibrk, N. J„ Mtiy IB. I5« . _________ W

IlUJiMC NOTK^K-ORDINANCK OBnKKKU Ui third rwwhu#. the imdfnrtknwt. hiirvljy

rvrlJf ' lliHl uuiirdlruuiLT wjuRrt'ivI x mh*oui1 tnuv Rtl uii‘ettoK <iMh*'Board of Htrwl iiiut WiUorCommHF Hkmera.miTuviiUy, Mny to, ilnty ont«r«dlottthiHl reiwhiitr, mnvUliivii frr Uto ft$U4wlu|toP tiruvvmenl, vlr.: 'Hn* imvMnf tif* II.\riVKV hTHMKTrfrom HolltvllU* RveiMK' lo e*u<infly iruH> Uu* uf Mt. ' piDAHAMt HVDinra, wKU i(Viiul(U) TrlnFbu] Ijt$k4aNiiltohnm.

ihitoil May >5.1492.JAMF>« h n ITH. JR..

pjvoldoMt of tti# Bg«rd uf au-eei and Wtuor i)o i» .mb,l<ia.'ra k n , . , ' , u.-,vikv.

Ms ___ _______ iflark of ihg Board.

Iy i’BUfi N<»TM K OUIHNANCK fmUKHKD lu third rr«<Uiu(- Wo, tiu' umtorNltfUrtl, liurvby

ivriifi' iiiMt nu ordTuRnne wan rrtni a Hrtfirid tlnie 54 a iDMvtftit ui Utf Ikainl of H tm ( and WuktCWB* . . mlaHlum*n», UJJ 'I'uuMilKy, Mfty 10, liWi, jMul duty ontomi lu itiirtl rMuiiUK, prvvidlni tor UiRluliuW* ilia iDipruvemeUU, v|x.: Thr* rvuMvIuy uf

* i'AIlK I’l.Al'Hfrom NurUi lAnid sirvoi tu iLa burtherty termlnifr or Beit>9T ulruDt, with gvnuliM Trbildad Lakto ifr phaltuin,

iMtod May ]«, laVJ.JAMF>t HMITK. JR.,

PrwlilMnl uf tha Board of Mtrrot pud Wawr 0» uikwluucn. KNOB RrNYON,

k (leak uf the BttirtL

1>UBWC NOTICK—OflBlNANCK OROKUKD ' to 5 third rrtuijRf. We, ihe undvrtlgnud heroUy

(•unify Ihai an oidltianrt^ wrm nud 5 Miximi frtneiBR mei*UtifforUieHu«tKiuf«Htf«et5(id Watar Coaimlfr RlMiCrt un TueMtoy. May lU, I'HO’3, and duty ordervd luatiilrd rwHtit. fur the toUuwlBf P"

Thu tpruvetnuiit, vU- • URVliUK of BBrFVrtTIlKKT,

From Bhaul aud Ferry Huwt Hiallwni$"-At.10, T.«, 6,00, 6.S0, 8.40, 9,00,0.A) I, ij.OO, >140 A- M-; 1100 M-i I2.K,

yo u uitvo aRin cru|Hiuiia. etc,, kore throot tn d m outh . p«lu In

o t boiiM, UM ihlR M m tdy.

C 0«. CUMT«M ev.

alA!.T g aaP T .ia iap .it a a d -----------taM .aM teH M a,7P 7 ,a te . M ja P. M.

I uni 7

evpalega; Bundaya,

f r i w * .t oream a t laUeaPeJtilB IBiwdar.


i " i aIW a lie M t.T .

O . A w C A H I L L ,(Form erly w ith C. O. KaltouwtkGo.j


V k a lM ,la |l$ M ^


HARRISON t EOAdTaw w ill Bad a t aay a tara a Ib llllaatT


Call a a d aea a y aaaeb o a l i » t wvleaa.

raianoa-teM , k te VJl. an .

17, ate. M te P. M. ‘‘.Hatua.


Lteva Nawaik-ite, k te L te ML W.« A.M,; l u a , M i t e 499, a t e ^ 9 t e ll.n H. Huodoy, A. M .|Un, a te a il , II

‘llteva Yark, b’ t o r , i ^ « . «-te J-te a ii,a » ,)L M i . i ia ! i * k te *-•*> MSLMJii-i?'

a te 7.te iiwn, IMO p m. •*“ ',£«; aw, lu o a .

ate, ic-w, M.X0, la te li.oo. 1I-*1.0), 1.S0, iw ,,aite a te a te a ii, a-u ,aii, ate, n.o i, aw , g.te a te, rite a te a ii. a te la te t t.n P. M.j l l t e law night. thmd»va-TJin, a te aou, laoii, ii.te A. H.; l i te H .; ton, I JO, t t e a te -(.ui, t t e aou. r.ooi am, am, tew, ii.m. laoo P. h .

Lmvu Hi'W York from toot nf Liberty .irret—At aw,aou<jju,7J(i, 7.IL MO, a te a u , am, aixi,a.iii. Mo, 1 , lo la law, l l t e ll.W A. M-: lino M.; la tei. i te i - 9 u .g . t e ^ aw, M3, a te 4te a ii) , 'U3. a te a » a a i ) i ,a a ,a « . rm , rjo, 7. t e i « , ( . te ia teii . ft, lioo P M. Boaday. ita , aoo, am, lo-ua «■(» A. M.'. laoo jiLi IPO, k te i-oo, Ate a te aoo. a n 7.0a a te o te io.te iipo, laao P b .

Treln. luMVeabuvn itoilun vu.LBHKHI VALLKY '

Wr BuBUo. Niagara Yalli Lm >hu Weal, aw A.'H.; T.IO riuuOiqv, auu A. 3l.;T.m P. H.

K « luMwu, T.te aw A. H.: IMO, u a aw, a ia 7.« P. M. suBd»ya,r(ii),ateu.ooA.M .iate7.wP. M.

fVir Brlblabaoi, AUrolownaod Miniuh Llmnk.r.te aw A. w.i IMO, aoo, a ia r.«i P m. uuuiaya, 7.00, a w u -m A .K .;a te 7,w P H . ____ _

For llailatun, aw A. M.| O te aoo, 7.W P. t e Hu»-------two A, I t ! 700 PM . * .

nu tu tho Mobanny ccal nriou at gW A, 4.00 p. M. ,<und!ya*.te 11.00 A'M.

For Wligeaoarra, Plluuia and bcnmlon, a-W A, tel aaa aoo, T.40 P. M. Waday. (axoapt HciuhHq,

aiOA. .i.,t 7.00 P M .fU rE lm lnkaw A. M.I IMP. 7-teP .te Bundaya

j L t a ’teilf.lSOir (10. IlAKCXlCK.p ta i'l a. (Mik M'gr. Oau. Pioa. Agnnt

fram'yioM Mrchanlo to Uiii m a te wkb oblOM. gronlto lilockH.

Bttted ttey 16,1493.JAMliN HMITH.JJL

Pnwlilvm nf th* Bu*rd uf Btrvet uud Weler vLuiouen.

KNOH HUNYONyBa _______lle rk of ihe Boerd-

-ORDINa NXK OnBlCBKB.................. _ Wi% the undvrolcDwL hereby

certi^ IhAt Kii urdlmiiuiu whA road »«'<.'oiid.llBar at kotfng

PtrBTtIC NOTIOKre to third nkdtiw.

mfi'tmiruf lha Board of Ntrnet luid Water ('mnmiAvNiooeni, on Tuewtoy. AUy ID, and duly urdureS

— ^roviiiiiif Rir th* frnowbyf lei- IH uHwu-iMrtlnti of 5 yablkrMWW

tu Ihknl rurallinf, pr i$ruvefflent, tLb,; 'nn

iiiuieiun, Sm MCL 1140 A

ForBoUiUlut IfreltJMiOO P.J

g . ia ia M a o w io w p . te tloanacUDf Inina leava Knrera

akaiardayanly.' jarfc aa fillow!i Forta te wnteay rat A

S u T S l i l ^ L S ® , 1 « a ^

K S S , ta ro M e n u • ^ t e . W n d m - , a u ^ F& IlckaU, haigago coacka aWapIng o u taoe-

- '-^Tap* aad ralStea Wbnmakio, oaUM.WAtMatWa-

' r y » f i i i E f r . 80 i'i.SGQBp&Kr,DAT IMif 9CCTION CUBE tor all COn-

rioua urioary dlaeoaoa, ullbor aex, ' - 'k c u re f t t w o --------

W i l l i tl BiUn M iDsim,I onbT «I9JII» w uitb of

FURNITURE AND CARPETSto be aold lor leaa tb a u coat,

Uutue w riy ami be ouuvlDced, (tture to loL

rAIHMOt'NT AVKNim, rreni Bank ainvl Ui Thlrtoabib avnnua lo ba U Ini'lio. In illainaU r. logathvr wllb all tha aypuilt. naiicm rwwwm- hi roupleta Uu- aamt.

Dakri May la IWl ^JAMkB HMITH, JB ,

preaMnAl of tba Board of B tnat aod Water (tiim all-...Ion.'re.

KNOB ItllN YON.g t la rk ef lha Board.

r VBUti KOTtCB-OKDINANt'B OBDUBAiO hi a third rradlu*.- ■ W'a, tlir niidninigned SataOy

canlfr that on ontlnaDca waa raul aaaoood lunhaia meotlng of thoHooM of Burnt and Watar I'oaimln- . aluiian onToewlasr, May 17, JSOi. and duly oidatad h> a third tvadlng, prevldlng kir (ba toUowlug Inpivro mant, rlx.: 7'h« Mvliig uf

TKiMTliliNTH AVKMCK, framHilrltiglloldavanualo teortla ayaauo,wlUlob>,"’s a i ! f E : t j . , b u y w , i a t e , . a .

JAMKHHMTTIL JH..FrrtMHBt Of me Boord of BitoH MMl ’

ml^ilousria BMOB BPNYOM, 'ltd Clark of U» BoiM. u

PCBLtO Nimcte-OKW NANUB OBIWBKD'* tiitlilid nudlof. Wa. Uia ntuM nlgund.^ttey ■dlfr IbatannwnaUrewaaraad aaateudtQbaatA •

*lfn* af Uia fltati.l of Btiaal *adoatllft _____nuialfnf af Uta 1■ [1 Tin.'teay, ---- - -

_____ J third raullng. piovlaln* IIngimpiovauiout.Tta.! 'riia wtvbjg ol,

VAN Bl-RKM HTItKl'jr. ^ „from Walnut to F jrty .treat, urttli obkHUEBiitt ,>

Baled Stay teW B. ______


maSgy returned, B, H l tK i t t t ,i I looiER, M? m m il u

IMralrtHit of the Board of 6JAUkteBbirE]


n w y iiif lu I. Ji


O b u ig iB g H a b i t s o f N o m e s o la tn re a s

g o e s o n th e E n g l is h T o r t


■Btm O ld T«rf)B*n P a id U U Ie A ltan tlon to Ito fiM tuen t « P ro p iic t* •• N » taa,W Sloh B n B K b* la l b , pBTnrlt«B> C<-y r w lo n s Bud HBbIta o f H i« lr T im *,.

ConTBpondcDce o f tb« ?ii!wa IiOHDOK, Mb/ 21.—TBlklng ti dBy o r two Btn

w ith tbBT«t«m a tn lo r r 1‘oilar Bhout t h r weird ray ite ry o f the Onoo pnIwniLng end IhepoBilblllijr of the IKlkeof Wrotmlnator'ii horseelB rtliif for Ihellerby, [ rorrlvod B lot ofiluBsr laform Btlon regarrtliu lhe nom ind ii. t o n - « U m equine bm s':’ slid brndm -sof theto r t

■' Yen sfr.o to ld Mr. Pftrter, " rBoe hoTsea tooiienerB llr namod In erm iietliy v ltli tb r

' I*inud u t v b trh lbe>- are (obI(kI s lid I am no t tfa* only Due who suy> IIihI b penieal o ftlie fttud B aik and Turf (lulde, bi tbr ue Kn«land 1>eoneerriod, would be like roudliik b very compoet epltomi* of gi^neml, mcIbI, dnim Blte, m uilcal and lltem ry bUtnry.

“ Of lo a tie ," continued the tlwlnor, “ yon would, no doubt, be etruuk particu larly by Uise.bBii|o which has taken place In th e nara lnko fho re i’a since tb s days when <mr pIsiBHipoken bnefa tben railed a spade b ajuulr B n dafrB y horsa w ith b rrd tp<d on h t i hip 'Bloody U nttockV ‘ Hell Klrr,’ s |a ln , would bBidly be tolereted In tbear- days, tbnueh b h o b lt lord w e n the lUtmr-glTrr, o r en-n the leel profBne-lonklnc Bnd pru(ane«iuiidlntc hnt IM m uch leee olfi-netre ' txaierontrlier,' Ibodsh tb r nam e ehould bBre liern ounierred by B tnam ber o f the Jockey rliib.

“ l a the m entory of m any of us such nB iun B e 'C rtK in x ' an d 'A toneinen t' hBve been deprecated on th e (round of profanity, and bBTt ( I re n pa in to m any exoeiieut persoiu.U l i a weiMtnown etory th a t Itarthed inner of tha two eAlmala mnntlimed, lio rd B enllrk 'a nnapproBcbahly exoellent mam, a change of nam e wae raqaaited by Isidy QroBvenor, and th a t Lord Ueor(e replied th a t he would ebanfc th e n s a ie when the bearer of It waa beaten. Thle nobleman leetn i to baT* had a poaltlTB m an ia Ibr n an iln i his hnrsea qneerly and a rm viitfarly. 'A ll-ro u n d ' m y -h a t' and ' Horfrl-fo-wltli'niy-eyeamt ’ were th e n tm ea t€ horeus ' he- >Dn(ln( to h im ; b a t It m ost be remembered th a t Iheaa expreeatone w en com m on s t m t r r le a a t th e tim e, te enine of ne m uet be old e n o o |b to recall; and the noble lord, tberr- tore—not unaoneclouely, pMrbape—th u sm arked a n epoch in the history o f slang. Thera waa not th e sam e excuse Ibr ano ther nobla lord, wbu, m any years nflerward, having a i» lt , aon o f ' Hather H l(h ’ and bal r- bro ther to ' Oatch^m-allve ’ (a good eporli- n a rk ln g nam e, aa the cry had Jnst rom e Ini p rom ptly called him ‘ Klll-'env«itd'C*t''«m ' s o blitoricsst value whatever,

“ In Uw p re ie n t day the nom enriatnre Is, rk a n t i s , perfently Inaflbnilva T b a rra ofcnann-- naai w as sneoeMed by one which, though not •B tlrtly free from th a t raproacb mss m ure re-

„ l* i r t l Me Ib i epeentricitles, fomantiMUca and com m em oratlreness In Its nom enrlature. Thera was a strong flavor o f th e old enanenees In the nam e given lo tha w inner o fth eH t. Lager In ISIS, one 'P l lh o d a P n ta ,’ b u t reltnam ant had by th a t lim e n a rh e d the poin t a t which It was consldarnd advisable to disguise In a inn ign language pn appellation th a t tha anclonts would nndonbt- ad ly b av e given In 'p la in English.* As for the scoentrld tics, It m ay ho enough to speci­fy 'C hlckey-pokey,' ‘ tlasophylaclorliim .' 'H n m p h ." 0 . I>. V.,’ ‘ O-fy.’ '0 .1 '. . ’ T a n k - akon , • P lpylln ,’ * H pyllnu," ' Heady R hino ,’' Rowdle-de-now,' ‘TmMudu’ (got by a h o n e th a t ‘ tro tted In ’ fortlie Darby), and ‘ W lnkey Booa.'

“ Am fa t th e renunU dU as, th e nam es of ■ F lo r lie l ' and ‘ P e rd ita ' tell a tale flsmlllar lo everybody wbo has ever heard of George IV, an d hU am ou n ; and es for rom m em ora- UvasaH, lak e the examples of Pclp ln l, a Jam ooi n u u v d a n a r ; o f Booeelll luid I’a r l ^ celebrated womeu dancers | of T a irsre , ih s aw ld ljfrench g lu tton, wbo Is sold to have edtpB a i iv e eat am ong other dallcaalas; a ad t ia n n d a notodous, b u t now probably (ir-

b IP tia i , U endor Jlllty, who had a great deal la. do w ith boriea (esperlally. It la said, w ith ■teallng them ), who was hanged In the year i n i , whooe real nam e was W illiam Kabber- fletd^and w hose eapablllUet, as eom tnnq|g estim ated , noai' he interred florn the answ er be Is reported to have m ade to a quesUon w hich was asked In a sp irit ra th e r of appro-' baflon th a n o f re p rc a c h - 'U e bull a n szelse- m a n f Go on w ith yer.’

' ' A m ong th e nam es of race horsce, again , the s tuden t would flud the namee o f Captain A rnistrang, the tntorm ar, and Pocahontas. T he studen t w ould also be able, th an k s to the l i l t o f nam ea an d dates, to flx the tim e a t which th e negro m ln itn ls and tba lr melodies,

....................... ... I tjro w ' and other dlttlca ho-Ungland; a t w hich tb s

I to flourish am ong us, and a t wbhib th* works o f Charles IHokenH had m ost vogue, a t thel r succaaslve appearance.

'■Obseralty exnpted, the hublun ol naming hones appears to be much the same now a> It always has been, that Is to say, that tbs nomenetature of race horses eihlblhs a com- pendlam. as it ware, of the annals of the age, so flu ae the moat prominent persons, places and events are conaerned. Ilut the custoia which baa exlstad to a certain oatenl from time Immemorial (rfcoonnrllng tha names In some way with that of the lira or the darn, or with both names, seems to be In iheeo days n o n honored than everlt was by nbeervHnoa. ■Boms of tha reaultaara exceedingly curium and some are very neat. To the lat ter cate­gory belong ‘ Ht. Blaise,’ a son of Hermit and Pusee, and ‘ Unicom,' a son of Paradox and WbeaUbeaC The latter Uumce espaidally tMtliy dfan Ingcnultyandetabomtlau worthy

..(tf-ghtoter cause. Jlor w u Lord Handotph fBv&rcbill’i * L’Abbess0 de 'Joitarre' for a dangbtnr dfTrapptsl and Festive a bad In­vention, Even eeclesluttcal matters which the toortomen might be expected to disre­gard have been ‘ timed,' as ll «cn>, by the nomenclatnra of the race horse, especially if there were any savor of scandal about Ibora, as 'HnapyRam' and• Dr.Pusey,’ and 'Miss Hellon’ and ‘ Agapemone,' will lufflce lo ■liow. The last name was given to an own sister of Aphrodite,''

A re Vou re s te d T’^ T b ftc thoroughly posTed on (he real eftnts mnrhrr, you ta tu l eonsKU (As real estate ods. In Ike “ .V eu ifespee to llir on n'rihteedaps and dhfurdogw.

fto m au ee In B eal Life.From Ik e Rt. Louts Globe-Democrat.

On the p latform of a Pullm an a t the depot In Cheyenpe, W yo,, an Indolent looking chap In English togs and a p retty young w om an In red converaed so eamesUy th a t they a ttrac ted the a tten tio n of everybody w ith in range. Beveral paesengera were anxious to tell w hat they knew o f th e story of tbs Interestftig pa ir and to ld th a t the m an was a Ih u li , honest fCllnw, w ho would ta lk willingly. Cards were exchanged a n d b is read I " Edw ard F . Grit- lln, O veneer Public W orks Departm ent, Bong Kong.” U e yielded h ie gtory like a malur. B ald h e ; " 1 am try in g to pereuade th e girl here to tto p off In Cheyenne and m arry me, b u t she w ants to go to Colorado Hprlngs and see her fblks a b o u t It f ln t . This Is a genulus romance. Just like a novel. E igh t y e a n ago we were lovera In V erm ont, an d were engaged. My parents were Irish em igrants and poor, and her peo­ple were well flicd . U was agreed th a t I should s ta r t o u t to m ake my fortune, and th a t she should w ait ten years for me. tthe has been true, and she has walled like a n angel. 1 worked la th e Chicago Btoekyards, pros- pecled In Colorado, and tried a doxen things on the coast. B li years ago I landed In Hong Kong, A t first I was c lerk in a whole­sale bouse, then secured m y present place. My salary is k\o(n, and 1 m ake som eth lug on the side, os you say In A tuarlca. All the tltiie J have though t of the girl and knew she was single a n d th ink ing uf me, tbungh I never heard o f her. (the now lives a t Oolorudo Kprlngs an d baa l(cen visiting w ith frlsnda ul Helenu. W e met In the car a t Ogdeu ond reo- ufulgod each oUiur at onee. I t was a pleuio a n t an d eweet meeting. Before th e tra in had gone one hundred miles we were engaged again, a n d w 111 he m arried a t her hom e rig h t aw ay." UrUUn'e story was corroborated by tlieg lrL

D r . L t g h t h i l l ,Th^ New Y ork HprciAllut, iDr theIx iie r AceotnnxMlntloii of bl» New Jeiwsy p«F tienU, hM oprufkl an oflloe a t

18 CLINTON ST., NEWARK,W h en b e can b e ro n iu itM ftvmi t l to& P . M.

Ually* Hundayit exempted.

I>r. L lgh th lli inakfifl tlie trea t- m eitt o f Doafnpiw, Cfltiirrh an d I>l««RiscH o f tlie T h ro a t an d lAiugg a gpcctalty.

PIIm o f th o m oat aK iiravatrd n a tu re n itllra llj' an d iiertiianently cured w ithou t pain o r deten tion fpoiii biiHineaK.

Epilepay, DfaeAkea o f th e Rkin an d Bloofl, an d all C hroulc, Ner- votia o r Com plicated Cotnptalntn. HiireeMiflilly tre a te d .


Th« M toryof a H appy N otliar*

A imn of Mr. K PowIa, m jd in f tX Ho, IT aTftmo* Trenton, K* J„ h a i Iwfn

completely fu ivd of th a t U rrJbU fUiieaM rpUrp«y by Dr. tjlfh th llL W hen quMtIoned by a reporter hie m o ih rr f a r e thefoU ow lni p u rtteu lan about blN eatw and hU rem arkable re ro y rry ;

** My eon had been nfflIrtM) wHh epilepey fbr m any yeor». W hen leaat expectad he would beooma uaeonw lntia and fall to the Krunnd w ith hie ft^iureii di»tt>rUHl and b li body convuliied. He would foam a t the tnoulh,i|TOan p itifu lly , ip in d h li teeth ntid preteiil n mo«t te rrify lu f aspect, , ^ e r the a ttaek had isiMWKt awuy be would frel wc«b, confused itnd sleepy, and It would take h im M ine tim e in recover fh>GB the fearful ordeal t brotigh w blob hn bad p au sd .

whloh lb* n tifro ml

' pclka * began to 1I(

"T hese a ttachs cam e w ith tneraoslng se­verity and frequency, so I ha t n t length he would have three o r four flis during the day and as m any m ore d u rin g Ihe n ig h t; in Ihet, be was In such a w retched condition th a t bis m ind became m ateria lly aflheted, We felt perfectly terrible a t nn r poor boy's affliction, and tried In every way to get relief, bu t to no purpose. Hearing o f P r . L lghttiIll's success In the trea tm en t of such cases we placed him under h is care and I am th e happiest woman In the w orld to toll yon th a t be has cIPeted a eoffiplete cure In h is ease. My son letls pe^ l ir t ly well now, and has no t bad a single at- lack In several ycors. He has grown wonder- ; .Illy In body and h is m in d Is now oe bright as tb a t of any boy o f b is age. Both m y bus- hand and m yself fool th a t we can never be thank fu l enimgb to Dr. LIghtblU for the won­derful care be effl<cted In on r son's ease, and agy one desirous of verifying th is statem ent ta n call tn person o r address m e by letter."


Peeallov M ethods o f r N p o r a t lo a fo r Mis B em arh ab le k sn ao n s .

From Good Words.I t waa hU custom to d a fa r oatonaib la p re p ,

a ra tto n till BaUirdajr aven ing . F req n aaU y , w hen v la ltin f b la z o n th a t hi* u*oal dojf for seeing frien d s , 1 h ave In q u ired w h a t h is sub jec t w as to be n e x t m o rn in g , and he ha* rep lied t h s t h t .k n e w n o m o re t h i n m yself, and ha* asked m e to R ig g e a ta te x t. I u ik ed how h e w ould eat a b o u t It, a n d h e sold la aubetanee t

“ A fte r fl o’clock fam ily w orah lp I b id m y friends good-n igh t a n d ta k a a tu rn In th e g a rd en o r m y etudy, re v o lv in g eevera l te x t* P re ten U y one itr ik e e m e , and I w rite on a page o f n o te p a p e r a b r ie f o u t­lin e o f th o n g h t T h e n I r ^ w h a te v e r m y lib ra ry c en supp ly . T h e lan g u ag e oom ea w h en p reach in g . T h is fo r m o rn in g . I do th e aem e o n S unday a f te rn o o n fo r th e even ing . P eo p le sgy I am orig lnaL N o ; I use a ll th e good th in g s o f o th e rs I c an lay ho ld of. Home o f m y b re th re n apen d tw o o r th ro e d a n w ritin g tb c lr eerm ona. I have th is ad v an tag e , th a t I c an be re a d in g a n d g e ttin g m a te n a l a ll th a t t im e ."

I t w ould ne atacurd to in fe r th a t h e w*s n o t o rig in a l because h e m ad e use o f th a re sea re b e i a n d n g g e e t lo iu o f o th e r m ln d a T h is Is d o n e by a ll s p e a k e n on a ll sub- Jeels. B u t be n e v er tU v ish ly b o rro w e d o r im ita ted . A ll t b a t he read a n d obaerved , he ld in so lu tion , c i r t ta l i ie d a ro u n d h is

sh ap ed ItiI tee lf to bins,ow n th o n g h t, and sh ap ed ___ ,n o t be to I t. A ll he u tte re d h o d becom e H purgeonlc.

WEAKNESS OF MENQ uickly, Thoruuglily , F o rev e r C ureil

. by a new nerfe<-toU■elenllfle m ethod th a t cannot foil unless Ihe (stee Is beyond hum an aid. Ycm (Pel Im­proved Ihe flrst day, toel a beneflt every day ; soon know your­self a k ing am ong men In body, ro lnu and heart. lira ln s and losses ended. Rvery obstacle to happy m ar­ried Jlfo removed. Nerve force, will, energy, b ra in power, when foiling o r lost, are realorea by th is treatm ent. V letlm sol abuses an d excease* ra- claim your m anhood 1 Mulfcrs Iriini tolly .over­work, 111 health , regal nSo a r vigor 1 Don’t

(•tpalr, even If In the last stages. D on 't be disheartened If quacks Iwve nibbed you. Let ua show you th a t medl- iml orlenoH and biulness b o nurrilll ex ia t; h e n go hand in band. W rite for ou r books w ith ('iplanatlouB and proofo. reforances lo cured uallenlo,



MADAUK Y A U yR BKIN FOOD, gnar- a n t ^ hr remove wrinkles, to e v e ^ lady caller all th is w eek ; also a b a r o f M adame R unpert's Complexion Hnap w ith every bot­tle or bleach sold. lo d le s a o n o t misa th is op. po rtn n ity as th is l i opening week a t m y newparlors,

*M M ARKXT ■T., le ro a d a to ry b o a t .


S T . J A C O B S O HlAn Ri rrw ^ u i PenuM t Girfli.

• t tb s k n e s fo r tw o i Hr. I ng oa emtehes; his leg w is bent lafogayehlB W .JaqotaO U totublL InRx days ba had ae use for his oratolNs and want boras eursd srltbwt ib,

Luwall. Mass., Jni " ‘ -------------- -----byfltJacatjaO lllg l* l I s n c w a tw o rk s v o y

l l ^ *, *«; "Tbs erlpplt boy OSRIH ROBINSON, c u % Itt l .h tir tn a lB S d c a n d . Tba yonng m aa b is taeii aitd ly day a t manual labor." DR. O luR aB C. OSGOOD,

■ R a R V t o R |a |F _ A b e rd e ^ 8 .D a k ,8 e n t.J |L 1 8 ffl, B ullbrriievtw l Ttoniwlth t-hroBlostUcfa In tha boifo; w u g ifaB

ty b y d o c to o . Tw obatO isofSt-IsoobsO U curadm e._____________ HERMAN flCHWATGEL

I I M I I D A L A I A _ h e tb an y . Mo.. Aug. 4, UM i flalfbnd for vaaji ■ *“ ' * • * * " * • “ with stB ialii^ i but was dually auivd by bt. ■toeofoOa. ________________ T. B. dHEREa.f o B B R I I I t o _CMig|antliia, MIcb., Feb. U ,;

y ta ri with aalns In Iba b ^ wssks a t a Uaw; u» relief flora o taerm nedlea. Al

IMT- " W u troubled IS .flora«mln; In bed for boats yean s^ I bought

iL Jacota OU I M Bode ib o a t 14 appUoaUoBs; bard naan well and RraSai«v»r since. B a n don* all k indsoT irark and — ---------Mo ratura o fp o ta tn yaais."

L and eau lift as ranch as ev tt, D. U. REARICX.

■ —V Mnhln 81.. Balto., Hd., Jan.U, ttU - I fell downlb* back stairs of ray resldrace In tha darkaesi, and

was Ipnlead In my hip a a d n s i onflbnd eoveraly. St. Jacobi OU.ooBpIctiiyflBnd MO. WH. O. HARDEN,

Hoiabot o f Mato Legbilalnn.

A Big Bargain Week for Shoes-A T -

l« 6 - l ( lg

SPRIBCFIELD iYE.T I E F l t R , STEIN It BIAD.Cblldreh’s Donsola lipped ip rln g heel, to I<K^la d le s ’ oxford Tie*, 8Mlsees' Nprlng Heel tUme, 11 to2.Ladles' Utove K id Iraoe Shoes, ( to S, a t the nnlforra price of

69e. a Pair., W orth from Me. w flJB a pair.

Hen’sO o ag m e o rB alm ocal BuffHboea, S to 10; Boys’ VeolCalfShoes, S to 5 ;L a d le t’ Don- goto Button, ^ to 7, Bit a t the uniform price of

$1.25 a Pair,W orth fitx pftir.

A lot Of FLpe lA dlm ’ O xford Tf«te 234 ^ I

90e. a Pair.Worfli $IM

SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN GENTS’ FURNISHINGS!W hite Bblrls, 8-ply, Inserted bosom, laundered, 4#e„ regular price 79o.NagUgee Sh lrit, b lack and w hite stripes, sateen, t l . regular price tl.W,Crepe Cloth, best q u a lity , JSc., regular prl<-e tlJB.O i M Ulriped Shirt*, Ac., ragular price TSn.W. M. Ix>ng-w*lit UDrset*, white, block, ecru, fl.8B, regu lar price 11,118, la d le s ’ Belte, G rain I-ra lp er Bells, red, tan and rueact, 10c., rr-Kular price ITo,

W a W ill C o a tin u e O ur Mole la th e H D use tam U hlpg l>spartm enU Twmbumer Oil S tove, 88c., never *old let* than 11,88..‘ " ■ ‘ M osquito W ire F ram ea.lle .aae li-on ip le ie .

■| selling a t 5e. per roll.1 ro le* a t g reatly reduced prtcea


H A B D l N l l E S !We never offered IwUer qimlltlM Umn nt present, and ate quoting low prioeg ifl

ail iim-e. BuHint-eH with utt I*

B O O M I N G !The people of tills city ami surrmiiidlng towns Imve discovered to their intifo

fuetion that we arelKwhjunrtors for

Bedding;, Braiw and Iro n Bedtoteadii*Tw in Bedtote ndM, H a lf Tentem, Cf IIm I

Fift.v Pound Hair Mattresa, Heetlon Tiek, liest quullty...........Hprlng Mattresses—The (VlebraU'd Uliuuond riiiwluf, this we .RI13.00

TH Y ONE O F OU R « 2 0 .0 0 FORTY-PO U N D

fia ip M a n p e s s ? s !I f y o u w a n t t h e b e a t b e s t b e d fo r t h e le a n t m o n e y w e’ll g u a m ii te e y o u 'l l g leett

e o iu fo r ta b ly fo r t h e r e e l o f y o u r life.

EXCELSIOR MATTRESSES AT $3.00!w ith G o o d , 8 o f t J u t e T o p s , F u l l H ire.

A wt^onm er u ii nioTC, vec., neTrr iniii irM im AdJasUbl« Mr>iMiallo W ire K n iu n , ITe. a w t < New deelgne of Hold W alt l^ p c r , we are etlll ‘W aterlnf W indow H b au n and Curtain



J - C - lc C n M y l iC o .593-693 BROAD ST., WARK.

STEIN A BLAU ffenovating Only 10c. p e r Pound


196,198 Springfield Ave. H A IR O R F EA T H E IW .

Goods delivered flee o f charge. Mall orders p rom ptly a ttended to.




TesUiwoalal tra m M r. H . F . D egm af, P res ­id e n t o f the H ow ary R ank , New Y ark .

D R K. B. U G H T H lL L i Mt D xar Hi >—I t a lfo rd i mo great pleasnre

to Join th e lu n g 'llid o f grateful patien ts who have been w-Ueved from troublraom o ond ob­stina te eom plainta by y ou r kuperlor skin. My. rose w as rhm nlo ca ta rrh , from which I hadsuH bred to s u rh a n ex ton t th a t i t w eak­ened m y general health , an d Anally gave rise to such severe p a in In a n d a lo n t tbe head and th ro a t tb a t It prevented m e from sleeping and alarm ed m y fomliy. 1 am happy to state th a t tb e very float applleotlora of your trea tm en t gave n e prom pt an d decided relief. In a fow days th e pain had disappeared, an d by de­grees tb e o ther distressing sym ptom s char­acteristic of ca ta rrh yielded to y o u ro d m ln ti- tra lluos, u n til 1 now And m yself completely eured. I therefore cheerfully tender you th is testim onial o f y ou r sk ill and sneoess, In tbe hope th a t others m ay be benetued by Its pub- UoaUoD. H . P. DEGRAAF.

C U R E O F B L E E D IN 6 F I L E 3 .

H appy B elie f from D ally flufflsiing.Mr. Nelson Thcimpson Is the proprietor of

tbeU rpIto l Rnller Mills, In ilio m tro f tb e (8 ty Mills,' on Mouth W arren Hb, Trenton, N. J. H e 1< an old and'VeU-kiiown resident of Tren­ton, and h li word Is ackuowledgcd to be aa goo() os bis bond.

In a recent emiTcrsntlnii w ith nnr reporter be spoke In the m ost gratefu l term s of tbe rctnsrknble euro whlob Dr. I,lghth tll effi'eted In hi* cose of piles, and gave h is permission to publlih tbe focts.

Health Fnaerred, Life Promoted,



R X P A N m wUh e « r y molton of th e foot, ttaue iriTlUf iSMld Vitmfori,

A w irraw er eboe can b« WA>rn.

Jteraiiu lU

In fa n t JSfWiTor'OtH'n*, P u n im t anti T^i\der F M .

mm* n i .M 7I#

Prrventt dmnpH ftt andC o lf iM r

ArtUtic, andBronfmUritl.

WorkmAUnhlp andterlal Uuieranleods

iM d in ! If you w a n ta ahoe th a t o o m b ln n foore ritvle. Comfort and Dura- b lllty th an an y o ther m ake,call fo r th #

PCflFECTION AEMU8TASLCPopular Myir nnd js^u io rp riees .

ComOLiDXTEn Hwnx m , Mfla., Lynn, Ma For sale In Newark by H erm an Hots, i

M arket street; K. Heyman.'JIS-ltalHprlngneld avenue ; H. Bom itoln, 471 B m td street.

T h eKodak,Simol,Student


Quick as a "WinkCAMERAS.



687 B R O A D ST., 3 DOORS A BO V E S E W ST.

MAY IS A FLOWERY MONTHB u t HO flowery langiiitge Ih iieceq.sary to 4leptct th e lively

w hirl o f o u r biiflinetot. N e ith e r lire hiifli-Noiintling w ortls iietM’s- sary to cleserlbe th e iiiuUtty o f o iir Shoeit; they 8t>eak fo r them * selves, onil o iir grow lug hiiHliieioi a t te s t th e ir weoriiig qualities.

H onest goosls an d nio tlerate p rlec s give 11 go to every th in g w e hand le . •

W e h ave th e fleld in I jid le s ’ O xford Ties th is season, a ll styles a n d qualities, a t prices th a t a r c bound to m ove th e m quick .

The Matnal BenefltU F B IN S U R A N C E O O H F l N i .

N H W A RK N. J .AMKI D O n n ................................Piw sM aat.Asseto (M arket Value) Jan . I, t88Lt4SAID,2n « LtobUltlea, N. Y. and Moss. Ulan-

dard............. ...................... ......... 48^84,488 00H urplus ........................ ......... ...... 8A4^7ta0SSurplus by form er H, Y. S tandard

Am. Ex. 4K per c en t Reserve) 8,187,808 80 a la s A hsm utoly N oa-fo rfa ltab la A lta r

S ew n d Y ear,IM CA8I o r L A n k the Fqjlcy ts ooKTliiexii

■n roK cgoa long as It* value wHl pay for; or Ifprefbi-red, a Fald-up Holley tot- Ha full volne is Issued In esebatue.

After the secona year Polleiea a re Iitoow- TSsrABbC, except as against Intetttlooal fraud; and oti restrieiicns os to rssitlme*, <rai>*l c r oe- evDOfton a r t reswved.

Cash L o a n ore mode to th e ex ten t o f 88 per cent, of tbe rreerve value, w here valid oa- slgnmenl* o f U u Fsllcles coo ba m oda aa cob IftiMYRt ■MTUrtiy,

Lowiw p#iA Immrdfxfoly upon oompfoUoD #nd *pproT#l o f proolk,

Fof SatufdafI

GMT n o n SM£!Our stock Is now .rm lete w lth n ll th e latest

s ty l» and cuts, on r B lack CtaeviaM leading


the trade. Look a t OUT

ajlpialsiilFaiiiiiTiirstiihl a m *ke and quAlHy th e y c#Hnoi

he eurpesMcl.

T o ^ s a f s x i n L i T vM o x > a m j k T a p a x o a o i

l u r v f o " m u N B .‘ ENDORSED BV LEADING ARTISTB.

* * » * * « e ieB W lB L

110 Fiftlillve., cor. I 6 t l S t m tinov TORx urn.

HOTHERS I(.'hll e t o u r i to i r en d cee o u r greet hergnln#.

Tbe entire stock U reduood to kprloe tbislwlll M tcnlsb yuUs

Look a t O nr Conflrm aBon an d Com m nnion Suits

Before you boy elsewhere,


B la c k a a d B lu e T r ic o ts , W id e W a l e s a n d

C la y D ia g o n a ls ,-----FROM-----

»F****t****fl**«i»**tafl*w >M *Oto" w w f t B A a n m f t a b o x . " :


DISORDERED LIVERI OMMOi m dIsteM Uisa, fosie** Ftllt «m

ae C«nts a Boi_ _______ _ _ _ ■'Mf# 4___ _alsIatStSndTiiit IhitV lisr* sstsd to n i u r i M gsnrt aw rasttc-ees liutsiaair geissst. le g

J ' do. tors* L-llli. YessandwiM i TsiUlssskSthilil* Caatlm.S O f a l l d r u e g l s i * . M e * 3 S o s o t * • b u x . £

X e i r Y n r i c O e p < i t , H s c s i i M k t , !■itaiaoM O*o»M iO*afl»»a»oaiflooui*

" Dr. L lgblhlll.” la id Mr. Thom pson, " hoi eured m e of a Humble w hich hod botlwred me for over twelve yimre, and from which I could no t obtain any relief. 1 wnt afflicted w ith piles of a moat aggravated and palnfttl no- lure, which m ade every operaHon of my buwela a th ing of dread and apprebetislon, aud w hich often raused me oetual torture and t he loss of large quantltlea of blood. A l Such tim es the pile* p ro truded and gave m e agon­ising pain befijee I could push them b a ck ; In fact, durliqt th e post twelve year* I sconsty kuew a d ay 'a ooinfort. I am bnppy to state th a t Dr. LIghtblU bo* changed th is s tate o f thing* completely, a tid has effocted a radical cu re In every respect w ithout deta in ing m e from business to r a single bonr. lo fact, I m ay slate tha t, to my gnatt surprise, I d id no t -feel any pnin Of d is­tress w hatever fl-om hi* treatm ent, and I can honestly soy t h a t tb e raoel nervous o r tim id person ra n subm it to Dr. L lghtb Ill's tre a t­m ent w ithout fear o f being hurt, an d they can do so w llb the u tm oet confidence th a t they w ill be com pletely cured of th is most troublesom e a n d (llstresslugcum plulnt. Those Intereeted ran call on iiin a t m y place or busl- itcss o r a t m y realdcucc, No. 28 Bank etreet, T ientoa, N. J .

A nm88 o f tefltimonfalB of m Rim- lltiv te n o r an d o tm ra c te r to tlioRe above fcoiii iDM'tloR w ell know n ttiruiigliuiit llio Nt ttfl « iu bo keen

RHEUMATISMAH* OmM, M utes Itenifla, PiMtite IteAAIhUMm TvnNlPcffMi

Bmmim tepMteACRlwMte m# b* « Mrte

D k ' B i i i D f i M m IlM iiw T tO M M ,wLte iB • tliA Ml** *aiWoM te d m iwhte mtlMi Bflflw.


$15.STB Biaiissay.W as*Tarb. wk* a s i luu acwaswlsssuWaHlw. SnnihrlaiswitosswselSa.OtaM Pw ia to to . T a b a a a ly B r.B w d fia ire .

John H . M entz,ess BSOtO STSECT.


C orner P la n e S t r e e t

167 MARKET STREET. 465 BROAD STREET.N ear B road . Cor. O raiig« .

, N E W A R K , N . J.

Mies'ail d HM i i G e o l i i

HotiBry,Bilk "ind Kid 6iov«i,

LaMt And RIbban,Button* Bnd HindkorohlflUi,

Oonot* Md Mtrino UnderwtRf, bluilln Undtrwaar,

Lfldt*!’ Skirti Hid Woollen Yam. Ladl«i'Shirt Wilit*.

ail BliY M i l l G l iWhite Shirti,

Cellar* and Oulh,Flannel Ovarthirti,

Summer Marino Shirt* and Ortwari, Jaan Drawars,

Soarik, Soaka and Suipandart, Boyi' WaMi and Pant*.

Don’t haiHata but give ua a call. You will And Dry, Fancy Goodt and Gantt* Furniahing*, all daiirabla qoodi, areaelling at priaat to aitonhh everybody.

GENTS’ FURNISHING DEPARTMENT.The T€ry bcit non* Kllk 8rttrfM a t iPo.

U n ln u aA fr^ HhlrU, rcfiiforucd, I>pl7 Ud#u bofom , A( Sfo«1 h>m#t 1^1 rt# 16<t.

Genta i9k*. M rrfno VeMU at 18«.6l', Bordered H aodk^ch lefe at Xci rach.

60cv Fml BliLck UoMf*, k) u t ftsTo.Ublldrcn^B 15a. F iu t Block llo to a t To. a pair.

Special Inducements in Our Wash Goods Departmenta48-Inch H erastltrlu ’d Figured la w n s uuly 81e„ regular price We.84>lDoh P rin ted ttsshinerc, fost colurs, uuly OUc., rcguUir prloe Ite.Chntllr* In fiDdlift-rent styles onlyBeat q u a lity French riatlnes uuly Uic., regu la r price 28c.

Special in White Goods.W e wUlJuilI a hie. w hite p lsh l for Oc. while th ey Inst. II,adles’ Hhirt W aists and BIhici-s a lm ost given aw ay.P laited Hlilrt W aists 38e., 80c. and T8c. Odd loU a t UOc- 81 H stlne H birt W elsis a t AOc.Alt Wool lllaxere w orth from R to tS a t S l . a s . l ^ e lO l Bale th is w eek lu DKLTHlOO dosen Ladles’ Linen Colton, a ll si see, a t Sc. each, Cnffli to m atch a t tbe 8»ll)* prlea.

Dress Goods. Dress .G*y5c! - .iu*:



____ — ___ 8 reguU r p rto i S iOut price I8e* ft y^rd*

Special for Monday Only. *1 case o f yard-wide Bleached Muslin, w orth 8e., w ill be K id lor bo. a yard .

Table Linen. Table Linen.aCMncb Dnblcacbcd Table Linen only *8o. a yard . Hegutar price 88c. This sb o a ld ba

seen to be apprectohd .A 214-yard, full bleached Table Cover, w ith red border and plain while, w ill be aold fo rao* . This t l a gonnlae bargain,

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.H aving bought a t a Hfaerl It’s Hale 12,800 W orth o f Block iO-lneh Isices, IA Hpanlsh E K n rla i

and (Julpurc, the sam e will be sold a t auv. on tbe dollar. An inspection of these gdod* U earucetly d u lre d .

Bale begins Monday, M ay 23, at

i W S , 208, 810, 212 S M aYtil

“ T h ere la N othing L ike Leather,**B utD O N T

F ay too m uch for II, *


wo* Ai.b y im r o s ia Try us nod sec If ire d o n 't pleas*

an d eav* you money.

Tilt dilooDe FIsIitr Co.,(JBAi. E. CAHOdn*. PKdO’r- T4 Lawrence 8t.

HAS NO SUPERIORfY lth oyatera i t te <»> IntNtm-

pnn ttile bevenqye.L ead in g rea tan raa ta M il It. T ry th e *‘01d H om eB tead’*

H a lf an d H air,

m I n d u s M a r k e t S L

Cor, W ssblngton street, N ew ark, N. J,

A. ESCHXIinbDilt. D. FOBtH.

Aaron Ward.4& S O N ,

Sole Agents.

a t l>r*



P r i n t i n gCOMPANY. .

UIWII M I S S p e r ro a e d i jAt buyat** expeiuw, Piok 11, 1

T H E • 'N a m , .

30.000. i r e


C o t t e r a n d C n r e r o f F in e P r o v ls lo n a .

aOLk ritoFnteirok





M cRwan's P lnnon Hoddlee, r a l r n ’s .Tains eud Jellies,G inger Gordlal,Mospberry OordhiL

Hcott’e Oqt Oakes,G rey's A w rnetby B lsenlta Kippered H errlngi,F luuoa Hsddlea,

Lime Juice, M ountain Dew,

Orders Df lell ProoipUf Dellveni

Wm.Mungle,76 BellovlUe Ave.

A g v D ti fo r A n o h o i L U a & & 'C a

RUPTURE CURED~ “ a i t t b i n i

th V H o li• u r S t a

T be Im proved E lM tlc T n o ilt ttaAnnly t rw i .n extsteuee th a t Is iron i w ith j |W > litle egiin- fort n ight and day, as It r e io U i Uto Muaure u n d er the Imrdeet exeredee o r N M n M Jd M n .an d w lile a h e ta p e rm a n M ta id w ith o u t regard lo f ~a n in o u o a free, dloo.





MfllilALJAI M iTb« JoiBt Committ«« A&noniioei All

ArnsgamsQts Goraptote.



tti* VmHm , DWUloni Will FormW ith N iu n w sf t ir g u iiM llO D i C o u ip rU -lag EMh—IJ*t of AaitUtiuif Manhola wmI Ald«*~Chalrucn of CoiuwlUcoi Toll sf Work Don*.

Tli« arrangrincn ta for Ihd oelobrattoa o f U rm orU I Ikiy, Mu)' yo, wvro opm plrted a t tb s m trU b g u ftlm Join t comnittleo o f t.inmroim rouucll and Ilia Grand Arm )' poal ddlogatea laat p lih l . A ldrm inu UuaBuborry. c lw iro ian o f tha com m ittee on Indoor raerciM a, au- nonaoed th a t p npam tloua for the eierclaca to be held in the tHiddla .Memorial Cbunih a t n ifl it were oumpirie. About AOW adm laaloii ttcheU have boen unit o u t and the p ro tfrunm a w1 U be iMued on Friday. The u ih e ra wl U bei Cbmiadea K no tt, ro«l 1: A iu l l , P o a tU ; Henarhel, Poet W ; I « n | , Poet 4 ; H lc h n u u , I ^ t K ; M urpby, P in t tK.

A lderm an ItuTtfeaner, cbn innan o f th e Com- n ilttee on Hehoola, rejmrted th a t between l,fiOO and 2/KD p h o o l children will iiarnde. Kacli of the G m iid A rm y potiU will deU ll tou r m en to a ae la tin plftolnt Iho elilldren In line. Tbe children will ctiler th e imrlt a t tlie aoulh enlranee, where eaeh will l« presented w ith a dng. They will be divided Into com panies of ■ lity . w ith a o ip la lii and three Ileutenanta.

C haim iao Ising. of th e flower ooinm ltlea, reported eeery th log In ruodlneia for receiving tow era a t th e old burying ground between the lioura o f 10 and 3 o'clock un H aturday. W agoiu will be eent to the ecboolhousee to procure the fioweri o ^ tr lb u te d by the chil­dren. O npcrlntendsnt U arrlnger has directed th e jan ito rs o f echools to rem ain a t the school build ings UDIII the flowers are called for.

t'om rade Baldwin, o f K rtm iy Poet, an­nounced th a t the Peddle t'adets, an orgaolaa- Uoo o f young m en, w ith Its own band, was desirous of participating to the parade. The eadrU were aaslgned to the division w ith Use Bmis of Vvterans. '

Tbe chairm en of the eommitleea on miisle, carriages a n d badges retiorted every th ing In nadlnesa .

G rand M arshal Hawk hna com pleted a ll a rnm iem enU for the s lo e l |>arade, as w ill be seen by th e folhiwlug general order t

H sam iuA R Tiiui UHSNb MAnaUAL, llKKOKIAt. Cat I'AHAIlk, _ NaWARit, N. J., May 31,1H93. ,

GtnaraliOrdani, No. 1—The fo rm atlu n o f the narada w ill bo ae follows!

Grand M arabal J . W. Hawk an d atalT,F irst D lv ltlon -H and . Police In fonroom -

panlee uuder <s>mmand of Hupierlntendent w illiam H , Brown Police C om m iielonen In carriages. T b it division will form on Cien- trv atreat, rlg b t resting oo street,

Peoond Division—Colonel 1* It. U aroard, aw lslan t m arslial. Bund. F in b Heglnieni. N, G. B. N. J . , LleutenaulAJolouel A. Jenk in- sou com m ending. Bend. F irst Reglmenl, H. O. 8. N .J . , (3>lonol E. A. Cam pbell eom- inandlDg. Form on Centre strool, rig h t leet- Ing on left o f F irs t D lrltlon .

Third D lvlslou-E esex Troop, Cnplain Jem es E. Flem ing com m anding. Form on Centre s treet, right resting on left of Bgcond IMvIsInn. „ , „

Fourth Division—W atson K. Ryno, Post 88, A m lstant U arshul band t various posts of I be e . A . B . : form on Park place, r t ^ l rent- lag on Oettlre stfoet; M arrus I,. W ard Poet 88. Jo h n George eoinm aiidlng t Ph il K earny Poet L Cbarlea Kenll n, com m ander; LI noolu l*oil 11, Jeaae Garpenter, co m m an d er; G ar­field IHiat <, A rtl 'h r Tetieb, cum inander; I. N. Tucker p f * t« , A leiander Hugg, com m ander; Phil Bfaerldao Poet 110, Jam es Devine com ­m ander ; H exattier Poet M, John W eltbnin- net, c o m m an d er: eagriagea w ith com rades from th e Holdlera’ Home.

The flower wagoua will fOm> in th e rear of th e p o s u to which thev belong. W agont not iwlongtng to anyjpoat will form In rea r of carriages from Boldlera' Home.

Fifth Division—Band, Georgs L. Anb, Post M, aaelstant marehsd. The Mona of Vviemna vrill fonn oo Park ptseo on left of Grand Army of the Bepublle ; Marcus K Ward Post Ig, Joe Hooker Post 8, Hexamer Poet 5 and *dher veternu organliatloui; Bherldan Post, PMdte Memorial thdele.

B lith D lv le lon -J , U W ight m ao, Post 88, aealsfant m arshal, bend ; srhcml children , w llh Morton Street School on right, form In M lUtary P ark , right resting on Centre street, p g ie r schoole will tak e position In o rder of s rrlv s l.

Seventh DIvlilon—R. E. Coogen, Pom t, saelatant m arshal. Caniagea m n ta ln in g the M ayor, tb e orator. Common Uouneil, mem-

og lo ln t u e tan rla l com m ittee and gueeta p A m o n Broad itreM, rtgb t resting on Canal

t f iG ln e w ill Ibrm a t 8i8S and tbe com­m and to m arch will be given prom ptly a t »:». AH organ la ttlons not In line s i tb iu u m e will gxke position on leR o f column. The line of m a n h ^ l l be up Broed to W as h ln g M , thence dow n Brood to Vandernool, th e n coun term areb up Broad to M arket street, w here th e line will be reviewed by th e g ta n d

"F ro rn ^ th ia p d n t posts o f tbe G. A. B . will tak e th e m oat direct m u le to the oometerlea to w hich they are assigned. . . . .

The N ational Guard, police an d Are depart­m ents m ay re turn to the ir respective beod-

^ Demlhi o f poets to cem eteries a r t a s ftollowi:P h il K earny I......- ........ „„.F ’B lrm onntLlDOolnll...™...............................— .F alrm oun tU e ia a e f 8t ....».................. WoodlandUaffleld 4...„...... ....F a lrm o u n t^ lrv ln g to nJ, N. Tucker » . .......... ....... .- ...M o u n t P leasantM arcus L W ard 88,....Mt. P leasant, 81, Jobn 'ePhil Sheridan 110................ ....Holy fepulchre

(Hfa^t fe tenu ] o rg u lM tlo iu an d noaa of V « W ao i to luch oemet«rlei w tbejr

Ibllowtng have been a; m ounted aides to tbe

Totugnaysrt rvsesnt Oas of Dion Bend- oaalt't Prettiest Flays.

The second performanoe by the Ml. Jamrefe Young Men's Catholic Aeaoelathin of *• The Cnllemi Bawn." Dlo« Boucloault’s iday of plrtureaqne eharaeters and scenae and Inter­eel lug plotitook plaoo Iasi night at ML Jnmes’g Hehoul Hall, Madison and Ufttyetio streets. The young players flmnd pleasure In Ihelr work and a large audience enjoyed It greatly,If applause weni for anything. U lwK ste O'Connor, Ibo SUv tFQwuwr of the cast, played her part with much skill, os did Mis* Mamie Strain the part of Anaie CSutt, end Mlu Julia Hyland woe pleasing as Jfrt. OepoB,

Tb6 youQf iA«n who took put*t. ftll well. James F. Wilson, who BMumetl the role of Dunuy JfnnR, a bonlnien devoted to J/unfeesi Ovpoa, the lover of KOt G'tbiwwr, very cleverly Impersonated Ih* ehurmier, Frank M. O'Connell M .Vyle*-na-tii|ipM<eeH, was a hamnnms and at the ssme time eObetIve vsgatond, and T. Georgs Filsgialrirk os Jfr. Cbrrfpait, and John M. Judge Jfanim s C'repan, capably tuck rare of their parts. In feet tbe acting of the east, as a whole, was commendable. The performanees were given Ipr thn benelll of Ml. James's Cbureh, _________ ___________

Morristown JetUiigs.Wort on the new Alt Konls’ Hospital, In

Ht. Kemble avenue, Martistuwn, la pro­gressing slowly, end In all pmbahlllly It will not be ready Ibr occupancy until late in Ibu summer or early autumn. The main nultd' Ing, which was formerly the historic Aniold Inn, m which General Washington, upon his visits to MorriHtowii, was n guest, has b«'n entirely remodelled. All that remiilus of the old building Is the massive hewnmak main beams, the Iiorto oolumns of the front plaxxa and the antique framework of the mein en­trance, Tbe interior of the bnllding Is being titled up witb o]l modern Improvements,

F.. T. Caskey, Paul Revere, C. F. Randolph, Patrick Karrelly and p. J. Howard, Morrls- hiwn'i delegates to tbe Slate ennvenUan bring held at Trenton to^lay, left town early Oil* morning, accompanied by a score of polltl- clans. 'Tbe delogatos were pledged lo vote for and support National delegates lu Ihvur of Cleveland.

The Secenlly-elected Republican ofllclali of Morrislowu were to bare metto-nlgbt and organise. Owing to the absence of ip e outgo­ing of^clals, who a n at the Democratic MtaUi CoiivcntlOD, their Republican successors de­cided poelponlng the meeting os un act of eourtesy toward the retiring members of the old GounclL The organisation of the new

AN ATBOOtUt:il PRACnCM.Tho tyetematlo ManaMctuM » t Crtpplas

In rtpalu.Parts Cor. London Mlainlanl.

Tko OingM^read Fair, •» U !■ e t lM , vf^lch la held every sprlnc ID the Fau- btmtg Bt. Antoine and the Placn de la Nse tloar, l i noborioui for Usn nombor o f natural and artlflclal phenomena exhibited there to the public. This year their num­ber hae been greatly inoreaeed by the ar­rival o f about twenty onl*-de-Jatte, who are wretchedly lodged in hdta oo a pieoo o f waeto ground In the Coute de Via- cennee. Throe cripplea, whoeo minute, ehrivelled-up le |t are curled up on the boards on which they sit, fonn a colony, which calls to mind tho Coura dee Miracle* o f former tim ea Every morning they all taue forth, propelling themeelvoa with their hands, to lake up their respocUvo plaoee at tho fair, there to awelt the pence which may be thrown to them by the oom- paselonato paeerre-by. Their aepecl la io pitiful that it l» oal(i many o f them make a real harvert, which, however, o f oourie, goee to the beggar ■* farmer.’’

Twenty or thirty yea n ago tho cnl»-de- Jatte were almost unknown In France, and these deplorable-looking cripplea are the product o f what may be called an In­dustry. Almost alt tho namerous de- forrorf little creature* who roll them ­selves about on boards ooroe from Spain, and more espeelally from T olosaor the neighborhood, situated at about twenty- two kilometre* to the south of Bt. ttobaa- tlan. They are the outcome o f the abom­inable praoticee o f beggar “ fanners," who seek their victims among the children of the pea*ants. When there Is a wmakly boy in the fkmily they persuade tbe parents that he can never be anything but a burden to them unless they consent to have him transformed into a cul-de-jatte, and promise to pay thorn a trifle a day so long aa the cul-de-Jatte Is left w ith them.

The heartless wretches, assuming the character o f humane bcnefaotoni, pretend they thus provide tbe weakly child w itb the menus o f gaining his living, and also procure the parento a considerable pe­cuniary advantage. The operation to which the unfortunate creature Is sub­jected is Si) efTcctnal os it Is simple. The le(^ o f the child are so tightly compressed that the circulation of the blood in them is stopped. Little by little the legs wither

^0 strenj work.

f o rrel­

ish f o r fo o d .No power o f

digestio n—n e r v o u s, irritable, im pulsive- eh ?

Ravss I KOfw kmkfMb

Unmmnn Connell will be mode later on.It is said that a bitch has ^rcady[sd i^ w ay , and thejcej-de-jatte is manufactured.

among the RepubHoae members of the new Morristown Common Council over the ques- Uoiiof iiatroniige. The Itouncll will be eight itepubileans andoee Democrat, rounelliuan Cox, who brings up the rear of the prooosslun, but stands undaunhsl.

Mrs. Meeker, an old resident of Morrirtown, while .busily engaged about bor household duties ymterday ran a ilarnlng msslle eoin- pletely through her left wrist The needle was broken Dll', and remained In the flesh. Inflammation art In, and before tho arrival of a phyilcloaihe unfortunate womau's left arm became swollen to an enormous stse.

Walter tnift, a son of John A. ('lUt, ei- Polloe Justh-e of Morristown and sexton of the M. K. ehurch. and who Is a broUier nf Editor Clift, of ttie Madison/liiple, died yes­terday at his father's home. Tho ilei-eaaed wax twenty-live years old and leaves a widow.

Henry Mire, tbe derendant In tuo hreiu-li of promise case brought liy Mies Jacobs In the New York courts. Is a member of a well- known Morris County family of that name, whom summer residence Is near Morristown.

Tbevoluntrer II remen of Morrislowu aro rejoicing. Acting Mayor Halley has an- Duuaoed that the Are flghlen will be allowed to chose tbeir chief engineer and axslslants from the active members of the fire depart­ment, with the proviso that thn ofllcx-rs so selecfasd be endorsed by the Common CoUncIL



npolnted OS e grand marshal:

Ira Kllbiirh, chief of slalT; B. F. Bralnerd, E. L. Bmltb, Henry Eleke, C. C. Cadmi^ JohnSlelbst, Andrew Hescheier, E. L. Oopk- IlcirQ. Qoleaian, Henry Doremua, B. Ulrich, N 7 n . DsVoursnoy, Julius Helti, John Bon- pell, B, Bailey, Jr., WtUlain Tierney, » m u e l Xnett, BT B. Rowley, A. Itelnhard^^W. H. CDoanell, Kira Axtell, K. L. Kelpen, Ansutnd Adam. Charles Btmbsl, Gustave f!ebalble,I*H. Bridganca K. Ismg, J. H. Bmwn, 0. K. MelorTJ. W. Chandler,MatSbews, W. Job

Wright, George Fraaclsoo, volker, John Hausman,jopn Hunkel^Gus Toiaw,

F. W. Mnnn, W. H. Meldram, J. W. Jaekson,

D salM 'l^eh , Bdward Oeeller, Robert Bald- I----- - " "------ ' ■■ *'*—*

_________ '/,S.Coanc,W. SlauveU, H. Wilcox,

•I Lyneb, Bawara ueeiier, nooen oaia- J. B. Murphy. H. Brown, J. & A l l ^ , Osmpbell, F.Bridem P. J. U ory, H. U■ek, A. J. Smith, L, Gilroy, J. A. Aniold

win,J.O.BAllsek, J.di.Boat,W.S.Ci

_____ y ,___________Cart Hei^ Jr., J. Horn,

a tlie n s M the line of march are reaueslsd"‘-imut, and all

netted to iring tbe street c___ ____o r« r .J . W. Hawk, grand

to diaplay view the pai


whoare requeated to remain on

the lidewaUi, leavIBg the stre^ clear from'curb to curb. By i marshal. OMcImi GeoermL

0. F. Qlflbrd, AdJutonU

MJt. SHtTH'll mraiONATIOH.

C m uaent Upon His Refusal to AeS as• ■ b w ^ Oemmlssfamer.

SOMB tSmUBUi WOT YM BBVBALID.■ ' Ths resignation o f Jam es Sm ith, J t . , o f

N ew ark, a a a m sm ber of tho E lsetrloal Sub­w ay OomtnlialOD,,bas created a big sensation In political elnlM , There le evidently some- ttalng go lag DO tu th e Democratle p a rty th a t is n o t know n to tb e outside world. H um or has I t th a t tbe n ia tlo n i of th e leadere a re iu r r m uch strained , and tb a t there w ill be a k lh d of a foMs-you-piease seram M i for tbe u n ite d R tatse S en a to n b lp an d Q uberoatorlal n o m ina tion . In tbe m ean llaie Republicans a re q u ls lly rsp tlrin g the ir Abom w ith th e best q u a lity of bturbed wit*,—O w idm n ie -

B loom lle ld a n d M ontclair,Pa trick M arley, a saloon-keeper on Pine

street, M ontclair, wax before Justice Mllllgiin yesterdsy on a ebargo of keeping a disorderly lioose. Tbe earn w ent over for a bearing to-morrow afleruoan a t 2 o’clock.

I. P. W lU lam i, o f Bloomfleld, who d isap ­peared a week ago, re turned to hts home yee- te rd sy . The cause o f his absence oould not be learned.

T be m em bers o f Concordia and H ulda lodges, K n igh ts an d la d le s o f H onor of N ew ark , paid a frate rna l v isit to A urora Ixidge, In Bloomfleld, la st M onday night, a fte r w hich they were en terta ined w llh a re- repUou a t Rooh’s HalL '

B dw ard LeUth aonsser, o f Thnrlngen, Oeiv m any , fa ther o f A rth n r Leuttaaeuiwer, pro­p rie to r of tb e Bloomlleld H otel, arrived from tb a t oonntry yeste rday In th s steam er Em s on a visit,

Oeotge InneoG J r ., U u a rtis t, o f M ontclair, w ho has been o a a bun ting tr ip In South U arotlnassvsialw sakiA re tn n w d h o m ey sa te r day .

Two P o lan d en . In tb e em ploy of Onstave Briw tt, a t w ork in excavating tlie cellar tor tbe proposed new hotel la Bloomfleld, bad a pa in to l to lling o u t yesterday. One of th e m en aeoldentally shoveRed some d ir t upon bis Allow w orkm an. Tbe la tto r picked up a spade a n d destlt th e o ther a blow on the head knock ing h im senseless. He was picked up an d rem oved to B udd's stables. Dr. Van Gleeon w as sum m oned. A fter one b o a t's w ork he b rough t th e In la n d e r back to oon- selDUsneas. T he spade user escaped and has n o t been seen since. A w arm ul bos been leaned tor b is arrest.

T he K ing 's D an g h ten ’ CIroA o f the W ash­ington S treet M lsslou, M ontclair, gave a suc- ecssfut en ta rta ln m en t a t tb e mission Isst n igh t,

W illiam 8 . Pleroon P ost «*, Q. A. H., of Bloom lleld, w ill he ld a m eeting on F riday n ig h t to com plete arrangem ents tor tbe Duo- o ra tion D ay observnnoek.

O onductur J e r ry George, of the Delaware, L aokaw anna a n d W rtle m Railroad, has been g ran ted one m o n ih ’e leavs o f absene* on ao- eo u o t o f HI health . He will spend hto vaca­tio n in th e Reruth.

Oondnotor C hittenden, o f the Bloomfleld b ranch , b a t resum ed his work after a Aw days* absenee dow n Bast.

T be annual p a rish m eeting o f the West- m tn iA rP m b y to r ta n C h u ie h vrill be held to ­m orrow n ight, ___________

Ballwtrtlla BrfaA.A rticles o f tnoorporotlon w e n filed a t the

C ounty C lerk's office yesterday o f a eom pany w hich was to rm sd In Belleville tor the im­provem ent o f land , erection of bnlldlngs an d th e fu rn ish ing of b u l ld lu f m aterials, with oap lW o f MOJIOO. The Inoorporaton are Jam es H a rd m a n . J r ., J . C: H ardm an, Joseph U . Osborne, Oeorge L. Brooks, Hoeos F. Rogers and B. L, Anderson, with Jam es H ardm an , J r „ tor president, K. L. Anderson treasurer, a n d O. L. Brooks seeretary.

A valnabto cow owned by U endrieks B rothers, o f Bobo, was k truek by a tra in on th a Gtoenwood l a k e B allraad y ^ r d a y and killed . -

The o tte r lack o f pollee proteotlon gave J . Cronin a n d J . T i ^ r t s n opporiunity to s e t t le a tr le v a n o e ln tegulatlou ring style on W illiam s tra s t la s t night. The men had w ords In a b a rro o m an d It was agreed to H tU s the difficu lty ouAlde. A ring was to n u s d o f a g ronp o f m en, rncondi were chosen a n d a raA rea w as selected. Theflgnt, wfaloh lasted h a lf an h ou r and draw a largo crowd, eodsd In a Araw,

In 1887 M. Waldeek Ftonssoau.then Minister of the Interior, prohibited the introduction of theso Spanish cula-de-Jatte into France, but it A supposed his decree hut become a dead letter, for it Aestim atodthot recently three or four hundred of the poor creatures cross the frontier every year. They are now seen in almost every town in Franee, and haao got as far north os Belgium. To be a cu!-de-jatte must be a profitable trade for the beggar farmers w ho manufacture them and bring them fWim Hpain, os these trader* pay the parenta of the poor crip­ple* a pittance o f only fifty centim es to one franc a day for their hire. One franc, however, A an exceptionally high price, which A given only If thecul-de- jotte has some additional infirmity, such as blindDe**, or if he has but one'srm.

• ---- -FA IN T ED AT T H E CURVE.

An E n g in ee r W bnse M em ory W ho lly U n­nerved H im ,

Denver Cor. 8t. l*inlB Globe.A little over a year ago an accident hap­

pened jon one of the big trunk Unrs that run into Denver, a short dAtance out o f the city. One dark, ralliy night, just as the engine was rounding a short curve, tho engine jumped the track and the engineer was very badly hurt. He was taken to Denver, end it was a couple of m onths be­fore he was able to go t*> again.Then he was given light work about the yard*, or daylight rujui, until ho was thought to be fully recovered. About six months ago he b e ^ n taking regular night runs and seemed to be as good sa engineer a* h e ever was.

A few w eeks ago It happen** that he was put on the same \rain tbat he wan on when hurt. It was notAcd that he w as a little nervous, but no attention was paid to him. T he night tnrned fadt to be the same kind o f one os that on which he had been hurt more than a year boforo. It was dark and dAmal and rainy. As tho train reached the point where the acci­dent ooourred tho fhreman noticed tho en­gineer slack up his engine, and at the same tim e he began to get paler and paler, and as they ronnded the curve where he had been dttched ^ fo r e the man uttered a shriek and fell over in a faint. Tha (drain was too much for him. He was taken to Denver and was again taken off bA engine—thA time for good, o f course— and A now doing switch work in tho yards. As an ingineer the accident has ruined him for life, and now ho says no amount o f money could hire him to steer an en­gine around that curve again.-----------#---------

Look No F a r th e r .H eaib o f famOilt tm*(ng lurntto to lot, or/laU

of roonu, nred not le tk forOier l/utn Iht^ "A’etcx'f" ffOl egofc ccluHBix. It'ednurdai* nrut /WucAip* «re xprelnl reat a to l l daya

rRF.PAKING LIGUEUIM.T h e P ro erx i o f Mrtmifa,‘(n ro o f Several

Cliolea ipufUx,From th a W M lilnsIun Rtar,

“ Liqueurs are simply pore alcohol fla­vored with aromalio and otticr principles derived from plan A and flower*,’’ stid a wins merchant to a ,S(<ir reporter. “ This method of prnduring agreeable and per- (limed liquors was very anciently known. Tho earliest liqueur on record was dim posed of wine, cinnamon hud honey, nnd A sold to bnvu been originally prc|atrcd by Hippocrates. It was for a long lim e a very fBablnnable beverage. But Uio Ital- Anaw ere the first to discover processf* three centuries ago for obtaining such Savoring principles and combining them with spiriM of wine in tho shape of what were called Miquori.’

“ Most liqueurs are made by steeping fruits and aromatic herb* in aicbol until tho latter has absorbed their flavor, sub­mitting the resulting liquid to the process of distil Ation. Cochineal, caramel, Indigo and other substances are used for giving them the desired colors. Heciitied splriA o f wine A best adapted to the purpose o f the compounder of these beverages, be­cause It possesses little ornoflflvor o f lA own to modify that o f the ingredients. The latter ore bruised or ground to pow­der and arc placed in the alcohol, the whole being agitated continualiy durln(T from flve days to a fortnight thereafter. Then the liquid A dAUlled, and a thin, clear syrup nf the finest sugar A added be­fore bottling.

“ Bomo liqueurs are o f very simple com- position, like ‘ Anisette,’ which contains nothing blit alcohol flavored with anise and sweetened with syrup. Others are very complicated, like ‘ Chartreuse.,’ which contains the flavoring and aromatic elemenA of hyisop. jieppermlnt, imgclica room and seeds, thym e, arnica flowers, balsam buds, cinnamon, maco and otlier things beside*. • Ratifin ’ is wine of Rousillon flavored with black curranA.

Klrschwasscr ’ or cherry water A ob­tained by the distillation o f cherries. It

made exclusively in Qermany and Kwltecrlund. The hc-vt quality is pro­duced in the Black Fnrs'.t, where the ripe and sound cherries are crushed in a wicker basket, the juice tliat strains through into a tub being carefully fermented and distilled by the aid o f steam. This Kirscb wasser has a very delicate iierfumc and a slight toHte o f hitter almonds, owing to

amall amount of prussic acid derived from the kernels o f the fruit. Rut tlie or­dinary liqueur called hythto name has a very unpleasant flavor, being made from cherries mashed in bogsheads, ripe, un- riiie and rotten once all together. The maah is allnwed to ferment for some days, after which it is dAtlUed by crude pro- ccBses. A very fair Imitation o f the ‘cherry w ater’ A made by distilling siily-tw o quarts of alcohol with twenty pounds of cherry seeds, seven pounds o f apricot s e ^ , a pound and a half o f dried rwach leaves and four ounces o f r a ^ h . Nearly all liqueurs arc countcrfeileo.

“ Like other spirituous liquors, liqueurs improve very much with age. They ouglit



PARK!T o B s O psnfld

L A R Q E B T ^ F E T A I L 8 T 0 B E

T H E S U S I E 8 T P L A C E IN N E W A R K



iprovc very be kept at a n even temperature and not

exposed to any noise or disturb inoe. Thifs they will bepoffie gradually mellower ^ d w ill obtain progreaslvely those qualities of flavor and bouquet which cause the appro- clBtive epicure to roll h A eyes aud nurse the lingering drops upon hA tongue at each sip ho swallows. There A a teligiun In liqueurs."

Decoration Day.A Slatemsot from Headquarters.

T o tllO P L l b l i c -O i i r ix ir c l i f tM a n f t h o A i i R i i s t

R u c r m i i i i n p r o p t f t y , n o w r a l lc v ^ IChsox l * H r k , o n . O I | i i t o n p l a c e , I ir n b e e n i i m d o p r c t l y w i d e l y k n o w n i h r o u K h th c c f t l i m i n M o f t h e d a l l y |i r o 8 8 , a n d w e w o u l d r e a p e o t f i i l l y a a k t h e a t t e n t i o n o f t h e r c a d l n s D i ib l l c —d i r 8 u c h p a r t o f I t a t l e a a t uH m a y b e i n t e r e s t e d I n t h e i n i r c h a s e o f l io in o N n r r e a l e s t a t e i u - v e s t n i e i i t H —t o t h e f n l l o w i n i ; t

T h e p o p u l a t t a u o f N e w a r k I s I n ­c r e a s i n g a t a s u r p r i s i n g r a t e , a n d ItliitN b e e n o n r a m b i t i o n f u r s e v ­e r a l y e a r n t o t r y o n r i i i i l q i t e flyN- t e n i o f l i o m e b u i l d i n g , t h a t w e h a v e m a d e s o H iic re H a tii l I n ( l x o r e i g h t o f t h e l a r g e a t c i t i e n o f t l i e ( N in o t r y , I n t l iA e l t y .

O u r p i i u i o f b H i l d i t i g u p a fliib- n r h i.H v e r y e s i i e i iM lv o t o in t , a n w i l l b e s e e n l u o n r o p e n i n g a t l v e r t l a e - n i e i i t . I t In l a r g e l y a c o - o p e r a t i v e s y s t e m , e v e r y d o l l a r i n v e s t e d b e ­i n g d i r e c t e d t o m a k i n g t h o p r o p ­e r t y v a l u a b l e t o t h e b u y e r , a n d w e h a v e h a d a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e In N e w a r k a p a r t o t t h e t i m e f o r t h e p a s t t w o y e a r s a t t e m p t i n g t o s e ­c u r e a p i e c e o f p r o p e r t y a t a s u f l l - c l e n t l y l o w f i g u r e t o m a k e o n r (•Iterations s iic c c A H fiil t o t h e p u r - c lia .M cr a s w e l l a s o u r s e l v e s .

W e b e l i e v e w e h a v e m a d e a n c x t r a o r d i i i a r l l y g o o d p u r c h a s e In t h e U u e r i n a i m p r o p e r t y , n o t th a t t h e r e I s n o o t h e r land of e x c e l l e n t clniractcr In t h e Maine v i c i n i t y , blit w e k n o w w e b a v e boiiglit K s s p x I ’a r k a t m u c h lower f i g u r e s t h a n a t w h i c h a n y o f t h e s u r ­r o u n d i n g land, o r I n fact a n y l a n d a b o u t N e w a r k o f like c h a r a c t e r . I s h o l d .

A T T H E O U T S E T , m a y w e b e p e r m i t t e d t o g i v e a s h o r t d e s c r l p - l l o i i o f t h e e x t e n t o f o n r e x p e r i ­e n c e ? W e h a v e b e e n i n t h o r e a l e s t a t e b u s i i i e s H l o r a n u m b e r o f y e a r s , a n d N e w a r k I s t h e s e v e i i - t e e n i l i s u b u r b w o h a v e o p e r a t e d . A U t h e o t h e r s , e x c e p t i n g t h r e e o n e n e t l t h i s y e a r , A K E B U I U T i r p , n o t m e r e l y s o l d o u t , b u t m a d e f i r s t - c l a s s s i i b i i r b a n t o w n s . T l i c f o l l o w i n g I k a l i s t o f t h e s a m e a n d t h e c i t i e s t o w h i c h t h e y a r e a i U a c e i i t . W e w o u l d r e s p e c t l u l l y r e f e r t h e r e a d e r t o a n y r e p u t a b l e i ie w M iH tp e r I t i t h e f o l l o w i n g c i t i e s f o r a V e r i f i c a t i o n o f o u r s t a i e n i e n t a s t o o u r c o m p l e t e s u c c e s s :

5These a re Complete Sots, w ith "White Howls.

U E O U L A lt

F O R T H U R S D A Y O N L Y .

Last Week of Ouf Great Alteration Shoe Salel

FAR BELOW VALUE.Hahn* A (X.'iBlar 11.88 Wiov, re.

(tiler'll to,.......................................MI*m5»' I'arl* Kid Hprinshrel But-

lon«d Boots, rodured frimi |1.(»|.>....................................................................

Infanlx' HuMvt liabd-Mowpd But- lulU'd Baot^ redueod from (Be. la

$ 1 .6 7$ 1 .2 5

4 9 c .21.1 n a lr to f C hildren’s H ow l K lralih l G rain

Vamp Dois«nla Tiqi Hprinihw’l HiiUousa Boots, In slip* lUid w id th '. oxluU nw s;

f. «t!r. T, 8S, A »K. 10.C1I--0.

H vgultr p riw II.3A N ow m arked a t


Ixtdim* llonitnia K id lland-sswod T urn itu iloncd Hoots, reduoM from gi.40 to.......................... . .. .....

Children'* Dnngola Patent Tip Hpriiiahrel Buttoned B.Kite,eAa fl to 8, reduiwd rrouxSTa. to.

$ 2 .1 64 6 c .


la d le s ' Halren W«liil*,b(?*t qliutfty (.aleeii, Iwx plaited Irimt an d hm k, turndown collar and enfl* edged w ith plaited rultle,

Klalted rufflnjnhol down 11-01)1, e x tra Ilni!nlsh to scHine, lilim iiolka dots, hliick

polka doU, blue ring*, black rlUL’e, solid f.lack. solid n a r y , solid eardltiHi, lilnek and w h ile elrlpn., Iilu* and white *trltics.

R E G U L A R $ 1 . 4 9 .

S p e c i a l - ^ 1 . 8 3 .

HANDKERCHIEFS.KintHTYlrtun'il rhiflhn H»nrtk$'P$'

HHi'fH, elf’Kimti'oriuT and #mbro4«’(turfKt N<'Rllopti, n'tc, lt49«

DRESS TRIMMINGS.I.no0 yard« 1 Inch heavy Bilk Mne* Trim , inline*, color*. 8 *Ih im , 3 gold brow n*,! dark brown*,'J Gol*'lln», 3 iielgsx, 3eerux, binck. iii.vy, eurdbini, gk ru rt, myrlleyl rcHediq 2 M Io green*, rcg. Ac, Bjieclal S3«- yiird.



T h e

T a Im p re v s llie F i n A la n e Servlo* Ooletde o f th e vlgoreu* reeom m endaUon o f

tbS O onM tltteSoaFIreTelegnepli for th e Im- p io rs raen t o f t he lire s la r ia lervloe, the meet­ing o f th e F in p om m tu loae rs la s t n ig h t wae ^q u o ft w ithou t Inqldeut, T be com m ittee niBSA the ImporlaiiSe o f th e h earty eupport o f th e oommiwlonefs and the F ire Oommittee oftiteG om m onO onaoH to seeure a n appro- t ^ t l o n tor a chant*, t tw e s e ta le d th a t the •erv loea tp re ieB t w as very poor. A vole of tbSB ki w as pssssd to (he d ep artm ast m en to r th e sredllobA appearance m *da In th e p o n d s yesterday. -Ths m o n th ly psyrolt, am o an tlD c to *U,Stta). was ordered d raw n. M m e* A. Oullllnore, o f MB N nrtolk rtre r t. was asm ethtsd ■ r e |u ls r firem an to tak e th e place o flJa m e s Q nlm by, deceased, AppHosUcns for appo in tm api were received from John S tt lS fu e .G e o tie Dentils, P s lrtek MeM sbon, F redsriok P. Rommel, Jam es R . MoOrolth, HWMit Carle and George H . Oaose. ____

Booth Orange Note*.Booth Orange people ore patiently awaiting

for Governor Abbett'i V ln tlon of a Police Justice for their vlUage to be mode known, U A expected that he will reappoint John 0 ’Rlell](, Br., althangh there are a number of olUune who desire tbe office, and tbe manner In wbleh their friends have hustled tor them would make a stnnger believe that the posi­tion was s big one. FiflIUolana bave strained their every nerve to oMaA the appointment tor tfaeir ffivorltss. Besides Mr. o'Ulelly, these cllliens' Bamst are mentioned In con- neetlon with the offloe i LonA Albeck, Nor­man It. Buighardt and William 0. Newman. At present 'Bdward F, Cbureh, pmident of the Village Board of Tnutees, le acting ax Jnitlce.


OUR CLOTHINGtakes the honors wherever it it goes. It needs no praise— it speaks for itself.

Our spring and summer srock represents Newark’s best production. In variety it is unsurpassed—in excellence it- distances alt competition.

, wouldn’it be Stoutenburgh’s if ' pfices were other than least

^ | ) p X J I L 0H > C0 W

Ths BeelMeak Clnb,-eon noted orpereoni from Boutb Orange and Vainburg, went on a oAmbake to CObllton’t Woods. In Hilton, yes- terdoy aflenmon. ______

Talkers at * DAcoanh From tb* Chicago Hall.

At a dfrner in London the other night Isnrd CirrtngtoD told a story of bis first experience oeGoviAaorof N e# Boutb-Wales, lie wue forrafcity received a |a public banquet, and wax prepared to make * Mpeteta. He bdd been glveo to understand tbat the colony hod pre- vlDUely-ressiited too much loquacity ou the partofit*governors. Accordingly, UewroA oQl, in tbe brietost possible way, a tow ten- tenotf, wllh not a word more than needed to bs snid in tbem, spoke them and Mtdown. Oppaslle him wae seated an elderly member of lArllamenl, who hod beenobeof the com- pAlneri In prsviou* eases. Ae soon m Lord Qirrington flnAhed, this gentinnan filled hi* flais. drained It to the dregs, snacked b li tips and aald tn a -A n a of tatlitoctlon.and load enough to ho hoard all overtbaplaoat “ Thank the Lord, bseoMtapenk,"

---- -— .— J i—*—(—.......a weard. o f Oealb.

SlsaOBUF.Achmidt diad at huboffie, HO Magsslito atreat, yealarday tn bit aerentietta year. Daoaaaad hod lAad la IhA oily twenty, flve yew*. A widow and aU grown oUldran anrvlv* him.

Ihadaeth aanured yoatorfloy aftarnoos at loM bonM ,m »«r of Wea* Klnnffir and

aflnwBMhd WIRi. Ba.

Growing Prefiare o f Attention to Bnilnett flatlrixed.

From the New Yofk Reeorder.■‘ Father," said the boy, aa he oome Into

tbe ofltoe, "1 called on a delicate mla- slon."

“ ^ t down," aald the old man, fo ln g ahead with hA wriUng.

“ It A a delicate mlaolon, father, and trust yon will give it the conalderaUon it demanda.’’

“ ThA A my buiy day, m y boy," said tbe old man, b o v ^ g hA bead deeper in the meM on the deak, “ but I am always inter­ested in m y frmtly."

“ Thank you, father; IL A lndeedapleas- u reto m e . I was gbont to say, sir, that m y business here to-fEsy was o f a delicate obaraoter.”

“ b it, Indeed, eh T" sold tbe fhther, dip­ping bU pen In the ink and scratohlng away for dew life. “ James, 1 am gtsd to listen to you always."

“ As yon are s u ^ a bnsy man, father, shaU take sa little of yonr time as poaalble. The fact A, father, the bnsinee* o f Import­ance upon which I colled A—A very Im­portant Indeed. 1 wont—

“-Qo ahead, my w m "HiJj,___ >'“ I t A the way o f the worid, James.’*“ Yea, air, to take yon home to-night,

sir, and intrcsfluce yon to your family, rather."

“ What’s thatT” snorted th e old man looking up, suddenly.

“ Buaineas A iO prsaslng these days mother sIA down fop days and days to­gether, and Jooks at your photograph; she wonders how you look now ; It A not a flattering picture; U arse taken long be­fore the war, but It A- the beat she ha* wonld you mind, atr, stepping into a gal­lery on the wey to hinoh and giving her new alttingt"

T he old men waatooebed, .A glow cameinto hA pallid face. In that instant he eeomed to renew hA youth, Busineaa, yes, Indeed, bow It had carried him away. He brushed hU baud over bA eyes and sa id :

“ Jamet, one o f the olerka la sick to-day. Bun up and aak mother If she would not like to com e down and work witb m e here thA afternoon, getting ont m onthly state- mento to 14,000 euatomer* 1"

The BIsadant flawlag H adiloe,Bold at the " DomesUo Artjlooraa," A rapidly innersedlug all other* both for family and factory nre. It* ear* In runolugaud quiet- ne*!. M* well n! tbe great ipecd, are tbe quall-

. . . . ............................... J ( „

The Aetole I*rofr!*or DIxereetly •n Elaborate Trap.

From the Chicago Tribune.“ Profeaeor, does not an object in falling

through the air descend with constanUy Increasing velocity t"

“ Unquestionable It does."“ And does not sound travel at tbe

uniform rate o f about 1,100 feet per seo- ondT”

“ Practically. As k matter o f sclsntlflo exBctnesB it may be sold that sound travels 1,090 feet in a second when the air is at a temperature o f thirty-two degrees Fabren- beit, and one foot per second faster for each rise o f one degree.”“ “ Exactly. Now the problem 1 have to propose A th U : A brick fails from tbe top of a high building in process o f erection. A t tbe moment i t MarA to A ll tbe work­man who h is accidentally dropped it shouA a warning to those below. How high must tbe building be in order that the brick shall fall upon the bead o f a six-foot man on ths sidewalk below at the precise moment that the warning voice strikes bis earT”

‘ The problem involves an absurdity. N o building so tall as that would be erect­ed anywhere except In Chicago, and a Chicago m « i would be out o f the way long Itofore the brick fe ll.”

Mie Taoed Him Down.From the Philadelphia Telegraph.

Wlte—'• I need a lltlle more money."Husband—*' It is only two day* «liioe---- ”Wife—“ Now, see bare I 1 want you to un­

derstand that I wouldn't oak fur money If I didn’t need It, sod I don't intend to be re. minded that It is only two days since you gave mo suiue. I am not a oblld. dV a menial, or a sAve, to be treated like un Irresiionslble being, and I just want you to know that I wont itond tl either, so there now! I’ve got juit as much right to your moucy as you have, M) there now. you— ”

HdlUgnd—“ My dear, I was merely going to remark that It li Only two day* slnco Kdrew my' Xala^y, and you could bave all you wanted,” ____

.klllson Park, Ptttaburg, Pa.Hheiiutlii Terrxee, Plitaburg, Pa, niflnn, Hillalmrg, I'a.Ivutihoc, Pittsburg, I'a.BiminiU Park, Bi-mnlon, Pa.Greenwood Ihirk, Ihe lon, Maas.I.liidi-tidale, BoHt(in, lus*.IVulluKton I'urk, Bmtou, Mas*.Norfolk Downs, Boston, Mass.Lyimhurvl. Lymi, Mh*m.Klat-dcll Park, Biinhln, N. Y.Bay View, HiifTalo, .V. V. flrunob Hill. I’luclnnall, O,Har.tmvnod, (.'Inclnnutl, O.Koul h Aubilrn, Providence, ft. I.Riuton Height*, Baltimore, Md,SOM ETHING O F W H A T W E

P R O PO SE '1X> 1>0—W e tiPe here Hot only to sell p ro jte rty , b u t to bu ild up a Hubiirb an d a re p u ta ­tion a t th e aanie tim e. T h e re a re tw o inetliodH o f Helling: o u t a larg:o t r a c t o f land. One Ik to a tte m p t to Kcll o u t UH (iiilckly as poHHlbie a n d th en le t iiie piircbaHer ta k e ear© o f h im self; th e o th e r Ik to

Forty Pieces Washable China Silk.B M H S , TASS, HACK, GRAYS, BLDES, ETC.

T hli I t a new Im portation oi the I ja tes t lleglcniH to r Ladlea* W atiti*

1 5 0 P I E C E S B U N T I N G ,— F o r D G o o r a t i n p T F u r p o a e s .

PLAIN R ED , 1PLA IN W H IT E , 5 c e n t s v a L r d


Red, W h ite a n d B ind S ta r s an d S trip e s , - O e e n t a y a r c UAs these goods are gsttlng scarce, those who drelre to decorate their houses

should Ay In a stock at once.________________ s______________________

T p i m m e d H ^ i t sA T O N E -H A L F F B I C E T O -H O B B O W ,

itHea htrffo tm ioiintof capital for piirpoHe of hiilldUijf up

the place. In tlila way every dollarth e d i r e c t ;

A Famous French Cliefonce wrete; “ The very soul of cooking is the stock-pot, and tlie linett stock-pot is

I g l e b i g € o m | i a n y * N

Fxtraet of Beef.

Un wblcl) ntx>iniii*nd every lover ofcomfort combined with ulltUy. H« them s i tho " Doinreilo Art Booms," Brood sitd West Parkslrreia

im n s_ _ :r rem-


SPKCIffiL MOTICBI.' Whenypn w ant* dyspepsia enre esk tor

RIlAPi DtgwMve Lfteiigito AtLewA’s, Btrtitbcru’a MeOfilly's, Btanfort’s, iTolshaasPs, Hank's, G trr iw 's, Reynold’s, toA aan's and all otbar live druggAA-

Dr. Weed's IfgeeAy fto * flytMGougb* uod coldi quicker then any olIAi *dy, because it atii)Wa8* ths lungdv . quiUilyofthtjpIn* tree with other valuable mrdir1net.^Hold by alt dotisa un agustau- teeofsatlsMrtlBa. ■ '" ■ " ; '

Tfetnii* tot ’ rtoseMT weddteg_ nod

nawsvs etjri'eu'lili M iM ns b.** a** fb*ins Dr,T!


(Irmilort only wJtlipljjnttlure. Invulimblij linflrovurt iinrt ift'iMi* rjialo cookery. Fur l4oupe, riHUceti Rud MrcTr Dlfihiui.


expended In for th e benefit o f the buyer. A guburbaii tra c t o f land, If Hold out aud nu t built up, afforda ra th e r a poor so rt o f lur veHtment; b u tif ha lf o f th e money received for a piece of property In Npeiit In d irect Improveuient and in liidueementB to draw people to build and to help them to do mi, the InveHtineiit Ih profitable, both to the buyer aud to tho Heller. I t Ih our nnibltion to,make our prop­erty JiiNt m vahiabte to the lot ow ner os we poNnlbly can. Our HyHtem of KcuerouH gifts to build­ers, free railroad iiasseH, first-ehtHH linprovem eutsand careful restrlc- tloiiH win .w e believe, b ring about, an It alwiiys luw done, tb ls result. Wo are. building and having built on our varlouH p r t ^ r t i e s a t the ra te o f 300 to -AOO houses iwr year. •

W e believe It Is to tb e Interest o f every person IntercKted lu real CHtute, e ither for a home or as au liiveHtineiit, to study carefiilly our anuoiineeiiieiitH made next ftatiir- riay and Sunday for ourUetioratlon l>ay oiieiiliig. W e tak e the prlvl. lege o f piibllMliIng th e following le tters fTom various baiikH to Hhow the CHtiiiiattou In w hich We are held by ttie best people:Biioadwat NxvioxAi.BaVk,Boston, Moss.

Itanium itYour snm es In handling Argn IraoA of

land In WoUsxton; Linden and Go'snwnod Park might be considered pliciiumrnul until wr look nt' your lIA-ral manner nt treating all purebuseri, your prompt attention to your cpxioiucr'a lnlereaA,and your rigid Integrity in all agreements. . ,

a'e lake great pirenire In rongratulstlng you, uiwii j'our merited prii*i>erlty, end In ilul ng no voice tbe enuomlums a t many ulbere, Yourslmly, „

w IlLIAM R. d r e s s e r , Cashier.Marikn KATiOHAL BawK, FitUburg, Pa.

Mr»*r». Wood, linrmon A Co. have b « i doing bnslntws with u* for wveral years, and dui'lng Ibut time we have always round iliem reliable and eqoare-dealliig people, prompt In meeting their eiigsif-mi.-nt*, and we know Ihum to to ihiiroughly tbeir nn- dbrtaklnga Tliey eoilie to us Very highly rcvimmended, and have in their Interanise with u* always lived up to that rm-omuienda- Itou. W, VON BOJiNHoBBT, Cashier.

BAHie ov (yiMHgncx, Buffalo, N. Y. H eart. It ood, ituruum it Co.t

Tho business or your Arm since loeatlng hers and tli« largo oMuont or property tiamlled by you, must be very satlsrartory In every twurel. In all ot the busInN* tran* ucird here I have nut heard a single com- plHlnt. ... ,

I think your survxui* A due to thellhera!FROM THE NEW SHADES IN



f t m . 745 ,m A 9 STREET.


Great Sale of Parlor Suite!1 0 0 D I B 'F K R K N T M T Y L K S .

•Vi:f it

msnnor in which you handle yourbosine*.il ■ ■ ' ‘ -----igree’inrnt*-------- -------.■

yqu have honcHtly earned the good roputo;________ ______end eirlct wnnplAnM wllHall ngrveinent* attract purehosere. thinkyour easy terms

tloo you haro here. Yours trill}'.M. F. WAHHfcN, Cashier.


This is to eertirylbnt thU bunk toe made loans to a number or iienuin* who have jme chased lunA of Heiurs. Wood, Harmon 4 Oo., and we have always found tbestatemenA mads by the Bnn to bo correct. I believe tbeir e.vstem A honestly conducted, aud, be­ing Ilk* oo-dpcrallvo bauks. It enables partita Io own their home* who covild not otberwls* do HO. ■ A, Ki DUFFILL, Heorelary.


Ynioit,iuBiioN&ca,750 BROAD ST . HEVAEK,



131 to MS NRWARK AVBNjuR, I B8MAIN SIWUB', }Jersey QUar.N.J. i I . FeMPtHlk; I



•AVID STRAUS631-637 Broid Street, Comer R ei.

C O ir m r U A T I O N O F O V S O S A H D

S E I t - A l M l CLEARA3CE SALE IS p ec ia l Iiid u e e m e a ta fo r T o -a to rro w O nljr.

Udies' Suits and Tea Gowns. T lio G i'o a te s t

E ver O ffered in Thin C tty.S.aoa n r e > MdIi* m ik KUibon, I , a tt en lon ,

Nri^7«*l,«rU.l'i«.X»r4- To-iwraw *fc ra n ) .

N n . It, I t u d Ik D w th ‘He, and » c . yard. Tm iu h k w I « b. yard.

eo p lw » , l» atylM, V and «>.|iu'h Em hrol. d n re l VtoiinrHia. w « T i e l f t i « a » * ifc .y ,rd . To,|uorrow te a . , t i c , and ifep, yard .

lad lM ’ Mualln WtlrU. w ith r t» p ,m b ro l- 1 donid rum.', w urth Me., a t <>«• aai-b.

BO rttswn Flffn titu illty U finatltrhw lB an d k rrid itrK re g a k r nrt«-a8e , a t lSa.nH lb

Hnreuil fcanTCJirrlaaB Varaiwd Oavrta,«xirth 3tc. and B0c .,M it la . a n d t e e .« c k .

W H YDon’t Yo« Call on

O R > L .

m m837 BBQID 81(Newark, N. J.?

H e In aiicceteniny treettag- from 80 ( • 4 0 p e tle o te d a t l j to r Ife ta l am t B ronaA lat C a ta rrh , C atarrhal Kore T h re a t. Mare Eye»,8ere K art, H oreN ete, More T h ro a t, C ata rrhal OeallieNN, K caeina, Aene, FlcNh WortiiN. llla t'khea ilii an d I’liuplea o f the Face.


T H E B E E H I V E .m M CM SAVE m n i i m t i T i i i saleLadies' Capea


100 lUBROIDERED KOBES,IJray, Old H iw , Tnn, w orth CUD,

and n«Tcr aold fur laaa.

Oar Irlet To-momt $1.11.

l a t t a , ' Hlacnr Hul i>r nn,' all-wool Bttwdrlmh, ......'-Or llknru t, row« of »t1U!htn* on ik lr l , eollar and cult*. In uavy blue, b a r k and Ian color. To-mor- e n r l prloe,,.™..............................lafllCT* Kulti of Verona Uloer, atrlped w ith

w o ^ Pot I'ff.ot, a mnet «i.vl ahdaoKlng (»r- n e n t . Norfolk w alit with hob, In H dln«rent ■Iwdea, To-morrow’a prbv r l .W .

Ladtw ' HulU of (inrtir'p BphI I'ercale, In MrlMa. waMt ylallcd f c i i t a n d bank, will, belt; w airantod h a t oolon , To-roorrow’i

^ L ^ lM 'H i i ia of W hile O round ak lrtln y , In tlkiirea and atrlnea, Norfolk walata, buteok, o r i, To-m orro're price a i . s e ,

i j n i U d l n ’ Hhlrt W aa ta , In a ll Itat new a n o d o lra b le ntaterlalt. Including rbirab Hllk, HataNw, Crepe f lo th ,H a d ra i, Cam bric, lAwn, w klta and tltpired. Tuknorruw’a prlueatSo-, •g e ., o p to a t ,0 t .

n o I edln'^OuUog d o th Hkl r u . Ttemorrow on ly M e. taoh.

V ery Special Xtiiie o f

D p e s s C o o d s ,m m prlpliik t<N>da tSat told at M r. n r . and Wo. yard, all lbl» eniaon'e good*. In all now •fbaer* r o r to-nwrrow uBIy M **a. y an k

fg-lneb B lark lainednwne, Ter.» Ibie qnallty , m aking a cool eiiranier dreae, i.«TeT to ld o e th a n Tic. Uur price lo-roorrow SO®, yard .

BO r>reu l«ngtha n rru ll ll^-yard- wlda WOOL (TieKVIOTB, In dark gray oal.T, fell d irm patlem of B yard*, w orth IL7A For to-morrow uDly a t

S I . 0 8 .

Cmiern, WnrU* Tumur«. Blrth-irm rki, Moli's a a d W arU iif the Old Horn) A ill* l ^ « « r W llttic liid ln r ImmMinRir N«!t)), VMeut»r kk-crPHcciintm oti ihfi itotUHn of tho Feet. Ikvp Corns thn l MDiw flu t to N tTvtt, on ' *'iithe Tutu, indu itiug Ciirbuu«hM, M g Baft y*etc.

D r , K IM B E L L ’ S L o w M t Priog fo r B « - fflO klnf C orna h t 2 m o S . T h a L a rB O tl and Daapaat 0 « r a E x e r m a a iM a , an IH' fHM arlnf Nad o r T h io k C lu b NaM Ramovad M d Oierad In O m T ra a ta ta n t WMIm « 1 P o lo h f D r . K h n h o ll’ a S k M lti Oparah aaa.

T h iu t t a d a In N a w t r it H u t H a H a t fa r m in a n tty C u r o d C a n Ba R a fa rra d to .

Parle an d Berlin etylee, the oholea or th e eeainn'B producllona, In bn tu tifu l Ian nnd elate .hndoe, Uanda.>mely braided and tr im ­med wUh roIfU de Irlande hu», form er prtcee H* and M k obato ,f O F , . . , , , . ....... ......................................... ..

Esdfbrd Cord Ssits.All-wool, etylleh deel$n.,ik ir t , fcwey «l»e»e, new ehonea, O ia ftftleg-lUt >1................................ ijAi.VK

Ladies’ Wrappers.Nia Nww W B iofite In gnw l of etyli's, ab the low eit p rice , e re r nam ed—I lot fOo., w orth f l .a i ; I k a « t . a u woiiik t u t ; I lo th l.M , wulthtAJO

C ^gaod ittLaili-rinl Blaek Lao* W ork, w orth me., ut................. ..........................

Colton Crepe de Chine, elegant line o f color­ing*, *11 k InU hcd , w orth He., a t n*ie. yard.

Tam bour Hwlee for Barb Curtain*, w orth 37',e. M|>ccla1 a t lOe, yard.

Ir l .h rn ln lS w lM fb r l« n g Curtain*, w orth etc. npcclal a t U e . ynrd.

Flneet quality W hite P laid Nalnimak*, handiHiine p a tlcn u , regular price '4)c., a t

yard.New ilB* of J a v a Cloth, th e lending waeh

d re rt m ateria l cd the eeaaoa, all new d a lg n i, regular price U lfc., a t m e . yard.-

l.'lealng ou t all our figured In d ia Drw* Hllk* a t one half their real value.

EXTRA SPECIAL FROM 9 TO 11 O’CLOCK A Em-liich Black Bedford Curd*, very fine quality , regular price JOo., a t......... ................„,.a«e. yardBpeeUl lot of Cnblnwhed Table Linen, Worth from BOc. lo lllfc. yard , a t . . ............. aOo. yardl t d Bbniihed Hhoetlng, w orth Me. Hpecia! price............................. ................... - ....... „ ,.I7ko. yardH eavy Untalrarbed Hheetlnx, full yard wide, worth Be., a t ............................., yardDoqtal* Danuwk Merman M nen Towel*, t t ie aikW, w orth aBc., a t ...... .......... ..—........ _..lTe, each

D A V I D S T R A U S ,6 8 5 -6 3 7 B r o a d S t r e e t , C o m e r H e w S t r e e t .

fcr th e p ast two irlue* on Chrpei.

|tgenndgtlk«**tt> ry to g a r we gave aw ay th rM too* of Carpat P vo lf A weM*, b u t w t have the dgurce t o prove it. We p ^ U v o ly b<k i 1 (hat o«r pri a re lo w e r th a n a n y houae la th a H la te , W ew lll eloee o u t th* baJakco o f n i r im t l r ^ n r tn g

of OhriaU a t BO pef o e n t low er th a n form er price* lo m ake room for t/TH BR UOOIlH.

B E D R O O M S U IT S .aid, “ A th ing of beau ty U a lo y forever," and good* lh » l are com panlonlllik your I g n w o r tb y o f o unalden ttlon ,and .hou ld b ew iee ted w ith c a r , lu lo q u a llty ,n d U H o u t prtda alw ay* to kWD *uch a stock. You will nol le*

U ltn i

& o u t prtda alw ay* to k w p such a stock. You will not leave o ur store dlsap-

A N t P I E C E O A K S U I T , S B t .O O , F R E N C H B E V E L P L A T E .

P A .R U O R S U IT S .TMlok of one la rie epM looi floor, weli lighted, w ith m ore th a n 105 Parlor fluiU, arraoj_--a . . . — - a.F .*^„.* et.._a* can flnrt such anot

right* Do no t buy beforeto aa to m ake MlMtUms N uy a n d p leaiurable. We don^i th in k you can And such ano ther anyw here. Being large oonaumera, we buy m atefla i r ig h t an d eelf ' ‘ ‘ tu in g h i.

S I D E B O A R D S .We have Just pk t In to Una th e inasllM W uU fttlhadyetthecih tapeit ItM O f B M rd tev e r

ahow a Id Newark.

$ 1 0 .0 0 w o rth ..$1.00 down an d $ 1 .0 0 weekly $8S.OO w o rtb ..$ 3 .0 0 dow n an d $ 1 .0 0 weekly $ 0 0 .0 0 ifOrtta..$0.00 dow n an d $ 1 .0 0 weekly $ 7 0 .0 0 wortli..47.0O dow n an d $ 1 .2 0 w eekly

' ■ $ 1 0 0 .0 0 w’th $ 1 0 .0 0 dow n an d $ 1 .0 0 w eeklyEVERYTHING FOR HOUSEKEEPIM g



SILV ERW A RE.You wH I And an elegant u eo rtm en t of Httverware, ou r ow n make, *X most reasonable prhsee, Ute room and factory o f


Near M ulberry H treel

IVilSirtWaMSi' — COHTISUED A lt—


The Doe to r la n o w In h it e ig h th naontli o f kla aU tli Mtooeaaflil visit to N ew ark tlB rlog tlio p as t 2 0 yeara.

OIBee M oura—W e o k lM y t, O A, I I , toO P . M . M oadaya, T lm n» days an d S a ta rd n y a till 0 P . 91. Sundays 11*. 91. to 0 P . AL

Dr. UnMI is Ftinutotli locttsd.

R E F E R S T OMr. Ch«». M. Brown, No. 13 Taylor *lrw t,

Newark, cured o f O htarrh l& y e a n s g u . U , b a i nevur boeti ttouh lad w ith Catarrh since.

MIm Minnie K e sn in e r ,* Mercer tlreahcR y ,cured (If N aw l a n d B tunch lal Catarrh In U licatm cnU.

John M o l^ l ty , 11.> llru cn street, clip. Cured of a iMil U tla rru a l Bure T hroat In 7 tre a t­ment*.

Mr. F rank V an Doreii, w ith Heath * Hmke, Mcrchnata, cured o f N asal and Bronchinl C atarrh.

Mr*, (lea. W, CofTln, with of Mr. G ea W , Coffin, Ueeclvlng Teller uf th* becood N atkm r al Hank, cured of lie b lngE cscm a mid letter o- the eckip,

E. F rauk B oultlller, ::d H crkcr street, city, cured of C atarrh In 14 treAtiucnl*.

Dr, U K linbell I* recomini'ndcd by lucb em inent nh y sirlin * os Dr*. W illiam (FOoii man, F. B. M andevlile an d *(»rea of o ther physIclanK, and thousand* of ladies and gen- U euen In N ew ark recom m end Dr. K lm bul.

A lomon H. Fu ller, of Oolomba,Oonn„ cured In IRBB of a llsncer o r hi* lower Upln one Iroat- im u t, will answ er queatlooi.

Col. R K. R icker, o f FlHiabeth, N. J ., waa cured of * Ikee Cancer by Dr. Klinbell IS yeare ago, who used a liq u id procea* only.

Mr*. K. Peters, 4TS C entral avenue, c ity, bad t moles or w a ru m ecesahilly removed,

Richard Ccala, IS JeflTtnon •treet, Oranga, N. J ., w ill answ er qtlcKllon* about having a large Cy*ted T um or, o r wen, succcntully re I moved from h ta b ead .

Mr*. Dr. M eeker, city , w lllanswerqnertlon* about having a n unsigh tly w sri, or mole, suo- eesstully rem oved from her uppt't Up.


To tb* E dito r o f th e S un iiaT CAU. Dear HIr: 1 can rdcom m end Dr, L, KImbell for the euro of all feel dlscaaca.





To the E d ito r of the Ca l i : Dear S I r - I suf­fered nine year* w ith »ore ere*, na in l a iU irh , and had a deep u lcerated old *ore on one of my legs. Dr, L. K Im bell has cured me.


To the Editor o f th e Ca l l : DearBir—I have MitTbred from aoro noee, t o n ears nud acne and plm plaa on m y fhee a nd bave been curgd by the nae of Dr. K lm tictl'* External Reme- dlea, w hich luave no s ta in on th e skin.



T o th aF A tto r o f th e HUkDAY Ca l l : Dear BIr-'DR. I,. K1M BEI.L cured m y lee tln o n e treatinent of troublesom e conn K years ago. Dr. KImbell la a aclentllle inan and knows m o r, abou t cu rin g feet trouble then all the ctalropodUletn A iuerlca. I pabl him tIOfor rrm oirtnf 5 corns, an d H wna money well In- Ttated. W ILLIAM R GUILD.

Of G uild A Lum, lawyera.

DB. KIM BELI.’R great “ EXTERNAL REMEDY " for kcnc; plmplea and blackheads edthe foee never faUs to cure the wcuat cates. Tbe price o f th is never-JklUng remedy is H, A and lid a bottle. I t haa cured tbon- senda. Try IL

A rem edy th a t will (Xire excessive persplra- llon, scaldM a n d blistered feet and the worst ease* of bad odo r o f tb s tM t s ad armpRs- Try it, __

Dr. KImbell can refer to 6,(no people In New­ark . R ich a i srall M poor triAted by him,

Dr. KIm bell

Sic.Extra Uglit Weiglit ChaokB-

eic.Nun’s Y«aiiig.

Albwool AltjatroaiClothe,deoblt I t s >Jw idth , a t ............................ ................f 0 6 .J KLarge Hoe a t S ta rk W aalH reaw i f f n din**,'w urth IL aL—».—~.— . - — • * *

SateeiiflIn haisiteoA* A on i r t t o ik

■ 1 *11 ,►■••«**,** sssee * ees *— H-»*e sage#

Olina MattiigaT o t N*. I, w orth SOc,, tor.—L ot Na, X w orth KM., for.,,—

l lfc jd

yd,« _ J f,IW a. yd.

Garaet GoveraV-front of Caoe Ineertloo, Hem- tu tu h h u an d Lac* edge, w orthttc . $«c£»>*es*»SMa........ S9C,

Night Gowns.Of F ine (Ismbrlc, fcoey tu eh ed y o h ^ full lenfth. and w id th , t i n w orth He., to r . ----------------------- - V K ,

Jean Braw«r Waists.ITor chl>4nD, lt>«r aUat, rtgulAr J /U

................................ s'™*

W. R CoraetaE x tra lung WaiatCoreeLIn w hite , gfla » d rab n od Dlack, teg. price IL fo r . I «*• p i

Chiffon LaceaAll shades. ITp TdHegular price 34r., for..................... l l b . J t t

Fancy Ribbon Ruching...............STcji

Moll HataChildren’* Colored Mull Hnla. In pink, blue, cream and (rai'dlnal, f t a worth Me., for............... •Vb,

China Silk ParasolaHneclal line of Mae Figured China Bilk Bun*l>ades,elegaiitooliirlng*, Imported sllukk, leg. lii good*, for

Club Coachinga8 ilk TttflrU* cbuiigpiitiiP (mul^ to m atch, parly aoiuHin prlcu tbU w$ck they go fur,..,..***..... .

Ladies’ OxfordaFluesl B lurhcr *tylr, lia n d n u id ^ paten t leatbur tl|ui, ou r rog. kl.W sty le for..............................................

Infants’ SboeaFloe KIA llandm ude, very flexl^ i)le, ou r r ^ . Tlk.g 5>r»...................... .

Ladies’ IMe GloireaId black, rcg. Uo., tor^ m.*.,*...

Trimmed Hata






Beautiful New CieaUons, sure to win nfe proval from every lady, a l th* spcolul prices of sa.»d, SA.M add Sd-ST.

Trimmed Sailor HataFor UdtMg Dll ooloni, ivg. 11,81 AVsfCir*i.*i 4*,i„i.i,,isnZef«*i"*T«nsai*ivdr,,e’i k *9 H<

Leather I ^ e aFlnf MoroL'co.kIdllnod and d’ble {]« pockets, rcg. week ki.*..*,

Rose Pearl Bnttona^Id everywhere dI lhe.,UiU week l

Children’s VrataFine Ribbed Wool, tong eleeve* Jlii *• and sleevelraw, rcg. SUc.aud 7|e.,at lU u.U

Gent's Cnff Bnttona36c.Fine Gold ria te , rcg. e'iOc. wcl«3c„

ibia week »t........... ..... ................. .

B ear in mind that besides Monday*s, Tuesday’s and To-day’s Lists there are hundreds of other bright, fresh bargains to be found at every step taken through our stores.



Ony Mixid and Tss MO

DOMET FLANNEL h i HV alue Wc--------------- ----- ......... W V I

F R O M O to 12,P i i n t e d A i

O u t in g F l a n n e l .

Value U V ...................

SiHcial M for Mr,,4>ic.


6 9 c .

f r in ta i l D ra p e ry .iv>llnr 1)otR.W orth Hk‘...........................

D o m « itio C r « t o n n « i .Worth Idi*..........................



O h ild r in ’g Q ln g h tm L r u t i i .T rim m ed w ith fouey while braid, J lu a y ears ............. ....... —.

MIi i m * Q ln g h im D r a t ta i ,Fniicy y o k e an d uMh* 6 to

........ .... .............................. 9 i i O i

I tg e k Q lo r t i S u n ilw d e t,Block fhnry crook baDdlmi. rvg* A a A i t lT«iua 11.75... vLSfiai

e ig e k S g tin U in life llig ,F a it b lack , w ith ho rd tr an d A A a I lu e til b n n d k i, value 96o.............. V v V g 'j

In f iiit* ’ M ull C t p t ,I Really ekusaut slylM, value A Q m - .W.J6, n.L,t,u,...u,,u.,,j— vO.CffiiIn f tn t i 'J N u ll C dpg,

P relty styles, n g . tW.... ..............1 2 K C . :

suit R t t f a r T i l t ,la iw c n d s , a ll shade*, and flu* I W a Ch ina silk , reg Mo,..................... .. X f v h |

S a tin a S h ir t W d i i t i ,Blue, b lack , card inal, slripee,dnU, flfu ree, a very sunerlur A Q ^ ,q u a lity , a c tu a lly w orth tl- 'IL .. t f O v g l l

L ad lti* F in e H a n d k e ru h le f i,Fancy borders, bcuuUtobed,all loal «d u ra , reg, life..............- V V d '

N iw D em i F lo u n e ln j ,Fotnt il$ Irluude, full widUi, l A r a vi^uo 2jv.* uU.....a...... X ^kvft'l

L ace P i r g t o l C o v e n , i

H andsom e designs, w orth tl,9b $ L 2 < ^

B aby C o io h e e ,A HIO R E D H criO N FOR TH l'R SD A Y ; the clmluc u f M $tyie$ ofT'ered; flnaiit readb«k5y ; npbt»iKt$rf*<i 111 Im p o rt-A w .$d cfamiu k $rul$iik4>lu»h, i^ V

e a c lk(famosk $rvd$Uk*pUi!»h, with'

wlkmI o r ironIkaPlwhiff7M, tr.di,


HESE are tbe favorite suits of many men for summer wear. They look handsome, the color sticks and the fabric is light and cool; they keep

their shape, too, and are marvel­lously cheap. We have a superb line for men and young men at from

|io to $ is - This is but one item from the richness of our spring stock, which embraces all the popular styles and ma­terials. At from $io to $25 we can fit the mind and body of any reasonable men.

---LARGE part of our work is for young men.It’s not so easy to select materials that shall he not loud, but just dressy enough and make them up

with a “ chic " which rivals the Fifth Avenue tailors. Wc do it, though. Call and see the results at $12 to $15.

HOW ABOUT CHILDREN?You may depend upon it that wc don’t overlook them ;

indeed, our stock of Children’s Clothing is enormous, a»d all of this spring’s manufacture.

W indow S c re e n F ra m e s ,t

A set com plete fur—

S o rce n W ire ,

A square foot fo r ............

Q gi S to v e s ,

All sixes, from

Screen Ooon,G o o e tfraa iea ....—

F B U l TPlnU* qu arU »nd halt-ffftUociA. W c t i v

tAklDg orderB now v b l le the prieef «ud wiU AeUvor a t a.'ay tik te to luU p u r cbMer*

60I&' 76d, kxee putsOF CHEVIOT,


------------ t L 2 SiJ A R S .

W e a1*n moke a spet^lalty o f repair­ing and replullng broken and worn work, m sklng It as good oa now a t le u than ball tbe prlio of new work, also gildiDf and bronslng In the bust manner.

WATCHES !i N l I SC llllfe, *111 UIKET STBHT.


FOR TENDER FEET.'o Lady ^ O b re rs —NO BREAK­

ING IN. F ine soft uudnsoed kid

gives Mven Nasal o r BitmebTal (

-- treatm ent* torC atarrh ,o r C atarrhal Bora

Tbroot for lid, a n d cures f(wrea during th o u seven tria lm en ta . A single treatm ent t l AD>


A RF,MF,DY H JR N I»H F,D th a t will c u « F-nlsianl TonsUa o f the Throat. EVEKV ONE IA N UBK I I .

A L A O f W IL L B K lif ATTENDANCE TOABBIBT a n d w a i t u p o n l a d ib s .



A REMEDY U « t w ill curettoreJoin ts, Sore Reels, Bottom* o f th e F ro t, More Tues, Aoh- Ing snd Bore Nerve* o f the Feet, Try IL

DR. KIM BELL Is reeam mended by the must em inen t Profeasort o f Megleal Oidlagee o f New York CTty._________________

H-niUCE BUITS.............................. . . . f > to 8 e .

g-PlECS 8UITB............................... „84 to 8 ie .VBBT8B BVITB.......... - .................JUNIOR 8UITB.............;................ssouA V E s u m s ........ ..............—...811 to M e ,JKRI4ST 8 U 1 T ^ ....... . . . . . • s t o s * .k i l t s u i t s ...................................WASH 8U1TB.......... ...................... . . . . f t to 8 4 .And K N EE PA N TS b y tbe

th o u san d from ........ .............. ......tOe. up.

G R E E N , *The Umbrella

Maiip corner ef Broad and Market.


Umbrellas * and Canes.


with Bu'itlon*, yorna d r *£0^ F e e tA T a lG U fT .


IN lL tiit Rro*d~BL, Newark, N. J ,

Ask for tbe ebove KOUHE DRKHIS, inade of neat Cambric, iilalled w alat fto n t an d back. Bpeetal price

* 1 . 2 9 .R egular ptie*....... . t m

POUINe CUflUNfl LOTlOKi Iskbarm lnspreparstloti for tMidiig lli« huir lu curl will not Iwvo the na Irstlcky wortalie. ITliaesaiidW Xk*. Dab ba eeut by M ill or *x- praakur pns urad ttany floL

iFliibllabniant Uanu, ilely bvMADAHI

AUTbe sam e style w ithout plaU* a t Ctci o ther atyled still m luccd.

la rg e s t assortm eat ol BMIRT WAIBTB, a t bottom prlvca

eg - Bolt given FR E E With every gdod Bhlrt WntaL

^ labl'in BOYS’ CLOTHING IA OAF FREE With eonb HulLsmoir & J06EPH.

a b e t .

W arranted best qual­ity. Teeth extroctod, a*'. 0*8,250. Blivet ItUloga, fou, to 7to.FT^^gO ldfllllng*. II

^ to n Dental2 S a M A H K C T S T ,

W. E , HOLT, D . D. 8.............. ..........M anager

I f you dou’t see what you want in any departoent of our great stores, ask iand the article will appear.

u/mULiB M L ,

S07,809,811 i 813 BROtD ST.

COHFlRIiTlOR IThe time is very near where

80 many hearts will be made happy through confirmation. Every year it waa a harvest in shoe business about this time by charging fancy prices for shoes for this occasion. We in- tend to stop this custom and charge only one price for all oc. casions, and for tbia reason don’t buy any of your shoes un* til you have seen our 35 per cent, saved on all shoes pur. chased of us.

Ladles’ Fine D ontola BuWoo K id Too, E i - t ia b ig h o u t . p a to n ttip s ,v e ry n o b b y ,8 1 .47.

Uiives’ Fine D ongol*B utloD ,e*tm bigh out, pa ten t Up, slxee 11 to 2, on ly 8 l.S g .

Child’s E x tra H igh Cut B u tton , pa ten t tip, slses to lOH. only M e-

The same shoe, fl to S, on ly S7e.Ladles' F ln t Dongols B utton , low heel, f lisd

pa ten t Up. sm ooth Innersote, tb e flnesl iboe m ad e .c /o K w ld e ,D n ly 8 a .4 9 . Reg.prIoeSMO.

■ Lndlee 'F lne Bilk Cloth F ln lahed Bottop, pa ten t Up, sm ooth Inueraole, (m ty • a .4 » .

X adiss’ Fine Dongol* B utton , p a ten t Up and ilsin. box toe and (oimmon sense, also Wau- lenffiet MTle, B t o ^ wWe, o n ly •L » S .Ladles' Fin* Dongol* B utton , bo* tea and

eom m ooeeitse ,patent Up,i4g*a tS jju T .o n ly • t .4 S .

OenU’ F ine Kangaroo*. Up* an d plnln. Woe and Congrees,, on ly •» ,4 S , A ak for H oym an’* uw n m ake.

Gents’ F loe Calf Bhoe«, diir ow n m ake, llgbl an d m edium weight, only 81 ,9* .

Oents’ Flue Dress Blwea, o u r ow n make, loop a nd Oongreas, Ups a n d p la in , only 8L4B.

Boys' P aten t I^eather Shoos, Imw nnd Ooo- greas, only B l.tS , J u s t tb e shoes for <»ulln- m atloii.

The sam e shoe, II to 9 ,o n ly 8 L 4 S ; l ^ t o 10>i, 8 L*S.

Boys’ F ine Drees Hboea, o tir own make, t i ^ b Irawreole.odly S l . i s . B!ae**H to « i .

la d le s F ine Dongolii Oxford Tie*, tb e best w ade, paten t Up. xwee

" I* We, only tfSo.

MeWhiiter k i s o n i169 to 166 liRKETST,


srailSHlRf l&UTE/


7 8 0 B R O A D S TR E ET . F l n t Store from M arket s treet.

an d b o a tto g, oom m oo sens*

tif f



P&IITS,OILS,lAllISHES.DTEfOODS, t e l e p h o n e

• I t .



Isi'l8« IWit.


W HOIJBAUS AND R E T A It.a O t M A R K E T S T . Oor.

OlBlUiS iD m.«a« r p u c i i o B i r r


I f y ou r um brella needs repairing o r re covering bring It to us. BaUsIketinn guaranteed

A T G A E D I N O E S ,


1161$ o p to 10) l i e i ls l to iittr IL TAin in two fft)s to see tilt b n ild lD A to td iu U li: Pint’—Go l i tki BilBdoor 01 Brui it., pm don till eorrldoi till )oi con to I. D. BELOm’S lEIElRT STORE (tki d o o n in gninll) dpti), filk tn nd look troiid (THAT IB THE PRIICIPAL POin OP IITEREST U TBEBBILDIIG); ttu gO kukHto tki corridor ud lilt tki ilm ton. Bieoid—Go iloig tki Buk i t ildi till )oi 0010 to L D. filLO^EI’S BTOIB, liter tkin, ud ilUr iNlig tkikoiitifit ligkU. pm oit k) tk« corridor to otkor piiti. L 0. SEl OTBB. itfiUir ud Optlolu. II. PndtttUl Bitldiif (gioiid Unlit) liiirk, I. is

Our own m ake Oxford Dongolo, pa ten t Up an d a ll leather, only Tflo,

Have money and d o u 't m la i to look a t onr H um i before buy Uig.

SiriiilM l i l HN o ponneiiUon wltB an y o th e r store In th*

eity .

P a in t 'a[ i P ,

P a in ts .I

HAS REMOVEDfroalo. 3U013 SprlDgleld AiUii,

W here, with a new and a a l f r tM •"’V'*’".?' m (ve ealeoalve stoek n a g gresAiv ffieUiUes, to will M

9 D e . S f te . 9 fPe.n iffA n WInk m ateria l, aold ^ over a t tL lE For th le

.T e a t r - —

M5e.,B »« .,gB e.

ft5e. M e.„ ______________F o r th is sale kke., f lto „ t i e .

59c. 59e.

ISO do*. Bevt Indigo Blue Hhlrt Wj p la its fron t a n d f! plaRa back, w ith m f a lfo v e ra tff io . ---------- ' '

50c.Md to .


worUi l4(i,jraM,

, . . ; v

: S P.■vrfSra

* ; ■•'L5-- .'^3


N U M B E R 2 , 6 9 4 . N E W A R K , N . J . , W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 2 5 , 1 8 9 2 . P R I C E T W O C E N T O i

Third Edition.

»1D FOR GLETELAHO.DadAloBoftheNtw Jeney Demoontio

Stota OonTintloiL


Tba CwmaUDB, bi It* FUU*rn, O n lw * . IH AUegimiue t« tk* T u t t K cftirm F r la - c1p l* t ■* LaM l > a n by O n n r C l* n - U«d, K adam * O an n ia r Abbatf* Ad- m lB ltlra tlo a u d lM*eBH*« tfc* C aa lCambta* Blll-Abbatt, Hmllb, MoPbarM*• a d B m * th * D * l* s a te * -* t- la i ia .

lha eb a rlw oTUm eacpdratlow o r th* laanra l law . o f tb« nor warn any poww oimibrad by tbepKUT Irion* o f ttaa bill In qua*- ttoD. H om llcoadaom pany o ra a n lia d iiu d a r the law* QflbbiUtaW I* au tb o n ie d to ODfafa In tba boilH a* of m ln in f o r k UIiu coal, ur m an y burin*** olh*r (ban Ib a t o fao o B im u a oufTla,. and th* fact tb a t J b M o rea tun* o f th* btata hay* »bu*ad th* miTUairw vnantad th am and ouaoly a n n o au w d U rilr dotarmlna- t lo i i t o oontlnu*to a b iu * .ta * t i ^ c l e n t*<M wbylbi1b*rprMl»««*tKmid b* dealadto thf m and th* poww of tba ooort* invokril to ractratn exUtlnc and tbieatosad lU«tal •cttons,W* ihriOlDr* innrOT* tba eonriaofOoy-

Abbalt In dlnettob tM Attoritoy-Om trai'to tab* •iwfa *to4 a* will protaM the In te iw to f Ihtpaonle.iuM dbanlT* tba lllttbl

S ria l Dlapatota to tb* NawH.T B btm iir, H * y 36^-T ayloi't Opera H orn*

ttali innrulng wa> parked w ith Ileu io rra t*an b o a r belbr* tb a t t o a tlx*d fijr calllog th e Htat* oonyantlpn to etcvt <Ul*|[*ta* (u the h b llo e a t asbW iU on. Tba o ia a l cauriiMiet h ad been bald and tba prallmtnarto* tor tb * eo a ren tlo n arranyed In (ood time.

Tb* IntriTlor of tba <v*ra bou*e wa* bo- dee**4 wttk Amnloan *■<». Portrait* of CtaeiM ta d Martha W aiblu|t(». Tbotna* Jldbi**i] and Oiti,«r Cltariand, adornad by tb* National colon, wen aiupcodad abor* tbaatan. Tb* daooratloni throufbout w en oa an riaborato acala

THt da lap tti* la tb e red riowly, and only In tb a oate* ^ aarta ln leaden wn* th e n raucb n tlh tia iasm .

T h a n wa* eonilderable ipplau** when € ia t r » i i in a n HcDeoatd, a t Q n d * o n ,« a e In, b a t H toon died ou t. l****ahi ralaed tta* (H a tM t aotaa wben Uenator U ln ch lllb earn# In. Tb* dclefat** ra iled a ito rm o f ch een , aom* b lM ^ , other* fToaood. The ra rk e l dl- m o(t d io w n ^ the baud. Tho ti,illln |H enn to r h tp t itb llla c tb ro u rb It all. A llan McSet^ m a tt, on ta b lb f the platform , *ald i

** In calling the oonTentlon to order Imay b t pantobM It I e o m p ^ tb* Joy ex-

■ " » n» n rre *ome tlm aprtaaedby the Rrpubllean* ago toaibipwreekad tailor who bB* nothing to eat or drink tor iWTenil day*; a drop of wntar t* aid to taak* them Intanr. My defeat wai broDght' about by raiieei which bay# nothing to do with Nallonal or Htat* politic*. To those grntlrmen lb the Bepubllcan party and thme traitor* In th* Democratic party I want lol wiy, whap •TCr mortlOratlon Ibcrc 1* to mo In my defeat than 1* nothing about it to dipouurage tb* Democrat* of New Jertcy."

He thenpredlcted tb*t the Democrat* would eiMt their mat* and Nattnnal tIckM In the talL Daring hi* remark* Mr. McDarmoit wa* frequently Interrupted by the yelling and bluing of the warring PaMsIc delrgut Ion*.

Ghaunoey H. Beasley wa* elected temporary ebatnagn, and when the applauee which greeted M« name (ubsided he thanked the oonyantloQ for the bonorcantorred upon him.

“ A long line of Democratic Oovernon ai> told the kcl tbat Uia people are educated; are fnlly awara wbat la beat forlbelrtntoreaU," ibid b e ; “ Ibat the public revenue ha* been ecaoamtoaUy admlnlitratod ; that the publle InatltuUoni are mo*t well conducted; the pub- Itc acbool BT$Um I* moet eObctlvc, admirable and eompteur; 1 bat they k now, under D*mo- rratlc raii,Uiat a perfect ayatom of luxation bai bran e«tajill*hed that compel* our great rall- waya and other corporate bodlei to contributa thetr toll abate of t te expenaes of the Gorern- ment and public Improvement*; that cor^porato power baa bean taught that It baa tt* filliltnlta, and that It cannot Infringe upon the right! of Individual* or pablle. They know they ran tm»t th* Democratic party, for It baa alway* redeemed It* pledgee. In ihurt, tb* people bellev* that the wrllkre of the Dwawratl* party and th* welfare of the State at* Identleat.

“ Ftltow Democrat*, with inch a rec­ord wa have a right to feel tbat we are InvlaotblB-, In addition to each advantage we hav* lb Mtr favor tba toroe of a itrong oMurilBUBn la av«ry aonuty In tha Stata. 'With regard to all eueoUat* enllre harmony W vaBA' BallavmgMW* do that evary man ha* In all maH*n ma right to hi* Individual opbildifa, cOMoquantly thaie mutt ba.'ta aome dagrta, dlvargant view*. Tb«r* may ba even beat kindled by loeal fkellng and rlvidrlei, bat a* Damoemt* era are taught from aor cmdl* that tba Individual m ail yield to the generiri opinion; that majority must rule. Demoerat* yield to tbat rule, benea It la that li\ our rankaw* find no one wboia toot on tba arid sg batlla doea not ka*p atop with the mgrie of Democracy. It *e*au to me at the preient moment all th* autpice* preaage tor u0 a national trlampfa. liOt n* *e* tbat our M to on that great ocoariop take* bar place well to the front. We ware navtr moi* ad- vasttgaoualy placed.'

“ If In tb* p u t tb* belm «f State ha* been In the hand* of a Parker, a Bandalph, a Badia, a Ludknr and a Urean, doe* not each of u* toel tbat at tba pra*- eni moment w* ar* under tha guldane* of a leader bnaurpa**ad and unaurpaaaabla InaoutagriTlglUmoa andiklll. Ofonewbora palley ha* been a* aneeeeaful a* It ha* been mariarty. Of on* who U to loyal to bl* fHmtde that ba n*v«e dlaappolnta their wlibea, except when by doing to ba beUavat that h« can rendtr tbem tha tiueat lervtoe. Ofcnewbo** noblaitambluoB, a* all Demo­crat* rqjolca to beltav*, wlU aoca be gtatlded,

refailien entered Into by railroad corporaUon* to control (be prie* o f eoal.

Several d e le ft* * rlainorvd th a t they want- ad the FMolullM]* iH d , io (b a t lb* eonvea- tlo a could hear tb*an. Benator B aiU petb and rom ptro ller fon iielly tried to g*t th e floor and moke themael re* heard abov* tb a d in . F inally tba crowd got tired o f yell­ing and lleteued to Mr. Iludjitietb . H a e x p la in ^ th a t the reaoluUon refer red only to tem porary organluilton. T b li quieted tb a ■lurm for a while, b u t I t brofc* anew wbau n u o a lc ' wa* colled to r name* to r perrasnient I'ommlltee*. Two eet* of name* were presented. Boeb toetlon tried 10 drown the reading of op­ponent*' noraia by yell*, caH all* a n d bls*e*, w hile the ir advoeate* ebeerod. UalU of " W ho broke aovernor Abts-tV* *l*to In Pii*- •ale County?" "O o u tley ," “ HIUchllBb,'*“ Loul* B raun " aiwl like erle* a iled tn e air.

A llan HcDarmott, whan b* go t a ebano* to *peak, said tb a t the S ta te commltto* had rewdved a t t o’clock thU m orning th a t lb* tbirty-one driegatra ovar wbloh there wa* no eonleat In Peiaato would b* adm itted to the tem porary organliation, Tbl* b rought on tb* bnrrlcan* again, w hich wa* on ly quiated by * raeclullon to rafbr th e whole m a tte r to the com m ittee on reaolutlona

T heon lynem sheard Inconnacllon w ttb tb* Preildeuey wa* O rover C lera tand 'a F e k iri w ere bumerou* peddling button* an d hadgea b ra rlng the liken*** of th* ex-Prcildenl. They did a thriv ing bulne**. The opera hou»* w*»* m*«*or gay color*. In one of tbe hole* ant Benator KePbaraon. Mile* Host, Kecrulary o f Btala K riaey and Btat* TivM urer Dray occupied an o th e r hoX.

W ben cf*vetandvnnm e w f« m entioned tb* whole oonrcnlloh cbeenid w llltugly. A r**o- luUon wa* ullbrcd th a t a ll reaolutloaa ba r ^ ferred to the rom m ittcc w ith o u t being (aad, Th* deh'gnlt'* ohjMled. Mr. B eu lay p g t tb* m otion. There were a tow re«P<m***< an d ha declared It carried w ithou t p a ttin g tb* ncgEftlve. H b wa* rebttltod by a »torm of Due* th a t Isated tor *ereral m inute*, during w hich toveral member* triad to ip eak a t once, and tho greateat confu*lon prevailed.

The cunventtou tbeu took a race**, Tba deleiates-ut-larKe will he O overnor Abbett, Senator McFheraon. Mile* Uu«* and Jam** Sm ith , Jr.

W hen the convention reaa*embled loma- tb lo g of a aem ailon wa* created by th e rgport of the .■ummittca oir perm anent orgunlm lloti. Congreeamon Edw ard Mc­Donald w u nam ed for perm anen t ebairm an . I t wa* decided during th* recen t h a t In view of tb e proceeding* prior toadJoummeDt.Hr.BBa* ley could not hold th e conrrenllOD In hand. A* *oon B* the cooventlon had reconvened th e ntc bet broke cHil In th e Paasalo delegation again. Chairm an McDonald Boon reatored order. He called to r th* repo rt o f the coln- m lttee on c ied en tiria Benator HInchlUto ob­ta ined tbe door, and m id w hatever tbe re­po rt of the com m ittee m ig h t be be would leave the couventlou a* good a Demo­c ra t a* he ever wan. Tb* com m ittee on cr*- deiitlal* wo* no t ready to report and then A llan McDermott read the naolutlon*. Tha delegation wa* Inrtructed am id riorm * of applauM to ToU Cor O rover d e v e la n d aa long OB b li nam e 1* before tb e ccttveutlon. The cam m lltea on credential* reported In to v o r oftbeH Inohllfto delegate* from Poiaalc. Tb* •to rra broke o u t anew, b u t wa* qu lftad by C hairm an McDonald'* th re a t to have th* Oourlay pertlaan* p u t o u t by th e police. Oourley addreeaed tb e convention in oppo- ritlun to t he report.

Tbe d litrio t delegate* w ill be:P i n t DIrirlst—W illiam Tbom paon, of

Cam den; Benatdr G. H. B arker, of Glouceater.Second—Tbom aa E. P n o k e tt, B u rlin g to n ;

Jo h n H. Bouddet, Mercer.Tblrd-M U larA F . Bow, M lddleoex; John

D. Bone, MonmouUi.-Foartta—J . Nelaon P ldcoek, B an te rd u n ;

Senator Jobnrion CUndeb.Flflb-Cfontrilted,S tx tb —GottfVled K raeger, J o h n B. Doaeiip

*’ s e m t b - B a b e r t DavU, D riuila McLangbp Un.

Eighth—Joeeph Yatea, UdMd ; Tboma* Nevlns, EiaeX, , *

w ork and do a ll Hurt la nean w ry to m ake a (ncoauful w m raw . All th e dlftorancaa th a t exlilad In cOnnactluu w ith tbl* convantloa were barm onliad Inst n ight, and th a dale- gataaatjrirg* w e n agreed uptm w tlkoa t Oght or oontecte”

A lien HcDerm ott, chairm an of the Damo- em tlc State Com m lttaa, * a k t: " I t look* to m* a t though we were going to have th e Ogbt o f IM over agalp. I f thl* le ao, the reeult wlH be to a lao -oo ly m ore ao, I tb a ll be •urpclied if th* Htpufallean U ektt I* n o t B k lM and U naoln. T taaR epubltoansofN ew derw ykav* bean yrillng U ienuelvet boar** over m y datoat tor the M ayoralty of Jer*ey City. They are going to carry tbl* S tatebeyim d any queeUan. tb e y will a lto carry Texa*. I am *orry to In terrupt tbe bowl, to r It la a tong, long tb n t *lno* tba avaM g* New Jriney RepubUoan bad a chaaoa to done* a political jig , b u t eandor oom peii m e to call ttaetr a tten tion to the loci tb a t they rieetad a BapataUean Mayor o f Jateay Clly l a W i. If m y m em ory arrvea m * right, Mr. Hayee d id n o tw r r y tb e Stata In tb* foil. T be Bepub- Ucan* a lto elaclad a M ayor lu Jersey City In IW , b a t tbe rccerde foil to dlnetace an y rieo- to ra lv o tM to rU r . Btalne In th* foil of tb a t year. If you w ant m y prediction k v tb e foil. It 1* tb a t New J en e y will o a ri bar electoral vote fur th e DemocraUe nominee*, rl* r t * Demucratlo Governor an d a liXglriaWre th a t will *«nil a Democrat to W aahlngton to *no- eeed llutoa Itludgett." _ ______

im UDBIHUIDGiDeftncelaas Old Woaun

Xaied for $20.Nearly


A tfmo Who RoBlod On* of Hr*.Boo*M KnUr* H u ApoHSMiitf IH-

HoBi*)r, B«*ts tho WooMiii Cotll Mi« I* In * C r i l ln ^ Coudlitofi Mid E«-

Foni$d to h UolplM* C ondition b j o N otg^bor,



T h lr ly -ta aead A an n al M **Uag a f th * Aa-Matatlon-Itopty to B*v. Bwyd Brady.BooTOii, H ay X .—Th* tbtrty-aecond annual

eo D v aa tto B o fth cV n lted a ta teaB rew an ' Aa- •odatlon wa* called to order a t H o’cloek thl* m orning n l B ortlcu llu ra l H alt on T r«B ob t ■ trectbyX m * W a]nrigh t,o fB I. Loul*, preri- d ao t o f the aw oclallon. Th* a ttcndane* wa* large, New York and v le ln tly atone being raprw ented by a d s irga tlaa num bering Blghty-rix. AR*r aome la ln la to ry rem ark* by H eqry H. R u d er , of th l* city, prealdebt of tbe New Kngland Breweni' A iaoolatlon, Mr. W clnrlgbt delivered b li an n u a l addrew , w hich wa* toltowcd by the reeding of tba re­port* of tha eev en l itan d tn g commltlae*.

Tbe n p o r to f th* board o f tru r ia w wa* read by R ichard Fa txenm ajer, Of New York, *eo- rr ia ry of th e awoelaUon. A* to tii* brawar*’ exh ib it a t tba Columbian W orld’* F a ir tbe aiaoclatton b a i dropped aa imptoottoahle tbe p ro je e to f th e a ro e tlo n o ta *epatato build ingand applied to the director-general tor apaue in any building to whlcb under tb* eilrilnglyitam of claariaoatlon lueb au exhibit be- tonga It la Intended to llliutrata by map*, cbarla, pumpbleta and datlitlcal tablet |be magnitude of tba brewing trade and it* lu- du*trlal and agricultural eonneotloni. I t It tortber propuied to hold an Inlernatlunal brewer*' congrew at Chicago In conneciton with tbe thirty-third annual couventton, wtaieb might become tbe cMrtlng point of an InleraatlODal league of brewer*.

Tb* report alto treat* of tbe eftbrU to have the duties on bop*, malt and barley reduced.Tha laltec propoaitiou gave m e toaaorto f teetlonal w nfllct between


the Weeternaud Eaetcru growers and malsten, the toqmer op­posing the reduction. While tbe adm ltt^ Inability of the Etriem malstrr to compete with hi* Western colleague really mean* ebeiver malt of tbe ordinary grades, it 1* a well-known fact that many Eaatern brewer* regard Canada barley a* superior to any pro­duced bare, and to tbem the exorbitant en- baucstnent of th* price of tb* Canadian prod- uch appears to be nnwarnated. Tb* *s- clatance of the brewers ttarougbout tbe eonu- try 1* leqnested in behalf of tbe brewer* of the DUtrlot of Oolambla Ih ««arlug lor tham a reasonaDt* exolH law. '

Tbe report of the publteallon committee wa* read by C. Tbomann. of New York, man­ager of tb* Brewer*' Literary Buisau. Th*raport refer* to the ijenoancwmeiit contained lu a ***10* of • ^ -ieriuoUB by tbe Rev. J . Boyd Brady, of N ew ark, N. J „ o f lb e choral eoeletle* partic ipating In the N ational Singing Feetl- val, held there In Ju ly b u t, to r ringing tecu lai *ong> and d rink ing b a n on Sunday. The re v e n n d ganUemau'* a tta ck I* m et by quoting a repo rt of lb* Newark Chief . o f Police, w hich la y * : “A tno o ther public gathering o f Ilk* mag­n itu d e have I w ltneaied *ueb a lem arkatire abaenc* o f d h n n ta rly conduct. Theta I* no period In the annol* of o u r pollcei departm en t th a t can be eewipa red I n . Ihla ntapect w ith th e week o f tb e SeMgertoet." From th e report o f tb e abanoe com m ltlae H appear* tb a t tb a aamt* of tba oswxiaU on am oun t to |Bg,US J L Th* noelp t* d u rin g tb* yaar were IM.W&M a n d th * expeoditatea gU,an.M. A table o f etaUiUo* wa* also n ibm ltted to th e oanventloo show ing tbe Internal revenue r a oelpt* from term entro liquor*, tb e num ber of

' ' -- -------- id T erritory wbo paid

N iw YOBx, May Bt.—In attem pting to pro, teal b er pomeMloa* th ie m orning Mr*. Meg- daicne Springer, Ofty y e a n o f age, o f hb Hark Bow, wa* *0 b ru ta lly beaten tb a t *be now lie* in Cbamber* S treet HoepHal between IK* and death.

Mr*. Springer oocuplei tb e A n t floor a t the above num ber. There a re tour room* on th a t floor. She ba* only need tor two of tbe room*, a* ber fomily ooual«t o fa o ly hcreelf and two ■mall children, her buabasit having been len t to tbe luaan* Aaytum o o ' BloekWell’i Iriand rix m onth* ogu. In o rder to rid benalf of ■uperfluou* aiiartm enl*, a t tb* *am* Dm* brloglng In revenue, Hr*. Springar b a t b e ta In th* hab it of renU agoul h e r two rear room*.

A we«k ago a m an g iv ing h linnm e** Loul* L o u and hi* occupattos a* a IKhagiatflitf, h ln d o a a o f th e se ra o s u . B * was a roogh. looking follow a n d tw var ••ainsd to do auy w ork. A* he had paid b is ren t Mr*. Springer miked no queellona A fow m inute* if te r I o’clock tbl* m orning a tenan t o f tbe upper floor, In pouting Hr*. Springci'* door, hrord a groan. He knocked a t the door, b u t tbere wa* no rw tpoDne. II* I r M t o g a b ] , b a t tb* bolt was turned . If* callad Snd wn* answered by a foebiB void* fro ii s r l lh la th e room, w bteh •aid , “ 1 am dylag ." , *

Then tbe m an hurrlad dowHIatr*, and In P a rk Row found Follcem au Sweeney. The la tter broke In tk* door. Hr*. Springer wa* found on th* floor IB n pool of blood. R e t cloth Ing had been llte ran y to ro from her body. Tbe blood cam s from * num ber of gathe* In her head . There had evidently been a te rri- bl* itruggl* In th a room , for chal n were over- turued , a U b ia wa* broken and Ibe pipe o f tb e stove bad been knocked dow n. An am bulance wa* lum - moued and before It arrived Hr*. S p r l t ^ r told a* well a* th e could, tor *he wa* *01X 1- liig groat agony, bow tb e hud received ber In- Jurlc*.

H er boarder, L uts, had entered her room an d dem anded money o f her, Ibreatenlng violence If *bc refowd h im . She did refuac, Aid proteited tb a t th e bad none. HI* an iw er w*i to aelte ber by the b a lr w ith on* band, while w ith the o ther be aU rA ptad to *earch the pocket of ber drriia. Tb* ri n ig­gle which followed wa* abori, hut dreperat*. Tb* woman defended herself w ith a lm ost auporhuiuan ilrongth, w b lleL u li pounded her face and body w ith b is a*l*. F inally th e m an, w ith a great effort, throw tbe w om an from him , rp rang tow ard the window, from the Bill of which be .scared h a lf a briok. Holding tbl* In hi* hand, h* began ham m ering thn gray- haired wom an o n tb e bdad. .tgaln and again th* brick wa* rained lu the a i r ; again and again It deacendedon tbe bead of tta* now ex b au itad w om an until tb e became uneogseiou*,

Mrs. Springer waa removed to tbeCbamber* Street Uoepllal, where Dr. Stone found th a t tbere w o n Bfleea dlaUnet cut* la ber fwad. H er gkull I* foactnred and ber coadllidb U critical. Tryanly dollar* which •be lay* was in ber pocket I* mlnaiug.

A ltar beating the wom an L u ll m u tt bav* Rtolen the m oney an d locked her in. Mrs. Springer 1* nnab le to give any good dcicrip- Don of LaU , a n d tbere l* no one In the boose who rem am bers ta rin g him , Mm. springer tty * be 1* " m lddlw agad gn d lIMoaJring.” Tbe p n loe a n looking fbr h im .


'H h F sU o* In lb r iu e d T h a t H* la a W tl* - d e a a r ia r a ad m g aial* l

S uparln tenden t Brown h u d lieeted tb* polios to look for Cbarla* Oolasaan, who deserted bl* wife, and who under tb* n am e of Cbarle* V itiq r, la oelltrad to bav* bean m arried on A pril 4 to A uule Raym ond by J iu tlc * B lum a t bl* offloe, 70 S outh Orange svenue. Tb* polloe of A har c ttla i bav* a lto baen asked to saaroh for tb* allegtD b igam itt.

Mis. Ooleroau, s delicate young w om an, tw enty years o f age, after con tu lllug tlia record In tb a City OltrkY oOle*, re la tad a plUIUI *tory to Superintendent Brown. Sh* WH m arriad to Coleman, r i i t said , In October, u n . F rom the tim e of their m arriage ahe rialm * to have bean crn tlly trsiM d, and sines the d c stb o f tb e lr flTe-monltw-old child , w hich oeourred tour month* ago, ber huaband ha* n A eon tribn ted to b A aupport. lb feat h* ■peat th* greator part A hi* Dm* aw ay from bom*. Stas ba* karnM l, aha says, th a t ber hu itw nd baa B tsn attenllv* to th* Ileyrooiid wom an to r le v tra l month*. To h*r b* wa* know n 0* Cbarle* VAter.

Hr*. OolenuD wo* Baen a t her hom e, UK eju itm an street, thl* roornlug by a N xw a ro- porter. Since b A Inlervlow w ith Buperln- lan d sn t Brown *b* bad learnad m oro A ta n boaband and th* woinan wbum be m arried . From A nnie Rnymoud’s aun t, a Mr*. UA an, who IIVM A iU H dW buiter *tr«A, w h e n tb* ouapl* apea i la ri la u ird a y and S unday , sba ho* ob ta lu rd poelilvaproof th a t V ettor la b w b u ib an d . A t U3 Norfolk s tm t , w here M lia Raym ond boarded, aha ha* eonobora ted Mr*. D olan's atatomsaita. Ml** Raym ond ha* f A a ysar, *h* odd*, been employed A Bower*'* e o n r i foctory on Sum m it *tr**t,

On oaeount a t b er Inability to pay the ren t to r tb * room* In lb* (JuUiusa atreetbou**, Hr*. Oolcmou w«* ordered to vn ra la tb* premln**, A colored fomily nam ed Lewis, wbo r*nl*d Ui* bouse, perm itted b e r to oo- e apy tbe rooms and toratriied her w ith food. Fi>r three day* lari w«»k Mis. Colem an d id n A have a m oisel to *a

On S a tu rd ay m orA ug staalsA m A b e r bus- band. He lefl tb* taAiM osignslbly to go to a lock foA ory on Johnson (irw l. M is-OAenian asked him to re tu rn hom es* loon a poiwlbl* w tlb A oniT , M th e WA n e trty *larve<L Tbe colprad wom an beard CAeman tell hi* wife to •lA w t, and then m lla e d th a t the nnfo rtunala w om an bad been w ltboul food. Sba Invited h t t to p a rtak e of a meA In ber house.

T ba deserted wife m id tb A M r* DAan bad Inform ed her ttaA ber bu iband had leoelved IK from tala m other, and ib a believed tb A be bad gone to Boatou, where he b ra b ie n d a She added th a t ber mnlber-ln-luw w a re- a p o u lh le for m uch at ber trouble, and bad from tb* Dm* of bar m ariiagc to Colem an treated bar shabbily . Hr*. Col* mao'* m A den nam e waa A nal* O'Neil.

A bout tw o m onth* ago O A em anw A aP- re tted an d brought before Judge Uaye* In the F I n t C rIm lnA Court ou a charge o f non-«up- port. B e begged off a n l prom ised to m ain­ta in tabi Wife. After Mr*. Ooleman b ad w ith­draw n ber com plain t tbe huriiand told tb* Judge tb A w hen he w a first m arried begava bl* wife twenty-Bv* cent* a day tor tbe bouae- buld expensA . W ben be dlxcovered th A she WA supporting her brother be reduced th e allow ance to ten cants.

There are tw o com plaint* against ro lcm an , one charging him w ith bigamy a n d tbe o ther w ith non-aupporl.

A N g w t reporter m lled a t 18J Norfolk •IreA tbl* afternoon, and from a Mrs. Young learned ( liA A nnie Reym und had boarded w ith her to r reveral m onth* Coletnan, the Hid, b ad visited her A tbe houK m any tim es. M is . Young knew Ooleman, b u t did no t know be W A a m arried m an, U* alw ays v e n t u n d er the nam e o f Uileman. Mrs. Young added th a t V elier wa* tb e nam e A Oolrtna n’* riep b U irr . MIa Reymund lefl Mr*. Voung's hoUA oil th e n ight of May lA vtnA w bicb lim e Hr*. Young u a not hm rd from her.

• o N l* T riad to U U B areaU by T ak lag F a ria Q raoa .

M ary SInm pfol wo* touDd naeaiiackni* yetla iday a f itn o o n oo th * bare floor A tb* k itchen A b w taomr, 147 Boyd r in e t . H A yonng foot w A pAUd u d ea th a n d ber b lack b A r WM In dIsordA . Bha h*4 swAlowed p a rli gresn In lb* anornoon , wbtletaar m otber WH In Woodland Oamitaey. A Ultl* boy 1* tb e rear yard AW the g ir l f*U to tbe floor and hurried to Inform Mm. Btrcmpfel. Be­fore the iftolber a r r lv td a w om an llv tag In th e srighborbood w h on th * seeact

W ben Mr*. S tnm pfol, w h o I* a bard-work- Ing woman, arrived, tb a gav* b a r daughter a giBA ofw arm m ilk, w bteh sh* knaw would ac t A Ai antidote. Dr. Haul Flegsr, o f 171 Belmont avenue, W*e oA led In a tto 'o lix ik . He gave Die girl madiclB* to cew aM oet th* effootortbejiA K Si. A n o tinoA loo W A flven the Fourth Praclnct ^ l o « S tation , an d M u y wa* ta k tn In a n am bufono* to tbe Oar- m an HMplial. Tbere I t W H *A d a t* o’cloek th is aflaraoon ttaA ah* I* a o t yet o u t of dangtr,

Tb* WDutd-b* saleld* la ■vruntoM years old. B ta e tsA ld to b * good n a tu rs d , obedient to her p a isn u and very lirsH ^. M n . SUsmpfol spoke In G in b an o f bar daufhU r** tooUAi net, m ytug lh»t them w u n o moUv* fo r It. M ary fceu com pany w ith a young m an n a ra U U in ry tM m aU, Wbo U raa ow flevan- la aa th avsno*. ih* ra id . Th* y o A « m an wantod ber to m arry bta*, b u t h* tuggH lad th a t she go on t to M rvlc* u a dom eatl* In o r d w to b r ip tb a y e n n f m an to auppo tt tb* piM pH llv* how abalA M ary d id n o t a a n to b* a (bmuMhi, a ad U anry can id nod m arry her on M a r t i a sraah, w bloh 1* a ll be m riu . Tb* young m an on t H aryfo aeq a A n ta n o t and , U I■ ■A d,eoart•d an o th e r g i r l M ary heard tb l* an d bsenm* franUo w ith g n a t

YtsUrday ih i vM lad tb * boom o f a to tm a r ■ehaolnul* *a S p r u u Am *i a a d acted strangely. Btat to ld her IFtand tb a t *b* would kUI b e n r i l W hen M ary M t tb l* foWad and her m otliar e a lM A M n-fltr*A pfol'* taoum to WAO th* moth A o f h m dangbtor'* aettoo*, bu t Mr*, flusiapfol WM o a t w a ib iag , T b A WH In tb* mornlng-

M n. S tm ap M H id th is aAeraooB th A a twrlAn wuman U rlng A M l Spflagdetd ave- ans,i*hQH husband b ad n a v ^ r i s m nutb* In the CAdwril PV oltoatlH y, WH gu ilty o f •nUelng bar d a u g h te r foam home, ■h* WH aw ay (or tw o w m ks once, w bsu ber

AiH ilM n of tk i Gatral P m b r t i r l i »

61to Up th l Fight


Tito Chuireh Freparty to • * flald and Ihri F ro essd * to B# F a t la lb * C bureb tension F u n d —TThe H M U ng a t W h ic h tb a f*T *c* lnc AcDoa « A J tk m m -U lt* v a n e f th a O harsh .

fothar ch ided b a r fa r keeping enm- cany with Sebnaw. I t w u A tb* bouse of tbl* woman, m id H j% _ iitrm p fo l, th a t Mary

th* young m an. ’Th* lA ta r cA led A In


,bl*m rt lb* young___Boyd itreat only three o r four time*. Mary A tan d A ball* only t iro o r th re e tim es, Hid ber moDiev, so d p rtv ton* to her v lilU to BprtDfflild av inu*, wa* a flood girl.


I t WH dM idA a t a meeting of th a m em bard A tbe OsotrA Presbyterian t ’burcb last n ig b t to ocoepl lb* isslgnallon A U*v. Dr. B le b an t B. Catnpbril H p u lo r A tbe cbu txh a u d s* th e ia m sD in e ltw H decld*d to** lltb*oburo li. property and abandon tb* work.

This actlun b H been contem plated tw com * tim e. Tbe m einbenblp and Ih* A tendanew A tb* Mrvlce* o f tb* cbureb have riaad llF become im a ll t r Ibr tb* b u t fow y ta rs . T bo member* A the ebureh e x u n ilo a eom m ltte* had dlMUHsd tbe m A tor and b ad M elded, tb A Dm eburob bod better be abandoned . - On* A tb* member* A tb l i c m m l t lH lA d i

I t U n o t probable tb A tb* ehu reh cou ld *ueo**d tn It* p n t t n t looAtoo n n d tr tb « m in is try A Dr. Compbril or A lb* Ang*). Q abriri."

Bav. Mr, Ntebolaco, psrior A tbe N o rttl I h r k P w sby ttrion Cbureb, w u tb * n u d a ra to p . A lb * m sctlng UM night, which w h b rid ! » ; Itaafoctais-room A tb * chnrcta, Tb*r*rigna> Don A Dr. Cbmpbab w u pi**cnted, to t*kw . ajfoct M o n b S l, MM I t d Id n A •pacify Iba ■ clcAng A th* cbureb, b u t conic load a requeofo: th a t th e Presbytery eonridar tb* la a tta rA T h a n w u constdttabla d ltc iu s loa ab o u K accepUug U>« nrignsD on b a to n d a d d ln g t » | n i l tb* property, and A Isp tth tb o u w bu de« •Ired to hav* tb* properly ou t A tb * sray b*«to n th* p o ito r m t f ^ trium pbad , an d tb w ' order o f basin*

la n d

B vm t periM i w ith in the sound A m y v o l» well k iknow i th a t every word and pbrase o f tb l* ' dAKwiptlon point* to o n r pre*- a u t OovaiDbr, Leon A bbett L et u* an- d o tie In A t m p ee to b it m u te riy adm in is tra ­tion .

"Y o u wUI t a l « t your ddagntoe," w ent 4 » tb* tp rak e r, “ and It m ay be your w ill th A (hay tb A l go a m ptadgsd, b u t i r i u i t r u i t t b A when U u y e a t t tb e lr vo tH i t wUI b* tor earn* gr*A D em o en t a n d g n a t m an. • W* w an t an executive w bo b u opinion* A bt* own and wbo b u tb a ooursge to w A n tA n them . I f I m ay ex p re t* th tv ie w A tta* m ajority A th e maeee*, ■ b o ald * ay .‘ 'We w ant G rover O lerelnnd, of New York.* •*

Tbe foUowlbf pintforra w u tdop iadThe DemooraUe p a rty o f New J e m y In

eonvantlon ***emtaied declares th a t we ro> afflrm o u r devotlou to the principle* lA d down In th e N ational Democratic platform of UA and ISH. Tbe DemooraUe p a rty ib o u ld

.............................f ta r if f reform unUl tb a t" la ta tu tm a t tb a

conUuuo l u baUle to r ta r jf f rel refo rw to em bodied la lb*< U A tedS tataa. T bep ro tperityprotperi ty A u u r ooruutry

lad undecannot ba.mAatAnjd uoder aiyaterawhloi and nAnrily laxe* the many tor

the SanMt A a few. The neccHlUea tor tariff reform ware ncoglUied by a large Aurallty o fth ev o U n ln M K b n l the srurh A that re­form WH delayed^ the corropt u*« A money a t the pAto. W* donounoe ib e mcHtira

nent •ter


________ ^know n M th e M oK taleyhill. T bea igum e ofltondvooate*, tb A ft to intended to to*l lufont In d u r i^ , to E proven folsebpiA. Ho fltrM poH lb le ' the ta riff ta x * b a M be Im- potted unuu luxoriM and removed foom rawpoiw dupuam atm i. 1 m e n tto lb * o ttonttob

T b p t will j l v * broflUble em ptoy- * propto o O b u eountry. Wo call

to tb# flwt ■ ■ ■■pnMIeiui p a ^ to-day pitto Ito A n e la tm ta t aobtlnnaO H lb power ujroi w hien u n d e r th e nam s A teriproeftybeen nrithtr more n(In tbe d in o tio r i ' dow n In tb* n m T hatdur^ tlu_

tb e Ba- Arongasl

n aoU bav*

to n ttau i feeble atop* ta r if f is to n n u la id

of Preritddent Cleveland.nlnlsiratlon of pm ldent

C to v sian d th eA IU ri A tb * R A lonal Govern-itf len o a n d m ito d a p o o line* o f bonm ty eoonouy .isau iupgA n tb* pfiimmulAlou__________ny isriilU ng J n tba M eum ulA

A S larg* *u|dq* In tb* N a tlc iu l T fsu u ry . ~ ' 'ibe preaeA adm low traU on tb

J a a ie * S n ltb , J r . , a n d O th e rs H sa lln c B rsaeb**—W a n in g Fa**A * Jraattoas-

Special to tbe E rx n u iQ N s w e Tbkhtos, May ae,—TBe beadllghto A tb s

New Jetsey D tm ocney w a n early a t tb* « p lto> toA A gbt. They gathered todtocum th e ettuatlon an d p a ra tb e way flw easier ppogrei* in tbe S ta te convention to,day, The chleflalnt wer* to lly aw are A the, dUDcult U ak . ahead, u eavcral unusually ugly d anger poito tb A forebode d to u te r to bope* tor harm ony In Uw proeeed- tn g sb ad t b n u l tb e lr unelghU r AHMaranoo above the lurfoce *om* Dm* ago. Oil w u poured on tbe troubled w o to n by Jam es Sm ith , J r ., wbo brushed H id e v a tio u t mag* w ith beoeming g raoeand *ktlL

One o f th e causes itar discord w u th a t tbere w e n n o tb o n o n a n a a g b to go a round. Oov- emoT Atdwtt, Jam** Sm ith, J r ., Unttod Btato* Senator McPherson, B enjam in F . Xae and HllCi Rot* were derirou* A being tetected u delegatcsut-torge to tbe NaUoonl oonveatkm a t C hhago. Nerw Jereey to on ly entIU edto four driegatewat-laige, a n d A oouree five could not go. W ho WM to ba te f ta t h o m ef T b a t WH a bu rn ing qneatloo.

Milee Bom bad m ade a strong eflbrt to drop Senetor U cPbennn from th e ro ll A honor, a n d l t w u tbongtat th a t ba b ad A m oriiuo- eroded. The Senator bad too long been a tore- mori. laclor In tb* p o llU o A th* Btate to -b* tacrifleed now. Tbl* f o c tw u m ade pfeln to Boss and b li friend*.

"S u ch a propoaiUoo win n A beltotan*d to,” iA d a delegato to a reporter. ” MoFhe>■on b u b e e n ilftaen years io the H A tod Btotoi Senate. *nd If be w ant* to go to C bkago tie Will go, a t w* w in know n th e reason why. To bnm itlate M ePhurson now would ba u g n A a tb a n to to t ta * s t a t o H l l w oA d ba on iDSAt to Ito le a lo r Senator.”

Jam es SmUh, Jr ., Invited Benjam in If. l a s Into b li room a nd Induced b im to w ithdraw In Senator HcFbereob’* fevor.

T h e n w u no nam e o th e r th a n Grover Ctovctond’i ineoUoned In connooDeo w ith th e P irriden tlA nom lbatton ,

Tb*' praeRM l settlem ent A th e m e tto n o f dtopute between tb o Btate le a d en robbed tb* eoaventlon A . m nob A Its Interm L The ■treeto were qu irier th a n tb a y were A tb* tim e A the late Bapnbjtopn oonvenUoo, and tta* obUintlaera whlAi marked th a t gA hering WH Iteklug. T rue, th* hotel eo rrid o n were croirded u uanal a n d a ll tb* fooei AmfUar A tb * S ta te m eeting A Ibe Demo- oratto party wore to be seen on A l band*, yet avw ytblng ww* oom paratlvely q u ie t Borne OB* Touted o n t Uto band, wbjob took Ito po*i* Don In foont A tb e T ren ton H ouie and played ■everA wleetKm*. Thp m m t exottemriot WM about tta* bsadqaarU T t A tb e tw o w arring tactlOH from B u aa le C ounty. They ocoupled

peraoni (n each S tale i . .tpectol taxes, and a •to tem eut A Im poru and export* o f beer, bop*, barley, barley m A t, rice, etc. All report* were refoired to *pecl*loommlttom, whereupon the convention *d- Jonrned until to-mwrow morning.

IN 'THK fX O O D n m V lC T B .

A ppalling K aporte fro n t Law lond* in A r- h iB ia* —I n A ppeA fewmW oux City,

M A B iainix, M ay 2S,—Appalling report* com* foom tba lowlands on tbe Sb F ran c it and W hite rlTen. I t to etU inatad th a t a t least BMHO people have bean rendered homo- iett. n itr iy - tw o lives In a ll have been kwt tn tbe A rk a n e u bottom*, an d tb* report comee foom tb e W hite an d Bt. FrancI* river* ttaA- sevarA n e g ro u and Indian* have been drowned there.

L n r u i BOCE, A rk., M ay S6.—The riv e r U sUll fiilllDf, b u t th* d le tre u contlnne* on tbe lower A rkahia* . The rieam er A noa B.

WOULQ-BIE l,YN0a|Elt» FOUKD.A H o h T b a t A M oehad a J a i l F ir e d a n a n d

F in a lly D isp arted .D ,*T.T.xa, Tex., M ay 2k—P erbap t excitem ent

never m n h igher In D a l lu than It did tori night, following th e k illin g a t tbe Dnlon Depot by H enry M iller, a negro u lo o n porter, o f Officer C. 0 . Brewer, A the polloe force. Miller w u cA duM d afeer a runn ing fight and lodged In tb e county Jail.

A t' B o’cloAt I t wa* plain to ba te rn tb a t m ob TlolMcg w |p In teaded from the grontw A m en eongregated a round tbe CHyHall, ta lk ing In subdued b u t u r n e i t tone*. P ie ity soan tbe sp irit A venfeaDoa took form aud a mob maiCtred to tb * aoanty ja il and de­m anded th e prfeooer, who w u prompUy TeHaad b y n e r l f f Henry Lewi*, who to ld tb a mob tb A ba would defend tb e p risoner w ith hie life. By thl* tim e tb* crow d, wo* oonridcrably aug­m ented h i num bers, a n d eltber with sledge- bam m art o r a ra ilro ad Iron began baniracr- Ing on tb * door. The B beriff warned them to deelat, b u t they d id n A heed him until tev- eral shota ware flrad Into tha lr m idst foom tba Inaldeof tba JAI, w here a num ber of guards ware M ailoaed.

BbflAlngbimfeufnieml, and John Mlllw,Adam* a rriv ed to*t avenlng from Fine B luff,' a driB nm er to r P b d g lu B ra tben , w u eh A inand toft later with enough proTtoton* to feedr HO paraon* tor tbrM day*. Tbe Governor of Arkenue h u called npeo Mempbl* to aulet tbl* State In relieving tba *affbrlng In the bottenu a^o l Ang tbto city.

Dm Mo ipm , la., Hay IXL—Governor BAe* yegterdoy tosued a proclamAion calling tor relief tor tbe flood suHbrer* at Sioux City. Tb* ptoclamaUon sta tu that tbe caUunJly greatly exceeds th* u rly uDraates. Th* num bu A femlUu bomeles* I* placed A 1,HPB and tbe Dumber A dariltuta A all ogai tolly t,(D(L Tbe number A dwelling* twtpt away to given h Iff and TOO moro war* ren­dered nntoiiable.

Catko, 111., May X —Lettar* recatved here announce tbe IhA tbat tbere are 100 fomIUe*

.In and about tbe town of WheaUand, thirty 'rollei north, utlstly dutitute, the flood* hav­

ing totally ruined the crape, drowned tbelr ■tack and washed them out A tbelr dwclllug*- A eubccrl prion wa* alartcd here yesterday At|rbooo and provtokm* will be esnt there

VnntenoM, Mtoi., May X —New* foom be­low on bAh *001** Isalermtag. Bayou Macon bM overflowed ondrauMd heavy loue* to planter*. Bouf and Tensu riven »re rlalog feat, over live feet In twenty-ftnir bours,aua TensM Airith to being heavily flooded.

the feu* w tlb tn ia l t otaot, and * r a s a ' nam ed Sm ith, liv in g In Boutg D nlju , w m ih A through th e w ith * large ball. N e ltb e rA tb e wound* are v ery u rlo u * . D iririct Judge O b a rtu Jfred T u ck e r an d ex-Judge G. V. Aid ledge m ade ipeoehe* urging tbe mob to to t tbe law t a k u it* eoarre , and finally, after mneb parleying, th a mob dispersed. I t l* Im- poMlUa to 1*11 w bo fired, the etaoto tb a t did

dbe dam sfo . _____ ________


Q U Iini'B F A T E IN T H E B A L A N O -

. thereA reek leu extravagaoee

t avary dM ortm en t; Dm id n ilu * ________ ... lad anddESM buDou bM b imM tanded hy Jobbery and seandaL

■Wa e n d o m th* odm iu lilra ttoo A G overnor Leoii A bbett, and p u t tb e reeords A tb* Btota a s r i lg n e w a r to tb * ilanderew rom ulga tod la tb a M A torm oT ih* r ^ i , * ^ W l o * n cofo v e i i t ] ^ A t tbe date A hi* InaugatA lob th a flro ttita debt A lb* State sm ouatod t o t w aSi Sv*S d o lla f A thto bM W p a l- , a U A tM csmmancemODt A ih* preoent'

q a a r ts n aid* by s id e on on* o f tbe upper ■ 00!or* A tbe Trenton Houe*.

ffenstof B lneb llffo iA d ih A h e h a d b t id o n t tb e ollv* branch to F ro u en to r Goorley In tb* ■ bapeofon offkr to w ithd raw foom tlM eaiv laA if Oourley would agie* tb A be, H tnch- llffb, should be tbe abairtb ira A tb * n ex t State delegation foofb P H tA o . HlncblUni my* hto A lve braneb w m Onng l a lb* m bd.

M r. Goortoy drolarc* tb a t no m ob affkr w h m » to , and U u t i t to w ar to th* k n lfo Mori

T ba Cm * Olvwa to tb * J u ry B A a V ard lA N A T a t B aach sd .

Bpoctol to th e E r k s i k a N in ra K uaagkT K , M ay X —l!be fa te A T boeiH

i ^ ln n , th e m urderer A H ra A nnie Scha*l- def, bang* tiem W lng In tb* natance, tb e com having been given to th e Ju ry A 10 o’clock an d they a re sUII deliberating. Judge Von ByekePe obarg* w h very etrong against tb* IHtooner,

A* tb e Ju ry w a n re tir ing Mr*. Q uinn , th e ttoouet'* u iA bar, e rw ted a goena

toav lM her sea t, w alk ing A c r

N a u ly K U led B o ca n H H e A e c u a d a F e d d le r a t fltoaUnn H o r u Feed.

NSW B a m tw io E , M ay X - L o u l t Bcbm ldt cam* here from New York tw o week* ago and opened a peddtor*' eupply store on Bur­n e t street, n ear Rletamond. - He kept bis h a rm la a riab ie ire *A from A braham Mendowli, Id Central W h arf A Icy. A nother peddler, P h ilip H U A lm aa, k * A bl* b a m In tb* aam* p la c e . Scbm ld t qocuaed KIcekman Monday n ig b t A ricA In g hto h ay and fe«h Ktochmou tetoed * heavy ham m er, atruek Bcbm ldt on th a b*od an d .k n o o k A htm down. He •creamed'*' Mu A c r ,” a n d A tcinptcd to eacapa Ibrougb tb* g a la In to tb* Aley, bu t Ab* Mendowl* an d leouto Addler, friends o f Eltoktoum, b r id th e gala feriW blle tbe la ltar again knockw l B cbm ldt down and riruck him u n til be WM Inianslblc. Th* poll** ware flnaUy noDflad A th e affblr and took Sehm ldt tuh toboM a a iid soon arrested K lockm onon a ebarg* o f ancaull a n d battory with In tent to kllL H cbdaw li a u d A ddler wet* A rcstad yeaterday a n d he ld u accaworlct.

Tb* phyrie lana say Sctamldl’t iqjnrie* are very icriou*, tb* to o tf lb a l ba 1* nearly six ty

GeOfsAd m ak ing th e m m ore so. Kleokman I young.

T b* A b u u I H ta H ag a n d a F a i r B eing H eld tbl* AftarnoOB,

TTbe annual meeting an d benellt en le rtA n- m ent o f th* PrA M tont Poster H ow e Society WM b e g u n 'In tb cS undai-tcboo l room o f tb* N o rth B afo rnud Church thic afternoon, and wlU cod to-ntgbt a t Ul o’eloeb. Tbe bolding A tbe affA r outaldc of tb* home I* * depart­u re from ib a usnat cnetom. T he p lan w u adopted bcoaua* o f th* outbreak o f *08*1*1 fever a t tb e bitU tullon levere l week* ago, bu t wblicb I* DOW over. I t w u also deem ed m ore p ru d en t to keep tb* Inm ate* aw ay from thl* eutertalam enU ,, A t tb e m eeting Intcretting reporto w e n

m d by Mr*. Robert BallauDne an d Mr*. A rth u r W ard, treasurer* A Ui* p e rm an rn t and au x ilia ry buard>, and by M lu M ellru iue aud M lu Ju lia Nlcbolo, the reapectiv* secre­ta rie s o f the beard* menUoued. Tbe Rev. Dr. J . Clem ent French made an a d d re u an d tbe Rev. Dr. David W aters presided.

These officer* of tbe A uxiliary Society w e n elected tbl* a n e rn o o n ; Klrri direcIrcM , Mr*. H. F. B alto n tln e ; •eeond dlrecIreH , 0 . Bor- e b e r lin g ; tre u u re r . Hr*. Dr. A. W o ii l ; aecre- ta ry , M lu Ju lia N lcboU ; m anogeri—H » - d am e t Frederlok Ailing, J . H . BAIanUne, R, F. B A lantIne, J , F. Bleat, C. Barebertlng, P au l Bottlcher, Cbarle* Bradley, W , A. BriDtilDgtaoffbr, F. L, Brown, F, G. Brown, W , D. C arter, W. T. Carter, H . N. Conger, J . F. D ryden, Q. O. F re lln g b u y u n , K, B. Gaddi*, Q. U . Harrison, N. A. HOIII- fleld, J . U. HunUngton, A. N.Jofanion, T , T, K inney, Dr, Mandc- v ine, W . Trlppe, H. A. M acknet, H.R. Uorrto, P. S. ItoH, W . S. Squire, C. L. Stockton, D. L. Waltoee, A rth u r W ard, F. 8 . W ard , B. Weaver, W u h ln g to n WUIIamo, E. c ar te r and Mliee*B. Uapue, L. Frellnghuyeen, A. G. H A I, F . H anson , J . H. Nichols, A. Q. Park- b u rs t, F. B. Rowtond, L. Sm ith, P. Taylor, M. T urnbull, M. Sblpm an, M. L. Carter, M. A. C rane, A. Campbell, 0. M. Darcy.

A fter tb e m eeting * fe ir tor th* n l e a t foney a rm ie s w u s tarted In tbe leclure-romn o f tba ctanreta, wbloh w u taandtomely adorned w ith flowering plant*. Tbe fancy w ork w u m ade by a nu m b er of young women w bo oeaembled to r t b u p a r p o H a t Hr*. Robert B allan tlne 'i boUM d u rin g Lent. In charge A tb i t w ork are Mr*. Cbarle* Borctaeritng and Hr*. W m iam D. C arter. The flower boAb to preeldcHlcrver by Mrs. Jo h n Baltontlne and Hr*. Georg* F rellngbuy ian . Tb* " Punch a n d Ju d y ” pur. to rm an ee i *r« to b* under th e d lreA lon of Hr*. C harles Brodtoy. The toy* are to be d ia poeed A b y the Mli«ee Depue and G lSbrd.

M n . U a e h n ^ Mr*. A rthur'W ard , Mr*. Gad­di*, Mrs, Nelson Hnlllfleld, Mr*. H un ting ton , M rs, P au l Bottlcher, M n. W IIH am T. C arter w ill piM ide a t the capper table, and H lu Oriflltta w ill loAi otter Ih* iDtolWt* Of th* oonfcctlonery told*.

The Banjo Club, under tbe leodersblp o f aMlsI a t tb e m noert to be

de vocal____ ____________________________ Shaekle-toq , a n d a violin *olo by Mr, A ndrew a

g e a u t lo n A DetoU* C a a a a ra ln g tb * A lfofr G nutnally C ara ln g l a U g lit .

'The m atrim oeto l eswear A Dr. R. W. Bu­chanan, of New York, w ho, oftar th e d ea th of bl* Hceod A fe, fun n erty a t tbto c ity , m ar­ried bt* dIvoruA wife In N ova BoAl*. I* gradually becoming k now n In A l It* Miot*- tlonal detA la To tb* discom fort A th* young AiyaletoB, A l tb* foet* n b riln g to b it dooeoatd Wife and ber ’bonnaetton w ith the buuH A Ill-repute In H alsey s tree t have been thoroughly aired, and , to m ak e It woive tor h im , Jam es H< S m ith , w ho lived w ith tbe doctor’* wife when tb e w u know n u Hr*. Siilbertond, b u m ade a d a in sltlu n charging Ur. Buchanan w ith b av lug polnonod ber. Coroner M ettcmer ba* tn rn e d overN m Ilh 't affidavit to tb e U totrtei-A ttoriiey'* offloe In New York.

Lawyer Jame* 0 . H A .'lA land u i d th a t the doctor WH prepared to DHct SralD i’t obargre. He Mid Iba t M n. B uebauan w u w orth IX - 000. and th a t sbe willed abou t |U>,Q0(l w orth A her property 1o tho doctor. W ben asked why Dr. B uehanin had denied t b a t he bud rem ai­ned wife No. 1, th* tow yer n i d b* could uA undrrataud It.

It h u been proven th a t tb a docto r and H Ih P a ttenon , ofUaUfex, N . B,, wore rem arried by Rev. ArnAdu* M iller, A W lndtor, J4. S., a little over a w u k after tb* d ea th A wife No. 1 Tbe latter died a fte r a b rtof UIm h on April X A Dr. M cIntyre w u oAled In tbs Bight before, Wbo prononnoed her c u e bystoria an d p n ee rlb ad a stm- pla nervine. Tb* n e x t a fta n o o n he to sreiMd tb* a trongdb A lb* nervto*. A t night Dr. B uchanan sA led In Dr. W ataon, a nAgkbor, Who u l d tb e w om an w u dying. Dr. M eliilyre w u •um m ooad , and tb* two phyilotan* found tb A tb * w dtoan w u suflbr- Ing with eerebrel b em arrbaga. D s i ^ a u tte d soon afler. *

A week a lte r Dr. B nobanan appm red In Hallfex, reglBiering A a ho te l tm dar a n aw sum A name. H e w m n A d re u t d hi m ourn- lug. Ea called on m an y friend*, and gava dlShrent v e n k u i A hi* wife'* death . eTh* marrlnge to his dlvorood wife (bllowA , and then tbe ebsfige* A Mr. M nttb tb A Ibe doctor bed poltooA b i t wife.

Dr. Btiehanan’t deceased w ile w m well- known In tbto c ity . B h t com* b a n from E u h iu about s tito en yesux ago. W blla there eh* h td m arried a m la lu e r nam ed S u ther­land, who gave up preach ing an d ita rte d In the sboenak ing b u s lo e u w ith a cripple named RIckert, Tb* faniband dtad, and R ickeri and tb e w idow cam e to Newark- Tbey oondneted lav e rA h o a s u A lU-feme, A flerwaA Sm ith lived w ith tbo w om an im tu Dr. Buebauan'* a rr iv A in Novem ber, UW.

buetneH w u •oarrohgad th a t tta*’.' re iignatlon A tb* t u t o r w u nM oo u td a re ff uaU l tb* A b a r biuinam bad n u n dUpooed oL

T b t propM tUon A lb* ebureh w u tb A th * ebureh propartlee be p a l on th* m a rk A to r tala, an d U u t lb* iurior'* naigna tton tok* eflbAtm m adlotoly, tba cbureb to b* cloaed o l once odd tta* p u to r to raeelv* bl* u lo r y n p to M oroh U, IM . Tbl* w u adopted , bug o f t a m r d w u AlgbUy c h tn ie d to o o n to n a to tbe pM tor’i p rap u ltlo n , m aking h l u A a r f go on to M areb 11. Tb* ealary foom now un* Dl M areb U wlU am ount to |lt,TX nnd Dri Cam pbell will aleo have tb* u a A D u p ar- ■onag* till H ay 1, MX

A )A A reioIutlDn* were p rreanted a n d u nan lm ou ily adopted. They iwaI u Ibl- low*;

W gxx**«,The GcdItA Preabylerian C bureb , baeans* A ll* locality, the constant eneroachJ m ent A bualne**, lb* dspleDuu A Its m enr-tw rib lp by deaUi and reraorA b u ricA lllF dA llned d u rlM tb e lari ten y e a n ; and ,

'Whkbxa*. Tne p re trn t p u to ra teturned In tha hope 1 hat a n u n of Dr. C am p­bell’i euccanitol and d lsilnguU hA cwrwr m ight av ert lie monlferi d u tin y ; aud ,

iPn - ■ --------i n n a a , 'Tbe sequel bas ^ I n l y ehow a tb a t all hopes and rilb rtt to nivlv* tb* w ork__ _il hopes In th is locAlty m ust end In fa ilure; and , W H ia x a i, w e are convtoord U iA o n r •n ly

eonrse I* In dlsoAnUon o r rem ovA ; b* It,

JtoMtuwJ, T bat In porting w ith Dr. Cam p­bell we w ish to reoora our sTnMre eorrow a n dsen** A loe*, and tb a t tala m in is try am ong u*, tbougb brlA, h u been a blenAng to our beorU ond onenDObllnginfluene* npun our live*. *

ffrMiHd, Thai to the departure A Dr. Oamp* ball from Newark the Presbyterian C bureb A thl* ro ram unity will luee one A lU ob le tl Blbltenl exposllort and an idnU p u to r .p u l .

ifowftwd.'That w* recognise In D r. (Vsnipbell tb a able a nd effective preacher, th* olfeAtoit- a te nod devoted pastor, the accurate a n d fln-tsbod u h A a r , tb* eoatageou* an d eonxeleu* tiuu j Cbristinn, tbe k ind and ■ym patoetlo friend, an d In b it flnnliy tba sA rIt o f *el{-•oerlflA nf lov* and A llgent co-operatloo la tb* o o a u A Obrtot.

The cbureb will probably n A b* elosad un­t i l Jn ly 1, u th e n u tU r will bava to ba ac ted on a t th e ru x t meellng o f Pm nyW vy, w bicb take* pine* In J u n a A com m ittoe compoeed A W llllnm B. Dodd, L lu r l« . U o lih o o er m id J . F. l|U cbA I, witb Mr. A n d rn u o u a lter- nate, w u appointed to present tb* m a tto r W the Presbytery.

Tb* property, which h u a frimtoga A HIM,ndfeet on tb e east tid e of W u U o g to a rireA and

I* abou t IW feet deep, la rA ned a t 110(1,0(10, a n d u b lgb u frS,(B0 ba* been offered to r it. Un* offer b u been reoAved from a genttom an wtaa •A d b* d u lr s d to H our* It to r otaunta pnrpo***, but ba would n A •ay to r w hA churab. T ba m oncF reoelvad from tb e Mia A the p roperty vrltt b*tu rned In to tb e tre u u ry A tbe P m b y te r jr

to r eburob eitotM lon, p ro b a b lFand used•oine a t tb* money will be given tow ard erecting tbe new cbureb on tU n to n H ill, for w hich a Ate b u been •ecnnd .

Tba C an ln l Preebytarian C bureb w u or- ganUed lu 1807, an d nntll MM sarvloa w as bA d t n a fram e tatUdlng on M arkA (tree t.n e u ly oppoelta W uhlng ton . Tb* l i n t p u t o r

itsT. CIbarlea Hoover, who w u InatolledWMJan n a ry fit, 1887, and resigned Jan u a ry 18401. Tile o ther p u to r* who have praAded over tbe aflh lri A the cbureb w e n : Her,

AN UNFLEABANT BBRBNADXW iainm Belden, from Hay*, 1810, to F e b rn a r^ 17,1843; Rev.W tlllam Bradley, foom Febrnarjr',

■ A eoa-besper LatUa** M a a n s r A B a t r a t - iitff a s u g b t .

Because Loul* F . L olh la w u oo t Invited to a wedding th a t took ploue la s t n ig b to o South Orange avenue be gA hcred together a wagon- load A hangeneon a t tb a *everal liquor ■ A oou A which b* I* th e p rop tle to r an d took them to tb s bo tua A tb* newly-m arried coup leth lt m orning to *ereaade them w ith discordant nAecs. Tb* m en banged on tin- can*, w u b b A le n i a n d krU Ire, and mad* ■uflh an • a rap lltu n g d in In frim t A Lout* L. Staebler’s drugitore, IW S ontb Orange nv*. nue, th a t word WM H a t to tb* F o u rth Pr*- cioct FAlee StA lon.

Officer MeUechan w u dtapatohed to tba aeene In baste, b u t w hen be arrived every­th ing wo* quiet. In a ne ighboring u lo o n b* fonnd n gang who w ere being generously treated by Lolble, w ho to ld tb e niBoer tb a t b a bad brought tb e gang to Hivnade tbe yonng m arried n » p l* , Tb* offleer told bIm to Asperwt tb* g a n g . __________

IT, 1843, to January 1, 180; R*v. Georg* 0,7 Lueaa, from OAoberX 1848, to October 4 ,18ri|leaa, iroRev. I)r. Cbarle* M. Ntcholi, ITOm July 1, UMu

“ loboAto September 11, ISU; Rev. William C. Kobo flAd, from November 1,1888, to June X, 188811 Rev. Dr. William T. Flndtejr, foom M u ID, l8W,to December U,I8X and Rev. Dr. RlebAg H. Ompbell, from March 1(L M l. Tfein araj now abont I40 metnben of tbe eburob and tbA ABeer* a re ; SesAou—W. B. Doda, W. Jg Douilaa*, O, UAabann and J. N. Gregory* Tru*W -W . 0. Hradloy, ». 8. Ward, B. J . Andrun, W. J, llouxlas*, W. A. Howelt, J> N. Gregory and J. F. KltcbAl.

JOWCPH BOSNNBB HlfiblHO.Locked Vp to r O ran b an a* * * an d D ltap -

p u re d After Being Belaoeed.Th* p o ll« w e n n A lflM I

X lffO Jlfidb ll^u V iu o y , U 48U V I IrUD IV H rtlV ifeU

Morris Weeks, tk to **”1*1 at the mneert given U>-u»bt, uthpr feature* InAude solo* tn Oborin 0. mtoble and Ml** Sb*



_ there w u over MW In tlie.baaE to tta* arsdit A tbe Stoto- This, ferije l b

A tb * lead en w e n o u t A sight th l* morolng.■ " Itiwer

'in itiiy in ig when It 1* (w n jld irtd th a t th e eiTreordliviry expense* Am fm I

year Included paynitufo tbe im provem en t o f tbe So ld len , th e S tate Lunai

lusiifo o f over tfdbxoo tor ............. ■ “ lisab

IcA lurA lix ' f i i r t t a e n ' G irt, a n d ,

S tatebonte.

_____ Home tor Disabled. Lunatic A sylum a n d tbe rim ent Slatiun, en d over

Governor Abbett dror* over from the form, and wint to hlx olflo* In tbe house, wben b* weeived dalagatlotii the county district*.

Senator Miff’bersan dteappearad eariy in th* m ornlnf.' Jam s* S m ith , J r ., reserved all

to - t h e ' place In th e eourtroain where DM husband A tb * m tu d a ied woman w u tK- Uad a n d ataoklng b e r fist In btafoM* and AwtiDnff! vY on a re iM ponA blato ra ll tbl* a ad tb* cauH A m y son 's tronbl* I”

I t WM tb o q g b t a t B re t by tb* epeetatore th a ttb eex o K ed w om an w m g A n g to h U M r. B tonelder, b u t ifa* oonteated benw lf w ith tovagely denouncing U m nnO l *b* w m led away by aoQUstabla. ___________ _


d( the oamp gronnd* tor the robnlldlng o f

tb e Stotebonte. TbeM eaffA w dlnary ex- pafiee* h ave U e n m et and th* high s tan d ard a l ou r s ta ta lebooli an d other InriltnDon* a iA n ta ln ad w ithou t adding a d o l lu to the taxes impipHd upon lad lv idnal o r o o n o ra -

M il l? tnaatn lw tod In UN b H tbU fo’d l t : i ^ t a t t n o a g h b n n o r^ * cd th o ^■and* A doU an >av* ■'------------- '■tm provtiiw nU A A i r a _ ------- -----------■lid M oal InAUutlou* every penny A tbl* money In* b**n eollooisfl from noureH wbteh by rcu M i o f oorpenjMe ow nereblp form erly escaped taxation . T b « e b u no t been uu- poowl o u dollar A d ir to t Btat* ta x njwn tbe property A eight ye*rst' th* U nion It--------

ttoraa w i l l .IBelf ten t (giTy a e S M O lM a ^ j r e tM u w f i

tor tb( ext

ea llen A th* b t a d q u r t e r i A Biaex Ooanty ■ Sewell’In u e b e n i SeweU'i old ‘ room. Tb*

N ew ark deMgatlob bsM a a a u d u t h a n a n d ' m ad* Jam m S m itb , J r , chairm an. O m A tb* IlvA leri ptoo** w u “ B illy ” Tbomptofe'* ream *, w here ck*n> pagna- a n d oU ur refrsAunenM war* m aob foaer than pure a ir . "B ob '* D arla and D enny H oLangblln ire i* on j to it4 ,b a t k e p t tn th* baAtgrouttd,

Govenuir A bb ilt, In ip ank ing A th ao n tlo o k

B a e o fd e r , ' J u a tla a a a d L ow yar wa T ria l.J u a n r C m , Ito y X —BecoA er Mo.

D anough ,/ Jedin R, H avens, W llllu n F. E u e b , to * J u t le e , and Law yer Bretx-

I feld wet* p u l on tria l tbl* m oro- ing before Judge U ppInoA t In tha B ndsoa Ooanty C o o rtb o o u to r Aleged oouce p t ia u tn ex to rtin g m oney feem Fred L ad A gand lir t .V * b b e r in H obA tm . B x -Jn d tH O a^ retson a n d Hofftosw Slid Jndgd Daly defendA tb eq asrtrik * . Lndw lg w m th e fln iw ito*** Mil n pen to* etond. N o new 8tAa vretaM ^ 1


B a tp b Baw M t H i t Life While a a aVlott to AUaatle City.

At la n tic C m , M ay X —Ralph D. BewHt, a clerk a t tb* ML 17*0100 Hotel, In W u h ln g - ton, D'. C , WM ftnm d tb l* morning a t Jock- •OQ’* FavtU aa a t to a board walk, near V ir­g in ia avM ua, w ith a gaA ng bnUri w ound beck of bt* e a r a n d a pu to t lying nearby. W hen pisfced g p lb * body w u tonnd to be cold an d WH to b an to Uw City Hell, w here It now Ue* aw aiU ng tb* InquasL

Iriverilgatlon d feeluee the feet th a t B e w Itt had oome n p from W aahlngton H veral w m k i ago and w m r ia p p in t a t tbe O lrsA U oum In tbl* city . H e w m apparentty abou t twenty-UKM yyani o f age and w m well In ti s d . T hough w earing a diam ond r i HI money W H im n d Co th e person.The death A tfaedaugfater A Jed g e Betatord,

of Elgin, 111., la n ra rd e d by soma m the proh- sU e o a u n m llew lU ’* iulelde. H e 1* re­ported to hav* b**ii devotedly e lta cb A to lU i* fiatifiird , w bo .W H a b unU fu l an d ao-

A Bpaaeh Kaleglriag Harrison and l>a- nonneing Iba D sm oaraU .

W aaitinemir, ILC., May X —A speech In the KouM tbU afternoon by Mr. Jotan*oo, A Indiana, auIogltDe A Pm ldent HarrUon, denunciatory AUie DemoenDe party In It* Irealmsut of the negro In tbe South and ttrougly In feror A the Force bill, threw th* Honu Into a state A *icUem*nt aud oots- futlou, wbicb WH blgbly entertaining to th* gallery, but raltwr wMrlsom* to tbe mem­bers of tito Apprepriatlon UommlUe*, wbo In vain appoaled to lb* Hout* to allend to bueli

tbl* morning of the dlsapprarnnoe A Joseph Roaener, A ISS Prln» tlrtet. Resmier wm ordered com- mtUed to tbe eoubty JaD on May 4 by Judge Frel*el, of the Third Criminal ( ^ r t , on a cberge of babltuol drpnhennes*. A week ago laat night a friend of ibe femlly balled him out and be promlaad to go home. He wu towapiriwd al the tlm a He has nA been ■sea lino*. .

Roeencr I) an engineer by oomipallon, and eu n A exeetlent wage* when be work A, Hit wife ilatA A tha tlma of bli eommttmcnt Dial he hA bean drunk aimo«t oonttnnouxly tor thre* yeoio. __________

lbt o n t In h ie testim ony.

In tbe fiDl, rid tou lA tb* Idea t lig t the Hepub- llAD* would a a n y UndauR OtmnBr a ItarBtate, "T hou wbovAA tor Oktonel Wan* Mr,” ba Hid, ” are iwt in fisvar of {fepiblloen pull In tbs Slate, eonnly a ettjf,' gnd only vA A finrblm H a proteet agalnri sxlsthig evih. they am convinaA that h* osm do nAbing and N B H m to a rp M him then; Ttwr* feno (M AM M ifttweitoeM a A .tba Blau and DMOoiaiBe BptW >R Ifiwfeim y next felL W* win NtoP bUb AgMoibly-m to In eoanty

, fliq'y sLl A I


e n d n e try uw ■Wq wm ■tor*.'will

rekfe. 'U w r

i A t o » ^

J a h n ia n Na« U u t o A trv A l'i M orderar.Rko BANE, H a y 3hr~Jokn J o b u d a , tb*

H lddlato*m o e lu n d m an a r m t A Sunday tor ’m Ip a M d a e n p U A ty tn U w m n rd a r A Usxi* Forrril, WM taieeM d yeaterday. JobM ou 'i femUy A a la iae th o tiia w M b o m * A iA t le e k iX lh g B l |^ tf i r a * i t l i i r f l« r . T

•ttbaorlMfl by tb a ciUMiM to am ptoy detoo-Uvaefe

to* U | ^ w n

■ ae n in T r B le leefe lloveaM nrtt.N rw Y on* , M ay X -S e e re ta ry o f Btat*

Jama* G. B laln* la a aA n A quietly In hi* room A! tbfe m orn ing , n A Irav in g tb s hotel nn tll Udfl - o’otook. a * areke » U tb« naual Dm* an d breakfesfed w ito Hr*. B laine tb tb e lr aom partm enL No one e a lM to a a a to * ileoietory ftbrlng the m orn- lag and b n t few war* a b o o i whM he Mft th e hotel. H e ra re tv A lem * leU an feoifl th* hotol d a rk an d w ith aflrin ,A « |ak tlep w a lk A to to* ■treat, wber* h a a a to rA a e lo e d d ea i- riag* a a d WM d riv a a dow n Broadway.

M arriag e S o v A H er feam F i l m .Js« * « T C iT T ,M * y X —Thare w aa-a erow d

In to * big courtroom a t tba llndaon Oounty courfbousa A Uc80 Uiit fiwenoon to w ltn e u th* w A d ln g of John Doyle and A nnie B rian, Uia young wtitnan wbo w m a rm lgnad 1» oou rt yM larday morning and p laad A gu ilty to a charge A slesllng a silk di*M a n d a w rap w orth 111 from M naN ell Campbell. Doyl* b A a x p la lu A to Judge U p p to o A l D ia th * a a d Annfe w ire engagA to b* m a r r lA and ba w antod Ih* cerem ony perfqrnw d yeatar- day . A lthough Onnatable W lia tA d b im A nn ie w u likely to go to toe p a o lta n tlu y , Doyle sa id h* d idn’t c a n , but wM w illing to m arry ber any way end would w A t nnU l tb* exp lm tlou A her torm to ae)*braU Ibd boney. m oon. JutUc* Ra**h p e rto im A tb e m ar- rtag* cerem ony. Tb* eonpl* re tp o n d A to tb* queo tlm u o f th* Jusllo* In qu ie t too** and were then prononnoA m u and wife. A fter tb* wadding M ism ony th* b rid aw M token In to Jodge L ipp tn to tt'i courtroom . Tbe Ju d g e •nepended ' •entence aud tb* young eonpl* feA tba A urtroom k n k ln g vw y happy.

“ Tb*'LaBVW M an » A Minart*.That strqDg sad ■till popular old play,

“ Tbe Tlcket-oPLaaveHan,'' Wh crAllably proMDlA betoiv a goodrilsA audlene* A Mi­ner's Tbealn but nigbt and will be glren tbere tortb* remainder A lb* wuk. 0. U, Barr playi Dm pari a t HA Brierlp with mauUaess and tbrea, bribglDg oat tbe palbo* A Dm dliahargA eoavlA'i life, end •bowing A Dm u m t Unu toanoDva eburfuL act* and eurgy, tk* AiltbfttI and fender affko. Don and tb* boMAp wbloh mark the etaarao- ter A toe unlucky LanoMbln fed. Frank Rlcbardiwo dOM good work tm Uw olever villain, Jame* DAfra. HoroMXwlng'amake- up and oAlng m tha tone*, Jfelfer Jlfew, lend humor to th* portrmfal A tbat Ad rural, and Harry D. (JUftoa fe a vlforout HauikAw. Marguerite Fsaley w u acoapt- a b ltu May X ii^rtU and Imogtne Ebsrie and Irena LesftegA ton oat A tba role* at garrulous Mk*. WWougbiy and mlsctalevont Sam. To-morrow night and tor tb* real of ttie week KMle May Hatibewi.a alx-yeai-old banjo player, AU WP*ar to one soaM A the idby. ._________ _

^ iM A dLoKOSN,, H ay X -T h aS u a la ty A A*fe priM ,

n w d t t l m a ^ h m t l y been * w * A A S ^ (M e -f m a f i e d # U i ^ ^ ' T s f e g r a p b u ■ a n d a to r t A lh a g ie a t ' ' '

A m s te d Ib r tfe* X Ianbaa H n rd a r* .BNd a u a , H o, H oy X - A

m en Who aaiv* hi* m w m u T ./ . WIHIanfe arrested In th is iflty last n ight obargA

A tk jh q m a td a r A tu* tonr wjw*en in Ifenb

by M o n b a l D ^ g . w ho b ad a ma*Mg* to baw a u a n u . .* OB th a t

TIm Qaaen!* B irthday Oelabratton.L ondon, H ay 38,—la pafkwaoo* A a form al

o rdar Uw •AebraDon A Dw a n n lv e iaa ry A Ow Q M M 'i K lrthday, w hich aA u ally oo- en riad yaAerday, took staea to d a y . Tb* w eatbar w u eplendtd. T h e n w u a parada A tb e H orw G uard i an d a brooplng A ih* oA on by th# F oo t Ooard*. Tbl* oerem ooy w u wltn»*abd b y a v u t

................... la rg e n u ra .' mere. Th*

nA.'blet AU t a J M ^ H w om panlA by Prlpoe (Jh risu tn , WM In nam m and. T b t m ufeed bond* played th * NdUaawl AaM um. The F oot U u a A t nrarchdd p u t la review la Dm a tdW A q u ic k tlm a, ■”

A a B a e tr i* C o n w n t T o ae b a d H im .W illiam Long, a m o to rm an on Iba Spring-

flDd avenn t A *A r|a xan d . w m tem porarily d ls ib lA by a v ag ran t elsotrie cu rren t a t aboA 4 o’clock y eeterday A ternoon. H» bod Justpuinnd the s A te b com ing o u t A Irving,Ion, and be nu t tala b a n d on tM hondl* w ith which th e curren t la • A to h A„ lA to h A on, wbpii be M l over bM kward laaennibJe. T M oonduo. to r of tbe cor ran It dow n to th eM ab lew K b . ou t tUrtlMt mlebep. Long I* n A eerlously in ju tA , _______ -

Prsmto*M t K A g M a t H o n o r D a*d. flacefe lie tbeJiivaN iN aN aw E '

' Jk M iT OiTV, H oy X —Gaoig* W . Sm all, Grand Dlclator d f lb* R nigbfe o f H onor A New Jen ey , died A b i t borne, 333 (Jeulral avm ue, Jareoy C lty .lM t n igh t, A pneum onia, after eigtat days* Hines*. H e w ill be burl A ou Sunday ( n m hi* n a id an to i

' Tb* flnM ttm oke.the “ l a Panha." A akyour g l |a r dealer. ^ a n l * »<m.

A L a tto r-e a rrle r iN jarad .J o b s B rlA elnelter, a le tfer-rarrler wboafe

route to In K arri A n , wa* t truck by a freight, englu* u b* w m oroMlng tb e t n c l u o f th* Pennsylvania Railroad a t tbe F ou rth S treeh StaDun a t 4:30 yssW rdiy a fte rnuon an<d th row n a sho rt dtotanes from Dw trook , H A w u bad ly InJurA about U it b ead a n d uppeN, portion of hto body, A a am bnlono* eouv v ey A h im to h to bom t, M Bowory otroet, th l* c ity . _________

A Maw Coinpaoy In B anevB la.A cerUfloote o f Incorporation A t b t Bello*

vlllg Building ood Supply Company c m ra- oo rdA In tb a County Clerk’s ABos to-day. The capital to flxA a l NOfioa an d bustoes* will be ^ g n n In BellevlUe ou IllJIIR Tb* Incorporntori a re ) Jame* H ard m an , J r . , Georg* L, Brooks, Hasss F . Rogerv an d Kd» ward L, Anderson, of Belleville; Josupb H . Oebovne, A Newarii, and Jo h n O. Ma A n ia n , A P h lla d s Ipbfe. ________•

Tb* Vr*Ab*r Boraan Foracast.Tb* W eather Bureau pA dlets (Olr w eath A

witb southerly wind* tor tbto looallty to ­morrow.

Tb* range A tem p era tn re for th* p ast twen* ty-lbur h o u n , iicoordlng to tb s n c o A k e x b y Ohariei Haridegen A Go., 413 Broad i tn a L lei 8A .M .,84”; «A.M.,a3°; «A .H .,n» ; U H ,7V“ : 8 F .H .,T ri , __________

B a ta r ta ln A F a llM m ea .A fter tbe parade ysalerday Uia p a trA m a a

altaulMd to tb* F lr i t P recinct w ere m tefe la ln A A L. A A ta l Sleller’e by A ld e tm an F ran k H . Parker. Rev. F a th e r B techer, o f SL Pater'* Chnnib, reeelvA (ha F o u r th P reo toet police a t B wngerHail.^____________

C I T Y N E W A K O T B 9.

AUwaaloen. Tifelos* wm sJtoutlSOO.

The offloen A tb * Dime Havlogs IngU taiM it were ra a te e tA ye iU A ay afternoon.

Tb* L adles 'B oeletr A th e r U tM a th W a A h u a rre n g A to r an kw eream fesUvA efi E ttenbsiyer’* H all tonIghL

Tb* m ambere A B axarnsr Poet fi. Bo h A VsferaiM, b rid *B *i*rofe* d rill l a B rady '* H A l'lM t n igh t pnpM ato ry fbr U taD aroras thm Day parade..O a m b r in u S ick BsttofflBoelNy 1 estabraM b

It* flret aan lvcrM ry to Doalgrito P a rk la ta n lfb L A n address w H -isU vernff by Kreefe d s n t H enry Straueh.

A la m p e x p lA A to H en ry O InIB eri'i m toon, MS Piiw* s t n X vbortly a fto r 8 a V o ek la st n ig b t, and a flre d a m a g A th e oonfenl*

“ ‘ I W M f e ^ tA Jury In the Oommoa PtoM Oourt today

. lund Joseph Dixon Inuns. The Bndlug wsg mad* on an application ibr hi* romoval (tontb e eaim ty to tiw M aU A iy ia in fiir t b t In aan *a t Morrtotown.

Charles Hoff and Paal O ow tlog .lha form er c b a rg A A lb la n m y from tb* pelpon, tb* o th e r A l b taroeey, were Iboiid M H tF on tr ia l th l t m orntogbefort J lid i* K lr lp a tr la k to Ibe Quarter SmtloM (Xm|L

T he annm d festival A Oroe* O buA ki' A o ir will h ibeW t o d t i b l A l H A I l b * « w fl t t lV em are A th* Asesartoo thaaMMte A H bac h M y o r ib s e b a n a im ’WUad to th l« fe * M Ath e Ohureh, a nd n a g hy a vary l a m i A A r a t m en and boys, '

B b a ^V ulunteenrs, A ll bold its a n n q a l jHockaeray on DuiBlfllUoil

.... ..


I E i m i

Tiro Reports od tho Briggs Cue Pre­sented to Uie PresbyterUn Auenblj.


rh a O M W m o f Ui« a — «Tml A iw iablT A w B lM W Itb l i a e k lB terM *-W orfc o f fktk I fo tlia d M C ont»r»oe» »« O m » h * -A MnUm Amr Maatlnc Brofcaii Vr bjr » N a b - M n . WUoqx'» A p p llo x U * tor UtroToo D m l» 4 ~ C » p tM * o t O rM n rw d * K u la M «« Y orib

In the PpMbyteri*# Oenerel Aieemblp at pnrUuA Or*,, jeetertay, afler rteTotlonal iT lI iitr . led by Dr. Blehmond, of LouUTtlle, andUienbdlacofth*oiliiutae,tba nport of Ibo ttandlDt (sominltte* on home ml»loii* erw nad by Dr. HcFbarfon, of Cbleafo. The report f*T* an aoooont of the work oftha year, aa eondnrtad by lb# board of homa ulMtoQi, and of th« eopport clean by tha Cbunsh, wblla tha noeda wet* eat torth Tory atroofly.

Tb* board befan the year w ith a debt of naarly lUKl On. One mimon doUari waa naked m r igat year, and oontrlbutlon* rcaohad within m,flOI) of that amount, of Which OTer •M jan waa aTallabt*. The praaant debt la MrDOO. Tb* Immenaa ImmlfratloD baa clTon tbia board Ihnicn work to do a t home. Tb* laportsleeaan aaoount of tb* work In earl- ouf inaM l eoodactad by l .f n mlaalooarlaa in ohurobea wHb a memharablp of 96,61X1, and a aehoat attaadano* of ltl,Mtl.

TMory tbui ter appeal* to b* w\lb the antl-Brlift party. Thai* wir# two raporta

j n m W a p p ^ fibin tb* aoUoo of tb* Naw bark I^ b ytary In dbmiatlnf hla eaa*.

Tb* dadalon In tb* aeaembly la awaited with intareat, and UHleyatto’oloek la tb* time (lied for 11* haarlBf of the caea The drat unplaa*. ant apiaoda df yeeWrday’i leaalon Oecumd neartha oMaa, when Dr. BartMt, of WaMi- lactoB.raterrad In ratbar ineertec la n u to tb* report of the eommlUae od oomperaUoo with other ohurobea.

Tbaivportof thajudlolal oommlttaaoii ap- yiaal waa aprunc upon tha aeaembly. It waa T«d by Da. Bteltb, of Buffltlo, etaalnaai), and waaaalbUowiiEraabjterlan Cboroh In D nIM Btatai of

Amanea acalnat CbariH Drim -Appaal from iba ludcmantofthaPraabytoryofNow Yurk dlamlaai nc the oaaai - ^Tb* Judicial comtniuaa reapeotfuUy raporta

that It baa caretelly tonalilerad tba docu- menu aubmltted to It In tbIa eaa* and baa adopted tba fntiowincreaolulloeat

O a ^ n u t In tba ounlon of tbIa eommlttea tba appaal btean by Pr^ytarlan Cburoh In tb* u n lM S tete io f Amaiicaand Ibaorlfl- nal party repteaauted by tha eommltu* of pnaeoutfon, appointed onderaeclluo 11, Book ofDlaolplIn*. baa been taken from the dual Jndcmeht <rf the Preehylary In ataraltelnc the eaae, and that aadd committee hod tb* rii[hm take thla appeal, tepretmaUni eald

3 0— u M t find* that notice of appeal had d vw ,ab d IbaUlie appeal ■proinctUnna

of triw and lacord hawa been Iliad In aooord- anfa With aaotloBa W and (7 of lb* Book of 'Dltelpliaa, and tba appeal la In ordar. r SraaetMristiatL That, la tha Judamai tb*' aorastlttao, toa appaal abould h* a

a (anaral b a n c in s Af abalri araa lha m o l t , on* m aa then thaaw a bottle o a th a iU«», which waa M Iow td by a ah«*»r ofTarloua lulaallf*. -W om en yelled with fr1»hl,'and oo* or two te w a d . ftoddanly tba alertric Ilf h i In Ute oehlra w eat o u t, leoTliig the crowd In darkncaa, axoept to r the few tneandeeoent llghla on lb* *ta««. The awltcli m Uio big light la o n th e f lm lo f tha building In the upper pawt o f th e balcony. Captain In m b mad* hla w ay (Tom the ate«* to th e balcony and had the ligh t on a fa ln before the rlulrra knew w h a n b# waa. W hen they aaw bim they ruehed a t h im . He waa alruck on the head w itb a obalr. and was in dnnger of being killed, w hen tb* lig h t waa tom ed off again.

D n rla t tb ia tim e A dju tan t Sommotia waa being Joatled abou t by a crowd which bad climbed n p o u the atag*, bu t he flbaUy got away and o u t In to tbe auoet, where b* found a poltoaraan. W ith tha policeman he !*• tu rned Ju a ta a to u r or lire detiieradoaa had Captain L am b ataored h a lf through a window. The oolaa a ttrac ted aerow d until the paaaagfr way Into tb a building waa effectually blocked, b u t tha a r r ir a l o t a platoon o f policemen who bad been notified of the riot aoon cleared tb* way. W ith a liberal ua* of I belr n ight allcka tlM yoat tb a ir way Into tbe liu lld ln t nod th e ir preaenoe cooled tbe aplrll ot the hood- luma.

T b e b u lld ln f wa* aoon empUed and th e polleeDMO decided to eaoort Ibe Halratlonlate bom tt _


t . ( i


__ _ IflvTKRSliYfl

htnAium km «ba m\ tM*t« i«

x e m r s ifl BKRsnY f l iv n r t h a t b t v ifrn iB mJobq VrlM, & ItotKlAnd aiA P-..................... ] f% tr ‘

OTICK OT BALK TOB V3lKAlDTAXaB.-nStertTuw'rSlSJSflp lS S 5 lS ir c ? i^ o fir o r ^ n u te if i£ ta the e

_ te laiea i miaiad oa lawU, leneacaia bemdUateteiia *M iml aaatfe Iw the a ^ tewnab^ la the n o t Imi, itu, «iberrlber, lloUertoe of Ibaeal^ tee mid towaehlp, will, a* » h i ^ . the elgkteeata day of Jnae M il at the hour of (between II IP. N.). at Park aefwol Hall. In mW towatelp, atU the lanli. ten*-nienta, heredlUoinantaand nalaaialatewaaaderdtanrlbad,at piihllo randua tor tea a a o n a ia la n u e a - reedhw aa yaan, toe which any peiaea or penena will agrm te tee mma M w auch (aim with la- tenM taamm at tee nte of U per canbia touu tee twaalfeteday of Octeher, A IXefie Ihnmind dfbtban- died ami ainetyoae,tetilber with coala, tom, ohaiigaeaadeipeBiea ___________ ■

iMacdailoa. of In m m t AawuntTax. lo JUM U. Dua.

or taan ainutad on Arondnle laar' pnpeety oMUihao law, adjolnliifly of I t n ^ n i . Dewar.--......... .......|B H

e r r rORUIltA NOtl OKAHTliaa PlftiaMOH

to tea Hewadtpaaiwr HaBwayCinnay w to) aiuJapanteaiMMalmckatjtet mfwa^iiand along I1ay atreet, feua* tee BKtd ataeet railway iraekaofmM nmipHiy le l i t nmaaat avenae and Ibenca acma tea aaraa aait lateand teroagbCarllale plate lo tea brldga cm in g tea Fkimle River, and

-------- irtafir ------------------------

Air oiiM|f*ncparkig g«t —

Htieat and Watar

praa^htiig canal n p « which

I boodliioiia to irlailoo teeieto and

■ ciOwaen1 Hie M arcaaPewleeea-liorm laai, mere o r l


H er r l a a

MBS. w a c o x . ® IDm llary L Y**af-1


int of eDte^

-fa lied ,ab d tim e aet b}iart tor tbe bearing of A b a c a s C otbm IH aareporU tbat ^

............. " -----------* ' ‘-“IT_________ _________ ______ - p ia ^ o n W o ttb * Book o f Dlaclptlo* hy cau*.

.Abi-m rS ir, adft lb « l t t e G * n * ^

prooeM In aacoraane* w ith

ppeal1 iIn General AMambty abould

th e proTlelont of

ina Judgm ent of tb e a p p ^ an d *peelflcatlqa* of errora alleged to h ave been twbd : then to appellan t by a com m ittee o f proeeou-

tlODi tbaS defendant lu peraon o r by blabearlb* appellan t bytIODi tb a i defebdan ^ -c o u n W : Ibeil appellan t by a cum m lliee of

K Mm I t 9occ9M-Lol!!HfnM*d°dn Avondale iojd— „ . .U am oalH f . ........... ectia land, uo ie or lea*, riniaim iC. aid*

llleoqilleld av*., adJolalBf pnwinir fat, J a« *Cbeyman aad ptopetiy Kat. of twiab Hmfer..... H •

b l . fianh lt* H * t-« * « a laud, moct or lam. dtiiated k aide of BIioid- ItrM a ra , bdtolalng pnparty Bat. HamonluaJeralainan.......................... ......... — ........ T •

Mra. MafcoiPowtaoca 1 aerm land.maraor lam,alioalod o n ^ a tn m ,w ^o lo g pnporty Job i lloaway and Hr. O. M. ^ ^

r..... HI*II HbUrr

InebeaBiIgbfe^Hacteilaod, more or laea, a lto ^lihlre at., adJutnlH* property li. M. Miller. Of MaaotoebiilacOo-Hllla and Und, abualad on Cbeatnui «.,n

tog pnperlr Kal- Jca. HIgItraBd Yaullnw River ■ at Dr. B. ObUy-1 aci* laid,Biniaua Mar Canal a t, near pivpany Uulm-

M MMW, iHbUMaw a~—• *'«'e-p— -m-~-bf ............... .......... ...... 1 ••

M Jteepb »e»lea-Lot end dwolUi«,dtoatad on adjoining paopertylVaukll#Laodlmproromonlt'O-.....-.......... I t M

U l in . carry oettr rago-Lut and dweUIng, Mtuaiad on W. 4de 1 ranklbin»t.,*dJolnlmpr«p*rtyC. P-Bamey........^...—. II N

ir M . Dr, A DtUr-41 aen i land, mora oFbaa, on Franklin are., adjolnliicnroyorly K ta .J. Dodd and rmpoity J a m m C ____lIciMtd, Kan---■:-“"v:XV.'{.............. li:' *** **

.. toung I Fnuiklln ave., ad.

Tl U

proteeih whetutlon in reply upon tbe gncatlon

' w betber the apjimJ ahatl be anterU lned ." Im m adteialy after tb a i ta le m e n t tb a i tba

-aoH O M of tbaB om m lite* had baananllrely pleaeant and barm onlona, tbougta not unanl- moo*, a m ino rity rep o rt waa annoonoed. The

JL d n a u n an t w»* read by Dr. F r * » r , of Nawark, Td MM HI toUoara ttb a undartlBnad, a m ino rity o f tb* Jodletal

ta O binln a fep n raH M H e r B aattan il r a l l i .

Ylo*«i*najBUor Flteay, aU eraay City, d*. elded tbe Wltoo* divorce proeem llnii yeelar- day In flavor of H r. Wlloox. U ia. W ilcox le tb* eonoert ilngar who hoeuiad bar h a to an d of b a v in f abtiaad and deaerted her. W hen aba bcfan p m aed loga i fa tn a t him ih* claim ed lo be unable to find him , a n d gunv mooed h im to aoaw er by publlcallun. II* naver aaar tb* pobHcatloa and S id n o t know auyttalnf abou t Ih* divoroa proeaadlnga till M n. WUcox*! eaa* w m about ripe IH a d*> ere*.

Tbeo be abdwad U iat b* bad been In bnal- neie a t tb* aam* place a* w blla Mi*. W ilcox lived w itb b lm , a ad tb a i b* often m at bar parent* an d bro tkara on tb* atreet, Mr*. W lleox’f law yara adm IlU d th a t tbey bar* no t *0 a n e b ae looliad In lb* dlreolory to pUc* him . W baa th a tum m ona aria to be beard Mr. W lloox danlad th a cbarina o f abuaa Mid clalm ad th a t hi* wito bad don* tb* da- •aitlng.

A fltr tb* laaryari bad ■amraed up tb* oan* yeaterday tha Vlca-Ctoancellor a i d tb a i tber* wa* no d oub t t h a t tba woman bad takan tea InlUaUv* In th a laparatlon by ta k liif bar food* aw ay from lb* b o a * provided by ber huibanA Bbe eo ra a itted perjury when ab* aha mad* a a affidavit th a t ber taalband waa a travellloff aaletm an aad ab* did Dot know where to B nd blm ,

“ A dlvam * obtained afler actual aervlee of natlo* o n tb* defendant," continued tbe Vlca- C bancellor," elanda blgber than one obtained by defliult. W bet* a party lo a euit ha* a

caM th a DutlH le alwaye ta rred If pneih ble, bu t In tb i t cate tb li lady t a n dellharately about no t noUfylng ber bu tband. tihe cara- fUUy avoided tarv ing peraooal notice. T hat ihow i th a t tb e h ad no conUdano* In b ar eaa*. She t t y t abe wa* willing to live In tb* aam* boat* ; theretor* tb e w at not a fra id of ex­trem e cruelty . Non* of tbe reaaoni alleged la eufflclaiit to w arran t a wife In abandoning her buattei|^. i th ink Ih* hneband It e n il iM to a dleorpa cm b i t c ro tt blU If th t Court h t i JurltdlctloD ."

Tb* VlceAJbanoellor re te rv ed tb a qnctllon of Juriid ie tlon tor further oooilderatlon. B* H id M rt, W lloox could not quetUon it bt- HUM th e took np a colorable retldeoce In the Htale, a lthough th a lived In New Y n k and brought her hn thaud to evrart by due pmccH of law. U erappH oallon fH d lvon* w a t de­nied, a n d no alim ony wa* allowed.


lohilng preaerty N ia M tnat Fcwlmun ........... 17 MTkca A. aylas-Lct, HO ft feont K. lUc Ottnt tvo, ttJolBliif properlyKdnaDd ..... ...... .....>c<»...iv.aa tAj Imit M. BtUMOO^ Bcrw iMd, or Uiai, bow ood bora.

KauditFWelCli^pdtiid«.,id)oliiliii pfopertjr___f i t I* MOfOlMld ........................................ . i l l i

■H. Oea. D Baafian-Iace. heuae. hofel aad UMl, « r Saw.tad.Mill ate.. lU H JCal. Dr. A Delly-IIHHMHa land, m r or Img alwtIM S. of J J « £ f t „M.. adJcUilng preperty erf Miw IllditiU Miwtor.. IT I* M Lllaildfteil-* term lend, ■ncttorWiM.W'.tfcle Blvtitld# dale*. » •«

Kfkt...... ..............................MW ................... .Da WUt C Oonty-e aerm laad. morelewa- alluefecl K. tnd W. lumrrida

drive. tcUcbilng property Wm. nulmua....W ynaal Vh EuidV-iu ncrea labd, more or.tma, baam. hofel tod Iwro, B

■Ide H lren id id rtw iiend View Uciuaei,...... .. r i t MOhaa r . dhtph a -* mma Im C, aaent *• Ima l h aHta, W. a teodlateln* ptv»a«y ef tk* BaUevlUt

IHOM Cy*i .......................... .........a........ H MAMI B o w k W om m Md Loon A w r i^ n - L o tM d b m iE

n m


Htf rlTOeoAMnlBi *!*■

StM l«i IL T r te -4 Beni iMd, m an or tOM. w , v iedaed m ^11 <

H XU, MsCT J. DiwbIAi* -W aa.X .■ arn a tt-L m ta fd v K h S B W teJT w S L teH , adfeialog prip^qrlT llObOT DqqOO( vei,Ba#ee,rvnea--c —■ '*••••-•'81 OD 00John La B tw -lo t lOiiat, h m and oarfirtM J h m S ’ B tei

m K. A teadtord-^ acrat

aad HM Ml toUoar*:T h e undaralgiiad, a m ino rity <h ^ ,

e em m ltte^ wonld laapaottoily lu b m il the

^ W ? K x lI i |^ b a 'B o o k o f D ltc lp lln t requliat th a t the appcatl a r t generally w be takan to the Judiciary Im m ediately eupertw to thatappHled from, agd _ . .

wjfxnxjts, 'ilia rt a n not tufficlant reaaoni to rtnaklngan a p p ^ the affilon oftb tP re tb jia ry o r New York In dianilMIng tb* o*M agnlntl Dr, Brlgga an exHpUon to thla rate;

Tbaretora w* recommend to the flaneral Aaeenbly th a t tba appMl b* not entartaliMd, th a t tha paper* In tbe c u e be returned to the appeUani, and that t h ^ be adviitd to then bring Ib a r appeal or complaint betor* the Bynod of New York. BetpecUnlly tub- tnittod.

D. B . r n a x u ,— THDHaa Gokdcdi, OtWALDi', UackVA

O n o aaA V eU acH aH .

of khiftltiid t t , adjotailng pn

R. HUl, BH).. -hlnttoa tv a tn d a pnperty of John F.





i l l

t H


i NII*



I Hin



uorniliiliiio It jmaiod.*WboMp bf (E opniM liloaoT^m ordlaonoew-

tlUod, Att oHiWihikBO lo opon ootfral brlwwnML nMUHUil olrMUN ftiid tlA)r icroot ninnloi «oit<*nr to 0 |d ra MTOOI," uHMod b f tbto booid tba (Mrtiiljrvnliub dayorH«|AMairr,otio tb u w n d oictit buodmlmiM] olno^ h WM ot4«1m4 tJ»t KMfcot ibooM te optaiA ovorthc risbtfrfiroy ocquiirod by Umi city oYorOo urn B r ^ p o w . boiwoon Ml. i>Mont oroniM oBd CUy it root, niBjOc^ tulorty te Ofoon MrMi, In ■ooorunoi with lAo Udm AcfliMa on ojpop moiitbytbo cuy barvoyor, wt>4 fllidlAhtoollm;ittda •

Wbinoi, ibi IUmo of tiM oirtot ooto bo oiwnort NMdicoUy dctliiM In Mid ordlnuK** omI ItU ibcn ^ Amber onWn«d tlMt Mid dtorribod Rtfwi in bo oponod MolbtoMkl tngetber villa tbot m n bi

i>MlQRlroHrttiiiilioroooto(1y Apmr Ogden OroMlo •n|Lo In m M PioMki itrooi ihiifi bo wilod

llili bUirw f BOd,Whc'ima, the told Newark r tmaniirr teU w u

tteapany drain* tc lay tod eparau tdoubl* track tinv traU w ty iraiu lttino ln w B re td n iia M o ^

MMU H bi

a te Ih* Inferarctlaa of tfiiy Mnat teiwute t i v tlreel tnd Ibraoe It, U im gli tod tloiil I » * » (UrlWe pitte <o tha ru ie rly termlma <n mid tar- llife piaa when tee atioe connecli wtih tea public


Hi It ofdolbod » tbo B a M ot b tm QpcamtoloiWin of Ibe eity of Nowork* oi Mlown

Beetbw 1. iliiAt JnniM ourtet. flvm WuihlnflMi •iroti M Um WiM ride of Huraei itnota oM l be ro- Mvod wlui gMitiliM TrIeUM Loke ownnlttim pev- leo, ood to be gmyod from Ibe wMt ndo of Buruei •trmtoUifkNroKwUbobloiwKrnnltebkickii («• ivthor witb i ll tlM ifvurtwieeoee neoeiMry to com- pleio tbe MOM,

Boettoo 1 llao l Um propiirty boneflied by etieb rejjbarfan riu it be iiiioMd to tb t Aill oxtrat efttao •pedei or ptcullor boDoilt coBtoired vptm tbo Mam WMldOWlili UMHVrmMHti WartleBBThmliMudlalely apen tee oomteiUon

ef tw h puhUo work or ImpKtveafeoLJbe CInfc of '"1 Butfd, la ocalaaidiDa with tb* X ^iM er tod . JfenaHaperliteautentor W a t te e f tb e l te ^ cotalUlly prepare tnd (Uralah tU aateamry ttat*. oteutt, Htpo. aiMwldcatlMu tad o teerd tta perttla- lag la aoeli pabllc work or taopfOTemenc, tad the FirnMnit af it* Bnud tad aohl l i n k tlmll tUeiw t t ^ <m btealf of tbe Room ef Hlitel tad Water CotemM enea of tte City of Newark, nrtify Ih* iuwiate*O nauBaaCeaneU cfte*G cyef Newark, la a lte r ih tt mU Cummo* Ccacdl may ihareoftar Moaaad la m ate aadiwUact teepropar ameoaoMit M te t e e t l a a d t i l



H a I I N E R 'St M A ^ n i n . . BBAB i

irldM croMiiM ibc PuMie Klvtr; end, WberoMtHiti Mownra Pmmq


B NmmtiNm n

m uB Nu n

............ _ _ . . _. kuUwoy^DMiy, in ofH«r to oMoln poim lAni fn iiu ^ d o ly c o e lu ted Miltortiioeof fbooUy of Nowerk toUy iiNoaomtokdnQtoio tm dt riiooi raawRifMhftH» wM, 6 rrady v»d wIIUim to undirtoki u d aiTM. lo port DaneUenUMi of ibo tranUngof MldperaiU' •loo M albcwMldp to AiUyud oompMoly nirb oDd povo ood An tbo Ndowilkt ortbot porth>B o/UHbi« ploco tyliv bftwotn Me. FMeMOtotonw ood tbe Mittriy oWo of Ogdon otron^sad to U r tbo jioQHMry CTDoiwnihi ot tbo LntorMctloM Of mU w llnlii p b ^ w lth Ml PloMont tronne oud Otd^a ureii, Ibe work oimI miberloM to bo to ibe ftill wibH tMtion Md eppnrvnl of tho Bontdof dlnotnnd Vi'atoT Conmleeloiwn of tb« eli^ of Hewprk oiu tbiir duly o|ipului«^ oN«on mmI ogonte i end,

Wharaaw, lold compoay lb i-citutertiich Of tht graiilUri C( <ba permlmlcu to wUcIted by 11 a t ttoN-

ggteteetlaadtipeB H of aochiubile werkorlai- ^mbaaMatH may now or h tte tner ba ftqntnd hy

tecllca I. la id puMb; weak ar ImproveaHat thtU ht iM teaaaewap)*fed aater Uw mparrliduo or la- iatelion*rte»lhH * iw or Aetlag Bagtoeernd the tloBW M apirtnlaiitent oTWoiki af the Beard ef itea ti a a d w ila r Camaiaalaatia lococdlag to Iht paavlaMMafteaeitycbtrtiir aod ltw io f Ibaltttta ta* IheCrtUmincttarteecllyaad byltin , rufea tad re*ulttiaasoftb*Boai4 cf Btraet indWalarOHn- n m a im n atteaC layof Kewirk appHoaUeitaeivtci,

■eciwn a That tel* tadJatam ahairiak* aHM Im- m e l 't tw .

raaaafiM arHtlllA _______jaKnfiiiiTB,nk,praakfeBt a f tee Booed of atrmv ood Wotor Ceat-


Chat of Ih* Beard ef Mtete and Water Ooteail»

Mr. H, C. M INER..... Proprietor and ManagvrCol. W . M. UOKTUN...... .„..lteaid*at l U n ^ rFIys Nights sod Satnrd&j kstliiMi

Cum m cnrlag Tueeilar. M ay H.A Rare Treat, A Popular Play, A Orand Om A

T I C K E T - O F - L E i T E - I U I !OorieotMeonery, Blcclrlcal Effeet, Atwurala

C ntum va. ikw ibe IfeUcvuc Gardena Illnrut- iiatMl, th e Cellar VndcrgriHmd, th e Ktruggl* to r K lgtit, Life H U ft TrMlay, Laughter. Tear*, Sym pathy. tevureM ato In udvonce.

Do* notlo t win be given of tb* appeom nea o f tbe wonderful lufent banjo vliiuoao.

J U N E irrT w id n C M d ay E v an liii) ,

M m i l t i l i i i i e l f . E l l i i i a '

W ALDMANN'S NIWARK OPSIIA HOUIS,F au u W au u iaH ir , H u u g e ti

W eek com m encing Monday, May m, IffiL


V A U D E Y I L L E C O M F Y .

W eek oommoBcIng M onday, H ay IS (Deote m tlou Week)—S h eriiu n A F lynn OHabinmlion.

G rand H oliday Malliw* DeooraUoA M onday, May » . Dap.

IM te


mid. It furuur wlUIng u MteftiUy clwy aad paf- tonn toy tad til oonattloat tod rmtilcwHia wfatuh may be hnpoatd upno II lu thla oidlniBca teerenro,

Ife It oidoliMd by lb* Doonl of Wiml ood Water Uotoiolaaluate* ofte* city of Nowork, oa IbtJcwa -.

tertioi L ITiat penulmlua hoand tea aaau henbr ta glvan ood gimaiod lo Ih t Newark yaoHogar HaOicad lOmpany, of tbe clly of Newark, couuiy ot Kaari oad Wate of New Jerety, to lay ond upetoU a deubia Hack turaol nUlWM train te« loUway tnacte ofaoldcoiupony In Brood atreet u p ^ l a IbelDler- levttiw of <Hay otrtet. to, along and over aold Cloy atreat to, and acrom lit . Fleaaaat tveoH and Uitc,tenwfb Olid along OarlWa Plate, to wbora tee a----■-nniH^ with the public b n d ft cr

AMuarvid Hiy lAUteJUatBPS E. HAYNBA


A ■ ORDINANCI TO PBOVIDiB FOB THB■^*^**^ABHINOTON ffnuner,fkOHSnaditiaattoCntitl aivaHa. ___

JH Itaadaloetby tee Bmtdof W*OcoiralaeMiitnaftbe city cf Newark u t 4k>w*i

fiacitoa 1- That Wiahlagtoo atnal, torn) Brt aUtel HO*utnir***aae, ataoU be repaved wlUi loo rtteMad take oteboltom povUg, Ugeten with oU ite agfUttHWoom naoaaiaty to ceaapleto tea

SSdltertffiA ■ ••••a**'ia" ~ - —» mart to ruatebelbm te» teiiii«lo* of lb* lole cteetwim te»p«d»rtywUl h* iramedWily reoilA

Wllaam my bead tel* Ute day of May, IMA j t A CDIfNIWOBAlt, Oolltette of Tktm.

cracUng tb* FmailellTtf. ^iwilcn I That tha permlmtoa mnUoiHd tnd

Sven IB teellM aeeUca ofthte ordUitnce tl m niad eatid Newark Ftamagar Railway upet ui* coo-

dlllon aocPeipnm uudanttndlito that beA)i* Ihebm uroperelliHicfuiyiaOWBytitrg Itodaodrrlbaptr- cotefiiUy “ latton gnuiiid by to* llivt aectlon of tel# o n lln tB te -----------

BeellDB » That tb* property benefited by mob re- Hvlxifiahtn be f i i a w l to tea rail uloaitoftee apoeMlctpacultorbtwtlt oMftrrad i^oo teaatma. _ ctpacullby aold poblle fcnpmvemeet.

Uarttottk ThaiUnmedlttaiy tpo* to* eemptaUce of aaaidi teiM r work or ImptinroHMit tba Clark of teapatad . I t ,^rdoe.-«o,a udte lb* iLtgUtmr and oeiiratl fiapeiteltiiteoi of Wcrlia of tee board, ahtU

~ ojad fUrnlah oU nooeamry itato ifimilona and olkar data ponaliilng

___ j frfiBkprovemintAUdtliaFrealdeot’thtbqaaa tad atM citric ahtu tecrtupoa,uB btiull

of Uw Bitord ef Rtiaet aiM Watar iv>aimltNatiei* of Iht cllr e f Newirt. conlir tee atoto to tee Canr- mauegancU ef the lily of Nowork, bi order ibol attd OcmaHm OooiKdi awy tboreoitor preoaod w innko *M uoUtci tea pruper ummaueni tor tb t w it tod expeotect BUCh poblK w ort or ItoprornHiii Hmay now ar borealter l« raqnirto by tow.

hteiio* 4. Hold pobllc work or Improvonont ahoU btiimiltiaaiCeiBplafed uudoc tee itaperrWot or Jo- BpKUW cftlM BnttuHr or Aning Bagtoear and tf - (Jeneni aaparlntendtiil of Wcika of tee board, a eaimsgi to tba provlNcaa cf tho City Cbortar and IBAX *f teo fitoto and the crduiaiicea cf tec rity and byftwa rule* and regnlatloM of tho Board cf Hflrcei and W tior Oummioatoner* cf tea city cf Newttfctppllctblateerrto. ^ .

atfrfewk n e t telaordlDOBoaebtU takaafBact Un-

U, U H^ JAlISn HHITH, JR.,rrealdealef lli* Board of S tn a ttn d Water Omn.

mlialoMraBKOe RUNYON,

Ctork * f tb t Board of fitiett tad W iitr Oonunla tUbiiA J06XPH R. nxyvm

WITH RIFLE AND SUN.S b** ttng H tr* aafi B li* w h * f* -B a* * BaU,

C lub B vaata , Boxing aafi B ao tag .A matoh wat thot on Jh* K ttc i rang* l**i

night In Ih* Mirtaf and ffirtata tournament b«lw**n tb* Ehox A m tleuit nnd tb* Given- Till* Bin* Club, Tbt Newark era won. The

AHATkCBA t OBXBNTn-IJHOopporamitb...... . TM Purheaa...... ........... WN eum aa 2U Dodd........—......... WfDIeta.....— ..... BB Ilobldaux..Cooper..... —....... BotA ..—. - __Hpellen...— — Mfi BoheBne—............— J87

T otal_______ i i « T o ta l. .- .......a - .....I l «Heeti*. Bneilob and Dltta will tboot

m atch a t IDS point! with Bander and Watte to-night tor a tM Iropbyon tbe E ttex range.

Tb* beautiful weather yeeterday attracted flOSptrtuuito Lake Ottoeer, Term., to tee the opening of tb* Knoxville Gun a u b to u rn i- ment. In whlcb I60S to caata and the Hm e am ount In mertbondlM prlim hr* to be tbol for, to oddlttoo-to the uaual purte*. H aifa bnudrtil thootera were preeent, and from morning until S F. M. the trap wae kept to oonitant ute. Vluerook tnrgete were thrown. Tbeevcote were run off prmnpUy. Among the vUUort are C. H. Towntend, of thla clVr; E D. Miller, of Nprlnglleld, N. J.; William W'tgnor and Joeepb U. Hunter, or Watbtog. ton, D. C ; Paul North, of Cleveland, a ; T. J. Alitou, of Byracuae, N. Y., and M. F. Lind*- ley, of Hoboken, N. J. The winner* of tbe average prlte* to orderwerat J . H. Hunter, S4.7i William Wagner, »L1; E D. Miller and J. R. Altton. M .t;A .F .Jo.dan,gS .4,an d Paul North, HA In evenl No. 4, a t twenty elnglea, Rbaa broke ttraigbt and North broke twenty- five. Milter and Jordan alao brofc* fifteen lU alfb t to other evente.

The ebioaling tournament a t Wopatnoamp Park, Altoona, P t., wa* contlnuad yHterday. All avante were a t Kayalone target*, eighteen to each luateh, with a uniform entrance to* of I1.6IL Five per oenL wat deducted (Pom cacb pu n a and the total amount wa* divided among Ukm* making tb* bMt three averaget. To qualify tor tbi* money oonteatante were obliged to tboot In bU of Ih* eight event* on the programme. " Doc " Cochrane made tbe blgbeetaveragaandwon f in t money. Will­iam Clark and Elmer Rbaoer divided eeeond


■ e tb o d lt te B afn ta to A d m it W eaM B -PIv*-year XAralt for Paatore.

B ltbop B u re t ooeupled th e oba lr a t the Matfaodlet E plicopal G eneral Confeienoe a t

Nebilyettfifday. Dr. Soper, o f Japan. ■ e 3 n e 4 p a % ) n a Tba eoMinlMee on Ju- l l e ^ ^ rS*****^ * ’ ” 5' IrriPifftobt conelntton npH t. tbafiHMfilng o f tb e w ord " laym en " to tb* d liolplln* w here It provide* to r lay rep- riaan la tlnn Tba com m ittee la of tb e opinion th a t tb e w ord doH no t and never baa In- d n d ed wom an, b u t baa m ean t a n d doH mean men only.

Dr. Polte, o f D atrolt, ofikiad n renolatlon favorflngtha a tom lulou o f women tn d a tk ing th a t d u rin g th e y e a r beglonlng Jun* 1. ItSi, an d ending H ay 81, MSB, tb a B lahoptbero- o n a iU d to tu b m lt to th e a n n u a l confeninoat m propotlUon to am end th e teoond ta- itrlotlT* rnla b y add ing th a w o rd t," and ta ld d a ln a te* m ay b* m en or w om an."

Tb* rapo rt of tb* oom m tltea on Itinerancy n n a th e n tak en upi J . H . Cntdwell, o f (Ml- oago, liatd th a t tb* rem oval o f tb* tim e lim it w onld wtp* o u t a good deal ofateriaal pollUoa. ~ V J . l i t Ktfig. o f New Y ork , declared th a t

a fiam o W p f IB* Um* lim it would b* tha ■aiteHedvance t te p token by tbe H etbodlat

i n ^ ' t o fifty year*. A fter Dr, K ing ba lf t doaan apaatoat*. to n o oaH lon olam oiad tor Ih* ralDoval o f th e ttm * lim it.

A Jong tqnabble took place over tb* cloalng gpienh o f tb a debate by tbe cb tlrm an at lb* m ln e rity . Tha eh a lrm ab . Dr. Edwarda, w anted to Introduce Dr, Palm er to m ake tbfi o lo ilo f tpeecb. By a rem ark­ab ly ib rew d m ove tb* friend* of th e m ino rity got tb e m inority po rt Introduced a* a tn b ttitn te . and It w tt ra ilroaded alm c»t to enraplctlon betore the f r te n d ia f tbe m a jo rity rep o rt were aware of It, V lgoroui e ffo rti were m ade by ttaoae who wtohed to aea th e tim e lim it rrm ored , but tta ty w ere oom pletely o u t e t r i ^ d by tbe ibrawdiMM o f tb* oppoeltlon. The m inority n p o r t wa* adop ted by a vote o f Hg tor to liU agafnet, and tb e {iTo-year tim e lim it will re­m a in t j I t l a The eontorenoe then adjourned.

A t tb* atterBOOD teaalun th a report of tbe com m ittee on tem perabc* waa preaented. I t w a t a vlgorou* a ta tem ent o f th a wcll-k nown a ttttu d * o f tb e M etbod ltt CbnrvB on tbe tem- perano* quaetlon.


Mew Y ork ^ U e * H ad* an Im p a r ta n t Cap- ta r* L aat N ight.

Police C aptain UoLaughlla, a t Naw York, dropped In o n a iu a to f" g T e * n |o o d i" iw ln d - let* la it avcnlog, wblob retulted In tb* arraat o f to u r m e a a n d a w o m a b s n d tb * eap tn rao r ten tbo u tan d oiroulara, a latg* q uan tity o f nem papor ollpptogi and tba a p p ara ln i tor prln tlbg them .

I l M a r r e t t i n i tb aT M u lto fa w alk tb* (bp - ta in took yeaterday afternoan. A t 4B0 o'clock b* w alked down Hlxlh avenue. A t Twenty- eighth f t n e t b* m w H arry H ilton, a welt- known operator to "g rerngooda" walking tio p ly ahead o t him . Tb* C aptain toltowad i lilte n a a d h w b lm an ter tb* apartm en t, honaa, US W eH Tw anty-elgbtb atrael, B*.Inrntog to tha tto tlo n tbe C ap tain aant Dateo-tlva M adden to tbe honte to InvHUgate and to a ftim vr nuauer aiTioen ooemube quiokly re turned w ith tb* Inform ation \g tu ia m B. H obart, o f tbI* c lly , wonth a t a n o rganlied gang o t awlndler* had - mad* tb e place tb a ir b aad q u a ite ti a n d ooen- pled t t * gTounfi fiopr.

tJ ip to ln MoLaugblln w ith tou r poltoetnan want to lb* bona* tb o rtly aflor t o'clock Itx t Digbt an d anteiad lb* flat. B e Coand and a r­retted M ilton, h i t with, C nthartne, tn d H arry E dw arda a lla t "T b* Couatellor." A quan­tity of greengoodi o lrcu la ra aew ipapcr d tp - p lo p detorlptlT* o f tb e eoanterfe lu they were tuppoeed to te ll nud o ther article* u ied lu the tw lnd llng butlnet* w e n tound to a tru n k and a oomplete optora outfit wo* aet on t tab le ready tor u a

A large q u an tity of tb a c lra n la n arer* tn- eloted In envelnpM and were addrvaaHl lo poople in tbe W e tla n d HontbWMl. A tautP new directory WM alao captured. A R u n la lealber pocketbook eo n te to ln g a num ber of frethB C w llbU te to b * n ie d a a b a lt w H alao captured,

K dw ardi gav* h it addrem a t th e W est T b lrtie tb f i tn e t f ita tlo n H H lW eH Forty- alxtb atreet, an d to ld be w m a Jeweller.Hliortly a fte r they warn a r re tu d tw o nien wbo w ant to tb* fla t w*i* d « o a im te d by a pollceniaa O aptoln McLangtaUn bad la tt to

Iblrd.A raturn match w m *h(A balwvva tb*

Howardi *od Furltani on tha forrocr't rang* ymterday ■fternoon. Tb* Howard* won by * teora of 8348 to SAOA

Til* monthly entertainment o ftha Olymplo A .C .,ortbltcU y,w jU tek*pIaee a t Ite dub- bouie to-morrow n ight

Tbe p m ee to the National League ye*ter- Hh* raitiltqd s

A t Hoaton—Boaton, 4 ; New York. A At Botton—Botton, ID; New York, A At Brooklyn-Brooklyn,»t; WMhtogton, 4. At Baltimore—BalUmoiv,T;Pbl1ad*lphlt, A At Cleveland—Clereland, 3 ; M. Loult, A A t Cbicago-No p i n e ; wat grounda The etandlng cf the eluba tollow t:

tkm and gav* tbeir name* M Louie Stern, of IIS W ett Firty-eevenlh ttrrot, and Frank Wllllamt, of i n Weal Twenty-*tgtath atieet

A oomplete aet of book* abowlug heavy tranHotlont anu among tk* tb to p captured.

The prlaonert were extravagantly droated and wore l a r p and oottly Jewelry. They la- toted to talk about their buitoeta

Clubf. Won. Loti. Pw et,Boeton.... craw......... 22 7 .T»Brooklyn.... .. ... IS 8 jmCblCMO.-ara....... a. IT U

M 18 A63CIncloiiati....... ... J7 14 .648Itoulavlll*......... ...... lA 14 AITFtltabarg......... . ..... u 16 A14New York.... . ..... 18 15 .464Philadelphia...... .... 13 IS .448Wwklnkton. .... 11 1* .tatSi. Luula.... ....... « 33 .anBaltimore.... . T 21 J130


T l*

Haodlum* B reak Up a XeaUag, Ihnath F ara itu re and A tta b lt th a Oonfiaoton. Aerowd of 100 ruffian* broke up a meeting

ef tbe lialvatlou Army In tbe old Cm Ioo build­ing a t W aterbury, Conn., Monday night. BiDMbad tb* furultare, broke the wlndowt and outngaoutly m a ltm ted tbe two Selva- ttootel* to cbaige of -tbe meeting. Hnndreda fif rttpeetabla peroont were to tbu building at tb* time amd m any of them were roughly handled.

I l WH not until a three of policemen, with drawn club*, beat I heir way Into the building th a t the two victim* of tbe mob were reccuod. They w en then eoeorted to tbeir hotel, where Itw H toond that on* of tbcm wot tuffering from a ftootoied Hb.

Tblrtaan membart of tb* arm y b e p n their meetlDp on Saturday night and oontlimod tbam on Sunday atternoon and evening. Xlfven of t ^ S^vallonlate went away un Monday morning, leaving Adjutant Jotau Bammool M d Captedn Alexander Iam b to carry on Uwarork. ‘n » building wm crowded on ifottday avenlag when tb* Ughte were turned up.

AdJnUbt Sammont atarted to opaa tb t ’ tbaatlng w ith prayer, wberenpon HTcral

yokog. man to um back p lle ry Interrupted b lm w ith foifi tam arka Tha . adjutant pro- tetUd, b a t b it wordt war* drowned In tMBHV Of eat p u t and Vila rpltbete. Tbe BalvaltonltU tald tber* wt* no ute trying to OMtlnn* tb* nwatlng and tag ttlU. Then two roogb* dallbantety raited ehalnand tmaibcd th a u . Tbto*D *«M l4k k en ap b y tb e r* ittn d



• 1 .8 0TblHlH you to 1 volom* of wld*.

margto adiuonof

★ E H C Y C t O P E D I A B R l T A S i m C A ^

m a a B * M an la d M B alnb lll K illa d D aring a Q uarreL

Tb* A p of Melbourne, A u ttn lla , pnbllth** a tla tem en t wblob Deeming m ad* to a ja l i ofllolal tb o rtly b a to n b i t txaoutlon. In thla atatem ant Daemlng H y* Ib a t when Em ily M ather, the wom an whom ta* m arried In ItelDtatlland took to A uttra lla , found Ib a t b* looked the to itun* ab* bod tappoted b lm to potiaH tber* were oonltonol q u tn a la betareen ibem.

D uring on* of tbeM v io le n t, d ltputea, which o co n rn d i t nigbt, be itru ek the wom­an tb iae te rrib le blowa with an ornam ental tM ttleaxe, k illing ber. U* tben carried tbe body In to tb e yard, and , enltlng tbe th roat, bled tb e corpae, to order th a t decompotlUon m ight be delayed.

He n ex t prifcecded to bu ry the remalna In hi* collage In a room adjoining th a t where tb* m urder w m com raitted. Me covered tb* body wlUi « m e n t wbleb, be adm itted , h'e bought p rio r to tb* m urder, bu t bad InUudad for u te lu m aking o rd inary repa ira

V riiat th e SirllUnk C arpen tera D euaaad.Tb fA« Editor ot lA* J f t m !

SiB—I tm a y not be p iie ra lly k n o w aw h a t Ibe carpenter* of the Urougoa are o tk lng tor, and we, a t itproaeutatlvct of th a t body, drem It expedtcHl tb a t a tla tem en t ehould be m ade to Older tb a t we iliould be to t rig h t In tb le m atter. Tb* trijtb It tlm p ly tb ia : W* are tak ing our em ployen to g ran t n i wbtC taM been itoODrded o ther trade* worhtt|g here In O ru n p to r tb* teat five year*—th a t o t w ork­ing c igb t b o u rt on S a tu rday and to rccelv* the w m e pay tor Saturday a t o ther w arklng day* o f tho week. Tbere la alao tn o tb e r nual- ter w blob we m ay M well m ake know n. A t the requetl o f tom e of tbe botaw we te n t a rmpcctable delegattou o f tlx mco to con fer w ith them in rogard to tbe ad juaunen t of ou r dem and. Thla delrgatlon w m no t on ly Ig­nored and re to ied an tudlenee, bu t w m k e ^ welling oiiU lde about an hour an a h alf and WH finally banded a t l i p of paper w hich tia ted th a t th e y bad rtaffirined the tr form er reaolutlon. We fear* I t to th e pub tto to jndge wbetber w t were tivated righ t o r H o n e gen­tlem an tb o n ld U M t another, believing aa we do tb a t w hen thla m atte r Itto lly u n denuw d by tba publla w* ooufidently hope to b p re tbe ir cnbouragtm eol u d tupport.

J oint St a n pin o O o N iiim B .

A pleo tan t a nd effcrTcaocnt cure F u r a ll beadaobva-Brom ollelteer-lO e. ***

eM fu U y b p ffi.ofl wlUBDUtl* 3

bound to a rich ’ than ooupout and H__ you to racalv* 3 voLUB4B BLPtttk*

eon btHtaat

A wom an who I* waak, narvout and alaep- leat, and who h a t cold band* t a d feet, h o not feel an d eot like a well perton. Carter'* Iron Fllta equallM the elrculatlon, remove uervouaneH and give itreng tb amd re tt-A d v .

NALIONAJfT ABSCESS.H j little glritiiAmd for tliiM yeug

fk«ma Imb* AtwcHi on ber hip, tb* laattlt of a Ml nnd dlalocttloo. Tba AbiMH HM larga, with itx opening*,

ill of wblob diaebaiged poi. I wm ifidneed bjr flriendi to giva bar A A S, ■sd by tbfi ttm* tha fltlb boUl* hm fiblabod the AbaecH wm entirolT bval- ad, and tha child wm wall u d bgppjr.


Tbeaeoemd annual May rid* an d gam H of tb e em p lo y n of F- A. W hHehoate wlU take place nex t M coday a t Verona Lake. Tbe event* a n IflOyard daab, 330.yard run , 440- yard ran , bolM nll* ruu , ooc-mtla ru n and onc-mllo walk. T h e n will alao ba a pwim- m lug m atch. Tom Othoroe, o f Sheffield, England, will be tbe bandleapper, an d Joeepb J . Ilaynee, of tb i t city, will raferee t b t event*.

A t a apcclal mcellng Of tbe A th land A. C., held a t Ua clubbouH laat night, tbcM offloert were elected lo fill vacaoclec caueed by rtalg- natlonc and auapenalont; Fcealdent, J . W. H u lm acb er; o u ta ln , H arry C riteb e tt; lieu­te n a n t, Tony R app ; boord m f governor*, W flilam Go h , U tcbael Ott an d Jo h n Scbulta. The treaturcr*! leport tbow ed tbe club to be la good financial atandlug.

Over 303 eu trle t have bron received tor tbe N ew ark Academy field gamee, to be held n ex t F riday a t tbe Oruuge Oval. Tbe boy* are tra in in g oetlvely, and there la every proe- pact o f c ic n oonteeu and good recor da being m ade. The game* will b^ lD a t'k 8 D o 'clock Tbe following will be Ibe field offloert: Re6 eree. Lory F iv n t l i t ; Judge*, D r. C. E. A dam a J . F. U oyd and N. B. W oodw orth ; m eat. nrere . Dr. E. W. Given, S . H . B in g h am ; tim er*, A A Bellm an, J , A Doldt, M ax F a n rand ; ita rte r, S. J . D erby; acorar, S. D. P rice ; annouDoer, F, S. P r a u ty ; oblet m oiabal, Wll- eon F arrand .

T he Fourth W ord Bowling Club held a tou rnanH nl to tbe shooting P a rk yeaterday, to wblob tbe higbeit ao p m were rolled by th ree aromen. Tbey were Hra. J , iHOge, Hr*. Prederlok Coelln and Mr*. A. H . W ln ten , wbo received Rrat, teeond and tb lrd p r in t tvepecllvely, George Boach to d Mr. Pfeifer cam e to flrat and eeeond icapecUvely to a w alking n u teb ,

O antocn P llklngton an d N agle w ill not row In tba Faaaale regatta on Decoration Itey n n le ti tbey can find a aiUtabla boat b » fore th a t date,

t t bM been definitely decided tb a t tb a rrcahinau crew of Columbia College I t to row tb e CorMU feeebinen e l Itboca on June A T he Colum bia erew will leave New Y ork tor Ith aca nex t Tueaday, and will rem ain there for tw o week*. From Itbaca th e erow arlll go to New London, where they will row Yale and H arvard freilim en on Ju n e 8.

Tbe Orange A thletic Club bM pcapooed He opening gemee from Jhne 4 to Ju n e ffi, and tb e da te b u been allowed by fteciatary Sulli­van , o f ib e A m ateur A lbletto Unlim .

T he Newark Bay B oatO ub w ilt open It* new alubhoa** newt Tueaday w ith a ftitr. T b t build ing It a handaonu one and coat 110,(100,

T be propoeed m atch between “ P a l ’’ Oahlll, Ihe cx“ikam plan nm alenr m iddle-weight boxer, and “ J o h n n y " Regan la off. Regan refu ted to fight unite* the Coney la tend A th­letic Club Incieaaed tb* puneo fiS red from 8bjn0 to 96,000. Thl* the club wonld n o t do obd declared tiw m atch off. CahIU anm w illing to box to r 81.5(0.

A rth u r Lnm tey yeaterday reeelved a letter from Tom O’Rourke, Georg* Dlxon'a m ana­ger, a lating th a t Dixon would no t go Into tra in in g un til June I. ~ Dixon. O’R ourke eayt, w eight only pound* a t ptvaent. I f tb ia latru e (bo colored lad m u tt b* unw ell, to r p rior lo b li departu ia be Upped th e beam a t UO pound*

A cable diapalcb reotiTad yaaterday m a n Gcorga A tklneun, London, m akM i la x tn n ie ly doubtfu l w betber I M F ritcbard nud Bob Kltatlm m on* wlU mee* n e x t Septem bar tor tb a tl3,<lfll> p u rte oflbred by tb a O lym ple Club o f Naw O rteau . A tU a io n taM th a t ba w ant to P rtta taa rd 'a 'tra to to g qnartar* yaaterday and lubm lled (ba arUafet o f a tT atm an t o f tba Olymple O u b to h im . P riteb ard waa toM tb a t tb e O lympic Club woolfi defray a ll or hla expaoiM and pay an y forfeit beeeeH ry If be would break off tale m ateh w itb O’Brten. P ritchard aniw eiad th a t fiaptam bar 6 would n o t giva hlh i enough Um* to tnUu. U aw onld guarantee, taowever, lo fight FU m lm m ont a t ibeO lyiirolc Club In Novarabar, provid ing a

I p u n a of wMoOhiwd.

t a d to rba ik a s tb t neofi n o t Skta.ew xNTBtoK snetie., a iia i it a , t t a

g.a ’L

nil panwrly deg lha aWawailu of I ^rtlwri ptaosTytuf Mt»ml Um MatortF skte of Ogdan


PIEIf tt Is m«8« with


M slbTiawkl, VMi riutU At lu Mk uMt■mi expeius,and ItMormay eUlm tUv cit/of IfFWATk tbafeArr, gnsil*, rartt mmI pav* witb■toMiUadu,and----ikai portloi) d aaid 0 tVmauit aYMMf AtMl Um cvaUrtF ■ifaatg and siao Ujr In Uke manner lha neoewaiy croaawalkaa(lbalnl«raerrtoruorhafali>rlUU pUca«-mi H i, Plaaiam aY»a« aort Ogden itrcMg AM tbai all tIm aatd work aad poUlc ImpixiTattMath mmI tbaaaaCariiJiO)Md (bMaIn, afaatlba lo tba tattaNc"UonandatipmvaliorthaBoaidofBtraaiatid WniefI’ommMom'fiiflif tba ilialrdiiiy■ppointad odkeri* aaanU and aerrauu.

tMcUan 1. Tlk»( tae parmlmlon manUonait and fftvan Ip tha flm aauUoD of ihlaordtiiam'a ta granted ■od glean tha faMCCiwrark PiMiMifaf liaita-ayCxm- liaiiF apop tba {briber condtUort ■ml ii|>raia urMee* sUndijig Ibat tbe said i-ompauF will at ttU tl»«a hareaAer uotibrm IOi abide br and obar and aubmll tOafssrb^udevfrrthaprDvlMOMoftba aavaral w » Lops of chapter i'oocamlnf etreat rail n v n of •& jnSloaoce of itaa ftty of Newark, etiiUkd ^An !;MlQlMkceCo{PprlriOf tbaOrdloaooaaoflba Cl^ ol Nawark.'* paseed be^m ber m, IMP, and Died Ocu>< liar 3* aud tba aaveral aapplansepU tbareto. to* getbrrwithUienrovlaiobaofMcboUur oidlnancaa or reaolutloDi ofUia cHy uf Nawark, and parlK*aUif< lylbaordlnanraa oftha Board of Hireet and Water C^tnbiifoAen now In fcrae, or which wny bweaflar je pamart by eakl city autboi1tl««, and appliodjla to ihewldhueofaiMet mllway, for (lia laybig mod oi>erhUon of which tMrmlMlort la hereby granuri.

NN.'tlou f That the permlaidMi metitloiMil ami lha Newark Pmwetigcr Railway (YMupany tu

ha llfvt section of tbia ordluanoe la flvao and iraptrd l» rompany upon th« fhrtfaar raodlikiM

paeTSiatidlDf tbat laid Naivaric Paa- jr t'ornpapy, in iha laying and oppm-

ion'uf asid dqafeAa u«ck railway u jUbrenakl, iballo ^ rm to ap d In aii rawpei^ ^ im ^ y wUh all tha erott and mndlUoqa now,«e baietufert, or ber*'

■ttd ta tba opartUoD d

liHtosa af

LARD,■■S tiM PI* will k*

BETTER.U iM f tc to re d e i i^ l i f :

N .K .FA IRkA N K 4 C0 .; C H I G A a O .« « i*

N. Delawars ■««., Fli M*. Pn Sh m CK*h*ii*«, N. Y.

erou and mndlUoqa pow.m u«rrMi*vis iftw, Imposed npoo tba aakl mmpany for Meortheiitreetaof tbadty, and in ihao] lU Ilnaa of suaid nllroada.

baedon A That Um nermlafoon maptfonad and glreo tba said Newark f aaaongar Haliwi^ Cobk party lu the flrat aactkm ot thla ordinance Is given iod pMled to said (WDipany upon tba Iknber com dHtopand axpnaa oMeratandUig tbat tha «id. iha Newwrk Paitebgac HaUway Company, Kaaueensora and asrigot shall ami wlil at sil uiimm, well and ruly mve, keep nod boar harmlam and Indemnify

rhe city ot Nawark, and ihe WWidof Btrsataod Watar CommiMinneta of aaUl city and all and arery tba ofRcan, agema nud aarvuis of son dty «nd Ita said board, of avd ffom all harm, tmuble« 'lamniea ooala, anltii, aetfaHM, JudgManUand execU" iaaautf mayat noy time ame, oome or ba brought ,rfhwi|Medt|afi^akidffyofN(^ Hadapart .. 0- _ ----- ----------- yofibeniinieaui. oflear, agenu add aermritA, or any

byrtaaoe of the opanlnf, gtadlnt — md flagftnt of lha «k t straat aaiariiit and operating of Um rallmad’tn c lu of tbt aid Nfwark Paiaenger Hallway Company oo to ba tald and msaraled under tba parmWon banby

And It to n ' -llvm ntideiiNood that tha anthorlllsa ot_____ J do not belo enter, ctaan «nd

•a tha d*y l_____ _____;h * portkHi of tka aald Cnritola pirn,

wld city and board do not beteby walea any urtvUeft lo enter, ctaan nod repair and lebulld t tewer, known aa tha d n y strael saww, and whkh nifii nndemew*■idootaagfoL------ _ _ ^nactkM L And Um aaM Nawnrk Paaaangar Sail

JTV Company, before li takas nay acUon whatene indgr tba parmtoaion baraby gimniad It, sbali wMar

AppfOred May 14. mS-Mayor.iln


XICHENOR RTRXET,(H>io Brand streOi to New Jersey llalLroad aventie.

Ba It ordained by the Boanl of btreet and Water Commlnrioafta of lha olty of Newark, as follows;

HFclioa 1. That Tlehenor atreat, Irom Broad Btraet to New Jataay Aallroad aeanne, with lha axcepikm of the crottdBf of Orchard rireel.shall ba paved with gonqlneTrinidad Lakessphaluim paving, together wiUtnU iba appurtanancaa uacegaery to couplota tha sama.

hgctloci 1 That Immadtotely upon ibe con^letion af mkA pttbho work or tniprovunenif tba Clerk of Um ScMUd, la eonJuocrton witb Uia Knglneer and tianersit rinpettnlewleirt of Works of tba Hoard, abail rakrafbUy prepare and fonilab aU neresaarysuhcemanta, ml " --------- - -“x— -----tabling to anohUMFTMddmit 1 , — ___t te iedpnn, oa baludf of tha ot Btreai sndWater C'on thenrk ,______ _______ , , _____ -after prooeod to make and eoliact the p n ^ r maul for tbe coat and expanaa of sueh puNkc work or impiavcmani aa may now or haraafWt ba to- quhred by taw. . „

naatiafoA m m *ah1la iMSh aa toapiavaiiMnt ahil! be ip*n* am! (vmipMed nndai tba superviBinn or in- speorton oTUm Entlnear or Acting IC ^naer and the Ueonnl ItaperlBii^ant ofWorka of the Board ot Bireea and CYMonnirioiMga, according to The psnrisieaa oftha Clly Charter and the laws of tha &Ute»aod tha oidlnanon of tbe city and hytowk rttlaaand regnlaUcns of the Bonrd of fltreei m Water UonuSmtoueia Ihe diy of Newark, appl^ cabtatlhafaio,

A Tbat thla ardiDaoaa ahaa lake affoci Im-


FOR ONE MONTH aKOINNINOS u n d a y , M a y 2 2 ,

PROF. F. W. MULLERVU l Giva Bla Faraout Hfeurtoal Trip*

Around tbe lo rld .Tiawt Ifi ia*t K a a 8a>

SUNDAY-Europ*.MONDAY—Ofe* Tlioneaud MR*a Hp tb*

Kile, rtlnol, Pauluaula and Palattlna TUHHD.tV—Huca canal, India, China,

Japan, Auttralla, Aloako, B etari^ Saa s3 Flalicrie*.

Brilliant Bceulo traDatonnaUoH and *flhet% tu c h o t anewtton**, lightning, aoUv* touu- tatoo, gtatela. aneelt, etc., eICq will b* totro- duoed ul each entertoInmanL

Strictly Flrat ClaiB .llDon open T F. tl.Beaarvad Seat* 36*., Oaaerol AdoilatloB

U ch CUldraa lOo.





O rn n ltt, latltted by an excellent qntrtelto and talolita,9W Ticket* 60 CfOt*.


, map*, urclflcatkiw end etker date per- ocii pabllc work or Improrrm.nt, and n t Of Iba Beard ood mid IV rk aball

tailo bead in iHm, tmeont aad tantla*,te b* a » irorad by tbe Bo*td of m m t ead VTafer Ccauafe denm afeiitalil, tor Uia flUibtol petfermooce byaid company of *11 the leim t ood coodlUcot of due onllatDot.

Tbn tortfOlM nnUeoBee « ie read once at a aaect- In* nf tbe Buoid of m a r t u id Wafer cummbaloa- rtaoBTaasUy, KaylT,Uto,iuMl dulycniaetd toa acend nading.

Dated Nawark, N. J., May 31, let*KNOH IlDNYON,Vid deex of tbe B «id.

fiactitiB A Tbottblio ■oedU . lamtdWiSiUM jAMBBSiirni.nt, fnpU antaftfe tB aatd of matel aad w ater Oom-

Matfenara EHOfiBUNTpN,O n k e^tba Wmmt o f Mraat «wl V afot CMUBto-UtoMn.

Appfwvad Mnf 14, ties. ___JOSEPH X.HATN1B,1ft KlfMe

rVom Railroad plmw i : mg to the provlakjua

M 5DAFH ia lt l ifa l , A g r a e tb l i , C I n n t I n f .

Out**Ohoppad Xfiada,Woiutda, ■oms, Mta.

XmoTM sad IY«T*B9a PaBdXvHL

W H I T E R O S S I I I S O A H .Specially Adepted for Ute In Hgrd Wttir*

tiiOVTB CANAL VnU tKT KKWER-AttJQW- for benefttR. NoflealsberaOvgtTanUiatan

Bwasiiinil upon nU tha owneca or all tha lands and rari <otnt« p f^ ln r ly baieHtad h r iba eonatrocikknjflbesawarin __

BOOTH CANAL RTKKST,tw stw rr to Harkai itMat, aocoftf-

.luaor nn ordtnanoe of the city of , Newark, s'niltM an ordlnanoa to ptorlda for tba

k-onatroctfon or N sewer tu ' BOUTH c a n a l STKHETp

Ball road place sower to Hnrkgi itroet, «p- mmVMl Augnai i

Han Deen prepared ny UM vndentgnad Commto' stonarSa appolMed by thaCliCbltCMurt of tbs OoubV oflgsax fo name mid ameasineoia. and ttiaia report. byaoertUkmtr In writing, vttb an sanmpsnylng mapandacbadtUe.abowtiig the sevanlnaseatmetito agslnri the lOTeirnl ownera mniUsfly henoflted as s fo S ii^ , has been depaaltad la tbe oSk» af Um dQ* iftrir of Um city of Ntwarlb fot «***>»**»^ by tba jMrttoa lutareated thanrfn.- #nlda*etiiieiiioompi1ew slT lota, tracts aadcals ofland and rani uatgia Usbla ut h a -------gfonarid, lyins os Um wHiih side o f____

IPiCTH c a n a l ntm eet ,from Ttollread ntooa to HnrkFt street.

A ** lot*' TCPranenta an entire plot toad, wbatbir la m or small.

All paaeciu Inurtated la athi i in i niiBl any b* bated bafei* aebl ConuiliehHiera on TUCHbDAV, TIUS BieUittD DAY OF JDNg,013F. X., at ibaOommlatoiHirf room. No, 8 (IbtidflMri, city UaU.

UWMluyll. UM _____fiBniuiB F. T crm iB , JOHN J. CLANCY,

nd THOMAS J. (HUY.Commimiciwni,


*****^« GRANT HTKEBr. fiem Brood t t i t r t teopting rtreet

B elt m atintd by tbe U u ^ c f BUeatand Water OteiijliMtojiriroIllit cHyMNevaik.a* feUcat:

HertiMi I, Tbat ( in e t atreet, trom Bnied atreat te Spring fi|aa4. abatt bt peved wUb genuine Trinidad ‘Lake atphaltuni pevliif, tegetber with tU Un tp- pnrteaMcet necaaaary tor to* nompMlea of toe

Dttntlfiii Diy ii Die Untiii!E X C U R S I O N '

,— TO—M»uch Chunk, Glen Onoko an d

th e F u n e d Switchback,V IA CENTRAL RAILr OAD OP N. 3^

Tb* FUrt Reading R. R. Co. Lbiai*. MONDAY, HAY 3*.

A Bpectal E iprem Train irUI leave Newark,B rnadS t., Ferry «l. and EMt Ferry 81, s ta ­tion, a t 8dlA A. M. iteturnlng, axrlv* In oltF about 8 F. M.f a r e f o r r o d n d t r i f , o n l y t* .M -

Barltetatiaek,‘Hle. Extra. 86d

“FIRST OF THE SEASON.*M aueb Chunk, Glen Onoko

and Switchback ExcursionVIA


Decoratioii Day, IbiRdsy, K iy 3Sdi.ROCND T R i r , f t .* * .

SWITCHBACK, M CKST8 EXTRA. lYalni leave New York, toot ol Uberty *L a t g U A. H. For ticketa and apeqlal ooeemmadatloa* apply to 336 BROADWAY, New York City, 8*

Flthlng B ankt-4 6 Ceata—Staam ar Jam eenyier from Fraaklln atreat. New Ym'

dally, nao. Ticketa aold by Erie, OrtebWo

Hecdaa 1 That Uamedlattly upon tha eomplatlon of aawb vnbua work or ImproTonienl to* Clerk ofIke Betid, Uaaeiiu M

T h e r e i s n o t h i n g I n a p h y *

s i c i a n ' s . H i e t h a t g i v e s h i m

m o r e s a t i s & c t i o n t h a n ^ i n g

t h e p r o m p t e f f e c t o f S c o t t ' s

E m u l s i o n o f c o d - l i v e r o i l i n

b r i n g i n g b a c k p l u m p n e s s a n d

c o l o r t o t h i n a n d p a l e c h i l ­

d r e n .

" P o o r b a b y ! " E v e r y b o d y

t e e s t h e s a d p i c t u r e . N o o n e

b u t t h e p h y s i c i a n a p p r e d a t e s

i t H e k n o w s w h a t d a n g e r s

t h r e a t e n t h i n c h i l d r e l L

L e t u s s e n d * y o u a b o o k

a b o u t t h i n n e s s .

Benv* Bawm,Ckepilata, >|aSte* fS Avatag Mew Yoik.

Yew dngftal keape SeetFa Ebnilai** af eefidma *B. all finigglila evarywbtte do, |i>

ta cnnIunKlaa wHh toe Xaglneer tnd ai (inpertBlcndeni of Work* of The Board, aaieAUly prepue and ftireiata all nrreaaary

atetaaoawtB, mapa m clflntloaa and eiber data pe^ liiolBK 10 anub pufdte work or Itoprovraieat, and too ifc ih lin t ef toe Board and mM Cfetk aball tocrtuiMn, o* belialf ef to* Board of IHieet WaterVoiBBilaaloiicri of tb* rity of Newark, ceTOfy the eaim to toa Oommon Ooen^^ ef tbe city of New- ark.kibnIeTtbAtitMOHaiDoo Council may tber*. t t a u i i a e d to make end ooUeol toe I>roi»r teeeei.

for the coat and eapeuaeof tueb public work or bBararrmtaa a* may now or tacroefter b* i*. qeliM fay !•'

luecdon of tb t Rogineer or Acting Bnglifeer and the UrDHOl Benerlnleiident of Work* « * of Btraet and W ater OMuaMoneia aocr th* pfovlailoa* of the C3iy Cbarfer aad law* of too Slat*, and thb (Hdlnaapta of tho dty.and bylawe. rnJea and rvgnlatloaa of toe Board of Binet and

X r^ C B ^ lT O T IC B ^ 'H iB B B ^ ^ OIVBH TO iX allpartleelaiereeled Ibat too cortlflciteaf aa. eeeeaent of toe whole amount of Ute oocte and ex-

of pavl^Cj-j^rFFB STH BR,A m Bank ttieH to W am n t t i v ^

RANKIN Mt'llBET, irom fiarlngfleM to Hooih Orange avenae,

Hae hem delivm d to me eOFordlag to law, BaMiirTiim---------r " ----- - ' — ------ - p tne liotlaod tad real tatale ty l« oo ho4h itdetof

WrCKLIFFE WTBEJffT,Aon Bank elraet to Watran atreet i

On both tid tt of __RANKIN BTBMrr,

irom Bprtntfiald anuite to ihiuto Orange avetma The oarneredf lend tnd rteleoltlaeaeeaiBd lamM

ctnillFale of eateeeinent ai* hereby requlmd ■* toy toe n iin n l todeeemtd upon ihrm and awto ef them, renectirely. to me, atm y ofltee. No. 4, City Mat], on or befert JanaXf, UM _

JAMEB r . COMHKU.Y,tioarotaellee.

N4wait,N. J.,M*yU,UM. lid


Notice b taeniiy g lv « Ibat aa tmemmanl upon all Ihe owiirra of all toe Uuda aad real eetafe peculiarly beoadtedby to* cniuttuctlon of the eewer In

OHANOE WBEBT,fnm tlflb etreel to Hnntboldl eireet, tccoidlag Jo the provlidont ofan ordlneiire of toe dl I'litliled en oRtlnouce topnivMe flor IofeiewerUi __ ____

ORA NOK STREET, feOHi FWh ttieei to Humboldt euaet, ippnfad JenuaryAimi. ,

Hae ban ptepared hy the nadenlgned Oomi thKitra, eppolnfed by toe CXrcult UauA ' ~ — ofEneti to make ctM eanenaMitle, '

Krt by e certUtoato la writing, with J map and actaednlF, iliowuiii tot meela agaliwt tbe teyeial owiieta peculiarly baoe-

died aaafeirtald, bat been dHneUad in tbe office of tbe (Aty d t rk of toe oily of Newaik, for exaoUiia- tionivtoeparticelaureefed ibetelD.

HaldteHmmitniainrleeeall M alnclaand celtof wodand nol caiata liable lo be albnmld, lying «• the oonth ddo M

OBAKOK BTRF-ET, from Fifth einct to Hunitaoklt laneil

Oo toe north tide of ___ORANGE BTRElET,

ftoafi Fifth atreet lo Ibilhgale place.A ’’ lot “ leM w ote aa eotin plot of land, whiibar

Uuge OF imellraAlpenone In tm cod Inssld esecomeat migr fag

iMefd before eelA OonunWkHMrs onThunMUr, the ««oaedfUk7 o rJm ieaM ,e t 31*. .|ie s t llie Unninle- riMMrs* room. No. 3 CtbM ttoor), d tjr HelL

IMed UMfVf M _____Q V o n a x r .’x n T L ib JOHN J. CLANCV, THOaLUiTciHAYg

7M trfOtfiinwifoueri.

If the 1iu>4^eter(3(HiuBlietoiiefi, eecordtw fo-----a a., - A— ftw eortiie

_ . __ jMooee of the ‘rfoee'ena regoletlope------- .------ - - --------WeforCefoaUMloBereeffoe d ty of Nework e^U-

title OfdbuKe ibeU fok« e Mtas«)i4i»t4isr.

jAM««Mn3i,m,Freeldtmeftoe Board of Hfetel and Water (Warnfe.

ENDS BDNYON.O A of tho Board of dteetl and WaterOemmlfe

■Ibijei^ 'A»»™'*«“ ^ “ ’“ToSEreRHAYNlR

Ha . >f*f«-


OllDlJfANClS ORDERED _ We* Ibe nndenafnMli benriv

tlMit en nrdUMQfe ww r m e eroona time et e meeting of tlie BeenJ of ritrett eixt Weterl^ ia M e ite re on 1>Medsj, H jsv tip liR , end duly ordered log tblrd legdliVi provwingfoi Ibe follow log Impfweoienl'a vfo: The pevinc of

r m u A B v itije s^ ,jUhUI he peved wiib gmoiM ITIbIiM I«fce

ffom n in k n evenbe to New JeTWTBeUfwdeTf-............................... w W i ..............

► i “___ .xibitroedei

or tnctti, wUb Ibe ixoep*

woj jweJI he sqiauMfo, D evtnvet Irom

from tUuloa evenue to Phuw)1vm]I*____ ,, „-janijrhtoourlhend ftoln Feweym^foeveiroe 4o New Jersey BeUroed •veMei on eecb

UCOAId N O T lC Ilav r O T i S r i o wiX Ktlea Ki m F. Thwrer, Charltt gdln,S W ib ^ Mnt B tiitn I Yao, and taiA ef yw,

K. SKBVLIN. F. KELLY, Thwrer, ChnrM* gdln , H.

are . notUtd aind raqulnd to pay le to*' ■'•**>* K ootomt da* t* Uatby,. forlha __

naaMatadnaw M yeor dafeuU la ao delng at nublte awtioa on J u h

Nawark, N .J .,S tv lh

under.................‘by in*• f goodi la year ra iM -

____ paeiead*a,aiMllaia*tofeo delng theaahlioedtthall be told


t t a i “ w n r v ’

3 0 ,0 0 0 .

fide of toe bora* n r lipAlion of one foot oh aoch aide ofeeld inok Of liackt; together with all to* tppunentnce* ntoiaHry to complet* lb* aanw.

Dated Hay IfoU tlJAKES BMITK, JR,

rreridant oftoe Board of UtreMMed Watar OomiM*’ ilMMn,

ENOB BtBYON,It CfeAMth* Braid.

An UHIUNANCE Tti AUTHUEUbl THE NewaA Iwaaengrr Ballwty Cprapaay. to


____ efStraat taddty of Ntwatjc, ae followa i KowhA ybneeager HMway lorlaid to nmnve H* itDraafi

mova tbeir lalteoad Ineki la of Chaelunt atreet.

Ballordelaed to to* Door* efStraat and Water Coaamlafiaaen ofto* city

fiaoUon 1. That toa Km_________ _ . .Oempany I* barbr autborlaid to nmnve Ha Itacbe d m Parlfle etrart aoato of cblaiMlatMtauoral of tracka fob* doiw ta to* at _-----toeOenenlrtapartateadeatof Worktof tola beard.

Tba Ibrefotac ontlnanca wAread o*oeataiae*l log M IM Board of fitteat and water CiemmlMloaer a o n b ^ ^ a y » , iMt, and wag M y atfiaiad i‘‘nSfiaSramA, N. JnIM CtaMtoaSMafi.

P UBMO NOnClB-QlUIlNANCR M ihlifi laadtog. W fotha------- '

Wig readeiiea t t o10‘toSa jeWTbeBOweir

a sBIM WMeeCbauilaof Matel jaM WateeCbraailaA H C t a fitlyorataa*___ag tec tot foUaaiig la*.eoaetiaefita of*fMlea**e*

u . . . . ___CAKDBN BTRBR

frcnapoialBboui Ite flattttuUiac BaaktUaei to TkMttiito areoua, to k* II iqaiMt Ut filaaiM, lo- gfiSffwlaialitoaapgaitiinaaaai aiiiaiiiTto*i*s- plaiatbaaaaa 'Dai^dli^UM.

ef to tlearfi *f SinatSi^Ste^kffiM la' RNMRJ


t t Itdrtalbed hy tha BaaTO ef S ^ e ^ OoinitiWbwera oftha city of NewaA, at foHo*

Bertlen l. Tbet NewtonbiiMC etiveia

teenth be peved v^th

B. t4c l i ^ e r from Franklin itr«ei, 9 «ir York, daUygfl:^ Tlobrti eold by Brie, Orfwawo^ IfakeandF^ntuylvauiaroadi. f iu id a y ita k i p(,miByiTnBla k47, Brie 7:91 tralBe. Bal^ tbckie, refrtihixiesta. HAKCPOX*

ilCNIC FAKTIKH €AN RAYS BOATi. ewingSi inciTy>|t(viTKiDde, eteani laoneh.Pflihl

iga, _____ , ___.fiihlng and bathi bk at Verona Lake, Ground* free. Inquire OCHIHAM COOK,Vcrona.N J, -


^ p a v in g ofWASHINGTON PLACE,

tiom Broed street to Weshfogton gueei.Be II ordeloed by tbe Boerd of M r ^ ea t Wetet

ODJfiinleeloiwn of tberiity of Newwrk, ee follows: Heotlon 1. Thet Wwhtuffon pUuMii fTOiD Broad

Mroet to Wssblnjrton eireet, riMu be ivpevad wltk frtfittliM tttnklad Lake upbalium pevt^; tetHher with all foe epporteeaaoei aaBiwary fo oompLefo tbe Hama

Seciloo 1 Thet Ibe propirty bcneflled by Pieb repeviDg ibaJI be M?0MRd to the foil extent of tbe sporW or DfculUr benefit nwforred upoa UletaaM by iald panUe ImpiYweawnL

tfoetloiiA Tbei ImmeduMty opoa UMOompletloQ pobifo work or improvefoeat. the Clertt of

tbe In TOntooctloa _w1_ili the J ^ n e m andrtPMral iWerintebdrtU of Workx .•hell carrfoliy iwepero end foroMi ell neeeemrystAtHmentB, mepe, •

le Board*. „____ _ , iteeeeeeiTflurtloM eod oihet data pe^

A H omOVANCE TO FBOVIDB FOB THE^ * * * ^ * * S E B m iN K rB E iiir ._ from FOutteeilUi avenue to OeUaet itreet ^

- ‘ ‘ ‘ ' by tbe Board Of ftteel and Waletjf ....................... .....................

_ ..tgeiinru ’nto^VhcMaapiMltum. ^

TeoaUierwHheiltoe tiemtitnaueat aaoetaatyto smplliteTh* eauh .. , ,BteSni Jl That bnroedlafely upon lb* eoto^tten

of each public e«)A ot Iroptowmciii, th* ffcA of to*.ito*nl, to couiunciloa w S tJt* (lenuZlfoaerta^ of Vterke of the Board, eMl eaitfuiiy prepara and fornlth all naceaaary etataaieni*. nan*, aBecUteaUoitii aM other dataiw^ lalalnglaeura publlo woA or buproTrineBt, and I t o ^ d S t o rtoe 5 »rd and raid geA fiad l Ihaivatoo.on behalf of lb* Booifi of iMrwtejto Wafor t>anmlai*e»eri oftbe Ctiy of Newark* <«ril(y i lM M a e f o lb a i^ ^ Coqa^ of tha City ofNew- erk* to order that eeld Ommon Cwnril may thet*' alter pi*M*d to make and ortlert ta» aroM era*** meal Ibr the ooatand eipeara of auch nahUe work CT ^revanfem aa may aow or hrrraitar be ra-

fiaotlte h''BMd flahlic *»•* « mptovatnem ehidl be IWMtiilifi •WMftefiutafer toaeapfofrieloo cr In- ■ iifii*ln*er<ir_A^nrfI6arl*«r«unftoi read the


________ or fiUjtingKngii^ Huforiateiideiii ot V tw u of llw Board. SBwfoloeproViiitoieof toe n v eberterand ofTBe HMfoi and iheotdlttanws of the

tslnliu to ittoh' publlo work or ImpraYMaMt, sod tbe PreriUleDt or foe Bnrd si¥l mU Clerk shell thercuiroiii on behalf of tbe Boart of flireet end water (V)inmt9«iou«ii of tb* dty of Newark, oeitf rv the name to tbe (Jonmioit Ooundl of ibe dty ot Kewsrk, In order thet esM (ktnimon OonncU may thereafter proreed tb make end obUect the proper eseaiimeot for (be noet and expenae of euck pafallo work or IsiprovetiMBt m may mw or bareafter bo reQUlmS

Bc«lk>n 4. (iMijd public work or Improvemeiil ehali be made end roiupleted under the euptrrMon er Uh spaotlon of tbe Englnger or Aoting E ^neer and Uw UMoral Mupehbfoni^t ef Wc h or the Beard of Sitovt and wAiitf OnmnsMoMn. aocmdlag fo foa provteloDs of the dty charter and tbe lewe ol Ufo Hufoe and lha ordlneacee of Uw rtly said faylawa rulM end leculatlona of ttw Board of Wsfor Comnuaifioiwn of Uiecliy of NewaA, Wdl* cable tbereta _a_ ** ..SecUoiiA Thai UileordIhanoeebaU take Pflhocifo' mediately. __

ja ^ s m it r ^ . _piMidentof tbeBooifi of Btroet and WotecOott

mlariooenk ENOS RUNYON,Cfork of tlw aoiid of sttew and Watef Oofomft ■knwrs, _ ■

A p p ra ^ Ray H INS.^ JOBEPEEeXAYNIHb

1f t Mayor.

An obdinance to fbo v id v fo r t h eDavlngof

ORntHTAL BTBKarr,ftoDi BaltevUI* anow to to* eatferiy aid* -of Mb naabuitaveatie. ,

Be ]. oiuaiaeubr Ibe Board of Btieat u d Waiag (banmiaaioiicii of tba rite of KawaA. w follotn;

III I. Tbat Ortomal atne^ from ArllevUlaaTfe

__ AtnoabtlHy!tteaed May A UM

ood ngnbUloiie ofrfhe Boarfi ..ilaatooen of to* Uty « Netrarit,itoa crdtaaBC* ikoU taka aUbetlaa-

JARES BXtTM JR , ofllieat and W ain OoaOoaUDtopieeMeM fif Si* Brafifi of I

■NOB BDNYON, CloA fif tho BOOM ef Bteaat and Waur CoowAatoa-

JOftXFR R RAYNtt, Moyer.

AgtMvadHayHUia. Ite

An ORDINANCB TO REPEAL AN OBDI- a*B«atlh*cltyof N*mrh,aallll*d HOnoadh. t o p r a v l g r ^ ^ ^ v j n ^ ^

IboA duatnut ain«t to Eaat Kbtny iB M ’’bataed Novaiabae 7, 14M **4 a o n r i^ No**mbet^lU«l

Bt It oidaiiMHi by the ttabfi of WKot.aud wator OoBiiriHaliiiifre af too city . Melton t. Tbat fin nidiMcttoii..oAiaMtiW

of NoWMb, aa ftfilom!____ . Jloafio* of th* dty ot Nara-AbotdlnaiK* to pitobteforiiMpar. ' atnemroni CuMnot atred to Bait

•raaaed Novatober 7, IMO, and ep. Kuevtabor u. UM b* add tha aald vfto-

M M I* haiabgr ~ waa load anw at a meel- , _ If Wiertbod Water Oomnilraloneri lay A u n anfi waa duly onland to


Clark of toe Board.

P VBUo Nem cB-riim NANfK orderedto Alcdiradlito. We, th* iiHiantgiwd. h a e ^

^lat fia-oidliiaBC* vra* laatd a eecund IIOM al a ofto* Hoard of fitreM awl Water ootwife Ml Tiimday. May ID, MnaMdnIy ----- - tha ■ "IbUuwfeglto-

BTBBBT,to a IbM raafilng, provldlnt fee

rTBL._.,from Ifoend etroei fo H t PleuMt nvune, wttkl^utifo Tjifokhfo Lijpe eq nUthiBv__________Lake aukaitam.


Plw^bM df ih t Boaid fif Binfil t a WiWidierXNas RtniYON.C3lA«r0te

---------- ---- ----- _ *ia«l#A*rfi#MVi*aMMTnne fo tbe eneterly side ofMi. PtesaerK evenue. sbeB be peved with gnulne Trinlded Lebe foptaeUr pnringffofftUirr with eU the eppartensaow netwry toooi

OeDenl aupohsleiuleotof W o^of theBoeMi'ibeU enrefoUy prepere au4 fomleh hU necewery eUM* metitep nwM tp^celkfoe mid other dnfoperte1n>e^ceUone mid other dnfopertelnIng lofucb pQmic work or ImproTtmeatphnd tbi PrraidtDl of Ibe ifoerd end wM deik rifoll ilwr^ ^ n ,o n faeheifof tbe Boerd of mtroi mad WWer Cotnmlmlonere of the rity of Newerk, certify An wme fo foe Common Coanoll ef the r i^ Wj!lri*wk« In order tbel wld Cummon Cm k U way EwwAer iroceed to mek« end ooUeri ibe proper ftw nw rat r>r tbeoanietHlexiienw of ■Mchpeim work or lw>

l^rovmaenlwiiuiiy U0W or hei|wfor he nvuied by8 0B t HeM publlo work or inproveM t

be mehe e ^ CDmpl<>tW| under (be l^efvbdoh of In- Mrikrti of the yjijrleeer or ArilaiTiwpo« end the ?nn«l Hctperlntenffoni of Walk* of Ibi Bound of

itoriimeriv noMrtttkg fo the krteriMleweer........ .. itwiHttvet end Weter Comm) provlsloiuiortbe riiy charter„- - - itimLend Ihe onllniiuom of tlw end m l f o ^

■ “ '* " wreet end w eier Coiw__________ oily Of N # « A i iw i l io ^ l^ -------ifertfen i That tlm (Hdlnetie* ahalTtefc* afibet Ira-

rraalatlDmMooemoTtbeoUrof N<

Herilon i Tlw4 tbli medletely. __

P ra a JW to U ff lPieahfentof tbt Beard of Stteat abd Water Uoeix*

KNOII BDNYON,C1«A af lb* Board of Mnrt tu t Water OMamfe.

AtP«IM.rU,IIMApfmvaaraarn, jug jtpaIfla Magat.

K OTICX n HERKBY GIVEN THAT TRR ooanntbalimrn bervtolbre appointed bff t a Ut- cuUCourt of toe toaulyof Kaeei tointaato Wtara

■Mirtolbenefita upon all tb* ow nntof.laad jta nal aetofo In the clly of MaeraA naalterly haMflud Iqr Ih* feltomiif unpmveeuoit ut nid oHy, aaaaayi

Thfipwriago nou-pjfbora Ptamylroni* even oa to New Jereey BaUroafia te g ra toeatebtuetlan of* aewar In

. __ _ NICHOIA BTBKIfr,bteWi tn Daelflc atloei mid Jiifeiaaai ltteofi*ln»llon ofaetwerlnPIBSt BTBKBT,

flraaDfcdferaoiiilifeitoa^ntabDaltiflfeai aoalb fifNawttreet,Hava filed Ihblr taaoci o f_______

latMofikaaftbeCbib MraMcaagt,Julge of raid court t a dead ____SATURDAY, RAT OF






bfiftUli»>I of A t

utsivlu d•tjn


ra :ro F


M A V 9 S -F i r r i a g Now* WpmboIi O i l t ^ M w . V. P « « y , a iu u ic v r i M n 4 il« 7 B i i lM tv . H *

n W A B H -J aBm Few m y 4 C**, t M M iirtiat Mi K ,s t» « u » r , IMA Al,V. m, IM E Im M,r , W . MUl«ir, 4A4 O raac^M k J . A .M w lM t. MA W iM hlfiiM A M . ■ r r M W i M *r««4 l a t t i i m At«

b a m t o b a x g b -W . M. Ai I m , MA M a ta Ml

M tT T H M A M B -B «W rtU M U «t iM a th B raw Bi A**

■ A B H M O X -*r 11 . a e i B a r r i s e a Ave,

Amm B r a f h m , « m k i M y A

A M O N G T H E O R A N G iS .

I .S A r T U B .

A a B a t irp r l i ln B P b ib m I V W B a v a m A Uw C a a n * AU A tw u A .

From Ihe Urtrolt Free Pr*«.W b e n th « o )d gn ttisn iM i MW hMr oom -

i n t In to t h e o O o e M n n U e d ,fi> r i h a WMpetite Hut pinmp eiul lUr to the «re.

" & thU H w i7 Uertler'f lh tb * t" • h eIn q u ired , •d d re m ln g hint.

" I t U, m lM ," re e p o n d e d .th e e ld c e n t , .............................. i n W .

B rm to • ( l a t « r e , t la th e L u B * la b a rh e to th e W e it.

' LewU B. H enry, a p rom inen t n e ld w t of B u t O n n te , t i eerloonlr >11 a t hie home on W u h ln c to n itree t, U r . H enry le • lu fa r broker In New Y ork.

b u t O iance IXlelelon IM, Bone of Temper, •noe, will hold a n lee c ream and etrawberry frellrU lit tU ioan te o n N orth P a rk itreet to- nlghL

Mpafnato H odtetl, a n Ita lian l l t l n f on Eeeex arenne, O ran te , waa arreeted by De- lecUee Conroy an d OOlcer Brown early laet erenliig on a charge o f aeeault and battery upon Bebato Hearpa, a n o th e r Italian . l ie wae held Ibr the G rand J a r y .

A t UdO o>ctoek lae t n ig h t Officer Blown, of Orange, tnund a g u a rd w ire of the electric eyetem o f th e N ew ark P auenger Hallway Company broken on H a lo itreet, near Prince U rie t. Anting u o d er Inatroctlone ofBergeaol lA iry he Informed th e eondoetor of the flrit caitbonnd car an d befbre 3 o'clock the com* pany had cent tw o m en to O nnge and re­paired th e break,

U .J . Trenery, general aeeritary of the On ange Y. H , C, A., w ent to ProTldence R. I,, to­day to a ttend th e an n u a l conference of Y. M. C. A. general le c re la r le i In th e United Btalee and Canada.

The women o f th e Germ an Preibyteriao Chutob, Orange, he ld a m u ilca l entertainm ent and necktie an d ap ro n fMtlTal In the Ger- n>ao-EugU«h flebool H a ll hurt night.

There a re no new derelopm enU In the caae o ftb e d lv u te d Police Ju itlce ih lp In Weet Orange. W o m in o r oeaei came up a t the police etatlon yeeterday, an d th e prlMmcri were taken to the honae o f Klllab B arnett by an officer and th e re dlipoaed -of. Jwwpb IS fin i, the depu ty o f Juatloe Field, m ade no a ttem ;^ to act. T h e W eet Orange Tow niblp Committee w ill bo ld a m eetlug to-morrow night to tak e action In th e m utter.

At the cloie of a bu iln ree meeting laet n igh t IhenM tnbetf of F ta to Lodge 121, Kolgbte of Pytblac, of Orange, held a pm ato race. Tlie efltorU o ftb e eontcatauta to carry the potatore back to th e i ta r t ln g p o in t aHbrded much am uiem ent. T h e flra t p rliew a iw o n by John Dexhelnur. Tbe l u t m an In waa Julio U. Topptn and ha waa aw arded the booby prixe. a tin cart draw n by a tl u goat.

The Orange B oard o f Education will meet tonlgbL

Tbe n u t te r o f b u ild in g a new ecbool In the Fourth w a rd o f Orange waa dlaciiuied a t a jo in t meeting beld laet n ight by the Fourth W ard mem beia o f tb e Board of Fjincatinn and the Pobllo School Comm Ittee of tbe Com­m on OoonclL A ' le tte r from th ly (Vmntel IiUhUtlpc to A lderm an Ijethbrldgr, w ritten In December, wea read, in w hich ha gave It aa hla opiulos that the city, under ex te tlng leglelatlon, had ex- h a u iM lie power to borrow money to erect lehool bnlldluge, an d th a t no more build Inga could be p u t up u n til ad d ltlo ru l power could be obtained from tb e Leglilature. ARer aome dUcuailon It waa decided th a t thU tact nerd no t Interfere w ith leeurlDg a lot and adopt­ing plana far a bu ild ing alnoe no douM ex- lated aa to tbe a b ility of th e city to get addi­tional power to laeue bondi from the next Ijeglaiature.

Tbe E a item S ta r Concert CorngMy of JubUCa elngerc w ill g lee a concert ^ the Orange Valley C o o g n ^ lo n a l Church on Frl- day eymilng. _____ ____________

rfadDg and oOhrlng bar a chair wlUi“ Then t oama toaaa ;oa, afar, abw t ytmr

•oa,” abe aatd almply.■‘ My Bonr’ aiid the ththar tookad 4 if

tor bed.“ Yaa,ffir; yooraon, Harrr, I t la ooet-

eetnlag a matter In whtoh 1 am panonally Intoreatod."

"W hat," glowared the IhtheF, "haa that yoniiB raioal been--- ’’

" I bacyoor pardtm," aba Intompted, " Harry ia all right. I Iowa him and ha lovM me, and I have aaked him to be my himband. He baa agread to it, and now 1 am here to your coneent to oar union. D a l get itT" and her tona bait the ring of determination aroond it.

I t waa lilleeQ mlnntea beftira Hany^i father recovered oonacioatnaai, bat when he did he kiieed the leap year damaal, and •ha went sway rejoicing.


Tbe real eetata tranatere recorded In the BegUlarti offioe Tueaday and nported by the Fidelity Title and Depoait Company were;

KaWABX.WmtunRtkcr and Wife to Rridgct 11.

Farley et at truateee, e e B nth et, 3K)n f t Avon Bve, llfxl36.........................

Ellia Whitney to Jamee L. Htrlngliam eta l.e a New York ave, fW u w hrPaclBott,3Sil«......— .........................

Brfflget M. Farley et al to William Rlxer, e a B llth at, IflO n from Avonave, li&xlX....... .........—........................

Frederick H. Galloway et al to Victor Blanehl et al, e ■ Ftenon'a alley, W u from Uarket et, laxllt.

Are Ton Peeled T 7b he ehcrowpAfy poped oa the root eefofa

market pea imut oomuU (he real eikile ode. (n Ihe “ Newe eapeoloUy on ITedneedaiie aad Bmwrdaa*. .


2 HMWVeee) ___________ ___m, Uepet. 10, 011* at Ko. > VlgaKY MT.

UPT- yoTiii M o m ON t u k ik o o n d I wrtar In tba m a H ; F a R Vewy at-let, wUh dx niewii; water la Ike hoow ;

Ihrm miBiiHr walk

T o LIT-I BOOMH IN TH* NBW KOL’aB, No.lTLeaionti.;lii ac^lamordec. Apfilyie

Mn»TIClIENOH,ll NewelTUr p o U T -a ix mooBB in bbicx hocbx mXltolewyel;newly palntadaail paperedg alt l i»

neevaeaeoteg t ie ; elan three n im a « top ■eor, Wllhln or Ml U A B K rr HT.

r p o LBT-FLAT OF FIVB ROOIOL NO, 111 1 a a e e m t • l . t l l I n q ^ uc aO HllA BT BT^ill,o r t l i lU r k t t t t

LXT-UPPXA PAST OT fiO U U ( UC-piQTamtata.

N aiN B B O O iaEirr.,1r p o LOT 4 ItOOM X « M tk IfiqulTMJ. j

r p o LOT-NO. Ml 90DTH ITH 8T.g N&AB UTHL •r»., liw Iqww floor, tbar rooeiM.

WAHRRK fsr^ T^TO LKT. ON flCOOKD floor, Ibar (XMUMcttnc noou , wlib pliuHO. VTfl

WEBTklNNRT BT, it-T W O lUHOK 0 0 » . ^ n ^ i j j i turajehail lu a e i la pelraie


lir iL B B T BT„ « - T 0 WTT, LOWKS PART OF IT Williebaaee. Me

HOUNBB TO LBT.y iKNTHAL AVE„ Ill-IIOIISK TKN ROOMS, V yell bnpiuTcnienti newly papeCed, lattiM e tor two unaig tonlllea Inquire Lw BLhIcrXBSHT. 1


SIX ROOMS; ♦ a teMf

n OUHStTO IJCT IN XAflT ORANQIS, FROM t i t lu t i t per month ; Ibr eala, pJUO, Mrai In

Uvlnenton T aoim, laige bcioie an« caupM e flra- daei outhnlldlngB; aim eaveral other Ihrin, at na- Bonahleprloa iUMIKB U. BUTTKBWOSTU, M Ikxlil el, Ik a t Onnge. 3g

n OVTtlE TO LKT n LAFAYKTrK BT„ SRICKg ' ' ■ ■ ■Liuiuee, Ig rooBM.

KJ r ; i«ut tM pec arketet.

n, water, M mad Ihmaca: BOOd nt- auwUi. fiHBBUD c. b a jIl , n•ar

n OOBB-TO LBT, SIX ROOM HOOTK, RXNT ^ e : fbur-nom bouae, f l ; three mama fa

qnh*M »MARKRrier.



IVO LBT-leo O A R snni bt .,

bouM of ID rooma, anitable Ibr twn auBlllii! poaeic don ininiedlately.

ialUARSlDBBT„ ^Ant and third Soon; T nam e; g f emiea tam e'* « ?& K T B A L AVR,ntegr Cnkl«n wL, mutU taCMiM of f fOOiMi | poMtalM ImmediiMlf.

PIUNXL1K 1C* OLDAi9% Pradrattol BdlMlog (flfUi floor), NtwtrtL

WBIGHT STm to-TO LOT, flXVKN J l O O ^ oowlr docoralod, UnpiovomMitM Ik BiJACK*

•ON, No. MO BitMl Mw l»w

3RO0l t a L I O ^Grate, fli ■

UAnuffil Am* Lt(un.Aj HBifT XOIV KATLTKNBACIf, IM Botinaal AVGwMr


flM-l -1 and tia, TWO FLATIS, FOUR laARMK 1. 1. TOottiM; MitUmwry tnhk IiMUlr* of iA N lwd' ffi. laffimjlffi , wlHltViUBgX aWm

TOH, MB If iicti I t, eor, AmAfmj.

ht#lUCi4. F L A m ST€ht WANTEDa

Fm C OR BIX ROOJW WANTED BY FAWLY of ftfltilte. pnolh of T t^ n o r fffl« of P. K.

K ) rrat moorrMte. A. J„B om IX,

liO F T i, WfCe. t o L E ti

A iitore Ajn> bwmxiNo nooks to lot;■


xB food MJtod for soo*U im a r iM ; ateeAppljr la B. K ORANE. «4 Broad ■!.

alM Gbafl for

Ba n k rt.« a n d f i v e b o o imto let, formrrlr o im te d b r Mr. SomTao a* a

Dowaatefid. liMtQira l i t WJ^ti^liFFK PTh Aral floor. UfJ^O O K FOB EXCURHlONA

DooA to roat for wwinteoa ApikIratoaMoC * KKIOKERBOCKKn ICE GO,

M FoolofOMitiaM.

El m RTh » - T 0 l o t , p r iv a t e BTABLFa,r!ifl?« MallN, oarrtefo Hovm and diod roooi.

Fir s t flo o r o p f a c t o r y m x im ; p l e n t y of Ilf bt; from

tenant:also UxM, Id floor front.' BRHKY NT.

■(•an 10 mB Appljr M MVr


Nrw bulMlDf: GXorUMit HfBt aft aroandi fteil owdvtate: ciovMora

r iV ) LECT-


Onalalnlziff II ro o m : arrtafedifoE two fomUlw; In- pruTMueDte with mcii apartmrat.

.WaMhlDflOll WlllOQ*

KOWE A WARD, Room • aod »,

m Broad I t


on AoadGmy i t

KOOMH t o LKT, RTTR pOWXBsALLIH- pruvemruu; wrlllifflted. No. U BOUDINUT

HT. Inquljv ofroEiooer. Mc

T 10 LOT FROM MAY BTALUI-TO -waroii and carrUfo


LOT, TWO ttTALTA, W IH I bottw aUacbode Apply lOfi


m Rloomftold arr., id rooma all ImptA, MB Tba abova for otia or two fomiliM.1I0H BHteTlll«ava,6roonwuMlt)aUi,^lnpte.Anb

f7 w 1 nqulra of DwnaTi 144 BRtJLEVlLLK AVE.

QTORE TO LOT-NRAR NEW PKNN8 YI.VA H nla HaUroad (Jllotoa Avo. Htetk»; rarr duiiirwfor fTOcar, dncrM , itaoMnakar, patatUKv, imaU wara, or any bwoMn. Apply

“ ‘ F kriR H IN E m Broad I t

riTO L O T - .X HoQflMtorenttnllDMyUteifOrooiiiariiB I

cm coorcalenawi, forflO par mootb.Honimi 7 room , t i l and IM per monUi. Ftetew ltBkandlrM

CUApply to R W. OEERY, 710 Bmad I t .

Qq orM RQWwdlcayawUi

8TORE AND TWO ROOMH TO LET, Mi FOUR room la Monroe i t , to. Awly

LOT^BKOB., t l74f L Ferry irt

lroMia,all modifn minTtiilwrtraa. STORE TO LOT, WITH ONE LIVING BOOM1 .......................................'wltebla tor any tradenniati.


STORE TO LET-BUITABLE FOR ATOT BUSIJ ........................... 'lineal :« n ila r lir t it. Apply 4M MARKET BT.Ttd

TU L O T -T H K THHKK-JfTORY ANDrxtetiilob brick b<mie. No. IM WaiiblDCtoifat,JM. wji icuwejia l a x m> * wr i xvvt ww tt f iiiii^n n i m ,

rontaltdnf IS roocni and all impraTcmeate; aaltable for raateurani or bdordlng-bouee : rent feaconablOi

lllKU, I


Apply to CHARLW4 BlilKU. MS Broad rt.

r p o L E T -T H E CXIMHODIOUH BRICK DWHL X line NOk MS Broad ak, between Fair aod Oieao

tea, l i rooma, I baUirom a ^ otbor For pam lte apply

f p O LK T-MarkM aafl pfoflnea daalara taka aoto-I haTa a

food, dry ocUar, toaiR aaar CkDira Market, to let at low flfom


TO LOT' DWELLING rONTAINTKUS ROOMSand . . . _ -and oKlar, water and rood yard, M Faaaale i t , near Oriental a t: rant |tO per moitb* loqolro W

------- ^ER. S3a

r p o LBT-STOBK AND BA8EMRNT.4M WASH X lo f to n i t : MDparmoatB. loqulra wK.

IN 0 T W ,4 f tM w tn itPILK-»q

Plaaeat, J. J. CARTE rlR Y DE8IIUBLE OFFICES FOB RENTriTO LET-PfiOM JULY J, BimiNERS PROP------------------- --------- -------------------------_ arty of 15C Hprlnffleld a ra , MxWO, now oempted an flunltora Store by John (ioerinr. iDinilraof «a JOSEPH HiL. to BtlrUof St



Paw*t toffit llba teteriaa sate of



K ap isl «iy oiSoa.JO F N L DjrVINR

___ ______ ^ M n i Bloa StJ^AROAINB FOR INVESTMENT. ptotSDiliAoor. SiMitb BroaAsnd W rlfkttea... fMMComsriToraaitddwteUaa, U rooms.,.jdOrk sL •................._______Mchra,^KlQS........ ............................... .‘nirM*«uwy and axtenaioo, SI TklMOor st*...,.. AMOtlLlHtelon ara-i U xllk only....It NiniiX a^^.. KaM Oronfa. a x ^'apalvt loll In Ti« tifrb Ward................4lM to

SxttoL.'.____10 dwelUasa in etohanre..

aciaa, dwe|!Uii,bum and staMa, m ar Madt


eor., lbra>r:liAite'> ........... r/iii'Coraardwei11fif,Ti1eeekarMw,40xto.........- ....... ASM1 dwaUlrefk,CUaSl<»utii.saateoi*xobanffs.. MM

E. J. MURPHY,Heal Lstatsi

Bote sts*il Mr iba WIBim Patent Fire Kao^»a.ton Pnideotlal Rnlldlitf.


Hoots sad lot on W atnit s t, |S,MS.Hoots, t l rooms and batk, all iDproeaateate, lot

IMW), oa Broad at, toiMAhoi* com n fterenth aya. and KoriB TLtrtiaaUt SL,

tbraa biocAi from Rcairllia dspok


Fradenttal Batldlnf, foartk floor.

F 'tOR BALE-e io &t e w a r d *

N f^ toofiiai; l i rxMBS, aad Improyetawata; wHabte Ibr two fomtllei; lot Id fl. front. Will leU rfaaap or axekanta for imalter bocna oMtmlly located. ’

ROWE A WARD. Booms I and fom Broad at

Ratraari oa Academy sL

story ftamM rooms, all lmproT««Dantx; lot MxlM; also fl tM bsni aod aarrtefW-ooase ; prk« uolj fMM

C J. liMOWN,7T7 Broad sA

I^OR RALE-EA8T KINMRY BT., NEAR JET- ' frmon, thrfeteory rmme houjie, lo rooms; sutA

able for two ftuQlIka : lot MxUD; also tS floo baartnflfnilltraai; price tofISA TBw ts a bacBsIo.

C. J . BROWN,t TT7 Broad SkJj40B SALE-PAHKER NT., NKAH BLOOM-flaM a ta , IMatorv frame. T rooms { lot 7&zl(B \ will IM sold at a Qsrtidn if sold a l once.

C, J . BROWN,1 TCT Broad at.

Fo r HAJiK - f k n n in h t o n b t ., n e a rOnflianl, (htee.slory brick, t t rooms: ail lin-

provemoriui kA tBxlOu; prkw |sjink or will axcltanfe fur imalWr lioun.

T . O. 3, BROWN,I_____________________ * 7>7lfroad s t^

tpUH KALK tom CAHII, f«) MONTHLY HUYH new botise attb Iwth foirtwo flimltlea, prkw|14M,

will rent for s year. Apply any tinte to and builder, JOHN K. DUNN,owner

aod'Ofilen ste.our. Oriental


FOKRALK-A9LOOO HOHR FOR |I,TU; t«M cosh, iMlonce on mi^rtmurn a t fi per ren t; boast t

..................................... AProoow, lust put Id pMrfrct reualr. Apply to If O. HARDY. GU (lay tk

f :IDR RALE im RX('nANOE>-10 TO IM ACHKH Of ImixL DK. FHAZKIt. II (>dar st, :00d


Housmi 10 ruums, all loodem ooDTODtencea, from rard.^ tofMO upward.

^ NewbotuaS rooms, modem conTeoteocwAtoi^Hpusas with two flits ; each flat bas all niodeniconvenienoea} now ; uow tented for f4Sl per a u a u i ; foilMoa.

Apply to K W. OKKRY,Iq 7S7 Hruad s t. Newark, N. J.

n O rH R -P U R Ra LK, IJ4TUHY FRAME dwt'lllof, lOTi Halsey s t, all Impruvemeoln, suit­

able fora pbysktaii, dentist, drewmaker, milliner or foraprivaUi Cuiliy. Jnqnlra of W. 11. A R. fttllL NETT, 17 Academy st. Ms

HOURE-FOH m a l e NO- KO FOUHTEKNTII avfn bmise. 4 nx»ins, alinoei rew, water sad

inudem liiipror<in4'n ts : prtoa |],SU. Call a l any time to make me an uflVr. Sts


^ n to n I

Lo t f o r ralk ,4 » b a n k s t , b a b t p a r k s t .

in q u ir e w mBOBKNTLLE, f o r s a l e o r RENT-NEW

IKAtoty f ttb e balkttiw. tl roosna, for two Auak Itea: impruveinente nub floor. Apply to A. J. PAIN.IUN. Fourtb s t, bek Hlxlb and Saren^av ia iiyq a l e o f p r o p e r t y .

to ika

Georct-^A* V an a t alg ezt% toUarHai N . V an w afeneD , s w oor


b o u t I H rooBia, bath and laaoihy: ati'auoad for two (hmUlaa; nak |to. Apply 174 U i 6 b ST.Uw

FV IKW*—XXJEhllJBWgMU *gX.gMkllreXUZ> a gggMIi gk . - - . ...... - .h o u s ; M rooBia, bath sod laao d n : ati'aupad MEBOHANtW IBaURANCR OOMPANT B

X • *^1

A r e YOU o w a r e o f t h e t a c t t h a t


From $200 UpP A Y A B L E IN IN S T A L lfE N T S ,


Do not dally, but taka tha firal oppor(unity you ctn get to axnmlna%lt prep •rty. Taka your family along with yen and let tkam anjoy ■ faw botiri In look ing ov#f tha tract. The ffatk air will do them good. The actnary It tha Snott tn Hudion County. W« kava epanad on offloa on the tract wharo you can got mapt and alt Information. The pricat of all Iota roffliining untold on July Itt will bt advanotd.. Buy • lot now and tovt tk* tdvanoa.

Tha new lino of Rapid Traniit atroat cart run througk tha tract on Kaarny aveniN. The company expeota to hava the oora running by Jiriy Itt.

3 S rO I X T I i K E S T .

These Are the Terms for Building Lots-----O N -


TRACT!S i t u a t e d o a A v o n a v c i u i r . S o u t h 1 4 t t i a t r e e t . S o u t h l f f t b o t T « « t . S o a t l i

l e t h a t r e e t . S o u t h 1 7 t h a t r e e t , S o u t h 1 8 t h i t r e e t * S o u t t i 1 9 t h • t r e e t a n d S o u t h 3 0 t l i n t r e o t .

REMEMBER. These h is are all inthe Thirteenth Ward of the City of MewaHt,

w i t h i n o n e b l o c k o f t h e S i i r i n g t i r l d A v e n u e E l e c t r i c C a n a n d a a b o r t d l a t a u c e D ro in K a p i d T r a n n l t C a r o .

JUST THINK! PRICES O N LY$150, $100, $180, S IR , $B 0 Pk

m r e r t s a r e a U Q K A D E D a m i C U R B E D , O I T T W A T E R l a n t r e e t o . T h e n e a r e t h e f l r a t l o t a o v e r o f f e r e d l a t h e T h i r t e e n t h W a r d o f t h e C I T Y O P N E W 'A B K o n t e n u a o f


T h e m o n t d e n t r a b l e p l o t f o r h o i n e n I n t h i n n e i g h b o r h o o d , b e t a f w i t h i n l i n i i n u t e n o f B r o a d a n d M a r k e t a t r o e t a , o n e b l o c k A ro m t h o l i n e o f t h e S p i i n g U e l d A v e n u e E l e c t r i c C a r a .

lioGU to Get Thepe.,T a k e H p r i n g f l e l d A v e n u e E l e c t r i c C a r a t o S o u t h I d t l t a t r e e t a n d w a l k o n e b l o c k n o u t h t o p r o p e r t y .


Geo. D. Canfield & k• A - g e n t s ,


Naxt to the Erie Siltroid Sridga.

W M blagtoo a n d A uttom T ete , 17x100. OjlDO m„ ..... {(glKy j t ■

;lO LUT—nTHOCB* WITH R IU IX VAXILT, ' noood aoorud pert of IhM: rent lew B u iu c m a

Calharlne'fieiliy to H e r r ........• I N Y ave ITS e f t Jeffenon i t 31x100..

• 1,w w a u v o t s t .

O a^ton R Cttew to H en ry W.Thuraton,- w • H t F le w iu t aveUDl • I f Harvey •(SJlUQ...._______

Jobn HaUbaner e t u x teH ugoH D lU - boeber, w i R R a v e be t E liq and WaU u a ie ia n n n E lm I t axffi............ ..

•JlOOW IL8 XY BT., eeee-TWO n e a r l y n e w

brtok faeuna to m t , 7 rootee and totb, awd- *rn Improveowaa; Oeo two etorei, t ia g a n to * it. laqalnSaA CA D EO gr 8T. Mf


I oflCr tbr gate, a t very low prloee, tbe tbHowlng propeitlee, v te ;

rnwT pioT.Bltuted on Oonlh Plfleeuili, Houth RlxIaniUi andIrr iln iL g l^ ^ jH ^ ^ ^ p v ,., (votaialng about • »

BRCOini PLOTl i bounded bf Montgomery aVe., ICightamIta and

Nln*u«nthMa TOeietreoaOf tu n la n eaw of to ow>. belM cIcM to Rtirid T ruM t jgcoirV: Rjaieoad, eMetetlonou lIO rtU andaeF i Bt i iiii Balinied, 1b aeur vWdlty.

Bnrii Unx* mote of Mint, n oaey of noomaiid well lo a trd .an iM n * . IlavltetlroellenUonoreiipItat- lieatoU im tuanlnvM iiingl, ortboeeieekliif noa

Offca open avanlnga until g e'oiook to •ooommodata tha crowd of purohiMrt who tpproclato theca bargaina.

2 ,mTOW

tV rO O D B ID R T e LET.TT No.17 WlJ!lthK9lt,TRMIBS,tBipitl,,flMl S North Ifond Tomof, ? rwHua, Impte, pgJO,

Hsnxy Von der Behans u id wlfo to Jobn Von der B cban^ Blootofleld, w 4 H lihlAbd AT SBl 8 frB % j kt, S5kM..


IS North XDd Ttirstei, T rooms, Imptal p i., i t rooPMti frPptA, JOHB^VKR,

lilhiL__________ _B m b h EmUy U nT «s to fiu fen la F. Lux,

MontelAlr, oor BeUevne at Aad Park. fet, IfflfTIte, .............- ................- ..................B r l ^ l M. KAflep e t a l toR lcbm rdK

Tracy and al, truBtoM* ag rt to sell W iu.BU L«r5totiO fr«B B HtbitaCOn fr Atob at. Clinton, 118x126......

<J0r. Oroiton aod Alranlds ATfAi lo q n ln o f

IM WaifojUftsB ava

Flntelasi stoTAtor sod Janitor ssretce. IJflIitofl hp rteotrkflty aod foa Stenm hBSt, UTiteriss and doseta Bhd erery ooQTenlneA

UnexeMted for Hfbt and air.Will h« Isassd Ibr lonf or toori teemi te still ten-

ante at moderate raotal Mf

Cparty for manufortariag ftarposns, or t b ^ soak* pfoperty for Icnproveiuent For prices " “

partwolari, apply at the office of the owotf.B. a , 8AIX)KQN,

U Nesbltl s t, Newark, N, J. Bvrteeeataui)0ci*d2fok-A*M. Mn

I 2 0 0 HOU6K OF *

ir ATvu ar, vummu, ...Jam esIhB tnD K bato e t a t to JQliaW bit-

ney, %, O rabire,« i M ann ave, a t n w ooriotB,7dxSa„.«.*..

i t t t leI, Wbc

w f^ lack w eli e t u x to A rthu r Ui^ b ln lc k , E .O r a p « i fr .s Oaut^

OecL W.I r a b in lc k , E . O range, fr . . ATfog $ ^ r F r a n k w . Coolhaugb

O a l o f Town,

OKANDK TO BBOET EILIB-^XJMPLKTK Itel of housM; forolsbedt Me nicAtbly and up­

wards; unforolshad, 8M0 to pfiOo per axmus»;al' titectlTS pteoe for naX at Hocataka Stetton, iO U,rtty, rooms, ImTWOTCmRits, laite P te w ; t mam In tew n: ibadejBsnteD: ■tabteitotoaDniiaUy. Photo* ftaphsand^rall partlcntexs at New Yoric office. p l m n d d N A 0*BItIBN, 171 Broadway; so- bo itaa offioe. BouUk Orante.*_____ Ms


TXfANTKD-TO BENT PKB MOl TT forgotefolteot, 18x4ifret hi Blxthi

H ththw tfdsisteW kaat Addeees T£

PKB_ MONTH BIT® kth, tteveoth or TKNT, carrier


t U V F tddiiis, water In yard, lot ttxioo (bet, tetqate on Barbara it., to Twelfth Ward ; terms T«ry easy. £ . B, BOND A CXL, 7Sl Broad i t 7g


TUe Opportunityof a L ife tima t l A A A WILL BUY »NUO LITTLE igt J.vlVM Jhoujie of 4 nxns^ with water Id


houie r let Stolffi) Ihet: fttoete on Barbu* e t, bi Itth Wordi te rm very eeay E. R BOND A 00 ,, n i Brawl W. • ,



o r

B O O H S AMD FLATS TO LKT.uo.,',,..

' Joeenh K B tm tien e t nx to E ither B. H w er, CiUdwrtI, n ■ Btm m lleld ave,

IJ»0 A m oM T BEDBOOH, WITH UHB OF BATH. ; yettow e u Dean th* door; 3 mlnut-e_ . . J -----------------


Jton th O ran g e .

T S e e f r lu n r l C lin e , « li 17ft.. E iaU rlckT ” "

lte iD D ..I .a a d W .II .R laqulteMBTATKST.Me

_______ t L. H alle r e ta x to E itlw r Bow­den, Caldwell, u a Blooicftaldav, Tgeefr leiael Crane, G7xin............. .

ham uelC . G. W atfcliuiat a l to Bamnel tUiaw, HontelalT, w a Orange rd, H f n fr G ate, av , WxlgT...............

A PAimCSHTB TO LET.SM MILFORD AVE.;xXIarg* plot ground. ' "

Ba n k bt .r ■________ ea-OOOD BOARD AMD CHEEB-'4d n o n * ; oteo table board. r

SOUTH OBAMOB-FOR SALE, AT A BAB- ndo,loeloieaaeetale,plotof obontl o r , or and tasoH with one oeig^^on tUilfewood nw d; pr

HBIO. Apply to T. W A m U iIN U , H7 Solwy *L i

a,g» beta ave.C .L NEBLKBIUBUh - T > AMK fW., 17-NlCELY 'FUBNBHED FBONT

XyrnovB, with d n id lv a bnoidg te rm nted*i-u r

Mework L and a n d I n n ' t Co. to U a> g o rit HaodervlUe, O fntet), n i Haw­thorne av, 1317 w fr C linton pt,3Sxl(IO

Newark t a n d a n d Im p- (Xx i p Howard

•JMA laboe,


ta n a , modente. M REOTOB. IM

n n w iX etu


-n lE K K E R 9T., 70-NlCE, PLKA8AMT ROOMB, A Jfin d tKwid; a m lady beardeta w

cheap In A r l ln * ^ N. J.; good tornUo to swim, A L B IS T L T im M , I mOhuhoI ava, Newark, M. 1.

ro B

s u

TJALDW IM ST, IS, NEAR WAgffllNOTOM-TO J j l e t , Ituee I n v ^ iwnni, gift 1


Uondeville. C lin ton ,' n • H awthorne' aveU SSw frC lIotoilpISU lO O ............... 313Elloe U . C ondlt e t n x to George B. l la i-

rteon. W .O range, w I L iberty a lS U ne fr AJden *t3lixU7......- .................... .

Z m eet H , Bennjett an d wtlb to Charlee K -D orem u ~ ton te m o e

V llte rd LkSmlthforth, e Orange, n e a Edgerton ter-rn e e s n a e f r r r a a p ^ a ta i lx lO f t . . . . tOO

Jam ea Holme* to A n n a F. Buehonan, r iln tnn . e ■ K lliabe tb R tver a t oor Geo nohMUir SlxSBL.— SglOO


._r.,l«»-PllllABAMTnlBinSHED I or witbeat board.

yfbr a gentteman g leannuMe.

BLOOtCriELD A VE.,«-THBEE ROOlfBAMD aleoTe. 3d ttoor, to le t; water, tnoolie


Bo a r d e r s w a m t e d a t m b s , j . i a y b e s .Weal Orange g Cheetnnt i t , ttaiee doom from

Hantaon ave ; wtlhln twe mtnutee’ walk of Ihe ateo-

H e a m y .

HOCBE-MEW b r ic k HIKHE, DAVIS ATE, Kearny, nine noma, ho t uid cold water and : r i i mlnitee from Erie depot; p tfa |MWp If I bWbie J ho* L ImnliB on piembea 3a


trio I « e





BBOAD 8T., «1-PLEABA»Trr - -------------- 'Proonu, with or wKIkhiI board.IDRMIBHKD


B u tt in g R idge.

Fo b b a l e , c h e a p , u b a b k in o r id o e lo llio

« f .1 want of money.


> let lo n u U Atpdly of odnlU./ \ aMDEM ST^ llt-TH R BE NICE BOOMS TO A tflttoam IlmUy.

CM-OPFOSITX WASHIKOTON tieBr o a d s t , . . ------------- ------------

Fork I every oaovealanoa.; table b au d

llla u U a iie a n a .



t.......................... “

/CEN TRE ST., Ii-HAMD80HB BOOMS g EX- Vyedlaul beard g olao tibia board • p

_ vwylowprtomgoeaborcfedlti theaauelnvHt- menta y t ^ l w tea per o m t ua l npword Apply guickly tna W.OEEHY.TbeBraadal 7n

yllghl booaeliieeplng; f t up.

A M ew T h eo ry o f U la m ln a llo n h y R th e f ia l OeelUatlono.

f t a m Elaetriolty,If we wnld prodnoe saok a oturent oa

wcmld have BOD gilUlon-railUon olternatioiM parMotmd the conductor oanying it wontd glow with light—not Cl we prodnoe it, by meaiM Of h ^ but without beet, alnoe nona of the elOTver hsat vibratloni ponld ha prodoeed. Klfcola Telia hi|i gone fttflber toward ntUixliif theaeethetlal vl- bntionafbr Icminona phipcaaa than any­body olie,Y|iid hla reanlta, though atUl fkr fromthcaa anggeated ahova, and doe more to the Impeot of vUnretliig molecniea Uuui to . the rapidity of etheile oedliatlciM, point ont that the graeteat poadbllitlee are within oor reedi,

-Hr. TeoU ahowa Uiat If Uie walla' of a fipom, for Inatonce, be made tiie leet of

altanuUag oqrrenta at high po-___tbe whole the apace iritolnIroomkio flUadwith ethertalcaoiUa-

thnia, that a vooutun tuba or lamp both win flow wlUi light wherever iftaeted and irttboiit deatrtoal eonneotton with

' thw walla. He atoo axMblM a a n^ bmAot operated hy a atngte wire oootMoCed with hla aaoMa of aleiArislty, and many ethar p h eB o m aaa whtoh 100 In direct con­flict wTui the known lawi of eleebtelty. Bntwamnat bear in mind that tha forw

prodnoae thaae phenomena, al- I eat into action by deoiarlolty, la not

COLUMBIA ST., » - r iV E ROOMS, ISKCOMD floer; UmaonUilnlg only m ull tkiDlltie.

/COLUMBIA ST., W-OOOD BOARD TOR V /lhrM m putable me* g term, reHpoatala NT


, FURNIBHED BodiCSTtfLKT la private fomlly*

^ R o e s COUSLT STo. N-fT7RNIf9HF>D ROOM FONONK <n/ortwo lYSlIemsn; boexd IfdsHriit

T7IA]M; flvs (fotep (ocstloa amt Sr

[JBURK pries, to

HARVEY, Box X, Nfws offlet.ABM w a n t e d i n 8 UBURB8 OF NEWARK;

JCtosA\A.m FAJUC OT*, IA-FUBN18HKD B O O W ^ Ez g h t b a v h , m-^a f b w o e n t l b m e n

w * ‘ ■---------- - -------------- “r flMttenteD Slid wlTMSui oMsta bosrfl; ftU t » psovsbiiknu.

WANTED TO BUY-A HOUSE OF SEVEN roonut Wttli s ten , in foofl lomUon, to cost sot

BKNte UiMt pjoa. AMimm OTOBlfo Box C, NswsSfrk o ff i^ vUif location.

■174]i? 1

JIVE LIOBT BOOMS TO LET, WITH Boutry Olid stations ry wsshtobs.


Y71UL1DN ST., 47-FURNlgHBD tABOE AND JC sttoU riMUfu; koard If daterad* Nf

TriLAT TO L O T ^ N DEOOND FLOOBa Ml MUt«> J j b o t^ SL, nsar Walnut te.» Ex l i m extea Ufiit fOQate, wttti « x tn RNMD abora; oU liaprnvssn«ita *od to bastwfidltkh. Apply « t p nm M i or ib J.W M A bON" — ------ -

•ORBED OR UNFURNIBRND .orwtttboot bestrd; forpllhad ito fA m F L A M i r . ~

ROOMA, tot irltk

MsT a k e N o t i c e !


1 * ^ R ................................farislnneii, IH and ttM> Weekly g two mtooten'

anfSiN. i- TT A IB EY ST , Ct-MICELY r U R M I ^

**> JZLroom fiirm atlaiD ^w tlhotw Ifbooibaud.

L o tb n y e n , we h a v a e Ifew Iota o a


W hich we wlU h ava Ibr aale MOMDAT.

F lat to let. or six booms, all ni-pmvemenU, bilofc bon» « r . W iltlit onS Pm o -

lylvimlA ave.', frnit p i laquIraotplMe. O fTTKALBY BDUSK-BOABDIMO AMD TABLEX t E w T MOOionsoH trr.

BOOM, UISTAIBS, THimT-TOUB _____ Jong. MeohaoU m, oor(pilr, M A mF r o n t

n! fret Ion m, nor. MiffiwiTr.J J X M K n t fT . ,« ^ n J U B A 1 S T boomb, w m t

w n p sn i on th e greond lo ahow you.

H apa and etrculare.

gyiUBKieHED boom s t o l r - a t m T A » J w . THOMAS P E im iK , B t

HA U E Y S taB t-A P A B ' w n e i . K R lA C U O ir,

„tTMEMTS g MODEB- M .tN B m odA Nd

J ACKBOM ST. l » - g OB • BOOMaTOLKT TO oddllA Itf

-arU L SIQ tK Y srr„ M -^ B M ia B E D BIMOLB JK letooaeeeU nem em lw light hemaaepliie. We

W hich 1

-VrU LBK RST ST.. Ua-*TO LUT, TOUB riM B iVJLlaiie raame, ntatWldeeDl*; frmuy ofadnU* only. 3e

iselTelaot^ly, bat radUat cn«^ , of Which Ufht and heat ara ihmfltar maai-OT THREE AMD


H e r L u t p T m t ■aeoeeii T ram th e Law reoce T rlbon a

A q u e a rm arrla g a ta id : p taceln th M e tty a ih o r t tim e alnoe. A ie m u tg l r l to ld h e r n i la - baeithatafaew aagolgggg to g e t m a rr t td ao d ihowed h e r eo n u w M dtng ciotbea and a h a t th a t ah* a a d h e r m o th e r had bought.

“ W hat.doea th a young m an d o r” aaked tb s RilstiteM.

t'H h a raaa ’ t i l n ’ta e e n h im ytX "w H tb i

■VTKW FLAT APARTMEKTS OT THl iM iKir roeoB, oU UgtaL hum om ely mcddni Improvnunla,lullilggblt^cuveteilidiiDb woHw I renti | l to tIL to • d iu frmuiee only.— UaKKEKPBB. n t giteck « .73f

_ . ST., «-TUBMISEXD BOOMB. ALL _ . eoevealeacei, with 01 wtihoat Beat bMaefeeep- tng. 1N 3

N EWABX n „ llt-T O LET, fOUB MICB Hioia*,tl>3(Ariweab,Hi,tlimiiieiaa,(a. am

N ic e l ygnoUemoB. WCAMI ST.


raply, " b u t m e m cU ier e a y a lm o a t gltignae y M t U i year, a n y w ay.”

Tba tw o had a e taa liy arraaged everything

P WVATK YAJOLT WILL REST feLEOAMT- Ipfriratehea room to iwtUemen g he*tratm tehea room to

A ddrm B .,B oi OgMnrejg m m a g k o M

betbre th a m a n w a* even th o u g h to t a f le r tb e g tr l to ld h e r m latrea, tb a t ib e m a te yooDg m a n a n d aha wwi going to m ake him au ttry bar, Bbe h agan to lend him vartoni Uttla p ieaanti, boxea o f eandy, etc. She OMildn’t n a d o r m l t o , a n d got the children o fthebonaabO d to d ire c t Ihe panel* Ibr her. Do wall d id th e g ir l an d h e r m o theraunog* th a t, aontnfry to th a wtohai o f the young iM m e ^ ‘ *

CIIX ROOMS AMD BATH TO LETt ALL XM- OpreveaUBtegaieltM . M tHIOSM T. 1U TA IN W r., 7»-TO LBT, SBDOlip TLOOB 0 7 n n * w tw oem y houM g *11 haptaytmenla M*eiUSSEX AVE.1BBABTOBAMOB-T0UBTVB1 B iiJW iaaieoBato let tor a g i h o M a m la g to * t ^ l y wawMag bog tdu . 74*

d b w g tJn iiM ttm n t'hraa nw ntbaS m b U M U in a h a f ln t i iu A W t '

and m arried,- thfer --------h rld i .

rjT O L B P *CoMen e t. a e u W anm I t , th n e IilU no*

U o a t a f ordar, naa Baegfrmn'a n tia ,

rwtthM tboanLXJiEW S t , m -TUUSAM T 7B0MT BOOM iV w ith boon tor on* or two tedtea

r x o in M .VrWUe* ergontlmeB.

ET, tlt-B O A R D E lM WAMTKD,7*0

Wm. B. M U ,SO« B ro ad it .

Q ^ M O E ST., im -FU m tA M T lU B W aH Ep/ro o m with he*id g olio laM* haoid.

u c i r> « n n , a -tlJU B A M T BOOM, W P mV^pQptea*/ABCBABQST, 11-g-ATKWOBMTUCMBMCAMU w SMWBOdMed with BtwelashoorC. tor


uy wtlhsnt boud, m r two |•■tlelD•s ' "boud.


T h e a B t a w eek wlU b u y • SSOO lo t for • U O e*

T>LASA HOTEL, l » MAIN BT.,1 Church, r - - ' ■ - ' -------

______ , . . . _____ . , BRICK________ _ B u t' OMogi, M, y .-ao* id At laoilan en atv o ry towrolM. 17*

HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS.OWMST., m-TWO PLEASARTBOOMS TO let with boud tn private hunllyg oeavtaMM to

■ •edetmmtom g hemoeomtoito________ jfr

STATE n , t t - m C E L Y TUXEIBHKp........................... ■■ymiW*, with hoonl, t e leetleniaa.

ClCHMEtl SOAHD IM PBIVf P AadeMi L. E. 0 , Bex H, D ew ,



upodiw iei Addwe gaMTKAL.

CAM HAVE ittAhi tm U lhB -

Box BMeweetBea- n r A B K iM tim t aT,ii»-MiaELY t u b m ib h e d

niam ihi two, wtih le n d . Me-^ A ira iM tn O M s t , UT.- NEWLY ... . . VV.hHhedreim, Witt timid, iMtoiei eutteBtoBw

7UR- » 1


B n n h a i l lm .H rBT.OBMTLEMAE ' It w ilk freoi O m k in lK

,a« 0 ,H * w ea ttcAAMD

O n ly a m w M from tb e greet n u b . Came ~ ' and look e l them . Buy (or an In-

Buy I c r a h o m en p Sunday veitm ent.

H apa a a d e tren len ,

H E lOFFITT,• a o B re a d at.

$150 A LOTIT b o taW d lota tb r t m N o w , r e n t p i i j ^

d o n 't m im tlila elumoe to e ee u re a lo t. Joet th in k , only

$10 C iSl, TBBI $1 & fSSE ,A nd la a . . boa»e. O oaud H U O B n itani you.

h inder. .’on a m reed y to build a I lotoetH A W TH O RM B A g«nti there to *bcw

Itap e a ad M n n lari,

I I . B. lOFFITT,S O O B r o w l 8 b

Cimt Dot E n r i D ij and SiiDdii.

T ot m apa and p e rtlen lan apply to

BROIH t SCEIESIMGEB,rat and 7« Braid It.

• r o a d H , water O r ic a to l iL —Haodeoi»e Aetory brick rm ldeaee, 10room*, a ll which r ■ •nelon

A deetded b a rg a in ; a^rtory bM ekhonM , t t rooma, aH Jm prgvem em e, adapted Rfr one or two U tn lllcg price *4000, of w hich 10,000

, cen rem ain jet 6 ^ r cent.

r U m U rta ev e ., ■- *. ee* . E. T w rllH i eO.--L ftory fram e houee, atore and 3 flate UT I raonu each g a ll Improventenlog aleo (Tame biun In rea r g n o te (br I70S per year g price lojoooj nA 0> ra n rem ain o tO p e re en ti ao

. axoettentJaTM tnient.

T e to s e e w l e v e .. See. m M .M d l a t h evoo.—Hmulaome fram e n tid en ce , t nxmiA all Im praveuienle, 1<A abtHDi w ill be lOld • ta lo w S g u re ,

B lv W e e fri., n e e r B ee t 7 » * k e l . -to iy frm m ebooie,7 rooma, e lty w etar;

W e hava a n um ber o f choice Mulldlng lo ti ■ “ r a l ax-In vario tu part* crftba c lly to offitr g

caedigmlr fow pricet.

BBOf I A SCHLBSIIDEB,TiO a a d T« Brood Ik

LOUIS J. PRIETH,S o l e j ^ g e n t ,



HIY NUTLEY PROPERTY.flFAIl^VlECU , 24 Lots and 5 Houses Sold.

Only 4 Houses and 34 Lots Left.

Ell Teetep,A ohanoo f o r a v a ry o s t i o bu ild

h o m e f o r h im aa lf an d p o i te r i iy .

No auch t r M t o f la n d will o v a r a o t l s

b a o f fh n d a t auch ■ rid lo u lo u aly low

pH oa,W h a t th a p e o p le ta y o f

O W N E R ,


F A i lE W PARK LOTS3 5 T R A I N S D A IL Y . .

Se&l Estat« Train Leiras Hefirk 2:34,3:47, 4:01 P. LGET OFF AT AVONDALE STATION.

L o t i b o u g h t new • ( F a Irv Is w F o r k Is- cro ia o to dou b le y o u r m oney !■ ■ fhw m o n th i.I ip ln e it trac t o f land In C linton Tow nihlp,

apot o l rare a n d c iq n la ltc beauty,

I n e lu d n health , w ealth an d a p ra lty eight of the N ewark Bay,

R eally w hat the people have been w altlog fur.



'V e r i ly tb e m o ft lelect ao d valuable a lte Inw tb e ttbetMolC.

J^noom patabla Iota (br th e prioa,

j g a e y term e a n d a chance to r ev c i^ ono,

1|y n n d e r f h l Induoem enti to erect a hoock

p r e tU M t loud eotd o r ever likely to ho.

tiboloe collection o f cheap IMa.

•^^are o pportun ity tor m oderato Inveetofi.

j £ e y to proapcrity and k ing of a ll lo t aalca.


S 5 0 B U I l i B l l i e l i O T M Irr * n t lD t Ml L to ter axe., A lbert ave*g JoM itb , K albrr and C aibarlaa ats»

This property to oonvenloirt and wutjrofac-eco8 to ralmidul an d river traniportatluu, imd ite proxltofty to New York makrA it tne m ost dealnUile protMtrty Itt Iho Ntato for maimfoo, Hirers to lor-ale tb e ir w orks here, Tho electric

m u rig h t th ro u g h the pm penv, end the

Sew e l ^ n o road to New York is hu t one lock dtotanl* Kvery itre e t Is Kraded,curbed,

f l a f l ^ and lew ered, eo th a t the purchaier w lllhaT e no cost to pay for itreet Improve* inen ts .

n ie re a re on th is property thirteen good - ‘ l lb e ic - -

I'o th<Me who oontcm nlate b a lld ln g ory herd! Is an onporluufiy to procure _ .

that.en tbracceali thu A dvaotafoi reQdlilto.To thoee who wish tn purohaie'for ipeottlam

Unn here Is a rlmoeH letdom oSbred.The sale will take ploofl aa th e premlasfo

Maps Hnd full particulars caa tte oblaljisd i lthe office oT

J O B I J . D E V IIE ,

dwelling bou id th a t will be *old iwparatc. «n 13 C lin ton a t., R o am an.

A. J. GLESS,151 S p r i n g f i e l d A y e . F O R S A L E


OPEir £T£N llfCHI. SPECIAL BAR6AIHSIA lpine at., near U lllaldc ave., two.

and-a-halfeh>vf Fram e Houac g ahingle roof w ith tw oolory exteti- ■loug goa, h o t and cold water g « w e r, h a th and o th e r Im provo m en te ; 13rooma, fortwolUmlllM ; lo t 3 8 ll» ..,„„ ....................... .............. $4,800

__ _ _____ l«to&, a ll Improvem ent*, price NAOn. of tSLSOOcaii r e m a ln a is percentg poo- I a t o p w g key* a t ou r ^ o c .

■ M ir W g fr a t.—

Ifo n n t Proipcct ave,. n e a r Nrventh ave., two-and-a-balf-atory Fram e: ah ing le roof an d extenatong 3 rooma g Idt 36x100.............................. $3,300

Bruen at., near E lm at., thm -ato ry- ' ond-baaeuient B rick Dwelling g

f:aa, w ater a n d aewer and ottier mprovem ente g 10 room* g lot 31 xOl $4,800

Ogden a t , near T h ird ave., three- • ta ry F ram e Dwelling g 16 rooma, for th ree famltlecg goodorderg lotISxKD.......... ........................ ........ $3,800



M BW A BK, M. d.

3 0 .0 0 0 .

HomiBS on the Orange

Mountain.HIGH c u s s l E S I I E I C E F t O F i m .

O n M o u n ta in S i d e ; c o n ­v e n i e n t t o H ig h l a n d A v e . S t a t i o n . C o s t o f h o u s e s w it! b e a d v a n c e d o n f i r s t m o r t g a g e t o p a r t i e s d e s l r - i n g t o b u i ld a t o n c e .

F or partlcn lari, terma, map*, ale., app ly

0RMM6E B m BUlLDfftO.OBAMCX, M. J . ,

TelspAoie " O ru f r 78," and laiarA Real Estata AAenti.

$1 A WEEKIA tow tl60 lote left a lter tba rnah a t

n o n I B !Come tipH nnday and

bit* w in be worth KOO Inluadat*”'* *** •**“*“ *

tyco ie . L ig ro u n d t d ay

H apa and olrculoia,

1 1 . H. l e F U I l ,


■Ji X O i P T S U N D A Y S *

» r vrt*

Itis PibliibtM CoBspuy,A No. 144 BROAD STREET,

N tw o r k t **f t M* 0* uceiui-c^‘» putUtr.\

Mlvtrad byc»rrl»r» in tnyp»rt of N » » '■itL Th« Or»nff«l, H«rri3on, Keirny, Summit,

Montcliir, Bloom!»«ld, *"0 «il MiflHborinff twni.

Hail »ub*cription», flv* do 'lj" » fifty cents s month, pottsj* “ " ’P *copies, two cents. Delivered by csmere In Newirk, ten cents s week.

Ordinry edvertisements, ten cents t tine,

^^A^rtom eh li under heidi of VVsiited T * Let, V o t Set#, PrtOMl, etc., one cent » word, but no cnerse less then ten cents eech insertion.


TIOS.I t is not e n t ir^ the clement o f nu-

twrtalntjr ee to the oatcome o f tbe ptnneeitinie o f the Demo* m t le eoaventlon that Msembloe at TrestM todey that lends interert to that body; it lathe etementof mMnuA wbtoh in nTilll inoBS wine of the party thatlarjte- )y aw aias p ^ l e BUealion. Oetenaihly the M «a t e e by e 1* ^ m^orlty m IM Ietnn the tarUf se-j lHims Ororer Clereltnd. Tbe epecu- llt io B k Ibst they * delefstiontptheObloiCO ounTenlion that wUl be a aatfortbees-PresldenL The mea who haTe bees aetlduoitsly promotlog the CTiieelial baow to Mew Jeteay-Usoe. wlMM tlw Heir York S m la pleeaed to dMcribe as Ttottme o f aerelandiUs-baTe beard tbahr uManuiott eeboed floin the beadiieBrtaiwofthelKMMS who dominate the a jh l » o f the nacblDa. and all baa •earned to go swimmingly fhr the Cleve.

In this dreomstance ties the •ease tor the dtotnst which is certain to dtvida th « delegates Into two camps, each appretamadTe o f the other.

I t !• a matter o f recent history that Oeveramr Abbett predsimed himself a HOI ■"*«- flach a piaoUmatlon was all tb« t was neoemary to Wheel his able lira ' tsnants into line, and throogh them the boita who tramp so totthtolly to tbe musio •si by tbs msnagert o f the msohtoe, About the time Ooremor Abbett aban­doned his UmUeaints to tbelr en- deafof to place the people o f New Jbreey to the grip of the eoel eontoto* a rembtoa o f seattosent took plaee to the aiinds o f the leaders. Tbe •nthwdwsm for Hill ellbrvesoed, and OtotalaadwiuddMdpbeoame the oham- pton o f the gentry o f plastic principles. It ■ u y be that this change to the choke o f standard-bearer was the result o f an onao- nonntabte spams of poUUoal tir to e ; pet^ haps It eras made IS so set o f retaliation «p<m Abbott, to punish him for the part he took to defeating the prqjeot o f the eoal combination mid for upsetting the work o f hit Uoatenanta; U M yttw a s assheme to tor* theCtor*- lawMIli Into a toelleg of leoerity that they adgM iatakennnawaresattbeconTen- Itoa and they and their leader dlipoeedof with nsatneei tad dlipetoh. The couree o f the antl-boes and itreight-oat OleTaland bom nm Indlcatse th it they hold to the latter theory, and beaoe the roistn it whlito marks ike preliminaries to the pro- •••dtoci today,

Ownramr Ahbett, who Is tobaadtoagatetotbaoewTeatiaa, has said reeaatty that the datofltteg will go noinmnotod. Mr. Abbett la a peltUdan who never lays too mneb. This opinion has not had the •(beh o f toftag •oy one o f tbe munerods to in which teem to the bralna o f the Cleveland regulars. I t was a dlieraet v * *^ b tor the Ctoremor to make, bat none the leM (ha mem who are egatott H ill are much afraid that an nntostructed delegation will mean a BUI delegation. A few boore wilt detornina whetharw not the bomee o f the machine hava been p toylav toxy with the aeveUsdboometm

I n s n i le r ln g Ic n d rn r le i o f o torgym on and p rtip ic end churchee t h a l liolievo UrSity to th e ir doctrinoe a re n a tu ra l ly in to le ra n t o f heresy In th e ir ow n re ltg io iia hom eholda, h im -c 'c r liberal a n d k in d ly m e y b o t l ic i r feollngs tow ard o o lslders.

T ho action o f th e G e n e ra l C onference on th e tem perance q u estio n w as radloai to It! denunciation o f th e tra fR e in in to ilc a tin c d rin k s and th e lic en sin g th e reo f. E ven w ith tb e m otion t h a t I t w as n o t to be ta k e n as a n e n d o rsem e n t o f a p a rticu la r party . I t m ig h t be a c c e p te d I f ta k e n lite r­a lly as a deo laraU oa d o iig u c d to p raotical- iy dlsfranchtoe M e th o d ls ls a t m oatelco- tloiM, by ad v isin g th e m to vole a t all tim es a n d m u le r a ll oiroum - nU nuel sg a ln s t c a n d id a te s o f p a r t ls i w h ich h a v s u sed th e i r |>owar to license th e m an n fae tn re a n d sale o f liquors. F o r tu n a te ly n o re e o lu tlo iu o f th e G eneral C onference o r o th e r c o n fe ren ces wlU ou t o ff from th e active ex e rc ise o f ciU xenshlp th e U rge and In te llig e n t bod y o f vo te rs a t­ta c h ed to th e M sth o d ls t C h u rc h , o r wlU m ak e th em heed less to th e Imues, a p a r t from tem perance , u p o n w h ic h th o peop le o f th e various S ta te s a re from tim e to tim ecalled to paw Ju d g m en t a t t h a p o tto

« . ---U w y e H ik e flnasw seem s t o m a rk th e

F rcsby terlan G en era l A m am b ly ’s t re a t­m e n t o f th e case o f D r. B riggs, M ajority a n d m inority re p o rta h a v e b een m ade re la tiv e to th e a p p ea l fro m th e action o f th e Mew Y ork P re s b y te ry in dism issing b U esiq , s n d som e d o a pu iiita o f coostrao- t lo a o fU w B o o k o f D IsetpU ne a p p e a r to b e Involved. I t wUl b e a f in te r e t t to N e w a rk e n to o baerve t h a t Rerv. D r. F r a ie r , o f th o F ir s t P re s b y te r ia n C b n rch , a n d G eorge W . H c tc h a m , o f th is d ty , a re Iw o o f tb e f o u r m e m b u a o f . t h e Jndloial oom m lU ae w h o h o ld t h a t t h a ap- peul should n o t be e n te r ta in e d , a n d th a t th e sp p e lU u te s h o u ld b e adv ised to m ak e th e ir c o m p la in t t o th a Synod o f N ew Y ork . In m o s t o f th o P rosby to rian p u lp its o f N ew ark d o c tr in e s v a ry d iflh ren t from those fo r w h ich D r, B rig g s s tan d s as sp o n so r su d c h a m p io n a re p reao b ed . I t w ill be in te re s tin g to s t e h o w for N ew ark Influence w ill b e e x e r te d In h is favor a t th e G eneral A ssem bly , a n d b o w fa r those w ho favor h i i cause th e r e wUl advocata h i t doo trinss w h e n th e y com e h o m e again.

INSTKl’IT M in .

^ liW A R K AfAim ilV.<rn« •>»• hurvlrNlta rear epmsa nnSsaiher tl,

tm . Hwirnush vn|M>*llnn foruiy MllwScirKtMk iilVe kWooI «r me kuslaem lUa UsUkistti U|»b sy- DlkaUaa,

a A. rAKRAMn. unm m<m h .

f in v i t YmiNO^MItK llAVIKd A KWDWl, A Hlsa ur ym Hb wWi l« take Irwani <,r s horn

Prrni'hmMi Ulsrwishfr ouaveiwuil wlUi Ills IsiT

r Min\ AddrM in


NOTH'IU-Traasisat adverlielBa la tke NFWtt aiBSI IsTSrUblr he »aU for lasS- Bsrs.ISsareasBls will bt esaaed the aaek.IVa adTartlaraieal will be'raealvaS avar

iha l•la•llaaa axcafl tbaa* aaat hr aaihar* laad aaaaia.


Ta p y w A Jf ia r n w t in w a t k w M rtnn JimnUs, wlvsneari sihI hasiniwn rarerullr imliK-i; lierman metlnal; tenai modarair. Ad.

CmuTKACIII'm, II«S(.',arw>«mrr. I

VoKlfTH. rANVASMUna, ■•hi* aTOHxn waniMl In every Inwn l )hs bMM Mienwi, Ihv

(hShWai ot Atrstohae; hlsIieM lerma nenu ftw nsrllculBPl. NKW'JXBAICV AUKKCY, lOuM IW, •nSrnUsI palldlns. ICi

T i.,awr)Na ON t i I k 1 Uslvwi Iqr ssnUanwii

It a suarwe.

rifK u n p u ai rsiiin'i ,. p ilo p y ii

AS Oft M*KO i nMldMKv; Ivmi4

v m , M iHlT lit. Mf

M jiNUOLlIf, BANJO, atllTAB, PUNO IN- MnMOmi i f VJIM cLABiBjct »fiM|lM4 i t ______________________ *wrs ic ANN PAINTING* AT m TfcNTM PKB Itmon. A A inm ABTINT, M nv«. 17*


T r m ^ m i n o i u W A tJw roiA inirtiina IMhIIo, | l l |h i4.

lUJLMK, A rU tt'


r ITA»40NN (tlVBK IN OlTs PAINTIirrt: PAR- I Jtk-uliir totU'Clioli |[lveu bo fiMuir QipJU* pn^rONb.Rf a h t ih t

n rs tN e iM v o r R m

A —IUy»AlRIN<J WAOOsNM AND CAB' *rlaiiM In bmfirfaM t to miw of

Hn , nk»ni(eii£rr« tn<] <ff«lrrN. nitlvXvL MPii. (X>., I IT 'IM I OnNM It., ocarUky. T e l^ o n o t4UTn

B ICYCLKH Ria*AUtRp WUIIsB YlJU WAIT. <iilck, iA»v HOBBY, tot JHgli.

l^'lABPSNTBn JUBHtNO 11 lulfUBona, alienitlan»,I rood hhlnftiNi, tUift JUttttoi ckB

totoworlLete.u K N av K trianTs

tty HANoniUil.

( lARV A KI*:NNY, ASa BllOAnRT..NKWARKv riusi nntyon imrtrtain, wBh kumdnom*

fhAmtonf our owu ntMitttot’iDYf, kt to to toJlAKIlsY BOirr an d t*lH>KKTOHK-LADItet'

Doufolk khl, oprni kiHl (vuniriuTi Button ' " ' MwiiiikM kii4 C o i f u t o i n ndkitkBkJI j mM't i l WM. /. MeItJS


I [SINK UlUsINKRY AT I/IW rRir»-:N, NO. I WBBisTHK HT.^opn. Hkwcnfleld —

.VUOPDLKH, t.A|IDKnNANP ri.A<l«OF ALL laul'iiw: jaitlejaine jsUss ftimlehwt sixl wt,

KO vm t A W V J^ A IIf t, WISM Omasa ■«,

Som a b ig D em o craU o f N ew Jersey w a n t to g o to th a C h icag o C onven tion in such fashion th a l I f I t b o seen th a t Cleve- ta n d ’s n om ina tion Js in e v ita b le th e y will be able to pose a s orlglnsU C lev e lan d m en, w h ile If It seem t h a t h t Is to b e defeated th e y will be ab le to g e t e a r ly on th a w in­n ing side. ,

F O L K H Y O U K N O W .

—John D. Toppla, « l Itoaevllle, bss heen ap]ii>liuv)d a Oummliiluurr of Deeds by Uov- enior ^ b e l t .

—Officer Jiunb Seri ba wondbe allver-mount- ed club and belt at the fhiT ortbM'alanthe Ixalge, Knishts of Pylhiss, by SOO viitea. Tlie next hlgbsal man was OOlrer rredcrlek Taylor. '

—Bcmbsrd Olt, trensiireroftbeCsilnoMien- nercbor, celebraM lilt forty^iUith blrUiriay sDnlvemary last night. His friends, tbrimgb Hcbnol (lommlsalnner John B. Oelken, pro- senlcd bim with a bandiome pleoeof furni ture.

-'Ferdinand Hasp and Miss Annie Kapple were married In SL Mary's K. Church yes­terday aflernoon by Iter, k'siber Polyearp. ^UHebi'llwas best man and U ltf J.smlse MueUst bridesmaid.' A rnwptlon Was htld after tbe ceremony In Uerwsnla Hall on Rprlnglleld evenoe. ___________

Bnd dnvliuige causes n in rh stekness, and bad Mood aod Im pniper a ction of llie liver and kidneys Is bad dralD M c to tiic bum an system, w atch B urdock Iso o d B itters reiu- edy.-J|[dv, _____________

r scrOB B ACK - nATQRKlff.

astM W aiw isitM

P l’HK WATKB.nL'PPh Y - ihaeucsi s ito b ti e r_

'BOEKD, Ul'u ABD D m V E S WftLtA

IWaler In Tores snd Lift rnrapa iVsnsnUsI snU-ftseilDf.

Wslts clesiHsI ' ~end. *—Ol'FtNfMVKLIA

QsUvtsddnwi ^IIHAA. RICH, Mt Ihmdsa sL

IQH-ITSeSlDS.iHd sad rnaltliw In sea- I’ ft MKTI101H)Ad.EAK- AUmtlRPAaBKI).— -

^ V B K B AtXV’n



Xcwatk, N. J,

Tslephnns SM

m a r w A m tw t - r g M A L t t .

n l . l ’SKW^OIlg -WAWTkU, A WOBAJS KIB hstU f of two I musl hsve s n ^ ^

esrlhespsM . Apply s lls r i P. M. lM>i M r. rBM ^. PkCT AVK.. Bsarytflbsrs. _____ 1

______ ______ wsimeft. A rtBBMAis.Aowrlasn sW ft* s s « ^ bsosework hi s n ^ Ity. ApplyV pfttWiXORie, MS Bread s t , hw

n opnicwroRK Ainerlasn i


mkn strl <br snwal boawwork la a Ih in ^^ t sduTls; relhianocs. iMultrM nJLTON w tM *

JVlncw braie aver knows ; pswnled; tvsryiTsUVM I #lhRl4IHI MlkffiD.

MTUOa, RsriDS, WkL

Aoknts Mfser woxDicHvi'i. AhVKimis ing wheme aver know.

rtuuilIM rs; e iid w stsimi. lev A i u r i

R n UI^AftHKIl

It KKARMV A V ^ lISITlsnll,^AnitKH A PIHUTl'l.AM" BAnUHl <V.\ST-

11. K HA Y Dkll, r'H hnunl sL IWANTKh, A VOt'KU BAHHP.U AT


IT," (in Yop.vo (iHfX’ru Y il k h K wsaUd. u£YKhUUI,XAllftk»>liU,«Lslar-

etle t s _____________ ____ ____ I

B' ’ tl’Tw s'tTP.V l TO I.KAftN Tino PftlKTIMQ budiHM.- 8 HKJ.LKYILLE AVK. 1

T kOV-WANTKO, P.MAUT BOY IV SltOB J3 i!o rs . IlKYUAS.tHAiwInsIlel.lsrs. IytABIXETH AKKltO-WASTltO \ jBMMXh iwHnsiniskrtra P aSsatp H MiikiAMI X. J.

woainvoi'.SiKti ix im pany , PUMldjl

lANVAtoiKUH f » TO PER WKKK PAID - hirn of itUdrHM to L-karj* pHvRU* homM!

Ktokini wkiiikd. BUiNto 4 IklUKJC, !?• New I r BkH musl ftvn- HI

S *NVAie*f^PN v; a n t p d ftoft ft*.*4* is Ilre-fWPliNNi'iAi.

FOR TIIK WU( re-f«ikiik. Rnom lOM ‘ * lU mornltift.

..................... AND CABJNKT-MAKKBBkrp ettri)s"itiy to keep kway (hft

theprnwiiietrlkr. JOINTMTAND-( ia r pk n t k u hfkre e«r«s"t<ij

Orntotoduritur — -----lW «ls)M NnTKie,tikrtwnle«kito Jirtoet*, __


rilvKHK- WsXNTKD, AtiPU’K AND INTKMsL \ fftiil yoiinr ntkn, Ift or 1ft, tn n whntoMli irm \ tonurtumiy fof *dv«nceinMH. Addr— n r ADVANCV, box <I, Ndw* oflir*.



ihrm ftduTtk; retortnoek. tix|ulrpto'] _ ____ (lIIOi WAITPBD TO DO

f 4tncmi iHMkmrk Iq totollrto to»«s CtolftIOWARHFsJf tJl 's RotoTlUft. _______I

UOrUKWORK - WANTKD,wonikii ftjr frnenri boutowufks to BALDWIN

rtT., mmr W tohlnitoft._____ *

J WNBWORK OJHL WAN-raD FOB t^N-FFkl O ilIk ltto tM L i^T b ttridk jrIM DRCHAKD NT. ._______ \

FU fA V C lA UA t t k n t io x . p a b t i m ism nw K a is o in e r

iV sS L M atta iim losasd sa bowHhsM lUralUni In use wlUiwI rstaesall paatUvaly Isasaat t i n iivsa i tow art latsai airlstly oonadaMkd i aaaa t» BablaoWssi ssShtiiasd, assy rsawawnu, prompt

----- ■ ------ becaW aeUaat epaa

A U k b T V tk YOU RAV>:|IASS rx.iapui Uwiun U wiu dnw il eurtslf In SB slUw sa salary of

sUnnUoai m m tf la svsnlDsa. lUXJLStM B nsd ■

Ho i’h kw ok k - <u b lersl boassaroik.


caady sUne, roo i w U ^ l K WASTKD.A W tllTK OBOOIe n r td j l r l c r wcwm, U , PKSNeYLVANI.t

AVE. ________ •

Ho iw k w o h k - w a n tk d , a (i k u m a n o i w h> da hoosswnrk In a snisll fcnUly. Apply M

W M SPlM stUsve. O.BBOWN.

H OVHKWOIIK WANTKD, a OIRI. fob OIW- sial bouaawork ; ansll fcmliy j g u st hava tef-


HOtmKWORK-WANTKD, A niK LTO TAMM M teofcblldwa snd do l l ^ l bousssrosk i s l ^

homa. HI aiNUBKBS OT. ' l i t

HmiWtWORK-WAKTKn IN A BMALL feniRy. a iirl ftir ssum l koustwork. Apply to


^ JOlWKWOHK_ WANTKn.AOIHLFOKnKN- eralbousewivrklnfcmUyoltwo, Apply s f l ^

lYclork. ST WAUIUtN F t, SSf

WjtRAXXLlX BA VINOS M lT IT tm o a ,Ml BROAD err.

yOUH M. aWlNNUde FntodMb



WANAnKIUliKawsoBKairoimis, |1. V. DtarairntsaLBa,

IASS AMDl« r «cwit. [

_ monlbswnimMoii. aimly INTRIU^TIOW AI, CMANUE, SM BruaSwsy, Maw York titiy.________

tKNTHALLY-LOCATBD aBIXURIY RTroftK An Jlarrtaoai tu A - h u r splandM obsacair

llu^a^ a ageu, tuck sad d stoMsW. B IR M A N , M Hantsoa avs.

ftOB RALB-OHKAP FOB CAHR. ON AO- coum nf dasih af pnprW Itr, lolhst, p laasr.'

stMter, ststm tasiats. pomps, polltys; ahsfttns ssd ksnsm aiut all aucktnary apporWnliK to s Ihow o u sU y siiu li^ au H liI ttsb c^ C O U M ynaobo> twtac 7 A K tad S p. V. at sob WHlUUtY*n, as N. y. X. K t* a

Otoiacs Lask, H a sa v Lsao, WIU.ISH H. lOlB, Jo iia P. OUMVSkLT., dorui K. O w iav au . CltAOUSt M. assM sii.

iKnWASD I . COSKUO, IIESHSST Bnuoa, KowiM M. D oeaua, )■ Wasb WooDouav, ItoWABO H. Coajia H saiSAa Ls h u a c a

AVK IIAM TO MAUI TO IN VNMT IN H AS '' iilhctiiTtnf biisliH.toi, with ssrvtees. Tltlt croS-


tVrUL betortua, or snytblas whars csplisl Itlo- TcMad, vAoantlns wet swvl. bousas, sdifrNnTHB ('KNTHAirBtmlNBSff KX€irA!J<lB AND BM-

HOtMKWfJHK.-WANTKD, A OOOD, W IU > Inc ftri to aaatit la moasal bsosawatk ; sUip



TTOWAKD &4VIKOR iN B T m m O N .11 TSSBreadsbTbaBoardofMoaoseTssttkelr mattbic held as

the Htb of Ifsy laalT3<rnd(id Inlemst to bs paM to sU dmnsllars voutlad IkenSo under Ibt bylaws at the roistfU iniipornraL par snoiWD oasU depaslw of OH tboomnd doJlsrsor lam, atad at Ib t rata of two par cent, par a a n a i oo tbe part of say dopoalt In esoeaa of use UuniaarKl dnUara.

Paysbie on sad altar y n » tnb.)ie|Kialu insdt <in or boAwt Jb m 1st dnw lotaaast

from tbsldslAUASAonA

H osac* J. Pow ias,AKTOuaY a KsAsaav,Wiu ja x CiAsa,B aa a v N. Paskhiws*,H ssa y U H a w a ^ tU ausL R D ssaia, jA U at H. Ma ia st , l-BnaAS OsicnsBxviAtUM F. UBAHR J ah» A BAHUYka,JsaaiMiAR O'Bouas A



No Ttataoiai.

WANT TO MKKT AN BNKKOPTIC RKAti .aatotemui orpnaaoter; wUl pay soud aonuula,,

tfcm lu rlshtmau. )L €. HAtlAjRit, nx>mtU,Jdtw eola BuUdInt, Naw York. ig/■IBOCKBT BTOHK f o r BALK OH BKUdb, I T tIUs tvs. A ddm t Y., Boa H, Nparaofllnn. SSf

(-OAIUJB n . nomWOOD,AAimt VAono, J a , nouaYUAYBa.BnapuT F. RAiAAPTiaii, F. FbiiuaaaVYaBa, Auonsw KiaKrATaiviL Bnw sso a K BstapY, WItUAH T. CAnTBa, Kuvaa a VahosotuoA, A. F. Wb it u u u ii,


AUNDRV FOR BALK -DOINO A ..Jbuilw at; idebMtt reason Ibt aslUng. WARNKB, Kim sL, ArUastoA

H otlSKWORK-OIRL ORnam or »k>nid peiwia nrtft----------------



DRIVKRB-WANTED, TNRI'af UC»D MK.N to ilrlvt mule* nn •iirinkllng tnn-ke: uo per

work. IMwaan S snd J cveiilos, h, FIWUKR, IIT North Cbiilon at. I

E nro CT.KRK A (OHPKtKNT, INDITR. triune nharmsekit, nco-wwlas buiSimw suallSco. a At’drepiDm'OR.Bo* MNinraiifflei!, ISO

H ootkw obk- wantkd , a o ib l fo b okn-ant brntocwork |


H odhkwork- w a n t id , a onir. fo b oen-am bewaaworbi oowiJblnau w o M ia


n OUHKWOllK-WATtTED, aniall flunlly. ' " ‘ *

-wr A 1.1 Art., OOOD OIRL IN auOHANGk, car. Broad at i f

o f . iim a n d rv h c l k h k Wsntod i iood islar>.. ^BELM lW ^AVK. TIa



H OrHKWORK-WA NTKD, A ftf Rt. FOB OKN tiol bouaawork._«l aDMMEKAV M_______1

H OreiKWOHK - WANTKD, Y'OtlNO OIBL Sir Uctat honaework. lit OBANUB MP, I

I? llsbt work. o r k m a n - w'a n t Kd, tmmbdU t k l y , aX man who la mpMile of u k lOf eh.rga of wah and bllftd toflkny: dkn Iky mu hln own work. Mom* ttmAf for work. Ift. H. kO FFfTT, CftnpUll nL Rftkwfty, Kr Jf. K#

FOR ROY 11 YKARH jUtfntol CITY, Box U. News (rfPok.


lUkbllkhM! IftfVk

WATrnKB AND jk w k i .b y , ^ n t r d w niM ir: kR our work fUknkntMd. FHARK


CO., i A odeuy ftts, uo* door from «ir

f7 KC.-PI*AN0B AHD ORUANH TliHKD, RK- I OiiftInMl, rftktttmir, ton mU»r*d. ^

your ordrn ftt U KOimE M URrrt, toft MftrkM rt. IW

riM B O N A l- ^ _____

A'* * ^ 0 U ^ M A k7h AVIN0 A BYBTKMA’n t ’AL meth(«l nf iilaybuj note, (IiwIim ^ y or aenllc-

man wlUi f m 'T M.**! no ; P » or.(MO par niuntb ; Yeryeemty undjiatnoiL Addiaaa b r one WMk. l l O N m , Bsx E, Nawt omce, I

Good homkAddreat (T T _ _ _ _ _

GBOCKnY CI.KRK-WANTKD, BMABTORO- eery Clark. Apply by letter only, auling tfs

aasorlence. relkrenoM, sad waaai watoud. o m BEATTIE, Broad at. MS

WANTKD,! E-N FIHHT- citia harneaa Slttn; etnady work and nod

wages, to p. (Hit of tow A lottUlraAT.HTEFFENH A % , NO Morris tve. IN


H ard w are (t .k r k w an ted w it hknuwledse of the bnalneat; iieU uai place,

with age slid oxperletHW. PADLOCK,Boi E News oflica, ’ Me

H atm akkrm wantjcd.Iteld, Knei €o., N. I .

W. FIKR, FAlib


re auaur in-

,s3s?;c•teir bf tha

I a d ie b . t b y o d b b h w p a t e n t d o u b l e jilkDni curtlnf onmb ft>r onnlnf bkm*ftM *aort iM* luilri D rte io cfftilft: by mkU 7& ofsittk. Mmiu-

SlSunS X T h y MADAME WHrTERVKLT, U n S m i XdUllahaaaM, SU Watbbiftuo ^

( d l j . __________________________T ADIIR CAN h a v e NVPEBFI.pOim HAIB IJwaoaed boia Aaw aaid ora... Jaebtoa aSamp br etrcular. Address MRH. UiUIE "taUon J, Jersey Ulty Helo t s , N. t . _______T^AIHFM DEBIRINO PRIVATE NI'W INO

ISS WAHIUHOTON ai\(StyjowipdaoimtnaWnam t tabata adopted! doctor Ifl atteodaiMe.Wf

g ra a n o N B b e f o r e t h e h k t b o u ib tOKNEKAL CONFKREMrE.

A s w as to b e expec ted , tb e M e th o d is t E p isc o p a l U e a ttrs l CemfmeDoe is U k io g eostse rva ttve grouBd no q u estio n s Invotv- lu g pFopoeed ohenges lu c h u rc h d iso tp lln e a n d n sag e . I t w u ev iden t b e fo re t h e body m e t t h a t th a pravfdUng s e n tim e n t tn tb e C h ap o h « M opposed to th e in n o v a tlo n e w h ic h h o d found etrong a d ro o s te i In m an y oonfoituioee.

T h o eo m m itleo o n th o s to to o f th e C b a ro b , n b o d y w hich is sa id to b o fk irly ropiR oentaU vo o f th o op in ions s o d ten - d o a e to i o f th o O o m tsI O onferenoa , h sa p tsoaB i sd ta re n p o r t s lu re g a rd to th o p ro p o o ed rem ovRl o f tb e d tocip llne’s {wai- t iv a InhlM U on o fd s n c in g , th e s tre -g o in g a u d l ik e am osem ents. T h e n u t jo r i^ h o ld s t h a t th e re is n o reason fo r m a k in g c h an g e , w h ile only th e m in o r ity o f tb e i t ie m b e ii i t d isposed to th in k t h a t i t s h o u ld be le f t to th e m e m b e rs o f th e C h n n h to d e d d e w h a t a m u se m c n ti a re p ro p e r . U Is lik e ly th a t th e O e n e ra lC o n - fo ren o e w ill leave th e n l e u n o h en g ed an d t h a t I te th o d is te w ho choose to in d u lg e in th o a e fo rm s o f w orld ly d iversion w ill s till d o W u n d e r tb e b en o f tb e C h u rch .

W h ile I t is t ru e tb s te g o o d m an y do th is , a n d t h a t v e ry fow a re ev er d isc ip lin ed for It, I t is t ru e also th a t th e p re sen ce o f th e n i l s k e e p s hu n d red s o f thom im ids w h o h a v e a n b ^ b e d to It from in d u lg in g in p le a a n re t a cs lu a t w hich th e y w o u ld o th e r-

. Wiae a itte r ta ln no peruptea. T h e e e n t lm e n t in fk v o r o f th e ru le is so s tro n g , p ro b a b ly n o t ' because th e im p a rity o f th e c le rg y m en an d Isy con fe renoa d e le ­g a te s th in k th e re is p o d tiv e w lckcd - n s H in c e r ta in o f tb e p ro sc rib e d am n eem en ta b u t because th e y r e g a rd th e m a s lik e ly to d iv e rt chu rch m e m b e rs from (h a re llg to u s life, end to m a k e th e ir th o o g h ta a n d h ab its less d ev o u t. T h e y th in k th e ch u rch m em bers c a n fin d b e tte r •m p lc y m o n l s n d m ore e n d u rin g h ap p i- Mesa th a n a re to b e gained in th e se p leas- i i r e t , a n d consequen tly (h ey w a n t to dis- OQurage auoh form a o f relaxstU on an d a m u esm en t. T h s ban o f t h t d isc ip lin e B s y n o t be th e fa irest a n d m o s t ju d ic io u s dU sooiuagem ent o f such d iv e rs io n , b u t th e • l a r g y n e n k n o w , fro m e x p e r ie n c e an d o b eerv e tlo n , th a t I t U a re m a rk a b ly effoo- t lv o tme.

The propositions to remove the Gme lim it o f pastoral services snd to allow Btsbops to apimlnt ministers for more than fria yqaie have idsoheen voted down, n a Methodist Splaoopel itinerancy hM grown to be a very dlBercnt thing from what It was when planned by the founders o f the Obnroh. Eecleclastical poUtice and clerlcel wirepulling, If the preachers are to be belteved, have grown to be very powwftdt they are very aoUva tn the attmrlagBBd holding o f detlnfole plaoea in ia advantagaa uid the dleedvant^es o f tha tItneiMtiyatoB tta obvious, and need nottMdweAtnponoranumerstod, Oneuf the aignments In Its behalf was tersely pot fbrtitbyDr. BtteUey,of Maw York, who •aidtjwtttpKavantshataiylntba Motho- fUatOlwath. Thttisoartatoly true, Tbe MethodistfflergymaBvrhobegins tostray from tha orthodH fold atay aa wall set hbosfr todklag for new dmomlnatloosl Maattna, hooudittoaofaflUtB whlohso •fltktttitUy discourages heresy may not be frm iaM a to tbs dsvelopment o f an In- 4pdrlagtgnafa>iiid,andinay aven tend

ito t a g p g i aaadoti and at times to ; Id ftM I fr l i i hmwily o f thought and ax- -fftW lta fe M it to ■brent ^

D E A T H S .■BADI.RT.-<)BMAr St, Anna M L <aushtsr of

r v r « « si ffi r*?: .YltMl to sU w l Um Slnorst fn iu ber 4om,Rii.lM€ksin»KSiiUML on Tl r i .d S P . M. iD lrn m t Is lao C'oaMleir Uoljr Bepulokn.

DlNON.-flo M»Y»t, at hta IsU mldotsWjCnriioT JonsF wM Bscona diwU, UairtHS, ^ 1., tboi™ Diiwe. said a: ysors »((lS!tlveo smi MiwJ. of the «w(>W*din BruKta Ne t Bt Pstitek'. A B I^ | JIUTiMO tnutip No. os, FttUmsl Issloii, AM we IIAOLIOB Boon! 01 Edoeouon, ar« wspoiSfiillr io- vltMtoaUoM bMAIBSVSJosFiUtar, M w lLot,^A,M„fmmkUirwAloneelusd s aTM.iB ^ C kureb of Uid Holy (. nxw, wlipr* s Holeina Hlsh M i« of (lUlemwIlIlMoffcwd tor tho reptswof hlteiuL In-icTRipot Is HV J.mAS't Cemotorv, BrUseport, Uenn.

rLOOK..-H(S14DBly, OD May 21, IISI, hriWMw 0 . FliKk.AiodieyokiAwid , uHwibs. BokUvM aud frtriiflo, (U» Ndwark Ibdmor 7:iIea Ne SL IlDoa Inillun Lraxup oDd the AsSNlMluii, Atr IoyUsI In AlleuU tliA ftmFral osnrISM flYttn lili lAt( rwldWMT, No. m MiilhDiry utrwt, on TtimSdAy At 1 P.M. lutYtmriit In FslrnKinnt (VmSisy.

KEItom-Huddenly. on May N, WlIllAm, ewn of Slehuliw And rairAbrth Kd1h» , Agwl IS yaaij. It montlui ADd 11 dAys IUJaUviw uul IWendi of IhA

M I DWIFK-LADIIOI, ADVICK (IIVKN FRRK;onuldMiUal tna lm ra t: * .yD «F Mpotwiwi;

dodor IB EtlABdAa da. Wi aU^EX AVE,Jay aL; koun, l tu IP . M. . » r

pK B U U N A L -I jAdm snd chlldien'i *(»w, trrtora,1 Ikory hAtf, a t Alt kl(«U( pftortd la fruni 1 w S doyA

WtiyoAM(io>oiAA«dkaYAAV«yiliA|» thillA ool, tiKilHtlBS Um AATly fommet llylM. OMIF MtAW kAl. reMNbM a, oM W


MAritlNIKT WANTED, TtBST-OhAM UA- dilnlfttifwoth^r ne*d i ^ y - THIGURaNOE

HACUINB AND MFUr iX)., IS b M ftT tn Otuifft.1


T ADY o r HRnNUaCNT W A irrSD i llIDeJjiUikei*dftbd fttlredwMlIoftteomftWHloftooeyt M*UU)DWhfri> tbe would tw‘r»qulrftd Iftiwobtt* wHb ftsoplfr *r WMlth frod t ftftWto*otn*«l

AurroandiTun buy «p te i tvrtt* *ndmfriM nry. A^piyafUJ# m. F. JS, WICKHAMj Rroftdil. 1


WANTKD, FOR tX)NFlNKMKNT, tuotborl^ womkit, dootof*_iolkmM t» ilM*


■ \ r v w Kmotbofljr to - . ^

NURAE, Box R, NotonMfflcft.

P S m F 'w s a r . '’ 'o6a i iw iiL , iw NSUtaTa


1 -WANTED, OOOD PIBT* FBESftHB oDola JL a tw U h , WUIIAB sad

........ rx pf .h ik n c k d o a l e b -. .. -'anwn uianlud torBalunlAy niftit In |M d a M l ri1d |y At XU HARIuSON AVE. fitairioonjBa l e b w o m e n .-



WANTKD-LADIKH AND OIBINTO DOOUB near (vork tor ui At knioAi |l m gl per wool:

tH(Uy modr; no potnllnl: ordonvAArtw ; wnd m IA Addreinsd <uT(dope. la'HO MANUFACTVBINO COMPANY. A LUiotty AqoArv. Boasc. Msaa. '

AIAklK-OOMPLEne AND El.BOANT: LIT. U rm ew yikw runitM lo sau ; karanln. E H ,

HMITU, DWrlD* Court,.____________________ItoAIDON FOB BALE SIS ACADESrV^ W , hnln, Mfrcr'a bAt ikup; dolnff * big haffniiA,

Apply on the pi»m1.AA__________ Mr

I HAVB FIFTEEN THOrdAND DOLLAR* TO InvfMlaboiidAAednwitsiiSA oa food w n rily !

ftMBROADOTH. OMw BuUdtflf. iOft Newfttk, N. I.

Mo n e y TO l o a n on H oim im oLD W W L, . . --- ifrcno\ , -----------

.Y.n'ssx2 s “‘ t is srF^-^-dBrw-jsaE

tors, plAn9 Dimnt aM paiaubaI piupAity Artlli- ------- . ------(JJ ' •poof.Bly dOAlt wilt.InuafnsntA

pMtlOQi rfttn*^ cftbinftke■iricti'loom 1. T3I BriMd It

dflftli itolui, oni fell buiii



7« Broftd, tu

Kic r o u x o r t h k u o n iu t io n o r t h kkex t’Duniy Nftlk>nal Btmk ftt NowaiY. Iq umt

of New Jenty, ftt Um clgai o t builmw iTth daor• f Mftjr. IM,

BK fOVnCIEH.Lnaniftrid dIftOOQiiti... .............0 \‘«rdirftftA McumlftiKl lUMarum.V. K Buodfl 10 MOiiM drcnlftiiou...... .8lfK-kft, iftCTirltlftoi, e lft....... .......... .........Due lhH» ftpitTov«4l n#orvtfDuo rhtuioUtir Nfttlonwl .......Duv fromtitftte Banki lutd bftnkrm......BftnklnrbottM, AirftUun> ftbd flftiuni..Curr rpKpenMW ftWl IftifM pAkl-

nd o“ -


....... A<74 4ft60,000 00 LOU 00

rfl.441 “ 14A736 4T.T«1 46 UsOOft 00&,aft}nft

t i m t l I I W w


rittorkji ind other cHib Ilf n>«.Kxf'banceit fo rL 'l^ ln f ..... .Bllliorotherhftnk^u... .......................FtbcUoiulI currviH'y, uk*keli fttia

Mnti............ ...................................- 1(1WSpecie.......... ............'A.......... ........ ^IsMAl tabder itotw ......... ......... .......a l3T,gUBMemptlon hind wHb V, S. TrrMorer

(IjMrcettUofcIrculfttton-........... »

Toifti................................. ............. f i i i ju tl ia b il it ik s .

Cjipltftl Btork pftld In.......... ..... «....... .fiftrpJuit fund.............. .............................. »»,«»rT ltolded ptoatft.1N^otiftl Bft»k noteti uQtMftndtfif JMvfdendi dhpaM

WANTBD. ACTiVK MAN WITH 1100 MO oftkb In ft ftioU JMifttneu, . Hoorn lOSB________, ___________


-IXyH HAVE SEVERAL INGtHBIIM FOB W rirlA (Tlih rood rDlMEbotA tor iabaiaI boDir.

(vort. Add Aim tor food UtrmAn sMs: Hch am hop io ^ a d (Ylth toodtomua by ---------------UKNTBAI. BWlNIOiS EXCl

ISl.SH «,(»■(

^nvtoDDai uniwo........ ...........— .... .. VpfiYHdlvMnAl dopoMlA AUtdAta

tu ebuck................. - .... (L0SBA1I ITC tnU td ckMka..... .............. S>All M(w ™ . ------------tlDATSDuo to otlMr HaIIodaI llAnki....... ....... lUAWHim to MtAiA BAbkA And boakDrA....... Knb

M arried douple ro a place in th eFuuatry.

f l o t h e n t aokncy , t j



W OMAN-WANTKD, t»M PETKNT WOMAN, to ouok, wA'b Aud Iron. Apply At IN ICY.

PLEa BANT AVE, butAvta Fourth And ThM




P aintkrb an d PAPKR-HANOEBS WANT- Hl ; none but SfHt-cUw wnrknum and Apply. J. P. BENBRUOK, Houlh OlAl«A. N. J. UO

kuoifirdzi o S e - „ . - , - , , .Addmolb o«D bAiHlwrlilnf,Aiailnc•nd taMiy oxpocud, Box C, Nmn oltoa

Faintkrh - piw u tio a l pain tkh " w a n t -td. (Ml At No. S Fifth ATI., W. aiUUR'B wuU

poprr And Ciade HtoM S8AU H otohmokkctoar holder piwDucmiJ r pholoA In two diinutAA ■ aik Alts dBAlor tor II, or •rilJsh'. mmpiD i nUMlMDwID Slid tM i a dm - vbuiA ihle U » tor daitr Atom : mill At Abtbt.•AT J l^ R H DAY, Now JUrkrt, S , J .

e m f l o y m u x t w a n t e d .

.^^toUAA driver, or 1a wlUIng to tikn inythlnt lu mike An taouMt llvlas M i (mn ipeati And write Uermen uid KiuUnh. AMrea ur omit on E KOJIAUE « l SpnosSeld Ave. _____________ 1

tunlly And the membem of the Rt, AIoiMija Ho^ty AIT iTBoecttolly tuTltrd to attend the nineml Iron, the tw d iw e at tale parente, No. SB Oxford «i*el, onthe teild iw e------ -------- , . . ,ThuBidAy, Miy aSjAi 7 M. , to n t AloyiiuiN Cbnieli. wberA ■ H lfh Mam df ftenolem wlU t» oM(«dibrUtorepeeoDf nhwHO, Intsriueat In th*


_______ ip feo f w s™ l :OuwlMr of Ihi Holy SepuUtoi*.


VPsAklnfteo it. bit. fimrkAl ond Bisk.


. HMITU, WHO ABOUT _itouryraiAi«owM et oomet CheMout uid MuL

berry, will w S her MUnw to Ui* nndeixlsnod It miy prove tu her Advontosa „ - _Me HARRY, Box L Kewi uIBoa.

v iT gV A T jm :irw lIfil»y at. piMr w u tower. Tift

l>>LItH ffR WAWTICD TOH GOLD WATCH 1 nMftto who n m M tin itTilata Hriib-fdftMtnoftfr fafDi ft

mftA owd apply. AdditM fOLliftliKN.Boi IS Nftwaofflor. ?lfCJAPDLK l.ArBH8 AND HAKNKHA KITTKB8 nwftiitad. UftodneQeiifttaftVftMkftdyi^aauloymMl WftliplymC to X. P. BIACK A iUNy »4

2ALTNMAN - ru B K iT iriw

eftfpftU) n^fttf | 1A It

WANTKD,Lmd rtolftito Ld STBlLNbl!mU,2M MftTkr

... . .. .......... ...Mloftmafie muM uad^iwi^l^


UXIEb-Oo Toeediy, Moy St, » ! , F. Jpeeph Lutel,biSoT*deDaof JoaephAnd Cbrlidlu lc|el. Aged twenty-three yeatotwo mentbA ^ Iwvnty. tour dmyA »*1aUtm end frlMidx, Awe i t leo H deiy of ft. Miry's Kburfh ind the Y units Men e DTphin AM Bodeiy of Bt Fetor'i rhurch. ore molt nepertmtly loYlUd to Attend the fUnenl ftom nii pwenii' realduKe. No. UA Bencrn etreel, on Frldor, E y r , tm , At S3 0 A. M, to si. l■oteFMallrci, where A UMli Maas of Itequleai wilt bo olhred ftil tberepoeeof hU iouL Intennont In Oooeteryof thg Holy Setolrbre.

MAIi)SE-At Mootobdr, N,.J^on MyN,l>t^ Kylveitor. only aoa or Peitr and JSen Maloai, sgsd I yniY a ninauti. Ftmond AervliwS wIR toM puee froqi the Cherfb of ImniiwolAlACotuMlkHkMi^ rinlr, M. J., on ’nmiwtay. May K M ■ o'elork E H. Inlerment Mautdolr CAlhidlc Cemetery.

MILIE-On Wedneodoy, May tt Mibel TownAnud,«ltoarOen,fAUMIlh lad tornghterof Merlu LouMi ond the h.te Himuti II. Towiieeod, of OtiTnpiilBL 1- 1. KoUc* of ftinerxl boroiAet

OWKSH.-On May N, Jooppb Owrrai, Aged U ytwm, eon of the lile JoeepU ^ Miry Oweiit ItolAtlvm end frlondx of the Ikatlly ArelbYliodto Atleiid tbe funonU ftom nii lile reetdena No. U Jak«miuwit,imThuridAy. MayM.At2o'ilook P.M., to Ht JoaiM'i Choreti. Interment la the Ceuelery of the Holy Hepnlchre.

BOBIN»ON,-On MOF IS, NiiXAref »*'"»'>“■ A ^ IS yMnt Itolatlvee and fHo»d» it* kindly In­vited to AMDOd too ftiaer*] toom bet tote reeidem*, No. IH Polk etreel, on TnniAday, Miy 21, At liM A. M-. to Ht. JunedA Churcb, where •ervloee will be held. Intenaent In the OeraeiAnr of the Roly Sepulrtire. Mam ter the repoee or lkB (WlofMAI-

Ket ItobtOAon will be held a l 7 E M. ThoralAy, y M, At m, Jaum 'a CburcE

IlOHE-On TuMdAy, Miy If, me, st 1l P. M„sRer A lliifBrini lllpm , AITAh 0.. beloEd buMMnd of Mbinle IKMe, nee HhltnL end eldeit'Obn of D uM II. end Clirrli. M. Bnea AfKl torty-thiee ymb. I'lsbi moulhi end on* diy. BelMlTeA And MeiuU BIT rrepoeiftiUy Invited to Attend hl» ninenLftom bis iBle TMldeiioe. M Kl mAtreet, on BuiidAy, Miy TV, At 2 P. H. Iniorment la FAlriuunnl Oenuterr.

j ^ D O n o l I SA L E -




M. I. O'OOKHOE • • • AnrUoneef,

At •ohonxsB, lU MARKET ST., tu-morruw (Than day) momlng, At II o'clock,

Doc ytTt ffne MTcn u d on«-lhlid cctAYe UprightIdwto, llBiUelAtoJtoUACsawod “ *Ptono voryb inbo isiF udor or SchoulOnpui, Pap HH Su\ti, sad secomHiAOd, in ricll coyaiW a t

AnfMk ( ^ n b e r Hnllii, wM. and U mlrroo hock Sldehoudii. extcaiilon, M, T. end ^ e r 'T«W^ ]|«RAUuidA,(W>lneM, F. P. Pier AM Minto^ MIp roid, Fotdtng Bods. W tu D o ^ »Mkl,lUdftcAdA, WuebetAOda, OonchM, Ixungr^ Chilrt ■Bd RookAi* of kUklMAiAtaoul eoYAaty-aro cap Sp.,lnS fiV uid SkiudSand, In Wilton, Moqnctlc, Velvet, Bniseeli uid Intrun, OUclolh. linulcuu. SmvriH. llugA, lao* Curtains Portlcreo, BlMikeW, U iir and other MAttream, Sprtnn, HcfrigcntoraA vAtlily of wraHton tondlore, u id otlwf goodA.

K. B—Slang* on Ih* pcemliiM. Next Hie Tnw diy. ‘

Sa l e s m a n w a n t e d , AohUAiNTED w i t h Ui* mtatl gToearr In d e Co d ty tad rlrtklty. Ad- dr*M CRACKERS, Box E Newi offto*.


TTTdJfTED-FOB THE W Artoy, lUpkndlcd, no _ ^the Agee of D end SO ysin, food piy, raiiooi, ototto

. ___ UNITED STATERAUpkndted, UDiOAnlid niAb, b*tw*An

__ Ipiy, ralioDi, olottolas end uMiicBl AtUDduM*. AppUcAnM must b* onpAivd to ftimWi HtMhotpry «tU*oua i i to Afs, chAiACUr end hxbtte. Apply i t

re MARSET HT.. Newirk. K. L

W ANTKD-UVE K 7OT OF (EXID ADDRESS to cAnTAW pilvAte komee ; nnietbtng •oltrcly

new, ADd big money to w otkeri; aRenwou ooly.7* B L ia » * O R iE E ,n s S e w J e iie y R rk iiT i

W AKTED-TWO YOUNft MEN, ONE YODNO lAdy to leom tetegrepUy, d*y or evenlog, tor

poclUoiuan mlliOAd wbes nidy, FArttcntaniad fas BROAD STm top door.

___ __ _______ ____ RATUBDATn l^ l kelp tn tbe iboe eton of E HKVMAN,



j j a t h * w a y h o u s e ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ „ ^ ,ABtaUlA* Ikiolly hotel, liCAUtlfUl g iv in g good

bitniM , f tn b v« iai«Uh , mUk, eto. For lototas-Uon, olc., J J I HATHfrffAY, Prop.

Se, JeremUh J. SbM, Aged IS Id frlende. *1*0 membeni of Ht.

C, E L., end SL Jiinw'i ■ ■■ inTltodtosttmdtlit

No. ITS ta lh ^ MniiHill Na M, C. E L A Society ir* klitdly In on hbi Uu rwUlence,

BIIEA.-On May yeini. BelaUv** uad Junise'e ConiHiir IIolyNuntaS toncnl fromUteet, on Frlfl*y, Miy xi.Ai " f r i ' i *“ rnuivh where . High Mam of Itegulem will be of- tored tor Uie lepone of bln euuL IntoroMul In Uio Uomuiory a t the Holy SepiUrhre.

Humi.-On TuMdny, M*y N, tHH, Nel** D. Smith, In ihf Wth year of lil* iga Th* will be taken, via I)., I,, nnil W. E E, on FHdky luonilngAt T:IA to Haekeiutowd, tor fuuoiwl MP vlee* And IMerinool.

StlTTON--At Hie noMonce of hki pontdA. No. M..*nd E E R. sveuno. Oeorg* L,, yonogeM Aon of HAniiiel 1', end Mery HuUon, Aged Tywre. Fniiotoi prIvAtuon 'I huiAdAy, May Si, AtS A. M,

XTOTICE-THE MEMBERS OF BRANCH NO. jN 1, SL PAlrlnk'e AlllWBA of Aniertch » « rv- aueiitHi to uleiHl ibo ftmeml of PkAt DIotrM rml- liMiL Bn>ibi'r Thomita IJIuon, on FrldAy, Miy 21, u 7® A. M., fn«B bli Iota rwddeuci', cot. Jnriey wd SecoiKl •tn*u, lUrriiotL By order of BrAOcli.



Death €lalmo Paid In Newark To-day by Hotrofiolltaa U fa la i, Oo.

Prem. AmtFrenk KeinirT, EH PMoolc »YO...... ..... W hW «0Juhii Elliot M Eut Day E ........ . UALLAN L. BASSKTI'rHupl..



t»r. Morketond HAkoyBla

W H J tl iE U M k B T E

J^ A K E HOPATOOKCt.TUB e Woodport HonM” at the npper end of the

Ijike. Thin I* the ftIMOt lorated hOMAA on tjw e . TltabondlagA Ai» new And lundiminFly fumIdiH in hAtil wood thtonghnuL The gnmndA ire epAeloita g(««t drives end AhuudAnoe of nhidy w«lka roniatanlWH* nod Airy, and eon bi oonnectidU deetml.

For divulati snd terau sddreMTHOMAS imtOHT,

WoodpoO, Morris Co., N. I,

OOOD JOINEBB ON IN (NEILL MF3 . OO., Emcx at*., OrAng*.


It* VOUNO, It Dink iL


■VOUNO MAN WANTKD.IB TUtS YRABS OLD, I st bAt* and gonuf tomldilng loodei one with

experieno* f ^ eegd. RPINaAttNi 2Se Mukit

■SILF W A N T K D --rBM A Lm .


C fy lllM ftr f t. _____ _ _ _ _ _

BW BXARDUdBYWKRT WIiiHTKD,/mN. fbjr Um rmpUoii offuealfte Write fbr

NNow m w •br u » I

df*i»i|»dvft p e m p t^


10 mlnnte* fttna nation i koAutltolly located i Bn* •h*d*l nS tflto tlspA M m k. AddnHmb IT ple a sa n t dVF., MdUtelAlr N.'J.


a Head**.rpropMAlA

____ u'clnck Doont wblcb tint* th*y will be op«nid

A ppbisnticf. - w a n te d , one o krm anApprentto* tor dreMm^ing. h IlAlilKY. I

" PPHBNTICK WAMTsil AT ABOrOLftftd MS OftU ftt» irru a v b .

ftflZlftODftU._ HAATBIW ON

H. & FVfcJL, WUliftiD ftftd Bklpitum m t


for BtinmKR'BCBLDT, tn Houlh Oiange AveJ

IL A SPK R E -W .'A N T K p,. . rlAiper*tA R U ia

EXPERIENCED rlAipet* tor covtrliar eoteet c1aap« i ttaedy work.

E WRLOKT, B lloyi iL, rant. N*

CIOOK - WANTED, A OOOD COOK AND 'lAuadreH tot a prlvAta toinlly; retorence* n-

b'.'lfg’i.Fegj.yfffn**? A,««np*tent woomd. CaUi t io in u x iH F ) AVE

D RBMMAKKR-WANTKD. APPBENnCKB tor drwKmAklng : paid wbUe teaming; Atao tm-rent toSTATRST. 1proTerft.

s T E r s a j s S i s s w w ' ' . ^proimrtiftn amp ftnd rftudk«<«s coiut Itute a coai{Wto

any obUgsUGn In ixetM of Ih* APPmidtalton gmntedbyflongraHtorthat pifrpoM. Ikefiovemmenl io.ierv(afo«rtobt to ntoetanyorAUwop^Ie. Pro-poMle flir ooniptel* rshon to h* tomWird el a oblortloonbl* tor morolta wtU not bo eonxlderoE Full inhinitaaonwIBbitomWtod on ApplhwUonto

)HPRHHAKlNa - EXl'KRIKNUKD huidi end

................ ........ WAIST■ppRjdleee wanted.


D rkhrmaker Wants u ip b o v u # A n dAppraotle* ] oilt At oniA


I by iDAnlilnc At THK x e n iS o K iN D KM-

TOUNO lukDY w an te d AB ASSISTANT iK^-kusir! muB undeWAnd diwhl* entry,

- ---------"Ing reauliMaIIMllttCAtlonA

■ ^

'stenogrApby end typewriting miuliM IwrlU^^etaUlVI^ ygRRM ^M

„ _________ WOMAN OF___buthwkihMAnoAmon In trohilng ud _upofchlldnai wtolng to go to tbeoDoatiy. ^■ J.F., SSWIhAY*. ’ *•A n EDUCAHED,

b ■UBRIOANdbriugllM

A MTUDI.EAQED AMERICAN WOMAN wABte AltUAtlon to do pluln *ewlng nod mending,

or AA boueekeeper in rstaU totally. AddreH E L., Box R, Nawa ulBoe. _____________ j

A MKBICiANOIRL, IS, WIHBEH A POHITION IS noiee girt i eoootry preftired. AddrtM D

a , Bex E N*wa oMo). TTf

Ba r k e e p e r by FiRHTLLAaa s in o l eiofto,, wlUi rftfBTfiiiCft. BAB» BiftX 1!


Ch am b er m a id -YODNO o ib l w ir h e s a ilUtaitoa AS chambAnitaM or wiRraB toAfii*"

YAle tomlly. OiU between Id end t, gl CHHI^ TOFBER RT., Beer SeuilAnd, Onoge ViUsy. OsU WedaeAdiy end TboisdAy._________________

- YOUNO MAN (COLOBEWI AtuftUoD M ooftchntftB ; 6 fm tw7 (0 bo uaoAiL A d d m w oft*Co a c h m a n -

■fed S4, wlfthoAfofrrenoffl; wilHiig w w .— .mu week W. BINOKAM, Ig!EAetotM.,ElliAbelh.M. J1

B o u r n w o r k - y o u n o g ir l w A ir n s r i f .. nation i t xAiiAml bniHwnrk la RoMvllli. ACADEMY ST, oily, Mound Boor.________

Totol...................................................-..HOB,883 esState of New Jerwy, Oeiiiity of E w i , h i

I, T. W. ClookB, rsAhler of the ebovewtamed hank, da AOlemaly iwear tb it Ike above lUteaiAiit k tm* Ift ^ beat of my fcnowlfrclM and baltfof." r T.W.CHOUK«,Cftrt»!«e

Bubftrribftd ftBd ivom to m ttala Mth day erJOE WARD, JE ,

Notary PobtlaOoaeeS-AtlAill __


I F KPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE OKE i t t n u Notional BanEot Newark. In the Htato of Sow jMOAy, At Ik* ctoee of h^oA* May H, list 1

RESOUBCmLoons u d dkonoolA.....................— .......0*AedriBA,Aoeiit*dud MiMcorod..........U.S.boodAtoiwoomcttontatloo..... .. t WDoe ftnm approvAd tAAArve igenU.,,,..,,- - NstloaM BAotn...... ........ 13,112

US«v,(nlia r


11 MS

iliM tosm olbar NsL------Doe Amn Rtata RiakA u d tatukAto.Benklag-boiii*, fhrslniT* sad SxUirA*-...O o n u t AipeoiM end tUA* poHL..... .....PnmtnAM on U. E boods........ ............. y.CbAnkSAndolbAtoialh IWroa--------------ExcUBges toeClAArlMHtanM.....BIUa ofotber bukH— ........—...........FnuTttoDAl paper enrreney, nickole u d

cuta......—................ .....A...— ....... ._________ _______ N*.*S l » |

BtlTer......... .......................... IW O ofL rn l tender note*......... ..........................RedmptloH toad wlBi U, E T reu u re t

(3 perceoLofcIreulatlonj............... .. 2,Nd

..... fckpital Meek paid in...... - ......—.............. (SN.'WHuniku Amilda-.ieM..... ................ A...... ..K ftSn^Bft^notfrft ftuWftDdIflf.........IMvWprul* unpaid..... . ......................... toftIjmUtWw*! dftp^ta

to ftbftok........................ *.... ,fL^J4S mBBmftod cftrUacfttW of d§- ^

OerUBed Htecke..... ................ > S ^ StOMbtoPiobeekieinstaBdliig. SA** UP ^

Do* to ether National Bniiks------------ - SS.SSS SI


F VOE WltHT TO BUY OR BKLLBTOCKE bondA biiAlncM ptoceii, etoreo, iRArkrta, patong






STcicic FOR SALE-NEWABK IKVKNTIONi w u u d gTerywbAie I oumpauy orxulxedj gel n be « ground Boor. ■■ IL N. IlOUtIHEirrT.Rooai. , Pradenilol Building. df

TOCK FOR SALE-NEWABK INVENflONl iwftfttftd ftYcrywbftrt; ixNapftiiy ociftnUiftd j in

on th«*no*,!____________________ _t v y a k t r u t S b u y f o r CAHH a s u t c h e rYV Afain. doing good boAlneeg Inquire THKrEN-



ftve.U A H KdRAAL}'; A FJSK BAtCK BAB; MO . Jr«ftiioiiftbl« oflibr rfAift«ct.7tr LBWIR BB06.y t l FftrryaL

TIJCYCLJW-FOR BAIaKp BICYCIaKH; 1M* Jps<rkftl pneumatic aaniy, Mw i no bfUcr wh««l

mft^ i prfoe f iU ; fftlly ruamntivd ; aim WarwloB- lion tiir laftty, aJmenl ; prlea ftftft.

WM KIMUKttMAN, m firWft *L

Bi r r n x F w a b w ic k “ r a f k t y .tirf, iptHl aa

BBlH 'itiRKri

riTkFTTOIf iHiaRneir;ftl(UtteayifTmfttf<lMlrad. tft

T>If^CIpK - FOR HALK* OIAJtT SAFKTYJI iftulld U if; naad H t monitift ft4ft.on,

i l l HIGH 8T.

BICYCIaK-FOR w a l k b a f s t y . _ QurMlItlon. 14ft i f f S AVE., near Jacob at.


CARPIPIHAWD FU R N ITU R K -FO R 8ALB, lotorUnniiiflaaMl moquaUf mri>rta, iwrgaliui

ftrlor Milt, BB i wftrdn'bc, f7 ; oak. btHlrunm14; halHand, ■ : cortk atovf, Ma T. ftft ; push cart. 7. » WILLIAM trr. 1

C1AHH AKUlHTbUi tTlR 8 ALK CHEAP* IN* '^ I r a 157 MABKMr m \, 34 Uoor.___________ %

KIT5( «I L HTOVK, WITH «T AND, NUIWKRY rrfi^rfttor, itifft Iron ortna to# baklnf itn

and pltnicsfraptrolataft : aJuo l«t of Iron >►nauited And piilu, alt slaca; no reftaoaabl* <itMr rft< lUftd. 44 00NUH1WAMT._________________ lift

a'^JNK RAllV UAKRiACtR FOR HALE AlVi I drcM CABHl A il^ Btfi O* Newa oflftco. Hi

FCR «AL* CHKAP->4iCVKRAL HVKDRID 1b«(of aiont* fUtftfttif i (’on be mmi corner w u l^

iOKton and Balilaiu atft Apply J . EL HUAJ'ER, ^ Court It.

For HALKCIIICAP—NO.TllOOKlNO BTOVB, itmall «umm« raiweftod mbaciulloftftii(wa,fttl1|*

119 WB8T 8T.g Ihini lw*r. ______ , 7M


JiAINTINItFORH.gLK BY TH E OLD AllTIHT RenibrondL of FlemWi irtiool, Cbll room 4,414


P tAN O-FIN E BOHirWOOD HQUARK PIAN EIn BnUclAH order; ntitkem, Ftrtn, Hail A Poodi

A v k f ^ trod* uiythlng Iw vaPoo.

R A iJi-A FIRNTUll.ASPiP HME Hto i will be Mild (’heap. L. H, IN-

- ............... - - ■ »wgAFE^FOR^DDwflSuAL‘F??S Oil,’ SrS and *«0 Broad r lCTOVE-FOR HALK-NT), T COOK HTOVK IN OflmluilaBi uundlttoa. No. SI4 pfOcrril ,1H ST..IS.1 Boor.NTAOHT-SO-FnOT HIOOP YACHT FOR KALI L rheop, Apply P. BO WEBS. Oentn SL BiMoa,

Newark. H*


-TPtfMlSlT^ElRoSHN T H E CITY; M___ ibuye nudw ine and nirlPeU 7-yearwild, eenAd,obunky Ouindlu mol*; *.Tgt pMoeiit owner ,iW one year eg*: SbR traw ller; toarhH of all ob- I M ; Atandi without lyina; onMahta flir bpMweA, work, tomtlng or driving ourpoM: woriaoird loued uid kind iw w k’A DhO. CallmtAhm iI 211 m Ul b k r b y s t .


RUSISIER WAGONR, UARNERS And Atable otenitlA of oU km di a t vary low priCH At our waremoms,

21, E » ood 27 DUVIBION BT., opposite Morris soil Epwex E E Station.


AIJUtRT L. TTPUS-U................... .... '

_ QERMAN-AMEBICAN NURBS„ would UitA illUAtlons to kind to chU dw of rghiencg. Addiaa NUBSJL Rax 1* N ow Offlee. _____________________ iN u b s b - a


XTURSK-YOUNO FRICKCH GIRL W A inB JN totuAttoni*nuieogoddoihiIilig*ridg. AddiOTL. B-, 20 Mulberry *L ____________

SKAMNTREee WORK W A N ^ B Y PA 'F OB week, dr onelst teSHnnker. Addrgeea RTEXLm

gldUroed lA


___ _ - A TOUNOT j^ A im tD - A BrrUATJpN BY

n r ASHING-WOMAN WANTS A PBTVATE W tondly'e wselilng k ^ Ironing St h u a t, Nn. 4W BCuTLAND BT., UPMga I

y ouNO PLUMBER Wants wobe, fouruidAhAlfyeMi'eipertenoBi m ^ t s t * wigJA

AddreM E M., OonvAOtataWia, N. L_________ ‘• I

Nsweomca_______ ‘

LOST AND FOUND.T ORT OB m U H 7 -A ,r8 d M IW B Y NOTlliwa to BarUMta * t o , o M f »«*.aL, N. Y„

rllilAItg ritam lo P. W, CIlOBS. AttoWto, U’,«.^L’ « to itam BulhUag, e o n w M u k g t slid W sihlagtos


LOOT-THIB MOBBING, ON CAR NO. I OF the Rapid Troiult or on naw aL,* b M

book oontAintiM muiiAr Add ecbool ttekets um tbiv* “ “iiPdit ‘ ' -----

Thtal..... ...... ...........................|L«IMIi ISStstaofNewlAwy.aonotyeflMAXiH:

I, A. W. cooklto, OHhler of the obemaamed bank, do JolemnD eweor that lbs above oM wieat Is true to tito b -l< ?m y k n e w t o ^ W^let

RobiorllHd and ggronp tg twtor* tag tUgMov 1402.

CKAS. A. FEICK, Nelsry Pobilo of N*w J*ngy.

Correct—Atteet tKDWtN M. DOUGLAS. ) o m E s w a in , tW ru tervM. BTBAUH, )

WHOLKSALK AND RE u a d « W In Bnuelaia home*. A targe Mock ut

buiinewi, dtooght and work home* alwaini on bond, ■ Sole StMUiliCNua 31310 334 CENTRAL AVE,uiiy. All Mock la repmointfd or ouih tofUnd*d.^ a b g a in i


Dlvlttan At,sA|ge4B ttiD .,L . sod W. E E Depot- , -

BuggMt Fhogloai, Honeya, Rookawayi, BtonN hgon, oeiKtoea by good a u d u r t AU Is perlM order. Lowprwee.______ ____________ SU-tlABOAIBa IN NEW a n d s k c u n d h a n d

s r a 0 «*iM*eleelrioi»rt POM door. ________ ^

B e p o b t o f t b e cxpnditioh o f t h eNorth Went Natloaoi Book, at Newark, In thg

m nu of N«w Jolegy, a t tbg chae p f builMM May 17,

rTA BR140W FOR BFRINO TRADB-UHAE l_.'ORUliE, 2W Marital i t Fknu wggoiw, b i^ newi wggaM. earpeoMf and nlumben' wigoiu; a tu earrligeaof nil kbidi (ipeotoltyl. Wsgooi S» w purpoH built to order. _____ _____ MS

l « «A lls?


b e s o u r c e r . unii««gd......

V. H. bondi to aaeuri ctm tatlaa.....Due from *wirov*dioA*rT«*g*iitt. „

fmin o lf ir Nolloiial B u k a ............. TRJJJ *Sue f t w State B u k i and k u k w ........ IASS «Banking-houee, ftiniliure uid A ltana.... 44AU N Other rSMeetete and morigogM owned...OunMt expeNM u d u x e i poM............. S.JW MChecke end other coeh Remo.:............. .. I tli* ISH iOfHtor Cleaitng hoiieb.,.......... iLNim

fS e rh o iilia ......... ......................- IIAISSS

onol paper uutrency, nkkelg andoentt....... ...................— ................... ... 5

RpeebP-....... — ...........................- - .....""Wm| i 'W7 to£a*m ptkui tend with U.BTteaeorerCF

perefiitj^D lfinlatm j........................ XAKIto

JOWIER AT A U en O N -Erery TUESDAY and FRIDAY IhnMhmil the

year at I«M A M , a t GREAT KASTKRM , STABLE m BROAD f l ' .

Ttarae to A n eorhisdi of Wegtog* K.iriei at each ■ieiolAOklol ofMogodhand IlniiaADitabletorail putpiM . HofiM Bpd ConrtggM received noiaoU point, to bf-Aold oa onm ikston a t auction oral rivAtaAglAi (toorpH t t PAT hiod udN Pegnlipif

^ ^ KOBKBOUB * QUINBY,iitniniiiiiii ta John w . MonU.

TelephOM 4H. Ml

Horre- a o r r a tboy I-yiaiHlId AolU

p iw u t owuAr KB eight month MllAble tor leinMi, Irueittag, man or u y kind ofhgavy work ;

TotiL,............. ................................. .(lAIMlI 71' lliAfrlLlTlKR. : ____

’Si!.T CRT OR STOLES-BBOWNJ jM tM f ------------------------ntPfriHdcontodend gtoliy 1Fowfihdt, asnilAoa.

bpiewontod by taavlhg Up*

NBWPOUBEdog; sniwgri to Bruno i If not let hpogi or

ed gmlty M theE F. t t TODD, S1S ^

-f OBT-ON ffATtoBDAY L ^ i - 2 * J jb w .b d tw g g h Oliver^saS I M E l w r i j - j S pair of gold CDatoPStt . A " ’™ ''!* '’' • • n to m o f uig tU H to PHILIP H. LONG, IdOUVgr

Lowt- m o n d a ti a s m a l l s o c n u i t ttbs;riei bitah ; finder wUI bg Uhemlly rw oidad to

returning to ^LARTfUMOBOCEBY SroBE , A bert *ve. end PktberiL____________________SS*

.4 SNAMtoigpiAmto tiAss.nilAtoto^ i o t o

golybb goeiant of aillto «>t of bahnN e; thta R • --------- -------- ing a heevy boifiL

L OST-A BROWN BPANIEL miP, SEVEN weeksoM. A llbMmI towgtd wtH be paid by ne

toralng him to 284 MAREET BT. « IT (StT-ON MAY E A PAIR OF OOLD RPMO- JLftudea luBtoHItnofu Brood f t HnllgbUiw word If mumed to 41 ORBEH NT. • >

capital ttock paid In.Uiiilvtded proBta,............. ...............HAtloiiAl Bank Hotra natataodlug....DIvUeodA unpaid-----................

f ™ . ^ I M 7,t4* SS Dmw&certlftoiim'rf ,!'S1J2OerdAod ehoeka.................. WSJ JSOMhIgrte dwiaa outttaiidlitt ’ *(*(8 ** gnAttttDoatoetbarNattonSlBahkA....... - .... MSAHS*

Tout............. .— ..................... (lASSffSITSBtataotNew Jaiaay.isdbtr*^?'**'**^. I, J. W. Lughsori COolw of tnp obovenanHid buk,d(i*olemiOy«gat UiAt tt* AhOT* rtgJdo»at

mibt^bftftftftdivofnto bifbnmttlklaMftday or‘ OHAJtE BALDWIN,

Notary Pohllo of Now Juioy. OSfIgrt-AtttM ■

ImmetortCHAR. I. ORAUAM.i

P rkssm akbe- a n expkbiknced s k ir tbond I M.0 toWrantlc.

ftffloo. RiivclOfiia I____ ihlftidwiUft bft






sot broad ________ TE1.EFHONF.S

E . “-nProelli

llWimBTAKElW.B o X u s i i O N .

n u rk a l “ ITodokaIa tor eoolira nptlona" end ut-


dnioMi to E Hondo a 34p4.1 BALED TBQPOSALR WILL BE RECEIVED hun 'AiwtaR May 21, Itot at 11 o'(*wk (noon), at tho stalenouaTi TroiiioiL N. J, ter -ijeaUug and furriRUPng roduton

An VflDtUatlftti itciuo baatlug aud ftimWiln* rfrdlftU>w ftw ^ JBMiftlo ciuuBtor ptowidtog to p l w u d inBS^lM jAoii HiA with th i puptriutaadoal of I to aUtahauH,T.«toa .N .L LEON ABBPriT.

Oovenor.Trentoo, N. L, May IS, Ufk


liMiUnal Undertaken I Eoibolmlui * Spertally. Arc prriwnd to temkib ct the unortntt aoUot every u^dcle opportolnlng to iholr hottoeM as lioPoiaia

idertokWA, W ia trry ln b to ltea eorapM* UiHufumCMkete In DAW dtolgna Our prieua ate low. (lor ■Pm xxpd upouo tl, to tower tlie ooAl and expene# oi teiicroU. Owolng ItoanH and eeaulua, «e uiaai ipeclxl rAU« oe to lime ud distanoe. (hlla •elteiied. (M(e uid F uuAml torlota, No. 12 Bridge il.i Mutn. teotoryudMuntu*, NghiaaodSI JuMOE Tulw plioue eoPI, No. Imp. ____________ ____________


UNDEnTA'XEE _ Offlee ud BuMdoaca, 24S BBpAD HT.,

Next door below Evening News odtoh FnfDBAl AMendanoo day and lelephouD No. 22A

iig Ne


BttBE AND........................................... ^ulanitee, Ad.

dlOta 144 CAMDEN ST. I prluu |l, gent by tiUlU.

t S e fiOLKEMB «FK C nT C -_ ---------l-Pporillv* Mr* ter alt ftAjata Irregolanitee,


lateroallonat Fetent Offlok •UAMTNKU A CO,

TS4-TSS br oa d RT,Oppeitt* now Pnpdtntlal, NewiMk, N. J.

Thi lurgaH Patent Offlee In lb* Rtata. I'OtaBli Mlleltad. Ttide-ciurka Lthfli end CbpIilghU •*' (oired.j|M T 'E N 1B -


NM BROAD a r .O I O B E B C I L D I N ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

TJATENTTS-tinAKE A O0 „J Solteltan Af Autofhati Aiid Fopglgs Falenlk AitorucyA In patent caon hi Ibis the IT. A (hunt klAobiupIrol and ElAotiical Ktixtiieen and Etpertt 4iouii|Ualhi«Crba 7» RroaI pht. 'fb* oldeta ga taMiebei] houii* In Iho Hiata. 'I'weiiqrdtvaftgnf ga> nctluttuii. Uentuu AiwItoU.

DR E s a M A X l I t O-PIHMWLAaS wutadaldi itoniigFtng. — -

HELPCgll oil wggk __

M C H m N iF rsT .



L OaT-MBMORANDUM (BED LEATHER) I Btider wUl ba igw»d*d by tOMin^ to

1 W r iv e r RT,ragr.

P DCKET-BOOE lOiT-PBOBABI.Y IH WASIE Ington 4L llwld Truult cor, eonialnlng btita

gUror OMI pgggn «f DO votog exotpt to awioM. oral reward piild ter telhix of g u H to IflAt AW FECKllAM.TtoBtewllt __________•

A -LADIEB OF NEWARK CAN NOW ^Valeora dteonnaklsg bare and mve U » gipgite of fotng to Hew YorE A ediool ha* ber' biwer the eupervielaa of tbe MsDawgO Onautany.

uo M U

r 1 1RL-W ANTED. A n e a t , RFXIARLK OIBL iT ter g MOAll temlly Of gdulta Il44« BROAD CTAIff~IIBL WANTED TO HKI.P IN POP CORN VribetoryiMBallwAfaa 122 BANK RT. _____ I

Gir l* for a l l kind s w obk- a l l n a -UonaUtUri and oolor^ help, Apply MRS. BAR­

TON'* EMPLOYMENT OFPiOK, lie High i t 1


TTANDff Wa n te d to - hem w i t mxltearik at home. JAMES R. EAm*RT Broadway, New York 1 cotiauoegtl Fourth HL

H jIt flNIBlUeiW WAIiTRD OKB .........................


HAM-Lmbekq A. JAHVia. 141 Chariton At

KMMKHS - WANTED, EXPERIENtlKD iimtnAra on grlndenr Hat 2tt DBIJKONT

X T O U S E W O B E - WANTED, RELIABLE Xltatiaag wbimw ter itnersl boonwork, temUy 2 gdillit ^ * dblldmn; wUl w U 4 i n o m w O * dnwi, giving teteioiict 0*4 ruiuoitalRy, COUNTRY, MaHiwu«I,N . J. ____IK

H ottoEWOBE-WANTED, IN A SMALL vAta temlly, an Ameiliaii or

f i ; « 7 » | t { S I Sr^bd belL

IN ASMALLPmi-ir Geriiiou (Iri ter reRrtDcAaftArgP.

H ousework- w anted , a n e a t , com.oAtentflTl for hOiMAWOtk In a nioll OunUy t

Auoc/psy loa geod girt. »7 SOUTH NINTH MtwNiiitotlibOfgpggavtgiidThIrtawlUara n f

for the** wEo wkh to become Brtadhiia^ii mokert ThAMeDowgU droRlag meenlu hea ... pergedid oU chAttg sod oiitateA iAWtaJMJgSS B^ton, flta evary term and mvtg teiM Itli^al yaarttnwandtrauUtandlsuiad byMnataimag noOAM la Now York. If yon aio jo lm to havMtg r i ta m j^ m g it tea boA w s S * t a o r n aedIM Vtetofo IWto gipai^« ■ ■■ *— r —'

Iwrturea en Thnnday ^ r

m 4 (wyv ( T / t /T TO M AN 0N BOND AlTO

m i r u Y n n A l o a n o n b o n d a n d

d tO fC UPWARD LOANED OH FUBNn'UBE ftif iO w rg a to v a lig g ^ a g g y r

nUAhta, lew


MhS u EL K A ^E toT jeaE ’l f i s t , Bpaavllla

p E O F E y g O N A L T

wnrat flqm 1 to t ^ulita oad Siting k toMtalty. Xruiebeltof M(dX>WluZ.lMBMaidik IN

A -TAYLOR'S SYSTEM OFjnilEnMA .I ta d i iA wishing to lean d re m A O k te g ■

call At our odbool; »A teach everyf'' "(WHh tB* Inda la the ihaitest Unto ough DtaUMil omilnE Utlng tan malring, drulng, snd aU tflmt-dou ffnleuiA cannlyonto irn latlbebeflA B dnyilem; lAmonAdavorevtnlng; All tnvitid __.o in hAhhiliable.dreaunAklm wfd p (^ .ta » « w » a M. E CHRINltE, Mg B lo i^ g L ib ia u te g n to h Q ltd W ilt MUi i l . New York. !•»

A FIRnTAILASB DBER.'MJUTTINO SCBOOti iV Taylei'g evitain teaiwtahlr wushi o n d n o r r thtag ounoiOtad wdGi digggmakiiit I tagggag a a P ^

■ “ ?'STSX.‘M S Jtih at Hi V gH M te^

gvH tsgt kiss RlitriMA di M. E LYNOH,

6 M ils itiOaMtp.Niw Vetk,


. ANDM u k it

JE S rsU tY M. EBtoMI^


^ E O B O E W. a n d JOHN d.

Bsvg raaw vM lhitr law alA m toNaitonu'suS^tartB iiildlag.


tUBVEYOB ABD DIALER IK REAL HSTATEi kgs igmovM fell affka ta yiMUy TUta Co. bolMtof,

t t l BROAD 8 T,ggoood ffoor.

• f AW OFFICEk p S i ^ I ^ T ^ 5 S l l



UVEBPOOL, RUJLiiNO,I f Oav. Mg«bu1og£to*Sto>y, ilaeMg Ibt-llA


(Nta IS

LINM-OLEBt.____ _________


EAT BARGAIN: SIS WILL Auund, btooky-bnUthoiagieeal

eight M n tb aag o i (welgfatiM^ipmoAinAU, coAch- bAt worker; told •

great baraUn to any end oruting i CWI IH MULBKBBY ST., Aolooil.

H OBIIE* k e pt im 'KTANTLY ON HAND and mltabl* liitagrp'irpoiwe; driven, biiilnegt

cud week hone*; a telr trial sI»m to joeh and orary onA MICHAEL NTBCUER, City kia ipjpiingtteldaT*. iq

HORSE, ISEilod In all hspH orse- for s a l e b o a n -

biinta high, w u ru ta d aouuI, kind . ^ ..........phoa ; AM ter aky one to drive ; onRabl* ter eVoiy ktod (dWOlk 1 p ^ p7t Coll at I • ' OTABLETIOeotialaw,-rrORBEi-IDB BALE-TBREM HORHUI AND JX am ate ,from F llto m , bya fkrmari mtae r f Mle, owner hba nouea ter Aame. ^ l y ter twe dayeatf. W.aiLl/i aOAB ETOBj!, IM ChatlUa

TTDRBB, WAOfW, MTC—FOR BALE, A BAY Jn.harse*pgsriold I g o u id ; q t n ^ r e m r a ^

Hov Ml Wwt X iiiW A . 4|T T 0 BSX-iiOltaALK.IXA1IK B ^ W N HQttBlLjriiyaanoldi^mTviM fOKind, >kind anil troa m iSipSyTSir*'*** *«*' »»«»»»• « W BLCPO^

FEOBSES-tU BUYS A YOUNO MtlWANO JU .p i» y ,(reU b m k u ;S u to S4n ter 3 prood wosB kofgei and |U Ar ytppu oMea ef * bmgPsL


H orse. uABNiaw a n d o n e oood^ bnI;^ tola (uovbbUwigpioftaf gale. HSM UTHIfT^

H0BSIi»-TWO OOOD HORan fob b a w ohegp. 4ffl CLINTON AVE, (SPA NAftlw- **H ORSF— WANTED, A GOOIL OHNAPMOHIE tetkisvy work. (jgUatNPgMAEKJn'«, 1Ho r s e - A y o u n g h o r s e f o b s t t t f i

dlAgp. t on atlW RLOOM FimrJl AVIS. wfJ J T S S E BUGGY



party emoeUi ebatPkt Jut arrived, sBd will hi SiUftt sroar ftwft prkftfcjUHlWaxtnkfrftrr ftOTM many mat*d ttftnus •VTsal dkMft mai*ft wta** t*uni,ftw! aoiMAMm9 E S m

f W T OR AKALt 1

rA a03W -M trB PH r» ib r u n p u c e tor doierlplton.^

WA005»-yOR BAtE, botfftHK' ftoft ftfti|Nmi«r

s*___________-t x t h k r e c a n 1

gsrifttahl Ptow and ig

HEW onOCBBT, iearorrkMPbt

—,iv m « .rwogoiw___CltalKPgL,OLtV

- BUT A wagon T-WE B niftya, aplndlgg, ta P M it ta rii,

___________- - opAd biiAiiuea in igow iH owesF di-

s? sj

fr1 t P* RABOAINwA' till J U aIa IIOU gmy llqgrt,«te

| j [ | 8 6 i g J i g S i i f f a ^ - g ^


GOSSIP. OF OTBEBIM cheeks »_Mw soreThe A m t n l t u V u t e e r aad PahUo

Interest in Storlea o f O r irn


' B ow V o lu m u W bleh k L M raod FMCitwar H w a u to 'B«*|)lM U « o Bo*> ro k o A Dm - f k l - t l M T lM » trl» l M lH ls D -A tto a tfM P n lao n ln c o f tlio D orltf fO T O rtt, ■Storto, o f ro ln lo jr* Olid TboUr U tto n .

L ltU a Bo]r'« from E r.» rao -.O ir,wf f o n o I 'o d o r T hroo B o o to n .

C a n d fc, CoUrarO.

ntf oiw TWf UMietair wu tnwblr 1 « l i hKMBUk An«f trriat ealnent phydn- lau , Uw diMOM now worw; boih e ^ lto MMOorowoon. T b m ip o U k ^ a » » bimk aatoa bif bodr | and I «m ofaa uMium tlinf t f lh a d o o tw M f^ fl irn A BKftiitnii, my koy woold lo-doy W * b « « oiWMOd ft®"* hood to toot with tbo ttrrlbto dUeuo. After a llo t the niaefUeo tor tvooMDlh*, b« w h o tlrely CO rod. uid I, now M Ihlr ooy hoy. I ■nd yoa thb itwUmosiBl, lu hop« wHue poor nffltrtrd oue ra*y M* Uiti «iro »ud obtuUi Cvtlcua, UtHKDiMlt on«e. _ _

J. WiLL.tItr* fl.VIF, • M t c r l i l u i d U eljhU , N.

T he m urderer with m any ,llM M -tlW K l» e m in th a d the rfftooU ry to M l the Mel- ttourue Jury th a t hU nr«i)aent ehan(e« o f na tiie were “ a habitual h d ’’ w ith U to —h a f- l o t h w n tried und ir the nam e o f DeetalBf, au d contlctod of the m u rd e r tf a t l e u to a e o f h l i w lree by a Jury who wMe not afraid to do th e ir du ly , h a i been m tliB ietoniy aeolenoed to death , Im pudent to the laal, O e tm la c ,l» ad d rH n in ( Uie Jury, ohjeolad to iM la tau le n iltled tn the f e u of the apoctatote In oouri,“ the u tlleat mea of people be b a t e ra r M M ." > t'tien lb e unabaahad am ataln w aaaak ed b y th e J u d g t w hether ha had a n y th in ! to ta y w hy aentenoeofdaatb ahoutd no t M paaaed uim n him , he pm fhw d the lotoleB l raq tw it th a t the Beneh dou ld obetoln fron addram - i t i f an y prelim inary e*hortatlon to h im ;

. Whereupon the lenrned Jadye, th in k in i poe- atbly th a t It wenld baw aa tlu i tim e to Mindy w o rd i w ith aueh a beeat, l lm ^ y doomed h im to be h ah (sd . In the In tu a praacrlbed by the law , an d aunt h im about bla bualoMa. In b e t f Iny to be exruied the " exhortatlM i,’’ the Villain m ay have had In b li m ind tilt ant» do te of th e ainre owner w ho woa e b u itlitn c a n e tro boy w ith a cowhide an d ( t r l n t b l r o a U tile m orul adrleehetw epn each atrip*. "O b, nuuw al" moaned thaaable and w rtth in t a n t torer, “ If preechoe, preachee. If llu(gee, Itoff- ( 00; n o bolb P

I t la to be hoped th a t tb e Melbourne pfCM, eoroe o f th e om aoi of which am a Uttla too fond of aeoaattoaal’d ttalla, will le t tbe m ar. d c re r w ith tbe m any allaaei go to h ia doom without m neb rnora ado, a u d . refrain from a ttam pting to p ry In to the le c n ta of the condem ned « 1L A t theanm o tim e I eamuot altogether agree With tlie aotcmn " preachee" Of a leader In th e Tfmei, congralulatlDg Ita readefa on tb eclrcomiiiaiieethatlletnijndwaantll-^''^^ lb E ngland. " For m any mtoidad' w rltei„ the h o m llli t o f Prln lln(.boaae Hqoare, " re v o lt­ing crtiuM ponaaaa aa unwholcaom e Ihaclna- tlu n whieh appeari to b* Irrealitible. T batr o w o ert poalllTety gloat oyer alorlea o f cruelty an d hloodahcd. • • • * the p ru rien t carl- cwlty which leada large num bera o f roapeeb able propla to aaturata the ir m lnda with every luoldaut Ugty can eollaot rr ia tln g to w hoever liappena to be tb e m oat notorlona aennndrcl uf the hour and to b anker for atlU fu r th e r Jtnowladge, la one of the a lrik lng oh unictcrlatloa of thia ege."

The eoncludlng iiaaertloh In tbi* lofty aer- mon la nonaenalcatly em m eoua (.Mrioalty toiHihlng e iw p tlona lly alroclona Crimea and aicep tlouu lly flagitlouacriin inali la no t one o f the moat “ atclhlng cbaracterlatlra of the age" we live In, I t haa bean a charaetariftio of every Hgc In every civil lied land foreen- turlca, I t la, in fact, a aplrlt o f curloetty In­h e ren t In elrlllM d hum anity , Barbanm a pcoplea do not Iruuhle theuaelvea abon t m u r­der* and mnrderera, beoauae they are alwaya m u rd erin g one another, and they bavogrow ii th m illa r with bloodahed and o u trage—to rtn ie of every k ind . I t la for the reason th a t deeds of horror are ebmpar&ll vely rare In nondmr- barona oountrtei th a t tbey are regarded w ltb a curinelty which may ha m orbid, bu t whloh la n o t a t a ll nnnattlrtl. ,

I t was Proftaaar Butcher w ho responded to th e toaat of " U trra tu r* ” a t tbe Boval Acad­em y bannuet on Apri IW, 1 have not y e t bad th e advantage of rending the profeMorie oon- trlbuU oua to literature. Indeto , I had never h ea rd o f h im before I read hi* ipeecb in th e newBpapert of May 3 ; bu t be m oat aaauredly be a very em lnant m an o f letter*, aim th* academ ichm a would never have asked h im to th e tr hoepltabls board a* a rcprraentatlve of th e profeaalon which be doubllea* b righ tly a d o rn i tontewhcre beyond m y ken . Tbe pro- toiaor n a lty m adea vary neat and read ab ), apeeob. In Ib eo o an o o f wblob ha n m a rk e d , In te r alio, th a t " Oteel( litera tu re was a t oiHH arilMlo and popular," Tbla aoge utteiv anoe abould to aaes oover w ith aham e, *■ w ith a garm ent, the reprabm stbte peraoaa w ho Lre contending th a t achoolboya only loee th e ir U m eln learning Greek. " I t wa* a n im ­p o rta n t prcUmlnary queeUeo 'to determ ine w h a t U terature U, A railw ay guide o r a Blue book Wat not lltoratura." Thua, further, tb s rnp len l Butcher. Tree, 0 P to tom or; yet, « i tb * o lb tr hand, ra ilw ay gAldea a a 4 B lae books often render very valnable a trv lM to m en of latteri. A ooinplel* se t of " B iad- ebaw ," from tbe beginning, w ould be on Inee- tim ab te boon to an author who undertook to w rite a history of English railw ays. A* to r th e Blue bocks, thoae a iu r* tollos bav* bean gn lde t, phUoaopberi an d trtaads to a boat of noTcIlala. Blua booka fb rn itbed Cbariea B eada wUb a boat of m aterial w hich he artis- llca lly worked up In " I t I t B ever Too In te to M end," and In " P a t T onrstlf in HU Place."

Ura. Trollope was largely Indebted to Blue boedte tor the teobnltue a n d tonal eotor tn her novels, “ Michael Armatrong, the Factory B o y ," and " Jeaala PhllUps, a TU c of th e New P o o rlA W ;" and It wa* w hile M arcua OUrk* w af aubHmrator of tlia H albaam e Pnhlle L tb ra ry , and w ataurrouaded w ith Bla* hooka on t r a n ^ r t a U o a a a d oonvlctd laclp lloa .that h e welded tn to ihape the Idea o f bla ta rrib ly ivalK tlo romance, “ 111* N atu ra l U to.” My ow n lib rary of ratonnaa M nioods In earefnlty

. aelected Ulna books; b a t tben , yon ■**, I a m n o t a lite ra ry man. I am only a J o u rn a lM ; an d In ttio t eapactgy I b a m very oftcb to le f tr , n o t only to hooka whloh a re bins, b h t iUbd to one a t teaat w U eb la rad. 1 ■ # « *

K elly 's PoahdBca London U ree to ry ." I f 1 w a n t to know how m any patlem -m akei* or pewtorera there m ay be In th e M etropolis I tu rn to Kelly. If I w ith to aaoertoln w hether th e re are a greet m any o r a very fow pereont In London bearing a parthm lar nam e, K elly 'Will fUmlah me w ltb the Inform ation w hich I ■eek. Cbariea Dtekena bad tb e blghaatvipln- to n o f tb e utofolheta of K e lly ; and n b o a t UH oom m tisioned me to write aaana lyU cal eoaay on tb e contents of the " Poctoflloe London Di­rec to ry ,'' which, under the Ulto o f " The G reat Bod Book," waa pubUtbad to fltweehaM Werdi. ’

Tbe London Fieaa Club eitjayed the blgfceat o f h igh J lnk i a t th e ir annual dinner, on A pril 80, a tth eF reem aeo n a 'T are ra , T. Mo- D onald Bendle, the “ U o a O om lque" o f aBar- d in n e r orator*, waa In the chair. L ord Ran­do lph O honblll, Id a moat cbaractorlatto tpereb , boldly asaerud h it olaim to b* c ^ a idered*

Skin Disease for Years1 have ret

UiMV^unffi I aaw It with my own eyre.ilator I ......................years.bii

1 have reatd a good deal ab o u t the O oriM ina ho t I d id not take a n y atock In

rlth m y own eyre. My tla to r had tk l n d itaa te to r a lo n e n u ia b c r <rf

. I t b reke o»rt all ovef her body and Doctor did her no good. T ried every­

th ing . U red ttoeiid tn fC vitcvnA *. U h u a a ll d liiippeared. You ean take ihla for a testl- m o u l” MUtoMAKY MoCAllTHY.

H New York av*.. Qgdanaburg, N . V.

Cuticura ResolventThe now Blood and s k in F uriller and great

ta t of Hnm oe Rcm edlet, In tarnallv (to clreuae of all Impnrltlca. aud in L an d COTIOVRA, th t gren

Cure, and CtiTict’i u S o a r ,n n eg inarit* ak in

us remnvo iftkin

\ ■nu OVAra nil ■•*■■*Beanilflar, externally (to clear M e ek in and sm lpa iid ren to re tbe hair), ear* every tp rc le i gfagnalalng , Itching, burn ing , eealyund pim ­ply a larataea of the akin, toolp and blood. L'U'^ frtJBA l lK 'irn ig a a re th e grvatret S k in Curre, Blood P iirincrt and H um or R rm edlre of m odern tlm re, and dally m ake m ore groat

' luod and akin rem edleeeuiea ikan all other bfo combined.

Bold fveryw ber", Prlre, C im coK A, S’c.; S oxr.av-., BmoLVKiT, t l . Prepared by U it P o rn tn U h iM A nn U a u tic a i . tto B io h A n o n , Hatton.

apdtond tor "Bowito Cnr* Skin Dtseaaea," M yagre. M llluajmtons andJ^lre^monlala n | | |P L ^ r b l a c k . h ^ s , n d j t i u g h , chapped t"|n|aad oily akin cured by CuvicpaA Hoar

I G A ir r BECbret Fain*. Boraadno, W eaknem ,

^Hocking Couglu Aethina, Pleortay, rand Iiiframmatloa relieved jei ooa t inliiat* by theOvUmraAitU-Paia Noihlng like It tor Weak Lungs,

_______ i working m em ber o f Ih* preea, ad d ­ing th a t he wae the only Journalist Who had fought w ith Hone. Boflly, la u d B aad o lp h l T he la te R. Gordon Cam m ing, an InUapId explorer and ban te r of big game to Bonth A frica, waa, although no tdfetnaianal pr*aa> m an,' the w riU r of a book to w hfcb b ag fap b h colly narra ted h it eneonn ton w hh tb e k ing o f beait*. And la there n e f • “ Y<tri>" h>x>bt G ordon Oummlnga Undtog Um oett on* BOOB- l ig h t n lgbt anddenty confronted by a wbola " aeboot" of h o w w bleh be had rntwIUlngly d litu rh ed a t a " im a ll and e a r ly " waton- d r in k ln g p a rty t Tb* explorer d id n o t " p o t " th am w ltb b it WeaUay.IUehaf4i, d r h t i M an- to n ; tbey were too m any to bd " p o t l td " w ith a elngle sbootlogdron. B ut he ha­rangued them Inalead to the ' Saelle tongue— peotlU y a fragm ent from Oasiaa-Mwhmeat th e Ilona, w ith a faldsona how l o f td rro r a n d d ism ay, tu rned ta ll an d l a d In to th* deapeet toeaaaet of tbe adjoining tortak

T heoom m tttM of the F liaa C lnh h a d been a o k ln d a a to l l iv l t i m a to th a tr b anquet, b a t

' on unavoidable engagianentAf th e jo n ra a ltitis t ie a d m in na tu rr, p rav n n M naa O tta a ttaad - tog. I t was. Oh the wbola, perhapa m w ell th a t I w a i unabla to go ; m w g h ad baea p o t

Mown to tb* toaat Ibit to propoa* “ t h a B ouaea of F a ril im en t." ' 1 Mm« » tm ta ln ly h ave m ade adlaaatroua lUaoohod t a tlem p ted to d ila te on the M an ta an d v JM aa o t tb* in e m b m of th e Dppor Bouea,

(t^ b -m ak ln g anooeeded tbe prtaeglvlng, and among the addrreare delivered wae one from Hint Singh Pure, from the Puiijaub. What the dickena had BIra Singh Pnre,from Urn Pnnjenb, got to do with the eniptoyet at our theatrre and mnalc hadla t 1* Hire Singh Furr a dancing dervlab or a bowling one, or a swordwwallowcr, or a managef of a Itnj^ere or a uanich girt troupe t Doee he'pi2y the tom-tom f Can he etorm snokea; conduct tbe baskat trick : or make a mongo tree grew In a compound In dva mlnutret However, the dark gentleman from the l^ve ItlTcrt probably means well; and 1 dartaay that bit speech wa* at much worth llatanlng to as any of the other dellveraocre of the worthy peo­ple who omtad at Flecadllly Hall.

11 MDon't ha In too gnat a burry, conrteont

readers who may not rare abont turf inqttcrt, to amlle at tbe tremendou* hubbub raised about the alleged " foul and deliberate pQteooInf" of the favorite tor the Derby. i W the Duke o l Wrelmlnuter abonld have Initrnrtcd Merer*. Lewie A Iwwle to Isaue a pnbilc nolloe oflbrlng a reward of il.OOOtoany person who, within a month, shall fUrnlah anch Information aa ahalt lead to tbe eonvlc- Uon of tbe parson or peraona guilty o f lb* “ crime"ofpolaonlngOrmc Is. after a ll.n o very exlraoiillnary phenoraenqn, Don’t pr^matorely langh at tbe dally bnlMlna pub- Ilabad, recording the atatt of tb* totoraeUng patldm’a health. A lltb li may aeem tllgbUy ridleuloaatoFblUstlorewbo, when they po to a ncc, Jhll to back a horec, and back Indeed nothing nave the oontenta of a loncb hamper /rom Fortnnm A Haeon.

Tb* tu rf haa been a topic o f tb* d tap e tt Interest to m ost Intelligent nations from the time* o f the rem otret a n tiq a lty . T he apclen t A toxandriana ware M natleal In tb e ir p a « io n for b o n e raeea, and Epaom, Anoot, Doaoaator an d Newm arket, m igh ty a* I* tb e tr renown, m a r t tode btlore tbe tome o f th e ro o r ie a t A lexandria , ■■ W ben," writo* tbe saaetlfled C bryaoetom ," you come to th e roeqgroand, w ho ean dew riba yonr c rla i an d la m n lt an d agony o f Intereat—yonr rapid change o f ges- tn re and color a nd your cursing an d swearing (blaspbem laalf If, In itead o flo o k tiig 00 the boraes, yon w e n yourtelvee under th e lash, you cODld n o t be In a worse state." Dion Osaalni altodeaeribs* the ipac tatam dnxtng th e rnnn lng as pal* w ith ta x le ly ; hosaa lng to th* horaa* w ith every band o n ta tra teb ed ; leaptog u p UkafoadmMi, u tia ring a ll-k inds ol horribl* language, Oghtlog w ltb ta o h o ther, vary oflan euralng th a lr i d d s ; an d n t Umaa toaing tiw ir clothe* In th* ttrn g g to V e ll tw a m a y expact to ate an d b ear th* aam * k in a of th ings w hen, a t abon t t P, M. on tb a la st W edoetday In 'M ay, t h a n will com* frenaied yaUt flm n a hundred thonaand tb rua ta , o f "O rm e v riq t" o r " I a Flaetaa"—provided alw aya th a t tb e bine ribbon o f tb e to r f be no t, cantod ofTby n " t e r k h o n e .

11 11IhmHobler, ooee a fovorlte tenor tlngar,

who, on marrying a Duchcaa, retired from the musical profeaalon, ha* Just died at Monte Carlo. It U quit* poatible that a very large number o f my ra u en even If they do not taka an Intereat In things musical, may have never board of the late Ur. Hohicr. He waa not on artist of the very flrat rank; and the Oameof tanon who are not unlveroally oo- claimed aa firat-rnle onee 1a sadly evanescent 1 met a mnalcat erlUc the other day who had never heard of Mortanl—one of the flneat JW- ffontoi that ever sang on the Italian lyric ■lag*. Tbe pelebrlty I should tay of Bublnl, OlngUat, Dttnraa:, Kottrril, and our own John Braham la yet nndlmlnltbed; and aims Beevta adnal surely leave a name whloh poa. terity arlll not wUlIngty let dia. Tto how many amatenrs *re there who rememher Templeton, and Alton, and Barker, or who bav* anytbtog aav* a vagus Idea of the by­gone rmiown ofSapIo, BlnClalr, and Vellotl— the tost tbmouaimale "soprano" of sixty ytorauneat , , , ,

ThalotoAbmban ^yarard uaedtotoiran amualng story about the eccentric legist and pbllosopbn who tried ao bard to bts acbeme of the PanopUan—afterward transformed Into MUlbankPenltaottory-to reform tb* crimi­nal otoasta. About 103, when Jeremy Ben- Iban waa tn bis eighty-fourth year, ba bad a bouse to tlneen’sBqaan plaoa, WeatmInMr. A estobrated German aavanl bappenadwb* on a vlalt to th* British metropcdls, and Mr. Bayward coltod on bbn oo* morning a* tb* beam at an tovltatlon to dinner from tba tag*ofQuetn'tSquare{Oaoe. Tbetovltawa* gladly aoeepted by the dlitlDfUlabad foreign- er, *"* Um polite Mr.' Bayward, tben quit* a yvHing mah. Informed him that at he, tb* B«rr Doetor, was a stmngar to London, b* would wait oat him at 6 F. M. on the ap­pointed day and pilot him Ibrongh the wilds of ^eatmlDator to th* ptalloaoidtor's boo**, Tb* d*y cam*, the aavant bad donned foil drees, liuiludli^ told-rlmmed apectaclea; and It being a loM y timmer afternoon, they walked to Wastmtaeterand to Ur. Bcntham'a boaie,andUr. Hayward duly knookadand rang. On to* door betog opened, ton Barr

p «n r A * m a .

A F h iaaianaow W h(*h H*S Aatwn Hy M**h M a d a lM s *1,

F n im fkbonl t a d Uonus.T b * B rltiah sh ip B areaa , w lilo li M oently

m a d e th * voyag* from Tnm gan t* «rq ttod C a p * H o m to E n g )a h d , « M g n n tM « d h rfo m srlu tb le , b u t n o t nnuaual p b an o m eu o n a t n m v 1 s . , a l t o n n o f d n a l . A fta re ro m tB t th e E g n a to r, th * fe ll tn to th e no rth eaa t t r a d e w inds, a n d w h a n a b o h t dOB mltsn w e s t o f th e C ape de 'V erde U in d a , th e n eere to land , " to e B ereen ’i i*U* a n d r i r g tn g w e re th in ly ooeted w ith a r e t y fin* pow d ery dust o f a d a rk ye llow o r e tfffon eo lo r, loarcety d le e e n lb lo o n o r n e e r to e

'd e c k , b u t proltow e e th e b lg h c e t p e rt* o f t h e r ig g in g ," to th a t tb e enU i a p p ea re d " ta n n e d .’’

F in e d u s t fklUng o n veasela In th * Atlan* t ic n e a r to e C epe de V e id * a ro h lpeb igob** o fte n b een rep o rted , b a t I t h a s to o ften b een o f e redd ish h u e th a t i t Is k n o te n am o n g sailors s s " red fo g ," a n d h a s been g e n e is lly supposed to oom o flrom Houth A m ertea . T ho observ a tio n o n b o a rd ib * B e rsa a ap p ea rs to o v s rth ro w th i s oonelu- elon, a n d to d e te rm in e th e A fric a n o rig in b o th o f th e AUanUc d u s t a n d .the aow allod " b lood r a i n t " o f B o u to em E u ro p e .

A dm ira l Bm yth m any y e a n a g o re p o rte d ,d u rin g hi* s tay In Blolly, o n M ero h l i , U lt , n “ b lood re in ," w h ich fo il in large, m uddy drop*, a n d d e p o rite d » w y m lnn te san d o f a yellow -red c o lo r " —^ l i t e sTmilar to th a t now re p o rte d b y to o B eroan . H e th e n reg a rd ed i t a* "^O D O O d o a t” fooie to o A fiio a it desert, " c ro w n in g th * beeuU- fo l th e o ry o f a tm n ep h erio c irc u la tio n ." B o th o n to e A tlan tic O cean a n d in E u ro p e th e se n d n s o f d u s t h a v e a lm o e t in v a riab ly lltoen betw een J a n a a iy a n d A p ril—a p e ­r io d o f th e y e a r in w b ls h t h e S a h a ra ie m oot a rid .

S T A T E P I C K I N G S .

W ork b a t been begun on thS new atone ro u o ly bridge across th e K arltan fllvcr at New Bninswlck. I t la to coat UBjOUft

Tb* c lllirn s of Borrtenlown w an t th* public schools closed on account of a d ip h th e ria epi­dem ic prevailing In th a lo lty . 'to e Board of H ealth will meet on M onday n ig h t u c i t to consider.

Thom as Flynn, a forem an. In th# forging departm ent of th a Hingar M achine W orks a t Ellsabetfaport, bad his log broken a t the khsc yesterday afternoon by a fragm ent flying from a drop ham m er.

Mayor 'WiKiscr, of Jereey City, yesterday nam ed his new osscssiuanl commlsslaiiers. They arc Oornellui J . (Vonln, exJtherllf, and one of the suuirhast an ti-ring DemcH^rata In tb a c ity ; ax-Aldarman M lctwcl Soeultoo, Jr., andei-B oordu tW orics-C um m lu loner H um ­phrey W. Carr. A salary of 11,000 a year Is attached to the oUlces.

A tnnd Newfoundland dng ran Ihroogh New Mllfoid, rcc tibu rg , Oradall and Overton, In Bergen C'nunty, on Munday. Several per- ions shot a t l tw l l bou t efftv-t an d It was not d itpaicbed until It rm ehed th e barnyard of«. H . Vanderbeek, a t Overto*. H era tha do* ■elted a row by the car, tearing aw ay a plena of flesh. Tha cow tum vd on tha dog and gored It to death. Mr, Vandcrbcck th o u g h t It best to kill toe cow.

j ^ R S O N A L .

K Aineii WihHHiif propcee* to go to see his g randm other In August.

Beatricx Vguow, a Chicago gtrl o f French parentage, has actalevod a notabla trium ph a s a singer a t tbe Uoyal C ourt Theatre at Bloekholm,

Ex-Bxkstou JokK*. o f Iow a, waa recently tn W ssU ngtoii rcacw tng b la ociiaaiblano* w ltb a ^ a ce w hiab be flrat k n aw aaaC ao - gresam analitpyaa iaago i. H * 1* n^w e lg b ^ - u lna y ^ r a idd.

M as. G a o n m C L artm aw h dent * Cblppeo- dale dTeostijg table as a b rid a l g ift to M in Gwendoline Juakaon, o f Jam aica , West Indlei,w bo was rsoantly m arried to JoMpb-B- Gilder, tha editor o f the CHfie.

L oan TgnMvaoif la tb s o ld to t liv ing Enfo llsb author, bis first book h av in g bean pub- llsbsd In IMO. H r. Gladston* come* next, his pam phlet, "Th* Slat* in Its BclaUtws with the Cbuicb,” appearing eight year* later.

H x ita r B v s tr e n B u u u r r , a young deaf m ute lawyer, who ba* already won a reputa­tion as a cham ber practitioner, has been appointed a Justice of th e Feace for lb* Htate of Hasaaebusetta by O ovarnar U nsM l.

t t nA w a re o / foiOnfioiiA dflntfooa, and

anhatllalH i t Dr. Flsrea'* penwfiu! nwdi. dam, oSM td a t w tM pretond to to “ aolptfeN.” Dor to* gsim lne, tlw reh om p r i to « g ) oniif on* p rice — but, to ey to guareiiiha*. T topV e t t o sAaoMsf m * ^ dues y w e*n b oy a t a n y p rice ,fo r U they f i l l to toB oat c r cure, jrou t o r e yoqr mottey back. Eoa you pet.

To p n v e o t fr*nd prindplad 4**lers, lead rsm*iUsB«re............................... ad * t M tfB_______

»d prices; Discovery

ngs), ei.% .

mottey back. you git.

To p n v e o t fraud and fanposMon b y no- ' I erouino ruareo-

t now iDid tolly OircHig^ d ru g fW i atttoDrlsed * t . i ^ t t , an d at- s e ^ a t t b M lom p-aatabr

Dr. Pierce'* O okim Medical ( fo r t to U r e r , B lood . . . .Dr. Pisnak wvertta Pre*cri|Nlbn (for woman's weelnwaasa and albnenta), (l.OO. Ih-. Pieroe's FSeatoOt Pellets (tor the Uvsr, etamach eed towolil, K oanti.

Bafoa* a ll inedidiH s purpo rting to to Dr. Warca’i o flhnd a t »wv rwl— —i—

Dootor m ak ing m any bows, waa pbU tely soil, c lto w th a t b la com panion tb o n ld pass In f in t . * O b," aatd Mr. B ayw ard , “ i t d o s a n t m a tte r tnueb. 1 foust bid yon good avasilng, th a o ld boy nevar esked n u to ra tn a r ."

I H IA t E lsk a a g , la a u a o , th ey m aanfoe td re

* ta b M t* a ," a M * M o r ourC biaaa* oonsula b a a tak a h to la to aW id e rU ap o to o eA g a . J t l s ggade, be eipbU ns, ftwm tb* very beet q u a lity e t to a dpsi, a n d la form ad by praaatue oton* In to sm all aak**, w b ito bra psrfoolly strong an d aoU d,aad aa toarrew m bla ebooolata in appsarene*. I t m ay to M advoatag* when trave lling In remote, regkm i to to able to e a r r y a e n p o f M b ln tb * th a p * o fa tab le t, In onak waletco** poelw t; orw w m a y h ave tea- eases aa wall a* cigar and etfo re tte one*, to be Stowed aaray In tb* hraaot pdeksC T b e tab le t t * a l a , l b e M e l l f ^ * t o r e p a l a t a U * to o n to* b b o n d M b la h r lo k u a ,w U e k I tw ito d o ooaln S o u to to s SoM la, * od lb* «pp*ltlag S av er o f wblob 1 *h*U n*ver forgk , Bmhra being

B u e m u ’sM U L L D U B H A II\

S m iH O TO BM XO .

SO SAV Wg AU,o r u s .

I’m an old smoker, a n d

have I t o n e t im e

o r a n o t h e r t r i e d a l l

the d if te r e n t Smokin|f Tobaccos, b u t B good smok* Bull Durham

beats ’em all.K iefoUng chaiscterUtIc of Bull Dsrtwtn has ahny*^

been tbe hold which it t ik n on oid sod (utidloiH traoktri.W hat Rs excellence brat secured, its unlfemilty h *t alw iyg teUined, and It is, thereferc, to-dAy *s twenty-Jivt yegre SKo, tbe most peputar Smoking Tob»cco In th* world.

Get the grauine. M bdeonlyby

Blackwell’s Durhana Tobacco Co^ d o r k a m , n , c .

/ j

GOLD D m w M fN G

This tidy yo u n ; maid w ith the


Never g o b in i tdt o f g bluster;

G O L D D U S T does the w ork .

S o she’s ne'er called a shirk,

But always, >

/ fu g u s t a : '


________ _ B A n ^ A IW . ............ »IPIW H*V I.VANfit HAI i.u o .u C 'n 'r£1 jrenriwar of ABorka. fouisaiwl ibmagiieal b y fc litoilwkllM«WWI sadMisk >lr ' ■r’ sttoaofo'aa odU°* W ***at Un Ma.v irisw , tialuwillisav*■' ‘

aedMisk ■IrnaltoiM, Stoat On aqg aOw Market mtaMUtasloa,

Ifewaiic. aa aillowa:fl.S7 A. NT., Awt lln^t wUh rullnuA VewtlbuU Pkf-

lor u d K <lHtly fbr PiiUibun, OoJumbu*,lu. LiOUli, dilljr waipl uitUinUy tn

pMUHqriywUft lUolM. ryaipo^ibruoaortTo

.-cttSf3 y of Purin»«7 Vtfsiibuifi Dniwl _. .HtateroOfli, Rlondui. MaIbi, Buoklnr and Dbaennh- Uem cMSt prownUoX rinunrul rnportH, RtoTMUTuptwrt iod jjfMwrtUrit IjpthrouGU (be botU mxf% U iM raakrMlIWifaoPklllinLrrud «U tbf> n>iivHB|fno« •nbooMMUf olBeo. Mchtod by NtMtnrwrrud umv- Ohio eldMiio UchMa Arnrai HURburv B.I0 i*. iL

ftodl (likcluluilt t*)A . If., luitlansyuU#ILM an* dskofn a « A. M. aril day;

ftw P. M. -a t. D«[| aiul t-'lwluuail, with Pull Ban VaadtMta nm-pliur Qua aoC htalnf Uini la anciniuni and "l. lowlo. VetUiiuli- smnklng tWi out Voaiibuli' Paawtwar QracB to Ht laula and IHulot Qor Newark to AUnwiL anil Rlchiuaad to '" ItoS*.

IW P. M.. -TI1* Oolaniblta ripmo, Pullniaa rebel*akwoUWi DIaliv, tMuAtng oail praiu/t- nt* Hollmif Vcatlbola Poao-ngar I'nebf* fFi»n

N*w Voilt to Ckkagu Atrlv«i to t'tkwgo AU P. MM.-We#lcrn Iipwao, with PcHro*n Vas-

tihala Hlecplug two, and mnlng tVir to Phlh^iAto

c m ADY

AW OmilNANl’k TO ixmtlnirtton of a Mw*r Hi


irr, A VKNUlt ABB AflpreroilA V I^ ilil

In Mt rtfrititocl ■TrtitoF (WnA ICk |AUrrkfitay»v«tiM«Ml AbUffVD KVilf**Mt VruwiMMinvdw ly ^ »

JVUoriltvlnnl by th« Bimrd of rzhI WatitUtmimUHiuJwnurtlHTliy of rh Mkrwi

AirtkM 1. A Newer nUalt aomUtlcMA Jb {M* FTtHpKA RVWl* MMl AbUtftOR IHrrm^ed RTrauo rrmn Mt rroepuci |>liio*to Btw •ley avenue, wblck M to be nn tiorwifixl briqk •fWfrNxIO ItMilirw dlameten, la Uw dJCTiaiidAi AMnftod avMiiMs from M t Pfeepepf aveeuke M

■ liiKtMd hv MtrttnritoPWM^ Parker ttfiwla ti» part fn»m Ml. Prn^Nct avwM W nHWaavrrtw .to h rw -----------------------------I M lAtaeli pl|ie eevw, avd UM f t eewrr; Uifi fber wIiaaUtM

appurleauirM necrwiry to iDfapfuie ibo aumw.w*cU4K) L nu4 InuYMdlatnly theeoMletten

of tiirh pubtio work or ImiwovBifipnl. titn (lefkof Ihf' Board, lo ivntlutirtkm with Oip Kiiclnf«or am (.iriierel Kup«‘ilRlPiKlpitl of \Vurknfif thp lwi«

Wfdirrn IxpfMRvDln1iiid< - ____,

CaUj-.tbr I'lihfeui*. t ’anvctl'incliimilland Ht,. .. .----- - 1I'plUlriltebu.,,.... > . ,

dML> ikxe^ daMfUay fbr iHevriand, Tuh ™ i ^ 71U>ok< r7 Hun^ Nhusara Kail

bnletiltwlRt L to r

wm-laki.. ......

_ .picUlo Kxsreee. wUb l^lman Veett- ilRfCAre, dftlly mrnBeburt, riikMcoaod

of tiirh pubtio work orihell

mrcfblly pirparo and ftinitsh all nepHiisNiy eUUa Tuonte, maiiai eoocUlt«Ui>iii< oiirt other Uaiapfiteli^ incVimich j>uolLr work nr InmrovoffKint, m»4 tho PiAeWaal of tko Boenl ewl >aiM Oerk tball tbar^ m u . oa bebeif of tbe Rnanl of h u m and Watav dommlsMlunrni of lltn rtiy of NfWJUk. ffrtl(y tba auue te the ChmmoD (kignnl uf tha <ilf of Nowarfe* mantacUiet Ntid (kimiuou UMiuil majMbrmftar pnifcod lu oiehp ibe prt>iwr MNusiinetU for the and axpetwe nfmoh ptibllr wiurk ot Uapiov wiaewl DOW or hvreanvr ivquifad by Uw.

HMctlon I. Kelli pubik wniY or teprnvement euU

ToMo, dally wcept K*iurday iir OevabuMi.FM w lttm orr, W^hlngtoo end ihe Hooth. 11.4T,

14A AM. A6T A. M. tUmlled kspreat. PulV men Viadibula Perlor Cere Viatlbola P M M m

flttaaeod^irinf CAr WJIlijlaM A. ead kJO P. M. Ou tMMay. 1A41* A4A aAT

A. li.i l-U. ead AN P, M. For UalUi&oraad^.l.ttPvH v walk'dlyA AAtoWato-ifow*l^ r Pblledriphta, Skprean. l l l 7j# .N T*M, AA AN, A»la AN iWbN UwlNd PeSor CBOBr Vaell^le F w ^ t ^ ^ * * * * iDffCeri, 11,N A. M.: iiM, Ui. ill* AN, *AN aa& AN I*. U. 11.-B 4. M.,-MBS Sim I---’.!*. « , On Mtmdey. »^xpr 1117, AN, AN, A17. lAll A. H.;iM,ANiA>7i ACaiHl A » P. M. A - -I'MH l-f •" L, A*. ^

for Tranloa. ttif, Tto tto MJ(H.M U m lM XxiiraoA Pallnuui VaoUtoto Iwrtoe can , Vaatibula PaasaoMr CooeWaand I’li'ln ftW c ll.fsaad II.W A, M.; IISI, » to I t o « J . J to A lM .lT .T .toA iim C Ito l’.AH, *.» and lUD A H.| AM, AH, Ato T .» Sto and

JtltonUc a re , t i t P, M. w a s Througb Dae Cuoib abC reiltaan Suffol Paito* CAnFor rap* May, l.SS P M , waokAaya. ___

“ Leas BroBch, Hharoo. Aabury Park, 0 "«a* , e ^ n a Laka boa U in Manaoauan,. Fdat ,nt *aC pclnta oo iba New York om Laos

iianob Mallread, Ato U s A. M.. iloag Bniare HpwAal I . AM, Ato p. M. Colly, airept Huiotoy. On Euailay, litU A. M. s»l AM P. M. iM uo tsupo l Oenn dmva or Afoory Park on toiwlay. . . _

For Bootoo, wliboui ebatoto. IlM P. M. weak day* AU P. M. flwy

f t r Breoklya, B. Y.-AU threagb >"l*i *l Jaioty a ty with boats of “ Ht«*lyn A foiUlu UlracI Iranafet to saO iron, rultunatrato avolClii* toabls IbrrUg* mol Jwruoy ooma Ih*

IriB NSW YORK. . , _Lsav* Markot turret atoUon, AIA AW, AM, AIA Ato

TtoT,IAI.».TtoA«), AtA All, Ato ASA ASAAH,AiAi.toa.M.AM, 10.00, iL.lIJA ll to A, M ?llk U A to t to ‘t o llAB to i to l to A IA Ala, AIA t t o Ato AU, Ato Atoi j l l S.IA owl AM, T.OS, "-to AW Ato lOM, lU tp . M„ aadlim nlflU . BnndaytniBA Alg AW, At*, t t o 10,to lose, Iftto 11 t o ' U l A. OS,

----- ‘ .to Ato ISO 1» , AI7, . to, Ato»Tv,'joiJirTto A*. • « . »-M-

b* mwta aiMl wimplctail utolar tba autarvUlon (W la> opai'ilua uf the Kuftnasr ur Aoliig Kiiih»*r onO ta* (vnu-nal A.liwrlutaild-Qt of Work* of I lu'BnaPl, l


frvffUnjT ta iha pmvtoluna of tba city rhartor sad MnofUica»ir aad tlia nrrtliwiawaartbtcHyaae bylaw*. rulwwulaitiilaUcna of t|u> Hoarfl otHttreS end Water tUramlrMuiiara of Ur* city afNawoib, appUrwtUaUwnito. ^

huciuiii A Tbiu this Mdlnano* aboil tok* ofoto lob sordlalriy.

Proasd May lA IMAjAuangMiTir, JR.,

rtreldanl of tha Uoam afetcaal and Water Unousfo oloiura.

lUnit) HDKYON,d a rk e r the Hoard of torrei oad W'atrrUMnaifo

Appnvsd May lA UM.

JUeKl'lI K UAVHito .Mayer.


y \ a r k Plank Ruod (kanpony to oouatruA and auibilalu a Ouubis track af tran lalla for a Mrsal rMF wiur rrnm I'bancl otreet to the Posaalc iUvar, oad IS 01*01 palaa and airing wtiwi on sold railway by Urn l^ ta y ayatnn of alr-IrlcUy.

bo It onumad fo Uhl BiMd of b tnsa u d WoMB Onnmliilcinanaf tha,*ty of Newark,is tollawic

isatton A That Uw Newark Plank Road Ooaioay o n boivhy aiiihoclai(l otKl oiitpowarv* lu ooostruM and Dialutain a dnobla track *1 ln>n nUlt for a sinto n j im d foom (Yitpel atroM onataily o sa r along th* IlM a t Its road, lu iha city af Newark, to Ih* d tp llmlti lu Iha Posiadc H irer; aiKl to srvet poire and olrlDf rrlire nocreoary ta praprl lb* oora tn ba oaod so w l lallroad hy Uin Irwloy syatau uf alarirtrlty, eactlon A That tba roll* heroin authorised ahalloofo

form In the silsting ordlnanrv* and shall ha told In such aumnor aa nut in Inlsrfort onnsareserUy with public mifo'': Ih* pulaa oluUI br at loaot Iwauty fo*A high, thoirtw of ilrretod arid paliilHl cedar ar oihsr salUble weed or Iron, oad b* planed wtlhtn th* rurS Ho* oad roiuwutad with th* oppoMt* pdoi oy s«IF gbls witva

N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Sole Hianufacturers,




MAKE NO MISTAKE!The only Carpet and F u rn itu re ritore Bn M arket Htreet between WMiltIugtun aud Pl»n« btreetN, w ltb F aa ie iv e r Elevntor, le


P A R L O R S U IT S .lust week of g if log sway H.00 MO^U£TT£ RUQ with t T t t j PAflorBuit

10 IWrcBLuters-

B B D X JC T IO X S I]Sr O A R P K T S .S3 pieces of Tapeatry nruwels CarpeA U) ctoae out tb* pattern, pwnlar price

piT yard T5c., rcdn.wito...............— ......... ........................................... —3a piccra of All-woollngraln Osrprt, to close out tba pattaros, regular pric* par

yard 7Sc., reduced to.......... - .................................. ........ —............—........35 placet of Ixiw-pricad Ingrain Oarpet, to eloae out tba pattern, regular price

per yard Wc,, reduced to.......... taaiaiivtiaarataa ■ M«rp«a>4l«(s*4«H4HI*a4*a**rer *«****•»• rt a >■***■**•■***>>

B E D B O O M S U IT S .Just Strived, tbrus carloads, and I have got tr> have them unloaded by Friday, 13 o'clock-

or pay damage. I will cloac cut to make ruom tbe stock I taava on band at the follow

Antlqu‘a " ? i a ' ^ i plecet,rcgr


ixd,,iiai 1.1.21, 1-UO, .

'’ leave <Vnt«''Mrret Station, Agi, • ‘*i JJ* f.l7,».lA AtoS H. W to to'll ‘ >" 11.“ *■ M. lUt. l.M,A0l7A k 4.toAto AM, Ail, AH, fto, Atf,

----- ihoji*. M, w'wk duraIhaya ('has1out_Niiretj11aUofc

Ato 7.11, r.t'l, 7.M, AiB, AM, All, »■to37, 1047, T.....................tlAkld, All

nfo, AIA ^

'Vi’i J T i . ‘ X ’4 ‘.iTito’ :toTsk.-TtoIt, UA ilM to AkAM, Ato Atodto

A4S ,7,to » to T.l*. A-JT. AIA torn, l . '.JP , I'ftonight Oundoy, A to s to All. t t o lAto IA4T,

AtoAIAAtLl.lA T.todN. kn , ( t o to'U o n d ll.llRminat Sirsst RtoUon, t t o Ato AH Ato

7.«, ACo. Alt, AM. All, AH, Ato lOto IA“ and I t.U A .i |.. I lS n .J l , 1417X11, AH AH, AIA Ato,AH *a>. Art, T.n, >T,to AtAAtot .11 r . M-; iaui night, Kunday. Ato t t o AH AM, laSI, Uto A. M. ; I'XH. lAto I t o l t o Ato All, AH, Ato AH. AU, AIA Ato

STATION ,For Kllaabafo *iKl luhwa) , AM, AU, MO ,Ito, J-to

AU, t to , i ia to n ,« A . H i 1.01, i * . t t o Ato a h Ato Ale. A to k to AH Ato Ato Afll. AVr, AIA All,

lAlT gad 11«7 nlftit, Sunday, )H 7,-Ato A H A H lAlA IM l. 1140 A?H. i n t o 14A Ato A lA .I^ A tt A S ^to . T.U, l A AO, AH Ato t t o to to toto owl'*Fu^Fjfi*bath only, AH A. H , llto LI*, and AHu u WMsICrilRFR,

rot- New BrunowFk,llto Ato, Ato T.toASI, Ato, AH

147.»4a an d to U h .lA ilA M ,L to e to r .to » m *ad•sM H. M.For Woodbridge ftod Perth AmbOfiktlrt.MRnd U.4I A. M.‘r g«r 4.04, ill. &.at,I.C1. f.OT WKl F. U., Mtd IU 7 i^bt* Oa Bund«}'«, w d LLIt A.

H : 6 J4 Mid 10.00 f . Mio r w iHyduJiMlini «UJ, 1 iJ P. Ma HundRjr, M-W A-

^For M HmMime.roe A. 1C.; 1&4S, kOi and I.1IF.lC.,d*tly,tkaaptiWDdAy. ^

FarKltUEtion aod Huoky ]£[lV7*IOAalC.iu}dLOft P- H. I dally, »K»pt tkinday.

PorPhUll; ‘ — -------AaHreMNl

The ihniolnt ortllMiK w«a rwd odm »t t lniortfaplk«rdnfHHwt «nd W«lr>r<Y»nmMoaH« on T\mA»y, May 17, IM, and duly ordotwl to « Nft

r^luf.Daud May H r ph yo N,

Clark of Iks Hoard of Mrert and Wstarcumtola__ ___ ikmwR._____ _______________ Iri

an TrtL TIT JnCPITAl* Atf O M h'n M a M A tinnw ftf ihf 0*1/ or IfKWRrk. ««iUM - An ordl*ilJta A. M. providf Jor tbe MVlbg of ftnntnctoa

(W>in bmid MiTMi to Mulberry bIM ,'’ LnmmNovember?, 1«I6. and Rpiirtived NuYember 11. IM*

BeUordaiMd by tb* lliAitl dl and WMrCommiaB oeni of w* rtlT of Niwtrlc, ■■ Wtoirai

HectHMi 1» ’I’Ual -an onlliuujce of the diy i»f Niw* ark, •nilUert •* Ao oedlaaiww lo provUla for lb* paf• lu of i>xiuLnifoa itTvet, frum Broad *ira*t to Mob berry *tr**i," uaioiHl NovciuherT, IM, add approfM Novamlwr II, lung >>■. 4Dd ^ mM ordlnanof i«,hatoby lopHilert, «u_a.

KNibmi TbatUtta oplloai»oaibAUtAkaallta4iaii {neehalelyi

lltwd May 1, IMJAUEB0MITH,JRh

PrwMeal of ibi Board of dtrtet abd Watar C^mm»sloa*iia ENOS RUNYON.

Clark tb* Board of SUa** aad Wat«r OosusiS' ■iDDrm __

m _________________ Mayor.

P' ' UBUC NOrrCE - OliriNANrjC ORmCBBD to third niaiUtiC' We, th* uodMalgned, h«r*bf

eerUfy ibaltnortlnanraira* r*aiiaM*aoad uraiala meeifu of 4b* Board of bu«*iaiid Water Commit

Ob TuBNday, May 40, IM. and duty ord«f*4 to ibird rwdlDff Jph)TVlu h«r tb* ftliowUii (Ob prov«meus yla> l^*ooiMlruotloaofapMt4lc**war

aven u e a n d houtm se ve n th ht&EEI';


ilp^rga Kbetoa aud BehddaftK T-ll.ll.li______ buuday,4jfoiVM-For" LamtN^lU*. ll.E A* M., XU, All aod

1.97 P.M. Honday. MO F-HrugUiD* 740, IU> A. Ms, Add tM P. AC*,

diUiy **oejrt Wiudr*7.IH P, M-, daUy, eif»rt«oo«Ujr. ir Bordentowni Burllngti)* anclOamdnti, i A- H*; 1.38, .u *od AB Fa K., dally,

l . « and ucapi

ak Bedroom ftulbt, I *1iy A A I Antique Oak ItartrnoTn Rulta, 8 * AA KA ;.prta*ia5,r*diia*dlo ^ L t tU v I pl*cra,rr!g.pri«e|88,ietluce4to OrforwaVVM A T T IN G S .

J uat received, 130 rolD more of Fonay Matting, tbat ws bav* bad 1 K . * *a w tv<] such a ruab on, at,....—........... .......................... — ....- ......... toVl/t U v l J Ur

Baby C a r r U ^ and R e tr ig a n to n -L a ^ iw t Stock and L o w e ^ I^ o e s la ths City'76c, Down fond 76c. W eek ly ......On |10.(X1 Worth

t 2.60 Down fond 76c. W eek ly ...... On 1^.00 Worth14.00 Down fond tl.OO W eek ly ......On 60,00 AVorthf 0.00 Down and t l .K W eek ly ......On 76.00 W orth18.00 Down aud $1.36 W eek ly ...... O n 100.00 W orth

> 112.00 Down and $1.80 W eek ly ...... On 180.00 W orth$16.00 Down and $3.00 W eek ly ......On BDO.OO W orth




D o y o u D r in k


[HiresiR o D tBeer?



a tm ffo I p a ifola kladlMo*.

_ IF TOO SUFFER C?.OIU D re ill^ W sA lS TS f Body »u4 Mind, orL B sa«*ftoi^()esaas,irrite u* for ou r pomphlat


‘W s S p ^ a M M lo iM 'T s Sold bjr a ll drug-

S s tfu n p a rp a c k a g fo a ra lx pooksget for o r vrlU b* sen t ov, m a ll on re-

eSlv-^^’o ^ ,.K CIIAK111TE8

•ratm iM NU Wf Imvagdopied dn ly ifoiifniifo ' b y ^ H A K . HOLZ- ’ 'fcet atraatk.

to Lola of___ _ o f Vlakm, Coas«iupUon,a pwm ottore G rava.

wta eu r* « r1i

A d $ MM.Y.

Ontbe ................,

Hold In Hevrerl . HAVKB, DOT. Brood aud

raoqnala t-U jm(anoe w ilh the p e n ^ u poiuftU lr ^1 th in k th a t m any yeofa fogs 1 d id klM V • BObt* lord, aUghtly; but h* wa* * « I n i h Lord, an d bla tIU* was a eouit*«y oue ; and th e fo m lly estotM bod bean baav tlyeooum - baredevery i lu M tb e d ay g o fB tn fg b o w ; and b ad ied .

Thor* vn* a vary lu ta rea iln f foetlvol b eU tb * o tb*r day A M n ee 's B all, Floeodllly, w han a Jo h n Oery p ra tid sd over a maeUng o f tb e Tbsatrleal Mlaatou. I t aaama (b a t ( b a n a re half * m illion q f parforeM f* a t places o f public am usem ent t o f who** sp iritu a l weilbr* no m ovlslon bad b«on nmd* iMfor* tha year iP k v k a n th e miHiofo ire* founded. I giavely dm fot th * aaonm oF o f Jo h n Cory's atattstire, Just *a I do Ibe figtuea o f tb a Rev. C o u r t b ^ Torld, tb* phUon- throplo founder o f tu e mlaaloa, wbo ata tad th a t t h a n vrere 1W,(N0 pm tona engaged in oa te riiif for tb e pabUe ton— iHKii IB Lon* danalD M .aadlSiijK o in tb* provlnoee. S till i t Is g ra tl^ ln g lo learn th a t Uw In stitu tio n aom pritm a elub for tb* * p ire ." irb o m ig h t lik e Ion** It, and th a t i t aarvad'** a phm* o f re s t and la ireu im ant batweaa tb a areao , Th* misalou also v W t tb tM m w F*o- pl« a nd took Bfier Iba prefoaateBMawkfodre gedng abroad.

HureeqiMoUy, Itody I f l lR w k * h M rlh U a d f f lsa a WM by Ih* e h lld n o « 3 » a re hMfog k*p t and eduoatad by tbM tw iiy$*p« ldao t

■ re sM a d U M h rM u U la a a x a d w M h atakep’sb t ^ ; and m to Iba ao ld roa la wblob i t i* belted th e ToriaM part taUow, • w T » Uttla M d k a ^ P ^ * ^ * * ^ ^


Aenam af

r e £ o ° ssi'* isaa f > ha< <oval B A xure P t r i i d p


BO too Bulbiny $L<B>» OUMfOBt Efo

^ ~ A . O A H I L L ,(Fotm ariy w ltb B. 0 . F alton t* A Ckx)

|3iBAUUl U f

W ltiM k ie l Retail

AMOS H. VAN 'HORN,V t a n i r v 'n B fornuerr * F"r BaUlmota and Woohlniton. Ato 1 l.M A. V.;7 3 M A B K £ f S T B E E T ,

i r e n rA itE , b . j .

C U R ESick B ea d *^ and rdBar* all *b* trsolta ted- dantfoahBImsa i* to of Aha g)rto*m.*iiak aa Direr* sm. R aiH LD iwiiMiiiw. DWtre* a l t i sating. Pain in tb* Old*, do. While their most HmaifcablaaDeotsihaa b*a* sbovn m curlog

S I C KBeodacha, yet Cannut's L im a Lina Piu* are equally vabtobl* 1* OearepMlon, amfoc Bul pnvanting this annaylag com plaint, whiw they also carraat all dtaDreres of in* stosaach, admulste the 'Urer and regulou th* bowel*. .....................'ottradKrau It thty ogfy c

H E A Dts r is .'s a 's iT S S iS S sbut fortunately tbslr goedneae dees not nul ban, bM tbom wbo rSo* tty.Uism wlH And theas iBIapnhrelM lh to sOwaiiT ways Unit they will not be reBing lo do without tbsoA_____ jOg I

aDaMM a*

A C H Ei* to* baa* o f id in a a r BreMhat ben ii where we make our aspat haaaA Our ptUs cur* it while o tb en dolEA

OaBTsWa L i m a LivEi f l u g a n vere small and veiy easy to take. (Me or two dUm mak* a doaa. Tbay are ntrictly vegetable and da M t gripe a r purge, but by their geotie actioa pliliwe all who use theto. In vtais at to oenu; B v e lo r lt . EMdeverywhere, o rieu lby man.

o u t h l o m in ure t a


An Infailiblt ReiRwly-Ncvar Known to , W t .

Guaranteed to corenerv, wrakneasea, lost yifadl memory, loaa o f wUl from what cause. Bn_ _ and permnncbtlr cfoML This TK rsatore vitality to on tba onans magic. I f youharraweaSsr disew

debility, qrgaMs‘weak b ^ lm p a iM


magic, i f you hova weak *r disewsefo' lungs yon can restore their atrength by the Use m N. B, I f yon have akin eruptions, blototaeh,------- etc, aor* UiroM and mouth, pain In

d or ben**, uia tbla

3 T d X V ^ ■■ElSieraei

V k ,

iliuv___ ___

I t1 o*rs

s e n t OB Ohmg* itre a t, Hi,_ •vauiigs; E u o d i^

____ ramedy. A* ai t o s a ^ . Price of tb la

triW sl**„ S.tonM. sncoey, B. Kirk, Ut ’ F-’ T Boursidtof


BELLXVIUJ AVKN' puTlBg.. Asseasnent It

^ yen ItiKt an ssemni

. OE PAYING AND BE- IhrbenaAta Ifaiee ts bere-

yutFlaniliUly eaoepl (fiiudw. . . .I^r Prluoeton, 7-to Ato IMS A. M,, LH UA A3I

aoUTAH ~For

•unlay. On •uniioy, 'Att A- M.IbrFnehold, Fonnlnrlsls, Msoosquon and Bea

Oln, via Honmouth JnnrUun, 7,40 and 11,41 A, M.. and 440 P-sfi, weak days a,,» a, A[, euiHlajo, For Ftrebold Quiy. Ato P. U, .wees days./ ew torkto nbw am . __

For Hewart, l to Ato Ato, 040. Ato 140, J-to 1-to AlO, 140,1.10,0.40, 10.10, 1040. ll,tolL10, II.MA.M.; 1AH and 1X40 neon;' - 1,00,1. A 1, A Alo, '140, Aon,I,to 9.4U, 4410, 4.10, 4.U, 4.10, ' ' 440, A!>1, A10, AXI, ».to A40,6,,'lo,o,00,t,lAO.toA*), Ato 7.00, 7.(6, O.lO, . . . ..... 11.44 p. u. ouj I'Lle uilduighL Uun

Ato. tA tolAK^.to lUO________ _______to l.W, too. i ( 5, 1.10 AOO, AIA 4.40,Oto 0.44,7.0U, 7.W, 7.44, *40, AM, foto lAIA 11,00 P. M-sod toll mMnlgbL

per fUilher Informatlun * « ilmetoWre, w> be hod althe ticket elHrea. Tkketa for all (wlnto an Ibe Foniuylvenla NaUnieJ oiut cumKcUoiu and la rllia.

rENTRALAVKNIlE,in *1'iverth iiireAfoiin South Stxik gtmat ta Svain I

**’’**” smrm sEVENTW tmiisirr, ftnm Oentrol av-nue lu Twclftb tvwua. tn Oesind avenue and Soutb Herenth strato ftom Orntni ev*. niM lo Klrvenib avaniM, to be U Inebet In Ulomelart and hem KlevenUi avnuue Ui Twelfib aveaue to ba 1llnchi'4 lndl»Tnrlcr, loaeiherwUb ell Ibe apiNfo tenoncaa lorewarv to compiet* the samA

DefodMoylAtoH J A M « bMPTH. JH.rrnldent of the Board of Stmt and W*|*r Oonubl*’ .

' KNCm RUNYOir,7a __ _________Clark of ibe noaifo

O?Nothib s

OF INTltomoN — BOARD _ , buret ood Water OonuokaioeeiA—FObll* nuUci' 1* hereby given that It I* the lottoUon H th* BnanI uf streel and Water OommlMloneni of Ita* edty of Newor*. UMtar and by vlrtua of pmvIaHaa of UUMtenlitlsd'* Asoet So i*vls* and amaad Ih*Fhorurofthe city of Hatrork," apptovtd Hanh It, 1M7, twl Ibe ■ubsUHneuts thereto, and the out ci*at mg Ibe Riiard ufHtrsntaiHl Water CommMobti* Of

o-eu, a,-", o.4u,u.uu,n.i'4 AIA toU. 1140, 11,44 P. ^ tnlno, AIA Ato I a Tm .; Itoo noon, I'ito

anvlum and begijage ctaecAs *i Ihn company's uRIcil No.7H BHMrtaU**l. ot at Ucksl oHIm at MarksI binvt bUtUun.CHAS. R. PtOTH, iisneral Manager.

J. it. WOOD, Oenenl I'aswngar Agent


llffleUbl* Is Umj itflTnUot iMYfi vl«

CENTRAle RAILROAD OK NEW JER8ET, from Bro*4 *ivl Pf rry rtt. Htatlnaii,

terPbUwftiplKUK iUtimcira uml Wosliinfioa Ruy&i UiueUiM".

fo r FbUadpIfihUi »nd Tmnurn, T.W. f.0», ] a « A.V.;

Ih* clir of N«wairh, ord*r *]iS «u*» ^

BROAD HTRKKT, ^frotn noav*ro*Dr to H*tvcy suiwt,KftHiljK’ TriiiMlH'i Lsik* kstraKudi; {nfutAar w(tltott. tbe •p|Juii*nAnf'** nece$ei«nT Ui romplet* tb* Mim«.

BucTi inuT otHwi ihereio *r* irduentMto urmeiil their ot^*U(iP*littwrlU[4 *t the offle* of tile BmrriofBumMHl W*t*r(iom)nbi«loiwr*Mi or before tbeexpIrtUon of ton Any* from ofthis iM)tt4!e. ^

By dlrecUob Of tbe BM$nlorBtr«*tMMt W*t*rO«»> m brionsrsoftheC ItycfN ^ork^ MARSH,

General buuerlnuadani of WstltA Newark, N.Th May IMSM. Ifo

NOTH'R NOTOT! IS HEUHBY (ItVKN I'D all portlM InlenaUKl that Ike MttUlcat* <f aa

Smuiaut of tbe whole amount of th* oostn and *g-MDouaol eradlnf and curbing ___ ,

SnlTTIt I'HIBTr.ltSTH HTRBBT, ftnm KIgbleenUi av-ruc to dptlaglMd avsnUA

HA- been dtllvered to me acromlng to law. **14 aaucnuniHnt uunprliwe at I the luu. i tacts and paibsl* cf land and real estate lying nn bntb elilea of

BOITK THIRTKEN r l l MTREFT, from ElghteiMilli avenue o> Bpangflelil avenue.

I ’beownen of land and real eainu orI oiaeused In laid

_______ inetit upon all tbe owners ofthe laod* and teal esUMpaoullarly beaeltladby

the paving and reuavhia ofBKI-UiviLLlC AVENUE,

ftoin Rloomneld avenaa tn Wsatalngton avtnuA *0- ourding U> the pravlalsua of aBurdlnaoceoftbe city hfl(*waik,*a«tledaa otdluBJW* to provide for Ib*

' " ' ‘“‘ • ^ S O vI l LE AVENUE tnm Bfoomfleld avenott to W«*hlQ(toii avmua tpproTod October S7, IMO,H«* been pnperad vs Ut* bnd«nl<nfl4 Ootu

nlaboMn, im)poId(«4 A)t the CtrwU ( ^ r t if the County or IteeX td ibake mM

jmeMnHhlii] *M (bet b import by n o*rttflo*t* Id wrttlutf, with *n iM»Mn|K*ai^ BMg Md *ob«dul*(

UA-Ul.iUA '>Ju|J*mui reu ly, U.3» P. H. Bud ddye, V..DA, 10.»9 AeM.l K- M. Pirforcdti Ol dajr ttBlD*. Hleepm uu otgbi tn iuk

AU A. M. for MtiittoDii to iiifftk bndfv, ooDoecUbf for stiiUuiu OD UJfili SriiliK* Breach end iekke Uck peU'ODi*.

f.lT A. M. for Mela Lin* N. S. C Dir,, BeUilebeaig AJicotown. MeucU Chunk, etc.

%M A- M- for Melii Line, K. S. a lUv., Lek* Hopae> Hlfb Rrld|d breiicb, Alleiliow ii. Reedlof*

oertiUoato^eweemieniete hereby Tequlted to pep th* emoubt gd *M«diMl uiKui thum atiTrec'A Of theiR r$Mip<(ctlvely, to mi*, et my offlcei No. A City HeU* OR

€*iRr, ____ -llerrlsburK, Wilkeiberre, berenfon.T^aque, PQlhtvIU*, SieluttiDy <:U S biuo\'euioj


*|B^a*riMnp^foii|y boaeflM adeforMiKL, sm

bed fri.thv (iroce of the City Clerk of th*- b , ®dtyofNfwwHi for *MAlii»Ui>b bv’ tb* peilit* lir- tereewd Uwteliie

Heiaeiiewioiebioointtrfoe* ell lots, trnrta endni* o*l* ol leisd end tmi «etet* IleU* to teeiMMd M

SloomdeKt aveotw - ' -* ‘ 'oOLN AVEWU

Wlfliemitport,iwmaquik, nikUYiun, AHiuuiri; x i''" ........eml tbroofb coeoh Neir York end

1U.<K> A toV irir foCN)$>> ivWalUfli'lhin.1 JR p. M. fox Meih IJde, M. J. U Div.* Lake Hopeb-

ooiig, Ulxh Brldf* Bnuicbt AllHitoiva* “ — *' Chubk, Mdlng, Uerrliburi, Temequ*. i end Wliliemapurtj*lc.

4.01 P. M.. vkayfoeRteifonRlo JuictloiuU i P. M., wey for K*ln Llo* N. J. C* Div. HJeh

Bridge Bnukcb, Lefce liopeUrong* EiMon, BeUiTo> bem, AUeDUivru, Cuetik* WUkoBberr*. benia*tun end Temeque.

MOP. M., Main Lin* N.J.C.Plv.* EwOoti, A11«R' (owtt, ReedWr MerrMwrgend Meuch Chunk.

7A5 A- for hAifoD, Hethlcb«Qi emi AUbuiowDiKitr mmuurye l>«wlMJurx liiitE Wmieiitsuort, vte

nkUecfolphle, TJO A* M., I4«,7.SA llJft F. K., te- (Mpt UMurdey Dlfbt Ruade-in *.M 1'. Me

Suhdeyi 7,::b A.IL, weyfor High bridge Bnoih ' IseHti HtipeUsuM, Meuifo Cbuoki.Temeqn*

WUUexniPori; Mi ' ' ' - **---------; 9.05 A. M'S forBoDii



iidrof ____llk cQ L N AVRNUK

(fom ArifogtoR ST9IMM to hfiulntfo n tR o rtb of tb*

**Sa'the *Mt <td# of . HKLLKViraLlfi A vm nrE ,IhoROtufi Nu* M BelfowUhi eveon* to lUTonld* evc- RMb " 'I ORtboMBtMdeof*

HrARUlNOrON AVRNURe foom RlTereM* ov«ouo to • pofRl' RH fret tiorth of Ibeiemo,

AVKNUllnom RWtfrM* evuiM to e pAst m Uiesenfr.

A ** lot nrnfMMt* on eattn plot of land* whether leigi or Mnell,

tsorn laMnstsd la sHd asaeaimenl say bt ild Osmnilsloewrs onB k aiX T H DAY OF JU N E IMA " Oosamiitioasre roeui, E o .l (thiid

h w a _____<TEOM Ef. TUTTLE JOaKJ.OftoKCY, T lU llU k J.eA A Y

, poiat re feat norlh of

stoMsir oa 'TuHdtr. KayiW. U*A fSd duly orderedorvlltat (hr ire Mltowlisf J“ -to ihM naduig, pmvU

provwumA mat lb * oomiuoNo* of a puhllo"^SlvEreB A V E !^ AJID GNAT tn*E»r,

Bad la urar atnto •neu Asreuth avnu* tuOtang* oMmA wUto H to M 13 laidua la diaoMter I Hrelhat .rithaUtOi apponswuMS giniaiiiT to *04*toe<*

‘W M . F M . mFreelfrintor tb* BcRraof Jttir**t end W*t«r cotfr

mlwtTiniT*uHMuun-. ^ Binrvqjr.5e Q i^ o f th*«Mifds

1M ^ PHUTT*l*|itMil*e9,1N4 *



HARBIBON * H0A& 'T a a w IllE a d a t aarasa raa ftiU llaas r


Call Bwi * * • m r *U «k oad a*i p e le ta

2 0 S T R E E r .

S E ia r e a K . s . 3 .


•T lim .EDF.

reoate tobVIg AWlWV E l 4SA. »asre* ores b,< ei-weArkehdllH «Alh7 0fpMBi U4 Q Pv M. fotf Wly,'* ■

“ ^ ’ - ^ ’SSS^iSlE AMD NEW YOBK.


AIA - , -UAAM.f'to IAHE u v a j m ^a.

“ lSH i5 ! 1rere7N *w ^ i i i ' E*. iNun* foUo«e( .

^ I g y Aalg bujhty_.y.M A,’oMIba]* IJfolMli

EoretotiM l

DAT INJECTION CVEE ftir all 000- tlMlMISIWkMV At******, ClIIW SCA, iau a re b ta* d U to u * lu twg ^ ay* or

J i d t i S S t ' i S a r i t N f ^ r|3 Ul3 *Vtiilil(li •aDdOfAUtqtF.M .

wile, ASA wto, IWAIIM, ILis A.,i.AAtto Ato, UA cot, ASA Ato, AU, A4A AM, 7.M, 7.H, AM,10to. ll.H P. H. Amidaya 7.H At,. AtoU-M

vine ; ).to A. it., (br Doniervllto ;Ijg Y H., way fur Dunallan; 1M4 A. H., for eometvllla; lt.4t A. M„ wey for IMDOUeo ; P, M i wey for tfoedlag, UerrUburg, Heuch Ohank i 1A5 P. H„ wey for KomervlU*: 4.10 P. M., m for Boni«rvm* well t *m- logiotk; (.40 P« M.S for mjuki}! (auuIL Heeding end Berrlaborir; 5.01 P. J4 for Pltiadeld end Bound Brook iT.’ilbr. M.,wey for DuneHon ;l».76 P.M., w«y for »k>mervUI* • 10,fo t*. M . way 5>r tkNTvrrviUii.

NKWiARK AaVD RU/oABETIt BJtANt^H. TreUt* leer* Rroed Street HteUoo for EllMhetli

andltuwlfoetAlk tt.lOKUmbtthpciri(inly, 7.L%7..n LX2 NUxebetbport only;AU,*.U 9M«x(rnt llo-

....................... lliAILM As M .il-15, 1.05,1.4%..............................‘■1.1. 7.AS,

i.a\ u.5010.11 J 1.49 A. Ml 1.1M.W, lUs Lfo. 4.10$ UO (.40.0-00> LU. 7.20, LIL *>9 t 10 P M.

F*r PletDOeU.9.15,, UO. 1.05, 10.0$, it.2 A. V.: 1X6, UA, SeliUtt w U4, Ml, (.fop A.W. (vl&y 7.1J$ UA, MM, laifolUA Pe XL

KOI boa*rrlH(k h li TvU. h. M.; LOd,IM.XML «.*• i % 4% 5.«iMQ.*i«i tialA, 7.3A,

far neouigtDB, 709, M l A. M.: IM, XL\ ! . » P. M. For Knb Ali, A3S* 11.31 A. M.: LAl, Lf \

m (JAAIaT u P'M.Buediy% 9,06 JL lL P.M.t t c y m b o ld eiidi AUentln BiiitilBttdi Tie MeW"

« imlA% 1U 5 A. UsJUA, 4JLLIi Ruhdeya,tZM|lt7 l^ o U ,9M A .lL ;4.1*P.V. ,

F ir Red BftPk, Umtf Bnuufo, Ocaeo Oioy*, eta* LtL 11*1 A. Me iM AIA P. 3L tfoRday* ex- tMplloOoien Orov*. 9,01 A. M-: 4.10 P- M.

For Tore* Blrw. BerMgM Perk mod Bemeget, LSI A. JL| UL 4-'U P '11"For VlMlepd eod Bridgeton, l.tA P. M.

FofL«lu«W KLlAAlL{ LU.4.1AP. M.>0 Sunday trelh*.For AUM%e Clfr, l. » F- M-

NRWARit AND NEW YOmK.Fkobi Broed $£d K«rry MraH »te(loa*>"At 1.10

lsifoL30.*.49a7.0a 7.3 7*^ AQO L3Q. L A 0.0D.L3L ML IL O M W lOstL tl.OL U45 A. M ; 13.05 M.: I IM IM U qTMOpML l3o. I.M i 05.4.1L 4.4LL1L AOO 6.19* L40a LAS, m IM A t l<>i AA IML P* U.i IML 13 Bight Botkdeyi'-l.OI). LOO, 9.00, lOstti It.OO £ m .| 1155iL l 149, 149, LOO,lA, 4.0L A J A 7M aa* *,do. ItiJiL ILOO. 12*00 P. M.

Lsav* Suw Yor* from foot of LIhnrty «rs*l—At U 4,Ain,AtoAW, T.IA 7J0, Ato AIA AM, Ato, AIA1 I ! ' * ! ¥ i .ah !u s ! s.i U.lL toM b,. . .A. iJ.; to«) M.t I t o l-------AH AH lO.W, ll.<».to« P. It.

ITmUm leev* above eiaUus via LBUIGU VALLEY KAlLItOAD

forBuRhlo, NiegerePelie eod m* Wees,6.30 A. AL; 7.49 P.Ks SODdeya, A. M.; 7M F. H.


yTwerk,K.J.,MeyH,ti5». _____________VTOTiCK-NOTlUK IS HEREBY OtVEN^TD

oil pertlei Inhireeu , that the unrtlflret *f ee ■HNiment of thi'whole efiiotint of tbe coat* Lad egi> DaoMe^eoaBtructiiigeaeeHr In

JtiHNKN AVJCNUB, irotti Peddle Street Id Alpine *1 reel.

He'* b**s dvlIvenHl to me ei’oordlng to lew. Bald seeeeeinent romprlM» ell the Iota* tnu-is end pUMli of lead end reel Mtete lying oa both *ld«e of

JOHNSON AVKNUIS, from Feddl* itreet lo Alplit* euwet

The ownerv of lend and real «*tete *sewen la Mid i'erfideete t>l eMreemeol ere hnrrby required to pey Ib* amount to eM*m*d upoo them, end vech of them ru«i>*ctW«l>', 10 m* nt my ottiM, No. L HeU, oil ur before June

jAhlEri F. CONNKtsLY,Corepireiier.

Newark, N. J., Hey U. l » l ______________Wd>VBMC NOTICE-ORDINANCE DRDKREH tl) lUlffl r«Miiiig. We-UieurnWruigiied. hereby

rerliry tbut an urdlneon* wea reed a •n'oiio tjm* et * Duwiittg of the Hoard ofHlruet eud Water Cummlw lloEwm, im Tuendey, May 10, WJ, end duly ordered hietblrd rredlng, provvtlni ^ the foliowiag Imp prev,m«bvU.^;fc.^^vln^uf^^from Belleville avenue to eorierly curb 11m of MA

iiiino Trinidadwith fenit uk*

I'Aum.u' Norit’K rmuiNANUK oEnnKW) . Ui Ihinl nwlliig. Wo, the nmlorilgiied. hereby

cerllf)' that an unllMiiou was reiul a mcoinl liiue as amretlngoftlic Bnard Of Bimet aud Water t'otu- mietloiierH, on Tureduy, 'May lA tSK, and duly ordered in (bird tewUagr Pruvldlng Ai tli* WtkMV- lag baprovamoul pirAcEI''"’*from North CAnel nirnet to it* oortherly termlMR or Hecior atrwt, with k*nulD* Trinidad Lake ifr gbeiuitti.

iMed Mar 15. INI^ JAMES ftMlTH, JBm

Pnwldefit of th* Board of Hireet ead Water OnfrKNOB RDNYON,

Uorkofthv BoMd.

«eve New i ork ftoin foot or Lir ), LOO, Lto, 7.M, 7JD. MM L »1, lOrOU, lidlg. 1549| A. lire Urtw m.s iikw,1.140*3.00, Iw. LOL Llo, Lit, 4, »l LSL LlO, L33,

" -.56, Lfi, L4». IM 7'iOs 7vW, LtO-Nr Id JL F, M. Mimdei^74X»4 L50, 94»a 1U.9L U.od OM.; iJDst^t.tfS 4.00. bM L M M M lM

gvr EUHiRuu, r.Hw, «.M -A. m*, chw- m,«u, ikw,F.IL Buhdeyi*mL00,lt.09A. M.;L(»l7,UI>P. Me

For H^teteok, Allintown ehd Mouch Chiuk, To*(| A. X.; iLRV 4 _LUi 7. « F. M, Uuudeyi, 741k

>or Raeiou, r.lio, LB) A. M*; tlNr 2.90, LM Lte, 7.U«*> -ca--A " 7 f '* “ ““■ *a

itoA. U.; Atoito Uto A. M.1 Ito fto P. M.

Foe KasIMOa, Ito A. M.: lAH AH L4* r. tL Sua- duHAtoUtoA.U.: 7toP.H.

Fat BoUits to tb* Halumoy coal nsfloa at Ato E I ( „ ls fc 4toP.ll.Tl*iidayi,AH'lito*.M.

For WIlassaatTs, PItiim and SciMiton, A » A. K.; Bto, 4to, 7.40 P. M. Sgudoys {oioepl HcnuUook DO ...T;; ftoP.M.

Far Ehnli*. Ato A. JL; UJA L «P . K. huodamAto A. .'

.jL.'ikaimt>,'Frat't A 41*0. H’gr.

canAKCocK,Gan.Fsaa Agret

Wisliiii to Bttiii Fm BosiiK,I otibr 336,000 worth ot


PlMuiHiiL . avenue,MPlieitum.

Datod !kay 19, VMJAMI'H SMITH. JRv,

PrMdont of tb* Board of Hlreei aud Water Om n mtMfonena tNO« RCNYON,

96t Herk Of the Board.

PUBLIC)toe third reading.

NOTIUK-OHDINANCE OKDUBXD We, theuadenlgited b«v»liy

oeiUiy that an onllueB^ wa* ruad ieeroedtlineele meelliigofthoBoardof Street eiul Water OoDanki*". slonen on Tumday. May 10, IWf, and duly ordered to a tuipi rewiliNi pfovldltig fur the foltowteg Ib *

froiD East Menheuto u> Elm itmt» with oblokg granite bloiAa.


Preildeot of th* Board of StrMt and Wu*ru5» mlMtoneiL

KNOB RUNYON,to OI*fkciftb*BMaL

PUBLIC KOiTUK- to third remUng.

•OEDtNANOE ORDERED .a. Hf vwru rwssim. We, Ui* UDclenigiMMl, b tnby oenify tbat eh ordliuince waa read a aeeood time et a meeting of the Board of Stcoet aud Water Commi*" sloDere, on Tuceday, Hay 10, igUi and duly ordered

rtmdtng for th* following InvI coDuiniatteA vt a gifoltceawei

to third nwdliig, nn>v pTOY*mahi,vut.i 'Htei;“ KAIRMOUNT AVENUE.IVom’ Bank itroet to Thirteenth avenue, to be U liMihe* lit diameter, together with all the appoatfr ■auoM neoewarv to cDinpteta tb* Haa*.

Dated Hay 16, UR.JAMES SMITH, m ,

PmJdent of th* Board of Street and Water ConuaJfr aUwiiL .

MNOSRUVTONito \ cterkofth* JtonyL

PUBUO NOnCE-ORDINANCE ORDERED to a third reading."^Wa, to* atMteielgaed henby

omuy that an oidtuaboa waa laad a wwikkI uuiiaia mretteg ortho Bwtfd afstivat eBd-WaterCamtoia" elonen oo1'o«*day, May 17.19Bt, and dniy oidarai lo a ttilRi rredlng* prnvMlufortb* foUowing liiFrovw toent, Tlx.: TM naTbig of

TIIIRt EkNTH AVKKUSg . ^ _ SroniBfiirlQgd*rdaT«itii*to Honla avtnuej with eto long granite blecka.,K.J.,^^1g J « ^Fnaldsat of tt* Bcant at Bine* asd Talar Oom-



Usfk af theNoariL

lo b* sold for less th a n oust.

Oum* aarly oad b* coavtaoed, Hwn to M .

L T. LOOIEB, 847 Brttd Slnet

S iofu 00


PUBUO k o t io e - o b d in a n c b o w m iE t tlu third nsdlu. Wa, tha uaditsifo^ haiShy

asrtliy that on onffuami* ws* rsad a rewod Raw as a itlug of tbs Board of Strwt and WoMT r

I TuMdsy, May 10. Wft *■ third nadiDB, prevWlad ft*

la*Inintovcmcnt.vlai ThapavliigutVAN BURKN KfRABT, ■

IKom Walnut to Ferry oUret, with «U*ag gM dlh b ln ^a

Dated May U ,1E3. .....rrs*i<K'ni«f Iha Bootit atMsaaS airiTLi*% re

■ I f f l S M B E 0 «O k u g l i i f H t b i t s o f N o m a n e U ttu o u

8 m b OB t h e E n g liB h T o r t

D r . L i g h t h i l l ,


Old T t t r f l m P a id U U l* AtlaaUoB to ItcB arB ien t o r P r a p r i i t f •• Nb o im 'Whleh a ra a K 07 t* Ml* raTortlOi* Ka- ym naloBt a a d H aM U of T l i t i r TIaaaa.

ODrTtipnadaae* o f tb s N iw t.LoajiOH, M a y t l . - T a ik in c a d t r o r tw o ar>

w ltb the T i ttra a imataar l^ r ta r ab o al ttie w olrt royatery o f tb« Orraa poltonln* and IbapOM lblllty of (he D nkeof W eatm loater'i bo n * d a rtin g for th* Dorhy, I rece(red a lot o f queer iDlbnnallnti regarding the nomenni*. to re Of the equlo* herooe and heroine* o f th*to rt

“ ypq *ee^" aatd Mr. Pon«r, " raoe bone* » re gailerally nam rd In •ym pothy w ith th* period ftt which they are foaled and I am not the only on* who tay* th a t a p e ru ta ln fth * Bind Booh and Turf (lulde, a* Ihr a i KngUnd taronoerned, would ha like reading a eery eoinpaet«tilh>nie of general, eoclal, d tam atle , &i«gl«al a o d j i im r y bletory.

" ( r t cograai’’ rontlniied tbe trh in e r, “ you would, no doubt, be etruck particu larly by tbaebang* which boa taken place In the nam ing of bonea elnoe tb e day* when our fla]D.«pok*u fOretatben oalled a apad* a apade a n d n g ra y b e n e w ith a n d e p o t on h i t hip ‘Bloody Bnttoofc*,'‘B ell Klro,’ again, would h a rd ly ba tolerated In tb«ae daye, thongb a n < ^ logd w tn th* namoglVer, o r even the laM prntefr-k ioklng and p robnoaoundlng b u tn o t miioh teae oObnaiTe ' Looaeoateher,' tb O ffh tb* natna ebould have been ODOtemd b f a v e a tb a ro f lb* jockey club.' “ f e tb e d u m o r y o f m a n y o f u a n o h name* aa ‘C ro c tfli’ and ‘A tonem ent’ have been deptacated on the ground of profanity, and have given pain to m any excellent perion*.I t l i a weH-known etory th a t Ibr tbe Ibrmer of tbe two mentioned, Lord Bentlek'eunapproaobably excellent mare, a change at luuaa waa laqueatad by Lady Oroavenor, and Ib a t Lord deorge replied th a t be would cbenge tb« nam e when tbe bearer o f i t wee beaten. Tbl* nobleinan eeenu to have bad a poclttv* m an ta for nam ing tale homea queerly and even vulgarly. ‘All-round- Q yd ia l ’ and ‘ Here-l.go-wUb>my.eye^>nl' w e n >9P>be . O t b o taea , Ji*.looglog to b lra : but i t n o e l be rem em bered th a t tbea* e ip rea ilo n i w e n o o u tn o n itree t e rta aa ttb eU m e ,aaeo m a of n* m u tt be old en ougb to feoa tl; aad tba noble hnd, there- fbre—not onoonacJonaly, p e rb ap a-th n am ark ed a a epooh U U u bletiwy <a elang. There waa no t tba aama axeuaa for ano th e r nobla lord , w ho, m any y t a n afterw ard, hav ing a oott, eon of ‘ B ather H igh ’ a n d half, b ro ther to ' OatebeimeUvi ’ (a good epocta- m ark lng nam e, a* tba ory bad Just eom e In) prom ptly called bim ' K lll.‘*’tm ’ a a b ltlorloel value whatever.

“ In tb e p n e en t dey tb e oom enelatnre la, a t a ru K pen bitlg laoB hnilva Th* era o f ooane- Bggl M e foeoeeded by one whiofa, tbongb not ggjtlrety fte* from th a t reptoaota wa* m ore re- N fc r ti l le to r eenanlrteltlaa, K m u tie lile e and commamoraUvaneen In lie nom enclature. Tbeia waa a etfong flavor of th e old aoanaiM m In th e nam e given to tbe V inner o f the B i lag e r In U U ,ooe ‘ r i l b o d a ^ t a , ' b u t refinem ent had by th a t tim e n aohed tba point a t whieb It waa ooualdared adv liab le to dligulea In a foreign language an appeltatloo th a t the anden t* would nudouM - ed ly b av * given In ' p lain Bngtleb.’ Ae for tb**oe*ntrlo lU ea,ltm aybe enougb toeped* t f ' CUek*y<pokey,’ * O iaophylaoterlum ,' ‘ HBmph.’ ‘ O.D. V.,’ ‘ O-jy,’ 'O .P ,> ‘ Papk- akeei. ‘ F lpyU a,' ‘Plpytlna,’’ ‘ Beady B h lno ,' ‘ RowdlaAwDow,' ‘T i^ lnda* (got b y a b o te a th a t ‘ tio u a d l a ' IW the Derby), a a d • W lnkey BOMt*

“ Ae (Or the mmanUctUe*, tb e nam e* of ' Florteal ’ a a d ' P erd lla * ^ a tale mmlUar toevarybody w b o b ae ever heard o f Qeorge IV. a n d hie am o u r* ; and a* foe oom m em ora. tlvenea*, tak e tb e examplea o f Delptnl, a fkm oaam an-danoeriO fB aoodll and Fatiwit, eelebrated-women denoer*) of T a r ta n , th* aw fnt f n n o b fInttoQ , who I* *ald to beve

a a live gat atnong other de lloadae ; and q* Boiartiait, Mit now probably tar- iffltondHrm uy, who had a g reat deal to

dD W tthhonea (eepeolally, I t I* eald, w ith ■teatlng them ), who wae hanged in tb e year............. • • w m ia m H abber.

com m onlyeaU na ted , m ay be Inferred from tbe anewer h e l l reported to have mad* to a qneetlon w bleh waa a tk ed In a ep lrlt ra th m of a p p ro

“ A n m ^ l t i e l M e t of raob b b n c i, again, tb e e tndan t would And the namee of Ceptnln A naetrong , th e Inlnnner, and nxm bontae. Tbe a tad an t would alao b* aU a, thank* to tbe 11*1 o f nam ee a nd data*, to fix th e tim * a t w bleh tb a nagro m ln itrel*and th e ir melodic*, wUb th e i r 'J im U r o w ’.and o ther d lttlee b o

j „ « e i | m ^ ^ I a r l a K nglaod! a t w hich the ‘ po lka ’ M gan toflonrlah am ong ne, an d a t w bleh tb e work* o f Chart** Dtokene bed

1 m oat gogna, a t the ir anooeaetve appearance.' “ OBaoenityagoepted, tbe feeblon Of nam ing

heraea ap pean to be mneh tbe earn* now ae It alway* baa bean, th a t la to eay, th a t the nOBUnelature o f race b<>r*e* exblblip a flom. pend lnm , a e l tw e r« ,a f tb a annate o f tb e age, *0 a* tba m oat prom inent peiaooi, p la M a n d evanta a re oonoerned. B ut tbe onatom w hieb ba* axtatod to a certain ex ten t from tim e Im m em orial o f ooDDnctlng the name* In com* w ay w ith th a t of tbe lire o r the dam , or w ith bo th nam ee, leem i to be In the** day*

■ T V ^ h o i i M a d f h u ever it waa byobearvaao*. ' B M * o f tn * raeune are exoeedlDgly curloa*

a a d im n e a re very neat. To tb e la tte r oat*. gory be long‘Bt-Blolep,* a eon o f H erm it and ruaeet an d ‘ Dnlomn,’ a eon of Paradox an d tV beatoheat Tbe la tte r namee eepeclally teatlfy o f a n Ingenuity and elaboration w orthy o f a better oeuee. N or waa Lord B andalpb CburghlU'e ‘ I/Abbeae* d* Jo u a rra ’ for a daagbgaa o f T rapp lit and Vaaitve a bad In- vantlaau Bven eooIealaaUinl m atte ia

Tba Bneoaiatat Naw T erk Bpaolallit, for th* bettar aooonm odatlnn of h li Naw Jaraay pa- tltnU , baa opened an ofllo* a t

18 CLINTON 8T., NEWARK,W her* h* can be onnanited from II to B F. H.

dally , Sunday* excepted.

D r. L tgh th in n u k o a th e trent* m en t o f DeafheiM, Ciatftrrh and DfgeascM o f th e T h ro a t an d Longg a apneiatty.

l*nee o f th e m ost aggravated n a tu re ratltcaDy and perm anently cu red w ithou t pain o r deten tion fyoni biMlncM.

Eptlepgy. Dineaiieti o f th e Skin euiil B lood, and all Chronic, Ner> TotiB o r Com plicated Com plaints, iuccessfhlly trea ted .

■ aA o d * * f P r ip * ra lfo a flawBlaRvmarkiiW* to m

From Clood Word*.I t w aa h b ottftom to dafo r 0

a ra ttoB t i l l S a tu rday aven lng ; P im pM iitly , w h a n vlaiU nc h im on th a t hi* oaaal d ^ fo r aee lng M aed a , 1 h a v s la q a lra d w h a t h la anb jeo t w aa to be n e x t K a m li i f , a a d h e haa ro p liad th a t be know n o m o m t b a a m y te lf , an d ha* la k e d m e to eoggeit a te x t . I a ak ed bow h a w ould ea t a b o u t It, s a d h o ■■id In ■otMtUUM a

“ A fte r S o ’clock fttm lly w orah lp I bM m y fy iand i g o o d n ig h t an d ta k e a t u r a in t h e g a rd e n qx m y a tudy , revo lv ing eev e ra l te x ta . P ree a n tly o a a i tr lk a a » a ,m i d I w r i te on a p ag e o f n tA epaper a b r ie f o u t ­lin e o f th o u g h t. T h e n I r ^ w h a te r a r a iy l ib ra ry c a n aupply , T h a language oom ea w h e n p re ach in g . T h le fo r th e m orn ing . 1 do tb e la m e on S unday a f te m o o n |b r th e ev en in g . P eo p le la y I a m orig inaL N o ; I u B o a U th e g o o d tU n g a o f o th a ia l o a a la y h o ld o f. B o m a o f ia y b ra th ra n a p e n d tw o o r th re e d aye w ritin g th e ir eerm ona. I

tU andvaatagarU m tli


S T . J A C O B S on.t o I t i 1 1 1 f w i i M t C r M .

U X ItI t .U IH o ^ S t,a * r tn a l* * 3 r^ U IIf RbBnnOH.abayofOra^la. vlll*,H**i.,e*H*fohtah«***tiil9t.waiSagoae*utDb**( UaUgwaabaat atthakaiiefof iwemaathi lf*.li«iiBiig*v*hliaat.Jaea*aOUtoiek1t, tn

n n ew eiw e ik ev a ry d ey a lw ao u aaa lio r ." D fo a tu li g a i a tM ,U tli Snflhtedaevaiel

I'a th* baokrwa* flv aaBptydoetM S. Tw ekeB laiefS t.JaB ot*O T cetaf —

h a v e I I e an be re a d in g


Th* M ory o f a H appy H etbev .

A aott (tf Mr. b. Fowl*, n a ld ln g a t No. IT R aao iek avenue, Trentun, N, J ., ha* been completely cured of Iba t terrib le dl*etH eptlepey by |)r . LlgbthllL W hen queattooed by a reporter h l i m other gave the following p a rtlcu lan about hi* caae and b 1* rem arkabl* recovery!

“ My eon had been aflllcled w ith *pl1c|i*y for m any year*. W hen laa*t expectad h* would become uneonudoai and fall to the ground w ith hi* foatur** dk lorted and tala body oonvulaed. II* would foam a t tb* m onth , groan p itifu lly , grind hi* teeth and prcaant a moat lerrliy lng aapcct. After lb* a tteok hod paaaed aw ay he would foci weak, confUMid and *Ie*py,and It would lake him aoma tim e to m n v e r from tha fearful ordeal th rough w bleh b* Jiad pawed.

h r a n t ig a ,_____and gettlmr matenu all that Umo.’’

I t woulaoe aboard to Infer that he not original bacanea he made uae of tba reaearwea and augg wtlona of otbar mlod*. Thia i* done by u niaakete on all aub- Jacta. But he never elavlihly borrowed or imitated. AU that he read and obaarved, held In eolutlon, mryetallaed around hi* own thought, and inaped Itaelf to him, not be to I t Alih* attered had baeoma Spurgeonle. •

I H a r n e s s o f m e nI Q ulokly, T b em u g U y , F o rev e r C ared

»„ . by a new eeifooted•elentlflo m etbod th a t | cannot foil unteaalb* caa* la beyood h um an aid. You foel tm- prcived tba n m day, foal a beuant every d ay i aoon know youfr ■elf a king am ong m en In body, to ln d and h e a r t Drain* a n d loaaaa auded. E very obatacla to happy m a r­ried U k removed,

fo m , w ill, brain power,

N I U B A L Q I A .JaeowOO.

t o B A i w A . - s r a Mwaakiatatla*! peitllaf fonnoSer t S tJa ae k * — r - . .

BCBWAYGSIa4, I M i fluMrad for n a l*■ ' ‘ aUy eurad Iff ''

T. B. SHBIISWat tienblad 1

to th u jq ll<k| Auf.‘ with B t a i t l ^ i bnt’w at gnoUy eared Iff b t

"■ ■ " " “A l l .

ithB*! n e i t l l t f fro*.otbar raaudiaa O U aad food* about U uollealfoiia: I. j C m d S a OU k la d a ^ w o tk and adBalBlayaan.*Na ratuia a f|ia iB la le a n .'

■ R i n t i t , -J*> M pbbi I t . fallo.. W ., Jaa V > —Ike k teha taba e f a i i miMime*

t a f o y h l p M I »

Mick.. POb. 11 IMfft _____ .la th * b a u from ttraln ; in bad for

AboM l yaotaago IbongU bar* b a ta wrtl and atrong eaa lift aa muoh ** *v«t,

S3. M. t lA k tO L, Jan. U ,U W -t foil down

le* In tb* darknaw, ta d mrtrety. Rl-Jacote M WH. a HABDM,

Ifoatbai Of M alt LagWalaiu.



n /e Uimoi tn/wrg*m folMiig o r loat;

tvetoreff by tb ia ittn e n t Victim* of

IS l l wboa* n a l n am t wa* an d who** oapabUlU**,

“ Tba** attack* cam e w ith Incraaalng *a- va iity an d ftaqnanty , *0 th a t a t length b* would b a r* tb re a o r fourflta durtng tba day an d aa m an y m ore during tbe n ig h t; In fact, ha waa In aneta a wretebad condition th a t b li m ind bacam* m ateria lly aflbetad. W* k i t perboUy terrib le a t ou r poor boy’i alBIctton, an d tried In every way to get ra lta t b u t to no puipoa*. E taarln f of Dr. Ugtatblll'a laaoeaa tn tb* trea tm en t of each cam* we placed blm under b la care a nd 1 am tba bapp le it wom an In the w orld to tell you th a t be ba* aflbetad a complete cure In hi* eea*. H y aon ko la par- foatly wall now, an d ba* not had a alngte a t­tack. In a av en i yearn Ha baa grown wonder- fufly In body and bU m ind I t now aa bright a* th a t o f any boy of bl* age. Both m y hut- band a n d m yaalf ke l tb a t w* oan never b* thank fu l enough to Dr. U g b tb lll for tb a won­derful cur* b* aBbctad In o ur aon’a. eaat, and any on* dtwiroa* of verifying tb ta atatem ant ean call In paraon o r addrei* m a by lattar.''

Nerve coargy, wban a r tire a tm en tabuse* an daxeeaee* rw claim your m anhood I butfora from tolly ,ovefr work, III baaltb, regain your vlgiffl Ifon’t deepair, even If In tba

laat a tagaa Don’t b* dlsbeartenad If quaek* have rubbed you. Let n* ataow you tb a t raadP cal ictenee end buatne** honoratlll ex ie t; her* go b a M in baojL _W .rU *forontbank*w ith explanation* a n a in w fo ‘Jfiio rtiflkutee* ta cured patleoU.. „ _



KADAM B Y A U B B liK lN FOOD, t ^ an taed to iwinov* wtlnktaa, to t m l U r ^ e r a ll tbW w a r t ; ah o a h w of b f a i m

u*O fb laaehso ld . L ad laadoD otm lM th laop- p o rtu u lty a* tb lafo opening weak a t m y new parloi*.

P M H A K K ZT n . , eeaond i te ry Creu*.




T ee tbnnn ta l t ra m K r. H . P . D egraafl f r a * - Id en t o f tb * R ew ery B ank , New T e rk .

DB. E. B. tlQ H T H IL L i Mt Duab Bib —I t aflbrd* me graa t pleaaure

to to ln U i* long Hat (tf grateful petlanta who beva been relieved from troubtaaoma and ob- ■tlnata eom pla lnu by your ■nperior aklll. H y oaae waa chronlo catarrh , from which 1 b ^ autthred to *ueb an ex ten t th a t It weak­ened m y ganaimi health, and Anally gave rise to aueb sevare pain In a n d ab o u t tb* bead a n d ' tb m a t tb a t H prevented m e from slaaping and alarm ed m y Im t iy . 1 am happy lo atat* th a t th e very flrat appUaatlou of your treatm ent gave m e prom pt and decided relief. In a few daye tbe pa lu had disappeared, an d by de- grace th e o ther dtstraselng symptom* ebar- acterisUe o f ca ta rrh yielded to your adm lnli- Ira tton i, u n til 1 now find myeelf completely oared, I therefore cheerfully tender ydn tb ii tee tlm an la io f you r ik lll and sneoma. In th e hop* tb a t other* m ay be beneflted by Its pub- Ucatlon. H. F , DEOBAAP,

t h e ;which

m ight be expeeted to dlire-> tofiftifnmn g a r t bav* been ‘ tim ed,’ ce l t w ere,by tbe ndm enolature o f tbe raoe hone , eepeolally If there w e n any eavor o f scandal abou t them , a* ‘S eap x B am ’ and ‘ D r.F usey ,' an d ‘HU* Balloik’ and ’ Agapemone,' w ill sulflc* to •how. Tbe lae tn am * wae given lo a n own aleter o f Aphrodite.’’ ___________

A re T en Po«i*d Tn be (AerowpAfo po*Ud on Me real eitote

m arjm , y su muM eJmeoK Me real trlai* adi. fn tB t on tTnlneMfoir* andAuturdopi,

Romano* In Real U fe.T rom tb a St. Lonl* Olobe-DaraoeraL

On {be pUUbrm of a Fa ltm ao a t th a depot In Obeyenne, W yo., a n indolent looking ebap In E jg lleb toga and a pretty yeong wom an In rad eonvaraed *0 earneaUy th a t they attrao lad tb a a tten tion o f everybody wUbln range. Heversl paatengwu were anxious to te ll w het th ey knew o f tb e story o f tba ln te raa tln g pa ir an d aald th a t tb e m an was a Dunk, bomwt fellow, who would ta lk willingly. Oarda war* exebanged an d bl* read 1 “ E dw ard F , Qrlt-

.tin , O vaneerF ubllo W ork* D spartm eot, Hong K ong." B a jle ld a d hU story, ilka a m olor. Bald b e ; “ 1 am try in g to pereuad t tb* g irl here to atop o ff In Obeyenne and m erry me, b u t to e want* to go to Oolorado Spring* an d ae* bar folke abou t It flrat, T b l t te a g rau lne rom *D oa,Ju*tllkea novel. E igh t year* ago we ware lo v en ta V en ao a t, a n d w * n engaged. J4y p u renu w ere IMeb em lgran ti and poor, and b rr peo­ple w era well fixed. I t wo* a g iw d tb a t I should s ta r t o u t to m ake my fortune, end th a t she should w att A n y e a n for m a She baa been true , an d ab l hae watted Itk ean an g eL 1 worked In the Cbtcogo Stockyards, proa- pectod la Ooiotado, a n d tried a dosen thing* JO tb* eoast. S ix y e a n ago I landed In H jw g Kong, A t first 1 wae oterk in a whole- aai*bonee, then leaured ray prseont place, s ty aalaty U tS,(lW, a n d I m ake som ething on Ufo side, a* you say tn America. All the tim e U tav * (bought o f tb* girl and knew ebe w as •tb g lean d ttaluklng of me, though 1 never be*M o f her. eh* now llvee a t Colorado gW fig* and ikaa keen vUltIng w ith friend* a t Helena. W* m a tin tbe oar a t Ogden a n d reo< egn lied «K b o ther a t once. H was a pli a a t an d iffoct meeUng. Before tbe tra in had gone on* hundred mllee w* were engaged again , and will be m arried a t bar bom * rig h t aw ay.’’ Oriffln’* »tory wa* corroborated by th e girl.

^ a v a aa*Aa*aaaaa»»aaeeaaaaaaaaam" f F tW H i A m m m u A j w r


BS Cents a Box,•■■Mf Newtiitoi M l !■_ .iM JA M fiiio v*rkl ta ll#Alto—_■ to tlM riUMi 48— tS«rwllXCVSB —MNieecew-

^A lM lgA M U ut I M M f * AMtd io SIIA«ftiiilWM. im

W fofokk A ^ Jie ■ ■ a a ^ —■*-*wfo a rm keeekw iM kk oddfiat, IrtUglsW. m e * tS e a a ls a b o x .

Haw T a r t D a M H t Oaoal n . • a a a k * a a a a a a a a a * a a a a a a a a aus>


Happy Belief from Dally Bnfliring, Mr. Nelion Tbompeou 1* Ibe proprietor of

the capital Roller Mltla In the rear of the City Mills, on South Warren BL, Trenton, N, J. He 1* an old and well-known midentof Tren­ton, and ble word la acknowledged lo b* a* good a* hi* bond.

In a recent ooavcrsaUon wltb our reporter be spoke In the moat grateful term* of th* rcroarkabte'onre which Ur. Mgbthlll cffiicted In hi* cJh of pile*, and gave hi* pcrmIs*lon topnbllsbtbcfooU.

Hdltk Pn»ned, Life Fronoted,


A D J U S T A B L E S H O E .EXFAA’D d w ith avery

m otion o f the foot, tbne giving dwtd tra tfori.

A narrow er •b o ee a n b * wont.

N«(a(nt lie o rig inal ■bape.

frHtoat Ifo l^ ter Obrns, ■ Aiukr jrwt

kt hsrte

A B ig B a r g a in W e e k f o r S h o e s



W« BCTcr offered bettor qaallUca than a t pronent, and are quoting tow prioM Ifo all Uuea, Buelneaa w ith ua is

BOOMING ITlie people of th is city and currounding towna have discovered to their aatla*

faction tha t tve am hcadquartors for ,

] led d ln s. B rass and Iron Bedsteads,T w in Bedsteads, H a lf Testers, Cribs 1

Fifty Pound H a ir Mattrose, section Tick, best quality ............................. S 12.00Spring MfittreaSea—The Olebw ted Diamond Bpedal, Ihla week............. 6 .0 0


f l a i r M a t f r e s s ? s 1I f you w ant the beat beat bed for the least money wo'll guarantee you’ll sleep'

conifortably for the rust of your life.

C blldrea's D e n g ^ lipped eprtng beet, tU to ll^t. Ladle*’ Oxford T le c g toT.■................ tHeef tUlswU dh

iltto rln s He* i’ U to v e^ lil

rB b o e ,ll t o !LamtEnioiea,t to l t a t tb eu n lfo n n p rtcao f

69e. a Paip.tV ortb from Me. to | t . S a pair.

Ifen ’a Oowpeei or B alm oral Buff Shoe*, fl to I t ; Boys’ Veal Oalf Btaoes, 3 to $ ; La die*’ Don- f c la B nttoa, ^ to T, a l l a t tb* uniform price of

$1.25 a Paiff,W orth |3 a pair.

A le t o f n a a la d la ff O xford Tie*, 3K to T,

90e. a Paip.w W orth S J A *

S P E C U l IKDDCEHEITS IN GENTS’ F D K IISH IN G S !W hite flhlrta, t-p ly , Inserted bosom, foundered, ese.. regu lar pdoe toe.N ^ l f * * U lr te , bfaek a n d w hite etripei.Aatoem gt, regu lar price |LM.C rim a o th , beet q u a lity , n o ., nw ular price {US.

Ladlea’ Belt*, O roln L eather BMta, red, ta n and ru iael, 10c., regular nrlca DC.W aW U I Oow tlna* O isr Sal* In th a H o aa e liin ifo h ln f D ep a r tm e n t.

T w obaroar Oil B toveJSc., never eold laea than tlA I.A dbutalu* H oequno W ire F iam ee, ITc. a eat complete.New deelgn* ofO M d W all Paper, w* a n still selling a t Sc. per roll.V ateriag Foie, W indow Bhade* and Curtain Pole* a t greatly reduced jatofo.

STEIN & BLAU196,198 Springfield At6i

Ooede dcitvered free o r ebaige,H all orders prom ptly a tlen d ed t o

Bimtowowd :

.a ssr“p r t m U dafflWMH an d

C bM JM .AittiHr, U rpoaf an d

Th©K odak,' SunoljStudent


Q uick as a W inkC A M E R A S .

Btonomicat.Work!o rk m an sb lp an d Ma­

teriel O n e ra n tm .Ladle*; I f you w an t a

shoe Ibat combtoea m ore Style, Omnfort end D ura­b ility than any o ther m ake, call for tb*

P C S r t C T I O N A M U S T A B L CA p u to r rtiNe and pepuforpriM*.

OoneounATSD bbox Co^ Mfra„ ty n n , H em .For aale In Newark by H eim eji Kota. M l

M arket street; K. Heyman. flM SSSprlngfleld av en u e ; H . Borosteln, 171 Broad street.

The Matnal BenefitU F E INBORANGE G O IFA N T.

N E W A R ,K N .J.A s m DODD, • ■ . • Prealdesrt.A ieets (M arket Value) Jan . 1, IHOAtAHOXn to Lfobm ilii^ N. Y. and H aaa S t a u - ^ ^

d a r iZ .- ,----------- — ........ . toS u rp lu s .................. ......... ................... SAtt.7«30iBurplue by form er N. Y. B tandard

(Am. Ex. IK per cent. Reaenre) E,UT,(DI} to PoUoU* A beolately N aa-fb rM iaU a A fter

Saeoad Year.I k o e as o r u r t a tba Policy la o o n n iro k b

tk rOKCi a* long aa Its vatu* will pay fo r; or If preforred, a Paid-up Policy for Ifo faU tw o* foiasued Inexebaqge.

A fter tbe aeoona year PoUolee arc Ikcok-

cugorttH^m* rtmovtd.____ lekt are made to tbe extent

per cent, of tbe reeerve voloa, where vi ' ■Igntnent* ofthePolleleecaobeinade toXcnl BMuriky*

Loaeng petd Immediately upon completion

ent o rn

A m a n o sT O N fT la fE in n k iT Y

M 0 3 ? 3 D » J lT 11 V » I 0 3 D S I liiY T im . k w w fffc *


IIORfiliilw..6or. IStiiStrail!mw ToBx omr.

" Dr, Ughthin,” laid Hr. Tbompeon, “ baa eared me of a I rouble which bad bothered me for over twelve year*, and from wbicb I could not obtWn any relict 1 wae afflloted with pifoe of a meat aggravated and palufril na­ture, which made every operallon of my bowel* a thing of dned and apprcbcniloii, and which olten eauaed me actosl torture and th* Ida* of forge quantlUe* of blood. At tueb times the plica protruded and gave me agon­ising pain before I could puib them back; In foet, during the pant' twetva year* 1 a ca ^ ly knew a day’* comfort. 1 am bappy to etat* tbat Dr. LdgbttalU bae changed tbti atate of thing* completely, and bae eflbcted a radical cure In every reepect without detaining me from buslnew fora ■Ingle hour. In tact, 1 may atate that, to my great inrprlse, I did not foel any pain or dla- trcee whatever from bl* treatment, and I can honestly *ay that tb* most urvous or timid 'person ean *ubmlt to Dr. Htgbtblli's treat­ment without foar of being hurt, and they can do so with tb* utmost eonfldenoe tbat they will b* completely cured of tbl* most IroublMom* and dl*trss*lnt eomplalnu Tboee loterestad can call on me at my place of bust- neai or at my resldeuc*, No. 9 Bank street, Trenton, N. J, .

A mass of tmtimonialBof ft Rim* iUtr tenor and character to those above from parties' well knowji tbronghont the State can be seen at Dr, IslghthlU's office,18 CUNTON ST., NEWARK.

R H E U M A T I S M SOMlt IATLMe ftMPAlliS, FimM 9«tos«S IMMftftr t itni SM sibir saitslisUsii*1 ifaaiiijjis nsiMtoHM rm iii , Isifirii— Qhixlims ■siMto^bUiw^hFswlw


M Inrnw to *•Sm, u * nmiwk*ia v a areMway, ................... ,M aM OvwM teta. Take w j ^ t h j J j W j l g a ^tO fv j^ to ^

*• There Is Nothing LUteLeather,'But DON’T

Pay too much Ibr It


voa ALt, POkroaas.. T ry n ta n d * * * If w *don'tpfoaaa

and aav* you money.

Tk Cikmi Ftsber C«.,CVAS. E. Caroona, P rap’r, H Law iaoeaSt,

H . D 0 U 6 U S ,. d e a l e r IS






D Q U G U S M JO ilA C B G D IU B .l A E e E s u r r o c x . u i w e 9 i p u K i m


F o f S a U a f I

mm M\Onr stock t* now reptet* wHh all tb* fotaat

styles and outs, our Black Chevlota leading

John M. Mentz,m BBM D STREET,

tM trade. Look at onr

(hilpaliaMFliiiciTinliiiliId make and quality they *

be surpooied.

MOTHERS TCWI at our alore and see our great bargain*.

’The entire (look li reduced to a price that will aetonisk you.

L o o k a t O n r G o n fir n u tt io n

a std G o m m n i lo n H o lts

Bifoiu you bny,efo*wb*ra.w x h a V x .t s k u i n

Black and Blue Tricots, Wide Wales, and

ClayDiag^oiialSy— PKOM—



P r i n t i n gV COMPANY* *

m i n d U S H u k o t S t ,

0«f, WaUtlngtoD street, Newark, N, J.

A. EaoHXkru.Dsa. D. Fukra,



laliB’ a illQ iU lM d i i Gulls.

Hoaisrir,SNk Slid KM Qlovst,

Laos* S id HIMmii,■sttoM u d Hfladksrehiflft,

O orssb tad Msrind U s d s n m r ,Minliii U fl^ rw str,

Lddlra’ f kirta and WooHsii Yarn, Lsdlt*'Skirt W slifs.

GcDlf a i Kiif M iU i( GnlWhltB Skirts,

C o l l i n and O i i l i ,F I i b s s I O r s n M r fs ,,

SiiMmsr M sriso dtilrti and D r t w s n , Jsss Oraw srs,'

Soarki, t o o k * and S m u M d a n , t « y t ’ W a lts and N n t o .



H U N O 8 Q P B R 1 0 &1 7 1 th o y s t e r s I t la a n In co r a *

p a r a b le bererftgdL

L e a d in g r e s tf to r g tt ta d eU i t .

T r y t h e » 0 1 d H o m e s t e a d " H a l f a n d H a lf .

A m Wardafc S O K ,

S o le A g e n t s .u w N iiu ss :;? ^At buyto's expanse, hSt i

___ 693ONE f I R I . ONE PRICE.


XCELSIOR MATTRESSES AT $3.00!a W ith Good, Soft Jtite Topi, FuU 8I» .



. 593-693 BROAD ST., NEWARK. Renovating Only 10c. p e r Pound


MNY ISA FLOWERY MONTHBut no flowery langtutge la necessary to depict the lively

whirl of onr baslness. Neither are tdgh-soundlng words neces* sary to describe tbe quality of onr Shoes; they speak for them- •elves, and onr growing business attest tlieir weulng quallttes.

Honest goods and moderate prices give a go to everything we handle.

' We have the field In Ladles* Oxford Ties this season, all styles and qualities, at prices that are bound to move them quick.


Corner Plane Street.

167 MARKET STREET. 465 BROAD STREET.Year Broad. Cor. Orangfla

I S T E W A R K , N . J .

Don't hsaltsto but givs ui i oall. Yov will find Dry. Fancy Oooda and Qsnti' Funtiihinfl*, all d siir ib ia good*, are lalling k f prioca to aatonlali averybody.

GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT.Tb« Teiy b«st 30c. Silk Soarife «t lOe*30c. UttlAutuloml Shills, Fcinfoiwl, l-p lf lliwa bocoiBp ftt Mfts OcdU' 360v Bomet ftl OenU fiftc. MerlDo Vests At ISo*6Cv Bordered liBndkerctotefk nt ■©. esefa.

. Kftit Blkek H o^ 40gftnie, lit 95«at Obtldrea't iOe. Fftit Black nose at To. a pair.

Special inducements in Our Wash Goods Department**&-lnch Hematitebed Flgurtfi town* only Sic., regular price 20a.St-Inch Printed Cashmeie, fon onion, only regular price Uc.CbelllH In SO dinbront •tyles only i^ o .Best quality Fnuch betlue* only ate., regular prioa 9 c .

•Special in White Goods.We win sell a ISo, white clald for So. while they laA.Ladles* rtblrt Waist* nnu Hliiser* almost given away.Plaited HhirtWslsUiSSo..SO«. and ISe. Odd lute at aS*.| l ^ n o Hbirt WalsU atsfle,AU 'bbl Dlniccrti w orth from |3 to to a t f tl .4 S .

n ea i Hale th is vreek in BELTS dozen to d ie s ' L inen Oollan, *11 sixes, a t S c . caob. Cnflii to matob at tb* same pitoa

Dress Goods. Dresst**Goods.M-tncb Cbefran, In drab and eeru, only ISo. a yard. Itegufor price 3to SS-lDob All Wool De Brit* only 3Bo. flegular price SOo.1 case of Striped Dross Ooods, In all shad**, wide and narrow strip**, regular prio* ■*

pur price Me. a yard.. SpeciSLl for Monday Only.

t eac* of yard-wide Bleavbed HnsUn, wprtb 8c., wlU be sold for So. a yard.Table Linen. Table Linen.

KMnoh Dnbleached Table Linen only tSe. a yard. Begufor'price Ifo. Thfo cbould ba i«en to b* apprecl uted .. ^

A S^ynrd, fu)l bleaohedTnbleCoTera with red borderandplain wbltc.wlllbccaldfortSai Tbfo 1* a genuine bargain.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.Having bought nt a Hh'rrill'* bale 32^0 worth of Rloek fS-lnob toces, tn Hponfob XiCurW

and Oulpure, tho same wlU be *old at SSo. on tb* dirtlay. An Inspeotion of tbace goods If earnestly desired. ,

S a l e b e g in s M o n d a y , M a y Q3, a t

iW S, 1 , 210, 212 SM i Gli.

H . E ; b a i l e y ,P O R K P A C K E R ,

Cotter Bnd Oorer of Fhie m v itio n s ,

. . aoLs yiwrsiagks..§

RICItytH OPMcXwnn’* ntm ou Hnddfoc,Cairn’s Jam* and M ile* ,.Olngcr C ^ ln l7 Hiupborry ('orcUnL

BooItVOM Ckkes, 'Oray's Abwneiby Blmnltft '

LimeJulo*.Mountain Dew, Edinburgh OntmeaL Glasgow P m HeaL BM and Pork Hm L

OrdRfs liy 111! Promptly DoliTtnd.

Wm.Mungie,7 S B e l le v i l l e A v e .

AgRBte for Attohw Line a A Oft.... .. ''

RUPTURE CURED'rbo Improved Xfostk Trues I* the ealy trust

In exlstenoc th a t Is worn w ith ahaplut* com' fo rt H ig h lan d day, as It re ta ins tb* ruptur* u n d e r the hardest Cxerrls* o r sev u ca t SridB, an d w ill *0001 a p o rau d en t a a d spesidyeara w tttH n itv w n rd to th e sg c o fU k e fa U ca t. f i f am lu a tlo n free, to d y In attondilae* for t o die*. Mend fornam pblH .

lu p B o v s b fei.A im o TkHift• S a n d n t Breadwiff, a t o i . m t t . i w Y .






1 1»


MMDBliL m PLiliS.Thi Jtftot OoBalttn AonounoM All

Amig*in«iti Gompleta.



M aw S n T u l s a . D t . l . i o u W ill T s m W W i Ku o m * f O r g u l iu t iM . C o u g r l , - liig i M k —U i t of A u la tu t t l U n h o U iui4 < 14 , 1 C holrm oo o f C o m m lU io i T o ll o f W o rk Do m .

T b , WTiDC«ment« (br tho mlobmtlOD o f U em orlil Uojr, U i t 3U, v c n com pleted a t tho nm ctlng of the jo lu t oommIUee o f OoiuraoD CouuoU w d thu f in o d A n o j p o it delegiteo l u t o l t l i t . A ld en tu n IH iM ubtrry, cb a ln u an o f tb e ounm lU es oo lodonf o iire liM , in* nouBMd th a t pni pa ratio n i tor tb e a u r c lH . to

. bo tuM la t i l l IM d ti M emorial C bnreb a t Dlglit w e n oompleto. A bout d.0Ul) a d m lu lo a tleketa h a re been leu t ou t and th e p ry in u m u e will be iH oed oo Friday . The a .h e n w ill twi C o m n d e t K nott, P o rt 1 ; AxleU, F o it U ; Beiuidiel, P o it *4; Ixm f, P o it t ; U io ltu a it, P o it t 6 ; M orphy, I ^ l W.

A lderraau Borgeeaer, chalrm au o f th e Com­m ute* on BebooU, reported th a t betw een 1 ,M andf/MO Kbool ch lld rm will parade. Each Of the G rand lArm y po*** * » l d e ta il lOur m en to i in l i t In placing tbe ch ild ren In U na The ehlldm n will en ter the p a rk a t th e eouth entm oce, where each will be preeented wUh a Hag. They wUI be divided In to co m pan le . of e lx lj , w ith a captain and three lien tenan la.

C hairm an Lang, of th e flower com m ittee, reported everything In re ad tn eu to r rooelvlng Bowen a t the old burying g round between th e b o o n o f 10 and a o'clock on H atnrday. WagODi will be cent to tho K buolhouaet to procure the flower* contributed by tbe c h i t d n o , Buperlnteodent B arringer hae directed the J a o lto n o f eohouU to rem ain a t th e Hhool bu ild ing , until the flower, a re called fur.

C o m r^ i Baldwin, of K earny Poft, ao- nounoed th a t tb e peddle Cadet*, a n o rg a n lu - lion o f young m en, w ith I t . ow n baud , w a . dealFOU. o f participating In th e parade. The cadeta were sH lgned to the d tvU lou w ith the Hen. of V etcrana

The chairm en of the committor* on m o le , carriage, and badge, reported every th ing In n a d ln c u .

Grand M anhal H awk ha* com pleted all arrangem enla for the atroet parade, a* will b* aeeu by Mie following genereP order: *•'

UgAOdtrAaTEiia Gkjiwo MAHaHAL.'lMKxaniA i, Oa t Pahaok , ytiKWAiiHa N. J ., May mT iBH. )

OaDeralOrdcn, Bo, 1—The fo rm ation of the parade will be a i Ibllow.;

Grand M anhal J. Vf. U aw k and elaff.F lre t Dlvlalon—Band. Police In fouroom -

panic* under com m and of B upenn teuden t w U llam H . Brown. Police Oopinmluloner* 1 u c a r r le g ^ ' Tb I. dlvlulou wl 11 form on Cen­tre if lm t, r igh t reeling on Broad Btrcet.

Hccond OTvI.lou—{olonel I.. R. B arnard , am latant m an h a l. Band. P'lftb Regiment. N. O. B. N. J„ Ueutcnant-Cohm el A. Jei ' ‘Ueutcnant-Cohm el A. Jenkln-m n com m anding. Band. P i n t N. 0 . S. W. J .. CoGiim andlng.

>nal li. A. Cam pbell com- P o rm u u C eu tre itrev t, r ig h t real-

log on left o f P in t Dlvlalon.Third Dlvlalon—Rmicx Troop, Captain

Jam caK . Flem ing com m andlng. F o rm on Oantre itiee t, right reatlng o n left o f fleooud Dlvlalon. _ _

Fourth D iv l.lon-W ateon 8. R yno, P » t 88, A u le tau t M arebal; band ; varloua poet, of the O. A. B . ; form on P a rk place, r l ^ t reet- Ing 00 A n tra a tre e t; Mareue I.. W ard Port K, John George com m anding; P h il K earny P ^ 1, Cbarlca K enlln, com m an d erj Llnoolu P o a tll , Jeeae Carpenter, co m m a n d e r ; Gar- Held A rth u r Tench, co m m an d er; I. N.Tucker P ret (fi-A leiander Hugg. com m ander; Phil Hhcrldan Foal 110, Jam n . D cvlnc com­m ander ; Hexnm cr Poet ;U, .fobn W ellbrun- ner, com m ander; cu rlag ce w ith com radei from the Soldleni' Home.

Tbe flowbr w agon, will form In tb e rear of tbe potte to which thev belong. W agona n o t belonging to an y p o v t wilt form In rea r of c a r r lu re from H ololet.' Home.

r i l lb DlvUlon—Band. George b . Aab, Poet N, aM lelaat m aribal. The B on. o f V eteran , w ll form on P a rk place on left of G rand A rm y of the R cpubllv ; M an;u. K W ard Po«t

Aa A m aalt a a O . H . B a r r , t l » C acM dlaatath e •« T lek e t-aM A w re M an."

0. H, Barr, who I. p iay tag tb* p u t 'o f Jhierfp In tb* “ THket-of-Leavo M an " lU HUieW T heatre thI* w w k , w aa itn iek a aon- p la o fT le lo q g b lo w ila U ie B t* u td fewnhwd luena lb l* laal n igh t, T ha a tta ck waa mad* ahortly aftar th * play, whil* the actor w u atandlng akm * n ear th a alaca an trance on Bcavar atreet. M r. B a r r did n o t a e a h la M - m llan l a a d b u DO IflM w ho he waa, B u ara l perano* who aaw th* m a o rnnn lng away fruoi Mr. BarPa p n a tra U fbrm daaertb* hUu w being abou t th lr ly d lv * yaar* ofage, o f ma- dlura beigbt, heav ily h n llt a ad w w ring a llght-colorad a u lt o f ciotblDg, aaak coat and light derby bah

Ur. B arr laft th e th e a tra by tb* Mage door ihortly a fte r U a ’oiook In oompnny w ith A ugiul B. fX K y h n , tb* electrician a t th* theatre. They atood fa fron t of tb e door U lking (br a B w m ln iite e ; then Mr. K yhn ■tarted tow ard M arket atreet, leaving Hr. Barr r ta n d li^ n ear tb* Btag* dOOT. Mr. K yhn

a young vroman, apparen tly about twantyAvro yaaia a t aga, drereed c*p«-ple In

U r. B arr eras to Join him , and h* waited ab o u t th ir ty B ut away for him . A* be atood (xcing Uw oppoalte iM t a t tb* atreet h* beard a n u n paaa, an d In a m om ent b* beard a noU* a ab o rt dlataaee down tb* atreet.

t/wiking a round H r. K y h n « tw a m an ra re ning down Heaver e treet tow ard Clinton and Join th e w om an In red on th e com er. A end look revM led M r. BarP* pm etnita term on tbe pavam ant, an d Mr. K yhn burrled to h i . aulMaiiuc. H a rry HtavMuoo, a a nahar a t the theatre , cam e n p Jn a tth an , an d the two men carried th e uncohaelaua actor tn to cn * o fth * dnaatof-roanw . Blood wa* flowing freely from reveral wound* on H r, BarPa bee, and h* rem ained naconecloua to r about a quarter of a n ho u r, Mr. BarPa upper lip had bean ap llt o n th * r ig h t eld*, avldcnlly by a b lun t InitruOM ot. I t wua a n ugly gaah, and It waa olouad w ith flv* lUtebaa by Dr. Rofta.Jr. T h a n w a a a n u r l io v a r a a c b a y * ,* wound on the bridge o f hi* no**, and n Mg dlm oloratlon o n d a r th a laA aye,

Tb* police learned o f th e aaaanit w m e l l t ^ tim e aRer H look place, and Bergcant Ryan and Patrolm en D otto i an d Danncberger mad* a March for th e m a n and lb* woman who w a. w ith h im , b u t th ey were nuable W And cither. ____________________ __

A BOrs PAINFUL DKATEB urned i r a i * r i B ] ^ N w a B M lIm -B e

Die* A fte r H u a n u t fluffering.T bree-year^ld M ax K nppel died early tbU

m ora ln f a fter h o u r, o f mAkring, o a u u d by being burned y eeterday anornoDn while play­ing near a bonfire. T b a boy wa* tak en to th* German U oepttal, b u t hta In lu rte . w e n too w rloui for h im to reoover.

Th* boy lived w ith hie wtdowMl m other a t 133 Klfleentb avenue. Y eiterday afternoon n neighbor piled np a lo to f looeeriiav tngi In the back y a rd an d applied a m atch. M ax Wat playing In the yard , a n d he Im m ediately inn to tbe Are and w atched un til the flame* had died Into a .m olderlng heap o f uh c* . He *Ured up tb* aahe i w ith a 4 lc k , and the flamoe flared up an d M t Are to tbe boy'* calico .k lrt* . In a n Ina tao t be w * . envel­o p ^ In flame*. Three m en, who were paaelog. heard tbe child’* eric* for help, and they quickly ran to hi* reaoue. Ho wa* wrapped In an old carpet.

The boy’a ran the r arrived Ju it then and Mux, *1111 bundled In th e eaipet, wa* handed over to her. Hhe nncovered the child to dla- cover the ex ten t of hi* Inlnrlec, end the Are buret forth anew . Tb* fIM tIo m other then tore oflr tb e boy’* c lo thing In rtrlp*. Th* bum * w ere flnm adlalcly dlaoovared to be aerioua. I k e boy w a . hbrrtb ly borned abodi the ch ert an d neok, nnd th e fleeh oh h i . rig h t arm and eld* w as In ahredw Mca. K ip - pel’, h a n d , were bad ly burned.

x T H ft G O L U tB N HAWK.”

, Joe H ooker'P oet 3, M examer P o r t ^ a n d organlza

Puddle M emorial Oadeta,veteran o rg an iza tio n .; BhcridAn Poet,

13, J o o ther

addle M emorial uad eu ,Blitta D lvl*!on-J. I* W Igbtm an, Poet * ,

aiRletant m arshal, band ; .chool t'hlM ren. w ith Morton Kfrcct Hchool on r i i ^ t , form In M ilitary P ark , r igh t reatlng on Centre .treat. Other rehooU will tak e poelUou In order of arrival. _ ,

Heventb Dlvlelon—B. E. Coogaa, Po rt 4, a n lr ta u t m an h a l. A r r ia g a , co n ta in ing the Mayor, the orator, Common Council, mem­ber* eg Joint m em orial com m ittee a n d gueete. aFoijaon Broad street, right reatlng o n Canal

** n l^ i ln e w ill Firm a t Sdifl A. H . an d thecom - nm itd Id m arch will be given p rom ptly a t k w . All organlaatlon . n o t in line a t th a t tim e w ill take poaltlon on left of colum n. The line of m arch w ilt be u p Broad to W aatilngton, thence down Broad to V anderpool, then counterm arch up Broad to M arket street, where the line will be reviewed by th e grand mar^^

From thi* poin t poata o f tlie O. A. B. w ill tak e th e m ost direct route to tbe cem eteriesto 'w blcb they are amlgned.

“ ‘ I Guard, poll_____ a y «quartera.

~Tlie N ational Guard, police an d flee depart­m e n t. m ay re tu rn to th e ir reapeotlve hend-

DeUlI* of porta to oemeterlea a re a . follows tPhil K earny 1................ ..K slrm ountLincoln H ----------------- —...... .......... .^ I r m o u n tH axam er S4.,....................... U ood landGarfleld 4........................F a irm onn t—Irvington1. N. Tucker 05._....................... M ount PlewtantM anua L. W a r d F l e n a a n t , 8 t. J o h n ’.Ph il Bbertdan 110................. .....Holy Henulcbre

O ther veteran organizations a n d boos of V eteren . to such cem eteries a* th ey m ay

lUlDwlng h ava been appo in ted h m ounted a ide , to th e grand m arenal i

Im K U b n m ,ch le f o f s ta ir; K. K. B ratnerd,E . L Bhiltta, Henry Elche, C. 0 . C adm uk John Btelber, Andrew 8e«h*ieT , & I*flpiik- lln , H . Q ^ m s n , H enry Dorem ui, B . W ro b , M. N. D*Vour»ney. Ju lln .S flltz , Jo h n Bon- nell, B. Bailey, J r ., W illiam T ierney, Uamuel K nott, H . R RnWley. A. Ib dnhard , W. H. <PDanD*U, E l i* A xtell, I t . I-. K elper^ A rm and A dam , Charles B lrebel, Gustave 8chalb le ,U M. B ridgim , Ct E. Loim. J . H. Brown. C. K. litelor, J . W . C hand ler, A, Matthew*, W. W right, George Frunolisoc, Jo h n H unkele, Gu* Volker, Jo h n H au im an ,F. W . M ann, W. H. M eldrum, J . W . J u k e o n , A ugustasD iuenberry , J . A. H odrlgm llK iinaa n ta m a n ,J T H .B m o ih e ie , E dw iw dE u.1 ,D r.

T o o n g P la y a rf P rd M n t o n e a t IH ea B o n d - ooulT* P re tU a r t P lays.

Tbe recond perform ance b y the a t . Jam ea'a Young Men’s qp tbo lla Association of ■■ The Colleen Bawa,'* IHon Boudoault’a play o f picturesque e h a n c te r . an d teen*, and Inter- eettng ptot,lqok plaoB laat u lg h ta t Bt. Jam ea’a School H all, M adlaon an d Latkyrtta street*. 'Tha young p layers fonod p te m r e In the ir work an d a large andlanoe enjoyed It groaUy, If ^ppladks w an t fo r anyth ing . H lu K ate O'Conner, th a Stt^t O'Obnnor of tha cart, played her p a rt w ith m uch aklll, a . did H lu Mamie H trala th* p a r t o f Annie CAiitc, a n d H lu Ju lia H y la n d w as .pfoaalng as Jfri,OepCM.

The yonng m en w ho took p e r t a ll p layed well. Jam M F . W ilson , w ha aw um ed th e (Ole d f DoShw JkhiM, n b o itm an devotad to I ta r d r a i Clvpan, th e lover o f dlltf O’Cbnnor, vary cleverly tm personeted tb e character. F la n k H . O'OonncU aa M^kaMUkCbpinlrea, waa a hnm oroua an d a t the m m * Upie •flbctlve TBg)^ond, a ad T. George F H apatnek a* JHr. Cbrrlgan, an d Jo h n M. Podge a* H a n tn m Ovgwa. c apab ly took c a n o f th e ir parte. In Ihet th a noting o f the cast, aa a whole, w aaeo m m en d ab K The perforroancea were given for th e beneflt o f St. Jam ea’a Chnreb. ________ *


■ a h a U T h a t H * DM N at A hd iH t OnrwHaa Agwss U an ly .

CilartaB d o w , o f gS M orris a a d Etoan Ral|- rned avanne, th is eltg , th e rtgM M a-jrenpold y ou th who w as charged w ith a b d tic tih g .lx - le fn -y ca ro ld Carotin* A g a u B a r d n ^ ^ W arren street, IlarrieoD, la r t B n n d ^ , gave h im relf up to th ep o llo ao f thehenond IT tc luu t thi* m orning. They tu rned ^ Im ev e r to tb* K earny police, who took him btlbr* Jnatla* T urnbull to answ er to tb* ohargo prefoned by th e g lrl’a Dather. Jurtfoe T u rnball bad Irencd the w a rran t undgr which th e boy vre* held.

Young Clow, during h la e i tm la s U o a , said th a t he had no t abducted th e g irl. H a M id tb a l be had know n her for H veral m ontha and th a t they bad both worked In th* EdUon Lam p W ork . In U a r r iu n . He vraaem ployed lu tb* pum proom and r t i t Wa* In th e glass- blowlDg departm ent- Of course they go t vrell acquainted Uiere.

■Art Buiiday he m et her a t the door o f tha N orth Baptist Chnreb In N aw srk a fte r Bun- day-achool an d together they w ant to K earny to h la brother-in-law, Jam es Barbonris, real- deuce, on T appan street. Then It began to ra in . They ccuM nu t control tb* w eather and Oarollne wa* afra id of a drenching . To avoid the drenching they rainalned a t th* Barhonr’s over night, Oarollne .te e p ln i up- rtalr* and be reatlng on aao fk in th* parlor.

IHd any th ing w ningoeeur t h e n f C ertainly irut, and th is wa* corraboratad by Beother-ln- law and Hlater Barbour, w tuaa Ind ignation a t tb* “ Idea ” bubbled an d seet hed.

Juetto* T urnball eroeaexjuelned young Clow and Mr. and M il B akbou, b u t t l i r t r tes- Um ony could no t b* aliakrti. Y oung C|ow fo rtbar on sa id th a t OaroIlD* an d be w en t to P a ten o n M onday m orn ing a t b a r auggcstlon an d th a t aba w asrtlll tbare, em ployed by a fltmlly where she bad form erly been a t via*. J o itlm Turnbull then parclad young Clow, and b s W tth * om utroaM w ttb a amll* aaaoom pan loo .

Mr, H ardy wa* Indignant w hen be b eard of th* parol* and be Inairted th a t c low had abdneted h lsd an g h ta r and theu b* repeated a m ore re riou . charge. Hr*. H ardy w as alrti angry when she learned th a t Clow wae a t liberty . Mr. Hardy left Mr m te rao n th is afternnon to endeavor to Indue* h la daugb ter to re tu rn home w ith him .

M n . (low , the b o y ', m other, sa id to-day th a t ( 'arollne oomplalned th a t ahe was 111- trea led by her father and th a t .b e was afra id to go home.


T h* H aney lleetloo o f th e T o w n th lp Com -m llte e D l.p o H t o f I ts B nalneH .

^^ lA T n au o e C om iQ ltte^of th a K earny Townsnlp Com m ittee, a t Ita m eeting held that night, nouinm cnded th a t the T reasurer b* antborlzed to iMue a certlflcata o f todebted- nere to the Essex County' B ank for |10,d00 a t tlx per cent., and another for t f f iS t a t the Hftne ra le of Intereat, In sntlcIpaU on of ma> tu rlh g Indebtedueas. Bevetal Im p o rtan t U lli were ordered paid.

These .alarlea were fixed for tow n rdHoere by an ordinance th a t w ent to a th ird read­in g : Treasurer, tw o per oenl op collect Ion* o f taxes and osareement. and w ater rent* and one per cent, oo money calleeiad fur license*; Township Counsel, PM) |ier year ; W’a ta r P u ^ vayor and Htreet Oommlsshiner, (t,d00; As- sCMpr, MOO; Overeeer of th e Poor, ISO; J an i­tor, 1100; Police Justice and Chief o f Police, m i f l b l ^ In one oflioer, 11,100; Bergeaut of Police, IMO, and pulrotraco, ffU p er year.

A n ordinance a tlab ll.h in g a board of bealtb to consist o f seven raem here was paased to Its th ird reading. A n ordinance providing for the oenstroctlon o f a pipe sewer on P avo n laav ep u s took th e sam e ooucea aa also d id auapnrvM Ing fo ra aewar to b * oon- strnctad on Oak street, an d ano ther on G rant avenii* to th* McmtoUlr an d Greenwood Lake BnllcM il tn r tk , UuAiflh Locust svenue to F n n k l l l place,. Counsel K enny rV M ted th a t th e C ircuit

Court bed confirm ee the aasreeraents o f the oommlastoneni fqf brneflla a ris ing from the oonatructlon o f le w e r io n P lm ld e ti t .i ie e ta n d Parnate avenue. Cberire A ckerm an w e t ap­pointed a eqiDmlreloger on p re lim in a ry a*. K ssm eat* m plaa* k f A. 'A urnierm un, who had foiled to qualify, te foon llcenM t were grenled to J n m rt HcEnie* an d W illiam Gregory. _____________


''O streof work.


ish for food.No power of

digestto n—n e r v o u », imtable, impuUivi eh ?


R m t ittOftrW ertftrt



R C O A R o i r t a f H C


L A R 0 E 8 T T E T A I L S T O R E

T H E b u s i e s t P L A C E IN N E W A R K



ilcungrapher sh e ll appear and w ith the t uf the Court be may take down w hat

H. P .^ S S e n , P. D lri.h , Frederick Bnrgeeeer, Daniel t ^ b , Edw ard Goeller, R obert Bald- w in, J . B. M urphyiH . Brown, J . 0 . ‘ ‘J .O ; Campbell, F. H * lleck ,A .J . Bm Itb.L . J .O .R o ie .W .B .C n W. Blauvelt, H .W

i . lim ry , lIllroy, J . AT Xm old

;ranX Carl B elti, J r . , J . Horn, tlloox .

O rs ag a ’s J a u n K y m a ii H o ld a M eeting a ad H peak BneeBrsglB(^y.

Tbe s trik in g Journey m en carpenter* of tbe Orange* held a m aum eettng In Oenlrai H all, Orange, b u t n ig h t. I t waa largely attended, tbe hall being peeked to I t . u tm ort lim it , with c arpen ter, an d o th e r , who desired to .bow th e ir sy m p a th y w ith the r tr lk e n . ' Jama* M cDonough, o f the .carpenters, pre- rtded, an d m trte a a ad d rm * giving a eonoire statem ent o r tb e p ro g re u o f t h . strike alnce Us Inception. H e urged th e men to stnnd firm, declaring th a t w ith a united fton t vlo- tory waa certa in .

O ther add rem ea w ere m ade by H enry Fortb , o f th e c igar-m aker* ' Onion, of Orange, and Edw ard K ing, o f Ptano-m akers' Union S, of New York. T heir rem arka were full of CDoaurecament. The F if th Rcgltoent -Band had ToIttHteered H* aervioee for the occasion, ploying Orel on th e sidew alk and then In th e hail, ____________


T he O arflaM Club W ill Do H o n o r to daraoy C ity’s B e ^ b l le a n M ayer.

T o-n lfb t a reo trtlo n will b«,given b y tbe Garfleld Club to M ayor P ; F , W anrer, of J e r­sey City, a t the elabhouaa, IB S ou th street. M ayor W anaer will din* w ith E. S . Gaddi*. A fle rw sid 'IW Win b e .u n w te d to th e club- boneeby tb e Geriteld Club a n d e ll o tb e n who m ay accept a geOeisI InvHaUon to partic ipa te Id the parade.

The proeeodon, w ith Voaa’a b an d a t It* bead, w U l. m o re down O In to n avenue to W righ t street; thesK* to Broad an d Sonth •treeti. A t the reception tpeechea will b* m ade by KUvel Magee, G ilbert Colllna and Mk^or Z. K . Pangborn, of Jersey C i ty ; H e^ ■nan Lehibach and John Y. Foster a n d r th e is of th is eltyj__________ ____________


L aw a a d PoUtlc* M ixed Up b l a M anw ontli County Co**.

, F u E inoL b , May 9L—W han oourt wafo opened yesterday stand ing room was hard to And, every avallabte xpaoe being eoeupled by penons from all over lb* country anxious to tea w hat vrould be done w ith the application of Charles H . W olcott fur a hotel lloeaw In Freehold, I t had been ffculy rum ored th a t In apita of th e protests tb e Ilcenae would ba g n r tte d to W olcott for polltlaat tervloe* ren­dered. Wolcott, a fter being elected to tb* Board o f Freeholder*, w ent back on th* men who bad stood by bim la th e fight and allied b iw se lf to th e Abbett foetlon In M onmouth County to w hich belong Judge Conover and Froaecntor Iv in a The following is a report o f tb* proceedlnge tokea ftom tbe atenog- repheri. n o tea ;

H r. A rrew sm itb—That there m ay be no m lsunderitondlng In th is case ** to w hat la sold by counsel, 1 bav* requested th a t thecourt sl« ‘ ‘ -----.ennsentI have to say.

T tae to u rt—T blsam illcatloo is a contestedm atte r and wo buvu a foil calendar to-day and we will lay th is over to the thirty-first.

Mr. A rrow sinith—I h a v en b p teu a c d a nuin- ber of vrlliiessu which I « n oonvUiue the Court I th ink are proper to be bwurd.

The Court—On w hat m atte r T Mr. A rrow sm lth—Upon tw o point*, Aral

upon tlie v to la llo ir of tbe law. T heC oart will rem em ber when th is case was called tbe Court stated th a t I should give the names of tbe witneesea le tbe violation of tbe law to the Proaecutor’f office.

Tbe Court—Did you do th a t f M r. A rro w » n i(in -t did. I gave a Ifsi o f

eighteen or tw eety iiamea. I ctanrgo bere, and am ready to prove, thiit ou t of th a t vlgbtrcn o r tw enty nam es, only four witnesses were called before the Grand Ju ry . I obligate to prove to the en tire satisfaction o fth eC o u rt, by tbe rem aining wltuesMs wbu were not o a lM , wbo were refused to be called beforn the U raud J u ry , habitual vtolaUans of the law In th a t place.

I The Court—The Court will no t take th a t up.H r. A rraw sm ith—I desire to m ake my

potnL 1 am satlstled w ith th e n illng of the OourL I desire lo say th a t as a precedent no­where In the Hlato of New Jen e y , outside of tb tsU m r, ba* an y Court ever refustsl upon application lor gs license to hear witnesses w lien there w u a charge of a violation of the law.

The Court—In otae* where the flrand J u ry have m ade Inveelliultoo and subprenaed wll- newe*, I understond yon do nu t mean to charge th a t tb e ProiKsiilor did not Issue siih- posnoa for a ll th* wttneasaa th a t you gav* tbe lu m e t o ff

Mr, A rro w am lth -N o ; b u t m y poin t is this, th a t th* Court cannot shift II* rcspoiislblllty b reauaethe G rand Ju ry folia to do Its duty. They are called for an eullrely dinbretil pur- poMri One I* for the granting of th e Ilcenae, and 1 charge now dlrtfnctlv th a t nowhere In the g ta te of New Jeraey has any Court ever rcftised to bear uuder like cirvam rtanecs irlt- nesse* who may be cqlled.

The Oourt—I t I* a rem arkable case for you to come Into court, after an Investigation by the Grand J u ry of charges of this kind, and for you to still Insist upon a re-lnveElfgatlOD of tn is m a tte r by th e (^>u rt.

Mr. A rrow sm ilh -B y witnesses in court. Who were o a t called.

Tbe Courl—The G rand Ju ry had a right to say bow m any they would bear.

Mr. llrrow sm lth—Yes, h u t th la Court has no t the right, becauae they foiled lo hear them , to say th a t they will not hear them .II has been nannied In m y fo n by this per­son th a t I would ud i have the opportuDlty to have this exam ination. T hat boast has been made. T hat th is license was granted before the appltcation wa* m ade, I am prepared to prove (hat.

Tne Court—I do no t care any th ing about the boast* th a t were m ade. T h t. caw ha* not been determ lnad by t l i l i Court.

H r. A rrowam lth—I . n j not rtira of tbnt, as to certain m enbera .

Tlie O m r i - T C no t th in k It bo* bren deter­m ined In any w ay .ah ap eo rfo rm . The oaee It laid over to the thirty-first.

Mr. Arnmramlth—I dertvatooB hr wltnsaHs 0* to anotbev po in t a t t h u tim e and nuty I a sk th a t t h . C ourt request the wHuestK. now prew ot to come.

Tbe Court—On w ha t o th e r po in t do you wish the wltoeKte. to be here? T would like to know K> as to exam ine tbe law upon th a t point,

Mr. A rrow sm ltb—Icb a rg e th a t a t least five

CItIMB. on tbe line o f m arch a re requested to display flsig* a t half-m ast, a n d a n w bo view tne parade a re reqnealed to rem ain on th* sidewalk, leavtng th e s treet clear from enrb to ourb. By order J . V . H aw k, g ian d m arshal. OffletM! 0 . F . O tflbrd, A djutant- General.

TO Im p ro v e th * F ire A la rm Servle*.O n u ld a o ftb * v lgoraui recom m endation of

O toCom m lttoaon Fir* Telegraph fo r th* Im- provem ant o f th* Hr* a la rm aerrfo*, th* m eet­ing o fth * FtwOommlaalAn*** la r t n ig h t waa a tm oat w lfhont IneM ent. Th* oom m itte* arged th* im portanra o f U » h e a r ty support a t tb* eom m ltslonsn and tbe.FIrfl Committee o ftbeO om raonO oanalt to teonre a n appro- priatloD for a ebaag*. I tw a s a ta to d th a t the sarvloe r t pgeeant «ma very poor. A vote <N th an k s wee pew ed to tbe 4 * p a rb a« n t m an for tb e orednabl* appA snne* m ad e in tbe parade yirtterday. The n w a th ly payroll, am ooBtlag to IIIARJD, iraa o rdered drown. Jam a* A. OnUlraore, o f 14$ N o rM k elrre l, w u appM nted a reg n la t flrem qn to la k e the plae* o fV am M Qurmby, d*oaued. AppUeaUonsnm JohnMeTlMue. Gtorite Depni*. IMtrfok M e l l o n , Ftvderick f . M m m rtT Jw n e* B . HoOralUi, E to fo t Chrl* and Gaorg* H . Ganae.

A K u r A fo la r t K olty Mtiftoia*.F in a l h rg n m to t Iri th e s u it fbr a p n l lm ln a ry

la jflh rtlou M u ln rt tb* ftn tnatlon o f tb* p ro­p e l »eoinbln«’' , q f A rm our A O o.,B w in A Ornund M orriiA On. la b r tn g b e a rd by Vio»- Chumertlor* Ors*u a n d V an F tea llB tbeChoii. o M T oham lxn to d a y , i t l s p b u ^ o f a fow (^ IH w a g g a ln M n a n y m llllo n a . I h o m u N. H eCarier M tb* argU M U t U U arao ru ln f < bdhatf o f patlUonet.

. HBI* • rS la e t lo n ' Ceoaftr A n d lto r Gt t aaal* b u ' p repared bleep, form s to t hllla o f ■ w aw n eefa iB o took ' I retartia o f the apcelal rtao tloa to Trenton

I Mils to r th a t tarvica m u s t b* m ade on forflxa. T te law provld** th a t e u h

s s ts f shall receive M, ra ilro ad fog* bo th « a y * b rtv re * ttb U n e ld * m * a « d N ew ark a ad

■ H e v ra rk a n d T re u to u a u d a n aUolp-

A fewra * f T o u n g M ew n rh an D asinra* o f p rie ld InB to e Loeusl.

Tw enty pow erfuHy-bnlll young men w ait­ed In to* deleottvra ' room M poUoe bead: q n a rte rt la r t n ig h t to be called Into tbe naeel' lug o f tb e Police Commlsaloncre. All bad Hied app lloa ilo iu fo ra p p o ln tm e h tu p a lro l- ' m en. The m en w ere e a lM In separately and In tenogatod b y to eC o m tn la tlo u en os to th e ir habit*, eltoT w hich th ey were inalrncted to re­p o rt to FoUo* S n q m Clark, wbei* they w ill tm dergo a n axnm lnatloa u to th e ir phyiloal oondlUon.

A t toe n e x t meetin g of to* Oommlsaloaena tw enty nhanoem en w ill be appointed ngnlnr^ patrolm en n n d a* m an y m en who sneoesa- folly paaa th e phyaloal axam lnatton wUl be m ade chancem en.

« lab M nllooey aD drJam e* Splllane ppo ln ted ehaneem en. The appilea-

Uona of O h u le* B ertn u n a nd Jam as J , Oarlln for appolD tiiient a* p a tro M cn were placed on flle. ’

H sea r d o f D kato,Blmon 0 . F , B ehm ldt d ied a t bt* home, MO

H agailDe e treet, yeet erday In h it eeventleth year, D erraecd h a d lived In th is elty t w e n ^ five ysars. A w idow a n d rtx grown children iiirvlv* h im .

Tb* death ononiTed yertorday alternoon a t h is late b am a ,eo rn * r o f W ert K inney and Broome tlieeU , o f J oseph Impel, aped tw e e ty t h r u y e an . H e w u a m em ber o f tbeY onnp H en's O r^ ia n 8 o « ^ eonnseled w lto BW P e te r is R .C .^ n r e l i .

Lewig B. H a n ir diled a t hla hom e on W u h ' Inpton ttreo l, O ianpe, a t U ofo^gk th is lutirn- lap of B rlgW a d iaiasa. B a w ai s ix ty year* o f a p e a n d te a v u a widow, th rse danphier* and t i f o ' sons, a ll p iow n. B a la a retired anpar b roker c fN ew Y o rtL aw ard en o fO v ao e

. . . . r * r thaN ew llD pIand

t M r r t


C h n n b a n i n Maftthairfloolety-


O im CI.OTHINOtakes the honors wherever* it ,it goes. It Q»ds no praise— it speaks for itselL

Our sprii^- and summer stock represents Newark's

. best production. In variety it n'unsoKpassed—in excellence it' d i s ta n t all con^tition. ift^uldn't be Stoutenbt^h's tf

J were other d » a leae t. ‘IMPENBURGH & CO.,

M etp iaB to o f l t r ih m .Tb* le a to a a n d SptlngfM d Moneonttera

le n t t ig S to .to * .j te lJB m In tb l* c ity lo-day. O f i ^ l d l l l o n i B f ^ B l ^ a n d New T rek

T be’ p irtie lt wbo At fto* vwrtaua depate

g h a g am erg n ear th e , a p p r o a ^ to tb e g toaaM rd* *M M rtihp ' m i U tile to do . E M M I t a l i c t i n wcgklnp In 1 i atongyaid on t lW H l I V ’ a n d a d e lu a t lo a o f u n taa I l t i l a n t wa* ei a t n p to them th is noon to t r y to p e t to t in to atep'w ork, Tbeboesst a re h irinp flew appipfttteea, an d say th a t th ey have levcral m ore m en *1 work.

O o w a n Ma tp B al N b trt flaeea.'H ie lM r ln r tb e b a ttf l l to f lh * G ernian Moa-

p l ta ld a iM to 'a e la a e la r t i l l l ib t . i m d e r lo k a W aokeab iitS N eaM ed to* baep lM w ith tan , wbtoh w u ta c M d •* * ! to Treasorer J a l lu t HteplE Lu I umW ' th d iO w m an tin g ln p 8o- eiety PhBMrtM tW n di f l a beer- PriSH were won by M tt ty r i l ( v J u > S 1 |h iv Bfleltaia Mr. U t K M I g g T O t » fo ll W e n t iC l B ttoht*r,Hri- O M M M antlM d Mr-Bchmaud*r, J r . ■ rbey o an fllrd lM ttM tlw M ir d tcM ed to o ip e n lH 'g D til ifleM IF-,

n e n e w o v N e n re o e o tly p taeed ln lb* V irrt OarflM i M tiS M O h p n h will be k r x u l l r o p ^ townotvnwBlpM ) t o whtefa e ee u lMan tnwggg | iy egwa* > ** baao arwiiped,

A T onnp H a n tleen to T ake lh a B Ip P ramtn F ro n t o f a H aase ,

A younp bora* an d a u w rood wagon owned by Charles W all, o f VTaShlngton ave- n ae , F rauk lln , w u stolen a t noon to 4 a y Ikom tbe corner o f Bayre street n nd Bpring- field aveoue. A roughly-dressed young m an w as seen to nnb ltcb Ibe h o n e from th e post a n d d riv e Away. W alx reported tbe theft to tbe police.

T be rig lx vkloed nttJOO. Tbe h o n e Is de­scribed u a dark-ciilured bay w ith n w hite s ta r on Ita forehead end tp e vehicle has rod runn ing gent and no

T o 'O e lcb ra te C o lu m b u D ay. T b irty -six dalcgatcs from tw elve K alian

aooleil** m r t In Colum bia M all, V M arket street, test n ight, for Ibe purpose o f m aking arrangeinen ts to p a rlld p a te to tb e Colnmlms celebrelion In New York on Octohpr 12. There will be a street parnde In N ew ark In the m orning o f th s l day , and lha ■ocletlre will then go to New York to wltaeas to e unvellliig o r th o Columbus m onniuenl. Ttu-s officers were elected last n ig b t: Jo b n C am le , grand m a r tb a l ; E n ieat Belfktto, p ree ld en t; Joseph Coppola, vlre-prcsldent; V ictor Blanotil, t re u iir e r 'i Joseph LinarduocI, I ta lia n tecre. ta ry ; Duralulok Valentino, A m erican aecre- te ry , _______■ _______ ■

F a y m s n t fa r H e r l i i tn r ie t .A form al verd ict for 12.000 w u rendered

In fkvor of Mias Theresa Lookett tn tb e Com­m on P le u Oonrt th is marolDp. H iss Ixxskett. la n ineteen years o f age, an d w as emjployed a t the h a t tm to ry o f the If- M ercy M ann Aw- tn rin g C om pany,' B h e w u work lug a t a hat- form ing m achine on October 2T, w hen her dress caught tn the m oeb h u ry a n d t h a w u whirled a round a shufl. One a rm w u broken In three places, a leg w u e n u h ed and her head Injured. .Bull w u b ro u g h t a n d the oompan J agreed to pay |2,00g. .

T h e K x p e r ln e n t SveeetaAiL M any lives were lo s tln th e k re whtofaeanaad

th e a la rm .from box 83T a t Ihtl o 'eloek thla m ornlug. Tbe dwelling a t gl H ow ard etreet, ooeupled by A brabaift F ln k e teu ln , ttappears, bad k e o e a ^ beoagne nam etonaly tenanted w itb ro tohm , m ost o f w hom to o || np th e ir abode to th* s ink . A n a ttem p t w u food* th is m orning lo foreg tha reaeb rt to leave by atufllDg paper h n d e rtb * s in k b a d setting Are lo It. Th* experim ent w uattoaaaafol. M any ro u h e a d ied and th e Are ip read to tb e wood­w ork, T he departm ent p o t o u t Iba Bra by the n aeo f a ftw > x U n g n lib g n ^

E xooatov A gainst W idow -Vlee-Cbanoellor V an F1*M beard a rgnm en t

yeoterday tn toeeae* of J u l l u U . Caryl, * i- eetitor ofUie Nelson Cbaae estate, again st Hr*. H au l* S . Cbaea, w idow o f Nelson Chase, on a bill o f UMomdien, re s tra in tag tb s la t te r from ooUactlng IH tW on a bond a n d m origage. Tbe properly on whlob th e enretlee w e n given h u been lh a n b je c t o f litiga tion In tbU oountry a n d in Europe elnee Iggt. I t oomprteed vnlnabla landg a t F o r t W u b ln g - ten , » d p roperty eorner a t B roadw ay and L tb a r tr e tieet, New York,

'■ ' '■ - *'—— ........ .T b e fltandoM Bowing MteeWna,

8eM a t tho “ DontteU* A rt Heorng," le topIdlF (u p en ed in g a ll other* w ith fo r fg m lly aeo fhetory ue*. It* earn In ru n n in g n nd q u j ^

- u t t o g m t y r t ,

(rfib e tig aen io f tbU bo t« l lloetite a r t wbo b«TO brieb parth '* to tho babltiial viola* H o n o r tho luw w ith in lh a last, y n tr a t th a t pItuvL T bp rea |« tb lrlc^n alftnorM upon thin appUralloTi* Tc> rooblrw iwalva reputable Iw h io ld e n uudaF ihe autuu*. 1 charge th a t mrt of those th irteen Hlgnera Ib tre A r e a t l e ^ ’flVe who have been puirtm to vlolatlooa of tb e Ijsw In reference to the ille tu l Halo of llo uo rattba tp tac .'e , and tbero- lore they are n o t reputa* ‘ tD eanlngot the stiituie.

Tbe Court—W bo a re they t

............ P' -lore they are n o \ reputable frechulderi In th e- ......................itii ■

____ ___ a i ____ „ -l i r . A rrow em lth^I charge the* are partlre

to the violation oC fbe law w ith in the mean- Ins o r the law.

The Coart—W ho a re they T Mr. A rrow im lth—Itobert C* Ncbennk*

E ltbue B. Bodies H. Perrlno Vnorbee«. John W. Hulnog WUlfank N. Thonii^Hon, WyckoiT Barkaiow an d W tlllani U. O uney.

Tbe Cdiiri-^We will lay tb it over to tbe thlr|yeflr«t. There U do neceaslty for any r o p ly benuMf tbe Court will determ lue the Irgel qneiUons a t U » ptt>per time,

A JK R 8B T BA1«K ftV«PEKlM.■ ____ wTb* F eo p le 's In s tU a tlo u Close* It* D oor* ,

B a t P ro m ise s to F ay D epositors.Bxa IShkCRT, M ay HL—Tbe I ’eople't Bank,

o f th is city, closed Its doors yesterday, and when Its patrons w ant to m ake the ir depoatU Gie following notloe, placed upon the doors m et Iheir u to o ls b e d gaxe t

“ Owing to unforeseen Incidents It has hiren deemed wise to close. K v ^ depositor will be paid In full. A general sto teraent will l>« fornlabod in a few days.

" J , E, 8NITH, Cashier." N o tw ithstand lng the assurances circuteled

by lA c te b th a t a ll obligations will Ite m et, g rea t excitem ent prevollisd here yesterday. Groups o f ag lla ted decoaltbra were on tho s treet a n x to w y epeoulating as to tbe out- oonic.

A report h u b e e n circulated th a t depositor* will be fortunate d fe lx ty per cent, of the line bllltlee a n paid . The Ktale Batik E xam iner

PARK!T o B* O penod

Decoration Day.i Stitenest from Hotiltiirttrs.

T o th e P u b l i c —O i i r p u rc l iA H e o f t h o A u g u s t

B i i e n i i H D i i p r o p e r t V i n o w o A l le d E s s e x P a r k , o n C l l o t o n p l a c e , b a o b e e n m a d e p r e t t y w l d d y k n o w u t h r o u g h t b e c o t u i n n M o f t b e d a l l y p re g H , a m i w e w o u l d r e s p e e t J i t l l y a » k t h e a t t e n t i o n o f t b e n w d l a g p u b l i c —o r a u t tb p a r t o f I t a t l e a s t u e m a y b e I n t e r e f l t e d I n t h e p u r < c l i a n e o f h o u io f l o r r e a l e a t a t e in « v e g t n i e u b i —t o t b e f o l l o w l u g t

T b e p o i m l a t l o n o f N e w a r k l a l u - c r e a n i i i g a t a s u r p r l e l i i g r a t e * n n d I t b a g b e e u o u r a m b i t i o n f o r a e v - e r a l y r a r g t o t r y o u r n o l q n e flyB> t e i i i o f h o m e b i i l l d i u g , t h a t w e h a v e m a d e g o g u c c e f l ' l u t I n f lb t o r r i g h t o f t h e l u r g e n t o l t ie H o f t h e c o u n t r y , I n t h l g c l t y .

O u r p l a i t o f b u U t l i u g u p a a u b - u r b In very* e x p e i i s i v c f t o u s , a a w i l l b e a e e u I n o u r o p e n i n g a d v e r t l n e - n i e n t . I t la l a r g e l y a c o - o p e r a t i v e a v a t e m , e v e r y d o l l n r I n v e s t e d b e ­i n g d i r e c t e d t o m a k i n g t h e p r o p ­e r t y v a l u a b l e t o t h e b u y e r , a n d w e h a v e b a d a r e p r e a e n t a t l v e I n N e w a r k a p a r t o t t h e t i m e f o r t h e p a a t t w o y r a r a a t t e m p t i n g t o a e - c u r e a p i e c e o f p r o p e r t y a t a a u f l l - c i e n t l y l o w f i g u r e t o m a k e o u r o p e r a t l o u a a tic c e a s lX il t o t h e p u r - ( b a s e r a a w e l l a s o u r a e l v e a .

W e b e l i e v e w e h a v e m a d e a n e x t r a o n l i i i a r l l y g o o d p i t r u h a a e i n t b e B u e n n a n u p r o p e r t y , n o t t h a t t h e r e l a n o o t h e r l a n d o f e x c e l l e n t c h a r a c t e r t n t b e a a m e v i c i n i t y , b l i t W e k n o w w e h a v e b o u g h t E a a r x P a r k a t m u c h l o w e r l i g n r e . i t h a n a t w h i c h a n y o f t h e a u r - r o u i i d l i i g l a n d , o r I n f a c t a n y l a n d a b o u t K e w a r k o f l i k e c h a r a c t e r , l a l i e l d .

A T T H E O U T S E T , m a y w e b e p e r m i t t e d t o g i v e a a h o r t d e a e r l p - t l o u o f t h e e x t e n t o f o u r e x p e r i ­e n c e ? W e h a v e b e e u i n t b e r e a l e a t a t e b u a i n e a v f o r a n u m b e r o f y e s r a , a n t i N e w a r k l a t h e a e v e n - t c c n i l i s u b u r b w o h a v e o p e r a t i K l . A l l t h e o t h e r a , e x c e p t i n g t h r e e o i i e n e d U i Ih y e a r , A l U i B U I L T L 'p , n o t m e r e l y a o l d o u t , b u t . m a d e l l r H t - c la a a N U b n r b a n t o w n a . T h e f o l l o w i n g I n a l U t o f t h e a a m e a n d t h e c l i l e n t o w h i c h t h e y a r e a i U i i c e u t . W e w o u l d r e s p e e t t u U y r e m r t h e r e a d e r t o a n y r e p u t a b l e r i e w a i i a p e r I n t l i e f o l l o w l u g c i t i e s f o r a v e r i l l c a t i o n o f o u r a t a t e m e u t a s t o o u r c o m p l e t e a u c c e e e t

AKIiod P ark , P ltteburc. Pa*Sberadin TeirAtM?, P litiburg ,Cllftou, PirubuiYs P<>Ivaaboe, Pitt«burir, Pu,M umoilt P ark , HcnuitaDt P».(Im<nwood Pterk, Botloii, MaM*Ijlndt^ndul^ hoblon, MttMi. »WoliSiiton Park , bostotL Mm Ds K orfolk Downs, BcjKtnofMa«Ss l.yDuhiirtt* Lynu, MmsK BliikdeU Purk* Buffalo, N, Y*Buy View, Buffalo, N, Y,BrikDcb HUl. CIdcIdqbU, 0 .Hoiluwood, C^DClunatli 0 .Houth Auburn, ProvldeDct% 1.RuxtoQ U elyhu, B»lUixiot«, Md.H O M E T H I N O O P W H A T W E

P R 0 1 * O S E T O D O - W e a r e h e r e u o t o n l y t o N ell p r o p e r t y , b u t t o b u l l i l u p a a i i h i i r b a u d a r e p u t a ­t i o n a t ( l i e N a m e t l i i t e . T h e r e a r e t w o i n e th o d N o f H e l l in g o u t a l a r g e t r a c t o f l a n d . O n e -in t o a t t e m p t t o N ell o u t UN n i i i e k l y a g y ioN N lble a n d t h e n l e t t h e i i i i r c h a N e r t a k e

o f h l i i iN e l f ; t h e o t h e r I n t o

T h e n e a r e C o m p l e t e S e tn , w i t h W h i t e B o w l s ,

U E U U L A l t • I2 .U R .

FOR THURSDAY ONLY.LastM ofOufkatHUonSloeSalel

FAR BELOW VALUE.$ 1 .6 7Hahiin A Oo,’s e to r 11.18 Hhoe, re-

duixsl In...................................... ..llltsci* P a ris K id H prlogbrel Hut-

toned Bouts, roduced from fl.W A S A f t

Infonls’ Husaet i i a n d ^ w ^ Bnt- A O n toued Boot*, reduoud from lOc. to

^ pair* o f (ffiridren’i Hb h i m ra tg lit Grain Vam p D o n ^ a Top Nprlnglieel Bultoned BooU, ID il lre an d wldtli* a* k l lo v s :

Ladles’ Itoogula Kid Kand-eswed T urn IlnltiiDwl Itouts, reduced Irum k tiy to .....................................

P a tea l TipBiitluiied Bool*, size

Ublldren’e Dnngnln Hprlngbeel Biitlune D to e, rrduued trum Ste, to

$ 2 .1 94 5 c .

g)^',?; S t <?»}<. w.r —ft,D-ft.

Beguiar price I I Jg. Now m arked a t


W AISTalA dlfa ' N atren W ilsts.beet qnalU r salren. box p lailed fron t and biu-k. (uradnw n colter and r u n . edged w Itb plaited ruffie.

aud w hite Btrlpes.'blue end white stripes.

R E G U L A R t l . 4 9 .

0 1 . S 3 .S p « c l |d

HANDKERCHIEFS.I omSIm * Embrold^mtS. f'biffbn HanAkar*

nl«*fantnurner duilirn m ndm bro l* derod icalTup»i rrg . ^ bpeutal 94a*

DRESS TRIMMINGS.1,000 y ards 1 I neb heavy b ilk Moss Trim - tnings, eolort, g slates, 2 m id hrowna, g dark browns, 2 Gobelins, 2 balges, 2 e rru t, lilauk, navy, eard ln sl, garaet, m yrtle, reseda, (N ile gteens, reg. Ipc. H|)«clal XSc yard.

Forty Pieces Washable China Silk.BROWl, TANS, BLACK, GBAY8, BIIIE8. IfC.

T h t * I s a n e w l u i p o r t u t i o n o l t h e L a t r a t D e a l g n s t o r L a t l l e n ’ W a l i t f l*

P L A I N W H I T E ,

P L A I N B L U E .

Red, WUte and Bine Stars and Stripes, • 6 een tsi y a r d .A s tb sH foodfl a re ffeUIog Kurrci, tbowi who dptlr« to dscorste Uielr houiM

should Isy lu s stock s t oa««e

c a r eiiN c a l a r g e a i n o i n i t o f c a i i l t u l f o r t h e d i r e c t n u r p o N e o f h u l l d i n g u p t h e p l a c e . I n tlilN w a y e v e r y d o l l a r

will m ake en lavertlgation , fonservaiivo e re d lto n believe to o t a ll deposits will he paid, and th a t tb e tuepenstun wa* only oodridered best because o f a lack of buslnc**. I t It said th a t theW natarer, J - 8 . Chester, bad a targe am o u n t of the c llj’'e money on dejooslt, and, as m uch o f to te oa th will be needed Im m e­diately to cover m unicipal cxponsea.the bus- p enatonha*ptw esdh im In aserious dilem m a. A receiver w ill prnbcbly be asked for.‘ Tb* Peophfe B ank was a lUlpte bank,

o ig a n lw l 1°

A F m i w

F r e n e h C h e fo n c e w ro te t * * n i e v e ry ro u l o f

c o o k in g IB t h e g tock-po t-, a n d th e

6 n e i t s to c k - p o t u

l i l e b l g C o m p a n y ’s l i x t r s u i t o f B e e f ,

GeuuliM only w ith iig iu tu re . Invatnuble linproved and enin- loniln cookery. For Houps, 8 au n * au d Maoe Dtstaoa.

H A D E TO O R D E R- F O B -

U et whk eoarihrt col Uia " Domeel Farit itiee ti-

dned I A rt

-jr lover o( le tiw m a t a n d W ert

•F S C IA L N O n C ti* .

t k M l r d

i « : ? i t A . Onrwwgflfo

a a t t l r t l f lg tm





e x j i F i i d e d In f o r t b e b e n e f l t o f t h e

fi i i y e r . A N u b t i r b u n t r a c t o f l a u d , f H o ld n u t n n d n o t b u i l t u p .

u l f o r d N r a t h e r a p o o r N o r t o f I n - v c H t i i i e u t ; h u t I f h a l f o f t b e m o n e y re t 'C l» ‘<Hl f o r a p i e c e o f p r o p e r t y Ifi N p e n t i l l d ire « > t I m p r o v e m e n t a n d i n i n d i i c e n i e i i t N t o i l r a w p e o p l e t o b u i l d a n d t o h e l p t h e m t o d o s o , t h e l i i v c N t i u e n t In p r o f i t a b l e , b o t l i e t o t l i o b u y e r n n d t o t h e H e l le r . I t I k o u r a i i i b l t i o u t o m a k e o u r p r o p e r t y J u i t t o n v a l u a b l e t o t h e l o t o w n e r o n w e p o N s lb ly c a n . O u r N y H tem o f g e i i e r o i iN g l f tH t o b u i l d e r » , f r e e r a i l r o a d ptuiN eN , lirN t-e la n N im p r o v e i i i e n t H a n d c a r e t l i l r e n t r i c tfo i iN w i l l , w e b e l i e v e , b r i n g a b o u t , ON i t u lw a y H l i a s i l o i i e , t h i n r e s u l t W e a r e . b t i l l d l u g a u d h a v i n g b u i l t o i l o u r v a r io u N p r o p e r t I c N a t t b e r a t e o f- DO O t o 4 0 0 h o i u c s p e r y e a r .

W e I j e l t e v e I t !g t o t h e i n t e r e g t o f e v e r y p e r s o n i n t e r e s t e d i n r e a l e s t a t e , e i t h e r t b r a h o m e o r a s a n l u v e s t m c i i t , t o s t u i l y c a r e f u l l y o u r a i i n o i i i l e e i i i e u t N i i t a d o n e x t f l a t i i r ' d a y a n d N i in i l a y f o r o i i r D e c o r a t i o n D a y o p e n i n g . W e t a k e t h e p r i v i ­l e g e o f p u b l i s h i n g t b e f o l l o w l D g l e t t e r s f r io i i i v a r i o u s b a n k s t o s h o w t h e e s t i m a t i o n I n w h i c h w e a r e h e l d b y t h e b e s t p e o p l e i Bboaowxy NvCnosAi. Ba n k , Boston, Hogt, JfcMrs. Wood, A Clu

Y our succeti In handling la rge traoU of land 111 W ollatton, LIndeu and O nenw om P a rk m igh t be considered phanom etial un tl Wo look a t your liberal m anner of treating a ll purobasers, your prom pt attentloD to your cnstom or’a lnterMb^ aud your rigid Integrity In a ll ogieeii.cma.

W« tak a great pleasure la oongratatetfng you up o n your m erited pru*peruy, a n d In dohw *0 voire the enaom lum t o f m an y other*.Yours DREHHEK. Coehlrt,

Ma b if k NiTtoHAL Ba h k , P itU burg, Pa. Messrs. Wifod, H arm on A Co. have been

doing botlnea* w ith us for several years, aud d u rin g th a t lim e we b a re alw ays found th*Ri reliable and square-dealing people, p ro m p t In m eeting the ir Ciigiuemeuts, and w« know th e m lo b e thornugbly saooeeefol In th e ir un- dertakings. They come to u i very highly recommended, and have In th e ir lo terruttie w ith UI alw ays lived up to th a t reooinmenda- tion . W . l4 VON BONNHOIWT, Cashier.

B a s k o r Oomkxbcs, Bnflhlo, N. Y. j f a t r i . Wood, iformoo A Cb,.-

The busliwss o f your Arm tlnoe locating here and the Mig* am oun t o f property handled by you, tp u it be very satlefltotory la every reepeot. In all of tb* bualnes* trane- ooted bere I b a re no t h e to l a ting le oont.

^ I h U i k yonr suooese Is do* to tb e ltb e rr t m anner In which yon h and le y o u r b u c ih eu i you r eoey te rm s and etric t com pllanre w ith all Bgreehients a ttrac t parohaeert. ! th ink yon have bouetlly M roed th a goodreputa- &on y ou have

USKOBANTB' COtoMXATIVg BANK, BoftOlliM mT his l i to certify th a t fcl* l* n k ^ m a d *

tnoo* to a num ber o f pereous who bavepute ohaied bind o f Messrs. W ood, H a rm o n A 0 ^ and we b a re alw ays found th e stalem ent* m ade b y . lb* flrni to be c o m t . ^ I h e j lm th e ir system Is hun istly eonduetsd , and, b*. Ingllkeeo-operatlve banks, Itefw ble*parU ee to ow n th e ir bomes who contd n o t otherwise do 10. A. E. D U F F IU , Meoretary.

nC M T ■ B flF K C T n iU .T ,

W0 0 D,HARH0 N&Ca,7N B ItO A D SI.N E V tilE .

1 5 0 PIECES BUNTING,F o r Deooratinj? Purposes.


5 cents yard

T p i m m e d H a t sAT ONE-HAIF FBICE TO-MOREOW.


Great Sale of Parlor Suits!1 0 0 D I F F i ] B E l S r T B T Y L F B .

'- 0 . grtteJB l



niM A IN H T R E B T , F a to (* i» ,N .J .


ID STRAUS639-II37 Broid Street, Goner Hei.


I M I - A N N U A L C LEA R A N C E S A L E If tp e e ia l l a d n e e m e n t s f o r T o - m o r ro w O n l j .

Ladles' Suits and Tea Goins.

Ilf liu. «ll-- w . - " ' ’If i l t fcul, row i of •tIUinliic on "h id ,

l i id l i i ' J N u t r Bni - wool B n—dclotb,

t?.1, iwwa VI «biwuiii« 'M.far a a a uulta, Id saT 7 hlue,

To.Slark and (an color. T »-nor. row’i prtoa..-,.____ _________

T h e G r e a t e s t

I t r e r Offered In T h is OltF*lu m rw rdi U o lrt ailk Ribbon. Id a ll oo lon .

Noa. 7 t a d b, w onb Ue. y iM . To^norrow ic .yard .

No*. IX W and K, w orth 16c. and 16o. yard , lo -nu irrow le c . yard.

M pirota, to atylM, 17 and lAlnob Em brol- derod Klouticlng, w orth Mr., « c . and IHo.yard. Tow aoitow O o .r lT — and Avo. yard .

E a d ir t ' Miwita HIrtrta, With d a n derod rufllr, Worth Boe., a t APo. eacE.


U doaon ncata’ Finn Q uality Uomatltchod H aodJterrhtaA . rogular wlM-fle,, a t l#«.eai-ll.

Hfirdial lot of f h rr laa r nyraaol O oTon,worth He. and Ac., a t d ie . and dno. caCli.

100 EMBROIDERED R O B ^O ra r, Old Row, Tan. w ortb |U A

and nayer aold n r baa.

Oir Price To-morrow $1.19.

" V e iy S p e c ia l L i n e g f

DressCoods.c o n p r la ln t gooda th a t aold a t Mc^ TBe. and Mr., yard , ail th la atuaon'a (ooda. In a ll now ab ad ea For to-morrow only a t dPe. yard.

A-Inch Black Lanutowna, vary fine q uality .m aking a tw il aummer dTta>, never aold .. I& an III. Oar )>ttca l o q f lm w dHo. yard .

I—dlegf S n lti a t V rm na C lo t ', atrlped Woof Dot olibct. a moat atyl ab-loukln|

w ith_____ ... .. In f gar­

m ent, Norfolk w alft with bel , In H dlneroat ■tuidn. To.jnorrow‘a price a 1.*#.

U d lm ’ eiuUa of Gariic'a Beat Peroala, Inwaiat plalUri fw n t and back, w ith rran led faat golOM. To-m onow ’a

___ ja' Hglla of W blt* G nm nd Hklrtlng, InB furm and atrlpei, Norfolk walala, (hat uol-o n . Tn.m orrow 't price e t-S f .

U N U d iee ’ e h lr t W ^ata , In all the new a n ad a e b ^ e a a ie r la la .In e ln d ln f f ia c a b B llk , Potaent, Cmpe U dtbJIadrB e.O aiubrlc , Lawn, w hite and figured. To-rnorrow'a prioaa f 3 a , M e., ««a. gp 10 W .fg .

H gLedlat'O iitm fC lD thBklrM . Todnorrow only M e. oteh.

I# D rc» Iwngtha of foil Itf-yeed. wide WrtOL OHEVIOTB. ( i darkg ray only, fttti drew pa itrrn of t yard!, wqrtb N.TA For to-m orrow on ly a t

$ 1 . 9 8 .

Cotton Crepe de Chine, elegant lin e o f co lo r In g a aifb ftnlibed, w orth Ac., a t 9 ^ e . yard

T am bour Bwiea fur Boab O krta lna w ortb g f^ r . B p eo la lA lto ,y a rd .

I r l ih Po in t BwIm Ibr Long C urta ln i, w orth Bpevlal a t M e. M rd,

F lneet qnallty W hite ban d io m e paM il l j^ e . yard.

Plaid Nalnuooka, regular priM lOc., a t

W H YDon’t You Call on

DR. L.


mm8 3 1 BBOAD S I i j a d i e s ' C a p w e .

Newark, N. J.?H o 1b gucceioftiUF tre a tin g from

2 0 to 4 0 putlonto daily to r Nit«tl anA B ranch ia l C a to rrb , C a ta rrh a l More T h roat, More ByeOtSere Earn. Sore Koite, bo re T h i ^ l ^ C a tu n h a l UrafnAgg, Bi-zeina, Aciio. Fleith W uruu , B lac-kfacadaand Mtnpleg o f th e F ace.

B e d f o r d C o r d S u i t e .

L a d i e s ’ W r a p p e r s .

OaDoeri, Oaaeer W an e , Tnm oH,otcft end W arte Of the Face, Old

Birth-m urks. Ml................ . . . .Bores of the Legs o r any p a rt of th e eluding Ingrow luf Nalls, Uoep V ascular E i- eresoenees on the Boitom of tb« Keri, lim p Corns th a t grow fast U> Nerves, n n ' ' I'nthe Togs, Including CarbuncUia, I'VOOaBat U et«.

O r g a n d i e s .

D r . K I M B E L L ’ S L o w g t t P r l M fo r B f ffloviiH) C o r n t l i | 2 g io h . - T h # L t r g M t onB u g g p g tt C o r n E x e r M o t n o g , tn In- grow lgg b i l l o r T h lo k C lu b N a ll Ram oved and C u ra d In O n a T ra a tiR e n t W itho ut Pa in by D r , K i n b a i r a S k llfiil Ojtaratlong.

! U l t r a L i g h t W e i g h t G h e c h a

Nan's Veiling.

ThoMandt In Nawark T hat Ha H |i Parnanaatly Curad Can Ba Rafarrad to.

The Doetor lo now tn hln eighth month of hit sixth sncceanfil rlait to Newark during the pant 20 yearn.

Latgt Una of BIguk Wool Oraoa- dines, worth | l , gA.~.— ..............

S a t e e n s .

C h i n a M a t U n g s .

O ffic e H o u B i—W e e k D a y s , 0 A . H . t o e P . M . M o n d a y s , T l in r s - d a y i u u d B a tu r d a y g t i l l 9 P . H . S u n A ayn 1 P . M . t o 0 P . M .

C o r s e t C o T e r s .V-front of Looe In se rtlo a , B oat- sttleh lM -gD d Looe edgs, w orthVc. eaon....7R.........

h r . l l m M l Is P e r m u M o t l j L a e i te d . Night Oowns.

R E r C R S T OH r. Chas. B . Brown, No, U T aylor strast,

Nowark, cured of C atarrh IS years ago. U t baa never beca troubled w ith C atarrh slnca.

Utsa Minnie K em m er, N M ercer s treet, city ,. , ------------ . -------- -- j jeared of Nasal a n d BronebbU U alarrh tieaim eots.

Jstan McCarthy, 11* B ruenstree t,c lty . Cured of a bad C atarrhal Bora T h ro a t In 7 tre a t­ments,

W. K Corsets.E x tra long W alstOovaet,la w hite , f | a e a d ra b a n d h la e k .ia g .p r is e I I , t i Z T n . p f

H r. F ran k V an Doren, w ith U eath A D tak a M erchants, cored of Naaul an d fironohUl Catarrh.

N ew lina of Java Cloth, the lesuUng w ash dress m a te ria )« the sraaon, a l| new designs,regu lar price U i ^ , a t Th*- yard.

Cloaing out all our flgared In d ia DreM Bllke M Ona half, their real valna.

EXTEA SPECIAL FROM 9 TO 11 O’CLOCK A. M.ilUrd Cords, very n n a qnallty , r r « a lu priee Un., a t........

gbleacbed Table U non, w orth Ibom too, lo 9 a , yard, a t .'lack

l l o l r d , ______ ______ .ached Bneetlng, n w th itic. B podal p rice .....Cnbledchcd Bheetlng, full yard wide, w orth 8c., a t .................

heeting, worth SBc.avy L'nblekchcd Sheeting, f u l l . .. . ,uMe Damask Germ an U u sn Towels, sUe RheSO, w orth So., at..

M e . yardM e. y a rd..F ard

yard ..l ie . each

D A V I D S T R A U S ,681^687 Broad Street, - Comer Kew Street.

l i i U L i t S i f i I

M ri-O ea W.Ooffln, with o f Mr, Geo, W .. Beoelvlng Teller of the Becemd N atlonf

a l B eak, cured of Itoh lngE csam a am t te tte r o-CoIRn,

B e a r in m i n d t h a t b e s id e s M o n d a y ’s , T u e s d a y ’s a n d T o - d a y ’s L i s t s ;h e re a r e h u n d r e d s o f o t h e r b r i f ^ h t , f r e s h b a t g a i n s t o b e fo u n d a t ev eV y s t e p t a k e n t h r o u g h o u r s to r e s .

the scalp.

E, F rea k BouUlIler.W B ecker street, city, cured of C atarrh In U trea tm en ts.

Or. U Kimball Is recom m ended by in e b Dm. W illiam U'Gor;em inent p h /s id a iu i. _ _____ . .

m a s , F. B. M andevllle an d soures o f o ther pbyslo laaa and thousands of ladles aud gen- tlem eu Id Newark recum m eud D r. K lm but.

Alonann U . Fuller, orcolum ba,ODnn., cured In UK of a Cancer of b i t lower U plu one treat- m sn t, will answ er questions.

Col, tt, E. Bicker, of Eilwhetb, N. wM cured ora Mce Cancer by Dr. Klmbell 1*yearnago, who used a liquid pnioese only.

M il. K. Peters, gf( Ceutnl avenue, city, had a moles or warts auceessfuily removed.

Bfcbard Coats, H JetTeraon street, Orange, N. J., will answer questions about having a large Cyxted Tumor, or wen, tuuoeatfuily re moved from bis head.

It sounds like a story to say via gava away thrso tons of Carpet Paper ta t the past two asaek^ but w* have the tguresta prove t t Wa poslllvaly asasn {had our prloea on Carpet* ate iuwer than any house In the Btale. We will uloee out the balaoctotour entire snrtsg akiog of Oarpela at a per cent lower than Ibnaer prloea to make room Ibr OTUKB OOOM.

Mrs. Dr, Meetocr, elty , will answ erqnestloui about bavtiig an ttnslghlly w a rt, o r mole, sue- ueasfuUy removed from her u p p e r lip.


To the E d ito r o f th a BCHPS.T C i t i - Dear -Sir; I can lacum m snd Dr. L. K lm bell lo r the cu te of a ll feet dlseasee.


B E D R O O M S U I T S .I t Is said, “ A th in g of b e a a tr te a jo y foraver," and goods th a t a re oom paakins to your

household a re worthy of ooneldi-ration, and should be selected with c a n as to qua lity and - O lu t I t Is ou r ^ I d s alw ays to keep lu c h a stock. Ton wUI ootleavw o a r store d lsap .

^ AN B PICCE OAK S U IT , * 2 2 . 0 0 , F N E N C H BEVEL PLA TE .

P A R L O R S U I T S .' -Think of oae large apaelons floor, well lighted , w ith m ore thau Up w as to m ake aeleetlons easy an d pM asurable. W e d o n 't th in k ytm any w hen . BelDg large oonsnm an, wa buy m a la ria l r ig h t an d tell rig aeaii

P arlo r Bulls, arranged can And such ano ther

Mug ns.BelDg large oonsnmwra, wa buy m a la ria l r ig h t an d self r ig h t Do no t buy hefotb

S I D E B O A R D S .W e have Just p u t Into Uae th e m ost heoalU nl a n d ye t th e oheapaK Una of Board* aver

■boWD tn Newark.

!$ 1 9 .0 0 w o rth ,.$1.00 down an d $ 1 .0 0 w eekly $20JM 1 w o rth .A S .0 0 down an d $ 1 .0 0 w eekly $ 0 9 .0 0 w orth..$0.OO down an d $1 .0 0 w eekly $ 7 0 .0 0 w orth ..e7 .0O down an d $ 1 .2 0 w eekly $ 1 0 0 .0 0 w 'tb $ 1 0 .0 0 down a n d $ 1 .0 0 w eekly




SILV ERW A RE.You will flndanelegan t am ortm ent a t Hilverware, pu r own m a k a a t most reasonable prices, a t th e aod (actury of

JOSEPH B. lAYOIS 111 II 1(0111110 SIIIEI,

r Near M ulberry Btreah

We also m ake a epeclatly a f repal^ lug and rcplatlng broken an d w orn work, m aking It as good as new a t less than half ih* pries o f new work, slso'. gliding aud h ron ting In th e best manoer.

WATCHES I29 0 l i f i K E T ST R E E T .

Wedding Rings


SmON & JOSEPH’S,IH an d iw W PRlNGrUlf AVB. U toH P R lN O B B T .

l p e a o e a n d c o m fo r t POE t e n d e r f e e t .




To the E d ito r of A eC A i.1.; D e a r S I r - I s a * ibred nine y e a n w ith to re eyes, nasal catarrh and bad a deep ulcerated old aore on oneo. m y lega Dr. L. K lm bell ba* cured m a

CHAS, F . BfCUARDB, elty.

To the FAItor o fth e C a L i.: D e a rS tr~ t have

dies, which i « v s no stum on th e skin,J** ~ * wawaWksatwayaw «si ELM IRA B ERTH O LF.elty.


To the Editor ortho sc sd a t GaU i Dear Sir—DR. DKlM BElX'cured my leetinono treatment of troubleaome coma 36 years ago. Dr. Klmbell It a tottntlfle man and knowtm o raab o u t euriog feel trouble th a n a ll the ohtropodlsts In America. I pa id him gts Ibrrem oTlngdooraa, an d I t was money well In, Th M . W IIX IA M B. (lUILD.

Of Guild A turn. 1*'awyeri.

KIHBELL'S great “ EXTERNAL lURMEDY ” Ibr acne, pimples and blackhead*


o f the face never fhIU to care the worst case*.The price of this never-falling remedy is A ftt Kl t7 and tio a bottle. It baa cuiM tbou-eandt. Try lu

A remedy th a t will cure excessive ilersplra, ......................................... 1 tb s v r ^ tUoD, scalded and blistered f n t and the vforst

cases of bad odor o f the feet a n d arm pIG . Try It.

Df. Klmbell can ntbr to 6,000 people In New­ark. Bleb ns well as poor treated by him.

Klmbell glvee seven trea tm en ts fbr K atal o r B ranchial C atarrh , o r O aturrha lS on ,

Dr.T hroat Ibr ttO, an d euras scores daring Ihosi, seven treatm ents. A single trea tm ao t t lAO.

TH E BEST TIM E FOR La d i e s t o c a l l I fl APTEttNOONS. OEJITLEM EN FORE-

iNB, ----------- -------NOONS AND e v e n in g s .A REMEDY FURNISHED that will cure

Enlarged Tonilla of (be Throat, EVERY OKF. CAN USB IT.




A REMEDY that will cure Bore Joints, Bon Bssla, Hotloma of the Feet, Sore Toee, Ach­ing and Sore Nerve* of the Feet, Try Ik

DR, RtMBELL te recommended by the ■ OdiHvmm o a le in lo in tP ro fe aa o n a r M edical

of New York CIW.

G R E E N ,The Umbrella

Man, comer of Breed and Market


U m b r e l l a s a n d C a n e s


Ask for the shove HOUBB DRESS, nude of neat Cambric, plaited waist front and back.


Bpcelal prica

, . appri.,.. _, with

martyis , om sbrlnvalU

‘ FeetATBiaaV.B6 Broad SC. Newark, N. J.

miuNt cuium ucTim-iGabaimlsssptspaiaUon for keepuif the hair tn Curl,

i wiiiuutlmvetliebslrsticliy larwhlle. FitcegdandhOcw- loan he sent by mail or ex- f pism or procured at any gn*- I alms isubishtnaut Bm u-

idSelyW M ABAM lB T & V X I.T .ngtl^ A.Nswark,N^

* 1 . 2 9 .Regnlar pries..... , IIAA

The same style without plalU at SPe. All other styles still reduced.

torgest asinrtmenl ot SHIRT WAISTS, a t buttani prints.

M r A Belt given FREE with every goodShirtwaist.

* » ! i n BOfS' CLOTHING!A CAP FREE With each Sulk

Warranted best qual­ity. Teeth extracted,Kb Uas-Ke. Silver fllTlnge7«o. to 76c.Floa gold dUingaU •ndnp. _

Bostoa Dental Assooiation,_ 2 2 2 M A K K C T $ T ,.W . M. MOLT, u , D . .................... . M a n a m

, mr«iW 0 fo b OATAkOOUt,

smoN a Tosm.

T H E B E E H I V E .n CM SHE H IT i S I L T E I U l l S H E .

Parts and Berlin styles, the eholos of the season’s praducUeoA In beautiful tan and slate shades, handsomely braided and triuo med with Point de Irlande laoe, former prices 111 and tbk obuliw $9.10

AU-wool, stylish dasigns, bell Skirl, taooy stessw, now shades,reg.ll6, at...

606 New Wrapponi In great varla. ly of styles, « the lowict piioMever nameJ—I lot BBe., wortb n.»; I lot k l.M . worth ILK; 1 o lS i.g * , worth PLM

Eiegaul Black Laee Work, worth f ialOc., at........................ —.............. - •iB*

Value Kc. |0 *Fur this week......... ............ BY**

All-wool Albatross doth*, doable Iga wAwidth, at..........................:_______ W 6. Jtt


In handsome floral sOhris,At---- ------------------- 19e,7d

I>ot No. I, worth for........ .. l i e . yd.Lot No, 1, wortb HOe., fQr..u.,..,_«. g fe . yd.


of Fins Osmbrtc, foney taeked y ^ e s , tall length and width,worth tfo., Mr.

ean Drawer V tk teHe.

1 ^ ohlldren. Brnr sUea, regular Ik ,

ChitCon LaceaAll skade*. lYa wdB ^ularprkN 84e*i far,..,.am.a.sessvs.e* ilv Y |lll

F a n e r R i b b o n R i c b i n g .In sJl shades. t f l aRegular ffo., fore..«M«M......~...— vibJU

Hull HateC hild ren 's Oolotsd Hnll Hal*, in pJnk, jrtus,_ ereara aud ea rd ln a l, l o c .oreuM,, MiuVf Uiwworth Me., for..

Ghiiia 8iUc ParasokgM oial UM of flue Figured C hinn Bilk Bunshadee,elegant eolorlngs, # d BO Im ported sticks, leg. K goods, m r $ 0 , *0

Club Goachinga.niAtobe I this week they go for

toSilk Tailbta, ehangeableeb, eariy s s a r a prlea glAI, $ 1 .T 9

L a d i e e * O x f o r d s .Vlusst Blucher style, handmsde,

$1.15I n t e D t e ' S h o e s ,

Floe Kid Uandmade, very flsxl- 11a bla, our ng . Me., wet.

Ladies’ lisle OlomIn Maok, rsg. lie., for. Ikpr

T ita e d E a teB eautiful New Creations, lu re to w tn a (a p ro ra l Iron, every lady, a t th e special prloai o f t n - U , M .1 6 g n d t t . 8 7 .

Trinmied Sailor HateFor ladles, all eolori, teg, tldfl, 9JC.

Leather PnreeaFine MoroccAkld lined aod d 'bls pockets, reg. m . tU s wesk a t.....

R o s e P e j u r l B a t t o n aSold «TerjwheFi At lAA,ihii d mftMTe..,»e»,<e.**s.»»vee<«««.»««,.«ee*..ef«et*s,«Sseeese * V&tU

Children’s TesteFIm Kll>bAd VooL lonf ilecTM i|UaMdalamtaMpn^OsADdSBeepAt lU biM

G e n t ’s C n f l B u t t o n aF lu e Gold Plate, reg. 600,and66c., Pda th is w eek a t .......................................



— FOB—


» |^ ]'HESE are the favorite suits of many men for summer wear. They look handsome, the color sticks and the fabric is light and cool; they keep

their shape, too, and are marvel­lously cheap. We have a superb line for men and young men at from

| i o to $is. This ifl hut one item from the richness of our spring stock, which embraces all the popular styles and ma- teriab. At from $io to $25 we can fit the mind and body of any reasonable men.

LARGE pert of our work is for young men.It’s not *0 easy to select materials that shall he not loud, but just dressy

___________________ enough and m a ^ them upwith a “ chic " which rivals the Fifth Avenue tailors. We do


it, though. Call and see the results at $12 to $15*

HOW ABbUT CHILDREN?You may depend upon it that we don’t overlook them;

indeed, our stock of Children’s Clothing is enormous, and all of this spring’s manufacture, '

apiEUB auna....>-PlBCB BUITB....H..VB8TRK auiia......JUNIOR sum......ZOUAVE B u n » .....JERWY B u n a ....

• „ . . $ » tq a s .

____ S A to H .------ M t o e a____N t o S l * .......... SB th M ,

The time is very near where so many heart!, will he made happy through confirmation. Kvery year it was a harvest in shoe buBiness about this time by charging fancy pricec for shoes for this occasion. W e in­tend to atop this custom and charge only one price for all oc­casions, and for this reason don’t buy any of your shoes un­til yon have seen our 35 per cent, saved on all shoes pur­chased of us.

KILT sum-.....-....... ..... ostoes.WAHH BUIW... ....... .,-,.™ ...„.eStaO*.AaS KNEE PANTS by UW


If you don’t see 'ffhat you want in any department of our great stores, ask atid the article will appear.

m asH/iLLi am,8 0 7 ,8 0 9 ^ 811 & 813 B 80A D ST.

ILBERT C. COURnaitfWftftmo

TMovAsMoovana,P U I T I , .





I B iL L iS AID U .mfknforatnmuMsatkLM


eoverthg bring tt

nmbiwUa or to

- BoUifotsUon g n q ^ M H t

AT «ABDni(fii;fiS A C a O IM Y $ T m

N«wwrk,N.J. 0 » . l

TIiGmTPRODRIIlU BUILD IW H soRN tiuiiBiiitbU iiM r It Tien m t i l Ills ti w tte biilGUBtoHiutiBi: F l n t ^ l i til i i USmi 01 BrotG It., Hii tia conldor till joi eon to L D. SELOTEI’S JllRlRT ITORB (tlo H m tn Biunily opei), fiR is U0 loot m o il (TBIT IS TBE PBUQfUi FGilT OP UTBBBST II fIBBUILDIIQ); t in go ItHUto til corrMor u l tite tki iHTtton. BooiiS-41 iloM tH Ink H itli tOl m t* i I- BUOTBI'B BTOIB, iBter then, u l iIlii^iieliB tieheiitftkl ilgbu, pui od * l eonMof to itkep piM. LP. tU r OTUI, lenUer u l Optlebi, H. fiPniiitui BiuiiM (iNui tM').

I ^

SELL TROI9 to t1 TO-IOIROf, Q n j Hlxsil a a i T uiway Hu m aai Tui M g

DOMET FLANNEL , 4(1V l l M l O * .................... ............................ 1 / V I

FB O M 0 to 12,Printed


Volu* iFHia...................6!c.yl

S i e i Mviis [or H i uPrlsM Drspsry.

Dollar DuU.worth Iflc........... ................

I f i t D o m a itio C r it o n n g i .Worth 186._______ _____


lOc.OMMrsn’i Qinghim Lroutt.

T rtm m td w ith tonoy wbitq n A j , braid, 3 to 6 y t a n . . ............... t j I r C w l

I l it g M ’ O h ts h tM D r M t t t ,Fancy y o t* an d to*h, 6 to U f f ie Q W ,

....................... ..........- ......... 9 * > w f

t l s o k Q lo rih S tis to g A tt ,B lack fo n o y « n o k hoDdlet, rag. A q A S l ITota* IL76— ......... _...!!!!

M t s k Sgtiii U n ib r s lla t ,F*«t block, with bnrdOT and A A ^ footil handMi, valac Me............. O o G * i

Infint*' Mull Cip«,

I n f M t i 'M u l l C g p i , __

Protty rtylca, n g . l»o......... ..... m c j

Silk ft«*«ir T l«i,Loco endi, all ih o d n , and flno China *Uk, reg ......... ..

• l I l M S h irt W s l « U ,Bloc, blook, card inal, i lr lp r t , dot*, flgiuco, a very *uperf<M quality , actually w orth tlji6 .._


9 0 0 .L a d E ti ' F ln « H t n d k « r o h l « f * .

Fancy borden, hrm atltobod, oU lo tt colort, reg. IVc..WMMVtvvMr******

Nflw D«ml Flounolng,Point de Irlande, ta ll w idth,value 26c., at_....................


14c.fL aet P ira to l Cover*,

UoDdiome doatgo*, worth |LM $ L 3 1 F

S lb y C oiohei,A BIG REDUCTION FOR TUURBDAY ; the olioloe of 10 •tyle* oUbred; flnuot reed ,tp ^ y '; u ^ o l i ie r e d In Im M rt-ffiM A A ~Y d aouuk and u lk plovb, w l t b ^ | • W v ,

and ll9.Fl, at ___ i...... e a o l L i

ed d aouuk and u lk plovb, w ltb l wood or Iron wheel*, reg. price* K M , « .tS , M M , 9 ,m ,

W in dow S o ro tn F r i m M ,

A eat corapIcM tafv..„_.~.

S e r M B W ire ,

A iqaare foot for

Oil Stove*,AH iuee, from


59c.Serpen D o o n ,

Good tramH,...« .$1.23F R T J tT J A B S .,

FInta, quart* and baU-galloao. We wre taking order. DOW while the prloe* ore^ow, and wilt dollver a t any time to .n it pui

BUTS’ 70c. K BEB P U T S


FO B TRUBSOAT a t «0 C E N T !

iitef & niisuiu109 tern PUKBTST.

f f i m i r ?

Ladle*’ FlaoD ongola B utton K id B *. t r a h ig h cul, petont tip*, v*ry n a^ b y , aL dT .

Ml****’ Kin. Dongol* Botton, extra high owl, poteat tip, il(«* 11 to 3t only BBSS.

ChUd’* E x tra H l g h ^ t B utton, p a to m Up,*ii«*»Xtoio»4>ofoy ioe*.

Th* lo m e iboe, 6 to A only STe,

Lodtea’ F lo* folk Clcfb F l u l i h ^ BuUmt, p a ten t tip , emccah tn n em l* , only « a * a

Ladle*’ F ine Dongob, B utton, p to en t U » M d to o la ,'lw x te * a n d c u n m a a e e u e .a l to W o u - ^ t a i t i t y l e , B to E ^ d e . only S l.S S .

lo d te a ’ F lo* DoM ola Button, to x to* wM com m on H n ie , patent Up, alie* Q j to T, Only•i.*a

O oaU ’ F ine K a n g a ro o Up* u d p la in , Im an d CongreaoM only S*.**- A ik tor H eym ati’* axm m ake.

Gent*’ Fine Cnirfltaobaoar own moke, Ught ■ w»l«hi, d tn ed lam weight.Genta' Fine IM * Uheae, eur own make,

lace and Onagreea ,Upa and plain, nnly S l.*e,B on ' patent Leather Sboea, lace end Oon-

greao, raiy m-**- JuitUMMioe* for eonSr- foatlon.

The •am* eboe.ll to J, oaly S 1 .*0! ^ t o11% ai.M.Boyi’ Ftn* TMM •ttcithI innemid*, onlyLadle* F loa Dmtgcto Oxford

ttw de, p*toDtUp,*l<ie> an d torn w a o n v

8bo«*,M r o w a wufoe.yWlSaStoeelKtoiK.% to a eueunon **B*«

W i T f M !Our owe moke Oxflnd Doagolo, potent Up

OM oU ttother, only T*e-tiavetitaMy MiddoB'iBlw to look at oar

Bboe*Mtore buying.

E,M SiliK il i mN o eoBBanUoa w ith onyaU inr More la to o

elty .

PaintaL P .


H A S RBM OrED ' Fion 1i. H ti H

BfllllllU IllUli


7$0 BBOAD StlEBBT,Flrtt Store from Market SliwM.

S 9 e .

^ * a t •O*-, **«•, SO.-

8 5 e . liS e. S9e*.ltd do*. Bwl Indigo BIu* Shirt W iliM ,}£K7f.t‘£*}S‘.W aisa.8SK

S S k O S e. S S e .


F o r f O a a U T i i v A .