First Edition. fl - DigiFind-It


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Transcript of First Edition. fl - DigiFind-It

y i M B E U 2 , H 1 2 . .

First Edition.

N K W A l l K . N . J m W E D N E S D A Y . ( K T O l i E K 1 2 . 1 K D 2 . P I ? I C E T W O C E N T S .

The Great Military Parade and Monu­

ment Unvaillng in New York.


ThimiiiintU of from New .lemoyand Nelj(lBiorl«|E Take Part In (li«CV*el>r»tloii o f Ulieovery |lay-liii|iof4(»K Oretncinlei AUendln* the rovcHliii; o f (he toluinhun Mouinweht--A tVnuilrrful

ryroteehnie l>lni»l*y »"*< Musical Pro- jfrnminp Knjwyed Lw^t MsUE

NKW YrjHK. Ocl. lA -Th e mdebrallon thii, IhogrcHtcslof all Dm Jftyi* devoted honoring the dlhcoviry of this ttonilnenl, iw- Ifftn Hi ihlM mornlug with the holNliiifi of Iho glurlouB Hlnr* an<l Klrlties from Ihe IlljiTiy l>olc At the Itailery. Tin- rereinouy of lnd?«MuK Did Ulory vf«K poffonucd by c. Jl.Eorlw*, who wfti eurroiiiided hy nii e> (‘«irl ofthe Anderson Zouave VeterHli Alboclutlou In ruJl uniform. Early as was tUo hour »l which lhU oi«‘n1ngcen'inf>ay was p«>rforiiJfil Ihere was ft crowd o f jx'oplo present tn wit­ness II and a ch i«r wc^l up ‘w tho llutli 'jf Ihesuurlse gun ffuiu Port Wlllluin, oil t Biittery, gave the elgual for the red. while •ud blue to l>eH©ni flulterlug to the hrupre.

liy 7 o’clock llw Htu-cl« and forrlcs wnn ftwuniilnt wtlh pcopU*, a large niiniocr of whom Wert snldlcrs In uniform b<niiid fur their dlftcrcni arniorlet*. As tho mornliiK wort on ihe TlsUlng Are companies, headed liy bands of music, began toiwiurlnto New York from Jersey City, Hoboken, ilrooklyji. Williamsburg, Siaten Ulaiid and rlaewherc, jireienllng a goodiy Klghl in their red shlrla and shining lire Jmta as they dragged modern or hl*torJc;al Are engines behind them.

Tile lower part of New York, as t» o’clock drew near, prcacntad the spoclacle tomeertaln extent of ft city occupied by troops who liftd Just made a irlOinphHl entry in loa ciipturcti city and who were pn'iittrlng to celehruti’ the event by man-hlng through Ks main tborougb&rM.

The Connecticut and New Jersey troops nr- rived during the early morning. Kmiu New Jersey came the First itegltnent of Nowiwrk, the Third Ucglinenl o f Kllrsaheth and tho Essei Troop, also o f Newark. Their heiid- qiiart«rs areal (he Twelfth Iteglnienturmory.Tho (roi>pt from ('onnecMcut arrived on board o f one <»r the Ffbulngfoii boftts fthd art makltijr Ibetr headquarters on board of that craft.

While the ceremony ot holsllng the Nu* iJonal flag was In progress at the Ilattcry tho Wasdlnglon Coiitliieulal Onards raUed the Hlars and stripes over the old Illcejc II<uts<‘In Central I'ark. In spite o f liic curlliiffis of tho hour and the diftleiilly of reaching iJils historical spot, there was ngnod-sUed crowd present to cheer Hjc Hug as It reached (hn tops oflbo slAlT.

The mj I llary parade Rlnrled sfsin after tO o’cltx'k, under command of Ueneral .Murth*T. McMahon. Tho line of march was from the Battery up Broadway to Fourth street, around Wpsblngtoii Hipiare (o Fifih avenue, Ihenceto Fourle<mih street. In Fourth ftvo- nuc, to Kevcnleenlh street, B> Flflli avunuc, nnd at Flfly-nlnth slrent the signal was given to disband. I l ls eit I mated that over a’S,0(10 were In Hue, nnd U W'us the greatest military pamde ever witnessed fn America.

, (iloldlers of all sorts partlcipaled. Over 0,000 mlllUnmen from neighboring States were In line. There was a regiment o f cjivairy, In­dian soldiers, and the * K A. K. sent I hnusands o f men. Following wui the order of parade :

Ftflloon of mounted ]M>llce, grand marshal. (General Martin T. McMahon; chief of stiid', Central Wllllum D. Whipple, V. S. A. ; Fcnlot aide, Dctieml Ansun t). McCook; aldea In charge of headiiuarters, I.leutenant li. H. I'attar^on, U. A . ; Ideuletiaiu David l ’rlc<NlT. h. ; nuartermasler. Colonel Huni- uel Tnicadcll, C. H, V.; aides in charge of formation and disbandmuut. Captain S. K. Blutil, ir, « . A.; Mjtjor B. C. Hrackeit, U. S. V .; aides In charge of signalling and teh egmphing, t'apUln Albert Dallup. N, ll. H.,N. Y,; Colonel J. C. Uced and la j aides.

First Division—lJulled aiatos Army, li.OOOtroops. Commander lioomls U I<Angdon, First Arlllipry, V. H. a . First Brigade- Ninth Infsnlry.'Cojonel Charles (i. Burtleli, conun&nder ; Enlled Htnics mllflHry baud, battalion o f cadetN, Fnltod Htales MllUary Aeudeiny, West Folnt, I.lputcnunt-(\»lijnel H.M. Mills, comtuftiidcr; Hansnl Batlailon I'nKed State's Engineers, Willett’s Fuini, IJenUnunl-Colnnel H, M. KUig, eominuuder; hand and baUftlloa First .ATtillery, C .s. A., MsJorJobn Egftu, First Artllbfry, F. S. A., cumiuander, consisting of threti iiuUcrles from Fort Hamilton, throe batteries from Fnrt W'uds worth, Iwtt naiteries from Fort C!oluuibus (flnveruor’s Island); bRUd and haiuilou rteeond Arlillery. Ma ior FrankO. SmlMi, B<!coiid Artillery, I’ nlled States Army, commander, coiislsflug of ihreu but- turies from Fort Adnius. It. I., two bruterh's from Fort Schuyler; inuid und battalion In fun try, Ideutenuhl-Cobmcl A. C. WUdrlek, coniummlcr; FIral Artillery, FnlU'd Ktuton Army, Major Btchard i.’OTiiUs, Fnlted Status .\rrny ; <>h0 company Sixth lufunlry, Fort Wood (Eh'd- loc'i Islandl: si X eompuules Ninth Infunlry, MndlHuti IJurrackH {.Sorkett HHi'bor); oiio company Ntntli lufunfry, Fort Dnlurlo: nno eoinpany Ninth Infantry, J'lullHburg Bur’ ruckn; two compnnies Twomy-llrs’ InlAulry. Fort Nluyuru; one company TwenIy-iirst In* Iftnlry, Fort F o lltr ; butlory of light artil­lery. Fnlted Sidles Army, Eleulonani. Colonel A. M. C. I'cnuliiiiloti, comiuiindor ; Light Haiti-ry K, Flrsl Ailillc-rv. hlulrs .\riti3', Fort IlnmlUon, Fohmfl Dlllen* bock, cnmniandcr: Miihl Butfery IJ, Fourth ArlUlory. Fort Adams, Capfuln lal Fielil commanding.

Second Hlvlslou-rnUetl stftles Naval Hrl- guile tiW nicn};<‘Oiunmudvr, Eleutehuribt.’um- luander Asa Walker.

Ttilrd lilvlslon—Flr*t Hrlgude N. <f. K N. Y. '.a,non men), esenri to visiting tr>>0 |w ; eotu- iimtuier, BrJgudler-(General iamls ^'llzisilrh^k. Keroad Urlgado N. ♦!. H, N. V., Ungadler* (ieneral .lames McEecr, eomiiiiLUiler, and filafl’. I'rovlslouul Ib'lKiidf N. CJ. S. N. .1. i2,,“»ll0 men); fJornnifthdcr-iu-CliIuf, tbweruor Enoii Ahbell ; Adjutaut-Hcnernl. Ihvvi-l Maior- Ci’iioral Wllllum H. Strylter; liuiiriurmutotor- Oenerul, Urigudler-ticnerui Uldiard A. Iiouimlly ; surgcou-(irncral.(iejleral John D. MeDIII ; lUBjioetor-DPii- cralt Brigailler-tienerul WtlHum c. He|)- jienUHmcr; Insj-eetor-Uemind <>f Itltlc 1‘rjictlce, Brlgadlei-tJenerul lUrd W. K|'»6UL*er. j ’rovlslaiml brlgwdo consisilug o f one regl- iiiLMil froiu the First Brigade nnd oun regl- incut fjom theSccoEid Brigade nfib oNHlIotial HUiird; Adjulttui-Heiicrul, Brevet 4 ;MaJor’ Oenerul Wiilliuu .1. Suwoll; AsslslftUl Ad- Julfiut-OencnU, LlcuteiiiknUttolomil Thomiis K Chamber. ITovUmnal brlgudo N, D. H. Comi.iCoininuudcr-lu-Chh'f.Covcrnor Morgan H, Bulkeloy. I'rkivisloiml brigade N. (h S. Pu,

Ccimumnder-ln-Chlef. U<iverjn?r KoUeri ill FatllKuii; First Brigade N. U. ti. I’u.

Fourth Division—lUvid s. Brown. mursUiil,commanding Druml .\riny of the Itepiihlli?,City o f Now York and vlsllliig posts (about OOO men).Fifth Uivliion—Iki wlB .1. MnUen, m.trshal.

Jjk-'tler-Kiarrlors.Hlxlh Divlaioh—Now York Dopurt-

tnoni. Chief Hugh Bonner cotnumnd 1 ng. Seventh Division—Excrnpl. volunlrer Rud

veteran flromca; grand marshal, Michael Crano.

Eighth TMviNlon—Italian and Krencli mill* tary urganlxatlous; inanUa), Cuptaln M. Lemml.

Ninth Diviiton—Oormah-Aiuorlcmi toclc* t io f; grand marshal, Dr. M. J. B. MpsseiuiT.

Tenth Dlvlilon—liidet»ciiident organlxa- Mods, Ancient Order of Forcstcrt of Ainorlca, about.olio men; Deutschor Ki'clgbuml, IHiut- scher J.andwehr Veroiu, alionl k,000 meu; Bohimlan organicntioii, about, K7.'> uuui; PoliRh julllhtry organUutloii, about mou; First licgimont, Uniformed Hank K. of F., about fllO men; KuIglUsofColumbue, about IW; CharIcB Biimtmr Flonecr Corps; First Auitrlau Bchuetxenbuhd,7.5nicn; Old (luard. guard of honor to Vlco-PrcHidcnt Morton und luetuber* o f the CHbluei at tbo ruvJowmg Rtand, commander* Major Oeorge W. Me* JUati! NttTtt! toerve, N. O. H. N. Y , J. W. &l liter, coiD,iittndor,

III tba Afternoon tho ImpoHiog- ceremonle, of the unrelllng of the OoUimbu, monument •ttraeted thoueanrte to tho purh. Vloo-Prc«|. dent UortoD, Uovernof Hill nnd etair, Mayor (Irani, other oily otTlelate, Arotihlehop tlorrl- gan, lltUlan Mlnletor Jlaron Favn, eoneuli, a ll. tho Italian eoelatioe, and utll- eere of the Italian oruleer lltuwni were oBlolally tneaeut. Tho follow­ing made addreuci: Carlo Banoltl, prtal- tXaut of the columbno Monument execu- tlTeoominllteet Cleneral I.ulgl Fnima d'l'ea- Bola, In 5^a11 of the lUllan realdenla of

, Amerloai D1 Luigi Reyeral, In behalforthe V I’rtgrtMta 'flote-AmerteonO) hl( Kxoellenoy,

Itaron Barerlo Faxa, Italian Mlnleter, In be- balfof the liallan ^Teitimanl; hli Honor,

. > ISU •*6eAser" on djanght at Murray'a—Adr.

Mayor ilogh J. (iraiil; liH Kiodleiiry, Uo.- well 1'. Flower, Hover,,,,r of Xo,r York, nnd fharleeU. F. Wahle, ,lr., “vwrolary of Hie L'ummittvi' uf ( me 11 uud red.

ArchbUuop Corr'eim bleased the niouu- meut aud it was unvcBeil by Auuie Barsoltl, duughmrof iho pi-fsident of (he Columbus aMuiiumonl exwuilvo foiunilKcc. Durinj; the evrrmoutes the Itallau batidi pluycii iu lU u and American hymua Hiid Ibo artil­lery fired the Nu11«iuhI imlutc.

Dazrllug lights burned on tho towers o f the llrouklyu Bridge Iasi night, and from t!iv hlg R|ian ruse rockets, bombs and all Ibc other fi-nturi'S ktiown to pyrolcehnlc art, Hun lffd i orihuuHanits o f men ami w’oim ii wtTi- out to see the womlers of the ulglil, Tho Fettst Ulvcr was chukodwitb tugs, ierry hoals, excursion boAts, and^ In facl, every kind of crua that could c urry igisseugors. Du tlie liigU balldlugs In Now York and Brixtk- lyn thousands were gathered lo view thu i»|s>ctaclu.

As the rockots and bombs were touched utf II glare from the brldKc*^houc ujnm allvtry wulers. Before the rcK'keis were given a night there wan u salute of deloiiutlDg abells from the bridge aud the doBh of hundreds of Rleum whistles from tho river. Tho spectators saw rockets Hcid boiutw, oUioiors uf stars, gulden ruin, flower pets and other pretty eflecu nnUlk;:t0, when the exhliilllon ended,

Ulvulliug In iiilra<.'Uven6S4 and splendid Biiocrss tin-great pyrotachnlc dti*i>lay im the h:aHt Ulver Bridge, (bo monster luiradu o f the Fnlted Falhullc t^ucleties of tblB city, Brook­lyn, Jersey City. Nowurk, Yonkers and other mlMirban towns, was vluwed by a round mllhou o f tliHt crowded all theviewing BtHiJils and blocked the sidewalks liieentire length of the route. Fully JO.Out) men und youths were In line, und with mag- lilflceat bauneri, mostly religious symbols, flags, lanterns, lu red. while and blue, and other appropriate devices, proved a splendid UitrQousirallon in honor of tlie lutrej)ld (i^th- ollc navigator w'lu» discovered a new world.

At (he time the l»lg tuu-ade siurted oil' liuii- ditduwerv ftMiembled At tlio >k’veuth Begl nieut Armory to lirur tliu (lermuii slngim; Nocietleo. It was one of (hcuiout sucvessrul Hinging fcstlviils ihr city hun over hud. Home (imp ngo a prize wus ufb-red for the best i-antutM. Tills was won liy Dr. Mealanuct. of Baltimore. Tliere were over 4,000 voices inHie choriiHPB.


flA Sunday-sdiool Teacher Declines to

Send in Her Resignation.


l lv Alleges That Miss KutUvrlive Ttradcl M'hs Delliiitl Hiul IMd Not Hhow Him llespecl--All Otilj^riiwlli o f the l.iggett- Itrett Kpisode— Lively Meeting with

an Etrillug Mi-erl ^eoneb

FeadvBfeH at Madrid In Honor o f the Four

lliiiidredlh .AniilverHury o f (ho Discovery of America.

WAbRiD, Did. 12.-T1U’ fi-HllvllIea m honor oi the four huudri-dth unnlvcriury o f the discovery of .iiuerlru, for \ihlcli the most extensive pre]sinillonM were made, eoin- tuenf.-ed at duylireuk tliD morntiitf. The city was ftHlir hofore dHyllght uud here und there people were In cutnpti-liiig tho deci>-rulions o f their houses. When light brok«- upon the city tho stfim was a mont beautiful nrrc. -The balct>ulesi)f tho hoU’wss Weto gayly- d#*<-orftted with Diips, banuiTM nml vurl-enl- ored hunting, ainoiig wblcii Dm gold HUd red ot Hjialn preduruiuuted. A large numtipr of the boUHes dlsplayod large and siiiall Amerl- cuu flags, Hiid niftuy viillurx from the sur­rounding country, tu wlmm the Amcriaan ensign was (i strange sight, expressed high approval o f Ihc artlKilc meriu of (he eolots of the Fuitod States.

Tho we-aihcr was fine and everything tend­ed to malm the celebration tlm grt>al HuerpHs tlmt It wuH. The triu niphiil archPH on Callc Mayor, In the I'liertu del Kol ant! Culle dc Al- cftlji, which (ogviUer forni the principal boulevard o f Ihe city, were very heaullful. The dei'nratlouM lu (he 1' do .'\rnu'.‘i and (he piaza dn la Amcria were also uollceaule for tlivlr arraup(ement and artistic blending of colott.

ThuKO people who lingered In bed were aroused at daybreak hy the strains o f muRic produced by sevi-nleeti military and oHut handa limt paraded tbruiigh (be principal' Htmds of the city playing the reveille. Al the samu lime the bells o f all the churches In the city began to peni and (hits the day was ushered Iti. Early In the luornlug the st reels began to till Find hi a shurl tliiie they were crowded. Early mawes were said In all tho churches In liunor uf Columbus and the ser­vices wore attended by Immenso throngs uf people.

lAtcr In the day a momder procession was formed uf the jtrofusRurs and stiuleiits of the H tanlsh universities, This was a bighiy suc- coBKful uITulr, and the proot^sjoaists were heartily cheered as they marched along with almost military precision. The professors and stiidoiiU were all attired In the guy cos- tujuc'H o f the insdhi'val period, and In the rankH were bnrne ancient st-Andardi, some of which were carried in the wars be- fora Colinnbu* was born. This prf>ccsHlon WHS fonnediaihe vicinity of the Flaza do la ludcpcndcnda, nml headed t>y rcprcHcuta- tlv^M c)f the Fnlvcrsily of Halamanca, mardicd through all thu principal strefte of the city, hu'liided in the pruN'osslun were deputations of ,\nierlcau,'tprmun, French, Belgian, l*or* tugesa and FtilversUy siiidunts.


The ItOBlon Faper %Vlilch FiibUshed .\l- New Evidence tVas Misled.

Bih*ton. Muss., Dot. 12.—The news­paper which published thu alleged ” new evl- (lencr ” In the Elzzlo Burden cose says, edi­torially, lust ovenlng, that It was ’* grievously misled,” and t hat U liFie '* Ihnoceully added lo fhP lorrlble burdeus’ ' of Miss Borden, It lenders her ft “ bBftrlfclt ftixrlogy fur ibo lii- hII man reflection upon her honor as ft woman, and fur any lojusticn tho publlcaUon Ipfllcled upon hlT."

An npulogy is also made to John V’ . Mtirsc, one of iliOHo incatlonnl among the new wll- ncHHOR wliu wiiuUl (vstlly against Elr.zl© Burden.

Fa i .j. Hiv f i!, .Masi.. Oct. 11—The slorlcH rei*eiiily pvibllshed m a Boston iufttFcr wlili regard to M/zln Borden have anmsed much Imlignaliorj here. A iiioniibcr of the lucat |K)llco lurcv'ls Mild to have Leli«d the I’rovl- denco drUH’tiva concocl the yarna. This do* IccMve figured hi tho Barnahy cuKont Denver. Tlio publb'iitloh' of the slorh's Is believed |F> have greatly weakoiicd tbe Uovcrmiieut case UL ulnst Jd/zlP Borden.

Hudson f'minty itejinliBcaii Numlnallons.Jkhhkv CtTV.Di’t. ll-Ucj>iibllcaus lu l!ml-

soii CuuQiy yesterday nominated Frank O, I'ulo for itiembrr of CongrcHR ami J. Herbert i^>lts for Htale Heim tor. Both nomlnallomt wore made by acclamation. Tlie delegatex u> the convention met at Wood’s Hall, ami at Ib lO F. M. weru called tu order by ox-Muyor Dilbort Follius, clinlrimin uf the county c oin- mtttce. KJavcl McUco was oleeted chairman and Thurufts McEwan, Jr., secrotHry. Tho temj>oruTy organisation was later fimdo (icrmunent. Kx-Judge William A. Douglasn nomlnalod J. Herburt FuUh for Hoiiatur lu a siiurt s|HJUCb, and there belug no other candi­date Mr. Foils was chosen uiiftulinously and with (iheprs. Frank O. Colo rt-celved tiio Fiamr cuinpliment whon Hobert (Irey uuinlnatod him for Congress. Dr. Henry Bolhe. o f HR^ risnn, was aoinltiatod for Uuroner, Tho resoluttnns udnplcd scorn the Democratic ring, op]H»io (he Introduction of pulUlca into iho judiciary an.d rcafUrm belief lu the Na­tional pulley of protection.

There Is mort trouble In Iho Reformetl churcliof BHli vllh^ 1( appears to hr an out* growth of llu I>‘ggftl-lircl1 episode which caused so much disrwnslon In (he old (own on the l‘us ab■ M'Vi-ral months ago. This time Did supcrluU'udcnl uf th* Hftbl>ath-i!'h(Kih Thi'iidui'c Brou'c. who was chosen to sucewd Mr, Brett iifli-r (he latter left, h.'is askc<l for thu rcslgmULon of one uf the oltluNt teocU- CT>, Mihs Katherine Bradel, bccausn, he clrtimH, she docs nut ihuw him proper rcipoct.

.M mt Bradei di cllnes lu send In her resjgno- linn, and sh n result a lively ruw Is in progress which threalcux to still nirthcr re* dtice the menibci'flilpof tho church.

Thu bi'ginuliig of the pru!^enl ■ runbla se<«mA (o have been a date not long after Mr. Brell revigned his pusiilun as HDiwrlntendml uf the Sunday-school. Hhorlly after llmi evoul three youiiif men who dc.slrvd Mr. Bred to leach (hem Hcni ft teller lu thu uewsajierln- teudciii. asking to startanewcliisH with Mr. Brell as teacher. This priv­ilege wasdeiilsd, die Hupcriulendunt writing tlmt there was nu room fora new class.

Tuo hUters of one of Iheno yuuiig men wero puplh In .\IIhs Braiders class. When lUey learned lhal their hrolhor was not lo bi-allowed lu the Sfthbfttli-school, I ho young luillfi lift, Fbie liy unc ibu ulher Jin-mbfi''-111 MlsK Bnidcl’s class sverc taken and used fur teaelmra until there were only two |■U|>lt• li ft.

MUn BrKilid iH ft very IntliuiUc friond of llie BrettN ftiiil she began to bell6Vo (hat imr claHH

NIMn being depleted su that she Would lie ureed mil of the schftoL Hho H not dls|H»K»:d

1 u have hiT rights Infringed uitou aud sUu <ltH elded tu 'Diold the fort” at any cohI..

in (liiM'iirly part urihe Kummer Mrs. Uyno, a fcKehcr uf a elnss of girls In the hcbool, went away for two weeks ami aski'd Mr. Bruwp tlial u b*n<’lier bo i^rtivlded. ‘i’hc girls Were without a teacher for two Sutida.VM und Iheu tb'-y asked Umt Miss Ufadel be allowed (o inslruel iuoni. When Mrs. Uyno caiiic Imme kIh‘ said sho wuk going lo leave fur good und ioi|Ut'sled MIhm Bradei lu b4H'Miuo piTinunent learherof the dais. Miss llradnl VuITM-uled. Mr. Wylie, life acting secretary.

Neglect May (;ause H er Death.A tran tu : CiTV, Uol. 12.*-Dr. Hcllna Van

Hidinlle, tlm woman who was diacoverod by neighbor# Monday In an lllinola avenue cot­tage nearly dead from ■inrrntloD, Is prr>- imuiieefl to bo In a criilcal oondKion hy Clly IhiyMlcInn Dimer. Typhuld lever has de­veloped, due to oxposuro and lusufUrlent iiourlshixicut. Hcvoral rneicbers o f the Our* mnn Jh-isbyterian Church have Interesied thcmfti'lves in ihe eauc and will have the woman removed from ^wllce Imadquarieri to a cottage where she will receive careful Ire^i- ment. Except that sh© nimc from (iermnuy untiling lx known as to her IdruHly uras to whether she luiHuny n'laUvus In this coualry.

CnVfain Amirews Again to Crnse the Ooeau.lx>NlM>N, Oct. 12.—A dlKpAtch received here

says that Captain William A. Andrews, tho daring navigator who recently crossed the xMluutlcln a four(eou-foul dory from Atlan­tic City, N. .1., lo Ijisbopr and who arrived at Fftlos on Octobor 4, annouiicci that be will crosa the AtlnuDc agalti In a small aluminium boat. ■■I .. '

Flremftn Parade at New Itrueawlok.Special Dispatch tn the Nxw'h.

N kw Hkukswu :*, Dct- ia,-*The Now Bruns­wick Fire Department held tbolrieml-anuuAl parade to-dayin wbich about eight hu&drod men appeared.. There wero visiting rmm- panlea from Ellxabotli, rrliioctou, Flalnfleid, Ferth Amboy and Hahway.

Baacllbg Employes Must Otvo Bande» *UAhTFOtib, CoDU„ Ocii 13.—Thotralunicn

on tbo Connecticut branch of the Philadel­phia and Reading are excited over an order requiring all oouductors and baggemon to l lto bonds of 1300 on penalty of dtsruleiiah They also complain Liint spotters have boon put on Che road, some working as brakeoien and others traefllllng at passongert.

Fala“tia&j»r” on draught at Hurray *a —A4t«

WRH ftHked b) notify Hupcrliilcmlctil llTowenf Ihu ccmlt'inplalu 1‘hangi-. Mr. Browe claimed that be wuMiol told urlouully of tbo cbaiiKO and liu furnl li<-il iiijollMr tcuclu'r. MIhs Bradvl (old tlie HUpcrlulL-udeut Dial she wu'i the leacli^T uf Du' mol nhu did iiul in-tiuid to suriejid'T h*T ]»uHlMnii,

Du October 4 a meeting uf the tcachrrH of ttie Hiiuhath-Hcliuol WiiH rnlieil (MIhh Bradei being abHentj, ftl whUU HiiiawliBendeiit Brown ataU'd tliat Miss Bradei hail dolled IUh BiUborlty, and that If she did not Teslgn ho would. TiU’ru wan a lively dlscuHRloii, number'd Miss Biaib-l’M frleinW standing up boldly fur her, hut wlicu a v.ite was taken It vas found that tho siijn'rliKi'iident’s friends

were the iijui'e iiumerouH. .'V rewdutlou whh j)as>C(l asklug for ihe reslguatluu of Miss Bradei an a teacher lu the Sablialli icIjooI.

The first iullmatlou that Mlsh Bradei had of ihe ftcMon taken In tho mat ter was ft letter she riTidved a week ugu.

ThUJeiier staU-d tlial at ft mcellng of thu Ktfoniicd ehurcli held mi tk'toberJ « rtnolu- tlnu woH passed HKkti^g for MIhs Braders rcKlgnatlou at (tnee. Thu letter was signed by William Wylie, AOtiTiK BCfTelary,

Miss Bradei, In a wrltuu reply, relleralcl her deh’rmluatUm not to resign, she Niild that she liRd been associated with Uio isab- bath-wihool OH pupil and ft tcaeher for Iho last lweDt>Mlve years; aba knew no reftsuu whyMlifl should resign, and hHo would de­cline lu do HO,

A meeting was held after Sabhath-schooJ IftHl Sunday aud MIhs Bradei read Iut reply to tho sMlHiant wjurvtury’s lutior, bul befuro any bUHliJCKS wan tnkUMaeted il wan decided to adjoura tbo moellug until IsnI night. Then* was a rroiwd uf curious iteojile gathered lu (becltapel of the Uefurmud chureh lant night. They occupied moxiof (hoseaU and whisperod together in a way which would make It api^uir tlial Dudr minds wore not Hllogethcr ui>on th« pmjera and hymn#. HuiHTlulerirteiil Browc led Die tneollng, atid after Iho devotluns were ended ho called a HosHlanufthe ledehcrw of (ho kcIvuuI. A m o­tion wu>( mado fttouco (hat tbi.i meeting bo a secret one, and iho crowd was forced to ro lire, Mauy giHKl places from which to hear tbo proi'eodiiig'i of lUc mactlng were fiir- nlslieii by the wlndown uu eUhtu hide of Iho chn|icl. and each window wos Rpeedlly approprlaU'd.

Ah Mftm as the xcsslun was railed to order a friend uf .Mis'* Bradei made ftinulion that the whtjJo iimtteT 1h' dviTpped uud the rtvurd uf tlio aflair bc,Rlrlckeu from the records, Therr was a lively dcbuiu on this nioUuu, but wioui Ik ballot wus taken U was found tliUt It liud been hist by (wo votes. U wuh then fur the first lime Umt MIsh Bradei leurnod wliaUhe charges against Iht were. Mr. Browy staled Unit him had deiled IjIk auihority and that she had nut paid pro|HT rosi>ocl tu (ho super Inlendeiil lu mil Informing him Dial .she wan tu takf* idoii'ge of tho new cIum ,

Mis# Brudi-l did not pftrl lelpute In Iho «Ba* eushloti mil II iifior II bail been decided to re- f'T Ihe mutti-r (u I liu I’unslstory uf the cliurcli. Them she was iiskod what rtlio had lu say and she arose aitd t.vcIalineU ;

When Du <'hurgCH agamsl rue are niftiU- In propter form, and wUoit thu sins or crimes which It Is claimed I hjivo commlUed Imv© rieon •laleil. lugollier with Dio mimoofthoBi- furniunl and ihc lliue ami places, 1 ft IB an Hwer tho I'liurkics.”

Ilw a b ll o'clock iiefurc iiio mecllug ad­journed, and by Dial tBnn there was ft big KuLberlng In rruui of the chapel. A reporter met MlKB Biadel.but she refused tt> tiilk ubuul (he nukU'ir furilier ibuu to say hJim would leiM'li Iho I'hisH In Hiibliuth-xchool next Hunday und that sho would not send In her resignation.

Jdr, Browe* when scon this morning, suld ho had absolutely nothing (o say In regard tu the inallRT. His friends, howevnr, cbilni t hat hi# auilon so far lias bcu eonslslcni with the diUlCM of Hmierliilcndent i>f Dm Helmol, When Mrs. .M. Uyno rtimmiueed her iiilenlloh of giving np her class ji was his duty lu name R leiielier to luki' her phici' Tlio (*andldftt<! pTopuHcd fur tin) posllUni Wuuld Dion be voteii fur by ihe leachcrs, pursuing IhU course Mr. Bruwu auuuuuccd the nniiio uf Miss I lanmi.

While llui muetlng was In session l».sl night xnme one ran up the slops of the suii day-school building and gave one of the duw-curlalnsaJork, Ltw'cnlup vs-ilhaloud muse. When II was pulU-ii uuwii by suuoi ono Iniide iho huUdlng the croft’d oulaldo hissed and clapped theli hands vigorously.

When Miss Bradei emerged from tho duor of Die ineotlng-room the crowd oulsido **ur roundluf her cried out: ' ’ Here comes Do martyr 1'* >U»s Bradei, a# soon as possible, hurried home.

During Uif leexlun Jatnea Bardinftn, Jr., the rubber luanufaelurer, whose wife Iji u member of the church, altemiilcd lo enter the mce(jng. He wun stopped at (he door by D. V. White, one of llicelders, w ho Informed him that he could not enter. Mr. Hardman said tlmt as h li children altehdcd the Hciimd hn had ft right to soe wimi klud uf icucber* taught them, and that be wjw not a stranger, Mr, W'hllc replied that he tMr. Ihirdmun) was known too well, and doted Iho iloor ■huUliig uirfurther cauversatlun.

Mr, llardmaii walbid oulsnhi until after the meeting, iind when Mr. White uiuda hi# appearance asked the latter what he meant by bla remarka. Mr. W'hUc asked Mr. ihkrd naan to walk to the corner aud ho would ex' plain. The two had baeii In couversailun but ft low mlmium, when shouts of, ” Vou’ ro a Bar J" and “ Fll— Fll— wero heard, und Ina ftw inlnutei.llio m«b wero surrounded by a crowd.

Mr, Hardman was shaking his fist under Mr. White’s iioso and reiwullng his ssscr* Hon that the latlor was a " Bar.’' Mr. W'hltc kept movlug up the street, followed by the excited rubber manufkeiurer. When Mr. While had diaappeared Mr. Hardman re­turned ttudexplained U> Iho guDiorlnn lhal whCQ Ihe elder Jmd got him as far as ll*e comer he gave as bis reason for not allowing him tpeuteribe TueeDiig lhal ho (Me* Har«l- loauj was addicted lu taking a drink of wbUkey. This had angered him and the slormy Mens described tbok place.


Iini»rr*kiiiv« C ernmmlea Over (lie llemaln* o f llio Iliad iVict.-FloFal THtmles

from IHxdiignlihed reoptc.

I-OMKJN, Oi‘t. !•:.-To-day, with all ih's Iwmors which Ih f dmreh t » whtrli he be­longed <N)Uld I'Uy, the rnmnliw of the greatest |hh1 FnglAud ha* pn>duct*d In lalier days wero laid In (heir fliial resting place, inmcalh the pavement o f tho hlslurlo WT'stinlUfcter Abbey.

Thu runiTftl services will long be remcin- herod. Here wa>« uo aircrtAllon of snrow; the vast crowils that attendiK! the ceremonies HiTe lud niiwril by tlmt vulgar curiuwliy Dial b-uilM so man) to aticnd (be fuuerals o f tln>*c wli'» have achieved bont>r and rcpiitsDon. (hi He coni niry, every one ureRcnl felt that he hail loD u pcTsoujil friend, fur had not (he deuil niiui in hlfwrUlnestouehpdthe Inner sprlngR ofthelr fee;inB*iand jiffurdod-conaolftllun fur sorrows Umt Imd cumi lo many of Iheni Teiinysou's g'K.d deeds live after him. and the spunl.inconi imtiHmrlng of sympathy aiid lov© showd hoft* notr and dear tho old man wus tu the heart so ft be people.

1/uTg beforn Iho hour std for th« services (o begin an Immense crowd begun luputherln Die vicinity of the Abbey. A dense masM4if piHjpie asjii mbled In Dm South Falnce yard, between the Abbey nnd the Houses 4if FftrllU' im*nl, while HU ef|UHlly large cr^iwil packed (he streets lo Ilia norl h andeaslof the AbtH'i .\ large iminlK-r uf pollco were preseiu, but they had litilc iUltlcuUy lu hamlUng Di© crowd.

A t 10 o'clock Uiedmiri o f the Abbey wen- swung open uk't thn HrkctrholdcrK weiN'iol mlile'1. The c'iigregrtlloii comprised mi-i iMuineti? Iniill walks of Ufo, slat psimuv, clergy U<n'ti,arDsts, mcmberaoflhr dramatic profession, iiV'li whoso names liouRchold w'udH wheraver Ihe Kngll'h (ouguu In known. Many of tU'ise wlio rtilcrc'l Dm building carrleii wrefttliH, whieli were plaei'd lu the .lerusab-m I'liamher with llmse already ileposllea then' Tin- Jerusalem niambcr conlalneii a mass of most bi-ftuDfnl !l >wurs, Including 2ii0 super! wreaths nnd cn-i'ses. Among tlu« tokens ftus II hrauiiful d<''l«u sent by ITHks-hs Louise rom])t1Ked mostly of arum lllivs dnd nlepluiii uUs.

Amuhg Dm no si trttleca'lile floml glfrs wa« n wn-ftth sent by Mrs. DlnUsUme on behalf "f her husband ami herself. This was eom posed ofswwt-Binellliig lenvei from the (ilndstuno gardens at Hawazileii and Wiis nmae by Mn Uladstoiie'i own hatidi, and l(s beauilful t'on^truelloii showed that It wsi# imleeil laburoflove. .Mlnrhed to the wreiilli was curd im which whs written the folluwlim couplet :

■’ .And in the vast cnlheUrftl leavehim-Uod accept hlxn. t'luh l tx^cclve him.”

The tiul-cn mmiI »i wreath ounip«>S'‘d o f lame! ]eav«> til'd with I* broad how of wiiHc silk rlbbiui, A furd was fttlAChed lu lliewrcal on whlcli, lu Die ipiecn’s owu ImmlwrlDhi;, weru (he w u r ji;

'• A mark i«f slueere regard aad iidmlralli from \ lctorla, II. 1.”

Bur Majfl*y uN'i sent uu everlasting m*'tii,nic wmitli uf Iftiind with the l<’l(4’rs V. IT 1 gilt worked nib»A nionogmm, uud bearing Ihu words : -A IrllJUlo uf afl'ecHouatu regar'and (rue adinlruliuu from tun Huverelgn.”

I’rutiiplly ut IJ o'elork Ihe pr'K'Cbslun tvus formed In iliu JeruRulem t'hamb<‘r. llw heailed by two umidals of the: Abbey, Thou cniiio Thu eoltin, borne on tho siinuldersuf KUlsvarl men, while the pallboiirers. Heur White, Kcfi'clary of th« Anierha K ga lld n ; •-L'lrrt fc^ulixbury, the Ver, Ucv. ilenry Montagu, Sir -liim' Mgct, [ au'1 Kusi'in'Ty uud Professor !■ roinb

marched on cither side, (heir fliigcr-* Just Iniicliiiig the I'nlon .lAck, wllh widen lierNifliii was cover'd, Tlie chief imiuriii'

followed, tieailcd by Lady ' ami Hallatn Tcnuysuii, Mrs. iialhnii Tennyson, Mrs. Blrrell, Lionel Tenuysou's ftklmv. iiU'l thu gi-atiilehililnui of Ihu dendputfl ruUufte in the order milued.

Iiiclmled Wilh I he Chluf lUOiinM i's wus Dnurse wiio alleni.l'3il Lord T4'tmys'>ii In hi last llliicsR, ft'enrliig Ho.' h<»spLtal uniform Tbancunm llio household servant^. It-'iirt- wnlullves ortheMui'on. Die Bfliieo o f Wab and olher ruyal |>urtunuges were prebtsul Among tile noluhles lu all.'inliiiicc Ifttuij.s l'ryc4‘, riiiinci'llor <if lUo Buch

o f Luiicnsrcr; .lolm Burns, labor memluT of J'arllatnHui, andlleury Irvliig, the actor. As the procexiloi moved Ihu ducp-toiiccl Abbey bull began loll, and as thu inuiirnfiil soiiml swept out iver Do; city, (lie cbilln, fi>llowt'd Ij.v

His Frienils in Plainfield Allege That

He Was Deceived.


.Marlinr, tl la DeclHreilt Was llvqitehtiol (ii Tak# llir< ftdimp lar th « Hrinucradr Nu- Duiml T Ifk i't uud l.d't titliers Tuku Fur* i»l Ills Fersonul < unva»» In lh « Eighth ( unsreHslunal lDs(rlct--Xt«ybuutn’a1)elf' gulra F(rm—Huna Han Morn Than

Eiiouglri to Win.



Dumourners, wun carried sluft'ly around i loisierK, wlilch were lined wlDi boys rnuu

the W»'HlTTilns(er Kehoul* ^When (hu proceHsiou reaclod the miihi

d<M>r « f Dm Abb»*y U wan reeelvod hy Hie l>can, tho Very Hev, IJcorKe (JriiTivllie Brad­ley. Lunon huekwurth, Cuu'in Farrar Hud oDicr tnvmhera uf tlio clergy,


Tlie Advicu CUveii lu t'hurt-h Mi'iiDters Who Wanted Th<‘ir PHstcii' l{emr>\<rd.

JIai KKNSAI'K, Oct. I'J,—I he fall HeHSIUU of the Bergen I'lussls of the Beformed cliureliCK wiiH hi-l(i in the ]''lrst Bvrormvd rliun'Ii at this pine© yCNtercIftJ*. Hixty-elglil riicml»erH uf tho Third lU-formvd (jerumu niur-ii on BrLiadftHy presonted a judBlun iiskltig Die elft.sslN tu disiulss (heir pastor, |Uev. John Bombln, who, ih©y clulm, lias dune inuny tbliigH 10 dlApleasG tliem.

Hiiv. Mr. Bomblu olU-nded Mrs. .lolm Mue- oftgoea, of Little Ferry, at a Huuduy-HcLioo] picnic Rome time aguby telling her lu u Joke that ho ft'uS ])reparing tier husband's fiiiieriil Hervlcc. Mr. MuesaKoi."4 Imd been under llu' weather for Mom<' turn; and was imiilile to al- lend Die picnic. A la clirlsB'nlng one him- 'lay afternL>rm the panlor, H Is alleged, re- tiiurked lu Mi'R. Aiberdis rhrlsUe: '•IgiorK yuur liiisbund must flu yuur lionni'Work, for I see you nllting on tne frfihl st'>op ruosl of tlu' time.” Mrs, rbrlHtie bad ucv«'r immui Intro dueed lo (ho pastor ami r<-l( luvulted. Thesis ctiargi'M 'vrorn menDoned lu the prililuii, l)ii! Ilu-elaskla refuKed lo luiik'-ii chAUge. it eu- Joined thu pastor and tho )>oDU(iiierH (o iisu ( 'lirlsDan charily In tlui rn alter and tu re Lain from saying uuHecnily Diln^s about one iui> Ollier.

Uev. (ienrge IL f'otton, of Sclira.ilonburg, WUH iimderaiur of lh« session,

The Woman'! MlHslonury Lnlon of the Bergen (.'hiAHlH held Ihclr uiimiiil meeling in tlio wHinc church. The attL-mJauco wfts large. Mrs. Herman Vaudiwirzirl ft’OK re-eleeced preuldent ond welchtnefl th© delegnirs witiL an ftddrefin. Itev, Dr. 11. N. f'obh gav© an A4** eoTiut of hi! rnlsHbuniry work lu India, Ctilna HU'J JHtam and Mr*. W. II. Morton lulrt of her expurlanccA In Dakota, [owaaiid the fur West.

Alexander Miiybanm’! ft iirk ami oulUy ut nioney in Die euiitisl for the iviimeniiie nomluiitUm In (he LIghth t'nrigivsfloiml I'ls- tnel ar»' not going lu have large reluriu If soiiie u fihc im-n who profcits lo Jw (rlendly lo Ills caiuUdiiey can help h, Mr. MiO baiim cindim’il many tlelt galcs In Hi© Kssex ©li'l *'f the dinirict. But Hu'w proiesslng frleiidii of hU are trying tiKllverl his strength to Jamil K. .Murtliu-, the “ furmer-oralur” of rialutWd.

'I'lnse ijK'Ji v>nu( (o keep thu noinlualloU from John'r, Buitn, of Lllr.Hla'llJ, Maybftitm knows iiolhllig of till! plot, lie Im aliieere Jl» Ills «-ndeii vlth to gel th© iioniUiftDon and nut

'over for umlerhand work tor any oHut man. Miirllnelm as iiioeh ht! opiKineid am Dunn. Tlie work for .Marline Is going on without Maybiiunra knowledge. It Is being doUi' priiielpally lu (h© oranges ahd done wlDift ft III. nlthough In-nealli (h© surface, riu* men esigmre't In D hop© (o gel not only.Nlaylmuin's delegalem, hut also (home i-hs'led In ofaiigo for lUmn mid luru llieiii uver (o MarDue.

Li ftRM generally ticlieved Dint lUdm had galh eie llii nil (be Bayonne d'-b gates, slx- lecli In hUtnber. Ni>» a 'toiibl Is being ra tu]H»n US ability to h'>ld ult Die<-e vnb'H. It iH miiiriluim-d by m©ti not friendly Vo him that several of Du in at© alremly avtiweilly ogiilnsl the Lli/ah'-fh eundldale-

lilsaetivBy ugalusl IHinn semis to have been ins]ilri'il rn>ni points I'lilslda (he dls- iriet. Marime’ rn Irleii'lK In Fiuhillehl hii'u waxed rxceniingly wroth over what lliey tenii the belruyalof Ihidr man. They say thi'V are going to Itkvok© the aid of Dbim*- rntle jsiuto ftinl NaDimal b-«deis lii his In­

terest. Tlu'y assert liiRl ft hen Marlltie hi gnu to loom np Urn ft roiigri'Sf-ltHuD prolinhllUy Heiiuior Frei! f . Marsh, rx-surr<»gale.hinies.l. lierl^r, rminly rirth .l'>hn L, Dm will and oihi'r l nlon f'onul.v D-tiioerullcb-a'lers in l^lllilhelh persua'led IDiiito leiiv©bis'’huvush to them and slump lb© r>Ditu for Di© I’resl. deittlHl eHtldidates,

scium of his friends warm'd him of sns* peeled treiiehcry, and urged him (o !ea>e lil'istump speak Ing till after the I'lmgri'Sfiomil

mveritJun nml go mil and liusDe lor d'di*- gales. Bui he relbd tm Die hossc',' assur- iiiKM-s, and not ludil Miaidav night, when I he primurh s ft ere held, did be reall/i' Ihul lie bad inaile » mistake. I'.ven m i’ lalnil' lda deterniiiied eftbri was madi' lo defeat his caiidblaies I'T deh-giites. By slmi p wm k Ibis t flbrt was retidered fiiUb'. but I’lalulb bl »'• Die only j'liiei* win I'e MarDoe lU-legnles were elected.

AearHul canVHssof (h© retiirtis from all the polling places in tin* ilNirlct, il is con­ceded In IMalnflcld. sliow lhal Juliii T. Ihnm liaiH toliil of seveiitv flvt dftl'-gales-to Di«' iiomiuating eonvenllon. He needs only sixty-one |i> sveiiro He' nouihintlon. Thv -Iroiigi sf rllorts will (low he made lo spciimi the hit1il''ni'f‘ of such meiv an I'lUb'd Mates Seinilor .lolm B. Ma' l'liersmi and •liiini'H Hmilb, .Ir. I " tnrii Dm Duun dejegac < I'l .Marline.

To those men an mflnenMiD li'Tmirmlii' delegadon from I’ lainfl' id will n-presviit thatDuMioJiilriuliuii 'jf l"iiin will ..... .. defeatnnd dlsast'-r. ftiid Mini Murttncalon© eaii be l•h■ led aciilnst elD’Cr FiisIit M. \oorliees or ■lohn C. Uiinklii, gne'if whom wIMlic nnjnl- nail (I on (be Iti-piihlleau tl'‘ k'-t. ’Hi'' Marllii'* men elalm that .Mall In© was hclrriycl t>y the lillhf hosv'S o f l nlon rnniiiiy. amt Hoi big Htftt© and National Imssi-s will be dtw iiianded lo Inierieie.

I ’ew, If ai'V. of the ilelegftlei chosen iu Mie ' iraiigeH will''oiiscnl to do ilial oilier Mian wlilcli. they were elected fnr. il Is said, jut maltiT whal Hi© leail -rd up Dial way d« lURUd. Most of Iherii fei l that Nfayhaiim d'*- servi|a sojiporl for his I'lueky fight Hgiilnsi big odds, and De-y will probahlv Hlarid by him. If u break J« mud'' from May- ban m at all, It h Kuid I tiH( Inmu will get some oftli© dclegali'!, although tl Is bebl llml .Mur- lliio would xecurc I Im iriajorily.

• ■ - •


ReptihlleaHs (a Have a I Hwy©r ftud In- (©nu'eter nelur© 1h© N»liir«IUaHuM

I'nurl —A|iplleat(uiis llejeelud.

Major rarl LetUr, clmlnimu uf (li« U' P uhll- can l ouiity t ouiniiHei'; .\blermau p*laliishy, of ills htftivt oiumltuv; William U. tUlftins and Joseph li. ilm in ft.eni up lu (h© t’miri* liouse >©sierday. They hud iwn uh^icla In T,|ew. (Hi© wum to uUervo the wtirkliiBHof (be Dvmoi’ rHDc NniuruU/aDun BurvuuwhWh haabeeti estHhlUlu'il In one of tim CLirrlLloi'S, Hi© other was (U talk with thu Judged Aiauit ri']sirl« received by (he Urtpuhllcun founly fummUlee ikf the lasiic of alleged miuduleid imUn’ulItJitUm pft|wr! and l « olfcr the Luurl thei'-rvlcea of ft lawyer ami an Inlerprelvr for Dio dldoloaurt uf fraud in applIeaDmiR.

Til© party uf dlnllugnlNlb d Uepnidlcfths flrsi ttmk ft iwcp ftl (b© NftturallraDun Bu- ro.iu. Il eonsiRiR of a ilrsk slacked high wIDi iHKtkR of nutuTallxiitlon hlanUs, aud two young meu lu (Hi out tlie (>laukN wllhdnia MippB''D by applli'aiits for elMxen'<tilp. *bi Dll'wall nhov© the desk In a }>lftcftrd(hat hntitly priH'liiims to Dm fturld, U<'|!u(dleau» lnchii.(t d. the hiuclUm of th« ihrak uiidllie young men.

T ic young men courb*ou»ly nml with ]>h-afiiig InucM'enee took ikilus W> explainInucM'eneee^er>(lllnK lo Hie vlsiiora. TImy hIkvf guv© MU lIBisinil Ion or I wo of (he way they heljad to make l UlrenH. .\eeordliig lo Ih© sluba Ui4' blank bnoka the lUimiH-r uf ]aipera ifsued WiiN over Too, but on© uf Dio young men wluuii th'- lviieK*rallc Fouuly ( ‘ommltlee in Ba wiN'Ioiii bus phici'd In charge uf Die liti- reaii kltuHy vouehsnfed (he tulurmallon Dial that was only ” tor u hlnlf.’ ' The actual miuilH-r iDdii'l much exc'cd :tuili. They witv going to turn (Mil alioui lOU u day 1ut<'utier, Ihev mUleil ; that Ir, they fter© iulil to sjiy so.

\Sdilli'Du parly of Itepnhllcftiis ft iix galli- eredaroiiml Hie hitreuli an lluDaii appUrtuil for naliirahr.albiii eanic uiobg. H© Imd In his hand hU llrMt papvra. IHs tinawers were all sallHbieloi V, bin he illdh'l know the nuut- la-r o f Ills dwelling. He had ll\©d at ^fillnek- ell s| reel, lie Mild, biiimoved (u Eighth ave- iiiie, aud hi4 ineniury mi th© jHilut of (he imiu1>cr of Ills tiou*n ft’iu iui bad as hit l-Iug- Hsh. lletluMighl for leii inliiulaa. then alicHik hl« head : be could mil reUioiuber.

"(Ill, tliul’ ll Uorcxelidunduiieonheyoung iiiea oE tlie hiirrMU. “ We'-U put ymi iluwn an liv in g at 2iMlm-ken ^trecl.”

ih icu fihe hyslandei'N I'Hrcfulty niHde nule uMhe man’s imiri© and th© bons© iiumls'r. When lids [(uLhm I'enjocmt comuii lo vote lie may llrnl his way bl'a‘k©d.

Judgt- KirkpaDIck was met In th© itiHlii eorriilor by th© j'lirty after th«y bad got ttielr nil of slglil-si-clng and knoft-ledgeat the |ieiM'>r'rtitlr NalniallKiiDoii Buronii. lleis'Uld md.Diry say. I^ive lueu more eimrliwms had they Iwen (tH' iH'iiiueruDu leaders who Hiiutud to nomliinte him l>ir Hovuriior re- cenlly. 11© siD'l the Judgt-a would ha only loo glik'l io rceetvo usaislaliOM for DiC delei-Duii of iiUempli at fruuduieTil nut- urall/.aD'm. They had already rejeited lie* iMcen sixty and seventy appHeaDuiin In which tin y bad dvioeii'd (IftTvs. Any sugge^ Boll umdg woiil'l b© carefully eoUHldeiHd and giii'lly adopt'd, milcHH (i uaedhi.sfliy lu- lerfoie'l ft lHi III© opi'raDoiis uflln* (.'uuri.

I hen Judgo Kirkputrli'k, foUowi-d hy l*i'ni*. Kluhiiby ami Mutin, ellmhed

l<i Dm eunrlrooiii. i'here htt cui'fiTrcd wlDi .Imlges BuDuur HUd iHidwilh. This dmi* he liif'irun d Ui'' lairiy thai a lawyer and un hi- (erpnder would La- iN-nulUeii to vx- nhdiio uppheant-*, buL uu viilti i|urslions Dial would only wusl© tin-roidl'H Dine aiullilml'T B« work Would bi-Inkraleit, Tldn ftus riiDrely sallsfuelorylo . laJol fiCul/. iiiid liD eiiin|i.*inioiix, 'J‘hey are nuw lillltig their vnires rdgU in praise rif Hi© courtesy uuU linpartlaUty of Judge ivlrk- palrlrk.

•hen pti Ij. .Mimn st dl lierenftcr represent Nil - IbifmliHi an ( mmly * onimliU'p Is-fori- lIui Na ini aU^uDon ruiirt. llu will la» assisted liy uu luti-fpm ler. l'<-i'haps a kmlak limy also hr- brought to bear on Ihf applteanls. Hiicd) ii jHan wns hum'*r«Mis'y snggesli-d, \ hal uf Dii-ii, Midi tu be iiii i'iadheit for clt1/.©iiRhlp, who ui'Vi'rt In. le>.s laive lakeii out naluralir.a- tloii papers, Is lu Du- hands of the llepubll- niii*>. Ho I III- laDer siiy at hast^and D© y sa>, liK-. that ibev itr»-going to linve uB such pm!- islii"1, II poSHltde. # ---


Tha Hliuriftit Cat*If t/OV fFn* f»«o(a "/of «of« " * f " ( » l*<"

orwonl/o punhau vr Ui mU ttlaie, pfu can fitui tite wheti viarlcet rd tw W in l/» “ Afnw’t * v/vtrtiMinff toiutnn*.

lb.MbarpiMi gilt«d(e I ’hlladelphln bulter, iCo. K A. W iihI * Boot, **«oU .-A ilv .

A *eattlo» l»ier,Fi:l«en»pttn’« p»J« Uuugi.-Aa


Delegairs From NoelrHes All Over the ISratc to Meet at Bridgeton.

llKUKiF.TUN, Oft. L!,—Olie of the greftlcxl ri'bgluuH gadirijiigs hi the history of Huulb Jeney will taka place her© cm Tuvsilny uveu- lug, oclohor 115. audcoiillmu' Wednesday nml ‘Ihuraday, when (bo sixth annual cunven- llon o f the New Jersey riiristluii Kudeuvor suclelii'!t will ho held. Over a DiouluuiI dole- gutvB are expected, Kcv. Duurge B, HykcR, of Ixmg Bruiudi, will conduct Dm devotional ox- erclxes nl the opening mtauuiK Tiuisday uveu- ing. and Mlxa Caroline Brnukflold,ofBctvl- dcre, will deliver an ftddrctH.

The Ital o f MjicnkcTs fur Weducsdiiy and Thuriday comprlius Hov. J. J. Flerson, of W’oodbury : Uev, Dr. A. B. iDchartisuu. I'ain- dcii : Kev. J. Wilbur ChapmRu, t>. lb, FhllB* d©]]ibla; llev. lieorgn H, Kykes, ixmg Branch; Mra. Alice May HcudcItT* Jersey t.T(y; itev, DharluR Wood, I>, IJ., and Uev. Dr. A. (h Ky- Ufit, ((©rmantown ; Itev. J. l'. Ftrtiuld, FlaJn- Held ; Bov, Dr, Chnrlea F. DccmH, N>w York ( ’liy. and utberx. The address of wHcutnefor 111© rliiircbo* win be delivered by Hev. Julm ts. lleifller, In whoseChiTrcIi Die scstiuniwlll t>e held, and (bo address of ft'cJcome for tbo local union by George Jonus, thu president, Hrv. KxraTlnkcT, D. D..uf New York Clly. will preach theconvemlou Hcrmon.


L e it Noufishmeni Taken aud Ihu UltetMe Frofreiklng Rapidly.

WAHHiNdTUN^Oct. r2. - l t was laid at (ho White IlouBfl Ihll morning that Mri. IJnrrl- «uii passed ft futrly good night, and Diat liur general cuiidUlon tills morning wus un­changed^ except ibiU she might be a trilln weaker.

Tbo nourishment conelsDngjorraw eggs and bocf tea, whlob has been so ImjForlant an ele- ment In keeping up her •trimgth, Is now taken In amaller nuAhUtlex.

Theoongh which has dlstrcised her at In­tervals baa ooased, but this Is regarded as an unKavofabLe symptom. The disease In pro- groBslrig more rapidly, and the left Inog li now Involved,_______ _______ __

Oyster Btews are not perftot without Clarke Bui Ur Orackert* A, Ward 4 Bods. agts.-'Adv.

Christian Velgensfiau's H ifh grade ales and porter of all kinds on drauf ot and in twtUci ataU leading resorbi,— Adv.

<luHi‘p|i It. lltM'lianati runiDunteU for Cun* gr©sM Hiid iTahii V. I.. I'Li-rsoii fur

Hi© (dm ily <1©rkxltip.

Tb!rty-(wu dchgutrs aiiemieil the muvari- Don of Die l'C"pl©'!i parly at Hie riiDhen hrli'U'le' Hull ai Di© corner 'it Bniiul aiul Market Hfruel IhH night, .luj-ei'h B. lliieli. u]iHiT pTL'sirte'l. I!'- W Dm- American I'ress .\MHJclaHorrs writer <m ©cuuntiili' .|iiisilui ami liuH lived In Uuwjvllinfor iwoyeurh, Jl© (•puke hripcfully of the kuccc'-s " f \V'©aver ai»il Flfiil and dftfelt ii|K'n I he Rueeessof Hi© pmly In the Kouth and Wost.

( ‘liRrlf© Blrilsall, o f this clly, fictfd hr lerre- Ifiry, and ft poiurnlllet? on r©suht(mim whs a|rpolnU'>L cunNishiig uf Mi-rhCh. Arroft-smilh, linrsler. T '’rlimle, Wttlftrlp ami .^^r^ullnllgll,

Afler '"amphlKn snhsrrlj'l Ions bud Im'cu liiiii'led in, 111'- counaUice on reHoliitiuiis n-porled rC"ullllbin'« imNll'K b/rDi lhat [Jju prcscnl syslem of flujiuee ami irnniportiiiluii are uroiig lu prlhel|>b- uiel (lutably ilUmrlroiiK lu Hielr i-''N.uIIs ; Dwtl Hi© great Kiri.'Uin of Imiutiii uretelveduesH ilridN IIh huurce in II1© eoudlHuns whirJi nmku mori- gHg(*R nil the on© tiiiiid ami iiilUirmalreN'in Die other ; uml tliftt ilH the I'cople's ]airty )h tlrsl riu d Inst I'umanllariHM InRilliilInn II is Hil 111© bftlur IIII4 'I I'l fllllir llLMltlRl Ihc'eul- niTimH cuuilBlnus uudh-a^' the p-n];|e in lliL'Ir full etmiuclpiitlnn.

1 niiDtuilbKi Ihv n'soluttOliK comlLiilliiKl Hie criaMnti uf a B<iiirl nfS(rer( ami Wutcrfnni- nilsRbmers In Newark, ehaiaeUTl/lrig Dial jiellon UH a «iihvi<rslun of j'lipular govem- (iiejir, iMicl also Voice tin* party's nlih<irrchee uf Die Sidle gerrymiui'ler ami the I'nuiily L a. fl":© law.

'i he rcRohil Ions w^re uiianlnimislv nml Di legale iU-rmiril Terlbete nflercJ Nir mini© "1 .foi-eph l{. Bm li:m:ia Iheeamli- dul© " f tlK' party lor » 'oiiHi-esK. He hpuko of Du' CT'dl Rci vice*, dune by Ihe iiomtiiiH' In Ihii parly, ami rlftcll ulsuine length Upon Dm In- tli em© of Ihp People's parly press, fthleli huw ciintroU l.VXJ papers lu Dil-* enuiitry. In .Vebruika ul'iiui HiCru arc lun pRp'’rs so con. trolled, tl© sDilfd, iiriil midi'll ihitl .Mr. Biicluuinn him been i l.tiT of Iho h'n/rj,i

/./'o#/ce at I'HiVer, and lluil his nrll- lugs vver>' rend by th 'UKaTid-. Th© iiumlua- Don ftUH iiiU'I© uiuuiiiuoiiR.

After Mr. Butihiiimu li:id exprr-<e<ed hit (hanks, (he uam© ui .101111 V. J.. I'ler-ioii was presented for the foiinly ci<Tksliip munliia- (hiti auil accepted ft llh unanimity, llu'as Kliitcd that the report of liU nut being 11 dll- yeu of Hie Stxl© ftHS uiKrue. H© U a drum- iner. nnd lias hceu Iravcllliig for his ©niploy- ers fur ( wo yearR. 1!© belongs tfr Blonmflchl, and 1« living tlier© now.

No noiiilnatloiiR ft'eri'iiiHil© for Assemldv (llslrlets, ns 11 was deePli-d lu leave such dury tcFtiielocttl leaders of I Im jiarty. U rei'iulres about 200 sigiiaturss fur one of t licse noniliTu- tluriH. and tho iiiemhm were trild Dial It Is nut neecsHAry for 11 man tn h© a Fouple’s party man to sign. It he Is a legal voler It dueit not tORder whelher ho Is a Dmnocml, ItepuhlJ. can or Frolilhll loll 1st.

In Iho (.'ounty ClerkRldp emilesiiiOhxIgnii. lun.anr*'' needl'd, It wur stated, tuU furC'ou- gresH only fifty.

Henry A. lleckmoyeT, whose going over Iri thft l>eitiT>©ruiio party has 'Md'cn juDilhhod fnrand wide.” as a d>-iegule pul tl, was pres­ent, but h© did not lakn itny iietlve part In what went on. Il was siatod witlmuteonlra* dIoDou lhat bft was iipartliy in favor uf tbo I'euple's party.

Home of thu dcl''ga(©s no(le©d Mr. Beck* meyer's presence ami retniirkral toluirH iut they were glad bo bud rctiirued to tbo fold. 11(1 repllen that he luerelf attended heeausu li© was In favor o f Weaver. He hilemled lo votnHio Hiale Rtjd local Democratic ticket, however, and Is entlmsigatu- fur WerU.

Itiishii'NH I ’cMO-oieti-d al Sigllt'H >!©©1-lng--Mi'. 4'aii tloiit<-n but I pon.

TJie ]-'lr« ( iimmllsiniirTii desired (4k lUH-t Did Buil'llng ('4>iiimLtl<'i' of (lie (uitiiiiuu 1 'miEicU last lilghi lu diKeiii s the plans (or th© projxiM'l new Hr© iK'iiil‘(U*;rUTs,

Arelillet’t .\rlhur( oiimdly iviis 011 imud to i-xp lulri k-cliuiculllles umt receive siiggeo- tlunit, but ul H::iO <>'elo<‘k Die I'uimuiiteu not biivlug ii|i|ieured In respame lo (he Invlla- Nontu mi-el th© CoiimilshloDerR, tho hitler wenlMi wiDi their ri'gular biuilni'SN, H wus U'nrncd that Hie C'niiiiuou ruuucll’s iiieeHiig ft'iiH p'sL'onNlbl© for Lliu Hbsii'tU'D of IJio AUBir- inmiie ('omitilUee.

AitiiOi Boseii, Huftcrliilenrlcnt of th© Fin* Mann Ti-legi'iiph Syi-tr-tn. made a ri-|>4>r1 on llu- rD'alt uf hiH n-C'-nt trip (u Die f onvefiNnn

fli'e euglneers ut l.oulsvilb', nml li© -aid he imd found the Hr© iilonu systein very much improved 111 many re^p'-els, nnd advised the grealesl • are ill seteelliig ii »>hlem Ih rcfldlUgl the rieft- lire head'|iiarler'«.

SiijrfTlrUemleiif Aslley refiorted lb© loss by Mm « for the luonlh ofM'pleiidH'r to luj aboul

In ttll Nieri! ft> re IliLrty atiirnm, (wentvdfto ofwhh-li iver© hr ll aliiriiis, Tlu- flierm-n ihirliig th''munHi b>«i an agi;r'-i;aie of uiriL'ty-1 wo days by -u-lt iiess nml Heeidcit.

CojiinilhRioner \'hii l!r>ob-ii advised Unit Die huperliileii'b'iit tiinlriu-l Ni© etiidalris of Ihe Viirlou'« (Ire sialloiis Id vLIt all Die large riietoih's and )'r>-A'-rb’s Ju iii> ||- dLtrii t loOfilet (o bi eoUH'llioi-nuglilv /ie<pmll■le<i WilllHu* preuil'M'H. (■nmiiuH''iotM'r Kliimird nald thal ft'as as(iuidliii( rule nHlie d4'|uii-( iiieril, and Mski-d whetlier I'mnmlssl'iner Van llouleii liad leariiud ol uiiy vlnluHuusid B. Thu UfMoiuiHhloijer Kiihi le had JuM.

.laine.s ii, AliiAU'orth ftiis iippolnti d a flri - iiiHti lu pbire of Jrihii Meckinau, dai'eas'*']. A l>|]| for81.:t|..W fr'Uii Hie Ln l''*-ftm'e Kiiylne ( "nipiiny for reputrlng No. 7 ©iig)m< wins oMU'led paid. .Vjijilieaiiiiim for npp >liirrneii( w< re fecivcd ri-"iii 'il"-iu:ih iL MeLuro*', of iOli Main Rln-et.uiel Lugenti Mii' iiUH y, of l'i7 Warren sirnl. Ihdii ftOTc reJurred lo the Coijiiiiillt© on AppBculious aii'l Appuliut- rrmnls,

He Opposes a Resolution to Issue

Bonds for Street Paving Purposes.


Til© lluiird ul Works Up||ll^ l«-d TIk« iU(Hh(H(0 II© Ap|>i'uprlftt©d ftinl 1|i©F|i line© ( ’omiHlttft© Rt*ruimn©m1>'d Dh<

suing o f HuiuU—TliP Ihkuril U u l'?kiirp©r, Mr. Nliklnsby llulds, and DeiiiesTikui Ha

Is Moved tkjr I'ollHcR lu 4)l(j*'u^*A MedaU Ban o f t'oUimlius.

When ft rtRoinllnn was piaM'uicd hy t[;« Flniinc'Cummittc© to (ho rokuimm ( ’.utucll iftsl iilglit iiulhnrixlug rumptrtklli-r ionuHly t " Ismi? temporary loan bonds ill (llu sum ul tlOh.WX'. the hiunvy to b© devuti il tu s(rek'(- u|H'nlug pur|sks(-ti, .\idcrMum Kiiihi-I'y ol>- jecli'd lu Its tidopDon despite Di© fiiet Dial Iho 1‘oiuniltliii had apprskvi’d iif It. Tiu' Buanl of hltccl and Water romnUNRiumTi liiot r©* <iui'ftl©d Die apprupriiitluu uf Ituit auumrit. Mr. Hlalnvhy csmtejided (hot l>©r(3rt.' wiiy K(ri.Md muldikti ots'iied (liu udopliini of iiu ordtimiic© would be lU'Cesimry. Ih* argiiej that 111© Bisird ofStreet iituI WaP'r ( oiuiuls- xluncrs was nut riuDi'>rl/.i il ts>]'aNsord]iiatH*<'M and Mint Ihu Coitiiuun ruuiicfl was hi'liig ileprlvcil nf Its }M»Wer. Mr. hluine-by iilsiU snid (hu railroad compaiiU's wi-rc ubmit to t''st Du-legiiitty of ordlnaure- pa.ssed hy thu llisiril of \\ ('•rks. He ©xplalued that hi* ft iis nut uppusSiig tbi' r'M'lullon f'-r p'Blleul ri'anuiis, IIS h|s purtv wiislnlti© minurliy.

Alderman Harrlgnn replied tlmt ilie i-T- imnce i'ouitniltr© Iih'1 approva l uf ()i© is'ii* Inllon »ml Dial It ivas llu»dii1vof l!i"('oim - 4'LI (u pass It, Tlo* law HiithrirlXtiig the ('"tiu- ©11 to iiijiku Hi© approppiiiHou lio.l iioi lieeii lUs-laiS'd luironMUuD'iual. Mr. Hiirrlgati re- nuirkiHl tUftl winter yvus auproiiehlog. but much (vuhl b© MceumplUiu'il uii I muiiv iiu u put In work, If lids mailer is delayed, Im ftdib'it, It will b© iipiuiri’iil to evory 0101 IhiD there Is putlUcR lu It.

Mr, Htftltdiy hislsled Umt tlm wholu iibjee- lion he liml slaled, Hmi Hie Ntris't and Water I'unmilNHl'vurrs fteiu uni iitiHiur* need lo puss ordlu-incuh, Teo strt*etH coul'l b© opened for |iiHi.ixH>, arid Mr, Harriguu's lalk of puulug lorn to work wan Dm unly ]s>UllCftl hmieoinbi* li© had heard of.

Aldftriiiftii lIucgel'H inoHcin bi hi.v th© limi­ter ov©r was iosi by a vote <d H to i{.

Mr, .-Kriiuld made a h]H'eeli expliHuliig his reason for voting "«y4-,” hut In-vuted *Hvo” Instead. 1'h© Aldernmii was griiiUy erii* biihisstid. " Fxciisu nio, ilr ; ©XeiiMX me, ©x- CUH© me,” ho said.

"N il, your iii^ih^fy Is a©ce|ibd.” relorlcd Mr. ilarrlguii. " ^ml always vote right.'*

Til© rootlnn In iidufil Die rcsohitlnii was pu(. lint iM'fuir Fiesidi'iii Miilian ©"Uld iiii- mmueo Hie vole Mr. Htuinsby ealb-Mor th© ay«s Hiid na>s. The Mde uiis ea llfl, miJ Hicr© W'Ti! it ayes umlHuays. Mr. Malum deehired (he mollim mlopled.

" WIihI Is I Imt ? Wiiiit is Dial ?*' asked .Mr, Hlaltisby, " ou say that III'- motion pn * vulhV”

’i I©' proKldeul mail© no n-plv in Mr. stalno- liy, but afier asking i'h-rk iiVnuitur for Die total vote h© dedited Hint Ha-iiioi‘un leel been losl.

TliO ('lilted IliDlaii Hof’|cll4's • B red to pn- scnl to Hiv elty a targ© hr"M/i'ue (tuUioii of ('ulumbilN, lo b© pla''''d In Die I'Ki Hall. Ih© ©xcreises uKeadlug Du* piekcniiih'Mk lo ink" place mil H-totier 31, Ihe .Mii> or nod ( 'oiiimor^ rmiiH'll being reipu'stcd t.» panli-ijiaic. Mr, ilarrlgim r<iniiiM'iiih'd ll'ft IliiHau.s (or He- i‘ piilrLotlHiii, ami tiis nioDou lu an-epi ri.o medallion wai adufiioil, 'liie Miii'O- 101 I I'ul'llr Ihiildliig I'ouiliiHlee ui'ii' ilir<'<'U-d (u ■elect Ik siilliible |ili©'4' for Hi© iiieitiil I Ion.

Mr. MiDiisby deeluie'l I hol I lie piilllm,' }ib© o In Hi© Kirill disl riel of (lieNHiDi hadbeuii loeiiied un l-'rel liighn.v sen aveioi'- le ii slie«l lur from Hi''ceiiir© of Hm 'Usiili-!. I q iiflercd ft muN'Mi asking lhal ll> hir.iii"ii bo©handl'd to 1 li?iib' iu iH'i^oi©. im the fm- ITOVellierd -VsvM'lilllu'i'^ liUJltllhL'. I'll -ell III MiihikPi il>e;mi'l lu riee lv ' D' moltuu, ilcC(iU[©nil©d Hmf Ih" CDy rhi-k ai"U vi:is ant liorl/:''d lu ->elrr( Hi© pellDig )-l'e'i‘s, and Dis I'•■miii«m r<>oiu'D had nu p<jw©r In Iho maltn.

.V peDHori fiom resld''jil.s In 1li>' vl>-j!iltyof riollJiiid Hhd ' o'bl si reels, a-kiiig h>r un « h (rl© llulil. Hus re'elvrd.

i 'o|np|]-(>De( rmiaelly © ;m iiulliun/. "il to ISKiie a biiml for fur lie- i‘ua^!ri©'i imi ufWater tiialtis. Bonds bi the »-aim< ihouuoi ai-u Issued (or (Ills purpose f-aeli >eftr.

Mr. Sluliiftl»y ri'inark©<l Dial it utis more Ihuil pHihwbIC rl'ilt Hien- wmihl he uo " H :i!' r supply ” e<‘|eljriil*"li. ami le- iiim\i-p| Dial iho eommlDee app'dated b'T I but Jiu 1 |>n‘ i b • ill — I'hargeit. >tr. .fnliOMoh prob-sl -d u: .ilu-l Hiu dlsehtirge ol (he eomndUee uild ,\||, >NiLJi.*hy ftlHelri'W ills iii"D'>n.

These a)'pro]mlu1 loiis wp-re in-eb ; l i ly Huine, f ’l.lHXi: 1 b y Huspltal. . ll 'iird ' fIB iilUi. hirdti>n >d Mr k-in,$.ilXI was iil'I'l'Opriab d lo llu’ I'pdlee l olm[|!|- |e>', ^dU'-ii'WUH lusiniele'l b> >01 lo <oejiine-t lull ft itti the I'uHee I uilim . money lu us*;d fui Dm ii-l'Imil ' bF-r ” 1.

Tie- KoutHi cpf.luh Humrnitb r 1 total ©.xpeuR>-K of He. fixd' p* leb-o briklluu ©s SI.iHs iL'i.

.Mlelmel Bevel lu was elee[eil th© Sliil h V4'iitd.

I hu I >i'L<p-

;..ib'd I'.i.V ■

uii-iiiiiie Ul

W IlKH i: ARE \ m . Fs.Wl* I'OST?

U Get-

An Editor flluD Uy a Reporter.N'rjLLWATXii, Minn., OcL 13.--Vlnk>r G.

Howard, editor of (l]'’i Ktlllwutcr M(‘ttt/i(/er and a veteran Mlnuc«ota JuumallNi, wm fatally thot yexterday aflerhoon by Ucorgo iVterx. The uuirdcrcr flrod (hr©e thols, each of which took ©fTecI* Fetcni had a long Dine boon emp'oyed ax 'a reporter, and dl^harged for lucoiiii>«tai(cy. He aurrendered Co Dm ]sdic©, and will iay nothing ai to iiu reaeunH for the act.vnoodl Betterll Heetlll The El l>aiam

cigar* Alldealen. A. Ward AHooa,Hg(j.^Ad*

Rarity, itrcingth and dollcacy of flavor ooia- btned la FelifnapaWe pale "tiaaitr*”—Adv,

) ’our t'liiti (Vauis fts Money and Hpig .Iih Imus .\bonl h.

The Voiihg M* ii's ) larnsoii uml Itf id riuli of .Moiilrlulr, which was urgaiii/,LMt a fuw wei-ks a;(o, tu uhx Ujiisly uwiiltlbg wonl from Bk si'creiury and niHng (rcasurer, Isaac 1’ust. 'ilie club hfid cuIJs-ided (.'»( for Hub fortns and lu dcsirroiH (u iiMe tills money for tbft( ]'Urpos©. bill Mr. Fust cniinui bu round. Hm Is said to bu^© l©ft town Inst .‘■’unday night. W'hvthi r un l ojklness or jdeusuro is not known.

if he ducHii't re|uj-u NO'iii nior'' moiii y wID Pc ruL'd nn'l H>© iinlfoi in uiJl Ik piircimsed mspB'-ol Ml. Fu-I's iilFSeneC. 11r|i* elj-iiined Hjk( h'* Imd left Moiilcliilr b) retn.iln away, anil tlml pertnips he wonhl nouji Ki-iid a clieek for th© aiiioiinl of tlj© eliib's ijiuney In IDs puSHesHion, Iml several of (he inernh©rs uf Dj© llarrlsun and K©bl organirallun lakiiaiiuthcr view of Dll' maDcr.

INKTIU (.iTKlk liv .JQlMiK llE l'I 'K .

He Asks (h© fSraiid Jury (o Invesilgnt© ('©vtMln Form" of Satoofis.

The Nran'l Jury ©iirue into court at 3:4d o'clock yesterday firtmeion, ami Furvinan ItiUaii (jiimlod In u number <kMiidiclincnls. Judga DepueaddmsM'd the Nrarid Jury ami (old Dii'm thill In a tirmitcldo case which h© hud disposed uf Bi Die umminx It iiad aii- {s'ared tlml the killlag was ilomi In an aiTruy Hhoul a lewd ftojima, wIDidi iroiihle was hU'tvDfled Hilliftl li'iiRt Kome saloons Itl this©By/n"iiicnl©d l>y wunu n of HiaL dafs.

Two fenml© iv11ii©sh©r In ihe lioniictd©©ARO imve ia-i'ii ht Id, li©sah1, so that Hi© < rrand Jury may liivi-sDgatc (h© ciiaructoruf iIiuh© liruuM. II© dcHml llj© Nraml Jury liitaka up this miiUer at lUi ©jirllpst opportiinUy In order Hmt sucli crDncaniuy bu ©hunkt'd at (heir sour©© ratiier iliuii iierpulraied and punUhi'd. _______

Happy al Mgb(, Ueatl In (he Miirniii|;iMrs. f*<iok©, wlf© of tjcorg© COoke, u Haiti

and blind maker on Alden pUcu, urnnge.wat found (Icfnl In bed at her hum© on Alden street ul .1 o'clock this nioruiTtg by her liu»- band, Mrs, Cook© WM abmil thirty yearsof iijfft, and had been In Die best o f hoalDi. I>bhI bight, In company with her iiuRtiand, abo vlHlted her mother-in-law on (. lovcland streot. Hhe lea about 10 o'clock in excellent a pi riu. TiielUHl Ume Ahu i]inke wax when she budo her buiband guud-nlghl. Mr. ( ‘ooka did not know that hin wlf© was dead miDI he nwoko DDh tiiorniiig. Tho County Fhysldan wai noilfled to-day* The ciiuee of death !■ buliuvod to have Ucuti iieurt rullnre.

E«l|dD«pan'a am pale b m at MuL'ruy'i.--A(L

(.CHNH TH M HBh tv M l IH T.

Till- Ehnm ( Hilly Oi'm.u-rart Will Not lloltl Any 'Vlijri-e rnUlh Meeilug.

A I a niectliM "f 11" ■'.'C' eii! l v<- l■ll|||nD(h'' of Fb»r>»©x 4 mildly i ‘'-liioeni-y iii;jiil, at L'ioMjiikrl slreil, l( MUN i>'>ulv>-d Ill'll ( he or­gan l/Ji I toil fehuiil't h"id h" iijuri- p,Ddi>- iii©« I* Digs 'luring He caiii | algo, but Diuiil'l i-poiLl 11k l'||•'rgil-s III *■ ::r' I't uimI i It- - I ivr -AOl’k '' for <'li-S'rlaJiil lUid -•'Ii \ * li>U aild .bdlll K'-Ul*"Il l•■'U De- piiipoK'' -f1 ■ iiiijifig uu DiH gp’iit nil'] I Ib-M l \ < iiMini'-in i-> *, II ii-« du-i'l d lo p-i'l am] open oil <'1 bi.ii-r ” ) ail huiii-jl lo Hi'- li'mdc|imi-|' r-' In Ds \ I iuiiy,

11 wji* riji I lj-T ugri'i-d (ul-s'iM jtHi. b, furo ■lecMoii ail iiiblr* Ks III 1 Ji© i II inoi'i .11 ie \ oil. i‘s ■ if th'* rouiity < xiolllij^r « l. vi laiid uiid Heveiihoii. iiti'l (.*lllu;; ttti) lit© llfih'-X ( oiiiily I'l iiior im-y Mipl'orl'' Joiiri I\eiiii,.l4 , Jyljer I'uriniy, ' ’Iiuj rtiiiiii U lilli-le-ml, J >- ■o'pli H. VVeml'', 'i'lM'dihue .Meiul and o\- S Imol .................. . MeN.iBy w.-n* srlef|., i|I " [)lul iilel pi 111 ■’ (or M.e gL.(j,l tlm cntJ.SO du ring Mil n si ol (lie e;i m|>jil;:ii.

.hiiiios r. I J,ii|>iii!iii. ul HosevDl©, waa ad'Lei I tu lb© ©X‘‘' lu ' Ve ©onilllll h e.

hrv riii propo-MDoii-. r-u iiiemb©|-)..hip wi-ro ru-©B"l nml laid nv©r iinNI iiki regnbir hi' utlijg of t lie "r.fiuii/.at |oii.

i be ilmini'' N wTi- n porb.d p, ia> lu good cuji'tJD'Mi.l >

* ....... —A lufj H'dhf "iMiy crjj/T.ixcu 01 11 frw uofi

IV /hi- .VA’ ll .V f,f u Hftofl rmf. /fif( n U’lii ma<t« ci bly nviJir tttui tir mi rit fny iTcrj/f/miy.

*r n V n o s H T A i. t i u !stj;K'4.

lIuHpltat <'Bis©1h in hail Comlllliio..|(©purt« f'jr do* M<iialli of Ht‘|»t©mli©r.

Tiif f i ly ilnspltal (ruslci's mol nl,;ht. Tnist'-o WtxMlniir rejsii led iimi Hn-ininiunl [iiild mil iluriiig Uu; luniiih was >j,fw:t;:!i, (naHuD to Ui'i'i' vvD Idn the lliult of tin; aptiropri- hDou of$ii,ij00 ft iiumher ol bills. liuiJ iK-eii laid over.

‘ILie visiting ©uminJiUM urged that Hie chisels In llieconlaglous 'sanl Iks repalh'tl, as in IhHr present crmilllUm ilicy ur©dangerous lo puMmus and 11 iirses ami hud iilrcarly ca 11 • ,-d mui’ tii lIlncH!. 1'bi-riftl ©s(aHM'ornnDK©© was empowered to rnakv Dm ivi-essary (rtiaiig©? . Hr. W. U Dunning was upiMJintiid an tts/ji-ji. ftiil hmuc piiyslcian.

It was re|Kjrt©d Dial ii.jii imd pt-yu rL-c©lv d for Hie ■!©(•©((es of nursi's in private ©ri'.is. Ttm Hupfrlnt'-ndeul’s r©|sin for thcmonih of Mi'ptember ihowed Dial at Ih© heghuDugor (hu mumh Diere wer© elgJiiy-ilvo jiallents in lliehuspliftl; (ijeroweni 146 tidmlttcd am! l:u illscliftrged. 'file births were six and the flYallis Iwclve. The number remaiuliig ul Hi© l)oglimiiig o f the prenent month was nine* ty-th ree,

A BHBrOfin Hani llurncd. Hpeclftltothe Evknjtio News.

Mohkihtown, act. W.-Kilnnli'd on the sum- m il uf Mt. Washlnginu, about three iiHh-s HOUthWom ofllilH ©lly. Is til© Imiulsoiiie eoiim try place o f Judge Ulllcs|i1©, of New York, Hccently the Judgo bud cnnslruetej a tnmb I ba TD at u coRl of about 11 :i.UU0. Y ©sliTday h f- tornoon ftro destruyod the biDldlng, Il is tliougbt that a Rtov© In the barnu'-.s-rwun hi- ctinae overheated ami net flr© lu a yellow pin© purtitiniL Before (be (Inmes could lio exHu- tlngulahed by the atahicnmu they comniuul- cattd wllb a larg© quantity of hay, uml In a few moinenU itiv wnllr© HtriieturLi wasasiH'Di* Ing maM o f flatna. The lielpabout sucLvedcd In reuouing all thu horaoB and ilvesUick in til© burning barn, and also saved leveral vebleleN and some fnrniing Imiiiemeuts. Th* Are raged all aRernuoii, and II wax ovenlmt before th© last of the burning beaina lu iho barn collapifttl. A rough psDmute o f th© lossII placed at |ltt,QU0, whloli !■ parliy ouvuredby Insurance. \

^filgeuijiatt'K aew a l Murci^'a.- AA«

\ .


Indictments Found Against Carnegie Offlciab and Homestead Strikers,


lltf> I rcNf'DlniMiti l l i « K lH k^ri Ki<

p ^ rtr il, iMit Lt W kh Tlioiijjflit ILin Afcumt*

lion * < nrrtfk Ii* Mrin 1V<ml<l Nnt^

Nii«l»ilneit>*Thf* M utllnlr'fl o f a

WeeiiiHn 1 p Ity GliiN^tiw W<»rkn>«n.

f*rM4*raJ Mll<*« l*r4‘Nrnlii f l l « Aitniiiil lt«><

p<irl lo till* W n r C’nl-

lU ln ii On N ew Vnrk ’i K lpvatr*! Itimtl.

True M U" w rn ' l»y U>« Dranti Jury at )'it|Rhuri( ycMitTilay all the iriemiioraa flh o Rlrlkerp’ ntlvl#inryetmrKink iliem with IrriMOu, nntl nlioHualiiNl nil Ihn CnrnrKl^ Steel I ’diupuny trrtli'InU, rliivr|tliif with jnujtlcr, riot ami ron-*|>!r«ry.

The liidJiUnuMiOiacwtnNt iho GarnejfSo «ifn- clalit came llki* a IhunfhirltoiL. Thu court pro- ceeiUnjff until ,VH»<ier'lHy iwejacd to tic aootic. Hldnl iliut every one Hippottcil Ihc iMIJi URulnat Uu* ( arncKleiH-opU* would In* ii^nurorl. W hen they heard lhat true blila worn round •iffatnil them tin y to I)c]]cvc II, T ]ircitieif w ill now be pul iUi thu Iht Tor trial hy jnry.

rh lftf JuMU-c Pftxeon, o ftha Htatft Kiiprcme GtHirl. l»eforn whom the InfornmttohN Inr treaMon were made analn il the atrUeiTK. wae f>h tlie henrh with Jud^e Kennedy, of the local rr lm lhu l ( ‘ourt. The rourtroom w m rruw ded lo aufTocallon nt It lieraTnegenerally known that the tirand Jury would nuike lie returni Iti the treason cawit.

Judxe KennrHly, addneiNlTi^ the Jury. la lM :** 1 wiui InfortiMMl, ■rcntictneti, tiott you would Ite ready lo rcporl o « l ha trerwou indlotmenl at S o'clock trvday, and for tiie puriHine of re- <*elvlnff it I have icnt for the ('h lt f .liiiiMfi*, A re you ready h» n^porlT’*

Foreniaii Ilcrtlh aUNwered In Ihe afTlrrna* live, and handed up Ihetrue h llK fHilerJua- tlco IViXHTtn ami Jndgi^ Kennedy cxam lncil the patwr* and (hetii In llic haiidM o fthe rh 'fk o f rourli. Tint hill aKalii«l H u k Ii < >'lh>nn*ll and otheri for IreaKou lnclml«'!i 1hlrtyH>no di-fendunfa. They are H ukU G 'honucll, John McEockh'. Da%ld Eynch, Thornaa J, t'rnwford, Hurry Hayne, l<!lmer K. IJttit, H enry H ajard , J. W . Jlrrtwn, flw rric t'linmi^cnn, U hhc i'rlh 'h low . Miller foii^Hn, John L'nylc, Jack ('lithtnl. Dem iU M. t'UHli, WUJIam M. <*oni']jhy, Michael rmnnilriK«. W lllla in f'omh*. John IMcrkln, I'liirJek EaxaD. W , IE G uchn, Matthew liarria, Held Kennedy, John Miller, f>. S, SeaMulit, John M urray . W . H TlMnupwtn, Mnrim Murray, H ugh W . T. KoberU, (TtNurKe Ilylauda litid tl«w>rvn W . Sarver.

Thao came Ihu im irder charKca agnlnat the rnrtiegle roroj^any (iMh'iaiN for Ihn ktIMnf of H. W . Hutler, John K. M<irrlH, .loiieph Holak and Hllaa W nyne. the Rtrlkera wtowe deathN raeiilied from the rinU, The Irne hItU are ayalnai f'halrinan fl. i\ KrIck, Hacretary K. F, Jeivejoy, Kolu'^rt riiikcrtnu, W illiam I’lip kert/m, J. A. W . K. t*orey, ,E U. A,I^lischman. W . Itedeil, W . H. Hun. John f>a»per. K. W . Ilinat, Nevln Mct'oniii'U and JamcK |N>vey,

The blllM ftir eonNplra>cr rn ihn iri alEtliofii> charKfHl with mnnicr, Vkilh the udiJlMou of

lender. II. M, t'urry. t»tla I'hlIdH, E. C. Fhippa, o f Ihe Hleel oontpan.v, and I' rerl W . IVlnie, adet a<M!ve. ’nuMw rlmri'c<l with ackravaled riol an* IE r . h'rlek, H. M. C’urry, J. H. A. liCltiliiiiKn, K. y . liovrjoy, E ['hipiJN, ♦EH. Ikivey, Nf'Vln Mcff)iin»'ll, -riihii C. W , IhMlrll, Krcd IVlaut, W . IE iturl and F. W'. Himle,

The wIlncHaea In the treneon raHen whotia naitieH tip|iear on the Indlclnicnt ux having beeii tfefore Ihe tlrand Jury are County IK'* teetive llelixUoveh, Samuel Chiley. c. IllHtHip, H arry lu*wl», C. f . MiMon, K. tt. Cbrt^tu*, Mr. Tanner, Uoherl Uerhert. r, W . DunxlK^rand J(Mu*pii 11, Gray, The ImJlcImentit HealiiKl 11. Friek and otlieia in the iiiurder ei4t>eA a n ' M'pumie. luiLkltiu four In nil.

The prueccutor In the murder 4raR(-N Is llii^h lUiNN, on»> o f IhH Mrlkcra, aKninit whom Iherr* are rounU'rchargeN for murder, treiuioji. cen- eplraey and iit'Kraviiled rlnl.

The Indlclnunt auamal (he farneirle ofll- clalR lo the conaplracy curph hi u tyr>ewrltteu d w u it ien l of over ten cjoxttly WTllten j«ii(eR. AinoniC other thliiK" If *>elA forth thiil IE I Frick and the other CMmcitie oiTlolalR did* 'nnlawdully, faliH’ly nod maltclouNly ” eou' epife to di‘t»rnRH the ivhui‘'i of ihtroiin eni’ ployed hy Uii‘ I'anieKle Hh>rl i (UJiiMkiiy nml to rhmi* lip Uie w ork *; Umt Ihey ronveyrd 200 onned men to overawe, Intiriildulc nml friK h len " jn'rHons who hud lu-cu employed hy them, Inviitlliiy the horongh of Hotiie< Rtead. and eaueing deadly wM'utKUH lo lu* i]In'> flm n iw l Ml fliH r former emptoyi'H and *o ou.

In rs'curd to Ihe riot on ,)uly h, ihe hlH ifaya the dcfendniilH “ did eoumiel and inlvUi' the alioottiiK.'*

The hill In the ac^tmvatrMl rloi caaeuatfulnfii thet'arnek le ofUcliiU dlfViTH very lltlle from th a io n ih e ('onKpliTkey, 4-xi'<'pi ihut II Heti that In jiUrRunnce o f Ihe alleged ron- •plracy, ih ca lleg id unlawful nml rloiouxaeth were auum ltled .

A h llO C K IN 'G C K IM K H K V K A E K n .

T ile M utilated Itody o f a W nm nii H ug I'p hy W nrkiiteii In (ilnNcow,

A rrtm i' cnine I>> light in f llaiKow ycr<>tordny w hich calif) lo mind the jnurder cominilled hy DoemluK at Ihim hlll Villa, iieur Elverpocd. AVhll* am uf .wnrkim-n weredififying In i Ih> gurtlen <'f a itiHiiMimi Hitunled In Ihe imtHl faRlitonablo iiuarler of tfie city their xpudi n atriM'k som ething that they at once knew wiOi nclth iT fock nor eiirili. W Im u ia few Hhore], fulR o f CAiih went removed they fniind u torpM'. The authorllh*fi wi'ce ul oru'e In- fiirnu'd, ami under llieir illrecitou tUei'anh WHtt remov4‘d, and fniin Hh grave w a ') Jdh'd the diKincinliered and dlst^nibowelied liody of » womHin The imtlew iitouee Rtarlcd un In­vest ignl Ion. bill Ihcy have not y it e>:tuhlikhi-d Ih e lilentlly n tllie wninjin.

1't|i' lanvlly w Ihi iHTiipii'il Ihe hoiiHe weri' Ahsiuit and iho place hud tieeit lefi In i-hiiigt of Ik young ganleju r DAnieil Mcl'.weii Th ink ­ing he might li>- able lii throw ronic l)gt>i on Ihi' ito’ polli'c look^'d for him andf<M)iid tlijil li» imil Miihlrnlv illvi^|>p<‘|iri>d, A aourclv WHh nmile if| itni roinn tK-i'iipi*’d hy lihn 4ind lu l l w ire loimd evlilence'i that the ■wmnan hint hn-n killed jiml muiiltin d ihepr. *J'hi' t>ed)'oM'i lug, lloor und walls nil imrr l•h>r.dNlaln''. uiiit It t- hi'i;>'vrd IlniC Hie poJIi’eheruied otliiT I'Vldei \>liitdi ke -n -Ing ’J'lie iiiilliorlites ol oitoT etllCKInive fe-cii Infoi nietl of I lit innrdi r nml a vie- fcrlptlon ol Mi l.well lias Ih i-ii given lo Miem nml tlie pollci’ hoja-to have him 111 cuRtod} Jn a Htinri l Inn-.

An lrii>|i(eliMu III Hh< hedriHun wdilch InnI Iwsui tH';'n)iled li> Midlrti-n rIiowh niaiiy + VI- dencen of the liTrllili- i-i line with wli r< h he Is idjHigcd, d’lie vvlioli' jipiiitnn-hl was 111 Ihe (cti'aleiil disorder, nml rhi.i oveituincd and ili^arrangetl lurnlinre pn>veil ihal Un- wom- nn )iiid resist la r iiM-aiiiiiit w llti i lie iMmost tles^ieraUmi, and La<l siriigghd liercety for tier life. The floor, walls, im illng uml b<<l were spiuUeml wilJi <’ l«iM*d lil'Nid, wtillf a Ijorrllde mass of coagnlulcd tiUmd inarki-d the h|K)l on the Ihinr wh< le thi' hi>d,v lay.

The didicIlveH thllik thill th' l.ody wai> dlK- fneinher^d and iltsinrilmwi Ued in the te d- riioin, II haJnlHua heing used la cutting o(l (h e iirnvK Aiid Icgn. Alter Iht* n iu idern had tllhjH)scdof the IruiiU he evlih iiLly earrieu mu tlio ReparAii pornoiiM for hurlal m u W'ouden h]Rcnil-hni. a hicii wun round in the Eariicii covciud wilJi hlood and parlK Ivs ul |bv body,

G R N E it.A I, M i l . IN S JUPfVItT .

tflic hel(lenu*iit W ith Indians Hald to lie l a in l r d W ith ITnud.

GenerRl Mlliw, cnrniiiamllng the Depart- nU'iit uf MisRuUrl. ye^i(>r<lay mihinlllcd hh arinuAl report to the W ar lA-^jarluivtil. Ttie lAxpoellou re|KjrtH from didcreot )h n-eial m uch Mate*. rIiow that ttie troops An- iu Agood RUito o f dihi'lplino and erllclency. ami lire properly drilled and limlruclcd.

General M llc« atates that oh May ;t Im4( ttiv com wAudIng ufneer at Furl lleno reparied the existence of ivrluiiadlKsutlsfartlon niiinog thoUheyunne and Arapahoe 1ndlary<,osvlug to the doductlon lor KO-<-alled atluiiieyh' lecH of FetfiW from the inoneyH due ihoMe liultAn» In |)Uyjoout for that part <»f Ih'-lr leservaihm OpeuOd to rk'UlemeiiU. W ith a view In leat'n- 4iig liie grounds lor the ditu-unieat, (ipin ial bllle« directed an InveRiigMtlon to t)4< made l>y


t'Aptatn ticc. (iftlie S ln ih Infuntry, who Rule jnllfetl a long re|M»rt on Ihe Riibjci't. Ju which hcHA.VK Ihc liiiNl puyinvnt o f iht- money was tainted wJlh inlMrepre*'ent«llon, fraud runl chv( M, and in ma outrage upon the ludlatis under Ihetr agrekinienl.

('aptkln U'CgjiyM that Ihrniighoiit the ncgie IlkUmjN U 'tw eunihe Gherokee CornmlMluu- erNAAil the IiidlaiiR, Mild u|K»n Ih d r IliiAlai - 4*e|)tHlicc of tile tcrina o f Ihc rommiSNlou, If M AN the clenr iinderHlandkiig of tln'ie Imtlaiii (liaf llm cniir)' Mim o f tl.<VMi,onn wouUl hr> paid foV Iheir aurphie Inads. Thui umler* klAAdlhg, I'Aptikin E'C MiyR. In evliicnccil by the Aiuiemcui of a m oiuUT o f the coin nils* mIo u .

Gencnil MIN'A I'Arncttly tcdawh Itic recom- nundHlIon made In his IhnI annual re|Hirt of

for fhu moltlhr.atloii o f in.uiin regularn iiiid M),(h0Hlntc lrcm|M at the W orld 's Fair, winrit lie thinks call eaHlIy lie (hme under n-HRonaide rnta» m ade wMti railroad coiii- paule^. H etouchealn briefupvin thecoiirlerH on htcyi'lei in the arhiy, and the exiicrimeat m ud)'In rarr.Vlng ineaMagcN from I ’hlragn to New Voiik, Which ) ‘xperlinenl, he sayp, proved I'oncluNlvrjjy 1 tial th<- hJryrla W illln the future pro^e lo tm a nm it vaJuahle auxil­iary to m ilitary oi>crHtlnnN.

e —C O I.E IH fO X O N T I IE I . '■ U O A I).

Fifteen FerMiiiR l lu H Jn the CrANh and ( in r l.tkeJy to IHe.

There waN n colllNhm At oVhiek laM night between two triilnN on the elevated ruMrnad near Ihe Gap Huiitln 'd a i id l wcnty- firih Slrpet and Kighth A%-enue Station. New ^ork. Fint'cii perioiiR werfl injured, two of tliPti) aerl)»u«l.v. and the rear ol one paKMinger ('oach was badly criiahed, 'I'he whole Ironble gr*'W out o f the great rush of triivel ruiis^ )tueni u|win lha festivities of tbu ( ulumhui oidebralhm.

A t Ihe hour nfthe ivrcldent trains were run* nlitg In a conllnuoiia pDa'CNRlou, Tlia rear par nf one train was not oul o f a station Iji*- tors tiip euglne of the iucc)>PdinR train I imI pulled In, The two trains D ial were In col- IlNum were iKiUnd north on the east track. They were not so heavily loaded as tha d)>wn- town trains, hut ilia cars wera all well filled. Engine No. ' 17. d raw ing a Hlxlh avenue train, had JuRt pulled oul of thciiiifl llundra<l and Twenty-lirih HIreet Miatlon wlien a block of trains WAS epcountcred And the (rain was coni|>el]cd to stop,

A M n lli Mveoua train draw n hy engine M AS following clua)‘ly behind atid befon^ the euglnscr could m versphls mvor the rolllNloii rtccurred. Theihrask was JnciuAy^and engine !Ai9 ton< away the platform o f the r<«r coach irf Ihe train ahead, ami broke Ihe roof and all the wlntlows id the car, Thu front o f englue 'iU0 waa hadly dainagc<1,

Thera was a ImhiI forty pasRcngers In the daiUAge)! coa)'h. The shiK'k threw Iheiii ahuut (he ear in all directIoum, Home of IIhmu III Iheciiri lorwanl weru als<»seven*ly shaken up and many riH'elvrd Rllght^'onlualoiJ*.

Those iiMMil s(‘rtously Injured wera Miss Agnes Lj'ons, o f ltd hjist Gm* Hundred and Hevetith stroal, and Mrs. Kate flm lgkjns, i}f (Ml West (m a Hum lrad and Flfty-firat street, iHdh iisRJienrcrs In the rear of Ihacar. The former Is so badly hurt that It Is feared she w ill die.

rK L E K I.K VK N KTdH IE lf.

A l lo le l l ln n k -k e «p r r lIrnpN ITO Feel W ithout U reak ln g a lioae.

Frank McKarunn, thlrty-l wo ycArinhE as- sIsEant Umk'kfWiMr at tha A o ie l Nh Goirgc, In Clark street, llrooklyn, had a tnarvi-llous cseape front lusttinl deulU at 2 o^'liark yester­day aftcTpO'ih- He fell frojii llie roof of the hoiul 120 feet through nu air shaft eleven ftltirles high. He was badly bruised, but m>L a lame was broken. ^Ha illd not lose com schmincMs, and tho doclora Noy that hu will live.

Olio of Ihe chumbcrinaUlR o f the hotel pro- ciiriHi a key of a <lia>r leading l)i tho roid yca- lerday morning and (|ulctly luformedseverul of her coinpnnlnnN ttmt that particular riHif would la) an exeeileiit place from which (osee the naval fiarade. McKernun was Lha uiily male em ploys who wa*< let into thosccrel. When Iho pnrado was olT the lia llery he left hJR iHMiks, un4l, Klipping u}islalrs, Joined Ihe party of half a doxou chumbsrinalda who were oil the riHif.

'J'lirongh Ihe m iddle o f this building, which Is twolve slorles In bright, ruDS an iitr sluifl About lhro4ifi*ei wide, Cxlemltng fnmi the roof to the second story. It Is covered with a skylight, (he glass o f which li an Hglilli o f an inch In thlckm ss, in the centro of the skylikhl Is a liraiii aboui a fool wide, soino distan)'e fmru the dm^r h'udlng to tiui roof. In Hecuriug a poMitloTi tt) se)'Uhe pn- nuli' McKernan and the clmtnlwrmAldi luid crusReil (HI this heHiii. They slnod watching Ihe vesseli In the liarbur for half an hour, when McKeruAi), suddenly macmtH>rLiig thal he had work to do, started lo m u down MluirH, He Is near slghte)! and weni'H glAHses Aud weigtis li'iA tKfunds. H eevldsiiliy wanted Id NHiV)< utid took a stiurt rut to tlie door )jver the hkyllghi. T.iere wiis a crush of bn ak in g glass and .McKernun iiiddeiity dis- apjM'ared from slghr. The i'haml>ermAlds siTcamcd nml ran pHl niell down ubilrs, Mc- Kenmii struck on Ihe roof of a toilet routn on a level with the secoud flcsir, having fallen eleven stories, nr a distance of TJJ feet. He lauded on hU right shoulder and rolled over on hlh back. AniUM>n,AS he struck ben illH l loudly lor help. IH i Ncrcains brought sev­eral rierks froni IbB olTli-e to his UNstslanco iiud lie wiis lltt)'d out through AsiiiAl) w in­dow sml earrlci! Into one of Ihe purl)»rs, A phyNlcmn wlto I1v<>h opfHiNllc thu tHd)d wiis culled. He riiiide an exaiuluiit ion. Uneslde of McKernAu's face wan cut ami h)s Anns and legs wore badly hrulMud, tiui tlic d<H*tor could m>L find a broken hone ami said Hml if .Me-Ki'rnan were nol tnlureil Inicruully lis w’uiild tie all riglu In a w)'ck. In bis fall McKcrium liroke two fiiur-luHi beams suptx'rhng Hm) M of)*r tin* f i l le r DWiiii and Ifcn llb r r.lnt* rov ­ering over Ibe beams. Hu a Iho kniwkcd down a large pc»r1lon o f the celling, He owes his life to (he fact that he landed oii tits shoulder and that the zinc and beams broke Jdsfall.

(T lA N r iF ! ( IN T l i r . I 'U A T F R -ItO O K .

Vcslerday 's \V)»rk o f Ihe Trienn ial Fplsco- pal I'o iivenllon at lla llliuore .

The religious excD'lius o|HUilng the sixth thiy'H session of llic 'ITlcnnlnl l-^pl'-ojpsl enn- vcnlion were conducted In IGuiimuiicI t hiiivh at Ihiltlmorc ythlcrda.v hy Kighi llev. rhilllpfl HrooUs, 1>. l>., EE. D., Ilishopol Mas- Mai'iiiiKidlN. and Itev. 1*. II. t-igliincr, rif Dehi- war*'. .\ number of changes In llie pia.vcr- b'lok were iidopti'd by ilic House id Di'pulkH.

llev. Dr. llimMngdon was legardcil wllb Inlcresl when he prcsenti'd Uic iiiiicmlcil pm>cr-boiik. It was foriucd o f |• llltcl'S' proi)! , Mild I'orrci’lcd h) >')-suiiday rnorrmiK ami lied wltti icd la|M*. 'J'be iliHUimcnl wiut laid upon Ihc prc*>ldi'iirH de-k.

Ill V. ]ir l] mil Ingdiin sulnnllli'd a nit1c« of ri'solulJiinK. iirovidliiu umotig oHn-r ililng^ Giiii, ilic iiihliopK coin urring, lUu* li'Xt xul - nid ledtjo iH'citpicd u'> Ih)' corrci‘1 I c i id f thi- Hook of 4'ouim<m I'rnvcr o f Ilie Ehotep liirit E|ilNcopiil riiurcli, with Hie oITIccn u in lin il-« li'K.

W lili li is rcKoluiloiiH Dr. llun iIngdou pro- pohcd ttif Hiloptloti o f a I'anoii ^'of (lit' xianil- ard Innik ol l ornimin J’rayer." Tlii.s canon coiitemiilnirs I lie )vreparalbui, autliciillcallon mill prcscrvulUm of uu mduul ^tatidard vid- umc, to Willi-I I all printed copies hhall cnufnrirL and by which all <|UL'NtlonN as lo the foi niuhi- lies of the t'liurch may be ilci-ldcu. iln- cunoh also provider for (he nuthdutment nf ii riiRlodUiM, whom* duty Is didiiiHd and u tiosc iifTlcc Id Ini'Mjilcil lo secure absolute 4'onform- Ity to (he i^lundiiTd In every copy, even Mic sniallcHl and chi'iitu'sl which Ntmll he tiub- llRhi'd, Thu rcDoluIhuiH were odo]Ued, bill ItieOanmiWuN n d i 'n e d lo Hu* comnilttce )Mi canons. « .

Vlrluch o f (Id* Sardine.Fl iim t he <»lubc-I Jcmoci iil.

(M-ntIcincu who arc frcipicnt liigh Imnquei- ci'K, or who ofh'UHliiy lu t)iwii of nighis l)H>k up Into 111)- H]dral slems of churuixignc glh>>s);h, hlmuld m'v< r drink without saidUicH and aidl tM'csil bcNhJ)'their eibiiiVK. Th(">e two urll)'l)-A Hill KUVe inure Jags aiiil red noNc«itbiin all I he lucdlcIncN In the world. The bh'inl, if eaten fiody .uA oneu hs the l)i|iiiir iv tek)'U, w ill rttis)>rlj inoNl )if ilii< alco­hol, and Uie oil uf lb s tiHtii will (hml the rchi on tu]> III Ihe Klomiieh, I'lm i the dcilealc lin­ing of the fond sio'k w ill lieiijivi'd hum In­ju ry and Usi>wner Iroiii (II/e Iuchs, f(H)llNh' ni-*4M mid llnalLy uiic)mHclonsm'hD, ‘J'lii- hall In tile •Hr)t liicN In also jiu exct-lleiil ng)-nl lu cli-aning and |iuUlug (he Hlumacb jii Ju uUhy slia)H) afh 'r a uluc mupper.

• - — .T'a Ia I m*glei't In tittle Khort of Huh'ldc. The

cmiHOLUeiD'ch uF a ncglceti'd cuiigli arctuu )V4'll kJKOvn lu need h'peallng. In . ^ u<ld'K Norway IMne Hyru]>)'ui'4?K h OMlgh primiplly. Sold hv all dcalerh )Ui a guiirnnlcu id miUHruc- tUiii, -A d v . — • - - ■ -

A woman Mho Is h-cuK. ncrv'mis and sleeps less, and who liiu) cold hamlH uihI lo ’l.ciiii imt fel l and act Ukt* a well imtioiii. ('aricr'H Iron.J'Jlia (siiiulIrrH ilia clrculaliou, ivmuvu hvrvijUHiJCAS Mud give slrcnglb amt rcsE-Adv.


$ 1 . 6 0£iilJtlcsyou hi 1 vulunianr w ld^

marglu «d lt lo iio f

★ K K C Y C LO J *E I)IA lU ilT A lV X T C A ★

frcyftnil,v bound in a rich silk «rioth. Ill ol tliCMO cvujwus audU v ld «n t it la you Lo rt)v«4vs k vuF


This bcanlirnl set of iLooks can he soso a I S n . uitliu! .u U ill l-ll Uluttd all w u

C ATARRH fp,. Qyj,,

HUnRPKD lb U n L n inadp iiii.eralile hy n

nine o f Cntarrh, 'riio

(liscliorKi- iro'D C'*' "■»* iKrRf.dtmit »m i v «ry oft'onsiTe, H tr oycfi he-

innic In flanu^, the lidu nwolloii uml very

pulnful. A fte r t ry in i varioiie re&iedieu,

1 lidve her S, H. H, T h e llmt IioIHb

ueoiiifd to afjuravste the rtiHcaer, hut the

eym|)toDn. eoao ahutod, and in a uhort

time >he wwi eured.

l )r . L . B. lU T C U E V . M acltey, Ir.d .


T fo l i r r a mmiI (y< 'U s (* M ake H em arkaU I*

Tinic--|c«*HUlti o f Hast* H all Guinea,

( yprcim ^VliiM a K »)-c .

Kunrd, M iirlha >Vllke* ah<l A n o n are a l i> )in g t )u i, Ky. Hunol and A rlo ii w ill ir^ fur rcconls prohubly this we^k.

Vchtorday In the h^.'ond heal o f the 2.19 tr4it at lecxlnghtn, ^ttillu (I. dropped dead on iln- triU'k iiHcr crus»iiig iJie w iraclg lilh Id IIle' ruce.

Jiiv Eye Hfi% driven -liy his owner, Mayor < ttM , in no iilh'iui't to heat J.JO, Jiuida Ihu mile y)-Hii riIa.v In 'J.iW. Ihc fastest ever irotled or iiu)'i‘d on a Whu*)insln track.

))r3iic, the faimiUH Engilisb co ll w ho was ji«d«)'ru-i1 just prior to Iba iN-rhy, won (he f limnpiuri Hrakes ni (he New iuai krd nccimiiI iicluli'T piu'cllijg yesterday In very cany slybi frimi luujeto.

Dnijl GroM'li, of Grange, riding um ifr Hie rolnrHotlti)* ItlverKldu W hcftm i'u, captured Ih f seruml priren idlhred In I'aeh of ihouue and twii-rnik handicap rni'CN at the Nuttonal ('ross-('o iiiiiry '« inceMng a l M anhulNiii Ftatil ycDierdny.

.luhn H, I'rhice, Ihc jirofesHlonul bjcyclu rblrr, bD 'kc tiia ijuai'ter-mlle ri'cord ou o kllc-Nji>i|ied track At N'lltilia, .Mo,, yi'Nlerdiiy. J'rluec niade a tlylhg Htarl, and went Ihe dH - tanee unpae«<l in ft Kftib

HyprcDs, (b e black atallloii owned hy Mi sers, JIumnI iiI A Hade), o f this city, won tlic 2.1!i trot ul Ihc riillade lp lila Driving Dark ycHlcrday, Ih e stallion was the favorite, 921 Kgulrixt 910 f)ir (lie Held, f'ypresK JuMtlflcd Hie conddenee plaO'd In him by w Ii i i iUik the flrsi iical m Z24^|. Hilly A. got the M-cond heat and then tile third. Fa lti In I'yprcN* was un- NfiakcD. The hlui'k horse caiuc gam ely to the front In the fourth tu'iit — llh is and fairly spurned Ihn Held in the final heat, trot­ting fuNiiT than Atniiy lim e heforc during the day, T })« time was 2 .2D 4. Cypress w ill rare Hert Hbcldon tm the W ave rly track for a toUU |i)irse Friday, October 21.

TheresiitlHOf the baNc hall games In tht) National l.eague yesterday follow :

A l New Vork -NttW York 1*. liallLmore 4,Al Hnaik lyn—Ikmton 4, Bnaiklyn Al Brooklyn Brnnklyri |i, Huston 2.At D h ilade lph la -D h lla ile lph la? . W ash lng-

tlM) 1.A l C ln r ln u a lt -C h ic ago .1, C in rlnnall i.At "1. U a ila -H l. laiuls 7, tsuilsvllle 6.A l I’ltlsimrg Cleveland (, Ibltsljurg 4.The JelhTMoa A. V. w ill p lay Hip VeNpersof

HarrlNin h^atunlay Hflermsm on tbe gruunds, N)-w Vtifk avciu ioand Aduiiis Ktrect.I'll] McCarthy urul I ’om m y Dnriforth have

been matched lo light berorc Iho Manhattan A. C.

Dfder .Jackson Iirh been presented w llh an elegani gold w alrb for W'hlppUig four loaferM who were Insulllng a pretly Fngllsh Imr- inaitE

] )ave Holland, Dotftr Maher's hai'ker, AuyN h f Is Jioi Ktirprlsed ihat Jiai G w ldard objects lo rightIrig for a 9.1,000 purse, Hollam l would like to MO Hie Islanders ofler a few thouaund dollars extra, he says, *

Johnny Van H4>i'sE C lnrlnm ill, ami Hoi Kmlih, u f l.)Mi Angeles, were malch)'d Uht night for a fight before the CallfornlA A (h letlc Club In November, fo r a pur».fl ol 92,000.

Bob FitSDiinmoni baR agrue^l wHb Iht' Olympic C lub to fight Jim ttall In February for H jmrse offll.lXIE). FMrsIm m ons has made great eouccssiojis In agreeiog to light hL ) ‘atch-welghts, us he can esu^lly flfht ut l-K |MiUhdNaad hold IhO 'm iddle-weight ehiiin- jdunshlp. most people th ink, for a decade, JlkiJ can NCafL-ely refuHO Uj dght now.

Kelly, ol Ihe Institutes, Is enl)*red in Ihc lightweight class In the novice boxing bouts, under tbii aiisph'os of the Bee H ive A . C., which lake place In W ood'n Hall, Jt-fHcy Clly, hi-morrow' n liht.

n iam plori Fealher-wcight Wre^ller Benny JoncH and Frank Hulziiancr, who f1tilshe<l second In tbe wrestling cim niplonship last wild ) r, will shorily appear on the stage In a sket)‘h In which they are Intruduced as Ihi- lUunan gladiulorM. The little fellows are rt- m-arslng theJr i»arts very thoroughly ujtd an- confident o f k u o -i 'sh.

Jiibn Higgolt, of Keckaw ay, N. J., dofi'ated Frank Clnss, the I'lne Brook ex]A*rt, at iN'x- tar Dark, l/oug Island, yenlcrdaj', liiHiesei*- rind malcli o f the serlctL, for 92'i0 a side and HiectiainplouNlilp o f the Htale, At ihevnd of the ditlelh rtHiml n a s s led by the Kcore of ■IHI0 I4. A fter IhU lioHi shot evenly until tho NAVcTity-lirHi round, when both tied with liu. class iiii*s«d rive In his next round ami UJggutt only iwo, Iho latter w inn ing by Hie score of Kii to aH. Thu m 'oitn hy rournU of 2*»;Frank Class ............................21 2’i l« aFlHiJohn H iggo lt........................... '24 20 22 '£i- Ml

Bolh men ar« nuMiibcrM of ibv Nevtai k Gun Club.

The tenth m onthly emilcsi for Ihc prlxes of the New Jers)'}' Trapshoulers' U 'ligue \tl9l liiku plurt* on Ibc grounds of the Maplewixid Gim Club on Ttiiir-iday, )'rtut»er 27, ai 2 o'i‘ha*k. In )')rnm;i‘tlon with llu! league oiiti- ti'M Hie Miip'cw<Kid Chib will hold an all-day tournuineni, I'omnicnclng at 9;.')0 A. M.

The Grange A lh letlc I'hHi's regular foot ball team plnyeil a pnicllcv gam e Ihls inorn- iDg w iib u scrub learn on the Grange 1 >val.

'J'he iih'inlirry o f (h a ^;Asl Grange Cyders’ I ’lub w ill meet at the dubhousc'jrio'cloi-k thh ufternoon, and wilt go H.> N )‘w Vork lo lull) In ttic Culumhian parade.

M. Ihdan .u f Bl«nmifl)*l)l, dcf<-aled N , Heln- enmn, ni Boscvipe, In Ibc rare fur sccoiul honors In the Stale jkioI chiknipioiiNhlp at Murray's Hall hist night by the se-oreof 100 to 77. Hehieiiian gets th ird prize atrd Dpl'k lns fourth money.

Gn Friday night N. Hclncm an and J. Itogi-rs, dianipluti nf Now Turk Miale, will l>lay li maleh gaiue o f pool, 1*10 jxiliil < up, for ilHXl a side, ut .Murray's Aeeaile, curju'r of Market am! Eiwreui'c nU'ci is,

A mutt'll gunio o f jHMit, DjO points up, for a purseu f J£i0, will b)> playi'd m-xt Momlav night hetMocli N. II. Helm-man. o f Hos4h vlll)«, and W. It. Sm llh , wJio clainih to br chanipbrn ntitn- 1 run lu mod IUM rlcl. al C. F. ErKlnger’H, W alnut and M cW horter hlmds.

N'luniatl, the game hay coll ow no l hy M. F. Dwyor, gaveuw ay w eight lon tb i'rgood thrr)*- year-olds In the W llllainshridgp llaud leap al Mu it I'* i'ark ycKTcrday amt wuri by a good length and A hall w llh nil whips llyhig. Tiu> dihlancc, oim milu and tlvo-sIxtccnlljK, was envereu In 2,l-\ Ihe fasICRi tinio oti ro'^inl. UvfMi,tlU0 people were present and enjoyed till' giMid «'(ijilfSlM utul Hegjitit weuHicr.

'I'liu Haered HCiirl l^yceuni K<hiL Bnll Cluhor last N) as<m iiss ref*rguulz)-d under the mmiu o f the Fincruld Fool Ball Club. Gii Saturday, Gc()>b)w l.'i, Ihi'y ujh'U ihe NcaNon wllh iltc 1‘ah'rHOii'i'liisi h-*i, of ttic Amcrh'ati .^^».uelaHotl, on thu Hosevllle Hate Bull grimnils, eornef Klfi Is avenue iiiid M orrU and Ensex IhtllruHil. Giimc rulhal al l!: Id f'. . l.

Thu Fiiuirahle Buwltng c lu b )iririin|/e)l laat wHik w llh Ihe follow ing letn)Hjrat y uiTlet-rN ; Chairman, l-idward 1 lageiiistm ; M'creliirv, AugusM i. Kaurm unn; Ireiuiirt r. II. I'fein'er. On Friday nlghl !>eriiianent utheers w ill he- t'lcrh'd and a plan «d ueLlun fur Dm seanun ill llnhelv iigt'(-*eil upon at a iiifHdJng in I'h-ilh-r's Hull.

The rr«.iiltR nfft sumiimrircit tif luw: l lj Nt Hace- W i’ltcr-welghf bMidii a|) sweci

Slakes. fl.uKi addl'd, six furlu ius; Adc||» rl Won. Hleve F.1 ICN aceund, DalK.vnau Ih ln l : lluie, IT I ‘, Betting l-'h o to4 on .\delhcr1, sieveT'Ntex7 to I. DaNyrfan 7 h) I.

Herond llaee - For Ihree-j car (dds ami up ­ward. hwi-epMlnkcs. with SI,(MO added, one mile ; Ncit* won. Mary Slum' wi'und. S|k-«'U- Intioii thlril ; Hme. t.-Ki', B illing Agaiu.MNi-ru tu •>, spceulu il'in II to 1, .Xhiry Mtuiie .1 lu I.

Third Hu)'c Handl enp swr-ejistHke') for I wu* K'liriihD, with 9M>0U iiddol, »ix furlongs; Uliiglef Hull, sp)irl NAfond, Biilauee H ilrd ; Him-, 1.IT ,. Benliig .\ga1usL Kinglet 2 hi 1, Bulat!. I I In l, SjM.rt lo ].

J'uiiitli Ihu-e WBMaiuHhrhlgi* llaiidtcup. Iui |lii)-i-->ear olds, a iwra-p^ilalo's, clot-ed uu .\iigiiKt l.'i. isti.', wUfi twi-]iiy-si X nuininat))UiN, uric mile a irl ID <-&l xieeni hs ; NiUiiHd won,I Idcllu secuml, Dlrkpoeket Ihlrd ; lime, 2.11, ilHGlig .Nurimd j lo 2, i'Jekpi ( lie! U to \ Ki.lell.i). In h

I m i l ];«(•(' For 1 lin'i'-yeai-ohU, a ^wcofv stMk)-S)d 92i'eueh, w ith ShOUtMoldcil, (-K Uir- lungHi \einenwuti, (itand DrI.v mh'o u<1, Eal- lull Ihlrd ; tinii'. h ll'^ . B iting 1'en lo 7 o h

I t'uien, < Iriiml ITlx I to I, La Bah 10 E)> ].I Hixlh ItHce A hwo-pstikkes, with SI,(Ml j uddCil, one lu ll)*; ipdglitcr had a ualk-

)'Ver.v't In* nu-exjlo'Uh-)! on Ilic Glouceslcr thick yi'siiTdiiv are sunimarlX)’<t I'l-low :

J'lml Buee Five fnrhiiigN; Huland wun, lUislou romin.v second, tTKcrlun third ; time. l.Odv

Si-euntI B hcp -I- ivc furlcuigN; Clliikunihcll wuii, Wiliion Tii> lot'NL'i’ond, Nyudnihia Hilrd ;t line, I iti*,,

rim d Ihice Fumi- and a ha lf furlongs; S l­id e < M uu, Eucri second, l.llllu B. Hilrd ; Hrne, 0..' c ,

Icui'ili Biiec due m ile ; Snmlidunc won, Aihlle B. Ni>('<uid, Bliono Hjird ; Hint', 1.4.’i ' ,,

Vlfth Buct—■Sl^ and u nuiirlrr fiirlurigs; l.ou Brigi I wuii, A. G. IE i>ci'oud, CliarlrcuM' Hilrd; lluie,

sixth Hact'-Gne and ft stxleontU fnllog; D.irling Willi, Klktuii second, King Iille th ird ; lime.

That great race Imrsc, Dr. Ilaslirouck, has bDfkcn !lown. but llierc tsn p<'»)'*lbilBy o f b li being puieticd up thiN w inter sniuu llitic for a fe « iRi'CM liidmul. Ttje ouiltHik Is wot pronilK- hvg. liowcvcr. A Jiui-HC o f miirvellouN H]iced» he WOK eatilly Hie luhtcHt •‘prln icr In Iraliilug.

i:iiK)-nc l.)‘iKh kllli d llio thrfc-yc«r-uld coll Gumbid-, by BruuiMc, out of Daisy Huey, at GiiHeubm g yesterday morning. The coU picked up a nail a short Hiuo uco and lock- JuM’ resulicd.

If .vour I'unii'lalnl is want nf appetite, try lialf wlneKiaHH Dr. hlcgcrl'i) AngoKtura BlUora bciorc niealH.

IteaHon? Bcechain's I 'i lli art like m afic .***

My pli>>lclan said I could not Hte, m y liver oul ofor)h*r, fro iuen ily voiniled groan* Ish inuru>, Nkln yellow, small dry huuiort on face, stomach wouhl not retain food. Bur- doc'k Blood Billers cured luc. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, SU EftcbaDge el., N . Y.-'-AtL


Thn real rataie transfora r)*corded In H i« 1 l(egiiU.‘r'N ofncH TuoMday and rep<jrted by thfFidelUy Title and Depoell O oupony were: [

NKWAHU. IMalHiaw F. Mstfcrl el ux to llaittc A d a i

Wright, w s I'Unou ftv Jk t IV Blorjin* 1field ftV, lirjxie. ...................................... ffiOO

Gi*o. N. Kegi-r el ux lo <;haN. Dubf-rkuw, '1) fl cor FHiriiiounl « v and Jbth uv, 2Tx !IIW.............................................................. 1

B lrli'd WaVhK Darker. truHUs^, ft nl to Ho 111. MnrrlK, t n Brnttd at 11.1 n fr Cr^msNt, i'M ia j .......................... IT.fjOD

Iticli'd W ajm * I'jirkcr ei u i to Bcu.l.Morris, la-iir Broad and Grant sts, 4sx1211 ........................................... H.-W

Janii-M Hm> re el u t to BetiJ. Morris, nK I rrant st llTi n fr Brouil Ht. :i3Kt!2........ 2,7>‘i0

Kiirii’t G. H)>inmtjuan to loiiireitu li, Bcburctnaii, all Ini In rctilaiida) esi .\ll>»*n B, H)‘hurcinan........ , . 1

Will. T. MiNirccf nx lo F.iidly TJiowi«*hM,(• s Bh si ]{KJ I fr ail. u v ,26x100.............. 000

TOWNSlGl'k.Joshua Jb iidriok'* rl al to Ihe F!Ast -Jer-

R4-y Water I uujpaii.v, thu right to 0 ]>cr- alcMud iioilutahi the Hir vaLvcftimd brick vault and nuHet |d]>e* Ib fr ftocounecleJ............... l.flOO '

Frank C. SVunl )-l al t)j .\rihur W .W lilh ', MiJliU’liilr. M « G ranada p!, J7Hfr • imnge rd, MixllH ............................ .. flOl

■Arthur D 'v lne.i'tux H>Charh>s Bender. jSouth Gruijg)',*)' euT Flfu*<‘nth unu 'Myrtle avs, 2t2i244................................. .‘WO;

Kin)*llne Br«;wn lo Edgar M. Taylor,South Grange. H p))r Joseph Bradbdr>%n e s Irvlnghip av. lhlxK7;i,....,............... 1

Hldney E. t’row dl el al tr> Edgar M. I'ay* lor, South Grange, tiiidlv --.fHCAr Ed ­gar .M. lavlor In 1 1 « 1 Irvington av,o jn ig 47-Wift. ............................ ............... 1

Florcrice H. 1 rowi-U In Edgar M. Tuylor,Soulii Graugs, iindlv '-g o f bouieaifad prop Calvin Cruwdll, contg :tha ; a Imo,iracl f'lMilg l-P-'«i udjg IahI tract...... 1

Annie Ji. Klli'hcB el a llrj Jiewla li, Buhl- will, lilvIngNton, tract 4!oulg 5 -'M-liiOw na ttik..........................................................

TIh* W)'’sl Kii)l Ed linprnl C-o. to Catli- i-rliie GllV4-f, H. Orange, e tt Arlingtonn v 2.>2 MlrH. orange h v , T'nUW ..........

John F. Wallace 10 H aro ld Callow, BeileviBe, N a W allace si 760e fr Harrl-fctm Kt, ....................................... .

Isaac N, liobblDs « l ux lo sicphanW alker, Vefoim, w a Montrose nv ......

Sberdieu W alker et ux to David H. Hlay- hack. Venma, same prem s last desc i.

Detpr II. Vun Hl|M r <*t ux to flobt. B.Harris, Montclair, w a Spring st n 0 cor B. N. and Slcphen J. ikald, 72tr>4..

Waisuji WhliHospy (o Trowbridge A x - worthy. e « WIiltlleRcy av, :k)2 n e frJohn si, .17x1110................... .....................

Emellne Mngiu lo Hjurab K, Ncvuis,East Gniiige. s s Kussex nve, 7.j c frM|Puh)-n at, s:ixl:iS ................................

Krni'it ErwlH M arim iiDiiot tlx to Mary C. Barren, Bluomndd, e s Kim Kl, s w (uir .lames 1*. Junes, ,'y>xl45..

XVould t'sH the Box O u l,From Hm Dumk-e News.

A few yvarit n:;n giis was first Intnuliiced lnt4»ilu* hou-<c 4if an old man iu a stnntl lain* eashipe vIBagr. For several days a ll went right, und H im old niau was delighted with Hu 'ciia iigc; hut onc.uveniog the g a i refused to burn Jn Its u m iu I sleady luiknnor. In vain he irh 'd vHrl4)us n'ltu'dlcs suggested by his m>ighta>rs, and 111 hiKi, angry and tired, he went to tlic gHN 4»fBct‘ and staled hit grievance tn Ihe inanAKcr,

“ W e ll," Rttid ibfl lUfthaRcr, * 'l wIB send a nmn u|> who w ill soon put B right lor you ."

" Ti’au can do UK yiui l lk t ," D-plIeil the old m a n ; 'G )u l alter your box Bbo m eirtj Is em pty W4''ll hn’ Jio uiore,"

I 'h c Crc4>d Ilf tlie M ongol.From the N ew York Times.

The Moiigui's ri'Jlglon umkes oul lor him rertahi sc^'iuiiivly Btdllferciit actions ns gtHwl or bad. imTdorliMiM )>r sinful. Tiiere Is Ncsrc4‘ly OIK* slugio step in lU f, however In- sigutflCHiit, he i-nn lake wl(h4iu( first run* »>uJttiie his Peltglrm through hiK prh'sl. Nut only do4'*( hia rt-llghm insist on luoliBiig his Riiutand rolurltig tils whole spiritual exist- eiu'c, but II ileUrm lnes Um cut and (-(jbjr of hlH coal, fl would Ih dtlhcult to find nnuHicr luNlam'c Ml v>hi4'b any Ddlglon luitKr»si>vd a country -o univiTsally and cohijilctely as Buddhism Jia^ MungoUa,


¥)I.NN>^\ I.V A N IA H.tll.KOAH TriK*'TANr» J nr4i Hsllwsy )»f Amerk'o. I’rUrruHl throiivhmit l » tlu- uUi-rlocklog Hw)u*b and hluck signal «yMenL

GiiKKie Dovlne to W a lle r IE k4jl|iit,H. Grang)', p s Kimset av -I2r> fr N, Gr­ange av, 'ilxJrtO,...... ................................

Jhiiu 's N. Ii4igiii>, Jr., i>t ux InIM illlp Ibigaii, Bi'llevllle. e s s Main hI nx John FnslvviMjd, lOdxloO ........................











KF.MAftKABER VOLDANOFS.*The Firp -belch liig M ountAliix o f Many

Kegloiis,From HI. Nicholas Magazine.

Thcru are volcanoei all over the world. They occur all ftioiig the Padfle coaat, on the weatern aide iifl well aa the raetern, all the way from Behring Htruil to New Zealand. There are volcanoes In Africa, in the Mediterranean, the West Indies, and even amid the eternal ice and nnowa that aumnind the southern pole, Iceland la eapocifttiy noted forlta rolcanoca, which hare bund furth from time to time in the moBt fearful eruptions. On one occaalon the volcano of Bkaptar Jolfull poured out a stream of tava which, flowing into the bed o f the river, dried it up. The flowing lava followed the bed o f the river until it eaine to a lake, which it filled up, and Roon after it reached a tremendous abyiw over which a magnificent waterfall had formerly plunged. Here, loo the lava took the place o f water, and formed a cstaruct of Are which must have been a grand and awful Might,

Of course all volcanoes are not of the same age. Many have been formed within the last few centuriea, and we luive de- scrijitions of several from eye-witucMes who watehed their formation.

About the middle of the Inat century there lived on the elevated plain o f Mai- pais, in Mexico, a planter by the nnme of J oru I lo (pronounced Ho-roal-yo). All had gone along quietly enough in that neigh­borhood up to June, 17W, when, under the i>lain, were heard terrible subter- rancan noisofl. Then earthquakes lowed, and continued for two months, and presently the ground burst o]ien, a terrific eruption took place, and a vol­cano wtu) formed upon Hennr Jorullo's plantation. When Humboldt visited the spot about forty years afterward, he found, in addition to the principal vol­cano, iiu limneijse number o f little oven­like vents scattered over the plain, and fltilt hot and smoking.

Just to the north o f Kaplr.s, in Ital.y, is the beautjfui Bay o f Baiir, on which anciently stood u little town calledTriprr- gota. In the years 1537 and 1&3H a great many earthquakes were felt in the vicin­ity, but on the afternoon o f Hunday, the 2^h of September, lf)3K, lire burst out of the ground, ashes, mud and stnn^ were hurled out, and, in a single night, a vol­canic mountain 440 feet high wiis thrown up very near the town. Ita flres speedily died out; the ItaUuns called it Monte Nuovo, or the New Mountain.


The Plr«l niHplikv Mii4le in th« 8Ia1iI Ohl (Jtiakrr City,

Front Ihe DhllaihM|i1ilft Uecnrd." It was lale in the winter of IR90-1 that

miMpenders were Hrst^displayed as a jmrt of a fetuinine costuim' in l^hiladelphia,” said a metiilwr o f the local Four Hundred at ( ’ape May a few days ago, "and I had quite forgotten the incident until this morning, tvhen I read Homcthlng In a newspaper letter from Bar Harbor alunit the girl who first diaplayed the novelty.

" And where do you suppose she took nccnsiim lo make Ihe display? Why, of all the jilsccs the Asscmhly—anfl you may well believe me that they created nol only ft mild senaation hut a good deal of adverse comment. The siispen4icrM wer«i o f rich yellow satin and sujijiorlcd ft V shaped belt, alao of satin, and the rest of the coHlmne was o f ivlack lulle and gold brnid. The g irl w h s liimd- H4)nie, with a splendid figure, and wan not A IHiiladelphian, allhougli she often visllM here, wJiere she lias relativcH high Irr Hoeiety. One thing alone prevented we women from considering the coslumo a freak, and that was thul the girt Imd been stopping for two months with one of the VanderhlUs in New York, and it was therelore likely that the Idea had just e4>me from Dnris. N)> one copied the ideathal season, however, have 1 keen Itapplied lo a ball dress alnee."

T/IF A'A'lDNAox .Vu* xritjt'>/t mure ffiaiintr he/nre jtrutrft ffurf/ tn Or f/u s/rait U <4)1/ m* ttfil <14 Jfral A>/)r/ tueriiiiM.

A M . T i i i t o i ( ill .u ;r s f ,v .No liHTL'Asc In tlir Iwx rub) remiBed fimui

Ihe s]S'4’lnl nii'etlriK of I he Board o f Assesi^orH Hi Mount Holly yesierdav.^ A lfre d Van Brunt, w ho ex4'aped Inun Hie I'frelm ld jail, hus been laptuioU a l Toriiii lllver.

The mothi'T o f W esley W arner is raising inont V by siibserlptbiuh I4i pc iihod In ilefeml- iuK Uliii in Ills trial for ihe in u n k r of |,lxx|e J'eak,

W illiam F. Kent, (he Dresl4lent n flh eJer- 1‘f.v n iy Fire Board, l» (D'h-tiUunt lu a HlatuhT suB which If heJng- tried in Ju iIkc IS'ei-U's emirl. Frederiek Geruianii. (ho pliilulllE nlU');0H Hial lu a mBA'M) row Keru ealh-d him ft Mdef and a |)!ckpiH'ket.

W lUluin Kleale, 11 djdrvruun and s(o4'k rulKcr, living oft Ihe 4ml»>k ii(jj of DlaiiHleld. while ri<lltiu ouaW 'iiim n hcovity laden with grain tPHterUay afteiiusin fell a»Uu‘i>. He waK J)dted friim hi*) seat and fell S4> that the nhet'lH nf Ihe wngoii psRKed dlreeily nvi.-r his hciul. eruhhimi It and klB ln^ hitn Inslaiilly. He w ftii for(y-uiuo yoiirs old,

Iri New Ih'UUHM'lek’s City ( '(lunctl Imil ftliihl the New Bruuswlok n iy BmiwHy Coinpuny Rjij)lk'(l f«jr permission to iisf* electrjelly as a motive power. The opplli-allun was buckoil hy Iho Boat)! of Triule aii l many hiisInf SK men. The |>elltlan was refiihcd uti the ifrouiid Ihftt the eotuj>flny wanted to use the (roBey syNtem uiid that there are i<s) many im>U>h and wires In the elly now. This lehisal cuts 4»n’ Ike projected electric roHd to Bound linmk.


INrilAN i'K H VuiFNK W .IK itsK V -T<»J(iaK.PM headdliifi. Hv viriii)- uf an onipr i.T iho ruiirt

of Cksiufrj’ nf Nrw Jernoy, tiiR lo <,ti (Uh day ol (late heriMtr, tn h I'iutse wherein 1 sibHrliir ){p(utdlii|; |« pfiliU>ner uml yon an* dofetmiirii, yon utv ri*- qulnnl to appear Hnilsii*>w»r ike iN*iUiiun>r'pi ]H>il(Sm on or b*‘for<* (Uo twr-Tity-llnb day of NftvtHiitKT'ueti. nr lliHl In itvraull Ibereof iineb n|j| ms'leastiftisi vuu os Ike Dhaui'eilor shall iliink e4iiU4(hii'Hftl) JiIhI.

'i'll* Aild p4*iltloTi Is ni4Sl H|r*lnsl you fir n )Uvun'o rroni Die bond of iiiiurlmuuy, hiuI ymt nro MiHite ilo- fismlHui lieimuM yon are llte huxband uf liilif poil- llouer.

Jssted HenU)iuh«r 21, lKiT2.JOHN K. EANNIND, BullcUor fur IVtiilonor.

t v Aftbury FwJx, V. J,

H A T F E V E R A N D C O LD J N H E A D .

The Feelings of SuRocatlon Aitendent Upon

Tlu ’ dinU'ult.v ol' hroatliliiB through tho t io « ‘ Id Huy Kovor, Cold In Hoiiil nml othor Nuwtl Catarrh trou- bloH arc inoHt ilolightfiilly uiid ul- mont iliHhililaiiooUKly rollovni ut 10 Aondomy St,, uputairM, Kowurk,


Oftioo hotirrt from fl A. M. (o7 1*. M. wock ditV!*; from :2 to 4 1'. JI. K i i i k Iu v u .

.M A L A R IA , C A T A R R H nud A S T lI . l l .V uipio invariiilily luiri qu ickly cured ut iihovo ofllcc.

GRATITUDE UNBOUNDEDAn E m inent P h ysician

l lt rh li llei«'ar«lntl by lli«

ToDchlDg Tribute of a Sated SnUerer.G uc (if the imiHi Kueressful inedlcft) movc-

ineiilR ever JnHUguraled lu N ew ark bus n'- renlly been inuileb) tho Homieupatbic Home Heiuedy C'uuipHuy ill lu>» Hulsey sin-et.

A n y p4*rKoij U wrleonied here and re4'elvea exftmliiullm i and advlct* without charge.

The fplluwli g sjMHilaiieuuR testlnvuilftl con- eiTuliig the iiieiliods i»inl Kklll o f Its Medical Dfreelor, Dr. Hlarkwi'al hei^ 'iVlB serve to glvu Kiune Bleft uf the solid Worth nf the tTcnliU4‘nt Hdoi>t«d:

" I can un( say enough In praise o f Gr. Bturk weather lisa Kklllul plii slelan. When 1 first ennsuUol him I hud ehruule rhi-umu- tisai AJal euuld Kcnro-ly stcj>. 1 niso wan ter­rib ly weak, n iy sh'ep wus hroken, J sulfm -d frotu bnv N|jJriiN anti u variety td nther !rnu- h)i‘i pf4-uliar to luy ago anil sex. O ilier ineos- un*tr liHU iilteny fulled to hclpm e. Intui- H vety .it Hi»|>eAred, lUo f>oeii>rgave ft coiii- iilete liK lury o f iiiy enhdltlon for yenrs tiark, H surprised and giivo ijr- hope, i liegau tak­ing i.U remedies and In a few wG-kx eoubl M alk as well as ever. This Wfts nejirl}' a year ngo. hut I uiu rejotelng j et und bless Hu' day J <'"usullod Gr. Hlark vvcHther, for he has i-e- siored ino Inuii ati a lm oii lolAlly htdpiexs slate lo hcftlth and s1r4*tigih.

" MIPS. G. W E B B E It.K r«i»k lln si., Fiilludelphlu, Pu."

nispUKesof the Nervous SyftteiH, Itheuma- (Um , 4'atarrh and all J''<'imk]e Trmibh's re- eelve the most skilful iD'ftliueuI known pi imulern scleuei’. If v(mi emi jjot eoiiui .stuid for mir Guide to UcuiUh, fur Which there Is no clinrge.

HomcBopathic Hoie Remedies,RO. 105 HiLSET ST., Hevark.

ODEN D A Y A N I ) K V K N lN fi.


H as Bulfted a vJetory ovi r disease and added aiKilhcr to the lung list of curud. The orJal- nal o f the folhiwliig textimoiiliil, frimi ft well- known NoWftrk lawyer, cau be foen ut niyolll(’4?:

"N a tu re 's N it v Ido 4‘eriftlniy aaved m y Ilf)- when all iuipe Inr my le overy liud gou4i and my health was wreekcl. My nerves wm* shAiler.'d i I Imd no Hpjieilfe for f«H>d ; when, i wulki'd J W4)uld slugger irufft illrzlaess and cxhauHtiori; m y hloc'p ut night wun disturbed hy Jiorrible drea us; I fe ltH s I f my Ufa wh> slowly pnsMirig iiway; doctors wr-ro puzzledand feAr)'d 1 was heeiuning Inaano ; no piiy- hli-luii could iielp me. A irlend j>r<'senten me with a iKillle of N a in rF s Nervine, TJu-i-ltei’IsWere nmgloftl, eVf'U from the heginnltig, and tioWf niter using the loinedy for a short (Irne,1 eftii truthfiHly i^ay that B «avt*d tny life and llmt I nm a new m an."

If >ou are a aurterer from


l lv v l l lU o a s m ic‘h far yon. (''■c It niii! In' coiu'incc'S. N. N, i.Hciu'i" In every soiiwn <.f tlii w 'iril. l ’r l(v SI.IU f.)i' .nlc only by H. Kirk. IHti Dl'iitiKe rh-cot, Xpwnrk. N.

T he loss of flesh is a trifle. Y ou think you n e e d n o t mind it.

But, if you go on losing for some time or lose a good deal in a short time, you are running down, I s th a t a trifle ?

G et back to your healthy weight and generally you get back to health.

A book on carefui. liv­ing will tell you what it is to get there, and when Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil is useful. Free.

SeoTTflt BowKg.ChertuAtx, niSeuih fihAvwue, ^rw York.

Vour dniggui kaefft Scoit't EmuJiion gdced4ivi*r m-ftil Oniniiii OTtfjiwto do*

a x a u o r y*;; ,,, ^^ Cw«iwni»fi.t A tdniggjHts. PrlcflSr-rtp

□.•’ B U L L ’ S

THE P E O P LE ’S REME:.,,, p h i c e 2 6 C

SALVATION OIL(Prltn anlji 25 cents, Sain bii all

Rah'eres tfuickty Rfieumatism, flau- rafjia, Swelling s, Bniisas, Lumbago. Sprains, Headaoha, Toothacha, Cuts,

‘ f " KUipH tirtlv on nritJiv rjn and afl(*rl.ilffr II. D U indai uiB teavo iurk4-t rtm-ei uutlnn, Newark, am foilnwa;

fM.27A. M. Faxt I,In*, will) PiillrnHii Vi-itlbittP Parlor and hli-i'plug Garx, (lady for J'ltlfthiirg, U klumbMK, rii-v«-lftM(l ftiirl Ht. l..vutii, dgUy 4-xtvpl ••ifttixr- (iav fbr) 'liirago HJi't 'I'olfMlo.

i 10.27 A. M. 'I’he IVmtxylviiftin Uml md, <-oiui>iw*l excliiHivcIy of I'ulliuan VcNtIhtilB Dnitvlug and siaU-riMUU. ftO-eplng, iHiilnjr, J-HunhlTigatirt ihumtvx- lUiiG an, prf^'uDng nnancial rfivirtVHtfnnfraplipre ujiil lytM-ivrllfra. liaDi rtamix for tioUi iw-jim Ja4lu^' riaI'I, liartH'r-htoip. lltirary, ami All (ftfroitviuiltm-ui of home und IJglitNxl tiy Ktathititry und mov-ahJi' 4lHi-lHi' llglilft ArrivoR i'lHfthnrg \\ usaiiiefliiv, Aiid flrn’lnnatl li.-Wi A. M., liKllNnantiili

M,. and ( ■hl<TifoW,4 A. .>1. iiPxtdAy *I’. M.. HI. D hUh and riur'Innail, with Pull.

niHii \ 4"4llliii]i» H|iH*iUi)jf Gnr.-i and DlinJug Canito rliii'liiriuti and H(. |,ouI% Voatlbuln Noi,jk1ng Car aim! V -HUhnh* I’Aftfwiigvr r^ua-ii lo Ht. ixjiil.i, nml lilnluk I'ur Newark to Allooiia, and HlcUitiuud w Si. li*»iiK

r 1^ 1 }’■ M.. ihf' rolitmhiftft Fxprew, t»y|irnanV»Y,ilbulH Hkwiliig. nirdug, ftnmking. amt Pminxvl--vAiiia HAllHiini \ cxUhuic l'a.v44*iin>r fromN> w York to I'kU^iiU. Arrives iu I ’h'M n<*\i da.v. S.0U P. P. M,. Wr'-lcru KTpr*iR^ with Ihillnyui Vfft. tlluile sjifpliii! ( art mill liiiitiig ('nr fti Ptilbhialohla 4luil.v', |V>r pllGhurg. rtilcugu and riuvelaiid uallr f x^riit Kulurilay for 'J'oIi.hIo, \S'lJllaiiisjwirt,' lU>ol>- i»st**r, iJiifflilw A‘n! Nkigiim ^alla.

I'. W.. rat-IHc with IMillman VnxtlUiIp >le 'pln (■ftrs, dully for Idltnlnirg, f'likiagn aud T-il**ilii, lUUv PNc4*(tl .■<Hinrday far f'lavelHtiJ.

fh.MP- >!., Sotilliwj'sU'rn KxprH**. with Pnllirun VriiDhulR Hhwpliig Car. dally to t ’olumhiML (dneln- imli. 1iidi:tiiu]H>1|n.Ht. Lon|.i aial .Mauipliia PliiLuf ( ar .G1n''<llU (■■ lUrhirioiid.

Fiir Haiti morr*, Wu-ililOffton aiul tha HniUIi, lit? ri4A.i(,2 a.'»7 A. M. ■ iJmlt)*)! ]-:x|irci*a. Pnllii'iAn iltiiilp parUu Car^ Vratthulo Po-'iftPitKY r GikaGionand DUiina C ar, in.46 A. M. ; 1l.2:i A. M., 2.16. .Via uml k.*ii IV .M- Gu Hiuiday. 12.47, d.-Oi. h.-M a . .q.. ft'27 Hiid D.lii 1'. M. Fur iUUlhiiure OUly, J.'2t P fi. «f*#k dayx.

l or l-ljIluflMphla, K i iv 1147. Ml, M?.B.TT.ft.JiH lii.:m Umitf'd i;s|ir«-»w. ibilhiian Vm iIIjuI# I’urhir I arw, VKhlftnitc l'iu-4f'iigi*r r«»A<-li**a and Pin­ing rnri. ii.2h a . M., viki. i 2f». 2 ja. ii.24,,(■27. K.12 ami ftXt> P. M. Ai.Y'OiunuH)atiuU, G,4.<i A. M ,-Vus Aiul 7.3X P. M. irn Niindny. Finroan, 1147, a G. h.57.U-'27, 10.31 A. M.; 4.',:4. 1Y27, N.82 undp. M. AiNYiiHiuiidAikm, 6.M>nnd 7.W I'. M.

For T f1*niaii. 12.47, « . « , 7.«). 7.Vk K2V R.‘»7. 0,27. 0.-W rid :hi Limits I Rxprt“<a, Iftillnmii Vr ifthiiiia l arhir ('uri. Vi*nUbul(* l ‘oiV4engt*r GomdiA*) b(kI Ulniug L^ri, 11.M and 11.4-4 A. M.I T%l. Z.S6. 2.W, 3.24, .Vd\ 5/y;,«.27. 7.SK,H.S2 aud6.X0 P. M. sumlay, 12.47. «.«. h.‘i7.1».'27amJ 10.31 H.; 4.24. R.27, AlO. T.l^ b.U andB.Vi V. .M.

K4ir Alldiitld ntv, 1.29 P. Mh wc^k davii, with Thmiifh Pullmnn Ihirlnr Gun aniU'nmblnaiM.'oacb,

For i ar* May, 1'2S I*. ,M. week dayn.For 1.0IIR Hmiirh, FltHTon, Ashiiry I’ark, Ofoan

Grofe. HprlnK *l«.ki‘. Heti (ilrl, Maiia«iiian. l*olnt r i4A.-4i4nlAml iKiLiitH »n iha N>w York and la>oc Brunrh BHUruad. B.3fi .A M,» I.IA ilrfMig Branch H[h*(-Iii1.4.03>, a m P. M. daily exn'pt Sunday . I2LH h L't 1. d cepl .Mutt lii\. On HuiaUy, 10.10 A. .M.and A..M P, M. I>u not atop at Ofi»an Urov* or As-

Au JK.Kftrl( 4>ft Kmulfty.FiirH4>uNtde Park, Inland Heightn ancl Tdina

niVff. U.M A. M.. I. H P. M. WRek days Fnr KoMon. niliiouv cUatige. 13.48 P. M<

dpva. H.V) l‘. M. daily.Fur Jlrmiklyn. N-. V. - All ihrouRh train* conunc*

B tj4T vy DIty with iHjftlA of ** Brooklyn Aiiii4t|," AfTnhhng illrecMmiiNihr lu aud fmm Fiiltun avulillng dutiUle ferriage niid hiurnev MToatlliu city

FGK NKW YGItk.Lravf Markei Htrwl Htatlnn. 3.13. A47,6.iXT,Ali

«.X0, : no, 7.13 7.211,7.45, K.ftO,>4.l0, A.Vl, X.3-1. «.4t.K&7.lUMl.3fi.U..M.1t.;0. lo.un. lO.XO, lft.41, in.W. IGlft l\ 17. 1I..V.. B.M A. M.: 13.10. 12.30. HV% I.2T., 1..TH. I,'A 2 |n. 2-30. 4*1. 2.56. 3.19, X-.W, 4.10, 4.5fl. 5.14, 5.R.I, ri.41,H. lV,. 4UX, H.M. ft./Mi, H..W, 7.(M>, 7.J!I. 7.43. 7.M, *.flK. ".-y),

10 04. 1|.15 P, M. And I'Jlff night. HniMiiiv ITuliM, THk 547. X.4IH, F(IU H.AV Jti.trj. |fl.4ft. H.llft. A .M.: 13.X7,12 52, 1.32, 2ati. 2-SU,'2.-W, 3.27. 4,00, 4..M, .YiO,

4*i.«.2t. 7.00, 7.30, 7.26, 7.40, H.0k.R.M. 9.27, 10.00, I0..G p M , )2night.

Ik-uj f 4 vn iff StD-f-i ftuilrm, r» (rt. i ll5,4;.M, 7.4H, n M, 9.»7, JO.tia. H>.4l,|tl.03, ll.M A, M.; 12..U,I. 0k, 2.0I, i:*l, 4,32, a.17. 5.30, 5.51. a.M, 7..M.Aa'i, 9.24 nml I*. 5t. W4W‘k tlftr!N-

lA'ivuniAntnut Ktr)S'i Station, a.12, .5..n.fl.lo,«.3t, fi.M.T.09. 7.42. 7.M. 5.07, •1.27, A4(, fl.15, rf.S-2, fl.». 10.24.10., XT, 10.57,11.32.1I„W A. M.\ 1.23, I.V5, 2.11.

:GH. 3..5i(, 4,lrt. 4.63, 5.10, -ViV fl.m, O.-Hi. rt.i'i, 7.0U. 7.JU.7.4S. 127, 5.19. Iiuio, 11.13 P. M.; Iim uIghL Hnmluy. H.ayK.W, 9.X1. g .w, 10.25, IU..>7, 1I 4h A. M., 13.S3, 1 47. 1.-3II, I.W, •i.vh 3.24. 3..Vi, 4.33. 4.5fi. .5.43, «.IA (i.:n).7.l(i,7.2‘2. «.2Si,, ll.-Sd, 10.2,6 and ll..‘A \\ M.

I.i'av4» Khinml Htn'pt HUitlun, 6.54, rt.iW, fi.34, a.W. 7.4IL H.U.5.K26, Gto,9.l3, U..V>, lf> :16, |u..5t and 11-44 A. M,;12-2;. 1,31, I..W, 2.11, 2.24. .1.1*. 4.1i, 5.2J,fl.O). 4i 42.7.37. 7.-W, A24. 9.5X, u.]| p. M.. night siiiiilKy, "-03. X..53, 9.3)4 9 .W,, 11.45.4. 31.: llM, 12.44. I 2.‘i, l.W, 2.44, 3.21, 3..54, 4.H, 5.41. 6.1.1, C.Si7.1 J f*.21, !*.WlUiil 11.64 V. M.

FHGM M AUK FT HTUKFT HTATIGN.I nr |-:ji/jib4*th and Baft way, 6.31, 7.00, 7..?2. 7..W, A41,

f-Fi. 10 45. 11.4.5 A. M : MW. 1.23, 2 im, 3.4H. 4311. 4.1% .Vikt i..30, 4.43. 4,.'iA. rt.Ol. 6.07. « l « , 9.32.5 41, a.47. 7.07, 7.W. H.<r2. H02 9.42. -10.13. 11 31 V. M-. uni17.1 , 4taiirl 13-47 night. Himdity, 12.47,5.49. P X'i.g.Xt, 10,15, J{l,31. tl..Vl A. M.; 12..36. I.AV 2.33. 3.14, 4..3I, .3.03..V3II, 7 O'). 7.1.1, 7.S4. B.02, *,34. tf.nj, 9..10.10 uo, |ij.*i unfl11.37 l ‘ M.

Fur<eth »uly, 9.54 A. M., 12-40 and 6.03 p. M. wp4‘k diivx.

Fur \^»v fminjiwlck. 12.17. fl.4'i, 7,no. 7.W. 3.67. o.g , 9 5M and 11.F6 A. M.; 12.*>. I.2S. i;w, 3.ii, 4..V1. .i.m, 5.:ui. :,,VI. H.r. AK. 7.6’4. 9..3U and lu 4'< p. M. hiiudoy, 12.47, ri.4!l. 57, 9.34 an*l 10..31 A. M.; I'iJi. 1.36. 5.JJ. 7.V., noO. P.SU Mid 11.37 P- M.

Fur WtaKihrldge and l>rih AnilKiy. «nd I0.DA. M.. 3 0fi,4.3H. B.(U, 7.07 nml 9.42 P.M.. mn! lU ll nlclit. (Ml HuiKlayp. ||.:p A. M. and 10.00 i‘. .M.

For 3Viri)dbrUlsy mily. 1 A ,1 m„ uni 12.13 tiu-i' u . v i ■ Sna-itiyp, 10.J.6 A. M.

F»ir Fait Mlll'^Umu, T.ui .A. 3|., 12.40, 3.29 and .VSn P. M.. dally. <‘)u-4'ptSiindHy.

Fur KiitgHUiJi aii4l lUrnky lllli, 7.50 A. M. asd 5.95 P. M., rliiUv. (-niN-pt Hnmliiy.

Fur pQlllUirthiirg, S.P<ioh and Bclvldcr^, 7.60, 11.29 A, M.. and 1.24. «.-.7 P. M. Humluy. P. M.

For (.HMiLiert hk, 7..3II. I ].'39 A. M., 2.36. 4.24 and 6 27 P M SiiMday 6-4u P. M.

I ’Or FlciJiingV'n 7-4,1, 11.'29 A.M,and S.24 P. H., daily. vxj»pt ."iiirHlay. . . ,

For Prliiwlon, 7.4iO, J*--'*". 11.4.6 A. M.; 1.30, 2.4S, 6.91, aad 7..3H P. M.. dally, 4«rv iu Hunduy.

F4»r ll«jril4'iiU)w.n. Bnrlliigtuu uftd ramrMn. A2‘i, «. and 11.45 A. 5ld 1.29. 2.SS, 6.29, and H.31 P. M„ dally, «'XCei)t Hmtday. Ou Hunday. 10.31 A. SI. and.O. : M.

For l-'rK-holil. Farmlngdalc, Mananquan, and Hoa Girt, via Miminouth Junction, ami 11.45 A. M., and 4..40 P. M. wi>«k duya. Fur Freehold only, 5.05P. 61. WK‘K (tav<.

NEW YGEIK TGNfC^\ABK.Ffir Newark. ■‘•-''U, 6.un, 0."ai. « 41'. 7.uii. J..G. 7 +>, XJn. 11.10. 11.4u. hU'i. 11.00. I I .10. It,.'i0 a . m . viih I3.40' I2.50, l.on, 1.30, 1-V», 110. 3Al. .(.Ul, 4.20, 3.60 4.O0. 4.1l». 4.2U, 4.30. '4.40, 4..60, 5.10, 5.111. 6.30, .S.;40, 5.FJ. 6.60, «.10. fl.9>. 0-W, MU, 7.00, 7 3U, A3lJ,9 1.6 10 l<6, 11,Ml, 11.4.6 P. M.. und 12.15 inidftlglK. Him- dav tmlria. 5.16, H.W, B.OO, 9.4.6. 10 Ui. ]li.:NL ll.1l), 11.40 A ‘ M ;12.<X) iMKin. 12.30, l.W, 1.30, 2.00, 14.6, 3.30, 4.00,4.. 60. 6.U0,16.1.6, 5.4.6, H-.tU, 9.4.6, 7.00, 7.10. 7-4.6, A4X), ».30i 9.IMI, 9.30. liU.T, ll-OM I’. .M., uml 13.1.) midnight.

For ftirltuT lMfornmll4>n ac<4> IlmeuthloH (o hehivlat the ih’kel uftlrea. TlrkctP fur all puinw on tha PemiKvlvaiila itailronrl anti 04Hiieciloax,aud herLliP, MHiUmia, and iftkggigie cIuh-Xm al the Lkitnnuny'i orlln*. No. Briad utieet, ut al ticket umou at MarkP'i Hirr*el MaUuit.LHAS. 1:. PI'G li. J. n, Wf>nl>.. General Matioger. OencriU raftxeoger A ft


PAY IN.IKrTlON rtlKK fur all con- I (acloux iirtuftry dIxcftxuH, clthor xex; f I a<’iumKH. GLiuraiilcntJ lo cure or

money returned^ B. K IB K , 1S6 iOraHKC xtrirl, Newark, N. J. Uoqni, I ^tokeveuluga; Bmidays, 1 totP> &L


STREET.N e w a r k a n d p a t e r i io n .

Leave Newark Ihr Pal#r80ii-4l.3Cl, 7.23, 7AS, I.6I J0.2B A. M.: I'AWi. »IM . 2.JB, 3.47, 4.61, 6.M, dui 9.3 Mia 8.07, 1(5:40 P. 31. aud xl2,ftl A. M. SuiuW bU A. M. aud IMM, 1.411, 7.U7< 9.1 J0.9U P. AL


Tlpietnhie In p(T9ct (K'tolier 11, l « l

TratiiN leave viaLEHiniT V A U .K V ItAlLHOAD frein Brtwl and Ferry S(. stiiUon*,

for Biiflaln. Niagara FBilMHiid the Weal,5.W A, M ■ 7.40 P. M, rtiiiidayK, ft.iH) A. M.; 7 P. M

F<vr bjiMiin.T.rm, x,2n a >1.; 2.3n, 4.00. .61V7 4('1\M. Htmdaya. 7'10, .H.iio, ll.OO A. M.; 4,90,7.0(1 I'. M.

For IF'ihlehmii. Allenbm-n and Mauch I'hunk, 7uu. H.2U A. M,: 12. W 1.60 i-xcept Manch CSunkL 4.t4 fl 1.6, 7.40 P M. SOiMlaya, I.oo, ».tW, 11.00 A. M.; 4.00t 71X1 P 61.

For 1‘ultuvllle, x.'il A. M.; 12.30, 4.09 P. M. nn- elavK, li.4>i \ .M. B;ixliM'in. X.W A. M.;, 7.40 P.M. Kiiitdii} H, m.ixl II 00 M :7.o(> p. M.

I >ir iitmits in the .Malianny i*oal region al V39 A K.\ 12.;io. 4 00 1'. M. hundayi. 8.0U, 11.00 A. M.

F>ir Wilkeshiirn'i Jhimtnn ami hHinmlon, X'SO a . M.; !2.;tn, Fin), 7. k! P. M. siuidaye taiftcpi hcruiitoo), i«.c4i A. M ; 7.00 P- M

For Flndm, '* ‘2ii A. M.; 12.30, 7.40 P. M. Kumlayv 5.(10 A M.;7.!IU P. M,

it’KNTllAl. B A IU tO A D OF NTW ^EIVIKT, Truin'* leax'e above (tlaliun

lor Pbnail(-lt>l!)H. HalilmnrvMivd Wa<*jUngton. JUiyul Bine Line.

for J'hiliuleilililft and Trr-nloii, T.59, 3.65, 19.06 A M . 1.T.6, 2.‘2I>, 4.IL6. .6(ft. 5.5a.l7..V6, II.16 P. M. buildurs

|iir» .6 M.; l,;i.v 4.SII, 0.08 P. M. * f-'iir Hiiiilni-ireand \6'iU4hlagtoa. R-SV 11.3,6 A. Sf.:

n.’A. &(Vm-6..’iO Halllnicr© iidlyi, G-'J5 P. 6f Suu «1ny\ U«;.6. lii.,Vi A. M.; 1.4.6,3.29, 4.50 P. M- PuriM uir* I'n day Uuliie. Hli<ej>rrx nn iiIkIU trnliia

I- I . A. M. for htiUloiiK to High Itrhtgp. iSHinwtlnq F>r KiHildinun High Hridgu UraiU'li and Ijike ilv-|iaViiu»;

: h .6 M f<ir Main Line N. J. (J. IHv., Ilethipliera, Alhuhcvii. Manrh l.ftiink, etc.

•' .Vi .\. \l. for Mala Line N. J, C. H|v , finha Ho- Phioitig Bigh Bridge Kraiirh, AHentmvn, Hi-Ailtiig, Hjirtl^hiirg. V\ llki"4l>Hrre. Krrauton. Wlll!aiiw|iiirt, Tidiiiiijiia. Putbiviile, .SJannuoy CUy. Simhary. etc, und itirxdgh New 6'ork uuJ NMdUin.spnrt.

1 X’l A. M., way fnrKlalluiiH lo iln;^ ■anlgi*Mhi V. >1. for .Main J.lne N. J. ('. T)lv. Lake lfi>

|•Klcll||g. Hluh Bridge J4ram-h. Alh'iiiowu, .Mauch I'iiiaik, Bending, Hai'rliilmrg, Tuniiujua, .smihury unit wlillfimeporl. eu-.

61'. 51.,wn ir>r liaLon* In Jiuirfton.4.-Vi P M., way fur Main Line N- J. C. Blv.. High

Brldfii- Unuu-h, l<uke Hn|iHU*ong. l-^litn, Rethio- hrni. Alleiiftiwit, MauciiL'Iuiuk, W'llkeKtmn'e.Scrah- Ion iuul Tama<pia

S..'>u p. M., MuJu hlftVi N- J- F. I)lv , rn.1 l'■.#l*ton.1 3.'i Si. fur hjiulon. Ilellilelinrn niid Allouiowri, Far siiiiMiirv, l.ewi!4la(rg iiiid WUIlHiii'inorl, via

PJiMjid.-liifjla, 7.M A. M.. l.-Vi, T.V6. li t , F. M.,a,x- 4T]*le'utunlny nIghL simday.^ 4l.uH P, M.

.'-nndayu 7:.'SIJ A. M.. wny lor .\lam-h 1 flunk. Tant- iuianaini Wl|Iianiflin*fi: h,4.‘i M.. way fi>r twiner-vlliM : iui6 A. 5i.. nu' >*«aiiervllie: n.5o a , M., way far Thinultell ; 10.45 A. 5L, I'nr Hoau rvilDi; 11.45 A. .61., wuy lor lumulliai; l.lo ]' M , wh>’ for HI h BiMie Uiaftc.i Rradihg. Ilarrixburg, Mauen ('hunk ; 2.V6 P. M-, way |ur tiniervllie ; 4.19 P. M , ftrty hir Sumerx'Uie ftii*l Fl<*mlngIon r .6.40 P. M., for Miiik'Ii Chotik. B*‘u*iing nml JlnTrlKhnrv ; P. .6L, for IMalnlleid uud Bound Hrouk: 7.ft> P, M., «vav flvr Inme|l4*n : V'6 p.-^l , way fort4oD»r- vllle: Finn p. M.. wny fur Homervllle.

M :\VABK ANU Kid/.AltKTH BltANCII.’1 raloH leav*' Broad Hiirnt HUktlou fhr Kllx.ibeth

and B(H4'Un » l KllKobi'Biport Otiiy. 7.IL 7.11'S 82-2 KlIxtilketlUHirl only. H3K, A5A. U.35, 10 95, 10.46, M <W, 11.35 A. M.: ItI V I 05. l.VV TF), 2-Vl, Vl5. 4.0.6. 4.56, .6.1ft, 6-3.>, 6.A). 4i.2«J, 7 15. 7.55, X.40, I0.W, lL'i6 P. M. Hluehiv«.7,39.V46. ’*Mi, 9 50, KKW. B.46 A--6t.; Ud. l.U, 2.35,3.29,4.10, iao, 5.40, O.lft, 6,55, T.90, SG, 10.-0 P. M,

For I'liiliilhdd. 7.1B.7..60, 5..VV lO.aS. B.V6 A. M.; Lift, I Xj, 3.50, 3.:i.6. 4.ft>. 4.35, V95. VX6, V50, 9.20, 7.1'>.7.X6.k4n, 19.4k6, 11.26 p. M.

l-'orHomervlUe, al rt. 15, 7.18, 9.5.6, ll.Ofi, B.X6 A. M.; 1.4ft, 1.35, 2.,6h, 3.3.6, 4.06,1.33, 5.0S, 4.-X6, B.W, 11.20. 7.36, 8.49,1(1.06. tl.-i6 P. M. . ,

Far FleiJiiiigtoti, 7.18. A55 A. M.; l.m, 4AV 5-X. P. M. Far Perth AmtKiy. 6.15, B.'32, 8.S5.11.33 A. M. 1.56,

4.1ft, 4.-66 5.60,0.20, 7.*R P. M. Rufidayv K.OV A. M.:

FtirAtiantlc lUghtartda via Mata warn 8.a, 1I.X6 A M ; I-X6, 4. S, fi.50 6.'J0 P. M. BiiiHlayi.O.oa. A. .M,: 4.10 P. M.

or F H4-h '111. II 86 A. M.; 1.86 4 ;* XW P. M, l■■o lliYl Bank, Ixjng Itrancli, Ocean Grove, hte ,

8 2J. li l ‘i. A. SL; 1.86, fo.6, b.20 P. M. Hunduysj «g- cent lu iK'eaii Gruve, U.OS A. M,; 4.10 r. M,

I'or Tum.H Ulver, Bariiegat P»rk aud BarnaSal* 9.22 A- M.: 1.X6.4.06 P, M.

A M IS E M £ N T (I.

di^^ulyr.4M.24. ». 13, 10.16, 11.J2 A. M.; LM, 2 , . . 745 10.33 P. M. Huuday, 9.56, lOAB A.

Lva Pateraoa ft>r Ne<wark-6.88, A.ia, A31 7.ii....... .. - 124 . aAtfXJl, 0.13t

6 ^ 7.3& Bk55 P. M.^ NKW ARK AND NK W YOBS.

fiCava N ew ark -9.08. 6.48 7.14, 7a1 8.20,8.47,9.11. J0.47 A. U.; tllM, L5L ^5 , 4.22, 6.K 9 ^ 9.06, H.0I F. M. buuUoy. 7JH. 4.04, G-lt> A. M j lU7. lOl, 5.H ILMP. M.

Leave New v.,rk, Cbamheri i(.-A.45, 5.90, 7.IX 8.15,8.341,11.30 A. M.;nLlU. 8.U9> 5-hk 4.JA A4)0,AJX IA2,e.'22,?.)'-l lO.tft, Liin P. M huudaiy 9,00, 12.00^ Md 1-16, {, 8.WS P. M. “■ Bftiurday ooiy, ''

Gumeeutliii mioH leave Newark ai fo)iow« For lliK \*r 4mL Day JdUproaa, M2 A. JU. HuiutoT 7.84 A. X.; VwUhute l.imUeii, J^ve Newark lA l P. M. kjadax 8'OT P. M.; UnuMj Truok Mxnreaa Jaav# Newark i>8» P. H- tJuiuU^ a.4k p. M.;4Jhloago J U P M . kava Nvft ark 9.07 P. M.Jtiuuday, i U P. M.

sW Udsela basfage uiiouka xJet dnf ear loow**'4im p.p|.--»vri ^n»hL« iiifnrnifrtiPSsgM

I SllBMAlUUkTri'«WaWKiUiwifc

Far \'inclaml nnil JlrlilgeUfti, (.85 P-M- For (jikewoful. 9.22 A. M-l l.w ,*.'^ P* M NoHnaday tmlna.FurAUanllcCUy, L55 P. M.

NKW AM K A N n N K W t o n s .Krrim isriiid diiii y s irr HtreM **'•‘•'"'*■-*1 AW,

6.M. lUO.B.M 7 to r.30, f,«l,A0O. A®, a.«), B.M>, S.*, *.W, IMfl, 19,SI, 111,40, ll.OU, ll,»0 A. M,; I'ino M.; l i» ),I. lll, l.Jll, t(W,lJ0, 4.09 !.S0, US, W9 «.9l,

12.I1-, Ii.10 mlihE Hiiii(l»y.-T.o6, AW), 9t«, 10,(0,11,(0 A. M.; IE(0 Si,; l.oo, I.J0. list tOO, . 00, l-(». <■(». ■<»kа. do, 0,(0, 10.00, 11,00, (too I’. M- ^ . ..

iH-nvo Now Yorit from fbotof L l^ rtyrtTw I-A lESO, 0.«i, (l.,W, 7.00,7.16, A 9 j y . 0.0970,00, 10,16, 1950, 11.00,1I.60 A. M.; K M.; ItlO, l.«S t,SO,-7,(IO, 2.60,900, a.M, A6S, 6.»*.66, 6.1(7 5,16,6,86,б. 65:6,oh: «.16, e .«, 7.09 1.30, f 6 9 A « (i.56, lo.Kft 11,16,II. 00 P. J(. Hmi<l»yp.-T.00, 909 900, 1900, IIOO A. M.: 13,00 M.; 1.00,2.09 909 1.09 9(»,*.01, 980, 7.09 909 0.09 1900,11 ,(l9 1100 P. M,

J j im ’ jJijwjMTHEiTRDNT. n itO A IE

The Only Prominent Theatre in NewarkTHli* WKK.K, MATINEK HATURDAY.

A ml'hical t r e a t .-T H E - T W O O P E R A S .


(m AM » -A N D -

“ ' , , ! f i ‘= '"SiidPask"f^rrlftufx a( li):3o p. JI,

October 18-»‘ DIL lULG"

H . U iONE WEEK, Commencinfl Mondijr, Do

tober 10. Mitinoai Wednes­day and Saturday.

A (lood llespm’d Bcul lo Mallnec, lie.


“ The Fire P a tro l'wish all IU n’nllHdo scenery and meahanlcal cm-cts. A pniiderous gold s(amp milt and ore crusher In actual oiHTalloa. A tenutoa (Ire Iiarrul waaou and huraes.

_N c*l Weelc—“ Th* Rutlom of the Boa,"


Week cnmmoQolDs Mouday, October 19

H Y D E S C O M E D IA N SAnrt the Dk^htwolihtChankpJoti,

JACK M’AULIFFE.Wpclt Commendoff Octobar 17—Reiily «


G n l Vital s k t R i t a lC d t e i lWill he hoki In the Parlxh Hnilfllof, lioutwof Proiy4tr6 Tut-Hduy, Uctober 11. S P. M. Bftloie(»- Mr*. Boburt IreMlic, iMIXbH.('biiatlna MacCall, MKh Kate I.«<uilafl lloheria, Mlaa UrqubarL, MIm I.. Kofhliw, MIm **. Woixl, Mr IfaTlox Mr, PalBp Ward. Ac(‘ompikal9t—Mrs. 1). f:, Hervpy, AOmlsKlnn—AduIW 6lX\‘, ftbUdrpn, i')C. Tlc'k(*U may bo huvl on appllratlon nr By mail from Mr. InNlon, room 1.W9, Pfu* U4*nllftl BuBdBig: Mr. Newman, “ fPJHiiinmer uwiiuc, und ftiMu limy be had ulsht of concert a( (he door, PurlHb Building, Broad and Htala N(r(N?(X. I


la the un)y Coro pany that isaues Ui«

A c c u m u l a t i o n l ^ o l i c yt( ]i to .Tour advantAge (n write for iDfbrmo- tton. Agi’tiis of i-.xperlem a and abllUy '111114*11. A*ldrei4H

IGlltKltT K. WlllTNCTr MANAGER,ID'S, H7 unvl ttS> B roadw ay , N e w Y o rk 4'lty.



ihnt hu M-ifle^mi'ni ii|)o|i all the riwuorHOi.all th#■4<‘-4'<m4-ni for lif'iipfliK, No(k<*e In lierob/ glvpu

laail!i and ft'al i-hIhu* peculiarly IwuehttKl by (h» n-iiuvlfti; uJ t

NGltPH fA S A l. HTHKICT. irrini Park plore lo Molhrrry Rtreyl, ftrcomlng tu the prnH-i"l"ns of im i-rfliiotnee of the ntyofNftW- ark, vatlllpd an ordlDauce to provide fur ihf ropav- lug uf

NGllTM GANA1. MTKKKT, frnni park place to MuBwiry hlr«*i, aypeovad Ti'inher It. Mtn.

Ifaa ha'en prf’|Mtr4*d uy Ihe underRlgned Cone ml-aiitiueiR, HpjmlnitHi by the Mayor oi iti# clljr rif Nt-EVirk. HUri tliHl H r4>porl by a r«-rllfl''ale In w-rtlirig. with an OE-rnympanylng map and arhediiln, Kliowtng (lie wvcml aa-ei-MunenUi i^ lu gt the M'vcpttl »tw m-r?i p*H‘uJlHr!y Iw-ucHied M alhreealil. has twen 4|epi»aU4-(i:l fn Uu* ofJire of tbe t’lty GlaTk of tha rtiyuf Newark fur i*viu;luatiun b r thacaiUaattk< (iTvfltedl ilu'rem.

Sairl oHHHfHim'Mt cotnprIRcA all lota, traettf and par­cels nl Uitifl and n*al ntaln liable to beaeaeaeed m HforFlftM. lylftg on t>iitli hiitc- ut

SoJG'll ( A.NAI. HTRKFrr.rpiin I'aik pliM-p iQ Mulberry xlrpet

■ ■pnfU'tJtiR an 4-iUire Jjkrge or nmakl.

lot" repn>ai'[Jtin an i-iitire plot uf land, vrheihec

All p4*rwiU!E InUTPRted 4u nald ftRaeanmeftt (nay ba heard M'fur** wld I'oiuitilulouen ou r m iL’sHAY, ittK J illUFi-'.NTH DAY OF

O f O iBH L 149 , Jat 2 P.M., at the fumnUnluaere'rr>0JiL No. ZGblrd Hour), flly ilall.

Dated uctober 1. IW I

751FliAXK L. FKI.NU,


l^iM M FT KT.* r.AVt.VM-AHSP74HMFNT FOK J^,jhrueltG. Nullrie h berebv given thal an aa- nmnicfit ui-non all ilie owm-rx of all the UiMla aud reft] 4-Htata |wvijBurJy brntllti*d hy lh« pai^lug of

K.U..IKT M B K K r.from N.-I. B. K ftven«ie (" i-remighuj’wn arimne,

Am»rd1ng to (hr> provIMonx of aa ordlnarww of tM rity of Newark, eulUled lui ordJiiaiKOo to pruvkl* fur the puvitjg ut

KMMFri' HTrtKKT,fruroN.J It. It ftveiine to livlinghTiyaen aveoiH^approved March 31, l i'jl,

H rx been iireiiftred hy the liftdewflgned romnilv* p|«m-i^ aiip4»liilc4l by the Mayor »i 4be city of Newark, anil itialA iviiort. by a i*erttti4»ie In whF lug. wuh an lu-otmfwnylng map ftud Rchedule, HtmwlJig the nevrnil aiee -Emeiiui oAHlnot ibe nav- eral iiwtiern ^-ntlarl.v IwnedUHl m afiireMtliC big l>eend4'|M)i.l(E'il in the i)fflP4> nfthafity f(erk of iha cHy 4»f .Newark lor examination by iha parties lo- tereMiYl lliereln.

Hiild u»cwim-nt comprlsea all lota, tnunaand par- ce)H of laud and real iwtutn llahie tu bw amoasail gg afureaald, lyLug on both Nl<]t« of

1. .1 i;j i9t'itKKT.friim N .1 R. It avenue to i rehiigiitivv<n aveage.

A “ loN" repnyientaaii entire plot of land, whether large nr ('•umll.

All |>emvns iniereaiiHl In add ftH*einmeot may I* heard tn-fore natil I'onmibwtonerior]T lG lH lJ A Y , :IIK u i l . l I F . V r i l DAY OF

GITOHKIt, 1»^.n( 2 p. M., al the tDommbttflouera' mom, No. Sitreond door', t By Hall.

Dated I K'tol/Sr 1,18I>2.Jo h n BWyKR,Fl.AVKL tY. .H IX U V A N , FRANK H. FKINB.

TM _________________^minlrolojisi*

NGVfK 'F M iirCK IH b k r f .b y GTVRN V ) nil imrUi.'ii mu rcRicd (hut ihe cerllfteatea of aw

oci imi-ut of Mil* whole amount of tbe coats and sx-pi-n«eK III' paving

BusitiN STRKKT.nkvs a u k HTKichrr


iTuvp r>ecn dem ered m me acrerdlnf to taw. ftald n*M('-.snv>hiM cuiiiprlD' ail (be lota, rrarte und parusla oMiiiiil uml real exiate lying on both eldmof

B (isrL\ bTKKKT.troiii Hrmth Gningi-avi'mif to Rank xtreet;

<m kioili side:* >(|SFSVAUK H TR Frr,

from On ln il Bvemm to mangi> xtreet;On lioiti lidpii of

Hot 1»KN NTUF.KT. fr-fiii ''UsRfK Hveiim- In KIghlli avenue.

'] hi* owiietR of iflnd niiiJ real eetat4> nw^Mol In mlA cerilrtcaie of ahiww riteiU are herKiy rei|ijtre<l (opay (he nnionni a Reioitit ii|miu theiuniid eacji ^ (h e i^ re.Mwrllvei.v, to me. hi my olTlce, No. 6, (Tty Hall. CD ur W ore isuvemlisr 31. I"ifi.

JA.MKH ¥. (.'ONNKLLYrCufaptroUm'.

Newark, N. .L, OriDher to. IHCi.

rnAXh>4 OF 1881I nr UKrxtvKii o r T a h im \

Itonu Nr>, 4, Crrv llitbi;. j THI* ntftor will hp opene)! from ITiunklay, Seje

leiMher I. until J-'rhlay, Jauuary 20, 1803, for tiM m- oeptlon of laxM nl iaos.

rarilnilaraUeuMou D e fied (o (he ft)l1owiD#i^ qutremrnlH ol' Inw :

** If paid on or (H'ftire (be 13th day o f Septemtier, two P4nr ceiiL will he drdiiulad ; If paid on or befbre tlte with day Ilf HeplenitM>r. ono per rent, will be diicHHl : If paid un or tiefore the 3Uih day of Oclober, fliie-hutf uf 4iti(* per cent, will be de)liir(i0(1. If dm paid oil or hfllbre tho xODi duyuf Ocir,>ber, a rharge of u(ie t^r it'iK. will tie Addrnl; If nol |iak1 on or t ^ fore tbeioih dny of .Sovemlier, a chargs of two per rent '« adiled. and If nol paid no urbetftratlie

dav nf Deo^mber a ctinige uf tiinw |ier neat, will l>e added ; If unpaid on the 'y>(h day of January wnrrantR will be liRtu>d anil In udlilkai'tii three pet real. Inteo-nr lYimi .lumtary 20 at ten per cent/tM^ licea'and Oollectiira' fK>a will beadiliHl,'’

Uftice will be upin fruni 8 A. M. to 2 F. M,M. ISHLKR,

42n Receiver,

O F F IrK flF T H K nOAUD OF A H S t^M E N T uud Hevlfllnii of T»xe*.

KiKi« Nrt. PL fT r r H a l u ( niirl nf Ap]>eal-ln compHanoewdh an act oftlie

1.egtslature4)1 ihl*Htate, (be Board of Aiweaamenl B1IU lleviHiriii ofTaxi'* will JtUai a t^hniri of Appeali from da.v to day, eorjinieiiclnf on ibe aecetiri Mon- dK.v In .‘ 'pienitwr, from 9 A. M. u> (2 M.. la bear end di‘l4‘rmim> Hpiieal* from aaaewimeota and vatuailona ()>' iicrhuiiH wan will make It appear by affidavit, to thr MllMfai'tlQn of the tmard. lUal they were absent

4* rliy or dlimbted by ilckneea aurlnfc the iiUTval fr'iTft the third Wednesday tn April

rmm ih' whole liiU'rval Wednesday tn April lo(he third Wwlnc'tdiw tn 'iflao Uicorreoltny i-ierlcal errors which may hs\*e beta mads.

iSeu' ark, N. J., Hsptember 7, iw i1 lnv&FinLIPLGWV,

FresldenLr>f?BL1C NGTint-OltDlNAANCK OBDFHF.n ■ to a third remtlng. We, (heimdenilfnmd, hereby (Tti^ Uiat an unituaiice wa» read a second lime ai a

iiiHotlnlofthQ Hoard ofstreei and W'a(«r Commit Hhuiers bnTliU ltdDAY, HKPTFlMUKlt TW KNTY-N INK ,

IWLam! tliily ordered to a tlilM readlnf, topiOTldeHt (lu- tflftdlng. curbing nii4l ilagglng oi

CAUTKHKT Hl'itKJffT, *from Wasliiugtori nvemie to Hummer avenue,

l^ e d (iclober 3, IBFAJAMK8 RMITn..TIt,

President of the Hoard of HUwt and Water Coi»rniwlouen. ^






P VBt.H: N O T R :K -O I (D lN A m '* OnDKHKD1* H t(i(n( w *, tilt (irr*hv

»nir> ' tliEl an onlllliuiw w m rwul Ainvnil tini. >1* Diwlliw nf 111* Bninl of WtMi * i» l W »i .r Commu- 6(09*™, on Tlimw1*y, ( H.jh*r9 ll*2,»ud du(y onlFred lo > thim m dlu i, praTMlBi Air th* ,r>Aliu *n4 oiir()lQA of

SOUTH EI.EVKKTII BTReiCT, frrni R*T*ntnn(l( iTt-nu* lo Eljrhternth Aroho*

IJHtwl (X’tobnr II, IS91 •••nu*... .. . . .. .(AMR8 SMITH, m ,

of th* Bo*nl of su w i *nd W »t»r fvnn li^

KHOM ItU N Y O *. ______________ blortt.

IJVBI.IC NOTICE IS ll6.RKaT OIVEH THAT A m ien jiropmalH for tJie tneklnc of * ooblrort (torflvoy**™ «.|Uithf cilTiif Newark Air lb * r *mov»l of rtaed AnlmXi non, m il MIf aHU b* te-r-lvod * i the offlee ol ib i Clir « « * , ebam noeak » be tuiinitbisi wUbln Ih dare nom (m date hen-or

Daiad Cctober I3» im ,

U r


v n . a• y p ,2%.


A «ik «rU »A A n>*«* n>r M iv «r lU ltti *1 4 ie « mlM^

^*lU[>ntav BrBBfh OIBr*,X«^fe|«r» L lvd «l«7 HpUdlDi*

HKW ASK-^ ____» « r 0 ^ * rn., 1PP M »rk*ldt>

R, B r « «d Mt,4’, P . Dapopli ! * • Kim *1, r, W .llvU e i 10* Hp *^t III# A t #. t. A. Ararlrl, » » « W M h ln ^ M Al. Mymn W. ) o r « . W » Tfc<rA A , . .

CANT O RAN iil-W. n, A llc a »4 »lI* ln N A

•O l'TH ORAAIC-H*b#rl i < » » . N »« IA o n n c a A «

BARHINOV— _ _. . „P. J. UoadMiB. W t ■■•‘rtWN * »• •

BLO O H FIt:A i~ „MIm Ib ,. KN idM U r, mPT. »r p « t *

N rm M iT—KdHNtd B IKrIlr.

HOMTCXAIII-O a lr a l PAmi>r.T.

OBAJMJl’. FA.f.t:T-..n llbar l^ fT N N M .

f lK I .r W ANThll-M AI.KB,

\ -WANTK1. WfhK AWAXK W4JllKKU> *pv»»ryw Uiin- In >«lt » rhnli^raphs r»f

ilto Wnri'i:" ti>' tnHjk on <’»nh :ilOiviHtt, i'«Ah or : m b<maii/A fur U10hohdaytc urfi-niH i-uInliiK mnrwy ; niMtim-iHi iti'iv

clRHjl»rK «m| nT»ii‘t iivy ; workers wlhi wi!h Mr Kliw o'lAiry, AH«unk. 1*!* .

fl,.sngiu ; lU'v. J<h. \ViU»»‘rii, Nauhn'IcH,M «^, 11 ' ii' i7 huiir : MIj« i.' /- Uruwn, liw AngrlcH«,{'«l. *73 llrM tin)'. oiilflt nnlj'II u*hk1h >>m 4'n'<UI< Aildrcu HI III.17JM’ 9. n i . No. rijwjlii'it M , I•hlllull l])hli*, I'A-. <jr No. S-V4 i lnriKo, lU.

Vn i v i MMN «>K (KnH> AIHHU^h T»> S(>- IHt liilverilmvmtiiiiTiir iH’hHiiiiis; nu


imiiilvtlun;l-.Y Wi|

w a n t e d .

1 >A K lK N nK llf VrrHLjlflt Ill JUnI of mt'inlAtson. Apfi


T Ii» Aluinlnui S le»in .lilp « o f llie Fulnre iH f 11. M iirvrl,.

From thew. iiineii'* liodBol- The first pRiilAr Cunarder in 1840 wiui

the BriUnm. 2(47 tiy 31 by 22, toniWRe 2,050, horse «w e r 740. The latest w ill be 600 feet Itijf, 65 w ide, and about 13,(X» tonsgross register, w ith a propel­ling force 4f, say, 15 ,0 0 0 horse nominal. Both tonage and engines have thus enopously increased in a few years’ th* beyond the Imagination or bellf o f ™ e» f '°w Hvlng; while tb general increase in our mercantU marine may be intereetingly noted bycomparing Ube size o f Lloyd's BfgUteryt 1834—an octavo volume o f 7) by 61 by 1 Inches—with the two fine t|uar- tos o f Cb year 1892, each 11 j by 10 by 2* Inches, giving full parUeulars o f the It ,906 SBsmshlps and salting vessels, represeting some 11,928,024 tons, wliieh make ip ttni 6 ° ’’ Great Britain and her coliiiea!

The .^ensure ‘ ‘ steamship o f the future” is a vsS structure built o f a metal combin­ing aliosl unlim ited strength with un­dream o f lightness. H er dimensions w ill ap ro iim ately bs three times greater than ne steamsliip Campania—namely, 1,800 le t by 190 feet, and she will be so consbicted that, like the well-known polyp Hydra o f our ponds, should she by any psslblllty be damaged by eollision or stral&ng, each part o f her would live and m aliaili a separate existence—the out- com o f Ibe “ cellular ” system o f which w e x)W see but the Initial application.

Ur e for four towering but slender poles, dobg duty for signalling and effect, the Aluuinia w ill be masllees ; but her gigan­tic oi'al-shaped *‘ smokestacks" wilt bm k the monotony o f an outline which utlerwlse w ill roughly resemble the Crys- t jP a la c e at Bydenbem as It waaorigi- naly built, minus its transepts and water lovers. Steam and electricity combined w ll be utlllied to drive thie m ighty mass at great speed through the w aters; three, i f not six, propellers being called Into retusition for the purpose. A perfect iyitrm o f ventilation, sauiUtion, water Buprly, lighting, heating and rooking will reigi throughout the noble vessel; itlm iD ation and the preparing o f food bekg effected entirely by the aid o f the goaless “ Electra.”

A i hotel like the Metropole w ill be the m del upon which the domestic arrange- m ats o f this singular ateamshlp w ill be baAd. There w ill be public dining and drovlng-rooms, accommodation for prl- v»t» parties, ladies’ boudoirs, snuggeries fo r smoking, bllllard-rootus (practicable In ins weather), a library aBiliated with Midia's, a duly licensed place o f worship, a (Oneert room and theatre, a tennis court, a Hfie gallery, a gymnasium and every pdMikle and imaginable facility for atala;lc exercise and recreation. But the mstil feature w ill be the general division o f tklt floating palace Into tenements or flats complete in themselves, and consist- in( of, say, two good-aized sitting-rooms aid four or five bedrooms, w ith domestic cileea attached.

These w ill be taken by the year, leased, or sold In perpetnlty to families desirous otthe advantages but not possessing m e m saaih fkeeping u payach t,ba tw h ow U l readily w y a large ren t^ for the privilege o f haviig a home all the year round which bey can jo in at any port, sublet i f they chtose, and where they can always enjoy lyngenial society amid varied scenes in a ginial 'clim ate. The route o f the Alomnk w ill be determined by ballot)', the geieral service w ill be as at any large hotel shore. A round o f amusements srill tHprovided, and families be able to presere strict privacy or join the geneial throng as they desire.. T h e one th in g s tric tly p roh ib ited on board w ill be p r iva te piano.s and the in- trod u lion o f dom estic pets, such as cats and digs I N o postm an o r te legraph boy W4ll iver in te rru p t th e repose o f these m ariie dom iciles, Seasicknese w ill prac­tica l!' be banished, and those w ho here­a fte r “ g o dow n to the aea in ships ” and ‘ * do business In grea t w aters ” w ill, in passhg th e ‘ ‘ steam sliip o f th e future,” salue w ith m in g led astonishm ent and revcen ce the idea l o f S ir Thom as M o re ’ s “ U o p ia " r id ing in silen t and resistless m acsty o ve r the conquered w aves o f the ome intractab le ocean.

~ fToo Murh for Both o f Tbcmi

pom tbe N«w York Him. v-' Ycii JuBt arrived In time to beinij bred/’ he «d d to the newcomer, an the piAtu)

and MtM bqualiler bowed and Aattown.

The poor IhSof? looki woary» 8ho must aave aiitiK quite a bit."

“ Nol liM niut^b aw you might auppow. Hho llirowx her head about no much ahe hdoq guts tired this warm weal her.’’

•'Timt young man lM»slde her In also ex- zausted and out orbreutli. Hpjto wu» bluglug vUh bor?"

Ob, no. He waa the ft^llow who asked ber ■QBlng." ________ _____________

Th# Deadly Daphne riant*Erotn t^e Indianapolis News.

Tbe common daphnr grown In Mower gar j«na tame of the mosldeadly polBunx known lotboVbtaulsi. Three or four o f the berrlea will klLa mad as quickly a.N Ktrycbuliie, and one h^been known to kill a child In balTaii botir.\?bereare nuBieroua flowering plants wQlch^ure perfectly barmlesH, both lu leaf, flower Cid seed, iiDd so JoQg as thcHe can be readllybbtained there la no excuse for a flor< 1st alluring auch a plant m the daphne to growoihlR premlaei.

Eroiibit' In M'Ciir4‘ IHtt'ralfli'mly ciKpli'yiurut. i u!l .U llil llA l- ______

A U \K MAN tVANTKl‘ TO^iKI.r.nnKH f'N j*t'omiiil'th.liiii hi (’•'umvlliin with inlru'ral wiitt'nj; liiirH’ untl WiiKOU riirnwlntl: jk'rimiimi'iu iKwIthm. AiMn-s UKI.1 ABI.E. Bon H, NVwsofll<-e. __3^

■sMAHT yoVN’ l* MAN. olM‘r ha'iiU.; t'ond

u> Mt’ KItAV'S, iwl Murkfi si. i

<-I.F!!K \VANT»-'.1>. A VnVM i MANvhincl»Tk : muM hi wriliT aiuI is-rn-vi

4<t Ajipl) li4>iwn‘»i lueiMl A M.w;r I . s. P l.A l'T A*, 7i>:-7:i llMSd •«

W ANTKh. A in mil. n<‘Y Tn>vsork IIS'•h'imilUfr'ii hi'lper hr'D f . l8FE it

S (N, H7i Brottil M. ____________ I

tVANTKH IN WAKKHimM r'F Uit1hrrfft.'hiiv. AppK-to mTKN ''K I. A imTHss. i,t>. 4‘orU4*r . lulil liHil Konsutll HTr

i)v w a n t k b . ''N E KxrKm i-.N ('ri> inthe liuU'hi'r IjiiKiin-ri.'i. CJU Ml l.UFKH^ •''T. ‘»U|



HAltHtSON. N. J.




WILL nK01‘ I-:N TIIVILSIIAY. HKIT. * ;AT «1 HIlll.S!) Hf,

Prlliisrj, Imrriurtlltttt' sml .4rs.Irinlr I'UlllI. mu-il ftlf (SllllTS.

Fiirllier Inlhrm.lloii flvmrlmilsrs. IM

R F \ I, r s T A T F rO K S A I.F .- .r iT T .

\ll \ O', u \ Nt »-ll I

, . MAT nM.V NKKIW 'Mt BKIII U’ : iiriv Ijiajw M>r twii'

tUfs 4iii "imill iiHmii*‘iit Im Ihjuv iiiMiilhly.rallHiiy t;mu ouJU lIN H. U IN N» HThnilul p i. 'tlMiVf < irii’tiiid »r.

'I.-^ArTOHY Tii llKNT, Iki-tivry: iri'iul hX'ttUon.

. u. Knu-*f,

1‘RRVlOUHr.V II AT hpiulre 34 HKI.MONT


VY\ [.T M :l.i: I’KOl'KilTV K<HtM VKKt l' VI’.; iroiil and w r vulTeme.

4iiln* CM j»rrmisi-

1, 1 mlupir

III* 1aiu!



M V UVltK rU A N ^K TO KKlT IlK liiPlfoit-. Th4')iri‘l'pni>“» tVi, an?, 3vl Hi»th

M. Uiii| _M’oll;ig:i’ *1. mu>l l'i«»|i(l|i| Ul l’l4i«rt' BU4'».lHU»,IHH T0 WNHKN1»'H BOAIlPINt* A N ltP A Y i ^ni.h H H J.tAr’l I Jl I.K AM > t)Kl'U^lT n » ,

I I’AIIK PI.., Niw*rk. N. J.. ‘ r i

l > 1t.l.IPiivliM


M imM'hiHii fur airU, m

will reopen S.‘i»iHiib4‘r rrmukry. v*h»sumi« mamITviiualuiy I>*|iarilUbuU Uuulw» uu

plicanuu. ___________’ K w T i lK At-AJiJ-MV^

H.pti‘mh*T l». Thomueh proiHintllim fur miy I’olh’k;'- nr m ‘M’ImmI nr lur

ralttlGgUri UiNia aiaihiiklliiii.filv H. A. KABIt.tN'n, llriul Miinut.

a iN lV IH l s lIO ltT U A N P ANH TVI'FWnVr- ..\iinr iruiii nil i xjHTli’Mis-l hi.'HiruCor. i>fvpHi'' murHilf 1<i hold 4k ilr>i.•Ift-'wi 1111111111111: li*' Jl wg-fklv. k37 lltiwl ii., I'ltnV. KFYMiM n. I

r r l l K M-.WAltK sKM INAIty W il l i1 Ui4ireMN hiJOl . Nil 27 Bill H.-SeidnT. juhl-«r.

Iirlmary ili'pHUiiMMitH, Fieiu’h, Hrrnmn. nai-h , > I- raiUill, Ilmw M*r »u.l iviliilintf. Ijit'irvi«'ii ^n. lilsloiy tthii lilkiniltiTi’ . rupiH im'jieri'd iii'r vS rlli>• lev, VK-svir a' '1 >iiihh < I'lri'nJjtn. nhttiHn <1;it M fU J l.A N 'rt UlMlK hTOllK orullhcHfM INAUY.

■‘ t Hfdlul >1,

OBsM K. ia-!UM>M liOTHF. Al.hhnpriivrimfiit* j'nii«'i-»nl hmiI extra tine IliPsli ;

|.il 37 .kPG Ni'illl ' |■ x•llll M. Hd'l N"fl)li Hftti Hv. Impilri'ai 37 S\|l>J!YKl‘. 4lJ

h ;

i ;ull>-

1}OOMH Tt1 r,FT.tprovi'menlN; well tbttit#kL

Kl'. loqulre i>reiisiin.'*r.

oTinu-;-'ix> LKr»



te iim n A h « t .


! r. a SMITH, w! im oAnst.

Isdt# fl'r «Rle on Tj fkyptle tt., oppoelie PiMk xt.

1 ols oti s» vppih ftve , ne«T Norlli ThlfleCulh «(., I fruii IIiiNei'llls Mitlou.

Apply tu


rnMenllal BnUrtln*.


nOV WANTED Tt> rA U IlY W ABh. fl! l'eimnylvuT»iii :n i*.

MB'*, tv ,HHtNs< iN’H iNTKM.DtENrEoKFH K —; I'lirih'Ti in iihiI of help hliiiuM iip|ily

^OlJlh nnuiKc Bk-e.

N' rn^.K Eiim. vv.\n t k i> to t a k e rAUKoi-'•iiiaU I'Jilldieu MlV*. iH-MSTKliiiW Wa-shiUK-

mTI N- eUll-r

liraiiiili «t uiOtlenUe ieViui. jii her n iiileiiri',It lH.t>tLMlTi:i.i> AVI’],

rfX linH tir 'iH r.Y I ’riMpKTKNTI mul lypertTher rlvei lei

1 >41V W ANT! J i l l EAtll ST.

H iUc'.nmnnii.


l> i iY WANTED TO Mil.DKli Illn in . 11: JlI'isBEIlKY Kl’.


T>OVH EAHNfN'r sMAl.lI lirijoil hfiHnl. wKHhliiK. fJ per o

< KST’H ( ’AT llO liU ’ WOBKlNtfti Jlleerker it.

WAtJP-H OAN iiV:V iV4?i‘ sT. VI N. i llOV’K HOME,


r lA S IllE B W ANTFlt. A VOt'NO MAN AH I 4‘anhler 111 » im'tU niarkcl: tmirt c-mu* wi-ll fecniuliieini4nl. FlNulCIt. isw Mulljffry mI. 7-lf

( Vl’KllATiiHH w a n TED ON l.ADIEs' ML f l.JN I NpKUWKAlt,

Tiiekorv mill hm-liefh ; - leuily work : Wlireler A WilhHi. Nil. 2, 4)Uil WllhHx & tilbhi4 uiai'liiueH ; sicaiu [Kiwer

Apply ull wi ek,T. PI.ATT,

7hi 7* htiHnglleia sre.

Ol'KBATOH WANTED, AN (»I*KHA TOB TO jfli’W tn sleexei, aiut tWM girt* to iMi'l nii tn>Jlari.

fyr. S(H: I’JI OMA M.K A V K BtiU IBiEVE hT. ajq

1 )

Mimic..\NClSt) A M » .V.S I IIKTU ' IVIUV i r i .T r i l l '.

8Kli.\lil,i)'S M [ ! 0O l„ '.1 W. C4 UK ST,,

s i ' l “ 4 W k " ((.( (K k lU'l) l *1 E liitkii f.'T sm hum

ikrtU-i mill n 'likU «1 : ,( \k J V > limp pC'fn-tl VN y I'EN I ' N n I ii« ren< e

K.HIXhichwil ik4*Ktiie

’.•■sti r . i-'-mnillv Ue teriliM euiy. AiUlrem 1. M'lK

STollE TO ITT. IHH. I KM llA I. AVK AND Biiilwih«.: Iieeii iiwtl M RM<’ 'ry fur isftnt

> i*MrH ; M xi>ih1 rtuth (nule alst nvH In 4‘ii ihiue here ; arimt-elai«* iilai'e fr>r a live huiltiie><i man; icnA aiu! wilier iIxliilCM co)ptili>ie. A]>plr Ml 4im'i>tivALBKIM' U i l PUN. hurm* iWler, a’, i vuinil hv«. vIk

SD 1BF. TO t.KT NKAB NEVt I'KNNHVI.VA- nlA lUllMwl ITIiiton Ave. s im Iom ; ntra cbAiioa

kir frcictr, drujMUu aboemuktir, palutabofv ttuaU KirMiurauy huBluein. Apiily toPri’ F. N. l ’ KHm.N'F.C4 RrfwAtk,

*_■ S^l A I I - s i I A T l.iiW III-NT,^f'llTiTiiii iH.krin'r IhTKeii W. Jl. iV H,

ti’.;*H\ UNK'nri?Tkfademy



tui imOADHT.( lA\r>V, rtilA lt. tmrk'KKV-HTORK

Hale, living kirkI buBloiim; uear rieJiOtkl.

( tANDY AND I'KfAH HTt>UK, hT'HJK .-SNn (IXUimK fur Wile I h'Mii, A'ldrei’i B., ilox It*

( XiOAit STOKK FOB SAI,F l«HNO A 0(V»r> bw'hiewi. 111 xfnid lomliiy; reuiimi f‘»r wHtnq rl'x

iml relate (u liuikitieMri; 4'ItiAlil, lUiX i>. News oflk’4(*

eOMauklili.-. AiiilrcMMir

y itOAH AND NF.Wrt STOHK FdUHAl.K, npl 1 ViLiiiiu’K SI. HUIliiii, N4>wark. Apply at TdiiraA M. 4’ir

fN l-H M IT ilK lirs iNK iH ro u SAI.K ts MeiahlHirliu: rlly ; i«(Teri’»l to ImmiHlhkle ptii

riinner at A gr. lit lvii-(miu; ren<Miri‘4 f>r iO'thiir i|o hist rohkie t(» (lie laiilHikiM, svlileh, um wilt tie liiosvii, I-*

tiourwiiihtf anO yii'hlln« laruu r4*inTiii Ailslrixei H. V. I’.-U.-M Kit. IMl ftMttii'*1. -IX.]

H ’K 1 'sale

CUE4M SAUgo.N a n d IIAKKIIYi‘bvjtp fyrcHHh, .*iMfen

i -Ust-. Box O.New*nlll'V.


IJAIITNKK WANTKn, I MMF.Dl.lTKf.V. TO ijikPTvilrinif iM«rlni'i'''loTere<t.Msstni{ loilek 111*04;

•mly. AilUrvBi FAIUNKU, Itis 1f.'iiVi r**Miilrei.l SeUiUoslU

1>.\HTNKII WANTED WITH BW TO TAKE tihSrilllert I4t In ll IMTi-ilMlU Ulllui hloro, Ail'1r>>«l

TAII.OIt, lU>x K..Ni'a>icmee. I


' r ;

Ui.skL. A.>1 A l l . I'O lt bA LK '-U tT TOW V.


I.AAIIMl!« ‘i m in lit IBo.

rop « e u r nil KXTTIANOK

WIKI TlKHl- ; white h e-

ferml. AtidrvH* w'llh refen’tieCi, A, H, W.. Ihn r. itiiA offli-B.

yiOArtlM AN tVANTKD «'XE I mlxhly iimlersiemU till tpinues / Vi'EltA'I'OHH a n d

\ "iiiHtii

( lOU.ECTDRS OH A NO. 1 rAN\'AH.sKnv wanle*! o f iieat ait>1r44s>4; k<hhI 8alar,v ensi a per

jiiaiieiil pe*illoh I0 (be riprhi ia>rwHi. Apply berum I© A. M. for three dayi at hTojfK Nfarket *t. r»flf

Dk iv k h hobkk. iM irvniM 'H vou xonuui wuhti'd for dcllvi-ry wngoii; nitint have

tfMl of tefetemv. Aildrs-Ri, HhUii* lur- uuU whin iMl vmpli'yesl 4»t, I B e * V, Newstiftlce.' -*7(t

AM> (FtASKB Wa n t e d ontt'nl nUv*'T Work ; mse ssh(M*nii Him lilm'icif

al4M4toMjntilninecli t-«th*‘ iii{hMiiaii Mewly work )m (nmnm'col the vt-ar Aihhe’e'. hIhHuj!waken fl4>iilr4*ci atnl ipiHlliUittiimt, 4'ilASElt, Box .1. Kvetihig N i-wh. _D ‘t



vr, a n d n . j. it. »■ a v k .






.lillkitH, KKI.I.I-qiH ANt> 01'S;HAT(lli.s unlul un line t'lxiL'i. J. A. UHANT 4l KON,

Itrikud i t , Ni'sv. I

rpItlMMKKH w a n t e d AfN’FHTOMKD TOI work Oil M4fl tiaiinhi] imU'tit leather; aino glrli

wllimq to html Aiul trim. Applyo. J. HVDr.^iaCeiitralava

A LL NATIDNAl.ltirii. iLH ifHjk's. cltamtwrmAhD, wallr>‘MM*i. niint*

firli and ireiierul Inm-wwork; girln Beaelnirw jilai'ea hI lUiiiri nuiioe. Aniily UHiiorrow, i>.hi W fSBkENST.

T lT .-t NTKD l.ADIKH ANDDiRiJt TO rXJOl’ H W III w work for ns at hointi: to fTt iser week

ea“lD’ (mute; nn jmlnllnx <»r eanvairiliig ; h.‘|»1 M*lf- IrcMtsml I.nvelu|e'. WHO M A N F F At TV HI NO

( OMPA.N V. l.ilwrly Stputre. Boston, Maiw. 2fp

rANTED A I'HKHM WOMAN FOR BIIKSS- liik iHillet'giiCHls. iDitnlre At dyn lifiinn*, -tl

Kerry s(. S.HKVEH. 6tr

rpA ii,1 wun


Openi Ort. M IiS© 1* M.. fiir thi» Chllilren'ii tifluet ( Ihis fur I.ailli«i only, new Ik’ihmer*. \S islneitiiy eveulhk. 0*1 . t-' riiis.ir4>r (TcnlJemnii only, llMiis- liny.'VI. Ft. 'h1 eloMi f<»r 1 hiIk-i aii'ltM I'Demen, > rlday evenlttif. Fur lerma, eh’., apply o r 'i nil fur i-ln iiUr Aildh 'ut un atwive,

iJ A T fl'lN O f T.AS.SKW. SEASON D 'O im

Di4*slAyf*, ThnrMlnyM and SuUirdii.VH /nr Fov« andklrlTt: Wr.liit*!WlnyA 4 !'. M , IfvlKi’ vh'd'*:Ihk elaHS4«in i Monday and Wolnewlay evenliiKs Imr genlleim'iiAh’ l Iiidl4*i.

For piirtli'ulurs oi!dn‘’ o r c a 9 at n'lldenci'. Nc. ’71 Franklin ht.. ililn Mmnlay nr Tlnint.Uy niter t utid7 3«i J’. M., m»l salunlay ttvonlnk. ............38,| JoelFPir n. WHITE.

IIWliiiTn. j'arriMTP nnd ssiycM-

t-niise. I' liilhi fr.'iii .1pi-il. Hi IV-rnnnlivtitp. N. i , ( 11 m.iin itvel Im B'lriist'.ss n ; tArm W tileeiy l«H'iitet! iiikil iiniii r a K'lRHil KUtlK sH i-iilmaBini. Mid will la* MUii i-r • 4< liHi it <P u tiiiuiiiii. ai 1 ttioe md tliwI'lm* l«i aiv*‘ n iilH‘nilnii Applj’ to J B. MUllE Hill, s, I iiMtcni h-.-o ilrsMuI Mb »t>


I*'Mn>JlY KnU’'AI,l nMif01FllT.D-K.Vr * I 'll '. <7\;'i ; Imr ll‘Nir>i Iki v’oVsI'.V.

Ik. It h>| pnWts K. Dln'imdCd.

)I01 sEs TO I KT.

A 1risi‘kinl ^■rtW'i

I NVO NI-.'V HUH Is HuFsl-S. AH iirtMidii'. M'seii shsiilo tor enrh.

niilhitlli dll lini loM-im Ills : om Ilsri'..!!’ I ’Fl W AN AVI . WiMKtsld'-. ejvst t,(,„p|,.,>. Hi loi lm■•l I liiiii h, isseiily mHiilU's li'oiti Mwrkt-I Hi DeiiiUe I'll till prends. s, W7ti


W i!



( iHKfc'H every Tiieeilay and Fhdny evetiliicA i,4>i4.«(in!i iris4MI dt tin* rewldeni'e fit the imiill'S. FrlvatsMwiifl all honn. seiul for OreulHr^lRn

Mb. W « 11 VVII.LIAUAU«H 0|M*iie4l Hi4' •seaminor l^ncand 1*M Iti vnwtl

Ciilhirs*at hh Inane, A1 LXtU'MHIA S|’ , eHy. ulnlwonifl Btlvln* tIniH.* w hii liilend pi Mindy t't n'me »ton4v and vlte-t (tm Iniiif, oh M r. WllUania w ill Inrvv <mly two days tu ihlaelty. MgiwlayH and TTiiirsHlHyi. anil two In llrouklyn. ___

II iH ’sKs lO Ll J

I,FT FuU KlO llAor "B oT H lT tri H 2 liinip, liklit thlril *tnry fHauA eiv li

AUinit.’Hthy BP h-4‘t. lit lbi‘ litlMillnk inLsduliikr iiii> lo vv |'iri*iolll4v : ssnivr and khs VV SN'V DEIt A




A1V sT,:i4i.oN F'K FROM BosT liiKinl iBr Nf*htlHnn'ii. Dr

FFW IlnAllDKHS WANTED AT V»a HOW Ik EUV HT . MHNshd ilonr. 7tii


1 >1 )hd fiMiiiis ; lahle IvoBIsI

nn U ilH N o 9l cnr.l MiUA ST.: p l e a s a n t roimi ;

?:» B MO! isT

|>AMsST.. Ai (PMH' IHfAlin ATBD t BEMt

; hot and 4‘nld water lunl heal. JUil

I ItOA D ST>lin\p|if'

A I IAV OKSTLEMKN ( AN li Iniiiieaiwl llr’ IcInnitionrsL \

/ tl-N T K K S'V, IMKIMS. VVITU FIHST \ .'liiisH hoiinl 1 man and wife ; xcnllemeii; tald«


lOMMEUCK ST. hul iitid 4'idit waiei'. w Kti nr wll haul iKiAn)

IT ’ nNlHIlKlt mXlMH.................W'd

SAi.oiiN, Ddixo (MXiD m sisFss, f a n UK liiul uii Sery r4'U‘4.>it«hU‘ leriii't; iiew mT .if Mx-'

lucei in pliiee, |o4;«ih«r with water pn-aauce, iil# el4'., etc.; 4‘hean U'lll.

■77r s) H(qnM«yr HU! T il CANAl.ST.


H U E U n .V ._________________________ 1-7*

t lT K A M I..VI M 'H V VXD AI.L E’sjlHPMENTH r^Addriss l Al NDHY. Ik.x It. N. WHiitlire, .Mr

SloH K E oH SAIF. sT i'l'K AND r !X T t ’ lll->lof Ik kfiHvry nture, stoliiir 11 giHHl iiieii bnaliH'sii;

leexfii (i-r >• Ilnur, 4>wi'er lenslMir I'Mv. o.vKsIDl •s Ill'.AI- J'..slArF oFEU'K, KlflliMinl hiimini'r Hven. Jii

m in ; lo N E i i i r m N n tY •tore fitr mile '.'7<l I'VMv sp.

ANDSSroHE v N D it\ r r u E s f o b h a l e

ri'ii.'sm fer s*‘tilhk.


DIKiDA V K. 4*r

AV:u ifF N IH.VJ

rH o l. l s v t E AND it r r v i l ir iv N F E r llo N .

on siiw i f the main ktr#elH ttf .Newark.New‘i4 iirtli'e.

, lUi.k s, T*W,



Wani n giKel man 10 take juiniuenl HI fur haiihnp. thii

liArne nf rfdoflnji »14h- liy. AildresH

W E:AVKUS. WINDERS, WARPKHS WANT- ihI 3u iJiliimm frutn Newark 4>n the D.. I

W. H. K. Tin! HFitMIT HII.K UKO. t » .iiml


rOUnt. IliisO, NewaoflVrc. E M PLO YM E N T W A N T E D .

I VORY BlTyONS A FEW EXl'KHI ENFEDponahersf-aii lliid hIph-Iv enip'4i.vim‘iil, with tfixsl

pay. Ill New Y ork : fare na d IniHi wu/s.t7r Aihlresv. H, Ikix H, S«sv* o(TJc4-. •*


COLOIIKD m a n h'ketllbr, nln*

uuib r ; cUy or euuutry.

a n d w i p e W 4NT a 08 ifHik and the utber a» i-i nHKTCN S i . I

TRWELLEHs W.ANi'ED; H(K>M . ifKiriH ti si.

\YOrSkl MAN WITH OKHI'K KXTEKl emvileilrex u. ptenllou. Addrevi J. H., Bok H,

Ma n w a n t e d , (dioD, hf.l ia r i .k m a nlo sudl hiitierand •-kk>‘ to Akinlllei and l>lJa^hl1g

hiiuwn : iflvp n-ferf nii‘1 1 silmrr ami ixiinruin-hIoH. AdillvuH HI‘ l“rKIL Ikn N.-News ottls e. I

Ma n WANi'ED vvm i a oood tinni’EiiYor tea rf)iit4‘ : Mends im-tilnti alid ijikkI svageH.

Addren** LI HFHA I., B"S W. NevSA idlk;»-. I

1JAJNTEHS—WANI FD, TWO HOOD TAINT 4TH. Apply b\ K. .H DD, eonier lllvet ami

Clicrry nW- ^

KIHSTCLASS HAHHKlt WANlTi K, JAliN , I.VM laifayetle tl. USjBa khkk


/'lOAfTIMAN* - VOt'Nll MAN, MARIHKD. \ WHiiCH poHlilnii OH nwebman nr gronta i CimkI

ereuce. A'ldrtwiW U.UAM OORDON',70 Omoge id.


1>A INTERSJIAM.M.271 Kerry


p x AND IMTFflHANiJEll WANTED. W K. MooUK. Ai Mnlljerry H.


w a n t e d , o fion t a p k H'I YATKIlHANQKHhHJigiT : 4tiiiie reojly for ssork. IILI'MSTEIN

A (.I'NKlLUiiH AnafiPiiiy Kl.



A W n.UNO YOl’NO MAN WITH 1 _ fyearn' C4i>eT|eni‘t> In New York clrufHtorT*s aud wild l>est Tf-IVrenreN wentx poHltluo Lii a drugHlore. AddPCiH K-. Box V, .Newt* ollM’e.

ARM BAND A (JOOD HTRONO FARM iiaitd wabin a job with AmaDoaD Jarmer. or a

Ufeldl man at Kentleiuaii'nplar’e. 32h TLANRHT.'Kr

fru rS E K K E F R H A LADY DKhiHh^ TOHJ- 1 Ltkm an Ixmiiekevper; thdrouiibly competeht koU kooi] ftifoivuQe. Call or addrea*1 14 M fLB KRRY PL.

HRI. WAN-re Id AtuerkiaD


- riKHMANUorSEWORKHliuattun at kfln4>ral himiiea'Otk

fiuutb'; (P'skI rt.'fltn'tie#. "

1>LrMBEH VVANTKD, at 4:> PI'A tiFD ST,


1ABKS.SMEN JTiR FINE COATS WANTKD . rikbt ask-ay. WM. A. W llIT E H tA D ’S iSONM,

IX and 35. t ’nnrt at., eor Nes odu I7r

J ADV WOt’LD U K K TO OO OI'T RV TMK jduy oe dn'NNinaker, mantle or ruaimngtr.

I FLtOiKNCK OWEN, 14k WoHhlngtoniL

’ U H SE

C W FST I'AIHf ST..A lilRlurradc H« liftol of Ml nan* t'ondnrlM anconllnir

lo the metlnulH i»l the i>rHi<.ii>al Eiirnt>eaii s-onterva (tirlen. The hioit Hclexd ami beat eipil|«l*«J .un-kers a lor> hitheSUlr Eviiry hrikneli uf Hie art iitnkid hv n Ikcsilfr nf eminent lOMPieint at moderate ratca, ('onfera leaeher*’ oerllttmU-a •mil •lipleuKia. Free wliolai'slihw. ('onti»'rta by teBehemaiKlpuplK H4>iid foT furtv thiriw-peke ratiilnirkHv ey '* Fllhl>Kr,U ‘ HALMANN. Dlrertnr

V >IAN O l.^^»HnNs THOm>t:o|IL'V T .v ro ilT t oy Mrw s. V r*jiilHi at her home i»r ttiiiiM’ ‘'f ilia

Two haiuDi'ini* in mum Imo*''-, hflis-n mliditi* fium MHfh4‘l and HrriHd •-!, In 11ie IPli Wiir4l, kixisl ii' li:lii'OrhinHl, 117' mid Ml prunss I vaislii ave., near W tiK lii'l. Hiiohc!) Ill m-rfei'l 4>rder ; haiulMiins'ly dfs-nriii«(l : es4'ty ftmvehh Di'e : rent htw to a die l^kldo t4-iiant ; n rare I’p^Hiritmiiv. Apidy

4.F0 . w. m N K,

tT.n H." rexn-yls jiiihi nv*‘ , nr 31 Nesv h1.

I I l H ’Hy ’H i l.l f. IH ' rk M I'T N ^I .NK.^R I I TTiiii’ •■mh i\< '■ rooiiiH I•lt11lr•vl s ami lam ilryuiid all iij'riirifh iiopK'VemMii'-. Vpp , iUj in; M VKKTTht

/viM M l lirE hT I kshhli

liM. i'l.i:\H.ANi' alt Imi<nn4niient*.

Ill JOMH 4r

‘ IUMMI’ ID'K s 'I’ . >•’' NK'EL ri'oiisH, ssllh or ss IChnot Imarsl.



1 1 t M Si’.,



,^fllNlH!U‘ D Rni'Ms, WITH tH>ard. JIM. IBioAD "T.

G•t k t ^

BEEN ST. lit l i 'n N Is m D Vullh 4W sll|i4.ttl h< aid: Miiiald*

( HOVFsT.-JH. iu:.ut< (H Hi'ilfH HE f fnr TWi> KeniNMuen-

iiH w r n iim 'f.UiFHiiNT BOOM I'l.rtno. I


I i n l sF, Ilk I FTI I nmer In kilt lo'it.


] >IASQ iiep

Addrem, d*s .Ml’ LHEHHV S'l



Mlbs DL'KLINo.G\ (tiink st.


From liiti nrOetobf'r, setnrdn.v nat#es bRiTiiooiw and evk'iilnioi ami prlvale

Thf'V- deRlrlni! iiHfHriilura ple«‘« ‘ ikddr»’»4 JO‘'>l- r t i B. WHITE, at VrankUn ht., cHy, or CoiuluiKiwealihHail, Ea^l Drahue -sl


r rPTT.S W A M E 1>10 LEABN M ANDTH Mix. fai'lal ii'ai'-age, ronndrxlmi eteanilna ua<t

hair dre*»iliik. MME WAJ.TKRs.rifll ltr«w l’'t. ?t->c

SM AM. IDH SI-. n UiJiiMM; U Ml'.IHiliN tjT., near W ar

_______________ 'Hn|.wj;i I.INUM AT LOW IlF M

rlitiinii iivi'.: N'lvem• IE. IH R N l'T i. t: AcHdiinyt-l. lH|


J I Ol'-^l W VN'I 1 DOE'‘OX H(H IMS. sEIT.A Ill.K

W Hinl u, 1.11 Mnrv. t-M. ‘ ' IWr

iim>Ms AND P U T S T fi i.»rr.

nAisEY ST. **i KI'RM s IIKDlet wllll iKeinl; reterenn*a.

S o t Kd4»iibliHl 111 nhilAyii! aaP‘ im 0(iV4'rnnien| iHihdJi. Tho IfeHl a«*UI ml lie lu the l ‘t lp[iU' I 'rtH’k dlutiirt, Hlfs ly D’lhiiM a( Ik aJiare. I he riiii(m4ier sif (he like'a 1‘eiik I'lHC'T MlillNi III 1hi*t i>nU‘e for one WkH*k. I f yimliaso immes tn Insutln hirin' nr i»nmU "miw ainl wanl lu dontde II. mil linrneilialelv.

IN I KllNA TKENAD KX i’ H A.NoE. m>B Nekk V'mk t Ity.

FOIt faAl.P,

\LLSOIl1^ .ANDSI/Ks 1VF FHIHT. SlUDK and orimmenlul vinen, ■stindihery mal

n w hu*ln-i III ilm Si;W.\KK .sEHs k h ’ , rilnlnu near lei mlnie* of Raphl Trainit ami Itrond at.

riHl I'arn. otHe -. rit.i Hcrveii

Fo u h .M.i :


nARNES i.AI Mh FoiI k mvnfWM. Hill I N ,’.fl Me.’haiilrat.

I>|| M M’ J *inatl4- IU1

A 4 I.N'1'I Itv i-fiLFM BtA. RNKl’. s : 11ml fin** i.nWT ( hll afler 7 I’. M.,

im M I' I’U 'is j 'y .n 'a v k .

ML.VNhEls. (Ji ll IS, o H # ANft TOMcHKil••R r.vei lioitt < athidie |'i>. (■4ioiiiiliiiiH n lll’Mdt

I AD^ WISH IX I Vk'O i l l II DRENTO |IM| HD. jjslr fJk BAHRISON AVK, llarrlitm

FfU N lM IE D Rooms ki,

sprlnulh-ld ave., mid -1., at Inwev than iO-.i*

lu* , sa-, ‘4h-. HHr

.IH HhN s ,\H4 ADE.’7'i • ntleelktll Hk l< , la'ill' Hay

I AFAVEITE ST.I jvi iui 4>t M Rhoid tuiani

I tkMhAHDV EL , ;i.1. FI\ ! ERoMiNi'W arid llrtmd "(1 Ihatrilinii; tirrniark Aitieri

emi (nhle ; dm* uf piano . luiHi VSi;

Mt . p l e a s a n t a v f . vl■wl.^ r n i ikDliCti nKitiiM, sith or kkithmil laHinl, h«r ip n

r fllD F H EoR SVI.E EISK rID E Il MADH " rnmi ■« 111'! Ill a|ipl'- , *l iht tmrrel, -d' »ehli r ina*'e 111 (irdet 111 liivvenl prliH**-,\h. i AM. W.VI,/, Nuih’y. N. J.

t o i l s a l e . lllO R orH im R E D IT !*Nti»u : fl r sill’ eli«-a[i, DeptUi'ofJ. H. MAiBEi

I'ln i . »-,iki|i iirai'»f“ II V * “I ti»u

a I'Airr.M EN'f< iXJ 1.1 I' THItKE, Fnl'B* \ HM'1 tlvc nwiin*, Pit -J. 10 iih'I t'7 K**ei 1 . OJU*iil'P k lT<mi lh.iii.1 A ; T''! M fn*iu 1" lo flS : <im Ilf’••■••I on i)r*'Tiiis‘ 'V ni|iii M 'f .E M MJ-.>'KI :r . n-jiPniilPilOal Roil-llllg or D1 ll Hir r -ar II) ‘if. .V'r

4 FFItX l^ lIK fi r All . 1. I Rl X 1 MlK)\t U IVA tiloi: «Hh r; *‘N' ■111 ll Ill gri' : hutli; >ulai singleriH.tii '7 '7 Ft. V X f "•I' l< u M*>

Mrl.llERRY s'l,. 1|\ AI.LOVK KIIOMfnrniilml Oflini, wtih 4ir Hiihwil himid, aWi


HROAD S'l'.. ( lllttil Imil’M-k.

l.-i I fH M ipliia.

lil-.ik R1KIMS

F l.f'ls \M>'7 Il.iih. ti rfK>ite-and hattiru“

ROOMS TO I.KT, ull Impnisaim Ilia,

>T HW N'l’.. !T. I'l.EAMV.Nr EJtoM linm l, I with iHiurit. for a liuty, tir

N- H'l-MY FlRNIsMFD Rooms WITH lUKRft. all tili|'vnkerii«iit'«. ln| t’Ol |<T .JTig

/ v m llA R D ST. U\ liklili or alllkoiil iKkunI

1a«H. Fo r s .ij f. A B o l 'M i Dfal AT J. lU I.R ly '* . I'W'Veroim Hve . Wu4«1ahlR (inr

NAi.i; f,Arni->*. l•l.\^EUs, s h a PEh^ drill lig>t, ilmp. lever and po«v»e

l•re'<aM. Merit f iiiiLna, tni'iiil ikorklni; maehluary, (•ol I D A EBERJlAKDl'. UtnM. Bruea obd .N. J. II R ave.


al. Tlr

AIAFIMAN - WANTKD. EXPKHlENlED and rehnbla oaleikniari to ]nirodiM-« a apcHaRy on

Nalary lianlH, Actdrevi Jolts VV. ILlEF A DO., lOA-iriM WalNkib ave., i hh-aiTk. HI. Mil

SHUKMAKEK W ANTEIiON CI STOW SHOE.S. iRI NF.W'ST. 4f'r^ _________________________________________

STAMPER- w a n t e d . AN A NO. I RiBRoN tokflawaiampen mie4tt>ea HOher man arcl lltor-

mialily tinderaunnil hlit bn-Uie’iri . ao arUat In this linn ''■n flnfi a aleady sliuHilon the fear roiuid ami ITMmI waifefi hy aihlrfe- lng at oD<'e W M. K HKUWN, 45 KAlrty "L. IbrnvWeuce, K. L iS't

O TO V E MAN w a n t e d . MVsT BF PXDF- 4? r 1en4’e<I. F. A. KIRCH A (T).. lu&Market Bt.Kir

m tNM M rni 1 smith : (Kie need to farmn'e K<irk ;


n4M-ct apply. HICKSON, Brk’k Chureh. 1

T o o l k o r o fu h w a n t e d , m k .n w h ohave had exjterletiee ul forgina HrmUl »(eel torkla.

Apply in W ILLIAM JoBNrtoN. .AkI., mHinifsp- ttir. r of iiitfcliallied' iooIh and Ikardtvure, IJtsJenbHrg Works. I

W a n t e d —RALESMAN n>- r a t .a r y o r rfunmlmlnn to handle (he new pateiH ehemteal Ink erasing ttenell ; the Br4'Ht4i'l HeUlug novelty e'wef

pT4>4]nr4Hl; eraaeci Ink tnorviiabJy In Iwo ai'cnnda; iiD abrwIon of paper ; aon to WO |Mir cent, prollt: one airenl'itnaleB^amDuiiRKl to |K30 In i l l 4layA another $3Slnl«'(J hfiiiTH : we want nno eiienielU: (p-iienU agent fnr each State aJid Territory. For termx and larUctilar.'a'ldretw ihe SIO.NKOK EKASKR MAN- 7FAt'ri:itI.NO COMPANY. XH7, U Cro^. WI4.

D E A T H S .BOIOl-Bna6*nly, on October 10, 1(03. Denlel

n.^eltRAaon of Jonne. ami Mary A. Bolce, lupxl 41 yearMd 7 montliK. Hekatlvoa and friends arr* InvltMl.D attend the fimeral •artdf'ea from the deiKje / hid fathsr. No. Ik Mulberry pliicx*. TbkiridA’, a ll P. M. Intermeiil at cnuveplauce of the facM/. plalDl1el4| ;oipdra pl«a«e t o py

CRAtBY.-Olf (HTOHKR II. Wllilam Crane O^d a? years. Relatlvea and rrieiniA of the ile c‘e4V'ad4re reapactfully Invlisd to Attend (hePmeral from late realilence. No. Sin John atreet, HarrL ■on on'Thiiriiday, Oriotwr IS, al A. N..l<i(ha Chiirciol the Holy Crow, where n Hlffh Ua-kHof Iter|Ql«ii will hefinl'rod Ibrtbe repose of hla eottl. Jntarpent in the Cemetery of the Holy sapuU lire,

HHVITT.-On Ck'lolier H. Thomaa HekvRi. In bin ttf year. Ernisrol aervi< ea will be held at hla late pisldenoa, No. 3A Hberman avcmie, Ke«rny,OD Tkiniday. (hjtober It, IMi'J, at 2 I'. M. Helativeaan4l frIimUurtbB family are mpotTfully !iiivll4x1iDltfinent kt F^rmoutil {'4>metfery.

LiKMCfl.—On Wedttfadny, (k-hibar 12, -netlkk'lg, bel^efi wljii of AduH J.ietker, Hired -VI years. Iiela- tlrotand hlendkars kindly Invited to aiU-nd the fimsTHl 6n VrWft’. Oclofcer H. at 2 I’ . M.i Irom aw Prirtravreot, loralrmoiini Cemetery.

PEACOCK.-*Oii (Ji'lobep 11, Mw. Mary Peacoclc, widow o f Arcllbald peacock, Mw1 n: yeura. fim oral aervlrea 01 Tlninrlny ul 2. 1) P. M. from her Into realdaikcenNo. BS OliTor HtreeL ii4dailvea ami fBendiarolniMI loaliaud. Inlernu-iRat Irving­ton, N-J.

nOTHRRy—Roddeniy, on. Monday. Dftober in ISIL .TamM i(0we, eldeat aott of >DiUbow ami Cailierlne EL lothery, aged 48 yean. HHikClve«i and frl4>ii(ie ore Uvllod to attend thetAineral servlctw from his laf raaldenos, No in Grnnt tireei, ThitrsdiT. fRotter 14, at 2 p, M. InU'rmenl In Itotint riefupt Uematery.

VILL[(mi.- 'OB lueMiay, October 11, at SJki A. U.,jA>qlHVl lcer,a<e(l 70 years 1 moniti ilfidayH. HaUtiren ani irlanda art very rflapertfldly Invited |o attend bl^naeral on TburMjay October IS, at 2 oVIikCk P. l i rtom hts Ute reKiilence, No T4 South ftaveith 8L Itiisnnent in Fnirmoimt (Teindcry.

t>Mtb CUmM.TM In Newark To-iUy by |•tropolUlln L lt « JUigg C«.

„ _ Prom, Ami.Mary E. o*lln,M Johnson are..............]i llfta"Jennie BpfiMtead, 1X4 Mulberry Bts...,,,. .10Wm. H. Whley, 114 7th avn................. . »Frank (irfnAskl, Davis a ve ........... 10Harab Mo>od, 48 Crowk at................... . »WHlIimi ]paB,Sf.'him!hst..„:,„i......... . ,oiOeo. Aim. 1*1 buaex ave................... ,o.VAndrew t a r t y , ! Lloroin arn,^*...... .«vAnnie KiFArda, 71 Maosau st.................

& m v r r . bum., ...........Cor. Market and nalseylM

. _ .. A IIKHRKCTABLKW(IMAN.HPEAK Inc Herman. French and EnallHb. and having

The beet referenevH, wt!ih4*a HtluatU>tt ae lick aune; la very c<H)d t«» I4‘tk1 to 4'otjrtnmu*nta. R tlf 'llE N - BECnEB. 240 Llvingstoii i 1.____________

A VOVND m a n w it h 4 YEARS' _ .perliMuc at varnlahlni;, wishes to learn tbs palntiim huiittsaa Adilrotka M. fTOWELL, oor. Lock and Rua.aec ave. 1

'|>AINTE.R^ X eiperliMii

t jT E A D Y YODNO MAHRTE;D MAN WANTS ^poalllon ai ikblnning clerk m a* book-keepsT. Ad- dniM A-M. WtLlfCR, k^summer eve. lr

-IIT A N T E D A KITCATION AS CXIACHMAN. W nukrrted man ; wife 1* wlllliw 4|cj ieneral

bodaework , con mme well re4X>mim'mied. Apply to KRNlMT l.K'l/.NKK, Hi l«i Bremen *L, city. T2r

W rANTKD - TO BENT A nOARDlNO-HOrsE V V Id running order, or would take charge ufone,

ArtdimsL, U«iH H, Nswaom4'e. I

■\^OUND MAN, STRICTLY SOBKIl. W OfLO 1 like employiikent around a Kentlernan's plm e ;

country or city. Adilrj-'a F , Boi .s. News ortlo*. 2r

i r o r Ni 11 (Usbkva. her,

WOMAN w a n t s NITCATtON AH r.UCV liROSCH. 14C«rineidat. Sir

fso, do not fail t4> get onr rate4 befiife bhrmwlnf.We make loans 4iu fnrnllure, rdaucix. llriTse

vogoikri aiul other perMonal pruperiy wlihooL re- ni(>va1, at llie IowohI ponHlble raieiaml lu iLs t|iih.k- eStpoMlhle tirue

l.oaii'4 rail be carried as lonkaa ilealred or oiny Iw paid In full or in (wn at aiiy (Imr and aiiy pnrl paUL n>dii(’'e!i tb*'cTMt ijf carrying the loan la piutwriLuii to the aitionnt

Onr otftcee are 4vinvanletUly Inraied ami are iiTBiu[e<l that (lartleH rallliig on us can bo aulieil no iiulckly aod <yiVirte4>iiH]y.

Remember iliHt yi'U have fhe vim» nf h.iih the prn|)erty and the muDey and can reluni tim ijioi.ey at aiiv Dme you wish.

It will he <o yonrailvniitage loiwfl tt.*! biTore pronirluf a h•eM.

N K W A llK Mt'UTOAflF LOAN rn .27C Miirkei -i.

FT" inid : t ilul, ro4iiiix, impiovi'iiiuJiUk. t-V ; 1 tli4i. h riHiiu'4 Hint b»lh, 7'Jn

'rh.‘« ‘ ilat-er» alHii cudiniM-aiitv near de|w>t umlare nil lit lii'ci-i |ji-,x Ilf l< 1.

I'lir xiitiiriu'tury ieuuuti ii lo^•^ price ikonli tze ruiirilileivd. lUipilro ul '

h KI.U]/:,

> I.IM MV. ii lil'SiH.VRLFT<(imiv M Mh 4>l ikUlmill IjuilI'I.


4!.IN .ION A\F.

A tTKNTIDN ' ATTFN’nON' I'ARTlFs needhic numey |i’», fRp * O' iminiptiy

loaned on hnii84*hnl<| innilinre In im- whlioiil ro ffioval: poalHvely lon^ext lintc irlwtr. hiwi-xi raien; Btrlctly conHoeiiiial : reliahh-, oldeii 4ti'al>-llnbe'l, eaHy rejMiynipnta. pnnnpi aitenlitm ; money In twelve buurs’ buUve ; oi>en vvnnlnKf till e o'clock.


17 'litU>errir ki,

r M l "ill *iF N't. -i: )tx. .Vl'pl.V ..

Ft RNHHhD ; n'l*' Ilf liHlh.

(rilDD RiJAHD ,•*oiiv«‘idi'iHi'x

1.^'HI SAI I i»t*r.l |l .

|;*'>1( -k l

11 kl I. RVCK, 47 '>0 M.-VK SlDKpwrifjf •III!. s;n ; lahy 4-nrnnae. J

*i 7-’i : 4iiMk itove. ; iM-rilini '>iir>l i iiiHUfi'v,

> VV 11.1.1 A M Kl’. 1

I lllt l y iinnh iriB’ NIi Tioris toiiki-n slvi if'iod (Iniihh-hurrel

ij'iii. .V'hlrcM'* I.I..V Box

F lliN IS fU D•-’ If

w ( i I I hoard ,, t i »: Iin>] :fi I.'>MH.<VltD\ I'L.

• 1 >M M I I

I ’ : , 'i' iv pp’ P’l F IV'ND

lilt td

■ V >-1 71 71 I A Iri'M >i| II I

I I I A l l 111 i.t;r, L.. ; nil i.mhI. ni Iri'pn

I rrc 1 . •• I i-ii:'A- Ml , Ri’ .;i(l •-! .

ipniMH I:ACI| !*TK

J ONT U M \ (........ j.iiiiier:>iiiini< .Aiipii•If JAM D'R. .V

IN r it lV A lK aud ^h'lun (iiK.

I^ T V l> sT . '.'1 ND 'H .Y Fi IIN I’-H IiD R'H*\I * Tf'-r iW'i ireii1letM4'M, iiih) «)Mi uiuhI twiiinl. I’l.r

rp W it (il N i l . EM IN CAN *H T I 1 Fr.iiril rui'l rcorn. ImiMUM iiii-iili ;

H N EW s r

1, ‘ H DIM.rune*' liixi (

*‘ J\ip1**.N I'J

I/ritN V t.Rl.

rtrvi .1, pD HI xi NU Rl

« \RRRTS. •Vi'n pir mil' ( hr




MJit h \|.F. '•EttiND it a n d HiiMiinii • ' fiiriiftii', lu

■ 11 -uiiiiiiir lor xniull howu'. .Vp •V \ f . 7l«p

M iI (iDEuN 1

r Vdtlr.tR ’ VIE : FTNF ‘I’nNK: I'KH-

\,. H'*T /, Nr W^ofllee EVi

13J Ki;m i. 4-4 hnmd sr.

I - : , ' , , !


i’i uM '.m I* R'l ll.. ' hUii.k D 1 ,

iMh Tn hnl




W itS iN iH .F ERHiVIS WITH({■•jitif’ini n. i'll h ih ia d nr.

T ARRKN KF.. 14 I'M- AS.A S t HIM*1.1. ,V.SDlll>- I'lHIItm \4 itl5 t■•>linl.


THE VISEon Jeweileri' lools.

llK A lt4rt.i WASIIINDTriN &*T.


W FAVKns, WHNDFHIS, WAHPKRS WANT- ed -7IO mlnniei fruiu Newark on tio' D . f.. and

W. R. II. N J.

IlU 'SCM M lTHILK MKU. CO.j Suimull.4dr

* - / fc MKN w a n t e d , a l l NATlONALTlEX t |1 Vi-aUat nflice, 'Jil lIA lJiKV ST., from? to H


lILliie to learn dreaiiiiaklns ni41 iU IU 'LA Y ST.

\V(H'NH LADY DF ARTW TIC AB IL ITY TO Icfirii'TtiVuii kvj»rk. sTlTllt>,tl73 BriaulM. 2hr

1 * ASTERSl » l y : lo

I.UILS WANTED IMMEDIATK* , mliiirik'rn and rimt iHoden*. WM. a ,

W h IT K IIK A Iis rttjNS, :u and 35 Court Ht., t’or. Nf'Vikdik el.

lODK.s, i HAMRKUMAIDS. M ’ RHEK AND . alrif* fiir ifcneriil boustuwnrk ; cati tie supplied

w)l]| drst-i'laaa places Iminciliuli'ly, 114 MAUnKT HT. 4fiq

WiKK. (tENERAL HOT’RRWOnKEBm,- walteni end Derinaii frlrlri ciii) havej;uud pIochh

by applylngitn M l.' s DKi-;NN V. 2i7 High at. 1

3 0 . O O O .


\ -A . A.- DKKKSilAKISO AND M ILUS-* cry, open iluy and evcnlne, Wl lirriod. wlien*

Irijth tmini'Jiea are tburoiiKhly iimjrlil ; every Hieu- tion glvcD tu pupilR until proHcieni lu Hie aro.2nj pBlWrii4 cut bv MRS. DAVIS,

A. .A.-'THE; ONLY HYMTHMNOT A f H A R fH. T. Taylor la tliu t»n*,lMHrU.vlor ».VNtem.

Lorlh's, ih'W wlin tell .ran nf liHVinK an Rnprnvi'- ini'iit 4jii ililik syBisni. and the same HlmjilKieJ. tell ail mbiniih. iU4 our riyeletn iH I he nnl.v un<- of ucliinl Tm-Riur»*menc iind II»h only pcrfei't way m t-ni ladl)‘rk' KariiH’iilik; no reKithia ; .>k ImlarN ran mnke dmv .<ieH fri>e ofcliuriice ; Hiill fin'tlidi i,'"itr,knu*i il : all areinvhwl tn (aU -.lewm:* <lny ur ermhiR; pal teni’4, ('iiilimj and fltUnv and fuahlonable dre-** niikkltij; c ut hy H, T. Taylor eytHerd ftfiui B:W Broad­way, Kew York.« r M, K- CHRISTIB, i*« Broofl st.

100K- WANTKD. A I'OMrETELNT CDOK ; ((ood tpfereni'es r<Hjuiri‘d 4 VV’ . HARK HT. 1


FlClC, 4 Nen at Mk;^Tgirla

r U I U — WANTKD. A H im , FDR r W A lH S \ T work ami mind one child I yvars 4jld ; referom'e required. 2U PLANE sT. i

0( IBL fin he

Wa n t e d , y d c n b d ir l t o a s s is thoiisekvorlt. 28HBOVKHT., rear CVsurthonse.l

CyOOD HALAltV HlUHANTKttD TO LADIKR Fwllllnir lo do wrUltui Rir me at thalr homes.

Addresa me In own bandwritliiK with eiHinped en­velope. MIHM KDNA L. sM yTllE , HonlU Ind., proprleluror the ftimoui i*lurlu water for the rumkieirnn. Mv

HOrsKKKrcPEH-A CDMI’ ETKNT w o m a nM honoekeeptr. M. A. W„ Box 'A| Nekvn


n o rs F w o B K w a n t e d - a DIBL FOROKN-erol liouaeivork In family of live

re|('renr(Ni. Wild.JAM si..Olid dour from North Cilutoo bt

til) chlldn-n . I'kvkt Orange, lu'c-

HOL’ShWOKK~TWn IN FAM ILY A (]E:R- mnn. Swede or Ehigllnh girl; inuat be a gtHn1

c4M3k. Cill on Thtireduy and E'rlduy at 48't THOMAH ST. from II milill 4. 7flr

HOVSF.WDHK 4HRL WANTED F f>R L Ifl]fT housework and sleep home nights.


HDVSEWnRK ORt.'JiAHD KT., 4ft, YOT'NG L'lrl 10 oOhDt wlUi general botisewurk ; sUtep

home_______ __________________________________ I

HDrHEAVDRK light bousewurk.

WANTKD, A H im Inquire at


A -THE: .Mi'DQVVKI.L SYSTE:M op [mE>M • cutting iKUKhl. Hfsnch uf the New York

Kohewd. IJidiriTwho wBh hi Ic'Sin ruilliiR imd hr cmni* exiiHrl.H,<;n hm iix'tmhlr diriii [make ii pii*iMnh ns rulter, Hhanhl buy lliia *«ys|. ni, »vhich D U‘e-1 hy ulllhelienli-ulUTsaiidall birgcHt dn-wmisktuif esUliiwIniiPnlH in thlri (ounlnv ■|‘hr SR Dcnveil Hinnenl iJraMuff Morhlm* hn iHyertMmiMh-frHle'I loftny coiiiesi. Ii'seivirto lonru, rapid to use. r«- qulry no reMlIlrif. 'I'hia svaiem Ivnda nil oiliom, lienanae It gives Ihtwe grst-efi.l and "lyUsli curvn- whlch you can not (ret with ihe idd-fuahlnn I'hari/c called Taylor JiyHlaiU'*. They kvili fell yoii their charts ar* used In New York siorea. 1ml ij|rf»u In quire you wlll llni! that thev nre not. Be iur4* you make no mDtakt. ilet 'he MoDowc-ll system, which ll at^knowlodgml the stands r l liiningh'iuilhe kk'orUJ.W * leach svery Hiyle of garment wuni and the en­tire art of dreasninklrtg* a'he niitnlier of lessons are not llmllial. Ihiplla rnny make a dreas fur Ihorn stdvea while learmng. Lp4*claJ lectures on Thur’*- day, from 1 to 4. hy onrf of ih- loainiciura from Ihe New York school, i D-ioiRful tolorotl fashion ■heel will be given |f> every ltdy <-aUitig at icw b r o a d KT., Newarw N. J. ________ "'b

*1 v it fX H M A K iN ^ i >o m £ a t re:a n o n a h i.r I /prices : cut an »fll ic nieapure hy K T. I wyior

p itA N K L IN aAVIN'HK iN a liT U llu N ,


N r.kv.kRK, N. J . Aug. 22, ISS"!


Thp nihiiiur^rs have derlnreil a dlvtileml nt (ho ralerd (lire*, per itiit. ju r urmiirri nn iiM ni'ciiuiii«« entilhal tlM-re(oon-''‘t'pR‘iulHT l,j(ayubh<unuud allcr SejiU'intHT l.V

Ih‘|ionMs made by (To* third of nny [iioiith dRkW Inlereht froui the drat u( that inundi.

JOTIN M (AVINNF.LL. Prrai.lnni EDWARD N c r a n e :. Vlce-J'n'^ldenr, MEiUHl’IT (i. I'KRK I SS. >.4-< rfUrv'.


IV E r 11p{l.--cri'|i

HI 1 lOHiVD M I.l- ]• 1ST rU u jR ;j,.' .‘I l f , lh ''.ic*« !■ Apflv

.1 \ V F K. tirnnd

I ’l I VT TO 10 M s| pT iqici 1 -I nil OI--1

r> V\ ID RM'J I'.V .V 'I dal d.

i\ r> n (>dj{ (iK . c •.kV>';ii. II' • - A pjilv jR ' -.1 W ,M I I.I., t '■■iiiin. r

I.A r J'l I.l. Ifhe rtKHj.e in hi.-iI'


JdVVI il t I.ATUiillT

0 NE:V t u Lf.tAN ON IDH SEHfir.D ETRM rpa.oriraneand mn-ui

out removal : parlleM homtrH'dy •!(m ; ch‘tore.planrpa,r>riranHand mn-uinkl prop

i')ly •li-ull'A'lih, and ■ au make rc|»aymeiifs by ln^lal0ll’rlts: all (KO'tQ''Si slrktly confldeiitsal. <’«11 on E'. W. I ‘ IIA WFUBD, room Z, 724 Blood oU U|iso evi-ulugs nntli 7.

Mo n e y i .o a n f . d o n im hs( »\ a i . r r o p -eiiy. pianos, oreiins fuid furiiluin* In iiw with

out reiiiiival : uU hnalne>4>! atrU-lly <iii:|hl<'ni|til Call oriiddr*kn F. * E:JiW a liD* . Ilnmii b, Iwi Morki-t ■t., or lu Cedar al., day or <v.-nlng

MftNliY ON ROND AND Mf lUTO E’. Il> loan In emus fu '*iilt. K Ih J Al Ksi^N, i uiin.

Svllorat-law, 770 Broo<i hi.

l o a n OFI’ ICI'. F. p in Kl.E.^TEilN.3<l CUailioii Kl, ii*’.ir

KprluiflU'lil ave. I'd!>r KW

\ LIcenSeKl RjiWnbruke


Al the«'of KFAY4M1D I". Il,\ums ROOM 712,PhrD K.M lA I. HCII.DINO, Niu^aik. on

T irruKD AV, ( k t o i '.e k m, a f 7 f . m .3ft KhiireK Newiirk Fhinh Rniul I’o.. |iar wdue I'MiO 2.5 bhnres Newark Flr»‘ Itti rl|t, wilim |li.. ‘JOikhnreH E.HSI-X (loiiiiiy NaUuiiul Bank, par Mtlio'

fi.rioo.3 KlmrcK Newark tlh-clrlc l.lcM tiiid I'owei- ( o.. par

viihiefUIO.15 hliari‘1 Yonkers Hn'i Co., pur vnlin trio4 bt.nres MunU’lalr Hoh and 'V an-r ( u.. pur value

iRiO.100shares MaiuifHClnrerh' Ins cn, in liqiPdalion. Hurni No. lliS Railway Uetf'sl«‘ i« !l AdjnslincTit fur

IViM.ZLElseculors Knlate of IR'BEH l’ l'f>D, deceii’+Cfl

Oi tolaiT 7. Ixlri (riip

I,-si at Tn I. ' ......... I : nil


I ’ ’ :

I a;ii'ii“ i : nil uiipr< [!)'jiiir»-i.ii |!0 iijI 'I' .

NEl K!i '■•mi ld-;

I Al'H 1(1 I l-.l i)E Kill' (juc I'uouiK. I'llv Seii-j, wn

............... .. N 147 117I IIJ. Vjijilv lll'iH 'i f

ET\ I III k’kWD K.(I HI.

r^ F V lv in i i.T 1 lint. r.‘. Bill

1'- it II DU V'-'.V N r I:(i .n*. : u il.... id'll' l■■Api l\ T I VI V F.K I I

i s o n I lau;

sni IL RnnM-' i n I I.l. "I

j r k M'in.4p|il> al Al


V !'l ; s thwiMs; rent low In aiiilllK


l.A HUE . H AN D- r ••in.Hi'i hi o'lliir. M] iidfmlt SI.; r< nr fri


ii\H HHD K Rl'l U »bctw-fii .\''i‘»r itiid


I*- Ml 1.l':r IX NEWV K h hviiiih I'.ltfiiih


Vl7 A.XJ’VD A F fItM .' HKD HOi iM W 1 J M\> b .MF'); h«a1i' n ''eiPTHi . ) y Irirly1 V'liirrsN 1 . }t"t l» Na%s-,('itn-p

\ * o r \o I.-VIO VV'Hirhs ItoAlOi1 r s I'lH1 r:iii■ III n-mi-i ui'i il iip ii>'»liiraiD :; (P •

-Ii'iln■ 1 Ml 'I roniUiiM. .tiMrch ■y.\ 1ru.vL,Itoi V . Si A.."111..- 1

VXD Mj'fiNDBAND KJ'nV I'X F'Dl|(- ; to nfiTK ittui I uuktiiK '‘I'o i‘K.


iVN nil.M pop mu,AN I'Mlt Ka I.E sap. 07 •'ll EllM V N .A V E Sr

VF.HV FINE : N'll core Inrt (ir

I* 111 If pim-hii>ed ; rMuai. .Vildrc-aK li.


RANri rCRDillT■■P i-nillil I'Hti*; hIsii

y hiw prlie in-I- ->pn X V I I Plllfi IFI’ l

roll. Adilri'^K I |>

(■'JUrill' lll.lllll ,.jiihe Pj:t HpRI.Ni,l M t h

I>lA Ml n\ M *n.". I elit-l |l‘: . .1 a* oii< cip

R ll Hi I . Itc) h. N. ti, iiflli



<(AKI’ e n t i:k jiiRiii 7 •tnni‘. nddlthitiA (dli-ratUnis.

ruoth «lilnxl<Mi, siort uiuugi uoi>- inst work, utc,

llEiNliV KNimiT, 30Aliantli?sL

|>i E R nl..\SH I nit SAI I n I F|‘ FRA ME AND ■ oiijii'x .V'liirfi-i II. L. .M , Nniurk J'l.-i

d'lL IUa»M> l< • liir.t. 4' VV’ I I.

I.l 1 I- V s r


1 ' , .

I .'ll RNi-llL/i Mp

I I FI i tn >1

i L'nm,^ ‘wj.

iXD I I nciH.I U \Ll)V\ I N s r


.•7 I'.RiiVD ‘'V.

FRM- licNt ll'F

J 1 Rl.l' N I I f i i IU;||I I ilU'%'

in D 'll.. I.. >'

in I I I ' I Am i\ " I

SI , n i 'l 'l lN ! ' II n ririjj riri.i.iri ; ai- u.pilW

m D.'I 'irigl''

II rm ivspn. me

\ y ‘ V n ll • h> h i ll11,1 nr....... I -I.1 n. IlnVV I [.I


.1. VV nnP -1 n| ] li

M IlM. till, V' II .111.1 r’Kl'\ •'tv ■ thr-PM

RniiVfs. IIIKf, ..Ip


pyaleni; gaaranin mid A. N, WABXJ



Y {(CIRHH. b a h rH'ENE:n AT 29 Broad nJ, broirh of ins W. I4th New

York t1ty, hi crinnecUoii wllh Tayli>T'*.I)n*wciiMlng BrhiKil; by lh « only triis. ensy TnvJor •ynteni; bidh Ifoile* taught J^rfcrtlt; iipprentlO'H w-nnted: s»arf tKi4it1oBSi mtflbers Inviind : evening ('Juiwas.MO . TAYLOU'K, 72» HloOrt at.

lilM^MAKlNn-KUSHhX C’llAhE: AN DTojmoliend will reopen their Drossmaklng J’ar

Ion* a ^ ilANK ST. I^demlier 27. iMbDl?<

WANTED. A YOl!W(» (411 to niltid child and help with tight bouiawuH

muMt alH'p home. 77 LAsT KINNEY BT.


n or:Hill

711 r

OrSKWdRK WANTED,niliig girl fur hoinwwoik; luTmao prsi


HOUKEIWORK M'ANTED,A(400D0, general huuoi'work ; rmr fare paid.

I 477 CF.NTUAL AVB., Ilrlr

HaJl.OBEDHIRI, A (Jermun girls niid 4

MKNT(iE'FICI-:,42Hreen st.


HDUhBWh BK-W ANTED, l*rntfain(ii girl R>r general tr

h«Ve rsfbrpjHU'a. HW THIHO ST.


•OV4HIONABLKKUn>4 .MADK.lowest prieof ; |Z Sli up. SlIS HIHH mT.

RA.NHK DHWiHK'FrnND w 'HhOL (Ing and (llUng laugbt flrai wH‘k hy iJie Taylor

ayhietii: we teofTi the syslem for *1.5. iu*gnlar ctmnw, culling, fitting, making. (Imping. de«igHlug ami flnlsldng thmiigboiK, l'15. Dresmiiakltig and •iparience.

iialteruB a siailalty. Otw'ii day ami evening. -------i.VNHJl, Z23 Mato si.. Orange, new Decker

Building.____ _______ ____________________ ^

NI) A N I)morlBiiwe rit a )ri r ceiil. tu aomi

and fnr [lerloiD to suit lh« Inirrnwi-rM ; no tioTiiiK ur cfirnniiwlou i hnrgeft ; l-VOiYl loDmu on chaftid tu'+rt- gage In an ms to huU. ED W a Hit K ilLAi K, Cioin srlluriil-law. 749 Broad si, Newatlt, K.J. Tula-plione I^- 40L______________ ___ ______________

TH f.DAN UN t1UM> AND aud 5 pi-r c«nl.

Iji sums and for period-* to a dt ihe horrow»*r ; NU BUNUrt NOR (NtMMlKMRjN LXAt.'l KD ; ALl.

pri pitnH:l. l. HA-S. A. Rroad Hi. I'lO

i k I o O . O O O . ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " '

. ^ 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 ,

neopwitfy patwra <’Hrefnliy p EEU'h, CouiiMjUtir at-Lrfiw. 7.V*

^ A N D IlP W A U D T 'i l.nAN ON FL'JlNJ , suture. Make ]M*rjK«nal apiillcallou to M ICHAEL KANE, 57 houtu DlligL, Rosevms,

rATK N TV^ -i'A llL N IliT

iJJtvruallooat Patent OfTIroi.IJAllTNBR A < a.

7M RnnADWT.OppAsIta new Prudoullal, Newark, N j.

The Isrgest Patent In tlio htate.

MV R l\ FI s lii‘iiuHl. ai.>r

Ml, J'lbi>-]'|iiniiiii-i. r

1 kl.FV 'VMI I. Ithjil! ....I SI I'M S I' , 11I fwii ;»;rii|li'|i

|»l CM S'l'.. iToni r '

i \ l 1 1M.4 N\ J idiili'- il.ird

I I llMsMI D K'.'iiVis,


F.4 in trTp

■ Vf- N t s\ l.V El ........ ,1 M ADI MV S| lr]

V> V X ;2 luii’i

x> FI I vs 1 v r :iil>iil.!i li-r I 1 ' ' Ij'ii

s I U<HI\1 I nil .11. ,

4.‘|FI'UMsii i;}i

1.' cpliiii 7>r

i i i i ' j:i , R 'idMs \<>

'>FVI I 1 f|I10VI'|jM‘II til

FJ AT '. AM. |.7i>m!|ll I

FM M KU nlhlii'd lr>i

V V I A roolI.AMHI.

‘dll'I Tur

7J»lIRKi: I’ l.l \SAXT B'ImMs . FI IlNfslJED " f iiiifniriiKhfd. No Ff w j.R '-ri'.R s'l ;uq


,......... ............. I*atentsTrode-iuarka Lab«>A and Copyright# a#-

b ; ; :

s I

r|’ U LET'™

iwnABKrnR •*t .firvtand iblrJ fioort; 7 rooms; poASMSloct imm# dlalely.

T'RANKI.TV M. nr.DW, rnidcntlal niilhiijiii ilinn tioor). .Newsrlc.rtTm

t o k d k r ic k c. f h a e n t/k i,lOE to OmpbsU AOdi


IgATENTH rmAKF. A~C(».hollcltoni of AuierlcHQ mid Foreign PuientA

Altonicyii Id patent roai'a ht-rnre ihe F. H, ■Courbi, Mfi hnnlcHi and EJectrliwl Kiiklm'eMand Ki|>erW, (.oMHUliailon froe. 749 BltttAU HE Th« nldeste-*. lubllehed buuM In the Ktarc. TweutydJa^yeari'

(Jeruuiii HpukHii.

I-»H I.I T AFA FT VI I .M' DF E'fVK R'KiVfH on tint lUrf'r In hrjea liuii'-e, N.i Fj? ki.,

tM>(wi‘4‘ ii l,nhici’ih-Mild < .I'M-n ; iiU im,pr<iveniciilri ; mhv<'iili'iil U) Miirk*'i Iff F' rry ni. ih-putri ; ref4Trrj(y ii‘<|idrf(J. IaB . 'IB I ’i' a Hu I'LD, niu BRmd rt,. room IF .'i9n

rp n LF r1 4|:i.

(i RikiM.K. il l UjiIN M Dl XN

lUtl Kinl llurvi-y St 4,

1 Rim >Ms a n d BATH,Nn. 2 urlSKtiil pF, h<>t.

/ (H E A D IAM ILV hiM*T a n d stDrE.HTiOlF -" khl hiiUuii, Sl.rrO: Uidle.*'tipm-d hiiltuii,ll.iiu. iH(li«‘i' rlongoU kill iitford 'U‘)i .im-.; ndsM-s' Kid Imllmi. TAc.; mcn'-i aewed, loi-ed un.l oniigiesM, H W ; (hj) V liH iHl «tiiien. 7h<*.; '••"• e ’’ 111- s|'Ki, at Wr'AI, J, MvKlNNEY"S, H'l Flanu ak, iicur ■!. T’.'f

IHiH'irNs (I wllh

1»nni. rviuhihlm 111 f.h


(R s a f e tDjVflNi} '.'lin RANK s|

1^11 ATHEII’ ( t'Rf.EI ijIhI h-Hiljers mad' e.piHl I

VV im .l. \fil WAI IiH-ri a|7* t'U( M.VUD r

MAfCOhM A' K s A r I il E. 1. S, (Hir-ke(lMHikK, Kiasniiii' tool liiu;

uudirunkniif nnr uun niiimifiK-iiiri'; n>niiirlijg I'OonpHy ii[ttiudu>l m. '.yi lllUrAD hi., opP'iHliu VVMKliiiiietuit

IJIVNDM a n d HRHANS 'n NFD \ M i r f I M JtH. sHr I’ l I V , -Mill ki I' : [•

I>||IIMS P.A I'F'ltl-.D W 1-. w i l l |;.-iiir luoins w i(li iVn** tfohl jiiip. r itn

Ix.r.h-r Imi'i'hui lu« hidisl liiid nil lii *7T’i. siini iH'-Hhilcurd For euii.i'liN ^n }lK WAI F I’A l'FR hl'iijU. papcri. Ill S|,p|t„((hi|il live

AUM 'n 'S .SKW-. DEI'lvr,

FA 11- IL..........

n p.iii'liiH'', l‘ir tail III XI.W id 'V'Si.-'t >-.'ir

. Wji'liiI.l I

BeNpitrlv r.pp'.sile i.itii\‘i rl' UiriiN, ............

iliivki's J Mif.i .....I ' 1 ll'* Rl"". ll \ I* ('

clurv I’liUI' .■ ! suufij' niiin-'


■'.A I.J. I IIKAF iv Spiin|rll'-id iiT I (lani-

A l JiillN



FUR K A ll. I II.If I' IM'XHj ■ T'h'r: u K-i In s.||.| i.. mj ke

.MIBKAV's lim.lARD

I'lll VFEM'I- i.lh.'ll.CilSI.H.

'1 I • rry,K...t

-DiFF HJi iiv is , :vuiiu-

__ 3-3kV EM; FE!UI W iielihigO'ii

V r 1 oil !■ M If V Xi111- l“4l:1I.iih ' M( V. m , . .11 I'l' 1........aHi 'I-.IX'"'\. i\ 1 h"1. n '1

'ID iVn V'l 's E"l : ^ V1 1 1 III*1 fl.J n.wi pi III On- ril ■. 1.1 I.L'1 w u l:H' i' .. vshcli■'Ul (fl ' M'ltii

lU >\Vl V'.f s hi I'l i: 1'(.Ml: sD'lr . S t.ll.) ..■ II lllP'S VVII.M V M ,i .AI'lrci'. X.-f.s V ..rk .1"1 •' VI - P <U K U 1 m l ll '•'Dl

Tm 1 ..olpr J1 (.'((>■ -V1 • >u 1 - , 71-r Vi ..111in 1

1' iV r '1 I.l i 1ID 1 X' . F\l:lU"t •. 1 '■ n '1. r . ' I ' up

s.' J K 1" -EV

' A• Ml 1 '1 -H - V 11 1IP. V 1*. V \i, nB-fc" 1 . Illri'c . .U" M A.I'D•- »!.V

in .s|.(nu­ll..MN, II,ir


. ^ : { ui: M .’'iii I I

w i l l RM A IIS F D im D Rl (M|> I (T- r

r i ’niRi l||’> Fd II i.i'J lU.N s, •:

'll I hS Rs>,;7l Ml

llM I.I.IV M WHFI AX OBVIXKII Kill Mil t\ tiHil'’ . 1 alUnul'-s Chi’U. V\ A.-H I X'■ I ' 'N

ST IInil Ik-III. ■'''vITAN' i * )|riill''d r'---

your "I h r- :o i .

/ inf F I ' I .'..‘i! .1 |[■•.a•l

AND iilHIAN" I I V 1,1' \if ji'k-, I ri" ii'lnud, Iri-n-iin 'I . IM N I :nA yuiki i >i ii

D 1.1 '1 D. " i t V 1 R "igliL M V R I JN I i M

l.O sI A M i KOI.NH.

I ii^ l A lil.A« h' H"l XD Din. IIA Ji *i\ Viiii'I jiil'kcl |ihi''-d 11‘ !in"v.*r-i i" r in-

IliLlhi- UJ X| ll Rc’Viird V> I ] III' I...I h r Ms irtliru 1117 I.l lAiAV'il: I It s'l I

I n "! V MASTIFI inn. llXDER W i l l HF.jr*-»M*rih-d h\ r'-iiirniTii; to \. .M V Rl^-. 1 lll''«-niU

HVe nicl li'lllh Ht. TT-j

I li^'l n\ S I E'lD A Y .nr l 'llO•'ll I2.A SI I.V I llirriihr; rm-.wiT* 1" Ou' .......... Ilniid.v PIcu-m*

r' tiiMi >u 11 sFRl ,Vn s ( n-ri-Tvi' ri‘W;ir<l. I

I IIS') V ...K V h: I KKRI Ml. REW ARD VVriT I J}h piild lit in .1 V M I s h I. I

RJ.AI'K AND I'AN IIOt'ND DiKIj I'd l..r F ' r-limiw , J I I UIUHII, f.1'7 Norili Till It., fltc

KH"M ini rnt Rl s'l , sM vl F, 1 Ill'll r will 111* rewar<1i’«l hv ri.liirn

ilddresi 1S I R V Vl'D



I I ,VN riC “ VV'INlnAV -M VUE*

CITYL^ayatem, at tvaaotiobia rates, toed, RrtNEWWT

iierfaci fBguurnn- : ar ,

Ho u s e w o r k - w a n t e d ,^ „HwMle girl tot general housev Inquire at lA EAST PA l

MERMAN cm irk i muai ipeak

Hr, *

H o u s e w o r k - w a n t e d , a A k i i u a n q i r l ibr Mghl housework i must slbvp at home, *94

W AHIIINOTUN KT., Brslbell. ] ggq

[iR L V oR OKN‘telly; also youngHoumkwohk- w a n t e d .

eral housework In Hmall I girl to soalsi. Apply ulZ&l BHQ

0UKKW0KK-<HHJ. w a j t e d T0JX )0K N . ■bingg ll '

70KAHT.PA KHT;He . _______

end botinefrurk, worihinj die-aged wuruan.

, PypgtlTAmJBBB^

E.I Anri

TTOUHUWaitK-'^IRI. TU DO OiilNKRAL “ WORTII IITHX X b o u a u w o r k ;

BT„ Roseville,refrrenoes. 1 f

Ironing, o r mid'

HOUHK WORK -w a n t e d . OM PKTKNT (IIBL for general houoswork. Al ily lie UZUIl HT.»ir

I ADV AOENTHTOBELL' HR VAiX»N BELT Jia Km x , lludsou, Bergn .Passaic^ Multlgand

Uahm oeaatlast grsmiaUr « I


• t itiM Mora mr m Im - Apply , b y la tC rb lc i t HI W u t i l^

r i t l lK DUKrtSMAKlNO FXTAHLJrinMF.NT AT 1 SIGREKN MT-,Newark. N. J.. Is proparHl to

fbrulsh the laleet styles of fashion tu all patmu.*; saUsfkctlon tfu a rao ta cd ,___________________

T h e t a y i /)R hchodl ofdres^-puttlng has srowu to

ipidi an exisnt we haveb enrone Affiled lo Like larger quanersnl

Brood al., Newark. Kiiyders n’d s lo r^W e now ertiind a presir- Ing Inviletlitn lo ih.* hnl)e» ami rnlBHes to fall, whether they have learned atliilhersyattiu or wheth­er Ihev vi*lSh lo learn or H'il. Mothenisie specially solMieJ to InresilgaiA wo lake misses so youiig 0# ik years. iRoob ih'*ni td sew. cut, f it make, dropff. di sUii.

whildbone, flQloh, match ulalkla and iirlpea. ainl. In ftu t, averyiblng perioinlitg p* firsuilBss making. bysttvintaugbtparfectiy,lncliidliig the Taylor hy*- tem, fbr(is. No limit u» i«ls<.ns. it Mkalwt to iM raicd la evaiyTgnrnient that ladles W(Mir : skirls, s 1 diflterent Rinds waist, Nu wrtakiM, no wbotebOnlng m- toods, on perfhci; not evm sk' to uubvlnoe Ihe publlo of this

DDessmskedi can Oofite to us terns free. They ran learn (o d WefuaranlMfallsfhotloii and

tt»e Taylor BchuOla are so ' that a dontroct slimed by «Hie I •very Taylor Bdiool. AganI h ranoboa. Tbla Is ksodquartei

p o l i t i c a l .


At Republican f lub rooms,CX)ll. LINCOLN AND CAIIT.VHF-T KTK., WOOD-

KIDE:, TH C HHDa \ . I m T'DliF.B 11,

Afldrwui hy JOHN H. MKEKEIt,Music by (ilee Ciuh. ‘ *r



Will be held In th»‘ rooms of the Lhn^Mn flnh, Nortlii KevetBh » t . U*»>evlili:*.11IERKDA5 EVE:N- INlJ, OCTOBKh IS, INVJ, at s i/clin'k.

M. ll IkiHEMI'K, Pres.J. A. BACKl'H, Hee. HflU Wiird BcpubJUuiii F.v

ecutlvel onmilttei! 7D

W K, TJIR MKMBKBHOF THE SIXTH BIS' irlci HepUbllcau Hub, Klghlh VVard.iIn hcis-hy

notify all whom B may (tnn4s>ni timi Wrn, Isdulngcr is no lottger authorliwd lo snhclt funds for Hits club. By reaolulluh of the '91XTH DIHT'Bit I' CLUR Ortoljer H, 1JW2.

r|sn EET ; JBMIMS, |Jf., ;tfi7 RANK ST. I A)..SI> 1 |•vllllK, Slij, :fVi Bunk si. Ill•|•ll l•

I H'l ITi Wll Kr.IFKE HT


I n.,n; i

\ \ r ANTED A FI \\‘ (4EN IEE.MEN TO Ol IT ru])V I'uroLshisI r'KiiiiH HUd Iimvo uofllmigainl

n/ND 1-r.OOR. FIVE RiMtMK.■:si K.wr Kr.N'.sKY hl.

U) HKNT KEVI N N lC i: ROOMH WITH oum-r. II2 HA.NKKT. 7.5o

svvi) FriiN 'mJIEI) HOTiM'' T () l KT Jmii'S'ktvpliitf. '.rj A BITNi I'I'nN KT,

'«])V memling d'lin-. Apply .it Lid KtM mT., 1st hour. I4r

AVE. 41 1- r, AT Toll. FT FIVE«)h.ilJh.iHi and liiimi|r>, Ilk)

Cj I v lT O | H TU'ii M CE H.ATKONCOHNKll Mlioupiit ; slatk'imry tub»o Inquire JANITOR,

4'jn Hiuh Hi., lor. Anidi'iuy at. (kUi

IHREE UOOMH; k m a m . (O I/ iRED •^Iflfemlly ; ilowi.Uiwn. 7(1 WAKItKN HT. 72«i


\ \ r a n t e d IMMFDlATKt.Y, TVVO rN R 'R - T T uInIiciI n-oms f<>r h genllciMiin Mini wm, cun-

vHdi'iit lu Rnmit and Market ets, hy liorMi enn* ur mplil irAusIt. Adilri'iaIjr ■ VVlIkMLN.Biis J. Ncwnofflce.

Brood St. HaworkM.J. ^w U n o t. Ha m W w r

Mary 5 no wnsic uf require trimming

laiemeDl, nd ilrofl l*«t this 111 ihrea htmrt.i,.fy ritmpetlHon.imughly organised •her holds good m

wanted to openof K.W J y w ? * tlAJI TAYWW In

lUi n .fltw T u k

n m ;t in q v

rn n jc a n n u a l ULm/rioN ifm oiBwrra(iMXoftbeHIgn HIretchcr Advertising Comiiany will be held at lha office ot Iho cotniwny, IM Market ■(,, oil Thurwlay, tjet.

rolls opoji flrom HS noon to 1 P. S(.B. II. IIOKEMANaN.lo Kecreiary.

r r l lE RICQUtAR MElCTlNf] OF FltlKND- L ship 1 Vnmdl No, 1 (I. a R will bo pottponed to

------------ gctol^rH,l8itt. A,tflAJV£U)Bli .rFriday evnoJngt*tober I4, ih

W ANTED FBOM NOVEMBEU IKT, 3 OR 4 ronniH (nr gmitlciuan niKlwin*;rio cMMrcu;

is'iitrally locaicil ; iN-rmaiient if Hulivd. Adilrou ii. M., |ik>s R, NewriHitUe._______________________ I


IJR O A D HT„ISVgiHHl location.

S0b-DF;>iK Bf)OM TO LFn’ iHu

HI'KINKHK LOrm 'I'D LKT AT IH AND Ikl Mui'ki'l it, near ItalMiy St, Apply lu JAMFX

U 1IAYH,749 Brood SL 27o

Djy<K noOAl AT 21 Brood, ..............


ArADEMY it., W, IL 4t U, BUliNtfTT^ H A


nr,i ihi’ liin ami riu‘Hj..-(i ijuallTy rrmsiilcT"!! miiuIh In All I'lilurs nii'l sL/.cs fursU>ri- Uiliiil"W-, n-Hl ih*!ii'< *. Il"l■‘lff. whi>"D. AaUioiii 1 ar(l*tli' Ui'iuratloitMild lulicfliiKa spi'Ciaity,


21f loi lOil I'l'lk vt„ uf)ir Kpov stNI'Rsi NO

111! ;il(i |*|..‘VNK S'!',. is-im-VMil frujii l t!' WnOi- igloii Hi ; l■(l)ltlacnlU1l Irealuii'ul; nilujii < ailupii"l : N-mr In Aiu-uiUms*, 'Ho

LI AD1E>» KCRF: r e l ie f FOB lllliKin i VRJ ilhie' riuh', siiisesarnl unit cotiiliiaiitlHl: Toyriars'

caiririciiri 1U|

I Uncuir's oriB** huura, i lo is M.H9 WASHINoT'iX HT

1>1,R.'S0NAL EMON s FHAW MA’I nr.FAi iTV : Iwlics’ fell ami linavrr hai.n i»res.'.ff-tl lu i

iail Hhiipes, V. FFI/l’ATRD K. Fk* lIuM-.v H

A l 't T lO N NAl.Kh.







A l KalcRrOom, IW MARKET KT.,

To-m^irrow ('rill.'lW DAY) ruiirnirignl H oVhtrk,

Triv*!. Plano, Pnrlur Nults In Hugs, Kllk Fhiali and ntticr mvprinas, chamber huRa. Hallsliuiils. Knid- lug BisD, r . F. IMer and MaiKel AlirroH,Cherr.v Mlrror hack Uu4lVt, Hldebimrd*, M. T., Ejitensluu ami other Tahh-s, IhMjhrasPS, Bec'r JotHkA Wunl- rolHW. Drtswing Ciuu«, Bureaus, VtastianunlH, ReiL MphtIs, CuuchM, Lmiuges, Chuirs, Ruckera. etc.. el(i.; about AO Curi>eta, nilsflt and MHsind-hand, In all grades nnd slaea. Hugs, 900 yda. Linnleom, TOO )’*la Ollrlolb. Matting, Feather Beds, Hair and other Mal- trcsNca, Pfl1ews»1 rliifii, Comferlers, UweCurtains, moves and a variety Of gfher good*. N.i>.^teora|luou tUi pfetnlgu. X


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■“ n u t ViiFB CHOICE OF TWO, HiniD OhcAvy noi'MC' : lUiliablo foroi'd wag'Hi.

;"i. HliiH ST.

mA JM‘ Y'« iMlISri'. -1.1




>rOTD.K~THE tXILOKED KVANHKLIKT.t O. II. VVlUsON, Ilf Clurlesion, K. C., will

pnamh three special •'Ttnmi* Iw me Ml Olive llai»* lliicimirh on L'jihm, lu-ar (he fixilof HafliUii'u hi.. I’)#‘j<1urilrm to-night, October IZ. and oiirllng Friday night, Nihi siibji.'ot for hP’iilghi. ‘*MarriAaa and Im'Orce'*; ft>r Tiiufwlny ulKhL *' "'os R I'osathh* Ibr ciinrit t.i Uiivs "oninilt Bin"; ftjr ,’rKlfy ntuhs “ Whytliitnmn'hl'. so (•'•r In KioDsKt'’ : •vety- iMMlyiiinw. (1. II. W iljm s, 1

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Neojork <0imuug Xcius.H'MJ^NEn


ETCDiDg Hews PublishiflK Company,At No, B44 BROAD STREET,

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THK S i:i.K (T I(l\ « K t'Ht'.SniKNTIAt.HI.KrTOItk.

The Enltei! HtnteH Supreme Crnirt hoa decided to expedite the hearing nnd de- cllliin o f the npiieat designed tri tent the conetitutionaiity o f tlie new law in Michi- gnn providing for the elertlon o f i’ resl- dentiai Electors by (.'ongreseionnl dire trteta. The lew hue been upheld by tho Hichignn Mtiiiremo ('utirt. Itn object and it i effect, i f It shall bo auitained, are o f erjurae well understood. It wne dmlgnerl In give the Demoeraiic pnrty a portion o f tho •lectiiral vote o f Miehigan, That Htnte, which will bo carried by the llepubllcana next month, hau fourteen etectors, With the old ayatem and that which preralla in other Htates Harrison and Iteid would get them all. Under tlie now law with the aid o f the recent gerrymander the Uemo- orata hope to get a majority o f them.

Unless there shrtll he found some tech­nical defect in the tuw providing fur the change In the system o f election, it is nut likely that it w ill be declared nneonstltii- tlonal. Though the Itcpublican party is backing the ttglit made iigainalit, and though Hie Attornr.y-fien- eral o f the United Biatei appears in hla private capacity an one o f tlie counsel on that shin o f the case, President Harrison bimaelf. Judging from his last message, has little expectation that tho eonatitatlonallly o f the law can bo suc- eessAilIy aaaalted. In that messagii he alluded to the Intcnilcd change, and made It the text for a strong pies in favor o f the making o fa constitutional amendment to enforce In the choice o f cleetors the uni­formity which the Htates have o f tbclr own will Ml long practised.

The constitution o f the United Rules as he then explained provides that each Bute shall appoint eicetura iu siieli man­ner as iU Legislature may direct. Uongrew baa simply power to determine the lime when the electors shall be chosen and the day on which they shall g ive their votes for President and Vice-President, and these d a ji are rc(]uired to be the same tbmughont the United HUtca, ily acU ut Congrem it Is provided that the electoni shall be chosen on the Tueedny next after the first Monday in November o f the year on which they are to be chosen, and that they shall give their voles for President and Vioe-Preaident on the first Wednesday In December after their elcelloii.

Th is would appear to be nioileralely clear authority and strong and straight Republican testlnioiiy to tlie coiislitulion- allty o f the change made hy the Michigan Lggislalure. As to IU fairness, that Is an­other matter. I t Is ccrUln tliat a uniform system should he practised and the one now in vogue ouUlde o f Michigan, great as are its disadvantages in some ways, is preferable to one that woutd make the Presidency the prize o f skilful and shifty gerrymandering ns the Michigan plan certainly w ill if that Bute's course shall be iniiUited. There should lie a uni form system for choosing Preslrientlal electors, and it should he a better one than the present one is. There is one plan, wlileli tho N kvi'b bus advo­cated before, and which iiieeU nil Hie oli- Jeotioiis to the present sysU'in, secures the rights and the rcpreseiiUtiou o f miiiori, ties and would practically bring to an eml brilrery and corruption at Presidential elections by making them uselcw. It iu tho division o f each Stale's Presidential Elec­tors among the several parlies In propor­tion to the votes which the eleetoral tickets o f tliose jiartles receive at tile elec­tion In that Rtate.

which hold that dlsnhllltiea developing after tho war and not the direct result of nilHUry Hcrvlce. did not form valid basis for iiension elaims. And, further, it Wns expedient tliat no sueh slight iiniiediment as failure P) allow by medical testimony that the disabilities exisud, or failure to oeeount for iion-inaertioii o f such baslu of ebilia In original petition, should operate to bar an iniTeased rating. In brief, it was a coinOination o f Tunnerisin and Raumism iiniler cover of an Interior De piirtment udvi-sory proeeas.

Tlinln iiolltieal purpose wns underlying the wluile i.'wtter.may be inferred from the fact that the paper or letter drawn up by the unlucky “ unb." for iransinission to the Pension Durcau wiui divided into S(t tions with “ ilcarc heads." One of them is enough for a sample. Mere It la; "Th o arbitrary rule o f the Uieveland .\dmlllls- tratioii In ad|iidicating increase nlalnis Inuted upon ' new ’ disuhUitliis overruled by tho Harrison Administration in the In­terest o f meritorious a]jptlrants." ,Vo- hmiy can doutit that the document was intended to tic cmiiodted in a eireular and distributed anumg the (J. A, II. posts fur political sifi'eeL

The author o f this precious ejiistle avers that he w.'oto it at lliu direction o f Assist­ant Hcrr»'Ltr.v o f the Interior liiissi-y; that be read it m-er to that uflicliit after com­pleting It and that it was fully ap|iroved. But the mutter leaked out hefore It c<iuld he turned to aeeount and Hoi-retary Noble* has deemed it advisable to shelve the re- ■puiislblllty o f the Interior Dcparlinent in regard to the matter, and to cffi-cl this it has been deemed tliat the suhordlnale who prc))arcd the text o f the decision and “ put the frills on it ” exceeded his In­structions and must he dismissed the ser­vice. Meanwhile Mr, Itiisscy is “ saying nothing-iHitsavt'tng wood."


The Allegheny t'ounty (Iruiui Jury has indicted thlrly-one o f the Homestead etrlheni for treason to the Htato o f Penn­sylvania. On the other hand, for the killing o f four strikers it Ims liidirted for murder ,11, f . Frick, cliairumn o f the Carnegunf'onipuiiy; F. T. F. I.ovejov, secretary; J. .A. Potter, superiiilcndcnt; J. (1. A. l-eiMhiniin, vice-cliairuian ; W. K. Corey, aasistaiil siiperlntcudent; Ncviii McCoimtII and James Dovey, mill bosses, and HoImtI Pinkerton, W ill­iam Pinkerton. C. W. mddi-ll, \V. H. Burt, John Cooper and F. \V. HInde, o f the Pinkertoii Deli'clive Agency. In udditioii tutlicse imlietments for murder four n presenlatIveK o f tlic slcel company liuvo lieeii indicted for con­spiracy, and Mr. Frick and eleven olliers o f Ills aasiK'ialcs niid deteci ives have been iiidietrd for aggravating a riot.

T lie iiidietiiieiit eliarging Frick and olli- e.rsiWIli coiispirney sets forth Unit they unlawfully conspired to diniiiiisli wages and eloHe uji the works and ' ‘ ninsed to be Belli two liuiulred men iiinl U|iwiird armed with guns. tie.I to overawe, intiniiilalo and frighten divers iiiTsoiiH Ititlic Town- sliilM if .MilUiii who Were tlierv lately lie- fore OTii)iloyi-d liy Hie said t ’arin'gle Steel Com puny, to invade Hie said Township o f Mifilin and to nltaek and to shoot olf and dikebarge Ho- suitl deadly weapons ngainst said pei'sun.H laii-ly employed by said Ciir- m-gie HteeFCoinpMiiv, l.lmlted.’ ’

T lie Ibidiiig o f tliese iiulietiiieiiLs indi­cates Hiat t lie eourts o f .Mleglieiiy Comity will liavc Ibc oiiportnnlly to ginss imiiiir- tlally upon Hie facta involved in Hie trouble at llomeslcad. it sliuws that the offieinls and tiiD former employes o f the C'nmcgio Company are going Id be beld equal before Uie luw, and that those o f them who luive olfended agninhl it art- likely to be Impartially punished for llu-ir misdeeds.

The demagogues and Die dislionest Anarchist newB|iapers, like Hie Newark •/ouriuil, which are trying to niiike politi­cal capital out o f this sad biiBiness liy luls- represeoting the causes o f tlie trou ble aiul aaserting that the laws are made nnd en­forced for tho help o f r miiloycrs, and against the interests o f employes, are cer­tainly not supported by tho action o f the Urand Jury, and its evident deteriulualiou to bring about thorough and Impartial Judicial inquiry into Hie comliiul o f both parties to this cuntroversy.

o a [I ( l (IK .sT IO N U " K K C e iV I 'D .

A political " OBsussment’ ’ on Federal

employes Is a thing o f the post. The

officeholder o f lu-day is not taxed ; he is

invited to “ make stiggesHoiis” for Hin benefit o f the Re|)ubllcan cause. It Is the Htale o f Mlsoonrl which has the honor o f being tlie birth place o f the new nomen­clature and the following epistle, dated

from Hie Washington “ Office o f the Financial H^retary o f the Missouri Htate Regaihllesra Asaoelalion” is the cradle o f the biintling. It runs thus : “ Hir, 1 have the honor to Inform you that I have been keleeled ns the Financial Hceretary o f the Missouri Htate Republican AssMiialion o f this city. Believing that you have an In­terest in the contest now going on in the Htate, I would ask that I f you have any suggestions to make which would ho bene­ficial to the cause o f Republicanism In the Htate, you w ill call at my office at the above number i4t!3G street, Washington, D. C.|, 1 w ill ho ut my olfiee on Wednes­days and Friday* during this month and on Haturday, 15th Inst., and Monday, 21st Inst,, from 4 to 7 P. M., when I w ill be pleased to see all MlsHourlans and talk over the conduct nf Hie canvass in our Htate and receive any suggestions which may be offered,”

Just sol Mr. James T. Hunter, tho “ Financial Hceretary" In question, will "rece ive a n y ‘ suggestions' that m aybe o f fe r e d p r o v id e d the same are o f a na­ture consonant with the titular character o f his office -that is to say, o f a financial, or peeiiiiiary descrliition. As an admit variation o f the neat little d itty: “ W ill you walk Into tiiy parlor, said the apider to tlie liy,” this epistle Is entitled to the rham|iionship Imdge. U i^ tru e that the Invilallnii “ whips llic devil* around the Hlunip " so far aa a direct money agipeat Is concerned, but it cannot avoid Hie stigma o f siiggeslliig “ pernicious activ ity ” at any rale.

Every Missourian In the Federal st-rvice at Washington has recelveil one o f these Ingenious epistles and it seems that one feeling sure that money was not needed In Ilia Hlate, look the trouble to call on Mr, Hunter for an cxphiiiatlon. He says ho was frankly told that it was the lielie f o f the nijinagt-rs o f the Uepiibljean party that “ clerks in the em jiloy o f the Oov- m im ent ought to g ive at least five per cent, o f their salaries to help the Hegiub- lienn canvass"

However, that is a “ siiggcstlnii from " and not a " suggestion t o '' Hie llnaiicinl aeerelary. As the president o f the Mis. soliri State Ueguihllcaii Assoelntiou is e lile f o f the Bureau o f Statistics In the Treasury Department and llio secretary is a clerk in the Pension Itnrean, it seems elear that the law ivgaiiist solloilatinn by Federal employes for eontrlbutton by other Federal employes bus been violated In spirit, if not in letter. A t any rale the dye per rent, “ suggestion” aiqie.irs to wipe out the tiimsy evasion attempted. I f the Civil Servlee Commissioners enii not make out ii eiiM- agiiinst all conneeted w itli tills ” suggestion ” elrculiir It will bo for Hie a iiiit o f trying.

Judge (ireen, o ftlic I'liiled Stales Dis- triel Court, yesterday brought to the at- teiithm o f the ttrund Jury the attempt made to deceive the Court in the habeas eorpiis proceedings in behalf o f the Jersey City ballot-liox stuffers lust June. He dwell iipim llm enormity o f Hm crime o f perjury, and urged Hint i f it sliniilil lie fiiimd that niiattempt liiid been made to delude the .luilge by false representations Hie Jury sbouUI liiid indietmeuts against Hie ollcoflers, Niitorally Hie aetlmi o f Hie Hriiml .Iiiry will be awaited W'ltli interest. There is a lawyer In Hie ease, and elrclmi- HlHiices have made tilings look as i f be had engineered the misdirected ingenuity o f Hie liiirs. It will be n novelty If a Hriind Jury shall take any netioh against a lawyer for doing all Hint hu iiiissilily could do to serve tlie siipjiosed inleresls ol' Ids elieiits Even Judges ure I'nstly Uderiirit o f lilHe iiqises from Hie tnorni law oil Hu- part o f learned couiisellors who are striving to get every udvaiilnge jioBsilile under the statute liiwa.

McKinley rreently boasted tliat during Hie last tllU-en inunHis there had heeii made in llilseounlry 1H,IMK),(IU(1 pounds o f tin plate. He admitted that 8,(IIH),flO« pounds o f this consisted o f imiiorted black plates, di)i]ied nnl.y on this side, tlins leav­ing hut 5,001),(KKI pimnds ns iieliial Amer- leaii product. When it is slated that the shipments o f tin plate to this country in August, the last montli fur which offiehil returns have been issued, aggregated 5t,- 'J55,II00 giomids, and that the aggregate for July was even more, tiring 5S,44l).0iX) pounds, It will he seen (hat on a conserva­tive eatimiilc Hie fifteen inontlis’ Aiiier- lean production nninuiited to about two days’ eoiisuniptioii. Not much to brag of, anyway.

A rm iaTH ATK K SCIIKtlB.A subordinate in tho Interior Hejiart-

ment has been diatnisaed from Hie w-rv- ice, his uR'enee having been slrlet oliedl- •nce to orders; hut those orders were o f such a nature that somebody else iiiiist have “ walked tho p lank ’ ’ I f the mifor- lunato"sub.” had not been made a vi­carious sacrifleo, I t scums that It wan u*!- senthU, for purposes Hint can easily be imagined at this Junuturc, that somebody should gut a peiiBlon despite a [ircviuus n l ia g o f tho Pension Bureau, in fact, lb * intent was to overthrow u ruling

The reside Ills o f Jersey City may breathe free now, for whstever happens tliey are assured of quiet funeriils in Hie future. The tinderUkers ot that city have coni- hmed to fight tho Coach Drivers' ifhlon, and any Interfurenco liy Hie latter at funerals will be met with a ))rom])l boy­cott o f tbo (lartlculnr driver respuiislljle for the interference.

The IJemoeratie legislators who voted for the coal combine ought to have spirit enough to insist that oiiy turning down should he done at the lop us well as at tho bottom.

It is not quite certain yet whether It is Llzzlu Burden or some partieiilarty un- seruiHiluus Burs who deserve lianglng.


Hull* nf TFm|E*'rMU4*«' KiilFrlAtu-'A5 Alritnii HFVFrHl ltii,i«i--l}i|f Kf'ikUhlIrfiii

rwru’lF-'OlhFr lr)<Fr<*tlln|t Nntffi.At the FiitFrlRitJliiFlif Kiviin lUMtFFFnlnit liy

J.lUH'ulEyii lilviMltjU 211 , Hoht of Tom]) runuu, in Union lliiH, the |vroKrivmirie ruiiilhleit vt tH'eivp nnmbcrN, ImJuillng Jnxlrumeituil niul vix^l muNir. rcfidljiif dikJ n<c lint Ion*. At theroacluxloi) ixf Iliu 4 ii('-rhiiimu*ul » of liHtluN or the rl|%'j«h>ri. uonnlMlnK Mrw. K f. Ulrrue, Amih riiekur, Ml«* M. Ilrnwn. AMHs l.jx/lM <irl> htfimi MImk II. SJeU nervucl 1(‘>- rrrHm Rnd enke to the luifllpnre,

Mrx, (JuriT of i hi iFstnphf r Ktrupt Or/iiiKo VhMfv, I’oinphilncili to Olllcur Jlfuntltoii yi‘»* leriluy offt nnmhor of bujH who were AhOf»t- Ijijf with dll iiirjtun. < >fu< of fhui ImiIIuIm utruuK nulrJ EIimmI Iu the buck, but UlU mitinJhO'hiTs Tl'i-it(Tl'"er i lniNPil lUu boyn nnd they (tru|>|K'd tlifir rUh-iiiiil oixCMpHb ( mUiyt JliimlUfin l4D>k tiu' Klin Im IIm |m»]1u4 KtHlinii,

A piirM'h' nf Mu* Ui'pnhllrari of llir Or* imKiM jiijtl Itionmllclil u'iiM hidd luOniUKi- MbjJiL'i'hi follow I nKoriciihj2:iiiUiiJHM4'ri* til Uiiu;

Mum'*K t |MihlU‘«iirh ihur rnrkluiwm hnlliTy, ElfiJi Ward Junior C lub, I'iuHt Oruiiige Ih'puhlh'dit IbiKery, Uriktulpik'H ItMltery 4if Himtli uninve. Hi-rrmd Wurd Itu- publli'iu) t'Juh o f IlliHiiiiflcU] Hhd the FJrNt Wurd .liinlor Ih'ptibliciiu Cliihe Artur tbu [Miriiih* u ituiKMueuliiig iiHil In CVlitrulJlat),nl wlih'h 1. II. Jolinji. of WuhhInKtoii. !►. C.» huil fji- Mayor liJUa ri C’oIUjim, of Jurney n iy , nmde Ntlrrlng M|K'fehbH. TJju piiradt wii* tiudur lliu nuMpjerN of iho Voimg Mi u'j, iUtpiililImn t’hih of Lh< C>rniu[r>«i,

MlriiHii MrAunluy, nf Farrow a rnr-}HUiter» wa* iirtYiNU'd yuitfritay by oflleur Ib-atiiou, of llip om iii'j h>r Lrnicli utthf iH'iH'u. lJu M H* liikllt‘1 for u liuarln^,

Tliu J. K. I'rivlt t ’HM)p 15, HtniM of N'eteranx, uikdur ihT' c<nMUiiiiul of Major TT I, Jon<>*. Ktxty BironK. h-fl uruuttuthl«uiomlMit tulnku ]mri iu ibii military jiuiudn lu >iuw Vurk to- ituy,

Mln>4 IClIxahutii IsfK'ktmrt, diin^tiler of Uunrfe A. l/H'kUurl, of itaUi Jiutuili, y. V , will la< nairrlpd loulKhl Al Itie liUter'H K'nI- (JuiiPQ «m l.liiLNjln ikveiiui', OriiMses

Thu Eik*t OraiM<e TnW]iRhl|i t'ontMlEtlue will hold iiRpiTlnJ mufUhic Ertitay nHirnfiiir.

Tafrlrk Morris, of tJrove nftMit, EukI nr- wan found drunk and dUnrdurly on

I’ruiipf'ul dlri'ut ypKtunInyaibTMuoa by OlUrcr ijkWMMi, 4)fthT> EhmI iMklJeu. Iluwn'iurn-ilt'd and Ju«ltuu iliiy ward Hard him $2.5] itiU mornliiK.

1'liu tlilrty-lblrd niiiiiiiul unnvi'tvfhm of tliu Ehr«a (.’oiirily Sabbath ncImkjI Awielallon. wiilf'h wax'In hiivu liidii in the sMutin Avenuu I'ru.sljyiitrlan riinrcli. East tonight, tiai biMiM poKlpmiud uiilli next Kn* day rii|{|p nn aumnnl of iho Cnlumbhin culc- bnUlon In New Vnrk tn-day,

A iMi'KIaK of thu iH'iniX’ratlr Club of tlie Elrwl Ward, EmaI orunifr', wa* held In fh** clubrrHjuiM, curm<r of sNxirUi Fai k nml IkiUKli> urty ilri>rtR. Fiinlp) Itrady. prrxtdunt or thu Blonmrhdd Ik'imiyraUf Club, uddrexiud tbo lUfNi'lltiijOii the lanir.

Tn t: rii.^itfsKHTtkN F A itT H grA K R *

fira|>ldo Ili'Nrrlptbtii o f a Terrible Kxpprlfiire.

Erma K|. Nkhnltta Maira*lno,A fV r A few h o u r »o f pleflflant eonver-

Riktlbn, one o f my friembi said it waa limo to ItMbve. Ti*kih(f out hU wateh, he run- tJmted: “ Hix mJnuU^uflO, am l^w hat h that?” A Jow, deep, rumhIJnK oolae aao f thunder, only beneath inateed o f uhove ufl, coming from afnr nnd approm htiiif un nearer and nenrer, iiiuttoHnK and fcroun- Ingi and ever inereoain^f in volume—It waa upon uh in an Inaiiint,

The inoRsive hrkk houJie w e were In be^faii to sway from aide to side-^en tly at lirst with a rhythmicHl motion, then (jradually InereaaiiiK in forec, until,sprlnjflng: lo our feet, we seized one an­other by the hand atul (fiued withblanched and awe-alnick frtees at the tot- t 'riJiK walls aroiitid iia. W e feU the door beneath our feet lieavin(r Hko the deck o f a storm-tosaed vesHel, and heard the crushlnf? o f tho fuHinifmasonry and rnltis on every side.W ith attnirst stilled hearU we realized that w e were in tho pow'or o f an earUi- quake. The motion o f the house, never ceasing, heeamt! n«)W vertieal. Tp and down It went us Ihou^li some irionslrou.'i jfiant hikd taken U in his htinds us u pU>'' thiiif;, jind Wf>re tuNsmiif it like u luili fur tds amusement. Reeulliriif our dazed aenspH, mid st-nKuerlnif to oijr foci iis best wo eould, wUluiue peeord vveru-shod down the steps leadhij? to the front door, and, ^rfispin^f the bundle, turned it. In viiin itie door Wfis jatnnii'd, fiiul \vr wert* com­pelled to wait Uke raU in a trap uiitil the HhfK'k hud pEUirted.

Coiieenlrntlntf jtaenergies into one final, convulsive effort, tf«e liiigE* eartliw'Ave piiasod, and left the earth palpituthig and heaving like a tired animal. There enmo crushing dtiwn Into our gar<h'iS-plt»t tho ehlmneyH from the house in front o f ours. Fortunately the falliuit bricks injured none o f Ufl. Making another trial, we snreoeuled In optuiing Mjc d«mr and rushed into the street,

Now’ lliure eaine upon iis ,:n overpnwer- Ing, Hutrikcating odor o f nulphiir ami briin- sUme, which filled the wliolo atmosphere. We wiTc Hurroumled by a crowd o f neigh­bors men, women and ehihlren who biwi rushed <»ul o f their houses, as we tiad done, nnd Who stood with uh in the mid* dltM»f thi'Mlrcel, awaiting they knew not what.

Suddenly tliere eafne agnitt to our ears the now dreiuh'd runil>ti]ig atnirnl. lake floine llcree aniinal growling and seeking its victim il apjwiFftched, and we all pre­pared ourselves fi>r Ihu worst. T lie sliock came, and for (k imiimmt Iho crowd vvim awed into silence. Fortunately lliis shock WJU! not nearly HO severe asthetlrst. The earth liecame still ohee rnoreandllie roar­ing died away iti tlae disUnee.

P K H S O N A L .

I'KlNi i UV>>Ui,K, (if W idfo, jR hni'l to hp verv rood nl ruklug one til hiH sistriK <Mit fur a stroll tn thi> sIi<f|>n of Piu'klri|flir>tn I'ala r«>iol when llo'y are In hoii-lun.

i 1' a n n k m Ii I'oliiliii; niijioey as a^^'astlina(llll pension nuini, mid in tliuiM' 3‘1’itrh' pTui'llue ol'lbc busliH'SS Is suid lo have

viwi i.m : Ik reporlod eiRhuv liic In n ruepot Hildr4's4(: “ 1 jiiii M Si'tiiulioKoi niin)i,|, lenla l.uiii'ftslilip man by lorfli. 1 hnvi- lived most of jiiy Iil>' 111 l.aiidoii, tni'1 In ohe niiy tiriiMoilii r i Iti to most i-ui tHoi 11.......

r^-iiiiVKUNou H knu 'i N. Mo\i.itf I'lnn*sylvauift, n lillf li-mlnix a flmryc lnr<i 1-iut Kitin r tW<*Ml> -elald y e'lFH was i ipi ufinI iind Ulsarmt'il. lb* ims tiow I'erHvid Ids switrd tiark iimiln Lbroauh i'o:irt- '.v of ihu I-uifctlcram Khnluiiuiit lo wlmin he NurirhdHS'd it.

T lw vH iix was fond of liJn'Tiinn-liwfir.hoi'' flay IiIh bird's ''vo lipbiiuni, o| fiilrwumuEi tinil iinttjr kIi N. ol *hori-lmrn»'d rtitHc, of dairy iiiaiuigene'iil mid of Juirvesl tiomex, niul InMvas r more huepy limn wbi'ii rldltiu litMiitbi' meadiFvv lo ihe rlek* jm d im itie liisi ol rrt lu'w-unovii buy.

\Mvm- UiVI ^-riiAM r It uiiies into bb-h- iiHHul fyptpiPni on iMirHubnea from her home, n hirli Is a !■ w mtlex mU on iie city. Ihieiii« till' wmiei Nile Is u reiodui utn'inhinl at Ito- llip;itr4*s 81m* lias miiny Kinei-r<' adiuirer-x In 11.u olil 1‘rtpllal Ihi' l oiilctb I n-y, and yet, Uf' onllrut ti.' u rorrF‘«IHniili'rit, bIu' IShiMtriHes llio irutli of lliu ijIiI proverb ulioul u pi4i]tlu t led tFclhK wdlboiU buUui huvu iti IiIb aisi'u laml.

A b s o lu t e l y P u rO i.

nfA rTonm of larlnr linking nmviler fllaheit fa ll hi leavening Nlrenglh. - /yibm (in'lfd>’> ...I III ii M * s'l I ■ 11 r'lK'iiKiN, ' r/VMvrai < iMIvi*Uovprntnrnf iiepiUt.

ItoTAI. liiSKINo rmvmiHOi., 10*1 Wiillwt. y .Y .

THK oiiiKWS,"

30,000,H M M H L T H S S W E I M '5llr«i liilr grttwfram! drpasiiig, nBmhim »n0UldtiBBH NiffKijnlPiutrigliUiorJIijm. ^sktlrugimtt t*r nr H « i lulr ItBBltb, fxkj, for l/irg* boUipB. I l- l l (iP lilLL fJ liJ tN Il' l$«it,<ialiaie«ipomour*

GABLER PIANOS.“ An fionest Piano is the Noblest

W ork of a Piano Maker.”This term is justly applied to the

GABLER PIAXOS.And they are daily receiving commen­dations of like character from buyers.

They are sold with a guarantee that holds the purchaser absolutely safe,

g a b l ^

Selling a large numbe: of Pianos every day, we present vaies that a small, business cannot dupliate.

Our system of easy pfments is such that the purchase of i Piano ia within the reach of a ll

Oar Piano stock offer an une' quailed choice in make, deign and price.


S. D. LAUTER CO.,G . 5 7 .D U f l G . ^ t ) n r o n r l S t . , N J ^ W A B K , X J .


.An tivlulligpnl lipllnlthin of T h e i« Dewil- .Irriiig Tvrms.

I'rum Hip KiigliiiPrlaa Magarlnp.The volt Is the unit o f electrical pres­

sure, or, os it is often oalleil, electromotive force. The orflitiary Dniiieil battery, cou- laliiltig zinc and copper elements in solu- tiiins o f and copper sulphate, gives an electrical j.ressure o f one vo lt; in other Words, the pressnre available between the two poles o f this type o f galvanic cell was adopted as the unit o f electrical pressure, and was named a volt, after Volta, the re­nowned Italian physicist.

Tlip ohm is tile unit o f electrical resist­ance. A ll bodies ofl'er a certain aimiunt o f resistance to the passage ol an electric current. Those which offer a very high resistance ere termed non-conductors or insulators, and those which ofl’er a rela­tively low resislance are termed conduc­tors. The Insulators comprise such sub­stances as glass, jiorcelain, vitreous and bituminous niatcrisls, India rubber, guttn- l>ercha, oils and gunis. The best conduc­tors are the m etals; water and solutiuns o f salt and tho liuman b'ody arc fair con­ductors. In order that the resistance o f diflerent conductors might bo measured or compared a etandard or unit o f resistance had to be determined. This was named the ohm tn honor o f the German scientist who gave to the world the laws o f the electric circuit. A column o f mercury a fraction over lOti centimeters long with a cross sectional a rc i o f one mguaro millimeter has a resistance o f one ohm. A copper wire o f tho same secv tlonat area sod having a resistance o f one ohm would be about sixty times as long as the mercury culunm, as copper la a much better conductor than mercury. The cop­per wire generally used for telephone and telegraph lines has a resistance o f n little over four olims to the mile. An tron wire o f the same size would have about six times the rcsistam c, as Iron la a much pool er conductor o f electricity tilun cop- |>cr, Iron wire is used ns an electric con­ductor only for telegraph lines; Its cheap­ness and strength recommend it for this work, but even (or telegraph lines copper ia replacing iron to n great extent. In the distribution o f electricity on a large scale copiier is used exclusively, ns It la for the cuila o f almost all electrical maebinea and inatriimenta.

The ampere la the unit o f current strength, and is ao named from a French eleclrician. I f a source o f electricity hav­ing a piessiire o fo iic volt he connected to a circuit haring a rcalstancc o f one olini, Hiccurn-nt Hial will flow in (hat circuit lias a strength o f one ampere, The amiiere is derived from the volt and the ohm, ami in order to produce amperes wo iiiiisl have volts ncting upon ohms. A eerlain number o f volts acting on a circuit containing a certain number o f ohms must give a current o f a eerlain number o f amperes. I f we lisi'C ten volts acting on one ohm we get ten amperes o f current tlow'ing in Hic circuit, aud if wc lisvc one volt acting on one-tenth of an ohm we get ten amperes, while if wc have 10(1 volts and ten ohms we gel ti n amperes. W her­ever an anipero is needed a volt must ho nvailaide for every oinn o f resistance to force it through the circuit. W herever a [mill ia o|ien to tlie current it w ill How through that path in exact proportion to its resistance,nnd the strength o f the cur­rent w ill lie proporliona! to Hio prc.ssure tlint drives it.

'fake for instance an electric light cir­cuit. The lyjie o f incandescent lamp In moat general use requires a current o f about half an ampere to lient the filament lo incandc-seenee. Uonsequcntly We see Hint tlie resistance o f the tamp idpst be twice as many idiins as there are volts o f pressure in the circuit. W Itli 110 volt*


A Few M lllld iia lrrs W h o T ake C are of Them selves.

From tils Cblesgo Times.The nine leading intlllonairci o f Ameri­

ca arc men of exemplary habit*, to which is due, In the case o f the self-made men, the accumulation of thetr great fortune*. True, they have all magnificent homes, hut personally they are abstemious. The least pretentious residence 1* that o f W ill­iam Waldorf Astor. It is a four-story brick house in Thirty-third street, between Fifth and Madison avenues. Hoon, how­ever, M r Astor is to build a new house in Fifth avenue, near Central Park. No one of the nine men use tobacco, and only two or three touch ardent spirits at all.

M r Astor uses wine very sparingly at his table, but never elsewhere. He has abandoned political aspirations, and is rarely seen at public gatherings nowadays. He Is a regular attendant at church.

Mr. Gould has always been a man of regular habits. He has his hours for going to bed and getting up, and he never varies them, lle lsoa plain In his eating as a farmer. Mr. Gould has been an ex­ceedingly hard worker. It is said that the ambition of bis life has been to be the richest man in the world, but there 1s no likelihood o f its realization. M r Astor, M r Rockefeller and the. Vanderbilts will far outstrip him.

His impaired health has compelled him to relinquish his business cares to a con­siderable degree, and it is not probable that lie will embark on any other great undertaking on account of the fear of breaking down. His fortune Is now prin­cipally In the Western Union Telegraph Company, the Manhattan Elevated Rail­way and the Missouri Pacific Railway sys­tem.

Mr. Rockefeller is a deacon in the church. Ho passes the contribution plate in the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, to which be belongs. He is a targe contrib­utor to church and educational work. He takes no part In politics and leads a very secluded life. It is next to Impossible to gain access to him at his office in the mag- nifleent Standard Oil building 6ri*D owiing Green, at the foot of Broadway. HI* for­tune has been overestiinated on account o f its rapid growllu

Cornelius Vanderbilt is deeply inter­ested In church work. The support of the railroad branch o f the Young Men's Christian Association comes raaiitty froO him He directs tlie affairs o f the Van­derbilt system of railroads. William K, Vanderbilt live* in the finest style o f any nftlie millionaires. He has a house in New York, another at Isiip, Long Island, and a third at Newport, besides which he rents a mansion In London. He lias a steam yacht that Is ns big ns many of the steamships In the Atlantic carrying trade, and is literally a floating palace,

Mr, Flagler is a man of exceedingly agreeable persona! manners. He is a con­tributor to educational work. He owns tlie great Ponce de Leon Hotel, at St. Augustine, Fla., and s|>ends his winters there.

Of John I. Blair legs is heard or known than o f any of the very rich men. He is n very o!d man, nnd lives in Blairstown, N. J., which was named in his honor, and here he established a seminary. His money was made building railroads in the West. He sold what were known os the “ Blair roads" to Hie Vanderbilts, and they now form part of the Chicago nnd Northwestern Railroad system, ills for- tunc'ts admirably invested.

Russell Hage's fortune is the result of hanl work, not physical exertion, but un­remitting application. He began as a grocer in Troy, N. Y. Next he was in­terested In n bank, then he took a hand in a railroad enterprise in the northern part

pri-ssurc a tamp having a resistance o f o f Now York, and then he came to New(dims will allow half an ampere o f current to gioss Hiriingh It. I f tlie pressure ia al- lowed lo diminish, less than Imlfnuain- |H re nf current will pass llirough the lamp mid the liinmeiit w ill grow dull; i f the press­ure IS increased the flow o f eiirrcnt will increase and the Ulninciit will get lirigliler. T !ic How nf cnrrenl, then, Is dependent always on the pressure developed at Hie source nf electricity and Hie resist,mee o f Hic circuit lo wlileh that smiree Is con- neeted. If, for instance, in an electric- lighl circuit where an unviirying jircsaure is miiiiitaiiied nnd acts on relatively higli resistance o f over two Imiulred ohms, ii poHi cd' very low reslsliincc is suddenly provided tiy sonic necidenlal crossing o f wires or rujiture o f Hie inmilution, there will he nn immcdiatB rush o f current tlirougli this low rcaiatiince; Hie lamps will be l■xHnguished and Hie heating ettect o f Hie many amperes o f current tlnil w ill he eoucenlrnled at Hio point o f very low resistance ina.v melt the wires niiii set lire lo any Itltlaniinitble material within roucli.

l l t 'H l . t 'S A f t 'I .K T 1 0 \ .

A Tlwiiry Thai Hie Fureat Deslritellnii Ifiij Fauseil Fitmhie,

From Hie Iviirojcan Messnii-iT.,\ii nrlii-le inaleailingRiiasinnperiodical

attributes Hie tircsent distress In that connlry Hie terrlldo famine, with the iii- ovluh lc peslilciico following In its wake — very largely, allbough Indireetly, to the wliiilesalc forest dostrurllmi thni has been going on there during Hie present cen- tnry.

Ho far hack as ISfiO .a report to the Im- licrlid .AgrU'iiltiiral Society predicted the present eondltions unless the destruction o f Hie forests w«,satO(iped. “ Oar country Is tlal,” it said, “ and, denuded o f its trees, is iiceesslhlc to every wind."

The terrible east wind meets with no nlistnclc and destriicHiin lollows In Its train, tn this wind lies our fate, perhaps to be ciicouiitored in Hie near future.

T lie forest covering Hie upper and mid­dle eonrses o f tho rivers Volga, Don and Dnieper have, in many seetions, disap­peared, nnd wasted plains spread in their place. The river* grow shallower year by year, and tlie Vorskla, once an abundant tributary o f the Dnlejier, and romparabto to the Hudson or Delaware, 250 miles in length, ha* completely anil jiernianenlly dried u|>,

Other im iiortanl rivers arc meeting Hie aanio fate, so that the [itiysical geography o f a large part o f the Empire is radically changing. The rainfall ia diminished, nnd drought, o f course, resulta in famine.

Ituoala’s fo lly snd sin arc felt by the rest o f the civilized world, for her poverty- iiricken hordes, driven lo other countries hy famino and pcrseculloii, carry with llietn Ignornnce, disease and lower stand­ards o f civilization. The outlook is de­pressing.

T lie Russian Government la now making an efl’ort for Ibrest preservation, hut it comes too lute to remedy the vast evils wrought.

’Ijork. He is the heaviest lender o f money ln\New York , and probably, as an in- dlviuUal, in the world. There la not a time ^ e n ho could not respond to a call for fl0,'^^,(M0 in cash. He keeps his money 111 several banks and trust com­panies, w ic r e he can obtain it promptly,

H ek ecpV ttIn many places, ao that a sudden demand for a large amount would not, by embarrassing an institution, pre­cipitate trouble in the financial commun­ity. Mr. Sagellivea tn on oid-fashloneil, Imt very oomfoktablo, house in Fitlh ave­nue, just nb ovi Forty-ficeond street. Ho is a member fcf the church which Mr. Gould ottends, wlilch Mr. Gouid Isnot an actual member. Mr. 8,age is fond o f driving, and lia f In hla stables some or the finest rondstcii in New York.

Mr. Huntington W a man o f powerful pliysiqiie. He is Vfry absteiiiioaa. He never drinks anyth ing stronger than tea. He was brought up w a farm tn t'nnnecti- Jut, nnd began life seUlng Yankee clocks. He went lo the Paciflo ciastw hcii thogold fever broke out gnd started trading posts. Then he went (liUi the hardwarebusiness, which in tinve supplied every­thing from ■ tenpenny nsU to a locomo­tive. Mr. Huntington, IheVate Mark Hop­kins (to whoso fortPtie Edward F. Searle* succeeded t'y marrying his widow), Lelond Btanfoid and the late Charles Crocker built the Ce',ntral Paciflo Railroad and later the Southerzi Pacific. The reason Mr, Huntington’s forthne does not yield over three per cent, is that It is

■ • -*-iks of riilroadli-y largely In stocks of ri ilroad* upon . Jell no dividend* at all ere paid. (Jf tho

ultimate valuh o f theao road* there lie, nowill

doubt, BO that Mr. Huntlng:on’s fortune is likely to be greatly augmented In tho next few ycars^____


All Amusing Hlary Tula i,y ■< Itois” Croket Atioiit Ike Itallsn*.

From tho New York Morld,Richard Crofcer came down from Rich­

field Springs a few dajTi ago with a party of up Htate politicians. They were talk­ing about the Columbus celebration and the converaatlon turned on the dlfierences between the Iriah and Italian races. Mr. Croker illustrated hla view by a i Ittle story.

“ A* I passed th* oorner of Fourth ave­nue and Fourteenth street one day," he said, " I saw a gang o f men repairing the surface railway tracks. The foreman was an Irishman. Moat o f the men working under him were Italians. 1 stopped a min­ute to watch three Italians tr^ng to fit a switch Into the connecting tracks running at right rangles. The three Italians tink­ered away at It Without being able to get It in Us proper i^aoe. The Irishman be­came very ImpMent, and finally he called over to * coupl# o f Irishmen working on the other side dt the street and said;

" ‘Here, you Micks, Ax that,’ and the two Irishmen ^ t the switch In place In a mlnnle. Theif the foreman turned around and looked aUthe Italians and said with great disgusts I

“ ‘And theif’a the fellen they makes Popes of.’

G r a y &

M u l h o l l a n d ,BROAD STREET,

Have the pleasure to aunouuce the

completion o f their fall and winter stock

of Imported W oollens, and invite the

inspection of their selections, which

are considered the finest and hand­

somest ever offered in this State.

Th e N e w s3 0 .0 0 0 CIRCULATIOM

Kitebe'oExtensioo .

University Extension i spood, but Kitchen Extension is better. Widef lG io w ledge of better cooking processesmeans better health andcom -lort for everybody. Science can never do us belter service than bythe multiplication of the cooking schools which make healthful means and methods available for eventhe most modest home.

COTTOLENCThe vegetable substitute for lard, is science’s latest gift to the kitchens of the world.Every woman w ho has evercooked a meal, knows thatlard is disagreeable in use and unhealthy in fts effects.

Coftolene is a most satis- fTctory substitute— c l e a n , delE te ~ ^ d far more eco ­nomical. At your grocers.N . K . F A I R B A N K S C O . ,

C H I C A G O , M i l t 3B N. Dalawkrw A**., Phllw . Protfu ftB C n e h A n g e , N . Y .


m mHeilthhil, Agresable, Cleansing.

' Ours.Ohaixpad Hands.Vauztda, Bt u iu , Eta.

Bazuttrat and f ravauts SaadniJt.

NNIT£ RUSSIll SOIF.Spaclally Apsptad ter Uia In Httd Wat*'-


T O N E K ^ d f L f i l L I T Vi A o r > a i d . A . T S ] p a i o x i a

U R T m t Hauirau,BNDORSFD' by LtADlKG ^RTItm

Bi Ii IoiiiVKi IM Wli^loatta.


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PAmou» the world over.Aik for BeeuhaA'i x>nd take no oth<^

Of All drujEKiMA. price I t cenu « b«,! t N^w York D^pot, Cantl St- t

Pu.isnge Tickets ami Ilmfts for all parti of Kurope.

Martin R. Dennis & Co.e s t a b l is h e d 1843.

774 B R O A D S T ., near M aiket Sv

Cabin. Intemnxii.ite aml.Sleer,t(C Tick­et, at lowest New York Rate* on all lines o f Ocean Steamers.

Mnney sent lo CirMt Brilin and Irel.and, and -all parts ol Europe.;

All kinds of Foi'ftgn moneyexjiangcil.Bills of Exchanee and I.clers of

:h rCredit issued thraugh D r exel , ,'i|3R0an (t Co., or Bro w n llROi iirRs & (o,

Passports obtained


MeF.w’itn'i4 l-'iiinoti•hmii tintl .Ielll(‘A, tilusur 0»rTl&.. ItKiiptierrv ('ordiul, Dfltr'aiUfL(tray’R Dlftrultn, KlpiMvi’d

Klnnon JutHi,MuunlikiD Dew, Kdlnbutirh Ofttmetl, DIuncuw Fea« Meul, Beef *nd }>>rk JJiim.Orders by M ill Promptly Delivered.



0. A. CAHILL,tFormci% with E. O. FaltogeWOiW


GOALWholesale and ReML


133 FIRST SHEET,Telephoue Mo. lOU. 't lrkt N. S

____ 'LJLl

HQ Fifth AM4 6or. 16th StmN E W t o w c c m r .


TS ^ ’5)' ?.‘'''"reri-NOUlF.AK. lN (i 1N. h Ine mn unilr|iM(l km bbAMLtMN iilioM, Inu ke a gloTSL UL IToNh, lt,00 LAOIL tuXI BFIUNU iilDtk tLoS

jy__appreol»ifl4 by. .Pnwith Hunfoni, Ourasut atb r ie t A X H ld a rrVQI. A * RAUtlX* Ii , «i> Broad m„ Kaw^* I




OS IE C ff l l TBAIS.How the Long Journeys Were Made

in the Old Daya


How I>«nrl FirRie, B»-

tortrrl I ’R.V In VRtton, W R ji- 'rh *«u » li nf IVilMly llr iilr , for W »le*—***

Hiinilm l 111* In » » » t t Pond.

<*orrf!i]inndeiioftpf the Nfwfl Tkx .vs EAViiANm.E. 3.—The iimll l*hy

no Alt obw lptp or fibenrtoned ft'*twr«Ilf iborntllf iiuilni’wi "Inc* IhB Inlroiiiiottonand rallri'ii'* •“The mllroad* h »»e not dlipohM’d with Hie

uf the tmll, only redihied mid iiinlled them. Trull work now !• ni(«tiy eontlnetl inHie hrinuliilt o f ff*""hrt'KlInit rHiielu'S uhinit rorpui Chrlitl and (be equut ctmiilry, l*nn Anionlo Riid oonlh «m isonlbtve«l.,f Pori Worth, up OlUo thene N .rh TesHHRiMl I'mhamUe ranehoa; tha iiioTiiigiif herd* mini one ram*' ^ another on ueeounl o f wntt-r or itrRiui; or the driving of Ihem KtiywlHtre from twenty to two hutidred milre « i Home rallriiad shipping poiTtt,

AlKiiit the only long imll work that »»inow ilotiw Is it»<* drlvlUK north cwry nprlng Ivy the bln rattl** coDi|Hiiilcs of two-y<‘nr*oldK U> faiu-n m the pasturrs—or rather on tho free rani'c-tifWyoinlng, Woiilaim and Daltoia. sneh irlpH a» tbe^e laller are, exeepl for eiituiged rondltioua everywhore-a dlrterencfl In the <'attle drlv<-n. the men that drl%-a Ibem, tJHM'huraeUT of tliB people and I'Cmn- try throtifh which the drive Is niado. tha Htisenee of IiidianH and hntralo, and the coni- pfimtlve Bcarelty ot eatlle thU-vai and pro- feviRkmal dwtjverftdiK'S—somcthlUB like Ihu work of the olden times,

Tbfl Uirea longest, hesl known and moM nv,vi\ tmllsMii lhone days were “ Tho Ohl l>i»dge Trail/' the "(.‘htsbolia'’ and the •‘ thKidiilght."

The feeders of tha Dodge trail w>neentrated rthEMit Sun Antonio, coming In from the region of Torpiis ChrlHtI and the fine hreud- iOK eoniitlps of the eo«H(, and from these down along the sMesIcwj frontier. From the vh’ lnliy of Han Antonio tlio (mil made a sort of tU-toiir to go around a fenced farming country of tlfrumn Kptllers, going to Kerr' vlllo on the DuadaUipe, oror Guadalupe Moiininlna to Noll's Haiieb i |iafil Fort Mae<m to Eon OrltTtn, thimce to Ivvdgp CUy. Kan. flhcn Fort D<»dge'i, abodl u three raonihs’ drive. This WHH the and of (bo Dodge trail prnprf. From Jiere h UrHiicho* mitln various dlN'ctlons, leading on to ngalalla audio the Indlnn ngenrlei* iiml ndlllury posts and reser­vations In the Missouri. Powder and anake UlvfT eon htrlcH—Fori Fetterumn, Crow Agfiu-y and the Yellowstone country.

The fiiSsiudm trail authered itself togetber fora star: near Fort Worili, or west of lt» went up noribensi Inio Indian Territory, cTOHAlng ih ■ Ited Hlver ut Red Ulver stuiion ; iliriHJgb to Wu-hltii, Kan., Ihenre to Newton, Abllfiie ninl OgnlaHa. from which point II brniu lw'd uul to supply the same country as live JvoUge trull.

The (liiodniubi trail was called for (he man who ojH'iieEl It and drove enltlo over It for yi'iirs, <’lij»rlen {ioo lnlKht. Jt started In the country Miutbeasl of l-’ort Worth, and led MMilhweslwanl to (In* Feeos, which It croased ut ilr»r*elu'Hd (Ttvaslug, followed the fiver up through New Mexleo utid went over Into Colnrudo, eudliig near Pueblo,

The herds rt^cularly driven through on Ihesetralla usually ntiTtibered from 2,000 to 3.0IJD head; with them went a me»s wagon, or, speaking in cowlioy vernacular, **chuck WHftnn.’ ' a c<K)k—who was also d r iv e r s horse metier, from eight to Ion riders, and tliu Ums, who was also a rider when oceaKlun drtiiauiled, Karh man's mount consisted of viU or eight horBcs^nnd thr'se the luvrsa rus­tler htrdid, drovennd aticuded to generally. Tlve rate of travel whs about ten or twelve injleHaday, This speed euuld not be mado widioul Injury to the cattle. But a “ contract herd/’ being driven through for u certain Cf'TiKldcratlun for some party pi*rsonally uu* Known, was cflcn put througn nearly twice that tnst.

'JIjc rmUo ore “ thrown off Iba tra il" to gTurea )imi>ortlon 4>feach day, then thrown i ffogaln ivl night lo bed down, which they w ill usually do unless there is some disturb- lugranMc. as hunger, thirst, overwesrloess, an appnvitcblug storm, or something lo frighten (hem. The riders are divided Into f(Mir night w’Rtchet. or guards, of two or three each, according tothetr tiumber, guard­ing two and omv-half hours,

Home cowboy* and caltteiuon laughlDgty UKsured nio tbat they only sltvg on watch to ki-t'p thenvHtilves uwiidtu; oih4‘r>* euy (hey aim;, (Hik loud, or nutks a nolso Justtu let the cattle know they are approaching, so m not to friglMch ami sIpmjH-de them; but the greaier tfiunlH-r hold—» h I n iy id f bad read, iind been led to ladluvc- tliat the sound of the hniiiun voice, singing, talking or niillng out otu-crfiiUy, <;uleta void reaNsun's the aniiriHls, lluwsver it may he, they all sitig and talk or wliii^ile to them, and antoiig my most Vivid and p|ciui'i»-l|ke recollections is om* of a ceriulu night when an aching head iind a heavy heart ludd me awake, and slipping from the house. Iti the llllle Imuri. 1 weiH Aimlessly Hcnws the level plain tDWiird wh«n* big herd wa'^i'ampt'd. When wlihin th ficor four hundred yards of itie iiunch I conh! ftoe, under (he white Texas mnniitlght, Lho dark mass of cudic, mid fvciiBlonaily a stlhoutle, between me and ll»e sky, ofont-(»nkf g'Oirds ui his pony; aiid tu tlic intcuKc aUlliK'ss and ioncUness of (h« plains'uigiit, the sltiKlng of ins one boyish volo<' lioldlng its untaught, unconsrlous way through “ A Fountain Killed with Bhxid," and the playing of his companion on a little harmnuleum, “ liweet l!oine,“ as they cams round past me In turn, were ns lovsly aud toucliinK HuundH as 1 ever heard.

Jluiwcare oi! the (rail—as It was In the TO’h; let UH ri'turn toll,

Thohitreew had need (obs prelty good and In fair condition, the men plucky, rc*solule, reliat*h* and well ATmcd, for all sorts o f vlcls- sltudfM, hui'dstitps atid dangers beset the uu- derlaklna, from sudden storm! and stam­pedes, long days without wider when cross- li'g arid 4llH(rlcts, lo cattle anil horNcihleves, ht»‘.lilp IndlmiH and sumetlmcH uiifrleiidiy. greedy aud not over honest peopla along the rmiic. who exacted all sorts of tolls am} trib- u(o from passing ticrds.

ff a mnn had pretty good horses, six, eighi or ton iru'^ly Tnen with plenty of nerve and umiuunltlon and proficiency with shoot­ing Intas, whom he could count to standi up to him In any omcrgcticy, he might with fair ]io]>cH of suct'ess refuse the demands of these various kinds of sharks and bandlU; uoL nib'^rwltio.

\ favorite trick wai to WM.'urc from the Htatc, ferry and lirJilge jirlvitogcs on some (rcnciicrnuN aad dllllcnlt rlvor which the (rail frossed. ilu'n buy, Iprmc, or odierwUe ohlaln pnss4'K>ilnn of and fence In the laud all up and dtnvn (he river where the Btrenm couhl 1>e forded or a landing made. Under the laws, at Icastas they then were, a mau could charge so much pasturage per bead for alt cattle going through his feDccd pastures,

My friend, theex-oatHeinna, told tneo f an Hxpsricnce with this sort of modified high­way robbers at IheUampasaf Ulver, rolilru- lug once with bis outfit that hsd taken a Iran herd up to Dodge.

They enmo to tbe LlttlA l.ampasas at a jKilnl where they had never lieforc been. There was a rickety, w'abUlcy old hniiRo, to which ihpy paid no at tent Ion. l u: -• I'UhI or swam their horaeaacro6:4, and • out to gn through a gate on the furth -i id<%Hnd upon tbelr way, Whenku old pliuti-hiokliig fellow came out of n shanty near tiy and told them to hold on.

"You haven't paid your toll,"

” But we didn't cross on the bridge,""That don’t make uodlircrenee; (he bridge

wu* iharfu rye t«> rros* un. Yer pasturage <d come (o abonl the oanw, er more, Ih tu-r jes pay ycr loll, ten cents apiece for tbs horses an' forty rcnii fer the tearos.

Tbe men recommended to him Phil Blierl- dan’a idea to choose b—1 rather than Tekotss a place or reeideni-e, and were about lo go ahead, when theniu man, turning toward tbo door, said, “ Here, boya." Out slouched three great sbaniblhig boya about at* and a half feet tall, barcfcMd, and with long Wlnchcstcri at tbelr shoulders. ThecaiUoman's men had I heir pistols and Wlncbcstere hack In the wagon ; the plialcs had tho drop on them, so they paid (hg^oll, |4 nr W, and weul tbelr way, lHdli>$; with helpless fury.

A trick uf rustlers, thieve* and hanaltll was to stampede the horses or calllo at night, and even aumetlmeN In open daylight. This might be dune for the puriHjso o f sleallng them, or iwbcru (be thieves did nol^w’aul lo take loo much rtsk. and make th^ trail so dnngernuk and unixipular as h> cut on the source ol revenue—ptusing iierds—or call the liangcrs ont after them), of being hlrfd tu " help hunt " the rnUle.’''

It was In HauiliTii County that the ex*cat- IlfiTinti bad an experience of this sort. Going through Ihtti rmigh, hilly country with a gnod big herd, uud horses pretty inwr and rlddi ii down, the whole he^d waa niysterl- onify Htampeded one night. Tbe nerft morn­ing, after the ouifU bud gathc^•d, eouiUed,

I tallied, und found the l»*rd IJOO bead shorl, iomc ordinary-looking stranger* rc de Inlo Ihelr camp on fine, ali'ong, wi'lM>ml bt rses.

" Had tome laid hick last iilght-ntam- peded."

“ VfS, we’ re 3H0 head short."“ That's mighty bud, In this rough «mn-

try, loo. We alnH got much U> do right now, an’ we’d like the Job of helpin'you btuit

"N o "B a ld (hpffttllfnian, hl.nDgpr ritina," He art folDK lo hunt tliPfn and Und Ihani onr«elvoi."

" Hot your lioriPS l« poor an' roopilnwn, an' you douT know Ihp oouniry. UiirH Ih all ft-p»h an’ fat. an’ wp know (ho wholp noiiiitry (iPrfpfltly, W«TI hplp y o «-o r we’d ralh-r Juit agrpo to And’pm fer yp fPr Ilfly pphIb a liond; lliat'a nlipappr'n you can git 'pm your- uplvps, «archln’ around In a •tmiige, mu*l. pounlry on poor horapsno' yo wont ba able lo gll 'em all, either”

The catllPtnan knew that there waa Irntli In thl», hitl he war niiul, and eoiihln’t bring hlnuelflo inniely pay the trlluilp. or raiiBoin, the Ihipypa demanded, (to he rent them awa.y anarlty and Ihe oulHl hunted Hmealtle them- lelvpp. finding only !Kft The ,1*ly lo«t, al a riaigh guerp, would reprerent ?’*dh to 51,1(10 I Ihe nny cenH per head dpiimndprt by Hie rmUer« for “ finding’ ’ the .Tfllt head would only have been SlfW ; eothe ealllem.n’e angry reepotmenl. I hough Juil, coet him WOO or • 1,000.

When cattle are driven too hard, or are wanting water, they are very bard lo bed down al night, or even lo hold. They "mitt ’ ’ around and mutter and moan, and Ihe •mall- eel thing will Btampode them. When once ealllo that linve been euireriug for daya mgyhe, for water, UTiit It. they are ahaoliite frentled.aiid ihere Is no lornlng noreioj!- plng Ihetn, Tf II l» a hoggy ilream or a •harp bhitrihpy will rush Id, lulmiip. and eouie of them drown, or fall over and break lege and Iiwke, I f 11 le mil waler-rankly there l i In aome placei lit Ta*aa—they will aland and drlak ai long M they can iwallow, and the weaker and more eueceptl-, bio one* will fall over dead where they stand. In thiB wav Mr. (iuodnlglit mid me he had aeen 600 of hie die In oiiellttle "alt pond down on the Rio Peeoe. T lio fre.1. walar of Ih* river was In elglit, and the men got m (»t ot the herd turned Into It, but thla bunch got eight of the salt pond first ; nothing short of anearth(|Uake coald have R|op[.ed them, and the outfit had tiu earlhi|uake along, eo Into the pond they wenl-and that 600 never had to he driven, nor bedded down, nor eung to, nor counted and tallied any toore.

The trails alt lend north—norlheaet or northwest—hut alwaye northward, from Teia*. ■' Up the troll," aays the cowboy and tbe ca ttlem an “ he'egonp up the trail;’ ’ end It eouiide poetic and suggestlvo to me ae that other Western expression "oTer the divide," which liai rfme lo be BO unlvereally need In a figurative and poetic aenee.

Ai.iCK MArGovra.v.


H A T such high-art cloth­ing as we sell is of a vast­ly different character to

what is offered by Cheap Johns and Wonld-bes.

T H A T onr prices for the same are such that it is sim ply throwing money away to buy trash when fine goods are so cheap.

400t b R o D i u e r s a r y-O F T M i;-

T f lA T we have a complete and perfect fall .stock of Cloth­ing for Men, Youths, Boys and Children. Newest fabrics, latest styles.


CIvF US A CALL!-A N D Y O r W l l . I , A l.SC

, . x . . _ j

T h a t it m impossible to improve on the fit, finish and general appearance of

the stylish garments we are showing this fall.

T H A T these garments so nearly approach cnstoni work that it is, in most cases, a waste of money lo have clothing made to order.

T H A T , i f you arc still wed­ded to custom work, we are in a position to do it for yon in the best m aiiucr and save you 25 )ier cent, on tony tailors’ prices.

OUH LiOCflli 400

Cattle arc .reared on their fertile graaing field.6 in Uruguay solely to provide prime beef for making the world-famed

lieMg COMPANJS Extract of Beef

Corop»UntBUemlaU (alKrtlBB ov»ry de­tail, from thn i-nrt) of the fa ille and ihrnugli t li» profPMBi of inanuraclui-e— whemirmpitlon* clmaiinpBk nrcvitll*- lo lhe polttag of I ha Botnplntpd eatrset. TblB pftw fvfB the qivalltT, flavor and parity nf thla fnmoui nmiliMt, which it to-day, *v when tint pitt up by th« great ebemuL Juafua vod Ucblg.


Juilga .W rrti'iSpccrli o f Aceapunoe and H I,W ork u a I.eglilator,

From tha Kliiabctta Journal.Tho Newark News, by long ortda Ihe

largCBi, moil >u«MBful and moat innucnilal paper In Newark, haa cutue oiU for John Kean, Jr. The NKwa t« an indnpcndfnl Journal, devoted lo the people’ *Interwt-, and hat a circulation equal W) all tho other New­ark paper* combined, U give* a* Iti renaona for Hupporllng Mr. Kean that he wnuSrt, If elected. " have every Inrenllve to do aa he has promised,’’ while Judge Werta, however Bluccre he may be. Is ’’ under the attongeet of pollth-al obllgatteiuB to some of the very men who have shared the responetblllty for Ihe abuera o f Ihe Abbell ndminlatrallon and have been tbelr moal active promolera."

It give* credit 10 the Missel NegWrr for the arguineut which was original with the JOur nol; "S o w that Mr. Vi'erta Isa candidate he promises to do anytliliig that la right sod Juatand hnnesl and equitable and unpartl- san. Hut when Mr. Werta vrs» a legislator he j never failed todo exactly whnt Sir. Abbrtl demanded,’ ’ _ _______

The Horse That Sheridan Rode.To fke PMifor of Ifw .Yftfi

Hi H—Shakesiware informs uh that on a rertaln occasion amazement on Ihe face of Hamlet's mother sat, but lha old lady's an.nzciiient did nol execl mine when I perused In tbe widely-read N kWH of yeetco day the following puragniph :From the HI. Uoult (llobi'-IhimnerRi.

"1 once had a talk with Uencral Phil Sheri­dan about 1il« famous Wiiielieiter ride " said ■ludge O. H. BtoiUlurd to the Renilniffenoe null, thill was holding a aeaiice at tho South­ern, " i iw a s Immedlalely nfter the appeap anceof the poem cetebrallng that thrilling event, J read It through to him, and he iiood for a f(‘W moments awltching bla bool with a Btirig uf baxel buah, then said slowly; 't thiuk if the versifier hud si-eii that steed nj blaek as the sleeds of night, and know how I had lo spur slid whip tho old crowball locet it to go'tivor the roan, he would not have had Ibeatlark of hysteria of which that jHiem Is the offspring. I'nce my famous charger sluinhied, and 1 came near coliig over lilt head Into a nmd-puddle. Instead of hit plunging with me into Ihe thickest of the fray, he plaved nut ciuaidetcly, n jd i had to lake tho mount of an orderly. The rhyme- slera are hiessed with very vivid Imaging- Ilona.” ’

In Jusllee lo It puhlle who seldom caree to see an Idol dealroyod, be that Idol hone or man, will you kindly permit me to have my say on thesuhJeetT

Now. dear Mr. Kdltor, 1 knew Rherldan, whom 1 always slylcd the Mural of the American Army. Oncttflhc two aides that accompanied the gallant " I 'h ll" In hlameni- ornhle ride Irom Wiiichrstcr lo Cedar Creek In the ever-lo-be-rctncmheivd uhicicenth day of Oeloher, ’di-Qiptnln Joe O'Kcetb-Was a college chum of mlnn end served with me HiiderUeneral Lamorlclerc In lha Irish llrl- giide In the service of his lute liollncas Plus IX. The horse that Hheridtni rode oil the p<k caalon referred lo I knew ccjually ns well as I did tbe Uaiierai.and before and after Ihe baU lie of fJedar Creek I jmtted him. In fact, the easleal way to gel lnp> the good graces of Lenernl Hherldan was lo show klndneat ot nltcnllon lo Ills horses. Now. wlielher Judge Htnddard was "taking a rise" out of the f;(obe-Denio(Tnf mau, or the Ocneral wa« (Ak- log the same out of lha Judge, It Is not for me to say, but 1 will Nt the tlehcral apeak fcr himself.

In Hherldsn's memoltw, vnlums I, pages Ir7-I7«, we read;

"Captain Archibald P. Camphell of the Kecond Michigan Cavalry preeciilod mewith the black horse called KlenzI, since made historical from having been ridden by me In many battles, cnusplcuous.y la the ride from Winchester to Cedar Creek, which has been celebrated In the poem by T, Buchanan Head. This horse was of Morgan stock, and then about three years old. He was Jot black a • * • • strongly balli, with great endtiraoce. He was so active that he could cover with ease five miles an hour at hit nalural walking gall. • * • • • • e I have ridden him on icvcrsi occaatoni * * * * * * and from that tints HU the close oM h ew srl rode him slmosl conlln- liously In every battle and eampalgn In which I look pnrt without once finding him overcome by fallgiic, though on many occa­sions his sircnglh was stverely istled by tong marches and short rat loiii * • • • • * • • Although h* was several llmea wounded Ibis hone cscbihbI death In sctlani and, living lo a ripe old age. died In IHT6, at­tended to tbe fast with all the care anq surrounded with every comfort due the fhlth- ful service he had rendered.

Very respectfully,HrDOI.i'll FlTyPATBICIt.

Hast Orange, Oolober 11.----------------1----------- -Jnit a Little llhoppliig.

From Ihe Cloak Review.KIngley—“ Ah, glad lo see you hack from

the seashore. How Is your wlfeT"lilugo—” I don't know, I gucsi ibe’t all

right. Haven't seen her for sevetAl days,"KIngley—" Why, didn’t she come back with

yon f "m ogo -“ Ye*, but Ihe atopped onh lrw ay

•ptnwii to d* a little ihopplu i."--------------- *- ■ -------- -—

Rome remarkable cure* of dearness are re- erded of Dr. Tbom u' Kelectrle OIL Haver


0 see tlie value we intend to give you in the cloth­ing we offer all this week.

Ther’ll probably be lots of special prices quoted for the occasion we celebrate, but, our word for it, not a store in this city will make the genuine sacrifice in profits we propose doing.

Price, standing alone, means nothing. Come in and use your eyesight and j'our sense of touch. It Tvill save you many dollars to do so.

In honor of the 400th zViiiiiYersary of the Discovery of Oui Country, we intend to make all this week a special 400 offering of our own, as follows;


100 Children’s Suits, were $7, $6 and $5, no\V $4.200 Boys’ Suits, were $7, $8 and $9, i k j w $5.100 Men’s Suits, were $12 to $16, now Sio.

These are not a job lot of goods bought to make a hurrah with, no bankrupt stock of chestnuts that the creditors had to take and sell for anything it would bring, but onr own make of Fine Clothing, made right here under our own supervision, up to the times in point of style and perfect in every respect.


H E R E i.s no moonshine in tlic offer we hereby m ak e; we intend to give you ju st

what we advertise, atid at the prices stated you will get the goods at about 6oc, on the dol­

lar.W e’ve no to offer,

no apologies lo make, but sim­ply ask you to come in and g et your .share o f uiir geueroii^tif- fer, made in all good faith, and every detail of which will be carried out to the k iler.



le i i Not to l>oii« by Hvre Inclteinenl to Fnihii^isnin.

From ttr Century BMaearHif*.As public opinion is alow to move, It

may well be worth while to have the principles o f rational, honest polltloa taught in our schools and colleges to & greater extent than is at preeent done. W e hear much talk in school convenUons o f “ teaching patriotism.” But how is It to be taught? The practice o f cheering the flog, o f learning the biographies o f Home* o f our leading stateamen, or o f learning to believe, without knowing w lyv that our country i» lho strongest and best on earthf w ill have little effect toward remedying our present political evils.

Civil government is Bomelhing more than the written constitution, the names o f the officers, tho dates o f election, and other such facta os are taught In our text books on civil government. The civil gov­ernment that w ill help our children to get ideas which later w ill be o f practical use In politics U that which shows the princi­ples o f party government, the methods o f making nominations, o f carrying elections, o f making appointments to offices, and all the other detniia o f our political life as it in fact is managed, together with the factsof history and political science which show that, however valuable in carrying single elections, and advancing local in­terests, dislioneat political scheming may be, in the lung run the interests o f States, osofindividualfl, are furthered by honenl principles; that great public questions art uot leitied till they are settled right, because “ the power In men that makes for rightcousnoos” in, after alb wlien men’s eyes are opened, the dominant one.

Jurlgs Wert^ amt lllnFrom Ihe New llrunRwlrk F’roilrttilHii.

T!icj>t>tn(. of view froin*w!ilch the Newark News scans the Oui)crnaloHftl campnlgu sli. nation Isexortly that wlilcli every thouEliifui and Indy consrleiitlous voler must arrive at. Judge Werti may iw btnjeHt In ills piofe**- sions. W « mould nol say that Ke i* not, hut H must he remembered thm GoVDnior Al>- bett, In his mesiuigea and ids sjH>echei, has professed the same prlnrlplcs and Tcpeatedly violated every one of them. John Kean has nol only every IncenUve to do wlmt he has premised, hut tie Js backed by a parly es earnSit for reform a i he Is himself. Judge Werta, uit the contrary, will be surrounded and tnffaenoed by men whose constant ef­forts will ha to force biro lo disregard his pledgos and continue tbe present sclflih, co^ rapt and cenlrtllilng system of mlsgovorD' menu There Is tsothlng In Judge Wert*’* u**t record lo lead to the Belief that he will be able to withstand tho irerocndmis pressure that will be brought to bear upt>n hliii.aud tbeooncluslon li Irresistible that Safety only lies in the election of John Kean.

Menil>er»hlp ul (h** fl. A» K.From Ihe rhiludelphla rzrilucr.

The membership of the (Jratid Army of the Jteputllr on December 31 lust was 407,7N], no leriH ihnnW.WI merTii>eri being artilfil during (he year. Tbe lonsei by rtwilli were (1.401. but. nearly 6n.fiOQdropt»ei1 <iul o f (he nnlcr. more than 13.000 being Uellnqlien!* and helny suftjM'Toled for noji-paymenl o f dn»’». 'I’Ih* In- dicaduns lire Dial the order has almut rt'at’hed Its niaximurn nH-rnbcrxIilp and llial IhlH may he mulnlaliipd for afew years, wlh’n n rapid deercasn will hcglu. Tin* (rrrHler number of niemberB »re now l>etween furly- Uve and flfly-flve ji'nrs of agf, and (en years will surely KrcHtly dcplele llic ranks. If the estlmah's of the number of mrn in the parnrtr ou Tuestlay are corrcol (and they cannot, be very greatly c.xftcgerated, nearly one-ftfiii of tho members nttemled the oncampmenl at Waabhiglon, U la unlikely that auch a large number of Grand Army men ran ever againbo brought logclhrr.

— • —

CrawnNli I'aeil lift Afertlrliic.From the Indlatiapolle News.

llQllI recenlly u medicine wns prepared from the common erawttah. In the atoniai'h of this m-ulure there am almost always found a small mlcareou*. cnncretlori, from lha alee of ft pin's liehd to Ihe aler r>f a pe*. The litlle stony hall Is composed of carhona > nnd phoRphalfl of lime, and waa formerly powderi'rt and used In doaea o f three or fourgrftins (o ciirrcct acldlly of the* Niomftch. Prfvparted chalk hna now (akcii the plarc of “ emb's-eyea/' n-i Ibcao eonorctlona were cnlled. but occaHlonriIly persoha am found u-1im>onMii|iT Uii'iD mori' eff1c\o:ious Ihnn llta subslllute.

ills lo cure earue -Adv.

Tba Aneient Malden."From the Hanobealer Official Catalogue.

Tbl•terro^lD8ptring torture Inilrumcnl Is made of strong w'ood, coated with iron; it opens with two door*, 10 allow the prlsooer lobe placed Inside. The entire Interior Is fitted with long, sharp, iron spikes, so that whcnthedoori are prcanod too these sharp prongs force their way Into various portioim Of the victim’s body. Two enter his eyc^ others pierce bia chest* and, In foci, Impale him alive In such arosnner thnt he dies in Ihe most agctnlglng torture. Persons were condemned to death by the embracea of Ihe Iron Maiden for plota ocalnst (ho governing powers, parricide, rollgioiii unbelief nnd murder wUb attempt sgalust puberty. Tbe date o f Ibis rare epcriiaen Is the flfleenih .tury< It Is believed that the Irou Malden la purely and peeulinriy a relic of old Nnrem- belVt at at that date we do not read of It any­where else, while the annals o f that town eonialu many aliasloDa tu Ha terrors.

Method in rou ting Tea*From the F a m and Home.

There la more in pcwrlni tea and coffbe Iban roost persons dreain of in tbelr philoso­phy. Even If these deeoetloos are brought to the table ready made, U requires experi- «boe,jad fiD «it and exaetneoi to apportion tbemsotb&t they shall prove gttffloletit In qttiuility fbr tbe Mmlly and so tbat Ihoee who wish tbelr tea weak will not get It etroQg,and vice veraa. Ofteu persone pour tea without being aware that the rtrst cup Is tbe weakest, end tbat the tra grows ilronger al you proceed. Thy proper way to poWr tea, therefore, le to fill all Ihe cilpe betore serving la y ; and where several cups of equal iircokth are wanted, pour d iHtl^ into each,

Ol* 90Tn*th{nQ liirm Ihw or­

dinary^ pill. And wanutliitiK tliat's Ixjt- tor, Tbat ni»»n8 Dr. Fiurcx*'s Pl'^Lsant I ’d-

— !h o y re th e anmUcftt end the Ijtwt; tbu cftRW-ht. to tnlri] bikI tbe toKiust iu the way thfy m*t,

wohJerful things-- tliceo tiny, e^^ar- (yhjU'<1 Ik'lli-ta. Tnny pnt nn cud to Hlci Atid Rilious Houd-

oebee, Constipation, lm lw ‘stion, Dizzi- seas, Bilious Attacks— all tbn 'loranno- ini^hts of liver, stomach and Iwwi'lji. UiL^y and gently, but tbormigbly and effectively, mey cloauec, renovate ami regulate the entire system. One Little Pellet for a gentle laxutivo—tbrw for a cathartic.

TheyVe lho iwet Llvar Pill over made, purely vogetttbJe, pirfectly harmlt>s!»“ -(md tht rneoi d yill you ran buy. for thry’re gxiaranreM to givo satiafm’tion or vuur money is r c tn r^ . It's a piou [Hiculiar to Dr. Plen^'H modicinee. You i>ay (udy (or the pood you gut Con you ask mure I

STEIN BLAU.196-200 Springfield Ave.

(fitor Kfcut (i>r ft few rtayn onlyIn 1 lu* buluwlhi; urUeP n :

I >E( * m A TEI • VV I N IK -HD A DEH, wi Uifrinnf, Wurth'»iNr.: in)w »i 'ifM-.

Ht'ft! qmillty SM Kl-F oll-t L(VTH At Ac. per > ard.

DKr< iHATl-iD 1‘AIlM iH L.AMl'S, wHh dec*omlcil hllHidiS, UKr.

'Guml ljUftlHy KLd gK OlLritOTlI a( «4 p , per yard.

Thre<‘ .MunMiiin fomhlujitluri rK T I Hi;. FKAMFS III a.ic.

|jirK«Hli4- im.AHS tlUnW .UlFXut 4Hr.Kid botl>- ur Juliilcd 1 ><>1,1 J4 tif Ic- WAl.t. I ’A l ’EH 111 5*-. pf-i- rail.10 I <>r rent. p iliirDun 011 ilrnt >‘jiia !l(f

GUANITF IHGNWAIIF.lliju i|ijaliiy I 'iFtigolft fluHon HID >!•>!

kiMlHNCft’ Diii>K<>lft lliittun Sll(H''..H, II lu 2,

IIIbuys' liutlun ur Dure s Md K-'H. U to 2, UDc.



196 -200 Springfield Ave,

John M. Mentz,685 BROAD STREET

Newark Wool Store.5,000 pounds first quKlIty WooiKii Vnrnsnfi

Worsteds.OoriPAi. KiiiUlng Yurii, Opnnisfi Vnro, American Vsrn, Frostrd Floss,(lermanlown Yarn, Hhetland Floss,8 uxmy Ysrn, 7a pt'} r M'orsteda.

Indies’ FASclnatori, Hoods, Kliawls, Copes,»te.

Inlanls’ Haequsa, Booties, IlJa rQ T-egnlt),. MIttend.

Shetland Vella and Bilk Capa.LjndleB’ and Children's Knitted sVool Hlilrta. Ladles’ and Chlldtati's Wool and Cashmere

Hot a.Ladies’ EUaet Caibmere O lores, t6c., 50c.

Kilragocd raliie,Lefliee’ mik and Ktd Oioret.



- i n ­




WaveHy, N. i/., Sept 2J, 1892.{SPECUL DISPATCH.)

/'kf A V tc Jt'yppy Aj^riatUvral Son':i\> has this day tVu'ardcd to Mullins Pf T r )., of NnearL\ fo r best c .r -

hibils in Chamber /'nrnitnre, J'artor .Suits, Piittuo-Roont /■'nnnturc, Fancy Parlor Chair\ Leather Chairs, Carpets, Kuys and Foldino Feds. The (innn Foldino Fed was first exhibited by Muliins & Co. in and that f rn i holds thesilver medal then awarded. This prire bed is fo r sale at the several establishments o f Mullins Cf Co. A . iS,


Cnttsr and Carer of Fine Provisions.Ahsotutely I’lire lAirrt a specialty. We caie,

10 tb* Wholesale Trade.auLK rtiupKiKToa

E-HI ’nanrpasaad fOi delleaey o f fiaenr. For

sate liy all ftrsl-elaaa prta'cra thmustmut the city and Mtutp. lamg dt-.tiincc tt-K-plionc 9(1L 101 and 109 H. OltANHK AV'R, Newark, N. J-


WeddiDg RiDgs

CREDIT. • EASY TERMS.1 tl {A NX'IT 11 <) US15H :

121 tl 125 N e w l Ave,, 213 Mail Si, ! 78 li M llirtle A n ,JEltBKV CITY, N. .1. I’A'ri'dWuN, N. J. UlliiOKl.YN, N. Y

Newark Wall Paper Warehouse,No. 20 New Straot, Near Broad.



DecomtioM, Watt Moulding!. Painting, Decorating, Paper Hanging.


R L . D E N E !Cottiltorc Altlpiift. Union Uouiitj', X* J.i Otiior Huburbs*

Three Trunk Line llBllroa(l«.l i ciltrtil llallroad o f New Jersey, tl/chlgh Vnlley lUillriiad.

Three Herwtson Ihe I ’roperly. I It. and O., Hlaieii Isiniid llapld Transit.Tiii.a rnm, New iirk ...........W nilnnlee. I Cent rat Hal I road.T m t o Newark r. . ’:... iW mtnulee. Udiigh Valley llalirnad.iL rran ta tln n Tm . York....................... ...........Only Je. each war.

LMl’n O V k M k N ^ N Ie e V ^

1.0U for sale from P5 to I80O, and pajiHile innnttdy or II) |wr « nCdt«-o«»‘ a " ’ ’ *™W^lW ySiir desire to tIsii AldeneWedneaday or Balurdayallernoon bynaklni lota (r«ticket of J ^ B E K N E T T O , M a n a g e r ,

88fl BHOAD ST. HOOM NO. 1, NN® AHK, N. J#Call between 5:30 to 13, morolDga -

• 1‘A ' «.Hv;



EABTHUDAIES IN JAPAN.Conolntloni of Tbose Who Haro Be«n

. StsdjlDg Their Phenomenon.


y M tt ITblrh Show th« Notwro < f tbn CoU" TUlilooi tkot I’ rodnvr lU io lU ,S o n spilun* lit R#i;ori1 to 1h Holt VLmiia for Bnlldltit lit CountrU* Hiilijoot to Sitvh Dlftturboncoi'-UouiitAlii*thAt Hetve Benii T a lr lj Brooghi T<ig»tlifr.

Ftotn th« rii:iftd«l|>blA Vnt“.A niroljr itjaltlir «Arile'K rru»t

In on* or Another !■ not i^iilren liy«nrtti tromori or farthquokee. Mnny of IbMO inovemenU ar«‘ »o that they nn- lOTfoled only hy the dellcnui InMlrnmente 1n- ▼enlod lo record euoU diiiturbaiic -N. Mr. J>e Ititlluro hut rot'ontly r*|*ort*d iliot nearly 4Ct» o f them hoTo ocrttrml In a einicle )var In , Fmno*. 2n Jap*i». thr land ofeArtlquakee, ! ttioro areat leael -itCebiK'kh a year. «nd wrieii thwo Nbooki roMhed the projHtrtlonH of t«rrl- ble oalMtropheN and Itlil^hniitatidi of itoojiie, 1,000 or 2,QUO ibAklngi are ailUed fo the aren ag* 600.

ftcleoUflO IJ30D art itudlyliiv earlbr|Uakos with a t UW to learn facii which may Hiiat>]« ' them to predirt the itjorke and thUM to WHrii i the people of earthquake countrlcg, They areiladylD i the effbc'ti of MrihquAJiM with a view to }«rfM tlng rale* ^r building ami llTlng In earthquake rouutrlot, in that the appalling loeeei la life and property may bndiTnIOUhed,

The leMOoe learned from the le il great earthquake In Japan have hrrn made known In the reporle o f ProfeiHor John Milne. It la In Japan and Judy that the wlpoce o f lelih mology baa made grMt^t progrew. Kor eight or tea yean the ..Tapanoee have eeu- pJoyad a foroeof arient I dc men, headed by ProfNeor Ultne, for the aiKvInl puii>oae oj itudylng eanbquahr phenomena.

The ffvaat dlaturbMieeocourred about the centre of Japan in tbpfaland of Ilotidu, rre> feotaree of A lrb l and Dlfu, on fh’tobfr3N, lant year. The dlitrlot which wue moat eevereiy ihaken extend* over 1,200 equar* mile*. Within thi* area the deelrurtton of building* and anglneeriog work* wh* cnmplele. Tin* area la which botldlog* were aitccted reuchtw from Tokloon the eaet to Knite on the wcmI, over HOOO equare mllet. ThedUbiirbanoe wae Celt from Hen dal In the north to Maganakl In tha aouth, oyer an area of aquurnmllet. Hilt* lorm the margin df the devtu tod plain, Which wae eoyered with rice neitU, dotted with woodlandi and baiiileU. and ilreaked with four large river*. Thi* Nagoya* Gifu Plain w «i one of Japnn'i groat garden*. Ten thoa*and people loet their live* and 100.* 000 boueee were levelled with Iho plain.

The particular oaiiee that precipitated the calamity le now probably revealed. The en* tire wealern *14* o f the N ck) Valley luddeuly lank ^om twenty to fifty feet below the eait ■Ide. The mountain* un Uit w«*t aide o f the valley *cem to have thmnk proportionally, and poInU beyond them which were lii< vtalhle before the earthquake are now }n v lew. There 1* Itltle doubt thal U wa* ttik* *udden fiUllng Inward o f the country on the weatwldo o f the Meo Valley which caueed the terrible dlaaater. The vibration* produced t>y thi* «udden tlnklng o f the earth Hpreail through the lurrouudtng dletrloU, and uthrr rock* In m etaU of unctabie equlllbrluin gav* way.

The eoait line o f Jaiwn 1* rlitng. Thi* may mean that the proceaa of mountain forma­tion la *U11 In Operation. In thi* cruthlng together of the earlir* eruel the upper Rtrat i have lo tome caeee biwn crumpled up to one- Ihlrd their orlglnul length. On account ol the variety of naaterlat* conitituting the aartb'e cru*t we caonut euppewie ibl* aot1<»ik to uniform, and now and then the etrati, refuting to be further bout, <*ellap*e with a craeb and poeiibly a a11j> which ahakoH the earth. Thle wa* the probable cauw* of the dleplaceiuent In the Neo valley and all of tbo trouble that followe4l It.

It 1* known that earthquake* have Imen predicted. I d 1M3 a bishop of lechlaobecrved a change In the characlor of the tulncral water*, lorewarned the people of the coming earthquake and tbu* tavod muny live*, The Capuchin Fathere *aw that a lake near their door had become frothy ami turbulent and predicted the abock of INd hi Metpl. A prlaonerat Lima heard uuderground not*e*. which led him to predicUbe deaiructlon of that city, one o f the wur*l earthqiiakn nataatropliM on ri'coril. The liihabItanU of Iqnlqu* were terrlfltMl by loud flubterraiiean Dol*e* before the earthquake of lAlH, Aiid un­derground aound* led farn.erM to predict the ^rthquakedfUt. Kenioln IMMl,

Hutall theao proinunltory Klgu* o f coming earthquake* arc Jnconclnalve ami imrtUable. With the aid o f mlcrophonr* and ti iepliouwi

Japan the obeervera have liattmed to nmtty Bolaea and apent yvan In Htudylag inalru- menu recording earth trptuora, but have never yet eacct*«ded In foretell lug the arrival o f nn eajTtbquake.

The atudy of the lait earthquake tn Japan li^ however, reauliliig In iK'W and liupurtuiit ittggeetlon* for leHarning ihu damage done by aucb dtaaat«m. Kcvl«ei1 and Unproved rule* have been prepar*»d for buildlug, and it l« ■aid that thfwe rulN are rv<'cfvlug close at- tentloD lu the devMlaiedi area. It was found that the river banks and liie ndgeiofcUlTs Where the forward awing of the free face i* naturally Urge are dangi'roiiH hUci fur build- lag*. Klver bank*and .iiet»i|geH»fblufr*are for the hinet part now'being avoided a* elle* for bulldlug* in Japan.

It wa* alio observed again that Uie mov»> menu at the bottom of a pit i>r In a shallow railway cutting were leas tlutn those upon a natural eurfane. T h iil i leadhi}; builder* to dig fouudatloJiR deepA'T, THlidug tlw super- elruelur* on baHemcnt wall*. It wan well known before the Jupanesp earthquake that the more top weight iu the form of a heavy roof and Iron girder, a water lank or nrua- memal wplng. a l>ulldiiig b«‘urH thp more danger there lKOfi‘olla|i*e.

In the big cotton aplnnlDg mill at Nagoya the door* for eiilrance and ailV were a>1 nenr the middle o f Uir btillaing. and tlie tower in foiling crashed Into tUa entwd tbaiwas *l/ng- gllug to gel onistdr. The rule I* now lhat diMK or mean* ol call slmll bi< easily iircu**!- ble. The crack* above the w indows in brick building* *how tliiit cqKmltig* In the walls form lino* of weakncKS and iherctore require special altautioQ froia lUc hmictrr.

EHructure* o f wood built on Furopean models wUiistood the sIxK'k* bnU«T than or­dinary Japuncao (IwctllugH. In some place* ralirtrad irarkH were carried on hrchii* over the country roads. The arrhe* were de, elroycd, sliowlng the unNuliabllliy of archcH Ui resist horirinitu) d]Htur1iancef<>. Japan, ital.v imU *»>veraU>thi'r earlliipiKkr'couotrlcN ' have now (orblddon tile luilhl.lnK (ir<^rdU)iiry arch Work. Arclies are eic4*.*0ingly strong In resisting loads placed above thmn hut readily fall apart when actA d upon hy sudden horizontal movcfiiunt*.

The railroa<l track* threw an tutsreRting light U(kOti the tiaUiVf uf the carlhqnakM inollun. Either Iho rail* uiid elce MTh iver* moved bock and frirth on tlo'.r Kruvel bed or el** they remained at rc*t atul the ground moved under iheiu. The rc*ult of thia motion wa* to pile up the hnUast bi'twt‘cn tJie *lea{>cr*so that it prsst^uled ilic api>caraiice Ofa HCrles of hugii bolsu-r*. Thecklehl of (he lUotioB wa* dv« to hIx la -he.1 . Another curious fealnr« wa* th* Mi>rtM<ut-hkn tiendtnij; oftltellne. liHLM'inaus if itu< country uitH Rubjertod to longitudinal coinprt«HHlon. At each point where the (rat k In beat llieru )s a iltgbt dcprcMTlon In the contour of the coun­try which possibly may murk the Hsu of an hnnieat water course, Th* track crossing puch depression* would b* cr<'>islng line* of weakncM where yluldlng would bu relatively easy and the total movement wa* greater, bending the track In and out.

ThegreateHt destruetIuD look place along the river bank*, which, 1>elng supi>ortPd nu one lids, were shot forward Into thu river, A eurloui thing wan obHcrvud at one place where lb* river bank was eudrely gone for a couple of hundred feel. A largf* Itamboo grove and a few pine tree* had Rtood some dlHiaiicc back of th* bank. 7'ht* htlle forest w a * pushed forward adlatance of silty feel, and yet all the bambctoa and trt-es remained up­right.

Whea CaucasiAn coiumunlilen me over­taken by such dUasier* hi thU many women bewjrae hyiicrlral and men lose their nerve. After Ihe last grnat earthquake In .]Ht>n(i, the people wentahom rearing new hmue* and coJleclluf food with stoical tforutude. There was no mohtal partklyslN. The dlsasUT, great os It wa*, eeenied to tincepted a*one of (he pfTSsIbUUie* that fate im* In slorc for alt. The foci that tbeCaucAslau race are nnnrs nervous and excitable In the face or such calniuMltti than the Japanese may be acH'ounted for, ))er* hapi, In imrt by the clrcurnstamH* that the Japanese v^gre cradled among earlliqiiakeN and Volcanoes, and have grown accustomed to danger* which won Id starUe other rai'c*.

The stupendous m ovements lo which parts of the *arlh'i cruHi are eotnellioe* subjected almost pAM beJler, l i 1* said ttmi In the

(real earthquake of iTtiit. among the Uala- rUn llountaluR ot Southeru Italy, eome of

the mounialn Buromlt* rose and fell with a *'hopping jnoveroem.*» The ehrontderiof the great eonvuliloh Ih louibcMt Germany In iSiS, whose astohlsblng efTects are still t* be seen In the Uall Valley, reporled that two great raountaihi. lipped unlU they met aecb other and then *eUled back lo Uielr places. We might dismiss Uil* ilory a* n fNUtwey of

Hddle Agu* were U wot fiy- • - -

t i i k p n e u m a t ic t im e .

tie A py llca llon rre v e n ts Tr«>tter* From lle ing U ndu ly T ired .

From lb* Ro<‘lie*tcr IVisi-Fapre**.Robert HoDnoff the fainou* owner o f

fast haraoa, la golufp to experim ent with the Dew'fanKted sulky with the pneiimatle tire, l ie will use wbeoU o f 28, % and 48 inches and determine which size gives the best r<!Maltii, Mr. Bonner says i

^H)ne strange thing alxjul the new wheel* with thes<‘ ball hearings J* that the hortH's are not tired a bit after a faiit heat, oNd can repeat again and again. They Hcem tn push the h<»rae along; there 1* no vibration, and they are ft-oin three to five Kocondti fgster, at leant, than the old wheel.

‘ ‘ When Maud B. made her mile at Clevclaiidf tn 1K85. i i she imcd asulky with ft flfty-slx-lnch wheel. Thin 1 fllili consider tho faatent mile ever inade by a trotter, a* it was made on a rcgulatifin track with an old-fAshiune<! milky. You might Just an woU coinimro gun with the electric light, or tho old-foshirmed sUgo coach wlUi the modern expresM train, ha the ^»erforma(ic(» o f u home on a kite­shaped trac'k, hitched to a pneumatic milky, with a horse trotting under the old condition.

“ W lianthe pneumatic milky whs flml sent to Detroit every driver piKih-poohmi it. Finally Ueers tried it on a honte that had never made a m ile faster than 2.28. He took him out and first hitched him to an old'faahloned sulky. He drove idm In 2.2b. A fter a short reftt be tried him to a pneumatic wheel, and drove him in 2.22],. Then hr bitched him to an old wheel agalu and drove him in 2.27, and afler- ward went bock to the pneumatU* wheel and drove him tho fourth heat in 2.22. He used it in the race the next day ftnd won eu lly . Every one aaw that It was the wheel that did it, and instantly every one wanted one. Now the company which niftkefl them is slmpty overrun with orders. It is Just aa though the horse had a ninning mate, taking ail the weight away from him. F>ery onf knows Uiat with a running mate some horaea can go from three to ten seconrls foster."

Whan Mr. Bonner's attention was callefi to the pneumatic Ure on the bicycle wheel and Zimmerman's rcnxarkable perfonn- onchi he said:

“ I t WB* not until the other day, when Zimmerman rode a quarter o f a mile In twenty-oeven seconds, that 1 really thought ihe mile trotting record woh in danger. Then 1 became convinced that waa bound to go soon i f a fly ing start wn* made, and, sure enough, Zimmer­man has done it. 1 consider his quarter-mile performance the must mar­vellous thing 1 ever heard of, Benator Htanford timed Bunol a quarter In 294 onds, which is the fasteHt record for a trotter,and 1 don't believe a trotter will ever equal Zlmmemaan'i record for that distance; but I may be m istaken." Mr. Bonner remarked in conclusion : "T h e re i i no use o f any one predicting anything nowadays, as some new invention may come out and change everything. Zim­merman i* a wotiderfolly fast rider, and bis work on the track lately has been simply phenomenal." Truly, a groat thing indeed is the pneumatic tire.


ruft Na*CholvrH ftoara Coii*ld«nred lu re 's kaiiitary H int.

From th* Kevkw of Kavlew*.It aounds paradoxical, but It Is tnie that

the threatened visitation Is a blessing In disguise. The Asiatic cholera is the great sanitary inspector o f Noture. He may i>c regarded ae the author o f modern sanita­tion, and whenever the zeal o f the sani- tarinn burn* low the cholera goes his rounds iiud revive* the faith o f mankind In nicosiires o f public health. Tht^re can b(3 little doubt that the cholera huvc* far mure live* than tho few whom it sacri­fices.

Tliere is hardly a cap ltii in Europe which Ih Hot being made cleaner, sweetc r and therefore more habitable and healthy bemuse o f the threatened visitation. We are all putting our houoi^H In order, clear­ing away our middens, emptying our cess­pools, purifying our water supply and generally waging it holy war against dirt and uncleamieiiN, It is a striking illustra­tion o f the immense utility o f wiisation- filisin iu the economy o f the universe. The ('holera is really one o f tho leaatdead- ly o f dineaseH i f deadlines^ is to be com­puted by the nurnbem sJain. H a ifa dozen other inulodlcH slay, year in and year out, tel) men for imo taken by the cholera ; but they do it in a quiet, stealthy, strictly non-ncnsational fashion. Hence they kill, and kill, and kill, and it does no g<K>d.

But when the clmlera eumisi along it produees tbo maximum o f aensatiou by the minimum expenditure o f tife. and doe* more good in its oensutional tour o f three monlli* than ail the other diicaac* do In os many years. Jt i* no doubt due to tlieir appreciation o f this fact that the Journalists cxhuusl their rosoureea in striking headlinea, os I f to get upacholera panic. Otherwise their method o f deal­ing with the cholera new* wbuJd be inur* dcruusly cruel.

The l^eriuan E m pero r '* W ea lth *From l/>m:iou Bucleiy.

11. 1* ut tb ii tnnmr'nt the riobehw sdverMlan nf Kurope. A* Kmi»eror of Oer- muny tie doe* not ret'clve a tliabT toward hlAVXpfDHUN. The lleiolistHiC, liovrever, voles blin every year asum of L!,(100,000marks un<ler I h* beading, Fund* plarcd a ll tie dlNpoHltluu of tbo Kiiipemr for (llstrUiutloii." Of tbls smouni, and arourdliig tu minute cal- flidatiOiiR which taavit baen *ubmlUed b> Ihe i(*li'liMiAg, ‘jjifT.OUO murks are given to luvHlldN who did nut receive HtaU' pension* after the great war uf 11170. At King nf f'ruKsla htf Im* bud ujiiil recently 1«,* :flH,21M uiiirk* a year, derived from two sources, viz,, 7,710,'JflH mnrki. revenue from Crown lumlsaud foretie, Hiid /lOO.OOO marks viried by (he Chanihcr a* mc^sfliLry to the lualntenani'tf uf n^ynl dignity. TUtiisuJii wa* qiilleaufttclcnt for WtlUum 1. but hi* gruud- son ha* larger vloa* and caniDd do with hi* grandslre'* uJIuwnnoe ; so the I'russluu [,aiid- Kkg liai glvi‘11 hint H supplemeoliiry ;i,i'S)0,U0O marks, iimklng Ivjs civil flNt In uH £so0,u)i),

W tiH TlI KNDAN<lBllEt>.

Tha rarislan Man .MndUte Taken Captive ky Frusslfttt*.

From Ijord IjoTIu*'* Memoir*.During the liege o f Pari* Count Bia-

marck tbruaUned to ahout all capilvee from balloon*, and Lord Auguaiu* Loftu* relate* a oertoln ludicrom Incident pro­duced by thi* threat. H e wa* at that time Ambaaoador at Berlin,

M. Worth, th* great modtito, or a mem­ber o f hi* firm bearing that name, wa* made prieoner by the Pnim lani out o f a balloon in Parla Hi* brother, or a rela­tion o f hie, arrived at Berlin in great haste and trepUlation, fearing that the captive, who had been sent to Cologne, would be summarily disposed o f a* threatened by Count Bismarck. This genllem ao rushed Into my room at 10 o'clock at night, and in agitated tone o f voice claimed his captured relation.' 1 first informed him that the ceptive waa not in the poaseialon o f H er Majesty's Embaasy, and I next calmed hi* fean os to his future fate. 1 told him that I had already taken ofBcJal *tep* fur hi* release, and I had no doubt that in a few day* he would he restored safe and sound to the bosom o f his family. 1 observed that it was regrettable that he should bav* been inconvenienced and his fom ily alarmed by the untoward incident, but that In time o f war i f gciitlcmen sought to escape from a besieged city in a balloon, which did not, unfortunately, land them at the destinq- tion they wished, but reached terra ftrma in the centre o f the besieging army, they cmitd not bo surprised at their being looked upon a* Involuntary splev, and consequently kept In detention while in­quiries were taking place os to their per­sonality. 1 added that his fam ily need be under nn alarm as to hi* early liberation. The oTor-exoltcment and agitation o f my visitor may Jiiav* been excusable, bu ilt was In reality rather comical.


A perfect food is that which comprises all th e elements o f the body, w h i c h a r c

needed to sup­port its chemi­cal changes. .

, Hornby's


is the one clear,

clean,perfect food.

That isthe whole fact.

Drnniallc Talent o f tha rerlod .From tha liatroU Fr«w Frc*».

The themrit'ft] nmufttf*? was making up a road com|inny aiul baU it nearly roniplcud.

" ('an 1 gri a place in your list 7" inquired a ■howy elllzen Isle on*- evrniug,

'M don't know," rosiHUidud the manager. " I'm looklii* for n man ; If you'll Co yuu can have Iht* poalllon."

"1 think 1 win," said Iho appllraat wUh cunrtdence.

" H av* you Lad any experience on the■tftgi' ?"

" Well, no, not exactly, hut I've gut iho tal­ent. l ‘ve been u prlxeAghtwr fur the last ten yimrs end feel like retlrlnif."

Uf course he got the Job,

The n igh t kort ot C h eu l.From 1‘uck.

*' My client, Ilurker, la the kind uf a man 1 admire," said Brluf. "H e told rnuhewtiH willing (<» *iwnd 910,UOU to recover 8100 he Lad been defrAudetl of."

" What advice did you give him ?"■"1 told him to giI Abend -ttml I wuRwIlb

blni In all mailer* Involvlog » principle uf that sgrL"

N E W IN A 'E N T IO N H .JlnblsT belling wllh wire ihrertd* Jiitnr-

Woven In Ihe OiAlcrial 1* u imvtdiy In puwi r tTansmlstiun.

A novel Invention le a ipatanla com^Htsed of a blade uf rubber havlDg a broad thin steel core snd a bandit*.

The first merchant Bleariier ever tmlK In K^wln wHsreceniiy laiincLodHt Cadiz. l( i* cikilud the Joaquin iMelogo.

(arson the flumpton and Old i'aini Kln'- trlc road, wlilcli I* about eight rnlle* in length, run at iLe sohvdnted rale of forty mile* an liour.

The long-duianee tedupbooe from TrJe*ie to Vienna ha* bnan eitendcd lo Pmgne.adl*- tanoe of mile*. The auubds are beard at each end o f the line with great dUllnrines*.

A FcuDsyltantan ha* Invented a method of ob(ainiDg bydruoarbon gae bleu'k by burning ordinary lUunalnetlng gas over a ei rbw of long narrow meiaUlc piatei, (be n^suiilng ga* black being (HTai>«'d ofraiitumntlcally,

AUbough (be InvcDi Ion 1* a llU lc uneeason- dblc Just now. an Kngllsbman ha* patented a novel fty-lrap. An electric motor drive* a broad iMnd *meared with some Rwceieiied substance, and upon ihl* thu file* alight and are then swept luto a wire trap.


I T H E i

tbaMId dteAgu* wereU not for IhMrlgbirul caUutropbe at 'rasrh, In northweitorn l^ersla, U IW), when, the few survivors say, two tnouQtalDf bent tbelrtop* until they '* klH*ed on*another." and the hamlet betwMD them lotavtz ii*appear*d from view,

XVIIl He 7Will ] muel her again where the wild 1>e« is

bumming TWill J meet her again where wave* madly

roll TWill 1 Itiigor bpslda wbll* her banjo *he’s

thrnmnilngAnd flooding with music my world-wearied


Will Ahubend from her hammock in attiludeNtumilug,

And pause 1» her posing to whisper to me* W ill she wear the silk hose and the Newport

so cunningThat trampled my heart tn the latid by (he


Will her eye* shine a* bright'neath her ten­nis hat cruHhIng 7

Will her bathing suit dazzle uiy sight as nf yore?

Will iho loan Oil my arm, ever smlllDg and blushing,

Or flu b with iome other ohap over the floor?

Will WB dip aa we dipped lo the ocean to­gether?

Will we talk as we talked In our merriest tone?

Will she shake as she shook tne—oh, cold wo* the weather-

Aad leave me to *]gb by the breaker* alooB T • JBugtn4 ileid,

iWIKKLV KDITIONJThe Handsomeet Newe*Magazlne

In The World.Thn hirii stiDdsrd ur Tlllt Tl.rrRtgATRD •

AMKRUUN will )h> mainlalDKl, sail Its article* will tuno wrti tiA sff i'tcd iiy the n- iiictnin In price. Il will he profusely IlLiisirAlr . ainl lu srilcles written by the laine staff of cuuinbu-

* l<jnL

Tli« lUutrated Amerle&n PnbUshlDS Co.,a *Ko 7 tAeri0TH er. new Voaa.

Canvssseri Wsnled. Liberal CammliiioeaSKSD Fon FRKE PAVIT.K ('OPIRS.



EspHUl *«airerA* vnf«i]lng

Liii* for Semt- n«| Weskne4|,9 p«r iitM t ur- rhea.lmooirn-' cy «|i4 *11 pit- ess** . t h «i lolloiv as a**-.

iireRiTuua.o«H"'.;,..yUiTiR u n iftf Hsc*. PimutM wf Viiwn, and many orbw

rofiiuitibiiPii.which we dtfir*

dimtes thsi lead (« Inisniiv oi I r rutl pti'liculait in our psaipaler,(q »*nd I*** hy mail lo every one.

lA I he Spiiifji; M edirme is *old by all dfemriiu il ti per pseksft, nr til u*ckiK*« fur *X. or wlirhr tent ir*eby intil on Ihf recelpiof the mnne), by addreieinCi

'THI may ■iDtcisk cOp, ■irrAiiOj *. t.Yallow Wrapptf Ibt


When in the cotirse of human events it becomes necessary mend some brand of Smoking Tobacco, we unhesitatingly

Blackwell’sBull Durham Smoking

Tobaccoto be the best in the world.

Many times imitated, but never equalled.Get the genuine. Made only by

Blackwell’fi Durham Tobacco Co.,n n rhnm . N. C

to recom. pronounce

The Story of a Door.

•J V,

door 1 bevn nMaovd la (wentT yaaro.

Thvy trtod all kind* uf soap on It; hut th* dirt wouldn't budge.

At iMl aomsbody miggested Falvkobk'* flold Dust Waaklaw Powder*bow It luoksd ina fpw a lnotvs.

r \ r X l T C T 1* tt’* '"'ell *5 the Chf«pe*t of allV J v l - < L r L T U o I Washing Powders. Sold everywhere.




CARPETSDirect from the Manufacturers, and

S A V E M O N E Y !W o liavi< received from our M ills ii K|ns'i!illy iiU'pre aAsortm enlnf n e w l f .

muiiufactiiD'd C A l t l 'K T H , w e ll adapted to tlie fa ll trade. TTie.v eo iis ls to f ‘

A X M IX S T E H S . IV IL T O X S . V K L V E T S , U m ;S S E l.S , IX G R A IX S , ETC.,

and comprise fdl that Is n ew In dcHigu, w ith the latest cirectH in tints, sliadoa and eiilors. These g.K)ds w ill he found to eonibine, in an umismil degree, elo. p in ee o f upiM-ftraliee w ith unsurjaissed w earin g (jualttles. Also, Uiigs, Muta, o iie lo th a, Etc.

C O U N T R Y O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y EX EC U TED .Apvvlal la d iirc a s v u la OO VrvA lo t 'bu rrh vR . N ian iiivra wimI l lo iv l* ,


40 A 42 West I4tti S t , R s i lo rk , Near 6th Are. E lec ted Railroad Station.JOHN VAN CAASBEEK, Manager.

SPEtlfflOiffliT.Mr. M. Josephs, of the firm of Josephs Bros., is

about to engage in the manufacturing businesa. W e wiii, therefore, be compelled to close out our store at Broad and Market streets. W e shall inaugurate! a sale, commencing on

M ONDAY, O C T O B E R 10,and continue it until every pair of Shoes has been sold. We shall make it an object for every one to come and see us. W e shall show you a different line of Shoes in our window every week that will bo marked below anything ever offered in the city.


Big Bargain Shoe House,

No. 167 Market St., Near Broad.


I do not advertise how many Parlor Suits, or how many Bedroom Suits, or how many yards of Carpet, or how many Ranges I sell a week, but I will forfeit the best Parlor Suit in stock if 1 do not sell more Carpets, more Parlor Suits, more Bedroom .Suits and more Ranges than any other credit house In the city, and will prove it by my books.

Woven W ire Bed Spring and Mixed Mattress still given away with every Bedroom Suit sold.

avroairanJ faai-rau r laon^y,' pa rcha ilD g — 'rseot III*




I t expand* aoro** the B a l l and Joint**

This makes it



poicEs, t i, m o .u , n iD .


Manufacturer**Lynn , - • Maea.

^ Shoei mado lo meature.

Im pm em siit, tho Pronihe of Cu!s,No arruy of wurdu t*nu ►-ivr fi«IV'<|Kq»tU’ unp-

huiftll ’ llO|i(-|Lllti-tq m'H I III- t'l'lli'l vs lili'l) I JllWpyA follilM’Jl Tin-UH- i>r FlirBnrK HUiml His- turs auil llu< prnmlku nr ouiv ik nt v>r lirukni.

" Hnvlnx t*uHiTt>il fnun d.v>iii‘|'!*iu fur Dvo urtliri'f yuftTK, I in Iry H. 15.. unilufUir Inking <nu' LollU< 1 fouiul much hutlrr 1 K<'i uniirht r htiidf uml uH^r lukiiig ilmt t Lull no nmi'f' nt Uil of ineilL'Iu**.

Mj» . ( i .r . WiitTK. Tiiriurg, N. V. Itnti'l ]>ny for <tiilly Lrcnil ulmI Then Krr>an

a’ Llti (lyji]H‘|j«lik when n Inrl'lc nf il. 11, 11. will give .vmi ri'ile!. Hri^uied I^rIr with milforni Mircetin prove (but <iy.4iH‘iwlu. vnn m»l wllli- Himul II. li. 11,

" I imv«* iHkeii t1iesP<'<md hntllp <tf liurdurklilihul liiKct-R, unil II >iuK enroll mo of ilyApt'[>-hla, with wiiii'h I Niifi'-Fittj for lila yottrs.

U . HA.MM.Ttix, LtM’ k nuvon. Fii.’

Reduceil to llie Populai Piice.10S 10

Carpets. Carpets.Just received loo rolls of this fall’s patterns, not ast

spring's, but this fall's, and will sell them from to to 20 cents per yard below any house in the trade.


^ KO fiU B »T lT i:T E ,


• ' , 5 * ™

W. L DOUGLAS83 SHOE din Bmcn,

Emium S I S T S H O I INTHinA fcaainagcwca skoc*fAn

calf, *«*inie«i unooih lailde, I

IRLO FOR THE MONEY.fAn( W U Rof rip, fine

. . . . . ______. ___________e, fleilbla, murv cem-fntable, styltsfa and durable thuu 01 bar ibt'C •T«r sold at (bt pries, ^ u o ls cuitom-mttde sboas cusllng from *4 |fi,

andfS UaiH most ‘

Mikeja iid-tevred* fine calf thunt Tbo

lOttitrtlsiti, ssifaud durable sb<H>R eversnki sprios. Tbsv equal das tmport4Ml shoes cottiDg

from I* jo |1S.I ^ A f l oiNer i v

•tavdard o f cxcm I ^ A irT ro S .- lk s

[rmdfo o f tbo oanio high__ Icnco.

, ________ Ikwtra of deslpr* subAtltutlngiboet without W. L. Douglas name Sod tbt< prlrc stamped on bottom, Buch subitItuUoUR are friiiulu- letil and subject toproiecutloti by lawforobtslnlug monev under falMLireTenoea.'V . L . n rnotifor. >Tne«. PciUiH K B n A l f n » T K ftt.t F . H F T »

Mp^rlognpid A vp.i W !«I. RW* r i i f » E R , U t B rom a T . B . B L A C K * IBC R ? !, S*9 Brwacl HUi Id IF e r r v HI*] J .C O r P R a A ^ I T I I . 1|7 .Vitriie* HCt lk *H . It lE R J IA N * 1C»7 llm r r la o a Ave.* | H at-rlaon* N, J.

CARTER'SH ittleT iverJ ^ S -

Portland Ranges.I have them, and all dealers who sell them have to come

to me lo get them. Do not buy a Range until you have seen the i ’ortland. Large variety of Parlor Stoves.

Parlor Saits.Have you seen the new styles, frames and coverings? If

not, give me a call and you will see something that no other can show you.

7Bo, Down nnrt Tlk:. W eekly...,„On |10.00 WorthV— .ai i an— f£.50 Down and 76c. W eek ly ......On 25.00 Wortha M w n w M « w HOO Down and fl.OO W eek ly .......On 60.00 WorthT ' i T T l l U l R l«-00 Down and 11.25 W eek ly On 75.00 Worth

« A * A W *. |]_a5 W eek ly ........On 100.00 Worthfi2.00 Down and |1.50 W eek ly ......On 150.00 WorthIW.OO Down and *2.00 W eek ly......On 200.00 Worth

T K T ^ K P H O l S r E 5 8 0 .

i m DO !0DT h in k o f T h i s ?


H all Lamps(Like cut)

W llh cmbfvssed or rnbjglttHS,

$ 1 . 8 8 ,

As long as 11i1* lot last! tvurlli rpg. S,Vi0


477-479 Broad Street,Three doors Iwlow Onnige Htrcei.

CURBBIck HeadacheoDi reUeve all the crouble* Uief • dent tu a hillciita state of the ajmieitt. such a* Di sInefiB, Naiioea. Drowsiueea, Dislress after eating, Fam In the Side, Ac. While ibalr most remarkoLk has been sboira ia curing

Headache* je t Cib ti» ' s L im a L ivi* PiuA ore equallj valuable in Cunstipation, curing and pr«ventfog thi* iabojlfigcumulaint. wliiia they al*o cnmwt, oU dbunJon of tlM atotnach, sUmul*t« the Uver and rsfulM* ih* bowola. Kvea If they only cured . i

HEADAche tliey would be almnst pticcleM tc tboag who suffer frvun this iIlRtressing cemptafnt; hilt fortunately their g 'Midbres doea nut end liHfe, ikiirl thciee who onre try them will find these little pills valuable in so rnonj ways that (hey will nr>t be wlllinic to do without tbero, Hut after ^ l sick '

ACHEis The bane of so many Uvea that here 1* whert wo make oiir jfrxit boast. Our piUs cure i* while others do not.

Carter’s 1.117*17.?: L iver P ill* areverv email and very oany to take. One or iwh pills make a dose. Tliej arc strirOv vep>niilne and da not gripe or purge, but by thrlr oentl action

Kleoseall who use them. In vials at S5 cent*; T6 for f t . Sold everywhere, or oent by mail,

CA£m UIDICIKE C0„ tTlvTcit

SffsH P’11 Smil h i. S’liill H m.

fliDostl.VaiiHoFD.MY O N LY PLA C E O F B U S IN E S S IS AT


S I Xro B

$ 6 . 0 0 .Solid Sterling Silver


Heavier than those our grandmothers used, and much handsomer.A t the above price until November i.

n n HARRISON The Mutual BenefitV . AX. x x x i x t i i i x k i v x i , iw anRAw nE c o m p a n y .

J. Kendall Smith,663 BROAD S T R E E T .



flAHRISON ft HOAO.T o . will lad ai air .M r* a ftiltlla. >,


fB l la a d a «a m y a ia o k a a i w ia rto a **


A H I I D O D D , . . . . P n . i d n t , Ai»et* (Martet V*HiJ) Jan.1, llMa.»*B,*B0J7IM LlabUlUta, N. Y. *a4 U u*. Blw<

dariL . ......................... .— »

Have You Been


’ ilna bj^Iona*? ’S’. B ten ili^TO

__per oeiiL Keaem) MnJOtaiAtwantalj im-ftirfalUbi* AAw


ST R E E l-.N. J.


WilLliHpth*IIAlHerBANOS V 7 inOUHLfrtunl lo2woslciliiall

) kiodi of wbHthsr. This is not* ^ mSk UANDOLINror f lT fC K Y pmparatioD aad I* ABBOLV’fE LT llA E li- LKBS. Takvbo fubttUut*. 8«ld ersrywhar**

Baeond Tear.Ill CAM Of UAr*> Uu FolUiir 1* ooNTnnm

m roBca aa lon« aa lU t« 1m will pur for; or Jlpreforred, • Pwd-up IfoUor lor lu ntU yaIm laiuuod In enohnnka.

A fi«r th* aeouuiT irear Pollefei ar* U roo» TMTAauL eioeplAi agsltut InUnUonal Cnmd; ■ n d n U rt iirW a n * o r MrAtklwi**, fooiM araw (im ifo ii wr* ramavad.

Cash Loam* a n mad* to Um eiU at or t ] per oenL o/iha n a a m nliM , whei* ralld a * ■ innu nu ofU i* fo lteUacM lu inwU ■* aw

tSSw^dlmmedlAUly »POB oompMlMi •Dd appiufki ot proaO.


MOMulbenySireet?D o n ’t D e s p a i r 1Thnouod. Pare been cured by W ILLIAM

PENN’S OOUOH SYRUP where all otb .n bATt lUlad- JAMES C L A R M ^ H uulM - Uura. M n * «a i iu ttreat, o*a|w, R. J,

II« is well knowi'i repay yon.

A visit will



106 and 108 Mulberry SL,c o n . C L IN T O N flt*

FOAMINEFor kconiug Hlnliihl hair 1ft

cut). riTrc^5an<1 hOctiUtJ.

SULTANAFor t Ititli ig Itin UpH an d ebeekfo

J*rl4!i’ .'jd<:nn(».

Parian LotionFur whllltigth^Nkln, Priru iOft*

Bold by iRftdlnK drnjft'lHlBand fanay noudft bouHOB. Munuractiired Hololy by.

M A D A M E B. W E ST E R V C L T ,218 W a n l i i n g t o u B t .

w rm o m tiM P O iiT r .n k il k f o r * 1.25 .






FROM 10 C T S . D O ZEN .


HOYELTIES.CHOICE I f o r k u n k r a ir .

WEIiUINUH,FLOWERS I FOR r ir t h u a y Kl>oltToro(l anywhcrti.


ftlcjihon* 70H. AelJ. U rae* Cburcbe


Holbrook ^Printing; ^ G o n tp an y


I G. T, O i iHinetMiith Animal Convention in

Progress at Roseville.


II**. D*. *li.*k*r t'nnir»lu1»*** TIimo On ThBlr Work •iid Thrlr I(Bni*rlc»l

K lren flli-Th* > «w *rk Y W in, » B«iiner.

Keport o f the V. W. C. T. U. <“ * <he I . » i l




TARIFF ELOQUENCE UPTOWN. HONTCr.AtK'S H OftriTAL.The !W(iuutaln«ii1p .A-tAorluttnn iSet'ODd An-

4 •t

The Inaugnml prr>ewiBftjl« rif twiHh annuHl canventloh o f (he Wtiinnn’ H ChMillan Temperance L’ nUHF o f NowwnathemceUDgof the eicciiHve emiiiirlltenyflAltfdny aflcrnoon \a lh» parlnrof tt2<- TllleM. E. Church, oonifT of streetnni] Balhtiftte place. Armntjemenhi for ii conduct of ihH c<mv«iilion were coiu|iletca «il Ihti sesAtou.

j'he interior o f the chtirch wra fonhM.ncd v llh BlrlnKMof the m l, white and l*hip pU'd L* card)*, w h ticiirlng the nainc of ft clitM ilfuer. AltfP iUcd jiortrftlt of Mrw. Dnwn-, the deceased prcAldcnt o f (h '‘ NewarU lu 'o ii ,WAM plftced In Use ccivtre o f Mio iphcc back o f IhealUirmli, rtfthhml on one ilde by u por- IritUofMlsi Fnmeo* Willard, Uic Nuinmal president. A Iftrge white pUcard. tlrapcd with vines nod flowers, bore the InNcrlpilon, •‘ The lilnwwr TrafUi! Will Be iMiHawed. BLcised li Ue who UcIitm. - L u I words o f Mth. Downs.’*

lu Ihe evening the church wa* given up to the crltbrfttlon o f the AiuilTeratry o f the Young WomoD^s chrlsllAn Ternpemneu Dnion, M Is customftry At each rm irrlng conTcntloB* MIam M. E. Campbeli, the auiier- Intendent, presided and Introduced si>cftker«In tarn. The exercises began with the sIdk- Ingof ft hymn »nd respoiiatve rewdiug, fol­lowed by the Ix)rd'fi Prayer,

Mlai Campbell then Introduced Mrs, M. E. Frome, president of the ItosevlHe branch of the Union, who delivered a warm Atldrt HS of welcome to the dclcgAlns. Rt*v. lir, J. M, Meeker, pastor of the church, followed wllh a similar ftddrcHt, directing bis rcmnrkM to the young Iftdies in ptirllculftr, Pr. Mtcker said tlittl he faU proud and happy to h»ivi! im np- porlnnliy to exiend a word of wcIcoiiK* lo thf young worneUi Kin uioIUl'I’, ho said, wiw a young w onm u; ehe wuh a good woiuau, and gmid women arc always yornig*WAS glad to sftj welcnine to the young wonieu. because he Admired their irork, their ehtbu«.lSHm, and tbeir name, t'^th branch or division of lh<* ontanlEHliou Is kuow’ u as a Y. and each IrHhviaiuAi member Is Also a Y. Then ibe rv. - . ■ ml hj>eaker |H*n>elraU'd a par­donable little pun. He said thht among so many young women who wore V ’s he wan certain that there was noue who would allow herself to be deceived by the sophistry o f the loollsb young man who tells her that be will do mtire for her after lunrrluge than ho vrouJd do before. He was glad to see Uiu Dumber o f wise ^oung womeu Incrcaslug dally* The clergyman congmiulftlcd the Y*s on their numerical strength, Aud c<Micludc<l his ad* dress by reminding ibe '* Y 's " youog women

the Imnieuee power for good wUtcb tUuy can wield,

Jn inUoduclng the next si icAker Miss Camp- bcll said that while there wa», as I>r. Mo»'ker remarked, a great Qumher of foolish young men there WAS Also A niiiuber who w ere ' *8, and she presented H«Miry K. Dldii, o f Now ark, AM an illuuratlou. *Mr, Dlebl ni firs' smned rather at a loss wtiAt to suy lu re sponae |o l>r. Meeker'S address of welcome, Lutftft he warmod to his subject bis hcnrcrs becAtneWiucb Interested Id his remarks uiid be was/requenlly Interrupted by buraU 4if applAUg^ He gracefully admitlod the truth o f MIha CampbeH's assertion that ho was one of the " Y 'a" young men, bdl said he had not always beeu to fortimate. Ho had once been a liAfiender, be aaid, end knew Ihe entlro life o fa fogllsh young niftti thoroughly. Then be lauucbed^nto a humorous reeJUl of bis for­mer jKMlUoi) as honorary member oi the Newark and told of his siruggles withM'<b#tsr In arriving at a correct deflnltloti of the term. He cautioned the youtkg wi>men sgiilnst haTiog honorary mctnbei's, whom he compared to drones In the hive, and conclud­ed by declaring that he wus doi only for tuu- jsTincc, but fur total prublbitiun, flu ad­mitted that Ibe word was scoffed at, but pie* dieted that tbe time would yet come when prodlblUon and prohlbitlonlBts wuiild havolived dowQ the propeuAlty to UealLhe matter In a Jetting way.

Mine Campbell, as Htalo auperlntendent, then read the rep<irl o f the V. W. C. T. II. for the pait year, showing the aiaadUig of Ihe Htat* V s to date. The report gave the number o f active members At74> honor* ary members, 2Kt, Five new braoctics, or Y's, bare been orgenir.vd during tbeyeftr. The press c o m h a v e dlstrlbuled 6.7A2 rugcs o f printed innltcr relnting to the work, t^venty-onc sovial meetings and iMtl public incetingM were held, liirtdtllLUm to tbo regu­lar buslnesis meeliugs, and cu>h animmtlng lotXllSS has bi'cn raised. A1 the conclusion ofthe report MlMCftinpbell announced tliut there wawio be a little diverf'lun frrim the prograrama, and toJd how Mrs. fllJa ,M. Thacuer, of-Florence, N. .1., Actuated by u desire to help aioni; Ibe work, hftrt ul the last ConvecUon volutit^red M give » banner t<» the V receiving tU« greatest number o f uew membarffor the ypar just ended. The New­ark Y, Mlsa Caroph'^ll ftddiod, Lad won the prize nobly, having filmiwi iloubled the num­ber o f membera within the stipulated Uiitf. Sba ibeo Introduced Mrs, Thaclier, who formally prcKeuled a Uaudbomfl white saUn banner to Mr. Diehl, who received It un be­half of the Newark society and thanked thu donor beartlly.

In the absenceof Miss (rmccBnphAn1,nftho Ocean tJrnve Y, who was in have rend a paper entitled, What a Y <Jaq IK> In a Frohihtlloii Town," the young wumiAh's mother rciul the papar. Many opportuDltles for the protkK'u- tlon o f the work were set forth In the esMay, Then the delaKates sang a hj'mn, after which Miss TiCwt . oriMalnfleld, road a paj>er head­ed, What lilrls I'nTi Do bi Help Their Brotiiers f " Miss BewU said that it woa gen­erally Hdrallted that the inoii arc wh»t the women nuiko thiun. Whe admonished her fellow-workers to becnreful of their linmi'UHc power lu the moulding of ihcif bruthors' characlers. Hhe had been told by a young man that If the girls only know how much weight tbetr AciloiiA and words had wllh Uie young men they would Ia more careful. H|jc counselled ber Uenrers therefore to conduct Ihetnselvea In such a manner that the young men would on lenvh^g ihctr homes feel that they were better men, iw-iier ( ’hrlsilans for having spent ah evening In 1 heir prcfituice.

When MUs Lewis had roDcluded thedele- gHtes aroae and sang the doxology, after which Dr. Meeker pronounced the benedic­tion and the conveoHou adjourned to meet this m orn ing*___________

Look No Farther.HtOffJi o f fomtflrs A fek in g htmteg fn Jft, n r Jfnfg

g r rortiTM, need unt geek J a rth e r t f ia n the r e n i r t t a i r eolurnug. W edtte idayM

anti fiolurcftiA'# u re tp eo ia l re a l estate d«yi*

Republican Orators In tlia lle llev lllc Ave­nue HInk—Jlepubllcau Nitry W liii-

ties Its App>'oI>Htlon,The methods and ml>>dpeds of the Dtino*

cralB were held up last nlghl P> the view of UepuhllcAns liHSCtnblcd In the lUilleTlIle av nuerliik, Nei^rly ono hundred ladles were present, and ihey were as eiilhu^flastlc a* thplr hrothpr^ and their ctiu-lus* ihelr uuch's And Ihelr iiuhliands. The Uopubllcan Navy,U shiiuld U< -4uld, dUplayed the gmUi-st eu Ihuslastti.

Others might dap and sUrnp, orcheer, but the Hepublicau Navy g«vevent to Its recllug?!In a way of ii« own, lu naval fore-finger n cut Jnlo Its Kcpubllcaii mouthevery tlius a s|>eukor made aguod point, »nd an «tt^S|lllUlng whistle was the rrsult. There was a baud ou one sliJeof ilit? siagfl playing every little while an gayly Uh If the Democraia were already beaten, l)n tlcNiago were Herman TA-'hltfach presltliiijj; Juroh A. Kcmple, of West Viraiiilii; 11. Wayne Boritor, rhiirlcs (llori, l\ T. ijulrin, Henry M. Doremus, Thomas

Wilbur A, Mott, A* (\ Courier, flar* I'hoii \’au Iluyue, John H* tilbsou, and Fiinuor Van Itiper.

Jiilm K.-an, Jr., was sxjjecled to be Ibarebiti he ^'jit a telegram from Mount Holly pleadius h previous engngemciil,

rhairtuun l*«Jilbacb introduced Mi'* Bar­ker, Mho spoke hrtrfly on the mutters Indupuic hciwfon himself and Dr, English bn

pri“ * fiUtig the wldcly-dllfcrcnl policies of Uu'ir respi-LMlve parlies, and also guvo his KrpiiUlU'aii audience reason:* for their voting ilu‘ Hi’piihllran ticket this time.i Imrlcs <Borl sueweded him, and urged the v*mug nipu U> work hard for the success of the ticket, letUug tbe Older heads guide Ibsm hy their euuuseh

Tills Bt»oaUlng was Intended to be only pre­liminary lotus speechof Jsegb A. Keinple.of West Virginia. Mr. Kempic was hoars© from slaglDg the praises o f Iho larlff lb many places, ile spoke of (Teveland as one who f*)l behind a haystack when Hi© fighting wa* going ou. The Htaie banking plank, be said, liuslicflu put into the Demucrallc National plalfoiiii to pleas© the Huuth. Haloid o f days <ff pLiverty he claimed to have foen under Di-niocrallc rule. He lolrt of how lb© factory makes jMTsilbl© Ihs building and loan asio* clAllon» through which the mechanic gets a homo for himself, dcMTlhed lb© said mechanic's good supper, Hie piano nr organ in the iiarJor, and on a lAbl© books and magexlnes, "evMenetis of learuing, tnorailly uiid EU'publlcAnisiu."

A ll WAH due to the prcdectlvc tariff, the speaker declared, and he defied any fr*© traitor o f thou all to produce Uiat picture lu Europe.

Near Ihe conclusion of him speech he said :" I f any man do4*s not Ilk© how our country Is rui^hooughl to g(^Vthe same servant girl that i « ld bth way over here to soud him back agnlii.'’

Everybody laughed at this wlille they ai> plauded, except lh© liepubllcan Navy, which whistled Um npprobatlon,

Mr. lA'hlhach h|N)ke about (be dlvcrsloa of the Htat© school fund fRun ll« purpose, and aald that tiuvernor Abbett to*day Is despised by bis own party* He IntrodutH'^d John H, <lll>iM)n, of Dover, manager o f the I>aily Ad­vertiser, Mr. Olbson was hoA*nte too, but It did not prevent him from pUchln.i into his polliical foes.

Up made lb** point that the Now Jersey detugates to the Demo<Tatlc National Con­vention had conceded tb© corr«i?Lit©ss o f the }W|ml)llcuns' posUlOD oq the larlff hy voting agaiUHl the tariff plank of the platform. Tho fact that there lii now a iialanc© of trade of FJJU.UUO,ouo In our fa\‘or, that a pearl button Industry 1ms been esiabllshed her© and that the price of pig iron rose fm m llii to $37 a ton wh©ii til© duly ou It was lowered, werfiall in- liiauced as proof o f favorlt© Democratic theories.

Udb o f thB things h« said was: usedto Imjk^rt our pliers and nippers from Austria, England sad France, but under the prota.-tlou ufUirlff w© now niakcthem her© in New Jersey, and not only do we make them for ih© United Btatas, hut export them to Vienna, 4(iondoQ aud Paris. I f the Mi»- Klnley law were repealed, however, th© foreigners would drive usoul of buslneMS In thrt'e months,"

Acoordlug to the speaker the deercAse re­ported lu lu© number o f school children this year nieunt that about fl:ffi,00U mure Is to be drawn from the avenue o f education to pay salaries in useless offices PR'aied by L«un Abbott

A ilttlaglrl In the front row laughed as Farmer Vnn Hiper awkwardly Hl-ood up. svilh his hands In his trousers pr>ckels, his gray hair unkempt, hit l>e-whlsk#r©d chin ele­vated and hts little took ©oat sticking far out behlDti him. 'I'hs tarnisr creatly amused that little girl, to Judge from her incessant giggling. These are some extracts from bis si>e«ch, delivered In Mr. Vau Hiper's quaint and good-humored w a y :“IjOW wagtM makes low livin', low livin' makes low people, an'low peoplealnt worth a cuss. Labor ds a question that makes this country great, au' other countries, too, If only well paid* They want clieap livin', do they? I would send them to that Celfstlal country where th©y could live on sixpence i day au’ cotlt with a stick. Th© manufac U iwrlmsto >0*11 at a good price If he pays g(H)(I wagcH. Wc don’ t car© b?)w high the la rltfis itw e make what wo wantarid not soinctn'Kly pIkc.

'* When live men pky over $4,000,000 of thepeople's nionev for a job Umt ----good nor flulshfi'“ P-” _ _ _ _

nnal M rst ln g—J-lncouragtiig Reports.<i. Btoul, o f Bloomfield, presided at the

second annual meefing o f the Mountainside Hospital AsMoclathni, held In the Cotigrega- liousl church. Moqtclslr, Isi t night. The imislcal addition to the meeting was directed by jTiifuBMor Moore. After the singling o f au anthem by the choir, lt«v* Heorg© A* I'anll, of Bloomfield, <iffi-red a prayer, Rov. Orville ItfM'd, (if Trinity i hurrh, Moulclalr. read select Ions from the Scrlpturei,

The report <if The president of the associa­tion. Mrs. Benjamiik HtixYUBt was then read by Dr- W , Fraoch* It showed a proapcttnii ctmdUloDof affairs. The running «x|ienHes for the year were $l.:kfcl. Rev. tJeorg© A. FauB read Hi© reiKnt o f Ibo secretary, Mrs. \V. H* White, of Bloomfield, U showed that during the year l.|;l patients were ixH'clved lu the liosjdtAi, o f whom eight died. Hi were dis­charged us curci.1, and ©luveu rvinnln la ihe hospital.

The report o f the ireiisnrer. Mrs. William H, Bowers, wils read hy tier hnsbantl. It said that 91,071.7*! has hceu doniticd ami 92,0 0,70 realised fRUU clilerlaUnnentM ; wasex[H'iided In wages* The hulaiice In th© hank u]» to the middle o f 8t>pU‘mhcr waM$14.-lU. Th© eo»l of Iho new hovpital building will Iy© lUl.CPtO. o f which there Is to be collected $2,ltivS.S(l. T hiircportof th© medical stafl'was read hy Dr. Kmucls, who Muled that most of the patlcuLs duriug th© past year were wuiueu eervAiffs.

Charles J. Wills, Of New York, associated wllh Dr. RalDsford in chsvltahle work, de­livered un ihtercNilug addruss. Heapiwaled to those present Ui aid th© hipspltal by lib<TalPODlnhuUODS*

The fidhiwIiiK ifoveniors were elected : Mrs, Anthony Bowden. Mrs. David Dnm^an, Mrs. WHUarn Fellowes, Mrs. C. K. llarriHon, Mrs* CharlesiluesiK Mrs. Louis IjockWArd, Mrs. N. A. Norris, .Mrs. Joseph Van Vleck, Mrs. Chai'les Taylor and Mrs, William F< Upson.

wa^ nellher it's it me the people raised

Affairs at Madison.J. D. Cofidbet, of New York, has purchased

twenty a e ft to f valuable land belonglug to the flstal© of the lat© Frederick Hprlngcr located OQ the (ireen Village road and op­posite to wbai is known as the " Wash­house.” Thenoniiderallon paid was nearly $20,1X1?. Mr. Uondlct will speedily commence 1h© erection of two coinniodlouH modern residences on his n©wly-aci|uired property*.

At tb© Madison Hoard of Health uu Mon-' day Dlgtat in tbe office of Borough t'lerk Day on Waverly place Hecretary Hacks spoke vigorously relative to the Maple aud Druene avenue sewers, and denounced tlie syslcoo as at present detrimental to the public heulth. He offered a motion that every owner o f property in the borough becomiiollQd tocou- itruct a cesspool OQ his properly and dose the sewers above mentioned. The other members of the fKwrd did not favor Mr. Baoka'a motion, and one offered by Breildent Anderson, that the owiiern of property ust og the sewers on the above mentioned avenues be compelled to construct cesiptTols, was similarly treated. Thus nothing was ae- compllihed oa this Important msitsr,

Tbe Republicans of Clhutlumi Township will hold another rally at their bendquaitere Id Fagan's Opera House, od W averly place, on Friday night, Tbe meeting will be specially directed for the benefit o f tbe young men of the township. Job K. Hedges, secre­tary of tbe New York ftcpubllcan l/?ague, aodW . C. IHB, both of New Y o A , will d©

liver addresses* There will also be u display offlreworks, Onthesame night the Democ- lacy of Madison and Chatham will be ad­dressed In Oak Hall by ThomAN J. O'Brien, of Morristown, law partner o f Judge Georg© T. Wefts, and J. M* Ward, nl New York* A dis­play of fireworks will also bo given.

Tbe Young Men’s Catholic Club netted a baodaome amount as the result o f the con­cert given ki Ihelr clubroomi on Waverly pisee Iswt Bight Blind Tom, the plAntst, was the aitraetlon. and the rooms were crowded to excess by an appreciative audi­ence.

ianaee A.-Webb, o f High sirset, baa mad© sppBcsttoo to the borough authorities for IXl electric llghta for bU reeidenot* A similar application bat likewise been made by the board of Irnsteae o f the First Presbyterian Church tomire WebbrMemorlal Chapel for 100 Bgbta f '

Borongb Aasessor Charles Cook Is ootborUy for tbe itatemeot thatiha valum o f baiidlngs ecDstractad In MadteOn the oafrent year ex- eeed i!Q ,M u d that in aU probabllltjr the

I value o f lobiybar wBibe la rgsly exoea<M.

Morrlstowti and Neurliy,Thft October term o f Hi© Morris County

poiirbi nprriod yesterday at Morristown. Judge Msgl© Informed the Grand Jury that b© had no special charge to make. John W. Jjickiion was chosen foreman o f the Graveln- qneit, and iw oofirs TDembcra being excused from Rerving Ih© august body retired m charge of Consiablei Hyer and Glossec. CsfiCN nun)b©r one, three and five In tbeBu- premo Court, by mutual consent o f cmmsrl on both >-1(1©'. go o ff for tho term. Judgi* Mngl© unnouiu'ed that upon r«iuest o f mem­bers oM ho Imr court would not sit to-day. The first case to b© beard will be that of Kunou*© it Moller, lM*©r hoUIori o f Dover, Who ur© suing Joseph l*ngHa, ftQ Italian con* Imclor, who did work on tho Pe<juannock rtNiTvolr. Tho defendant purchased bottled bi'LT from the couiplalnants, and Is accused o f fulling l‘> have relumed hundrrda of botllcN. The case Is set down for a hearing to-morrow. Jmlgr Childs granied twelve Inn ami lavcrn Bccuh©*, two Naloon Itoeii&cs, and one whole*»al© llrcnse. Eournew appljcatlons aero laid over uiiUl Friday. Twuallens wero naturullxed.

The public school children o f Morristown will purtlclt^nt© lu ihect'lobratlou and parade to be held on Discovery Day, October 21*

jAtiiea llarl was locked up In the Morris Cminly Jail at Morristown yeslerday charged with highway robbery. Homo time ago a Huugurlan minor, with au unpronounceable name, and who Is employed at theTeabo Mine, was hold up on a dark night on a loudly road near Iho mine. The Hungarian, upon rufusing to Hunendor his hard-earned wages, was attacked by a gang* aud after be­ing severely boai©u WAH r<U)betl and loft ou I he mad for dead. The prisoner Is accused of Iwliigone o f the hlghwuymen, and wilt bo hold to awaU the action o f the Grand Jury.

tm Friday uigbt MorrIsUwn'* Democracy will asuembly In the Lyceum to listen ad- ilresaes lu be rnade by ex-fongressmsn Ham* mond, « f Georgia, land Judge Yeamaui, of Madison. ____

lUoumUeld and [Is Neighbors,The thrlstiftn Endeavor Hociety o f the

First Baptist Uhureh, BIu<mifleld, will give a ('olumf)ian ■ociiil ^n th© church parlor on Friday night. AnorigInalUulutablan choma, prepared by the mnmbers, and a ('olumhlun address by F, W. llewes, will bo the principal fentures of tho occasion, g

Tbe Moniclnir Young Men’s Christian As* soclAllou will give a ii>copllou on Friday night*

A iartely-ttttendcd meetiugof the Montclair Young Men's Keput>llcau Club was hold la Mouiidiiir Hull hist night. The speakor o f tiu? ©veiling was *Mr* Harrliuan.

“ Garrison Life on the I ’lalns" la the lltl© o f rt pB|>er which will be read by Mrs. General Ciiiu-T In Trinity Church, Montclair, next Siilurday afternoon*

TIi© Montclair Colored Republican Club hoe R’tudved Its new uniforms.

The Young Feople'a fHwlcty of the West- mlnstpr ITesbyterlun Church will give scMjlabl© In ibecburch parlors on Friday night.

C II. Lt!A>rrafi, o f CttldweB, sallea for Europ* lo-dej-

Rev. Brock hoist Morgan, o f the n t y Mis­sions Hcjcloiy, o f New York, and Kev. Mr. Osborn, o f Newark, will deliver addrL’Ssct at ih© second anniversary o f Ht, Luke's Episco­pal Church Guild to take place on Sunday evening nexl. A special mualcalaervloe Is m preparation by I’ rofofw r J* H, Moor©, the organist of the churcQ*

Hltiomfield Council, Royal Arcanum, will have a ColumhlBn celebrailon luEolghteu f Honor Hell on Friday night.

Grand ITotector Oscdf Wlenor. of Newark, and the Grand Ixidga officers o f the KnJghU and Ladles of Honor, visited Northern Star IxMlgo In Moulclatr last night. VUItora from other lodges were alio present.

The Social 1stIc Labor |>arty Is arranging for a meeting in ItlcMtinfield to-morrow night

The union outlet sewer contractors are pre- pArluftoeiecuto a very difficult piece of en­gineering wurk in tuunelUng under ih© Del* aware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad at tbejunetlou of Tony's Brook and the Sec­ond River where th© railroad croises. The tunnel will have to paes under the river at Ui Ih point* Th© work will not bccotupleted for several weeks.

The ordination and inutallatlon o f Rev. Edward Fairley as pasUir of the Roseland Presbyterian Church will lake place to-mor­row night at 7:-S0 o'clock.

Ile A lert and ABv«*Tne ate^'t m an advr-rtiees/iLs r e a l estate^* Fo e

a n d " fb “ A'eic*." 7’Ai' fitsm an a h i n v i lm l i r i O n “ N t w s ' i " r m l u l a U ads. _

Summit's News Hndgel.Robert J, Mooney, W, J. Curilt, Thomas F,

UiHJiiey and Daniel Meek were eh'cled dele­gates lo the Eighth CODgresHlonal District ConvenllOD at the I>etuocraiic primary on Mouday ulght. They were luHtruclGd to vole for Gustav Poliak. *Mr. PoUak Is a hearty supporter of Cleveland, and ta a member of i Lh executive oonimltie© of KomnBl’sClev©- land and Hte^vensoD Club and of tbe exeeu- ilva committee o f ih© German-Amerlcau Cleveland Union o f Now York. Mr. Pollack waK a delegate to the convention at Trenion that chose diOegftbii lo lb© National conveii- lioii at Chicago, und was one of the origi­nators of lb© Cleveland movement lu this Btale.

The Township CommlUce met last night, A communication was received fnun C. B. Grant in reference to th® taxes duo on Ihe *M. C, A. building for l«9l. Hie building was advertised to bo sold for taxes to-morrow. Mr. Grant enclo:<ed tbe written opinion of P. H. Vernon, a lawyer, who contendod that the buildings were not taxable. Tb© collector was authorized lo compromise the malter upon payment o f this year’s tuxes. The com ­mittee will take Imme^Uale step© to improva th® FellvllJ© and Bultus JUllr«>ad* A num­ber of bills were ordered paid*

Carloads of maclGhcry U arriving ana be­ing placed In p(.>sllloii ut the new silk factory which is now in oi>erutlon* The company intends building a number o f coiiuges fur Ita employes.

No true© has l>e©Q dlscov*T©d of the horse and wugon stolen from W* F. Edwards's stable A couple o f weeks ago.


Bis knit Agalitsi (he New Jersey Tractlnn Company Foslponefi Again Because Itu*

pprtant Witnesses W ere Absent*Thctnli for diimsgCH brought by Dr, DrnuD

Dowling Mulcahry agaiiist the New Jersey Traction Company came up this morning tu tbe Hiccoud DlHtrlcl Court, but did not gn on bveaiiie of the abwiicc o f Important wU* nestcH.

The doctor CHtiip Inlo court with a cmipl© of law hooks uml«r hl» arm*. Seeing Crane and Knight. lAwyrrs. ready to opp<t-e him h© ad­dressed th© Court, and said ih a iM r.C raac bad told him that he r«prcscnt*'d (he FldHty nud t^sualty Cmnimiiy, and he sine© under­stood that he ami hts partner reprcaciitcd the defendant. The diK'lur dwlared that Messrs.

rant* and Kul^ht UhiI no right lo b*' tberi‘ 11 they Tfpri'seui that In.samiici? c<mipHny.

Jndg© Henry riilM that the defendant alouu could raive that objocllon*

The d<»clor went tm lo *sy that th© com- |)ftuy has been iiiinu th© pubB© ihlirtiUKh- fares lllrgally acciwdltiK to lha dwlslon on th« Halsey ciisc. Tho immes o f Ihe wUne'*''©s WiT© then cailcd and Mayor Haynt's, Enus Runyon, HiuperliitendPiit Marsh, o f th© Hlfcet DeparinienL and CoUmcl Brie© unswvrcd. The absentees aero JamesHiuBh, Jr., County Cleric Hnillh. Cliy clerk O’Connor and Tlutmas E. Barr, president o f th© Traction Company. Clerk ratierson, o f tbe City Hall. WHS present to represent Ih© City 1‘lerk,

Are you ready T” asked U w y er Crane, addresKing Dr. *>tulcalte,v.

o r pours© I'm raady, hui my witnesses are noi here,’ ' HTli®d th© d<»etor.

Then you’ re not pcady," said Mr. Crane. "O feoursa I’ m ready," Dr. Mulcahoy ri'-

peaird. , , ,The Jiidgesuggeiled that ih e raoe should

b© adjourned until October 24, and both aidesagreed, lb© doctor InslHllug, however, that a (vimpulsory pro©©»s ft)r the altendanc© o f allwUnHsses on thnt dal© b© ISHuad.

Tbe doctor Is persistent In piuhlng this suit bcH*auso of th© curl manner in which ho says he has been treated by Iho railroad com pany and the apparent collusion between thoct>m- pany and Ih© city authorltiea to defeat him. The canto o f aellun Is the breaking o f his ©arrlugebyan electric oar at lh« corner of Washington and Aiyidemy streets a few monihs ago. He narrowly escaped being bad­ly Injun^d at ihs lime. In order lo punish the ctjmpauy for alleged recklessness in Ihe manner of running its r.prp he mad© u p a list o f vlolaltonshy tbs com pany o f th® coudl* tion of Its iranchlse, and alter m any Ivexu- llous delays sucwedsd In getting Judge Hayes to lake a complalntgroutided on them.

Henalof BarreU appeared for th® company and Colonel Eric© fue the city. Senator Bar­ren asked that the case be poalpoued, slallug that he wanted a vMcatlon and hinting, that the opposing counsel might Ilk© a vacation loo. Colonel Price agreed to lake a vacation and Ihe doctor Jumped up angrily and said he supposed that be might m well lake u vacal loll also.

The day lo which the ©as® was postponed turned out lo be lialxir t)ny and aa that whh a legal holiday tbe rate never came to trial- U was because of bit failure thaix* that Ur. Mulcahoy brought suit for damagealn Ihe Hf?cond District t'ourl.

1€B CBKAAI a n d c a n t a l o u p e *

Fad o f tha W him sical


Modifying th® Water C ontract—W hen lo He Closed—Other Bnsliiesa.

Tb© West Orange Township CoTnmltte© last night read and made blight modifications in tho water contract. The oonlrAci l« mad© for alerm offlneen years, Ih© company lo fur­nish Ubdauble-nozr.l© Improved hydrants al au average o f .YW feet apart, al a cost o f $40 each per annum. Tbe contract is now nil ready and will be executed at the meeting next Tuesday uight.

lilill® outside of th© water builnes* was done at the meeting. Th© Orange Mountain Cable Company was granted permission to raise It© tracks across Gregory avenue ion height of IvrelTO feet above grade, the work to b® done under ib® direction of the ^Ireel Uommitie©. A bill for |ltt. presented by Mrs, Mary McGrath, whs ordered referred back for correction. Tho bill was for sixteen chickens «>wn©d by Mrs. McGralh which were killed hy a dog Iwlonging to Jamesflolcman un Saiurdiiy morning. Thesum ofFittl was appropriated for repnln on t^aston su©et and fJ) for reixilra on I'leiMant VaUer way.

The Board of Health was then organlzi'd, and Mr. Hhruinp was given an ©xlenslon of lime In which to fill up hli tnind on liftkcsldo avenue, which bad iM-cn declared a public nuisance. The salary Of ih© Health InsiK-clor was fixed at Sl'OU j'wr year.

The Very LatestS<trli*ly Ulrls*

From lb© Boston Glnl>«'.'* There slie goes, Y'ou mo sho*a got ouo

in her hand now.”*' Whoro ? I don’ t a®o her.”“ Why, right beforo you.’*‘ Oh, yua; doesn’ t it l(H)k oddt*'

“ 1 should aay so, but I'm toid that U'a Ih® Ittlosl thing out in gaatronouiy, and tho ice ert nm oalnons have got quite ar- cuHlomcd to surviiiK their wares in the new style.”

Th© subject o f the conversation o f two clever young women was a very pretty girl who was walking along Atlan lir uve* mi© in a most nonchalant way, carrying a cantaloup© in her hand.. 8he was head* lug for un ice cream saloon and soon reached it, followed by th© two young women, who were curious to so® tho last o f ft eerUin departuBO they had hoard ot this week, which wa3 fiiilhlng Ihun 111©serving o f Icecream in cantaloup©^, the ©roam and the eanlaioup© being eaten together. Th©cnnUiloupegirl,aslh®young woiuim who introduevd Iho custom her© has coineto be known,walud homclf with her ©st’ort, who also had a c4inUtloupo in hla hfthfi. and when tb© waitress came up he said. '* IMeaao fill on© o f the*© with vanlilA and the other w llh orange-walur lee ." The waltres*, who a fow weeks ago would have looked blank on rt'celving such an order, look It an a mailer <if course, and look the two cantaloupes, wltU'h had already been halved and cleaned at the fruit store, and came out In a few minutes with tho four halves tilled with a heaping lump o f ice cream aud water ice*

Aa they began eating the cantaloupe girl and her friond were, oa the wuRlher-

' beaten phroao goes, the ” cynosure o f all ©yes," but she didn’t mind I t ; neither did the young man, whom 1 don’ t mind say* ing was the knowing young man, but In this CHS® he bowed to the superior bon vivant knowledge o f hls companion. ” I never heard o f it before,” he was saying, while the answer came, ” And isn’t it too dellelouft for anything?” And It Is ; and while the Ico cream saloons have not got lo the point where they supply their own canlalopes, for, like everything else to th© place born a l Atlantic City, they are eternally slow, alill no one minds appearances hero, and it adds to the rest to buy your own melons; and you can see almost any even­ing now young people hmit ice-crenm- wards, walking along the ''a v en u e " with cantaloupt'H in their hands.

1 asked the knowing young man to de­scribe tho Mnsatioti and the method o f preparing tho delicate morsel. " AU you do," he cheerfully replied, 'Ms U> get a sweet cantaloupe—one o f ihe small green one«“ -nnd then ge l it lllled up with the icea. Y'ou U ke a spoonful o f the Ico ert'am jur water Icc and with it a shred o f the cantaloup© and your digestive tract ©xpcrl cncea a most delightful sensation. U tastes all the way down. Walcrmelon tilled w llh chamjiagno Isn’ t acirciimstanco to IL I tell you the cantaluupelglrl, who by t he way. Is the summer girl, has made A big h it,"

Tbe Largest Retail Store in the State.Broad Stm t,

Ualse; Stroet,

Ifiv Strsat,

I, Park Streat

TbOrsday Specials!TW Ol'IK i'EH F.XTItA l)r\ I.lT V

widtr, r.’K.ilwr prliT hiH-i-lul prU'.',III.ACK HCOTl'll BTUIfKD CHEVIOT, M Inobfl

TWO IMECKS I'IN’ E q i Al.lTVprlfc I5|itrii.l jirioe.

42 c . ,

$ 1.45 .m.ACK sroT C It CHEVIOT,M tncbww iae, r*tu l* /

$ 1.25 .42 c . , 42 c .

:l9i pt©r®R All-wmd Uhovlot, Inclu'S wUl©, ri'gular price I5|c. Will be aoldThuriday onl^ a t$9 i‘. Tl>©i'' ari‘ 111© lH'«t »alu*»©v©r ulhTed in ih cr liy .


L i n e n t a b l e c l o t h s tS*ir> AU-lln©n Tahl© Cloths, <H>lor©d honlrr, regular price t«- <d'U HPECTAL ffEVA.Jvl- AU-llnen TaMi* ('IuIIih, ci>l<vreil border, regntar price fi'JA UHU H1*E(!IAL El.SO. j T h e a!>iiv© ur© nll«Mly damogrd by aail water, but ma enough Ui raally Injuro'

them. U will ftllcum oout In Uiu wash,yurdu wiuo extra i|Uallly Bleached Hheettnf, worth OCR bl'EClAL THUftS" ■

d a y ITIU'E,JHUiirh I nbtcachcd Mualln, reitular 7c, quaiuy. l4old Thurtday SDKCTAL, Sc. l*arge Hir.e LInon Towcla, J furkAc.

FULL ASSORTMENT.An Oraml IHHplays ar? in order till* wrek, we will holil one to­

morrow of

F rench Dolls.Out ref^nliir $'.! Itoll for


l l . ' l . v i u . DdIii( . .At the m wtlng o f th . HelleTlU. FlreCora-

tnUBliniom last Lluhl wlioii IhoquB.tlon of ciitlinr down tho i.i*niherHhl|) of erlstlng coin|uiuU'K from twonty-ti™ membors lo tweuly l aiuis up It war vnud th»l tho .rtloii taken had hecri irregular and had not rome before Ihe hoard In Ilia profair manner. After a dlHouB.lon o f the mailer, during which CoiriinlKaloiier Hliiltery .aid that Ihero were too many dronea In Ihe department, he gave notice til wTlIlng that Ihe (lueetlon would again be broughl before Ihe board at It. next meeling,

A large and enlhuelaalle ivm orratIc meet­ing wa* held In Tetui'efance Hall laslnlglil. The meeting waa addrcBsed hy Judge A. tj-flarretaon aud Tbomaa Moonaii, o f J.*ney City. I’revloua to ibi'inceilng Ihe A. H, o»- borne Battery paraded Hi rough Ihe princli«l ■treetfi,

MIm A. MeAleer, o f .Inralemon atreet, ha. teturned from a Tlslt to California.

Nnlley and ffrunklln,At the Krankllo Metbodl.t

Chnrch.on I’aaaale avenue yeiterday at 5 o'clock 111 the afleranon M luSarah Ida Vree- Iniid, youugtwt daughter o f Mr, and Mr*. Henry Vreelaml, o f Chealnut atreet, Krank- lln, and (.enrgo W. Hlater, o f Bloomlteld, were married by the Her, Albert Cain, paaUirof the church, aatlited by Hot. H. B. OolUna, o f the Uloorallcld H. R Church, Tho maid of honor waa Mlaa Ida J'eaie, of Mid­dletown, M. Y.; the beat loan waaJanie. Me-Kenaie. of Brooklyn, N .Y . ,

The Kraiihlln Aihletlc taub la il night dii- handedand reorganHed under the name of the Kranklln Athletic ABoelatlon, The (ol- lotvlng were eloctetl a board o f direetora;M. A. Connolly, KIchai-d W, Booth, D f.O . U.JMiilhowcr. Wllllani Bradahaw, Tbomai Crotvlpy, Benjnmln Marali, J, C. llebn, .lamei

A Novel Rnlertllliiineiit at I'eildle Church.A novelty lu the whh of entertainment will

he preaeiiled al the Peddle Memorial Church Ui-night. Charlotte At lun rseott w111 appear In a monologue In four parta, which she baa entitled "ftw luorlund." " Hwltrerland" la a deaerlpllve aud Interestlna comedy In four acU, with three prtucipnl nmnng minor rhar- aclerv, with tho novelty that one iieraon diwa Hall. She doe . not Imperaonale them, but apeiika to them na If they w e-e prewnt on the

Eplaeopal alage, gracefully eunaulllng ibwru al dlflltronl itngea of her travel, and complelely pre- aervlng the lllualon of ihelr preaeuce, Thedla- logue telle a lively atory o f adventure In the Alpa and In the beaulifni ettlea o f the little llepubllc, I’ rofeaaor Bowman will ptwalde at the organ, _________

One o f Ihe Marvel, o f the W onderfiif Californ ia Foreat*.

From the Century Magardn*.On the camplaff-grounda o f the Bo­

hemian Club, on Anatin Creek, and in the Armalrong track, near Ouem eville, one flnda the lowland redwood in perfection. In auch plaeea there are often ringa o f great treoa Ineloatnjf pita five or aix feet deep and thirty, forty, or even fifty feet in diameter. Each o f Iheae pita ia auppoled to ahow where tbe venerable anceator o f the aurroundtag circle o f trees once atood. Long before It fell innumerable aprouta grew ftom tbe yet liv in g roots. A fter­ward, when the giant yielded, the raina washed new soil Into the ‘ ‘ bottaina" ftora tbe mountain-aides, to fill tbe deep chasm.

For a century or ao there was a struggle among tbe children o f the fallen monarch, and at Ust only aevon or eight remained to become great trees o f tw elve feet In diameter set on the rim o f the pit formed by decay o f the roots ot the ancient tree, and each having a complete roolayatem o f its own. Other trees, •ecdlinga or sprouts, grow up between them, and in a few more centuries the procces o f forming another -kftdwood-tree ring w ill be re­peated aboA the largest o f the aecond growth- Itinga o f this sort can be found in ell stages o f formation In every canyon and valley o f the redwood country. Some very large rings still show the broken edges o f the central tree's roots projecting like the ataves o f a barrel around the hol­low, overgrown with ferns and w ild oia- 11s, or filled to the brim with fresh, spicy redwood sprouts.

The green spires o f the living forest, 300 feel high, filter the air through their innumerable branches, and shut out all but faint blue sparkles o f the sky. The dust o f one o f the piopeers is underfoot, and a little tree o f last year's growth Is struggling to gain a place. The red- bronze trunks o f tbe trees stand Uke a wall, hiding the rise o f the mountains, hiding tbe banks o f the river, though one hears the sound o f Its flow, and the splash o f little troutstreams In the canyons. Bucb groves as this are tbe temples o f the Cali­fornia forest ayatem.

Mlllburii News.At the Democratic primary held In Mtll-

burn last night Bampson Taylor and pilchard N. TIchenor were elected delegates to the Oongrctslonal convention for the KlglHh Congrcaainnal District of New Jersey, to b* held In Library Hall. Elisabeth, on Friday.

The Democrats o f Bprlngfleld, at their pri­mary In the Town Hall laat night elected William F. Htckley os Congrewlonal delfr gale, and Frank -Morrison as alternate.


The Indiana Fire the Furcats tu <)«t Kid Ul th® FeAlAi

F* J. Oluvr In th® Ctnlur.v*Mile© anti mileH of hlackanod ■tump©

marked the rava^iwof forest flr©#. Th© Indian, when resting on his Journey and suffering from mopquiliK'ft, flr© to th© twigs and 1©av©a arouiul him, cr©utBig a smokewhich keepathcpeslaut adlsUnee, and, when refreshed, he ntrap© ou his pack and rnovaa along tho trails o f cmira© without extiiisrulflhing hit* fir© ; when an­nouncing hla approach to frieinls at a dlo- Uince, ho seta tire lo a half-dead Bi>nioo or tamarack tree, and the column o f thick, blftt'k smoko is the signal^ lo be ucknowl- ('dged in th® oam© manner by those who Rce it, BO aa to direct the traveller to their camping gronndU- In the aiiinmer every­thing U crisp and dry, and the Limber la Rnturated with turpentine.

Tbe tree© left to ainokler arc fanned InU) fiame by the sllghlesl breeze; th© IlameH creep am<»ng the reHinouw treeaiind apretid till the W'liol® forewta are destroyed. These forest finw and the mosquitoeH acccuint tor the scarcity of gxime, I )v<t the va t untrftTolled region that we visited, there was ft remarkable scarcity o f wild unimalN* We Haw only a few ground-arpiirrelH and ftome grouHt* and ptArmigiin. The IndiaoH Mky that all th© larger aniniuls rotreal in flumnier to th® hilltops, where exposed to a constant breeze, they are free from the lormenlB((finaects. • • • Alourcurnp for the night on a growy knoll, the moa- quUocs and other llicH were in greater numliorB and more ravenous than w© had ever previously experienced them.

The whole intwet world Hecmed to hull our arrival with the same reliNh that res­ervation Indiana welcoino Uovernmenl rationa. Their attacks were fierce and In- ceosaut; our poor brutes tortured into a frenzy, though hobbled, aUnipeded back, and sought escape from the torment by sinking into the swamp through w’bich wc had labored only a few hours before. The next morning, however, aiforiUid us a de­lightful rest, for a still' breeze from the southward swept the air clear o f the pcstM and granted man and horse a shorl res­pite, Wlien plagued by AIph, our leader, who wore a hrass bell, would ©roat© a con­tinual tinkling, but when unmolested, the band would aeek a soft puB h of grass and go soundly to sleep, profiting by the uii- UHiial lull. ^ ___


98c. and $1.25.Wo tiirtko Ihls rodui'tloH to lulmlt of tho iiitriHlitotion of a new

line of Itolla. TIiowo pooi.lo who antlclpato |iiiri‘hiDilii|f IJollti fop CliriBtmaii woulrt «!o woll to take »dvaiiiBto of this "O ut of fSeason’*' otTor. ________________________ _


Enihrohlvrcd sUk trim, ivjiiiilur Hkc., for......................

LADTEH’ UFBMAN KNIT NKIHTN,UoKular Vftc. un<l for...................-............................

Cim .DBEN’H W HITE AND Ht'AllI.ET K-NIT SK lltTH, IP'^ular itllc., for................................................................

NEW CORSET.O U llA I.A MiiDE, liiiiK wBlal, fine Jean, aatwn "trlr.. <"o «1<1. «t«.li. doiihln

*le«!l8 frciit, extra g,iHMl value..................................................................... —.

S llEdELAU IVav and Jl.lfi BIH'BT HIP 11 HIHETH...

I.ADIF.H’ FINE CAHlLMEliE KNIT rOBHET I OVKH.H, B©milar UN'., lor.................. .......... .................................... .

CHll.rUEN'M ( ’<»UDKI> fOlESKT WAISTH,IS, ]y, only, r©KUiur76r., for........... .....................

A Drive in Thomson’s Corsets.u. and ABDuMlNAi,,

tl-'iO hfi'umJj...........................................................

HllDllT, Mt.DH M AND !■ X'lliA I F.MITH H, Uc*{Uliir|l W'l-uuilh ...... .................... ........ .

59c.5 9 c .15c’

4 9 c .7 5 c .4 9 c3 9 c ,

7 5 c .4 9 c


Si verol MliudfH from rt ifular sim-k, Ffgular prlre Ijic. Trvmorrow— llAil-IW

BUREAU COVERS.Thr®i‘ ‘'lyl©*'. V .■ yard IrustJi, with or wBtjoul <’'p©!j w<jrk, rnirular prir© 2fic,

1‘rlVu ttMi/firrow....................... ................................................. *.......... 19c.

600 pairs of laftdlrs’ Purls Klff raL iit D-allifr Tip Bullonvd |i«h!UvHy worthi1t,©h !J!), 1(1 H, widths B, C, D w idF . tmr price fur Thumday unly at

TheBreslln and N. Hiager, The followl^^^ Lprimary rBTt'rgo*l*d” tba ddegate tO f«Jwere elected 2 I'restdent, WBllani lirftQVbAw, r . _ _*.— r,.*.*,*.! l. mb..*-Tlce-rrMldant, Tlioinaa Crowley - recording aecretary, I- (;hrlatopher Hehn; financial wcTetnry, .lamea Breallti; Ireaiurer. Benja­min Marah eerBeant-abarma. Tobn O'Nell.

Sira. T, C. Jai-kaoii, of Franklin avenue, Ig visiting frlanila In New Yora City.

Mr*. H. 'J hlerfclder, of Pneaalc avenne, li Tleillng friend*In New York.

William McKcnxIe and Mre. G. W. Parker, end Jamea MeKen.le and W illiam McKcn- gle, Ji',, wereguoal.of Mr. and Mra. Henry Vret-lnnd, of Chealnut atreet, yealerday.

County Engineer Jamea E. Oweni, En­gineer rorguaon, of Paloraon ; Townihlp En­gineer George W. Bymonda, Chairman J. Roger Klngaland, and Fraokllu Township (.Ximmltleeman F. K. Guthrie, ei-Oommltteo. men Henry A. Connolly and IL W . Booth, and Wright A Lindsey, o f Orange, contrao- ton who bgin tho diapiitetl macadam rood* last year, met at the oommlltM room* laat night, but did not eome to any final ultle-ment

H la Agnes and M lit Kebeeoa HoQInD an vlaltlng friends In Jeraey City.

Mrs. Ohrlatle.of Panaalc avenue; Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Psiiie, o f Whilford avenne; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kingsland, of Hlghfl.ld lane; Mr. and Mrs,George W-Byrnondsand dnugh. ter, of Omnt avenue, a t. visiting In N . w York City.

Alvin, of Chsslnol rtnel, Is visiting friends in natbuih, L o o f Island.

ballot for Ibe nomination o f James E. Mar. line, of Plainfield. ___________

Maplewood News.Dr. F. F. Durand aud alater, of Ridgewood

road, have returned from llioir trip to the Thonund Islands and laike George.

R. N. Bailer has gone to the Highlands onthe inidsoii fat tho benefU o f his health.

The Rev. and Mrs, Charles Waldron re­turned home from their wedding trip yester­day, A reception will bo tendered the pastor and hie wife to-night at I he paraonage.

Special Atseoinmedallon* Jor the Colum­bian Celebration,

ThoCentralltallroad of Now made extensive arrangements for the a ^ m - modallou o f Ihe public attending but Celebration at Now T fo 'k o i Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Special trains will leave Broad street ns Ihe viIL*'?r,rk dUtr*.' Returning Irajps will ,* !Sas follow^ Mohdny, Tnesdavand Wednes^^^ 7 ;« , 8:15. »:46, 10:*l. “ ii « i .a ii i iA .M . ,

October Fashlant.Our Fa shlou BheeW for Octo^r Jid'f

free. Also one largefall, a 950. book, for tOo. Gur now smre is No. 558 Broad street. Ask prrlsl Domestio „look aud ehain stlleb. HaeliliiM sent ™ trtah, *


dt Was Rather Too Personal for tbe Inquisitor.

From the Boston Globe.A school inspector was .xaminlng a

class in grammar and trying to elucidate the complex relations o f oiUectlves and nouns by a telling example.

“ Now, for Instance,” said he, ” what am I r

That wia an easy question and all the children shouted, ” A man I" and then looked around triumphantly, as touch at to say, “ ask another,”

“ Yea, but what else?” said the in­spector.

That was not so easy, but after a pause a boy ventured to suggest, “ A little man."

" Y ob, but there is something more than that.”

This was a poser, but at last an Infant phenomenon almost leaped from his scat in hlseageroeiiand cried, “ Please, sir, I know, sir—on ugly little man I"

Sometblng AhonI a l’ r.M’*aa That la a Sly*trry lo f.aiMUuien.

From the Boalun Ihnlgel.How many Isndarnen know how n log

book Is written up? Ilsfcms .iustsaeoin- pllcated as dnuhin entry hook-kerping when one does not know, but after a lit­tle careftil attention anti study it’s ns easy to keep a log book ns lo eat hot ginger­bread, There is a list of letlera arraiigod and they look like so much Greek to the uneducated. The letter h, for Instance, stands for blue sky, whether there be clear or hazy stnioapliero; e Indicates cloudy or detached opening clouds; d de­notes d rillin g rain, B small f fog, a capi­tal F thick fo g ; g, gloomy, dark weather; h, hail; I, lightning, and in, misty or hazy, HO os to interfere with the view.

The letter o representsovereaslorwhen the whole sky is covered with one im­penetrable cloud. PasBitig showers are noted by the letter p, and t; indicates the weather to be squally. Continuous rain is Indicated bykn r, snow hy an s, and thun­der by a t. An ugly, threatening appear­ance In the weather calls for the letter u, and visibility of distant objects, whether tho sky be cloudy or not, is represented by the letter v, A small w is wet dew. A full point or dot under any letter denotes an extraordinary degree.

An example o f how the letters are used take q p d 11. This reads very hard squalls and showers of drizxle, accompanied by lightning wllh very heavy thunder. Numerals denote the force o f the wind. A cipher Indicates calm, one light air, two light breexe, three gentle breere, four moderate breeze, five fresh lireeze, six strong breeze, seven small gale, eight

' fresh gale, nine strong gulc, ten whole gale, eleven storm and twelve hurricane. This system of abbreviation is generally adhered to on all merchant vessels.


Our $12.98 EDA Parlor StOYC,

$10.98.Our $14,25 EDA Parlor StOYe,

$12.25.Onr $16.25 EDA Parlor StOYC,

$14.25.lliMio am a full mvertiblci fliia

S to v e . HKT i:i* F U E E

IN r i lE t l T Y .

8FKC1AL N O T lc n .

ratarvh In Mew Jtnglan.l.Ely's Cream Balm gives satUfucllon loevg-y

one using It for catarrhal iroubles.—O. Mt. Hellor, Druggist, Woroealer, Musa

I believe iSy's Cream Balm Is the best arti­cle for eatatrh ever offered the public.—Bush A Co., Druggists, Worcester, Mass.

An artlc l.o fr.a l luerlt.-C. I'. Alden. Drug- gial, Hprltigfield, klass,

Tlioae who us. It apeak highly o f It,—Geo. A. Hill, Druggist, Bprlngfleld, Moss.

CrtsmBalm bos given sails factory results. W. P. Draper, Druggist, Bprlngfietd, Mass.

H sv . VsMi Or. Tlw ina*' Kcleetrlo OH for croup and colds, and deelar. It a positiv. cure. Contributed by Wm. Kay, 570 Flymoutb ave., Buffalo, N. Y.

Phtares and Pletur* Fram w. Bring nsthe pictum you wish to have ftamed. Ws have tb . la rm t end finest assortural of niouldlan In the State, and at th* lowsst

ErlcH. Gliding, antsw uaurlmla (Jury * :» iijr, 5iei Brood strwi.SUted by H. B. Gaobran. bm gglst, Lan­

caster, Fa Have guar.nteed over 900 bottles of Burdock Blood Bliier 5sr dyspepato, sour stoiii.ob, bilious ottooks, U t.r and kidney Iroukw,

Chlneie Ooverninent by J .rk s .From tbe I/)tidon Xowa,. "

■‘ A strange mlxtuni of despotism end de­mocracy," Is the rlesrrlptlon apiilled by a oornapondent tn Bkiaiigbal to the I'hlnese system or governineutgand the tacts he cites appear to bear out bis views. The Board of Illlwt or a Frovliiclal (lovornment can any to tbe people: " 5'ou must do so and ao,” " You must have this man for your ruler." The people having heard of " this nmn's" previous dolug declares "W e will not have Ibis man to rule over us," anil they goen masio lo Ihe Yamcn aud politely request tho magistrate to step Into tbe sedan chair which they have provided for the purpose, and wllh great care and coa^ tesy they convey him behind the city walls end leave blni there, Tb . ruler there- upou yields to the Inevitable and waits an opportunity to prwent hi. cose to the proper autborltlev, Just Imagine, exclaims this writer, alroopof military sludenti—for these •seined to be the chief movers iu tbe first plsoe-domandlng In tome European country exemption from an official exsmlnallan for which great preparttlons hart bMn m od. on account of the unfavorable .la t. of th. parade ground.

Toola Ilf the I ’ yrsiiilil lliiililers. \From lli« Fall .Mnll i.a/.i-tte. I

A Iwo-yeura’ atiuly at (ilieh has (-oiivlnrcd Sir. Flluilcra I'elrl" lhal Ihe EgypHsii hUjuc- Korkera of-I.ISKI year" ha<l a surprHIiiit aciuatnlain-.- with what ha,I Ih-oii cimahteicl iiaalern l,)nU, Among ili,- tnaa.v t,H,ls iisetl i hy the [lyrattjld-huihlera ivun, both b,>1M aipl tiibnlar ilrilla iititl a!might ami thrular tans. Thedfllla, Ilk,- tlio .eof i,,-t1i*jr, Mi-r,-M-t " l lh Jrwi-la t],rohah1y corumlum, *" tin, iliiimoiul WHS v,.‘ry HCaf,"e). amt even lathe tta.i'. had BuchealtlngatiUea. remarkaW,- aa* the iiunlllyof 111,; tubular drllla utid Hie alHll of Ihe aotrkinei), that the eultliig-tuarha Iti hard granlta give no Imlb-atlnn of wear of I he loot, while a cut of a u-iilh ol an iueli was made In me tmcleat rt«-k at earti revoliilloti, amt a nolo through both Itie lisrdi-al mid soileat material was bored pcriectlysnusdh ami uni­form through,)Ul. n fllie material and meth­od of making the tools riolliing la ktiowti.

— ----- • ........ - —In the Divorce Court.

From the Clibutgo-Mall.The nekt to taka the aland was Mra Dorm

lha I'aronl, who waa poaaeased ofbm rohll- dren and u-drunkeii husband.

" How often docs Julih get drunk . asksd the Court. . „

" Ach 1 It vas vono long drunk alt de vnllo, repllwl tho witness, with o strong accent. On one occasion John came home very drunk and began abutlni her. He cmled up by selx- Ing baby by the legs and swinging It around bis bead. . *

“ Ever been married before ? asked tb .Court, ________

“ Yes, sir. But If you’!) set me free 1 11 never do It H alo. Mf-"

IJiiPi^r Httirl©ii AImjilI Kftli.Krom the <»lob©*l>©mr>cr»i.

It lA ftti cut Huy Inc Ih^t" rn tedoert ft link:* tnK Ahip," hut II Ih u inoHt alUKtilftr fftct thftl tliey (Ic not until ft bofttor hare® 1i ■Ink* liis{ nnilltticy (l©H®rl It. Tb©y upp^ar to b® tt|.prised of III® (lHHK©r »®vrrftl !iour$ twforft any ftccident <KN?urH lulfii'' vphicI. Tlnfi ©nna itiAi (jnme niidur my obeervallou wftH wh©n I wim piloting ft lowhofti in th« lower MlHHlusippl. W© were coming tip ilrefttn tiilo on© evening wh©u 1 nutlced ft ii(»rd(» o f ruiN ©ornliig off one o f tlift hurgpi wc hful In tow, 1 lolil lotiiftOf th« mi'tulHTN of tliforevr ihftt we would bftvs tmd luck. Wc went alu'ftd.and Ju$t before diiyllKht tbe hiirg© front which the rate had tliMl Hlriick u rock utMl eunk. No dutuftfe waft tioii© lo ftity olh©i' purl of liio ehlpplng. The Hftin® plH'nnniotwjii occurred Ju»l before the folftl fipqor the Hteftiiicr dlivur Holme, On the IfiHt day of th© .x»nt*H career, about two UnuM Iftffore Iho fir©, a drovn o f rets were couh to rtiit u»lem over lb® lower deck ftud Jump overUierd.

■r"" ' ____^

“ No ©erffiction Is so absolute,

Tliat some impurity doth not


Use Carlsbad Sprudel Salt for all irapur- Woe of the blood. It 1. Nature’s owtt remedy. Beware of Imitations and tnili* upon tno genuine imported ortlot.,

» W . we‘ - I

N K W A I ^ K E V E X I N G N E W S , W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 1892. 8

TIE SATMOFIIEEUB.Wrapping the Tricolor About a

Sleeping Baby.


A fitoFj of n Soldier** Ftighl—The Vet. orRiii the Widowed Mother itnil the Itoff who 1* Now Old KnoQKh to Enter (hr School of helnt.Ojr,

A day to mArJc with ti white ilone, a i the liailn ]K>et ■ayM-'I haye leented from tlio Jhhultflry that my dear little Je,r(|uhiet loui been aduiittod Into the m IjendI uf SalubCyr aud not InUi the rearKuard,

How pwirtiy lime imNien I Alapt nlready more than twenty yean have down hluoe wc lay with »tH4'kL'd arm*, coiuumed with im* ipatJenc-e, awaltinii the yreat day wlieu tho Cannon at 1h*1 should nud we shouldcro** the rrontler; more than twenty yenri alnc«» 1 deipalrlngly kiiwed the rrnll tittle baby boy who waeemlllrsg ilkeun angel In hu cradle,»iDoe 1 made the oath Iha tlf I McajMKl death 1 would adopt that infaut; and yet It soeniM to xno only ycpterday.

X itiU hoar, lui la an halluelnatloo, the sharp cracking of (he niuBketry, llte walling orle* of the wounded aud (ho bUuiti of tpe bugle; 1 Heetliefli-ld of battle gradually ert> ahroudodby the gloomy autumn twilight, that livid sky nf green and pink toward which clouds of wbltlih iiuoke aro mount­ing, the glare Uko that of a conftagraliou, and. away off at the horlKoo, the Hitilxter elmllngof tbeorowi, awaiting the end o f the ■t niggle.

Our poor i^glmcnt, so handsome when it entered the 8trlfi4 at early dawn, had ljo<.ui decimated In vain had It ehargi>d furlouMly five dlflbrent Umee, bad it run its bayoneU agalEkit the oapoon la those orchards cut by hedgea; lb thoae Tlitage Innea wbore the euainy shot as down with deadly aim like a herd of roebucks tracked hyhunters; In vain, wltbont weakening for an Instant, hnd itattempu d the Itu possible, played the game one against ten at least. We were fighting at wo retreated; wo wore retiring with mgo in our hearts. brutAltced hy fatigue, slaln<Hl with blood and powder, unable to hold out longer and turning every Instant to fire our last Iriadi that we mlgcit dciuolUb one more of theee oursod boggera.

In the diatanco were WfHMied hills, the re|* age where we would halt, where the roll would be oallfid, and perhaps wu would ge t •omc soup; itUI a little onu rag* uod wi would be at the end of that forked road.

But suddenly there appeared, with flash log eabroi, s^juadrune of iJuvarlaii dragoons, and then It WHS a helU!r*ikflUT Hlght, a mad roul amid the delbs and viuayards, a niaisaiTe from %mbuiicud<^ytk wbkii the isddJors ran against MU'h oiber|*Wlled pell-mell Into ibo -hoUowtbf ilia furimws, rusher hither and thither without defending Iheitisrlves. with­out hocdlag tho comiuaiids sbouiod by the ofllcerf.

Only the first anti flag ooropanlas bad held good, resisted tliat terrible shook and formed a square ai well as might be.

The fight began anew, fleirriy. tragically, M Bvenliigcatnc slowly on. Kacb one of us had dcTotod hla life, had mentally siild adieu to all he loved aud resolved to defend the sacred eagle to the last. The itandurd bearer, Jean BaraUoux, fbll, struck lo the heart by a musket ball, but f^ptala dos Cormleres, with a spring, raised up the Hag, held It high aud firm In h li clennhed hand and brandished It above our brads, with defiance in bis proud byea. He siaggert'd In bis turn and foil, mut­tering i **Ahf the scoundrels ! All's over with me r* Lieutenaut Vartdlhcs grasix'd the stair and shouted: ‘ Courage, boysfFire for the iUg 1 Fire straight along I” Aud aoon he also fell with a bulJetlti bis skull. Of the seven ofllcem 1 alone remained, burning with fever and having two woiindH, one In the shoulder and ihe other In my left arm. And when 1 took the eagle 1, the youngosl of the ragImeni, w’ho had but a steak of niiis- tarbe, who still wort* my blue-strliicd trnus- ers.“ de fine galettr," 1 fell myself brisked up as If X had drained a big buLU|)er of old brandy.

The enemy, entlghtenod at last as to the situation, wjicHed aijout; but would they not return wKh relnforcemeDts, allured iih Ihi'y must be by such a prey T W© wrn mlured10 about fifk^n and most of ns. wurn out and losing our b lood, would sL>on l>e hors de com- but. Wlml was to bccomu of ihn flag 7— where was U lo be hidden, whilher borne 7 I entrusted llio men to a ^kTgeanl; 1 gave them the order to regain, iti small fracthms and at auy coat, the main body o f the brigade. And liaving, wiitt my kulfo. ripped011 the eagle and tlie trl-colored sltk. I ihniKt tlieh,precious Bj'nibol under iny tunic and Tan SiruLglit ahead toward the c<»p<ies whirl) mai'kcd the borliun with a LiUlverlag blu© tine.

Oh ! that filglil in the v&gue nbsco rlly, the fits of wsakneu, the (alls, wlUi., throuRli the profouad alienee of the night, the guttural ^>liouU of the horsemen seul In purRultof me, rc.ittcred Id every dlrndluA, aiidIhCNHind of galloplug which drew luikrsr aud froAu me t

And, suddenly, at the e<1ge of a grove, nn the bank of a itrvam hidden by w IIIuwm, the Joy of |>crcclvlug an old niill, thu window of v.hlrh was IlghUd, o f saying lo inysL’lf that 1 bad found a Ahsitsr and that, iHirtiaiw, stout- hearted people were ihers t

X knocked with my fist at the closed dfjor. There seemed to be within some huslialion about answering; then, the clear and soft Volos of a woman asked lu fright;

“ Who Is there r** A French officer who Is astray and

wounded 1” 1 repllird.Tbs door was opened Instantly and I saw

this In a large room. In which danced the vaoll i all ng brightness of a calf^o:

A tall, gaitsrsd, old man, with a brush-tike mustache and face cut by a scar, who, stift, but nispsetful, had placed his pipe ui>ou the tableaudwas recsiving me with a military salute. Then, lu front of the hearth, on which an armload of vine brauches was burning, a young and prelty woman, who was clad In black nfid had big bluish eyes, which were fixed, sad and teur-stalned. Aud, behind her, stretched out a cradle covered with white curtains.

1 hud not am luu lclo lose; 1 offored my hand to the old man with au edhsiun of firatltude, and said to him :

You ha VC been aeoldlcrT’^“ For twenty-five years, Lleutcnaiil/'

answered he. “ In Africa In the Elghtti oMlio line. And destUte my sixty yeurn, if 1 had not bset) shut olffrani it by rheumatism, you may well believe that 1 would have rcHUiiieiJ my musket to fight the enemy. I Imk^thum !I would like to destroy them like vurmEn, one after auolber I They have ki lied rny sou- In-law, Ihe husbiitid of my p Hir liiile UohuIIc and the father of tbut baby sleeping tiiiTu in Ills cradle wlUuml Muspectlug anything, the dear child

The woman sobbed as If her grief had bucn suddenly rcawakeiiud; 1 imirmurcd a few wonle of pliy and rvsumud:

**l.lstcn lu n)0 wall, Ixcnusc every rnliiulo which elapses brlngh anoiher danger for me and for the treasure which liab burn confided to raoby my oomrodea 1 am purNuod by the enemy. 1 don’ t care fur mysHf my life isn’t worth much, hut you must help mo to nave Ihlsr*

I had DTibuttonrd my tunic and 1 showed Xdm the lorn Olid blti^kvned fiug, liiu noble tatter ua which apiH'u^ed, in lelierHOf gold, the names of victories, tho rnglc with oul- Spread wlngn wblci) the imlteiM had nearly destroyed. Tho old innri turned very jxHie, knitted hU brows anil cunimauded:

“ ItONallc, quick, sliool the botis and duiiblo- lock thedours I"

Without rcAoujidod tho distnii! clatter of a btirsemAii; clenching hi* fislii, iho old man added, vrllh big tears In Ii In eye*:

“ They will lie hero In an Instant 1 They will ruiiJiooge everywhero; they will uick the eloAets, the hopj»er and tho barn I Oh! tnou llieu I whore nm 1 hide it 7“ •

l,had sunk Into h chulr, my thrimt pa relied, my temples huxzing imd rny logs iHiwerloHS.

Then, gravely, with n pnmd uud trium­phant look, but wllliout uttering a W4ird, the widow tocjk her btthy upon tier knees, stripped It and then wriippod the trlcoloro<! Kilk around It. The bnhy^* elothlng whn thou re­stored, and, carefully pinned, ronoouled Uio flag. The llllle one, roplaood in itiecmdio. fell asleep again, while lu mother, rocking ll Very gently, murmuroLl:

“ They will not look for It there !'*And, moved lu the depths of my helng, I

kissed the old suhller and bis daughter; 1 preirsed Ibom Kuocesstvely to my paniing breast aud oxclaiiiiod;

"Fo r me to remain bore longer would in­crease the peril, so 1 will got 1 confide that ■acred relic to you In the name of Fntiice t Thanks to you both!. My name K (ieurgos do IXaVlgnoc; perhaps 1 atn ooiidemned to die In this terrible war, but, If I should roiurn from It, 1 promise you that 1 will replace for that baby the fiither who died doing his dutyl Adieu, my frlcuds, adieu, and ugnlu I thank you I”

Tbs miller aocompaolsd ms through his garden to a break In the wall which opotiod Upon the wood, I walked for an hour stfiultblly amid, the darkness, and at last fell aenselciuc upon a heap of briars. And 11 was there (hat the Gerjnan anibuiancs |)«ople picked me up.

And when 1 returned from captivity, 1 ful­filled my promise; i went back to the mill.

„ Tl)« Bavarians bad o|we1, torn out and broken everything ; but Ibey had respected ihscjndis in which was slumbering the baby

of the wonmn lu black, who inoked so i<ail andsopIllfuL Arnl now, loiluy, tlml bsby U uiir Jacfjulnei, a fine. WL'Il-pltpuod and eu- ihusiaatir young man, full of happy life and on inotKilnl of entenng Kalnt-Tyr!

Ah! mon )>lcu ! Miey will have rhe sarred lire, IboNt new cunurrlpts wlm wore b<»rn In the terrible year and wIkl Mirked in will) Ihe milk of tlieif iipdhers itnO their mine* th» holy haired and the liri'iii ) of n‘prl!>.atA f

ICknk MAiatnuY.------------ * — t


ftoLne ExercIscA at the New -Irrsey school.hiilhvat) nml Cui-bott.

From thu Client Worker.Ti'llinff fttoriea in Hiffna, fnr roprortue-

Uon in wTiting, la noi l>cii<'ved in by tlio t4 at‘hrrfi in the New Jerwy Hchofd for Dcnf Mutoa; the nmniml alphalfct is b«- lievod to bo ample and better for tho pur­pose. Itcontirfhailv cnlari;os the pupii'a vocabulary of words, pliraaos and idlom.H, and thereby ^ vcr hltn a bettor com­mand o f KrjpllKh. A Ktudent o f French, i f required to traiiskto a story fVom EiiKlihli to Kreach, would probably make a very indifferent jo b o flt ; hut, if the iaitio story were told to him In French with ex|ilunationh by the teachorf and ho w’oro tfion oskidto reproduce (t, his reproduction would be much bolter. Ho would notice the pecul­iar Idionia o f the langiiago, and the use o f particular words and phrases with which he was uuaequalnlcd or unfamiliar, or have hie Atlentinh called to them by tho tcoi^her. Deaf mutes need more practice In EnKUsh than they usually Kct. They use sIhns so much in C4>nvcfsal1on that they do not pick up idiomatic KngUah, like heariutf chlEdron. Over twenty yoan o f observation, Imth ns student and teacher, convinces me that thu telling of <iceurrencos and stories In sikiis for reproduction In wrltiiiff U an nn- satisfactory method o f drill in written language.

Below aro given two it4*nifl that were spelled to tho claai, and an Incorrect ro- producUon of each. The mlttakee or omlafloDs arc prububy the result o f care- lesittusfi, U. B. L loyd ,

fDJofnfcrf AfanuaHy, ]1. Tn the year a dreadftil plaipie

spread over PJnfflaud. In London alone, one hundred thousand people died in the space of one month.

2. Thomas llaftcrty, a XMaintlidd boy, sixteen years old,was kidnapped last week while on his way from Hchool. ilo was lost seen on a coal train with Iwo men and ■vented to he trying to i?et away.

[Heprodurvd byiVp ii.]L In the year ori6(Vj, a dreadfu] pinfpie

SlTead England. In London 10,000 pt■( ple death In the space of one month.

7w ThomasEUafitTty, a EMninttcld boy, w lH kidnapped, while he Wfm on hit* way from school last week. He was lost wvn on a coal train with two men, nad he seemed to be trying to gel away. He Is siAluen yefirs old.

[Pupifs' fAtfflposiHons.]A STRAP.

This Is a strap. It Is made o f leather. I has sixteen holes. X think It Is a skate- itrap. It is about twelve Inches long and half an Inch wide, A buckle is very use- ftil to fasten a strap. It Is good for fasten­ing n skate-strap and harness. We can oew It on a nieohlno. Wo use stra{)S for futcnlng sktUiH ou our fcol, C. K.

COAL.Coal ia not only found In PonnuylTania,

but la found also In Wulca and KiiKlnud. U Is ifood for running niacbines or tho locomotives, and lioutinK and cooklnff. It la black. It Is made of Wood In tlio deep f^ound for many years. U costa |5 or |B n lon.- It Is more dear than wood and charcoal. I like tho nut coal. It is harder than wood. I would not like U> work in a coal mine, because It Ih very dan,roroitH. Workmen have been killed by gaa explo­sions, etc. It, E.

JOHN L. srLLrVAN.He was born in Boston In 1S68. He was

the champion o f America about eleven years. James J. Corbett Is chaiiiplun now, Corbett ([.efeated John I.. Sullivan In 21 rounds, Corbett split Sullivaii'a mate by a ^low wllh hie rl^lit hand and Hullivan -laiiihai on Corbelt'a shoulder. He is si* feel toll. His WfiRht Is about 220 pounds. His arum arc very stKiiig. H e fouj?lit with Corbett September 7th. When Sullivan was nliielcen years old, he was a very stronffboy. Corbett has won ^ ,^000, He wears tlkhta, sUwkInpi and sboos. Hu does not w ear a shirt. Corbett’s weight is shout IDS pounds, Biillivaii la older than Corbett. Corbett is the ynung kint: o1 California. riuriiiK Sullivan flirfitlnts with Corbett Sullivan's face was covered with blood. Hultlvan’s mnscleH are hard. Mrs. James J. Corbett feared that Hullivan would kill James. C. C,—Lost hearing; at si* years old, born In Italy, three years at Bcbool, never lieard English.

i1r*ly C'lii'Bil ariLl Hair lie-ureU by CulU'urH.


6 3 5 and6 3 7 Broad S t, Cor. Bow.


-O K -

Box Coats and Beefers,lilku cub .12 lerhea long, at 9*.BS,, •, Sri.1.1 aud SIO each, should be rare- tiilly eismliicd by Iniendlni buyers. Tliay are madeunof the best materialsaadfluIshed llr.t elass. aud are absolutely perfeet flttliig gariueuts.

In IhebiKlicr grade ol clolli, THE NAME mTYI.E, very rlclily trlinnieil wllh l.yn*. A t Irskbaa, .Mink. Krloimer aud .AlaskaHabie. We am sliowlng them at IIU.IIH, au.Ull, ■U.SOand tia .

1. IIS SUIT,Best In (be Wurld, of which wa sold over ii&O It4t wtsk. We bare About LOO left, ail wout



/ 1W f jl

1,000 .VI 1-wool Dux-nlalted lAdJet'WaliU, In navye uariliUAl, block and gray, r«g. tJ goods,


Fur Cape SpecialW) KugllRh Wool Hcftl Capes.high shoulder*,

}H>hiio(l fninu, llriwl with bvavy satin, rrgu- fariirU’tir.UO.AlSdeltfe

Feather Boas.Fin© quality Foaibcr Boa*, Ihrcoyariii longy

regular price fi2,2R, ui fil.lO earh.

Men's Shirts.8prrlol lot Mau’* Natural Wool Hblrtn and

HmwtTM. *1;:?* lo -ItMudi, regular prlvu Uflc,, ui ddc. ro(‘b.

KID GLOVE B«ii.Kpeciai lot lAd i^ ’ IJinrrlitB Kid Oloves, in

Davy blue. tuiiBs gray*, blacks aud puirls, reg. price at

89c. a pair.

SILK BAEGilN.Fine quality Block Oroa Grain DreasRUk,

every yard warranted, reg. |1 quality, at

73c. a yard.

Dress Goods Bargains T40-Inch All-wool Henrietta Goths and Hurih Hergis, ail leading shades and black 65c

quality, at 47c. h yHrd. ’40-tncli Alt-U’ool earner* Hair Rtorm Bergen, latent fall ihadM and block, 50c. quality at

43c. a yard.Jifl iitch Wide W'rtlc Serge*, latest fail and wlntAr shades and black, alio two-tonsd sf-

fi'cls.gic. quality, ol 'iU> a yurd. * ' **

FROVM » T O 11 O 'C liO C K A , M.:1(1-4 rnhiraohei! sheoiing, 20\ ciimlity, nt I3r, a yard.42-lneh Blanched l^Ulow { ’abp Muslin, worth 13c., at a yard,Uuod Quullly Full Vnrd-wlde Unbleached Muslin, 4? ©. a yard.

DAVID STRAUS,635 and 637 B road , Cor. N ew Street.




LADIES’ JACKETS JERSEY SUITSItaeftrstyl., MOof them. Oay ntagonal, bsir ttiln IIumI, lap seams, tallor-maile, Eiiaala any at tl0.0a


LADIES’ DRESSESTwenty-five Suit*, marked 18.09 and$10 00. Have heller value now, so mark tbesLi down.


D E P A R T M TNot another Department like

it for great valae.

T o - m o wWE S E L L :

Doubie-breaxted. gray and hrown mixed, wurtn kvOQ.


BOYS’ PANTS,All wool, pattvrns new, regular 11,25,



Handsome frieze top and dado bottom with fringe, fall length and width, worth $5.50......

L. S. PLAUT 8e CO.,707 to 721 B R O A D S T R E E T .


The New [lelirldri* Am »n l^oieons Frf>m the IjXTieet.

M. HsnU'O baH examined ftnilevijorlmcntr 1 with the arrow puliau lined by the uatIvrBfif Die New llebrlde*. He niid* that it cunlnlns neither vegetable (loUon nur seT wtn vlniH, bulcunHlMti ofeurlti lmj)rej<iiHli’d with table innller taken fr<un murphy plnei** hih) «mlaljj|ng FuAteuKn vlbrlon w<|itli|ije, or hacilluiof iiialt}(Qiitit ledenia nn<l a1*o lh< blii'llluii Lif tetftnu*. Iftlie arroWH have heeFi kfj>t a long tllu , nr have been tmicb exjinived totbo Nun, the vlbrlmi Hepdqne riiiiy hun- been dealroyed; the ilnnger then I* fruni teiaou*. When Uiearrowii have been ffeahly prepared and the vlbrlon nenllquo ]* etlll ac­tive, a wound fruin Mietti enuiici deHlIi In n guinea pig from Deptloil'mia in from iwi-tve to fifteen hnnr*i telaniin, wliirh laketi longer than that perltnl ufllmetn (lMvHo|k, doeN notunder llie*o (’Ircumtitunee* wliow Itaeir. It Ih liiloremiiig i4i renmrk that the lM>ri<i> h im- kitnwn In the-iti lalHiids, eonMqm'iitly Hit theory oMhn origin nf U Iiuiuk wmiltlsot*m lo be negutlved by theae r-'ni?un luw,

Cmieernlng Uie Walking Delegate. From tlMJ New York Time*. ^ ^

We have ho|M* that (Julun’* exarnftf.' will friietlfy, ami (lint whni the ba«kpilout m- Rtrlkliig workingmen In tho hiillding imdi s. fur exurnple, runfer upon tlh'tr kKuuHoii, lome still, HinAll vnlce ivlll h4 hvnnl nml heeded, lusklng, In the dialeril of the wurking- man: “ Who! Itf tho matter wllli jMpudiiug Hie wiillung delegale’H none 7“ Itealiy (la ri Ih ncutjiiig the malli'r with llmt rofli'.Me iinri no aaiUfmUory re ifionHO (o Hint qiiV.Mlnn. WhnleviT add* (orrurM to (he iHwIiicm nf u unlkliig dclegatejiraqfHMd luflKter.workmMU being a inibllo benefit, It 1* lni1Hi*»db|e in rt- mIhI (tiu ('(i&clubluti lliiu txuluu lau puMie tieoefaelnr.

CRUSTS ANUdCALESHair and Eyebrow* Fell off. Ibietor hikI

Many Keiitedie* No Menefil. Ku- llra lr C • '


My wife ha been tronlded for year* win. dry eruslH and Hvuh'H on her liend ami t-j r- ImiWH. After neeming u, Hi. dormant lot years ln her sysh-m 11'liruke <iiil over a y4'ur ago In nil It* furi. Her hair caine out In lij,- I'alclie*, h*r eyebiowi* all fell <>ii ami sho pr- -

Heated n nltUihle eon dIMon. Wu tried ul- riiUhi c'Verylhlng, hiii><he f’o ithinod 1»i gri wi rne, l lX'n wet rU‘ 1 ohi of one lieM phj stcinn*. hnt all to li I'urfHiM'. |''iiiftily tn alfel.i II- veil that Mr Ctnet UA BhMKhlk

____ Would mjre her. AhejJ' **he had u*ed nlio

bo.xi'h of r i in i n.x ami ahont a doKi'i

» eake* of (*i rii I'n v HiiAi* and four lailtloii ol i t i ’h oua l{K»>>i.v >‘NT she wuk eurvil unni'eiy. Her hair viitm on again anil (o-da.i hlie hus o'- him k heml n hla(‘h eiirt> hair and hh smooth Hkin uh nir laoy 111 .AUvniowii. Her eyelirowi* are beavh than llH-y ever Were, tier watp Ih freelrm, (Janrtrnrr. nml her lienllh I** exfoiu-nl. Non for Urn iH'iielK of itiose sulli-rlng wHh sum dlHPinir, or to ihosi> who lliiiy don1i( ihe tnuie luliiens,»f tins i lalr-menl, wrJB'no-, Indnslui' a iUunp, aud I will ehei'rfullv Miisner. 1 im sure that Hie rt' lTfCiU UKMKiutm curetj m> wife, for *]ie used luilhftu; else during Ho four or five niuiiihH she ihom,

3»><.'ouiM Hlivi l, Alh utiiwn, ]'u.

Cuticura ResolventTho new lUfMnl ami skin Burifioi’, SmernaVIy and f ’rTJiTNA, the nirni Sklti <'un\ and ri th th a Hu.Vf. tiu'est|nlslh* MUn HeanlllbT, exlemaily. lustanlly relieve tiiitl s)>ee'<l;|’. cure over> dlM'aHo and humor ol thu I’-liiii »<‘ikl|i and tdond. witli lossi>r liuir, fnMU in- fimi'y to Age, from pimple* to Kcrulula.

Nold every whom. Trice, ri'TirniA, Wr. Koap, ffioa Uwioi.VKNT. m. TreoHred hy the X*UTTRk DkbU Afib t'JlKMICAb t’Uki'UHATtU.S,Boston,

4#*"Unw (orim'Mklh DlHf JiHeH,'* IH pages. 50 lllufitnilloui uiid teNtlinonial!!, mailed free.

Q in y * ^ Kkln ami Hs'ul]) purilli^tuud heau-P R D l 0 iftU'd by t’VTiepKA HuAK Al>*o


lA-RA-BA-BOOM-DE-W,I f F tin tit iirc yon wish to liiiv, . ' A m i liimo yosir w ile to .aatlMfy,

( io to .Miirkfl t-tw t, twmthlrty-four.And ijiko a lis>k at our lino atoro; llru.-in‘lM, Volvo! and Moquetto,A ll kinds o f CjiriM‘1 you can Ret,I f you go tlioio you will aay :


JIcMmiiiN Hrnthera ia tho iiamo O f llda Imna.' so woll known lo fame ; A ltontlon thcro you will rooeivo And llioy w ill novoryou doooito..Ml kinds of l•'nrllllnro vou w ill lliid ,I'lirlor Sluts Ilf ovory kind ;Wliuii you .sfo (horn you will sny :


llodding, Stovos and slook galore Vou oaii got at two-tlui'ty-four;Toll your frlonds ami toll all olUer*To po to Mi'Mainis Brotliors.I f all nt oneo you oailnot pay,

' Don'! lo! Ilia! your hoar! dismay,You oati pay nmst any day,


I f a idi'o C'lirpi't you should soe,Vou oan iiavo it laid down froo ;Mako your homo lisik nict' ami bright,I'o ii may dopomi wo'll do what’s right, t'oTne 1111,1 s « ! us right away,

pul It oft'amilhor day,Tu-ra-ra-1 ioom-<le-ay.




Our New Store701 and 703 BROAD ST.

WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS,vKIdney Kill! tJiorlno I’atiis and Weiik- liiossr., roilnvi'il la uiio iiiltiuin Ly t!ii, IIOiUlviO'M Antl-l'afii IMnstor.tliv only lostaatauuuus palu-klltlux iiluster.

—II HO.OO Worih................. t1,00 Down aitH tt.OO We»kl),■ T T~ ' 1 f O itS.OQ Worth.......... 1.00 Down and 1.00 !Veetj>.

I L j |V n / l \ • Sis.00 Worth.............. 3.00 Down and t.OO Wontly.! I n l u l f ^ $50.00 Worth........... S.OODownand f.OOWttkly.1 L l V l T l v / s S75.00 Worth.............. 7.50 Down and t.25 Wotkii.

"' $100.00 Worth................. 10.00 Down and 1,50 Wotkl/.

And 80 on or by spoolal arrangemont.


23 Market Street.


w e d d Tngs


D l i i D S ,


Tlemlud us nf prefients. Then) IH a growing dls- appruval of Iho n!d de *lg lA and article*. We have been etinhlcd through Hpnrlal arrange inontR with ibo leading manufaidurerH of aolid and pihlod Bllverwaro to secure a varlcts^nf Ar­ticles bcw to ihtilraiie ami especially HUlluble for weddfiig prosentii.of which wo luvlto In.' poc lion.

HARTDEGEN. PRESEXTS INH3 brund Ht„ nenr D., !.. A W. It. H.

s . s . S M I T H S H O E C O . ,Lidiei* and Men's Wiukenphait Shoea.

N IJ R P K IfS i:Kiiui:,

The WAukenphastliAgrpAtHhoe, ease, grrat for ueAlth, greai for wear.

Great in„ ..... U IsftiHhIoned uriADHtomlcal principles; low hool, hroud acrosH ihc bill of (he fool tuid Is mods wllh medium toes with lljM,

Jjadlts’ W'aukenphast Hutton, hand-iewod,•3.

W « 'teve you from |Uo $3 on every pair of sbooi, ss wfl manufketure our owq gttodi.

Men's Wauksuphafal Calf nud Lms Bi is. haiid-sowod well, H3

S. S. SMITH SHOEManiifneturliig dewlers of Ladles and Meti'i F1d«

Footwear, Factories at HrldfsporLC^tia.| and Worcester, uiuM.


Warranted best qtiab tty, Teeth extrootod 9te. Uos.dSa fillings, BOd. to 75(1,Floe gold fillings, ft aod up.

Boston DentalR22 M A R K E T S T .

W. E. HOLT, D. D, B................... ..Manocas


T A K E TIM ETi> read of whnt we uPi'r as Biwcl.ian nta for a vlBlt to our place on uiauo*

T H U R S D A Y ., ox TUB SECOXI) lTX)ORS,III Hoasefnrnishing Departm’t

560 At.'MK 1*UY PANH, wllh cn]J honUIesS sold U!>iial]yKl 15c. TJU'UhdaY ^

9c.1 ,^ ItB.TJNNED iJlHHPANPj lFuuart* is6i

sold al aud worlti fully aa-, TIICIiJdAY ^


In Our Cloak Department.Ht..\CK C'HEVIOT IlKKFEIUi, for ladl*.,

vfcr Inches long ituloh eoliur lap beam*, bofi bttt'k, rcg. price fo.llS,

$3.97.Fi:U TRIMMED REEFEUfieOf fine hJsota

cherlol, collar and Xaciugeoflur, wilhorao* meuts, rog.

$5.37.A CUE.^P FUR CAPE-W'o shall sell to*

morrow Black Pur rojK>H, with standing cuU lar, Hoed throughout, value fl.DA While ihuy la*tt(vmorTownt

$2.49 each.(’ ABHMEUK OAl'NTI.KT OUJVES, all

wool, black va«biurr,, all HicrK, .biolulelw tual black, Ibe rr,-. 48c. and 60e. quitlltf, at

39c.BLACK J.At’E FLOUNCING, nil silk,

French luce, new, hHii(lsomt> tyalterus, full wldtli, fu l «l^e, value tt.W, at

$1.25 a yard.What 2 ^ - W ill Da

WUI surprise you if you vl*lt our


159 to 165 MARKET ST.

The Double Breasted Sac

i » I fir FiifUionahtc (fijnneiU ,(fir

F u ll m ill ]Vhilf:r wi ui‘ ~~wc m -r .iitakliiff it fro m a lirrrjr vfirirti/ o f high rlam Furi ign and Fomm Un Fabric*.

Am ong the morir p op u la r Him.v hr « « * '• tioned P.lar.l; nud iSlue I'htiuoUi—ja.rif Scutch rffcctn— Ftxglinh Tirnda in ntriprr and clicch* and nine, and fr'mt/ m ij'lun a in Cltast*mercM.

Siiitn to mrainirc. /com f.30.0i},Trounrrn to mcuniirc fro m p.OO. yVjulI-uoififjiry nlrnidarrl o f irnrkmnn.^

nhiji—b'n m a r the Top FotcU m ark~ mir (^iiiilili/ o f Trim milifP—

none hnt thi henf iit good ((io»,i//(. You know mir o f right d m lin g --u 'hatcnr wr w arranf wc rlanrl hi/~. rendg to return gou r moneg if dim tiiit. fled.

Humpies mailed,/''/ llrmthva*D A'. )V. Cor. 9fh Mreet^

tm i I -f5anff 1 7 Bower^f Xvif* Yurfc*

i,'’ f, •4''


Suiting ailft OvercoatingAre DOW ou eibiblUou.

A rtilt line of I in ported and ronieiUc Cloths lit very rriMonable prices. Usds up lu tbs very lutoil slylo,



BO Iflil 01A ii?I F IS T O T ,

S l L V E f f l R EVou will find an 8le.nnt aMortmml of Silverware, our own make at moat roaaonabla prioin, at lb. aalo. room aud factory of


Now HuUMrry Blreeu

We alao makB.apeclaltyof repair, frit and replalln. brokao and worn work, mafclu It aa good aa new at leu I ban half the price of new work,aUa gliding and bronatng lu liw beat manner.

Is the best place to sooQre one to the v leto I ly of Newark. The lota are the most dfslrahle, the price the lovresl. AU (ropravCifieiUs; over uu new houses already built nud the Au* eit high school building in (lie ilmtujust completed. Lois soldi on Instalment 1 stuaU piwmenlrtown and 8ft per month.

HOW lo Get lolhe Tract—Tskotho Ihillevllla avenue enrs, ask for a transfer to the Kekrny cars, walk over the LTay street bridge aod Uke tho Kearny avenue car* ami get oft ai Bergen avouuf, aud you will fibil The finest building loU to bo found within 20 miles of New York, Agent ou ibe ground every day aud ou SUNDAY lo show tUa lols.

3 0 ,0 0 0 ,Arc Ian roa ledt

Ib A« (fioroupMP ported on lk« miJ rital* niarket. vow tnurl ooniuU Ih* rant rrlofc odr. <n ikr AgiwifBlIg *a WtilMcdavf andttdwdflH.


III Hortli Fomtli sCHuiIboi


M S O F J i M O I N G .

Indictments Found Against Carnegie

Officials and Homestead Strikers.


Tl>» rrru n tin rn ti A r . I ii. I tli, S tr llie r , r » -

pact.ri, but 11 Wa, TliKUKht lli. Arrma.l io n . A ta ln .t C a r ii.t l . Mrn M 'niilil Nol

I>a tb u la lnad -Th a Mittllalpd lln i l j n f a

W om aa Ilu p I'p b j fila.aDW Tl'ark ■ni^n.

< i«n «ra l M U «t r r « f te n U t ll i Anm iitl ] l^ .

p o rt to the W »p ])ppurtm«<nt---A Col-

l l i lo ii Oil New Vork*« Kl«vntL«il R o «d .

True hlltn WT’rp ftmnd by thp Crftnrt Jury lat m u b u r f yeitpfday MAliiiit all Die memiit*rN o f the Homr’feteai ■irlkeri* eivlMiry bnunl, 9hArj{lnf them with trt'MOi], and atiii) aKaltiil hll the Omieflikfl {V»m|>ajiy umrlata,charging them with inurdiT, riol and coci> iplracy.

The tndtctDienta anln it (lie rarnfgie ofYi- cJala came like a thuiuUrbolL Themurt pro­ceed I ngi uhtlJ yeelerday iP^med to be ki>oni^ ■ Ided that every ono knpp'HPd ttie h1il« hgaltiat the < ariti'kle would be Ignored, When they beard Ihai true bUI» were found •galnel them lh< y refiieert to brlleve ii. The catee will now be put on the Hat for trial by Jury.

ChlefJuRtlce Paxton, of the Ktale Riipreme CViurt before whom the Jnfortnatlonx tor treaaon were made agnimit the etrlkeri. wiu on the bench with Judge Kriineily, of Die loc*| Crtmlnal Covirl. Tlic onurlroom wm Crowded to aufToeation Ai Itlwcanie generally known that the (jrand Jury would make Hi Teturoa in the ImaRon caRca.

Judge Kennedy, addrenalng the Jury, aald ;" I wa« luforrurH], gentlemen, that yrm would be ready to report on the ireaion Inclletinfnt atAo*clock U>day, and furlhe piiriMine of re­ceiving It I have Rent for Umt'lilef JunUoe. Are yrm ready to report7*'

Koreman Berlin nnhwered In the nftirma- live, and banded up the inio bllln. O iief Jus. tloe l^XROn and Judge Kfiniiedy examined the papera and pineodi them in the hundR o fthe etcTk of cniirti. The hill agntiiM Hugh O'Doonail and othere for treawm Inrludt^ thirty-one defendanli, Tliey are liiigii n'Domiell. John McLuekle. DavId Lyurh, Thnmae J, Crawford. Ihirry BHynr.'Klmer K, HalJ, Henry ilayard, J. W. Hrown, tle<irge Chainpeno, iRaae Crltehlow, Miller Colgan John Coyle, Jerk nilTord, iVnula M. Cunh! W illiam W. ioneghy, Mlehnel CurnmliigM, W'nilam (VrjfnbR. John IHerkln, Patrick Fagan, W, H. (liichcR. Afatthew iia rii«, Reid Kennedy, John Miller, o. H. H«arJgJii, John Murray, W. II. ThomttAon, Martin Murray, Hugh Roen, W, T. Robcrli, tiwirge Uylandi and George V». Marver.

Then came the murder chargeR agalriRt the Camegla Company offlHalu fur the killing of G. W. llultor. Jouii K. Morrli, JuRcj^b Holnk and 01 lai Wayne, the iirlkr™ wlinee d«>alhR rviulted from Hie rlota. The true bllU are agalpat Chairman H. c. Erick, Secretary E,F. l^yejoy. Uotiert Plnkerlmi. William l*ln' k»rt<m, J. A. I*ottcr, W. E. Corey, J. <1. a l,«iRrhn)an. C. W'. BwlHl, W. H. Bun, John Cooper. F. W. Hliiei, Nevin McCoiiuell and

JameR r>oyey.H ]flb lll«fh r Onniplrat'f cmbmcri altihoRe

charged with murder, with the addition C CO rye render. H, Jl. Curry. otiR t ‘h!hlR. !*C. PhIppa, nf tho^tocl wnnpani, and Kred W'. Prime, a det arilve. charged wlihaggravated rlolare M .f’. KrUk. H. M. Curry, J.ti. A. JAlihnian, F, K Uivcjny, V. Phip|m'J, K Dovey, Nevin McConnell, John C'jMjper.C. W'p Bedell, Kred ITjme, W. H. Burt and K, W. Ulnde.

The wltDeHRca in the frejiMon raw N whORc Uamea appear on the IndlclmetU an having been iK'fnre Iho Orand Jury are Counly m>. tecllve Heltxboven, Samuel t'luJcv, C. BlRhop Harry L cwIr. C, Hlldon, K n. Chrlutie, Mr! Tanner, Robert llerhert, t’, W. Panxiger .nnd Joaepb II. Gray, The Indletmenfa agaliiMt H. C, Krlok urnl othcre lit llie murtler CMneK arc ictuiraie, making fimr In nil,

Tht plHMecutnr In the murder caiee li Hugh R()rr, one of the alrlkerii, agnltinl whom there are counlerchurgeit forjuunler, ireaRon.•plracy and aggravated rhd.

The Indictment agnuiAl the Carnegie offl. elala in the ninupimcy caecM la h lyiK-wpItli'h documentor 0%ep taudmwly wriUiui piigcR,Among other llilngR B m*(r fi>rUi tliai M. c. Frick and the <itlicr I'uftiegio udiclalR did 'Minlawfully, rnlaidy ami umllcUiURly ” enn- a|»lre to dcprcNR itie wiigtw nr |H>i-Nniia em­ployed by the Carnesle Klerl CompRUy am| to el OHO up the wurke; that ttu-y rniiveyi,s(| uo;} armed men ” to i>vfirawc, jjiilmldnte mid frighten jierH uni whoiind btwn rmplnyed by them, invading the iwirough of Home- aK'ad, and causing dcatlly wcMixmN to 1m* dia- eharged at their former empluycM and Roori,

In regard to ihe riot on July (I, the bill nhvr the defendaulR'*i]l(i coujuel and advUc the ■hooting."

The biiVlii the aggravated hot eMi'NHgiilnet tha Carnegie oincliii* dlffiTu very llttln from ihaton lho conaplracy, cxf*cpi tiial ItKiieeh IJcR that In purmiaiu'n of thn nlh-gcd pon- ■plrary, Hit- alleged unlawful uud rlotounartR were cummlued.

Caiiliilii l ^ . o f i h e N inth Infantry, w iioRul 'm liird a ion g rf|*ort on the RUlj/pct. in which he Mj-R the niiHl piiymenr o f llu- money wae lulnled with mlRreprceentatlon, fmud and ilrt‘»:-U. and iR nn uutruge upon tiic IjidJan« under thi'ir igieorTieol,

Cfitdaln i/ce aayi) that throughout Hu* iipg4>- llalliMiB iho Clujrokt‘0 Cunimiiuiloircntuml till'iiidlaiiR, and uj»on Ihnlr llnalac- ffiitiiiipe cdUie lemiR o f Ihe rommfMhm, it WHA tlie ricar underRtandlng o f i Im-mc IndUni llmi Ihe euUro rujji o f |l,'Ai,i|i) would Ih» )Hi4lil fur their Riirpiu* li-pdN. Thni uiidiT-hluijilliig, i ’liptnln |,s-*T niiyi, jn l•vl(^prn‘ '(l ljythe RtalL-Jtiful o f u Jnemhor o f tiio eomuii klon.

(ipfHTal jMUcr carncRily rcnuwR ihe reeoio- ineiHliiilim made in IjIn laki annual n rairt o f pt'jO.WJj for iJic tmdilllxjUitm o f JM.tii) ngularn UJid W ,i«iS ta le tnajpa at lltcW orU l’i l-slr, whli it Ih) Ih inkt 4'un eaelly lie dorie nmh-r r«u*'-oR|ile rule*! made with rallr***'! corn- pan tc*. He l4jucbe» In iirlc f u|n»n ihe rourlerR on blcyclci In the arm y, ami liieeEjierijnmjl imnli-In n irry liig mcRRHgcR from Chlraifi* to New Yfirk, Which cxj>erhiiHil, he t»ayR, pr4^ved [•oncluRlvciy that llic hlrycle will In Hie future pro*e io i»e a moal v« I udM« auxil­iary to lulJiUry o [tf ratloriR

A I^H O CKIN tt CR IM E llR V K .^rF .n .

T'he M utllw ted Ikidy o f a Woman Hug | p by W orkm en In Cilang4sw.

A crimu came to light In l*liiR;,om- yeslerday Vtaii'.bcalla to mind the inurdcr coinmIHed by Deeming at Rnlnlilll\'mn.H4'ftr IdveriuMil. 'While »4imo |W’<»rkmcn were digging in Ihr* fardea <>f a maiiBlon »-liuaie4i inUn^moM iMblonable fpiarter of the city lliclr M|imlca ■truck ioiiiethlng that Ihry nlnncf know w ki neither rock nor carih. Wliuua feweiHtvei. fu ll of earth were removed Uiey found h oorpee. The Rulhorliloi wero at once In- formwd, and under thdr dln'ctlou Miccanh w ai rein<*vcd. and from its grave wax lilted the diameznikcrcd and dlAcrnluiwrlh'd Imdy of• woman, Tlic inMlp4f* a| nm'i' MKrlcfl nn in- ■veallgation, but they have not yc| cJtaMihbuil IheldcDilly o f the woman.

The fam ily who ocH-tiplcd the hmno w4‘ ro •beent and the plai’e imd het’o IrP In 4*hargc o f ayounggariD -ncrnaiufU McKwen. Thlnk- Ir if he m ight in* able in throw f«mn* llglit on the n iyitory, Hm police looked for him and fnand that he imd tuddcniy dbH|i]H'an<d. A ■earoh was made o f iin» room iM‘4'U|i|f’d hy lilm and in it were fnnnjj cvh lcnm ilmt the wom an bad bi-cu kBIod imil mntUuicd Hh t p . The bedcovcriiig, flixir and all hoK'blOOdRtalQR. nml il In lo-llCVcd Ihm lllP pulirc»C4'ure4l other cvldop4-c win. h ihcy arc keci - tng aei'rel. The auih.irlilrN 4>r oHa-r c IUpr Ireve been Informed o f liic inurdcr ami a di*- ■xTlptlOD of Mi'K whi liaN lic(-n given In Uii-rnand tbe polloa hopu lo Imvc hiju in cuniudy In a abort time.

A q Inapecilou 4if the Wdronm whirh Imd lieen occupied i'y Mci:wcn rIjou-h uuiny cvb denoewurtbctcrrlbh! rrJmv with wiilch he in charged, Tbo whole «|wrinuiit wh* in Hu* freaiOHl dlRordcr, and Hio overturued arid dlaarrangcd funillUTp pr<>?.'d lhai Hu* wom­an bad rcaUt her HnMUiunt w 1Hi 1 lie uhuuxl dcR|»ratlon, and had MtukkImI iU'r4'H]y fur liir llfe . The floor, walln, ceiling aiui lM-d were epallcrcd wlih pioUdd iihxHl. while n horrible nma-i 4if coagulaird IiIihuI marked tbe R|MJt on tiia lim»r w Iutc llie ln»dy lnj-.

The detactlw s ililitk lhal Hic l-ody wh* dia- Diembered nud dlBniJi-owciifd in the tipil- room. a baiulBaw i.i-ing iisvil la n m ln g nil IbearruRand leg*. .Arior the inurdcn r Imd d iep oaedo f (he Inink he cvtdnilJy rarrlrd (KU the Rcparate iioriioni f4.r burial la u w w d en hlaculldKix, whli h wur found in Hu* garden imyered with blood and parllck-» of the budy»

G E N E R A L MlI.ES'.a R F P o B T .

^be ie lU em en t W ith ludian« held to Hr Ta in ted W ith 1 rati4l,

General Mllei, commanding (he hepan- m etil of U luourl, yfeierday hulunlttud hD anoumi report to ihe Wnr l>r|.arUm'tit, Ttir InipectlOD report* from ilifTepout imjrIh, Hcn- craJ kdlleR ktatee, ehow that Hie Inejjn* aj'4' In• good atate o f dlRclpUne mul 4dni-li.'ucy, uud •re properly drilled and Inetrupted.

General Miles Rtatestiiat on May 3 laNt Hu- eoim nand liigoffl4 »r at Earl lUmo refKirietlIbeexlRleuoeof RerlouHdlNstttisiiiciu.n Knmngthe'Cbeyontie and AratmiitM* luJiaiu,owing u. the deduction for Roi’alled au.jmoys’ Icpr |i!f7,600 from the naoneyh due Hmso Jndlans la paym ent for that part o f iU4*lr rcNcrvatloii frpened to aeUlecoenu, W ith a view \u iearii- iDg tbe grounds for the diB4'oiitcnh ticm-nil IliieR directed aa Invesiigittlon to be nmde by



$ 1 . 6 0to 1 voturaoof wlSfr

n)»rgUi «diUou of

★ E K C Y C L O P E D IA B K I T A K K I C A ★

eW iD tW bound in a rich *Bk rJoth. m o f thcee couponi ■uU U wliJcDiilie you to y t^ v e voi- tibeieavh tuouUi.

Tb li beautiful eel of hooks ran bo ■eaii at SjWAoffloewtd Kt HI UroMl itiwU

rO I.M N tO N O N T U B " I . " IKIAI).

Flftp.n r .r .o n . Hurt tn Iho rrofth oiid One Mkely tu 1>le.

Tiicre was a colJlHlon at 7 ;jj oVhK'k last iilghl Iwtuuen two (mins on liie i-Jevated riiBrnad near the one Hundr4-d and 1‘weuty- dfHi Hireetand Eighth Avrniui Hiallon, Now York. Fin4!cn f^ernhii were Injured, iwn nf them porlouRly, and tiie rear al urn- jiHMengfr ctiich was Imdly crushed. The whole iruuhle grew out of the great ruili of travel eonse- (|u<mt ii|)rm (bu fvsUvitles of Hjo Columbus rHcbralloii.

A t Hie hour of the accident trains were run­ning In a r4inlinuoiis j>ritreHNlon, The rear car of one train was not out 4if a lUtlon hti> fore the engine nf the tucccfdlng train I ad piill4*i| In, The two trains that were In col- llRton were iKiund ourlh on ihe casHraek. They were not so heavily loaded as the down­town trninR, but the cars were ali well filled. Engine No. 217, drawing a Klxth avenue tram, hadjintt pulled outof tlirime Hundred and Twvnty-llfih Mtreet Htatkm when a block of trains was cQ(N>untered And th* train wasoutn|>clli>d t4> Rio|i,

A Ninth •venue train drawn hy enginn a)9 was bdlnwlrig closely hill Ind and W ore t ho engineer coitlil reverse his lever liio C4dlislon (ircurred. The shock war tieavy aud etigins Ufi9 tore away Ihe platform of lh4i roar roach nf thn train ahead, and broke thn roof ami all the windows of the car. The froul of eDglne 2l>W was badly damaged.

There was about forty paNRCtigeri In (he damaged cokcIi, The shock threw ihcrn tthmii Hic car in all dlrecilona. Komeofthottn In (In* cars forward w4to alwjscvehUy simkea up and niimy received Rllgiit rontusnms.

Those iiiORt aerloualy Injured were Miss Agnes f,yun«, of KIJ J-Ast Him HundnMj and Heventh Rtreel, and Mri. Kale Hodgkins, of iW WeslHne Hundred and El By-first street, biilh pHSNeitgrrs In the rear of the car. The fornier isso hadty hurt that It U feared aim will die.


A flo te l B ook -k eep er Drops I'JO Feet W ithout Itreak in g a Bone.

Frank McKeruan, thirty-two year* old, as- alBtaiU b(M>k-kec|>er at the Hotel hU George. In Clark itreei, Brooklyn, had a marrelloui cAi'ape from Inetanl death at 2 u'cloc'k ycMtc day afiernoon. He fell from the roof of iho hovel lju fe<'*t through an air shari elercn Riorte* high. He was badly bruised, but not a hone was hr4ikcn. He did not lose rnn- sc'iqtistiiess, and the docUira say that Ij« will live,

tmonfiiin ciianit>ermn)in of the hotel pro- cuml a key of a diHir hmiling to the rmif yes­terday morning and (|UtHtty inf[>rme(1 severaj of hercNmipanlouR that that parilculur roof W4)Uhl hnan excellent place from which losee the naval parade. MrKcrnnn was the only male eiiipl4>.ve who wn-i let Into the jwvret. When Hie imrade war (’f f Hie Jlalh*ry lie left his b4>okR, uiul, slipping uiieiiJrR, Joined ih© parly of half n doxoii chambcrmaldi who were on Hie roof.

Thniugh Ihe mld4lle o f (his hulldlng, Whlcti In twelve stories In height, rum an iilr Hhafi uhoul Hir4^fcei wide, extending from tlic rr«»f to the Re4'ond story. ItlscoVered with A skylight, (he ginis 4»f which Is sneighth of MU Inch In ihlckncsR. in .........4»f Hie RkyUkiit Is a beam iihout a fo4>( wide Ronni dislutn'C from tlic door Iciicling to (be

lit N<»curltig a poeUlon to sec the pa- rii<l4* MrKmmn and the rhiimlicrmalds had cToRHCd on Ihlshvam. Thi-y rIcmkI watching Mi4 vcmi Is In Hio harbor for hnll an hniir, wlien MrKcriiiiii, suddenly rcim-miH-rlng tliHl he had work |4j do, starlnd lo run down RUiirs. ||m 1*4 near RlghlC4l ami wears glttRHes iitid wHglin LfiO poniidH. He evidently wanted tn RHVC lime and pKik a short cut in Hicdtsir over tlui Kkyllghi. Tnere was a rniNh of breaking glass and McKernaii iiiddcnly ills- apjK*arf<| from NlglH. Tim chamhertnnhls wreamed and ran |m*u nudi down hlalrs. Mc- Kcrnan sinick on Ihe na»fnf a toilet ro4im on a h-vcl wJHi the Bcc'4jri4l Boor, iinvJng fsBen eleven Nlorh's, or a dlRlance o f 12n feet. He landed on his right Rlioiildc'r uml rolled over rm Ills hack. A* R<H»n an he strm'k he culled loudly (or iii'lp, Hia wTvams hr4»ughl sev­eral clerk* fnmi Ihe ofTW tn his aNslnlAiira and hu WRS lifted outlhmughainm llwln- d«iw Mild carried ltit-.> one of Hh- purlor*. A physlcljiii wlio llveN opiMislte Hic htuH wiiR cjilleu. He made an exiiinloalloii. One side 4>r McKernau's fare wan cut uud iili anus niul teg* wereliiully bnilMJii, I'Ot t he d-n tor could iinl find a broki-n Imtie and said (hui if Me- Kei naii were not 1n|ur«d lnl4Trially Im w4UiM lie all right in n W4*ck. In liU fall -MeKerimn lirokc lu’o fiUiMni'ii l»4*niriR supporlltig thn riHiftif the Udlcr room and Ihuh (he 7.liic4'ov- ertng over ihu beams. Hu aJan knocked down a large iKirtlon of thn caBlng. He owe* tilR life to Hie fact that tin laiidi'il on hit stmuhliT Atid liiat Ibi* xlUf uti4l beauis brokehiB full.


Yesterday's H o rk o f the Trlcnnlat Eplico- pal Canventlim at HaKiimire.

The religious exerciser o|»enliig the ilxth tJny'R *«-iiloa uf the Triennial EpiscopalC4m- ventinii wen-conducted in Enmumuel ( ’hureh nl BiilttjiU're yi*e.|eida.v liy Bljilil Hev. riillllps lirofiks. 1'. D.. I.L. li., ItlhhopofMnK- RHchiij»Ptis,aud Bev. l\ It. MglHuer, ofltela. ware. A Mumher «if 4diaiiges In the pui>er* honk wero adiiplvd by the llouNeof HcpuUrg,

Kcv. Hr. Iluniuigdcm was rpsardi-rt wiHi Inlircsl viicn he prewtilt-cl Hio amended praynr-hodk. It was forimd of prliilers’ pr<Hifh 4111(1 coTreeb-d to ycslcrday iiiiiriung uiid Ucd with rt'4l irti>c. The diHumicut mislaid upon iho prchllleurs desk.

Hcv. Hr. Huntingdon submilled a lerlfi of rr?<ol 111 Ions, providing among oilier thIngN that, tho lilkhopN 4*<itu'urrlng.4the (ext muP- nillHsd be iict'fptcd aa Ihc lexi of 11n-Book of Uointuon Braver of the PrutehUni Ejilwoopal Clmrch, with llie oJIIccr and aril, cles.

W ith hiR resniullonR Dr, Hunllngdon pro- l>o*E*l Hie Rdoplkm o f a camm " o f (he stand­ard Ihaikol t ’otmnon rm y e r ." Till* i*«mm t'onlemplaliR the prepnrailon, authenlicaliou Mild prc*erv(itli»ij of aq actuul hlandurd v«,il- time, to which all printed C4)plcs hhall conlorm and by wliloli all quoNdoiis m, m Mm ruriimln- ries o f the fhu rcli m ay bo decided. The CMMoh also provldcH for ( he niH^)ln(inont of 41 cuhlodlMh, whoM- du ly Is delinod and wtiORc ofllec ]»< liiteiidcil In secure Almolille cniifiuin- ity to Ihofclundard In eycry rojvy, even rim Ninallcsl and ctirnp-Nl which shall be piji,. liKheil. Til® reMilnlloiis w4*tp mlojdoil, loil the canon was refem-d to the eoiumiUce on canons,

V irliie * o f t lie Hunliiie.Frf>m Mh' (rlohe'lvi'iin'H’rn!.

Gentlemen wtumre Ir4ijuenl liigli banqimi- cih. 4'tw h o oficu Ki4iy in Hovn of liigh is fo loi4k up Inin the siUrul stem* o f 4‘hamjiaiim! gliiKscN. should never drink w IMumU haidliies and mead bchlitollictr <4l>4iw«, Thesetw o nrih'les will save more Jugs aa^i jj-u itosci< Omu iilllh c m edlcltir* tn Hip world. The bri’ttU, If 4-uion fivH y. us i*fien gs tiic lh|Uor 1-1 taken, w ill uiisorb most o f ihe iHco- iiol.tirul the (dl o f tliti M>-h w ill Ihml Hic ri'sl ou lo p o f the sloiimeh, Thu* tio-drllcalc llj4- lug of iluj food hiM-k w ill bchavrd from In­jury and li« nwiHT from dlrameid, (ijtilUh- tiCKn nud llimlly unco]tS4')4mN(le^H. Ttic suli In the Nirdlne* t* also an exi elleut ngeut Iq cleaning and pulling tliu Sl4um4ch In liniHliy idiat^e after a wlm- HUftper.


Fatal ncgipel I* IK ile Khort o f Hulcld4', The c<mM ijuenc4'N 4>f 41 iicgliK'led couet; arc to<i well known to ricf'd rcpi»atlnc. Dr. ’ivood's Norway 1‘hie byrupeurcH a eongb promplly. Hold bv nil U4'Mlcri! on a guaraulc© ui S4tiUrae- lion.' -.\dv.

A wrimaii w-im is wouk. nervnu* and sleep, less, and who ha* e<ild ImivdK and f4'c|,eaii not rc4'i and lu'l like 4* wr-ll |M’rson. raricr's Iron BIIIb eiiiiullro (be circuULlou. ix-nmvo iu;j‘VuusuCM uUd giv© atreuglb anil resl,-AdV.

T ro tte rs and ( yeltsls M ak* H em arkablc

T im e—Results of UaRa Hall (Samea, 4yprfsN WluH a Kara,

Kunol, Murtiwi \V|)kei and Arion are at i<4'xlngton, Ky. Euiiol ami Arlou wBl try for r4-cof(li iir4jfjfti»ly this wc«k.

YvNierdny In the i*erond beat of ih© 2.jfl irot ui iycxlnglon. H4dtle B. 4lro]iiHfd dead on Hh' (fuck afir-r rrossing liic wireelghtb lb (befile**.

Jiiy Eyi: Hoc. driven i*y bis owner. Mayor fa*!'. In «n iiHetopt to beat 2.10, iriad« the trnle yl■ n■ duy hi Urn fastest over trotted ur piu'fMl on u W{s4'4inRin track.

Orine, the futnous I' igJisti 4*olt who war IrfiJsiMieil Just prior i« Iho l>criiy, won th*t-'liHMjijfmi K'akcR at the Newmarket lucond ftclidii-r meeting yesterday in very easy atyltt from njojelo.

'uulGrowh. of Onmg*. filling under the rrilorsof the IllVerRJdo V\'hcoinu*n, captured (he Rccoml iTiffs orrar4'd In each of Hie one and twt*-iulic iHiiidleap races at the Nallonal CrosiM im m ry 'i ineelliig at .Munhaiuu Meld yesterday,

J'diu h, Vrlnce, (he profeRslnnai bicycte rider, broke the -fiuarler-milo record ou a ki1*‘-*lin|je(1 iracK at N'dalJa. Mii., yp*t«rday. I'rlnco made u Hying starl, and wont tbe dis­tance iiri|iAcea in O.aP . a i.fje gait.

(.'ypreNN, (he iiUck Hiallioti owned (>y Messrs. liaiilul A Ihidel, of (hi* city, won the 2.U> Dot nl tho I'liiladelplila l>rlvlng J'ark ycRferdH.v. The ilalMon wu* Ihe favorite, 12'j againMi $|<> f»r Hie Jleld. fyprcNN JUKtlflcd the roalldpn4'e placed iri iiimby wlniiiag the Hret hi'At In 2.2( 4, Btlly A, got the *ce<iijd iKuit Hfut then the third. Faltl Irit ypress wA* un- iiniken, 'J be bla4*k li<JT*e 4atUB ganiciy hi(be front In the fourth heal-iime 2.22*.*, andfairly spurimd (he field In Hie final heat, trot­ting fiisirr than At any lime tiefore during llie day. The lima wrh 2.2)',. t.'yprcss will nice Jleri Hiiehlod on (he Wavsrly (track fbr a l&OO purse Friday, Oclober 21.

The results of Hm Itase ball gamea Id the NatUmal I.eague yesterday follow:

At New V4»rk-Ncw York k. BAltiRiore 4.At Br«shklyn-B4)stoa i, Brooklyn 3.At BrfM>klyn-llrook]yn 3. BoRlun 1 At Fblludd|ihla—I'fiiJadduhlaT, Waihlug

ton fA t I ’lnclnnaU—rhiragoA, ('Inrionatl 4. AtHt. Iy4JUlN-Ht. ijijul*7, lymisvilie fl.At Plllsiiurg—ricveland 4, ridsburg 4.TJie JpflcrsvMi A. C. Will play (he Vespers of

liarrlNcm HAturday afternoon on (lie f rounds. New \4»rk Avenue and ,4Uaini street,< ‘al Mcrarlhy and Tommy Dan forth have

be *n matched to flghi before (he Mauimtlan A. C.

I'eler Jackson has been presented with an elegant g4i](] watch for whipping four l<»aferH wlm were InRUlllnf a pretty Kngllih bar­maid,

Dave Holland. Pvier -Vaher’i backer, sayt he Is nm surprised that Joe Goddard objects (41 fiK ijiliig for A %\m parse. Holland would like to se*.- the Islanders uflf. f a few thousand dollars extra, he says.

Johnny Van Hoesl, of Clnclunath and So) Bmlth. of Angele*. were matched Usl night for a figbl before (he (.‘Allfornla Alh letlc Club In November, for a purs# ol F2.000.

Bub FltxstmuionR ba* agreed with me Olympic Hub In flghl Jim Hall in February for a purse of tl.'.,ixu, EitxslmniouM has made grcttl conceMloni in ■gtt'elng lo fight at calcb-welghu, AS he can easily fltfht at 1.51 pounds and hold tba uilddla-weif ht cham­pionship, most people Hiink, for a decade. Hall can w*an ely refuse lo figbl now.

Kelly, nl the luHKules. Is entertid In (he lightweight rJossIn the novlo© boxing bouts, under the ausph'ct of the Ree H lvoA .f ’,* which Ukc plwre in Wood’s Hall, Jersey I'lty, lo-niurrow nlllit.

rhaiiipiou Fcuilier-welglit Wrestler Benny Jones ai44l Frank Hulthuucr. who finished ei*cij|id In the wii'slling chuinpion*hip last wlnt( T. will sliorlty apjWHr on the siagc in a sketch In which ihcv are IninnUiced as the Utunan gladiators. The 11(11© fellawa are re- henrilng their jrarlR very thoroughly and are rofifidritt t>f sucta***,

Jiilin ItlgKott. l>f lluokiwty, N. J,, frank On.., thp l-lne Hrnnk -kp-rt.ailirx- ler I’nrk, 1 ..JUJ; ypMerdfty, In iti« lec-Oiij Ihr wrlfH, ri'jO mine and tli<-rli»in|iliitiehlp nf the Niite. At llieeiii) nr llie nilleth rnuml i 'Ims, i„j |,y tlie Bcors of 4k l o A f l p r itiin iiulli ,hul evenly unlll theeevenly-lirtu^iiiinil. wlmti hoMi tied with B". fliiM Iiileeeil live In lili next nniiid and lllgsou only two, llui liiltpr wlllllInK by the wore of ktl to kli. The M'orvH hv rmilnl. nf a> ■ Fn iiik flue. ..................; 1 j-, jh a i. « lJohn ltl*«Olt .....................M, -J) .jn

noth men ere meinber* of the Newark dun dull,

Tke tenth monthly ronte,i f,.r the rrlieeot llin New JiTBry 'rie,..huiili'rs' le'IlKUu will lake jilerp oil tile KOimid. of Hie Maplow.eid (iuii riuh oh Tlnir.lny, Ik'tnhrr 2V. Bt 'i oVke-k. Iiioorshei'tlou with the lrn.,ur nin- ler.t Ihe Ma|ili Woo<l I'lull wilt Imld uii alt-day toiiriiHluenl, I'oinnieui'lUB >l unlil .a . M,

The Umilko Athlelle I'liitr. reitiilnr fimthdll Ipiim I'luyeil a iiruetlouBkine Hite morn­ing wlllj a hcrau tt-ata on l he HpanKB i ivni.

Tho im tiiher. of thn l-ji»l Hrniiue I'yeler.' riuli will m «‘t at the eluhlniusi' at .IHrioVloek thiH HfliTuooa, and will ito lo Now York to Join In tile t'olomlilun imrude,

M. Ik'liin, of Ithaiinlleht, defOHietl N, lleln- eiuan, ol Itosevllle, In Hie race fopwecond boiiore lu the mate |h>u1 eharntdoiiHhlp «l Murray’, Hall hiM night by the eroreiifiiiu to 77. Helneimuigeis third firHe ami Hoiikliis foil rill money.

Mil (rlilay nlglit N. Heinpitmn rind J, R"g(us, champhm «»r New York Wair. will piny u match gams of p4-w»i, hm) point* u(>, for Slnu a rlUc, ill Murray's Arcade, corner nf Mnrki'i and l-.iwrt'iu-c slna tR.

A lout cll gu lUM <if ]H4ol, l-ll) ptll n(s II p, ffJt A luirM-(if 5.>J, w lil 1.0 plujcii licit Monday night hciw.'.-n N. \i. Hclucum,, of Ilovik- vlllc, Ami U'. II Sniitii, Mh-i clalini to W 4‘hamp1nu (»f Mif Irniibouiul liiNirlct, at l' F Erslogcr's, Walnm a,i,j MrW tioTlcr Mrccls.

Nniiittfi, Hio gam© t-nli (jwm-d iiv r. F. Dwyor. gave away wciglil tn a||iCTg(K).i thrvi- >'CAt-oh1« in Uic Wlllliimsbrl^lgo llmidlrapal .Mni rU I'lirk ycsicrdny and won l»y a good lorigth Aiut n half with nil whl]»s itylug. The iSlMitmv, Olio mile and nvE-sixu-eulhs, was C4jvcrc4i In 2.1-), Mic IarIcni tim© (04 r4.*cord. Gverft.\flU tM-opk'Wero prexetu and enjoyedIhc g4MMj ctiulcsiN jind elegant weather.

Tilt'.Sacred Itoiirt Lyceum Fijoi Ball Club or labi siason has mirgHiiUrrl ihp miiuonf the i:mcrald Fck>i Bnll flub. On Xuiurday. Oclolivr Ij, H>cy ojvuv tbo ssason with Ml© I'ahTRon Thlsllcs, of iji© AmerlOAu AsBiH'lMhni. oil III© Kos4itB1c Ba** BaU groun'lM, corner Flflh jivciiuc aik I .Mon-I* anil Enncx Hnllr(4ad. Gamc4'4<lli*d at ;i:.a) B. M.

1 lio I%>|Ul|{il)l<* Bowling I'lub (^rgauircil last wci'k \VDK th:a fi»llowlng lnn|K%r»ry ofTlccrs : fhalrinan, I'.du’iinl HiigciuAun; s4>crpiAry, -Augiijil ( r. Kaufiuaun; ir4*aimn'r, H. I'fcHTir.On Friday night permanent ofilccrs will be Hfcicd iiinl A plan of hcHou fi)T thu kcaaoii d4'rliiHc!y agreed upon at a nieoHng in ITfincr'a Hall.

Th© rcMilis art Runimarlred below:Mrht Bucc- WrlU-r-wcIghl liandli’ap swf^p-

Rinkcs, II.OKI added, six furlongs; .\d«lbcrt W in, Wi©v© Estes W'lNuid, Dalsyrlati ihird ■ time. 1.1 1 ‘4. Belling-FivuicH on Addbcri' Steve i;»»icN 7 lo l. Iiulsyrian 7 lo i,

b4 0uhd Race -F4*r thcec-ycar-fdd* au4( up- uiiTd, RWocpMnkcs, wsih $1,000 Added, one mile; Nen> won. Mary Mon© sesemd, SiH en- liilioti Ihird; Him*. l.iO''*. BoHjng .^calnst NVr.prt«»i., spcculathui It lo 6, Mary wiuno

Third Hju-f HandIrapRweep.siftkcNfnrtwo veur-olds, uHh 5UD) uddc<l. six furl4)ngb| Kinglet woti, .■''I'ort hrisjnrt, BBhmce iiiird; lime. 1.11',, Betting Agninsl Kinglet J lo l' Balance i in l, Sp i r i t o ].

I "o rt 11 lhn-4' Wllltamshrldgfl Rsmtlcfl^ fi»r llnvc-ycar olds, a twcrpNiAkcs, rl(»t.4.,1 ou Aiiguvt 1:., ]sii:. w Bti (W4 tily-six iiuniiiiaMoha, oii4' mile airi Pve-nlxiecnlhN; Namsd won.

II11 hvi Mjid. Fickpoekci third ; (line,Belfliig Nunuivl h (o 2, n ck i)cc li4'l U to ,>!• I'lelln (i In |,

Mllh IlHce Fur thrce-ycar^oid*, n swe ep- Miiki B of 52ih'neh. wlih inUled, six lur- lungs; \cmen Won, Gmnd I'rli H-coinl La). lah Hilfd ; Him'. B-dhng Ten lo7uti\4Uii4 II. Hrniul Frix 4 lo 1. Lullah 40 lo 1.

M .tlli Ihicc A Kwe<>pstake4, with |1 fK)l> added, one rnlb’ ; ],iijnpll|hlcr Imd h wiirk-i'V4r.

Hh‘ raci'N ilcridcd 4>n (he Glonceslcr track ycKicnlHs »ii4'vnmiinirlxed lieldw : !

Flrsl Rjiic Fixe furloiiBR; lioiRud won, Ih'Miui Tummy sreund, frlierlou third ; limel tH’ , '

Sei'und Hncp -Five furlong*; ClliiKumhoB - 'll. Wllhuii Tny|or»*ciind, Nnoilamiathird ;


Tha real ratal* transfArs racordml ta ib * HeglsteEs office Tuesday and reported by ih iFldslUy X lU «and feiK ialt Cotnpaay war*:

n r w a h k .MRtihew F. Mc/rfrI at ux to l!»H le Ada

Wrighl, w • F lifion av 3k i fr Bloorn-flcld av, Iu2xl9........................... moo

(ieo. N. Sfgt-r e( u i lo Chas. ih i't^rkoV n e cor Fairtnounl * v aud HIth av, ifTx100...... ....................... _ ........... . J

Rich’ll Wayne J‘Arker. (fu*|ee. ei ’ai '(q BcmJ. MitrrlR, e s Brr>Ad st Hd n fr FroHR*1, ......... ..................................... j*jt 00

Rlch'd W ajiie Parker at ux to lifuij’ ' Mfirri*, ucuf Bn»ad and Urwul it i, 4kxI2(i................ . ............. ............

.Iam>-s Kayre el ux lo ■N (irant Rl LDe fr Brt>ad * 1. :i3xfl2........

Haiij'i O. F*‘hu reman lo louirelta U Hi'lmrcman* all Int in real nnd i»efiOD- al rnt ABwri B. Hchureumn.

Will. T. Moejreet ux (o En illy 'fbow les*' c R 41b s(l0O i fr dih av, 26x100............. !

TOWNMlIlni.JoRbiiA l|4*ndrleki *l al to the Km I Jer­

sey H aier < 'ouijMiny, (he right lo oner- ale and luaiiitMln th* a ir valve* and brick vault and outlet pliies thereto cunueuted............. ............................

' ' S . ' ! ' ! . • ' t<> ArHiii'r 'w.' w hitn, MduieSklr. « » Grunadi. pi. 17gfr HrsuKe rd, « ) i l : l4 ....................

Arlhur iM vIne.el i i i lo th a r le * tii-iider'Mfiiilh Oruiiye, « e oor Kmurnlh undMyrtle evs, ...............

KiDelliie lirtiwii lo K iIk m - m '" iky iu r 'Koutb Orwiige, le o r Joeetih llredbury' u e * Jrvlnglon »T , HSiiC.I......

Bhluny 1,. t'riiwetl e t n t<. Kdirer lor, Wouth Uren*e, undtv ■ cor Kd- gar M. 'Jaylor lii n * I Irvington avconIg 47-Kla..... .....................

wel l to Edgar M.’ ’Tayjop;Houlh Grange-, u m liv ‘-^of hfmiesteadprop ( Aitin 1 rowell, contg ‘lOa; alS4>(r«c l conig adjg last tract.

Annie U K iichell el u lio ljtw is It. Bald- win Livlngsloo, tract contgfi ikHuOa n* f lilt






a tiik..................................... ....... ........ .The West Krill |,d Jnipml OD.'VoT’ath-

" • A rllu jioD, V ff Hrnn*e wr, 7.1*100..........Jnlin I*. W allace lo Harold (V llo ir

Ih'llavllle, ■ a Wallace at 750 e fr Harrt-■on »1, a i i i a ..............................

'" . ‘. C , ■ • ‘ '•'•'Im et u i T fi'w ep b enWalker, lem tia , w a Mnoiroae av......

Hlephen W alker et u * lo Haeid H.Hlay- hack, \rrone, eamn prema laetdeacd.

'V 'T I!. \ «n Illper et « * to Robt. D Ih irr li Munlflalr, w •H p rln * el n a cor It. N. and Nicphen J. riodd, Tii.W,.

Wateun WTiiilleeey to Trowbridite A *. w.irthy, a » W hlUlceey av, .K itne fr.lohn «l, ;I7*I00........ .............. ;............

Fmellmi Mu*lu In Kiirah E. Ne’vi'nii! c.bM I irnn«e, ■ > H iiatei ave. 7.1 e frKlpula'ii H, S.UI3S ...... .......................

Enic«t fa-wlK H arin iftnnct l i* ito Mary I . niirreil, Hluomn..ld, e a Elm it, ■ w cor.tamea 1*. Jone,. 15*11,1.,

(fiieale IlcTlue lo W alter It. Kolph H HrauKc, e a Hiinacl a v 125 fr rf. 6r-anseav. 21*100....................

JeiocB N, Himiii J r„ e l uit to j ’hili'p Iloean, BcMevIlIc, e b a Main it aa John fjiilw iiod , 1(0*1.10......



W ould l ae (ba H o* Out.4;rom Ihe Dundee N e w t

A lew year* aau *aa waa O ril Introducad Into the houac of an old man In a amall r,an- caBhlrevllhni'. Tor aoveral daya all went rl*h t, and Hie old man waa delighted with ItiucliBiiBc; hut 01.0 evening the giu refuaed to burn In In usual atcady manner. In vain be tried varlouB rcpicdlei aufcgoiicd by h li nelghliora. aud al laal. angry and tired, h i went lo ibo gaa ufflee audataled hlagrievanceto tho manager.

” W e ll," aald the manager, “ I w ill aend a man up who will whiu put II r igh t for yon ."

■ 'You ran d oa « you lik e ," n.plied the old m an ; "hu t alter your bo* (the metre) la em pty wuTl ha’ no more."

The t reed o f Ihe M ongol.From the New York Tltnei,

The .Miingol’e religion loakea nut for him certain aajmilngly Uullllarcnt ac llou i aa good or had. merllorloua or ainful. There 1.* acarce lyonetluglo i i e p jn life, however In- algriineanl, he can lake w ithout tlrai con- • u lt ln i hla religion through hla prlcal. Not ouly does Ilia religion inslat on m olding hli Bout and coloring hla whole aplrltual eilat- eiice, hut It dettriudnei the cut and ivjlorrof hla coot. It would be d llllcu ll to find another Inalance in which any religion liaa graaped a coumey ao unlvcraally and com pletely aa lluddhlam haa Mongnlla.


■ 00







lATIRRU- IN ----

IHILDRRKFor Over Two Yeirt

nay lillle girl’aHfewm

made miacrohle hy a

__________ cane or Catarrh. Thediachargo Ironi the nose wna large, con- slaut and very offenaivc. Hci cyen be­came inflamed, Ihe lids swollen and very painful. After trying various remedies,

gave her S. 8 . 8. 'Ihe first liottleI gave her 8. 8 . 8. 'Ihe seemed to afcgtavale the disease, hut the symptoms soon abated, aud iu a short tune she was cored

I llm'. 1 U‘Ih liil Itu.c- Knur and a half furlongs; SI-

I1T...C wi.ii, i.ucru Bccomhlillllell. third • t'lme’ .. '

I'..u ith Itni'c line m ile; Kandainnu won, .\di1l.. II, H'cnnil, lihuno ttilrd ; lime, 1 t v , .

l lflh llacc HI* anil a (Hiurlcr furh.tiga; Is-o Itrtgcl wnn, A. (I. H, accuiid, CUartreuau ihlril ; Iliiic, l,2tii.,.

f^ ljili Itnic- Haa ami a ilateenih m llc t;Harlhig won, K ikloa n-cuud.KIng Idle H ilrd; lime, l..\t '

'Ih iii gn-at race hor*e, Dr. Ilasbrourk, hoa broken ilowii, hot tlicra Is a lawBlhilMy o f hla tielu* patched up tlila w inter *iime tlmn for a (bw tnccB In IMIIH, The outlook la not promis. lug. however. A horae ofm areelloua apeed he wuk <'asljy Ihc ra*tes| aprlnier In training!

Kugene Leigh klllisl Hio Ihreeyear-old csiU Uaitil.ler, hy llrahihlo. out o f DaUy lloe.v, at (lutienbnrg yeaterday morning, T h o 'c o lt picked up a nail a ahun time ago and lock­jaw reaultcd.

1 [S'lnplalni l* want o f appetite, tryhalf Dr. Hlcgcrl'a Aiigoalura D lt lcn iwforu 1114'uIh, ss«

Beaaon • ncecham'a 1‘Illa act like magic. * »

My phjalclan Bald 1 could not live, my “ e.*'''' vomited green-

Ith mucu*. akin yellow, amall dry huiuort. ------ "O «e o atoiiiach would not retain food. HueDr. h. B. larcUEY, M«k,y. led. [

Flre-beloh lng M ounta ln t o f Many K^iplont.

From H(. Nti^bolat MafiizlD*,There are volcanoes alt AVer the world.

They occur all along tbe Pacifle coast, on the western aide as well as the eastern, all tho way from Behring Strait to New Zealand. There are volcanoes In Africa, In the Mediterranean, the West Indies, and even amid the eternal ice and snows that surround the southern pole, Iceland is especially noted for ita volcanoes, which have burst forth from time to time In the most fearhil eru pt Ions. On one occasion the volcano of Skaplar JokuU poured out a stream of lava which, flowing into the bed o f the river, dried it up. The flowing lava followed Ihe hed o f the river until It came10 n lake, which it tilled up, and soon after11 reached a Jremendous abysa over which a inagnifleent waterfall had formerly plunged. Here, too, the lava took the place of Water, and formed a cataract of Are which must have been a grand and awful sight.

Of course all volcanoes arc not of the same age. Many have been formed within the last few centuriea, and « e have de­scriptions o f several from eye-witnesses who watched their formation.

About the middle o f the last century there lived on the elevated plain of Mai- pais, In Mc*ico, a planter by the name of Jorullo (pronounced Ho-rool-yo). All had gone along quietly enough In that neigh­borhood up to June, 1750, when, under the plain, were heard terrible subter­ranean noises. Then earttuiuakes fol­lowed, and continued for two months, and presently the ground burst open, a terrific eruption took place, and a vol­cano was formed upon Sciior Jorullo’s plantation. When Humboldt visited the spot about forty years afterward, ho found, in addition to the principal vol­cano, an immeiiae number o f little oven- iike vents scattered over the plain, and still hot and smoking.

Just to the north o f Naples, in Italy, ta the beautiful Bay o f Itaiff, on which anciently stood a little town called Triper­gola. In tho years 1537 and 1&3S a great many earthquakes were felt in the vicin­ity, hut nn the afternoon of Sunday, the 2lllh of Heptcnibcr, 1,538, Arc burst out of the ground, ashes, mud and stones were hurled out, and, in a single night, a vol­canic mountain 440 feet high was thrown up very near the town. Us Urea speedily died out; the Italians called il Monte N'uovo, or tho Now Mountain.

• a------ - —T i iF 8 tarR ?4nF .R r.iBia.

Th* r ir i t IHapIay M ade III the 8talll Old Quaker City.

From the nillsdcl|i1ila Kecord," Il was kte in the winter of isno-l that

suspenders were first displayed aa a part of a feminine costume in I’hiladelphia," said a inemhcr of the local Four Hundred Blt'aiip Maya few day.s ago, "and I had quite forgotten the incident until this morning, when I read something in a newspaper letter from Bar Harbor about the girl who first displayed the novelty.

“ And where do yon suppose sha took occasion to make the display? Why, o f all the places the Assembly—and you may well believe me that they created not only a mild sensation but a good deal of adverse comment. The suspenders were of rich yellow satin nnd supported a V shaped belt, also of satin, nnd the rest of the cosliime wan o f blaek tulle and gold braid. The girl was hand­some, wUh a splendid figure, nnd was not a l^hiladelphian, although she often visits here, where ahe haa relatives high in society. One thing alone prevented we women from considering the cosliime a freak, and that wan that the girl had been slopping for two months with one of the Vanderbllln In New York, nnd it wan therefore likely that Ihe Idea had Just come from I’ aris. No one coiiled the idea that season, however, nor have I seen It applied to a ball dress since."

TH K -VATf.VAn* .'5m Mriiiim mum (Ann ever 5c/i.rr prnmt ttMgt/ to be the greot Ifaiit aa weii at Heal tlitaie metlltim. T liltoru il JK1E8EV.Nolncrcaaetn th* la * rate rcaiillsd from

(lie spiTliil incelln* of ths Hoard o f Aiseaiora nt .llouiil Holly ycBliTday.“ Alfred \ an ilruot. who escaped from ihe ITwhold Jail, has been captured al Toms Itlvtr.

The mother o f W esley Warner la ralalnR moii.'j- h.v auhscriptlons to be used iu Jefeurt- liit htiii la Ills trial for Ihe murder o f I-lr ile I ’cak.

Wmiam F, Kern, llie I'rosldcnt o fih e Jer­sey tkly Fire Hoard, la defendaut In s slaiuler Bull wSilcIi la being tried In Jmlge Wurla’a court, Kreilrrlck (isrmabii, thn plalntllT, allr*e* that la a aalonn row Kuni called him' a Ihk'f nud a plckpin'kcl,

'V llllain blecic, a dairyman and ilnck ralaer, living on the oulaktrls iif I'Ulnneld while riding on a wagon heavily la.icn w|ni grain yckierday afternoon tcil asleep. He was JuHed from h i* sent and fell aothar the wlicela Ilf Ihe wagon passed directly over Ills head, crushing It and k illin g him Inslautly H* was furty-ulne yenra old.

In Now Hriiiiswlck’s n i y I'ouncH last ntgiil the N'ew llrunswlck n i y Hallway Companv applied for pem ilu lon 10 use elecirlelly as n m oilve power. The appllcallou was hacked by the Hoard o f Trade aud many huilntss men. The p«m ion wns refused on th* ground tlial the company wanted to u,e the trolley syalem and that there are tisi many poles and wire* In Ih* city now. T tili rcfiuai cm , o ff th* projicied electric mad to Houud Hmok,


The Feeling! of Suffocation Attendant Upon

The d i nirulty o f bn-athl iig through tlie iioso ill Huy Fever, Cold in Head and other Xanul Catarrh trmi- iilcs lire most dejig litfu lly and al­most tnstiuitiineously rfllev is i at 10 Aradoray K t, upBlnlrs, Newark N .J .

R. VAN BUSKIRK.OlHoe hours from 9 A . M. to7 P,

M. week tliiys; from Z to 4 P. M. SundiivH.

H IA L A R IA , C A T A R H H and A S T H M A Invarlahly and qu irk ly cured al alstvo oftleo.

n A If.H O A D e .

I>>;nnhyi.v a n ia Railro ad—t h k t a v i*-lU lWar o f AruPrira ProlorifMl IhroufliuiM

ny Ihe ml*Ti4>cklhg nwtlrli «a <3 block olxmil i\$i©m " r R|f»pH tiiilv on nothNi to RATmt On anrt th fr 4 c- iMber 11, l-W lr.1,1, will i „ y * HarkeT s i^ r (Ion, Newark, OR fiaiJotvi; ■ ■■■*

fR.I7A. M, For( Lin*. with I*u(tnma V(s«tibiii* rsrltiMUifl Nlif|iinf rani, dallv fbr liiUhiire Cto- hmihiis, f'pvpland and Ht* laOuiiL iluiy BTraat day for nilrag.. and Tolcby ^

M0.27A.M. Tbn Pt tinRylTiUlln LlmllRrl romnoRort rariiwlvejy of P.ijiinftn Vwtmul4^KUtapEiui, JMnlnx, Kmokiar anil otwrva.ilcinf sr«, piini.iitlu* rtnan.lil rei»ri*.n,iiogniphe™anfl (yit^-wrilfrt, Imth-rofjmi H»r f>oth iMlira (itsltj. hwrbFr-Aboji. library, aiRt all lhM-onv#.n1*nt'ainf bomn «n4l omra. J Jxh livi by hUI liiDxry »nd mnvxblB ple-'irir il^btR. A r r lv « I'jiuihurt^s m P M Nintn.lHV, nii4l i'lnrlrmatl fl,« A. M., rndianHuiilia)t.4b A M.iSml Chlri«ff»i».4S A. M. ni*xt day ^

f 1 -Jfi I’.-M., HI. Iriiiils and rinclrmxtl, with Pull-tTlJit) \pHMbll|p bbappltlf (Uni RIMt MnlM ilNrsto nnrlnnsl ami Kt. V4wtibiil* Nm ^lnf ! ! «Rite) A'-Ubiiln ra3W!'jiiWf l-OaoU i© Sk L©ula kikI

Far Newark tu Alu^rtia, and Rlcbmowl lu Ht. Ia'IiIn.

f V M.. lh« Hiihimhlan Kxprfus. Pullman VraiihulpsiraiiliiK, IMtiiiis, Hmokliuc, and ivnnsrl- vhiiia Ballrciuil VqsUIiuIh I’iiManxrr rintchuii frimi >4 w ork to rhleudu. Arrlvtis In l-’hlcatg j in i* M npxDliiV.

fR.6R r. sM-i KxprraR. wlih Pull man VbvBb'ilp s|if>|)lax ( hfa atifl Dlnliiii <''artf> Pli11ai(pij>hia daily, Air nitsbiirxi Fhinuco and ripvflaiid (iailv fxiN'pt Hafiinlaf fur T«Un1i>, WUlUmiapon, ’ itouh- r43U>r Tbifiain aitfl Nliictira allR.

P. >!.. PiK'ltif K.xprpRu. with Pullman Vojdl- h4l©(>ulnx ( ars, daily fnr IlURi'iiiirK, nTl<xi,xo and

TolHo.flHlly axfpjd f^iitiirdav f»r 1 levrJunft- f8.M P. M,,He)iithwp«t4*rii FxprPSA wKli Fullraaa

VfmbulF*Hlf'4*i»la»{ i ‘ar dally lo Columbus, Clncirv bHlI, ItidbuiApollR. At. Dnna aud Mdiupbli Dluliigf ar AJtooriK ui Kli'tinr>o<l.

>'or HaUlmiif*’ , \Vaffb1n*;inn and th* Ronih, 12.47. A4H. R-'i? A. M. l.lmIU'it kxprew, rhillraart Y

AU LftftM SK TS-

ir, i/.Bic. - 1 . a-a. i.isartv-ia a, > a-, : , ataiMIISkll » CTl-lihule I'arliu Cant. Vi>stltiule I'wiiUTiiMr (Vhu'IirhatM( BlnliiE Car. lu.nd A. .M. <: 11.3 A. M .S.’Uk, 4.- , s.u and ».SI P. M. Ou S utidRy. 12.47, A4H, M l A. M-. 4..W.

.k ur Baiilinura uuly, l.2fi P, i£

GRATITUDE UNBOUNDEDA n E m inent P h ysic ia n

R lr lily KPvrnrdpd by lb «

ToDChiDg Tribute of a Saved Sufferer.Oufl o f tlicMUost itifH'esRful medlcftl move-

mi’ Lia evrr limufnrated in New ark h«R re- ccn ily 1k©en umdeby the Hainepopaihic ilom e R i'm edy Company nt IW huldt-y

A ny ]>eri«on Ik welcoinfd here Aud recelyc* exam ination and advice without ohurge.

The fidlowlTK spoulaUdouH tealJtuonlul eou- w rn ln g th« tneihodR and Kkilt o f Hh Medical Dlroclur. Dr. Hlarkw4-atlier» w ill Herve to give Rom* Idea o f the aoHd w urilio f the trealiaent adop ted :

• 'I can noi say emiURh In pralae nf Dr. w urkweather a* ft skllBil phyaiciati. When j flr it mnsqlted him I hiid ehroiilc rheuma- l Rin ami njiiJd senrcely step. 1 alfuv wkr ter­rib ly W4*ak, m y pkMin WAR broken, I auircred from low RplrllR and a variety o f other trou> ble* p4M'ullar i4> my age and kcx. Other meaa. lires hnn utterly failed in help me. inuil- anpeareil, the Dic(4>rKHTe ft iNim- plele h)N(4>ry nf m y pondltton for years hack. H Btirpriaed and gave nie hoj>e. I (>egan lak* Ing hlM remedies and In a few weeks eoulit walk RH YCfll MH ever. This was nearly a year ^ o , but I Htn rejolelng y*-| nmt hlcKa’ lhodav I w iiH ultei Ur. Shirk W4'Hlher, f4>r he hui re- s(or4‘d inn frnrn nn Hlmust (o la lly hulidesA stale to health and eiri tigih.

“ MRr4. (i. M 'KBBKR,“ errf Franklin ai., Bhlladeljibla, Fa.’»

DlwftRestjf th^ Nervmm WyKiem Bhenma- liRm. riitnrrh and all Female Tmuhlcs re* erlve llie most skilful tri'aUneat known lo imwern Hcienco. I f you ran noi rinne send for our Guido to Health, for which there Is n<j charge.

HofflCBopatliic Home Remedies,KO. 105 HALSE! ST„ Jlewark.


ONCE MOREH i m r a u i i E

H ub gnlneil n victory over illHeaBe and ftdded ft»fillif-r to ilve hjiii; list ot rur4*d. 'J’he tirlul lui] o f the followliji: icHtlriuiulal, from r well- known Newiirk lawyer, cun be sifteti u( my o ft lw :

'• Niil iirf-’x Ner^IrtOi-erlultily Aiived niy life when itB lu>p© for my le DG-ry had gone Aud Illy hejiHh Mas wreckel. My nerves wi re Khaiier''d; 1 (ind nft4ipf»*ilic for food : when. I walk,4'd I wi^iild hiaijf-fr if'im dirxlncss and oxhaiiMdon; my K:e'-juu night was dlNturi c l by horrible tin ftius; I m i us If iny life wuk sJfFWly piib-MiiiK iiwiiy; dorlors were puzrled and feurtHi 1 wak becoining ineaue; n<» phy- -B'lari lOiiUI help uic. A irteud prescntetl me « tth u Imllle ofNwtiire’s Nervlme. T'lu-rflleeij. were rnugU'iij, even from the* bi-glniilnji:, and now, a lter Ufting the lemedy for a hhort lim e I eati iru ih fn lly say Unit It saved lu y life and Ihut ] am a new man.”

I f 3 on are a Hultfrer from


It iv ltifiu aa much fnr ymi, I'ac It and he cpnvlucc'l. N. N. la n cure In every aciian uf Hic aord . Hrlcc- Jl.Ob. Kur rale niily hy H. K irk , lS<IOranif4* Mireel, Newark, N ..I.

T h e loss of flesh Is a trifle. Y o u think you n e e d n o t mind it.

But, if you go on losing for som e time or lose a good deal in a short time, you are running dow n,. Is t h a t a trifle ? *

G et back to your healthy weight and generally you get back to health.

A book on c a r e f u l l i v ­ing will tell you what it is to get there, and when Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil is useful. Free, •

Srr> ft Bowwi,ChetniRi, 5th AT*nu«,Ple« York,

Your druefiit keeps Scott’s fimuliioo s t i v e r |(UaUdry|gntniyvlMn4«i |i«

’ A X H U O l * -...... .........

^CaxMornras At HniwlHtv 2‘. rH

SALVATION OIL(f>r/c« only IS reett. Sold by alt tfruyyllt!.)

Heheses quickly Rheumatism, Heu. rafgia, Swellings, Bruises, Lumbago, Sprains, Headache, Toothache, CutsHttrne c ----- „

. I »A Y IN .IFC TIH N C M IK for all winr 1 taglotta unnury dlacaaea, e ltlier ao*FI fti iMii fiK, 4iimranti‘cU to cur* *r

money murnpd, B. K lU K , log JOrang* Rtrcet, Newark. N, J. Hodr*. f 41 U>y evehIhgH; BuudayH, 1 lo tlF . AL


6.27 Mmie.aoV. M.' wrak dsvA.

For t-hiMHnhiR, K*p.. 11.47, fl.4A 7.50, R.25, AST.9 ,7.9. ■ ^ s I.lmnrNl Fspri-w, I’lillniMuPurliir ( ar4. VeKplujle PM'omMTRf'r unil li)n-hif rur , ll.Sli A. -M., 12,W. i l i . 5,24.4.M,-VJ®, R,-::, f'.ll Rixt y^l P. *M. AmmuiKBlRlhm, U-ii a . M , '’i nml T.W J\ M. OH Min<1uy, Kitireito, ij.47, # 4ii. r.. 7a1».2T, 10.SI ft. M.: 4.-.'i, i.%\ 4.2T, k.JJ mir] 9 90 P .M. .VciHiiarooilHllttn, 6,W suit lA i P, M.

Kiit Tn-nl»iti, l i 4T, 0.4M, T.ilO, 7 W, >1.25* •‘.5T- 9.27, 8.M (law 1,lmlt*fi Kipri"!*, Pullman WMtihiil* Psrl'tf f ’sra. Vwlihule PflowniftT rnfw'JiM ami lilninsrt’Mrk ll.i'l Rilfl ll,4Ji A. M.; P’ 46, 12a. lift, 2.SS. 4.24. r>.'l4,

a7. T-.’iR. R.S2 and 9.40 J». M fiimdav. 1147, 4.19, R .ST 9.27 and 10.SI 4. M.; 4,24. 4.27, 4S0,, 8.33 aud 9,Hi P. M. ■ . w,

for AlUnllc City. 1.2S V. M. WM>k rfayR, with Thriiifh IMUman Parlor L’kra anil (.'ouiblnciiOvacti.

fiir fa[>p May, l.2ll P. M. wwek dayn.For l-fiiiff Hranrh. Klbcron, Animry Park. Orran

fJroTi*, H|irlii|f tiaalte, (ica uirl, Mumwiuan. Point I'leiLiautaniJ polniji o* ih* New Vf»rk and Irong }1nln 'b lullroad. »,3il A. M., U 4 rtaniig Hrancti

4 04*, 6.W p. M. dftllv ext-Rpi MRidRT 12.1 II u' (. d \ f oejpt .Moij i n , On Huiidar.lO.lS A. M.

»ij And 8.11' P. M. I>i> not slop al Ocean drov* or A»- bury Park nn ^itkdav.

For N'AMfl* Park, iRland Heurhis and Tom* niv<*r, !»..'<$ A. .M., I, a p. M. wi*ok ilsys*

For tuwlon. wutioBt ebanf*. 1148 P. K. week dAVi, x.ftS P. M. dally.

For KrtK*klyn. N. Y.—AtJ throiixh tralni fflnnrai it je r^ y City with b(»tM of ■■ Brooklyn Armei," RfforfliiigdlftN’tlninsfer u» and fh>m Futtoii Htrrat, ■voiding dyirhl* ferrlare anrtjonrney acroas Iba diy.

FO ltN FW V oukCl,ARve Market H(reei Htaiion, j.i*. B.d. «,rto,«.il

4.. V. 7.UII, 7.12 T.'jn, 7*15, 9.0(1, Aid, R.m, x. oF5T, 9.1H.9.W, 10,01, Jfl.W, (0.41, 10.48. Jlrtl,II.17, ii.a. , ii.M A, M.; rim , uso, i.a\ 1,*. 1 ;io.

fi.M.8,.11, .VKfl.lA.R IAAM, 4.-W. (l.M^7.(« 7.J9 y.43 71^ j,;j,.atfr- !’• l2.«nl^hirMundny ifAU^lV fi -1 I '?■£:' D-'H h-

HnlS^hu^'I.'HvctV'nircWiwi Htaitrm. a.l:i,6.M 7 (a 7 H

7.aa,h.n» s,«.ii.!7, io,iM, io.aa.ui.iB, h „m a \ - l i i l :S 4-3». Oil. ou. 7.1S. ! . ! i 8.24tu'l 1II.II7 T. M. w «'ll tliira,

l.rtvi'|■ho*tnllt Hlrcct Mlatlon, !,13,,V1*, 11.10, a.3a *-W.7.irJ.7.VJ,7.M.S.07, a-i7 M l, 9.15, » .« , » .,« lUJli10.1., 10..S,, 11.17, U.iiO A. 51.; 12.1V, |.0" llfl |]«

J ' U ' H ' * ' M l . 045, «.0C, 0,10, 0.447.00. . K “.-T, *.!9, 10.00, lUJ p. M.; 1101 niglu.

, * ">■■*7, 11,4* A. « .li.M U I.. I--*. 1-W, 140.*.74, * 50, 4.M, 4..50. 5.4.1, * l l0. .*!, I 10.7 -I, a,lf. O.'la, 9..10. 10.25 all,] ii..y |. 31.

Iravc Kiiimol Mtrcet NIatlon, 551. fl.tB, 0.24, 0-H7.40. 0. 01. 0.11,, 9.13. 0.,10, O..10, 10 Al, 1051 and 11.43 A. ,M.; n i l , 1.21, 1..13, 2.11, - 11,' a n '4 |2 .1 ™ 5 ■ j

a V y 'S o ' iS ' 9*i'; s Vi J h 'm' ’'i f i i o.oni.M 1- m“ ' *■*’

Flt'J.M MAHKKT HTRKKT-MTATKIN. Fli/slH'Uianrt Hiihway, 8.41* 7.t)o.;..12. 7.H Ml,

9.40, }iu,v 1I.45.A M-: l.DA. I.?*. 2 4 4-*9 .1, 4 3h. ,Viii 6.8rt, A49, 5..S«. « Ul,6.07,rt.|H. «(2 6 41M .. 4.III. 7.W. 9.02 9 42. 10.49, 11 1| p. M Rnd1--1 . P »nd 12,47 niglit, HmnlAV, 12 47,(149,!.kJ 0.SF 11 3fl A. M.; r:.:«*l.35, 2.W. 1.13, 4.34, 5.0\.

9 00, Q.30,10 00, io.46 and11.fl* I'. .\l.Kur Kliial.ctli only, 9.53 A, M., 1148 anil 6.05 P, M,

wp+-k dayo.For New Brunswick. 12-47, A.44. 7.00, 7-W, AW 9.40

P-V«an<l 11.45a . M.; I2.4rt, l.',‘H, 2..’« , 4Vi ' ai14!.'i..w. H.r. *.32. 7..-W, 9 in and lo.4rt I*. M. wiioday

(2.47. d.4!>. «.47. 9,.U and 10.31 A- M.; 12.31, 1.8.4, 5.30. 7-3.’i* 11 ml. 9.30 and H.37 P. M.

F'lt \\'m»liirl(l(rtiami pc-rth Amhnr, A31 and 10.4 .K. M.. 3 Ovi, 4.Aj1, AOI, 7,07 and n ji p, jjnijrht. OnHuiidays. IJ..1JA. .M.and lOdO P 4f

For Woodbrldf© only. 1 A ..4 r »i„ 'and l2.H niifu w e 4M Munlays, 10.(8 A. M ..V? ' '-IO A. .U, 12.46,1.29 aod ATO1. M.,dully, except wumlay.

For KlnjHion and Rmcky HllJ*7.M A. M. and 8.05 r. M .dully, cii-eiit Sunday.

For J’DilllpHtmrjT. B:i>(on »nd IVIVIderp, T..W, H.28 A. M.. and 3.24. fl.VT P. Nnnduy. .V30 P. M-

3.24 and6.2. P M. Hurtday ''?i..'io’ P. M,

For Flcmln)ftoi». 7..V), l l .a A .M ,aod 4.24 P. >L» dally, ext'i'pi snadity,

1- or PrUirctofl. 7.IJ0, 3.57, 11-4* A. M.; l.M. 2.3A, A.2A, RDd 7.-1A r. M.. dally, exni‘pt Hiiadfty.

F*;r IVinlcniown, Jturllngloti and ('amdeQ, R,2'>,9. > al:]d l i .45 A. M.l 1.29,'2.3*, 8,28, sad 8.83 P. M.* dally, except r uiidJiya Oa tiuoday, 10.81 A-M. and 1*. T P. M.

For Freebold, Farmlniplale* ManRoquan, a&d ftea (Jlrt. via Monmontl) Junction, 7..W and ft. M., ami 4.80 P. M- m-oek duys. For Frcehuld uuly, 5.05 P. M. wwk days,

NKNV VOPK TONKW.MtK.For Newark, h.lMt. (i-U*, 6..%. 0,4li, 7-On. 7.10, 7 40. MO.

ft30 9.10. 9.4*1, lO.lO, ULMu U.iW.ll.lO, Il-'iOA. .M.. liif> i:,40 12.AU, 1.00. l.2<j. ( 4t). 2.10, 2.W. 3.00, 8,20,SaW, 4.(41, 4.10, 4.2'!, 4.30. 4.40. 4..VT, Aol, 4.10, .VM,

4.40, 8..SU. ti.oo. A-10. R.20, H..1W. H,4f', 7,0*)* 7 3*L W.30. 9.16, 10.|.*i,, 11.4,'j Al-.imtl 12.16 midntxbt, Hun-dny truLiM, 6*15, R.(X),, u.4A, 10 no, in,3ti, it.'to A. .M ; I3.(W mxtn, I'iSO, 1.0u. 1.30, 2.m7, 245. I.:i0, 4 00 4..fl<». |4.I3, 4.4A. A.4-V r.ilO. 7.10. 7.43, hOO H.Fi9.(R(.4(3(I. IU.h», M.IKI P. .M., and i:.(6 mlddkhL

For further Infonmalon nee tlmetuhlPH. to be had al tin- lirkd offlee*. TirkeiR for all poind on iha D'jinHylvanlii jlallroail and conoections, and berths* w-ciliinm aftir liafgH^e cturks at llm Company'R otfi*‘*v No. 7!9 Bfiiaal street, or at ticket omoe at Market statloo*CHAS. K PUdH. J. R WOOD,

General Maiuurer. General PaAsent,''er A ft

wr. BROADThe OnlyProminentTheatre in Newark


- T U B -



Comic Opera Co.60|PE01>LK| 1

- ■ CarrJagea at Ul:f» P. M.

O ctn hcrlS -" DR. 1111.1*"


“ A M O m T A * *

- A N D -

“Said Pask"

ONE WEEK, Commenoing Mondiy, Oo tober 10, Miline«t Wedn«i.

d iy ind Silurday,

A Good Boaerved Seat lo Matin**, j j* .


“The Fire Patrol"w ith all lla r*m i«ilo tcenery and Wechtnlsal PlTiclo. A pnnduruui gold a lam o m ill and orccriiaherln actual operation. A geou lw lire potrol wagon and huraea

N eat W ee*—"T h e Bottom o f the Sea."

W AI.DMANN'4 o per a h o u s e . ■FRED WALDMANN. ManagM

Week coimnoneing Monday, October Itt

HYDES COMEDIANSAnd the Lightweight Champion,

JACK M’AULIPFE. 'Woodi' Oclober IT—Bellly 4

GraiJ Total I Minieiitiil Coititw i l l bo held In the Pnrlih R u lld ln f, Houa* nf M Oclober 11. * P. M. S o lo la l^Mra. Hobert Leolic, Mlaa S. Chrlallne MacCall M aa K a le Lfiulae Roberta, Mlaa Urqubart, ? **-Woo(1. Mr. tlavle^Mr, Ph ilip Hard. Accom pan lat-M r*. D. E

children.1 7 ' ' “ I f ®" oPPlIcatlon orV J™,"' room l.fflll, Prii-dciitlal Hnllding; Mr. Newman. 7S2 Rammer avenue, and alon may be had night of concert at the door, Parioh Building, Broad and Btat*■(rt'clH, J


la the only Company that laiura th*

- A - c c u m i i l a t i o n P o l i c yI t la to your advantage to write for Informa­tion. Agcnta o f cainrlenoe and ability wanted. Addreaa

K O IIE R T E. W H IT N K Y , M A N A G K K , IJh. 117and l i f t lirnadway, Neav Yo rk City.


N- tm r il CANAI. STHKET U H PA V IN O -a A wHsiiiptil fur lifni'fllR. In haifPir slvan

IhRlan oMwwmpnl iijKm all tbr* nwnfrRofnH thtliana. «M aanrv?vmiriK »JI In© OWn^niOraU IHRlandJiHiid rraJ caluie p^uliarly bfenclKod by ttk« n'i»uvlM(f ( t

Nonrn c a n a l h th k e t ,frnm Park plac© lo Muthprry Rtrccl. arcorrtinr to the pri»vlN|i>n yf Hii firdlnnnf^ o f iti© cjty of NOW- ark, 'fmiUiX aa onUnanoe to provldo fur tha raiMV*Uiii t>f_ _ NOUTH CANAL HTtlKET,tT'Tm Park place to Mulberry RpsroTOd▼ 'mbfT 11, u»9it.

Hur been prepared by (be wmteralfned Con>.iipjmliued hy the Jlayor o fib ec lty o f

Nt-wjifk. ana ibHl a n'port hy a (’Prtiflrale In wrUlTur, with Rti oiYtMnpaTiyln* map abd Rrhedulft Bhow'ijm thi. «e\'^ral A*uw>2Mm«nta raoloRt ibe - eeveral owTitreiiivullarB’ tKiiJoflted oa afnrMRid, hm

der^lUNl fti ai©offi*:e of the Clerk of tha dty *>f Newark /or eiatr.liiatlon by U»* pgrt(rally tiTMted thcn*liL

•■said a«Ka«HmvjttroTnpriRra all lot*, tract* a^dt)a^ erisdi luiid aud real wuaie lluhi* to lue *aaMaad m aforranid, lying on b<ith sides ol

-\(HtTFI CANAL .hTRRET, frmii Park plsiv to Miilrwrry ntr^ t.

A " tot" rrprraetiu an vnllre plot o f land, whethra iojx^'Uf Rumn.

Alt TH>rkOb.s inirmited Inp«h1 oHMimmeDt may In heard iMJiuiT sold I ’omraliHSloum on T H I’H.MiAV, TML in lK lK hoN TH DAY OF

OTTUHKn. i» : .S*«TrrWlT H ilt* roo” . N a I {tWld

Ualrd tictoliet 1,199*JOHN nWYEK, r. w. NrT.LivXN. y h a .y k i . f k i n 6 ,


J.KtiA l. NO TICES. '

.11 , Ilfoddlug.-Jly Hrlue of an order „ f ih, roV„ Ilf ( honiery ut New Jenaej'. main «n 111* iluy nt dole liera.r, Inarauat wliendn l iMlarlue llcu.ldini la i » Itiuner and yen arc defannunl, vororc r f ?I! r.’ ! *'1*1’ '!” ' aimainwer the|iruiiimcr'a|«.iliu,t, on or Iwrorc the iwriilj'llnh (lav of NovrmbJr iirii or lhal In .Iclkiilt Ihoniir oiu h de,-r*c wm™^,;",,;

Su Juit."’ '' *" oiuludilerale.', r*'? '• agalnat you fur a dlmrrcDons llic uonil uf luatrimiiny, and J UU are nuul* d,.Um?er'* * " '*’ • buaband of aald pell-

ik iM Sepienibcr SI, inc.JOHN B. I.ANNINB,

„ HollcUor for lYiiiloner,aaburr rant, K. j.



liM re Newark fbr l^Lcnoa^xt TaxTjii I0.MA. M.tltOB, b(.66, a.34, M7. 4A4, All. sSlL 7.«L94ff, n>.aop. M, and x iu i Jl m I WiTud^Mli ftTk. oau liU i M9. 7J», 1UA, 1(W0 p. 4L day only."

Lrav* PRtareoa for Newark—Wl, Ala, « i i 7 n 7.46,8.24., 11.33 A. M.; 1.34.124. jliA H L M l

NEWAJIK a n d NJtW YOHl,Le«T* Kawark^iwe, *41, T.S4, !m, kSkl.D I.4L

10.41 A. M.J llJll, 1.51, i l l , 4.22, a.l5,ii|J, £ra 1,'iSTs M. Bund*/, 7J4, a.04t A IL jio f. ».ca,T;j4, a S lTi * .

Leave New York, Ctiombeia Ua-3.41, R.B0. 7 ix 9.15, 9.30, lUM A. M.;, 3.0U, |.]a 4,11IMI>tL7.KJk lauO, ilOOFaAC Kuud^ v.obl

8.00, lO.uu p. M. **■ ao i^ lay Mly*» CuniwcUiif iraUw leave Newark os lolletvK Foe

the Weat, l>ay Exproes, 8.tk2 A. M. Huodor T 34 1. iiti Veetlbui* LUuUed, leave Newark lA l J*. m ! buiidoy 1417 P. IL : Uroud Tniok Jkapraaa ieava Newark l.iJ P. IL Ekindoy |*«i p. £T lA io iyS lUpnair taave Newark LU7 P Zd..Buii(tay. %.U p Tm.

S tlcfe.a(*r boifMf* cbeckk oleepLii* cortUnetoMw, ouiiM ood re11*M* inlortuaiiiUL <mU


Tlmeuble in efibet i k-iober 11, 1991

TraJiiH leave viaI.EHinH V a i .i.f y ItAlLBrtADftvmi Hnioil and JVrry t<t HiAlloni,

A-v* g Biifijilft. Nloiciim Failiand Die* W.wt,9.^ ft, AJ; T* ' 1'. M. Minday*. ftn© A. M.; 7 P. M ^2';r F4uU.n.7rtt.H.2ii ft J2..1U. 13ii. 4.W. ,u.\ P M ' *'*' *'•0® A- (-W, 7.O0. AllcnUe-n aud Mauch Chunk,

U 0cii»|il Uailrh tkunkl, Tllli i M ’■'“ "'•TS I a . i M ll.lW A. M.;4.0k

Tor i'mtavdlj, am a . M ; 11.10, 4.00 r, M. un-ilAV's. M.OK4 M,r*»r llurlp|*>n. ■3ft A. 3(.; HM, 4.0OL 7.40 P M.

Hiiiifla H, Mil, ll ftH A M.:TJi»P. M*Fur]n4|mN ill lb© Sialiaa iy vuhI reglnn Rtfl'kl A.

M.: liVi. 4.141 P M. NjndHyR. R.OO. 11^ A, M.D*r mik-^Aharrp. iMiiAPm and Hcramen, 8. » A*

J/-’ ' " “ ‘*fty» *flO< PtScraQlouji, e.iRi ft. M.(c-14I J'. M-l-'or Kliiilru, N.'jn .Va M.; 13*10, 7.40 P* M, bUQdifL

3.00A. M.:7.UIP. M.

gl L M ltA L BAILTlnATJ OF NKW JEIWBT Tralni leave above eUllon

fur 1'falIadfJpbia. UalilTunre Hnd Wa^lngto^ Koyal nine Line.

Fnr PliMailelphla and Trenton, 7.!». fl-U, lO.lM A. M-: 1 X*I. 4.n.k. fi..i(M7.3.S, U.24 P. M. kundiEvi.

U1.8S A. M.; 4..flU. O.O1I ' . M.h-r liiiltlin ire tuHl WaHhIngton. A.y, 11.1.5 A. M.'

l-3.>, S .iv 511*11.1 ..'jO llMltlm-'irft only), ii.’is p j[, days.iMLV lOciri A. M.; 1.45, 3.20, 4.M P. M. Parlor cars 'in dny traiftfl. Mltyper^ on tiiglit iralna

U15 A. M for Htniloiw to High Brldjfe, i-onnertlne fur t-lAiluiia on High Bridge Draacb and lAke Ho-pUK-Oli;,'

7 |H A, M fiir Mftln Line N. J. a DIv., llptlilpheni. AJli'iiiowii. .Mftiirh Chunk* etc.

H. w ,M fur Main lalne J. C. Blv , f.nke Ho- I'HtC'ing. High Hrldjge Branch. Allentown. Uradlnei lIunlshiirK. Wllkeabarre, Hcrantoti, WilllftniHiMirl iHMiHqun. I’ottRVllle, Mahanoy CUy, ftnuhury etc and ihmijgh ihhcIi New York and Williamsport

I . 35 A. M., Way for siautme to High Lridup1IW p. M. ftir Main Lino N. J. C, DIv, Lake Ifo Illah Hrldg* Branch, Allfotown, Haiich

lid'• '5 1'. M..wa fOr Stations (0 Junction.4,.Vi 1*. M.. Way for Main Line N. J. c. Wv., Ifigh

Hridgn itmiicli. Ja«kB Hopatcoug, l- RUin, Beihi©-hem. Allentown, MauchChunk, wllkobharre.Ht’raa. ton iim] ramaqita

6 Vf ]'. M., Muln Line, N. J.'C, DIv., nnd Koxton,M. fur liinaton, Bolhleliem and Allentown.

I-Vr hiinl)ury. t^swlshurg and WmiBrniDort, via T lidHdclithiH, 7.50 A* aV., 1.3,5,7,W, n .23 p* v ex- vcpl Sfttii nifty nlgliL Huntlnv's AOR p, M

Minilftyn7u10 A. M..wh>’ lor .Mitm li i rmnk Tam ft'l'm oivl WIlMftm.spnn : ».4ft A. AL, H41V fur Homer- yllic ; fl ns A. aH., for Hnniervllie; 9,.% a . M„ way fur Iniiiellcn; iu.33 A. M., for Homcrvuie: 11.48 A. Al.a way for Tjuiiellen: Mb Iv M., way ibr UI'b h«M h iCftMori. Beading. Uarri-ihu«, Mauch Chunk : 2.V» P. M., way (hr BiminrvllJs ; p. M*, wiijr for Woincrvliie and FlemloKinn; 4.40 P. M., fnr AlHiicn i ‘himk. Iteuding and Harrlaburg s *.08 I', Ala, mr IMulnfleid and JVi>ii|f1 Urouk; 7.2ft P* M., way fni' lumcllen; .-.'ft p. m ., way fttriiomer' vine : lofij p Al., way mr .HfiniKTvUls

NKWAltK AND KLiy,AllKTH BKANCU. Iraliw leave Brood sution for FlllBabeth

nnd Hiwllcai 4.1ft. 6.2, K]iznberhl>ort only, 7.|ft,7.4'>, KIleaf)elhporl only.; h. S. AftS, k.3ft lOM, lft.IV

iLOft, Il M A. Af.: Ill.v lAy LA5, taft, m AAV *.Q\ 4.AS.ft.Dft, 6 .35, 6.W,AaU. 7.1V i .taV ft.40, IftW, IL'B P. M. fMjnfluys. 7.W, A4V v m , 9,60* I0.W, U .« A. M.;

3-20, Lift, 4.40. 3.40. 3.03, LU, 7.30, B.IA

Fur i'uiuftclfl.MV 7.lfl, 7.50, AM. 10.05. I L « A. «*; UVj, l.W, 3.M. 3.S.V 1.0V 1 1V 8.0V Vlft* 4.40, 6. » , 7.1-5, 7.M., lO.ftS, U.M r. Jfi

FursomcrvUlu.at4.lv7,lAfLM. H.OV H.M A. M,;1.(tt,L.tft. 2.811.3 Ift. 4.ft6,4.iB, VOV ISS, VM.Vao, 7-lV A4'Mft.r«. Il.2i P, M. ’ '

Fur Flcmlngion, 7.13, A&l A. M.| 1.04, 4.1V 3.3*5 P. M. Fur Perth Amt?oy, Via. R.2Z, 4.8.5,11.34 A. U* .1.35.

1.0.5,4 36, 8.60, LA), 7.34 P. M* Hundayi, 9.04, A* *V.; 4.IUP, M. va, ,Fnr Atlantic llighlonilR via Uatawan, 3.23, 11.34

A. M.; ].X5,4.'fi,4.U,va0P. U* buiidoys,U.04* A* iL: 4.IU I'. Ma —ar , ,or F chuM, L22 II S4 A. M*; Lift. 4 fe, VftO P. M.

Kor iiojvk, laoiig Bmncb, Ocean U rove, etc..3 2'L ll.M, A« *M,; LSVCOft, V30 P. M. HundRya ex- «?iu u> tK-mn urove, W.Oi A. M.: UO P, M.

Fur Toms Hiver, Barnegat Park and fiaruegat* S.22 A- M.J 1.38. 4.IMI P. M.

For Vlnelntid and BrldgeibVr 1*34 F* M.For frJiksivookl, A22 A. M-i 1*15, ADI P. M.NoHiitiday irulna Fox AUanllcClly, l.U P. M*


|;tMMKT HT* PA V IN H -a HHKSSMENT FOR rjhencflu. Notice Is hereby given that an uv

fwfwmeni upon Rllthe owners of *ii tha land! and real eelate peculiarly senebied hy the oarlna of

F-M.MhT MRKPrr.frnin N. .1. R. Jl. nveti j4» r-i rei"igniiy^enavenue,

AcronUn* tn the nrtivlslons of an oMlnanw ol the cliy uf Newark, enlUlud on ©nliuaoce U> pravIdiR fat thujiavittgof

KMMFT HTRKKT.fTiiir. N’ . J. It. H. avenue to l-rellnghivvaen avenita.apiiTovert Mairh 31. jNgi. avemta,

Has been nrepnred by the andcralgncd rommls.sioncra, apiKilnU'd hy the Mayor o7 the city of Newark, andthatarejmrt.bya rertlrtcaU* In writ* Itig, W'lik nn accoTiipanj’In* tnop and schedula Bbuwliig the Several a.v«*s><mpMta agaln-''t (bn seV' cral ownern peculiarly benertted tm afnrraaid. hoa becncleposlled In the ofilce nf (he City Clerk of the cRy of Newark tot cxamlttatloa by the pariiea lo- terenied therein.

Hald nwHCftsmcDt mmprlsra all lokt, tracts and tult- celH<»r land and real ostaUi liable u> beaaftraeedaa atureould, lying uQ iKith of *

F»i .I-.I siRFKT.fimm S. .1. R. Tl avrnufl to ’ n'llngliTjvseri avenoe.

A '• lo t" represents an entire plot o f land, whether large or Hmall.

AlIpcrwjTw iniefraied In aald aRwjwment maj be beard before said i'oinnilsstonera on •J’ rtt l.HDAY, 'I’HK . (Ij ti i'KKxxH DAY OF

eCToBKB, i»» i P. M., at the Cotomlsiloners’ room, No. 2tieooiui floor), City 11*11. iiwwiia

Dated tx'toLar I. ifl92.JUHN DWYER,FI.a VFL W. H U L U V A ff b a n 'k H. FE ixn ,

* V ___________________ ___ Cor^lislonstm^HTlCFL-NOTrCE TP HEREBY OTVlCN -S) .4^ all iwrMcs liiicrpsiiwl (hut thcccrUflcatraof av w*!wmcnt of the whole amount of the eoei* andaa* pciL-ieB of paving

BfiSTON HTBEKT,n k w a u k h t r k e t


Have tseen delivered to me narjordlng w law a. Sf-wmi‘nls comprise all the lotA iracta and narceto of land and real cMhi© lying on both Ridra of

Hf>MTiJN JtTHEST,from Houth Orange avenue to Bonk street;

on bolh Sides olNEWARK dTREET,

from Central aveiiuo to ifraoge street:On both eldi-a uf ^ '

BO DEV PTHEETa from Hiiwex avnmm (.> KIghth avenue.

^wnera of lend and real ratate aRsesrad in telA wrii/li'ate of R*»e*»ineiit are hereby required to nay the amount lo a»Be«Hresiiei'ilvely. to n>e. aimy omce, No. 5. City Hall mor before November 2H893.

JASira F, CONNELLY,^>w arkJ I^J ., nclob»>r in. im ^ ^ “ PtroLler^

fiftA X E a OF ire;Oxi icr or Rxcairjra oe T a x m \

Jlonn No. 4, t r tY H a u *. }4MIU|L vaji ■ n.***.!i"*!Iluii1>i 1''' ft®"! TbumS**,

. p S o f tlo ia 'u n :^ m >S9», f o t t b e *

. t.iKi, S.UIX, s*ui, vie, ••io. ■.fv,0. 1W. a.w. B.55, >.1(1 T.W, 9.39, SIO. 9.51,19.U. 11.31 B. M 1105 12. « Blilu. Btinbian-T.on, 1.0*. 1.00, 10,00, 11.00 A. u.: H.niM.1 1.00, IJO, 2.00,1.00, coo. (.00, 6.00,7.0111.00, 9.00,10.00, 11.OO, 12.00 P. M.

l-raToTiew ynik ntom toot of tIberiT olrwit-Al e.50, 0.0(1,11.110, 7.00,7. K. 7AO,AOO, SI5.AI0, 9.00, l.tq10.00, 10.15,1010, 11.00,11.50 A. M,l It H.l 1250, 1.00,1. BI, 7.00, 250,1.00, J.SA, A55. (.20, ( . » AI0,(.tt, Atl, A65.0,09, 0.25,245,7.00,7,90, 7.«, •.49,045, 1010,11,11, 17.00 P, M, Nuo(iiiy*-7.00, too, lOO, lioo, ll.U AM.: 12.00 H.: 1.00,100, too, O.OS too,0.001 UO, T.0S too, 0.00, 10.00, llflo, 1V60 F/iL

eulrrinenlo of low;“ IfpolO nn r,r hollir* lb* I5tb d*« orVMemb**

la*o Mr wnL will in dtducwd ; If raid on 5t btbni ufSfptrnibM, on* jnr rent, will be d »

durtud : If p*lil on or bcibr* ihe 20lh d »r of u ruhv onwhmifof linn p*r cent, will bn deducted, | f ^ pjlil on nr Infureihu lioih davnf Oclobef bchnln nf one inr cent, w ill lie udilcd ■ If nnt leUd on m S fore lb* Will do* uf .Nniurnbet, * chom o f “wo uM

Sflth (lav uf jbecfuitKir a charge nf thma t>mr r*ns will be oddml; If unpaid on (he Joih d*v of Januan wnrmni* will U l»„[„| ft,MnL tatereet fmmJinnioryTO nl l*ii n erraoT / THot ond 4 ollfi lure fee* will b* *d(led.''

Office wm be opto from 5 A. M. lo I P M.

Orud^ rompi'^i^MihAnMiS ofVb*

JnS Ihifl State, the Board o f AaoeranneotIlev iHion of Taxei will stt *• a Cotiirt of Appeole

fnun day to day. coramenodti: oa tBe eeoohd S(en* da> IM ScinemhtT, ftroin « A* M* lo 13 M., to hear and ar-terniiiicajiiMaalafiom luwweemeate and vatuaBoBR by |M'rs,ma uho will make It appear by affldavK. to the sailjtfactinn ofthe board, th a l^ ey wereabeeat from the city or disabled by sIckneM auMtu the whole Interval firota the (bird! Wednraday In Anril tn Ihe third Wednesday in May, and oJeolocnml* any clerli.-al error* which m a " " ’ ' ”

Newark, N* J., tieptembei4ix

ly have been mod*.7, im.

P H IL IP I/5WY, Frealdeni

IF J ’BUC NOTICB-ORDlNANCE ORDKRED .1 i« ft (bird reading* We, theimtler*(aned, bereby <erttiy that an onlinanoe was read a second Urea at* niet>ili)gufiiiBiioanloI8metaud Watar Cttrereto elonera onTiiUUSDAY. BEPTKNBRH TWESlTT-IUlfR,

1392,and duty ordered to* third rradlna. to o m M e H i tlie gradlag, curbing aod flagging ofm*. «P K1 ’a k t e r k t tfritkBTemim WoBblngton avenue to Suiamer arafioo.

i>atod October L i m« A , AU JAMKfi s m it h , JILPrnWent ol tbe lloud of Btnei wd Wntot^m.

tiueetotiera,KNOft ntTHYOZf,

_________ _________ OWrk

ORDEREDto a third rei^ ng. We, th* uederelgned, braebr

w r i ^ that an ordlnanoe woe rood a second Ujh* « (1 mcAUng of the ftoard qf StrMt aiKl Water CommiT aloiie^ OD Tbursday, October VIBtLond duly urdedS cSrtdiig f grillng *04

BOrTH BLRVZNTH STHEKTo..., Z.OU, S.W, s.aiL 3.0S*, i-ws o-iu*ii.ia, a.iH; 1L5V LIB. L23,A4V 7.00.20, 7.45, 10.IMUA I fy^tn jrarMl^nTh

“ M, Nuo<iiiy«-7.ok, too. I.0t lioo, 11.00 A ! “ I Z J f . V " " * “I M- • 1 ■>« 4IM ifWE SM am An* si*, erw

KEY WEST CIGARS.f i f t e e n V A B 1E T IE 8 OF TH E


A m T E R & C ikT IiB .

Datod October It. 1(^

FTBBldmt of tbe Board of fttreet and Wmh

Itol NNOSBDinfOKjj^

T » u a u c NOTicara h e r u t a iy iN T S A T1 Moled prnpoeolo tor tbe moklu of o oeomsO,^ r>A>it'w'mD (UI U4B oiaaiqg ajtof llTi peon with the city of N e w t o ________nioT*l o f deed onlnuli rmni rau eltr 1 *1 b* ccived ot the offlra ol tht c ilr Olirk. m UI a Iu M0ho*i4e«o^ _A kb«— * __her,eir.

Doted Ootobec u, ton.W K a <

t MAi* Is^aai^t -A t A * ,



*••••** f»F »*• d l « * m l M i

O B A iroK - w »r w # B l M 1V « W « B r n t i r k Ofllcr> ? * * ' *1>«|iy. X»Mfi|crt Liliid»l*7 BMUdlMf,t4 l

flB W A B M *J i ib ^ B T A m ! • •

** B. Mn nrmm4 Ml.C. B. D«MPnn, ISfl P.lm Ht. r . W . B a t i r r , lO a K € » B *t I H 4> A t * .J, A.B ««rlTM . » » •B7i*<»ll B'. B om * . l » » Th l*^

BAAT B R A X »e ^W. H. A I I m i , A4t M *ln «l-

ABI'TH ORAN4iir-B « ^ H tea th B ra a t* A v*

llARK IAO !«.~P. J. iio94mmm. » l nmrri—m A t*.

B l^ O M F irX B "* _Hlcstn*^ ?lefr*4*alAr, app. B*P«4«

a i m B IT —R d a a r A B .

m o n t i x a i b *-C T B i r a l P h a r m a c y .

O R A Por. v a m .k t —W l l b w r l * . F a r a a m . B T W B d r a l * * ^ ____

I I F t f W AN TK D -M ALW .^____WANTKn WIIJK A\V4-‘iK WnKKf:li-M

iV ^ i 'V t ' t y w h ^ 'r e tu l l ’ h o H | i | r » p n y « fl i ie World;'* tlj* tcEVBkffti hf>*A on •'•rib; flfln.miO, I'B iib I f lu i i f t lH iP r t t - , ft b O it in it f t lio U 'ln y n : !■ i t i j n l in ; nviiU'-y : m a i i in i 'd b Hh »'l r t t iH l< - ir t ' i4. u - n o ' l I 'n t * : w i t Icpth « 1l i l w HU g iu i ' p ^ M r . K iiij? 0 'lA ) ry , A lN 'iio ft,II .Uyin Pit vsw kH : Iti-v. J-w. WiiUtfr«»>!•■«., |1?MJ iit IT iK iu n M i« K *2*Au .‘i*--, rai. fT i ilr i MiufiilU'-Hm jwim onlyII. <i(xnli ■ i» <*niht AiMn'»« U!a »MI-. HIKI.K VrB. rn.. N.,. r;.1 rtirtinm iL, nilUdwlpUla. IJ . or Nil. :i tn l'»-nrtH»ru *L. i bUtun'i

....... TO s«t-♦niM inrhi''for |k)|ihIut bnntliiuii: ik>

in x iU t i- 1-1 t)uO ii<«« : liip'rfti ,Ii'Mt'mlj-i‘l ,i.|i>un»-UI, i id! ut ins ItAtJ^I-A HT. MAj

Vrn V K MTN OP I,.'«u>llrh iM gi

4 i .u t m a n w A ^ T K ^ l'H i^ v .u .r tr iK ii iiNiVc^pm >il»4-«i,*iL In ri-iiUi-i'tU'n wtlli iiiini'ml wrftti*n .|ii*TA II',-1 w.HiTuo fnriii^hi'ii: iKwitiun-Adilrt'-*- IIKi.UJO.h. Bui H, N«*w*ufllce.______

TIA IUFM IKH .4 KMAllT VOUSPJ MAN.I >. i.i, iL.i.-tii iina nf ■oii.T h#lilw; ■111. 111'.,II,111. Ani.ii l.i I * M .fkem , 1

■I.HIlK WANTI-II * VOt'Nil MAN i-Ji rk iiiiiM |4' > r»|,li! 'vrltiT u lKl <v>rri-(1

Ah i.v |ii,|«4..!1 111 miJ ■'1. ' I'l.At'T.t m . .1

M.•t: i lina i »v

1 liMirk 11, H'limlUlrl', I 'H 'l l . lH ’ h *Hm\. h74 UiCAjI .Hi,

I I . 'V 'I « ,\ T H I IN .'.'rt-iiH.

|■|m,l .<■i.rlll■ NinlliiiBil K i«“u!li MA

A r K w r l lK T IC HKKTC'H.

n . A lam lnuin N l* .m «1ilin ®t *><• r u t » f «Maj B* Mi,J.*el,.

Rrom lb«at, J»me«'8 Hudgot.The first regular Cunarder in 1S40 wna

the Britannia, 207 by 3-1 by 22, tiinnage 2,060, borne power 740. The Intosl w ill be flOO feet long, B5 feet w ide, and about 13,000 tons gross register, with a pnijH'l-ling fo re , of, say, 1 6 ,0 0 0 horse nominal. | [ K r- 'u r lu iU 'ik '''Both tonnage and engines ha,* _thns enormously Increased in a few ' J y e u f time beyond the 7 ,, ,,or belief o f men now li''” iK 1 ,v'h.,iitiiii. IJ l*r etH,k.»i nt, \_I_N.while the general Increaso in our ' riM-'** ca iu o i .ic w o k m -n ' mercantile marine may be Interei-tlnjrly

|>nV \V\NTi:i>, ONEI >ilii'l.iili ln'rlMinlni«*, *-l Ml M'KHin

I >uv \vA\Ti-;r» TO rA u iiv I’a v k u h . u .J >\V AH;!f.4lJ mv* - _______


B F l.P WANTKD.-rr.MAl-EA.



hahhlaon . n . j.



laa nAt.L’s Beiiuoi, for o iiils


Frlmarr, InirminJialr unit Aiwienilr PapartmeetaflctiHl ft>T collec*.

Furltiff hifiru’ifttlmi tnim rtrrulTw. IM

M lfiH TOWNSF.NI>« ROARDlNn ANl> pAV ■rhool fiir ftlTls M FAHK P I- NVwgrk. N. J

wllliTopenKt4,,U‘i«t»«'r -A prUunry. AiwU'Wlc *tiJC<»U«f* Vrefi^rftlgry UeimrlJ»ybU Clliiilftf* up •!>plkaliiiD. ____________


^VpU luA lN T IIa t " 'uNLY NKKlrS Tit UKA\j«'fuiii»»»‘ *i*pM4fiHU'4i; ij*w huuwt tut iwu fiiiii- llit'* uh 'iimll jmi dH'ul rtu'AP, Uwirtiuw Uk'iitlUy.lAllnuylim^ tin JUJIS H. Vi^SS, oriental bU •in'vt' Orlt'iiiai st.


llenp^Tt Si’pTemb^r Ifl. Tbftb'UClt prepprullon flir »iiy ivlU'jjs- ur wiHiitlllf •tIuhjI or for

„V “ '‘ '" ‘ “ ' ' “ ‘" 'V !i':KAK fiANn. !i™H

ft ( ’y r iU E s iioK T irA N i* a n d t v p k w k i t:\liMj Imiu ait la'lrtifUir'

yoursH-if ttf hull! » ' lipulvljy*" filtuullnM Hpeftiv. KS: UhKt.1"l,l'noT. sKVMiK R,

fl'H f i

r iM lE NI^W AllK s KMINAHY OHS’* W HITI m u r f 'H Ss-h.Ktli, N o '.*7 H i l l - J i* 'n U trJ t i i t lo r .

prlmitry lU'pm tiiient^, Ktem'h, tlirmaii. luimio, 4'ln rtiUiUi, dmsluit utiil iiHlidliiR. l^H-Uin-iun iirt, riWtiTjrwHi hleriUirv. I'uidh prejarwl for W i‘1U«h- Ittv. V»Nsiir Aiiil '•mUlt rnlleKii*. I'Ui’iilHrH utiUilM' l « l Ml r.l.lOA.N’ri JimiKhTOUti uMkilht'HKM INAIIY. >1'

ft V A i . r x n u : i ‘ i t m * K H T Y a a i .kaA m a h u L V s'l'., irvni ftiid rt«t entrumT, lit- qtilre oil ])reuilM'S __ ______ Mo

m a il : Ji a RK i i i A x r K t o h v a t iiv . 1' tinij.bin*. 'nit* |ih'p*rtl»*H Niiw.‘W , i><7, 3BI HiRh hi. uU'i'J.1 •■nlt4ii;i't| imiht lw etjUM** ail ebi»i*.Apiily KlHI.LllV T m .K ASI> DLlA'Mr n>., X.ii liintisl ht. ___ _____ 7'iu

ttl’M-: m u s a I.K, lO-HrtOM llorsP„Al.T. lmiir«iV4»iuenij<. i*ti|»-riMl aii<1 eilrtt tlin*fln!Hh;

litE .t: : Ni'itli s.-¥4*iiiu hL uiitl Niirtli Fifiu« WU.--KY' HT.


ATOHRA, LOPTN. e t c h t o l e t .


MIIH,i ‘. J(iUN>f IN'S INTF.LLTftFNrF.Of n »'KI'lirlk-iip nfM'il uf fiHKl help BltuuUI n|i|ily

lure, ttUfroirili MfHiU{c •vt<, i** '

N'\^nsr. W ANTKD X O TA K K rA U E oKhmull dilliirmi,

lull nUM Us, ULM rtTKD, I'lO WiuUlug-

( )run. I r.

U<> ItluEH’krr M,

M 4NTKI' f l sill.OKU OAI.VANIZSU' Ml'I.llKIlllVHT. ■»'

noted by comparing tlie sire o f l.iovd'* Jtegislf' o f 1831- an oetavo volmiie o f 7i b y 61 by 1| inelies—with the tw olliie (luiir- toB o f the year 1892, each l l j by 10 by 2j Inehe*, g iving full parlleularH o f tim 11,906 sleamshtps and sailing vcssi'Ih, representing some 11,928,1124 bins, wliit-h make up the fleet o f Orcat Britain and her colonies I

The pleasure ‘ ‘ steamship o f the future” is a vast struetnre built o f a metal combin­ing almost unlim ited strength with un­dreamt o f lightness. Her dimensions w ill approilm ate ly be three times greater than the steamship Campania -namely, 1,800 feet by 190 feet, and she will be so constructed that, tike the well-known polype Hydra o f our ponds, should she l>y any possibility be damaged by collision or stranding, each part o f her would live and maintain a separate eilstence—the out­come o f the ” cellular ” system o f which we DOW see but the initial appllcallon.

Save for four towering hut slender poles, doing duty for signalling and efi'ect, the Alumlnia w ill be mastlese; but tier gigan­tic oval-shaped “ imokealaeks ” will break the monotony o f an outline which otherwise w ill rougnly resemble the Crys­tal Palace at Bydenbam as It waa origi­nally built, minus its transepts and water towers. Steam and electricity combined w ill be ntiliied to drive this m ighty mass at great speed through the waters; three.I f not six, propeliert being c^ led into requisition for the purpose, A perfect system o f ventilation, sanitation, water supply, lighting, beating and cooking will reign thronghout the noble vessel; itiumlnatlon and the pre i)ari»g o f food being effected entirely by the aid o f the goddess “ Electra.”

An hotel like the Metropole w ill bo the model upon which the domestic arrange­ments o f this singular steamship w ill he based. There w ill be public dining and drawing-rooms, accommodation for pri­vate parties, ladiee’ boudoirs, snuggeries for smoking, billiard-rooms (practicable In fine weather), a library afllliated with Mudie's, a duly licensed place o f worship, a concert room and theatre, a tennis court, a rifle gallery, a gymnasium ami every possible and imsginable facility for athletic exercise and recreation. But the main feature w ill bo the general division o f this floating palace into tenements or flats complete in themselves, ami consist^ ing of, say, two good-sized sitting-rooms and four or five bedrooms, w ith domestic offices attached.

These w ill be taken by the year, leased, or sold in perpetuity to families desirous o f the advantages but not posse-sslng the means o f keeping up a yacht, but w ho will readily pay a large rental for the privilege o f having a home all the year round which they can Join at any port, sublet i f they choose, and where they can always enjoy congenial society amid varied scenes in a genial climate. The route o f the Alumnia w ill be determined by ballot; the general service w ill be as at any large hotel ashore. A round o f amusements w ill bo provided, and families bo able to preserve strict privacy or join the general throng, as they desire.

The one thing strictly prnhiblted on board wUl be private pianos and the in­troduction o f domestic pets, such as cats and dogs I f4o postman or telegraph boy w ill ever Interrupt the repose o f these marine domiciles. Seasickness w ill prac­tically ba banished, and those who here­after “ go down to the sea in ships” and " d o business in great w aters" will. In passing the "steamship o f the future,” salute w ith mingled astonishment and reverence the ideal o f Blr Thomas More’s "U to p ia ” riding in silent and resistlens majesty over the conquered waves o f the once intractable ocean.

/ lAMlIFH 1 I'MMlllPr lik ICK'UUilllt llilHl.

/ 4()A( IIM AN

UuVH IIOMK.ftiini

V aNTEH. a YlirNO MAN AH iiMHi niftrlci l : m ii« rotii*

FIM iKH. l'»u MvillM-rrrtl. •

l’ i:ilATtj|lH WASTKf> ON fsADII&i' Ml'b- r,IN I NDKUWKAIL

Tiirk^ri fttid flhRbffi; itNuly worir! Whwl^r A Wimmi, No. und Wllk-ui A lillkbM lua UlnHi; »l4'um

Anplr ftll wp«k, _I. TI.ATT.

M KprinBi1«*lil

/ftFKHATlHl w a n t e d AN Ol'ERATOH TO I "■k'Wi iiiMki^w"4, anil IW't firJn 10 pft'1 on «vn#M- t‘4ir. WH TH iMiASOK AVK ftiid BRICK HT.

WANTED ONE WHO TIIOK- ; whit# Pf*'* H. W., linlrVrmi: AildrfHii with r«n•^•lK•N

I', Hill omt-4*. _____ ____lOl.l.KC'TORH OU A NO. I TANVAMMEIIH ■waMttMl of ni'or ; fCHKl nalftry

inftnetii i># iii‘>ii lo Oto rkhi |«<*r*niL Apiily 10 A. M. fof PiTOKE'Jrtl W»rk«t fti.


, tvHr

Om U TfiJ tH AND ItAHTKIt!^ WANTED ON nmt!*. W. MNSKY, IT4 Newlon «t,

fl^AII.mtKsH, FKI.I.KRN AND OrKRATOlUS 1 vmiiwl uM ifHitA A. URANT A BUN.

At:i llrtHLil Hi., iDr. New. ■

rpIllMMFKMI wo

p|iHumn‘(nn .Y comri-S e n t J,.U>V s-l'KN-I ntfrH|ih* r ntiil lyirtrisrlier jlee* lt-«4iiiihmiK'li HliuuderHlft leruii. * l h»*r n'ttWIeiM '*.0yi, u iU.{A>UKIKU> AVK.


BF.oAr)i.o’B sninof., n w*. p a r k « t .»

I iU '^J -

l<iti fhr on lAftTftto st, oEpoMt# Pol* ft

l44iion N»vtnih ft?e , n*ftr NorOi Tblrtoftftth n., I

Mgeki Rum RuMTlIlf ftlfttliHL

Apply to


rridrtin»| RHlldlnf.

► J l i ft W H.l. Rl \ lllH 'SKHlX Ri«>MS, O —••M r\ 'ii1il4* fnrfii

WHifi Rtiil j>riN»l«* iviitrullyrm.M : 14 verri'limp |iruiMTl> ; l4-ru»u*i»‘‘y. Aihln'Hn \ DfA ljiWT*'i7iVflr- _______ ^

I.^ACTfHlY TO IlENTy P*‘RY IO rR LY H AT KioUvry; ft04nl ltH«Uon. loqoli'ft Ti DELMUNT

AVK.. O. Krui*<ier. _________ _____________

HOOMS to I,f t M'lTlI POWER; ALL IM- l!mv;miIntR; ;MillikURL Ki>, B JJOUDlNt^

tol'. lihjiilra ofejifitieur. ___________ L »


A FLNK b r o a d BT. ftTORK, BASEMENT,




I r. n. h m itu . ws r r o a R ht.

BrmrNBM O FFO K Tn n TT m

CTIHtE ro IM.’.

• M ’. ro ll I FNTUAT. AVK. ANDbet'll us#t1 RH iirmTr.v for jw l

j eapt. ft jiKMl cft'ili trmle ftUvR!i»t»-en«lo»»»' lif'rv ; • r in U 'lN R ft plHi-ft Tor ft l iv e h U R liif if l a ndwHier HihiriH w i«i L. T U 'U N . lionMc

^TOIIE TO ElCr NEAR NEW VKNNHY'LVA- ^ a lft HftllnifttI rUnlou A vr, MkRoii; ntr* i'luuu:* k>r frucftr, druniii, itiuemftkpr. pftlulabtiA ioiftli ftftna M buftlupiR. Avpw utRiv F. K FWIUNE.K75 Rmftdftt

/^NANDV, riOAH, OROCEBY-PTfiRK* Mkit, diunf good buftlnmi &«ftf noboftl. ___1341 410RKOADfrr.

-v-Aew- IFOR


VUY AND UIOAH bTOHR, STOCK ANDtiiref fur Ukla cb«‘4ip. Addrtoft B., Hot RsUftlft*. **»

i,i| m II s r» iiir-sn ■•»«**uBklH, Ali|dj Hi ufui* l« ALUEU'V i> iWl«r, KM Vutml Hv«. tMg

3 SMAI.E >*To hFH AT LOW RENT,• tu i'.irtit'r Ib'iifftll kU \S', U- R-

oac ’oni“ nil!RVRNh; IT, i; AiWemy Ml

flV I 1I |MlRfN,

,ET ■

1 v UIVKK — KOIIFU- TNIUSTIllUH YOl'Sn 1 /iiiftti foT ilellviTT ftiuciiii; mUMl tiftve1m-m I'f nferiMiv Addr‘‘*i<. Killing agw mid whal IftHi eruployiMl nt-11'.. Ik'i , Nrw'«»lB4*i*. f<il

■ iM iR A V K R AND CHAMEU WANTED ON Mllver work: him* whu turn Ulmwli

■Isii R) ajuti In BH-el; 11 lUf liH-bt man Hiefttly work IH Eiiftrftiil'M d ih f \'*ftr nmud, Aildrew, HtiiUnif wRef-M ijMiml ami quitllili’uisgtJM* ( H AfnEH, Kvriillif NeWH. ______ __ _________



M ir.r.E ll'‘T .AN li N J. i t R. AVK.


Waiit a gfKHl ruan to lake rhflfRft of rotofing d*- pwruunit 111 fur hatMbn|i. ih»s I'Ul ■ Atidmi

rOLOH, Bill O, Nfwsoffli**.

WAN l’ED-ACl UHTOM KU TO ork on wifl ham and patent IraUicr; aImo glrli

wlRing lo lilml and ulKi. Aunly I O. J. HVUKyASflCViitrftlftvft.

1 1



■ VURY U t'TToN s-A FEW llX l’ERIENt'KD 1 pnllHher* ran ilnd rIob'It enip!oymenl, with guodnav.lti Nn W Votk : fir" liatil li'ili wut--- 13,, I;AJdh'Vi IL.


pwa ofBoe. 1

Y irA N T K D r,iio a l l n a t io n a u -TT RpM. H!i oitokfi.. rhaml'ermfthH.waUn-R'ai, inirMa

glrSn nml general himwwoTk ; glm leanlioTa plmiiia at Hliurt nulit'o. Apply tu-iuormw,at ORKEN HT.

,r A N |-1 I t . L A t u IW A N P O IB I J * T O n o o r B. 1 iipw wtirk for iH itt hemi,; U to 4s per week

rs. tlv lumle; ai> imliitlita or rsBVS'wtlng: wnd self- .,Mreiw-1 envr'lep*'. J’.I'IIO MANUFACTt UINOrt. i.Ml'ANV.4 LllJerty rkiti.ra lloiiton, Mssa ttp

W ANTKtC a I ’l t e w WOMAN P*R I’ BKAB-Ins tsdiee'snsls. inquire St drs taouw, izt

Kerry ek B. HKVKB. ______________40

______ WIsVlF.RS. WARPKBft WANT-to minutes friim Newark nn Itie !>., aiul

W K. H. TlieMt'MUlTHU.K MfU. CO., omnmll. N K____________ W

E M rLW ¥ M IIN T W A N TE D .

A roLORKU MAN AND W IFE W ANT A plftin (iijfPlhif, oiw ftft ooot ftnd tbft otBur fti

wait* T : oily or country, <2 liH EENH r. ___1

^yKAVK im ,

Ow'tif fVt n. at ? .10P M,.flvT ihft rhlHrpn f riaftw. f l f t f td f u r lA il lc R f tn tv , new h tt liim T M , H lm -M liiy e v e ii l i iR , < * r i. IJ. i'lu -g i fuT (»HiJil«*m#n o n ly . '1 hiiT-vilfty.oci. IS. AdvHiiri'd ula-fH fitr Udicf atnl Ui'nlli* men, Friday VunltiK. Fur i«miA «tc.,ftpidy or »-ndfur I'lnuliftr. Atldn-MHiui ftUiVP. ______

I 'jA N f INlI fL.ftrtHKR. BFAi'RlN 1tl97 l^av

Tiieftdftya. Thiir tlnyn and Matiifdayf for Eotr and klrlM : WotlnfsttnyH, ft I'. M., liwUtrii' cla'i ; 4‘\ fu IniiclaMMHiori Mitiiday and Wetluraday evening fir gfnil*nien and ImlloH.

For imrtk'uliirN •■Idn^ori'ftn at ff'ftldeni . Nu. ?4 Frftiikhii »(., iiilii M'lUday itr TliUradMS'ftR'-r S hiuI 7:Mi V sM-.ftCid Nftliirilay cvFiilW- .........

' jUbKFIl n. WHITE.

hLA L ft.MAt'1:; FOU &ALE--ULT DE TOW N. _____

iltfrnnri.UTll1*v1 7 APM FOR HA\.K OU F.XrTTANOE-lftt 1 ftrr«M4; fixHt 1i4uiw’. twrn, rflrrliura ai d wnai'iv liouMe. I'- m1io< fn m •lei’Kit. at lU'riiRnlfilUft. N -I. 4iu iiiftln rufttl ill MtirrHiimn : l^rm !w nicely Um’ ImiI ami UMiIiT ft KtMHi »iflU' nf (niltlvaUmi. and will l>e wtkl i>r PS'hari*i'«!i ftl a Uir»fRl«i. w tbalime III live 11 allfnlUm. Apply to J. U. MORE-Hill's, (siYHt Fftau rii siahUw, ft;d Ruiftdik i>l)


1*1 (TORV FORHAIF, 111 f>OMFIF.T.1>-TAC ' lory. i-vTrt ; Ii-ur lli

li. HA: U.t■aKlHiWU'K. inoomflfttd.

FOR HinltAOK nR < *n iK » l 'l U-_ ........ , Iftnio, IlftlH: tUinUtory roomft. etmll

aiHUit rm hv !kv isn't. In Hie liiilliRrnf aiD"lnlne Hi* m w FtiMiiftR'e: water aud pin, W. V. S W DKU tt 1 n _____________________________ 2211

( IR IAR HTUKF. FOR BALE DOIN(t A HOODbiwlm*wi, In loeallly; t e fhr MllSnc d-r

not relftia to huatneM; prln reaftuiiabLA Advlrevi I'RIAK. IkiiO, Newaomow. P 'f

/*llOAK AND NEMB HTORErnRflALKqOrP.Eiuiimt KU HUtiun, Newark. Apply ftl Itora

A M . _______________________________ A «

I. f l 'H N m 'R K RI’SINFXS It l l l HAl.K l.N ' uelgldHiriiig Hty ; offenMl to lounedlata |>nr*

i-hiOM-r at a aruftt ttorindn; raaeoiif Air teUlhg do not rulHift 1o the lMi<4|i]ft.iH, wtilrti, m will haihmvn.H eelftblliltetl, llourlHliltig ftiid yielding Ifttgf niurov AildKwaH. V. I'Al.M ER.M l HtitadaU


CAKE, Ho i 0 , Niw i ofRotv

1>.ft R I S E R w a n t e d . IM M K D tA T K L Y , T O iftk e retlrlnv tvartuer'e I aioreekowlng to alrkneRa;

n b ji i l r e d u u ly . s k d d n ft i P A R T N E R , B u i D| Newa univ'e.

1>ARTNER w a n t e d w n n |nn0 TO TAKB liftiritiloriK I rt ft uien-hant uUor atgiu Addravi

TAlliUR, Ito.i K.NpMHuAlt'A. I

(UALiHiN, n n iv ii h o o d nrsiNPRs, c a n r k^IiHil Oil very reafMvnalde leririR: o*w rp! r*f fli- turei In plaiv, toguiher wlib watfr prewora, alA pump*, ptc..cU’.; chtmn re 'hr ingulie

11'K I'UEa M halodn hftlu L'heup for ixtU.



* T1 AWIN'".im lIHilAII KI'ltFFT.

riftMef ererv l netdav and Friday eveningi. LaftRuu* given at the tvaldeniT ut tlia mildH. Private lesmtns all hour*. li*eiid for rln-iilur. ft'n

M b . W M . R . V V lL L J A tf i!» H a


eoi'e deil rH a puftltion. Nefttafllew.

OFFICB KXPRUI- Addr«ftft J. B , Uoi H.

MAN-W A N TFD . hood. RELIAnLF. MAN to Roll iMitleraiid eil;«.in fftiiil lien and bnanllng

lit)u**PR : nniat give n-feremt"'; “alary and oomml*- BloUs Adilpe"^ Hl 'n EK, N. New* oIBi’e. i

Ma n w a n t e d - w i t h a n o i m . j r t h 'E R Y(irtoHrouio: ult-ftily iMwiiom jiml ioimI wagei.

AddroM lelllKUAL. Ro< W. -Newi oilice.

KIRHT-TLAB.H RARBKH WANTBsltiiftllnn. B. Ja HN. IWLaftiyftiia a t ____1

___________ Y O lW MAN. m a r r ie d ,wantH pfHililon ft* coachman or groom ; good

reientH'e. Addreaat^r W ILLIAM OOHDON, TO Orange i t

Ha k r e rsltiiftllnn


1 1 A1.NTKUS--WAN TWri IlfiOD PAINTI 4TH. Apply F. F. H'DD. corner Rivet and (,'tierry alA

T > A IN T M L W i I IA M M . ' . ’7I F e r r y s i

WANTED. TWu p a in t e r .’ . C.

1 P R IM E R AM 'P.Al'EKHANr.KR WANTED. I I W . 1 . Mullterry *t.

1>A DEIMI.-I MG U - w a n t e d . Oirf'D VAPKIl- hnngfr : cnine n-mlv for

* 0‘.Nh.JE.L,'iS Arail'-niyit,

DRfOJii- A WTLI.INO VOUNH MAN W'lTH J yi-uf*' Bii>erleiM.'e In N*'v York drugitorwi amt

wRJi beat refrrt'nee* watiIb noiUlOD lu a dnigSlor*'. AddTfua f.. ilo i Y, sNew* office___________

T/i a HM h a n d - a OOtiD HTROMt FARM I hand wantM a Job with Amenwin fftPiner, or ha uftelui man at gentieman'iplace. Si's PLANE bT.Hr

n OVffFKEEPEIl-A LADY HKs IREM P0«I- tlun L* houftekteper; thornuihly competent

and jfood referenOfte Call or addrvftP I J* MULBERRY PL.

_ H* oiteowJ tlj4'*i'aiiun o f 1*M and 1W.S In vofwjmltiire ftt hi* hoiue, ft'i I'OleUWhlA Hi , city, and w niilil artvl**** thce«e wBO Intend lo^tiidy lo come al nnev and aelet'l Hie hour, a* Mr. William* wRl hm e only two fifty* In thi* rlly. Mandaya and Thurwlay*, and two day* In Rrwklyp- ■ ^ K lT u J N b K J tY ^ ™ ^ OK MUnlC,

^ a W'FBT PARK BT.,A htgh-grftde w-lioolof muHlc rondnrted ftreordlng

to l!ia uiethfftl* of the prIOfJpal Lurolican l•oo■e^vv lorleH, 1 he moti ftelerf ind Iieel efiiilptH-d cmiHerva- lory lu the Biale Every bmni’h uf the «rt laiiKnt bv a fkenity of eminent Instrorlor* *1 nuaterale ritea. (.’u-nfem teaphera' cerllrt''ah'i and dlnlumaft. Free acbolarKblr*. (Wno'rta by teacher* and pupils. Bend for fbrtv-threejiagw ^ky FB lD K Jlie U. HAI:MANN. DlTftCtor.^

P IAN O - LESSONS THOROCOHI'Y' T A ld H T ny Mra. H V. BrnRh at her home of thoae of iha

pdplia. Addreei MFLUKR^Y _______ Ttfb


EAfi03« o f” iiiv W’ H rrii:*i^DANrlNO CLAB sm

Fmm ISfh ofOclober, Saturday.ClaMM aflertiCH'ii* and evenlna* and private.

Thoee dWiDiig piirllndftn* plenM' udvU'-ft* Jl^S^.^Il B. W HITE. 'G Eriinklln ftU, 01 1 or L'umiaouweairbHall. Ka*lOrs,t.K». . _

M iftcellanfon*.

P r r t l B WANTED TO LEARN M ANirUR- Ifig, facial [i«ti.*.sftge. completion ftieiining Mfid

hair (Jfesaliig MMi:. W a L'1 F.HS. ?i6l broad st. isc



U UTSKS t o l k t .

I'WO n e w KHH'K ID'r*'FH, AH' n»r»Ke«l Inr two lamllle*. wven ruuiii* dir eacii.

■ lid I'ftili, ell not hiveinentH : Himitmont. fivertHmm.ll'i. DEL.tVAN AVE WiMthldo. ea*l of luruTtiiiMl rtiMivh. twenty tiiluute* iri'm Market at. I iiijotre on tin- pii-iiiim-i ______ **. 1'

I t OlSKs Tvt LE T -

Two hanilftonie HVroom hoiiften. nflpen minnte* from Market and Brntul l.. In the Hih Wartl. gootl nelphl-orlunHl, l « * ; f t i id m 1Vmi''VlVRnl»ftve,neftrWriglit *t. lloiipien In iH-rfcpi order; liaiideoineSy tlei-tirnliil ; every cnnvonlcnre : rmi low to a de- ilrHhlft teiiiiTit; a rare i>p|u>rluiiHy. Apply

<lF.O. W. I'ONK,

I t O . A I l l l l N O t

ft ( W D E M Y S T .W . D N K m < S K F R O M PtiST- -AiiirUe lUiprd forkoiillemen. D'r

ft I I'W RilARDKIts WANTED AT i :4 BdWi\ E R Y S't', wn-niiil lluor. fill

~ f t I r W U K M l .E M F N R H A U D E K S \ S 'A N T F l ' , ;\tir 3:i i HIHU st .

Ha n k S T . Ni i u k i d i u i a r d a n d r H E i- ^ Rhil ruiiuol; iftlde buanl. '-"I

S4 f f iU MHl.V HT; PLEASANT b u t and cuUl ualer «nd h«'ftl. ‘ ''•11.» O A R D IN i i


HT. maliaseg'HHl liiiuie

Il-NTJIE ST., 7fi

A FEW iirN 'I’ LE.MKN t'AN hod llrhiclftsi Uiard. 1

( l l - N T H t - S T ., W im w iMH, w i t h E IH S T 4-lti'* IrtHihi; uiftu ami Mlfe ; gviillemau , iftido


SA LO O N livtiulre ai

S '*r^u

A I'ORNEU SALOON FOR BALK oiuire ai UJIR lsrlAN KKICJENSPANHaU r y ._________________________________ **f

uiTEAM f.A l'M 'R V AND Al.l. FQmPMKNTH, MAddn-w [.Al'M iRV, llo i R.4Naw*office. 63r

TORE FOR MALE KIAX'K AND F IX T U IlMUfa yrmt’fv *lore, doing n gtuvl cftPh buft1n«4«)

lot i-eUlnir, owner leaving chy. inquiry OUD*rtH 'HUt;AL FXI'ATK OKKlCfi^imh amt Simmu’P ftVi‘1. *’■'*

'lOMMEHOE ST,. IW .1. h i l t o n d I ’u l i l W ilie r. u R h o r w i th o u t lK»ard

FTllMHmTD RiKlMs, ......... WS

/ViiMMEIU'E ST. Idfi PLEASANT IDKIMS I w Rh hiiani ; nil Rnpniwiuentn. *r

I inMM\ m

...HOF ST. M NIOKLY V'VKMSIIKD riHunN with nr w Illo'Ut iKiartl.


14 HIRE i i i NFm TIONERY AND CIHAU Osloro flirBulo. S-illUNKHT^_______________ tx>ii j roRi; ANDlTNTUHEH pliR HAtK:<KK>Tli ^Ti*tkioii forjk'HIog. AVII'KNTRAL AVK 4 T

' l l ’'m i I » A l .E AND RETAIL CONPKrTHlN- V1 erv (4>r Male ; hor«M>t, |iu»lneM wagon, ete.; Ig

on mio nf ihu main itraetA of Nawark. W.» Bui H.Nettift 4iflli4-, TOfl

8 r i ( » rihmhloil In (Y>(1b>h ; wife a* uyvernTuent hnnda. Thu In'MI k' 'hi ml ne In th** i 'ripple i 'reek illfttiirL Bbo'ic eedliur Id .Vie. a ahare. 'I be niannger of tbft Flke'g 1‘4'hk I’lut -r win Ih> ftt till* uftli'e for one week. !f you have inoiiey ui Invent In larire nr amaR wma and want tu ilouhln 1t, iikll liniio'diMtelT

in t e r n a t io n a l FXI'HANOK.New York tliy.

m rennuylvaiiln avo,, or 30 Now at

U;P^ O.ftMDKN sT.. NEAR niH. Iiath nitim and laimd ry

iimi all iiindi'rn Impruvetiirutft. Aptiiy • 'M A

n rH'SK TO EFT.Tlilrlociith Ni »■.. W rtw

iDr Nii f ftHKKf MT.

HOI'sK to TFT, sMAt.l. ID »rSF, « Id H iMSi wulerlnklh'lu'ii, U HEROEN s'L, inwr War­

ren.«a DWELLINOH AT I "W RENT, * »B«*rgi-ti fils, to'iir Oliiittiii ave : 1 «we «iiun Novvni- iH'r L R R. 4b R. R1 RNE IT. 17 Ai-mh-myit. aij

HOUSES w a n t k i l


.Ittrn o l i ................................. - ......................

fur Iwi. luHrrhtl noipipe; I'Hilrully liM'ftted

I^^Asr I’AUk S F, 24



J K E E N S T . la F l ’ 1tM S H K I > F R O N T R fH iM \ I w l l l i o r w i lb u R h u a r i l ; w d liitd e f o r t w u . ______ 1

ft 1 noVRST., 21.11 FAUlX)Vll*’ HOl HK- HOARD \ ■ flit IWii ••Mlli'II1'‘tL


l4*1 w-RJi iHiHTtl; releri*m-4'ft

I ADV WIHIirB TW (M lIlLDRFNTi> ROAUD, ^Mlr I'.T HAKUlf»ON A YR . JIarrl“on.

I A E a YKTTK HT. FURNISHED llOOMK jw Ith Of wlihoiH Imanl. iRd

ftl nod R. 1-.3I Morkot iH.

A .F IN A N C IA L ,



" 'TT 'a h t m f n 'is to e f t TniiKi-; fouri\fttol hvu riiiiinv. Ml H, 10 Jiiul Vi I'J' e* el,, onehhK-k from Htuu.Iki ; funis ........ flit; run i-eju'en on pfuiiiiMi 1 inquln* nf .1. H M»• EK l-ill. KiUI'mtlMiiiikl RiillilliiK ur S'l door n-ftr m l-.Hsex si. Mf

i V nh iK w a le r : K loum ; tfo*riMim. lYl PLANE sT . m ar Nei

Imlb; ulHi4*niAler Im




1 > U MRF'1( - w a n t e d , a UtK)l> PLUMBER 1 ttia;. PACiFiu ________________________

i >k i 'h - m i-;n E"H f in e u o a is w a n t e d1 riKht aWilV. WM. A. W IIITEUEAD’S BONH. 33 ami AI LVUiri at-. I'or Nevodi* M. _______ BTr


n iTHEWORK ■liujaPnn at general bnusi'v

HERMAN OIRL w a n t s I bnuei'work Id Americftn

family ; K'KmI refen'ticft- 1V2UBLNTKAL AVB.

ADY WOULD LIKE TO OO OFT BY THE day a* druMimaker, inanOe Of rtialrnnkef.

1 FLORENCE OWEN. I*» WnahlhgtOTiit

N^URBE-A RKHPEf.TARLRW'OMAN.SrFAK- IniT uermnn, Krenrh ftnd Eiigllrh. ftfi'l bftvli^

ijM.E-^MAN - WAMElh FX PERI EN('ED ^nnil rrlUihle Kili^iuan In Inirodmi! u ip '-’lalty on n ••niars ImslK. Addr4“* .loHN W. ILlFF Jl ( o., UYi-lfu» Wahnsb live . t hh'ftgft. III. ^ ____&l\)

tJlinE.MAKKR w a n t e d ON CUSTltM SHOF-S,n w N KW sr. __________________OT.AMPKR-WANTED. AN A NO. 1 lURR'iN

ftiampefi mnit Ix ft antKT mnn and llmr- miifhlv uiidtT-'Laiid Ulh nu>liie«s; an arilai In 1 hie line ran Ilnd n au-ady dtuaiion the year round nnd a>KMl wturi'-B hv ad'loosliig Hi tiDf W M. H. DROWN, 4i IxJdy si.. Providence. II 1_________________ 1 1

^ WAN'fFi'. ML'.ST BE EXI'K' E. A. KIIUTI it CO., Ki5M*rltetftt.h0f

the her! TeOftrunce!', wl'hea sUUiillon IMvrrvgiiiKl intend to mjjftnenirDtft. BKCltFIL 240 LIvingrilun au

ftirk niirfl' KKICIIEN’


1J A 1N T K R - A Y 'O U N O M A N W I T H S Y E A R b ' einrrtence at varnDhlng, wlabea to leiiru tha

pfthilma hiiftlnekM. Addraa* II. UuWEI.K rnr- IkOck and Huft.“ex are. I

OTF.ADY YOUNtI MARRIED MAN WANTS ^posPloii M shipping clerk or as book keapar, Ad- d n « A. M- WlLBUKriift summer avn. It

STOVE MANriKtirid.

rpiNSM ITH --------------- .J a m lih : o n e used to ft ir tu n V w o r k ; Do o th e r

M'ANTFD. A FlRsT'C I.ASflTlN used to fbrhttfV wor'

neeii apply. HICKaiON, Brick I hareli.

lOOL FOROERH w a n t e d , m en w h or p t , . , « .................. .. — — —1 have hart exnerlenee *1 forging hdiuII steel imRa

Ai'plv to W'JI.! 1AM JOHNSON, Agt, tntuf'nf uiftchauka’ tool* and liardware, Hrdeuberg W'ofkft, J

“lirA N T E D -S A LE S M A N ON SAI-ARY OR W ro m n d w ln n In h a n d le ih e n ew p a te n t rh e m lfyU

In k em -slng pf-nt l l : I l ia arreatest se llin g n o v e lty e v e r p r ix lu re f l ; e rftj« « In k in n ro n g h ly In tw o ftecoTid* ; n o a lin w iin o o f pape r ; 20O lo p e r ce a L p f o t H ; nna agem 'H salon a m iiu n te d to f i i ‘J> In rI i dayb , a n n th e f i ; 2 In tw o h o n i f t ; wa w n n l nuo e n e rg e tlo g eno ra l a jP 'n t f o r each S la ta a n d T e r r l to r r , F u r U -rm a andpartlmlarsH‘ldre«sihe MONHoE KHAKKH MAN'VFACTUKINU UOMTANY. X l4T. LaCro«e. Wla

■YyANTED-MAN TO WORK AT THE YHiEon Jewellers' inola


N ’|T‘ EAVKRS, WINDERS, W'ARDKKS WANT- \V ed-S0mlniil»e Duni Newark on the D., L. and

W R, H. The BUMMI TSILK MFG. CO., Hummlt. N. J. '*«1‘

^CmH at office, I* M.

1. NATIONAt.TlES.261 ST., from7 to 9


Too Murli for Moth o f Them.From the Ne'w York Suu.

“ Ycu Just Arrived tn time to mtas bcInK lK>rr<l," hft Raid to Ibe aewoomer, as thb piano cea*«d ftnd MIm tiQuaUer bowed and sat down.

•’ Theipoor IhlnR l«>k i weary. She must haye sung Quite a blL '

’• Jfot H* much as yoa might luppoie, Bb« thrown her liead about «o much she soon geta tired (bLi warm weather.”

**Tbat young inau beside her Is alio eX" haunted aad out of breath. Bo ho was singing with her?'’

"Ob. no. He woi Iho fellow who asked her toslhf.*’ _____________ ______________

T h e D e a d ly D i p l i n e P la n t .From the Indianapolis News.

The cotnition daphne grown In flower gar dens U one o f the most deadly poisons known to the botanist. Three or four of I Us berries WUl kill a man •• quickly as ilrychnlne, and one has been known to klU a child in half an b<mf. There are nnraeroua flowering planla which are perfectly hartniess, both In leaf, flnwer ano seedf and so long ftft these can bo readily obtained there Is no excuse for a flor­ist allowing such a plant as the daphne lo grow on h li pTvmlsee.

YTFANTFD-A SITUATION AH (TOACHMAN, f > itinmad mftTi ; wife !• willing to iio general

bouseMKTk : can iiitne weU recommendeil. Apply loEKNkWTLfcrrZNER, Sm Bremen sl, clly. 72r

W ANTKD -TO RKNT a BOARDlNG-imUStt In runnlof order, or would lake charge ofonv.

AddreftftL., Bog II, Neweoffire. 1■VTOUNG m a n . STRICTLY SOBER, WOULD

1. l ik e e m p lo y m e n t ftn ^ u n d • g e n t le in f tn ' i p la c e ; c o u n t r y o r c i t y . A d d re m F , B o g H. N e w s office . 2r

Y o u n g w o m a n w ' a n t b s i t u a t i o n a hffiidiwa4lier. LU rv GKurKTLHUftnileUtat Mr

TH® " N r w v

3 0 . O O O .

I f sr», do not fkll to get nnr ratei befbTe borniwlng. ■We make loan* on fUrnllum. plstioe, lir.r.-4«.

wegona Hij't other j>er»'n*l prtip.^rly wllhont m- nii'Vftl. Bt th*' lowest pcMrilbls raUui and In the qiilfk-MI po^^lhle ilrtii'. . . .

Iftiena can 1>e rorrled aa tong m d«wlre<l nr may be polil In (HI) or tn part atany timo ami any pan paid rertncee the If lurrying tlio loan In pn.porinjn to the aino'mt paid

Our offit'Hi are rvinvenleiitly Inreted and are so •rrftiiged that ]iHrliei cftlLlng on ue can he walied uo qnirkly end •’OuriM.nsly. * ^

P.empmbef thal ynn liave the use nf both the pfqHirty end Ihe money nud c*n return t!i« unmey ftl nnv time yon wish. •

It wUli)e to your wlvnolag* n* before pr>curltjgft MORTtmoF l.GAN*ra.,


I F l ig h t I jo iiw -k c i'i iD ig .

HHOAD MT-, I'l 'H'l'-’i AND ROGMH TtlLE T.•J flute, li nM-ini“ fliid bftGinmm all !oipro\'#ni‘'Ht\

|''o mul ; 1 dill, r'Kiiiift lihtiro%eiiietna.|'2'.:; 1 II111. t rtMiin* ftiKl I'liGi,

TlKftp llftte are All iu g*4.rfl'li>rHmr near depot elul ■re }i1l 111 tlrM-cluiv'* 4»rii' f

F<ir ^ul'vliK'itjry li'fiiiiiti a loner price would be fOb.ildvn-d. luquiruuf


I OMRADDY ri...S1. FIVE MINUTKH FlinM jNew iiiid linmil Rwinliiig ; Herniftn-Auierl

cen tfthle : m-e of iiIhiio : itutli.T. I'I.KAHa NT AVK. ■Ti NKW'LVFUIl- iiDlied HKiuiN. iaIDi or winiunl Uwrtl, for g''u

IkniiiMn. I’-"'!

MULRF.RRV s t . ai.'i ALttU ’ K FllGNT lunil-ilii-d room, with or without hotvrd; nl

fitlier riMjmft. ’D'

Nei'.W HT.. H.*i PLEAS tM ' FHuN'l* IDH'M I rtith iHiord, lor e holy 4lr

Nr D'EI V EURNIHHFDR'M»MMW1T 1IDDA1M I all luipruveinfiil*. lo itN 'I l i r s T T

/k lH 'D A lU i ST. n FUILMSHI'D HtV'MI llli uf V, lUifiit Ixmrd : UH4‘ ofbftRi J*'

iR t llA U D ST. 4*1f ftiii r<Hun ; leritrnl :

4'Tl 17 MoUverryal

( V'MMI Ilf'i; ST 71\( |.l3 ut ivu'<i1Ttl'.

A TTE N TIO N ! A ri'E NTlG N : - I'AllTlF.S needing money fM (:'i. UO" jifoniinlv

loened on homsetold hifldiure In uw* wUhout re- muvftll pf«*1Uvolv longealtliuogtven; Inwi-m rate*; Mrli'tiy ronfiuenUftl ; moel reUalile, ol<letU e«ieh- Hahed, aeay Tepaymenia, prtmipi ullentlon ; money lT> tvrelvft hours’ uutica; open evenings till 9 o'clivik.

laj K KKH. 4.-A Dfoftd at.

ft il IN'D.N AVE. nU sT I Lniilt OF SO, 2.Vi4 111 IV III: (T4'-deni lui|ir4‘V4-!j,,.|itH. Apjily mupreinScjiTir Nil 7“ R! I lOp.W' u>ii K. ftiq

IF L A T ^ .B jm O M .s E A C S I.PTk

| 4 i.i:m iN l’ i l.A 'Irt ’l o LI r. « o S 'lA iN lN “ • I ' j u r T iiH iiiM : a l l m ie l 'T r i i t i ip n iv 'J o e T ii f i ' J u ii l io r '.

h e w lv p i i ' e 'l ‘• i r i 'H , | n l i ' ' ’“t lo i is m iu l'l ' ' 4 i i i 'U I " !■; h'. D ') M ) & f o , . J in i i i i l Jii.. i- r J A N M u l l , 29 U r h i i ie t .

*M (}AN r FVRM sin;D Unn\JS TO LET’. Imlh ftud ctv*, K'..{ DRijAD ‘•'I,, tirni Hat. '-’>r

l.rr, 1ST n .oiiR ;A t'F'ly

, I ' fH l l lrn f td .

Iyl.UM HI', ftmom^, whh or wiihuijt li<i:ird.

I jeniMSIhlv

(Mjon flliA RP ; PLEASro i iv e lih 'i ifV f t .

IHAIILE F l'KN iSH E l•i*r

W ITH IIOAUD..41.17 Hud l!i 1 DM RARDV PL

K O li SALE.

I.L SOIIIN a n d HIZf>1 OF FRUIT. SHADE i \ Rml omniin ntftl ln-i*n, vluiw, ahnihb*^ ami rotu'ImiiiieH Hi thn NK^t'ARK URSKUY, Clintoit

, lo'iir leniilinm III l(ii|dit Traiiftlt and Breed sU red ('ttra. Offii'c. 01.1 Ih'tireu nL Mo

a RNKM-a t h k Fo r h a l e .t un* uf W M UHUF N, 2fl MetdiftPle ft.lU

Hirv t I F A l■E^■^■RY n iiiullc tlrva ; Ural clH“eon1(f.


i.rMRIA, PNEU-rah HfterT P .V ,


liL A N K E lH . gU IITH , tHHIJyirnc ‘ ............

( IIDKR fh

AND TORnrr.'S........ over ftMibt ('a.tholl4' Dev, <Ynmnh(eo wilt pwll■ tGOEIlFN'H AID ADK.27i" sprliigflcld ave.,Hnd 7S• El(li*ri'ih Bvo , iii’iir Itayet., at lower than ctwi; till', wT., POT- Mr

Fo r HAt.E FINK UtDKR M A D » h^mi ieli-41'^l Appli'^ |HT linrrel, of 44 gftHuiui;

cld4-r nift4le U' «'hl4'r nl huvoitl iirln'a.I8i| I A lll. M Aty^ NuUey. S. J.

I'iHl H.4LK. 'I'UOIloUnHHHKD PUG 'd4tg; iMf ftftle rlieap. Inquire of J- H. MAGIK.

Miftl SL. N<mil 0 |ftt:g<-. 1

noo Fl'H h a l e , a IDR ND Td>G A T S, son I EH I/‘ s. I«0 Venma ave . WoiHjalda. Mr

I .m il SALE LA'I'llF-S. PI.ANE1US SHAPKR.^ ' ilrm loot. fc’H'w, ilfiip, lever and ^w er

gMir I'littmx, Mirtrtl working nutchmery. OOl'l.D A KHEHIIAUD'T. Uteea. Hmaii end N. J. U. It. iivi*.

11 fl|4lg

INoltSALE 11.4U. HAl'K, F-''0;<E4K SIDE

f ; I •»>!( i>rove, f i.M>; beatlag Ml •'Hii'1'1. 7.'h', ])iT yahl i niftttri-H?>, 2d W ll l.tAM HT 1

itiMiOi'ii tnlih filox r, (i: .VI . li fi.fti. i.k I

I/OR h a l e 1 MItEK h o u n d PGUH. lliiirniiiflilv hrok4‘ii . Him girfid itnuhle-hftrrel


miAHD IN PRIVATE TAM ;i-i>mrii|etit lo liMrs4> arid eiiniii I'HrM. '-’Ti’

i j ’l'ATE s r . J.1 MUI.I.Y H ItNtsH ED JtOOM ^ liT i\\4* gt-iillemi'ii. m»l wllli giuHl hourd. 7or

fin v ir l i l ’N I LI-MI' N 4'4N ul T FI RHT4 t. tSH 1 liMordniid rix'iii; iTutirusenictil* ; ulftn few Uihii'

iKHiMlers. 44NEWh'l. :«'r

Lrei-< li Imi'ling giin. Addri-iii71-, We-'l' 'iiiiiMi'. N. J

1.-<oLDIM» REDS, t a RPE'I’H. KITCHEN rtoik'i'Hod iithrr •‘ii'Vi'i fur shIv •’h*Hp. I4KKN-

HlN'I loN P I .. |-.<i*t "rmini- 9V|»

1/V H N \ ('i: l'«'R KAi.E. SF lT iN D llAN D* Rlflmr.l-MU iV DnriitMii piTfi'i-l'* flifhiwsf. In

fln! I I t't'’ : ‘'iiiuilde lor loiiiill bixiic. At>- Id.wu »i4 nU H D A\'l. TUp

MEI.ODE'iN F 'iR s .u .K: K1NFT<4NR; PKR-fittordi-r \il«lrt-s“ X., D o Z, N' weoffiee tnq

N'4.W A M ' slrnSDIIAND Kl'OVlW FNIK •suh' . Lruh-r<< lilld I'lKikmg Moves,

fthi 40., MI'LRF.HRY ST.




Nktvapie, V. J-, Aug. 39, ISW.


The mftwnrerft have declared a dividend al the rale of ihree per cent, per ftmiarnonall aecMJfiiJi rnlltlwl 1 hereto uftbcpwuiber 1, payable on ftnd eller September la.

Depofilie mad* hy the third of any month draw Interebt frotn the flrft of that munltu

JOHN M. nWINNEl.L, President.EDWARD N. URANE. Vlee-PreeldeTil.M K R ItnT G. PERKINS, HerrMary.


Wa n t e d , a g ir l t h a t I8iuing to Itiftrn dieesmaklugatV1» I» R E N T H E

wi n _____________________________

\ YOUNG LADY OF ARTJsTK; learn eras


ABILITY ' TO s on work. sTU Dlu, B73 Broad et. 20r

D E A T H S .BOICIL-SHfldstilv, on Oetuhet Id, Daniel

f ! „ fideatfton of JuhnU, and Mary A. jle^MMtisI 4ftv«ftrvand 7 monttaR. Kelftllvea and frlendn are Invited to attend the ffinantl ftervlceerroni the real- denoft QfhU fklhsr, No. 19 Mull»erry place, on Thundiy, fttS P. M. InleriAflnt ftl ennveuletice of the fkmlly. Fialalleld paper* pleaMt ( o pT.

rftA N K Y .—ON CKrrt>HEU H. Wlillnm Uraiiev. aged *7 yearn. HSIfttivee fthd frletwlH of tin* de c«H. e(1 are Trepectfuily InvlieU to wtend the fimeral from hla lite reeldence. No. SIh John street, lUrrl son.on Tbnreday, liclotn'r 18, ftl 8 A. M., tolhe

' Churvbol the Holy Croaft. wiitrH ft High Mft-i"or iUoftlem will be olrered for the repnae of his s“ «L loiennent in ihfttiemetery of the Holy stpnUhre,

H W W ITT^*^ October U, TbnmftS Hewltl. In bift Idd year. Funaml ftervici’e ’will he held Hi hi* late realdenc*. No, 26 Sbermon avenue, Ke*niy. oo Thtiiedayt Lk'ltiber IS. 1*82, 111 2 P. M. Ke1atlv»sij ftftdDlftiMlaoftbe fanillv are ri'Ki>«!tfully Invited. lBt«nnent at ialrmotint (*enietery.

LTKBKIL—On Wtslnesday. Oi-tuher IL Ifedwlg. beloved wlfa of Julius Lleher.ftg' d Id years. IlcSa- tlTM and IDeiula are kindly invited to nttend the flinaralOD Fridoy. October 14. at 2 P. M., irom Wy FrlDoftitrsst, to Falrnionut Uemetery.

PKACOCJC.-On Octobftr II. Mrs. Mary Peacorlt, widow of Archtbtid Peacock, agutl 67 y w t . Knn. oral aervIcM on Thursday at T-SO I’. M . fmm her IftU retidorMW, No. 90 □iivei' street. Hclativfw and frioDdft art invited 10 atlftod. Intermi-Nt at Irvhig- W , N. J,

ROTJfERYr-Btiddenly. on Mouday. fWjtober 10 1flt2. Jaioeft Lows, oideet eon uf MhuIisw ami ('«tbtrliM X. Rotbery, aired 4A years. Relatives and friend* am Inirlled to attend the fiirnTtil aerviues fram bin Iftte rosidenoe, No 19 Grant street, un ^u nd av , October 11, at k P. l i . liiturmcnt iu UooDt PleoMoi OeixMtery.

VILLUiEH, -Oa ineaday. October II. a ta ^ A , Mm LOQia Viilinr, aged 70 y e a n 1 nmnin SAdays. ItoifttiVfo ftnd friends aro very respeciffilly Invited toftlland bift funeral on Tfhirulay, Ortob r lAfttS O'clock P, M'l from bis late refiiiience, Nu 74 south Bsvspth I t iPtonneut Id Kalnnouni CftmK<>ry.

I fOOPi I ... ............. .................... ..........—

Clolm o Fo ld la Mowiirk To-day by laotgopo liioa L llo iuo« Co« ■

_ _ ^retjft AmtM ftrrlt O iDIil MJohtiftOb ftTO..............u |I9H mJeoalftbMniid^, ISO Mulberry .10 IM OOWm. H. WUdey, Il471h ave..................... .16 H7 00Frank avoeoiftUI. Davis avo ......... ............ .10 Hi7 Wj

M e M , W om st.................... .70 10'. 0044 liuom HftMt t Cbarch it ...... .04 5I» 00Geo. Arodt, 111 MDftfttz ave.................... OJ lii 00

' ABdfswri^arty.g Lincoln ftvft......17 ooAnnlo JC d w i^ 71 Naaiau M........ . M IS (w

1* flA^iCTT.Bupt«Oor. HarkMand HalwyBta

Ha s t e r s . miUaR w a n t e d t m m e d ia t e -J r : I 'lm tm u k v rR a m i c o iit b as ie rs . WM. A .

W HtTEII Ea U'S hO N S , 33 aud B6 Court st, cor. Npvuilfift _____________________________ l» r

ft^^wKs, c h a m r e r m a h w . n u r r b » a n d \ Klrli ^ r g r^neriil huii< it>wnr]i;; i-an l»e lu p t i l iN l with ttcsi'Claaa plftcvs lu im e d la le ly . U6 MAUKKT S T .

COOKS. c j e n k k a l h o u h k w o r k k r b .w a lle rs a n d ( le r rn a n g ir ls c a n h a v e g o o d p io c iw

b y a p j> ly ln g 1io M if ' r t l ) E K N N Y . 24;|^ H g h S t 1

/ ' 100K - W A N T E I i .” a ( X IM P E T K N T IN K IK x _ g ood rc re re n c i a re ip ilr t ’d . 4 W . P A R K b T . l

/ 1 I R t . H - W A N T K D , A T O N U K , 20 G E R M A N \ l g 1rlft, M R H , W A K D 'b E M P L O Y M E N T O F - FICF ;8 Newat. _________________________________Mq

r t I R T r - W 'A N T E l) . A G IR L F O R U P H T A IK H \ Y w o r k a n d m in d ohO c h i ld 4 y e a rs u ld ; rs fe m iic e r« [u lre U - 21i P L A N E h T _______________________

CU R L - W A N T E D . Y O U N G G IR L T O A R R IS T i I n b o u a e w u rk . M O R O V E S T ., re a r C 'o u r ih o iif te . l

f iO O D K A L A K Y G U a K A N T K B D T O L A D I K B I w in in g to do w r l lh ig fu r m e a t U ie lr b o m e a

A ddri>sft m e In o w n h a n d w r it in g w i th n la m p e d e t i- v e lu jw . m i r k E D N A L. S M \ T H K, S o u th H ead , D id ., i i r o p r l f t to r o f th « ik m u u i G lo r ia w a te r fo r th o n im p le a ro n . M v

C O M J 'R T R N T W O M A N M . A . W ., B o x Jk N e w s

uffiee. 99«1

u k e r h h a k in g .

AK INg'^ N tT 'mI LT.! N- # pry, open day and evening. Ml Broad, where

br>th hratK-bCft are thoroughly laiighl: every altoo' tiou given to pupila until prtjfleient In the arts,2flJ PalieniHctitbv MHrt. DAVia.

A _ a , - t h k o n l y b y k t f ^ n o t a r i i a r t• -K. T. 'I'avlnr Is the original Taylor syiitem,

ljklU‘S,lhnie who tell you of liaving an linpruve- meiu on this aymsm, and the wme slmpllflad. mil an untruth, ft* our jiyatent is the only oni* of Hciual nieHaiirpuieuL atld ihi- only p*Tfwt way to cut Ittdlpfi’ gfirmcntJi; no rcilUing : arholani can malte dreKM** frn« ofi-hargp ; aati«fa>'llu)i guaranteed ; uU are Invited to <*11: lea»<uia dny or evening: pal- tenw. nmlng nod fitting and fafthlnnable dr*‘fw- iTiHklng cut hy K T. Taylor aj atem from Sdo Broad­way, New York.4« t M . F> r i l R l H T I E , f i t l B ro a d st.

Monp____ ______lure, pianos, OTKBHSand W'fttjiial property with

out removal ; pariluft lumoraidy deall wlih, and rati nvftke repavraeistn by lwtaluj«-iils; all lmt«iur*i ilrlctly conftilcnilal- Call on K. W. URAAVFOIID, room t TSa Broad st Upen evenlnga imUl 7.

O SE Y^ LOANED ON PERWiNAL PROP- erty, pinnos. orgmis and flirnlmre hi use sltli-

out removal ;all bualiipt^atrlctly ronfldentlal. Uiill OfftddrwmF. U. EDWARDS. Room 6, 191 Marfcot ■t.. or 10 l.'edar Bl.. duy orevi-nlng. 42g

Mo n e y o n b u n d a n d m o r t iia o e loloan In sums to milt. H, J4. JAUKm >N, Uonn*

aellor-atrljiw. T’ O Bniail


r i ’ Wn ! | 1 g<'lltlM

“ iNol.E RGOMH w riH K.4 RIRm D Ml

RtiARD Fi.'R

WARREN hT . Gdint

ULE4KANT SINGLE AND ijis .III hutinl “!tr


-a ir \ N 11:d a FUU.M-'IIk D ihm »m w it i \ V b-ifttd i likrfttl 'll reii' t y Iviy

I Address 1 ., 11' » D, .Veft’i office,


1t |,a t to li :t - i .‘ 'W i- R f i .at iri lem on mt.. rive rmuift lu (IrMs IaM lioJer. Apply at


cticoM r e p i l r c d nm | f i i rn l 'a lm l lO ' i V . N fU - i d l l i ' i * . _______

WISHES hoardlie hOHloriAddrusi I ’KNTltAl.,

I k i l l .7 /. l,r

i M i m r i iP l iU H \ N In -s I IE MM t N W E .


I j i l v N i i H i l i s M . i : o i l r iK N l , V E R Y E lN H e iii i i ire 7' , c u rv i'd l> g« : se ll v e ry lo w o r

r> 'iil fu r - lu i i l l m iin iiM i tun! h IImu u t il I f p n r rh f t - a d ; p h i i i i i HO"d OK i i in \ t'^ rs litvp h u rg ftlll. A d d io fta R. V. , lv.» I . N.-'S ■■tlhe „ 2lf

I f «R s , \ I I , i i N l : t i l l \ N D UF’ R H I H T ■: . , I I 'c i l i i l : k | i l i 'iu l ld to n e ; b Iv »p in t ■■ III Ht'li oil it v i-ry Uiw p rl'W . In -

Ik lA N oI'lritni

L,)ie 101 sJ-KJM.EIl LD VVi:.

I JIA.NII rn . l l

ONI V ...... ]■ LE04 N r UEHIGIfT:tiiK • IM nil Ijlli. Adilresfl up.

Rns R. N.iAvnlTIfn 2.T

NELSON I'L: S ROOMS;t'ni(*nL.s; rent luw toailnUi.

k’tqt I'fti'fcTCd ; all imprti’Inquire nn pri'miwf-'*.

I i I.ATSTo LE'!' o ' h.>mn rtwns. city wnt#-r. Witier

Iw-ft-xlnry JiO'IB a. -Nos. H'J 14D.J HinIfLi. Apply 674 IlIO ll sT.

IiL .4l'sT<i l.ET F I V I: ROOMS, HRDK MITr.D iTii'. Ml HKT'NsWU-K. UdWn,'ii Aslor ftnd

Wright: tcnT fwniid 111. Hint

L.4 RGh, H 4Nlw rloHel tn cellitr, In

butunih 4L; rcn ifilA<ir.

1/d......... . --- -V h'H'-n: rn/vaiiiHtide rent; Nu. souih F!.lf;hih It. Apply T-i m a r ih l :t sT.


f t lA r iJ 'E N T K R J u H R lN G \ done, a ild lt lo n a . aJu-ra iliM u, hH flk n ld t i t l f t i t , s u ira fU iu n b oaO- U i«t w u rk , e lc.

IJKNRY k n ig h t , lOAtlanllCM.

M UIAfT T m H 'I Boor a n d MMfiEMTGRi:^ ifttdlftH'kld biittot), fln o : iHdles'i1pp«*d hiiitoii.

fi.iio. intRes' duug'ilK khl Oxford Ue*t. mlsiei* ghl hutlon, 75o.; in'm's Mwed, latwtl and I'oiigress, |J <AJ; l«jya’ lined alines.7.V'.: iK»v a imn l»-«il nint.-i,11 ul WM. J. MuKINNKY’Ji, 37B Kiauft at, m-arWiUhimat. _____ 7'd

W A ir :iijil fcttthcrs mail'* eijiml to new ni

r r ■J4 0 H4

I ’OtUR 1 laTgt'j-Brit



llUR ROOMS T«l I.KT, Sp:<ytVD Kf.ooH.' 2ti RAI.DMTN KT.

l.OAN OFl-DE. E K rN K L »T K T N .3(1 Charlton sL, ncer


n Ol^KKEEPKR-A aa iKuiftekceper.

OUPKWORK WANTFD- AiHRLTOROKN* eruL UuiiiH'vvurk In {audly nf live ; nuobilJn'U

n-tpi-eiii-cs. H.MWILldAM K’[., h'j)Ai Orauge, (wh'- m td (lo u r ir o tn N u r th iu i i i t u i ) >11. Zlhi

A - T H K M t D O W J i l .L M Y B T E M O K• c u R lu g U iig h L B ra n c h n f Ih n N e w Y o r k

tie h o u l. I .a d le s 'f th o w lM i Ui le n ro r n i t ln g a u tl l>e com e exp e rtft. so as tu H ia h le th e m In ta k e a p n i'U ln ii ascT itW r. s h g u lil b u y Ih ls s y s te n i, w h ic h Is iG cd byu l l lh c lie s i c i i i te r a a J id a l l th e l i irg c s l d p 'w in a k lt ige B U h lw h n ie n lf t In th is c o u u trv . T h e M rD n w e il t ia r m e u t D ra ft in g M a c b ln n lia-x n e ve r !>«**« d e fra ie 'l lo a n y co n ie s i. I i 'a e a s y to le u rt i, ra p id tu use, re- n u lr y bu re tt iU n g - T h is s y s t i ' iu leads a l l uthspa. bi*caiiBa l lg iv i * * those g ra c c ft i l ftt id s ty lis h c u rv e s w h ic h yo n c a n n o t r e t w ID i th e n ld -faH h luo c b f t r t i c a lle d T a y lo r sy>UemA T h e y w i l l t e l l yo u th» ;lr c h a r * a re used U l N e w Y o r k siores. h n l uiftv ii In ­q u ire y o u w i l l H iid th a t t h v j ' a re not- He sn rv yo u m a k e no m PUake. O c t ih c M c D o w e ll ayiR ew . w h ic h Is M k u o w le d g e il I he s ta n d a rd t b ro iig h u u t th e w o r ld .W s le a c h e v e ry M v ie o f g a ru ie n i w o rn a n d th e e n ­u re a r t o fd re ft. im a 1t ln g . Y h e n u tu lie r o f Ica w o n ia re n o t l im ite d . P u p ils r a t i m a k * a d re s * f« r ih n m fte lT fti w h i le te a rm iig . tUverla i ie c tn rH i on T h u n - d a y , f r o m 2 lu 4, h y u ne o f th e In s tn ir lo ra fro m m e N e w Y o r k scho o l. A b e a n t lf f i l co lo re d fa ftldori ■heet w i l l Im g iv e n lu e v e ry la d y ra i l in g a t sW B R O A D H T., NMwark. N. J . ______________ _

i T w ? !W J U K IN < * D D N K a y K K A H n S A ltL K J / p r ic e s ; ru lY a m l f i t to njSHsurf_ bj-'_ Y -T a .v li ir

x r p wLlcenscl Pawnbniki'r.

bpringdeld uve,

^ T O C I £ H A T I 'U B L IU SA L K .

At the offlre of FLWOOP C. nAflRlH. RGOM 732, Pr UIjK M IA L huh .DING, Newark, on

THURHDAY, CKTOBER IS, AT 2 P. M SA shares Newark Plrink Hoad Uo.. par vRine |9>i0.

aharvH Newark Firo fn . M« rtp, [wr vulm* |iiv 'jOshures tsscs Uomilf Naticniul Hnnk, par value

fl.onO.a sliaet'a Newnrlc Klecicic Llghland Power CO-, par

valueM sh a re s Y o n k e rs Gus Uo., p a r v a lu e | 7.V).3 Kliares MnnicLalr Ga4 and Water Cii., ]>ar value

li.W.ino shares Matinfaclnrers’ Ini. <‘o. |n Hriuldiitlori. Bund No. 19S Rahway Rckisicrod Adlustinent for

MVi i-Eici'ulors Estatuof RDUEUT DOl), deCRiBivI.

October?, DiVi Udp

al i»er cent, in sniiii ami for parluds to suit ihe Imrrowfn ; no bonus nr commlssUm charged ; f-SWh to loan onchsHel mort­gage inftUJiia to suit. KIAVARD H. JJIjAUK, Uotln- eellur-ot-ljfcw. 749 Broad »l.. Newark, N. J, Telri-piioue NO. 4OT__________ ____________ ____________j r t - g / w - k / ‘k r k r V YU L O A N D-S I lG N l j A N D O J l l U a U U U i n n r t g s g s a t 4 a n d 5 p e r re n u I n a i im s a n d fo r p e rio d s i« su it th e b o r ro w e r ; N O B G N U M N O R U G M M IM H IO N E ,Y A tT E D ; A L Ia u s c e s iia ry p a p e rs rH ie fU lly pre]»ared. C H A K A, F K I U K . U o m is e llo r -a E lA w , 7&S B ro a d a t - _ _ L 'ie^ ^ “> A N D u p w a r d t o J .O A N O N F t l t M -a j l j O lure. Make perwmal appJ'<'*‘ hdi to6y MICHAEL KANF; 6' rKimn Dili si.. R<ieeTlUa

s U h M '^ H E D R O 'iM W l l Ji ' h u ll i. T'( L I I U ' - R I V ST.

L ' l l T t N lM U . D U G O IIS 1 (dl>

A N D 27 q


MAd'riRMAt’ K H A T i U Kl.S, p'HikcUMK>ks, TlKiftnrts' tool bugs

uml Inmksnf nur own niannrnrtnfe; repjilrlng prorapUy attendeil to. MU rrm AU HT., oppohllu M'afihlJigtuu | ‘a rk .

>11.T E R A M K A N J ) M ., N e w a rk iV in b

S3rI h er (IL I (| l S4| r

• '■iMlit'.eS. A iM r v i i , ( i, j;, d l l ln ' ,


T A J ’.L l-H I 'O R H A I.E . E I G I f T T O O Lt i i l ih s in ie(hh | n if i lc r ; m not lv» s .,ii1 to rn s k w

r . i i t i b j f tm u n n e ^ M 1 R J U \ ' b R I L L l A l t l )H A H L I N. 620

O R E \ ( 1IA N G E P -A lt r I ’ A Y .M E N Tfo r l i id y 'h b1< y i- | i ‘ v c s l p luM 'inn '-a n

liiip R o R l N hi *N . l.l 1 h u r t h '■1., M n n l r U lr .

^ i t o v n A H ]-:s I ' l iR m a L E - H I I : u j i e a p k s t^ i i J i d li'** ! pLai-e In Ih e H iy tn b iiv s linaciLse> t,.

■ • • ' ' y\ Ferry!H.'iO



L E M is H R O h ,. wbnli-saJn <'nnfi‘i l l in n - r

U l l o w r \ S 1-S » L7’. i ' E l l I-’O O T : S T O R K F I X - ^ t i i n -1 n o d i- iiiim e j- 't W l l.L l.V .M J A R V IS , M a n i i-fin-tnrer iHi Ne3» Y<Tk nvn. .TI|C-

^Tovl-M EoFl ■“ fni-r n n lp f ID

1’ l ig h t l«r,n>.» k c e j i l i ig . 2'J

(>7 h r g a d s t .


■IG U T A M ) j A l i n l >T .

( a t!ir"«- rnti n< » ling n»- llghl hujiai-kenplng

ijiia . ulvi fiiiiifle m'riiit l >r

HU F IH V U I " - A E l- ;W .m o r e o f t h o s eipftj’hnin lhit.1 bih-l, d to 11 sc'’<i!i.| neur

( cuinil bve Iinpiire In .. ............ .. r'-< s|ini«,In |)h> rci4r. <»r in iiGWi-.].il. sk SVool' H (Jl-'EIUE,73) bnxnl fil. I*r

Mot'll-. sl\ RiioMH,jil(-n Hal. 110: ^fv-o'iihln'irf i thr-e ri>'«ins ?'i .lip



M hemrKl. and use nf biki h

PIKjM 'M T AVI , in M'Wl-R In q u ir e P i A ( '. \D E .M V

PARTol hnUie.

I iJ.EAsANT ROOMS. M-AVI.V FrR\|S]lKD,whli nil t iiiii'-'iiieuci's. '.t a i 'A DI';m 'i' H1’. Iq

I >L1 M M ',11 Pf.E tSA s f I'RiiN r IDuAI KoR iwu gi iilJtiJieri or timii »uul vvih-, lEilpmV!-

iJiPiilft _________ ____ _ -''1

IJLUM Ml'.. R.’i PLEA^'ANT KIRMHIIED front Mums snlmbl*' f'>r I'gi't hniin-k. eping. 7.Sr


ftdulU. lliLrtl lliHirmt . I'M lIlllEr. RG'jMM

1 HANGS a n d o rg ans |■|■ ■EI AND pulMHl. MRS. li|-,UR.IK Ml EPLEV. ([.7 Ma



O loVE

p a pe r e d -WI' WIM.OOMM .. . .Tour rrMjms with linn gold pnper and s Him gold

b-.nlnr, hanging lm linlM.L atid uH ihu n-nulrlugs fnr a * T.'i tH-nil postal'•»nl flir samplcn OhH st NEUY o r k w a l l IMI'EK MTOKE and selocl pai'cr'c H9 spriijgllelil ave. ^

o il A U L M T S n e w s DKINIT.^ 3'*; \V ri'liington it..

NftBrlv ri|ipnNlte linind o|KTii llouie.K«mks, ivrludh n1-. smihun-rv, Printing, eta.

llnyinp'i Cniifis-iInner)■' rw-UToll, ' the giHrij llvccctil Uigur

N'l.ljirv T’lildli- i!!Sni sniiup sinilnn U.s, pcisftifflce.

r| ioH (’HE.H F'»n SAl.l-:, u f ie a iv A'I‘ Jo h n I (lOPHEN'M, ‘2'iA Hprluglh'ld « » « ', or J. _ ll,

o EI. K 1. RH’s, 21 M is-haiih-. 7':i|

I I 'IT .L IA M WMJ.l.AN.-IIP.AINF.R I'oK'VME ^V imdi'; cftlHimh-i glvcu. 77 W ASHI.NGIOV

H'l.. Harrl'i-m. _______re •-’ (•.-PIA N')S A M » ORGANS TUVJ-.D, RK- i i^phlrerl, resinihg, lime n'ilorn»J, i-t'-.

your ordi'r* ni (ii.oRG h: Hl'N 'Es, gw Mmhet st tid

SAl.i; |•o •R s t o v FS: KER* « 'D’shl o r aUE, 2i'i Wuabingidn 4. lar

^EI.F l EEDING PKIlLOIt HTOVK , III giH d ('nter ; rb*-np

'.".7 Noll I II SKVF..V'Tn HT.

X^AUlir loU1 rli.g'''1 : Inrgi-

-u .r.i rn.ip, vai Ipi sm ig p*iibiii. Aildri'H.1 It 4 IlG A 1N, Tk>f

S :{ 1 L I L L R E Vf\c<Hn! piiiijM , <111


( 1- IN I- . D iN E D R ( r^ R - a iK h tC ilu n In g 'K h] o rd e r .


/ (or L F i'i io \ «A K>ilr| Kiid ell\#r

OF M a M1*H (ViJNh : G1.I> bniiubt Id VUIKIER’H V>H


j r . W K L l l V;i-jiirmicf' i<n


I r» oi.i I-. ^ I IA H i AND light. M A in IN, LL! Market at.


\ \ r A Nl I I- i.o 'iD (■ UIK OV F'RlOAl ,r'H EmTf 1 7!f lilt ln>. ; :ih

I In-lip A-l-! < s i i i iu ig |■ ll^lll‘M l:lrs

K'k<oid hti'i w-«i, 37 1nche-(, L 'd i ls , 7<J MulN-rry hi,


LOSl A M ) I 'O LM L

l lL A U K l i o i N i l D O G : f l A D G N \ i i tu - r f in d n ic k e l p iu ie il c n i in r : n n s a e n it> Nii<

u iu i ie o l N is i. R e w n ril « 1H te ' I'W 'd fo r h is r c lu r r i u l 7 L O N G W O R T H s i ' . •

I G S T A f t l c i l t i

l l - : . \ M I- D>V .............Mu.m \f .' iJ-'n

T i I M U V A S h :(O V |i H A N D M 'W .'.mg niJubliK'. Aihtiph .f.U. M.,243

I O S T A M A M I E E DOG, jrewsivlwl by relurnliig 10 A MARKS, > IR'


syatem: goarantee ]n*rfK-l fit- aud A, N. WAHD. W Broad at.

K.CUKlsriEI l f

HOrsKW OftK-TW O IN F A M IL Y -A GKR luari, Swede or KnglDl) girl; mnat be a gcsHl

ctHik. rail (Ul T'buniUv sod Krlduy at 43)4 THOMAS ST. froTn II uullll 4. 7»r

i i OUSKWORK -GlRr, w a n t e d Ki>R LIGHT bouftoviurk ftod ftlecp liuiuu nfgbUi.


HOUSKWORK nm.'HAltTJ HT., 4A,girl (0 oael' l wlita general bmuewurk


I fGUSEWOHK - WANTED,I light huuaewurk.

. A O lR li FORlaqulro al


HOURKWfHtK-WANTKl), A YOUNG OIRL to mind child and lielp with light buuaework

must Bleep Lome. 77 KA?sT' K INNE Y BT.

a v a n t k d , a y o u n g a n dGprman prefernK

Cull AS FlltST ST.U Ot'«EWORK . .

Hilling girl tot hmiaewuik ; oprman prererrad.

V J T O S K T A K X B B .

y E . • . W O O D R U F F ,


H m-NEwrmK w a m t r h , a ik j o d u ih i . f o ii**llrt»l liiiuM'ivora ; rar lar, pula.

177 (T.-NTItAL ,\VK., Mrlek Olliwll.

n (>UHh7WO[!K la il- f l l lK U a m U i WANTKI),ft <7.rniBti jlr l. and 1 Mwuahh. KM l-Loy-

4 JriLUNEK6- W KODI. KAH CU'E.VKL AT a V tm Hroaa ftl,. h uf 104 W. Hlh ftt , a«u- York (Hy, In coiinKHlon wllli Tftylur'n iMTftftmlllri* Hrlioul: by Ih# only Inn. (-Kiy Tuvlur buiii tniilra Uligbl purfrctly; uptin.ntiift.a wurjUftl; guoU poftUloui i motam invited ; eT-iiln* clftft.wft.Mo TAY'UJUH.TaiBiUftdftt^

DK E (1H M A K 1N ( J -M IH H K )1 C H A K I'; A K t l Tou tuhend will leupen tbfir uruftiufttlux l-jn

lum U m B A N K H T . Mepl.inber t7._________

FABIIIUNABI.FW 'ITH MAKK, AI.I.KTY 1.ftl iQwenI pytew 7 ri M uy, * 11 H HKIHMr. lag

OHANdK llKKrttH 'CTTIN" SC[1( « ) 1. - l.’b'T iln( ftinl flithift uuflit nm ft-eeX by (lie 1*T ne

ftyrteni: w* twiTi ibe ftyftiwii ftir ( 15. Knuinr nounui, ciittlna, fllllnr, mnklti*. ilmptriir, d^ignbia iml Hulftlilni Ihrouriioiii, FiA. linwuuAlilnK »nd paper patternaaaiierlftiry. Open day and evening, it K. LA'NUIl, l!a Mftla It., Oranf., n*w iMcX-r Building. ___________

1TYLIHH S V lW MADE BY H. F. TAYliOH Isyatem, at Teaaouable raiw, perftcl fliguarnn

teed. HrtkKWST.___________________________ ^m K K DRUKSMAKING BKTAIILIAIIMENT a t 1 SIGKRKN ST., Newark, N. J-, la prepared tu

fUrniih tLelateat stylea o f fashion tu all patrons; itUfkctloit guaranieed- ______________

luiemattunat Patent Odlt^O A R T N K R A t'O.,

7W 7A4 BROAD*iT h OrtpcisHe new PrudeinUd, Nee ark. N, j.

Tha larieet Patenf Offiiw lit Ihs HUte. Patenta •citIcUetL TraUa-iuarka lekbeia ahU Lupyrighta ••• cur^.


Ko s k v il i .ilUijiruvviiK’Uts. 4 ruuui

1 IlD^T HT. .1 PI.ATS, ALIa ((• h. fIL ti J niid i l l t

•m LE I, LARGE FE R‘ al“«> doctur's ortli'A'. 7p

HRKE PI.E.SHAN'T ROOMH. FERM SIIED or UnfurmlBh+sl. NO. 4‘.l w KRI'-TER ST. 3lq

rB^DERlCK a F R A K im ^ tMeetBur so Campbali A Oik

QLOBB BUlLDINOtfM B R O A D S T . ___________ 5!?® “ !*. * *

I PATKNT8—DRAKE A m.,bollcltoie of Ainerii^n and Fnralpt Kaianli,

AltornevalD patent caftca before the U.S. Uonrta, Mrchamrat aud KlMlrlial Kngluecrs and Experta C:unsullatlon ryee. 7W BBOa D ST. The oldest wi- tahMshed bmiae in the Htuie. Twenty-tlve jearw eipeiieoca. GeGiiau ntwiken. ______ _

Uk“ nishml front nwnu

' i : ___LET-'

1WGARHIDI5 HT fret and Udnl flouri; 7 rooma; pneaealna Imma- d lately.

FTiANyr.iN M.fl7m PradonUal nnlliiiiie HlfUi floor). Newark-

riffi) i .i-;t a e a h t m e n t oe e iv k rgomh 1 On llrnt flnor In hrlrk ImiUsir. N«i. 127 Eniun it.,

hciwi'cn id4iu(etf('mill orcd'u ; nil Unproveincnia : j-oiiVF'tiicijt iu Market or pi-rry it. depuis . refiTeiice required. DULUllTY A OGI.'LD, blO Broad s i, rcKiCii 0. m**

r iv » LET fi RiS)MH, in ’. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, I t l 3- JOHN H. Dl'NN, No. '2 OOfiiiUI pi, l t,

GflfcutAl and Httrvey sia.


INDKlt M ILL RK lilh

ave. and 'l< nih ai.

I ohT ON ■| r4-‘(D ^Y.OU'rollER 12. \ SI I VER j l e r r i e r : n n e w a n to the i«ar.i«- n f D u ii i ly P Ii 'jiw*

r e tu rn to 11 f P l H N o H'l u i i i l r».s-elvH r * w u r l . 1

rflG l.E T .•A & roum a^ flO . J .u B a n k a t . ^ In i ju l r e



ia ’ Wlt KLIFKE HT,

1 GsT A SKYKTMtlflElL ItEW A RIMS'11.1, |jle-pal(i(dlOJA\lj;sHr. _ 1

^TOl.KN HI.AUK A.ST) TAN IlGt ND DOG;^ l lo reward fi>r It* return.g/,r w. J. osuduD, fll2 Narih .lU it. cRr.

WTRSVKD FROM im uolTTI' ST, sMAtf.KfB.r ierrl*-p. Kinder *111 bv rewarded by i*durn.

Ing III abovi- juldrei’'. _______[



are the best and PhenpcM-quality cfinildereilrimdc In ftl! colors sridjlTCH for NUirs wlndowi. rerl- denn-i, hotels, ■cbiifds, BaliKiua; artlftlc decoriiRoii and leiliTlngasisH iaRy.

ATIftANTIU WINDOW BIIADE UO,,Zif lOMiM Folk SL. near Ferry st,


HORhL.h, ( \|lltl U.I.'i, I.TU.

4 f.P FR TL riP f.lN MiroLKSALE ,4N*D R i" l \ Ihi' lienlFT In > Uw horieft \ largeRinck it I-i<itiiees, ilraiigbl ari'l 3vork hones always nh houiL Salt. siHhles. .NfftS. ai.'i to CENTRA I. AVld,Clty. A >1 'Ue k uH ri-(iri;B<‘uied iir cusn refundisl.

i 1 M:I .y> li i:t 1'.};. 7;,tl .M ARKl-iT H'L. TAIlM{ I.I-.H UuK"Ill i-/ir[i«<;Li«<r iiHil iihiinL.-i. «ri ; il' li' I'jirrinv' ■< ot itll ktiiilft i hi[.8«-iHltri;

(itj- f r HliV r>Miit Ur l•rllvri we varrV...... 1 r ■ ■i.Miiw.■« IU hUh'k itll i|n> Him-. i)!ilb

II OR.' I .s A 1 A H 1 JtuN-I vi-rs' ir i'N D .W mid nilDAV thpoiighivnl, Hid

v.'ur iti lo 1.1 ,s. M., nt (jREsT IMsTERN si A1VLE. 'iJi RKG.4D ST,

q Ul hve ntrl<mi|i nf WuHlnrii lEontaa st AMI}.sale , nlS'. i l l .l o l .......... . | i» ie 1 J ln r s ' i . t i i l l f t h le f n fall ijur;.o't"a, llr.f-K-i (ui'l UHrrlini'*( reteivnl fmni a l jFilJifi u* hi-" lid on t .,rniiii'‘-e.r> ftt mii-tlnn nr bt ;»rlv’ide uiU-. 4 liurgeM f.V pvr Le-ul au l 30 CUiitS pur tlay liee|i.

A i- iu la iK *' Moi-'k Dt [ ir iv n ie Ktile.M'lRKlDlVH .fr IN)TTF.n.

Telf ph'.iie GT. nip

n ; R t'- iE s n n A R D i ;D US’ T H E D A Y O K week; tH*«t nf I'lirH; aim horses and carrlageft

Ul l i l / e h v thi^ (luy o r Jmur. J G H E l’ H H A R T I L I'fiiu Kve, lietweeu Uiimdcn at. and Kidr*

ir io iw il HVe.. u r ^ L I HoiiLl] O range ave, S id

I f UR.HKJ 1 iferrocMy aoimd.

K A I,E . K U

( felq

MKNT OFF 1 i ‘K. 42 Green *1.

Holvkw 'o u k * w a n t e d , a «)MKKTKNT I'ndeslaot girl fur general huuMwork; tniiit

iiavfi roferetices. IH8’1‘HIHD HT.

H o u s e w o r k — w a n t e d , o e r m a n o r Mwadeglri fur general hbusewopk; must ap«ak Engliah. ltti|ulre at 13 EAHT PARK8T. ^

HO^UKlJwllltK-WANTKD, A GRIlUAN OIRL fbr light bobifiwurk : must ftlMpal botDft. M>4

WAWUNOTON HT.,flrfttbell. fl»q

H e r m i noiisewniR m >hu«ik lawiu/,glrlluaMbiL Apply al tol BItOADOTft

end hfluwwork In ftffiftU Jkmll^ fttoo young• it.ft . . . , A . i 2fif

HO U H E H 'O B K - O IR L w a n t e d T O D O O K N .eralliouMiwurk, wanbiDf fttKl Ironinf, or mid*

d i a l e d u 'o ic a iu 71 E A S T r A U K t fT .

HOUIIEWOKK>-<IIKL to do g e n e r a l boivfiwurk 1 reftrcrtcca. lOT.* NORTH UTH


Hduhbw ork(tor general bouuwork.

iJlQ E«»ex,VVlOB COMBparaenaUj iPM Hi

w A N T m o n m ^ awwork. Apply y nlQH MTJlr


T h e t a y IiOR school of dreasTUtUng hsi vrown lo

•ueb an eilenl ws haveb'-eiu iit- pciled to t.ike larger (luartera st K* Bnrad IL, Newark, hnyder** oidetoro. Wenoweiiendaprcwe Ing invitation to ihe lartla* and jnlmtn lo (wH. whether they hava learned another system or wheth­er they wish lo Jearn or nut. Moibmare ftpecially foUiHedto Invfeilgate. V*» nila^ ftA young aa l4 year*, leachihi'ml*

—- iew, rut, fit. make, drape, de^u,whjOfttooiie, flDlih. roatoh plsldt and itrlpea. and. » flo't, avcryihlnir pertelnlng t« flriH!lais m**^*" >yNteiDlaug]fttperfrcUy, Includlbg the lem.lbrfift, No limit lu l«wuna It eaeiest i Iftareicnt*wear* ftkltto. H! dllRreDt kindi waist, lA no wrlikies, nd wholeboninggoodi,»:) pertW.>t i n«t even sklrta require wtmmlng kuronvliice Itoo public of this .

Draastuakeri can mme to t>ft «nd rtraR ^ tern* froe. They con learn lu do ibla InWs guarantee saitlftfkeilon atwl

The Taylor Schiiola are »oIbata contrai*t glgned by one twhwhom eyery Taylor School. Ageoti wanted.



At Repihllnan Club rooms,COK. LINCOLS *N1> CAKTAJirT (ITd,, WOOn-

BIDE, TimiWDA V, IMriOKKn 11.

Addno try JOHN H, MEKKKH,HqsIc by »J1bb CIrib.

r^n iB ASSKMBI.y c o n v k n t io n uf t h k

F iFTa ahrembi.v disT b r t

will b« hfld In Ihft ttnmt nt ts« l-lnenlB nrrb, NorUl Hfty.nlli ftt, tt(tftBVldft, 'I'HUIIHOA Y KV KN- INO, Ot.TOBKH IS, ISW, ft. » OTIOCX-

il. II. irflllKMl'A, Frftft.J. A. BACK OB. SftC. Unb Ward llf,rablicftn Ki-

trutlvft C o m m lttM ft


I .4 1H W 4 W IS H I N G I ' lU V A T E > - a l l .1If i P L A N K H T , T i'in 'iT w l f r o m liW ash-

l i ig u m sL ; fs m ild c n i lu l i r c a tu im it ; lu fa n la a ilo p tc d : ducinf tu ttttcii'jaiii’c. '**'0


I a r g k ilti>

l o R E N T S E V E N N IU E ; o w n e r. I i l2 H A N K HT.


qwo k u k m m h k d riaimh to l e t n mliO U W 'k is 'p lng . W A R L IN G T O N HT. k t r

W A N T K ! ) A I 'F .W G E N 'I 'L E 'M K N T O G ('- n iu v ru r i i ls h e d ro o m s a m i Ivav-c w M b m g s n i l

m e m ilh g (Inm *. A p p ly a t 1*1 K l.M K I'. , Js i iL x jr . I 4r

I ADIEH HUHK RF.rl'lEF FOR IRREGL'I.AR- j i l h ' f t : safe, nn i*ccM fiil a m i r o n f ld e n i la l : 2f i y**ar»

F-l iF t-rlence ; d o c to r 's o ffice In m rs. l U) S P- M ,U» WAHlIINoTON Hl.^

IUERHON-AJ. -UNION HTItAW' HAT III.EACH- c ry ; latllcs’ fe ll a n d B e a v e r h a ts nres»‘ -d In H #

■ FEl7,PA’l RiUK. IS« Jlttlwy si.c ry

fa i t s h a p e .

I *JT^.fftbaihaiRl lutiudry.F L A T T O L E T F I V E U O O ilH ,



C »1 t * T O I 14 T W O N IU E K J .A ’l 'H G N r o R N E U i ! 3i M b o u a e : s ia t lo n a r y U iho. I i i i ] n l r u J A N IT O R , •••■•• - •------- tkiJi

A *-"U C 'T IO N H A L E -

tiiCI H ig h s u , c u r. A r '4M lem )^sLKfHjMM:- 'niHEE7

OOfftmlly ■H M A l. L (X )L O U K D

d o w n lim -n . 70 W A R U K N K T .___ ^

■Y yE jTH K K rMBERHOK THE... ................ .......... S I X T H D 1H-. . . . i c t f te p u b h e s n U lub , K Ig h i l i W a rd .d u h e tc h .f

p u t l f y o R w h u n i R n ifty conce rn t h a t W m . U c h ilo g c r la n o lo n g e r a u tb o r l* « l in s o l ic i t ^^ iffils f u r t i l l s c lu b . B y re o o ln tlo a o f Ih e B lX T U D l f e T l U c r C L U B . O c to b e r H , I N I _______________

M E B T I N O b .

T h e a n n u a l e l ic c t ’ i o s f o r d i r r c t o u ho f th e s ig n HUrelchar A d v a r t ls ln g ( ‘u m p a n y w i l l

be h e ld a t th e o ffic e o t th e co m p a n y^ ItiO M a rk e t i t , o n T b a ia d a y . O ct. to.

P oU a o p e n fro tn 17 noon lo i p . H .JL U . H U F F M A N N .

l o B e rre ta ry .

r i T B E n S O U L A R M K E T IN O O F F R IK N D - I . ship Council No. S. G. S. F., will ba pcwtptjned to

Friday eT«ttlng,Oatobar 14, l»a. B.ULGVJUl»iil-.M M . a J D Q . lE lJ U W * » ^ f i ^ ‘

K O O M H , F L A T S , E T C . , W A N T J K n . ^

M E D I A T E L Y . T W O U N F U R ' n ls h f id ro o m * f n r a g e n t io m a n a n d son. cu it-

v e n lP u M u HrrMid a n d M a r k e t s to -h y h o r tu u a r s u r ra p id t n o s l t . A d d o ^12f W I I iW lN . R u* J , N e w s o ffice ,

A N T K D - K R O M N O V E M B E R IM T . 3 O R 4 ro o m s fo r g e i i l l^ n ia n a n d w i f e ; n o c b lh l r e n ;

c e n lr a h r h r rw tM ; iH U 'n iu n e n t i f auLted, A d d ro sa H . I I . . S o x R . N e w s o f l l t e.________ ____________ _ I


D i U t t A N D C O M M O N F U R N IT U R E ,

C A K P K T S , B E D D IN G , P tA N O ,

\ T R U C K H O R S E . KAl'DiUTy; «fl Uroiid


A U f T lG N h a l e o f IIO IL H E H , ti>nM-s, ilu rs H t . .A lbe rt L . T Ip B n w i l l l e l l f t t

is ib l io ^ a le O n K r ld u y . ih - iu l ie r 14 f t l,h lf t a a le a - iia b lc , lo W * U H ilr a l a v f , IW liftfu l o f hnriw 's. com i'H 'ft^^

m 'r t l lT n f w i'l l - b n jk e r i, r h im k y - b i j l l i O h io UnricH , s k i l le d 'f o r i l r a n K h l n r g i-ne ra l b iis h ic M iis a ; a fe w gnt* d r l t u r s m i ' l HiH[ie Irm -p r 'o e il e tch H U ge horscH. 'I'h r-v w i l l iu n > ly t»e M ill) w ld io n t rn iu 'rve to h l f t l ie s t b id d e r, w-Rh n m h x n a im tlc e lu be m rc |> re icn ie< l b y u d c h o n e iT u r in n i ic y re f i im k d . T w o d a .v s ' i r ls l ftl- invvr'il m id O ir i 'p u iu i i tb s 'v r iH lU g lv e i) w i th a p p ro v e d H 'l ir l ty . R a ltm ia r le d 12 o Y tm ’Ic. ru in o f Shine.

A L U E R T L . T I P L I N , D rop .M . M . M I L L E R . A u i'II.M ieer. 4t e

Iy o N V . I IA R N E H S . E T C ., FO R S A L K - O N H I'H iny h n in e if t , une phue ion . one h e a v y h a m e ^

Iw u w a ^ i ju a IM B lA lO lU lE 'lK L D A V E . , M o n t­c la ir . ^

t i T A L L T () r .E T A T f l l I H G l l HT. I N Q U I B H r ^ a t l l G O U V K N R U R HT^_____________ l> »

Si a I f L O U Y O U R U I IO IE F O K T W O G O O D * r f4j h e a v y n n rs iis ; sn lta h ls fu r ru n l w a g o n .

3ft,’) H IG H HT.ETC., Era. ETC.

M . J . O 'C O N N O R , AacUoDeeT.8 2 ^ B U Y S

p)it0rM'. 4.A GOO D I.A U O K



S T O B K .^ , L O F T S , K T C ,» T O L E T .

Br o a d k l ,I lo c a l Io n .


HU 'IN K M H l / i f T ' H T O L K T A T 113 A N D 120 M a rk e t f t t , n e a r H a ls e y I t , A p p ly to JAM I'JM

U H A YH, 74* B fu a d at 77o

DE H K u o O M a t 21 A C A D E M Y B T .. N E A R W. H. « B, BUBNVTT, II Ao^*>^

A t B ft lw ro o m , IM W * T IK F .T H T ,

T o m o r ro w ( T in ' lW D A Y ) m o n i ln x f t l 11 o’c lo c it ,

f o r t r i f tn o . T f t r lo r F i i l n In B u if t , NUIt TJ iifth ftndo t i i r r n o v f r in if t , . ' l iA th lw r H n lu . H f t l . 'n n d # . ro ld - In x l.H lft , K. I-. l - l r r ftn d M u n tn l M l r m r f t . . h r r r y M T rr iir -h ft i 'k I tn f f f t I , » lc ln lB » rd « , M . I ■, K U f tu t ln n > n d i i lh f t r T a M fft, l lo o f tn . " * " , 8m T U ™ !"".. -roboft, D iw e in g Uftseo, l lu re s t is . W oeh ilH O ds, Her|> fttew lK, C om heft, Irfinn ges, U h a ln i, R iw k e iw , e tc ., e ti!.; a b o u t 4ft U a r iw lo , in is d l a n d e e r u i id - h a n d ^ n a i l g ro d i^a n o d else*. Rugs. SW s d a L l im le im i. 7W y d a ( r t ic lu lb . M a il in g , F e a th e r Iieds , H a i r a nd o th e r M a t- iresoeo, P lllo w is H prlnga, C m a fu n e rs , l ^ j C u r t o l o A b lo v e s M d a v a r ie ty id Q tbe r goods. N , A - B t o n g e o j i tb f i p te m lw g i *


IKJJ^HKD EVANGELIBTft i n . H . W I IJ IO N . o f C h a rle s to n . M, C ., w i l l

p rp f t fh th ro e sp ec ia l ft^'riROiift lu tn e M L O liv e B a i^ t ls tC h n r i 'h o t i U u ln ii , near Ihe f lm t o f K a m i l io n fL , h e f t ln n ir ig U v i i ig h L o c u i lw r 12, and e n d in g F r id a y n ig h i. i R h ; a u b ip *- i fb r tu -n lg h i. ' 'M a r r ia g e a rm D lv o r r e " ; f f i r T l iu rw ia y n ig h t, ■ 'W o* I t P w w lb le m r C h r is t In H a v e i o m m lt S in " : (h r K ru Ja y n ig h t , " W h y lU e U h i i r r h Is so F a r In th e D a r k ’ * ; e v e ry ; biw1y«»n »e . G. H . W IL S O N .

M K O i C A U

' b o l h ra'eT«PJWiri(>"A____________________ 8tJB« d S p ,) p M l t i n c u t * f c i j d l f t m f t l * i t r . t » > t r ' t l » . . A j r j

X E W A K K E V E N I N G N E W S , W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O E E E 1 2 . 1 8 J ^ 2 .

Newark (Soeniiig News.PVRUKiKin

I D A IL Y , IX C E P T S U N D A Y S ,»T THIS ^

Im H Fabllstting Contpio;,Al No. 8 « BROAD STREET^

N «w a rk , Ni J- *

[jrnKnd at Uu JUt Ofia at mviut-dau malltt.]

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The United BUte* Supreme Court ha* decided to expedite the bearing and drw clalon o f the appeal dueigned to test tb* conititolionality of the new law In Michi­gan providing for the election o f I’ renl- dentU Electurt by Congreealonal dla- trlote. Tbe taw ha* twen upheld hy the Hlchlgan Supreme Cr>urL It* object end It* effect, if It (ball be nutained, are of eoume well ondentood. It waa designed to give tbe Democratic party a portion of the electoral vote of Michigan. That State, which will be carried by the Ilepubtican* next month, hai fourteen eleotore. With the old eyeteiu and that which prevail* in other State* Uarrison and Held wontd get them aU. Under the new law with the ■id o f the recent gerrymander the Demo­crat* hope to get a majority of them.

Ualea there shall be found some tech­nical d e f^ t in the law prevldtng for the change in the eyetem of elecUoD, it la not likely that it will be declared uneonstilu- tlonat. Though the Bepublloan party fa backing tbe light made egainitit, and though the Attomey-Qen- eral o f the United Slate* appeari In hi* private oapaolty as one o f tbe counael on that aide of the case, President Harrison himself, Judging f^om his lost meaiage, has Uttl* eipeotatlon that the oonstltutlonality of the law can be suc- oeialtilly assailed. In that message he alluded to tbe intended change, and made It the text for a strong ptea in favor o f the making o f a constitutional amendment to enforoe In the choice o f electors the uni­formity which the States have o f their own will so lung practiecd.

The constitution o f the United States as he then explained provides that eaeb State shall apjiolnt electors in eucli man­ner a* ilaLcgislaturo may direct. Congress ha* limply power to determine the time when tbe electors shall be chosen and the day on which they shall give their votes for Freeident and Vice-President, and these days are r(K]alred to be the same throughout the United States. By acts of Congress It is provided that the electors ibali be chosen on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November o f the year on which they are to be chosen, and that they shall give their votes fu,.President and Vlce-Prceident on the first Wednesday in December alter their election.

This would appear to lie modcratiily clear authority ami strong and straight Republican testimony to the constllutlun- allty o f the change made by the Mieliigan Legislature. As to It* falrnees, that is an­other matter. It is certain that a uniform System sliould be practised and the one nuw In vogue outside o f Michigan, great as are its disadvanlagoi insome ways. Is preferable toone that would make the I’residency tbe prize o f skilhil and shifty gerrymandering as the Michigan plan certainly will if tliat State's course shall be imitated. There should be a uniform system for choosing Presidential electors, and it should be a belter one thou the present one la Tliere is ono plan, which the Nsws has advo­cated before, and which meets all the ob­jections to the present system, secisrcs the rights and the representation o f minuri. ties and would praotically bring to an end bribery and corruption at Presidential elections by making tlicin useless. It la the division o f each HUile's PresIdciiUal Eleo- tors among the several parties in giropur- tion to the votes which the electoral ticket* of those parties receive al the elec- Uun in that Btate.


The AllcKheny County Gmml Jury bn** indicted thlrty^ono of the IfomeRtead ■trikerfl for treason to the Huui of iVtin- lylvanU. On the other hiiud, for the klUlnftof four pilrlkerB it hrw indk-tod for murder H, C. Frick» chairman o f tho Carncf^io (Nonpany; F. T. F. Lovt'j4\v, aecretAry ; J. A. Fotler, auportiitendont; J. U. A. LeiHhinan, rieO'Chnirjuati; \V. K. Cort% aauiuUnt aupcrinlundcut; .fifcvlii McCoiinuU and Jamoa Dovey, milt boAfle», and ItohiTt IMukerlony W ill­iam Pinkerton, V. W. Dlddcll, \V. H, Rurtf John Cooper and K. W. Hinde, o f the Pinkfrloti Detective Avenoy. In nddillori loth<*M« jiidli'limmtji for murder fmtr rc'prr^c'htativi'ii o f the iteoi company bavr Im i d indicted forcoii' apiracy, aiid Mr. Krick and eleven othem o f bis aa»(K'ialeH and d H ^ ivea have ixM-n indicted for airirravalitiit a rh»t

The indiutment cbarfinc Krick and oth- ere with coneinracy ecu lorLh that they Unlawfully conapir«‘d to dlminleh W'UK:i'tt and cloM up the worka and “ cauacd to t}c lent two hundred men and upward armed with ifimSv cte., to overawe, intitnldatc ■nd fri(fhu-n di%’ow P4THOIUI in the Towii- ■faipof MlflUA who were there lately lie* fore einiiloyed by t ho saUi Larnegic fitcil

iCompany. to Invade (lie said Towuslilii o f Miinia uiul to attack and to shout nil' uiui discharge the said deadly weapons against said persona lately cni]ihiyed by said Cor- negle Steel t ’omiiuny, l.imited."

The finding of IhesB iudielraenis iinli- oales that the oourte of Allegliciiy County will have the oitportunity to pass Impnr- tialty upon tlio fiwts liivulved in Ihu trouble at Homestead. It shows that the oinclals and the former employes o f the Camegie Company are going to bo hold equal before the law, and tlnit those of them who have otlondcd against it are likely to bo linpurtiully (luiilshed for their misdeeds.

The demagogues ami Uio dishonest Anarchist newspapers, like llie Newm-k Joumol, which are trying to make pollH- cal oapital out o f (Ids sad business by tuis- reprosemtlng the causes of the trouble und •aaerllng that the laws are made and en­forced for the lielp of euiployers, and against the lutcrosla of eiiiidoyes. are ccr- Uinly not supported by the nellon o f the Grand Jury, and its evident determination to bring about thorough and iiniiartiai Judicial inquiry iuto the conduct o f both parties to this controversy.

A FltllHTIIATKI) KCHKUi:,A subordinate in the Interior DejTart-

ment baa been dismissed from llie serv­ice, his offence having been strict obedl- aneo to orders; but tho,se orders were of •uoh a nature that somebody else must have “ walked the plunk ” if the unfor­tunate “ sub." had not been made a v i­carious sacrifice. It seems that it was cs- sontJal, for gnirpo-sea that can cosily bo Imagined at this juncture, Ihul somebody ihould gel a pension despite a jiruvlous ruling of the Pension ^ureau. In fact, tb* intent waa to ovwlbrow a ruling

which held that disabllllte* developing after the war and not the direct reiult of nillitary service, did not form valid basis fo r pension claims. And, fbrther, It was expedient that no such slight Impediment as failure to show by medical testimony tluit the disaldlltics existed, or failure to account for non-iniertlon o f such liosls of rioim in original petition, should o])erate to bar an Increoacd rating. In brief, it was a cuinbinatlon o f Tannerlsm and Raamisin under cover o f an interior t)e- jmrtmenl adyisory process.

That a political purpose waa underlying the whole nmtter may be inferred from tbe fact that the paper or letter drawn up by the unlucky “ Bub." for transmimlon to the Pension Bureau was divided Into see lions with “ scare lieads," One of them if enough for a sample. Here it Is; “ The arbitrary rule of the Clevelofid Adminis­tration In adjudicating increase claims based ugion ‘ new ’ disabilities overruled by tlie Harrison Administration In the in­terest of meritorious applicants.” No­body can doubt that tbe document was Intended to be embodied in a circular and dlitribuUid among the G, A. R. posts for politico] effect.

Ttie author o f thia prscioui epistle avers that be wrote it at tho direcllun o f Assist­ant Bccrntary o f tbe Interior Bussey; that be read it over U> that oifloial after com­pleting It and that it was Billy approved. Hut the matter leaked out before it could be turned to nocuunt and Becretory Noble has deemed It advisable to shelve the re­sponsibility o f tho lolerior Department In regard to tho matter, and to effect this it has bee* decreed that the subordinate who prepared tbe text of the deelslon and “ put tbe fMlls on I t " exceeded his in­structions and must be dismissed the ser­vice. Meanwhile Mr. Bussey is "saying nothing—bnt sawing wood.”

" a l l f IH R N T IO N * " R r n S I V R D ,

A political “ usessment" on Federal em]!loyes Is a thing o f tbe pasL Tbe

oiSceholder o f to-<lay isnot^oxed; he is invited to “ make suggestions" for the benefit o f tbe Kepubtican cause. It is theBtate of Missouri which has tbe bon.or of being the birthplace o f tbe new nomen­clature and the following epistle, dated from the Washington^ “ OfHce o f the Financial Becretary of the Missouri Blate Republican AssooUtlon’ ’ Is the cradle of the buDtllng. It runs thus : “ Hlr, I have the honor to Inform you that I have been selected as the Financial Becretary of the Missouri Htate Republican Association of this city. Believing that you have an in­terest in the contest now going on In the Blate, 1 would ask that if you have any BuggostloDB to make which would be bene­ficial to the cause o f Republicanism In the Btate, you will coll at my ofilce at the above number (W13 Q street, Washington, D. C.). I will be at my olllce on Wodneo- days and Fridays during this month and onBaturday, 15tli itisL, ami Monday, 31at inst., from 4 to 7 P. M., when I will be pleow'd to see all Missourlani and talk over the conduct o f tbe canvass In our Blate and receive any suggestions which may be offered.”

Just sol Mr. James T. Hunter, the "Financial Becretary" in question, will "receive any‘ suggostloia’ that maybe offered; ” provided the same are of a no- ture consonant with tbe titular character o f bis ofilce—that ia to aay, of a financial, or pecuniary description. As an adroit variation of the neat tittle ditty: “ Will you walk Into my porlo r, said the spider to tbe fly," this epistle Is entitled to the championship badge. It is true that the Invitation “ whips the devil around the stump " BO far os a direct money appeal is concerned, tut it cannot avoid the stigma o f suggesting " pemicioui activity" at any rate.

Every Missourian in tho Federal service at Washington has received one o f these ingenious epistles and It seems that one feeling sure that money waa not needed In his Btate, took the trouble to call on Mr. Hunter for an explanation. He says he was frankly told that it waa tbe belief o f tbe managen of the Republican party that "clerks in the employ of tho Gov­ernment ought to give at least five per cent, o f their salaries to help the Repub­lican eanvoss."

However, that is a “ euggeatlon from ” and not a “ suggealton to " the financial Becretary. As tho president o f llie Mis. snurl Btate Republican Aisncialion is chief o f the Bureau of Btaliatica in the Treasury Dejiartment and the secretary is a clerk la the i'cnsloa Bureau, it seems clear that tho law against solicitation hy Federal employes for contribution by other Federal employe* has been violated in spirit, if not In letter. At auy rate the live jier cent, “ suggestion ’ ’ appears to wipe out the filrniy evasion attempted. I f the Civil Bervice Commlasioner* can not make out a case against all connected with this “ suggestion " circular it will bo for tlic want Ilf trying.

Judge Green, of the United Stnlos Dis­trict Court, yesterday brouglit to tho at- leiiUoii o f tile Grand Jury the attempt .uade to deceive the Court in the habeas corjius proei-ediiigs In behalfof the Jersey City bollot-hoi stuffers lost June. Ha dwelt upon Ihn enormity of tliecrime of perjury, and urged that if It should 1 ) 0 found that an utlempt' bud been made to delude tho J/ailgo by fiilsc roprcscnlalloiiH the jury fhonid find ludiotments against the ofiendors. Naturally the action o f the Gniiid Jury will be awaited with iiilerest. Tliere is a lawyer in tlie case, and clrcuiii- staiiec.s have miide tilings look as if he loid engineered the misdirected ingenully of the liars. It will be a novelty If a GramlJiiry Shull lake nny action against a lawyer for doing all that ho possibly could do to servo tlio supposed interests of Ids clients. Even Judges are vastly tolerant o f Httlo lapses from the niorsl law on the )mrt o f learned counsellors who are striving to gel every advantage possible midor the statute laws.

Mi-Kinlcy recently boasted that during the last lifleen months there had been made in this country 13,000,000 pounds of tin jilatc. Ho admitted that 8,000,000 pounds o f this consisted of iriiportcd black plnlcs, dijiped only on this side, thus leav­ing but 6,000,000 pounds as actual Amer­ican product. When it Is stated tliat the BhIpmenUoftIn plate to this country In August, the last month for which official returns have liecii Issued, aiotregatcd 54,- 2 0 6 , 0 0 0 poumis, and that the aggregate for July was even mor«, being 66,440,000 jiounds. It will be seen tliat on a conserva­tive esliniale tlie lirtceii monllia’ Amor-

'^enn production amounted to about two days’ cimauraptlon. Not much to brag of, anyway.

- -.........- • ------- -The re.sidenLs of Jersey City may breathe

free now, for wliutcver haiipens they are assured of quiet funeral* In the future. The undertakers ol that city havocom- hined to fight the Coach Drivers’ Cnion, ami any interrcrcnco hy the latter at funerals will be met with 0 prompt hiiy- eoU of the parllciilar driver rcspimslhle for the interli'rencc.

Tlie Democratic legislators who voted for llie coal comIdne ought to have spirit enough U) Insist tliat any turning down should bo done at tho tup os well as at the bottom,

it ia not quite certain yet wlicthcr it Is I-l‘/ Borden or soiiio partieulariy un­scrupulous liars who deserve lianging.

7lie si-i-ut vuluool Jloisl's ISsrsunarllla as 11 1'cmi‘dy lur i-iiiiirrli Is vnui'liisl for by tliou- sands of ja-ojilc whoui ]i pai euniil. •**


finpr«*ft»lv» 4)Tr»r th « fKtmilJtii

o f Ihr I'firt—Kli>r«l TrJI»ut^»from DUtlriKiil»he(l IV op lo .

(let. U. Tosiliky, wMb fill lh<- JjoimrN wNIrU thi rlmrch U» wliirli li^bc-

euuJil |iu)', (lir ruuijklnN of th«(jorl KnKJrUi4i Ijua prixlUiM'd iD Iftttor <tHyN wrrn luid ill thuir rliml ruNtliiK liUrr, hrtM'alh lh« |MiVfin<‘iit uf tikii tilaturto Wi'«tihlnRter Atbry.

TIjl' fuiMTot NcrvJiMiK M ill |ohg bn rt tnriri'lirrod. Hrru was tio un'j'rtiition o f Hom^w Gh- vuHt (TiiW'itN ttmt Hilundfil cumnorikM M4>rr mil iiiuvcd by tUut vulgar iiurbjNliy tiini

R4} rimiiy to Httefwl tbo funcrfilti o f Wrb(> tiAVfl HohltiVed honor fktid rrpiitHtlnns Uo tlx «m lrD i'y,< ‘V4'ry<mrurrsuiii fuJithat lifitmd lo.kt a pTKoiiAl frji'iKl, for bail not thr dotol Mmu m lilNM'j'l(lii^HtoiiulH'ilihelnnc'>rN|>rini;N nr iboir rtfcIlMKi arid alTtnloil r!mi«iilalton forRorruMTN llott IJH<1 nmiR lo nuktiy i»r thriti. TMmy#on’N good dfcdM llvx ufipr him, and the Hpo(ilarir<iiJt mil|K>tirlnK o f Rymjuithy and lorr Kliowrif how !H*fir Km] donr Uik did limn wim Di Hid hrarlN of (In* ptMiplo*

IriFQg la fur« IhK hour mit f<jr Hm Hcrvlrf^K to an Jmmrnsr riYiwd bi'gan (oipitbDMn

tliu vJrliilly f»f llui Abbuy. A douNe tnnMof KNNfmiilpd In Ihn MouHi I'hIaca yard,

belw<H'ju iti« Abbfiy and ihn lIoutH'n o f rnrlla- ini'nl, wfalln nn rqUKlIy larici rrowd pKckod tbp Kire«U lo tli<< north andPKKiof Lt>« Abb<*y, A miniiber of potlpn wpra praMiil, but thpj bad llltifi dimeulty lu ItimdlinK Iho crowd,

AiJOoVtork thodtxirBOf the Abboy wnre twiirijf ofMUi nnd tim (IcJirt-bolderi were lub niltU'd. Tbn iHmdnfHllon pomprlied ninn f'Milueiii In all WKlKNoMlife,itat<Himpn, clf*rity> jne]i,authorM, nrlliU, im'nibtrKuftlivdrAmKtlc profcNNlon, mon wboM hamoK nrc hiiU4M.-li(>]d wurdM wborevor Ibv Kiiftliith tuDifUQ In known. Many o f tboin who rntcred tlie building carrlpd wrf'KthN, wlilrli wore p la «‘d in Ib^ JeruMilem Ctianibor with lhoN« iilrf*ady dK|>oHlt«4l tbore. Thf .rcruNulpm ritauilM-r conUlriaO a maM of tnoNl tH*AuLlfnl ftowori, Inoliiillug 200 infAirb wruntbR Aiid croNNkit. Among the tokoiii w m a iH'uullful (h'Nlgn wnt by I’rltiecHA IhoiiIm', rmnjHMed iuo«tiy uf arum lUitm RUd attpbaci- olia.

Among t!t« moNt notlreftble floral glfUi wan A Wfvath Rant by Mtn. Glu<l»um« on bohaif of herhuHhAud and burAAlf, ThJawaR(M>in|wjAod rirHWm>t.ftruclllr)g rpavi'N from tho Hladt*!Loiie gardi'tia At Hawardm And waa iimar by Mr«, GlAdalona'A own bAintR, und Itu iM'Aiillfii] confftrurlton ihowud thui it muh lioluoda Iftlwr of loTR. Attarhud In the wtontb Miiia rard nn wbkb waa wrlU«n tbu following couplet t

" And In Hia vanI PAthedrot tPAT«hlni—God ftCTPlit iHiJi, CbrlNt rtwh'p blui/'

Tbe t^uetin ftctila wrL>atlic(rmi>4Ao*dof laiiri*! Icavei Uud with A brt wd bow of w tilu tUk ribbon. A curd WAN uitAclicd to Hid w-reAth on which, in the QuctJi'a uwa UaudwrlHug. were tbe worda :

“ A m ark o f Rltircrc ifgard a id adiuiraUun from VlrlnrlA, I t 1/*

ID r Mnjpuy alRORprilan PTcrlARtlngmchilllc w rcA lh of laurel with the* Id id tr V. H. 1. In BtllworktHl into a rnouitgnuu, and (Hearing IbAwordwr A trtbuiR o f nffiKitlonAte rt-ganl and tn i* n<lnilniilloii from Uwi HoVAnikn.^'

I ’m m ptly at 12 oVInok Iha proc^ittMion wat formed In tbe JoruRaleiu Cbamhor. ItwiLa bended by two oITlHala of tlm Abbey. Thein rama the <’otnn, borne on tho RhiMilil«*rM ofi Rlftiwarl men, whllo the pallbMarurN, Honry WhMo, H4’<Totary o f (tie AiuiTloan Ii<!guth>n; D ird KallAbliry, Ibo \ > r j liev. Henry Monlugii, Hlr .IntiiUN

Isord UoRobory am! I ’roft'-'iNor F'roude, rnarcbcMt on eltUor iJdo, ihuir flagorR JiiNt tonriilng the Union Jack, with which Ibocofflo waxcov4m4. Tlie rh lo f nifiurm-rN folluwtHl, iKAilcd by bady ’IVunyRou and Hallain TennyRon, Mm. Haliain Tonny^ni, Mm. lllrrt'll, Lionel TontiyNirn'R w idow, htxI Ibp Rramlchlldrpu of llie dead poRl fudowud In tiko oriU r iiMMiudi.

InrlmlPd with Hid plilof ramiriinrN wa* the iiurjtew'ho uth‘uded lv4frd Tk-niiyrt4m In Ida laNL lllm*N«, wearing ihu hnjipital uniform. Then ciitne the houmdiohi ii*rvantN, H*'pre- whUUvo* of the tiuwu, Iho Prince of Walt'Ji and other royal ixirsonAgoN were present Among the nolabIcA in aUeuduiiou were JatupH Hry<v», Ciiani’ollor of the Duchy o f laUticaRti'r; John IbiroN, Hio iabiir iiiciiibifr of J^wrllamonl, and Henry Irvluir, the arbFr. Ah the proccRRlnn MKjypdIlio d^e^vloned Abl»fy bcH began to loll, ami AN ttiu tiKHirnfiil Round Rwept out over the cliy, the oolbn, fnilowed by the uiourtierR, w «* ourriod nU)Wly ai4iund ihp cloisterH, wbloh were lluud with boye frank the WoHtmlnnter Kchool.

Whwi the |)r4M’4*KHiuu reached the main floor of Hio Abbpy it waa Pfeolypit by ihc Dean, the Very Hev. (Joorge tiraOTme Hrud* ley, I'auon Duekworlti, Eaiion Kai'rar and other iiiembers of the clorgy.

A h Hid LVirti ge puRned up the alHU*, along which wnre runged boyi lu uniforia fr<jm tho Gnrduu lltune. In which l^rd TojinyRon Will nlwHya dppjdy IntereKKsI, the eolpinn w'ordR, 1 am Hie reNurreotion and the life," of the burial servlee were heard, and then Lho choir broke forth In thp^proccHslonRi hymn. Upou reaching tho chancel tbocofflu wu» plttced oD a rent JuHt below tho attar.

t'anmi Diickworib oi»eried the *<TvlPe fur the dend. After which tbe choir ctianted lbs Nineteenth K^alrni “ The lioavcaR dcelAru (he glory ofilod, and ttrniatuenlRhoweHi llie hundlM'ork.'*

Then ihe IjCRtoa of Ibo Dav war read and Hie chalrNAng“ lYoi>i1uglhe Har,’ ’ which hea been Hci to inuHie by Joim Krcdorlck i.irU]gc, orgRUiNt o f WflHtmUnUT Abbey. The ettecl wnn mtiet liMauIHut and many o f thoic pivknjt were moved to lcKi'8 by the w u rdeo f tbiN Ukuehlng j'Kjeiii. Then the eholr haui; the latCHl jjoiOu writimi by Isof<l Tenuyntin — “ Tbe Hllent V iucp» “ —the music i>r Mliloh MUR com point’d by lA ity TemiyRoii, I t begins M foihjM'K :

“ ^ 'h|■n Hip dumb hour cloHiod lu black, JlrlnuH HMMln'KUiN aiiout my bed,

Cali mn tinleoo/len bm-k,HI lent V4iUth o f the dcad.“

fioril Tenn>>oii dedicated ililH |WH?m lo bis M’Jfeoniyten (UyHAso. A ficr (liiR Ringing m-rn flriUlicd tile i-tiltla wan rellflPil, and ftdiowpil by llie oliolr, ttie procuHRum moved Lrk itin l*ocfR' Corner, whero the pavement had been rulRcd iiexi IhcgritVe of llrovriilnB. TheRlUcH o f thn grave were llln-d wiHi purple and wJiitti rioHi. Ity ilio Kiih> o f ibe grave the choral parts o f the nitv Icq were kimg, The ri'rimliidor of Hm service, tlm com- initial to the grave, thu prayer Mini colievl, %vcn‘ Kttld by the Dean. Then (he hynui, “ Holy, Holy. l**ird Hod A lm lgh ly ,’’ wrn Htihg, And Hii> b^avdlrllatb war iiromamcHd by (hc Hlglil Hon. Hint .Mori. lt«v , KdMard MTilto tU'iiMon, Ah ’bbKbop o f ran ierln iry, l ’rinu\te cifnll Eoglundaiid Mctri»ptiliian.

Following the beiu-dictkm the Dead March lu Huni “ m'rr |i|ayeil nn Hit* 4irgjin und ns I(n NiriiltiM tilled Hid Ablioy Hiu iiioiirnerN Rjnwiy dlNjwTO'd,

When llv lug laorrtTcnnyRoiioften i nprcNRed lilR aviTRlon for licarw 'H, nnd ycuhTilay when his body Was rutnoVed from AM w orlh defer. eiM'u \4'iiN paid tt> what were known to Iiavd bt‘4'n his feelings lr» regard t^nliern. When H if iiuu 'arrived lo tnitwler iho bml.v, the eoIlluMaR carrh'd from Hid Ijoonh by obi Rorviiuti ami pljiccrt In a Ntnnil carl waiting to receive ll. The rclftMvoi Ibeii formed Iti.. ]>roi:eRKlo(i hehlud Uio I'urt and slarled for Ilu«leinere Hlallon.

M I IE iv n A N l;M>|:AV01t < O NVE NTID N*

DDi**|;iilDM Irniii Him IvHdn A ll Over file Nl»tp lo Meet At Hridgetim,, iH’ U 12- -lUuj of the grcAtcsl rellgImjR gaibPrltigK la Him lilhtory ofSouUi Jersey w ill take place here cm TuesdAy cveu. lug. Ocloticr 2-'i, iLiid coidiuup M'pduoNdoy and 'Jhiirsday, Mlu-n (he sixth aunual caiivcn* tUm of (ho NeM- Jersey L'hrlMlen Endeavor •tieletlDR will b4? iield. Over a ibouRund dde-KAte« are expeoled. llev. UWirge K. HykcR, Of lioug lirAituh, M'lU cendueL the devoiioiiAlex* •rclRPH At ihf oi>cnlhg mcotlhg Tuesday even­ing, und MIrr rarnhne ltr4K)krield,of llelvl. dere, will deliver an uddrcRR.

The liHl of NprnktTi for Wpdiir«dfty and TbvirRituy oompriROM Hev, .1. J. IMcrRon, of \Voodtiury ; Uuv. Dr, a . it. lllohurdwjii. ('urn- den ; Ker. J. Wllbiir l'(mpnian, D. D., phlla* deiphlA; H4*v, Henrgp H. Hykcii, Isfintg llranch; Mr*. Alice May Hnuldcr, Jersey t ’lty ; Uev. ChurleR Wood. D. D„ and Ht-v. Dr. A. H. Ky- nett, (ioniirthluwn ; Uuv, J. Fcrnold, I'laln- field; U4E-V, Dr. riiArk*i* F. Dctiins, New V«>Tk nty, and otherH. Th»»tt<ldrcNN td welcome fur Hid c']iur«‘heN m’111 be diOiverod by lU*v, John H. HelkJer, In whoRc ciiuruli the w'RNiouR will be tjelil, an J the addrcRR of welcome f4>r Hie IcMNil union by George JauRS. the preHldcnt llev. E*ru Tinker, D. D„ of New York CUy. will preach thcconveuUou sermnti.

GABLER PIANOS" An Honest Piano is the Noblest

Work of a Piano Maker."This term is justly applied to the

G A B L E R P IA N O S ,And they are daily receiving commen­dations of like character from buyei's.

They are sold w ith a guarantee that holds the purchaser absolutely safe.

Selling a large number of Pianos every day, we present values that a small business cannot duplicate.

Our system of easy payments is such that the purchase of a Piano is within the reach of alL

Our Piano stock offers an nne- quailed choice in make, design and price.


S. DT LAOTER CO.,(157 rmd G.50 Dronrl Rt. M F A Y A H K . TV


A fftg.OOO fUra Uurnoil.RpcclAl In llic Evr-MHO NkWS,

MuiUHSTOWN. OCt. Jj.-UltUAlodODlhORUm- luH <,»f aM(, \Vuj»hliigtiin, ubnut Ihrw i iiIIch AuulbwcHl ofUilB cliy. is Hic hamlRomcciJUU- try pUco of Judgo Glllcaplc, uf Nuw York, Hccttiitly Iho Judge liiul I’OiiKirnrlcil ainixlel bani ul (k coit of Kbmii *12,000. Ycnicrday af- lanmon tire dcRir.iyH Hie hulUUng, l i li Hinugbl that a h(ovc hi ibo bariu‘RR-rot>m Im*- mine ovcrJicatcd uml sol ftra lo a yellow pine puriJluui, Ucfi>rt'Hid tlumcH could hn pxtin- tliigiiUhcd by lli(} RUblriuen they ooniijcuinl- cuH’d wnji A hirge ipmntlly of hay, imd In u f»'W rnoimmiR the cutlru jihuc(nn* wuNa w>clh- lug iiiaNR of ilumc. The Indp abom Huccoedod hi rcw’ulng «|J ihc li lirwH Hiid llvoRlock In Hid burning burn, and also suvud Reveral vi'hlclivi Mild Homo (ATnilug nnplcmouu. The fire raged al] afUTuonii, ntjil ll was uvetilng hcftire (he ijiRi of ibebiiTiilng hcama In the bnrn collapsed. A rough eMlmalo^f Hie hm In plurcd hI ?1J,000, Which !■ ivRfU^ covered by lUGU'UbCO.

Hmm Ilf Trinperaiire Kiilertaln—An Alriguki ami kcvernl llMyR—'Dig lleiiubLlraq

l‘ArRde—Otlirr Itplrr^itlnf KoteR*At llic entertMlumeut given IarI evening by

JJiMvclIyn IhvlHiua Zm, HonR of Tenipfruncft, III Hnlon HrU, the progriimioe caiiRUled uf twelve Including InRtrumenial ntadTot'al muRje, reading ami rvcUatlouH. Al (be coucluHiuh of the entcrialhtnenl a cotnmiliee of tiuJlDR oflho dlviRjon, opnalRtlug of Mm, F.C. 1‘lorcc, MIrb Amia DiLckcr, MIai M. Hrowo, MlMdJiHti Gl'h'Rlaud MIra 11. MeU Nerved leu cream and cake lo Hie audience,

Mth. Gorer, of < hrlRlopher itreet, Orgrige Valley, rfHiipIaiutMi to Of]leer HamllUm ypR- lertlny of A number of bojR who were ahoot- tiig with an nirguti. One of (ht bulletR Rlruck A girl named Flood lu the buck, but did not inyure her. The ufflcDr cbaied IbeboyRunrl they drupjjed their rifle and CHCnpod, GfTlcer Huiuilton look thu gun lothe pullce Btailon,

A pncAiUt of the HcpubMcAH cIuIjr «>f Iho Or* AngfR And HloomflelU wan bold InOrangalMi ulght.Thef’OllowIngorgjHilxAtlotiRwerelD lluor Young KcpubllOAnUubof ibcUmngcii, I'arlilnRou Ilullrry, Fifth Ward Junior Club, KrnI Oniiigv llepiihllcan IhitlRry, Grandpa'i Hattcry of Houth Omngo, Heoaiid W'ard He- liubllcRti Club of BlfMMiilleld And Ihe Fimt Svnrd Junior Ih'publlcan Club, After (he parade a niARrmevtlng war held In Central Hall, at wtiEcb I. H.JohnR, of WuMhlngtoo,D. C., and ex-Mityor frlllK'rt CX>tl|nK, uf Joricy riiy. made rUitItu; njicK-cheR. The |iaradc was uiidi'r tin* aUNplcpH of Iho Young AU-ji'n ({CfiubllcHn Club of ihc OrnnsoR.

Michucl .MuAiiglcy, ori'arrow Htrcet, a car­penter, WRR arrested yeaterday by Offleer Heiimon, ufUw HraiiK'S police, for bwach of Uie pcnc4>. He was haliRd fur a hearing.

Tint J. P‘. I'rali (’mnp 15, Hohm of VetcranR, under the cuiuinand of Major T. K. Jodpr, Rixty strong, left Grange thl morning to take pari ill ibu luiliUiry panide lu Nvw York (o- Uay,

aMlM KlIwbHh Istickharl, daughter of George A. ixtckhart, of Hath Kcftcli. N. Y., will bo nnirrlod tiMilghi nt the lalUr'u rvib deuce on Lincoln avenue, Orange.

nie pjiit Orange TowtiHlTlp Cotnmlltee wilt hold u R]iuclui muelliig P'rlduy tuornlhg.

Fatrk'k MorrlN, of Grove Rtn.e>ts PjRNtOr- niigu, wuN found dfntik and dlHordcrty ou rrosixYtalrofitycfilprday nfr.ernocm by otfleer liA'M'Mui), of the P)aR( GiitiiKo (iollcc. He ivaH iirreslod and JurUuv Huy ward fltU’d him UiiK morning.

Tho Hrirty-(hird aunual cunvnDtlon of the l"A9t>x t'oUQly HabbAth-Rcbool AROuciatlon which WAR lo have been held In (he Mima Avenue rrcRbyterlan Church, Kjlri Grange, tonight, haa been potltHiUcd uiilU next Fri­day night on account of Hie Columbian cole* bruthm In New York lu-day.

Ameeilngof thii DetnoorRlIo Club of the FIrit Ward, FanI Orange, war hcli! in the cliihnHnnH, corner of North Dark and Dougii- er(y Ktrccl s Daniel Hrady. preshient of Hio Hluomfield Dcnnicrallc Club, addrt RHod tlie meetinguu Ihe lariir.

MEN OF mwTth HAttlTS.



The Hountalnslde A*RoclaHon'RHecom1 An* mial M(<«tliig.-.Fiic4iurKglng KepurU.

O, L''c Biout, of Iilo4>mfle]d, preklded at the Recornl utmual meeting of the Mountainside HospUal AKSoclaflon, held In llio Congrega- tlonal chur<‘h, Montclair, last night. Tii« uiUKlcal addition to the meeUtig was dlreetod by Frufesior Moore. After the Ringing of an anthem hy the choir, Kev, George A. l^tull. of lUiKunfliflcl, uflt'red a prayer. Uov. Ur'VUlc Hucil, of Trinity Cliundi, Montclair, read RL'iL'OtlionA from tbe HcripturcB,

The rci>orlof fhe preeldcnl o f the RRRoela- Ihm, Mrs, Heiijaiuln Ktnmg, was llion read by Dr. W. l■■ lllc-lli. It showed a prt>RiwirouR bondiHOhof airairs. Tim running ex|>eojieR for the year ucru Hrv. George A.J’aull read (lie rcjwrl of the Rcereiary, Mri. \V. H. White, of Hlonmfleld. It showed that during lUe year i;ui ptttipntR were received In ihu hospital, of whom eight died, in weiw dis­charged UR cured, and ulovcu remaia m IhflhospiiJii.

Tub report of the trcuRiirer, Mrs. WUliRtn H. IhjwerH, was read by her hURlm]id, It Kald lliAt tl,(17172 has been rtunusod and tZ.ftjO.TO

from entertalniMunts : |J,,VU.il8 war CRpriidod in wngi-R. Thu balance In (ha bank up to the nildiilc of Heptemher The cost uf (he now lioApKal building w)]| liv yihiUiO, of uhJcIi Ihuro U lo be coKcried l*.(sw.N*l. The r(.‘iK>rtor Gio moiHc-nl stafTwrn read hy Dr. Fraucli, who Rtabidthat most of Hio puttehiR during Uic pait year were wojnon ■ervAuts.

I'liurlcR J, \Vj]lR,or New Yuj'k, assoefatod with Di. Knijisford In cliurltBble work, de­livered un intercijHug tiddruMs. He appealed Ui thiwJc present to aid the liosjilial by liberal cunlnbuth>ns.

Tho folhiwiug governors were elt»clcd i Mri, AiiHiouy llowden, 4Mr«. David imncau, Mrs, Wllflain 1‘Vllowes, Mrs. <!, F. Harrison, Mri. ChailcR HudmiU, Mrs, liOuls l^jckward, Mr*. N.A. NorrlH, Mr*. .Inscjih Van Viwk, Mr*. Uiuilci Taylor ami Mm, William F* Upsou,

f teiidU]i AssRiiit ofi A Woinau,31rsri.S4irKiN, Oct. 12,—While rchirn-

ing atone lo her home luit ulght Mrs. George H. I/tng, All CBtlmuhtR young married woiiiau. WAR wRylaid oiv hu oliRcarn street by Charles llawkliii, colored, of I'lilladclphla, a |N»roled InniAlp of tlie Hunllngdou lUfornii^ lory, and flendtshly assaiilLiMi, lu her den- IH'riUb but fulllu ctlortR lo protect her honor* Mrs. Irfuig'H elolhea were almost wholly tons from her iwrHon and to subdiio her Acrcam- Ihg her hrulal asRAllant kicked and beat her Into liiRcnsiblllty. Jlaw^lds, whose parole would havwi'Xplreil thJR week, was arrested this morning and hold ft>r court, JIii victim In In a preoarlomicomMHon.

A b s o l u t e l y P i i r o .A froani of larlnr htkliie powilfr. IllshnU

of all 111 leavaiiluB »(rmu!iii.-/.o((rti friUsd iVfl/r. Oal'arafacn/ Aiaoi Hoyat, Kakin o 1'owuki: ('<>,. 106 Wall n N Y

XaK ".NKW8,”

3 0 ,0 0 0 .


A Few Hlllloiiairra Wliu Take Care llie jiiie lve*.

From the Chicago Tlmaa.The nlue leading millionaires o f Ameri­

ca are men o f exemplary habits, to which le due, in the case o f tho self-msde men, the aocnmulntion of their ^ ea t fortunes. True, they have all magnificent homes, but personally they are abstemious. Tho least pretentious residence Is that o f WUl- lam Waldorf Aitor. It is a four-story brick house In Thirty-third street, between Fifth and Madison avenues. Boon, how­ever, Mr^Astor is to build a new honse in Fifth avenue, near Central Park. No one o f the nine men use tobacco, and only two or throe tonch ardent spirits at all.

Mr. Aslor uses wine very eparingly at his table, but never cisea-fiere. He ha* abandoned political aspirations, and Is rarely seen at public gatheringa nowaday* He 1* a regular allendant at church.

Mr. Gould has always been a man of regular habits. He bos his hours for going to bed and getting up, and he never variesthem. He Is as plain in his eating as a farmer. Mr. Gould has been an ex­ceedingly hard worker. It is said that the ambition of his life has been to be Hie richest man in the world, hut there is no likoliliood o f its realization. Mr. Astor, Mr. Rockefeller and the Vanderbilts will far outstrip him.

His impaired health has compelled him to rcll*(iuish his business cares to a con­siderable degree, and it is not probable tliat he will embark on any other great undertaking on account o f the fear of breaking down. His fortune is now prin­cipally in the Western Unfnn Telegraph Company, the Manhattan Elevated Rail­way and the hllesouri Pacific Railway sys­tem.

Mr. Rockefeller Is a deacon In the church. He passes the contribution plate in the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, to which he belongs. He is a large contrib­utor to church and educational work. He lakes no part in polities and lead* a very secluded life. It is next to impossible to gain ncress to him at hla ofilce in tbe mag­nificent Btaiidard Oil Iiuildlng on B owllng Green, at the foot o f Brnadway, His for­tune has tief n overestimated on account of Its rapid growth.

Cornellua Vanderlillt is deeply inter­ested in church work. The support of tlie railroad branch of the Young Men's Christian Association comes nianily frog him. Hu directs the affairs o f the Van­derbilt system o f railroads, Willlatn K. Vanderbilt lives in the finest style o f any o f tlie millionaire*. He has a house in New York, another at Islip, Long Island, and a third at Newport, besides which he rents a mansion In London. He has a steam yacht that is ae big a* many o f the steamships in the Atlantic carrying trade, and is literally a flouting palace.

Mr. Flnglcr is a man of exceedingly agreeable pcrsonsl manners. He is a con­tributor to educational work. He owns the great Ponce de Leon Hotel, at St. Augustine, Fla., and spends his winters there.

Of John I, Blair less is heard or known than o f any of the very rich men. Hu is a very old man, and lives in Blairstown, N. J., which was named In his honor, and here he established a seniiimry. His money was made building railroads In the West. Ho sold what were known aa the “ Btsir roads" to the Vanderbilts, and they now form part of the C'hieag.i and Northwestern Railroad system. Ilia for­tune Is admirably invested.

Ru.saell Sage’s fortune is tho result of hard work, not physical exertion, but un­remitting application. He began as a grocer in Troy, N. Y, Next he waa in­terested in a hank, then he took a hand in a railroad enterprise In the northern part of New York, and then he came to New Vork. He le the heaviest lender o f money in New York, nnd probably, as on In­dividual, In' tho world. There Is not a time when he could not respond to a call for f 10,000.000 in cash. He keeps his money in several banks nivd trust com- paiiios, where he can obtain It proniptty.

He keeps it in many places, so tliat a sudden demand for a largo amount Would nut, by embarrassing an institution, pre­cipitate trouble in tbe financial commun­ity. Mr. Sage lives in an old-fusliioned, but very comfortable, house in Fifth ave­nue, just above Forty-seoond street. He is a member o f the church which Mr. Gould attends, but o f which Mr. Gould is not an actual member. Mr. Sage is fond o f driving, and bus in his stahtos sonio of the flneat roadsters In New York.

Mr. Huntington is a man of powerfhl physique. He is very abstemious. Ho never drinks anything stronger than tea. He was brought up on a farm In Uonneoti- cut, and began life selling Yankee clocks. He wont to the Pacific coast when the gold fever broke out and started trading post*. Then he went Into the hardware business, which in time supplied every­thing from a lenpenny nail to a locumo- live. Mr. Huntln^n, the late Mark Hop- kina (to whose fortune Edw.srd F. Boarles succeeded by marrying hli widow), Leland Stanford and tho late Chorle* Crocker built the Central Pacific Railroad and later the Boutbnrn Paclflc, The reason Mr. Huntington’s fortune does

ultimate value o f these roads there Is no doubt, so that Mr. Huntington’s fortune Is likely to be greatly augmented in the next few years, ___________

PEU8 0 XAL.Phibc* OxoRHS, o f W eln, Is said to be

very fond o f taking one of Ills sisters out for a stroll In the thuptuf Uuckliigiium I’uUice road when they are In London.

ConroitAL I'ANNRH is coining money as a WasUlugluu psuslou ageut, and In throe years' praetlee o f tbe huslnes* li said lo have iictlod 4200,000.

OnAbsToyi! I* rcporled assaying In srecent address: “ I am aMcoichnian by blnod.and a laineaslilre man by birth, I have lived moat bf my life In Ijoudon, and In one way or another 1 belong to most pans of the count ry,"

Ex-aovKason I I sskv N. Hovt, of renn- lylvanlo, while leading a charge Into Fort Fisher twenty-eight years ago, was I'aiiiurcd and dlsormed. He hns now rccolved his sword hack agnlii through tho rourU'Ky of the Cnnfederste Lleuteuunt tu whom he surrendered It,

TxssvBojt wa* fnnd of h1*''elmrehwnrd('u" elay pipe, his bird’s eye lobaccu, of fair woiiicn and pretty girls, of short-tiorued cattle, of dairy roanagoment and of harvest homes, ond he was novormore hanpy than when riding from Ihe meadow lo the rlcli- yn rd ou the last leaduf sweet newsniown hay,

Am KI.IR IltVES-CllAyi.KR rices Into Uleh- tnoud frequent ou horseouck from her liome, which Is a few miles out of tho city. During tbe winter the Is a regular sttoiiduntnt tlio theatres, Hhe has many sincere admirers In the old capital ql the Coufederuey, and yet, according to a cbrrespondenl, she Illustrates tha Iralb o f the old proverb aliuuta prophet uot being without honor u ve lu hla iglfB laud.


G r a y & M u l h o l l a n d ,


H ave the pleasure to announce the

completion o f their fall and winter stock

o f Imported W oollens, and invite the

inspection of their selections, which

are considered the finest and hand­

somest ever ofifered in this State.

T h e N e w s3 0 ,0 0 0 CIRCULATIOIS

K itcb e ijE x t e D s i o D .

University Extcn?ion i$ Kitchen Extension-

is’ be iter. ~ \Vider~icno wleJge oT t ie t t ^ cooking processes means better health andcom- fort lor everybody, l i e n e e can never do usTeiter service fhan by the multiplicatioiTof the cook mg schools which make healthful meiins and metlioiis available for even the mosTmodest homeT

COTTOLENEThe vegetable substitute for fird, is science's latest gift to The kitchens o f the world. Fvery woman who has ever cooked a meal, knowTlhld iard i^ d isagre^ble in use and unhealthy in its effects.

Cottolene is a most satis- STctory substitute— d e a n , delicate and far more" eco­nomical At your grocers.

N .-R . F A I R B A N K S CO .*

C H IC A G O , and 1 3 S N . D * l a w « r » A v » . , P h i lo ,

ppoduda E x o h iin g e , N . Y .


laiTsdAPHealthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.

Ottn* IOhappsd Hand*,Wound*, B oro ii Eto.

Romovos aizd Pr*v*iit* Duidruff.

WHITE RUSSIll SOEP.SweiaHy Adapted for U*« in Howl Wat*.


PIAN(|Sa u [ o r i a R . A . T r a p K z o a a

m t m m m u n t i . ENDORStO BV LGADINO ARTISTS.

0*hl^*l(tIllln i|rU 0itlN . •

liO Fifth Av8., 60r. 16th StreetR E W T O B K o n r *


n u ^Dislodge Bil%Stir up the Liver,Cure Sick-Headache, Female Ailments, Bemove Disease and Promote Good Health.Oortrtd with * Tut«l«ti 4 Bobblt Outlaf.

Fam ous the w orld over.Aik for fieech««'t Rnd uke no otbertv

Of rU Price Sft ceac« a box.Dipat, |rt\ CrtiaI St.New 1

P.i.sfta c Tickets and Drafts for all paitf of Kurope.

Martin R. Dennis & Co.ESTABLISHED 1848. 9

774 B R O A D ST ,, near Market Sfc

Cibin, Intfrmedi.Hr and Sterrage Tick­ets at lowest Kew York Kates on all lines of Ocean -Steamers.

Money sent to ( Britain and Ireland, and all parts of Europe.

All kinds of Foreign money exchanged. * Bills of Exchange and Letters ol

Credit issued through Dr k x e l . Morgan 3c Co., or B rown Br o tkkrs Si Co.

Passports obtained.


McEwAn’A FIntion Hnildles. CftJm'i Jnini And Qlngor OordlAl,Kiippberry Cordial, BoolCrt Oat CakeA, Uiay'A Aueruelhy lUu;ultR> lO pP^^ llerrf ngn, Flnnon HaddiMvLdmR juIor Mouiiiaiu UQir,.l!kliaburRh Oatroaal* GlAigow F«aN kmi, fiatf u d Fork Hkiq.

Orders by M ill Promptly Dellverod*

W M . M U N G L E ,76 B ELLEV ILLE A V E N U E .

AouNra s'OB axoiioa p in * a. a. ooKfawT.

O. A. CAHILL,tk'urroerly witD B. 0. FaltouM AGoJ


COALWholesale and Retail


1 3 3 FIRSTTilrpliooe Na lOlC

STREET.Kswark, N. J,


To taU j Hu6eror*~NO iiHKA>& ING IN, rJuRHon uaditiRRedkld biiAxMiji'Xs KluxiA, F it Ilka a

ajU y *P|ir«ilated by martyr* witli UunioDt, Obiiuoi iMVaUd F » » t A T atOttU',

.UII14104 iiruad Bh, Nairaifc, K.I



OS TEE m T E A M .How the Long Journeys Were Made

in the Old Days.


Bow I-oiiil F l r « t « LoTlod Trlbolo BBd e « - tortfd Poy tn Vorloa i W «p ,'-T h » * » * Kuih o f Ih ln t j llro to i for W »f «r -S U

Ilundrrd Ula In > Salt Pond.

Corm pondoiire o f lh » N *w ».Tk ia ii rANI[A !<rl.E , O t. 3.—Tho Irall HbT

no meun, an obioloteor obandonod fentur# of Ilia call la batinraa iliico the tnlpoducUoa and niulllpllcatloo of rollroodi In Teiaa.The rallroada liaro not aiipenaed with Uia u « «u f Iho trail, only redncod and ilinitad them. Troll Work now la nioally conflned t<» the bringing of rMlIa from iho aoutliBrii breeding ranrliet about t ’ttrpui CUrltll and the cooit eoiinlry, Run Anlonlo and aoutb and aoulliwfst o f Fort Worth, up onto these N. n il Toaub and Panhandle ranehe,; the moTing of ^Hirdi from one ranch to another on account o f wntor or grata ; or the driving o f them anywhere from twenty to two hundred inllee to eotne railroad ahlpplng point.

About the only l o » i Irnll work that I* now rton# II the d r lT ln j north every ip r ln j by the big cattle com pan I w o f iwo-ycarroldt to fatten in Ib e p a ilu re i-o r rather ^range—o f W yom ing, Monlana and Dakola.Such trip* as l h « * latter arc, r ic cp t for changed condliton i everywhere—a dllR'rence 111 the «U l8 driven, the men Uial drive them, th fcharectcr o f the people BUd coum Try through which the drive la made, Ih*■ bien'ee o f Itid la iii and buffalo, and tho com- pnrative ic a rd ly o1 cattle th lovw and pro- fesiloDal d f«peradoe»*iom eth lD g like the work o f the olden tlmei.

Tho three longeil, boat known and most nued trnlU In Ihm e days were "T h e Old Dodge Trail," the '«C h l«h o ln i" and the "G oodn igh t."

The feeder! o f the Dodge tra il concentrated about San Antonio, com ing In from the M g lon o f t ’o fpu i CbrUil and the fine breed­ing countio* o f Ihe coast, and ITotn Iheie down atoAK the M exico frontier. From the vic in ity o f Kan Antonio the trail made a sort o f detour to go around a fenced farm ing country o f Germnti settleri, go ing to K er^ v llle on the Guadalupe, over Guadalupe Mountains to N o ll's Ranch \ past Fort Mason to Fnri flrllTln, Ihence to Dodge CUy, Kan. (then Fort Dodgel, about a Ihrea jnontbi* drive. T h li was the end o f the Dodge trail pro{>er. From here ll branches out In varlou i directions, leading on to Ogalatla and to the Itirtiau AgencleH. and m ilita ry posts and reier* va tlo iis lu th e Missouri, Powder aud Snake R iver countrles—t’o r l Fctierman, Crow Agency and the Ye ilow itone country.

The Chisholm trail gathered Itse lf together for a start near Fort W orth, or west o f U, went up northeast Into* Indian Territory, croRslnRlh" Hctl UJver at Ued R iver station; through to W ii’hHa, Kan., thence to Newton, Abilene mul OgalHlia. from which point It branched out to supply the same country ns the iKidgfl trail.

The Goodnight trail was called for Ihe man who opened It and drove caltle over it for years, Charles IhKJilnigbt. it started in the country Buutlicasl of Fort W orth , and led southwi’stward lu the Teens, which It crossed at Hor^chcad crosjilng, folloMi'd Iho river up through New Mexico and went over iuio Colorado, ending n nr Pueblo.

Tho herds regularly driven through on these trails usually numbered from 2.000 to kOOO head; with them went a mCss wagon, or, speaking In cowboy vernacular, "chuck wiigon,** a co<>k—who was also d river—a horse rustler, from eight to leu riders, and the b(»ss, who vras a lio a rider wben ffrcaslon demanded, Kncb man’s mount consUted o f six or eight horses, and these the horse rus* tier herded, drove and attended to generally. Tho rate o f travel was atiout ten or twelve miles o day. This speed could not be made without Injury to the cattle. Bui a “ contract herd," being driven Ihniugh for a certain cnnslderathm for soma parly pcrannally un- known, was often put through nearly twice ttial fHH.t.

Tue caUle are "th row n o ff the t ra il" to g r a « ft proporttou o f each day, then thrown c ffa g ft ln a tn lg h lio 'b e d down, which they w ill UKually do unicis there is some disturb- 1u ic«us i', as hunger, thirst, overwearlueie, a ii approaching storm, or som cih ln f to frighten thorn. Tho riders are d ivided luto four night watches, or guards, o f two or three each, according to tbelr number, guard­ing two and one-half bouriL

Knuie cowboys and eaitlsmen laughingly BHsiirod mu that they on ly slttg on watch to keep theinNvlvei aw ake; others say they aing, talk loud, or make a nolis Just to le tibe cattle know they are approaching, so as not to frlgblen and slampode them ; but the grcHier number hold—us 1 m yteU bad read. »m\ beou led to believe—that the sound oftbe hiiniaik voice, sltigltig, ta lk ing or cftlUng out cheerfully, quieU and roassuros the anlm ala However It may be, they all sing and talk or whUtie to them, and among m y most v iv id and plcture-Ilke rew lleclloua Is one o f a certain night when an aching head and a heavy heart held me awake, and slipping from the houss la the m ile hours, I weut aim lessly across the level plain toward where a big herd waH camped. When within thri’O or four hundred yards o f the bunch 1 could see, under the white Texas mooullghl, the dark muss o f cattle, and occasionally a sllhoutte, between me and the sky, o f one o f the guards cn h it }H>ny ; and In the Intense stillness and loneliness o f the plains’ night, the singing o ftn e one boyish voice holding Its uulaughl. unconscious way throiigii " A Kounlaln with lilfxxl.’^and tbe playing o f his ounipAnlon on a tittle bftrmoulcum, "S w ee t H om e," as they came round past m e in turn, were as love ly and toucUliig sotinds sJ 1 ever heard,

ItiitwuBrc o tf tbe tra il—as It was In the 70’» ; lot us return Vo Ih

Tlie hones had need to be pretty good and in faircondUlrin, the men plucky, ritsoluis,

*■ reliable and well armed, for all sorts o f vlcls- ■nudes, hardsU1j>* and dangers bead the un­dertaking, hum sudden storiDs and slam pedc!i, long days w ithout w aU r when cross- lug arid disiricis, to cattle au’d horsclhlcves, hn^llle Indiana ami sonieUmes unfrlundiy, greedy aud not over UohssV r>eopla along the route, who exacted all sorts o f lo lls and trlb* utc from passing herda

I f a man liad pretty good horses, ilz . eight or ten trusty men with plenty o f nerve and ammunlllou and profleieDuy w ith sboot- Jng Irons, whom he could couni l o ^ o d up to him tn ftuy emcrgeaoy, ha m igh tIn th fair linpei o f siioceaa refuse the demands o f Uiese various kinds o f ibarks and bandits; not otherwise.

A favortto trick was to secure from the Btate» ferry and bridge privileges on some trenchcruus aud dlUloull r iv er which the trail crossed, ilicn buy, lease, or otherwise obtain possession o f and fence In the land all up and down the river where the stream could be lorded or a lauding made. Under Ihfi laws, at least as they then were, a man ouQld charge so much pasturage per head for ah ca llle going through hts fenced pastures.

My friend, the ex-oattlemaa, told me o f an experience w ith this sort o f modified blgh< way robbers at tbe Lampasas R iver, return* lug once w lih his outfit that bad taken - trail herd up to Dodge,

They came to the LU iie tiampasas at point where they had never before beo There was a rickety, wabhlcy old hririge, to which they paid no attention. i n> t -Mnd or swam their horses acroesi and a -t • nut to g o lb ro u fh a g a te on the ftirlJi r .-Bih-, and upon iheir way. when an old plrah-l.H>klng fellow came out of a shanty near h ya u d io ld them to hold on.

"Y o u havens paid yoiir to ll."_____________

" Bui ws didn’t cross on the bridge." "ThatdonH make nodlfferuncc; lbs bridge

wus that fur ye to cross on. Ver pasturage •d come to about tbe same, er more. Ik tier jes pay ycr toU, tencenu apieceforthehorses all’ forty I'cnU fer the leama

ThtpieD rycoinmended to him Thll Rheri-dan's Idea to choose b—1 ralhcr than Teiaa as a place ol residence, and were about to ahead, wben the old luftu, lurnlngtoward tne door, said, " Dvrs, boys." Ouielouchcd tbreje great shambling boys about six and a naif net tall, barefisot. and with long WIncheetem at 1 heir thou Ultra, ThecMlleruau's men hao Ibelr pistols and Wlncbcatcm back lo tbe wsgon; ihe pirates had the drop oo them, m they paid the toll, $4 or t>\ and went their way, bolllifi with hcIpleHa fUry.

A trick of rubllers, thieves and banuim was to stampede the hones or callle at and even s<imctlmeB lu oj*en daylight, lu is might be done for the purpose of ttcaling (bvm, or (where the thieves did not want t take too much risk, nnd make the dangeroui and uiiiajpular ss to source of revenue—poiiSing herds—or theHangers out afler ihciu), of being hlre« w " help hunt" the cattle, .

It wa. lu HamliTft County that tha tieman bai an ripFrleoca o f llita Borl~Ibrouah tliat mugh, billy onuniry wlin a giwnl big herd, and liorwa pralty poof " " " rlddfu down, lha wbolo bard wa» outly Blainrfdetl one night. Tlie ««<■ 'ing, after Ihe oulflt bad gatbored, counled, lallled, and found Ibe herd 3U0 head ebort ■oine ordinary-looking atrangera rode inlo tbelr earnp on fine, ilrong, welPbred horaea.

•' Had mma bad luck laal ulght-alam- iwded."

Ye,, we’ re .W head abort," ‘■That’aniismybad, tn ih li rough noun-

try. too, VYe ain’ t got much to do right now, an’ wa'd like tba Job of helpin’ you hunt ’em." ,

" No " said t l » coltlemao, bis anger rising. "wonregolnglobanM hera and flud them OUTNslves." . .

"But your Imrset is poor an' rnae down, an’ you don't know the country. Ours Is all fre,h in ’ fat. an’ we know tho whole country IwrfMlly. We’ll help you-or we’d ralher jnal agree In find 'em fer ye fer nny eenta a head ■ that'a oheapertn you can git 'em yonr- aeleei.aarchin’ around In a ntrnrije, rough country on poor horaea; an’ ye wont be able to gll'em all, eilher.”

The catlleman knew that there waa Iruin Inthli. bullie wa« mad, and couldn’t bring hlniHelf to tamely pay thrtrlbute, or ranaoin, Ihe thieTea demanded, no he aentthem away angrily and Ihe oulflt hunied Ihflcattle them- aelvei, finding only 8tft The alaiy 'o"'* "jL* rough gucBB. would reprekcnt !000 toll.kW; the flfty centa |kt heuil demanded by the ruatlere for ‘ ‘ ftndlog" the 330 bend would only have been IIW ; anthecaltieman’i angry reaentment, though Juat, coat him 1800 or

* ’ ^ e n cattle are driven loo hard, or are wanting water, they are very hard to bed down at night, or even to hold. They "m ill around and mutter and ni<H.n,and the iroail- eat thing will alempede them. When nnce cattle that have been BiilTerlng for daya, maybe, for water, acent It, they are ahmlnte frenaled, and there la no turning nor «top- ptngthem, I fU la a boggv atream or a .liiirp bluff they will niBb In. mire up, and «onie of them drown, or fall over and brenk leg' and neeka I f II la enlt waler-rnnkly lalt, aa there la In iOnie ptaeea In Teiaa—they will itand and drink aa long aa they end ■wallow, and the weokerand more anaeepll- hie onea will fall over dead where Ihey aland. In thia way Mr. t«(B<dnlght told me he had aeen flOOof hiB die in onelUUe ’.alt pond down on the Ulo Pecoa. 'the fresh wnier of the river was in night, and the m™ got moat of Ihe herd turned Inlo It, but thla hunch got Blghl of the Balt pond f lr it ; nothing Bhorl of aneeftliqunkp could have Rlopiied them, andthe oolIU had no earth{|iiiike along, bo Inlothe pond they wenl-*and lUal 61J0 never had to be driven, nor bedded down, nor aung to, nor oounledand tallied anymore.

The tralla all lead north—norlheaat or nnrthwe»t-but nlwaya northward, from

las, "U p the trail," aayB Ihocowhov and tbe cattleman; "h e ’agone npthe trail;’’ end It aounda poelle and nuggeBtlve to me aa that Ollier WCBtern eipresalon "over the <Uvlde,’ which haa efme to be 1 0 unlvcraally uied lo

figurative and poetic tense.Abicg MacGo w an .



T h a t such high-art cloth­ing as we sell is of a vast­ly different character to

w hat is offered by C h e a p Johns

and Would-bes.

T H A T our prices for the same are such that it is simply throwing money away to buy trash when fine goods are so


T H A T we have a complete and perfect fall stock of Cloth­in g for Men, Youths, Boys and Children. Newest fabrics,

latest styles.

400tb flDDiversary-O F T U K -


GIVE A CALL!- A M ) Y o r W I M . A L S C -

T H A T it is impossible to improve on the fit, finish and general appearance of

the stylish garnieuts we are showing this fall.

T H A T these garments so nearly approach custom work that it is, in most cases, a waste o f money to have clothing made to order.

T H A T , i f you are still wed­ded to custom work, we are itl a positiou to do it for you in the best raauiicr and save you 25 percent, on tony tailors’ prices.

OUH LiOCfili 400


Judf* W erH ’ i Speech o f Aeceplanoe a "d HlB W ork M ■ LegliU tor.

From the Eliiabeth Journal.The Newark N kw a by long odd» Iho

Inrgeet. raoet tudccMful end mo»t liifluentlal paper In Newark,' hag come out for ,tohn Kean, Jr. The NRW* le an ludepepdeni Journil, devoted to the people’ e Intereete, and

(u a elmulallon equaliogll the other New­ark paper* combinrd. It glvei h Iti reneont for Biipportlng Mr. Kean that he would. If elected, "h ave every incentive to dooe he bet proraleed," while Judge Werti, however Bliioere he may be, la “ under the etroiigeil of political obllgatlone to Boioe Of the very mrn who have ebared ih* reipontlbllUy for the ebneee of the Abbott admlnlalratlon and have been Iheir mo*t active promotere."

It glvee credit lo tho Subboi Reptiler for the ergnmeni which wn» original with Ibe J'oue. naif " N o * that Mr, 'Werte U a candidate he promlBCB to do anything that la right and Juat and honeat and equllable and unparll- aan. But when Mr. Werta was a Irglslstor he never failed to do exactly what Mr. Abbett demanded."——-- --------------

Th® IloriftThatRherldftn Rod®,To tht X(tU<rr of Ui* I fn i 't :

Inform* n* that on « certain oecxilon ftmiixfnirnt on Ik f fncoof Hftmlftl’! motber i«t , but tli® old lady’ * ftmar*niont did not excel mlno when I peruBBd In the widely-read News o f yeitois (lay the followlDR paragraph :Fnim Ihettt. Ix>ul# Globe-Deiiiocral,

*M once had a talk with Geiiuf®! rhllBherl- dnu Bb<mi his fantoUi Wlnclu-etor ride." e«ld lude® O H. Btnddurd lo Ihe R<’mlnlpr®tic«

TO see the value we intend to give you in the cloth­ing we offer all this week.

T h er’ll probably be lots of special prices quoted for tbe occasion we celebrate, but, our word for it, not a store in this city w ill make the genuine sacrifice in profits we propose

doing.Price, standing alone, means

nothing. Come in and use your eyesight and your sense o f touch. It w ill save you many dollars to do so.

In honor of the 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Our Country, we intend to make all tliis week a special 400 offering of our own, as follows;

100 Children’s Suits, were $7, $6 and S5, now $4.200 BoyvS’ Suits, were $7, $8 and $9, now $5.100 Men’s Suits, were $12 to $16, now $iO.

These arc not a job lot of goods bought to make a hurrah with, no bankrupt stock of chestiuiis that the creditors had to take and sell for anything it would bring, but our own make of Fine Clothing, made right here under our own supervision, up to the times in point of style and perfect in every respect.

P lE R E isn o moonshine in the offer we hereby m ake; wc intend to give you just

what wc advertise, and at the prices stated you will get the goods at about 6oc. on the dol­

lar.W e’ve no excuses to offer,

no apnlogic.s to make, but sim­ply ask you to come in and get your share of our generous of­fer, made iu all good faith, and every detail of which will be carried out to the letter.



(,‘lub tlial wnK hoKlIiJK n ®l tbftBouth’•• itw 4ix ImmedlftH'ly afior Ihtftppftar

the poem celeh^Btluj that thrOlInc r-vva... I roM<r it through tn him, und he siooa jbr ft fp'v mnmeiitH Hwlleblng hi! hooi with a■ a__ ...I k..,wVi 4l>A»v cciIA alnwlv • ' T

ernfltice of_th« pvetil

HoVlg' uf bush, lii<*n said slnwly t ' IIh inftlf the hnrt sewn Ihntitoedhlnrk an Iho Meed* (‘ f ulght. fttid knew hnw I had U) spur and whip Ibe olderowbalt to ff«l

I over the mad, ha wiIt lo ito <'

Cattle are reared on their fertile grilling fields in Uruguay solely to provide prime beef for making the world-famed

Liebig COMPANY’S Extract of Beef

Comp«t*nt«liainlali auwrvlae avary fle- lall, from the caro or the cattle and Ihroufli the iiroceeiea or jnanulkoture— where acrnpuloua eleanllneaa nravaila— to the polllnv or the complalea extraot,'I hit prtSBervea the qUMlItT. flavor and purlljr o f ibla Ihmoua finHluet, which li to-da}', * ' when flral nut up by the (laat ehemiBt, Juaiua von Llahli;.


(luld not hftV® had I hr»tr»ek'of'h Valeria o f which that poem It tha nffsiirlna- Onfr my famous chareer Btiimbleil. ami I rtmm P ' ' ' I “ •hcBtl I11U) n luiKi-puildle. Inttead of hit nmngl" g with lh'<=>‘ r«‘ o f th ,frav, he llla eil out completely, nod 1 had to take the mount of an oiderly. The rhyme. Blera are bleased with very vivid Imaijtna.tIODB.'"

In Juallcatoa puhllc who teldom earn lo *pe ftn idol de!trt»y<d, lh*it Idol honio or nmn, will you kindly me to hxve my!«y on the Bubject t

Now. dear Mr. Editor, I knew Rh«rtdftnf whom 1 ftlwftya styled th® Mural of th® Amerleab Army. Onoofihe two aide® (hat accompanied Ih® gnllanl " Fbil" In hl« mem- orahlo rid® from WInchwter lo Cedar Gr®®k III th® evtr-lO’be-iTfnembFfed nlnetcanth day of October, ^M-CapUln JoeO’Kpeft—was a college chum of mine hii'I wrved with me uudar General Lamorlcler® lu th® Irlih Hri* gade la theiorvice of bii lute liollnce* P lu i IX. Th® taorB® ibal Sherldfin rodo on ih® oc- cftBlon referred to 1 know equally as well m I did the Gaueral, and before and an®r the bat­tle of Cedar Creek I putto<l him. la fttot, Ih® caileit way to gel Into lb® good gracea of General Bherldan wan to ftliovr kindness or atteDllon to hiB hotaoi, Now, wbelher Judge Htoddard wai "taking a rl*e" out of tha Globe-Dtmocrai man, or tb® Ooneml wai UUC" Ing the lain® out of Ih® Judge, It ii not for me lo iay , but I will Ikt the Oenenl speak for blinBeif*

In Sharldan'a mainoirt, vnluma 1, pafct 177-173, we read!

"Capltln Archibald P. Ctrapbell of th«' Hecond Michigan tJ&valry preiwnliid me with tba block bora* called Rlenal, tince made hlitorlool from havlo, been ridden by me In many balllea, conaplpuout.y In the flda from M'lncheatar lo Cedar Creek, whirh haa been celebrated Id the poem by T. Buebanon Head. Tb it boreawoa of Marfan itock, and then about three year* old. He wot Jet black • • * ■ * atrongly built, with ereat endurance. He wai lO active that ha could cover with eaaeflv* mllea an hour at b it natural walking gait, e . • • * » • I bave ridden him on teveral cccoalona• a e e e « and from that litni till tba dote o flh * war I rode him olmoat cootlo- uonaly In every bailie and campaign In which I took part wlUiout ouce flnding him overcome by fai'gue, though on many ocoo- tlona hiB tircngUi waa ttvcrely leatod by long mirolict and abort rallooa • • • • •• « • Although he wna aeverol timea wounded thla bomc cacaped death In action i and. living too ripe old age, died In lg78. at­tended to the faat with all the care nnb turrounded with every comforlduelhe fallh- fUl aetvlc* he had rendered.

Very rtiprcifully.lllTDOU’U PlTkPAIRICE.

Eait Orange, Odtobor 11.

Juat a Little Bbopplnf.From the Cloak Botlew.

KIngley—“ Ah, glad t » tee you bock from theaeaebore. How la your wife 7"

n ii ig o - " ! don’ t know. I gnau gbe'i oil right, Haven’ l teen her for teveral daya."

K Inglay-" Wby.dlda'tataacome book wltb youT"

B ingo-" YH .bh t tb* ttopptd on bar way uptown to do a Util* thopplng."

Home remarkable ourea of doaftiesi are ro, eorded of Hr. Tbomoi’ Boloctrlo OIL Haver (t ill lo cure careehe.—Adv,

It le ^ o t te Be Bone by Mere lueltement to Enthuiilftimie

From lb® Century Muguiln®.A i public opiDiou is slow lo move, It

may well b® worth while to have the pdociplea o f rational, honeet politics taught In our schools Rud colleges lo a ifreater extent than Is at present done. W e hear much talk in school conventions o f '* teaching patrioUiim.’ * But how is it to be taught f The practice o f eheering the flag, o f learning the blographiee o f some o f our leading etatesmen, or o f iaarnlng to believe, without knowing why, that our country In the strongest and best on earth, w ill have little effect toward remedying our present political evils*

Civil government is Bomething more than the writlea constitution, the iiameB o f the offleers, Iho dates o f election, and other such facts as are taught in our text books on oh il government. The civil gov­ernment that w ill help oUr children to get ideaa which later w ill be o f praoUcal use in politioB 1s that which fthowa the prlnct- plea o f party government, the methods o f mak Ing mmilnationa, o f carrying elections, o f makitig appointment* to offices, and all the other details o f our political life aa it in fact is managed, together with the fa cU o f hiitory and politicol science which show that, however valuable In carrying single electionP, and advancing local In­terests, dislioneftt political scheming may be, in the long run the interest* o f Rtates. as o f Individuals, aro furthered by honest principles; thftl great public questions are not settled IIU they are settled right, W a u s c *Mhe power in men that makes for rightoousnosft’ ’ is, after all, when men’s eyes arc opened, the dominant one.

]U«inh®ri(hlp o f t|i® G> A From the Pbliadelphla IxCdgcr.

The iriemberiblp of the Orau<T Army o f th® lUpuhlioou Drcemberai lust wa>i *ii7,7sl, nol«Bi than (N.-IO) memberi being adder! durltig ; the year. The lotttee by death verr S,40i. hut nearly 00.000 dropprfi out of the order, more thin 13,000 being dellnquenla and fH.Sft? being Buepciiied r«»r nfm*baJ*itianlof dun. The In- dlrttllons nr® lliftl the order has about rcHCbed Us ruwxitnum inembcrtiUlp and that this may he nmlulalncil fur a few yrari. wJu-o ft rapid deenmao will begin. The grefttor muftberof mamben are now lictween forly- tSv® ftnl flrty-flv® ymrs of age, and ton ycari will surely greatly dfplete the rfttikH. I f ihe eBlImfttot ot the numbk'r of men in the paradeon Tuesday are correct (and they CRmiot be very greiilly exRggeri^d, rkcarly oap-flrih nf thn members inicnd<M tba nicBmpincnt at Wftfthlnglon- It IS nnllkH.T that such a large numher o f Grand Army men can errr npaln be broughl tOKi-‘iher. ______ ____

Cnkwflith I ’sed fts Medtria®,From tbe ludlftiispolls News, ^

Until recently a medicine was prepared from Ibe pommoo rrawllsh. Ih the atomaeh of this crcHlura there are almoFit always found ft pmall ralcftreous crjarreilnri, from th® slza offt pin’s Itmil to Iho sire of a pea. The little ilotiy ball is coinpOHed d carboiiaie and phosphate of llnu', and was formorly powdered and used in doses of ttire® or four grains to correct acidity of ilic Hiomacli, IVo- parod chalk Jms now Utkeii tho place of “ prfth’#.-cyes/’ nf* thesn rohcrcUons w 't ® n llcd. but ocoa^ioiijilly pcrt-mis arc found wiwM'MfiRiiter ihi'tu nioro eincflolous ihon Ui® BuhstUui®. ‘

Women with paJ®, oolorlets fkoes, who foel weak and dlscouragra, will receive l>oth men- U l and bodily wktor by lu luf Cartor's Iroti

‘ - “ ■ tog Uw btood*iiWT«l

Judge Werts and His rromlses.From the New Brunswick Fredonluft.

Tbe point « f vlrw from which the aVewark N ews scans ih® GutM*rnator1al csinpelgn sl(- uatloDIsexsrfdly thatwhlrh every ihoiightful and truly eonarlenlious voter must arrive at. Judge W erli may bo honest In nls profts- slona We would not say iliaiho Is not, but It must be remembered that OoTcrnor Ab­bott, In his mossftgos end his spaeohos, has pn>fess®d the same principles and repeatedly violated every on® of thorn. John Kean has not only every incentive to do whftt be has promised, but h® Is backed by a parly as earnest for reform M he Is himself- Judge W irtAm t tbs kOfilrtry, wlh *>• surrounded and influenoed by men whose coasiaht ef­forts will b® to force him to disregard his pledges and oontlnu® th® preien^sBinih, cor­rupt and centrallilng syiteni of misgovern- menu There Is nothing In Judge H'erts^s p iji record to lead to the belief that ho will be able to withstand the tremendous preisuro that will be brought to bear upon mir.and tbe conclusion Is irrestsllbl® that sarsty only lies In tbe elscUon of John Kean.

Th® Ancient '^Iron Malden."From tbe Manobestar Official Okialogus.

Tbliterror-hiiplring torture Inslrumeal Is madeofstrong wood, coated wltb Iron; it opens with two doors, to allow th® prisoner to be placed inside. The entire interior is fllUd wUb long, sharp, Iron ipikss, so that when the doors are pressed too ihos® sharp prongs force Iheir wny Into various porlioni o f the victim's body. Two enter his eyes, others pierce hii cbcst. and, In fad. Impale him alive In inch a manner that he dies In Ihe most a|ODlz1ng lorlnre. Persons W'cre condemned to dcofh by the embraces of the Iron Malden for plots ftpialnsl ibe governing powers, parricide, religious imbellcf and murder with attempt against puberty. The date o f this rare speeJmeu Is the flfteenih^en- tury* U Is believed that the Iron Malden Is purely and peculiarly a relic o f old Nursm- b «r f, as at that data w® do not read of It any­where else, while the annals of that town contain many alluilons to its terrora

Method In FonrlOf Tea*From the Farm and Home.

There is more in pcmrln* l « i andcolTho than raoet persons dream of In their philoso­phy. fiven ir theee deooottonsare brought to th* Uble ready made, It reqoirteeaperl- ence, Judgioent and exaetoeea to apportion them so that they shall prove infflcleht In qaantlty for the Ikmlly and sotbattho®® who wish tbelr lea weak will not get It atroDf, and vice versa, Oflen persons pour left wliboul being aware that the flrsteup Is tbe weiikest,and tbal the tea grows stronger a i you proceed. Tbe proper way to pour ^ therefore. Is to mi all the cup* before *er%’ Ing any; and where several cup® o f equal strength are wanted, pour a liwle Into each, and then go back, reversing the order o you fill tBem, and the strength will he properly

I apporttoned.

Off sornef&fag than the Of’-

dituiry pill. And sometliing tluit's bet­ter.' Thai nieaiis Dr, l*lorne'fi rio isont Pel- lot*—th ey ’ re the smallest and the Ijicvt; tho oftsicftt t<» Iftko and tho ocudest in the way tkn-y act

Wonderful thlngf^ tbeso ting, su^ar- coubnl relli tft. 'Tnoy pnR an end to Rlrfe and BiUoiiB Hond-

acb«», Constipotlon. Indigr tion. Dixil- net®, Bilious Attacks—oil the dcrouge- meutu of liver, stomach mid Iwwda Mildly and geatly. but tboir>ughiy and effectively, they cloanso, renovate and regulate the enUro eystom. On® UCtlc P^let for a gentle laxative—three for a catbartic.

STEIN & BLAU,196-200 Springfield Ave,

Ofl<!r greet indurpmi’uls tor a few days only In 111® lullowliiK arllclrft:

DECOH ATKM WI M M ' W-SI! A DEa, wUh fringe, wurlli 5iic,; now al ur*r.

Best qualHy rtilEl.P OII.L’l-OTH at Sr. per y ar<).

TAHI/dt I.AMFH, with deJ> oruled almUf*, USf.

Go.hI linsllty Kl.LKtIl OILCLOTH at *4®. per yard.

Thrae Mtuildiiig Combluntlon nCTUREi' FHA.MiLh Ml Uftv.

Ijjraealiis HU.AHft B lUn ( ‘AOKft ftl 4go.Kid Ijru1.v or JiilrHfil DOI.Lrta,l IZiCrw a l l p a f l u jit JMT mil.10 tier vent, reduellnu on first quality

G U ANm ilU O NW AU K .Lftdles’ iliif quality UtMigoln Hutton 8linF.3

ftfMin*®*' Dougola Button RHOFti, 11 2|

at 70o.lloyM Button or Luca SIIOER, 11 to 2, liOr.



196 -200 SpriagfidH Ave,




apfst pill you can i«uy. lor tmnranfMd to gfv® tttiifActlon or your money ie rctnroad. Its a plan (locuiiar to Dr. Pierce's inodicJww. Y<ju jiay only for the good you get. Can you ask mor® I

John M. Mentz,#





WaverlVf N. J., Sept 21, 1892.(SPECHL DISPATCH.\

The New Jersey Agricultural Socidy has this day awarded prizes to Mullins & Co., of Newark, fo r best ex­hibits in Chamber Furniture, Par tor Smts, Dining-Room Furniture, Fancy Parlor Chairs, Leather Chairs, Carpets, Rugs and Folding Beds, The Gunn Folding Bed was first exhibited by Mullins & Co. in iSi^i, and that firm holds the silver medal then awarded. This prize bed is fo r sale at the several establishments o f Mullins & Co. L. S,


Cattflr and Carer of Fine Provislone.AbtoluWly I ’HW la rd ftHpaoUlly. W *u tc f

to Ih* WliulMale TmJe.koL£ ruui'H itfoa

Newark Wool Store.#,000 pound, flr*t qu»Iily Woollfn Yarn «nd

Woriilcd..Oerman K n lllin t Yarn, Upnrilali Vorii,Am*rW'aii Y'arn, Kro.h'd KIoh.,(iennantown Yara, Hholland Floss,sakt^ny Yarn. r Woratfdi.


1 1« 125 Ntnd Avt,JERBEY CITY. N. I.

213 Ball a , ! IB lo M Mirtte Ava,I 'a t e u b o s . n , j , HROUKLYN, N. Y

Ladle*' F*«lnatorji, Hoods, Hhawl*, Capo, «to.

Inlanl*' Uaoqu**, Boolki, r i» «r * r Legglhg* Mltt*n*.

Bhotland Veil* and Bilk Oap*.Ladle*’ and CliHdr«n’t KnllUd tVoolHklrt*. LadI**’ and Chlldr*n'* Wool and Ca*hmer*

Ho.*,Ludl**’ Black CaHhm.r* OIo th , 3k., jK*-, Wo.

Ettra rood Tain*.Ladl**' Hllk and K id QIot**.


13 , ,tJn*nrrW«M Irii di'llrnry nf flnToi. For

■ah) by all flr«t-ola«i gnicrR throughout Ui» city and WliiU', l/ui|i dlKlanni iHotilioneSM, U l and U# B. O lL iNuE A Vlu. Nawark, N. J.

Cardifan and Jm sy Jaoktti.Natural, Cklinal’* Hair and flckrl«t Vudar-

f M M M BM tSSSSm SM S ie


200 M iRKET ST.___

Wedding Rings

N eiark lfa ll Paper Wareloiisfl,No. 30 New Str««t, Neir Broid.



Decorathni, Wall Mouldiagg, Pamtinj, Dteorating, Paptr Hanging.

h k n d f o k e h t im a t e s . __________

H L . D E N E !Compnr* Alrtei.e, Union County. N. J.. Wltli Other Suburb!.

Thr*. Trunk Lin. ' * ” *7

Tiro* fromN«w Y ork........... "".m S io iliS I;} U 'lilih V.lloy Itallr^d.’Tlinelroin Newark......._Comniulalloii Iroui Nfw York Commnlallon nrORi N.wara Elevation,

................... Only * 0, vaoh war.............Only #*. *“ ot> vr*r,

... .1 ... "AboHlfll te*t«l>ov« tldowaWri

iick*rof ^ ^ B E N K E T T O , M a n a R e r ,- 88 fi BHOAD ST. ROOM NO. 1, NBHTARK, X. J,

CUI lwlw««0 l;W to 13. mornlnfh


EA E IH ii W JAPAN.Conolniiona of Those Who Het« Been

Stndying Their Phenomenon.


Wblcb Ahow th* * f th« <'on>n lftlotii thftt Prnilu'*# Ttaflr It^iiiltN. Snggeillens In R«i|«rfl Ia th^ llr it PlitnR for Balldlng In rountrlPB SuA\|<iri In Aarli DlBtarbnnoo»«>Koun1nlni thnt Bovo firon PAlrir Brought Togrthrr.

From iho PfaiiBflrlphln rrpii,A dB7 nr«);r poRM>n rhut tb m r lh * i rrimt

1& ODO plftM or nnnihrr ti not ihnkon liy Mrth troniori or htrth^ojiiips. Mnny of thoM morrmpiiit or*'no Hlight ihotihcyorp nrioAod only hy thp drllonlo inKtrurnmni in- y«b{4id to rtconl (IlNinriiAonpo. Mr. Dp BolAoro hot rnmitly r»(>orte<1 iKut npnrly 4iJi> o f lh«m h»T« ocrurTPd in u nth»cJ in Fmnor. In Jnpnu, tli* Intid nf Ptirthrinnke’S, there ere i t leent AOn RiinckN a y< nr, eD<i tbeee ihoeki rpaehed the proportlone of terri­ble oeteitrnphee end kill lhon«Ani1ft of poopte, 1*000 nr S.OQO iheklogi ere eddt'd to the evpr- OfreOD.

Soleetine men ere itudylni eerthf]ueke« with e Tteir to Icern fnm which mey pnehle then) to predict (lie lUorki end thiii to werti the people of enrthqjiieke nonntriiK, Thpy ere iludylDjr the efftTcle o f rerthtjUAkPi with n Ytew to pprlecttnf rulM fnr hulldlttg hutI llTlng In eerthquebe CAyiimrlPH, au Hint the eppeUlnf loeeee in life end properly mey be dlmlDlihpd.

The ireeone leenied from the leit greet •enhqneke An Jepen here bepn mede Mnneti tnibereporUofErcihMaor John Milne. U U la Jepenend Itely ihei the eclpnce of lela- iBology hei mede gnittipet pnigreM, Knr elfb t or ten yeere the Jepenpeci hoT^ein* ployed a force of eclenliflc itipd, heeded by ProfkceorUltne, for the npotIa I purpoee of •tody in f eerthqueke plienomene.

The greet dJiturbenrp occurred ebout the eentreof Jepen In the iNleod of Hondo. Eri- fectnree of Aleht end <Alru, on October at. leet year. The diitrlcl Which wee rnoii teyereiy ■haken eitande oter t.'JOO eqiiere mtlei. WUblfi thli ereeihe deetrurrion o f building* end eoglneerlng worke wee cmoplcte. T|j(» area In which bnlldlngi were eiri'i'tPd rcacht e from Tokloon the eeit to Kohn on the wni, OTOr M,i)00 equere mllee. Thedleburbem<‘< woe telt from Hendei inIbe north U> VaKeMekl la the lonlh, QTer en eree of 92.00U ef]Uiira B llea HHie lorm the mergln o f the devMiod plain, waleh w m oovered with rice neld*. dotted with woodJendg end hnmiPle, atid ■treeked with four large rlvem. TbliNegoye* dllfD Plain wee one of Jepnii'a groat gardma. Tea thoniand people loU their llvee eud lon.- 000 beueee were JeTelled with the pJeln.

The particular eauee that precipitated the coUinlly la now prohehly revealed. The en­tire weeiern tide of the Neo Valley euddenly •auk from twenty to fifty feet below the eaet aide. The naountalneim the w M t«ldeo f the TaiWy eeem to haTe*hriuik nri^iportlonally, and polnta beyond lh'>m which wore lit* Tlilble before the earihquake are now In elew. There le little doubt that It wae thie Niidden fiaUlag Inward o f Hie country on tlie went eidn o f the Neo Valley which fBUNed tlie terrible d iM ter. The vlbratlune produced by thli iudden linking of (b«earth Rpread through the eurroundinR dielrlcin, and other r<»rki Iti aetate ofuDiiable eijuJllbrlum gave wuy.

Tbeeoaet line of Jaian U rlelng. Thle may mean that the prowie o f mounUtn forma­tion it ellll in operation. In llife cniibliig to fe lbero f the cart Ii'm nriiNt the upper eiratn hare in tome caeee boon crumpled up lo one- third their original length. Ou urenunt of the rarlety of .malerlule conemullng the eorth'ecruNt we mnuot auppoee tbia action tobe anlform, and now and then the iirata, refaaingtobe further bent, ootiapiie with a •raah and poetibly a illp which ihHjKw the earth. Tbie wee (lie prnbaide cAiuu<of the dleplacement In the Neo raUey and all of the trouble that followed It.

It la known that earthquakei bare been predicted, in 1U8 a blihop of lechla obaerveii ! a change In the character of the mlueral waten, (orewarticii ihe j>i*ojile of the conning earthquake and thua »BTed many Urea. The i CBpuohIn Kathera eaw that a lake near their door had become frothy and tiirbuieul and predicted the ebock o f IHTii ai Meipi. A prlaoner at Lima heard underground iiolaeN, which led bIra lo predict the deetriKliun of that rSty, one of the worm earthquake oatoetropbea on record. The Inhabltante of Iqvlque were terrified by loud euhicrranean soleee before the earthquake o f IHilM, and un- dergroiind eoundi led farmers to predict the earthquake of Bt. Remoln IjlUl,

But all these premonitory signs o f coming earthquakes are Inconclusive and unrellahic. With the aid of microphones and Iclephonei Id Japan ths observers have listened to many Doteea and spent years In studying Inalru< menu reeording earth tremors, hut liavo nefvar yet succeeded In foretalllng the arrival I of lut earthquake. i

Tba study of the last earthquake In Japan la. bowerer, resulting in new and hnjHiriHui iUggpetloQi for leeaening th« diimage done oy auch disasters. Hcvlsed and improved rnles bav« beeu prepared fur building, and It la •old that liiese rules arc recclTlng close lU- taallon In the devnataled area. It whs foniid that tbe liver banks ami the edges of cllifs where the forward awing o f the free face ]• Paturally largo are dangerous eltrs for bilUd- loga. River bauke and . ue edges of blulTs are for the most part now Udug avoided as sites for buildings in Japan, I t waa also observed again (hat the move- Danta at the botU)m of ap lto r in a aballuw railway rutting were less thnT) those upon a batural aurfooe, ^Tblils IsHdlng builders to dig fbundatlODS ‘ deeper, raising the su]>er< Blnieture on basement walla. It wiu well known before ibeJapancsH earthquake that the more h>p weight in the funu of a heavy roof and Iron girder, 7i wnter tank nr otna- xne&tal copiug, a building bears the more danger there Is o f col Upiie.

fa the big eotloD spinning mill nt Nagoya the doors forentranoe and exit were a.I ntiar the middle of the bulldiQg, and the tower in fklllng crashed into the crowd that was strug* flin g to get outtdde. The rule U now that doors Or means or exit siiall be easily accetsl- hle. The cracks above the u ludows in brick buildings show that openings In the walls form Hues of weakness and ihcreiore require special attantloa from the bmldrr.

Blructurcs of wood built on European models withstood theshix^kibetter than or­dinary JapanesH dwell I mta, In s<une jiliices railroad tracks were cuTTlcd on arcliM over the country loadN. The arches w«>re de, ■troyed, showing the unsullalilliiy of archer to resist horlconta) dUlurbarutes. Japan, Italy aud several nthcrearthquake cnuutrte* have now forbidden the bnlldjng or ordinary arobworl. Arches are exceedingly strong Id resisting loads placed al>ove them but readily fall apart when acted upon by sudden horiaontal movements. '

Ths railroad tracks threw 4|in Interesllng light upon ibe iialm# of ibe earihquake XDOtiOD. KKher the rails aad sleepers a'sre moved back and forth on t he.r gravel bed ur elss they remaloed at resl and the ground moved under them. Ths rcHuli of (tiia xnottoQ w u to pile up the tialiasr bt tween the , eleep«rs so that It preRi-med the at’l'VEkranoe o f sMTlcs ofhui# boisiors. The extent of i ho ' motion was five to six luidins, Aui'ilior ' curious feature was the HerjiciU-Ilke In ntling ; of (he line. It semi* us i f Uis cimniry wan subjected to lEiniHurtlnal ciunprcsAiou, At•ach point where the track IH bciii inert* li a sllghl depression In ihe eontyur uf the coun­try which i>osslbly mHy mark ibn line of an ancient water coiir*e. The tri*ck crossing such depreAKinn* w(mld he cniealjjg lliiei of weakness wljf-re yielding would t»e rdaiively easy and the total iimverjient was greaUr, beudlug the track In and oui.

The greatest dcslrui'iion look place along the rJver bunks, which, being siip|K»rlcd on one side, were shot forward tnlo the river. A euMous Uilijg WKR oUcrvfd nt *me place where the river bank wus entirely gbne for a couple of hundred foi*t. A large bamboo grove aod a few pine trees h^d siood nofjje dlsiaJice bock of (he bank. This little r«p<-A( whm pushed forward u distance of sixty feet, and yet all the bamboo* *tul irees remained up­right.

When raucaslan eommuniUes ore over- taken by suoii dUasters a* ttili niaiiy women heo4>me hyiierlral and nn'n Ime lliHr nerve. Afterthe leatgreateurthquake in Japan, the people went about rcarlUB-new txiiue* and «)lleotlng food witli Uolcnl .fortitude, 'J'here woe no mental panily*!*. The dlSHstor. great os It was, seem^ to lx? acccpledan one of the poeetbllitiei that fate has lu sioro ft»r all. The fact that tba Caucaiiau race arc moro norvims and exciiabiein the face of eueh caiatnliliii tha.- the Japanese may be uocc.iunled foi', per- hape, Id part by Ibc elrcumstam a that the Japanese were cradled among earthquakes and volcanoes, and have grow n ac< iu,ionu'd to dangers which wejuIiI eb^rlle olhiv rm-cs.

The siupcndgus movritjeiu* (o wljh'ti pi<rla of the earth’seruHl are •‘onu-tliiics hubjerii'd altDotl pass beilsr. It i*. stud ilmi (n ihe

rest earlhqimks of ITw. among itie rala- Tlan Mouiualu* o( Soul hern iiolv. Hunic of

the inounialn suromim ro. c und fell w iihu hopping movement.” The chtrinich-rA o f

; eoutlK-tt*i lUTtnanjIn J8«, whose aslonlshlug tllW'ii tire nuU i# be seen lathe (Jail Valley, rciKirtcd that iwo g r « t mounuiln*, tlpfHjd unii. Ojcv met cHi-b other and then wtttlcil biu'k io tliHr plnrea

ll>j» sl*Tyas»fM»i1asy.if the Middle Agcn wiin* H uut fnr the irlirlirful artastropbeai Ta«ch, In norUiwcsb rn Perahi in ™ , wh^n, ihe lew survivors i-nv, u .i mottnlalns bent their to|>* until they ’ ’ UlRHi-ii ODtanother,” and ihc liamlol between them wrever disappeared from view.


T IIK fN K r M A T IC T IR K .

I I . Ap|illr«ilnn rr«»TO ti T m iu n Lndul* TIriMl.

From til" PrtAI',Uohfrt Bimn»r, the fainnu. ovoer o f

Taft liorwa, la Kolng to experlmeot with ll’e newfangled aulky with the pneumatic lire. Me will uae wheela of 2A, DS and 48 Inehee and determine which nice |(lvea the liesl resulta. Mr. Honner aay«:

"One etranke thins about the new wheela with theae hall bearinga iathat the linracH are not tired a bit after a fact heat, and can repeat again and ajraln. They Hcem lo puah the home along; there ii no vibration, and they are from three to five aercind. faater, at leaat, than the old wheel,

" Xt'hen Maud 8, made her mile at Cleveland, in 1885, ia 2.08|, ehe uaed a sulky with a afty-alx-lnch wheel. Thli I alill eonalderthe faaleit mile ever made by a trotter, aa It wax made on a regulation track with an old-faihloned eiilky. You might Jnataa well compare gaa with the electric light, or the oid-raaliloned atage coach with the modern ciproM train, an the performance o f a horan on a kite- altaped track, hitched to a pneumatic anlky, with a hnrae trotting under the old condition.

"Whan the pneumatic aulky wut Ural aeiit to Detroit every driver pooh-poohed It. Finally Ueera trlwl it on a hnrae that liad never made a mile faater than 2 .^ He tcK>k him ont and flrat hitched him to an nld-foiihlnned milky. He drove him In 2.211. After a abort real he tried him to a pneumatic wheel, and drove him In 2.22 . Then he hitched him to an old wheel again and drove him In 2.27, and after­ward went ba<'k to the pneumatic wheel and drove him the fourth heat lo 2.22. lle iiacd ltln the ra< e the next day and won eoaily. Kvery one aaw that It woa the wheel thnt did It, and inatantly every one wanted one. Now the company whleh makea them la aimply overrun with ordera. It la Juat iia though the horae bad a running mate, taking all the weight away from him, Hvery one known that with a running mate aume horaea can go from three to ten aeconda faater."

When Mr, Buiiner'a attention waacalled to the jinoUBintlc tire on the bicycle wheel and Zlinmerman’a remarkable perform­ance, he aald;

" It waa not until the other day, when Zimmerman rode a quarter o f a mile in twenty-aeven aeconda, that I really thought the mile trotting record waa In danger, Then I became convinced that waa bunndto go aoon if a flying atari waa made, and, aure enough, Zimmer- iiinn hmi done it. 1 conalder hla quarter-mile performance the moat mar- velloui thing I ever heard of. Senator Htnnford timed 8imol a quarter In 20} aec­onda, which li the faatcat record for a trotter, and I don’t believe a trotter will ever equal ZImmerman’a record for that dlntance; but I may be mlatakcn." 5fr. Bonner remarked In conclitalon: “ There la no iiae of any one predicting anything nowaday!, aa aome new invention may come out and change everything. Zlm- mennen la a wonderfully faal rider, and hla work on the track lately boa been aimply phenomenal." Truly, a great thing indeed la the pneumatic tire,


The Parl.lan Man .Wodiaie Taken Captlva by PrtiAiiAne.

Prom tyorfi I/)ftus‘a .MeiDOirs.During the alege of Paria Count Bla-

marck threatened to ahoot all oaptivea from balloona, and Lord Auguattia Loflua relate! a certain ludlcroiu incident pro­duced by th la threat. He waa at that time Ainbaatador at Berlin,

M. Worth, the great modiate, or a mem­ber of hla firm bearing that name, waa made prlaoner by the Pruaelans out o f a balloon in Paris. Hia brother, or a rela­tion of hia, arrived at Berlin in great haste and trepidation, fearing that the captive, who had been aent to Cologne, would be aiimmarlly diapoacd of aa threatened by Count Rlamerck. This gentleman rushed into my room at 10 o'clock at night, and In agitated tone o f voice claimed hia captured relation.

1 flrat Informed him that the captive waa not In the poaaeaaion o f HerMaJeaty’a Knibaaaj, and I next calmed bis feora oa to hla future fate. I told him Ihot I had already taken ofSctal atepa for hla release, and I had no doubt that in a few days be would be restored safe and aound to the boaora o f hia family. I observed that It waa regrettable that he should have been inconvenienced and hla family alarmed by the untoward incident, but that in time o f war i f gentlemen sought to eacape from a heaieged city in a balloon, which did not, unfortunately, land them nt the deatlna- llon they wished, but regt hed terra flrma in the centre of the bealeglng army, they could not be aurpriaed nt their being looked upon as Involuntary apiei, and eonaequently kept in detention while in­quiries were taking place aa lo their per- Bonalily. I added that hla family need be under no alarm oa to hla early liberation. The over-excitement and agitation o f my vtaltor may have been excuaable, but It woe In reality rather comical.

irramatle Talent of tba Period,From the BetroU Free I’ reu.

TUe iliealrli’al luHinumr waa making up a roa.l comf.any aiiU luid It liearl.v coniplated.

" Can 1 gel a place In your Hat?" Inquired a •ht.wy citiacn late one evenluf.

" 1 don't know," rcipouded tba manager. " I'm looking for a mah ; ir you’ll do you can have the ttoalMori,"

“ I think I w ill,"la id the applicant with confident'..

"Hava you bad any eiperlanca on the atage?’’

" Well, no, nol eiaetly, but I've got the tabcut. I've been a prlieflghur for fUa laat ten yeari and feel Ilka retiring.”

Of course he got the J<tb,

The night Sort o f Client.From Puck.

"M y ellent, llurker. Is the kind of a man I admire," said Brief. “ He told me ha waa willing lo apend tln.ooO (o recover tlOO he had been defrauded of."

*' What advlee did you give him?"" I told him to go ahrad—that I war with

him In all m all«ri Involving a principle of that auft." ______ _____________

N E W I N V E N T I O N S *

RnbtH'r tx'UlnR wlrli Trire tbrssfii inlsr- wtjvpu In the nmterlsl is a Dovclty Inpiiwer IrsaninlNBlnn.

A novel Ifiventlnn li s ipAtstiincempoiipd nf s hindp o f ruhbor hsTlog t* brosd tbiQ Mt(>W core Aud u hsndle.

The fir*l tn^rrlisni s lAsm ff evi*r built in 8|>Hh> was TftE'sntly Uunched ut 0*<lls. U U cikhL'd the Jonquil) PIp Isro.

Cnrion tU e Hiimpion nml OIU ruint E1p<'- Irlr rund, whU'li nboul eight mlTc* In li'ni;tli, run at tlie scbcduled rale o f forty n ilks HU hour.

The IrmR-illntsur^ fplephonc from Tflm te to VlctinshsA Ix’An esl«ind<'(l to rriiRiie, u dk* lAUPc <il TJS m ik «. The Koiind*ftre heard At civph eQd o f the line with RreAt dlillncttieM,

A Pi'nn*>’lTRT)hin han Invented a method o f obLaintDR hydrofltuiHMi ga* bluck hy liurtiltiR ordluAry illumiuutlisfi rab n w r s »eh<v of loriK nurrow metulllc iilsteii, the rrsultlng Hark beltiK iM‘rn|>ed otrauioiusIkHlIy.

Aithouifb tbi' Invi'iiiinii j i A lliile un*AASon> nblp JuhI now, an KiiffllBhman iiA* pstented s novel fly.ira|,i, An el(*ctrlc motor drive* a broAd hand eniPAred with noma BWpeiejieU HiibBianee, su<1 upon ih k the illtiBBlighi siid ere then swopt lu lo s wire trap.

TTIU l i e 7Will I meet tier Ai(Sln where the wild bee i*

hurumliiR 7W ill I meet horsjtslD where wsTeem sdly

roll 7W ill ] II lifter betide while her bsnjo ih e 'i

ttirumrulnRAnd fioodlDi; with music my wortd-wesried


W in Bhe bend from her hsmmoclc in sttltude etuniiinR,

And pAuie In her pOflEn to^whliper to me? W Hi she wear the silk hose and the Newport

NO runulnirThat trampled my heart 1q the issd by the

sea 7, ^Will her fvp* shine sh bright 'nestb her ten-

nt* hfli miHhi'ng 7Will her bathing buU derxle my sight as or

yore?Will sliH lean on my ann, ever ■mlllug and

bluBblog,Or ilfish with some other ehep over the

flw r?Will wc dip SB we dipped In the ocesn to­

gether?Will we talk ss wo talked tn our merriest

(one?Will Rhe ilui kr an she stiook me—oh, cold was

the wenllicr—And leave me lo ilgh by the breakers

blune 7—rupen* i-’ieW.


The Cholera Sr«re ConBldorod se 1C»- (ure’B Sanitary flint.

Prom th* Review o f Kevlews,it sounds psmdnxlcttl* but it is true that

tho threatened viiiltatlon is a bleasinK In dlsiruise. The Asiatic cholera Un the great sanitary inspector uf Nature. He may i>e regarded as the author o f modern sanita' tion, and wiienever the zeal o f the sani- tarisQ burns low the cholera goes his rounds and revives the faith o f mankind in measurcA of public bcnllh. There esn be iUtle doubt that tho cholera saves far more lives than the few whom it sacri flees.

There Is hardly a capital in Europe which is not belajc made cleaner, tweeter and therefore more habitable and healthy hecHUJU* of the threatened vieitation. We are all putting our houaes in order, clear­ing away our inlddcriH, emptying our cess* pools, purifying our waUr supply and genemlty waging a holy war against dirt and undeanncM. It Is a striking illustra­tion of the immense utility o f sensation- allsm In the economy o f the universe. Tho cimlera in really one o f the leastdead* ly o f diseases if deruilincNa Ib to be com­puted by the niimlK-rs slain. Half a dnaen other maladies slay, year in and year out, ton men for one taken by the cholera; but they do it in a quiet, stealthy, strictly Don-AenNational fashion. Hence they kill, and kill, and kill, and it does no gtMid.

Rut when the cholera cornea along it produces tho maxlitmm o f sensation hy the minimum expenditure o f life, and does more good in its sensational tour of three months than all the other diseases do in as many yrare. It is do doubt due to their appreciation of this fact that the Journalists exhaust their reJanirres In Htrlking headlines, as i f to get upschoJera panic. Otherwise their method of deal­in g with the cholera news would be mur- d.erously cruel.

The Cieraiao Ktnperor’ i Weallb.From Ixindon HoHety.

W lllm m ll. II at this momenttberloheni Boverelgn of Europe. A i Emperor of (Jer- many hr does not receive a thaler toward Ilk rx|>cnKfii, Th* UcIcliNlog. howevsr, votei him evrry yearasum orJ.eou,OiMmarkH uhdsr I he h<*Adln|, *' FiiintM pliu'ed at the diipoBllloh of the Kinperttr for dlstrlbuiion.” Of thli umounl, and according to minute ral- eolations which bava been Rufiinltted to itie UrlchBlag, 2,407,000 mark* arc given to inTHlidK who did not ri'cclvo Htaip peiiiionR sfler the great war of k;o. A i King of I’niBirla lie hjtj had uiiill reroiilly 12,- '/IH,2Ufl mark* a year, derlveii fr<»m Iwn Bourerx, vk.j 7,710.;iBi mnrk«, rcveniis from Crown IsuiIn sml fore4k, und 4,100,000 marki votid by ihv i tmmU'r um iH-cttsMiry to the malriicnatice of royal dignity. Th li Bum was i|uite lutticisnl for Wllltum J, but hii grand- Fon ha* larger vluwi ami raiinol do with Ids graDiUlr< 'b aliowauce; so the I'riiMlan fjStid- lug bai given Jiiiiia supi'Jcmentnrv :i,.'N)0,0[X) ntarkM, making hi* civil Ik i In all £m>.i9uu.

A perfect food is that ■ which comprises all th e elements of the body, w h i c h a r e needed to sup­port its chemi­cal changes. ,



is the one“ clear,

clean,perfect food.

That isthe whole fact.



I t e rp a a d a a o ro ie th e B a l l a n d J o in ts .

This makes it



niCES, 12, ItSD, IS, ll.iO.


Lynn, - - MXBB.Shoes nude to mesiure.

IraprofemeDt, the Promise of Core.No array of word* pan g lv f adyRjicplkonc-

Iih K Ulti hope that colui'.s I'rmii (tin rellt^f hich Jtlwayi followmtic use <>l iUirddM-K ItlmMl Hll- U'fi and Ib» prnmlip of i'urv k jttw r broken.

’ ’ Having Aufibffid from dyipcpila for (wo orlliri^e y«*«rs, 1 decided to iry P. Ji.. ami ufler taking one hotlle 1 found inyiidf so much better I got amkhrr ItoiUc and after tiiklng llmi I had uo mort' need of medicine

” Mue, O. C. M iri fr . Taberg. N. V.”Don't pay for dally bread and tticn groan

will) dyipopilA wlien » bol»U* of It. JI. H. will give you rellft. Keiiealed lc*t* with unlfgnn xucce** prove that iiytit>epRla can not withBlAIKl B. It. H.

" 1 hnvB Inker) the second hoiiie o f Hurdnek Blooil BllU'ri, and It Iih.v cured mo of dyspep- i*la, wlih which I iTifr.'red for ilx yrar*.'

NV AV. llAMll.TON,' lyvk Haven, Pii.”


Bediiceil lo llie Fopulai Piice.

iosio—H TH E B

Is lr a le i AiericaaiWCEKkr CDtTlONJ

T h o H an d som ett N e w f-M a g a x tn eIn The World,

r Thfl high StBiHlird of THF. JlXrSTRATBD * AXKIlli’AN will lt« mklfltnlTird, sad ltisrtif)««

, will innn w it lip Bff#cted hy th* rwlwcUon la ITlre. It will hr profuRfll.v llluMrskd. itidi It* •MlclHwrUtvn hy the bsihb *1011 of eoatribu-

* tors. 1

Tile IlkstraUd Hmerlcaa ?n1)lUli!ii{ Co.,6 BHb r Cist 14tn Ot ., Ntw TOKK.

CanvBtfBf* Wanted. Liberal Cemmlisleaa8EKD fOk TREK PAMPLR COMES,

M I L TO V 'IL M £ W liP £ A L E B FO E l^F*


S.liut SM..JAn iinfstllny

Lvirc (or SlMii- n«l WvKknfM,J*per muter- rlifa Imvolpn-fv and ill Ihu-rii4FK that (bllow ns Aifl- aiitnrtii(S«l(

A& AhtiKF.Rt lOKKI U 0 « TMIM.OI .M , m.r y . f ln t i U l l l l .ijir. mihrlnsi*, lHiiin«itor\i*uni. and many oihef

lh.,1 lj.,1.1 ,0 Inennity .17 fonuumpllon * r ' l ’ iiiipR"|irnlAri in oiir puiT. ihlct. whkh welnira ly «rnn free by i«*j| 10 every one

IF " I he Spet ihc Wedit )nn i« Aold hy «I1 drunitti at 11 per Fr«kaee, orsn nat kuye* for gs. or wJibe irnt iraeby m*il on kererplm ai |Ke m'FHri ,byidd7BUiiin,

THE GMA1 NXDM-1*X (tf., lil Fr*LO, I. t.On atvDuni ui coumerfem, Y«lkw Wriapfr «ki

inly gcBtiuie, ^ "


When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recom- mend some brand of Smokin^? Tobacco, we unliesitatingly pronounce

Blackwell’sBull Durham Smoking

Tobaccoto be the best in the world.

Many times imitated, but never equalled.Get the genuine. Made only by

Blackwell’s Durham Tobacco Co.,'r i i i r h i m . N C

T h e S t o r y o f a D o o r .

I I *i i i

/ yY . .■


This do*r had net brrti ntfOerii ie (weair roan.

TbpytilMAll kind* of •oap 01) Li: but (he dirt woui'la’t budge.

At IsBt Bomfbody luggeirMl Fnlrbankk ^lelrl Ru«t WABhinc Few rirr. llerr'ibow it looKfrl I n & frvr D.'milfs.

/^/^I r\ I T C n r I® the Best, as well as Ihe Cheapest ol all vJ v/ L< Le l_7 U O 1 Washing Powders. Sold everywhere.




I do not advertise how many Parlor Suits, or how many Bedroom Suits, or how many yards of Carpet, or how many Ranges I .sell a week, but I will forfeit the best I’arlor Suit in stock if I do not sell more Carpets, more Parlor Suits, more Bedroom -Suits and more Ranges than any other credit house in the city, and will prove it by my books.

W oven W ire Red Spring and Mixed Mattress still given away with every Bedroom Suit sold. '

Carpets. Carpets.just received lop rolls o f this fall's patterns, not last

spring’s, but this fall’s, and will sell them from 10 to 20 cents per yard below any house in the trade.

Portland l^anges.1 have them, and all dealers who sell them have to come

to me to get them. Do not buy a Range until you have seen the Portland. Large variety o f Parlor Stoves.

Parlor Saits.H ave you seen the new styles, frames and coverings? If

not, give me a call and you will see something that no’ other house can show you,

76c. D o w n And 76c. W e e k ly ......O n HO.OO W o r th(2 .50 D o w n and 75a W e e k ly ......O n 25.00 W orthW.OO D o w n a n d 11.00 W e e k ly .......O n 60,00 W orth

1 i L F l i V I Q s W e e k ly .......O n 76,00 W orth* * (6.00 Down and (1.25 WeeklT..... On 100.00 Worth

(12.00 D o w u a n d $1.60 W e e k ly .......O n I50.00 W o r th(10.00 D o w n a n d 12,00 W e e k ly .......O n 200,00 W orth

T E T H u P I I O T S T K 5 8 0 .





EARRISON A HOAQ.res will asd ai wr sisn s fsllllss .<


r s I lu A s s s n ? •iSFkssS ts i srlosw

2 0 CLINTOX S T R E E T .N E W A K I t . \ . J.

F R IZ Z IN E .w ill kiMsetbiiUAIRorlUNOS InCUKI. foim I l « ln « ik i l i is l l klsAi of vMllisr. Thlajnndts

— UANDH!,INK nr s t i c k Yand Is AUSOLUTKLT IIAKM-

LESS. TsksDo luhnitut*. Sntd >Tsr;wliers, 2">™nHp«r bntlle nr brm tll .Wenntr, FflUZINE MFO. CO., lOOI ChSItniltPklli.^

whAiVr ..KiVffE «S.a m m D o m i.............................PrtBid«ii*.

I A**(^ta(MArkel Valfie) Jan.l. l69l4i8.l8l>Ji7Sili UabilUlM, Ms V- tjKi Mom, ^

Unrului by former N. Y. BU&darS [Am, £ 1 .4 percent liMOTTM

r «U e lM A b M iu ta ij N aa -tbrla lU bM A lt « fk^DOiid lanTf

I t i OOlfTTFUM?? *** raluo wUl DOT for; or

I Ji iireferr^, a 1 ald-up FoUojr tot IbH^l valtMI IbUiued la uxchaTiguTI After Ulti ye*r ro llo lw •?•I vti(TAiaia,«Xi!cptaBafalaBtliiteQtJoii^rrftad:, tmaoUrutriotiom at torttuUrmt I CMPoOton qrf ramw#(tI Ca b v JLfOANDara raofi* to tho extent o f $1

poroe&t. or the retervo ▼ata*, whart vailfi ■if&tneuU ofthtt Follokotoau b « ma4# M ooL> laum l •Murltr.

IxwHKg paid Immodlalotr upon oompltUoF *Dd approval ofproollk

Don’t D espair!ThnuBaod* hava b^on ourod by W IIiL IA M

I'KNN'M COUOU hYBUI* whero' all o ihon have failed. JAMBB C LA R K E , Mutmfo*- tur^*> 0M Fraamao tiraats rw a itA , j*


CARPETSD irect from the Manufacturers, and

SAVE M O NEY!W 'e h a v e r e w iv e d fr o m o i ir M i l l s a sp ed a lly liirgc a -«. 'o r tm en t o f n e w l* .

in a n iifa e tu red C A R P E T S , w e l l adiipttH i to th e liill tm de . T h e y cons ist o f ^


and romprlKe all that Is new in with thp latpnt crTorts In tluto« abatieaanil rolorn. i l i m Kooda w ill l>e found to «m iUlnf, in un unuHiial d(?Fr«, e l^ S iyT tl*" HDsurptiKrtfd woiihiiK ({UaUties. Also, HugfS Mata,

ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED,Fpvrial Indnrvmi^tita lo NMrABirninnF llo iah .

JOHN and JAMES DOBSONiCARPET m a n u f a c t u r e r s AND RETAILERS,

40 St 42 Wesl I4tti SL, N e i York, N*af etb iTe. EleTaled Railroad Station.________JOHN VAN CAASBEEK. Manager.

SPEClilflOffilEIT.Mr. M. Josephs, of the firm of Josephs Bros., is

about to engage in the manufacturing busines*. We will.jtherefore, be compelled to close out our store at Broad and Market streets. We shall inaugurate a sale, commencing on

M O N D AY, O C T O B E R 10,and continue it until every pair of Shoes has been sold. W e shall make it an object for every one to come and see us. W e shall show you a different line of Shoes in our window every week that will be marked below anything ever offered in the city.


Big Bargain Shoe House,

No. 167 Market St., Near* Broad,A n rT Y ro« vaiiraHfandXain.

yy to get the bent vnlne for roar moner, l^oadknlze In rQiirrodlvcear by purrhaalng \\ . 1j. ) )0 N8ja « Hhee»s whub iepr**rnt the bent TDiiie for grtcei atked, an tboBfiiiBdi w ill tmmys

t F - T A K E KO H V B H T I T r T E . ^




tSO®% ‘4%genii* !

W. L. DOUGLASS 3 S H O E c e s I R m i h .

THEBESTSHOE IN THE W08LO FOR TKE NOKET.Agenvlne oewed Ahee, thnt trt/f mit Hr, Une

5*lr. ^sfoiuleitii. tDirMjth inuMi-, flsrxible, morn c<im- rorrabiR. Myllsb auil durable than any other sb*K» ever sold at the prlc'e, fkjutila custom made abuei cirattng from ft tn i v

" aD dS^ llaad-aewed, fine calf shoes. The- most ttyltsh, eaty and durable ahoi>s«Trriiold

equal Jiae imported sboea coxtlag

adea « f the tanie high rnre.

------------- - — ware of dealers labstltutlngtboe# without W L. IVTiiglan name and Ihe iirlt’e itamped on bottom, fiuch siihjtuuisonii are fruTulu- l«ut and subject lo proeeoulloa by law for oblalulDg money under falwjiretencen,VV. fj* IX il'tJL .A ri, M rr*. Sr.H Rv■ rR H A IV H O TV . gSAW arket AM R. I lF Y *■ A A ,tlA > «M AwHngfleld Avr.t WM. KR- F llfO K R , 847 Broad hl.t T. H. BI.AC'K- BrRIV, AA« KroiMl Ml.i » . 4X AR KE , 14 F e r ^ HUt J-<'OFFCRNWI'TII, l lT J la rk e l hUt D. H . f l lK K M A N . 147 H a re ta a a Avow* I Harrtaois. N. J,

S 4attba pi from |8 to g !2.

jAII o iher sra




Rich Heartache ofiit reUeve at] the tmublwInci­dent t© « hlljmiK Mate of the systeni, auch aa Di/.ziResfi, XanKi a. rJrowaiiitdtft' Dmtret* after eating, Uaiji in the Hide. A c Whfie (heirmoft remorkablti huciykh lioa been altowo in eurtug

SICKHeadache, yet CARTsa'ii L ittu* Lrvui PTUA BIT equally valuahto lu ConAtipatloo. Curing and prevemiTiKthrn annoying comntaim, while they aim corrt-ct aU dlAorders of tke stomach, aUmulate the liver and regulate iha bowelo, Lveu If they only cured

HEADAche they would ainiriRt prli^leoa to tb -^ who Ruffer from this dietressing connplaiiit: hilt fortunntply thf-ir goiAlnem de«B not eoid hf-rc. and th<w who once try them will find (Jiem little pJllK valuable in bo nionv waysthit (her will not be wlUhiir to do without them. But after oJ) sick bead

. ACHEts (he hane of so many Uvea that here in wher*we mnlto mir gmat boost. Our pitli cure it while others do not.

('ARTKa's ix im j: LrvER P iliji are very fmatt onrt very easy to (alte. CiTiti or two iiHn make a dose. They are strictly vojfetRbV Shd do not gripe f>r purge, but by f heir gentle plwweall who use them. In Tialf» atV&ceDti; DVb for ||. Sold everywhere, or sent hy miUL

CABTtS UlfilCOrt C0„ Vttw TerL

liTBOyODSfiil M.. SitiaH Sail. SmiJl Mg,JAMES A. COE & CO.,

Think o f This ? •


(Llks cut)

with emboaaed or ruby giAM,

(06 and 108 Mulberry SL,coa . CUNTOM vt.

$1.88 ,----- .... ., . . . . .. s

FOAMINEFor keeping RlnUbt hair In

curl. Price'25 and cenii.Aa long M thli lot Ia iU

wnrtli r«R. $.Vi0. L STTLTANAj T * *T^FortlntingUiellpsan4chealt|*


477-479 Broad Street,Three doors below Orange Rtrcet.


$6.00.Solid Sterling Silver


H eavier than those our grandmothers used, and much handsomer.A t the above price until Novem ber i.

J. Kendall Smifb,663 BROAD STREET.


Have You BeenTO

olin Heath'sNEW SHOE STORE,

MOMulbenyS reet?He In well knon r* \ vInU will

P r ic e d cenU.

Parian LotionPnrwhiting tbeRtcUi, Price504

Bold by loadkiig d r iig g lit i and Canay fo u ^ hoiiicH. Manufactured »o le ly by,

MADAME a. WESTERVELT,2 1 8 W a s h i n g t o n 8 t .

w m i OlIH IM PO R TE D 8 IL I«1 .2 5 .



h y a c in t h *.Trifipd, JO' N A R C ia ^ CROCUS. *«.,

F R O M 10 C T S . O O Z C N ,




DellTered anj"wlivre.

BEGEROW & GERLACH,B B O AD * T . ,U P P . t - U l '«T .

«lephnn»79H. Adj. Ur«rs Church.

■IPepftv jrotu



Holbrookim p r in t in g

Company 11 AMO II


."I' iJIW-WfU " f i . l l . i l l

W. C. T. y _Nlaeteenth Annual Convention

Piogrees at Roaevilla



K » . Dr. M ttkrr C au «u ta t*te i Thtra On T b «lr Wurk »nrt Tlin lr Nuiunrlcnl B tM n *lh -Ih » Nnw uk Y W in* » B»nn»r.

Kaport o f th* Y. W . C. Y. D. for th« Lm I

Y **r.

other*, were remonibered : Franc** Willard, Frefldeot Mn.'Brntvu^ Atlitnltc bounty; pretUletti Morrii t'oiinty* PyeAldenl. Mr*. purtonK, Oc^AH t\ninly; W. C, Wblt^bwd «Qd llev. K, J* tlt»blntot) «n (l ramlly*

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S * W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O R E R 1 2 . 1 8 9 2 .


A Snnday-Bcliool Teacher Declines to

Tlw iDitufTinil prowtdlDir* ntn^U«nlh aanuftl oonv*nt1oti of Uv* Woman'* Chrlitlao Temparanoa Uulou o fN ew J fri^ yw u Uta m w ilng of tha a ia c u tlv a com m lUia yactarday afleraoon In th ep aN o ro f tbe vtU aM .E . Cbnrcb, oornar o f Oraoiia alraal and Bath<al* plMP. Arraniforoeitts for iba conduct of the conTentlon were com plated ul tb li *e*Hlou.

The lutarlor o f lha church wa« f«tooned with ilrlngs oflhP re*** trhlH- and blue pledt(B card** each bearinf tha name of a child algner. A Hftal*ctl o f Mr*. iMwn*.Ihadeoaawdprealdculoftbe Newark Union, waa placed In tha centra o f iha apace hack of tha altar mil, flanked on one aide by a pur- traltofM lBi France* Willard, iha Nalloiial praaldant. A Ian* whlta placardrdrnpcd with Tinea and flowera, bora tha tan ripllan, *'Tha Liquor Traftlc W ill Ba Outlawed, BleaHad 1* JK* who Help*,—La*l word* of Mr*. Downa^

1b the eTenihg tha church waaflreoaptothe celebration o f the annWeriiry of the Yotioi Woman'* ChrlaUan lemperaDca Union, a* I* en*tomary at each recnrrlriff OOUTanUon. Mliw M, II Campbell, the *iiiter Intendent* preilded and tutrndueed apeaker* In tarn* The exerclaa* began with the elng- Ingot a hymn and retponelre reading, fol- lowed by the I^rd'* Urayer.

Ula* Caropboll then Introduced Mr*. M. FI. Frome, preeldeni of the Konerllla branch of ibaUnloD* whodellTercd a warm addreNi of waiMma to Ihe delegate*. lU^v. Dr. J. M. Meeker, paator of the eburoh, followed with a ilm llar addreu, dlrectlog hi* remarks lo ibo yontig ladlai In particular. Dr. Meeker tnld that ba fait proud and happy U> have an op- portanlty to eitend a word of welc<mia lo Iho youDg woman. HI* mother* he r*ald, wan a young woman ; iha waa a good woman, and good women are alwnyi young. Ho was glad to *ay welcome to the young women, becaute ha admired their work, tliclr antbutitaam, and their name, Flacb branch ordlTlilon of the onianlKritlon 1* known a* a Y, and each Individual member l*a U o a Y . Than the reverend ni>^ker perpetrated a i»r - dooable little puii. ne Aald that amoDg *om any young women w ho were Y'* ho waa certain that there wo* none who would allow herself lo be deceived by the tophlalry of the fooilah young man who tclla her that he will do more for her after inurrlaKo tbuo he would do before. He wa* glad to the nunUter of wise young women increaelng dally. The Clergyman congratulated the Y '* on their num erical ■ trenglli. and concluded hi* ad‘ drafl* by reminding the Y 's ” young women of lha Immenia power for good which Ihey can wield.

In Introducing the naxtnpcakerM lKs raraP"bell Hald that w hile there waN, as l>r. Meeker remarked* a great num ber of fofiUsh young man Uiera wa* also a num ber who wero Y's, and iba presented H enry K Dlebl. of New­ark, a* an lllu itrallon. Mr, Diehl at first seemed rather at a loss w hat lo say In re­sponse to l)r. Meeker'* address of welcotne, but as be warmed to bU subject his hearers became much Intereitod In hi* rem arks and ha waa frequently Interrupted b y burnt* of applause. H egraoehilly admliu^d the truth of Ml*a Campbeira aasertton llm l he wa« one of the " Y ’* ’ ' young men* but aald he had not alw ays been so fortunate. He bad once been a bartender, be said* and knew the entire life o f a foolish young man thoroughly. Then he launched Into a humorou* recluil of hi* fur- mar position as honorary member ol the Newark * 'Y/ ' and told of bis strugi;ies with W ebstar In arriving at a correct dtfinltlCHi of th atam i. He cautioned the young women against having honorary members, whom he compared to drones In the hive, and conclud­ed by declaring that ha was not only for lein- perance, hut for total prohibition. He ad- m ilted that the word was wnffed at* hut pre- dlHed that the tln>e would yet cmiio when pronlhltlon and prohibitionists would have lived down the propensity to treat the matter In a Jailing way.Him Campball, a* 6tat« superintendent, then read the report o f the Y. W, C. T. U. for tha pait year, showing the sundlng of the Btata Y 'l to date. Tho report guvu the Durahar of active member* at 7Ai, honor­ary members, Five new brandies, or Y ’ s, have boen organised during the year. The press cominittras have distributed 6*78M pages o f printed matter relating to the work. Baventy-one social meetlngsand 186 public meetings wer* held, Itj addition to the regu­lar biuOnes* meetings* and canh amounting tot2,H9!S bas been raised. At the crmeluslon o f the report Mis* Campbell aunounccil tluU there waslo be a little diversion from the programme* and told how Mrs. KUa M- Tbaebsr, of Florence* N. J,. actunicd by a desire to help along the work, had ut the last convention volunteered lo give a banticrb^ the Y receiving the greatest number of now members for the year just ended. The New­ark Y*M lu Campbell added, had won the prise nobly, having almost iloiibloU Ihenuio* berof members within the ftllpulftteil time. Bbe then Inlroduced Mrs. Tbuclier, who formally prosentoda handsome white satin banner lo Mr. DleUl, who received It on b«*- ha lfof the Newark soclvly ami thanked the donor heertlly.

In tbeabseneeorM lss Grace 1U phael,ofthc Ocean Grove Y.*who was to have read a jmper entitled, " W h a ta Y t^an Du In a rrohlhllion Town*" the young w om an's mother read Ihu paper Many opportuitltlM for the prota^cu tio n o f ths work were act forth lu the esHay, Then the delegates sang a hym n, after which Mis* Lewi** o f Dlaln field, read a tmpor head ad, "W h a t O lrli Can I>o to Help Their Brother* f ’ Miss l/owl* *ald that it was gen­erally admitted th at the men are what the women make them . Hhe admonished her frlloW'V^rkers to be careful of their IminenKO power In the m oulding o f their broUiers’ character*. Hho bad been told by a young man that if the girls only knew how much weight their action* and word* had with the young men they would more careful. Hhc cogDielled bar hearer* therefore toconducl themvelves lo sucb a m anner that the young men would on leaving their home* fi>cl that they were belter men, better C'hrislIaDs for having spent an evening In their prosenoe.

When Mis* licwl* had concluded the dele* gale* arose atid sang the doxol<^y, after which Dr. Meeker pronounced the l>encdlc- tlon an d the oonventlOD adjourned to meet thU niom lug. ^


R ep ab llcan O rators la the R ellevllte Av#*

nil# R in k—H epiib llcanN avy W hle-

ties Its Approbation,T h em M h od i and misdeed* o f the D em o

craU wen* held u p last night to the v iew o f RepubllcaiiH KKsanibJed In the Belleville a v * nufl rluk. Nearly one hundred ladle* were present, and they were a* enlhoilastlo a* Ihclr brotiHTi and thrir ci U''lii*. their uncle* and iho lr hn*t*^udA The Itepubllean Navy ,It should he salil, displayed lha gre*tesl eu thuKlSRm.

OUirrt might clap and stamp, orchoer. but the Uepnljlican N avy gave vent to its feellngi In a way o f It* own. It* naval fore-finger went Into 1!« Republican mouthevery time a Mi>eak*r made agood point, and an ear-splitting whistle was Ih f reaulu There was a hand on one ■1‘le of ihe stage ploying every Utile while os gayly as I f U i« Democrat* were already bettten, On thcHtage wore Herman Lelilbach prenlillng; Jacob A . Kemple, o f W est V :r*ln ln ; IL W ayne Barker, Uharle* Giorl, i ‘ , T. i^uliin, H rury M, Doremus, Thom a* iMernon, W ilbur A. Mott, A. C. Courier, Har­rison an Duyne, John M. GIb*OD. and Fttrmer Van Kl|)er.

Joiui Kcaii, J r„ was eipeeled to be there hut hn sent a telegram from Mount iloH y pleading a prevlou* eiigagemonl.

Chairman liHilboch Introduced Mr. P a r ­ker, who *pohe briefly on the m ailer* In ctlipul# bet ween himself and Dr. R n gllib a* representing the wldely-dlfferenl pollcie# o f their rc*|>rcllve partlee, Mid also gave hi* Hejuiblican nudicnoe reononi for their vo ting the Ih^publlcau ticket this time.

( luirlea G lorl succeeded him, and urged the yoiuig men lo work bard for the succeo* o f the ticket, letting the older head* guide them by their counsel.

This Rpcaklng was Intended to be on ly pre­lim inary to the *(>eech o f Jacob A, K em ple ,o f Went V irg in ia . Mr. Kemple was hoarse from eStiKlog the praise* o f the tariff In many place*. He spoke o f Cleveland as one who gnt behind a haystack when the fighting wae going on. TheHtate hanking plank, he said, has been put into the Democratic National platform to pleaih> the Kouth. Hu told o f day* o f poi’crty ho claimed to have seen under Democratic rule. He told of how the factory make* possible the building and loan o i io elation, through which the mcchanle get* a home for himself, described the said mechanic'* gcKXt aupper, the piano or organ In Ute parlor, and on a table book* and magazine*, "cvldciirea o f learning, m orality and Hcpubilcaoisui."

A ll was due to the protective tarlfr, the •pcakcr declared, and he defied any free trader o f them a ll to produce that picture la Europe.

Near the cnnclu*1on o f hi* *peech he said: " I f any man dot's not like how our country Is run he ought to get the same servant girl that paid his way over here to scud him back again."

Everybody laughed at ihl* while they aj> plaudetl, except ine Republican Navy , which whistled It# upprobaltoQ.

Mr. Iwhlbach Npokc al^>ut the d lven lon o f the Htale HChool fund from it# purpose, and said that Governor Abhetl U^duy Is despised by hU own party. He Inimducrd John H. Gibson, o f Dover, manngi-r o f the Ad-vnt(/i(r. Mr. Gltioon was hoarse loo, but 11 did not prevent him from pltchln.? Into hi* pitlliicrti foes,

He made the point tli&l Uis New Jersey delegate* to the Democratic National Con­vent lou hiid conceded the c^irrcctnes* o f ihu H^'puhllcaiis* position on the larlfTby voting iigalnsL the tnrlfl'plank ofthe platform. The fiictlliat there i* now a hulaiiee o f irnilfi o f fJtUMliO.lXJO In our favor, that a penrl liuHon Industry has been eatahitshed hcreand that the price o f pig Iron rose from SIJ to $37 a toil when the duty on It was lowered, were ail tn- Hlanct'd aa proof o f tavurlle Uvjuucratlc theories.

One o f tbe things he said waa: " W e used to Im port our pliers and nipper* from Austria, England and France, but iinrt«*rthe p ro l# ‘lion o f iMriff we now m akelhetn here In New Jersey, and not only do w e make

Send in Her Resignatlou.



H# A lleges That Miss Katherine Bradel Was tleflant and Did Not Show Him Respect—An Oatgrowth o f th* Leggelt- Brett Kplpode-A L ive ly Meeting with an Kicltlng Ktreel Hequel*

Addresses, Reading o f Reports and Ap­

pointment o f Committees Mark To-day's Proceeding*.

All the delegate* from various parte of the Blate were In attendance at the W, C. T. V. convention Ihl* morning atS:;iO o'clock, when President Mr*. Bourne called It to order.

Mn. E. Horner* prcaldent of Camden County, led ibe prayer, and at 0 o'clock the roll was called. Tha mtnutH nflheexoi:utlVb copimltlee, which met yesterday afternoon, were read. The committee* appointed were:

Credentials—Mrs. £Ua Tbacher and Mrs. Pearsall.

Courtcsy-Mlai Margaret Ellis and Mlsf Holmes.

Page* — Misses Norab Howland. Catrlo Kawsley, Amelia Bourne, Maud 8oott, LIsxlo Hall,iMamle Elliott and Jennie Van Hyckle.

In her annual address ths president, Mrs. Emnia Bourne, of Newark, referred (o the great loss RUHtalned by the organization In m edea lbof Mra Downs, and spoke thank­fully of the aaelMlance rendered by pastor* of all denominations, and by the Young 'Woman’* Cbrlitlan Union. Hhe said tb%t the capital stock oi the Union Hiffnal had In* ereaesd from 15,00010 1150,000; gave employ, meet to 12!l people at aggregate weekly wages ofll8-£0> The publishing band sent out dur­ing the year 125,000,000 pages o f literature. The Temperance Hoepttal, the Temple and the Beet Cottage were reported to be in very fkvorableoondltloo. The Bchool of Methods and other auxiliary eoelettee are all In good eohditlon.

Mre. J. T. Ellis, the corresponding lecroUry, read her report, which showed that there were JM union* In thaBtate, with a meniber- ihlpofAOSS, and 750 honorary members. There WfTt 4,Mlvneetlnga held during the year und AH5 maumeetlngs. New unions numbered 797 and the money raised for local work omoanled to 145,23197. .

The ireofurer, Mrs. B. A. Mtokle, reported a balance from last year o f $376.73; u nlon ool- IcotlOQ, $3,117 1; expense#, printing, etc., •g,7$6JI; bolouoe, |5$A33; membership fbs*, IM A

After ■ hymn nod been sung, Ifrs, Bourne, the president, received reports ofauperln- tendeote. Tber* wer% %00l) pledge cards re­ported.

Mrs. J* H. Cox gave the Bible lesson, re- mn^lng'lbat the union bod tocombat not only apaibyt but eyen opposition in their own church. They should not Impute mo* tIVM ioany one, but the i^ r lt must be done. Borne of the membera wQyked even against tbe protest# ot friend*.

The preeldent then oeked Mrs. (Hrrleon to tend ln*|praysr, and, on the request of vorlon* delUblWithe M low log nbeent people, amonf


tht'rn for Ihf United Stale*, but ♦'xjjpH them to Vienua, London and I'art*. ft the Mc­Kinley taw were rci>eftled, however, tbe fctrrlgner* would drive us out of buslneas in three monihs."

Ai'cnrdlDg to the tpeakor the decrease ro- porU'd In the num ber of HChriol children thl* year m eant that about $lao,000 more U to be drawn fnmi the avenue of educAlton lo pay t^larles In UHciesR othoes created by Lcoo Ahl>etL

Allltteglr! In the front row laughed a* Farmer Van Riper awkwardly *tiK>dup, with hi* handfl In hi* irouserR iK>ckt‘U* hia gray hair iinkempl, his be^whlekcred chin elo- vnlod aud hi* little Hack (v>at sticking far out behind him. The farmer greatly arriUHed tli&t Rule girl, to Judge from her tDccseatiL giggling* These are some extract* from hi* HpctH'h, (lelivereil In .Mr. Van Klper'squaint and good-humored way:

Ii(»w wagCK makca low livin', low livin' imikcH low pcoj)le, uu,' low people alnt worth

cuKM. l alx r ih a question that make* this country great, au’ other countries, too;If only welt paid. They wftJileheup livin', do IhcyT $ would solid tlwra to lliat I'elcatial country where they could live on sixpence a day an'cal It with a slick. The niamifko furerhasto sell at a g«sxl price If he pays good wages. We don’t care how high the tartlflfllt we make whal w« wantand not somebody else.

•• When five men pay over 11,000,005 of the people's money for a Job that was neither gnnd nor ttulsbed, ll’s lime the people rHlstd“ I'-" , _____________ '

t h f . f i r e c o m m is s io n e r s .

Ituslnesfl T ran sected a t Laat N ight's M eet­ing--M r. Van llouten Hat Upon.

The Fire ( ‘ommlisloiiers desired to meet the Ihillcllng ComniUUie of the Common Council IftBt iilghi to discuss tbe plans for tbe proposed new flro headquarters.

Archllecl Arthur Connelly was on hand to explain lechiilcallllea and receive sugges- tioiis, hut At 3:50 o'clock tbe commItlee not having appcttr(‘<l In re*poti*e lo the Invita­tion to meet the Commihsloher*, the latter went on with Ihelr rcgulftr buslnf**. It wa* learned that iJirf Common Council’s meeting was rceponslblo for the absence of the Alder-

: manic oommillce.Adam Buich, Supcrlnlendetil of Ihe Fire

Alarm Telegraph Hyslcm, made n report on the result of hla rcocnl trip to the convention of fire engineer* at Loulnrinf. and be s&ld he had found the fire alarm system very much Improved In many respect*, and advlaed tbe greateai care In *electlng n *y*tetu Id relltUlDg the new fire headquarters.

Fuperlntendenl Astley reported the lo«* by fire* for the month of Hoplember to bo about $4,m In all there were thirty alarm*, twcnity-lwo of which wore bell alarms. Tbe firemen during the month lost an aggregate of ninety-two days by hlcfciuiis* and accident.

CommlMloner Van Hmiten advl*ed that the Buperlntendeni instruct the captalAa of tile various hre ilallon* to vlnll all the large fuctorle* and breweries In their district In order to IJi-eoine thoroughly acquainted with tljo prerolso*. CommlfRloner Klnnard aald that wart a Ktandlng rule In the department, iiiid asked whether CornmSialoner Van Houten had learned of any vloiatlontof lU The Commliiloner laid bo had not

Jaiucs li. Ainsworth we* appointed a flrfr man In place Of John Ueekman, deceased. A bill lorf1.3l2.88 from the La Prance Engine (Ujmpany for re]>alrlng No. 7 engine we* ordered paid. Application* for appolnlraenl were received from Thomoi K. McEnroe, Of ion Main street, and Eugene Macauley, of 167 Warron *lrfct, Both were referred to the CommUtee on Appllcalloni and Appoint­ment*. ___^ _____


He Ask* the Grand Jury to InvasUgate Certain Form* o f Baloons*

The Grand Jury came Into court at 8:S0 o’clock yesterday afiernoon, and Foreman Hutan handed In a number of IndletineDU. Judge Depue addressed the Grand Jury a&d told them that In a bomielda^cMie which he bad dlflposed of Id the morning it hod ap­peared that the killing wa* done In an aflfray about a lewd woman, which troable was tdeutltled with at lea*l*omB saloon* In this city frequented by women of that dais.

Two female wUnesiei In the homicide case have been held, he said. *o that the Grand Jury may Investigate the oharacler o f these bouses. He desired the Grand Jury to Uke up this matter at He earliest opportunity In order that such crime* may be checked at ihelr scarce rather than perpetrated and punished. ' ______ ^

A Novel Entertainment at Feddt* Chareh.A novelty In the wa* of cnlerUimnent will

be preaented at tbe Peddle Memorial Church to-ulght. Charlotte Allen Heott will appear In a monolc^ue lu'foor parte, which she bos entitled "Switzerland." "Switzerland” Is a descriptive and lourMtlng oomedy la four act*, with three prlceipal amoag minor char- octera, with the novsJty that one person doea It all* She does not Imperaonate (hem, but ■peaks to them a* if they ware prtsent on the stage, graoefully consulllng them afc differedt iUgaa o f her travel, and oompfetely pre­serving the illusion of their preeenae. Thedlo- Ji)gu« leilaa lively story of adventure In tbe A lp ea n d ln th a ^ a ilfr it eltlee of tbe little fUpnblle, ProfMaor Bowraan will prailde at the organ. *

There Is more trouhic in the Uf'lormed church of Ih-IU'vUle. I i aftpcur* lo bean out­growth o f the I.iggon-BreU episode which caused iO much dUM-JisJou In the old town on the I ’w n ic several muuiha ago. This time the ■uperluLcmlent of tlte Wabbath-schofil, ThetKlore Hmwc, who waachooen to luccwd Mr. Hfell iiflBMhe latter left, ba* u*kcd for the walgutttlou o f one of the o|dr*t liach- era. Mi** Kathtrhie linidcl, becau**, he clHimt, the dirt * not show him proper rc*pccU

Mis* Bradel ilecUnc* to Kend In her resigna­tion. aud n* A mill It a l^^ejy row 1* In progres* which tlireatcn* to itlll further re­duce Ihe immiberahip of the church.

Tlw brylnulhg of the present troubloseem* lo have itecn a date not long after Mr. Brett rcrtlgiiedhl* position as Kupcrlntendent of the Hundaj-school. Shortly after that event three youuK men who dcBlrcd Mr. Brett to teach them sent a JeUer lo the new superln- terident, asking iwrmlsslon to start a new claw with Mr, Brett a* teacher. This priv­ilege was dented, iiie superlDtendeat writing that there was no room for a new class.

Two sUtert o f one of tbese young men were pupils In Ml*a Hreder* olas*. When they learned that their brother was not lo be allowed in the Sabbath-school, the young ladle* left. One by one the other memher* of MIm Bradel'e c'las* were taken aud used for leacher* until there were only two pupils left.

Mis* Bradel |« a very intimate friend of the Brcttrt and she began to believe lhal her cla»* wa* being depleted bo that she would he forced out of Ihe MChool. She i* not disirtned to have her rlghl* Infringed upon and de­cided to " hold the furl” at any co»U

In the early part of ihe summer Mrs. Rytio, a leacher of a cIam of girl* In the lohoul, went Awny for two weeks and asked Mr. Brown ihat a teacher be provided, Tbe girls were wUUout a leacher for two Hundays and then they *«ked that Ml** Bradel be allowed to Inslnicl them. *When Mr*. Uyno came home bUo said site wh* golug to leiive f»r good and requested Miss Bradel lo beouiue permanent leiwiher o f the das*. Ml** Bradel cooRcmcd. Mr. Wylie, the acting secrelary, wa* asked to notify ttuporlutrndeut Brow* of the eoislcmjilelechange. Mr. Browo claimed that he was not told officially u( the change ami he furnished another teacher. Ml»a Bradel t<dd lUe iupcrlnlcndent that she wa* the teacher of the cImsm and rtho did not In­tend to surrender her |H>*ttlon.

Un iK'lohcr 4 a meeting of the teaphsr* of the Hauhath-sclmol wa* called {MU* Bradel being absent), at which BupeTiniendent Browe Hated that Mis* Bradel had defied hi* autlinrliy, and that if she did not resign he would. There was a lively dUcusHlou, a miiui>erorMI*s Bradel'* friend* standing up boldly for her, nut when a vole was lAken It wa* found llml the supcrItilendciU'* friend* were the more iiumenm*. A T«H«lullon w** passed ofiklng lor the foftlgnnllon of Mine Bradel as a Ir-achcr Iti the Habbalh-tchool.

The ilr^i luilniatlon UialMls* Bradel had o f ihe action taken In the mailer wa* a letter she received a week ago.

This Iclter KlaU-d that at a meeting of the Uefunned church held on October I are*olu- lloii WAS pasHcd asking for Mis* BraUer* rcrtlgnalhni at once. Tho leller was signed by Wimurn Wylie, aclBig secretary.

Mii»Bradl*l, in a written reply, relleraied her dpleruitnatlon not to reNlgn. Hhe H*ld Ihul shii had been asBoclated wllli the Bab- bath-schuol a* pupil and a teacher for the Last twenty-five years; she knew no reason why she should resign, aud *iie would de­cline to do so.

A ineeilng wa* held after Sabbath-irhool last Huud»> and Mlrt* Bradel read her reply to the asBlMuut sBcretary’fl Icltcr, but before any business wart irHiisncled It was decided to adjourn the muellng unlll last night. There wa* a crowd o f curiou* people gathered In tbe chapel of ibe Unform^ church last Dtghl, They occupied luoBi of the *oala and whispered together in a way which would | make it appear that their tnind* were not allogclher uikmi the prayiTS atid hymns. Muperlntendcnt Bruwe led the mtietiug, aud after the devotions were ended he called a rtcRrtlon of the leachers of the sohufd. Am o­tion was made at once ihal'ine meeting be a secret one, and the crowd wus ‘forced lo re­tire. Many good place* from which lo hear the proceeding* of the tncethig were fur- jilihcd liy the o|»en window* on either side of the chapel, aud each window wa* ijjeodlly appropriated.

As Hoon a* the session was called lo order a friend of Ml** Bradel made amoUoa that tbe whrjlcnnHter be drup|tc<l « » d the record of the affair be stricken from the rec<^d*. There was n lively tlobal© on thl* luoiluu, but when a ballot was lakon It was found that It had been Ion by two votes. It wus then for the first time that MIm Bradel learned whalthe charges agniiist her were, Mr. Browe staled that she had defied his authority anil that Hbc had not paid proper respiNii to the super- Inlcndent In not Iiifortnliig him that *hc wa* io take charge of the new clas*.

Mis* Bmdcl did not |iarllelptUe In the dl*- cushlun mull ufier It had been decided to re­fer the mailer to tlie consistory of tbe church. Then Hhc was asked whnt she hud lo Bay and sbi- aroHC and exclaimed :

“ When the charges agahirtt me ara made In pn'|»cr form, and when lha sin* or crime* which It Isdnlrned I have oommlUcd have been *Laied, together with the naiua of the 1n- formaiu and the time and places, 1 will an­swer the charges.'’

Uw iiH ll o'cliHik before the meeting ad­journed, and by that lime tlisre wan a big gathering In frou lof thochajwl. A reporter met MIrt* Bradel, but *he refused to talk about the limiter further than lo a«y *he would ti’Ofr'h the cIhm In Irlatibalh-ichool next Sunday and that she would not send In her rertignailuii,

Mr. Browf, when eecn UiU morning, *nld he hud tthBolulcly nothing to say lu regard lo the mailer. Hi* friend*, however, claim that hi* notion so far ha* bwn oouileteiil with the dullcB of auperlulendunl of the *i?bool. When Mr*. M. Uyno aunouucedber Bitcnllon of giving up her cIom it wa* bl*duty to name a tciichcr lo lake bur place. The cnndldaie prui«>Hcd for the piMlllon Would ihetii be voted for by the teachers. In pursuing thl* course Mr. Browo announoed tha name of .Ml** F. Hauna,

While iho meeting w«* In icisIoq last night dome one ran up the *lei>* of the Wuii- day-»cht>ol building und gave onoof the wln- dow-curUilu*tt Jerk, It went up wiihaloud noise. When LI was pulled down by some one iDBlde the building the crowd oulsldo blirted and dappl’d Ihelr hand* vigorously.

When Mlsrt Bradel emerged from the door of tbe meeting-rt>om the crowd ouUlde sur­rounding her cried out; ' ‘ Hero come* the martyr I *’ Ml** Bradel, a* *oun a* ponalble, hurried home.

During the seaslon Jame* Hardman, Jr., the rubber nianulai'turer, wliow wife Is a member of the church, alt^jmpted to enter the meeting. He wa* itopped at the dtwr by D. C. While, oacof the elders, who Informed him that he could not eiiter. Mr. Hardman said that a* hi* chlldrati attended ihe school ho bad a right to see what kind of leaehers taught them, nnd that he was not a Hiranger. Mr. While replied iliat ho (Mr. Hardman! wa* known too wcB, and^closed the door,ihuUlog o ff further couver*utlon.

Mr. Hardman waited outside until after the raeetlug, and when Mr. White made hi* appearance aisked the latter what he tneaul by hi* remark*. Mr. W'hlte a»kcd Mr. man to walk to the coragr and he would ex* plain. The two had been In conversation but a few rolnuiee, when shouts of, " You'ro alia r ! " and '* I ’ ll---- I 'll-----wero hoard, aimiDa few minute#*themen were lurruunded by a crowd, ,

Mr. Hardman wa* ahaklng hi* fist under Mr, White’* nos* and repealing hi* M»ct tlou that the latter was a " liar." Mr. White kept moving up the Bireet, followed h j tn excited rubber noenufaclurer. When Mr. White bad dlwippeered Mr. Uerdman r& turned nndcxpUlned to lb* ,tUluTlii* ihiit when the elder h»d got him m comer he Here nx h i. reaxon for not xllowlng him loenter the meeting thxthe (Mr. H«rd- men) wax nddlcud lo takln* a drliilt of wbixker. Th li had angered him and the Blormy iceno dctcrlbod took place.

Joseph Re lleclia iiaB MoasInaleA fo r Cen-

gree* and John V. F ler*on for

th e County C lerkship.

Th irty-tw o deLcgat** aUepded Ibe erfllTcn* tlon o f Ihe Feople’ * party at the Chown Friend*' H all at the M m er o f Broad and Market street* lost night. Jiweph H. Bu­chanan pre*ldetl. He Is the American Tre** A**orlatlou 's writer en economic quoetton* and hart lived In Ho m v BIv tor tWo year*. He ■poke hopefully o f the success o f W eaver and Field and dwelt upou IheiuecMS o f the party In the Kouihand West.

Charles Blrd*all, o f th l* city , ach'd a* •cere* lary, and a com m lliee on resolullon* wa* ap|Hdnt*d.eomdsllug o f MeMix. Arrowsm llh, Hoerster, Tepllnde, W aldrlpand MrCullougU.

AG er catn|vilgD •ubwrlpUon* had been handed lu, the pomolUlee on rv*4dhllon* reported re»olullon* setting forth that the pfvsent system* o f finance ami iraoNjiurlaUon are wrong in principle and Dolitbly dlKosirouHln Ihelr reeulie; that the great stn'ain ul human wretchedne*a flud* lU source lu tltccon d lU on i which make mon- gage* on the one hand aud m lltloualreson ih ('o th e r ; and that a* the I ’eopIFe party 1* flret and last humaititarlaii institution H Is m l the better fitted lo fight agalust these al»- norinal ccindUlons aud leave the people to their fo il emancljnttlon.

Conllnulug. the restdutlon* condemned the creation nf a lUmrd ofHtreet and N 'ater Com- cnlMloncr* In Newark, eharocterlBlng that action at a lubveriiou o f popular govern- cient. and also voiced the party'* abhorrence o f the Slate gerrymander and the County Ex­cise law.

The resolnllont wereunanlm otiily adopted, aud Delegate Beraard Terlinde offered ib* name of Joseph R, nuebanuB a* the candi* dele o f tbe party for Congress. H e *poke o f the great oervioe* don# by the nominee to the party, and dwelt at some length upon the In- ffugnee o f the Feople 'i parly pree*. which now control* 1,500 paper* In thl* country. In Nebraska alone there are 100 paperi to con­trolled, be Biaicd, end added ihat Mr. Buchanan ha* l>cen editor o f the We$tfin iM bor at Denver, and that h i* W’ rlt*Ingi were read by (boasand*. The nomina­tion w»B made unauBuou*.

A fter Mr. Buchanan had expreooed hie thank*, the name o f John V, t*. IMerson wii* presented for tbe County Clerkship nomina­tion and ocrepled with unanlmJly. Itw a * statsd that tbe report o f hi* not t>etng a cUt sen o f the (State was untrue. H e 1* a drum­mer, and boa born (ravelling tor h i* em ploy­er* for two year*. He belong! lo Bloutxiflold, aud I* liv in g there now.

No nom luatlon i were made tor Assembly dlslMrta. a* 11 w m decided to leave such duty lo Ihe Btcal leader* o f the party. I t requires atjout ‘JOO slgnalnrcR for one o f these nom ina­tion*, and the member* were fold (h a t it I* not nrccBiiary for a man to be a People’ s party man lo sign, It be I* a legal voter It doe* not matter whether he 1* a Democrat, Republl- can or ProhlbltloiilKL

In (he County Clerkship contest 900 slgno- tu rc ia rc needed, It wo* slated, hnt for Con- gresNonly fifty.

Henry A. Beck meyer, whose going over lo the Dcmr>cr#ilc party bo* "been published far and wide.” a* a delegate put It, wa* pres- rnt, but he d id not take in y active imrl In what went on. I t wo* euted w ithout contra- Aiciion that he wa* heartily m favor o f tbe l ’e<sple’e party.

Home o f the delfgate* noticed Mr, Beck- m eyer's prciience ano remarked to hirr that Ihey were glad he bad returned to the fold. He replied that he m *relv attended because n* wa* In favor o f Weaver. He Intended to vo le the Htato and local Democratic ticket, however, and 1* eDlhuslastlc for Werio.

Bepubllcans to Have m Lawyer and an ta- tarprrter Before (be Kalurallmatlon

Court—AppBeatlob* Rejected-

Major Carl Iwtu*, chalnnan o f Ih * Republi­can County CommUlee; Alderman HUlusby, u fihe H lateCotum lllM ; W illiam B. W illiam * Olid Joseph Ix. Munn wcul up to the t ’ourt- bome yesterday. They had two otjjccts in view. Une w** to observe lUe working* o f the IV n w ra t lc Nalu ra llza tloo llurcaii which Lashw'ti csiabllsIoM In one o f the corridor*, the oihrr Was U) ta lk w ith the Judge* aUMil reptui* received by the Republloan t'ouiity romm lUce o f the lavuo o f alleged fraudulent DRturalfitivtion ]«ip cri and to offer the iou r t the service* o f a lawyer am i an Inlerpreler for the disclosure o f fraud In application*.

The party o f dU lln iu lahed Republican* find UMik a ivep at the Naturalisation Bn- reau. It consist* o f a desk stacked high with book* o f niUurntlMtlon blank*, «nd two young nicn to fill out the blanhi w llh d a t* supplied by npjdlCAnt* for cUlreiishlp. (fo lhi‘ wull above the deck 1* n plaiwrd that boldly prtKdiiliTirt to the world, Itcpuldlcan* Included, the fom 'tlon o f the desk and the young uictK

The young men courteously and with pb'tifiug liiinicenco tiwik I'alu* to explain everytlilng lo the visltora. They also gave au lllustratiou or two o f the way they hel|»cd (o make I'lllEriia. According to tbe *lubH o f the blank book* the niiml>cr of paper* l**ut‘d vnn over TOO. but one o f the young men whom the Dciutwratic County Conimirice In Its wisdom ha* placeil lin c lia rgco f the bu- rcftu kindly vouchsafed IU» Information that that wa* only for n bluff.” The actual number didn't much exceed IKU. They wert going (o tu rn ou t obout lOO a day hereafler, thev added ; that Is, they were told to say so.

W bile the party o f KepubUcan* was gath­ered arouTsd the bureau an Italian applicant for naiurahsalloD came along. He had in Ills hand hi* flnii pai»ere. Ills anawer* were all Kstlsfactory, but be d idn ’t know the tvum- (wr o fh t i dwelling. H e had lived at 126 Hack- elt slraet, he said, but m oved lo Eighth n v^ nue, a iidh t* m em ory <m the point o f the number of his house wo* aa had a* bl* Kug- lish. He thought for ten mluuUw, then shook hirt head; he could not rHtnen4)er.

” Oh, thal'll do !" exclaim ed one o f the young nien o f ihe bureau. *’ W e ’ ll pul you down living a fJ 'illa ckeU street."

nneofthc hy*landcra carefully made note of Ihe man’s name and the house numl>er. When this Ita lian ivemocrat come* to vote he may find hi* way blocked,

Judge Klrki>«tr1ok was met In Ihe main corridor by the party after they had got Ihelr fill of slghl'Scelng and knowledgeal the I^emocrallc Naturalisation Bureau, llcoould not. they Mty, have laNtui more courtcou* had they been the l»emocrallQ leader* who wanted to uomluatc him for (luvernnr re­cently. He said the Juilgi’s would Ito only Km glad to rccclvu anslstance for the detection of aUrmpta at friuidu-eut naU uraMsalloti. They l»ad already rejected luv Iwetiti sixty and aevenly appllcallons In which they had delected flaws. Any sugges­tion madrt would be careftilly conKldcrfd and gladly adopted, unlc** It neodleH*iy In­terfered M lih iho otierailonRofUie Court.

Then Judge K irkpatrick, followed by xMcssrrt. fx'titr., Htalnsby and Munn, clIiniH'd to Iho courlo'rtun. There ho conferred with Judge* Huttnet and Irf'dwlth. Thl* doiio ha Inforinfd the party that a lawyer and an In- Icrpreter would be la-rmltUid amine applicants, question*

The Largest Retail StoretBroad Streat,

Balsai Street,

in the State.Kef street,

f . Park Straait'

Tbdpsday Specials!T t t - o r iE r E S F X T liA Q U A M T Y U L A C K B C O T l'Il B T I l i rE D C U K V IO T , M lo eh tf

w ld f, rfgu lx r pricf tl.® . fiw c lx l iirlre,

$1.45.TWO riF,( K« FINK QUAI.ITY HI.ACK STOTCH CHEVIOT,S4 Inchtiwlfl*, r*(Uter

brkx II.e ii. B|wclxl I 'liw , ______$1.25.42c,, 42c.; 42c.

will b« lold TbundxjoDiy» n !« 'c « All-»'.<i1 t 'h fv lo l, W InrSi'i wirtr, r . t » 'x r r r lr « Wc. xt T lin c .rp Iho l » '. l v»lm-x over nffi’rrd In Uic o ily.


O N E N TABLE CLOTHS!g-IO All-llnea Table Cloth*, colons border, regnler prtiiatl DVR RPEtTAL tt fA * g-l2 All-linen TaMc Cloth*, color«nl border, regular price tJ-S-S, OVR WPEtTAl. tt-fiO* The above goiKls are sllahlly damaged by sail water, but not enough lo really Injuf#

them, U will all come out tn the wash.Yard* wide extra quality Bleached Bbeetlng, worth 39e. OUR BPEClALi THVRtt*

DAY niU-i-; gjc-BAIneh Vnblvachert Muslin, ragutar 7c. quoUly. Bold Thursday BPECIAU ie»Large m*e XJueu Towels, 'J for *fic.


His ftult A gain st the Naw J e rse y T ra ctio n

Com p any Postponed A gain B e c a a sa lm<

p orta iit W itnesses W ere A bsent.

The suit for damage* brought by Dr. tVnnl* Dowling Mulcahey against the New Jersey Traction Company came up this mornlug In tbe Hecood District Court, but did not go on because o f tbe absence o f Im portant wll- nertsc*.

The doctor came Into court with a couple of law book* under hi* arm. Heetng Crane ond Knight, lawyer*, ready to oppose him be ed- dressed the Court, and aald Ihnl Mr. Crane had io ld h im that b® represented the Fldelty and Casualty Company, and he since under­stood that he and hi* partner represented the defeodanL The doctor declared that Messrs. Crane and K n igh t bad no right to lie there If they represent that Ifisumnce company.

Judge H enry ruled lha l the defendant alone could ralie that Ohjectlon.

The doctor went on lo say that the com­pany has been using the public thorough­fare* lllttgaliy according to the decision on 1 be H alsey cose. The names o f Ihe wllnesse* were then called and Mayor Haynes, Enos Kunynn, Buperlnlondent Marsh, o ft he Street lieparlraeot, and ColnneJ I ’ r lw answered, Theabsentees were JamesHinlth, Jr., County Clerk Smith, C lly clerk O’Connor end Thom as K. Harr, president o f the Traction Company. Clerk I ’aUersflii, o f the C ity Hall, wa* present to repre*cnl the t?lty Clerk,

" A r e you ready T" asked liQwyer Crane, addreoslng Dr. Mulcahey.

“ O f course Vm ready, hill m y witnesses are not here,” replied the doctor.

Then you 're not ready." said Mr. Crane. "O fco u ree I'm ready,” Dr. Mulcahey te-

pealed.The Judge sugip'*lcd that the case should

be adjourned utitll October 2i, and both sides agrtvid, thedoc lor luslNiIng, however, (but a compulsory process for the attendance o f all w itnoSHCs on l hat d ate bo issued.

The doctor Is pt-rsfelent In punhlng this suH bi'caufMS o f the curl manner lu which ho $ay» he baa been treated by the railroad company and the apparent cnllnslnii lieMaccti the com­pany and tbe c lly aullKtrltlc* lo defeat him. The cause o f action U the breaking o f hts CArrlng ‘ by an electric car at the corner of WHshmgloD and Academ y streeU a few montliH ago. l ie narrowly escaped being bad­ly InJuriMl rtl Iho time. In order to punUh the com iftny for alleged recklessness In (he manner o f running Us cars he made up a list o f violations by the compuny o f tUc condi­tion o f Its franchise, and after m an y|ve ia - llous delays succeeded In getting Judge Hayes lo taken complaint grounded on them.

Ht-nator Harrell apiwared for the company a id Volonel iT lre for the city. Heualor Bar­rett asked that the caw bo ]>os(poned, stating that ho wanicd a vacation and h inting that the opposing counsel might like a vacation too. Colonel Drlce agreed to take a vacation and Ib e doctor Jumped up angrily and said heauppoaed that be might us well take a

rtloti also.„ ic day lo which tbe case was postponed

turned out to be lA bor Day and os that wa* a legal holiday the case never came to trial, tt w s* because o f hi# failure there that Dr. Mulcahey brought suit for dataagebin the t ^ o u d DJflrlct Courta

to ex but DO vain

that would only wasfothe ( ’ourfs time and lilndcr IU work wouldho tolerated, Thl* was entirely <,»l1sfttcU»ryto Major Ijents and hi* coiTit»unlfms. They are now lifting their vnhvii high In praise of thecourterty and lmp»‘‘ll»lHy of Judge Kirk­patrick.

Joseph I.. Munn will hcrcnfler represent the Republican (.’<»unly IVnnmltlcc bt-fore the Nnlurullxalloji Uourl. Hh will hMiisNIcd hy uu liiUTi'erter. IVrhnps a k Hlak may also lie hponghl lo bear <m ihe HpplIrarilH. Hiich n plan WHS humorously suggested. A list of men, salu lo l>e unquallflcil fur cUlrenshl)’, who neverthclcMi lm>»' iHken out nnluralira- llon |>alrt*rrt. Is In Itie hands of the lU'i'Uhll- oans. Ko the laller sa>’ at least,and they say,

that tlicy arc going to imv - all such pun­ished, If i»osslldc. ^ ________

W F > T O l lA N f iK A F F A IR S .

FULL ASSORTMENT.As OriiiHl Display# are In order,this Yreek, we will hold one to*

morrow of

F rench Dolls.Onr rofriitnr $‘J Doll for

9 8 c . a n d $ 1 .2 5 »We make this rediiciloii lo admit of the liitnHluctlon of a new

line of Dolls. Those jieojile who niitlelimte piirrhasinir I>oUs for Christinas would do well to take advaiitaife of this "O u t of Season’* offer, _______________________


Knitwoiitercil silk trim , regular Ip8c., for,.,

LA D IE H ' O K IlM .\N K N IT PK IK PH ,lU'fiUlar 7V. and Wk., f ( » r ..........................

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59cC IU U lR E N ’H W HITK A N IiS r A K I .E T K N IT K K in T f., 1 C ^

llp l(u lBr;«r,, for....................................................................................... .......— ......-

N E W CORSET.O U ll A l.A MODE, long walat, fine Jean, satren stripe, tw o side steel#, doubl* XCjrt

•lecis front, extra gtaid value......... .............................. ................................-.... . “ wG*

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76c

j l Mg iroB* m nv » « fxprjuxfl (n a /tw In tilt ttxwn of O xnwiH eftf. "“ **■ Mg n«fH o?Ml (w x «n tV ewrg*«^J^

M odifying the XVatcr t o n t r a r t -W h e ft to Re C lo sed—O th er lluslness.

The Wc*l OratigP Townaulp t'oniinlltce last night read end made slight modlficailoii* In the water conlroct. The contract Is made for s term o f ftftwn years, the comiwuiy to fur­nish 110 douhh''nojr.r,ll imprtived bydraiiiA at ahuverag*' o f 'iiD fe d a|>ari, at a cost o f Hh each i>er aunimi. The cin lrucl Is now all ready Hivd w ill bn executed ut lha meeting next Tuesday nlgUl.

M ltle ouirttdo o f the water biisIncM was rtoue at tho meeting. The ffeange Mountain Cable C«jrn|M4ny was gninlcrl jtern»l*>ihni to raise It* track* sitos* tirfg i»ry avenue lo a height o f twelve feet above grade, tliu work fo t*e done under Ibo direction o f (ho Hlrccl ComiDllloe. A blit for till. pri>*ente<l l-y Mrs. Mary McDratb, wh* ordered referred hnrk for correciloQ. The tillL was fur slxlccn chickens owned by Mrs. McUraih which wer« killed by a dog belonging lo James rolenian on Saturday morning. Thctiuiiu o f fiOO WII* appropriated for rtqialr* on (rasPm street and |:i0 for repairs on I'lcasant Valley way.

The Hoard o f Health was then organised, and Mr. Hhrump wua given an extension o f thue in whK'h lo fill up hi* poiitl on Ijikk('*|iti< avemn-. which iiad lu'cn di-(’lur«'d u pul'lle nuliuucc. I'hc ealury h f the HcaUh l)iiii|»ector was fixed nt \)CV year.

ODING t o W O R K IN k F ( RKT.

The K ashi County Deiiiocracy W i l l Not llrild Any M o re Pub lic Meetings.

At a meeting o f thccxccutlvc commlltcc r>f the IA ncx f'onaty Democracy lusl nlgJil. Hi 210 Market siri'et. It wus resiilveit Ihai the or- ganlEallon slntuld hold m»niore |niMlc meet­ings during Die caibpalgn, bni hhoiilil s]iend Us energies In *'<|ufet Hiel cfTecIlve work ” for Clevehiml and !Slevcn**on ajol Ji*hrv Kiari, Jr. For Ibe purpose of currying «in theL*- quiet and effective ninrirenvreK It wasilerlile<l Uj rent and oiieti on ocioiMT 'Ji an iinm-x lo the headquarter* In Its vh’Nilty.

liw a s fu r lb c r ngreod lo issue Just liffore election an addreKH lo tbe [)em(jcrutlr voterH of the county extolling rlevnlaml and Hlcvfnson, and U'llhig why Hie County iK-mrM’ racy snj'purU .bihn K e»n ,.ir. Tyler I’annly. riia in n an Whlieliead, Ji>- rtepli H. Wehrlc, Tbeodnre Mead and rx- School rominlflrtlotifr .McNally were selrelrd I 0 •' flint and plan " *for Hic giHj<l of tbe cause durluK Um m l ol the cumpnlgn.

,Jaine* r. I'hupmari. o f Kofflvllle, wsm added lo the executive ermimltlee.

Several proportll Ions fnr inemhorshlp wererivclvcd und la id over uiitlJ Ihv

3 i iK d i 'i .A H iwc. Finrt 11.10 s f m i t t H IP iT in .s frrs .............

I.Arm>i' KINK ( AMI!M0:ilK KNIT roUSKT (OVKKH. lU'tiulHr US'., fur..................................................................

cJ H i.D itK N ’w f ( in iiK ii coitH K T w a i s t h ,10, 10, aMiH'h "iilj-, rcKulHr Sc., fur...................

A D rive in Thom son 's Corsets.U . and .M U ujM INAJ,,

il.iVU KiTiUKlS........................ ............................

HHDKT, M I.D ir.M .\ND K X T B A LF .N G T lf H, H., H egiila rll hcdUulH... ..............................................


75c. . 49c-

O E S n A E T O V N W O O L .B K H T til'A I ITV IM m ilT K D W o o l., i n ^ l i Q n V

h4<<vernl Hbudes from regular sUH’k,rcguUir j t Ics Ijc. To-morrow...... u a iiJ W

B U R E A U COVERS.l'hre«’ styles, 1’ yard length, with nr w llhout ojKenv

‘ I ’rlce livinnrrow.......................................................>rk, regular price 2ftc. 19c,

50(1 pair* of I,fldfe*’ Paris Kid Pah'nt Ixcathcr T ip BuUonetl HrMita, prmillvcly worth ■ Isert tn H, wldtliH J1,C, D a u d E , Our price for Tliursday ouly at


rc^rtirlcd (n he In good

W H E R E A R B TOD. H A A G F O fiT f

T o o r d o b W ant* Its Honey and 1* Get IliiK A n z lo u i A bout It.

Tbe Young Men'* HarriflODaud Reid Club of Montclair, which wa* orgznlied a f*w week* ago, li anxiously awaiting word from Its secreUry and acting treaiurer, Isaac Post, The club hod ooUceWd M for uni­form* and Is desirous to use this money for lhal purpose, but Mr. Post cannot he found, He Is said to have left town last Hunday night, whether on business or pleasure Is not known.

If he doesn’t return soon more money will be raised and Iho uniform* will ha purchased ln*plteof Mr,Post’*absence, Itwasclalmad that be bad left Montclair to remain awny. and that perbap* be would soon send a check for Ibe amount of the club’s money In his poisesslOD, but Several of the member* of the Hairlson and Held orgaulsattoD take another view of the ntattar.

Bnotigh to M ake A ny H an F ig h t.As James Writ was sitting near bis door at

70M^USlrael*tre*Uvto'ghi.he ,' ' a.x« . . .up beheld Andrew Qubocn standlug at a Window of his apariinenU, upstairs. Writ ran upstair* lu hot anger and a fight sosusd. Q.Ubach caused hie orreel aud thl* morning htt was sent to Jail to await the action of the Qrgpd Jury.

spec ia l A cco m m o d a llan i tor the Colum b ia a Celebration.

Tlie CeulTWI B xllrow l of Nsw J » ^ r ft*-* miMl. * itx nxlv« M r*?.**'"*"** .Ifi* mOdxUoa o f the public eltendlng ‘ **e Colom bus Oelebrellon »l N«w York on Mondxy, Tueidey mnfl W ednM dey. * 1*'**,' w ill leere Broed xlrectux quire. H eturnld* Irelnx will lee-eN ew XX fo llo w . W onder, T « « jl*T eo d W edne^ e Dixbit, at 7!« . f t« , »!«. lKi»V &Ilia. 2K10 A . M. ___

O cto b e r Foshlou**Oor Fexhlon Hheelx l»r

free. Aleo one l«m e Tm ^Iod Be»lew for the MU, e 3Se. bonk, Tor Hte Oor



C e te rrh In New fln^lend,E l y '. Cream Balm gl-exiallxfact Ion to e re rr

one u iln i It (or eau rrb al trouble!.—O. K. Meltor, D ru n ix t, Woroeater, Maui.

I bellere i l ly 'i Croani Balm U tbe belt arti­cle for catarrh eecr uffered the public.—Butb A CO., D m c f Ixtx, Woreexter, Maxe.

A n article o f real merit.—C. 1‘. A ldan, Drug-flet, ftprlnefleld. Maxi.

Tbuee WDO ute It .peak hlihlr of It A. Hill, Drufflxt, Bprlagfletd, Mali.


Cream B alm baa (Iveo latlxlXctoTY lexullA W . P, Draper, Driigilxt, Hpringlleld, M an.

Hatra Deed D r. T h o m a i' K oleetrln O il for crou p and oolda, and declare It a poeltlre cure. Contrlbated bf Wm. Kajr, 6T0 Plymouth a re ., BullU o, N, Y,

P Ictn ree a a d P ictu re P ram e!- B rin * o l the plctnrex you w lih lo h a te framed. We baee the la r ie i l end flneit a ix o r lm n l of m oo ld liu x In the B la lit and et tbe hiwett nrtoM. Q ll£eany, OU

artlxtx’ mateciale. (kuy *^nSil xtieet.

Hteted b y H , B . Ooehren, caeMr, Pa. Hava (uaranMed oeer I

DiagBjxt,(uaranteed oeer tW

of Bunlaek Blood Bluer lor dyxpepila, xour) bottle!

Itomaeh, bUloue attaeki, Jteer and kidney tiwnbl*

meclliii! ijf iliP cirganlritlnri,Ti“' (immecs were


C IT Y H O g r lT A L TIU'HTEE.k.

Hospital Clo*«>l« In Hud (:oiidllinn--KeporU tor Iho Month of liriiteinlivr.

The (U(y H ospital trustee* mcl lost nlghl. Trustee Wood ruff repjirtM (hat ih esm o u u i paid out during the rnouili was ll.ftW :ni. but thal fo kc<’p within the lim it of (he appropri­ation of |l!,flOO a num ber of bills had hceji laid over.

The visiting com m ltleo urged th a t (ho closctrt U\ Ihocnnluglou* waril Ixi repaired, ns In tliclr presentcondUloa they Hicdangertujrt lo patient* and n ur»e* nnd had already causedmuch Illness. The real cstatecom m iltee was e)ii|>on'ered to m ake the Urt ’esAary changes. Dr. VV. L. Diiiitiliig was Hpimlutud an asslKi- aiit house phyrticlan.

It wiiH rejwjii»'d that j lU had bom received for the nervices <jf nurws lu prlvat*' case*. The Mu|HTliU0(idrni'* report for the month of September showed that a t (he heginiiingof the month (hen^ worn eighty-five pallettU Irj the h o sp ita l; there were liia d m ln c d arid IHl dlRCharged. The htrth* were six an^ thn death* twelve, Th« mimhrr rcinaltilng at the liVglimlng o f the present month wo* ultis- ty-lbrefc __________ _____ _____

llaHavllln Doing*.A t the m eeting of the Hellnvllle Fire Com-

mlrtslonera lanl ulghtM-hen tliequHstlou of cutting down the membership o f cxlKtlng companies from iw culy-five inem fer* to twenty came up It wa* voted that the sriSon taken had iX'cn Irregular and had not come before the board in the proper manner. A ffer a dIscuHilon of the matter, during which Commissioner Hlatfory euld that there were (00 m any div»nee In the department, he gave notice in w rlilng that the question would again be brought before tho board a t i l l n ext mertlng.

A large and enthusiastic Democratic m eet­ing v a i held in Tcii»p<''ranf<i Hall last night. The m eeting was addressed by Judge A, (larreU<in and Thomas Nr»otiaii, of Jersey City. Previous lo Ihe meellDg the A, II, Os­borne Battery paraded 1h rough the principal itreeUL _____

Happy At Night, Deed In the Morning.Mrs. CookCe wife of George CookCi a sash

and blind m aker on Alden place, Orange.wa* found dead In bed at her home oa Alden street At 6 o’clook thl* morning by her bus- hAnd. Mr*! Cooke was about th irty years of sgc, and had been In the bes( of health. Ia s L night. In coDipeny with her husbaDd, she visited her roother-ln<law on Cleveland street. Hb# left about 10 o’clock In excellent ipirtts. The lost tim e she spoke was when *he bade her husband good-night. Mr. Cooke d id not knew that hi* wife was dead until be aw oke this morning. Tbe County F byslclan was notified K vd aj. T b e c a u ie o f death Is believed

, In have heeA hsart fhllorE


Cm $12.98 EDA Parlor Stole,

$ 1 P .9 8 .Oor $14.25 EDA Parlor Stoie^

$ 1 2 .2 5 .Onr $16.25 EDA Parlor Stoie,

$ 1 4 J 2 5 .liioiii' arr a full rf'Tt'rllble flaa

sto vf. .sKT r r r iiK iS

I N T I I K C I T Y .

Tnnla of 111. ryxl'lK t Unll'i»''«-Fron) the I’all -Mall rJaz'Mic,

A twii-yoiirf' (tiiily Hi illjo li li»» fontlnrort Mr, Fllmliini r«lr1e thni llio F.gyiiUBii workiTii <if 4,1100 J i'orn hijo h.rt « MirprlBloK nciiuitliilHOt'e wlHi wliot 'oiil Ooen rcimililcrml ni.jilorii i!, Am nnxilK ' many tm>l« inml hy lha |iyrxmlil-lnilHh r» ''■ -'■ o tx'tri tubular (lrlH» ami U n ilih i Hint r im ila r «aHi>. The ilrtllx. llko lime* nl imday, won' «rt wllh J( wel! (I'rnhahly rorvirnlum, xe lln.' (llnmoinl wa» Tory ecarcoj, unil rvini lathe loola hail lu ch cutlln*-'*il(<i>H, Ho rcinarkHNn wa« the q t ia illy o f fhP mlmiar drills anrtthp shill the woThmi'u, that Uni ailtlriK-riiarSin lu hard Kralille ijlve in> Indication ol wear of the Umo. w hile a cut of a tenth ol an Inch w a. inade In the hardest roex at MCli revoluUon, and a holn Ihrouitb lioih the hardistt aud .oltiist m aterial was bored js'rfeclly smrKilti and uul- form lliroiigkoiu. O riiio m aterial and rocth* od of inaklnif tha loots n o th ln i la Itnowu,

III the DlTorco Court.From Mio ('hlcii(iu Mall.

The nest Ul take lUii stand was Mrs. DOfiw tha I'arcnl, who was iiosscsiod of four chil­dren and a drunken hnshand.

“ How often dues John Rf-t driink T” askedthe Court. , ,, , . „

" -Cch t It vasTono Ion* drunk all d« vhiie, replied the wllncHx, with a «troni! aci-ont. Ou One occasion John came lioin*' vvry drunk, and beiaii abm ina her. Haendcd up by xeli- IDK baby by the Ihk. and ew lnytu* It aroundhi! heed, . . . .

“ K fe r Seen luerrled before?" xxked the Oourk

Y ei, iir . But If you'U Yel roe free 1'll neyer do II Halo, etr."

G u ccr Htortes A bout RatSeFrf>m the* filobo-Ffemocrat.

It is a$i old say Irg that " rats desert a t1uk< tpK «blp,” but II Irt a m oil singular fhcl th a t they do uert w all until a boatur bargeU sln k- liig uiiill liicy (IcsBTi It, Thpy appear to be a()prls«d of the danger scvptrI hours hetoiw utiyacchlsnl occurs to (he vessel, One co*e lhal carnc nudt$r m y obBcrvallrm was when 1 wHPt pil<»tfog a Inwboat In ll^e lower MlsslsHlppl. W e were coming up stream Isto Olid evening when 1 noticed a horde o f rain coming off one o f th« barges we had In low. I fold some o fth e member* of the crew that we would have bed lucRw W e went ahead, aad Jm t'before dHyllght the barge from which the rats bad fled struck a rock and sunk. No damsge was done U) any other p ert o f the shlpplDg. The same phctiomonou occurred Just before the re(al fire of tlieMteemer Oliver Belrae. Oa

th e la rttd a y o f the .xw l’i career, about tw o hour* before the fire, a drove of rats were seen to run asleru over tbe lower deck and Jump ovcrbcmrii. _______ _____ ■

••No Perfection i» *0 abBolutet Tliut Nome tiiiDiirlty doth not


U te O u ltb a d Bprudel BiUt fo r kU Im pur- Itiee o f th e blood. It ta N ature’; o w n r e m e ^ . B ew are o f Im ltatioua M d I iiDOit thh F enolne im p orted krtloli*


Wrapping th« Tricolor About a

. Sleeping Baby.


A Story of A Soldlar’ i Fllght»Tha Tat* • ru . tha WIdowad Mothar and tha Doy, who la Now Old Eoo«|h to Kotor Iba ■ebool of BalDt-Cyr.

A dor to mark with o whita itane, oa tha latUn poat itra~ [ bora laoroed from tha Mlolitrrlhot mrdaor llttla Jaoquinat baa baan admittad Into tha Hliool of halBt-Crr aod not Into tha roar (uard.

How iwlfUr lima paaaei I Altai alraadj more than iwcntr jaara hara flown tinea wa lay with atarked anna, conaumad with Im- patlaucA awatUna tha iraat dar when tbt saonon at laat ahuuld aiiaak and wa abould Croat tha frantlar ; mart than twenty yean tinea 1 daapalrlngty klmid the frail little baby boy who waairalltill Itkean (Wiel In bit cradle, tinea I made the oath that If I aaeapad death I won Id adopt that Infant; and yet It aeemt to ma only yetlarday.

1 atm hear, aa In an ball urination, the abarp cracklni of the mutkalry, the walling criaa of the wounded and the blaata of tbt bugle) I act tha field of battle gradually an- ahrauded by tba gloomy autumn twilight, that livid tky of green and pink toward whiob ctouda of wbltlah amoke are mounP log, tba glare like that of a coullagraliDo, and, away off at tha borlaon, the alnleler otroUngof tba crowa, awaiting iht and of Iba■truggla.

Our poor irglrohbt, to handaoina whan It antarad f ha atrlfe at early dawn, had horn daolmatad. lu vain had It rbargod furloniiy five dUbreut llmaa, bad It run ita bayonata agalBtt tba nannon In thoaa orrbardi eat by badgaa; In thoaa yllluga lanea where tha anany ahot aa down with deadly aim Ilka a hard of ro^bnoka tracked byhuntara) In tain, wllboul waakanlng for an tnatant, had llaticnipp d the liupoatlbla, played the game oneagalnattauatleaat, Wa ware flgbtlog aa wa rrtraated; we ware ntlrlng with raga In our baarta, brutallaad by (nllgue, alalnad arttb blood and powdtt, nnabit lo bold out longer and turnihg every Inatant to Are our laat Irjada that wa mlgnt drraoltah out more of Iboae auraad beggara.

In the dUtance wara wooded bltta, tba nb uga where wa would halt, where tha roll WQold baaallad, and parbapa wa would get lomeaoup; eUll a llttlarourage and we would ba at tbe end of that Ibrkrd road.

But auddenly there appeared, with flaeblng ■abree, aquadrona of Buvarlau dragooni, and then It waa a brIlarwkaUar flight, a mad rout amid tha flalda and vlnayarda, a maaaaiTa from ambuicadaj In wbleb tba aoldlara ran •gnlnat aaeb other, toiltd pell-mell Into the boUowaof tba fhrrowi, ruahrr hllbar and tbtthar without defending themaelvei, with­out heading tbe couimanda aboutad by tba OlBotn-

Only tba flrat and flag nom panlaa bad bald good, reilalad that larribla abuek and formed a eqaare aa wail aa might ba-

Tiiaflghl began anew, fltrrely, tragically, aa avenleg came alowly on. Each oneofui had devoted bla Ufa, bad meotally aald adieu to all he loved and retolved to defend the •acred eagle lu the laat. TbaaUmtard boaror, Jean fiaraduui, fell, atruck In tha heart by a muakat ball, but Captain dea Gormlerea, with aiprlDg, ralaednpihe flag, held It high and Brra In hie clenched hand and brandltbed It above our beada. With deflanoe In bla proud •yet. He ataggered In lila turn and fWl, mut­tering i '‘ Ah I the aeouDdrale I Alfa over with me f Lieutenant VareUhea graaped the aialf and abouted; " Courage, boya! rira for tbe flag I Elra atralght aUmg 1" And toon he atm fell with a bullet In blaakull. Of tbeaaven ofQceral aloue remained, burning with fever and having two wuunda, one lu tba ahouldar and the other In my left arm. And when 1 took the eagle 1, the youngoatof Iba regiment, wbo had but a ateak of mua- tache, wtaoatlll wore my blue-atrlpad troua- ara " de fine galette," I felt myacif brieked up aa ir I bad dralnad a big bumper of old bntndy.

The enemy, enllglilened at laat aa to tba lllualion, wheeled alniul: but would they not raturn with reinroracinanta, allured aathoy iDuat ba by inch a pray t Wa ware reduced to aboct finean and moat of ua, worn out and lotlng our blood, would anon be bora de coin- bth What waa lo hamma of the flagT— where waa It to be bidden, whither borne T 1 antruBied tba men to a Hergeanl; I gave them tbe order to regain, In email fraettone bod at an/ coat, tba main body of tba brigade. Aod having, with my knife, rippod o.T Ihe eagle nod the irl-colond allk, I Ibruat the precloua aymbol under my lunlo aod niD airalghl ahead toward tbe oopHei which marked lha borlaon with a quivering blue I Inc,

Ob I that flight In the vague ohacurlty, the llta of waakuem, the telle, with, througti tbe I'rofound ellenca of tbe night, tUegutiural ehoutaof tbe horiamin tent In puriullof me, rcattcred lo every direction, andtboaound of galloping which drew nearer and froie me I

And, auddenly, at tha edge of a grove, on tba bank of a atream bidden by wllLowa, the Joy of pcroelvlag an old mill, tbe window of U'bicb waa lighted, of taytng to myaelf that I bad found a abaltarand that, perbapa, atout- baarted people were there I

1 knocked with my 0at at tbe oloaed door. There Beamed to ba within tome healtatlou about anawarlng) then, tbe clear and aoft Voice ofa woman aaked In fright |

» W boli there I”" A French olBoer wbo la aitray aod

wounded I" 1 replied.Tba door waa opened InaUbtlyand I aaw

thiB loa large room, In wblob danced the TacUlatlog brlgbtneia of a candle;

A tall, galtered, old man, with a hruah-Ilke muBtacho and face cut byaecar, who, atlff, but reapvclful, had placed bla pipe upon the ^bl•aIld waa receiving me with a military galute. Then, In front of the liearlh, on which an armload of vine brauohaa waa burolog, a young end pretty woman, who waa clad In blank and bad big blulab eyea, which vrarafixed, aad aud taupalalned. And, behind her, atretched bulji cradle covered with white curtalna.

1 had not a minute to loie) I ofibred my band to the old man with an effUatoo of gratitude, and aald to him:

“ You have been a aoldlerf""For twenly-flra ycari, Lleiileimiit,"

anawared ha "lu Africa lathe Eighth of the Una And deaplle my aixty yeara. If I bad not bean abut off from It by rtaenmatlaiii, you may well believe that 1 would have reautued my mulket to flgbt tbe enemy. 1 bale them I 1 would Uke to dcatroy them like vermin, one after anotberl Thay have killed my aiui- In-law, the buaband of iny poor llulo Huaalle aod tbe bather of that beby elaeplng tln re in hit cradle without euapecilog anything, the dear child 1"

Tbe woman eobbed aa If bar grlaf bad been auddenly rrawakenod; I niurmurcd a few worda of pity and raaumed;

"Jblaten to me well, becAuae every minute which elapaea brlnga another danger for me and for the treuaure which haa been confided to me by my comradet. I am pureued by the enemy. 1 don't enro fur myaeir~my llie lau'l worth much, but you mual help me to aave th ill"

I had unbultiined my tunic end I allowed him the torn end blai-kened flag, the noble tatter on which appeared. In letteriof gold, tha oamat of vlctorlca, the eagle with out- gpread wlnga which the butlcte had nearly dHiroyed. The old man turned very pale, kullted hla brnwi end commanded:

" Itoealle, quick, about the boltaand double- lockthidcHirar

Without reaounded the dlilent clatter of a horaeinau; clenching hit llita, the old man added, with big lean In hla eyei;

"They will be here tn an tnatant 1 They will rummagi everywhare; they will lack tbe cloeeli, tbe hupper and the barn I Obi mon Hicul where can I hlda It?"

Iihad lunk Into a chair, my throat parched, my templei hmalng and my lege powcrlcai.

Then, gravely, with a proud and trium­phant look, but without uttering a word, the widow took her baby upon ber kneee, tlrljiped It and then wrapped the trloolored allk around It. Tbe beby'a clothing waa then re- ■lored, and. carefully pinned, nonccalcd Ihe flag. 'Tlie little one, repluoed In the cradle, (ell aaleep again, while lu mother, rucking It very genlly, murmured;

"They will not look for It (here t"And, moved lo the deptbe of toy being, 1

klaaed the old aoldler and hledaughler; J

Emeed them ancoewively to my panting raailand excinimed:"For ma to remain here longer would in-

enaae the peril, eo I will got Icon tide that •acred relic lo you tn tbe name of France! Thank! lo you both ! My name la Ocorgeade Bavlgnac; perhapa I am condemned to die Id thla terrible war, but. If I ahouId return from It, I proiulau you thnt I will replace for that baby tbe fklher who died doing hla duty I Adieu, my frienda, adieu, and again 1 thank yon I"

Tbe miller aecompauled me through hli garden lo a break In the wall which opened Wpon the wood, I walked for an hour ateulthlly amid the darkneae, and at laat fell aenaeleia upon a heap of brlara. And It w ua there that the Ucrinuu ambulance peo)>le picked me up.

And when 1 returned from captivity, I ful- fllled my protnla*; 1 went back to tlia mill.

Tbe Bavarlane had upaet, torn out and broken avarylhlng) but they bad reapeoled tbe cndle In which wa^alumberlng the baby

nt tba woman tn black, wbo haiked ao ud and ao plIIAil. And aow, to-day, Ihat bahy la our Jaoquinet, a flue, well-piniited and en- tbualaalle young man, full of Uappv Ufa and on tne i« ln l of entering ftalnt-Cyr I

Ah I mon Dim ! I hey will have Ihe eacred Are, Ihore new cunacrlpla who were born In the terrible year and who aucked In with the milk of their motheri and their nnreea the holy hatred and the dream of reprlwila I

______________ llr.vE M a iz e k o t ,


■oma Kiercleea at the New Jrraey Hchool, tulllvaii and Corbett.

From the Hllant Worker.Telling alorlea In aigna, for reproduo-

tlon to writing, fa not believed in by the teachers In the New Jersey School for Deaf Huteg ; the manual alphabet la be­lieved to b* ample and belter for the pur- poae. It continually enlarges the pupil's vocabulary o f words, phrasoa and Idioms, and thereby gives him a bettor com niand o f English. A student of French, i f required to translate a story from English: to French, would probably make a very indifferent Job o f It; but. I f the same story were told to him In French with eiplanatinns by the teacher, and he were then asked to reproduce it, his reproduction would be much better, lie would notice tlie pcoul lar Idioms o f tlio language, and the use o f parttcuiar words and phrases with which he was unacquainted or uiifaniillar, or have his attention called lo them by tbe teacher. Deaf mutes need more practice in English than they tisuslly get. They ime signs so much in conversation that they do not pick up Idiomatlo English, like hearing children. Over twenty years o f observation, both as student and teacher, convinces me that the telling o f occurrences and stories in signs for reproduction in writing is an un­satisfactory method of drill in written language.

Below are given two items that were spoiled to the claas, and an Incorrect ra- produotion o f each. The mistakes or ombsrions are probaby the result o f eare- leaanesA R. R, LLOTO.

(Diefofed JIfoDuoffyJ1. In tho year 1666, a dreKoml plague

spread over Euglaiid. In London alone, one hundred thousand people died In the space o f one month.

2. Thomas Ilufforty, a Flalnfleld boy, sixteen years old,was kidnapped lost week while on hla way from schout. He Was last seen on a coal train With two men and seemed to bo trying to get away.

[Reproduced byPupti.]1. In the year o f 1606, a dreadful plague

spread England. In London 10,000 people death In the space o f one month.

2. Thomaslltafl'erty, a Plainfield boy, waa kidnapped, while he was on his way from school last wuek. lie was last seen on a coal train with two men, and he seemed to be trying to get awsy. He b sixteen yetrs old.

[Pupils' Oofflposiflims.]A STBAP,

This b a strap. It Is mode ofleathcr. I has sixteen holes. I think ft Is a skate- strap. It is about twelve Inches long and half an inch wide. A buckle Is very uoe- ftil to fasten a strap. It Is good for fasten­ing a skate-strap and harness. We can sew it on a machine. We use straps for fastenhig skates on our feet. C. F.

COAL.Goal b not only found in Pennsylvania,

but b found also in Wales and England.It b good for running machines or tho locomotlvea, and boating and cooking. It is black. It b made of wood in the deep ground for many years. It costs f6 or ffl a ton. It b more dear than wrmd and charcoal. 1 like the nut coal. It is harder than wood. I would not like to work in a coal mine, because it Is very dangerous. Workmen have been killed by gas cxplo- slons, etc. R. E,

JOHK L. HfLLrVAlt.Ho was born In Boston In 1868. He was

the champion o f America sbout eleven years, James J. Corbett Is chanqilon now. Corbett defeated John L. Sullivan In 21 rounds. Corbett split HuUivan's nose by a blow with hb right hand and flulllvan landed on Corhelt'a shoulder. He is six feet tall. Hb weight Is about 220 potiiula. 111m arnii* are very strong. He fought with Corbett Bcpteinber 7th. Whnn Hulllvan woe nineteen years old, he woe a very gtrong boy. Corbett has won fifl.OOO. He wears lights, stockings and shores. He does not wear a shirt. Corbett's weight b about 186 pounds. Bullivsn is older than Corbett Corbett Is tho young king ol CallfomlA During Hullivan lighting with Corbett Hullivan's face w'as covered with blood. Bullivan’s nuiscics are hard. Mrs. James J. Corbett feared that Sullivan would kill James. C, C,—Lost hearing at six years old, born in Italy, three years at school, never heard Eugllsli.

The New ftebrlileR A rrow PoUoiii FroTft the

M. Donteo hot examined end exporlmonted With lb*orrow polion uHvd by the nRllvoH of the New llebrldcia IleilmU that Hcontaliii neither vegetable |>QlRnn nor WTix'nl Tlnit, hut conn1*tJi of earlh ImprcgtiHlrfl with vejff- taUlo maiter tnkfii from murnby iilftcpH and eonUInlng raHtewr’a vlbrlon (wptlijue, or baetitiit of inallgnant nulema and alHo the baclDui of (clanue, Iftlie arrove have been kept a long Unit*, or have l>#en inuob expoaett lo tbe tUHp the vlbrlon sepllipio nnijr have been deitroyed; the danger thou 1m from telanQM. When the arrcwjk have been freahly prepared and t!ir vlbrlon aentlque li lUll ac­tive, a wound from them cMiiiCi death In a guinea plR from iepthwniia In fmm twelve to fifteen hnui'a; letanuH, which lakt's longer than that perloti of time lo dcvolop, i|ocn not under lhc»c clrninifitiuireH ehow iLn'lf. It la InteroHlhig ti) n'lmiTk that the hitme U im. known In Iheno lalHtuli, emiNefjni’jitly the theory oflhc rqiilne origin of hiMnus Mnuhl Mein to be urgutlved by iheii' n-miurcbt'a.

Coneernlng the Tfalkjng l>e1egate.From tbe New Vork Tlinei.

We have hope that Qutnn'* example will fructify, and that when tije locknl tmi or Htriklnn workingmen In tlie buLldpig irji<1fn, for exnmpifl, confer upon Uielr etluhtlon, ■onm Ml III, itnail voire will ha bcurd und hacdc'd, KMklng, in ihu dIalacL of the wturklng' nmit: Wbbt li Uie mailer with punch lugthe walking delogate'i noKs f Heiilly tht-i? In uollilhg tbe RiKller wHb ttiat course and no Mrtllstuclory re»ponse to that niuMllon. Whatever addi terrori t«» the poHltlon of & walking delegate ora grand niasLer workman being a public betiefU, li 1h ijnpuMlljU'to t»*- sKt ttie couoluiiiou thatquIuuUa ruMIc benrfHctora


I.tke cut, 83 lucbsa lang, at ts.qs, SB.H, •7.86, M.7A and CIO sacb, should baeat*. fully examined by Intending buyers. Tbey sre made upof the beat tnatsrlalaaod flulahed lint riaia, and ars abiuluMly perfect fUtlng garments.

In th* higher grnds of elotb, THE SAME BTYl.E. vary richly trlmmsd with L y n x , As- trsklinii. Mink, Krlmraer and Alaska Sable. We are shuwing them at aB.IM, ■, • 13.50 and • 1 0 .

lo . 615 SUIT,Beit la the Worid, of which we «otd over 860 iait weeks We have aboqt 100 left, all wool,

$ 3 . 9 8 ,I.OOSAII-vrool Box-plalted Ladles'Watits,Id

Davy, cardinal, blank aod groy, reg. n goodA


$ 1 . 4 8 .Fur Cape Special.

ro Knalleh Wool Mcsl Capet, high thouldera, pointedfrijuti, lined with heavy aatlu, regu* farpriceP.OO, al«S .I9. *

Feather Boas.Fine qunllly Feather Iloaa, three yarda long,

reg ular price 13.25, at S l.tlf each.

Men’s Shirts.Npcclal lot Men’s N atural WiK)l Shirta and

Drawert, tizea TJ to 46-liicb, regular price 68c„ at euc. each.

O B GL0?E 6M IHpeclal lot ladiei'BIsrrils Kid OInvei, tn

navy blue, tana,graya,blickiondpearls,res. price 11.25, at

89c. t pair.

S n i BARGAIN.Fins quality Block Ores Grain DrcetBlIk,

every yard vrarnnted, rag. t l quality, at

73c. a jfard.

Dress Goods Bargains T•Pinch All-wnol Henrietta Cloths and Surah Brrgea, all leading thadei and block. ASo

quality, at S7c. a yard.46-Inch All'Woul Camel’a Hair Htorm Serges, latest bti shades and blaek, 66c. gnolltv at

*Sc. a yard. ’115 Inch Wide M'ale Sergev. latest fall and winter thadee aod black, also two-toned ef-

fecta, S5c, quality, at 'die. a yard,

FROn 9 TO 11 OTIaOCK A. M.;IM UnbtPAchPil 20c, qimllty, at I3e. a yard,12-lin‘h Uh'Bthed Tillow Cat* MumIId, worth 13c., at a yard,Uood QuaiUy Full Vard-wida UotlLiachad MumIId, a yard.

DAVID STRAUS,035 nnd 037 Broad, Cor. Otreet.



LAD lEm CKETSReefer style. 606 of them, Clay Dlogoual, half iotln lined, lap eeame, taltor-madc. Equate any at (10.06.


LADIES'DRESSESTwet)tv-flv« Sultiy marked $8.00 andtiaOD. Havo baUi'r value aow,. »o mark thtte dowa.


D E P A R T M TNot another Department like

it for great valne.


JERSEY SUITS,Donb1e>brcast€id, gray aod brown tnikedt worth i&oo.


BOYS’ PANTS,All wool, patterus OC7, regular (I.2S,



Haodsooe frleie top and dado bottom f 1th frlngo, full leogth and width, worth $b,00. . . . . .

L. S. PLAUT & CO.,707 to 7 21 B R O A D S T R E E T .

A NEW VERSION- O P T H E ---------

CRUSTS AND SCALESHair and Eyrbrowt Fi'U off. Doctor mu1

M aiiv IteniodIcN No HcnHII. Kn> u r « ly i-ured aod Muir Ho-

a lorcd by Ctttirura«

M y wlffl baa been trouUU'd for j pfirs wlUi dry cru iU liUfl iCuicM osi her IichU kikI eyf- brows. A fltfr H<THihi|j to lie dormitlil fur yearn In h«T nypli'in it broka inii over u ycur at!0 Jo a ll M* ftirv. Jlcr Imlr c'^iur nut In lily liutoUcM, liar «y«bru\va aii fell nil mui shg* pri'.

IM’llU'Cl Ik lilliBblo L'olll- dIUob. Wu trluii al- mokil i‘T«fy(h1tni, but Blic co.illnued to gci wor.'i^. Thenwptrh'il otH- o f our bOHt pb) ■ nlrlaofl, bitl all to iH pur]HjM>, FlujillyitiN wlfchi'iii vfit Dull tlu Cl T in «A

_______ __________ wouUU'urcijcr, AfscrMike liail UMed iilii’

/ i r of crncrRAiiml about a dnti*i> rnkf*H o f n ’TK't'K.

Soap and four botUe* of rvTh i.’HA Hm ' i i.v r.NT ihfl WAN cured entirely, Horbalreamc on asaln and today aim huH us Dim a hoad o black curly hair Hud un umioih nkln hh ans lauy tn Allcutfiwu. Her <'yibrows uro bcavu-i tlian they k-ver were, tii’r wiitp 1a free fruji dandruff, nhd her licuUh I" cxccilfMii, Now, for lha beiicfU of thouc Hiiff rltiK wlih Pom. (IlKcaNc, nr to thoRo w)in m»y ilouht Die truUi- fulneaMof thin sttkicinoiiis write ruf, loclniiirtie a Mtainp, and 1 wtD rhi'ciTuiiy antiwer. 1 hiii Hure llmt Die I'Cticl' ila Ufe:Hi:i>DCHcured m,v wlfe^for eJia uAcd imililm; cUe durliiK tlj'i< four or flve months nhe O'Neil them.

FitKKMAN mOKKKU, ai'i Court Btrm't, Alividowu, Vn.

Cuticura ResolventTho new HJciful hiuI Skin Fiirltli'r, liD''rTiRllv and rimrtDtA, tho (treat Skin rim*, onil < V-TU’tTKA So a p , IhB exrnj|*llf‘ Skbi HcMutlfler,exlcrm illy, In-tHiiUy relieve ami H}N'i-dD.v ciire over} dlscujm uud tiimmr «>f Dili hkiii, Mi'alpiind bUmd, wlD( lo^Rof tnDr. from Ju- fancy from plmplea to scrofula.

Hold KTarywhrro. l^rloa, CtTiiruRA. 6ftr, So ap , 26o.: Hk^oi.v r m ', mi. Frfui^nvd bv tbe Fu ttbb Db u u a h i> Ch e m ic a l Cuapuiunorf,itOMtOll,

HoW to Cure Kkin DlHeottefi," fH txkuo 60 IhutlratlonB and tewDiUmDidBy niuDed fre<

Hkln and HtnUp purlfli^d luid beau- Ullod by Cl'TICCha StiAP. AbBo>

WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS,Kidney and VDerlhn I'nloR and Weak- oMsoB rellflVod in ono mluaio by tin 0 111 Irum A lit i-Fain l*laMlor,i|)o only iuBluutauoouB pala-kilhnji plastera


l A - R H - R f t - G O O M - D E - M ,

I f F u r n it t m ' y o u w leh to b u y .

A m i liO]K' y o u r w ife to sa tly fy ,

t k i lo .M itrk tl Ktreel, tw o -th lr ty -fo u r ,A m i tnko Ji lo o k a t o u r tin e e t o r e ;ItnisHolti, V f l v e t am t M o q u ette ,

A l l k iiu ie o f C a r p e t y o u u a n Ret,

I f y o u g o tliu re y o u w i l l s a y :

Ta-rgpra-boom-dMiy,J k 'M a n iis H ro tlior* la th e n a m e

O f th la h o iiae ,ao w e ll k n o w n to f a m e ;

A lU 'i i t io i i th e r e y o u w i l l re e e iv e

A m i t h e y w i l l n e v e r y o u d e ce ive .

A l l k in d s o f K u ril I lu r e y o u w i l l f in d ,I 'a r lo r Ktiil.s o f e v e r y k i n d ;

W h e n y o u see th e m y o u w i l l sa y :

T a -ra -n i-b o o m -d e .* y ,

IS ed d liig , P tn v e s a n d s to ck g a lo re

Y o u eu ii g e t lit tw o -th lr ty -fo u r ;

T e l l y o u r filo n d a a n d te ll a l l o t h e n

T o g o to M eM ailU B H ro th e ri.I f a l l nt o n c e y o u c a n n o t p a y ,

D o n 't le t tlm t y o u r h e a rt d is m a y ,

Y o n ca n p a y m o st a n y d a y ,

To-ra-ra-boom-de-ay,I f a n ic e C a r p e t y o u sh o u ld aee,

Y o u c a ll h a v e It la id d o w n fre e ;

i l i i k e y o u r tio m c lim k n ic e a n d b r ig h t ,

Y o u m a y de|>end w e 'l l do w h a t 's r lg b L

C o m e iim l see us r ig h t a w a y ,

D o n 't p u l i t oH' a n o th e r d a y ,

T a -ra -ra -b o o m -d e q iy ,

$10.00 Worf/i................. . St.OO Down anii $t.00 WttUr,$15.00 Worth............... LOO Hods am/ t.OO Wh $//.$15.00 Worth............ . 3.00 Down and /.OO tVoMt/v.$50.00 Worth................. 5.00 Down and t.tW Wookfr.J75.00 M/oefA................. 7.50 Down and h l5 Wooki/.

J/OO.OO IForfA................. 10.00 Down and 1.50 Wtikl/.

A n d so o n or b y sp e c ia l a r r a n g e m e n t .


234 Market Street.




Littles’ glut Men's Wtukenphait Shoes,The Waukenpliaal Ixa sreatihoe. Oreotln

cate, great for liealth, great for wear, ft fa raablnned .onaDatomlcal prtnel|)lea; low heal, bmed acrou Ihii ball of tb* foot and la modi wllta medlnro tow wtib tin.^^dlaa' Waukeopbial ButUin, haod^awM,

Wa aave jou from tl to 12 od evarjr pair Of abaea, aa we manufacture our own gooda.

Man’e Waukenplioat Calf and ^cw Bali,liand-aewed well, as.

& S, GMITB SHOE C0..K..ftoW.^il5Jiid,.,.Hamifartnrtng deolera of I«d let' and Heu'a Flas

Footwear, Foetorlea at RrldgeporL Coao, aud W orcealer, tlaao.

W . V . S n y d e r & C o .


O C T O B E R l O T H , U T H , l U T l I A N D 1 3 T H ,

- \ T -

Our New Store701 and 70 3 BROAD ST.






lUmlDd ui of prMMTiti. Ther« 1b » frowlD|dlB> ftpprov»l of tho old d« Blgns Mild Brtiolec Wo hikVB b o o n Bnabltfd through BpeuUI amuige m«DtB with iho loading mauufUi’turftTB of lolld

• aod piuted Bitverware to Be«urt a vBrfaty of ar- ticlM Ticw tn tbMrada and eBpeclally lultabiB for w«ddiDW proM&U, of which wd tuylU IhipMliOha

HkRTDEGEH,|4t Broad SL, near D„ L. A W. R. R.


Watranled beat quat. ]& . Teeth e x tr o e M ■ a Oas.«ia. HIlvTr fllUngaTsOD. fa 75« Fine gold flUloga,|| aod up.

Boston Dental Association,a a a m a r k e t s t ,

ST. K . H O L T , U . 1>. 9 ..:............ .........M oD ogw

T B * "NKWa,-

3 0 , 0 0 0 . .


SILVERMRETott will flndaftfliegaatWBortmmii ftf BllTBrwan oar own maki, at mott rtMOOabl* prloei, ftt ih* tnlaa rootu and ftwtorr ot


Near lIulbstrrBtreeh

We alao make a apeelaltr of repair- leg and rrplattag hmlcea ahd warn weitlijinaklng It at good aa new at leu tha^ bair the prfee of new work, alia gilding and bronilDg m Uw beat manner.

O N T H B S E C O N D F E O O K S ,

In BonsefnrDishing Departmly^ A f'M E P ltY F’ANH, w ith pold ba&dlBaJ

•otu u iuaJlyat TH U H bD A Y ^

9c.1,000 R F T lN N E r D lftH P A K B ,

•old a la n d worth fu lly JVc. TH U IIbD AY ^

19c.O N T H E S E C O N D F L O O R S ,

In Oar Cloak Department*BLAPK CIIKVIO T REF.FKIW, for ladlem

^ moluM loiijf, notch culU r, lap Bcami. b » back, roffa

$3.97.FU R TRIM M ED R E E F E R S , of flue b leo*

otiaTlol, coIlMr aud faclDSB o f fuir, with orbMmeniB, ref, 16,M.

$5.37.A CHEAP FUR CAFE—We ahail lell to.

morrow Jilaek Fur ('a|i«e, with eundlogcnl. lar, lloed Ihroagbout, valueS2.BA Wbllethiy laat to-morrow at


woo], black ooehinere, all aioca, Hbsolutaljr btel black, lUe reg. 48c. and 66c, quotltr, at


French lace, new, hHiuiitome DaUerol, full wldt^ feel edge, valu* (1.66, at

$1.25 a yard.W hit 3 ^ ' W ill Da

W lllaurprlne you If you ▼ tslt our


iiter &159 to 165 M ARKET ST.

The Double Breasted Sac

M fA o / ’asA tonofifd

JitiaitH'M (J im iJdiif f o r

Fall and IF fn/er wear — U’0 are making it from a large variety, o f high efoee fb r e i^ is

and D o m a t f ia /H 6 H ct.'

Among ihe m o r * popular may be tiite .-

ffo n erf Black and Blue Cheviota~mal Scotch effect»~Englith Tweedt in atripen and ehecka and Blue and Oray mixiurca in Ccuah

Suite to meaeure from fiO.OO.Troaaen to mcnaarc from $5.00.Y o u know our alandard of workmanA

ahip—ipe near the Top Notch mark-~. You knotv our Quality (d' Trimmings-., none but the. beat M good enough, l o g know our ayatern of right dealing.~ whatemr ‘we warrernt wc atand b y - ready to relum your money if diaaatit. fied.

Rnmolca m ailed.771 Broadway, N . IK. Cor. 91 h &freet,

and 145 and 147 jOoit'e?;y, iVi:w York.

ATI” * " ^ 2 ^ ^ *AND WINTER STOCK

-O F -

Suiting: OvercoatingAre aow on exhlM tloo*

g A full line of Imported and DomftntlcClottaa at very rmiODabia prloets Mada up lo tb« very latest btyle*


OPl'. CITY H A L ^ N E W A R K .

BO M O M A 11?I F N O T ,

It tbe beet plnoe to eecnre one in tbe vletnlty of Newark. 'Tbe lota are the moei deilrable^ tbe price tho loweat, A ll Itnprovcroealgi over iXi new boueoe aireadp b uilt aod the flh. e ft blab aehool bu ild in g in Ihe Htate Juat

■ ■ “ ■ ■ T n ------eomp lot lilt, toiia aold on Jnalailiaenti •mail pument down and (6 per month.

Bow to Got Id tho Tract—Taketbe Bellovlllf tvenuo care, oak for a tranxfor to tba Keuru* care, walk over tho Clay atreet bridge and tako the Kearny avenue oara and gel off al Bergen avenue, and you will find the dneet building iota to ba found within 26 ullea of New York. Agent on tbe ground every dop and on BUNDAx Kiah0 wtba iota.

Are too roaMMl? ((b 6a IftarnupMp poflfd on fAa rani eafofa

HHarkaf. now must eoatwU tha real utaM oda. in rha "A'euit"_a4paef(KI|t on H'ednaadOIW Oftll Sufurdiufa.




HI Nortli FpMtIi St.7Hinlsa’


W.V.SnyderSCo.opholsT e r ie s , c u r t a in s ,

PORTIERES, SHADES,And the class o f merchandise usu ally kept in an Upholstery and Curtain Department, calls for a special notice.

O ur facilities in the old store for the display o f these goods were so limited that practically we were “ not in it.” In the N ew Store, on the third floor, ample room permits us to present a really desirable stock, and a competent buyer has been for over a month selecting choice lines of

Tapestries, Curtains, Curtain Laces, Portieres, E tc.

A practical man has been engaged to look after the me­chanical ^art, such as m aking and hanging window shades, upholstenng furniture, hanging curtains, etc. In fact, we are now fu lly prepared to compete with other houses in sup­p lyin g wants o f this nature.

, A partial lis t of the various goods with w hich this de­partment is supplied is herewith appended:

CHtUlUe eUSnmS tnm........................ ............. tS.SS t» m.OOp*r pair.MOmiteHMM cusnm s tnm................................ 89c. it, t8.00 per pair.IRISH rOIKT CURTRIHS Item............................... SSM ta S20.00 per pair.7AU80UR LRCe CURTAIRS Irom............................(3.00 to SW.SO per pair.ARTIQUE CURTAIHS Iroat. ......................$3.25 to $9.98 per pair.Sinss. SRUSSELS. a m ard farcy cortairs. ,Sf tAa j/arR me aell SRISS, IRISH POIRT and TAKBOUR LACE for Sash

Cariaint.CURTAIR POLES and lUinge of all kinde.

ON THE SAME FLOOR W E SH O WFett, Tapeetrp, irecafelle, Scrim, China Silt, Fringes, Loops, Chains, ScreenFrames, Easels, Damn Pitloms, Sm/rna, Japanese, Sheepskin and OoatekinRugs, Taila Carers in Chenille, Tapestry and Yalour, all Sizes, Holland forShades and Ready-made Shades.


N E W STORE,701 Sl 7 0 3 B R O A D S T R E E T .


It sounds selfish, but it ’ s n o t.

W h ic h w o u ld you consider th e more se lfish ? T h e man

w ho b u ys and p a ys for h it o w n clothes, or the one w h o in ­

duces h is friends or neighbors to clothe him , w ith o u t cost to

h im self 7

T a lk in g about clothes, did yo u ever buy a su it or o ver­

coat from M A R S H A L L & B A L L , the great m anufacturin g c lo th iers o f N ew ark, 807, 809, 811 and 813 B road s tr e e t? If

you did, w a s it not excellen t for the m oney? I t ’ s w orth

going a good m any m iles out o f your w ay to b u y y o u r fall

outfit from th is house. Y o u p ay m anufacturers’ p rice s and

save the d ea lers ’ profit.


In e v e ry departm ent, good sty le , good q u a lity , good

m aking, good fitting, good v a lu e . Quite a long lis t o f true

" g o o d s ."

N . B . - M e n ’ s F all Suits, $ I 3 , $15, $18, $ 3 2 , $35.

M en ’s F all O v erco a ts , $10, $12, $15, $ 3 0 ,

Y o u n g M en's F a ll S u its , $10, $12, $16, $18.

B o y s ' Suits, m any s ty le s , $4, $5 to $10.

C hildren ’s Suits, a ll s ty les , $3 to $6,

I AM RIGHT IN I T !I buy n iy sI ioch oht>aper tlinii m y nelgblmrB mul pi't u plush cb ifk iH-slilm

fr<‘e o f cliurKu a t E . I IK Y M A N 'H . ICvcrybody th a t w ea n * sell-liiK the liest ifoods fo r th e money. .\ tiy shoo sold In our slore w o Runmutee,

T r y them am i you w ill not buy any w here e lw 'iii iy o f your footw ear, and bt'.sldea w e carry Die largest and most eou ip lele lin e o f Shoes in (ho State.

[..dies' Vine rtniutol. Hiiltnn, hdi in* and conirnfm soiiHt*, hImu Witukt iipliAMt ntyln nmt frqtiAreUH liu, our own luuke, only tl.UH, rfg. prlcD 6U.

LhuI ’Ii'K inp DungnSa PuHnn, tton ton «ml common Ai’une, Amt I'lutn, f iir curown nm)c«, every piklr warrAntOii, only •1.48.

MUiePt* Kutrn IMffh Cut Bijllo n, tli>,■lit^ 11 to 2, only Tho AHiiii* Kho«, jtu U. only Ufiij., nml & to 8, 83o. Every puir woTih liije. mof».

f'hU(1r>’n'R Dnnvola lUilUm, |>au>nt tln.KlEoi lo lOlst only nud o to uuly AOe.

MtRHfK’ Fine DoukoIa Button, lipel athI ■prlngtiAel, latent tip, aUtm U to 2. our own mnko, only UHe.

(lentB* Fli)t» ralf Shoni, emooth lnneriol«, 4 alffi'rf’nl ulylM, our own muke, tUn hf’it 1q tUe world, lace uud oongreet, o&ly St.08.



B E L L A D E L O ttlE N T E .—HOLD BV—


John Heath.




The Urgist Drj aid Faoci Coods House Id New leiw; 1


Material for Decorating.

StiDdard Bontlni, *7 c .Yard wide, at .......... f YrO.

GoHrnmeiit BnntlDg, ICfcC.Wool, eUhdard gr»d«, at......... |

W IT H S P E A It M O U N T ,

3 ft. at - 39c.ft. at ft at


Bunfgllegulalion FlagsA L L w o o l . .

4x6, at $2.98. 3ix7, at $3.25J

Olber Sizes up to 114.98.

B A l F L A i f A l l SEESS pec ia l P r ic e s


S c h o o ls

a n d

FORTHE p a r a d e O rg a n iza t io n s ?ON riU D AY.


B0!S ' PANTS'IB lu i 4 to 14,

B«(i)l«r4ai}., rar.,„» 3 9 C -

4 to 13 rear.,

R«gul*r KtS,

Our line of these desirable garments isVERYEXTENSIVK Plain Black without garniture of any sort we are making a specialty of in both heavy and medium weights, CALLa n d s e e th em .

The trade in Jackets is phenomenal No lady should buy until she sees what we have to offer. See our OPOSSUM REEFER at

l$10.95,Valne $14.50 .


Young Men's Ovefcoats,$3.19IS to 20 }'ein ,

R°,ular taw, at..

Bliei 4 to 14,

Refular 14.22, at..

13 to 20 yr art,

R^ulsr |S.4«, Bt....


$4.63Sale of Shoes and Pfaciical Exhibitioo of Sewing



M[*n’» Uork Holt* HIhh‘4, dongoU lop, smooth ImuirtDti', only S1.U8.

Our Own Miiko Mph'* i dlllerfmlstyli'*, liu’e mill conurnHs. i ip MnU pjAln, <?v«*ry piklr wurrauttid, uhly$LA9.

tlen it'Fx lra lIoAvy S'SAlB PIjopr, lar-o imd <rongu Aolld ui b rock, only S I .49.

For llltle Ivoyn we hnvo the hr«1 Khoe tn Ihc World, donftolii top. Iit'ul and i«))rlhKht'el, Im’o « ii(l buUuu, klMH fl)-, lu li, uiily 98u.

JIIshph' DongttlR Hutton, worked tuition* hi4U\ piiieut IJ|>, hkKfi 11 lo only Tfto.

MldhCH' Grain BuHon, worked buttonhole, heel and Nprliighcel, hUuh 11 tu 2, only 76c.

rhlldron’i Grain Hiilton. worked bHittin- hole, lip and plalti, Nlaea tu lU'i, only aac.

Matawan Felt (iofidA sold at half prica.

You CanImprove

Yoiir appearance And Moderate YourExpenses at the same time By leaving your measure For a Suit, Oi’crcoat

or Trousers A t yyI Broadway, tor. gth st.,

and i4y and I4y Bowery, New York.

Lary est and best stock in the country. Feuilities unsur­passed by any one.

/o measure f :?0 to Tf'ouftn'n (o measure, fS to fio.

Ovrrvofitu 'o ft) ^7,5.Bauiplet mailed; Oarmonta Uapreaiad,



Gita Plisl eWFra ail Bay Balter StesTkaiYoaCaiGatElsaitere.


Rout H ungarian Su ixT lu tive F lour, $.5,50.

C lio lce Rliuxldd Oolong K n g lish Rreakfiuil, Juiutn and Y ou n g Hy.son Traa, i a ’ . prFlb.

U lo uml dlitmcalbo CofTw, 22o.Rest Java and .Mocha, 3.5c.Rest Cliocoluto Cream Rrops, 14c.

per lb.N a t iv e and Foreign W in es , 75c. to

$4.50 pt'r gftl,F rench and D ongiierty R ye , d-yoar

old, $5.O tiier brands $1.40 to $4 per gni.

E S T A B L I S i l K D I N 18 (18 .


U - l l - M - UI f Furniture you wish to buy,And liojte your wile to satisfy,Cio (o Market slreet, twothlrty-four,And take a look at our flue store;Rrussels, Velvet and Moquette,All klmls of Carpet yotj can get,If you go there you will say :


IfeSfunus Brothers is the name Of tills liouse HO well known to fame; Attention there yon will receive And they will never you deceive.Alt kinds of Furniture you will find,Rarlor Htiits of eveiy- kind;Wlien you see Uteni you will say:


Bedding, Btoves and atock'galore Y’oii can get at two-thIrty-four;Tell your friends and tell all others To go to JleMttnus Brothers.I f nil at once you cannot pay.Don’t let tliat your heart dismay,Y’ou can pay most any day,


I f a nice Carpet you should see,You can have it laid down free;Make your home look nine and bright,You may depend wo'll do what’s right Come and see us right away,Don’t pul It oiT another day,


TERM S:510.00 Worth.................... tf.OO Damn andSf.OO Weakly,515.00 Worth.......... ........ 1.00 Down and 1.00 Weekly.535.00 Worth.................. 3.00 Down and 1.00 Weekly.550.00 Worth................... S.OO Down and 1.00 Weekly.575.00 Worth......... ......... 7.50 Down and 1.35 Weekly.

$100.00 Worth................... 10.00 Down and 1.50 Weekly

And so on or by special arrangement

l ® ^ £ y M cM a n u s B ros.,FURNITURE a n d c a r p e t p e o p l e .



234 Market Street.



JOHN HEATH. lOO and 108 Mulberry S t,O pp. Quurt htreet. UO MULEIERRV ST.,

M«cbftalc«uU Murkoitilib CORe CUNTOM Wtm

. K L -D E N E !Com pare A ldone, Union County, N . J .. W ith O th er Suburbs.

Three Trunk Line Kallroadi.') Central Railroad o f New Jerny.„ ^ t Letiigh Valley Railroad.Three He pot* on I be Property. J B, and 0 „ Btaten litand Rapid Traaill.1 Ime from New York....... ........3D mlnuU)*. 1 Central Railroad.Tlroo Irom mlDUM*. / Lehl»b Valley Railroad.Commutation fhim New Yorkrt...........*.... .................Only Oo. eaob way.Commutalloo from Newark.......................................Only Oo. each way.ft .................................. About 31 feel above tide water.IM l ROVEMLNTB—Bleetrip iilfb U end Power, City Water, Telephone,

. . . , . ___40 houMi completed alnoe lu t HOTember and ooonpled.“ * ftomtrs loSStio, end payable monthly or lOpereenLdlecount allowed toreaib,

tidlutSc^ r*” " desire to viitl Aldeue wedneaday or Baturdayantrnoou by asking tbr a bee

J. T. BENISTETTO, Manager.88S b r o a d 8T. HOOH s o . 1, R B lfA K K , it. J


One Hour Flannel Sale,T U E S D A Y 10 T O 11.

mn I B I M B CANTON FLANNEL,A BIO UAROAl.V .......................... ............................ '



A LEADER,All-wool Blark F l a ^ l a yard wide, h IU log •79rrwh«re ot n r


On tb » srenod floor. Decnrfttcif] PorcelalB OatmMl Bowlf. nil pnrfectf reg. 15c., nt


Children'* Hongallne Silk Cep*, full lace rtirhe all round, eold nowhere leu than tl.DO, for

$1.19.A LEADER,

3Tlot I

$3.98lAadlet' ChcTlot box back, QQioheoUtfy lapioami, rag, 16.48, lur

A LEADER.All-wool rolored L#dlsi'Cloth, 51 Inoh«k,' wide, brown, garnaiaail gray mix#'’lureo, worth fur


Men'* Hbirt*. worlb 11, (ray, tiiae atCi brown, wi^a |4alii boaum, poijkai aadk^ l yokfty for '


Mfa'alnJtlaHed Handk^robiaft, Inch he fln« quatfly, All! eica, hand embroider letUf M, ref. 2bo. each, for


Blaak Talua

$1.00.BUek mik VelTot, I I inchei wide, px>4|)

at |L3. tor ^

With niei of SOo. or over In Boys’ Cloth! ng Dop’t, • COLUMBIAN BADGE.

ir^WHIRTER & WILSON,159,161,163,165 Market Street


C O O D S A L M O S T G I V E N A W A Y .O ur gonda have been be fa ro tlie people o f N ew a rk and v ic in ity

fo r yearn. W e never band ied any trash, iliere ifore a ll the goods you i buy a t th is sale are all solid lea th er and the la test styles. W e mush sell th e goods and w ill refuse no reasonable o ffe r. H e re are som ». o f OUT p r ic e s :

Men'i Fln$ DrMfl Bho«St regular price H,.;,.............. ..................... m 23Men’s Fine Drr$» HtitieK, reguJiir price •lias*Men e Fine CaHNhoet, all Htj-les, regular price $.3 ....................... T" • i ss!Men’s Fine Calf fthofH, all styles, regular price $1,60............................... "’" • ‘j'agMen'4 Fine Calf Bhoee, all #tyle$, regular price |4............. .......... .... ..... 92 9k*lAadles' Dongota Button, all ilyles, regular price 12 ' ’ *” • !ladles' Dongola Button, all $tylei, regular price $2.60............ ..................i » l 73!Ladles* Dongoln Button, all styles, regular price 13......................... ......... •I'tlSLadles' Dongula Button, all styles and widlbs, regular price 14..... ...... .Boys’ Fine regular price $?.W.... .............. ........... ogBoys' Fine Calf Hhoes, reeular price $1...............................! * 4k*Boye* Fine CairRlioe$. regular price 11,76,........................... i..'."ii!i!...”ii! • ' !'i3*Misses' Fine Dongola BuUon, regular price 13.50..............i . ................... • ! or*Wiisea’ Fine Longoia Button, regular price 12............ ........................*'gk!Misses Flue Ikmgola Button, regular price 11.75..... .... ...................c i usMlseei’ Floe I>ongola Bullon, regular price 11.50. oii«*Men's and Ladles' Fine Shoes, In A and B wldUu.„....... AT YOUR OWN


167 Market St., Near Broad.

Removal Sale 1---- A T T H E -----

HASmSON m HIVE IA ll I;oods on hand—abou t $10 ,000 w orth o f D ry and Fancy Goo<$9

and Oents* Fiirnlbhinffit—.must be sold on aocotint o f removaUi Com e now and save 5 0 p er cent, on a ll purchases. D on ’ t b u y excep t you can save m oney. M on ey saved is m oney made.

5.000 yards nf Bcdfnrd Cord Dress Goods, 36 Inches wide, at yard, worth IDe.

2.000 yards o f Bleacbed and Unbleached Tow- eUlog» at yard.

60 pieces of Kx Ira Heavy Qltigbams at yard, worth 6c.

lOOi^lrsof White and Gray KM Blankets at eac.i worth 11.00.

100 dozen GenU' Half-wool Shaker Box at So, pair, worth Vk,

50 dotSQ Gents' Outing Flannel Bbl rti at IS o« worth 29o.

300 dozen Infants' WooUen Hose, slaee 4W !• at 7a, pair.

50 dozen Gents' Natural Wool Shirts anA Drawers, ODc.. worth fi.oo.

50 dozen Ladles' Natural Color V «U at S7o.# worth 75c*

60 dozen Linen Towels, full yard long* opan*' work, at l7o.» worth 85c.

fieyiTtaD Bpofbeps,116 Harrison Art.


Harrison, K. I



Her* ara aoma bar(alDi which aaraly mnit Istcreat you i

NICK EL a l a r m Ol/OaCB,

6 0 c .Every one yucrantaad parfaot or monay ra- fuDdad.


with bumar, cblmaay and dacoratad ataada completa.


$ l . S O .Ouarantaad altk, with flna atlvar o i Id lied baodlas,


Width D aud E, aliea from 2 to


• 9 e .Fringed with fixtures, guaranteed first qual­ity Opaque Cloth.

Stein & Blan, t96-200 SprlnfAelil Are,

G E HAKRISON,>ornxis7a -to


Tap w ill Bad a* ■ y t t a r a a tolU lpti*


Callaadaaa B ra w a k a a d awtbria**.

20 C L IM T O K S T H E 01;■BWAAS. H. 4,

IWe Have


IF YOU d o u b t i t , COME AND 8KB.

A. D. SELOVER,[,«he6liigjrwe11eraad Oailckaa,

7 PnideiitiBl Huildlng, Ground FlooiiNEW ARK. N. J.


S l L V E R m tYou prill flodanalacaat Aaaortmaat of Bllvarwara, out own maka al moat raaaonabla prlcaa, at tht tala^ lOOD^apd fkfltory or ,


Kea r Mulbarry BtnaL .

Wa aim mtka a .parialty o f rapala iny aad raplatlng brokan aad worn work, making It aa good a* new at laia Ibanbalf tba prloa o f new work, alia gliding and bronilng la Uu kM mauMg;