First Edition. H A - DigiFind-It


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Transcript of First Edition. H A - DigiFind-It

N U M B E U 3 . 2 ( » i i N E W A B K . N . J . . F B I D A Y . J A X U A B Y 1 8 0 F P l t l C ^ E T Y O C E M T a


F ir s t E d it io n .

l t l ? l T 0 M I D G E B i l l

F n s ld t n t U ttv e lu id S& fd to Ob}«ot to

tb o N o rth R i v e r S trn c tn rft


Thejr SeiHt P ro tn ta to W M blogton, m e I t I t Skid thk t th e P m lile a t H u ■ Veto New In Mlnd~€aDinien>e May B« Im- iwded by the P lan , I t I t Said—S<na of the jHleced U Idec tlo u H ade to th e Uaatare.

WatHniaTos, Jan. 10.— Up to oounUHlay the Hwiklant had not ilgnMl Uie New York sad New Janey Bridge bitl, and the opinion prevaUi among the iiiemlien of Congrae, pniamaldy informed a i to the matter, that uoleni the PraaideDt change! hli mind bttween thti time and to-morrow be will ▼ eto the blU and tend to CoogreiB h li nM oni for w doing.

It li undantood that dnoa the pamtga tji the hUl by Oongmia the Praaldent baa re- celndjwoicats agalnct the nwaanra from a TO7 S r ie rnunber of nwD of allpartlei protnliMntly ooamected wtth the oomraarm of the city and Blate, arho repraaent that the bill la not In the Intereeta of the tra<le and oommercaof NewYork, but, on the contrary, la direcUy oppoaed to them.

It la Mid Bmt the Preatdant la about con- Tlnoed of the troth of tlMae deelarationa, and that u lde from the main queathn he ngardi the UU aa defecttre in imnortant partlralara. The piindpat one la aaid to be the afaeence of a requirement that a bond aball be glren to compel the prompt removal of any partly oonatnictad pier or other obctmctloo in cam the work of conatnKtion It from any cmne abandoned.

The graat objection, however, la beliered to ba the budding of p ien In the river, which muat. It la lontnndcd, leiioutly Interfere with the movement o f large veeeela In New York harbor. _ _ _ _ _

U M IS U tT lHQ FOB PESglONEHS.Bepraeentatlve Johneon'eTaritrSpeerh In

Ureat U em aad-H U HUet K ali Hope.WiMiiifOTOS, Jan. 19.'-M r. Mmwa, of

Georgia, from the Committee on Betniinoa, hai reported to the Hotiae, with the recom- BMndatlon that it paaa. hit bill repealing the motion of the Bevlted Statatee which pro- Tldei that no money on account of petulona thall be paiilto any perion, or to the widow, chlklrtn or brim of any deceated penon who in any manner voluntarily engaged In iw abettad the late rebelUon against the author­ity of the United Btatee.

In the repoat reomnnunding the paamge of the bill Hr. Moiea anyi that the inhibition praaoribed In ttda tecUon affecta each pem naailncarred wDSndt, Injuiiet or ditablUtla white in the mrylce of t te United Htatet dur­ing the Indian, Hexieau and other old wart, and who lubtaquently terved, or otberwiie aided the oauta of the South during the CIrli War.

To dltcrimlnate agalnet the tnldierwbo loct an arm or leg o rw a t otherwite dla- abled while fighting the Indiai» or Heiicane, wat, In the unanliuout judg­ment of the conmiittee, an act of great Injottlan which tbouM be rem edl^ with the leaat poealble delay. There oooU not be many now living who would to ben& need by the propoeed action, anrl m the judgroent of the cummlttea the patinge of the bill would be but an act of juA ce to a snail but doaer vlng ulais.

The rtamand for the tariff ipeech ramie iaat week by Rapneentatire Tbutuu L. Johntuu, of Clevelanri In which he pleaded for free

000 it tto people w ant it. Ae to the effect of hie tpeech. he i i |« if be euoceeda In getting ttogl aailt ca the free bat he will have done «P<Wgh to eqaapemmau hliiatm hto tjjur yean ' vertc

n n l HAW AIIAN lSQ |riB V .:-<ybe(Fraleaanr Olaxia Saw ei-fjiieen 'e Owe-

throw—He la a Teacher. WaSHtiiuTOS, Jan, IW.—Long before the

Senate Oommittc on Foreign Kdations be­gan its ‘ eemlon tbie morning bi the inveetigation of Hawaiian affalra, a number of naval offlioiN arrived and bualed tbeumelvea re p lu g the teati- meny thay ,^had given prior to sub- ecrifalng to ' it. Among theae offloers were Uautenant-ComniBuder Bwlnbume and Lieutenant C. Kauffman, H r. HasUnga, tto Charge d'Affairee of the Hawaiian Legation, d r o f ^ into tho committee-room early in l^ n a y , but remained only fur a moment.

The principal witneaa to-day wae Prof. William IX ^ O^wn, of Woroeeter, Maaa H r. Olewii waa for fifteen yean, from Augmrt, tHTP, to July, 1S03, engaged aa the principal of a manual tr^ b ig ^ ra o o lo n the uland of Oahu, on w hiratbe city of Hmmlutu is aitualad. V e wltheeaed the overthrow of the Queen. Profeitor Oleeon is an AmeAcan by birth and waa bom In PortUmd, He.


An Aged Conple IHe w ith in a Day of Bach O ther.

Special Dlapatcb to the News.BesumoTOS, Jan. 19.—Even death

could not eeparato Jamea L. Kemble and his wife Hary, aged aeventy-eight and eeventy-niae riuipectively. About aw edi ago tha oonple were wdied with a violent a t­tack of the grip and on Wedneaday Hra. Kemble died.

T to huibautd was heartbroken over hta Iniit and yeatorday be also died. Both will be burled in the aaine grave Monday.

Saved R li Wife from SuteMe. P h a isn iu i , Jan. 19.—Mra. John 0. Hmalley,

the wife of awell-to-do buteber, attempted to ommiiibiuialds by tpklng laodamiin yeaterday afteRiuau.'‘She had been a victim of melan. oholta ilnoa the death of her little ton atont Ohriataai, but no anSplolon of cammittliig anielde had taaen aronied. Hr. Hmalley waa In the kitchen whan hta wife came In from a Stole, bringing a fonr-ounce bottle. Hheaaked bar Uttla daughter for some water and at e n n pot the bottle to her Upa. Hr. Simtlley anatched the bottle, but abe had swallowed about half the contents. Antidotaa were ad- ndDitleTed while she struggled egalnat It, vowing she vrould fluieh the work u e it time.

Crvlser tton tgem ery ’s T rial Trip,Nnw Loihon, Conn., Jan. 19—Tho new

omieer Hontgomery weighed anchor at 9 o'olook this morning, and with the memben of the Trial Board and thair asalatants, staamad out of the harbor on her way to tho thirty-alx-mlle eonraa In Long Island ijonod, over which the ipeed trial will take place Ua day. The Dolphin, TMavias and tour Nary Yard tngi, th a t will servo s* stskeboa^ went ont dnriog the night. Tho run will to from a point HI toybrook, where the Dolphin b ata- Uanad,to a point off Htratford, where the V aanrinabat anchor, and ihtunu Tha dta- tanee b aennty-two miles, sxclnslve of the turn.

TIotIma of tho Falrvtew Aooldent. Robosih, Jan. ID.—No mom of tha ItaHano

who w en injured a t Falrvlew on Wednesday by a oaostruotiou train falling threngh a tres- tls have dlsd since last night. Tliere atp over twenty of them still In the hospital, and sums era In a critical ooodlUuo. The sooiaty lodlea

R ig h ts o f R tp o b lio m 8 an ato rt Ac-

o ord in g to t h s A tto rn er-O iiiarfiL


t h i i m t u n t a l k s o r H a w a i i .Ho Saya the rs-t)u ren Is an Old Navage and

Can Nut Hu Bostared.Om sh s, Jan. 19.—Uinisirr Thamton was

intarvlewRl tore yeaterday by a United Preaa repreaentative on hb way to Washing­ton. Hr. Thurston was in hb usual f<»d humor and exprsssnl himself ss well aatls- fled tritli the way tilings were toliig handled a t Hawaii. He was anvmipanied by Amer­ican tourbiB, who ii'til toon sojourning in Honolulu. Mr. Tburstou said tha t the vbional OhiveriimHut was gaining frimdo every day, Jincl that many of t to imtlvm who had remained neutral up t' i tto meaeut time in affaira, bad taken tto oath aUegiaDct to t to Dole Uorefumeut. One of the oldmt Princes on the blaml hail liern won ovar, and t to BulleHn, which liad been a stnmg Roy­alist paper, tod “ Hupped” and corns out struM (dltorially for tlic republic.

“ Ttore b uo pamlbility of tto Queen be­ing mstored.” aald to ; “ t to t m atter la aet- tied for good." '

He noutsd t to hlca of C'anadiaiM taking np tto cause of UUimkalaui.

” Had tto United Htates (Jovemmeut a t ­tempted to Isisl troops ami restore ths Queen,'' said one of Thuratuu's pairty, •' there certainly would have ticeu bloodibed;LUlonkalanl would have Ineii shot"

H r. Thorstem wae aaked:“ Is the Queen revengeful r ” She b on old savage, witii a vam lsh of

o lv llia tlca /’ to eicbluied,“ Is tto novisioual Uuvermnent a stable

one r was asked.“ Yai, sir, t to Ooverniuent b there to stay

until a stronger power drlvea it out, and there b none at present on tho island iUs| can do I t There an, about l,IiUU men In tto army."

Hr. Thurston thinlu t to t the UnitedHtates will be tto ’only power t to t cau take poaea- alon of the ialaDd without umeting armed resbtonce. T to dmlre fur anuciatloii, to veys, b growing stronger every day,


•eateaea o f a H an Who Allem pted |o K idnap a Voilng Airl.

POBTLAND, He., Jan. 19.—Milton J.Worthley, charged with amiault end to ttery and kidnapptug, was yesterday wmtcufMl to banishment from tto BUtc by Jmlgc Bonney,If to ever returns and bm ptured bo will be sent to prison for t« i yean. One night about three months ago Hiso Iioube Dana, the handsome young daughter <f Woodbury K. Dana, of W estbm k, the owner of th s Dana HUls, was returning home from her fathar’i uflkw after ib rk . While imwlng an unoccupied shoe factory she was sciaed by Wurthley, who threw a cloak over her face and dragged to r Into tto basenicnt at tto factory.

Worthley had repeatedly sought the Kiri’a hand In marriage and bail CBlIed a t the D iw - ho. tno Uovenmr save on.l

t o ^ c J o n l y , i S l t t o t , t .with mm. He said heluul a yacht Iving at a wharf In Cape Ebxabetli hi which lie would take to r away. Worthley kept Him Daua In t to deserted lac to ir for several hours, and threatened to kill hetoinkw she would con­sent to e lo K The fri^ tan ed girl had tto presenos of mind to say t to t she would leave her home and parenta if Worthley would al­low to r to go home and got ber thlugs.ARer Mbs Dana had promised to niret Worthley two boors later, WorUiUsy allowed her to go.


Charles MlaeHler, of Basking Ridge, One of the W reck Tletlma, Dice at the

Hospital a t Hisbakrii.Rpseial Dlapatob to tto N iw s.

UoBOKKM, Jan. 19.—Charles Hlnchler, one of t to victims of thu coUiulan ah Hackensack' on Hoaday, died a t noun tenJay a t St. Mary's HoapitaL Thb makea eleven who have died as a reault of the wTack, County Fhyridan ConverM grantofig burinl penult, and t to body of th* young n u n vvlU n nanoved to h b home a t BaaUng Rldga th b afternoon.

Jnuuiy C m , Jan. l* .-J )r. C to b srto f S t ^ ^ ^ a H e a p ^ le a n t to t than,

H r, CeiiH and Mr. RIker Agrse th a t They Wonld Not He A llow cd-o physical Farce Would Prevent T h e* ," hays Mr. rouU "A Clear Freseniallua of W hat the DerlaJoh of the Attaraey-Arnrra] Really Amniinta To.

Han) persons who have rend In Attoniey- Qansaal Htockton's opiulun tra tlie right of Republioou meinheraeliwtlo take tiH-irw«U, that K has been t to cuntoui and practlre uf the Senate to admit thmi, are wmiilcriug why the KepnbUran meuilicrsulect do not now pneeiit tbelr creilentbb euil take their scab a t once.,

I t b very plain t to t If they cuuhl do tlib tbay could organise tto Seuate and lie uios- (sra of Um enUru r llnatioii. As the cana have a m ajority of one. It woul,] b« im- p o is l^ f u g t to Democratic niemls-ri to oust any of the Republioaus on any cliarge nr pnu tanoe wbataoever. Jn order tto t tite rights of t to BapnbUca. lunnbers. aocurdlng to tto Attonwy-Oenerara deebiun, might be more clearly and mure ganerally uwbrsbssl cer­tain Republican lawyers were interviewnt th b morning. Joseph Could was llrat aeeu. H aU to:

“ W hat I nnderatand by tbe question you ask b thb : W hat b to prevent the Rejiubll- ean membara^leet from taking seab ImtiH,- diataly In Ito body pm ithsl over by Adraln, and, conatituting a majority, rant nil its or- nfitoM ou and future actii in • My answer in Silai Physical force. ThcOovernorof thbState b He a*<cutiva olllcer. He lias rautrol, laigoh, of t to povrer of the Htato. If he woukTreragnits as a Senate tiie Rcpuhlicnii memben biking seab with the other uh'Iii-bera In tto ta ia to Chamls-r, of cmirse the fxmtroveny b caadei, but 1 iimlenitsnil tliat u p to th b U m e to bib refused to n>ragiil»'

i r right to do *(V*diI t to t any attempt

a the part of tha Repufillcan mmiherv to e pansaaaiou of their arato, ami eiercisi,

I two lODre daatha a t that _________t o ^ y oa a reault of tbe Debware, Lacka­wanna and Weatcim Railroad aeddeob. Rd- wia H. Clark, of Boaktng Ridge, b vary low. H b r«Hfiration b irregular. H b w ill and iistor are with him.

Christoptor Arnold, of Newark, b suffer- log excruebting jiain, hu leg having b a n amputated. Dr. Cnabert has some bopeelhai to will pull through, however.

Engineer David Hoffman was removed to hb hiHue in Rnuth Orange thb aflernoon. He luaintains he was not a t fault for tbe ac­cident

T to examination by the railroad oHciab wilt to continued th b aftoviinon. "Private cltiiens wlU be heard," u td Buperiuteidbat Reoaoner._____________________


thsdr righb os members, would he revtii-nvl by force.

“ But does not tto Governor in his mess­age baaed on the Attorney-Ueueral's upiniou, and doH put t to t opinlim itself say that with regular credentlali, properly cenlflMl, ihe R ^ U le a n mambaiwekict Have a right to take Saab a t once r Hr. Coult wav oski-l.

“ No, the OoveriMr a a ji ami the Atturiiey- tbe ‘custom,*

, , may is- lUsnsgard n l"

‘"The l in t part of the Attoniev-Geuerars opinion dsata wtth the question uf the right of what to dancaulnattsi the ' bold-over' Hen- a to n to.ludpa ( f tto election, return aud qualJjlcatluB of tto n«w]y-sler-t,vl merie ban. He eeama to regard the oldtr maoiban, who were prvvIiKuty elected aud whose terms tove uot vet ex­pired ss tto Benale, or, tu the language of t to Conatitutien, t to ‘ House,' which, by tto Coastltntloii, b to judge of tlH< elt>ctiou, return and qualfifcatlmi of its memiiers. Looking, then, a t I to record of the body praalded over by Adraii: aud aiwumlDg 1) In all raapeeb trethful. he finds, he uys, a Renate or 'H ouse' inexistccKvand luses­sion, with a quorum present, butcompeteut to 00 bbdaeiB, and, sv 1 uuderstaiHl his oploaioo, to bolds that a majurity of thb quorum cau determine the quKllan of the right of naiwIyv«]soltd memben to i l t in that body,

“ U th b intorpretatiuu of the upluiuo b corrmL as i t sestmi to be, tto Attoruey-Uun- •ra t nolda that a hare majurity uf a quunuu and leH haa a majority of the whole body, have the power to prevent other mem­bers, duly elected, duly qualified

U l'I ’l'Y '* K WE MINILPhtlailulphia Eurnivbes a ra ra lle l Casa

H alf B f'eiilnry Agu.Fnmi the Isiudon Dully

There sre agissl iiisiiy dories ahuiit prsa- etKvof mind, sud 31. iiujiuy's beliavtor In tto clisir of tim Hcitv of lleim tbi when Vallloiit threw lib Isuiili baa lireli tto aaeani of ris'aUEtig sons' of tls-m. Few s r | more wiirtliy of bung held In reusmibranca than tital to],I by "It. r , s .” in the current muB- Uir of the h^eefafor. It refers to an Inel- ilcut wliieh liH|i|ieueil fifty y ra n ago, but has m-v.-r Isvsune wiiiely kimaru, A trfb re liou of 1 liiiiese treasures, Very rare a t t t o t time, as i-<.iiiliig fnau uliat was tnro known w tlie seulnl kiiigdoin, was on vbw in Pkila-(b'ljibia is-forw U-ttig iirought to London.

A minting was toing held lu a long and nurriiw, but lofty, uupi-r naini above tnaa*- bibilioii. .\lsnit fi,uou gwraom were preaent.

r K

.At ni«r9ii'i-kH'l( tiw umuager of tha bolkJ- liig cans' to tbe letuler of tto meethK white with Mirright, aiHl told him tto t tbs (Cor had sunk iiiwrly a fisit, oml t to t In a few lulnutea more t lie teiinents of tto jaM i would be out of their SIS kets. The Hour wonkl than fall thriiiigli oil to the t'hirago dtuanim, and t to walls, sixty feet In height, would oolbi luid Is'iinvlpitated, with Iba roo t t , . aKsemlilv. This might have cauasd the dMth of lliiisepreaeut—(to foremaat psoola In PbU- adelphia.

Tie- leader explatueil tu the peraon whom tile audieuee expected to hear that by od- drcsviiigthe aisieinbly from the end of tha liall to (viuld withdrew tbs oomuony from tb" simlieii part uf the dour to that where tile friiut walb streiMitbsned tto jotate to Isvir tlie weight of the paopb. The reply to this nos t to t hb family waa In tbe aud le im and tto t he muat get them out first. “ You atoll not," said the Inidv; “ a blqt of d a iw r

B riish-alid wushall be U D ^ tto fallen wnlls and roof. Five minutes' delay may kill ns all tim-ther."

'■ R. 1‘. H." rauUnuea: “ A aa boy In the auillence I can well remember my lurpriaeat seeiug the leader mnldlaaly appear a t tbe fa r front of tto room and tell the people that Uiiiy Would next be addreaied frofu where he stood—tlie organ loft. As tto amUence tm uud Slid moved to the front the floorttig rose BIX iiicbea. 'The peopb .wwre enters tainnl, in rtly by on Impromptn aenUmeiital IS >ug. In a viuoe wltbont a quaver, In tto very fare of dittth, and as anon aa paiacticable they wen- quietly lUamboad. Not a single Indk viilual in th a t great oasamblv waa aware that, by tto presence of mind oi one man, an awful retostrupto had boon averted."


e m k k u k n c y

lfh>l«T04ITHAC1IE DBOPt*

ScnrlM Wb€D

nturt)«dfSBme, 1 umr ftdd* duty iwarn,*from Uk- t n i iNtriln ibe j fWiiiidiiUM of the Bwatfw

a to rt,o fH t u raU rn tn iiyu iganbatiouor^wlU pruba- yay-Ume tbiirebjliiii In kiii ianiinili that tto Ihrilhitidn *BbUla'*'Tibna b Itie eoiAt in t^ lc h thb

of th b place a n doing all they nan In tto wayM supplying olnthing for the onf—' -----

1 , many of wbo"i bod their olo' .........*.lr W ie s In the wreck, Father Hari-

g', aota «a ia-

ttaUaiia, nDora d u l l __________ ______ _atto, an ItaU u priest, of th b city,Mrpiwtar IniW aW pltal.

Usaaua Foes Not to bo Refnadwd. fipwfial Dbpatoh to ths Mnw*.

Batnaarmt, Jan. 19—Upon ndvlee of City finUdtorTrenahord tha d ty Uounoll has ra- fniad to refund ths money ^ d to the city by •nlnntekaapare fer Ueonaea wblob wore ra>. vokad baton axplration. Jamea L. Tanayekal, attorbay for the aolran man, will Inatltute proeaedinga ognlnat t to d ty to rsoover tha monty.

.. .... Li . i. s i ' m -u - . . . .- 'I W ith H aaalang

Jan. 19—Lnrian Totto, the

"thb Tfiera- »r.. He'.VOS'

Tenaata tn a B nralng Building Aronaad by an In telligent Eel.

FnxxHom, Jan. 19,—At 3 o'clock th b morning fire destroyed the brge two- ahmy buOdiog on Maiu street In this ^ la g e occupied by O. Heckmou’s candy store, Aln-k Cobea'a dothing store and J. Deedueycr's cigar store, Tbe upper part of the building was is-cupied as a dwelliiig apartment.

The first the \enante knew that the house woe on file was when a [let dogowned by one of tbe toiiaiib be­gan to bark and jumpol on a bedawakening the sleeping inmatoo, on • ten n w ii then given ami t totenants a«oa|isd safely. The stock in ^ atone badly damageil by water The loaa b tB ,00(ton which there is about M,000 inmrance. I t o cause of tto fire b un­known.

ChIhiuBhuft tn th e of RelMlitBl Paao, JuL lli^A diBptttch to th«

Mnyor of Ju*r«i Chihaiilum Ik in tbo hftndi of tli« retwlit A flnt Mttark wan nuulo by « detaobment of Revulutionlstd on tho west (ide of tho town wblcli chUmI the Fed* «nd gnrrlsoti to that points Imm«t(llntely tha liunneiita rtuhad Into the city on (heea<tw Tha mawKi of the people being In sympathy with flaataaa Farem thpre wah no reHiitanoa from that eonroa, 'n £ newfi waa told to a

repreaentatiTa hy go lutioiate frlond ot tha Mayor of in a rea. _______

U ancaa fo r Kllllhff a Chlttlu JouiTp ni., Jan. 10.—Theaiecntlonof Krnafet

lA Oora for iJia mnrder of UttJe Nellie Byron onAngiiitfl Iaat In Waeley Township, took plaee In a abed adjoining tbe Jail a t 10:90 o'clock this forenoon. L« Clour was cokployad

Che farm of Miobael Byron, tiix tnllen nenth of WUmJagion, Aa Byron’s thlrteen-year^ld daoghtar Ella waa xjrnlnr through a wooded ^ t a r a on her way fmm churdi Ta Cour, who had been hiding among the trees, seised and am nlted her^ breaking her neck in the atrug*

An S pidavde o f D iphtheria. Spw U ltotha fiyuriEro Nnwi." W u W f l iQ , Jao. 11,-Dlphtherla i» apl- demlo at StowartriUe, and the peWio soboela

eloaad In oonaaqnenoe. A nunabar of daatha M^e ooovrad and there la general alarm In the commniiltya Three of Undertaker Nolan’s children have died of the dlaeaeo.

^ — 1^,^ III! I ■ ■■nillMirt Bodd U vad to Ba Nlaoty-flvw.Ollbart Budd, who died on Wodnoaday a t

hb noldanre tn Cheater, Horrb County, waa one of the beat known man of that couioty, of which he a uatlva. He woa ninety-five y n n o to te . Three eons and four dangbten •nrelveb la . Three otbiysbUdi^n a n dead.

vs* im r a Sdv we oiUfvr proof ot ttr aoaoiWtmpowpolAap tta UM. cu/umiu preimsmm ebs fe 40w

T O L D B Y W I R E .

Yniilam Gatton, ex-Oovernor of Hasnachu* setts, died a t Boeton th b morning.

The returiu betted by tHe Paris Board of Trade, eovaring t to year IKB, show that t to ■toporu dacreaaad HlJBDJiaO frsaoa, as OBtn- psred with those of the preceding year, aud that the eiporta deccaosed H1,lUljw franca, oa oompaied with those of 1M9

The pTSsUent of t to court a t Prqgne, before w hleh ttom sabste of t to OBtUSin* Boriety, .who a n charged with high treason and la w . tnajeata are belBg triad, hoe rerelvad lattere' threatealng with death blmMlf and t to two Pvtxunnn who ore coodurtlng the proaecg- tioB, II theprieoaen a n ranvioled.

A dtepatch to the Londoa Central News fre«n V totH pien thateiv leea teetlaed there tnim Belgnide, tbrvta, show that H. NJoaiale. vltohJiat termed trU tU net The-new Htala^ te n are pa*tta® g.sf Tj*ildeg , among the number are atveral military b fi- cem. I t b believed that tbe m w HIdbtry wlllpmpaapanadjaanuwrat ot t to Ski China and the aviwwdlaf af |t o ~

thottb* thb

qnestlcm can coibtitutlonally be determiunL“ The Attomey-Geoeral, toirever, lu the

secoiid part of 'b b o p i n ^ staMn that the ‘uatveieai custom' bashtMatoaduiltadataii. an t tu hta seat on preMutiug credentiab, reg­ular in fonn and usueil by pro|ier authority, that tb b b the prwtioe lu the Bcuatoof tto UMted Btotre and of thb State, anti tto Governor lu bis message say* It would thus worn to to the rouuuou law of the legtabtive todiei ncmionul, cs- tablbtod by uniform custom and oruedent, that a claiiiiaot presenting eredciilbls regu­lar In form and attested by proper authority, should. In tto first lustance, be seated there­on."

“ From what I tove stated It b easy to see bow there orbei what seems to be au inraii- gniity In ttose declarations. Putting it in plainer language it uuinuDts to this: TIk' Attornay-Genaral says to the Governor in o-- ply to bb innulry; “ I think, looking at its record, that Oie Adraln Heiiatc had the power to prevent theRepublican members-elert from taking §i'«t« in that body, but I find th b has nevJr Iieen done by any tegbbtive body before; Mini that waat toe Governor calls tho ' comnion law ' of legblative Issltes bos been vlototwl.

“ With thb uptulon given him the Gov­ernor Seerns to be hesitating os to what couraes da Executive, he hml to tte r pursue. W ith t to nudonbtol power to rampei olssii- aiKe to what to calb the common bw, ninl what both to and tto Attomm'-Gem’ral say to bw been the uolvenial practira, to settta a t times impelled, as if to some poUUcal necessity, to uphold the Democratic Benators In tto course they have pursued, relying on t to Attorney-Uen erel'l oplnkm t to t they have the pewer to v to latew tobto denomlnatoa the ‘common low.’"

CfaaneeUoi* Rlcke, when asked ul»ut the case, opoka na follows;

“ A« I nmlerslanil the opinion of I In’ AUunuy-Oaoeral It u to tlie effect that tiie bold-over Benatoni constitute the Heiiute ftou have tba abNolutA right to rDfiiwi to

Ire tto credentials of any Senator, not- the tout that hu crolent ials a re

te a t h b legal elrctiou la unqmw-

“ In tto opinion of - ’thwefoiy, the hold-over Henators' have the’ power to ' can y ont their avowed purpu-i', ™ -, tq refuse to recognlso the•motion of a t bast one and probabre two Benatora, whose credentials ore perfect and wtose idgal dectionb imt “flonaiy dbpoted, In o ( ^ words t» Rw* the Bepate of New Jerwy. He suggested that In to doingthe noW-over Senators will not bo doing a commeinabki act nor one in actsitdanra with the ctatoms of the Benate. It may to Interred from bis opinion that “• . ’Vtetld . t o t to a .party to any ■to® to to f theft, and w onlduot oilvlse the psto te to depart from custom and preccdcjil “ iJ to 'to tte ro f organisation.

T to Denmentic bold-over Senators do uot jeem to a te r ta ln the aatna view as the At- tomey-Otowal a t to what it will bo WJPfV to dix and by their aetluos a t least. If not by thmr words, have nxpresseil their

to iteal t to Benate. I think the ItonibUcan Benators would not be

Jte**tod In allowing the Democratie hold-

.1 H ay Ba of NMfted b|T Baflbrortv

From the Medical Record.Touthai'he ta a ll ttb thing In tto books, but

many physiciaui would rather meet a burg- b r at the door on a dork night than a call to cure a liad tootfaariM of sevaral dayi' raiitinonce. A hypodermic injection of luorglilne only poa^xmee the evU day, and usually the patient b res|iertful]y referred to tto dentist. Tha tooth should nut be extracted while tto jawaudfuma are inflamed and the latter iwoUen, and It b t to pliyslclnB’s duty to treat tbe case un­til the above condltiona are removed. A l' ways keep a small p ^ oontaiidug tto tot- towing m iitu re : Chloroform, gU, x.; gly- (vrinc, gtt. X.; an t aoL ac. cariiul., g ^ x.; tiiondiina, gr. j., with a amall wad of a b ^ t o eut cotton. I t t o offending tootb has a cav­ity o r decayed surface, w turate a small let of cottou with t o above mixture and put into tto cavity or ogolnit tto decayed sur- foao, 0 8 t to caae may be—never park t o cot­ton in, or t o more Is t o tronlile, but have tto |wUet small enough to enter ’ without crowding. In most caees thb will end tto trouble.

IVben tto gnuH are ■woUeti and temierpaint two or a r e a Umea, two minute* apart,- . . . . . . . ■

eat-_ - tongue and

mucous nw m bnna of tto mouth at«|)ala, to has a sour stoiuark and next iby tto tooth- aoto will retuni. Give ten grains of carbonate of bbmuth and ten groins of ptouacetln a t onoe and a similar dose before each of t to three following ineale, with n laxative If nenlatl and stop all fruit for n few days, and H win i|pt rffurn. The mine pmvdor every two hours'" with ceeiatiao fnilboidJng will stop tto peftistont, tor­menting neurnlglaa so prevalent a t thb scasuii.

^ •kecuto their purpose byat-t e ^ H t o meeting of t o Beo&o M 1ms W

**** to be understood s» innny way aoMBting to t o pr^KwiUou tliat t o boliovar tonatore constitute the

^ t o State J on the I nm flniily cf tto opinion

5*teite ot New Jersey consbts of oue from each county, ami that

c a * r f to e b n n to ra b a s au eqiiai right to 3jj^™ pale tat t o organlxatiou ira t to Beo-

H eeelier (br th e Tbamaon-Houitan Co.Jl*]T^*'**> ^•®-!*■—Judge Barrett, of tho

THE GYPSY SOLOIKIl'S KEENNggll.How th e F aeu ltr fiareil the Arrtuluke Jo ­

seph's Camp from Surprise,From t o Loudon Dally New*.

Au incident of t o Atotrn-Pnuaian w ar of ISkl sraa b te ly told by tto Archduke Joseph pj a party of f rlenda. We find tto sUiry in tis'.'V iniaPealerJhurnol; "O nour retreat k'fure the advance of t o Prussian army," said tto Archanka, “ we encompol in the ueigiiltorbood of a Bohemian town. 1 woa hslged in a peasant's cottage, when, about Iiddnight, I heard t o sentey chnilenging sumo lu-wcomar. My Adjutant entered and ri'is.rtivi that a gypsy wanted to oee me in private. A s o lto r iagypsyl entered, and, "It my asking what waa t o matter, to told me tliat the enemy was approaching to siir- prisii Its.

■ ■ The outposti have not beard anything htisplnmis!' I said. ‘ Nn your higutvsi 1»- (HU'S- tlie enemy b ttlU a long way off.' ' But h"Vi dll you know th b t’ I asked. 'Cotne to til.'window, your hkhneiB,' answered tiie mail. Do you se e to ae birds flying over tile w’liisl toward the aouthf ‘‘Yoi, 1 see tlLcm: wliat tben t’ ‘W hat to n ! Do not lilrilssln'pas w ellaam enj They would «u^ tairilv uot tty about If they were not dls- tiii'issl. The enemy b flyW through tbe w.hkI, and lias frightened all those birds,’ ‘ Vi T> well, my lad, you can

"I ra o rderedtto ou$otes to b e re - mfims.l nml t o camp to be alarmed An Imiir later tto outpeto were fighting wltil the erii'iiiy, and our camp was only n v « l by till ki'i'iL iiliscrvatioB of a tlm|de gypsy.”

New OM een Chosen.,\1 1 he seiiil-aiinual meeting of the Monte-

dure l.iiiTiiry Hoebiy. the following offloers m ri'vhi-ti il: 1'reslil«nt, M. Homuels; vlce- lire-l'l'iit. 3ibsH. Ledermaii; rocordlug aeo- " tiir j , Miss.tJ, W etsletj flnanobl secretary, Iiiiviil Cohi ti; Iniosunr, Hamnel Levy: orlllc, .MiiJ Hfjter.. Building and,Loan AsaocUtionhas e/tcled-fhere offleant President, John W. Vogel; vlee-preoideat, John F. Zimmer, mini; treasurer, JoBu a E taeb( oecretary, IV'Icrlik Grebe { altoruey. Chorbe F, H eir: ilirecMrs fur Ih™ years. Peter Doeralbcher, .IhciiIi -’itiickey, William P. Rommel and Bob- 1 rt

St«'iiker Sacha, of the Newark Turn 8o- Heij. HpiKiliued these standing oommltteee liisi Iiiglii: Hnanoe, Charlea Eyiel, John Hull! null Hermann ISchmidti House, H. Srhiimoi her, A. Uitallor and Cbarlea Scliiicili l ; Hotel, O. Hermann, Oharlea Puhr- iiiei-ler. f liarliai Eytel and Anguat Hermann.

IMillcrmHin Oardii«r*i Fftlul AlmaN m ViiltK. Jan. 1 9 - ^ to Oosper, nineteen

year* old, who waa shot yaatarday moruing by Pollci'iniin Henry Gardner, died In IMIuviis ,|«,ui.vl t„.d«y T h , offlew c b t a u i X SS ramtlil Ciisiwr with two other men b ilk in g Into 11 till nor s tu n o n AvenueC stout 3 o’clock 1 1 1 1 110 iiinrjiiiig. T to three men nm out of the place mill when the oflloer ooUed upon themtil 1.1011 lin y paid no attentloD to him and he HiihI ii allot. lirlnglng down doapor. Tto b tte r eiiiil lie was only sleeping In the baUwar and was uallty I’f “0 wrong.

The Itchrliig gea FbheH et Agreement.viNnirVKii, B. C , Ja|i, U.-Oollector of

(■iisliiiiis.l. 31. Howell haa reeolved a letter frimi I he Dominion Uuvernmant conllnnlng Ills iclcirrmii regarding the renewal a « o m e u twijhpniim-nt with Hum!* lor • of(hf.’ rm mI u** V Ivondl Id maUtr of tbe fiebHnffHpu M'jil tlHliii'rSwpiv Thli Rppllei wholly to tb« prn\ iiiin'fimeat entered lato withHiiKHiatn for proteoUm iOMt of thirty miirb AnmiDl KiiMiAQ UlMdi w d ten miles'

^tw ttka a's.w KttWKiaa coMi.

A m i s l n g In fitin w s o f Itujiosltlon b y

" P o o r ” Appticaiitg,


I b a Im p u sto n E i |hi«ci1 hy ihc r i i i i n i . ’ AM Aasoutatloii T.i-ilsj—Thivu tVci-c tls- h ltu a l IlninkanU , One lirsHs * IViivlon, and Two Kani rnuii nii lu a tu a tVerk. A iiaap lu Who Pru|Hi.,- to t;u |„ Kiiru|Hi fteeh Alii. Also an Own.'r uf Two H eusm —About »,nuo l'i <i|ilr Itcing Paid o r To-day.

T m more inipmtcra were I'liiiw,! t.w by a t t to HalvatUiu Army ln'eili|iiHi tci's, w tore t o Oitirena' A 111 Aimociat ii 111 is 'listrilititingfuiub to t to poor of t o i i ty . Il<c!i!i'-tin-|a>rKons e o tn p p n t lout week ainihi-iliiv Mn'iiimmittra had a king ib t of naiwe of |s'rs"iH who have been syatematlialty sniinlliiig iln, aswx'ia- tion, aiMl when to y put in an apisvirance the organlmtioti pniuiioe to luake'it de­cidedly warm for the inqsistci'*.

Tbe Inapsctora of tin- a-isiK'iatlfm iiavu Imcn uuuiually active tills Hick. For aiun< lime past they liave Isvu sHtisrt«l th a t tlie •reoolatloii was lieiug imisisnl u|K,n, imt It woa iHIHcult to i1iikI.> out Ito unworthy ones from t to I.fillOor ukiiv who In-I.l tlckcte ontltUng Itom to wn'kly [siynnent frooi tto asnncIstioB. Tinlay when the imposters tticiusnlviw e t head- quatero, when tickets witc rauflscatol and they were only ailuwi.l t,, depart after a nevere re]ir1inmul. Ail of them were told tliat if they ever came back they wouldlie nm»t,-l. Somo of (he committee were of the milnlon that t o ink- poKliors ahoiikl lie arn-steiL luit the luajoiity m id that they wouki ftiaki-arvestaonly wbero t to moat flagrant iiuposition iiad lieen prote tired.

Of t o tell wboae tickets wen* taken away to-day thnx» were habitual dniiikarda, two men were working anil wen- eorningfifiand 110 a wetdi i-esp^lvely. iiinl another man. It T O proven, was draw lug a iwnalon from t to Governmeut.

T to ranunittee b on the hsikout for a man who, after drawing his iiniuey rash wenk, took a girl to * iKtll and toiight drinki yrilh t o fuiHls given him by tlic asws-iaUan.

Another couple whom the isminiltteeare daairous of catching are a tiion and wife who w'ent tn Europe last year and propone to go there this yiar. Hoe more Iro-

t o owiM twn huuMa anuthqr has children w-orking sud four inonh irt

who nay her every week. In theae caioa t to ••tociaMon propowes to make tto acenord re­tu rn alt the tikiney they bare received or ■said them to jail.

Duriug tbe morning tto committee podd off <3U pagsotis and dbtributeid about tl,300. They expect to pay off about l.IRlI more hefore t o day b over. luimedbtely after t o aao eb tio n thall finish lariiig tooby, ttoy vrlll call a meeting uf t o r'inauce I 'onunlttea to consider plans for (smUiiuliig the work. One of t to pemmittee says that uultMiiumey cornea In a little faoter they wdil have to stop and let tbe citv autiinritioi do tto rest. Hix tickete were TOtanlarily returned with tbouki to-day, t to owners having no more use for them.


HE W lt.l, NArHIFICE HIti BKIN.Jam es fo n ts Agrees to M ak^a lllg goerl-

fice to Have His Ulster.Bhysiebus a t BL Bornaliea'a Uoaiiital are

about to perform an operation of oklo graft­ing on a rather largu icab to iuaure t to nu oovary of May CoUls, the twenty-two-yaar- oM girl who mat with an eeddant about two mouths ago In vrhlch she hod a portion of her scalp torn off.

The young b d y at the time was employed a t the Mile End Thread Mill a t Kearny. Une •vtmlnf while H b l. CoUb wraA preparing tu

to w h e th a ti 'w a iv a iiiih ts ia >ato-wif the kmaes an a to r Bead was drawm Into ths

maebine ami her hair and a portion of her scalp were tom off.

The J te itu wuman bas been In Hi Barno- boa's IloHpiw ever sluco. It Isvaiue uucua- sary to g raft skin to t o scalp aud tbe girl's b n w ei', Janies, allowwl tto dis-ton tu re ­move porticku of sklu about the.aiaa ot a pin head from bis thigh. This o|)eralluD did Uot prove a BucoMs, aud m vutly it was con­cluded to reiieat t o operation upon a iwala of g rm ter magnundc. mid it was proptoed to remove large patches of skin from the brntb- er 'i body, bo very willingly offeriiig to moke the sacrifice to save his slster’a life.

The -lury. I t Is Hold, t r i l l Nut Indict Thcm~Tw« jA y m cii Who Had

A Ch»nc» of llm rt.hiss ini to t o KvaKlNil Nxws.

Ki.ix vlKTit, Jan , 19.—The I'nl.m t'ounty Grand Ju ry will Inidisriiacgisl hv Jietge 3I,'t'iu mi.’k to-morrow iiuinilug sRcr it iias nuule ail Inspection of tlic isiuuty juH.

The jurymen, it b said, have practicnliy dft ’liksi not to present any iiulictninitagaiust tto Liiwtoi Towiudilp Coiuuitlteciucii who votetf to license the iw etnu'k.

Tlib coacluolnn. It b said, was reaclial nticr an oli-dav se-slou vieteolay,when every pboiw of the sub­ject was dist-ureeil. As exclusive!)' slatnl 111 loot Hatunlay'a Niwii, tlie Grand lu<|UMi b y a v u tso f tS to l l , tuul agnvil to iwllct Uie (.'oniinilteniieu for uialfeaHaure Inorttra, hut since Wien n coupleof tbe jurymen experiencHl a cliauge <if licart and wheii tto jiwy reansemlilnT loat Tuasiby deniandeti a rwauudderalum of liib vote.

Hliice then t o matter bos Iss-ii leitly ile- to ln l. liut t o rebiiUug jiir)-nieii, it Is aold, m tiaiiinl firm hi thuir staud, and a reniu- ahkirallon wae fiiiatly carriisl.


Large h truetara to He Kreelsd a t Kllsa- * bethpart~K u>ploy«stit fur 1,000 Fer-

sonii—Fpoperly tn He Ahasdnned^ Bpecbl to tha Evbhixo Ngws.

E u g sa e rn , Jan, 19.—Tha National Cor­dage Company are alwnt hi rvliiilld ttoir plant In thb city, which wna hitelly de­stroyed by fire a couple of years ago. Tho w o(ia will be Imateii on the site of tto former plant, and will to au Inqsislug structure, wltil a frnntega of 1100 fret on BUsatoth avenue, and will extend Istek to t to E llnbelh River over 1,000 fret.

The biiikUug will to of biirk, four stories In liefght and wltli a caiiacity for tuimlslilug — Iitoymeat hi 1 , 0 0 0 operatives.

liucs ths destruction of t o ElissU'thport factory tbn Uiiolneiat usually trauawteil there tern been t a r t l y ttene hi wmiaiusburg, butt o authorities of that plaou have iiotiltsd t o comjwiy that tto y will Imve to vacate tbelr WltUonisliarg place, os the city wants It for t o pinxM t of wideiiiii* someslreet*, OroumL It b exiwte>L will lie brekeii for t o Ellaahethport wurka lu U ao’ta,

A HOI'BK OF WOHNHIH ItKhTllOVKH.A Dalhetlvs Flue fanaes a Loss of ••,000

In the North Refurnied Chapel.T to mtokiu chapel of the North Rafonned

Church was destroyed by fire a t a b te hour last night. T to loss will reach 98,00(1, which b covered by Insiiranca, The bnllding was owned by William Clark, of t to Clark 0. N, T. Threwl CiHupany, and was sltuateil on B e ^ l l lc avenue, oppooite C brk otreet.

T to ftamni weie dbcovered by Ufflcer Hnckett, of t o Becoiul Breclnct Police, bnt on acranilt of tnn ibb with a signal box the alarm was delayed, and by t o time t o firw men arrived t o b u lM l^ waa a maaa ot fiatneo, and all tliat could to done was to tey and « v e t o annex of the bullibng. Horan pasHers-by bail sucreedad In aavlng some of the furniture in tite plane. Tim fire wax causnl liy a defn-tive fine. ^

A VERDICT FOR •1,900.Hsmaxes for U snry Oxley Against Ihe

New Jersey Tra iMon Company.A verdict of tl,9S0 fo rtto p to n tiff wss

ycKtenby rendered by t o Jury In the suit of Henry Oxley against t o New .Fersey Tratv tion ('ompany.

Mr. OiMT iwsi to recover for t o death of ms atm, Charles lleury, wbo wss killed on Oanteal avenue by iin Orange elec­tric car on Bepteiuber la, IHW.

auA tes»/hsff<n« Is rv atuo-, « u oaeunu Me A Vh’IfnVlf NFIliy tflootO gire oflrrrfUerM uiiif rtOd- rrt thr teat rsisUs ta lAs HbUr.

^ VI r<®w X orSa ijjo doiki^ n e i - M l w hoe been fixed a t ISOJWJ, Tho mwion for the appointment of a raoelver was

S?JJI“ if*fihI'al the lustance of Henry R. P ^ jJ 'ju jg tem ^udgm onl creditor of the com-

W. ChIM’a (Nmditlim Itoprovetls J ml 19s-The condition of

? • who WM ieli«4 with « i *t- ofioo rMtordAft Wii Im-

F ® '™ ‘M»bi»nilBg. Mr. Childs rested whll t o ^ ^ h t aad BO trrIfMM iw ult b appre-

....—* .

iroaJO at T ato iy . ,irew BotailiNr.

Tllg iaitWI'l t l t o Pfikt ' Af in '.y;

*9 N la w f Wen’s Tfonaen a t •a , k 06. have bad their eiutem

le geodt for weeks past. I In hoJr llnas and stripes

( M n l i a ^ r . Bee aay made-torarder

I aa theae. Grand die-

. s n t t o n Broad it.-A 4 .f e v - ' i ; , . " ' '

Hiilt for a Coal BIU,In Jii'lut' Chlld.’s vonrt th b morning the anlt

of J uiim's L' Tiibln against Jamee C. UriJera- • and others, to recover wa. tried.

Till' mom’1 , it Is cblmed, was das to the firm nf iVilllarii 11. sud to r i 8 , Jackson, ooal deal-era, from whom tto defeadaBto bought coal.Soon after the <*fWlnto*led^ofirm'wse duiwilvi'd, and It la clalmad that t o aaaeU of the firm wi™ <o U vl C. Jack-

top lsln tlff, James li. ■PoMa reprrseiiifd by SikOBittariV lu8E C & cr. white twere looked after by J n h n l Q g |$ i ^


A T r i i l forth<" Lurrfiiijr i>f Jew elry ]>riWN • iMi C’rmvila

When tlie raite of Stat< HamuellilpichnetM WDM (hUinI Id the HchkIoiuCourt this moruinf(, the room wm cruwiled with resi<ieiita of tin- ■Hill,'’ The charge WM the lart'eiiy of wonh of jewelry fram DavkI Nb IiiIkrU) wjtli wbont lJ|js- ebuetc lived. Thu |iriijr[|ial witaoM WM Mrs. NaghtiRfill HIim thattbe acx'Uied tKH^iouull.v Blayi‘<l at h(>r bouse, IS# itreeti) iotl uftcr lie liuil beoa there on November It •h<‘ mihwil her jewelrr. Hftmuil WM a t nnee “ mihiiirlonifl,'' idie HaigL an<l tben with couHidemblr p'usto she told ^ bow the hail bn,>ught him Inu'R from New York, The defpiulam’H uihiusm*], Kdward H. Blacky denied tiip charK'-* ■l^'iered that hla oUeot bn/i vnlimtarily l>iiik tu tbla d ^ s

Tbe defendaut nsk<st jf U*‘ Iwl ever been roDvictod of n*ljin‘,

“ In my life, uever." Iip n jilifil, mid then be talked about the nL-i.’ in n rmubliof; way, In which Uerinaii, Kiiglttli nu<l Jli’hivvv were mingled. ^1 II 1 1 --WV -- — ■ ■■■re

A NiiEt Trt«>4tsThe tria l of Uto biht nf rlmslimi Tnticke

agaiiu t DAhlef !», Di'thh-^N’u for wonbefnm atid ciuksl iu a Nlmrl liuin Ikcfore Judge Child and A jtirv m tha rirniit Court thiM nionilng. Hairy Cam|iH(‘lil. iii o|H'nl»g the <'aae for the pluhitilf, stiibst timt tbn Hiilt WM brought aolM.:: I . executor for h u fatlici',■en, deceaiied. The iimiiuy wuiii f<fr wum the am ount uf ab o an j bill, idimiuv jkIvdiiissI aud premJuRiH paid oil a lifii inMnuncxi fnili«-y fif Ibe deoeasorl. The question <>f ifii< iHim-il lull WM the only one dUpub**!. iIh’ i>ili< r juin-s of the claim being connetlisi by tin' dffi'tnlant-,' who waA repreeeiiUsl by C u li-\ Sw«vw». The j u ^ renoereil a vvrtll»‘t of i.l'l for llu‘ plaintiff, '

A Fleri'aiit Aucb for lIumHijr*.Altuo Virtue. A servant wliu smis forniuriy

etuployed in the boanliuK'luniM' uf M r <■ K v «'l > n Bonneila a t i?Halseystreot, wiis tin- irin>}i!:tiii- Afit lu a suit agalDSt iicr former Itithe Second Uistrlct Court liiiH rUuniln;;. i le- sued for damages for Atlrgi'il fnlmi ImpritHm” kuenU In Augast last Mbw Virtue hhj< iirrv^t^l by Detective Walker cbnrged witli tlifoiliefi of a boA of Jewelry^ The gt>ld hati plaA'isl ob aab e lf In theiioufto whiio the scrsiuii >vas preeent aad the next mornliiij li wuh tuN infc. A fter the arrest tbe'Jewelry was foutul lu room of a boarder, who cULiiued lo have taio-ii i t for a Joke. Chief itupper tesiltlud that ihr woman wm honest. ________

Mra. H u n t to Lnctare oti TemperaiirrsMra. Mary H. llqut, of MaASM-huKett' , nii-

perinleodent of the Department of Temperance Tniiwaontion in HohoolA nml < '<3l* logesq will deliver a lecture on ^TeDiperuucc ' In the Plrat Refurmed C'hurcli 4m aSunduy night. The local W. 0. T. U, proixiecw i« \k'- titlon the LegleMdurO for the seventh tlrmt to peae lawa providing fur temperance educailoD In the putnln schools. Mrs. Hunt wilt beRiii In Newark a campaign having for its objei'i tlio agitation of the question.

H R seaberrj F llei His Ueelaratiou.Tbe declaration in the suit <if John H,Dusen>

berry agaSnat flamnel H. Bakery proprietor of To%vn 2Vtfkv for $ft,0(Kldamageflv waa Aled in the County Clerk’s office to-day. The declarutlon autM th a t by the publloatlon uf a pleturo and an InMripttoQ ** the plalntlfT haa been and U greatly I n j a ^ . and bis good nani«, fame and redlt mOuvM iutu pablui soand^. iDfatny and

dlAgra. ’„ ^ h e plaintiff is represented by Mc­Carter, WirnaixiMin # McCarter..

A Good Time to BayJust now la*good Him to

Woteun 4 (10. a r e e J t ^ a o( winter |jsnlalooM*k |g a | 'equally low pricta to r ov 'iuHo.~Ailv.

t t e

W illi* lA la e r 'a Body Itemovml,Tha maugled remalaaof Utile Willie toliner,

who was klltafi e | . t o Glebo street. Orange, croaalng of the D., L. and Vi'. Railroad at noon ».riteraU T,^ya ItWkvtal to hkiparente’ nat- T O Uta,... _ ^ .->1, title morning fromthe rqptns o t TTiHartNfir Frite Ttepkar. The puwnte and other rebtUrea o n proafnted with grief. The funeral amngamenU have not r» t beep ntodA __________

Your Money'e TYarth,A roneyO qkTaW qjvm to m ew ited thie

\19 Brood a tn e t, to tea n am poaud

MIMUItiRl’H IXINU R R ni'O H t.Pike aad H all. (kranUss Have .to eK

Faro tied f* . areer Bli Hootha.'From th* Hannibal (Mo.) Coarier-PiNt.

T h e n hoi aoiv been a droogiit in this part o f the B u te alncaltfo middle o f loot June, and consequently the praaent drought la the graateat th a t we have ex­perienced for many y ean . I t li true t o t we have hod many abow en sinoe lost June bu t none o f them afforded any stock water to am ount to anything, and conoequently nearly all the eiatern* and ponds are dry. Hoot o f tbe springs have ceaeed to Sow, and a l l . the ereeka and branches have nearly rim dry. Bolt River la lower than was evek before known, and ripanter Creek, w hich ntna through Ralls and a portion q f Pike County, is nearly dry.

Borne of the farmer* q f Ralls County are driving the ir stoek lu a r iy ten mllas to w ater, and th is has been the case for the post th ree month*, Tho water being so low In tbe pond* and branches, It bo* fooxen nearly solid, m th a t in many lo- calitiw lltere 1* virtqaUy a water famln*. I t I* hardly tarob ib la th a t there will be anv rain th ft w in ter to am ount to any­th ing , and th e farm eia ore becoming de­spondent. N early •Tory cistern In Hanni­bal 1* dry, bn t as th i t city has an eiceUant ■ystem of w atarw ork* onr oitlxens a r t not having m uch trouble. B ut wbat the farm- era will do to fopp ty their slock with w ater dnring th e pr«*«nt winter is beyond cpmprabenMon, I t ••em s th a t tbeir only ■Iternatlva hi to sink wells, for In thi* way they ^ n t a m p p ly o f water in any p art o f th e oonnfry, although In some booM it m ay be ra th e r expensive.

awi f*« bfpprM pHOdOia, bippruf owMorry, Wflu-W rtraualtan, Me AEjr.VJ'Jpy JVi'UH is pn-iimol to yfni tbt tupprrt rotvmt la btff ao4 lUitr othrrftirra.

FBAimitLEMT^ ‘AOVKUTININO,Mow Bank Rlreptsirs Printed a Hprrlal

Newspaper for ro rap tro tle r ErkHa. From tbe Atniirii'an Bauker.

The depnaltor* uf the Merchants' Natioiiol Rank of Taooino, Wash., which failed lost. June, claim that ite true condition was con­cealed hy t o suppraadon of t to Mnystate- t o » t to Comptroller Eckel*. It f* stated tliat on offlctal of tlie bauk ak> owned a newspaper, and It la alleged that ho IumIU iu statement to ComptrolUir Et-kuls pritiusl In only a few ropha of hi* paper, one of which he K-iut to W A uilogt^.

Then, It k cbargM to hod a “ diK-tnrod'’ ateteanent put In typo and eubstltute.1 fur the I'orrert statement In t to tolatirei of the issue. It Is also ebargud th a t he would not allow his regular printers to set np the “ dw-tored " sluteinoat, but hired men from tto street, to Hi’t it up a t '1 o'chxik In tto morning. Our re,-idem will recall t o fact that It was the offlcialB of this tnsUtuUoa who rousisl a rc- isirt to ^ abroad th a t Ita fotlure waa brought alKiut by tho Clutae Na tional Bank, of .New York city, and to which raijintiflalile Ktutement we took exception a t the Uiiio,

~ '■ • 'Y*Harrlaon and Kearny,

Kijward McDonaid, th irtw n years old, wss niTi'stml last iilghl on complaint of Mrs. Klt**- Is'tli Riley, of North toeond street, llsr- muu, who charged him wtth entering her store ill her ntoenw and stealing gui from the r »sli Isix. Justice Mulllgau held t o boy to nwsll the scllnn of a higher court.

Tlic Huslnesa Mqp’a Aesociatlnn of Harrison luiii Kearny, nt a laeotlng lost night, dediled iM FiirnlHli lIMFloqesof bread for the (s>or Of lliurlifui iind Kearny, Wcdneeilay nf next wi'eh iukI I lie following Wodueacinj the bread ■vlU is' gliTii to the deserving who call at the lu'iid(jimrli‘rs of the osaoeliltinn at ttlbrenii Hull, Ihirrlson. and a t Kea||ny Towuslilp Hall.

Iiljurril Ip Falla.'isiuislIunniH'h, oil ainphiyo In tho NkiuIow

I'li'i utlli i'. iv'.lillc stepping nff on eleetrle oar at Hrurtil II ml .Itiirket streots this '^mornipg, Blliiijc'l iiii'i fell, snstaining a severe sprain of Ills riglii * rbt. and atao Injnrioe about tholegaSlid tssly.

J(iat'|ili'i'iililii.a"teuraflUer, -white worMng on a li'dse idsiiii four feet from the ground at the fMiinti iiliiirgli reslileooe, on Broad strei't, yesterday, iiiSsiud his balance and foil, siMToln- Ingoneiif lils.'CJklee.

To Consider tlie Bugar B^heilule Hondsy.WABiiisoTON. Ian. 19- Soon after the House

went Into runiniittee of the Whole to consider theWTlsmi Tariff lilli this worutog, Mr. Wil­son, clialraiaii of I ho < lomnillteo on Ways and Meaqaiasked It *‘S ^ ' ' - ’-hw.™,.ariit to aeteilw sfraWWilson bill for threoTBIIya' KBadfitatdly •iret tho llOMe gets into t'ornmitte* of. the Wliole next Moneny and that th* vote shall thou to taken, _

A Crowded anil Unay Ktero IeUu(a't,IIUHnrkat. l^alo of aUoes.-Adr,

Smoker* of taste prefer the "XI Pa*b»” oJior. Qaollty ualtarm.—Adv.

Ths CoancU \V ill C arry Out lU P l u

o f S n p p ly .


Heeretary Klloa Merla Hci. Forth the AM Associallau'a Need a t CniinrH'i Poaa ami Alms t'ouiniltieo 31eeUng—Th* (uunTlInieii Arrange for Ihe V ltlrlhn. Gnn of (irnoerles ami I’rovlilun*, and E ll F rleei th a t ileaters May Charge, About •S .oqq to He Npenl.

Judge Krueger ami Kilos Berla, of the a » ixeue’ Akl Aiaa-latloii, expr«Msl tto ir dlaa). proval of the prop iseii action of t o Comoxoa CouiicU iu dlapetieing Ite ap|iroprialiou at RHklllfi Id grm'eriee ami uroviiions a t loaA night's meethig of Council's Poor and Ainu Commlttia'. Ur. Berta 'stid ba hod toeu coo- nw-ted with t o Hidirew charttobi* Boolety for iweuli tlx years, and th a t t o t orgaiilte- tkm had for twenty-four year* lus'n distrib- ntlng moiHiy among t o pimr. The CUlieiW Aid Aaoclatitm, to said, hod 2,061 nonioi oa ita books. Duriug tbn post seven weeks |lll,< (W4.«l bait liren autw rilssl ami $1.3,117.60tod Iswa diatriliutoit onuHig tlie poor and unem- pioyeil. There woa a lialance uf H,.34T,49 oa iuuid, to laiiL oml of tiiat amount aheq* •4.1100 would be lUsbiirswl to-iuirrow (Fri day). Continuing Mr. Berla solifI

' Tbe ineaiibeni of thi* isumiiittee and the Common Cciuiiel) withiHit doulit tollere to * t o y have oilouteil tto bent plan to dtatribute iiruvhdons, but riiiw tto rfUieau o t t o city tove Im nud that t o AUerruen were to dim neiue | 9 fi,noi) In charity, our nilsicrlijtioBf have fallen off, and I r*grst to .ay t o t ua* to* the cltiamui reepoad to our appeal for fumls we will bii compelled to ihoodon tto work."

Ur. Berla than went on to « y t to t he tto reault* would to anaimuUabeii If money, sud not provWoiiii, ahotiM to dlatrihuted, Th* pool' UHHmwIrae w m the Ijeat Judges of w tot t o y nndnL end could spMid to innoay more judIcliHisly. Thousands nf d o llm to said, were beiug lost by iaudlorda, who, os a rule, war* lenirot with their tenonta, but tbero were "h o t* " who evicted tbelr tsA-BUta.

" I t la orgueil by some,'' Mr. Berla odd ta cottcluslou, " t t o t men would ipand tto imifiey for drink. A man who wouM do t o t , and I apaok from eipertence^ would aell t o provWon* given bbii for rum. If thecitteena of this d ty will contrthnte 96,009 per week until April 1 wa con continue, e*^ will not interfere with your work."

Aklrmieu Tenniie Kmith wid there wei« faundreda of ikwrvlng poor fomlliM who were too pruuil to oak tiiouey of t o ClUaaM' Aid Areodatlon.

Mr. Berla replied that a man wbo w m too proud too accept mone.v from hta f e iW dtt- tens would be bsi proud to go to the poor- moster. Ur. Berla said 26 per oaatl. o f t t e applicnuta for relief were reanacteblo stagla men. They were all deeerring and the mh sis-latioii hod been payiug them 91 per week, sud hundreds of tto men wbo hiul twaa glvmi nioiier uruinlsed to refund it os to o t os t o y should hr ro-employed. “ I thought that t o C'siuiion Cooncll would get ready todlsbune (his money alsMt April 1," oald Mr. Berk. “ I tolieved t o t you would get doara to work at t to t time. la rg e bodiee, yon kaow, ni'jve slowly,"* '

' 1 don't think much of tbe young or iitan who cannot tcrotob and get rstorted Mr. Bioren. “ I think we ore

■gorsiaiBa ma g n u ,*

•uliig t o proper couree. In r e ^ y " to S E Bi^rU I w ant W my Uiat we aro >1^ Jffi •volruupoli, iMit we k(lo tnovn*."

Jiidtfe K rw ^ s f tp M c h w m a ihort but he, too, made a plea for tho siagle *•*>

I'reskkxnG uellersaid: “ I apeoc Iinemfaer* of this ------- ------ -whole Conanoii

1' j 'J !

committee aad for (.’oanoll. We

m j .

the propoMff dintrlbutitm of _ terfena with themid wtwfc of titoAid AmotM Ioil Sot we wanttM cithH M to wnOirvtaiH th a tt lin « li our axjMndlaf moiwtwjtHfciHifh iWi the eij«%iEar5 $ f m r ^ r e iMd

40 o r --------licWoM t m f ru u iHwel mi fmaim, bu t It i i improhabJe th a t fv« crjs'e thfl ftiotkoy from th o n llW al

I rpaliv thiit tMi (luuunlttM but little with lAilur), when tbe l iAMKMtatkin ezfwnfiN over |14 (VIU we^lvv 1 bnpu thii ('itiieuM will not permit Ihe dtUflOM' AIlI AMonatifiD to titou Hi noble work.”

Bldi for the furnluliing of grtx'erikw iiid provlilotiii wrrtk retwlvert fruni forty-ona grooert. Thi [HiinmfttM tlxed uniform railMM foliowv; Huger, .1 oenti per pound; coffee U

pm^quaitv p«r pound}

rente IM.T half fMmnd; tea, lhc*w1i p tf quaitir p)UD(i; coiKlaiiSLvt milky 8 Lrowl, 5 Imif; ineati 8 («aMetwrpound; rice, 4 rn iti pounil; harieTf i L-cnti p4*r wunil: 4 eenti p irquart; oebba^ IS rnute per head; turalpir $ ceuti per quart; onlotkt, d o e iitip ir q u a ^ and 0out% 8 renti per pouiui.

Gruceri who are williuff to contract to aervfi the abovivtiaiiied arUedee a t tbe pHcii fllwt and who DiAlfy the C f^ ( 'le rk to that effect lAcfnre 4 o'clock, on Mondajr will ba periuitted w'lre t he imiv. Tbe commfttea will ui<‘c t Yin M<»nd»y night to cnmpletear rungeincntx with tbe Ovmwer of tbePugr for tiHT diNtrihulloQ ut tbe artlrieK.

. /

OHdAMZlNIJ Kim AID*Thn HorliUktllo 1«abur l^arty and the Cb«

ein|di»yr«|*The moveiiLent NtarUMl by tbe Hoelallitifl

lAbor party to di'viiw wayH aud nieatw for relieving the unemployed aMumed deflnlta ihape iMt night. A miki tiug wok hold at S8 William ■trwt.y which wax attended by about th irty deiogutcH fnun vnrhMU Uitfor organlia* tionn. Ad orgauiKatjiin wuH effected by tbe He^'tiun of (leorgc Ullicn an chairinaa and William Walker HAMTctary.

I t WM <loLfjdtMl tiMiuike an effort to enlirt thfkfiymjiathhiN of cverv ialn^r iini<m and orgttiihETO lux'iety of lalK>ring m en 'fq tbe inoveiUHUt. am i« (xiininitf4N'' wnp ap]x4uted

notify tiie variimi organjzfitionN and v*~ i|U(wt t|ieri to»<end delcguteri to a imtetlng to [tv held on HalurdaVt eianiiary 27. The rom-

of Mtwsr«.‘ WhIk, Jjwke Walker, bK'kiUeyer and neichert.

Hlmilinr movemeuti nre saldtfk -be under w ay iu Nt*veu other rountiee of thiH Nrate, and t-'lirtirmaii (iUlHi aud Henry Heckmeypr weiw nomcfil IM a f'oinmlttee to <'OTT(«pond with tlio af'cretari^w of thoFa organi/ationH. an that a com'tirbHl lunvemcnt rimy be made in tbe Htal»L

The proj^'^'toin of the nfftiir prepoiw in hold a niaa^-uiectlug. nt wliirh riwnutionji will tie ado|itc<1, tiif‘ Ix'giKlntiire to make some pr(»vlHj<niH for lUu temjxjriiry :'vllcf of the |xxir.

.<4 *‘Kliow'** ttt MlllUiirnaProfwwnr K. K. Dnvcv, of ?^cw York, gave

a Nhow HoiiiicH'k Ifnil, Miiilmni, yertterday ufternoun. TIhTh wci'e pi'm 'ut umrly !ilX) tH'iuFol cbiidri'u and itiuny women. The chit drcti ten <vntH to ^*t in rin<t the women twenty-five cent**. l'n)rit«rn- DaveyV lickefa prouiiwMi an clalxirob^ eiitcrtnlnmcnt, to be nu'niNlie<t by proflclonl ventriio(|UiMfe and ma* giciiinH. Pri'M nt'K wert' b > given tr> thoeewho atU'nded thu mIiow. ThtM^preaentd mcluded, ai'cordiug to thi annomiceinciit, thlrty-flvo


euro acta, andbrlc-a*bnic forthewurm^Q. Pro-ami w'riting dcsk^ for thM'hildren and uiani* .

feiwer Dnvey gavo wime exhibitions uf magic end ventriliMpilKin, and thLOt <!iMtributcd b> tho rhlldreii che(i]> icoilpetidlf^ and a box of writiug lie|)cr to the women lu tlie aiidleiit’ei. Then ^ oIomimI the iM.irfnnimm'o.

Saturday F a ir and 4'older*The Weather iiurcAit predh^ta fair and

colderwealliL’i' for Now Jenwiy to-merrew, with uurthwcMterty wiiuia.


Tho 3Iorton Btrevt Pulilic Schflol Alumul will liolil the rieventh smiiial reunion to-night at HsBiigBr HiRL KUitioraM preps.fetloes h»ve barn made.- '

Division No. 11, A. O. H.,wlll hold it* regU* l»r tuotithl)' mspUag to-ulglrt in Lpnily’* HoU, Market street, whan business of Importasee wUlh*transacted. The members will h*aF sotuet hiug for the goo.) snd welfare uf the ore iler from members of other divisloos, ;

Al the concert in Aasoclalion llnll Inst night tsinjo *elfl(;tlon* wore rendered by t o Nowarla Banjo Club, contralto solus by Mrs. France* E. Jlii'ks, and guitar sole*. l»y W. George Rush. Tho banjo solo* hy Alfrwl A. Ferland proved , Id* moslershtp ovar that lnitron<*nt,

Joha FarlaC . _ ...' 'AM - :ordered hy JudgeKopsch.ia tJto >s.»u.eN L ual Court this morning, w pay hi* *tte $1 («9 week for her support. Farley wnoted dig Judge to compel hi* wife to do hla woehinfi and mending, but the Judge declined to make the order.

Wo I-eadA gata.Felgenapaa’* D. B. W ucnbuiget la«Wr-Affl4-j

1,^ •'

■VrN E V A B K E V E N I V O NEWS. F R W A Y , J A N l T A l t T 1 » . I i l 9 « .

9^'^ OR 3 i : U i : C T 1 0 N .


0 /

/ oR E D U C T I O N .

T a r iff R e fo rm .

Our OwnPerfect


W h en the tra veller com es (o a river over w h ich there is neither brid ge nor ferry, he can do one o f three th in g s--sw im , retreat or w a it till the r iv e r dries up or Ireezes. T o retreat is d efeat; to w ait is loss. W e th in k to sw im is b est and bravest.

T h e proposed tariff reform has created a s lu g g ish stream o f trade, w h i c h m ust be crossed, and w e are goin g to strip the prices o f our goods to th e sk in and take to the water.

A l l o f w h ic h m eans in other words th at as the ta riff on w oo l and w oollen got^ s, affecting our b u sin ess to the extent of from 25 to 35 per cent., is to be_abolished.we feel lik e se llin g ou r present stock at a price w h ich w ill w a rran t a reduction o f at I p s t 25 per cent, and -gettin g in shape to meet the new con d ition s o f trade n o w pending and

close at hand. , ,M ore th an this, until our stock is greatly d im inished it w o u ld be u n w ise and un- ■

profitable to resu m e our suspended m anufactures in a ll departrhents, and th is w e are m ost an xious to do, so that a ll our skilled w o rk people can a g a in becom e industrious,

self-sustaining and independent. _ j .T o th is end, therefore, w e have organized th is great m id w in ter sale, and, an ticipat­

ing fitu re loss, h ave resolved to m eet it now. W e k n o w th a t the prices to w h ich w e h ave reduced ou r w hole stock w ill shock and rattle the w h o le trade, m ake bu yers ot those w ho had not thought o f b u y in g and enforce the attendan ce o f custom ers w h o know the merit and standard value o f oiir m anufactures T h e fo llo w in g indications ot w h at w e p r o p o s e to do in M en’s O vercoats, U lsters,Suits and H a ts w il l m ake m igh ty interest-

in g and p ro fita b le reading.


Our OwnPerfect


.€{9 d v o r c o a t s o f a l l k i n d s , a t . $ 7 , 5 0 y o u r c h o ic er-:-- ' ' *I O v e r c o a t s o f a l l k i n d s , . 0 9 . 0 0 y o u r c h o ic e

I | t 5 O v e r c o a t s , l a r g e v a r i e t y , a t 0 1 1 . 9 5 y o u r c h o ic e

| ; ^ o O v e r c o a t s , K e r s e y s , M e l t o n s a n d E i y s i a n s ,

I B l a c k s , B l u e s a n d O x f o r d s ♦ , 0 1 5 y o u r c h o ic e

’4 Off Men’s Ulsters!O u r o w n m a n u f a c t u r e a n d a l l n e w , r e g u l a r p r i c e

t i o , n o w r e d u c e d t o y o u r c h o ic e .J l 2 U l s t e r s , e x c e e d i n g l y l a r g e v a r i e t y , a t ^ ^ 9 . 0 0

y o u r c h o ic e .| i 5 U l s t e r s , i n m o s t d e s i r a b l e f a b r i c s o f t h e s e a s o n ,

n o w a w v a a$ 2 0 U l s t e r s , c x t r l m a k e , s t y l e a n d q u a l i t y , 0 1 5 . 0 0

y o u r c h o ic e .

Off Men’s ffnits!R e g u l a r p r i c e $ i o , w i t h o u t r e s e r v e n o w a t $ 1 2 S u i t s , s t i l l l a r g e r a s s o r t m e n t , p o p u l a r s h a d e s ,

n o w 0 9 . 0 0 c h o ic e . _ .$ 1 5 S u i t s , m a g n i f i c e n t d i s p l a y , a l l s i z e s , v a n e d m

s t y l e o f m a t e r i a l a n d c u t , c u t a w a y , s i n g l e a n d d o u b l e - b r e a s t e d s a c k s , n o w 0 U . 9 5 c h o ic e .

J 2 0 S u i t s — I n c l u d e f i n e d r e s s s u i t s , P r i n c e A l e r t s a n d c u t a w a y s i n C l a y d i a g o n a l s , e t c . , n o w 0 1 5 .

Hen’s Hats!T a k e y o u r c h o ic e o f a n y h a t i n o u r s t o c k a t p e r

c e n t , oflf m a r k e d p r ic e . T h i s w i l l g i v e y o u a n

e l e g a n t D e r b y a t 0 1 . 5 0 .

C h i l d r e n ’s H a t s a t 9 5 c . . 4 9 c . a n d 9 9 c . , j u s t

h a l f r e g u l a r p r ic e s .

MARSHALL & BALL. Bfoai M•ml TtIvM riiwWj Mm*. Mmftonni. *htte

' In trlnmiad with black thtwail lac ; Mum.^ n trill________ .. ___RouMTh okl row Mtlu with p « rl trimmlnga; Mill.. T.

b p e rie so K o t •x-ConBui Bewail and i l f i t e , Who W ere Sbipw reckid .


Mwir n«.utirnl r.uwn. Wotb, whI th . O tdiH . Mint.*.*". WIf. -Aplpan In H .r Unrt*nii. M.llv.C«*tnint—llnwlllan lo-

.m l (iovnrinintnt Irfwl.m kahl m Il.T . Afiwnl to Arbltr*»."Thil tMIl- Tlnl K.jKirt on ih . S .w CruU .r Oljra-

lil.'a H|iwd. ’

_____Btn, wUt» Htin ami Mack T*lv*t;Hme, Uusnan, white aattu trlmtwd In tnn ln .; Barouaw Fava, white aatintrininied with inageuta vctv«t and guM pameman- tertdW.

The other nieata wore th . BrlUih, French, German ainUtaUan Ainhaanadnrs, tlu> Meii- ™it MlnlelBi-, th . tMcretary of State, tl|p Mlu- l>am of the Nrtherlauths Turkey, Avwtria- Uungary, Hwtorlaml, Belgium, HwwletiamlKorway. Janau, BraafI, KiUHla. Peru, Hpaiu,

R k tu O i ...........................................

Kmg<ft»re ailvkwi irerolvwl by steamer China at San Franclan, ymtenlay give a gmiihlf aci-oiiift of the wreck of Uie sleonu-r Kortnandy In Ui. China Sea, Dwwnlier R, aoA the escape of Harold M. Hewall, tif

Unite 1 Htate* l.'oiiwU (leneral at Apia, ItoiDoa, during tTcvoland’s first Adiiiln- latreUm, and hi* wife, who were the only ptM*nt*tw on th* steamer.

•Bewail Wu* iiiarvliHl In Han Frauelsco about id* mouths ngri, and started on a trip a ro u ^ the world with bis wife. Tiiey went to Manila, anti on November i!W took [Miwage frian filer* for Wng.'pori' on Ihn Nurtnaiidy, a freighter, wlileh had llniiteil passeugi-r ae- conuncstatlons. A wet>k later, whileeross- hig the CH’lna Heo, the sleoiiier ran agroiiiHl at night. The seu was bivakiiig all around Iw , and It WB* found uw-ewary to ulmiidoufier.

T4>* llapt alu, with bis wife, rhilil and a nnihber of flm orefr.- bsA. * ilat and

Cnsta Rk«,Tliialemala, Chlla, China. Argeo- tiiie, Nlearamia, Deumark, Venezuela, the I'lHUwee d'AffalrLS of Korea and Colmnlila, BenaSir H hen nan. HenaUir Morgan and Kep- reseiitntlve MeC'ieary.

Til* wife of thii Chinese Minister eanie, re­splendent In native rids* of state. Hlie wore a stnuigfrlooUng rouiel hat wlthjiay streaiii- ers aiHlboiieatli this fat. staiuhlig out live or si* Inehtw from the teiugiles, were scarlet bksAns that i-eaeiiibted geraiiiiiuiH, hut were of Cekwllal tiiake-iip aiu ileslgn. Tla- luug, pinlugown worn-was of liark liliie sntiu,^ou whleh were bright flowers and birds. The youllifiil face of tjie tall yoimg woman ex- presseil no eoum'lousness of the si'ilsatloii site ereateil.

The Korean Minister arrived aii hour be­fore tbi' ilinner and roaiutered his rarriage for a drive to kill time. At tlie apisiiiituil hour he whlrksl up tla* driveway again and alighteit in his inauy-nilureil rolsw of state.

Konohilii for aeveral Bumtka and la now going to hia home hi Cedar Ra|flda, *ald s '

“ Minister Wim*k*|it the wsijde of Hoao-Uiln in suspeniie for wverel dnfw. and hm mtceeiideii In getting hlniwjf dlsllkM. 1 d™v believe be will ramaiu at Honnlulu, but will reulgn, beeana* he Is p r a c ^ l v boieotted bjr the white realdenta of Bawalt, who are ml prejudiced against him. This feeling h u even exteud^ to the social ostracism of bta wife. Very few, if any of the ladles of Hon­olulu rail uiKin Mrs. Will* The ubiety poo- pie fear a repetition of the oondnet of Cmm- mlsslimer Bioitut and wife, who i^*<l them


c<*rt5 ln &ad thfui to re-nH««i tvf nvirftlv rtF *HOa wltu OppOT-lUw of merely 'yet* or ’no,' lUiiity to t Kulaln m on faUy.

■ hoIty to «ulat,a ...ares,-----Ifatiiralfv, theladlea who wwa tbw ml^

ieiiir* no motfoMponenoo oith*t•OPt,*’

doseCm hett willimnch hia face Into rU»- boM**


I'KOHAItl.lil HKAC'K r tm HR.tglL.

loadeil a with Bi-vernl tranks eonlninlug iier- aou^ effei'te. Mr. aiul Miw. Hewall went inth* mate's lioat, knvlng all tlielr I .. betilnd them. The niate’s Issitdrifto.t aisiut All night in the rimgli sea, and at daylmakHa oeeuiauta founl themselves five iiilUw from an island

Pl'wall and two eiigiupers did modi of the rowing, and imlhsl foe tl»i Islaml. Uiilii had hem faUiiig luariy all the time, ami they anffereil gieatlv After a iiuiiiiier of ut- tciiipta tiu' island was ristehist,

Bewail and lih. wife welv without shoes, and an the (larty lin!l 1«> walk a long dl.siniii-e before tiiev found liny signs of hahilutloii. Tkav flually <sune to a few native huts.

Iiisiirgeiil anil tloveriiinent IieadersHald to Have Agree,I t« Arhttrafe.

It Is eiirrently re|sirteil In Kl,i Jaia-iro tliat arliitratioii is llki-ly to end Brazil's civil war. It isaaaeiled that laith the thiveniiuiiiit and the jiisiirgeiit leuilers have agnasl to siiU mit tiieir differences to arliitratoi-s for wltle- iiieut.

Hood grounds for. Mils nioveiiieiit can easilybe fiaiud. Aduiiral Meliu has

Cleorge W. C hild . Anddmilr T*k*n lU- Lm isi, RnawH'. Omwlag Marriage.

- A s (leiirge W. Child* the philautlimplst and proprietor of the rhlU- dfiiihia Ledger, was preparing to leave offli-e for hi* home yeaterday afternoon he was attacked by v e r t ^ conillUoiiulaninsl the employm “ *family phyalclan. llr. J . sent for Dr. D* Cdeto took Mr, I hlW* home in a <*rrts«e and laiit night r*|«Ttod tiilO HH luucb

- l,illla a Hosaell, the comic o p ra mill .siimor F e r u ^ l Aunonowd tbAt their n m r r i! ^ vriluSe pla« on HundayAfter-

At'» o'clock’' Inata iio t on'MAn-hIK

A Question to B . p od d ed fl» Itomt Clohe To-M lfht-«lv*riin*_Ilowlera Itofsated j.

at Kllsabeth'-ftoMlp o ftb . Flgliten.The PamaIc Biv«f Amateur Bowing Amos,

elation -Will meet At 7 Cisranerice street t o night to elect offleere. There is still aaother fight on over the Colniiusloreahlp. Herbert IV. Knight, of th* Paasati-s. who was rom- pranilsed on last year when the fight be­tween e*-CoimiKidorc Fad R. Forrineyer and Theodore F. Keer rwmtted In a d i ^ lock, is a cnndiilate for re-eiei-tloii. Mr. Keer, who represents the Triton* also covet* th* oWc., It is said. The Atalautn Bosd Club 1* rntitted to some recognition, too, hAvlfl* never hail tlie honor of one of Ita member! being electod ('uniimsliire.

The Itoealc’sianiliilatc will most likely be siipporteil by tlie Arthur Kull and Euruka clubft, and the Tritous Atalaiitas and Instl- tutea will stand togeUier as of yore. If th* Triton* Insist uisiii Ktvr then there may be another deaiUtsk ami another i-isupromM ew lertlou made.

On HnwDiis Allrjrii.Until lV«lm*wlay wUentbe Rivertldt

AUiltitlc I'liili pluyiNl ttt Kllubeth Atta- Chib they bftil a rlMU record of

vlctorliw hi Uie AniaVnr but oothU iK'«u»i«m they ha«l their <-olon loWfrtd* The urore.

VLiKAurrn a. v, hivbkbioi a* c.Fleming............... Uiftriulii...... IMl^ufiari........ ......... li«!Ute) nolda.,

ATU ’i i^ i .c u re dfor a two nights' exhibition on

wffl_ ______________ -h JS and

SB, Thii win enable the Union to give the entire protErennua- In Madleon aquare Oar- dm, ABdwfllnot neowAltAtB hokUngthepr*-

iDAilee in any other h*U.Jnfaama, r f Bt. knocked out W.

the Indian, a t Nortotfc, Va., last night' first round. , , , _ ,

That Billy Flimmer and hia manager, Ismla Waldron, has jeparated was wliWy djscjuaed In eportliig circle* yeetarday.^^ “ It was Iwbo firedhtm, and not be who dinehargeil ip.'* explain^ PUramei- to a «JT»rtor yedenlay. " H* »y* 1 have a ewelled bead, eh* M ell, l(‘e not too big that I don't know I am getting It In the nook. W* have plenty of eugage- nwttta, but h« wout fulfil them. He wauls to rmnatii In New York, He cen afford to doltibtcaiuc hs ha* a position ami get* hit salary every tveek. I'm out for stuff, and

i k l k p h o n * p a x * x t ».

Sonaallsw th at C*eitre«rU ivestlgata th .Patoal and Atltnrney-Oeweval's 0 « e *

rm tn tlM IhKkrInd TTmdd. _ ^Ttw potmt on dai mctoUlc okphragw

telephone will expire on Jannery »*i It wtU he powdble to. u*e the telephone OB ihorter Unea, end even to operate an ex­change syatom, In competition edth the mon­opoly which ha* eo long reaped a m ^ l f l ^ t harveat Bad th* ordinary coona been fol­lowed to the Patent Office to relation to ^ Berliner patent, the prinetp*® tetofhony by mean* of varlalde contact realitanco woold alao aoon bo public property, and until thispataat axplroo or li a n m ^Spoly cannot ba very seriouMy a f f e ^ , ^ b y sM turalcouree thU patent w*« re-

ta ln rfta S o P itto t OmM fOTtoortesHij^^liiQ Ufa of 5n 4b-

eitw ti 4 ttwiwtroitii

ry ___ ,I luti'goiiig to make It whUe 1 bive my bmlth and f&MiKUi.”

HIT HeVK®tT-ubitb itCTft, New Yt»rk,

ikor ftt T*H(y 6*wwk Id th* tYWllDg- Thow Cynthia T#onanl,X wm a t t o ^ M ^ Cynthia aril,

Miss tinriTrl"* mother, and her staters, HattieiZ J S d S d M r a P'l>-ffwKfniiallr M Ru» pIJ i Mr- and Mr*. Daly^CM ^I henry H*T*g^ Eil B, Piper, and

fttilHl iitterh' to sw-ure file reliifoii'emeiilaNought iu S<Hifht®ru

RermlmtUm fr«im toivign uavhI nrU^A to iHTiidianl Hid ijUHinieHl, I’lm liinlly bn|je to c*oiTy tilt* dliy. li»* K niMi’iMivw, uiiftbki to

to Hio hy land to vrltb )*elx<Rto's hofitM, *

Tiit" lirrtfcilluii I'ltHRidi'tit alho {iKpr«tbably imt a *»?rw tn jumin.- Hw aw wwirvK»f tin TNintlU-i fliid imxidtLM for ih« iv, aim o|i^Mn1nulty to n^imu' tiu'lr bDHUufN witb- dut tlaiiKrr Ilf nitdr'ntotjoii.

TIk' Hi'puldlr’H liiiuiu'tM ai'H said in

s I ‘ the PBven-rearw.ld am of

wkn** tlH y M’en^^vrn liu'ltor, ftKkl dry ...... HtTi‘thfv fomhi tin* u tu .(•I5thin|r

?iDtsorl . . .aptirin Au<k IiIh rbjld, wiio loKt tlitdr livt'tt.gntsortlj' t'ft|>talnV the

Thrt b(.i9t‘Jw<l wiwiMHi whik<'i‘irtU«vonug to latHl

/i'bi* ('ajdulti bad kiUr.1 by sticking Idsb ^ l H(nriiKbt uue uf tUr htMivy IrmikH. amltbebrry iiUkd bc*Hii drtm'i)4Nl. '.Hie othi’En luid betawaitbK ftKboi'w in MaD-ty

of tfM) party tlH*u VK'rnt in a ArnuU Imat to th» iHitdi HcUli'tiiunl i)f iiliio. Tiio T-omp- trolltv' oi Ulilo, in rwyHiunr U'ttoi’M fi*om

nud itmto, Ixjnt for lUo jHU'ty Bltd toiik iht.-Mi .SiDgAiRorp,


Hit) iiiid lln* Clih)(*Me

o f ull Uw n'lvirtmikms ilinis'ix gtycn nt the White H'UMi (luring the h-asnii, that to the Dlplnsuatlc Isalwiiys Liieinost [ilct- ui'es()uc,-iuiil from seic-uu to si-usm rliaOKus to tWTXlilmuntii' Corps hnvu cuutrihulisl new fentiivcHof Iiibe-o:,!. The mist iiuen.!-i. tog fcoture of tlir iliniicr ghen hist niglit yfas tlie pi'cscuct iil tlic tehk) ot tUu wife of the Chlntiv’ Minister.

lull way, I'liwldcnt I'eixotn having dlllh-uttyfa ' ~ ‘til riiise enough money to |av for the fleetiiliiered up III New York and tiiigllKh poi't*. rlieiirniy is in sullen imssi auilis k t ^ t o

Barber..F. 1*. Ifavi*.,Huse............Pekin..........Hawyer.......lame...........Kline..........iflinoek......

1711 .S. Heller............... }»inT Heese............ Jl*ire Kiiiltli.......................BMni Itoll....................... }git*: Mills....................... }«l.MKintilar................... Mli;i ■inlliuxins............. iwI.V, II. W. lleller......... M*

.Iftl the

Total..The buuui's

A flret-olasa entertainment bas been ar­ranged by the Kicohior B(»t Cluk ot Pater- Baa, fo r fWbmary Ifi. Newark athletes will play a prominent part lit the affair, Fuklle ^ . 1 1 the clever ex-MohliAUlte, was signed for a Isint with' Tom Bellly, the creek llght- weigbtfof the fleotttab-Amerirau A. C., of Jereey City, and Frank CHffnev is sa- eureil for a iomsrotmd conteet with Jimmy Gorman.

twolmiftogly to that eitem i » luuiwi'niiis ]a admitted which, If it cannot KiMdtad, would aimott justify tUon of the patent eyatem. It

thus _ solutee ta teo l--^^ ^ ,he otberwtai remedM, __^the entire aboUllon of the patent eyatemIs true that the. GoveriuiieBt has now a based on grave charge*, to annul thii P“^ t> but a recent ttatement ae to It* coluUtlondom not give mu<*

eedy dliSttan, and ft has already coat the

which tb i Attorney-tleoeral tbould have from hla fomnif


riuiuiJitrn, a*re ..t i__ qnwill offer the mitlre aieortBWirt at r e (^ for » days only st IWeents on the dollw^Thta .OayHrmiyAl IWUCUKB UU ajam - - j -j-—hlned stock constats o f the veryretiaUortweolydajwforoii*-tliJrf™tofiBrtIds “ Too many jfoods on band ” !• tn®Lifi f(w rtie w o X fo l sacriflm. Maffid*?:am for thie. turen must I tol Market *t., near

On Western Raretraeks,The foTlowlug horse* won at Now Orleaui

; Pousse Cafe%-on dosa sci-nml, Billy

r .T u m d n r Mnncle a few dare aga has..teammei A DlWllnUt C546 UrfOTtt tb#frtfSrnlfy Sftom etty. The pecnllarltle* of I ttMdiaUiiUluiedapost-niorlein cxainiuatlou SdtaBUsdeby D r . ^ k , of tnUi-ago. wbu f l m u d ^ an toaect hid eaten Ita way fnenthe itomach thrWigU tile luteettiie* aud Intothe h*»rl bheillng the boy to dtwth, Ihe ittinintfl »Y b« dnink imt of 4 brwk K X W t t o l S ' t w h i c h grailually killed

geilier In the intiiii uiily by iter of tlw man-tcifiil I'.vwiileiil.

rllK SlVll'T nttJIKEIl OIiVMPIA,Khe iliiilo 'll.(ID Kiiots an Hour anil There-

hy M'his •SUU.OOO.Till- rc|Kirt. of the fifllrtal trial of tho cruiser

Ulymiiio, ivu-eiviut at IViishliigtiin yaiterday, shows tlml she made nn average apeeil of ■JI.Hli, 'I'hoKpewl iwiulreuiBUt wak t'venty kiiols aod the piVimlnm Is MO,i)fHi for every qunrlcr knot over tliat. The ship thus earns the hmiiltuiiiu promlum of lAU.OOO for te rcoiitiw'iorifc

It w oil not fouiiil jn-ai'tlcnhle to detormlna the ugieeil liv nny other iiicauH than by shore raiigis, the'isiteiit log having pravod utterly umviliilile. During tlie mmso the steam v w lint even isirllally shut off. The g r e a t s

awnlkiwed the^'■Jiriiree bniidi'ed graduates aud nniler- Eradnatee of Prlucwtou (kiUege met Imt eveu- iila a t th* Hotel Brmiswlck, New York, atthS annual dinner riven under t ^ illrecttw(rf the Princeton Club of New York City. Adrian H. Jriliie, of Hnhway, was thotistabiiiaater. Toastslmiiondedtowere; ''Prince ton University " ''yWltaon; "Th* Aliiinnl," by Park* (Mwlli; “ Harvard,* by AuiUui O. Fox; ;“ > a l^ ’’ by

ry E. Hi

..ISIT Total.................... _____ were divided ■betwetn —

Hniitelalr iiiul .Icrwy City Athletic Club tiowling teems In two .sclieilulBgame* tw Athletic Isegiie series tliat took place at the alleys of the luitcr on Wislnewbiy n ^ t . The Jenwyltee « (iii the lli-st guine, and the second game went to llw Montciuir*. The scoree i

riHH' oAua.noarci.Ata a. f>,a 151JKKAKV I tTY A. r,

Newkirk..............IltiKill.................. l.'iT Khh(i«..William HtJirifu,. i.*i|lTtiyU»r.......... .A. Htum'ti........... iTA'KnuUNb-.

.......... ........ )><:?'VimVicckie.IS.ret 140wT

^1 ta t* ^ a c « -8lx furtongs;MMilybra Hub n<M S & n ie third; time, l.UW. ,

BecoiKlBace—Two-year-olds; Protaiila won In a gallup by five tangtlis, Jack Farrell Mcood, Unisada third; time,

Third Race—Handicap; three-yenr-nld»; ■lx furlongs; Bulbert won III a gallii^by

pi'cssur,' iriiH Ids .sniiiilH, tln‘litnit,on*tafetv-valye blowing nil tla' tlnia, Averag* ah'

il pressure, J.ui inches and at uothne uptbH.M. i. Till- vessel is suftldently strong to carry the

annni-, etc,, Inchuled In the spcrifloalWBa

Tidi/hnll', who rc.-cldly aUl«l uisui Mr.|. Ulavcbi'hd, luLs de|Hirte<l fi-oiil tim.'-lioiioi'cii

Ha* M I .am ,f issv six* sxoe isa «aiv * yev ... n .'Hio v v ^ ta. 'U ail l«rta cotnplato

rendy for d.'iivery. It is tlie opinion of the.Ismril that tho stradliins*, scaworthto^ and

1 sUstvliig of the vcsuri un' exobl^t, . The vi-

Henrv E. Howland; "Columbia,’' by (Jeorge-. w>-warima VmtPnaa tAsliit WfUl tsla Jm w ith Pitahleut Patton, who wns to hive reeponded to tlio tonst of Pplm>et™i Unlvorelty, was absent by ronson of lUures.i>H4YV(naw/e __ .f. lirillJ,..., U .......Among tht’ise present were IVllllani B. H»rur blower. General R. l'’-,8bKkton, of T r e a ^ and Preshleut K. D. B arflelil, of linfayette CoUelp ut Bu-ston, Pa .

T.ilal.. .... N Total....... i,SM.VlSIi O.CMK,

xaHasTciTYs.c, I mintoiAiB A. 0.


Newkirk..Iliison..William siarivltA. Htarreit........Meyer,..............

;3l.'Tliniiipean..i1,'SI Ellrie..........Its Tarior...,,..IT.'i English.......Itoi Vau

three l e n ^ k Governor Hill second,third; t i n % l . l5M.

Fourth Race—Handicap, one mile; Uuo won by a length, Coi-ouot eecowL CaptainDrake thirdi Unie 1

Fifth Race—Belling, one lulki am la iit- taenth; Boro won easily by a length, Uak Foreat second, Bret Harte third: time,^.

A t East Kt Ixmls the following were the

^ I ^ ^ ^ a c e —SeJling, tour and one-half fur* hnun; Dan Matthews won, Ittie Keneaxund, Pat Hud»on third: time, 1.01,

florreiil Raoe—Beuing, four and one-half fukaun; Oomer won, tme Fifty second, Imp. (gofUMKiara third; time, 1,00.

Third Sat»-B*llSng, six furlongs; Critic won, HlAwaymnn aecoiul. Tie Clever third;

Total. :«:1 .Total..The howling mntcli between the'Wednaiday

idc ......... ■. igl— - --- ------- —

(toy Atb:nii*nis wim by eight pIna. To*

Afteninin BiidOliitouCIulw, played Wedn**' testocr T h e W e d ^(toy uight. was hotly cm!

(toy Atb:niii fsxiro follows

r*s A'AH'a SBiwfl6sa« prtwv qv ui jtvsriiHaftenw fee* m su-o oseumi t3iwnt from ene to a*a

II, 111 BplldM'hlte House, lui* fui'iitabed The Hrst Instiun e of the kind in tho riTcunl 'if the Kxccutlre llauslou.

Tlie President esiflrbid I kuIj' I'aiiuci-foto to the dlning-ffsinl,' (ritidv slU' suL n( tifc right haiuL Ip Ihu.yroceisilijji ilown the cori'lilor —' ' 'Wlou'erl tiy

kmortMt Gy th* f^vnuk' Anp anflf Mw, tfrrshAui, who wns cs-

by thp llWiay»Ambas«atVo*r— ■ -■

Uy elitganl. a C a . . slik, trowertsl trree 'with, (iuloix. This whstiiadu with a t|dl lung tralu and slumtousl uverskli't effts'l by

lii'ulioirs wci'o wimdi'i'futl)- slight.iniii

...................»________ In finishof work tsuh on hull, nincmiiery and fi^W k the Olyimilai is pmnounreduiiy whk'b biw rvftF UDmwT KHiutirvAtUm of tht* iiu*ml>4rfl of bg«^.

'fh* report Is signed by Captain.p- B. I ot- hill, diliif Kiiglnoer James iiuuuG-r-N. Iiiiilhiw, Conuiiander C. E .C tok, Llisiteoaut Cianmnmtsr F. P. Gumora, Usi^ tcnant-Commaiider E. C. FendtotoTt and Naval CousU-uctoi' U. "W. Taylor, compowng

■ j P gy— -■’iviLLiit "BtfXCkypTmy-

A Oymiiasluin nt llunie.From the i.adlss' Iloiuc .fouraal.

Th* lulvanlagos tit gymnasium pmetloe for young children and lie direct bearli^ on their future can liardly I*! reckoned, ntrange to lay, the most cominon defect in the jihyslral status of chllitron Is n most grieVTOie one, namely, Inteml curvature of lUo epUie. 'Fho niajoril y of llio curvature case* occur beyveen tile ages of live nud fmirtiiun, and need not bnpiieii at all H the matter Is properly uBiler- etixsl ami allendetl to. Theeo tender little Uslios will bcml and iswinaiienlly shape, like

being slightly ksipcd at Uw left sldo, thui ahoiring a |icUlcoat'‘ot ptolii-ioloi'«i silk. Tla' a lge of tlio fliiwonsi silk was fliitahoi'i wlthla mil of tore. Tho fidl puffed slawee tothe low-padi bodico voivi of (sinK'olur velvot,

WTiru^ laul}' Pauncefote was of‘cream latiiL Nre. (inwliam wore whito

Gallia .(diaugeabW velvety to rase

ATbIte ItcsbleutiTBt Honolulu Will Have Nutliliig to U* With Him.

Minister Thui-Ston, of Hawaii, iMsaed timingh Omaha on routii to Washington yee- tuivtoy. William M'alerhouee, a brother ot Heiu'y Wntorliouse, of Pretodlirt Dow's Ad­visory Board, waa a pataengw on tho same train. Mr. Watehoiae, tow !**■

young pisiits, in whatever way, their m w th l*-dk*«isd. If your xblld la cttralsssJi: jw ': nilttcd to as*unib lino iweitlon lor any lougtli-ened iwriisl, you tuny fxpuot, os a result, a oiie-elded development. It, by more tregUent ufe, either side Is put to greater action tluin the otlier. It will Iiocaino so inncli stninger that ail aniscular movement* will be tierformcd from It, and it will to time iVbtaln

to perform Tti» hutowtattinf^bia.'liMWa iU well ift CtlYWl Rjrtrw, mvcrblftl ounce uf |tf«VGutt<m

L. Frtac...........C. Hcimlle ■isI WKH. iTTXlOtotMli

in lu Ost........., , . . laiKehrelhOffW..........L. Ltoveysiichl..... linUachmsii..'.,..,,!.. jB(IcoegeDcutim..... I2P|W. J*JharW Young..... liVWeliw,....................}>•

Hchlecer...........l2l,1 'o,iperandfh....... }*J„ - ,Baker.............. i ' n i l t a u r a a n n . . K SC. HcU.leciu-............ 1” (', Ost................... >19

Fourth Race—Selling, five fin-longs; Chle-wlokwo^ p r, Cm^^seconJ, Meg^o Mur-

latefeett H Would setfiu that more

«F«i inaV CiXDeCt 4UY-

Btoka. or eome other toK ho*"to d5T»fcoj> toto ft kcw kI Bwitow

o f t o l a J A t t o r n e y . UMaral'to«o*e m f^ b o - _____.

^ K t S AXP T H B f WAtR.

W hat B is Aeslstassee •* B<“ "P * .d FWIU Mean.

to hi.Govartwr ___of rsoognW"! tlw

;/™ ‘V r r ........... Iw'S C, ......... *I»Kroeplln.............. mvltotnbarit.............. |15Table,..a............ ........................... .......>*

Tolnl................ ILWij Total................ >**The I.ycimm Club of I'lalnfl^ vlilted fidf

city tost evening and played t#o m a ^ games with tlie Institutes, Score* Inititutea 7«» aivl mm l.yiyiim rtifi and

Tlie ftillowlng is the record of the MoTri*and Essex Howling to-ngilo. r ,

siiiniiia.(N!ir*a**i.atotHt , 'C„." ■ ’ Womlioet.

Rorevllle A. A............................... 11 !Sonlli (irsiise F, .................. . HOrange y . M . C . A , . . .......... - •

Klvmldi- Obfttlittih Northern

pbv third; time, l.OflJI.Fifth Haco—Sovcii and one-half furlongi;

Dave Pultlfer won, Invorrauld tssto Yucatan third; time, !.»>.

Crowe Win* at khiitnehoard.Tba Brut 150 points of the MOO-potot game

of ehnflleboard between Crane, of Murray'* Ateocktion, and Crowe, of the Central (luh, was played tost night a t Doughei-ty’i, 08 Mul- harry itosct. At no tini* was the result of th* game In doubt, at Crowe, though a com. paratlv* noyic*,had bta uiiponent gueming from th* start and won with plenty to spar*.

''Th* flnal game will beptoyisl next Thunslay night a t Murray’*, Molherry street.

Varieiis flpoi-ttog MaUers.Th* moat important aascs-laUnn foot ball

game uf tii* suaaim unilor asKs-ktIun nitaa wtU he ptoredat Uosoiapolitan Park, Kearny, ^ tu rd ay , IwtweBB the CaledotiiaiiH uf uiu city and tho True Bluea of Paterson. It la t ^ pentflthnatB gan» for the American Cup and tto) chainptonibtp of th* westcmeecUoa flfVMn. iinw w i^A |.^ to tiun . The wtouer

na-as- - . .'.'Ui foot

to recognltt tlw h»M

Kitf letter ns 4 tiypoorite of tiw vilMt ^ win ray to him to totm-^ Z n a i " I f e ^ ^ . l t t i w v a n t of min.

% “l S f S U W t o '» <tot Utt f l« t s l ^. ■?-?! o* uu nartr bsing bortod bMwatii

S s s i a s & r c r ' s - sBtoAfts

__ _ i«rfoi ?4rnDMsturera must hav.

flJtSw * clothingth»a thuy can rtll* and cowftqttentlr.RiO** owtbtfl “ auTObw " *t anmotiev. WOO f4tni«k tftijw goowfor *iu« tt*D<1 atiioDg the highlit .the ootitt*

ot 'olp%prices. Yon caa afttoot for yourwlfri - .ket St., n»*r Halsey *t., Newark, N. J., fi

look at those 4rl*e*l Men’s Heavy H utt«,wortliilS.*t|8.7l ; M*n%■ «** Working Itonta, worth lRS<l,atlto. ien'e Winter ■ ^etcoaUk worth at » l j lJanX Heavy Worm I’ ? * * ": f*m.£, and hundred* of other to rgu w to .llstore *0(1 Overcoat*. fh e « pN™* d o ^

repte*-"'* the diet of labor tom aklngthM mioda They ar* clean-made ■ ariuMi* Mn E w the l ^ t * of the best maker* in t ^ m a -

dctufdlr 4d3 and twenty

but dean,north fltleenSo shopworn l/ncto bat d e ^ W clothlng-iood enSngh for g w i

of clotblDg in oem repreMDf


■ i. -rH-' l.’tNf ' • tUAJ » MA2J,F«/£’'V . .A

iK .sn ild .c ..,,;.......7 }S1 11. C................ ,l.7k * ,

With the FIglitaito. Bob Fltzsluunona luokhw ite

herii^ ..oi .rtrongth, inada a b j visit to U» fllaatrated


JLfax^by ,

__i t hipi l l s e ^ os'wall iB chived spbw, remit*. ,Th« proverbial ounce of pixivciitkm Is alware net- tor than the pound of cure, parttcnlariy rathta

yorfcvymtt'''toy Bttoruuoib lUhl be on

Aiiutlier (Wiring. Whils you a n rlnglag out

Ho many tiling*, Wild Bella— Wring out the napkin* dttot

in name of oar buleta.

he wouht fie on deal i an(Pl« re^y sd l& B ito h ^ -!! ^ * ? waiting to Warn Uie outeoma (ilT ft f>;rbett niilL" ulworved ttw tototy ' my ulmoat to je twith tlw winiier. If I donxtt tbep hUo CO Crwdnn. Aa toalU w to I imistsay I faucyU

all the natural advantaiMl Jha*


I t might be a very riiort fight, try to tire Corbett out, hut

___ __'ertOn A. C.' tbot ball team will^ y tlw East Biiie Koven of Harrtanu to­morrow atornoon on the jn-oHnita at Jefter-

1 1 ^ ntid Ktoney itrtota, Oiuuo called at ii:W».■ ’ Jl challenge’ from the Columhla Ooltoga

T r« » AhhlWf A*«x-irtton for a not iff Joint game*, to b e balfito :May ha* been ra- oeivad a » d |a ! h ^ y « « l> to 4 by the Princo- t O B - ^ Arranjgr

j^Tiaonth.“ W ttw Jto o totv* shot liliM B *-dM B < )t»O tobX Ui[ match t i " *-■ lo4...ra sdGi-made riMm acorta, kllUBg twW rt bird* each: H. HcMumoby, Fulton, N. Y .; J, A. R. HlUott K u n a , d fe ; R. 0 , Heikea Chloago, and 0 . J, Marah, WeeUWd, N rY . H eika ha* to nearly every event, and l(ai not mlieed eitogte biro.

The anoitlng match batweeD Pat QiUan’a team and HaQ7 Nuttirii team wUl take otooo to-morrow a t Hairy Nutter egiynuula, aams to start a t li o'etoufe P. M.

whalewl* mantifaGturen■ • r Z J n . '^

I* JO H>« *«v*ruse» Don’t delay, m t

_ ee* fw yijurielt. wifl hot ba B d d to d e iim

_ worth

^ h S J E W J i S ^ K » a l e « « L

for «TeryUlMtta DOtt?t toftU «'<Hni4 flnt cnoM

man who utdlnatUy, J> tallora can fin d ^ tn o tgric**^ Elegaht oeorw

W i t h W w k n « «

but ’iff aa avail aaiil^ ^ n a t a k r y

H o b i ’ f c • a r a a p a r l l l tI td o k M a M R ^ A

W alter P. Dunn,PLUIItin VORl61S Finiifi,

B T E 1 I H E If l lf t .

ruaiata, fitokt, Vnwpa« “ ? • '*' Begtalert, VentitotoriK Oaa dtovea, Oai(

Flitanw, Globe#, eto.

OSVUiiUl TtltpHoiil 451 .

Anotlui Cnit Cit li BlOjClii...W 'ss lL .V d a w sJ ''- '""


'fr .:


wlthwy]all tnubtoHi F. Ate

j r s T b b b ^ h b p m c a s i M tV n io H o b * dh

TtaTkama'^toM wbeala, illgbW MW warn. iOpav **•*•>■•• .

Benpad-band rM amatim RMa D), Cuah-to a tm m n A

iX ,'

r J f f t i 'R O ltrW s i U R M U C O ,f-T"-



fN E W A B K e v e n i n g K K W P , P I U D A V : M n U A B Y l ! K 1 8 D I .

A c* u « Iter * d v » rU a l« j .

• ■ A n ta K -) l « n U m ii i l i M w . W,

Mmmmrn*. fJ u 4 iimr lta U « | u iM lM l a M .

lIB W A K X -r a a l K. U fh u rM tr . «*T IH vM l M,J a k e s r e a s v ^ le s M e rk s te k » . M ae k ls r. U k B fw e4 k l. r .B . D e a e e a . l u K la «t.V. W. Better. IM BeserMIe Are.J . A .k re r fe lt . >k* W a s k ie e se e tl . M r r a a W. B a r w t s v T k ir e a rk . ■ ta r r i iM ^ X aekA kalar. a e s s r U la A *a.

M a tla e .B a n o B a M U B -

W . M. a l ik e . M t K a ta ai.MFTM •RaB€IB.<

■ ek e r* Ijaslt a, k e e tk • r e a « a a r k ■ laB B U IB II-

P . J . U eeB asae . M t R a r r la a a a r e , B a a o N r i B l . D -

n i n t l a s , kaw sB aelkri a p p , D apak • B M l t lT -

M w a r t m . M alls.B to B T ra a iM -

C a a tr a l P k a re taa s*• B a a u K T a k k E T -

W tIk a r L. r a r a o B . BawsBeelee, aB L IB M T O K ..

n . B le a r .


Tb« Wal M a te IrADalrn recnntn t in the R ed s te r 'i office Tbunday' n u t roportcd b f th e FldeUts TUle aiul r>e||irtU Compaiij were i

nvwAllit.Helen B. Kds-ards to K tm W. Wlilie-

besd. ■ e cor Abralism IbircmUH u sKouthet, SliST............................................

Thomas A. Morphey el u i to iViiilciitiiUiM uran rr On. of Amerloan s Bltlott st

* .* t li'M hitiatou as. Dtaltl).............H o rn a Judah cl a In [,. n . H oannt (iil.

■ CViniuw* sf a * fr Herry st.

When Babr w u iMc, «e t*** bar CMocll, Wbao lilM WM a Chiu, sbeeTleil forCkitotia, Wbea aha became Was, she oloBl to Owloclk, BTieaBie had ChOdfea, aba p a n them CkiB sl^

d e I ^ s .ai.AIiV'Ri.T,-On I s n u m li^ lM ta t HUla«ei»sl-

ilencr. IDo Wsr.vick slrrrt. John k BlaUTcli,•«»> *T scan t nioniba

Kollm of funersl hanaft.-r. tL A llK t. (Is Jnoaaty la IWI> Pciar, to'orad

hnsland oft'sthartncCIsraa.aMl aotiofMchscI I

H H„ fti^ iLtmU)'tnvSM la »ll*nd tb t Ajnur^ fn ^iiqrrrtlAr, It l4la{ea<lid A>rmM nl Till liM# rmlilanr*. Vo aJ^nUiuMi ' of « urMB. Imh it Im lo ira il^slrMi, on NMurdiu, Jrtnitary 33, at 3:30 A. M., to ! worm Ui4 baaOi of •Irp^t-ctr cldTfr:i.

JfMM|>h'tL'biirvtl whfrrAmtU u*Bnitf Ue- r »ch*t»n. iMin-oolcm .0. rnpo-c of h i. ' S n o ^ ^ 3 a L « ‘*Hil. InWrairnlalti ihB r«m4irry of UJ ‘ Hotj Jrlvln*. tt l« %[mt mlfUtv («mfo?fiblo tn lho«r-e|)ulcnrt. ->r\v %urk ]i«p«r4ri)f«i«(*vf»ra'

aaAltY.-nnl1inrw |»y.Jarm *rrIAaU P y.«H|lag rti»am;ilioi »n<1 • tbit oth#r III «btr* th*w . n a r y . M c d I

to iT V "** rwpwtfltUr Irv- | Talu.* o,« IL tha AmU Itw^ut wlu/ththwtor \ l i« l to altand }iU riiionil. un Hnwisy, Jftuuarr \ artop, T# rontia otrbofti aootkn51, *t . Q'olDCtc I*. M„ fmio hli LiiTt fHlioito#, ! P*"?' aaru i lova, anal Md<|]tionali onaii h« oh

_______W AN^TuMMkanl A dveriU lim In Ihe

K bW it iHiitt I«iytrl»k1|r \m p« ld for In *41*TUicr.

No M wounli w ill b« 6 |»4m 4 fo r «uck.No o dm tlM fnoH t w ill bo to ro lfo d OT*r

ih o to lrphono tx fw p t t t io w M l b j an th o r- laod a trR t*.

A -A. -AHKrW JUUVOF yilWrOYUKKTT • W117 not rertwaf rn tt ru a w r arith i«* W»

o tra all iba IbcilUlvt for ptoSnf yun m drivar, Orfc. roacbmAit, iiabl^moit. itramaa, «Htfln<of,

lanJioT, *u-. DKHM.tN-a m k h U'\N K.^I‘IX)V«IU«T AUKKCV> n iOttorxL fttab- 4Hawi laiA Hin

Ao k .vth W A ftf ic o r '■ ■ ■cmvo li a lark . I

t 1»

SlllOe (* tr*cl«r.......................le ro y W. Falrclillrt * fo , to H sttln A

ITO * ** * Otd('n St, SlaEllialM th (

u m

■'* Aiiolph tloeiife. * * J^hPnfcoD at UO t r i tsn ib u rf pt,

*• A iiru i mW w k rt H. hum . m st for h e n « to fored lto ra .................. .

John J . Tyoiui to Chsrlea K, Tsyio'r, e'a ^ o ^ ^ t at B w cor Cberlca B. TayW ,

Minnie I. Ronnett to John c! "('h-brti', Johnson aVtO n fr Runyon st,

oDXlBBs............................. ..........................John C. Orben e t u i to John H. BoiineVt,

n a at W w fr Kbfroaount av. *1x77 John Mowsrth e t ux to W llllsm How-

a r th .n n d lrU v a M o r r la a r a e a f r HO ra n p , M ifft,................ ..........................

n l l l i u u H o esrth ol ux to John How- a rth , nndlv W w a Monrue at M fr La.fa re tte at. SlilB........ ; ............................

w tlllsm Hovrarth e i ux to John How- arth , u n d ir }4 w a Morris sv *37 a frSouth O ra n p »v, MilCO..........................

TOWiisniFa.Jam es Best e t n i to Mary E. Jscnhua,

Caldwell * a Hillside a r IM n f r Hat-Held at,Tax*a)............................................

8* f ^ A- HcI)oaal(l et ail to Jane Holllna, Montclair, Croae at (Siiumilt av) no corM aijtaret W lm lns, .......................

Jane Bolllna to Morsnn Riley, sanir........Jtgeph C. Pock to Kamnel II, (lundll,

Beat O ranie. n e Dolswars, Lncka. wanna and M estem Railroad Com-nanr ITS w f r North H th ^ t. ffixldl.......

J- H. Vrwland, Franklin, lot » l bik I t m apW eathorb^

T ^ I r v im to n LaiU and Iipprovaipent On. to Robert N, Rose, IrfTngton, a wcor M yrtle a r and Avon av, Ntillin.......

OMrRla A. Drsner and si to Alice At- k l ^ Municlalr, e a Jefferson pi 104 n ef r Oardlner pt, WtaCIlO.............. , ,

E lla ^ t h to Fiances J . P la tt. Monl- Cjajr, a a W illard pt'kM w f r O rore at, u iifn ...........................

JaiBM (Taunt to O eo rp Batteui'M on't-'ojalr, top Mt. Proapect............................

Helen O. Van Oleaon to Allred W .l i lp r , M ontclair, n a Otay i t DTo f r (iroveat, 30x101....................................................

Sw ah Longahaw to Samuel M. Ihiiid, 1 ^ O fk n p , w a IJudd sv n » cor JoiiuH erkeiV M buS.................................

J»“ « C. Cranp e t ux to W erner a ’. M ojer, Montclair, w a O ran p av n ecor Henry h. Yoet, (ftxan.......................

Monroe 8. Brown to Anne Wnmer, Union, 1 w cx)r Brown end n a Newarkand S ^ n g R e ld tpk, 7Si*07.....................

Buaan C. Brown to Monroe s . Brown,


8MT .















W here th e H ig h ly P rised and P re tty S ta ff I s Found and G athered.

From the Edinburgh Review,In andent Umee, no leae than novr, the red

coral of the Medltemuwan was highly and everywhere yalaed for Ite beauty. If Roman ladiee were eager for Indian purls, no leot w eielw liaa aobJfw for Italian coral. The Gallic chieftain used ittoadoru hlaaword, bis ahieU and hla heUiiet In the East It was an amulet as well u an uruainfnt. In the W w t it w u m utA^ tt >a» paitverii^ it was mixed with water or laiiell with wine, andthen d n n icat a lotion In cure all aorta of in-flnnltlee of the Beab.

Thotaaadi of y u n ago batdfk ibad their coral. It w u mippcieed to be a prutectioD, and there la no knowing but wliat many a fond nurie and mother in tnodeni times may cberith ju t 'th e name view of tta myntlc efficacy, whilepretemtlng to' the uuliiiUaled that it is given, not to avert tbe influence of the evil eye, but to heljt tbe child in its teeth­ing. If any desponding pt raom fear that in natural hlatra'y there will soon be nothing left to diacowg,. they may be consoled by re­flecting on tbe nuHioer of genrratloBa which went on handliiuimdinumliling coral with­out discovering Its true nature, ^ e Oreeks Inclined to regard it os a atone, but a atone w i^ a power of growing lu the water

) ra yeara, as “

No. 114 Walnut atraat. Intrcmnnt tn rslnuount <,‘eirtti4ry.

DAr.nYMI‘l.p.-.on J .nojry Ik FrsaaaaJ,. irllaof1 . 11. I>«lryinp’4.

Yurv0r»l n«rvtr44 an Woqdir, at ioa . Mh irom h*T Uii> No. Ai '■n(l•rpoolHttqilvw Md f1rlwtdt«rtiMvl(4i| to altond. Ju- tfrincDUl C4>n4t«ieD>'«or th» &mUy M i^tm- da'» i «in*toi 7 .

FEK«il-'H<JN.™-On Jiniiftry Ik, IM4, A«n*i, dkiiilitor nf Hntk am) Uanla K»»u*on. tmonViAMixl

M s l l r n and friiBdaoMha lanilly a n n-ip«-(. fU'ly lAvltod lo aitond ih*. fluiara] from bar pAirrtu' rmkl4i>M Jilckpr<oii

: H. j | intotohiul to tlw Ometoiy (ft th<* yieii iicJJto.

JOUNKJN.—Oqtho'O lh truii.i Jlatinati wldsw 4f llta ry Jctoiwnn. S|«d ix

F u M to lm k r^ w Q lM li»hl «t ihf rt^dtiicc of Ijfr aon> Wlllliin J oIhuiod. M2 (‘ixiih Tm (Ii atrrtt, on Ht ur(fi|>', Jauuqry 30, |mh4 qt I PM. RTUtiTM aoff trtoiul* erthv f^tiTATT f- ■p«>ciruay iDTlttd. IntorntTia t t k n rtrm n

LRIBK, On PHdAiT« JdrmaiT is, t i ijAt A JuUui l^bq, lMlr>T4>d agn of Nary nnd the bt« Kmil Lr(b«, tf«d O m n 11 mohttia wteyts

BftoliTti Mid rrtouiAii. tlao Itonuh S(y 41. PtotI- detil hhMd, are iwpectrmiy Invttod to a t taiMl htofUnaralM Monday, January 53, a t ] p.N. i IroDi bK 1M» No. ttom n•tr^et. fbtormaailn i‘‘aJruiwint I'emrtery,

McKINUtV,— n J^ u a ry Hi, VM. Adu,'wl<lfWof Mom ll<^Kl^l•y.

BelaUv'tf jtod are kindly mrlied to alt*n4lb« fUMral tmm bar lahi rwbtonoe, Na 4t H«»v |M1 wlTMt, on i-»«may, tljeaib A.M*lo h t giyiefsttt Church, liilffuient In tba C'tmTterpof the Moly Sapuirhtv. p, h, ih«i« wl!l t-*a Hitfa Maaaor Jt«<]ui«tri iiftorsd for Uia rtpoatefbar aoulon MoiHlay. 111x223 b*v, m « A. H. itolatlvtiiMid frfaiutit are Inyii^ (q. j t. tends

BlW MAIf.—On 1'tiunday, January 1r, lBM,Uanlel M., Jr., FounfMi Mm of baiil«l M. a«d kUaiac betb P. Newman, Mfd 4 raoaihv! diy|,

B rla tlm a id trtonda am luvitml toait*ndtb« funerat a arirlcM ^m hit jiaiTttix' rMldHooe No. AH MulWrrf^atnet. on hurday, the 2Ut liw tiilS P . M. Intemaent Iq Fairmou^t(.Vnl#• (•rJr.

KOI-ANs»Oii JaaiiafF J4, John,aui of J«ba t a d the iato A ms NoJab, ate t II f->arv

Belailvaa aod frlxBis are tovitd to aitoiU tbe fiiuerul f^ m tala late reiideiK-e, No. zt4 tS arrea a im t, on Haiurd*y, Jaaaarj 5D, at 7jn A, 1 W. Joeepta'aChufch, wbema iilfh Maw of^L qutofn wUl be offered tor tbe repownfhlsaoitl. IntermeDt la the Oenwtery ol the Holy eenuk chrt. *

901aVv>-0D Jannary if, 1M4. Benjamto L feed 6S ye«Mf and 4 taBOHUia

ItetotiTee and frieodt. also offleen and matiibera orPfolactto* L o te Ko, W. I, u. a P„ and Uar- ew Is. Ward-Peel no. tB. <1. A. B.. ere invlied 4dtatteEkd tbe Ibiifiml aerrtow from th* eu u i Preabrtertoo C^urrhCCeioniireeoon Sunday f t 140 P, M. BelailTff will meet ft bit lalf resideture, No. M Uafoa ■treet, a tl o'clock In. lermeat a t PnlroMmat Oeiretrry.

ATAkElLK,-~Oii Tborfday, Jfnuary | | Ijciul be lored w lfiof Frederick >U«ble.ft>d daitthter or Cart and CtariiitiDa Vrauta-unt, feed 3& year.*7 moDttai and f dayi.

Belatlvet ahd toteods, alao AUat l odge No, 44a K. and iw of H.pararerjr rtipwitoity tovlted to ittend i>er fhneml on Ruoday, January 31, at 3 oclo 'k P. If. from hrr laid rmlJMir'e, No. 40 Barclay atreH. Iiitormeot la Woodland Ome- lenr.

la J ^ t al the rat* nf 7A lenta per tOft. Uxad fceols aial caneaMm waated. J. T. KfALU, aJaniMr, Newark. N J. p. (». Hoz m Poraalo by B. hmiih. wtaolraaledruicfoi, W.T ltro»d K. 1

Vai al

WANTKTt-lJVAl, AND riKNKR*GKNIHIhr a drdck-aeUlnT paleui^ nOTvIly: 100 to

l&tatieroaNt. proJTt: good wiliKdtera can inakx from tICO to IMU a uirmth 1 territory fraita 1 write toe Hnilara, Jhe UKItJ ffOVKLTV CO., Li IT4, Uo* dnoatl.O. *

A fiKNi* AUK MAXlNa HUi H 'N«V HNU.. jng Ik ^ k l mucllaxo : aamMe lOceniA

M. A IJ. NOVKi/l V*iey» .N. J.

Uj MPAsNY, Box 130, UaU_________________ 14r

A (iKKT~llO(>Da>NT[UCr WIM, HKUIvyN ,/Y to a fln>t«taiM, honest aod <'apable xpailal a p ta t^ tb # JitfTUAL LiFK

. Boom 40. m aruMl St -UVK


Ao e n t h - u v k a c k n t ^ w h o Wa n t to make money. ZIMMKHkCAN A 1>AV£V, hooka, MAlloaery, moab*, au Broad m. 1

TIJllaL I’laFBK-WAsNTKD, YOCNO MAN jl fMpable of Alllof pnftlUon of MU and entry nerk. Addreeato own fcarnlwrltliig,I I'LKRK, Bo* D, Neaw offlee.

BOY-W ANTItaA UOnii BUY,teea yeara or ate, «o learo tlie manulkctureof

rtid Je**lfy> AddNAi

BOV _____loot mak lag.


* lag. Addr<HBIXiOLllAKER, Box E, Newsofflee.

_________ INBYBl^UTIONa



n>»*l) PL, Ks4 u n a ik opp. Uric* lUurtJi kik-

SIIOKTit.iNI) HCHOOLi J. K. u ao iN a R ita , is-

IJK .'IS PITMSN Akday and eTeaing. •troctor. Tie Broad tT

M*!P IKlAUDI.Vd a n d d a yachuol tor (trto 44 p .vkK p l , N «sM k.H ,J.

rpmafy, Academki aad CoUege rrm wraiarr Oto fartiikeoh. r-TOiw«XT wCircular* 00 anplfcauoa fla


R ^ PPN h taPl^PHIlBR IL IM.l a h M S X ' t o E S i ' ’” •* "M M “*

CftaJoguee upou anUloaUubtie dL A. WAunjkJfOk


QHOriTil AND AND t y p e w r it in g BCTHOOL O ofiheH om en’a f’hrtotlaa Aafe, 1*4 “ 'lemsinuderair. Appl< ................*after to ir«cb«r. I. criK’f at ecAeol * te tS A. M*. v

ENsTKUr. l i W rlcBi ik iTh




TIANJO,J.lthinanhaii 3t


UIHI CI.AKIUEL JEFPEAYj 9S. % ______________ f ;

IXA.VJi) nv NOrg in c KKT# A LBMON; IN-I J.lruinsiii, ftimUbni five tor la a m s

tlilX C H , IM aw lt.C IN dlSU Ajtli PIANO, BCttNTa A I.KWISI.O M d c 'u l.AUV, (wiri.r M, Bswark Pmtaffica i

J. J4AVMKW. PIANO AND V 'itonch Initructar. 37 BHOAO iT . I7p

IjaiU lK H 'S ...... ........lI l liiiiA lin l.; privals

liancInR, rl.<k4KM F ttn DANOIVO,

a ; all iKMin; i

aOYS WAKTRD TO RFU, ■ msbims)'. talHABKE7r<4T.


piLKIIK-W'AXTKD, YOPNH MAN WIIOOAN ....apsak O a rto a n .a n oUlis* sMlaia:it; on. hav- In iso iis knowlsdx* uf iiiA(Ulral Insursnsa and typewrlttna prafen-rtl. AdUrs a, staitnt w lsrf s i pstawl, PiA m a Nr .v t . Boa arViswa olH 77.|

F RBSCORR w a k t k o .1 B. W. rlER ,S47Ut. Pnnpsrtavs.

IN YEAlta; tn tba country.Ma n w a n t k ii- a d v a n c k i)

PMd boms. Iwbl work ; tn tba c_____1______ Addtaw WILUWO, Bax P, New. offlev.

MAN-WANTEU, AT 1JNC3 UNSIAHRIF^ man; undoratand. tbonnixu car* of borw,:

wlawr WHS.Ciudad,

to par moiiUi, board and num lo- Addrra. k,. Box 1,, Nawa oflica. i

"V^AINTRH WASTkD-OOOD PAt.NTKR FOR J iuatdf workt s l» papvr babcsr, NEW BClUs INtid, al l to svt. and ,N. stvrnui at. air

,1 f u t r o i , MAN FOR WJUSTBY PLACKAT • loldA H CIDAH bT. 1

WANTRD . BRinilT YOUNO MA.N OR woman with |5 woutUy lo cnnrnM nn anlcls u a i nlm«4 .alls liaslf.

1____________ I HAlLBOAD PI*. KSJI Orsbfs.

W A X TS.n-T nRE K YOU NO MK.N TO ■taro Moxmpby, dny or aranlux, tor partna- nsol pnilUoti on nUnkd. I^ lc u la ts

•at 130 UHOAU BT.

for cirsttisra,

Ml’, (i. IIAVH, TKACHRR (IP DtANClNO cisiw ml iWlioUit Hall, du Brand M, Mly i

• '" " " to Bw sduita, PaUtrdAr m om lnn cblldrsn ; prlvato IrusDn. at raaktaocp, H> BliUAu UT., upiKjalia C. H. H. station i aaod tor olicalai.4l)A

rnlnUkC-1|7MBHDtDEBT AND PAINTING LakBON, rad a r nr •n a ln r , al jnKOCNSCN'A AR’T HiKiUs, 47 Markai, naar Plana tlnaioaUad lUaups tin. Pina lax naJ pialilntdona. 1



A -BVll.lHNu I.OTB itxtoo FEPT . L J. PRIKIM. 74 aprlngamd ara 7d Door.• A—A —I HAVK PIIOPKKTIKll

AjannbnftoUn.In .vary ward of llireliy and will r i n

s. W. OKKHY, ;ao B ^ t . t i»|J

/ t a n i r boosj, Troem s iMtb. laiiuelrraiid all Im aiuTwntnt. ; to<*k 7 bomaa II., s ta r Hruau .1 bsian a room., wiisr and iww.r, only iim i.ITUi . t , nmr H (1 SVC,, T-m.idi Itnu-s. 17 :ftl ■ larni. nouih I4ib ii., disar mb a r t kiilIiH li only 34M If sold at oip-s. w i u .ia m a WARJ, 4 Arndainy s t , ,or. tir,..,d atp,DRRAL,IC, AT A B4H(UIX

How., I rooiM, .train bMt. Im to itn , on sum- m eraee.oorth of second «%««.: prltv UhUL <ui Md me me UHley. opeo umiUeP. m .

W. H. HOWK1 ^ rw . BKiOna field eital Mt ave\

F ob BAIsK 4 HKAP 'MAl.L JlOU^K a s d __ i«<- p r AVK. er.p

HOVai FOR HALR ok KXriUNfU lOr Aililrmt Jh \ k-. iiox p, N>wi olfloe,

lloriM lT AXJ>f40LtJ; hi}TUK Y Kit, iSttMittoE________ ___ evrOhutA


'ftaXAlx VSfTTATr. JW hantlug M ^ie 'ly .AeM fee.

iNUm-H MoiriiKI «AI.K • Foil

t43BoMth«t, fIJUO; l^A^outbI t , M.iw: Ai Aumh »l, f : .u i W tltome tTe.nfluAM: 7 \\t

■t. 147 !*ottth- 'd rMiuih I t : fT.WMj

„ „ I »‘*rk Ri,. iJT.ono: »>Dread •(.. fiA,3tin ; .1 May ri , (i,v*i iei<4,, for rqgf m )i*r TUontU): « Kaliteiul m . ..ran«f, jioolh <>rov*it.,|i&.l(RiiiUjio lor run; jTy Mr tm«ubr 43Fairf*i,tA>S()Us "

Ttavee houfoca hive gtuKl leaentR

Al40 the»L^olr>4 ) 0 lliiutfor IL 5YxlOO f t 'IragraugvJri.,ueir Ur.koIRi.. nuio: n ’ aitii a a ' alley to Uroxilflt: Ij3xnin74s ivnneylvaulaav t. 17x117 a . will! anv alley In rnir i^ ra ik te p)., oor l■vnaliylvallU are., ■ .'ikni,

Alaol-oft-OratotiM.. M»ivnm w , Anningtoa rt-aPolhl#* at, hixtwniu aw. aiul ]□ \Youilaiile,

r u R N i R i i r n h im )m s t o l e t s

n AlAlKVh ....... ................. .ilCkt lioMaekeepItig : f t f j .to, | a

. m PlMt.NlMlIKD Boosts Ftm * Air

Ittm iNKSS O P P O K T V H IT IE i.

U llsL t^r., l7-FUttNlMHW> ROOM-i, vate Otmlly. PBI‘

MrT Amifc rilD.ST BOOM, Bl’JTAm.K FOR Ide^ AddX Jiaro geatleitM^n. *


J IBKHTV IIT.,71-PIIHN1«1|«1> lUKiM.WlTII _ Jlisa i and all Iniprovamta-.a nl,

I FllEllTV ST, IJS -F I’H.Ms h k D LAIlilR I jfnm i roem tor Ugbt hotiarkeeplDf. Ur

Mv u ik h k y bt .7 T s7 - a n k a t lF V u r -nl ihe I ttkom tor ea# or tao men, oi- hmb and

un* : aleoa taaltroom. i

MriiUKHRY «T., IN, NFAll FAIK-KUH. niched rofMaetoreanUeiUHn : h«;itcJ, 274

MI LBKRRVKT. im F I'IIM nUKu roomh tor Itghi hn«Mkt«plog ; f t ft^o, f t lor

N'FW KT., M-ONK La HOK FrUMKllKD ^ room tor tltrht taeuHekevpJot, wltu bath tipKW KT.. 4P-JiAIUiF FUONT FI KXIhI U ^

I rrwai, llghi hoofleke^phig ; aleo •Uigic roamA 1

'4 CLINTON *1*

A GOLIiKN nrPim TiJNITY FOB A YOCBM ^ nhau or womaa with htetHoeIc a ea b a tto iM ^fi?l^ “ '•* Invaat irtotabUnhaJuiaatra. rapid advaeeeiD*nt In ttieprolHaietieaeer » n i ^ : lui-ntifaiiun noiiolLx] imoony niTwdlbDllffh a naw In w a .4. 10*4 ' ^

UOM \ Box K, NewtoiBce.


V nC EIaT KUHaNmilKD HOO-Va XL; bath; coaevoteArM.

■ I :

rlieaiL. 1» 'w il l ia m ht7

, taunwrand

c ; i i i : i '^ " r X v j i ^ 5 n r n ; \ i , : ; ‘ ' r i r i ^ ^partk-bliii aUdrow I Anil, floi X, Aewionlen, 1f N 'ilJ '‘>N, OR WOULD JOINI bualii4M tally In om,. paslnn bunlnma,

' Addnm IL, itox B, .N4« t tales.

M*t lilN lSTitH I’ iUPFNTF.II. WITH PntliR hiuidrsd dotlarjc enn niaks laffllr-avn dnllluk

a»w k, * allMW W anilKN ST., Uilrd tiaor. I'*1'^?'“ W ANTttI AR'IUT HR Addraot ". _ »«* N. N*waolIlfk

1>AHT.VKR WOUl.D U K k ' t T T n Vt o T S ? 1 adtta M<rvlM In wma bu.tnn.. that la MtontiA

Adilrnu l!.,x l a Mm s

MILK <iuarti


So i ' r i i T W K i.rn i st ,. m n r w t .y f it i . j - |» a h t n k ii w a n t k d w it h n x r H R sv inT nWitdraoin.: IniprorvmgaUipnvaialkinlly.Mr ! I llfki ai d aburt liourti a-sii .J. ■

"aai; inudiabia and lairt Add mm ' ___ K. r.. Bni o„ NawiOffidn,"groi'.'fCl MAN, WITH ItVI, I,v A NKW ARTL

I. d r, tb tba.i in Ibuoovniry. t : i H rw atk aww nntssd, tn lla l KKa N -'b, 4 h ‘' O i ^ mT " l .

SPni.'KlFIKLn AVX„ ♦»- FirRNlslIKU IIOOM with .lov.i fi.*i per werk.I fi.*i per week.rASlIJMITON NT.. »7l-W . ............................ ............ .. .

ninilMisd rno«.; b .it, haib an I tax k,

4drI.AltOK, NK'ELY.


W ANTKO-oNK on TW'Q IVIN.VFrTi.VU rnoini trlUiuul boanl: Rnsly ami coniftirtatjlv nirnisbed ; laa i In prlvais Iio'ise. AiLlmw, aiaiiiu

prliv. SIMIIUCK, Boi I), Nenaoltko ^


. E. I.kSUhskiva,778 Itmad M.

WHY PAYaeld tor 13 per

loU. F, BfliYKH,l2dSpr1iiffl*itUvtVlitga.

.airhffu an IPOtNyH AND ixyTl*aaia tor |3 |ifr month ; bouten exchanged tor 1) 011 oven-



o r



B^makeloaneor ahyatM aeiatttatlovnM pQa' ■ible ^tet, acMi In the qMtofeaat poaMble time. Ii yon de^re to borrow tnosey on bOMfebold faraL^ lure, planoe, borm , mgeea. earrf<«aa, warahouae rerelpu •ud oiber penenal pgo()ertj, de not. Itall to call on UI betore taakleg a loan. l 4>ana can ba tau'" ned a« long ae deMrad and Fayaaeoia can tat made In toll or In iiati, le autt the oonventoaoe of Ihe bor> rower, and any payneftt mad# iedoc?H tba coet of (arryitif the loan 1q proponlea lo tho amount of ibeiwymenL If y oew i^ a loM pieaetoali on oa,

NEWABV MORTOAOE l o a n COaa* Market M-, reacond floor).

(,*BruediL kwaIbniBad Ui^

I ta tip e rc e o L p e r Booth, leod for one year. filRhllAN, Pawnbroker, 10 Oedar i t ,

WATCHMAN^WANTKD, NIOHT WATCH man ; nioWtaava bad axparieiioe ■* watch- rogn.loa toctory and ttaoroufiiiy uodernaod the

pile of holler: m ie where and bow long employed In ja n poeltlfHi, amount of waget received aod age. AdtlrttB, wiua retoceeeea

Pv iA BOX *7, Newark. N. J.. --- -------- LEVER

-----oelytboeBaociiudnied wiib the leverdevloo need addrett p. L C., l ox X, Nea a odce.iftq'\70U K O MAN w a n t e d TO BITV X elevator: * ‘

H E L P W A N T B D -FK B fA tE 8a

V-d .^H O W TS VOUB OIRL? Wk"Sa VK • teliaMeeerventioa iMirliei. male and temali. tor any lutacUy: no.charge unltiw lulied with





rf yoa want andoeF le mwU er large amouqig, oh Afaun or leaf Ucoe. ou heuaahoid ftir.-iitum and plaoeL taoreea, wagoot, earrlo^i, warebouee re- oelpttor peraoaai pcwpeciy ef any kind, without reieoTBl or property tooBh yoofown pOMwieioci, we can eave you money by oor tomv on ioan^ of any amount from fgo to f l^ f l al very abort aotlioe, with­out pubiidly. Yea cm pay ifle moaey bi^k. la any amountayou wlati aadataoy tlm», mud each Day- meet made on ibe nrfncipnl mill reduce tbeooat of ihe loan in proporOoiL

itoftire money Meewbere call and aeo noand ren will dnd it greaDy to your ad%’anlaga.

NEW JERHEY* fiOAN CO,,740 Broad al.

Kami Oruiigv.HDfSF a n dA-JxiatNe iiA Hleuwowl ivn.; boiiee ciinlahie •

ruffOM, wain-, range and Jurtiow ; ha 43x130 j good liable : ttiert inarailemifed ; ildewiik flaned : po d lomtiun : prU'ef.vcnn. m aikit ll. Bl^Tie.R. w uRi II, U DOJi) ■{.. KaMt (irange. mill-IAhT ORANtiKrjlngJotflon Notil....Ibet freru ae desired i nrlcr. fin emey; only tiTB uiiniitiV •mlk from two rallroadiaad iirvetran. muiKA ll ------M Dodd at, XmalOntnjcv.

----- -KilH hALK, (MMID BUILD-I jlng Jotflon Nnrmnn xL. S2J feel deeii; a* trmnyR4.3 rmtii -k ...................a... . . .

>m two railroad! HITTlKllWOHTH,

■lAAnTORANLK .1 jehang* ^ F'»H HALK. OK WILL EX- i. „ Netarark cliy property, eletM t DulIdiNgm#, otirffr of WmlQiit H. end Horlngdale av t; IIUi IHl I', J. HHOVV.N, 7-7 Hronil t t Uq

w CARDOF yilASKS.ftlsiidxri. MIcItaarsT, M. t'. A.,Bi, t atrlck'a Allc

*■ klnitiMii In our aadpffliiiloa mt the loM of oor dexrsonand brother tf .^ * ^ ™ i* * * Botal IHbutis. MR. ANDMRS. WTBPmeS CAMJffKLL AND FAWILV

C0OK-O7R1, WXNTPD TO OO TO CHAN lont, H. J.itond pJala CDoV ; no w u l


IK> waahtug; good I

MONFY t o l o a n on BOr>iKUULD FURr oltiire, plaaoi, oigana and pemuiial properly

wlibeut remonU: partie* bonormbly dealt wlUi. miul cen make fep»meAi^ by InHtalmenia ■ all

onMc'".............. “ ■hudiiem itrlmiy conBdenllal. '('nil on F. W. CIIAWFDHU, reoin 3. m jnimd KUPlII A . Open evealage

NprlngrleLUQPftiNUFiitT.n. UNION rnu jfxY N. J . - nF arm formieor mat. i4 arree: new hoo^, T loomi louibulldlnga lugood omHiltloa; A No. I land. Addre«4tori J. -i WnOnnUKK NprInglMd, Ns J.

nrfi.DiNO IaOth a t bpo trw o o o , *1N. J., twetiiy ibnr mf|n toooi Newark ; I*nnn-

iyivmnla roid. near etailon : popelaUon Mb; iMMi' menuiahen. Ai*PLKbY.uFiMab.New Yofk,7flp

V lnrlaod.HAlsANCRONlAflY THEME,

♦ P ^ v7" Ibuys liHunre fruh and poultry ftanm Mp i. Wa ^ ^ H , Vineland, N. h


Fo r s a i.k- bix-room k o v r s , q t u n o E !value 44,0X1; will lell for |3,»» tn quick bortr.

Addfae. BAKiiAi.V, nifooict, oflios,cunofa, N. J.t


H OTKL- WANTKD, OK LINK OF D„ U AND W, K. R., a.innil (vninUT hoM I nbool lUBS l will alva In sschauxe Newark praporiF os bur for

ralh. WM. M hAlI.EY. HoaeTllMmulon, i t r


A A A. I HAVE i'HUPLHTIlEltTOUBNT sla ever, wai" oftbe clir and wlu m t taanook'

b tr S. W. Broad iL Wi

U rn tk C ln lnu P a id l a N nwark and T Ir in I tr To-dar b r M etrie o lU n n U fa Inn.'Co.Jokn M rln i^C tailB la |err tk, Ormnit'.'Si' | i ^ faibertnaoTM lt^H w B ^ 4LoraiM4 j , | u 4

c. P. Iff J ^iipt s ' ^s iW-lte-ID Market 41, am ar Halwr,

^ IRLK I'OGIRLA. OOOS ANB lid and waltnaa: refaifc ■ Mr. - J

Mo n e y l o a n e d o n pb r su n a l p k o p e i i .tx, JdanoA bunna and lUrflIturr In uea wlitiout

■emavar t all Uaelneautai-UF oiaHdeuitaL ik ll or

EAKTOHANOK^TO l.ET, IIODBERl 4 ROOMM, 11.'); 7 ro-inu, 311; 1 room., all Improvamanti.

eU: oiUsi KoueM and anartaieni, from t i l ua. (HIS R II. iiu TTRuWo RTII. Id Dodd a l, East


KUTfilKR SHOP TO LET, ID Ml'MtkX A V t _A pp l» lllloY T M T , iiT-

COUAR a n d tIONFKLTIONKRY s t o Af” •Hve nice lirln , roonia rejii 314 lUie li n hat-' (ala and will aiaiul InvMliaUon,

I lUlHKiiT lioorU .Tk) atnadntIJOILltR,

II Meohaolo al I/TIARLEH F. KILUUUN. 3 Ptl'VER;Ro o m s I'll l e t ,

pnveaienis well liihied. (io, S Yifitj/HNOT*T. inqulteof MAMCKI. W. GKKRY.Tia u m ior etMloeer eo tbe preaileea lairpiiuiie Na


STORK o n BAMX'N 111 LET: AIJ4 i TWO balla I'EMVHINaFlKLD AVK.,opp. WreliVl

^TO L » T - ~ ' ^





IT IB r d it a b l e f o r p r h t t k r , l a u n d r y


APTLY AT OFFICE OF RVBNIKa N1W8,U i M ARKET »T.h u a r d i k o .B* 2 * ^ ''-,*7 . CORNER WABHINGTON- nioelF ninithed Dost mnas, wUb board, biai aaui and t a i : ter on nodaiata t?}

m- w R in ib t a b l e BOOMa. wHh or wltiiiMi baatd; all coneealMika 17,

Ba n k ikomi;NT., n AlOOD BOARD. CHEERFULlahle boerd; oenvenlenewL Hen

BANX HT.,ltl-rUBNlHaED ROOM ; BATH ■ nret clam ^ermia labja_________________la ,

Board o* r or t w o g e n t l e m e n caI i bare d ritclaa board aad ItMaMi baal ,a a gain ; moilerite pnea 11 HTATE 8 t„ m t B nadI

P o l l MAIALA •,'u a l 3k7i ro.y, .no. i l k h iu k , CKterEk

•4-\*nuk Alej KlnUllng Wood cb*nfx „ Till*

Tehiphone U I, ^ rnruM KiLJr a ft. ava, and Latoyetteili

4 4 LAV DlA(40NAf. i\)A T AjfD y „ ■i I long or ihort iklat, luad* lo order tor ill. th Vk AHHi.VtiT »N " V. TAJ U>ll, IBf, next m oan Kqiial to any fto rual a nd veaL

Kk l IsKy iix k a v k . h im c H urL nixft kua boremovatl ln to ^ y e ; win anr»pt hMhMt bJ4

_____ *^J^_j"»MAnHKNA, na Urnad «.

U-Haiae Power Ujriifkl Batlnr (br laii. A Pbllllpe'i Btaba; p rk e |iix

Km m t

Ibqultanf PURLUiieil

Eveglnr Nawa aiBeanX K JKRMKV MILK OOW,g e n t l eIWWI mllkRF asmmie

irw iC K L irF flirc .CUW . _____

Mid good milker, very cheep.

?tAl-K-W VAUDK FINK UDOnCTTBtf-” : uarpeii and otlvlolb cheap i m kiU va:fJM ; UarlAFBtiTviW. EJ itaa. . .amta

P O RX' C jrpet.ljli

K w S l—lId!lta7Jl‘ ' FURNIMIING* in aJ well-eilebUxbed ami weU-equfpa^ boeidlne houae. urma mMonabla. AddiM 5 ________ _ BAh iia IK, bo* AeNewfoAloa,'^O K bALB—PLUbll DlVAN. #171: ARWlIftl

' __________ ^BEDFORD, II PIxM M.

IKtOLTABLE FOR BALK CUKAPi IN OOOD urdar, C K N -T ^ A V t a a d N E w A l t i r i S

OHOWCABK AEO OtlUNTKR roR S i L l T W lou», .UtatR m C H TEtU t Eau P u t I t I

T H U . • ‘-K iriud NUT OJAU^ J. e ere the ewoer* aeM artfliiatoe* of tii* w tocnou* No.] loblfh mod the hrai io betag thiealae'mlK3*” u ‘{I*' E **y? only large bard Pfog [miBKi. lU aa RoiaU Butinel, and when raem

teat m !toag, Ifnoi mui?b lemer, than larger de# ooaL 'iTiem I un til of riietofiieis who have bed tbl. ansi Sm-m .h.! luel

liver tIh, flv.- j;!?*?™*" h*** b»" t b U ^ ta w

f**** tartiiy ThleEiew alWIlld^vlwleUlparUofiaecilFalMo. IMe ‘ ' ** J.*"* *•" O' awre 3EM 'will ••ll aop ether .Na“ Lfc v s r l t i ^ ^ iWeri twhioh la nallw a a e r v a i i l Bull, M Irarnt at KM par ion. tan wiSld p S S r w ’ ta e n th h im beibn detiverj. CM u i l iw h re ttry our roni aad be oenvlnoed

(tr., M-FRONT ROOMS, flio table board. WITH


Draagv. i7q

■ddreen F C, EDW et lit^odaiaL, dav oi

I, ToumiplrtT HiiOg.


oNKY'fO LOA| m e In aijB. to .


____________P ^ E B T A K E R S .TOMUUABRlBKLKV.nrNklUL D IRK CT^

” . „ a n d e Mb a l m e r ,>74 Bco^ M. AIM 3nt-clM I.lvar/ ambit, X and 1 t la r M. Teiepboae iil '

T > JOYCE La t e w it h m e t r o p o l it a nJ k e l B M I ^ On.. uudeTi.ber, HI Bewee, i l

Ho u s e w o r k - w a n t e d , a g ir l fo r o g m -m t- biueewi i k, wAb relbreaai.


H o u s e w o r k -GIRL w a n t e d f o r o r n -eral booiewtitk. 4:4 HPHiNGFlELD AVE44r

H ovhkw grk- o e b m a n g ir l w a n t e d ;rabiaacei l a WASHINGTON BT. n r


ML'KhuN, "__BOlffr» flflf

« vvaa.- . - ---- Thi.4 >K UlMMIJWIO.-v KX-

^ 411

HOUHK8-TO LKT, la OAK flTe. KAHT OK- fugii. besR*, t mene, xtfbito toff* yeri nfid

.bragun nned, reut fifi ; flK 43 Oak #4. oaw taouf%7

uoBA W Foittrf)T„eiir,

S f j O Q a ifwnl. tn Mim tower; No ACrXD; all

\ PU LOAN Wr p3 i f i “ffSuh*{h,

Hn u A J t .i tn n s jl bouea, tKr llroad et,] evrry imprbveiiwntv i

M T Jv :x»A ^T aV|L

Broad HTs,tie.-FURXiiHXD m>OM)4 w m i__^Doanl: ^pro»»meujn; tenaainedefateL T?yCKxNTHE HTe, 1->PUlUnflMXn XQQMH WITlr

fatord : alio table bowit


|■ tLA V « T .,« . KRAR BflOAD-OOUD llUAHU V-wiiU (txDfbrtalile robme. .viqg'lOf.l’JtBtA «T., 7SS—FKOirr itUC'M, U'lTIf Vv'iKiarrt, tor i»o iCDtiemea: aleo oubi ajeuve room tor mad and with ; all toipravetiiatitx lOr

COURT HT., M-DE8IHABI.K FVKNIHIIKO room: roartnletieM; board; tbr isiiiliinaa. Mk

HI JKH'fLAMAN A 'NON, ooraae It. aad Fiellrerburaan ava

J i ’IANOB ANU UROANH F O E KALB.A L M ^ T NKW PIANOB a t H A R D ''T t i3 A pMc u ; F o a « . . „ r e j g ^ a j ^ ^ a e .

IJIG BAHIUINS IN dECOND-HAND PIAEOE J lau d o n aan a t WABIP,, Rmai »nd New i t

^ lO l'R T ST„ ta-rURNISHED ROOMS, WITH x,.baard; alao table iKHrd. iiq

, TERT DEMI HABLB ta p l i h e a l bedcooote; pip -at bouae re at Uf itween t aud 4 M R ct J

CtOUrfT Mf. ICtl. NiniLV __tIoenM, 3 HB Boanl 411 ImproyrniealaFURNldHED

a ?

HoUSK-TO LKT. A DESIRABLE 1100^4?^’ nine roemi, U Nelaoa pi, ; oiedeni and in fljrat- d au order. JnauM

m CH A HLB» n . DAVtH, TIT AtoOd i t


■anie.470 lu o i l ET., B4U M ukri at.

INAiTPARKST .I! BOaRIJ AND PLEASANT Ijrojnii; hail and f w 44


CARPETdoaratlow eilnricea ARTHUR L, OTTo, 117

tteimoni ava; orifrr- ......... .... ............. -


T ADBtrei'.

IM WASHINGTON ST.ADIIBt w a n t e d T tT w H frR ’ AT HOMk7

weaklr; BQ cauvaaalu,. Replp, with riamn FAN.NTEPELKSGK,gQUtli Beal. lad. 7iq

•iP J «Jv.FaV Food m o rtfirea tip e rcan l la aaiBi aad l«e pHtadata auii tbe borrower!; no 34n bmua or ootamliilaa m r ta d ; 3imi) loliuBOa

House to b r n t a t k in g s l a ND fo ror > laiaU IbBilllfa Apply to

UtOflOB F. DODD, 414 Bnad I t

i.AVtHO AND doar at loarnt piicea a r Ira by mall prumptlj- aiiciidei


a plant of theIn the eourie at T«ini, as the IdHJn writers •how, ttiia vtaw WBH aliih tly ffludifled Tho Corel cam e to be n g a r M e '•ea. which hardened into ah ____to tb e e It . The n a tu n liitii ot tbe ilx teentb and MVBnteeDth ren tn iie i were much of the •Bme m ind abou t i t The Kiwat Lord Bacon, in fata "BxpoijTtotit HoUtar? Touching the G row th o f Corel,” aagely obaervoir

“ In the aea, upon the am thweat o f fllritv, mnefa coral ta fouml. I t ii a submarine p la n t I t bo th no leaves: it b rancheth 01U37 w hen It ta tinder w ater; it ta soft and green of color, b u t be inu tarought in to tbe a ir i t bsoomalli h a n i and Shining red, as we see. I t ta Bald ab o to have a white berr? , b u t we And i t n o t b rought over w ith the 'coral. Be- like i t ta oast aw ay os notfalng w orth ; inquire be tte r of i t fo r the (ttacovery o f the na tu re of th e p la n t”__________ "w

W O M A N 'S P R O G R E S S .E a n k a l I t b n ^ n fuuud, and i t ta in At-

rioo. A travoUer In tho wilds of th e dark continent baa stumbled upon a negro tribe w h e n the men arc kept merely for their beauty and pane their dayi In Idlenere. Kor generations th e women have done th e work and bowed tho men. For generations these

.women have lawn fall of life. Intellectually and physlually, fneonaequonoe of thla prooere of development they are superior to the men,

MIm K atherine Uavts, who ahiiwed a t the OolumbtiMi Eiposltlon hew k family of Rve oonld be well fed on ttfly-four eents a day, la this w inter lecturing on household aconom l«,

. H w iBst^qatlon includes not ogly qooksryv

tatlon In the home.Women in England have n u d e adisU nat'

gain la G reat Britain for tbe closing p a n ot im t The bill giving them the right to vote a t parish (wun'ell elections sod to Iw voted for la niembers of such poaaed the House of Onm- molM even against the srlsh of Gladstone, l ^ e o ther sign o f progress is th a t the grating which walls off the women's gallery from the rest o f the House of Commons Is to be removed.

A friend of women writes th a t tliough little appears'publloly in th s Georgia papers about womeo's progreai, and espectallyahout vroman inffrage, there ta really a atrong foaling lu favor o f both among tlia women of th e ' Htate, The Georgia Woman Hnffnige Association sent pecnulaty a id to Colorado In the contest du r­ing the fall, and pecuniary aid Is w hat counts. The same helpful and sympathetic assoclaUan also sent money te Kansas to th e women In th e ir work there.

One of the la i t and grimmest educational strongholds iu tbe wurtd has a t length been captured by women. Ueidtibarg University hsa oonfernsd on Fraulein Wtudschled, a f tc r a brilllaat examihatlon, tbe full degree o f Ph. D. I t ta likely th a t Rnidelberg will soap be opened threnghoot to wemru.

Mtaa B a re .* . Pollard Itas ooiducted with the grPateat snooesa Tor nine yeara a farm a t Hngdale, Polk Connty, Minn. Hiss pollard does her own plongliing, planting and oultl- vatlng. In Order to kedreaaed suitably for bar work ahe w ean a bloomer costume In th e Held. S h t has proaperod so wall th a t she baa b«B abta latw y to add 130 acrea more to h er farm.


j j i k F o u r n o N or.PARTNxRBnip;ia heraby glvru that tea Pattaenhlp lataly

iabMi,gt>aiwsan Uorosllua Uakdavllle and W ,^" “4" nw"* “I M snntvllls* fate baSB ihta d u dlsaalrad Iff mutaal ceaaetl, AR oa«ta ewlte la tin aalil psrtasrililB o n to u wcalywl toy CerMIlua Maadevllla. aatl alt damaare •to w ui^B aratilp a it 14 hi piewntid to lilin for^Ttotod iaankky II, 1334,„ OOKNELIUB M ANDEyiLLE,•ta WM.J. OSRHOW.

C O, MINTON, MAMON AND RUtl.DKa a ^ r n a m cUtornt; chlmnryj bam and ra. pauaa i walla rsudrad and wbItoaaJ.

w _______ M U toT K iN N K Y ar. MtadinatoLf a m il y SHOK BTOHg-LADllCW

t^ k ld U t ^ touttow u ; Itdias’ hne khl Upped bji^B . 31 I t ; tadtor kid tipped larsd bluenera I1.M; mlawa' aprlng be*! kU Ho buiioa. eii centt: man ftMivEd 1 •cad, 41; novn't Ann Uc<k1 afKlcon-

|U a ; boTi* flea tookl.iecrtiix; ynuihx'nae w a^"*f » womaa‘1 pvtable button. 73 oenU* at

J( McKWNKY’S, m Piaae n*ef

WAlTRKN-i a n d UrRTAllW GIRL {(«Ta- tatod) wfliiilad I rcqqlrerl. Appur

twatn k A. M. and 8 R ii. «»tUlQlti4T. 47y

WARTRD-lADlKR AND OBNlLKMENr wa wlU pay joq #3 lo |13 per week to do iirici- ly tUHne work inr a t ; no caarnwlng' end ptoinpt

p trroea t ^•Dtleeif-addmitwienvirtopj'to LIRKK- l Y HUPPLV <^>IIPAN Y, HrMiODi Maw. CqqmiMHKRA-WANTKD, C ^ D TRIMMERS t end Under* Oil

Ilf T« K. OAHL3A' to TO., I&3 and 137 flommlt *t

WANTKD-HKVKHAL LADIBi OF UOOD^peatM oe tor Iidbiemptoriti#nL

d rp ly n tes t BROAD UT.


bntajo, vtoltn, numdelln, Kiiltnr, f nc^rdtoiif oeiwettlnfi, dnmi, munfoal I •triofa* ffuaa, tvvolvrri. xkalei. foot t»lla,

Mxltw fiovM. empty *nd loaded xbeU* n ^ MJlrfd|w at halt rifulnr prtcei ?

Go toFRANK ni.ASfli

133 MnlbvrrT,


Ba x r k - f ik s t -clahh wranti utuatioQ.

P H. DOUGLAS, Ka K^IRO# « the Donflat Banjo. Arm* r»ut-

Inr end flnt nxandoIJnx MuiUwl ln> Mritnent! of ■!] hlodt; cnxb or In-

^ilalBMnt!,. Bennlrlit r ipKUliy. JOnaofly of u r Rroad and a Uadar i4

■UJ^ATKKKh c u HL*D WHILK tot" w a it .;Oi-.t r ^ tejthon taapei'lilty ; arv)p evenloa*.

W5_______ MRri. L. WnaLIfi, W OrcliAfdT f f f P ^ S MU^lC flmKIE, t t BANKHT.-FDR

<'»HOAN tunltaf aod roiwlri; •etnblliliedlift. AddreeiGROhtJh; COLON, l5r

rF YOU i I a VE ELrCTflTC MO tor*, eltctiic ilfht dyiiimo^, vl*ctn>-

Tdatlne mneblne!*, eiecirlo hununr •lArms, electric anntmolxiors rieciHe lirbia, el«ctfH) bou! bell*. 10 r«p»ir, or Ifyou require el>€trlc MipiJlle* ufany kind, fo to

K1CHIX£1l A TORRIH.J3-13H KlnchaiiJc feL

Order* b.v mail will recetvo proiiMK ntientidn. I3>


BARKBKFXB-PO^rTION WA24TKDBV KX-perlatioed aloele oMn, with retorenore.

BAKKEKFKH, IM Front it.*p|KUO&^RNlQH,11 VKARA’ BXPKRXKNC^ Ah' ewit! po Itkin ea rellel clarfe ; bent pt refer- grote. Addreax W. ft.. Box Q> Ntwi olPce. I

J RW* LL K H -ar A FIRtaTvCLAHA If KCHANIC wtaoQodenrtuidM tbe mnoiiftaoiiirlnf of Jrwriry tooroufhlr, a Patton ; ndvertlrer utHlaretUTd*ai!]il

a *no dorlyn, take ctaanro of factory, elr.; Would tae a uarAit man lo a firm dMlrtn# a mao wtm u profidrnt M all bfjMCliMof ibalm d*: flrxi-claii* relereuoei. Addre-a

__________ ^HEMANe Box P* Kaw* otfr*.QALRHMAK-'JRHKAN (J7) WAJfT.V>Wl7 ^tloBaaealeaman orlnofiSoe; travelled forrevernl

tr to e^ llaa ibfoufb Krttorn part of the United btatei*. Addrew L K i'«, t t i New n ., cUt.jaUPKRfKTKSDKKT-lirTUATlON w I nTKO

n-orklDg euperlntendent oy a bright, eqerjreilt'. WHtina pereop; akllftil ipei’b a n l^ ' eniineor; noreufh meohxolc lu tiaa and oonatruclion of every

mwhloer*, tool* and interrhauf’ah e •PS’*n*#***» dyaarooB, etc-i woorav: , „ • --------- .-r*—ratoi, dyo

: Wpttleoca In UQdirn*i befn to eet n^qtbi.Wood, K 0, Bo)t S^ Jereey Ctly.7F

\tT i^ H M A lt-M A R a iK D MAN, *0. WANTHbeat wlWeiwea A<1-

M aiOORMaOK^^ A f (fiC BLKp'. . .Lpoeketbotika, mMonF loot baaI aod tnm ki o

rcpairtiif pn DfbiAD

Of our own mauuflwtaia;romtrtlj !it*Dded ta fin" eppoMla WMh

Mil t o n h . o r u e t , p o r m ph ly w it h llairtion Broa., of N* Y., ldb*f aodraniator ^f-l^tad^ !qnare uimI ifrrichl pUdox. oao*i

BtfoAD 81,, u floor, 31 NtoLrtoN FL

re.:.-- T.^:r-r” T wren v m nforOlWOi-^iOJiBPLUAL PuLlOlC. Box G, Nertnofllce.

WANTED AHTY nlCtatwatotamanta/aiMdal policeman.

Addrex* J., Rot i>t Nawx office.

Young eonUdx

and nlio iVowujrJily iwatmontof b o rw ; can rantitb tl'ret claw

re- -re MARKlKD, HAVING RAP«uarienre rta the iftvpry im]

illl?*” tiofomrJily acquainted_m____ v»» aaww * areaia suagBiffH IJIff* i.areiwtraStraaoi. andwaa k x p r RT, Box a , Wswaoinc*. l .7 ,

V I SAMUEL re EOIIh,AvJ • UTTaad iWCottimiroe nl,^•w Iron yard*, are prepared to call tor accip tronasl4»re.rey. ----------------- 7laiand matalar at mnrkttprioe^

V a i l p a r k k a Kp V A PK R -H A fim N G .

e m p l o y m e n t W A NTBO-FEM ALKM .

WISHEB TO PR O O tm ir'jrV rT l;- In or near Oranfo for a yoauf woman

iboroothly recwnmemi, •liiiera.i JJSi^lrtrntaild or a^ rhUd’k nwr*-'.

^F P ratU U L IW lvw AVK., NoMrnrlL I

A -A s-A .«lh( mu'


r Pii _ _______ _ . .kL O'ftKlLLs a Aoedatiiy *t., iwar flalwy

-- 1 WILL PAFKH ROOM. CKH** iln t^ a ld n a a d M iio l i border for t3.73: room

^Itta fo)(] patNirand b-lach border for rfooin three eenUa roll up; opru ovnilii^

OSi**.*^**!***^*^-^’**'*fAN ^<IRL WOULD iw i wIii!!55S?** cbAinbarmald and walirrei: pood retoteacw. oali m Bk l m u NT a VE. «r

W ^ K - w o m a n W>NT AsFfreahln^and Iroalni; lakataontonr

DIBBOL^tOV o r PAHTNKflHHtF-TKB P ^ M ^ j P hOTetflforeoxltolsf uoder the name

W O R K -w o m a n W'ANTB WORKjro out.

134 BLKECKBtt 8T.

ADAMlYfl BROOKLYN WALL FArKK HTOBK amf » .- I wtJl paper any foiPiiire room trllh aoU ba- DRWJMAKINO BY TJfK

jMrand wlt|« border, Inrludlna repalrloq; lSr»l.5lr ^ ** '“*"**'• J- M., • Itth ave. imWT and witl* border, Inrludlna repalrloq;. . . ^__ •^ we do firet-claaa painUhr ftaliiiox, kihfauiulJi-

Pi"WrUia and Uutfuc.«ou*»pertprKM u POitxl oard* for MmpiM, or call aiKrookjyii Wailpimer r-iore and •elect your popefop

• V T * 'rail line of cTiorre j»H r , m m *a bikpkt, ddu. tK itp aB b u M Sncretiu and tUea. Mlfiat teeortmtiqt m Btett. and at ffidSotpi

WaiiiMjet-faftokiiiof a by^ Ino free; o p f^T b^ itlM tftr'bj_w« r e l lp im {remloeDt a roil np (n ^ U fl bJX B Ilo rH ^ H JNeoratofi, Fapef Hiwriihi and Fainter*; ffpfKlxta work guarantetd ; 4e Hprlnvffald a%‘«3 Jiaar Hialt “*■ i7q

* 1 *W M AKRIL l a t b w it h *** would aooemmodato cm-

ball and party dre^are

^ BOX 43, W « t Oreo«e. N. J.

I A FAPRRED fo b ft, INCLUD-J A J n f (Mn«li bordor; told pap«r aod t>lnati j ooratr, f l 3U; enontta pa|M* end bordtr for I a roQo, Tio.: cold paper amt wtocU bi)rd«r, Q|L ftoi^ t dcaitre In tta* atato.

•“ 'H IOKOUKLY t o m f b t - wowaa wants a alluxUoa aa

ftaMUkSPi? “ f > ffnod ftmlly ; flnoreforeso** p k tP k M itTtipUpi. Addrew for three day«,

Bha. b r u w k LLi *• Blaacl[«r a t

’ OB >HG8 W. TONXOOKPANY,| l and 10 IflKW HT.. naxr B r ^ ,

Whlta bulkUctffs, bine x i|^

SIT-N D tc K ju tso N irr .1 j lU R U H o r T H E NEW y 01Ut WALLPAPJIK -•^•tora w III panar any a l» loams wua gold paPIr aid fuM tordMi tT a loom ; plaaM aMd n M il rectal gal a Hag, kataomlatag nod derOfatia£ll. UATlIuUH sjiia S|H ln gl^ a T f., Ktwatk, N. 1. 41)UROOXLYN;ANb NEW YOltK WALL PA-

A 3pw OQinblnaMaiB^PtaM* lalt* aaOre tlretl wAi f t a y ta ly ta i* Mom wllb gold napar tad wide ■Mtav ta rW eS reee i. and a l« ito liii« lam w Jw and stiisaijlniag m tk» ebasaret pttoai la lit

; o idan3Mahmt&■laiiidis ta by oailL •W J acoE LEVV, No. in Vraama at, Nawark.

l.ljAWPW_______ b.Ta3' u W !. i

lugalj* W V lJtE nT..3aaI.

t*;*?#., snmataauu, k d w a h o ABLACK, (TiiinaeKoMPLaw, room IU Prudential Butialof: tetopCMM Na. CM

f f ln ff UPWARD LOANED ON FURNITURE; 0 ^ * / n o removnl: prompt, prIvMa, reJIabk, low rHt**r eaRy reimyrnenu; oioiiey In twelve bourn’ poilie ; qpen evenlpo. KkJC K, 48i Broad •%. air

Q I ^ TO l o a n o n f u b n i -W.* Iv •PPl**Atinn to MU

^ A K T g P a

Gi» » IJ^ V jp p fa i^ -W A N T E D , TO LOAN, fifl.bou ou first bond and mortcace on Kprlm flrlri ive, property; flfHB on S lit botid and mart-

DWSC" > *L. na« ■priagStId ava. prop,any. lociairaSM Plaaeat. HB.^BV llouwa aid lot. tor aaw u naodarati prJova, dor^ a fk in v e s t m e n t s -

3LOI0.31AW, 31,404b t u n , 3M44, tu rn ran te placed on flrat-otaaa bond a id taartg.vge •#- curtly on proporty vaMh donbl* tha amount and mon by oxlllng on

CHAKLBS a . FtICK , Counaalloeat-uw,

TM Bsood at.

!___ ____________ LOAN, Box D, Newa offloa’**-''TKD O N H N A lTEsr

<70VFWtato: lOporcriiL; iiJiot •H nntv 1 Addraaa S on E Y,' f e 7 Y r « a « oiBn.


TO LET-ieBOOM HOVtIItu OOK-viitenl to Chasinul HL Depot; 3*7 a om atli.'

.14 MPLBkHby PL vuK.

GROVKHr.,M,HKAHlOIinTKnUBE-ROARD tar ganUainaa and wtto ar ganliemon ; |4 par

_______ S7q

n ILLBT, IS-TWO OB THREX LADIEBOR goaUamanfMebialn good board. 4st

n ouait TO l.ET -«MALL HOnsEiaAQOM a; rent3«. Inquire HI NICHOLS ST. 1


board. fnr^^ed ropna wtlb ot. without7o

110 LkT - Mu l h k r r y bt- , » , n k x h f a r k - laiwjk,nle*ly fornlibea rooms, with board; i*hi^

« room bouse, Oydrn siren 3 roum houw, Cdyeii s ire d ...... ...............12 room booie, Psrkk-r street...... .......t room bouse, Parker street....................IS room bous*3 Boyd»Mi siren.................10 room house, Waihinfioii avemte........13 room bouM, Do Draw aveuiie..... ........

Fim 8ALK.

board. Wp efU ay it TtUpboa* HI.V R W ' HT.. 2»-BOAnb F<m aKVTLKMKN,

where you can feel al houiu ; ptauu; bath......... tt VriCKLY FURNIHHED I V board; ImprovemeaUi.**■ h WAHUEN, m


ir WashinfloD *1r.M » /O L IV E R HT. T.3no V /a ea r (-hestuu «,000 «.0»

18,fi00 ,aa...-3 4,0004,one.... are IpMO..... .. 7Mt.....M LMR

• WApply loJ. WARD RMITB,

too Dread lUvei

12 room hoo*«* Chwinut s irre t........... ...10 rooDi h<iLu, Wall strvri............... ii?T-3 room house, Walnut «rt*et ........ ...............• room bouae,Hummer svHmir-................ .12 room house, Mi Proe|kr<-txvvDUe..............10 room house, Houih iiraaia*.........10 room baa*r>, Fini *lr*H..............12 room bouse, Clinton svrmis........mroom boeee, HtnUm avenor.......iSroomhouss, Qitltnian itrw t .12 room house, New Y<irk

. 141'DOARDKRH rhestout Street Depot


^RCM ARDHT.. n-PLKABANT ROOM, WITH V /beard ; all Improvemanto! oentrsl. Hq

P UCAMNT ftflOM TO RR.NT FOB TWO, with board and Improveneat*.

• _________ 34 e ig h t h a v e .TWO NICELY rURNlHllRD

heat, fsx, bath, iftrF l c m ®t .. . ___ ______iroM reemj;lwaf4 Ifflealred

Room* 7. SaindkMONTH NKW Iim'HK,3 KTOMd,

^ W atev s rv Improvi-msiit; Hank s t; cholna locatloD; open for IbHkfr’ilim Hatur'isy stiernoon, JTr OA'NKK. S3 rhestnutst,

n i s n i " ' S I - «-UKW »ABLB JIOOM, WITH board; atop loMa baaed. i-



DESIREB LAIMIK NICELY •'hkb'i' beard, in 3rM.

ctoill lyuttoa. AddMia, givhij pantouUr* and Mrma, flax K Mawi oBce. n r


T V a n t e dV r food ban

prelbr vlHiury of t-outh r>rmii#, or 'forrv’a Corners; stale ren t; mii*l b* rwaHudahJe for reliable

. flIX-ROOM C iTTAiiK. w it h food barn, about bslf aor« crniind, near street prelbr vlHiury of >-outh Ormi*#, or 'ferry

v irm H4LRr al ■’» per ren ____ _SddrrMttiLT EDGEADVE^TIrTn G AGe JINK .Market

-A FIRST MORTGAGE OF.> per ren t ea real estate e^uad at

tenant. Address V., 6U.i Hi-rjreo H-•1.900


B!BBOADtT,JOHN M. OWIMNKlL, ..............

IJ.IX) to 38.0110 DXPOEITU BY THE THIRD OF A.NY MONTH d r a w s i n t e r e s t FROM


HAMAOEinKnF*anK*Fot»R iKbwalDl.O loiEi.iK4JrnsoH.<.vE Ie „ ^ J V r i T r ‘^KaHBT Lasb.WlUltM H. Lbr Jons P. CoNTiau.Joax U. GtrixsgLi.J. A. LKUKUacUBE

H4M)Bpi AND KI.ATS TO I.KT.V.’ .- - -waatarAF* PARTMBNT^ TO LKT OF 3 o rfl KOOMNj

.x\|8 permodih, IMir llroail'ii; improvements; rent tore for January siid KshfUtry.Wq r. HMitil, 1717 HrundlL



A -A .—«*T, TA YTOB DKKt.C •ruttint school. The oftly

. Iboroufh and mcoeaifol *ystem in lure, 'Iba only one not a chart IhM yiolearn. rnplU niaks dress** } while learnlnf. jlaihe no mistaka

•am the beat Open day and fTtiv Inga Notioe a, t . T ^ier*- 8tl-6l*

ftroad eL, oppcMdto Triniiy chuinb.M. £ . CHm«TJ3;

CLtrrON a v k .. h3 t jiu e kroi./rooms to lei, wKh wau-r. A -M cDOWELI DKRm c u t t in g fl^JIIOOL ;

e ^ * taacli tbe •mtre art of Freoeta drvwmak-

F l a t to lkt , tnU Improvementh : sno ^pi ,

L, FKAN/.uLa U, 36 Sprtiif itcld sv3t.

w adsJL O m m

iJ .w * a a w a a u u r iv

■ntLAT _ ____A Sw th Orange av*.


HARVBT STEEL o a , Foi Ball Iff J .s . EIFFEL,

T CLINTON ST.Teierlion* **.


K a 741 BROAD ST.

N a w a rt i,N .j,ito e lM is ik i-n c t b e n t h d iv id e n d n o t ic e

Tbr Itoarrl ol M tnagm of Bm SagarUF S a r l u naiil Lav. llili day ( t ^ n d t a * ijS S S T S jJ J I W divWrml et th* rai# Of three pre oen*. pec aaaitm to al' dapotlwr* .mlUad Ihenio «a J u u x v ^ T re x . ..»Mr <m J«apiaiv m. 1144. 're iW F I.14SI

JiiS ix rSw U I draw1 synhlp on Jeiviary 20 IMd.

ijepnsiti made oa or Im ‘ tptpr«tat from January 1,


m lL L IA M LINN ALLEN * 0 0 ,

STOCK BHOKEmtBuy and toll awcEa hbada aad g n ta e s iw Jb.

«-h or on margliLIMHARKEPST.

Tattpbont 1«», Nawarit, . . M Sm iX M .J.nnAMCK o m o K

w.'tonal Bask BalldtagTriaphoni III C a r y . r w _ » .


. w a j h b e p .

,V*Ik«>tailta, ICmuttotresL

T ffOUBFwna.r ^ " f J'.f ” '- p.0U.N'D- BLUE BEYK T E S R iii ON M O I^r lg lr tW « i2 W ~ .* ^ “ “ l®‘ '’T l*"“ GERMAN r ro to .< .,« h lrilo w o rto to S ,T ,T ,” 3 ^ J J g ^• » gin Weald hka to aaitai with Rauaawork. aad paying .^ larltaaiaest Oau m u t S l SE• --------------- - nruOD aVK.. Kaaaonng*. — w^ sTOLEN UHIOKEIIS; FMoT e FROIa arty and pay tipaniaa. v « » v * gjnoF._______ JOU.VH. A D ll^ MSAsEidBaa e t «

FHANE. W7 R tiisn a t

X i t o S : : X 2 I ’*“ J * 0 « * » WANTS SITU A-x ;i non ta m m a; m tofca ebana of la lka t,''■ W H A iN jr .i to ii ia iM


KIm MX, im in t M'lUAR; 260 ^prluffiehl ave luiiutre

• • 7.V1

TO LKT, 2W KL«GKN HT., N M R Improvrcurat^. 70q

iLPk ffftf'.Wanil flij ]ier aiomb.. llq

lo f : «wcxb pupllt---------- --- ,ieartilnc ; leinopM day nr evening ; cmiioff audflt-

" .ty; Unlofs andpetier KATJt CKAWLKY.

Jioi a "pwWty; U t i ^ t p«ttori)>i,M3 Broad at

„fr.'j{TB--Tt7 LET, Bh A' wiek t t , t room.; 3« i

Fo u r IHXIH- TO LHT-Ul’PFll V.VItT OK bout* tS Atior «t. 1 miiilr* of.

Hr CyAHLEB PBKKMA.V, 11 .tradMiiy i t

Al l a r k iN viTK ii to c a l l a t o u itganolo* Taylor syitora

W e™ net oonnwted elOi any other H)-y. « IM Taylor twaum la Ortngo. Wt taav* no diorl, ofatiuai ineaaurennents. HtrtcUy from

KT, I « l 0f,i» i H i^w ay , Now York. sohoJari Mil make draaw taw aad aatlafitotory, No limit totnaona L. E DUNN, 314 Malu a t llu

,* « A * U N ,3144 GROaV tar 378, otbara propanUnauly low;

m ureaplaxioororinaj ‘“ w A ^ o l S . ^ S ^ S S - J f ';


A - t i i n N e w a r kiin--'--‘ “ - '

taw ttina „teW ilY re ita larrndtk a tall goorantot to koai Turm i.L

lataoitoit ALBKKT U TIFu F jM

inarkat, N ai l u to t i l i * , „ Atayg^tookofSi*t.atag4hon44 i

■rw,~ on kaad fbr lato or a r r la iw tawiM StoifcM prkHa: dia>tokt drtvain •

A BAROAIN - HOME,o agoabriatooM tli | n u a t ta

KAENESSApply a t t i y w i l

^ u e n o N b a l e o f

s t r e e t c a r HOMaoE At Ui4 CaBtfoara stohlaa

LIEOOLN ST., o r a n g e N. L, WSDNBIBa T, JANUARY 11. Iret AT IS E '4 _

nu good RotMi wQI ba offiirad tar aoto al aoettos," A guod ebanni to gal a good Uaiat chaap,


NUMSSn OF NEW AND] Vraa4ond-band carrlaf*4 and wagona Jar aato] ebaap. OLIVER HANUFAGTUKIMU 00^ foal ’CtAHHIAUEa-A


FOKHALRw-A good 1-HKATMD BOCKAWATe or will trads for good biiuy.

*r 2fll FKANKLIN AV*£, flloomnsldp N. / .

Hohmch- m u haJaK c h e a p , a f in k t b a mofarey horses, Aveyesri oM ; wnerneted M he­ld and kind In sli hanissi: oan be ua«l t l # ^sound and kind In all hanisi

er double, a 123 F JCRR Y BT.

Horhk and HLEKIHA.................................atalli let, at 40 Krualln sL

Ires. K. ll. w.'llUNKH.FOB BALE: AliYO

ln # lr e Ob prem-

, -bflCKAV^IaftTFrCKEH. CITY LIKE jvlHptlnffield ave. Hualaea*, dnuifbi and Work norees coollnualiy on baiw:

_______ - lor sale or eichaoc* at the lowini ^msrkrt prit*M; a foir trial fivea; sold with a geare ' anlee to be aa repreesnted or cash refunded.

P mVATK HALE OF lb COWhT 4 l lO R n ^ harneM and wagons and form iitsnslla, Inquire i JAC »H J. IIKHKU. Illy LiOfi Hotel. 323 Houlhy

orange eve., exeruior ut the saUts of Anton Ktrob- ’ grtuer. Hr

OLKIGIl f'Olt HAl.R, OR WILL EXCHAirGM. j jfo r hoire. fine two-seaUHl sleigb inadn by rtty tr, ' ctiei f i2ft,’rotKl KS new, price urwill eaebaon forn floe boif* miKabU- for laily to drive t will pajr

AddfMt 11, II., 1S0« 101, Ir^'lngtoa,4iP

som<- oaflli.I'uitnfftce.

WAOONK CARHIAOKH, HI.RItrilA, ROHB>Ci Blaitksts, Hslli In largn aseortrariiV, all stylee •. and kinds. Everything that goee to makea siyUsb j

lurouut; aleo hretoM for slelgUi and at Itbe rebOilldry ofHrn CHAb. GRUKE 237 and 3farkeUL'fTTAGONB-LIGHT aU-*fNlOKrt, U m rT flARi. T Y pentf r, t-nel BJid inaieu's wagons; also dump

earisc'tiean. FKANK LAKCHh* JW ML I'leesaal ate , nearilay. | i

CAMf WILL JlUV ONK OF TUB r t j iiKWHi tamlly or husliieNS rnarsA In tbe city (

van laake UiHr ewn dresesfi while 7 years aid, .13 hands til|h; euliable for grwery-i|hPlan. ni.Ismail. Ihrm. famtlv, riMMl purtxwM: I she will Ini warranted sound end kind tn slogla '

all nb- dees to I

liouhEe barness aud feurlw'S of}eiisand slaads wllbObt re-M*kA-«-ta:----—•I mlrmti't, also El-'' for a good Orearold sorrel iiisrsi •iiltsnr kind of mislnesfi; *old only on ao ouiiuttifbelngpavirur eoro; thU Is a dedaed bar^ gain ; 4 dari' irlai. Apply al

‘hjAKmkuiKTAfnxE, iH i^Diraiare.

VfONMOUTIf KT.. NKAK rr.INrtiN AVK, iYI.flal«: all Improvemenls; 7 and ri>omA

J. fl. hHAFKII, 4-:i uurlat.

1 \Hl<:HKMAKlI«G--flUrTS ILOU TtJ |lfi i KVKJf. J F tn f d m r , relume* ; atwing e x ^ n g e d tor goods, uoal or produost U FIoANB MT

S01IKR8RT BT., ISS-FIVK NICK H'KiM^ : fia l aquIreatJA). » ________ _ K

TO f.ier-IJf FOUHTKENTII VVAnH. fiNF- half block ftmu ( Union ava, Kfocond fiiior iii

private beuiH; 3 rooms and bath: a t riiiHlarn ku provemeiJis and evoryihtikg la perfeii uhlvr; i-ui- •neloii Ifobrusry L Addreie 4Sq F. A.. Bo* K. New ofllH #

LTriVlLKT-PAHTOF ItOUBK NO. PllOSl X it.41 reotQS; also ffo. H 3 ro m s : horns

busNaavr,«ioom*; buuw " "‘ '* ---------Fl•L. lOroonM, DAVID Rll

Ho. 43 North I.HVRnih LKY*4K>NH. .>>1

riYO LKT-tL 4. « ItOOMl^ NKAH ( KSMsK X MartieL Inquire COAL UFPlCK,8S Canid sL&ip

t t I I TO 114- f l a t t o LETTa 4 LaHo K C >■ Lreoin% stationary tobs. 4fl> UIOH HT.. vl• her AcadboiypJaaUor. qiq


Ac a d em y iti-rvBM jK fiK D for Mfbt heusskoepiog.


AHLlNdTOlf HT., 12- for light bouBekM^tng,

f u b n ib h e d HOOMS.• 37r

At l a n t ic bt^ K a i4, n e a h b r id g e mt.Nicely fornlsbed rooea, eniiabJe fbr 1 er 2 gso-

tlerasn; rlegMooDdbetL * m

Ba n k HT.p 82~rURKlBH£DI I ......................>iifbi booeslu^af-ROOMK FOU


_____________for^C U TTIN G BCRllOL THE ?aytor Hebool in tho G ra ii^ , and

H '3- -mTV (o rail and ltives‘Iks^ . smI h a v e t^ largeit branch retiooi m the L IIItnl i-laiej ; iitdlee need not foar sendla-i ihelr QsughWM where they win rsoelve proper ln%inio- Ilona MARY E. LYaNCHp Jtt and ^ Main sl Grange. Decker Bnltdlng. '_________________sa.

1111K TAYixm SCHOOL. t h k T iliI eft, moat reliable end ooly realTayltjr

I School In Newark, begins iIm new' yeflr with Incrrewed iecUltles for pleaslnv ti.e public at III, 173 and *75 Broad street,where thi> pupil Is tnorougbly lauglii lo gut by \X aud square, plain wahu,rlflnob bias, dari, bias under-arm French

whImI, Kugenl*, Herlln blotmea, donbl* dde body, tuple miJe body with Frencli bias, ooriMret I'lirK-eM May wrappers, I'rKu-ree dreares sn i ivih gowns. Kvrelng drveMi. plala and firncy •Ireves. uinlera, outside wraps, jisrkHSr double and htngle braaslod; ospsi, collare, fknry collarrttFt, atl for fl3: Nkfrti, plain aiHl drop-d, In leading slylse ; anti tenismbev w* give Uioprl'/liege of returning lor new points tor twu yvartfiv^*- Helsaobtbe TayJoia'*eiuiiliee waht, tliK only ulnciQ where you can learn, ll bftng Mad* Bnie'Uylur'sowq Invention ; buteng. boning, do- fil;.;tilae, Iluinhingof drsstae\. old pupils, by woora- «vi-r (nught, conllally Inviisd to review with Mbn Mlilei. 1‘etterjiscultoinea-iure. Agent* wanted. Kvi-rilngoliw-s. Notice number. TAYIjOH"it,ML r,;:) I'.rHid <iL. aad lu3 West FourlMDUi it,, Nsw Yi>rk llrauvual 323 Main sL* Urauge.


BACH RUYH A TWO-hRa T CAJL riage. Jockey carl and top buggy; also pew i

baroMs rli«p.S l O r l


i X t GS KTxVBH A CO., ?64-7H BROADBTi The largest I'ateol Ufliue la ihe Htate.

IJATfC.ST a n d JiHAIIGHTfNG O F F IC n o i , TllE>OlLtiW A G'O., 23 cnitluii RL luppiSsite lei> aa aw mi * ■■l•Hy3l Ala IU|4

V. M. C. A.) Nswarke N, J.;ail klirds of drsoghtlu : esMmivd neatly, kuvIl aa rnauhlue drawings, and any kind of dvsIgDiac for caUlnsuse. etn; soJIdiors g uf A mrrican and foreign pat<*nla : ea pens in patent' rases-, rit-icli, Germsii snd'* i-^nindlnavUn laa*

fiuages sppken : open Wednesda.T end Friday svere QgN until H o'clock ; prunipt aiientioD alwaya

1 ’ "TBM i.>

FREDERICK C. FRAENTTIftL kuooessor lo OampireU ± Oo.


i >ATKNT»-DKAKK A CG.tioJioUon of Amerhaa and Foreign Patento

Aitornsys In patent oasee iMfore the U. d. Oouna Machaoioalaad Klectrtunli Kuglaeere and Ezpert% UiPSUltai]tefrek.''7WBllGAi> nx. Thouidestew labtlsbed boue* In lbs male, Twenty-five yearfi eape-rtenoea Gormah spokeu. < _____ ■

1JATKNTK U. H. AND FURkI g n T obtalntd for all olaaNs of lavenllon,

UKNHY J. HILLKK (Uau Ot Crane dt MUI«u, j

eOD Broad Rtreet. Booms IMend SOI, Newark, S, I,

Broad bt.. e u - FuiufiflK ED f r o n t;------ -------------- ----------- - - -, rooon Am light benaekeepli^; eomfoeb^Hs. plrefiaot and

J3qIJRIKNTNALL Pla, „ ..........X Jftirelehed tooin: oedveniaaeei.

FtlONT a n d b a c kto

CENTRAL AVM. I-TW O NICELY ■lahtd roontt f nn# etivie room. FUR*

fiSrr ’lUNTOV BTa» If-FURNISKED ^•dqelfdet remR ftv houtekeepliMr'


I'lUNTON AT., 4T~flUtT l^lndy aodgenl;

rB o n ia N it iK A U


W S A N ir OT.»ta

' il*iB4a;*lao FNONT EGOK - FQH.TWO OEN- n» o * tar ItokC haaaakaaitiajL

144 w a a iu S o T S ira T .



w .;

M tU .h .fa . 1o I v iL jS n



* ? S f S i z : = E a 5 ! ! E E i :ijlOnNBHSD, TWO OR THRKk OONNIC7T-

H r DORN WILL BK AT ROME FOKQON» • iiiiuUeii on SalunUya only.

I_____ _____ 7ft BAaT K134WEY BT.

LADIIC4 WIMUNU PRlVATJEt NUKtJlNG, cunddenttul ireatment; doctor* lo atteodanet; 33 veare* esufrienev. ('all at

7to i®i KAi>nKH AVE.; take BepW Tronait oatoADIEH WlHlllNG PRIVATE NUftfllNQ, «L KUWAliD.opp. HilriinKrt.; eoaadenilaltc«ni*

m ent; tafonusdopl^ : doctor In attondanos. 71


Dr . IIOLMKM'24 HPJCCIFIO A flUAB AND \ positive cure for all fomale Irregutarlflea, *

Addrere 14S Camden it.; HoU'a »*»▼* Highoe | Cralral aw.; C. B. Hmllh. W Brood al.: Oolumblifl ; Pbermaoy, lilfli A^^tosiwk ave.,aodaUdrnggtola { Prtre.fl.

I ADUK-A FIlIFSn IN NEKD IS A raiK H D J ihIimL, If jo“ wuM a w U iM th«to4wt*alK

a d d n e ^ K WOM A.v.4 .MEO.HuHHlwltalo,N.Y.




MIDWIKK-riF-iiaAK MIDWIFE, WITH DL (ttoau; u jaar.' I'liariaaaa; womaa nunaS at

k n hont* ; 4**ryililu( quIoL ,tap I *1* e ig h t h a v e

HR A,i^OX33ITNKW‘‘ .H E A T m c S ,£ iN bMSand beaiKltmey M.

lamiMrado ciwlomsa in all branehee; w in aram: oomic tiitiM a specially : Rapid Traatic

lebouse. 7aUxrMAaV Arr*, cor. West

Cnr« all diseareeef theskla jmd bleotfk ecMitu retarrh In all IU forma, rednees of the aoet* and a blciuiihMoftbeflu*.lrevtnglt pureaa *A IgBuiL by vaporJslqgandetecirlctreatiMiit i

----------------- -.■■=&-ta— . > , ..g . r o ’Ab 1^ '

r KOFRMlOR OEYSEfl, MAMAOE AND,' medical elertrlcUy. M WEST KINNEY Wt, f Kipeclal oare to ladle* under electric ifeaUMal.

N B W A K K K V t a H y G m u * : Y . J A W ; A i < V 1 1 1 . I ’m .

^ o c n l n g r i c t u s .

tifrMkV, IXOI^T H0N0AY8.•Y m

______I« 1 S PiblisW iii c o n p l ,f tU >217 M AHKET 8TBBBT,

‘ R « w ariiy 1*(lU qi N*—Iff fjrtit mtiltr.]

■ * by in inyp>rt ofOi*ng**. H»m»bn. Kiirnv, Summ<J.

* ®*' *** » Btoomfiflidi wa alt

MnM ( mMth, TCtUg* <'•♦ ■ SiTigl* W o ^ Ctrntra m

tin etnU » w«fVtt-s e«M iin n «.

undtr h»tdr. of W»nt«d, T o Uk. Fof 8»l#. K»r»onJ, »tc., oin "I word, but no ch«^« leu tH»n l#n cent! «tdi inMrtioA


i .koiki.atitk.^W AT o r TMH NKXT '■ ■ NKnulONf

If tbo ten Demorr»tln Sonotor*, ttie ' GuyoTDori ttw Attorn«y,Goiief*l, Clerk In

p ^ r n r j . Allen L. McPermoU, tfenetory r — PomO'

lo*der» eocceed in their elTarU to E- the will of the people expreeeed »t

* ^ e polle by prerentlTig legleletion thie- j m , bow will It be ne*t yeerT If the

r i W le o f New Jereey by eny poeelbllity In the Tiew tbet It le the province

«fUw nine hold^>ver Democretlo Bene- _ , ,||pni And the one wen of their perty whom

heveiwom In to llmitthe number of Twfttriy elected Rrpnblloen Benetorewho

ID tW l h« ellowod to like their eeett, end If I Ei|nibltoiJie prefer to etey end e»l"t

, n s fefleUUon, rether tben be plundered t the rigfate ei>d power* (Ifen them by

feoplei bow wlU it be n«*t yeer t ^-Tbe*enetortwhoee tonne eiplre with

yew ere:i ilpHJilW Oit-M ltohoU B. Perkin*, D.

CArt Hat—Lemuel B. Miller, D.Oii-Wimem H. MnrtIn.D._X—Robert Adreln, D.John HInohItSk, D.

tHoMlekle, P.nt boIdKiver Benetot* who ir ffr ln t UBfier*)

nnel D. Holflnui, R./ D. WintoD, D.

^■EdwenlC. Btoket,B. tP b M r .P ,I B,HBilrm, R.

y t m * . D, attb, B,

., ______________letlo Oenetore endl* e e ld b # sH iH 6i d i e ell Ibe ecle ttHdlB t M r i ib r t to defrendthe I pf Mew J e * r ,e p t <f the rl(bt to ■eatbeTi of UBtllipeeH oiue, Mr. i of Wenren, nloiirbr thoee eleoted

,wonId no donbt be iwAgfn lieit ee ber. The b o ld w w ■■Mte next

^ that bwdt, would'•oM et o f foor .bllccBi end font Deneem te

« n e men who b u eoy reefwA foe (.WHfle of New Jereey doable that at

(3 l next fell theywIU pronoaDea ‘ iuadeainetlon of their a b e t

, i ^ » t k a Benete, their ecom for tUmey lecbnioel oxctteea for the orlm* tmre mede by Ite eDolotltto. But if

leaae were then eleeted In every Burlinfton, Cepe Hey, Hnnter-

Htddleeex, Peamlo end Uoieex, _ j 4er Demooret* In the hold-over bodyP ^ i^ t , eooordlno to the Attorney-Oen-

"jf*(Bd Governor, could etlll et their aet wiu end merclhii pUawrn, keep KArBeaetofe lawfully elaoted end,eo

I the SteU Beneto wei conoflrofd, ^ end deAeud the people o fI oMhe tweaty-one oonatiei of... ^ . .

; AltB, I f - t ie

politician eppeaHnc In that iheot may be tel dowoeeoompUmentery. Mr. Smith hee nielhode of hie own In the matter of lecurlntfdeidredewlei hedoeen't elwiye proceed wUh a braee bend or edyenoe with a beiiiier when he eterte out on a polltloel expedition. Mr. Smith la not elwey* enoceMful In hie metbode of etlll huntinf, but that U hie pre- Airred practice. So It heppene that the public would hive been In eom* nneor- tainly a« to hti poeltlon and oouree In ra- lullon to the clalmi of the DemocraUo boeece' ranipSonate had UiiollKwn for the Now York (lewepoper.A ThoHr'orW.aiwayi friendly, end never mekinir the niietok# of lutontlonally placlne Mr. Smith in e Wee poaltion, wltli evident approval and manyelgna of eihlbUlnf the power and tnfloenee of the Senator with Governor Werta, aeya to^lay:

AiiiloiwIuuulriM were made from oiileide w,,er wa. auy daiu!-r 'T IWl>,m.K-rallu wwkoultiii, .i.d r^„~mdtd by iwulu* a pvw-laiiuilluii *tutlio( llii'lrlixllton. Tiint tonrd down th.' ll»p«l>II™iu* wituewhauand lhfy*l»i>lwd » UtH" Uli- «lu'nUnvrrn..r\Vrrl.ri-M«-dtor*r»lvo tUu Iboo-Inu V reiwalrnm (iivitmund llial it liwl ""t t».vii PB-W'.I l>r ft (’onellluliftnal HvnaU-. 1 In' liiivtTnortlirnliiulftlftBwIth ™ 'ed H..|.ftlur Kiidlh, and ftfiur thftl he «nw « etilT asainel surrender lui any <>* 'he Hoiialiin.

Can It be potalble that thie ttetomeni la correctt la It true thel a United Stole* Senator li to be oherged with atlffen- Inc up the Governor afalnat the popular Senate t If U U true. Smith will have to abide by the record he ie makln«In thia matter. The people of New Jer- a n are weery of ihedaipotlam of bowlem, and the day of rackonlnc mnat eomo to boeeaa whether they be United Btolea Sen-a t o r i o r n o L ___ _________ _

The offer of the oapltailiti who arewlU- Int to venture building anunderground railroad In New York, If thecity will aecure them a loan of twice namuch more, hea again been prenented to tbe Bapld Tranait Commlaalon. 1 o accept It would re<iulre a con- Btitutlonnl amendmant. The project fa not for the city to directly furnlih the money, but to lend It* credit In an teeoe of flny-yaar three per cent, bond*, the city being eeouredby aSret mortgage on the road. If the railroad proved a eucoe** tha bonda would be paid, principal and In tercet, from Ita eamtngipuid tha ootnpany would ha tbe gainer by *o mueh a* the city'* credit had m^ntalnad the ertUng price of the bond* end make praoUcabl* tha low rate of Intereat. Withcnl the oltg credit twloe aa high a rate of Intereet would have to bt paW and then the Boat­ing of the bond* might not be tha eaeleat o f taekilD theeedaya Inwbleh people have enoh good reaeon to be oautlou* abonl iuoh InveetmenU. At the *em* Gme In lb* event of woe** the capital- Ivte who put In one-third of the eatlniated eoet of the roed will get out of It praellctlly all the proflt. In tha event of fkllnre the oHf will be out what It h u put In with tha prtTl- ! • ( • of ependlng more to mafca • euo- oeee. It le fhlr to *ay though that that Bteaeelty would come only In the event of forced forecloeure of tbe aortcege. Tbe projeotort promlee to Btoke up all the money needed for the promised conatmoUou above that gained by the eel* of the eity guarenteed bond*. Tb* question I* whether If the ettyeoniM ia the aohnne eo goad a one that tt ean wlsaly affhrd to lend it* credit, it would not be justllled after gotng BO tor In taking the one etep tortber and baUdiog and nanaglng the road. If It were not for the wliJepread dtitmet of the Bjnnletpal gowemment.Sand the welMounded feer that la Ito hands tha work would be mor* cxpeaitTe and leee prompt and HSetent thM In thowi of private partlii, the ascood plan would certainly obmmendtiaelf to any one who went toe enough to aerloBily entertain theflret. ______ . _________ _

The Itonoto ef "M >'''•• Orte"!**- Then Miirt Itwlf »••• ynelt-

Itcalliiwi uf lU llnulM Tililp.

A dlftlhisulthed I'wmihac tli* > ___ekii. rtotiilliillUlAAeAl leletedVtpA iv#*'ill' — ----County Her « i n«iuwt pivian'l thi>^>ml'm given below nu the legal a»|*v+" "f the nciia- turUI (IlltU'ulty wmling at Tmibsi. i ''n- talned lii Uiili *llver»ivo err »onw uh'v point*, mitobly the eraitcnllfui that niemli'm of tlie dwelou ol IMUS, nnilBV the t on«r | totlimal pmvlBQn wbli'h ihvlrrai that I Ihniw iimrt he the Judge of tho ijiiftlin-' cntlon* of it* own m«ul*r*, iiumot not tlvi.v , a-lvte up a* Ju<lg*B of the unallHc-Btloiiv o f ,Uie member* of tto Senate of l»4 . -All tlvH< net<ire ivKiipriirlug tb* Heiieto itf ISWnol'l-Ing mwBlkwtm mu«t flrrt he »'w>m 111. Th' ii ........... -----llKMluty Ilf [Whig on oeotratwl eaat* i»u.-.t 1 ike same advice to many a young

IIRIQHF WOHAV BASCHEBa.( allfcnilue Who lUve VtaeyaTd*. Or-

. henU amt Olive aad TIewer Sem e,y I'. VII the Hea Brawdeea Call.

■ Iio ynn kaow," mU a JeHrete vomig wKiiuiu tbeollHrd^, “ I believe 1 will go .Hit Wert and take up farmlag."

YouTVeil why Best letoUnever(towuUU

I kic], *u a* f bar* b*ea doing. I Uve in a tliir hall liedraui up four lllffate cf rtalra. Ui.r,i at my rtuSo I have threa lUglita to

i clliiilj. If I could get out In the country,I III.. Ill lU' opw elr and have the Inaplretiou ' Ilf dH.i liiplng a property of my own, 1 think 1 dioiild be wall iimde of a year f I Till' iiri'<i little artlrt I* only fine of a

imitiltudi'ig wotiwn who liave tiinwit tholr tbiiuglitH Uftvaril farming. Horace Greeley

,1,1 : "tin Wtwt, JWmg wen !" Seffladty

tw pmiFKideil with. The Idea that netthuv cf the two Uxlhe of Benatom now holding eeBlotil can tranwA Diiftiiuea la new, Thl* dellrmmce notahl* for It* diHpmelouatc muonlng end clear Inb-cpridatlon of tho coiMlltlonal (iroviHloni iHwrtng on tlw i*ii<i l e u fotlowii

The Attoniey-tlom'ral in hi* ojdnlou re­cently ileUverwl to the Governor In to libi rei|uert for a ileclulim « to whlcli of tliH contwallng bodlea it toe legal Heiwt* of thii Htat* ileterniinea, aiiKNig other tlinupi, tl»t the Heuateof New Jereey I* "a i-outluu-

' ■ - — ■ Ja douU true In theone Uidy." Thie — — ..............— -eeiiM that 'tliore b (iiiuler oniliiart eondl lloiu) alwaye e Senate of the State, or ratlwr tliat thrte are (under tbe name coudi- tioiwi alwaye Hmatore twiiahle of organliJiig ami traneactlug tha puhlU- liuejmwe. ter- taiuly. If member* of the Heiiste are annually etoded In aoeordau«« with the l.on- etltuUonnl provision, »uch imwt he the im t. But It I* obvious that contciigimcle* may ariee which would defeat \hl« nwiill. HufcC ), for liietauco, that from ai^ < lieell-

w or unmrtointy aa to the lime of iBkilng the i-l«-ll<m) no elerlloii will l« IwUl hi any year to fill nenatonal vacanclea occurring In til* regular onler of events, would tlie “hiild- over" Sennlom cnnstltiita the Senate of theHtntof MaiilfeaUy not, for tho lifnsUtuUoiiof Uh- Ktate declaim (article *, *cctlmi* 1 and t‘l that “ the Hifuate ahall Iw (iMnpewdof tile Hetuitor chiwwi from eeidi inmnly of the State, eleetwl hy tl«* legal voter* of the romitlfli rmtaiotlTely for three veara niul that "nwSKlwr* uf the Kenato ehalllie clw'toil yearly and every yeor on tlie lint TnuKlay after tbe flr»t ifowlay In Novetiv Ivr, * * • birt that tbe tlnie of holding nil'll electinn may be altered by the Iwgiile- ture." Hence it appear* that the cou»tltn- tloual Senate h cm compceeJ wS ig Senator* elected from a only <g the oountiie of, the nfate, hut from all It* eountie*. It may he admitted lliat thie plain rtaUment of tto Uiigtutge of the Con*UtntioQ upon tbe *ut>- j«it whli'h we ar* oonrtdarlng may lead to the coucltwlon ihat the «l*voti Kepuhllcuu SeliatoTH now forming a uapaMte biHly, m- thongh a majority, may not couatltute the Senate of tbe Slata, but» i» oquatly fatal to the claim (g 'tho niM Democratic “ hoW over*" who aammo to be «nch body. In e fullowlng necthsi of tbe *amt arttolo of the

' I'wwtitntlnn to which reference has beeu umde tt is decland that a " majority of each Home ehall coneUtute a uuoruii) to do buidn***'' It be* been con- tenilwl (end appmntW with much forcu] that thth luajority must be a malority of all tb* memlwr* of the Henata, regv^ly orgaa- ianl ami ready to do bnelnaiB. If uil* view. .. .. SRa

WdUmiLJti ]iri)|Nirtl<» to the population there are

i.riilHihly Iii'iro womrn mgagod In farminglu Ci.liUiriiia tiuni In any other State. The cH- mui.' iv favorahle to tb«n, and cmiftry life there iH .lllfereut from rural exhitonce any- ,v |„.iv eW- ill thin rtamtey. Ita cotntorta aro tiiAU-r, it* (ipi.rtuiiiUm larger, an. there b t.NHi of llic tcirililu i«Jati.H. which i. *iwh a ilielNwrteiiiiig future of ranch life 1» the mi.Mli, IV.vt, nr Uie nnrrowiwm of outlwk and petuuce. of deiaSsof farm hf* In thv

I),ie Ilf the woioen who have won fa w by til,' .lu-c* »f ll»‘lr agricultural ejperlmoutaH .Ml'* n « HhcpUenl. of

cultivator of L'alifnrulu ftnwcnj, • e a ^ b u l^pnlmx auil nniiuh*. Thun thwe U Ml^ Strung nl |Biu|HwplwikifainA and Mrs. K. K Utii'kiughiitiu of t ai-aville. Mm. Buit- liigliam i» II pMH'er woman fruit raiser, and hHMiPiliuhly mad.,** mm-h mniiey on bar VHliUiri' HH WIY WirtllttU 111 W# ntftt#.

Mii Uw.rjcvMi-Hi ldt', who ilvw Jo»l i* tnoUwr xuccptti fwl iw-lier. Mr".

tlie of wow to OnugU|i four U>vi, failn»rlw« *t Mlihi, Santa I'laia Valley and Betting it<«tlnfruit. She kiiew nothing of orihai^ng (which wvuia U. be tlw faUforai* ^ for tlie b.i.lttM*t, but energy and gowl leuw., liNuhi her au-eifwrt on all W * taiv iHTialhliig to fruit ralHliig. SU# md all

irown iiruiilug. Mm. McBride, who w « invali'l when «lie wen' to (.wf.>ruta, b

T o s e e A S Y M P H O N Y p la y e d b y a c h i ld - T h e

m o s t d i f f i c u l t m u s i c i s a s e a s y a s t h e e a s i e s t .

A a i n g e n i o u s m e c h a n i c a l a r r a i i g e i u e u t e x e ­

c u t e s t h e n o t e s . T h e p l a y e r g o v e r n s t h e t i m e

a n d e x p r e s s i o n . T h e S Y M P H O N Y i s a u

o r g a n , a n d c a n b e p l a y e d l ik e a n y o t h e r o r g a n

i n d e p e n d e n t o f t h e m e c h a n ic a l p a r t I t c a n b e

s e e n a n d t e s t e d a t o n r s to r e a t a u y t im e .

f l l B B ' S K i m f l A i S g



6 5 7 - 6 5 9 B R O A D S T R E E T .

Tht On// Thtftr* t t Prtm inntt in A* war*HR. K. ('. M IK K fL.. .Proprirtor andH antgwOOI„ W. M. MOKTON.......lUrtdtst Haiucar

UtujU. pricM* tBfi.y dOcL, Tte. uid ll.OQi.

T ffi & n M T e s r o r w o m n w o n n r t


. ENTEHTAINMENT,All th* now and rtartUD* ftaturm umdOMd

duiinN tho th » * nunth*^ mo at Unir't tho- atro. Vow York Cltir.XiXTII CKNTUltr MIRACLES

Next Week .HALVINL________________

iJMnmBEAlway*tha Boat AltracU ouat Fopnlar



Week BajlDBiDf lo D d if, J i n i i r ; fO.Mattne** Wadnoaday and Saturday.





lieorroct, noltborof the contomUiig la»B«htiHlaytlwiKcnate of -____ _ _ th* Htato. "'But alltbi* la of little Itnportono*. T te *«rioun uuMtion remain* how, under the CoDHtllutlon, can tha axlrting l« j» latlve Ohrtructlon ba ovaroomaf The Attomey-Geueral In hla opinion declare" that not only by the memoplal uaagw, but by the cimmuat law alftoUtag leghilntive birtltw, auY ™u.Uibite, HenatorW or o^w - w'ue, who h'lhl* a duly aocredltad certifleato of hi* election I* entitled on its p o ^ ta t iim tobeiworulntoomce, (ual that tbereulKinIm btK’ufooH A rutiintwf tbfr H onii to wiucd be *eem* to have beeu eloctod. It wouli^p-r r that noath(Wri>ttoln»lon woldberaartieu

Uw C'liuHtItuUou of the Htato be sp- ueakvlto. Paragraiilia aorUoo 4 a r t ^ 4

of thl» hulnmiHUt declare" that “each House shall l» the Jmlgepf the rloctka*. .rrtunu and uuallfli'atloti* of it* own niewlier*. Hunts th* inillvldual holding thu certiftote it el«d,lon Iiitist ftmt IwadmiMcd to membar- sblp In the Hmise to which he seenw to liavu bero elected Ijefoee any oUecUon 1« maila to the UH*Dtytion. What other m.'Oiiing can to given to iW t o S m , r f A id i i t o w a l iJ l ba th*

,HlJo(Sn*il«"iioil*; rtc.. | J « * own imvn-

- 'T r t H ' tM B NBBBV.IJmv* bann th* reap on* «* to ih> li*OK^n«’ Aid AMOoUtion—

^..^ nkODO having b«*ii •entribntod kfMid ont—tba need tbat inapired the

bant which It reprotonto 1* graatar,J i no diminution, nrtllftcitil InoreaM

. daatitntton, which l l mad* *o Ahd earn eat «n elfli>( to nltova.

Yk* *tr*am of contribntt|li* - has been •bMkad to? tbe time. AbMdy mo«t of

• tloh and liberal men Who * » rell*d aa th* malnttoy* Is movement* of

, bonevoleDco have made genaron* yjontributluna. L»«» wwrithy « * n have

daeitgeoetowlyililtii the oommttto*. too,':;iNid the modert gllto o f tmallax and of

* SBonymout contribnton .have k*lp*d to awcU tbe fund, though so t to the extent that they (bould have done.

There ate in tU i olty hundred* and tkoueanda qf men and women who have done nothing lor tht* oaute and can afford to give it their eympathy and their alA There are many who have already helped It along who odn afford to do more, and ■who would be eneonraged to do more If the movement wni a more general one.

.T here 1* «nab thing a* oanUglan In well doing, and tt U a oondlUoa which would be profitably developed In this direction.

In regard to the best mean* to prevent or retieve poverty there 1* diipute. One

, iaap deelrea protection, another, free Uede. One demand* freer aooc** to natnre'e meane and agencies of produp-

' tloh, another more generally dlfihied a praotloal Intelllgenoe, Mere and there a grim Holtbaalan with oonUdenoe neither in man no; In argue* thnt 11 la the excBiN of popalatlon that I* pi ewlnj upon the margin of safety and iobetatence. One would restrlot immigra­tion, another would Natlonaflie Industry and remove oompetltion, There be a thou­sand dooton with a tboiuand presorlp-

and among them all the patient trying to work out bla own recovery.But In th* presence of wont, in tbe ab- •eno* of th* poor privilege to work, when Indultrion* and able men and women are vainly eeeking employment with the wolf of hunger snapping at Ibelr weary heels, tbe time ho* come to abandon phllosophl- •Iclng for philanthropy, to meet want with practical kindnesa, to own the ties of human brotherhood and to do the duty of tbe present hour.

It ie the habit of iome people In tinies like theoc to crltlclxu church ^ d religious organlzatluna because they do not do a larger work. It Is fair to tay that congre­gations, as bodlea, and their member*, as iadlvldnali, like other sooielle* and other men, do many good dead*, known only within their own circles. There U probably not a church, not a society,Boorcoly a family, few men or women earning money, that do not do something for somebody, In some way, in a time like

Bnt one and all, we are too apt to lay tb our souls the flattering unction thnt o f the theory that a few paltry good deeds that we can scarce avoid doing, absolve M from other duties and nsponslbllitleA

If the good work that the Citizens’ Aid J^**oclaUon Is doing Is to cantinue it will

‘ be neoeesary for many orgonlzatlous and Individual* to take a more llhoral view of their dutitfi and obligations. It would be a good thing for churches, oodeUes, lUc

- emuplosWAof establishments that ore stHl qicviuciiv luuuv• * ' 4)(»*r»tioa and *or lnd|yhlpaJa:,l-ig'.J TWe eanse along prom^tly^ waj v^wti

.to Jollow Ifheir ox- tta tw lii give tfr tttw w fip

- kave already assisted In tbe movemsnt a new impetB* and 'encouragettunt to new

,j eSbirta and the lending o f additional aid.

■u mvaii'i wiufii PMir wwi.i -iiow A wf'll and womAO with A nimd

Mr*. JietmicHtotT, of Yuba City, Suttw County, IsNuotlH-r (utorprUlug ewiaii, wbo turmwl u> raui'hliig iilion bring left a widow. She ho. sixty ai-rw u( on hanl and vine- yard, and she knows all alwut pninl^' grafting, UuUllug, irlmrahig, and "hat la ilois- to vltir* or Irrea. Hhe has .been iu the businaw Hire* yvar*, ami p t^ u m ^It “ Just list sphere f.U' s w.manwho Uket tto couiitrv amt i« willing to give up soitvt of Uw trilbiig things ol life and go to work wltti a will.'

Mrs. Hliepherd, of Ventura, beW wito ueltiMir (W{4tAl uot exp(jH**nd*tt, but um built up ft flouriiihing ludiwt fttid doM ft Urge Wboleatle tmiilnrai with Eastern and tcrelgD tewlsmeo. Lart year Mr*. Hhe[ibonI ralsid StAOd puuuds uf the seed* of sweet peas akme.

Mn. Lucy Underwood M.-tJaoii, widow uf the late Jndge McCann, of Hanto Cm*, makes a eissrialty of small fruita, soch ss strawtorries, ra»i.bBrries and other*. Hhe sells *11 her fruit iu Sant* Crus, where it comnianibi the beat judee*. AnoHier woman rancher U Mr*. F r ^ 0 . Hiintiiw, of Cen- trevlUe, in AlaimsU County, Mr*. Bunt­ing's father woa a famous fruit grower, to It seeme.1 .[Ulto natural titat she should mak* e success of bw fine orchard of over forty acres. During ilia wstson she 1* coostontly in Uie orchard, picking, attending to tto shipiNUg, and seejiing a cirae watch on all the work. Telegraph ismuimal.atlon be- twtvn Imt oSIce atul the city keepa tor In­formed as to tto markets, to that she can take ailvantage of ovary rise In tto prioea,

Uttor Cailtonila women who have mode a sn.rees of agricultui'c ore Mrs. Emily Robe- sou, an olive grower of Auburn; Mr*. Kate Warfield, of Glen Ellen; Mr*. Brouki, of Palm Hprlugi, who has a house also In G*k- Und, and bring* down the sarlUat figs In market and tell* thmn at t.'venly-flve cent* a jKiund, an.1 thippol grapte to Chicago nn.1 sold them at tUU a to"; Mr*. Elim Hood, a Huwesuful wine gniqto; Mt*. fiariruUtot( of Han Mateo who rrtgw. dowers on tor IdO *cns and "ell* that* Af fancy price*, niri

.Mrs, WlrttG'H, wiio' fco» s targe rose ranch near Los Gatos.


W ish it distinctly underatood that they are doing better by the people in

EASY TERMS AND LOW PRICESThan previous to the hard times, notwHhsUnding w m e o f ou r competitors arc sellinK exclusively for cash at the old pncea I< o r r p e t s , Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits, Bedding and Stoves and all kinds o f Household Fur­nishings, you can do better at our store m tenns and p n ew than any other house in the trade. Please give us a call-and be convinced.

Storage Building.One room after another being taken is what is filling up our new Storage

Building at

8 8 BANK STREET.F u rn itu re M oved a t Ileason ab le R a tea

T E L E P H O N E 6 8 0 .

AMOS H. WH HORN «'*7 8 l i r U l Stresl, I j i n s t PIibj Strut, l e i u i t , H. I-


Week roimnenriog Moadayjso. U, Matin*** Tuesday, Thundsy v id Katurday.

Prices lA fit, M sqd Ifl caata. TELEPHONE Wa.

Gss H ill's lO R U ) OF lOfBLTIES.Week comnuinring Jso. ■ —WJNDON TH C.

ATKK (D M P A NY, ________ _

"the CHIRITY COHCERT.Under tto paironag* of more tUau forty *ocl-

cty Itidlee, vvlU ba givsn at Ito E 8 8 1 £ X L Y C K U - M ,

W ED N ESD AY ETR., X A H O A B YSl, 18* 4, AT a o'CumK.

Mrs. Frank 1- Nsaly, flopnujoi, Mr. Otto (LMrs. Frank I- Nsaly, floprwDOi Mr. Otto & gchtll, v io lin : Mr. WUIloin Pinnlagtoo, tori- tone; tto Hatton Mol* Quartette; tto Utile Dulce BaiUo a * b . and th . Polymnlan BaOt«|y ofRotoVlUa. Franh L. eaaly. condne^.

TickeU It. For tola at Holstooif'* and L 3d. Ward’*. _______m

t BK HAD ATIf tnftlLlRI Cftt•vw _ -w-w. j-ii Aftlaftiy liiift

iijTy, Itugh” a«'lia Otor^ 0 V *“ 1 o'***? • " ! idirr a chele* protraauas of mailnWBtal aad

a Drop la aX tay tou t Miwesa * sadran.--fOiukctlJO.F ull firni-xt. itrirm o*. "cbvbtrb row

Hall." Iti llotov stiHi, nuBdur *nee*eo*ttn4 «»oln*a A T'J* tfolooa. PUIM Marito H*m .X

sad asaoctate pts<o>* »od Iss^ rs ^*h *h«r wli- ■WHS tmm J.iwy Cliy aad rttot elU** wtu b* prw»nt. ... ________*

Of th* ipfctat *x»ininmwbi> have b**a ■ppointed to *«aroh tor e»*e» otpaoMon frond*, the State of Alabama aupplle* eight, While MoMWohuaetU tUrniehe* one, GaoTfhi ftirn1»he* »lx •pdolal examiner* and Connecticut one, Kentooky nine and Malna ftmr, HtaolHlppl *ix and Minne­sota one, Loultions furnisbti three, South Csrolhia four, Texas nine, Virginia eleven, Tatine**** nine, North Carolina »even end Arkania* two. In contrast wRb these State*, which wer* on the ride of the re- balllon.aretbe following loyal ones: Rhode Island, one; Wlsoonsln, two; New Jersey, five! Nebroiks, three; Iowgg,,«ix; Colo­rado, one; California, four, As pen­sion examiners a number ol obysloinns who served os tnrgeoDstn tbeConfederste Army btve been appointed. It Is possible that they and tbs other men, Southern men, appointed to plocasln this peculiar service moy do their duty fairly and prop­erly, but for sll that there sre reason* against such appointment*. Oneofthew reasons, to speak of none Involving harsh­er judgment, is that even If these men do good work the ftot of their sympathies and location dlsoredit* It and places their appointing power on the defensive. There are In tbe country et;ough men whose sympathls* were on tbe Union side to attend to this business.

Tho report of Secretary Tteodore Moss, of the New York Board of Electrical Control, shows tbe length of tho metro- polls’ conduits to be 1,607 rolteA In these conduits -*■ mllMof telephone end telegraph wires and 1,800 miles of wire* for

.lighting (lurposes, with which about 6,760 arc light* and 268,000 Incan­descent lamp* are connected, Of course tha reel objection to them is their ccet, but the day la not far distent, U Is uonS- dently predicted, when their construction and mointenanco will be more economical than overhead wires—even In Newark.

Lift MUST and WILL to sold to^BoneW, Moedoy and tto next (tv* Mys. Tlme’snp, sod that gr ea t bankrupt SALE el Flo*t.'loihlng at lM-181 Multorrv StnwA, oorner of Moikst Btreel, Newark, N. J., will vm u to over. T to creditor* want their niposy. Epor- roon* socrlflces made in order Ie dispose of tto etoek. IrnmcM* crowd* at this lole o’rari' “ sy. Hurry. If you want a Rert Bargain. Kvery- thina aelliDx very tort. If you wont » m * of these barnuiB you must come AT ONCE W you’ll be too tale. Goods at une-fonrih ttotr original value. Clothing at your own pries,

ifto, ■ ■ '■ --------------------

DMA Offftrt’w WWtlOll hi 68rh rftiW. I HUT© bD iu> dmM iloppow l^OtfVBrnor iM called a special oeariou of the Hcnato for De­cember l.riaat, and the (Tedmtial* of

coDttfttioK (’andiiwtifti lii^ Interpowd • m. UpRld tho rilBBte p«|* fPOtotto q t ^

■ tM ewk 1*(*4* ‘# S feiK vlou *^ the new roBmBt'ra," and the meiulisr* electol or claiming to have been elei'tol last fall were not niwnher* of that

t E« (n"» presented 1* the ordinary one with which lu our mnniclpal affair* we are entirely familiar. Under ^ foinmim foum-ll of tto c ity la maii* toe ran- viwlttg board, a# to the Aldermen and other elwtive omi-era. From * convaw of the ri> turn* It dw'lnre* that certain wniUdatea to™ Iwen e1« t«d. Uppoalwt condiilata prot»l And Wimt, by U w and fOitom follow* T The protest 1* n-torrwl to the iBcomlnK CMncll,w hichbvth .chariarl*also 'leejuvd to totbe Juilge of t to election, etc., oftone fhc candidate hoWlng the .u-rtlfl^teU uii tbe oi'ijantsatiaii of t o new co ^ ril,Srorn into omoe and t b w e ^ r the qu ^ loua* to tbe foi-t of elertlcm Utbrt i'lmiioil ilelenninw irho if* ***

^*TldIriirirf reference to t o Constitution of the Wale con lend to but OD* concliutlon, apdt L 1- tto t th* •• b o l d o w ’’.»'rat« and Repubt^no, ?without uuestion t o iveitotUlnof the uwly (iIwImI Senator*, admit tlH-touate of t o Rtota, and to rcrite r , if a contort to im to a sto t o e J to t io n ^ y tor so admitted, Inveatigato hi* t w ami b*- cidett fairly and impa^ally. Such I* t o onto .-ourself t o CouaUtutlon to rnganbrt 0* the tiindomesitAl Uw. But no sj-hemo to eiitran should be permitted. In view of the act J of t o t o l ^ S ^ t U few to ra


Mesrral Fehita fo» B**I>Jm*tJ. »*a» HayII. o f r»« to Them.

Uharle* Dudley Warner t« Harper’s In thli era it trace sb t o waters, when

the irttive# of t o world mert only for con>- petitive i-eviews, why should that virile ad­junct of t o sre power of Great Britain, who bres his atiiitea and throws bisGrrek fire " At th* Wpi of t o Hhip ” in Xongmoa* Afapostae, stir up non-coi»b*taut* by at- temiitiiist to (ft« ** AUlcritwnlsni* ?“ Axdrew ]jmg 1* Jurtly admired for hUjood Eqgtob. Doubtless be muM toe “ Brltithlinn* " W he chow, but he almost never does. Why, ttoivfora. ihould be attempt tbe unfamUlor and more dlfflciitt “ Atuerii'animnsr

And yet be wrote rea>ntly, speaking of wbat our Congress In 1778 ceHed “ the la»- gtmgc of the Unltal States," as foUowi, to • u . “ But must our rtatwmeu aiblrem tbe

Bay, ‘in tlie luiigusg* of thewit; — President,

J i -1 BTU 'rKNKD HV IDUTK.' Th* New York World, or rather tbe Hie# J M*ey vf UiatpnbitMtion, is

tie be more (ban friendly toUnlled ll#P* A nyexpito

i t Is to be hoped that Senator D tly wilt give Senator Bradley the names o f the alleged Monmouth County voters who want to have the founder o f Asbury P ark kep t out of his seat In the Senate. In tbe great historical work which Mr. Bradley is compiling It Is natural that h e. should desire to iucorporate all tbe (bets abonl these names and records. Th e ebanoe* arc that the ohspde' devoted to them would bo one o f the most intereattng in the b o o k ._______ __________

It la reported that tho United B ta to entter Corwin trleil so hard to boot th * rooord from Hawaii that she dam aged her hollers, overstrained her bull, ii leaking, and will have to undergo extended re- poire. Then, after It all, shu brought euoh news that the Administration must have felt like giving her a sorry welcome.

I t is not generally known th a t much o f the old M illerite failh e llj t* In there days,

^ ~ ';rse y Oemooratlo bosses arecertainly noting as i f they expected the world to come to an end before the first Tneeday after the first Monday In next NovembcL_______

Disappointed about tbe result o f an In­dictment iDund on its complpint. against ;N^lfrJ-..R«m r; -jvpon y.’w a BoUto,;* Spring* Tpwiuhip C o m m ltto 1* doing a ll timt It can to keep Prosec.uto (^m pbell, o i^ r in D Cotratyi In hob w i t t r . '

The true magnanimity o f th e Republi­can President o f the State Senate o f N ew jersey I* shown hy the considerate treat-

: ment that ho hai given Adroln and Daly In making up the Banate. oommltteea.

ririlmlM to be t o Hsmalcof Urn State, the l iv e n Tlapubltaan lto a b .r* now standing m art receive rreponalhle bssuraucratlub* If thfiT AlHily th® Heuftte l.hatnb^r ftU ^ I W n g p w V l y ncrrwm «lcr^en-

llaln of election *b*U be adinltt^ to mrnitoic ildpirndtole therw fter toCoUHtituticq ofthe^State statil he

dmlaUtn. «IW XtXVLVO A‘*IIS H /rriMU-nl»1)to tidVeiA *0 (ow* ficJttfrtHtr*.


No o th er F o r t ^ ToboMO KaU Into the W in as T h I. Doc*.

From H*rp«r'» Weekly.The use of dgarettan la not merely t o use

of tobacco, IV1* a ' ’1™ by Itself, la refonna- tories where t o cure of the o|dmu, alcohol and oigarrtto bahlto is a ImsiuesH, clgaretto iw tteto are not iw trlcted from smoklug clsart or pltiee, which are regarded as com- paretiw ly haniilwB. The clKaiotte works a gnerial evil of It* own which prlsu-co iu other fonm doeanot effect. This evil reault may he due to drugs, or to tire paiwr wrapper*, or to th® f w t that the Hiimko oF cigftnstt** i* ai- meet always Inlialci! into the lungs, while cigar smoke 1* not. As to that let t o ex­perts decide; als'iit t o fact of t o effect there Is no doubt, ami un dearth of ovldenro. No other form of tobacco eot* Into t o willss clgereltes do. , j , .

The nilult moii ran canY ™ deol of TMlson of oue kind and. a im tor' w ito u t dis­aster. ami his diitlw Uilng fixwl, aral hi* will forniol, he I* usually able to muke ^ view Bnl)SKrvU.'iit to his ima-e linpoi-tant <*ll- gstlun*. And so It luipiien* tiiat It I* a matter of constant oliseryalUm In clubs, and where- ever Ibei'o arc IntcUlgcnt men who allow thcuisclveAill t o creature indulgences that they dare, that these eiperletK'Oil perwnt are conutautiy "swearing off cigarette* for haiger or Hliorwr po^lod^ and sm okln^lgar*Insteoil. The cigarette fetter lierina to galland they Hing It off. But y o n n g ^ -s do n.rt

T1-... have nut discretion enongh(or Ijus thing,'outl, for anothor. dg*«h)0 luuch for toiH, and cannot bo sui-reptltioiisly in a spare inonimt. It is t o Infernal cheapuee* of the o^taroto and Its ml*I.tabllity -“t «school-hoy’s callow Intemgesicc.

Uiuteil States ?' They would Irritato him ft Om I if («UtNl blui 'okl hoMf’ vad

ujtketl hlui if ‘ he fel< iikf brandy and wmtnr,’ iir told l\im that be had * lunar timcki* about the si'ab.” No, we xhinild noi idrlaft

iitatiAitlut) to uiK) tliat Umgnftfe to the Fj'rtiitiflnt of tlie United Kutei, boweTer Itmlght relieve their fwlluBH for th* mc ment to ilrtip Into iIaiis:, not liecftuae Itwoakl irritate the Pn itlenh Imt leeauM micfa ftdl^ courtesy would ininre the rf^mtatiott of the

' Kur ihuuld atlvise an Amerl*can attemiit a ' BHUtbutitand «Wrmi thu (Jnu4*n or Unmi Britain and tho Emprew luilia aa “The Widow,'* mnu sav to her " I ‘uxinM t ’ you look ‘seedy.’"

!tf an Eu((litih Rtatetmuin, iiiirtnieteil In Americeu wuy« and (i>urtusii'e “ At the Blftt of the Hliia” railed the I’n'nldent oldhoi*. be might Ui understood, althoii|rh b* would nat bu resjMN’teil; Imt if hctold him that he “ ^ 1 th(* ‘ iimer Uar’k#' almut the eMdi," ^ woukl be wlthiT understfKKi not reepeeted. To use Use woid “ irai'k ’’ about the eeftle might he mbb*adln|( a# to the nature of that a^nal. But If the 4t«t4«unan iu e spirit w couueHHion tn u fori'lsii tongue* told Prrtildi'ut that he “ Uajl tho Mneidft truA ■lKJuttbow»ftlK,‘' thut dipl'iiimtlc joculftrig would doubtU'itis In* forgiven, and not be tniule tlw Kubject of mtcmatiouftl corre- Auomleiui . Andlhi* Ntatwiinou would ow hiA Hafety frnin rjiilculc to tlie faot that he had-not leanuMl hix ■’ Amcricftotem*” w “ the Sign of fho Hhip."


AdinlttMl ThHt Iln Couldn’ t Telt r.ditfir How to Him Ills Fftper*

From the WiLslihigtou“ It irii‘Un-il to tm the nianaer to

which tbeiw newHiapt rH are nm," Mtid the mnu in thr Mimkhig car. on he took atf hU gloHAch and let his i)a|wr ilrop ftoroto hie kueea,

Tho man who nuxt to him had one lock of hair—nil oawi in u dceert of scalp—which isc epent most dr hit tiim' in ainoofchiuf

“ I ‘MiMEU',” [w wiui, Kluwly* “ that you could ffivi* Viu iiU

Tni surii of it, I 'oiiliUi’t yott f" don't think I nmlil.’' you iin'ftii tn nay tliat youcouldnt

tell the editor hnw tf> nm hl« paperf’ ex clatuuMi thu kic-kur in a tonetbfUhadabicdute difnnay in it.

■ ' I do, IikIbbI," re|ili«l tlie man with t o oasHearn«Kll)-.

“ Well—I niMt tay tUcro oronotmanyHkeyou."

TBA1T4 o r COTOTKO.It b Only When Fam lshlag th at They WIH

Altoefe lUosts or Mra.From the Virginia (Xev.) Entorpriae.

N«or FUireoca, Ari, recently, a man t o ottoctol by a tingle ccyoto, and koJ gr«t dlftirnlty In baatio* t o animal off. It la a very nnuatial thing lor a singl* coyote to at­tack s man, sa t o y are of a cowardly, siisak- lug nature, but when in large bande and faniiithed with hmigor, they are a in so f^ fierce as wolves, floveral years ftgo a r o ­dent ot ttiptnlle Conyou camp»l At the tttockton Welbi on the Forty-flvtrinae Desert and WM eurrqunded by hundreds of coyo^ who kept ctawling- eteftlthlly toward him, with the erident intent of

Hebuiltalawbouflrato frighlCTn them off, ami <q«w.l fire with a rifle on the baml, which be «Unud«l numbered hundreds, and mcci luW in killing about Ofteeu of thwin. AU through thu night they fought oyer the cmrcftwes of thi slain* devouring all of tliem.

A itrange thing ftbemt theee aniumis is that to y or. hnruly seen In daylight, but at early nlghtloll their yelps sre beard In every direction. tVhen iomlsblng with bunpr they have been known to attack cattle aim botvMwben to y were eeporntol from the herd, but wljw a herd I* in a solid niosa toy fight thy o f t h e m . _______

tlmlfMWH AfH i*s Mtiw jw*,*- W U9 rkfwrtt*Si(r selw <Aas no own <o<umMprswos /ton Uf


Tbe masked Inln^Kbber I* more and more nnraerontly gettiag oat o t tb« dim* aovets and Into the aaw ty^ptta.


A Parable.fiille br aide w ith# tor g*nt*v-

Urew a flower end a w eed;Oft I watched lh* flower unfolding,

To t o other gave no heed,

OillheiTirtwth-nHke, and lo Ithe -wiad'a nmk growth was spreading

O'er the hidden flower below,Trllliie oft do make or mar at.

It to fault* '« «i™ uo bee®.They riee up and dwarf us, »p«*d«i|

Rankly.a* the garden woed;Choking tn tlielr growth the nobler . Instlueta that our nature* know.

Till, like tender flower* uucared tor,T tttj lu dust ore tm ia|d*l w » ■

- V . X. C h* p * Hmurtwper.

— .“ 1 know It, I ujivl to lie like yon ore, I t o

now I'm trying to nm a newapsper m y l« , and r i l tell yoti my friend, Tm n*it soyln • wonl. Not it wis'il."

Slttlilin Ulltlarti Ciisbloas,From Hiinl'viin..

The ninkliig nf lillllnnl cmhlonalaanliuP'” ^ 'ant Imlinlry. hot I* i-arrlrd on by two or three firm* ftloni., iiml wliite tho story of t o iU81'. cuUy wlih'li liiw been ovrrr'om* In preventing the hell frtim sinking Into the rubber and thus d»stri''ylHlt tin. wiglo ile»lr«V to be token, Intarestltigiiiii-. ll ims Ijccn told before not ho n-|H-iUvil imw. In the early d*ye ol tho Indtwtryrthc 'mmnifHcturer rubber, slid ohiofneij i f ' v***It when It WHS worVed up tnW th* cuablom

eohiarolto aim iw. Thoothr cud,ion iiuikor ««l hi* w l t s t o * ^■ ■ t o Ao-get 4lic Volvo rnhber cheaply, but in th®"

jjoce.- - - • .'play* It-M'os .torngly held, nod tiona ws* a ''lowcil 111 luuc) to thnt lndu*irytmlei*B P**“ the enhnncjl toyoUy. hlnolly tho opiamna- tlmi wrw bruki.r, hy a firm In iltlib IM i f,™ !" log thev*;™ ruhlicr latonslbly for ordli«riI use, but sill;,plug It imug to New York i f Ihtonded piirpwe, s , *kilfally and P*!**™ ' wn* this dime tlint a great quantity T O ^ “'

;»UllBtOlt™iti«,» Volvo- BHff'Pffby.Sy-e-tilo spong,.. Snwbmurd o iM b io B t.^ W ”

of iDuldcil robber, nn evolution wwob eawe oloug later.

George W. Ravage, late Con™l to Dundee, RooUand, was buried ye*tcrda)r *t ttahway.

rmmer* of Cumberland County have nm,- menred their ploughing. They proiUrt nii early tprlBK.

Cumberland fVmnty «port*inen will hold a shooting match at Greenwich Wnr, near Hrldgoton, on Wednesday uf next week.

Beeanse he Insisted upotiklwlng the hired girl, Charles Emerson, whu work* on the Haines farm, near Medford, was crimnilltod to the Mount Holly Jell yesterday on a charge of o w u lt and battery.

Tb* midwinter convention of, the Woimm's cbriatlan Temperance Union, of Burlington Oonnty, wa* held yenterday at Mount UuUy.In tbe evening a nuuuiniecting waa eildri'sstrt by Rev. Anna Rhaw.

A number of Cape May tportanicn have or- gsntaed themtelvea Into n Society fbr the Pro- lection ^ Prupagatloit of Gama at I but end of the Btot*. Mofoy, Hildreth, of Cape Mayd Is the president# Thl* society Is In no way ro- leted to the New Jersey Oamo Protective So­ciety.

genoWr Miller, ot Cape May County, has a Bcbeme on band to effec^lho tsoi-olldation uf Cape May Point a n d '^ s t Cape .Mny.wlth Cape May City. Ho will prohahly Introduce a bnldnrlng the present Leglalature and effect thU purpoae.

William R. Burroughs, a carpenter, em- pUtyed OB the Philadelphia and Beading Kell mod, wa* walking along the track near Cal­houn street, Trenton, oa hi* way home from bt* work ycHterday, wlien his toot gut naught in a frog. Before be mold ,-*trica1e lilnisetf an ocoommodatlen train cam* along. -Hla hotly was mangled. He leaves no family,

A number of Itnllan laborcra ■ yesterday afternoon went to Oontractov Tenhrouk New­man’s bonM, at AshuryPark, arii,Ml wtib club*, and attacked him In hi* bnruyurd. He eoUed for belp. and hi* wife opened a ,vlndnw and flr^ several aboU at her huabeniPs aaaoil- ants. Tko Itollana ran away, muttering thriataal^ ast Mr. Newman end hla ramlly. Mr. Newman eeonred worrania fur the arrest of two of hi* asselloots,

Caleb Aoronsou, the managur of the United Rtatee Express Company, at Trent,rn, wa* found In the stable naed by the company yes­terday afternoon with a bullet hale In the side Of tala head. Ho h*«L committed stilcld* shortly after * o'chwk, Ifffenae the a,idUora of the expreao company bad found a shortagu In bte oooouuta. Aaioiison waa about town yes­terday morning and borrowed rnnsideroble money ot bla frlenda, with the evident pur pose of making up the shortage.

The trial nt the suit nf Alexander M. Kuo- yon, the' PlalnflsW undertaker, against the Centiial Railroad ot New Jersey for |,'a(0 ) damage* for Injuries I n t o tireenvUleiolllslon In Dererabor, 11*8, we* (Inlehed at Elisabeth yesterday In the Union douniy Court. Judge Van Ryekel elivged against tbe railroad com­pany U ii the Jury swarded the plaint I IT Sl.ttS,

Mrs- Abljak D. Reevee, nt fold Rprtugs, Cape Slay County, 1* anfferlng with a leg whleh was broken Wednesday *ttern,*in for the second time In sloveu weeks. Ten week* ago Tuesday she broke her right leg below the thigh and was b«>-*''dfln for seven weeks Lately she bod bun. we,* to babbie ebont t o room by tha aid fit cratoh** or choir backs.. Wednesday her alrongth gave way and ahe fell

rttltll® C ® S l f i ** In tjiesome place. B)w - i s o v s r ^ y yeaswof a * * P - ‘

Detective John Cloe, of Jersey City, waa ar­raigned before Judge Llpplucott yesterday to


Roikln gays It Wanna Weaver and Give* Other InlbrmattoB Aboet It.

From Frank HarriaonM Fam ily Magaisln*.What do xm Uilnk, aaya Raskin, t o b rev

tifttl word “ w e " oomeo trotal It J* t o great word in w hkh tbo Bngll*h and lAtlii huiguagea eooquered the French and Greek.

It Is to be hoped t o Wench w l U s ^ ^ y gets word for it i u s t ^ of that dreadful word “ fsmme." , . ,__ , ,_

But what do you think It remtofremf The uoeot Saxon Word* 1* that t o y mean some- thing Wife mean* “ woover."

Y mi nmit either b* houMWive* or houae- motha; remember t o t .

In t o drep sen**, you mnat rtther w**™ itMfi'i fortunw* Bad wnbroWter tbeiu or fewupon sad bring them to decay.

Wherever a tm o w ife oouHs, home Is *!■sy* aroond her. ,__'t o star* may b* over Hat head; t o glow­

worm In the nlghtcold g i r o may 1»Hre at her feet; bnt borne is wherever ah# Is, and for s nobte woman i t gtaytohea ftr Mound her-better t o n bouare w iled orlialnted vermilHoii—ahed^ng Its qul*tHght far for to re who elae are hom oto.This, then, Ibd lev* to bo t o woman * trueplace and power, ^

Faritlan D reeiw altet*.From the Bo*ton Otob*. __

The great Parisian dieremiker* hav*a cn^ lomof charging »her gowne than on unmarried woman ti sskod. An American lady In Parle rw n U y o o ^ inentsd upon thie dttlerenc*. which she hod Z r t « l to?h. extent of 8 » ln t ^ d ^ Idantlcallv alike. " Ah T exclaimed the great I'n^llSr-w Syvm ottM riam , lj“ • hustodw psyh*rbm a.bnt n»dMnoi»U*e dot must bel,K.kedOttlfor*oth*t she may get a hns- Irtkiwl." ______ - -

w pouiiveiy IL/i n IaAOI *vtine Olotblag at B « t to notliimr* •& dott I w*St Of deU j. Good CJothlng will lusirBr ^ M c w p K^lOe fto come at o&cb H w too iftt** A few piicoB err here bbism :._wpnc«fl»Teneren»row;

jlrfceU ftDd Veetsv worih' ' ............UitAeli

tth______ . lltftWftV Drw" iCTUJw*, «»*•’*» "M c fi O eniA e Irhh Priese and Natural W imI

Fauey Caaalmer* Mult*. .Blue Chinchilla Oven'oata, at ----- ■■twavD rree.lStaf^ worth t o

IfAwiffihTfiS. Sien'aworth flA

mru B uvuvzp# jr»» rigw>»sKbetlftod Storm Uluteni, woHO wL MeuW Heavy Kagllsk Oouble-hreaetod &irr;i

Melton Overcoats, l i l t worth *isnaBlue snd Black Besver Ovcreoal*. fAURworth t k Men's Imported Milk Lined Kerrey Over­coat*, IPJ6, worth $.Kl Men’s Elegant Prieoi Alberta, tlO.# worth » ,Heavy t l ,eters, ^To, worth (l Silt Men * 1 ante iLTfl, wortliKitt, Men'sEleganl Wik Fact Vienna Cheviot OvercoeU, » 76, worth IIA Mert Gennin* Pilot Cloth Reefer* and Vreta, |L # worth ilIMft Men’* Fancy Btriped Ch«riot BulU, ITJB, worth »». Men’s EnglUh Melton Overcoat*. (jtJiu, worth IS. Men’* ImpoiM CisyDiogonri Drei* Suits, 't'OJh.WA Boys' Smts and Overcoats, II.# worth f f U Men's All-wool Pants, worth JASO, at ll.t#, .Men’s Extra Fine MUk snd Wonted Drem Ponte, tlTS, worth Men’* Krevy Cloth Ponte, Wo.,worth # JO, and thottsondi of other bargains. Don’t bay e dollar’s worth of cloth­ing anrwhore, but conw here flrrt end conrince ’onreelf that what is here sdvertlsed ore foots tftyoad diapulB.Great Bankrupt Sole of Jin* Winter Cloth-

ing. US Mhlberry st. cor. of Market *U New- a^ , K J. Open every evening onm 8-Jo. Bqt- nrday nigbt until 11 o’clock. Make no mW take. Look for large r«d "to over entivmoa Corns, rain or shine. Chit this out and brliig 14

rithyon. Car fare paid.

An Indian Trained Nurse.From JemareMlIler’* Monthly.

The army of trained nnne# he* received !U first recfnlt from the Indian race In the mt- inn of Mia* Nsnoy Corneltn*, s young IndianX l,w hohu)5rt taken her diploma at the

im tSTan^ll®' &>rnolip^pn*wui« them abol^onld exoel In ^ r prefeaslon.

fo l k s y o u k n o w .-flomuelF.Webb left on Wedne#d« for

tainSatt Blrer. JloMda, to spend tbe winter, -Francis Gregory w»* his t o .

denoeTw Murray street. Inst night, It beinghlstwvnly-tturthblrthdny. ih

--John Meyer, living nt 5“?*^'MawVrtf B.nd Ptotk cclBbifftted h!* fof-to h birthday load night In Mutobler’ a ll.

Jfthn HolBWftftli J|ffB* HelftM WaffTJiftolheRev- Hr. BlobIsatnight,

ttTwlWto* w n . MVS- Anns Vogl.r, Casper Miller end Ludsrlg Pflormhnm

-Areco^MW**■ *„ V - Greene, *4 her homo, JIO North' rL J to sw sT ta of •*"A^SttoguJeU wereT R*v. and Mrs. By-

auSlSra J. s- Crone. Mra. B. Foetcr, on, Mrs. sw mra aibl*Jir. and Mr*. Kd-Mr Olid Mr*, w F. Loxler, Mr.

fiSneW Mr. snd Mrs, E. Wilion, Mrs. E. Bonnell.

No other «ursn|,H,'llla hst oqnsllitiJ^^M iS ths reUef ll give, (u m verest oS « « « W i X «UL, lick hoooinUo bUlottflOiftiv Iy _■ iMiT '„S*^ ,rkvdh v H, C. Joiner, o f iS M lR t D“ Hillsdale Co., Mich.; “ ri-thlllg ggf mallpieuckquick relief i-

bdleve It Infs

A Satisfactoryl a Y e s t m e n l

J J jr U A B Y 17, 1894,

HEWm £¥£ltm HEWS.e n r t t M t i t :

FtgM« digoontinQ g m y ulvertlM -

m«nt a t »pfirtm *nt« m It ha*aooom ptohfid i t* purptwe.

I th ln k It o n ly t o r to » y i haT$ raoiiT ed tnora (atiflftiotary re- j,Um to th l* E dT .rttaem ent U mi to *oy I hfiTt ffTW tr ie d in ft Newark paper. Y o u ra , reapeotlhlly,X 7 • , B f c r . - 3 0 « : r .

UOASnS* wsasstv Msgro'aoawww'a VS-resveUWiI IVanswer to three IndtetmenU charging him with taking port In th* soandels at the Gut- Unburg Tocetrsok. Abraham Poet beesra* bla bondimeii. Clo* toys he was at the trsuk an January lA 1*# : t o t he went there oe on In­dividual, not OS on offlosr, end took no port in to p o llo e pfuossdlnirtcf that day. He was M vo rtb en at any other Um*,h* tayi, sod 0 1 * wont t b e t out olcuroslty.

lismT■ I

Of the timesin three d m of G r i p ^ onr famous OLD KANAWHA, the and only abwdutely pur* rye whtikey I n t o market,free f™ » all injurioiu compounds and reconunended by oil leading physlolau* for Ita snpertor mediced qualities. pistUled M d tot- tled by ns ONLY and fold at Ono-Dol- lor nor full quart bottle. Ot.her popu- Iftr Aranda iiwd liO centQ per Quart iip. Chjr Wlnei and Brftndjw cftn not m ftq'Oftlled In prioe or QUftlU7«


4 8 4 Broad S tree t.



Till Gold OolIOT MlnloKCoinD fOF O R lF F L i OIIM E, « O W R * W .

Oagaalnd *ed« !>*** el W «*4*

pagtaw twgalar l l i f i ^ o w o r e e a t o


" •V 5 !!S !K & -4 a

s e - f l t RECTRIC LI6IIT•’s a a s s M S S .t o -

tJ S a S ant Lamp* In any quantity.


sTRiewnLW ”' ^ ' " ; ^ ,

O X A T N I * F » r a » ™THJkPff atftitK^ -^ ^ a m w a WI

■ Mrt ler HM* lumlWealiMM,


Mtot that

' T i l A|i|y w iiciBi t»of wsnUM 1.6« eceeeet et Vtttew « •

"*Fot^ jV b r HoUhftflier* BritolM ftrketetrflM a ' r


T b sH o M P rin tin g C ii,

t i A i a M f t



v . p ,

Bound for AMca in Quest of Gold Throoxli Hlsnpratutetions.


O n r to o Gold I ln n lrn T u o k th« Ifalt, nnd Two EipoiUUom W ere n w o il U i i t - l lv fontheSM ontTdhlii’e ttepurtiin' I1i« I n - p<Mt«r*> Uerrplloii W u Made Knowu. Cm a, the Captain and Male I'lrkcd l > DomI la a Vawl«Ncarljr Two Tran, Cater

tke U onllct l la lk o f tlio M apirl tVaa Tonad—Hanging b j the Nerk Waa tk* ■ blp’i Lait SorvlTor—The %jas Tnlil tbo

In the iipring of the y w 1S6S nman tuunol Aleiauder Crow, who waa pmnuimbly an Amertcao, raaite hU a(>|K«rani'ii at Rioile Janelroaud rlaimed to have lumlu an aa- tMUxUng diacoTory on thu Afneon itiaat. lUa atory wat to tlie pITert that Im hwl laiulnd at Capa Town two yeor« U'fore ami made bia way up tlie ruaat to tbo HottentcE country in warch of gold, Ho bad betn captured by tbo uatlvon ami bold (irkonor for many montba, and during that ttnio bad dlanivered a gold Held lu rich tlutt a miner could <lig eiiongb In throe daya to make him rich for life. 1 am only giving you the akeletou of hit) atory. He Slluil in the partlculara an iiindy that noboily could doubt hia amcerity, amt to cap tbo I'Uioai be axhlUtad leveral nuggete of gokl, which he clahnod to have twcured without tb* lUghtget trottbla. Hia idea waa to ebaitor a ihlp and take out 100 gold huntera at ao much [ler bead, but auch waa the riiah of ailreaturors that two ahi|» were charterad. < >ne of fbein waa fitted up to carry 100 men, and the other hail VdO alnard.

Crow waa a boiil and heartkw villnin, and hia atory waa a lie train beginning to eud. He intended to get pmatCHelnn of all tlw money be could and then dlaappear. He hml no Idea of wiling with either craft, but clr- cnimtanoia wrought a change in bia plana. The gnM leekem watched him ip ctooely that be hid no opportunity to ahnoond, and whoh the day of Bailing came he found himaeif aboard the ahlp Uagnet, an Eugliah mer- chantimm chartered for the voyage. Thia ■ hip waa to aBll a week in advance of the other and wait for her at a |K>lnt agraad nnoD. The aecond thip did not get away. 1 m Hogtiet hod been mtne only two or three dayt when aome Eugliah iwopte arrived at Rio and atomped Cram oa on oiiveotarer oud Impoator who had been obliged to flee the country, U p to thia time it waa aiuxnard

‘ that the money he had reoalved from bia vlo- tlniB had been depnaitetl ia a bank at Hie, hut it waa now lacertalned that he bad trani- ferred it to Parla.

A y o what occurm l after tim Uagnet aaiind mocn will never be known beyona a oertoln date. Four weeka after her Mparturu from Rio her yawl waa picked up at aea TOO miteH aouth of her courae for tha Uotteotot co iat There were three dead bodi« In the Unt, and they wera fairly identified oa thuae of Crcaa and the Captain and mate of the ahlp. Ihey bad beeai lent adrift witinmt oom, aall, food or water, ami the paopbe alioard the ahlp muat hare bem in a vengeful mood to do auch a tiling as that. Thrae waalm afty the Iwat waa plfked up a craft auppheeil to be the Uagnet «ae sighted to the east of Trietaui da Cnnha Island. A wedt later she woe aightod again further to the aoutheaet. This time afae wM aadly wreckedftloft and flying a aignal of dia- tnaa, but as a gala w m Moeing and night coming on no aaslstaiioe oould be noderad. Nothing further had been reporteil np to May, iSdi;, when the Amerioaui hark Ezra C, Davii, crulalng for wbalea south of the Cape of Good tonebed at Marian [aland to renew her auppltee. I t wan there learned that a diamaoted abip, aupuoeed to be the Magnet, bad been sighted to the aouth only three days bcfmv. We bad newipopeni on boaxil the Havla giv­ing the partlculara oa I h a n related them, and whan we left the island It waa to cruiau for the lost thip ■ ■ well as for whales. Bha must be a death mlp os well as a misalng oua Evfry t o p of water and every morsel of food must Mve been exhausted In the flrit ninety days, and if tho atiiu bod touched at any isbnu or spoken any other oraft the fact bad not been reported. We did not believe that the dnwhet rvTOrted by the Islanders conld he the H ag n ^ yrhicb had not been beard of for twenty-two months, but never- tbeleas hoped to find the hulk and adlve a myatary.

Vorty mile* south of Marlon Island we killed a whole and drifted off to the west la we tried out the blubber and rleaned up. W e then maile half a day’s run to the south and changed our couisu to the eaiit, and at the end of the fifth day after leaving the island we were about eighty miles to the aipithwest of It. Half an hour before sunset the man In the crow's neat sigfatod theder^ct dead ahead, but a long way off. With the going down of the sun the wind died out, and as night came down the wreck was still four or five miles away. Her bearings were taken by oompaos and we hod no dw bt of picking her up next morning. The night was perfectly caliu and the aea quiet, but when d n yll^ t came the wreuk was no longer in s i ^ t There was nothing 10 very strange in that, however, as we were both orifUng, and her drift itoultl be the liaster. A breeze hfted the son oat of hit ocean bed, and we ran to the southeast, ex­pecting to nave the wyeck in s i^ t within an hour. After two hours' sailing we knew that we must have over-run her or that some mysteilous current had drifted her in on- o tW direction. Our crew were beginning to shake their heads over it when wu ^ h t ^ a whale, and in the <hase and capture that ensned tbs derelkt waa forgotten. W e bad the dead whale alongside and ready to cut in when the boats wera towered for a edeemd, and thrae hours later the bark was drifting off with the earcaas iff a whale on either side of her and the craw Working like, btoven to get the blubber aff before a change of weather. '

I was aloft In the crow's neat when the second whale woe towed alongside and bad been ordered down to bear a bond whan I took a last look through thegiaaa Down in the south and not over to w miles away the derelict suddenly hove into view aa It riling from the bottom of the asa. I waa aura 1 had corefall V swept that quarter b«if a doim times within an nuur, but there she now lay in plain view, aqd 1 waa a bit rat- tlsd as I focused the glass fur a good look at her. What I made unt was uie hull at Bshipw ithall her maatu, yards, bowim^ and standing rigging gone, Hhe w m nearly bows on to me, so that I conld not make out hbw badly her bulwarks were damaged. The atnmp o f the fom naat was about twenty feet high, while the others 'hail brbken off lower down. The hull was vesy b u o y a n t^ floated high; b u t as was to be sopected, it presented a weatuerdwoten and forlorn ap­pearance. Tbe dai^housu and the cook's gi^ ley were still standing, and 1 tbmigbt I ooald make ouba lot at wreckage fiootlng along- tlito. Itwaa now within an hour of arm- down, and I bad. not been surveying tlM wreok over three mluutea when a peremptoiy order to ootue down choked me off. I re. ported the pfesonbe Of the derelict to the Cup- tain, b u falth ao atoch hlabbcr at band be wpa indifferent to Mber things and asked no questieoi about hgr.

Poor days later, when the oil w aainthe barrels, our position at noon shoved that we were fifty muss southeaat at the spot where we made tbe donble oeqptnre. An boor later tbe man in the 'erow's heat sighted the der­elict to the north of ua, and at 9 o’clock we w ertup with her. It was tbe bulk of tbe Id^ Masiat; Prom tto, tiiua of s ta tin g her up to the lueniM t’ of heavlng-to- <m> looked for some eort of ataeld toehowthat Home one. was vet living A oard of her, bnt nothing yms. uiown. When we itad her nuder our lee, the craw ran aloft to 1u^ down upon her decks. The fall of the nauts bad cruabed. har bnlwarks, but the damage had baan repaired tarward, though the new work had not beai^iainted. The water about waa entirely clear of Wreckage, and tbe hull waa appareutiy aa tight and buoyant oa when It Idt itto .it was tarrib^ wsatbor-beaten, however, and saemad to be sailing In a Im of weMi am| gniaa, A m ttu * w u bnonght' and fin d tbraa or tour timea >hhil the creW shemtsp in ebonis again .and again, and the C a p t ^ ordered a boat Imefed and said ba weNkl J o I n lw h ^ B fl^ . .W t boarded her at the MWa and

:*2|*alo( drartberalla I oraosd my n am e to m m a terrible specta, ole. Hothflig iivlug or. dead waa In sight Erary bit of the wreck w u gray-whita In color becanaeof tengeapoenre to the wnaihar, a o d h w .au d ^ r a about the decks were b ^ k tpoti of deoav. There were a few’coils

' ........................... !tijr>‘or

Tbadoor of t te w e r e e a lle y w ulieklem n - by tirtook, and mriookea in to llml pdta aSd" nims lianging np and the stowi lu good i»ii. atfoa. T iaM igiietlottiR iuyrM h& ladven hirers end a mew of aavanteai men. In the deekbaqu vhara tbe crew were quartenaL

^sa found h a d ^ a -4pA oktting ngd sea• a E S T w h iT S i

bdffi u a fa it of T

' During the epldemle of la atippe rhsm- herlalB'i Cough Iterasdy toak thu lead here and was much better liked than other eouph inedtetue." H. M. Uasoh. dnsgsist, t'liets- worth. 111." Tho grip is much the neme as a yrry Kovees told end requires ptvriiely tbe eemc Ireatnwat. ThW rsined)' Is prompt and effectual ami wll) preroat iiny tendene)' of t v dlsroN' ihtsani phuumoalo. Par sale by lliarle- lluliliMer,Hrnadoad .Market streets; A lto n Hcliuer, Belleville avenue and titteotat •Ireet, and J. Ret slur, Orange streat, comer Kanevtltu evetine. U. S. Campbell, HLIIhem, Drugirist.

flreanns, knives, tofaacc<>.boaaa, hatchets, cartrlilgea, empty Jugs amp buttles, a great lotof chuip croi'kery and (*her stuff whlgh tbe iSMsengert wanted for nsa on the voyab) or alter they hod landed. In aosne o f the bunks the bciUling w u iiiivdy •rrangevl. but In others It was rulkvl in a heap. The latii[a Ind hern taken down and the oil poured out of thciii. and we fisnul hanging on a nail some wicks which liuil Iweo token froin candles. Neither Iieri) nor In the deckhoniie altove noukl wu Hint so much aa tlie heel of a bout or shoe.

From between decks we procnedsd to the cabin, tbe doors of whloh wera shut, but not lucked. Tha first sight to grrat cur eyea was that of a human w>dy tu i^ iig by a ropa around its neck lu tiu ,’ main mbin. Thive was BO odor euwnatliig fr iw Use dead. The body had itiU)ily shrivelled up until it was hartlly ntore than a skifleton. The franiu was that lit a largi mau, hut thq vrai^t of tlie body was nut above fifty, pouml*. On a talile just bevond whern tlie man was hanging was tlte ship's log, and near It an Ink hottlo and a (s'u. Tbe Cap­tain took the log'on t o k aisl very k o b au- nounceil that ft coiitalui'd some particulars of ^ h at lual occurred aboard. We then maile a search of the caldn and found the shiya t<0|*'ni, ehiait two liundrwl dollar* In gohliileciK a Iwg contain iug IU!& in sllvrr, aevesal rifies oud revolveifi, three watches, soma legal |*iier* which Jiad belonged to tbe L^italu and quita a number of otisw tlilngH. Neither the ship's Hog nor any charts ware to be found, while uot a coin- PMB, ouadniut or seztant eould betornnl up. The entries In the logbook fqr tbe first two week* weiv in the Captain'* handwriting. Then iwme a note writleu la a different hand anil eaylng:

Wa found oot that Biey had deceived u* and amt tbam adrift In onu ut the IjOata."

Ten days later enotlier entry, in *1111 another hand, referred to some of t be people sailing away in the loug Ivat. loiter on there was OB entry to tiic eflai-t tliat tbo toip bad l> ^ dlamastad,.aad then n<A a Hue |gid heap W iR m for ggnitiis. llip nuia baogitif by the neck and swinging t# and fro Bke I pmdulum with every lull of tlie ship had Tteeii the laat survivor. He had written on a page of the luginuk in a tm iibling hami:

u I have been alone for the last ten days, and for tbe last four I have fasted— neither food nor drink.’'

O n'the day, or the next, liefore he had grown too weMq be bad arrangul the rope a u d ^ a n a n d to hia safferiiqpi. A f ^ Jie ship left Rio the gukl htmtors must have found out that Cross hail deceived thnii. Perhap* tha Cautain ami the mate liitor- farad in hia behalf and for that reason ware eesit afioat witii bim. The teivind mate waa not a navigator, and even If he was attempting to return to Kio the leas of tbe masts put It out of bis power. One would argue that tbe wm-k oiq;httobaTe beep s ^ te d and the men taken off. hut if slghteoDy any craft beyond tho(s> mentioned tM y neither relieved nor reported her. It is likely that at leatf thirty |ieopl« left her lu the boate, but in ie of them was picked up nor reached an Island. Every scrap of everything wbk'b could be usnl to sustain life had baen picked up, end at last the sole survivor hod found hlroael/ slowly d.ving for the wont of food and had ended his Ufe a day or two soaoer by meens of tbe novae.

W e took everything of value that we could find aboard the wreck and left her to drive with wind and wave. The ('aptaln boil a mind to scuttle bo* or eet her afire, but fimtlly derided to do neither. I think it was Isvause b« did not Ilka to meddle with tlie corpee. it Would have eeemed heartless to burn It in the cabin or to know that it went to the bottom hanging there like a murderer, and we simply ruwid back to onr ship and Itft tiiu ionely hulk and lla lonely burden to wander about unUtpiaM tarriiitogalf shoiM bide them from the s i m o( otherm ^.

M. gvan .[Co|»tWIHW.]

LOCAL CHtT-CBAT,Hhart Stories end Nketche* About People

aed HappeoUig* aoR Scenes In This CUv and KllewlKni-

A eervica in memoiy of law y Stona will be held In Peddle Memorial Cbnrcb Snisdey evening. A number ef noted peoffle have been sagagad to make addrenaia, chief of whom is Mm, C ary R. livermore. Mrs. IJveniiora .was horn and educated In Nsw England and began to (each at an early iga. It 'WU while teaching at the Houth that she was brought face to face with the institution of slavery and witnessed deads of berborism so tra^c that she returned to the North a radlcm Abolitionist and thenceforth entered the lista against slavery and eveiy form of

tlba become the irife of tha Rev.irenioDliegan

literary career, 8be wrote stones, sketchesLivermore In Ifitk and then lx 1 her

and poems for various inogaziueii and news- p o p ^ and when her htuband become editor and proprietor of a religious weekly In C h ico^ she became his oeiociate editor. She wrote for every department of the paper ex­cept tbe theoWical, ood during her hus- beind's abseorae m an home hml eherge of the entlra estabUshinent. ^ performed much raportorlal work in those days and at tbe flriit Dominatioii of Abraham Lincoln for the Praairiency in tha Chicago Wigwam in 18(1# she WM the only woman reporter who hod a place among a hundred ar more men report­er*. A ll the while she was her own bouse- keeper, directing the servants herself and giving iiereonal supervision to the bducatioa and triuning of her ebiidrun.

Fktan thsnegliuilng of the Civil War Mr*. Uvermora waa identified with relief work for the aoldlera She w u one of tbe two wuniA who were sleeted eesodete members of the United States tjonitary Commission and she performed berculeau tasks m behalf of jhe wounded soldiers till the elose of tbo war.

When tho war w u over she mode arrnnga- meuts for the first Womon's Suffrage C«i- vention ever in Cbicagtt which resulted in t ^ orgiudsatlon of t o Illinois Wouum Suffrage AnociatioD, and Mrs. Uvermora w u elected lie first president. Hbe toon after eetabliahed a suffrage paper called tbe Agi­tator. Fortw en^ flve years she ha* been roniptcuonsly before t o public a* a lecturer. While she h u lectured in nearly every city in till* country and in England and ijcotload, she h u never appearod Mfoie a Newark audlemoa. Thb IBe-lom; friend of Lucy Stone, ■ ha la emlMBtly qoalined to jmy fitting trib­ute to her memory. '

Another nofed woman who will take pagt la the narvioe la the Rev, Autolnetto Browh Blackwell, of El Mora, N, J. Mis. Blackw^l wasaclaanuata of Lucy Btone i t -"^--,0.. Cdtiege. It has not been Mr*. Blockwell'i advocaoj ot womanh right* alone t o t b n given a piaoe amosig the women of t o eentnry, butber numerous contributions to philosophy and fiction and the fact t o t she was tbe first woman preacher legularly or­dained in the country and the world.

A a ^ M, I^well, of PUnfleld, will epeok of loK y Stone's work in the anti-slavery couke. Mk. Powell w u aieaciatad with t o anti-slavery movement In IS ll a* represented b y William Lloyd Oerrhon, Wendell Phil-

under t o, __________ frago Aiwocia-

Won of New Jersey, of which Mrs, Florehoe How* Hall, also of Plainfield, 1* president. Mrt. Bidl is- tha ol^et daughter of Julia W ard How^ and Iflu bw m o to r is a gifted Woman. She believes in a b^ter future for hum anly, and l a i ^ on woman's right to help it along. She is the author of several popular bonks, and U well known to NeWtirk- T** « a dtilgbtful lecturer.

BhudA I W a t my gBeeu."*me ramaric waa httfled at Lieutenant

Adams of t o Becond P r ^ n c t the other day t y a tiannan who entared the station h u r n r f ly and w u evlflently ifreotly ejoltod.

The Uentenont ksdeed about and replied auavoly, " Well, I haven't got them.”

’ ‘ AGhl l lm fr d o t ,” rei^ n ded toidran g or, *' but I vaiits a poiloeman to got me dem. I buy me to n gieee* tor swel toiler und a h ^ , und ven I baya der money nnd storta tor btim, dattgeemvaagime.’*

By a seriea o f qiuitiiHU (be Lieutenant got tha Uermaa to MI bM story. In broken English he said his name w u Mathew Bern- heim and that be lived on Fifth straoL He w u driving aleng Huuex svenoe, be sitid, and he usy a gooM t o t atrnck hia fancy. Ua found the owuer and stiurtod to drive a bar­gain, Tbe owner asked gfl for tha.fifwl, •which - >— ' V-ei’shaSA fter T acaM'^tfinirNerahelm® ««adt ..-gfurthigooaa, provided tha owner wuuuqlend filty eentsbf tbepnrebawprice for baar,

t^iynraoo potwSiih,,^_ ^___ ^____ A*th* ^ t e o f ' t o owner the goose. Bhe

. , . - . __..bBthac. j a h J « t i i i» x »ovar-nilad. B to to ii* pnt tUa goou wagon and started to a nsighborlng saloon to an^ y tiia t t o cento worth of refretit- nients. When Sernbeim raaobed bis wagon again t o gfxm was gona. Not a ftoither Vua to be seen. He iCaoended his recently

(Ulred propoirto, but failed to obtain it.

do nothing for bim and adrieed him to see Judge ConloB and obtain a sserch warrant

" B a t it Will coataometHngs, w b atr queried the pu aln l German.

Up M n g answored in t o negatir* blsfa<« grew radiant aad he left t o station, uving:

” n i go pot'k, right avay, und n t dot m ananawauBil vSgefaa Jive*, mid I pot you I git dot gaaoe* p e^ Jo sm o rro w yiA"

Tbe t'igarmhheir TTa^i of- thia «lty re­cently formulated a new svst^ii of Biding it* unemployed nirmliers, eud after a fair n ial the uiviuliers declare it a sunve*. The iww plan, or credit rani syatom, waa beguu on the first of t o year. Each member at tha unkai who la out of work is given a num­bered card, on which bis uaiue u written. He is oldigod to report at the union's b<«l- quariers every day that ho is hlle, ant tbo card is then *tain|ied. (hi Haturday nights th* oerda are preact)te,l at the homfciuarteie and payment is made fgr tech day the num­ber is out of work. TMo may i*> kept up fo ra period of six weeks, hiuI thm the nivui- ber is dropped fog six works, after which ba m » renew his (erd for six we<'ll and so iw.

'TDe money expended in this way 1* tokcu from (he general fund of tlu- uuiiei, and tiw cigarmakers are thus vuebleit to supisirt each o t o r srlthoat appealing to t o cbaritablq ur- ganiatious.

* * eAn oM man who gave bis name iw Dr,

Ehlera aud who claims to have prai'ticed medicine in this city aluut twenty-four yours ago, visited the C ity Clark's ofilci-tbs otticr eW and tohl IJltrk IWtersiiii tbiit in lOIIU or 1870 be paid a Uivuse fee of At. in uivvinlniii-e with tilt' law. and w u tlwrefori' ■ iitithsl to practice in tills Ktato, No record of piiysi- rians w u ever kept at the City Hall, and Clerk IMterioii dirocteit th* doctor to tlio County Clerx's offlen. where tis' muiiu uf all pbysli'lans who practira legally are ijsiinlod. Pr. Ehlora said ba w u Biikious to obtain proofs of his remnl. Clork IMtoiimn beciuiie Uitortated in tik' man. oml when be retiiciiot to the City Hall and exjilatned tliat tho tssik containing bis nnino ixuild uot bo found. Mr. Pwtermn promisol to visit the Cuurthuiiso and OJWist the doctor.

* * *To illustrate the ^ e c t uf tbe hard Uiuea

upon thu purse atriuu of the massm, a weli- kw w n storAeeper of this city etto* an , x- neriaiini he had a few days agii with one of Newfu-k’s wealthlwt citieons. Tjw sc«ne took place at a nqvolty store nut for frimi Broad and Market streets. A few tlays ago there entered a gentlemen, who w u iusluutly recugttiaed w a rich uid well-known mim.

The man wonted a mitiiieg grater, niul after selectliig one oski'd tlie prii'c. Tin- dealer anawerRi that it w w seven c«i(«, whaieupun tbe wealthy cltui-a u k id if lie would not take five ivnts, u Ubioh wm- ro herd. Tbe storekeeper repbed that for the same reasoq be slmuklcharge too cento. After h an lin g fur some time over the difference, aDd finally offering six cents, tbe weeJUiy dtiasn left wltixnit the grater.

* • *On ooa of the cold nighta of this week, at

t o hour when Newark oittoens |iack theiu- aslvu iato streat cars In a manner that would furnish points to t o Ereoch girls who |ai-k sardlnea,adosen w more iiurn were cniwded on tbe m o t ptatinriu of a B«ne\ file nvoime cor, fa d is a rutting wliul and gnyiiic the driver, who sru blue and r«l with cold and who in conacs|ueure of tbe weather wo* not in a humor to anpreciato rough Jokes, and In ronseausDce of tbe close ouarters could not beat bis brsost with his rhllli*! flit, as is t o habit o f men who bsnille horse*. Among tha number w u J. T. Ellis, of T Alllug stm t, who seamed to rare little for the colif After tbe others had had their fun nt tbo driver’s expense Mr. Ellis said; " 1Vhy don't yon carry a stove in your tmeket, then you wouldn’t suffer with the weather us you do.” There w u on icy gleoni In the ib'ivcrs eye as he renioiuled: “ Why don't you u k me why 1 dim l hava a Baltimore hcator iiniler my ulster and a steam radiator in each sh<s>, with pinu coiled all around me * Then I wouldn't torn into on icicle. If 1 had a bob- water tubular bolter under me and a self- feeding stove lu my hat I would not freeze, ofeauna- Have yon anythiug elet! to sug-

r V* keep me from turning into a stiff t” Ellto smilid nnd u id r "B ut I w u in

carneit I have a stove in full blast in each pocket now. and am u warm u a toasted mulfin. Put j f g f hand m there and fuel tor yourself.” 1'

Tbs driver sHpledhto attfened fingorsout of bis warm leather niliton, dnliiously reaetied over, and audABidj hi* handInto t o paMiengera piraet. The ueit nio- ment ho gave a miwl and exclaimeii r "W ell, Pm be——” “ Roustodr Interpoeed Mr. Ellis. “ W hat la lA anybow f asked the driver, “ Just what 1 sold,” replied the peseeugir; “ a pocket stove. J bavemsein each pockst.” In a nioment be produced two ornamental nickel-plated disks t o sliaisi uf, but about twice the irtn of, an old- fgriiloBed sliver watch. Beth were throwing off -volume* of beat. That little stove is a new tiifaqc. It consiimu a bit iff inopared carboo, aud while it ran be carried safely ia t o pockeA throws off a deal ot heat. Good tbii^l (or pec^e riding, or driving, or going long distances in utter weather. Better thing to beat up a spot touched with neurolglsi, and a handy tittle stove to iron out a p t o In the face or in t o hock. No OM haVtog cold fingers srith one et than in your poeWt,” be rancluded as he droiipcd a ftovs into hia toOwseri pockal and slid off tlte car, This pocket stove is one of tbe new things wbicn NtOrark is tuniing ouA

* * *Tbs ability of the Amertoan amoil boy to

r i» superior to any sort of obstoclo wiw n e w better Ulustrated than a few Hundays ago in an open lot In Roseville. Scores of p a aH n -b yu w aE acg of boys oi» the lot playing a game that <«nnnt lie belter calli-il than by t o title “ imaginary (oot ball.” Thou boys had presumably gathered on tlie lot to play (oot ball lu tbe vsuat way anil were prevented by the (allun rff the bail to put in an appearance. Tbe little feHows di- tided that it would be a simnieto lose the day’s aport bciaii-s-of a little thing like a m laip s bell, aud so a match w u rnade, goals pitched and at the game they went. A t what It w ay bo oski-il. WelL nooe df the siioctators could uiidcr- stand bow t o r e seemed to be a comiiioii t-iei- seut u to wbnn the ball waa bounding. Hy­ing or rolling, but t o t tbern was such an andrrstanding w u obvloua Boine one would deliver a fierce kick to the imamiiary rail, Ui fame would be turned upward, ninl t o crowtt would ni»h to the placo when- Uic boll ought to foil. Hands would be etrctcjiiHl up to catch it, and in a moment as if nil the boys bod muaeil lA they would scranililc on the ground in a heap, out of which soinn pia would wriggle, can yln g the Imaginary ball emolword under bia arm and puivsini by fleet-looted enamlee, who would trip lilni iqi and rob him ot the invisible ball and stai-i bock with it. So it wenA and it was as li' c ly a gome u could lie witnceseil. It very rarely happened that there w u any doubt ns to t o su||iaeed poeitloa of the b a ll but Imw doubt was kvoldra only the boys tnciiisclvc* ran ML

It Is not known to many that thu heart of L«w" Brown, who w w shot and killed by

hia mlstresa, Emma TVood*, still remains un- biaied. It la in a glaat case in the office of

ffljr Physkitan Elliott proeervislinBico­i d Through It runa a little wire to sliow the cooru o f tbe fatali bullet.

s *• Thera w ai imicb amuaement ransed by « cxinductor ot a Brood street car one uffi-i - noouthis week. The faro collector wcigln'l In t o neighborhood ot HOO pound*. Htivcrul Pjasengara enterod t o car at tho Mor- rw and Kuox depot and took wills at t o npper end bt the eonveyioicc. A fow minute* pootod before the conducUir w o i ready to enter the cor to collwt the mra*. Ho opened the door and took scvcrul ™ p t forward and then ho stoppwl. H" •tnigriod to gnt'forwanl, howoviu', but tlic Djoreh* struBtled the bonier it becnitn- tor hM to move. He w u wedged in tbo door. The preplratlon rolled down hi* fat chinh-i in sireama while somo ot the pasaengem

Wm otbera la th e d aloud, in* cuDdactar made a last attempt but it

*0* no g<A andbeeald appealingly: "Will •wn* of you ganttemen Mndly bslp mef’

msxi nq^ooded and eoon they forcisl rack the door which bod been oaiighA and t o oondnetor entered t o car and coHected t o U n a from t o crnTralsed passengers.

' P B K M O H A L .

Qcnaa o r Dm riuhs is seventy years of age and la one of t o finest harpists In the world.

M ra B ab, widow of Dr. John Hoe, tl« Arotle explonr, hoo pratsnted her husboml's w lm to a of Arolto and other onrlosltles to t o University of Bdlnburgh.

LAnv O aisujiA Ouit-vra, sbter of the Earl ? ' ^ '''*•1 l*#clM-thnipgh a course of trainingin Edlnbargb to anattfy f u * '"*"'1' ^m ejsai PJM eutaprohrtSjnerU itoV'.. — «"sm-

* Mli* J u m m CHAtror I* the first and only ooetteu iff law in Freuce. An order of I ho vl«-Fiotor of the Academy of Paris forbids woputn papll* having copies of tho code. MHe. Chanim's insirnctlons to hor cluaes ore wholly eral.- M e a n BmkttiiQM ahaeoivling Hieg.

LonlllaaiA tvho OmbeaklM |S,W»,W W fled to Uondaraa is (nonager there tor a Haw -York M nlaw sM Ioata. • Ho » y i he wlQ

'S to V an aliiM ir flftiru 'w eii'w ih i get* rich enough le defend hi* cou.

J,. A iu ior Knox, who made Hems * aam* known around the wwW, we*

rararatad with Joelah Carter In publishing t o Atlanta HjraMwIUobsnapendedpiibllea- Uon last ffatnidiy.' Hr h u now made airsnge-

xrttB a BMtbeth syndloeta far a leotur-


Clover Pharmacy Cough Syrup.KCEP IT IN THE HOUSE.

.h ikl-^ elesssw * »ile* tV W to Adnlfsor (TWMrra. ATCASMONrULDOESTHE BUSINESS.

•0 o i m m a o m n . a u > D u r o o im

M irt

218 and 220 Market Street, Newark, N. J.


CAfiPET CFor the next thirty days we w ill place on sale at H A l a F

P K 1 € £ all that is left of our fall and holiday stock. If you are looking for a bargain, come aud secure agenu me one.

1 0 0 I t O M . S A T

S I P e r Y a r d

0 0 0 H O T J .H A T

5 0 c . P e r Y a r d

0 0 0 I C O U , 8 A T

.3 0 c . P e r Y f i r d

M O Q U E T T E S . B R U S S E L S ,

I N G R A I N S ,A n d a b o u t t w o t h o u s a n d S M Y R N A , M O Q U E T T E A N D

W I L T O N R U G S a t o n e - t h i r d t h e i r f o r m e r p r i c e .

Ingrain RemnantsX t 1 5 c . P e r Y a r d

I F m H A ¥ E N 'T 6 0 T T H E CA SH . R E M E M B E R Y O U R

C R E D I T I S G O O D A H D O U R T E R M S A R E E A S Y .

Branch Stores: i Myrtle A v e .^ ‘ruok1yn.* **



Iron Bedsteads,Hair Mattresses,

Spring Beds,Feathers, Pillows, Feather Beds,

A t j r e a t l y r e d u c e d p r i c e s , a n d p o s i t i v e l y l e s s t h a n t h e « e f o o d s c a n b e p r o c u r e d f o r a t a n y o t h e r s a l t t h a n o u r G r e a t I n v e n t o r y C l e a r a n c e S a l e n o w g o i n g o n a t


J. C. M°GURDY & CO.H a i r M a t t r e s s e s a n d B e d d i n g F e a t h e r s r e n o v a t e d a t l o w e s t r a t e s

c o n s i s t e n t w i t h b e s t w o r k . N e w T i c k s T u r n i s h e d .

0 you happen to have money and want Furniture, Carpets, Stoves or Bedding? I f so, call on us.

Here Are Some Prices:B e d r o o m S u i t s a t $ 1 1 . 0 0 , .

P a r l o r S u i t s a t $ 3 5 .0 0 .

E x t e n s i o n T a b l e s a t $ 3 .5 0 ,

D in itf jg ^ C h a i r s a t 6 5 c . a n d u p .

R a n g e s a t $ 7 .0 0 a n d n p .

B r u s s e l s C a r p e t a t 5 0 c . a n d u p .

* I n g r a i n C a r p e t a t 3 5 c . a u d u p .

A N D O T H E R G O O D S R E D U C E D I N L I K E P R O P O R T IO N .

.W E M E A N B U S I N E S S .

MCMANUS2 3 4 i i l i i t SI

l \ T k A C - _D X U J s ,

Or r i i K ( i r T K a B 'M k u o r AhaiM*Mk.>rr oad I I .tMiw of T s tn , Hooai a u i . HtU.

In s to o M sm wlik as stx uf i* . Ijw la is tu n af Ih u a v ii . . Wlih-ti uravUM ibni ib . u w w ie .n i tor I s m f M I hs (*oskl.rra ■■ euiia m ib s tS M w rasw day in Jeeusry Is i*i-h y,*r, ih , H M rt ot Aieassnirni UKI Hs.lslen *( ls*w nr lb . rily a t J tw *rtliw *hy_ i(v* m Uoi m et ihey win* hwn lb . Ikird W sdueilsy In J sn u ia r m ib* tblrd Ui-4fi*iil*yta *aatt, la s i lbain*k*. . | i* |, oWi*. ■ tab .a tu i* iu a d traa tb i* r asisu isl sn sa r ty f io A sil liKtlvIduel. Mai ouaiHBIleai bsTli,* p k Ii prep- t r l r au*(*i* ts tu s U u a 1* tb .c ity »f .\swarb. b e dadueilsb im laOratedeasi em i . .Ilairwl ualrat ^B S O I.J 0*1* SM m lilr s w ut Mi* cnU ilH I.• qspuiw. wasv MM ga^ttr

BM lb* BMuaal HWlti ' Itif

r« %»iJ Itu tm M n of HtlTtM rorpB. sii hnuiMvOOF

...... ....... ............ - - ___ In*.NsUd* i« f irw t tf III* M tu b m of tiw N**

Ds m I bIT •ismpi ArBinMi bimI

AM sBllom wM Imvb ssnrrd Itt Ibis wsf. ll>t B'wIbwi of smbK i ildlvr* slid sbu- un, BS Ittnf ta (M r niifluirrifd, "tliBl ih*r •N tailU isl to M sittt'ptUMi irom «BdSIH'OlBl |M4U IBS, BIKl ItOTO >*Uilflk, fl'lMlAl.y «nd munlctjMU tBEWJon upoo r«4l or ptrsonsl propfrtF, or htiib, B oissroM lBf In iMUerfdats nvt dBlisrik ir t tU lln f ttiof appMr btibrs U>s b r t ^

i i r a i il ^ l n * IwMM sea too* or* bSfWiy tnilitsii l a . i A. M . . i1!u“ 3 ii1m *bih«-r arsrseb lrsfi ta r iv s tbsasaUiam oaasiwir sf ] f .<13 p. i t l*claa Kaomu. -ro iln u a BaOM tlifir n*rac«l>'s t«»la* aisirlcls lb . tollow lsals. ' »Ia«i,o,r

s rb ts eiiizhl —.......... — —

ip k .v N s v i .v A e i i* k * iL w i * S 2 n K u i? S B k X ■ M is llw a y a ta n tr la e . to-uiertsd ikaseaSH I to tit. liii.rlockUu iw ltrk sad block lita e l U M M , ' f *lei« nair on ea tia i to M eet, u e * o l i S * i f ' ” " ) (toi ttolB. will M.V. M sriut Atstlo*. Ks'Csr,, salbllowst

I .lu tr * V. I’tn iisy ls M mliwl.-C— FZi'luMYVlr * t I'ullrasa VMUhule llraw laf sadsU I* huoe,, *)*ai*uz. Ulaln,. Niaukito eaU tisiarvailse r s r * tuw oail'ii ftasnclet le w i* . U teo jisab ie) " ' • . f P * ! '" * ? ' totbfooij* I to b e ib w ie a I fc to bsrtisr ibsp, llb ran , sod all tha nuTsalsaess el home or offlos. l.izbM by •uU 'M er. osd oMV- ibl* , i r a u e tr ls s* I’bicse” l l to * 7 k ,blfvrlaiM I t i a . M., I'lnnlioiail U S * . It., sad # d ts ii* w ll.aa i * . M.; Tutwio a l l * . M. w.*k dars.

I XII i . M, Cbi'Wio soil »i. UlOU K* an a s - Hsil. u s VMilbnl* Mm i 'I.w and IHnlng u u* leak JoKili. (.'hlt-om ssil L «m .ll|» . Vsaukiila M Uklaa t o t o I'oaiwiiatr uieshM to a t U a la arrlv i* I iBrlpiisti IftAv A. 31.. M. IdOBlB T IB P U. sM f^k. MIOAUBK H. tt«TU»]T. •

r t:S P. WMl«ru ICiprt*H. rmiraBq VMH> bult Kli<«p]af r a n to liiuhunr, CUIomo « iil L Iswlsiia. Diolof KTtn to sM PlRobuff lo i b i « i ^ A rrl vss at Usvstauit tk | | 4 . M. tlik flifo t K Ji. MxIdBV.

I B.1B P, kl.. OflMiiovroiABru kEpr«st.ra.rutiBiBB

IOfjbBUOBsiTsoOkl BfMlmtloii; Tho numbsf

iBHrslB, thrtr fUDHn^r*»irosldii

fcr MH'ti B(Mi^r, upon :hA Mlinbha.* fa# ___

t f ibolt poMMsioM, M h r Bi Imotirn: snd bsv inch proprtsfoir or isopor af dwtiiinf, buardinf

■ ' I to

lin t i v . K tw ^orlf 10 rUttfHiri A if im '■•"A'' A. M. K tfoomd owrialsf). T»-

»• M-i C®l«wcm*7.u tf. U .s jd O tT f” Bnd ibB fffa iBBil, ne#>k iUrs,e.:ft V. M

bouioor Inn who sUiill ib f iv s lo in# omI^. M l BBTBi^r ihs BboM InflsnnBiiqn win twcumB

«1 USE OL B flA L K O T K 'K S.


W arm iited u t l iiu m b o n B Ix C o rd .

Tfis N - E - W W il l W o rk

o n A n jf k f o c h m ,



I ' V ' T ' " '

I* 0 *.gon tM T hrsiC ^-----------^ ■■ ” ■


. . . . _ NEW JEEP :V - TD.-iBarglBun ntyaoldii: ,t t f vlrulM of Bit ord*r of 1 lie Court ol ( 1ia Devry of

New Jriway imbiIb oq ibB diiy of llir dale Lireoria B cBUiM»wk)BrBlt) Mnry Brown ti oniiiplal'iHfii and

f'«n Ntid BfuMher tfn dBfriulRntA. ymt ire rM iilrpd i> piBHd, >ijiswt<r nr d«iiiur 10 the bill utmlu

I'omp^laBui on or boforv UiB iw^inii at l-'«bru' nn*. BtfhlfBii humlrwt tn<] nliirly-tuiir. or the N»ld bill will b« u b fn *a nonfr^BBtl oiBln-t rnu

'J IkB BBfal blit Ib Al«d to fortcio*' n ini>r(vBBQ(tlvfu by ilBorrn Htynnlil* to Jobit Ji. 'i'ByloF, Btnl Wdnif 1 MJir tHMly-ronrth. clfhtcon bimifiwl aud fiJtbty; clKfiih «bU KCordMl AjiHI Butih, huiKtredand riBbtr Dior, Id W t of morErMrri lor fe*’ MX { ounty, P*«|M » Bn414, on JrimIii In ibr uU> or Newark : and laid m o n iilB w m by nau]John tX 'J'Bylor to V ary Brown on Hrpleinb«r nino- tfwnfii. n fb to ra hnn4rM BOd nfn#ly ; you a rt mail* dphndani borBUBB you BM F ib h«1r at law of abM UBoriB Hoynolda M d becMio ycMi bwn m IU landi or BniBB pat 4 (bBiwnf.

1 Biod j”«picmbBr 11. IBH.JtStfKPR ft. WOOBRVFK,

orOompUiBBnl.^ l^doatlBl BulUUni Nowark. N. J.

V rO T IO R o r AMttUNMKXT-KOTlCE I!- i Y hor«*by ftFon tha t JobD Ftruek, of (lie city of OrBOfOr^Btuf i-XKtBty rrf kamtx, «n4 MaiBof.SBw Now JBFMy. ba^ iklacUy naarta an BwIrntnHiu u tlie HubBOrilUtr, »f hia m ib w , fbr tk* oquat btn»llt of hlacrB(Uforfl.Bninbat tbo Bald e n d ito rt tnu’t ex- hfiilt their r*sp«9tlv« olalma. nn<lBt oatb rr afflirina- U 111. to lh» M^KTlbof. « t hta ofllros No. U tiruv« MTMl. In I b r M d low aatilpof Kml « rtnea. or at the uHlce of 4fc U ow t, countBlIoirtBl taw,I 'ra iif t .Vallopal Ifank ItatJdlQir* Iboauld rHyoTOtVBfiO-

XiatMl r>H«mb*rSS.lll«. .WAfsLAt'K U VilUSl.TABB, AWtfOM.

BLAKB a ilOWK, AttO*My(k m

A D V K K T tftra if iK T A ,, toii»iii#W** —.....I— -.y-.-.-.*J- -axiat o r wo.

omo* of f(fo,|««r of Tazw,. .. . -T. —

I a f t a r *ea li,i ltIit<itov* f ^ lF

J'V V lio le e a le iaa<5‘H e t a i l

o r r u a c a n d ^

133 f i R 8 T i ® p T ,Tsl«|iluido Kt J, B

TI hU oBlos will to afwi)iA*tooin L ^ to !^a .iilM *

L itic u ta r ettteslen to o d to l w lbs tollaw la,fi-diUlrBniBtkta oftaw:

’ll M o r ijbIp m th t bnoBiitk ibty of Btrianis Iwr, iwojjBXOBOt. wtlt h« dMutllMl ; 1f h IUbuotImb .lor«AkB ^optf mwr,oiM p u oml wuiU dc4i.ii;r(i«d ; Tf |fij7un w baAkT* i&o turmUttk day of Ortotwr. Bn^balf n « f i r ohil will bo Oio

I t at* I»HI on .of OM W n , iwoaltoih d o j at i.ctobff • tltstiia of «oo psv esfld wiu to eddiid; iT got nsld oa arbetor* lb* tw w iM b dev of 1sv*% to r s I'barg* of two to r M X will b* sddsd, Oad (I

: raid on or t o m tbs twsnUeth d o , «• Utosm-

« III to muted, sod. Ip oadllMu It m irito t (n u a J o a u r r 1 i« i “


wUl to oddod: If J sn u e rj w sm als

a . ' i e r f r ^ t t ^ ** 1. '

llablB ttiKiBr the Matnta, wkWi pravMM for Ih* 1^ naoe offroiiDi.•0 4 r. jf, dally i Nakifdan,

prlaoumoni nf aa pBTBona bo omcB bouti, t A, M

fMinBA. M .tillM .H yordB rorikabM r4. ,

o w fo r r . uoNirOH,•r rrw ldgat.

14,11 F Blckaaoiid aoa DbuvUib Nxbl__OBliy, MroMiw in Auvnata, jb ’’>i|ib and Kbw ^ Mail*; I l i a titiriit. dally, h lM pm tuA U aaiB aai Jarlr*r»n trills.

f lu t t r . M. o n ly fbr bU poinu b« cbe^AMliB Cbio Katlway. 1 hroU|$li Moopiajr *M LHiiIbb

ik nFor miUiuora, Waakln^ton and eba Houih, H47y

'MW rLImftBd KaorBa* Fuiiman VbUI* Bill* Parlor i lm . \ BitiCmIa iVMMBMr 1 oaobw bb4 W M M iar. l u r A. aM-l. H.U A- 31.. il4 , 4,#6b i.J |

>«M BWtlbJI, i*wrjOilman Vaalih

rp iflB T IfiN H T tf AVKNUR PAVIKU - A»- X BMamtnt ftir banrita

KflilTB Ia hrrrty flv«B that m aMMamont upon all Ibn uwiiBn of all llio kamlAand raal McatBMiaKI* Uriy bBarOifil by tkB iiaviac of

I 'U tK i^ N T H AVrNVR, froiB Mofria bv*pub to I HiltMa iirwnu». arrordinf lu ibt provUloBA u4 an oHHambb of4bB ty of Naw. ■ rk, oubtiBds "Au BrtlOBttOB lo a^vbiB Nw iha pavliaf of

TimtTRKHTH AVkHUr, ftm Morrh bvbiuib to lotrUBloa aoBtiut,** apbrofM H as B, iw .

U«% bBBk prfMrBd by tha BBiSoMifaf 1 OeMniia •tunriWa apiMluiBd by Um Mayor uf tbo rlly of N tw ari, aiHl ih a ta report by a oonihoaiB lu mt. oriih ah amomphurlQT map and eobtditlt, •howluf tbo Mi’aral aweaemenui a fa lf tbo eov Bral ownore iMcuilarly NmehlM m aferiMtit, ha« bMB dopuBlMA Ih (he oltUw nf ike (.'Ity i> r k nfibe « iv uf NBwark, (broxamloatioii by lb# i«rtl«B in. lertMHl Ibtrala.

oald aBwaBmont compi ma all lola triote mi1 paroBlABrUmd Md tral wuto liable iu hi aiMiAid. M h fk n M M J/le fo ii both akl«e uT

THfi.TKFNTIl AVKNUK, frott Mtrrla avanho to U irah w bvbbuo.

A**iBi*' rBoreMateBABOUtBptot of laud,wk«Ui«r larfo or eoMin.

Ail poraoBB latoroBiod la Mid BMiMfttonl mayboard befbra aalit (XiitiukiMionera on TUiWUAY. TH* TWKNTV'rmiUJ DAT OF


to i r “ G tV H .Iu• Mad itAuary to I8H


__________ lOWinHeiOUBTh

y nX f1« O R f f l HTRKET rAVINO-ARHXm. gl^BUlfiB bBMlltB.^(rtlTB la hBMlyr l.*Tfu that au• 11IM BwiiBni w t aU

____ ^ mant np^aIkB Innda and raal Bibat« pa*

oollarly bthallBd by the m t Iu i ofIdOKOVvORTH HTRKkt,

Amr WBBNInftBu arrroi la IHik BlfBBt, aerordlu 1« Ih# prorlMMA of an bMIhboob of ibB iltyot MBWarktyaklUBd *'Ab ufdlnan«a lo pruT|4« ftw ika M T lU m

liONnWOATH KTHRItT. ftaoi WMblBftou HrMt to H lfhM Bi, approvM

■ a h w i prrpartd by ik# naciBrilirnBd f ouunU-BiM ihufn, apuMBMl hy um Uayor nf th# riiy uf M w ark. add tNei a rrpon, by a o^nlHoatB In irrlt tof, wlik an aonuApaiiirlni map and aobBclulff. •huvlny Iba anverat aaMrumeklA atalael Ibe MBBral owiwra pMiilliirly bBiMfUod ■■ afBmald, bae hoea dopoalhil 111 Ika oflloa oT ilU i l ly C ork nf tkaaiiy of Nowark Air txanilriFitiBn by ihe aanlMi lmB^BitBd (hrrohi.

Bald aMB^amrntrJinprlahiall lois tihcla and per- rala of laiHt and rtal Bnate ilak b iu bBaaeMiMaf albfieatii, iylna on bolk eWr* of

u x u w u R T H H fnRirr* from WeabiBcton tirroi ta tllffa atioBC

A “ lol" rfprMBnui an rnilrt }Uot Bf land, wbattaBr larao or amalU

All iwrMM uit»f»atei InM l^hW H-awnt may ba heard htibrn aald CommkadouBri' on KKIDAi', T ilS TW kl.'n'Y-ftlXTH D.XY OF

JAXUAHY. IKK.s r . M..atiho romn1aalia«fT room, Ko.4ittaiid floori, iiiy HiM.

DatBd JaBuary


r . w . o m .iv A N .r . I - H tN )],, lu ll-I DV.'V B,


vihf I kiiid N.M I'. M. i>u HuoAiiy,

j 4 .m A n kud 4.AI V. u - k i ‘ WMkdaya.

a i 7 aar. «.m %. or RkUimura Mty, Ltl

Far Yxp*. I l4;, a.41, LU. tU, Uf,y.ll.B,MtJQ.17 14tnliB(l KapraBA, Pudmiin VtoilkBiB J'arlorCatk. VaeUbula lnwiiftriuMOiMauil Ua>■nfliDf i 'a r \ n.'ia A. vj.: itaa . i-ii. iM . ki-t. 4.U, a il L i r .A tt Mil AU P. 3L AOBumuMdaUM, ILM A- hL.a Aonaad V, ]J on ’mtida) . tiurBak lA4f. AU. Akt. B.I1. AU. lA tl A. U,: 4.14. 4 2A C v. 127, An^and AM p. U. Ascommodauuk, u 4

FBr'Trtniok. l].4r, A4A 740, m AI4, Aif, U t, AW (10,17 UmItBi kaaiBM. PuUinkii VaaUuatl I’arlBf iLra, VMilbuia l^teaniBr Cu*x‘bMM<l Dim tnacar). llM a n d il.U A. a*,; ia U 1 hi, l l \ A H A uLAM.AIT, M V A tt andA lll* . U. AuaiaF* U 4 M 4 L U T . Atl, I H kua U l t A. It.i 4J1 Aff. A IA A ll? ,m A ttaad * ^ < 'l'-M .

Fof AtlkuM Cliy. 1141 P U, (J.U P. M. wUh llironih PiibuMa HutTM l*arlof Ckfikud l U F. Jj. ’M ak OkM

FortApB May, t . l .p . U. iybok d a n nr Lokf Brunuli. Mbtron, Atbury Park, Obbu trroya, nprlnf i bal *'ra u i r t MaaM(|Utu. iKdnl

PMamni, and polniaQB ika Sew Vvrk and iM A Hranch 1 allroad, AH a. M-. u m lU , a n p . M*. lA ilaU k l, dally fkoBut ttiiniUy. Un Kumlay A. M and IV M- ilo nu4 eigp at OoBaa Urar* or Aektiry I’ktic «hi tmadajr.

For iMsealdB JTvrk, laiand llBlAliia and TomaHlva-r, If. h . Xi, . itosht da>*«,

Fur noatoQ, wiiiuiut Abaiif*- M, wetkd a y A t . t t r » • dally.

ABr bro«>klyh, .•*. Y< Alt ibrBitaii iralueoBnnMl a iJe n w y t 'i lJ a lth bnau of llr« ik l/n Anate.* anordliit diroct tikoetor to and from KtHtan etmABvoldliif AuiiblB leriiaBB and louruBy acruM ik*cHy.

ro R NKW y o iik '.i cAva UarkM Wkitoo, a i4, A ir, AfV M k

AH,7 U1.iAT.4S. AHOi AIA A ll AH. U A A4X aR B.H All. A H IL H lA H H4A U .« n L i7 A .m d. .to ..,.. l.OA l.illLH.l. A l l . tlA iH iH ,A A A A ll iM, UA ilA Ib U A Y ..........- - - -

*41. AH AH m A

1 > A LliWl N Htlt aLT Fa VIKU - A BaK :i»3l iv.\ r J-Jfn r briiBfllk

Snikwliharrby ftirr« Hat an aBMwiuiNic upon all OiB Mirmm of HI ihB Laada aad real mum peoul larty b.-utfltod by tbt paviiif of

a a l D ivjzt ^ h k k t .Thun WiBkiMtoa etrtfi to Hlfb auwX aneotdlai to ibr provMuniofanordtnkHfWofirr#i:i)i>’ iif.Vew- Mk, eoclilBW ** Aa oedUweB toii'Or^e ibr Um pav* IBf Ol

BALnWIKUTilKET,fnm WaHiMtoa atroot tB li Ifb etrrti,** BpproTBd t. HHt

I beon pNtaiod by ibe ttndenkvnad fomcula.M art,

iLaa bcBH pNoaiod . . . .atoBBiL B|4>olni«d by (ha Mayor of ib« oig^ of Nbw- ark, aad Inkf a tw piri by a cBrtidiia* in wrHInc, wlUiBnBOOBWi|MyiHx fiup aad Mirduke, Howiikf Ibe MtvenUi anariffmenix a7alQ4t Ib# carnrrBpreuU ar^ bawaAird MafbMmld, haa bam Iram ltad tk tk f oIBctof lb* L'Uy tterk of iba d fy ol Ntwark tor axadilDBUok by cha partlar Inlare mi4 ihmMa.

kaM BMMamBM HnipHiBB HI loM, iracle and ww- oela onan d and m l ciLH# Kahia to h* aeBaaMd as aftiriMlA lydof an bofk HIM of

ilAiiliW IK imtiClfiT.Arom WaihlkfiuR atrrot (0 Uivh itniH

A ^tot'^ fapcaeeati an BOtlm pMt uf land, whBth- er lamBBrimMll.

All pereBneliiiarofitod In enld aasetamaul may bB haard brio rt eald (Jommlaelotieraott T U m tA Y f ‘lU K TW«CNTV-r>UUD DAV O f

jA X ra R V J H l,at t F. X.. a t IkB comiuMoiiBfB' a m o , ICl 4 (iklrd floors \1ty H mIL

iM tid Jamiary H 19HF. W. kTLUVAN, y. U F K IM ),'lOUN DWVKR.

Ho 1 ommlNili^iwri,

ROAD fl'K k A T fbr btnafU

I'AVlNU-AoN, NsMKKT11Kotloa hi li.rsby ftvan tlisl sn ewiSMineDt iito*

*11 Ui* ewnen ol sil lb* lonU* sod r#si nist, psau- llsrijr benturra br ito i«vluf er

AhuaIu aniKXT.rvom (rea'-.roaar strtsi bo llsrr.)- nuvto, scrordle, lo tb. pravirltjus at ea onllnaoiv ai bli. rhz or bowtra. sutiUwl "Aa onUiuuu.-* u piovld* tbe tb. tovlsgst

HROeDaTRKRT.toom Oouvsraetir s irte r la H a r r s , uriwx anprirve] Jul. u, istx

Hst bwa Dnrarsd to Ih* iiiKl.nli(M,sl Comml*. ttotofs, to la* Htoor ■ >( ">i- oHr ut !(aw- orlx enl tiui s iviiorxto S'sruilcais to sfiona, wile ee SL-r'ODiranvIox map and M-ht'iuls. ohowln i Ihe MTsnl toUi i eirott usla*i lb. stvrnl uwnrrs tocellaiiv Wtoaud e« albrsasll. ba, tooi il. (Kwited 10 Ih* gRIo* of tbs CU.'- Usrlt of lb" clip rj

ewarti. Sir .xamlneiloe to ih* partis* initisiicit Ibsraiu.

r *M MonsoMMt eesspilan sti M x Iroi-M aa<1 ranwi* otlaod sod rte i s e a t . Ilobl. to to osneriwd 0* otbiweld, Iplnf oe boih ildn ot

ilHUAll WI HKKTthiBi r t e s v s n n r s in s t lo H trrrr uiwn.

A '-lot” rraitoreli on oDtlro plot utiaiid,*r u i f t or lanau,

- II toiwm* Im.r**tc4 lu oald rauwi u tn l mov b , htard tolof. tabt UommlMlooa * on V H I lta r , T H a 't 'W r,.\i V-niXTU d a v o p

JAM JAUV. IWI.3 F. M., .1 Ibt CoaimUsiOLiari' roum, No- 4 ttd ffoorb u tr it.ii,

LoM Joniiuv It, WXP. W. HUU.IVAN.

f', L. PKI.VI’, uJtN

srp_______ Conmi1»1on-r,.

I t W i . t .I.IX u t . All. XU. ikix X U XIS, All r.ia. T.«. r . u xui. Aso. aw . luui.I lv ; oighx m iaiiapuaioa XIX x n

'l iu u ]o,«>. law . l u i A. H.; IZU ItW XOt tin. b u ua. XM, xM.xoiv x«x an. r.ui, r.u ;.u 7.W. ira . ASi. azr, ia.m. l a u f . h .. ix n niihi.

lA o v tia s tr* iw nrt iriauoo, aox x tl ,T o l, T.liT .tfan ,« .i> .iao x II.ISIA. u . 11101x 1 i .u M l , ’A ' f - V •■**- *M : XU IB , sad ia*f p. U, wtok d s ra

I r a r t uaMbnol Htr*st HtsUoo, XiXXtd, XU XIX l u x T . u ao;. t a . xbx s ix x u i x u la ir .X ir.1 lu ii. IX. . t . « i , i . u i . J SIX i w X I, XU XU. 44X XIX X«. XW XU b.iu, '" X T.U XKS. IT, I x u I l . t i F. M.: Iliu mzhb Sundtr, XOXX U X I).X U IXM HI.U. lUW .'. SL; izw . i t t l , I .U IXX tW XU. XU XIX XXX X U S . la u x ; , |X XU XU, XU IXJ'smI il .li F, JL '

le a v , Kmiu*ta>r«iiiri*llaa -Xti.*.iX XU, T.(t.T. U XUX X U X,t. s.»^ XU lO.U A M.; I t U 11 -X M l, -. t i l , t i l ,X I X XIXXOXXlXXU 7. I .“ ~ S.U. S.Wi 11.11 1-. id.; IXSI nishx Muoilto, te l , x » . x u ta il , ii.w A. a .; i J u , i i i i , x i i l u , 'XII. tVL i U XH XXI. XIX XIX 7.IX Xll. XH <IXM P. U.

PH»M M «HN XI' sTHKET aTATION.For KllsaOtib aud Ilobwig. |.'U. XII, 7.0X T.U

x ii .x ia .sw . IXM, A. Id.I X U i . t i l u x ux» .sd* . dAa,xi7,xoa, XH. x d x x u x o i , xor, x ix XU ldX X d7.T ,d7.7.U X aX X 4ladtiX U lM IP .K .|I*-!• SO'IIXt? "IdllX Hii0d*KI.JX I A XH,XIX IX U

Ji.; itx i. i . u i i O . l i , x ii , x o i i r a 7.IX 7.IX MX T-U XXX S.dX lUOX u u i x h V n . and it.dr stsbX

For U lu to lb only. XH A. Id, 0*11/. ItM OOd AM P. II. vrok do/x

Fw Nsw HiUinwIoli, 1117, XH, TOO. IU , XR, MX xw and IXU A. H.1 IXH, L u t i t , XU, d.U XU XU. XU, I.U, 7.U, XH and tXW F- H. Ouiida/. iXlE xd*.i.ii, XU. x u a o d u . i i a . M.; IXU 1* ta x 7.IX X ll **il SOI P. It.

Fo, Wiiudbridatiand Forth Amboy. XU XU *M1 JXdd A. it.; Xo£ XU. XOX r.W and s l i p . M. ^ Susdaps- X U ll.XI A, If.: llOU P. M.

I i-r <*'oodbrMa*oat/. XH A. H .| Add p. H i U U r.lgbx «*ik d*ra ; i x i l A. M.. nundarx , t o r Xo*t I t l lU u sx T.M A. B .; t t U LM o s « « nF. M'sdBliy, axcBptftiikilay,. Irdr klniHUm ahil Hack7 MUt, T.SOk, X. M H iM F-kl,,daily .ascaptottiH li^. .

For Ffailnpeburt, Kaaioa ami BelvUlBra, T jL lM f A. M A kd S.m A n P. H . muidny. i n Fa M P ,

KoUakBibBrivlUi. 7 ,H n . t l A. M.: A llT lJ f iM AtTP.,k»* H iiidaw .A ni'. X, ^

rorFltniltiirlon, T.H A* X. had A M H r dally, ekorpt Monday.X.( LX, Ail

ik d r.W F. M. dally- aarwpi Munday.kar HBfriBBtokk. ffurnoium a ^ ()kiigiiHi.Am

AW aad ILU A. M.l l .H I H AM «kd 8 J i P. iL d^ly^e^Oapt Bttkday> (.'khandaf. lA tl A. M. atid

>br F r f F a r m l a i d n l e , Hanaaquaia kkdtilr«vlkVokmoti(kJBM 4M iu.7ioaM d UA* A. J L and AM M>a«k Ukye. For Fr«Bkoid m if f M KM. «atkji«yA14ic»y N R W A M .A M ^ .w *fS fV *{uaS 5l a H L H I . H k H l A A H A H J.4A A H 4IA4II. 4.S0. A'4f, AH AMs AH 444 AH. AH Ai- - tA aI v aIA Ir “a.4A 7.UH, V klA h i a II,uu, 11.4*BIKl i i u niliioiBhL 'mjjKta.v (raiMi. A iA lrtt 9.0A h.4A 10.H idlM, 11.00. li.M A, H-i kOBL IIS I, 1.14 irM. m 2x4A AM- 4AU.u a A H A1AA4A •.M- A4A 7.H T.M, 7.4A AbOL I Ju VAD. AM. lAlA 11 tio H U. aad lA llm idnlfk i. .

For rurtber inforinaHoii erae ilm«l*blBi.l«lMUfcl ai tlie ilcku oWcb* ■I'kilcoia for ail jw lau ^ ik t l*BTmay1vMita HallreBdftaitCimrMHrtlnua. and oertbA w^tiooa Biid bwxaae rkouke Hi tba com pM yi oftirem Nu TW Htwul wreBl. or a i ttotatontoBki Market street iltkilMk , ^ a.,™torato. M, I’llKVtJ-ri’. J, M. WOOD,

UBiMimi Maoefar Oatieral r a w u k t r A fiak

J J jJiHVF,V_ STREMT PAVtMU^_______________ -AaMKasHifiaVT_ Mr bBoBAif.

N'ntldB h hereby kWro Uiatkn knasem ent upon all IkB ow ntra oi all lh« laude aod rrki aainu p^cn llatly tonBilBd hy tb» pavluf ot

UAHVU.Y M iK K tr.m m RellBvlllB bvbqub to ih« Baattrly n irh Una of .m, Plaaeant kVBuDB, BCanrdlny In th# provIvUmt Of Ik Brillkkncf o f the (i*y nf Newark, etitlili’d ^Ab onUnaiioa la proviso Ibr the pavln 1 of

. HAUVKY kTR*cer»"v7ooa_TlBtlBvtiiaBTeai|B vi ihtHMBeiy ourh Una.afMA PleBea»4BV«

Ubb bBBk prapBfvd k y ^ e undeiSaiwd Uommla- OMra. epputaud by tin Mayor nf the city of New-

arkj a n d i w a ret«rL by a oertlftoaia In wntljif.■ i .................. ..........itfc an ■BcotDpBnylKm ma|i and ickadulr. thowin;^

lh«x eareral a»BeeDMBta an in a t the BevaraZ owners pBouiMrly bBAefitfd ae anraeakl, haa been d^pos- itBd In IDB o n e ; o fu ia (1iy 4 lerk of llie I’liy nf ^Bwarka Mr axamJakUon by tha partiae lnt«re«iB<l itaerala.

Maid BMBMnmt aamprleef all kMA traoct aod paroBie of land and real M tau liable to Ue eMwanwi M afbrailatla lyiHdon botlkildBaaf

UARVMV MrHEkl',fTom Rellerllla bvbdub Ib the BaaiBrty curb lln« of Ht. PSBkMfitaTBnaB: BnibeBaHeldBOf

XT, PLKAk/rNT AVKNUK, tmm tbe northerly line of llBrvey e lm t to a pfuiit aboBt fbrty fMt aonik i>f tbe iatne.

A tvpreaBBte an a n t ln plot o( laiul,whether larte ur amalL

Ail peivoii«1niBie<ed In ashi aa aieiiiant nay bi Uranl borort Bald < ommltfilDpen o iKlilD.xV, n i t i »WhNT\-?*IXTK DAY OF

j a m u a k y . i w , «1 V. Mm kt the Contmlaalonera' ruoiu, No. 4 fthinl Ponrl. t l iy KaU. '

Daltd J a n b trF H fW .fa W. kUIXTVAN,F. L. PKiNiJ,JUIIN t fW Y k n .

73p L^mtniMlomre.


S T E E E A Q EA( lowfifll N aw T orti ra tea on a ll Udbii of ocean eieameri. MARTIN R. l>EKNtH A CO., aeub- IlNlied IMH, TT4 B rokd k troet, n aa r M arkat etreet, SVwRrk, N. J . DmCta for AI aa d n|>- ward utid nionay orden t im ykhk In firdh i ilrltu lh am i Irelant) aud n il of Kuropc.

CSXTJIa M U ILRO A D QF KF-W J K IU R T - AiitbmcltB L-oal iMBd Pkuluelrely, ixieuttaf / ckBkdlliiffw end ogniMit. Ttmelkbla la BfIM [he

CBiuber ly. IBM.I ralDi Irave nnad hnd F trty HtriMt Htnilook For riklaftflii. a.lA ll, T.*A LSI, HM* U J IA ILf

1.1 A I.U VLtO BaiuMaye outyj, 1U« kSA 4.1^ 4.H, k H L H Lm , am . 7.11s T-H L40, H H l i . a P. M. suudaye, 7.H k4S. UM A- .H.; l .H ^ 4-H 1.40, T.M, %’i*. lO.M F. M.

FnrSoin«rvtU*. klAU. 7.18, I H 10.04, ILM A K l 14A i-84, iM , AS8, 4.U&, l.u7iU9'7kM. L H T.H 1.4^ l(iu&, II.7A F. M. Hundkjrisl.M, k4*,f,08 A. UsH-lO. Id s 4.IU. 8.40. y.lii. lO.M P. H.

yiit Memlonton, 7.14, 4.U A. M,;1.18. 4AA 8.1* F Ji. I*. W- , a- ^

FureleiMiafiUi iU lh Hridge. ronnr-rUot Mr Xm tloae on lU|lt Jirldae eml lake IfopelooftL U.lftlBleepI U k»H up4l«>nsis8.X A. X ; +.1A P. X. euoda>’*iekoepi iJtke I.W F. M.

Fur rtiacuiis 00 .Main Line Nb y JarMy C ^w M l>1vtakm- LMiuii, Hethlehem, Allentown and MeucoCbUnk.T.t8,8.kUiVilt*x Car> 1K48 A .X . to M .m i, (T.U toA ilenuwni P. M. bundays. a« l*‘d J*lk, 8.4®W II

/o r WllkeUbarre. 1‘ltbetok oud r'eranioB. LU A M.. UA4-08 !'• M. ' i.'.vili'Hilor Lkfi.

I'tof h'uuitiry, l„eW(«uuri aad WliUamipiit vik rh lM rip h ln , T U A. M.. 1 -W. ^3>- I*. K ,rKpleaiurdaf iiivht. witwlay, l-D r. K-

*^«KvtAllK AND Klif>^.Vl!KrH KKANOH. I'nilM ifHVu iiroml hireet stailoo tor KllAabtlk

end iKOBeile ei 6,l&.B.rt r lleutKUiiiort BtiUr. T.IL 7.88. 8.18! l^lSHlieiiiport onlv, H.44. eU , O.A. t0.0\ IOtSS, 11.08, ll.U A, M-L\ M I.IV 8.4L4.08, 4,U, AM. AU, ij.-yi, IVH 7.I&. TsIG, 8.'40. lO.lA, ll.A 1*. M. Mun’IaFH. 7.M, i -Ui.O.U V.Vl, HI.S&, ILU A 3M 1.10, 1.U- l u , ] Jd, 4.1U, t.,U, 8 40, C,D». 7-m Lifiy V-M, 1U.») r . M.

I'or Perth A m bo/sii& A S . A U ,ii.U A .4.0A. 4 Ki. &.M. a m T.U P. U. HutK^jyi, FO# A. X.;4.10 P. X.

Fur AUeitllc H lfbtaaile vl% Uatnwan, IH , 1|.U As M 'll.U , 4.8-V .M, i'. M. tUMdAy.i.9.0ft A, X ;*'F o F ^ b o ll l , l . tb ll.U A. M-! I.Ud.7V X ll P. M,

Fur Red Hank, i.iiuif Braticli, tS'eau iimvi’. #10.H i I.Ms 4.08, 4.8G (AM 10 lied deJlKL.

tiObij P, M.' sundeye. uoB pt Ui Dobhu uruvw k'J* A. M.t 4-U I LAKKWOOD,

loine Eieer, iiaraei^Ht Park and noroBVkWLX H.

Fur VltMiaml and Hrldcetok, u u p. M.Fur Allkntk'Ciiy, I.U !'• 31

NKtt’AKK AND NKW YORK.Frum brijad and Ferry Ntieet ktatlune—A ik H

MRI, 7.k), f40. LuO. 8.'JO, 8.40,1.(10, U-HM.4U. 111.00, liLM, 10 40s tl.OO, fl.M A. -M. ; 1Z.0j X : 1.80.'i.00, AM, 8 00.8.80, 4.00, 4.H 4.10k iJ.Hi 6.U, fi.U, 0.08. Ifi'i, 0 H 7-0 *. 7.40, T-AV 8.A0, LU, lO.U, IJ.M I’. -M.; 1:101, 12-40 nl^hi. BundAye—T.vo. 8,00. «.00,10-bk 11.00 A. X.i 11.00 M.;ffl.00, 1.M ,1H 8.H 4.M, -S.IO, KW, T'OU, 8-00. I.IK 10.00, 11,0.1,1' -M P. K

lifevfl .New York rVum foot of Liberty eioNt—AI A30, A..jO. 8.80. 8 48. T-IA T-M. 7.H818, AM. k H 0-.1L «.8Usl0.U0,10.11. IU.40s1Lh 11*0 4.M .; liLMM.: 18M. l.Ui. l.lU.3.(»,'f-H * b0,LM. AM, 4.M, 4.8LLI8,LH L8fi,a.*(V 4.08. 6,48, 7.09r7..j0s 7.48. LW. 1.80, 1U.M,'. X. I'Oiutaye-r.uu.000.8-00, lo.oo, i i .H A. H.I m O M .; 1-00. Irtl, LOO, 4.00, AsbJ* 400.0.80,7.031 8.00, e.00, lO.oOr ii-oOs i'J.oo P. jM.

FUK P m i-A D h L P in A . BALTlMORH A K 0\v A sin x (4 ‘M.Ng iioV A L nisUK l in k *

■ or liiiiaUflpbla and Trentotu 7.VL A-U. toOi lllsU exceiit I’hItodeliihiN) A. H i I.U. 4.0V, AOV Li'M, 7,Us I*. M. Handaye, t.OA A. M.i LU(4.1leioepi '1 reritaii >. J*. H .

>or Bkltlaioreand WaAlilotioiU ILU A. X l 1.U, iMsAW, 7.U. I J .a P. M. Suudaye, * 0$, ILK As M-; LU, 4,S0, 7.30 P. M,

8or CbaiUnoofa. New Or eane and all polnti I'omb, with mronah veellbiLled idee^ni via rthf a- aiidcuk Vailay Line, a t F> K ^UudityA 4.81P Mr

Tiiroufh Uckeu lo all principal iwlnia at lowBit nuee tuTB ua eale at Uroau street eUUun, i . H. Ul.llAl^BFN. U. P. HALDWXX,

Gea. kuperloteiideat Qon. Fameager Ageok


L E H IG H V A L L E Y R A I L R O A D .M a rk n t M trtwt RUitlon.

A, M. dally tor W'tlkeebBrreand hierroediato Maiiunv i oLinectloD, BaoeptHiiHlaya tor Pottevli t aad aeoullni.

10,01 A. M-dally tor Clenevk, Rochester, Huffdo and th* A’8*t, and prlodpaj IcpobI poljila; chair oar to WUkMiutrfe, PuHauw ear to Uurlklo- 'J1£U}> M-d«lly, eiceptHoodkY. x^mlra^ '

all IntrrtnedtHi# kUmIuim); <4>an8i k>ne tor lo1Wru4s« and i.eadlngt rbelr uir to Uaach (.'bunk.

4,4u i . Ms di IIyl aaorpt Huaday, for L and B.Jumtlon and |irxnH|>ikl liilerutcd!«tefr(BHgiti;vbalrcar lu whkrMluree: cobnecUoM for Pouitvllit.

4 II F. M. dally, except eonday, tor eontti Plam- fleUl and tuleruii'iiaie etailooe.

A4ti P. Ms didl> ■ exvejpt Ittiidkr. tor Kaatoa and loteroaedlate iiatl>di«.

8,8i p. M. dally, for BaAfUB. NIagato Felia and k llp ^ ijii WeeLAieepar lu Buantu; connaclloili tor Bekdlaeand Jlarr1to(tr.;r .

CM r. X- dally,____ ugoirtChunk nod Inierniealato MaHoa*.

Mr Xauch

t.aa P. ei. daily tor Iiheck* (JeMfva, Fochnier. FUA lb, FOIFRian alveper to ^uapen■lon RrldgB,

■raddlw** 'UMMtav iralk^t V*M A. X- totXBiMk Ch«na*!*>wissffl*. ami XU I*. * . ibHirfieiP®"Inltrnudlato Kiaiions,

Y loketa aiMt puliiuNn aroammodattone kt m . XI, 844 ana 1128 Broadway, 148 Ro«r*ry. u i kaat iM h at., Nna Y ork; 84) ruJlonak, 4 Court •(. kod K Urokiitays Drcwklyk. N. Y. , . , ^

Tub ke«r York 'lraB«tor Co. wiu M l tor and etafok baiyaiB ntoio hoitlorre|k}BaM thn iifh iB dUUnBtlott.BOLliL^ H. n'l/iHUH.

UeiFI huiHs Kaateru Jnv.

ERIE RAILWAY.D c m f o u r t h a v e , a n d P A m ic « T .Couaeutlkf iraine to»ve a t toltcwv:

n S v> AHK AsND PATEti'ON.I.eura Newark fur Palereoii”-«-30. 7.U, A4i tt l>

A. M.itllW , 184. 8.47. 4.V, AMs ti-H 0.H 7‘H Wla X p. X. and u $ i a . H. c-uuiuy, tf-U, i.M A. Mh1.48.7. U7, kU , XQi.87 1'. X.

Leave i*atoriN)j) fbr NtiWark-r-lU. 0,13, M l, T.'IL 7.48. AX.8.U8. lUlA 1U3 A. M.: l.M, i : i . I ’lL MA U.I3, T s H M is to u p . X. Mindly, aU sdsU andH tl A. X.; l.M, MQ. 7.U, IU.U p. X

NkWAKK NKW YOHK.. LcftYB Newark "■#•(% A4«.,8.3J I.4T, B-H '■ 'A ; MT: llo*. L S l.iU s ’l.U A3H, O-W. i H ^.14

11.011 P ,X . runday.T.JI, U.V8, A-4Li k08|BH 8,44, ILU8 I'- M.

i^ave New V«rk ft’kam ben aireet)-8.4&, 7.11,8.07. A. X.; ion, i.Lt. 4.32, 8 H8a'.*t T.tu. toOe, 13.00 F. *1. huikdeys U.03 A. Md l-OA 8.U ,i1.h S.0Mu« P . X. Jinau*.} ay I «pnB9. ivarB .Newark 1.44 A, M. daya, 7.24 a , Jd- VeaUbule f.lmlletl, leave Newark isW P. X. HumUyii’Lik r .M , t*nmd Tjonk to* pr«i4, lBav«” Newark &3B P. W. hundaye, tM tf. i blckBo Kxpreai, leave Newark 8.07 P. M. MU*’ dayiTi-ti l^ Xrx>t ilekett, imgiare oliecka, nteeptoff «w loeaftoik tlQieiabl^<»lluthBCitya 'lck e to m u , m .irsst. 'tslvfffumii H . o u t nbtUne. ■

. IV j |q j ^ i c M a 0 H i '« . .a'l ms. Aiiuii.OHX*, *. t.KK

(Isa'I rasa -Ut « 'H . J i aU lX K tira'iKMKagx

Hahne & Cifull Uue ot HI 'iWltllNS. rklsg yaoc Ti

Have a ttOl Uue nf BIUGrtB’g If PKK P ffTKIlNS... At»> in:for roarl- ksrcblsfi,

Table 1___ ..ttaUwaoKt

KE-WAKK RVENiyr, X E # » . T n iD A Y . JAKTTAKY

'.O N T H E T A R I F F .

w ith • *t™u«

r.»T1u> WllMit Wt'<^ IforVlii*

W lti*)N 9 ro4 J»n. Ift.-JVinjnwmiui En-(rfUpwtrk. ■ tway« hw a vr.ltuntn'ms


An Hnriile J a iler l‘ rr«i'nU tli« Karap* «fM iuij FrUolicnb

(lUABA, Neb.f Jw i lit.—JaUbt W. O. * ** 1* * WM th# tsATiilwi* of tb*nrflftiB.r of tbo (Mjuntjr jail laJit w«riu« * hwi ha hfunl Uic nolw of a a iidl" on um ■ anml

O lin in n ln i n]> h« foiioil twoand tha auUjwm to which UU alU-oUon rltarai teia nanxii Ucfraiiw audJ a n niA alwaya thoaeof tariff or ix-n-

Hare i« a letter fnan a Newark iimii__ tha aawntlal inrt of the Conur. -i-

leaaaw ertolt, which dl«rl'»™ I>r. Eo- 5 5 k'e viewa on the WlHdil hill. The citlam's S C r li on fnllowt:

■■ Saw \oBK, Jmil id.

■ "O T *» Hjii— .Allow lue hr enter tlw iirreBiwelf and tanuly u«aliwt tla: W ilwjn

C & _ tiw verr |iro«i«-<w of which hac thrown B » out of work In tin' tji|ltcj !ilaU"«.

I L S S a h a a tuner l«*n a mailer of i«bUc h-a- U a k B aaalnet whii h thcro ba> leon a well- ■ Igh amreraal proleal aa *"**faSa In riiilioaltinn to thiii one. A f l i a i t i m roniarked In Hie within a few S n , Ihe rule of the Rebel llrigailicn. i«mia aharuata over Northeni Ihiiiocratji. How can yon elaiio tiuit ‘ imitwllon i» roWieiTf nf tka tnauv for the henelil of llic few In S irtrtiraw i, while tht'rari'h'nl*of my ward M th ) are aupiairtln;; hla oj*eratlvM bjr

V e y tr u ly y o u r ^ ^. . . "l

o Ablnitton nvi-nnA Newark, N. J.T o tfcU Ur. Eugileh , , ,i rW A nm soroii, U. Jan- Ja M B Biiali HtK—l m«rt reH)iei-tfully ili'

Buir to a few Ktati-menta In y ju r h'tlcr. ^ n J« i aaaert tliot»Uh,000 nu-n have l«rnH«tjwiioiitolhiiH*>ymi'nt by t i''«( ebiniia of U n t, u chanKe

ro ooBarcutlve l'onir«»li a majortty of the Ameriian

Intwo' a » rc u tlv o I'oninwiloiial electiona by

■ the Amei HKBIP m •••vr.—.-.t aotlrely a a i *nt»tag bow l(Botanl you and a (Croat


will",jM.«hs you of the fact,

iiBiiM'U tlichUn(c. Without a miaiiptit* hiliim he hprang Into the <v1l to eei*™ ^ t ^men. Mcltln* Pefram t Uu' Jailer jmlUvl htm Into theeurrldor, but WM fullowod liy Lhru- lianaen anil attm-kni by Uith mm. A .hwix-rate ktratcgle <•.a ml■ u<■ e■ i, when ilenly < lirhnlnniien anronic h«k a '“' rj*'“ n the lever Umt miloi'lwl every eetl on tha

** Sliiele-n crtmlnnlii burnt forUi and tJ„. Jailer into n .oil I ere thov Im t ^

on him. but will. Iwode «“ *" R“ Uinuigh mijl* lunl ruAiu tl

Ulr iw rhlor b. IIh- idfliv. The pa-onen lowcl him In a wiM daah for lH»'rty. but a. the mob, h . i l« l by thre,hnld. Ermwt l*d f * * ! * ' , • and a biliv and llaehed li» K“" er'a fnie. ' Tim mob enrijed un to tlm d'«'^ war in a frantic atteni|.t to kill thu ^11 r laif hla mwve aud ttie (pin cowed t ^ l 'A amt they elowi.v and aulleuly , J"tM r eell*. driven by Erwat. It waa ttm imwt d«[xm to altem tl at ""fap*In the Jail ami the moat liemle wHon on tin

rl Ilf Ernint ever ixrfomieil by any mau thft urt1rt‘. . _ ^

Th«' iirinoiMH’N mnkln^ th i attetniH. w'wb t i lmen Hcnteiici.i to tlie ixiiileiitliiry or awalU liu( trial In ilefaiill of liince twil tlxleoiler la aeiitonced f o r '1)!"' ' ' i.iK with lira Unit«i «*»'<•'niall - r v ^ i. amt Chrlatiaiiaeahaa a Ionic Ij-nn Ki mat la aevendy bmiaeil and haa Internal

EvaaM of latereat (iatlieriMl Inlhel'iiim- loua ftalmrlia-hlote. of ro llre. C'liurrii,

HorlBl oml O lber llapiiehlnaa. Hlcholaa fluma, of Id North l'arkair.- t

Eaat Orange, fourteen y»«ra of age, w s' ' • hurt nhtbt b>-JuatlcB Elliott at tlm k " ' "; ange Police Htatmn on a i linrgc "f “ i J S ,u*le by hh atater Mra. A ll.- Hn|th;'- Jwbia Elliott held tha boy b> “e-- if h> i-uiii not bn aant to the Hefomi H- hiBil.

The Eaat Onuoga Townahlp tonmilU'' bekl a maftlng laat night, but no bualiir iiiinnrtauica waa traiuiaid«l.

William E. Undaley. nf Fallon * bln la- ley, la rnnflned to hla home with a m - loentMl arm. rocelred by Jumping from hla

pin laat Hatuntay.r . Jnhnaiin, of Moiitidair.

MUNYON’S INDORSERS.a t te ll Knew a D, F. W . Maa Halaa

That lla Waa Paaftlvalj Curad of ltb»unimtUin la » H«daArk« '

kbljr hh«r% H e m «

W TT. W hw 'U r, 10* WftAhtnfftnn At,Y. : . u i'iiy InAn^c'tor w l4 ih«

fir!ui‘*n^oJnitUpWnrk»,AW: " t ' 'on*A bhfiimiitiAm Cii rs ivdMor alLturiD* of rheiima

oon* re (ho


WAt?Miaa EUialmth - . . — ,

win apeak In the parlora of Trinity Coiign gatioaol t'huivh, Harriaon alreet, Kj»t i h - ange, tlita afteruniin on the work of ih.'o'l- lege aettlenieot in Rlvlngton atnot, -New York, where ebe lUwd for thru.- momlo. Hlai Johnaon come* to Fjwl 1 Irange iiialer Hi* auaploea of the Lndlea’ Chiinh Furmah-

li.'l urinp M.ler Miinroi -.. .III-..! remc. , .Vi-Ii' I'o r illa'-vere.!. What 1 hateaunereo tr .i I rlmumatlam for the laat twanfr r* *« r. longue ean dnerlbe. I Oould hardl"e.i'l, great waa tha |ialn In m rlaga. I „ f.,reel to leave m f biialneia, and waaC,.r Iineil 1.. niv IkmI lorweekeat a tlma, Ur


Ing HodiAy. ITn

m m j othara are hrreiard to thla n ia l^ . ii TOU Will go boi'k to the paat, you will nnd

Injuri.*, tiw muilt of Iwing Irauipled upol wnlhicli may prove fatal.

J S L In m 'la* of ifviut lyTta 1M|A17,

u B f WA h J huAiM'lAi dlwiNlf r, the rHiiHHe------ 1— gi Which waa ovcr-lraillng, over-

ilmlan) and eatrovugam* of

t r f t ;

i^onptaiA •

acS^roni thea# .amviilaioni It re- 'aw yama to itaaiver in «»i'li <‘•*0.

^ - iJi.tB. nuaea of llnaixial dMUiUr varhau, but the remote omwlim 1*

d In prwclaely what I bavo ^ te il . I olao to your atatement that them _ ^ genaral and well-nigh uni-

d b«0 M ^ n a t the paaaage ofaplte « on •ntonliWil alteniiAor ooRW (yORjrtwt (»y parlh*

tn Aplte at ■ haiiKiVa* roiwi»rarv^ouiiiY Hum to rpdufNt wBifBi of

*ud thiw forcA him iirrv lor lU jAiMMS* haro

\ and ptroifa TM&b ytm MYe itot A M but I They tra not adiin«wi| to

ttYTf y«ntr iiWiwy* Iwt to n » aiiu Q iiFSilM W utirovee. ^

|0 tbo pot ahoui the of thoIt li l^MUt tiiiu) that that

^ S a d ridaml# r3 tiw ttatO Erur. Totf ha TO aihlrt'jfeon a man • mao of aume aaparleiwe it of oouinge.

ja r e b l ify n t the many____few, ’ or, aa Judge Hlrk-

I^pntita, ‘ Abnnqurt for tta f»* H U tr ni»T hav* auwe crutnba thot fall

FOR JEUKEV B«AI> i m p k o v e m e k t h .

A M eetin g of t h e tlliile A taoe la llon 11*1.1 ** T re n to i i - t l lh c e r a Elected.

TntrTOg, Jou. m .-A naxting id the New Jeraey Htate Hoad Inipivrvenieiit Aaendatlou waa held at tho Htalo Capitol ymtenlay. The aMtmtlAJir* waa <|ult« lar<t». ?pwidrnt K<1- wmli Burp^High* iiuMte m lutapwllnn amirtwa in whk’h h« c«)iiKratulat«l ll» aw‘ ^atlon uixm tbi» rapid aiJolluhmfQt uf U«' ov«im«r iyat«», Ihwight Ni-w Jerwy waa making Ifwxl progTrt ill nittd improvwiiwit mitWthrStatA Aidai*t. ThriY* had ba ii tlurir^ the jm r ihirty-ai* miljN of atone roada built and thirty-three miUw were lo w ane of «'on- Nt ruction at the pptwwit time in Mercer and iiiirlln((tcrt* c<»untlBa. He thuunhl Hie B(ate

ton peramMuiitMiibi to tlie preeent HUW

Ahl wwre approved by the meetlii* aj

iH a rifo n n i ■ ,tlM uperaUvM cif! t e CTark Threoil

no ilaaMBBtrallaii- And when youf a »

___.___ I <*byaanrU nc thay ara paaipara, niic ' charity, yon pot a atigma upm

and ludiiatry I fc y aa honeat men ■ arve. * * .nlwnyi glad to h « CM> • r « t m;

ill and Marl P? — s 1 copeider t h « reaaouabla

pprov... ..ffdtawa; That the Hmte i»iy f |»r <*nt. of (he (ntpenaa of road .nuatructhin, the piwn- • li lp » par rant., the ln.Uvirtual taiiwver* Id per <wit., ami the iviunly lh.> remainder; th a t“ oy»tBr nhella, gravel and other han •uhatancee" lx iunerted in tiie law w ttuit tbev eau lie n»eil aa well aa atone i that Soania of Frwh.rt.1eta *e!ect the r o w to 'le .■ .awtructed from ihoae p e lt t lo M l^ i the nay of the auprviaora be^ r^ u ^ ^ •.lay, and that they be aelectad by the B o ^ l of Fraeholdeia f nan the dntrln whaca tharoailU being .wistructed.

The fOUowlngomran were elertad: PTwi- .lent, C. C. McHriiie; vl.-e-priafcleot, IWph Ege; eeivetarv, Franklin Uye; K ^ u U v e

J. J. Davlapii, C l a ^ pmirnw ‘ - im K. Tine, J

mla I'raiw.

Imre waa a large alteu'lanoe of menil»'n at the llftb imiiic ride of tlie wauioii m <bH tlronga IHdlng Clnb laat avenlog. Tli'i« who nxle In tha varied avolutlou* were Ml*. Wilaon, Mr. and Mri. O. I'.irii, Ml-e Dmiie, bkutonant and Mra. Victor F. Ijml- h.rtni, Mim CoyUB, Theodora Wllaou, Jehn M. lntyre, Frank Bing, Henry O. Alwal.'r, Hichani f'oyiia K. K. lIiukln*.iA l>avl.l Riiiglani, Mr. vanMoach. Edward UlagUam, Jam™ llingham, Jr., Mr. Flroby. l

Dmrga Eck# and Henry Mott liowled for a (lurae of ISO laat night Mr. Ecke waa di- | fcat«l.

Tlm Inter Ha Wblat Club, of the flm w w , had a Jolly time at tha home of Mr. ami Mr*. Btaijamln U Atchlaon In Monlr.iac hurt n^ht. Mra, Jai’kaon woo the (bid priaa end Free­man ClorktOD woo the leooDd urine.

A meeting of the elgnera of the charter Hat df the new cnonoll of Jr. O. U. A. M. will lie belli to-ulght in the lu ll On the comer of Main ami O rovt atreeliL Boat Oranm,

The Young People'i Society of in.’ W aah- ingtop Strew Baptlit Cburcli, Eaat Oraiigis gave a wartal In tberhurch parlora lait night. Roveral vocal aelectlona were auog by the Iiiiartette choir <rf Ferry It. K. Church. Jllaa Flora B a at Mlai Uaale Helling eiiil Mlw Unnle Fallen played on the pluiin. Hel.vtiuna on the banjo and guitar were i»r- (onnwl by the Meeara. Winner, and tecit*. tliina wio* deltveceii by Edward I/mg. He- f rulmxnta were aervad a t the eiul of the en- tcrtainiiicnt

A nioi'k trial vrae held taut night at the Calvary Bajitlit Church, North Maple ave­nue, Eaat Urange.

The oamlonoi ooumdla of the Junior (I. U. A. .M. of Eaeei Coun^, In DeckeFa Building, Orange, laat night, waa attend*.! by iman- Ixra from Oeorge H, Adonu. OeoeralCuater, Anthony Wayne, Daniel Welieter eod Henry Cluv Counclla of Neyrafk and Vigilant Comi- cil .'if Keenly. ............. ,

A luixk trial will bo belli at the t alley A - M. C. A. liuildtoK to-night, V Oneof themeiii- bera will lie c h a iW with ftealing chlckena. He will be tried, convictod and duly pun- Wml.

icmler that I could not wear iiiiv ic...... and even the weight of thehedc|. III, , un-verr laiinful. Ihadthoaeaharp. ->i ...iiMi' I lima a 1 over ray body. I loat mr...... . iiiid waa rapidly growing thin. IaVa ncr'-nodcl fo try Ifunron • Uheuaia-

C. i. . end after laking hut one^bpttle til.- lii.trcsalng patna loft me and haya m.ire-urncd alnce. lU k o plaaaura lara-

II,.'tiding Munyon’a Hheunutlam Cura to ell ■- [ riTo Inim rheuniatlam. for 1 am A. .1 li' ludicsl roaulU Ir my caae.

1lniiv..i.'f llhciiiuatlim lu re will re llm rh.iiiiMiii lelna In throe honra and » guanmi-' d In cure rheuniitlam In any part

Kt .tnaeh and Dyepapela Cura lagimninl.-cd i" cure all forma of atomaeh Tfi.iitii-- and

M'iin..ri'a Home Remedy r-muanr I'ld >d' H wifin. for nonriy o v m diaTi- . Mlm li ere K* 1 ,by Oil drugglaU muMllT for I't-iitA* boUlAe

f S k s I i 1- tiv A i.i HEW a b r n n co o M T E

T a l k .A b o u t

P r i c e - , C u t t i n g 1

We don't spread over a page, but otu* Prices talk I6ud

enough for the whole paper.

R U G S .

aaavteqr on them than la abadintaly

f l ^ t u u amnded before f M u nta-Aea«l* lew. bUlltiMi WillWfflb«6pnM Ia Wi

------- on.lemerge from the praaeM

rihepraepecMBtry wIU emerg- - ,lo i i le a a lt hea done from e«Kh of

1b tba p u t, revived nnd etrengtluned, eMhIr better e ftcr ’a renewed e»- ( of the eActa of JdUy w d e i ^ j v

Down KlCuUllHr

Ea Morrla. BenjawinlB. T iw , J<M«|)h* u beniF. ODoper, Jamet Owiti, I

Tbo aecond of the awlae of eulwcriptlonrill be

Mr*.Oliver H. i'erter, Mr*. William A, Brewer,

1*BC« in I'pper Mualc Hall, Orange, wl lit under the patronage

W ^llaniA.hold to-nigli

Jr , Mra. Frank R.Mre. Arthur 11. Colby,(leltathy, Mre. Oeorge H. Brewer and Mre.

i c ianil T e l l ' i F a c ts


MOQUETTE.K aU , lBx30 i B ag. Sl-SS; How

K o fi, IT iM , B eg. 13 .40; Bi>»

80*79, B *g . 13 .00 ;

SMYRNA.BMt q u U t y B rom lty ’ i Boytl*.

^ 7 t t . ; w m Sio.oo; How

Ju st faalcn tho tw o w e proaent to­d a y In yo u r m em ory, and com e to D A V iS 'H . It’a llk c b u y in g (foltl dnl- lara ut fcvcnty-H ve i»nt» to g e t C loth ­in g a t our present prices.

Th e tim ee m uy bo hard and m oney n carw , b u t w.‘ are M O K E T H A N M K K T l N f ; these luuleHlrable tkcti b y dur prciMMit olTerinifs.

SPECIAL I« BOYS’ CL0THIH6.Bhettaml TUlew rtNlucrdl fritm $H.4S All-wiNil Ciivviot r'Utt.rH

to.....................................................Cape W

l i f t

tn..rtHliire l from ........................ S3*19Boyit' All-woot n* B. Suit

>4.4« lo .........................BnjV All-wool D, H. Salts nsluced

gn ality80x00;

BMt qu ality96*54;

iM t q u ality B ro m ley 'i Hoyali,ata'is; W it* Bs-rts; Vow

Byom ley’a Boyal*, w *ra Bs-yj; How j . j g

Brom ley’ i Roy»U, w *r* i» -75; Bow x .S q

GOAT SKIN.too— 98* 04, O aliacd goat (Un Bug*,

!■ w h ita ahd gr*y; wet*

•s-w; "«» 1.69M ..80xO4,I.liM d fM t akin, plain

nnd com blaatioa m Ioi*, *U .{gney dealgna; iw t* $ 5-So,


John Prttlt. ,About fifty frienda of Frank J. Boonell, of

U Mei'banic etreet, tendered him a b l r t ^ y eurprhw party at hla rrwtilaoce last night. The gueete were Invited la and daoclug con­tinued until mklnight, when * topper wee •erved. _ _ _ _ _

l y n c h Kits FOILED.'WOL'LU-BE

A ■ hniff MiirceMfel Intlrttlag Hie Prla- oiwr to a Place of Bafety.

By. Loi'W, Jan, 19.-Yt*terday attemoon Hotnoe johuaoii, a young negro, criminally amanlled Lucy Davit, a wlilnw, aged Mxty yean , a t her homo noer MaiK'lieetw, a

a ’'- -A nOMB.

tubsTb of th k city, and within a few mllet of V eoey Park, the erone of W ninee^y^


DfWin'.te, However, Wae Uleoeverad , Bl the Potlere'M a«m ael|iig. li&HBTOli, J»B. 1#.—The managers of the

lyeatenlay morning received *n Utter In Rklch threat* were

I a dynaniita beab would be burled U tjfttd W M M e ^

etdaf of Police M o l la d a fo i« 4 of

t ineatlng. Ho dyna- ( wfaeii It bgily plfiie. Ik

__ _ a M iig Whs khdflo f t o patten who hod juat received

»«f a reduolioa o f wage*. Ttm letter ' writer wanted to b to r up the

' The emplojeni wer* not jceeent ‘ « k t o gathering,' to a w a l thotond workinfaDNi aWemtol MteineetlngandUstvuedto oddrataw by R. O. Horr, Congremman (Janlaar; and Con- grwwnan Buchanan In crltlcitm of t o Wll- WDR Tariff bill. The nieeUng UMnimously voted to request New Jervey’t Banatnv and

mtirage # id lynoblngot another negro brute ianle.1 BacttHr. T lx wjinan we» tee badly injured to giM an ahum. Jdhnann then at- talked t o agad wife of Mqulro Htgglni, aged seventy, ami again acrompUthed bis lustful crima. Tbs negro seat apprtoadnl at fiold- wln. Htevs of t o crlnM spiyad through all Uie tuburban town* elqiig tha line* of the Mheewri Pacific, St. I/wfiTad San Franrioco and t o Mt. Ised* and Colorado Rslhuods.

th e nilionef w»* started m a sregwl, with four iloputtae, for CUyton, t o county emt .J Ht. Isjul* County. The hastily formed mt®


Their Btock A rganente for Self BlaaghterC'ootredirt (»M Another.

From the Chiiogo Herald." A Suicldtot" iummunlcated hli viewi to

the Hernld last Saturday momlng.This gcntlenmn'B stateinenta are worthy of

notice hocmuie they are the stock argument* of the suicide aptwtlee, and because like aU euch argument* they contradict on* another. “ A Hulcidlvt” ileelnree. for ciample, that " th e first leuse tli*t prompt* one ^toshuffle Off this mortid coH' la imually some organ of the body jingling out of tu n e "-* propo- iltioo which ncooBl* artth t o oseerthmof hlgheat medical anthoritlee that no uma per­fectly soum l-nieatally and physically—ever committed suicide. , .

But after reciting t o mental depreialon due to the phyAvd i»u»e our would-be telo- fie s* itacH s the concltwlon that tuiclda “ re- unlreethe very acme of morel courage That is to m r, moral (wurage In It* higheet

itrsued, and <I blank detnM,

sfefr. Jl halt wasu t iv r l i of

Id It w«« a r*M |nr the life o f The Jail ,wM reaeked la

t o toym.

[ha Jail ,w « rear c g ilH lb ^ / tto ^ (rti, ani .rowiitaa “ aitaarri’

eymlt muaaantofnNK t o kuimton town* cfIV* Peroa Valley Park, M an eW er andbaiilwln until t o crowd numbered 1,000 mem detennlnod on lynching. Meantime HheriS tlarrett had pisrted pteket* about t o town to holil t o aatlwring avenge™, and he iledded to tiring tht> prlaoDW jtf thj* city for ^ e -


Mtn's Ofercoats, Ulster and SaitsR ed uced from 4(1 to 60 per c e n t Com e and iMie th em liefore you buy ; we w ill p o s itiv e ly *avo you m oney.


ms. H.


797—Broad St—797

0.OO, 0-so;

DAGHESTAN.fTidlB; R««. tO.00 ;• 8*08 ; B eg. tS-OO.;

(only a few e< tbne]

SHEEP, a*i. to.(» ! How


U i M , B e g . #9.00 i How


M atting Sale.

tTtrtroiy be pnxiucid hubnalleilflTrr, M At. . -o.__ AM a I. a erases

kieiiini. There ore twenty-three acgiTi pcis- nuiUTi In the Jail, Incloilliw t o .Murray brother*, who are cbargid with t o niiiriwr

Fv Clmiiiainirn to vote to initooae (otion In--r-re. . . ..i^lflnltely on t o pending I


of ('or Cooduertor Flta'wllllaw*. In view of the l.M»le«in*i*i of rttiliiting such a mob's fury l bo Hheriff hastily pliirwl Johnson ond tlx Murrav* on board auengine allil brought them to thi* city for safety.

ralarrh of t o *tom*ch or t o seven-year Itch.ThM would be Important If It were true.

It would be valuable altogether apart from t o wkrtde problem. If morel courage iv^d be meniifacttired by inocnlatlBg t o patlmt srilh some unpleasant dlsea* tmr publle oIBcea end hotli house* of Congress would look Hke hoepital ward*, but we should hare » perfect lloveruinent. The member* of t o Way* and Means Commlttre might e i- isaed to smollpoi with a view to securing enough numl courugo to frame a w e n u e tariff bill; the L i^ la tu r e of Illinois could be inoi’ulntsd with tvpboid fever In t o hopenf securing wise railroad U gU latloni'bov^

A s k t h c n l e n w h o a w a k i n g im ­it a t io n s o f C O T T O L E R E , th e h ew v e g e ta b le s h o r te n in g , w h y th ey c l v e u p la r d Bfld t r y t o tr s d e on t h e m e r its o f C O TTO LE N E ? P e r ­

h a p s YOU c a n g n e s s w h y .

nor Pennoyer, of U r ^ ^ might to a tt llc ^

TR A IN BOnU EItY H ltl. H A l'IA .Alleged Negollatlons tor tha Transfer of

Bone of the Euisd’s F re lg a t Business.N *w Havan, Jan. 1 » .- A k » a l paper says

Halt t o Now York lUtd Now H avni road has Koarlj ronipletod n» agreenwnt with t o Central Kailroed of New Jersey, which ho* for its object t o transfer of a vaet amount of freight butinea* from t o New Jersey syitem. TWs eaitern twslnsei, the paper uodoretaml*. h as Imixrtant is that of the Lehigh nml, which, In enthradto coal atom. Is (d' lng the Cetwmidated road over 8B0 cere a wimk, Much of t o Central's cool now goes viaf goes VIPiHighkoeprie Bridge and the New Englaiiil.

A deal of tbU •ha actc wb» hinted at amonth ago, and PrealdFUt Clark, In on inter view with a rcpresentallvo of t o New Eng­land Aatoclated Pnw , said that his romiionywas net negotiating d lrw tlyo r Indiitvtly with the -Tersey Contra!. Nimio of the higher railroad officisila were lu town Inst night.


L ikely to Slay In JsU (or Some lieie nii u (.'hurge of HlamU-r.

KANfAM L'rev, Juu. IU,— J. V. HacNnninrA“ Iiate 'I ’i'leat o f Uiiiiic," Win cnutol a riot In which one iuon wo* shot ami sovcrul in­jured by itiilics, liy a leet.uro in whlcli he denounced Catholicism, ilie i>rieslliis>d ami the womcui of tlm chuw-li. Is uislei orroit tore, charged with nmliciously slunitorlttg Mother Rose VInront, of iSt, Theivse Con­vent. Frosw'iitlng .Attorney Drown sworo out the W'arrant on hi- own infoniiutiim,

inirvrent Estim ate, on Ihe AmnunU Ne- e u n d In WednestUy M glit’s Kohl lip. Ht . J osbph , Mo., Jam IP.— Ai'eordlng tn

Mannger Hanford, of the Adams Kiprws Coinpony, that company Im* ceoaed rarrylag much niimey on trains, ami, as a rmult, t o banillt* wbc looted t o safe In t o e*pr«w car of the uurthhouml Kansas City, Ht. Joae|>h and Clilcago, Burlington train, Wislni-iiUiy night, only noeunvi WOO. Ac- coniiug to an olfleer of t o Burlington rood, llie haul was very little less than Wll.illXA and the same authority assert* Uiat the two mb- Iwrles which have isrurnsi within such a sliort time have netted the tliievrs nearly*Ii*MKK), us tto trains held up rarrlnl t ola ...................lailk of the valuable express iiiatter out of this city.

It Is now known jusilUvely tlint tlio men who dhl il*' job VV i« liiesday night aiv the sftine linos who held Up Ihe Hurlln((toii "E ll" u few itoys ago. The mliriKul comjian.v is so |sisilivei)f tills tliat It ilin-liuts; to offer any

I lui'tiier rewni'.l than tlxK.ilitl Jinw slaudliig. The men lirtvu Isvn triietisl t.i this eity, wlmrc nil trnis' of them has Isvn lost. Froln 0 very nu'a.gre ilivi'ri|ill.iu the oHl'-eni have nothing to wnrl; on.

with the ItKkjaw, which vroukl impose the physical as well a * -4 teeplug bis mouth shut. Tb* flehl of ttsefnl- ness is practically unlimited. uately, or fn rtuua^ y, ‘ thwiry Is not tenaW*. «>* abiurd. It t o in It a grain of truth, but the truth Is dls- tnrt^. - ,

Tlie fact is tliat the b ^ T do** ,« ? " ’* * * lertoii infincuce over the mind, but a i to eased body doe* not produte a door, well- lelouisd liund. Men* *w * , la “ “Is and always wUl b* t o role, *»«> and there an excepthm to prore rt. The man who kills himaelf M mentally d lsetol. He is not morally couroffeouA because a lilnatlc Is outside of moral*. ,,

lie Is tlie victim o ta «1<* m in i due uiually to a sick body, and If “ A SulciiBHt," who t o i liiw that be ho* long oonteniplatod suicide, carriHS out hi* lu t e n U t o J if chances are a ihouHand to one that he wm <to. “ not h^ cause of "tongoe s t ^ . o f Wretendwl fr but Issause ito ueedod • blue raaas pill ouia or t wiro a montli.

A s k t lie g ro c e r W h o a tte m p ts s u b ­s t i t u t io n , w h y h e tr ie s t o s e l l an im ita t io n w h e n p e o p le c a l l f or th a t p u r e , p a la ta b le and p o p n l^ v e g e ta b le s h o rte n in g , COTTO- I ^ E ? P e r h a p s y o u c a n g u e s s .

A b e h a b k a b l e d v e i ..

It w»fl thmmht tlwt Mm'NttUUU’a htul U f r UiaWmintwittv inoniiii^. Imt liiHt nlKhthnfountl iu tni' u( n nauit>MAUtN t’lio

|[<‘N<UUHrA. ut Tt'llLllttluY \VtKn|lHUl. tir •Pfttinwnt w vpry Ktmnjf (i rainut (Im ex- nricBtt, and it U j»n»fiiihlo tlmt lie will Bta> lu jaU fur MtniQ tinu tu cornu

Iti'AUllM or H JUnt in <ieorKl*.AtauHt,i. (.riu,-luu. H'. -TJie plot at llmiim

w ar .iHckHuUs S. twenty uiIU'h bt'low ActfUtsHuin witith ni’itrocH wurirhltcH, van 'wom* thuli n( tlfid n‘,(M»r1ctl. I*hm1

*Greon tHdcnd and Hht tt (Irccn wil) <llc. IJiUU prouitncnt while iiH'n. The tPtmbU- rvw

[kut of Ati tidMiuiit by t\ r'fmHtublie and ]HmM> lo ftrivjit ft np|(n> deHiH-ni'ln jiathwI Jiule. The Ocffru hiul Mil iiitlrtuitiiiu of Ihe comiuK du'olTleurs UT)d liivd ttYNtul forty of hU frleodH In

alMiut ihw hriu Mr. nik«Ut<ir leu whilUH »ojr«f dannerooHly wouijdetl, Soventl iieKi’iKJ.'i rere wouiuied in thu {litched Imttle wliU-h uu- UMid. but ftoim wttH killed. Tlui ollh'urA werp Viruyud hy a white nian they eliiirti

Ytlnyor'V 'iu'iher Vetom n KekofiiHmis .Ir.MSKY ( 'ITY, -Iiih. lib Mayor WuU'ter Iiah

vet(Hv*l tlio nevtoliiliitunf tliu t'IroCoiinnlwduli- eM (|> I fT’N'eTW-rwssrcrsej— ■*." ‘lielll I AtpriReiil (here iij-p four I'erniiinetil men at- Im-hfd'toeiM li e-‘ni|>iiiiy,iiml four meu-at-eftll* who pel Innii duly imly when u lire ficcurn. TJioirfOiiiiK'-liNiilliin Irt jiriAj'eHr, .Mayor Wivii- set veicus lilt.'re^ithitiim OR (lie ifniimd tlmt tlie rlly eaiitini uiTiinl tiiv Dxpi ii'*e ut the pru»- oti( Hme. Tlie luliUtioiuil exiH-DHe would be

In lilri vein riieNKiue Mayor WatiMP I iliiit ttie dri tlt‘|ukrliiieo(. In 111 a very fftir

«tait‘ «■ ( eflk'leie >, iiiid there arts other de]Mrtw nieittit more in tiecil nf exiru money if there t* any to M]iiire. The veic eiui not be Keteil upon uiiiil ihe next meeting nt i he lioiml, but it U ntu likely (luii ili Itnunl wilt make any fur­ther effort to clmmre llie preiM'nteondUlnn of the de]HirlTiieiii.

It Wiiii Fougli* o“ IndUu plauiW Uli B l f Club#.

Friim t o S t Isouis Olobe-Dcmwrat."T h e moot rumarkobla duel 1 ever wit-

iicMcd," Bolil William A . Gladwin tn the ror- r id i.r in a n a tto H o n to n i, "w as away out lu Montana several y « n i ago. H wosn t oue of your flu de *tw,le »H*lre of lionor, ni.r wus it a glove root*** fc? ‘ ‘'"V'y w jaltcm pttoded)U who waa able to give aud take t o moot punW‘™*'“ ' Two mrl,v fel- kiwi to our prraperttog partf 6«<' « •“ 'f '''.

S E L FW h y s h o u ld n o t Y O U u se CO T- TO LE N E * in ste a d o f la rd o r a n y o t h e r c o m p o u n d , fo r a ll c o o k in g p u r p o s e s ? It h a s i lie h ig h e s t p o s s ib le e n d o r se m e n t; fro m P h y ­s ic ia n s a s t o h e a lth fu ln e s s ; fr o m

. C o o k in g R x p e r ts a s to s u p e r io r it jr ;fro m h o n se k e e p e rs as to e c o n o m y .

to i t .

V m t tlti BbOC< for iftUBniotlon. ^149 Ual> ffT/ 8 t.e M e Mnrkat aud Hacbanle


V E R Y persoD la not oampetent to examtoe your eye*.

R E M c n m m z

Qt*B eyea may need Im- znrdlata atteatlon*

Don't wait, delays ara DAN'QEKOUBv

VKN though y o i aw wearing p it wee they may not be ptoperlyadjusted.

EE mu We idep- tiAcally eianJoe the eyea for all d^eota.

U s e T O T T O L E N E a n d s t ic kSold In a end •'< iiound pelle*

Miide otiiy by

N .K .F A IR B A N K & C O .,' C H IC A G O , aea

III 8 , belawire Ave., FUU.

FreauceEicli*G(e,B.T> ,

J. K en d all S m l ,OPTICIAN, 663 6R0ID ST.

T B L E P H d N E 4 W I.

K T . Y S C A T A H R J

C r e a m K a L m .l

.lie* which they wante.1 to srttk; by shootiug ^ 1 , 0 ^ ^ H w " ob’y bvilliannlug ttouu iS S T to T w e - iv A l their bulleta,

" The ni«i were surly after hetog deprlviHl of to d r ali-abootor*, awl for . ^ e houra did

speak. Then t o y N )P ^ h e .l« v h other ^ , S r e r e * d with a ralm ni* wh ibsojne nf t o ta r ty mistook for a burial nf t o hatchet, (tod t o wag of t o crowd lunuled o v erh S plug K «1 Invited them to chew the

P 'P A ^ 'K T id u u t e . aft^r'^ard the mm

\ l(•klult fitr 18 I'rrnrh KdUnf.P auih , .Jini. IK. All (.Kyuirwil

kiHt. itiiNul'v (ht‘ j-tsldonof' of M. Ducftitq't>fi(i(«»r"l rorfirric; utXt*uiUy-Mur-Ht»lnri, ath<

Didmibi'f Thp I'xiiTiNtinnnuwleatriMHunil'ii'*ut>ifBAHitt|l I voTywIiKht d a iiia ^ Ir in iK-llevihl itml thi* ]itmd> Wan lorMled with flilin'ntc (Mm ilMr, Thu Ix Uove that the affair JIN till'work of Aimirhlnta. M. Pu- cr«( j-oivnily hnvitijf Imvii N-nto

orn 111 .-1 tnii I iiiBUf, jx. j-'toly fr^m nrisoiL bs(i<rutH( to onu ynara

they know, and Ihcrr nn* MnniR HimiikluiKi i iiim l for liis ciimioutiou with L i« forgei^_04 U*Iitthcr©wlll bpalyiM*lilng(n ()mt vicinity.'

C h a r le * M y A t< > r lt i i in DlHaivpi-iiritiu-v. W ood 01111 1 Jun. in.- The myittrrloiiH dlMiit-

g«ramie of Charlo? < inn*, of nunrltllng»iK>rt, last Friday night, Mill <?hksuu>i

Ilia attenUoQ of Ibr rouuty aatiiorilloa. L mI tight they were Informed that i^ana wan Mill alive, and luul Iwfii Hi'rriAed in a iMialliniiiw ufeear the pUc« whera hr ro Rttfhloaly droppf'd (irom light. Tlie Mory told won (Kat x\w nan had_iiHi_rrly tynm n K'uirt Urn**.

diK'tmHMil.'H that were Kaid to have beenttfolca from ilir Hritbh Kiiiliawy here. He wa* pivnldiiDil )jy Pixiaidcnt ravnot.

rbe Milhorlties have il4q‘ (OM»y aYriiiiiihe caae othtT than that HJnne imi)or(nui d«>-

rw < .................reiopra^nts may V ex|KKd4Ml ar ttii hearing 4>f Pairicii K*?rwin» of ^JwlcetKirOj and i*. V,Ai^lEDugvOf i^ulVboro, Ixifore . UHtlce (\ H. fohtteoa, of this city, utt rtiiturday morning.

f*eUti<m for a ItuHway Fruorliise. Special

meelingofOity Coenoll iMd nigitt a iJcUtlon ilgned

^ 1» leidlug bnelnwe meii of this "•* ^ to-^neaeatad, ghkteff (ho.C(¥Ui>(dl to gran - '^rid|cetm.--CJe^pvirte a*»4 Port Mow

way Oompajny li fruni‘bi«3j with no more re-

S lioue than in Iho ntio grunted to the getoD Trftclim* Oim^iauy. The Coimcll ac^ulcace In tbo petlUun.

rnrii^llus Here Nol so Well,IkrviKm, Jan. lU.—Within the poet

lUystU© t-oiwiltion ot l)r. ( ^onieUue Hjn^ wlioH© iiamo has m) ofU'n liM>cn luentionad in conm^dion with the Panama Canal ioende lt and who «WJit' to KiijiUiuJ j^hortly after the flrKt eijMwe of i\w wnuidal waa made* t o htM.oi»e more wtIoun. He reinMiM

hotr-l at 'BouvrtAk’f.Ara«aar— wan ari'eiitecl exavdy a year ago.

S S ™ b T w m ' following and dwiMlmj finding Mm until I heanl a sickening thud. Ilkaornan'eakull being batterort. Ifollow cl un t o sound and w-a* soon the Involuntary amtdator of a brutal duel on the okl liidlaii . aim The mon had drawn lot* fi.r^rat blow JoTtbe loeur had stood Uls ground while hla odvorary tried to fell him with soowthlng very like a club. Aa provided in tlw rode, the nwn took lurns In giving and receiving blow*, and when I got up each hud hed twn i f not three, cboncee to brain the others Eat* hod bia face edverwi wltli blood oiid w*« bc- gtnulDg to be feeble. I »tood for a ninmeut Sveroome with horror, and t o n drawing my revolver came forward and conuMlled the combatant* to quit. Neither suffered per- monantiy from file punishment, and the e*- ponente of one of the most tbratal dueling !5 5 eiiover heard of lived tabeconiefairly friendly with each other.”

I hava w sfi lico bodies of I'h/'i, Crcftui B<ilm end (*oniiri«‘ iMyHfli cured. /jwJlTmd St years from cui rr.di and c u I (J r i- (j <i i headache, anti ia fAr jtrs( rmcdf/ tho( njbrdfd hnl <nj) rtUef.— t). T.Jltgginmi.U^U.dtIt., VM'hfr<rgio, Jll.

A pATtb li* iji jcitti k-ftrh iioefril and Ift iP. ilf'iKklEt* ur by^m^

Iron Pipe.A m a - Pipe and Tubwg,Iron and Brass riilm ^o i

Be/ting and Pulleys,Set and Cap Screws,

Machine and Carnage Bolts, Iron and Steel tPire,Brass and Copper Wire, Spring Brass iFire,

BTUB'B STEKIx. c o i l s p r in g s , uU sliea


T o k e e p w e l l i n f o r a e d o n a l l t k e s e

s u b j e c t s , r e s i d e n t s o f N e w J e r s e y

m u s t r e a d t h e


It is the people’s IIown paper;

T h e N E W S i s a l w a y s a w e l c o m e

v i s i t o r t o t h o s e w h o k n o w i t s p o s i ­

t i v e q u a l i t i e s a s t h e l e a d i n g d a i l y

n e w s p a p e r o f N e w J e r s e y .


I t i s a t t h e t o p , w i t h n o (Jontfes-

t a n t s . I t i s t h e p a p e r o f t h e h o m e ,

t h e b a n k , t h e o fiS c e , t h e m i l l , t h e

J a c t o r y , t h e w o r k s h o p a n d t h e

f a r m .

t r a h e l l e d b i ho selfish -OB COEFORATE IETERBST8.

I n t h e N e w a r k E V E N I N G

N E W S t h e p u b l i c f i n d a c h a m ­

p i o n , f e a r l e s s i u i t s d e f e n c e o f

p o p u l a r r i g h t s ; a b u lw a r k ^ o f t h e

p e o p l e a g a i n s t i n v a s i o n s b y s e l ­

f i s h c o r p o r a t i o n s a n d a g u a r d i a n

o f t h e l i b e r t i e s o f t h e p e o p l e .

I.Y Blt<rniKlt>.W urronKt., New York. M 6 -0 0 8 WAItEET $T.BEWARE HiTGRIPO r . Ed$on fea rs a n o th e r epk/sm iSi

an d sounds th e a larm .

The Mutual Benefitu n : IN S U R A N C E COM PANY.

KEW AllK* N.,J.

MUfIKMIi C U tT U ilto -

lnil|tlgtf<rS^^Mh<iir H *w A t-

AuApy**’*! fr*kDk Vdllkaut'K 1iaught<^r.Pa RIA Jou* lP.--S4iduulp ViiUlnnt<, ditujjrb'

wlikiiorchlat, Auguate ValUaiit, wliu k BUW uuder aentcuco of dooth fur throwing'

' [Hi Iko A'boniber of Dgputiee, bu* t tetter to Hiulame (larnok wife of

at, aigwoliug to. her to uaa tiw rJwttMiid to fecure* p«iv

Dlcrcvalniilanta PHtrun. llccaine Deoff Brok*-

From the ('Jiatlanooga N«wi,Ha<l I’attl »eng “ On* of HI* toff* I*

~ JidugrrThan It Urally Ought to ,f l* ,'* 'to '.sKtlbed t o condttloii of

--•'■..ixtont* Kwell after hi* ■ aMBaraaen I there, , ' .! The madamc nerar lud a finer audience In i her life. Jkwuty, iv ^ th , fuahlon, vplendor,

tUamuud*. men and women-^lU c o m b lt^ to uroscut a rare pictura. There waa blue blood

I and blood tliat waa not bo. blue, but *ton«l by riche* for tho iloficiency iu Indigo. T te boioa fairly kIiouc, I’eople fought fov •toud ■ log room. Of theee good dollare left by Ixrala E^w lno after hi* aeoaotlonal oteol, t o diva carried away tk,fi01.

The Dearone Iterated to Pay.From the RiebrooUU Ilobgloo* Herald.

A dear youngcollcg*»tnden1,whi>J-“—.-»-pI]dU8'‘ bn Huudajr, wlth.the hope of raising aomotUnswttb v \ , ‘ollege. la dladoufagvac.' .murobead e c llD ^ t o # » y ' - ' . . .- i " ^ u d » y


fri Innff aiid chest imlng, c o n | ^ eoki*. koareeiiqas and pnoiimonla, n o o tbor • s te rn a l renuHly affonls prumiitpIBTBllr tio n an d quicker cure titan

BEHSOH'S POROUS PUmIndorsed b y over 5,000 FhygiolBBl

Chesdite- Im sure to g e t th e (fM otne B en oon X m ay he hod from oUdnigBlfiti.

SEABURy & JOHNSON, ChetnitU, N. Y .O ty.

olthungb he. wea on the ground niiirwiudered from preaching only by the people_all being k*pt away by the pelting atnnn.

A ll periou* afflicted with dyipepel* find Im- miirilto relief by ualng toffiaim'* Blttore. ***

Tbodear eld' deaoona wottld not allow any­thing for that Hunday, oUbnugh the ■ tndent bod lo pay hla expense* to coming all the ume. The youngbrother aayet " I t looke very hard,eepeolally altioelstL fair day* thoy pay rue onIytn»«h*lf what they paid their pastor, when they bad on*. But they aay ail tnanner of pleaeant thlnga about my preaching, and In doing so t o y bring to mo a feeling skin PI that Oliver Roldrimlth had when. In the deepeet poverty, hi* friend* were heaping pralMW upon hi* hand, and he replied, ‘ Honom to one to my oltuatlon a n eomethlng like rufflea to a man who want* » eblrt.'" Many a deacon will blush to the next world. If not In thle, when he reiuamliera the way he treated so mo mlnbtarlal etudent who waa trying to win « keoaif dollar, t o t With It h* might t o koMgFJftoto toJW i i Ny

I O A M IN EFor keeping at might half ut

iiri. I’ aiMK oeulak .'■ 'AVA *

AM BI D O DD , . . . Prealtlent,

erd ................................................ 4T.rH.isawgnrplna

N-Y-Btandani " * ' ' * * “, Cent. Kceervci.. ft,TA4fani .lutely Non-rurreltabl* After

H eeond Y ear.iH caaoO i' L*p** the policy is oosTiMcgn ig

pqitcsaahm gaa Ito value will pay bir; or, if

Kterred. a Paid-up PoUoy for It* full value la ,#d to emhongo.

A rier t o second year the Policies sro In- cOimnAaiJC, and oB restrk-Mons a« u> resWetice, tnieel or ocenpadmi a n remowd.

Ca*h IjOAMa o n made to the extent of W per cent, of t o reaerve value, where valid anslgrt- meota of tb« pollclea can Immade as collateral

*^«assis paid Immediately Upoa oompletioa sLuI approval of proofs.

, J^aNvwww.'WVVxvs.v.xxw.vwnN«w««»itMinnbM4 -

^UIUIUIUUUIUUUCF o r p r o o f o f t h i s , s e e i t s D i s ­

p l a y a n d i t s W a n t , R e a l E s t a t e ,

F o r S a l e , T o L e t a n d o t h e r s m a l l

* a d v e r t i s e m e n t s .

s u l t a n aFor tint I rig I Up« pad

I’rloe aOoenUi I '-A K IA X L O T IO H

For whliltw the akin. Prlge'OjP’ Patent iioubls end fHa*"

J ,,?''rtlng Cul ling (Vnuha fitogWi40c.; double, m . .kuhl py leodlra MUMtot* and fancy gond* heuHcs, AlanutanuredM"

M A D A M C 0 . W E S T C R V E L T ,

f H. flllRRISON,1 euoctnoa xoV * H A R H ie O N « H O AO .

2 1 3 'W nH hinP ionto o will find at' a y gBhw:. raU Un* dl THU

B est PaperCall and eoe my stock tad get price*.


20 CLINTON ST. Newark, N, J

T h e - L I V E M E R C H A N T S o f

N E W A R K , N E W Y O R K a n d

o t h e r c i t i e s u s e i t s c o l u m n s G E N ­

E R O U S L Y . I t i s t h e o n l y v n l -

.v e h ic l* * h e t w e e n t i s d i s m e t t

■ . V p a t r o n s m t h e ^ t e .

■ ■ k : ^


Ofllo), Cor.liy fishlugtonssdl

S T f t l C T U R l , i i i D n n « f f D i s u s 0B.attoD. ^gaoranto^glreii. Fw_tall

SBRYED B! carriers A! iOc. A fE E L ; BI

K X V J L R K E V U O K G N E W S , P R I D A T , ^ tA lO J A B Y 1 9 , 1 8 9 4 .

THl MlflfiaY or A BOY. BBATBH BY m MAD BON.A S m a ( ,l) r AatlBg Father ’* F la m tfaa

Lad W ith a Fa«ll]r awl Tliaa O n r r t , Hlaif

The wit* fit Patixitnun Umut' L. Balitwln haa aought the alil of tba Klimbrtta |ailli« ta aaaiatharin nmling a nun namnl HimtJi. who la auppnaad t<> la. rHuchinan far a family IWIng In Rnaalla. l i r a Itatdwiu diva in if know th« nun'a Hrat namn. luKhrr doija hIu know tha name the faintlylwrlahiinl tube ItYlng with.

The reaaoo the hnly to anihnu tn Inratr him b barauae he left a boy, u h l to be htn eon. In' her rave, and for aoiua time imd luu uni brtni heard from.

Hr*. B ^ w iu eaya the man rnme to lier bouee, 36 Bridge etieet, about aliteru luunih, ago. He brought a bright'fiu'rd Imy of about aevHi yeara with him. Hr ankrd her to rare for the l*iy and agreeil to |my FJ jirr week for tala au)Jtwrt. Ui-a. Baldwiii did lait ; know the man, but aa hr hail laam rerom- i mmded by a M y frleud of hen, ehe agrnd to look after the v-l^ . i

The mail aaid 1}ir bay’, nanie wa, WllUe. Smith refuaed to divulge hla Cliriatiaii name { Of where he leeh lw lb at ho wild la> waa em- pluyeit at Htiirk'e brewery. The latter atab^ ment waa proved to tie imtrue. Kor elevnii mootbs the n u u vbltnt tliu boy at regular ; latervab and pahl the boarl hHla promiiUy. thru hb vialta niaaed. Thia It b thought waJ probably duo to Hr. Bahlwln'a iIhiuuhI tlut Smith tell aomrUitng aiwut bimarlf. \V Iwn j that reoueet waa made the mau la»*ii» nar- voua and left the houae hi a hurry, leyiiig be would retuni in a week or two.

About a montli after Smith dlaapiieared entirely a laily mlloit upon Mr*. Baldwin and Introdurcd beraelf aa Smith', eiator. She aaked if M n. Bahlwm wouldn’t ailupt the boy. She waa auawered in tbu negative. Tbim the wanted the rliitd plarwl in aome rharllabie inatltutlun. Hra. Bablwin dr- Biurred at thb ahw. TiMihdv then left and snthing baa been heard fitmi her, or the boy', father eince.

The little tail la unable to give any Infor- znatlon about bU earlier Ufa or auinit hi, pareuta H n. Baldwin eay, ha I, dellrate and rereotly w ai very elck. She haa no deeire to keep t)» boy ami la liaikiug for the father, not wbhing to bava the'boy planed In an Im etltutloo._________


Plaelag M aehinery To-day--l>anbt a , to a Pprmanaiit Ntajr,

Omen firoe., hat manufarturer, of Dan­bury, have rented George Yulo', fartory on. E a ^ itreet, th b rity.' Thl, mumiiig thei employea were buay aairing In heavy nia-‘ rhinery, three earliaida of which had lieen ehipped from the old place in Danbury. The firm expeda to etart the buaineiia juat aa warn M the marbinery ahall be plaiwd In pueltioa.

Both inembera of the firm are iu Danbury euperintetaling tbe moving of a potion of the plant. Nothing ran be leariuat definitely ae to whether the firm Intend, to locale tare pemiaaeatly or mA. H haa been atateil that Or

Kdmewl Vearle, B eU w ed fm ui the A,y> Innt on Trlah A ita ek , H I, Huthar

aail Then K»n|n v.

Eilimiuil Yearle, of BKamiftehl, waa m otto thei'onnty Aayluni for tlie Imane aeveral JnaiHia ago, a» l with careful treatment l«- .Unie weinlngty egnln of ..ound mind. A h a 'frienlt he wen givep thirty ilaye' h*ve of ele eebiv on trbl.

Yearle Went at (Hire to Bhxmfleld tn the biHiie nf hla uaAiier. Hn bail wA tweii In the hi iiiMi iin hour when la' Iwanie raring mad and attacked bb moUier, lawtiug her ami him ling her handa and feet. TIm i he van away.

MriL Vearle etmggled long to free hereelf and when eucceeifurala' waa ■ > faint that alia <‘ouU hardly walk. After ■ tune ,be dragged hereelf to tiu 1muu< of JuMt|ri> of the Fw h > dmailiG, Hat and tokl hlni <rf her «m’» action,. A Warrant for Yearle’, ajiiirohen- woii wae louiu] but lie liaa not yet tavn oap- turul.

........... •- ->■ ■ ....THIKVKN AT mt.ANGK.

One Unb* a M lnlaifr', Knlilenee, but tin ip , HI, Itouty-.TiMil, aiolen.

C'bauceman HelUy, of tlie i trnnge taillrei nhlhi paealng through rieveland atreet at 0:13 o'clock tiib morning, naw a lueii coma frian a vmnnt lot near the realdenre of Rerman (loheu. He rerVled a bundle In hb band. Hellly atnrtoil In pniwult and then tbe mau drojipot the bniidle and («c«|ied. Tbe uiflivr fwiml that tUu inckage cunlaiued clothing. Detective Conroy leorusd tlmt ihe clotbw had been atulan frimi tlie reMenra of Kev. Henry Cna-<, (laetor of the W aih- iiigtou Ktaivt Baptist Clinrch, who livw at 3T Hawthorne rtnwt, near where Chanoenuin HeiUy aaw the thief.

Between 4 and 0 o'clock thl, morning burg- Ion entered an unfloliibed bourn Inluuglng to George A. Keiry on ftigi'wmel Plai-e, W aet Orange, and iitdb about l.’iu worth of n.... _f rarpen-ten'tmiU. Among tb) artic-lce ,tolen w w a duet containing tool, marked tl. Sigler. Some WWH and bite IjclonglnK to Tlioiua, Burn* marked T. h. were awo Htnkm.

atlv or)rw n Brothnu wUl loeate here on'y

ATllj nod make HUiipk« auoiigh to W p ui name b e f o r e ----- ’ “ » - — *

^ th ^ ca n t do It In Danbury they

ke laniplee auongh tn keep tliefr the public., and that they will

return to Danbury aa auon aa their atrikiug •nployee there ehatl weaken. Una nf tbe men in charge of tbe plant on Eagle xtreet, laid toolaT that he did' nut know what hb einpioyen would do. , “ One thing b m ro,, hpwever,” he eald, “ they intend to do hmil- uea, and if tl will d dit hen

The report that Beckerly & Co., alno of Danbury, had rented Oarley* place on Sum­mit r t r ^ near the Canal, i, an eiToneim, one. Theiw have been variotif rumor, afloat that thb firm bad rental KVeral u lam here, including tbe plaoee of dohn H. Cane, Bank etred, OM PeifTer & Co., Silk ami Academy rtreete. Tbe owner, of thcee rartablbhnient* Mated they knew nothing of Beckerly & Co. locating here. , ________


A SneeaesIM Event by Ihe Theatrical Me- ehanlce* AHuelatlon.

The third uinual ball of the Tbeatnral He- chanlce’ Amociation, Newark Iwjdge, No. 38, waa held in Sernger Hall laet night. Tbe hall wae crowded, and tbe wall* were dee«v ated with many colored flag* and Mreameri. It w ia the molt eucceeitul ball that tbe a ao datlun hoe yet held. Tbe urcheetra woe ibi- tloned on tha itoge, and woe hhiden from view by a book of puma and Sower*.

The grand march woe at 10:80 o'clock, and It woe led by William T.Simpion, tbe prad- dent of tbe amociatlon, and wife. Oniing the Intenniialoa eupper wa* aerved, and then the dancing wae reiumed and kept up until the early morning houn. Williaio T, Simiion m aA ae tbe llbor manager, and wa* ab^ amiited. The other oonmittim dl4 tbelr part of the work lO well that there wai not a blteh. ■

Mri. Charlw Baldwin, 'WnUam s; Vleet, Cbarlea Alberaon, Peter Bey, Charlie E. Brueukner end A l Baldwin.

l a Hllltomn Town*ht|i.The funeral of mW Eliubeth Brbon, tbe

■ ecend daughter of David Blbon, of Old Nhort Hllle, waa held from the Freebyterlan church, Springfield, yeitcrday attemoon. Tbe ecrvlcei were eondneted by Kev. William Hoppaiigh, the paator. Tbe pallbearer* were Palmer BrlU, Peter Mvbel, Thomae Jdaraholi, Ueorge McDonald, J, E. Newell, George A. CamphelL, Charlie M, Itoll, William W. Graven, William Wadp and Prank Condit. Interment waa made In St. Stephen'f Cemetery, MlUburn. Mtae Brbon wiu a teacher In the Preebyterlaf Sunday-ecbool. She died of piieannhla oa Monday, after a five day*' illnoM.

Mba Jane Meade Welch wilt deliver hertte- ond lecture neider tbe anepicee of tbe tadlea of Short Htlla, In the Short Ullb Cielno, thb aft* ernoon. Her eubject will be, “ New York Un­der Her Englbh Governor*."

The hoar* of evening lervlce In the Pre*by- terlan Church, Springfleid, have been ebanged Uereafter they will be Chrbtian Endeavor meeting at T o'ciook. church eervice at T:U, At the Chrbtian Endeavor meeting next Sunday a temperanoe tervice will be eondneted by E. D. William*.

Terrenoe Oavan, of Springfield, tnperlnten- dant of the Sbiifi Hilb Water Work*, and David Ifan h , of ’Springfield, are recdreiiot from pneamnnla. .

An Important maellngof RL Roae'e Yonlg Men'i Catholic A*auelatloa will be held in the Parochial School Hail, next Sunday after­noon.

Mortimer K. Pratt, formerly of Hector atreet, MlUbum, who b now employed In the Weatern branch of the United StpU* Mntiitl Accident Aaaocbtlon of New York, at Den­ver, OoL, raKUed % young woman from bnro- Ing to death In'a hotel at Denver iaat weak. The young woman'e drew had take*) fire, agd Mr, Pratt axtlngnbbed tha flame* by wrap­ping hb ooM about her,

Sonth Omns^Brlelh.' Gardner B. Colby Lodge, No. SM, Brother­

hood of Railroad Trainmen, held an enter- talsment tael night In Empire Hall, Soath Grange, which waa followed by. a reception and dailee. The boll waa crowded vrfth frboda of the railroad men from the Onugea, Sum­mit, Mnrrbtown, Newark and Hoboken, Tbe entertalnere loclnded Profemor Calvin Cook and Alvin H eetln n oonlurers; William Whit­tle, ventrlloqubt; Barry 0 . Wlnana and fiyimk P, Bond, muatoal dMieta; Edward Le Maghe, vocalbt, and thfi aoi|tOrlionbt Uvlngnton. Cbarlea W. SmalbN.eerVed aupper. Tbe otA- cera of the evenii^ were:' John Jewell, cbalr- mam Harry C. Duhnell, Thomaa J. Noonan; floor manager, Janiee Noonan; aaabtant*, Tbooue R. SImpaon, Erahk Marring, John Conlon. Edward J. Murphy.

A valuable dog belim^ng to Aithur'Btirt, of South Onutge, waa k ilM by a trolley ear on the South Orange line at Proapect atreet, South Orange, yeeterday morning. The ani­mal waa kiuwn in the dog world aa '* Startle Bee," and wae a regliteyed Englbh eetler. K b grand i t n and grand datn were Imposed.

The South Orange ,Vitlag« Board ef Health met loot night and adjourned until Pebna ao ' E '

Tbe Ohnreh of Our ' Lady of Sorrow* at South Orange wae crowded yeeterday morn- Ing, when Mlae Ellen O'Donnell, o r South Orange, and Frank Volgkt, of Hoboken, wore married by tbe Bar. L.C. M. Carroll,putornf the obnrab, John Harmon wae beat nun and Miie Kate Hanson wag brldeanialiL Both are cnualn* of tha bride. A nHwplion waa held at the reeldence of the bride'* pareuta, Mr, and Mra. Michael O'DonisHI’ lo*t slgbl. Mr. and Mis . Voight wUI reelde hr StwtfcOrnngm

Mawoih Tm ing Ladlee l|\ a FU y,The Willing Circle of The Klng’t OanghtenC

a chapter compoeed of a nninher of welW k n A n yeuag ladlaa In tbe liiwer part o f tbe city, wilt ifive a draiMtlo enter'olnment In Drydan Hall on the ev^lng of Jrmnary gfi

Charlotte Blokot JegMe Falrib, H »iist CPn- ant, Jaeephlne-Megker,' Lillian' W. Oould, Irene Mathews, Maud Fitch, Florence Taylor, Irene Hopper and Miie Mattlaon, and tharid Pickering. y , ^ ^

' H r r T ~ ‘- * ‘‘ r Ra«.Away. - ,J ^ W n g haa yet befS hyard of Mprrb Sell-

hurt, the tan-ysar-old boy who dlaapfieaicd from h b home laat Tneadoy niomlng. Hb brother-in-law sailed at the Fanrtli PolicethboliMtt th b ■ atnliig and tamulred It tha boy h a i yM been fii— l,- Morrli, he had


Workrrit In Hie Fiital Newer Trenrli at K ram y Bli'k Tetttlianiiy.

Corouer Anthony Volk, of HihImiu (.Iminty, brat night began hokilug an ingiuvit in tbe coae of MIpIuu‘1 Thonitlm.lH llorriwm, who woe killed laitFrliii^ by the (Rvlng bt of tbe enihankmeht of a rf-iicn 'riil tlcM m it ntrvot, K w n y . The imiiltry Wa* hrhl at (iaanert'* Hall, Harrlimu, which we* ilHml with ejnvia- tor*. William Perry, one of the worker* in tbe treiu'li, tmtlllnl that lie did nut tlilnk there wa* much danger In tbe work, and that tbe dirt where the num were wutidiig waa '‘ |(*<leimiid dirt mixed with atnme."

Hlrliael HtggiiiH, aniAhcr workman, Htated that tbe trencli waa in A lirai ' ’11.111 the time of the aoident, but wa* iimv iK'iiig bvaewl. John Gallagber, tbe foreiioin. *tat.G that be lUd not think bracing wa* iiecpruary. Pat­rick Hollywood, a w ^ker who wa* hurt, did not think It wife to rtiirk i|jtlioiit the bracing. The InqiieM wa* adjounieil until next Pin- day. ________


A IIiiiiHr Ur*troyed W hile Orange Flrs- mrn laiuked On-

Tbmnaa FitealmmoDa, of Went Grange, pulled box N*. 45, of tbe Orange lire alami lyntem at 8 M (/blook tfai* morning for a fire In Cahtral |uca, Wee( Grange. The Urange lepertment reepoodeJ but did nut atteiiijit

to put out a lively bbze, wblcb muu coii- •umed tbe hcaiae Trwned by l*aac M. WtU- fanlii and bcnipM by John Meier.

Chief Engineer Hodgkineon, of the Orange deportment, would not, it 1* naid, allow In* men, to ^ to w(wk the building, owiiig to the tnairaer in which the Went Urange 'Town- afalp Committee treated the Fire (.'oinniltte» of tbe Orange Common Council when iiego- tiatioae were pending for tbe u*e by the townahlp €t the city firs «r*tem.

The building deMroyed waa inaured for H.OOil. Mr, William* valuc l It at fii.flUO, Mr. Heier lo t nearly all hi* boiuwtaold effect!.

________ * -------COACHMAN KASUN BENIEGED.

le tte rs Four In Upon the Man Dropped tkom a Blaowiflrld Choir.

William Maeon, the Glen Hidge eoachmaa who aome ttme hgo woe dropped fnnu the Chriat EpisHipa) Church choir at Bloomfield, hea received letter* from varion* parte of the country biTiting him to join varluu* ovgan- ixatlun*. One waa from Henry Bird, of Newark, extending to Meaon an invitation to join tbe Newark ^ beral League or attendAh... * -- - * « f gs.._rA^_ -u.. 'U'^__

Tba pnBltolt o f a fife gmudation at In- dianapolla tad., akio nent Mr. Heaou a letter offering him a pneltiou.

A ro d e n t at EiiKt Urange wrote to Mr. llaaon and told htan (o reniehilwr timt Chriat waa liom iu a manger, and uigeK him to be a Chriatian.

Bloomfield, Urmtclalr and Nearby,Montclair Hoee Coarpany No. 1 received lie

new bo*e carriage yeeterday. The carrtagea for cnmpaniea Noe. t and 8 are eiiwcted to­day.

A aocial will be held to-ntgUt by tbe officen and teactaem of tbe Westmlnater Prcabylerlan Church Snnday-echool, In tbe cbui*:b chapel.

The Glen Hidge d u b will give an entertaln- ment and amoker to-mnrruw night In tbe dab hall.

A anbecrlptlon dance will be held In Ctntral Hall, Bloomfield, one week trum lo-ulght. Tbe patnnaaaee vrllt be Mr*. C. F. ilarrleou, Mre. W, T. Howe, Mm. O. bee Stout, Mm. Harry K. Rlobnrdaand Mr«.Njuinid W. Duf. field.

Cbmdlna M. Roome, ruwlaiant rector to Rev. F. B. Carter, of 81. Luke'a Eplsciiijal Church, Montclair, will be ordained ea February 4, by Ht. Rev. Blahnp Starkey,

The Park MetbodlatCliiircb Epwortli Ijeague, of Hioumfleld, bae named tlroee ofllcer* for the year; Prealdent, Clarence E. Van Winkle; viee-preeldeuta, Jennie Kedferu, Henry Hu­ber and George W. Heath; "vcrelury, Joele Oadmii* 1 treniurer, Fred. E. Lanlf^ruth.

The Weeti^nater Preebyterlan ■ Chureh at nioomfield la*t night eleded tb'iide tniiteee; E, W. Sutton, H. C. Tanner. «. SeRudd, W. H, S, Howland, L R. Harrett, G. Lea Stout and Wllion Phrsner. TTie total revelpt* for the year were ^,l]M.(B, and dlihuieementa |flu,- WAIH, leaving a bglamw tn the treaeury of •326.74. There t* a mortgage on the church property of llOJIfilk adecreiwe of lAtUI, whloh wae donated for thia pnrpow. The' reboilding and furniahhig o l the chuKb cheptl coat over| 6 an.. CUskes thlislee abUlen Ridge laat night re­lieved H. L. Johnatone'e Iwuaeiy. of Hoveral valuaUe towla.

A very enjoyable danoe waa ^ e h In Glen Ridge Hall l^ t night by the ypting aoclety leaden.

The HontobklrTariir Refonti (Inb bae laeued a idrenlar addreaeed to the New Jeney Demo- erritic UongreBemen, calling upon tuoh of them Ae have eltheanppoeod tbe Wllaon bill or been lukewarm Iff their aupport of It, for a Btatemcnt pf the cauae* for iliclr change of aitllnde from the eupport of tariff reform, tbe haele of their election.

A tally of the Snnday'-achool' warkenot Montclair, Bloomfield, Coldwelb emd 'Verona, under the aoeplpe* of the teeea Bounty Sub- daywohool Aeeoclathrn, hee been -BiraDged to take place in the Plr*t Pfinbyterton Church eluipel, Montclair, on January 20, a t 9 ii'clock, Rev. D. H. Marlin will prr*ido atld llev. David J. Burrell, paator o f the 'CfllleglatA Reformed Chiireb, Neiv York,ivlli deliver ahaddreea, ble euhject being,, "A Workman Needing Not to Be Aahamed." Rev. K.-ltorri* Fergnaon, gen- eral locretary of tbe aaaoclatlon, will albo *pe^.

The Montclair Dntlook Club meeting nett Week will he to lUacuae tbe heredity doctrine, 'nuiaubject will bei "D o Parent* Tranamlt Aoqnlred Uhaiwcierietlcw to Tbelr Children F’ The apeakeiswlllte Profeeeor II. F. 0 *born, of Columbia College.end Prutewior W. K. Ilrooka, of jobn* Hnpkiiu uulverrilty.

The Montclair WheeliBon will give a mln- Btret entertainment next weok for the benefli of the Pleaneut Valley Oermsii Church of ■ Weal Orange.

PrnfwMKir Haralt. of the College of the City of New York, will W tnre before the Socloty pf the Hew Age In Arcanum Hall, Montclair on Saturday night on " Hermonluu* Culture,"

irvtngton Endeavor Meeting*,Sb mncb'IniertHt hag beon maulfvated in the

"eripe of nuetlnga held by the Young People'* Society of.'Chrfatton Korluavfir the Ha- fonraM Chiirc)t, Igtrtailot,— . are being eoaibiuedibtyuDd-ihe time orlglniUly lutendeil. 'Laet night the eubjeot wea "What Shall the Harvest Bel" £. 0 . Ward waa leader. To-night tbe Rev. Chariea H, Jone*, pealor of the WooUalde Heformed Church, vrtll make an afidre*e.

■ PECIAL n o t i c e s .

t h e f r u u i r r o tU N c -n .

Tronlile In Waleeaelng O ver a " UaliilHiw Tent- wwt Sninrgi.

AfanE one y ^ g g b lE a r e wae italed Hie Beraaa Raptl s Chsrch hr ,'R'ait*iaa(ag, andtbe b u lh t^ orwtmiad by the Wuuieii'* t'fariatlauT«ui|wrABnaUutoh woe aublet to thetknv I'hurcto Many of the W, C. T. U. gi'ealaocouhttfi,*} wHh the BoidSAchuD h. I H<mu‘ tline ago a preacher imtiiod Beullev ! agreed ottd *tartod to (Ninduct Uie tew Ice* at I tlie Haplut church. Nothing wa* eald a b o u t' tjie wrlary qileatliiti, hnw'ever.

RecvitUj- Mr. Uentlay prc*eiit*il to the i church a bill for two m<Hith*' aarvicn. The ' meinlierB were *urprl*eil, having auppoA*! tliat the prrochtr'* aerview, were fnv. The fardb*. of the clinirh, in onlar to pay the bill, : declitod upon having a “ raiiil*iw’’ ha. Tim ladle* brought tlie inattor to tire atteiiUoii of Mr. Urutle}'. iRial iufortm'il htoi that they wen* to 1«- awIglM by the Woinaii'«ChrlBtin!i TeuiiieiaiK-e Union. Mr. Beiitleyobji* teil to tbe latter orgaiitxatioii, and a* a iiuudier of hla peoiile are akm nieinlwr* of Uw W. ('. T. U. the refuaal of the [iroaclier to liavetbe W. C. T. U, take iinrt lia* cuie-eil a ruinpu*, amt aa a rwarit eight famllle* In tla-chuivh. who a n directly iiitcrroled In the teiii|ienuice DluVBoieiit, intend to wltbdiaw from the etmgregatiuu.

A* a nault of Mr. Bi ntley't objH-tlon the toiu)i«rance peo|de have *tolen a loaivli on the cfanrt-h, liaving bail M-iit out uotliwMif n “ rainbow " ten to lie liebi on .MoinUy night, under the auiplcea of the W. U. T. U. hVuni the pnwent mitliMk tire chaucea of Mr. Ilciit- kiy getting hhi nalary aru *aid to tie albii.

*- —B R A D Y FGK 4’DI RT.

Tha A nlka Jan* Heir* ami Tlieir Alleged Urt^t KAlutr*

TbepMTple rUimlbg to \te b e in o f Anikft J4IW fttid tb i UAtkiu Uutinnuuft nitatp, who b#lit a iuwtlnc y«fit«r(Uy Iu Mbei U Lee^in Halit have tJw oonrlunlon that Uwyar^ alMHtt m hly to Hubfftautlato tbelr elaiiiw )d Of ihe clAimanta re|»TMeQt<Ml,^HXircling to Pnwidetit Fouda, of the aiPociR- tlon of belra oolv have irovet) their right to a khare m tbo luauy mllUuuH Uiat tho “ «tato^ in worth* .

JPreiildrat Foiuia explalTml to the aiwoHaw tlou y*ift4*rilay that uuder uoelrrMiiiuitaiH'i'M wouki be pm eut a claim in court on behalf of any oue imWMt tbe perwm Hhoukl liave an apparently clear title. It in thatthe cane will come up Lu Um? New York iMUi r.s t«riy ill tbe mirluy. _____


Tbe Reaqiti the Loan o f a llauilg roNilbly Hloofil l*ulaonlnjr,

George Chariea, a plmulier, a lou of iTjawrence Cbarkw, of Newark, wam loi a | tnmtiug expedition aear BlotHtiiUdd ymter- day. He ovH'loailed bit jpiii, the etplcNleiJ when flretl, ami (I m iU'o'n iinnd waji friKhtfnllr lat'enteil. He hiirrlejl hi tlie bmttetJf relaUvtiM in tlw town. Itr. tklwanl Wards who waa mimmoned, wiit him tn the MouQtaiimkle Hoaiiltais wliere it wan found that the hand would have to be am]Hiifltcii. Dlood poiaoulig la feared

M oniitow n Happenlnpi,Camtable Coe yrwtonlay arrcst<*l a aeven-

tecn-yeai'-old youth named Black, who i* j e b a r ^ with having ruinod a young girl. Tbe accimed it employed aa an agent of tbe Union New* Company and work* ou the ' Eantern eipraaa, whic'h run* over tlic Morri* j and Fooex briao<‘b of the Delaware, lAck- 1 awanna and Weetorn liallroad. The arrext waa made at Muni* FlaUix and the prlwmi-r removed to Horristown, where Le wa* ar- i raigtred before Juatkw of the Peace Aitell. | Pending the examination tbe prixoner made Ilia eaespe. Up to a late hour W . night be ; hod ant been recaptnred and t* Huppoeed to have fled the State.

K. Mullen and Tbomaa Mead are rialdent* of Butler, In Morris County. Mead brought suit agalnat hla (allow towiieiiian In me Horria County Circuit Court to recover • 6,000 domogea. He an 'uxwl Mullen with •landaiing him. A verdb-t wa* renderi'l awarding tbe nmn of liontotha complainant,

Tbe January term of Morri* County Grand Jury have muoli work tx-fore It, and will u<A complete It* laborvtor another week. It wo* rumored around'KorrUtown yiwtenlay that tfi|Uor dealer* w lM laTe violated the law will he litdd to auawiji'.

ThereoapUaRaiid dafice held in Ucld Fel­low*" H alt Morrtatown, last night, by Vnn-

...................well at-


The Veururui Servte# Ferforrued fur the E*- piibltrrbia try a Tr*ai„H NraM-ngrr llwy,An liu-bleid of tb>‘ ww-k at Treutoo ttert

wo* lu ph«aant<'*itra*t wiili lh» dnur-lg wak - itig epi».*lc and wIM Kcnex uf dlxonler fhat rnarknl the mitxet of theleglxbitlvettviakKi, wae tbe auccwriil Inmt of a lucmengrr W afti-r Hi'irator Hkirm. Till* hapfimad '« Wnlni'Mlay afterui**!, ami Hr- fact that the boy fiHiiid the Menvr Senator wie related in tin* Nxwx. But tlwre b( an aniualng ax well a* hiterwting tbiry ci.iiun’l« l with the de- teiU of the bov'a ebiu*'after Mr. Hklrra.

The Ib'iaihlli'au Scimlorx met In the A«w*is bly tliaiiilier. and Pri-*iileut Kogrrx fawl calbxl tlie xnaloii to oolcr, Keerrtery Mott foiitnl but ti-u rc*)*iiix>-< bi roll rail. Hklnn wa* Hh' ali.'j-iit«x> Here wa* a predlrainentt it w'luldii’t ilo for Ic-, rluru a uiajortty 'a the rutire Hennte lo mtjuui'u fur the week and give tl*' lleiiai rat* a t'chuloal pdnt towoek on, (*i|*x’iully 11* tlie linvvninr and Ibt At- ti«rnev-G,-nenil iMx-ned to tie in loWB with the Hciiuicrattc iiiaJorUy nud rwxjgnilHl It a* the Icipd Hi'iiatc,

'Tile lii'piddii'aiia found Ibeiiixelvea xmlJan- ly ini]«hd on tlm lemi* of a lUbniima ; they coulil lint III wlnbim Hiljourn without elAveu Seimb.ix ami If Mr. Hklnn by any Md-e rluuic. eboiikl be prevented from atMtallug tlieHiAiou, there wax 110 alternative for the Seimtor* but to reiiialu all night, with riothuig U'tt. r to ibi thau to U tteato th * ihilicl touiw of Hei'i’etary Mott inkUUig tlie roil of alxx-uliwH, I'rxHidout Hopra, Rett- ator Vnorhix aiul Htx rrtary Mott whle- i«-reii to a uuiiilier of mau, telling them ta fiiixtle aiHuit tile city after Heoator Hkirm, The (xMirlerx were ixk*i eugaged In the I'haae.

Ill llie nii’AiitlineSerndary M(At mmttuuwl to mil tlio iiuinea of the twelity-oOa Betiatora, licgiuulii)' wilb Adraiu, awl kept reading bKckwui’i! and furwai-d on the ll*t until a div|ethlukliig young reporter handed him a gliiwof pure and «iiarkUng water, ^ftor qiialTIiig of .tibuii’i ale the Btx rate^ , ap- parenily roftiehei procaaiM to te ll toaiianicx with renewed vigor.

Kverylxxly wa* berxanhig (Averixh with anili'ty, Tlw couricis bail fail*! to lomlti SiTialor Skii'iii ai*l the afternooti *tea on thewalll^

Suddenly with a roiuiil walktxl feewho wo.* loiuigii’ig iu a seat trying to apiiear C'lllteiiUxl.

■ 'Siiv, iiibder, wat'x dr mattorr Tui’iilug to tba lad iu a cunfidciiUal way

the SeiMibir reiillixl:"W hy, my little man, wa want Senator

Skinri. Nothing I'an to done wltlmut Hciuitor Skirui. Mnybe you know the Si-iiator."

'■ IVell. I »lii*fd ariille If I didn’t, wax tbe quick n-pty. . _ ,

" Go out aud get theSaaator and n ig iv e von a ijiiaiter. I'nirldent Rogers will give you another," xald Mr. Voorlwea,

" Demx my quarter* an’ don’t you make any iiilxtakrf exclaimed the boy, and »ooii bia liwivv «lioe* were heard clalteriug down r tto Ktatebouae corridor* In tto-direrllon of tlic xtnvt. 1

Paul Revere wa* never actuated by nwater , [letrlotic aeal thau waa Ihi* red-fai«l luea- ixMiger l«>y of Trenton aa he dashed away In ; waivbof'M M w r’* Beuator. Tlsi ymmg*ter i fouml the man he lougbt win* di«tance up- town iu (xinveraation witli *ev«ral citlaeu*. Hiixblng br«Uile**ly up to him tbe lad blurted out 1

" lU y , Mr. Hkirm, day want yer. H urry up,"

Why, rnv toiy, what’a the trouble T "D ey want yer down a t de meetUT. Mlator

lioger* 1* Hteoilln' In the box w'at Tom Flyuii uxter atand In laat winter.anil a mnn wid nice whiakerv Iu m aakin' (or de feller* w'at aint dcrc and y o u ^ one of d« fellow* w'at ain't dere, and 'nudder man w'at'* alwa;-! lafflu' Buy* to me lUt you must be dere or der— .”

" Hold on, my boy," broke In the Senator laugblpgly, aa be foroad the lud bi halt long enough to ikitch hbaeooud wind. " I know what you mean. G o bAck aud tell de 'feller*’ tbat 1 will be tighC<ln*n.".

*' Say, M uter B k l^ dev must llkA yon down (Icre/ Dey wont do nothin' lea* you’re

nd the boy kept wiping the iwraplra- Uon from hta glowing uci> a* be iqioKe.

1 know. Here’* aquai-ter.

L O T I LNTEIA a l l BAN Ka.

gftilen e f PrlncH* KllnaiHith, o f Bavaria,W ith Barmi Heefrieg van Hattriihrlin.Profaalrly no event of m viit tim.-' haa

dmte *n much to rev ive tiHi oncteiil ti aditlon th at " tovBlevel* ail rank*," ami to ixiuvlniv a eyiiical world of the power of tna- alTn' tloa to Huniioiiut tto- liarriari ig (ifidc, (rrece,. dent and prejiuliiv Hut dlvlile royalty from tlie people, a* lhi< union of Priiirew Klin- bath, of Ravarbi, wIGi Barou Si<efrict von Buttmlwiiii, a bumble Ih-uteiiaut lu the Bavarian fiHitgiianl*.

Pidih-cw* RliBbeih to the graml-'laugbter o f the Kimx-riw of Auttriv inil a* It tire case witli iHixt IVliiccaim a rc>-al marriage waa planned fur her. Acixirdhigly alie waa DotiUw! In due xcawin that an alliaiii'e bad town arraugwl for her with the Arclylukc FranH* Krrcllntnd, heir nreeuriipGve (,1 the Auntriaii throne. Hut the young Priiiceex ihaunnvd. She'hail met at a court larll lu Munich tlx yearx ago i.ieiiicnaiil von Siat. fried-Huttcnliriiii. Uic Imiidwumwt man mid 0iR> of the |RRin*t 1111111 III the Gcriiiau .Vniiy, for whom abe nilUKVt'Iaeiiililcii and ar­dent uffwluiii. luili«l th'* vcrai'tou* court guoaiperx itoclirv tbiit it wo* n ivue of *' lure at tlr*t tight."

O f coui-ae, Kliafllx-th, todna remarkably inworbilyfora l'riiH*c*,di»ii**l to marry hit-

“ aqulreofkiw ib'grcc,’ and of i-iainai the lily oiijMHX!

relative*. The faitlifiil I'rlnixwi Ibudly ap-

ly B happy-sodiicky meteen^- fmy 'oimiL faro aud poorly cla.1, Bi'lnvuv over to Sei»t<» \<tirb(*«,

'Y e a ;

’ atrlw at Roaette taken In

H7M thf tmUdtng, higpMt m e tnery,€irtutatU/n, tSe MVK.VFNG .VA'H. fht tig oftd Utfi* <1

MHt'I Poateraater. Whitaker, 4f t t ’Aatfleld, it coo-c fined to the houae with a **TMB cold.

William Walter Fbelpi hold|at wixd that It will beilBpaaKible far him teatteud Weal* fields Owfietiblal tea party. B M ntutentood that Qdgggaar Wfilte w f i k o deolteAA

A team of bq«le*|i fro** the Arthar Kiill ItoviBa Aaaodatloltwill mm'rthe Caolno team tbe find giime of a OdenaBy • thia eveang.

Tbe xtockholdeta bf the Weatfleld Atblctic lub will meat fitii* Avebtuu auil elect a

of director* » r the bonifng year. The putgoliig board wilt pnxMit a fliiaucial atatc- mant. An attempt will b« mailu to nettle some old *cor« at thia meeting, and it promiae* to he lively.

Tbe second recepGim of tbe WeatHckl Social Club will be givcti thia evening.

Town Comniltteeiuan Hope, of iJtMen, has bought the Wood on a Inyge tract of land fur tbe tola purpoae of giving worthy men who are out of work eriiploymant in cutting it Into cord wood.

Minor Pulliw New*.Before Jndge Prelarl In the Third Crlmlnnl

Court Ibl* mornink John Winn plaadeil nut guilty to a charge of asaanlt and battery on hi* idater, Mrs, Mary Nolan. Me wax eoiii- mltted to jail to await trial at the Conn of | Special SeMlnnt. !

Henry Snyder, who waa accuted by Cliarlc* Thelen, of IB Bowery etreet, of breaking and entering with Intent lu aleal. wna Ihi* ninrii- Ingartaigned before Jndge Prolsrl. Heplcndi'd not guilty and ■ Waa committed to Joil to await the action of the Grand Jury. i, Gfflcer Tlghe, of IhcThlrfl Police ]>rcrini'l, | early this morulng arrested George Kreii**. of p Garden atreet, who was acting in * dix-; orderly mannar ob Kinney atreet. Judge , Prelael committed him to Jail for flfleen dayx ' in default of the payment o f a •!> flue.

F or the Heiirfit o f Clirirehe*- teteLentArtalnment tor the beneAt of Chrlxt thnreh waa helrl teat evening In theW . ('. T, U, Hrdl, corner of Mulberry end Market ttraela. Meatni, Btrnck and Doan, Alexander Woodaon, Joseph Howell, Enfeno Search and Billy Crawford antertalned.

A banar ivaa opened Inet evening in St. Jamea'a H all,»riM r of Modltim and thfayetle Mraite,.for the benefit of St. James'* Pacodilal "obfinli Pm^aaee 4 x . xiajirwiw.A and the

lioir of tlw (ihnrch were In altenttopce andradaied ■ toettona.Ihe Sewing Clrcla of Bt. Janin'i B- C

^ n rch h eld a meeting laat evening In the ball, Madlaon and Lafayette atreet*. The nanal nutlna of bnslneaa was trannscted and a diacnaalon took place among tbe megrtor* «x to the bent way (or helping the poor.

A Ciar Bod W agon Come T i^ tlir r .A t the eonioT of Bowery ruld .Chriat le st met*

Featerday afternoon car No. W0 of the Rapid Tranalt line and a delivery Wagon driven hy wUUam JL Bnrkbardt, of ten Ferry *tniel. colU ded. Tbe rear at tbe wagon was deiuolixlied, put Burkbantt vrae unhurt.

Il-gli (v«f AteuifW fa rA* Sgoti-, II it nnliir<ir Wi* If I'£-V/.V<7 A'Anw tfiooid alto adiweiiMCr uod root fri flu tew rmtlli in ikr Malt.

deiw,” and the boy kept wiping the j Eace a

ly, nHurry la c k and tell them I’m eoinlng."

Back to the State Uimw the yim unter started on a wiki ru a Thu xuxpenae nf tbe Senator* aud other* who w anted to get home tunl ttHTeaaed iu the nmntlriie.

the tgr* of the if g bona had sfina In n shift

the mca-'BaiDe the mca- .. M t a i T i p g at

, ilratewhyMet or gait, youngster, hi* face as

welcatigaiiNlNaDnr. light to ,tbe atrauled Henatw*, bqnduteto ^ Aatorntrly Chamber.

Down the' mam aMc he strode, hla te p firmly pullal dowh over hla ear*. W aving bto left haiail toward ITiiaUeat Roger* In a taiuilior wiWr ho aidalmed;

"It* all r ^ t , ItMci- Hogaiw. Iaseit Mr. Sklnn up de > tr^ . He'll be down in a Jiffy. I rumuxl all de way."

There wa* an ui^niret of Igughtw, and the lad'* f t j l f f iy | i Jtoiove .hi* h u * audl hi* alliad'in tQ rR ytV 'lH a g ;“ IIiBteri* were

Senator Slurtu lin ii^ l duirtly attro the boy and the ftehate Bfljoanwil for the Week,

The crowd thru vjiudcml about the mes- «*iiger bo.v. rutted him nu the luek. tokl him be wn* a little hero and a lot of other nice Uiingi,

■‘ How trincb did you iwceive for ybtir troirbleT" nxked Rraater Voorhee*.

" Ixjto," xtld the youngater. " De quarter MI . Skirm guv me, de quarter Mister Kogerx guv me, do quarter da man wid de nice wbixkor* guv US, aud de quarter you aed you'd guv me,"

Here wa* another ctiaace for a laugh. Si-iin}<ir Voorhaea, a* usual, toughed iiioiie than any one elae. He led tbe boy aside and Apiared account* vfith lilln by giving him lllty ivnt*.


A Uiiltcefinn o f DoB'it that Ape Sensible and Dnght to Be AdopleiL

Molly Higgins in tbe Housekeeper,t'lmoec the middle of tbe day for your

call. Toward nlghi tbe pettontl* weary. By 11(1 iiu-on* go to *ee a *lck petwon in the evening iint>«* you have bean sent for. Do not make long oolla, even though your priwence necrai mrieh ap{fectoted. Be chror- lul and q u iet; tfala you owq to thoire In at- tendaiii'e aa much 0* to tbe patient. Enter Into no lengthy dtoenraton or arguiru-nta, a id avoid all xublecti upon whieh tba patient uiay be xcruiit fve or oidtable.

Dll not dlwmaa or find fault with the doctor jnattenitonro, Tbe family must W e faith In him, else they would not employ him. No matter how intlmats you may be with the fiiiiiliy, do not prem your bvorlts rtoctor iqxin them.

Do not Inalat upon oertgin remedlM which von knnw to be a “ luro cure,” a* the at­tending phyirteton m doubt ha* used than long to'fore. A kind wggortlou is frequent­ly appropriate, but be very caroftil about fordiig ailvto* upon Hie nuraea. Thoa* who ai« confined to the boute with their loved

Theflrat tria l o f Dr. WoSyrup win aatlgfy big virtue oTthatbig virtue I___ _____fined into an offectlvw MSI^dtoveMSM W eM r rcMtelne. aUd by all daalori on a io a tb a K o fta tU factlo n ._________

I f yaii taw * ever ftaalt with wa y ea M awIl to ba a (act tbat when It eornet. to tramtipiotnrsg wo gm the people. The torgeet fid ii-


Her Newspaper and Cottage, Where Slie and Her B rothers "K eep Houhw."

pTom ihn Y ’ouog Woman.Tbe youngeat editor In the world It prolia-

ply Lady Marjorie Gordon, the daiigbb-r of L*dy Aberdeen. JPee W illte RTnhte la tbci name nt her Joamaliath-venture. A writer glvra the following intertating sketch of the Nay In whiidithe young aditor and'her broth- era live;

" H to a very pretty story, that of Holiday fkJttage, which aten^ about half a mile from Haddo Honaa, on the bonhrra of a wood, ” In order tbat thair (ditbirou might be better •M ato appreciate the dlAcultlee and de- dlaiita of bomdiaelitagt Lord and Lady Aher- deetahadthbccittei^&tted up with all the |ODdaand cbattala of a hputble heiue, except

b> no itoeidOE aooonuW»t*'’” i'i.n- % w iU k.’ aoniro - the field j t f s l t tm into the wicket g a te C of a oottup. nrdeti, whm I*irdBtfido and theiBiM. utulley and Archie Gnr- w g w iw p o te fc te ■ “ '1 dwawlmvW andwheraJaruhaaroytM may see the ^ree tmther* dig and delve, fetch water teomatMimptatliefikIgfeborilig'Aelil, mend WfipBiS pulwi doarknockem, (irm wood, or IM m Usainaslvaa otherwlia uaefiil. Lmly

. . . .~f*AteiuNHcratltC«dur<>wiHnot Holh' d*y C%ttieB aya ta tW e ty Ifidareited bi a tiny

$ a e tq their door.lit tUa Mtolun la d y Marjorie praetiaea

kU tba dMath of hnaKuaphte, It the floor “ dirty, i t e lerulra It; when the grate la cold W lo i t i i l l i f r o n t lir it and ctoani (t; and >«J?theftM; the ^igdifaiasa of W cutlery? W s f rK S S * g » r

lathy.and heartfslt abeetfuliMaa 1a m o i/o f” t help than we can think. If you can not do that, stay away.

1)0 not Intrude. U the patient belonga to a family where yoq have never oalted, or who ba* never («Qed on you, do not go u Iwr they are needy, for they may t h lA you come from eurioatty. "Of ooutea, ciroum- stuueea may a ltir eiaia. If you are odling on an Invalid and the doctor arrivea, that mean* for you to make your exit, even though the wife or daughter pulilety anter- talnxymi, Ulten tbe whole temlly wtahto talk with the doctor.

Do not d iai™ at length the patient's look* or xymiitottw wiih-him. Do-not tbeorlze on wliat the dixeato may be. The family often know far more of what all* the patient thau they can reveal to erdtor*, and are doing all 111 iV ir iMjwer to allevtote and reHevo the aulfering. It makee them tired to bm r what yon have to xay.

Do not talk to a person who i* tufferlug. Do not iiiako good-twe iqreiwha. Wheu you ar rive, avoid ipnhg wtheentranoa where youthink thl- luritlldmay bo. Takatho aidothmrIf tiimulK rmc*. '

To sum It lip I goed manner* and tact ar*what we Uee.1 In vr*ltilig ttB itck.

Wonrlermt Teio* Hlragea,From tbe 8t. Ixrill* Globe.

'•Veil don't have to go to tbe oiieert of Sa-liimi III enlsr to iwe'iiilragiie," u h| !.«« Bn- cliiiiiaii 1(1 the corridor nun at the Jtoi-ledo. '• In Trio* III*** phenomenaeau be wi|ne*a«d 111 ax woinlerf III form* ** ore ever produced in liny part ef the world. In tbat portion of the Ktnte marked npon tba maps of the.otdM.tbar ax a desert wbero no ptont grow or breath-

f$ now cuf op

e* IxTlriieed the m oaUttpk* aSfl natural op­tical deln-bwa »* ^celvp, n'Sgc’t prairle ap-iwarx III be a delnnlnn. The air t* no rare thatno odor l*v«eepllbl*,svan from carrion. A*a man ride* along he sees before him faeairl I (iil gniVM of iiifljwtleipHe, waloh* wbeo rciikchodi jmivc to be tiifWQalW htmhct th n t of four foot

Rfy am dpenlahHie call™ Iitoitt being caUafi the ‘ Staked Plain,' from the effeot pradnoafl by thia ptont. Tti'i best mirage rir clond pkuneea are to be Hcn about Aiaarllto, where tMUBlful lake* appear to to tot a M « .« f tNA awgy.and atrangrr* almiirt Invarl^Iy fok ii they imn- lalii lt)h. View* of tbe M l M g uMaabmally hod. and o iw a te S W wa* seenand ttwaa learned that fi I M llK h M l baeu


How to Do It'-Jiipllrr the Hu«l Snporb Otd«'t In tile Eaxirrii Hruvrn*.

From the Kiamiiier.It la eatUy viaibbi by day hut mice In eight

year*. Jannaiy I, and for a few previous and succeeding evciiliigx, xhq will to abniiatexactly three hour* co*t of the sun, and, therefore, at 8 o’ebx k ilie will to on the meiidbui and at the name altitude aa tbe suale nieridiannl altitude. If, then, you lo- catetbe »uni jxxiltlon at eiacljv I'J o’clrok, arid three hour* later iia • . — vyv* on that preej** spoil tiiOre you will nee Venu*,v-

T h b gloriouH eveuing »tar attain* It* gveat- cilllaiicy till* week, ‘ She will beeat bi nicy

unworldly (ora I'riiHxca.di-nn'd to marry hit- “ squire of kiw ib'givt', ’ and of nairae the match wa* vioU'iitly op|x»od by lier iviyai

ctoUve*. The faitlifiil t'riliivM IbuUly ap-

JK-okd lo the Emperor, and llwdoUnggninil- ather interferixl lu her favor, with the result

tliat tbe lovlnc muplc were uuirried and are r*ow ou their iimirymoou.

That It Olio xtory.Now we rcix'lve from Vientia »undry alnia.

ter nmior* to theeffei'l lliat llm w wldlug wa* not ivgutorly rolebi'.ited. ax afurKaaiO, but tliat tlie Couple I'l'qxxl aii'l thii* forcer! thd relui'taiit rvcoinilUmi of the royal family.

A t any rate it 1* ivrialn that however It woe acmimnllthwl, the Piineiw I* In iiaaaee- eluuuf herWulxoiixi Ueuteuuuq aiwl atynr-

tbi'tlc w'orhl will miite in the idui-ere wUh at to may make her hapiiy.It labelteViVl that KRipxror Franct* Joaaph

trill give a large Tyrolean iwtate to Baron Sr-efriiHl and raine him hi tto dignity of Count after he lio* left tlie UeniuHi anuT anil Jolne,! that of .tuxirm. Tto Haron to the ton of Rnrou l.inlwig von Srofriivl-But- tenheiiii, CliBiiitorlnin to the jiavarlan court. The family I* ancient and hoiwimula, but 1* now very Swfried hr twenty- four yt«r* eld and Priure** Kliiabath to twenty.

A riurlln iH'W'*|ia ier which clalnix to have private »ourn* of mhininitioii piibltaibeil tbo other itoy rxiiiic "Ii>o'(* frottr the iliary of Prliii'exK Kllmtotli of tlavnrla." whloh idiM aome light on Itouiiixqiliixtii'ateil character of tliat young woman. Her I'linftaaiou* jKXMe** tie' ]»«'nliar frankiew* which char- acteriitxl Ge< dioi'v of .Mnrie Saahklrtaeff. Her-e are *01110 |inxxag<e that give her love *tut-y In her own words:

" Mi'NIcm, Jan. K, Inns.—We wrere very happy to-day. * • • 1 am now to enter Urn itoudlig tchixil, wtoiv 1 will meet real geuiteiiieii. though tbr'y are only page* and eaik'ta. Tlie grand mixti'exK of Qt>niuuiy telbi me tliat 1 must treat theui in a haughty

r- ‘ full Ilf xinieriorlty.' the nt.vled It. oniing w'hi'u tw y came to ooagimtte ‘ I Iriixl to follow her oilvlcc.

1 1 I I O ' S FADl S O I S M S T A T i

“Justice”Is beyond question the chief attraction of the pre.seut time in Newark. When people stand in rows sixteen persons deep, in our BIG CARPET DEPARTMENT, and view with silent admiration this beautifully moulded mass of .silver, it emphat­ically marks the statue’s popularity. Already 3 1,9 5 8 men, wonieu aud children have seen this superb work of art. If you would avoid the crowd that is sure to view “ Justice** to-morrow, come iu the ‘raomiug. You will also sec all around you evidences of the most attractive

I N A L L 0 F 0 P B 1 0 0D BPA BT1I1BNT8.

Everything, With the Exception of a Few Reitricted ArticleB, Reduced in

Price for This Sale.

I M S I ( [ ' f t S W ’ in' 1 M !

Thin nior k te me 1

“ UiiJy tm< ‘ iHil I hm my foanporor®— when yuuijg uutdv lUe bow toAll, xuch erex ax he lia«r If I had bad my will I H'oritd bavx fallen uixiA hi* rrack. They *ay that reii never to. Well, I munt eantentinywi'lf wiGiembracing my dear grandfatlMr lu my drrouix. Ah, I with be were h e re l,

" Pehniiiry 14, IHW—Ifitonced Mat nlidlt with real gi'utlcmeii, though ncnie ot t i im luul a imixtiiche. They were all yo ordi-rHl to come to tlie ea*tUi by Un of the jiagw. They are all talking about ute aud young Seefriixl. They are making fun u f ux—of HR' at troxt.

"Man'll III, 1X88—I woitdaF Nhkf bit majcxly. iny deur grandfather, a t Vienna, would say If to knew that there to Himebudy in the world I love a* much a* bbuicif. If anylxxly hod tokl me a year ago tbat tuch i thing rtiul'l bapiieu, I would have toihriwd at the very tliuiiglit, But nobody ahaU know it, not even guea* It, and I will not tell Augusta either, before whom I hava Ho aecn't* whatever.

" MairU 30, 18H8— Ah, tbi* ittfoaloua, thl* valeiitiiic, ub-turiiig me tittiug io an open I arret, V’lircb l*toliq[ carried iqrthe mouu- taliixl It I* a ^ n on Otto'i tecoiid name— Buttenbeliu (Banvlhonie), I bava crlsil a grxxi deal over thl* cruel ‘ Join,' •> they calllt, Ab, w b y am laP rlw ie iir lonifoi^ bidden even to Jiouk at a mac. Hut really, if they knew bow much I loved him, thay would not be to cruel.

“ February 13, 1838—It to now five year* tliat I bave nut *eeti Utto, hut did 1 fqrgrt him f No, CO t Aud be ho* become a man tneauwbUii. It tin u k dm ae very comical when I bad to give order* that ne be for- ■ tally iutrulueed to me. Tei, I am a royal ligmmx, and I mutt ‘ unler' people about

It to luy duty 0* well a* my preroNativa. And while all tel* rorrmony was b « i^ <D- arted I tremblad Inwardly. I felt oa If I were golfig to cry. A woudrou* feeling overi'ome me wbeu I *aw him appear before me— lum vrboin 1 thought Trot. God .to gopd to me.

"March 10, IhiH—How it frightened me when we met without unnounromentt Ke hxikud at me king luid with much sniotlun. And wbeu 1 muT lit bi* true eye* what 1 bad expix'ted to fliul there t felt to ha4>py. And a* 1 Btniled upon him hto faro aanmed an earnest look. He xeeiuad to be mauller tbcu, nuire perfect alm oetaalf t had of­fended him.

''Uffendixl’ Who told him to fall In love witli a Pniicrox!' Ah, 1 with 1 were entirely sure that be wax in love with ma I Tbe fact tliat be I* living iip)iuxiU< the palace and that his window* hxik into thuxe of m y bouiloir to aimoxt tod gonl to Ix'lieve. It remind* one of tbe atorne In tiie cblhlreii’i pteture book*, lint in tliH Uxikx il would to written that tbe mor LiciilriiBtit wbo (hired to live opiRc site a Princess aud darwl hi correapoBd with her by way of bix eye* acroai the itreet munt die. Fin de ■ l«'lu love affair* are much nicer.

" If t eviv renii'iidx'red bow he aquaetwl my band, how la- luokcl at me, be aalted. Hu ha* worn,the ribbon be stole from m y breoat during tbe dance ou Ids heart ever since. But then we werccliiblren. W totaciaiveriattoit to enter into for a Friiicfu*' HhimU a Hoyal Highnexx act in xiteli u imiuurr!’ I dare oak ou ^ one huinau tollig tliat quretluo—m y dear grBiid|)a|», bix Miijixty."

WUhte rarWUrt Oi « ' Kln'r, II It nnltral Hit jCt‘h'.v;,V(/ .vjsir.v nHiM mi- 'Xiivrown owi roo*«r* (Ac httl rftulU In fin- male.


SPECIAL TIME SALES Oo the LadiesR rtliie that to-uRirrow will bt lb * L ga^ DAY of Ihegrtat


— IN OUR----

T l B ie , 1> t o 1 8 o ’ c l o c k 8 » t u r d a y i n o r n ln g — A H M t i t l i n B t c o * t , b le a c h e d a n d i iD b l e B c h e d , KO i i i r h e i w i d e t o 1 0 0 lo c lie f l w id e .

T i m e , 1 t o f l o 'c l o c k S a tH r ila y E ftcF B O o n — 3 0 0 I te u iu n n tfi D r M i C o o d i , f o m io r p r ic e 0 0 c . t o 9 1 . 8 0 p e r y a r d . T l ita

flB le 8 0 c .

T i m e , 8 t o 1 0 o ’ c l o c k S a t a r d B y n lM k t — S c f i t Q u B llt y A m o tm k C B ff O ln g h a n i , 8 c , b y e r d .

1 0 c . q u a l i t y O u t l i i g C l o t h , O c.

brigfateet jam iary 10, after which. «lowly fadllqf, pawing tha *uu February 10, *be will leave the ovauuig *ky and toK'Oino morning atar." The crescent form of Vena* at thl* tlm« may be dtotiugubihed by the aid uf ua opera gtoao, although the prixmatlc rotor* made by the leniro render it soniowliat indiii- tiuct.' Jupiter to tee wort iuperb object wxiu In tbe eoatern heaveui at p iw n t, Tbo article refurred to above *t*te* that Jupiter "tomit only i ,4tU tiuun larger than the earth, hnt i* abio two aud ene-bolf tbiie* greater tliali tbe coroblned vedumro of all the otlnT*, yix.. Mercury, Venun, Earth, Marx, 378 Aateroiilx, Rgturu, Uranua and Neptune." Alxiut a year ago a fifth aatelllto of Jupltef wa* dto (xwered by Profeieor Barnard with the thirty-eix-inch teleecope of tlie Lick Ulmerva- tiiry. Aa it to only ItK) mlto* in diameter. It SHena wundurful tbat even that uiaguifircnt inttruiuent could neurrh out thl* little xiitel- Ite, but great dtotiuetion end boinirx linre

been awarded to Profeoaor Ibiriiard for tbl* aatroiKNuieal dtooovery.

A Gllbertlen Vlow o f fioclety.Front Die New Vork Adrertlner.

A fair tample nf Glltiertlan jingle lx a bur- lesqne Uhrixty ndnotrel long In “ Utopia, Lim­ited," Gilbert and RtilUvair* new opera. Il lx aarcaatleally deecrlptlv* of the xttde e f affair* lu Utopia, which to *uppo«ed to b* in Great BrUain, The long to lung by tbe King with a chorUi, and run* thus:King. Hndety ba* quite foraaken alt her

■ riqked oonr***,VVlileh enn]itle* our police couiCk and

abolbihH divorce*.Chorui. D im e* to oearlyabaolate fa

England.king. No tolerance we hIuiw to nnderatand.

ipg, rank and ipltudur;For the hligber the poeTUon to, the

greater tha offender.Churua. That'4 a maitira that to prev­

alent lu England.King. No peer*** at our Drawtuf Room be-

fare the Piteseuce poauB*Who wouldn’t ba aooepted by the

lo sw mbldle elenaea.Each ihady danie, whatever be ber

rank, to bowed out n(»tly. Chorus. We haven'll •“ »/ elurtuncrie*

. In England 1King. 'Inia Cbamberlaln (mr nativg atage

baa puiied, bepoad a question. Of " risky "Htoatton and HtdalM u

lUggiation.No pise* to Meratad U It'a oottuated


Ladies UseSoaps, Perfumes, etc., at their toilets, and the outlay is very considerable. We aim to give the most desirable toilet goods at the lowest possible prices, and that is why we have re­duced the pricey of the follow­ing articles;

Baby Skin Soap, teg. 16c., for tfle.Psar'* Hokp, rag. Ida., for 9e.VaaaUnaotTg. Tc., for 8c.VaosUns (phro), No. 1, reg. IBc., (or J 3c.CVild Cream, No. 6 reg. 60c.. for »1i'. FrMmao’* Fom Powder, reg. 35c., for ITe. Dr. Hbefflsld's Cream Dentifrice, reg, 35c.,

epeclal HMe.Balaam Fir 8 >ap (with book), reg. 36c., for

14e.Anunonia, round, for 8c.Ammonia, oval, forWoodbui^* Facial Soup, reg. 35c,, for 18c. Mexloui 'Vncoa Soap fur niann't Bulphur Hoap (or 11 e.Roll Tullat Paper for atec. - I speebd lot fine Froneb Bristle Hair

Brnsnoa, reg. lUc. to 86o., eloae out a l 4ae.1 ipeclal lot fiae French Hulld Back Hair

B ru d ii^ n g . •IJOto •feacta, we will closeout

1 special lot Soott'* Elactrio Hair Bni*he*, cloali^out at HALF PRICE.

SOU extra large CliamoU, reg. Mtc, to 76c., doting out at SOc.

1 lot epeclal Perfunu, reg, 36c. to 6to'i, (or 1 ^ .

Everythlna cite, except a few realrieted ar­ticle#, REDUCED FUR THIS BALK.,


O ia ii UWhich WB hBTB bMB teUing you about ftom day to d ty oflhn tbe following (omoog other grand bor- goin*):

ttOSIERV.hllseea’ Imported Cashmere, black, atoc* TH, 6

)04, regular teo., thl* sale,

3 5 e e n t A .

Mlaxe*' F**t Hltck Cotton, derby ribbed, site* b,614.b<6M,7>6 regul*r 13c. and aie., tbi* sale,

1 5 c e n t o .

U'l P u t Black Extra Fine Maco Yarn, d<iuble k 11004 ftlM 6* rfgular %c.q this «al«,

3 5 e e n t M .

A 1*0 Klaes 6 614, regular 80;., thl* solo,

3 5 c e n t o . * .

Mlxxrx' I'lalU Black Colton, fo*t black, ilae* 6, 103, i, 714,.regular 13c., tbi* sale,

1 4 c e n t o .

Bov*' Heavy Heamlea* Hoae, else*, 3, 314, regu­lar ltk'„ thl* aale,

1 0 e e n t o .

O P B K A T m r r o

ARTWARE(Reimiid floor, a few yard* from “ Juatiw."!

Fteelnatlng shape* and deooretloaa la A J I ^ Dlnuer Cape and tiauura and " flv a T eu ," Fruit and Flowtr Dtolua, CbooidBllk »nd Cracker Jon, Card Haakete, U a lq N a t^ ' nree, Htatoettea, etc.; In fact, e v e rr tU w IB A RTW a r e to add to home decoration, 03

H A L F P R I O S *

I tU r O U B P L R H O B I O w n a . - ^ -

B A SE M E iWW b§ Airih t h u u m t t d thi$ eitf ^ fH fofttmiflti uni/inat f$<iuofm9 :

Womienw^n redniw! lOe. AOr. on «Tarfdnlliir. a-

Y«Uuw4itk1 llookimKhiiin W*9« Maond tOft to lUc. »d. every duUar.

Ton Hets rrdiH'ed Dr. to Do. on t t e f f AollaTa Dlnorr reduowt Do. to Do* un ariVS

doII»r.Dour 51ato rrdoi'ed tOc* to Do. on OTcrf /

dDllar,Tho tienulnr BIweiri Carpet 8weeHir,’ Ini'

rliullnit the MaiiU-. Crown Jewel, So, 8 Uomw tip, rwliw rd DMic. on every dollar.

Blue and White KnaTnef Htetl Wftr» redncM aRHtr. (in es’ery dollar.

Ajcatu and ln»bware reduuad 5Hio* on avtr^ ddtiar.

Tea Traye, (^ m b Traymote,, radootd AroOi lOr, to SQi’. on every dollar.

Kanoy ('hlua L'Urtpldom, Jardinterei,r«duo*f from liic. tu 2S(i. on the dollar.

(Alaitoware redured )U c .to o tio ra ird < d k iar,

r*rnrkery rediK'ed IHr, hNSLc-on averf dollWf Toilet redared Hie. to Vk;. oa

dollar.flardwaro reduced from Uto. to 80c, OD eveiy

diilUr.AruipM and UriK’ent' l uiidrleA redunrd Do. on

every doiUr*TInwu'e reduced IIV\ tn nOr. on fryery dulUr, ironware riMtiired 3k’. toijlk’.on ovory dnlUr* Hraaa and t'opper UikmIn! M ured Ete. on

OYery dollar.Bniehea, Duntem, Wlilnkbroom , roduoed

lOc. to 5k'. on tlio dollar.Japanned Tinware reduced lOc. to 40o. on tlw


OH, MY FEET!You may well oomploiii of lomB

of tbobut not with 0UT8, whloh oombtuo comfort with stylo, Jiut sm bow we have out the priooi of ShoM for thlfl dJBABAirCK SAiaSi

!jrI I« '•3.38 8bws roducad to, 1 . . . . . . . ...B l.f i lIjulie*' • 1.36 8bnea-nduc*d to.............., ,B 4*a§Ladles' •a.Sfl dhOM nduuadto~....... ..BB-OfiLadles’ ( 3.47 HboH redooed to................BS.OOT-adle*' • 1.43 8bo** reduced to................Sl.OOGirl*' tl.mHhoM redu(»d to ..,.4 ....i.;..B I.10Girl*' tatW Shoe* reduced to,..................• l . WChlidren'e *c . 8hnee reduced to................. T*«('hlMron's fl.aflhoecreduced to............. M aRaya' ( 1.38 Bhoe* reduced to........ ......... B l .S lBoys'(IA0 8boee reduced to ,............... . . , 08a

A BIB BARB AIM FOR THE MEN.Onr entire stock of Men'eCidf and Kangaroo

Bhoee, reg. price li-iiii, your choice to-uiorraWi•1.08.SITURDAY IS THE U S T


« .A L E I


I f A B D W A B i : , I B O i r P I F K f t , S A F E S .Bpoelal Agente Uerrlag.Hall.Uarvla 0o.’» ^ F E B AND VAULT WORK. ,

Sqppltee of Every Deecrlptloufor . ...f :um ticrm ns, Mcmmsrs, tm ti nm es, sAiLsetos, nus, mrnAcn»%*y^,

em et m u m s, m u c msTfTjfmai ere. l i A i N i T o M A N D o r r i c i : : • . a o o A M O j l o a M A H A 8 T | f f A


^a S k e t e n t n g

r :

[1& B o u i l l o n

773-779 BROAD ST.

T U C P C P H U fP

* T 1 I K A T j W A Y S B I J H S T O R E . ” )


To-m orrow W e End

0 1 G M T J l i M G L E A B I



WUlt barKal... o fth e „,o*t c llc lu B .Imracter, ai.rt wUl. O .cn wa-11 «clipM all p a .td a ,. of eT n n .„cc« *r« l « le . Wo ro«H. the uJ.muclo of big value-glvlng to-morrow, -nd 'tw ill be u day to

^ r . « b e r « l by all who vU.t r i7 -« « « r5 M f lfN«7« U,M»TCH»Uf


Men’* SewnleB Sox, IB*’* French P B ^^^IiiWae,t>ri.wiuimler«7 l»l*tuf*", I ii? '™ A !""" ’’?*(iiidbls h»lii »w< , I Wrmppertho)™^ wiiSt. »nd<-h».

rei. UK-., to-mormw nicirnlBg. I f n* dmn . d i » ^ r»«. l* 4c.. lo-ra,)r- I J (]: u ... WrtViiwKb........................ f t* pi I row morning, from 8 to 12 o’cUwlt.. ''*^•1'*

l o t I —an ijoliiV fMAie„f sA4i.ll cheviot, eoino •sill, (v.hirtthl*c*pe»,oth- , i!,jiibl(-lirwuw. et... $2.79

O n s i x d q y s o f t h e w e e k w i t h o u t s h o o t i n g i t s p a r t i n g b e a m s o v e r a n e w l o t o f b a r g a i n s m a d e r e a d y f o r t h e d a y o f b u s i n e s s c o m in g .

T o - n io r r o w w e h a v e a n e x c e l l e n t l i s t a n d i t t e l l s m u c h o f f a v o r a b l e p u r c h a s e s n e w l y m a d e o i ^ o u r p a r t , b e s i d e s o f i m p o r t a n t o f f e r i n g s f r o m r e g u l a r s to c k

A L E A T m o n e y - s a v i n g P R I C E S ,

W.r* W.OO.


S trip ed D a tin g F lannel.

la aoortKe. f»rd. to-ro‘*rTOW mormngi

f to 12 o'clock... ...................

THESE EXTRAORDINARY VALUES ALL DAY IChildren’* D erb y R ibbed Cotton Hose,

K itta h»TT, fun wxunlej, f« t-bl»rk. In all «S-pri™ be.. I fll*....................................................TH H tl s n c m C H HiBUCTIOtlS M


iO l T r lm n sd H at P r ice *Cat In half;.........................................................U M Hata cut l»........................... .

And ao on tbrouah on? anttn atuek.

C h en ille S p o t T e ll in g ,In black and boat colon, tha T .rr D.WMI vaU, ?•(. Ho., laat dar'i price................ ..............................

Colored Plnm ea,In all tha beat colon, w an n o , b d a r< ip rto a ............................... SAC

Boys Clothing!i m i w T R ibbon*,

f U m F eath ers,l x . iOc. and Tie. qaalltlaa, all col- 4 Nc a a

- , 1a n ,n d aca d te ........................... m v,v»

lO iia iB e 8. CL Oorseta,In drab onlr, full boned, oorcrad

rrioeb eoutlllc. parfaet ■ old for lew than

i 0 K i P sro a le S h ir t W a is ts ,>T- ?<tealBc barfalB of tha acaton.


wMon«|A froai Mhd t^ ka iura I oqUm * w&d o a ^ iwg> 25c

O sahm ere Soeks,lenbta haala

S h ir ts ,

haala and 12iC

iOOlAi Um b And frPhU SSc

7 o - m o r r o w a t

i^UARTER OFFla rk e d Prices.

OUH m m LIBE H»S B£EK S tM IL m r HlDtlCtD.

W h ite and C o lored B o rd e r H’d 'k ’fc,For liidlaa ik&d chlldrati. htm-

O rie n ta l and B la c k S i lk Laees,

L O T 3 -|iii L umpin’ JMCkPtt, withnilumhiHur Wi>rtb r«i»,

and from paIi k I with fat*..................................Were •ft.OO.

$3.98LOT :i—

All <mr finuu »"'* *'*-™l.H,lii'«' jKi krt«, fur Irlra- im-il, iMimr with Wurthtaiw. olbi-ri, tlib l nttlDkand half-silk llnlnt, to chwo uut *t......O'**'..........


rtna quality and naw ilaalgna, our rag. Uo. and lie. gooda, re- duoed to......................................... iOc.Jd

Laoe F ro n t Jabota,Mfede of vgrlmu obolee liLce*i prioee (UI redttood from.................

25c to $2.00

Ladles' R ib b ed T a r ts ,Khaped, Ionic alaaraa, tuU walght, wera He., laat day's price............. 19c

W oollen M itts,For ladlet ftod childreiia la colon and black, re f-2B«. loode, At........

Children’s Caps,In velvet, etc., with pompon, n g . ac.tnl«fc., out to ............................ l»e

Han's Lau n dered S h irts ,Unen hosnm, donbla back and rroat, felled aeama. Mo. Tainca, for to.mcrmw at.................. ........... e»G

4 tcB o ys’ B ine C h evio t P an ts,

With elMttr waUtbund.fMt colon reg. 79d,, la cloee at................... .

B o ya ’ C h ev io t and Gassim ere S a its ,Alao Novelty t»nlW, aU (^Uaca- . . „ aon'i gooda, ng. ! * » to tU t, to *0 SQ dote a t .......... .............................. • * **

B o y s ' B in e C h in ch illa Reefers,

£aat ooton. alaaa Ito U only. n g . t 4 TO LM, to clow at............................ » * • '*

Men’s W ool U n d erw sar,White, oatunl and cameFabaln our Wcv gooda, rodaoad to.............. 75c

l o t 4-sno ijiiliM' I’lain Jarkala, made of alL wi 'll tviivrr, koney or rhovloL cloth, to cjuac out a t.,

$ 4 . 9 8 , $ 5 . 9 8Were. ST.OO •10.00

L O T B -WPluah fvBcqitfMnndfof real «nlhandnomrly cloae out a t.. $10.98

$I.0D TO SL50 CORSETS AT A SACRIFICE.T lio ce le b rate d It. A G ., H . A fl., T h o m io ii’g G lo v e Kit­

t in g a n d o th e r w e ll-k n o w n makua. M an u factu ren . cl*M th e m a* **«econdi," liecauoe H uger-m arked here and th e r e fro m tu u id itn g w h en UKcd aa aam pica to the trade.. T h e Im perfccU oua are ao a lig h t th a t th e y could re a d ily be aold a * reg u la r goods, anil a s a w h o le far aii- p erio r to a n y lo t o f t lm lla r ch ara cter o v er placed on Bale, a n d t h in k ! p rice o n ly ......................................................

W E O F F E R B F J illD E S fo r to-m orm w a tUeoount o f 10 p e r c e n t, on a ll C orseta In stock , b arrin g o n ly re e lr lc le d m a k e s ...k .........................................................


These In Shoes

\V«re alO.OO.

IX > T O -ljnMliM.rii' ,(«-kpl«. riw" from IS tots,In a Viirltty of HtylB,. »t

$2.98, $3.98, $5.98Wbre......0».<H) ■10.00


7 7 3 - 7 7 6 B B O A D S T B i t T a

W E CAN NOT <mly cl^m to be Ita FIRHT UOI'hL In the piano trada toSiopt llir tlhX I'R KT SYSTEM but can ufriy *ta(a that wb ara

tha ONLT M


Pronght down to nlnwat half prtoe becauaa Uttla Block ramaliiB thereof.

A G nit Lot of Rlbboio,flno qowlUy. lUl nilk, Ln colored Mtln vel­vet No? B, Rutin and grtM m in Nq«. a, 7 mhI M, blnok and white itripM No«. 5 ami T, andoUhorR l«ir. to 20r-rtanUro, all choice at

aotthe vury low figure c

5c. yardFine LlncD HaDeXcrebiet),

AU »orU of kinds, perfect Imt not quite bo I rfinh looking m whvD takeu from t he dox, olberwliie on harm done, tuid you ffet lw>siCa lu Ukiv Uomlkerchltfafor

LodlM* Fine Kid Waukonpbaat,patent leather Upa, ^.91 rrg., for

9 cents$1.98.

kiDgnla __ .narrow, fLvr ref., for

$1.49.lUana’ n a a J tld and Straight Gnat.aiaeflll

to laM ieStrBtly narrow, reg. Sl.W, for

9 8 cts.Cblldren'f French Kid, npringheet, alxea S to 8,

rag. *l,tS, for



that publlBh the F..XACT SKM.IKO PBICSin the <»talome. ElKiO. wo tell you what wa do BEFORE SEEINO YOU.

WATERSOnf conitOBtly Increaelan hUBinwi

’ iGftre«tl], _____ _______ KR. RUlhat, toffvtbar with

Fieqiieatly the reault of tre«tina ALL P E O P li f a i r l y AND AUKR, RtiiJ

Hth our uneiwUed PI AND, nfldcncii of the muih>Lovln|

ONEina are the FAMOUS WATF.ltRPIANOR wn throogbout the world fnrwaquallad .'E, TOUCH and DURABIUTT, with a irdot 6 0 .0 0 0 Fianeatolda^ ‘ " "IT.

PRICEi f u i Still l l lb t lH Cut m Clod, J ie te t u d Fir Prices. Osr E it ln StecX Bsdiced to less T b u HUI Price

UST MY Of T i MLF-PIIICE SMI Hi f ll l U f l l l S I i G DEFT,kT f h i t <JuaUty Oval BoUora. oerppor

BSnL* ftiM Qnallty Oval BoUat^ copper

L *n m flu a » ty Wah Kattlea................H *■ lI lB K in a a ty D W iK * * * !* .............. ***

lijH tO kaU tiD M b Kattlea............... >«a'T X S lH M ate...................... *«

................... !» •I w W jP e t a . ............. ,,...* ar O n A S e n M .....................

nty Cbila, F ota...................l* ai O ia lh r Coffaa Foti.................... tAe1 Qaallty Ronnd W aahBaitnra...lSa

^ t Quality Ronud Waak BoUora,. .*Ue J S y ir a t Quality Bound Waah BoUon.. .S0e

'Ha. S i lr t t Quality Covered Bookata........... a«| b .tT lla t Quality Covarad Bududa............ *e

“ Mo. 1 Flrat Quality Bauoapana.. ....... «*" Mo, * Flrat Quality Hanoepana....................... *e! M o.IF ln t Quality H a u o e p i u u , , . l U c

Mo. 4 Flrat Quality fiaiM epana...............Mo.SFInt Quality Bauoepana.................. lUc• q t K rlra Heavy Tin Copper Bottom Ooltoe

.............................................................................. *1®i|p«t. Extra Heavy Tin Copper Bottdin Coffee

BoUora.....................................................Extra Heavy TUl Range Tea Kattlea..........30e

.. .................................................................................. *«C^dbea U na............ .'............................ Mc-VllOD feat B u t Cotton lA w ................ ...........BUbya Royal Shoe Ptaaalag. . . . ................. •I'cBanner Laundry Boap...................... •Mo* “ kaRIle»> BoimriiigHaeia.........^....... •>*«• <*k*TomrTiak Boap PeWdor............................ *14*t a u Kdfo (asiot Paper.................* yardi, 3oSirptkaFlour HHtora.,,............................. »«"Hardwood Bolllqg Pina....................... • •Wire Vo law Maebers.................................... •«Chlaa lad, Buttora..................... 1®Iiltn Slweu Beat Quality Medleatad Vapat. .4®Spout Tea Btmlneru......................... k®Beat Ironing W a « , . . . , . . r . ........................ ®W®Japanned Pepper B oie*................................teNutmagOratera............................................. leTable Knlvue and Forks................................3eSmoothing Irons................................... klac. lb

IjeiDon Gratera, larg^ >li«......... .................. 3rWtro Brollan......................................... 3eTowel Roltora..............................................314cWhlak Brooma.............. To

Large Flrit Quality Coder Waoh Tuba,... .*«o

Medium Flrit Quality Oadar Waah Tuba.. TSoBmaU Flrat Quality Codar Waah Tiba...... esaCedar Patli,Seat quality...........................IT oatopLaddaea............................ So-footLargo acroen Fratnot...................... *®®hMdtum Bcnea Framea......... .................... *#«Hmall arrooiiFramaa...,......... ., . „ . , . l# oNickel Cuapldori.......... .................... l#«Aah aioveo...................... .....S®RlviU Chitheo W rlnfora....................... • 1.9*Drip Pa l nil niaoa...................................... '*®Largo Foot Tuba............ ............... tOo.Mwllum Foot Tuba...................................... *»®Small FcotTnho...........................................»*»®Tumble ............................... *®tiobleta...... ..................... *®llS-pleee Decorated Dinner Sot.............. #8.9*laibplece Decorated Dinner Hot............ i l l . # *W-plece Decorated Tea S a t................... • 3.98trd-pleoe Decorated Tea Set...................... • 3.*0Decorated Toilet Sota.............................* 1.39KPplecc Decorated Toilet Sate,...... ........ • 1.9*Cupa aud Saucer*, flrat quality...............3e. oa

9 8 c ts .S lie*$ 4 to 10, tag. | 1 .* to *1*1. for...... • l . l *

ChHdren't Boat Goat and Kid Springhoola, (M to a , SlJdl rag. gooda, for

6 3 c ts .I f y o n com # to -m o r r o w a n d tn

t im o f o r j o n r g ise s , y o u a r e g u ro o f • v e r y r u e b w rg rtn .

Ladles' Reefer Jackets.Dottb^-bTMatftda fu ll hImvo* ami bark, oervloeabto materlola and miulo up In uur tiHuiU flr*t-ctau manner, tlsouaands have oold for l&i tbooe go now for

$2.00la d tu ’ Reefer Reek Scarfs,

AU-*llk Surah Plalda, fancy woven flguro and fancy effecta. rag. *1 to * !.» gooda. for

88 centsLadles' Knit Undersblrts,

I rowa braid, fancy atripe". rag. TV. value* a ^ have boon good Kllera at that, tww tbey goat

49 centsLadles' F lu l i |b t Gufiis,

Of boat muiUn, fully tucked, ahlit front,Sloit back, doip fliif neralewoTK ramc

own fronta collar and fuffs* other tlnuH II Jg, thla week marked to

97c.m J jr n f : ,W lTH O n

sued Mool withonl a ttm / U r fi.wairantod M ^ Toon® COd F lilMin oxchanii.

PIANOSE a u c i i i T m I a .

■ A N n F A C T IT H E R S .

M r t m e s t s e c t , m tm iE .

For Sale!



UT M c im n a T By. T x u f h o x b 3«nA.I wiah 10 anaounea to the publlo that I am

falling good maaia lower iban any otbar ju the Siata. Dnn’ i MU to try ua

MY p r i c e s :,Frim *lU b lto*»t...._.... .09 ,10pTlma Blrioln m aak.................... .lU .19

!S|oaBd *taak.....»».....M......... 10 .IT; Ctanek Bleak.— — „ .08!™ m a LamB.™__....................... .M .08

V .....— .....- .......- ..... ... 12•Ooro Beat.... ........ -W -10^Ubd ovtiTthlni elio aa oh^apar rate*, lie®

t: '-i member, I keep tbe beei onljr*

P J . B . F I T S T G E H ., Jgaualftdiil M'uibyrr* U^apt. .w

' C U R E S






Having Buffered from Dn- pep^la h ir three yeanu 1 ile- d aed to t r r Burdock Hukm> Hitterh* hihI after UititiM gur txittle fouml myaelf $o mii> li hcttair that I woe etu'ouruKt'd to uw enuther': after luktn!{ this 1 And niyiwlf su fully n - tituretl th a t J do uot iim l any luuri' rnpilldiie, fL*cliu; tnilyt;raleful to B. 11. B.

Mh«. It. Wnm^Tafjurg, Oneida i'l:

SPECIAL FOR 2 DAYS O N L Y !tjcdles' Fine Dcwimla Button and Lone BIu-

rhen* aJio ulotli patenV^eathertlp, uurown make, only SI.

t'hlldreir* Ibongola HiiltonaalsogrolnaNprfnjr- hppl. imlent leather tip, $lie* to lUH, ?5r. H toittM r.

Children'* Fine DonKola, Bprlqihef], patent leather Up, ’worked cnttouhole, Bl£«a to 8,only 4Sr.

iaodteH' Tallor-uude OvergolterB, eioe* 1 to 7, only dftc.

laAtHen' Opera Klippera. 2U to A only Ofle* Oent*' Fine Dre** rlhnea, faney and plain.alllev am . .

CimKreH'*, onlythe laU’wi etylw. law’e and S t .io . lKiA*HHtnll.

Boy«' Bolid (leather Ijoee Hlioea, erery iialr ’A'lirrantedaBlMBH 3to 5 , only 80e.

Youtlie' Laco aud lliitlou ShoeHf$iae* 11 to S, TflOa

Children’* Rubber BooU, fleece-lined, Blxea « to UAia only 7Sr*

MlH*e*' Rubber Boot*, while fleei-e- llned, 18to I o n l y OBo.

' adf an

only BHc,

tjHd Iris'aqiiare toe,

Fine Dongola Button, opera and nliea to 7, patent teat her tlp«

laadlM’ Puf-bonnd Rllpper»,regulftr price one do] lar, reduced to 67ea

Our Boy*’ fihoeo, every pair w-arraoted, the and ino$t*tyllBh nhoe uuuit', rvducea toSla^S. BlM* to &HI.


Tkit OBC-tlilrd Off Price OfferOm oU Hand>pa1oted and Kmbnddered Bilk ttrtkrfia Moucholrs and Fine JapObeee Mantel LombreiiuliiB, on every dollar apent


MenSaaonrHaa of n«w oackwaar, teeka aud 4-ln-liauds anil Iraperlala, too, tOe. gooda duvruto

3 5 c t sSaa the genuine CnrpenterY Laoe Beck Siwpandar*. tha kind you liava probably paid Mr. fur It berelotore bought ontalda, waaall.

2 2 c t s

FDR THE BDYS.We're to have severe winter weather yetv limn for our moiMy maklna la po«t: for thoM who have ciotbe* to buy for boyi, a better time will never oome; weaellDow:

Boy*' Reliable Vant*« ret* dOo,good*, fO r,.aa ...,aa « ......... ................. 37cHoya' Reliable Ovenoate, of *1.2* # 9 0 0 former value, for............... • a .w Q

Bo; ' Reliable Suita, of former t Q RQ value, for............................. . W-UJF

Reliable Cqw , good and “ . Vain

Boya' warm, former duae, (or.. 39c

A BsrtiiD IB Jswelrj.We've pot n o to nOFloe Qold-platad B Pina In one lo t; there are all kind* of rorta. and aorta of all kind* In tha lot, aoma hava bean Me., othan Mo., all now


One-third SaYed.InOurCloakUcparti


Down, Down, Down II t t a k e s i n e v e r y t h i n g i n t h e g a r m e n t lin fc f o r l a d i e s ,m i s s e s

a n d c h i l d r e n . S o m e p r i c e s i n t o h a l v e s , o t h e r s t o q u a r t e r s , a n d t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t p a r t o f t h e o p p o r t u n i t y i s t h e f a c t t h a t s t y l e s i n q u e s t i o n a r e o f t h e n e w e s t a n d m o s t d e s i r a b l e .

Blda will b< racelved at tba Eaaox County Conrthouaa, room &, on or before Hatnrday, January M, at U noon, for Twanly-Svo Thonaand Dalian In Eaaax Oonnty Armory Rond*, one-halt to run for one year and one-half for two ynara, bedrlng lh tei« t at the rate of 4 par cent, par annam. payable Hml-annnally.

THOMtS J. REGM,c o u n t y C O L L E C T O R .


Btfer» 8afing Any SfiMt or Bubbort Coll on Um Firtt. WE WAEE THE PRICES TO SUIT THESE HABD TUBES.

Wbloh la Inaumcleftlly heated, or not h®4^ at alt, nothing will give yim ao mueh tatlifae- tlon, raquire ao llule alteutlon or coat ao Uttla inonay aa the

’ I

YMAN,^ A '

C a i ' n iS S l S - 2 iS O t i p r l n g f l e l d A v e n u e .


L a st T)ay of Our O reat J a n u a ry © peoial S a le .



La S. PLAUT & CO7 0 7 t o 7 2 1 B H O A D B T R : P ^ T C T .


^VUlfha in oonnactlon with a lamp or o rg u d KAB burner, tnokea 1“ * 1 In* nuire worth llvin g^ a Invaluable help in

and worth morathan Fc-oRtB to no* on

ilniupdayBln thastMinif iiud trU, when the w n dmean* of heatliwiira not

On bqjcE d*7i.nlu UBC. ----------4'hllly room frtU ba n io^ fY»i)fnrtable and health^tul by It* nee*


C.T.S1MA1I.W - i l S BRMO BIT.

?1r, MLiiokwfwxl S1i(»etlnK ...»..a,....ia^a ydlifir.M lyfH'ktMiGil Shm!itii)t-f ...........tooHAc. lil-4 liiH'kNhiMMl hlu-ettuff...,***...............I fo

FttHt Color iJiuubum,nmy.....................

^afti Children** All-wool Newmar­ket*, 'l lt> 14 imly, itj-niorrow.........


N « t r i Y 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 N o w In U s a .IffiCeiVED IIIQlieST AWARD,



Cofafegitte maUed oe appIlcotiofL

n o FIFTH AVE., cor. 16th St.,M .Y.

t 4.8H All-wool Reaver Jw k-elM, fur tr im m e d ... ....................

DOc, tioyV Knee founts all Blsiee® biH.-rlul...............................


rHo.Men'a Doiible-aeated Extra Heavy Canton Flannel Drawera..............

The laat chance to^ G m e of the cele'braled IL & S; 401) Oorsetq re>|(. RQ* 1^price fir ...... -..........

Chlldran’a All-wool Rveferi, worth from $1.75 lo $3.«,lo-nwrrowouly

Extra Heavy White lUanket, colored buMer* rcf, price $1.0a*for thl* *ale only.................................................


D o n 't I'nil t o jf iv e n s a c a l l . o fT cred i l l a l l i le p a r t in n i i t s .

B a r i f a l i iR e x t r n o r d l n o r y w i l l b o



PEHY’S.prlMB o nH ere yna fliul l o w p i

tho best K<wla. W h i w an t .M iilleiiic, T o llo tln o .

,eii yonlUi

A I iwhkI Steal, T o o th B ru ih eu, Vi.ylet W ater, DoU clou* H o tChucolate or Cold Sod# W s to f, H iiylor'a CeiKlle*, # good Cltjnr, eic., call a t the


W ilim Mungle,----BEOKIVKU OF—

u i 'b F ln n o n U addina, Calrii and JelUea, U iu ger Cordli a x C o rdial, S c o lt ’u O at Cakea, ‘fflSernethy B C . in , k’ iiiiiQn H addiei), L lm u

ThisW eekW eW antHoneyA n d t o g e t t h a t w e w i l l g i v e y o u C l o a k s , J a c k e t s a n d C a p e s a n d a l l T r i m m e d H a t s a n d B o n n e t s f o r l a d i e s , m i s s e s a n d c h i l d r e n

t h e N<f.


Stein & Blau,196-198 SPRINGFIELD AVE.

HanY IS#C, White Unlanndered Wilrla....... 2.%cUau'a06c. Outing S h i r t * . ......................l i eMan’aUc. WUbllcn Undetahlrls.................'49vflair* fliO Bull Shoca....................... 99o

AprunCHnghain.,ijqtlng Flannet.......................................... 3U190. Woollen Mixed Epiusaline................

Ina Tninblen and Wine (Ihuue*..............kitem K iU le t ........................................................... 10«

-oaljhorota.............. ueUaohln* Oil............... 3e

GOODS De liv e r e d f r e e

635-1131 B M . COR M S T K .

CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT.L a t e s t a n il N e t i e s t S t y l e s o f C lo a k s a t O x t r s m e l y I io w F r io e t .

Cloaka-tt'rmer pilee *31............ ................................ ........NowdUO.tHhOeaki'-Foriner price *29.............................................. ...........Now SS-BO.Cloaka-Fonuer price |Bt,,.......................................................Now •T .80.Oloaka—Former price ^ ................ ........................................ Now •S.BO.Ctoakw-Forr^ price *16...........................................- ............. Now• 6.00.Another lot of lin e Outing Flannel Wrappers, hlihop aleevea, full b a c t

r ^ e atonnd u o u ld en , Wurth lU S, a t............ ........ ..98c. each,C A L L A N D S E E A B O V E 8 A R G A A s .

Ladies’ Hose.Ladlea’ Fine Quality Fart-blaek; Hoaa. regu­

lar prloe% «#t _ ,a i c . » P a i r .


iSave one dollar nn a barrel of llniir.Very ' gMt Patent Flour rwluced lu jt.Uipor

On Choice .Fajrtly Fleur llkv *jU|.ibChoice Kumlly Flour at Wr. ikt Img,

Butter UX'. per lb. Very iwat I reary BUttary. 30c. pat Ih.On Chee« oc. per lb. Very Heat Cream


5c . Cheeae.Ttc. per lb.■ a On Ham* He. per lb. W ry Heat City 00. Cnred Ham , lie. per Ih,■ a On Lard 5t‘. per lb. Very Fine U n i, 8o.vVd porlb.

ttfla ttoTcaaOf-pvrlbe Hrheuer’* OlebrateddU * Jdlxed T©o*a Wk** per lb.

Q* OoWliolaer (Iround i ’offee Rr. pot- lb. 01* l^hflUer’s Ue]f<<rlar1fylAK C'uirui:', tso*

ler lb.GranulatedXjt 2j^ o r 5o. tlttandard

vvs BugAVi ifli*. for 7 IIm. i a Oa ^ C. Rica Ite, Choice R. & c , Uice I mi I9c, for 4 Ibe.

Blisses’ Hose. , ^ ^t « c a P a i r -


Corset Bargaiiis.■ \Vlll oell tO'iaorW*' P* ^ “

Sa 76c. OorMfo, In blaokq white aojl drab» at5 t»0s » P * l r .

Kid Glove Bargains.w ill eell to-morrow all our

Kid OlovM, in black and fancy 0 8 c . a P a i r .



,0 S ^ tL lS

Ladies’ SkirtaLadlea’ Mcelln Skirts with daapemlwoUarad

ruffle* and tuoka, uroflh *L», at 8 9 e , G a o b .

Men’s SnspenderaMenY Silk Smbroideted Baapanden, with #

good quality web, worth 26c,, at a1 5 c . a P a i r .

e j ^ t r a o r d i n a r y b a r g a i n s i n

Black and Colored Dress Goods,Plain and Fancy Dress Silks,

O ' O - M O R R P W !

“ A5*»£Vr-

H e rrloJuice,m c s l, G la sg o w F o rk H a u i.BBBEBS S r MAIL PHOUPTLT DELII/EHEO.

I j^ d ie i) ,

n tS m , iit.'e t h iu l

At Your I 1 I t i p C l o s e Out.STORE TO LET. FIXTURES FOR SALE.

g . On Oold DnatOo. Falrlnuk'a Onld Du*l Oui 19o. for 4 lb*.

* 8* On a kltt No. 2 h lae^ rtl, 3 r. A 10-lb J M .w t t N o .3 MackerelJdK -;.. V* * « On 8 »»t Hyrup.rOc. Beat Cut

pfldolMiie* IL . Codar

DAVID• m a W M i r t * B r o a d * - - J f f s y w n t r — U

Orove 0 . Molaaae*, 46,.'. per galten.


OMDen and Tea Dealer* fThe Ortginaumof Lew Drlrea),

JIMES.I. COE t CO,,IMl and 1S8 M ilb erff'S t,

NgWAM, H. J.,

IDIGLB, Y5 Bdleiillt Ifg. 689 BROAD STREET.

< 1

J f t t u i j r k

N U M B E l l 3 . 2 ( * i J . N E W A l l K , N . J . . F m i > A Y . J A N U A R Y ) 9 . 1 8 9 4 .r i i l C E T W O C E M T S ,

Third Edition.

T O V E T O T I B B I D B E B i l l ,

Pnildent Clnvelatid Saldlo Objwt to the North Rirer Strootiira


T h r r Im d OlOM tlou to W u h ln f t . . , u d I t I t e .ld th*t t h .P m ld .B t Hh » V .to Mow In Hlnd-^^omiucrM M .7 B« tm - pMUd by th . P lan, It U d .ld -S o n a o f t h . Altaiml UhJtctlani Mmd. to th* M i tir* Othar C an rn tiloB U M attw *.

1d mprooitDanUv I llid d ty u id Htdto,

WASHiNOTOlt, Jui. 10.— Up td namittvddr tha Prarident Iw l nut tiKned the New Y ork ■ Dd N»w Jersey Bridge WU, *nd th* opinion ptm ilU kmaiig thn tnvmben of Congrett, pm uotdbly wall Informeil w to the mattwr, Uidt UBlMi the Preaidant cbeatge. hit mind between thlt time and to-moirow he will m o ,th e bill nod tend to Ooogrea bit redaont fo r to doing.

It is onderitooil that elnre the pdtidge of ttie bill by roograei the Pneiihmt bat celvdd pmtettt u a h u t the maatnn from a

munliar rff men of all partlea ’ rannaeteil with the rommeroe of

, Htotei, who rtmretent that the bill It not in the lutereete or thn trade and Dommarn o( New York, but, on the vontrary, ll dlreatly oppoaed to them.

I t It mid that thn President is about con- Tlnced of tha truth of these dnclorationt, and that aside fmin the main guetUon bo regard the bill at defective in limiurtant partlculon. The principal one it mid to he the abiamcn of a raquirenwnt that a hood iholl be given to compel the prom|d removal of any partly oooctnictod pier or other obstruction m cate tiN work of conitTuction U from any caum obamkiDAl.

The great ooJecUon, however, ia believed to be the building of plert in the river, which mutt, it it contenikri, terioutly interfere with the movement of large vetteli in New Y o rk harbor.

Mr. Uoara, of Oeoigla, fnati the Commlt- tm on PeiiNont, hoa reported to the Home, with th* recommendation that it pota hit bill r^MoUng the tectloo of the 'Revited ntahutee wblch providet that no money on account of pentionii aholl be itiid to any wraon, or to the widow, ohilimn or heirt of any deoeaied person who in any manner Tolunlarily engaged In or ah e lM the late rebell^n agabut the authority of the United itetm .

In the iwMrt recommending the paawge of tha bill Mr, Motn ta n that the inhiHtion p iw rib rd in thi* section alfects such persons atinourreil wounda injnriee or dimbilitie* while in the service of the United Btotes dur­ing the Indian, Mexican and other old wars, and who subeeqnently served, or otherwise aided came of tbs South during the Civil W ar.

To dlacrlminate against the totdier who loet an arm or leg or wa* otherwise dis­abled while fighung tl,e indians or Mexicans, ivaa, in the nuanunout judg­m e n t ^ ------ •the act ofcommltteii angreat Inju-stiire, which should be remedied with the least possible delay. There could not be many now living wbo would be bene­fited by the proponed action, and in the jndgment of the comiaittee the prnwage of the but Would be but an act of justice to a amall but deaerving clais.

The Home Committee chi the Judiciary to- ^ y diioutBed and isMtponed until Wednee- day next final action on the resolution of Mr. Btilay (Dem., Tex.) reportcdfavorably from a tub-committee, declaring that the Secretory of the Treasury has no right to iatue bonds to euppiy tbepremut deft-imey. This action

taken OB motion of llr . Goodnight (I>KD., Ky.), who wanted the matter to go over until Secretory CarllMe could be heard. Ho wUI addrms the committee on Wednew day next,

tb a nUHSommittee of th* Senate Commit­tee on Tendlorlp* met this morning to hear a (leliKattoa favoring tbo odmlaloa ofOkla-

id bv the I'Wbeeler

otfttU hm ia; t t . t t J f t b b a r d r , i i l K ^ repreMBNifc the chimante t» Cbemkee citt- teoehlp, w it ’ . . -

edgeil that be hod tried to monopolito hfs butiueM by meant of hi* patents, but the court! bait n<d siutaiued them.

He laid he had uutified Daliell that be w « going to attack the iteel rail pool, so that bo nught be prr)tu'e,l; but in t tm of making the liefence iloliell nuub a pertona! attack on him (Johnwsil.

Mr. Heudertnig of Iowa, offeml oh amendment rettnrl^ the McKinley law dutle* on sgrtcullural prwl- ucta and provisions. By unouimoui content be spoke for twenty minute*. Mr. Henderson refermi to the speech mad* by Bourke Cockran, who, he said, was rtcspilnsf as the debating leader of the Democrat* in this struggle. He said that Mr, Cochron drew his first breath in Ireland, he iMr. Heudetson) drew his first breath In Scotland

W hy were they here* ujeh thlt country g,

Itanta. Mr. Henderson said he liked Democrat*

Btvauie of the ben­efit which thlt country gave to it* Inhale

uaually. “ But," he continunl, “ turn them loce* on a jamborw in a conventinn or a Ccogress, and they can raise more hell in a minute tliati any other combination on earth."

Mr. Hull, Iowa, spoke In support of Mr. Uendirtou'i oinnidnu-nt.

Tlie onu-odment proii-«*d bv Mr. Jotaninn (0.), putting steel rails on th > free list, wae lost by a vote of ?0 In tbe allinnativ* to JOO in the negative.

The Inf-ome Tax bill, from jirveent appsar- ancea, may n d be rvisirtuA to the H<niae un­til after the TarliT bill has beeu dlspond of. Tba lub-conunittee having in i-harge tte prep­aration of the bill subinitUsl a rough u n n of their work to the Denus-ratic member, of the coounlttee aevertl days ago. The draft baa been partly omuidereii b ^ e full Demo­cratic mamrity, and it lubjnct to consider­able reviumi.

A s It stands It represeut* simply the view .

iroval of ail the Democratic member* of the committee it will be changed In many particulars.

It la believed that the drbiv in reporting the bill arises from a desire to prevent Ita being added as an tmemlment to Ibe Tariff biU and thus jeopanlim the paosoge of the latter. ________

H A N G E D F O R T H E IR CRIM ES.WUsoo Howard and the Hlajer of a L ittle

Girl Meet Their b o n m -A lh e i.Hamharger** Rntrhrry,

. LEhAXON, Mo., Jan. 19.— Wilson Howard was hanged in the Jail yard here at 9 :IT o’clock this morning. The sraffiikl was erected just outside jail huibbng, and tha executioa was witosaaed by only a icoro of peopM.

Howard was bom in Harlan Uounty. E y „ in 1808. His family was an old one and had become involved in one of thine feuds f,w wblch the mountain counties are noted. Among the familie* engaged in the guerilla warfare were the Bttllevt, Uilbcrta, Turner, and Howards. Howard wan implicated bt the kilUng of several mm, but he was hanged t o ^ y for the murder of a deaf mute


A ih llraU en Bui H csnl Of—Itaport o f e VIetory t'unOrmrd.

WaammiToa, Jan, I'J. Minister Men- done*, of Brasil, was i.sked to day If be bait any infnnimllon ngai-dlng tbo report frgtr Rlu, published this morulng, tluit an orbitra- tion of the differtncM l>etween Peixoto and the insurgents bod been agrerd upon.

" I have bean! nothing at sUon the sub­ject," be answornl. ” A ualdcgi-am of P r u ­dent Peiioto was rocelvwl by nieday Iwfiw* ysatwday containing a corifirmatlou of the reported defeat of the revulutioDtsts at tlis Mouth, whereby they were prcvcntei! fixjul joining Mcllo on hu ships and bi'ing con­veyed by them to Khi to reinforce Da Gama."

" I should think It quite improbabk," esm- tluueilthe Minister, ‘ 'that ju»t at this time when everything seems lo Iw settling tu favor of tliB Government that sti arbitratlun of difforenr** shuukl be hail. The only arbi­tration I i-an conceive poudhle is oiie Uiut proceed* upon the basis of preeerving Uie materials »■ the rebels, tlie >hi[M which thev carried off ami give the leadei. of the r» belllon over to punjsbnieiu.

“ The story in to-ilay't ill»patcli» lliat Ad­miral Hello, on the Ai|uiihiban, visited the ccavlct Island Fernamlu Noronhacan nut 1m true fur two reasons; Hrsi, Hello hua not been north of JUo Janeiro with the Aquldaban; second, tf be boil gone so fa r north os the convict island which lies off Pwnaiiibucn, be woukl have at least dnippM into tba barlior there to take a look at the Nlctheroy and Ainerlm. The Anulilalian would saafly have been npial to the occasion and Hello could not have rmistMl the tempta­tion to eeek a meeting hod he been in the vicinity of the Quverument vuhsela"

T I B I S T D N O N l i M .

Tha Hawaiian MinlaUr Sa7> th * Queen W UI Never B0 Rettond.


f ile I tilled Hiates the Italy Rewen Mr, Thu ratlin 8a) t, that Could Taka Fesses- slun of the Island tVlthoat HaeUag H itli Arme,l Kcslstance—Tha ea-tjaeoa Called an Olil Hnvog* W ith * Varnish a f

-CivillfAtlnu—Nuie o f a K indly HaeapHoa at WashUigUin. '

T --Minister Tburitoa was


named McMicbaela Thef

Fit,Sheriff and depntlee arriveil here from

Louis Wednesday afternoon with W,

ATijgHutii-wgiiQ mub jiK>nun|[ EO ndelwiattoa favoring the odmlsilon o fi hiaM awd the t m n o a now occupied bi

abo present and as the repraseu ippoeed to theadmitsion ofintory.

Ip, sri* *1 . __________ ___Pert who, a* the repneontattve of tba Trlbsa, isFlva-Tribss, is 01

that part of the te;. „ - r ...... ..........1 that thereis a population of GO,OiX) holding tribal relations, and of these leas than one- fourth are Indians In the strict sense Of the word. The entire nopnlatlon of the territory occupied by the rtve Tribesond white dtlseos aggregated 90^000 and ..the area it about KtOJO square milse. The area of the oomblned territory would form a State of about 75,000 square miles, wito a popula­tion of about baU a mlUion.

A clroolar letter giving delailed in- formatloo bow to make bids for the usw bond Issne wilt be IsBUtd from tha Treasury next Ifo n ^ y, In the meantime offers ore bebig received dalty, hpensd and properly tabulated for future use. The new circular will slate how, in c u e the offer* exoe^ the amount to be sold, the bonds will be apportlooid, how the question of offers of toe saioe figure, the date of offer being differ­ent, will be determined, and numerous d a tails of likn character.

T H E W ILS ON B I L L D E B A T E ,B n gar WIU B e Couldered H quday-€ oa-

gressmon Johnson O v e r ljb e d by Cou- gresiaian Dalsell ~ Charge* Mode,

W ihanroToy, Jan. lO.-flooo after the Houae w « t Into the ConimiMee of the Whole to consider the Wilson Tariff MU this morn­ing, Mr. Wilson, chairman of the Commit­tee on W ays and Means, asked for tod received nnaalnioua con­sent to ooiaidor the sugar schedule cf the Wilson MU forthrse hours unniediately after the House gats into Committee of the W hole next Monday and that the vote shall then be taken.

Mr. D alnli (To.) then took up the line of ikttsgk against Mr. Johnson |Dem., 0 .), on

that phjyes in one-

whltih ha Was engaged when tto House tooka rsMSS tsstenlav evening. He iseertedth at Hr, Johnson bad misled theoommitlee Into the belief that he was a mannfactnrer of sted railain general, whereas, he.Fss a rnsnutacturer of a porUoular style and a monopolist Hr.Dalsdl tununarlz^ hia charge ig a iu it Mr. Johnion oa being:

First, that be bod misstated the facts before the oominittee; second, that he waa oniiouB to have steel rails put on the fr w list wMle s he was stiU protected by 1(S United States patents; third,

forced his em-recelTing their wages

o w th lrd cash and two-thlrda script; lOurtlL that be hod made a statement on the . " ’o*' bt the Honse in regard to the redemption of those oertifl- cates which was nntrne, and fifth, that be Jprtvately altered the stenographer's uotes ^ inserted in ths record a etatement he did not moke on the floor, which was tnis, and eliminated a stateinent he did moke OB tba floor which was untrue.

Again rth rriu g to the questkm of script, Iw asserted that tok script was hawked about m streets of Johnstown, and that it was bon gh tu pbyarelatlvs of Mr, Johnson a t a dlsoount

Tbs stoiw uot of Mr. Johnson that he paid tatter wagas than the other midli, Mr. DalieU eharaotsMsed os untrae. He had direct evidence froiii a person who was inapositSni to knowthatthe wag** paldat the Jolmson mill werenot higher than at the other mills.

Ha assoded that Mr. Johnion was in sjmipathy with English manufactur-: «»: that he had at hi* millm English engine, mide in Honebester and imported from there, together with the work- torn to run i t and the piWding iplrlt-of tte toll! was an EngUihman n am u llo ia o , who had never been naturalised and who openly W M u n ^ his intention of fetucnlug to M i^

^ " P l l to a ehargethaf >” v art Mr. Joim- - * »

-yHoward. On hit arrival at the ^ 1 the pris­oner created consternation by drawing from * sheath at his waistband an ugly-kioktug dirk-fcnlfe with a seven-inch blade, and baiul- ingltovsrtothesstonisbedM heriff. Howard says that be procursd the knife six or eight months sgo to kill a detective, but found nu ojiportuntfy to use i t Wednesday night Howard's attorneys, Holt & H olt appeared at the Jail accompanied by the Civil Clerk, and Howard made an ifSidaTit tliat he had killed John Bailey in Harlan County, K y., a crime (or which an innocent man, his uncle, Will Jennings, is now serving a llfe- imtence in a Km tocky penitentiary. He aleo proleeted his innocemx of the murder of McMicbaela

CoHDO, N. D., Jon. 19.—Albert F. Bom- b u r ^ was banged thia afternoon about a mile from t i^ place in a flesii ravin* sar- rounded t a h i d hills for the lu-uhsl murder July 0, 18811, of idx member, of the Kreider to ii^ y. A light twanl teoce about six fhet high siuTounaed the scaffold, but the execu- tiiio was Wltjietmd bytbousaada of people who climbed the hills and watchsfl w ary toD ofl the s v e u l,

^ b u r g s f t j f f i v i i ^ mads a fid lw m fm on. He said he bad token a fancy td Annie Kreider and made improper pnipoaalt to her, but she baltlad ms purpeae a id threatened to tell her father. He then dm termtnod to kill the whole family.

J o u K , m , Jan. 19.— The execution of Ernest La Cour for the murder of little NelUe Bynjo on August 6 last in Wesley 'Townifiili task place In a shed adjuining the jail at 10 ;* o’clock this fonnoou. i.,u Cour was em­ployed on the form of Michael Byron, six mile* north of Waahingtoo. A s Byron's thirteen-year-old daughter Elio wot coming tfarou^ toe wooded posture on hel"Wey from church 1st Cour, who bod been hiding among the trees, selaed and assaulted her, breaking her neck In the struggle.


A Deeltimt Wbloh Preveuts the Carrying Out of an Order of Jertey’ i Courts.

N iw Y ow t, Jan. 19.— Justice Barrett, of the Bupreme Court, to-day Instructed Ed­ward 8. Stokes, who was appointed receiver of th* Hoffman Hraas in a suit hreught by the Farmers’ Loan and Tm rt Company to foreclose a 150,000 mortgage, to retain the book* of the Hoffman House within this jurisdiction.

This will somewhat disconcert the New Jersey oourti and litigators, for Mr. bitokes ho* been ordered to produce the books over Dmre. Ho (qmeoled to the Supiemo Court here and otkeu tor Instructioim. Justice Bar­rett taya the nwrtgage clearly oovert the hooka and every appurtenance of the hotel, and the books ore dourly incirtentol to the reodvenhlp and bustneea to be trauiiocted under the otder of the Court

“ It would be on extraordinary order," be writes, “ to direct the receiver to teeke t ta books entrusted to him by this Court out of this jurisdiction. The instructions of this Court; ihersfors, are that the receiver retain the book* in question within its Jurisdiction."


L I N D E N C O M M ITTEEM EN S A F E .The Jury, I t Is Said, W ill Mot Indict

Them~Two Jurymen Who Had a Change of Heart.

Bpeclal to the E vxniso Niw s .E u za B irn , Jan. 19.—The Union County

Grand Jury will bedlschargwl by Judgit McCormick to-morrow moruing sfter it luu made an inspection of the county jail.

The jurymen, it is said, have practicalty decided not to prmmt any indictment against the Undeo Township Ckwimitteemen who voted to lloenee the racetrsek.

Thia condualon. it is said, was reactusl after an all-day session yeeionlaj,when every phase of Um sulkject wia dismissed. A* exclusively itatal in lost Boturday’i Nxwa, the Grand 'inquret, by a vote of 13 to 11, had agreed to Imlict the committeemen for malfeuwiii! inoffice, but since then a coupleof this jurymen experienced a change of heart and when the jury renseembleiT last Tuesday demanded a reconslileratlon of this vote.

Bfnce then the matter lias been hotly de­bated, but the relenting Jurymen, it is said, remained firm in their stand, and a reesjn- sideintion waa finally carried.


Four Plea Now Itead—Home of the lujured In a Critleal Coiulltion,

H obo kik , Jon. 19.—Nomore of the Ital­ian* who were injured at Fairview on Tuaaday by a oonstructlou train foiling through a tnstie have diel slntw lost night. There ore over thirty of tlieni still in the

iiiu>d Moew ar« in a rritii'al coDilillniL

OxARAa Jan. 19,Inti'rvipwrtl ymt erday by a UnlladPress rcpnvmnutive fin hji way to Washing- ion. Mr. Thurston was In his nsualgood humor end expre-wsl himaslf a* F«U satis- fiwl with the way things were being handled at Hawaii. He *•** accmni|wnled by Amer­ican tourist*, who had bem sojounilng in Honolulu. Mr. rhuraUm said that the m»- visioua] Government was gaining friends everv' day. ami that many of th* nativta who rsuuilued neutral up to tbs prstso t Uma in affairs, bad taken the oath o l alleglanee to llie Dole Oovemment. On* of tha oldest Princes on the Island hod been wan over, and tile ifulirllu, which bad been a strong Boy- alt-t |w]s-r, had “ lloppad” and oume out stniug eilHorially for the rspubllo.

“ Tuerc Is no pnnlbility of the Queen be­ing rretornl,'’ said be; “ that mattw Is set- tli«l (or gissl."

He Ksuital the Idea of Canadians staking UJI Uic cnuse of IJtioukalaaL

" ila d lh o United Btatea Government at- tempted to laud troops and restor* the Queen," saldone of Thurston'* party, “ there is-rtaiiily w'ould have been bloodshed; Idlioukslanl would have basn shot."

Mr. Thurston was asked I “ Is the Queen revengeful f “ bile is an ohl savage, with a vandth of

civlliaition," he eicloiineiL " Is the Provisional Govemmsait a stable

one V' was oaked.“ Yes, sir, the Govurnmesit b there to stay

until a litrongcr power drives It out, and there Is none at present on the Island that cuu do It. There a n about 1,008 men In the army."

Mr. Thurston think* that the United Btates will tie the oulv power that can takii |iUMea- siou of the island without meeting armed rckislflmxi. The desire for annexation, he savs, ia growing itronger every day.

C hu’aoo, Jan. 19.— Loren A. Thurston, Hawaiian Minister to th* United Btate* oi rived here tikday tnan Omaha and len at- niiist immediately fur Washington. In an interview he said;

‘ The UnitedBtatea is not liable to be sued for damages by the bankrupt and nearly frieudlese IdliuokaJani, and if 1 am uot grea> It iiiKitakpn the Provisional Government of Hawaii will remain and take its place with the ;>T(isperoua Natioiu of tha eartli. I will not muwer any queation coniwmlnz President Cleveland or hi* ^ i c y . BuBlcIent la it to

lUe Imp


■ arpriesd by lirtllsli Kurces soil 100 KUlad aad Hev.iity-seven Taken Prtoaer*.

LokDOn, Jan. 19.— The War l mice hot re- oolTed a dispatch sent fnsii iVre Town, RiMTa lowuie, tckday, giving the dUpaMie* taut by Colonel A. H. Ellis, ivHnnianilnig the British fonwa operating agaliist the Sofas, in tba interior of sierra Ie.>ne, Cokawl Ellis's dlk'pnt4'bnt are ilaUsl Tung**, January It. H,, „ y , ,t,„the slariMl fnau Worma on Dn'enilier -U A fter rrottliig a ux-liun of isaintry (m fy-two BiUm brood, throngli the whole eitciit of w hh* the Sofas had Uvn raiding osently. the British extaviulon rvaclnil the Ihun River on Decenihor 3S. Hi re* sucieseful at­tempt was inaiie to Okteliiikh nininiuntcatinn with the knnnoB, who «cn- liiihicn In the forest on the further bank uf the river.

The KuliuiM informeil th,' Itritlsh tlist tl» main body of the Sofushad rroksc,i tin, river on Deiwintar P(. They luul deatniyivl Vardu, Uuugh the peopla of that place liait hiUua-to (MWi OR friMitiiy tertiiM wjtl* Un'iu. Tli« Bofba then |irvw.k>l«ii to Knn-oynmn for tls-iHli-jwee of Joining nt her* of tile trilm, theirintention l*iiig m attack the Hrilwh at Tungea, The tvdumu criwcmi the Hum llivsr in pursuit of the natives amt rcm lini Kerray- eon* on Decemia-r ,11, Tlie plare was found to be a porfect cliarnclh. uiac The Siffai hut alaughtensl the tnliabiinnls, men, women and children, and then left.

The British lilvimai-knl m tlie forest on the night of January 1. Dmg before tlaybreok oti th* morning of tJie Mimiiii the Brlthih started in imrsuit of the encinv, who hail evidelitlT chaugwt tlicir uilinhi about attact- l u t ^ Brithili, A t t ocltx-k in till, morning tl» Briliab entne u]) with thi- Sofas rt ihw weni^^ and auildeiily fell up,m

pletely beeu strongly

the pwitinn in i quarter of «u hour. Two humirui of the Sofa* were k llM and leventy-aeveii were taken ]irisoiiers. Over four bundrtvl slaves, wiuneii aud children, were rescued. The horde of Sofa slave-raiil- ers was completely dlsperseit. Tile only caa- uaJUes auabimed by the Hritish were thi se­vere wounding of IJeutenaut Uwyon and one private.

S H 3 L O V E D A W OM AN.

eru'my tAk<«n 1 li« nUufi

Imt ih<» Britishby surprise. The place liait

r Ekk-kaded, '

socirty Itdle* of this place are doing •u kuvy can in the way of supplymg clothing for tha unfortunata Italiank. many of whom hadwbetr clothoa torn from their liodies in the wreck.

Father Hazietta, on Italian priest, sets os interpreter in the bospltal.

HACXEirxacx, Jan. IH.—Joseph Fran- chino, an Italian, aged twenty-seven yeara, <rf ' Little Ferry, dlwl thi* morning' m nn Injuriwi received at the treatie wreiA at Fairview on Tueaday. Mo waa Dottahsu to the brepltel. U* leavre a widow and t m ehlkhren. This aukM the fourth victim of the wreck.

4 D E A L W ITH JBK8EY C B im tA L .

Alleged Negntlatlons fur th* Trasuter o fbaMwafftbwWtaWa I'relabt Hsaliisn

a iarly oompletod an agreement with the Centrai Haiiroad of New Jorsey, which ta s (or lie object the transfer of a vast amount of freight bushmsfrom the Ngw Jwtoyaystom. Tkla eastern butinees, the paper understands. Is *s important os that of the Lehigh road, whkfa, In anthracite coal Sion*, laufringtbe C p n ^ d a ta l rau l over 3W cars a week. Much of the JJantnti'a coal now goes viaFougfakeepeie Bridge and the New England.

A of this charactiT was hinted at a nsmth ago, and Presideat Clark, in on inter­view wltti a renrMntetive of ths New Eng­land Aseodateit rm e , said that his company was not negotiating dlroetly or indirectly wlto the Jen ey Cenirnl. None of tlie higher railroad offldala were in town last night.


VU IIam Bnook KUla an Enragvd Italian W ho Attaeked Him.

N *w BnunswioE, Jan. 19-—W oi^Jnot beio received here that tVilUom Hnoolc, during a fight with an Italian at Princeton yesterday, shot and kUlwl him. The Italian hod on American wife, and Snook, it is al- leged, told him that no good Aiiiortcan woman w ^ marry an ItaUau.

a u fli® Utter, wbo began _ to at­tack Bnook, who then pulled hla revolver and ■ hot hla aaaolUnt dead. Tbo namo of tbs Italian h*a not been ascertolne.l.

To F ight for Braxtl or Qoeen Lll.Haverhill, Maea, Jan. B.i^For some weeks

peatBmith Hill baa been here obtaining the h*moa of yodug men to serve In tho Kraslllan m vice, ss he saye. Forty-six names have been teeured and the men are wailtug order* Tub men were told that they would ho taken “ ^ ta ibbstered In, and tliat theywould receive *» per month. But slncealgn- Ing the paper* they have, ae they think, rea­son to tupposo that they will bo mustered in £? skip, and that tlielr destination wlUJf "oeqmln to fight for the restoration of NUwn Llllnokaltnl, hut Officer Hill, while ad­mitting that such a story la In circulation, say* ta cannot think it trao. He saye the men Will


The B ehrlag le a Fisheries AgreeiaeaS.VABootiTEB. B. C„ Jan. W.-CollecWi' of

CnstomeJ, IL Bowel! haa received a letter from the Domlatan Government confirming his telegram regarding the renewal agreement with Huotla. The letter states that tho Gov. ernment agreed with RaatU for a renewal of the modns vlvondl in the matter bf the Behring fJA s*al lUherie*. Thia applies wholly to the t r e ^ q a a l ogreomonl entered Into with H uel* in U(B for protective tones of thirty nuleam und nueaian isteed. and ten inllea aronnd the Rnsalaa cooat.

Itenaata In a Hnrning Butldlag Aroused by an Intelligent F e t

Fbeeholp, Jan. 19. - A t 3 o’clock this monting fire destroyed the large twte • to i^ building on Main stm-tin thu villago occupied, hv Q. Hackmaa'i candy store; Aleck Cohen's clotUhg store and J. Deedu^er'a cigar store. The upper part of tho buUdiiig was occnpiol a*J, dweUing apartment,

Tho first t ta tenants knew that the bmiwi WES on fire wsa when a pet <lo;; ownad by ono of the ten.auts Is*- * * * . ^ bark and Jumped on a ta l awakening tha sleeiung Inuiatea. An alarm «aa ttan given and theJ«nant» caetped safely. The atock lu to* Store* v u badly damaged by water. £ ta k * » » l 9,00I Xon which there it atmut 10,000 Initumnoe. The known.

Policeman Gardner's Fatal Aim.N ew Yobh, Jan. W.—Otto Caaper. nineteen

P ta wae shot yesterday moi-ning hv Henry Gardner, died In Brllereio

llospiui to-day. The oBleer clalma th it ho <»Ught Cooper with two other men breaking into a liquor store on Avenue C about 3 o'cliu k in the morning. The throe men rao out of tlie plAoeand when the officer colled upon th.m

' “ i^Btlon to him auil hu n iw a shot, briagitv down Casper, The latter ***“ "b'Y Bleeping in the hallway andwaa guilty of no wrong,

0* ‘k" nofnrai tMjAeuU plw odenilierr onO rewi-

*« <as teg ranun la (A* *a«.

I cause of the fire la i

my that considerable Importanrn will be at- taihwl to the oorreapoodeooe that I am coo- Vrring to Waohlngtoo."

'■ Have you any fear*** to th* nature of your reception at WoOhlngtonrMr. Thurston waa naked. '

“ None whatever. The United Stabs* Government ia uniformly just and tolerant, and I have every reason to believe that I w ill ooutflfte to re­ceive ofllcial recognition. Prrehlent Dole oml inenitar* of bi* Cabinet felt so certain of this when 1 bode them good-by that all my doubts vanished-"

“ Has LHioukolaol been rKrtiitiiig an army 1"

“ Bhe mar tava taken such a step lately, but I doubt IL Friends have desertAl her on every hand sad I don't think site haa the facilityueceesory to the roiallig of (uadi to proeecuk wwrillu prejiomthMw. But few of tta native chiefs rag, be efijistod Ie hflr cause."

“ Is it not true -that ysHi Imv« wriMra charge* against United States Minister Wii- iisF the Minister was Mtusl.

“ I muit decline t o h i v Upon tta aitegB «r contonta of m r olSctal eommunlsattons from the IWvhiknial GoTsmiiieat.lYben I left Honolnlu a weik ago last Saturday Minister >111111* w it 111 pt-rtuna grata, and 1 can add that there never was, nor will there be; contemplated a movement on the part of President Dole and tta Gcreenuneat to fnnilsli Mr. >>’111111191 passports."

“ How doe* it sea t, Mr, Thurston, to hear the ex-Queen's bloodthirsty demands for the heails of yonr friends in tta Prurisicsul Gov<-rnmeiit, nod for TOur own, too."

Mr. Thnrstim smiled and replied: “ Oh, theei-Queen lisa not been restored to her tin-one, and her retnarks were seiisationto only In the newupapMs. 1 CUd not fear her tln'cats. Otherwise 1 would have remained awuy from Honolulu. B y tta way, the story uf Uliouhalatii’i petulant avow^ that the wnulil Hhow no amnesty to th* Imilers of the Trovldiuml party caused considerable indig­nation in the islands and ta r cause was weta- eiicii to a great e itm t. Bta will never be re- Khired, and J donbt wbetbersta will have ad- hvreats i-nuugfa lu a abort time, at tha pres­ent rate of deeai-tum, to make even a shabby tiiowlug of royalty.’’

C ONTIN UIN G T H E IN Q U IR Y .rrufessur OlrtoB Saw tb* ex-Queen’s

Overthrow isnd TeU* About It.The lA n d lu g o f Troops.

IVAflirivaTOjr, Jam 19.-L csig before the Ih'nalo t’crnmltte* on Foreign Retotlona be­gun It* aOBsltm this morning in the icvestigatlon o f Hawslian affaltx, a iiiir.,l*r ol naval offie-ere arrived and Imrie,! tiiemsolvea reading tbe testi- iiu.iiv they bad p v e ix prior to sub- wrihing t.i it, Am oug these offleers Wert' l.iHitenanl-Commander Bwlnbunisand l.ieijh'imi]t C. Kauffman, Mr. HoeUnga tile flmrge d'Affairoa of the Hawaiian Lention,

-iH'd inUi the committee-room e ^ lr to!‘rTlAiTUIft te o.vau.u._I



Th* Suprruje I'ouri l>t-4'lslon In Jersey Clly's Finance Itoanl rase.

JllteXY ('ITT, Jan. 19, Uoplre of th* da- eitlon of the Siiiirenm Cnurl in tho quo war­ranto prolw liugt hr'tught by ei-Pretldent of the FUuuiee ihard John I'klulsteln, of this d ty , against J. D. FVavler, reached tarethl* mortdng. The dwiaioD says that Fravler now bolil* an ofllee which is legBlIy Edel- stein i. it orders Kdeistein’s counsel to i that he is wwied anil Fravisr removed. T ta decissm says that two edher quo warranto proeeedlngs before the 1,'ourt will neelv* Immeduate attention. Tliey are thoae of George >V. I’eu-reon. ex-memlier of the, FInan™ Boonl, agalnAt J. J. Detwtita, and ei-Ptolire (.‘omiiiiwioner K elly against Hugh Aberm-thy.

It is bellernl that both these caaea will be decided In favor of tbe conteetanti, and that tta Board of Finanre, with Kdelstein, tater- soo and Alva A. Bedell, another Democrat who is DOW a nmmber of t ta board, win become Ileinocratlc. Bedell ia now acting with the B< puliliconi, bnt it 1* believed ttat, if Petervon and Edetsteln are seated, he will act with them.

I f Kelly is reatnl it will abo make th* robev Board Deiiiof-ratio. T ta only course now left Mayor tVaiiser is to eecure legtsla- tion at Trenton, which will suable him to temove the eonteetants in this esse, Thlt at prreent is iiiiiKlwibie owing to t ta fight

; on lytivcea tha Democratie and iblh-an Senate there.


Mo UyatmUe, However, Was Dlaeovstad at tb* Fvtlers’ Massmaettag.

Tbxntoh, Jam 19. - T ta yuanagsr* of tta opera bouse yesterday morning received an anonymous letter in which threats wore mode that a dynamite bomb would be btirM upon th* stage at the potters’ masnmtwtlng

attenunn. Chief of Folio* Mo- Cbnney in consaquMsn detailed a force uf dhtaoUvea to attend tta mesting. No dyna- mite was In evidence whm it took place. It ie suppoeed the tfareataning letter was tent by one of the potters wbo hod just received notice of a reduction of wages. The letter said tta writer wanted to How up the

boasM." Tho employers were uot pretant ot tta gathering.

Beveral thousand workingmen attended the Ggre*tm»nion Tariff bill. Tbe ineoting iinanlmonsly voted to request New Jersey’* Benatore and Cohgreaamen to vote OJi-vstpone action in­definitely on the |s-iiding 1,111.

oeierai umunain wonungmen aiUOde<t he meeting and listened to Mdreeiea by R, T. Harr, Cougreasinsn Ganlner and ^ n - srenmon Buchanan lu criticism of tta Wll-

(iay but rcniainod only for a moment.■ ty _w*s Pro­of WtgcjEter,

.. — sdm 1878, to

i ,oVTdiFln*a § 10 for Hagrlncl*

Jan. W .-AI 11:110 oYTdrtr night Patroluan Devlin heard s womonM eiaeams oa Mcnlgomorr etreet He harried to the sp(,t amV found a woiponwho said she had just-^ en “ 0*5™ "F n tean against her protests. Hho pointed out a man who was running up Jlont- ^ m ery street, and he waa caught after

Uet Mr. Johnson laughhuiljA s to lh e c h a ig e th ta h e w u _ __manofaotOMflJaphteiof steel "rali* which

_ _ 1^id* patents— Mr. Johnson said & i t all tho patents ta held w «n not on tta njonafactare of steel rails but many of them were on machlnatT.

H a d id ta to twenW or th in r iiatatit* on steel rail manufacture, but tta remaining seventy o r- etahty wBnr'**1ihiffa " -p a te n S Issued to austein other patenti. HoacioiOTJ-

CbUdran’s Fuats A ln o st Oivsa Away.If y w want a pair rt )L « n t knee pants at — ---------- ---------- a tS ^ ooante

rt.-A d r.

Baeslver tor tb* ThoaaMV'-*wi-“’^'S i t e

SuprtaM Oonyt hsa i«point«a flajsAA WtD* Ibrop Gray rsotlrsr of the Thomson-Uoueton Eleotrio Oompany, ot New York. The bond of the reoelvar hat been fixed at tfiAIBA Th* motion tor tbe appointment of a receiver was > ^ e yesterday at ths tsstaou of Henry R.

■ niHeMA-sr-» asae 'Eosrog, Jsa. IL-Jartge Charles p , ThomB-

Gis Snperior Oofirt.' wmittiiHit nClfih' at hi* home in Gloucester thia morning, He

been U1 for Bome Chm. ‘The Judg* shot himself In the bead. Deoeoaed wo* bora la Bralntrta, Mas*., July to. loff.

Out To-dor. Hew B e ttlta t.F t l i e t i i g ’i 1h!ue Fsl« A«K-Adv.

V »* ’ VtalllflUfii silt:! f*cnam. Many complointa have boon mailo of th? O’Donnell sentencedine n i ^ r , wboga're Elaname aa Patrick Jor- mm, to paya fin b u tllu , or thirty days in'Jail.

Liwking fop the n a r y Drown. J***™ ?™ *' IL-Secretory rarllsl*

*1*® ‘revenue cutter VVolcoti, atattoned at Port Townasnd, Wash., lo pro- iMi w*it coast of Vancouver laland,

Institute a aeareh In the waters “ • " • " ’“ I" for the Khooner Bloty Brimo.

••*<1, 1# Ban rranclaco. The JIary Alaaka, on October A

**’’*’• which date nothing litot been h ^ of the vesseL LUtle.hop* 1* enter- lamed that ah* i* afloat.

Another B ody Taken iro n Newtown Creek. ^ B O IS L A R D Cu t , L .L , Jan. l».-ABother

I**I* morning from New- *I“® sreoe o( the Penny

of a week ago. This makes •* I“ “ " ‘I 1“ Ike creek"•re thrown Into the Icy

wMere. y iUlaTo Martin, of M Hubert street, •BA .HKDaHl. WevlfL ^ jjy Drlgga avenue,

T - T h i s last body it u W ^ tlfle d and waa taken to Conway's morgue In this city.

l ^ l w r D* Bonsa Boea W ill Beeovea. W ^ n to K iE , Jos. «.-HS*nhor Thom** D«

it!.i7?a i? * ' "*• Portugueae MlnlateT to the “ 1*1®*' Nbo met with ateridnaacel-

®o OonnecUoutgyroue by hU horse stumbling mpd throwing M m htevfly out ot his dog-cartlTprogressing favnrehly, ^ will, i t ^ said. rsSreer.

^ r O rw t fial* o f H ea't tro a s e n a t i a . Ntonteattm ^ * kavs had their outtom

york on thoas goods for weeks paat.

u«rer lutva sson any made-UHOrder I thee*. Grand dis-

,IWWtOS Broad i t - A d .

Tiki piluclixti witness tvilliam D, Qlei

JUukH. ill", GO— - VeaiN fi'om August,Jidj, m i. engaged as theprindi,al of a lieiuual tiainuig-iicUoolim tha Island of OohiL (.u wlili'li the city of Honolulu issituated. He Kitiic.<w>l tlio overthrow of the Qtieon rrofrkvir Oleroti Is an A m e j^ n by birth and « «» lioi'ti in PortJand, Me.

It in uudi'rabtod that during the course of his ciiiuiiiiatinn in response toaquM tion u t„ u list WO.S the chanmter of the Queen for [ml it i,-id iiitcfirity ni^POTaonal character, Ui« wit mss fiiid .juplurtlcadly that it waa as bad a> il oiiulU U*.

I Mit>KV)r then guro ah Ai3ootint ofthr* ftmon* prior to the mai*rowtUiiruf .Miiiiday aftenioon, January 18. ^

At tliii r,s(uestof many American dtl»ns whn fnim l incendiarieia andvjiili';Lci- III tliH high state o f <Isicr Btcvi'iis landed troop* | for the oMpiii p u r p ^ aa announced in'his IcUci- iiptnln tViltea, to protect tbo United Huitre lAgation, the United Btates Consulate iiinl tho rights and prooertr of Aitii'rican citiren*. ^

■ j'lie Uuitol Ktatea Government had, be will, frisiwntly Uudad troop* la i t a past; mill alanilmg orders bad bsan given b y tts ! Corel uinent of tta United Btates to protect tilts class of Winona. Wltfcgpocial referenco to the liindmg of tho t r a o u Pro-frssor Oil-son said ta <Ud not

thethint thiltiiiftiu'Di'i', t'lw* ’ft'AT or the other on the reT>, .Morsiial IVilson entrenched the ninsHS in tlic peJlco statlcm before the troopc won, laodni. There woo, he s ^ no sub­

tileetaiitiol difference in the location of United Hiates troop* in this caa* and in tho case of till" iaiiiung in lUSK except that In Miiiiticr Mi-mlls time they wera la plain tlglit iiiid ill the other tboy were under cover

tl'hcn naked if be thought the Queen would liavfl l»-w dciKwed if the IM ted Blah'S toMHM had not huideiL Prefeseor Ole- aml said lio"so beUevOd, atthOQgb it Blight not liave brea done »o oatity.

Lieutriiniit Kauffouut waa also noalled, bnt it la uii'li'nitood that nothliigxff e m e ^ Interest.wa* deiluoad. T tM a o n w ,a m rding to' the 1,resent programma, ex-Miidtter Stevens will ta before the committee,

HU ThInI Attempt a t flnield* SaeeesefnLHAS Fiw«i:w:t>.Jw>-^l^-Hngo Schwab, eon

ot Oeacra! tahwah, of Hamburg, aad whose inothor wtvF itiD f -nuau*i of LabABLOQauBJpFUd sukiJfl In tbta d t f ' o ihis tog* with ’

Great Hall take sad aM ther tiidi By atooting himself wlillu In this city. ''

— ' I* ' ' ' HI —wa—A Good Time to B u y OlotUag.

Just now 1* a good t lm to b«w,(^thlni, at tValson & Co, a r e c lo ^ o u ttU b r o k ta loUof winter psat^eoM at |8 * m ^ ,a ta maklni equally Ic* prices for orsrouate, UMaii gad iult*.-Adf.

EX -PBIEST M'NAMAn.t A B U n x E U .

Likely to Stay In ,lail for Home tim e on a Charge of Slander.

Kaim as C ity . Jnii. 19,—J. v . MocNamard, “ Late Priest of Home," who caused a riot in which one man was shot uud several In­jured by stones, by a lreti*-« in which ha denounced CatholiriKm, Ui* priMthood sad tbe wamea of tlm cliiirch, is under arrest bore, charged with UAlii-ioiislv alandering Mother RoU Vlmx'nt, of Ht. 'riierree Con­vent. Proaecuting Atloniey Brown sworeout tta warrant on his own infonnaUon.

It was tlioughttimt 3lm .Samara had city IVedtiesdn:

ihttimt jlm .Samara had left the wdny moriiiiig, but lost night he

wo* found in the boiiH, of a imiiu-sake, one McNamara, at Teiitl, mid WrHsilsnd. Pub- lie sentiment ia very atmiig against the ex-

P' wt, and it is pi-olaWe tliat he will stay in for tome time to ri'iii,'.

poor Ini

Arlington ]Vuc||in){«.The UdlfiA of the I'lmn-buit of i lu> Mveml de-

nomtlJuilloiu In Arlington iat<i nlijhl lu Alt AuxUlarx Aui Hdn'itiy iw Ihel'nloo ChAlitAblie Hoi-iely tlmt wm nri milEnd Wedoeedliy nlKlit to Telievc thv vtiintrt of Die

In the ul*‘r’U il IheM-onif’f’M:lenl* MrSs J. K. roininw; truaHiirfr, .Mm*

Edmonds, end »<'cretnr), Mm. .1. B."' Thompson.

Tho Kenror Bnildlnff and Isoan Aft.sM'H'lalion, of AfUnRUmv At ftn meuliriM hint uij(hi <x)i- te c t* A 3,Q(X}. The withdrAWa^n an.|i,no.

The members of tho Ariliifflon Uniiiutir Am ■ oclatiotilhold Amsftqiinr»ule iKiriy luk t iiliflil at tho n^denoe of Mrs. JtubertOrriuk. uu IW said oTintto. ____ _

Frofoooer flhortlldAo lo <*o to nu .\fiylum.CnSSTKlt, fA.s Jan* 19.~ The liidufiJiN nirimn

nroceedlikiti to secure the nfuDiviiluf I'rnfuRnor F. C. HbortUdge, the elaj'’4!:r of IMnwiCu, from the oouQty ^ 1 to au iQnuru* wiLnbeurd In the office of tho JhU this murnind liy Judge Cl&]rtoti. No reportem wt«ru Aduilt(r>il, The m em bm of ihu lUtur-ne)rB, (loroner Aud nU ImpriHniit lutbe 0 ^ were present, b u t' thu unniplrtn u tu r e of the evideocft Ia ilm }Tt iinkmiwri. Judge CUjrton, however, decldort t'l rfltMton Uie prisoner on l»$l In the sum of uudhe wilt be remoTed »t once tu ah tu yluiu.

AChlid^s Nhrrow Kne npe.AehU dof Sirs. J. Cs Cook, uf SnveQth

street, tuul n Iuutuw escape from LH’lng Immed to death this mornlinf. ThuThe little one was left steeplnif In a crib and a lighted rj^ndlo wae pUernt on u chair a short distance away, Th bed clothes became ignlied. Thochild was rescued }ust in time and alarm ah Bent out from Eox UN. Tbe lire was eiliti* gulshcd with a damsAe of about ISO*

n * Had Ptentjr o f J ew elrj.When ChrisUipbor WitUams, a lodger, Irft

pohoe head(}iiarters thte morning he weut to iv saloon in the nelghborhoofl and offered fur sale two gold watches, chain, guld ring, pair of ear^rlngsandalaoepin. Detective tjtalnaby, whfkh^M noilfledy fo llow ^ WllUams and locked him up at police hSkdnuarters. The ^welrr is believed to have been stolen and the police are auiou s to have tbe stuff clalsoed.

Staothered In Bed.The Conntjf Phjrsiclan was Ibis morning

ooUed to tbe realdeuM' o f Frank lYheeler, at the earner ot Livingston road and Prupect avenue, West Orange, One uf the children of Mr. fiVheeler had crawled over another In bed duriDs tta high! and etuDlhend it, ’The dead child la a ifirl, oao month old.

Their MItver YVeddlng.Mr. and Mn. Joeeph Brel* celebrated their

j Uver wedding^ lost olir^, .FbUtSt^lW wffi.

night there was alestIVaf ot re jo to i^ a M ta home of Hr. and Mrs. Bret*, at which nla- Uve* and friends w sn preaent.

T o iu H ooey’s W orth.A raO W O ^ T akte will ta presented thU

t H. Sebetar A B Broad street, to

E shsMri of Ota pound tea or on* pound pawiter. You want aaa.—A dr.

Atm * Krhardt W anted to Marry Mr*, rh arlu tt* Gehllug and Threatened

th* Latter** Life.

Alma E rta n lt was eommitted to the ioMinfl asylnin Iwreft uf ber reaaon liu-t night. The woman's insanity was maiii- fivtol in tore fur a woman.

Mrs. Erhuxlt, or Ml-is Brhn-iher, a* tb* prefei-reri to cell bersrlf, baa been ,t<q> ping for several w«ek« wUlrt ,Mr«. Klimlwlh Hartlig of 10 Kelly's court. The Wiinuui whom Mlot Hchreltar was deeply In love with waa Mra. niarlntte Qehliug, a widoir who keep* a boanlJni-houte at lOiW Buiith Twelfth street.

Fiw tome tiine )>*at Mrs. Gehltng has been the recipient of nulnerou* leltera slgmei Alma, which were flUeil ■ aith rlidearlug temui and proinaaia of n w rrio A Bhs UJT not inliul them at Brat, Uit when th* latter* began to contain dire thrm u against Mrs. Gebling'a Hf,' iinlaat she eooBMitol to Harry tbe writer ahu Uiought It about tmio t la t ih.' imlico were notitiHl of Mia* Bvhreite er't stilt age freak.

On Tiiewlay lost Mra Oehrinq rcroivod another 1-jfIer. it was writlrn in German and contaiuad auiiia startling pro[*>- tllions IJke the rest It wot slgrsxt "Alin*." T ta writer assertnl that tlie Would w all no longer, ami if Mra (nhllng Would n.A oouaont to marrv tar ah* mutt iirepare to dl«. Mia* Bchreltar further wriAe that the was tlrwi of living aknut and if Mra. Gehling Woukl not i-o«a*al she would kill herself, but w oalj not die without first haring killMl Mrs, Gehling. The writer also referred to Mr*, (rehllng's two children. Hbe said they must be ronsidereble trouble to Mrs. Geb- ling, and adviseii the mother to “ get rid of them."

" If you do not want to do it vouraelf," the letter (ontinued, “ I will do It for d *Ui *» I know it itevda strength ami courage.”

Mr*. Grilling lavamo suamt and visited Certain McManus and showwlhlni the letter. A suhterfiige was resortoi to ainl Mils Bclireilier was prevailtsl upon to vialt tho Becon.1 Pro-lnct Rhe cwUeil ttare yvstenlay afternoon. Mrs, Gehling ^ also p m e n t Th* tAptnln beoni th* th'brellier wtuium's story, oml her talk aiul actions led blni to tallevo that she wot in-

use.Ur. Clark w u summoned, and on aioml-

nation of t ta woman resulted in her taing ooromlUed to the asylum.

A N ew s reporter visited Mr*. Oohling at her horn* Uilt afternoon. Hhe Mid that ata had known Miss Hchreltsu- for about four yeai's. DiiMng all that tjfli* ata considered tar weak-minded, About three y e an ago the married a man nanml Antoma ErbortlL but^ huaband prom nsl a divorce tome mnntlu later on the ground of dmtrtion. Mrs, Krh- hanlt then mnimed her maiden naina Alma Bohreiber.

Mrs, i.lcbling aoslsted ber at divers tins** since, but ber actions be-oonw Huch that MIsa Bchreilier

fon-ed to Have her friend's hum*. Hta then went to workfor a woman in East Orange, but left her poaitiou after two wetka Tbeo M las Bohreiber took up h«r abod* a t Mra Mai'- tin's in Kelly’s court,

M n. Martin say* that Miai Bchreltar acted queerly of late. Hta was oaoUnaally writing love lettei*, Mrs. Martin teld, and would post as many aa a dinen in otte day,

T H E Y R O B B E D T H E D E A D .A fiatrhel Contalulnc Gv*r StOO and Valu­

able rap era Helnnglng to * 'Wreck YIrtIm M lasing*

flpecial to tbe E vx!in io New s.New Yonit, Jan. 19.— The law firm of

Bejmour, Dili & Chandler, uf ('i<dar street, this city, for whom Wiltlam J, Tumor, who w** among tbe killed. Worked a* book-keeper, has wrUteo to tta railroad company that Turner luid a lock­age of valuable Iwal docutneuta In bit poo. ssKioo, beaidea $:)(% In cash, Tbsy ask for information about the property.

>Yhen the body of Turner woe etripped at Folk’s morgue F, T. Bray, private eecretary fog B a ^ n to a d e n t Reatontr, was pnaoat tad ttare were on papers or moacy fumid in tbs pocket* exoeplliig a few dollara Beytnmir, Dill * Chand­ler believe th a t' Tumor had bit valua­ble* aad document* m a black Mtcbcl. A passenger named William U. Hay, who sot behind Turner, takl that ta was sure Turner carried a block Mtchel. I t has not been found end neither have the papers or cash. This bos given rite to the lunnite tta t vandals roblied t he bodice of tta dead os they lay lu lb* wreck.


Amazing ImUncea of Impoflitloa bjr "Poor" ApplicMitB,

F «fc s USED TO 60 TO A B A LL

le n Im poston Kspoaed hy the Cltleea*' Aid AitaelnUMi ’■ W-dny-’n ire* W en Ho. hltunl Urmihanlt, On* Draws a Feattea, and Two Earn from M to t lO a Week. A Couple tVko Frepet* lo Go ta K u n po Reek Aid, Also aa Owner o f Two B ouM t-A houl t,g<W FeapIeHolng F«M Off To-day.

F A T B O L M A S M 'TAG t'K ABnttfiTED.

Tho Officer D rought Before a Jasllcc on a Charge o f Assault.

Jaroee McDerroit, who la emjilnyed by hit brottar, Frank M. McDermit, I'miseil the ar­rest of Patrolman Patrick MrTngne last night Justice Behrens, who issuivl the war­rant, took McTogue Into cuaUsly at Ui* home, ® Divuion place. McTogue went be­fore Justice Hilm Quinn and funijsbivl ball to answer McDermit’s charge of assault.

McDermit acoompaoiid flulfonl Taiislg to poitoe headquarters yeoterday morning and Jnterfdred when Lleatenont Astley w-oa re­cording Taualg who was arnwted for threat­ening to shoot Caostable Daniel J. Lyucli, Astloy put McDormit out of the room, am! when ta re-entanid Patroloman McTogue by o rtw from the Lleutenaiit again eject­ed him. McDormit nui up stairs to complain to Uaptaln Corbitt, and McTogue overtook mm and pushed him down tho stoira ’That ccustituttsl tho assault.

Ten more Irapaeton Wirt expoesd to-day i8the Holvation Arm y taadgnartora, whore tta Cltlicnt'Aid Aiooclntica is (Ustributiug fundi to the poor of the city. Betides tta pirsaiw entreiqied lost week omitcMlay ttaoominitte* hod a long list of uame* of pnsans who tavo lieen systematically swindling tta tssoda- tlon, snd when they put in on apneonmea the organisation promisee to mali« It dte cldedly warm for the impottora

Tlie iuipectors of t ta amociatioti h art ta w unusually active tilts wsek. For some Uom post tbsy tava tatn tatlsfled that tiw otsociollon wo* taing impeoed upon, but It was dlfflcnlt to tingi* out the unworthy ones from the I,8U0 or more who held tlekete eiiUtUug them to waekly paynaat from tta aesooiatloo. Today w taa the Impostois pnoentod tbsmoeivei atheod- i|uartars. their tickote ware eoallsoaled and they srera only oUowed to dtpartafter a tovere reprimand. AH <jt tbeos were told that if they ever wma Ivtrk they would be arrested. Bom* of tta committee w s n of the nplntoa t ta t t ta Iio- ixstort ihoold be am ated, but tta majority ssiil that tbsy would moke arrests only wbar* tbe most flagrant Imposition had bssn nrao- tic«l.

Of tta ten wbns* tickets w s n takw away today three wars habitual dnutkords, two men were working and were earnlogW and lU) a weak reepertively, oml another man, it was pnnren, wo* drawing * penrioo from tta Government.

The conimlttee Is on the lookout for a •"•’ t wlm, after drawing his money last week, took a (^1 to a ball and bought drinks s ^ tta (iinds given him by the sesoclation.

Another eoupl* whom tta eommittasan desirous of (atchln* are a nun snd wife who went to Europe last year and propcea to go Itap) this year. On* more Im- ixwtor (two* two houses, another h w two children working and four boardort who n*y her every week. In these caom tta •asoclaUon propiiiee to make tta accnied tw> turn all lb* inorey they tavs isceitsd oF send them to joij.

During tba morning tbe rnmmltte* paid E?™’®* distributed >£m

81,3110. They expect to pay off about t,lXW more before tta day is over. Iinmertlstely after tta ■ tenniatinn stall finish paying to-day, tfasqr will coll a mesting of tta Finance Onmmltto* toooaoider plans for continuing tta work, Om o f tta conimlttee says ttat unltsaniciiay ewat* in a littie foster they wtl] ta v s to stop and M tb* citrniithnrltieadattareat. T ss ticketo w s n voluntarily returned with thinks to-itey, thn owner* having no more use few ttam.

F n u Ignol, of II Bedford strset, Is tta man whii it i* charged, tota bi* wUs to Europe U tt year, and Marie Oran, of M Joitw street, is tbe woman who, it I* a l l « d . owns two honoH near Flfteantb and J obm streets.

A P R O B A B LY F A T A L A C O I D E K I .J a n e t Bradtey Cnuhed Undar

•to M —A aiputatloa a t a Loga B a

Joioee Bradley, thlrty-on* y e an old, o f flU Dtoond straat, Kaniaon, mat with e noba-

^ a g g t a g wbU. taworii m tta ta o w y a id ■ ( M b f t teridaoH.______ OaridsMLoa Fssssto aveniMt Bfitrisoa. I k i5 . ley with E man aaflMd M M f f i iand another employ* wore efigaflsd ia lta« > ferring a large stone fratn oa* port o f Ita yartl to another. Tho stotko, which sro* attached to a chalm bacamtioc** and slkt- down and caught Bradley on the right thigh, tearing tbe flesh from tiio hip down to tbs knee.

It was wttb grest difliculu that tta hnga stone was removed snd Bradley rrisaeA He was taken to St. Michael’s Hospite], where it WHS (mmil necessary to amputate the limb. Bradley wo* very weak from lost of blood and It ia not thought by the physi­cians at tta hospital t ta t ta will reeoTsr. The injnrnl man is unmarried.

..... . I ffi .1 s—e—iworeaCLAIMH AND DENIALS*

In M Ulbarn T<»miMlilps Th^ ftutont! erf m m EUw l>eth BfIm b , tha

(•Wund dangliWr of Uavld brirton, irf Old Sln'*rt JISUis Wftn held from tlie Prenbyti riHii cliurr'h, Nprlofffleldt yesterday nfttrnoon, TJih w rvir iH w(«r6 ifiotkddou by Hev. Hupjmujjh,tire p«Htor. TUo pHlllrenrem wejv I'fllirurBrin, J>et«r MciiMl, Tbouuw Miireliall, O<»on£0McDonalds Js K, K owrII* Gasriffi A* CampIwII, Cliarlc» U. Holl, Wlltiam W . Oraven, WUlianr Wuda and Fmok Ootidit. litermi'nit wrur inuda lb HL Ntupboa'a Ometery, Millburn.MlwL B rliO iL w w - rj ssskfi./'.sivtMfftff; 0He'Bla<l uf irueuioiQDla ou Mtiiidayt after a five dayn* UIoom.

MIm Jano JUeode Woldi will deliver her mc- otrd lecture pnder the aUKplceA of the liul IPM of hliorl UiU«, la the Bhort Ullla CMiao, tJiin aft- < ruouu. Her subject wlU be, '* New YurK Un* dcr Her En^Ueh Oovomon/*

Tho hourt uf evening service In the teiijui Churnb, tiprinirneld, have been cliauged. llvrrtafter Ihoy will be Ghtiitlau Endonvor mretlng Mt 7 u'cloek, church lenrice at 7:45. At the Clirietiazi Endeavor iseotioK neit Nuodny tt t^mpuTAUce wrvloe will be conduct^ by K.D, wm unw,

Terrence (iAvan, of Rpringfleld, enperinten- doni of the Bbort Jlllle Water Workn, ami Hnvid Mafnh, of Bprlogfleld, ore recovering from pneumonia.

AnlmiKirUnt meeUngof Bt. Roae'e Ycnng MenV CatliuUo A:uu)cliLtlou will bald In tJio pMmrhial Bohool iio il, next Biinday afler*nmui.

Mortimer E. formerly of HectorAli-iTiv sMUIburiit wbuie now employed In Hie U 1‘f-torn branch of tho United Btatee Mutual AfcJflcnt ABeoGiatlon of New Turk, at Dmi- vur, ('ll),, renened a youitg woman fi'crabtirn- liiH to (ifath in a hotel at l>enver lo«1> week. Tlie young woman's dreiw liod taken fire Aiid Mr, F'rAtt cxtingniMhed tUo dauiMby wrap­ping Ills coat about her.

Inenrance Agent* 4'laJm to Have drawn From the Underwriter!* Board*T, W . Griffith A Co., tnmronce agenta, an*

nouace that they have withdrawn frum tbe Board of Fire Uttdarwrttera, and It w m claimed that m nevend of other local ogenta bod rlecided to take their noutee from tlie mil of tho oHWK'latioo, the diKruption of tho ajOHK-iatlon will follow. Griffith & C a roprmnt a large number of tbe fire iniui^ oiiL*e I'OmpaalcA.

li 'veral of the officers of the leading fire in- fumtico cojnpanien of the city were netm to* day, end tbeydbH'laini ouy knowIiMln of tbe alK^ed witbJrawiikand eiiihl tlmt U ii hardly pohN.ibU« that It COD be w>. tteonHary Kuliev, ufthit Fire Undcrivrlteni' AoeudaLioa, wadthAL the Arm.of (irlMltii K Cu. Iiad not witb- drawu from the oNKuijalloiiv an he had not rtvelvftl any word lo that effoct. Aa lo tlie ntlirr ccinimdec ho Mid tliat ono of tbeia Ii04l never Lweu a member of the asHodaUofh and tluit the other liad not wlthilruwu.

Iffi* rb iln i! to Have Been ItobbedsWIIUMin TjOwr1et.of 9 Went Kinney itreety

lit i nlEce HetMlqnartcrH this aftrr* TiiMiii llial bo had been robbed In Dwyer'e mil'Hid, \7‘i MuU>erry etreet, lout nighU I/iwno n]k>N lit) enter^ tbe plo<'e and fell KAlfte p. Wlifi'ci lie awnke hie gold watch wna ttiHii', ThintHw Dwyer, iho proprietor, waa Keun iiftcnionn. and bedeulea that Lowiie WHH ruidH!d uhlle In Ivltt oaiunili

The Huy Vrobably Iten Away*Ncthbig liuA yet been beard of Morris 8alo*

burif, the lcu:>«;i*r*pld Iwy who dixappceired from iilA home' iBstynesagv mornlag. JllsbrutherslQ'biw called aW Prwiiifl tlilK mriphlng and

Believed to lie a Ttilrf.Pati’nlman Christie ha* l>een watching

.ChartoHDArcyforfieveraldayM, iMiliertDg him* t.} Ix) u thief. Christie bod'a friend approach iMrryun Wednesday and offer to buy sonw Jewi‘lr>-whloh Darcy woe bellrvud to havfc Diiri-y hiid no Jewelry but agreed to (urn up (u-iliiy with #iome silverware. When Darcy |ii]t lu an arprarane* at the place agreed upon ChrlMtla (4Hjk him In custody’s A doreti elh'er* piatcil iable-kn1ve*,abalf dotaapeari^handled

(ind a lialf dmen oellnlold forks were found nu bis He Is held at police heod-<luarti!rB. ________ ^

I'rfed to Fabs a Counterfeit B ill.HonoKiNs Jan. 19.—TbU morning Thomoe

IlroHM*, wJm Milil he lived In Colorado, entered Ihe office of the Delaware, Ijookawanna and Western Railroad Company, In thin d ty and oakod for a ticket. He lutnded tlie agent a flO bill, which the Hgeiit refased to acoeptg claim* inir it WMB A niuiiierfelt. Bruseo roe arrMted and arralffned l>efore Rec<order Mef^noughgwho held him lo await examination on the cUui'go of trying to pom coubterfett moDey*

C I T Y N E W S y O T E S .Tlio Mnrtnn Street Publio Schnol Ainranl

will hnlit the eleventh snnusl reunion to-niglit St Swnser Hall. Klaborato preparations tare been innfio.

It the suit (nr false Imprisonment brought hy Alice Virtue ouoinst Mrs. Evelyn Bonnelt,11)0 Jury brought lu a verdict ot (SUI for ths oumiilslmint.

Tlj* ess* of tho Btste agslnet Samuel Lip. ecliiiuls in lU* Quarter Betrions Court, for tha alleged larceny uf wortli of jewelry, resulted in an acquittal tills afternoon.

Peter Lamonlse. a Greek, of UT Arsdemy street, wns arrested this morning by Deteotlv* Carroll. Mrs. Atemo I’apuUinn, of Kl Huuex avenue, ctaroed him with hsvlug attempted to assault her.

There was entered on the Cirault Cimrt mln« nles this morning a judgment by default for tte.lfi In favor of the Murphy-Hardy Lumber Company, ogaliut Antonio /Ippoll and W ill-; ioni Bcliintdt.

idvlsion No. II, A. O. H., will hold It* regn- 1 nnniMrt <1 *1., — I -1.1UT meeting to-night la Lundy'sMsll,

, , . , ;^ .Jtr«t, when business of Importance

ta fn ^ ^ ilr iw from The T i i i f h t ta ^ t v s f ^ u r r t r 'SBOiluol alHMit ten days ago. It Is BUppos^xbatBOliool aiHJili ten days mro. ths boy weul lu Now York.

aatiiriUy F air and Coldor.. The WeaUier IKireau predicts fair and

colder wMthi^r for New Jersey to-merrow^

—7 ’ . 'by CliarloA HartilvKon & T-o., OQ Brood street, i*i 8 A. M., 87 deg.: H A. M., m deg,( 9 A . M., 4tdeg.; K M., 48 deg.

A Crowded and Busy 11tor«Ja HotxMu SBH Market. 8olo of flhoss.-">AdVs

Smokers of taste prefer ths Pasha otgor* Quality unlforoL- -AaTa

somothlag for tbe good atid welfare of tbs or* der from members of other dlvJsloua.

At the concert-Id ABSoolatlon Hall lout olght banjo seiootloDs were rendered by tbo Newark 'Baujo Club, roDtralto solos by Mrs. Fmucee £. HJcILi, sod guitar eolos by W. George Kusbu The solos by Alfred A* ForJoad proved

ordered bF'^udfalUilIlKDf nal Court this morning, to pay hit wit* f] pel

“ ■ ted fFurley wanted theJudge to eompsl hit wife to dohiawtthlag and mending, hut the Judge decUaed to moks ths order.

week for her support.hit w

We Lead Again.Fsiguiipa&'t B. B. WuenlmiflSf .tN ffr - A in i.

\ s


/ QB K I J I T C T T O N " . l l i f H E D U O T I O N .

T a r i f f R e f o r m

Our OwnPerfect


When the traveller comes to a river over which there is neither he can do one of three thiiigs--swini, retoat or wait till the river dries up or Ireezes. To retreat is defeat; to wait is loss. We think to sw,m is b e s t and bravest

The proposed tariff reform has created a sluggish stream of trade ^h'ch mu^ be crossed and we are going to strip the prices of our goods to the skin and take to the water.

I l l of which L a n s in other words that as the tariff on -o ° l^ “ d 7oUen goods affecting our business to the extent of from 25 to 35 per cent., is to Hl-e selling our preint stock at a price which will warrant a reduction of at least 25 per rent and getting iii shape to meet the new conditions of trade now pending and

than this, until our stock is greatly diminished it would be profitable to resume our suspended manufactures in all departmen s, an , .most anxious to do, so that all our skilled work people can again become industrious,

self-sustaim^^^ organized this great midwinter sale, and, anticipat­ing future loss, have resolved to meet it now. We know that'the prices to which we have reduced our whole stock will shock and rattle the whole trade, make buyers of those who had not thought of buying and enforce the ^tendance ol the merit and standard value of our manufactures The following indications of what t pTpo “ to do in Men’s Overcoats, Ulsters,Suits and Hats tvill make mighty interest-

ing and profitable reading.Q U I C K B U Y E R S W I L L R E A P A R I C H H A R V E S T ,\ 3 I U I V ^ T \ U W I ^ 1 i w w w . ........ r n D n u c U i r P K A N I V

Our OwnPerfect



Off Men’s Ovunioate!^ 1 0 O v e r c o a t s o f a l l iG indfli a t . y o u r c h o ic e

^ 1 3 O v e r c o a t ? o f a l l k i n d s , . $ » . a o y o u r c h o ic e

| i 5 O v e r c o a t s , l a r g e v a r i e t y , a t $ | 1 . 2 5 y o u r c h o ic e

| 3 0 O v e r c o a t s , K e r s e y s , M e l t o n s a n d I J l y s i a n s ,

B la c k s , B l u e s a n d O x f o r d s . . # 1 5 y o u r c h o ic e

’4 Off Men’s Dlsters! '4 Off Men’s Suits!O u r o w n m a n u f a c t u r e a n d a l l n e w , r e g u l a r p r i c e

» i o , n o w r e d u c e d to ^ 7 . 5 0 y o u r c h o ic e .$ 1 2 U l s t e r s , e x c e e d i n g l y l a r g e v a r i e t y , a t ^ O . O V

y o u r c h o ic e .$ 1 5 U l s t e r s , i n m o s t d e s i r a b l e f a b r i c s o f t h e s e a s o n ,

n o w | $ U . 2 5 . .$ 2 0 U l s t e r s , e x t r a m a k e , s t y l e a n d q u a l i t y ,

y o u r c h o ic e .

R e g u l a r p r i c e $ i o , w i t h o u t r e s e r v e n o w a t ^ 7 . 5 0 $ 1 2 S u i t s , s t i l l l a r g e r a s s o r t m e n t , p o p u l a r s h a d e s ,

n o w # 9 . 0 0 c h o ic e . _ .$ i 5 S u i t s , m a g n i f i c e n t d i s p l a y , a l l s i z e s , v a r i e d m

s t y l e o f m a t e r i a l a n d c u t , c u t a w a y s , s i n g l e a n d d o u b l e - b r e a s t e d s a c k s , n o w # l l . ^ c b o i c e .

$ 2 0 S u i t s — I n c l u d e f i n e d r e s s s u i t s , P n n e e A ^ r t s a n d c u t a w a y s i n C l a y d i a g o n a l s , e t c . , n o w

K Off Men’s Hats!T a k e y o u r c h o ic e o f a n y h a t i n o u r s t o c k a t 2 5 p e r

c e n t , o f f m a r k e d p r i c e . T h i s w i l l g i v e y o u a n

e l e g a n t D e r b y a t # 1 . 5 0 .

C h i l d r e n ’s H a t s a t 2 5 C h u u d 9 9 c . , j u *

h a l f r e g u l a r p r i c e s . _____


Broad Street

OF Tie M O li.b p R F ie D e i of ex-C o D in l S aw all and

"Wifi, W ho W ere Shipw recksd .

I aod Ttlrrt iIuuIm ; Mme. Jfhh*' hUId tiiiaiDPd with bUrk thr«irt 1»< 1 Mmv.1 Rotutrp, old toM 1 1 ^ with pearl ti huming*;I Mtna. Tata, white aatiu uul black valvrt;' ICnw. Ouanan, white »titt trimmed In [ armine; Baronea* Para, white aatl# trimmed

wfth numenUi velvet and £old [wweuien- twl«

Honnlult) for aevcral months and 1. now going til his home in Cedar Hapidi, said:

* ainlstor TVilll* kept the people of Himo-M ___ ..,1 ami


lulu in Buspoii'W for several d a w and hw anccirdnl lu eetting himaolt dUdked. Ijlon t believe 1* wlU retunln nt Houoluli^ b rt wm


The other guwta wwe the British, Fronrh, n t J d l a i .........................

Many Beaut Kul Uflwna W ovn, and the ChlueM- Mliititer’a W ife A ppear* in HerGnrgenn. native C o itum e-B T ailU an In-•urgenl. and O ovem w en t I/eadors Naiil ta Have Agreed A rh ltra te -T h e tim- elal Report ■ •n t h . K *w CruUer niyni-

pla't Speed.

d«1iinn and ItaUau Ambavvaihiri, the Mi'it i-aa 'Mtnliter, the Hucretary of HUito, tho Mia- M en of the Ketlicrlandt Turkey, Atislria- Hungary, Mwitierlioid, Bclghini, ftwnhmaud Norway, Jajnu, Hraxil,, Htewia, IVru, Spain, C o ^ nim , Ouateiiialo, iTilla, Cliiiui, ,\rg<'ii-tine, Nloaragmi, ilcnmiirk, Vcutaiiein, the Charges d’AtfaInvi of Korea and ( 'olimibia,V.Harj(«oi u i R u a w i * • ............ .BiutU>r £ih»niuuL Ki'HaU>r Murvan au<l reevntative McCreary,

The wife of the ( 'liineae Minister came, re- aplcudent in tiatlve i oIh-s of state. She woreIf iU TixiM V *7 min-n ........ .aHtruigivlooklivniunil tuit with i^y sinvim-

ItilMUl ' " ................ ...........

Bingapore advlcea reedved by ateamer Chin* at flan !?r*i>ciiiw) yeatarday give a m h l u acoonnt ol tho wreok of the ateamer Sorroandy la the Chin* ttna, 1),•od tlw of Harold M. Sttwall, ofMaine, United Htate* Conaul (fenernl at Apia, flamo*,during Clevehind'e flrit Adnilii- fatratlun, and hU wife, who were tho only pajwengen on the eteanicj’.

i j e ^ t vfH married In 8 « i Frandeco about a ll montha agu, and started on a trip around the world with hie wife. They went to ItanilA and on November 29 took pBimagfl from there for fllngtixire on tint Kormainly, a fivighter, which bail limited itaiwcugcr ac- commodaUims. A week later, while enwe- Ing the China flea, tlic steamer ran agmiintl a t night. The mo was linokiug all urunud her, and it w w " r s y to ultanilon

eni andbeuenth thh hat, utmiiinig onl live or six Inche* from tlie temples, wV'iv •earli't bloom* tliat rreeitibled geraniums, but were of CdeeUal inake-np and design. Tlie tong, jilain gown worn Was of liark blue satin, on which were bright flower* and liiriK The youthful face of the tall young tvoinaii ex­pressed no eousclousluitH o[ the wnisatiou she crsaUsl.

The Korean Minister arrival an hourlw- fore the dinner and re-euterol hln 'arrlngo for a drive to kill time. At the apiHilntisl

The Captain, with hi* w « t » vtd a Bumher of the crew, tixik one bout and lo^ed it with several trunks i-oiitaiuing per- tonal effwls. Mr. and Mr*. Hewoll went in tlie mate's boat, leaving a ll their liageage behind them. The nute's bout drlfteii about all night in the mugh sea, and atdaybriwk Its omiliaut* found themse Ives live tulle* from an i*land.

Hewallund to o cngiueersdld mo«t nt the.. _■__ 11...1 AU.t Sul,111,1 IliiSn liuilill II 1111 VvTU (-UljllACn * *1 «l»v* .Ml—w vs.-

biwlELM;, flUil pulK*i3 (at thu inluiul. Uuin ImJ u (ailing nearly all the time, and theyIIUilll| isvtaJ sj »*. .---- --'•v

KiT*atly. AfU‘r n numboi* K)t uir temtiu tin- Islau'd was reoehcl.

Hawaii atal his wife wero without shoes, Bial all tlie party had Ui walk a long dietaucellIU aiN u»c unn v«.* ..**..*« .-w-nx‘for^ tliiiy tnuntl auy y f liabiiatiunriiey lUmlir mm© ‘ 'to (k native liiita

Tft'hiere tiit'y wcF© rIvcu sheltcT, ffKxl nmi dry clothiiig. Heiv they al»'o found tho w u -

Ut'UeVDilO Tr*l* J -----n irowiKiL IwcttiiH© hoi# pra^m llyhpToottodby tiio white rtwlilentii of Hawaii, who ,aUprejuAiettl liUti. ThU fwItuK heveiu'xU'tiihilWtbe of in#lU'nuiwi w to© tttZ .„ . Vi'fT few, if any of the hMllee of Hoti-olutu caU upon Mrs.w ifOPUIU l au upiMi »' ***»"• ***;' - ’-Isf /pie fi«!' a r»'DL‘titioo of tho oondurt of Lora- iiiHsifuier Bloiml nod wife, Tvho wked them

. J ^ k V w v i w * rg\ nx.lllltwnuMT wiowm aim WIAO, ----(MTtnin Niui'etions wul coTiftu«Ml Ihoni t» re plies of msody ‘ yee’ o r ‘ no,’ with uo opi*>r* 'imity to einlain more rally.

Satnrulls. the ladle, who" h.vlnraliy, me iai“ev were thus uils- rcpros'iitisl desire no tuoreexperleiieo of tliat sort.* ^

Sim iNING NEWS B n iK F S .

l tl » t(l O r, 1*1 gVIM WiiBisr. 4»ti *,**hour li© whirUid up tiiH tlrivoway nwin ana alighted in hi* mauy-enldi'ed rulsa of state.

r u o i i .t i iL i : F K A tK r t i i i lU i.tziL .

Insurgeut anil tioveniineni Is-aders Said to littv© Ai(r4H>(i tu sirl»Ur»t4‘.

It Is iMtnvntly ri’inutotl in Rio Jiiiu’iro tlmt Qrbitmtiuii in likely Ut vm\ RrHiil'H dvll war. It that Ixi'th tho ik»viTnmt'nt amitho insurjinit lottil»'i*H Imv© aj;r4‘<* l to huIv- init their diftvriiUkiAi forlUfllt, I

fn lhiH iiiovt"Uu*nl i*an iMwity foDUil. Adiikira) Molb luut ;i|i|tuiviitly

fftiltMl utUTly U) wH'ui-w 111© reluloi'Cttim'iiti ho MHiKht iu. Urozll, and withoutj)enni24Hi«n from foreign naval (tfflfvrH to txnnbaril Rio in »‘armwt, mn Imrilly hojxi to m rry tho f'ity. Mo in, inoriHiviu'. uualilo to tako runuKh to Hlo by bunlto<*i)p6with PrUotoV hmt+4.

Tim BrtiKiliaii Ihiwiilfiit alflo Ik [inTljably not avviw' to HU Hul>jw‘U ar« wmi'ycif til© ronttiot ami aiixhuiii U r jM'nr®, himI opimrtuwity to v»*»>uiiii' tbUr lumiinwH with" out dangi’t’ of m«»hwtuti(m.

Tim UrjHiiilk-U llmmuas ai*e m\i\ to l>© lu a ImuI wav, iTtwhh'iiT iViinU* having dillleulty4.. i.nlu.L, fit T til tr ftll? CIvi*

Ocorne W. Child* Saddsniy Taken 111. I.IIIIao llunaeU'* Coming Marriage.

- A s IKorge W . ChUds, the w l'- k ’; ™ phnaiitbroplst and proprietor of t t o lh ik - , didpina Ledifer, preparing to leave theotilre for his homo yeatontay uftornotmLa w(L, attai'ked b y vortigo HI* coud tiou alannol the employee o f the offic^ and hisfamily phyniciau. Dr. J.wnt for Df. U* Colto toot Mr. thllil*home in a carriage and last night reported

'‘‘!i!l“CuSrthl«>mio or*™ singer.and Feruglnl animunced that their

•-wisktv* will ia.if4t ploc© twi Sumlay aft**!*-nO lm ^Stat S ^ k ’ mIS. It will take p l ^ « U to R u^ U s hom^

A Q neitlaa to B e Ueeldsd by Boat Clatu T o -N l*h t-B lt*n lil* Bowler* Defeated

*t Kll**bcth“ Oo**lp of the F lghten.

The Pamaio River Amatenr Bowing Awe- ciatlon will meet at 7 Ciunmerce street to­night to elect otBi-crs. There 1* still a Bother fight on over the Cominislonaiiip. Herbert W , Knight, of the 1‘aaeaiiw, who wucopv- pnanlsed on last year when the fight bo- twi«n ei-(.!omniodurs Fred R. Fortmeyer u iil TUeislorc F. Kser resulted In a dead­lock. is a candidate for OMdectiou. Mr. Keer^ who represent* tlie Tritens, also covsta the ofHcc, It hi said. The Atalauta Boat Club I* entitled to some m-iguition, too, having never hail the honor uf uUsof Itsmarah*™ being elecUsl (’omnioilorc.

The Fassnie's candidate will most likely h* lupiiorted by the Arthur KuB and Eureka club*, and the Tritnii,, AtBlonlB* Wid Inetl- tu b* will stand together a.s of yore. M M»o Tritons insist 111*111 Knir then there may he another dcadlis'k and another couipromise so- kvtiuu made.

Oil the ItiiwIIng Allnja.Until lVwliu.,day night when the R ive^ d *

Atliletle Club playisl at the Elhiabsth. AJh- letie Club alleys they held a clean record of victories in the Amateur Assnelation, but on this oi'iBSiou they luul their color* lowered. The score.


do so Corbett w ill punch hi* face into rib-

*” ArT*ngBinente were i^ e c ted aftaniocm with TBoxing end Wreatling Committee ol^to A. A. U ^a* ieenred Madia® x;b 19 andtor a two sights’ exUbitton on — , i „ ^ Tbiiw ffl enable the Utdon to five the


entire programme in M adlson^uare Uar den, a n d w l not noeesattate holding the pro Hinin«idsa In any other hall. _

Johnson, of 8t. Faul, k n o cl^ otit W png^ the Indian, at Hortolk, Va., last night in the t in t round. .

That Billy I'limmer and hi* manager, Loui* Waldron, ha* separated wa» whtely dl*cuased to sporttog circle* yesterdey. ‘ It wa* 1 who flr3l him, and not be who dl*chargeil me," explained Plimmer to a reporter vwitentay. " He say* Ih aveatw elled h«aL eh' it’s not too big that Idon’t know I am getting Itln the neck. W * havn plenty of engage- menta, hut he wont fulfil them. He wants to rarooto In Now York. H« ran aiford to doit, because he has*l««ltion and gets hi* salary every week. Pm out for stnu, and 1 am going to make It while 1 have my health and strength.” . - .

A first-class antertatoraciit has lieon ar- ranged by the Bicehdor Club, of Fato^ W ^ fo r February 18. Newark athkdes will

! ! i U W e S i f t e ^ n & ^ New York,,Tl4 MelUrOv _W.J _im I.A /nlliauTArt liVAllln*and t h t ^ X w f w illho followed by a din- n e r o t7:30 o’ctock

to raisi- enough money to puv for the fleet gatlierml up hi New York and Rnglish iwrts.

ints S the rai.ta!li‘s boat, all eii-ept the Captain and hi* ehihL who loal tlmir llvi-s. The boot haileup.d*ud while eudeavoring to

Tlw roptaiu luul W u killed by striking Ills bead aguiust one of the heavy trunks, and the boy hod Isvn drownwl. The itthers had Iwou waslual ashore In safety.

(Inc of ]sir(y then went In a small Issit tn the IVntidi settlement of llhli). 'I'he Com|i- trollev 111 Hhlo, iu tvsjsiiise to letters fiinu Bewail and the matA sent a Isiat (or the party and took them to flingajiore. *

gatlieral up in Ni'W- York aiin f.ngii..........—.Tlwariny is In mllen luissl. iimt la kept to- getlier lit the iiuiin only by fear ut tbe m**- terful I’resiih'iit.


TIIK MVII-T C lirlN K Il O LV M l'lA .

The Dlploniatle tiurp* and t1|« t 'liln o e Mlutster's Wife rreai-ut.,

Of alt the wrcmiiiiious dinners given the White House during tlie wsvson, timt to the liiplemutie Corji, iaalwavH tbe most plet- UrwillC, and fiouj waom Pi season eliaiige* to t ^ DiploiiiaUe Corps have coutriliutof new features of interest. The imiel liilcresti- tog foataro of tlie dinner given last night wa* the {mesciu.!: at tlie table

— s.-— -Cl- —— CMnwss Milliliter.This lady, who nieently eallc.1 tipim M™. Cievelauil, lias deported frniii tline-honii|Md Chinese ettstoms, ami, in nppitii'lng 'tt.-kbo WTilla House, has fmnishoil the flist iiwtoni'e ofttiektod lu the reemvi of the Ksccutlvo Uansion. , . , „

Tiio Frtaldout ew.orteil Iiady I’autu'ofoto to the dinlng-rooiu, where she sat nt hi* right ip the pi'isseidou down the corridor- ■ \ s N*.,! If sisr.ul ill.

KIh* MmnIi* Kmrid rtu Himr aimI Th©f0*it> wiuH #;u?o,o(H»,

TLo rejxii l n( tlio olHriiil trial of th* crUiaBT OlyiJiinii. at \VfinUln(fton yestoVilayfbhowH tluit kIh* mtulo an aVNH'OK ni>ead of tilXO, TheHiHHiil rty]uiro-.non.t was twenty knots ftiiil tb© pn'iTiSuiii Ik for ©veryqnai'ttT knot ovet that. Tli© ship thiia ©ariis th’.' iiiunlsoiiio [H’t'imiuiii uf |il0!»,000 for horiHititniri-orH.

It wuH ui)i foniul pi’actii.'able to deterrolno lilt' .HtHM’d by ajiy oUut uinan* tbau by ahovo i‘aUKt*>*. llio }Kiti‘iit having proved utterly imrNillubl©. HuritJg th©c<«irHO til© storttu wa* iwL 4'V(‘n iHirtlally tiiut off.. fh«

H u i S ^ ^ U e r , and siKlern, Hattief »tWL>wTi lira-f S m S l S ^ flinrte RruBWlLMr. w l Mrs. Daly, C o l^ el Henry flavagi., Isl U. Pipi'r, and

- ' T h e ' S ^ of the Mven-yeorwikl am of John i t o o i , of Hortford City. Ind., wtoch ^ w r S t o Muncie a few ilay* ago, lias ulaced a pnnlltig case before the incdical F rS to ^ ty oftfiBt Pity. '*’>'0 IWeilliaTlti™ of th T i^ th coased a post-mortem examination t o l ^ u n T b y Ur.'Beek, of Chicago, who fotmd that on totect had eoUm its waj from th e^ m u e h through the InUwtiiuM and luto the heart, bleeiltog th« '>oy dmth. Ihe norenta »ay he drank out of a brook and

the Insect which groilually killeil

hundred graduate* and undcr- erndnate* of Prin<,>ton College met to t even- S g a t t h e Hotel Brunswick, New York, atth e annual dinner riven undiir llu. direction of the Frlnceton Club of New York t i t ) . Adrion H. J<dinc, of Rahway, was tbe UiosVmarter. Toa.,ts resismded to were; "Frini«- ton C n ivarsily" by PTOtessor Roodward YVtlson; "The Alumni,” by I’arku Uodwm; "H arvard," !))■ Austen (1. Fox; “ Vale," by Henry K. Howland; •' CnlunihUi,” by Ueorge Q D eW itt. President I'altom who was to have i-eeiiomioil to the toast of I'rlneoton University, was absent by rMsim of ilhiLMt. Amonfci pn'MJUt were ilUmn R. Horn- bli>9©r, Henemi R. F, 8tAM ktr>ii, of Tr©iitoD, and Fr«)ld©iit R. I>. WarUvU, of IkflfayettoCoUog© of Kartuii, Ra.

Flftmlng..Hoffart.......Hartier.......Ks R. Davis.Ruhh..........PeklUs.......HaWycr.......liODe..........KRue..........DiiwK'k......


iur*'wu*u«Mj *«■ • . :— « iwii;a DTOJuiDent part in th© affair. Kdnie

^1. - AW.Uya'Iiirwinlt’ii bphu uirmnitp ta y » iJi wujL»rA*te ■ •“ *«' — -.........--Behan, the clever ei-Mohlconite, wah Hlcned for about with Totn ReUly, Ih© cr^ik Ijglit-

.......................... n ;. UfT Rceae........ *............j j j

lb..................... i* l. IW.HmJth...................... raHidi.......... }g. IWiMlUs.......................

,. i:i,... IttiH

loronou t wim -J| - - ' 7 - ,weight o l the Bcottlsh-Amenran A. C.. ol Jeiw y City, and Frank fiaffney i* to- cured for a four-round contest with Jimmy Ourmau.

On WeiUirn Bacetraek*. Tbefullowlng hor»« won at New Orleon*

^ ^ rttl^ a ce —S ix furlongs; Pouskp f

■ nggntloD th at Coagros* InveaMgate th#Patent and Atloni#T-G*n*v**'* O*®**

From the Electrical World.The patent on J® motalllo d lo p h r ^

telephone wiU expire dn January 3U, when It wUl be poaiitile to u » toe telephone on ahorter Hue*, and enm to operate an ex­change eyatom, to competition with the mon­opoly which ha* »o long reaped a ra^ lflcon t l£ r v « t , . Had the ordinary coursa been foi lowed to the Patent Office to relation to toe Berliner patent, the prtodplo ol telephony by ruesms of variable contact reehrtauoe wouM also noon be public property, and w U l thl* psttent expire* or f* a n n u li^ the BeU mon- fmolv cannot be very eerhmaly a f f * ^ .

U W a natural conree thla patent wa* re­tained to the Patent Office for fourtoim yea^ thus pracMoaUy prolonging the lU* ol an ab- tolute mooMwty to that exttmt, a monstrous state of alTafia “ admitted which, if it cannott a ^ W i ^ e d i e d ,the entire itooUtion of the patent system. It is true that the Govetnuient ho* now a suit, baaed oo grave cl»rge*, to annul tbi* l>tent, but a recent itetement n* to it* oonihtion doea not give much encourag«nent for a spaedv detoioo, and It ha* a l r ^ y cost th*

W ith the wide knowledge of ^ iu yect which the AttorDey-Cteucral ihould have ftS rT hi* former oonnection with the tele-

A Gfeat Opportunity!


w llo lter the eutlre ateorimjfat t t r e ^ f o i

IWiMlUs.......... ............l.Wrtlftnlar.......... ........HiItlrTOinpklM............ . Jtf

\V. Holler........*

ToUT..ENUAI................. Ittl"! Total..........Th© hoiioi’ji iviMv divided' between t w

MfiuU’lair ntnl Jirsey City AthtetioClU b IkiwUu ti'AUtM iu two s«*be(lule gttfp©* ^ Atbktif' Isf'ugu? wM’lee that UK»k lAoee at

■’V l, •• - •' *•

( ofe wonX* II tete Aid*' a- - — - .tew llybya leagto; 8ub]R_im *«.uiid, BillyM c K e n M ' '

AUMlClIt iA'ttXHr ftt'IMJO lUa«,to.BJNte -J—-alleys of th© Uttor onJtireeyiU'A wnu tli© Hrnt and tbe mconagam© went to th© Mont^rA. Tbe

iclLencl© third; Ume* 1-14 4. geopnd RafMh-is-ywQ-year-oUla; prutAQia won

in a lo ilo a by five lengtliH. Jack FarroU skjobS, (Juiiwiia ^ r d ; Uiue, u aTti

Third Race-H andicap; lhrc?.j'M,r-oW»; ito 'furlong*; Hiilbert won in a gallop by throe leuBtW. Gtovernor Hill stsuiul, Ellen third; t ^ . 153 „ „

Fourth Race—Boodii'apt oue mil©; Uno wrnk bv * loniEtb, Ckirtmot M©coud, CapUiu Drake tbirdTum© 1

Ftftb lUoe—BelUiig, one mile and a bIz-

rtii rr (Iahr.( ITY A. 0. I MOKTCLAlIt** O'

Newkirk............... i:WIThumpM».............. }jjHiiwtti . . . ............. IdT'Kiiglo.,,*............... iSHwilliam M-irrcU,, KktiTivylor.,.*.............. i SA-SlarrcU........... IT* ................................ iJSJlcycr............. . . jpCi.VauVi©ck.*i*4*»«j' *4*

fTi# AX'lV-i ficiN rc» i/AUEr irrufj or W*INltti* UMWi tl» ffW'ri fO<Uii4rtA rtYMS finy 10 ila#i

IWL 4’VtMN jHUUUIN.N fHlsu km. a***' snw-'-- -iJi'os.Nuru wuH tli©llmlt,ou©atu©ty-vulvo blmvliig all the tlmu, A vern ^ toriii'wwiir©, iiii'lie© Eiud at aotiui©uplH>A^>, The vfaHel in wulHoii’iitly ©iruiitf to ™ armor, included Ui the Hpeajwatloii-M.LU VUC D|ioaj**w—

TIuj' mwmcI Ik lu all part* ooJ«ploto rrviflv lor ikdivei y. It i# th© opinion of the jjoni-tl Uu*t til© ?t(su!lini*WY s«kWt)rwnjtf» rioerinc i-f the vt'«u.‘! nr© oxcoHents yv hj-atlouH m»i*o wuinlerfidly IJnlwnof work iMiih on hull macbiv-a ..1,1 ..................macbliwry ttuffIbo (Jlyiuoiu Ik ]jriuioiir.cod not any Vernal sv' ’ ‘ '

IK ]jnmoiuiwA lAwa V— -■ ■ ■ - ^«iiy vchia i which 1ioa©v©r come iwder too ou- BtTvutkui of Iho of th© ., .

■ fli© rciKirt i% sljiuod by CktpUm O* ». ton, OiU'f KiiL lnwrumiidwN, laiidlnw, , f!’Lieutenaut Canunauder F.U>amil-Comum«ik'’r K, C. londleUm and NftvaJ Coi JiruoUn* D. W. Taylor, ocAupcwIng

iA>ia A-aA<a1 .. ^ c «»w •*.— -j- * v*-p,

. 77aTotal................. wiil Total........HXrOMI OAK*. '

JKIASKV I ITV ,1. c. I UOUTCIAia A 0.few klrt...............aBThioupaop.............. Jg

Humm................. . .............................. ■9J'Willlmii siiirrcll.. ........... f j!A. Starn-H............ 17i ‘Eugll*h,............... I SMeyer.................... IM:Vafi Vteok.......

r f a io toterarta, It would that more

____ _ . ouuth©-__SwEt mlv be very ^ignibaint n that the BUtoe WPU»«™ Ji"«hry », 1879, ^ h P t ^ * * f i r a* can be aacerttoned, rcfultod to r S k S * After what haa occurredrtgari- Inetoe Berliner patent, we hiay e i p ^ any-

teento; Boro won easily by a length. Oak Pureat eecond, Bret Hartc thiol; time, i.iSO .loreai sbcthw, a" ' ' ...... . -.--y..

A t Boat lit. Louis the (oUiiwntg were the

>rbe if the or some othw teWphtm* jpateitt

h S iw e r e to develop toto * aeocnid B w l ^ c«*B if the Govermnenl i* not “ 'cceeaful to itffi m it Tber© K 9 9 groftt nMUiy wlilSiVongreai to now devoting fte attention SL; t o S ^ t o ^ n o e to tEe public than i ^ l i S a t t o n < Th e ^ M n t anff Attorney- Ucnerat’s o i t ^ ______


b l ^ Btici•v#rmod« la Ihkoountry^oad ^reUll for t wanty day# lOf onj-tbWinip Too maav sood* oft hand i* the jva*» * ' for this w o n d e ^ s a e n f^turen ninat have caA . Henos f *l a Market *t,.ne«a.h»ysto^ ^ ^^ N- >'■ .I f W c M r S t e J ^ 'T 'h t o ' t o u icrlS » o f valuebyflnrt-el*«s. facluren wh* .,h»y*_,i^e »P[ a y c T - e r a V T a L S l i c I S - , ; ^ ^

■ * L stand among the htehest In t ^

Men’s Winterreto! H»vv fl tom“ T 5 L ' t ^ - f * •S.IB and hundred* of other in

— < Oretcoats. ’fte se price*


*F lm t*^ ce^ ^ !!i'to i four anil nue-huU fur-a**-*a**a»l -**•*• -i#,longs' Dan Hatthews won, Ittlv Kniic socond, Pot lludtou third; time, l.OI

Beoimd Race—lulling, fi»ir and one-half tulonga; Oonier worn line Fifb' sei'ond, Imp. Connemara third; tuno,l.iJU.

Ttord Race—Selling, Six furlongs; Critlo won. Highwayman aei'omi, Tie Clever third;Uma 1.»K-

Fourth R aoe-^ tlln g , five turlimg*; Chis-

. ®7l Total.Total................. .....................Till* lanvling nuitrii between theW edawday

Arterni«m ninl t 'linton Clubs, played Wednee- day night, w o.-i hotly I'nntcet^ Tbe Wednee- ilay Aftcniiiinw won by eight pin*. Titescore follow*;

A at 1f«>m©From the liWlb’ S’' irmiu' Jminml.

Tho (vlviititu!t©!i of gyinnaKluid |iractlr« for youDg t'hll<lf\'U itnil ItH fiiri'ct Ix'iiriniT oil their futiiro van hunlly bo rtekouvd. Strange lo Bay* the most coinoKm tlvfevl lu Ih© physical BtalUK of children Sb a mimt ktIovoub «u©, uamety, lateral curx’Hlnro of the spine. Tho majority of the cwn'iitiirc ocnir bolwevn the of five and hiurlooii, and noHd not hapia-n Ht ttH If ihp inaltcr in pfwiwily urtd©r- HtoiHl und JUtctulvil to. Thvrttt tender lilll©

. CUNTOS,1». Franr-...........V: ........L rnvpmu'lii.. Geoviirv Ronioa .. (Minrh' t Yimjiij..(j. Schh'i'cr.......W. liukoT.........


( 9 *9. *lT*BlffOO»w. ................ is. 1^9:8cbwlbuffer...........j ». ................................... tSS. IffllW, ........................ «5. ....... laiwoiss,...*.’/....Ilfl

... hftiUonpqramltb..........

... JKlllttumaatt*......... — m

... ia i\ Oat..,*...... ... I sla I’. Oat..,*...... .. teilift Ri'lphaidt.............. }JJHI R felffer.................

HkUtfM .aiiaM-.i., .... ----------- -bodh'K will Uvnrl imd |M-rinam'hlly »haiie, Uk© yomiK plunts, in >rluitavci* way* inelr growthJI/UUK ............v .i . #V tw­in dlfui’U'ih If your clilhl \« i‘n.rclewi>''1>©iP mit ted lo wauino oue |»«lt Inn for any Icngth- uni-d iierloil, you may ciiiecl.ile u rraiilt, a oue-sljcil ilcvclti|inn'ii1, it, hyiaore frequfiil use, clllicr side 1* init to greater action than tlio oilier, It will liccorae *o much stronger lliiit oil nmscuiar movemente will Iw peefornwd-teMni-U, and-U-wlll In.Umo obtain

wick wo^ Hr, socond, Maggie Mut-uhy thtoi;

r ,111. Race—^ von and onc-liatf furlongs; Dave Fulslter won, Invei'cauld second, Yucatan third; time, 1.39.

C n w e Win* a t Shulflchoard,The first ISO point* of the Sqo-poiot game

<;( stauffleboard betwoou Crone, of Murray’s AidQclatiDD, and Crowe, of the Central Clab, WM played h i t night at Dnugherty's, Wi M ut

W hat Hi* A*»lstance of the Bump Body W ill Mean.

From the (tomden Telegrem.Goveroor Werte, If ho cemttou# to hU

course of recognixtog the Gombiors' f l ^ t eand refuetne to rocognlm the honorable bodyt f i c h elected, will f« looW

fvm hv Iba u tter e i a h3Tpocrtte of l4ie vileet r n t x ^ T T e l S l n w U l i r t o h i m to thun-

RWULU. AUOOR araiwww -j,*df labor in toaklnB theee

ley iue clean-mad* gam eote “ dreprtiStfy.E S S to . to W tS 'b S tT m a .te i iT t^ ^ ^ ^try. There will also be s ^

n«—good enough for 4 bw har to lllp with you, ^^n*^**^*2S thing we adyerttoe we will » y yo

F'w-wfBe lOOMt

_ wear. ]pw yoa yonr cer

larket at., near

r « s “S 3 ii;a ! i:r c l! i1 d .7 ln York c tv, W

j „ and (w l.tM i»JstlU large,

rlii\!iuM n“ VBW*york City, ivory co- Slr^ mptSeated being for evert *^.‘ ^ " * X 5 * ^ p ; t d e l^ " ^ ^fore^rtT totem ent made In U d s ^ v e ^ ^ meat, pon’t h asluu. Bri>.t delay. F l« t mm© fliat cholc** ’ Com© and OoSS# ooBUively wiU not ^ to doaUffl# f t S ^ m C t h a tL r in e * a ^

intteid to'bto 8S,e00 votes of dll i r o ^ tho majority

And more than^ V _ I. «fl1 bo aU.0W. Ana more w an be years beiore that party ever


_ IU aiai WAs. **• awiA aA-ais vj ■ , *nv maxea-berry street. A t nc time wa* the rostdt of the p n ie to doubt, at Crowe, though a com- parativo iiov1«i,had hit opponent gueestog trom the start and won with plenty to spare;

Elegant Over«rh Overcoatk

Ironi w © ** ***“ -WAX V. ,uii (sivtjvj tu*,|^i«*TlU flnftl be nlayal n©zt Thui*Bd»Fnlgbi at Murray’a Mulberry street.

Totui.................i;.W Total........Tlie l.yivnui Chib of Plainfield visited thto

city last evetilng and played two TOten ganieswitlitiieliiKtitutes. fleoree— In»«tate*78S and(MW, Lym im 7l«andt*8.N7> uim f»ffn, ijjiMiiim iiinanaoi>«* _*_

Th© fiillijwiuK in thoret’Ort tff Meansduel Estem


R(»[»vllll1.*. A ............. /......... . It JBnVn ii Mmrigi' K. ci..................... . i. S e«rirwiuv V-M, u. A ..........................* \ aMouttlulr........... ............ .............. .. i j *O rungf'A.r....................................* JkIHverfitiio A. (•............................... . 1*nivcntHU' E:........1.,.,.('hariiiim 1i. nmi ii.'c.s,!....a.*.*ye** iNoriht'ru H.O........... *

pedalM iW lnCoJSvBT with Wlott. Thb wan m«lo wllh a full

, lout, train and gliuulutod oversklrt^effcct by being slightly toopod nt the left sidii, Ihtis showing a ucUicoat of nVaiii-colotvd «dk. The iii&o iJ tho fliiwwwl sill; was ftulshed with a toU of lacft Thu full puffed siuDves to tee tew-net* bodioeAy«roo£ i»vinador velvot

Th* gown worn by iaidy Patiucofote was at wram (Mttto. Ht'i. Grcsluiw vtrora wldte

Gana changeable velvet, lu rou

~BiisiiiTKK ’W itc n r m ,**.*-.‘ BiriW hile Itrulilcnts at H<»'Ol<dn ^'R* Do W ith Him.Mtol*lpr Tlm rstoujof- Hawaii, iwsmhI

Ihroughtimtoia to Washington yee-terday. W mittiuTlMMiodBi » brother of Henry W aterbousa, o l President Dole * Ad­visory Board, was -fl- pataengev on tfio satne train, Mr. W aterbot^ who b u been in

ypriiFrrrttvi—f.i «#*!»" awv -comph'i© nii'jtUM'V ovvr Ihe dcftt'iciit dovelo

!«iuvr iSuAUy tusimi rwKlis *' .1, IKjrtorm 1 w jau«r©l fuU©uon*» frpiR K


dlsnMT. no well ss curved sifliio, r»uU*. 1 he urnvorbUl oiiiiLe ol iirevcntion to always M i­ter lhaii ilio pound of euro, parlSculttrly in thtoCiUC, __ 1._____ = _

mill riuMiinmona looking th' hcHltli and Ktrsngth, m a^ an . visit to the /IlSfrofeiJ 2 ^-.Yerk, mtevdtsybewonlif 1*1 on deck again U> •and to' marty to do *om« f lg b th « -„ ,A f{ ?

V arloai gportlng Matters. T h e m n t Important asaodatioa foot ball

n in e of the season under onsix'lstioa rules v^ll be playedat Cosmojjolitan Park, Kearny, ^ turday, between tho CaMonlun* of thto city and the True Blues ol Paterson, It i* the penultimate game for the American Cup. _.a isi...i. .n'U.B.WkeityviVBnirk rif E.lixs 'ursjdhias.naiKl'tiie ehainpi<Joahip of tU© w«t©rn ©©rtiun of tbe Amenc«i_A»jciftlIo*i. Tlie winner01 VllP aa#an.ii, * IK. *T J JJ tfCI-yrilt play to the toial for tho naUiiiial foot ball trophy of America.

TMe Jefferson A. C. foot ball team wfUIBB *MMieiteAltg A». v>. MU L4,:uu), WU*play the SAst HieW Hovert of Harrinofi to- mOiTOW afternoon on the grounds at Jeffer- ■ en and Kiimey xtreel>‘. VantccoUei^atStSO.

A challenge frtnn the (.ktlumhia College Track A a le flc Association tor a set of Joint gatit*i to b* lield Id May next, has been re­ceived and promptly accepted by the Prltiee- ton traito Bthletio enenogeincnt Airange- mente a* to the exact time upd piece for Uh gampe will be made next mouth.

Of -ftp fort^throe men who have shot In

xreit Svadtoate Bale s S -W ttk lN U 'g C p T H -WO f ^ R i n i t W Jterkel it., near H ^ y st.," - M r T^ n evening* until A®*

35S -------

Walter P. Duna,PLUMBlia WOHE.

m Fmiifi.STBill HEITII9.

Iron Pipe end Flttlag*. B r ^ Work, Hydrant*. Batlto, W*»j}»taudA Auto- ^ ? 0 « i a r nrtdners, 8 * n lW Water Cloeete, Sink*, Pomps, Garden H*gtotert,Venlll*tort,G** Bwves,Ojfe Flxtujvti

9 9 Itffe t Bt TftUpfiOlK 4 # ; ^

. J

NiiotiiiflmLC’i'i'Jtjflia- [jfB B. 4lhr««M

©tiiftarMl Wltii WNknfssHsiKaisile* will be siauidtertd, beglnntqf

thito S s k .V l iKoutH tlteff veluA

J U i T 8 K B T H P P B I O B 8 1


Anotliec (Wiring. While you arc ringing out

flu'many thing*, Wild Bells— Wring nut tho napkins drier

lu some uf our hotsla

...-.-...ft uio uirwmne'mCoj'tott mill," elwerved the tonfcf

■ I n"!,’' ' " f “toiost to grt SB *


with the wi'tmor' T f " T 'd o T . « ^ - ^ , I j ' l ! then take on cirodon. A* h) wbaW A *°*-S-*will win 1 niu»t *ay 1 feiiuW B*has all the nniural m lvaniarti f t l ^It might lie R very short R g b A --J B W " try to tlrcCoi'brtt out,

Mntoeecb: ^ f f ^ S n r o c h y . ^ l t o n , ^ * ^ ; '|^ ? A ,)7 w e u d tet»d me to try J. A. B. ElUott, Kansas City; R. O. Heikra « • « • " _Chicago, and O. J. Mar»h, Westfield, N, Y .BMkeehas shot to nearly entry event, and bos not mlseed aetogle blid.

The quoHtog match between Pat GlUan't team end HaiTy Nuttpri* team sriu tekt place to-niofTow at Harry Nutter's ground*,^ m e to staH at 9 o'clock P. M.

BO Kums, SEW H id h OaADlliroEUM ATJ;2 ^; M .i

d am free (tom

^ m b n ri> .?A M o o tf tC ttrw ., e«B*tipatlen. 88'teng

The saute make w hiliB M#BOF'warn. » P * t tent, lesa ^ «« r „ . h .

dkHmtelLtod Pncumatl'w fW”» •© aaebslowrSomTiU.

L liSnpaF & GO., m 499lil^ ^ ' oppoiilu Trinity Chwota.

F K ( l ) A r l P P k & C U A a V l i K


m * o m m . m « . r .» « B y . J i s e e e e * WhI U I b b

' I M M M iiM .v k w a h k -

V * h I K. 4«T H rak A M ,# a b M V*MVT •'•>>. t m M a H ia ta t .

na-kJU lM .( . a . I h t a v M . t M B l i a « (.» . W . R a l i r r . I M a a a v t l l l * At *.J . A. A *a i'l* tl. AM W a a h ta a t a a «l. M j r a a W . H a n r ia * T a i n t a t >. l l a r r l ' a a . R a a • A n t a r . R a w T U I* A t*.

M a t l a a .K A B T O M A M U e .

W . n . A l l r a . 9 4 t V a l a T t . i « r r i i « B A i> t> a -

■ a b * r t l.**U a. a a a i R O r a a a a A *a. n A R R lN « 5

r . t . R a a B a ta a . M l H a n r ^ a A * k R A «t)M F I E L D -

H I n I a * . A * w * 4 a a l* r , * F d > D *f »A • I J H H I T -

M a a n l R . H * l l r .■ • E T C L A I R -

C r a t r a l F I t a i i a a * * .• R A I i a R T A L L E T -

W l lb a r L . F a r a a a ^ R a n a a a l * aa r l i e i i t d e . .

«'. H . B la a r .


T h* m l M lAta tra iu fe r* n c o rd e d In th* B agB M r't olB** ThurtdA jr an d reportw l b f tb a F tdaliiy T itle And U egxnlt Com pany w ere:

■ IWAHK.H elen B. K dw arde to K ara W . W hile-

head . * a to r A b rah am P o reu iiu u ■Hnulh Ht, 3U)ir...............................................

T h n m an A .M u rp h ey e tH * to P ro d e u tM ^ a n u r e Co. o f A m rr tra n e K llkitt »ta * w f r W aidilm non ay , S i i a t ............

H o ra t • Ju d a h i t a ' lo L. I). H ow ard Oil-

tu o

inoiir, e a C on in taa at a n f r F erry at,W a io e tf tra c ta l,................................

Leroy W , K alrrh lld A Co. lo B a ttln *d jin

O n . , i e a j r T h l r d a T a n d O t i le [ i* t , O x Klla^bk'thV. .D e rk e r to Aitolnh l ^ p f r -

rich j a a N apoleon at « 0 f r l l a m b u r j pi,

a i e o

IWa«.............................................................H enry A lla in an il O o ru u A. A llaop lo

E dw ard H, l.u m , aaat fo r b rn rn t of i r e d l to r a .

I J . r


Ja k n 5. i ^ o a a to ( 'h ir ie e H. T ay lo r, e aN oJJltt a t n w oor Cbarlea B. TayW ,

M lnide I. B o n n e lt lo Jo h n V'i O rbrii, W a J o n n to n a r ta n f r H uiiyon el,■wllSoL.........................................................

Jo h n C. O rben e l i i i to Jo h n B. Bonniell,


-------- tajk a««*rai|iu *;», fiUUUeilj. a t W w f r F a lrm o iin t a t . O linJo h n H aw arth e t n ......................t n i to W illiam H o«-

a r t h , a n d t r U w a M a tr 'in v O O l a f r H\ir» u « r, noj^HU............................

n H lia tn H o w a rth « t u x to John How- • n h a UDdlv W w I M onroe Bt 34 fr 1a -fejrette st* J fc e s ................ .

W lu tam H o w frn h fx a x to Jo h n How- a r t h. an d iv ^ w • jMorri* ev a ? e f r Houtn O range » r , flftx 100............................



Jen tM Beal e t qx to Mar>' R. Jiicobus, w a H lllM de av n f r H et-

held et, TlixflJO............ •...............................B m h A . M rI>onald at td to J a n e Holllna,


M ontclfUr, {'r<Ma at (Kummit av i n e to rM a n p re t W lggloa, ........................u i« R ollinau> M organ Kjlejr, a a iw ...,.*iM ph F e rk to Mamuel l>. ( 'ond lt, E aat O rannu, n a D elaw are , la n k e -

pu iV rsteiV 'rstern R ailroad Coni-pany trO w f r N o rth H th at, » il4 B

W eatlK ■ ■ ...............Franl

. * H ay.

irrby A H ay to J . H . V reeland, F W ik lln . lot 5)1 hlk « m ap W ra th crh y

a v

Irv lM lo n lA n d aiid in iprovpinent t o . to B ulK rt N. Hoae. Irv lng tun , a weor -Myrtle av a n d A von av . ShiHil.......

O ron ila A. D raper and a l to All<» A t­kina, M on trla lr, * a Jrffe rao n p i UR n ef r Uardiner pi. Mill Is ...............................

EU a Booth to V ran cM J . F la il. M opt- r la lr , a a W illa rd pi «M w f r Drove at.A iiw ............................................................... ;

Jam ea G au n t to G eorge B atten , M ont-rU lf i to p M l. I’ro ap ec t..............................

H jle n O , Van Gleuon to A lfred W .KditaA ,M on trla lr, n a G ray et 7H7 e f r G rore ia t. M illti......................................................... '

B ^ h U m gahaw lo Bam uel M. Dodd, E ae tD ran ae . w • Dodd a v n e to r Jd tmK e r k e i t T ^ n i l ..........................

Jam ea C. O a n e e t n i to W ern e r A. M eyer, M ontclair, w a O range av n ecor H en ry U Yoet, IKmaB.........................

M onroe 8 . B row n to A nne W arner, Union, a w co r B row n an d n a N ew ark






and Springfield tp k , fS iS ir . . S naan C. B row n to M onroe S. ilrowD,


V8 A G K 8 O F B K D rO R A L .

W h e re th e H ig h ly F H a e il a n d P re t ty StolT la F o u n d a n d G a th e re d .

F r a n th e E d in b u rg h R eview .I n a n c ie n t tim e*, n o lean th a n now, th e red

c o ra l of th e H n l l t e r r a n e a n w as h igh ly an d e re ry w h e re Tniueil lo r It* beou ly . I f R om an ladiea w ere ea g e r fo r In d ia n pearl*, n o le ia w ere In d ia n notileir f o r I ta lia n r o r d . The O alih : chleflA in need i^ to a d u m h la iw o n l, hta Shield a tn l hi* helm et. I n th e E oa t It woa an a m n le t u w ell a n o rn a m e n t. In the W eat I t w aa roeated , I t w h* p u lw rise d , i t waa ro l le d w ith w a te r o r m ix ed w ith wine, and th e n d riu ik a* a lo tio n to c u n a ll aort* uf in- flrm itie* o f th e •eah .' Thdiiaanda o f y ca n i ag o babie* b ad tb e tr

co ra l. I t w aa auppoaed to be a p ro tection , a n d U w e i* » i k n o w in g b u t w h a t m any a fo n d nu rae a n d m o th e r in m odern tirom m ay cbm-iah jo * t th* rnro* v iew of it* m yrtic •Ificacy, w hile p re te n d ln e to th e u n in itia ted t h a t i t i t g iven , n o t to a v e r t th e inlincnoe of th e evil eye, b u t to help tb e ch ild In it* tee th ­ing. I f a n y despond ing p e n o iu fea r th a t in n a tu ra l h is to ry th e re w ill noon be nothing le f t l» discover, th e y m a y be ooiuioied by re­flecting on th e ii iu n b e r o f genera tion* which w e n t ou h an d lin g a n d im iiubU ng co ra l vvith- o u t d licoT eting it* t r u e n a tu re . TTie Greek* inc lined to re g a rd i t a s a stone, b u t a atonew ith a pow er o f g ro w in g in th e w ate r.

In th e course m y e a n , oe th e lA tin w rf te nShow, th is v iew w as all|c o ra l cam e to be reg a rd o d a., a p la n t o f tbe

netT i:

modified. The

, w h ich harileu ed in to a to m on e ipoenre t o th e a ir . T he u a tu rn lU t* o f thna lx teeu th a n d a e re n te e n th ce n tu riee w ere m uch o f the B tm e m ind a b o u t it. T h e g r e a t L o rd B u o n , in U * “ E x p e rim e n t R o liU ry T ouch ing the O io w th o f C o ral," aagely obaervea:

“ In tb e tea , up o n & e aontfaweet o f Sicily, m u c h c o ra l i t found . I t la a tubroairine p la n t. I t h a th n o iesvea; I t b ran ch e th only w hen i t la u n d e r w a te r ; i t is s o f t a n d green o f co lor, b u t be ing b ro u g h t in to th e a i r It beoorootn b a rd a n d sb la ln g red, a* w e nee. I t la aa ld also to h ave a w b ite b e rry , b u t we B od I t n o t b ro u g h t o v e r w ith th e co n d . Be- Bke i t 1* o a s t a w a y aa n o th in g w o rth ; Inquire b e t te r o f I t fo r th e tU scovery a t th e n a ttire of tb » p l a n t " ____________

W O M A N ’S P B O O B E 9 S .

E u re k a ! I t h a t been found , an d It I* In A f­r ic a , A tra v e llo r In th e w ild* of th e dark ao n tln en t baa a tn rob led upon a negro tribe w h ere th e m en a n k e p t m erely fo r th e ir beau ty an d paea th e ir day* In idlonoaa. F or g en e ra th m i th e w om en b a r e done tb e w ork a n d boeeed th * m en. F o r genera tlana tfaeee w om en h ave been fu ll o f life, In te llec tnally a n d phyalcally . In consequence o f th is p rocen o f developm ent th e y a re auperto r te th e m en.

M ist K a th e rin e D avis, w ho ehow ed a t tbe C o lum bian E xppaltiun bow a fam ily o f five eo u ld bo w ell fed on Af ty -fo n r cent* a day , I* tblB w in te r le c tu rin g o n househo ld econom ite. H e r tn s truo tlon iu c ln d ea n o t on ly eonkery, but a l io ven tila tion , eleanlloeee an d genen il eanl- ta tte n h i th e hom e.

W om en In E n g lan d h ave m ade a d is tinc t g a in lo G rea t B rita in to r th e closing p a r i of IflUB. T he bill g iv ing th e m th e r ig h t to vote a t pariah conncll election* a n d to be voted fo r a* m em bera o f such passed th e Honse c f Com­m ons even ag a in s t th e w ish o f G lsdstone. The o th e r sign o f progress is th a t th e g ra tlngw h loh w alls c i l th e w om en 's g a lle ry from th e re s t of th e House o f Com m ons Is to be rem oved.

A friend o f w om en w r ite s th a t though li ttle appear* pub licly in tb e G eorgia tiapai* ahim t w om en's p n g ro as , an d eapediiU y ab o u t w oman sn fftag e . th e re Is rea lly a s tro n g feeling In fav o r o f bo th am oug th e w om en of th e Htate. T h e G eorgia W om an Ruffrage A ssociation sen t noennhw y a id lo C o lo rado In th e con tes t d a r ­ing th e fa l l, an d iiecnn lary aid is w ha t counts. T h e sam e h e lp fu l an d sy m p a th e tic sssochttloa a lso sen t m oney to K ansas to ak l th s w omen In th e ir w ork t h e n .

One of th e I s s t and g rim m est edncstlonal ■ tnm gholds In tb s w o rld h as a t leng th been Captured by w om en. H eide lberg U n lven lty h a s con ferred ou F ra u le ln W Ind toh led , a f te r a b r il lia n t exam ina tion , tb e fn lld e g re e o f P h . D. I t Is like ly th a t H eidelbergw IU eoon be opened tb rn u g h o n t to w om en.

Ifla* B ara M. ih d la rd h aa conduc ted w ith th e g te a to s t aucoess fo r n in e y e a n a fa rm s t I h ig M e , P o lk C onn ty . M inn. H iss FollaM does h e r ow n p lough ing , p la n tin g and eulU- T atlng . I n o r d e r to b e d r a a i s d a n l ta b ty f o r h s r w o rk sh e w ear* a bkm rosr costum e in th s IlsW. 8 h* ha* prospered BO w ell th a t she has been ab le la te ly to a d d HO s o n s m ore to h e r farm .

n iH O L V T IO M M o n o n a

J^M HLDTIO.N OF FARTKERSHIF.lottsets hartby lives that tbs prrtasnhtp IsMy ^ " ~ ‘^ w s * a totcillai HsndtvUltaad WnL

..JI-tvJM g rm .nanit uf H sikmtIII* a^ ____ i ihla ( iv diastivsd h r matuai oobbssl- - .ya l-. T- * t w i—je-Twa-i*. -m up

^ Ia s U '^ a ? iB * i^ ^ m m te ’ p m s u te d l^

jnsd|jnr)A ISH' ’ R . ' iE l . tC T MA KDBTn.I,C,J M. jea isaa, OlRHVW .

* r \m o L U T io 7 f OP rA R T :c ]u ira tp -T H l6X /p M tp fiih ip htfftiptorvvclttinf aader tb« n«mt• IC ib i lta * flufOM ti A«rtl»7 dlBBOlvtiil lur matuai cpQMfita Aiiva(HSdfi4«ftMild Arm

^ ‘ ■ ftU UrtlUlfaa,]^ f« r J- (k)Mhlla. wtao umhdmH' •JonUArx i» liH.


lU fT R K T R T A H U M .

llbk 1•1 fX « n ia 3 A J l U LP

T a l i « « 0 .k » n .

l o w r .

W hM B aby w as t i d t wa cav* her CgatBM, W han lb s was a C h iu , sh* cried fo r Chateria, Wbaa ah* bw am * X ha. ah* etagg w Caatorta,Whsa ah* bad ChOdiaa, ah* gav* Iham C aB cri^

m u > W A W r C D - H A U U .

M O TICE—T ra tsa lec tl a A v rr tlU a g In th e

D EA TH S.DlJUrVF.f.T. ' HI. Jann try H IW* •» h it lata r<*l-

Ilvnoa Su. W War.ite-r street. Julin A Blaavrlt,i «C j’Mirt I mAtuhAe

Notlfv 4>l riiiMPMl I}»rf if t tr .C liA H K i. -f'Q Jjitmarjr 1*. JrtI,

hiinlHiii4l A lC »thflr!:ierur’AB,ftnf< m b >f■Ml I t r d n t ciar'ci", ^ ift* p*Hib of t'ouiUjr* ■vm, I round.

BolkiLfnMMl rrt«-»dAorth« tamUriutd XHt IaIod A. u n . . uro klnUIr 1nrit«4 tf* nitf>n-l Uio

fimtrjil f^wn hU u to rihwMonco, No M Ntitt-noa Btrovt, (41 K«|urt1o)% JoBHOfjr a*. Bt V. M., to

JOR^,>h'»ilguivto, A MBwnf Ra- ;qnlNii wiki f t - v f i ) , |*jo ri^kMr of bh • •unt. inuVmruiiuT(i<> (V « ae*iT oC »h.f> Italy rrputobro. Naw Vork pxi>«Pi

c l a u y - 'to'nidfiMiiiy. lA.oti p.'V, (lory , ocHl «* yrort d jntonthHOtw H doTA

BrIoUvM ood rriFiuiH v^ry r«ip*etrttlly In- ; Thod to ationd iih ^inoroJ, on f:i.B t 3o*ctork I'. M. rmia h\* M o rwdlMiao, i N a 9 4 Walnu( itraoL ]tit«rai«nt In FBiriuouul ( 'omfdery.

DAlallYMPlrKs— jBiiQ.iry is, FnaOBi J>i wltoo# A. If. Uolrymplo.

FiMiBrNt aorvk'Oi on Mondov, ot to A. >!-» Iroin bor lotf ro»M«ne’. Vo Vondorpool llBloilvoAoBit fhondooroiDvltml lo Jo* .lonaoo to i (tonvoilBtu^of ih« Ikmily i i Roob* Ido'e c ofooiory

FSiU»frM)N.-w<M Jinumry IB, tMi, A(D«ne tnCill' douEbfor of Huob ojki ForguMO. o'-idImoiilhH Btid Ifl (Inyo

R^1*(Ivm ond fhrnd^ of iho family kto Akly tovllod (u oiler>d iho faoo i^ from bor poiTiiU' rnid(>nrw, '.jn tHck#rMQ »(rBrt,OBA«l- onlor. JAnuors » . t i :: i*. m . Intoriuoul In U» i'omowry of *ioly Nepu’ohio,

JO U N R O X .-^^ tU« iMh ln«t.e l lu a n h , w kl04 'of Jlonry J o b u in , ogrd ?Ay«ttr«.

Fnoonaw rvkM iw U ibo brM nt tb« r»«M»nc» of lior w o. W tlluni Jobiiioii. m I’Oiith lootb B*r« t. on Fk uiMay^ J*niikry %, i» ] , ot I V,M. R^ibUto* kkil frlkjid^ of Uw fomUykry rk- ippclRilly IdtIimL lnt«rni#nt ■!CkDiBtkr.y.

LKIHICs Un F i UIot* January iti, u i} 4 A. U., JuUiiB 1«Um . bolnvwl wiu cit jiMTy HH'4 ihk lalo Koi il tirtbk, *|TBd 9 T tkn 11 Dionl'bi to dkyk,

R^BtlTok kml frl»I1d^ klw llmaL’h No. 41. Pror!' dtBt kblkldy «r« very reAppctfuUy Invl'od to tk tend hiR runerol oa Mon«Uy. Janukry -O, a t 3 V. H ., trOD btk U(« wwiilenoe, N*. xh lleigkaitrre t. lo >BiriiiounH>metory.

U cK lX L V ^.— >n JkOUkry JH, it ti , Aka. widow of Mopikk McKlulky.

RkiitlvrB and tnondA are kliidly mvltod io Alta id tbe fiioeral from bar H%r renUtom'a, No. 4t hut- fers alreft, oo ►kinrday, tbe aath Soib. a l 9:» A. J4., to Hi Joai(|ik'n f ’horrb. IncerrrMnt Ik tba Camatary of ibe fJoly Hapulchre. 1*. N.- 1 bara w lU haa High Mam of hanitlno) offarad ftir tua rapoaa or ba r toul un Monday, the r j j tn*L. »l I A. M. Itolktlvaa and ffteudRura Invitad to k^ 'taode

XfeWMAIf. 'On 1 hurtoay, January H, I94,l)anmN . . J r , y o u n g m m u &f Iwnlel M. andM lw - betb K XawmiAU, aj«d 4 uio nUgiiiaya.

F alaU vn akd trtatida um luvitM t j attend tha ftioenkl aarrlca( from bte iiarrniit' re-ldanon,

M ulberry alrvat, on .-m-day, tha liM lRBfc.,atSFe M. luiamieiilIIIFalrumunK.'aiiHD tery*

KOI A N .-O n Ja io a ry IS, Joho. i jn of j- bk aud iba lata Ann NqIm , agad iay*nr.v

FalatlTaaand frieodi a ra luvitnl to a t trn i Ibo fnnarel ftog) hU lata renlileiKe, .No. trrt Wjirran iiraet, on »^turda>*, Jam iary Ju, at 7ilB A. M.. to HL Juevob'al'tiurch. where a iiigii Mbm of Jia- qolam wlllbeoflVred fo rtba repo^ of ht* *0111 Intarm ekU u Iho CameUry of the iluly faput

nmaat Ik t kgikhly bti pklti for In ad-V«MO«S

K o a e r w n U w ill b e o|M»nMl fo r a iir^ i TI0 adw illH g-rtkeal w ill b e rre*«lii*d o%er

Ik a loUvt^lKwia * k«e|»d kbuM> M*al Vy a u th o r - Ikgd ki(entA*

IN K T H K T lJlN .


\ kiTf>KTHA?<nfu‘»inni, T u .\T rh A C ic irT a Ackolara in j OMUoii-*. fiex nf uhariw. lA A lI^

fa w 4/raata. oiip. itrick U iuiy4 m a - inn 41a

W A f . EN TA TE F O # S . y . E - i ITV.

A " -F C n M U tB E O ItO ilM H T i l I.F.T.

• n iT t.b t .s i i Dii'H n z iM p v h 'r ta i fm J. I*h|K1 U, 19 h|irtagdaWI ava.* 311 door. n M>(KV Mr. is : -P l R .NltllK l) BIXjUK PtiR

light h0B> *i.VF |3. H r

u L 'H iT fc u f » r i* o B T v i r m M h

\ fU)f HK.S UPWJR >r<RTi iir womaa »Ha

- A . - A . - I m a v n I’HopKitrii-M M»n LeBalr In a>#rr Hard of ll ied iy aad will ffv>-

* — ■ K W. (iKKRV. THiJ lliNi-ut "U T hn r i x

Taie fbiuily.17 K fh .S lM lK li HlXlM't, PKt-


RTUNiTv m )n A Y o rS J i i s bistrtoMif iMAniilakkMM Je ak In invaw In eat^MWUi ^

l ‘IT » 4 V K lf /m ilU N n aTFiOOh; l l d a y and erm ln *. J. K IIfc.i>fc.NBe:wi, Ik

ktr-ii-tur, Uiutd u . a dig

\ A. -A 'th O ITOP HU'l,nYMNNTT ■ tW Iiy ool patfiAti’T your mnix *vUh nuf We

Hare all iha Ukr lllttei Ow plaiin i yn \ ki diiyar. r e rk . roacbmari, R'gUeniBo. divniau, viaalufar. [

lOW.VMKfflfM AND DAYI ..........................................

HHlfhaiAB, lanlioe, ere. (1. HM KN-XMKKH’ ' > K ''l» L 'iV « k V T A dliN JV , t i (V'4T *1, H k ib

. . . . . BThool for glHv 44 iM Uk I'U, N aaarlL K .J. Primary, Aaulamks aad toUaga p im arata iy i>P' pwrttueiite.

C’lrniUra on appUr-uioo. IQ|

A U r B.VlUJAlVM MT. PH 'hPMT A\ K. ca a tiouea. ; iouiuf, l«itk. laimrirTawiahiin-

Cr.iTsimpnli; fdou 'Iboiw * . n i^r HriMii at, Duw H riMriO'. water and = w«*r. onlv y.’ » -iimii ITtli »l , (tear M 0 . aVi’ . 7"raoni hini«e, f 3.:n i-

ia.m< aav . esMtih IIUi •*., nrar Mb a re lot only i m ir iold ai ome. W IU .U M a

W Ak i ', 4 A ralam v Ml., tnir. hruad at. j

I AiUiK KItO.sT H(K)M, ahwo gentlemen.

HIlTAIlblw iU U

liiH- I ' l f f T w r f ITII NT. hoaaviiiiV

^ tl,.Vjb Hi I_____ -- ________ _Uinatre . rabid adfHhnairr’W In ik*kmn<>«a>oojgaia|>i

; ranh'tij ; invr>«u-ai;<.a noUcU mI ; mooar kwMadttM!i»li a Idpo. A>ldrv>f4

; I U' >3'tk P01 K, M swxtftm

I ib icH rv H t'.,T s v i m s i h i i f i i iiu < ju ,w ir iiJheat Aa.1 a I tiuprvva use a is |

I T | i : t f T i F n H itru ' sM > ifnNHT Vi' I I ■t-.-:.!.. r .l MTI.I.ISM tn .

OK ag r.R7»S

I HtERTV f-f., l l ', - H T t M 'l I K I ) i.kK H l. etVgiit nwma gjr t ia u bc>u«.'tf.-ptii,.

) | Hit V 'l l th l i iH r . H t:riT I* R FIXTI'HIOt “ V cu iiiti’t *»d J .t ItVTS as Kerry.4Sa

llaliMl tsTS, It tQ

A 07 NTH WANI KO -IHr. WllHM) PitTK7T Mtove la a parfl—t pdrUhle lia-a-r. ue'tvl-

tnaj buTi'H UM| jm Jree'v la ynartHicfcel a* a


|;SO RM ALr, AT A HVrUlAiN KT.. Itr A VK.ATLY y i ‘R-( KXt'KPTIOyAlsLT

lim ii to ii fornkce la your cellar it h taiamied for ewr^'hod) . iff tamr-w, hut It In liiian UrJ H-ftiH'lady ta Heap warm llie bandi i«r ntreat-rar d r iv irs Btreet^wr roiiduotora. ixf'kimiRa, oi«cbni"ri. teamM«rs TMMimaa. raaeba V«, Airm-rM. robool rbll- dren-UdW* wban lUopidng, ualllnr. walkta r or

nPOPKNH MKITFMnHR U H U Tbomkgh piWfaraUoa fur aoy ooMm b m edke tlio

■rbool OP for bnalneaa, ^t'atidogaea npou aiipbcalloa.

k, A rA R R A N lk B a a d JW B tt

Houw. I Pitonwi, iteAiu beat. Int ttiil-V on Sum­m er B\a . nonb of Metund a s r , prit. II..IOQ, cwii and MO n e bHljy. ( i>eii uttiiU f', >|,

VH II.I ( or. lUdOUttfild htiil Mt I’rit^peci arfR

I ulfibad mtim for 0 .1a or twu men, or rtmn ami Hirb ; «iM uahillroom. 1

I swrI jtr.xrry lioiru paylog w h irado.l»arll''Uliini Bd(l.i'-H(.:A-»»lj .V, oftltw.

IR F lIUiT>i

CW I NOR HAhK V1^KAI\.-W-M.I. iioLwi; a n d ’ lo" ’ ............M ot laqulra 127 IlKLMoNT a VK fop

drivtnx- It k abar iii<cUtv riHnforiabie in thaw wliftBarfoe frwm eara h< nanpalida. ikolliB' li. torn- bMO. rtieumatUm ami eTHpv uUier III h hare iha apfilleitlor} 4,f baai will Ifanym aiior wijiiiKii ti\'ea wlto the f) I ntonry valtiv Aiit of II tlia h u ll lte« ih>i with the haab r kOf the orW**. T-'V rent* lu-. jva carbon’i aotxnu- )Mny eaeh igova. and jidillilonal c a r t tan he oh'

C llllM rJ IA N Il A.NDT^ |•KWHITlNflaO■DOC• r s o f tb a Woroeu'anirlMtlan Akfn, W CkWilL! tercn« inodeniu. Aiiply hi a t h o o lt tk l l A V -ta f after lu Kwctier. 1. KKNNkhV,bd WiIgM m m

H flUkIt W ill SAf.K n il K X t'nA N iiKlor Addiaw H.H P. Nrwsomea,

f n l l K sNKW.tHK H>,MI.NAllY.

T k P A L W A T K Jl i f i J l l r A ShH O l.)}; KX-J l e b a n i l i u e'j»eil*'ly. F ilKA 'klt lJi>Nprini'

Mt’ l.nKflHY »T., m . VKt U V \ nlkhad roomi ft>re»nUemi>n : boaie I,

Ml’I-BKIinY nT . llU -Fl'ItN lsiU K U UOOMN fur Ilf lit iimiwkaeptBg i I t air

NfW »T., a'A-MNf 1..4HUK F rR M M llF I) room for hch t bouwkt-.Mdn?, wlt'i b tth . yip

>' KW WT-. 4 t- |.A r it iK KUUNT F l'I tS iN H ' l> I room, Ilf hr liouaaltt4]>lr^ : aJ«o •Uiiglc rooitia. l

I w a n t Tt> H rv MAtriMiN, u n w oL 'f.n JOIN i bu'inew lady Ik to i.*> iiaylng hmUna4%

1 dUilraiM h.. lio-ii R, Nawt am«k

Mu l|lN lM T i-li iM m ’FVTKIi, WITH FOUR hiiuUnHldoHarM, « n m«ke tw antr flva dollara ' a waek l \ lU t l JT Wa HUKN nt., third rliKw 1

Mil k k o l t p w a n t k ii - a b j o r iVi

talito 1 ai tbe rata of Ti canu par UKl IjOubI aaeatt h|krl <wiira.-'*eM wauikit, J- T. K t.b f-. Mannger,Newark. V J. P ei. Hoi 9 i ForBala b y i ' R t mhb, wboirwia drpiKht, toi Hrbid m, 1

WISH WHlT^nUK?** ACROOU **<0. fllfsla «Ta


Dald ara. Open avi-nni.-

rb '^iiK roL L O w iN u c iio ic i!; iinir.Ni':i y o uX KAbK.

'V ’ lcxL V K iniN m H K ft isi»oji-«i, : i c l i .n im n .mN ai,; balb ; nHiTaalaot'aa. Biq

4;narM. AddfoM <!5__ _ ___«*VUTR. Box M. Nawiofotfa,

1f \ ! : t .v k r w o tn ,h m k r ' t ) i N V t i s r i a i with torv<o;a In Boroa bu in.ta g that la wUbsiMl

won d bwe ikl’MUgaUoo Addrow ilOX laa Moal- oikir, V, J.

chre.SObR.—Ob janpu ry 19, IBM, Baiijaiata L. tola,

Bgtd yaart and 4 BOQtba Relativea and fflaodi, alao oflli a n and m ru b e n

o fF ro toctba laodga N o.9 . 1. u i>. F , and Mar- cttM lae Ward Pool No. M, u. a . K., are lavlu-d 10 attend Iba fot aral fervlcm fr.mi the S iiui iTeabviarlak Chun-h (I'Qlon aird.»ii on NupdAy a t l;g} P. M. Helatlvea will Bleat at I1I 1 lela raaldaork. No. n UdIo 3 atreebat l O’clock* lu- tenpeiit a l Falrtnw ikt Cairelnry.

BTARHIiR — p 'nn indky , January Ifl, laeiia. ha loved wife of Vredarlok ruebla. and daughter of ('ar> and Cbrlattna Kraulwurai. arad 25 yaari T Dnontha and a daya.

Bafotlvti ami friai^R. alao Atia« 1 odta No. 446, M. aad L. of H .. a re vary raeiwcLluliy invited to aliaad bar fonafal op Sumlay, January JL, at t o'clock P. M. from bar Uta rwldeoce, No. 45 Rarday atraaV Iktarm enl In WoodiAiid U m a tary.

CARD o r TIlANKS,Wa daalro lo ibaak ogr r.MiUvaa and manv

rrieuda, o t HIchaai'a Y. M.C. A-. k . 1 airlrk'<i AUi- aiKW, BraDcb N a A for Ibelr kin'lioeagJooar kbllcrUtnat tha torn of our (laArMOQarfd broibar, •D dataofor tba tnany io ra i trlliutir*. m k . Anui MKm-WTKPHKN CAMPBELL a n d yAMJLV. I

D e a ih O lw lm a F a IU Sb X eiw ark a iu l V le ls l ty T o -d a y b y M a tro p o U U P U fa liuw Coi

* a. wa , aw —. I’Tem. Amt.Joba Mylon, ItOlRlaiopnepaL, OskitTe-. .14 tlK> oo (JatitantM ty B rlg k ^ W'UUaBkat.,Otkiifa .to 1M «0

C. Pa W JLLf ASCII, HhptI t i ^ r n S u rk it at.,gdorrtor Malwiy.

C X D K B T A K V R N .ro a U U A B R tK K L iy /F l lk k ^ A lT D I B K c i^

t i ANl^ RMRALUICH,174 Broad Bi A lto Llvwy aubfo, 1 4and a Clay «tt latopbopa 104

1 ? JOVCR. IsAFK WITH XRTROPOLITAN t InanrwBoa Co., uttrtortaker. l i t Howarv a i

B rH IS P :w < NCmCKJilT^ A R P r r laAYINO a n d lI|'HOU4TKRIK(i ^ doneatfoweetprlraB. A H TilU K U 167Halmoat ava.; oruera by uiaU prunapiJy aiieiiAtd


C (1. MINTON, m a s o n a n d BUILUKH. aruniaceH, datem it; chtranRyi buUl ami rm ta d ; walla repaired kill] whiteaaJ.

WKbT K i NNKYp i *. seadposial.

ClIlK A P KA5IILV SHOP. HTOHK-LADlRS’ /k ldU ppa i battoiL I I ; ladlai' line kid tlppail

tattoo. f l 15; lad lar k id ifppvd Iihvm) blucoert,IL’JA; mfaneii'apring baal kid tin buiiun. an I'enti manaitewvd L-ded, n : men'* flae lacKl and coq- xTvbRk 11.15 : bora' rtoa laced. O-loenu ; yoiilbi* Ho#

t t eanta ; w amaa'a pebble buitou. 74 crnla. at W lJaUAM J. McSE.NNKY'K, 37a piaiii 41, near

lUiatu n- u k

DO YOU WANT TO BUY A FIH«T* clAto banjo, violin, mendoltn, guitar, f kcenrdloTi, oopcertlna. dnmi, niuvtcai

H airlnxt. (uoa, ravolvent Rkau-a. foot IwIIb. bexiDf glovaa, empty aod I'wdad ahrili aad gartiidgw a t ball refolar piicaa 7 lio to — r

FRANK BTsAEi^1.VJ Mulberry,

‘£T H - O fthaDotiglaa Banjo, Aciua (iul* ta r and flna oiaodoilaa M»>toal lo- atnunenta of ail kiad^: owb or In-

y atalRientii, Kepalring a Npeetalty, V* fonaarly or 637 Broad a>td 6 Cadftf 4i

IJtJA TK BRS C U nL ’ D W MILK YOU W A IT: dyeing, deatilag. repairing end making of oa*

trich foatbanaapectkU y ; opva w enl jga Wq jilKBa h. WILLIB, 24 Orchard a t

T f !N J J « 9 in 7 * IC BfOHK, BANKHT.-POR X IP IA N O a n d nROAN tunlog anil repalca; Mtabtlxbad IA47. A ddreaa UECntu k OuLDN. Ur

rP YOU HAVR KI.KCTRIO MO- tora, ataOtrlo tight dynainiH, etaotro- plating rrMehInoi. rlerirlo burglar

alarm a electric anbuoclatori eleetrlo llrkta, iHecdria bous^ belli lo repair, or Ifyou raqiilveel ’Clrlo Rupplfoa d fa a r kind, fo (0

KE-'49NER ft DORKIH,M erhanlcit.

O nlari b,v mail will receive proi^Cattatiiion.I seji A iO O llM A C K -A A TO n KLH,irX ptakailm okA maaons' tool baga Mid tea oka of our own m a itu M ta ^iMia i i a n u 01 oor owu uiMiummua, repairing proiDpUy aiiaadad ta. 69

Ib S o a u ht. Ufiusll* WailitiiglMi raalc.

MJW O N U . Q ltaK T . FOBMKIH.V WITH UaM lian Brea, of .V. r.. lunsr tnS iw uialor

aquim and iP r ifS t . pliii'Sv Ufnoe. ssla U n i.,X d a o M , StNaUtii.N I’i-

MSAN U CI. a M)NS.• 1ST anil Ite Csm m vm s|-.

h«w IroB vasds, are pniM tad to call fur t e n s Iren

W A l.f . P A P B K A N D P A rK R -H A N tllN G .

A - A . - A . - l W llX 'T A l ’ ICIt'luKJM, flK II, atng and ilc* and P-lach tierdar tor |3.7^: reem

papsren srlth sold pap*K and U Inch bord.r tUr |i.SS; n p s t Item Ih n a c e n t.a roll up; iip'ii av tn tiua J. K. OiNKItiL, 9S Acadaiu/ It., lisar llaliay. SG

alio a s i|D fliat-dH a |i*>nUii|. anlnlnv, kalauuiln - lUllDa. Fl - ■ ■lag, plafifrtiig and itullnx. I n r ilii olitapsst prices

In Ih t cltjr, seniL pnatat cards for aampiss, cr call a t Bioolilvn Wallpaiwr fiiito ami aclccivoiir F * ^

a mil lin t cfuholcs poper, M•s w* carrv a mil lin t cfuholcs poper, ---------blanlii, AaiA illlA sm ln w rt, lnm.ln< and tUra, la rg n t aa o rtm en t la Miatt. and sail a t Autoryp rsn i. Wallpairer b sc g h is f ustrlmmsd by uia- chliH f t s t ; cpsii tv tsio iB Hit o< wo tail papar Item I cent a roil up In Sl.Xt BIX im orH K K s,X ssaniate, Paper ilangerasud Paliiian iTurk gnsrsntaad ; ew spilngltGd av* , naur Ulrb


_ A lu f atncli bordar j gchl paprr aadglnch I benlsr, la sc i enougfa paper inil berdar tot I s bw w . Tic.; gold pspar airl Much boteir, J p * l a m t deslara In Iba s ta ia* Q IO K U * W. CONKOOMPAXV,

I* s n d D N K W m u tia jr Bniail, Wbila buildings, blna tlgm

lU N C H o r TH K NEW YORK WA LLPAPKII store T ill pspar any sIh tooras wltb gnld pspar

sad gold tsnWrA J d a n o u l p it s * saa't imaial c a ig ju i^ a U n g , ksisainlnlBg and darorsllng. >1. llA rH uD ltK .B >4 gprtiigflaldaTas, ii tw irk . N.J. lij

r iR O O K tY N A ItU NEW VORX WALL FA- A Jp a r O saU aatlun-F IsasB laka ncUiis ibst I will papar tt ltr lsa il roam wBli gold pspar and wid* banlar lorfg j|O sroeD .S D dalao< ullrsM d*asn l« - lag and kA lscuilalw s t the ebaspaat prieaa In tbs r iiy ; Mdsni en m n u ir sMsndtd is by B ait •M JACOB LEVY. XA m W s rm tL, Nawarte

W A llTBD w

T I 'O H M N t PtIIC E PA ID FOB OAfIT-nFF ja c lo th lB g ; m da ri by n u ll promMlyanaBdsd is. Wb ________I. KAUA MsKY; sd LWbnutaa a t

hl.D aOLO, 8 ILVEK 'AND JEWF.LBV 4 b « « h b .A U J R tt l , W M a iK H it; aatiabc*


SteMlgEMi____M jtg a f is i ie iM ii i i i ' i

• p i g f ^

A(JK M ‘h Wa n TK Ii l/K ’ U i A v n nJCNRn- kl. foraqukikaaalMiiT pateuH^ novaltv; im io

ISO par oaai. p ro fit; gond anilvirarE ran tnakM from gloe to fjuu ■ mnuck; terruory froMk : wrlie for per IkmUrA. t h e O iliU NUVKLTV (XK* D 174, i'io- cI bimXL, ( \

T>A, MANIXIUX. (ir iT A R IN R T m T - l>t|4)u-i. M ina ULAHIllKL JRFFJCRY. M Mar-

aboil nt, 6(1

A fiRN'IP AHR MAKiNU TUti M N«- VMKJ.r,. jtV ing M. Aitd U Bolhl mii(*iiaga - Mmupla locentt. M. ft a NUV»:U'Y l ’ jJ41*.^.vV, R»i 140, beh-

l> .4 N J o « V N n tK VM'RNIH A LRMDN: IN-• iMiruni^nti runiUtiod for toaeuM.

U r U s LLb;M ,B R ««»L

14-7KWlhiti I4ih0titlv »i.. 41.400; U7 Moiilhtr — : flltaa tli et.:

i t d in to i i avr.. fliUei : ISrk m., f l7.fao ;fo0Itroed X Miy Et gt.jto <a1to fo- ranlgikipar (uontU); as H aairtil u., o ra u t^ 6to,.*ioo; 14 eoutb <iroveei.,|14,4oi»(iiU J fur rajut |Tt> iwr muutliji 42 Rair ML. g s■■

1 haM bouMM have goiul teua iM.

SO V n i TW Kl.Yni BT., il NKWl.V KUll ir • ‘9nl«ha(l rooiuji: 1mpp)vem«’HlM; privma fkmily.r.'ir

SU n iN d F l llU ' AVI'., 4(1 -UURMHIIRD ««M)M with alova. fi.tx par wr.'k. Mr

IJA U T N iqi WA.STKD W| |’f[ gno; HKRVIOR llgQt gi n Mbnrt bourk wi>)t oatabliabtd b o *

naMi; prolliah;a anU iitri. Advlrrat 1 F- C., Dux O.t Ntwi ()tB(Ma

WA «inS(JTt1N Hi., 671 I.AKOli; ‘ ...........................foriiUliel lOnatM: ha^t, belli an

'Y*'*^*’ '** '* 'n U |I IA IN A -NKW A B T titl, NIl'Kl.Y- JL cm. loa ba>st 111 ibM ctMialry. par week guai» I g a t______ ^ i all al Kt..KS, •«, 4r-:> Rroad mu |

r i 'R N f S J I K l i luMIMN W A N TivJi.

Ah k k t 4kh>ii o iN T iu c r w ir.r.iiKoivFN lo a Hn>t-ctoM, booeii and raiiabte apodnl agam tiy iba N t l tn iW ’.v | iC iN Ml I'UAL ialKK

INR rOs. Itooto 40, 600 Broad a t -ki

MSI J ANI> PI A.NO. ttC * N T * A LR -t^.V .Is.uiV, I 'a r r le rH Newark PaaioWra- I

^ 'Tfl'JM -.N J. MAVIIKW. riA N O AND k Utv.iiih luilruclar, 337 HKUAP i r . ITp

Alv> ihean chiitci* 1 Olx r.j lintitcr » t. 3ixto>) ft; lagrangn pt.. u air 1 ritet d i. inii; i t , xvith 6 R. aJtoy hi Bwul hi: I-dUiraTi .'* ji i , iHir I eunayl\*anl4 kva . RTulJTft., wHh ?0 It ellry m rear, laagraugf pj., oor I'anoeylvanUeva., intioun.

■.\?flK D -O N K (in rWO C d N N rtT i Vl> rouma without hoard: lliialy and euntfortuTiiy

forniMlml : g a l ; m iirha ta hoiDse. td>trs>-i etoliug prlra .M M H ih.j;, But I>. N ani ifHt**. Jr

Tflepiiona 144.N T tU lK s, IvO lT S , KT4’a, TO IsETa

Ao r n t h -m v r a u r .nth w h o Wa n t t o m«ka money. RIMMKUM4N ft UAV'RY. bookf, atoilootry, miiifi', UM Ira iiJ rL 1

D an c itig .|> R i;a p .n 'n rfKMR'iKH p o ii p a k c i x o , o n I 5 II"0 a D>0 . ; private iw o m i a l l b o u n ; aand

r-jm nniU ra 7q

Aleo 1 nil-Oralon Ml.. M.uvr*r.i v .. 1‘analngton a t , lfoUiier«i,liJjlvtfuiliAi«. em| lu VYoodtlOa. IyU Ti'lIR R M idi* TO LBl*, an Kt>-'4|vX AVK

>App|y Vi HviYT HI’. 4Hp


T lI I s L rla '-H K WANTKh, VnUNO MAN I le tpnhle of flillag T**wtiluii of bill a n j aoiry

dark . A ildrad In own hRT)'i>vriting.1 i l.KUK, Hot Na«a oflliw.

1 ^:rOV-W AN TK P. A (K) M» rtOV, ABOIT'M X- trenyearao f ate, to learu tha nionulkrtura of ‘>welry. Afidrana

JRWKI.I.KH. Hux K. Nawaom(■^

M ' . 15. HAVf'*, TRAUllKA OR TANCINU ci»M<»ri( at ('aJMQlhe llali. HI Rroad d . cit.v ;

even lug* tor aduiUh raturday twurnlMg* rblWivii ; prlvaUf leaaorw a l raelflahce. H I HHUAit hi.,Dppu-itoL'. 11. h.H taiton; laudforrireular.aoq

»H(tV. i \ I-KMAHARNA,

776 M.

( tH U l l AsVD ni.V R M ’nr'N K llV HTOHK’,(Wa niee living reonie rant 111, thie In a bar-

gala and will aUliiti iBceellgatio*).J I ll 'l iK n T H r o m . 7MUHr>^i|ai.

Bo y WAWTtiA AIBIUT 16, TO JiKARN ioel>mak1nf. Addiwa

I TUOLHAKKR, Box E, Ntwaofflre.

b ;OY» WANTKP TO HRMa ’•fUtVaV TALK" '^ tu rd ay . 241 MARK hi'HT.

ClaRl'K • WA.VTKD, YOUNU MAN WlIcM’AN ipnak dar.nen k^aii otloe avdara i t ; oiin hvv

IngMiiM know laig( uf iiidnural liunrjiDHiMmltypewriting p ra frrr‘fl. Addraui, auuiiig toUry ex jMOtad.HKHMAKKNT. Box A, ^>w loflC ^ TT-]


MAaN WANTRH AUVa M'KU IN VKARi;good hoina. light wurk : In the ('uuntry.

1 Adilta.^ W lL L iM L HOX K.

MA N -W A N TElJ, AT ONCB. r .N M sk llB U iHaa ; under4an<l« thoronga care of b(r><ei;

winter wagea . per {nooth, iHiinJ « n l ruiui lo- clUiiad. AUdr.^aa K., Box L. NawiQfo(e. l

IJAINTKK WANTRD 'MHID I 'A lv i KR KUK luaidawiwk; uIfo p i|w r haager. NKW lilTf-H-

IKU'*, e lx t t ava. and N. ‘ aventh nL -’inr

I fHKVt’l* m a n ro R t.XJUNTRY PLACK AT l;oD4M. 33 (’£ D A IlkT . 1

WA NTBn - BRroU T Y oi Nil MAN OR w onuinwtih gi a rc jrlty lo cauvauan ar:Me that alOioat eelLi UaalC

1 I llAILROAD PR, Fast l>r.ia;e.

WA K T h D -T H H E R VOUNO M>-N TO litorn tala,|rapUy, day or aveiiLig, lui psrmA- nekfc poalUoa (m fell raid . Partii iitarK

«4r HOiiitOADHr.


A .

f \ *at 2 par raaL |wr manth, good forona year. ' HjKHm AN, Fa.TabMker, 10 Cledar nt

JtroiMl II. Jraia'iliibad to l l ^ A J .L a t T ilR OKFICK OP



rto B n o A D frr., sd f IjOOR, r o o m a s a n d i *

w r k T i : m t A n ~ ~ v f A s r i t i \ M u i i r w .tT i’ii t V mao ; nia«tbavo had atn>rl.. . .............. atpTletji'F an wale!*-

man In a factory and tb o ' Ur.iiy iiti'iervia'iil the OiFeufbQllfr*. (Rate where and bou’ long e nplo.v-d lu laet |)oalUi>D, amount uf Wkgai rrceivH and iige. Add raMk, « *Ui rafrraDC «,I P. U. IK>X ST. NVwnric, N. .1.V f U N O MAN Wa NTKJI TO UU ^ LRVFK

1 etovaior; oo'y tbo-oacqualnled w;t i ihe tevar device nee I addraaa t . I, (’., x , .NcHgOiBca 4 ^


V-A .-H o w w Y o rn tiiKi.? wK h a v e :•1 • ...................................^VerellidBe eervanta an o i r l at, male nnd tamale,

for aoy c u o c lty ; no rhar^*a uuleia tuliril w ith help. UKRMA N*AM KH1CA N KM pfA)YM KhT AoKKCV^22(JWariit. TaJepboof 277, 67ii

COOK—GIRL WANTKlt TO (»0 TOCRAN- ford, N. J-; good plain ci^uk ; du warhlug; good

wagaa Joqulrald kaoT K iN n k V h-T. i

^ lO O K -W A N rK I\ A OFRMAN (’"vlK AND L.'lauodrata for out of thacliy. ANKW iSi, U r

GIR L H -w a n t e d . TW 'onm i.H . (yjoK a n dliMsdiroMa chathbaraiaid aad waiUert; ralkr'

encaa raipilrad P IlX iU K rtir , 1

IRL w a n t e d f o r KITCUKN co ifM K hcK H r,

TT O rSR W O R I^W A N T R D , A OOODfIRRttAN i 1 girl for genoNl bounauork; aiaattfoniUy.1 111 UsMoji; ht.T fO U H R W fim t-W ’ANTKD, A frlKL X Xarat booaawofk, w.tli raforeac\



n UU'«KWOKK-(irKL WANTED POltDRN-■1 eral bouaawork. 6i l HPRim iPiKLJ) AVK4H

HOrURW ORK -tlRRlIA N OIRL WANTED: refrrtjec&i. 12Q W ahKINo TuN BT. U r

T ADJKB WANTED TD WMrTR AT flOMHi X j f l t w eakly: no caDV>toal:(g. heiriy. <vlHi alamii, Mleci PArY.NIK PKLiKNatLBoutU ind. T^i

WAfrUKM- a n d Ul*HrAlPaS (HllL flOL- oradl WABled ; rutafance required. Apply be•

larwnBA* M, aad d P. 5L OH lllU lI H f. Up

WA N T K D '-lA D IfW AND (iK N tf.^M EN , Wa will pay you to |I5 p*r week to do eirici- fv keme work tor u<; nn caavAMlng atid prompt

pjiyracnt, randaeif-addreatadefivalopt |o LiBr:*!- ■ y BtUPLY CuJMFANV, Bwtou, Mavi tCq

Ifyoa waflt inocwy la lo u l) or large ainouaLx, oa eliort c r lung lime, ou UoJWb'ild fu n lttira and Itlaiios uorMea, wagou*, e.irrl«ga>a warahouxi ra-celuutor iwraona p ru ^ r ty o f atir klii l, without- . jqredjoval of pruperi.v from your own rovwMlon, wa caitaave you money by our terta*on loaitM of any anwHint from fjn u>|l,tNttai very Mhori T*i>t(ca. with- •out publicity. ^*ou can iMiy ibe moiiay back la any arnuuntA you wilb ami a t any lime, and each pay- meni iiuuJ# nn tba prlacipal will reduce U*a dJ«i uf tha loan In p n ^ r t lo a .

Heforo m**tliia niooay e]nawh<‘rf cmH and i atMl you will find Itg ready to yuuradvaaiiga.

KKW JEIWEY LOAN CO., 740 Hroad 6f.

M0N *Y TO LOA-S ON HOl*.-«ICH()LD EUR- nltura, ptauoo, organa and i*erv>nil propariy

w hboit rv iuovnl: paitw i honorably dtatil with, aud cen Duike re|iayiuent'( by Inutwlineiiti ; all biidnewi atrlcJly eonddanlal, ra il oii K. W. i 'HAWEj h l , room 2; 736 BruAd il Opeo avaolnM until t.


M(N f‘:Y T O L n A N o*v Ro n d a n d m o r t -gogn )D lu ia i to iuU, from film to lB,A(in.

HC JiCY LK It R JAOKhUNvTTi) Jfroad ML2'Jb

Bo n dO V j f loort^ge at 6 parnenL lit i-ifQi and for parloda in null iha bjr- row eti NO BiiNUH u tt COKMIHRIO.^ KX- A orK D : all MeWeary fopera earefully preparatl. CIlAHLhpa A. 6'KlUK,CWiiapllor-at'Law,746ilf(^ Me 4tt

S I 5 0 . 0 0 0 . ’" ’and murlyageat & par rauL iiMmoM fwui lar perlodi to atiiL iJba bofrawara; no bono4 or cutnmlinloj) r-hargad: |6.Cno to loan ou chaUel toongaaa In euinetoHitlL KDWAHDH. hLAClf, iuiitieallorav-lanr, rooew* 111 iTUdaDlUl Kullulng; toleptiuue No. B'AL

S 2 • I'PW AHD L'IANKDON FURNITURK; e /h o rem oval: prompt, p rliate , ra'la-ble, Inw

rata#, aaey mpiayaianiu; mouvy io tw-civa houri jioMjwi : opau evaolQga KiLKh, 4 ^ Broad a t Mr

Q j - AND u p w a r d T»TA)alN ON FURNI- O l r f t u r e . Make paraonal apptloailmi to ML i'ilA R L K a N k, E iLThirtaenth iL. HiMtovUie. 23r


fl^RfMMKHH-WANTED. GOOD THiilMkllSI andblndaTXOaMlfrUetA .1ST i, K. CAkLCsY ft CO., U'l and 147 Summit it. >

Wa k t e d -'« 'P v k r a l l a i»i I'>4 o f OOOO ■ppaarooee for light emploTmaat.

1 __________________ Apply At «i;( im oAPRT.

K H P L O Y A IE X T W A ?«TED -.M A I*E.


BARKRKPKR-INlrttTJON WANTED BY EX- ptrlanoed alagle man, with reforanew t HA RK KKp K H, ItH Front rt.

DBirCM^-HKNtOH. 12 YKARS' EXl'KHlKNi'K, w aatapotlion aa relief d a rk : beet of T•■l tuevt. Addra<« W, H.. Box UvN'ewxomiiH. 1

rKW ELLKR-BYAFtIW T-CLAHHHKt'IIANir r who uDiafattnfte tha tnautifkoinrlng of Jewelry

noioitgblr, a poalUun; advertlaar uiulrraUncl-i aridcolormg; can darlgu. taka charge orticm ry, etr.; wouki_baaDiiefo] n ian toad riD daMlrlng e ir^an whola pnificiratatoH branchraof the trade; arj(*clx« niarfDcaa. Addraw4ftr r o n iH A N , Box } \ Nawa odlia.

JA LEBM AN -mKHMAN 1ST) W vNTh--I'U 'd 7lloh aa loleeman o r In o9l?e; travelle J for several

yoartlB grooary Ilia throagh Kwlern part of (hr------- A (f"................ ...............................United frtatex. Addmaa j, b j',, sys New xL, city- 6*hi

QVPKRfKTKNDKNT-HrTUATiDN W ^a •TKD t^M ^hrk lhgripariatonde 'n t by a bright, anenfotic.Ptahlng paraon: akUful irat'hanical aiurtoe(’r, thorougb macbaAlc in vaa aadonrutriK'llotiof ixi'ery kind uf nikaebibtrya loola and tnien'baiiKrali e iNU'ta. aJarcrIOil apparatui, drnamoa. eto.; guccfah- miaxparlaBoa In boudlltto help lu get rerutto.Tp W u O D ^. a ^

60* WANTm'

a >OD INVniTM KN T-W A N TK D, TO LOAN, flSJnOon flrat bond and mortgage on >*prn*g (ti'M nva. proDarty ; 6TJH0 on dmi bond and mort-

g a ^ o n i.harltOD a t , near Hpiiogdeld ave. prop. Oily. Hiqnlra 1 ^ Plane «L HENRY D.liouwaaiul io tifo ra ^ ia a i iui;ri?rate prioea. I ^ a FE INVEHTMKKTB-

91,000. IL&36, pjono, fSAOO. 12,000, HOQO ran be placed on flrat^iaiii hood aad mortgage la- curliyou property worth double iha am ount and more by OAUlof on

C H A R L ia As FEIOK, Cbaiiiellartot-iaw,

ifo 7gI Broad i t

WA N TFD --|1 ,«1)0» SEOONIl M O tem A G S ; (•sn*!vef2,;i»t*MirtiF. Aoatasi

____ L O *k, B e t D, (fnwi Dfllr*.Q O ,1 1 OR M » WANTEB OS HUAL HR-

'la te : lu p s re sa i.; flAOD Mcnnlv.1 A Jaw asM O Mi'.V, Box K., S sw i omoa.

N K r i l t lT IK N , T H T B R T IIB N T n, K TC

V-S.'B H i L B -A F l i» T M O O TtlA m sTTf^" I al I par <vnL on real n u t* Talurd s tA ilJrM .H IL l' e d g e A O V EH 'rniN U AO IHii .MiLiSat at.

Jacap^ n ty .

TIT'ATOHlirAK-HARRi'EIl MAW, J vT pusHioo ta w ttcbn itn ; bast rewreiicM AC-

d g w a p ^ A L P j UIOK.Bs a O, WlsaotBcc,

W i

p ju N R L U i K A vin os u n r u v n o H ,

n iS S O A D S T ,

ll rATiJHMAW-alTL'ATiON ilTAliffiD A nlfblwatchmiin by npadai poilcamnn.

A d d r ^ Ja. Box L. Newj 6foce.

Y OUNCI MAK, M.tKRTKp, H A V lN d JIAD ^oalderxbla axncriatioe In tha gr-xrory u»<J bntchar bnilna«t,- and aim thoroughly acqiiatotcil

with UtokM imaBt of tiox<wa i utm foralah (tret i la-«i rartraaog 4ddraaa KXP (IKT. Box a , .^ewxoillra, I

E M P L O Y M E N T W jV N T E D -F K H A L K hs

A LADY WIRHRB TO l*MO(M-RK A Bi r r - owCNi la or near Orange for a y«.kug woiiiui* w hom ehaenn thornfigh^v racomdientJ. aliiierei

Wehrapi and chambermaid w a i child’* uui*‘- ^ PP y kt II C U N rUN AVK, N4hr«rk. 1

r*11UklRKRMAir>--OKRklAN sfRl. ku^llke eituaUDn chambariTioid and w alirctc good rafkrcnoaa, Call IBS B kL.UosN'I AVU Cr

DAY»< w o r k — \Y01fAN WANi'fi WORK wMhlitg BDd iroiUng; w ka home or an out.1 last III u lPf'IJe'll htIMHLOaKCKElt HT.

“p ^ m c rN A B ra K DREKSMAKI.N'O DY TJfK J . day o ra lhoB o . Ji l r „ l i« h av*.

t.araa-reJP KeWOlME(;m>r«k LaNO, ' H rmIT laAKO,\s iLUAH Ha Le e JOHir P.CUNTAKih JuHJf M. OwiKNOU* J.As LKilKUkCMIUL

UAWAOFWitl* n » * a n L. OnaaUM, H a a t a a r Boms, ' IfBWM M. D bw ttM J . W au ) W coDBcritJ in w ta a K, CaijtM U x tiU H L aaL B uiL



Telaiitiunc 008,

TY SAVIWOS b a r k ,


Kswarit, N. J , Oee. U, t i n


F HRW CH DBRS9MAKP.ll, LATB WITH Fooqoi)*, of lUrlA would accomtnodala <'Uv to ro m at tbeirow n hem et; t»M and painy dr8*mi

Tua lio tn l of M sntso.rsof tb s R narllp « a r iB n lUiiS iiavp ibis day itacland llia u u a l s* ia |«nn i]tl d ivldrnil I t th s ■»'• « so P tf r e a r 7 m “ S to a|i ilai'o.ltora .oililod Iborstc so Jaousrv 1 itaa. Ity.Pila „c Jan-u ry » , llsl. ■'“ •“ srp l, l»A

liafm lism tC onoorN IC ro J a a u r r t w m d ia tr lntfie-< trom Jtouairp 1, IM i '

2 ,^(;^(® TK R 8. BATTiH. P w aBDWa r d S P A ltrn , T reaiJURItPK W. PLUMB, S r

" l^ L L I A M LINW ALUtW R u j^ -- ------------

rerocdslloili la tM teiLsns; reprencas sivsn. Ad L. UuHHU, l a 0. Furl}- tourib at

NSW York. Jlr

^ n V R H K R !« -Y D D S O I,At>V, IB, DKilKKH W pMUloa as roTornssA Slthar re iWeoi or vhli- l u I StctllsDl mbniiDsa.•* ' , BOX as. West ertn^re, N. J.

H" i j m k p .r p v b - t h o b o u h l v d u m I’e t -s s t A iasiicu i w a n tn wants a sltuiil'iii os

!^ ™ * « sp tt In a laAntC funlly | tlnsrsUnnireamtaMurrifrequIna. m i r e s i f i r t b r e i iU r ' .* Mmb, AltoWICIiL, 88 Blasrirer at.

HOUfIRWOBK-nRBMAN HIRt.WA.Nl-HHrr- ustloB s i ftn sM i bau**tr<ir:i. Utjj

*__ • »a DlCK lllSO N ST,

T lS P fK W f lH lt -A OIHL KOT LONG I.AS'IIKI)ft I WlOhM a altUiitlrkii in Mflalat wlfh hmimvarllwinhts a P.tiiMlan tc asslni with henaawort imd U ta car* oi lMl,p. pu * * , call a t lt« HODTH ht , i

Ho b r r w d h jc - a o k h k a k q i e l w a n t s plac* (bf llsta, bousswoT*,

I___________tocalw 19 V IN E PT.,Vtef‘|.IO l» K W n « K -R P H P P C l'A B L R OBKMA.V J t i l r l would I tk s te tsstai wlib hoitiaworlc.

F iU S K, IW B e rn " I*.'W '/W E -Y tfU .'iO WOMAN WANTS ^ Bob a* n a n a t c a r t e s ch ^ a^ * ^ ^ 7 '


BTOCK B&OKKB%PUT ond soil sloekA tnaSa and .fa ta sllltsr Ibf

reib or on marftiil » H A R K rF R T ,

Triophono icab Nowtite, . . .BRAKCM o r r ic M

Orenie National Bank BlMIdlns.(W 0 « w y . Oianso. ft. J.

M W T A N U m v N D .

1 lo'i'avo.. whk-h bWiwr ran tu f u■ ■■ I n ar fjkw a do atUWA IsiA. KM — . —.

W A S H tN Q - A ORHH a N w o m a n WANT.-1 v v wisMn* to tak* liota*,or will to out,

M<». UTT, f ls Kfwtoo It

o-ndT«'SR’A ' ’v * " —aVIL, KwA Oram a. "" " "

paopo^ . ^ t f - n T f t D f t l E , m A d ^ t to t Irts .f^iH L N D -P E T IT O O O a .V I

P M O rE ^ lD M f tL .

________________ H I B A ii f t 8T.

L“ (1ST A flA IN -F .IX TRRRn^R ,,oO ; „ r l n r Il» iit* No. t i n

for nn trturo t o ______ "I

C iV iL in u im iR f iB a 'n o b u r y t y o b r .RMAL *W A T%

OUBfAV t m u J t S i J ^ H O B Y P, LKHLRACU, ^ S U l A M JK LKMLBAOK. 1— - — w - r - -------

V O T B R I lfR e y ,

j ^ rh: n h a d w *

: . .r |(n u M M i C B M w m " ■, A W M ItMIjr. 'T M c p n t i i i n i f c n <11.


oiBco WWkIt* ontsr.

p ^ n a t b s M o g ; » BOOM Ih n e te B B a i ' i w tphape bhd' Newark

■117-nV PAY RRVTt lI l lfo tH ASM l.(iTS t T ioIiJ for 6 iwr monih ; hiMiK*i cxc'ixngad for

Into. F. BaYKii, l:4ij*|irlnjneil avt. tipenavaiv- utf*. xfo

3 i;O.IMHTO LET. WITH |*()WKM. H -* AoNI) » HaetaaulcIt. C H A R I,»1F. KILuCHoX. 64|

P a lo U n tr.

IiM im flfH E nY a n d PAlKTIlfO LEWON, jd ty nr cvenlnr, a t .fOROENNKN'ii AllT

HiMiUrs 67 Market. naxrFtona UMxeallad aUmp* lug, plukiar and plalilug diMia. 1


LKT, WITH F'l>\ FH; A L L lil- IkprovviD anU ; eelMIghtad. No. 34 HOUHlNOr

Rf. iDiiUlfaorHAlfUKL W. OKEHY.IfU Uruod rtsj or engtnvar «n iba iwandaia. TalaptiuM No. 664.

DO YOU W A irr MOXSTfWa make leanaof an jau ioun ta tH ie low aat poa-

altila raim, aud In tba qulokaet paoalble lima. 11 yuu deatre to tarrow ntooey oa hoeaebold frirnb lure, plBtuw, bonMO. wagoM, carHogao, woiwliouM tof^lpis and other iw raou l ^oparty , do not Call to ' all on ui I'afortTnaklugaleab. Laanafuatkacar' rk»U 0* long oadaalitH] opd paymaota o»u be made In full or III la r t. lo Kill iba aonvanlanoa of iba boN roTvrr. and any poymaat made rad u m tba epat of carrying the loan In proporUuu lo iha Auionni of lilt lAynienU I f yoa oard a loon plroaa ooU on ua,

fiKWAHK UORTUAUK LOAN CO^________________ tU Market i t , ^aecond floori,


I'^exl Orang***|.TA «T OltXXOF-l.'*>rt H4I.F. HOITHK AND J^.iPUbla (»n (UenwiKNl jne.: Iiuiimi em lalna 9 ' rOnina. wati'i, raugi* mi 1 luritira : lot 46tl4b{good atabir : lira 'I macadanilfiil ; ulilewitik llagg^ I good kM'ailun :p rh n 6Hin>, ih h jk u JI. IUITTk R'

u l t i II, 64 I'Oili It., him nmnih*. 6Bq

3TORK OR WAU»” N TO LlCT; AJsN" TWt» JhaHo. W nFRIN ClFIELD AVIA, opp. W'eet.2aiit110 L B T -

1.4AHT OKANHK FDR KAl K. (iO'Hl BLTLD F jlnx lo lao n NortiiAo rl l t i fret da****; ox uiaiiy

ibet from ax dailrail; nrlrv. fl« far hsm ; teriua4rei«lf I AnLV tt\M it. Its III na* m u I te fcos



aaiv ; nnl.v tl\e Jnimil'*V aalk from luo rallroada aiMS a i r ................ * .................................. ..irvetcahi. K«HJhU 11. IH 'llEH W O HiTT, IM DoddaL, >AM uranv*. 66%

T.TAMTnllAM.i: I’.m HAl.h. <*n W ILL EX' I Achawca for Nawnrlc r itr jiroparty, a latan t

T B lR T Y -rtV E llO W K rOW’KR BOU-KR IN


iHiikllniaiie. oonieror Walnut nt nuil HprLn^ota are .; hAxl.^ i . J. liKuMN. 7.7 Uruod ac Ug

Hprlngllcldo CTBfX M V TFtn rv to .x m U X TY . N. J .— i^ ran iifliraa leoT ran t, 14 a p n e : new hoaxa, 7 ronrua ; outhiilldingx la rx a l cjudltloa | A N u 1latuL Add fwu9UQ J. a lUKirim;FF. rtprlnglMd, N. J,

N|intawniHl*Q * y FOR n n u u M i ry)r« a t h p o t e w o o d ,

J.. Iwetity fi'iirmllea fr»m Newark 4 Pann- aylvania r »*(1, near xvrdlan : popniailoa RMI: InH^il- m euieU krn-'.tH 'LK llY , U linegbcNaw YOTk.Tkp






_______________ S1A HABKET «T.

llO A U ilE N fta

T InH aad t© • I|“K \ C.4MI, BA t.A.VCK ON R kfr Y TRRMR,

fboj't Ibarri’ friill and poultry farm.Up J WANbkR, Vineland, N ,J .

Ba n k nr., r . c o r n e r wARinN«ToN-wKloeiy hirulaha'I front ronnu. with board, heat,

bath and ga* ; larma uiuderaia I7r

O raugc.

F o il OAI.K HIX'lirM^M HOURR. ORANGE: value t4,Wi| i will aril for fAkon to qvlek buyer. AddreM R A Ki i ,t IN, rhroaleia u(Hoe, Orang*, N. J J

SANK *4T,, M -COMFfmTABLK llOOM^ ^ a lth nr wUhout hoard; all toovanltnoe. &;p

SANK KT. 60 R'IAHD. C IIK K R Frr.rooina: lahia hourd; oonvpnlaucax. _____ lOp

}AVK HT.. i(A -Ff'RN lH ItED ROOM ; BATH ; flrm-cUug_hajyta laMe. _ m -v


n OTKh -W ANTED, (IN LINK OF D.. U AND w . k . ,a i i i a ‘t('a*iniry hmat t onont fAbm ; win ah a In cxcliunga Newark prunarty or bur lor

<*aib. \^’M. HI. HAlt.KV, Hueavll a RtoHoa. tikt

HOAKD ONE OH TWO OENTLhlCKN CAN have tin iclaaa board and roonii; heat, gae. bath : modeTata p n e a 51 ftTATR H r., near Brood 1

>tlOAl) HT.,tI6-F U R N I8 nKD AiiOMh W ITH yh('lh^l; Improvemetito; tarcat nKrlertto. 77p


n F N T R g HTm I FUu.NlBtlKD ROOil.H M'lTII L boani: a 'a j table board. nii,|

F O R H \H i*

\ HiO.AL ILTiTOX. N 0.1 fiK in a iL CHENIW A i u n k Alao Klmllbig Wand Aaop. **''“ “ **

•niraiMKR,N, J. B. R. Kva, Aud L o l^a ito a i

4 «M,AV I'lAGO.VAif i ‘ i.4T AND V FE ll A \ l o u g a r abortakirt. made la n''dat for lif t T ill!,9*1,. . Kti'IS IV k-l' <»'alli>L> ..--o _ __aWHHIliNli'LNiN Kf. TAII.iiH. |M, u s t t to —1' IIUSI to a n f (M Cost olid vHiL tTr

Y JK l.t.K V ILL kA V K . RINK B C tl.m iS n MITST I »».' renwvoS to ail l i t r e : wilt oonp i h itbrei h l4

"•■1 c . 1 l.kXaa-iKKA, n t B toal si.j jU lL R IL

ls ,IIo n tra w trV p rlri> i natter (W sa lt s w * P iilillpt't o itli* ; priat |o u

Itco lre of r U B L M im ,

_____ Kvoohur Kaws offloi.

( iOW- KIVIC JFRSBY MILK OOW.UUrTLM -■ tnd tiHKi lULlktr, very chttu ,

• f __________ (I W irK U F Y K 9T,

F tm HALK 311 VABtlM FINK MOQUICTTl Corpot. I-IS : laysu la U n iw l* «l( : i t u IssrelA

"U ia fte fin is tiu ' nlu-lolh clitap ; cuoklU T?■ ----- ---- .WK.MIT.I- VI, parlor>lnvoH, t j up ; uak rhaoiber outl. 111 l-ar.ur iCili, f t A; oariir-— " -3 v—JtuU *,te.«l M W lL U A H tVVm i H ALIDA t,L TIIK F lm N IH IlIH lia I(f A J »WIm IuW1»1imI ta il w tlla-iulpaia koaplla*llUUae iMWniM vtAwAoi.kla A.1.4-^»tortna r.^OMonabie. Addraai

UAkOAIN. Ugx A. NawaollU)a,

RA Lic-Fi.riur d iv a n , # in ;8 R w iN aft mch#r, u to.; ihrea^uaner ratlAip ta ring laawv •2.7* ; chiui'a looker, bt--,.

muDlNiRUf U rU n tflf.p O O I,T A ill,K |ro H HALK C U K A ri IN (KIOD J onlar. ULN THAL A V tand .NKWAHKBf.M,^ ItO W rA S K AND ti l l 'N I'KHKUh HALI'" O fa 'ilo u g , ukaap. -- - — - 'BI CMTKH, 76 Eoii T art 64r i^ I lK FAMOUR N a 3 LKIIIo’jI N u r OOAl*"

I M e ora tba ownar^ and orlglnaton of the mam fctnoow Nws 5 Ifthigh 4M>d Hit Hratto brlnt toll oUaIn xawrmUia. «mr4 h tii i'uB'iy urfir"hArt u lln ^ . It U a atuall autfO-U, w taa tMaat ta ' stove u hot abut off the draught Iam o6loue,lf not niurh lanrar, lliae larcaraUfCtal Thao* *■wnija of cintmiian ivho Imv» bad ihl* cuol fnioi n i .

1'**'* yeaia ran tmiilv T b leehaw awill deliver to all |w rM 'iriheriiyargir. ItaMUiMla11. tsMi ai Ku lii.o ......... . ...... •—to j j l , by Iha ton or mojv fAM par " if wanlafl w» wll^aeU any oilier N a i Itaoigb oav m tM by olhern itt’lnuh'lii ra ilU y ~ 5 a a i5 b ta coal >, dell vareci t t glfo in r toe, hat would pratfeiol

I toftOfA-reo. r, . stessra (»r V8H, OUl WQUItoaeeihU alra balbn doitvary. Call ___Irynurnig lauil naojrivlijcMvl. Allordarx h y m d i uruinpily dahvered. Tha rv ip ^ lM a ro d AaUra. I te N n V JKHi iI.AMA.V a oO.N, eoraw at. aiHl ( rfJliiplitirerc sva i |«

VIANGS A M ) G ltilA N fi T O E B A L E .

AI.MIIST NKW I'lA N rtt AT H An1i)'TTM *'IwreWAs . i-rrsst o .Lprioot; you cos axva inonay by burihg now, Wa UD'?*, Broad oud Naw

A -A .-A - [ HAVK I'ROPiCKTHCHTO BENT a lo every ward of the rlly o ttl will ivut laauni

hty. to W.l»KKKY, 780 Hroad aL I9U

nK N T U F NT,, gS-FHON'T ROOMB, WITH Is board : alao table board. hbo

1 j m IiAHO.tINa IN dEUOND-FtAHD PlftPO R J JamI opfotia a t WARiy», Broad and New. |R

n i.A Y A T .,41 . NEAR BROAD-U4>JH BOARD L. wUh comfbrt«b)a rooao. »kj

A ft^^IIAWLIN |1V1 OHJ4AN IMBW^i v l for |75 ; otbera preporttuoataly low ' o n a a a o a ' aecura a Ulano or o m n ' rhla I. wtu';. '*-—>rtl}3 t y j

1aahT(1KA\(4E-TO l e t , HOURB*! « llOOMhf l i |U ; 7 roumv fIB: 6 rnoma,ail Improvamaotv

- y... ------- |•totpsros■va«■mr jtfiT ,a pLam> or organ: tbU it your oboortn ___________ \vAJlD'.-4, BroM and :

planoe, orgooa and furaUura in ura without i ; a l l b u

trU ; oUier hoa<«E ami oiw riataott from fib up- HiNit.H JI. BCTTkKWOKTIl, M DodO *L, Kaai Orange. I7q

CO L rU B lA »T., TSltf-FRONT ROOM. WfTJf laiard, for two ganUemeu : olio fmai alc'iM a

N tm

rrm ova l; all bu*tuaw airktiy <vml(ia>iilal. t.'oll or addreoi F. C. FHJIV 4hlJn, ruumd, m &[trkat 64., or 10 (>jdar at,, dav or avaiilog.

nm sKH-TO l.KT, » OAK 6T.S EAHT OH- atix«, houta, 9 roomi» AtaUa, to ira 3'an) aud

a agi’u ah(Kl, rani f to ; afou 4:2 Uok it., oaw bouae, 7- ’ - 'y | l 'roninip largo yordy f IV

74zu Apply II tllA W F O E l) fTT., dty.

H tyvnn — j n nRNT, VERY DRRIItAHLS bouaop 307 RrMd al.: liny 1; liM 4 bedrooma ;

at bouw orMT FLKAs AoNT AV E tbaia ton t *nd 4 oVlook.Hp

HIIDHK-Tri LK-r, A D l^fH A B LE lln|Ji**C OF Hloa roomt, i l Nalaoo pL(Oiodtrn auftla ftnt-

claaa order, inauraftlh LifAHLr.R n . BAVtH. TT Breal a t

n GTBE T D R E N T aT X lNltsLA N D FOR t orSam all Ikaalllea Apply to

OkUlUtS F. DODD, ei9 Brood XL

Ho h r k t d L E T -10ititoM HOUwE: iro i w uleat lo tbaatnut Ht. D epot: fU a mnntb.


I TOHKK To LRT-<(MAf-L linn^B ;gB O O M S ; realfO. InquireH lN lC liO Lft B r. I


6 room hmi*e, Cgd"ii (»lraat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | tB9 itam bouae, t.dgen xireet .................. . ITn rocMU ii4<nie, (WrkMr n iraat....................... . S39 Tw>m hoov, Barter RlTOPt................. . 24IS rijoni htaMt. Bej)‘d'’n «liea4........s..... ....... ........ min roum hmiEH, WasU uvtoo avenue,„_,Mt,s......... 2512 ruuni bot:it, De h t.w avenue........................... 40

V\)]\ HALE,12 room lioo^. ( hMtmit Kirfiat...................... |T4ff>10 rwmi h tae, W.iii wtrri»t...... ........................ T.jioo9 room bouw. Waln-il xlrf-ai........... ................ 1,0009 rntuu botuip. Hu'iimer a v e n u e . . , . . . , , , , . , . , f tO fW 12 ructn huuw, Ml I'lOiper-iaVHbua............... IftOOi10 room hoti«c, taiilit oranxe ................. 1.00010 room brafi'*, Kim a'ra>'t................. 4,000IS room boiiiie,f'llrilo(i nveiiiie........H.ilOO10 room bona', rlinlun n v e n u r . T . 3 n oIS room hoiiM, ijuUinan ilrevi........................ f "12 room home, Maw York............. ...... .. R

Apply to J. WARD SM ITIL SiiODrood 111661.

Booma?. • andO.MdNTH NKW S ROOMw,

^ ^ '•T re v e rv improviMn*iit; 4.M Rauk a i; choice InottlDo: upau for ln«perito:i sudirdny alMrnou $7r O'A NP:ii 11 c'baetnnt at.


WANTFD-HIX-ROOM (‘fVrrAGK, W ITH good tarpsidiom bd f acre gniund, near alrea*

•oara ; praftr vlrludy of HfHiib ifTAusa. or Torty 'a (Jornara; atate ran t: jnnet b * D'lumnabta for raliobla tenant. Addreei Y„ Ml Itrrueii nl. 'JOr


A PARTMKNTe Th ItBT fiK tOCR UOOMB, ••p a r month. !?IU ilr-ad^l; all iaiprovemaata;

ren t free lor Jatm av uu'l Kahnury,Uq KM 4TI1,1247 Broad a i

JOHN M. O W IN K K U , PmHilsoL



ClU F IO N *VV„ n flluIC li I'l.KABANT -> rooms lo 1-t, wjlii woUt , I

TTILAT 'ffl l.KT, 7 11(1 IMH, HItIt'K HOl'HK X: ali imDrovanieah ; 2<ti) ejirinaileldava. Inquire L, FUANz BJaAU. »fi>prlnsfl'UUv*». 73<J

r t»LAT. ’ ■ ’ 4y. ,(touih Orange aw .; injprbvs-ufeflfck. .

n k a h

IjM.A'rH~Ti> LET, mUOK H 'jKhF, IWBHUNS* ' Wick 1L45 room*; $1 ufo flO |a r amiith. llg

Fo u r iioom h t j l k t - i i' i-kh p a r t o r bouae SS Aator at. 1 iiquir* uf iOr t ’ilAKLfcU FIlKKM 4N, 14 Academy a i

MU r

OSMOUTII HT., -YKa K ( l.tNfON AVK.. flat.: flit linprovi-in,*nL.; 7 tnd s i-Doma

J. II, h IIa FKH, iiCuurt It,

h a b v b v b t m ;),, oa,For il l* fcy J, a P.IPFEL,

1 C U S T O S BT,

CJOMKRSKT HT., IM - rn 'K MCF, IldUM. ; (10. o i iu iu l r s t t m ___ Hf i l l ) r.KT-I.N PDUHTKKNnt WAHI). flNK- X halfhloek from i Union uvn-. wl'<m (I rtnor in

ptivs'.r liOuS--; S roo-nfl Hm1 bulli: A'l iiind-rii iQl-provrmsnts atifl everyililoe Jn urrCrd ur.lor; iwi- flooilon Vebnury X. A(X(tro>.43q F. A„ IlDs It, News olnrt-

r iiO L K T -P A K T OF IIOL'HK NO- «2 fWlHt'Ktn' A tl., I room .; slao fio. M, s ro in i .: liunw No- W

b u tttx SVS-, 0 youniB ; huuol No- i;t Nonli KleveiiUl t l . lOruomfl. OAVtUmPLKYAHU.S-l. 6*1

r-|i(> i ,» n -3 , i, a Boomh , N kah c k m u R A Mflricsl inquire TO*L 0 ( FlL'It, iw Cuiwl it-Sip

. j T.) (14-FLAT TO LKr, . I.AKOK$ I. lrcom t,'iia ilfla tly totit. 420 IIIOII HT- cor- her Aaadaniy.ioaltor. **'l


A rADKSlV HT.,. ltl>«FUIlMRHKD WXjMH forUgbt b<Kiiaka9plax. 4ir

room lor roan aud wlfo ; oU liaprovaiitenu


lOrOURT HT„ SI-DKHIBABLK Ft’ lt.VIHllKD ruunfl I BODSflntflnoiti k s trd i forfiilttn itii- Mk

H O K H M , C A K U IA G R B , E T C .

A . "

f iO l'K T HT, 7S-FURNIH11KII UOOMH, WITIT' X. iHwnl 1 aUo ttb lr hbsrJ. UqlO P H T »T„ 101 -SH'KI.V FURM SUKU-jrooini, wlUi fantrfl ; til tm iimyniissit- t ip

- T H B N K W A R K _ l.m trk rit, Ho* lU to r i l A Itrp , atonic oftirtt-oit*i he

_____ _— « hand Ibr sals or s i rhlowtflt n te rk tt nrlosfl; f lrsu tk l d rtT tn _ piirtioashorM*: t h i r liHal tl s « a anfl all i t iu ia IVUkoaranIM lo tw i t i i t i i i i * | loAioflsiL A u iK jiT u t i p i J m , n n , ;

'I'h l.H lllA H LK RiHJMH, WITH OOODHtlARD; J - r to r a s moilor.iAIlq 470 JUOH NT., boor M arkrl a l

ABDIABAHOAIN - nO M K . r a i i n iw tto ii (br ralfl Chstp ; m u tt b* sMU a l s m m

____________________ A PW a t • F B i l B r l r ,

17 'A »T PA PK ST ,«!-B 0A K D ANUFLEABANT \ jHrw M U i; hsat and yas. lih| ' ^

(:i nnVF,HI'..M,nHAHi;OtJRTKOUNK-I|OAHI> A (or fsntXsmaia aud wtfa or a.ntlomoq j U p .r

________ S7q

, U e n o N HAI.E o v

b t h e r t o a r r o b b e e

HILLHT., Sa-TW fi on TUKKK I.ADIKHfVHgeoUamen nm obtain good baaid. 40r

r iN uicN h r,, i, o p r . w e s t p a r k ht, -.jN kily furai'^faM roouu, a lto or wtlbnut

board. 7g

At lb« (\»iifiaQy'i Blobiaftr.fNOOLN HT.f o k f t j r a ^ n . j **

WEDNEttDftY, JftN U ftItY H UP^ ftV J tg sno good Uorwa will ha oiihrtd H r aoM ai

ft guod ebanet to gat a good U aiw .CUNBOLlDftTED TRftCTriaN Odl7

Sar Ds W, SHARFE, Ho|

MULHKRRV RT.W .NKAR PA.RK-LAIHIK, nicely fumlahud roorui, with board; tobla board. tftp

ClA H H U hK H -A NUMBER OF NEW a N1» -(aeeohd'hand carrlogea and wagona toe wda

chaap. OLIVKR MANUrAi.*TURJNlJ fXK *Miof Clay i i Telephone Ml.

N K M ^ r . , SS-BOAUI) FOR nKNTiKM EN^ TNOB h a i.p>-a (irMlJJ S-HKATED BOCKAWftT.Where you con feel at borne ; plotto: bulb. J : will trod* for good butay.

w UBh. kAIHNlI, i r PKASKLIft AVK, Bfoomftald, Jf. J.


b o ard ; linprovpmeata.i ‘l WAHKKaN, Ueav WMblnglOb l i

OLIV ER Hr., H S-B O A R im rii W ANTED; — near lliH itnut StrM i D ipo i S7r T

HOllHEbtr-MdlMALKCilBftp, A FIN E T E A IE of gray hi/r««, Are yean <dd ; w arrsniad co be aouMd and kind lu all liarnnaa; coo be uoad aloflo'

ordwiblc, A t22aPK im f HT. 4«fr

OiHCHARDST,. Il-PLKABANT HOyM, WITH bu trJ ; lilt Im p ru y y is im ; criiirsL Mq

T i m in K ANb hLKIi III FOR SA L El ALSO I I attlJs 1st, t t 4(1 FconaILn III lunulra db arsBa- IflSa K II.HCUIINKH. Mr

Y.»T,KA*IANT IIOOM Tt) IIKNC F o lt TWO, A> With board Bbil Im psortm snK


J I .l 'K HT„ I-T W O KICRI.V FUnNIHltKI) (ten t ruoim ;buarfl K tlffllrsil; htal, u s . batb.H t

I N K e n iR H T.,47-r)K SiaA B LE KOOM, w i t h 1 s b i 'a n l; also i tb l t bpartl. _________________ ir


Y tre r tif lh sd room, with or wllhoni botnl, In flr*t- cloae jocailim. AddrrM, r l^ lu j paruculara uuil torroftJreJtox E, Nawaamacs Hr

IW K E ^ K ^ K IN G .

A -*ft.--«,T. rAYLOR DRRri4.ecutting PcJiitAi, Tba only

thoriHigh and awtiMifril ayatain in oaa. 'ib a only OEie not e ch o ri J< agv to learn. Pupito mak* draaaei while learning Make no niiataka, Marn the h*M, iip tm dayaud aven- Ingo. Notice M. T. Tuyior'a. iln-'6lS

Eroed aft, oppoakte T rlaliy Churcii.If. E. C'HRTKTIR.

-U cD:jW ELL DltJ«MiCUTTlNri WIHOOL; Le Wa teach the entire a r t of Fraueti.dreaensak-

Ing; each pupil can make ib d r awn drrw ei wlilte jJ^ tao n ad o y o r avtnlng i cniilng and nt-

n o f a epeolaliy; Iluitim and pat^ar petterm t 4ft| KATE CRAWLBY, m Broad i

A l l a u k INVITKD T o CALL AT t>Ull acboot. wbern Ihc obly genuine Teylor Hyalmii la le jklbi W a era hot ctmnectod with any o lh rr I/O-

called Taylor rcyaio n iu orange. We bavu no uUarl, but a ayaUH; o f actual mcamifvnwiito. NtrlcHy from K T .'lay io r, 9M Hroodway, New York. Kcboiari can maka draaaaa ifea and ratlafoclory. No limit tofoaeona. L. E, DuNN, 2l« M alriii Un

^■bRK3t.HMAKl.^O--»l;tT!4 TO flfl; J -ftlng d r w a s coaiiinic^; aewliig axcbai

. KVKN-. .. . , eewliig ax'cbaiiEOd for

gooda, coal o r produce. M PLANK HT. for

OBANOE^ D n u r ts c u r n N o w d io u l - t i i f :only original Iftylorynboul in too < Jniiww, and

defy coiDpatltloQ ; ladlM Invlita tn coil aiid luvea- ligate, on 1 have iba iargwit bnouh arhuol In theV lilted i^taiax ; Iridke naiNi not frar aaivllbi U idr (laughtcn where th**^w proper Hniru'i-_ _ _ ________ va properlltmx- MAHV K IrV.SL'U, ’i t i and 224 Mala av, oraiiga. Packer Itglldlog.

r |1 H K TAYLOR HtifOOL. T14KJJI.D-ert, moat lellotila and only p ^ T a y Ju r

School liL Newark, hogln» the now ym r wlto Incrcoerd ttollltleH for ylraiiiuv ti.« puhllo at U41,07S aud ti7A Brood Mreat.whero toe pupil la inuroughty U ugbi lo cut by the I ayJorayetom.aixlSquarvrphihi waHun, Frencli bioa. dart, blaa uaderftrm Fruncti

tYnlxls EugeiiUt, IforUii tifoum, double aide buily,triple aUie liody with Krancb bloa, corHUge, rnn iicaaa May wmppeni, PrlG(i»aa drexHca «nd u>a gowii4, evaoirtg dreOMi, plain and fancy Nlcevea, ulatarft outalda wraiM, jockeli, dnubie und Hingla bnetauri; c iiw a eoliara, foncy rollarett(>ft all lor | I 5 ; 111.1111, pUlii ami dru|)'>d. In leading Ntyiea ; aR'l rainember we glvi' ilie privilege of returning for nuw poluto for iwu yrnraftee. Wa teoob IU« Tarfor aeamlaHa wglht.

MlfTIAFI.HTECKKR. CfTT U N J i hprlngdald aye. tfoalQiiaft drM gU and work lioraaa ounUnuolly on tuusd-

for Bala or axchanga a( toa loweal luarkplprlcea; nfalr trial glvaa: Bold with a f a a ^ oiiiea to be aa repruaaawd or caah rafuaUad.

1JIMVATK iIa I.K o f in <-OWH, • HOBBES, harnMM and wogoni ao1 farm ntanaJte. InqolMr

JACidt J. MTIKUKH. City Lid# Hotel. S2S Houlft I'ran tv avc-, executor uf iha aih iti of Anton Klrcb* Kteiier. Mf

ftiL K m U FOR HAI,tC,OH \t '|L L FoXCHANO#Tor horw. Mria lwu-«M(Bt(Ml aieigb made by ('iriyaf,

n a t fl'2A, giHXl w new, priew 176, ()r will exobangg for a due huniB auliablc fur iMiy to drive ; wLl pay BOniacaih. Addrrai JI. iL, Jfox 101, Irvington J’oetufHcu. 4M

WADON.H, CAHlUAdiW, HLErOlW. KOBE\ Rlatilceia, iNrIli In large ax’Mrunaot, all etyloa

and kUid% Kverythlngthulaoeato lu&kaaatylUb lu rn o u t; oJao hr-atetf lur alelgua and coochaa u the rcpusliury of(Hin cUAto G U rB R »7iD d:W M arkattL

WAOONM- LIGHT ntr.-4lN»>to, LIGHT OAR* pen ter, cool and inatoii'x wogom ; alau d u n p

rarrxch 'ftp . FRANK LAitCUk, 290 MU Heoaobl a r f t , Fwar Clay. I

CAHH wiJtT. nuY osy. o r t h sa eJhNWHt family ur biialneM mars« In thaolty ;

7 yaarw uid. U haiida hiKh; eiiiUbfo for grocery* itian, ni-ikman, farm, fmullv, ruad purpuitij Hha will ta warrantifii auuud end kind in aluglo or double Uorueti and ra-irle*« of all ob- JactA and ataOda wittaMt U^ng and nan irot rioaa to S mlnutflw^ KIM* S-yMr-oid eorraiiiiiHro; ftiltany kind ofbuxlnen^; ooM nniy on oo* oiiiut of ta ing paving «ora: tol» lx o de<’l<tad bar*galu ; 4 ilaya' Irtai. Apply n 1 toJAUDtoNd HTAllLE, ItoCanlnil avft

tC 1 f I F.AI H RUYrt A TWO-'4KAT CAIV O 1 Wriage, Jorkay ixirt and top buggy; oJto uaw JiArnuM('heap. 9ii J tlO Il Hi'. S l|

P A T E N T S ,LAAsAAsAVa.--A>»'■.'iSs, "V--

(lA KTNKK ft rO „ 764W BROAD8T. The largeat Fataut uOlua in tba iftatft

1>ATK.NT AND JiHAt-'dllTINO OFFlUEft OF T R K '(‘lli>W ftCfj,, 22 i ltnwn iL (oppoalfo Ui

V. M.C. A.i ■'^aivark, N- J.iaM Kltida of ilraugbltUf exf-C'it’jd ncnil.v. HU"ti n-t imtchlne drawtuga, and any kinii uf dcalgnitK fur rataluguax. alo.: eolldtora (j{ AinarL'an itnd foreign pdi^nta ; exparto lu paieni ‘Hies 1 rianch, (lariiuu und stcaudlnavlao laa-

gnagex xpiikaTi; open W adnnutty and Friday avaBh luge IImil S o'clock ; promju alieutlou alwava.

f h e d e r ic k c. f b a e n t z e uBurcauor to Ckmptall f t Oo.

GLOBE BUILDING.KHBnOADNr. ]iooro«« and ar.

1>a t KsVt .4~d k a k k a l uHolldlon Of ftioarlcan and roialgb Patftiilft

AHLINOTON KT., ll-FU K M 9H K l> ROOMS for Ilf ht hauatkaaplug. 67r

4 'fLANTIC 8Ts. KO. 1ft NEAR RHIihIK hT. ./V Nloaty fornlrbed rooiQ, auliobla for 1 or 2 geo-tiaraau; ring lacoad belt

B .IANK HT-. SS-rU BN ISH ED ROOMH KoH light bouaekeeplog, I

INROAD bT.s eU ^ F U R N tn ilE P FPOsMT J y ro o m i for l l ih t bonoakaaplng; pl'vMiiint ami comfortable. 2hi

Ui< only place where you can ie«m. It being Mad­ame I ayfur'i own luvenliou ; baUsUt. boning, blgnlnic, Hnlxltlng of (Jiwuoi. old pxiplla, by whom-

Aliornaye lu itaiaai oaaai before too U, A Ooafrft I MrrliaDlcal aUd Fiactrlcol Kiiglnearx and Bxparift


pv'cr w»u*ht,corJHtHy Invitvl to review with .tl lex Miller, 1»B*

Uoniullatfou free. iW ilROAU Ml'. Tbaoldtaiaft ' ubilBliad hoiua in toa Hwta Twabty-hva yaortf

•ijftrfoaoas Garmau ipokau.

f*altarnacui to laaxMura. Aganti wanted, oiin i-lasaea. Notice number. 'J‘AYf/>h'E, tWi-

a:.'! lircrad Ait and loS Waei F o iinaen toa i, New York, Lraiichat 223 Main a i , nnnga-


P ATKNTH. If. K. AN i> PORKHIN,obtained for all olalMeofluvenlloiit

liENHY J. MILLKH (LataotCraDeft Miller).

MO Brood RtreaiBoomilOOand UU. Newark, N JV

H r. HORN W ILL RX a t UOME FOKOO:^ lauitatfon On haturdaya only.



{RIRNTNaLL P li., la-FROSTT a n d BACK fnralebed.roaro I oshvaulaMax, 9r

IK.XTRAI. ftVBs, l-T W O NICELY PUR- ,/nlahad roomx; one alngla room. d«r

f Al>ll'> WlHlltNH PHIVATK NUHHINH, .1 ji'oiiildenUal treatfoaQt; doctOM In atieudoifoa; 2U i^nre' fxwi'rieiiop. I.MU at 710 i;x UADkiKR AVE.; taka BapM TrgiixU earn.

r iU N T O N OTs, IS-PURsYtmiKD ROOHH; ' ,/ for bouxekcaplag. i

LAlURf' WIHIUN<4 PRIVATE NUhNINlft «U H(AVAliB,opp. H tlrilngai; oanfldenilial tn a t- Itieut: Infunlaadoiited I doctor InftlMndacicj. Tl

Dr . holmkh ’ H m iF io a s u r e a n dpoaliive cur.x for all femAla IrrapdoflBa^

Addroxa lib CtitiiJen el-; Moli'x, above HIgboB O iiira l ave.s C. B, Hmlth, MS Broa<t a il IfoUinfoUB Bbarmaoy, lilgb and Htt«4eigva.,aadaU dru,rgiiti. J‘rk « .|L _____ _


l^ la d y gndgant;1” AlJiK't A FH lK N IItY nRK tD IH A VRIKND

Jindeed If you wabt a ragolntor tha t aavar falls addrefii i'll L WDMA.%^a MKD.JfDJlli^UuBhlu.N.Y.



F ITRNIfMIED FRONT r o o m Pt>RTWOGB,H- ilamad oiw room# for Uglit b ou^eap tog .


F u r n u u k d so o m b . f r o n t , f o r u o u s e *keeping; allJaprovattiM lo.


Mj DW'IFK OKRMAN ICIDWIPB, W ITH Df, plomu: l*‘ ’■parx' nxpdrleAca; w omtu auraad at

her bouu-; evcri thing qule i ___srp m c i o i m i AVK.

Cnrai oil dlaeaxoiof thalikid onAbtood, acaenUft eoUrrh In oil 111 forma, rtdaaia of tba noae, and

Ih URNIhHBD, t w o OR T H R E E cnKNltCT- ’ lag rooBfift coMlaha for hoqaekaaplaf t IMO weak. 31 GREEN tfTflt b#ar Broad. ^ i r

A. (lAKllTNKlt-TM EATRICAL AND maruuenidi^ oMiuoiaa In oU btaaebaa i wlga

aivt baarax; ouuilc xulu a apadoUy ; Rapid Tranxic • • - - ‘ UU'MAN ■ "ciifi poax the hotwa. TQUXl'MA-ii Shr., eor. Waai

bleruixheaof tha face, laavltuf It puraaa oa lafoa^^ by vaporlilng and eleelrlo ireatm aoi


P n o r r s s o R axY R K ii n a s s a o i ofiedloal electrkSty, SO W r

Klohey at IBuitapeclol ca rt to lodlea undar alactrla

X9T iUNNEV BT,, I Iraainitati

1;4UWN18HKD FKOKT ROOM, PIJ ' for gaottamau «r light ho l^ iaa u li

reihlrods 4S W ILLIftM aJ',r iR R T FLOOR*

1 raforanoa Mr

ItiURNIAUEfr ROOHB FOR LADIKH OR GEN- r Uameo. I iPRIN G O E L D ftVtft, M igor. Oq

lo 1 ? 'jURNiflHED RO'>MR, HUALL AND LARGE, vUnwaiatUMtitovB. U H ftL D M fL A ItK t t r

P EBvONAl^-GJiK AT JANUARY CLEARING' BoJa, lucnniwt'(, nun, etc.. Tau dayn oiily;*alH

wool ingrolDa Sak'. yi>rd : Hugbury txpafitriea, TSo. yard ; body briiaxelx, Ode. yard ; Bromley BrotharH' ■m yroa rugft ISxM. 27x64, f iF 4 : »xS2, *?.#{ Wa73, |ftW ; 46x84, ?61W t l*tg» oaaurfmoot t tot* la nb ramiiantaaia, Mul toe irw tax i valuaa oEribd la Newark yet for Iba mooay. TH E VAN IId RN FURNITURE UttUPANV, tl l - lV Nolbarry it., oo r M eika t; b u t « toa boalait oeroor lu B te e rlL i




I t dIrarelF (HI Ihs I s u h , and o p ts all tM» T t * r ^ ; - y AllooBrenltnofls, lauliuUiiTHmkK, tuaflAiMflift .h

I|l0tii>il<i*ld t te w tlsr iu th t In ih sh o o t* '

O S A B L n - r r e ^ l


K E W A K K F . V E S I K O N K V K g B i P A T . J A S t A a l f l « .

< f t o e n i n g N c r o s .

; ro » u « wI X O i ^ T d U K O A Y S ,

)sf'* rr Tin

’ I m W PnbltsUni CoiD|)Uj,g l B - a i 7 I f A H i a T 8 T E S E T ,

tl» w a tk | H. J- *t J** *28" *• «w^<*<***

poUUcUii. .p p « r i n . In ih M ib c rt m»y b . j T H E L A W A N D T H E D E A D LO C K M t doW iiMCOwpH'nwtary. Mr, Smllh ' t ill imthoda o f bi» own In tb* n itllor of K ourln*de*lw d «nd»; Ue doe«u’t nlwnyi

DtAvtrcd by carrion m inypsrt ^ Now lrt.Tho Orons^s, Horrit.J'i, K*>’ sy. Sumnnt, BtHoviSo. Montclair, Blocmfieid, ond "I ■nMiboiine townt.

||2 | oubscriDtioM, (iw doUin «Mw conti 0 oioiitb. jiojUjo <ioo, Sinjpo i S o l two crnti iJrl.veriid by f amoro m NtM ik, ion conu t wook.

Oi^Buy od»ertijem«nW. Ion cent* t lino,

**!>dvodn«<nann undor h«id» o< Wonto^ To tot, For Silo, Poioonal. etc , ono cort 0 word, but no charjo loM thon ton conti OOch inoortiofl.


x m A t o r THK NKXT lkoihlativ*or.« iio!t r

I f Um ten 0emoer»tln Bonolaro, tbo Oooenior, tbo Attomoy-Oonorol. C lerk In Cboneoiy, A lU n L. McDermott, Scnotor JoaooBm lth. J r , *ad the olhot Domo- eratto leodort oBooood In their oiTorta to bolk tko w ill o f the people exprewod »t Um polio by proTontlnf loyloUtlon IhU jM T, iMorwm It bo next yeort I f the O oB fU of Now Jeroey by ony pooolbUlty ■ itto In the Tiew that it l i Ibo proTinooo ftb o nJiM boUboTof Uomoorotlo «ona- toie, and the ono toon o f their party whom tboy bato owom In to lim it the nnmbor o f lawfully olootod Ropublloan Banatoro who wtU bo allowed to take their oaata, and If IhnEopublloano prefer to otny and aaolat tn no lefW atioa. ratbor than bo plundered Of (bo richta end pow eri (teon them by Um poopU, how will It be n e tt j r o " ’

Tba Benatora whooo term* axplro w ith UM prapaat year a rt:

BOKLiiK>Toit--MltobeIl B. Perkino, D. Ca m Ma t —L emuel B. M iller, D. HDHT**DO>i-WlUlam U. M artin, D, M a>ouM >x—B obirt Adtaio, D, paM Alo— John HtnehUffe, D.MDIHU—John McMioklO, D.

i preoent hold-oTor Sonatora w ho : ik o h eld o o w rd n rlB C t m a r o i

A s tA im o —Samnol D. Hoffman, B .• M n o n —H enry D. WInton, O.' O n m U A l i D —Edarard 0 . Btokea,.B.

KdOW K— WIUlam D. Daly, D.M n c B t —W nilam H. S k in s , B .

’ M OBIlt—BlfiM O. D rake, D.. < O O B A X -tlooiio O. Sm ith, B .' AMu, If IBo Demoeratio Sonatora and

' W|MO abonld bn xtiatalnod in a ll th e acta p a m ^ ttad In th eir efltaft (o dofiraud the liitj-r- o f Now J e n o y o s t o f th e r l| h t to ^Mtl mombon o f the U pper H om o, Mr. ■ IMM, o f W orran, alone o f tboaa oiootod { lO fU l , would no doubt be ro o ecn iio d aa

‘ 1 U w b a r . Th e hold-otor B esa ta n ext o s that bario, would ooooM o f foor

' ' S ie e b ile a n i and foor Dom oerataMo SUM man who b i i any roapoolfbir

prrcced with a b ra « band or adtanco with a banner when he oUrto out on a polltloal expedition. Mr. Smith lo not alwaye inocoierul In hi« mothodo of tUll hontino, but that ta hlo pre­ferred prectloe. S o lth ap p o M that thepublic would h»T* been In eome unoer- U inly a» to h li poeillon end courie In re­lation lo the olalmo o f the Doroooratlo boowMi’ rump Senate had It not been for the New York nawapaper. The U'orW,alwaye friendly, and never m aking the ndalake o f Intonllonally placing Mr. Smith in a M ao poaltion, w ith evident approval and lo a n y alr i* o f exhibiting tha power and inHuenea of the Senator with Oovem or Werta, aaya to-day;

Anilou«in<)ulri*a were maito fmm .IMO whether there ww any ■ '•“ W'' Deinoeralle nuatoru wenkei-.liig, “ “I ,.poiHltd by 1-nliig a pn«iiunatton poeittMi. That toned down tli<' U- i'Ublliana loniewliM, and they atopped a little lateCJorereur Werta rffue. d III recetve the Ka«.-track repealer <m the ioiund ttiat It had m.t

The aen.te of b( M -* » '" * » r g » " l" Then Mu«l U " l f I''*" ‘ P""

ftralUina of H* aleinberihlp.

A dlatintciilahal iin'iiilier of Hi* F.*'"*

nniaH T ttowaw SAUcH^ns.

Count)- liar <ni r«n'»d piviiari-dJ-l'l' clTen bebw im the b-jal i.-lK'-t" "f tho tnrial dlineutly pending nt TfenUm. CoO" Ulmvl In thli dellvi‘rani-0 are I'aiw n>‘ juilnta, notably tha cimU’ntion thet ne mta'l , of the Mellon of le u, "n'b’r the (-.mail- tutliMMl pnrrialon which dcclapea thalea'-h Hmia, lonat be the Judge of the ,|iitdlll* c*tioiw of Itn own inemljon, oannnt wti tbito- w>lv(‘s up on otb« momben of iHen*t4>rftoi)iip|>rt)iiuK Uie Hwuto of ISW nolO- j Inj? certiflmtw ftmt b* iWfirn lo. :tb** duty of piMlDC o»i cootiirtwl t « l i murt lytt prooMlad irlth. Tb# tJuit ai'lthpr of the two »torti*« of Rwiaton now Ho!mn« 1 f4>}«nloni ran tnuiMft nrw. TtiU ,iW ilftirinco noubl* for iU tlUpawl^>*W i

nncl rkiw lutorpreUtion of tw , rtjiutilifinal jtotWoiu b**ring on th« towa la ea foUowi;

The Attomev-Oeneral In hia opinion i» conlly rtallVMCd to the (Igvemor In ^ w w

taViTwiMedUya Ooiiatltiillonal Henate. The la.' er’ T T h e n h«t a talk wiU, t^nUeil Statesiwnrrnor »uoik M*»« - ......Henal<.rHm1th,aud after that ho wa. iw still agalnat tiirrender as any of tho rtenatora

Can It ba poaalbla that tbia aUtement ia rorreolt la it true tliat a United SUtea Senator la to be charged with atlBhn- ina up the aovern or agalnal the popular

I f It la true, Smith wlU have to abide by the record he la makingIn thU matter. Th e people o f New Jer-My are weary o f thedeapotlam of boa^m , and the day o f reckoning m oit come to boeeee whether they be United SU lee Bon-

a to n o r n o l. ,

cenmy (UUIVnVVtt VJ laWW aavT«e»'" .ut bin rwjwmt for a darbiou ■ * to whl'-b w tho routeniling bodloi S the legal SMiate « the State dotermbxn among other ihinga that the Senate of New Jeriey la ‘’ a oontiuii* oua holly.'* Thla la no doubt true in Im t,,nee that there b puider ordluary coudl- tiona) alwaye a Seainte of the State, or rulher that there are (under the mme cotull- tlonei alwaye Heuatiira capable of organliing anil traneitlng tho pulillo bnaineee, tei> talnly. If membora of tho Sonata are annually elected In iceordance with tho Con- etitutloual provWon, luch mu«t bo the fact. Hilt It b ubvioui that conlengcnc.lea may arlae which would defeat tbb reeult Kuia pnee, for Inatanre, that from any (]P«tt- Icnoa or uncertainty aa to the time of holding the election) no election will bo behl In any,. All f M.fWBeaa» Wtaam 111,lHf (M(Btl4tfl(/ ibJ **ts*..wwii Tweaa ww a.'-ww —-g

to flu Hetutf>r^ i

Callfornlana W bo Hava VlneyarSa, 0 »- rl,ante and Oliva and lOawer kanaa.

Kriim llei Sau K taw ben (’all.'■ Ui Tou know," eald a iWillcato ycong

woman the other day, " I belleva I wUl go cut Wt«t and take up Arming."

■ ' Y o u "•' Y . ' . why tu * f 1 iball never got well If 1 keep on aa I havt baai doing. 1 live In a

tiny luill Iwdrmni up foor fitghta of ataira. H,‘n> at my itudio I have throe fllghta to climb. If 1 eouhlgetoot in the country, live ill the open air and hava the Inapiratlim ,d Jeuilopiug a in-oparty of my own, I think 1 sii.ndd lie well Inalibtof a y e a r r

Tlie til'd little artlat b only ont of a multltu'le of wonicn who have turned tbatr thoiLghU toward farming. Horam Oreoloy „ t .l :• ■ ■ («> Wiwt, young man r NaoeeMty now d V I the same advice to many a youngTYutiifiri

1j, ,,n,i«inliinto the population there are iBvImhly iJioro women engaged in tan u ln gla Californin tliati in any other Stato. Tho cU- nuiti, i» fttvomble to them, and country life tluTe la illirei-eut from rural exMenoa any- wh,T,' i l ■ in tbi« oonnlry. Ita axnfoiie are irrivitcr ite opiorttmlUeit larger, and there b Son, of Ur terrible w o U to w ^ bauch a di.vhe.trtoiiing feature of ranch life in um mill,lie Wi-,t, or the narrowneM of outlook «„,! i^ ia n « of deUOl of farm life In the

Un« of th« women who h»T# woo famo b ythe auivis., of Uirlr agricuHpal Wjierlmenta b Mr*. Thto.lo*ia H h ^ r d , •>* •MlUvaUir of californin doweraieeda, b^ba, inhiw ami orchi,ta. T t o toor* »• M™. Strong of lamixia plum* fama nnd Mra, ^ p. Huckingliam, of tneavllto. Mm. Buck­ingham la w iiioneer woman fruit rabar, ^ b S laplably mnd* aa much rntroy on her venture aa any woman In too H M .

Mri. IJcrg ; Mcltriile, w l« Uvm n a a r ^ Jo«t, in auoUiBT rKiiclitr. Mrtaili'HrUteiw^WttUhei'rtfbiemof bow to bring up f*«ir b v W t f*lhi‘rl«<i ftt *n « ^ ly. r __a . 't,:.. ak.i.Aw Jrwht JU>TM flf l&Ild III


I J H I B R ’ g K i u j ' p H E A I R g

T o s e e a S Y M P H O N Y p l a y e d b y a c h i ld . T h e

m o s t d i f f i c u l t m u s i c i s a s e a s y a s t h e e a s i e s t .

A n i n g e n i o u s m e c h a n i c a l a r r a n g e m e n t e x e ­

c u t e s t h e n o t e s . T h e p l a y e r g o v e r n s t h e t i m e

a n d e x p r e s s i o n . T h e S Y M P H O N Y i s a n

o r g a n , a n d c a n b e p l a y e d l i k e a n y o t h e r o r g a n

i n d e p e n d e n t o f t h e m e c h a n i c a l p a r t . I t b a n b e

s e e n a n d t e s t e d a t o u r s t o r e a t a n y t im e .

Tht 0(t/r T k H t f »f k KtwnfkMH. H. C‘. M lN glto. ,1'raprletcr *od KMMger COL. W. M. MOBTOn ........Reildeol Xmieger

Week ,b»j!tnnlng Jfondxi^oyw.. ..............................

prioMf Ae.t 16e*e fio- w A il.QllTH£ e n ttT is T or w o ko io w om m


Mm t e u t .........—HW*» aiwv vrewx'iA

_ ..'EU TA IN U EK T.All the new end lUrtllnB feelwne prodaead

during the three month*'run wt Dely'iTh^ etre. New York City.X I X T H C K N T U R Y H I I I A C L B B

S. D. LAUTER CO.P I i ^ L ] S r 0 8 A N D O R O A N S ,


M WMpU o f Now Jorooy do«bU th itt at m k p e lb noxt MU tb oyw lU pnNMaMM

_ _ ocadoBinoUon o f th o lf ofllwt % y g lM l Dm Bennto, thoir M w n for*«eim nr tnebniicnl « c«wm tor the crimoIkM m nude by Ito xpologtihL B u t i f JMpabUoxM ««re then eleoud tn o vety

Burlington, Cnp# M ny, Hnnter- MlddUeex, pH inle nnd Som ox,

(ttu Demoortte in the hold-oTar body i t tk^U, eoeordlng to the Attom «y.OeD- gnd end Governor, could itH l nt their kwMt wUl nnd w ro ltn l pleneure, ke«p gM thlB eD iitonlnw folly elected niid,.eo fop « the SU te Bennte wn* eonoernid, B M n aeh b e nnd defrend th e people o f e m n te e n ot the twenty-one oountlen o f

New Jereey. ______ _

M B TR K MKKOY. if Anr* heee the roqimiaee to the

^CUfteae’ AM Aeeoeinttoa— bnvlng been eontrtbuled

ont-the need Ibet iuplnd the pi^MigaeMBt whloh it repieeente It greeter,

tlfore le no diminution, mtherea Inerenee . (■ the deatUntlon, which It bee made to

'Htifowre end eemect nn eShrt to relieve.‘ T h e itrenm o f contrlbuUoiw. he* been ghecked for the time. A lreed y njoet o f

W rich end liberal men w h o n ie relied gpnn ee the nubutnye. In w v e iM li t e o f loeid benevolence tutve londe geueroue

.^,^eontrlbuth>Dn. Leei wonlthy me® have Benltgeoerouely w ith the ooeunlU ee, too, nixt the modeet gltte o f emM ler nnd of nnonymoue contributor* hnvo helped to ewell the fund, though n o t to tb * extent tbnt they nhould hnve done.

There nre In thin c ity hundrede nnd thonmnd* o f men nnd w om en w h o hnve done nothing for th b enuee nad onn nfford to give it their eym petby end th eir nld. T h e n nre mnny w ho bnro nlreedy helped it nlcng w ho cum nfford to do m ore, nnd who wrould be eneonraged to do more If the movement wn* n m ore genernl one. There b in ch thing u oontnglon in w ell doing, nnd )t l i n condition w h ich would be prollU bly developed in thle direction.

In regnrd to the b u t inenn* to prevent er relievo poverty there b dlnpute. One m en d u ire* protection, nnotbor, free trade. One denmnd* freer ecoee* to nature’* mean* nod agenule* o f produc­tion, nnotbor more generally diObicd n prustioat tnteUlgenco, Here nod there • grim Melthueian w ith oonfldeope ueilher in, man nor in God nrgue* thnt it le the exoesi of popn'.;;" preeilngupon the margin o f enfety and eubeietence. One woul^yeatriol im m igra­tion, another would Natlonnllee industry and remove oompe titlvn. riiere be n (hou- ennd doctor* with a tb o u u n d proorip- Uom, nnd ninnng them nil the pntient trying to work out hia own recovery. But la the presence o f want, la the nb- len ce o f the poor privilege to w ork , when indeetrlou* and able men end wom en ere vnloly teeklng employment w ith the w olf o f hunger •napplog nt their w eary lioela, the time hne come to abandon phlloiophl- linlng for philanthropy, to m eet want with practical kindneie, to ow n the tie* o f human brotherhood end to do th e duty o f the prcuent hour.

I t l i the habit o f tom e people in time* like tbeee to crlttclxa church and retlgiou* nrganiiaUona became they do not do e larger work. I t 1* fatr to say that congre- gationa, ce bodlei, end their member*, aa tndividoahi, tike other eooietiee end other men, do many good deede, known only within their own clrulee. There le probably not a church, not * aoelety, acareoly a family, few men or women gam ing money, that do not do som clhing tor eomebody, in some way, in a time like fh U B ut one and ell, w* are too apt to lay to our eouU the flattering unction that o f the theory that e few paltry good deede (bat we can eoaroe avoid doing, abeolve

be ge foam other dutlo* end rwpontibilil(| I f the good work that, the Cltfzena' fv

The offer o f the caplU llets who are w ill­ing to venture |U ,000,000 In “underground railroad In Now Y ork , If the city win secure them a loan o f twice a* much more, hee again been proienUd to the Rapid T ran ilt Commleilon. To accept It would requira a con- •tltutlonel amendment. The projM t If not for the city to directly lurntih the money, but ta lend Ite credit In an lame of fl By-year three per cent, bond*, the city being eecured a flret mortgage on the road. I f the railroad proved a aucoeei the bond# would be paid, principal and In- toreet, from Ite earninit,and the company would be the gainer by 10 much a» the clty’e credit had maintained the aelllitg price o f the bondi and m ake prectlcable the low rate o f intoreet. W ithout the eity credit twlee m h igh a rate o f intoreet would have lo be paid and then the f o a l­ing o f the bond* m ight not h o th o e w lo ito f taekeln tbeee dajm In w hich people have Hti'h good reeaon to bo cautlou* about each Investment*. A t the eame time In the event o f nuoceee the capital- M l who put In ono-thlrd o f the eetimatod c u t o f the road w ill got out o f U pracUcally e ll the profll. In the event of W lnre the c ity wlU be out what It bee put In w ith the p riv i­lege o f ipendlnf more to m eke a euo- oesi. It le felr to eay though th at th at lieciraelty would come only ta the event o f foreed foreoloeore o f the BM ttiage. Tho projector* promleo to n u k * tip an tho money needed for the promleod yoiutrootlon above that gataed b y tha eale o f the city guaranteed bond*. T h e gueitlon la whether I f tb * city *o*i*MI*»* the *ehom* *0 good * one that It oan w l**ly afford to lend It* credit, It would n o t be Joetifled eftor going ■ o far In taking the one etep further and boJIdlDif a s t l maneglng the road. K i t w e n not to r tha wldtpread dlilra»t • f the muniolp*! governm ent, end th* well-founded fear the* ta Ite hand* the work would be m ore exp eneit* and leee prompt and effLelent than in tho** o f private perUee, th * eaeond plan wouldcertainly commend l l ie l f to any one who went fkr miough lo eoriouely entertain

the f l r a t . _________

I Mf (lit r»Piu»l*ri MW TW.W4X a*M» »»»»»..uw ivwular order of evecta, wouhl the " nolil- ovur" 8 ™ tore oonatituto the Senate of the Htatof iltuilfcrtly not, for the Om«titulUinof the Stoto ilwlaree tarUcIo 4, »oetioii» 1 ^ 1 ai tliat “ tbeHcnato ebaU bo com p»«lof tlio Hrnator choeeu from each county <rf the State, eluctod by ttia legal voter* of

• ' ' *■ thr,n IIIO L.IMO., "»«. liy t-w —Tt" -----the cmutlHi ruKpctively for three yrar*, niiil that “membere of the Senate *neu be

by i,urrh<uiing thirty-eight e*’*]* of ,“ ™I “ the Manta t iara Veilay auil netting it

a,1,1 Uja, w.yearly and every year on tto Br*t

Tiimilay after the llrrt Monday In Novetn- lier, • * * but that the time of holding mch l•lB’tlon may be altered by the t/gWar ttiro." Hi-ueo It appears that the ooMtltu- (ional Heneto I* one coinpoeed not of Senator* etectod from a P“ tonly of th* ccuntl** of the State, but from all H* conatle*. It may be etlnilttoi that thl* plala statement of the laBi[U*(» of the Constitution upon the *ub- J«1. whii’h we are coMldering may leail to the ronrlualon that th* eleven Hepubllcau Hrtiator* now forming a aeparati body, ab though a inalority, may not constitute tto Mi'uato of tlv Mtato, but It l* equally fatal to tiie , laim ot the nine Demoeratio " hohl overt" who *»ume to be *uch body. In a following Kcctitra of the same arlkde of the Conirtliiitkin to which refereuce hei been iBflde It I* declared that a “ majority of each Hnuio titall comtltute a quorum to do bualiwes." It bos been cob

tlie ruuitn i, mm , oj.«j —* -- out Infruit. Mho kimw uotalug of orebartUng (which eewii* to be tho LaUfornta Imm for lbs buidmMil, but rn o y r and go«M iwnae maiio her an »xi»rt tem pertaining to fruit her own iiriiulug. Mr*. an Invalid when *he «<'“* to taW m n la jh now a well aud happy wontan with • aa nrt Kime iiiciiiiM.

Mr*. Jmnnie Starr, of \uh» CSty, outtei


JXIYI. el tmlllUD nuM 11 »'■ ,7^^ w V ”County, i« wurtln*!' eiit«rprWng woitia^ wbo turnea to ratifliiug uj/iiJninietk uj lYini iiiuK rtK'M w *...**------ - ---Hhft h*i Riixty ai'i-w of oit'lRard a m vliif"

and »he kuowB all aliout p ru n ^ ^ iraftioK* buiiaing, trinuningy and ererym n g that is dune to vmw or trwe. t w h M Won in Uu' bitaiinuRn thriio y*ani, and pfc^oonoBi it “ ju itlh o ipiwre fi>r a woman who U M


Next weeh-MALVINI.

Alway* the Beet Attractloa* at Popular Pricee,

V e d B iilm lB g lo B d ii , i t m r i IS*Matinees Wednesday aud Saturday.




“ THK HUSTLEH." _______________


Week corainencing Monday Jan. lA M*thd*l Tuesday, Tbunday and Satnrday.IK aa.nU WlMn

. 1 6 0 S H u rt VOSLD OF lOTELTlBLWeek oomnuiacIXLc Jaa. H"’"LONDOK TRl^


AMOS H. VAN HORN Under the introasge of more than rUdlot, w iu b eg lvea atr

m -'jUMVbUO mwiKram *«« - ..... .the country anil 1* willing to give up *oim uf the trifling thing* ot Ule and go to worm with a will.™

Mrs. Hhpjibenl, oflonture, h e m neither capital nor experientr. but ties built

te >r*jl rljedW ta ItaWCMiuriiupt t'ttiri*g»» aax** \ta|iv* --------- ------uD a flourinhiUK liKliwtry aud doea a large w Mlaiale butlrwuH with taaUra and foretgu

I___ T _ .A ..._... Uliiae.lhasnl Wtaitsdkfl

temlol (»nd epiareutly with much force th»t thU niejonly m u*tl» a majority all the mnntar* of the Henate, reguW lv «g»n-l»d and rwdy to do busbieea U (hi* v Iw beconert, neither ot tho contending bodba U ttKlay the Henate of the Htete But all thbt ii of little importance. The esrioM quratlon teiuaiue taw , under the UnuUtutiim, ran the egletlng lecl«- lative otatrucUon b* overcomef The AtbirneT-tirueral la hie opinion ilecl^ee that niA only by the memorW ta tby tho common taw affecti^ legtatative tadloa, any raudidate, Senatorial or t*ber

WnUHSHUe UUVIEra TTI*M ------- .T f-aeulsioen. Itart year Mi*. Mhephenl rataed ili6U0 pound* of tta awl* id*w«et peta a l ^

( L I M I T E D ) ,

W ish it distinctly understood that they arc doing better by the people in


•ly I------ ------------ — ------E S S E X LV C E U M .

n ’K O N N H A T KVK,, JA K U A » » • ( , IM *, A t • O’CLOCK,

Mr*. Erank L. Sealy. Hopranu; Mr. Otto I .. gehllLTitan: Mr.Wtlltam KEalagtou, hart. t4>ne; lh« Hatton Idalt Qiiartolt#; th« C t« t easw v aw*iOufoJ, Banjo Club, and tUta'olymntan Hodatl of HuHTiir*. frank 1. Semy.,

OW LWUUfMl irt tu* ,»*—w ■*—— *-Mr». Lucy Uiwlorwooil J^cCaon, widow of

tho lute tTudg!9 of Uanta Cru*ia «|)ecia1ty nf «iiall frulta, mich

Than previous to the hard times, notw itKstending sonie of our competitorg are selline exclusively for cash at the old price*.M U . B !rfn»m S v iu , S . « « ’’. f t o

Htrawlwrrlw, r**pberrlw and otben. abo (teiiB bor fruit lu S«ila Crus, where it

.wtieTwho^ioid* a duly accredited eertifleat* of m*dectj<Mil*enUtIodon it* pre^ tation to be •worn Into ufllce, and that thereupon

n S p , you can do 'better at our store in term s and pricM than any other house in the trade. Please give us a call and be convinced.

n> ue *w«i u ,ue, U..F.D, . — - — — r - -he beconim a me-oitier of the Ho im to which he iw«« to have tam elected. It would ap;to biV® wOOn xifWvutAAwy

r r UiAt nooUi«rconclublouK»Wbereacbwiliw i^onilituUnti. of Uw State » ,*P;

m ild to. Paragraph 3 iwclion 4 4cjf ihil instruiiwot d®cl&rw tJtidt Houi® aball to the jm lgeof the eto-tlon*, Trturnii and quamiratiim* of lU own i iB in ^ ." Haii’o the in,lividual holding the corUflrate of ric tlou mu»t ftrrttondrolltodtaniember- ihlp in ttie Uou» to which bo »ema to haratoon elocted before any objection tea be made to the legality ortho fact of hi* elec­tion. B'hat other iwanl^^can be given to

cLiinuiamta the h**t price*. Another woman rniicber la Mr*. Freda U. Bunting, of tJan- trevlUe, in Atamreta County. Mr*. Bunt­ing’* fatiier wa* a famoiui lout grower, *0 It aouited quite natural that she ahould make a iucce** of ta r line orchard of over forty acre*. During the ««urai *Iib to cou»tantly lathe orebartL picking, attunding to the *hl|>ping, aud keeping a elia* watch on all tho work. T a ie ^ p h comiimnicatlon be­tween ta r offlee and the city k«p* her In­formed aa to the marketo, »o tiuit ibu oan take advantage of every rue in the pricea.

Other Calitornia woinou who have made a tuccea* of agriculture am Mrs. Kuiily Robe- sun, an olive grower of Auburn; Mni. K ate Warfield, of Glen Klleu; Mrs. Brooloh .of Palm Hpringa, who has a houtn nbo in Uak- tanti, aud brings down the n rliu it Bga In nutTkot and sell* them at wveuty-ltve centa a pmind, and shipped grape* to Chicago and sold tlieui at tlSS a ton; Mrs. E ll» Hood, a miei'rtwful wine grower; Mr*. BarrolUiot, a Hau Mateo, who ralsea flower* on her 14() a,-rwi, ami uelta them a* fM cy price*, and Mr*. Whlttell, who h « a Urge roe* ranch near Loa Oalo*. _____ ^

Storage Building*

tho « ig ^ o a ,_ / ^ R * ta T o ^ ^ *h *tr be theW lB'tftliot'iiictioia.ete., of It* o w n i n g tart r Murt not admlwlon to I M U ^ U ^

One room after another being taken is w hat is filling up our new StorageBuilding a t

8 8 BA N K S T R E E T .F u r n itu r e M oved at R ea so n a b le R ates.

T E L E P H O T S T E 5 8 0 .


be raadea dactoton «* to ttafqnuato.tawfu!t of clectijjn In «n;h ca,«cl There caueMi or feet of 1 —

be no doubt of It. o. _ __ _____ vuiippoeu theGovtrnorluul

O rih e speotal exam lnet* Who have b**B app*(Bt*d to eeareh for com* o f p«ii*loii fraud*, (he State o f Alabam a suppllte eight, w hile Meaeeehaeelto fnrntahe* one. G eoiyfo fom lehee eix apeolal examiner* and Ootinectlcut one, K entucky nine and Maine four, H tailerippi *lx and Minne­sota on*. Loulelana tnmtahe* three, liloulh Caroltlia four, Texaenino, V lrglnle eleven, TtnuMM * nAito, N orth CaroUna teven end ArkMtsa* two. In contrast w ith tbe*s Btatee, w hiob were on the aide o f the re- bellton,*re (he following loyal onev Rhode Iiland, on o} 'Wtacomln, tw o ; New Jereey, five i H eb w ik * , th re e ; Iowa, fix ; Colo­rado, o o e j Oallfornia, four. A* pen­sion exem lner* a number otphyslcm na who terved aaenrgeoDiln the Confederate Arm y have been appointed. It 1* possible that they end the other men, Bouthern men, appointed to places tn this peoullar lervlca m ay do their duty fairly and prop­erly, but for alt that there ere n aeon t egalnit luob appointments. One o f these roeions, to speak o f none Involving harsh­er Judgment, U that even if these men do good work the foot o f their *yinputhles and loeatlon dlacredita it and placea their appointing power on the defensive. There are In the country enough honest men whose sympathUa were on the Union aide to attend to thla biulnes*.

called a s w ia l seanlun of the Senate for De-

cbut«toigt'an™ <Ia^tad In to ^ a ^ o b ^

Miuber iS huit, alultbe credential* of thesehad been dacinivd riKularly

e w i d hod tom pnaentod t» that bony, w dperaun* who

RMOS H. VRH HORN »7 8 Marliit Street, nearest Plane Street, leitrk, 1 1.


Could the Henate pa«, UBou tta q t ^ _ len pre®a»toiJ f CafftaUily Brt, for teo

maoh tiia(earii Hodte must J i ^ e f |h*

tkiiw. - . tkiiu teenelection "of tho new inombeni," ami the ineintertoloctod or claiming to have bwn eleutod last taU were no* member* of thatbody,


The report o f Brerotary Theodore Moaa, o f the New York Board of Kleetrioal Control, «howe the length o f th e ' .jrrtro-. polls’ conduit* to be 1,667 mile*. In these conduit* there are about 33,000 mile* o f telephdno and telegraph wires and 1,300 mile* of wires for lighting purpoues, with which about 8,790 arc lights and 208,000 Incan- deicant tamp* are couneoted. O f course the real objection to them is their cost, but tho day is not far distant, It Is confl- dently predicted, when their construction and maintenance will be more economical than overhead wire*—even In Newark,

The caw presented ta the ordinary one with which In our iiiimlclpal affotot we are entirely lamlltar. Under Ita charter the Ucuunon UuuncU of the dtT 1» made the can- vasHiiig bsml, a* W the Aldarnwn anil other elwtive ottovrs. From a canva.* of the re­turn* It dretares thnt certain owlklate* hw e beeneiocted. Oppoatag rarnUto^And wtat, by Ittw and ciwtoiu follows f ^ e protmt 1* referred to the u«.;pmlng c(«nril,which by tho ctartw U atao dectaresl to lie th« luike of tbe etot’tlojJt •test ^tor*. Tho ,-audldata holding tta certlflcate to on tho crgamaitioo of ^ new council, ^ o n i Into office and ttateafter toe question as to tlw tact of election I1 InvestlCTtwl amt L . i i l d e t e r m i n e * w h o ta legaflyendln

%hto*brlo( refcwiioe to the Constitution of th,, Ktatc can lead to but on*Uiat to thnt the “ bojd over " Senators, lleio-

g e v r n l Faints for UDgltabmen th at Hay ite of V w to TUem.

Cbarlca Dudley Warner InJIarpor’a In till* era of truce on tta water*, when

to* native* of the workl meet only for com­petitive reviewi, why should that virile ad­junct of tho sea power of Great Britain, who lirtto hta snlutw and throw* hi* Greek Are “ A tth cH ig n of the Ship" lu Longman* M ogoji**, *ftr up nwwombntonta by at­tempting to me *' ABilrirnniaroi F’ Andrew la u if ta Juatly tulmhed ferhtogoodKngltoh.. Doubtlw eta e«uld u*e “ Brittohtama" U ta chtwe, but he a!mo«t never doe*. Why, therefore, should he attempt the nufamiltar and more difficult “ AmoriraniHiu* I”

And yet ta wrote recently, ipaalcing of what o u rC ougre*in 1778 .ullod “ the lan­guage of the Viilted BtatcB." a* foItow^ to w it: *’ But must our (tatuinicn addre** the Pnwlilcut, «ny, ‘ In toe Innraag* of the ITnitoil Htateef' Tliey wnulil irritate him a goid deal if they called him 'old ho**,’ and asked him U ‘ ha felt like branily and water,’ or told him that he had the ‘ inner track*' about toe « » K " we should not advta* English statesmen to use that languag* to

’the Pimldent of the Unltel Htetee, bowoww It might relievo their feelings for tta mo-

I t l i Only W hen Famtalilng that They H illA ttach Ueoats erMen.

From toe V irfiitta (Nev.) Bnterprtae.Near Florence, Art., reoesitly, a man waa

attacked b y a single coyote andhod graatlUlBcultf In beating t ta animal off. »very unuinal thing for a tingle coyote to ato tack a man, a* they are of a cowardly, sneak­ing natura, but when in largo band* and famished with hunger, ttay aroahnoat u fierce as wolvax Bevaral year* ago arsab dent of Sli-m ilo Canyon camped at tta Stockton 'Welta on the Forty-flve-mlle Deeirtand wa* sarroundod b y butarod* of royote*, who kept crawling itealthlly t o w ^ him,... a 1 a .---a _A .-.ff AW*y>irvTl<F hltrri


Frioe* U,'h , Hand to centaTK lipH O N K vm.

THE CHIRITT COHCERT,*1. .... *--- A A. A mnssA FRi A n fAvff v hi-iktli

TlnkeU lie M. Wiuil’i.

xamaite M Rsw-Tys oon^actor*fo r «4lt u UoUlMUtr'i ^ ,

A NOtHKKJOIXY WIOHTCAN'BIUADATJl DAU« I ttaturday «vaiilnff tmoklnc M h

Cfort. Ill V'folrak Tb* b*il louiU Ui«nt. notfoU)* U|8. ..J 1.. I..A ..staaBW AlllI^Tr' llitfb HhfotiiiitilWrvif u r v MKl ute«r» i (TtWr A t'hok» |>r0frsmme ofniHl«r fo t'BDteW lynflfFHiuutc iri re «ai*i’Kum

c«mk ■ onit* l>rop in My hoiif Mtwfen I iMM.

PVLL a<’MPlCI*MrKTIW(IA.«CHWTKH#9W ilftii ” 171 iuiM?r lirfoM, naitAhf foftemooDlteil foVfQlnn A v‘Dlorks t^tor Ufofllft

HRid foifoorlal* p4Won »v1 i foetwn with UmnI Y’IW J«r«t7 CHf »lMl oihtr «lliii w k btprwtit^_______•

Lett M u a r and H IU , b* eoM to - n o r r ^ Monday and tb* next five dart. 'T lm jtW . and that GREAT BANKRUPT EALE of Fine Clothing at U8-I30 Multairv.Street, „»rt»r of MArkoV S tm t. NewAtk. fl. J,<, will ov«r. TU® ereclitor* want thdr K » *-mooa sacrifloei m*d« In ordw to dlapoe® oi»1»>ckv Immeote rrowdt ot TOl»**l6®T*Ty n*T«Hurry*If you w int • lU d BuTKAla. E viiTj tliinf •eUing Tofy fiiat. If yon w « t « th«te bftiit*rna you inniil come AT OM.E or yeu'U be t ‘ **

09Q nRrgfolM you Jintiiv «wi«i axa w*vv. ~itt'll ^ too lAte* Uoorti et oDewfourtitt tlirtr

. lifiMl veiot* ClothlDi et yoar own 8aiU( Pante, <h’ereu»t»f eud Uletenkead Ml k lo ^ o f w l^ rC lo th ln fto e u lt everybodyj. At prires fAT below the <mwT of th* mA\eriAl. Tnl« U poAitively YOUH LAST

■ Is. *1_.... *«.ssi*tVu*i>ii itr

ntent to drop iub, stane. not Issause itwonkl irritate the lYesiilcnt. but brvauae such a dls-

IbesSeiifttoof the StAt«» w d th«r«aftery it A ronK it be utMte M to the ote-tiM i>f Any tmdi- her so mlmlttad, tara*ti»te t o »n'‘ ^

unlv nrome u tho ConaUtutiou b« j ^ n l t s i

s s 'i a A S ;aiwn shoSd reoulve mtaniiblB asstii ancn.

jrgtlAllD (lgXT> A gmillVlJS., M..- c.*,..*, —courteey would injure the reputation of too sbttosnipn. Nor sliDpld we ailviw, an Amort; can atntwman to atteiunt a * Britishism" and address tta yucen of Great Britain and the Fhiiprtwt ot India (u< “ Tlie Widow," and ■ Bv to lier “ I ‘ e iiiw t’ you look ‘ seedy.’ "

If an English statesman, instnioted in Americon way* and ivmrt,vli«i “ A t the Sign

toll. a td tfiS tb e re a tte r tta ConslltalloB oftill!' Htato isbAli b® obuyo^

/lMU;itt.UU weajtv ta*ui • siui vs wisTvi nv sraav-of t ta Hhip," raltol the Prwlilcnt “ old bo**." bo might UB undcrthKvi, although he would not be rcaptrtel; but if he told aim that he

with th© eriAsat intent of AttAoktug bto;He built a targe bonflra to _ frigh fe ^ em

uodnrflff, and openodtae with a rlta on tta band, which to Mtlmated numbered hundreda aiul su c c e e d in killing about fifteen of themAil toroogb t ta niitot they fought over the e n ro a n e ^ the rinln, devouring all of them.

Attrange thing about these eniiiml* is that ttay are haitoly seen In day'^'’|' ta t at

B askin flays It Means Weaver and Olvae O ther lu forautlon Abnnt It.

From Frank Harrison’s Fkmily Magnltine.■ What do you think, say* Rusktn, tbs benu-

Uful wovd “ w ife" comes fromf It 1* th* great word tn which the English a ^ la tiu tanguagta conquered the French and Greek.

It ta to be h c ^ tho f r ^ h get a word for it Instead of that draadfui winrd “ femme."

But what do you think It comeefromf T ta tieeof Saxon word*I# that they mean eoms- tolng W ife DMUi* “ weaver."

Y ? a m ult elttar be hou*ewlvei or house- moth*; rwnamber that.

In toe deep »n*e, you must r i t t o w « v e tnpii f fortuwA And erobroidw thofli or feedupon and bring Itam to decay.

Wherever a true wife comee, home ta ah w ayi around tar. . . , ,

The store may be over hor heed; the glow­worm In t ta nlghteoW g r w niay be toe only.. . . km ’wiKneeaTr'dMta ahA la

lUUnt XuiAArtAwv-aw *r W'JYflna Clotblni At M t tc nothing, w don't or delay. Good Olotolng wlU sever ta se cheapor am*y. u o w vJiovniuK him **wtvi «•Ajpiia, Ml como At uAot bdfort H, U too lAiA. AfAwpzicMArAherenAinM;

Men’s Butines* Suite *4.7*, smrth l i m Men’s Heavy Whitney B l u e T ^ t ^ l i i ^ Jacket* and V ette H j j worth | 1A Fancy Caselmen IMIte tht^w£rt b fll». M g '* Blue Chinchilla oearcoaca, nt (A te worth • » . Elegast Cutewav D i « Holte (I.te worth Mon's (tenuio© Irtnh Friev© aAu NaIUwirav*e m »**. a* i«tiw iriflu X J IXtH® my** awraava.,BhttUnd Stem Ubtew* II-yA worth W t,__

Mfn’iHeAvyfetigllAb IfetiblA-breMdjrf Vf"!*Blue And Rl]Mcltua Oreiwiit^ |AT5y worth Blue And Rlick B©Arer (>rerc«^ |A lfl,^rt,8 |3 t M eiO tlm tart^H H kjU ^l^y

irth' flu. Men’s (I8.W. Men's I

B Etasantullk Fw............................... 0. tUlA worth »1AOensise Pilot Cloth I n fe r s u>d Veata, flAfl

.— Men’sImportodjih* -coats, ItUH. worth »». Hen’s Etegant Pria Alberts, 110.98, worth M Men’s Heavy 1

worth il».56. 3tcn's Pant*. IL . Men’s EtogantVIlk Face Vicunaworth HKX -paw4« P

Cheviot OvtiTOAtm

w H ' S t i a l l thdr yelp* arc heard In every d iie^ ra. When faintablngiws.wavm V’ *»■ *•*———» with hUURCt' tjhM ^ ve been known to attack cattle and horW when U»yherd, but when a herd ta In a soUd mas* they fight ihy of them

n$MMWn toi AO 9*tm pntkT *« «tdwr<U»jfofolw **•» A* oww 0(Au«HM prwtni frwA <tav ko sUjh

t h k o p o h o u t .i e h s e y .

___ n* pilot Cloth Beefore w d v e a te fe teworth IlhSU, Men’a Fancy ib r lp o d ^ v io t Bulls, ITJn, worth lan. ^ n 's ^ u s h MiUoa Overcoats. iT.SU, worth IS . M jF" fla y OlagoBal Dnsa tails, JF-te woitn^SA Elrau.' UiiOa nn*l rHrwflmMfcFa. Al.40. WOrtA lAMjL

worm 111 w«T ---- —.rfir© At her feet; t« t homo 1a whorevAr nbfi U,- - »» —a*w.fl.r,ss rmiB a **OU1Manr© Ac Xier LWW; llUVMwaawjra v.sav.vs, -~o-and for a noble woman It stratehee far —her~b«tter than housra « tad jrito orpointed vermllUon-shedding it* quiet light far for tho** who else are borakas.

This, tbso, Ibelievs to b* the woman* true plans and power.

worth ,Men;*

an "WMen’s Extra Fine v,o»Pants. B.TA worth *7A0. Men'* hum, So., worth l*J0. ta d th o n * * ^ “.liC tS '

bargain*. Do* Y buy a dollar s worth sf ttoth. log anywhere, but come hoi* llret anocaflvmra rourself that what is here adverttoed t teyond dispute.Or, ■ “ ’----

“ hail too ’ Imier trockii' atsmt the seato," he wiHtlil l)c neitlicr uuclcnitisxl nor respected. "To use the word “ track ” stout the saa^iUUKiMirt imam oirajuv vaavmight b© lu te tiu nature

lui ■animal. But If the statreman in a spirit of---------,~ - ' — ...........— -tid the


Bllliiaai, **i*w Sk M» ,ro««vv-SBiiSii saw tm wg.----crtiifNfwlon te a tmd ^Prreld«‘!it that ho ” iunl tho ’ imnd©'

mik (Or ktwss. tsUWtet, "tov" ■ wM’wra, '"ut"*' arruMUm. Ita lsprr,v«wllotrt«Ita btopsu rwarw to «p oto tuits wlwrOtort


ntout- tlio «wiH" that diplomatio j --------would doubthuM bo forgiven, and not os nuule tho stibjccl of Intematlonal conw crsindeno. AiiiUhe staii''ninn would ewe hhi safety from rWIciile to the fact toat he had not learn,mI his ■■ AnierirwalsEifl" at 1 , llui Hhip."

Heorae W> Bavsge, late Cosiul to Dundee, Beotland, ws* buried yesterday at Rahway,

FatiBBisof Oumtarlond County have com­menced their ploughing. They predict an early aprinc.

Camtarland ftoonty sportemen wilt hold a shooUilg matoh at Greenwich Her, near Bridgeton, on Wedneoday of noxt week.

BKgnse he Inilited upon klselng the hired Mr! Cbarto* Emerson, who works on the Baines farm, near Medford, was cominlttcd to the Mount Holly J*U yeatenlay on n charge of im M ltandhattory.

The midwinter convention of the Homsn'* GhiisUon Temperance Union, of Uurlington Ooanty, was held yesterday nt Muani Bully, la tta e v a a ln g a massmeeting was addressed by a*v, Anna Bhaw.

A number of Cape May sportemen have or. Bwnlied th*in»*l’» " ’“ ttJ a Society for flic Pro-** _____ X tlwsnnaMilrtn /if H.I thMi sirtfl

Partolau Dressmakers.From the Boston Olota.

Th* great Partotan dreesmakere have a cuo-toraof charging a marrlrd woman i» re for her eowoi than an nniaarrled woman to Hkefl. An American Udy In Paris n ^ n lB ' mented upon this rtKterenra, which she bod otaerved to the extent of IW in two dqstses ideutlcsHy alike. “ Ah I" excitimed the great mtolste, “ why notfto pay her bllla, but madnnwtaeta i dot must ta iookod out for so that sta may get a hus­band." - ________

S t B S k rap t Sal* of J l » Winter Ing, 138 MnlbwTy sL. cor. of Market sto N e ^ ark, N. Open every ovsnto *|*^

A a ladlan Tralnod Nuro*.Prom Jennas* MUler’e Monthly.

The army of trained nurow has received Itaflm racrult from the In d to race hi the perw,aof MlmNwcy ell 5,I S

It to to be hoped that Heuator Daly will give Hcnalur Bradley tho iinroe* o f tho allsgsd Momuoulh County voter* w ho want to have tho founder o f Asbnry P ark kept out o f hi* scat in the Henate. In the great historical work whloh Mr. Bradley is compiling it to natural thnt ho s h o u li doalro lo Incorporate all tho fact* about these name* and reoords. The chanoss are that the chapter devoted to them would be one o f the most interostlng In the book.

It to reported that tho United Slatea cutter Corwin tried so hard to beat th a record from H awaii that she dam aged bor hollers, ovorilralued her hull, la luaklng, and will have to undergo extended rs- pain. Then, after It all, she brought such news that the Admlnlstratloh must have felt like ^ vin g her a »orryawoloom*.


a I t 1* not generally known that m uob o f , the old MlUavlte faith exists in tbesa days,

“ .aocratiobossosayfl

JUsoolatlon to doing 1* to continuoit w illb« necessary for a te iy orghnixatlous and

tks7Individual* to take r more liberal view o f foislr duties am) obligations. It would be g good thing for ohurches, societies, the •a i^ ayfl* o f establtohments th at are stilt h i operation and for IndlvlduaU to help this eauie htiong promptly iq > E-ay that w ill snaourags other* to follow their ex- ■ nple, and that w ill gtv* to tboos who bflflfl alroady Mtiitad in the m oveinent a Eaw impotn* and enaouragement to new Mforte and the lending o f additional aid.

>nsr wfwv, 1. a *1.ocrtalaly acting aa If they exp so w a the world to como to ah end bofore tb s firstTaegday after the first M onday In noxt N o vsm W v______ '

■ flTRrFENEn » Y SMITH.The N ew Y o rk IFbrId, or rather the

Mflfo Jetflcy edition o f IhstpubUoatiai), to known to b* more than friendly to United •foU flB rnator James Bmitb. A nyexpres-

tho official or party floti o f that

Disappointed about the result o f ow in­dictment found oa Ita com plaint a g ^ s t lb* Brio RaUroad Company, tb» Bolling Springs Township Commlttao I* doing all that It can to keep I'loseoutdr Cam pbell, of Bergen County, In hot water.

No Other Form »t Tobooco Kat* Into too W Ul aa This Dors,

From Harpev'9 It eekly.The Uio r f cigarettes to not inoroly the uso

of tebaooov it to a Vico by lt»lf- In reforina- tofloe where tho care of tho tqiluiiu alcohol and (Ugorstto hflUt* is a butimw, cigarette iiaticnte am not reatrlctod from smoking ciaar* urplpek witah are regarded as ,v,m. iwratively barmloss. Tlio rtgarntto works a sucdal ovU of it* own which tobacco ht other form* does not effect. Thla evil result may be duo to drugs, or to tlio japer wrapptte ot­to the fact that the smoke of eigurottes to ol- nu)*t always Inhnlwl Into tta lung*, wlillo cigar tiuoko to not. A» to tliat lot the ex- nSqa decide; about the fart of the rifeet

is uo doubt, and uo drarth of evidenco. No oUnc form of tohocco eats Into the will

“ ‘ ■ nw^uTmau con cmTy.plf a good d ^ of iwliou of ono klnil aud imouicr without dto- Stor, afol hi* dutira Iwlng tluvl, aud hto will forniod. be to usually able to make hi* mluor vl(«i Buheervieiitto his more biqs'rtaut obU- catlon*. And so it tapiicHs that It to a matter a constant observation In chiha, oitii wlwre- over there are intolligrtit mon who allow tbrtiieotvse a ll the neoture hnlnlgonces tliat ttay ihu'o, that theoe exiicrienred pcrsous are conxtnntly “ swearing o ir ’ cigarette* for longer nr shorter ptu-hsta, ttiid siunklug cigar* liwtead. liutcigari'tb'fetter taglns to gall and they ttlug it elf. Rut ymitig tays ilo not ih, that. They Itavo not dtoerotion euoiqih for one thing, ami, for another, '•jgijrs c»st t(H> niucli for them, aud eanuiit lie sinnktsl BuircptlUously lu.a sj«ro inumeiit. It to tiiu lacn ia l dieauitma of tlw cignrolto, ^nd Ite adajitebUity for conocalnicnt tliat tempt this ecUuol-boy’a callow iutelUgoucc.

----------- — -----------------------------------

A ilm ltted Tlmt lit, Uoolitn't T o ll tbs Editor lion to Ifiiii Ills Paper.

From the lYashliigton Htar.’ ’ It makes 1119 tirwl w are tlio lunnuor in

which tliew) iuiws(«iprr* are run,” *nld tb* mail in the Bin, ,h luff t ar, ns he took off hto glasBos and let Ills ps]a'r drop oertWi hto luiees.

The man who sat neit to him hod ono lock of lialr— an ou.iiB in n ,l,wrt of scalp— which lie n|suit must of his timu lu smuothlng (loi’livoly.

S u s 'l^ w d Propagation of Game nt that end S n ta State, slifror H ild reth ...............

siKwi’," he Kthl, slowly, “ that youI 'smcould g ivo ’rm nil p.iius,"

“ rrosureof it. Uonldn’t yrm f"“ No, don't liiink 1 multi,” ,“ Do you imuri to say that yoaoosildnt

tell tho wUtor liiuv p, ruu hto paporT“ ex. claimed the klelicr In a tone tliat had flbeolote dlainav in It.

■ ’ I do, imlecl,’’ replied tho matt -adth tb* oosl

rirhV ho has lust taken her diploma at theliLrifordTralDlng School. 5?.™*tlonal charaeteristira of tta m*n-defInesa

she shoo

F O l i K ^ t O t J K N O W -

Tbo trtip maimanSmity o f th» Republl- CAN President o f the Stote o f N ewJerw y is shown by the oonAlderete tr#At- meiLt that he hus ffiven AdrAin A«d In mftklQg wp the S ouaU

The moAked ttAln*robher l» more and .more num ereaily getting oat o f the 'dime novels end Into the newipaper^

/V rarAbr*". •Sid© br wlthiu my ffurdon*

(iVi’W H liowvrKUtl n WJ'uil;Oft I walc lied th© llowur titifohllnf,

To th© (jtlier kayo no lic©d.Koth© sun smllod luol lha rsih fell

On thoiii IsiLh allko, Aiid lo !Boon the w©<‘d's rank growth was hpmiding

<)Vr til© Idddan flower Jwlow.Trifles oft do uink© or mar uh«

If to fuuUs we give itu lieud,The}’ ris© up Rud flwArf us, sproodlng

Uimkly AH Ih© garden weed; tdioWn* la Ihctr growth lU© iw>Uler - Invtliiou tliAt our tiAturon kuow,

Till, ilk© tender rtowers ununred fort They lu dust are immplwl low.

• 7. C« il(ju»ehctatr.

you1 iiiiut wy tliore Arenotiiumy UJm

t il»-'**■ w. a.I know i t 1 u«sl to iio like you are.

ow Vm trying to nm a lU’Wspapor mye<uf» id r i l tell >'t*u my friend, I'm not sayhi’ a


now and rU tell words Not a won

M aking I t l tlla rd C ush loaS - Frem Hanlwiin*.

The mukiu * lifliilliurJ nishioaeUan Impart* ikut liulual ry, iM}t h l arried on by two or three flrm« Alonu. Hifoltt liiio the story of the dlW- culty which biLs heun nvR'n tnio In iireveutliig the bnU from Ninkhiglnto th© i*v\bber and thu* rioHiroyiuK 111© aii«l©dcHtredTo be token,U W liiteroHtiuguJw.ii hiwhuumnld 'before andalu not be n'pt‘Atrtd nnw. In tlio early days of the industry tlu” miimif(u*tnrcr empiuyiw valre rtiblior, and nhtHln©r1 a imifib bettey prlee for It when it WUN norkud qj» lulo ^ e cU iW ^ Thun tho rUshUm makyr uethle w lU to«W k In got ibnvftlivo ru))\H'r<-lu'apty, kntlnthOM dnys U wan Mrifiigly hold, and non© wee lowed ti> PU.H tci U»Hi luduslry uuleeeUp^^

• ©nhaiieod rnyuUj. riiiany the romWoe- tthn'WHAhrokulT byulLrni in PltUbuil^ orner- lUK the v'ahf niiibcr ontcuslbly for onUoW two* burktiitHflng It hai’k to Now York fw* lm<tnded imrimiw, nkllfuily and patientlyurtttt f Tv4e itivrii, rLut .> a.* (• w *«ui fofiOD*imgMoiTM iJMrkRHH-, nKiiimiyanq f----was this lion,, ilmt ,igreat quantity waaAPon.n-i ttlrtl ml IS us I S l,„ s.M I _i. fjwgw UPwfw vssswww.Hi iLMTUfov quauiihr 4"mulaled, and tliu valve lutiber* tuiip 1iisusisvao, ss.ivt SMi: suiv lUdU r IIUI4I --tho npoitge, Kinvbffilsrfi rushiOP*U4V nirt-ratfox’. 4’-in» umiura cunniuD©of nioldsd Tuhbor,Hii ©vuFntion wbtcn 4along Uior

No uthcrsursatHirllla lins nquallsfl Haflti »!° therolief U gives In nuvuroat caaea of itJWMjj tia, sick hoodiahii, blilnusiiera, Sta. ■ ;

llemarkeil by It, F, ItlUpdalc Cd,, Mirli,; < luatismsuck quirk re.nuHism suck qnlrk relief u pr, lectrlc O l-believe It InfaUilico,"—Ally.

otlBsm **” - 7” ;’ taiiellay,1* the pretifloat. Thl* society Is In no way re- la M to the Nosy Jersey Gomo i ’rutcotivo Ho- ototy. . . „

Senator Miller, of Cape May Oonnly, has a lelianw on haml to affect tta e»nwill()atlun ot Cane May Point amt ^'""t (iate May with CetaMay City. He will pnilmtily Introduce abill daring the present liOglalature and effect thtopurpoe*.

William B. Burroughs, a carpenter, cm- nloyed on tk* Philadelphia and Kemllng ttell-

was walking along the track nuur C'al- houn street, Treuton, on his way homo from hto work yeoterday, when hto foot got rnught In a frog. Before ta oonld eitrlrete himself an aoeoininodatton train rarne along, Hi*

laangted. He leaves no family.A number of Italian laborers yesterday

iJtenoon went to Contractor Tsnbrook Now- nwn*| boo»«. at AahuryPark, srmeil with oluta, and altotoked him in hto barnyard. He colled for help, and hto wife opened a window and find eedsnl shotost her hushsml's luwall- oate. The Italian* ran away, muttering threat* *flat»*t Mr. Newman and hto family, Mr. Newman aeonrsd warrants fur the nrreat of two of hi* oaeollante,

Ctoltb Aaronaon. tho manager of the United State* Sw ree* Company, at Trenton, was found In the stable used by tb* company yns- terday afternoon with a bnllet bole tn the elite of bis head. Me hsd oommllted suicide sbbrtiy afror I o'clock, heoause tta audllora of th* express ooApany had found a shnriage lu hisodoount*. Anronsoiiwaa about town yos- tsrday morning and.boirowed ninaldernbto nmuey of hi* frieuda, with the evident pur- n se ofotaklug up the shortage.

TTi^rtal oT th* salt of Alexander M. Rim- mo, the platntlctd undertaker, ngnlust tlto isoatnX Rallrosd o* N '» J*'**)’ for W.i»« damagsi for injuries tn the OrecmvlUe colltotuu in DeoerotaT. 1 * ^ wo* Itntolied at Elisabeth yesterday In tb* Union County Cpqrt.. Judge Van flyokel ohargsd agallut the rallroud.rnm. pany sod the Jury awarded the plaintiff thlHL

Mr*. Ahijah D. Hesves, qf Cold dprlnga, Cape May County, to suffering with a leg whloh wo* brokon Wednesday afternoon for tta seooud time In eleven weeks. Ton week* ago Tuesday ehe broke her right leg talow the thigh an'l budrloden for seven'weeks, la tely she had been abl* to hob’jle about the room by the sld of cratohe* or ihalr l»ck*. Wednesday her strength gave way and she fell to tho tlonr. breaking it tn the same place. dUe to over sixty year* of ago.

Ueteetive ^ n Cla*,ofJsraey01ly, was ar­raigned tafofh Judge Upplnoott yesterdey to answer to three tudletnunu chsrgtiqi hhn with taking part In tb* soandato at the Gnt- Linhuni racetrack. Abraham Post hreome hto Imndeman. Oioa Bays he waa at tta track on January 16, l t d ; that he went there sa an In, dividual, not ** an oflloer, and hwk no part In tha police proceedings of tlialday. Ho wa* never there at any other time, he says, and eoly went then out nt nnrloeUr.

-Sam uel P. W ebb lefttliTtedlan Rlvor. Florida, to ™ n d tift winter.

—rraneto Gregory wa* surprtoed at hto resl-rtenSe, 78 Murray street, la»l "Iflhl, U being hto twenty-fourth birthday.

-John Meyer, living at ?? fj?*]*Markat and Polk streote, oelobraiod hto for- tleth birthday lari night In Mulohler's Hull.

inhn Hotowarth and Mr*. Helen* Wagner w m b y th i Bav. Mr. Rleb toot night.

Miller and D n d .^ pflermann.s -nMoiten ws* given on Tuesday eveningby“Mir? ta

v L r t h ilw ti, ill birthday.Amiine the euosts werei Ray» au4 Mnu Djr»

s l d M l i j " ■ Crani. Mra K. Foster. v ' “ nT'afrl S iarles BibleJdr. and Mrs. B l- I Mr iS d M r e ^ F.

Wd ftrs. Enionnell.


w( K* P( s tl I o w se V "oeurday night until U o al«k. take. tx)ok for large red shtn ta*r e m r a ^ Come, rein Of Rhine. CutlSUoutAUdorltiif N with you. OATfArepAld.

I S WOf the times IrUVr lEUUIflsU flawaa'seand onlyAlAWlutalypnrt J};* ,™ "” ! in the iHATkettfr©© from All compemndt And reremirended W JJ*lOAdlDK P’ JTdclAD©medicAl

LIQUOB DKAl^Rn%484 Broad Street.

P1E A E 0 IA (> 'wiiswiiwtetel tefld’ W I'

. A D iV iO I N O m Y I R I .

A Satisfactory Infestment.

J A j r U A S Y I T . I B M .

NsmK m/im um.O U n t M t H : b

F l W f l d lw x m tln u fl m y a d v e rtta fl-

m e o t o f »p»rtm fln t» t o lo t. m i t bflfl

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aco o m p U fllu 'l puri?M 0.I t h i n k i t o n ly A l t to « * y t im t I


h a w M o elT fld m o » i f l ^ f t o t o r y r o .

p ilM to t ta *u i y I iM tva f T f l r J r i * ! I n « I f F w a r k

p a p « . Y o a » ,rm p w tf ti i iy .B . 0 . O O B D I T .

GkS OR EUCTRIC LIGHTV 'ts l!? i" h 2 S .W rI n ^ S d S o m ^ t * In any _-------- « •*- 80S, 86 BANI BT.W M -aB O W B A

STRICTURE,"'"taw te'u'';


tttl WAV MlMtllO BTIBUA. A* It*0© erL'ftiin •( efouatwtilifc Yiitew Wrip Nr iAa1^ * r a U b y Oharlos Holritauer. Broad flM

Martot s t r e e t * . ____________ j-.

TgWPttOtlfl NuM flg* tflO

The H olW Printing Co.■ aaKfldtri**

« * 13 M flohflotfl i f .ftlAM AAOAP ATsfl flAAT ALOW WUHHNU

V '. "V



- V , ^ £ w -

T i liGHirS GBm.Bo«nd fo r A M n in d m s t o f QoM

T t r o y i . ^ t g i pr a onUtlom t.


O n r *00 C o m H nntonTook tlie llo lt, nnil Tw o G iiirilltlon* \T s^ G lltnl U iit - I lc f« » the Heeonrt MUti'e ltei>itrlur<. the Im- poetor'e TXmptton TVs* Miule Kmiwii. CroM, till tnplu lii ami M ilo rirketl Tp l>Mtrt l« • Y n trl-N rtrl]- Two Yeoni Lolee the Itrretlrt llu lh o f the Magnet Mt'aa Fouml-^llaiiglng h|r the Xeek Wa» the Ih ip 'i Goat leretT aroT tie Lug Told the

Tn the ipring of tlw jvar 1B0B gtnttn nnmod Aleiamlor Crtaei, who wga prwiututhly an Amerloan, tnade hit t|ipAtriUk« at Klo cle Janeiro iukI claimed po b a n iiuulo on u - toumlin^ ditcovery on the African cootU Hit >t<n7 w tt to the effect that he bad landed ot Ca|)« Town two yrart before and maile hie wajr op the coaat tn the Hottentot country In tean^h of gold, lie had twai twpturM by the nativet and hnlil prituner for many iiiontha, awl during that ttmo had dltouvarud a gold Held lo rich that a mlnar could dig enough in three day* to make h|m rioh for life. I am only giving yon the tkeleUm of hli ttory. He filial In the partloulan eo nicely that nobody cnuhl doubt hli nncerlty. and to cap the climax be eihlblted eoveral nugget* of gold, which be claiEMid to have lerurwl without tto elightect trouble. Hia idea waa to charter a ehlp and take 0 ^ 100 gold hunter* at m much per head, but »uch waa the rtudi ot edventurer* that two ehl|*i were chartered. (Ine of them wa* fittol up to carry 100 meu, and the other had aboard.

C rap waa a bold and henrtleai villain, and bl* itory waa a lie from beginning U> eitd. He Intended to get poeanaJon of alt the money he could and then dimpprar. He hail BO Idea of aalUng wltli either craft, but clp- cumatouces wrought a change In hi* plane. The gold aeekera watchal him «o cloacly that he had no opportunity to abecoml, and when the day of aatliug canit he found hiniaclr aboard the ihlp Magnet, nn Engllah mer­chantman chartered for the voyage, Thla ■ hip waa to aoll a week in advance of the Otlwr and wait fur her at a jiulnt agreed •pon. The aecond ahip did nut get away. To* Ifagnet had been gou* only two or tliree

, day* when tome Knglleb iniopie arrival at Rh) and atamped C m a a* an adventurer and Impoatnr who had been ohUgal to flee the country. C p to thla ti(m» it waa aupinaod that the money he hiul reccival from iiiii vic tima hod been depoatled in a lunk at 1UI hut ft araa now ouccrUlued that ho had trana- lern d it to Paris.

Aa to wttat occurred after the Magnet u l M much will never bu known beyond a wrtam

^ta Foni weeka after her (^larture fnim 0 her yawl was picked up at sea TUO miles

eoutti ot her conrw for the Hotb'Utut nnat. There were thrm Tlead hodiee In the boat, ami they were fah-ly idontiflei aa them of Orue* and the Captain an 1 mate of the ship. They bad been amt adrift wlUiout uora, sail, food or water, (md the jteople alioard the xhlp muat have been in a vuugeful mood to do such a thing oa that. Three weeka after the boat was pickal up a craft supposed to be the Magnet waa sighted to the <sut of Tristan da Cunha Island. A Week later she was sighted sgaio further to the southeast. This time she wo*

lOHlng'and night could he rendered.

of weaM and gnws. A niuskcl was brought lip and llreit throe ur .four

** Dnrlaa the a l h k rtM Qhai

awl ana maeh faMter l l M than eshor eu g hnxidletBe." II. Ma m b , ilruadst, t ’Uta- vrurth. III. Tb* grig U nusch 'tbs aaau as » very aerere told and reuulrea ptwclaely t lie satiH traaiutat. This mniwlr is prompt and elTecItta! and will pmeent imj' tcmlctiry of the dtacoM. Inward phoujnoiila. For sale by t'harln llolakouer, Uroadaiul Markstslraeta; Albert flehurr, Rellevtllo avenue ami Urieiitnl street, aiiil J. itofsier. Oningc atpoet, rorner ItoeoTtll* aveuua. U. h. Campbell, MUlbum, Pnuntlet.

fircarma, knives, tolsiccvhoxaa. hatebefas cartrldma, t'lnjity Jugs oml bnttlea, a great Ic* of cheap c ro i^ ry nnd other rtofl whii-b

{Ui0 crew abouted in ctiovue and tba Caiitain urdtrad a Mid he would go in her

. Ixianlod her at the bows, and fuflbwid tho Caiitabi over tho rWe U

b iy nerVui to iriiet a tei'i'lliln epcctim

UmiN, and agnin nod W at Jo himself, wb«i I bracl*. Nothing living UP dead was In sight.' Kvepj- lilt of tho wreck woe gray-whllo iu oOlur twiuisc of loitgexpoeura to (he wusOier,

. -y rih ero a iM thore about (he da!ks vroru fShr'Ii k^vdiruf dsKssy. Tlrerowiniu few (s,|is Ilf liipci It boap of clothing and Iwdilliig lit­tle iKitIrr tbbu b h d i iimuld, and tln w or

.w, four Witter iwaks hatl t'oUc l about with Hm ball uuUl ilniiiuHah^.' TheJim rof ttiectiok'acnlloy ana Indd open by Its hook, wtnl wi; Ju<>kal hi w tluil jwt* mid la s t liaiiglBg uj< and tJio store iu gooil con­dition, The UtignMi left Hlo with lanjulvcn tu m u im d a crm ro f wveutam iumi.>,lu itonkhnuws w baf*U ia ,im r wore qitartei a), wa fimud h ak& lg aiid clothing mid iws clieail, but u o t^ ig to shou' whnt liml

It laleft her in

sadly wrecked ajof t and flying a signal of dls- treas, but as a gale wtu bh ’ coming on no anistaniv cc NoM ng further hod been reported up to May, 1007, when the AmerJoaii bark IJua C. Ilavis, cruhitng for whahw south of the Cape ot Good Hope, touched at Moriou Island to renew her supptlee. It waa there learned that a (Usniaatod ship suppiscd to be tho Magnet, bad been sighted to the south only three days before. W * bad nowipapcrs on board the Daria giv­ing the particulars aa 1 have B’lalesl them, and when we loft the bland It was to cruise for the lost sbd|) as welt as for wlmle*. tike iniut be a death ship aa welt os a miseiug oue. Every drop of water and every morsel of food must have hecu viju^listej in the first ninety ilavts and if the ship hod touched nt any Islnnd or ^wkep any other craft the fact had not been rc iu rW . We did not believe that the derelict regurtod by the labmilei's could be the Magnet, which bad nut buen beard el for tweatj^two month*, but nevers ihelot) hoped to find th* hidJi and solve a mystery.

Forty mllei south of Marion Ishiivl we killed a wlude eu I drifted off to the west oa wo trial out the blubber and i liiancd op. W e then nuule baU a day's run to the aouui and changed our course to the east, and at the mid of the fifth ilay after leaving thu bland wo were about eighty miles to the aouthsrest of it. Half au hour befuru suitset tho man In the urow '* Best nlghted tliederelict dead ohead, but a long way off. With the going down of the sun the wind di«l out, and as night caom down the wreck was still four or five ntliee away. Her Uariugs were talmn by ooui|iate and we bail no doubt of picking her u]> next morning. The night was perfectly ctibn aud Uia n« qtuet, but when dayUgbt earn* the wreck was no longer in aigbt. There waa noth lug so very strange bi liiat, hmyever, as wu were Istth d r i^ ig , aud her drift would bu the faster. A brecm Ibteil Um sun isit of bis ocean bod, and we ran to the soutboast. ex­pecting to have the wreck tn sight within an hour. A fter two houi*s' salllug we knew that we must have over-nm her ur that soino tnysterioua current had drifted her iu an­other ibrection. Our crow were bcglniiiug to shake tlk'b- beaibi over it when we sighted B whale, and in the ctlw<e and captuiu tliat emuail derelict was forgotten. .W e had tho dead whole alongside and nwdy tu cut in when th* boats were lowiSwl for a sremid, and ttirte hours later the bark waa drifting off with the carcaaa of a whale on eltlier aidu of her aiid the crew working liku li*afera to got thd blubber off before a uhouge' of weather.

J was aloft In the irow's neat when the •ecoud whale wo* towed alongside, and had been ordered down to bear a bond when 1 took a last look through theglaas. Down lu the souHi and nut over (our uiiloa away the derelict suddenly bov* Into v k w as If rising front the bottom of tlie sea. I waa ■ n*B I had carefully swept that quarter half a dsiten (lin « within on hour, but tliero she now lay In gilatn view, and 1 was a bit rot- tled us 1 focused thu glniw (ur a good look at her. W hat I mads out was tbeitu llol a ship with all her masts, yanhi, bowsprit and standing rigging gone. Khe was nearly bows on to me, se mat 1 could not make out how badU Ju* bnlwask* were Cr*'-"- * The stump ortho foremost wo* about m w ty feet liigh, while the others bod ku hen off lower down. The bub was very bunyantaud floated high; but, oa waa to bo exjwcted, it preOented a weatber-bcatou aud forlorn a]>- peorance. T hk deckhuuae and tho cook's gal­ley were stUl stomUng, and 1 thought I could m u * opt a lot of wreckage fluatlng olong- ■ Ide, It wa* now within on hour of sun­down, and I bad not been surveying the wreck over threo minutes whuoapercinptury o t w to come down chhked me off. I re- ported the prcaeuoe ot the deroUct tii the Cap­tain, butvnthiD much blubber at hand ho was ItaUfferent to other things and asked no queaUona about her.

Four daya later, when the oil waa In (h* barrels, our ppidtlon at noon show-d that we Were fifty imles soutbeart of the sjwt wlicre we made the double cajiture. An hour tator the man In the crow’s neat alghtod the der­elict to the nmdh of us, and at i o'oluck wo Were up with her. It was tli« hulk of th* lest kfagntt. From the time of sigbbng bar up to w luument of b«vlng-to we inoked for some sort of signal to sknw that •erne oa* woe yet Uvbutabiwrd of her, but botblng was shown, when we hod her npder our lee, the crew ran aloft tu look

aIowb upon her decki. The foil of the masts had oruahed lu r bulwarks, but tb» danisge had b « n repaired afterward, though tho now work had not been jadutod. Thu water about was entirely clear of wreckage, mid liio hull was apparently a* tight and buoyant lU wbun It left XUo. i t Wot terribly weatbcr-bealeiL however,.and seemed to be miling In a laid

nor reached an islaiid. Every scraii of everything which coidd be used to sustain life hod breii picked up, and at last the sole survivor bail found h l l^ lf slow ly dying for tho want of food and hod ended hi* life a day or two wmniT by means of the noose.

W e took everything of value that wa could find almord the wreck and left her to drive with wind and wave, Thu Ckiptaiu hntl a mind to scuttle her or aet hcroiliv, but flnalty decided to do neither. 1 think it was ts*ause he (Ud not like to meddle with tho corpee. It would have seemed beartlres to burn It lu thu (wbiu or to know that It went to the iKittom hanging t)u>re like a murderer, aud we ainiply rowed buck to isir shill and left tlu' lonciy hulk and its louclr burden to wander a W t until some tti rible gale ^ould bide Ibem from tbs sight uf otlier men.

M. Qcao ,[Copyright IWH.JLOCAL CHIT-CHAT.

hhortktorles and Hketrhua About People and Happentnga and Neenea In Thla

CUv and Glaewbaes.

A acrvlco in memory of Igicy Stone wilt bo held In IMdio M wwrial Church Sunday evening. A number of noted people have been engaged to make addrocies, chief of whom is Mrs, Mary R. Livermore, Mrs. Livermore was born aud educated In New Eughmd and began to teach at an early ago. It was while teaching at tba South that she was brought fooe to face with thu institution of alarery and witneswsl deeds of barhoriam so tragic’that she retnrued to the North a radical Abolitionist and thenceforth euteml tho Hat* ngnlnat slavery and every form of opprewiion. iShe Iwcnnie the wife of the Rev. D. F. Livermore In IS4d and then began her literary career. She wrote stones, sketches and pooms for various mugasinee and news­papers, and when her husbaml became editor and proprietor of a rellglniu weekly in Chioago she became hi* assoctatu editor. Slie wrote for every depertnicnt of the [Mjier ex­cept the tbeoiogleal, and during Iiiir hus­band's abipucre fi om botne bad charge of the entire estabibihment. She perfomavl much reportorial work tn those day* and at the first nomination ot Abraham Llncobi for the Presidency in the Chicago Wigwam In IMtIO rile was ths only wotnnn reporter who had a place among a hundred or mure men report­ers, A ll the while she wu* her own house- keeper, directing the servants herself oml giving personal aupervislun to the uducatlon and training of her children.

From the beginning of the Clyil War Mrs, Ijivennor* was IdantrUcd w 1th relief work for the soldiers. She was nno of thu two women who were elected associate inemtiera of tho United RIates Raoltory CommlsAion aud she performed bcreuloan tmika m behalf of the wounded soldiers till the cleae of thu war.

When the war was over she mailu orrangp- monta for tbe first Woman's Suffrage Con- vontion evor h ^ In Chleogo, which resulted in tho organifention of tho lllioots Womon Bufftage Association, and iilis, lAvennore was electod It* ftrst prudent. Mho soon afte# eetabliahed a tuffroge paper called thu A gi­tator. For tw e iit^ v c years she has been mnspicuooaly before the public tut a lecturer. While she boa lectured In nrarly every city in tbl* w u ntry gpil in Euglatid and Bcotland, she ha* never oppoared iicfon' a Newark audience. The Ufe-long friemi of Lucy Htoun, ahu is ouilnently quallflod to pay Utting trib­ute to her memory.

Another notad wnmati who will take port in the aervicc ia the Rev. Antoluettu lli own ffUckweit, of El Mora, N. J. Mr*. Hlacktfell was a claaaniate of Lucy Btnns at Obertin Coibige. H boa not Ih-cu Mts. illackwcU's advocacy of wonuui'a riglits alone that baa given Iter a plare among the wnineu uf tbe centnry, but hvr numsruus cnntribuUom to philosophy and (lotion and the fact that she was tho first woman preacher regularly or­dained in til* oouDtry and the world.

Aaron M. Fowell, of Floliifli'Id, will qieok of Luoy Btonc’a work hi the auU-slavery canae, Mr. Powell waa aasociateil with the onti-alaviiry movement in IBfll aa rcprusnnteil by Wililom lAoyd Garrieoii, Wendell Fbil- Upe, Lucy Stone and otkere.

Thla inomorial m,t«tlng will Iw under the ■ UBpioea of tho Woniana Huffrogc Aasocla- tion of New Jersey, of which Mrs. Florence How* Hall, ahio of Platnfleld, I* iirnrident, Mrs. Halt la the oldrat ilaughtur of Julia Word Uowe, and liku bvr luotbcr is a gifted woman. Bho belioves in * better future for humanity, and tnaista on woman's right to help it along, fihe is the anthoi' of several iwputor boinu, anil la well knosni tu Ncwai'k- ^ n* a delightful leuturer.

e * a‘ ‘Say, Shiidge, I vant my geesea."llkia remai-a waa hnrioil at Lientenaut

Adame of thu Hecond Precinct tho other day Ueruutn who entered the station har­

dly and wa* ovidently I fho bicittonant kiokebiciltoi

suiivuly, u Well, I haven't got them.’' " A c lil I knowdot''respomloil thcatn

cr, “ but 1 vauU n polioenisn to got mo tj

heea.ih* f i ^ o f^ t* lalknv. The bi*Weeu h ib i' iIisiIbi liqd b*Ui fittiti t *


I t J E S K 'i S 'a'A'V.' t .

agretsl to pay Ici.fkl f>w tbo goeao, provided the ownar wtiulil agicnd fifty rents ot tlio iHirchaea priisi Irn- beer.

flu) aolu wa* ratiffisd, but iit ihin isrint u tltlnl peggoii put m lUi oppoani'.ico. It was thu wifo af tlks owner of UiogwiM. RIh) objectud tp the sate, but ber objccliomi wora over-ruled, Jternitubii put titu gooee lu bia wagon and stariail to u neighboring aaloou to unjny Um iUte rente' woith of rslreeb- na'iita. WhitrTt— hi tin vcocUod bis wagon again tho pjiMs W f-gone. Not a foatltor wu* to be man. He Amumdod bln recently

to ebliiD lLat'iulitel lint fatkvl

i ' k t e t» i

the poaetuicuni wautnl fur use on tbe voyage or otter they liad lni«lert. In aesna o( the bunk* the taxldlng wn* nii^y arrongeiL Imt in other* it waa rijUed |n a heap. Tba lamps bail been taknii down and tbs »U pnured out of them, uni we fouii-l luuiging on a uui some wicks which liad l*wn ttkaii from candlw. Neither burr uur in thu deckbniue abnv* rouhl we find au much oa tite heei of a bool or shoo.

From between itecks we pronwded to thecabin, the doore of which were shut, but .not kicked, Tba first sight to greet cur ayes was that of a huinut Imily lum^ng by a I'oiia around ita Bw-k in tiie main mldn. There we* no odor eouuiating fnmi ttv> ilead. Tba twilr hod slmtily slirivuilnt up until H waa hardly more than a *kclot«n. Tits fiame wa* that of a targe man, but tiw weight of tbe iKxly wa* not above fifty poumls. On a tabia just huyond where the m ui was hanging was the ship’s log, and near it on ink bottle end a t»n. Ths Cap- tsdn took the log on deck ami very soon an- nouuced that It oontoiuud tome particolart of what had otTurrod at*)ard. Wa than made a learoh of tbe cabin aud found tb* ablp'i papers, about two huialred dolRit in gold Irenes, a hag ctmlalning t l 95 bi silver, severiri rlfla* and revolver*, th r« watehas, some legal iiapere whli-b bad belongwt to tbe Captain and quite a number,of other iiilngs. Neither the ritiji'n flag nor any chttite wore to bu found, while not a cooi- poaa, quadrant or sextant rcnld be turned up. The entries in the logbook for the drat two weeka were in tiw Captain's lianlwritlaK. Then came a note written iu a dlffureiit hand and aaying:

“ W e found unt that tliey had deceived ut and sent Ibem adrift in one of the boots."

Ten day* later another eiiiry, In aUU another hand, referred to wime of the people sailing away in the limg l*«t. la ter on there was an entry to the ulTe<( that the ship boil been disniaated, oml then not a iins bod Iwen written for months. Tlie man hanging by the neck and swingbig to ami fro like a iiundulum with every roil of the ship bod tieen the last survivor. Hu biul written no a |»ge of tbe logbook in a trembling handi

" I have been akmu for thu last ten ilays, and for the lost four I have fasted—neithur food nor drink,"

On the day, or the next, before he hod grown too weak, he had arranged the rope and put en end to his sufferliigH. After the ship left Rio the goid hunter* must have found out that Croe* hod dis-eivwl thorn. Furbatsi tbe Capbiln and the mate inter­fered in bia twhoU' and for tliat rmson were sent afloat with him. The second mate was not a navigator, anil i-vuu it b was attempting to return to itiu the luaa of the mast* put it out of hi* power. Une would argue that the wreck ought to have bqen slghled and tbe men taken olf, hut it sighted by any craft beyond those mentioned Ibey iH-itner relieved nor reporh*! her.Ilkriy that at leoat thirri')a*i|)Ic left I tbe boat*, but none uf them wo* picknl up

. . e i i a e i a i f i i l S l r T Sthe im rtad (temioB.

Un ImI&v 1a Um usoitlTt hligrew r a S a t a a i l bn toft tiw itatiou, wviug:

" rU go peek, right avey, uiid p d dirt IBM's nsnae mid v«ra h* li**a, und I iwt you gtt dot g o s a p d i n to-morrow j iA "

Tba fNgannakar? Uniua of thla city re- cantly fbrninhited a new ayatein of akUug its uneiuplnyed nicuheri, end after a fair triat tlie UKvnlnn declare It a sucism. The new plau, or i-rwllt card ayxteni, wna Isgun on lb* first of tbe year. Each niembor of tlie union who la out of w*irk la glvMi a num­bered card, on which hi* name la written. He ia o tillf^ to report at tlie unkn's hood- quartora every day that ho is ill1^ au 1 th* coril la then atamissl. On Matunlay iilghta tbe card! are iiniamited at the heoilquartets

] payiuent la mode fur each day tM her u out of work. Tbia may be kopt up

C U R E - 1 C love^M i^y Cough Syrup’" F U A T IT 'N t h k h o u s e .1 I I “ j A'irtMaapiBiiistrtlMdPkfWiCf to AiteltsorrMifreii.

I F I L I A TEMPOdNFUL DOES THE BUSINESS.! w g n f t t m o T T L B . a l l DRPannrr*.

for a ]ieriod of six weeks, aud tlieu tier mcm- hei-is drn|)iie<l for idx woeks, afhw which lie n a v nbi'w Ida cant for six wetAs, end so on,

Th* money uxpeiuled In tills way 1* tak«; fimm the gvuoral fund of tbe union, and tbo ciBormalws ore thus enalilnl tosupporteacb otnar without appealing to tba cbarltabla ur- ganlairinswi,

An old moB who* gave'hia name es Hr.Ehlara, end who chunia to hnvt practiced medicine in thla city aUmt tw«nty-four year* ago, vlalted the (rlty Clerk'* offlre thu othor A»f and told Clerk 'I’atoiwm that in IhNIi or ISlu be paid a Urena* foe of U. in iu-,*H*lanre witli the law, and wa* therefore untitled tu )iractioe in this Btato- No record of giliyft- cian* waa ever kept at Uw City Hall, ami Clerk Fateraoa directod the doctor to tim County Clerk'* ufilae, whore tho name* of all phyHr. Eblera sold be was anxious to obtain iwoof* of hi* record. Clerk Fatenaui bonuiie intereatod in tho man. and when ho rehirneit to th* C ity Hall aud explained that thu liook oontaiiiiag his name could unt be found, Mr. Fetoranii pronilai*! to rUlt th* Courthouse and asdat th* doctor,

• • ,To llhiatrate the effect of tho hard time*

upon the puree atrlngs ot the ninaaeii, a well- known atorekneiier m this city cite* on ei- perieiice he had a few days ago with one uf Newark's wralthieat citlaens. Tb* w'nie took place at a novelty store not far from Brood and Market itreeta. A few days ego there antered a gentleman, who waa instantly recogniaod aa a rk-h and well-known man.

Tha uiau wanted a nutmeg grater, and after aeloctlng one asked tlie price. The dealer auawrred that it wa* auven eenta, whereupon the wealthy citixen asked if he would unt take five cents, a* tinm were so bat'll The storekeeper repllsil that for tho ■ atno roBoon he shuuld ch arp ten rente. After ban tin g for some time over the dlfforetiir, and fliutily offering aix oenta, the waalUiy citiaeo left without the grater.

* * *On otw of tb* coM ntgbta of this week, at

th* hour wbesi Nawark citlieiis pock tbein- ■ riva into streak cars in a manner tbat would fumlah point* to tho French girls who p*i-k sardines, a do«n or more men were crowded on tbe f ^ t platfonn of a Belleville avenue car, facliu a cutting wind and ipyliig tho driver, who was blue and red with cold and who in coniequence cf tiie weather was not in a humor to inpreciat* rough jokiw, and In consequunc* of the cloae quarters nmld not beat hi* breast with hiaxhlllcil fist, aa Is tbe habit of m m who handle faorsM. Among the number waa J. T. KUis, of 7 .Ailing street, who asenied to care little for the coliT A fter the otbera hod hail their fun at tho driver^ expenae Mr. Kills said: "W h v don't

218 and 220 Market Street, Newark, N. J.


■ E I C U I

F o r t h e n e x t t h i r t y d a y s w e w i l l p l a c e o n s a l e a t H A I t F

P H I C I C a l l t h a t i s l e f t o f o u r f a l l a n d h o l i d a y .s t o c k ..

I f y o u a r e . l o o k i n g f o r a b a r g a i n , c o m e a n d s e c u r e a

g e n u i n e o n « .

loo U O U aS a t

f 1 Pep Y ardMOQUETTES.I 3 T 3 T T ^ ^ T T I T ^ aOOHOLLSATJ j I V U D O J l t U D f 50c. P e r Y .r d

iNGRAras, it s ;,-;,,.A n d a b o u t t w o t h o u s a n d S M Y R N A , M O Q U E T T E A N D

W I L T O N R U G S a t o n e - t h i r d t h e i r f o r m e r p r i c e .

I n g r a i n R e m n a n t s1 5 c . P e r Y a r d

I F Y O U H A Y E M 'T $ 0 T T H E m H , R E M E M B E R Y O U R

C R E D I T I S $ 0 0 D A N D O U R T E R M S A R E E A S Y .

you carry a itov* In your pocket, tln-n you v M s .wouldn^ suffer with the wmther ns you do.” *'There was on Icy gleam in the driver'* eye aa * s w J l C S A A S w A A l a w / A ^ 7 0 * he responded: “ W hy don't you ask me why 1 don't have a Baltimore hmu-r under my

1(1 snil IK Newark Are., JerfUr CItr- rt and ;q Myrtle Ave„ Beooklyn.

ubter BBd a steam radiator bi sorb shn b plpee

wouldn't turn into on idcl*. If 1 hod a hot-witta pipe* coiled *11 around me 1

CD shno, Then I

water tubular boUer under mo aud a self- feeding stove in my bat I wonlil not frreav of conrse. Hav* you anything else to sug- gmt to keep me f i ^ turning lute a stiff r Mr. Ellis smtladand said: “ Rut I was In carneiL 1 hav* a stove in full blast in each pocket BOW, and am as warm ss * tossted nuifll*. Put your hand bi there end feel for jonreelf."

The drivn- s K p ^ bl* stiffened fingers out of hia warm W ther mitten, dubiously rroched over, and seddeuty p lu n ^ his liand Into tb* peustenger’* pocket- The nextime nient ite gave a IhtwI onii exclolmeil! “ Weti, Tm ho " “ RoastedI" interpossd Mr. Ellis. “ W hat is it, onyhowr asked the driver. “ Jm t what I istid," rs^jliwl tb* passenger; “ a pocket stove. I hare eo* in each iKK-kat." l a a rnmneirt he produced two omoinentAi nickel-plated disks the Hhapo of, but ahont twioe ths sise of, an ohl- fashioned tllvar woteb. Both were throwing off volume* of beat That Uttle stove la a new thing. It conaumsa a bit of pnqiarerl carbon, and while it can he carried safely in til* pocket throws off a deal of heat. Itood thb>g for iiuople riding, or driving, or going tong distances In Miter weatm-r. Better thing to beat up a spot touched with neuralgia, and a handy tittle store to iron out a pitin In the face or in the back. No ns* btvtag cold tlngers with one of them in your pocket" be concluded as he iiromwl a stove into hi* tronsen pocket and slid off the car. Thi* pocket stove is ctw of tha new things whk-b Newark'li turning out

* * ♦ ■Tb* ability of the American small boy to

rite tonerior to nay sort of obstoi'ie was never better illnatrated than a few tlundays ago in an o]»n lot in Roseville. Mcorus of pasacra-by saw a gong of boys on the lot

foot ball " irud oa the



Iron Bedsteads,H a ir M attresses,

Spring Beds, Feathers, Pillows, Feather Beds,

A t g r e f t t l y r e d u c e d p r i c e s , a n d p o s i t i v e l y l e s s t h a n t h e s e c a n b e p r o c u r e d f o r a t a n y o t h e r B a let h a n o u r G r e a t I n v e n t o r y C l e a r a n c e S a l e n o w g o i n g o n a t


J. C. MCCURDY & CO.H a i r M a t t r e a s e s a n d B e d d i n g F e a t h e r s r e n o v a t e d a t l o w e s t r a t e s

c o n s i s t e n t w i t h b e s t w o r k . N e w T i c k s f u r n ia h e d .

Slaybu: a gome that cannot be better coIIihI lan by the title “ in i^ n a iT '

' ' ' ' ■ gatfici

i otoy tbe boy* tiituinelvu*

Thoee boy* had prauimibly „ lot to play toot noli in tiio usual way and were prevented by the failure of the ball to put in on appearance. 'I'he Uttle fellows d»- clded that It would be a shameto hwo tbe day's sport becauM-of a little thing Uke a niissing ball, and so a match woe made, goals pitched and at the

Lme they w ent A t what it may be askeil.'BlL noBe of the spectoton cuukl undui-

stand bow ther«||amed to be a nonimon cini- sent os to w bereIH D |IL was, bnuudlug, fly­ing or rolling, b u rre B l there was sura au understoiMllng wo* obvious, Rome one would deliver a fierce kick to the imaginary boll, til faoes would be turned upward, and the crowd wonld rush to tbe place where tiio ball ought to falL Bonila would be stretebed up to catch it, and In a moment, as if all toe boys hod miseod ih they would acraiublti on the ground in a heap, out of which some one woltid wriggle, carrying tho imaginary ball gaolward undm' his arm and pureuivl by fieet-tooted eoenties, who would trip him up and rob him of th* Invisible lioll ami start bock with i t Ho it w ent and it was as live­ly a game as could be witnessed. It very rarely happenrtlbat there wa* any doubt a*

llton of the ball, but howto the _doutit was BVi ran toU,

a " •It 1* not known to many Hurt tbo heart of

“ l e w " Brown, who was shot and killuil by hi* miatraas, Emma Woods, iitiU I'cuutiu* im- buned. It is in a gloia enso in the oflira of CoM ty Fbytidai^ Elllutt umterveil in alw- Iml. Thronrt It runs a Ilttlo wire to show the c o q ^ e l tho fatal bullet^

* * aTnar* was much amusesnent caused by a

conductor ot a Brooil street car one after­noon thi* w » k . The fare ooltaitor wetgluvl lu tbe iwtgbborbond of auo pounds. Sevuiwl WMaengere entered tlie car at the Mur- rti OM Kssex depiit und took suiibi at the upi»r end of tho ceuvuyanir. A few minutei poaaed before tho oondncUir wa* ready to enter the car to coUcct tbo fore*. U* opcoeil the iloor aud took several «teps forward and then ho slpppwl. Hr struggled to gat forward, however, l>ut thr more he atruggled the harder it hwana- for mm to move. H* w m wodgeil In the door, flio porspb-ation rolled down his fat chpiik* in s t r ^ is , wbila aoms of the passcngei's

wEF*’* ami others laaghed aloud.The oonduotor made a lost attempt but It

wa* DO gn, and he aold appealingly I “ Will tome of you gantlomen kindly lirtp me!'" p ie men re^rondnl and *oon Uiey forral book tiM iloor which hail Iw-n caught, and

■ the conductor entered the cor and coUectod the (ar«a from the oonvliisal posacnger*.

0 you happen to have money and want Furniture, Carpets, Stoves or Bedding? If so, call on us.

Here Are Some Prices:B e d r o o m S u i t s a t f i i . o o .

P a r l o r S u i t s a t $ 3 5 .0 3 .

E x t e n s i o n T a b l e s a t $ 3 .5 0 .

D i n i n g C h a i r s a t 6 5 c . a n d u p .

R a n g e s a t $ 7 .0 0 a n d u p .

B r u s s e l s C a r p e t a t 5 0 c . a n d u p . ,

I n g r a i n C a r p e t a t 3 5 c , a n d u p . ,


MCMANUS BROS.,2 3 4 J i i t t St.

^ U S E > »i;

... itiy uiciteil.about null replied

r C K S O N A L .

tQDaBNDr DHtHaiut Issavtniyrenrsefnd 1* one of th* flncsl harpists in the

I Miy me dem gce«« for owei Foliar ii half, niKt vm [ bay* dor nwney uud for helm, dot geeses vos gone.''

B y a sariea orqucstliew the Lijutenuit got thu Osavnan to tell hb ntory. In bml^n Kngllah ho said hia uatoo was Mathew ilorn- hebn and that lie lived on llfth ■ tn.'et. He WQ* driving Hong Hnwex avunuo, bo sold.

“ w * •nqw'.ftnt atriiek bis fancy. Ho toilnd riwiiei’ uud staitod to lirtvo a b*r- gabt Tbe owm-r uskml Al for tbo fowl, wblidi prtfiu Horiihcira tliought was too steep. A lter tilcJieidng for stuiw Umti Dernbelm

niitiiniaahi'aafhiaaBAinFB wbi d W d r ^ Q q n B B B '

T hkRgn Hui World.

M r^ Ra s . widow of Hr, John Kao, the •xplorer, h u p n ien le d her husband'*

collection of A k iiu and other curtositleH to ^ the Uidvorslty of Edinburgh,

®“ ‘**M>A Omr.vla, rister of (ho Karl ■ !. ^ ' *• aolog Ihrougli a ooutM of tridniniiInwsllnbiirKh to qualify for a nurns. Hhe is at - present a prohatlonor in tbo Ohlldronh Hoefb ***• ■ ■ g gT ’rrr_.--L.-a-

HI1I.B. isth* (lf«t and onlyaoctrMl at inur p, j^n order of Ihevhj*.reotor of the Aeodeuiy of Part* forbids ^ m rn pngdla having oopie* of tho code.MllRChajilm'abiatrnctions uiberclsesw erd wholly oral.

llA jott BiiHKg, the abscfludiiig State Trena- "''O ''of IsniWaao, who c.nibeiislod *11,000,««)

wtiiVltod te BfipBdstM, in nuiisger there Tor s New ^ r k ndnliig syiidlciiti). He «ayshe will

hawk aofi tlond trial as voou os ho gets rteb een^H to defend his esas.J^Jwosgt, J, AiuiBr Knox, who made Tetn <ref*W aitaaia kuawn Hrnunfl the world, was “ M fFaldff'vith Jesioh Carter Ui publishing

^ W h l r l i suspended puhlloo- t**h la tttatn aaaf . Ho luvs now matte srrang*-

syuditiate Cor a lector.


I tr

W nrrantod a ll n u q ib e n S ix Cord.

The N - E 'W W ill m N f on Any Machm.

.vAKiyrACTim Btr n r t h *

. m orgpi

W e S T B B X i T , H . I .

(i’oriierly srllh E. O. >htk*a(a'jTba.Jd e a l e r i n

JW l i o l i ' s a l o a j i 4 j i l t a i l

O rrlO E AND Y, ‘ '

133 FIRST I ^ T ,ifVlI.nhnm- Nn. lO I*. ; ; jifegtevfc. W .1

LKOA L ^OTfCKfl. ________

IN CHAltimBV DP NKW J E L W .Y -T 3 Deortisnss PtysoMsi]l|r vlitiM of All ordnr <»f lb* Coiiri ' hsn'fvy p*

Kew Jrvtex inftelfi «» Itav d«y of tlie dim liartol Ih ft emuMk ft'bardu Mary Hrowu U cDinitinl'uiiit ihh jrftu ann ftiuHiirr ftrf difeiulftitli. you arc Xiqulrnd lo^ptAr, plmd. Hosvrar nr <bmiir rn Ihe bill ursalii cotniilftiMm on Of baHar* tb# tw»i riN day uf rFbru- ft fi tlftblaan huuiliad anit nhwiy-iuur, or iliQ ajld bill «tn bb taken aftroariwud agftlO'lyiHk.

'I It* Mid bill )• fllad tf)by i*«i»rra Htxmdils fak Jniin ii. Ta/lnr. ami N nsiwl Hfty IWftQiy-iGHrib. hnntlrsil nod I'l/h')'-ftlftbl. kd4 rmirdaU Jkprii tixtb, aUihlecn liniulrtd RoiUlfhrr ntnc s In rook WRormoriftagei lor ta MX Vowniy. ttft|fta si ftrid t4, on btndi Im iharlty of NftWftrk : ftfld Mid monTXit vrii ftMii:n*ft hv mi<i Jblib D. ‘i AyLor tu Bdftrf Bra^n tin HepUitilHir I'lae- iMnib. Hfhuaa buotlr^ *ntl nlh/tr tywar* mv1«drlbiidfttu bftea>i«ftjriD|iftrftttithflr it iftw i>r said(t«or|a Ra nnlda and braiiM you ova Mid liuiiii ur Kime pait

J Riftd afti wmbitr 11, U08.JOifKHII H. WGODHUfK,

etill<>U9r orCbm^Ulhaat,t% Prudaatlal BulWlai:. Kewiirk, N- J.

ouMir aT i-iMx, ftnd r>titn of >

...jt& cjLB iM if o M B ir n r ir f . ^ TitPft, ft. unjy Hallin auWtTilaik'# alib rti r>f ti,r | FdiftMtira nf

Ibii NaM, IkPvetdM tUai tb* Mr^ ««» tbatblH

V* ** ** riar- mn ikwnftf4 PliHai«ntftik(i^tilaa a- taiai t*f tH fM rarklirr^ aati'n Uiai ibrrw H lxw ^ft fkTHit ifeiF drlH WMiiMdaf In Jnitturf to ib* IliiPu

Inrhiftltft, ftt <bU Mtek. atatefnftutHiunilaruaiblii MarauttiH nmeMlj'BwB ail litdlvidaalaaiid bnrftftiWlftiK Ua% l a * n r o n - trir nub»*M tft I Mal'o*. IQ Wif city nf drdiHuMftfkr ludublftdBtf Oku \>$ Blintm.i UM aatfta, dat* «»d rMMfic* vf th« ctwlilor la fieifu aod ItM ftMOMil mi-tlif

^allM i« iiarabf flrrn to tha ttkWttbvra «f |t«- nnual Guard, ftii artlva and rtatiijH drama:! ftn>l •tamtora of Nilvaa ( a m nil ivtuorabiy dto rharftns »aUJ1tn and Ml toft wh«i hav* •Mn-vd u laM war aod tba widom bf auob a ildirn ami m U-ofa, aa loftf aa thftr raaMlik unmarrb'4. ‘’ Ibat ibov am Mtiuoii ii> Oft rftocrthvn ihKu cttirral A*d B^lal poll tax, BiMt Itom ***tihlv athlfuuatcIpanaxaUou tt|kon r««i nr iwr-onal ufmitU'. •r both. iiM axcMdUnd In awracato (tv* (^ih^ d«>lar\ iHftvMIftt awiHMi balbre tha ftardauhlM Ibf liiik* ftiMivft 9»intlnu mmI vrataiiM fttalift la thair iixamptlou M uj' law ”

All pM|Hftotora a»d a« dwalliM bou«»idiitciMn«*i» ftiwtliiM am taratir fto(Tla>i tk«ti ibry ara m ilv* iba MolMnni MMmnr ailitMr nuacciikft laalM diMrlru tli<i

iiMUjki Wbrft auti'Xbt bf Mtu'b aTMiaur, umr paraniuU anriloathw; 11m muB.ker r>f BtrwftarvMdlito Ihuralik. ihafr nimm and iC «i- uni »f tbai t paaiMalnaa* aa tor aa knftWB: and an* ■ Dch pnihclHuvr or kri'pr.- nr hoa^lmrbouarnr Inq who ataall uftiMin viva to rai* !»«)•(. aal Mtoanr Ih* aMva Inlnmaaiixi wri Mfotna Uahia uiidar iNnatntuta, it tua t i»">kvtd«a fir ibnlm- ikriMinmant nraii (arduaint udriitinr.

ttfllca haur«.!t A. M. t o ir . at. Oalljr: »:ft4 ifdam rraatVA.k. 14113 34.

My art*r af Hit bMid.OWUI F. OOKLOH.


. _ Fa VINU. - Ad-. avMintnUbr bftfttdtfthutka u Iwr b/ ftvtft that mm ftiataamiTH qpan

T mHTRkBTir AVBNITK avMintnl Ibr baaed

Kutka U lwr«b/ gi'all iha awrttift ttf nil The tamia m laal aataia naoni Iftlly bfiiiilud l.y ibt pftvla« <7^

'iiriitikksVi H AVw7iV%. fVaM Marrii ftVFAfta Ifj LUilalan ftwao >. acrordiiw lu ihft provialima of aa ordliAnoa af toft dty of N tw • ftrk, riiMUftJ, '-An ardlaiMftft to pravldt Ite toa

or^ TiriJlTKKNTn AVllfUF,

to J.UUtiaa avtttua,'* aporovadA, wNB,lls. teas prtreKVI ky Ihs sadsnaxiMt Oumvils

tioutrs ipusmtel hy tet Olsysr «t ih* u i , *r Nswsrk, m A iksi s r.imn hy s wililejiM In wrtv isx. wna ss scssiiipsiiytet iw * sne wkKiuia siwwiugtee ssvsrsl sswiisiasw ssalsH Ih* ssy- ^ *>rBtn ^ i l i r i y ten«fiM si tfcrsssM.hss hre* atpoiltoa In Ik. affire of ths CUy Clrrh nllho oUy of K n srt, Bu (SsaluU va hr IhsmuUal* urefttad IherHi).

nald aMaM-anni tompHnaa all lata, triftta mh paroalftoflftiHl aail vaaJ aiuia »M>lft to te ftmftMrd M ftfarftMuu, l£lof Mt bfttik aidan of

TRtKTK«<.M'K AVimriC,Crom UarfU arftntia m U(| aioa araftua,

A rftprea ftlatsD emlu plot ofiatid,wb«thar Iftifft ftf amalt.

Ail peratow IfKftMawd In aaid iviaft*nmeul mtr bft beard batort aaid (Vinuil«aluik«pft oa Tl/BBUAV. THK i W krn Y-i rilRD DAY OF


d Jiliftltd JftAUftT/ n, MMF. W, bUUJVAH, y. I- FKlffD.John D w vkti.


LOKn%ORTH RTHFsrr FAVIKtK AtotKK^ nftni f >r bamlta.

KMtctlabarab/flvtnihftVftn eaeftisoMni norm ali tUftawMra or ail ibft landi and rval ftctata ikft< cntlarljr teMlItid bv Uia bfttlbir of ^

tuNOwORTil HtfUCKT. frotn Wftabincioik airtftt to Hl(b eiraai, aocoidlnt to Iba ptovMoiM or an ardlhanee or Iba riiy ICrwark.tftUUftd **An unUuaoc/ topruvklft tba MVlDf of

IsOXOtYORTU bTlIKICT. gnm Waabluglon itra^ to High atraat, appmvad lift/ A UM,

liM beau prr-iMi>ii by Uia tmdfttaUiiiftd r ainmla- MiMtontri, appfHiiwd by iba Mayor uf iba idty of ^awark.alMllUatnrt>f|.ln. by nokrUdetito to writ­ing, with $M aeritiikitatorlng iumi ftiM nrbadule, ebuwtOf lb* Harernl awnumeAUi Mmluat Ilia tovaral owoarapfCiiilarlr beneiltodMnrormkL bM barn dapoalletl In tgf odle* of iba (Ity C>ft«fc of the e.(v of Ouwark fur eitnjiifuaUoa te tba parUtft lolftr> talartilMrtlu-

raid aawoBiuftDt cunipiia*a atl loiB, Irmefai and paf- ot ian.i and r.<«i aitaia Mab a to ba MwaMdM

ftiteaaald, Irlugim both alrtenorl/»;|«tvVoHTlI HrnK*T,

ftom Yaabinfttoo Biroft to Klfh atrftftt.A " lo r rtprraenu ah m lr« plot te mnJ

whathvr larga or aoMh.All ikeraon* iiit«rtflad In aato maaeaBmant too/ bo

taaani tefbia MkJ (’ontmlatlaaari aa FlllDAY, T aK TWKffTV-blXTH DAT OF

JANrAbtY* HH:ip. M„ ai (ha romnUMtor - *

oori,tny Hail.Datad Jauuarr 18. tOL

F. W. nU.lsTVAM.F. 1* FKMD,JUU.M DWVr.It,

Mp laimDlaMuorra

4>a«ij* roHft, Kd. 4 (third

kiv -ww**-Ib W ta lfk .V A j 1 aid raUmaid raUwoFA,_____ _ __b j tin ituarlu' ktogmm* k agd ifioE i " r atoi« i « i / on natlM iM tt a bJann.r> f, iml inilqi —** - of Pshssss VsidnM I s haeB,Mnulkt. I4>tev,.usufctii« ■ ■< sra iitkwsllnt ta imml Ikurlv MsouJ>i»»rii.ra teihrMou

•arksftiweTliknuT-. »«* *ii ik■ I hem* w □«<■ ». Jurli).u ky ststlaasi tWsfi.eiijo .wute Jf.lres c S iiiS n t1.vil.ihl fl s. I'lo. ;.te *. gteassWh 0.01 A. M.. T«u.l. hia A. M. iS ik”

f xj» i'- M. Laii«s sill, .1, hiHiU fuprrev—'’■ rstilMit* siiil rmvhi* m * i


_ M tMalAtf.**■ Kyifaen.-pjdiBton Vmhste Nrepus Csfi w lllttiisf*, t-htess* *

teYvltn-l liiMlngi.n hi PliluiJi-lpUis^ J*S

1* M Mtntnwaiiam\ Milbust Kleaplbf i a r t to l InauMaii ami nL .DtatM Car Alwana to t kftauMtil, Aritvae A

I NJ3 P M1-, enuna tiiaruhaa l aeiAo Kapraaa—PttllHMii

tip. ^

i r T v y i i ' ” - , " • * 'v r * 10 Hliiriisr* A tnrto S- W. iwouiiit siun-Uisi iw

^ n .ki P. W.. I'oiumwH i . i . p. .M ..11J ctetw kH . work Dsra Ir i 1- M ' .

I4.U P. ku ..hteiiHHhl so* nohvUio Ju iyo iK - ow.y. hjih^ .4 m .otfuov-- is.iph ksu Saw j. losiis; IT.ii nIgUI. Cslly, flH oosi to Aiisk'teoiHl* Jii-h«i»nli». , .

f X tt P. t i . Itelly lor sh potnte on ttw-atMOh* uiilo l.sUwsy. 1 hioofh wrepliw sod utuloa

to e Bsuitusro. w 0011111*100 and th# *oiiui, ixoh IT '. It-lsnh-o K.. prew. Psllow s Vest-

•Hit ntrlur ( s n . VssUhul* I’luH Sfsr i soclits s » W hn*, u i .» a . u .t . i i . ts * , a . , xi5.*.si, i K * 1^ 1 ' ■ t . l*" “ soitey. ix«T m K » te *. iAV h f f s n d A*j I', ti. lo r flaitlmors noty,P- Mf a^aftadaFa ^ Pbiiwiaiabia* Bkp.. r i^ :, a n , l i e . a m a ia .w ;

XII, i.W tlh lt Uailioit fcirfso i, I’Hlliuu) Vostlhol* P o rm fhi*, Vooubiilo I ’s-jo-Havr (uu-h** sod isw--* - la g t t i r i l i .B a . u ^ ) x w , l . u . l « . X H i-H, - - Xn.XXf sDo Xi* r. ti. .VeooiiiiiiwlsUoa. ‘*■ K ..4«losa I.U r. M On miodny.>Uh ^ XM. V.II. Xte, t a i l A. M,: XII. x a . x i^ sa a x t i I'. M. AccommodSDiii).'Fsr'TnaM n. I l f l . X tit 70a, f.w. x i x x t r . a i i , -

- W (IX*7 Llraltoil Kkprrsx Pullman Vsotioala - I'srlw O tn , VfSUhsI* Poo>oa*fT O w boskaU M*- ^ i o t k U . t i s M i : i .N A. ix ix m x n t t v - XtVxi%X>XXinT.(VX3l sad X ti I', u . huadsK - i t w . u k x u . a n , t l i Slid lu l l A- H . i X H T t tX IX .a> f.tM ,X iS ia iU > sl . ti.

For AUwilo X'liy. IXU P. M. D.M P. K wUh Irsiifh PuUmu HuOhk l-srlar oarj sad Xti a t i •sk dsvhP o r ih i* H sy ,X liP . ti. w sts days.Par Loa* Nrsnuh. k lh tn u , Atlwry twrk, O atta

hrovs, nprlng is>*, i-ni u irx MtnsAiusa. Pom* Pteooksusnd tw lnuoa ik* Saw York snd U o a H nai'h h i i l m l . XN a . U.. ix m XdX XM p T lC ' IXil Olfkt. dtlly n o s te neadsy. o* M sday iCh A. K . ta d XH P. M. IX) no, t h * St Uoosa Ui*y*■r Atbury l**rt «o ihindsy.

r o t MUIS* Park, iw sad UolgUts sad Toa* h u . r . ** -H ti. It w k u.vA

Per R«te*,, w lihout ahan th 1X41 M. wospdsrxXM P.H. dally,

Far Bmohljn, N, V. AU Uiroiltb irmlotoonnael at JarNjr ciir wiib baata or Hra aJ/n Anaai.'' •noribiif d lr^ iraoalbi to atid fhim KuUon wcaaft artedluf (toubta nrrUg* and touriuiy acroae UM dtF.

f*OB NEW roiiic. laara Uariui Mraat Matlaii. Ate. A4T,Ag),Alb

XH. 7. It, 7.11, 7.4X X*X XUt XU) XOI. XU, X4X Xti, >JX xli, lemn, ixtx ixw, ll.oo, 11.17 A .tii ixot 1 I . i.ei.IJO,IA4. 1. y, I t . tiir ia i.X 4xxiX Xlh XM. XIX 4JX XIX XIX XIX XIX XIX MX OAX W 7.H, XMXIU, XOI. 1X»X iLIt P. M.s3 Itrt ntiht Miadsy trslux Xu. X4T,xm. xox six ixat IXIX ».4t. II.OX A. ti.; iLtii IXtt I.M SIX XM. XI7. XN, XH, xex XIX ML T.N I.N MX - 7.4X XN XW. XW. lo.»t, ixill Pjk.. IXilo iilrkt,

J-JXXIXXn. IXM, IIN A. t i , . l i l t liVl J.oXtOLP*ti^iwrt'Jteyx**' *■ **■ *•*. 'LtsvsChretmiiMrootgtsUos. XtXXN Xti XU 7.N 7.4X7.N XN XS7. XM. XiX O.U. IXlMXti. . A. t i ; IXM. IXJ . I.N, IJX I X XIX llX X liX i -

t T.Ol X Isutelsy. XB

l l t i 111

|>A l.m viM rriiaA.TP*ViNu- Ahox Btitidil'J )ftir kfiiplHx - '

hmln It hoffky Tires lbs* sn sssswnit'it uyos th ihtuuH.naisli Uis tsuds sad *wu omjIo orom-lari) b urdtod br iLt navhigor

BAL1IWJ2T VTHKlflorp WaaUjngton Mr>xtt ia Hlgb at«>*r. nrcoHlot


ru III! iinjviekrtiB ofetiDfillnaboaor tire nity ur.Vfw- arK.enUlltd An itrdluaoca to pravidj fur tot nav- logoi •

BAl.DWTlf b T R R rr.IWm Wftahlttgtou iim t to Hlgb atrFtt,*' apprisval May 9. IIM

llaaootp pfiftaied b r tha utideratoned domnilv ftiournL appolulMl by tha Kaj-gr rd tb** ally vr .Vew ark .M d ibai a r ^ m by a verUdral* lu n ritlu f. wILU au Mcooipaeylug map atvl acftvdulr. abowiug Iba aeveval aaatoimi'nti a|mlfti4 ibe cwnenibecuUatiy beneAh-dMafaiaMUl, ha« been (topoaftad \m the ofllca of (lie d iy (lerk nrUto (Ity of y^w arb tor aNaailiiaUtm by iha paitlex in tonnad chorefn.

bakl aMTAfiiktiii oumprian all loto, iraati aod p a r o^a of land and real o«ikiiH ll-M t m haatoiitof ai aibraiMUl, lylug uti teili atopaar

KALITw IN wTHItKT. tnm Waahlogton fdiaai lo Mkh aUart

A ’HoO' repreneak an eullre platvfUmd, wboth- a t large or inialL

Ait ^ r u n a lu iended In aaid M«aaimftni may be bfard bkvtore mid I'ouiiuilMtlOiirrt uu TUKUDAY, IH K T W /.M V I’ lIBD DAY OF


St 3 P. H., et Uia ComnilaBtouara' r>om, No. 4 (Utird oarvcIi/llH lI.Datod Jaimary 10,18li

P. W. blitM V s\N *F. U rjC lN D ,JUJIN DWYKR,

Uo ('Offimltolrmem.

BhUAU Hl'KkkT fbr babtiU


Novkiv fa hereby glTan that an atooaanif ai upon all lilt ownera nl all t)ia landa and laal mtoie pecu" ilaxij teiitdiad by iba af

ARUAD H iiikE T .from Ctonvtrueur atreal to Haxrey airK* aprnrdtoi to tito jmvM'iiit of ait avdlnaww Gf the lity or Naarark.entiLled "Aa ordloatK-e toprovida fbr Ilia Hvtbf af

BROADlTflJlET,fioBa (loQvemaar itreat to Harvay ilrrwt, anprored d a l/lA lJ V t

)iaa baen preparad by < aloflen. ap(K>inied by Uk) Mayar or iIih rlty or New- ayh, and tbnl a repopAby aiftrUiiaato lu nruiDg, wiiaaa4Gtioui|niM.v1aa uwp ami aulMbuift, aU' wina the Mvaral aueiMrmitia aj.a1nat Ute aeverAl owoera

pet-uJlarly la-iofUad an atoratolt, baa teen de- iM^Udmiheuthoqitftoa iUiy Clark of ton ciiy of

awarlr, fur exam^naUua by ib* pardea toitmstod thafeio.

raid uaewnaent oompfMm all lata, truetfiaad parrni* or land and real ftftlato MalUu to ba anaaeiad aft afbrosaUL 1y)u| ftn bolb eldn at

All ..............—

URdfraknefl I'ommla-

i l k I m AlA A4& AM AU !.(«,AlTi IaM IKII P. U.; IZUt c k MA K M l. AMt. lAIA lAAT, tl.U A. k . _____I.M, l i a ^ lM AM AM AM AM. A4I AUl AM T*! k U AxM ltl.AU. lA l^ P. M.. i4aTakmine(M imvi«lailvii-A»LAjl, AM f.Wl "T.M AMi All, A d, AK, AM m u A. M.! IV A U i4 '1.31, I ." 111. M l, AU, A U A M k«(A 4A T**4. T j l , 'AM.AMU*It J'- M-; llauilgliL Aufiilay, A M aM a m a m M tJ. J A. M-: 1 j..tJ, 13 H hU, LM A U ' L ll, U4|^U0. AM A41o AM, AH 7.LA B.3I* I.U a ^ : '■

y iu i ii If ApKKT A TRK rr rrA tiO K . ‘-'-.■'ifi^ t o t KUaabeift aad Uabway. AM M l, M TAB '•% M l.lJA A M to U ll.A I A. k . i l.iiA A - M A i i tS ‘ I .M |4 A f.M A r.A M A M AMAto.AW, AOT, I tC *AM Afi, m a n , a <k ,a43. la.'M i t . i i> ,1L | ix ilao d IA47 Diftbt Hunday, l.M AM ABI.AH M M IM t,n .t8 A M .ilIM U A A M A M AMAOk TM T.til.HL7.MAJA A«. lAM M M U4T P* MT-;" and 13.47 aljrht -

Far hJiaitelb only. AM A. U. dally. M K a ad AM 'P. JU. iratfc diiyA

For .Ntw lhuu««lcii, 1147, A4I, T.Oa, T.M AM, AM AU and LlJIA. ItM , I.M AM,AM A M A Ilr.M M Jantl M « H M A «tod^ M M i. ^^£-tS'.'o5'xS?v“ ?.‘ “- " ‘ • " V .7

Fur Woodbrldguand i'arUl Atoboy, l.H, AAf aa4 .J 2 IXM *. M.i X N X(f, l .« ,J .0 7 * m l* ,ti^ . t i . o a -^ 'y kimatvs. l.H, U.H A. t i l ix in V. ti.

m w osU bnu^oaiy . x to * , t i . ; XU r . t i i U i ^ a rifb 1, srotk day* ; i iu ) A. H ., hunitsy.. -

» .« tililrtoax 7.00 A. t i ; l l N X t i U i l X U ^ f . H , daily, cioo|>tMD.I*y.

Vor Kioaoiox sox Bocky IIIU, 7.H A. M. i P. H .. dsliy, o.oopt --uii'lsy.

Ver I'bllllpsknrs, Ession and B slv id tn , TJX 1 a . U .s n d X H x n l>. M. ouiidty. Xdl 1*. I t

>0. lamtiarlvHi*. 7.M, ii.N x . ti.iX IX X I!x n I-. t i . B in d s y r tn V. t i

to r ylamlortnii, T.BQ dftlly. Mwpf iwoday.a

to r ^am}og(tni,'T.KV il .g | A. tf .a a d A M F nFor F riw tu tt. T.uu, A ii, U.U A. M ; 1.31 AM 1

•odT.U 1'. H. dtiily, axcapt Hundoiy. ^ iVor Bordaotowav Huritoftou a M <AiBd§|LjtfA

AU and lU f A. M.t I.M lU . AM ftud A « m jjjfjr* ftWairt srnday. cgiModay, Mil A. M

r a r V r^bo ld , rarm lagdftJa U ahaafinai aw l te aQ invU iCohnnuikJuD O itoD .7J7and U 4i A .* ' Aid AM P, H. week daya For FreaboM imly,K l^ m a iiy U jA y j j NKW a KK.

P ar Nawark. iM AM AM AM 7 M TJA 7.4 ....... M M to4A iA M lM u jrji^ ^ |rA M U A A4\ I

a m a m a m 4.j4AM AM AM AIT

A lAlA B.UA 11,44 J tiHdayirwaa, AtA M i 0. ii.u AoHd-t i lM i

„ . M aa. , a Ia ia u

aad m l mldnrgbL atmdayi a m a m JAM JO.M ILW, I I M ...................aso,, I'U. AM AM AM, 4.M 4.4), AW, AIA a1 A41 a m TM 7.M T.4A AM J M AM AM IaHIj.uO P. U.. aud lAlfitoidiilgiil, * *. ». j

For hirtter latormftttuii *u8 tii’MihibJaclabaaftaaUha Ueket omoaa Thiknu lur aU p jLato aa IhiiinaylTautaJialifoadaniioauoaoHoi!*, and tertb% leoOpna nod bN4ka«e rhoxiftx at Ite ooupaay^ e1hcoe,kus7W Uiu-ul itrwek ur at Uukalouleeal VMkfftbirceiiHaUoa- ^». M. PHKVUil. J. a WOOD. '

Ueneral If hrwttr. flaneral Pa*n#flg«r Akint

SKNTHAt. llAIUiOAUOF NFW JKIWRT- Amhri«lto toal ueed extdunlvelr. infturluf MillutM «n<t (Miii/urL Timeiabla to fD'eol Uo*

tember )H, iwt.'1 n iu kave Itnual ami Ferr>’ Hinet Utotl »iw.For Pialpaebl. AlA 7.L8, liV3. AM 4U.», |

. IWJ4 II HTHKKT Qrom (louveroftTir ntTcaito Harvey

A "lur reartarato m antlra plot of laud.n beilitr torga or wnaTl

All porwfUl tottrentad In Raid an tenneniot may ba beard te fo ti udd CommU^one.a an FBJDAY, T H a 'IW K M Y -H ixntt Da y OF

JANVAnV.IMM,y p . N.yAtiha Comuitntlonata'rootooKo. «(Jd floor). CUy HftlL

Dalad Jaaaapy lA IMA

f , W. BULLIVAPf,. L FW W l’,

^ JOHN DWVKB.Mp t'anjn]telon*r«s


KMla* la iirreby gkao toftt art aauMtneM upon all llto ownara ot alltba Uadi aito raai aniai> pcvii llarly banattud by tba paTiug ot

« HAJIVkY BiHiCr)’* from palUirllla aanaue ur the a.mterty curb line of an . I'Uftnani avnnaa. aooordtiHt to ib* pruvtetfmn of up oMiaa.Ka of Uie rMy of Nawurk. eulUU-d **AD urdtoftiKfti to pr>vliie btr the oav in ; of

HAKVkY ttTKKm*.1 nailevlltoaveuiw to tha oMieHy curb llnr of riaaftnnt avenue.'' approrad June la. lAii*M beau prepared hy (he uudeiwIffnrHl L'amtnia

dptod by tha Mayor of the Pity ' hy a (Mruiivato Ui

))bpaiiy1g|' dinp nTiH a^Mtilo. jaM Balnerttn agnlitil ibt nvvara

( paruaa Inltreatod

.ireparedhy (he uiMleiMffnnd L'amtnia •toiwra* amxdptod by tha Mayor of the alty of New. ark. and toftU by a qirUllvato Ui writing.

ihowing _ ... iwvaral owner*

pathidSfly banafluif anv atefamW, haa bwn deirots lied 111 the 01004 af lha City curk of tba 4'Uy of Newurb, (liraiawlualtoB by tb e -toeealh-

lUM aftaaaimani oamprlnan an tou. (rnou and paruaif of Inod and raid »M a Uable to Ma eweaiad as oJurtetad, JyJiif on wui iidM te

. HAttVfcV Hri.lfiKY, from t elievliie avenue to tha oaftierfy enrb line af M t rleaaAiilavouuai ou lboaneto ideof

. MT. FLKAHAM I'AVMNUK, troni too nurtberly line gf Harvey ittoft to a pniot about forty feet t(Hi;h of ihn wune.

A "ioi*' rapTflAenift no aiuire plot e f U n i wtiaibpr larfli or imnli. *

A il te rto iii Intaieuied In a%ld m toitdK'bt may bah4iird boforauidLammMMuBtndlt' ............. iTTk iW K M V i.flX ru

JAKUAHYk IbH,ria ir.iy , DAY DF

3 J*. M., a t Ibe CoiftiplintoMr*' roptoi Ko. 4 (third Poor), City iTalL * '

liaiad Jeoui/y if, itoCF. W, ftTITiLIVAH, r. La f- JOHK

Kp CoirmiyMton'

horebyglTaa UuM dnbn riewlc, ot theiHiy uf uraoK. tnilio t ' ‘ ^hawje an aftftiitnnitiiit toNo t ic f o f a h m o m m r .n t - n o t io i: i«T ........................... . - . . -

JtrWa ha<i Itor luhtoribnr. of bln eMate, Ite the eitii »l ten^tii ot hlscredltarL wtU tbaJ the MiU eredliura m u 't en- bltiH their ravpeetkn olaltnA ufauer i«ib «'r afllnik*- U >n. lolb* Kutre.-i|iicr. a t hU oAlce, Xa itm m ve fttreel, In iba uald towtwhlpof Koat rm i r , or at tbe uOSod of Ittabn 4b Howa, ooujiaetlan aMnw. franen XattonnI Bank HiilLdlng, In itM aald tdty ofOrapro. f

DsTk I O rce in b e rn m mWAUdACH OlhOiVLTHKk, Aulgnea.

M ICOWM, AitorgayA J81


TAXRBDFIMIi b<M»ca trflleoel'W of Taxec

ibift olKoe wiiiboberi, uam Jitouftry M iWUbr -luary M w i Ibr tnarptkm ar taiaa or i m * ftethnilar a ^ t lg a bioaiiad ta iba Kdivwini 1.

auliWBlehts afUitMi«ld eo eg batoto Hia flflaoBNi day af.topto iw

bar, two per rana wUi ba daduuind i If paid on or ha> tfi^the talrttatb day af t*ap(fiube(,oiie per oMkLwJll be Mfliieted \ If paW*it Of bdbto the tirteueib day af^obar. ona-halif u< um gar 0*111. wtiJ ba de>

P«1d Jb* twenlleth^^gy ‘Uotoberatbarga^ooapte float. Wilt bo ■ ddecftif aoi paid oa or oafom tM iweatteUi day af Movaiw bar lirbari* of iwo parcapi. win boafldad, and if batpeidauorbetorf iiiatweniittb day of im m* beraMtarf* <M iB w n r «inm wtUlie adoadt if ODMidoti tha t o el itmowty wartaat*wiuteMiad.ftadivihaMiiian ta tfaraa p v ooav. totel«M^(m^tto1lar.v M M M t o oept, JuaMoi?

te noij u sh

W fiP H •’ AflfiAflK TKItiKTO. -S M C H tiC A lilll, IMTEKMEHtA'TK AND

RTKKRAURAt Inweal New Ymk rates ou all line* of ooeon s.rHiiH-re. M i^ T lN II, liENKlH A CO.^ontaH- llslii'd itUH, ITI Brnifi street, Boar H s A t street, Newark, N. J. Hrxtte Tor g l ondap- Ksni whI ineiie, attterk i« ,ab ls te Hraol Hrlisln and Irolaad and all ports of Lnrop*.

LBFIIGH V A L L E Y R A I L R O A D .M o rk a i N i iw t N ta tto n .

7,V> A. If- dally f'Or Wllkrnbanre and lH arinadtaia stntIuKw. t'oiioectloa, aadapt Monday, b r iro tuvil e and t-eidluf.

taol A. a . dally tor Uaneva. Boebecter. Buffilo aud the W01L. and urlbctpaJ local PaJuki ohalr ear to \v dkwbiirr*. JMiimau car 10 HulMo.

11 w F. M. dally, eJKopthnndav, tor F lm ln taa d nil iiiirmieiltiiivNtaifoMi ootinndilpna flari am vm a aud ^ Idauoh Cbuak*

4,0! p, M. lU Hr. CAOupi itoBiiay, tor U. and E Jmirtlon iiari priiif IpaJ (uknuetiliitfl HtftUoni; chair car tu It HketoeitiS I'miuectlotiB tor FoUavlUA '

e 33 F. Ai. daily, eioepl Miiuliiy, tor etHiC* FUiD' Raid ftiul tuivrmrdiatvktaitotM.

A4A p.-Vj. dally, except huiitUy, fbr F au o n ab it laCrrnoe.lIata

ato P. M. dftily. luf Puflb1& xiagHira Fella amt I'all pnlrita ts'ni.^ivaperiu lluiflaUki oounaxtlofl^ tor

Iteadtjwand IJarrUter.;.v x ran ^nadoy, tor Maitch

iiirPiiHHlhOe -AAJ H. >1. dell,, ,

Clunik and hdcrjiiiHlhOe etAtlaiiA.dally iur llbaew, t^enive, figobaater,U.3U K AI. dally iur llbae^ t^eniva, rodbM tar,

rnflWo, XIaxam Kail* ftnd all imtute wew. Full- man idteper to nuapehitoii Uridxa.

Ad()llkmMlhUiii]a.r trains 1 lUto A. U. torHftOCh Chunk upd lh>tuviUe.ftudAHP, M. tory-aaioDand InlerniMIfttfl^tftilotif*. ^

'ih'keiftMndlhiUiiumftra'itpmodatlaueat 9M Ml. OH pud JlSIJtruftikvay.JW Bowery, i t i hoot im h at., Nftvr york ; »K) a ulton iv, 4 Cutirfc M. And ^

(to will aall far e»d cb«4k t e n f r a (Turo hoial ar ntodanoa Miroiigb to de.siluailflii. » U. WIIiBUB, CHA". E DKE

Ucb'l F upt kw tem Dlrr ^ t j e A lM i. Agi A-W. KOXXKMACJR** E tVM. U. »M[TU.

AMI. Uaii'l FftM. AtPibb (IftM't E AeC

LIA u& teluntaya oidyJ, AW. A1A 4-M4AA AMAH, Ab). ato, 718. \.*k Ii.44, 10.08, 11.37 1*. M. NUAdayB, 7.M K-tt. m ’ .................. ..a m tI d. H'U.

VM A44, ICl.M ■ •Ar M l Ud. XU. ■hid

r WI jawTUMr V Htr. *** «*-*•*■ • .*w, re,«<iMA ).IA lau, fit, 4-U6, CM AM AM AM T-W, AM MVA tl-'J F. M- isundayBiT-M A46, AUfi A. M.I UA

ForHuinarvUIr, at aia T.ia Af\ A. X.s..........W AOi, A* ' ■ "

it ir x T x it i m i l l t il '. ‘ l i .* ' '„ .Fur FWutluftijn, 7.IH, AVi A* M*i UA CM 4 88 F*

M. Miiadaya 4.1U I*. M- , ^FuratftlLmiiilA HUh Hndtra. (on>»>ct1fig tor ala*

tloua Oil UIkU itridee ttiaiudi ft'id Ia Kv Bupatonu T*ake llupaU’tuMC, AM A, M.; 4.i>t f, M,

iidayaie)bunckyateacepl Ijft1i« ilupalcouy), Ui)l> U.FurHiattuiiaon HftJu Llae >n.v Jer^y tanirM

DIvlalen. l^ion, HeUiiah in. Allvuiuivn and Mftucn Chunki74i,ft.A) (pHrjor Can iiAi a. M. ia >srftrtui, 1.1ft. CWiiMtrtei Ihirlor f*n, AbJ tT.U ta Allenp.wd} p. M. bundayt, T.hl A, E* Uo, j.4*K M.Not WllkesbarriL L*ltUton ftiid FerAutao. Ae» A.iS., F, M-1 tiiHix-iti'arlur Larx

For hJinwiry, Crwiebiirg and WllUanwpprt Wft Phlladrlphla,t6t A- M.* l-M iAV M,, ei-f»Dt eatiinJay night. Kiiirlay, t.'JU*. M.

* ilKWoUlK ANI> KtJi'.AltK"III HKANCIl. Traiaa leavd Urtiad sintlon for KlUnbaPa

Had itoAime at i.ilKateihiiort only, ftA7.8A A3t: K.iwtelhport onlv, ft.Wi. 4W. U.-». ie.0V ia & ll.o i,U .lt6 A. M -ltUA :LXAAM, 4.BA AM. ft.85. i) Q-Fi, T-l V 7,Aft, n.*J. )0.n6, U.'dV. M. iMiadiiyfl. T.M -t i:>.u» u.-Vt, lA&ft. li.Aft A. ftl.i 1.1U,14AA|S, |.3»,4.IO, 4 M l>M IKM. T.Ma IA 4.1A 1U.9} Fr M.

For Perth Amboy. B.lft, l.a.ft, I tU A. M..1.M 4.0A4W, AM AM 7.MF. M. bund (ft, AM A. M4 CIO I'.IL

Fur AtUnUotltghlande vt* Haiiiwaa, A32, ll .ll A. M.;I.3A, 4.1ft, AM A30 P. U- fruiidoya AW A. M.: iiO V M.

Kur Frcciirdd. A33, ll.U A. Mr; t.8>, iXI, Aft? V. M. Fur Had Hank. llrancii, i.fcvau tiruv>sutc*

I. t i U.U A. f t : l.tA 4.AV 4.3ft (AM to Kcd HaflkLAll V. M. 'tiniiduye to (joeftit Orovy, vulA. W.; ,« 1 N jjij MKF.WOOl),

loma lUver, Itarnugat Park Aud fftantarei, AMA. H.: t.8A4.a&P. M. ^

Fur VlitclMBd and Ifrklfoloa. 1.U F. it.For Atlaidto Uily, i.iJ r . M "j,

NKWAltll A.Nil NKW VURlC. ’I'ren. u n o d u id F orrf Wivst Hisiluiii—AIXN

XM, XN hW. 1,0). 7.10, 7,40. Xw). X'ti, XM, t.uO, :i.iX ato, ie.uu. tail), >0-40, ham. n.iu A. t i . : ixojti.iIXSl), I.IS). L.Vt. f .IM. XM, xgo- XM, XOI). X.U. XN S.«X XtX, X N XDX x a , * til. 7.01. 7.40, 7,XV, MB, “ XL IX*LII. 9U I'. U.| I7N, i:.40 Il1l;ltl. V1lililsre-7.U|. XO* xN>X«l, ll.N A. M.; IXiS) ti.; l.UU, l.lo.lisl. XU4.(>l,*.(0,S.OO, 7.00. 400. XIW. II'.OL ILUrtll),)'. M.itvav* Hew ftork from fwi uf f.iterty etmet-reiit

I, AW-UM. A'4ft.7.1A T.M, ft W.u.i». e,lAAMiaoQ.ih.iA mMn.<u.ii.M A. M.; ta -to,J.0U,UU.'^>)i3d,A9l,'l^d, 4-M. 4.M A 10.AM AW, Al 1, aoel A4A. 7.1D, 7.M, 7.43. AM, 9.11, Ih.lO, 11,18. ItVb M. •'^undayi -T.dO. Myi,*.0b, iduo. II.Ob. A. M4 1t<-0 H.: nu, AJIL 4.Wl AM « h>. AI9, T.OJk Alio, AUUt Ib-Ou, 1 IrUL I redd 1 A l .

T o « FHU.ADMAj’UJArUAJiTIilO ItK 4ftNU • - WAHHlNtCroS. ilOVAIr JIMfr

Tor FbilftQflplJta and Trenton, T.iS, H Vi. LAbft iIU a fljLceirt f'lilibilfliiihln} A. M.; LAft. 4.0ft, &dV Lkl, 7,38, lUfo F. Id. Hand.%yA AM A. M.: I.SftlCU fiftjpi Tmiiton, 7,to l\ ed.

il or Bftliintorn ftnd SvaiiiinTtbiit *■ W. U J* A. H t l.UrtM ftOLT.U. ir.38Vs M. Miudayn. fOO, A r l l .n .» r 4 s M '’M P. M. M re-i *fo r ChattnHOOfa, ?fow Or'eane and ell poiuti >1=011(1], wUh tlutHUsh veeiltHttoit atueiwra via fibeo* ajidi>4b Vality Lhit* a t P' M. aaoduyA 4.84 IV M.

Through ilffkmiban-prluciiia] at luwaWralefi era on laXt a t JiriMa alreet r^tatiuii.FsH . oTsMAOtfcxN, ^ H. i*. B.ftJsIlWIN,

U«D. bujitrinti'mlraL Ceu* PaMtep^r Ageaa

ERIE RAILWAY.PCPOT FOURTH AVf, AHD PASBAIC AT.Coaueotlni tratuA leaveaji tollow^-.

-SEi. x liK a SU i'ATEltiON. fo are Newark tor J‘aier!k>ii-“d.pi.7.0&, ft.41, Jb-3ft

A- -N.lltM U.1I, AO, 4,M,i.M<(uU.AM7.db, AOf.1k» F. a . aud i&ll A. M .................. .a8.^ ,7.e7.e.aft, iu,a7 r. H.

NsW. «.«*« «-*l, MlUX-l ■■‘Mh M «M, D.JW, f.W| WWI,aud i&ll A. Us auuoay, d.fl, 1«8<1 A> M.«

........ 10, 7 r. U. .jflave PotPiauii tot Nn.vark -A 3L G.I7. 0*'il> 7> L

7.48, KU, H.uft IU.16. ILH A. H.: I.M, S.3I. 8.W. f .l l «.ll.T.U,gU, 1d,4J IV M, rundiy, i(8t.&i8ahdLd.lg A. *|.i LM,*.M7.a8. lu..ft5 |V W *'

lH*tWA«K AN1‘I fava yawnik -aoft, 7,73t 7,^ k'fy ktr, 0 si,

10.47 A. M.\ IlUt, LAI, lASrCM AM (LAI. MM, d-ll I1.WF.U. flumiay.T.Si, UlM. ll.WA, U.. IW.IL'M, A44 ll.Oe tv M. '

XSsv* flaw'York ttilteinters strret)-X4X iXtX) ■ XW, XW, Uti) A. tiJ I N XIL X'Jl, XNXtk ISg X lt 7.XL IX« li'O I’, ti. HandsY.XIkl S.H.lMUi". xixxM , I.0I, late 1* .M. „

J,«y ) kiirata, l«*vs *'ewsrt( Xll A, M. On suw d » ,r7.ti A. ti, Vsttlbui* l.liuliad, IrereU il '. 3. Amds.xil.te F. M, orsBil TfOBk t j -pm slotvs NewiitkXti P. ti. HundsYxXtJ i . M.I kloNtu Ktiwwa. flure Sowjrk XW 1’. M. So*.

S S i i f eilreet. 'NbphunuMurid nUtlae.

H ahne&Have X full lln* of BtUOHB'fi ' fK R PA'TTgBNS.

r> -i

Aiw>' i& n ' ' Ltieq. 1

ikm rn

(f;j t e t w a h k k v e n i n g

l». iSBt.

of K*pnWlo« Sm oton Afr

to.tbi AttoneT&«««J-T l ^ CAiniOT TAKE THHR BEATS,

Kr. Cm U miHl Mr. BlUrr A « r» th«t Thry W m M *n l •»* Allowf(l“ " f% iM WmiW rr*r»n» Thrm ," »»T* **r.

CKwr rr« e» t« tlM ef Wli»t

ttM IM U lo a «f AlUininr■ aallf T*.

MADK a IIHKAK m n i.iiiE R TV .

A a Hrrol. J a llrr I'rTraat* th* i;*e«iw « f M»n> I'rlworr*.

Nri.„ JiMi 0. Krr.'tWOJ. IHV.-Init aJoiK! tlir wrrtckir <rf Ibiflnit H...I -rfthr.'w m tj J»ll tart «ru)H« when li.<

tlw ju rt- t.f a « ufiW mi tlw OnTumiiMK op 'S' ('"iiirl tw>

,t-. , t«r«wten iiani«l Drfrancw and < ^llaiiiMHi rtirhtuiK. IVillioiit » iiKanrtifa htH-


lla n v penoni who ht»» r*ml InOeoenU Htoekt™’" opinion on the right of KeimblicAn niemhernflorttn take their awite, •hrt It haa l»vn the roitmii nmi jn'ii-flce of t te Senate to admit Uiem, «™ wowierlng

: IrhT the irwmheraelft dii lim •aw piraeiil iM r credential nmi take theirMAtl lit OOCC. ,

l i i» very pUin Uuit codIm do thl»nmUrtwrpuita. the Sri»to ,^-11» nmy

5 er»^rf:the«rtiiv »H«ol!on. AAtl»)^'uhUS o w t*»a aBi.Jorttir of o»A « w. ml dI t n -ix iaalU etorth e UewmTBtifmemiwm to mirt

f iSoff o fth - lliiu M v nit*ooaATrt™ tt;'« I fT; irliaAiw'- . In ""lor AiaHlorrlKhta. oM ho JtewibUfB- raeuilims ac'inUng to tli* *• a^ ,;i.v^ ..n (irB iV (ha LKloO, ml(?lit la' nwn>

flw rly aiel more ipniemlly iuidonit..ri <w- tuin Itepnhih-au lawywa wei o interrlawwl ttiH winning. Jor.'|h Coalt waaftrrtaeea.

“ What I iinilerttand by the qin'ilon you• A ta tiila: W hat Ja to preeait the K«nnibll-oga mamlirra^dert from taking wata imine- diataly tn the twdy pneUtal ‘>*er by Ailraln, and, omiaUtutin* a majority, control tta or- w™' . . T . MjBiiawerta

laiiou he «iraiig into the nion. "ieiring Ih.fran.’C llie jailer puH**' *“ ni Into Iho .•MTklor, but waa folkmwl by fhna- tlaiiaen aial attaiknl by both nieii. A ,h«],erate atniggle mnuiu-iw-rtk w im a^- deiilv rl.rlatlanaeti apraiiif l« ' l: atulpiiwn riie U e r that unlo. every cell oil the

“ ■ N'ncna,! crinilnala bo^t forth ‘’ f ; ' " tbr jailer hih.a roll. ' T / ' r T e X r n m i aUi>q.-l<«hini,b«t with hi ton‘ thr<mghlh.'mob n^lth.. .Hirriilnr U. Uie Tlie 1“lowial him In a wiM d a 'lit" '’ a. the mob, headwitbnaihohl, Knieat had . h j wand a hilly ami flaalH'l the K"" 1““ a faro. Tl.e nmb aorge-l ,m b. 'I;' ' 1 ' wav in a frantic attempt to kill .U > 1 ^ Imt hia n e rv ami tie' Kun and they alowly and flllleiily j jtheir cclla, driven by j* moet deaiierate nttempi at '*''’” 1*' p "In the Jail and the moat iiende arOou on Uw t * i l n(^ni«st ever perfoniiwl by any mail In the Jailer'a oflliw. ,,

The piiaDiiert making tiie a ltm p t ?■ 'm T. y ntenecl to theoig trial in iWfault of Urge I'aH. IWranen, tlmfe i.ler.t. acutem'ed f<a- » f" '" r Inb'i fe^ing V. Ith ti>e Ibitted Watiw mall aerrien. andfhrlatlnnaeii tiaa a kmg term f'jr E m w t la aeverely bnilir,l and hai internal iniiirlea, til* reeult of lielng trarnplnl upmi. irhieli uiay jirove fatah

,if tie' hniov at

C liariri Mlneblee, o f Itaatln* llblee. t*'ir ut the Wreck Vlrllnia, Dlea at iit»

lloapltal at llobokeu,

Slierial Diataileh hi the Nltvf".HoaoKKS, Jan. It*, -tltarh-t Him'hler, c ii'

f j the vltlinia of ll«i lil.iaion ii HtieVenwh on .Mmulny, •H"''

•J mam Uwtay at Ht. Mar/a H ell to aeinrate the huve dual aa a i.e'ult

irfthe wrva-k. County I'hyaieiaii C "0 '......granted a Inirlal peniid, and ttio laalv young loan will lie ivniovol to hi Uo-aklng Kklg* till.' aftennaiii. „ ,

Jamutv ClTV, Jan. IH.-Ur. (linlani.' r ■ ■ Mary'a Itiwpital, f»«r* that Uiere will I'l '• blv be two iiuM'C deatlia at that liiatitutl'Hl toiikty M a WeilU of (he Delaware, Uu fci- waiina and Werti'rn Hallroail aia’ldinit. r e . wlu M. Clark, of B jJiiiig very 1"W.nsa laeipiration ta Irretolnr. Ul«wi> '"0'i aiatnr ore with him. . , _

Chrhitopher Arnold, of Newar):, ia •imer- Ing exi-niclatlng iiain, hi* leg h» ''«»! ampiitatial I >r. Cnabrrt liaa aoine ho[ai> tlu l be will pull Uirongkliowovur,

Kiigliieer David linfflnanwaii m nov.-lto hla hiam* in lhaith Orange thia aftiTieeio. He inalulalni hn waa not at fault for Uiv no- chlent. , ,

The flxaiidnatioii by the railroad onh inla will lie contiimed thfa aftornoou. ‘ l*rlyale eitlam* will be liearJ," »atd rtui«'rliib ii t<'nt Keaeunw.

A C orreepeadfiiee W ith a AInmg Local Favor.-TtM Wllann Hill and Ika

W orking l‘eo|ile.W AHiiiNtiToW, Jan. 111.- Coiig reaeman En-

aliali, of .Vewark, alwav* baa a vnltiralnotw I'lUiil, und tho gubjeeta tu whieh hla attention 1 . ulli'l are uotalwnya thoaa of tariff pen-,|n,^ Here la a letter frtmi a Newark man iiid llio ixeential part of the Congrota- Iimn'' niviwt r to 11, whleb dl«*'l,-»is Dr. Kn- .;b vinv um the Wllaon bill. Tha dtim n’i e tt-r ia followe ;

■■ Naw Y orb, Jan. Ifl.' "ConorraamoaJfnflKak;' Ii!;*r SiB -Allow m eto enter the pro-.................. —- ““ W llaon

K m l i of liitcreal ttalhorad In the Popa- Iona Hobnrha-.Notca of Police, Chnrch,

lioelal and Other Haplienlngm.

HIrhidaa Burna, of I J North Jtark Raat Oraiian, fourinmi year* of laal n ^ t Dv Juatiiw KiUott atUie Eart Or­ange Polio*'Htation on a charge of p ^ y oeny niaile by hie airter, Mr*. Alice lliighrt. Jmlge KUtoti held th* boy to *** if be a>uM not tw Kent to the Rotorni Hcbuol.

The Eaat Urang* Townahip r.m m ltte* held a meeting tart night, but no buetoeae of ImiKirtanoe waa tranaacterL

William K. UndaioT. of Ralhm & I J n ^ ley. hi camfloed to hU bmne with a ula- locatol arm, reertved by jumping from bla


of mviielf and (mnily agnlnat th* Wllam ' i.m -III - very pro«n*ct of whli-h baa thrown ' I u n ircii lait of work In the H n it^

I h a * never been a matter of public leg- BgaInrt which there faaa been a well-

- ’ - ....... — •>—— haa

wagon laat Ha turdav.M l* EHiaboth F. Johnaon, of Montclair,


will apeak In the rarlort of Trinity C o i i ^ gallonal Church, ilarrii

miivcraal laaiteat illlo

thereIn ofniocltion to thia one.

renmrkel to ’ me within a few

howa<veaw*aa c>> __ . I [IMW WM II HUkV Q M > n i * '1tbttt \ i «t the fifth mutU thft lOMUTi th*r thfl hMirfit ^ 1 than** HWlng l « t #von!nf. Thi«}

S ^ ' y S

F tiii jiin a K V iio A ii m riio v u M r.N T a .

A Meeting of th* Wale Aaimclatlna llelil at KUi’twl*

Tw urtos, Jan. IP .-A meeting of ttie Newawl future action!• My aiitww la ! , i„,fwuvrmeiit Aiwclatlim

W rtrifi th* p o w r of ui* If h*r*MA/yntiH M > BelUtU’ ^^*^^**^

S ^ J t h r H e m it e tThaniiwr, of co u l* t‘l* S S r o v e r a j ta ended, but I umlenrtand Oiat M to ***** UD10 ho hw refiiMHl to m^ngoltoS i r rteht to tl*» i»yv atu*uijiti m p a r t of the W ib llr a n nw nbenito t ^ p M w ^ of tbrir eeata, ami cicrclae * r t r r t g h S » niembera, would be nwlatod

^ “ But doeeliot tbeOovernor In hia miwa-Bgg baiid no tha AtbirneydlcBerari iitanlim,3Sd d o * not that ophilim lt»»lf “ Tr m la r credential*, properly wrtilU l. tta

■ a> _ -— * -- laaava A tO

Blteudam e waa (pllte Urge. ITeaUlcBt >Jl- waril Burrmigta lumle an Interaattng addnaw in wUlch ta rcmgratnlatal tlie aaevtation u™ .nttara,ii.l almlWioiHrt of Ih eo v riw r ivatem. He thought New Jentey wa» making good i.rigr.'H" In roa.1 improvement un.lcr Uie State Aid art, Tliera hail lacn during the year thlrty-aU mih* of atone nauli Imllt and thirty-three m il* were In ramnw of laiii- atnwdloli at t ta preaent time In airtBnrllogton countlea. He thimght tta State

B .tM S U K U PBOM rillC flTATK.

geitlenee Ino f a H an Who Attempted K idnap a Vnoitg (Itrl.

PoUTbAKD, Me.,' Jail, IB.-Hilton J- Worthlcy, ehargail with aaeanlt and talicry aiul kidnay^ug, waa y*tcrd ay acnteiuaal hi taulebmeut fnan the State by jii.lg i Iloiuiey. If he ever ratnrna and ia captnrwl ta will ta emit to pri«on for ten yearn, (hie night aleait threa montha ago U ta lamtae Daiiti, the handaonie youug daughter of Woptlbiiry K . Dana, of W'eatbivHik, tta owner of Hie Dona Mill*, 'waa returning home frmn her fatlier’a rtflee after dark. While imwlng an umxvujiiail aboe factory ahe waa aeln'l byumxvujilaii------------,Wortbley, win) threw acliw k over her face and dragged her Into tta baaenveiit of thefai-lory. ...................

Wurthley bad repeatedly amight the girl • taiel in marriage and bwl called at the Dana

High l»-'U

i , L v th.' niU,uf the Retal Brigadiera imunaI “i, lub' over NorUici-n D«ii.»'rato. ^ —

i-nh V'lfi f'lDiiti*Ki‘ nwtjV ......... . — ■ .

Urk'N i .i’. whtW tlw n»MFnt*i at m f ward iKifthi nre aiipporting hla operativaa by .,,a n iyr Very truly yourt^ ^

'• .thingtim avenue, Newark, N. J." Tothii* lir. Kiiitllnh

” \V\siiiNUTi>Xj D. C., Jan. i«W. **My t ’KAJs nuiat-

mur to u h'W rttatciiH'nt* In y<»w letter, VVl cn vmi a.avrt. thalSW.l*H men have b ^ ,i;;l,"i oulorciupl..yn.ent by p r ^

f . hmige of tariff, a rlinnge « n l < ^ In t i l , .oifwa ulive Congrcaohmal e l e r t ^ b y a ,„i.i„rilv of the American ueiopi*, you iiav,. 11 ateli'iuenl entirely wide id the fart, mill all,mill': how ignorant you and a great o 1 v mtar: are in rta .n l to thia n u tt^ . I " « will go Iw 'kto i V itart, you wlU Bud ila l in cvelio of aboutu In iHl' -II, IKtV.17, tu lAWMy 111 lOTSand n lW i we lia.1 fliianclal dlharter, retnota “alwhai td which was over-Uadlng,

nptituisin ami citravaganoe of o\,r i*a,ple, awl from Hu'* ("nyutakm It r»-

milii* A frw y«‘" » " " n ' L ^ ^ t a 2 t aThe hmiicdiah' taua* of f l n a ^ t d t a a ^ may ta variotiA l"it the i w n i t o o w ^ t a

------- -------------------- leonango, thia afternoon on the work of the itil-lege tettleiuent In Ktviugton rtrect, New York, where ata lived for three ibontha. Mina Jobnnon cornea to F,aat Orange uniier tho atwticea of tta I adlea'Church Funilah-lugSocM y. nhiere waa a large attcmUiKa, of raemta^

Ariat«*AV av»v»»*e* w. ■ r —- >wwho rode in the varied evolution* were M aa Waaon,_ Mr. and Mra. C. O. Corn, MlaaDaana'Llaulenant and U ri. VIrtor K. Und- hidnirMiiai Coyne, Theodore Wllaon, JohnMclntyra, Frank JUng, Henry O, AtwaUw BJehaM Coyne. k T t :. D to W i^ , Ihtvld Bingham, Mr, VauMoecIi, Rilward Bingham, Jam * Bingham, Jr., Mr. Ftaiby.

Oeorge Kcke and Henry Motl bowiwi for a pumi td !W) tart nighU Ur. Kcke vraa dt-

The Inter Be Whirt Club, of the O r^gra, bail a Jolly time at tta borne of Mr. and Mra.

W ell Kr.owa Ik OF- **•'That B * Waa Poaltlvaiy Cared of

Btaramatlani U a Itamarlia aWy eb*rt Ttm*.

W W Wheeler. Id* Waahlnrton a t- N w York oVilr Ihaivvtor eoniioi'tcil wllh tha tati'rtinent nf Puhlic \t -rke. eur*;, I « n - aliW MntivonV Hlienntatism t tire the imateat rtm.dv for all f'.rn,s of rhenma- flMiievnrdla'a v. red. What Ihaw aufferjd }p,m rheumatieiu for the laat no bmgue ean de*crlbo. I Oould tarilli

WAN thfi pain In nirlo**. I iroar«»roMto leuva/niv iMiaitioaa. anJ v wj floiiflne<l t" mv b<Ni forirf*ok»*t a timn. Mv

tnnflrr that I ■ niiliifloiillneilanTNli‘H'11. »ni|<»von th» irfUthtof ttif Hi itht's vrn* Dry painful. 1 hai j tho-n Ahafp. AhfKktintf lalnn n 1 f»vcr mr IhmJv. I rar •pmititc. ?»n<l wftA rupMlt tivin, 1w.w to t**y Mimron*» UheUDin-tliimt’nrp*nn<l aftortaklna but'kne* tb<*iMi ibHtrw.a]n*r imlnK loft mn ami hjfcvoHf»t rnlumwl Nlncfii I tula* pUJiwmri' In v* ‘ Oumiaomlliiic Munyon'a Kho iniMtl rn C ur* h>klrmilTMrtra from rhoiimntism,fi-r in nsuraf^f Itarftfll**.!! fc- uUk ir m yi’ftM' ____

MmiFon'* llhn»ijnat]»iTi 1 urf whi rf* wro rhounintio palna in Wita * hnur« iwul ffUfirantopdioQurarhanmaUBRi Id any |4Ut olthniiodfa . _ ,

Munvun'afitoniaf'h anfi Dv-*pop*la ftim I*

fuar»nt^»d io fiire all toi'in* of aton.aeh rfiuhlMiaml IniMiiv'AtKfn. ^ *Mimron'* Hi'me Tlomody

CompAnyput np *p<v'lJb‘s fornoarir «'v< rF ditt>a«Op whirh nra Hold t>y u l diUtOEDit* montly for tu rynta a bottle.

F O tlM L K n T ALLKVVVitnK n«UOtlI»TS

T a li About

Price- Cutting 1

We don’t spread over a page, but our Prices talk loud

enough for the whole paper.


Benjamin L. Atebtaon in Moutroao laat utaht. ■ - ‘ 1 won tta flrrt urirti and Fro*.Mr*. Jankaon won tta flrrt prim man (Tarkwo won tta w w ud oriio.

A tiK'rting of the algntra of tta « * jr t« lirt of thiB new council of Jr. O, U. A. M. will hetatd kcBight In tta hall on the com er of Main and Qrov* atroeta. Kart Oraaga.

KlnniW pay fl J ™ " iA ’5:;,,^Vnd7ta

Biiaabllrin mamhem-etart have a e S T w h i at omw r Mr. Cooll wa» askwl

‘ ‘ No, tta flovornor aayaand tta- Attorney; O n i ^ 'B opinion «ay« that It 1* the ' coatom, Inrt a ciaatom oB^', and that It may 1" dtara-

* ^ m i l r a t p a r t o f tta AthiriWvJleiMTnra laiialtai deal* with tta queetioa of the i^ h t J U|mi. k , lUoouiluatc* the ‘ hoH-over' Sciv

‘" 2 w e to js d e io f the i kx'Uotx, fetum knJ S hMm UiSi of tta newly-etactol metn- ta n . H* *0111. to regard tta A t w marabara, who wen' pivveaialy Jlnrtad and whoa* terra* have not y rte i- alrad aa tta Batata, or. In tta ja& uage V G a ObnatUMtUn, tta ‘ Hooee,' which, by tho S ta S u tto o , ta to jn d p r t the elcrtiMi, ,ta«ru and quallfleatkn oif it* myoitani.

Irtl lin k tag . ttao, at the record of the bmly " DMldM over by Adraln ami avuming

ktaaU ieaprtdatrutM at, haflnda.'taaay*. a I JdM ta o r ^ B o ta t ’ t4 « jita o n ia tlil,ln « ? -

i s S T e burtweat and. ** 1 nnderatand hla ^ r d o n . ta boliU that B majority of this

can determine tta qneaUta of tta t of nswly-elerted menilta» to 4 t In that

atrwdJM the ri»il* tnrteail of forty, and the S v b l t a l a o f the taxing dlrtrkt A ouldjoy Uni per cent. . a.

Praivwrt ametidinent* to tbe preaent Siato Aid law ware apiinived by the uieallug w fo llo w .: TliatUie State |*y 40 per * u t. of tta eipanae of roml oo n atru rt^ the town- i w n i i W r a o t . , tta indlvMnal taximycra 10 per iwnt., and tbe louiity Ita reninniiler; tta V 'o y a le r ahelia, gmval ami other Ian aubatanriw" U' livwrtcd in d w " “ ifj tliev can ta used a* well as atone. that B o ^ l* of FraeUJdeni aclert the r . ^ b, ta ,om,trnrtal from thos.' prtitlouKi for : ttiat tta i» v rt tta aiiiwrvlww. ta rednccil to f t a itay? and that they ta selected by th* Hoanl o tP lw h old cn ifr^ i tta <Uatrlrt where themail la being court rai-tol, „ .

T ta fidlowing idbcera were eUcted i Breap dent,C. C. McBride; virtcprertilent, KrtlJ* Kge: anerrtanr, Knmkiln I ly * ; Biecutive Omnulttee, / J D.ivl«m, ClayUin l mmvw, fcxn aaT^ M orria Benjamin li!. Tine, Joseph P. Cooper, Jam * Owen, Dennia Crane.

niMuslirti a t frequent iutervaii, only to ta ny iiulsal by ta r father. O u « in tta desi,rt«l factory Worthloy beggyal M l* Dana to eto)w with him. He aahl he bail a yacht Ivlng nt a wharf in Capa E haboth In w hich be wimld take her away. Worthley kept M l* IHran In the ileaerted faetorv for aaveral hour*, and threeteiH'l to kill Mr unleM she wmihl coii- seiit to elope. The frightened girl liail toe Iiriwm'e id mind to aay that she wiaiW wive tar h,sne ami parents If Worthley wonhl al­low her to go home and get her thing*. After M i* Dana hail pcqiniaeil to meid Worthley two hour* later, Wortliley albiwwl tar to go. ___

T H E C O R D A G E C O M P A N Y ’ S P L A N T

t th ir Intaillwtalita ^, w i t mania to be, tta

Itbatab *re majority Of a q if t fW I a majority of tlia wholo body, powei' to prerent other ip m -

dulv riertal, duly WtaUlUd .liily returned, ajm 1 I niav add, duly iwoni, frwn tab*1 may win,

m orI HpriTHUtwyi, a«e aww . a™■ ----

‘ tfoufc’ ' mV*** !• tbt court In «rhk*n UilntwMiourma wmtiUitloimlly b^

. — . a I' hilWllVi: . ilA tflHbawevw. la th enart of hi* opinion, .tales that ^ITmwiirim’ ha* been to admit aclalnv

' “ The AttornevdJeneral.of hbi oplnk .

‘nalverwi rurtora’ ha* ta*otoadrait to u . « * t on

large Klructur* to B * Biweted * t W lta- ta llip o rt—Eoiploym snt for J,000 P*e-

uiua—l>raperty to Its Almndeneil-

Pim'lal to th* Kvaiiljto Nawa.Er.itaBXTlt, Jan. IS.—T ta National Cor-

il*l,T Coiiqiniiy are about to rebuild llwir pliiiit In thl* city, which waa totally ilo- rtrojivl by lire a miiple of year. ago. Tho work, will ta located on tta alto of the former pVnul, ami will he an imposing rtrurtiire, with n frontage of 800 feet mi

The Young People’* Hix'U’ty of theWaah- jffton Htrart Baptist Chuivh, BaatOr^ir*,

gave a social in the church iiarlora U rtjugl

fomsi in eria'Isely what 1 liave rtataih I iquisi in i’‘ '_ J _ that tbere


,lemur also to P ’''f "'“ ''T **"* ,, „nd. not. has Isavi a geue™lvernal preirtil against tlie pajaafp i« this hill. In apite of to tut Imt,into oriiitonaitwl, iH spiU' of aliameliW v°d*p4r*<T[ on the |Mirt of nuuiy men to oaliM tta w»;kuiau ami thus force him I n t o ^ Uwt. thl- ,ii'.iniu,is foruamenm* an.i strong, rmaie you have ^ iwu. but I have. They ^ not addreeaed to you, or men id your kidney, but to me and other KepresBUtatlvw, .v ,

A* til tin'rut nUvnt the inflUMK* <k tlie‘ lletalBrign'lleTs'itlsalsad to iw th a tto atlingalssi excitid rldicuk' rattier than te n r^ In llrl* Instaniv you havu aiklresaad a tny and lurt a child; a iiuui of some eiparieno* and imnier ainuuiit of lasirage.

•• • Tliat pnUia'tiun is rolihery of ^ n ^ T for tta tatedlt of toe few.' or, a* ersmi put Its, ‘ .t lauqnrt for t ta W that the tiuiny may have some i rtmiba t W M fivcii ttatabla ' requires no ileinoiwtraUon. It show* iUelf cm It* faiv AtsI <™“ slatidor th«' oiwrativai th« I t*rlc rnreM WorkN by nwwrtiiiit they are i^uper*, Mup- iwrtedliychMdtv, |>rt a r t lg ™ « P “ their thrift and inilaatry they aa houert men do not droerve, * * * .

" I am always glad ta bear from anyo* m r (smatltueuta andlw rli Uirir view, and sento menta, whether 1 casirtier them reasonable

iinreaamiahlo, hut when, as in your ca*^

Sereral vocal aelertlon* were Mng by tta quartette ohidr of Ferry M. K. Chunli, M l* Fhira Hart,. Hiaa Ijsrie Delllug and Miaa Unnle Fallen played on the plana Halertloua I® tta banjo ami guitar wore isr- fonnal by tta Ma*ra. W inner, ami rva ito- Uona were deliverad by Edward jAing. He- frwhnieiil* srare served at tta end of tbe en- terttttiinieui,

A tnwk trial waa helil last night at the Calvary Baptist Church, North Maple ave­nue, t o t Orange,

The reunioooi oouocilaof tta Junior tr. t'.A . M of Kmei County, in Dwkor'a Building, Orange, last nlghl, was attended by nieiie ta r . from Oeorga H. Adam*, (teneral Cmter, Anthony Wayne, Daniel WiAstor and Henry Clay Conncllji of Newark and Vigilant (. onn- cil of Kearny. , , , ,, v

A mock trial will ta held at tta A alley y . M. C. A . building benight. One of thi' mem­b e r will bo charged with atoallng i lilckens. He will be tried, convlrte.1 and duly l«m-

liimia n d l e l l i n i F a c i s


Ju st fasten th e tw o w e present to* (lay In y o u r ntentovy, nm l ooiuc (o D A V I S ’S. I t ’ i l l k u Im .yliig g o l ' l ‘ 'o ' Urn a t rcv e n ty -llv e c c iits to get t'lo tli Ing n l our prrnent prloes.

T h e tim es m ay bo hnrd and m oney scarce, but wo tiro JW O K !'’ T H A N M E K T I N O tltcse un desirable facts b y ou r present ofl'erluga.

SPECIAL II BOIS' CLOTHIHG.Bhellauil I’Uiter* reduceil from SA4Ht“ ••4.t>* All-wnol Cheviot naters redumt froin


MOQUETTE.Kata, l S i 30 ; Keg. 11.23;

Rugi, 87i 84, Reg. <8.40;



80*78, Reg. #3.00 ;




The aeroml of tta »erl« of subscript ion dances In tipper Mimic Hall, Orange, will beheld to-nlgbt under tta p a t n x i^ of Mr*. OHvar 8 . Carter, Mr*. WTlliam A. Brewer,Jr., Mri.' Arthur' H. Colby, Mrs. Frank E.

Oeorge H. Brewer BiKl Mr*.Oeilatby, Mr*.John Pettit . , u II „r

Aboot fifty friend* of Frank J. Bonnell, of M Mechwlc itreet, tendered him a hirttatay BorFriae party at hla roaMence last night Tbe gufwt* were Invited In and ilancing I'on- tinned until midnight, when a .upper waa“I"*-_________ ________ _

. • 3.4RCape Overcoat tllaleraredhi’eil from H.W•t.OIIBoys' All-wool D. B. Unit* reduced from

14.4* to......... ..........................................Boys* All-wool D. B, HotU mluced from

^ l» to .

quality Bromley’a Royala, fxyft.jwera •lo.oo; How 5 ,aQ

B«it quality Bromley'i Royalf,Sa*T2; wtra Bj-ts: Now 2 ,4 9

quality DromUy’f RoyaU,80*60; w«* 83.75; No* a . l Q

quality Bromley’i Royalt, aeiM; wet* •a.7S: * « » 1 , 8 9

GOAT SKIN.100—28x64, Vnlisod goat iWn Ruga,

to whit* and grty; wero•3.00; How X .6 9

80- 28*84, Lined goat akin, pUlnand combination eolon, a ll ' fancy dM lgm; w « a 85.30,

. • t . t sM«d's OTenoits, Uisteri anl Enltsnpdticeil from 40 to 00 pi'r c e n t Com e and i«c th em before y o u b u y ; w e w ill p o s itive ly anve y o u m oney.


ms. H.

in form and l»ued by m iper autlmrity, this ta toe practice In the Henate of

|n uidfara custoni and prei'e'“ " taCahaewm aiit laeannllnf credentials

ther»mrtAMrtad '»j

____what I Irtve staUd ft I* aasy to *Bar ttara oris* what teona to ba an imam-

In these dsciarationa Puttlug iH n „■ langnage It atnnnnti to this; The msetMieueral aay* to the MoywTwr in r»-

_ to his I n q u i r y I to lA ,lo o k in g r t m Ticoirt, tnirt tta Adraln H eu^' bad tta imwi-r to prevent the Bannhltcau inembe(«-elect from taking M ta In tta t body, but I ttirt till* has nwer been done by anc leglslativ. b o » W o re; ami tta t wnal the (lovenior uaB* t)W ixunmon h w ’ at JegislaUve Issbw luta bean riolutol,

“ W ithtola upiulou given Wm th* Oov- ■ unr aoems to bo hesitating •* to wliat -\amsk aa Executive, to hart bettor

ytthttanndouhlediw w orto ooaipel otaiU- aaoe to w hat ta <■ .11* tha eonmiw la*;, aud wbak both be and tta Attorney-ttoucral » y ta * beam the unlvenal prai tuti, he ■ aaems at tlmia taapelleil, a-s It t a sane poUtiert M ranlty, *«& D eim sira to 'ta ira to ra ln tta oourw they have pursued, relying o« tta Attorney-Ocu eral’aoidnliJU t ta t ttav have tta power 'rtolate what ta dsoomlnato* tta


A Rherlff Rneceastiil 1* U ettlng Mi* Prla- imer to a Place of Oafely.

ST. Dnt-w, Jon. 19.~Yerterday alternoon Unraiv Johnaon, a young negro, criniinnily aaraidtod Lm-y Davta, a widow, aged aiity ycoi^ at her home near Manchester, a antuirb of thta city, ami within a few mtlm o f Valley Park, tta scene of Wednoaday* o a tn g e ami lynching of annttar negro brute ftaaeJ Bochoer. Tlie wotnan wa* too badly Injured to give analarin. Johnson thanat- tacked tbe aged wife of Hquire Hlggina, agwl amnenty, and again iccomplistad hi* hatful rrima. Th* nagro waa apprebemled A Bald­win. N ew. of the criim apraad through all the fuburleui town* ila ag the linw of the Mimouri Pneifle, Bt. Louta and tau Fraueiaco ami t ta Ht. Lout* and Cokirailo Kallroad*.

ThapriwmerWaaatarted In a wagon, with four depuUea, for CUytoo, tta county srat irf Ht, Louts County. The hastily f o r ^ l niol) puniuwi, and and it waa a race for tta life of the blai4 demon. T ta jail was rom heit In safetr. A halt waa callod by tta mob on the oMalBrtBof tta town, and rerrult* Wrivoil every moment from y a auborhan town* of Ds* Peyiia, Valley S A , J ^ W t e r and Baklwla until tta crowd aumhanal t.OOO n ™ determined on lynchtnif M rau ti^ nberlff Oarrett had posteil iilokota about tta town to

hiiliiabrtli avenue, ami will extend bayk to • ihey are l^v«>«vi^utV the F.l(»tatU Itivcr over 1,000 feet. without thought, I am not itaptwed to w a ^ j


The huildlug will be 0/ brick, four stories In Iwlght and * Itli a capacity for furntahiiigemplovlisut to 1.(410 iqieratl’rt*.

Hince tta destruction of tbe Elisabothport. fwtnry the bUHiuew uhuaHj triniarted tlwrebaa Isen largely done la WUltamaburg, but tta authorities of that place bave notilha! tta .'(supimv that they wiU have to vacate their Wflllsliisburg place, a* the city wants it fur tbe purpose of widening ic™ “ •F™- UronntL ft 1« oxpertKl, will be brokesi for tta KllmtathiKirt work* In March.

any inorecourteay on them than la absolutely llKaaisary. , . .

" The present bill amendid tafore p e s a w in many parti will become law, buslnem will revive under its action. In fart It Is already revlvdng at the pnape-'ts id it* p a jfu s ^ • “

sriU eiue


Service When

eiuerge from til# presortIta country « ... — r- .linaiidolcrM sa* ft haa douo from e « h oftlBwe ia the past, revtveil and strengthened, and issirtbly Iwtter after a renewed ex- twrif^nra of Uw ®ffertN of folly »nd game. T hohas Di s.x ExolibH."

P IflIIT .

bold the gsttariug aveagera and he derided to bring ^ s prisoner to Ud* city for W e-keegdiig.oner* In

Thera are twenty-three negro pri»-the Jail, incluillng the Murray

brotben, who a » charged with the murder

TUP. COllBPTT-M IT C lll'll.L

Alt SOrte of llumoni Afloat A b sn t 111*CtrOihiK C4Mtt4*Nt.

jArKBOSVU.[Jt Jan. IB.—Sheriff Browtial raturoed from Tailahaeseo thi* noon. He sreot to got full and tatailed Inrtrurthm aa to hi* duty. He nays Dovernor Mltctall la highly indignant over tta deftaut attltudo of tta Diiva! Athletic Club, and says that tta t'orbett-Hitctalt fight will to itopped at all hueards If poaaible to do so. The Sheriff aay* tta fight will not come off here In thi* county If ta ran prevwit it, and he think* be can

A rtumir that tta city Chief of Police liml iworn 4VU special deputie* to arrwt the militia If they Interfered In tbs contest a* tta city had gfeen a Ucem« for It, bo* rauseil iKHue <N>mniouoDy but while uot denying it rttv i>flii-lalN laughed at i t The d ob people HIV tiiRt Uioy wul pull tba fight off in

of Car O uvhidor FlUwllltantt. In vl»*w of the bopelwuirtP of rwteting eurh a luub s fu ry t£o Hberiff baKitly pbu-wl Ji>lnwoii and. . S'—_ _u .A — u A Bij I 8**. .a 11 sea P.

but seam oxceetiiiigly aunoua s ta r t it. Itaiipkcy will seiawvl Cortutt.

Jack B etslu n toS)

tn favor of ( 'orbelt.

f ral**r Maotgnniery'* TH»t Trip.Now lAXOOS, COnB., Jan. 19. -The new

rrulaer Montgomery weighed anchor r t » o'clock thl* morning, and with the members of the Trial Board and their assistant*, steamed out of the harbor on her way to tta thlrty-aix-mllo oouree In tang laland Hound, over which tta apeed trial will take place to­day, Tho Dolphin, Vesnvius and four Navy Yard lugs, that wU| aerve a* atakeboat*. went out during tho night. The run will be from a point off Haybrook, where the Dj'Pkln i* *t^ Uoaed, to a point off Stratford, whore the Veauvluahat anchor, ami retnini. The Ula- tanco la aeveuty-lwo roU*^ eicluidve of the turu. ____ _________

Hlat* th at May » • ofNeeded by flufferera.

From tbe. Medical Record.Torthache ia a little thing In the book*, but

many phyatoign* would rather meet a burg­lar at t ta door on a dark night than a call to cure a tad toothache of several days' continanra. A hypodermic injection of morphine only poetpoiica the evtl day, and uanolly the patient i* respectfully referred to tbe dentist. The toothshould not beeitrmcted while the jaw and guniaare Inflamed and the latter swollen, and

o m

6.00, 6.30; How •

DAGHESTAN.37x58; Reg. W .00 aOiOB; Ref. •8.00.1 How

(only a few of tlwM)

SHEEP SKIN.17*86, Reg. • 9.00 t How

18*34, R i|. • 2.00 1.


3 * 9 8

5 4 8II


3-971 4 8


7 0 7 - B r o a d S t — 7 0 7

it la the idiysiclan's duty to treat tta c m un- til Uw AUOY9 ccMvlitiDtiH are remove^ At


the'Mumij-s on boant an engine and bfotight them to thl* city for safety.



law.'Cimndler W . Blkor, when •»*'** ">®

eaaes spoke a* follows;‘T i l l uiulordladd the opNon of the

Attornoy-Genorat it l* to tta offei l that tho hAyLnvw denmtor* conrtltiito the Keualc

• • ‘ -;ht to refuse to na--a a y . fh-iiator, imt-

_____ at ms credential* areand liiat his legal election is unqiiea-

“ In t ta opinion of tho Atlorucy-Ocneml, therefore, the hokl-ovcr Hcnator* have tta po«w to carry out their avowial lairtsisu, vit., to refuso to rccognlim tho •Inetton of nt Iroat one and probably two Beiuitona wIiosb cnaiwitiaU HW perfeft and whose legal election is not aeriourty disputed, in other wonls to

r tta Henate of Now Jersey.suggested that In- eti doing

th* hoM-owr Henaftirs will not ta doiug a cammqnriable act nor ouc lii aiaoiihuu'e xrilh the (art.x;..; '^r Itjn ay be lufamai from his opinion that

, t a would not ho a tsirly to any tiich art of theft, anil would not ailvise tlie BssiaU' to depart fioin cuatnra aisl juas'islent in tta matter of organiiution.

“ T ta Deraixiratic liold-overflenatorsdonot ■ eem to cnlertniu the samo view u» tho At- tonwy-Jiencral as to what it will ta BPopei' to do, null by tlieir act Ions at least. If not by their woni*, have expressed tlu'lr Intention to steal the Hi'iinte. 1 think

tta Hcimhllcan Henatoro would not be jUatlileil ill nllowhig tile DrtiiocrnUc liold- over Kennlonitoexw'Ulc their purpose by at­tending the mwting of Hie Henate us has Isati •nggrate,l.

^ do not wiah to ta uiulcisbiod as In

Uimirent JEstimntes on the AmoitnU fle- rnred In W n ln exlsy Night's Hold I'p. Ht . JOflgPB, Mo., Jon. Hi.—Acconllng W

Manager Sanford, of tta Adams Express Company, that launiianT has ivosbI carrying imM'b ngmey on train*, nmi, aa a result, the isindlte who halted tlie safe in the express car of thu nortlilsmml Kaunas City, Ht. Juaeph null (.'hlcago, Burlington train, W«lne*day night, only xa-imet 85(*t Ac- conllng to an officer of tta Barllngtoii road, the haul was very little hws tlian MqOUW, and the same authority asserts that the two mb- taries wbU'h luivo oecurra 1 within »uch a short time iiavo nettcil tta thieve* nearly *100.1)0(1, as tlie train* held np carried tho

A llDchargci! Farmhand Attempt* to K ill Ills Former Employer.

Paixi'ETiix, Jan. 19,—New* liat reaohoil here of the sliooUn* yaeterday of Frank Anthony, a fariuar, nalding about two miles friiiu here, by Klwotsl Hnwk, a laborer, who Anthony, h ai recently div I'hargeil. Tlie ball entered Anthoiiy’e right temple. Dr. Bergen, who attended Anthony.1 .. jsL.-. wa*ci.fTT*<frtil mSll Wilt

Measlea Epldrm le In New York.Ngw Yona, Jaa. 19-T h * ipresul of m#**!**

Inth laeliyli alarming and th# aonttary *a- thorltlo* have derided to adopt atringort measures in the hope of checking tho com taglon. Dnriag tho week ending Jannary ^ 3BU rsM!* of iDtifwlcH wer* rvpi>ried. l^ si the norober liwreafled to «». **>i,^** lwemv*nlne ciwMH*. t*»turoAy t h o r i ^of muiMilM have per day* tfi®avonvcf tlcaih mte lis ju.>vent««Us

tiHliiy, BaVH that the pia.tahly die,. Snook ha* f"™'" .■ ■ ny while conadous (laolartrt that tta

ng wa* mmrovoked. Snook was angenarat taing d la ia r g ^ « <»«'dctemiliKal to avtmgo bUnaolf-

I.lcenw Fee* Sot to ta Refunded,Special Dispatch to the News.

BiuisJXTOs, Jan, 1». ■ I'lsm advice of City Solicitor Trencliunl the City Council has ra- fuseil to refund the money ;>aid to the city by ealoon-kecpeni for lUainscs which wet* vuked before eX)dratlon. Janies ta VaTurokM, auiirncy for Hie sahsui men, will Inatltuu pntcffdmsfN agiilnHt lUe city to r^covar ta* ma&ey.

way# fcwi) * iin»Ui rofttfcl»iuK ^lowing iDiitupe: ChlorofonUp gtt. l . ; giy- rarine. g tt X l eat eol. ac. *«• *dmorphine, gr. j., with a small wad of alstorb- ent cotton. If the offending tooth haa ■ cav­ity or decayed surface, saturate a small pel­let at cotton with tta above mixture and put Into tta cavity or against tta decayed sa^ faao. aa tta case may ha—never parii the cot- to ^ n . orthem ore h the trortilit but hara tbe pellet email enough to enter without crowding. In moit caiw thii will end tn»

When tbe gunw »re fwollcn and tender pAlnt two or fliree tlmeK, two minute« *IJJ**Jf ^ th A four-per <*nt, elution of cwtiJie. Thw time of yew yonr patient may ha 'e been eat­ing a good M of fruit. The tongw miiromi membniw* of tbe mouth arc pale, m ban B soar itomneh, and next <lny the tootb- ti-bu will retem . Ulve ten gralna of «uIj- carbonate of blmmitb aud ten gr&itu of ohenaeetin at once and a ftlmtlar doee Ixdore Mcb of the three following oieaK with a laxatire if nwHled, and rtop all fruit for a few daysp nnd it will not return. Th« name powder erery two hour* with ee*wailou of fruit-eating will rtop tho penurtent, tor­menting neuralgifts to prevalent at

m m


Matting Sale*

A sk th e m en w ho a te m ak ing im- ite tions o f COTTOLENE, th e new vegetable sho rten ing , w hy they irive tip la rd and try to trade onth e m erits o f C O T T O U ^B ? P a -b a p s YOU c a n g u e s s w h y .

c o D a y ?A sk the grocer w ho attem pts sub* stitn tion , w hy h e tr ie s to se ll an im itation when people c a ll for th a t pure, palatoble and vegetable shorten ing , COTIU- i S l E ? Perhaps you c an guess.

Wear bis Shoes for sutlsfaetlw. 1« Kul-erry 8t., bet. Mariral nod M«eh*nle Sts.



liidk Ilf the valuable exitress matter out of thlirf<clty.

that the menIt Is now known jKsdtlvcIy who did tta job VvKlnwsIay night aro thename one* who held up tta Burtliigtou " E l i ’' a few dav* ago. Tho railroad laimjiaiiy Is so iKssUlve of tills that it riecllnca to offer any further ri'wartl than the now standtiig. Tho men have lsa»n trackfrt to this city, where all Iraco of them haa lieen inst. From a very nicogia* ihwcriptioii tho offlia'i* have tiuthiiig to work uu.

TO BF, lIU n iK P An A g et C o u p ir b i* WUhln a Day of Koch

Other.UiKvlal Dispati* to tha K aw E

BenuMOTON, Jato 19.— Even ‘'cath could not aeparato Jaraw L. Kontilta ami hU wife Mary, W5« l «vcnty.elght and w'vartv-nine remocUvely. About a week

took of t t a ^ p awl on YledwasUy Mtv.grip

^Th#*huitaDd waa ' ’•‘ r id d e n ovw hla loss, and yesterday lie ak» died- Ikitii will ta buried in tta ■ uwrgrave Moiutoy. r

Vateruii ?)u»ikv«4«' AimlviTHDry (VlrbrAtlonHpodiil tftlht Kvbs|SO N'kwh.

Ki.IXAHBTII. .lau. IV. TJir VHrrAn ZnuavfH, luHi ni^ht Nt tlioir ImndHumi’ armory here, ceJffbrfttcd Ihn nlxtc'cnth ahnSvenHiry ii( thetr

ttbwnaastrtsA .1 wblrh..>verejippwuf jimfrioTM’ D irrf*"nf*iri(uilcall(jn from Nt^wark, Hnhway. WixMlUrUl ti and KtiKalielh. tkmt'rnl IJrt’Rideil ami iiui'lt' n happy

iif oiHiutnjf thi' foMtlvItlcH. (Nifer Hliew'hr'Ni wort uiado hy (’H|Maln Auistlu, Mcr- iliUMit hk'k»'rNon, /limiM'nimn.C'ap-

Hte W lf* ^nlelcUsPLAEKliKt^ J*®* Ift—Mrii. .Tohn Hiiialley

the wife of *w»H-tnulo butcher, atlcraptod to commit kutolde by taking taudanum yeslcnlay afternooA Hh* hod been svlcU m of tnclna- chollaalBO* tb edsath o f herlltUeaon abort

New Y<irk [mpurlrni A m I^iu

N kw VottX, Jun. ID. I'. O. Dougherty * Importuni of lim>DH end wooteoa et U

Wftlker and Chun h rtreet# Mftlgued te- day. The nenlor jwrlucr. wh«J In aeventy-eew* yoani of aje, lia>\ bwn ldentlfi«l with the trade many yearn. Ht* ntartwl for lilm n lf In IJff® anil e tew yrarn ago admitted hie eotiAs t'lalzned e rapltal of KjIUW.


Motorinan TottH Arrelfued*J rhhrv CtTY. Jiiu. Ifl. Isuxlen Totte, the

moUirmen wlio ran over and killed ifweph Jemea, aUtllo hrUnollMiy. yp.aterdey* WM ef» reigned befort' .luAtice (jMKmnelL thia nwrtt- lutton Ihprhargi’ of mandanghters He WM Iwld ter thi' <lriiHd .Inry,



It W*s Fuiiglit on the Olil IniHao Flan*

'.'hrlstnuuh but no auaplclon of (aMnmittingsuicide bod bo*a aroused, ilr. Hm»ll«y waa In' j r r k l X u w t a n bk. wff# ram* la, rom astore, Urlngliw * foar-ounce hotl Ic. Hhc asked her little da'

, ---- a , , lain Oipli'ii. CttlrlH*. lYniion, <'nrri*»ritl Han’eywonli^ havn ! iM'rlmriuT and Hurry Van Sivut. nf Kllee-

tM'tti, l iiriHrnilN ItnlHTt (terih elnl (kiorirn Wiiterhnry, of Newiitk, HiTtftmnl Mnldaor, of Itahwny, and f ’i7r|H>rDl Idoyd, of WiMirlhrldm. tVlUinm Mrlhiwrll Drake, leader of tue /sOUHve fSiinil. nlniv ttpuko, lift dlrl tiome of the NVwurk memlN'ra Iff Hn* band. Thewstebfe- tlun rudeil at ml'lnlKbt.

tighter fnr anme water iind onneput the bottle W her >'I«. Mr. Smalleysnatohod tho bottle, hut she had .wallow,rt about holt the conleota Antidote* were «d. mlnimerad while ahe itruggled against It, vowlag ah* -would finish the work next time.

any way a!»s4‘uUuk hJ the pvo|,M»!tiou that ■ '’ * iMHiKtilututb« hjdd-ijvcr


tteoate^ Ilf tJi" S tate ; on the Vimtr&ry 1 am flnniy of the opinion that tlM« Sonale of Now Ilorjwy inmulNta of fnin

e10i’^ from nat'b einutty. mid Hint each of tho Iuln an i’qual topartkdpnte ia tlworganlEation of tho Sen­ate.”

gFrloti« Result* of a lUot In <«rnr^«uAuoutnA, UOs« Juds Ifls- TliO riot at llouM

Y < lUdtfer iMar JiM-kALni. niiloA belowhi which ucffroc* mude war upon

wbltee# WON worm: Oiam »t fimt reported. I’uul Qnen te 4w i ami llhett trreen will dlo. Ihdh ■ i«spramlnrnt white men. The tronblc kfow out of an attempt by a couBUble end ]>uH'te tn arroet e nevnk Ac^t^redo nmiu'd .TuAe. Tho Def(rn had iui Intinmlisa nf The onnlmf of tho ol&MrM and had about forty of hU friemlN dn ainbiash About the houae. Rlithl or ten whitiM weredengeroualy wouuded. Sovera) neirroo8 worn wound^ in the pUchwl Imllle which on-

hut none wan killed. The uflleora were Wtrayed by a white miai whom they claim

. t^jrknoWv atid I hero art atranc-atwpiclona Will be a lynching in that rtrltiUy*

Mayor Wiiiiftor m Rrikolutlon#sTKiiHitY I'm*. .Ian. Ut—Mayor Wamier haa

vp1«K‘A tho n'’*«l'.nloii of thr !*'ipo fJoTniulwtloB- t4» <T4'(iti'n full i»ald lli'u departments At

Ihi-ro are four pennanent men al- tik(d)04l tri ewh i’oiui>Hiiy»aml fourmon-nt-calli whfj duty ojily wluin a fire orc-uw.TUclrcnmiW'nwitlcm lagTIia year. Mayor Waa- w r vetocH the rvftidution Oil the ground that the rSty i-aimol Jiffonl the expon«3 at the pres­ent tlim*. Themlditbmftl exiicnfte wonid he

In bin veto mciwwin Mayor tVanwr wiy« tiifit the fire dej>artm4:nt la In a very fair «t«io nl I’ftlrlonoy, aoil tlirre are other depart- jiii’ntft more In mwd of c itra money If thef# “ any to njiarf. The veto can not be acted until the next nirptlng nf tho lx)arA» hot It *■ not llkidy that tho IkmihI will make any fiu j tUer pfTort to I'lumgc the‘prc.<ont Cianditioa at the department.___ _______

C’barlea Oairt’* Mj»terlonpi UUapp^araTiro. | WooDiVKr# Ja«. tfls~Tht> myrterioua Al»ap-

oaaranoe of OhariM Hnnf. of SweiU‘'‘lM>r<j* near HillUuPpArt, hwt Friday night. rtlllengiW '' tbtattch lloD of the conniy authorliloa. Ijaetniffht they w« rc lufornHid that Oittui wiw Mill aUv*. *“ d bad hcea secreted lu » hostlMuiso near the plora where he so suddenlT diaqqsal from right. The storj' told was that the iiilssiug iiiau Uml meraly bc'u cujuylug a gissl time. The authorilles have little else to aay abiiut Ibooaao other than that some bnportanl dc- velopioeot* may be expected at the hearing of t>o(rick Kerwin, of rtwcdoshiiro. ami IK I . Arnistrong.of B*al»(s>ni. heforo Justice C. KJohnson, oi tills city, on ihitimiay niornltig.

With Big Clubs.From the Hi. IsoiiIn (rlobcHlteiDOOfi^

" The most remarkable duel 1 *»*E wit- nroe«l," wild WTlIinm A. titadwln to ttac« ^ rlilor man at thl'HnutliKni, “ wa* away out in Montana several yiairs agij. I t waanft on* (if your fill dc siia'lc affaliv oniotwr, nor * it a giovi' oiiiiKiat for )iuinU; ft wa* aUnptj attemfit to dia'iile who was ahte to give an<I fake the luoet |,imiahmvut. Two Irarly fri- loweln our [lrll |sa'tu1' istrty had a differ- ciii-e which they wuntial to settle bjr sbooiUng cw h other, mil) it was only by dlaannlng Uiciii Isith Dint we Mivofl their builrti,

“ The men were surly after tailtg of their six-ahiaiters, iinil for wan* hour* did not spi-uk, Th™ tliey n|i|ir<iached each ou»r aiidcouvcroal with a I'aliimraa which **no of tlw piirlv ml'tiHik for a burial « ™ hatchet, and I lie wag of the orowd batxljo ovor his plug mill Invited them to ‘ chew tta pipe of isauv.

■ few 1

Tranaartlirr- Confineil to Narrow I.lralta Daring the MornlBg—Oeoeral Elretrlo

the Moat Aetive on tho 1.1st.Special to the EvraaKO Niws.

W a (X Briiiirr, Jan. 19.—The stock market waa lifefe** till* morning. Transartions were confined to a few atock* only. First price* wwo fro raK to % above the closing of yes­terday Kirtk laland recordwl an eii-ep- timraf advance of %. The only sfx'k that was lower wa# General Eta'tric which- waa do-wn Tho receivcrshhi for the TTiraMon-Houaton Company rauw,al free ■ mlllngof Oouoral Efcx-tric, ItJTiia'Iined in the early trading only H fr™" (■ ’*' oisming, hut by noon had racovereil and was above the lowest. It was the only shs-k tn which eitrenie price# of tta morning ex­ceeded one paint. Other abs-ks ild lincd tram'M to K below the opening, hut later ro- (W ere l ano at 12 o’clock were gi'iiiTallv a aarall fraction above the opening. TrtuHng was eo dull, however, tliat niovtuneuts In prka* wore not significant. A t II o'clock w e market ooutinsea doll and was sbaily.

The maHuft was firm and higher during tbe afternoon. Trading was qnlcl. There wa# a alight woctlon from tta highest )irii'(a<, hut tta maiket clooed strong at from to V,{ rtmre the epening. the latter leail.

The range of to-dav's prices fnrntcmiM aetiv# •tocta e ttb e •w—s given below. The quotations slmw tlm upen- tng aa<l eloring land the highest and lowest prieea reacbeit by the eecurltics llstml. The qoolatlotw ure from the New York Kiclmnge and are raported to the News lliniugh \Yill-

e -Jnn Allen * Co., rtock brokers, IW M»r- itreel, this city, ond Orsngo .Vuiionnl .Orange;

s e l f _W hy should n o t Y O U use COT­TOLENE, instead o f la rd o r any o ther com pound, for a ll ccroking purposes? I t h as th e h ighest potfiible endorsem en t; from Phy- ^ ia t i f l as to h ea lth fu ln ess ; fromC ooklngE xperts a s to superiority;from h o u s e k e e p ^ as to economy. U s e ^ n O L E N E and s tick to it .

loU la I and 9 pound palla


VERY person is not oompetenk te e x i^ n e tout efM.

R£H£MB£II W AT,OUK eye* may need im.

minute attentl^Don't wait,

----------- OU8.DANQEBOC

VBN thoogh you a n ■ ing GHaaaea they n<ft be pcoperiy

wrarini may noailjnetod.

EE ni. We adon- llfically oiamJn* the eyes for alt detecie.

3lad* only by

N .K .FAIRBAN K& CO .,' 6 H IC A Q O ,* a a

m R .O d flW ’flra iT E .r u ia .

ItaiM* Bxchtaev* ■■

E L Y ’S c a t a r r h

C ream Balm ,J boro »*«>„**»

taftlee 0/Cream Holm and

y w r t cattrtTft and o a i a r f A * * hftadaohs and m m


Open- nigh- taiw- t'loe-

J. Kendall Smith,OPTICIAN, 663 BROAD ST.

t e l e p h o n e 403.

F E V t R

jiiiniitiw uftcrwaixl ttaloungial nil'inf,, til,'mljoiuing tlnibrt, goinq In o[i|sisitc dli'iatimu, Ki-eling t»erv<« I

L J. Central.............wL i HndsoD.,......

>cl.. Lack. * West..i>hll. A Beading......)mitaa Sonthorn.

Fetltlon for a UatlwHy Franehise,

Biu iHiKflJa, amt.- Iw,=-Ani ajwtrtif m eelldfW r li tbeCItty Oounctl Isel night a petition slgpcilby ..IS Waiting boa|nei[* men oftiils city waa

M , antlngJJieOiinncIl to grant to the■ S S S S t^ 'CMirvlUe and P<irt’ Morri* Hall-

SrayOinipanyafranchlaewlth no more re. ■ triottoaa than in Ihe <me granhsl to the Bridgeton Traction Company. The Council WiU dequieeco In tta petition.

A Doinb for a Ti+nch Editor. P ahix, Jan. ID.— 4 n explooiim

last night outeldc the ra*l<teiice of M. Dturet, the editor of Oocarde, at NeuiUy-*nr-Soiutk a western suburb of Baris. Tho o x jr ig i^ r t ™ a trcniriidtms noise hut ilid very a lf f lt^ * * " * ^ It 1* belioveil tlmt tile tsiinh wa* loadeft wto chlorate powdor, Tho |siUoe bellov# t ta t U» affair was tta work of AnarcUtrta.^M. Dto i-reiVas nx'ciitly ivlcased from prirtrat ™ tavlng lieen sentenceil to ouo ye<wa coliflnfr ment for Id* connectiou with tha forgery or dcHvmenbi that were said to tav * been *toleii from tta British E m ta»y b«w. He waa panWnied by President CarnoE

Ohlbuahoa In the Hands nf Rebels.EtiPaeo, Tex.. Jan. lit -A illeiuitcli to the

^oyor of Jnarex says Chihimliiia la In »lie bauds of til# rols'ls. A 1lr<t at1a< k ivn# mmlc by a dotecliiucut of Ucvnliitionlsl* mi tho went slilo o! the town which called the Fed­eral garrlsmi to that pnlnl. liiimc,liotely the Inaargents rnslicd hui, the city on thecael. The-nwsscsof the people twing in sympathy with Santana Perae, 1 here wna no reslslanoe from tta t source. Tlila news wa* told to a TbsM reprenenuttve by an Intimate friend of the Mayor of J j i a r e x . _____ ^

stnlcli out after Ijtaii, I lost t t a tr a ^ ®{ the man 1 uswf.'illimTng end ileitpalrad of llTuliiig Idiii mitil 1 hrard a Klcki»li>IL“ ‘'*3 like a tunns skull Is'tug tattered. I foOctaad tip tlw aimnil aisl wiis soon the Ipvolunw y sls'i'tabir of II lirula) duel ou t ta old UnUta jdnii. Till'm™ luul ,lrnwn lota for fir<*'f"y aud llui I,KIT lis'l stiKsI his ground while ma lulvci'sary trii'l to full him with iwiditblng very like'a oil ill. As provided In th* ctwa, the lucn bsik turns iu giving and recrtvmg blows, and wliru I got up «ich had tad kwft if not tliiaa», l■ llll;ll■ i-< til brain thoottac. K*™ lubl his fa™ covi'i'ia! with blood oml w r t b ^ ginning to !»' firldc, 1 sta si fo r a momoo*

Qrltee >* s '^1

0 .. R. L A Pacific lllnols tWnlrel. illwunrl PAcf

tivorcoiiic wit), luuTiir, and thenrevo)ver came fonvunl and COTE condiabiiita to quit, Nidther lufirrad pw- inaueiuly fnitii Ills |.uulahment, and ISHieiits of nnii of Die mo*t hrtltal dtaung eoilesever lieard of llvotl to b*COO»*f“ “ J friendly witli t-ach other."

'rO LD KV W IB K .A ll Epidemic o f Diplitlirrlu.

Bpectalto the Kviwian Hxws.P hii.iiwuUiio, Jan. lil.i-Dipilthcl'ia ia cpI*

derate at Htewartville, and thu public uchisils fir* closed la cimscunence. A tiuniiier of deaths tave occurred and rio'W Is general aU rfpla tta e«.. ; ’ ctMorlnker Nolan'*children have diwfof llie dlacaso.

An Appeal from Vatlleut'a Daughter.P aEiU) J« L 19.—Wdtale Vaillant, daugb-.

ter of t ta AnarclUst, Auguate Vaiilatit, who la now ttudhr eeuteiK-e of death for throwing g bcndi in tiu) (.ihaniber of Deputiat, ha* written wletter to Madamo Carnot, wile of t ta Praaident, appmliug'w her to use tar hglamiW witti iirr huaband to secure a poiv duo fur tnr fattier.

Coirirtlus Hera Not ao TYatl.I/tsDDX, Jan. lU.-W Uhta tta ,p»*t t " ”

days the roudltlon of Dr. CorneBo* Hera whoae iMunc lias »i often been i»entlone,l In cfiiiiiertlMi wttli the Panama Canal arandta and who name to Knglttad abortly after the first eipoao of the scantar wa* mndjk ™ lipcome iiioro si'Houa. He remains in hie room at the hotel nt Ihuiriioniouth, where ^ woe arroatnl exactly a year ago. ‘

Olthert llnild He Nliiety-llT». tillhrrt Bqdd, who died on Wednesday at

hi* residence In Clirater, Morrle tlounty, wa* oueof the lirsikiioivnmonof that comity,of which ho was a iiatlrc- lie waa ninety-five years of age. Three BOiii and tour ilaughter* eurvlvo him. Three other cliildron art dead.

WilKatu ftastoa, ox.Uovernot o f Maasaohn*eeE.. - .L .J...,. ------^ ,

The returns Issued by t ta Pari* Board “ Trade, covering the year i w i *hoW that tta Imports dccrcwd ril.aOfijOOO franeo, »•■ pared with tliose of the preceding y ta ^ * ™ tiial tho ei|s)rt» il«rcaaeit HSUlAdW "***’ compared with t)uw> of IME '

•Die PrrBlileiit nf the court at Ptafi"^**™ ” which the nu'Tiiljers nf th* Omladlta who are charged with high traaeon f t a * ” majestfl ore la'iiig tried, has roortV** throatrnlng Willi death himself Olt* procurBUtu who are condurtlng- tta Pt**"™' tlon, If Tlis prisoners are oonvictad;. '

A dlspaU'h to the Ixindon O rtt**! S f ”

A ll persons afflicted wlUi dyapepeU find hto mudlalu rollof by uelug Augoatura Bitters.

Deorgo Vi. rh llil's Condition luiprovesl PitlhAnxi.i'Hi*, Jan. Id. Th* condition of

George W. Childs, who waa aelarnl with an at- lack of vertigo lit hi* office ywterday, waa Ini- imived thl* morning, Mr, Child* re*tod well lost night and uo sorloui roeuB E appw- honded.

frnr.1 Vkmuurciyathat^vle** : from Belgrails. tarvla, ehow that 1 vltch haggoriiu'd a Cnblnat T ta J ten are liartlsaos of et-Klng aiming the miinher are several oer*.. It 1* lielleved t ta t the win propose an adJmirnmMit' of cUlua and the HUspondlng of tta t

, ttara

n .,T o .& S .K e ..,.. IltiB , * g ......... 1........M .if lt . I’anl........ » .

llirJLIi ••ve*4 I ••riJaclfic......... SIW 2.1

*^"'‘ ?^mc.-.r,"v.:. i l a';’--ill........ . ir.!l iMJnlon -

Pacific M all,Wcatera Cuiun

la n h a tta n ............._ , Y . * N. Eng.........Mo.. Kan. A Tex**....

W ........Onteriu A Western... W*b**h.8t. L * P... ’VVahoah.Mt.IeAP. prTeiaaPaclfic-i.-r......R ich .* Weal Point...Northern Pacltlo.......Northern Pacific pr. ..Amer. Oot. till..........

mer. Oot.011 pr«.„.lorth Americiui........

Rhloago Ua*_loagoi

""•‘ ^ f - c o . ;silver Otrtlflcatoa,,., Buaq. A W eetern.....r Huaq. A-Western pr...Cbeoap. A Ohio.........D.C. ...... ...........P .D .* S .................T. A. N.......................

A particle la applied Into each noatrll and U aareMble.Prtwonrssutsat drugglsteor by ms 1. ^ SLY BRQTHgRH.lii| W arren at., New York.


iron Pipe,Brass Pipe and Tubing,Iron and Brass F ittings,

Belting and Pulleys,Set and Cep

Machine and Camera Boite, In n and Steel W ih,Brass and Copper Wire, Spring Brass Wire,


9nfi*20G MARKET ST.

B r , Cdson fS a rs a n o th e r epidem io,and sounds ih e a la rm .

IB ta w «b4 chest potofi, wngla.coM*, tin M o m S i ffftd pneniiionlA, no other e r t e r n S i ^ y a f to r^ ptompt prevea-^

iUon and qnlchcr core than

BERSIO POIOIIS PUSTn.S ta O f i^ fW hehaatrom aRdruggtstit.s g S y H t JOHNSOH, ChemUta, N. Y. CHy.

The Mutual Benefitl i f e in s u r a n c e OOMPANT,


AMEI DODD,.........................................r4D*ielRS..$5i,aB6i|iiB«

S i l l p f o y former N; V;sumdii'd (A m .^l. W Per Cent. Reserve).,.

4T,n4j»a«S,W1,1H>01s,4m oi


tw f'AKlE ftp IaAMB thtt poll®7 4A/W1WUMDIIJS M -'S K S 'ia S M S i:roRCEr

jirptemd,.Aftel“ u r . ' '^ 'S d yrair t ta Policle. i « In-

c w r i S r i a t E ^ r t l rtririrrion* m to raridenca.

raid#''™ l ^ e * t . 9t o f »p#r

Chloago Grain and Frorialon Market.The following table glvca the range of price*

on th* Chicago Provialon and Grain Eichangea to-day, at reported by C. W. HoHaod ACo., brakert. roonu liR-tfili Prudential biilldltig;

HtijLi'ANAFor ti« ln * ,tta Uiaaodcheoki.. IWoofiOcenlK,

PARIAN lAJi'IONFnrwhltiiiBtliEEUzL Pii(«GIV'. T a t e i l t iVmble and Hingle SUdtng Curling 9?tnba. 81m 1*,

ww, Onnhle. (We, Hold by leading dragrftts fSS’ f2S?M jd*!iouaea fianufactnred tJlcly

MADAME ■ . W e S T E ftV tL T ,2 1 3 W a s h i n p t o n S t .

Open-High-taw-Clos­ing. «t. e»t. lug,W h e * t - | ^ i '[ ,- - ‘ " «»* « « JJJj

(M rn .,.i« iV -''" '" * ' * "0*“ - a S i " '" " " ^ ^ *1

»;•* '■ * ! i l1‘ !.* ! “ i S

Cam taAM aro ™*4» STtVaridiii.Mint, of the roiwnte viittEi wnefp vwia wuKiifflZ n u of t h e ^ Wes eta

**LofflW paid immetHatelr upon eomploUoaand approv*! of proota.


H A R R I8 0 B * :

Yon will Had at my atora a fnll Kn* of THU

B e s t P a p e rCall and eeemyatook aud get prices.


20 CLINTON S T„ Newark, N. J

Ots 1,


F B I D l f c J A B Y 1 9 . 1 8 9 4 .



I h t C«nn|ll Mr 111 C arr; Out I t i PUu of Supply.


U9Ct^i*ty KUm D^i-Ia St U FuHh t1i« AM A«icoiAtlon'« Mm <i1 At Coniiciri Vitttr and AMi» Commlttco M«m>i|u|;-TIio Cimneklmt'ii Anrai]jp» fur llte OUlHbii. iivti of fir>»cerJeft ond Provi»|<mH, and | F la I'rSt'M that llrttlor* Ma)* t han;*. I A b co l •H.OCO (o Bu |

Judge ITrueger and Elioj of the* Clt- | Iffiua' Aid A»odftttoa, wtprwswl UH?irdiiwip- j prr>VfU of the ]iro)>(M«eii avtinn of tlic Conittuta | Ooum-il iu diup^uviug ite apiiTofiriutiun of > ISH.000 111 sri'ooei'lM aurl nt U .t |nlght‘innptiu(of.Coiuidr* Poor i ix l A lim ' C'omniittii'. Mr. IJi-rln sik l he Imil Iswnpon- ! Mrted wlUi fhc Kfbrew C'lmrituhlo Ki;flfty j for twentj-eli ypain, «ud that that orpaiilui- i tlon had for twoiity-four T ra ra Im u dlitrib- J uUn( money aaMnjc the piHir. Tlw Citinnia’ ' Aid AwK'lation, be n ki, bml 3,0IU uaiiit« on iti book.4, Uiirlns the jiaH eeveii weeha VHM ha<l Ixini niilMcrilKol and H i, 1 IT.-VHiad been di.tnlmtDil auHni); the pixir aud unetiv- ployed. There wae a luttaiioe of tl,Si7A9 <>n I hatnL ho .aid, and of tliat amount alajut HQUO would he di.buned to-uiormw (Fri- dayb ConOnulng Mr, }k*rla .a lil;

‘ ' H e member, of tbi. omnmittee and the Commou Coundl without doubt believe that they have adoptwl the beat plan to diatribute proviiiona, but .inoe the citteau o f the d ty Dave learunl that the Aldennen were to die- penae |8i,(IOCI in charity, our .uberrlptlona have fallen oBf, and 1 rcijM to w y tliat un- leea the rtUzeu. rwtwud to our appeal for fund, we will be omupdlod to abaiulon the work."

Mr. Berla then went on to tty that better renitta would be accompli.heil If money, and not provliiuuH, dmuld be diatrtbuled. The p w r tbeomelvea were the beet judge, of what they needed, and could .i.Mid the money more judlcloualy. Thousunl. of dollar*, he ttUt; were being lo»t b* landlord., who, a . a rule, were lenient with Uieir timaiita, but there were “ h<^ " who evicted their ten- ABtB.

" It U argued by aome,” Mr. Berla .aid in eoncluMoii, “ that men would .jjeud the moMy for drink. A man who would do that, and I apeak from eiperience, woulil tell the proviidoni given him for rum. i f the cjtlwu. of thi. city will rontrihuto fi,0UII per week until April i we can coutimw, 'aiul

' will not Interfere with your work."Alderman Terence Mild there were

bundred. of deaervlng poor famllleK who were too proud to aak tuoucy of the CItiH'U*’ Aid Anoclatiun.

Mr. BiTla replied that a man who wai too proud too a cce^ money from hi. fellow dtl- aeu. would bo too proud to go to the poor- marter. Mr, Berla n ld S5 per cent, of the appUcauta for relief were n«i>ectablu .ingle men, They were all deaervlng and the aie wv iatiOT had been paying them t l per weok, and hundred* of the men wlni had lieeii giron money protulHed to refimil it a . wain a . they thoukl be rwempkiyed “ 1 thought that the Common Council would get ready bidl.hurtt thi* money aliout April 1,” aaiii Mr. Berla. “ 1 believed that you would get down to work at that tinw. l.arge bodies, you kuow, move .lowly.";

“ I don’t think much of tlie young or single man who cannot wratch and h i. grub," retorted Mr. Bioren. “ I think we aivi pur.* ■ ulng the proper cwirne. In reply to Mr. Berla I want to m y tlmt ue ore great In avoirdupois, but wo ‘ do move’."

Judge Krueger’, mpeech was a abort one, hut be, too, made a plea for the single men.

PnaideutGroollorsaid: “ I apeak for the member, of tliia couunitU'e and for the whole Common Council, We regret that the propowd dlatrlbiitiou of has in­terfered with thggood work of the CltiB-na’ Aid Aanociatlou, nut wa want the citlsen. to undentand tbpt there k little likelihood of our expending more tbau tii.OOl), which will be taken from the (smtlugvnt finuL We hod expected to collect #3l),UIN( ur fS.%IJUO In liceam foee from the sti'ect railway com- pnnlea, but it la iihpmbablo that we will re­ceive the money fiphi those liberal corpora­tion.. I iwalixv that this committee can do but little with lh,l*kL when the C iliien .’ Aid Associatkm expend* over |d,(X10 weekly. I hope the cttireii. w ill not permit the Cltixens’ Aid Anaociatiun to .top Ita notile work."

Bids for the furnlahiug of groceriM and previaifuia were reiv-lved from forty-one groceri. The mmuiktoe ftxed uniform ratee a . foUowv Hngar, SenntapOrpound; colfei^ U rent.par half pound; toa,IS oenla perquam>r

S ', coudeqaed milk, 8 cento per Juund; S cento per loaf; meat, R. cento ner

; rice, d nmto fier pound: Imriey, 4 rent, per pound; potatoee, 4 ' cents per quart: cabbag* 5 cento |ier bend; turnip., 8 cento pel' quart; oiiiiuu, S gento per qaait, and Snnr, 8 cent. ]ier pound.

Brocer* who are wilting to contract to serve the atiove-nunied aruckw at tile pricee H*ed ami who uotify the City I !lcrk to that effect before 4 o’clock on Monday will be permitted to wrve the poor. The eommittre will inert ou Monday night to complete nr rangeinentK with tho Overeear bt the Boor for the distribution of the artioiea.

B u m B Y H B t f A P 8QN.Sdosgad laotpe, Me lttre d f|p tt Itoa .iUg-

luiu on Trial, A ttark* H ir M ollier and Then KMajw..

Klmimd Yearle, of Uloomllald, wga sent to the County A*ylum for the Innne w vrral month, ago, atsl with careful troatnieut be- a m e nemlngly again of miind mind. A* a result ha wa. ^veu thirty day*' leave of al>* •esKw on trtot,_

Yearle went ut once to Bloomllelil to the houu) gt hi. uiotlier. He hod not been in the bouse an hour a hen lie becaiuc lavtug mod j and oitai'ke l bis niolber. b 'Utbig her au.l ' binding her hiushi and feet. Thtoi be run | awey.

lli-B. Yoerle strugglnl long to free heiarlf [ and when sucrensfiil .be was au faint that .be could hardly walk, .\fter u lime ahe draaged henelf to the hoiimuf Jintico of the yeocu Jaiob U. Boat aud toM him of her actions. A -.Turrant f'lr Yenrle’* apprehen­sion wiw Issiti' 1 but lie lu 3 U'lt yot lie n » p - turad.


One Rob. n 81101.1.)". Xtrsidnnra, but Uru)M HI. IttHily—T o o l, gtuiep.

(lunirenisu Ite'lly, of the Oraagu polkw; while pwieiug tlirougfa Cleveland street at 11:18 o’clock tbi. iiionitiig, aaw a man coma from ■ vacniit kit near tbo reaidwee of Herman Colwu. He carried a bundle in hi* liauil. Bellly started in purw lt Hud Uieu the innu dropped tlie bimdle aud eacaped The oSkw found that the package cxiutaiuad dothing. Uetectlve Conroy learaad that the cIoUiM had been Moleii from the residence of Kev. Henry Cnia., pastor of the Wadi- ington Street Baptist Church, who lives at 2T Hawthorne atrwt, near wlotre Chaui'enuiu Kellly taw the thief.

Between 4 aud 8 o’clock thi* morning burg­lars entered ah uuHulsbed bouse b ^ n g l iu to George A. Ferry on Edgvwoud PUco, West Urauge, and stole about (u(l worth of oarpa.i' tors’ tools. ' Aiiioog the artickw stotan was a olunt coatollliiig bails marked C. Higler. Borne ttW. and bit. Iwloiiglng to Thuuias Bure* markeil T. B, were abo stoleu.


Troulil* tw W *l*attliig Over a “ Kainbow Tea '* and kalary.

About one year ago there wo. stotnl the Bertan Bafitlst Church In W a tsc liig , and the buiklihg occupied liy the W.uiien’s Christian 'iemperance Union Was sublet t»

ItB im ilim lE X A TO It gKIBML

The Trownu Herrin* Prrlarmed furthhB a- puhllcaiis h f a Treoluii Mrseeitger Boy* All ihrldaet of the wei'k at Trenton tbHt

ws. ill phtottiit contrast with tho dour-hraak- Ing cplsfdc' and nlM ,- i’ure of d itonlerttet msrkisi tlu outsat ot ihali<gislalivaatttowi,

(ho new rliuroh. Many of the W. C. T. IT. ' « tlie uiocaatrnl hunt of a niqwwuger hoy araalancooBeutedwilh the Hajilist chutTh, after Scuiltor Aklno. This liap|>eued on Borne time ago a preacher luuiied Beiiltoy Wedtu*eilty* nftcruoon. nu, I the fact that tb i agreed aial itortad to randuct the •I'rvlci's at boy fouml tb* Mcri'er iSi'iiator was related In 'the Baptist chuH*h Nothing wak mfJ about Uia Nxws But tiicr<'is an aiunsl^lt* «wU tlje salary question, however. , a. iulcm ling stury >mi«‘teil with the do-

Kecently Mr. Ihuitley preacutosl to tlie : tall, of tli« boy', chc-c ufter Mr. Skirm. church a bill for two limutlis'rervin-i. Ilia : The Ih'pulillamS,*0. 1111*!, met In t^eAattin-tuwnlier. were turpriwl, having suppewd that tlw iireucbi'r's-t'rviir,! were fi>".*. Tl.) ladiw of the church, in onlcr to jiay the l*ilL dwiiitsl U]sjii having a " raiulHiw" tea. Tlie ladlya hr* night Uiu niiittor to the atti‘uti<ui of Mr. Beiltiev. aud inforiiuvl him that they Were to lie aeslrt*:.! by Uie Woinau’.fThri liah Tewjierauce l uioii. Mr, ltcntl<*yobj,s't«l *o tlie lattur organiuslli.i, ami a., u uimiher of hi. jioople are also m cmbT. of tin* \V. C. 'i'. U. tho refiuat of tlic pivardirr to luii'c I be \V, C. T. U. taka iiBrt lias cinwvl a iiimiuB, ami as a reaull r%lit faiiillie*i m tie , hnri'ii. wh.i are lihwctly iutcriy-U'd in the toiui.'niiay moviimeiit, Inlcml to withdraw froiii tlie rongregntiou

bly Chauil’ar, nml Brcviilcnt tigi-rs Imd I'lilletl till* h,vf-;*’u to onWr. Secretory Mott fmiii'i liiit ti'ii n*|.>ne-, to roll ca ll Bkirm wav the ub-!'utuu Here was a pradicameutl it wnul.lii t d*. for 1>— Ilian a inajorlty of the cuiirc Sen ii,* Ui adjourn for tae weak ami gill* tlic Ik'i'i*. rut*i a i«v-bujiul p ijut piwiWk on, >111,- tallv 11* ihu Hovurnor and (ha At- tiH'ii' y lieiu rnl «c"iin*l to U' in kiva w th the Ikvies'iiitli- iiujoHty uiid recognlaed 11 aa the legal Si‘iub‘.

Till! IP'jiiibliiwu. found lbetii**lvtt tmlden- l.y imiiulol oil the liurii* of a dilemma ( theyciiiUi not ill W'i]*tum adjourn without elevcuBaiuitoi>, uml it Mr. Hklrin by MUy ailit-

A sareault of Mr. Bentley’, objectlim the :

toeJhiircK hW ngiim isi-ut im tm itk.H of a »**" rainbow ’’ ton to 1.- Iiciii on .Momlay iiiglit, under tlie auHiiii**. of Ibe W. ( ’. T. C . Krniii Ha* jinweiit laillisik llm cliawsw of Mr. Bent* ley getting hi. snlnry nrii said to bo slim.


Pllicinf Allwhlnrry T4i'<lny».l>Qubt a i to a

iiotliiiig loiter to do than to listen to the diiiiri t,ail's of Becretary Mott calling tlie riill Ilf ulwciitecH. Bitsuileut Hijgeni, Ben- abir Vi»)ilu»>, and Mn'retory Mott wlils- iH'ivd to a number of Huai, telling th ™ to biistia Bbiiil the oily after Senator Sklnn. The lonriei* were wiou engaged In the chaae.

Id tl« iiH*autiiiie Sivretory Mott coatiniioil: hinill theiuimreuf Um kwim ly-^Henatore

. Prrm snriit Stay. l,egiiiiiiii|, with Adrolii, and kept readingQreen Broa., hat inanufai'titrer. of Han-1 laa-kwanl ami forward on Iba list until a

bury, have rrntod Ueorge Yule’s Jactory oU j iirei>Uiiukiug young reporter handed him a Eagle attreet, this city. This inortiliig tho | glass of pun* and sparkling water. After Mnploiye* were Jm.y niovlng In luavy ma- I q'uifllt« of A d ^ 'i a le the chinary, three oarluoda of which hail li«n j l®''''“ Uy refrashad, nrugteded to m ahipped frmrf the old place in Haubury, The ****|?™r^ [ ^Prni expacta to start tiie hti.ineMi just a . soon ‘ ^


The goelalt.tle Imbor I’arty and the VnJ employrd.

The movement Ktnrted by tho BocialUtic lab or party to devise wajw and mean* tor relieving the uucQpInyi^ osspnied defiqite shape last night. A meeting was hold at S8 William street, which wa* attoudiHi fag, about thirty delegate, from various labor orgauiza- tion*. An orgauisiitiou was eireetcil by the arlertion of George Gillen a* chairman and William (Valkcr weretory.

It wa* decided to make an effort to enllit the synipathias of every lalior uuloa and, or^nltw l Boclety of laboring men In the mofomantj and a committee was appoiutoil to notify the various orgouiiations and re- queet them to send delegatee to a meeting to he held on Saturday, Jaiiiiory 87.' The com­mittee ^ usist. bt Mmni. 'Wahs, Leslie, Walker, Buekmeyer and Heichert.

aimiUar movenieuta are ttid to be under way in seven other counties of tlii* Htate, and Chairman Gillen and Henry Beciemeyer were nameil a* a comiuittoo to correspond with the secretaries of those oiganlrationa, *o that a eOncerM movement may be mode in the Htoto,

The projector, of the affalr-popore to hold a uiatt-meeting, at which roeohition* will be adopted, urmnf the T.iegl.Iaturo to make some provluion* for the temporary relief of the poor. ____ _

A “ ghow ’* at Mlllhiirn.Profoisor K. E. Uevey, of New York, gave

a riiow Ip Buunell’a HaU, Mlllbnrn, yetterdav afternoon. There were prewut nearly ‘JOb lehool cldldreu and many women. .,11)6 ehlW dren paul ten cent, to in and the wnmen twenty-live cent*. Froiesaor Pavey’s ticket* promiseil an elatiorate eutoriainuieut, to lA lurninhudby proflclent ventriloquistsand m a-. glciaiUL PreNmtsweretoboglveqtothoeowhe attended the show. These presents iiudiuleil, according to the aiinouiicement, thirty-five articles, among them express wappmo. skato. and writing desk* for the children and manP omw seta, andbric-a-brac for the women. Pro- feSKr Davey gave some exhibition, of magic and ventrlloqtd^ aud then distributed to the children cheap ledllpenrfl., aud a box of writing paper to the women in the audienee, Then he closed tlie perfonnatuA.

For the Beiiefll o f Chiirehes.An .utertatiimuut tor the hcncllt of Chrlnt

Church was held last evsitlDg in the W. C. T. U, II.1II, coruet of .Mulberry and Market atreets. Merer., Struck and Dean, .Alexander Wnodnon, Jowph Howell, KigfeDO Search and Billy Crawford eiitertalued.

A bamr wa* opeued hut evening in St, Jamn’s llall.ugruar of Madlsou aud Lafayette .Hweti, tor the benefit of St, .Iiiinea'. Bnrochlal SchcKdi, ProfBMorA. J. Hollywood and tho choir of the ehnrcu were in attendance hud rendaiad aslectlena .

The Sewing Circle of St. 1 .Ixmiw'a K. C. Church hMd .a meeting last evening In tho hall, HadlKD and Lafayette itreets. The tlaual rontlne of busInreH wiia tranaacled and a dl.enwlou took place among the niemiHir. aa to tho iMot way far holptiig tho poor.

Mewark Yonng I.adle. In a Play.Tho Wljllng Circle of the King's Daughter.,

a chapter oompoeed of a nuniber of well- known veungtadle. in the lower part of the

. j j f j , witl give a dramatic entartainment la utydin Hall on the erenlug of January do. The rehearsal, are now pro*ro.s.tng. The play will be “ Hebeoca’. TrimRCb.’’ nnd th o» who

.w ill taka part are the Mlsta* Katherino Meade, Charlotte Blake, Jeaeto Balrlle. Harriet Oon- ant, Joasphlne Meeker, UUlan W. Oonld, Irene Mathews, Mand Fltob, norenoa Taylor, Irene Hopper and H lu Mottlson, and David Piekarlng, : , _________

IbJnTed In Tnll*.^ u l s Ilannoofa, an eaploit* In tba ,Simdau Oiu ofllce, while stepping off an electrio oar at Broad and Market atnets this morning, aUppedudftU, .ustalnlngaM sprain at hi. rl jh t w rlii, tad also Injilrlo* about the leg. and body.

Joseph Tohln, a staamilttar, wlitle working on ajadge about fear feat from toe ground at the (Routenhirtili iMdehce, on Broad .treat, . natartUy, nisaad his balalio* and fell, atindli*, fatf on* of bis onkto*.


Workers In tlia Fatal Newer Traneh at Kearny Give Tesltiuuny.

OorotHT Awtbony Volk, of Hudson County, last night begun hokling an inquest in the cane of Michael Thornlon, of Harri*on, who wa* killed last Frlilay by tlie raving in of the embankment of a treiu-li ou Cbcetitiit atreeh Kearny, th e iiii|uiry wa* hchl at Gomert'a Hall, Harilsou, wbii-h was fllieil with specta- tore. William Perry, one of tho worker, in the treiicli, teetined that be did not think there wa* much danger lu tho work, and that the dirt where tho nieii were working w w “ good wnind dirt mliwl with stoum."

Michael Hlgglu*, anotlicr workman, stated that lha treurii wo. not brarvl at tbo time of the accident but wa* now l**iug brwo'J. John Gallaghei-, the forOimij., *taG> I that ho did not tliiuk bracing wa* ima'anary. Pat­rick HollywiK«l. a worker who was hurt, did not think it wife to work without the bracing. The luqunt wa* odjourneil until next Fn- ilay.

------- 1-------a------------ *— ■LIVELY IILAZR A T WENT ORANGE.

A Kiiute llr .tru yrd Wlitle Orange Fire- uieo Iruokf'd On.

Thomaa Fitmtinraon*, of West Orange, pulleil box No. 4A of the Urangi* fire alaJ^ .vstem at •H:40 o'clock this moruiug for a fire in Central place. Watt Oiangi>. 'Thu Orange department responded but did not attempt to put out a lively blase, w-hich *oon con- niniiHl the houM ow n ^ by Isaac M. Wilt- lama and odbuplad by Xifan Meier.

Chief E u g in ^ Hodgkinsim. of the Orange dcinrtment, would not, it is said, allow hi. men to go to work on the huililiug, owing to the manner in which the West Orange Town­ship Committee tivnteJ the Fire ( !ommittee of the Orange Cotnmuu C/ouucil when noj^ tinilon. were peiidlug for the u*o by Ute township of tho city fire systciu.

The building c l^ ro vei was insured for It.unu. Mr. Witllama vahiol it a t fl.RRU. Mr. Meier lost nearly all hi* household effects.


Letter. Pear In IJpim the Mon Dropped from a UleomRctd Choir,

WlUiani Maun, the Glcu lUdge coachman who Home tinjo ago wo. dropped from the Christ J?]>lwY>pa] Church choir at Bloomfield, has reneived Irilof* from various part* of the country luvltiDg him to join varlom organ- ixationa Gae was from Henry Bird, of Novrork, extonding to Mason au Invitation to join tho Newark Liberal IteaKne or attend the lecturai held every Sunday. Mr. Hasuo did not arcept the invitation, stating that he was don. with churebea.

The preeident of a life a£*ociatign at lo- dlauapolia, I n i , also sent Mr. Moaou a latter afferlng him a inaRion.

A resident of East Orange wrote to Mr. Mason and told him to rememtier that ChriN was horn in a manger, and urgea him to be a Chri»tiaii,________ ___


A Defective Flue Cause* ■ Los* o f Rk.OOO In the North Itefonoed Chapet.

The inhwloD chapel of the North Reformed Church *a» dertroyed by fire at a late hottr hut night. The lo« will reach FI,000, which 1* covered by lumrancc. The building wa* owned by William Clark, of the Clark 0. N. T, Thread Company, aud wa* sitnated on Belleville avenue, opposite Clark street.

The flaniea wore discovered W Officer Hackott, of the Heeoud Breclni-t Polico, but on account of trouble w ith a signal box the alarm was delayisl, and by the time the fire, men arrived tlie building wo* a liiiuK of flamea and all that coiilil bt? done was to try aud u v e the annux ut tlie building. Home uossera-by hod succeeded iu saving toiue of the furniture in the place. The fire woa caused by a deferiive fine,


Damage, for Henry U iley Against the New Jersey Troctlnn Couipany.

A verdict o f ( 1,‘JU) for the plaintiff was yesterday rcml»n*l by the jury in the suit of Henry Chdey against tho New JerMy Trao- tlon Comt«ny.

Mr. Oadey sued to recover 1,1,000 for the death of his Kin, Charles Henry, who was killed on Central aveuno by an Orange elec­tric car oil Beptember la, 1898.

New Olleers Chosen.A ttbe wmi-tumnal mHilng of the Monte-

tlore Literary Booietv, the foBnwiug ufilcer. were eleetad; :^slilent, M. tlamuels; vicq- presldent. Mhis H. I.ederinan; recording sec­retary, MIh M. W ettlet; flnsncisl secretary, David Oohen; treasurer, Ssmnol Levy t critic, Max Heller.

The Uncoln Building snd Loan Association has elected theso, ofllconi! Prealilont, John W. Vogel; vice-president, John E* Xlmnier- man; treasurer, John U. E lw ie; secretary, Fmlerick Grebe: attorney, Cliarlre F. Herr; directors tor three years, Peter Docribachcr, Jacob Stuckey, William P, KomiUCl and Rob­ert Wlegand. -

Speaker Hachig of the Newark Turn So- cirty, apiiolnted these *taudlng conimlttees last night: innauce, (’harles Eytol, John Buhl and Uermann bchmidt; Huuse, H. Schumacher, A. Mueller and Charlos fSchaedel: Hotel, G. Hermann, Ohariee Fulir- mclstcr, Clmrlos Eyteland AugU3t.Ucrmiu)D.

' Suit for a Goal HlU,In Judge Ohlld's court this morning the intt

of Jaiuo* L. Tobin agalast James C. McGerai- glo end others, to recover |3i9.»T, wa* tried. The .■ ndnoy, It Is oliilnied, was duo to the firm of IVtlUain B . and LevlG. Jackson, cool deal- rrs, from whom t be dcfendaotslwuglit coal. Soon after tho ttle wo. conrummitlcd tho firm was diaaulved, and It ta clnlmcd that tbo i m t t of tlie firm were tnrned over to Levi C. Juck- tou, who .hbaeq'ueutly osslgoed tte coal bill to the plaintiff, Janica L. Tobin. T i l latter wag rcpreIi8ntoil by' Mcflerter, Wllliatnaond: Mc- Gurter, white tlu) Interests of the defendant* were looked a ^ r 'by Jobnr Whitehead.

A Nerraut Sues for Damage*-Allco S'Irtue, a servant who wi<» formerly

employed in the boarUlng-hgushof Mr*. Evelyn BouncII, at U Hal«,ystreet, wee tho complain­ant In a roit against her toruiur mlriiru* In the Second District Gourl thia mordlng. Bha snisi tor damage] for allaged falke linprlaon- ment. In Augnst last Mli* Vlrthe woa arrested by Detective Walker oliarged with the theft of a box of Jeweliy., The g<tld Itail baen placed on a ebclf In the house vrhfle the servant Wo* present and thenext morning it was mltMing, After tho arrest the jewolry Wits found In th* room of a boarder, wlio claimed to Imre taken it for a joke. Chief Hopper eastibed tlt*( the woiaaa was honest.

SFRCIAL HOTfD^«Tho first tria l o f P r, WimmI’s Norway Pine

BjTUp Will saBafy any one that th* loug-hatl- Ing vlrtne of tn n ln e tree has now htseu rjs- flqed Into on qflMtlvn pad convenl*nt oongH nibdli^a poiu by oU deoiers on a gnaraitle* of saUafactioD.

tlie inachlnn'y shall be placed in posltl'm.Both raembrre of the firm are In Uanliury

auperintending the moving of a portion of the plant. Nothing can be k*trD(>d delliiitely as to whether the firm lubiiids to locale here parnianeutlr or not. It ha* boeu stated that Green Brotanrs wIU locate bereou'y teiniKir- aiily and luaka samuhis enough to keep tueir name before the jHiIilic, and tlmt they will return to Danbury a* somi a* their Htrikiug aoiphiyea there stull wwikeu. One of the men in churjo' of the plant ou Eagle Htrwt, ttid to-day tost he ilid tsd know what his euiploTen would do. “ Oue thing 1* sure, however,” he sahL “ tliey intend P> do Inmi- ttess, and If they can't do it in Doulmry tliey will do it here.''

The report that BecJterly & Co., also of Danbury, hml rented t ’artuy’s plaiv uu Hum Diit street, ueor tlie C’anuL 1* an emuii'oiiii oue. There liare been varioii* nitiior* aliuat that this firm hod n-uted several |>liiiv* here, Including the places of John H. ( ’aw*, Hank street, and I’elffer It Co., Hlik and .Academy streeta. The owners of those estalili*hiiieiit* stated they knew uothlogot IhvloTly & Co. loratlug hers,


A Soccessto! Event by the Thesirlcul Me- abOBlos* Asaoclaliun.

The third annual boll of the Tln*nt riral Me- chanh*' Association, Newark No, 88,

habl in Hirngi'r Hall lost night. The boll wo* crowded, and tlic wall* were ilw'or- ated with many colored flag* and etrcumcm. It was the most successful Inll tliat tlic ai.'iu dation ho* yet held. Theon-hesint ivasKta- tioned on Uie stage, and was hidilcu from view by a bank of palms ami flowur*.

erjbody was boconilM feverish witl) in ilctj. Th* rouri*« hJuT failed to lorala

Senator Hkinn and th* iflernoon wa* on the wane.

Siiibienly a bappy-go-lucity in***efiger hoy with a riiumi, red (ar* and poorly clail, walked fcorlsasly over to S*W*tor \ oorheas who wa* lounging In a aeat trying to apiwarcoiUeiiti>d.

‘ Sav, inistor, wat’s de mattorf"Tiiriiiug to the lad in a confidential way

Uie Senator replied:-Why, m ylittl* man, w* want Henator

Hkirni. Nothing can he <h»n* without Senator Skinii, M avbeyou know the SenaGir."

" Well, I nhoutd smile if 1 didn't,” was Ut*quick reply.

" Go Mit and get the Benator and Til give you a quarter. Fresident jRogisrs will give you atiotiier," said Mr. Voorheee,

" Deiiw mv quartan *n’ don't yon make miV mistake!*’ exclaimed tbo boy, and soon hi* iasivy shoe* were beard riutteiiiig down the Slatuhouse cgrrlddrs in the direction of tile street

I’aiil llever* we* aevar actuated by mweter pitriotlc seal th*u was thi* rud-fai**! iiiee- sengeV boy of Tnotoii a* he dashed away iu sreivh of Meroer’i tJfoator, The yonnieter found the inau be sought some dUtance up­town in ranversatiuD with several clllxeiis. Husliiug hreatblcMly up to him the Iwl hliirteil o u t:

“ Hey, Mr. Bldna, dey want yer. Hnrry up.”

'• Why, my boy, whaV* tbe trouble f"“ Di‘x waut yer down at de meetin’ . Mister

Rogere 1* stondlll’ in the box w'at Tom Flynn niter stand in last wtpter.and a in*u wdd nice whiskei's keeps **kin' (or de fblien w'at ai*t ilere and yon’re one of d* fellows Wat ain’t dere, and'nudder ntan Wat's always laflllt’ *a™ to me dat yon must he dere or dev— ,”

“ Hold on, my boy,” broke in tho Henator aughlngly, as be forw d the lail to halt loo;

aseitted. The other couiiiiittere dlil tlieir

eirt of the work so well that there wa* not a tch.Among tbqse nreiicnt were Mayor Hayn™,

Postmaster Conklin, E. Berla, Herbert Knight, A d o!^ Hen lcr, John Evb, U r aii'l Mrs, Charles Baldwin, William S. Vleot, Charles Albersoo, Peter Bi'y, Cliarics E. Bnieckner and A1 Baldwin.

READ Y FOR i :DI;u t .

n»"^ud;Sareb'”w;:;\Ti.;ctir,vd:^ .u,i “■ t eit was lad by William T.SiiiqiKou, the pnwi- 1 ,u wJttoi-*'dent of the assodathm, aud wife. During ** YaUersthe lutenniaslon supper wa* nerved, ami thou 1 ,L.o iiko om,the .Innclngwi* rremie*! aiel kejit up until ,the early mondug hoiini. William T. Siniie j dovn dere f j ' *KUi acted t t I h e ^ i r manager, aud was ably 1 lE.

" Y e a ; yaa, boy,liuiow . Here’s a quarter. Hurry back and tu| Uhvu I'm cotning.*

Back to the State House the ynangstor started ou a wild run. The suspeuse of the Senators and ntbets who wanted to get homo hail lucrtastkl in the meantime.

Buddeoly there broke ou tjie cars at tho anxious w|uterB a clatter as if a hone bad broken loose In the corridor*, and in a abort Lime near tbs Assembly dixir oainu tba meo- s e n ^ boy, hia baarily-obod faet moving at a Sueridan-only-fivemilles-away sort of gait, ITia next instant the yoimgater, his face as welcome ,as 8 baocmi light to tbe stranded Henator*! hunt Into th* Assenibly Chamliqr.

Down the main aJal* be strode, bis cap flnnly pnll«l down over bis ears. Waving hi* tivt baud toward Prealilent Ilogeri in a familiar way, he exclaimed:

VII* all right, MMcr Rogera. I seed Mr. Hkirm up lie street. He'll be down in a jiffy. I ruuned all de way."

There wa* au outburst of laughter, aud tbe lad's failure to reiAore hi* cep, and bis alhision to the President as “ Mii(Br," were taken in the best of spirits.

Senator Sklrm arrived shortly after the hmr, and the Heoate ml journe<l for the week.

The crowd tben ctuiiteaed about tbo niea- senger tier, patted him on the bock, told him he was a tttUe hero and a lot b f other aloe thlnn.

“ liow much did you receive for your trouble?" asked Senator Voorheca.

’’ L o ts” said tbe youngster. ' ‘ De quarter Mr. Bkinn guv me, de quarter Mister lloger* guv me, d* quarter de man wid de nice whiakera guv me, and de quarter you sed yiHi’d guv me."

Here was another chance for a

The AnMn Jana Heira and Their Alleged Grriit Kit»l«*

The people claiming to be heirs of Anika Jans aiul the Harlem Comiuons estate, who held a meeting yeoterday iu Libeiol League Hall, have restehad the coiwluaion that they are about ready to intbstauUata their claims in codrt. Of the 9 B ctatmaiit* repreaeuted, according to President Fonda, of tbe associa­tion of helix, uoly 188 have proven their right to a share in the many iniliiou* that the “ estate " is worth.

President Fouda eiplaiued to the ousocia- tlmt yesterday that under no cireuinstani'e* would be present a edaim in I'ouri. on behalf of any one unless the pereon should have on apparently clear title. It is eipecteil Butt the case will come up in the New ¥ ork ci early In the spring.

t courts


I f jvni hqvs e n r dealt with, o* tow knowlU ohaataotthaew hen it' ^ n u a to frqining pictures m are the paopla. • 'The Ih rm t facllC. iles unfl 'gnadMl' vaiiere of ktrlwi In Mew Jersey, Cary jk Kenny, WB and t t t ^rood st,

iihetira>ttft)n. It (lOfMenrv UiM. ni

Two FHnclpjiU Hove » Vvrbal 8et-Tu Hi'- fot« the Botird.

A t the meeting of Harrison Board of Edu­cation night tbe name of Mttut Katie Hitwas piacwj on tbe list of reserve uKriisbmt ........... „teacher*. The Committee on Hupplics was Heiiiiter Vourbees, as tuunl laughnl more empowareil to purchase new boots for Hihoul *he boy Mlde andN o!!, giving in exchange os pert ,«yiueut * ‘ ’' ' “ 8tbe old books now boiug need in thci whixilTbirty>two new d»ik>ba^ will be purHut< ,(il tor School No. 2,

of flchool No. 1, as­serted that &h<sil No. 8, of which Jiuiies Fsndeigratt is principal, had been ftiriiislic'l with bwk* that the cnlldreu could nut uuder- xtand.

Mr. Pendergrast said thot Mr. Dwrer’s statement wa* uiitriie. After a further ex­change of words between the two pritn'i|iala the matter wa* dropped.

’n ’estfield and Vicinity.Postmaster Whitaker, of WestfleU, i* cun-

fined to tlto house with a severe cold.WlllUiin Walter Hlel[j« hoseent wonl tliat

it will be impossible for hint to attend Wi'sl- field's Csotenhial tea party. It is uudcrstoml that Governor Werts uai also decliniil.

A team of bowlers from the Arthur Kiill Rowing Asaoriation will bowl the Casino tciim the first n m e of a friendly series at Kosi'llo this evemug;

tbextockbolders of the Wndfield Athletic Club will meat this avening and

t h e “ H I L L " TURNED OUT.

A Trial for tbe IxuwenT o f Jew elry Draw* • B ig Crowd.

When t o rase of tha State against Samusl r.lpsfhuetk was called In tbe Quarter Sessions Court this momiiig, the room wa* crowded with resident* at the “ Hul." The charge was tlie lareoiiv of C!6i .8a worth of jewoiry fi'iini David NaghUgoll, with whom Lipo- cliiieU lived. TOe principal witness vas Mrs. NoghtigaU. She said that the iiccuied doraalonaiUy stayed at her house, KiH Biiyd street, and alter he had been there oil Noventher #• she mimed her Jewelry.Samuel wa* at once "siipicioned," me said,iinil thnii with conslderatua gnste she told m liiiw she liad brought him back from New York. The defendanj’s connsel, EdwanI 8 . Illui’k, denied the charge and declared that his client bod voluntarily come back to this city.

The defendant was asked U b* bad ever liwu fouvirted of crime.

" h j 'u y ljfe ’ never,” he replied, and then__ ______„ __ lo t a ...............^ usivini aua menVkiard o{directors for the c o u iig year. Tlw ; he lailieif aismt t o c l u e toTralnblhi^ wav’ onteoino hnonl vritl erreent, > financial state j,i Uoririau, English tut™He^brew wereontgoing hoard will present a finnndnl statc ment An attempt will be inadc toscttlu some old score* at this meeting, and it I roDiiMK to Ibft lively < "

Tb*. Qopiid reception of the AA?c<tllcld _ 'T l be given thi* evening.

"rToam Guudfiltteemau Hope, of LIuiIcil Iuw bought the wood on a Urge tract of laud for



The Resnlt, the L«*e o f a U uhL Fasslhly Blood Poisoning,

------r y t Y - o ------ V ----------1 ’ GiHirge Charles, g ptimther, * son oft o sole purpose Ilf giyitig worthy men «lm Charla*, of Newnrit! was on aore out of work employment lu cutting i Into oord wood. limiting expedition near Bloomfield jrexter-

liay. Ho overUiadad his'gun, th* weapon cspltsli'd when fired, and Charte's hand. Minor Police New** i * / • 7— *aia.**«

B e ire Judge Prelsel in tho Third rrh.iliial: ‘■“ tCm m thll moruln* John Winn plciutcl iwt S . ! ,vho(ntutv toaehatge of anHaull and bmiiuy m i, sent him to thehh slater, H n, Mary Nolan. Ho w.u< com-

I ^ amputated.

Henry Snyrter, who was ooou.ieil by t 'Imrli’s j ^ T ^Tholon, of K Bowery street, of lircnklug nnd | " a ™ ® " “• d KeoTBy.eiitBring with Intent to ileal, was tlili mom- Edwara McDonald, Htlrteen years old, was lug arraigned before Judge I’reiscl- Ho plcudcd ; »ri'.»mdriut a l ^ l oaj)empIUnt'<ifMri>.E1ttt-nut guiltv and wbh committpfi to Jail touwiiit ht lli Kiloy, of h X North Beooml street. Hot-

ri.'tin, who chaiged him with dnlerlDL' her Fitori' iu her absence and aUallng $10 from the

iihlitox. Justice MidUgan held tbe boy touwidt tho ivitlou of a hlglher court

Rusltiew Men'* Anoclatlou ofTill' 1and Kcnniy, at o nleotlL, to furnish Umo loaTe*,D( liiirrl.o)o and Kearny.

not guilty and was oiimaiittetl to Jail lu await th* action of the Grand Jury.

Officer Tlghe, of the Third Police Prerincl. jaril'this moralag arrested Gounto KriMiw. of J* HardBu street, wlio wa* acting lu a d i- oroerly manner on Kinney attxict. Juddo

qoInnilUetf him to Jail for flftccudiijs In default of the paymeut of a $3 Hue.

, A finll Qulclily Tried.The trial Of tba suit of Christian Tancke

fgnlust Dotblef L. Dethlraseu for $iHK.8U wa*™ ^ n and ended in a short time heforo J ih1$8Child nHJ* Jnl’j in the Girouit Court this moruiiig, . H arry CniiipBcld,' In opcitlug the rase for the plaintiff, irtatoil that the suit was hronght ogiiilat litrtlilef' L. DoMilesacn os executor for hwtatbor, Lorene M, DethU*- , „, doceaaod. Tho money sa«l for wa« tho the Plrsl Reforawd Ohureh on 'sundny •mount of a'boartl bUL money advanced aud | niJlii, The Ios W T ^ T .G , proposes to pe- pngnJunu taid on a Ufa Infftiranra wolft’V of tUinti tho for the wsvanth tlma to

^ --------- HarrieoikUf U it night, Uedd(4 'f DJjea for the poor ctf

" id I*, -m ■ "nT'*«}Yoaociiday of ni;xt ^ 5 diwmUy tho h r t i l

^1UlH‘ ifftla^tothe doaervlQgwho callat the iM'ttdfiiiKrtpni of the MeociattoQ at ElbfroS HrtiU llai riwng « k1 at Kearny TOvQflhlp Holt

V ' ' " I "MiHs Hunt to Leotbj|re on Tamperance,Mrx. Mury ii* Hunt* o f MaaeachuBctti, uu-

lH.riulcij<J(3Dt of the fieparimebt of fckjkmtJrte Ti-miif-riinrt iDitnuraiJon In iJchwlB end Coi-Icufis, will uoUver a ieoture on *• Tomiwrance *

prei^uina paid on n life inmnutce policy the deceased. The question of the bnard bill w w tho only oaq dlsiKited, the other iiaiis ci tho claim being coucetled by tho dcivndnnt) J j o WM reiJresented by CoUe & Bwayre. pW * verdict,o(J|U*..lfi for tliL'

.... . 10 LegUlature iHss laws providing tc

h i l l i o M r * . H u n t w l l l b ^ h i h V wsrKacamiatgn having for fuobjert th* a 'ltiitius of thp question.

, ij the seventh time to or tetauerSneo odueallon

Mr*. Hu

Itiiirnberry VIlea His I)Mlanitta*i.y 1 .0, a«l*ya»m Iq tho suit of John R.IJusiO-

" IrvMt^On Kudeevor Heetlngs.BomicUfatercithalbecuBuiulfeilecHntho --- £ JL '.

lk»Gi“ * ••♦ pohllnitlonof aplDluraand™ le ty of (Jiristton Endeavor of the Hi ( ,in liin ilptlon *'tha iilalatiff has been and I* foruied Chareh. Irvington, that the meetings -rwilly li>J«^, and t o good name ran,°,nil

' ■ ■ ■ ■ . . . ... |.pj|t iirooght into publitiseondal

T H B M Y S T ER Y O F A BOY.A M rangely Acting " y s t l i r r " Floeos th*

Lad tVltli B Fninlly and Then Deserts Uiin.

The wife uf I'sIruliiutU Ilcury L. Bshiwlu has suifght the aid of the F.ttaiUqh poBi>* to ] assist hsr In tindlug a man uameil Smith, | who Is sU|q»Mil to he fur a fsiiiilv iivliig iu K'W.'11«. Mr*. Bid.lwlii i|iw< n u t, know the man's llrst name. iiciUicr ihiwshe ’ know the name uf tlw familyheclaimol tube Uving wiUi. i

Tile reason the ladyii anxloiit tuhi-nfelilin fsbei-ause he left a W , latl to Iw his - .u, lu her care, and fur some tbiie pssl has iml Gvn heard from, j

Mr*. BaUwtu say* tbe man came to her house, 8.1 Bridge stnvt, about sliiw u inomhs j ago. He brought a brigiif-fact-l Uiy of | about seven years with him. lie ask'il her to i core fur the ls>,v uml ngni-l lu jsiv *J |icr ■ Week fur his *up|iort. Mm. Ikldwiii illil not : know the inaii. but as licliail ixs'ii imjiii- mended by a lailv frlciiil of iuTs, she agrixii ; to look after tlw clilld. I

Tho iiiau said the Imy's name was Willie, * Smith refiiMsl te illvnlgc Idi Christian name I or whore he nviileil, lagt ho said he was em- ' pluywl lit Ilaiii'k’'. Iiienerv The latter state j incut was pnivisl to 1*. iiiitriie Fur eleven ' liurtithB the ni'iu vlsitnl tlieiaiyat regular ' Interval* aiul (Slid tile luiinl Itllls pruniptlv. thou his visits iXiLseil. Tills It Is tliuught w a* un to ldV diioluM r. IkiUwiii’s ileiiuuu! that Hullth toll auuwthlng about himself. When that rouiutit wa.'made Hie mail Imvim* iut- ‘ vous and loft t o buiiM. lu a hurry, saying he Would return in a wwA oi- two.

Aliunt a monlli aftiT Biiiitli dlsapiieoreil enlirv'ly a Imly ealleil npm Mrs RaMwin and iiitroiiiuwi heiw'tr Its Hulith'. slstor, Kho aakod If Mrs. Buldwiii wuuldn't|it the Uiiy. Hho was amwind iu tli* mvatlVe. Then she wanteil tlie child iilacisl In aome charitable lusUtiiliiiu. Mrs. Biddwin ile- murred at this aim Tlie lady then left and nothing has been luxird from nor, or tho buy’s father since.

The Ultle lad Is iniablo to give any Infor- matluii about his emiier tifo ur about his pareutx Mr*. Biddw in says he is ilellcate ami rw vutjy was very sick, dim has no tlceir* to keep lto hoy aud is I. liking fur tlm fathir, not wiahiug to havo the buy iiladid iu an iu- sGtutlou.

MRS, K E i l T w A r A N G R Y .A Lively Mceiie lu Ciiiirt In Which the

Truuhirs of * Isdiar-csrrirr Were Thoroughly Aired.

Iietter-carricr laiwl* Keil auil bis wife, th* latter living with her (laivnta at TO Court itrsi't, aiivid their family truubles in the First Criminal Court tills unimlng. Kell, whu lias Iswii paying $1 tier week (or the suiqiortof histwwyaar.nldchihl, wasarreebed cbargeil liy liis wife with iiun-support.

Mrs, Kvil lu her U«timi>uy sold that her husband luul nsgin-teil her and wanted to live with his muther mal sister. Rlio WSJ un able to luainlain herself and child un the $8 given her liy her Imstwnd, she claimed.

A pretty and hsmlsumely attired young wumaii Nit on tlie fiiait seat With tbe other apei'latoiv, When Mm. Keil passed her she mtoplavl and. cllnehlug her fl«. and raising her arm, she hisseil, “ I've a Dotkai to swat yon.”

Bile dill not “ iwat," however, but resumed her seat alongside her muther.

lu his defeiii'e Kell said that bla W*a a cose of "tou uiuch niiilher-ln-law." He told the Court tliat wlnle he wax iu Waablagtoti, a t­tending Pniideiit I‘leveland'a loauguretoli, hia wife luovisl tho furniture to his mother- in-law’s huuse. After that he bod no peace, and n os ixiiitlnually hampered by his wife's mother. His wife hul goUen idoaig fairly « ell during the nine months tiult they Hvod eimri, he said, for she rode a bicycle ail last Slimmer nnd paid $2 per weak for the nae uf the w h«-l.

" 1 made every effort to indue* my wife to live with me,” said K ail

" Y e s ; you starved me!" abotited hi* wife. The w oniati was onleibd to keep quiet, and

Judge Katua'h asked K ^ l If he was wHllug to live with his wife. Whan t o priaooer re- pliisl III the negative Mrs. Kell jumped to her feet. Hhe trembled with eiottement.

“ No; he doesn't want to live with me! she rrlisl, “ He wants to live with that wumon,” and Mrt. Kei| pointed her Anger scurufullj a t the pretty woman whom she was tempted to “ swat.*

Judge Kallach pnroied Kell upon his prumiin to pay hb wife $0 per week.


Jam es ColBs Agree* Is H ak* a B ig Sacri­fice to Save HI* Sister.

Physicians at 8t. Bgrpahaa'a Hoapltol ore about to perform an operation uf skin graft­ing on a rather large Snle to insure the re­covery of May CoHls, the twetity-two.yoar- old girl who met with an aixHdmit about two months ago in which she hod a portion of her acalp tom off.

Tho young lady at t o time w m employed at the Mile End Thread MIU at Eeam y. One evming while Mia* ColUi was preparing to go home her hair was caught In one of tbe machines uid bar head was drawn into the machine and her hair and a portion of bar scalp were torn off.

The young woniaE ho* been la 8t. Barate Ina’S Hospital ever since. It become ueecS- nary to graft sMu to the scalp; oml Ibe glrTs brother, Janies, allowed tha doctors to re­move particles uf skin alnnt the sise of a pin head from his thigh. This operation dlil not prove a sniwas. and recently it wn* con­cluded to repent tlie iiperatloti upon a scola of greater iiingtiltinle. and it was proposed to remove large [latches of skin from the broth­er's body, he very willingly offering to make tho socriflee to save Iiis sist eriallfe.

4 ( 5T

I s b e y o n d q u e s t i o n t h e c h i e f a t t r a c t i o n o f t h e p r e s e n t t i m e i n

N e w a r k . W h e n p e o p le s t a n d i n r o w s s i x t e e n p e r s o n s d e e p ,

in o u r B I G C .A R P K T D E P A R T M E N T , a n d v ie w xvith s i l e n t

a d n i i r . ' i t io n t h i s b e a u t i f u l l y m o u l d e d m a s s o f .s i lv e r , i t e m p h a t ­

i c a l l y m a r k s t h e s t a t u e ’s p o p u l a r i t y . A l r e a d y 3 i « 9 5 S m e n ,

w o m e n a u d c h i l d r e n h a v e s e e n t h i s s u p e r b w o r k o f a r t . I f

y o u w o u l d a v o id t h e c r o w d t h a t i s s u r e t o v ie w “ J m t i c e ”

t o - m o r r o w , c o m e i n t h e m o m i u g . Y o u w i l l a l s o s e e a l l a r o u n d

y o u e v i d e n c e s o f t h e m o s t a t t r a c t i v e

pended biro.

jre being ContbiU^beyond the tlwa qrlglnatly Oitenaed. lA*t algh’t the sohject w a s ‘'U list Shall the H am at Be?" E. D. Ward was Isider. To-ttight the Rev. Charles II. Jones, pastor of t u ’WoodsUff Ruforaicd Churcli, RiU nokaan addtest.

A Cor and Wagon Com* Together.A$ the corner of Bowery and Christ I* atreci *

JMlqrday oftaruoon cor No. 1« of lli* Rapid transit line and a dallverr wagon driven by WHlliiln 'it. Burkhardt, of *» Ferry street, colit d A Hbatoasof Ih* wagon waa daatollahsd, bwa Bnrkfaardt waa unhurt

diigrs. . tarter.

w ill I* Lrlm er’a Bofig Rmnaved.Tlie iiiuiwIcd reraafilaiH little Willis Iielraer,

Fhrt ’"""*“ ;■ ***,•* to ,G lp h * street. Orange, . crmultig Ilf the D., I* and w . HallTOad at noon fuMcnliiy, were wnjovHl. $a filq garapto' resi­dence, at 80 Madison stCMt, thi* mnrning frnm lliormiiMof In d e rta k e y r^ J re p k a r . fho jMreaH and other r e le a l^ ore proalraUd with plel. The funtflri 1i'1^g|giniiiili bav* nnt vet been mod*.

I N A L L O F O P B 1 0 0 D E P A B T M B N T 8 .

Everything, With the Exception of a Few Eestricted Articles, Bedaced in

Price for This Sale.



S P E C I A L T I M E S A L E S ~ Z 7 o the LadmBeallae Miat (o-morrow will h* tb* h U H i)A Y of t)>« gr««(

h a l f - p b i c e s a l e



He Ashed for s Trial llefore the Board and Will lie Arroniniodatml-

■ Buperinteudcnt Brown, of the Police De­partment, hut night si»]iended Patrolman Mockridge and to prefer chargee against nuti, mid have him tried before the Police Commissiiiiiere. Mockridge hod not lived with hU wife fur several years until two wreks agit when they nuuln up their dit- feranoes and again went tu live undiB' one puof. A t alxiiit the same time be reported himaelf sick ainl «ini'e has performed no police duty. Hl« wife says he spent meet of hi* time in a saloon iicor tlicir home.

Lost ulglit when she wcut to the saloon after him they qiiAnvlIed, anil the two went to poiloe hwu'lqonrtcrs to coiinilt with Chief Hopper, and they were talking tu the Chief and ComndwiioniT Htrnliaii when Huporin- tendeiit Bmwu cTitcnvl. Mr, BniWo ws* not pleoswi with Moi kridgc's I'oudiict, and when the patrolman wid he iiad lieen sick and oskeii fur a trU

TIiiif , O to i 2 oVIpcH S a tu rd a y iiiornliiM —All miiifilin a t coat, Iilc’o cb e it a n d unbleacliF fl, HO InehcB w td o to 100 inches W l(l( .

Time* I to B o ’clock Saturday a f te rn o o n — BOO Iteuiiiniita Dreim G ood*, fornuT p rice BO:', tu » I .2 B p e r yurd. Tlii* M le 2B c.

T l m e s O to 1 0 o ’clocit E ia tn rd n y n l g ' l i t — B e a t Q iiu l i t y A m o a - k e u g G i u g h a i u . B e . a y iiy d .

10c. q u a lity U q tlu g C lo th , po.

Ladies UseS o a p s , P e r f u m e s , e tc . , a t t h e i r t o i l e t s , a n d t h e o u t l a y i s v e r y c o n s i d e r a b l e . W e a im to g i v e t h e m o s t d e s i r a b l e to U e t g ^ s a t t h e l o w e s t p o s s ib le p r i c e s , a n d t h a t i s w h y w c h a v e r e ­d u c e d t h e p r i c e s o f t h e f o l lo w ­i n g a r t i c l e s :

Baby Hkin Soap* rei. Sk,. fur ISn.Pear> Hemp, mi* Me-* fur ®r.Vaaciiney reg. 7c.* for Stt,VaacUua (par«)» NoeX, wr. SSc., fov I3«.Cold Croam. No. 1, fcg. Sh-.* for M7c. iW m an 'a Powder, wg. 35c,. for I7e» I)r, fAheineld’i Cream Dcntlfriw, reg. 2Bc.,

ipccl&l liCHraBalMip f i r Boap (wUh Imki* rcf. for

14r.Amiaonia, roacd* for 3c*Ammonia, oral, forWoodbrtuT l Flaclal ftMp, roff- 2V!., for ISCc Mcatcao Ttirca Aoap for Gleim'a Bulplmr Hoap ft>r He*Boll TcHlft Paper for 41.6c*1 iM clal lot flno Freorh Briidle Hair

Bmanea, reg. Wic. lo td<i«w mit at 44r*1 upecUl lot flne Frenrli Solid Back Hair

Hniahca, rag, |l.Ii0 iort2 ca4*b, we will cloaCout at i ii.M .

lirporlallot ScotCaEirrtrio Hair Brutliev, clo^Dgoat At H A LF ^

noO extra U tr t Chatnuis. rcg. tHk. to 75c*, clufliDg out at 3nr< •*

I lot epoclal Perfume; rog. S&c. lo 50e,« for t«H«a

FererylhlDjr elw , cxrcpt a few rrrtricteU ar Itclea, KEDUCCD FOB TUJH BAlsE*


(Becnnd Floor, a few yard* from “ Justtoa.*)

Fasrinating shapes and decorMUms la AllDinner Cups and flaunn *Dfi ‘“ f tv * -----Te*^" Fruit and Flower Diabes, t and Cnokrr Jars, Card Baakata, Dg urea, StalurUiw, etc.; In fact,AR TW AfiE to add to home da

H A T *P P R IC E .


B A 5 E M E N 'Will bt tm phatiittt fa-flfdrraif # tht houttw m * of tb:i eitt by U* following yiiutoa/rt^uohm t:

IVnoilenwaro' reduoed lOc. to iBc. on sverj. dollar.

Vi’llowani Rorkingbam Ware ndaotd lAli»to 2U(', iMi ex'tiry dollar.

I'na Hcti rcdui'^il JJc. to 40r. uu every dolltf. PiDuer HcIa rediiood 3UC, vo Smo. Ob eroiT

dollar.lX>or MnU rrijitocil 10c. to !Nk'. oQ evarg

dollar,Tho (ietmine Hitt^ll*a Carpot Kweenar* In*

dTullngthf Magin, Ciiiwn Joim), NifodDomaa- llc, redn«^ *L6c, on •^’cfy doHor.

Blue and While Kntunel HiYecl Ware rodi\oodSBlr c. on every dcillAr.

Agate and Ironware reduced op ewii- dollar.

Tea Trnya, ('rumb Trayn, etc., rcdu<‘ed from 10c. to 3Uc. iJb every dollar.

Fuiiry f’hlnn ruspidors. IardiDlrrM,i'Wluced from lOr, tn lAc. on tbo dollar.

Olaafowiiro rotinreil tOi-e to STjc. op every dol­lar.

C'TfK'ker)' reilnred inp, to on every dbllar. Tollel ik'U reJui'E^d IDc*. tu 4(lc. on e fe rr

dollar.Hardware reduced from lUc. to 3)c. on e v e ^

dollar.Boape ami (irocerV SuudHra re<liicod 30c. ou

every dollar.TInwftfe redufH'fl Iik to (ftp. on every dollar, Irtmwnre reilu'‘<‘d JUi', to.'jth’.on every dnllar* KraM and Coppi^r rud .u ed lOe. op

every dollar.nrnabt*a. Dti«tprK, Whlnkltrontd'k reduoed

10c, to iiilr, on ihf ih^llar.Japaoned Tinware reduced 10c. lo 60c. OQ thf


rial Uio Buiwfiiiteudaut

n t KMW9 tMi no bfMr t*rov »f tft odt-iJiUia# - -YamC/roM day ra ftaiis i

Bontb Orange llrlpfn.Gardarr R- Colby Ij nlgf, No. TW, Brothcr-

bo6d of Railroail Trnlamcu. held an obiot- loibntettt lB!*t nlRbt in iCmpin! Kalla South Oranges which wan followed hy a reocjiiion and daiice. The tiall woflCMtwdcd with frlpiidi of the railmwl mrn from the Onuigon, 8 uin- mlt, Morrlstowil, Newark iiiid lIolKikeu. Tho entertainers indudwl Profeanor Culvln Cook and AlTln HaatlDgs, coflJilYcns; Wlllifim Whit­tle, ventrlloQ (list; Harry 0. WJuaiisand Frank P. Bond, musical artists; Kilward Lo Miiguo, vocallstv and Ihe oontortlotiLnt Llvlngrlon. C^iarlea W. Smalley served supjh'f. The ofll- cera of tbe evening were: John .li'well. clialr- man; Harry C. DunneH* TIuiuuih .1. .Nwnan; floor matiagcri Janies Noonan; oHsiAtiiiilSf nioroaa R. Simpson F^ank Miirring, JoUu Cnnlon, lUdwartl J. Murphy.

A valuable dog belouglDg to Arthur Tiurt, of South Orange* was killed by a tmilHy rar on the South Orange line al I r«wpect stn-vt, South Orange, yeaterday morning. The uiil* mal waa known In the dog w<»rltl fia "SiurMe BeV* and waa a rrglalered KiiglUli setter. 111* grand sire and grand dam were Imported.

The South Oranim Villafte Hoard of HesUh met last night ami adjourned until Febru­ary B.

Tho Church of Our lady of Sorrows at Orange wa* crowded yeaterday morti*

IdKi when Aim l ^ p O*l)oaucll, oi i«nutli Oranso. and Frank Volflitj of Hobokf*n. vsere married br tbe Kev. U <T. Carroll, ptuRnr of tbeohurca. John Hannon wua beet man and Mbw Kate Hannou waa btideatuald. Uoth aru . cotislna of the pride. A reocpflnn waa held at the residence of tho bridTe e ^renfe* Mr. nnd Mrs. Michaet (FDouaell, last night. Mr. and Mrs. Vuight will redae lu Bouthl)raikge.

M oniatown HapM«fiiv*s.Cnpetable Coe yeaterday '

teen'^edr-bkl youth uame<) i>j»ek, who I* ehflrgpd with haring mined 4 yming girl, t i ia e M gft «gnnt of the— add. wdrkif on tlie Ejoaierp exproi*, which run* over the Morria and Bubx brAurh of the ^Laware, awanna and Weirterti Uailrnad. The artcat w u made a t Morris PlaloM and the'prlnoner ronwved to where be w m at-^ g n e d W o r e Jititloe of the P w w A xteli, i^ihBng tho exarolnatioti the prisoner tnade W rwmpe. 4 la u hour laat night be liad not been recfkptpro4 end f» a u p p ^ to 1 have ded the (^oEp, ‘

K. Mtdleu and Tbionp«B Headtfare nwldente of BuUer. in Morris County. Mend bnmght u d t egainat hie fpUow towpfiraan In 1)m ■ torHi County Cvcnilt (k>urt to regovor | 5,0l » d w a ^ MoUen witl*elatiderititf Sbn. A YWrdiot waa rendored awardloff tba *um of llOQto tbe omnnlalnant


O i 111 EAW h i c h i r e h a v e b e o n t e l l in g y o u a b o u t fr o m d a y t a d a y oflhra t h e f o l to w iu g ( a m o n g o t h e r g r a n d bar^ g a la fiii

HOSIERY.Im p o rts Cashmore, black, sIkc* 7H, 3,

3 ^ regular 4ttu„ this «aie,

t iS e e n t s .

Misses' Fast Ulack (lotton, derbjf rllibwl, stses 8. 8|i, a, 8!^ I - 8. reimlar Ite, and titc., this sale,

l i y c e n t o .

iMiBWs" 1-! Fm I Black Extra TjP< Maco Vnrn, double knee, tdao 0i regular 35c., this sale,

S 5 c e u t H .

A Iso sitter A M4, recnlar fite., this sale.

8 5 e e n t o .' Plain RIaok Cotton, fast lilack, shias 8, tIVi. T, DtL retmJst lie., ttos tale,

1 4 c e n t o .

Hoys’ Heavy Hcainloe* Hose, sieee, 9,9 ^ rego- lat ike., till* nae, ^

OH, MY FEET!Y o u m a x w e l l o o m p la fn o f mimi|

o f t h e fihofia p u r o h a a id in th ia a i t y . b u t n o t w i t h o u n , w b ia h o o m b iu e o o m fo rt w i t h a t y l e . ' 4 u s t s e e h o w w o h a v e o u t t h e p rio o a o f S h o e s fo r th is C L B A B A B C S S A L B :

l,a<1lre' |8,(N fltmn rednred to................ f t - MI.a(]les'81.1*1 Hhoes reducatl to............... §1.4Blisdtes' 84.W Shoes reduced to,...... , , ,,..n s .a aIsiilles’ 88.G Shoes reduced tn................fil.oeIjidles' 81.40 8ho«* reduced to........ . . ...e i .O fdirts' 8I.W Hhn« redncKl lo.............Girls' 88.0H Himes reduced to i. , . i , . i l lChildren’s ate. Shoes rediieefl tn ...,.,.,..,.T S * Children's$l.aiShoes rtilitccd to-.u ... ...OH*Roys' 81-08 Hhiies'reduced to............... „ # l ,a eRoys’ 81-88 Himes reduced to ...............

A 8W BARGAIN FOR THE MEN.Our entire mwic of aud Kangaroo

KhocHe reg. price |4.Wk your oholco tu-iooppw,* 1 . 9 8 ,



HABOW A9E, 1R0M P I P m « A t l^Bpeolal Atenla Herrins-H*JI-M*tv(n Co-'e S A ra p AND TAPJjT VOW t.

MAIN STONE AND o m C l I " 3 0 0 Al^lOSOf MAIIKET S T S E E fata s T T rnCPARTMBNT. 88 MECHANIC BT. . .'

(“T h e A I j'W 'A .Y S B T JB Y S T O R E .*0To-m orrow W e E nd

& B o u i l l o nm-m BROAD ST.


Ia n d w i t h t l ie in w ® * I I « c l lp i ie » l lp a » t < U y » o f t h l* m o r e

b « r e m o m b e r e d b y a l t w h o irU U u *.TO^MOUfiaWi B t m i M S m M A S S in A»0 U B K iT m B L t l

THREE EXTRft BIG BARGMNS FOR TO-MORROW MORNING,I n n b l - t A I « a > d j s n d i n o a t l a 0 * C I X ) C K .

S tiip e d O u tin g F la a io l,

1b m d t e i f M u dJOB. fVd* to-nwrrow mortUodr i j g

; 5 Syi»o»#'<>i«ik.......................

Men's Seom law S ox ,In bine, brown nndfrnymlrturnfc fi l l MBAmleMt <louui6 heeU. »nrt ir»e«, r**K. to-morrow jnofalnf, I f TJPfrnm 9 lo 12 o'clock........................

B e r t F re n ch PeT0l l ^Kitrn wide, llxbi ffronndfl, for Wrnppert, boyt* wBuu nmichil- dren'tdrMMA. rat, 1 S ^ „ tn-mor- f l l f vn row morning, from t to 19 o'clock*.

L O T 1 -J*ok*u,m>d*

0( Wixil cht.lot. to me lt)i Columbia oapMoth- rt tluublO' broutM* M...

W«r« •i.OO.•rt t

THESE EXTRAORDINARY VALUES ALL DAY!A ll T r i a m d H a t P r io e i

C n la b iU if l . « a u « 0a t t o . ...... ......................

, MM H alsoet titi.............................. ■ •••*And ie#» oar a&Clra itock.

C o lo n d P ln n e a ,»|| tiM bwl tiur^ pfio*.

la all tiM bw t colon,«*>«no., ISe


i m i i n e r j B lb b on a,

1 *®-!*!

t $ m j S h ith e c i,pi,B fc.aiid :So.qaaattn .«lla> L <|1# Mow ,-n*«oi* t o . .................. invivK

M o l s e & 0 . f lo n a t i ,

oold tor Im i tbaa

U M P « ro C « S h ir t W a if t atii« 1au vaB Ot ^o ^ tr o B t 6 idu w™

M d oalh,»f.->>.< IQ{

i Q m I e O aih n iere S o e b ,. ConUo M o ani 4)1*' , n c . a a . . a l ......... ‘ w

iS h lr t i ,m Ub, Unn

and ftnat.t*ae***a***iaooo*

C h lld ren 'i D e rb y R ib b ed Cotton Hoee,Bitra IwaTT, foil •oainJwv ,Waek.ln all •!»■ , n g . prlwMc.,...........................................

T H im s K c m i K seD u cT io B t m

Boys' Clothing!m t n T m t u u t has i t i n


# iiv entire ■teek To-m orrow at


larkfid Prices.

C h e n ille S{Kit T e ll in g ,In btaok a ^ boat color*, th* T*rr newMi veil, r i f ' Nc.t l**t day * prlo*....................... *....................... 19c

l o t 2 -inn IndlM* Jaekoto. with ('nlunihia or Worth capo.

ard front «lgoil wflh far,at....................................

Woro M-OO.

l o t 3 -All oor »lfl,no and lltOO

nwKl, domo with Worth’ caw, oihrr* light Attlijg aod balf-iillk lining, to cioc* 0 1

l o t 4—KtItjMllM’ Plain Jackoto gad* of an- wnol hearer, keiwT or cbeelot cloth, to cloM out at,

r i drARfiFfiT DRV a FANCY GOODS HOUSE *N.J..I I I L U L L i i m -

THE SUN NEVER SETSO n s i x d a y s o f t h e w e e k w i t h o u t s h o o t i n g i t s p a r t i n g b e a m s o v e r a n e w l o t o f b a r g a i n s

m a d e r e a d y f o r t h e d a y o f b u s i n e s s c o m i n g . , * , . , . iT o - m o r r o w w e h a v e a n e x c e l l e n t l i s t a n d i t t e l l s m u c h o f f a v o r a b l e p u r c h a s e s n e w l y

m a d e o n o u r p a r t , b e s i d e s o f i m p o r t a n t o f f e r i n g s f r o m r e g u l a r s t o c k

J V L L A T M O N E Y -S A V m O P R IC E S .

$1.00 TO $1.50 CORSETS AT A SACRIFICE.T h e o elebn ited R A Q ., H, * a, T h o m w u ’i O lo v e F it ­

t in g e n d o th er w ell-kn o w n m akaa. M & n iifactu ierg c l u e th em “ occondg," beoauae fln g e i-m erk e d here a n d th ere from h a iid lln g w h en used as sam p les to th e trade. T h e im p erfection s are ao s lig h t Ih n t th e y ooulil re a d ily be sold as regu lar goods, and as a w h o le far su­perior to a n y lot o f sim ilar ch aracter e v e r p laced on gale, an d th in k ! price o n ly ......................................................

W E O F F E R B E .S in E 8 for to-m orrow a d isco u n t o f 10 p er c e n t on a ll CorseU In stock , b a rrin g o n ly restric ted m ak es............................................ ...................


W h ite u id O olow d B o rd e r H ’d’k 'fc,For ladles aad chUdren, bora- atltched, red. prlo* He. and lOo., last day* prlo*...............................

O r ie u te l a a d B la o k S i lk Laoea,Fin* qoalltr and asw deslfni,


Laos F r o n t J sb o tt,Mad* of Tartou oboto* Iseso,prIoM aU redsood from .................

SSc to $1.00L ad ies' R ib b ed T e ita ,

Shaped, loof ttoerat, foil weight, were * 0,, lart day's ptto*.............

W o o llen H itts ,For ladle* and _ _ and black, rag.F a rM I h and d ^ & n g ^ la o o lo n

C hildren ’s Caps,In wWet, e tc , with . teWc.. cu tto ............. ..............

H en's L sim d ered S h lr te ,linen boeora, donbU back and fmnt, felled eeama Ito. Tain**, fc*to-tnuiTOW at.......................... . • 4 •'

H en's W o o l U n d erw aar,W btu, n*tar*I Mid oMd*l'*h*lr.our MNc. good*, r«dito*d to,........... .

19cl U t19e69e


$ 4 .9 8 . $ 5 .9 8Were....... •f.M I • 10.00

$10.98LOT 5 -

SOPluih Bacqnea mad* of eeal P “ *5 handeomrly lined, tofilOM out *t....... .

W ereSls.oo.

L O T 5 -IWMlewe’ J a c k e t * ii« from U to U,In a variety of itylee, at-.......................

S2.9S, $3.98. $5.98W *pe...T.*».'» •T-0®


7 7 3 - 7 7 6 B R O A D S T R C C T *

E CAN NOT milT claim to ho tho n iW T HOt'bR iD tbfl piano tnd% toadoid the olffl PRU'# SVflTEM

B o ys' B in e C h ev io t P in ta ,w ith el**liow*kthand,f*it color, IQa n g . to clooe at...............

B o y s ' C h e v io t and C sssiia ere S n lta ,AUo Novelty BnlW, lU t U * " * - ^ *■ on's log. | l * to 8M*, to t j SOeloeeat...........- ............... ...........

B o y s ’ B in e C h in eh illa R eefers,gaj^oolmna^atan S to U only, reg. $ 1 .T»



W - .....- .......hut can eately "<*tr that m aw the ONTA M ANU FArtU R EM 1 4 ? ^ th*t pablith the i.XAf^ HELLIN9 PRICK in the catalogtie. EKIIO. we teU you whU w* do B X T O M SEEISO VOU.


M l l S I i i H l sA Greit Lot of Ribbons,


Brtmght down to almoet half prioo beoanae littla itock nmaina thareof.

UdJea'Fli Up*. “

nop Kid Watikenph*at,p*tont laatber •tW reg., for

$ 1 .9 8 .Ladloe' Dongpla K ld.noetly of W iS a n d ^

n a r r o w , r e g . , for

$ 1 .4 9 .

I satin Tol-0*. A T and

_____________ ______1 and 7, andother* inc. to Sic. regulan, all choice at Ui* very loir figure of

5c. yardFins LIdsd Hiodksfcblots,

All Rotii of kinds, perffcl but not Quito *o fresh ioiAlag ■ * when tolten from the mXy otherwtM no Homs done, end you get to 18oa Uoadkerchieft for

9 centslidits' Retfsr Jickets,

Double-brMatod, foil ileeTe* and hark, Mrvloeatal* matarlale and made upln onr ueiial flnt-claM manner. Ihoufanda have•old for 8A th— go now for



Men6*0 onr line of new neckwaar, teeki and 1 -in-handt and baperlalt, too, Uo. good, down to

25 c t sBee the genuine Carpenter's Lao* Back Ruipendere. th* kind you bar* probably paid eoc. for It beretofor* bought ontalda, wetell,

22 c t sfto * Kid ia d Btralght Ooat* sis** 11

to l$ i, mostly narrow* rag. 11.17* for

ilbir ml Still liAWler Ctt ta Clout, lieket ud Pm Prices. Om Eitlre Stoek Redwed to less Tlun Hill Priw

fU S M W OF T i IMI-IGE SUE 1!) fli HfDSEFIlISlli} Mgeo

st I to t Quality Oval Bollei*. e»pp*rnateoi................ .............. .V.................

, s F lm Quality Oval Boiler*, «>PI»rk9ttor.i.o4<4.i»t...............*.......e.

il^ A m tQ n *lliy l> *» h “ * r i* » ..........IS n » l Quality Dleh Ketpea............. l*e

FhtoQuallty IKeh Kettl*a....,.*....lfio

,l»e|«n«U70 eiagdan..

I Hat*..................I * .• A t K ,. . , . . . - ...... l* a

yOstha Ihilto................ l*o'i^Qnallty Round Wiah Hollar*... U e t QnalHy Bound Waah BoUsn.. .M b

1 First Quality Bound Waah BoUet*... seeIW tst Quality Covered Buuhtt*

^ LfiTirat Quality Covered Buekot*............»o1 Fleet Quality Sauoopane....................... ««

So, I F lm Quality Hauoepani....................d oS o. a F ltit Quality Haneopana...................10 *So. IF lrat Quality Hauoopati*................... 1#*S a d Fleet Quality Hauoepane..*............... *•«AqUBntra Heavy Tin Copper Bottoto Coffee

......................................................... ..Aqt. Extra Heavy Tin Copper Bottom Coffee

................................................................. »»«J^tm Haavy Tin Range Taa Kettle*........ 3>e

.........................................................................• •

....................................................... M ayd100 test Beet CottoB U n a ...........................Blxhy’i Royal 8ko* Di— lag........................Baaner Laundry Boap.................. ...t)4ao *k aBU*xo6oetirlng8o a a . . . . . . . . . . “ ' — *Aia oak*thwn Talk Soap ............................ *M*XnoeEdgaCloeat Papar.................. 8 yarda doSarprla* Flonr Blflor............. ...........IdoHardwood Rolling Pina...... .............. ...'.....d oW irt Potato Maahota................................... * •Chin* Ind. Buttore..........................................8oIfiOOShaeUBaat Quality Hedieated Paper..doSpout Tea Strainer*.................. ’<...................**Beat Ironing W ax.............................. ..*HoJapannad PepperBo*e*..................Nutmeg Qratere...... ............... loTable Knivae and Ferk*................................ 3*Smoothing Iron*........ ........................... *W®’ lbF-nam*Une........................................................ 3«Ijcmon Oratere, large »l*f......................... ...3*W lre B ro lle ra ,.............'...............................3oTowel Rollert.............................................. *H*IVhUt Broaina.................................. 7e

Large Fleet Quality Cedar W iah T aka... .W* Medium Ftoet Quality Cedar Waah Tub*. .7»e Small First Quality Cedar Weak Tab*Cedar Pall*, flrit quality................... I f*Stop Ladder*......... ................. ............ do. footInrgeSoTaenFrwmia.................................Medium Screen Fran— . ..... ........................**oSmall Screen Fnunei........ ...........................**•Nickel OuepldoB.......................... *........... -d**Aah Sir vet..............................................Rival aolbea Wringer*........ .................Drip Pana, all lixee.......... ...................... . . . ! • *Large Voot Tub*...,Hodlum Foot Tube.....................................Small Foot Tube............. .......................Tumbler*.................... •*OobleU......................... ■ «llJ-pleco Decorated Dinner Sat.............. W-ddlao-pleoe Herarated m nnarSet.............• ll.O ddo-piece Decorated Tea Set......................St.#*00-piece Decorated Tea Bet..............Decorated Toilet ..................................... ..lO-plece Decorated Toilet Beta................ *1.9 *Cupe and Saucer*, **

Our conatantly increering bmlneei to »tb leouent!/ the reault of tieatUw ALL PEOPLI. r l l B L Y a n d AIJKE, »“<! that, together with our nneicelled PlANth w* have won tlw oonfldenoo of the mualc-lovlng pubkloe

9 8 c t s .«Children'* Frenoh Kid. iprtnghoel, *1— S to »,

reg. ILM, for

9 8 c t s .SI— tH to lA re g . VkHto t>Xl,fer......

ChlMron’e Beat Goat and Kid Bprlnghoel*. to 10, |1 JB reg. good* for

63 cts.If you oomd to-morrow finil In

timd for your gtesd, you fiw suro of • very nun buxsain.

ONE U d l t s ' F i » R i$ bt Gs i d s ,

Of heat mualln, fully tucked, ehlrt front,

Slalt back, deep fin* needlework rum* own front, collar and cuff* other llmM

|1 J9, thto week marked to

t e s t .

PRICE 9 7 c .

$2.00Lkdl«s’ R«etBf Reck ScArfs,

AU-ellk Surah Plaid* fancy woven figure and fancy affect* reg. %1 to tl.W good* for

88 centsLidias’ iQlt Uodarsbirls,

S row* braid, fancy strlpee, reg. TSc. value* and have been good wllete at that, now ^ e y g o a t

49 centsTbit Oia-thlTd Off Fries Offsr

On nil Hand-painted and Embroidered Bilk Scarf* Moucholre and »Tne J a p a n - Mantel L— brequlD* on every dollar ipent

One-third Saved.

FOR THE BOYS.We're to have eeveie winter weather yet ttime for oor money making to paat; for th— who have clothe* to buy tor boys, a better time will never oonw; we tell now;

Boy*' Reltoble Panto, reg. U a QiTfi goodafor........................................ t o fb

Boyi’ Reliable Overooata ot H*fi t D QQ former value, for............................w*i«rt»

h I*' ** ) 3 5 989cttollabto C ipa food worm, former aSc. v«luMqfor»«,

A BirffiiD in Jifelry.W e're put UO to SOD Fin* Gold-plated Scarf {fine In one lo t; there are all kindi of eorta and aorta ot alt klndi In the lot, to— have been Uc.,olheri Wo., all now

25 ctsPriree

meutiWITHOL. ---------------Scarf and Stool vrithont axtr* ehaiga warranM for al* year*Inexcbang*

Pluih_______ fV ilyOld Piano* takun



For Sale!



I B. FlIGER’S CHICAGO BEEF CO.,l i t U o u a n u v Mr. laucrH oxn aota.

I wieb to announoe to the pnblle that 1 am srilliig good mcala lower then auy other huiu* In the Btato. Don’t toll to try u*

m y p r i c e s ;prim* B ib Ro*«t..........— .0* .10Print* birioln StenU..M..M.............. . .10 >13Bound Bleak.... ................... .............. 10 .13Cnuok B t*a i.« ..„-.................. - .... — „ -W

; Prim* Lamo._.__„.».~.... - ......... ..« .W.... -........ .13

Ourit Beef...—.................................. .04 •10And eeeryibiHg elei at cbeaper rale* H*.

member, I keep lb* beet only.

J . B . F I N G E R .B rao eh -^ l Uuiberrv mreet.





SPECIAL FOB 2 DAYS O N LY !Ladies' Fine Potignlk Bnttnn and Iach Blu-

rhenu also ojoih *op, patent leather Upi our own make, only •ledO*

(^hlldren'H Dongola Button, olfto grain,sprlnfc- hral, m teat leather tip, Riiu SH to 7&u.

98reChlldren'i Flti® Dongnta, «pri®gh«pl, patent

leather tip, worked buttonhole, Hlset a toB. only 4Be.

lAdfeii' Tailor<niad« Orarg&iteri, iisra 1 to T,only U5c.

(iunle'’ Fine Dreaff^boee* faney and plain, all the Imteat etylen, Looe and CoogreR«, only •1.49* m iraH tnlL

Boy«* Suitd' Igrathrr laore every pairwarranted, alaea d to onl y *Pr+

YouibB* lAce and liutton bhuMyaliea 11 to 2,T5o.

rhildreu's Rubber Boot* fiaeoe-ltoed, ri»* t

" ” *iiubtor Boot* white fleeoe-llned, IS

‘ "lli)fle?''F!M D o i^ U Button, opera and e.|iiar* to*. elM* S t f to 7, patent leather tip,

“ Y ^ I m ’’ Fur-bonnd 8Upper*re4tnl*r Price on* diillar, reduced to Ote. ,

Our Boya* Shoe* *»«ry pair warranted, the twrt and moat etyltoh *h<» made, reduced tuBI.33. StoeamtoSHe


Bida will be received at the Eewx County CourtUotue, room &,on or before Baturday, January 20, at IS ncwin, for Twenty^Dve Thoiisand Dotlara in F.&aex County Armory Bondi, one*half to run for one year and onewholf for two yeare, Iiearlnff Interest at the rate of 4 per cent*per annum, lotyable Hemi*aQnuulty.


InOuraoakUepartiii’tW E C O H T IN U E T O C U T T H E P R I C E S

Down, Down, Down II t t a k e s i n e v e r y t h i n g i n t h e g a r m e n t l i n e f o r l a d i e s , m i s s e s

a n d c h i l d r e n . S o m e p r i c e s i n t o h a l v e s , o t h e r s t o q u a r t e r s ,

a n d t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t p a r t o f t h e o p p o r t u n i t y i s t h e m e t

t h a t s t y l e s i n q u e s t i o n a r e o f t h e n e w e s t a n d m o s t d e s i r a b l e ,

L. S. PLAUT & CO.,707 to 721 B R O A P S T R E E T .

IF TOD HAYG A BATHROOl, SITTIHG-ROOV, BEDROOM or OFFICEWhloh la iQRiifllirifntly hBatrtl, r»r not heatod at oil, nothing will kIvo you no muoh $atiifa^ lion, rotiuini 60 Uiilu iiuchtiuu or ooat ao Uttla money oa ihu

B tfo n Buying Any SAtut or Hubbtr* Calf on Uo Firot. W£ MAHt TH E f BICES TO SWT




Having Rttffpml from I)ra- pviifiia for three yean$, Iae> rificKi to try linHiHMTK Hlooi> B ittera, nhd after uiiiug nho bottle friund myself so much better that 1 wait eoitouroKRd to uoo uiK thsr: after takiiig tiilii { find iiiysclf so fully re* slora<I that I do not tirwt any niore nieiltcliif, fuoliug truly crateful lo B. B. Ti.

ii. V: WmriL T&herg, Oneida Co., N. Y.

E. HEYMAN,S18-220 Avenue.


E a st P a y of Our G rea t J a n u a r^ B p eo ia l Sale.

2 Bc

FALLS HEATER,W'lilch, In connactioh with H lamp or organd gOH burner, maket Ufa the inon* worth living. An ijivaluKble help la wln- lt‘r ami worth moratbon It to uoe nn raw* (luinpduysIn theaxiring hiul tall, when tba tumal means of h o atlu ^ K in use. On such dayi a rlilllv nw n will be mode 4-onifortnble and iMaith' fill by its UM*

P R IC E $ 1 .C O .



N e a r l y 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 N o w In U i o .RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARD,



Catalogue mailed <ki appUradon.

J 1 0 n F T H A V E . , c o r . l 6 t h S t , w ^ T ; :

21r, R-l Xxiekwood Kheeling...e,e»...... lM^c« ydlAr. 9>4 Ijockwond Hlipetlng.,..*,*,,.............lO e3J6<’. ID-i IdOckwfHKi Shtfotlng............. .........1.7®Sc. Fast ('olor (iitighain,only.......

|S.9fl rhlldtvft’R All-wool Newmar*. ketA, 4 to H only, to-morrow.........

lilWt igidloH' All-wool Repver Jaok«eta. fur trimmed.........................

DOc. Boyn’ Knoo i'anta, all eltu ,Bpcfial............... ........ ...........



gOo.Men'a Dmihlelaeated Extra Heavy Canton Flannel Drawer#.............

The toat chance to get nne nf the cele- b n S S H. * tJ. 401 Coreet. reg. price | l ...........................................

Children’e All-wnol Beefer* worth from 91.TS to |3.», to-morrow only

K itra H«TT White Blanket, colored ^ te r S w Ir ig -P r iw »l.l«,torthU wla



98c I


D o n ’ t I 'a il t o g i v e u s » O fitl. o f f e r c t l i l l a l l d o p a i'in i f iD ts .

B a F lfA U iff e x t r a o r d i n a r y ^ i i l b e

I S .

PETTY’S,H ere ynii find lo w p rice* on the bi'iti K'tods- W lie i i yo u w niit M irild iie , T o lle tln e , A lm ond Meat, T o o th B ruahee. V io le t W ater, D ello lou * H o t Choeoliiio o rt 'o ld Eioda W a te r, lIii.v ler’H Cundlea, a good Cigar, etc., ta ll a t th e


Stein & Blau,196-198 SPRIHOF/ELD AYE.

Men'* B8o. White Unlaundered Shirt*......»S«Men'. Bto. Outing Shirt............................... l ieMento HOC. Woollen Undeiehlrti.................JticSen'* IliO Buff Shoe*.................................IlOe

Apron Ohigham.......................................... S«rOuting F la n n e l... . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .......... ,.<V1(0. Woollen Mixed hplngaline................71

Fine Tnmblere and Wine Glaaiwe..............ittoTea Keftie*................................................... lOcGoal Shovel*............ ......................................‘JcIfowhitia OIL., 4 1 .............*........ . ..........

iteii illicit ii 111! iiiilltUeooes DeuteMO me.

D M I D s i p s ,635-B31BMD, COl i f f S T K .


Latest aud Neweet Styles of ClookB at Extremely Low Priosg,Oloaia-Former price |33. ........ ......................................... ..Now S1O.00.(-toake—Former price $ B i . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . i . . .....................N ow aetBO.Pjonki^-Former price |25........................................................N o w •7.5 0 .Cloake-Formerprice >30.,.,............. .......... ............................Now#O.SO.doaka—Tormer price >16....................................................... . .Now aS-OO.Another lot of Fine Outing Flannel Wrapper* bishop eleeve* fa ll baek,

around *l« c ’ le y * worth r M , a t............ ,■ ..............„ ,9Bo. aaoK



William Mungle,— KEL'KIYEKOF—

' M t^w an ’e Flnnoti Huddles, Cairn’s Jam s and Jellle* Qiiiger Cordial,

: B a a p b e rry Cordial, Scott’s O at Cakes. O r a y ’i A b e rn e th y Blucults, K Ipm reu I lin rltig B , F ln n on H addics, L liu e J o k e , M o u n ta in D ew , E d inbu rgh Oatr

' ih e a l, CHaegow Peas Meal, B eef aud P o r k H arn .pBOEBS B f MAIL PROMfUT DELIKBEO.11. IDIGLOsllliillle ii8.



This Week W eis ant^lKoneyA n d t o g e t t h a t w e w i l l g i v e y o u C l o a k s , J a c k e t s

a n d C a p e s a n d a l l T r i m m e d H a t s a n d B o n n e t s

f o r l a d i e s , m i s s e s a n d c h i l d r e n

At Your Own Prices to Close Out.STORE TO LET. FIXTURES FOR SALE.



nftSave one dollar on aharrel of floitr.Tcry g L UV Heel Fntont Flour reduced to $4.00 per

barrel, ..411* On Choice Foiully Flour 10c. 34W-lb IwBi ciinloe Family Flour at Sic. per h*-, iA> On Bnttot 10c. per Ih. Very best Cream- tu u ery Buttery, .Be. per lb.

I . On Cheeac fie, iwr lb. Very He«l Cream Ou- Cheeee, Ific. per lb,■ a On Hama 6c. per lb. Very Best City Dvi Cured Hama, lie, per Ih.■ „ On Lard 6c. per lb. Very Fine Ijird.fio. wvt per lb.

en* on Tes-Blc. per lb. Bcheuer's Celebrated ZvCt Mixed Tea* Uic. i>er lb.

(a On Whole or Ground Coffee Sc. per lb #e. Boheuer'e Self-clarifying Ctiffee, 35c.

g . ^n"’ Sugur 60. Standard Ornnulated Bo. Sugar, Hie. for T Ibe.Qa On 8. A C. Hio* He. Choice B. & C. Rice VC. ISc. for 4 Ibe.fia On Oold Duet 6c. Falrbank'a Oold Dust. B®. l9c.for41be.

^ kilt i t o S Mackerel, 21c. A 10-lh

SAa OuTWs-v- .—, Loaf Dripa avv. oiUy Xie. per w ton . lOC. 5 “ w 9 ' **°lff“ * lSc.„ Cedar

Ladies' Hose.Ladlea’ Fin* Quality Fait-blaok Ho**, regu­

lar pri»ftou»t _ .aic. » P*tr-

bli heel* w d toee, worth * 0 a iIS c .» Pair.

Corset Bsrgainaw ill eel] to-morrow R. A 0 - W. B. a id H. A

8. TSc. Oorwt* In black, white and drab, atOOq. a Pair.

Eid Olove BargaiiuLWill »I1 to-morrow all our | l . l la n a | l .N

Kid Olove* In black and fancy abada* at O S e . a P a i r .

Ladies' Skirts.Lodlra’ Muilin Sklrto with deep embraldwed

ruffles aad tuokoi worth ilJvt at 8 9 o .f E a o l i .

Hen’s SnspendemHan't Snk Emhroldotad Suipender* with a

good quality web, worth Mo., atIS e . a P a i r .

Grove N. O. Ublaue* 46c. per gallon.

Me.aAn OuTWs-v-r IvG. nnlyXie.|4 B . On Obol« lOe. Grave N. I

S.SCHEUER&SONSOrooers and Tea Doalem

(The Orittoatorti of iiow Priues),7 8 6 Br4>ad S t., Cor. Coramfirce.Broaob Store 49 F en r St., Oor, Union.

e x t r a o r d i n a r y b a r g a in s in

Black and Colored Dress Goods,.Plain and Fancy Dress Silks,

X O - M O R R O ' W !

DAVID STRAUS« 8 S a n d 1 8 8 7 B r o o d . ■ ' C o r . I f e w . i l t r M i t .

T C L E R M O N E 3 9 T .

WALSff S SONS & CO.,Dealen In Scrap Iron, Metale, Went and Cotton K a ^ Stoek, Ma­chinery, Beilin*. Pulley* Hanger* Eurine* Boiler* Tank* etc,

SOO to 2 6 4 W A 8U IX G T O N 8T.In n Yard. Carlltl* plac* Yelepbane 16*

121 Iirk«t SL -I- (T8 Broid S t


DkicftS, ANTp l a t e s AND BP9p?S“ Y B a »

8MES 8. COE 8 CO.,I M aad I M M elberry 8 *,



s t e e lIinUt A l l g iM e H w a ffteeB s a n u . A iig itW e

flosKSne Plata.