Cranford - DigiFind-It

CRANFORD. INT. J., THURSDAY, JULY IV 1916 djoonwd wet*** u»O* It is of oours* of priina im|>ortance tu tnare the house- bold, in perfect order, and DO household is in perfect orilar unless all article* uf *s.lue. hare b««n amply pro- iseUd. ' •' .... - It is during the taxation period that burglars reapthe biggest harvest , . The olosed-up residence U the easivst kind u( a "job" lor tha burglar. BUROLAR ALARMS are eiiMiuiii'ra to install aud maintain. - BUROLAR INSURANCE i< ineipensite and relieves all ' *orry. • • • • . . : .. Consult as tu rates. CRANFORD TRUST COMPANY CRANFORD. N. J. Nairns UnoleurnliiSlSSS: Chami PMchoMcra ai Usdaa C w U ) was beU »t the Coart Hkmse. Etuabtfe. N«w |cm, onTbui«i*T, J*** Stoi, Ifl*. at 9 90 P. M.. with all Mdabm p4ycnt>t«- c*|it PrafaoMrn H»l) ftas*Wph. Wfl- Clerk, ut Unite*, raqimttac that this Bonn! cii—tinet bridge ovrt Bast Brook, Mitchell avraw, in aatd Towtuhip wail reati'aml le<«iiejto»tmiMIIWal tttf». Tbc Hiicctoc appotnicil aa Mid Con- aiitlee, F m h o k k n Krouac, Unikaw aad Buckle. lauj Aiphait Co , itqimataK information In regard to aa application which wax filed with tlM Baud of Pieehuldai*- ia 1S»1 lota Iterate to build adark, wbari or pin in f raw tacit preuaim on Sulea 1»- Uiid-3aiuML-W» m d aud referred to • Commute* at three, tU*C<>»««r totmmtj ami County Bngiorer. Tbe Director ap- pointed as aaid Committee, Pmbolden Kraute. Unset ettdMana. I A repurt was nc*t«*d Ifuin the CommUl« uo O(J Hhoopike ru«ll. Cul- vert*, Summit. r«eo»»m»u4iug the chinx ing of tbc liiw ot th» t t n a n Ihruu^hthe i'.mSuty property for •boat JJ irH, MIJ ->• nl»t;WiMil» vita h ui •w» <r~- •— &- •wa»Hin«ir to ttnd .ut b>>« t CNMly vntHwh, th» oaim trm wttit k;, man tw<ur« i* •">•• " f "'<• "'••*' r>*lti>< ka««n It In »II»»U.T.I life itw !-»«•! hI punned iuw«ril. >..» nvav MWIW IBBB . ;• -.- -. •• - r —-- m Yurit KiUhnn or lUtb lUmtn can UMIIC thii Mima inwlo from (X)KK and I'uroitUM^ Not Snwdutt and A/oiuaia* l.nt Ki* M Vuii tin tmUtutkte. lit!*) m your Hour Hi^vu yim WMII U l l i Qii»lit>-1 li»l)i|i Qii»lit>1 M S- KV KKLASTI.NM l'S IlilMn in l)ll'U)MA III UK FUAMED ii« In ytjur n.iiift«-iui* HI tuakruiv The buauiii tin';»tt»>m > •itaiv^l n an-ttttcivttt lEY'tiuu 3*Hitnl. 4Hil tlw per part of it I- lu<- th« »«»nl hn..: anatutnlmM inll ii»'Hili.'M . urot. The e»rly hant<>iiuiie »u.l nHnmn «onp«ny »kl Hi!' 1 !'>>*• |iriuatur»ly _ Inaset 81U en lu Ease.' usually tuiNMi «'til> .'J>«- iU*fxiMt(it£ «<f |B til SUll«ti)» -Hll»n..lii< I T t h e in rtnu.'tUe iwrtMit tu^^-u. uft^n .ttUie f»P» the >uUHk* ;il'l»nr The «-*t»l4: however, imi» Mv» u remafW«l'1i* «'***n* tWu tu lit**. KI'IIITIII IUU-. J\*r 11 <-U4 IH-*< lt T qf|y iwr_ lti<m- I'lttN until !(»•» «i, Hammocks Croquet Sett PIKE'S \»V Imr <acmoa»traUoa ol our ol tbe uv^tter, «n<l Vhccoil ul InV iiun^~ woik not to exceed ISO 00 •«• inul, (nil oil lnuliun by t-'rvehuldrr KroiMK, thi» tr uort «»« recvivnl and ordermi plaint uti l,' au«i Hie rrcuinuirti'laltunii (nantaiueil rehl were- ou tult c*U atluplnl. A tr)Kirt truiu Uie Couiiuillrc" ill) Cul- i I Ibe u truiu Uie Couiiuillrc ill) Craufotii, niomintU.IIUK Ibe Uit t-iukviuKCuin cun»mu-tm raufotii, n ol u«w tuUrit l IIUK iuKCuin l cun» uilllgt »trrvt til 'i'boni t tiukviuKC «vruur( rulvvil •» ktitrrt at Siiulh -vrtiui" the \<**i jtjtirr » uUrit* tdgtlUcr not .to t?K~ lnoteMV*v> cawfulljf rullpi-ti'ibi lu tb« varly itioititU illmttitK Ibe «i»h r.m fr»HUfiuly ivYmiiul ii Iwldi of CKI;» VI i of danger th«* voirnu" to Iliflr IUOIIH-VIII. lw»l>' no fur »•• II '« II fnuillj - Htrniul Miila of thr NO NEED FOK ASCREEN if you huy.uur liuildiu-K taml Alt our BUILDING MAH:RIALS 11'imui rnady tor imtnmllati< iinn, Slid when you liugiii lu n»c>.lluim yim ! will liiul our I'liiiioiit, hum, «tiv, WAICMMAHKR. JI-W|-l.liR and OI'IICIAN 4 larfjdr quantity of urilitinry graVln*. ttlliorH liavi. jiruvml tliiiiu liv m- ' pvrieiu'o. Follow tliiiir «\»iliplo. WALTER W. MOONCY - "*""nir«* l» tut" \Vrlrii>. Inc.l (•••<<•! »t,-i t"TH>« OM. lM>itw«« llr|ilibii«l HIH! ! . t'!i«a n|4l.Hl« Kalnt All klllila vt j «iit«h-«l t»tfr*>t* t.ii Uaml * . I Ml WoiK OUarantecd tor j One Year. «•*»••%Slorv, HTfurt to. BM« ' 1-1. .J u.u,. .1U1 W CM) liHttber ««d Walnut Avenue, 1UI Cmnlord. I Itli S.M.I:- \ili>tl.' limiw, liiitll fur -owllul •-. iH^'ti|Miu-y, i-iilltttininij Hum roiium inul IMIU, iiuiV imif iiinl imw •tiH4Ui Imllnr. O|M*II I\I-U |IIIU:IW, '^ lUtiknly lilWti. uiiiipi lliiiii|>toii ilriH'l Aililrima A Major, ill W lltb nitwit. SHW V.ok Lawn and Garden Dressing Fresh Ground Bone Extra Choice Lawn Seed White Clover _^ Timothy Seed, Etc POULTRY FEED A SPECIALTY. Phone 377 Crouford. AARON DC ..•:..-. Masonk BuiMing^Cranffgrd I, N. L_. ELIZABETH "£«iHfe Uua-305 Morris A»e. ts-liultU'i M-rnti, tin* i*|K»tl *a* tr ivi-ii .unl «tntctr>l iitacrtl <ui hir, 'tntl lUr V n>H call auluiitcl * \$L th<* * <iiihtrnttt<Miuf A tirw titKfit loculiuU' At a Ciwit Hut t»J vtrrtil ,„ Wilbui', tKu n*^»Vt .was n*t«>|vrtl mil v»iiirtrii pIiW*ti on lilr *iui thr 1111*111 tirlil avenue ami Nt'« H.IIKUIKI i. iiti*\'ftt AkhwiAjril *\rmii' nuil Rut »cr, Suuiiuii, mill'irjKrtt *t \\iv\ivt\ Mt M-*ue, Smith nu\ IVUn tu louk i|Uo the HtlvikmhUily of paiutttiK IjtitiK* * J » •'•rkcr .nwd, KluaUeih. The A tVMilutlun vv»H till roll rail mluittrd authorii-iuK *i*« i!»MU»i*r« uf J07.000 M( , KuuiU uf the Cuuuty ut Union fi.i um>\ iauii bridge pui^x^c*. I 1 A resolutiuu jw«* uutoll call -.'M.lopt irovitlinu Unthr v»nomi trmtterV i*luti ilelinuig its piopct fuiiiv the Cleik ut tb« Utwnl . tu ctiiuuiunkiitt with the varhJUk BoanUof lMuintioii ami Muuici|Mal ikMlie* tltrounliuul the Comity ajaktii^ pcttuu*i«>u tu u*c their huilriiitK* tnil tchtjuls iu jMillinK |>lacf • lor the com uu withuut coat lo I he County A limited number ot men can securt? positions as motormen or conductors on &ic Service Railway by applying at Garhouse. East Jersey andL,v.n O ston Streets, Elizabeth, any week-day the hums of 11 A. M and 2 P^ All-year jobs at good pay. I On .iiioliotj by Freeholder Krouiic. vhc Diirctur declared the Hoar*! adjuurueil until Tbu.iJ.y, July Ii. 1U10, 2:iKI |j. m. ' . - ' ' Cleilt.' * ( Full andcoiaplete copien uf the atiove uimutea may.lie nad-iium tipi>licaliun to the Clrik ul the lloaii] ofPrMiqlden, Cuutt liuuK, Kliiabetli. Hospitality In „.—--.. II<M|>UIIIIIV untlcntuiitl In -tjie' unl cUarucKTlsilU' of the »a. whi» lu thvtr uwu i'ouutry rar* I ly luvlti- frlubd* to their 'table*, lu •<jrt««»> uf the HrllfUtw" Miss \.uvy 1jaruuta rvlattM bow IIU uue ix." 1 unluu KIMuud a frknil were lavlted lulu the Miburbs ot Onwce bjr a Ore i-iuu Iwif wbu was. Klvlutf a blrtUduv tea to her )ouo( sun sod bis play Cost li than the plain tread styles of several other standard makes. When you buy a Fisk Non-Skid you get the tx»t lire on the market (or a price tnut in reasonable and right the mileage returns this'year are better, than ever. Compare These Pricci^ " •? on FUk Gray NoivSVid C«»U«s 3 x 30 . . 10.40 4i x 35 . . 31.20 31x30 . .1340 4ix36 . . 31.55 4 *33'i_. 22.00_5 x37 . . 3730 is Fi»k FREE »ervice at more Bfwochcs. Ftik Titt$ For Sole By Ml Dtaltn THE FlSKRUBBER COMPANY er youuf -My Shan l RENTING AND MANAOBMENT QP PROPERTY PBR50NALLV ATTENDED TO, J. C. W. RANKIN, 11 NORTH AVENUE, . TELEPHONE 164. meitt." M J T Miss OarneU, "coaaWSlt la watrfalug the lttUe lions f«td, fur UVWHT a 1 up of UJs out a slice of Ib* birthday i i k i ciDa my way or the way of uiy CUIUIWUIOD, wbtne huipltal Uy the busies* berulf frv<4ueiitly eu Joj««d." Tbla a|i|iSr«ut. ulKicsnllliiiw U. uf vuuroe, eutirely dut f> lb« riu turn of that cuuutry. The writer udila -». hiitliitt on -Jgaj,» „»„». eutertslned 1U» GRASSMAN & »^R C " ^^ ' . u MEYER, Inoorporatiid l»50 SUCCESSORS TO UM Htm knk. Tbe bumb cams lota Utlug iatuxg the rxoabtuiiB times In France toward ths clone of tb*> elfbumnth ceutiiry. lu ln^eotur was a Fnoch fanatic named Cbcvsller, who hadconcaarsd such an Inteus* hatred of Napoiaon that bs> 4s- t«rmln«d to UU Mm. ' llelu« eajpk>y«l at I : |v(tnuMU small arms factory, be hadgalnsd auuc tnowleda* of npluatfcs. and witb tbbi kouwt«d«v Ji* insnstsd to construct s bomb out*at 4 bsrrsl, which hs Slled wHh a mlxtarsofpowds*. balls** two itUss and «rUto srasatc . CberaBor's klsa was for ths bomb to extriod* nods* Kapoleoii'starrla** as I tt paastfd tkraach fihs aa»s«s"of ^-srts. I A mtacakmlattaB, howsrs*. caassd It to tv a f«wsseoods tsa sooa. . Bad O»a»aUs* s t i i l d i t to hl« ob- And Other Vegetables i . - . . . - /' From Nearby Farms Fresh Every Morning. !• «V GROCER

Transcript of Cranford - DigiFind-It









• " • I ;ock I




djoonwd wet*** u»O*

It is of oours* of priina im|>ortance tu tnare the house-bold, in perfect order, and DO household is in perfectorilar unless all article* uf *s.lue. hare b««n amply pro-

• i s eUd . ' • ' . . . . - •

It is during the taxation period that burglars reap thebiggest harvest , .The olosed-up residence U the easivst kind u( a "job"lor tha burglar.BUROLAR ALARMS are eiiMiuiii'ra to install aud

maintain. -BUROLAR INSURANCE i< ineipensite and relieves all

' *orry. • • • • • • • . . : . .

Consult as tu rates.


Nairns UnoleurnliiSlSSS:

Chami PMchoMcra ai Usdaa C w U ) wasbeU »t the Coart Hkmse. Etuabtfe. N«w| c m , on Tbui«i*T, J*** Stoi, Ifl*. at9 90 P. M.. with all Mdabm p4ycnt>t«-c*|it PrafaoMrn H»l) ftas*Wph. Wfl-

Clerk, ut Unite*, raqimttac that thisBonn! cii—tinet • bridge ovrt Bast Brook,Mitchell avraw, in aatd Towtuhip wailreati'aml le<«iiej to »tmiMIIWal tttf».Tbc Hiicctoc appotnicil aa Mid Con-aiitlee, F m h o k k n Krouac, Unikaw aadBuckle.

lauj Aiphait Co , itqimataK informationIn regard to aa application which waxfiled with tlM Baud of Pieehuldai*- ia1S»1 lo ta Iterate to build a dark, wbarior pin in f raw tacit preuaim on Sulea 1»-Uiid-3aiuML-W» m d aud referred to •Commute* at three, tU*C<>»««r totmmtjami County Bngiorer. Tbe Director ap-pointed as aaid Committee, PmboldenKraute. Unset ettdMana.

I A repurt was nc*t«*d Ifuin theCommUl« uo O(J Hhoopike ru«ll. Cul-vert*, Summit. r«eo»»m»u4iug the chinxing of tbc liiw ot th» t tnan Ihruu^h thei'.mSuty property for •boat JJ irH, MIJ->• n» n l » t ; W i M i l » vita h ui

•w» <r~- •— & -

•wa»Hin«ir t o ttnd . u t b>>« t

CNMly vntHwh, th» oaim trm wttit k;,m a n tw<ur« i* •">•• " f "'<• "'••*' r>*lti>< •k a « « n I t In » I I » » U . T . I life i tw !-»«•!

h I punned iuw«ril. >..» nvav M W I W

IBBB. ;• - . - -. •• - r



Y u r i t KiUhnn or lUtb lUmtncan UMIIC thii Mima inwlo from

(X)KK and I'uroitUM^

Not Snwdutt and A/oiuaia*l.nt u« Ki*M Vuii tin tmUtutkte. lit!*)m your Hour Hi^vu yim WMIIU l l i Qii»lit>-1li»l)i|i Qii»lit>1


l'S IlilMn in l)ll'U)MAIII UK FUAMED

i i « In ytjur n.iiift«-iui* HI tuakruivThe buauiii tin';»tt»>m> i» •itaiv^l n

an-ttttcivttt lEY'tiuu 3*Hitnl. 4Hil tlwper part of it I- lu<- th« »«»nl hn..:

anatutnlmM inll ii»'Hili.'M . urot.The e»rly hant<>iiuiie »u.l n H n m n

«onp«ny »kl Hi!'1 !'>>*• |iriuatur»ly

_ Inaset 81U en l u Ease.'

u s u a l l y tuiNMi «'til> .'J>«- iU*fxiMt(it£ «<f|B til SUll«t i )» -Hll»n..lii< I T t h e i n

rtnu.'tUe iwrtMit tu^^-u. uft^n .ttUief»P» the >uUHk* ;il'l»nr The «-*t»l4:

however , imi» Mv» u remafW«l'1i* «'***n*tWu tu lit**. KI'IIITIII IUU-. J\*r 11 <-U4 IH-*<ltT qf|y iwr_ lti<m- I'lttN until !(»•» « i ,


Croquet Sett

PIKE'S\»V Imr <acmoa»traUoa ol our

ol tbe uv tter, «n<l Vhccoil ul InV iiun^~woik not to exceed • ISO 00 • « • inul, (niloil lnuliun by t-'rvehuldrr KroiMK, thi» truort «»« recvivnl and ordermi plaint uti

l,' au«i Hie rrcuinuirti'laltunii (nantaiueilrehl were- ou tult c*U atluplnl.

A tr)Kirt truiu Uie Couiiuillrc" ill) Cul-i I Ibe


truiu Uie Couiiuillrc ill)Craufotii, niomintU.IIUK Ibe

U i t t-iukviuKCuincun»mu-tm

raufotii,n ol u«w tuUrit



lcun»uilllgt »trrvt til


t tiukviuKC«vruur( rulvvil

•» ktitrrt at Siiulh -vrtiui" the \<**ijtjtirr » uUrit* tdgtlUcr not .to t?K~

lnoteMV*v>cawfulljf rullpi-ti'ibilu tb« varly itioititUillmttitK Ibe «i»h r.mfr»HUfiuly ivYmiiul iiIwldi of CKI;» VI iof danger th«* voirnu"to Iliflr IUOIIH-V III.lw»l>' no fur »•• II '« IIfnuillj - Htrniul Miila

of thr

NO NEED FOK A SCREENif you huy.uur liuildiu-K taml Altour

BUILDING MAH:RIALS11'imui rnady tor imtnmllati< iinn, Slidwhen you liugiii lu n»c>.lluim yim

! will liiul our I'liiiioiit, hum, «tiv,



4 larfjdr quantity of urilitinry graVln*.ttlliorH liavi. jiruvml tliiiiu liv m-

' pvrieiu'o. Follow tliiiir «\»iliplo.

WALTER W . MOONCY- "*""nir«* l» tut" \Vrlrii>. Inc.l

( • • • < < • - r . i t ! » t , - i

t"TH>« OM. lM>itw«« llr|ilibii«l HIH!! . t'!i«a n|4l.Hl« Kalnt All klllila vt

j «iit«h-«l t»tfr*>t* t.ii Uaml * .

I Ml WoiK OUarantecd torj One Year.«•*»••% Slorv, H Tfurt t o . BM«

' 1-1. .Ju .u, . .1U1 W

CM) liHttber ««d

Walnut Avenue,1UI

Cmnlord.I I t l i S . M . I : - \ i l i > t l . ' l i m i w , l i i itl l fur

-owllul •-. iH^'ti|Miu-y, i-iilltttininij Humroiium inul IMIU, iiuiV imif iiinl imw•tiH4Ui Imllnr. O|M*II I\I-U |IIIU:IW, ' lUtiknlylilWti. uiiiipi lliiiii|>toii ilriH'l AililrimaA Major, ill W l l t b nitwit. SHW V.ok

Lawn and Garden DressingFresh Ground Bone

Extra Choice Lawn SeedWhite Clover

_ ^ Timothy Seed, Etc


Phone 377 Crouford.

AARON D C— ..•:..-. Masonk BuiMing^CranffgrdI, N. L_.

ELIZABETH "£«iHfeUua-305 Morris A»e.

ts-liultU'i M-rnti, tin* i*|K»tl *a* t rivi-ii .unl «tntctr>l iitacrtl <ui hir, 'tntl lUr

V n>H call auluiitcl *

\$L th<* * <iiihtrnttt<Miuf A tirw titKfitloculiuU' At a Ciwit Hut t»J vtrrt i l

,„ Wilbui', tKu n*^»Vt .was n*t«>|vrtlmil v»iiirtrii pIiW*ti on lilr *iui thr 1111*111

tirlil avenue ami Nt'« H.IIKUIKIi. iiti*\'ftt AkhwiAjril *\rmii' nuil Rut»cr, Suuiiuii, mill'irjKrtt *t \\iv\ivt\

Mt M-*ue, Smith nu\ IVUn

tu louk i|Uo the HtlvikmhUily of paiutttiKIjtitiK* *J» •'•rkcr .nwd, KluaUeih. The

A tVMilutlun vv»H till roll rail mluittrdauthorii-iuK *i*« i!»MU»i*r« uf J07.000 M(

, KuuiU uf the Cuuuty ut Union fi.i um>\iauii bridge pui^x^c*. I 1

A resolutiuu jw«* uu toll call -.'M.loptirovitlinu Un thr v»nomi trmtterV i*luti

ilelinuig its piopct fuiiivthe Cleik ut tb« Utwnl . tu ctiiuuiunkiittwith the varhJUk BoanUof lMuintioii amiMuuici|Mal ikMlie* tltrounliuul the Comityajaktii pcttuu*i«>u tu u*c their huilriiitK*tnil tchtjuls iu jMillinK |>lacf • lor the com

uu withuut coat lo I he County

A limited number ot men can securt?positions as motormen or conductors on& i c Service Railway by applying atGarhouse. East Jersey and L,v.nOstonStreets, Elizabeth, any week-daythe hums of 11 A. M and 2 P^

All-year jobs at good pay.

IOn .iiioliotj by Freeholder Krouiic. vhc

Diirctur declared the Hoar*! adjuurueiluntil Tbu.iJ.y, July Ii. 1U10, 2:iKI |j. m.

' . - • ' • ' C l e i l t . '

* ( Full and coiaplete copien uf the atioveuimutea may.lie nad-iium tipi>licaliun tothe Clrik ul the lloaii] ofPrMiqlden,Cuutt liuuK, Kliiabetli.

Hospitality In „.—--..II<M|>UIIIIIV u» untlcntuiitl In -tjie'

t« unl cUarucKTlsilU' of the»a. whi» lu thvtr uwu i'ouutry rar*

I ly luvlti- frlubd* to their 'table*, lu•<jrt««»> uf the HrllfUtw" Miss

\.uvy 1 jaruuta rvlattM bow IIU uue ix."1 unluu KIM uud a frknil were lavltedlulu the Miburbs ot Onwce bjr a Orei-iuu Iwif wbu was. Klvlutf a blrtUduvtea to her )ouo( sun sod bis play

Costlithan the plain tread styles of

several other standard makes.When you buy a Fisk Non-Skid you getthe tx»t lire on the market (or a price tnut

in reasonable and right the mileagereturns this'year are better, than ever.

Compare These Pricci^ " •?on FUk Gray NoivSVid C«»U«s

3 x 30 . . 10.40 4i x 35 . . 31.2031x30 . .1340 4ix36 . . 31.554 *33'i_. 22.00_5 x37 . . 3730

is Fi»k FREE »ervice at moreBfwochcs.

Ftik Titt$ For Sole By Ml DtaltnTHE FlSKRUBBER COMPANY

er youuf-My Shan l




meitt." MJT Miss OarneU, "coaaWSltla watrfalug the lttUe lions f«td, furUVWHT a 1 up of UJs out a slice of Ib*birthday i i k i ciDa my way or theway of uiy CUIUIWUIOD, wbtne huipltalUy the busies* berulf frv<4ueiitly euJoj««d." Tbla a|i|iSr«ut. ulKicsnllliiiwU. uf vuuroe, eutirely dut f> lb« riuturn of that cuuutry. The writer udila

- » . hiitliitt on -Jgaj,»„ » „ » . eutertslned 1U»

GRASSMAN & »^RC"^ ^ ' . u MEYER, Inoorporatiid



U M Htm knk.Tbe bumb cams lota Utlug iatuxg the

rxoabtuiiB times In France toward thsclone of tb*> elfbumnth ceutiiry. l uln^eotur was a Fnoch fanatic namedCbcvsller, who had concaarsd such anInteus* hatred of Napoiaon that bs> 4s-t«rmln«d to UU Mm.' llelu« eajpk>y«l at I : | v ( tnuMUsmall arms factory, be had galnsd auuctnowleda* of npluatfcs. and witb tbbikouwt«d«v Ji* insnstsd to construct sbomb out* at 4 bsrrsl, which hs SlledwHh a mlxtarsofpowds*. balls** U »two itUss and «rUto srasatc .

CberaBor's klsa was for ths bombto extriod* nods* Kapoleoii'starrla** as

I tt paastfd tkraach fihs aa»s«s"of ^-srts.I A mtacakmlattaB, howsrs*. caassd It to

tv o« a f«w sseoods tsa sooa. .Bad O»a»aUs* s t i i l d i t to hl« ob-

And Other Vegetablesi . - . . . - / '

From Nearby FarmsFresh Every Morning.


STABLING ANIMALSJust Hoi Elf SbfluJd 008 Go

l i Covering Lira stock.


of K-utllailou and aifultftit defeats itsown eodn. /

OaniotiuK tip. Jli* purpose at boosinganlmaia la to protect them froin tbeWf«t)uT ««.f«r an li eonsUlfiit withpri'jMT ventilation sn<t tbe entrance «f•untight and tw-sffwd Urn

, _ -_ _„ - , . „ ing M*«aVfUJUni.'•••••• <*"nf«« and economy In caringf«l ttlPIU. •

Animals Must B« PreUtfd Frsm (h .aun In Hot Wuttwr.

Sheep gaunt hare .bade during the""•»•"'•- *"'ti|ha I 1

AGlM^CurrentTopicsandEvil y e * wi •sal*'* MwMrth.

London, July JO—When to* ww»rinjc nation* ajtrw to •aspend bottlU-tie* U la more than likely that AlfonsoX1JI. of Hpaln will be asked to act

jaa one of toe mediators. In-ideed, bat name has frequently been


Vt i

Animals Which Are Closely Houied DoNot Have the Vigor Which It De-veloped Under More Vijforoue Condi-tiona, but Beino, Evpoeed to Ca-trvmee In 4he Etemente InvariablyReduces 8i*« of Cotve.

Just bow fur one should go In |.i<t-tectlng nnlmul" from Ihe Member in nproblem which Jinn noi hei-ii *oitl«fii<-torily solved, it rites W. K Hrnl'tinnl Inllnord'B Dairyman It ban lieen icpeilt,.,ii.- .* -•

VARIETIES OF DUCKS.Rvuone and Peklnj t Meat Papular For

Market Purpoeee.

A* t" HIT different dreeda fit ducksii'nl l ln lr popular'i-h.-irai'trrlatl'ti, If alucii l ir WIIIII" (i duplicate of ilic Whilel.<ul<'irn ID tin- duck fnuilly be shouldliii<>i«' tlir Indian Itunner. Aa the name

ilW'n, "It rautf orlffliuiily from In-dia, nnd InaUad of wuddllluf, aa luont

lirt* CliNM'h hoO*oil 'I'll !l''l fll»\ 0 III*'»li!«r which In i l i ' i l i i | « d iimhT moruriliomtiM eoudliloui,. thi Hie other linii'i.the nmfiitnhilui,' of IIIIIIIIMN ex|poneil U>extreme* of uc:ilhcr luvnrlitlil.v reduce*(fir s l / c nml, ID <••>««, the > MI>it11f.i furmilk product Inn,

Tin- ohl llntc haKcinenl Mnhh'f

•h+b*—nme awti nut'l* oflying under ibe hllntertiig best

| of a July sun without- any protectionwhatever, writes I), l'rowjiant In theliarm and Firvukje. it I* hardly nee-wosary <«.«ay that flocks treated thuswill pay their owner*, little, If any,profit. Hhei'p are -affected,, more bytbe bent of the sun, if given no protec-tion In hot iveatber, thnn any otherfarm animal, although hogN also suffera tfood ilral. , .

A good wood lot. If (t in fairlya'nd contain* itoinctliing else.underbrush for tho «b,ee|> to feed on,make* excellent summer ijuarters fortiie It.K-k. It fihould not Jie low, 'wetand stagnant If It Is Ihe lh«k hadbetter not t*o nllowed- there', as low.wet placet iltii'hiic but weather arevery unhealthy to the breedt of sheep- ' 1— IH—I hi* ~

very bcgttuiiif of tba war. when tbcneotraaty at Kin* Alberta wmntry* " betnc TioUtad. tbt Btddaoa were•We. tnroncb tfie oaa of toe Lewis gun,wblca had been adopted by ta« Bel-«*an aToremment. to wlthMtod the Ger-man adranre nearly two months.Th« msxazlne la a anm<ti*.llk» w

nomine foiyieren ^belU^ It canthrow these shells at a maxlmnm of«0O ahota a minute, or ten shots every•seond. The gun has been adopted byEngland and France, and In the. bittercountry more of these gam are beingturned out e v « y day than the totalamount of machine gun equipment inpossession of the United States gov-ernment

Nsw Vsrfc « • I nJtm Pitt,

become tbe creates* commmtbi pwt:'In the world. A edaqaBtethai aWds kr '•the boreal of foreign sad donratfc"commerc* In tbe departmemt of labwof the commercial standing of att

Than seven or rhihl f<nnd were usually nbxolulclv iHjihi or veiilllulliiii CM e|'I for il'uand cracks on one or two *iih'j4.i>f thebuilding .which were not 'banked- wllhearth. These bnrix were imwl |»piilnrnlfoiir--tM'fhty-fi>e yenrn IIKO nnd inn.vliow IM' HCCII very ^encrtbe corn belt and I'lber tecthm* nf tincountry tvbicb were Ibe most iirofrix-r-ous nl thai time.

These type* of bams pri"BeTveil

lc n pon»1 nr utrrani iv n vnl-._ ndjiin* t tn n duck rnrrn. ItIM not liiilln|.rlinahle. A aw-htmilria;I^ IHI rulu'ttv (lie lubor in caring

• tnr <fti< k*. I.lit INBIIV .dllrk fnrmaHie F.urcpwwfuliy •• f.[>4*rntril withoutIM« .run vii-nleni t., tit*, .rril y wuti-r Ilia

Krt l.rinK fiimlslmil In ilrlnk-li,vf< VI-NMW The Mr.In shown aroli IVklnjr ilui'lc nml ilrnke.

l.v bent of the UIIIIIIHIto better advunmgc I him any devisedbut it. was soon leiii'iied tlnit. wbllithe primary object of housing mil

• lii,' II literally runs, which «<••' ' •• ' •' ' - n f . IlK

riintu by Stiii*a derwrtnmnt ofiiKrlcullurr. . •


. fi




vru lI*Mi

t'tllCHN 14MI|)*tO(| |


1ft 1 H|M)iMI(tJij IU•>: tui'ffi-r n n t i * rtwiM»n*'t» :alruuM

nl (.r 1t<|TUt]lnitl *oil)il !>(•r or nilij

t lomiHiin\ In IIl l l t f i i l i t

Mil Hiitih

.hi w

HUM*M tr.lK U>f Mlthp

ttVHl I w WHlirt-'iiMil llt'i

«| willi l.i.Uto llvt' hlvtix

Li VO«JM»lrt M ii. Tin- rnrkK't\ ti (inirnt

ti. Iti'ltnvlltiv A!tl

p i i


ntti .mlMl


IM-rly •


t) tn


Aft-1 ImI 'WU'CI'l*

iiuuie. The hiaiidurd wetMht of um in-illiiu lliiuner ibiike in aliout four and a'iiilf iniiiiiilii ilml of the d.Uck four

ItuniierH nre excellentUU!iXsVJUid. (jlveii plenty, ofenjiiy DIIIIIUK a la rite part of

' thi ' lrowh TI icy lire not fund of•confinement, but are u>ry -hardy niidcomparatively en*.v to caiHe. Kor-mar.kit piiiiNiHi-n their Kite IM rnlbci MKIIIOSItIn• in. IIIIIIOIIKII the HCHII IH of excellentqilnlliy. . .

l ine cf Ibe mn«t populnr breeda I>I(Iih-kN In Iht.t country iiotli for lieuutynml lunrketiiitr |>ur|H>»en lii Ilio KoiienMlib'h came originally from NoruinndyTin- ptiiiwlinr weight.' iiT the Itoueilr/ike-li iibouMi!ne__l»oiiudii

i l i i poiinil". .'The.llrxli IM eoneH|x>cl»lly dcllifiitt nnd of dell

clout Ihn'oi. and Hie bird Ix rifxieiiuli) fiiiiemtl. 1» very pnillfle linnbanl j . Altogether the. Itoiien duck In

iHiil n« one of Ihe unwt prulllnblircti!1*'in rnbie, nud the eggn are esiK'iall.v (b'lli'lou" uml rich. •I'lillKellie lloiieiii, Ihe I'eklnf diirk;

,,iv very timid nnd lieeil^to be Imndle,w lib cure. They iiire «|'lendld Inyen*

. ...rnrryrT^VTiio tsucnplacea are unuaily Infealed with rotinf-leM million* of miMfiulfiie*, ami livent'K'k ure literally enteu alive. I lie-lleve If tlie owner who keeps mock Innucli placet were obliged to upeiid afew bourn a ilBy there hlniaelf He»;oirti(^lie more reimoiinfiln.

If thf're It no other wi'.y n^ien fynri^..irnnrflUlTiT for the flock-lake- i l ' l t e

lime and ii|«lie mime. A good plan Info fiet noine Nborf |Hi4tit In'the ground.Jiiel 'high eiioliub »o Unit Ih" xheepivan get under them, and iunke n hoofover them, the i l z e of (lie roof to buildand the amount of po»l» | o net depend'Ing upon the nfce of the tlix'k. It

•chool Will Train Submarin* Oflloars.WaKbliiittnn, July 11.—Kulabllshment

of a new acbpul at New London, Conn.,for tbe practice of milinisrlue opera-tion wan announced by Secretary DanIeJ«. The flr»t clawi of otnccrx biul tire |»rt on July 1 for alx m o n t h s traln-lni(' They then were n»»lKned to dutywith the uriilern-ater cnift.| ( T h e plan waa sunRpHtiH] by Bear Ad

- m t n r i - V ' i i t . r1itpf~rifrTIltr~»ul)Uigrtiie"flotilla. Inatructlon will lnclu(|e rareful preparation for the engine., and bat-tery dltticnitlea officers umjr expect toen<i)untpr with nuhnierHlhleM.

ficrretury. I'anlels said that he foundtl»> navy with ouiy nineteen otllcers,thirteen of whom were en»l(rn» les«than * threp yonra out f y| > * i

« i r , j i r i in» l l j riilH(M|,.iBalnri! wirlyi hri( vify linriijyjijiiiljiiiikn cxcclli.ntntUrT^?~ll}?MrWehTW7T d !

Th* Uxfunl Ifowu bri-fd-uf »!HMM»IN thp rculllt of a douhlt. crnHi, )>e.Ing limcle u» til tlto llumiiNhlre enr,A cmnii -I'tcil luilniql, wllli a CtiU..wuld r/im. NVxt to tlm •ifhhtjiithlrul i i » l l 5 t o i l l J ' i i i « l * n ( i t f h i

<'Xrc!]'.ntc». in u

IKIIH HVV-'The an*

CIJIHM Lit Kttr«|>. It IN miin.ultnn nhi?«.|i, nn<t 4Jln rKolxt wnrittt-il w.ou! ntxl WVen tumni i* mi ihn n\i:riiitA.lo ia l f h o w n III i i n f l i f u n l

Hhoiild i>o Inrce enoiiKb that Ihe slioepcan KCI In the KIIIHIC without crond-linr. Tiii> liniirilH .fonnliiK the roof

IIIM lie iiiilled down no that tlii'.vwill nut be blowu olT, Tin- roof mayIM< IIIIUIO lint mid out or iwiterlnl thatJH |OO w o r H i l c f J

King Alfonso of Spain, Who May BePeace Mediator. ,

mentioned iu thnt connection. Dur-ing the preneut ctnitlirt Spain lintbeen Ktrblly neiitrnl. 'The king ofSpnlii It coniift'teil by IIIIXKI and mar-rlilue lie* In Imtlt HIIICS of the contest.I l ls wife, l^ueeu Victoria, l ielonst tothe l-IiiitlMi i i i . t . i l 'fnii i l l} , . wllti M'lli'ii"

• llrnl .eijunlu to Klr\e (ivorgn V. l i l tmother, tlie IlowuKer ijuecti MnrieCbrlKtliin, n u t nn Austrian nrch.lilcli-ei«. She It a »itter of Arehiluk'e Trederick, coinniiiuder'lii'Chlef of the Aut-11 full armli.'H. .iiiil her nyiupathlet iintii-rally are with the Teutonic HIIIOH.

King Alfonso is NO popular with allliln brother iiinuarehn, nnd eiiually pop-iilar In republican Franco, that It Innot Improbable that he.may bp cluwen"i n peace mediator In the end. H e In

tfrent fnvorlle with Ibe emperor ofAiiKirla. in whom he linn KoinetlmeaKoift1 for advice, and' bin position atthe ICiiKllih court ID conniil uud Inti-mate IIIt< tlience on nil runner* touch-

..ing_th<«—war -has -nhowinv lwloni ' anddiscretion.- • . ' ;•

Alfuiitii; wan born in .May. lNStl, andwas mnrrled to Prince** : Victoria of.Itnlteiiberir In Ilka/.. They have sixItvlint children, nml .another (lied ntlilrib. The eroH'ii prince nnd heir ap-parent. Don Alfonso, prince of theAstiirliis, It now nine year-t of

. m i l '"""y .'enra out "f T||p >*"'""!acailemy. nsnljjnctl to siilnnarlnp duty.He then'fore reori;niilzc<l the flotillaand extuMlMheil 11 KCIKHII of offlecru onth« cruiser Columbia, and was con-vinced now that '(•* prepare for tbularse Increase In the submarine Kenlce(Oiiletnplaled by Ihe pemlliift nppnvprlallou bill addltlunal nienn^.of traln-I»K was necessinr.v.

' i t In planned." Mr. Daniels salit."that office™, when they Krinliintefrom Hie ui'h""'. "f'"l| '

more Utan tendon can t a u aports from Xew York hi 1915ll.l!M,Ot)O.0Ofl, an cc0r«>,O0O credited to ^uuun.urea for aonse ot the citiesthe last available year of recora.relative itandlng of the variousmeroial ports of tbe world laIn the following ubleburen of foreign andmeree:

form. Imports.New Vork "—Hamburg .Liverpool .Antwerp ..llaiMiilleaHaiTe



Calcutta '.Bombay .',,Bunwe AlreaTrlmto . . . . . . .SlnsaiKiroHullSydneyQ«loaNow OrleanaMontreal

S».*O.OtlO175.0ffl.0001S8.W.000199. "00,000I5

ShqnshalManchester-Oalveeton ..'. ,.Itlangow .,Kolw . . . . . . . . . ,Dunkirk '.Voltofmmfli "...'.Alciamlrln, EgyptMelbourne .. . .T,.. .Soulhamiiton .....IVirograd

I51,»I1.I«)ino.-nn.imJ9.WO.000iu.:owoo— • a o , « » i 0 , ;82.J0O.OO0 W,0M,<n) '

i S9.0D0.0O)- .91,100,000

118.400,000 -m.100,000


116,103,110}M, «»,>>»H70(l,oni)69,100,000

aubordinnte pnHitliina nn biMird Imutsmid i»' placed In couininnd only afterthey have been trained niul provedtheir aptitude for .tubnmrlne work." '

Leading British Against' TurkicLondon, Jury 10.- Among the British

conimiinders who have l>een operatingIn .Meiw|«iliiuila iiKulnst tint Turkishf o r e t and Ihelr nlMes Is MnjorUeueral Henry D-Trluin Keary, C It.,w h o lias Itccii luentionetl In illspatches for excpllent Hervltv performed liuder 'great dlilletillles. Tinfon-ea sent to the relief of liut-elAinura were greatly liatn|wriKl liy|I<MK!M, with the result jfliat (ieneral

-Townuhend;—AVlth-!l,f)«,iJ t roops^ wiisforced to capll nla'te.

fireat Hrltaln's relieving forcea weroIn two dlvlslous, one coinrunniled by

Johnny Appltieed Monumant.t t J V a ^ n f t l f c ^ l ^ta^nftliMfcrj^lr^^^^vrnTOnuk

niont In memory of John X.'ha|imnn,better known at» "johnny Apiileseed."pioneer orchnrillst of Indlniu and Ohio,was unveiled In Mniuuey nark, here.:The monument consists of a Iiunourni'ilte bnlilcr lienrlni; a bronze tabletwith 1 ho following InM-rlptloii: ;.'Jolin-ny AppleKeed 1J0I111 rtui[imuin; Iwrn InJliissachiispltii, 177H: died near I-'ortWiiyno- 1W3; liurled In David Aix'hercemetery; pioneer appie grower of lft-Ulann ami Ohio.. The- Indiana Hortlrcultural itrK'luty and all those who ore(•iidpuvurliiit to carry on the work lionobly commenced Join, dedicating thumonument to the memory of bindeeds."

War Ende Dreyfut Affair.I'nrKl.htly 1L'.= TtTeT\vnrls e.\|>ected

to lei'injimk" all controversy over tho

in doing this there were other connlder-jitloim. wlilch must ivivtve ntleutiiuiuud. Hint the ciiuiervliig of bodily lientIII thin niniini'r jniiitibici'ir

. . Very VviHI for [he few1

.. from .,.i,.l,r to nlne",Kumd- | l l " " l s ' " " ' " m <-1 1 '1 1 • '••»«*.• It.nnd tlie-thick welghtnit from "even-to

" I" - >i"i«. on me wiu.hMhuiv.king SIMPLE WAY TO TEST SOILSduel, Is coiiKlili'ivd the muat popular |hrei'il of duck w e bate, and tlie otherlirvcils ure utiuilly Judged for practicalilllillltleii by Hie I'ykiuir

. , r r - ' - - | ' " • " " ^ ^ " W j W 'tloiuil feHtu'reN which lurKi'lv otejraiuemiy adviiutages gained.

Tliere in iniicli conlllclliiK textluionyDK to (he exact amount of oxygen rei iulrol liy ti l.Otm pound'.cow 1'rtr day.

•There«rt«miluy ivudllloim whiijioaiiiievarrallou'. Huch ax (he labor ilujje uudtbe naliM'e of fiKHlcouKUiui'd. KingIB liutliorlty ror tbe nUtciunnt thatnbout ftuellflli of the weight of the urn

' tcrlnl taken In the body dally. 1» oxygen from the air.

l-'cir tlie purpoacs nf this dlxcinxloiithe exact n mount of air and oxygen Unot cftHentlal. It lias been thoroughlyestablished by lnveKtlgutlmit) and bytho experience of practical dnlryiuenthat ample fresh air and »unllu

lire, of coumo, muuy other,'. mii'li as thp Muscovy, Cnyuga,

AyliwbUry, Hlue -Kweillah, lllttek Ea»tliidln, ("rented White, etc..+hc—Btnp-tr

I Msny-Farmart Wait* Yean Trying toI Farm Spur Lanrii —-^~

liny a fnw cen'lu'hl

y nw cenlu worth or hydro-chloric acid, also lltuiu.s paiier nt (hedruRSlKt's Thou lest tho various SOIIH

._.i«ntlaljt>.|jrt>tltnlile production, Whileprolecllflii from tlie weather U still thoprimary object of limmlng. a syntcinwhich accompllBbei! thin at the cxpeuso

_ - . . . - . . .n i>iirticumriy atrtrut'live, but the three kinds describedIIIIDVQ may he counted upon to give tbonveriiKe cuiuilr.viiiaii Hie moot HatUfac-tUm and rar nil -prucllciil pur|ioaeaHlaiid IIIKIUWI In impular eiiteeiu.

GRAIN FORJJALVES.,Mluture Suitable For Youngetere In

i Conjunatlon With SWmmilk.Any of tlio following grain mixtures

will, we U'lleve, prove satisfactory foralres,-Haya Hoiinl's DalryuuuirI'oniuieol grudiiiilly chaiigtMl In shell1 corn, VHlli w without' wlieat bran.Whole oats and ground corn—thelat'

ler rt'plawMl' by slu'Hnl ™>ni

_^_^^^^^^-f^^—^«—^»*M«—iMtn^-spaTliror~l"mirIn partlcTdnriylitTTnuinir tako n noil duuiplo to a depthve kinds dexcrlhod I of «..v.<n ••:..•—. -•->--•

tn us weeKK.

M'liule osU* mid wlioat Imin.flround luirley nud wheat bran.Thvao nud guod. bright hay xbould.

of courfo, Im ful n» mipplementa tonkliumllk, not n» sulietltutes for skim-lullk. a t le«»t until" the calf It) foui'to nve noulua old. After tuta time itwill be \VP1I to milwtltiilo jgrniiud grain

. ._„ . , . i c m a ueptltof seven IticheK, uilxlni; It well, writesV. C. I<elt In the Oninicn Judd Kurmer.

\otv, with a bnudful of IhN moistsniuplo make a wuu-er Khapcil fiirtn.Tour tn a llttlo of the aehl. IH• 111 LT en re-fill not to drop nny on your bunds orCloIhcN. as It burns. If Hie'result Isipillp freo'biibbllnK or oflfon'esccurc itshows that thp soil contains consldor-nlile llinestone. but little nr no roauilnj;Indicates deficiency of lime. Make thistest with soil kiiifwn to IH' rich in limeor with a sample to which you Imvelidded Him.1, then.with soli poor in llmoand you will'see Ihe difference Now. make a hall of moist enrth

rJ . , . . . . ti, .. aa ami II RIH»-Jiu't of .divltiun mining Frenchmen nttlie iH'k'Inuing of l iost l l l t lct . The Hoy:uiist pniier. Action r'rnuciilKC, has tlrop-Pe<l its dally reminder of What It de-clared to, be jrn<giilnrttleii committedby ibe court of nppcnls in fnvor ofHieyfus, and papers of nil shailej of

iiuln|u4i-4lH-4HHtor l»: lliiisjr Itivoivol on Iboth sides of the i,|UestlotK.who havedlsthiuiiLshed themselves In Ihe war.

Hesldi'.t • i'lerre Dreyfut, Ihe 'coin-

a Specially


Are Ydu la aHuny For ThatPrinting ofYours?

liny H» IK'IIII; fptl the grain mixture,K]IOUII\ (Hiiitaln souiewhRt more proteluthan that used to mi|iplenicnl the »klm-milk. At this |lnu> 11 Knilu mlxturo of•MO |M>nnd« of v heat bran, Mk) iniumlof iiromid nnl* and IO11 pounds of oil-im-al will supplemciit the tuUnl haynicely.

_^—**f it'i" hjindful <if ihc Name sum-pie of soil, break It In tWi>, lay oil onepart a bit of. tho blue litmus iniper,leave for a fow moments, then openthe lull again, If (lip blue paper hastunipil red the soil l> sour or acid andprobatUy quite dell, lent in lime. If Itkeeps r«a after drylUR tho. soil In verysour. If tbe blue \v>\vr dues h

Ttlra "x?SS&& litmuTi>iipor. If It turns alkali i

for heroic • i-oudurt,. nt Dounumont,Kmlle Dreyfus, his nephew, wn.s kill-til In tlie bntile of Champagne justnfter he hud received the cross of-thoI.CL'IMII of Honor. Couininndant .I'rey-fus still comtunndlm; the »r-t tilery of a sector of tup . intrenchedcamp nf Purls.

Of the men Identified with th* uiovo-tiicnt ngninst Dreyfus, Colonel (Iu Pntyde c'lam nnd bin sons have nil won thewar cross and nil of them have beenpromoted In the Legion of Uonor.Column ndtint I.uutli tins been promotedlieutenant colonel, while Commandantsl'uiifnn de Snlnt-.Morel and Autoluehave won the stare of gcueral.

Or. Finloy on Defenee Board.Albany, X. V., July l l . -Dr . Joliu.H.

Plulcy. connul.tsfoner of educntloii ofXew Ynrk "stiite. was rpcrtttly umile &member of the new state militarytraining commission by the board ofresents. Tlie"org«nl»atlon of the connmission was nufhorlitcd by the last leg-islature. It will ndvlso tne regentsu i m i i t i i " e < « " « » • • ' • • ' • - • • "

x?SSx?SS&& litmuTi>iipor. If It tblue the soil is alkali ami not sour.

\ o amouni of readlne or tatkluu willtrach you half as uiuch a« for y«ii tomake these tests youiwlf. Many farm,ers wasto yearn tryl'm; to farm sourland or that |H«ir In lime, whereas byti«tiuit it In this easy w a y they cans « at once what It uecda,

• : • • : •


We Do Printing In the

New Ytir|t state bail no part In thielection tit the first president of tinI'ulted Stales, l'or mtne jcarn followInc Iho oilahllshiuelit of tho federal

eminent the leylslnlurps of nuwt ofthe slates iiio»« the presidential elec-tors, tap tieo|<le voting for them onlyIndirectly, their choice bring expressedby their vote* fur legislator*. A delftlock between tbe reuate and the as-sembly prevented the selection of lec-tors from Kew l'ork stato. Itbode Is-land and North Carolina had not retraUOed the cowttituUon, so XVashlnftonw u e4«ctej tbc first Um« by tho votesof onl/ ttdvt Jas UuJttfn atatos.

PRESIDENT.Xe\r i'orl( city was tho scene of the

llrst Inauguration, however. Washing-ton took tho oath on the portico1 ofKedernl hall^on tho iircscnt site of thesubtronsury, at Wall and/ Nassaustreet*. April 30, 17SS>. immiHliatel}-follonUig thU iervumiv.v he rvtlroilwithin the. building and delivered tillniKlrpss t« congress, whlclTiuct In Ked-eral hall In those days., John Adams,the sccoud presMent. also addressedcouirress Jn'(iersou. but Jtffer«on broke |Ibe custom which lYrsldent Wilson hnjrevived. JelTcrsou stljraiatlxed thatform of »ddre*s h» monarchical andput hl» m e s s a i ^ - t t t ^ r i t ^ w ^ V Y

>u.for school rhlldren be-twoen the auc of eight years and six-teen yean nnd supervise the summermilitary training camps for boys be-tween the ages of sixteen aud nine-teen. .

The new law'provide* 'but " l c •*•gents Khali nppnlnt one memlwr of. thecoiptulssion. -Major General O'Rynn,coionimidlii!; olticcr of the nationaliciiiinl. mid a memiier to be ap|K>lntedby the itovtTiior w ll complete the con>-lulsslou.

General Henry O'Urban Ksary.Lieutenant Geueral Gorrlnge, chief ofthe expedition, on tbc left bauk of theriver Tigris and the other on tbe rightbank under General Keary.

General Kenry was educated at Mnrl-liorougli and at the n n nfwiiM mnue a lieutenant iul^7u. .A yearlater be was urdered to India, wherehe served during nearly bis entire mili-tary career and wou high commenda-tion from his superiors. He took onactive part in the Afghan war, forwhich he was decorated, and Interserved through the campaign In BurmaIu the late eighties. . During the rebel-

Germane Muat Eat Less.Auinterilum, July 12."In the conrao

of u deliate In the reichstag.on the'tsioil-.'question Duron von Stein, undersecre-tary of state, emphasized the fact that111 ere Is a KUfllcient i|iiantity, but notsal excess, of potntoes. _ ,

He reported, acconlliig to Herllu ills-patches, thnt cattle lias declined -~> percent .ilnee Uecember, ililii; plgg 21 percent. l'or the uear future, he added,

!at1esXJl<«!dbJc reatrlcUon of con*. r.oti i» necoKsnry.

A tnemlior poluted out that Germanyo.-isessed 3,0OD,(«0 fewer head of cattle

than a year ngn and thut it scarcitywould prevull in tho very near future.

' Swedes Use Old Ships.%."i.u-iiIim;iau-Jul1v,!&•"A'remarlcabie "•'

ojnmple of the cxtrttonllnarj1 straits towhich shipping has been reduced forwant' of vessels la told In a dispatchto the EJJk_sJUa.bJa<lct_frQm-Sv*ndbofgr^An.vtlilTiK that can be floated is pressed ~Into service. '

Two nailing vessels, one the Marioof Trociise, which was. built In 1778,and another, the Tvende Brodre ofMarslal, built In 1780, have been riggedup aud sent out to enter tho competi-tion for the enormous freight rateswhich are now being offered every-where.

Retire Three Battleships.Washington, July 10.—The Alabama,.

Ohio and Georgia are to be. strickenfrom tbe navy roster as real lightingunits and probably will end their daysas training ships for the naval reserve.

Thi- Mnhnniai " — " • ' - * 'fleet, and the Ohio area/the P h KPhla navy yard. Tho Georgia is nowon her w,,,- ,„ m i m reserve ««»*

Tbe Alabama was laid down tweutvo Z S "KH T U " 12"°°° ton ""' TheOhio and Georgia, built a few yeanlater, are virtually the Same size.

•..:. v,'i°l.!^"BJi°*'jgno01-

at of the Boxer^ a brigade ofhimself so-well

Upcle; Sam Refund Machine Gun.Washington, July 10.—An automatic

gun that welch* only H trlde njoretbantbe ortUnary rI ties used by the'Spaulsh-AmeficHU volunteers during the warwith Spain Is cunceiled to be oue of themost reinarkahle war weaiwna ever in-..>ented.1 Like many other remarkable iiroMInveutlouH, i'uclc !$am-was Ibe first towhoui It wts offered by lta Inventor,Colonel I X, lewis. I*. S. A., retired,but It was not adopted.

Tbc effceth-ene«s of the Lewis gunas a weapon of defense has been well"demonjtrated by the Belstaus. 'At tba

Paper Tests Succeeiful.hiiiKton, July li.—Xe»s print

paper made from hitherto unusedwoodii, under direction or the forestservice laboratories, has been success-fully'tried by two largo newspapers,aud in all eleven kinds oi woods neverttsed before have given promise of' be-ing suitable^ A number of others havebeen found suitable for manUa paperand box boards. . ,

This announcement was made by tbeforest service, which has made serratysamples of paper by dlfferenfprocessesfrom practically unused woods Ir , itssearch for a substitute for tbc • fastdiminishing supply of pulp wood.

Tbe announcement says that If tbeprice of news print paper in to be keptat a reasonable figure more efficientmethods of converting spruce Into pulpmust be'developed" or cheaper woodsmust be stlbetttrited, I2UAJ

plan for developing Aerial transports-'-tlon, Rodman Wanamnker of Philadel-phia and Xew Vork will establish herethe largest hydroaeroplane school inthe. country. The school will be con-ducted by the American Transoceaniccompany, which recently incorporatedto tnke charge of the transatlanticflight which Mr. Wanumaker has plan-ned later In the year. " •-

President to Aeoapt Lincoln Farm.- Washington, July 11.—President WJ1- 'son has accepted an Invitation to go toHodgetuville. Ky., Sept 4, to take partIn exercises marking the formal pres-entation to the federal government'ofthe farm on which Abraham Lincolnwas bom. Secretary Baker and Sena- <tor "Williams of Mississippi will alsodeliver addresses. • —

V,-' A Memorial for John Brown. > -Meadville. Pa., July lZ-The Xatlonul

Historical society has bougbt ttrc actos :of jand• twelve miles east ot.'.bers),^ [,

.JBrown \of-rtvU.:1^r^fan&!,lina:*:ni»^i.:::v-which he bulit a tannery. The,society :


'PI4m\' , -


A wide brimmed bat of icrepe de chine mid bandebrim and falllnit In endsaffording tho only trlmuih

Ing uutlKli

BEAUTY IM THEHow Smart Reit Gowr

Orisntal Color. In tbo direction of the 1

the feeling fur rainbowspecially umrki-d,. iiud, n*bard and fust mien us t'observed, it follows tlmplaced on the-ereutl've I

. clever coatunile're. whosematter of cut iiml colorrein. Tlie little ijhoulder citurnover culhirH, the sicoats now In v<muo -an

- -foruw- uf ..stijle.. null. pelefor wear over tin- trauspiwhicli In 'the eofHiige i'fare excelk'iUly iidaptedIn the. mutter of color tr*

i!nssuuier chiffon nudof nn oriental yorceounre alike employed. 1siitln. lnce—liune of -tilidiura " Amiss ' to the tireideas. I The gurg«*us «'oprlheeW' of Imlln have ltn

. the boudoir ma6«. wh"«i|

-• .en^tiTii Ini tlirf Tiplui^lyvIns; but in nctual sluipeHIUII 11 little- tho longoften forms part of an oLurse paste or enamel bthe niitlye loves, lend 11of realism', anil the sllneck ,l» "«ft™ liardercdf ^ ; t J T M o d eImlvcs, and when ft eon1

of paying complimentsher "\vu with, the •innsB«tt«--er_.ln...llie_.wlitlbersiiiilleri lull: just 1Queen of the Adflntlc Itul lioiungv Is puld.

, To Mend a TatAVlien n tablecloth iwi

, n small hole npivurs.! white pnpe.r Borne large

to be meiideil. baste sihole uud stitch on sileliKtliwise imrt crosswnnd evenly. It will loand Is easier tliuu drfriby himd. I also J"011'1

jpreuds the same way.disappear wlieu wnslFireside./^



All yon hare to da ta to make asoapy lather an>l add a few drors) ofammonia.' Take an old toothbrush andbrash all tbe dirt out of tbe crevices.Wben quite ttyia take tbe Jewelry outof tbe water and rub perfectly drywith a chamois leather or ordinary tis-sue paper.

When cleaning an article that I* setwith nones, such as a Ha*, be>feutle with tbe toothbrush, fur If youbrash too vigorously yoir may easilyloosen a stone. A pendant set withemeralds, rubles or rtbitui>m!s 1* hotterImmersed In n little >sn dt* culocnothan water.

If yon tnppen to be tho Irtcky IHWSIW-sor of any pearls reiucoibor they mustnever be put In soapy water, tbuuehtea water Is swid for them. l*carl«

— - "H ' ^ T »*»••» "«'«y YII-I m-UniW

A wide brimmed hat of novelty straw In natiirnl tone* h fnoeU with pale p|jkcrepe de chine mid banded with klnif's blue voivvt ribbon brouubt under tbubrim anil falllnit In ends down tbo back. One blic pint rose »lt» on the hrtni.affording tho only trUuuilnK. TblH l» youth's sutublv hat uiul makes a thurm-


How Smart R « t Gowns Flame InOriental Color*.

. In. tbo direction of the boudoir (townthe feelhiB for rainbow radiancy laspecially marked,, mid, as there lire nohard und fast rules as to styles to beobserved. It follows 'that no limit Isplaced * on the-creative Keulus of theclever coalumlere. whose fancy In the.matter of cut mnl color Is Riven freerein. TIip little Hliuulder cii|te,H, the wideturnover ouTlarH, tho. short, straightcoats now In voirtit> and1 the. variedforms ut. stole, mid pelerine xirovidodfor wear over tin- transparent enrsaiie,which Is tlio cufHiixe iif the moineiit.are excellently adapted for 'diversityin the. mutter'of color treatment.

iSoKMUiuer chiffon and stiff brocadeof mi oriental, yorceousness of huenre alike employed, Taffeta, faille,satin, luce— n'unv of these materialstomes amiss to the dressmaker withideas. | The corcebus costumes of thepriiicen of Iiidln have Inspired some of,the boudoir cunt*, which nlre not only

. cnsterii !nitlii| *plemlyrl'of their color;Ins; but ill actual' shape resemble moretlimi n little- t'he loliu coat which sooften forms part of an oriental's dress.I.ur^e paste or enamel buttons, such usthe native loves, lend an added touchof realism', and the slightly dcoolletifneck Is'often burdere'd by n band "of

TiflT—Eir^Mi*rt*—«*"""• 'l'""1 -thu»y»—liy-halves, and when ft comes to the |x>lntof puyliiK coniplliiieuts she can holdher «.\vu wllb the most accomplished

I— O«tt«-* was thebersuiilleri hut;- just now .itQueen of the Adriatic ttfuhoniful lipiungu Is paid.


, To Mond « Tabloclgtb. •When a tublecloth iwiilini to bronk-or

a suinll bole np|iear». ciil. a plcc«/ufwhite paper some larger lUail the placeto be meiideil. baste secuiely over thehole und stitch on s« innchlne,lengthwise im(l crosswise very closelyand evenly. It will look much neaterand Is easier tbuu drtrnit,gor pati-hiiii*by bund. I also jrieml sleets nml bed-spreads the same way. The jmper willdisappear wiieu waslieil.—l'arui andFireside.'/' •


On th« Nsw Hsts Blossoms Not Yst•Cl«nlfl*d In Botsnlss.

After several seasnna of Btunll Bower» faslrlou lias suddenly swerved-to'the other extreme und Is now'ndvocatIIIK the use nf Ituinense . flowers forboth bat nml dress di.i-,irnt(ou, •

An Instance of Mils Is fou'ud In aI'nrls lint • if reil straw, wbuse liliilicrown und very liroad brinr nrenevlcd by a ntfrrow ribbon of the sumohue tleil In u bit of a'bow at tbe buck.I'osert dhT'-tly In front Is an Immeuswrose .of silk anrt"\elvet. olso-of the redcolor. • . • ^ ~T~

1'opplcs of tremendous siie are lielngemiilojed for dress hats. They nre r«produced In natural colors, with.empbasls <m tlu- red and l>l»k 'iiuaiicus.Fri.x|uently the popples are pulled upurtand the |>vtais in smile fuiitasitc midoverlaliphiK manner are nrranued nbout

Th ffMthe <>f thu crown. The efferMsvery strtklnu when the hnl is'of aiuroblue' trill straw and the popples Inflame, color.

Another novel' bijouil


tAH.i*«r«irr that Is MMtut lr vorab U be wwhed •Terr annattt or nix

lose their, beamlfnl sheen, so If yonnave such a necklace wenr^t regularly,even If under yonr waist. The contactwith the skin wilt keep tH'atl« » K<HM|color.

qtiolie are l*«t washed wtthwarm water and n tittle ammonia, hutno soap. Soap Is apt to turn their pret-

cteanlnR opal* In- cnn-fHl not to dmthem, fur they nre brittle mid cbl|i \\(t!ialarmllis e«s>>. In fact, they have earn-ed a name for being iiulucky simplybecause they are so rraeilo..-

When you uro not "rt'earltitf Jewelrydo not Wave- It lyltm almut t,r tn udra'wer linockliitt asabist othermeuts. Keep it either In a I'lcce ofleather or in cotioti WIHII. stool urua.meiits should always be wramied lipt.aiefiilly In (I |i|>|'vr. forwill ipilckly spoil their beauty.


Ths Vsgus of Wicker.Many "f tho.wicker materlnls - nod.

rattan, cuno and bambtio ~iir«> of Asi-atic OIIKIII, SiiiKnpoi^ IH-IIIK the worldmarket fur them. Ueed« are used tmih.whole and split.

Hiuuboo. w:hlle not strictly. Wicker;Is often used with rattan or withmattliiK. Its chief merit Is Itsness.

Orass, toov 4s hilriily «l< kef. lull'useil as an outer textual mvurlmritther than n i l maicrlal rortion, the pba^o beluu some I'iithtlike wtllnV.


»E go throath the world s»ldam taklns tuna ttiat oar »>

cause.lltrrsry wumau wl«u<« works sre unlTtraally rvad. I RIH marrted to a tuorarj' man «h<«e wvrWa »r«> o drua inthe market. Ami yet frhen 1 met himU« sUMid hlk'li «ith Hlt^niteonl, whlltt 1

id i»>t >et urtttcn « lUuv .What w»»the biMittimcani n « w of t!tl« iwulpvor.

to expat* BM, and tt would nu« ttanrtroubled n>» If she had, fur I permit

twi to s*im*. '**! r - Wall e#lwclaUy to oe.*it.i»tt# In• orr<w


1 will tell j- ' i i'O^e' sHimiii i.

two vi'.vis iii'il>acli 11 Inline"

o t ;i

datoi Ihat

w«« tlioii l *« i i«'I "it! iuy trunk

lUe omntfythe Sm n in-liet Ion.

trunknot. mi - t It lu thenrai<lM'i> t

not.^vrll afftTl a lieu line, imt «»MIIout to «••!• nhnt 1 luiild d» In tlie matler. 1 bit ii|Hiii a M

T.m Cium M In' rmnul smb. mnlit for a lwen> thelint my Initials,or t<» eras<» iInstead. Wlwuertnl I" Hie !»«>.I hud not lime

with tutftT-t and- w«« nroklesn e»<<iwtito i w n i <•> ttwm.

l l o left tba> Inn rscly tbo uovt ni«>niinil. Irot littrlii}; ftie t'veuliiit I SIH-HTwith' bliu ho oittt^'fattsl Ttl* iM'tivnu'.itinl I p'^'inUisl -1" d o v t e uiy^elf dnrtiti; tlit* ncif fVw dny« to U>iiii£ d o n oj' ^kett*! !* of tti«> work tio pn^i^witiI!H> jrutli l.» I «».» iinltr ,WliKtitnl wn

on'itud ••*«or li» M V Ifluy

f i t .lit a voiipW «f day* 1 win Mr Hall


lf*|»raM<«» are


way In K»


lot ta*the Amrrl

of OattuilV !tiir(pltaM in\u« a» hi 13,

man t'Jittt.itn-s.errr held InIn hi*'1eii,.r t.i the .\Bi«Hc»t> hlcr. •

*t\ liy ..f (tn> II»IMU c'aUH'Ui' vhur.iithe UtKhl llo» Jaia«« A JlcFanl.!,(»(,„!• ,,r''{-reiftuii. n->i«e*|!» th»t th«. mi.,..* .ll.K'1-^fii (M» ortftwf*«Hl !•' *o*iddvU'itntoM. ' 1'fTluH Ulf, •' l|u* loltet.i.iitliiu*'^. : i . i iltttw \.»ur at tention Wtbc ' tni |», . tai»<e -•fimUml cll.irt In '»••lml[ uf I ;i|d..|l,; ' t j i iervl* iind llw tie: e*»"H V "f i^t.M^.lMi; .-.V ait ilmc* rtu ' ic

t.t \ . ' l I

is found ,in . - t \~'iicent und'hav- ~ " 1 ^ " ~

tflowers of mflo—translucentIIIK the upiK'iirauce of a Kraylsb ulabus-ter. Such blimsoius nre sometimesplaced on the top of the crown of uhut of black niilan straw, thu addi-tional altitude NtrvhiK to balance theestreme width of the brim. Hesldes

inn.H11ICS a <lll»CtlJ_l«luof Ivory rlbhoii is eiuployeiL _

Coppsr Ofiholoth. • •,\nioiiJt^liir<leaiiln»;ji|jents there are

two fecent addllloni to tlie~Hst ihuiare well worth while. One Is the cop-Iwr/wlre dlHhcloib, whlili comes Inthree sizes, for the cleaning pt pots andpuns nnd Is much nwrn vffoctlve thantbe chulu cloths, as it does not chip orcrack ftiainel.' Thu otbcr-Js. steelwool; thbi comes In a roll, iind n llttlobit, which has the feeling ofn bunch of lio'rsefialr arid looks not un-like It. will clean, enamel ware perfect-ly simply by rubblliK It over the sur-face. It may also 1M; used for brassesand glassivure. T'se with It a non-alknll soap, If any. ami alwnys rinsethe article'nnd polish with n dry. olothafter It Is cleaned."


, Or«p« Kstchup, .Wash and Mow live pound" of K

over a slow lire until, soft... Sthrough a stove .mul aitti t<i .the pulptwo iiiid'one-liulf pounds of «u«artable?tp<Hiiifiil each of urotiiid - rt'iui.-t-luou aht.1 allspice, one-halfful of KFound rlovts*. «int* tal'lewp<M,iifulof'black pepper, "tic -h'tilf. table«p<ionl'iilof salt and one pint of vltiuntil thick; I hen laittle. and

What Boys Know.All buys know that It Is diiniinroiis

to KO swIuimlnU' durbiK tint; days, huticrlod of-tW)t diiys timy lw iiarjowji

cd to Stilt .the natatorlsi. conveiilenct.of the Individual. lii other words,doK days rule HUiy be siispoudeil IA'lite. of-n i oml.HlMsl orowd i i fyosters tinubb: to resist the purllnitof the strouin.

The tlaiiKor from-snaken-BtHl-WKwhile swIminbiK 'does not deter ysters. for It Is a well known facta snake cannot bile under water,the simple reason that the minutiopens its mouth to nab the unsiispInk* swimmer It chokes. The same iapplies to turtles.

Another bit of swimming lore Is Iremedy of boyhood for water hiears. A tint, snu warmed stone,draw nil WHUT. right out of the eatbe Itoy who stu'ks relief.

Tbe universal knowledge of boys ex-tends well Into the Held of mulerluiindl.n.— »i '"" "it'll •"• in I""-.'1.

< Will HU'l't lAnioii . nme that

leplv,put III iltv

f Illy" re .II.IV

\ bv llu-'l ,'U'lklliiUila!. r thai I » i

. u t HullIlls pillt .Hl,r H-l -f.'|f.ho ."llj lu-'ni!i; |i |

tiu* mid «.> «.»iil.| . . . i i for fmt!ir iOf .•*** ihoH' IOIV^I >i*,>u >'.toe- a n

elul t,.* nit Hit*, und 111 h i l l h my KM kl ru«"* m'•.•on Nttnu t.t w ear. on nw nnd

H I, (i Tli'>..> » . r.I.directed tbe wl l

and |"it inliio tberHie mink ««•< tlelH

ba»l ncul^'lisl tu d"'<•>>i" •«<iid'ii Imrk, s ll ediller folillfi to tli«* tly Ihiin 1 had

utlI t h l u e i ^ H t( w a

I l""l> "I*. 'I ' '"T

of the movenieitlw a s a*» fol lows ••\tl*.-. SuinliUllnslottd U »|H'tidltit; tilt- UVOlilll <<*Ju ly at the S.it1;., n* liet !tin, »i lijoit

Miss iHlliHtt'iid vtt i . « n i . w l l - tt . f |T|ttltttti .io. 1.t h a t 1 wt.Ttl.l Inn e ,an .'|t|t"i'tiinlt.v imiH-t hoi".

I be If t i l ; • ! . ; . /« . Il l . ' - ! l i t L . l l l )

!. . me and "Hid .IHIII 'mail -tcp|>oil.u|oiithilly

\\l\- till, litt.,|i:l'e It- pill'll't

petpetMitfl !,it"lull- wlitih "t>nMy llt(MHt> i .li> iilii'ltitr whii-lMin.l. nnd [

h plf t n . , i '

l t , n

" f l l l \

I l i n l

l l * i n . m

n>. i mi l m o r n l

e t i n - oiit .rv !•> t l i o i .

W h u ' t b o l ! t h e i v u l -Ml

-iii . l " f t f i tv . .n".; .IriJ.

ill- I'll f i . l ' lu- i I ' l i . n ' t .

Hilnii Mie. n.iil.,. .,( l

sunie, do ii"! nei,d mi lutiI Sidney Hall. .May I

ac(|liulul;itu eV 1 lm\.,>. tnjnvt.,1w intmeiiKcly and hn \e U^tmy i'H|*flitt Ihu* nttd yMif* r.cJI.IIIIMI WO cMild tin smiii Ililiiv:aide 1 nm ffnimnh- In no'i'iln^1t>'hero., mnl "I l l i ;.'.,iir |n i inl--l"ii I

xi»liiIil what I \\u\i' In mind "Wbllo he W'iis«inlln' tbl-»:i Ik'lit

led In tin- ill111.11

my trunk 1II

"> i-n J\! I I I; liiilii.ilv ,,ii

1 U'oh. <.l^.<-r\i.d HIIIII •nnn-H

ll vvii" vvlileMI HMII tbo n-al •had notiiri-hcd m-, ir -li, , lunl.

I f,:,ruird no p l a n u l t l i teuni'd !tiutliiK MlnidliiiMlend.; I l imply ilcill . .l Into duiiii,'.s<' ^lio did tint ; i t , | , , . , i 0RIENT|L CUNNING. ;

INincvlmii n«w*ril«d H.i%

rleliTnTTTTTnHTTlit a. fnr, rl>iif the null ' .milii't.-" I.I «n» 'Iitdiirne.l t i l th

may be Instantaneously cured by pilug the minuted juices of, throe weedany thrw--ii|Kiu the dUiomlltc<l potlon of the nnatomy. Ordinary coweb Is said to l>e a moni.s of stoppli

j the How of blood when the jmkknlfej KWS wronK, but It i.s daiiKerriti's

should not IK- used.


BoiiK names of search this Is popu-The Kreater part nf the coiDpuhysent nut (if the room, a thimble

or other small object previously iloilil-cd'uism must lie placed where it. willnot l>c noticed and yet. lie In plainsight when once the attention Is ill-,reeled to It.

As each of the party discovers thethimble be docs not give any. clew t»Its whereabouts hy looks or actions,but Indicates that he lias found tt bysaylnK, "Honini,' tdrum, corum," andquietly sitting down, leaving the ri»it.of the [tarty to continue tbe search.Tbe last one to find It must pay a for-feit for slowness.

Taaaled Wards., Earb twisted word Is the name ofsomethinK ttiat may be found on the.dinner table. 1. Kutrye. 2. Oee.: VblefiW. S. Mice race. 4. Lumpingpodd. &. E nice nip. (L Dancy. T.EaU O Hjnot. 8. D stters. D. -Hippke.10.1L V. Qay. _ _ _

Answers.^1. torkey. 2. Vegetables.& Ice ereaffl. 4. Iinut pudding, !>•Mlace pie, & Candjf. '<• PoUtoe*. tt.OtMMtt. 9. Apptat MLOrarr. °. .

How France Cares For Children of Her Soldiers

I rl.lrr 1 ) ] 1

• film-



fi i

it i



rn-V -iHlhii:

'* IIHtl


• Mil

i T



When tbo men of France wore calleti i<> war IJI AiiKlist, TltH, their firstf|liwt1ons wore: "Who Is xoltiK to look after our .fntlierliwM llltlB oni-s) Whowill feed and en re for them until w« return, anil If w«» never,, ritttirn?" Theywere assured ><y M. Villa, hoad of the rri'lrerslte I'opulHlre. "l^vn us yourbabies'," lie said, "nnd we will cnri^for them." That was t!m lieulnlilliif of IlioOrjdiellns diVIa fJticrre. nn ns»«clatlon founded wltliout ntiim, reKiilntloiis. funds

' nr ofll'.crs to toko care «f the chlldirn <'' soldiers. 'Jfilrty cliUdren » W rw^elvwlby M. Vlltn that first dny and put to ISMI In <;<mclen<eis' IOKOS. IJI biikciH' Iwds,lii train i.<>ttdueto.fV IHKIS. In any corner where a nixA woman WHS found »lmwould (jive thejt;i a ncrap of rwm. Tmlay then' art;.>VM'<>r|iliaiis In Ktrelatalone. Ilv [use In eliannliiit little villas. In (rroiips of ten or twelve, oai b cured,for by nit adoptHl mother— nearly alwajm Hie <vlf« or widow of a soldier- whoklsm* and iwis'thi'in and tucks them In at ulitiit so that Itmjr nhall nover re-member lliat tiicy (ire ori'hans.

A' Rlbbo ir In tbe pilm of yonr band, atHave two pieces of c>jlored rlbbono4| the u u Ume"iin>iluL|ii» Ih'u pui/ucL

exactly ihe same sl«e and appearance, ribbon; 7f well done ybnr friend* willone of whl< ti, being dami«ned. inay bo i ' * myHtlfled•venred In tlfe palm vl the band pro- jjvlous to oxhlbltlnK tbe trick. Tbe other jmay bn >ut Into- liny pieces, Now callfor a Class of water, dip bit* of ribbonlu,.toll them Into a tln>- bull and aftersaying'soio«Inaglc"wotd* auk# tbetn

Wat.rproof Mstohbox.A witA sulMtUute for a waterproof

matcbWiX can be tnado from a tengauge oiiTa twelve gaage empty brassfbotvnn *bell, one telescoped Jnto tb«

l i k t W l ^ U a ^ j t

lt<il iIn. tniiiinior. >"•in itiel |.r'.^l'Ci.iiis. bitd (lie3t j ) i , l i - t t |

nfior -witft liioper.

•ri I'M tfte- I t t r ' ' i i n i i l r y

AllllitMt III t'llfo lite e>OM .if lintiii! foil n]»iii liie urd'er l i l l l i thunc<. and In- sal us into f;i>'-lhaf"iialim the Iniortlew v. llh lillttH llhd |'il)lllLf ll.t Mllollllnll titu e r t . l i e u i .» tosiilvhii* a |;i'oltr thu I'.rlvy; purse, w a s limner .

iftoal Jbrtt. then- At |iMt l ie'sawly OIMIII:. ft. make a i'.ulp, ''. l i m e . ' be HI lii t'^Jhe III lltlnt IT,y.tttr vMimlile sorvlces t.t ytiiir

FIIOIII.I rot elvo additional reei from your i.'.uidry'M "prim o. I(be leii.'hf-d'bitt' a fio'kot Ntiiiie-lii.'iit IIIM jiltimp itetsoii) ndvatii'ii

our second to I he llrst claimOrder i.f the (iolilon Html."

<rilH he plnni^l upon tunfhe*otor's KWclllit

'ration.*>f o.iurse It was

>|i| .i.-vor.itl'Mi llrst.tiloii of real Hl'ine'essly Into one nf tNow York r'lsl,

chest tin; new dwi-

Itsp drop|s.ij

royal pock-

Throimhouttlie \V«st ludles.-Oninlnml H.mlli Ainerl'ii. Ibo imtlvewnnvtiiiuike wonderful'straw bnW. Tito liMU'ltIsland of (.'iirtit iii», near VoiiiT-tieln, Ufmnous fur the exceptional women'*straw bats thHt.nrf* Ibero profluced.I'orio' Hbo a i id^ |bn iimku oicellenton*os from tin. u v o s of the pflini,while Ecuador, I'miHiiiti, Honduras mnlI'orn nre uotod for their I'aainna hn'ts.

•While wealthy men have }>ven knownto pay ns lilirli us t|f*> for a 1'iyuiniabut. such prli'm nre dwltli.sily unusual.IIIIU of the Ix-st quality, jilbiui mjdfloili.lo so thnft they may b«'folde<l anilCnrrUrd In the tiucket without Injury,caii' lw jiurcliasud for from | 2 to IV).iloiwiidlnit U|KJU UKI sbrewdm-SK of thabuyer mid tbe Ihuinclal neodn of thamaker or seller. Women and chlldron,

I \t l l | l" • ' ' . Q ' nl llu.|f lliiKurs,

d but few men ~T~make. Hit! lK*t.hnts, and but few menarc eiiicHitcd In tho Industry. No fac-tories «11st, for their production. Asthe tlmlK aro finished they are eithertraded In the vllMge utorefcavper fornecessaries or jtold to tbe ttatira bttysn,wlra send tfiem In lott of Mty to a hun-dred to the nwrobaata at tl» VOCU-V

AWtab^] "'

(CvanforH (Siiiftn•*""* I f U I TTOMDAY BT

Us*, A * Craalor*. N. j .Tswam. O— Dot*** a Y*w.

i* te OaU*

•• T«> s e t j m

Horn mift k* etna, or _by tk* writer-* nam« a* .

^ 1 9 1 6

a * a*By Ckdwfa*

tofikmtm• •' Baf C a V M V I f l f e • . . " fffsafMrMA' s t t e s t 'WlsBsaBslsl' Aaftsuattt'-faaMW

f «.-*.-- _ * ' ' m * . -s is—SMIISMSSI avakaaam - u i 1 ^ ^ " i 3 - » « - t * - *aw *»»ss*«*s - SBJBIS* • w . P * « P

Hat CMS* coieasa of aay nsaspafsjr us ^ j B j ^ Batheer** oOe* saw' a

EJkESLnt Sli!?fe?*Jf wtw-fro. i. fc-i of - n~—

ot «eod laitfc. The C Wsea "wffl prlatcommantcatieam on aay aablett otCtaeral sot***** to th* . K—ICraafori bat does awt ib*r*by _ _ ~an* reaooaaibUltr for opUUona whichmay be ««pr»aiid.

h ooantry to tbe OM that for •»»aay year* ba* ben fleadacted brHertwlga***»ll ID the New York Bad,an) which ha* always devoted • 000-•IdeYabi* spae* to tfa* Royal Own* inIt* fendaV edition.

froat oTtaw tWortTheatre and start to rid* away Theylamed lately ga*« <*•*• «•>* eWtaai down

In looking throofh say copy of t h e ! , , ,

North aveoo*, and tit* other jfeotbaveane Walt fltl

| paper today (for I am writing ibtoto Bad *?* *

Walter Betels* •'borrowed" a

^jtrtaslheworMl»— I t e a D#r1od o r


irkaa «gys<. Oner* aad B o w war*.at tk* Mgbt of their aneteot j » w «Hwtr raaiaa* «aade battta* s aod*!igaartkw. a asanlrl 'JiflCwi OWafTI ACwb

doty and a n*-Tb* pobiie bathsr*> msgnlUrent ar-

aod lBportsnt a* (-enterslaentliBaat.

th* deradea^ of these «mn***B*T to bare reverted


Tbi> epidtmia uT lofwitlW. I'tralraiiIhftl hH pru?«d «i f»Ul In New Vork,

' |*rtK»larlr In tb* Borou«b 0/ Kruuklyn,b u ipraad to New Jer»y, happily not(<> tit* eitaat tbal tbe bin city wtlm,\hKUm diaafTM wo canw and ,trn»tWMII, In fact tbe cam* !• utill wrappMl

nsaal good hews of the cbea. world. 1 7£Z*"->* tbM * * • * — • It, bat TriJ£mMmTi!l 'i""- .'.i?.**1 *onno, but woortor If the^r^Me <j " T « h t « * « « • *•' could 21 . £ £ & . : * " "* * U t l w i < ' ~. K . u - . . - . .. £*l?I?*r'?*™r- **«"» • " * " * * 1.000-ye.r, there ws. not ..

o a l t ^ ^ t o taMk"*'°P- °" l* t a* ."S * W0O1W1 »« Europe that^verqaestionedb* gave bis name a* Walter « « * * bath. If the historian of the**Young, and said an Italian named <*•*•. Michel**, la to be bellevad Th .

entlrneleaallaess In person Is _ „lii'lp in prcvautlon and ijuarantin* ofmart* prevent* I41 a great extent con-tagion Heteral caas* have developedIn I'nion County but tbe prompt anilnffKetivo measure* adopted by tb« l<«elHoard* of Health, working In uniMin,

tbe Hun hy Mr. Munaey and tb* con-sulldatlon of It with bis New YorkPrep ha* brought about tb* duxxmtino-ane* of the dies* column. If this latheease I believe *y*ry lovsr of tbe gameshould send In a personal "kick" andask tbe new. management to have tbecolumn continued and edited by Mr.Gasasll.

"lie it ordatmd by law Tn» sail IB Casualoft*» fowmbtii u / U n u d o K U tbe UoaBSi

•d b« tat- Township Uummltfce.' ur rmmtsmwmm • —"«.. * H H Ipaaad al ntntmr uiertliuj beat i a i i a l Si. IMI, I account o fand UeduitJ»eoAV»uf Ike TowaeWp C W t , | u » > la id

lwa«a* oa m loiiuwias «irsr»« ami• fn i ta Is Ike Township od.-ranfard:

•urUnratferlr «ld« uf Gnafurd a n

ilrtrb u d pwtat l ' f l

rentte f r



I bav* rtonived an Interesting letterfrom HecreUry Illckok regardlag hi*proposed aoheme for future tourna-ment*, f am pledged to secrecy for tb*present however, until- the olHdaU oftbe League bave bad a chance to goInto tbn matter a little deefer

wheel hetaking a wheel from Mr

lao admitted IHcboln* last

anto on

v y i i r »ppK«ir|il<J«mic. It Uiiy be titbeauiry to on-tablwh abaulata <|i>aranlln« agalomrblldrea from clliai'where tha (HMMWIbwobtalnaila foot hfiia T | i to date.

f l

Our l^eague Uamd is fast approacb-Ing a critical period and aomHtblng 1*•ur* to happen soon. Three differentmoves ara among those suggested,namely: 1'QKH PK0 and <JK» B».Tbe Majority favor tbe last of these andrightfully so It srwips to me. a* it onlyaflfiird* th* opportunity of

week. On Young* Information Veotiawas arrmted and oonfeaaml selling Mr.r]cbute*' wheel to a party in Brooklyn.Before Judge, lioosa that eveningVentla waa held in (MM bail for the(Irand Jury, and Young* (300 l«ll inthe Juvenile Court, be being under 10rears of age.

_ . - __ r K^>,<-u irum orr me Una."There wa* no Greece or Horn* to

bold up the mulgn of cteanUnes* to thenatloti* of• Europe Small wonder thatth* people of the continent became{physical decadents, aa Indeed theyw»r* In spire of tracfltlon-to tbe con-trary.

"It la not strange that there cameU s awful epidemics that rat off one-fourth of tbe population- of Europe—th* spotted plague, the blsck death,the sweating sickness and tbe terrible


. t fenbvnt ukU at HtlUdeW MrmtMornuui Klmtm to M«k«l«r f law.

(bhuBUa «r«iue Irna Imit* atrmiB*notthrrlt lu • puiot aso fMt tnm BMita >kl»<j(Dunham i v n u i , •

H t l * T l ( i d U l ) l b r»la|d oaiwia la UMtovioikwllw


Htntlua*. Tlu(iiid«wsUu>lu)lb> r»la|d oatovioikwllw alrMfai and part, of rtriwia la UMThrCraalttrd: - •

M<l» ol Walnal *niiu« rrouthviy toc'bMi«aut t r >

ajsrft joA1?"0"• •«•*

("tsay.'nf'"^"'", Anderson, Erie K., tLbloyk ••»*. lot M.

Backer, Howard K.,block IX, lot II ,


th ,

TOHIM nunn^nj w «.ucw««n« n^.™-.rkiu(h«rly *4de of (JDOI>1D avecm«' from Wai-

ol ar^BU« wn*U<rlt to drove vtftwt.' therlr .M»to Kaalaiaa >trm« from MUa

I tt, tu,* Kavtuukli Mtme« brklffe- •k.n J. Tba* In q m <rlMiv tk . gradaa of

nveiittw or poblki hlllhwray haver otherwfa. lea-ally

. . . ^ - - . . I-- laid ur r.iikl a.fnav IM KJ ronlorm thenrto am D«arlyim- rju* inav i*> u> ronlrfrm tnenrto a. D«arly

a» pr«.ll.-«l,l«. uid In al|eaasa. whan tlw rmde, . . . ..... > eitabbaheo' the J<le«rjjk. .hall b .

X due

II U.Tti, Thomas I I , t a l dtir

block I t . lot 1*.Ball, Lerot la D , tax due II ic

II, lot U. 'IlalMWortn, Heary J a tax uu« n

block 7». lot O. • . "Barnes, Bdwln U. tax du* f 111

HI, lot Tl.Brown. Akron, tax du» t l . i t

174. lot S . -


i . iv , DIOIlirakln.

i&t!I ownUI epidemics that followed u7t'b*Ir I !'»•"" T " •"fiafir''»• "f&SSftHr'SH.i" "«.S««r—ras«--TnTr^n7Sd^uT^^7wMTo"^ef ^W1^"^<fiiliiFi.:The-m-ewlng \&ZajSSST'mmmV*F*r *" MfiPiSfiS?*.••-• I mania .n.l . h . •.<•• . ( i I ration iTTIwowawii of laud aonMairsdlo Cummlnai. Jan

-* ..A <•!.•, IIsr»»t«walx«froaUa* on ntnHa wllbUi ih . block ax. l i t « .«d afid filth 1 i«n,,.i"i—-#..*—-*.•-i—«i i—.».. -« i—»-• . - . - • — • — • - •'•-

,».M uwwuiuanv was to naviplayed the Martin A. 0. team of New

ornfal watch h u INWO keptarrival* in l.'ranfonl. ' Our

on allhealthva* in l.ranfonl. Our health

ulMitaJ* ar* aatitl«l tomacb. rredll forIlieir prmnpinea* of action, -bulb InKiiardlng Ib* public and in |ilacing h*f tb l th f l l. fore UM peopl* tbe fullest |*a*ilble InfonjalRin as t»tir*vsnuon lUH^nrk. Umraault, a good one, baa b«inthorough (ieea up of all wvuu iuUot l l tur , e t c . In bidden liark yard*.


Kww the Hiaa In t u

To Prevmt Intanitife Parifysit.Tha Muci*ty t>x Improving the < Vm.

diliona of tb* Wior in New Vork Oily.l iu aant out th* following letter:

Keep tb* kiddle, ouol, rlMto aiulcoinfortaM*. Keep tb*m out of ennand .-peolally»w8y fmin kiddie* withvi'ldi or other allmenta. Kww taw.yby «ov«ing or dn*ln.»lng anTthing that mlgbt attract th* Die*." any*th* Department of Mootal Walfa«e-«f-tbrNe» York Aawoiatlon fnr lni|iroringthe Oondltioa of the I'wir in aiuteinrnt

^lMii«d O4i Xlouday in which -It glvtwprai'lioal nuggtaiioh* lu tbn rxaidiintt ofNun York (My and lla auhurlM withragjird'to tb* Infaiililo iwnity.ln, T b . . U t e . u e n t « , . further

Ifyourklddiaaarn In Ifa.. country,l».hai.kfu|lUr that and k», . themlb«K If tlJey ar. nut In th<i wmntr

. I, but tbroaten* Kt KKlfiwith effect: PKB would I iwllAvii losea pawn for white with nothing to pom-ponaate therefor.

Tb<«e wbo bave followed tbe gumnfrom tbe atart will remember that I•ugge*t«d I'-Kft for white's 10th move"Sir II D Kusbmnrof Ullca cballeng«<itilt* move and he and 1 forthwith start-nil two gainns, I playing while la bothgames and he replying; ff P-R-1^ In twit

. _ . —....»». w. umm of New-ark on the Orchard street grounds, butthai team did not abow up; likewisetbe team that was to have played the

[ Oarwood A. 0. did not show up. Quicktelephoning arranged a game with Oar-1wood, the loatU- Journeying to tbatj

mania and the biting mania"The bath was banished and flltb

was almost deified. Indeed. It w«»then thought that tbe aancttDcatlon oftb* body was only accomplished whenthat body waa Indescribably dirty.

lay sldewalka froaUac on olnHa wttbln - - -IxmudarlM aTunaakl aaall lay t o . iddswsUui Inf n a t »f tbulr rnpeetive lota or tract, of l*adin amordalKw with the »|>wJlloerloo» aboveiaenll4>iMtl and tbe owawr. of u a d ao requiredlo n lay alilewallM fronting on alreela wtthtatbabiMMiarMialormakl akall relar •Uewslka

TTSrjCTr;, t u " "due n (

inwa IC, tax du» , , ,

tax due u-i


Vitrlation*. one wbkh Im callad "Urnwork*" anil the oilier "common *ei>«« "The game uf "firework." ha* juit iiwnconcluded, I being fortunat* euougb towin it Tb (

_ adm.nfaierlng to the Oar-wood* a crushing defeat by n 1(1 H M»re.Uranfonl WIIIIKIW mventesn bit* offDuabannk, while llwnlvr held Uitrwoodtu four hlnglua. 'The snore


Cleveland, uiltan.block' *i. lot 21.' ^,

Dmr, Alvin, tax due | l i l ,lot J. '

Day, Jaa. llenrr, lax du* I I n| « . lot 4*.

Dotjr, Oeo. W., Oliver Oranr'.nil Mt*


K. n.! !S 0.11 M S . 0 - 1 6 IT' I 1 0 • o o 0 Or- « Iarwood .i I I 0 i o 0 0 Or- « I 4

Hatterlna Hnealnr and Tunlnun; Crunfonl; lJuibanek, Brown and lyiiiipfrt.

sWIritf a aHsry of a Pound of BuMw,Whieh Pslrrts a Meral.'

Some years sgo when Thomas L.r . I vert, chief bupector of tbe Ohio

.dairy and fund department, was run-f ining a general store In a country• ' town, a woman cam* lntu the atore

•IWJI ouwa, Nwaii u* riven iroia urns lo time toMuch property owner, bv tbe Township Clerkwh,*n dlrMcbYl by rew»bitloa of the Townat^lp

win it Tbn acorn is appended.HcnU'b UunTbit

I'liulwlxk ItiiKliiunr i rhmUwHIHa>k Wlillr

I'K4 IIUlllK.uiu it r>HI ' l l ' I ID K IIII IIIUltl

o i'UII.1 KKI Kt~ IIUKU I'UlU>, lliKI MillII


Wlllt..I I' Kl« Kl Klia


I* Kir"

«l ..a u:

, a H..1 H Kl Kf.I'lB'ku

In llmHill

"ruiuiiioii senau'


I1 KillUlllUKt

variation IIwl that I am getting thn worst of It,uail shall bo glnd to publiab tho com-plete acoro of that Kama Inter. . . • • ..

Addroaa ail communications to M. II.Ohiwlwick,' CranforO. N, ,1.

~ ^OrTn»~Tlrl)rH»l**.Makliiit an adding niai-lilne rpi iulml

•.he drilling of ten holm In u »t«>lI'lslr a thirty unwind uf a h Inch thl'ki-ai'h boh, to I * Birunttp to a thotiKundtll uf un Inch, vet no blgfrer thmia pin In dl»inWi>r. Murli a«l'i[i|ii>,| the iiifliisfsi'tiirr of tin- nis-•'him1 ou ii coniiuen'liil haHlH tifttil tbe.liKi-ntiir of tin- calruls lor could luvmil» IIM'IIIIH llf "I'lVlllK II

Tlir mai'liliM' III>VIJII«I sta.idii butlwrlvi> 'Ini'htx. ItlBh," Thi> dr i l l -whichWH« lull 11 rarrlr< leu uplndlim. faf l iholiitii^ JI ilrlll of \ o II. Mitrwc tfiiiiKi1.nlih'h 1.H .iIMJIII Ilii' lxi> of H pinof ordlnari tixr- Ku' Ii Illlli' s i lver of<lwl Ihut diKtt tliH.-wurk It i lrlvcit tltJii lii'lt o|ii'iullnj{ IhroiiKh a cam headaiitl llirrt'forp works at I In- satin* n p n i lux th.-it ot i\* iii'lKhlKin*.. - .

Tin' ui-tiiHl ilrllllin; nxjulrvti I en »i"0unds. - l l l i i i t i i t i i i l World:

,»._w .U.V llfB IUJIV

with a. amall quantity of butter whichshe wanted to sell.

"We made thai ._. ^rL^^=s!_1=St

through the cream, *o we decided to**U It," she said. "You know, It willOsaka no difference Just so tbe personwho eat* the butflir does not knowthat tb* mouse was In the cream," sbeadded.

Mr. Calvert bought the butter, pad

dlrMcbd \ty r*w»ltitli>a uf tha Townatilpn t w of tlix Tuwmlilp of Uraaford; MMI

71, lot II .Parana

R. ,„ „,„

tfertlttii &.. In I?A4MI Mali, owner or Hwntr. .hallfall hi lar «ucll Nillrwalk. anconllat to tha re*q.uu-Mii«,tit* i'f thli. Mrdlnamti., ihn Townahtpt*(tii)iuUteH HIIAII cmt1^ thn work to be done slid(be ciwt Iherifof, wltli Inter**!. Mball be I . M W « It b . « » t IU«r<»4,up<ui tlw lot i,r lm l l k l l k

ibawnrato IwdoiuauSllli liilwwl, >liallb«aian*wUuf laud In tn.ut uf W h

l l h | i l dup<ui tlw lot i,r lutauf laud In tn.ut uf wWrhml<l>kl«walk««hallha'<.|<r<.iilald or relald, laanninfam-f *ltlitlu..Mtul.luattch caw ra*d«antl | i n , » l t l « N l i


run. but have all posalliltt I'oiuldaratlulitor the people in tbe oiuutry. itvforsgoing away with a child from a districtwbnre tbere hav*. been citana, have tbo

«'lnlil carefully eiatnlnwl to niikkv surethat h« 1» In a position lo go-awuy andHint ho cannot aiirpae* Ibe •'IriNilut

. , . . . . . .-iinnrmmiirirrx|Ue*t»tl that tho council take promptaction in granting rei|iio* tbo rail-mail coihpahy tu allow them to grade

•auliun,: Hut ll ii ^ M ^ - t ^ l * * * * * ^ ^- ttrat.venit.Niw Y,rrkC.-it,. where the ^ ^ T ^ t of Clinton Mrest. ThU•.pidwilol.wor.t, only on. obild ,„ wouWjnMn «n pxcav.tlonpf from IH to

Also keepcalai yourwlf." Infantil* a frightful tbiug,.'to boguiirtled again*! *y every |ir«

....... NOTES... I'uunijil bold u regular

last Tuamljty ijlght In theHorougb. liall.'tbo main business helnx

j!1JiyVuU4ln_ilii--faet in'jSlntkstreeUfrom Monroe uvuuuo, north. Th« clerkwu* Inatructod to notify'tlto HulnHelilI'nloif Watur Ouiuiuuiy of the action uftlm wiuiicll. aoiiding them tt copy of tboreaolutlui. as postwl.

,1 H. (,'ttlilwtill, rtiprosonllng tbe Kaliway Valley KallRdad, was prejontitifH

Two Coyot.a... '"\Xv wutt'lifd two ruyou-s In captlv*

l|y tho OIIUT dny." xald njiiun tntcn-Kl-I'd In hiiiiiiiiii' work "'lliiiT «•«••. iJfI lie HHiii. IIKV, of tl'u> nilou Ixitli nidi's Tbvy Imva1 yi>»r ronllii«l-lii-the-t«fcv-. u m o>Ibtun. tin' inultv i s «« Mlli'M'u rren-turi- at one uilfiht viiT w . uliuiwt iit'i'-rr i|iiH'l. hurryluK haik slid forth withrapid steps froui out1 md of thi- CUKI*to the other, al'puri'iitl.v hevtr f iwfrom fvar. the ri'Htln.i» mid wild.The othvr. the fenmli'. Is MM tteutli;, as

«-• wv fund, f*>u

died It Into a different shape anil putIt away hi a cool place In the rear oftbe store. Two day* later tbe womancam* bark to tbe atore to buy. aoiuebutter. Mr. Calvert sold ber the but-ter ho bad bought from her. He hadbought It for that very reason. IntendIng to teach tbn.woman a lesson. Thenext time tbe woman came to thestorv she told Mr. Calvert that the

I butter he h»il_i!o!d_iier_wa»_uf- flu«-quallty and sho asked wb«re be got It,• "It wa* what you sold me; yonknow you said that It would make nodifference If no one knew that tbemeuae ran throqgh tbe cream." Mr.Calvert sald.-C'olumbu* DUpatch.

K-tlil.m y,i the abuttlnic uirn~ NitiMittM may t* made

u, nut to uic'eed teu


ill *M|LlU II . . . ~ ~ » «

wltb lnt.-r**.t ib.TMou at l|li- rate of Mix pert-rhl. |*-r annum, bayaM,. nl tbe nanin time a .thr In.liillii^nU. rarb uptltlourr to »UU: In hlaapplti'atlnu tbw li iiKtli of tltileUmlrwl In ntblchtu iiiflke |«i)iii,-iitii, pruvtiltil, bowevur, NUrb

Itl.MI l» pnwiitv.1 lo tlw TDWilahlp l.ulumlt-wUliin iiliii-t - 'la.VM lifter the ronflrniallon

o>f tb*< ItHvMMliinilt.• M*I-I1MII 7 Till" onlinaiKH Kball take effectllum.dUlrly, -

lla|j»i July }, IWIfl.1

-AI.VAN li. PENMAN,Towimhlp Olerk.

- — . . ^ m , - Frail G 4 taxWotk H I . lot* 17 and l "

<< Co., tax ilue $1,11, block l l j .

J. K., lax due | i I I . hint,

II P , tax due |1.4«. bim,

K.. tax due 10DS,'ot 34

111, lilt* IIlli-Kulln. John T . tax du* 11 I*, block i

B, lot it.lot 82.Hanaen, tlvrrtian. tax du* $2.92, DII, liit 43. .Hvctor, Mary B.. A,, tax due SI K,

k G i

Hanaen31, liit 43 .

Hvctor, Maryblock Ga>, lot ti,


Notice of Hearlnir.Al th« luwlInK o| till

•if th« T»Hu«bliii.rU l h

Ti.wn.hlp Uomniltta*iinl in th*« (^tuuty urtil f U W l. ..„ -«...... , ,n'iti,niHi tne i,-ouiity uf

Unlun. bxlilj l i l i es . IMS, tile following petitionwow prtTwnt*'*!-To.tlln Towoalllu (\iillinlttt'e«f the Town-

hlilp of (Tniifurd. lu tht. countv of I

— , tt,UH*tvnof property In.iitli.KWluro'ii <tenl|;tiiilal a

nnlr«rtntttrf-tlMJ uwll-n CunimlilipjWrwt,iimi and TbIUHI Thoiua.'

the TowiMh.p

Th* Story 6f a Famous Hymn.I The fsiuous| hyni.i Iwginnlng "Ood'move* in a mysterious way," known

vjcft^of^'^ tttemted ,u l c k l e , O n e y ^ntu o o n itttruyiau hlmaelf, he got lntc,. eab „,,, o r < j e r e ( , ,„„ driver ,„ ukem,,, w , rertalu pojut o n ^ e river

appuri'iitl.v nevtr fiw T l l e cabman, noticing hi. strange

<tei!H-miial —nv»-tiu*', a pjililjc ntnt-t . - . .of Crlnif,,ril .IJU. which the Hraile Ha_lH! n tvlabUMhml by onlinanoH do herebyl-t'lUfimrmlr tioitorHiili, IHH1.V to Impnive HaluIHirtluirori'tiuuiiliiKH Hkrm-t by inaoatUniUlns;thn Minn from riirb to corb i.ut«en (ld> feel Intlie e n t e r kl In'rlKbt IH) -.llu'lieU dn-p and thebnlHi'f . , >l* /Hi'*....!..-. -' . -

llovey, Kilward T.. tax due tl It,block 61. lot £.1 •

liamond. David J., tax due II ii,block lSn. lot. 11

llurrla. Frank K. tax due II.4s, block167: lot 20.

limhawuy, Frank L, tax due 12 Hi,block l»», lot «.

lloran. Lllale. tax due I!.111. block414. lot 4.

HowKate. Cynthia, H, tax .due II it,block 7, lot SJ.

Johnaon. Anna C, tax due I1.4C, blo,.k1, lot 34. . ' - - .

Jennlson. Ifanna L, tax due H It.block 20,' lot «.

Jffika. Will !.. tax due 12 92. block36. lot 1».

Johnaon, Will B., tax due 11.46. block43. lot 17.

i*°'''"'v'l^rrti I., ti* •"'*TnocTPTJTlot 31. - « -

Jairobaon. BenJ. N., tax due |1.4i>.hlo, K 160. lot 8, -

- - Johnson; L«on O., tax dus I2.J.H,.bljick 410. lot 1. • . . . - '

l."«ch, Jairirn C , tax due II .H, block18, lot lo.

Leonard, Isabella, tax due 11.46, block36, lot 20, '

nl.U «iillvr»..ii jn'lhbldeno^ilaki »tr««t In an-I

. Uvlnnston, ri| 16(1. lot 11.,

Malaon, Bertha A.,block 64. lo t SO.

1 U"WJ, V-t_ „ . . ( i B i u c n u i w w »\r*mi III a o - I - , , , , _ _ u * i i v i i l u F- r n v

m n l a w e with the pUn» and .peelllcatlon, • ! • ,, nL ' , / i i . 1 '

cpltsl bv }'..ur .oiuiiilltTO br hwiutloll panned I l l l9';1< . *"• I o t - '••AiiKii't lotli. lull ami tiled In the omcie of theTownship Olerk. , "Hpec|floatlonn furOoticn-ttt Ctirb Oiitl<'r*. the work to bedon*: umler<thei«ii|it.rviRloft of, an<t In aojord.

I MIL* with tlw I'lun» and apeclncaUuluf to liepn>|iarMl W tlm I'.iwmhlp Kiiiiuuwr.

I—D8TSTApril W, "lils. . •H. II. PHUB8OHBK,

. IIUtiTAV J. WKNKB.Notice I* huroby ^iven tlini

WKDNKallAY. JULY 19, 1010,at»-:» .,'i-l.»'k 1>. M. ha<i Imin Hxnl m the time

12 14.

P.. tax due »t.46. block

tax, due

Vai due



'.',000 ha» bad tb* diaeaso. That u..»• rbanii* in i,000 should IM gtiardwl

ugulnat absolutely, but it 1* not sitltl-••lent cauae for panic.

"In New York's auburhs. w h o n i t h eparwutajie uf caaea la atlll l e u , there I*•till lea* oauaa for alarm liecuuso allcondition* are lass favorublo for tbe•prwad of Ib* diseas*."

Dr. PcrUns'Lecture.Tho First M. K. Church won ooni-

furlably filled With p«r«m^ |B tt avnnlngto listen to a lecture niton by Ur. J. Ll'orkins on Iefaatil* l>aralyiia.

Tho diictor who ka* had aovorul cases,who kaa bad levarul cawn,Kuye a roo*t' Intorwting dlaouunm, inwhich be amid than wars about twenty

. difforaat forma, no (wa Iwing »Hk» Intact, tbe oaw* h* bad treated had notI lik Ill

20 foot, It wo* oxplaineil, aud Mr.Ualtlwoll wa* sum It would moan a bigImproveroout to tho Ijorough in brlnglnuIn morj) fuctorlaiJ Mr.' baldwoll poliitodout tbilt It waa now Impossible to reachcertain industrial enterprises ou ac-count iif the condition of this road.Councilman UuUvr was opposed tu open-ing up this street without first gettingpermission uf tbo individual owners wbobave property on Ibis street. Tbe mat-ter was referred to tbn, highway com-minianer, and Mr, Caldwell wu* ttssur-ed by Mayor Bovd that ha wniibt hn

Hla lecture wan dlvldocHnLamlMabk

. . - ,-, ^ . . . .M.—ug

notlUed of the action of the committoewithin four or ttve days. .

A resolution was adopted authorisingthe Borough Clerk to advertise for bidsfor the laying of a concrete sidewalk inNewark avenue. The bids will bo open-od the..first mooting in August. Thoborough treasurer, A. H. Leuler, re-

and prevootlon. II* said transmissionwa* du* to moral things, direct con-tact, and Wood sucking insects, priuci-•tally Miss and bed bugs. Aa a preven-tive the best thing* to clo waa to keepuway from crowds, cleanliness, andkeeping tbe Child'a bowels open. As to

troatmsnt, perfect quiet was twat, and "X Year In Hell.'* There willto try and hat* *h* child help luelf by i K c ia l music and an orchestra,keeping muscle) In operation. It was - - -possibl* to gi»* too much treatment,'th*.k in*- - » • • — • • •

.„ tho biir-iaud lie |H'<UHI. is without fi"Hr, n rc«tful. and on? might linuKlnt'. a content-ed animal. Hore is {be old iiueKtloiiof-heredm^—KaiuUies^of-bumttus prr-sent tlie sume problem."'— Detroit I'lffr'resii.

Turk*' Nam** For Or'sekslThe Turks liuvi'/u't'tlnlt^ names for

tliv Urveks irho inliiiblt Ottoman territory aud for those who nri> their owuuiuitt'i's. Tlii' latter ar« Ytinu.i andtheir country VununUtsn -nauii'si de-rlvwl from "loula"—while lbt> Grvvksand Turks ant ltuin. Uy orUjlu tills isslinpLv "ItouiausV and Is au Inherit-«nct> fn>ui the lly'xantlne ilava. \rbi>uthe Inhabitants of CouslHUtluopli>, ttiuutnr Itouic, were cullt-d Kuuiulol. whileI hi' |irovlnciBls,wert' kuuwu as lU'lliidlkol. "Hiiui1^ was tin' wuquerluK

-'IHiika' uhnJp fur tin' liynautine emplrv.It' survives In Itouuirllu, wblliv the(•opuhir lirwk IUUKUUKI' of tlir prvsvulday la still knoun us Uoiuuk'. Butevery Urvek.. lu UrociV or In Turkey.tails biiust'lf A Hellene.—i.oudou Speolator.

A Mlataks 8ern*wh*rs,A helpful friend rvcvutly r<>i

... H V . , , , H B uis SirHUgl* Sp-pearaucp and fevluig that all might not

4wjlghtwlth-*lm*droT»i'lirurfu^utTBrcity and flnally stopped In front of tbepoet's door. Stepping out and recog-nising the old familiar surroundingsand shockodjit the_thgujfht_ofjils_juui_rowTesoape, Cowper excuilmed, VtioUmoves hi a mys^erloui way his won-'dera to perform," and. rushing In, O U{^T"lounediately composed the Immortal Union, hhymn.

_. ......n • . ,„. HIM iweu nxeu m tbe tirns.inti thv Towiihtifp ttooniH, coriivr of AulenHtrrtft n'nd IJtiloti nveuue, <7ralifonl, N. J.,aHtlwiilacvivbirelbeTowiwhlu Committee trillmt-«t to L'iilinklrr <*l>iectloimJnwrJLtUlaVtu-liw«4Mwf^-HicntlnneitntnTl'T!pro^HMr liiiprovement

I oreMfiit^l on or before ^ald liwt mentioned>nltT of tho 'fowttHulp Oimmlttee,

ALVAN 1<: UKNMAN,Tuiviltthip Clerk.

V J l» * . K

Notice of HearingAt the metiliiK of the' Township Committee

f tnt-TowiiMbli' "r l'^^.'^-1 •- '"- "

The Louvre.The Louvre dates away, back to the

celgu of Dugubvrt In ,t$28. lu 1204 Itwaa a prison aud lu 1304 was madeInto a library. The new building wasbegun by Francis I. hi 1328 anil en-lartred- and adorned by sucrosslvekings, principally by Louis XIV. ButIt wan Napoleon I.•

»t 'he Township Ootnmltt««bipor Onmrordtn tri« County ofw«im.«day, June 28, ivio, th« rol-utlon wiu unanilnuunly-adotd

nt t t

_ . . ^ . , c « i i. woo gave' tbeLpurre Its. real Klory. Turuiuj," it lutua museum. Napoleon deposited In It

- . inuu\wgB. stat-ues and art treasures known In theworld. The magnificent buildings of

'the new Louvre .were begun by Napo-leon 1. and completed by Napoleon III.

I IUWIIIK rtwoltitfon wiw unanimounly. adopted :. ••llKrlul,VKU, that pursuant to an act of the

Ufrlalnture or thiv Sum of Mew Jersey entitled"An Act to iiulhoiiau the Improvement ofpublic roiulM or Ntreetit lu townships of thistHat«."lipprov«l March «S, lull and the ainend-iiifiili thur«*if and HUppleiuentM thereto ;'chu*e-niont Plact', a publlo Htreet In thti Tuwnahlp- ofOraufonl ou wnlch the Hradehaa U.>eueatabllHh-<-dby urdlnanct-lw Improved from Union ave-nue to Prcwytt't avt'iiuu by Kradlur the same tothe xrmlu ntialillNhiHl br ordinance and raaoa.<laniUltiic tin--*»iiif! from curb to enrb six (0)tncht*OLln--|i and by laying carlM andlttutter. onbothxhb'MofMtlit portion of iwui street in accordHnt:e witbplrtui mid spuclllcaUoiis adopted bythis (.'oniiulttei' hr rtriolutioniiaMed August Is,mil , awl nl«» lu tlie office of the TownshipClerk rnlltlnl 'MuicUlcntloh. for ConcreteOurJ»<]^UuUUEu!^h»jw«Jrto-binlon8rnnueF

TKH iin»,^rvljl •* ' '~

Major, ThroUo. la Cblix-ll 67. luln 7 and »

llntaon. Calvin, tax due 12»«. blockCa. lot 22. .

Mclsaac. Itobt J tax due U . K . block16fr. lot so: . "

TUUlspuuch, Chas. I I , tax due | 2 19.block 406, lot 30 .

MacMahon. Mary, tax due la HI.bluck 409, lot 41.

Moikan. UrldKt't, tax due I2.B2, block414. lot 6. ; ' • • - .

*- Merrill, Normanv=«*npritnFtt?4«f block41», lot 33. ', Nathanson, Adolf, tax due 124,0»,

bluck 3d, lot 11. ., Ohlson. Rllce (}., Inx .l.ue | M 6 , block

33. Joi 37. « .Oatboul. Chan. _\\'.1_t«x__djlfi_.ll_ll!.._

about 1857.

Si. Paul's M. C. CburdiThe pastor preaches morning and

evening. Large congregation* are at-1 iue,r were round all uands jumped andtending tbe Sunday servioea and bear-1 >flllHl "loot Klivfully. This, he trii-dlog tho special aeries of aermons for I!° n'">''»IJuly. Tor, subject Sunday evening: is

. - „ wmuiimiuigmt'llia

ability of tbecWM to help itself beingi worth far nor* th*u massaging thelouacles. Tbe doctor was gtreu a Voteof tbaaks aad a collection was takon todefray expsose*.

., DU -.At PlsinfteW, N. J.. on Wednasday.

July IS. IBIS. Joseph B. Hall in his TMyear. FttoeraJ sarvhae* will be belt atbis Uta rsskleace, t? Fairvlaw aveaue, a.^.— ^ ^ . •North PUlnAald, oa Triday. July 14tb, I pupa, oorner

j a t l ^ ' a s . t - i ' - : - - - ' : - ^ 1 ^ ' - 1 ' - - ' • '•• - I ^ - - - - - - • - -

Services for Sunday as follow*;Morning worship, 10.43, Mr. IVlli

us iu w i l l* a TUUnT*p~hH e liTTuiit a Hiiuii-we IIIHHI tu piny In* tHiyhond'H glndiiy* calleil "hldlUK In the luifu." HelUvgi-d that p«,rt of the nuns hid utidthe resfsvarrhi'd for them, und wheuthey were found all hands juiopeil aud<-'1-1 ; Kl«'fully. This, he trted

us, was very, very "funuy.

Maybe Y«u Know—.The nuo who always asks "What

day's todayr "What tUne 1, Itr- ,h*?

s7wasUUher our meiuofi

y y fuuu.vIs fnllltitr or w ef h

g worship, 10.43. Mr.tisr will sins during this service.

Sabbath School. 1*.Epworth League, 7.Kvonl'ng worship, 8. .Tb* Ladle*1 T*» will bo held Friday

afternoon at tha boms of Mr*. 8. M.Wood. 401 Orchard Street '

.. . . , . n i u | or WI'

have lust our nous? of humor, fur aswe it-collect II our father did tbe bkl-UiK aud we jumped anil yelled. AndIt does out seem amusing to. us ev*uyet.-Kansas City Star.

8srious Obstacle."Ba* your boy .started In business

.('V 'Ue's been out of college over- ' • - ' - lOoUng

•rnorrouTET'wIiris big as afull moon, with a calendar under It

And who nerer, never, never tuts amatch.

And wbo always borrowa. your pen-cil and takes It away.

And wbo never looks up anything bewants to know, but comes to you atyour busiest hour and asks you.—Blch-mond Times-Dispatch.

-. of, unit la accordance wttb.wcincattoMK to bo prepared by the. eu"{> ""y,

Notice IN hereby lilvtn that r - blocWKDNKttVAY, JULY \9, W\(i, '• Van

Ostrander, Ueo.. <ax due 12.In, block410. lot 40.

Cottar, Klmor F.. tax due 13.65, blockHancliili. Rcub«n H., tax ilue 14.58.

block 4»8, lots 40 nnd 41.Rusari Peter J., tax due II 48. block

413. lot 110.llommli), Oenlnllll, tax due 11.46,

block 261 lot 16.Hturr, feiitlii'rlna. tax due 11.41, block

42. lot ».)Schrelner, Anna A., tax due }1,46,

block 44,1 lot 27.Schrelner. Anna A, tax due 12(2,

block 64,\lots 40 2nd 41. . (1Sehrelner. Aana A., tax due II.45.''

block 84. Jot 36.Hchrelnibr. Anna A. tax due t l 4(, >

block 85. {lot 3D.StwennoB. Peter and Obera;. Chas.

due 14.38,'blocK 112. lots 1 and 2.Hears, Will K., tax due 12.1V, block

409. lot it\-ntocK 414,-T

tax /


409. lo t 'aA "' • -• '—Spencer , [Ira, tax-due | 2 i s hlocllot 13, \

Thompklihs, P. O., tax due 11.46. 1


Town Not

BdwardUru Is on a b>Baltiaaore. Md.

Oeorge-P. Ferguson aat AUecusaret for tbe Sun

Oity water baa beenOaatral Railroad freight •

F. Q. Dyke* and familj- tb* Sauuner at Plymoull

. A baby girl was born UFrank Nick but Saturda]

Dr. A. L. Johnaon willday for a vacation at S

Pi-Mrs, 3.Z. Smith and d

a n spending the SummePoint. Pa.

Uoward Cox and fanstreet, are occupying thaiLake Hopatcong.

•Mias Uenevlave Miller,'Pa- la visiting Miss Kattof Holly atreet

Dr.- D. E. RobinsonUnion avenue are spendion E1IU Island.

Edw«r.l^Uitr.el. uf BaIng at the residence of Cin Burifsido avenue

Mr and Mr*. San lingfamily are apending tlEagltnmeare, Pa. .

Mias Kdna Hauaon, ofvisiting Our couaiu, Miaason, of North avenue.

Luther Snell. o( Norfoing at the bouiwoJ Mr. iV. Randolph ou Walnut

' James U. Koyoe of Areturned from a fourCalifornia and other Wi

Miaa Sarah KdroorPrincipal ot the Cranl•pending the SummerY.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hreaidents ot Crunfonl,Into tbetr new bonin onlast Friday.

K. R. Boadle of Pr•pent tbe week-end wiMr. And Mr*. Kdwanl 13Held aveuuo.

There is now a now i-The arrival took.pluculog at tbe home of MrNielson on Walnut aviti

Robert S. Milieu, of IYork, hadjwjto selectoof Education as priuci|land High School, inCorlies, resiKnodi. Tbe following latteiCranfonJ |io»t orlico un<Jobanne Cliftord, Mr.

. , HaJr....Frank L. Leuvy. M.Schnoor.

Miss Adele M Hull,and Mrs. W.-W. Hall,been appointed vocal >land Academy, at U

' She will begin her dut13. Miss Hall's wonbeen heard many timecerts in Crahford.

- Dr. Henry J. Cloot• Westcheliter, N, Y,, <

Cranford their homo,place in the Riversi

• Mr. Qoeckel is an »and profein New York City.

Mrs. W. W. Hull, oentertained the Aftui



Jr.. Chas. H., (ax du. $1.46.

!?lr'«¥i.Jr-.- J . C" tax du. $i.«(|,

•lUe ' 12.11,

13 «5. block

tl .46, block

FOK built tor

yetr"No. .

a year now. but -he'*around." — '

'tVbr don't you take him In with


• Nature'* Elequene*,'There la eloquence In the tongueless

wUd and a. melody in the flowloKbrw>k« and the nutlUig of tbe needsoesfee them which, by their Inconceiv-able relation to something within tbesoul, awaken tbe spirits to a dance ofbreathless, rapture.—Shelby.

Proposal.* For Bridge on Spring-Held Avenue, Cranford, N. J.

Vr«*older.attlK- Court HouMjKllia

THUKSPAY, JULY 27, HIS,ni., for the following usseribed work*

. . . . . . . . . ~_iaa.. Mfn1108 04.- f ac tory w i t h TanJ


tax *lu*


Mr, .w» . . r ,Bach bid

check IThe!

EXCURSIONSLake (Hopatcong $ 1• ^ • " • N D A Y A N D t t U O A v

at her residence 1*1Bridge was played onHall residence, after'were served by the hwas won by Mrs. WeMrs. Mason. Mrs.Little, Jr..-Mrs. Fay,Marshall, Mrs. Meye

Tji order to_pr*vgnj

i bid mint be accompanied by a certifiedrorswu, aa rwjulrealbT tb««p«incaUoi»I'ummittwj remrvea the rtfht to reject

anyoral lbkUanioaytwdeemediMst for Ibelntormu uf the County of UnCn.


Proposals for Co*!.

r Ha -"toceet. AddnaartwaX NawTortt

a year, and I don't make that VJmTisejii;**;:ta*^|ih»^:rj«J!iB|iis|

"m """"'

|Telepbone II

mosquitoes, which aition and- disease, IMosquito Extarmicrequest property o«with them in flgbtinplaces aa garbage band pools of .stagnanare ideal places forThus far the towmconsiderable aid in <breeding places and

. ultimately terminalof these undesirable

A most enjoyableth* Morning BrldCaalno yesterday,present, five tabletladles played onwere woo by Mrs.a desk set; Mrs. Speal traveling nag, &third, a rag rug.Mrs. H . F . SootbaiPlammer and MAaolber Bridge wi

i t .ta«

U s a u i l

• tax du>

*»« It « .tax j a .

due ti ( i




h i -

tax du* | ] i i

dli*. 11.41

«l H. L., t,

ta*du* | 2 i ,

W-r tax. due

tax due

• »*t, blocax du* | i «i,

•« du* ti.41. Wg

- tax du. i i , , I

»< 3». ULuck IIJ.1

X due $1.48. i

: du, | , .«, . „,„,„]due lQ.tttV

i i du*, 1

i* du* It >2, bliKk-

i- lax due « m ,

tax du* ii <(i

tax du* l i 4i,

X du* tl.4(. block

t*. tax due |z ^

•Iue |! . 11). block

R . lax .due | i |«,

x due II 4«, l)|u..k

tax due H «.

lu*-'W.»i, block

t du« •]..««. block

tax due $1.

tax due tx.u,,

due II.It, block

Jue |1 40, block

:Mu*'tlat. blocktax due | ! JJ,.

due II.«C. block

tax, due l l . lt .

Vail due US*, j '

Iue |3.ti, block

due tl.4«, block

tax due |2ig,

ax due I*, ti.

' 12.1)2. block


due $!4.0»,

>.-!>-.U, block

ue I2.1D, block

Iue |3. tS, block

ax due 14.58.

tie II 48. block

due 11.46.

ue $1.41, block

X due }1.4(.

ix Jue

*' due ll.4S.'i

' du* »!.«.<

>r». Chas. tax1 and 2.

12 IB. block

le II.46. block

<ax-du* 11.46,

du* |1.48.

ue ,' f i l l ,

> **/«». block

»M«. block

o. tax cu*

Tka daagar was o w * .sjfcaa t t »«n arrind, la*' mtUmmt aavta*h«av*d oat of the wtadosr Mat « a s

boraiag aMrrily ia Ik* ws»ts»a».On Kooday «naii ic . •koal U » On

Town Notes.

Cdward Oraa 1* on a busine** trip tuBalthaora. Md.

Oaorga-P. Ferguson and family areat Allensmrst for tbe Summer, •

Olty water has been placed io theCentral Railroad freight station. , '

F . Q. Dykes and family • are spending- tbe Summer at Plymouth. Haas.

. A baby girl was born tu Mr. and Mrs.Frank Nick last Saturday morning.

Dr. A. U Johnson will leave oa Moo-day for a vacation at Standing Stone,

. £ * • - _ _ _ • 'Mrs, J. Z. Smith and daughter, Kutn,

are spending the Summer at ChimneyPoint. Pa.

Howard O6x ami family, of drovestrtet, are occupying their bungalow atLake Hopatcong.

•liia* Uenevlave Miller,'of Monroeton,Pa- ia visiting Miss Katherine Johnson,

t Holly street -Dr.- D. E. Robinson and family of

Union avenue are spending the Summergo Kills Island.

Edward Uitrol. uf Uayuunn, is visit-ing at tbe~ residence of Charle* Schultz,in Burinude avenue

Mr and Mrs. Santiago iitrcnlla andfamily are spending tho summer atEagle»me*re, Pa. .

Miss Edna Mali son. of MorrifliJwItrtt

danuvered lacVxtatructioa by 3 . R. Oroeacswr oaBircbllekl street This the departaw*!extiairaianwt before any great damage

done. A large part of the Bight'aa devoted tu trying to obtain a ctoe

the iacendiary, as the building badII tbe earmarks of being parpuaely aet

ablaxe, having started in a barrel of•having* taken oat of the boose.

At the meeting of the Needleworkuikl bold at the home of Mr*. C. It,ue, Jr., un July lu\ Mrs. Johnaon.

chairman of the Committee on Suppliuireported that mocb cookl be done toaid the buapltaia on the Mexican bonier,

ork having bean prepared, over fortyirticlee tnadVby toa-Uoikl- h a i e j w i n

warded to the Newark Branch andill leave Newark fur the boapitals

sear El Paao, Texaa. on-Thursday ofthis work. Old counterpanes and pierm

light colored material, preferablyottos, are solicited. Even very smallcrap* can be used, also bright colored

tu make • Cuuifui't m a " fw

ting nercousiu, Miss Kloreuceion, or North avenue. '

Luther Snell.. of Norfolk. Va , is vimting at the bourn of Mr. and Mrs. B. VV.K. Randolph ou Walnut aveuue.

James p . Koyoe of Alden street, hasreturned from a four weeks' visit in.California and other Western point*,

Miss Sarah Kdmond, SupervisingPrincipal ut the Cranford Schools, inspending the Summer at Coboclou,-N.Y. , • . . .

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Horton are againresidents of Cranford. having movedinto their new bonie on t'itunefel street^l i f t Friday.-. •

K. li. itoadle of Providence, It. 1..spent the week-end with bis parentx,Mr and Mrs. Edwartl Beadle,'of Spring-field aveuua,

There is now a nuw cop on tbo force.The arrival took .place ymterduy morn-ing at tbe home of Mr uliJ Mrs FrankNielson un Walnut avilnue.[ Itobert S. Milieu, of J1urlcbe»ter. New

.York, has beiu selected by the Hoardof Education as princi|>ul of "ihe^CtoViFland High School, in place of J. A.Corlies, resignod.. The following letters remain in theCranford pout uHico uncalled for. * Mi*sJobanne Clifford, Mr. Harry Holdon,Mr. (W^ llains^Mr. V-, Ilawkius, MrFrank L.' Ltsavy. Si. l'uinmers, t)r.Schnoor.

Miss Adele M, Hall, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. W. W. llal|..QT_CranforiVhasbeen appointed vocal instructor in Way-land Academy, at Beavor Fnlls, Wis.Sbe will begin her duties, on September18. Mlas Hall's wonderful voice "hasbeen heard many times in private concerts in Cranford.

- Dr. Henry J. Ooockel and wifo of' Weetcbeliter, N» Y,, will shortly make

Cranford their home, having rented aplace in the Riverside Park section

' Mr. Qoeckel is an analytical chemistand profession with ofticusin New York City.

Mrs. W. W. Hall, of Cranford avenue,entertained the Afternoon Bridge Club

... at her residence—Ymwlay—afternoonBridge was played on the piazza of theHall residence, after which refreshmentswere served by the hostess. The prizewas won by Mrs. Welch. Those presentMrs. Mason. Mrs. Little, Sr., MrsLittle, Jr.. Mrs. Fay, Mrs. Welch, MrsMarshall, i'lrs Meyer and Mrs._ Hall...In order to prevent the breeding o

mosquitoes, which are'earners ol infec-tion and- disease, the Union CountyMosquito Extermination Commissi'inrequest property owners to cooperatewith them in fighting the pests. Suchplacet a* garbage heaps, manure pitsand pools of .stagnant water on premisesare ideal places for mosqnito breeding-Tho* far the townspeople have giveconsiderable aid in elimination of sacbreading places.and if continued it wiultimately terminate in the abatemen

\ of these; undesirable pe»U. .A most enjoyable time was had a

tbe Morning Bridge given at thiCasino yesterday. About twenty weipresent, five tables being used. Tbe

' ladles played on the piazza. Prize*w e n woo by Mrs. Arthur Drake, firsa desk set;Mrs. Spencer Damon, second,a traveling bag. and Mrs. H. Silkman,third, a Tag rug. Tbe hostesses wereMrs. H. F . Southard.'Mrs. William W,Plammer and Mrs. 3. W SharpAnother Bridge will be held on n e d

soldiers. Money too U needed toray gaaxe, absorbent cotton, etc.

On account of the difficulty of takingaterials from bouse to bouse now that'itt Clulld Is making a greater varietyr articles, the meetings will' be helditberat the residence of Mrs. A. L.nbnaon or Mrs C H. Hoe. The nextleetillg will be held at Mrs. Johnson's.

Uolly Street, on Munday, July 17.

Business Men to Have Outing.At the meeting of the Cranford Dual-ns Men's Association lust night a

nmmitteeof three was appointed u>irrangn fur uu outing twine Thursday

August, tlip tenth lieing the dataiost lavured. IJISI ynar tha mninlmrii

the Association went l<> Coney Island,nd had a gloriuiis time and this year

ill likely repeat although tbtirn wusime tttlkof.AtluiiticCity. ^The Treiisumr's reiwrt shuwtxl u coiii

ortable working balance in the treas-ry after paying the Carnival Asaucla-

ffitut) »|ition oMW>-anHiori»Kl-t the last rttgular meeting. 'I'he Hogon by the entry of the Association in

bo Itivur Carnivul will IKI um«l whimhe Association paradus and ut publicnestings The Cummittee charged

itti preparing tho float that won thelag was warmly congratulated on tlmuccess. Other lm»iiium| before tb«neeting was purely routine.

Tto'raoni oatlmak atPantyttsia M M York tad" BrsoWyaaad Vtm r w m — t retwwat ot faa»Ute»

draad diaaaM. whwh. whMaOl may nutrawltinlha death ol tha cbiWl, wlUleave- it a t-ri|it>hi for life. '

Tha Craofonl Board of Health held aarneUag iu tiw rown>bin IttwaM lastSaturday evening and nosed a ranta-jtiou d«clariiig Infantile lvaralymia to bea ruiumonirablu diMaae and that step*sbuaM tm taknn to prevent IU uulbraaktutre; ahw rt)|urwnntalivtw uf the SundaySchools wen culled on by telephone andeach Khuol agreed tu remain cluaedduring tbo su.mmer.or until the dangerperiod had passed. Uk»«rim Manager ICopcutt of the Cranford Theatre agroedto co-operate by not admitting childrenunder It) years of age. The excursionto . Asbury Park land Ocean Uruve,schoduleil fur next Tuesday, the lUh,was also caiiid" o*. i/ter • oonftirtnc*with N. It. Foster who had charge ofthe arrangement*.

The police have been ordered towatch all train* and trolleys comingink) Cranford fur families withchildron,a card svstem Ining uaeil. These are

Physician of the Board, wno will keepthe ^children under ulaervation for atleaat five days. -

To date them have bran no caaus inCranfurd despite rumors to tbocontrary.As an ultra prwautiou thii followingletter has h»en sent to evory huusehold,and placards |x«twl aliunt town, mt-ting forth precautionary mwumrm

"During the pniwnt i'|ililiMiiii- u(

th» pablic scnuo)* tu be agent tor, »r (ub« < s a s | sr«f I'mmtariltvr hm-feiul

i»l«««<.<l in Iue sale of any <«<»!kouks, maps. chaHa. stdbo>4 a(>paratua,.Wnp))H*t of •!»» tin J or lo t«wvo nunpaaaatloa or reward ol" any klud f»r anyauchsale ur tur unlawfully |>nunullug

favoring tho UOIII. A viuUtiun uftbtf pruvKOoaa \<t thi* swtiua tttall hrpunuJuibU (iy rrmoiul from <ifiet >H

by revocation »i u»rtil\PAle to Uwh ."

Tlw >l>«'i»i>'» in part is as ft>llii«>"The question is oa to wuotlier Ibn

thing* furaikhwt the lluard ft Kilucallixiby tb* Uranfonl l'hrt)ukle Coinisuiyware supplim in the meaning of tlw »li»lute involved by the apnllant. The >upplim roimUunnd in swtitin ltfil, article 14.are pruvidml fur tl»> u*» uf puj«l», ju»t

tbo f«> tw«A»i»nl »Utnn»tw-*iul U»uhart* in«nti»m«l ar« provided for tlw

pupila An exauilnatioa of theItmnixtol bill* that worn paid by tlinBuartl of ICduoutiuii to tbo ChronicleCtiui|iany nivtsil that only'advortisiiigami |trlnting matter wade up' the itemsIn. .the bills The appellant doe* notclaim that the material larnumU hy —Mr llearaii was fur tlw w uf |mnibh4but claims they were (applies withinthe meaning of the section quoted in thelaw

Article 7. section UM, of the scbuullaw,; in giving a ilollnttioii of th» tiirm

'urrttnt i .xiiensus' MtaUts ,lh(t)' shall itiulilile among nth«r tbiii||s ti>>tlim>k».•chiHil fiupplifm, llaKi, insiiruncit and in

.l.-nliil .<»i»ms.w ol llw wliimh. I hi.

iivrr the country, abuut i>n« out ofevvry fuur children nfTf*ct»d ditvt, andthe ruiiiainiug are ciippliid for lifn. I'll"grmtwit nuiuimr of canex are in childrenunder sii years or ug". l l l l t AnY < u l | dmay iMicomo effoutMl. .

In the early stagiM lnfniitlln 1'uralyslHcuiinut Iw told from any uf tbn iltliordineuses uf childlKMid, iiml it is IUIVIWIIIIHhat tlie parents call llii'ir familyihysii'ian wjioirnvwr auy clriht. HtHtms- illir out uf sorts, ur notify llmir IS»ard uflmiltb.


All dwulling huuM<s shoulil Im senwunil

— i Board ofDespite the warm weather of THUS-

lay evening, thoro wan a larg1) attend-»nc« at thn inufiting of tho CranfordBoard of Trail;-, held . in the Boardrooms in Maxonic"' Building. W. li.

**SfesL!l?itoifci~ njunicipul affairsjmmittoe.reporUid on the two. meet-

ings hold in the interest of changingCranford's form of government, anditated that additional moetings willprobably be hold in the fall. It. C.UUrich reportoa that the Wo«ttlu]iliand would give an open air concert inJranford on any Monday or Fridaywaning. Pormlssioir was granted thecoinmittoo to make arrangements forthe concert. J. E. Warner'reportedthe disposition of l,af* Board of Tradebooks, together with the carnival program, on tho night of July 4. It waslecided that no meeting of tbe Board;ould be beld in August.

Ex-Congressman fowler to Speak.At the regular meeting of the itepuu-

night fnrmwf Cull

luunurn, privy vaults aiiil vitlmr' tirmnl-iiig placiMtif Mim and miwiuiUxw shmiliiIM) kept covertMfund In w clminly. a enm-dilion as possitili). It is udvisahln thatall children Im kopt away fnmi urnwilswhere strungo childntii may \m found.1'ersoual uleaiilinwui uf oiurh child xbiiulilIHI ntrlctly ulise|'vinl.|. Tutiih should !»•wull lirushisl after |<avh| inval, garKli)tho tiiruut and spruyj the no*) »l luantevery n^ghti witb'u soliitidii iif suit "orlioriS ficiil"o'cliuiile Ulllinijptitr—«nint«mt-Notify your llounl of Ilimlth at iincn atany children visiting in your neiglil»r*:IUKKI " • • • « . .

Ill thin muttur all tho Ifcxtnl* of[iuulth from Elixiilxith to IMlilnlk.hl,

Krossman Kowler will siwak on tbeissues of the campaign. Mr. Fowler iswell known to most of the voters ufCranford who.will be glad to sen andhear him again. He is a forceful, in-teresting talker and is thoroughly up onNational affairs. Mr. Fowler can tell

urn personal knowledge the short

cominKS of the Democratic auminisiration that will come to a close ne»tMarch. .

Until farther notice matinees will bediscontinued at the Craiiford Tboatre,caused by lock of attendance throaub,b« order of the Board of Health debar-ring children under 18 years of age.

At tbe tegular meeting of TonalukaCouncil. No. S-l. beld on Monday even-

'•-, the following oBicers were install-Prophetess, Mrs. -Elsie Jensen

PocabonUw, Elizabeth HarringtouPowbatap, Mortimer J. Oro»s, 1st ScoutLena Lusanii; 2od Scout, KatbrynDeckhuf, Hoard of Forest, A'.-.V. WOrube; 1st Kooner, Amelia Zleblke; 2ndRunner. Signe Svendsen; 1st Warrior,Sarah Doyle; 2nd Councilor, ElizabethNeidler. Organist, Carrie Sanders-Brothers of tbe Imp O. It. M. werepresent and dancing was enjoyed, afterwbicb refreshments were served. Threeapplicants were proposed. Tbe nextmeeting wOl be bald on July M-

hiruugh, Muiiotoinsiiln, Wostlluld, ' iar-wood, Cranford. Idmelle and ItosolloPark are comlMnral, each taking priiviy. tbujuune .atflps._ Juiat_ ULdotillKS ututield «vory fuw ciuys, and tha comliinixll>uardt have nuw under cunsidorutionhe "selection uf an isolation hospitul,

ulthongh no action has its yot liuentiiken. - . . ' •

In case it will tw no«o»sttry for C>an-Furd to sucuro an i.solu(iun honpital forts own use, an offer lias boon rcceivwl

from the directors of tbo old Hoys'Oluh tendering theusoof that building,which offer la under consideration.

The Bodrd of TrustoM of the Ubrar'ywishes to announcu t« HIB public thatOwing to the epidemic of InfantiloParalysis in other cities, and as a moavurq of precaution, thn Library will lieclosed to all children of sixteen yoarsand under until the first of Septomner

F,or the Board of Trustees,


Hold Lawn PartyOn Tuesday evening

persons gathered on Duncomba'<i lawnfor an enjoyable evening. The GWorth Ungoe from the First Churchbad tbe social part uf tbo uvoning incharge. Tony all playad games andsang, after which refrwibments wereserved. The New Dover EpwortbLeague and friends canui in( a stage tuMr. Duncombe's borne. Sonus tinglecarriages came over from Itah way.Mr. Dnncouibe ha* been their pastor, forone year, they wanted tu come over tovisit him at his borne.

Golf 0 t * Notes.There will be an Auction Bridge at

tbe Club on Friday evening. July H.15. Tbe tickets wbicb are 50 centsmay be obtained from Mrs. O. T. Harrisor at the door.

On Saturday evening, July 2»tb, themwilt b* a dinner dance. Reservationmast bi made to Mr. Kramer at tbeCOab by, the pnoediag Wedneaday.

. f a * v* H«t» Omim, PusUamlet»BtM«q(EdMUhM.M mVAWkkadfar HtwoB1* r—o*<Jfro»P«e»f vtotetkai of aeotloa UN ol the aehool

It atat* he wttowfal for aay Oowty

«f Kthttmtiim, taaober or anycoenarted with th»

iimtitin to.iixtoritiiun tlion is whntborlie |irinliit|f ftirnlsbtsl in Ihist'tvio woulil

itiino tindor thn hitiMl «f im'iilentul o»IHTS or umlrr thi) head uf school sup->H. Tbi). suppliiM mi'ittioiiMl in ur

icln II, w<<;liim 1 H;I, uro the kind thulru lnti'iicli«l for tho »wi of pupila, jiiat

an lint tcxllxioks am Intvndnd fur tlmIMI uf pupils, uml llm printing ami ailnrtising tho (.liroiiinlH (\)tii|>uny furn-•ilitMt jm) not within the moaning of Ihn

wunls 'st'hool stijiplii)*' lint.i^nno mitlt*rIm till" uf ini'idoiittil OXIHIIISIIS fm- mililug dm schools.. It is not shown III thi>•imrKi's in.ulo Unit Mr. Iliiurun lutd unyntof-fsts in tlm sale of toxtlxiokN or supilliw us ciiinprHlii>niltil lit - Llti) irn*iiiiiMf|

>f tlm ntntu'Ut. Ill" thiiiKs hu fuinislKxlIm Iduird of toliiciititiu wnrti not, solil

tii lh«Uiutil, thiiy worn onliirnl hy tlmKianl

"Il ls common husinow* pmrtico IIIHI\I1ulioards t)f iHliicutiun, throuKli tfc i'nitMT tKn>k I'oiiipanii)** uiiil w'hiH)l supplyiiiiiws, tint iKioks anil school slipping

Thn law pruhibitn. touchor*, c-oniitvofintoniloiitJi ami IHJII.MI1 ln»ard IIIDIIIH from iwttniK as UKi'nts for llm -nil

An Oscillating: FanWill Cool J Refresh You

Hani*h the fcar

of slecples.* nightH

nnti close, sultry


j /Be preparwl against thr ill rltects of hoi.

weather ami insure health and comloit with aWeslingliouae Elci-trfcFan. ,

An Tficfea'siSf~fiijiacrty"i6r"vvTMfe7irtiveti'cfinterest in affairs and otluu IK-IICIUS will result iivhome and office,_ 'f Y01' l 'a v e •> We»tinghous«!Electric Fan ready to provide invi^oratin,; breezeswhen needed.

Fans are nent in np|>earan(f; limslied in dullblack. Can be run at lliree spofds. Costs onlya cent an hour to operate 12 null size*..

• Don't put off ordering! lie romloil.ihlc!


*'"*, •.T*

)f thosn thtiiKs, or to risroiwi iiiinpoiisjtfor priiinotlnii Ihn sii|i< of

tnoiil. A violation uf this mtction by itK'-JU-IIIT is punislinbli) liy rovixvitliyi uflis ci'rtillnilo tn loach. A oiunty siiporntimuVnt ur, achuul Ixiard tiieinlmr IsuminlujUJjyj'iuuuVil from otlli'O. ^

"Th« Chrulitclo Coiii|Hiriy, thorofuro,iut hiivihg fMruislUMi.Hchuol siippliiis furlliu iiso of pupils. Mr. I lour on hiul HopncuninTy or borrrjricinHntiTr«itii— in-p«f-moting or favoring thoir sain, llonu*)hero wan u« vlolaliun uf tho provisions

uf Section IW, of tlm school law."Article 7, soctiun 'ill, of tho sttbtiul

law proviilen as follows: i l o Imoinliotufa Ijoard of ixlucaliuri) ihull nut Iwinturostad diroctly or indiructly. in anycontract' with nor claim against naid

This dourly sots forth thiit itis unlawful for any member of a llounluf Education tu bavn uny claim againsttlie hoard of which be in a moinbor.

"Il has tx»in shown liy thi! u|i|»illuntand a<imltlnd by the rm|K>ndent thatthem was an Intormt on tho part of MrIlearon In claims against the Ixiurd ufwhich bo was a member. TO lir in-ttrfited in uny «u£/i claim in a pltunywlulion of IMt trctiun uf thr. nhnolLau; even tltouyh then it no airru/itintent, Whlln thero is no penalty attacbod, yot Mr. llenrcin should not p»r<init any claim in which ho ha»*i flnnncial internst tu coinu Imfuro tlm Ixurd

uf the[board.

We Leave it to YouIf this inli I HIM IIHMI "( IICIMI-I'

vnii utitilil A\niil if v<ni ttrin iii'uri(.rtu HLMI*I< vuiir fiirml lire: - I^U'.AN,IH(V4HANITAIlY,Vi;it.MIN I'll l . i: ,I.OI'KlsD HOOMS, KUMUM llntlarir i>iSJNKK(' i 'Ki) i'lTifuio ' y.iuf

}^ttt)llH ILl'lt Mtol'nl ill Ull'.IH.' |{fitllll!i

l l n i t y m i i ir i> i i i v i l i . n l I u l i m p i r t .

A)«T wli<ir.< IIMI •l'NSl'HANtJK nit.lSIOHAOI': HATKS. AUK LOW

(tf UIIIIIHII it. in!

" "Tvvo niiw ini>l.tir 'XIIIIM ittiil foul1

liorHn VIUIH »t yum Hi'imc

Robbins & AllisonrfflliSi I'liunirilTiFW :

lloim.i I'humt. WmtllMlii I.t.l

Oxiifinil, IV. J,


FOK HA I,K Two carriognt, surreyand <leput wugon. In guofi cwnditi</nApply H. Armstrong, <t I'tno strnelCranford.

~ FOK SAX.E JJtwap Hot air furtittc*in good cunditiun. Apply N«w YorkPlumbing 8c Heating to-, IS North i n .K Cranford, or pbon» t'zHljV.

FOR SAbB-Small refrigerator CC. L«Kge<t, IU! Bnrthflnld Htrset.

TirrOIUNI i High Hcbool and grwiesubject*. ' M M Margaret flame, 104Orchard street. Tel. HOT.



FREDKJAHN,(Hucimmor U> I'hihpp Jnliu)

House, Sign, and~7~ FreiccTPiinlingT

Paper Hanging- inu IIUUH iii-

.Oil, Paiut, Viirii'iHlie*aiul Wall I'apcr.

Iranford. • N«wJ«r»ty

O. 7H-



rus.inK I'niinpllv Atlitndnd to.KstlmatMi Kurnishnd...


Hess Bros.,Ptumbtng, Heating and Tinning,

7 8. Unlan A«anu«>

T.1.314-J. CRANFORD. N J<

s fur

U l i i i - l i I . M T Y | i u t i o ) i o f k t - n y ' s

• O r t i g S t o r e n. H . H U M - . I l i m n

n t i i t l ,l>i - l u i m l i . S I I I I I U I I I m . h u

n k \ l i t f j i t ' t i < i l i . ! " t | ' i i | i in'il 'j_\.'.ii'.

M c i t y ' H i r o i M U o r hi<ivn:<> I n

l l i i * i i i i i i i i i i u l I - M I I I L o f n ciihlj-Miit-i'

11 •' 1111; i l l h m i t l H l i i ' i l » . . u i l l c u I n

u n y I'ttiiifniMililM tixMiiiM t u r r i i l i f y

t I m S I I D I t. ru ' l i i i i iK i

\V() I I IM I I I I un inn •<!ui|iI• •_Vi»•«••>'

l l V f l y r l l H l t U I M M ' w i l l ) I M i l l l l i H I I I

t i l l ' H ( . 11 • • I I I M I l l l l V I I I l l n i l U i l l l l ' l

i i i H l i i i i ' t i i i i i i i I n i < > t I I r I I u n y

n i t l o l " not |ii<iv)iii; ( x n f m H j f

We're not »ntl»flVd un-leHK our cuAtomurH are.


Eatahlitihnd 12 Yearn.

Carpenter and BuilderJobMnc «rt All Kind*

. Screens Mada to Order and Repaired

P.O.Box IM • Cnutfofd.JN. J

OUIt KJ.SH, IWX ,pri-gulafly linld* WIDII of* tho finest fishthat avur n'wiiiii. Hie I/OnUin sonson(flndu as fully ruitdy to supply all yourwant* in . ,

T11K Flrlll LINKJXin't worry aliout thoir being fresh.W« %n Just us partlimlur un that |x<lntas yua are, and moru so U you Ilk*)you can louve a, standing order u d w iwill ilslivor It a» many time* a we*k Myon say.

I .W* jlv» ft * U Unm

KOfl 8ALK.—Two carrlagtw, sorrayand depot wajton. In good eoaditlon.A l K ArmsMooK, t WUxt (trait*

pApply K.

^ P ^ I J y IWope Works InA******* tMrto.City Has Found In Adopllof Plan

^ T o - D e t r o l l Also Has i f c . ^ ^ j . ^ - f c ^ J " ? ^ ^ ^ ^Considering It

I JIEIllC*I'lnst lii lliit nmtii-r of pr»c

tl'al Imrtiilori. Hhyb'iw! V'lf— tliat Jn'i'h lii'twiisl plivn of tlii*

*-^r.,j*^n* I.* i>tuh.*m: »'a>llKht b>' puttu*£ its- i l ' - k i,li.n.] In:. U r n |,rn,Ji'«t »)tlilt!> I.HI Ml .'I"•afulli 111 Cll-WJgr,d O... f-•*•. lt,r. tinv-t t w u vi-iirs

|r*hrti1 ».». t h i - intnle In Ami r , l ' »r i - v i)n»[ t * f r , ' i t , I ' I t ' i i - fal^r* i-f l ' r . !;.»* &*|.>{ifit| It; 11 Mifi>ti«-r nf»«n1l*i f l d i t tia> >•»!• l i do t h e rlli«t.,.l i i r t CM ( i f w ttidililiii; M-rl"«ft '),<• ;.r..J...J ' . •

)> k!l IK-KTUI Wllli t i l l" " ( i r i l Hint IlliSfo.Jrfti-^kJlitfl < irrllliflli'i';

V ; - • , , t 1 , ? : t *- * I M I 1 * • • / ' , ' M I i | l #

(>,i)'Iltlwi mil th* f lsurnt d l b daylbftit and . l»r«,*. . , , " ' "

iirpiu-iittrfl in I I , . „... . " . a m iIJJ "Il*e ruiumltii-i' wrv l>a*wlii|Mt» Ideal, w e a l l i w roiidil lons The•Id) "f Ji.iiii' tti »t ivifli }»'»•* •»< 'If ' i fI I l

«p*n i t * ./r|i«« .nil••kirk, atut i-haimsw*' r» «t*tthrew thi-tn ttum aw ls*j»r_.?w

a half: «u» uf! rh«

' Srit; m

1 t ,

, - .1 . , ( ,1 M ! ; | | , { . i;,;*l - f n . r tU.1> y j . .>, r , ? M , I !,. | * t r> . rMj | . | nl* ' ?w. » H r » - r , u l n , , . r il ..I,.ill I.-3«.<.fr.i »M it- . -^-1I|.> t<. *>!, ll ».<ii.<><|

'li:-.*- . . - . - •« i 'M i i> . i,i

I/HMI , . . . . . . . . . . . - . miimini ur iiarfc'riM* Ui rh«.f .Invd/lit.. or tl-ftt'i-n hour* nml fu'ifr TI«'.tii'iVi-m^n| lr.-ii n.fmiti™ Tli<* KM tin; of I Ms Tin bitnl •ti!»iur«-r ;-I \vt: oh1 Hie' oilier )i»nil, i ' j |nr l»ir . .« -..n en . ie rn riui.-[ "ijH. i,l**£ Imor* iiml'i-h-veli riiliiulfs of | | Hull a I ' f

il»yllj,'llt. ttlil' ll tit tftr- fa'l.lBfliM nllii.oiil ' l f MI < iialrttftttii.f'ttin jctir. 'Mil' fnrlli'»t ll*liiiip uf the , alluhl ihi-'-aH.'.•im 1. ni • ; " ! ' ."l—k m i d tin- Illicit t i . | i i . n l w " nt ti-'il !.!'• |i"-k.; nl»i> thi ' «'nrMi-.*! Miuilr ir K.x ' iU**-itlntf IM-. urs" « | :i Th> o i Io*k ami liie • ' • j ' ' i i 'Un*l , ln*;iilull-tit M'tlinit «t 7»»l ..'••In k T l i i - i ' ii , , i , u'lil'-b l« ••!fllfurvN *how tlutt on the itny iff the u , . r | i t . Tt>***i"in'iif suiillfc'lil t h e nun rl»r« at tun i u r> liii|,.r».-illy mi hour i» Iwneflt the nmlorin ..f' \,,,,r,t th,. Imnm

pisni'l nu-rfSaor. to*

|'-n "f TU»> »"i*'-'M»H(*!

flt^.r t!j«. I <»r»f»Jfari<«<«!urt>m l int |*»<*

..—_ .. mn* §*iivivr«M[ .<* *wirl»w* Intu the majori »(Ui a fal l lltw « f t h e wlim

farther ado j .i U' l tb for him

r ld« Ur.t wtaiwu. Thi-y are;«s- »ar4« ftww- youthful

• *1>' f-ojMtf* «f. ie *tiiffe». netnUti^i..i-- -i!C t>st an ' . [» -UID* tliruujrfa uhlcl iis ji'i^H^TItR'^iitrlvmi. tntii the thkfc»• l»iiic». t.ut l i * Vank«t* »{pp«i;r toin • KUCTNS an i-»|if»1iiHr roliusi »|j».-i « t V j * r » . * of I'lilT Markh*. S~iu» yiimsr Bum « » * < apturwt nl

( t » ]»i

• ;IH»nii, Mini i,ii tIm i l i i y - n r - n m T ' t i , ln'»i'lit~iil...i,t ninny nre defii'ltcd of the. HUH- I II |M trur

eiiBpn.J t i t tii»«ttj tijHTiWl Mar-

tuw » i a * ' a grr-t »lin*l«w, aniliaiit-T »Ji! I*uu<>iHti «ijr« be IK tbi<

fijif.' -4* H**}tf y&rti** tiH« made n Hart~U. jmi«itM~.. a l.rtiiiiu.t fulnrv f"r

M ! , J.*1!1 fur tilt'"

Illfl"! llftrr Wi.rUlii; tra'='»»i«r«, .. i-iti'ly :' thi'lr win. h^a ii|mu srririjiij- :u * "4*v^

AuMiinlitf; Hint I lie l inra i / f ; | . in, | Tin- Krl" r.itii'Wil nttit « » «Hi-IIOIIIJI ..f rlaliiK unit rellrluu nre 'i iiml j iirliati i;i»-s i'iiii-rlii.\In '.'• l'» fc I I M » « til fly. -""I li'.mni. or'!..(i,.i,,.. ii.|..|itf,l i i i -f .-nilii. i.iMiiiiih.|it uf ' thirty tliri-p nilnnt. < j M I T . I* r <ii-v *froilr Incmini'-ii- il.n.t ilt.'ht on'h iliiy, iliirltiit Itml e n c «!.•' >i* tired fur tuMisI pi tlvltli'* t .' '-.'ni-lif *'- fc

tweak op a wiaatat i-oafalaaUon *> parhim out of om n m . and Kotij, takla*»h« tip, aUAr«d bim u> *toy. and bedid hli nhare In help tlie iwlians wlpmaii>; (tame*.. .

• « * Claaa* Sti.rtilop.HUKh JcuulljKit i* Lot itMfirr.tbr

iar TIIP vaumif Ix ™«My riplslii.,!

utorlrn alw) HIP rld.ssv lir. .^/.ii m r vm.Htty Jtl>on^liii« Mrilif Anirrti un nml National II*»KU*** »'"•

AiMltl'-liat II


.1 I- I i i f in -.

In n .H i ill;" <>ii 't i i i"l thi' r«*r«>Hll'ill uf Ihe mi l l " ! If \ uf it« i i t l / l ' l is Ii

iluHntf t h e Hrtrniu.'iiH nnil enrtyits . th\i p m t ' o f tlii 'lr llw-s It

Ihe. Mi'oii l iupurtni i i m i d l» ft j K I , ( | i ieiirln f i i n i w r .•i.lint I" I he i i i ' O ' " of llii.'lr -lil'Ti" I - Mi.i. . i lui l i i jhi r..r rhe r x u r t i•lI'Tu;• i.fforls. Hv Ille l l . l" | i | lon "f | r l » |.i Ihi ' ir

II . Im, , I ,n i l l inn, t h e w . l l l z i ' i i v j Mot . ' ellliii ' l i tBlvi-n . ' : | h'Mir- of ' ml i l l l loui i l j (il.illK.

ImlljiM . lui lni i Hie t m r Tliut llm." i ' f !..s. r

Caw I i Peculiar.f *<;•««•>.'•- lSurni. th<" !

ap with placid fata. It* aatomi «»•eml<» are In the wMi aa4 for mim0—•-ration* it baa l*eo aectutocned to

In ibe am utMttrtOftad.1 t i n t I* an aeqafrtd (aate. bat.

niaTi «i.)tilred exylurer* pwftr ft toiiKiird {-nttrfoot. ' It H a romaon,in>;im|it(.ai that "«ll IIe*b t<wt«« oftrain oil. That In a nMakf: the fkabHw.'f vuntain* no fat. Iwt it ii extKeme-ly rifh In l«h«<d. and In la.ite in Itf»c Si-ottl«h d

Mknown a*. I.Ut-4-

IV!:;vni,s. ii>i. make a very d^tiirahi*a.l<liti*»ii t" the .-tni.-iT<tie iarder. Ef4«fitrw ••»t oply the lireanf. • whicli ytrotiirr lit.- hare, l>ui uf a more delicateflavor . The esx». which' are rtrjn'.umlan t In I he •princ. *ngge*t dnek«V»•••" li'it are. alwiut-four tlmen as* bi».

tr* ry—t[""r "*r'f*» If .""I liar-'"pen to pick a w w laid one. bat tbi» linaturaltv wniFtfalni; of a lottery, and ai»c.irofn ess <•*» I* very bad Indeed —


n« arBumala. ;are ae«

ted with theftitcnitr. of whtcb«taer to tbe iaadtn*


ate aB«H a i jwi» 1» drened aa iFUJIBS a joaaa; «lilaitr KOl«d In an a•Trot her bsftiendi Uioflrtal altruipti to at•at nupearetied b/for tbe (trTi aafetjr,<m UM mr to 1-uIU.

_^ w . . - .» ^,rH,,k W*m«|th« prablwn &«ump»d Him.

A .nrl,.u- littli- lunik Is a s olJ. old—-•' — on armnautlc* by Jean

I!.i'is»e;i!i. cilletl - • '* .\onread

l-isui".nio iia \'lnci• ••r».-, I!<iu**pnu. tvas lmunt««i

>j th. tin-am >>f aerial nnvltffltlon. Wori-3'l in b|s !r<-uii*i.: "Men walk on tho•»ri!i. they'-all on thf water and awlm

it. I* fi"t t.':f ai

HI ll.lllt "f

II 1)1 till

nothllie new ! I'lioto l.y Amirlom I'rejM ,\«J.,. iai

• ' • ! " " • ' '

i l tll«I Is till- u | | |v

Hrmmimgmnmt Star.i if tin

'f* 1'lfcTinJ: m i |,,,i|. j „,„',,,_'

j fiilleil to mal.'f nn'iitloii-of'Mwnli, Illti f ru i t Illtli' Deli] ninonu Hit-, i-hosi'ii fe; (.hey m e "IT tln-ir pin-i ••llnsh h tl


*.' What liiistiic^st have the'f.'u ti* .»nt uf their premises

w!:il»- *'Vf». sir,, tjiaili- \\ i-icouie in' thone•if tlii:- ti«hes;"

to'i<^'aii r...,k no stiMrk In any tbe-••-• j'r. the liarius l i tvens .Ills ,lay. l lv sifted thp matter for

ami tliousht It Invtilvt-d twti«. I'irst. !•» llnd a IHMIJT lighter '

that: alra -... tluit II woiihl rlsp. Ht»iin;i^lnisl rha! -<»um-r "<T later such ali«ly uiisht pn-.*.ut Itsi'lf. There w a *


toortter /rf tbe deadia« bcinphaek lido to Idurtoe wblch' Vnlna ul*r «rrt*ta. DllBrultlt«*4 . the wtiplc. ptwlt«f*tcr. l-»-Jii« beid tipfiKiritle*. CauKUt In '<swtv4 n woman farfrutn tbplr ro.iL to putnl£fet T t b£ t . Tt»t|r_bjL»stes»-itry to mard/>r t lie p«lrtara» thi. talilfi. on tap

for tin-

" l | .

l!nt «Man|*<l lilm was his'lid prui'l.-io—how TO make that i -.,

i m e l»i.|y st,.[« rNlns ami how in crea-i i e u i i ' t sliurt^top-.itij tli.ii t.-^iial..- if i -time tlown. This i c uIsir iionc." sa>- -Icn-.l t.r" * *

r tin JKI]feh tbr bail trit-U t

Vftloa. T;u(. 1'i'llif u rrtn arnest oil Totir, butM 4 * a liurnluc lamp, mfew*! Holiert mnJ Volmmate their wny to Ktn get hrtji therp froml l«* Ajubnitv. U'unilfc»» Influential frleuds'roaitl IJPIP hlui lu any pjri«it advises huh :o s,piiikv, who would thenibetrarkuf Volim. He Ifcr wit boat'trlllu.s her tl"Ct she forces Hie |.rk>n•JTiugs-meiit: Robert'1:end taken to Wnrsiiw.t

•*•-'. v.llii II M nil .•ur'un.ii"'-'--•'•'•'111 iUfvt . iW t.j"

mr hi- I.-

"f un -MVi-ii•wit I i . l l Isri«il miii. vi.'hi- lit.- a «jji

thi' iijK tv'jl;..niNl Hith,ui Maviii^ - In

- - - - • • _ ~ — - - - •;_ • « , • ~ " \ ; . ' " " " • " ' 7

The Sunday School Lesson& » g ; " i l - r h r . - p s B r a o . " . I ' s t i ' x i " I f ' • : ( • i f u r - n l l l i

- ' - 1 tJoi.len ToUw«inl ttintc a


- 'luilut ti, Mtir'-owiii»*'W iiiit-ri-jatisl tin- j

in i'<i!i! « tluie The

In n e i i i l y a l l t l i e c o u n t r i e s o f Ki iro ln ' . . A t v o r k l n ^ t i m n w'hu u s w ii j i i l l t l n t ; H o i k a n h o u r c u r l i e r . I n t in- t i e i i l n i j . w l i l . h » I I . - . - ( H I I I

t i l l i n g t h f j tunin ie i ' T h e h o u r o i s i t n ^ e t . a s iu i l lc t i t t - i l r n t h t s IIIML-T-I..-.. .-•I oiiLv.

IbatA«r«mrvKI tlie l .f 1liflrt-li»k»ncvir'«ln><>

h e m !«< k.'»- fbe ad<>|>tl>U> of l-'mli-rn n.truiit-

i m r 2 * * * t u n ' t * < * k l l

. suiVji-V-Vf,,vtf uiU. iiV"Ut. uiul tht-se it|..'hiltv'l.iwe *•«'«•'!! r*niir t t u s ih ruun ,Mtiill Kiln* iiit'il Thiiuthv lislet ' f t in"- )"<l ' , ....Irf. ,.,,,. IIITJ^

l a i « 1 l i n wI D 1 t 4 n i t h e m !•«< k


& • » ! »

Hieity nix (liiyn, nr tiv*-r 7*« JUT rwil.tif

ur. were nlforilitl tliiylltlll nftvriJiKli hi (In t l

IH' 111- 'OllUI

M r . were nlf•*p:;KrifiJiKli hi (In.

wM an

I n t h e

I lu> s u u i i u i - r

1-ln.vlHK tTOujis for that hour,thr\ haVf MiHitrtHl

I'V mil' limit- of t'lirllrr

At For N«w«p«p«E»-tin' flt'.M'luhiltin flt.M'luhil Imx

In ni.. buttle iv|'«M|H of (heIdeal f h i

le iIdeally for th«h

_ir t-lul.

mUt'«»|iu|iW» unti

tenn aitttenn aitt miljr 'lHut* *t amrutiue

iave tun iH'tit'tlrpnt rulrn hour of tlit)r d Hi Hit'U wo! 4x<uf<trr«d <i]mti Hit' ini'ii. nt>.

mum «a>« (dhiUtrm of- Cleveland, lullt9»» xifty ttttti "let l<tr llalit MI ulihif"

Slip muuf f\i . |fiu with tlu'mOriui i

y th« IVtiilnt; Ut'«»|iu|iW» unhour iihttitl of |itv\kiii* tiliU'M. thim Kiv-"IIJJ; Un' ii'ttilir mi t'vtrn hoiii' of daylltihl In wlii.ii to it'iul tl. Mini illi jtlltiHIorn of |IH|UTH nnt l not IM- tolii Iwhat thut tvoiiltl nit'Kii ti< I'lr.-ulml.'ii jIt Imt I'tfii ftiiinil nl niuliml udl>t>tlt'to tin* t^t'iihii; ni'\\>j>jv4i('i' rriitlt'nnil to the in U.I|IH|UT umkiT In Clovland

nation.I in the I'..*! )** q



•V itfiirrirlllltl.ilis

;• tutt :

III'!f j

,,r th,.oiiilwl

ii "It«- «*'ii)«;''cui"tii the ..miuitt •'iiui'rkpt ;il.i. v his

rip.*iiu u i t t i - m p i iittcmloii Stii.fciiTvl.' "rti!Wlit*i! Ullh «h'.tt h

I f M PUJltHi ill!'.li-. ;!^ till*'t l * council ,if ,„;, , . , . ; ; . , ] '"""'»•*, ' " " » ™ » * •<»"»« i v n t ; ^ , . ,„„, . ,lim-r.

Miml. !i m i l , ^ ' i " H- '»! ." l -» i ! »»'• ™--'u«vthUu»,hfj hml .hcn i . s .. . ! . . « tha t o n „ , „ , , , f t „ ^ j

'•l'i>ll!l reiulued I tii,teni r;mi.\ thi* rTewtuml .i


I S *Tima.

j iif Kaetpro HtnndnhlSy H3tp <-itjr t* l-Ji-n-lnnd w«»! tin-

'tif nmiriilcnililt' cm-i-ful andc <aiidy tiji the-iiart 'of n

~Mgwnia.1 (nmauiOw of the Clevi'luml«auaifl«r « f f « u

X uJtisU," aiud the Ck'velniul rlmmln'rrotttlnnlana tin jircHUnit "to n|'|Hilnt n

If wudy uud

land. —;.'Hli- invlnit I"'"'-^ ""i •' n'.ii"'1'"'llluiiiiiiuileii has prt'Vtsi iif unnt K'lit1

lit to the |>eople of cjeveluuil. Theprivule residence used uitltlclal Illuniluntit.u only dttrintc tbe hotim hetwet'ti Irlsltii: unit retiring With Jti| hours uf -I

w.^-rhr^£^'STrii'i. t i i ir^ art* Miiti'hin^ ihv

lntMit wi th iiitrrrit. und Irrt" ii*iimIwtWti? a l l

jm' i l^ I'to'-v wlu-rc lie m u l d

i ! ! P ^ J^tt iH* M'Vhi^ J i i^ir Tie

tu:a.ti '.T.itK '£.**«' nnjrh for lln'Ui. AIK!»Mii*fc: r-tfau» wtw *<tni^ i» h>rfi»»*». ;xm*.^*rti. ; v\ wi «n» they <]<> (<• ihi-*'-•• • "' ^T?ti» i n n

itrrIwtWtii? altt'.-itlytits u|»!|iritii's, lioi

ii' rJlt*. :ver>• < ^>itvHli.»s

t amii-rt1 Ian

muultaui * irt Ian*; to.hnii^

uniter its Ivrii'ttreirt inltuenyr.


no Hipn

If wudy uud


te tin-to lV tltTlvtsI

of I2fl«tt'rh. and It* dinadvati

" T

l ' . •

is the oid. old <itor>tin- sarrltl.v of thi'luld so tijininislv liy

ami otlipis.. tint•ittmord w- in fin- lonitiiHw nf clrrlst. 'Neem:i own «tlH soiff.-Mt. ihe

t lw .IHMIV mid <he

«t? of n,i,h and l».i«>s

lH-o1;le ThS'.IIIK-.Inveler.- tale, w|t|, s o o r i l , . , ^ - j , '!' ^ ' » "me* tha, , h , t a i ,«8», for llwtaiice. n,,. .i^... . . . . . . . ? ! l'!"'1.v «h«t proves that ih.

.. . . . . . . . ouu lift insnU\aii-Bupe* ilf ;lMtre t» any." The proj«et, »nnHttaAKwd V.v f ie committee, wa» prl-massSf tttet <tf xecuriiur more tlu.vll4.-htBur ta»r «nuaanulty durlnc the. activeBusts mT thr 4ay by mlvniu'lui; theftiriffUff #& olhe iooih tme hour.

Vht wmvunriw at the In-plmilns ofBar ibtSBtmaieitm «iu(tideWKl the cbauiceB» m t a t e Iwtb with regard tot » mOiyniraj )«• tbe state through let; and liy Clevein nil oloiie.

..' tn»mcpiowui* for lwtli are Jirttctically'JUitn£fea£. Si « u awiUUied "that thenflbnarib nsuM not be compelled toruno^r tKSSh Jhe Bctlon that might liehlillin flu tibt <«n*ttmmation of cither

^ " - i f * . a .flMr Jaeta 'stelth' recanl.'to

i-Hu, for l l w t a i i c e , t h e des i - r ln i l on \,r • . •" — , . . • • « . - w l n , l m > i . h < M , j : .

J«.ue» Untce In , J n , „,•,',„' \[ ^ ^ | ^ « « «M «-h,eve ,h« womU-rful ^ .•Abyasiuta,, eu.l.,iM. ,,f eallut raw- ZIt ' t ' K ' "" "lttll1~''«>"»- fact . 'cut from the llv|n« «„(„,„. , ^ t d , 1 ^ £ j |

<J-h».""«*«i '»^«*I in * 'rlilln.led 19 everylH«|y. Vft Um,,. w . ! i . '"°" " ' " m ' ( f * m «'« ' with the «

„ —W«Wl«>i""t'eJ.> ufceietand; i'» .'»<r '^inrir rto^ !h«- kinsdvnu emi-

L<C -tiw- n>rt: 'viiiw* ;!}!, -•"frri-st vnims ajrttlti, lully." •-twwit. ••f'•:$.••» ii>.« h t v . tuiie'adtautvd

•r ^stJMtuwUr snui !)«• truths of last

ither man in. the poslt.lon. ami fur j thr,- i t .11 intin ultli a iiunille -hmv uif ..11.-'it.'

ills superior. Tlii'ir Isn't iiiiy."'-the Tlaers' llery Irinier. "_•!_!•• .i.utls ulT.j.,.|U'i. (n ysjij

i' mure 's|u If In his imsltloii thin'half the.tliVr short Mcl.trs nut fKeihor. Itirry . M < j n # / | n ^ . ^ ^ ^

"" 1 •••in* «1 Ti' mnile iji ("hlua so Ions. ru". it Is M M , . I M the year t£^H> B. C

» . - . - . . . - . I,,M|( tr«.y l ,v U i , j rjut have Iweu otherthmi i^n'*'tfs- of luetal- i.'ust into y—.--Ill >h.ut. »if< h-Ti» were alt fhe.eiirllest

IniKilMit, thti-iratBe <»f elvili'/ati.'U ar,.l rocitnerce. stranKe to say,

... . - " • • " i'"' 'leaiiirt-s ||,rri. iv:i< ui. tuijie.-ial c i lnage. Copper.ivli'oiii e had n.:i,!e. ,'.s .,,,iy In Him , i ; v . . r - : , b l - u o l d were usctl, but they

' V u T"V',' :1" ,'a,V; . "'••-• """'J^vtn^l into lump,., shaped:; .111.1 He glvfll, to all life and < , n , , , i m i M u t r i , ^ . ^ , | n I b l M W u t

. ,- : ; J •furi- nt'filiil in'tliiuu fi""i the>vln l i h

bri-iith ami all t'liinvM

t»+6pterlyiBR T'oTOc«-i Breuieuli'.f. .Viiltinfiwrfral Et-kerstiJn." SwiUiat lib. frii'iid Itoliertand lie I« . ijulckly reii'1

ijl«x«ver thriiush the et>i"tsa is oinmffnl to thi' hni

lii'tn'Tt. .tle^Iiitt.: a. warnifipudiiie n-viilutiujian' in

•hi* Jrk'titl "'ouiit. Ijitllslnjcrie* to tlje'hitter to ]i«n

• -VHJMI. , I.hrtUtas, ti»4.' isV<jCna. •lt.'lKTt i'i*i>Hii»cs

n Iris frii'inl

riml nil OIIIIK.H (vt -rsrs : ." . ! :» . Im i n t . h a v e UMMI hi iHi l lh ' t l i ic t't tilt"*prdihl i i l i i

I hiiHil iiinl «i«o lireek

L*'.'I.1 ati-t -il't-r were nioldts.1 in dugs .tin- jm.-irii't Irish money of r^q ,

WTsoTTfT^IppeaS almost In-, , ' " '","** •.'.i.fiva^U. ihat a lssiplf who created

nation* aj,.! tlu.i IheiM reat,.r Iia.l ^ ^ a n 4 , t . r , , . ( e d g l K . h!'la,.,l theiii..... the carll. Just wh.-re 1 | l r i ( ( , , l t „ . , „ , , _ >bu f b

1 of Herodo-

t» iTxj* frriiu Warsaw.-.'V(./iia'ji bouic' ami ivlillt1

trf^n nt a massat-rn nI'-^lna'i motljcr Is iirrestt itutf ui»in a truni|joil up •hr h»t3 used a.s si vltfb tcprami ii> inarrj- him.

, <is i.'tiier]uaiioiiM njiif thai IOHI IIICii-1 'reatt.r hail

1. on flic t1

.. Versi.. it;i.

2t_2s_miiinier_jirtuU_U- , ,,,u, m-ronsi'lerril. iliat « l i e n ' the -M-'sf I

tofor*"ln«r whrr <JJ<«iwrt. Thr rtnott- sprt'ifr:sisa; tociUfiTwitli Co

jato the Iiamlx ofilUi

Tie'"' -""'" y.s i l u i »;j !i v.3* tlie caoe. The Unit

lllijli. in.' |-j..ssi«sor • ..f anil' , , l i c ! ( a . , , f : U , ,B , .V in E«ypt waa_unl!•arih. illvUftl,!,'. Ihe nations their Ir,- . ,„ , .> . > - a s s i i t \ h e E«yptUtu» then.; II- did It wltli rc fc fu . - • ro > ( , [ v ^ j u - ^ , v n i n i < . n . i a l atajtatfs.the |sra,.|. •illtb.-iiBli .tlwy ,,,,, ^ , t . ; , r . , , v J 1 ! s , . , | , , . . forelsu mer-.v.-re not thrt, in e.U,-!e.,.,. .(Jen. x. 'J.;; , . , , ; J | l [ s „ w h ; „.,„ f U v t n , J e d ( _ .,,,„IK'.il. vv vi i .s): so that. , « . , „ , . has s J ( l . . . ^ ^ i>f,m.nkWn9. demand-Loth hM..rl,',,!I.i ,,i,,l .^,.os:ruphl.'all.v,. w , . > ! ^ i U i u m which Would iuive thesiacl is tlif .«re..t. e,.nl,.r. That, liovv- ' l i , t a r ; r a t ^ , . , i t , , . a ) u ( , a p p a m i t o n , t

>cr. ,v,,s „,„ a truth for tli.o. In-op f .„,,,• w W , h n . u t l ! ( 1 rtrr0,a,e f o r I h a t .Athens just tM011. for I'ajil deslrv.1 to. .^ !n . .leml them in the (rue «'i• M 1 mul teiitau..'. Hetojil theuiof Him WIHIUI p«euliarity of Franch Flag.• Hi ral.-e.l from the ilcdtl. flu- Creator „ . , n , , , S W M > r a:iy kuywn-that tba•ho hml c..ui.-4b. IhettoMJ which He ^r,,' . < ( r , | r f , , f o.ii.r that make up th»

viu'h i . .ri .- .- i - • - - no tequa l_ la_

_ j l _ U i i « i f 4 »frji=iidaives.«. suaccstinK acaa «>c»i>e from him..


I THOCOHTquiciilj-. •ii matters. But youin a much ni'-re iniptilare we a trieml In

io«jto-.r* bouw— blivjirlvati-I i m there mywlf." h

i his djj' smile."d roil sot me a'dml

••" "OICII l i e I thriss- s<ri|rf " fro lur that jnii.1...-. Imt win iinkur.wii In it and K r; . , . , .n t..Mi.,aA} eas: a r e not-e.|,I liy it ami cruclllvil, J.ut n<>* \_nSAi2j±_jyateS--ttB~ffient5r~'j^J^^irU)^^4tta^w«*rtrrr-T7rtSM ;,,,,,K,Via,l. !Hli tbe poidtTBHudKe of till miinlritiil: aiirl not only ,1T,.|i.irt«>iw of the thrt-e 'colvas- ihe Juilsif uppolnieil. but also the j ,.„; Ntar,»,i . „ . . •- -i j t y . w h l i l i u e l,.,ii->. - • • — ' "

~If I wtTe once InsidelasJp jae?" - ._ -• -.41 the risk of both, not

-When will you lie tuere

.- ^ . . . * . . . I ' l ' " ! ! ! ; ! ' ! ! . I l l l t :iy. wlilrh we Icnrn rl»fwben> wouldiv'er a th;'ns:iml years, for ony iltty h*Ith tl*^ t.or.l us a lltousaut! yeant at«lthousiind yeurs as ,>ne (lay i l l IVt. iil.

1. This whole nee through which wee ims-tnx shice Christ wn.s erticilletln.uit.. ' --• •

was" first"'itlons and

. M.*VTT colors wer»not stattMl, and »uth a variety of flassw:js Mia that two y*a« later the na-tional asseiuWy declared tnat the. na-tii.jtal staBdard should be formed, ut"the three national colors In equallaunl* j..'a.-ed vrrticaHy. tbe hoist be-Inir i.t..« •••-• —• • ••

. « miii): iiimmH. whti-h wd*rlilli'nlitl lij- everyiHHty. Vet llruty >va»proviHl iljiln. When I'aul du Challluexplured etinattirhil Africa in lv ! | anildescribed Ihe woudrfl i |

lHis «»n>are sim-

> an- »uu«' who" ' '"^nteit in at, , „ , .• hn>. ,i^n..familiar wItft « » „,,«.- ^ . ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

. _ . , .«« . i . . . me noist Oe-

irfffniifaTmrj'ear 1J..I111 v. 'SiTll f u r i F ( , r J e a r ; ,;„. a^ij-.w,,, m^je j , , t n t o

I, 2: Luke jv. Itn. Ihe nejt tho.w.mi } „ b u t tt^jgj, ^ t ^ ^ Were^rs Is 11 so an hour. H^miim; and | ^ t h ( , r ^.ver looked equal owing-iilltiB >< Hi H ret ire , tion i.lohn v. > . . fcl _ ^ u , B s i ( M | f h e b ! u e „'I hero shiili l». a resurrect IKHI. of . w U ^ t b ^ w U ^ tJ£Z,^ic Just nml unjust, but n ili.>usar..l _ S. -• a r s e l , . 1 I 1 i . »

1 lon The 'raternlty le

j i every sjieclal am*asi_ Tomorrow ilic milittaJJnd tmt."

" ~U I mm not detained atw e t tonlcht could yon lirli;Btw nnifona to the HotcM

-Tea. One of mine. We.tte M M height Hv— • * - * • " - ' " * " "

hall !« « .rt'sitrriH-tion iKithf Just nml unjust, hut a i|i.>usnmljears shall Intervene ln>t«wi> tile I n nlA.ts x\h V>: l ( ) •

lllA. ts x\h.

dewfUied ihe wouderful coriilas ami I . " . ' 'Th* E"'» Cireua.«l»fl the nation of dwarf-il,e"'he w"s ! J£*xl?,,'tt't o f "»"" thei; t of ttiu

of Hume and

;»»»!* >fi Athens were very n uiw«itJlt*H»». <n .»* SJJ the U. V.. marain.mtisliiifkK. .ttfoi! '^mnemxii tf wnmhlp allttm iSMttk cttrn ta<3 ever heard of. amil**r itn«r< auca they

lnt«wi> tile: l(i-). xx. .•>. tn. 'All

l h

. ,-—• uiaNW!. uiv blue appear-.c wUler than the white and the white

wffier than I he red.At last, after many experiments. It

« j oin.Li.'iy t!«:-uled tbat tn everyhiiii'dmrpart* the blue abocid be thir-,ty. white tairty fJiree^aod red thirty-seven.—MtMburgh rrww

There isTh.

.«•.. \s. .>. tn. All whoj haw eter livetl shiill coiuc futfi jutlir-l.mem before the same JiulA'. l>ut notall at the same time. All who trulyreceive the Lord Jesus can say, "1am cnicitkMlwIth Christ" (Gal. iL.Wi.ami have uasscil from ileatli to lifeand shiill ut*f come luto Jtidjinient for-•siti (John v, i d . But all such must , « » « m i

appear Ivfore the Judgqietit seat of rent- ^ ^ matter golidi ]Christ, where only saved (leople shall tenstrfy salt and Utter that noapiwar. to have tbeir works approved can jtye in ft.

or di!»|iproiyil.-to be rewurdi-d or suf- xh» bed or the sea to ricirirftll mla*' " w MiulTto be apnuiitted. to their erai deposit* S«Jt». copper. lead and

In U is kinplom tltom. sir, 10;, sine and marble are foaod In vastii C«r. v,. JOt. Tben we shalt eome quantitk^. •»«« - ~ - — ' -

water.of thethatcent,

mneh soUd natter in the*"""" »ea in Palestine

oe-flfUi, or 20 per•olid. It so in-

e v e Count TuleskLentala papers in Cplouel Bititle irtich we musit have."

"laspoiisible.'' he said, witat* t2ae bead. "He enrries t»ayt . and trlieti be is absenalways posted In tile' room."

"Wait-li room ix itJ*1

"Tbe lairai?", the HHIBJ ata* tbe boose on your left usBut t&o« are usually half*B(m oa rnard in the liouse,"

"At wial time after duskcaAeocd retsrn home':"

"At «. .Be dines with hi

. . .. .men we shall eomewith Him to Jnilc- the lit In:: nations,accordlii): to Matt, sxv, .11, with Joellit 1. 2; '/,ech xl\ and

i): to Matt,lit 1. 2; '/,ech xl\.t l l

el«ct np His


x\. and «ct np Hiss m The rest of the dead ytho

did uot rise In tlie lint resurrectionahau he judged at tbe great whitethryne-ifter the thouiaud years (Her.

warn; AH c e « . and tt ittherefore lapaMiMe ftr a pecasn tesink hi th* Dtmi sea.

regetatloB fc


"If'yon « * me in the houiwrr yxMi Till contrive -to bealheajd aay one be called by lila aSL God beep m all,". IT*****^ir Jaci>l) l'oi>en"8 pu;•WiOB at Kervatje. . ^ :

•*O>"1 bee]) ttf all," be repea:We readied the department

t n s n L and after a xbort delID to IXrexntmbof, who

*ltk a half suppressed,- >dMttlft. My snard. Burski.thatt I k*d called at iadisiaa a i H i r-fjlaiation 1 bad sir

~ ' ' V•ent'httfl ottt of t• exjweted to aee j

• " " *>r —iw l*lk; • ! n«f n tB» hour for taraa ««


CapyrigM by Edward J. Clod*.

PROLOGUE.Anatrurher, an ZagUanmantU t« t n BttMta. U harawttt br tbe

patto* wbaT are aeeUns for u>7 one*«M««iwl wttb the J'oliah rmdomftucnity. of wolcb Count Peter Val-

• te the laadtag- Ujfbt. Ati»tnitber

w»» 1» drmaul a i a aerrant mnomPWyiB* a young girl. The count 1*latar total in. an accident, and An-•Trottiw befrteodi tile girl. A polk*oOrial aueuiptu to armat them, but 1»•nt auuwnrered by Aoxtnitbfr, who.tar (be girr, safety, aeeompanlea her« • Uw way to Piiita. ton rnlhw awy ./ t t f a Vrt— Dmtwu. IIHJ tl'lH UlllC<we*»e» .of the d«ad fount A tbrlll-tJMt twnpbark rldo to Cracow fallowed.**rto« which- Volna unfolded many oftor jwrrrta. Dlfflrultlefi were encoun-tered, the eouple. posing as brother and«l«t-r. r«Jn« tit-id tip by military nutSwwltie*. Caught In » storm, they re-<jw*»d a woman fanner, forty milesfnaa tb<>ir roat to put. them up for the

lfc T h£ t TiiiifJuiiUcM^-aii^ hut liWnttnnil»rr to murder the pair, but' Anstnithertara» the table- on them n.. Imlil. ;...evidence for the iKilioe tlie poL«onwSk-b the had tHi-U to k-ive him midVnlju. T:in. | •.-.>] lee arrive mid nltemptto arrest nil Tnur. lint the old him up-*<rt* a bur-nine lump, aril In the excite-toect Ilol*ert ami Voluii i»»cn|.c. ' TheyBaafea tbeir wn.r to Kvmilje. hoping**» s « hrtji there from the priest, Fa-•in* Ambrose. I-cumlnc that Itobcrt.b«» influential friends in ' Itine-lii who

I help lilia lu any predicament, the•t advise* him :o mirrt'iidcr lo Illet", who would then h- thrown nir

ibe track uf. Volna. He bids V.ilnn p»oil.t y wit boat-telllus her of hin Hiierltli'e.I'VX she forces Ilie prlent to reveal Iliearriuss-meiit Robert'13 then nrri-stsdend taken to Warsaw, where hi? nt.-.'

.. t n t « t&e-ftnttTliig fioirce cliief.- ("oiii-' tH-1 Bretneuliof. Volna jtetu word to

Iu gMn ol t

Ei-iprntiJn." minister,U»l hi* friend UolJt-rt l» in iirlsrm,a«Jd •!«. in . liuh-kir n-li-nscd, only !•>ill»oc<!«T thriiush the eciifrtllihiit Vol-»a |« rnraispd tu the hnitc llrviufiili'if.IJfJ«'rt. 'dcipltiv a. n-arnltii; of 1111 ini.fipodine revtiliitliiiiiirr .IIIOVI>. of'whichJiis frk'tjd Couiit. IJHIISIIIS.IS a*a to t i lelmicr to Iranilinoro aliont

: -VHJMI. I.hij(«tas, t<»4.' it In love u-Hli.VtjCna. -lti.tHTt i ii>r,iiiiM''s to li'avt'thujfejd_»"_. ilis frii'liil, .illjuj-tja—H44—V.rfK,;t<i i-orai*? tnna Warsaw. Tho two BO In

'VpJaa'fi bijluo siml wlillu thi'ro c"t tlio*>rfion of a massrifrn at rclcrslmr^.1'^ljia'fi tut'thcr Is iirrv*<tc<l by Uri'int'ii-tn>S ui»m a trtini|ji;il up clitirai- «hlcli!w h»iS used an 11 ilill) to miilii! Viiinii

in marry him. The' polhv

Thr nfount.

rmtsiiato ihi- liamls of I'olii'c Au'i'

acaa esrajse from him..


THOCfiriTqulikly. 1 don't thinkjt. matters. But joucan lu-lp mnin a jBUrh ww iinport.'int affair.

wea trii'iiil InColoni'l lire;.hous*1—lii^jirl^ntt; hrMi.soV

~I am tfacre mywif." ho answered,»jjij bit dry smUc. • . . '

•"Oald'jroa sot me adniltlaiircV"

p"If I were unce Inside conlil you

I*2j». aae?" - ._ . • •-• -At tile rtsk of both out llveii."

i wlil you lie there?"

on The fraternity lender* havebrosgbt every s.ieclal ninmiL1 us on

Tomorrow the military' will ho

' "If I u s not detained at tbe ilepart-WEt tonlrht could you brine me. a po-Btw uniform to the HotpM'ladinilrl'"

"Tea. One of mine. We are pretty•UKk.tte same heteht. Br .whose

-To jerve Count TuleaH. There areewtaia japers in-Colonel Bn.-tnenbuf.'w

i we must have."be said, with a nhake

at tbe bead. "He carries the key al-. asd -when be is absent « man is

1 to the' room.'1

i room U JtJ*1

"Tbe lEtaaiy, the room at the Lackatt&e boost: on your left Uf yuu enter.-But t ies* are usually half u dozen--M- oa imard in the house.'1

"At -rial time after dust does thecalcined •retnra home':"

"At «. .He dines with his motiier

at:ain co »min." he mM when m werealone. -We liave am>ttier ihart;e waitliiH*>r you."

. "I i-ou annn-er anjr"Uo you •«•(*« to innjiutmU'ate with

your frVruls thi« time?" he mieervd."Hiaui'idy no, i Immune. iTenenflensieln pltHleed hluiwlf that you wereno revolutiunury. Why. then, illdliml you at tile Drakouus' house thisafttiruiKiu? Why did you old tbi>'<»-captj .if a «u»pert and fullow it withthlit night visit lo the home of a fra-ternity leader?"

I wnllfd. "You are not nn-inenhoC. I a in no revolt!,

tlonury. i went lo the 1 irnUnntis'lioiiftt?' liecaUAe my frJ.'-nd Count IJI•Hula* Tul. *l;l tinted lUf to help hinIn iToli'iituu: from you the wommi ho1IO|K'« to marry — Volna linikniia.hel|>e<l her to eweniie when you (.Wit tilrre«t her., and I went to uiy friend'shorse to tell him what I hud done."

"The man h*'w is tu iwirry'" lit. vxcllllllliil nitlt a k.'owl. Then' with II vlli'Mix imi of lite Up. "So yon admit11U1I 1,'U.hellH'il In IhlN racilpe?"

"Why fliuiit.l | deny.If: Youtin- proof-.. Your • mil II would Identifyme. Y'ni can in., ivtlli Ihe of

: but. of course, lu liml caw for (lie •iiispiii'-i arreM uiunt

1» none lulu fully. Ami you nee IIIKW tliom (hiiri'iiphly.lit' saw hh illlcuiiii;). "I did nut Nayshi'itlit• ,,li;ir;'.c iniK "lily Ihnt you

ne.i'ixw. coiuitillKil mi net which lit.Midi a lime of CTIMIK currlc.i serious

It, MIIH my turn to chuckle, but I hiullire lo calit flinu merely luru tln> (it

Illl'H ell lillll."I luivc' doue noihlni; ivhlcli 1 um

HO! .ja!i'iii4ly.-wllHits~t"- rnnkec. When 1 learned

niy^frk'iid'^ • cutliiii'uls .IIml liopen IJIri'iiarrl to .Ml-, lirnkoini mj- nwu nh-

mi-, Jiri.-iiilly Hut forlicr.'-'MciM i- 1 Hlimilil luobubly have

lrl't Warsaw t"il.'i.v.'"'I'IIIN .bow a lorn,'. ' keen. Henrehfnj;Hik nu im-. "Il,MM JII.SH lirnkiiuunow ihi.-i':""IM' i-oilrse. ' •"Are you inOirc" i-rr Hie" liiarrre.1.

t^illiiil- c-jiilil Tjijokl: Hull If madejii^iilf iip.T-"i:i;ii- hiiruiv^ a lii'e nrntcnenor al lea^i-jiibi'i'ia?"

"Why llo you tell me thlsT*"You are slirevvil enoiii,'li to tinder-uiid. Mr. Aii-itrutlier." . ."I.will not di*.eu^M •.mil a ipiesiion.""If tlii.s. mutt.')' n'mliKt you Is Hot-.'^s.'d will you leave \\"nr?iinv?"

-—| trrtr- ra n' IT" T"Tuiv"e"a'SreeiTTo' I »•examined tomorrow iibniit (lie Ilrallii»kmmler." • _"' ' .

lie waved an 'Impatient hand. "I

"I will in nu condition thai Mme.r-'ritkpiia. Isjit .nice set-nt liberty, nndile'evidence you are l>/>!dliiir hiick Is|ilaccd in my liandx'unil that .Miss Yol-nii Iirnkoiia Is «li»olvi'i.r"fr..ini -all re-6piui»II;llli.v for the iin"air al IlraHnsk."

I looked for an outburst of anu.;rnttills. Hut lie llstene.1 cldM'lyaiiil: thensal tbliikiiiK, « henvy frown on Illsdark fnee.

"Whut Is iKiiiud ihut V" he nski-il-fier tlie piin»e."'I'har .Miss Iiriikona mui.t IM- a fret;

ucnt (o become tin* wife of inv friendIf'Blie win. ' ' -

"Free lo yo to Siberia." ho.Hiieered,'or pi;rl|||p- yon nii-m In I-' V

• me in the house totnor«io-r jvm wffl contrive -to be ou bundaSuajd any one be called by him Tliuth aSL God tfcji us all," I Mild, re-

l'o««n"s nurtlng «al-. J «t Kiervaije.

- « « i fcMj) Tin all." be repeated.T e readied tbe department soon aft-

trmanL aad after a short delay I wa-iSc to firfcznenhof, who received

• * « * a half suppressed,- niailduu-sMy ynard. Burel.1. reported

. I fad called At I-sdislfls' houset t e «-fjp»»»MH/m l bad siven," ' - - 'bits pot of tbfe room.


"There Is an end-of the thliiK. Iiavc u.. iuo for it man who doubts myvor.l." • ; .

"You forcot lioiv prrwsly I have l)eenlect'he.1 already."

1'ninde iio reply, bill leaned back inmy chair, crossed my ICL'M and shovedmy bmiils into m.v pockets with a greatshow of unconcern. _____


notice. "(Viii yon communicatenilli her?" I took a imjier from myIKn'ket and 1/eKan to redd It. "If I

:re.. lvlii'ii will y»ni leave Warsaw?"m n d c a pencil note on the pniier,

folded up and put It aivay with a sighof Wi-urliM'ut.

"HHd not mean to doubt yonr wonl.1 retract whut l.Raid."'"That'M (mother mutter. We can re-

sume, provided yon can keep faith withme throughout. Then ns soon as Slnie.Drakonn Is fi'ee nnd you have-handedme the evlileiiw aitainst iier and sail*-lle.1 me Hint ihe charge usnluit herdaughter IH settled I 'Mil so by thenext train.'1

"Oil yoiir wonl of hunor?""fin m.v wonl of honor." •

1 Ho (Douftlit for a moment. "You canarrange to lrayr totnorro'v nlsjlit. Therewill be certahv fbrinalitleii to settle ofcourse. I will xet? tn them tomorrow.Come to tiiy privnto bouse tomorrowat 0 o'clo. k and I shall he prepared•nllh everjthlnc .Ue J«i still withGeneral Ec kersteln '••'

"Xn -I shall stay tonisbt at tbe Ho-tel Vladimir."

• Von ran, KO. tJh. by the way." u,eadilcd in a tone of Indifference, "your'mauMrvont bus been brougbt, here•with your luggage from Bnanak," /

. i p .• ———- »—? —•» & • * - • • aw a*alm

Ir 1 -on Ml a hmttiH* atn-k htau^ML » » • > { . « , a - »»» **,,*«

tit lead sae

•Ml have aoiy tn

bmt at Imwt a mil* to t«. anrt a«-»a »l*are w»tk fw « eAupfat uf hoadradyard* I turned


t h Sf fSf, » t fiul .1. r»»i u

I (Milled to tbi- man «« be nulledI >»m ttrwJltii .jUK-kly tolu'j

r-- Merry

Ida mi t iwrt im Sa* that tfc-y v+tmr-• M oat. Good nbjtit. Ur.. f laft u>» BMWMPI for II w«i pauhlf eat I M« Banfcl O» ••are me a giioe* of tnacraralartaau.

"I am «oln». JTMI a**." I Mid."I UM no more than a y duty," b* ao- ,

•werwl far rbow about oa to tUMf,"I hare no cradjre asainw y«u. I >

hop* yoq will always do no tm» ttouyour dpfir." . ' • :

He noticed the eqotToml pan*r T !tbtarit t ran b* d-Beod-d.-upuo." *«» ihti equally ambbnuma reply. -

lood ntcbt. r a n gains tn tb» B». 'tet VbMlimlr." . ' ;.

"It in nothlnu to DM. ««>od nlsbt.'-- •I moved uir, and Ju»t then « n » «i»

called out: , I "'«"•«'""Htinikj. the rhlef wamii yuo." ;-F-»'*• ™>,i.-rI.tunieil my bead at tbe eatl ami -»»» ', ttlw»g» "?- •"••'

he l«ive foutpriiit» nn ttw xndt

r '

s«- Jra-J hitn too f»r He

*S» mr ltll» tuiyr


tt; and llm*

tb« *t"tirii» *rhrn Mini* .inf la hi a baudun my thoiiMer. .

1 lumcd «,„) t,, ,„, inamt,, <rhasrltt 1 fnund It wa« tire ««.'ii<. Itur ! '"*"• '"" th<iy ''*'*' h t " tfcumh print*.""•kl. a little out **f hroath. hm »:ni)m« I " ~"—~-'ami evldeudy on ejcelU'iit li«rui»"niili > „ H»-» Shi Him.bluuwlf ' ' ' • '• ""'•*"• Manet*, yrtn'ro '»'• rnur in«r

"1 »an atwwt .rrald I .lim.Wo , j I,1"'- 1 I " H ''".""' »**!«* Uu.lwuircuwh up !,. you." .aid Jhinkl. | S>"Wr- l "" m - »'«»'"" «'"•<

• | tlioushl yuu coiil.ln t i;.'terowle t l . ' •


It <««

I mannn-d It *U ri.iiiu* to b«»tli • (tiouchl It -would h*1 a piiy for j,ni t..

UIIMI aii>tliltitf I. could *how you ,nv•lie »py In j , , , , , r , , . , ,)„, In.!),,. , | t y itMd »u, li dH.v. .( . 1 hurfliM arter.'y.iii N.-arly

i..>-r- •».. Jonccr biindiMl. i,.mt y,^i in cr.>wir thouiih. liolnusAMi r>.«i tnts'rt'.id me ; n ' i | , » irimnii <•! St.' I 'mif an- u m ';;.* t., ,(«. m.r«,.n;,i rl»ii ; .,•,„,.„ lmkt. „ ,. l ) |1 | l l t, ,,Srtln«

r ! Jump In."

i '' . , - - '•• « • •: M«'k \ \ but yot^i in an i

lain. I n l K i j T l ' N'«» K.>«trout I

ilio i l u i *Maiilnl. — Vala


•Ju»l jn l lnle lo o t c l i hU tytn lUwt i *"• *•*•npoh'me wi th on exprrwlou w_i,-l» t n \ ""^ 5 ~m e thinking an I atepped Into tbe str»-t , '•'''''•'-•'and starteil for the hotel. '"•raCl; *'•

It w»» a look which JHnawtM that | "m% *"*ttw maiik w a s off hi that maawnt. i rt>~"

Had he Iwen Jiimt f.»>llnir ihe? | E!- " ••'It la never iilpniaut t» have to mhuir '•• "l>«l.

er«n In Ihe «efrffv of on»'« o w no n - baa lieen fool i-,. :" ,..'^,n-,. .'";•.

eil. Xor duea the elev*roe-ii vf t h » j 'ia'n,t' ":'~"~"fimler afford auy but rhe colde»t con-. * «u' - n-> :

solution. . i-rrt " ' ^ -•'•»*Why chnulil Ilrvniplihuf u ^ e In »l«>nt ; .JMiJ" " , , ' ' ;

Mine. Hmkonn. and to me of nil men 1 , W I - M . -,u• j->U P had cnunli idy |e«l me to l»Hr>v^ i -'• i :>• •• 'hat It wan IUHTIUW* of .my chancedatlmm In rpuaril to" Volna. But roln» '

were, little more tbun rartrliUi".. jYet he hud-wariHl the white Bag theInstant I llreil on- at him.

•iw unreal the j "[ „whole Intenlniy had been. II» hnd • linivoiread my ]iur|i,wi, and had JUKI play«I j irn^nWith me, keeping IIIN own plan cun ; ' TV.,*nlii«ly coticHiilcil. He meant to u?«e m<* j iluj*for Iliat plan. What was It1 And j v n.-Imw did lie menu me to help him'; ] |.la.-»

Them'wa» Hie ninlier uf l'Vltcu <•<•'• ; nj« uIVIiy had llremenliof been at the i-auw i -ymj i,lo render liie u H.'rvlce? I lia.r n"t j - n » .heen KO den»e a» nol to n o t l c that bin j latiunindifference In liieutlouiiiK I'el»en wn.» *,ia&tnr. Wua Ireluued. What object had lie In "HII.1lilt' the man buck to me at niuh u mo-ment V ' .

l.'MCf.Bi'il Ihe drift uf Bremen ! brrduiitta.-Sr1

- tin- n.»t ilnv i n ii,,.Hut IMVII* not in my pri»^r;ii» to mke InittHirl^t.

him lo' roet'i Volna1 " \ » . I'tlilnk, «»1 ' , s "Mien 'Iiu • V ( l ( | ' r t , Miiij.n,,,, « , . Kiuili nee more If i

*« irrt'm,.;,i,H(••» si,,, ; n i > W M | L , . , i i - l > l l i , i l i i u i l , t i . t v i H | ( ) i _ j

CanltM I•Tli.' d.»a.' tuiil tltu » Mhiilit.- jirhi!«•-

mail. •>.'Ui<'iiin,-ii utivm bhuwll witsbin mil '

"1'Hw !| to tsnltie till Imrk.Ira—n r.-*i»^

t.-l -!!•»• IM1F ,.f Ills

Lno«- my llttrll-

«*• WBlk." 1 replied, imd Idriver II rouble find Uwml htm.

Km« Who! M. i'oiilli,i w illdiv.lop «>»

bllurikl laughed "That

. one«T.,te a ,,,,te | » | _„„, j . ; , , , . , , , , , , , , , ,of uiy ,1'f.t theniic*." h(* wiilit. "Mint

, . , > . , I , ,

unly hotiu'tnitver, tiinl «itb«.utHell. . ' _

Iliiyer-Au.l how nmcii Vlih« nut tlu> in..iicy ens bur • l-ira

«•' 1 "J,.'l.

w i t h il >••!'»

»« | .•••ul.l

- j ; . .:H.M ]

!I ..'U, fvly

v ni l u J .mi t l i i i l j . i o i . T-

H*- i|i:]"f Mi re lit- i;iOiHi

*T ^intiiitif f» MiviiH-r,

3 -r-iilH-r -i.utu \y (U,

"I iiiu tit«( tiitori'^tt'O In > * * i r r Ibrot irt i, * Utxlt'll IIIV i'oitht 1*1 ItltMl ". -. ;

I ': " I Hi; I Huh I lltfi ' i. ' IttlMIl OH VOU. 1 j

h a i r ri l i m n i t t t u \* fthvttv** - ' r n t n m l m ; j

. I l S * t r \ \ s *|t»u n ,\'fiTT" t l intut"" llt>'x ft \

t t l«tti'r t in 1 j>'>.»ri"ii ""<n >if - i ( t d t i i r o In '

• : !iii< HnVui. • W'hiri i ttii.i- " s i m i f « , • j

I \\n\UV • !.';• " \ l l wn\n nit* t in* t -di t i f (*• m i 1 " ;

J1 ' l - ' t H--Mlr i i l l . ' t i . ' t l i i ' i i t t \ i | | j l . t l n ' j

t IS. I ' t I fit- I ' l l l l i r l l o l SI I ' l l l l l "»__

' - > ! i | | l . f i i l l l t " I f I U K I ' I f ( l l f . : i t t ; r - I l l t t t ' " ' - I

^ i l n i l i H J - ( • • f : i ' l i t * N " I | i n ( l i n t I ' M . m l . I

' t in* <if t l i i i i v ir... 'niir. i-«t f.|ti< I-|M1I I t int

tj j- i n l L ' h l »ln«"t»r un tJ i i i k * o r f t i i n p (<<

!•<<• • '.•!)• l l l - l u t , I h t i ! I i .Ml t l l ho t !<•(<!•

f i t .- n p f - ' i n h u r i i l , IM I1 (.'•! l i n _ J , ' | n Hi t '

tjnti.'-*-. unnc | Lnru Itfi'iiU'iihof •* nii'ii

inl'_;lil ii!n'ii')> |it« ^titttitu fur (iff

Iliir^M in h«| :i'-. ili.ini.-h li-- -i-.v n,.if)

n M #i v i ) t i i ( < - u i i ' " h ' ( ' , t tM«<!l \ i n M l n t i - m y

u l t i ' i i l i i ' t i r i " U t>> ii i l i n n Ii a i i ' l i n , ' i i I n

t>' K.r-rTif* j ' . i l l i l l . 1 l i u l l t l l l i . ! a i n l H*'rv\,t\\tgi

, t i t . v M t ' t i i n ' . \ l i i i t ' l ' 1 H H I ' I J I i i > | t | t < s l U t l t - m i -


) I j v

I .iie-ii.M er\ Hill


.II,-1 Inlil

l(li,,« II



. l«

l u l l .<!,-,-

iv tMl-f •


I H «i ii he

Ml hi'•r<'«»


i n

l e

1 1l.l,,|'..

, In-

7 - t l -

r tbe.--it

i. i.



I I . J l lHI. 1

Tlr» , | OUI,'•It.llm Mr.,l i-illll-.ii atf yi.lir IM.OU e\

IlllllKlcti V.-t ; ' •

"Xn. Wh» •';••

"1 thioiitbi H niiuiii >»• friiiu siandiiiitlolly nil Hi,- , lillllll-fS," - |t,ii "oiJ.i Ki iexmil u i v u r i n ur nremtfn- ! !inaw,ia.-7ri' i tusi iH^-n- injH tllui, ' l iml • 1" ''ilnj , o i t in . , o u n l c r x . - I : , . i | . .n .

l i o f w a f l i e i n o . It w a n to. n i l n m - by | t i i a i t ttmt c w , it . . . ritriii jnl,lr.-«N IM-I "'"'.!! 11""-1!— r ' ' '! . ' . ' .f . .?!' . ' ' .! '!'« i !'"'-v'-ji('TriinirTipr- ;

i< .uvl i . t lnir .Jne of-I'jJtuplMt-y Ut-.tti^trt^-j^<nm~tp\!\iF'inm' uui.-u , ^ rTiy i.-ii«-r ~ ^ l n T ' - l T .' ' " " d "' " l l l k ' ' i ' " . 'n io . ' imw. Ii j . . ^ . . . . .

l e r n l t y .•ont.plriicy n n d In t i i e m « i i - j uii^liwU. if,, -.wliitiK-r .!i'|."»• i-.i. « ' , . M I . ",'K '""•' • l l l ! ' " « •""• r-milw i o \ - , , , w i - . , , - ( • - - - •," T h M # P r . o l r M r f _ r , , * ' . ,

w h l i n t o i m e i i i o t . . . e i i i i l . l i . Jiliii to Hfid | B < ( £ •_-.' t » , , , , , , , ( ' . ( l l i ! , , „ , ivK,-,', i icconi | . i iu. i j i i i : mol'. of M I - U B K I . T - , ;, . , , ( )_- f I , _ _ t m i l i I ( . r , , 1 | , , , , | „ ' - . , , , , . , i 1 ,i

V »• I'-elneti w « » n o d o u b t th-• - . . i l t d l . « ; « , , r 1 r T t.-.i,.7 , i i , , i l ,t «..,„ , ,„ ; ' " r i ; ' ' 1 1 " " r " r t l " r'".".l<"ih I « n*\ » | l r , , | > n t . , , f K , , , , , , , „ , „ . - •

rhoKvn s p y f o r t h e l u l t e r pnrt a n d B u r - t . ,»Wjr-.(, .- , , ir i i -u . . i , i , . ,< ,,.- hi« m<i, i.< ' " >'u"wv ' " ' " " " ' " 1 | t l " 1 " ' "".'"' r i l l l ! i » -,,,i,\ -,. i . , , , . ^ 1 , , , , . m i n . - r »...,. . ^ . . . . ' • • i i ™ t. n. tw» mi . M l!l*i 111. Ii. !-• .n..,;...i i.,.. : , . . , . . ...i l u * Mil <'•"-"ll rn l l le r U.-dt,> former. ' u « m ta»-!;Bc.M.My llrst Nlep WBH ohvloux. I raui>r | n(1, ivml :KJ"; -.

i«t let c i t h e r man know that .1 *un- j •vim tn~ t * , „H~'|e.| hlill.. -| , U j I „,,:*•• B,,ff •

With KeUen HIIK WIIH eiir-y. Wlici, | .V« »<>"«t .i»- i.le arrived I. talked over matters wlfh ' uiw»t

li-'UlllIK in

f.l,l|f,.,|(lie ti.-ill ;

vi l i e n b e - l l | ' | i i - , ] h i » ' n r i i i ' l u i o I I I I I I C i in . l !

• l l . ' lV in . ' I'JI, k . l l l l o II <l""l '" .a.V" l - , r l i i l M e H w " l i k e , l-c , 7 i | e l o r ' |

• • l l . ' i l . ' " T i n t •-, i n n " f I h e c t n In l ln- r . . . !

mi l l y o i n v e r y l i f e ' i n l u h l b e In • Inn I

: : i l

j - "Vei,1 b'll til.' I < pea Illado II atMiplly!"•lu<l«e. ' " ' • • '

T h . Sort,ioukcil \»ry "Vle arrived I mlkeil over matten. wlfh. | unwt u.'« 3 «,it:jij l t w n . i W (be ti.iil ; " . ! '"V-nj loukcil i . .ry -ynj |mihel | i ' ivhru

ilw. llnteiKNl t i . the Htury or hl» -onTer j ,.f M». ru-iao jau .d . i j^ «-. bM-r «pd , lint ' ' "I'H'' 1 1 ' ! «« ihoiixh in- uiu-bi w. II 1 , ^ j j i ^ v , , i v j a a i jUkiuu*J >-uH Watiiin. Jin my nlrbi int . I'.roinlnwl liltu n j i l i u : »-0L*Lm!L_j<tu:i_mLiJj1; {«LAijbt-l*ui-i->~*bi--t«rrn-,,ryrrt ITITTITlB l Ar,,;- ,1 | l l { Vm

r; n „„ ,„ '__ »,„, , . • , •l ' »*» l^arnr i i - fW-:wlmf-hT^rmif~-TFT rTT^I- ,,0,,; : , . , ;„ j „ , , , , „ .,'„. „,,.„,. l<n l,(« f.,..< niilil :.ll' ib« >.iim.-. j . . , . . i , , , , , , , , ' , , , , . „„ H l l . , h i ^ , , ', _ u

urnl nnd .11.1 my. l*»t I- make him | .•««!: i . t -ta: . , , w u - ,-„:„. ,,. ,,,,h,, 'I'"" Mriken il,cu,,ehc, l,,..| f,,r- | „„„„,.„ , ' „ y m , , n l l l i . - . , , „ , „ .'•'I that he nt III liml ray conliitHuc.- i mx anWith the police liKi'iit. Hurnkl. I h:i.l ! fi«- i-n.

o lit* niiicli mure wur.v. I hurl airendy | '' pri«f» iif Ml* Hlin>wdni~iK, NIKI I I li* «i«L -'.nuinsmini him prepared with iin-explaiikvj f, »r>-(.V~*ii it..'<on of iiiN call to llrjjittiiiib.ff an I nuA ] --iviwt' j*> z^Ait^

iv.,i"i, '-"-'i' Hir»r',.;;u.-. Ml Anxtrullii't.•

" l > 1"" ' • " " ' " - • " 1 • | ' 1 " " ' " ' 1 < " l " " " | i . . . .r« ;,..'i'ic.,...

loiliibe,] i.f Ibciti, xlcln lie eil ilieil nil, j

I bib', f.lleill. .1. li-llllilir-,1, douui'd, !

I l l Ilioliuti Uio.cil hi II I'IIIIIIOOII de|.|i !

•i I | n i i i i , ' « e . ibi-.\ ' i i i i i l i i i i i i n , ' ' l n i ' . I I I ^ I I |


. NiArmu Ihe Limit.

Her rn'lliiT I ' I I I I |..11 i'|v|. iflj- ihillub-l l t i r l e i i in wliMi »lin-


l i e sent up Ills mime opi'tily. and atIO hotel NIM'VHIII wan lenvlntf Ibp riMinj

ie mild, MMMI ottlclol eurtiie«». " . \ let- j W(lf-|,,ji,,,.. ., -'•„'.

~ et-rv i;i-(:*i"ajniT


1 "IU-" ! •:ervW l..-i;lii.

,-i"r,v: liml !

J*. . •>. .H-t-r-r

nnd nu the flunk of cin li bund.Hi,- in,.li li,'iin.'li!ti mi their Kklru

ivi.M nt a \rty dlUcrcnt i la.^i. liuw-• ••er III 1 Iml. -.Hi 1 v: -niiKi'iimt Inner

I« aicilhlolii.Hl I f ,1 l.i . i .r' Not mil. IlI'HjKer. I've b.-.'ii iluliiij it fpr over avein ii'itv, you kiiwn! -I'hll iulelphlalluili'tlii.. •' — ' . . - - • .

'ii duly iiii.l

wlil I',- 1. ''iu/'t 3in f-.<7 U i i r - u n '

•I'll mm £>•*• T.iL"t!..7f I

{jjin.l.-.. wiy.'i -'Ki»- iv7.r.c.t>(.r'•-.

llli>Uhlil,.lHtil t*ll.'lke

win. a formal notice (hat my i»i--initiation Imd been poxtponcd.'"We are nlone?" he nsked in a low

•olep, -. " • '

I nodded. ' T have only ihln r>K;m."l ie drew a chair i-lopc to mine. "\V>

ire In linj-k. You noil.inl Hint tberhiefi'enl for liic';" i .

"Vi'». illifl WOK 11 little iurpriivd.!'"A nire'tilroke of. fortune, l lu UUM-

ecls you and irueKtloned me c|os..|y a»11 what I bail K'H ..nit of you 1,11 DmI'ay lo jwiHce .piartiTK. Vou kn>>w « *

Keiiln nre fiiippo*ed to trick a (irtaoner j. , M l t - f,,ji,,».v.\_,' „„.„ >,*• «-r-«'ii <) l,v 11 M-I

• I i ' ! '

IcUiillloilx. tl.i' •It.l.'w ' . r ihc IIIIM.VB limlI ,;»i i i« of Hi., . I n , ilpe.fur any 111I.1 j1 hl-r or .lei Iliii. ill ( ini men nod


j , ? r,r- 1 little-' >i.fn.i' dny;:"w .,!*f'. tu \ inruiiv imd

w - rsiii,-!i.r» fJ.I inyw-lt. Where

Ar thk* » ttmij n bo wa

"Aii inferiuil sysicm It In. t'»j. butley can't Sftt nt mi". They, hiul me

nil they were forced to lei

"You must Iw cnrefuT, frlcn.l. Yrni. | • r(iiji.. w i n ,-n>'ire to he wnf/bed, and"—here iie j ,jBr ,ijr».-ni-it i>-lulled very tdyly—"the cliief hni. pick-j fnr _ , „ •

I mi; out for the work. la not that j He ' i lhr* i«r Mlt''1 •' ' ' . • I voice to i -VSJ»J;«'Ue was evidently pretty »ure of nn-. t f,,)',itvtnic ~"«•.

I r a n t o,uftc uudeoiUind that." I Mid, j . , M 1 r—(1 ! B K

» If in doubt. "An n matter of fact. *

; «oi>e ivo'iii.-ii. (hey Hliuitleil and ncraiii-l.'l.-d .'tnM hitiitle.l 11I011K, wllh o* cimloll

: :il illeeiN for Ilie HlrUiorri, lmiir«** crl.7'1i nnd oaths !0 une iinoilier tin.I CJCC 111

' i U'njn fur Ibe. K"vcrniiifiil; 11 liiivMled.• -j dlKord.-ily rabble, nniiueniliiiifibly'.lair^ i ijj'roiit. uiul lilitb c|jai'hre.| •Allh Iboiiuhni

iind• li'ipi-i of ilolence. 'It Mould notIn- their fnult If Hie .lay Miided wliboutoi'en .rei»lMlniice, I'lolfnu find bloodshed.

l'*or iiuiiiy niliiulcM prc 1'nm to hmUiey Ililed .Hi" HtreHu i rfd uiado proit-rcHw linp.m'', aniiyficfori;'1 tlli'y hfid

11 clock ni>orXy mruck

A" bonrwin* lo hiive ^ e t Volna. Htiv would

up mid III.M1I

Pillnrj II Oh.• "TIIUHII Jink. t. could hardly (l;i.r •work CIIOUBIJ . to ki.-p tnyiwlr .«:rij-'lfli-1 "

"And' /in'i# 7*'".N'IIW I|I>T Imve slrnn mn an aulat-

nnl." lietroll .Ni.t»"J

! Mtiiely linve/>clvi'n1 ^I iobablllt>^b/id nlrendy KOII« back to

Hie hoiufe to which lu lay f/uuoua con-in my own .ii»v.'rnc«i» I hud

"1 utu #n;'»j«^^l to?""> 1:IIOB Hut Vf

-',!. ti £ef Irft'k l.eiw

•••'tV'liy I* II tti»t a* tb« Indian and Hitbluoii Itwunin i<xtlii«-t tlielr picture* ap»pear on our currency?"

"I ilun't JiiKMv, 1111 lc«« Ibey nre con-xldi-rwl (p-miirtlM-Bl ot *-arelty."—

The IICK.IIUH.1 wan miBerUm fromrliiijjiiitil»iii. •

"Bvery luine In my Uxly acbm/'.-il*coinpliilin-d.

'<V«II ought to i>a (tfiui fott aro not aherring," mild the «pU«il<t.—Life,

wlllinii to do all Iisked." Then I Ixjcame appor*nt!y

nlldcntUil—Ihat la. I told him Juxt. an (jot rt<ir f-r

•From when- wn nn- it'ililif, (lieJ Old not. "'I'1"™ In front »f the Church of HI.

til in'-! '*""'• They Imvi- 1111 IIKIJ- look| ntiduch as 1 mirmliMJd Ilremenbof would : to tn.'»r -E m*ji 'n~nn. Jm-.« !«.•! fuowiii'l "'' "h"!' '"IV" •''''"riibur'f nvor

liave told him already.f-flnd. referrlnic I »r it." v.i(£ "*?'). 'imi I vcm 10 tbe • 'f """> don't nluike tbeiiiHelveii fr.-elo the vldit to Bremerhor» buuae, I ! tltrir. xUiztfrri .:> n.i<6 !).,t!';( :U:- -ircijt I 'r.;«i th«/nlil>le. Aiii] It may Iw eveoild upcclnl htrena'-un the fact that LaJJ ••»! t!i»a unpiMWC ff ur tli'.ucb 1 luii! I w"r»' - b/re. for the frnternlty hnvo

threat curiua- ' 'iroiiKht In nruiK 11 ml are prepared toWan «» a leader-of the. fraternity | n i )

ad iiMlsned the tank to me. i itj ." | renlnt., There will lt«He pledged himself lo belp anil (jiien-1 .S<»in. t -;,«--.T»(7.>«.3 -L;-I ] was twins j uteht."


I01111I me as to my object.'In that all?" he exclaimed, with » j

iimc of the shoui3en, when I aaid'ect was merely to itet the papers.He |o TO hotel anil feared that Iloped"—bere he dropped hi*

wnlnper and looked Intently andleanlnitiy at me—"tliat, your'o'jrlenicnt furtlier."

uudenituod him. "I am an Engliah-

I had •K|».ktrti very much like a polli'fl

U. friend, and 00 a&safuln.'1 t aaid when- iittIrmly! , - • . ^He made a» If to conceal a natural

iloappolntment. "And thli uniform?"l"A to enable me to get the

ouut'n friend* away under tbe pre-

i.a a -nrii naiiu«l I af.-iil that." I iuclnltne.1.a --1 -•„ :•* V.TV dim- I He tihrusKixl bin H "On«

<rnltto'<h.V*j>--iiT Kir 1 imd 0 ; l:i;i'.for j'tt'-t* the halifl, 1 «uppo»c, I wax a po.loin*-thl*. :i..ii£. U1* woiii fsuffwl uif. I Hie •Jfen'l. '"tiB liefwe I JOIIIMI ih« fra-

In ofli «f rS»f 'viflf *.r#.rW't» 'ijTrx.V'.| I t.Tiilty. im<l mm jud/tei. of thins* from} iliat K(ahdri</lnt. at luiietj. Hee, they

linvft Htfefit the Kiliare clcjir," be add-t-d ait wi: reuiihe.] tbe churrh.

got lne» xfut- .mtittg» •*$ flj«E. and ju*t "AndBt tlii* p</im wo 1| purtcom-ii^-cm pany. iilitaiMT." _r'their'I - H e nxmiinwl Kreat mirprJiK), "I'art

«TJt 1 •xaa.iaMi*. Why, wo have aeen noarce-amiaide nt&tktut'i MUE # . ,. „ — . t .—, r . -..the two »j-«ra» •» sfl* anal r)!«<- tu'to* I Iy anytblnit yet."

Jar1 J

and ":4iiS

•use of an arrenL But I doobt now | oil on•pie*. Tlic BJrr<»

aaH! «3<esi 1

I gball need It."He i»lined. "A Bbrewd plan indeed,

mt not no farreachinu a» I bad looked,or and toped: ft M bent for friends tu

frank." 1Tbe eouni blnjseir.-an joa-know, I*

dead acalnat all TloJenCf."

tb* wt m a -«K-» ilie •nauur at a Jittretbraatiaiute mwo-aarf £sx t<«> juucj, <im-

far taase 4-Eja ««J«Ttf '1& imrK

wbai bnador «< au&

I menu what f my."lit/ burning He paused, and then, bin manner

» * » / r|uuiK<)d. I am realty Jtorry for thl*.

Iy, bmrcnor.arsis jS«w*Jrt wy watcbmm at « • • aflab«4r

.Mr AftiilnHb<tr.'"H«rry f'rr what'/" °

. "Of ronnie I lui'« iteen that I w»*iHit wntiltvl. lint tin* fact I* t, mynelfam bclnit watched 1 am rofflpcllcd to

lib you for an hour or w* <

No Mar* Fairy1 nrtr ucttluK all mixed.the**1. .,,- - "—-

"Wbal'a ou ymr uilnd?""My little nefilmw only know* Iinliln

llfjod ait 11 chnrnctor In a comic opera."'-I'ltUburgb Tout.

Pitiine*."f'/itlcnt matt, luti't be?""yen, Indeed, liven when ho In In

the Krwilent hurry to dram ho will pa-tiently nl'jji to .Hn<7iiiUtiiKl<j bis nsclitle*from bin wlfn'x Imtr nutu wlthuut com-I>latnltis."~U«trvlt Freo

A LHiril Fill."I hrair tiiu newly wwl* bail a falling

ut y n t r d "out yf"Ho <K*m 7 Wb*t -ran It about?""ATiout Ilia turn In tb« rvad yonder.

Their rear tire blew up."—Baltimor*Amorican.

CkHIIng Ovta ta.C**—."I would go to the end» of the tarth

for you.""Let IU IM*« M J M plain talk." aaid-

tb0 girl. "Am t to uqd-ntfHd that 7 mwljl uka me arotuu] (IM -world oa th»

ddl t l r p h f l i t y i BnJtatta.

InAA . •tkM y«we famllr,

I •

E> - '

' . < • . • _ TUB CKAIfFQKp CTtlZEM, 15, IM0


-• If you oould res-cue one little child'or one overwork^


mother from thecity's hot, glaringwalls and pave-ments and stuffyrooms, and givethem an outing at the beach with bounti-ful food, rest, coolness, fresh air, a dailydip in the surf, shady porches and sandybeaches, would you itat regard such' agift as well worth giving?

Such a gift is entirely within your power.Tan thousand of these mothers and children arewaiting for invitations to our Sea Breeze Sum*jntr Home. You can send as many at you will

wart ora fortnight.Allow 50 cents a day or $3 a week for each

panon, and direct your gift to.George Blagden,Treasurer.

The New York Association fo£">*""-g~the Condition of "" "*

lOf E*4 22uJ SL R M " 2 3 0 New York City

Va*aa*as*a ar» waataal la tvar r taw* *• plan • fair, irfa. rwifrttfaaafirtet lawa^arir *• #•*•* a»aslal A M • » • • « vatnllMi fund* far vartala a«*ari H l n w aa. wfttMna wh*«#«irt*«jiMaiif«k-ar« particularly cJlatraaalafc «A4«tMM»elav«,«MtMl*fl. <li ins, aaawla or «rmr»h— tan »4»»t M faalf aa-Mlif a i l s at tea aVa-ii. Wrtta aw a«M***lMt« «* alaanlag a sraaa air N tMr la raw i w * •*<»• a* r»»* awau-w bam*


411 ".""•

jflad a ate*

e> the qaaedaa* abovt bew toM t H w r i i l M . ah* had te<*aag*ftaaa BQ car to another, aad I raarturIr »«tp-J bar off lae atatforaj aad•**•. bar ike mem, aataete diraetleae.

tbe Mil two day* I felt that Iweald be i t a r f la her W1U. bat Unaen—«Mag bapfaieed tbet aud* aw to-Be*e> that I woeid a»L" . ••

"Aad what bappaaa«¥• waa aakad.*I wee called Is taMaVvaaitefe on a

OaaveeaaBt' MkAt by that* l i t / eld WO-BKU) I bet need a» aim*. Uw hadaatawd • coaaatalat «r aactteetfeagalaM me, and 1 wee called up to a**plain."

"But what raaae bed eher"It »•» that I did aa* rak* ay ee»

aajaey ft* c M » t »After I bed read » • ar

L l » , bad « d u n

tmnMNatin.A batal ha>p»r to ArjaaHnaalati ta tbv Mlowtac W

ttt bM l t a c Waaua

Ma» wrtttm by— WaiW»b TbrttarT i | t i Bara aa oajacxBoa| a oajacxBoa w j a n c

ta yaw food, Iwarh te yaor wiaa.— ta jaw

as* tf*N Mw batu t v M aat of b*db tb


COUNTY TO PINt r « , ... , . . i. mjr ...r

after dtavrttajp ber. I ban gfran upBB nape at a leaaer aad a*"* back tome naual poUMacta tad ae more. Ignaw an tb« gratrfal old weawa diedoff befof» I toek tab JotL'-Hattlaiore

ba tbe BMndBg -by aaleaa, frota experience, ,••atat"'' ' • -

Needlaaa to aay the laadlordaotread BagHah.





UotU 8«pt«u>!»r ID. InolVU NEW JBH8KV CUNTRAI.


IMiurt wrnn«illi.» l.«t«^irTr»ln uid MtMiiwr at l'h>r I

$1.157 1ll Tt«ln ! .»«.-

Cr»nrunl»U« ni (H.™-,-«t.r uUwtr •utiom).

JOHN T. KANANE,|talflyttte.ui

Oboioa HUUM* aUd Htor* forHalo.


•K>a* (MHoa Multitask


Maucfa ChunkGlen Onoko

t \ x« Round Trip^ l ' - ) W Children Hall Fare

Make your outing on

: iato the moat beautiful aeotion of"Tba Switzerland of America."Xajoj the wonderland rido iu tjio

, Mauoh Chunk Switonbaok. Hpneiulitaina leave— ..

Newark 9.10' a. tu.

> Onoko, «.S0; JUauoii Chunk, 6.40,

Write or oall at Newark Ticket„> Oatoa, 811 Market Street

_. il» V«fy Oayr"Helx<> your u|i|Mirlniilly." wa* the art

Tln-jif I'ltlm-iM. (Mil' »f Hie wvt-n wl»»luiti nf lin^^T Tn KniK|i Ibo awtftly•iiOVllI^ IIUMII**t)t In tllP ri*|M.*Ufall lllJlllH'-t)i>u "f HM' Illlili' "Tf«<ti uu* In liuluIHT my IIH.VH, " HMIII MOHW "Mak* uwIn know mliit* ITKI nml llu- O U U I U T ofmy t i n y , " Mild I'mlil mill Jul>, wholuM II inHiillurlj KIIMC gtHtp (in Ibo

Hint miiki* fi>r Hiici'i«» In all il»luiriiiH-iiln of llfi1. IN IOIHU'IUIW I t i l I tin-iln.tH Hy itiniiiKli liU IIOIKN "nwlftrrIhn'ii Hit' WI'HHT'B nhiitllc."••

l j .n l chfHiprflolil «akl Ibat the Kakf.if NcnrUHlIf hwt mi hulir ill t i le mornIIIK rint) n|«>ul MM* rival of tin- <luy lookInn rur | | llpujmnlu <'iiiinuiit'« i r y ofrrurvl MIKIIIII) IH> a wnniluK U> UM wliudii lint n'KHril ltu> KyaltiiiiHliilnir o f our

JJ«_.ta!ilu "Hum I—linn' a»y- tlll ^>^\Vhat An iiinrraUKPalilo llfv lulne la!"

Tlii* i inivrli i lnly of lire a* wrl l an itnKwlft {UIIWHKI! »li(ii)l(l int l tv ua tu liveIn the «)|) of nur nlillltjr liiday. WeHHV. 'Hoiuc tiny I lni|n> tu ft tlnw.lurwiit," vHmtie day I hu|i« tu ( f t lluiv tunllciid in riilllvatlutt n-IUIuu* h»blt»."Hut '•aouip liny" I* today or proliably'ui-»cr. ftrlnlluD Hem Id

With tbr prawat acttoUon faraaeror InrrvaatnKly aburt worklnf da;M M lh« atatlaflriaD wbo pn>*f». Ibatby rtekU tbw AnartVao wurktaenwuakotikl work ouly m 4ay. ruHDtr theargument ck»»ly

Tbera t n by cuannwu nmanit 3tUd*y» la tbr j w r t>m-lura acraa that aM i l *tHOu < I T < t l r f t ftime ta tk-rp and one-third to mira-tion. Counting oue-tbird- of a yrar aaapproximately 123 day«. « t bare 121day a left after taking oat thb uliow-an«,

Hubtratt from, thin tbe flfty two Hun-daya whkb are the wurklogmau'aright, and we hate aiity nine day* left.Saturday half holiday* nHiMime tweo-ty-aii of the**. Ire, ring-forty-three.

One hour off for luacb on HTC daya lathe week auke » » hutUB. or apiiroil-maiety twenty-two daya, which btrraour total working time tweaty-ooadaya. But a man la entitled to a twitweeka' Tacallon In the euuiurr and ibfatz legal bolidaya afforded by the atate.making a total TacaUoa time of tw«iiy

I day»- TlHng thla frotu tmr working-'tUJie o.f_t»«tyoB*^ays^wj bareVnt"malader of one working day. - NewTurk Tribune.

lMdwa TraU,oaofaay nad: "Ihara plaaaara la toatifylng to tba bonIon of tbla boteL Ktary ono defo» dloper except tba cook. Th» ymvprMor* «iva tba «wk aaxt to ootblajto draa* for dinner." And'at as oW«a*ablaih«<l potting booat In Laaca-•blra pats* anHgtHMia rltltor toterad

Llja3lB-<aodJ)aaa4a-'IMoaai: I fast bongry «rtry daf'

WORK OF_THt^ BEAVERS.W»»niarful •kill and AotivMy of Thaw

Clavar 0am, •uildara.Tbera ar» probably few example* of

animal todoatry and ctwatrui-tlrn abil-ity Biurii widely kuowu tban UUIM oftlie baavar- every uue carriea fruiu bi.•cboul il«y» a guberal uutton that baa

[J. C. W. RflNKIN,toari


MASONS' MATERIALS. |[Cement , Slag Sand?

Sewer Pipe, Etc.Office. 1-1 Eaat North Avanue, J


tliougb there may be a cunaldtrable{uargui between popular belief and tbeluulta of fart, enougb remalna to ittacb a blgb degree of luterett to tbetwarer. .

Wltb tbelr very powerful taetb tbejrcan cut through a branch three lovbeatblck In aa nuiuy mlnutea. Tbe placescut off are beld by tbe teeth and forepawa and carried or dragged to theapot where they are to be uied andtilted Into place. Tbe flttlug l» by uomcana cartleaily carried <>ut, and tbebearer aeeme tu baTe aooie fairly defi-nite Idea of tbe alxe aud length of tbepier* ha needa.

The bearer uiakr* kli borne prlnurJlyJby burr«» lug la t h b k

d b

i iimny iiit'lhixU of UHH-IUUI•»1 |>ul(!<lnk. «UI) ituntv o f th* moat o iIraonlluarv uri' dnKTOml bf Arthurfjruuur Ji'iinluipi In bin Ixiuk. "l**lnt-

Inn hy I IUIIHTKIOII mid t>y i ' o u i p m w dM r " (Hiv IUIMIUHI. for aui'b artlchni« litNikia nml i')fn, «')clol» I I H I very

nut IM> mivm*t\i\\y dl|i|«><l orl« knutvii •» "tuuililluii." TKIT pluittl In a iimililno

ii iinim. initi-tiiff with

(•lievad Thwn' Tme »t»Haa.When Danle puMlabed hb "lufemo"

tba alflipJk-lty of tba age accepted It ana true narratirn of hb> deareot Into,ball

When the TtopU" of Sir Tbviuaa•lore wax Brit pobllabed It wrialuueda plpaaaat mistake. Tbia potltkal ro^maora repraamn a pt«fact tnlt Tlilouarjr republic la an Uland WuppiaHHi tobare beeo newly dlamrered In Ataer-Ica. "Aa tbla waa the age' of dlscovery." aayi Graofer. "the k«rnrd Budaeua and utbrm took It for a genuineblatory and rmuldered It aa blgbly ex

j*~fffTnt "tirt mltntitiiarw alwiililb h

y y burr«» lug la thebajnkreni1 atreain. and tbe purpose of the dam latULUialntiw the water at a Oxed hetgbt,w Ibat tb« eutrauce to tba borrow laalways corered aa a protection' fromttiitnilea.

Tboil«b, however, tbe bearer baa In-talllateui;* enough for.the building ofhU dam, he ha* not auttdeut to knowwhen, to Mop building, and ao he In-t'tvaaea tbe atruiture. anil mlata theleytl uf Jila pool until burrowlmr up-ward no longer acrrea to' keep blah abore wat»f, a n l io ne ral


Meats. Fish,Butter. Eggs

and Poultry

Theroad , ^itjcatt aaxl wetjfcorjQrj

vice for its pataas.Conaifc neamt a g a -

and see Koidm b d ^maJdng your pUni.

Lehigh ValleyOonault u t<


Fresh FruitsAMD



Prompt Sarvlcaaatf .

Coortaaaw Traataaaat


IN aw Jaraay CantralCram Cranfer* ta' gttaabaea. ileaaark ana

- New. Vartc. .New. Vartc. .xi-.U, x4:U I:M. sfcaA-afcfa,7 li. 7:u», aI:W, »J:»t st:*L««:II4. tt:U, • :« . aMf. * Ml.


(if utefl IUIIIH, uaually of very KIUUIIillmni'liT. find u glri'ii i|unutlly ofJipan. Till' cliuni la thru olosutl dowiiuiid Klwu a UOII-U ur «<• ra)ild turn*.dutinK wlildi Hit' Ktivl Italia iiurry tlu>JalMLti lii cti'li: juirl uf I be urtlcli-nTin* iimlI'IIIH nil Hit- cliiifn art> thruduuil'iy (>ul mi to wire traya.Mill! UKIIIIIIMI. tile 'rtw\ l«ll» falltlirmilili I be uimbfx, \tm\ lug the paint«d Irou purlH Milnd

Oltinfact Your Peta.Many rblldn>u JIIHI adulta avqulre

•kin diM'awa froni tbe tiouwtiold |wt»Juch dlai'BMM a' riugworui aud btr-t>er'a lu-K "are~ fraiuuulttnl by lb» rata

j tirt mltntitiiarw alwiilil b*wui tbllbrr th order to cunrect au wisea nation to rbrtatlaalty."

It wat a kuut while, after publicationthat mini reader*

Imaiiililiiga . , ,,„, m mail1

. . . by Ki'rtua brhig carried luto tbt»home Kvi>ry luciulM'r of tb'v buuaeboldway develop illwaw anjulnsl frommrvli'iuily iH'ttluit a atniy iat or dogi>u the MrwL Uog» are fond of Olth.Thi'y delight iu grovcllug Iu hi«p« ofuuuure ur refune' of any klud and forthla rwuou nhuuld be regarded withtuapk-loii.

ItmrrU were ncfttioua,

Lena Peepla A n . M m Fat.Hiinie ivnvna am born with a nor-

ui»! teudeUi-y to becume fat, iitlierewith • trudeocy k> Iranwaa. It U theaauu> among th* lower aolinati. Tb»nog l» a aurt of machine for traaifunn-lug tbe odd* and euda of fuud Intu fut.but tbe farmer knowe beforehand tbat{a little fit with long leg* and aouutwill work off the fat a* fa«t a< It fanbe .made, 9o a ai>n« legged pereoa atl-dom tuclmea to ebeelty.

Ileahant Truiwpetinae.An elephant nuhlng uiwn an anall

! ant tntmpet* ahrlUy with fury Tear laalmllailv -»»~——' *- - -«•-*•« * r

ija»-J»-ii" raiaetthe^eliBtTfTmVwill^ and roof bybuilding with bmucbini and mud thowall known dome auaped "lodge*."

Chart— Lama In aVttlah Muee.m.Tbe BrltUb uiuaeum readuig room

waa a favorite reaort of Cbarlee LambJnlt^dWi-JuiJuolu* bla (vtlremoor..from the Ka»t India Uouae. "I am go-lug through a courae uf reading at tbearaarani," be writea to Bernard Bartoain KCM "t>te Oipivfc '

r*ti'plibai' 116 a ' ' H. II. Bin No.

Nidi Disparco S (o.General Contractors.

(JRAUINOCellar Digging: Well Digging

i Di« [ TreealRiiiwiunpa Drained

of which 1 formed my 'Speclmeua.' 1bare 2.0M> t» go through aud In a f*wweeka have dUpatch'd the tytba ofVm.' It la a wrt of unloetome; hours10 tu 4. the aauie. It duea uie good.llau muat hare regular occupation thatnaJrbeeu uaed to It" Mary Lamb « •preaped ber delight In her brother1 afondueaa for the uiuaeum "aa occupy-ing U» lime and keeping him from hiewalk*, wbkh abe •eemed to think ever-long.''


Concrete Work of All Kinds..

-MiliHi UlSl'AKCO * CO ,HullywuoU Aveimo Cranford, N, J.

Tcleptiiinn ~* ~



Mauch c£SChunk. $;U,114 (t:M t

uch c£S£^-45!rMfcTgaeTTBSunk. $;U, U:» A. I t . 1:«L «:*(,4. (t:M to baton <na») P. 2 saa>-m 4:«L «:tT. »:« A. a t . 1.4JI fcJa,

l* '"JtJii t Waraboue. ElROSELLE


g»pr«i»e?il tn a rtrUi braatyaound or by a roar from tbe Itnga,partaur* by a cuuttuued k*w atiueaklucthrough tbe trunk, or an almost tuaudl-ble purrtug aoiuui from the throat'

lehigh ValleyRailroad

UM Black Diamond

Peter MarkussonASHES AND


, ^^...OHVMIU um i m i n l (Uin antlavptlr bath before belug foullvd. Vour-owu pet dog after a ruuiut of diHirs thoitM hare a dUOuteclaul>«th before It la again permltMd to

•>«oi> wu tbv loungv or alt upon yourlap.—rhlladvliihla "

Qrave Meunde In China.The Chlneae d>> not n*e utMiunieBta

for markJua* gra<ea. - Tbe cofflu la laIriTlli Itaillt Wli hal in Ik, amface, and over It a mound la raiaed. Ittaixe depending upon tbe rank of thefamily and Its feeUng tuward tbe de-parted member.

Hi> Medeat Peaitien."I don't enry the men who manage

tbe big hottla In tbe clUea," gloomilyaatd tba laadlord of the Petuiila Ur-M I "It la_a» -laeb, Bt I " » da-jnl•Ukea Wu* at keepmg the pe«c« b»twtxt UM little buuch of help I've gotYeeterday one of the two dulng roomdria tald that the other one'a beatfeller bad two left feet, aad lit lewthan no ttate tboae two young Udleabad flew to it with ketchup bottlea aadao forth. Juat Imagine tbe sprltalyfunction there weoldbbmia a betel withIW emoloreea. all h .»»— --••• «——•


Estlroajps FuraUbad

» Hollywood Avenue,ORANFOHD, N; J

T«i«i>tioDe am.


„_—AlU»"ik » l n u HWfcn«J «up«rTl«loa.

130 Centennial Avenue,CRANFORD. N. J.

C>rdTabiM »IH1 Cam P Cbalrt to J im.


KJW1LWORTH, M. J.Auto Pattlas Jarre, aa

GAMH.LO MASSA.Siifl Contractor.

' ••• O.


Building a Hauae In Japan. 'In Jlpaa If one wlahca tu. build a

home he drat, proceeds to make cer-tain that tbo site la "reaiiectablv." IfIt b not he muat bare the ground purlBed. A curious Incident of thla naturedfvclo|K>d u«t long ago wheu a natireileoldrd to - build In Tokyo ou tb»-ground; formerly occupied by ttw Ichlgaya Ja.lL Toe carpentera would notbe«lii work until the prleet had beenciUod in nod purified .the apoL, Bebrouxbt Wltft. him bamboo rods andaUmmerand rtce and with weird in-canutloo* turued north, aouth. eastand mat, uttering bla formula fourtime* and scattering blta of paper andrice at each deUrery. Tbe tplrlta ofJail innatca. long; dead thu» propl«tat-•d, tbe rarpenten went contentedly to

Puttiat It MiWIy.'Would yoo cavil Vaele iSrter m atwaT

"Well. no. .I'd merely aay that behad all bb> geaerott* Impabes underptrfcet control"—Boatsa Tkanacrtpt

'My butler left me wtthoot any.warning." . ^f

" off euy. Mine left awwithout any aponaa,"—Baltlalean.

rratty.Wlgs-Tbat girl b) aare a -psarh.

Wasx—Did you ever a*w ber twin ab>tar? TbeyTe a pair.-liifladabjMa ~ard.

Mr. Brlgga-Here** aa artWe, dear,a very tatanettnf artkto. ia which aarammeat doctor aaya that a certaincure for nanouaacaa A women le at-kattce. complete alleoca. Mra. Brfcon(promptly)—IU bet anything aotne ft»Jof a man doctor wrote tbatt-Gbive-land Flam Dealer.

Hard t*Oet R U M"OpBortuntty la aaJd ta call eaca and

ncnm DO w&t&T* .. . •~l wl»hh Importunity followed the

aaaae l«ctks,n,;de«land.the man whobad JIB* eucreeded In prying bbaatUlooae froaa a perabteot < 'l^obrrtteOoorter-Jeurnal

I Will call on Mlhmu who nunoi oadl on «aI wtthuntutra ctuura.


Cranford Floral Co.•ia Springfield Are,.. Craoford, N. J.

Telephone 1«-R.

Specials This Week!


BEDDINGSTOCK.Watch out for tbe Weekly BuUetwe


- CRANFOMD M.S.P . Q 3 O X U .

auam icauarau.

Schafar A akuraaan.


aodentand theyHawiaoament